52d Congress, 1st Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mis. Doc. 340, Part 13. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, CENSUS OFFICE. ROBERT P. PORTER, Superintendent. Appointed April 20, 1889; resigned July 31, 1893. CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Commissioner of Labor in charge. Appointed October 5, 1803. VITAL STATISTICS OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN COVERING A PERIOD OF SIX YTCA-RS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. JOHN S. BILLINGS, M. D., SURGEON XT. S. ARMY, EXPERT SPECIAL A.GrICIS'T. WASHINGTON, D. C.: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 18 94. CONTENTS. rage. Letter of transmittal ok the Commissioner of Labor in charge to the Secretary of the Interior vii Comparison of the Vital Statistics of New York city and Brooklyn 1-80 Age . 1-13 Race 13-22 Conjugal condition 22-30 Occupations 31, 32 Causes of death 32-37 Consumption 37, 38 Pneumonia 38,39 Diarrheal diseases 39,-10 Diseases of the nervous system 40, 41 Diphtheria and croup 42 Diseases of the urinary organs 42, 43 Heart disease and dropsy 43, 44 Cancer and tumor 44, 45 Disease of the liver 45, 46 Malarial fever 1 46, 47 Typhoid fever . 47, 48 Childbirth and puerperal diseases 48, 49 Stillbirths 49, 50 Suicides ...• 50 Other accidents and injuries 51-53 Sanitary districts , 54-69 Altitude 70-80 Vital statistics of New York city 81-164 Vital statistics of Brooklyn 165-228 General tables: Population June 1, 1890, by wards and sanitary districts, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain age periods: New York 230-233 Brooklyn 238-241 Population June 1, 1890, by wards and sanitary districts, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers and certain age periods: New York 234-237 Brooklyn 242-245 Deaths from certain specified causes in each ward and sanitary district during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890: New York 246, 247 Brooklyn 248, 249 Average annual death rates due to certain specified causes per 100,000 of mean population in each ward and sanitary district during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890: New York 250,251 Brooklyn 252, 253 Deaths in each ward and sanitary district during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, at certain ages and from certain causes, with distinction of color, sex, nativity, parental nativity, and birthplaces of mothers: New York 254-345 Brooklyn 346-423 Deaths from each specified disease and class of diseases during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, with distinction of age and sex: New York 424-427 Brooklyn 428-431 Deaths among the white population from each specified disease and class of diseases during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, with distinction of age and sex : New York 432-435 Brooklyn 436-439 Deaths among the colored population from each specified disease and class of diseases during the 6 years ending May 31,18S0, with distinction of age and sex: New York 440-443 Brooklyn i 444-447 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31,1890, among the population having mothers born in the United States, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of age and sex: New York 448-451 Brooklyn 452-455 III IV CONTENTS. General tables—Continued. Page. Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, among the population having mothers born in Ireland, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of age and sex: New York 456-459 Brooklyn . 460-463 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31,1890, among the population having mothers born in Germany, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of age and sex: New York t 464-467 Brooklyn ' 468-471 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31,1890, among the population having mothers born in Russia and Poland, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of age and sex : New York 472-475 Brooklyn 476-479 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, among the population having mothers born in Italy, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of age and sex: New York : 480-483 Brooklyn 484-487 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, from each specified disease and class of diseases, with distinction of color and birthplaces of mothers: New York 488-491 Brooklyn 492-495 Average annual death rates per 100,000 of mean population during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, for each specified cause and class of causes, with distinction of color and birthplaces of mothers: New York 496, 497 Brooklyn 498,499 Average annual death rates per 100,000 of mean population under 15 years of age during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, for each specified cause and class of causes, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers: New York 500, 501 Brooklyn 502, 503 Deaths by.months during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, from certain specified diseases and classes of diseases, with distinction of certain groups of ages: New York * : 504-507 Brooklyn ; 508-511 'Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, from certain causes and classes of causes, by conjugal condition and sex, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, certain ages, and birthplaces of mothers: New York 512-515 Brooklyn 516-519 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890. occurring among males engaged in certain selected occupations and classes of occupations, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, with specification of certain causes of death: New York 520-527 Brooklyn 520-527 Deaths during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, occurring among females engaged in the specified occupations, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, with specification of certain causes of death: New York 528, 529 Brooklyn 528,529 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. City of New York: Page. Relative death rates of the total population in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 164 Relative death rates of the total population under 5 years of age in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 164 Average annual death rates due to consumption in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 164 Average annual death rates due to pneumonia in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 164 Average annual death rates due to diarrheal diseases in different districts during the 6 years ending June-1, 1890 164 Average annual death rates due to diphtheria and croup in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 164 City of Brooklyn: Relative death rates of the total population in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 228 Relative death rates of the total population under 5 years of age in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 228 Average annual death rates due to consumption in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1,1890 228 Average annual death rates due to pneumonia in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1,1890 •. 228 Average annual death rates due to diarrheal diseases in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 228 Average annual death rates due to diphtheria and croup in different districts during the 6 years ending June 1, 1890 228 Outline map of Manhattan Island Pocket. Outline map of Brooklyn Pocket. MAPS- DIAGRAMS. Comparative death rates per 1,000 of population in New York and Brooklyn for the years 1875 to 1890 4 Comparative death rates of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 of population of corresponding age in New York and Brooklyn for the years 1880 to 1890 9 Comparative death rates of children under 5 years of age per 1,000 of population of corresponding ages in New York and Brooklyn for the years 1880 to 1890 10 Average annual death rates per 1,000 of population under 15 years of age in New York and Brooklyn, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers, during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890 16 Average annual death rates per 1,000 of population 15 years of age and over m New York and Brooklyn, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers, during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890 17 Average annual death rates per 10,000 of population, by months, in New York and Brooklyn, for the total population and for children under 5 years of age 26 Proportion of deaths due to diphtheria per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by months, in New York, for 6 years ending May 31, 18S0 28 Proportion of deaths due to diphtheria per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by months, in Brooklyn, for 6 years ending May 31, 1890 28 Proportion of deaths due to diarrheal diseases per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by months, in New York, for 6 years ending May 31, 1890 ! 29 Proportion of deaths due to diarrheal diseases per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by months, in Brooklyn, for 6 years ending May 31, 1890 29 Proportion of deaths due to typhoid fever per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by months, in New York, for 6 ysars ending May 31, 1890 30 Proportion of deaths due to typhoid fever per 1,000 deaths from all causes, by mouths, in Brooklyn, for 6 years ending May 31, 1890 - 30 Number and proportion of deaths from different causes in New York duiing the 6 years ending May 31, 1890 36 Number and proportion of deaths from different causes in Brooklyn during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890 37 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Census Office, Sir: Washington, D. C., March 28, 1894. I have the honor to transmit the following special report upon the Vital Statistics of New York city and Brooklyn, N. Y., by Dr. John S. Billings, United States army, expert special agent of the Census Office. The statistics and illustrations presented have been prepared by Mr. William A. King, chief of the division of vital statistics. This report presents a number of features which are new in the line of census work, such as the subdivision of the cities into sanitary districts and the analyzation of the effect of immediate surroundings of stated conditions upon the death rates of different races and classes of people. The influence of heredity, as derived from the mother, is also shown. In addition to the usual returns for the census year ending May 31, 1890, this report covers a further period of 5 years preceding that period, making a complete record for G years and adding largely to the value of conclusions which may be based upon the results shown. As in the preceding report upon the Vital Statistics of Baltimore, Md., and the District of Columbia, the source of information was the registration records of the local boards of health, containing the certificates of death furnished by attending physicians, and is therefore much more accurate as to the number and more reliable as to the data than any report based upon returns of the census enumerators could be. Very respectfully, CARROLL D. WRIGHT, Commissioner of Labor in charge. The Secretary of the Interior. VII VITAL STATISTICS NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN COVERING A PERIOD OF SIX YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. DR. JOHN S. BILLINGS, U. S. ARMY, EXPERT SPECIAL AGENT. The following constitutes a special report, with tables and illustrations, relating to the vital statistics of.New York city and Brooklyn, New York, for the period of G years ending May 31, 1890. The tables and illustrations have been prepared under the direction of Mr. William A. King, chief of the division of vital statistics of the Eleventh Census, who has also prepared the descriptions of the several sanitary districts from data furnished by Mr. D. L. M. Peixotto and others, and to whom I am indebted for much valuable aid in the preparation of this report. The data used in the computations are the population figures for June 1,1880, and June 1,1890, and the number of deaths occurring during either the G years, or the year, ending May 31, 1890, the first being referred to as the “G-year period”, and the latter as “the census year”. The unit of area used in each city is either the ward, or a subdivision of the ward, known as a “sanitary district”, the boundaries of these last having been fixed prior to the enumeration, with reference to topographical features and character of habitation and of residents, in accordance with the advice of the local health and police authorities. As the system of collecting data concerning deaths through inquiries of the regular census enumerators always gives defective or inaccurate results, arrangements were made to secure copies of the physicians’ certificates of death filed with the local health officers under a compulsory registration law. This work was done by clerks previously instructed iu the Census Office, who noted upon a card the information furnished in each certificate by means of the punch used in connection with the electrical counting system employed. In most of the certificates tlie locality in which the death occurred was indicated by the street and house number, and in order to locate these in the proper ward or sanitary district a street schedule, or directory, was first prepared for each city, showing the district to which each numbered house belonged. These schedules were sufficient for the proper location of most of the cases, but in large cities a considerable number of deaths occur in hospitals and other institutions, and to charge a sanitary district containing a hospital with all the deaths occurring in it, might give an excessive death rate to that district, and also too low a mortality for the other districts from which the decedents had been brought to the hospital. To diminish this source of error, the locality from which each person dying in hospitals or other institutions was received was obtained from the institution records as far as possible, and the proper reference then made. In the same way deaths of nonresidents occurring iu New York and Brooklyn were eliminated unless the fatal disease or injury had been contracted in tlie city. Those cases which it was impossible to assign to any ward or district are designated in some of tlie tables as “unlocated”, and in the small rate tables interspersed through the discussion these have been distributed among the sanitary districts upon the assumption that they belonged to the several districts in the same proportions as did those for whom a location could be assigned. When the certificates were copied for New York and Brooklyn, similar information was secured for the country immediately around them and embraced in Kings, Queens, Richmond, and Westchester counties in New York, and Hudson and Essex counties and the cities of Paterson and Passaic in New Jersey, covering an area termed the “ Metropolitan district”. These data have also been compiled, and some of the results are referred to in this report. In transcribing these records, particularly those of the New York counties, many institutions were found reporting deaths of persons residents of New York and Brooklyn. Under the state law these deaths were registered in the office of the state board of health at Albany, and notin the office of the board of health of the city of which the persons were residents, but in this report all such are credited to sanitary districts in the cities if the residence is shown by the institution records, or are placed among the “ unlocated” for the particular county if no exact locality was mentioned. 1 2 VITAL STATISTICS. As the deaths reported covered a period of 6 years, the mean population for this period was computed for each city as a whole, and for each ward and sanitary district, to be used as one of the factors in computing death rates. The process employed was the usual geometrical progression formula, using the figures of 1880 and 1890 to establish the ratio of annual change, all “ unknown” items being first eliminated, as far as possible, by proportional distribution. The census figures for 1880 give the aggregate population of each ward in New York and Brooklyn, but not of the sanitary districts, which are now used for the first time. Under these conditions the ward totals in 1880 and 1890 were used to furnish the ratio of increase (or decrease) in each ward; and the mean population of each district of the ward was found by applying this ratio to the population of the district in 1890. The distribution, whenever practicable, of all unknown details concerning either population or deaths, such as unknown ages and unknown nativities, in the calculation of rates, should be borne in mind, since for this reason certain details of population and deaths do not precisely agree with other statements in which such distribution has not been made. The area of New York remained unchanged from 1880 to 1890, but the area of Brooklyn was increased in August, 1886, by the inclusion of the town of New Lots as the twenty-sixth ward of the city. The inclusion of this new area for a portion of the 6 years in Brooklyn would have greatly complicated the computation of the mean population of the city for that period, were it not for the fact that the record of deaths occurring in the town of New Lots prior to August, 1886, was secured from the state board of health at Albany, and these were added to those of Brooklyn, making the return of deaths represent the present area of Brooklyn for the whole 6 years. Table 1 gives certain data for comparisons between New York and Brooklyn, the figures relating to Junel, 1890. Table 1. SUBJECTS. New York. Brooklyn. SUBJECTS. New York. Brooklyn. Population Juue 1,1890 1,515, 301 806, 343 Sewers—Continued. 25, 741 18, 084 123 58. 87 44. 59 123,000 R3 512 Dwellings: Persons to each mile of 3, 265. 73 2,121.96 Total number 81, 828 82, 282 Parks: 3.18 4. 55 5.101 685 18. 52 9. 80 3. 37 Streets: Per cent of city area embraced in 19. 82 3. 79 Paved, miles of 358 375 Cemeteries, intramural: $1,075,200 $165,165 421 757 Street lighting: Per cent of city area embraced in 1.64 4.47 26, 978 10, 890 1,800 9,283 Gas 25,483 9, 381 Saloons: 1, 369 1,509 7, 579 3 G59 126 5. 00 4.54 Persons to each lamp 56.17 74.04 Police: Waterworks: Number of 3, 342 1,041 112,000, 000 50,000, 000 74, 594 28,364 73.91 62.01 138. 604 21,569 Miles of mains 660 416 Fire department: 95,000 85, 961 1, 027 527 Sewers: Number of fires during past year 2, 836 901 464 380 $4,142, 777 $2,510, 043 Brick and stone, miles of 341 66 a Includes interments in cemeteries within city limits only. The figures in this table show that New York was the more densely populated of the two cities, having a smaller number of dwellings than, and almost twice as many people to each dwelling as, Brooklyn. The open space in the form of parks was proportionately much greater in New York, and a much larger proportion of the business population lived outside the city limits than was the case in Brooklyn. The mean population of New York for the 6-year period was 1,394,647, and that of Brooklyn was 721,914. During the same period the average annual death rate in New York, exclusive of stillbirths, was 27.66 and in Brooklyn 24.17 per 1,000 of population. For the census year alone the death rates per 1,000 of population were: New York, 26.45; Brooklyn, 23.89; Metropolitan district, 24.61. A comparison of these death rates with those of certain other of the principal registration cities during the census year, both inclusive and exclusive of stillbirths, is shown in Table 2. The population used in computing these rates is that of June 1, 1890, and not the mean population for the census year. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 3 Table 2 shows death rates among the white population of certain cities for the year ending May 31, 1890,, including and excluding stillbirths. Table 2. CITIES. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF WHITE POPULATION. Including stillbirths. Excluding stillbirths. Average 22. 84 21.21 New York. N. Y 28.47 26.31 Chicago, 111 21.03 19.01 Philadelphia, Pa 22.28 20. 93 Brooklyn, N. Y 25.41 23.75 St. Louis, Mo 18.15 16. 50 Boston, Mass 24.62 23. 29 Baltimore, Md 22.61 21.05 23. 57 22 32 Cincinnati, Ohio 21.93 20. 64 Cleveland, Ohio 21.83 20.10 Buffalo, N. Y 19. 83 18. 32 New Orleans, La 25.41 23.57 Pittsburg, Pa 21.56 19.91 Washington, D. C 19. 79 18.57 Detroit, Mich 20. 36 18. 62 Milwaukee, Wis 19. 26 18. 76 Newark, N. J 28.67 27.07 Minneapolis, Minn 14.76 13.48 Jersey city, N. J 27. 48 25. 61 Louisville, Ky 19.61 18.16 Rochester, N. Y 17. 39 17.36 St. Paul, Minn 16. 74 14.78 Kansas city, Mo 17. 54 15 74 Providence, R. I 21.97 20. 76 The variations in the annual death rates of New York and Brooklyn for the 1G calendar years ending with the year 1890 are shown in the following table. The number of deaths and of stillbirths upon which these rates are based were obtained from the annual reports of the local boards of health. The population for each year was calculated by the geometrical progression formula from the figures of the censuses of 1870, 1880, and 1890. Table 3 shows for New York and Brooklyn the death rates per 1,000 of population for each calendar year from 1875 to 1890, inclusive. Table 3. YEARS. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. Including stillbirths. Excluding stillbirths. Including stillbirths. Excluding stillbirths. 1875 30. 94 28. 80 28.18 26.32 1876 28. 77 26,68 27. 05 25.12 1877 25.32 23.39 23.93 22. 32 1878 25. 43 23.52 22. 60 21.00 1879 25.94 24. 08 22. 78 21.16 1880 28.43 26. 48 24.89 23. 33 1881 33.29 31. 30 26. 46 24. 76 1882 32.14 30.04 26.44 24.69 1883 28.42 26. 33 23.55 21.84 1884 28. 71 26.51 23.42 21. 63 1885 28.59 26. 39 24.49 22. 74 1886 29.21 27. 00 24.33 22.55 1887 ■. 29.70 27.51 25. 34 23.55 1888 29.99 27. 75 25.74 24. 04 1889 29. 05 26. 79 25. 38 23.74 1890 28. 65 26. 47 26. 21 24. 59 4 VITAL STATISTICS. The variations in the death rates of the two cities, exclusive of stillbirths, as contained in the preceding table, are shown graphically in the following diagram: DIAGRAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR ' THE YEARS 1875 TO 1890. YEARS. RATE 31 — 30- 29— 28 — 27 — 26 — 25— 24-- 23 — 22 — 2 I - - 20 — IQ75 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 NEW YORK BROOKLYN From this table and the diagram it will be seen that the death rate in New York has been uniformly greater than that of Brooklyn, and has varied more widely; that in general the death rates of the two cities have increased and decreased together, but that from 18SG to 1890 there has been a gradual increase in the death rate of Brooklyn, while that of New York has first risen and then fallen to the level of 1885. The higher death rates in 1881 and 1882 were due largely to relatively high death rates among the children, produced by diphtheria, scarlet fever, and diarrheal diseases. In different parts of New York the death rates vary from over 50 to less than 15, and in Brooklyn from over 40 to less than 12 per 1,000 of population. Before considering these differences in localities it is desirable to discuss briefly the influence of age, sex, race, occupation, and season upon the death rates, and also the relative proportion of deaths due to certain causes in these cities. AGE. Of the factors named, age is one of the most important, and in comparing death rates of different localities, or of different races, it must be constantly borne in mind that the death rates of infants and young children and of old persons are much higher than those of persons between 15 and 45 years of age, and a comparatively high death rate in any class of population, or in any particular district, may be due mainly or entirely to the fact that that class or district contained a relatively large proportion of children or of old persons. The following tables show the proportions of the population by age groups in each class, and the corresponding death rates. In these tables and others where the term ucolored” occurs it will be understood to include negroes and persons of mixed blood, Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 5 Table 4 shows the population of Xew York on June 1, 1890, and number in each specified age group per 100,000 of all ages, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 4. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. J une 1, 1890. NUMBER IN EACH AGE GROUP PER 100,000 OF ALL AGES. Under 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 1 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Aggregate 1. 515,301 28, 782 9,843 11, 709 20, 367 13, 371 8, 804 4, 565 2,559 Males 747, 579 29,145 9,208 10, 666 20, 988 14,070 9.150 4,445 2,328 Females 767, 722 28,429 10,461 12,725 19, 764 12,690 8,466 4,682 2,783 White 1,489,627 28, 948 9, 881 11, 686 20, 247 13, 278 8, 801 4. 590 2, 569 Males 734,930 29,315 9,250 10, 631 20, 806 13, 968 9,147 4, 478 2, 345 Females 754,097 28,591 10,495 12,713 19, 645 12, 605 8,463 4, 701 2, 787 Native 852. 641 44,818 12, 419 11,452 16,482 8,007 3,963 1,709 1,150 Males 420,449 ■ 45, 364 11. 983 10,869 16, 554 8, 305 4,177 1,728 1, 020 Females 432,192 ! 44,286 12, 844 12,019 16, 413 7, 717 3,755 1,690 1,276 Both parents native 270,487 37,463 8,556 9, 391 16, 987 12,136 8, 198 4. 200 3, 069 Males 134,457 37, 639 8,084 8, 714 17,106 12, 638 8,802 4, 270 2, 747 Females 136, 030 37, 289 9, 022 10,060 16, 870 11,639 7, 601 4,131 3,388 One or both parents foreign .. 582,154 48, 235 14. 215 12,410 16,248 6, 088 1,995 551 258 | Males . 285, 992 j 48,996 13, 817 11, 881 16, 294 6, 267 2, 003 534 208 Females 296,162 I 47,500 14, 599 12, 920 16, 203 5, 915 1,988 568 307 Foreign 636,986 7,707 6,483 11,999 25, 287 20,333 15,275 8,448 4, 468 Males 314,481 7, 859 5, 597 10,313 26, 630 21,540 15, 791 8,153 4,117 Females : 322,505 7,558 7. 348 13, 643 23, 977 19,155 14,773 8, 735 4,811 Colored 25, 674 19,160 7,615 13,048 27, 331 18, 789 8, 982 3,104 1,971 Males. 12. 649 19,282 6, 720 i 12,697 28, 073 19,970 9,329 2,577 1,352 . Females 13, 025 19,040 8, 484 13, 390 26, 610 17, 643 8, 645 3, 616 2. 572 6 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 5 shows the population of Brooklyn on June 1,1800, and number in each specified age group per 100,000 of all ages, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 5. June 1, NUMBER IN EACH AGE GROUP PER 100,000 OF ALL AGES. NATIVITY. 1890. Under 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 35 35 to 45 45 to 55 55 to 65 65 years years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and over. Aggregate 806,343 30, 736 9, 752 10, 889 18. 941 12,743 8,972 4,941 3, 026 Males 394,123 31,429 9, 515 10,150 19,130 13.134 9,145 4,784 2,713 Females 412, 220 30, 074 9, 979 11,595 18, 760 12. 370 8. 807 5,091 3,324 White 795, 397 30, 822 9,766 10, 865 18, 896 12, 694 8.974 4, 951 3,032 Males 388, 964 31,508 9, 538 10,125 19, 074 13, 083 9.148 4.800 2, 724 Females 406, 433 30,167 9. 984 11,574 18, 726 12, 321 8, 807 5, 096 3, 325 Native 534.672 42, 684 11,995 11,096 16,407 8, 771 4, 933 2, 387 1, 727 Males 260, 292 43,818 11,910 10. 592 16,127 8,776 4. 946 2,341 1,490 Females 274, 380 41. 608 12, 075 11, 573 16. 672 8. 768 4, 921 2, 431 1, 952 Both parents native 222, 573 38,796 ' 8,951 9,195 15,196 11,299 8, 325 4,648 3, 590 Males 108,101 39, 989 8, 895 8. 708 14, 991 11,307 8,412 4,586 3,112 Females 114,472 37. 668 9,004 9,655 15. 389 11,292 8, 242 4,708 4, 042 One or both parents foreign... 312, 099 45,457 14,165 12,451 17, 270 6.969 2,515 774 399 Males 152,191 46, 538 14,052 11,930 16, 934 6, 977 2. 484 747 338 Females 159,908 44,428 14, 274 12. 947 17. 591 6, 960 2.543 800 457 Foreign ' 260,725 6, 498 5,196 10, 393 24, 000 20,737 17, 260 10,210 5, 706 Males 128, 672 6, 604 4, 740 9,180 25,034 21, 798 17, 649 9, 774 5, 221 Females 132,053 6. 395 5,640 11,574 22, 993 19, 704 16, 880 10, 635 6,179 Colored 10, 946 24,466 8,743 12,598 22,191 16,.353 8,862 4,193 2, 594 Males 5,159 25.528 7, 753 12,037 23, 338 16, 961 8,897 3,625 1,861 Females 5. 787 23, 518 9, 625 13, 099 21.168 15,811 8,830 4, 700 3,249 The aggregate white population of New York under 15 years of age on June 1, 1890, was 430,463, and of these 381,514, or about 89 per cent, were native, while but 48,949, or about 11 per cent, were foreign. The corresponding figures for Brooklyn are: aggregate white, 244,941—native, 228,046; foreign, 16,895; about 93 per cent being- native and about 7 per cent foreign. In New York 44.74 per cent of the native white population was under 15 years of age, against 19.09 for the colored and only 7.68 per cent for the foreign. In Brooklyn the proportion of those under 15 years of age was smaller among the whites and larger among the colored, being 42.65 per cent of the native whites, 6.48 per cent of the foreign whites, and 24.32 per cent of the colored. The following tables show the death rates of the different age groups, with distinctions of sex, color, nativity, and nativity of parents. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 7 Table G shows the death rates in New York during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinctions of certain age groups, and of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 6. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. • All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years anct over. Aggregate 28. 63 47. 51 5. 76 9. 96 14. 26 21.01 29.41 48. 80 105. 03 Males 31.33 51. 66 6. 41 11.66 15. 67 23. 45 32. 02 54. 31 107.79 Females 25. 99 43. 37 5. 20 8. 57 12.81 18. 37 26. 66 43. 71 102. 78 White 28.47 47.06 5. 65 9.84 14.15 20.91 29.30 48.45 105.16 Males 31.15 51.13 6.25 11.47 15. 54 23. 30 31.86 53.88 107. 99 Females 25.87 42.97 5.13 8.52 12. 71 18.32 26. 60 43.41 102.84 Native 32. 34 51.67 5. 65 10.95 16.71 20.11 25. 51 41.18 99. 65 Males 35. 82 56. 37 6. 25 12. 52 18. 76 23.23 29.49 48. 44 101.24 Females 28.95 46. 98 5.10 9. 57 14. 69 16. 85 21.20 33. 96 98.42 Both parents native 30. 35 52. 72 5.14 7. 05 9.49 13.50 21. 78 37. 23 94. 56 Males 33. 24 57. 80 5. 98 8.36 10. 30 14. 65 24. 76 43.72 95. 32 Females 27. 49 47. 65 4. 40 5.92 8.67 12. 25 18. 38 30. 61 93.95 One or both parents foreign 33.26 51.29 5. 79 12.32 20.21 26. 24 32. 62 55.16 127.83 Males 37.03 55. 86 6.33 13. 95 22.94 31.35 39. 27 66.19 138. 05 Females 29.62 46.74 5. 30 10.87 17. 57 21. 01 26.15 45.16 121.15 Foreign 23.31 11.16 5.64 8. 43 11.91 21.33 30. 62 50. 42 107. 06 Males 24. 90 10.84 6. 25 9. 99 12.86 23. 34 32. 70 55.42 110. 23 Females 21. 75 11.49 5.19 7. 27 10. 89 19.12 28.44 45. 86 104. 42 Colored 37.47 87.42 14.32 16.12 19. 24 25.29 35. 56 79. 05 94. 86 Males 42. 06 96. 76 18. 82 21.17 21.40 29. 69 40. 68 98. 16 87. 72 Females 33. 01 78. 23 10.86 11.47 17.02 20.45 30. 20 65. 82 98.51 8 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 7 shows the death rates in Brooklyn during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinctions of certain age groups, and of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 7. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 2o to 3o years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over. Aggregate 25.54 41.00 5.51 8. 71 12.64 16.03 23.18 40. 69 96.65 Males 27. 75 44. 50 6. 00 10. 37 13.73 17.87 25. 55 46. 35 96. 32 Females 23.42 37. 51 5. 06 7.32 11.57 14.16 20.82 35. 60 96.91 White 25.41 40. 69 5.42 8.60 12. 65 15.93 23.03 40. 60 96. 09 Males 27. 62 44.14 5.90 10.28 13.74 17. 76 25.49 46. 23 96. 06 Females 23. 29 37. 24 4. 98 7.19 11.60 14.06 20.59 35. 53 96.11 Native 26.53 42. 97 5. 57 9.09 13.44 13.35 16.61 29.07 93.87 Males 29. 08 • 46. 74 5.97 10.48 14.94 14. 71 18. 64 32.82 93. 32 Females 24.11 39. 21 5.19 7. 87 12.07 12.06 14. 66 25.64 94. 27 Both parents native 26.90 44.53 4.67 6.60 9.17 11.33 15.76 27. 74 92. 73 Males 29.34 49.16 4.47 7.44 9. 44 12. 52 17.93 30. 46 93.34 Females 24. 60 39. 89 4.85 5.88 8. 91 10.21 13. 67 25. 24 92. 28 One or both parents foreign 26.26 42.02 5. 97 10.40 16.12 15.68 18. 60 34.77 101.20 Males 28.90 45. 27 6.64 12. 06 18. 39 17.23 20.36 43.13 93.20 Females 23.75 38.79 5. 35 8. 94 14. 04 14. 20 16. 97 27. 34 106. 85 Foreign 23.11 9.98 4. 72 7.53 11.55 18.16 26.80 46.13 97.47 Males 24. 68 9. 30 5. 57 9. 82 12.17 20.25 29.37 52. 72 97 65 Females 21.59 10.66 4. 03 5. 76 10.90 15. 91 24.18 40. 23 97. 32 Colored 34.99 69.45 12. 54 15. 95 11.53 2i. 79 34.02 47. 93 144. 37 Males 37.22 77. 45 15.00 • 16.10 13.29 24. 00 30.50 58.82 125. 00 Females 33. 01 61.72 10. 77 15.83 9. 80 19. 67 37.18 40.44 154. 26 Some comments on these tables will be given hereafter in speaking of the influence of race. At present it is only desired to call attention to the fact that t he proportion of population in the different age groups has a decided influence upon the gross death rates of the classes specified. For example, the death rate of the native whites in New York was 32.34, while it was only 23,31 for the foreign whites. But 44.74 per cent of the whole native white population was under 15 years of age, while but 7.68 per cent of the whole foreign white population was under that age. Moreover, 87.74 per cent of the foreign whites who were under 15 years of age were also over 5 years of age, or in the age group 5 to 15 years, and had therefore passed the ages in which the heaviest death rates occur, while only 58.85 per cent of the native Avhites were found in the age group 5 to 15 years. There are also differences in the death rates of the two cities which do not depend upon the different proportions of population in the age group, since the proportion of the population of Brooklyn under 15 years of age is greater than in New York, while the death rate is 6.51 per 1,000 of population less than in New York, and the proportion of population in the age group 15 to 45 is less in Brooklyn than in New York, the death rate of that age group being also less. During the 6-year period the average annual death rate per 1,000 of children under 5 years of age, excluding stillbirths, was, in New York, for the native whites, 110.37; for the colored, 153.90, and in Brooklyn, for the native whites, 93.78; for the colored, 147.59. In New York this rate varied for the native whites in different districts from under 55 to over 170, and in Brooklyn, from under 55 to over 130 per 1,000 of population. These rates are higher than those of Washington and Baltimore for the same periods for the whites, which were, Washington, 61.94; Baltimore, 73.94, but for the colored they are lower in Brooklyn, while in New York they are higher than in Washington and lower than in Baltimore during the same period, these rates being, Washington, 150.53; Baltimore, 163.41. The death rate of the foreign white children under 5 years of age during the 6-year period was, in New York, 74.28, and in Brooklyn, 54.96, per 1,000 of corresponding population, being decidedly lower than the rates for the native born, but the differences in the different localities were much greater, ranging from under 35 to over 250 in New York, and from under 25 to over 135 in Brooklyn, and these differences, as we shall see, probably depend to a considerable extent on race distribution of the population. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 9 The following table shows the variations of the death rates of the infants under 1 year, and of the children under 5 years of age in 3?Tew York and Brooklyn during the 11 years 1880 to 1890, inclusive, the number of deaths being taken from the board of health reports. Table 8 shows the death rates per 1,000 of population in New York and Brooklyn, by years, from 1880 to 1890, excluding stillbirths. Table 8. YEARS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION, STILL- BIRTHS EXCLUDED. New York. Brooklyn. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. 1880 279. 80 104. 35 225. 66 88. 52 1881 305. 45 124. 34 239. 01 95. 29 1882 305. GO 120.88 245. 88 96. 55 1883 263. 91 94. 08 218. 71 76. 97 1881 288. 34 102. 06 238. 96 80. 58 1885 ' 273. 60 100. 41 248. 98 84. 61 1886 284. 14 104. 34 237. 04 85.44 1887 286. 45 106. 80 257. 79 90.13 1888 290. 70 108. 82 271. 63 92. 97 1889 , 288. 89 105. 83 268. 47 93. 38 1890 277.48 99. 01 276. 52 93.18 The variations in the death rates of the two cities, exclusive of stillbirths, among children under 1 and under 5 years of age, as contained in the preceding table, are shown graphically in the following diagrams: DIAGRAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES OF CHILDREN UNDER 1 YEAR OF AGE PER 1,000 OF POPULATION. OF CORRESPONDING AGE IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE YEARS 1880 TO 1890. RATE. 3 10 — 300 — 290 — 280 — 270 — 260 — 250 — 240 — 2 3 0 — 2 20 — 2 I O — YEARS. 18 801 186! 1882 1683 1864 1865 1886 1667 1688 1669 1890 NEW YORK BROOKLYN 10 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGEAM SHOWING COMPARATIVE DEATH RATES OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE PER 1,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE YEARS 1880 TO 1890. RATE 130 — 120- MO - 100 - 90 - 60 - 70 - YEARS. I860 1881 1882 1883 1884 1685 1886 1887 1688 1889 1890 NEW YORK BROOKLYN It will be seen from these diagrams and from the table that the death rate of infants and of children under 5 years of age was lower in New York in 1890 than it had been for several years, while in Brooklyn these rates had been rising irregularly since 1883. The shaded maps, which show the relative mortality among the children under 5 years of age in New York and Brooklyn, merit careful examination, and should be compared with the transparent maps, which show the location of ancient streams and marshes. It will be seen that the death rate of those under 5 years of age is as a rule greatest in the low lying parts and where there is filled ground, but to this there are numerous exceptions. The influence of race appears in the comparatively light shades representing the mortality of Russian and Polish Jews in the seventh, tenth, and thirteenth wards, inhabited largely by this class. The death rates of the infants under 1 year of age require special consideration. Table 9 shows for the years ending May 31, 1880 and 1890 the death rates of children under 1 year of age, exclusive of stillbirths, the number of deaths during each census year per 1,000 children born during the year, and the death rate under 1 year of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages in New York and Brooklyn. CHARACTER OF RATES. Sex. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. 1890 1880 1890 1880 f Total 279. 35 245.33 254.87 196.50 Numberof deathsof children under 1 year of age per 1,000 of population J — of corresponding ages. Male 299. 57 263. 20 277.03 214. 74 ( Female 258. 43 226. 97 232.44 177.79 r Total 240. 84 211.12 223. 77 177.11 Number of deaths during the census year per 1,000 children born within I — — the year. Male 255.16 223.36 239.29 190.70 1 Female 225. 67 198.18 207. 54 162.74 f . Total 258.43 270.02 253.58 248.29 Number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages \ Male 262.71 280.33 263.16 271.12 Female 253.48 258. 69 242.92 224.84 Table 9. From this table it appears that the mortality of infants was greater in New York than it was in Brooklyn in 1890, and that in both cities it was higher in 1890 than it was in 1880. The number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages was less in New York in I860 than in 1880, and was but little higher in Brooklyn. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 11 The increase in the death rate of children under 1 year of age shown in this table corresponds with that observed in Washington and Baltimore for those years, and it may be due, either to an actually greater infantile mortality in 1890 than in 1880, or to a more defective enumeration of children under 1 year of age in the last census in these cities, or to a combination of these two causes. The increase per 1,000 in the death rate of infants in 1890 over that of 1880, is: for New York, 34.02; for Brooklyn, 58.37; for Baltimore (white), 49.74, (colored) 102.44; and for the District of Columbia (white), 13.08, (colored) 84.00. The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 children born during the year, was, in 1880, for New York, 211.12; for Brooklyn, 177.11; increasing in 1890 to 240.84 for New York, and 223.77 for Brooklyn. The infantile death rate of the colored was much greater than that of the whites. During the census year the number of deaths per 1,000 births was in New York, for the whites, 238.02; for the colored, 416.30. In Brooklyn, for the whites, 221.87; for the colored, 307.13. The following are the corresponding rates for some large English cities for the average of 10 years from 1877 to 1880: London, 152; Birmingham, 104; Liverpool, 183; Manchester, 174; and Leicester, 201. (a) For some countries taken as a whole the corresponding figures are: France, 1875-1882, 160.2; Netherlands, 1878-1881, 193.2; Italy, 1872-1883, 209.7; Switzerland, 1809-1880, 195.2; Prussia, 1874-1882,207.8; England and Wales, 1800-1882, 149.2. (b) The increase in the number of deaths per 1,000 of the births in 1890 as compared with 1880 is for New Y'ork, 29.72; Brooklyn, 40.60; Baltimore (white), 48.16, (colored), 95.17, and for the District of Columbia (white), 13.14, (colored), 55.47. Let us now compare the proportion of children in the population of these cities in 1880 and 1890. Table 10 shows the number of children under 1 and under 5 years of age in New York and Brooklyn June 1, 1890, and June 1, 1880, and also the number of population of these ages per 100,000 of the total population, with distinction of sex. Table 10. COLOR AND SEX. Years. POPULATION AT EACH AGE. PROPORTION AT EACH AGE PER 100,000 OF ALL AGES. Hew York. Brooklyn. Hew York. Brooklyn. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Aggregate £ 1890 37, 076 164. 686 19,163 90, 811 2,447 10, 868 2,377 11, 262 1880 31.183 140, 387 14, 814 70, 212 2, 585 11, 638 2, 614 12,390 White males 5 1890 18, 634 81,904 9,522 44, 868 2, 535 11,144 2,448 11,535 l 1880 15,519 69, 718 7,397 35,153 2,671 12, 000 2, 752 13, 080 White females J 1890 18. 028 81,090 9,413 45, 001 2,389 10, 745 2,316 11,072 < 1880 15,182 68,904 7,208 34,185 2, 510 11,392 2,488 11,802 It will be seen from this table that the number of children under 1 year of age was 1.38 less per 1,000 in New York and 2.37 per 1,000 less in Brooklyn in 1890 than it was in 1880. In every census there are errors in the count of children under 1 year of age, owing partly to omissions due to forgetfulness or concealment on the part of those furnishing the information and in part to the fact that children 10 or 11 months old are often reported as 1 year old, just as children 4 years and 10 or 11 months old are reported as 5 years old, the tendency being to give such figures in round numbers; but these errors should not affect the comparison of the proportion of infants present in these two different censuses of large populations, as the two censuses were taken in substantially the same manner. a Newsliolme, “ Elements of Vital Statistics”, London, 1889, page 104. b Rocliard, “ Encyclopedic d’ hygiene”, Paris, 1890, volume I, page 254. 12 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 11 shows for New York and Brooklyn the number of deaths occurring in each year from 1875 to 1890, inclusive, of persons under 1 year and under 5 years of age per 1,000 deaths of all ages, both inclusive and exclusive of stillbirths. Table 11. YEARS. NEW YORK. stillbirths. BROOKLYN. Including stillbirths. Excluding Including stillbirths. Excluding stillbirths. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. ( Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. 1875 327. 87 519.12 278.09 483.51 320.83 544.45 272.73 512.19 1876 332. 68 524. 78 280. 26 487.45 310. 77 541.37 257.74 506. 08 1877 337. 82 510.14 283.14 469. 68 302. 85 499. 06 252. 60 462.95 1878 318.22 500. 07 262. 89 459.49 317. 73 514.98 265. 73 478.01 1879 319.69 490.22 267. 09 450. 82 302. 39 488. 68 249. 03 449. 56 1880 323.25 495. 99 273.19 458. 72 299.46 503.12 252.84 470.05 1881 295. 79 491. 63 250. 91 459.22 298. 31 506. 37 249.98 472. 37 1882 308. 63 497.22 260.18 461. 98 304. 62 510.01 255.43 475.36 1883 309. 66 450. 94 254.86 407. 40 308. 62 466. 20 254. 40 424. 33 1884 330. 61 479.15 275. 05 435.92 333. 20 486. 75 277.98 444. 25 1885 317. 49 471. 80 260.72 427. 86 324.96 479. 67 272.95 439. 58 1886 318. 80 474. 52 263.18 431. 61 313. 69 484. 03 259.53 i 443. 32 1887 313.63 472. 63 258. 98 430.64 319.51 482. 97 267. 76 443. 64 1888 314.41 474.43 259.14 432. 06 321. 70 480. 71 273.74 444. 00 1889 322. 49 476. 46 265.30 432. 27 318. 49 483.02 271. 32 447. 24 1890 313. 30 451.89 i 256.54 406.58 312.51 462.19 267.26 426. 79 The figures on which these rates are based were obtained from the annual reports of the boards of health. Table 12 shows for each 1,000 deaths from all causes occurring within the census year in 1890 and 1880 in New York and Brooklyn the number of deaths due to the most important infantile diseases. Table 12. CAUSES. NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. 1890 1880 1890 18S0 Total infantile diseases 226.15 213.26 224. 51 219. 21 Measles 3.17 2.12 0.83 3.07 Diarrheal diseases 46.31 33.96 30. 32 22. 94 Cholera infantnm 32. 81 35.83 37.54 45.04 Inanition 5.46 6.32 7. 32 9.72 Whooping cough 6. 34 4.17 4.05 7. 76 | Premature birth 20.91 23. 75 12.10 17.66 Malformation 1.90 0.67 3.12 2.47 Debility and atrophy 26.10 18.46 41.23 26. 36 0. 25 1. 20 0. 21 Hydrocephalus 6. 86 7. 66 4. 10 8. 02 Scrofula and tabes 1.10 1.91 0. 67 3.50 Meningitis and diseases of the brain 10. 21 8. 97 20.46 14.16 1.12 0.35 1.56 Convulsions 10.43 23.01 18.38 15. 95 Croup and angina 1.92 4.80 1.61 2. 05 Bronchitis 22.31 14.86 20. 51 18. 42 Pneumonia 24.50 19. 27 13. 81 14.07 i Dentition 1.22 4.20 4.05 6. 23 1 Others of class, digestive 1.82 1.13 1.71 1.28 0. 02 Suffocation 1.37 0. 64 0.93 0.51 It will be seen from this table that the proportion of deaths due to these infantile diseases was greater in both New York and Brooklyn in 1890 than it was in 1880, the difference being most marked in New York. Taking the figures of Tables 9,10,11, and 12 and comparing them with the corresponding figures given in the report of this office upon the “Vital Statistics of the District of Columbia and Baltimore”, and taking into consideration the fact that the censuses of 1880 and 1890 were taken in the same manner, and by substantially the same class of persons as enumerators, it seems probable that the number of children under 1 and under 5 years of age was less in proportion to the total population on June 1, 1890, than it was on June 1, 1880, in both New York and Brooklyn. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 13 A part of this diminution was probably due to a diminished birth rate during- the years 1889 and 1890, and a part to a somewhat greater mortality from infantile diseases during- the census year. Birth rates are calculated from census data by adding to the number of children under 1 year of age, reported as living on the date of the census,, the number of children reported as born and died within the census year, and comparing the number of births thus obtained with the total population, or with the number of women of child bearing ages. Calculated in this way the birth rate per 1,000 of population in New York city was 30.04 in 1880 and 28.38 in 1890, and in Brooklyn it was 29.00 in 1880 and 27.07 in 1890. The diminution in the birth rate which these figures indicate for these two cities is also found in other large cities, and in the whole country, the birth rate of which in 1880 was 30.95 and in 1890, 26.68 per 1,000 of population. These rates are too low by about 30 per cent for each census, but they are comparable with each other if the ratio of deficiency was about the same in 1890 that it was in 1880. The corresponding figures for birth rates in some of the other large cities are as follows: Philadelphia, 1880, 26.20; 1890,25.12. Boston, 1880, 25.01; 1890, 22.67. Chicago, 1880, 32.40; 1890, 31.02. Baltimore, whites, 1880, 28.38; 1890, 25.58. Cincinnati, 1880, 29.85; 1890, 25.58. District of Columbia, whites, 1880, 26.85; 1890, 20.98. In fact, the only exceptions thus far noted among the large cities to this rule of diminution in birth rates are in St. Louis and Detroit, in which the birth rate was higher in 1890 than it was in 1880 according to the census reports. FACE. The mean colored population of New York for the 6-year period was 24,003, of whom 1,553, or 64.70 per 1,000, were under 5 years of age, and in Brooklyn it was 10,100, of whom 865, or 85.64 per 1,000, were under 5 years of age. At the same time the proportion of the children under 5 years of age to the native white population having botli parents native was 155.90 per 1,000, and for the foreign white 9.46 per 1,000 in New York, and in Brooklyn the corresponding proportions were 155.08 and 8.31 per 1,000. The annual death rate of the colored in New York during the 6-year period, excluding stillbirths, was 30.27, and in Brooklyn 29.79 per 1,000 of population, and the death rate of the colored children under 5 years of age was, in New York, 153.90, and in Brooklyn, 147.59. These rates are higher than those of the whites, but the excess is not so great as it was in Baltimore and Washington during the same period, the corresponding rates for the colored in those cities being, for Baltimore, 32.60, and for the District of Columbia, 33.25„ For the colored children under 5 years of age, in Baltimore the rate was 163.41, aud in the District of Columbia 150.53. During the census year the death rates per 1,000 of the children under 1 year of age, excluding stillbirths, were: for New York, whites 276.39, colored 541.06; for Brooklyn, whites 252.39, colored 460.35, and for the Metropolitan district, whites 261.79, colored 445.08. From Tables 6 and 7, given above, it will be seen that during the census year the death rate of the foreign born whites was less than that of the native bom whites in both New York and Brooklyn, and especially so for those under 15 years of age. In New York the death rate of the native born of native born parents, or “Americans”, as they may be called, was less than that of the native born having one or both parents foreign born, but in Brooklyn the rate was slightly greater for the same class, the difference being too small to be of any importance. For the age group 35 to 45 years in New York the death rates were: for the colored, 25.29; for the foreign whites, 21.33; for the native whites having one or both parents foreign, 26.24; and for the native white of native parents, 13.50, and in general it will be seen that for ages over 35 the death rate of this class was less than that of the other whites taken as a body, although this is not true for certain districts. 14 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 13 shows for New York city for each of certain specified causes the average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population during the 6 years ending May 31,1800, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 13. CAUSES. Aggregate. Total. Total. WHITE. Native. Both par- ents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign. Colored. All causes 2, 991. 90 2, 986. 03 3, 495. 68 3,350. 89 3, 561. 69 2, 314. 77 3, 327. 36 Scarlet fever 52.19 52. 91 85. 57 79. 58 88. 30 9. 89 11.11 Typhoid fever 24. 27 24.38 19. 51 18.51 19.96 30. 80 18. 05 Malarial fever 24. 62 24. 60 26. 98 30. 67 25. 29 21.47 25.69 Diphtheria 121.11 122. 67 202.45 179. 46 212. 94 17. 58 31.94 Croup 60. 53 • 61. 36 101.42 78. 76 111.75 8.59 13.19 Diarrheal diseases 316. 85 318.14 491.16 383.24 540. 36 90.25 243.72 Consumption 391. 75 385. 05 310.05 238. 48 342. 69 483. 83 774. 21 Pneumonia 287. 89 287.25 303. 94 280.15 314. 78 265. 27 324.27 Measles 45.67 46.21 76. 31 58.34 84.50 6.56 15. 28 Whooping cough 33. 70 33.60 57.82 54.24 59. 46 1.69 39.58 Cancer and tumor 60. 55 60. 82 29. 09 54.92 17. 32 102.61 45.13 Heart disease and dropsy 138. 24 137. 37 93.65 130. 00 77. 08 194.95 188.17 Childbirth and puerperal diseases . 26. 72 26. 78 18. 25 16. 87 18. 87 38. 01 23. 61 Diseases of the liver 33. 03 33.39 17. 91 24. 05 15.11 53.79 12. 5C Diseases of the nervous system 241.96 241. 99 276.11 308.64 261. 27 197. 06 240. 25 Diseases of the urinary organs 173. 72 172.52 110. 77 147. 76 93.90 253. 86 242. 33 Old age 21.38 21. 16 8. 09 21.11 2.15 38. 37 34.02 394. 23 326. 81 424. 97 300. 66 All other causes 711.32 710.80 871. 27 918. 06 849. 94 499.44 740. 88 Unknown 0.99 0. 96 1.11 1.23 1.06 0. 76 2. 78 Table 14 shows the average annual death rates during the (5 years ending May 31, 1890, in Brooklyn, due to certain specified causes, per 100,000 of mean population, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 14. CAUSES. Aggregate. Total. Total. WHITE. Native. Both par- ents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign. Colored. All causes 2, 596.50 2, 590.00 2, 769.15 2,839.88 2, 719.13 2, 226. 02 3, 054.46 Scarlet fever 42.48 42.85 60. 37 60. 22 60.48 7.24 16. 50 Typhoid fever 23.13 23. 30 20.65 23.36 18. 73 28. 68 11.55 Malarial fever 32. 62 32.48 30.08 30.87 29.53 37.34 42.90 Diphtheria 115. 85 116. 58 166. 06 159. 92 170.41 16.04 64. 36 Croup 48. 57 49.03 70. 65 59. 46 78.56 5.11 16. 50 Diarrheal diseases 282. 58 282.10 375. 49 325.32 410.97 92. 35 316. 83 Consumption 303. 24 300.01 246. 63 203. 69 277.00 408.45 531. 35 Pneumonia 230.06 229. 27 216. 24 216. 09 216. 34 255. 76 285. 48 Measles 17. 71 17. 75 25.16 22.10 27. 32 2.70 14. 85 Whooping cough 26. 18 25.85 37. 87 40. 23 36. 21 1.42 49. 50 Cancer and tumor 48. 27 48.19 26. 06 44. 28 13.18 93.13 ' 54. 46 Heart disease and dropsy 131.16 130.51 85.84 114.29 65. 73 221. 26 176. 57 Childbirth and puerperal diseases . 20. 02 19.95 14.64 13.50 15.45 30.74 24. 75 Diseases of the liver 35.95 35.85 20.44 24.46 17.59 67.15 42. 90 Diseases of the nervous system ... 270. 67 269. 76 293.35 332. 82 265.43 221.83 334. 98 Diseases of the urinary organs 112.87 112. 74 74.73 91.77 62.69 189. 96 122.11 Old age 31.37 31.38 17.50 36.86 3.82 59. 56 31.35 269. 31 290. 74 254.16 75 91 All other causes 641. 90 639.12 715. 72 747.29 693. 40 483.48 838. 28 Unknown CO j 2. 83 2. 34 2.61 2.15 3.83 3. 30 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 15 No comparison can properly be made of the death rates shown in these tables for the foreign and the colored as due to scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, and other diseases which affect children chieffy, owing to the relatively small proportion of children among these classes of population. Consumption and pneumonia are more fatal among the colored than among the whites in both cities, and among the foreign than among the native in Brooklyn. The best means at our command for classifying the whites according to race is to divide them according to the birthplaces of mothers, and the death rates of different classes thus formed are shown in the following tables. Table 15 shows for New York and Brooklyn for the (5-year period the death rates per 1,000 of certain races as indicated by color or by birthplaces of mothers, with distinction of under 15 years and 15 years of age and upward,, including stillbirths. Table 15. COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. NEW YORK. ' BROOKLYN. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. White 29. 86 53. 28 20. 36 25.90 44.71 17. 63 Colored 33.27 75.71 23. 57 30. 54 63.75 20. 00 "White mothers horn in— United States 32.43 54.01 15. 91 27.49 45. 76 13. 89 England and "Wales 27. 67 50.53 20.78 20.51 32.42 16. 95 Ireland 32. 51 50. 87 28. 01 27.14 43.84 22.68 Scotland 26. 60 43.71 21. 91 19.62 29.86 16.41 France 23.28 47.01 17.86 17.22 27. 81 14.43 Germany 24.27 46.97 17.04 23.18 44.31 15. 46 Russia and Poland 14.85 28. 67 6. 21 13.93 27. 03 5.85 Canada 26. 57 52.06 16.71 20. 04 33.44 14. 33 Scandinavia 23.47 57.33 13.43 19. 46 45. 50 9.13 Hungary 22.43 47. 21 8.45 11.27 21.16 5. 20 Bohemia 43.57 82. 57 20. 31 52.08 90.91 31.75 Italy 35. 29 76.41 12. 27 24.11 53.62 7.89 Other foreign countries 21. 24 40.68 13. 00 27.58 56.11, 18,96 The variations in the death rates of the two cities among those under 15 years and those 15 years of age and upward, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers, as contained in the preceding table, ar.e shown graphically in the? diagrams following. 16 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WHITES —MOTHERS BORN IN- ■ United States - England & Wales ■ Ireland ■ Scotland • France Germany Russia & Poland Canada Scan dan avia Hungary Bohemia Italy Other foreign countries Colored RATE 9 5- 90- 85- 80- 75 - 70- 65- 60- 55- 50- 45- 40 - 35- 30- 25- 20- NEW YORK BROOKLYN NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 17 DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 1,000 OF POPULATION, 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER, IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WHITES —MOTHERS BORN IN- United States England s Wales Ireland Scotland France Germany Russia & Poland Canada Scandanavia HUNGARY Bohemia ITALY Other Foreign Countries Colored RATE 35-- 30- 25- 2 0- - I5-- 10- 5- 0- NEW YORK BROOKLYN Table 15 shows that during the 6-year period the average annual death rate in New York was greatest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia and least among those whose mothers were born in Russsia and Poland. In Brooklyn it was also greatest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia, but least among those whose mothers were born in Hungary. The real significance in the difference in the race mortality, however, appears in the columns showing the death rates by age groups. For those 15 years of age and upward tlie death rate in New York city was higher among the colored than among the whites, and among the latter was highest among those whose mothers were born in Ireland, and lowest among those whose mothers were born in Russia and Poland and Hungary. For all others, except the colored and the Irish, Scotch, and English and Welsh, the death rate in this age group was below the average. In Brooklyn, the highest death rate of those 15 years of age and upward occurred among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia, and next to this among those whose mothers were born in Ireland. The lowest, as in New York, was among those whose mothers were born in Russsia and Poland and Hungary. For the children under 15 years of age the heaviest death rate in New York was among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia (82.57), in Italy (7(>.41), and the colored (75.71). The lowest was among those whose mothers were born in Russia and Poland (28.67). In Brooklyn the death rate of this age group was highest among those whose mothers were born in Bohemia (90.91), and the colored (63.75). The lowest was among those whose mothers were born in Hungary (21.16), Russia and Poland (27.03), and France (27.81). The two following tables show the death rates of different races, with finer distinction of ages, stillbirths being included. These rates are for the census year, which will account for the difference in the rates at all ages and under 15 years of age, as stated in the table showing rates for the 0 years. 18 VITAL STATISTICS. Table Id shows for New York the death rates per 1,000 of white population during the census year, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers and of eight groups of ages. Table 16. [ AGES. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 20 years. | 20 to 25 25 to 35 35 to 45 years. years. years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 65 years years. and over. 29.16 27.59 22. 20 26.55 24.08 22. 08 21.18 26. 85 28. 32 29. 25 36. 22 39. 96 18. 06 46. 92 4. 92 98 ft 7.00 9.67 12.55 10.04 12.96 19.28 13.81 20.72 30.76 10.77 14.34 20.70 5.27 10.22 15.26 7.73 11.05 16.94 1 4.67 7.01 9.93 13.24 15.89 28.95 11.87 14.44 19.21 5.49 8.14 11.99 13.11 18. 45 20. 30 13.50 11.03 15.36 6.39 7.47 13.20 20. 66 29. 78 40.91 36. 21 28. 05 22. 65 20. 63 18. 25 28. 30 30.84 23. 54 19. 90 18.96 34. 41 93. 35 42. 70 127. 82 63.32 133.11 41.84 108.75 44.31 111.52 43. 27 84. 52 31.25 102.80 70. 55 95. 24 49. 42 85. 23 40.23 102.19 58. 38 89. 74 38. 34 88. 40 36. 48 66. 73 43. 26 35. 32 42. 46 36. 90 40.25 39. 53 62. 56 58.73 62.19 84.18 32.11 7. 75 4.28 6. 96 4. 30 3.27 5.68 7.72 7.91 5. 69 7. 94 4.14 Scandinavia Italy Table 17 shows for Brooklyn the death rates per 1,000 of white population during the census year, with distinction of birthplaces of mothers and of eight groups of ages. Table 17. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AGES. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 35 years. 35 to 45 years. 45 to 55 years. 55 to 65 years. 65 years and over, i United States (white) 26.13 41.56 4.47 ; 7.13 8.81 10, 94 14.84 26. 87 89. 27 England and Wales 20. 21 28. 59 3.08 | 6. 27 8.42 10. 89 20. 77 39.50 90.99 I Ireland 27. 83 38. CO 7. 03 11.05 ! 18.28 23.56 32.17 56. 08 117.23 Scotland 20. 92 33. 27 4.26 8. 99 8.73 16. 94 19. 21 35. 41 69.57 France 14. 80 19. 63 8. 87 6. 26 5.81 15. 65 31. 14 79.30 Germany : 21.58 36. 47 5. 04 7. 11 10.32 13. 75 20. 66 37.81 84.98 Russia and Poland 37. 57 76. 29 10.50 6. 30 11.39 18. 22 33.98 44. 78 32. 26 Canada 21.53 36. 47 2.61 11.89 11. 15 16. 80 17. 16 33.90 74. 07 Scandinavia .... 24.88 55. 33 4. 87 7.98 10. 75 12. 53 19.54 29. 85 91.30 7.81 11.63 >9. 41 . 24. 39 28. 99 fU <15 ...... Italy 30. 83 65.42 3.41 7. 34 6. 92 12. 74 20. 27 46. 51 129.41 Other foreign countries 18.41 27. 90 33.47 : 4.94 9. 05 12. 61 23. 60 48. 66 83.33 1 From these tables it will be seen that in New York the death rates of those whose mothers were born in Russia and Poland were very low between the ages 15 and 45, and that, at the other groups of ages, it was also lower than that of almost every other race. These people were nearly all of the Jewish race, and numbered 80,235 in Now York. This has a very important bearing upon the mortality of tenement house population in certain districts of the city, especially in wards 7, 10, and 13, and it shows that poverty does not necessarily produce a high death rate. In Brooklyn the death rate of this class appears to be much higher; highest of all in fact, but in the population count of this city the Polish population was not counted with the Russian but with “all other foreigners”, which is probably the chief cause of the discrepancy. The heavy death rate both in New York city and in Brooklyn was largely due to the excessive death rate among the children of Irish mothers, because of the large number of this class of the population, it being 399,348 in New York and 196,372 in Brooklyn on June 1, 1890. It was greater for those of Italian mothers than for those of Irish mothers in New York, but the Italian population on June 1, 1890, was only 54,334, of whom 19,485 were under 15 years of age, and it was among these children that the excessive mortality occurred. In addition to those living at the date of the census and those dying during the 6-year period, for whom the birthplace of the mother was reported, there were a certain number in each class with regard to whom this information was not obtained, the proportion being greater among the decedents than it was among the living, it being impossible to obtain this information in many cases for those found dead or in a dying condition. It is impossible to properly distribute those with unknown birthplaces of mothers among the several races, either for the living or for the dead, and hence the rates given in the above table are probably somewhat below the truth for NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 19 tlie foreign and for the native born of foreign parents. Of those whose mothers were born in the United States, 334,72“) in number in New York and 208,007 in Brooklyn, there are two quite distinct classes, the prosperous and failures. The prosperous are very prosperous; they live in the best part of the city and have very low death rates, as will be seen by examining the figures for those districts, while the failures are apt fo be terrible failures, and, when found in the tenement house districts, to furnish very heavy death rates. The excessive death rate among the adults having Irish mothers as compared with the average death rate of the total whites during the 0-year period was mainly due to consumption, alcoholism and its consequences, and pneumonia. The average annual death rates per 100,000 of mean population were: in New York, total whites, 2,980.03, those having Irish mothers, 3,250.04; in Brooklyn, total whites, 2,590.00, those having Irish mothers, 2,714.30; consumption, New York, total whites, 385.05, those having Irish mothers, 045.73; Brooklyn, total whites, 300.01, those having Irish mothers, 452.79; apoplexy and paralysis, New York, total whites, 70.21, those having Irish mothers, 100.74; Brooklyn, total whites, 79.44, those having Irish mothers, 99.52; diseases of the heart, New York, total whites, 136.81, those having Irish mothers, 179.21; Brooklyn, total whites, 127.56, those having Irish mothers, 1(57.41; pneumonia, NewYork, total whites, 287.25, those having Irish mothers, 343.99; Brooklyn, total whites, 229.27, those having Irish mothers, 281.97; and Bright’s disease, New York, total whites, 82.64, those having Irish mothers, 141.75; Brooklyn, total whites, 57.55, those having Irish mothers, 92.79. The excessive death rate among those having Italian mothers during the 6-year period was mainly due to measles (New York, total whites, 4(5.21, those having Italian mothers, 198.75; Brooklyn, total whites, 17.75, those having Italian mothers, 91.54), diarrheal diseases (New York, total whites, 318.14, those having Italian mothers, 425.58), stillbirths (New York, total whites, 224.09, those having Italian mothers, 383.15; Brooklyn, total whites, 180.48, those having Italian mothers, 273.18), pneumonia (New York, total whites, 287.25, those having Italian mothers, 455.89; Brooklyn, total whites, 229.27, those having Italian mothers, 280.33), and homicides (New York, total whites, 3.75, those having Italian mothers, 9.89; Brooklyn, total whites, 1.12, those having Italian mothers, 11.44). On June 1, 1890, New York city contained 403,784 persons whose mothers were born in Germany, and 399,348 persons whose mothers were born in Ireland; and Brooklyn contained 195,663 persons whose mothers were born in Germany, and 196,372 persons whose mothers were born in Ireland. These figures are large enough to make comparisons of the death rates from different diseases in these two classes of some value, and such comparisons are given in the following tables. 20 VITAL STATISTICS. Table IS shows for the children of Irish and of German mothers in New York during the year ending May 31, 1890, the number of deaths pel- 100,000 of population, with distinction of certain causes of death and of certain age groups. Table 18. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES. Children of Irish mothers. Children of German mothers. CAUSES. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 t ears and over. All causes 3, 219. 75 4, 326. 32 1,955. 02 6, 107. 54 2,207. 86 3, 689. 25 1.055. 50 3, 915. 68 1, 600. 86 1,618.89 2, 323.44 1,031.88 923.15 2, 660.89 1.273.95 2, 022. 35 629.96 2, 335.62 females - 2, 002. 88 3,440.65 933. 92 1,666.90 425.54 1,580. 06 Measles 9. 01 45.43 12.14 49. 03 0. 43 21.03 99. 70 2. 05 15. 60 61.28 1.29 Diphtheria and croup 81.88 20. 03 397. 55 99. 70 3.69 0.41 2.93 92. 62 16. 35 367. 70 67. 41 4. 29 5.52 ./i i,.. . - ’ - 1 7.26 29. 03 2.46 6. 19 20.43 2. 14 rp -j * 1 f 26. 04 7 57 33. 23 22.26 25. 01 12. 26 31.28 22. 06 Diarrheal diseases and cholera infantum....... 237. 89 788. 78 38. 98 301.12 238.49 869. 20 14.57 107.54 AI 1 "If 22. 54 18. 93 18. 46 39. 28 10.40 11.24 7.71 17. 92 8. 01 8. 83 8. 21 6. 55 6. 44 17. 36 1.71 (!. 89 46. 08 3.79 53. 34 66. 77 11.39 12. 86 22. 06 42. 32 213. 29 20. 06 82.73 119. 44 602.00 154.29 636. 32 Inanition, debility, and atrophy 03. 60 234. 74 1. 64 83. 79 50.03 174. 66 0.43 41.36 45. 57 238. 28 20. 00 111.68 Rheumatism 14.52 5. 05 9. 03 41.90 7.68 3.06 4.71 23. 44 745. 97 426. 57 778. 73 972. 76 391.55 288. 03 391. 26 532. 20 Consumption 648. 56 82. 03 749. 60 913. 84 317. 50 45. 96 377.12 492. 22 5.51 99 79 0. 82 2. 62 3.71 13. 28 0. 80 Hydrocephalus 28. 05 123.68 4.92 2. 02 * 26. 25 100. 10 1.71 5. 52 Inflammation of the brain 54*59 183.00 16. 00 44.51 40. 62 121.55 10.71 27. 58 Diseases of the hones and joints - 9. 27 15. 14 7. 39 9.16 3. 47 7.15 0. 86 0. 89 71.87 30. 36 278. 87 75. 78 4.09 33. 00 310.22 5. 51 2. 87 19. 64 10. 90 52. 39 Diseases of the nervous system - 242.40 355. 90 82.88 633. 67 189.46 269. 65 57. 85 504. 63 Y j 84. 89 3. 79 26.67 354. 80 65.13 2. 04 19.71 296. 43 1.25 1.26 1.23 1.31 0. 74 0.43 2. 7(3 25. 04 124. 94 1.31 27. 24 111.33 1.38 Diseases of the circulatory system 182.05 70. 67 107. 09 536. 78 143. 64 46. 98 77. 14 488. 08 14.40 3.71 4.71 5. 52 167. 02 44. 17 99. 70 509. 29 130. 76 32. 68 72. 00 452. 23 Diseases of the respiratory system - 677. 35 875.86 373. 36 1, 441.46 387. 58 676.16 156. 42 741.77 184,30 283. 96 58. 26 483. 10 85. 94 177. 72 11. 14 202. 68 428.20 434. 15 295. 00 847. 07 244. 44 338.08 134. 99 470. 16 Diseases of the digestive system - 128.21 95. 92 73.85 335.16 91.39 93. 97 47. 14 230. 25 Diseases of the liver 48. 33 3. 79 27. 90 159. 73 32.20 9.19 17.14 111.68 Diseases of the urinary system 261.43 29. 03 171.91 788.15 142.16 36. 77 79. 28 486. 70 142. 73 7.57 93. 55 439. 90 71.82 2. 04 37. 71 275. 75 514.18 c30. 13 612. 99 c 17. 18 585. 80 684. 30 596. 10 590. 10 Abortion 511.19 611.19 612.12 612.12 Childbirth and puerperal septicaemia 557. 45 619.91 138. 73 117.37 114. 47 238. 28 90. 64 73.54 75.42 162.69 19. 59 18.93 18. 05 24.88 9.91 10.21 6. 86 19. 30 5.01 3.69 6. 55 4.95 13. 28 2. 14 2.76 Gunshot wounds and homicides 4.26 2. 52 5. 74 1.31 2. 97 1. 02 4.29 1.38 8.01 3. 79 7. 80 13.09 2. 23 1.02 2.57 2. 76 8.01 7.39 18.33 21.55 21.00 52. 39 a Per 100,000 total females. 6 Per 100,000 females 10 to 45 years of age. c Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 21 Table 19 shows for the children of Irish and of German mothers in Brooklyn during the year ending May 31, 1800, the number of deaths per 100,000 of population, with distinction of certain causes of death and of certain age groups. Table 19. CAUSES. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION OF CORRESPONDING AGES. Children of Irish mothers. Children of Ge •man mothers. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. All causes 2, 782.98 3,868. 89 1, 597. 70 5. 227. 09 2.157. 79 3, 644. 90 954. 24 3. 670. 07 Males 1,871.38 2, 032.97 829, 70 2, 307. 69 1,222.51 2, 041.97 545. 81 2. 098.43 Females 1,411.61 1, 835.92 767.99 2, 919. 40 935. 28 1,602.92 408.43 1.571.64 3. 06 14.42 3. 58 13 25 10.18 45.66 0. 86 15.84 58. 67 134.95 629. 60 2. 57 134. 4] 482. 58 6 45 13. 75 64. 88 17. 89 64. 34 0 92 0.51 2. 40 1.53 5. 68 Typhoid fever . 27.50 19. 22 38. 57 2.63 18.40 5.68 26.74 11.64 Diarrheal diseases and cholera infantum 178.74 574.33 30.00 202.15 208. 52 686. 97 14. 75 84.40 40.85 24. 00 68. 26 18.40 11. 35 16. 60 :u 92 Erysipelas and septicaemia 12. 73 9.61 11. 14 21.00 18. 91 11. 35 17.52 34. 93 0. 51 2.40 2.04 5. 68 0.92 10. 69 9. 43 26. 25 4. 09 4. 61 8. 73 14. 26 67. 2!) 12. 27 45.42 93. 70 442.16 150.77 558. 28 Inanition, debility, and atrophy 94.21 341.23 7.71 89.26 117.04 361.46 4. 61 96. 04 52. 06 273. 04 30.15 171. 72 Rheumatism 16.80 4.81 9.43 52.51 5. 62 3. 78 5.53 8. 73 519.93 353. 25 573.42 538. 20 381. 78 338.75 386. 31 433. 66 Consumption 432. 85 52.87 546. 85 498. 82 286. 72 39. 74 370. 63 401.64 1 02 2.40 0 86 2. 04 10. 69 48. 06 0. 86 14.82 49. 20 1.84 2. 91 Inflammation of the brain 72.31 242. 71 23.14 36.76 75. 64 232.77 13.83 29.10 3. 06 7. 21 1. 71 2. 63 2. 56 9. 46 Cancer and tumor 51.43 2.40 22.29 194. 28 55. 20 1.89 13.83 267.76 2. 55 13.13 3.07 0.92 14.55 Diseases of the nervous system 286.19 511. 85 87.43 648.47 234.08 475.01 44.25 462. 76 Apoplexy 86. 57 4.81 21.43 375.43 52.13 3.78 11.06 256. 12 0.51 2.40 1.02 1.89 0.92 27.50 127.36 0.86 46.00 170.32 Diseases of the circulatory system 208. 79 144.18 115. 71 564. 45 139. 53 58. 67 64. 54 500. 60 1.53 1. 71 2. 63 2. 56 0. 92 11. 64 Heart disease and dropsy 191.47 72. 09 114. 00 559. 20 128. 28 28.39 64.54 483.13 Diseases of the respiratory system 625. 85 711.30 346. 28 1, 388. 82 419.09 671.83 167. 80 823. 66 Bronchitis 166. 52 276.35 36. 00 446. 31 99.15 177.89 13. 83 247. 39 Pneumonia 375.82 249.92 274.28 824. 36 233.56 261.16 139. 22 488.95 Diseases of the digestive system 155.32 139. 38 86. 57 383. 30 103. 24 113. 55 50.71 253. 21 Diseases of the liver 57.54 12. 02 26.57 202.15 38.84 9.46 20. 28 142. 61 Diseases of the urinary system 204. 71 31.24 138.00 598. 58 93. 02 28.39 51.63 323. 06 Bright’s disease 112.03 4.81 71.14 354.42 42.93 1.89 27. 66 154.25 al3.17 510. 95 c32. 53 67.45 C23..85 673. 54 571. 98 567. 04 51.86 61. 86 656. 33 554. 00 654. 00 Accidents and injuries 70. 78 40. 85 61.71 131.27 55. 20 34. 06 42.41 128.06 Drowned - 9.17 4.81 8. 57 15.75 5.62 5.68 5.53 5. 82 Burns and scalds 5. 09 9. 61 0. 86 13.13 5.62 13. 25 2. 77 2.91 3. 06 4. 29 2. 63 3.58 4. 61 5. 82 0. 51 2. 40 3. 06 3.43 1.53 0. 92 5.82 5. 09 1.71 21.00 16. 87 12. 91 55.30 a Pei- 100,000 total females. 6 Per 100,000 females 15 to 45 years of age. o Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over. 22 VITAL STATISTICS. These tables present many interesting points relating to the death rates of the two groups. It should be remembered, however, that the children of Irish mothers form a much more homogeneous group than do the children of German mothers, since the latter include a considerable number of the Jewish race, whose death rate is very low, and if it were possible to separate these the difference between the Irish and the German death rates would not be so great. A large part of the excessive death rate among children of Irish mothers is due to tubercular diseases, and to the effects of alcohol, which last include a considerable part of the diseases of the nervous system, of the circulatory system, of the digestive, and of the urinary organs among the adults. The greater prevalence of malarial diseases among those of Irish mothers is due to the fact that a greater proportion of them live in the water side and filled districts. The death rate of the women with Irish mothers, from childbirth and its consequences, is very high, but the number of abortions and stillbirths among them is below the average. Cancer and tumor and suicides are more frequent among those having German mothers. On June 1, I860, there were 1,970 Chinese living in the city of New York, and the number of deaths which occurred among this class during the census year was 57, giving a death rate of 28.93, which is a very high one when it is remembered that they were, nearly all adults, and that the average death rate of persons 15 years of age and upward was for the whites 20.36. Of these 57 deaths, 46 occurred in sanitary district C, of ward 6, and out of 245 deaths which occurred in the city during the 6-year period 158 occurred in this district. This would give an enormous mortality for this locality if all the decedents had been residents of the district, But 1 am informed by I)r. John T. Nagle, the registrar of the health department, that this large number of deaths among the Chinese is due to the fact that in this district are some houses used for hospitals to which Chinese are brought from all parts of the city, and perhaps from some of the adjacent cities. Nearly all the deaths of Chinese are due to consumption. CONJU< 1AL C<)NI) ITION. Of tlie male population over 15 years of age in eaeli city over one-half are married, the proportion being 512.28 per 1,000 in New York, and 551.21 in Brooklyn. The proportion of the widowed was 37.86 in New York, and 37.86 in Brooklyn. Of the females 15 years of age and upward 400.84 per 1,000 in New York and 514.40 in Brooklyn were married. The proportion of married was decidedly greater among the white than among the colored in both cities, and the same is the case for the widowers in New York; the proportion of widowers in Brooklyn and of widows in both cities being greater among the colored. The proportion of married is much greater among the foreign than among the native for the males and somewhat greater among the females. Out of each 1,000 males 45 years of age and upward in New York 767.01 are married; of the native white males 710.07 are married, and of the foreign white males 784.58 are married. Of each 1,000 females 45 years of age and upward there are married of the total 505.31, of the native 402.81, and of the foreign 513.52. These proportions are somewhat greater in Brooklyn. It will be seen that the difference between the native and the foreign in the proportion of the married becomes less at the higher groups of ages, which is in part due to the fact that the average age of marriage is less among the foreign than it is among the native. These and other ratios are shown in the following table. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 23 Table 20 shows for certain age groups the number of single, married, and widowed in New York and Brooklyn in each 1,000 of population on June 1, 1890, with distinction of sex, color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 20. OVER 15 YEARS. 15 TO 45 YEARS. 45 YEARS ANI) OVER. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. Conjugal con- dition. New York. Brooklyn. New York . Brooklyn. New York. Brooklyn. Single 447. 21 408. 85 546. 73 519. 89 103. 86 62.40 Total males ■[ Married . - -. 512. 28 551. 21 438. 44 465. 68 767.01 818. 09 1 Widowed... 37. 86 37. 86 12. 34 12.46 125. 88 117. 10 ( 382.18 359.15 463.93 449. 70 96. 68 82. 05 Total females •( Married 490. 84 514. 40 486. 70 508. 03 505. 31 533.90 t Widowed... • 124. 63 124. 96 47.16 40. 96 395. 19 382. 02 • ( Single 608. 73 528. 32 675. 06 611.71 151.73 77. 96 Native white, males -i Married .... 362. 57 443. 93 25. 75 310.83 11.19 375. 43 719. 07 813.93 l Widowed... 25. 24 11.11 122. 02 104. 83 f Single 506. 89 451. 67 558.37 517. 63 131. 64 103. 65 Native white, females •! Married 411.41 461.15 400.24 447.14 492. 81 535. 02 1 Widowed... 78. 89 85. 61 38. 98 33.83 369. 77 358. 78 ( Single 473.82 411.13 584. 82 536. 26 147.21 70.12 Both parents native, males -j Married .... 476.37 547. 77 394. 04 448. 42 718.60 818. 54 1 Widowed -.. 42.09 38. 37 13. 81 12. 94 125.30 107.67 f Single 384. 50 357. 97 465.55 454. 39 129.42 100. 71 Both parents native, females ■] Married 477.41 509. 98 474. 92 502. 61 485. 24 529.64 i Widowed... 132. 89 129.60 54. 82 40. 77 378. 58 366. 61 f Single 316.82 261. 69 417. 70 374.06 86.44 52.57 Foreign white, males -{ Married 633. 25 683. 65 566. 98 609.32 784. 58 821.99 ( Widowed ... 47. 95 52. 55 13.33 14.38 127. 01 123.58 f Single 282. 25 239. 52 369. 37 335.16 84. 98 69.47 Foreign white, females .4 Married .... 557.17 586. 20 576. 45 613. 92 513.52 530. 90 l Widowed... 158.58 172. 98 52.14 49. 78 399. 59 392. 05 Table 21 shows the death rates in New York and Brooklyn during the census year ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of total population 15 years of age and upward, with distinction of nativity, parental nativity, and conjugal condition. • Table 21. CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggregate. WHITE. Native. 'Both Total. parents native. Foreign. New York: Single 14.10 12. 21 11.42 16.57 Married 20. 20 18. 27 15.52 21.09 Widowed 57. 08 48.04 49. 58 62.59 Brooklyn: Single 11.32 10.37 9.27 18.54 Married 18. 26 14. 70 15.16 21.28 Widowed 54. 10 48.19 47.12 61.13 This table shows that the death rate was less among’ the single than among the married, and was greatest of all among the widowed; that it was least among the native whites of native parents and greatest among the foreign, and that it was less in all the groups in Brooklyn than it was in New York, with the exception of the married among the foreign, for whom it was 21.28 per 1,000 in Brooklyn and 21.00 in New York 24 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 22 shows the death rates in New York and Brooklyn during the census year ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of population of two groups of ages, with distinction of sex, nativity, parental nativity, and conjugal condition. Table 22. LOCALI'l Y, SEX, AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. 15 TO 45 YEAES. 45 YEARS AND OVER. Aggre- gate. . White. ! Aggre- gate. White. Native. Foreign. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. Total. Both parents native. Males: Xe w York — Single '.. 14. 68 13.91 10. 68 15. 49 67. 86 53. 64 44. 08 76.43 Married 14.57 15. 44 8.92 13.83 37. 95 34.63 33. 63 38. 74 Widowed r>6. o:i : 52.12 38.19 58. 06 97. 70 85. 56 79.17 101.98 Brooklyn— Single 12.16 1 11.70 8. 21 13.37 52.04 46.04 44.23 58.42 Married 12. 20 10. 53 8.55 13. 56 35.13 28. 99 30. 66 38. 20 Widowed 43.92 j 35. 01 30.94 1 53. 38 91.13 71.40 70.40 100.37 Females: New York— Single - 7.79 7. 73 6.34 7. 67 52. 77 42.63 40. 57 57.08 Married 14.23 15. 12 9.11 ' 13.50 ! 30. 48 25. 29 23. 85 32.03 Widowed 22.34 20. 60 14.09 23. 65 60. 72 55. 86 56. 89 62.34 Brooklyn— Single 6.88 7.09 6.19 5.96 1 41.72 34. 77 38. 28 48. 20 Married 12. 33 11.79 9. 20 12.95 i 26. 91 22. 26 22. 42 29.13 Widowed 15.39 . 13.17 8. 51 18.28 1 1 57. 26 I 51.97 53.85 59. 62 For males between the ages 15 and 45 years the death rate was slightly greater among the single than among the married in Hew York, while the reverse was the ease in Brooklyn, but the difference is so small as to be unimportant in the aggregate. The death rate is least among the native whites of native parents in New York and greatest among the foreign, with the exception of the married. Among the females 15 to 45 years of age the death rate of the married is nearly double that of the single in both Yew York and Brooklyn, which is largely due to the perils of childbirth. For those 45 years of age and upward the death rate is decidedly less among the married than among the single in each city, while tbe death rate of the widowed is greatest of all. Table 23 shows the death rates per 1,000 of white children of American, Irish, and German mothers in New York, Brooklyn, and the District of Columbia for the year ending May 31, 1890, with distinction of sex and conjugal condition, and the corresponding rates for Prussia, Belgium, and Bavaria. Table 23. LOCALITY AND BIRTHPLACE. 15 TO 45 YEARS. 45 YEARS AND OVER. Males. • Females. Males. Females. Single. Married. Single. Married. Single. Married. Single. Married. New York: . Children of American mothers (white) 9. 42 8. 70 6.01 9. 71 39.37 31.20 40. 36 24. 26 Children of Irish mothers 20.86 23. 05 10. 06 23. 93 82. 82 43. 97 57.23 44. 19 Children of G-erman mothers 10. 09 13.13 4.98 10. 80 65. 59 36. 87 46.83 24. 99 Brooklyn: Children of American mothers (white) 7. 74 8.27 6.09 9.38 3S. 92 28. 97 36. 75 22.11 Children of Irish mothers 17.31 18. 75 8.13 19. 83 58. 59 42.10 46. 32 37. 51 Children of German mothers 10. 42 10.44 5.61 9.51 60. 51 33. 51 81.25 23.24 District of Columbia: Children of American mothers (white) 7. 77 6. 75 4. 94 7.53 22.86 22.06 15. 74 14.83 Children of Irish mothers 19. 45 13.61 9. 92 19. 81 78. 84 42. 06 33.00 23. 32 Children of German mothers 7.09 12.63 6.64 6.50 78. 77 33.48 105. 26 19. 61 Prussia. 1885 8.11 10.13 5.87 9.62 50. 21 32. 83 38.82 23. 94 Belgium, 1880 ■ 8.43 8. 62 6. 84 9.14 41.29 31. 72 35. 60 22. 39 Bavaria, 1878 : 8.14 8.58 5.93 10. 28 55. 04 33.46 45. 34 26. 75 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. It will be seen from this table that as a rule the death rates of the children of American mothers were the smallest, those of Irish mothers the largest, and those of German mothers intermediate between the two, but that in Brooklyn in the age group 45 years and upward the death rate of single Germans, both male and female, exceeds that of the Irish. MONTHS OK SEASONS. Some data for estimating the influence of month or season upon the death rates due to certain causes in New York and Brooklyn are given in the following tables and diagram. Table 24 shows for New York and Brooklyn tor the 6-year period the average death rates per 10,000 of population for each month for the total population and for the children under 5 years of age. Table 24. MONTHS. NEW YORK (AGGRE- ! GATE). BROOKLYN (AGGRE- GATE). All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. January 27.11 106. 21 23.11 82. 78 February 24.00 98. 60 20.12 77.90 March 26. 65 106.33 22. 50 84. 72 April 25.13 100.26 21.18 80. 01 May 24.09 95. 86 19.90 76.16 June 23. 97 114.51 21.06 99. 95 July 32.40 181.65 29.05 162. 85 August 25.52 125. 34 . 22. 84 113.23 September 22.32 103. 34 20.64 97. 72 October 21.90 88. 38 19.41 75. 70 November 21.49 83.98 I 18.38 63.87 | December 24. 57 98. 51 21. 40 79. 65 VITAL STATISTICS, 26 The following diagram shows for New York and Brooklyn for the 0-year period the average death rates per 10,000 of population for each month for tiie total population and for the children under 5 years of age: DIAGRAM SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 10,000 OF POPULATION, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN FOR THE TOTAL POPULATION AND FOR CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE. RATE 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 35 30 25 20 15 MONTHS. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNeIjULY AUG [SEPT OCT NOV DEC UNDER 5 YEARS ALL AGES NEW YORK BROOKLYN It will be seen from this table and diagram that the heavy death rate of the children under “> years of age occurs in July, for which month it is more than double the rates for October and November. In Washington the heaviest death rate at this age occurs in June, and in Baltimore in July. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 27 Table 25 shows for New York, by months, the number of deaths due to certain specified causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes during the 0 years ending May 31, 1890. CAUSES. Janu- ary. Feb- ruarv. March. April. May. J imp. July. Au- gust. Sep- tember. Oc- tober. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Un- known. 9 97 1 33 1.23 2.15 1. 27 1. 33 1.39 1. 01 0.40 0. 58 0. 48 1.22 1.99 1.71 1.97 2.00 2.20 0. 65 0. 71 1.03 4.04 3. G7 3. 92 3. 69 4.02 3. 62 2. 88 2. 19 1. 96 2.87 3. 36 4. 25 0.01 0. 91 0. 84 0. 97 0. 96 0. 74 0.7:1 1. 25 l. 31 1. 20 0. 85 0. 64 0. 87 0. 96 0.35 0.45 0.46 0. 46 0.44 0. 36 0. 28 0. 31 0. 30 0. 36 0. 34 0. 46 0. 36 0. 38 . 0.32 0. 29 0. 32 0. 67 1. 10 1. 37 1.25 0. 93 0. 67 9 9:», 1. 99 2. 15 2.36 2.52 12. 18 38.21 20 61 12 69 6. 08 2. 46 2. 06 0.01 0. 60 0. 60 0.62 0.67 0. 63 0. 67 0. 86 0. 84 0.90 0. 68 0. 60 Inanition, debility and atrophy, ami,old age 9.58 3. 02 3. 86 3.41 3. 34 •>. 57 5. 62 4. 67 4. 66 3.81 3. 02 2. 98 12. 90 11. 13 12. 25 11. 84 11. 14 9. 60 10. 08 10. 30 9. 56 10. 70 10. 26 11.16 0.01 7. 05 7. 13 7. 71 6. 96 6. 82 7. 54 6. 38 5. 63 5.70 6. 70 18.80 0.02 Diseases of the respiratory system 23. 53 18. 52 21.13 18. 47 15.21 9. 74 7. 84 7.57 8. 47 11. 78 14. 39 0. 80 0. 85 1. 05 0. 93 0.83 0.71 0. 70 0. 64 0. 57 0. 53 0. 67 2. 71 2. 44 2. 73 3. 00 3. 60 3. 65 4. 54 3. 69 3. 01 2. 98 2.82 2. 78 0.08 0. 43 0. 36 0.44 0.54 0. 50 0. 47 0. 49 0. 36 0. 40 0. 38 0. 43 0.44 0. 35 1.23 0. 52 0. 30 Table 25. Table 2(5 shows for Brooklyn, by months, the number of deaths due to certain specified causes per 1,000 deaths from all causes during the (> years ending May 31, 1890. Table 26. CAUSES. J anu- ary. Feb- ruary. March. April. May. June. July. Au- gust. Sep- tember. Oc- tober. Novem- ber. Decem- ber. Un- known 0. 7(i 0. 73 0. 93 1.03 0. 98 0. 53 0. 42 0. 24 0. 09 0. 07 0. 22 0. 81 1.60 2. 00 1.81 1.90 1. 75 1.56 0.87 0. 78 0. 57 0. 84 1.00 1. 49 5. (It 3.89 4. 06 3. 62 3. 71 3.05 2. 65 2 41 3 87 4 62 0. 69 0. 84 1. 03 0. 77 0. 63 0. 68 1. 06 1 33 1 1 1 0 69 0. 61 0 61 Cerebrospinal fever 0. 20 0. 18 0. 29 0. 26 0. 20 0. 29 0. 24 0. 23 0.17 0. 12 0. 20 0. 64 0. 29 0. 36 0. 37 0. 23 0. 23 1 *>S 1.49 5. 33 1.54 Diarrheal diseases 1.37 1.17 1. 63 1. 64 14.67 41. 68 ' 21.57 13. 87 1.86 1.73 0. 81 0. 71 0. 73 0. 81 0. 70 0. 84 0 02 1 40 1 46 1 56 1. 47 1 16 Inanition, debility and atrophy, and old age 4. 10 3.55 3.89 4.28 3. 73 4.77 7. 57 7. 50 7.34 5. 76 4. 00 4. 03 Consumption , 11.43 9. 60 10. 32 10. 68 10. 27 8. 74 9.07 9.07 9.01 9. 32 9. 25 10. 02 0. 92 Diseases of the nervous system 9. 22 8.56 10. 18 9. 34 8.91 8. 55 10.12 8. 28 7. 58 7. 76 7.10 8. 61 0. 04 24.13 18. 84 20. 73 17. 62 14. 64 9. 01 6. 85 7. 07 7. 98 11 59 14.11 19. 64 Affections connected with pregnancy 0. 69 0. 77 0.82 0. 68 0. 67 0. 69 0. 64 0.48 0. 46 0. 52 0. 57 0.69 0. 02 Accidents and injuries 1.73 1.64 2.02 1.95 2.16 2. 70 3. 55 2.63 2. 45 1.90 1.84 2. 13 0. 05 0. 23 0.19 0. 26 0. 32 0. 32 0. 34 0. 26 0. 25 0. 31 0. 23 0. *’9 0. 03 0.24 0. 92 0. 36 0. 17 28 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIPHTHERIA PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIPHTHERIA PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN BROOKLYN FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 29 DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN BROOKLYN FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. 30 VITAL STATISTICS. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO TYPHOID FEVER PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN NEW YORK FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. DIAGRAM SHOWING PROPORTION OF DEATHS DUE TO TYPHOID FEVER PER 1,000 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES, BY MONTHS, IN BROOKLYN FOR 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31,1890. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 31 Tlie influence of occupation may become a special predisposing- cause of sickness and death, which should be taken into account, when it is possible to do so, in comparing the death rates in different localities. It is not at this time possible to give death rates for the several occupations, owing to want of the necessary population data, but something can be learned by comparing the proportion of deaths due to certain causes occurring among persons of different occupations. Table 27 shows for the males 15 years of age and upward engaged in certain occupations in New York and Brooklyn during the 0 years ending May 31, 1800, the number dying and the number of deaths from certain causes per 1.000 deaths from all causes for each specified occupation. OCCUPATIONS. Taiii.e 27. - - • : : — . — NUMBER OF DEATHS PER 1.000 DEATHS FROM ALL ( All SES. Total OCCUPATION'S. Localities. number of deaths. Diseases Diseases of the respira- tory system. Accidents and inj uries (except burns). Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer. Heart disease. of the, nervous system. Bright's disease. Suicide. All occupations ( New York.. 49, ::4;( 16.40 276.81 23. 67 82.48 82. 18 156. 23 53. 93 16. 35 71.78 c Brooklyn... IS. 450 20. 33 257. 99 22. 38 86. 23 95. 18 175. 66 45. 91 ’ 10.73 51.17 ( Yew York.. 156 6. 41 153.85 44. 8 i 106. 67 153. 85 179.49 38. 46 25. 64 11.49 91.95 11.49 114.94 91. 95 183. 91 22.99 11. 49 Lawyers Yew York.. 561 27. 70 102. 49 24. 93 127. 42 141.27 168. 98 77.56 11.08 36. 01 ( Brooklyn ... 144 27. 78 236.11 13. 89 131. 94 145. 83 145. 83 34.72 6.94 34. 72 <' Y’ew York .. :m 15.11 120. 85 27.19 108. 76 163. 14 132.93 48. 34 15.11 24.17 f Brooklyn ... ( Yew Ym k .. 141 35. 46 113. 48 14. 18 163.12 148. 94 156. 03 92. 20 4— ■ 4- IO 00 00 Accountants, bookkeepers, clerks, etc 597 22. 52 352. 52 18. 35 87.02 68. 67 144. 56 46.15 21.13 Brooklyn ... 1,4313 37. 68 371.25 13.96 69. 78 85. 83 147.94 36. 29 9. 77 20. 94 Dealers, retail ( Yew York.. 3, 101 19. 99 184. 46 36. 76 116. 09 118.67 148. 66 56. 76 16. 77 39. 34 Brooklyn ... 1.342 19.37 159.46 26. 08 108. 79 137. 85 174.37 48. 44 16. 39 26.83 Saloonkeepers, bartenders, etc Y ew York .. 1,306 10. 72 296. 32 21.44 67.38 71.21 160. 80 57. 43 19.91 56. 66 Brooklyn ... 345 14.49 295. 65 26. 09 63. 77 00. 87 185.51 57. 97 20. 29 40. 58 i, Yew York.. 417 11.99 338.13 21.58 103. 12 83. 93 127. 10 57. 55 35. 97 23. 98 1 Brooklyn - -. 145 41.38 358. 62 6. 90 68. 97 62. 07 117. 24 41.38 48. 28 41.38 Policemen, watchmen, mid detectives ( Yew York.. 739 16. 24 190. 80 18.94 109. 6) 74. 42 156. 97 64. 95 17. 59 94. 72 < Brooklyn ... 26! > 7.69 169.23 34. 62 115.38 96. 15 203. 85 57. 69 15. 38 69. 23 Soldiers, sailors, and marines (United States) 5 8, 37. 04 111.11 49. 38 172.84 135.80 74. 07 111. 11 12. 35 74.07 ' Brooklyn. . ( Yew York.. 28 250. 00 71.43 63. 24 214. °9 71. 43 71.43 35. 71 Laborers 9, 978 16. 44 263.98 16. 24 08. 65 192.82 52. 11 7. 92 102. 22 1 j Brooklyn ... 3, 638 18. 97 245.46 19. 24 67. 34 78. 61 215.23 42.33 5.22 83. 56 Servants ( Yew York .. 2, 067 19. 35 332. 37 15.48 74. 50 82.24 146.59 47. 41 17. 42 53.22 * Brooklyn ... 304 32. 89 292. 76 42. 76 111.84 55. 92 131.58 59. 21 42. 76 Bakers and confectioners ( Yew York .. 779 38. 51 267. 01 28. 24 94.99 69. 3*2 129. 05 56. 48 19. 26 51.35 t i Brooklyn . .. 272 14.71 250. 00 33. 09 80. 88' 106. 62 158. 09 44. 12 29. 41 55.15 Blacksmiths <; Yew York.. 635 9. 45 285. 04 26. 77 61.42 69. 29 168.50 72.44 0.30 77. 17 f Brooklyn... 265 777)5 237. 74 18.87 101.89 116. 98 177.36 45. 28 7. 55 60. 38 ( Yew York .. 1. 160 7. 76 256. 90 34. 48 85.34 100. 86 164.66 68. 97 18. 10 32. 76 * Brooklyn ... 447 15. 66 239. 37 15. 66 105.15 100. 67 194. 63 49. 22 11.19 20.13 Carpenters and joiners ( Yew York .. 2.016 19. 35 262.40 29. 70 85.81 85. 81 146. 33 48. 12 17. 36 90. 28 Brooklyn... 908 13.22 209. 25 30. 84 87. 00 128.85 163.00 47. 36 11.01 07.18 Compositors, printers, and pressmen ( Yew York.. 772 18. 13 437. 82 14. 25 66. 06 56.99 129. 53 50. 52 11.66 53.11 Brooklyn... 348 20. 11 370. 69 5.75 86.21 86. 21 158. 05 45. 98 8.62 28. 74 ( Yew York .. 537 5. 59 398. 51 18.02 61. 45 63.31 178. 77 50.28 9.31 52. 14 Brooklyn ... 0 47 60.47 />51 92 651.45 Accidents and injuries 64.62 163. 57 74. 49 24. 48 55.85 131.24 Drowned 12. 45 21.11 7. 78 7. 73 13.48 17. 79 Burns and scalds 5. 03 5. 28 18.90 3.22 2.17 6. 67 2.14 2. 65 4.45 0 13 5.28 1.11 2. 26 0.64 1. 69 7.41 9.81 7.94 33.36 a Per 100,000 total females. 6 Per 100,000 females 15 to 45 years of age. c Per 100,000 females 45 years of age and over. Some of the differences between the two cities indicated by these tables are very striking. Alcoholism gives a death rate in New York four times as great as in Brooklyn, and convulsions in infants caused a much heavier mortality in Brooklyn than in New York, although the general infantile mortality was lowest in Brooklyn. 36 VITAL STATISTICS. The comparative number and proportion of deaths from certain causes and classes of causes in the two cities during the 6-year period are graphically represented in the following diagrams: DIAGRAM SHOWING NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF DEATHS FROM DIFFERENT CAUSES IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 37 DIAGRAM SHOWING NUMBER AND PROPORTION OF DEATHS FROM DIFFERENT CAUSES IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. CONSUMPTION. In New York consumption caused 32,781 deaths during the 6-year period, or 391.75 deaths annually per 100,000 of mean population. For the census year the number of deaths was 5,871, the rate being 387.45 per 100,000 of population, or slightly below the average rate for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the death rates were much less, the average rate for the 6 years being 303.24, and the rate for the census year 288.34. The number of deaths was 13,135 for the whole 6 years, and 2,325 for the census year. Race distinctions have a very definite relation to death rates from consumption. These death rates, during the 6-year period, were, for each 100,000 of population of each class in New York: mothers born in Ireland, 645.73; Bohemia, 499.13; Scotland, 384.12; Scandinavia, 357.00; Canada, 352.32; Germany, 328.80; France, 324.98; England and Wales, 322.50; Italy, 233.85; United States (white), 205.14; Hungary, 155.05; Russia and Poland, 98.21; other foreign mothers, 286.26; colored, 774.21. Brooklyn: mothers born in Ireland, 452.79; 38 VITAL STATISTICS. Bohemia, 347.22; Germany, 295.61; Scotland, 269.24; Canada, 266.27; France, 252.82; England and Wales, 233.78; Scandinavia, 218.92; United States (white), 180.79; Italy, 123.00; Hungary, 120.77; Bussia and Poland, 76.72; other foreign mothers, 375.15; colored, 531.35. From these figures it appears that consumption was most fatal among the colored, the Irish, and the Bohemians, and least fatal among the Hungarians and Russians, that is to say, among the Jews. Table 32 shows the death rates due to consumption during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 32. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Hew Tork. Brooklyn. White 379. 56 284. 89 314.79 235. 28 Both parents native 217. 76 186. 46 One or both parents foreign 359. 87 270.11 Foreign 466.26 386.61 845. 21 539. 01 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white) 192.10 170.09 Ireland 648. 56 432. 85 Germany 317. 50 286. 72 The highest average annual death rate due to consumption during the 6 years in New York was 776.26 per 100,000 of population in ward 2, while the lowest was 49.16 in sanitary district K of ward 22. For the same period the highest average annual rate in Brooklyn was 1,045.75 per 100,000 of population in sanitary district F of ward 17, and the lowest was 90.21 in district I of ward 18. The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of consumption in different parts of New York and Brooklyn, merit careful examination in connection with the maps showing the relative total mortality of different districts. They indicate that consumption was upon the whole more fatal in those districts where the ground water is nearest the surface, but not in all of them, and upon examining the detailed tables for the several districts which show either an exceptionally high mortality from consumption or one below the average it will be found that the controlling factors are the race and age distribution of the population, its density, and the altitude of the locality. PNEUMONIA. Tlie deaths from pneumonia in New York during the 6-year period aggregate 24,090, making the average annual death rate due to this cause 287.89 per 100,000 of mean population. Tlie number of deaths during the census year was 5,112 and the death rate 337.36, which was considerably higher than the average rate for the 6 years. In Brooklyn pneumonia caused 9,965 deaths during the 6 years and 2,261 deaths during the census year, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population for the whole 6 years being 230.06, against a rate oi 280.40 for the census year. The death rates due to pneumonia in each city during the census year, at four groups of ages, per 100,000 population of corresponding ages are shown in Table 33. Table 33. LOCALITIES. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Under 5 years. 5 to 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. 1,148.85 659. 61 55. 25 71.32 187.04 169. 70 622. 75 610.61 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 39 Table 34 shows the death rates due to pneumonia during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 34. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. White 336. 46 349.15 277. 47 240. 90 311. 29 244.41 366. 74 238. 39 319.47 352.48 389. 50 493.33 Birthplaces of mothers: 310. 40 224.17 428.20 375.82 Germany 244. 44 233. 56 The average annual death rates due to this cause during the 6-year period in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities wrere: mothers born in Italy, 455.89; Bohemia, 350.29; Ireland, 343.99; Hungary, 279.76; United States (white), 272.87; England and Wales, 268.97; Scotland, 261.09; Germany, 214.12; Canada, 211.77; Scandinavia, 210.64; France, 180.79; Russia and Poland, 170.17; other foreign mothers, 204.97. The corresponding rates for the 6years in Brooklyn, according to nativities of mothers, were: mothers born in Bohemia, 347.22; Ireland, 281.97; Italy, 280.33; United States (white), 210.63; Germany, 207.63; England and Wales, 198.10; Scotland, 180.36; Scandinavia, 154.78; France, 146.16; Hungary, 140.90; Russia and Poland, 127.06; Canada, 116.33; other foreign mothers, 265.11. The highest annual death rate due to this cause in New York during the 6 years was 593.61 per 100,000 of mean population in ward 2 and the lowest was 40.04 in sanitary district B of ward 19. In Brooklyn the highest rate for the 6 years was 438.77 in sanitary district D of ward 14 and the lowest was 59.21 in sanitary district I of ward 18. The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of pneumonia in different parts of New York and Brooklyn, indicate that most of the districts in which it was especially fatal are either waterside districts or of low altitude, yet it was not especially fatal in all such districts. In a general way the maps correspond to those for consumption, and in New York there are some special resemblances between the pneumonia map and that for diarrheal diseases. The race factor is one of great importance in studying the relative prevalence of this disease in different localities. The relations of the areas of filled ground in New York city to the local prevalence of pneumonia are also specially interesting, as will be seen by applying the transparent outline map over the pneumonia map. The influence of filled areas upon the prevalence of such diseases as imeumonia, malarial fevers, and diarrheal diseases is probably connected with the presence, in the soil of such areas, of more than the average number of the micro-organisms which cause such diseases, and this may depend on the greater moisture of the soil, on the greater amount of organic matter contained in the material used for filling, or on the imperfect condition of the sewers in some of these localities leading to continuous soil pollution, or to combinations of all these circumstances. DIARBHEAL DISEASES. The total number of deaths due to diarrheal diseases in New York during the G-year period was 26,514, the a verage annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population being 316.85. In the census year the number of deaths from these causes was 4,565 and the death rate was 301.26, or less than the average for the 6 years. The same diseases caused 12,240 deaths in Brooklyn during the 6 years, or an average annual death rate per 100,000 of mean population of 282.58. For the census year the number was 1,890 and the death rate 234.39, also below the average for the 6 years. The death rates resulting from these causes were therefore much less in Brooklyn than in New York for both the whole 6 years and the census year. 40 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 35 shows the death rates due to diarrheal diseases during the census year in each city at three groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 35. LOCALITIES. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Under 1 year. Under 5 years. 45 years and over. 8, 552.70 6, 820.44 2,359.64 1,772.91 173.19 131. 05 Table 36 shows the death rates due to diarrheal diseases during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 36. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Yew York. Brooklyn. 301.62 233. 59 464. 67 311.97 360. 46 269. 57 513. 09 342. 20 83. 36 72. 87 280. 44 292.34 Birthplaces of mothers: 3?1.95 284.23 237. 89 178. 74 238. 49 208. 52 Taking the whole 6-year period, the average annual death rates from diarrheal diseases in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were: mothers born in Bohemia, 766.73; Italy, 425.58; United States (white), 398.34; Scandinavia, 358.36; Hungary, 328.07; Canada, 309.96; Germany, 281.36; England and Wales, 240.71; Ireland, 237.64; France, 217.37; Scotland, 204.74; Russia and Poland, 195.55; other foreign mothers, 275.60. The corresponding rates in Brooklyn for the 6 years were as follows: mothers born in Bohemia, 1,215.28; United States (white), 342.25; Scandinavia, 320.68; Germany, 296.00; Italy, 281.76; Hungary, 261.67; Russia and Poland, 225.35; Ireland, 215.19; Canada, 211,98; England and Wales, 172.83; Scotland, 145.08; France, 134.31; other foreign mothers, 363.48. The locality in New York having the highest average annual death rate due to diarrheal diseases during the 6-year period was sanitary district G of ward 12 (523.51), and that having the lowest rate was sanitary district K of ward 22 (49.16). In Brooklyn the locality having the highest average annual death rate from diarrheal diseases was sanitary district B of ward 18 (530.17), and that having the lowest was district B of ward 20 (75.06). The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of diarrheal diseases in New York and Brooklyn, indicate that the districts in which these diseases were especially fatal were those low lying and tenement house districts in which there was a comparatively large proportion of children, and especially of German and Italian children. It will be observed that there are a number of coincidences between these maps and those for pneumonia, in relation to which see the remarks on the causes of pneumonia, page 39. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. During the 6-year period the number of deaths in New York due to causes of this class was 20,247, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of population being 241.06. In the census year the deaths numbered 3,468 and the rate was 228.87, or somewhat below the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the number of deaths during the 6 years from this class was 11,724, making an average annual death rate of 270.67 per 100,000 of population. Of this number 2,382 deaths occurred in the census year, the rate for which was 295.41, or considerably above the average annual rate for the 6 years, being just the reverse of the comparison in New York. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 41 This class embraces certain diseases, such as inflammation of the brain, convulsions, trismus nascentium, etc., which are peculiar to or more fatal in children under 5 years of age, and also other diseases, such as apoplexy, paralysis, etc., which occur but seldom in persons under 5 years of age. For this reason the remarks heretofore made concerning the differences in the proportion of children existing in the native and foreign classes, and also the excess of children having native mothers, should be remembered in comparing the rates given below. Table 37 shows the death rates due to diseases of the nervous system during the census year in each city at four groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 37. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. LOCALITIES. Under 5 years. 5 to 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. Jsew York Brooklyn 864.68 1,351.16 40. 52 77.69 66. 48 60.91 570. 54 568.14 It appears from this statement that the death rates from these causes at and above 15 years of age were very nearly equal in New York and Brooklyn, the excessive death rate in the latter city being entirely in the ages under 15 years. The number of deaths occurring in New York from causes in this class during the 6 years at ages under 5 years was 456.31 out of 1,000 deaths of all ages. For the census year the proportion was considerably less, being 390.35 per 1,000 of all ages. In Brooklyn the proportion of all deaths in this class which occurred under 5 years of age was higher than in New York, and higher in the census year than for the 6 years, the numbers being 494.29 for the average of the 6 years and 515.11 for the census year. Table 38 shows the death rates resulting from diseases of the nervous system during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 38. COLOR. NATIVITY. AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. White 228. 92 294.19 243.13 323. 38 259 90 359.43 235. 33 297. 66 209. 89 234.35 225. 91 383.70 Birthplaces of mothers: 250. 06 357. 71 242. 40 286.19 Germany 189. 46 234.08 For the whole 6 years the average animal death rates from these causes in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were as follows: mothers born in Bohemia, 336.76; United States (white), 293.48; Italy, 258.73; Ireland, 242.44; England and Wales, 240.71; Scotland, 236.67; France, 218.45; Germany, 197.39; Canada, 196.37; Hungary, 192.13; Scandinavia, 168.24; Russia and Poland, 117.68; other foreign mothers, 165.76. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates for the 6 years were: mothers born in Bohemia, 607.64; United States (white), 323.83; Ireland, 257.43; England and Wales, 247.16; Germany, 223.90; France, 209.37; Italy, 205.96; Scotland, 202.58; Scandinavia, 183.85; Canada, 155.11; Russia and Poland, 148.64; Hungary, 60.39; other foreign mothers, 271.78. Comparing the different sanitary districts in New York for the 6-year period, we find that the highest average annual death rate due to the causes of this class was 487.06 in ward 2, and the lowest was 95.17 in sanitary district M of ward 22. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates were: highest, 406.12 in sanitary district A of ward 18, and the lowest 115.07 in district A of ward 8. 42 VITAL STATISTICS. DIPHTHERIA AND CROUP. The total number of deaths from diphtheria and croup in New York during the 6-year period was 15,199, the .average annual death rate per 100,000 of population being 181.63. For the census year the rate was considerably less, being 123.41 and the number of deaths 1,870. In Brooklyn diphtheria and croup caused 7,122 deaths during the 6 years, and 1,366 in the census year, the ■rate for the latter, which was 169.41, being slightly in excess of the average annual rate for the 6 years, namely, 164.42. Table 39 shows for each city the death rates due to diphtheria and croup during the census year at five groups of ages per 100,000 population of similar age$. Table 39. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. LOCALITIES. Under 1 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 45 45 years .year. years. years. years. and over. New York 534. 04 90S. 61 120. 09 4.18 4. 56 Brooklyn 292. 23 1,060.44 239.45 5. 21 4.39 Table 40 shows the death rates due to diphtheria and croup during the census year in each city per 100,000 of with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 40. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. 124.53 203.60 186. 70 211. 46 18.68 58.42 207.63 81.88 92. 62 171.11 243. 51 225.09 256. 65 22.63 45.68 240.96 134. 95 134.41 Birthplaces of mothers: Germany The highest average annual death rate due to diphtheria and croup during the 6 years in New York was 302.88 in sanitary district C of ward 19, and the lowest was 32.71 in district D of ward 18. In Brooklyn the highest rate for the same time was 440.79 in sanitary district D of ward 8, and the lowest 'was 34.11 in district A of ward 24. The shaded maps, which show the relative prevalence of diphtheria and croup in different parts of New York ;and Brooklyn, indicate that the districts in which it was especially fatal were mostly low lying, with ground water not far from the surface, and in New York, that it was especially prevalent in some of the districts containing much filled ground. It was most prevalent as a rule in the most densely populated districts, but to this there are some exceptions. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. During the 6-year period the number of deaths in New York due to this class was 14,537, the average annual death rate per 100,000 of population being 173.72. In the census year the deaths numbered 2,542 and the rate was 167.76, being somewhat below the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the number of deaths during the 6 years from this class of causes was 4,889, making an average annual death rate of 112.87 per 100,000 of population. There were 977 deaths from this class during the census year, or a death rate of 121.16, which was above the average for the 6 years, being just the reverse of the comparison in New York. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 43 Table 41 shows the death rates due to diseases of the urinary organs during the census year in each city at three groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 41. LOCALITIES. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. 38. 98 31.47 108. 74 82.24 605. 34 404.14 It appears from this statement that the death rate for this class of causes was higher in New York than in Brooklyn, the excessive death rate in the former city being over 45 years of age. Table 42 shows the death rates resulting from diseases of the urinary organs during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 42. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. New York. Brooklyn. 105.95 120 69 108. 84 82 48 Both parents native 130. 88 90.31 One or both parents foreign 98. 60 76.90 242.39 199. 06 272. 65 155. 31 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white) 113. 23 82.06 Ireland 261.43 204. 71 Germany 142. 16 93. 02 For the 6-year period the average annual death rates from this class of causes in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were as follows: mothers born in Ireland, 272.45; Scotland, 214.13; England and Wales, 206.13; Bohemia, 154.85; France, 150.65; Germany, 141.78; Canada, 134.77; United States (white), 124.14; Scandinavia, 106.69; Italy, 73.38; Hungary, 51.68; Bussia and Poland, 48.34; other foreign mothers, 87.93. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates for the 6 years were: mothers born in Bohemia, 260.42; Ireland, 171.38; England and Wales, 121.91; Scotland, 101.94; France, 94.81; Germany, 92.07; United States (white), 80.20; Canada, 77.56; Scandinavia, 53.02; Russia and Poland, 47.95; Italy, 40.05; other foreign mothers; 133.39. There were no deaths from this class of causes reported among those whose mothers were born in Hungary. Comparing the different sanitary districts in New York for the 6-year period, wTe find that the highest average annual rate due to this class of causes was 334.86 in ward 2, and the lowest was 31.72 in sanitary district M of ward 22. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates were highest (326.80) in sanitary district F of ward 17, and lowest (37.40) in sanitary district E of ward 24. HEART DISEASE AND DROPSY. The number of deaths from these causes during the 6-year period in New York was 11,568, and the average animal death rate per 100,000 of mean population was 138.24. During the census year the number was 1,952, and the death rate per 100,000 of population was 128.82. In Brooklyn these diseases caused 5,681 deaths during the 6 years, the average annual death rate being 131.16. For the census year the number of deaths was 1,097 and the death rate was 136.05. The death rate due to heart disease and dropsy was therefore greater during the census year and less for the average of the 6 years in Brooklyn than in New York. 44 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 43 shows the death rates due to heart disease and dropsy during the census year in each city at two groups of ages, per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 43. LOCALITIES. DEATH BATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and’ over. 79. 73 75. 84 469. 03 492. 00 Table 44 shows the death rates resulting from heart disease and dropsy during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 44. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. COLOR, NATIVITY. AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. - — Xew York. Brooklyn. White 128 09 134 90 83 97 85. 66 Both parents native 107.21 109. 63 One or both parents foreign 73.18 68. 57 187.13 235. 88 171.38 219.26 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white) 93. 81 94.37 167 02 191.47 Germany 130. 76 128. 28 The average annual death rates during the 6-year period from these causes in Yew York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were: mothers born in France, 189.39; Ireland, 179.79; Scotland, 171.87; England and Wales, 163.91; Germany, 135.74; United States (white), 113.15; Bohemia, 111.25; Canada, 105.89; Scandinavia, 77.96; Hungary, 67.41; Italy, 60.62; Russia and Poland, 39.81; other foreign mothers, 88.50. The corresponding death rates in Brooklyn during the 6 years were: mothers born in Bohemia, 434.03; Ireland, 170.73; England and Wales, 156.10; Scotland, 150.30; Canada, 147.36; Germany, 125.20; France, 102.71; United States (white), 99.40; Scandinavia, 51.31; Italy, 42.91; Hungary, 40.26; Russia and Poland, 31.17; other foreign mothers, 145.06. The highest average annual death rate due to these causes in Yew York during the 6 years was 410.96 in ward 2, and the lowest rate was 47.59 in sanitary district M of ward 22. In Brooklyn the highest average annual rate for the same period was 219.34 in sanitary district B of ward 21 while the lowest rate was 36.02 in district D of ward 24, except in district F of ward 17, in which no deaths occurred from these causes in the 6 years. CANCER AND TUMOR, For the 6-year period the number of deaths from cancer and tumor in Yew York was 5,067, of which 953 occurred during the census year, the death rates being 60.55 and 62.89 per 100,000 of population, respectively. In Brooklyn the deaths and death rates were as follows: deaths during the 6 years, 2,091; death rate, 48.27; deaths during the census year, 389; death rate, 48.24. Table 45 shows the death rates in each city due to cancer and tumor during the census year, at two groups of ages, per 100,000 of population of corresponding ages. Table 45. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. LOCALITIES. ! 15 to 45 45 years years. and over. New York 29.60 285.48 Brooklyn 18. 96 223. 30 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 45 Table 46 shows the death rates due to cancer and tumor during the census year in each city per 100,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 46. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. 63. 24 47. 77 30. 96 26. 56 53. 98 44. 93 20. 27 13.46 106.44 91.28 42.84 82. 22 Birthplaces of mothers: 39. 54 71. 87 51. 43 Germany 75. 78 55.20 Taking the 6-year period, the average annual death rates from these causes in New York per 100,000 mothers, according to nativity of the mother, were as follows: France, 89.32; England and Wales, 82.12; Germany, 71.12; Scotland, 70.44; Ireland, 69.39; Bohemia, 69.16; Canada, 67.38; United States (white), 45.25; Scandinavia, 27.36; Italy, 24.88; Hungary, 24.72; Russia and Poland, 24.28; other foreign mothers, 48.14. In Brooklyn the corresponding rates were: mothers born in Bohemia, 173.61; Scotland, 75.81; England and Wales, 58.35; Ireland, 58.20; Canada, 54.29; Germany, 48.81; France, 39.50; United States (white), 37.27; Scandinavia, 19.67; Italy, 11.44; Russia and Poland, 9.59; other foreign mothers, 65.03. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. In New York diseases of the liver caused 2,7(14 deaths during the 6-year period, or 33.03 deaths annually per 100,000 of mean population. For the census year the number of deaths was 478, the rate being 31.54 per 100,000 of population, or somewhat below the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the death rates due to this cause were higher. There were 1,557 deaths during the 6-year period, the average rate per 100,000 of mean population being 35.95. The number of deaths during the census year was 283, and the death rate was 35.10, which was but little below the average for the 6 years. Table 47 shows the death rates due to diseases of the liver during the census year at three groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 47. LOCALITIES. DEATH BATES PEE 100,000 OF POPULATION. Under 15 years. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and' over. 8. 25 10. 09 19. 22 18. 01 116.43 133. 25 From this statement it appears that the higher death rate from this cause in Brooklyn was among those under 15 and over 45 years of age. The rate for those between 15 and 45 years of age was less in Brooklyn than in New York. 46 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 48 shows the death rates due to diseases of the liver during the census year in each city per 160,000 of population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 48. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. 31. 75 35.45 ie. 65 19.08 23.29 26. 51 13. 57 13. 78 51.96 69. 04 19. 47 9.14 Birthplaces of mothers: 20.32 22.75 48. 33 57.54 32. 20 38. 84 The average annual death rates due to this cause during the 6-year period in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were: mothers born in Ireland, 52.64; France, 48.42; England and Wales, 33.25; Germany, 32.38; Bohemia, 30.07; Scotland, 30.05; Canada, 23.10; Hungary, 21.35; United States (white), 20.55; Italy, 19.78; Scandinavia, 16.41; Kussia and Poland, 5.69; other foreign mothers, 21.62. The corresponding rates for the 6 years in Brooklyn according to nativities of mothers were: mothers born in Bohemia, 173.61; Ireland, 54.42; Scotland, 47.05; Canada, 38.78; Germany, 35.85; France, 35.55; England and Wales, 35.31; United States (white), 21.36; Hungary, 20.13; Italy, 14.30; Scandinavia, 10.26; Russia and Poland, 9.59; other foreign mothers, 33.35. The highest average annual death rate due to this cause per 100,000 of mean population irr New York during the 6 years was 91.32 in ward 2, and the lowest was 3.97 in sanitary district M of ward 22. There were no deaths reported from this cause in sanitary district C of ward 1 and sanitary district A B of ward 12. In Brooklyn the highest rate for the 6 years was 65.36 in sanitary district F of ward 17, and the lowest was 6.55 in sanitary district D of ward 14. MALARIAL FEVER. During the 6-year period malarial fever caused 2,060 deaths in New York, or 24.62 deaths annually per 100,000 of mean population. During the census year it caused 243 deaths, or 16.04 per 100,000 of population, the rate being decidedly below the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn the total deaths from this cause during the 6 years were 1,413, or 32.62 per 100,000 of population. For the census year the deaths were 207, and the death rate 25.67 per 100.000 of population, being also below the average for the 6 years. Table 49 shows the death rates in each city due to malarial fever during the census year at three groups of ages per 100,000 population of corresponding ages. Table 49. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. LOCALITIES. '] Under 15 15 to 45 45 years years. years. and over, j New York 17.43 11.34 29. 83 Brooklyn 23.40 20. 86 44.66 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 47 Table 50 shows the death rates due to malarial fever during the census year in each city per 100,000 of' population, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 50. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. White 15. 64 25. 77 16. 42 23.19 19. 77 16. 64 16. 32 25 63 14. 60 31. 07 38. 95 18 27 Birthplaces of mothers: 17. 63 23.13 22.54 36.16 10.40 18.40 The average annual death rates due to this cause during the 6-year period in New York per 100,000 mothers of specified nativities were: Ireland, 32.11; United States (white), 30.33; England and Wales, 28.93; Canada, 28.88; Scotland, 27.24; France, 25.83; Bohemia, 25.56; Italy, 21.06; Germany, 17.72; Scandinavia, 16.41; Hungary, 4.49; Russia and Poland, 4.37; other foreign mothers, 13.55. The corresponding rates for the 6 years in Brooklyn according to birthplaces of mothers were : Canada, 43.95; Ireland, 41.51; Italy, 34.33; Scotland, 31.37; England and Wales, 31.22; United States (white), 29.28; Scandinavia, 28.22; Germany, 27.09; France, 19.75; Russia and Poland, 4.79; other foreign mothers, 36.68. No deaths from malarial fever were reported as occurring during the 6 years in two sanitary districts in each city. The highest annual death rate from this cause per 100,000 of mean population in New York was 84.38 in ward 24, and the lowest was 4.73 in sanitary district P of ward 12. In Brooklyn the highest annual rate was 85.13 in sanitary district D of ward 14, and the lowest was 9.31 in district C of ward 22. It should be remembered that in those districts where malaria was prevalent a considerable part of its effects does not appear in the death rates attributed to “ malarial fevers ”, since it complicates other forms of disease and increases the death rates from pneumonia and diseases of the digestive and nervous system. The relations of the death rate from malarial fevers to altitude are given in Tables 73 and 74. TYPHOID FEVER. Typhoid fever caused 2,031 deaths in New York during the 6-year period, the average annual death rate from this cause per 100,000 of mean population being 24.27. For the census year the number of deaths was 348 and the death rate 22.97 per 100,000 of population, or less than the average for the 6 years. The number of deaths from this cause in Brooklyn during the 6 years was 1,002, the average annual rate being 23.13, and the number of deaths in the census year was 194, making a death rate of 24.06 per 100,000 of population. In the Metropolitan district during the census year the death rate from typhoid fever was 30.58. The average death rate from this cause in Brooklyn was less than in New York for the 6-year period but greater for the census year, during which last period it was less in each city than it was in the rest of the Metropolitan distri ct. Table 51 shows the death rate due to typhoid fever during the census year in each city at three groups of ages per 100,000 population of those ages. Table 51. LOCALITIES. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. 5 to 15 years. 15 to 45- years. 45 years and over. New York Brooklyn 11.42 14.65 30. 56 36: 31 20. 71 13.18 These figures show that the excess of the death rate in Brooklyn during the census year occurred under 45» years, the rate for New York exceeding that of Brooklyn for the ages 45 years and over., 48 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 52 shows the death rate per 100,000 of population due to typhoid fever during the census year in each city, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 52. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH KATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. 22.89 24. 39 18. 53 20. 95 19.22 24. 26 18. 21 18. 58 28. 78 31.45 27. 26 Birthplaces of mothers: 17.03 22.01 26.04 27.50 25.01 18.40 Taking the 6 years, the average annual death rates from typhoid fever in New York per 100,000 mothers of the specified nativities were as follows: mothers born in Scandinavia, 43.77; England and Wales, 28.93; Canada, 28.88; Germany, 28.01; Italy, 26.16; Ireland, 25.56; Scotland, 24.42; France, 18.29; Bohemia, 18.04; United States (white), 17.40; Hungary, 12.36; Russia and Poland, 9.19; other foreign mothers, 23.64. The corresponding rates in Brooklyn were: mothers born in Scandinavia, 32.50; Ireland, 22.32; England and Wales, 22.30; Germany, 21.82; Russia and Poland, 21.58; United States (white), 21.57; Hungary, 20.13; Scotland, 19.60; Canada, 18.10; France, 11.85; Italy, 10.01; other foreign mothers, 26.68. There were no deaths from this cause in two sanitary districts in New York and three sanitary districts in Brooklyn during the 6 years.. Of the districts in New Yrork in which deaths occurred from this cause the highest annual rate per 100,000 of population was 76.10 in ward 2 and the lowest was 4.35 in sanitary district E of ward 12. The sanitary district having the highest annual death rate from this cause in Brooklyn during the 6 years was district B of ward 23 (69.66), while the lowest rate for the same time was 3.75 in district G of ward 18. CHILDBIRTH AND PUERPERAL DISEASES. The death rates per 100,000 of population due to childbirth and puerperal diseases vary greatly in different localities in New York and Brooklyn, but these differences depend so much on the proportion of women of childbearing ages present in the different districts that they have little scientific interest or value. If we take the women between 15 and 45 years of age we find that during the census year out of each 100,000 of such women there died of childbirth and puerperal diseases in New York 83.11, in Brooklyn G4.44. Table 53 shows the death rates due to childbirth and puerperal diseases during the census year in each city per 100,000 women between the ages of 15 and 45 years, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Table 53. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES 100,000 WOMEN 15 TO 45 YEARS OF AGE. New York. Brooklyn. 83. 81 66 03 66. 27 54. 26 50.21 Both parents native 49. 72 One or both parents foreign 73. 52 56. 79 101.77 86. 08 81. 54 29. 04 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white) 48. 54 54.61 England and Wales 45.56 51.38 73. 62 76. 75 103. 68 80.16 96. 20 German v 67.08 Russia and Poland ... 81.36 89.69 103.95 49.12 64. 06 175. 25 177. 41 Italy 196. 95 121.90 Other foreign countries 67. 23 58. 58 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 49 From this it would appear that the death rate from these causes in New York was more than twice as great among the foreign as it was among the native of native parents and greater than it was among the colored; that it was greatest of all in both cities among the Italians, and that it was very high among the Germans and the Bussians and Poles. The actual number of deaths from these causes was too small to make the ratios derived from them of much value, and the reason why the death rates are higher among the foreign born is probably the fact that a much larger proportion of women of this class are attended by ignorant and unskilled mid wives than is the case for American women. STILLBIRTHS. The number of stillbirths during the 6-year period in New York was 18,S62, the average annual number per 100,000 of mean population being 225.41. For the census year the number was 3,302 and the rate per 100,000 of population 217.91, being slightly less than the average for the 6 years. In Brooklyn 7,754 stillbirths were reported as occurring during the 6 years, the average annual number per 100,000 of mean population being 179.01. The rate for the census year was 165.31, which was also below the average for the 6 years. The actual number of stillbirths in the census year was 1,333. Table 54 shows for New York and Brooklyn the average annual number of stillbirths during the 6-year period per 100,000 of mean population, with distinction of color and birthplaces of mothers for the whites. Table 54. COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. DEATH RATE!: OF POP! New York. PEE 100,000 ILATION. Brooklyn. White - 224. 09 180.48 300. 66 75. 91 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 340. 00 270.38 England and Wales 174.55 91.43 134.83 108 93 125. 85 87. 57 150.65 82. 96 Germany 173. 22 147.71 Russia and Poland 203. 64 170. 21 111. 66 126.67 Scandinavia 157. 30 136. 82 196. 62 60. 39 408. 92 260 42 383.15 273.18 The remarks made above with regard to the deatli rates from childbirth and puerperal diseases apply also to a considerable extent to the death rates from stillbirths. Since the ratios to total population are so much affected by the number of women of childbearing ages in each class they are of little scientific value. Table 55 shows for New York and Brooklyn tor the census year the number of stillbirths per 100,000 ot women from 15 to 45 years of age, with distinction of color and birthplaces of mothers. Table 55. COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. RATES PER 100,000 WOMEN 15 TO 45 YEARS OF AGE. New York. Brooklyn. 773.22 619 59 850. 32 290.36 Birthplaces of mothers: 1, 376.12 1, 036. 03 234. 88 288. 22 579. 28 356. 51 287.80 336. 96 561.12 231.12 539. 92 549. 66 1,164. 51 658. 35 2, 690. 58 392.93 585.06 448.43 1,489.59 1,064.46 2,059. 74 770.12 386.10 1. 665. 99 175.75 50 VITAL STATISTICS. From this table it will be seen that the proportion of stillbirths was greater in New York among the colored than among the whites, while the reverse was the case in Brooklyn. In New York city it was greatest of all among the Italian mothers, next among the Hungarian mothers, and next among the American mothers, while it was lowest among the Scotch and Irish mothers. In Brooklyn it was greatest among the Russian and Polish, the Italian and the native American mothers and lowest among the French and English mothers. The number of stillbirths per 100,000 of total population varies greatly in different localities, being greatest as a rule in the tenement house districts, but for the reason stated above these rates have little scientific value. SUICIDES. During the 0-year period there were 1,311 suicides in New York, or 15.07 annually per 100,000 of mean population. During the census year there were 227 or 14.98 per 100,000 of population, the rate being below the average. In Brooklyn the death rate from this cause was much less; 365 deaths due to it occurred during the 0 years and 78 during the census year, the rates per 100,000 of population being for the 6 years 8.43 and for the census year 9.67. The rate for the census year was higher than that for the 6 years. Table 56 shows the death rates per 100,000 of population due to suicides during the census year at two- groups of ages. Table 56. LOCALITIES. DEATH KATES PEK 100.000 OF POPULATION. 15 to 45 years. 45 years and over. 16.71 7. 82 • 36.05 32. 95 From this table it appears that the death rates from this cause were higher in New York than in Brooklyn at both groups of ages, the greater excess being among those under 45 years of age. Table 57 shows the death rates per 100,000 of population over 15 years of age due to suicides in New York and Brooklyn during the census year, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and birthplaces of mothers. Table 57. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 • OF POPULATION OVER 15 YEARS OF AGE. New York. Brooklyn. 21. 24 14.17 12 74 10 11 Both parents native 20.05 10. 27 One or both parents foreign 8.62 9. 98 28. 06 19.28 9. 63 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (white; 15. 31 9.80 England and Wales 23.48 7.75 9. 99 6. 46 Scotland 13.05 37. 03 7. 57 Gemany 28.43 23.10 14.18 14.45. 19. 86 Scandinavia 97.72 6.60 56'. 20 39. 01 14. 35 Other foreign countries 36.83 29.14 The actual number of suicides in most of the groups by birthplaces of mothers was too small to make the rates of much value, but the high rate from this cause among the Germans as compared with the Irish and the Americans is really significant. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 51 OTHER ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES. During the 6-year period there were 8,212 deaths in New York due to accidents and injuries, excluding suicides, or 98.14 deaths annually per 100,000 of mean population. During the census year there were 1,497 deaths, or 98.79 per 100,000 of population, the rate being slightly above the average. In Brooklyn the death rates due to this cause were less both in the census year and in the average for the 6 years. The number of deaths due to this cause during the 6 years was 2,644, or 61.04 annually per 100,000 of population. During the census year there were 441 deaths, or 54.69 per 100,000 of population, the death rate being below the average for the 6 years. For persons from 15 to 45 years of age the death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was, in New York, 85.82; in Brooklyn, 47.64; while for those 45 years of age and upward it was in New York 158.69, and in Brooklyn 97.38. Table 58 shows the death rates due to accidents and injuries per 100,000 of population during the census year, with distinction of color, nativity, parental nativity, and certain birthplaces of mothers. Table 58. COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. New York. Brooklyn. 98. 28 54.82 85. 50 41. 52 89.10 47. 62 83. 83 37.17 82. 08 45.68 36.93 115. 39 128.53 Birthplaces of mothers: 72. 00 130. 71 65. 69 69.10 38.33 This shows that in New York the death rate from accidents was highest among the Irish and the colored. Table 59 shows for each ward and sanitary district in New York the number of deaths due to suicides and to accidents during the 6-year period, with the corresponding average annual death rates. 52 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 59. DEATHS. RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. DEATHS. , RATES PER J 00,000 OF POPULATION. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Total 1.311 8,212 15.67 98.14 46 279 15.32 92.94 28 249 36. 35 323. 28 A B 19 67 74 18. 74 14. 37 137. 07 72. 99 172.44 A 17 158 30. 20 280. 68 B 11 77 63.00 441. 01 I) 17 66 15. 72 61. 02 c 14 428.13 Ward 17 122 19.62 24.26 20. 39 23. 95 60. 78 378 10 46 152. 21 700.15 26 64.38 69 19 87 85. 38 390. 94 B 37 50. 70 92 Ward 4 22 158 19. GO 140. 74 17 53. 54 c 38 A 10 80 22. 08 176. 67 I) 12 38.15 36 12. 72 B 12 78 17.91 116.45 E 10 93.93 62 15.15 Ward 5 14 142 17.50 177. 48 20 79.45 96. 49 F 81 19. 62 A 8 98 17.06 208.97 Ward 18 71 372 18.42 1} G 44 18.12 132. 87 101. 94 A c 24 25.48 Warjl 0 28 152 21.02 114.11 B 12 i 17 53.28 139.64 46.73 81.82 67. 28 110.90 36 17.76 A 7 1G 62. 09 141.92 c 208 11.41 B 8 55 21.11 145.16 D 8 20 18. 69 C 13 81 15.47 96. 39 28 E 84 27. 27 Ward 7 32 328 9. 68 99. 27 143 8 842 43 11.43 20.63 A 8 91 13.95 158. 63 A B 5 90 7.60 136.82 B 16 78 15. 24 74. 30 c 13 90 10.04 69.50 c 10 5 107 26 59 66 12. 07 13. 77 9.83 13.24 27.66 8.83 11.60 7.74 9.39 1 8.88 14. 31 9.22 3.95 129.11 71. 59 1) G 57 7.71 73.29 1) Ward 8 20 178 10. 24 91.14 E - 9 64.45 A 8 7G 11. 76 111.75 E 14 62.44 48.81 88. 34 B 4 49 7.50 91.94 G 17 9 30 90 34 17 66 38 30 78 58 C 8 53 10.81 71.63 H Ward 9 38 354 11.63 108.3C I 4 98. 59 A 7 99 12. 76 180.41 K 3 43. 85 B 15 86 11.76 67.45 L 10 61. 99 C 5 110 8.32 182. 93 M 5 67.45 39 04 I) 11 59 13.04 69.95 ]ST 11 Ward 10 6! 216 19.31 66. 20 o 14 51. 40 A 34 121 19. 68 70.05 p 5 45. 84 B 29 95 18. 89 61.87 B 3 22 8.15 59. 74 12 308 16. 36 69.97 54. 70 A 23 78 16.13 Ward 20 58 514 11.40 100. 99 A 3 103 86 81 69 125 50 4.10 10.09 9.68 16.19 9.43 18. 37 140.63 B 14 57 12.12 49. 36 B 10 86. 76 112.03 74. 49 C 19 84 25.65 113. 39 c 1) 16 89 14.81 82.38 I) 15 Ward 12 152 901 14. 37 85.17 E 9 130.91 A 11 20 49.89 90. 70 F 14 65. 62 B 3 34 5.21 59.02 Ward 21 55 361 22 47 14.31 16.17 13.42 93. 93 C 3 41 5.82 79. 57 A 71.14 78. 82 I) 1 41 3.31 135. 66 B 8 E 4 22 8.70 47.86 c 12 97 16.69 134. 95 F 2 29 5.49 79. 67 G D 4 16 12. 03 48.13 13 75 16.85 97.19 H E 7 40 13. 88 79.33 22 17.37 76.42 F 4 10 20. 61 51.52 I 16 83 15. 87 82.31 K G 4 20 10. 40 52. 02 2 18 9. 86 88. 70 H 11 109 13.69 135. 62 3 15 9.30 46.51 M 25 79 704 9.42 83.96 154 14.65 90. 26 N 17 A 12 152 9. 75 123.51 61 15. 30 54.88 0 17 B 19 119 10.16 63. 66 108 14.14 89. 80 G c 7 53 ! 9. 07 68. 20 P 27 28.41 127. 84 R 1 1) 3 69 5. 50 126. 54 44 2. 04 89.97 19 E 12 94 9. 22 72.22 93 26. 66 130.47 AB F 5 41 9. 32 76.44 14 34. 92 122. 23 21 G 3 67 5.38 120.12 182 8. 08 70.07 11 H 3 25 8. 53 71.06 97 7. 02 61. 94 B 10 I 42 8. 77 73.65 85 9. 70 16. 84 28. 43 82.41 Ward 14 29 16 K 1 3. 78 7.83 56. 73 133.15 162 58 104 94.07 103. 06 89. 71 L 1 17 ; B 13 11. 21 M 8 10 31.72 39.65 43 137 26.36 83. 97 85.31 104. 68 59. 36 Ward 23 38 222 14.24 83.20 11 53 17. 71 Ward 24 18 123 16. 88 115. 32 13 9 32 27 42. 53 19.79 Unknown 90 817 C D 10 25 40. 04 100.11 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 53 Table GO shows for each ward and sanitary district in Brooklyn the number of deaths due to suicides and to accidents during the 6-year period, with the corresponding average annual death rates. Table 60 WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATHS. RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATHS. RATES PER 100,000 OF POPULATION. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Suicides. Accidents. Total 365 2, 644 8.43 61. 04 Ward 17 15 145 6.64 64.21 7. 71 W ard 1 6 74 5. 09 62.81 B 13 34. 73 A 3 44 4.85 71.07 C 5 37 9.45 69. 96 B 3 30 5.37 53.66 D 5 38 6. 98 53. 01 Ward 2 6 68 11.03 125.01 E 1 8 9. 59 76. 72 Ward 3 12 46 10. 75 41.20 F 326 80 A 6 30 9.52 47.62 Ward 18 28 161 8. 77 50.42 B 6 16 12.33 32. 89 A 6 29 13. 39 64.71 Ward 4 4 43 5.35 57.47 B 2 6 19. 28 57.84 W ard 5 8 67 6. 78 56. 79 C 4 19 23. 78 112.93 A 3 32 5.28 56. 27 D 4 23 6.92 39.80 B 5 35 | 8.18 57. 27 E 8 23 13.82 39.74 W ard 6 12 140 5.41 63. 06 F 1 14 3. 24 45.41 A 2 18 3. 86 34. 76 G 1 5 3.75 18.73 B 7 92 6. 63 87.15 14 C 3 30 4.64 46. 40 3 W ard 7 15 87 7. 26 42. 08 K 2 25 6. 43 80.36 A 3 29 5.04 48. 72 Ward 19 23 101 11.47 50.37 B 5 19 10.24 38. 90 A 6 40 12. 36 82.39 C 5 18 9.87 35. 52 B 4 21 7.58 39.78 D 2 21 4.19 44. 03 13 40 13 11 Ward 8 18 111 11.45 70. 60 Ward 20 12 60 8.28 41.40 A.. 2 23 9.21 105. 86 A 6 24 9.95 39.80 B 9 56 12. 05 74.95 2 11 5. 36 C 5 29 9. 54 55.35 4 25 8. 45 D 2 3 23.83 35. 74 20 110 7.61 Ward 9 5 62 4.94 61.31 2 22 3.82 A 4 23 8.42 48.40 3 17 B 1 33 2.19 72.11 C 7 34 8.95 43. 48 C 6 76.45 1 6 2.61 W ard 10 12 105 6. 29 55. 03 E 7 31 11.91 52. 76 A 6 30 7. 61 38. 05 22 83 8.95 B 5 46 6. 76 62. 21 3 20 4.34 28. 04 C 1 29 2. 63 76. 32 2 5 6. 83 17. 07 Ward 11 12 69 8.93 51.38 1 6 4. 65 27. 93 A 6 . 44 8.44 61.93 9 22 14. 86 36 32 B 6 25 9.49 39.52 2 10 77.41 Ward 12 9 161 5. 84 104.40 5 20 9.52 38. 07 A 3 54 7. 96 143. 29 12 36 8.44 25 31 B 3 45 11.17 167. 49 A 4 8 8.64 17.28 C 3 62 3.35 69.15 4 16 8.71 34.83 Ward 13 17 63 13.21 48.96 C 4 12 8. 00 24.01 A 5 26 14.93 77.62 3 32 3.61 38. 56 B 7 28 13.18 52.74 A 1 8 5. 68 45.48 C 5 9 11.88 21.38 1 8 3. 25 26.03 Ward 14 a 116 6.86 72.33 C 1 8 9.71 77.70 A 3 28 7. 65 71.42 D 2 24.02 B 4 38 7.68 73.01 E 6 37.40 C 3 40 5. 57 74.28 Wnrtl 9S 9 72 4.34 34. 70 D 1 10 6. 55 65.49 1 27 1.71 46.16 Ward 15 15 73 9. 48 46.13 B 2 14 4.97 34. 76 A 18 62. 54 C i 13 2. 42 31.44 B 4 18 7. 36 33.12 D 4 11 10. 83 29. 78 C 1! 37 14. 65 49. 27 E i 7 3. 29 23.01 Ward 16 31 135 11. 53 50. 23 82 9. 96 58.36 A 3 15 9.14 45 69 14 342 B 14 36 19. 06 49. 02 C 7 43 8.41 51.64 D 7 41 8.84 51. 75 54 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICTS. The location and boundaries of the wards and sanitary districts in each city are shown by the maps and are given in detail in the description of each district. The death rates of the different districts during the 6-year period are shown by the following tables. Table 61 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates, inclusive of stillbirths, in the different sanitary districts in New York, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 61. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. 1 Aggregate. Total. AA7hite. Native. Foreign. Colored. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total 29.92 29. 86 34. 96 33.51 35.62 23.15 33.27 AVard 1—A 50.15 50.19 53.33 69.16 50.24 46.83 37.04 B 39.12 39. 77 38. 33 58.33 30. 80 41. 74 24. 93 C 17.74 18.41 21.31 17.68 32. 20 12. 52 Ward 2 59.21 58.83 58.48 75. 76 49.59 59.20 74.07 AVard 3 33.48 33.61 33.43 36.45 31.78 33.83 17.24 AVard 4—A 44.15 44.17 44.75 54. 34 42. 06 43. 43 40.82 B 44.17 44.10 50.59 48.97 51.04 37.31 59. 75 AVard 5—A 41.54 41.43 45.23 54.95 42.63 36.61 93.75 B 35.88 35.82 41. 09 45.74 39.82 29.29 39.91 AVard 6--A 33. 53 33.28 35.13 49.31 31.98 31.44 62. 50 B 41.83 41.67 50. 72 56. 72 49.62 32.86 59. 52 C 44. 85 43.43 71.91 63.48 72. 74 25.71 97. 91 AVard 7—A 41.70 41.64 49.87 91.98 41.92 32.00 83.33 B 34. 87 34.81 39. 45 59.38 34.06 28.43 277. 78 C 27. 91 27. 97 35.44 62. 53 31.46 20.51 D 30.51 30.53 34.09 45. 60 30. 37 25. 29 12.82 AVard 8—A 33.22 33.14 34.21 38.61 32. 37 31.47 48. 02 B 45.41 44.18 61.62 68.93 59. 57 27. 30 72. 35 C 33.35 33.10 38.89 35.59 40. 22 26.00 42. 96 AVard 9—A 32.40 32. 30 31.50 29.32 33.27 33.99 88.24 B 29.48 29.62 30.57 30.19 30.88 27.52 26. 65 C 30.12 29.99 30.82 31.82 30.19 28.28 68. 63 I) 25.95 26. 02 25.40 25.44 25.36 27.53 20. 95 AVard 10—A 29.02 29. 04 58.49 90. 72 56. 05 14.97 19.44 B 27.24 27. 25 45.89 59. 63 43.88 15.94 24. 04 AA7ard 11—A 28. 29 28.27 51.61 66.38 49.85 14.71 44.44 B 26.17 26.18 31. 38 40. 25 29.85 20.34 15.15 C 32. 06 32. 05 38.15 50. 37 34.66 24.17 45.45 D 29.01 29.00 31.96 35.98 30.93 24.70 37.04 AVard 12—A 15.46 15.60 15. 67 10. 81 23.73 15.45 3.88 B 26.83 26. 81 29.19 35.28 25.97 22. 72 31.25 C 31.44 31.01 40.59 48.54 38.47 19.02 48.88 D 29. 75 29. 70 i • 32.01 40.45 29.02 25.43 55. 56 E 17. 79 17.85 19.31 18.09 20.33 14. 73 4.76 F 28.10 27.84 30.67 37.00 28.10 22.92 40. 05 G 35.76 35. 52 49. 89 69.21 45.33 19.38 38. 87 H 19.35 19. 48 17. 69 12.17 23.63 23.48 8.62 I 37.46 37.45 45.85 46.60 45.59 25. 22 43. 01 K 18. 53 18.53 19.09 15.60 22.92 17.32 18. 52 L 17.30 17. 39 17.53 18.80 16.50 17.06 4.50 M 35. 62 35. 61 42.19 42. 56 42.01 25.17 37.92 N 20.61 20. 70 21.91 19. 35 25.13 17.71 16. 36 0 31.17 31.10 33. 70 35.78 31.98 25.37 35.18 P 26.04 25. 94 29. 36 27.17 30. 06 20.13 55.56 R 17.93 17.81 17.40 16. 39 18. 75 18.98 27. 78 S 20.45 20. 66 21.06 21.32 20.84 19.86 14.53 AB 29. 77 30.51 34.24 11.66 63.98 23.40 9. 80 AVard 13—A 27.15 27.06 49.90 j 75.10 46. 90 13.45 79. 71 B 31.31 31.26 38.57 53.20 34. 24 21.78 97.22 AVard 14—A 48.37 1 48.41 76. 95 86.26 75. 48 27.17 42. 79 B 42. 93 1 42.74 66.47 63.95 67.00 25.91 80. 81 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 55 'WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES , INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate. White. Colored. Total. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents ; native. ] One or both parents foreign. C 40.40 38.98 49. 00 40. 77 53. 50 28.85 | 110:56 c 23.92 23. 61 25.47 22. 35 30.47 20. 47 29. 89 D 29.35 29.43 31.12 28.19 36. 03 27.14 24.88' Ward 16—A 34.86 34. 86 35. 32 35. 73 35.13 34. 06 34.31 B 32. 28 32.45 31.25 31. 39 31.16 34.54 28. 93 C 31.95 31.90 32. 58 29. 07 35.40 30. 67 46.67 D 21.94 21. 34 22. 23 21.86 22.57 19.82 28. 76 Ward 17—A 29. 66 29. 64 39. 38 46.15 37. 84 21. 06 34. 59 B 28. 69 28. 66 41.19 56. 53 39. 00 18.95 65.48 C 24.43 24.42 27.53 35.07 25. 67 21.09 28. 99 D 25. 30 25.31 30. 34 38.97 29.18 20.12 9.80 E 29. 63 29.61 31.32 28.86 32. 37 27. 38 32. 26 F 32.74 32.76 38.63 49. 55 26. 01 Ward 18—A 22.55 22. 75 26.19 19. 69 43. 51 17. 49 14.34 B 26.16 26. 22 28.65 28.93 28.44 22. 79 21.01 c 38.87 38.88 43.66 61.04 40. 53 32. 58 20. 83 D 14.32 14.34 16.37 13.24 33.14 11.05 13. 62 E 29. 55 29.47 30.43 27. 46 31.93 28. 02 51.47 'Ward 19 A 23. 47 23. 93 29.12 26.12 36. 59 16. 29 10.56 B 29. 24 29. 22 32. 80 36.16 31.37 24. 03 31. 53 C 38. 02 38. 04 44. 55 56.15 42.41 29.65 31.53 D 20.73 20.56 25. 03 22.92 29. 69 13.51 30.74 E 28. 75 28.81 33. 96 36. 34 33.01 21.45 23.37 E 28. 90 28. 92 33.71 37. 34 32.89 22.97 16.67 (x 30.41 30. 48 39.13 33. 22 44. 74 17. 22 24. 43 II 32.78 32. 38 38.43 39. 28 38.21 24. 52 173. 47 I 34.48 34. 53 45.72 45.07 45. 84 21.74 33. 02 K 15. 84 15.89 17. 58 22. 04 15.15 13.46 11.26 L 31.56 31. 53 42.11 54.95 39.95 20. 70 47. 62 M 29.25 29. 26 47. 08 60. 24 45. 28 N 16.42 16. 52 18.31 19.87 17. 30 13. 66 13. 56 0 24. 28 24. 29 29. 00 32. 05 27. 95 18. 02 22. 99 P 19. 25 19. 25 23.28 27.47 22.11 13. 29 25. 64 R 12.52 12. 59 35.58 24. 98 43. 67 2.54 8. 33 Ward 20 A 38. 69 38. 52 41.47 50. 30 38. 74 34.18 63.22 B 34.84 33.04 36.45 37. 94 35. 63 28.19 46.35 C 33.62 33. 37 35. 26 42.92 32.54 30. 39 142. 86 D 28.13 27. 68 30.03 31.71 29. 00 24.02 32. 73 E 35.85 35. 79 40.43 49.23 38. 04 29.05 44.55 F 29.95 30. 20 32. 38 30. 63 33.32 26.65 27.12 | Ward 21—A 20.34 20.73 24. 42 21.11 36.05 15.01 6.94 B 28.86 28. 75 32. 31 28. 06 34. 89 23. 96 41.20 G 35. 23 35. 21 39. 66 44.61 38. 35 29.86 41.67 D 16.46 16.54 19. 80 17. 23 28.17 11. 33 13.33 E 25. 72 25. 82 27.31 24.48 29.24 23.60 12.82 F 19.27 19.48 25. 46 24.64 27. 51 11.20 13.39 Gr 24.84 24.83 25.98 20.42 30. 54 23. 07 25.93 H 38.65 38. 66 41.66 58.06 38.48 34. 66 30.30 Ward 22—A 35.15 35. 06 38.57 40. 56 37. 90 29. 30 194. 44 B 29. 66 29. 34 33. 00 36.52 31. 33 23. 35 57. 25 C 24.05 24.40 26. 02 23.25 30. 01 21.31 21.22 D 37. 89 38. 01 40. 74 48.41 38. 25 33. 60 27.51 E 27.94 27. 66 30. 34 29. 61 30.82 23.11 41. 57 F 22.95 22. 90 24. 07 19. 37 30. 69 20.74 24.03 G 33.38 35. 48 45.18 65.07 40. 26 23. 03 7.62 H 25.07 25.09 29.16 32.02 27.70 18. 30 20. 83 I 21.15 21.26 23. 07 21. 09 24.87 17.01 17.68 K 9. U3 9.40 10. 04 9. 88 10. 26 8. 12 4.44 L 23. 65 23. 89 23. 48 25. 49 21. 37 24. 96 5. 95 M 10. 47 10. 52 11.41 11.14 11.82 8. 61 4.50 Ward 23 25.57 25. 50 26. 85 29. 65 25. 41 22. 85 32.14 Ward 24 23. 06 22.91 21.81 22. 65 21.25 25.17 32. 82 ! — ■ — 1 Table 61—Continued. 56 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 62 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates, inclusive of stillbirths, in the different sanitary districts in Brooklyn, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity. Table 62. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate. White. Colored. Total. Total. Native. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign. Total 25. 97 25. 90 27.69 28.40 27.19 22.26 30.54 Ward 1—A 19.54 19. 63 21. 71 21.40 22.00 I! 16. 33 13. 97 B 20. 73 20. 80 22. 95 23.35 22. 36 16.82 15. 50 “Ward 2 36. 71 36. 76 43.16 50.39 41.04 29.12 31.65 Ward 3—A 24.48 24. 45 25.99 32.87 21.85 21.82 26.84 B 21.13 20. 99 22.09 21. 87 22. 37 18. 68 32. 65 Ward 4 27.41 26.94 28.11 30. 92 25. 92 24. 65 37. 94 Ward 5—A 30. 37 30. 98 34. 47 40.12 32.71 26. 30 5. 77 B 34. 07 33. 66 34. 94 44. 70 30. 75 31. 08 46.13 Ward 6—A 21.99 22.00 24.99 32.11 20. 78 16.82 21.74 B - 33.46 33.45 42.34 65.23 38.62 23. 52 41.67 C 21.19 21.19 22.82 22. 89 22. 77 1 18.46 21.13 Ward 7—A 28. 28 28. 28 29. 35 38.09 25. 05 1 26.15 27.40 B 20. 68 20. 92 20.97 19.60 23. 24 20. 78 6.17 C 18.61 18. 47 18.42 18.94 17.24 18. 04 22.65 1) 21.43 21.64 21.03 23.31 18.54 23. 47 8. 84 Ward 8—A 19. 61 19.58 20. 27 18.85 21.47 18. 10 27. 78 B 32.34 32. 31 38.82 38.68 38. 90 22. 79 43.21 C 27.29 27. 22 30.40 36.40 27.41 21.22 119. 05 D 28. 23 28. 38 34.43 40. 40 32.21 18. 83 Ward 0—A 25.51 25.02 24.59 24.12 24.94 25. 98 38.83 B 29. 02 ' 29.18 31.35 40. 87 28. 00 25.67 19. 90 C 27. 91 27. 77 31.42 66.67 24.36 21. 28 Ward 10—A 26. 06 25. 95 27. 25 31.16 25.01 23.53 48.31 B 32.32 32.63 36. 34 49.97 30. 92 26. 40 25. 08 C 29. 21 29.26 31.18 35. 52 29. 26 25. 87 26. 40 Ward 11—A 32.20 32.44 34.64 47. 64 28. 30 28. 38 30.13 B 24.09 23. 60 24.11 25. 35 22.46 22.23 31.00 | Ward 12—A 33. 70 33. 68 43.24 49. 25 41.59 23.03 47.62 B 33.46 33.35 34.27 31.75 35.17 31. 90 C 31.46 31.47 34. 50 45. 20 31. 61 Ward 13—A 28.12 28.13 28. 79 31.60 25. 55 26.16 26. 88 B 24.13 24.12 25.41 27. 81 23.43 21.37 30.30 C 23.45 23.33 23.14 24.93 20.93 24. 03 34.72 Ward 14—A 28. 49 28.47 31.30 39. 22 29.23 23. 93 166. 67 B 35.81 35.81 43.47 39.29 45.35 2o. o4 41.67 c 30. 29 30. 26 32. 44 35.53 30.63 26. 28 111.11 D 42. 37 42. 37 46. 22 37. 95 52. 74 35 91 Ward 15—A 31. 83 31.78 33. 96 42. 53 29.17 26. 67 55. 56 B 26.68 26.68 26.17 28.87 23.37 28.45 25. 64 C 26. 01 26.06 26.76 32.19 23. 38 24. 33 13. 61 Ward 16—A 22.11 21.54 20. 84 24.64 17.84 23. 47 41.40 B 31.33 31.17 37. 94 47. 60 35. 70 22.43 45.24 C 34.31 34. 31 40. 73 55.40 37. 66 25.49 55. 56 D 29. 42 29.04 35. 85 48.48 33.12 20. 35 78.43 28. 23 28. 26 31.88 36.18 29.62 21. 84 B 23.53 23.57 26. 08 26. 51 25. 65 17.08 10. 42 C 34. 76 34. 74 40. 90 51.88 37. 78 25. 31 66. 67 D 23. 66 23. 64 24. 03 25. 39 22. 75 22 57 66. 67 E 18. 51 18. 51 19. 01 13. 56 23 10 17 47 F 50. 98 50. 98 52.80 144. 44 43.38 47. 87 Ward 18—A 40. 66 40.65 44. 70 59. 68 39.10 32.71 55.56 B 31.14 31.14 36.45 55. 89 32. 77 22. 97 C 35.43 35. 29 41.02 64. 76 35. 79 25. 89 166. 67 I) 32. 40 32.36 41.97 64.14 . 37.66 18. 50 125. 00 E 26. 26 26.29 30. 77 43. 42 26. 61 18.77 11.11 F 21.02 21. 00 23.00 26.50 20.09 16.14 33.33 G 15. 24 | 15.27 17. 02 18. 94 15. 54 10. 98 H 14. 01 14.01 13. 76 14. 57 12. 75 14.92 18.52 I 11.77 11.71 11.21 12.14 10.28 13.03 55. 56 K 23.40 23.38 26.72 32.19 24.50 17.33 83. 34 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 57 WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate. White. Colored. Total. Total. Native. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign. Ward 19—A 25. 02 25. 08 25. 53 25.10 25. 90 at. 03 11.11 B 17.79 17. 76 16. 90 18. 76 13. 90 21.06 24. 51 C 26.01 25. 73 29.89 36. 07 27. 51 18. 70 34. 79 Ward 20—A 25. 72 25. 72 25.14 27.91 22.84 27. 26 26. 32 B 16.38 16. 56 17. 21 18.18 15. 24 14.67 7. 87 C 19. 51 19. 66 20. 31 20.91 19.18 17.92 17. 77 Ward 21—A 26. 07 25.86 29. 27 43.43 23.88 20. 06 111.11 B 24. 75 24. 74 25. 23 27.89 21.88 23. 29 27.78 C 31.01 30. 85 36.46 46.84 33. 53 22.18 47. 04 D 17.87 17. 90 17.81 17. 55 18.24 18. 25 8.33 E 24. 01 24.00 25. 54 27.17 24. 42 20.38 26. 32 Ward 22—A 15.51 15.49 16. 19 15.94 16. 54 13. 68 18. 52 B 15. 50 15.54 16. 30 15. 76 17.02 13. 51 6. 94 C 18.06 18. 09 18.16 19.24 16.31 17. 87 13. 89 D 21.28 21.28 21.85 20. 76 22. 99 19.88 20. 83 E 34. 76 34.64 35.95 42.96 31.33 31.83 166. 67 F 28. 40 28.49 29. 64 29.99 29. 37 25. 90 10.42 W ard 23—A 20.57 20.47 20. 50 21. 77 17. 65 20. 36 40. 54 B 17. 72 17.80 18.68 19. 22 17.28 14.00 7. 81 C 17.68 17. 77 18.03 18. 37 17. 34 16. 92 9.36 W ard 24—A 16. 48 16. 74 16. 98 15 14 B 22. 58 20.40 22.40 32.57 15. 94 15. 73 44. 86 C 30. 01 28.41 31.20 40. 40 26. 96 22.97 49. 24 I) 10.57 10.51 12. 29 14. 32' 11.31 7.11 13.89 E 20.19 19. 56 22.06 25.47 20. 09 14.54 30. 70 Ward 25—A 24.57 23. 55 24.47 24.66 24. 20 20. 70 43. 88 B 18.08 18. 08 18.12 . 18.77 17. 05 17. 96 15. 87 C 21.57 21.83 21.08 19. 69 23. 87 25. 24 7. 87 1) 24.99 24.69 26.21 33.27 21. 79 21.11 31.29 E 17. 39 17. 26 17.49 • 18.41 16. 53 16.48 33.33 Ward 26 22. 22 22.04 23.53 25. 45 22.24 18. 90 44. 74 Table 62—Continued. 58 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 63 shows for the C years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates of the whites in the different sanitary districts in New York, exclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity and of children under 5 years of age. Table 63. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate White. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. . Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Total 27. 66 109.48 31.01 110. 37 30.22 112.41 • 23.15 74. 28 Ward 1—A 47.43 171. 97 48. 05 166. 67 61.55 149. 43 46. 83 477. 78 B 38. 20 124. 64 36. 88 123. 70 120. 37 41. 74 c 16.51 62. 96 19. 41 62. 96 17.05 35. 35 12. 52 56.77 178. 79 172. 84 73. 98 120. 00 59.20 Ward 3 32.08 133. 67 30. 92 134. 72 35. 08 171. 05 33. 83 Ward 4—A 42.05 149. 83 41. 01 151. 03 49.25 160. 74 43. 43 83.33 JB 41.83 138.11 45. 99 139. 87 45. 05 161. 13 37.31 109. 29 Ward 5—A 38.89 151.40 40.53 151.78 47. 70 153. 47 36.61 115. 38 B 33.10 127. 22 36.17 125. 71 41.60 134. 22 29. 29 133.33 i Ward 6—A 32. 29 120. 92 32.80 119. 37 47.34 222. 22 31.44 166. 67 B 39.40 132. 52 45. 92 133. 56 53. 22 143. 33 32.86 105.07 : C 41.87 159.30 63.91 159.30 59.93 254.90 25. 71 156. 25 Ward 7 A 39.13 137. -02 45.12 141. 64 84.25 201. 72 32.00 41.67 B 32.56 104. 67 35.48 108. 81 53.83 135. 06 28. 43 40.74 C 25. 76 87.59 31.12 89. 38 55.15 154.18 20. 51 46. 38 D 28.50 102. 90 30.72 105. 60 41.27 137. 39 25.29 32.16 Ward 8 A 31.39 118.03 31.22 116. 74 35.64 123. 72 31.47 153.85 B 41. 28 150.29 53.56 148. 88 62.00 180.72 . 27. 30 138. 89 C 30. 96 118. 86 34.70 116. 09 32. 62 109. 77 26.00 166. 67 Ward 9 A 30.43 102.97 28.59 102. 25 26.81 94.51 33.99 136. 36 B 27.63 108. 60 27. 92 107. 86 28. 01 107. 47 27.52 111.11 € 28. 37 106. 73 28.26 106. 01 29.20 108. 39 28.28 145. 83 D 24.41 102. 38 23.24 102.70 23. 63 97.80 27.53 51.28 | | Ward 10 A 25. 90 89.97 48. 80 96.05 82. 31 323. 23 14 97 43.75 B 24.55 84.54 38.74 89.18 52. 70 149. 24 15.94 38. 70 Ward 11 A 25. 43 90.49 43.85 94.51 59. 20 187.17 14.71 50.10 B 24.10 91.21 27.46 92.44 33.80 96.47 20.34 65.08 C 29.37 97.39 33. 38 98.58 44. 75 117. 65 24.17 69. 65 D 27.13 97. 36 28. 79 96.73 32.15 82.05 24. 70 129.17 Ward 12 A 14. 38 68. 08 14. 08 67.86 9.96 50.47 15.45 55. 56 B 24.93 108. 79 26.16 106.49 31.53 102. 68 22.72 270. 83 C 28.63 110. 88 35. 76 110.34 44.13 115.28 19.02 102.94 D 27. 86 109.82 29.10 110.50 36.15 113. 74 25.43 68.63 E 16.18 57. 58 16.94 58. 70 15.70 53.10 14. 73 34.19 F 26.10 104.54 27. 45 105. 82 33.18 112.46 22.92 41.67 a 33.24 121. 86 45.11 123. 80 62. 85 160.42 19. 38 72. 92 H 17.33 52.58 14. 74 52.19 9.32 32.71 23. 48 74.07 i 34.38 143. 74 40. 65 143.56 41.44 138. 78 25. 22 144.28 K 16.90 66. 28 16. 70 65. 60 13.67 55. 91 17.32 125. 00 L 16. 68 62.31 16. 64 62.42 18. 80 59. 34 17.06 55. 56 M 32. 85 133. 28 37.64 133. 71 38.47 126.30 25.17 106.06 N 19. 40 85. 96 20.19 84.82 18. 00 72. 64 17. 71 105. 56 0 28.89 122. 29 30.41 122. 62 32. 95 124. 67 25. 37 77.78 P 24. 38 103.00 26.72 104. 05 24.94 89.24 20.13 37.04 R 16.32 65.67 15.19 65. 21 14.54 60.38 18. 98 18.52 S 19.11 66. 91 19. 01 67.91 19. 05 67.24 19.86 40. 54 AB 28.20 183.16 31.76 179. 08 11.66 54.64 23.40 750.00 Ward 13—A 24.29 81.54 42. 29 84.54 66. 21 186. 77 13.45 47.89 B 28.60 96.38 33.83 97.98 47.25 135. 03 21.78 57.35 W ard 14—A 44.67 177.14 68. 35 182.18 78.25 227.82 27.17 107.00 B 39. 71 157. 34 58. 75 160. 70 58. 41 192. 93 25.91 120.75 W ard 15—A 34.03 147. 49 47.33 153. 59 53.34 200. 58 22.02 88.89 B 38.14 178.34 *4. 49 175. 57 38.52 366. 67 28.85 111.11 | C 22. 34 115. 35 23. 23 112. 72 20. 62 90.70 20. 47 83.33 1 D 27. 99 167. 95 28.71 169. 40 27.17. 123. 56 27.14 277.78 | NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 59 Table 63—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate. White. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 ® years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Ward 16—A B C D Ward 17 A B C D E ... F Ward 18—A B C D E W ard 19—A B C D E F G- H I K 1. M N 0 P R Ward 20—A B C D E F Ward 21—A B C D E F G H Ward 22—A B c....'. D E F G H I K L M Ward 23 Ward 24 33.06 30.11 29. GO 20. 57 26.81 25.96 22. 22 23. 23 27.47 29. 95 21.41 24.06 36.15 13. 20 27. 34 22.05 27. 07 35. 50 19. 05 26.42 26.94 28.62 30. 46 31.81 14.55 28.70 27. 34 15. 26 22.55 17. 48 8.09 36. 20 32. 35 31.49 25. 85 32. 90 27.87 19.14 25.90 31.94 15.19 23.94 17. 67 23.46 36. 49 32.44 27.37 22.51 35.47 25.93 21. 36 31.02 22.99 18. 04 8. 81 21. 38 9. 36 23.64 22. 06 1 117.03 116. 83 113.10 95. 60 110.14 92. 32 93.02 95.11 124. 00 112. 06 136.22 132. 77 133. 63 133.33 105.16 108.11 118. 99 135.42 110. 84 129. 30 106. 85 175. 85 125. 06 115. 53 75. 25 114. 05 101.28 83.44 96.08 62.68 753. 79 133. 95 152. 06 112. 68 125.00 117.11 123. 66 96.60 113. 79 115. 81 76. 75 117.17 88.41 ' 107. 96 145.53 116. 82 111.91 133. 23 128.17 108. 27 115.15 102. 56 82.24 84.11 54.13 80.10 54.01 82.05 67.46 32.48 27.86 28.91 20.21 33.31 34.96 23.25 26.29 27. 57 33.40 24.25 25. 07 38.88 14. 54 26. 77 26.66 29.16 40. 06 22.33 30. 03 30.19 36.14 34.48 40.81 15. 37 36.45 42.74 16.41 25.95 20. 31 21.06 37.29 32. 67 31.77 26. 59 35.43 29.10 22. 45 27.15 33.72 17. 84 24. 30 22.71 23. 73 37. 89 34. 21 29. 37 23.73 36. 86 27.25 21.74 40.80 25. 83 18.63 9.45 20. 30 9. 83 23. 95 20.39 117.61 116.41 115.68 89. 57 112. 72 95.77 94.43 94. 64 125. 90 112. 91 133. 66 133.45 134.86 133.33 . 104.69 109. 30 119. 75 135.10 106.97 130. 48 107. 82 175. 21 125.52 116. 05 74. 86 116. 63 105. 78 85. 05 96.41 62. 29 763.57 134. 63 140.18 113. 37 120.83 117.80 124. 07 98. 04 113. 54 120.41 77.63 118.35 89.39 107.44 145.73 117.51 110. 64 134.56 129.71 107.10 112.17 108.12 83.75 86.52 55. 81 79. 29 54. 57 82. 34 66.76 33. 33 28.63 25. 96 20.47 40. 03 48. 73 30.12 33.65 25.43 42. 56 18.41 26.17 54.40 12. 37 24. 27 24. 61 32.45 51.89 20.66 32. 23 34.00 30.65 35.21 39.83 19. 91 47.58 54.89 17.64 28. 79 24.08 14.48 44.92 34.86 38. 42 28.60 42. 23 28. 26 19.42 24.32 38.55 15.98 22.51 22.83 19. 08 53. 23 35.46 32. 27 21.45 43. 50 26.74 17. 88 57.93 28. 52 17. 58 9. 58 22. 49 9. 78 26. 40 21.42 109.14 123. 97 110. 84 91.37 119.40 117. 32 90.04 74. 93 114. 33 104. 88 65. 36 129. 97 147. 73 81.30 105. 39 86.78 121. 32 147.09 72. 30 128.17 107. 26 88. 78 123. 22 126. 26 58.17 139. 67 135. 88 78. 92 107. 34 65. 26 611.11 149.17 157. 79 120. 44 130.98 111. 96 115. 58 54.46 101.85 117. 62 50. 72 95. 67 78. 28 95. 99 152.19 115.34 108.92 143.76 121. 73 107. 08 111. 78 127. 76 100. 75 83.96 56. 35 79. 21 49. 08 80. 72 57. 69 34.06 34. 54 30. 67 19.82 21.06 18. 95 21.09 20. 12 27.38 26. 01 17.49 22. 79 32. 58 11.05 28. 02 16.29 24. 03 29. 65 13.51 21.45 22.97 17. 22 24. 52 21.74 13.46 20. 70 15.15 13. 66 18.02 13.29 2. 54 34.18 28.19 30.39 24.02 29.05 26.65 15.01 23. 96 29. 86 11.33 23. 60 11. 20 23.07 34. 66 29.30 23. 35 21.31 33. 60 23.11 20.74 23.03 18.30 17. 01 8.12 24.96 8. 61 22. 85 25.17 89. 74 144. 93 10.42 136. 36 56. 86 45. 61 33. 33 123. 46 79.17 88. 71 666. 67 133. 33 87. 30 333. 33 104.17 55. 56 86. 81 145.83 83. 34 75. 76 69.44 266.67 94. 77 65. 48 45. 79 31.91 64.10 74. 71 79. 23 166. 67 90.91 102. 56 58.14 71.43 75.16 106. 67 55.56 52.08 40.00 55. 56 71.43 41.67 129.63 126. 67 84. 58 127. 66 500.00 97. 22 76. 67 266. 67 103. 60 39.22 62.50 83.34 33. 33 55.02 39. 22 | 60 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 04 shows for the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates of the whites in the different sanitary districts in Brooklyn, exclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity and of children under 5 years of age. Table 64. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. Aggregate. Native. Total. Both parents native All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Total 24.17 93.42 25.00 93. 78 25.48 91.92 22.26 54. 96 Ward 1 A 18. 53 70. 68 20. 02 71.30 20.12 74.07 16. 33 21.74 B 19.59 92.63 21.16 92.81 21.85 99.40 16.82 150. 00 34.40 131. 24 38. 86 137. 28 43.92 124. 53 29.12 51.95 Ward 3—A 22. 90 86.60 23. 47 85.72 29. 42 99.62 21.82 80.00 B 19.61 84.98 19. 85 83.02 19.38 80. 67 18.68 102. 56 25.53 111.05 25. 28 109.84 27.89 112.16 24.65 11.11 28.61 135. 44 31.33 139.22 35.10 156. 25 26. 30 58.56 B 31.75 120. 35 31.42 120. 90 39.22 116. 52 31.08 13.51 20. 60 86.13 22. 79 87.74 28.82 85.71 16. 82 37.04 B 31.05 112. 82 37. 78 114. 95 56. 50 139. 22 23.52 60. 76 C 20.08 87. 23 21.03 89. 61 21.21 78.92 18.46 19.23 26.09 91.72 26. 05 91.84 34.09 107. 28 26.15 74. 07 B 18.98 80.76 18.70 82.44 17. 63 68. 77 20. 78 55. 56 c 17. 51 70.68 80. 25 16. 97 68. 55 17.54 64. 76 18.64 D 20. 21 19.41 80.45 21.45 80.09 23.47 138. 89 18.50 64.19 18. 65 64.37 17.51 60.91 18.10 37.04 B 30. 28 113.75 35.37 115.38 35.15 115. 90 22. 79 73.33 C 25. 25 89.46 27.28 90.48 32. 72 99.25 21.22 53.92 D 26. 33 91.67 31. 30 94. 62 33. 91 88. 54 18.83 23. 81 23. 91 105.17 22.28 104. 24 21. 39 81.05 25.98 70.51 B 27.05 82.47 28.11 82.85 36. 04 106. 84 25. 67 41.67 c 25.87 113.10 28.24 115. 20 57.14 217.95 21.28 Ward 10—A 24.53 97.49 24. 87 96. 65 28. 30 96. 49 23.53 87.30 B 30.31 108. 89 33. 04 111. 66 44. 35 116. 82 26.40 39.86 C 27.16 93.94 27.91 94. 04 31.15 79.98 25. 87 73.53 30. 05 124. 65 31. 09 124.80 41.96 139.15 28.38 108. 33 B 22. 83 121.49 22. 33 115. 36 23. 28 123.49 22.23 138.89 31.10 110.85 38. 30 112. 65 42.02 121.38 23.03 69.44 B 31.23 98. 35 30. 61 99.04 27. 78 93.45 31.90 62.50 C 29.88 112.50 31. 90 113. 31 40.46 116. 67 26.75 86.31 26.00 117. 39 25.98 119.16 28.68 108. 54 26.16 20.83 B 22. 62 89.64 23.19 91.14 25.24 91.40 21.37 45.98 c 22. 07 88.24 21.36 89. 06 22.82 81.53 24. 03 83. 33 26. 86 97.24 28. 65 97.97 35.61 106. 67 23.93 66.67 B 33. 56 124.40 39.54 128.11 35.71 115. 73 25.54 50.85 C 28. 41 109.53 29.54 112. 24 31.95 117. 72 26. 28 39.47 D 39.55 137.51 41.89 138.81 34.06 126. 62 35.21 83.33 29. 74 109. 71 30.98 109.93 38.10 112.24 26.67 83.33 B 24. 80 87.52 97.18 23.75 87. 75 25. 66 84.59 28.45 64.82 C 23. 98 23.90 97.32 28.27 100. 61 24.33 97. 22 20. 22 67. 86 18.23 66.45 20. 70 66. 57 23. 47 33. 33: B 28.81 102.43 33.42 104.17 39.82 105. 72 22.43 54. 60 c 31.24 117.16 35.41 118. 77 46. 76 120. 27 25.49 63. 22 D 27.43 92. 34 32. 29 93. £0 43.75 108. 70 20.35 26. 32 26.21 99.36 28. 71 99.44 31.99 104. 65 21.84 96.15 B 21.91 101.16 23.81 102. 61 24.07 102. 71 17. 08 44. 44 c 32.54 120.17 37.24 121. 48 45. 66 125. 64 25. 31 65. 66 D 21.94 76. 72 21.69 77. 22 22.64 77. 59 22.57 43.48 E 17.26 63. 35 17. 16 64. 34 11.57 51. 44 17.47 27.78 F 45.10 190.48 43.48 184. 52 111. 11 145.83 1 47.87 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 61 Table 64—Continued. DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. Aggregate. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. 37. 76 137.14 40. 32 138. 23 53.74 144. 08 32.71 41.67 B 28.24 83. 33 31.68 84.70 48.90 84.47 ■ 22.97 23.81 c 32.93 112. 24 30. 99 112. 65 56. 26 121. 21 25. 89 74. 07 D 29. 85 114. 83 37.69 117.40 56. 22 136. 03 18.50 36. 67 E 24. 28 84.43 27. 59 84.86 39. 29 112.73 18.77 61.11 1 F 19.63 73.78 21.02 73.92 24.17 79. 34 16.14 55.56 ! Gr 13. 93 48. 51 , 15.17 48. 23 17. 24 44. 80 10.98 83.33 i H 13. 03 42.28 12.51 42. 51 13. 02 36.64 14.92 33. 33 I 10.51 34.95 9.48 34. 86 10.72 36.71 13.03 K 66. 67 23.77 67.87 27. 69 68.30 17. 33 21.74 23.44 87. 68 23.24 87.98 22. 70 76. 51 24.03 75. 76 B 16. 71 62.71 15.53 17.16 57.32 21. 06 c 23.68 87.17 26.14 86. 70 30. 60 90. 74 18. 70 44. 72 24.33 83.25 23.21 83.90 82.67 27.26 33.33 B 15. 52 64. 01 16. 03 63. 38 16. 97 63. 75 14. 67 c 17. 97 77.03 18.07 76. 04 19.12 93.14 17.92 83.33 Ward 21 A 23. 93 82. 41 25.86 82.58 37. 26 113.64 20. 06 36. 59 9. 80 B 23.50 91.24 23.55 93. 39 25.84 98.15 23. 29 0 28.34 108. 36 32.04 108.03 39. 78 103. 59 22.18 102.15 37- 04 16. 67 24. 69 66. 67 83.33 68.18 125. 00 114. 04 55. 56 D 16. 77 64.65 16.43 65.15 ' 16.14 62. 63 18.25 E 22. 43 83. 70 23.28 84. 30 52.69 24. 84 78.84 20. 38 14.48 52.23 14. 76 14. 71 47. 21 13. 68 B 14.24 55. 56 55.43 14. 02 46. 23 13. 51 c 10. 29 50. 79 15. 76 50.15 17.05 18.47 35.22 26.88 58.51 17. 87 I) 19.69 68. 03 19. 62 67. 89 100. 79 98. 45 63.15 121. 86 93. 80 74.45 58. 58 60. 32 49. 38 141. 76 125. 60 ■ 19.88 31.83 25. 90 E 29.88 101.17 28. 78 F 26. 29 98.54 26. 50 19.16 73.48 18. 75 73.63 60. 08 19. 87 17. 98 20. 36 14.00 16. 92 15. 93 15.73 22.97 7.11 14.54 20. 70 B 16. 78 59.94 c 16.52 65.96 16.51 66.10 63.38 98. 98 104.35 16.92 14. 49 29.29 35.86 30. 30 62.50 15.78 20. 36 B 21.25 107.37 95.24 C 28. 46 100. 93 28. 81 I) 9. 97 39. 47 11.36 41. 97 14. 32 41. 67 E 18. 70 95.14 19. 78 91.81 23.04 114. 23 94. 90 Ward 25—A 22. 86 95. 76 22.13 90. 06 22.45 41. 67 B 16. 66 58.17 16. 32 57. 62 17.24 57.26 17. 96 133.33 C 20. 00 75. 58 19.13 76.18 18.02 67. 03 25. 24 125.00 D 22. 95 82. 25 23.22 81. 37 28. 86 92.43 21.11 27.78 E 15. 75 53. 97 15. 35 54. 02 15. 99 56.13 16.48 13.89 | Ward 26 20. 91 74. 38 21.59 74.30 23.16 77. 66 18. 90 61.40 Tables 63 and G4, compared with Tables 61 and 62, show the differences in the death rates for the aggregate and for the total of each class due to the number of stillbirths, and compared with Tables 65 and 66, show the difference in the rates under 5 years of age due to the same cause. The rates given in Tables 65 and 66 for 5 years of age and over are not affected by the exclusion of the stillbirths. VITAL STATISTICS. 62 Table 65 shows for the 0 years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates for the whites in the different sanitary districts in New York, inclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity, of children under 5 years of age, and of persons 5 years of age and upward. Table 65. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. Toreign. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years years. and over. years. and over. years. and over. years. and over. Total 130.31 17. 74 131.73 13. 06 133. 50 15. 04 74. 28 22.66 Ward 1 A 199. 01 33.52 194.15 19. 88 175. 29 24. 88 477. 78 45.39 ! B 136. 23 30.78 134. 07 22. 76 120. 37 38.15 41. 17 C 77.78 12. 33 77. 78 13.03 40. 40 14. 43 12.52 j 227. 27 50. 32 212. 96 41. 67 133. 33 66. 87 59.20 1 159. 90 26. 39 161.49 20.15 197. 37 27.58 33.89 i Ward 4 A 173. 35 31.50 174. 74 20.43 184. 43 18. 75 83. 33 43.29 B 158.58 29. 38 161.45 20.51 181.19 16. 82 109. 29 36.49 Ward 5—A 176. 98 25. 92 177. 57 15. 74 186. 47 17. 90 115. 38 36.31 B 152. 78 21. 62 150. 85 14.42 157.82 21.93 133.33 28.86 ard 6—A 136.17 24.43 134. 01 16.41 236.11 18. 39 166. 67 30.71 B 152.16 26. 26 153. 74 18.55 160.00 29. 26 105. 07 31.80 C 181.75 23.94 183. 62 17.18 279. 41 26. 95 156. 25 23. 69 Ward 7 *4 157. 87 25. 42 163.54 18. 34 225.09 26.16 41.67 31.87 | B 122. 25 21.65 127. 44 15. 65 153.53 18. 89 40.74 28.18 1 C 104.45 16. 70 106. 97 12.16 180.45 16.48 46. 38 20.23 D 119. 68 18.40 123.02 12. 72 156.52 13.14 32.16 25.21 Ward 8—A 136. 82 22. 08 135. 64 15. 20 140. 52 16. 74 153.85 31.11 B 183. 65 25. 89 181.25 21. 98 218. 88 35. 65 138.89 26.20 C 140.07 19. 79 136. 77 14. 06 126. 89 16.40 166. 67 24.95 Ward 9 A 121.41 21. 77 120. 90 15. 02 110. 98 14. 62 136.36 33. 61 B 127.93 19. 06 127. 03 15.10 124. 59 16.40 111. 11 27.12 0 122. 23 18.42 121. 47 12.84 125.10 14. 5i 145.83 27. 70 D 125 09 IS 79 Ward 10—A 110. 98 14. 70 119. 85 16.37 378. 79 39. 34 43.75 14. 21 B 104. 21 15.01 110.81 13. 87 177. 02 20.63 38.70 15.46 Ward 11—A 108. 98 13. 56 114. 81 12.52 213. 62 11.57 50.10 13.90 B T 108. 24 14.82 110. 27 9.16 119. 22 9.00 65. 08 19. 82 C 117. 87 19.11 119. 95 14.63 138.89 18. 52 69. 65 23.60 I) 111.85 16. 66 111. 47 10.16 93.71 7. 75 129.17 24.13 Ward 12—A 82.16 9. 88 82.14 7.36 59. 86 5.94 55.56 15.34 B 129. 46 16. 39 127.37 12. 51 126. 93 18. 51 270. 83 22.15 C 130. 81 15.10 129. 94 11. 35 132.41 19.43 102.94 18. 25 L> 126.79 17. 61 127. 99 12.86 138. 51 19. 86 68.63 25.01 E 70.41 10. 25 72.10 7.97 66. 99 7.91 | 34.19 14.41 F 122. 53 16. 26 124.80 11.40 132. 69 14. 71 41. 67 22. 78 & 138.19 17. 02 140.45 13.39 182. 52 ■ 23.34 72.92 18.76 H 71. 06 13. 02 71.10 7.83 55. 30 5.95 74. 07 23.17 I 167. 67 18.' 20 168.18 13.14 164. 07 16. 47 144.28 24. 04 K 82.13 11.26 81.63 8. 15 70. 97 7.45 125.00 16. 92 L 68. 36 11.47 68. 57 8.92 59. 34 11.27 55. 56 16.84 M 156. 21 19.01 157. 51 14.97 149.85 20. 01 106. 06 24. 26 N 99. 88 13.03 98.94 11.26 85.56 11.68 105. 56 17. 20 0 146. 04 18. 98 146. 57 15. 71 147.42 19.96 77. 78 25.11 P 119. 38 15. 54 120. 91 12. 35 103. 67 13.19 37. 04 20.01 K 84.40 11.66 84.43 8.69 79.34 9.57 18. 52 18.98 I s 80.10 13.67 81.46 10.28 84.05 11.49 40.54 19.66 , AB 198. 78 10.87 195. 04 4.58 54. 64 2. 36 750. 00 21.10 Ward 13—A 99. 20 13.23 103. 65 14.35 222. 44 26.24 47. 89 12.69 B 116.01 17.77 118.19 14.16 158.17 16.91 57. 35 21.33 Ward 14—A 204. 72 24.17 211.36 20. 72 258. 99 26. 53 107.00 25.94 B 182.18 22. 21 188. 23 19.08 217. 58 19. 42 120.75 23. 63 Ward 15—A 177. 91 21.79 184. 72 21. 08 237. 40 30.44 88.89 21. 33 B 206.12 25. 74 204. 41 20.15 411.11 20. 98 111. 11 28. 25 C 148. 05 17.60 142.10 15.85 123. 58 16.73 8J.33 20. 23 D 211.54 23.48 215.85 21.01 149.43 23. 22 277. 78 26. 71 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. * 63 Table 65—Continued. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. WARDS AND SANITARY Aggregate. Native. DISTRICTS. r oreign. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years Under 5 5 years years. and over. years. and over. years. and over. years. and over. Ward 16—A 132.20 21.75 133. 19 13. 57 121.51 15.12 89. 74 33.56 13 144. 38 22.70 144. 21 15.54 150.19 17.41 144.93 34.11 C 140.87 21.90 144. 23 16.13 140.78 16.12 10.42 30.80 1) 117.74 15. 63 110. 40 12. 78 109.14 14.43 136. 36 19.61 Ward 17 A 138. 78 17.62 142.70 13.15 147.17 17.62 56. 86 20. 73 B 112.72 15.72 117. 63 10. 72 140. 60 14.21 45.61 18. 50 C 120.16 15. 94 122.29 10. 32 113. 03 13.67 33.33 21.04 I) 114. 57 14. 69 114. 32 8.57 89.34 9. 54 123. 46 19.76 E 152. 64 19.57 155. 26 13.17 144. 93 14.22 79.17 26. 94 F 135. 36 18.75 136. 96 11.32 125. 25 9.96 88.71 25. 51 Ward 18—A 179. 49 18.28 178. 22 19. 26 107. 84 16.94 666.67 17.06 B 172.55 18.00 173. 20 14.36 165.14 17.32 133. 33 22.67 c ; 156.16 22. 76 158. 03 13. 88 169. 44 13. 25 87.30- 32.14 i) 240.00 11.93 245.24 12. 57 158.54 11.57 333. 33 10.93 E 130.18 19. 80 129.90 13. 52 132. 35 13.38 104.17 27. 75 Ward 19 A 149. 40 18. 99 151.94 21.58 119.83 21.63 55. 56 16. 24 B 142.02 17.50 143.16 12. 53 147. 67 17. 90 86. 81 23.60 C 154.85 20. 60 154. 91 12. 20 161. 89 13.34 145.83 29.03 D 160.92 15. 87 155.89 17.38 113. 97 17. 70 83. 34 13.45 E 155.31 16.32 156. 65 12.32 156. 25 15.81 75. 76 21.26 F 123.72 16.45 125. 04 10. 22 122. 65 13.72 69.44 22.69 G 196. 48 14. 63 196. 09 12. 89 101. 62 16.12 266. 67 16.90 H 144. 40 17.52 144. 54 10. 56 142. 58 11. 78 94.77 24.03 I 133. 22 16. 94 133.45 11.24 145. 20 6. 76 65.48 21.27 K 08. 34 10. 95 98. 40 9.19 77.18 15. 09 13.49 L 136. 02 15. 96 139. 50 10.11 169. 26 17.05 45. 79 20.43 M 112. 95 12.81 118. 21 8.95 152. 87 17. 60 31. 91 14.84 N 102.43 10. 84 104.94 9.14 100. 99 10. 74 64.10 13.52 0 112. 08 13. 62 112. 82 9. 82 125. 44 11.51 74. 71 17.71 P 74.83 9.72 74.63 7. 00 77.60 8. 45 79. 23 12. 81 R 1,371. 21 2.71 1,383.72 3. 25 116. 67 3.00 166. 67 2.50 Ward 20—A 155.80 23.57 156. 85 14.71 173. 23 14. 88 90.91 33.79 B 183.16 21.92 | 167.53 15.42 184. 91 19.16 102.56 27.86 C 130.75 20. 65 132. 03 12.97 141. 52 16.17 58.14 30.14 D 154. 84 17.61 148.15 13.00 158.54 15.52 71.43 23.77 E 139.26 19.94 140. 53 12. 24 135. 77 13. 21 75.16 28. 68 F 146. 61 18. 36 146. 98 13. 25 134.16 15.48 106. 67 26. 20 Ward 21 A 135. 88 16. 71 137.25 18.45 94. 06 17. 86 55.56 14.94 B 155. 57 19.17 155.99 15. 20 138.89 15. 61 52. 08 23.85 C 145. 23 21.41 151.20 12.99 141.43 11.54 40. 00 29. 71 I) 122.81 13.46 122.15 15.09 85.14 14. 67 55. 56 11.20 E 144. 01 17.29 145.87 12. 80 113. 60 13.47 71.43 23.40 F 133. 33 15. 06 134. 85 18.40 113. 64 19. 85 41.67 11.10 G 125. 84 16.40 125. 34 11. 66 110; 76 11. 34 129. 63 22. 69 H 164. 88 22.85 165. 42 12. 34 169. 00 13. 21 126. 67 34. 25 Ward 22 —A 137.14 19. 37 138. 21 11.99 136. 04 9.33 84. 58 28.82 B 133. 20 17.16 131.84 12.53 131.87 14.87 127. 66 22. 93 C 164.82 16. 82 166.36 15.12 181. 67 15. 37 500.00 20. 95 D 140. 79 21. 61 148. 70 13.04 139.18 12. 95 97. 22 32.93 E 127. 86 16. 50 126.34 11.98 127. 24 13. 43 76.67 22.77 F 143. 77 15.87 139. 24 13.23 140. 72 12. 75 266. 67 20.33 G 117. 75 17.82 124.18 15. 55 151.57 28. 07 103.60 22.23 H 96. 74 13.10 98. 88 9.44 116. 92 8.58 39.22 17. 97 1 114.49 10.53 117.85 7.42 111. 25 7. 76 62. 50 16.74 K 61.97 6. 27 63. 35 5. 54 59.95 5. 38 83. 34 8.01 r. 103. 56 15. 09 102. 75 11. 04 102.31 14. 03 24.67 M 70.27 6. 09 70.58 4. 93 63.39 5; 67 33.33 8. 51 Ward 23 97. 57 15.37 98. 08 10. 76 96. 83 12.64 55.02 22. 63 Ward 24 77. 54 17. 09 77.10 . 12.67 66 . 31 15.37 39.22 25.08 64 VITAL STATISTICS. Table G6 shows for the G years ending May 31, 1890, the average annual death rates for the whites in the different sanitary districts in Brooklyn, inclusive of stillbirths, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity, of children under 5 years of age, and of persons 5 years of age and upward. Table 66. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH RATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggregate. White. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Under 5 years. 5 years anil over. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Total 109.46 15.48 110. 30 11.61 110.77 13. 28 54. 96 21.99 Ward 1—A 83.86 14.16 84.96 12.81 91.11 15.73 21.74 16.30 B 113.14 15. 27 114.11 14.60 123. 32 16.66 150. 00 16.41 Ward 2 151.26 21.72 159. 06 14.69 151. 57 18.58 51.95 28.68 W ard 3—A 102.39 15.86 102.04 12. 09 123. 70 17. 65 80.00 21.44 B 107. 21 14.81 105.56 12. 87 114.92 14. 57 102. 56 18. 26 Ward 4 134. 89 18.18 134.17 14.16 137. 05 16.18 11.11 24.70 Ward 5—A 154. 25 17.59 158.97 10.89 182. 64 6.68 58.56 26.00 B 141. 50 20.81 142.83 14.32 140. 49 16. 29 13.51 31.28 Ward 6—A 102. 24 14.41 104. 46 12.93 109.52 19.69 37.04 16.65 B 130. 68 18.32 133. 55 12.71 165. 88 16.23 60.76 23.08 C 100.59 13.97 103.51 10. 90 94. 82 14.39 19.23 18.46 Ward 7—A 110.03 17.21 110. 58 11.97 127. 20 15. 69 74.07 25.88 B 104.52 14.22 107. 06 12.23 90. 26 12.48 55.56 20. 61 c 87. 96 13. 87 86. 42 12.44 83.33 13.68 18. 68 D 96.52 15. 36 96. 89 12.72 98.48 14.88 138.89 23.11 Ward 8—A 73. 20 12.12 73.56 8.82 68.53 8.28 37.04 17.95 B • 129.18 17. 41 131.46 13.46 132. 42 13.21 73.33 22.03 C 104.03 14. 78 105. 46 10. 60 114. 98 12.37 53.92 20.85 D 105.00 15.43 108.51 12. 88 111.98 12.97 23. 81 18. 76 Ward 9—A 124.25 16.47 124.31 11.64 102.17 12. 53 70.51 25.49 B 96.53 18.04 97. 33 12.36 128. 21 15. 35 41.67 25.56 C 132.14 15.41 134.80 11.40 269. 23 20.47 21.46 Ward 10—A 113. 81 16.95 113. 26 12. 92 114. 37 15. 30 87.30 23.23 B 125.16 19.20 128. 79 14. 22 138. 94 19. 71 39.86 26.26 C 108.99 16. 61 109.96 10. 81 96.49 13.56 73.53 25.14 Ward 11 A 146. 37 19.64 148.-47 14. 53 168. 99 19.13 108.33 27. 95 B 140. 22 15.68 135. 02 13.04 149.10 14.47 138. 89 21.96 Ward 12—A 129. 72 18. 34 132.33 13.39 149.46 14.47 69.44 22.46 B 114.88 20. 74 116. 02 11.77 109.83 6. 78 62. 50 31. 62 C 125.13 18. 03 126.33 11.58 133.96 11.74 86. 31 26.17 Ward 13 A 145.83 18.64 147. 83 15.89 135. 85 19.11 20. 83 26.19 B 104.93 15.29 106. 96 12.12 111,93 15. 76 45.98 21.12 C 104. 03 15.75 105. 25 13.01 98. 65 14.59 83. 33 23. 87 Ward 14—A 109. 68 16.24 110. 71 10.45 120. 00 9. 32 66. 67 23.59 B 140. 88 19.22 145.46 13.62 132.05 13.30 50.85 25.13 C 126.06 18. 03 129.42 12.72 137.13 12.52 39.47 26.12 D 158.41 24.30 160.20 17.30 145.02 9.28 83. 33 34.77 W ard 15—A 124.51 16. 62 125.06 11.62 130.39 14.12 83.33 26.11 B 103.93 16. 70 | 104.45 12. 90 103.78 13.79 64.82 28.12 C 115. 49 14. 88 115.82 10.44 122. 72 12. 65 97. 22 24.09 Ward 16—A 83.98 13.90 82.80 9.06 85. 73 9.12 33. 33 23.40 B 119. 88 16. 39 122. 43 10.14 130. 60 9. 82 54.60 22.07 C 138. 39 16. 68 140. 63 8.64 145.02 7.37 63.22 25.11 1) 105. 41 15. 73 107.03 10.41 122.81 10.97 26.32 20. 27 Ward 17—A 116.19 16. 20 116. 70 12.80 127.91 15.99 96.15 21. 21 B 118. 02 13.43 119. 90 11.93 123. 00 13. 34 44.44 16.84 C 135. 45 17.71 137.17 11. 59 148. 21 15. 22 65. 66 24. 93 D 90. 28 14.01 | 90. 89 10. 33 94.00 11.60 43.48 22.42 E 73.15 10. 55 74.42 6. 60 63.79 3.94 27. 78 17.35 F 244. 05 27.17 ! 238.10 13.78 208. 33 71.43 46.10 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 65 Table 66—Continued. . WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. DEATH KATES, INCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Aggrt jgate. Nat 1 Total. White. ive. Both parents native. For Under 5 years. dj£ii. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Under 5 years. 5 years met over. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. 5 years and over ! Ward 18—A 157.45 21.19 158.77 13. 76 165. 76 19.62 41.67 32.67 15 . 99. 36 16.11 101.09 9. 88 100. 46 21.28 23.81 22. 96 C 128.12 18.13 128.86 11.99 143.25 15. 54 74. 07 25.48 j I) 130.77 13. 71 133.83 9.42 158.88 13. 80 36. 67 18.27 E 97. 67 13. 66 98. 40 10.03 129. 09 14. 49 61. 11 18.41 F 85.19 12. 08 85. 48 10. 13 93. 48 13.31 55. 56 15.98 ; 58. 58 8.64 58. 22 7.66 54. 02 11.01 83. 33 10.64 H 50.25 8. 90 50.62 7. 04 45. 58 8. 06 33.33 14. 74 I 44.09 6. 61 44.12 3.64 43. 65 4.07 13. 11 Iv 77. 78 12.21 •79.27 8.42 84.59 12. 20 21.74 17. 28 | Ward 19 —A 104. 44 16. 72 105.00 13.19 94.54 14. 44 75.76 23. 80 1 B 78.81 13. 40 78. 78 11. 19 73. 98 12. 91 21. 11 C 104. 56 13. 86 104. 48 9. 92 112. 04 9.78 44.72 18.52 Ward 20—A 96. 57 17. 45 97.48 13. 14 98.16 15. 09 33. 33 27. 22, B . 82.47 13.16 82. 16 12. 86 83. 79 13. 97 14.69 C 101.91 14. 06 104. 02 13.02 123. 37 14.47 83. 33 17. 66 Ward 21—A 97. 20 14.03 97.87 9.62 138. 59 12. 16 36. 59 19. 84 B 105. 73 17.09 108.38 14.74 116.67 16.81 9. 80 23. 45 C 128.67 16.21 128.70 1 11.38 127. 82 13. 52 102. 15 21. 69 I) 78.30 12. 59 79.03 11.04 76. 60 10. 90 37. 04 18.12 E 97.26 14. 34 98. 13 11.34 92.32 13. 53 16. 67 20.41 Ward 22—A 63.85 10.83 64. 65 9. 57 58. 45 10.72 24. 69 13.59 B 69. 26 10.04 69. 29 8.68 59. 00 8. 93 66. 67 13.31 C 69.53 12. 69 69. 40 10. 88 78. 01 11.79 83. 33 17.44 I) 81.70 13. 35 81.81 10.38 77. 57 10.05 68.18 19.51 E 142. 02 20. 22 142. 29 13. 75 170. 25 18.75 125. 00 31.28 F 116. 23 16.19 116.49 11.36 112.11 13.21 114. 04 25.28 Ward 23—A 91.78 14.65 CO tc 00 13. 07 95. 18 14. 36 55. 56 20. 22 B .. 73.72 13. 64 73. 97 13. 64 73. 57 14. 34 14. 03 0 80.67 12. 29 81.13 10.94 76.85 12. 74 30.30 16. 84 11. 84 75. 90 10. 69 56. 79 11. 11 16. 00 B 120.51 11.52 113.54 7. 54 165. 71 11.42 95. 24 15. 33 C 111.55 16. 04 115.62 8. 48 147.34 12. 13 23. 31 D 44.96 6. 34 47.96 5. 73 41.67 7 99 7. 28 E 111.34 10. 92 108. 05 8.05 131.09 7. 60 14.57 Ward 25—A 113.01 14.84 108.37 12.21 113.61 12. 79 41. 67 20.58 B 72.16 11.99 71.71 10. 26 70. 09 11.82 133.33 17. 55 C 91.08 13. 73 92. 21 11. 22 80. 43 11.06 125.00 24. 58 D 97. 04 13.52 96. 69 9. 13 112. 55 11.02 27. 78 21.04 E 65.27 9. 23 65. 56 6. 53 68. 55 6.31 13. 89 16.50 Ward 26 84. 07 12. 56 84. 20 8.74 89. 00 9. 39 61.40 18. 58 It will be seen that there are great differences in the death rates of the different districts, and the causes of these differences are worth careful study. These causes are many and various, and the data given in this report with regard to them are necessarily imperfect, and can only indicate the locations in which special and detailed investigation seems most desirable. The great influence of age and race peculiarities upon death rates must be constantly borne in mind in comparing the mortality of different districts. 66 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 67 shows for four groups of localities in New York city the death rates per 1,000 of population during the census year, stillbirths included, with distinction of ages. The stillbirths affect only the rates for all ages and for those under 1 and under 5 years of age. Table 67. AGE GROUPS. Group A. Group B. Group C. Group D. All ages 26. 25 33.14 41.92 • 18.64 Under 1 year 294.35 407.11 447. 70 351. 57 Under 5 years 121.81 159. 05 225'. 68 129.44 5 to 15 years 3.99 5. 58 6.13 5. 05 15 to 25 years 7. 55 10.33 13. 38 4.41 25 to 65 years 21. 64 27.56 33.24 13. 79 65 years and over 104. 72 98. 88 135. 07 81.32 In the above table group A includes wards 7, 10, and 13, being those inhabited by Russian and Polish Jews. Group B includes 18, C; 21, C and H; 19, C; 22, A and 1); and 20, A and E, being water side districts with comparatively heavy death rates. Group C includes wards 1, 2, 4, 14, 15 B, 5 and 8 B, being localities in the lower part of the city having heavy death rates. Group D includes 18, D; 16, 1); 21, D and F; 19, A, 1), K, and N; 22, C, F, I, K, and M; and 12, A, E, H, Iv, and L, being the localities on high and good ground covered by the better class of residences. It appears from the above table that the aggregate death rate is lowest where we should expect to find it, namely, in group I), but that the death rate of children under 1 year of age, under 5 years of age, and between 5 and 15 years of age is lowest in group A, where the general conditions of life are much more unfavorable, but where the population is composed of Russian and Polish Jews. At ages above 15 the death rates are greater in group A than those in group I), but are lower than those of the other groups. For the ages from 15 to 05 the highest death rate exists throughout in group C, in which the aggregate death rate and the death rate of those from 15 to 65 years of age are more than double the corresponding rates in group I). Table 08 shows the death rate per 100,000 of total population due to certain causes in these different groups of districts. Table (i8. CAUSES. Group A. Group B. Group C. Group D. All causes 2. 025. 49 3, 313. 95 4,191.58 1, 864. 31 Scarlet fever 22.38 41.41 28. 70 8. 99 Typhoid fever 12.43 21.50 35. 88 22.12 Malarial fever 7.46 23.10 16.74 8. 99 Diphtheria 79. 58 101.15 93.28 55. 99 Croup . 46. 01 42.21 55. 01 16.59 Diarrheal diseases 293. 45 399.01 398. 23 159. 68 Consumption 328. 89 458. 74 576. 42 202. 54 Pneumonia 381.11 363. 97 548.91 219.13 Measles 21. 76 22. 30 88.50 2. 07 Whooping cough 31.71 35. 04 28. 70 18.66 Cancer and tumor 44. 76 52.56 63.38 68. 43 Heart disease and dropsy 94. 50 130. 61 180.58 116.13 Childbirth and puerperal diseases 22.38 27.08 16. 74 18.66 Diseases of the liver ■. 25. 49 39.03 47.84 20.05 Diseases of the nervous system 192.11 254. 06 281.03 167. 97 Diseases of the urinary organs 137. 40 197.52 245.16 131. 34 Old age 19. 89 28. 67 27. 51 17.97 Stillbirths 257. 39 258.04 309. 73 176. 96 All other causes 606.17 815.55 1. 148.05 431. 34 Unknown 0.62 2. 39 1.20 0.69 On June 1, 1890, the total population in group A, being wards 7, 10, and 13, was 100,840, of whom 312 were colored, 59,961 had Russian and Polish mothers, 34,104 had German mothers, 29,387 had Irish mothers, 15,648 had mothers born in the United States, 2,768 had English mothers, 2,143 had Hungarian mothers, and 1,015 had Italian mothers. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 67 Almost nil of those reported as having mothers born in Germany, Hungary, or Italy were of the Jewish race, and the same is the ease for a considerable proportion of those whose mothers were born in other countries, the total Jewish population of this region being about 110,000 at that date. Among the 29,387 having Irish mothers 1,059 deaths occurred during the census year. Among the 59,961 having Russian and Polish mothers 1,002 deaths occurred during the same period, giving a death rate for those of Irish mothers of 36.04 and for those of Russian and Polish mothers of 16.71 per 1,000. Table 69 shows the death rates in this region during the census year for certain age groups and for certain causes of death, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, the rates for the ages being per 1,000 ot population of corresponding ages and those for causes per 100,000 of population of each class. Tabu-: lift. AGE GROUPS AND ('AUSES. Aggregate. Total. Total. WHITE. Native. Both par ents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign. Colored. Total 26. 25 26.25 38.55 50. 67 36. 34 16.28 28. 85 294. 35 293. 76 293.68 412. 79 274. 76 302. 33 Under 5 years 121. 81 121. 58 130. 51 194.10 120. 35 35. 50 625. 00 3. 99 3. 99 4. 73 2. 29 7. 55 10. 88 11 32 10 82 5. 14 25 to 65 years 21.64 21.66 29.15 26. 56 29. 87 19.69 17.17 65 years and over 104.72 104.80 116. 40 143. 94 52. 63 103. 85 22. 38 22. 43 45. 93 27. 05 49. 37 3. 38 12. 43 12. 46 9. 74 18. 03 8. 23 14.66 7. 46 7. 48 4.18 9. 02 3.29 10.15 79. 58 79. 73 165. 62 288. 50 143.18 10. 15 46. 01 46.10 90. 46 117. 20 85. 58 10. 15 293.45 294. 02 598 44 676.16 584.26 47. 36 Consumption 328. 89 327. 66 340.97 351. 60 339. 03 316. 87 961. 54 381.11 381.85 520. 51 504. 87 523. 36 269. 51 21. 76 21. 80 ■ 44. 54 36.11 41.14 3. 38 31. 71 31.77 69. 59 162-. 28 52. 67 1.13 44. 76 44. 85 16. 70 9. 02 18.10 67 65 Heart disease and dropsy 94. 50 94. 68 04. 02 99.17 57. 60 119.53 88. 41 88. 48 96.18 111. 96 84. 66 25. 49 25. 54 5. 57 18. 03 3. 29 41 72 Diseases of the nervous system 192.11 191.86 265.82 408. 81 228.77 131. 93 320. 51 Diseases of the urinary organs 137.40 137.04 111.34 162. 28 102.04 157.87 320. 51 19. 89 19. 93 4.17 27. 05 32. 70 257. 39 256. 64 573. 39 531. 91 580 96 All other causes ' 606.17 606.10 904. 62 1,532.64 789. 98 364. 23 641. 03 Unknown 0. 62 0. 62 1.39 1.65 a I’e •100.000 female population from 15 to 45 years of age. 68 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 70 shows the death rate in this region during the census year, witli distinction of certain groups of ages and of certain causes of death by birthplaces of mothers, the rates of the age groups being per 1,000 of population of the same age and for causes per 100,000 of population of each birthplace of mother. Table 70. AGE GROUPS AND CAUSES. Total. United States. (a) Eng- land and Wales. Ire land. Scotland. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Scal!di' uavia. Hun- gary. Jiohemia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. Total 26.25 45. 18 35. 77 36. 04 45. 55 25. 70 22.14 16.71 28. 01 39.53 28. 9.3 111. 11 62. 07 23.08 Under 15 years 41.28 62. 25 47.57 40.71 72.92 57.14 30.38 32. 31 13.61 74.07 61.46 166. 67 120. 79 46. 59 15 to 25 years 7. 55 9.43 10.89 15.15 13. 89 7. 14 2.53 65. 57 48. 39 6.57 83. 33 22. 86 7.38 21.64 25. 92 29. 01 39. 51 39. 43 23. 81 21. 20 7.99 13.89 30.90 12. 20 31. 65 11. 49 65 years and over 104. 72 105. 96 200. 00 120. 92 142. 86 50.00 88. 51 84. 51 500.00 83. 33 166. 67 66. 67 22. :(8 31. 95 36.13 20. 42 8. 80 28. 35 14. 56 12. 43 12. 78 36. 13 6. 81 20. 53 10. 01 12. 78 23. 82 197.63 14. 56 79. 58 255.62 108. 38 51.04 216. 92 67.44 60. 04 46. 66 295. 57 43. 69 46. 01 121. 42 13. 61 26. 39 36. 69 139. 99 295. 57 101. 95 Diarrheal diseases 293.45 683. 79 289. 02 217.78 233. 64 225.78 251. 83 197.63 513. 30 689.60 298. 57 Pneumonia 381.11 498. 47 650. 29 704. 39 1.084. 60 233. 64 284. 42 220. 14 560. 22 592. 89 186. 65 1.851.85 689. 66 364.11 21 76 63. 91 3. 40 11. 73 23. 35 98. 52 29. 13 31. 71 159. 76 t> 9r» 17. 01 14.66 16. 68 46. 66 1.851.85 14.56 44. 76 6. 39 36. 13 64. 65 233. 64 73. 31 33. 36 46. 66 21.85 Heart disease and dropsy 95. 86 289. 02 132.71 433. 84 233. 64 140. 75 33. 36 28.11 197.63 139. 99 1.851.85 197. 04 36.41 Childbirth and puerperal diseases (b). 88. 41 161.81 78. 43 112. 75 88. 37 151.52 438 60 80. 91 25. 49 12. 78 71.46 233. 64 32.25 5. 00 197. 04 7.28 192. 11 364. 26 289. 02 268. 83 650. 76 134. 88 115. 07 197.63 186. 65 197. 04 211. 19 137. 40 121.42 216. 76 350. 50 216. 92 129.02 45. 03 280. 11 197. 63 197. 04 70 «*> 19. 89 19. 17 44. 24 216. 92 233. 64 17. 59 10. 01 7. 28 257. 39 466. 51 74. 86 216. 92 233. 64 164.20 278. 51 197.63 591. 13 371. 40 All other causes 606.17 1,322.85 903. 18 758. 84 867. 68 467. 29 460. 36 375. 24 280.11 790.51 979. 93 3, 703. 70 2. 167. 49 451. 50 0. 62 3. 40 a Includes colored. b Per 100.000 female population from 15 to 45 years of age. Iii this connection attention is invited to the very interesting report by Dr. linger S. Tracy on the tenement house census and tenement house mortality in 1801, contained in the annual report of the board of health for New York for the year 1891 (pages 206-214). This report relates to 37,358 houses, each containing more than 2 families living independent of each other, but excluding first class apartment houses, lodging houses, and hotels. These 37,358 tenement houses were found to contain 276,565 families, including 160,708 children under 5 years of age and 1,064,713 persons 5 years of age and over, or a total population of 1,225,421. The same divisions into districts were made as those used in this report, and a comparison of the results obtained for certain localities by the census work and the board of health work is given in the following tables. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 69 Table 71 shows for certain localities in New York the population, deaths, and deatli rates during the census year ending May 31, 1800, with distinction of certain age groups, as returned at the Eleventh Census. Table 71. POPULATION. DEATHS. KATES PEK 1,000 POPULATION. LOCALITIES. Total. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Total. Under 5 5 years years, and over. Total. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Bordering on East river, below Eiglity-sixtli street (a) 217, 508 21, 468 196, 100 6,632 3,038 3, 594 30.48 141. 51 18.33 Bordering on North river, below Eighty-sixth street (b) 155,541 14, 256 141, 285 5,255 2, 300 2, 955 33. 79 161.34 20.92 Former marsh land (c) 174. 96‘S 17,137 157,826 5. 453 2, 611 2,842 31.17 152. 36 18 01 Made land (d) 87, 892 7, 448 80. 444 3,183 1. 321 1, 862 36. 21 177. 36 23.15 Vicinity of slaughterhouses (e) 04.187 6,814 57.373 2,071 1,029 1,042 32. 27 151.01 18.16 Vicinity of gashouses (/) . 125, 560 12. 254 113. 306 4, 161 1,949 2. 212 33.14 159.05 19. 52 a Comprising First ward, district B; Second ward; Fourth ward, district s A and B ; Seventh ward, districts A and B ; Thirteenth ward, district B Eleventh ward, districts C and I); Eighteenth ward, district C; Twenty-first ward, districts C and H ; Nineteenth ward, districts C F, I, M. and P. b Comprising First ward, district A; Third ward; Fifth ward district A ; Eighth ward, district A : Ninth ward, districts A and C; Sixteenth ward, districts A and C; Twentieth ward, districts A, C. and E; Twenty-second ward, districts A, D. G, H, and L. c Comprising Fourth ward, district B; Seventh ward, districts A and B : Eleventh ward, districts B. C, and 11; Twelfth ward, districts C, 1), G, and I; Fifth ward, districts A and B; Eighth ward, districts A and B. d Comprising First ward, districts A and B; Second ward; Fourth ward, district A: Sixth ward, district B; Eighteenth ward district C ; Twenty- first ward, district H ; Ninth ward, district C; Sixteenth ward, districts A and C. e Comprising Ninteenth ward, district C; Twentieth ward, district E; Twenty-second ward, districts A ind G. /Comprising Eighteenth ward, districtC; Sixteenth ward, district A; Eleventh ward, district 1>: Twelfth ward, districts G and M. Table 72 shows for certain localities in New York the population, deaths, and death rates during the year 181)1, with distinction of certain age groups, as reported by the board of health. Tabi.k 72. POPULATION. DEATHS. BATES PER 1,000 POPULATION. LOCALITIES. Total. Under 5 \ ears. aE Total. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Total. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Bordering on East river, below Eiglitv-sixtli street (a) 200, 737 28,170 172, 567 5, 549 2,668 2, 881 27. 64 94. 70 16. 70 Bordering on North river, below Eighty-sixth street (b) 129, 630 15, 516 114,114 3, 953 1,846 2.107 30.49 118. 60 18.46 Former marsh lands (c) 161.294 22,530 138. 764 4,302 2.178 2.124 .26. 66 96. 67 15.31 Made land (d) 73. 865 8, 606 65, 259 2,175 926 1,249 30. 84 107.60 19.14 Vicinity of slaughterhouses (e) 63, 753 ;! 8,284 55, 469 1,764 896 868 27. 67 108.15 15.65 Vicinity of gashouses (/) - 106, 620 13, 637 92, 983 2, 810 ! 1.457 1. 353 26. 36 106. 86 14. 55 a, b, c, d, e. /See descriptions following Table 71. In considering’ the results shown by these tables it must be remembered that the board of health gives only population of and deaths in tenement houses, while the census gives total population and deaths in the districts named, which, however, were largely tenement house districts, and that the board of health gives the population a year later than the census, when it may be presumed to have increased. The census death rates are in every group higher than those of the board of health, the differences being greatest for the children under 5 years of age. Both give the heaviest death rates to the made land districts, and neither show a specially heavy death rate in the districts in the vicinity of slaughterhouses for persons f> years of age and upward, although the death rate of the children in these districts is rather high. The board of health report gives the lowest death rates to the localities in the vicinity of gas houses, the census report to the districts bordering on the East river. The differences in the rates shown by the two reports are due in part to the fact that they relate to two different years and in part to the fact that the board of health report shows a greater number of children under 5 years of age than does the census report. The conclusions of the two reports as to the relative healthfulness of different localities as indicated by death rates, and especially by the death rates of those o years of age and upward, are in most respects the same. 70 VITAL STATISTICS. ALTITUDE. The influence of the topographical peculiarities of the different districts in New York and Brooklyn upon the death rates is due largely to the relative altitude of each district and to the proportion of tilled ground which it contains. The following tables show the relations between altitude and death rates. Table 73 shows the average altitude of the different districts in New York and the average annual death rates, exclusive of stillbirths, during the 0 years ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of mean population; also the average annual deatli rates per 100,000 of mean population due to certain specified causes. Taisia. 78. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES. EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Per 1,(100 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. A verage altitude White. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. (in feet) J une 1, 1890. Aggregate. j Native. Foreign. Due tu*— Total. Both parents native. Malarial fever. Consump- tion . Diarrheal diseases. All ages. Under 5 1 years. j All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. 31 01 23. 1 f» 10 16.51 62. 96 19.41 62. 96 17. 05 35. 35 12.52 30. 58 183.49 10 38. 89 151.40 40. 53 151.78 1 47.70 153. 47 36.61 115. 38 25. 59 541. 62 411.55 Ward 8 A 10 31.39 118. 03 31.22 116. 74 35. 64 123. 72 31.47 153.85 17. 64 486. 69 279. 37 10 30. 43 102.97 28. 59 102. 25 26.81 94. 51 33.99 136. 36 32.80 384. 50 262.41 Ward 9 C 10 j 28.37 106. 73 28. 26 106. 01 29.20 108. 39 28. 28 145.83 24.95 340. 92 296.02 10 j 29.37 97.39 33.38 98. 58 44. 75 117.65 24.17 69.65 21.60 349. 61 307. 77 Ward 11 D 10 27.13 97. 36 28. 79 96. 73 32.15 82.05 24. 70 129.17 10. 18 357.27 320. 25 Ward 12 G 10 33.24 121.86 45. 11 123. 80 62. 85 160.42 19. 38 • 72.92 49.24 344. 68 523. 51 Ward 12 I 10 34. 38 143. 74 40. 65 143. 56 41.44 138. 78 2f». 22 144. 28 32. 72 330. 22 471.03 Ward 16 A 10 33.06 117.03 32.48 117. 61 33.33 109. 14 34. 06 89. 74 38.87 417.33 347. 78 Ward 16 C 10 29. 60 113.10 28.91 115.68 25.96 110. 84 30. 67 10.42 26.34 399. 96 268. 24 Ward 18 C 10 - 36.15 133. 63 38. 88 134. 86 54. 40 147. 73 32. 58 87. 30 21. 48 494. 80 443.10 10 8.09 753. 79 21. 06 763. 57 14. 48 611.11 2. 54 166. 67 76.03 62.45 12 24. 10 91.21 27. 46 92.44 33. 8(1 96. 47 20. 34 65. 08 12. 12 318. 70 307. 44 384. 63 Ward 3—35 13 41.28 150. 29 i- 53.56 148. 88 62.00 180. 72 27. 30 138. 89 20. 64 576. 01 Ward 12—M 13 32. 85 133. 28 i 37.64 133. 71 38.47 126. 30 25.17 106. 06 42. 79 374.53 429.62 Ward 13—B 13 28. 60 96. 38 33.83 97. 98 47. 25 135.03 21. 78 57.35 19.39 338. 38 343.22 Ward 1—A 14 47.43 171. 97 48. 05 166. 67 61.55 149. 43 46. 83 477. 78 46. 19 724. 79 360. 62 Ward 7 A 14 39.13 137. 02 45.12 141. 64 84. 25 201. 72 32.00 41. 67 20.92 461. 95 395. 70 14 32. 56 104. 67 35. 48 108. 81 53. 83 135. 06 28.43 40. 74 13.68 410.47 345.10 14 36. 20 133. 95 37. 29 134.63 44. 92 149.17 34. 18 90. 91 27.31 544. 77 409. 60 Ward 21 H . 14 36.49 145.53 37. 89 145. 73 53. 23 152.19 34. 66 126. 67 43.55 538. 76 429. 26 Ward 1 B 15 38. 20 124.64 36. 88 123. 70 58. 33 120.37 41. 74 63.00 486. 83 286. 37 15 39. 40 132. 52 45. 92 133.56 53.22 143.33 32. 86 105. 07 10. 56 551.60 337. 82 16 33.10 127. 22 36.17 125. 71 41.60 134. 22 29. 29 133.33 18. 12 465. 06 359. 36 17 17 41.83 28. 89 138.11 45. 99 30. 41 139.87 122. 62 45. 05 32.95 161.13 124. 67 37. 31 109. 29 77. 78 32. 84 (535. 97 349. 34 309. 32 Ward 52—0 122. 29 25. 37 Ward 12 AB 17 28. 20 183.16 31. 76 179.08 11. 66 23. 40 750. 00 17. 46 296. 84 497.64 Ward 17 D 17 23. 23 25. 43 95.11 26. 29 94. 64 33. 65 74. 93 187.17 20.12 123. 46 5. 30 314. 75 246.92 322.56 395. 72 Ward 11 A 18 90. 49 43.85 94. 51 14. 71 50.10 8. 41 300. 82 18 32.44 116. 82 34. 21 117.51 115.34 29. 30 84. 58 38.19 408.72 19 16. 32 15.19 65. 21 14. 54 60. 38 120. 00 171. 05 160. 74 113. 74 104. 88 117.62 222. 22 107. 47 123. 97 59. 34 129. 97 18. 98 18. 52 184. 03 141. 09 319. 63 179. 74 329.05 344.12 367.82 350.58 212. 88 256. 47 243.63 151. 94 170.19 20 178. 79 54.55 172.84 73. 98 59. 20 30. 44 776. 26 20 32. 08 42. 05 133. 67 30.92 134. 72 35.08 49. 25 36.15 42.56 38. 55 47. 34 28.01 28.63 18.80 26.17 33.83 22.47 458. 34 21 149. 83 41. 01 151. 03 110. 50 112. 91 120. 41 119. 37 107. 86 116.41 62.42 43. 43 83.33 68.63 88.71 40. 00 166. 67 111.11 144. 93 55.56 133. 33 35.33 23.16 13. 73 41. 74 689. 02 357. 36 436. 48 495. 27 434. 63 425. 88 434. 99 210.85 313. 74 Ward 12 1) 21 27. 80 29.95 31.94 109. 82 29.10 33.40 33.72 32.80 27. 92 27. 86 16. 64 25.43 Ward 17 E 21 112. 06 115. 81 26. 01 29. 86 31.44 27.52 34.54 17. 06 22. 79 Ward 21 C 99 23 32. 29 27. 63 30. 11 16.68 24. 06 120. 92 108. 60 116. 83 62. 31 35.48 24.31 35.51 27.91 31.08 Ward 9 B 23 24 Ward 16 B 25 Ward 18—B Ward 18 E Ward 19—M Ward 20 C 25 25 25 25 26 132. 77 105.16 101.28 112.68 95.60 1 25. 07 26.77 42. 74 31.77 20.21 133.45 104. 69 105. 78 113. 37 89. 57 27.34 27.34 31.49 20.57 24. 27 54.89 38.42 20. 47 105. 39 135. 88 120. 44 91.37 28.02 15.15 30. 39 19. 82 104.17 31.91 58.14 136. 36 24.35 14.20 29. 05 14.79 421. 78 259.17 445. 37 295. 84 249. 37 457. 98 326.42 146. 99 Ward 16—1) NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 71 Table 73—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. [ Average altitude j (in feet) 1 June 1, i 1890. | AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES. EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Per 1,000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. Aggregate. White. Due to— Kative. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. | Malarial fever. . Consump- tion. Diarrheal diseases. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. U nder 5 years. Ward 20 E 26 32.90 117.11 35.43 117. 80 42.23 111.96 j 29.05 75.16 24.09 432. 53 359.88 Ward 22—D 26 35.47 128.17 36.86 129. 71 43.50 121. 73 33. 60 97. 22 40. 35 451.14 429.14 Ward 8 C 27 30. 96 118.86 1 34. 70 116.09 32. 62 109. 77 ■ 26. 00 166. 67 12.16 456. 81 277. 06 Ward 9 D 29 24.41 102. 38 23.24 102. 70 23.63 97.80 27.53 51.28 24. 90 368.71 177. 83 Ward 0 C 30 41.87 159. 30 63.91 159. 30 59.93 254. 90 25.71 156.25 26.18 605. 69 433.15 Ward 7—1> 30 28. 50 102. 90 30. 72 105. 60 41.27 137.39 25. 29 32.16 20.57 365.14 329.14 Ward 15 A 30 34. 03 147.49 47.33 153. 59 53.34 200.58 22.02 88.89 25.75 523.15 367.01 Ward 15—C 30 22.34 115. 35 23.23 112.72 20. 62 90. 70 20. 47 83.33 17.59 290. 20 134.11 Ward 17— B 30 25.96 92.32 34. 96 95. 77 48.73 117.32 18.95 45.61 9. 92 338. 89 340. 54 Ward 10 T 30 31.81 115. 53 40.81 116.05 ! 39.83 126.26 21. 74 65.48 23. 20 365.34 507. 42 Ward 13 A 31 24.29 81.54 42. 29 84.54 66.21 186. 77 13.45 47. 89 8.94 248.39 313. 53 Ward 14—A 32 44. 67 177.14 68. 35 182.18 78.25 227. 82 27.17 107. 00 14.21 508.17 454. 87 Ward 17 E 32 27.47 124. 00 27. 57 125.90 25.43 114.33 27.38 79.17 21.21 387.84 222. 71 Ward 18—1) 32 13.20 133. 33 14.54 133.33 12.37 81.30 11.05 333. 33 9.35 133.18 63. 09 Ward 2D—B 32 32.35 152. 06 32.67 140.18 34.86 157.79 28.19 102. 56 19.17 466. 07 304. 66 Ward 7—C 33 25. 76 87.59 31.12 89.38 55.15 154.18 20.51 46. 38 10.04 319.68 284. 93 Ward 17—C 33 22.22 93.02 23.25 94.43 30.12 90. 04 21.09 33. 33 8.45 322.65 202.89 Ward 21—B 34 25.90 *113. 79 27.15 113.54 24.32 101. 85 23.96 52.08 25.16 392.43 159. 32 Ward 22—G 34 31. 02 102.56 40.80 108.12 57. 93 127. 76 23.03 103.60 21.51 380.09 399.81 Ward 21—E 35 23. 94 117.17 24.30 118.35 22.51 95. 67 23. 60 71.43 21. 82 303.43 188.40 Ward io—B 1 36 24.55 84. 54 38. 74 89.18 52. 70 149.24 15.94 38.70 11.07 330.18 304.13 Ward 14—B 36 39.71 157.34 58.75 160.70 58.41 192. 93 25.91 120. 75 18.11 502. 88 412. 31 Ward 17—A 36 26. 81 110.14 33.31 112. 72 40. 03 119. 40 21.06 56. 86 9. 33 365.73 302.28 Ward 19—C 36 35.50 135.42 40.06 135.10 51.89 147. 09 29.65 145.83 33. 79 441. 64 431. 99 Ward 19—P 36 17.48 62.68 20.31 62. 29 24. 08 65. 26 13. 29 79.23 15.02 198.38 234.74 Ward 18-A 37 21.41 136.22 24.25 133. 66 18.41 65. 36 17.49 666.67 16.99 293.07 84.95 Ward 21 —A 37 19.14 96. 60 22.45 98.04 19.42 54.46 15.01 55. 56 32.34 210.19 67.91 Ward 22 B 37 27.37 111.91 29.37 110.64 32.27 108.92 23.35 127. 66 25.68 360.02 296.89 Ward 15—T) 38 27. 99 167.95 28.71 169.40 27.17 123.56 27.14 277.78 24.03 372.42 164.18 Ward 19—F 38 26. 94 106.85 30.19 107. 82 34. 00 107. 26 22.97 69.44 9.46 327.34 321. 66 Ward. 20—D 38 25. 85 125. 00 26.59 120.83 28.60 130.98 24.02 71.43 18. 35 341.15 252. 62 Ward 12—C 39 28. 63 110. 88 35. 76 110.34 44.13 115.28 19. 02 102. 94 19.41 308. 57 405. 60 Ward 15—B 39 38.14 178. 34 44. 49 175. 57 38.52 366. 67 28. 85 111.11 16. 36 529. 93 320. 58 Ward 10—A 40 25. 90 89. 97 48.80 96. 05 82. 31 323. 23 14. 97 43.75 5.79 286. 01 306.85 Ward 23 40 23. 64 82. 05 23.95 82.34 26.40 80. 72 22.85 55. 02 43.10 275.45 245.84 Ward 12—F 41 26.10 104.54 27. 45 105.82 33. 18 112.46 22.92 41.67 35.71 296. 69 288.45 Ward 20—F 42 27.87 123. 66 29.10 124. 07 28- 26 115. 58 26.65 106. 67 18.37 368. 77 297. 90 Ward 21—G 42 - 23. 46 107. 96 23.73 107.44 19.08 95.99 23.07 129. 63 33.81 299.11 200. 27 Ward 19—B 43 27.07 118. 99 29.16 119. 75 32. 45 121.32 24.03 86.81 31.43 364. 82 238.14 Ward 12—N 45 19. 40 85. 96 20.19 84.82 18.00 72.64 17. 71 105. 56 34.19 213.24 186. 24 Ward 19—E 46 26.42 129. 30 30.03 130.48 32.23 128.17 21.45 75.76 25.12 289. 47 271.99 Ward 19—L 50 28. 70 114.05 36.45 116. 63 47. 58 139. 67 20. 70 45. 79 15. 03 358. 79 389. 78 Ward 22—H 51 22. 99 82. 24 25.83 83.75 28. 52 100.75 18.30 39. 22 51.16 216.01 329. 70 Ward 22 C 52 22.51 133.23 23.73 134.56 | 21.45 143. 76 21.31 500. 00 24.45 276. 66 147. 98 Ward 21—D 53 15. 19 76.75 17.84 77.63 15.98 50. 72 11.33 55.56 12. 03 141.40 75.21 Ward 19—0 55 22.55 96. 08 25. 95 96.41 28. 79 107. 34 18. 02 74. 71 17.13 256. 32 253.68 Ward 19—H 56 | 30.46 125. 06 34. 48 125.52 35.21 123. 22 24.52 94.77 33.37 357. 28 369.06 Ward 22 L . .. 21.38 80.10 20. 30 79. 29 | 22.49 79. 21 24.96 62. 66 203. 63 180.14 Ward 19—A 63 | 22.05 108.11 26. 66 109. 30 24.61 86. 78 16. 29 55. 56 15. 48 226. 97 126.38 W ard 19—D 63 19.05 110. 84 22. 33 106. 97 20.66 72. 30 13.51 83.34 33.04 162. 45 104. 63 AVard 22 E 25. 93 108. 27 27. 25 107.10 26. 74 107. 08 23.11 76. 67 35.34 325. 00 252. 01 Ward 19—G 69 28. 62 175. 85 36.14 175.21 30.65 88.78 17.22 266. 67 17. 90 218. 04 388.88 69 14.55 15. 37 74. 86 19.91 58.17 13. 46 15.48 103.17 82. 53 Ward 22—F 69 21.36 115.15 21.74 112. 17 17.88 111.78 20.74 266. 67 26.10 272.18 152. 87 73 17. 67 88.41 22.71 89. 39 22. 83 78.28 11.20 41.67 : 10.30 164.86 56.67 Ward 22 I •. 74 18. 04 84.11 18. 63 86.52 17. 58 83. 96 17.01 62. 50 15.78 210. 42 187. 62 Ward 19—X 78 15. 26 83.44 16.41 85.05 17.64 78.92 13. 66 64.10 15. 61 191.27 131. 42 Ward 12—K 80 16.90 66.28 16.70 65. 60 13.67 55. 91 17.32 125. 00 19.71 192.19 206. 98 Ward 12—P 80 j 24.38 103. 00 26. 72 104.05 24.94 89. 24 20.13 37. 04 4.73 336.17 194.13 Ward 22—M 81 9. 36 54.01 9.83 54.57 9.78 49.08 8.61 33.33 15. 86 103.10 79.31 Ward 12—A 83 14.38 68.08 14.08 67. 86 9. 96 50. 47 15.45 55.56 22.68 176.87 117.91 72 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 73—Continued. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Per 1.000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. Average altitude White. WAKDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. (in feet) June J, 1890. Aggregate. Native. ... Due to— [ Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. a n : Under 5 AH ages. | years All ages. Under 5 years. Malarial fever. Consump- tion. Diarrheal diseases. Ward 1- K 86 j 16. 18 57. 58 16.94 58. 70 15. 70 53.10 14. 73 34.19 21. 75 178.37 163.14 Ward 12— S 87 ; 19. 11 66.91 19. 01 67.91 19.05 67.24 19. 86 40. 54 25. 25 192.20 186. 59 W;ird 22—K 87 i 8.81 54.13 9. 45 55.8! 9. 58 56. 35 8. 12 83. 34 22. 69 49.16 49.16 Ward 12—B 96 24. 93 108. 79 26.16 106. 49 31.53 102.68 22. 72 270. 83 24. 30 262.10 218. 70 Ward 12—H 100 17. 33 52. 58 14. 74 52.19 9. 32 32. 71 23.48 74.07 27. 79 156.32 145. 89 Ward 24 too ! 22. 06 67. 46 20.39 66. 76 21.42 57.69 25.17 39. 22 84. 38 327. 22 173.45 RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS. Districts under 20 f'eet in altitude.. - - 31.48 118. 59 35. 22 119. 54 38.33 125.66 26. 41 85.12 26.14 404. 63 353.93 Districts 20 to 40 feet in altitude 28. 25 110.60 32.33 111.42 32.00 120.05 23.14 74. 53 19.86 378. 09 296.13 Districts 40 to 60 feet in altitude 24. 79 100. 63 28.21 102. 11 26. 78 103.44 20. 16 57.79 26. 77 291. 27 265. 78 Districts 60 to 80 feet in altitude 21.34 108.44 23.56 108. 49 22. 50 90.17 17.70 87. 38 23. 99 231. 35 192. 32 17. 88 74.45 18. 33 74. 84 17.05 67.17 17. 29 59.19 21. 38 192. 42 164.15 Districts 100 feet and over in altitude 21. 06 64.05 19. 18 63. 41 . 18.48 52.17 24. 82 46.51 72. 35 290. 89 167. 60 Table 74 shows the average altitude of the different districts in Brooklyn and their average annual death rates, exclusive of stillbirths, during the (> years ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of mean population; also the average annual death rates per 100,000 of mean population due to certain specified causes. Table 74. ’ AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Per 1,000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. White. altitude WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. (in feet) June 1, Aggregate. Native. Due to— 1890. — Foreign. Total. | Both parents nati ve. All ages. Under 5 Under5 Under 5 Under 5 Malarial Consump Diarrheal ' years. years. years. fever. tion. diseases. The city 24. 17 93. 42 25. Q0 93. 78 I 25.48 91.92 22. 26 54. 96 32. 62 303. 24 282. 58 Ward 12 A ;> . 31.10 110. 85 38.30 112.65 42. 02 121. 38 23. 03 69. 44 71.64 286.58 358.22 Ward 12-B 5 31. 23 98. 35 30. 61 99. 04 27. 78 93.45 31. 90 62. 50 26. 05 342.41 327.53 Ward 17 C 8 32. 54 120.17 37.24 121.48 45. 66 125. 64 25.31 65. 66 56. 73 312. 00 495.42 Ward 14—1) 10 39. 55 137.51 41.89 138. 81 34.06 126. 62 35. 21 83. 33 85.13 432. 22 510.81 Ward 15—A 10 29. 74 109. 71 30.98 i 109.93 38.10 112. 24 26. 67 83. 33 38. 22 243.21 -371. 76 Ward 17—B 10 21. 91 101.16 23. 81 102. 61 24. 07 102. 71 17.08 44.44 18. 70 248. 44 221.72 Ward 19—C to 23. 68 87.17 26.14 86. 70 30. 60 90. 74 18.70 44. 72 15.12 324.62 315.55 Ward 10 C 11 27.16 93. 94 27. 91 94. 04 31.15 79.98 25.87 73. 53 15.79 278. 96 365. 81 Ward 17—A 11 26.21 99. 36 28. 71 99. 44 31.99 104. 65 21.84 96. 15 28. 93 277. 71 337. 50 Ward 6—B 12 31.05 112.82 37.78 j 114.95 56. 50 139. 22 23.52 | 60. 76 41.68 350. 48 407. 31 Ward 12—C 12 29. 88 112.50 31.90 113.31 40. 46 116. 67 26.75 86.31 47. 96 288. 86 371.39 Ward 17—1) 13 21.94 76.72 21. 69 77.22 22.64 77.59 22. 57 43.48 26. 51 228. 79 235. 76 14 30. 31 108. 89 33. 04 111 66 44. 35 116 82 v>6. 40 39. 86 Ward 14—A 15 26. 86 97. 24 28. 65 1 97. 97 35.61 106. 67 23.93 66. 67 25. 51 288. 24 339. 25 Ward 14—C 15 28.41 109.53 29.54 j 112.24 31.95 117. 72 26.28 39.47 35.28 389. 97 333.55 Ward 17—F 45.10 190. 48 43.48 184.52 111. 11 145. 83 47. 87 392 16 Ward 21—A 15 23.93 82. 41 25. 86 82. 58 37. 26 113.64 20. 06 36.59 15. 29 286. 66 330.62 Ward 19—A 16 23.44 87. 68 23. 24 | 87.98 22. 70 76. 51 24. 03 75. 76 24. 72 282.17 218. 32 Ward 16—I) 18 27.43 92.34 32. 29 93. 50 43.75 108. 70 20. 35 26. 32 23. 98 297. 87 397. 58 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 73 AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Ber 1,000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. Average altitude 1 ' White. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. (iu teet) June 1, 1890. Aggregate. Native. Foreign. Due to— Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. 1 All ages. Under 5 years. Malarial fever. Consunip tion. Diarrheal diseases. Ward 22 E 19 29.88 101.17 28. 78 100. 79 128.11 35. 22 35.71 11.57 56. 26 35.10 39. 22 39.82 48. 90 35.15 41. 96 121.86 115.73 51.44 121. 21 156. 25 116. 52 105. 72 84.47 115. 90 139.15 31. 83 25.54 17. 47 25. 89 26. 30 31.08 22.43 22. 97 22. 79 28. 38 125.00 50. 85 27.78 74.07 58. 56 13.51 54. 60 23. 81 73.33 108.33 46.45 38. 42 9.59 17. 83 47. 48 52.36 17.70 9. 64 61.57 36.59 294.16 330. 45 124. 66 380.41 356. 97 386.19 329.49 240. 99 305.17 356. 08 278. 68 501.44 230.15 493. 34 337. 62 333.82 453. 39 530.17 333.28 332. 15 v\ aid 14 B 20 33. 56 124. 40 39. 54 20 17.26 63. 35 112. 24 . 17.16 36. 99 64.34 112.65 139. 22 120. 90 104.17 84.70 115.38 124. 80 20 32. 93 21 28.61 135. 44 31.33 31.42 33.42 31. 68 23 31. 75 120. 35 Ward 16 B 23 28.81 102.43 Ward 18 B .. 23 28. 24 83. 33 113. 75 25 30. 28 35. 37 Ward 11—A 25 30. 05 124. 65 31. 09 Ward 16—A 25 20. 22 67.86 18. 23 66. 45 20.76 66.57 23.47 33.33 18. 27 234.53 225. 39 Ward 2 26 34.40 131. 24 38.86 137. 28 138.23 118. 77 87. 75 108.03 •98. 45 74.30 43. 92 53.74 46. 76 25. 66 39. 78 26. 88 23.16 124. 53 144. 08 120.27 84. 59 103. 59 93.80 77.66 29.12 32. 71 25.49 28.45 22.18 25. 90 18.90 51.95 41.67 03. 22 31.25 44.63 27.62 47 8", 419.15 428.44 343.47 309. 08 364. 43 279. 81 230. 61 .419.15 457. 45 422. 73 250. 21 395.12 308.36 239. 86 26 37. 76 137.14 40. 32 97 31. 24 117.16 35.41 28 24.80 23. 75 64. 82 Ward 21 C 29 28.34 108. 36 32. 04 102.15 114.04 30. 69 32.36 54. 09 Ward 22- F 29 2o. 29 98. 54 Ward 26 .9C) 20.91 74. 38 21.59 61.40 Ward 3 A 30 22.90 86 60 23. 47 21.03 23. 90 85. 72 89. 61 97. 32 119.16 89. 06 96. 65 29. 42 21.21 28. 27 28. 68 99. 62 78.92 100. 61 108.54 81.53 96.49 107.28 98.15 57. 32 91. 40 21.82 18.46 24.33 26. 16 24. 03 23.53 26.15 23. 29 21.06 21.37 27. 26 80. 00 19.23 97.22 12. 70 27.84 34.62 20.90 26.13 27. 90 23.52 39.88 17.05 33.90 34. 83 277. 78 227. 38 292.96 286.58 351.63 290.44 309.14 259. 21 229. 22 295. 70 315. 09 230.16 Ward 6 C 30 20. 08 87. 23 184.07 275. 65 253. 75 206. 70 . 258.73 283.94 31 23. 98 97.18 Ward 13 A 32 26.00 117. 39 25. 98 20.83 32 22. 07 88. 24 97.49 21.36 24. 87 22.82 28. 30 83. 33 87.30 33 24. 53 Ward 7 A 34 26. 09 91. 72 91. 84 93.39 62.57 91.14 83. 90 34. 09 74.07 Ward 21 B 34 35 23.50 91.24 23. 55 25.84 17.16 25.24 9. 80 213. 64 134. 50 216. 60 Ward 19 B 16. 71 62. 71 89. 64 15. 53 Ward 13—B 36 22. 62 23.19 45. 98 Ward 20 A 36 24. 33 83. 25 23. 21 25. 52 82. 67 33. 33 218. 91 37 18. 50 64.19 18. 65 64.37 83. 02 67. 87 87. 74 42. 51 17. 51 60. 91 80. 67 68. 30 18.10 18.68 17.33 37.04 50. 63 22. 61 179. 51 283. 67 156. 49 Ward 3 B 38 19. 61 84. 98 19.85 19. 38 27. 69 102.56 168. 56 39 21.50 23. 77 21.74 32.14 202. 51 366. 44 41 20. 60 86.13 22. 79 28. 82 13. 02 85.71 36. 64 16.82 14.92 10. 98 37.04 28. 97 10.18 225.93 128.94 239. 45 Ward 18 H 41 13.03 42. 28 12. 51 33.33 132. 33 Ward 18 G 42 13. 93 48. 51 15.17 48. 23 65.15 115. 36 17. 24 44. 80 83. 33 11. 24 153. 56 205. 99 Ward 21 D 42 16.77 16. 43 16.14 23.28 62.63 123.49 18.25 22. 23 37. 04 138. 89 46. 96 177. 39 300.39 127. 82 Ward 11—B 43 22.83 121.49 22. 33 31. 62 224.50 Ward 18 F 46 19. 63 73. 78 21.02 73. 92 76.18 24.17 18. 02 79.34 67.03 74.45 16.14 25. 24 35. 68 181.65 237.02 201.12 Ward 25 C 47 20. 00 19.13 125.00 229. 77 Ward 23—A 48 19. 16 73.48 18. 75 73.63 19. 87 20.36 55. 56 38. 89 207.39 157. 70 Ward 18—D 49 29. 85 114. 83 37.69 117.46 56. 22 136. 03 18.50 36.67 34. 61 323. 61 529. 54 Ward 18—E 49 24. 28 84. 43 27. 59 84. 86 39. 29 112. 73 18. 77 61. 11 20. 73 288. 55 350. 75 50 16. 78 59.94 17. 52 60. 08 17. 98 58. 58 14. 00 28.30 213. 34 82. 72- Ward 1—A 51 18.53 70.68 20.02 71.30 20.12 74. 07 16. 33 21.74 26. 31 234.25 134. 95 Ward 25—D 53 i 22. 95 82. 25 23.22 81.37 28. 86 92. 43 21.11 27. 78 27.07 322.13 308.59 Ward 1—B 54 19. 59 92.63 21.16 92.81 21. 85 99. 40 16.82 150.00 33.98 250.41 123.42 Ward 7 11 54 20. 21 80. 25 19. 41 80. 45 21. 45 80. 09 23.47 138.89 23.06 255. 80 165.64 Ward 23 C 16.52 65. 96 16. 51 66. 10 16. 92 60. 32 16.92 30. 30 30. 01 214. 06 102.03 Ward 4 55 25. 53 111.05 25.28 109. 84 27. 89 112.16 24.65 11.11 33.41 359.53 248. 60 22. 86 95. 76 22.13 90. 06 22. 45 04. 90 20. 70 41. 67 39. 32 249. 62 241.08 Ward 25 B 16. 66 58.17 16.32 57. 62 17. 24 17. 96 133.33 17. 38 176.30 188. 72 Ward 21 E 58 22. 43 18.98 14.48 83.70 80. 76 52. 23 23. 28 84. 30 82. 44 24. 84 17. 63 78. 84 68. 77 47.21 64. 76 63. 75 93.14 56.13 141.76 20. 38 20.78 16. 67 49. 35 243. 37 270. 60 Ward 7 B GO 18. 70 28. 66 239. 53 120.79 Ward 22 .V 63 14. 76 52. 69 68. 55 63. 38 76. 04 54. 02 98. 98 14. 71 13. 68 24. 69 18.81 160. 62 123. 00 Ward 7 C 65 17. 51 70. 68 64. 01 77.03 53. 97 107.37 16. 97 17. 54 16. 97 18. 64 14. 67 27. 63 211.17 122.36 Ward 20—B 70 16. 03 18. 07 15. 35 20.36 40.21 142. 08 75.06 74 17. 97 15. 75 21.25 19.12 15. 99 29. 29 17.92 16. 48 15. 73 83. 33 13. 89 95. 24 23.25 249.42 126.82 Ward 25—E 16.44 147. 93 177. 51 Ward 24—B 77 35. 79 188. 73 341. 66 W ard 24—A 79 | 15. 58 62.50 ! 15. 78 63. 38 14. 49 49.38 15. 93 11.37 221.69 79. 58 Table 74—Continued. 74 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 74—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. Average altitude (in feet) J une 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Per 1,000 of mean population. Per 100,000 of mean population. Aggregate. White. Native. Foreign. Due to— Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. 22.97 7.11 13.51 17.87 13.03 Under 5 years. Malarial ! fever. Consump- tion. Diarrheal diseases. 81 81 89 90 95 102 105 107 115 118 118 . 126 28. 46 9.97 14.24 16.29 10.51 27.05 18. 70 19.69 25. 25 26.33 23.91 25. 87 100.93 39.47 55. 56 50. 79 34.95 82.47 95.14 68.03 89.46 91.67 105. 17 113.10 28.81 11.36 14.56 15. 76 9.48 28.11 19. 78 19. 62 27.28 31.30 22.28 28. 24 104. 35 41.97 55.43 50.15 34.86 82.85 91.81 67. 89 90.48 94.62 104. 24 115.20 35.86 14.32 14.02 17. 05 10. 72 36. 04 23.04 18. 47 32. 72 33.91 | 21. 39 57.14 | 125. 60 41.67 46. 23 58. 51 36. 71 106. 84 114.23 63.15 99. 25 88.54 81.05 217.95 29.14 12.01 17. 07 9.31 291. 38 132.08 198. 05 139. 63 96.21 288.45 224. 38 214. 61 351.20 214. 44 345.12 280.33 359. 36 144.09 122. 93 134.97 140. 62 371. 49 193.22 216.26 297.76 274. 01 223.06 305. 81 Ward 24 D Ward 22—B Ward 22—C Ward 18—1 66. 67 83. 33 Ward 9—B 25. 67 14. 54 41.67 37.15 31.16 28.06 24.81 35.74 21.04 25.48 Ward 22—1) Ward 8—C Ward 8—1) 19.88 21. 22 18.83 25. 98 21.28 68.18 53.92 23.81 70.51 Ward 9 C RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS. Districts under 20 feet in altitude . -. 27. 67 100. 69 29. 96 101. 64 33.47 105. 59 23. 72 57. 31 32.47 304. 50 346. 41 Districts 20 to 40 feet in altitude 25. 96 99.60 26. 89 100. 27 28.54 97. 88 23.96 58. 35 34. 26 304. 70 301.02 Districts 40 to 60 feet in altitude 20. 78 83. 21 21.29 82. 67 21.83 81.56 ! 19.04 48.64 31.10 247. 23 220. 75 Districts 60 to 80 feet in altitude 17. 02 69.14 16.87 67. 63 17.45 67.32 | 16. 61 37. 04 25.60 195.19 140.67 Districts 80 to 100 feet in altitude ... 15.50 56.18 15. 27 56.10 1 15.90 54.02 15.01 24.51 13. 27 171.27 160. 42 Districts 100 feet and over in altitude 23. 54 85.86 24.00 85. 85 || 25.14 87.72 22. 23 53. 62 28.09 287. 59 268. 72 It will be seen from these tables that for the sanitary districts in New York which are under 20 feet in average altitude the average death rate is 31.48, while for those from 20 to 40 feet high it is 28.25; for those from 40 to 60 feet high it is 24.79; for those from 60 to 80 feet high it is 21.34, and for those from 80 to 100 feet high it is 17.88. In other words, the average death rate decreases as the average altitude increases. The exception to this rule is for the districts 100 feet or more in altitude, where the death rate is 21.06. If, however, we take the death rates of children under 5 years of age we find that the decrease continues to the higher altitude, the rates being for the districts under 20 feet high, 118.59; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 110.60; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 100.63; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 108.44; for those from 80 to 100 feet high it is 74.45, and for those 100 feet and over it is 64.05. Much the same gradation occurs in Brooklyn, where the death rates for the districts under 20 feet in average altitude was 27.67; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 25.96; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 20.78; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 17.02; for those from 80 to 100 feet high, 15.50. Here again in the districts 100 feet and over the death rates are higher, being 23.54. In New York the districts 100 feet and over in altitude are 12 H, showing an aggregate death rate of 17.33, and ward 24, having an aggregate death rate of 22.06, per 1,000 of population, and a death rate from malarial fever of 84.38 against a city average of 24.62 per 100,000 of population. In Brooklyn the districts over 100 feet in height are 9 B, death rate 27.05; 24 E, death rate, 18.70; 22 I), death rate, 19.69; 8 C, death rate, 25.25; 8 I), death rate, 26.33; 9 A, death rate, 23.91; and 9 C, death rate, 25.87. The relations of altitude to the proportion of deaths caused by malarial fever, consumption, and diarrheal diseases are indicated by the table. They are well marked only for the deaths from consumption and diarrheal diseases. Thus, in New York city, in the districts under 20 feet in altitude, the deaths from consumption were 404.63 per 100,000 of the mean population; in those from 20 to 40 feet high, 378.09; in those from 40 to 60 feet high, 291.27; in those from 60 to 80 feet high, 231.35; and in those from 80 to 100 feet high, 192.42. . In Brooklyn the corresponding figures are for altitudes under 20 feet, 304.50; for those from 20 to 40 feet high, 304.70; for those from 40 to 60 feet high, 247.23; for those from 60 to 80 feet high, 195.19; and for those 80 to 100 feet high, 171.27. In each city the proportion of deaths from consumption increases in the districts having an average altitude of 100 feet and over, it being in New York 290.89 and in Brooklyn 287.59. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 75 Table 75 shows for New York and Brooklyn the area and proportion of area, the number and proportion ot the population at different altitudes, and the corresponding death rates for the census year, with distinction of nativity and parental nativity. Table 75. CHARACTERISTICS OF ALTITUDE. New York. Brooklyn. 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF ALTITUDE. New York. Brooklyn. Average altitude (in feet) 65 47 Altitude 40 to 60 feet—Continued. Total area (in acres) 25, 818 18, 084 Death rates per 1,000 of population: Population, aggregate 1, 515, 301 806, 343 Aggregate 25.17 ; 21.66 Native, white 852,641 534,672 Native, white 28. 26 22.54 Both parents native 270, 487 222,573 Both parents native 25. 57 22. 73 Foreign, white 636,986 260. 725 Foreign, white 20. 68 19.01 Death rates per 1,000 of population: 28.63 25. 54 Altitude 60 to 80 feet: Native, white 32.18 26.55 Area (in acres) 1,145 1, 067 Both parents native 30. 36 26. 87 Per cent in this group 4.43 5.90 Foreign, white 23.52 23.06 1 Population, aggregate 97,042 61, 723 Per cent in this group 6. 40 7.65 Altitude under 20 feet: Native, white 59.369 44, 440 Area (in acres) 3,044 2, 617 Per cent in this group 6. 96 8.31 Per cent in this group 11.79 14. 47 Both parents native 28, 864 26, 780 Population, aggregate ! 426, 608 180, 999 Per cent in this group 10. 67 12.03 Per cent in this group 28.15 22. 45 Foreign, white 35,193 15, 340 Native, white 242,164 112,232 Per cent in this group 5.52 5.88 Per cent in this group 28. 40 20.99 ; Death rates per 1,000 of population.- 64,800 33,668 1 20.82 19.13 23. 96 15.13 22. 62 18.65 180, 867 67,336 21. 69 19. 57 28.39 25.83 17.65 19. 04 Death rates per 1,000 of population: Aggregate 32.09 29. 68 Altitude 80 to 100 feet: 36. 09 32.30 4, 147 579 38.49 16.06 3. 20 26.44 24.89 64, 682 17, 310 Per cent in this group 4.27 2.15 Altitude 20 to 40 feet: Native, white 42, 293 12, 236 3,261 8, 539 4. 96 2. 29 12.63 47.22 19. 729 6,426 632.000 307, 290 7. 29 2.89 Per cent in this group 41.71 38.11 Foreign, white 21.437 4,823 Native, white 337, 111 199,977 Per cent in this group 3. 37 1.85 Per cent in this group 39.54 37.40 Death rates per 1,000 of population: Both parents native 97,381 74, 632 Aggregate 19. 40 19.70 Per cent in this group 36.00 33,, 53 Native, white 20. 55 20.76 Foreign, white 281,374 103, 904 Both parents native 19. 67 23.19 Per cent in this group 44.17 39.85 Foreign, white 17.49 17.00 Death rates per 1,000 of population: Aggregate 30.10 27.15 Altitude 100 feet and over: 34. 83 28.22 8, 642 2,781 32.93 29.20 33. 47 15. 38 23. 82 24. 79 26. 806 45,394 Per cent in this group 1.77 5. 63 Altitude 40 to 60 feet: Native, white 18,119 29,910 5, 579 2, 501 2. i 3 5 59 21. 61 13. 83 8, 384 11 541 268,163 193, 627 3. 08 5.19 17. 70 24. 01 8, 313 14.819 135, 877 1. 31 5.68 Per cent in this group 18.01 25.41 Death rates per 1,000 of population: 51, 379 69. 526 23. 9J 25. 60 18. 99 31.24 22. 24 26. 21 109,802 54,503 22.08 27 61 Per cent in this group 17.24 20. 90 Foreign, white 27. 67 23.69 From tliis table it will be seen that the average altitude in Brooklyn is lower than in New York, but that a smaller proportion of the population of Brooklyn resides in the low districts than is the case in New York. The lower districts are, as a rule, less desirable places of residence, and contain a greater proportion of the foreign white population than of the native whites with native parents. But the death rates of the native whites are also greater than those of the foreign in other districts, because the former contain a greater proportion of infants and children than the latter. 76 VITAL STATISTICS. The relation between the density of population and the death rates in the different localities is not as evident as that between the altitudes and death rates, but is nevertheless interesting. In New York, in those districts having a population of less than 100 persons to the acre, the death rate was 22.70; in those having a population of from 100 to 200 persons to the acre it was 29.53; in those having a population of from 200 to 300 persons to the acre it was 28.73; and in those having a population of 3(H) persons and over to the acre it was 27.57. It must be remembered, however, that in the most crowded or tenement house districts the proportion of the foreign white population to the native white population is greater than it is in other localities, and the relatively smaller number of young children among the foreign white population tends to decrease the death rate in these crowded districts. The age distribution of the population must be constantly borne in mind in considering these rates. If we take the native white of native parents alone the gradation of the death rates in relation to density of population is well marked. Thus, in New York city, in districts having a density of less than 100 persons to the acre the death rate of this class was 21.80; in those districts having from 100 to 200 persons to the acre it was 31.04; in those districts having from 200 to 300 persons to the acre it was 34.11, and in those having 300 or more persons to the acre it was 43.12. In Brooklyn, for the native whites of all ages, the death rate in those districts containing less than 40 persons to the acre was 21.10; in those containing from 40 to 80 persons to the acre, 22.26; in those containing from 80 to 120 persons to the acre, 25.28; and in those containing 120 or more persons .to the acre it was 29.3*1. Table 76 shows the area and population of the different districts in New York on June I, 1890, and the average annual death rates during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890, per 1,000 of mean population, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, according to density ot population. Table 76. JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Districts and groups of districts. Total area (in acres). Population. Persons to the acre, excluding parks and cemeteries. Aggregate. White. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. U nder 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Total 25,818 1, 515, 301 74. 66 27. 66 31.01 110. 37 30.22 112.41 23.15 74. 28 Ward 11—A 32 24, 435 763. 59 25.43 43. 85 94.51 59. 20 187.17 14. 71 50.10 Ward 10—A 52 30, 490 586. 35 25. 90 48.80 96. 05 82. 31* 323. 23 14. 97 43. 75 Ward 6—C 26 14, 586 561. 00 41.87 63. 91 159. 30 59.93 254.90 25.71 156. 25 W ard 17— B 54 30,100 557. 41 25. 96 34. 96 95. 77 48. 73 117.32 18. 95 45. 61 Ward 13—A 52 27, 664 532. 00 24. 29. 42. 29 84.54 66.21 186. 77 13.45 47. 89 Ward 10—B 54 27.106 501. 96 24. 55 38. 74 89.18 52. 70 149.24 15. 94 38. 70 Ward 7—C 50 22, 484 449. 68 25. 76 31.12 89.38 55.15 154.18 20. 51 46. 38 Ward 17—D 41 15, 651 447.17 23. 23 26. 29 94. 64 33. 65 74. 93 20.12 123.46 Ward 17—F 42 16,910 445. 00 29. 95 33.40 112. 91 42. 56 104. 88 26.01 88.71 Ward 19—L 49 19. 978 407. 71 28. 70 36. 45 166. 63 47.58 139. 67 20. 70 45. 79 Ward 14—B 47 18.913 402. 40 39. 71 58. 75 160. 70 58. 41 192. 93 25. 91 120. 75 Ward 11—B 50 19. 785 395. 70 24.10 27. 46 92.44 33. 80 96. 47 20. 34 65. 08 Ward 17—A 51 17, 778 348. 59 26. 81 33. 31 112. 72 40. 03 119. 40 21.06 56. 86 Ward 19—0 84 28,477 339. 01 22. 55 25. 95 96.41 28. 79 107.34 18.02 74.71 Ward 22—B 104 34, 307 329. 88 27.37 29. 37 110.64 32.27 108. 92 23. 35 127.66 Ward 13—B 57 18, 220 319. 65 28. 60 33.83 97.98 47.25 135.03 21.78 57. 35 Ward 4—B 35 10. 626 303. 60 41.83 45.99 139.87 45. 05 161.13 37.31 109. 29 Ward 7—1) 46 13,503 293. 54 28. 50 30. 72 105. 60 41.27 137.39 25. 29 32. 16 Ward 6—B 23 6, 576 285.91 39.40 45.92 133. 56 53.22 143. 33 32. 86 105. 07 Ward 17—C 43 11, 772 273. 77 22. 22 23. 25 94.43 30.12 90. 04 21. 09 33. 33 Ward 21—H 49 13,179 268.96 36. 49 37.89 145. 73 53. 23 152.19 34.66 126. 67 Ward 9—B 79 21,230 268. 73 27.63 27. 92 107. 86 28.01 107. 47 27. 52 111. 11 Ward 15—A 37 9,671 261. 38 34. 03 47.33 153. 59 53. 34 200.58 22. 02 88. 89 Ward 22—E 1 92 23, 886 259.63 25. 93 27. 25 107.10 26. 74 107. 08 23.11 76. 67 Ward 11—C 52 12, 694 244.12 29.37 33.38 98.58 44. 75 117. 65 24.17 69. 65 Ward 20 E , 65 15,820 243. 38 32. 90 35.43 117.80 42. 23 111.96 29. 05 75. 16 Ward 19—F 82 19, 834 241. 88 26.94 30.19 107.82 34. 00 107. 26 22. 97 69.44 Ward 19—P 100 23, 741 237.41 17.48 20.31 62. 29 24.08 65. 26 13. 29 79. 23 Ward 11— D 84 18. 512 220.38 27.13 28. 79 96. 73 32.15 82. 05 24.70 429.17 Ward 20—B 75 16,423 218. 97 32. 35 32.67 140.18 34.86 157. 79 28.19 102. 56 Ward 19—H 90 19,117 212. 41 30. 46 34.48 125. 52 35. 21 123.22 24.52 94. 77 Ward 7—A 47 9, 959 211.89 39.13 45.12 141.64 84. 25 201. 72 32. 00 41.67 Ward 8—C 56 11,828 211. 21 30. 90 34. 70 116.09 32. 62 109. 77 26.00 166. 67 Ward 18 E 82 16, 848 210. 60 27. 34 26. 77 104.69 24. 27 105,39 28.02 104.17 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 77 JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH BATES FOB 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Districts and groups of districts. Total area (in acres). Population. Persons to the acre, excluding parks and cemeteries. Aggregate. , White. Native. "~jT Total. Both parents native. Foreign. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Ward 20—F 62 12,625 203.63 27.87 29. 10 124.07 28.26 115.58 26. 65 106. 67 W ard 19—M 52 10, 571 203.29 27.34 42. 74 105.78 54. 89 135.88 15.15 31.91 Ward 21—C 58 11,786 203.21 31. 94 33. 72 120. 41 38. 55 117.62 29.80 40. 00 Ward 19—B 1... 99 19, 699 198. 98 27.07 29.16 119. 75 32. 45 121.32 24.03 86.81 Ward 19—E 87 17,179 197. 46 26.42 30.03 130. 48 32. 23 128.17 21. 45 75. 76 Ward 21—B 50 9,777 195. 54 25. 90 27.15 113.54 24. 32 101.85 23. 96 52.08 Ward 22—A 116 22, 586 194. 71 32. 44 34. 21 117.51 35.46 115. 34 29. 30 84. 58 Ward 20—D 79 15, 340 194. 25 25.85 26. 59 120.83 28.60 130. 98 24.02 71.43 Ward 7 B 59 11.420 193. 56 32. 56 35.48 108. 81 53.83 135.06 28.43 40.74 Ward 19 C 81 15, 550 191. 98 35.50 40. 06 135.10 51.89 147.09 29.65 145. 83 Ward 8 A 57 10, 872 190.74 31. 39 31. 22 116. 74 35. 64 123. 72 31.47 153. 85 Ward 16 D 92 17, 705 190.38 20. 57 20.21 89.57 20. 47 91. 37 19. 82 136. 36 Ward 18—C 129 24, 445 189. 50 36.15 38. 88 134.86 54. 40 147. 73 32.58 87.30 Ward 12 I 126 23, 358 185. 88 34. 38 40. 65 143. 56 41.44 138. 78 25. 22 144. 28 Ward 17 E 59 10,947 185. 54 27. 47 27. 57 125.90 25.43 114.33 27.38 79.17 Ward 12 M 214 39, 520 184. 67 32.85 37. 64 133.71 38.47 126.30 25.17 106.06 Ward 16-B 91 16, 594 182. 35 30.11 27. 86 116. 41 28. 63 123. 97 34.54 144. 93 Ward 9 D 80 14, 045 175. 56 24.41 23.24 102. 70 23.63 97.80 27. 53 51.28 Ward 14 A 55 9,181 166. 93 44.67 68. 35 182.18 78. 25 227. 82 27.17 107. 00 Ward 12 C 72 11,936 165. 78 28.63 35. 76 110.34 44.13 115.28 19. 02 102. 94 Ward 21 E 52 8, 268 159. 00 23.94 24. 30 118.35 22.51 95. 67 23. 60 71.43 Ward 21 G 40 6,304 157. 60 23. 46 23.73 107. 44 19.08 95.99 • 23. 07 129. 63 Ward 20 A 78 12,134 155. 56 36. 20 37.29 134. 63 44. 92 149.17 34.18 90.91 Ward 4—A 47 7,183 152. 83 42.05 41.01 151.03 49.25 160.74 43. 43 83. 33 Ward 12 G 119 17, 870 150. 22 33.24 45.11 123. 80 62.85 160.42 19. 38 72. 92 Ward 8 B 57 8, 520 149. 47 41.28 53. 56 148. 88 62. 00 180. 72 27.30 138. 89 Ward 20 C 84 11.979 142.61 31.49 31.77 113.37 38.42 120. 44 30.39 58.14 Ward 18 B 83 11, 089 142.17 24. 06 25. 07 133. 45 26.17 129. 97 22. 79 133.33 Ward 1 A 83 8, 129 137.78 47. 43 48. 05 166.67 61.55 149.43 46. 83 477.78 Ward 22 C 104 14.262 137.13 22.51 23. 73 134.56 21.45 143. 76 21.31 500.00 Ward 12 0 227 27,857 135.23 28. 89 30. 41 122. 62 32. 95 124. 67 25.37 77. 78 Ward 9—A 68 9,137 134.37 30.43 28.59 102. 25 26.81 94. 51 33. 99 136.30 75 10 007 133. 43 35.47 36.86 129. 71 43.50 121. 73 33. 60 97. 22 Ward 12 B 102 13,345 130. 83 24. 93 26.16 106. 49 31.53 102. 68 22. 72 270. 83 Ward 22 G 80 10,237 127.96 31.02 40.80 108.12 57.93 127. 76 23.03 103. 60 Ward 19—N 114 14, 421 126. 50 15. 26 16.41 85. 05 17. 64 78.92 13. 66 64. 10 Ward 16—A - 66 8,001 121.23 33. 06 32.48 117.61 33. 33 109.14 34. 06 89. 74 Ward 22 I 90 10,467 116. 30 18. 04 18. 63 86.52 17. 58 83. 96 17.0’. 62. 50 89 10, 013 112.51 28.37 28. 26 106.01 29. 20 108. 39 28. 28 145. 83 Ward 18 D 71 7, 024 108.06 13.20 14.54 133. 33 12. 37 81.30 11.05 333. 33 Ward 22 F 92 9,844 107.00 21.36 21.74 112.17 17. 88 111.78 20. 74 266. 67 Ward 12 D ()() 7,001 106. 08 27.86 29.10 110. 50 36. 15 113.74 25. 43 68. 63 Ward 19—K 69 7. 275 105. 43 14. 55 15.37 74.86 19.91 58.17 13. 46 Ward 15—C 81 7,081 99. 73 22. 34 23.23 112. 72 20. 62 90. 70 20. 47 83. 33 Ward 15 B 48 4, 759 99.15 38.14 44. 49 175.57 38. 52 366. 67 28.85 111. 11 Ward 21 D 58 5,451 93.98 15. 19 17.84 77. 63 15.98 50. 72 11.33 55. 56 Ward 5—A 80 7,259 90.74 38.89 40.53 151.78 47. 70 153.47 36.01 115.38 Ward 21 A 58 5,071 87. 43 19.14 22.45 98.04 19.42 54.46 15.01 55. 56 Ward 19 G 279 11. 538 86. 07 28.62 36.14 175.21 30. 65 88. 78 17. 22 266. 67 Ward 19 I 77 6. 471 84. 04 31.81 40. 81 116.05 39. 83 126. 26 21. 74 65. 48 Ward 16 C 82 6,834 83. 34 29. 60 28.91 115.68 25. 96 110.84 30. 67 10. 42 Ward 12 F 112 8.432 75.29 26.10 27.45 105.82 33.18 112. 46 22.92 41.67 Ward 12 N 885 25,744 70.73 • 19.40 20.19 84.82 18.00 72. 64 17.71 105.56 Ward 21 F 45 3, 183 70. 73 17.67 22. 71 89. 39 22.83 78. 28 11.20 41.67 Ward 12 E 167 10, 648 68. 70 16.18 16.94 58.70 15.70 53.10 14. 73 34.19 Ward 19 D 100 6,815 68. 15 19.05 22. 33 106. 97 20. 66 72. 30 13.51 83. 34 Ward 19 A 117 7, 275 67.99 22.05 26. 66 109.30 24.61 80. 78 16. 29 55.56 Ward 18 A 66 3, 864 65. 49 21.41 24. 25 133. 66 18.41 65.36 17. 49 666. 67 Ward 5—B 82 5, 126 62. 51 33.10 36.17 125. 71 41.60 134.22 29. 29 133.33 Ward 15—I) - 68 3,888 61.71 27.99 28 71 169. 40 27.17 123. 56 27. 14 277. 78 Ward °2 M 370 4,628 58.58 9. 36 9. 83 54. 57 9.78 49.08 8. 61 33. 33 Ward 22 H : 116 6, 457 57. 65 22. 99 25.83 83. 75 28.52 100. 75 18.30 39.22 Table 76—Continued, 78 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 76—Continued, JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Districts and groups of districts. Total area (in acres). Population. Persons to the acre, excluding parks and cemeteries. Aggregate. Xa Total. White. ive. Both parents native. i.- • 1* oreign. | All ages. Under 5 vears. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Ward 19- R 120 6, 910 57.58 8. 09 21.06 763.57 14.48 611.11 2. 54 166. 67 Ward 22- K 94 4. 853 51. 63 8. 81 9. 45 55. 81 9 58 8 12 Ward 12—It 241 11,328 47. 00 16. 32 15. 19 65..21 14. 54 60. 38 18.98 18. 52 Ward 12— L 160 7, 471 45. 01 16. 68 16. 64 62.42 18. 80 59. 34 17 00 Ward 6 A 51 1,957 44. 48 32. 29 32. 80 119. 37 47. 34 222.22 31.44 166. 67 Ward 12— H 168 6, 669 43. 03 17.33 14.74 52.19 9.32 32. 71 23. 48 74.07 Ward 3 102 3, 765 36. 91 32. 08 30. 92 134. 72 35.08 33. 83 Ward 12 A 555 5. 107 29. 02 14. 38 14. 08 67. 86 9. 96 50.47 15.45 55. 56 Ward IB 104 2.521 24.24 38. 20 36. 88 123. 70 58. 33 120.37 41.74 Ward 12 P 237 4.891 20. 64 24.38 26. 72 104.05 24.94 89. 24 20.13 37. 04 Ward 12 K 279 4.700 19.58 16.90 16. 70 65.60 13. 67 55.91 17.32 125. 00 Ward 22 L 147 2. 343 17. 89 21.38 20. 30 79. 29 22.49 79. 21 24 96 Ward 23 4, 241 53, 94s 13. 43 23. 64 23. 95 82. 34 26. 40 80. 72 22.85 55. 02 Ward 2 76 929 12. 22 172. 84 73.98 120. 00 59.20 Ward 12 AB 300 2. 653 8.84 28. 20 31. 76 179.08 11.66 54. 64 23.40 750.00 Ward 12 S 2,343 16. 510 7.61 19.11 19.01 67. 91 19. 05 67. 24 19. 86 40. 54 Ward 1 C 472 6. 13 16.51 19. 41 62.96 17.05 35.35 12. 52 Ward 24 8, 474 20,137 4.58 22. 06 20.39 00. 76 21.42 57. 69 25.17 39. 22 RECAPITULATION BY GROUPS. Under 100 to the acre 20. 161 297, 683 14. 77 22. 76 23. 81 94. 30 21.80 80.23 ■ 20. 92 68. 28 100 to 200 to the acre 3. 503 540.533 154.31 29. 53 31. 51 123. 37 31. 04 122.41 26.51 101.12 200 to 300 to the acre 1,274 290. 575 235.15 : 28.73 ! 31. 42 110. 49 34. 11 114. 66 25. 04 76.21 300 and over 880 377,510 428. 99 27. 57 36. 56 104. 42 43.12 131.41 19. 72 63. 20 Table 77 shows the area and population of the different districts in Brooklyn on June 1,1800, and the average annual death rates during the 6 years ending May 31,1890, per 1,000 of mean population, with distinction of color, nativity, and parental nativity, according to density of population. Table 77. JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. Districts and groups of districts. Total area (in acres). Population. Persons to the acre, excluding parks, cem- eteries, and water sur- face. Aggregate. White. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. All ages. Under 5 years. • All ages. Under 5 years. All ages U nder 5 years. Total 18, 084 806. 343 49.87 24.17 25. 00 93. 78 25.48 . 91.92 22. 26 54. 96 Ward 16—B 59 12,494 211.76 28.81 33.42 104.17 39. 82 105. 72 22.43 54.60 Ward 16—C 69 14.164 205. 28 31. 24 35.41 118. 77 46. 76 120.27 25. 49 63. 22 Ward 5—B 58 10,450 180.17 31.75 31.42 120. 90 39.22 116.52 31.08 13. 51 Ward 5—A 54 9,725 180.09 28. 61 31.33 139.22 j 31.41 106. 78 26. 30 58.56 Ward 16 D 77 13,477 175.03 27. 43 32.29 93. 50 43. 75 108.70 20. 35 26. 32 Ward 19 C 104 17. 928 172.38 23.68 26.14 86.70 | 30. 60 90. 74 18.70 44.72 Ward 21 C 92 14,918 162.15 28. 34 32.04 108.03 39.78 103.59 22.18 102.15 Ward 11 A 130 12. 005 153. 91 30. 05 31. 09 124.80 41.96 139.15 28. 38 108.33 Ward 14 C 61 9,149 149. 98 28.41 29.54 112.24 31.95 117. 72 26.28 39. 47 Ward 15 C 88 13,113 149. 01 23. 98 23. 90 97.32 28. 27 100.61 24.33 97.22 Ward 21 A 71 9,982 140.59 23.93 j 25. 86 82. 58 37.26 113.64 20.06 36. 59 Ward 3 A 76 10. 582 139.24 22.90 23.47 85. 72 29. 42 99. 62 21.82 80. 00 Ward 18 D 99 13.566 137.03 1 29.85 37. 69 117.46 56. 22 13& 03 18.50 36. 67 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 79 Table 77—Continued. JUNE 1, 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. • White. Districts and groups of districts. Total area (in acres). Persons to t he acre, excluding Native. Population. parks, cem- eteries, and water sur- Aggregate. Total. Both parents native. tace. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. All ages. Under 5 years. Ward 10—A 109 14,064 133. 94 24. 53 24. 87 96. 65 28. 30 96. 49 23.53 87. 30 Ward 6—C 83 10, 977 132.25 20.08 21. 03 89.61 21.21 78. 92 18. 46 19.23 Ward 6—B 136 17. 924 131.79 31. 05 37.78 114.95 56.50 139.22 1 23.52 60.76 Ward 16—A 45 5. 585 124.11 20. 22 18.23 66. 45 20.76 66.57 23.47 33.33 Ward 15—B 77 9, 492 123. 27 24.80 23.75 87. 75 25. 66 84,59 28. 45 64. 82 Ward 10—B 109 13,189 121.00 30.31 33. 04 111.66 44.35 116.82 26.40 39. 86 Ward 6 A 77 8, 792 114.18 20.60 22. 79 87. 74 28.82 85. 71 16. 82 37. 04 Ward 13—C. 63 7, 074 112. 29 22.07 21. 36 89.06 22.82 81.53 24.03 83.33 Ward 4 112 12, 324 110. 04 25. 53 25. 28 109.84 27.89 112.16 24.65 11.11 Ward 11—B 123 10, 688 109. 06 22. 83 22. 33 115. 36 23.28 123. 49 22. 23 138.89 Ward 13 B 83 8, 924 107.52 22. 62 23. 19 91.14 25. 24 91. 40 21. 37 45.98 Ward 20—A 186 10,043 106.84 24.33 23.21 83. 90 25.52 82. 67 27. 26 33. 33 Ward 14—B 83 8,843 106. 54 33. 56 39. 54 128.11 35. 71 115.73 25.54 50.85 128 13, 588 106.16 24.28 27.59 84.86 39.29 112.73 18.77 61.11 Ward 17—D 130 13. 149 101.15 21. 94 21. 69 77. 22 22. 64 77.59 22.57 43. 48 Ward 1—A 116 10,530 98.41 18. 53 20. 02 71. 30 20.12 74.07 16.33 21. 74 Ward 7— A 105 10, 286 97.96 26. 09 26. 05 91. 84 34.09 107.28 26.15 74.07 Ward 22—A 145 14,122 97.39 14. 48 14. 76 • 52.69 14. 71 47.21 13.68 24. 69 Ward 3—B 84 8,172 97. 29 19.61 19.85 83. 02 19.38 80.67 18.68 102.56 Ward 17—C 102 9. 701 95.11 32. 54 37. 24 121. 48 45. 66 125.64 25. 31 65. 66 Ward 2 95 8. 986 94.59 34.40 38. 86 137.28 : 43. 92 124.53 29.12 51.95 Ward 21—E 132 11. 209 84.92 22.43 23. 28 84.30 ; 24.84 78.84 20.38 16. 67 Ward 21—B 80 6, 697 83.71 23.50 23.55 93. 39 25.84 98.15 23. 29 it. 80 Ward 22 F 129 10, 736 83. 22 26. 29 26. 50 98.45 26. 88 93.80 25. 90 114. 04 Ward 12 C 193 15, 912 82. 45 29.88 31.90 113.31 40.46 116. 67 26. 75 86.31 Ward 17—A 116 9,512 82.00 26.21 28. 71 99. 44 31. 99 104. 65 21. 84 96.15 Wtrd 14—A 82 6, 660 81.22 26.86 28. 65 97.97 35.61 106. 67 23.93 66.67 Ward 7—D 103 8, 242 80. 02 20.21 19.41 80.45 21.45 80. 09 23.47 138. 89 Ward 1 B 120 9,510 79. 25 19.59 21.16 92. 81 21. &5 99. 40 16. 82 150. 00 Ward 23 A 134 9. 553 75.82 | 19.16 18. 75 73.63 19.'87 74.45 20. 36 55.56 Ward 18—F 96 7, 238 75.40 19. 63 21.02 73.92 24.17 79. 34 16.14 55.56 Ward 18—A 141 10,521 74.62 37.76 40. 23 138. 23 53.74 144.08 32. 71 41.67 Ward 25—B 117 8, 665 74.06 16.66 16.32 57. 62 17. 24 57. 26 17. 96 133. 33 Ward 21—1> 100 7,312 73.12 1 16. 77 16. 43 65.15 16.14 62.63 18.25 37. 04 Ward 15-A 69 5. 025 72.83 j 29. 74 30. 98 109. 93 38.10 112. 24 26. 67 83.33 Ward 7—B 116 8.441 72.77 18.98 18.70 82. 44 17. 63 68.77 20. 78 55. 56 Ward 10—C 95 6, 778 71.35 27.16 27. 91 94.04 31.15 79.98 25. 87 73.53 Ward 7—C 123 134 80 8, 757 <). 479 71.20 70. 74 70. 38 17.51 16.78 26. 0J 16.97 17 5‘> 68. 55 17.54 17.98 28.68 64.76 58.58 108.54 18.64 14.00 26. 16 Ward 23—B 60. 08 Ward 13— A 5. 630 25. 98 119.16 20. 83 Ward 20—C 112 7,880 70.36 17.97 18. 07 76.04 19.12 93.14 17.92 83.33 Ward 8—C 587 10.410 70.34 25. 25 27.28 90.48 32.72 99.25 21.22 53.92 Ward 19—B 140 9, 541 68.15 16.71 15.53 62.57 17.16 57.32 21.06 Ward 9—A 123 8,315 67.60 23.91 22. 28 104.24 21.39 81. 05 25.98 70.51 Ward 23 C 154 10,316 66.99 16.52 16. 51 66.10 16.92 60. 32 16.92 30.30 Ward 20—B 112 710 6. 213 64. 05 63.15 15.52 19.69 16.03 19.62 63. 38 67.89 16. 97 18.47 63. 75 63.15 14.67 19. 88 Ward 22—D 12,378 68.18 Ward 18—G 101 6, 268 62. 06 13. 93 15.17 48.23 17.24 44. 80 10.98 83.33 Ward 9—B 132 8,008 60. 67 27.05 28.11 82.85 36. 04 106.84 25.67 41.67 Ward 18—H 120 6, 919 57. 66 13.03 12.51 42. 51 13.02 36.64 14. 92 33.33 Ward 25—A 219 12.584 57. 46 22.86 22.13 90. 06 22.45 94. 90 20. 70 41.67 Ward 12—A 169 6.688 56. 20 31.10 38.30 112.65 42.02 121.38 23.03 69.44 Ward 17—B 123 6,867 55. 83 21.91 23.81 102.61 24.07 102. 71 17. 08 44.44 Ward 25—C 162 8. 896 54. 91 20.00 19.13 76.18 18.02 67.03 25. 24 125.00 Ward 25—D 154 7,948 51. 61 22.95 23. 22 81. 37 28.86 92.43 21. 11 27. 78 Ward 18—C 77 3,950 51.30 32.93 36.99 112.65 56. 26 121.21 25.89 74.07 Ward 8—B 479 14,844 50.49 30.28 35.37 115.38 35.15 115.90 22. 79 73.33 Ward 19—A 49.30 23.44 23.24 87. 98 22.70 76. 51 24. 03 75.76 Ward 14—D 54 2,594 48.04 39.55 41.89 138.81 34.06 126. 62 35.21 83.33 Ward 22—B 136 5,984 44. 00 14.24 14.56 55.43 14.02 46.23 31.51 66.07 Ward 18—B 61 2,435 39. 92 28. 24 31. 68 84. 70 48.90 84.47 22.97 23.81 Ward 25-E Ward 22—C 166 112 6. 545 4, 390 39.43 39. 20 15. 75 16. 29 15.35 15. 76 54.02 50.15 15. 99 17.05 56.13 58. 51 16.48 17.87 13.89 83. 33 80 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 77—Continued. JUNE 1 1890. AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES FOR 6 YEARS, EXCLUDING STILLBIRTHS. White. Persons to the acre, Native. Districts and groups of districts. Total area Population. excluding parks, cem- Aggregate. Foreign. eteries, and Total. Both parents native. water sur- face. Under 5 All ages. Uufer5 Under 5 years. years. years. Ward 24—15 162 6. 210 38.33 21. 25. 20.36 . 98. 98 29.29 , 141. 76 15. 73 95. 24 Ward 18—1 97 3,172 36. 46 10. 51 9.48 34.86 10.72 36.71 13.03 Ward 17—E 52 1,914 36.11 17.26 17.16 64.34 11.57 51.44 17.47 27. 78 m 3. 555 27.14 15. 58 15. 78 63. 38 14. 49 49. 38 15. 93 Ward 12—B 294 4. 768 21. 77 31. 23 30. 61 99. 04 27. 78 93.45 31. 90 62. 50 Ward 22—E 122 2, 640 21.46 29. 88 28. 78 100. 79 35. 22 121. 86 31.83 125.00 Ward 24— D 109 1.683 16. 34 9. 97 11.36 41.97 14.32 41.67 7.11 121 2, 081 15.89 28.46 28. 81 104. 35 35. 86 125. 60 22.97 Ward 8—A 290 4,317 14. 89 18.50 18. 65 64. 37 17. 51 60. 91 18.10 37. 04 182 1.373 11. 84 25. 87 28.24 115. 20 57.14 217. 95 21. 28 Ward 26 4, 225 29, 505 7. 25 20. 91 21. 59 74. 30 23.16 77.66 18. 90 61.40 Ward 18—K 1,145 7,303 7. 09 21.50 23. 77 67. 87 27. 69 68. 30 17. 33 21. 74 Ward 24— E 3,242 • 4. 96 18. 70 19. 78 91.81 23. 04 114. 23 14. 54 Ward 8— D 292 1. 668 4.24 26. 33 31.30 94. 62 33. 91 88. 54 18.83 23.81 Ward 17—E 231 281 45.10 43.48 184.52 111.11 145.83 47.87 RECAPITUI A T ION BY GROUPS. Under 40 to the acre 8. 653 87, 082 10.71 19.41 21. 10 74. 94 21. 95 76. 87 19. 49 42. 11 40 to 80 to the acre 5, 367 262, 287 ' 63.11 21.99 22. 26 86. 99 21.75 81.51 21.31 63. 04 80 to 120 to the acre 2,467 224,190 95.77 24. 85 25. 28 96. 21 26.18 94. 85 22. 78 57.13 120 and over to the acre 1,597 232, 784 151. 06 27. 04 29.31 103. 88 34.13 108.32 j 23. 30 51.51 - l_ ___ __ . : ' . ' 1 - 1 To give some idea of the relations between tilled ground, vicinity of parks and open spaces, character of habitations and other local peculiarities, and the death rates of the different districts, the following general topographical descriptions of the two cities and of each ward and sanitary district therein are appended. NEW YORK. New York city is situated in the extreme southern part of the state of New York, at the confluence of the North, or Hudson, river with the waters of Long' Island sound, familiarly known as the East river, 40° 42' north latitude, and longitude 74° west from Greenwich. The principal portion of the city is oil Manhattan island, the lowest point of which is on a level with the sea, while the highest point, at Fort Washington, is 271 feet above the sea level. In the district north of Manhattan island, and within the corporate limits, the highest point is at Riverdale, in the Twenty-fourth ward, where an elevation of 282 feet above the sea level is reached. Manhattan island is bounded on the north and east by the Spuyten Duyvil creek and Harlem river, on the east and south by the East river, and on the west by the Hudson river, its long axis running from north-northeast to south-southwest. That part of the city on the mainland, including the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards, is bounded on the north by the Yonkers city line, on the east by the Bronx river, on the south by the East river and Harlem Kills, and on the west by the Harlem river, Spuyten Duyvil creek, and Hudson river. In addition to the above, the corporate limits included on June 1,1890, Blackwells, Wards, Randalls, and Harts islands, in the East river. Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in the upper bay, were owned and occupied by the United States government, but in this report are considered as belonging to ward 1. The total area of the city, including the islands mentioned, was 25,818 acres, or 40.34 square miles. Manhattan island alone had an area of 12,606 acres. The aggregate area of Blackwells, Wards, and Randalls islands, in the East river, was 420 acres, and that of Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in the bay, was 77 acres. The extreme length of the city was 21.1 miles, the island being 13.5 miles in length. The average width of the city below One hundred and twenty-fifth street was about 2.08 miles. The elevations of the different portions of the city are shown by the contour lines on the maps accompanying" this report, but the original topography is of great interest in its relation to the death rates and to certain causes of death in the different districts. In this connection, see the remarks on the causes of pneumonia on page 39 of this report. On Manhattan island, below Canal street, there was originally very little land. A deep creek existed along the course of Broad street nearly to Wall street; another ran up Maiden lane to Nassau street, and a depression penetrated as far as East Broadway from Peck slip. Just below that point a low marsh nearly connected the East river with the Collect pond. This was a fresh water pond, covering several acres, located near the center of the present Sixth ward. It was supplied with springs; was about 40 feet deep, and in the summer of 1796 was the scene of the trial of John Fitch’s screw-propeller steamboat. The water of this pond discharged into the Hudson river through a depression at Canal street, its channel being joined by that of another marshy stream running from Reade street, west of West Broadway. There was thus a continuous swamp separating the lower part of the island from the higher ground north of Canal and Pearl streets. This higher ground, with the exception of an extensive swamp on the east side, covering the greater portion of the present Eleventh ward, was well elevated above the tide level, and parts of it were of tolerably uniform grade. It was penetrated by the valley of Minetta brook, which led to the Hudson river at about West Houston street, and which extended as far as Twentieth street and Fifth avenue. Another brook of considerable size, commencing in the vicinity of Madison square, discharged into the East river. The streams above mentioned became obliterated so long ago that few remember their existence or locality. In the grading and filling process both swamp land and hills have disappeared and the city prison (The Tombs) now stands on the land covered by the old Collect pond, while the adjacent ground has become the most densely populated of any portion of this country. In the northern portion of the island above Eighty-sixtli street the land reached its greatest elevation west of Eighth avenue, the average altitude being between 100 and 200 teet. East of Central park and along the Harlem river very little of the land exceeded 20 feet altitude above tidewater and much of it was below tidewater. From Ninety-second street to One hundred and fourth street, east of Third avenue, was one entire swamp. At One hundred and eighth street a large stream having its origin in the highlands about One hundred and thirty-fifth street and Tenth avenue, and passing through the northeast corner of Central park, discharged into the East river. Before reaching Central park, and thence to the East river, this stream spread out into a marsh. In addition to the changes caused by grading and filling, the original shore line has been pushed out by filling, until at present the whole water front below Twenty-sixth street is two or three blocks in advance of the original line. 81 82 VITAL STATISTICS. The original shore line between Dover street on the east and Little West Twelfth street on the west very closely approximated the present location of the Third avenue and the Ninth avenue elevated railroads, respectively. Above Little West Twelfth street, on the west side, it may be said to have followed the line of Washington street to Tenth avenue, along Tenth avenue to Twenty-sixth street, thence diagonally to Fiftieth street. Above Dover street, on the east, it followed about the line of Cherry street as far as Clinton street, thence along Water street to Corlears street, in the line of which it followed to Lewis street, along Lewis street and in the same line to avenue D, from which point it proceeded diagonally to Eighteenth street and First avenue. From the intersection of Eighteenth street it followed about the line of First avenue, with a slight bend outward, as far as Fortieth street. The amount of land thus reclaimed from the streams below the points indicated, and then solidly occupied, is approximately stated as follows: in ward 1, 93 acres, or 35.23 per cent of the ward’s area; in ward 2, 27 acres, or 35.53 per cent; in ward 3, 38 acres, or 37.25 per cent; in ward 4, 32 acres, or 39.02 per cent; in ward 5, 43 acres, or 26.54 per cent; in ward 7, 58 acres, or 28.71 per cent; in ward 8, 19 acres, or 11.18 per cent; in ward 9, 104 acres, or 32.91 per cent; in ward 11, 59 acres, or 27.06 per cent; in ward 13, 34 acres, or 31.19 per cent; in ward 16, 88 acres, or 26.51 per cent; in ward 18, 106 acres, or 24.60 per cent; in ward 20, 88 acres, or 19.86 per cent; and in ward 21, 32 acres, or 7.80 per cent making a total of 821 acres thus added to the area of the city below Fiftieth street. Accompanying this report will be found a special map of New York, on tracing paper, showing the original shore line and marshy tracts, which lias been reproduced from the map published in the Tenth Census report upon social statistics of cities. By overlaying this upon the colored maps the relations of filled ground to the death rates in particular localities may be clearly traced. The elevations above mean sea level were: at City Hall park, corner of Broadway and Chambers streets, 38 feet; along Canal street from the Hudson river to Center street, and along Baxter and Roosevelt streets to James slip, 8 feet; First avenue and Forty-second street, 72 feet; Thirty-ninth street between Madison and Fifth avenues, 79 feet; Fifty-first street and Fifth avenue, 72 feet; Fifth avenue and Seventieth to Seventy-first street, 80 feet; Fourth avenue and Ninety-third street, 115 feet; Ninth avenue and Sixty-first street, 91 feet; between Seventy-sixth and Seventy-ninth streets and Ninth and Tenth avenues, 95 feet. Above this point the elevations varied up to 271 feet at One hundred and eighty-fourth street and Thirteenth avenue, on the island, and 282 feet at Riverdale in ward 24. • The line of the Bowery from Chatham square to Union square, and thence along Broadway to Madison square, occupied the ridge of the island, the ground sloping on either hand toward tin* river with an average elevation above tide water of from 40 to 45 feet in its whole length. The land included in a line drawn from One hundred and fifty-fifth street and Eighth avenue to One hundred and tenth street, to Fifth avenue, to avenue A and Ninety-second street at the East river, and thence up the river to the place of beginning was known as the Harlem plains, with an average elevation of from 10 to 25 feet above high tide, Mount Morris square, with an elevation of 101 feet, being the only exception. The small hills to the southeast of the plains had an average elevation of about 50 feet; while those along Seventh avenue, from One hundred and thirty-fifth street to One hundred and fifty-fifth street, ranged from 30 to 50 feet. DENSITY OF POPULATION. The city (including the islands in the bay) had on June 1, 1800, a total area of 25,818 acres and a total population of 1,515,301, the number of persons to each acre of total area being 58.69. The city records did not afford information as to the area of all open spaces, including streets and alleys in each ward, from which the density of population to the acre of actual building area on Manhattan island could be computed, but the park and cemetery area included an aggregate of 1,220 acres on Manhattan island, leaving 11,386 acres occupied by streets and buildings, giving a population of 125.70 to the acre. The number of dwellings in the city was 81,828, containing 312,766 families, and a total population of 1,515,301, giving an average of 4.84 persons to a family, and 3.82 families and 18.52 persons to a dwelling. Of the total population, 1,010,786, or 66.71 per cent, resided in 23,596 dwellings containing 21 or more persons. Of this number of dwellings, 8,313 contained from 21 to 30 persons, 9,350 from 31 to 50 persons, 5,460 from 51 to 100 persons, and 473 over 100 persons. In comparison with these figures Brooklyn had 25.70 per cent of its population living in dwellings of 21 or more persons; Jersey city, 23.53 per cent; Cincinnati, 21.92 percent; Chicago, 16.63 percent; Boston, 13.93 per cent; Newark, 10.25 per cent; St. Louis, 10.14 per cent; Buffalo, 8.09 per cent; Providence, 7.49 per cent; Washington, 4.03 per cent; Philadelphia, 3.41 per cent, and Baltimore, 2.55 per cent. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 83 SANITARY DISTRICTS. To obtain data with regard to the relation between local sanitary conditions and death rates the city was subdivided, within ward lines, into 114 sanitary districts, the inner boundaries of which are indicated upon the maps by dotted lines, while the ward boundaries are indicated by heavier lines of solid color. In the small tables given for each sanitary district the statement showing death rates per 1,000 of white population is exclusive of stillbirths, while the rates given according to birthplaces of mothers include stillbirths. The statement concerning the highest and lowest rates according to birthplaces of mothers refer only to those birthplaces given in the comparative tables in which the numbers of population and of deaths are of sufficient size to warrant comparison. Rates quoted for persons whose mothers were born in “Other foreign countries” relate only to those foreign countries not specified in Table 79, and do not include all other foreign countries besides those stated in the small tables given for each sanitary district. It is to be distinctly understood that in these descriptions the remarks about character of buildings and of inhabitants of the several districts apply to the period for which the deaths were returned, and not to the present time. The statements are purely historical, and are intended to furnish the means of estimating the relations-of altitude, character of people, and nature of surroundings to the death rates during the 6 years ending May 31, 1890; and while no doubt many of the conditions referred to still exist, yet numerous changes have occurred which might modify the characteristics of the districts as given herein. WARD 1. This ward contained 264 acres, 736 dwellings, and a total population of 11,122. Excluding 24 acres of parks, there were 46.34 persons to each acre, and 15.11 persons to each dwelling. Battery park and the Immigrant depot were in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Liberty street, Broadway, State and Whitehall streets, New York bayr and the Hudson river. Area, 83 acres; dwellings, 341; population, 8,120. Battery park, containing 24 acres, was in this district, excluding which the population density was 137.78 to the acre and 23.84 to each dwelling. It contained 1,731 families, giving an average of 4.70 persons to the family and 5.08 families to each dwelling. It was almost entirely made ground west of Greenwich street and was essentially a business district, containing a few tenements of a poor class and some sailors’ boarding houses. On Washington street near the northern boundary was a colony of about 100 Arabs and Syrians, a rather uncleanly class. The cemetery of Trinity church was in this district, but interments were made in vaults only. One soap factory was located in this district. Prior to 1890 Castle Garden was used for the landing of immigrants. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 One or both parents foreign. 1 Under 5 years. years. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5 years. The cit3' District A 31.01 110.37 30.22 48.05 166.67 6J. 55 112. 41 149. 43 31.38 109.63 23.15 74.28 45.42 172.41 46.83 477.78 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Ireland (white). Ireland. Germany. Scandinavia. Under "15 years. 1 15 years Under 15 yea and 15 and over. years, over rs 1 2 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years I Under and 15 over. years. - 15 years and over. The city District A 54.01 «9. 85 15.91 50.87 28.0 :14.20 08.98 40.7 46. 97 89. 81 17.04 30.95 50. 53 89. 58 20. 78 57. 33 30. 81 52. 38 13. 43 31.60 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diplitl and cr 18 20 eria Diarrheal Typhoid oup. diseases. fever. Con sn nip- Pneumonia. tion. Malarial fever. The city District A 1.63 316.85 i 24.27 4.29 360.62 44.41 391.75 1 287.89 724. 79 467. 21 1 24.62 46.19 84 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much above the city average, and especially so for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish, being 40.72 as against 34.20 for the Americans and 30.95 for the Germans. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The number of deaths from accidents in this district during the 6-year period was 158, and from suicides 17, giving an average annual death rate per 100,000 of 280.68 for accidents and 30.20 for suicides, each being much above the average, which was for accidents 98.14 and for suicides 15.67. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Liberty street, Maiden lane, the East river, Broadway, and State and Whitehall streets. Area, 104 acres; number of dwellings, 333; population, 2,521, giving a population density of 24.24 to the acre and 7.57 to each dwelling. It was made ground east of Pearl street and was essentially a business district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. ! Foreign. Under 5 lotaL j years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. otal. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District 15 31.01 ' 110.37 36.88 : 123.70 30. 22 58. 33 112.41 120. 37 31.38 28. 80 109.63 23.15 126.78 41.74 74.28 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years 15 ' and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 46. 97 59.07 15 years and over. ! 17.04 ; 23.00 I Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 J and years. ! over. The city District B 54. 01 15.91 51.59 37.91 50.87 36. 56 28.01 33.79 50. 53 20. 78 50. 00 42. 89 57.33 13.43 30.30 16.95 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- p . Malarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. ' fever. The city District B 181.63 316.85 24.27 391.75 287.89 24.62 177.55 286.37 i 486.83 395.19 63.00 During the 6-year period tlie death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was more than double the average rate for the Americans, being 37.91 as against 33.79 for the Irish, 23.00 for the Germans, and 16.95 for the Scandinavians. Malarial fever, consumption, pneumonia, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more.than the average proportion of deaths. No deaths from typhoid fever were reported from this district and the death rates from scarlet fever, measles, and whooping cough were below the city average. The proportion of stillborn children was also low, being 97.37, as against 225.11, the city average. The death rate per 100,000 of population was: for suicides, 63.00; for accidents, 411.01. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 85 Sanitary district C.—Consisted of Governors, Bedloes, and Ellis islands, in New York bay, the combined area of which was 77 acres. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 19.11 110. 37 62.96 30. 22 17. 05 112.41 35. 35 31.38 26. 52 109. 63 *138. 89 23.15 12. 52 74.28 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— United States (white). Ireland. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Consump- tion. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 54.01 27.78 15. 91 5.48 50. 87 55. 56 28. 01 14. 25 181. 63 122. 32 316. 85 183. 49 391. 75 30.58 During the 6-year period the death rates in this district were much below the city average, the population being mainly adults, well fed and housed, and with good sanitary surroundings, but there were 14 deaths from accidents during the 6-year period, giving an average annual death rate from this cause of 428.13 per 100,000 of population. WARD 2. This ward was not subdivided. It contained 76 acres, 94 dwellings, and a total population of 929, giving 12.22 persons to the acre and 9.88 persons to each dwelling. East of Pearl street the ward was made ground. Business predominated and it contained but few tenements. Fulton market was in this district. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total, i TJnder 5 l years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Ui y ider 5 ears. The city Ward 2 31.01 ; 110.37 54.55 : 172.84 30.22 73. 98 112.41 120. 00 31.38 44.54 09. 63 18. 39 23.15 59. 20 74. 28 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city Ward 2 54.01 40. 50 15. 91 61.40 50.87 150. 79 28.01 40.51 46. 97 115. 94 17.04 53. 37 50.53 12. 82 20.78 47.62 57.33 13.43 37.88 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city Ward 2 181. 6? 243. 53 316. 85 319. 63 24. 27 76.10 391. 75 776.26 287. 89 593.61 138. 24 410. 96 86 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was higher than in any other district in the city, and for the native white of native parents it was more than double the average rate. For those 15 years of age and upward it was 61.40 for those having American mothers, while the general city average was 15.91. These heavy death rates were principally due to consumption, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, childbirth, and diseases of the liver also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was 700.15. The total population was small, and the rates would have a large possible error if the data related to a single year only, but being for 6 years they have considerable significance. WARD 3. This ward was not subdivided. It contained 102 acres, 198 dwellings, and a total population of 3,765, giving 36.91 persons to the acre and 19.02 persons to each dwelling. The houses west of Greenwich street were built on made ground. The ward was mostly devoted to business purposes, but contained a few tenements and hotels; also Washington market and Chambers street hospital. The cemetery of St. Paul’s church was used only for interments in vaults. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. U nder 5 years. Total. Under5 1 years. Total. j Under 5 years. The city W?.rd 3 31.01 30.92 110.37 134.72 30.22 | 112.41 35.08 171. 05 31.38 28. 64 109. 63 125. 81 23.15 33.83 74.28 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over, j The city Ward 3 54.01 71.13 15. 91 22.95 50.87 48. 65 28.01 25.77 46.97 51. 93 17.04 23.42 50. 53 88.89 20. 78 22.52 57.33 , 13.43 45.45 49.24 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria j Diarrheal I Typhoid and croup. diseases, j fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city Ward 3 181.63 316.85 | 24.27 148.29 179. 74 j 44. 94 391.75 458. 34 287. 89 242.65 138. 24 260. 63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was above the city average, especially for the children under 5 years of age of native birth. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was considerably above the average for the Americans and the Scandinavians and below the average for the Irish. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was 390.94. WARD 4. This ward was subdivided into two districts, containing 82 acres, 725 dwellings, and a population of 17,809, giving 217.18 persons to the acre and 24.56 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by New Chambers street, James slip, the East river, Spruce and Ferry streets, Pecks slip, and Park row. Area, 47 acres; population, 7,183; density, 152.83 persons to the acre. This district, originally marsh land, is still known as “ The Swamp ”. The leather and hide business predominated. It contained a number of cheap tenements somewhat crowded. Sailors’ boarding houses were quite numerous. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 87 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ™»- ysz* Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. ■ Total. Under 5 years. Total. | Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 110.37 41.01 151.03 30.22 49.25 112. 41 160. 74 31.38 38. 70 109. 63 146. 91 23.15 43.43 74.28 83.33 AREAS DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under j 15 years 15 | and , years, over. | Under 15 years Under 15 and 15 years, over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. ‘ over. The city District A 54. 01 15. 91 73. 92 24.83 50.87 28.01 46.97 50.22 j 42.01 . 85. 08 17.04 24.42 50. 53 84.42 20.78 32. 86 76.41 12. 27 80. 65 9. 89 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Diseases of the urinary organs. The city District A 181.63 j 316.85 i 24.27 200.96 ; 329.05 j 17.67 391. 75 689. 02 287. 89 448. 30 173. 72 315. 80 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was only 9.89 for the Italians as against 42.01 for the Irish. Consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs were the principal causes of the excess of deaths. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from accidents per 100,000 of population was 176.67. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Park row, Catherine street, the East river, New Chambers street, and James slip. Area, 35 acres; population, 10,626; density, 303.60 persons to the acre. The houses in the southern part were built on made ground, the land being originally marshy. At high tide many cellars in this section had from 1 to 3 feet of water in them. Tenements predominated, inhabited by a poor class of Italian laborers and their families. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Total. Under5 1 years. • TotaL Lvears5 TotaL Tinder 5 years. The city District B 31.01 45. 99 110. 37 139.87 30.22 112.41 31.38 45.05 161.13 46.24 r 109. 63 134. 60 23.15 74.28 37. 31 109. 29 88 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued, AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 54.01 83. 92 15. 91 16. 74 50. 87 64. 94 28. 01 47. 73 46.97 69. 44 17.04 29. 02 28. 67 17.67 6. 21 12.08 76.41 68.95 12. 27 9.40 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. j Diseases of Pneumonia, the urinary organs. * The city District B 181. 63 316. 85 207. 51 349. 34 24. 27 17.91 391.75 635. 97 287.89 173.72 537. 44 283. 65 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians and Russians and highest among the Irish and Germans. Of the 2,760 deaths in this district during the 6-year period 1,236 occurred among those of Irish mothers and 519 among those of Italian mothers. Consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs were the principal causes of the excessive death rate, but malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. This ward was subdivided into two districts. It contained 102 acres, 666 dwellings, and a total population of 12,385, giving a density of 76.45 persons to the acre and 18.60 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Canal, Hudson, and Reade streets and the Hudson river. Area, 80 acres; number of dwellings, 396; population, 7,259, being 90.74 persons to the acre and 18.33 persons to each dwelling. This was originally marsh land filled, that part west of Greenwich street having been reclaimed from the river. The houses were mostly tenements, with a few small dwellings and business houses. A large soap factory was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows WARD 5. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total : Under 5 otal* years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 40.53 110.37 151.78 30.22 ; 112.41 47. 70 153.47 31.38 38. 62 109. 63 151.21 23.15 36. 61 74. 28 115.38 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. j Under ]l5 years 15 j and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 46.97 56.60 15 years1 and | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 54.01 15.91 84.66 21.33 50.87 54.20 28. 01 32.10 17. 04 | 22.72 50.53 79.49 20.78 21.88 57. 33 108. 97 13.43 19. 94 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 89 SANITARY DISTRICT A-Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District A 181.63 206.84 316. 85 411.55 24. 27 44.78 391, 75 . 541.62 287. 89 430. 74 45.67 72. 50 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially among the- native of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was greatest among the Irish and Germans and lowest among the Americans and Scandinavians. Typhoid fever, consumption, and pneumonia were the principal causes of the excessive death rate, but diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Canal street, Broadway and Reade and Hudson streets. Area, 82 acres; number of dwellings, 270; population, 5,126, giving 62.51 persons to the acre and 18.00 persons to each dwelling. Two-thirds of the buildings in this district wrere built on marshy land. Large wholesale stores predominated, with some factories and tenements. This was known as the “Dry goods” district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. tw ,1 Tinder 5 TotiiL years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5 j 10taI- years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 31.01 110.37 36.17 125.71 30. 22 112.41 41. 60 134. 22 31.38 34.70 109. 63 123. 69 23.15 29.29 74.28 133. 33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and i Wales. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. in 15 years and over. Under 15 years U 15 and years. over. y nde 15 ears 76.4 G9.9 r 15 years and . | over. The city District B 54. 01 60.61 15. 91 28.27 50.87 28.01 50. 57 27. 85 46.97 47. 54 17. 04 : 19.38 50. 53 20. 78 80. 81 41. 67 1 12.27 0 7.07 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases, j fever. ■ C°”oTP' Pneumonia. Measles. The city District B 181.63 178.17 316. 85 24.27 359.36 36. 24 391. 75 287. 89 465. 06 ! 371.44 45. 67 72.48 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 7.07 as against 28.27 for the Americans and 27.85 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, measles, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Tlie number of stillbirths per 100,000 of population is 277.83 as against 225.41, the city average. 90 VITAL STATISTICS. ward 6. This ward was subdivided into three districts, and contained 100 acres, 741 dwellings, and a total population of 23,119. Excluding a park of 7 acres, there was an average density of 248.59 persons to the acre, and 31.20 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Canal and Center streets, Park row, and Broadway. Area, 51 acres; population, 1,957 ; average population density to the acre, 38.37 persons. It contained 7 acres of park, deducting which, the population density was 44.48 persons to the acre. The northern part of this district was originally covered by the marshy outlet of the old Collect pond, now filled in. Large manufacturing and business houses predominated, with tenements mixed in. The city prison, known as “The Tombs”, was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. 1. . . ... DEATH BATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District A 31.01 32.80 110. 37 119. 37 30.22 47.34 112.41 222. 22 31.38 29. 57 109. 63 99. 46 23.15 31.44 74. 28 166. 67 AJtEAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Italy. | Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. ! Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15years and over. The city-- District A 54.01 84.25 15.91 20.65 50.87 130. 63 28.01 41.49 46.97 56. 41 17. 04 30.30 1 76.41 20. 30 12. 27 1.11 40.68 18.52 13.00 8. 23 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ases of liver. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. ;. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Dise the The city District A 181.03 316.85 177. 40 212. 88 24.27 44.35 391. 75 434. 63 1 287.89 266.10 33.03 88.70 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, and considerably so for the native white of native parents and foreign white. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, the highest death rate occurred among the Irish and the Germans and the lowest among the Italians. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, measles, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Canal and Baxter streets, Park row, and Center street. Area, 23 acres; population, 6,576, giving an average density of 285.91 persons to each acre. This district consisted almost entirely of made land, the old Collect pond covering most of the area from Park row to White street. It contained a large number of tenements crowded with Italians, liussians, and Polish Jews. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 91 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: j AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. nts Poreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both pare foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 31. 01 45.92 110. 37 133. 56 30. 22 53.22 112.41 143.33 31.38 44. 58 109. 63 132. 02 23.15 32. 86 74.28 105.07 | | ABEAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States I white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 1 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years jand over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 76. 41 12.27 93.31 12. 08 ! The city District B ... 54.01 57.33 15.91 38. 58 50. 87 28.01 54. 84 46. 09 46.97 25. 49 17.04 20. 83 28.67 61. 06 6.21 10. 62 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. | fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. • ' The city District B 181.63 316.85 j 24.27 221.69 337.82 39.59 391. 75 551. 60 287. 89 490. 89 45. 67 145.16 During the 6-year period tlie death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially among the native white of native parents and among the adults. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, the death rate was lowest among the Bussians and Italians and highest among the Americans and Irish. Diphtheria and croup, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C (known as the Chinese quarter).—Bounded by Canal street, the Bowery, Park row, and Baxter street. Area, 26 acres; number of dwellings, 374; population, 14,5S6, giving an average number of 561.00 persons to the acre and 39.00 persons to each dwelling. About one-sixth of the area of this district was made laud, the remainder being of good character. Crowded tenements predominated, filled with Chinese and Italians. The notorious “Five Points”, formerly a very dangerous neighborhood, was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. | Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city 1 District C 31.01 63. 91 110. 37 159. 30 30. 22 59. 93 112. 41 254.90. 31.38 64. 31 109. 63 155.37 ! 23.15 25.71 I 74. 28 156.25 92 VITAL STATISTICS. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Ireland. Germany. Russia and ! Poland. Italy. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 50. 87 54.51 28.01 57. 95 46. 97 45.85 17.04 25. 39 28. 67 47. 90 6. 21 10.55 76.41 89. 30 12.27 17.06 40. 68 88.24 13.00 63. 62 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District C 181.63 243. 94 316. 85 24. 27 433.15 36.89 391. 75 605. 69 287. 89 523. 59 45.67 178.49 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, measles, diseases of tlie nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths per 100,000 of population during the 6-year period was 301.06 against 225.41, the average for the city. Of 158 deaths occurring among the Chinese in this district during the 6-year period, 120 were due to consumption, which accounts for a part of the extraordinary heavy death rate given for this disease. Attention has already been called above (page 22), to the fact that the extraordinary death rate among the Chinese in this district was due to the fact that it contained a hospital to which Chinese affected with consumption were brought from all parts of the city. It will be observed, however, that the death rate of the native white of native parents and of those 15 years of age and upward of Irish and German mothers was also greatly above the average. WARD 7. This war$ had an area of 202 acres and was subdivided into four districts. Population, 57,360; number of dwellings, 2,113; persons to the acre, 283.99; persons to each dwelling, 27.15. Gouverneur hospital was in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Monroe and Jefferson streets, the East river, and Catherine street. It had an area of 47 acres, with 360 dwellings containing 9,959 persons, giving an average density of 211.89 persons to the acre and 27.66 persons to each dwelling. The houses between Cherry street .and the river were all built on made land. Buildings consisted of tenements and old dwellings altered to accommodate several families, and were crowded with Russian and Polish Jews. Catherine market and one or two large stables were located in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. I To 3oth parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under5 years. tal. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District A 31.01 45.12 110. 37 141. 64 30. 22 84. 25 112.41 201.72 31.38 37.72 109. 63 122. 44 23.15 : 74. 28 32. 00 41. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Dili ted States (white). Ireland. Germany. Kussia and Poland. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 year 8. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. The city District A 54- 01 15. 91 94.24 31.42 50.87 60.20 28.01 37. 08 46.97 66. 48 17.04 25. 39 28. 67 15.13 6. 21 4.38 76.41 12.27 55. 56 7. 98 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 93 SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. ■■ Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Diseases of the nervous system. The city District A 181.63 247.53 316. 85 395.70 24.27 20.92 391. 75 461. 95 287. 89 491.58 241. 96 369. 56 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially among the adult population. The death rate, according to birthplaces of mothers, of the Russian and Polish Jews was comparatively low, and that of the German, Irish, and American adults high. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary" district B.—Bounded by Monroe and Grand streets and the East river. Area, 59 acres; population, 11,420; number of persons to each acre, 193.56. The buildings along the river front in this district and for from one to two blocks back were on made land. The houses consisted largely of tenements and old dwellings altered to tenements, and were crowded with Russian and Polish Jews. There was a large car stable in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 23.15 28.43 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. ; Total. Under 5 years. years. — 74.28 40.74 The city District B 31.01 35.48 110.37 108. 81 30. 22 53.83 112.41 135.06 ! 31.38 30.52 109. 63 97. 53 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Irelan( . yea ind ver |! . Germany. England and Wales. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years. lo years and over. •15. 91 18. 90 Under 15 years. 15 0 rs Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 28.67 22.48 15 years and over. 6. 21 3.06 . The city District B 54. 01 64. 26 50.87 45.14 28. 01 46. 97 32.41 61. 36 17. 04' 21.70 50. 53 51.14 20.78 23.95 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. n ! Diseases of OIfion"'1" i Pneumonia. the urinary c u‘ j organs. ‘ The city District B 181.63 174. 83 316.85 345.10 24.27 15. 20 I 391.75 i 287.89 410.47 453.04 ; 173. 72 214.36 During the 6-year period the- death rate in this district was above the city average for those 15 years of age and upward, being highest, according to birthplaces of mothers, among the Irish and lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews. Diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Division, Jefferson, Monroe, and Catherine streets. This district had an area of 50 acres, with a population of 22,484 and an average population density of 449.68 persons to the acre. The character of the dwellings and population was about the same as in the two preceding districts. 94 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. N ative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 lotal- years. Total. | Total. Ul’^5 years. The city District C 31.01 31. 12 110.37 89. 38 30.22 i 112.41 55. 15 | 154.18 31. 38 | 109. 63 27. 59 78. 27 23.15 74. 28 20. 51 46. 38 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. S Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 : and years, i over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. j . U nder 15 years 15 and years. over. ! ! Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 54.01 15.91 75. 80 18. 62 50.87 i 28.01 55.79 j 34.80 46. 97 30. 73 17.04 17. 79 28.67 6.21 21.75 5.27 40.68 60.00 13. 00 10.30 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. ! Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- • Heart disease diseases. fever. lion. Pneumonia. and dropsy The city District C 181.63 155.21 316.85 ! 24.27 391.75 287.89 j 138.24 284.93 17.76 319.68 283.39 1 98.07 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the average for the whole city, being relatively less among the children under 5 years of age than among the adults. It was comparatively low, according to birthplaces of mothers, among the Russian Jews, both for children and adults. The death rates from diphtheriaand croup, diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, and heart disease and dropsy were below the average. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by Division, Grand, Monroe, and Jefferson streets. Area, 46 acres; population, 13,503; average population density, 293.54 persons to the acre. The dwellings and population were of the same general character as in the remainder of the ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 ! One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District D 31.01 30. 72 110.37 30. 22 105.60 41.27 112.41 137.39 31. 38 109. 63 27. 30 92. 87 23.15 74. 28 25. 29 32.16 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 j and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 51.01 15.91 67.86 15.72 50. 87 28. 01 40. 07 17. 04 50. 53 20. 78 1 37.04 21.65 28. 67 23. 65 6. 21 5. 87 District D 47.13 31. 62 36. 07 15. 71 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 95 SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO*— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Pneumonia. Heart disease and croup. diseases. fever. tion. and dropsy. The city 181.63 316.85 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 138. 24 District I) 153. 00 329.14 15. 43 365.14 336. 86 129. 86 The death rate in this district during the 6-year period was slightly below the city average. As in the other districts of this ward, according to the birthplaces of mothers, the death rate of the Bussian Jews was comparatively low, while of the Irish, 15 years of age and upward, it was above the average. Diarrheal diseases and pneumonia caused more than the average proportion of deaths, while the rates from diphtheria and croup, typhoid fever, consumption, and heart disease and dropsy were below the average. WARD 8. This ward was subdivided into three districts. It contained 170 acres, 1,730 dwellings, and a total population of 31,220, giving an average density ot 183.65 persons to the acre and 17.95 persons to each dwelling. The outlet of the Collect pond was through the southern part of this ward, and it formerly spread out over about half of the ward’s surface, converting it into a marsh, which has since been tilled. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Houston, Varick, and Canal streets and the Hudson river. Area, 57 acres; number of dwellings, 683; population, 10,872; average number of persons to the acre, 190.74; to each dwelling, 15.92. From Canal to Spring street was formerly marsh land. Tenements and old dwellings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Unde year 1 1 Koth parents native. r 5 . _ , One or both parents j foreign. rotal 5 otaL years. s. Total. U"d^r 5 years, i i! i * 1 Total Under 5 j years. The city District A 31.01 31.22 110.37 30.22 112.41 116.74 35.64 123.72 i ! 1 31.38 109.63 23.15 | 74.28 29.39 113.32 31.47 153.85 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Under 15 years 15 1 and years, over. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 51.01 15.91 57.25 19.65 50.87 28.01 48.19 23.38 46. 97 40. 21 17.04 16. 44 50. 53 j 20.78 54.71 25.67 76.41 80. 88 12. 27 5. 71 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. i'ever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city 181.63 316.85 24.27 District A 136.74 279.37 23.53 391.75 486. 69' 287. 89 285. 25 26. 72 33.82 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, being somewhat in excess for children under 5 years of age. According to birthplaces of mothers, it was higher tor the Italian children than for those of other nationalities, but lower for the Italian adults. Consumption, scarlet fever, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous, system, diseases of the urinary organs, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 96 VITAL STATISTICS. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Spring street, Broadway, and Canal and Variek streets. Area, 57 acres; number of dwellings, 464; population, 8,520; the average density being 149-47 persons to the acre, and 18.36 persons to each dwelling. From Canal to Grand streets was formerly marsh land. East of West Broadway business predominated, but on the west was a large and crowded tenement district. On Sullivan and Thomas streets was a settlement known as “Little Africa”, inhabited almost exclusively by colored people. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Kative. Poreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. years. rp a i Under 5 rotaL years. Total. U,uler 5 years. The city District B 31.01 53. 56 110. 37 148. 88 30.22 i 112.41 62. 00 180. 72 31.38 51. 20 109. 63 142. 83 23.15 74. 28 27. 30 138.89 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1 ,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Uintert States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. U nder 15 vears. 15 years and over. Under j 15 years 15 j and years. I over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over.' Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District B 54. 01 90.60 15.91 34.72 50.87 : 28.01 62.58 43.35 46. 97 56.91 17.04 22. 72 50.53 61.73 20. 78 36. 3C 76.41 12.27 79.02 14. 91 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Ponsnmn Diseases of tion 1 Pneumonia, the urinary organs. The city District B 181. 63 257.05 316. 85 384. 63 24. 27 33. 77 391.75 287.89 173.72 576.01 422.15 270.18 The death rate in this district during the 6-year period was excessively high both among the children and the adults, and was higher among the native children of native parentage than it was among children of foreign parentage. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest of all among the Irish and lowest among the Italians. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever, consumption, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district 0.—Bounded by West Houston street, Broadway, and Spring and Variek streets. Area, 56 acres, with 592 dwellings, containing a population of 11,828, being an average of 211.21 persons to the acre and 19.98 persons to each dwelling. To the east of West Broadway were generally business and manufacturing houses; west of West Broadway tenements and old dwellings prevailed, which, however, were not crowded. The French quarter was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents \ native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Uuaer 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Umler 5 years. The city District C 31.01 34. 70 110.37 116. 09 30.22 32. 62 112.41 109. 77 31.38 109.63 35. 55 118.17 23.15 74 28 26. 00 166. 67 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 97 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS 1 WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. France. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 1 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. ‘ 76.41 67. 20 15 years and over. 12.27 10.73 j The city 1 >istrict C 54. 01 15. 91 52. 74 16. 57 50. 87 39. 19 28.01 34.33 46. 97 50. 25 17. 04 20.24 47.01 17.86 75.43 17. 69 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. 1 diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. 287. 89 277. 06 Childbirth. 26. 72 32. 44 The city District C 181. 63 316. 85 197. 32 277. 06 24. 27 13.51 391. 75 456. 81 The death rate in this district during the 6-year period was somewhat above the city average, especially among the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish and lowest among the Italians. It was lower for the French than for the Germans. Diphtheria and croup, consumption, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 9. This ward was subdivided into four districts. It contained 316 acres, 3,557 dwellings, and a population of 54,425, making an average of 172.23 persons to the acre and 15.30 persons to each dwelling. One-third of the area of this ward, in districts A and C, consisted of made land, reclaimed from the river. St. Vincent’s hospital was in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Eleventh, Hudson, and West Houston streets and the Hudson river. Area, 68 acres; population, 0,137; number of persons to the acre, 134.37. West of Washington street was made land. The buildings were principally tenements and middle class dwellings, not crowded. A large car stable was located therein. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. : Under 5 Both parents native. • One or both parents foreign. Under 5 years. ,r„Under 5 rotaL years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The citv District A 31.01 110.37 28.50 102. 25 30.22 112.41 26. 81 94. 51 31.38 30. 05 109. 63 23. 15 108. 33 33. 99 74. 28 136. 36 DEATH KATES PEB 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States . , , (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. | t Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and years, over, j years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years I and : over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. ; over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. The city District A 54.01 15.01 50.87 28.01 45.(52 16.17 48.56 28.76 1 II : 46. 97 57.14 17. 04 20. 76 50.53 20.78 51.62 J 31.88 43.71 21.91 32.26 34.06 AREAS. DEATH BATES PEB 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- T> . Malarial and croup. diseases. fever. tion. * 1,0 1 5 ' fever. The city District A 181.63 316.85 151.25 262. 41 24. 27 25. 51 391.75 287.89 24.62 384.50 258.77 32.80 ... 98 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 0-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average among the native white population, especially among the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Scotch. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Charles street, Greenwich and Sixth avenues, and Carmine, Bleecker, Hancock, West Houston, and Hudson streets. Area, 79 acres; population, 21,230, being an average of 268.73 persons to the acre. This was all good ground, containing large tenements and small dwellings for the middle class, and not crowded. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Nath e. Foreign. AREAS. Total. U nder 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. otaL years. The city 31.01 110. 37 30.22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74.28 District B 27.92 107. 86 28.01 107.47 27. 84 108.14 27.52 111.11 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 I ERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. England and Wales. Scotland France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. The city 54.01 15.91 50. 87 28. 01 50. 53 20. 78 43. 71 21 91 47.01 , 17.86 District 15 50. 27 18. 67 50.78 27.26 45. 71 17. 55 30.56 20. 00 46.59 14.47 1 . DEATH BATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO- AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Pneumoni Diseases of the liver. The citv 181.63 316. 85 24. 27 391. 75 287. 89 33. 03 District B 148. 24 256.47 25.10 425. 88 218.82 41.57 The (lentil rate in this district was somewhat below the city average for the native and above the average for the foreign for the 6-year period. For those 15 years old and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was less among the French and next among the English, being highest among the Irish and Scotch. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by West Fourteenth, Hudson, and West Eleventh streets and the Hudson river. Area, 89 acres; population, 10,013; average number of persons to each acre, 112.51. About one-half of this district, along the river front and extending back nearly as far as Greenwich street, was made land, on which were built tenements and old dwellings. It contained one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH KATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. . , Under 5 lotaL years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. . Total. I Under 5 years. . , Under 5 AotaL years. Total. Uuder 5 years. The city District C 31.01 110.37 28.26 106.01 30.22 112.41 29.20 108.39 31.38 109.63 27.66 104.61 23.15 74. 28 28.28 145.83 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 99 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— rswr 1 d“d ruder 15 years Under 15 years Under 15years Under ! 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years, over, years, over. years, over. years, over, years, over. The city 54.01 15.01 50.87 28.01 46.97 17.04 50.53 ! 20.78 43.71 21.91 District C 56.65 18.30 44.94 24.24 34.71 13.83 39.57 23.04 43.1(1 15.23 DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. I Diphtheria Diarrheal j Typhoid Consutnp T> .t i Whooping’ and croup. diseases. | fever. tion. neumoma. cough. | The city 181.63 316.85 j 24.27 391.75 287.89 33.70 District C ; 187.92 296.02 I 23.28 340.92 204.55 i 49.89 J ! J The death rate in this district for the 6-year period was below the city average for the native and above the city average for the foreign, especially among the children under 5 years of age. Whooping cough, diphtheria and croup, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by West Fourteenth street, Sixth avenue, Charles street, Greenwich avenue, and Hudson street. Area, 80 acres; population, 14,045, an average of 175.56 persons to the acre. Business houses and dwellings were in about equal proportion, with some tenements and a large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. ,r, . , i Under 5 One or both parents foreign. m., Under 5 iWUU- | years. Total. Under 5 years. To (a I. years. 31.38 109.63 23.15 74.28 22.79 107.93 27.53 51.28 The city District D 31.01 110.37 30.22 23.24 102.70 23.63 ; 112.41 97. 80 AREAS. . DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS “ - - j WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States r. England and ., , (white). Ireland. (.ennain. fyates. Scotland. ... ; Under 15 years Under 15 yea 15 and 15 am years, over. years, over rs Under 15 years. 1 46.07 8 ' 52.41 |l 15 years Under ;15 years Under 15 years and 15 and 15 and over. years, over. years. over. The city District D 54.01 15.01 i 50.87 28. 42.96 16.41 50.21 26.1 17.04 50.53 20.78 43.71 21.91 15.56 . 33.33 18.83 38.46 23.38 1 : : • AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. c7‘orp- °vsr' The city 181.63 316.85 1 24.27. District 1) 105.52 177.83 21.34 391.75 287.89 60.55 1 368.71 219.33 85.36 The death rate in this district for the 6-year period was considerably below tlie city average for the native and above the city average for the adults of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was greatest among the Irish and Scotch. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 100 VITAL STATISTICS. This ward was subdivided into two districts and contained 106 acres, 1,496 dwellings, and a total population of 57,596, being the most densely populated ward in the city, the average number of persons to an acre being 543.36, with 38.50 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Grand, Norfolk, and Division streets and the Bowery. This district lay on the elevated ridge east of the Bowery, and was all good land. Area of the district, 52 acres; population, 30,490; average number of persons to the acre, 586.35. Tenements predominated in this district and were crowded with Russian and Polish Jews of uncleanly habits. A large brewery was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ward 10. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. 1 D,SL5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. .r,,, , Under 5 TotaL | years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 110.37 48.80 96. 05 30.22 112.41 82.31 323.23 1 31.38 46. 27 !■ 109. 63 89. 94 23.15 74.28 14. 97 43. 75 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. j Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years, i over. j Under 15 years. 15 years and over. | Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District A 54. 01 15. 91 136.73 43.57 50.87 28.01 103.88 63.57 46.97 74. 21 17.04 37. 25 28. 67 6.21 31.94 6.18 40. 68 13.00 , 73.30 14.26 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal T\ and croup. diseases. f phoid sver. 24. 27 19.11 Cosrr a Childbirth. • 26.72 1 33.00 The city District A 181.63 316.85 202. 06 306. 85 391. 75 287. 8 286. 01 297. 0 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average for those of native birth and below the city average for those of foreign birth. According to the birthplaces of mothers, the death rate among the Russian and Polish Jews of the tenement house population was less than that of any other nationality, both for those under and those over 15 years of age. The highest death rate of those under 5 years of age occurs among the native white of native parents. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Riviugtou, Norfolk, and Grand streets and the Bowery. Area, 54 acres; population, 27,100; average population, 501,96 persons to the acre. This district was also good, firm land. As in the preceding district, tenements predominated, crowded with Russian and Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPTLATION Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 ! years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District B 31.01 38. 74 110.37 89.18 30.22 52. 70 112.41 149. 24 31.38 109.63 36. 70 82. 78 ; 23.15 15.94 74. 28 38. 70 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 101 SANITARY DISTRICT R—Continued, 1 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States 1 (white). i Ireland. Germany. Kussia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. | Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. J 1 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under i 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District B 54.01 15.91 77.52 23. 37 50.87 28.01 98. 71 51. 22 46.97 17.04 60. 36 23. 36 28.67 6. 21 26.36 i 4.39 40.68 13.00 30.20 6.86 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— a. Childbirth. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consunip p • and croup. diseases. fever. tion. ! The city District B 181.68 316.85 24.27 391.75 287.89 26.72 171.28 304.13 20.84 330.18 253.99 27.35 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the native and below it for the foreign, and was especially high among the native white adults of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest of all among the Irish and lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews. Childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. This ward was subdivided into four districts. Area, 218 acres; number of dwelling's, 2,400; total population, 75,426; average density, 345.99 persons to the acre, and 31.43 to each dwelling. St. Francis hospital was located in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Second, Columbia, Rivington, and Clinton streets and Avenue B. Area, 32 acres; population, 24,435; average density, 763.59 persons to each acre, making it the most densely populated district in the city. With the exception of a small part in the eastern end the houses were all built on good, Arm land, and were mostly tenements and old dwellings altered for the accommodation of two or three families. Germans and Bohemians predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: WARD 11. 1 DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION' Native. Foreign. AREAS. * , Under 5 Ao,al- years. ! Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. i i Total. Ull,ler5 years. Total. | Under 5 years. years. The city 31.01 110.3 30.22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23. 15 | 74.28 District A 43.85 04. 51 59.20 ] 187.17 i I li 42. 02 80. 93 14.71 50.10 I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN AREAS. United State (white). S Germany. Russia and Poland. Hun gar> < )ther foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 and years over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over, years. 15 years and over. The city 54. 01 15. 91 46. 97 17. 04 28.67 6.21 47.21 8.45 40.68 13.00 District A 93.91 15.64 44. 66 20. 30 27.63 4.12 54. 77 9.28 24.12 5.88 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO AREAS. Diphtheria, and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. lever. Co“I>- Pneumonia. Childbirth. 181. 63 24. 27 391 7P. 287.89 281.89 26. 72 30.15 District A 208. 96 322. 50 15.43 i 300. 82 102 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average for those of native birth, and below it for those of foreign birth. It was comparatively low among the children under 5 years of age and high among the adults. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews and the Hungarians and highest among the Germans. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, measles, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Eighth street, Avenue D, Second street, and Avenue B. Area, 50 acres; population, 19,785; number of persons to each acre, 395.70. Nearly all of this district was formerly marsh land, and the same characteristics as to tenements and population obtained as in the preceding district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AKEAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. r 5 !; One or both parents foreign. 1 i.fi.. iy”s.5 8. I Total. U”d£5 1 years. Total. Under 5 | years. The city District B ' 31.01 110.37 30.22 112.41 27.46 92.44 33.80 96.47 1 II -1 31.38 26.37 109. 63 91.49 j 23.15 j 74.28 20. 34 65. 08 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— | i AREAS ■ Ireland. Germany. Hungary. Bohemia. Other foreign countries. Under j 15 years 15 and years. j over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 115 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. j The city ! District I". 50.87 28.01 37.96 35. 67 46.97 17.04 34.81 17.76 47.21 32. 65 8. 45 3. 74 82.57 J 20.31 97.98 24.55 1 40.68 34.54 13.00 12.05 ~ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. C°tk>nmP Pneumonia. Childbirth. j The citv 181.63 316.85 ; District B 154.15 507. 44 24.27 18.19 391. 75 287.89 j 318. 70 252.01 | i 26.72 19.05 During- tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for both the native and the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was highest among the Irish and lowest among the Hungarians. The death rates for all the specified causes were below the city average. Sanitary district (—Bounded by East Eighth street, the East river, Bivington and Columbia streets, and Avenue D. Area, 52 acres; dwellings, 524; population, 12,694, making an average of 244.12 persons to the acre, and 24.23 persons to each dwelling. More than half of this district was made land, reclaimed from the river, and the remainder was originally a marsh. The characteristics of the buildings and population were similar to those in the preceding districts. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. 31.01 33.38 110.37 98. 58 30.22 44. 75 112.41 117.65 31.38 30.13 109. 63 91.78 23.15 24.17 74.28 69.65 District C - NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 103 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued, DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN- AREAS. United States | . , , (white). neiand Germany. l| ,, Other foreign Hungary. countries8 Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 and 15 and 15 years. oyer. years. oyer. years. 15 years and over. Under 15years Under 15years 15 and 15 and years. ! oyer. years, oyer. The city 54.01 15.91 50.87 28.01 40.97 17. 04 47.21 8.45 : 40.68 13.00 District C 58.82 19.81 54.52 47.44 57.35 26. 61 48. 03 7. 42 9. 91 3.17 DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump tiou. Pneumonia. Diseases of the urinary organs. * 181.63 316. 85 24. 27 391. 75 287. 89 173.72 District C 172. 78 307. 77 25. 65 349.61 330. 71 182. 23. During the G-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat higher than the city average both for the native and the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Hungarians and highest among the Irish. Typhoid fever, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, the East river, East Eighth street, and Avenue B. Area, 84 acres; population, 18,512; average number of persons to each acre, 220.38. The whole of this district was either made land, reclaimed from the river, or marsh land filled in. The buildings consisted mostly of tenements and old dwellings, and the German element predominated. In this district were a brewery and some gas houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ' i| Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. | One or hoth parents . foreign. Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. !| years. The city District D 31.01 28.79 110.37 96. 73 30.22 32. 15 112.41 82.05 31.38 27.93 109.63 23.15 103. 38 24. 70 II 74.28 129.17 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Hunoarv 0ther ("reign .Hungary. countries. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 j and years. I over. I'uder 15 years. 1 15 years and over. ( | Under 15 years I Under 15 and 15 years, i over, i years. 15 years: and over. The city District D 54.01 15.91 . 45.09 8.33 50. 87 28.01 44.06 29.74 46.97 17.04 42.70 15.76 47.21 8.45 40.68 38.57 6.67 1 28.87 13. 00 5. 85 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO AREAS. The city District 1) Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. ' fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. 181.63 181.41 316.85 24.27 320. 25 22. 21 1 391.75 357. 27 287. 89 52.19 j 279.52 58.31 During' the G-year period the death rate in this district was lower than the city average for the native and slightly higher for the foreign, especially for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Hungarians and highest among the Irish. Scarlet fever, diarrheal diseases, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 104 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 12. This ward occupied the northern end of Manhattan island above Eighty sixth street, including Wards and Randalls islands, and was subdivided into eighteen districts, containing 5,879 acres, 15,141 dwellings, and a population of 245,046. The number of persons to the acre of total area was 41.68, and the number to each dwelling was 16.18. There were 658 acres of parking in this ward, deducting which the average rises to 46.93 persons to the acre. The hospitals and institutions on Wards and Randalls islands were in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Ninety-fourth street, Eighth avenue, One hundred and tenth street, Fifth avenue, Eighty-sixth street continued through Central park, and the Hudson river, and included that portion of Central park lying north of Eighty-sixth street. Total area, 555 acres, of which, 379 acres were included in Central park; number of dwellings, 416; population, 5,107. Excluding Central park the number of persons to each acre was 29.02, and the number to each dwelling, 12.28. This district was all good and high ground, principally occupied by fine residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH HATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Uu,l€ year Both parents native. r5 One or both parents foreign. Totel- 'years5 8. Total. Under5 years. i * Total. Under 5 years. The citv District A 31. Cl 110.37 30.22 112.41 14.08 67.86 ! 9.96 50.47 i ! 1: ! 1 31.38 109.63 20. 92 85. 75 23. 15 74. 28 15.45 55. 56 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ’ AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. ■ Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years arid over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 J and years, over. Under 15 years 15 ; and years. 1 over. The city District A 54.01 22.66 15.91 5.85 50.87 33.69 28. 01 46. 97 13.89 46.88 17.04 16.74 50. 53 20. 78 24. 31 12. 48 43.71 21.91 16.13 14.23 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. . Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. ! ' ""p,',1,1"'* Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. 1...... . i J . _ . . The city District A 181.63 49. 89 316.85 24.27 391.75 287.89 52.19 117.91 13.61 176.87 95.24 . 54.42 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was less than the city average for the native white and also for the foreign white. The death rate for the children under 5 years of age was remarkably low. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was less among the Americans, being only 5.85 against 16.74 for the Germans. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The death rate from consumption and pneumonia was remarkably low. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Ninety-fifth street, Third avenue, East Eiglity-sixth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 102 acres; population, 13,345; giving an average density of 130.83 persons to the acre. This district also occupied good and high ground and the buildings were generally of the best. There were some large car stables in this district, of which numerous complaints had been made. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 105 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. Total. Un‘!w5 years. rn a 1 Under 5 lotal- years. One or both parents foreign. Total. 5 years. Toial. The city District B 31.01 110.37 30.22 112.41 26.10 106.40 31.53 102.68 31.38 109.63 23.32 108.71 23.15 74.28 22. 72 270. 83 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. I y Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under jl5 years 15 I and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under ’ 15 years 15 and years, j over. nder j 15 years 15 and ears. over. The city District B 54.01 49. 22 15.91 16.79 50.87 | 28.01 47.19 23. 67 46.97 52.32 17. 04 13.68 50.53 20. 78 42.22 i 20.89 40.68 13.00 44.44 13. 49 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. C?„T"‘ I'— Scarlet fever. The city District B 181.63 316.85 203.08 i 218. 70 24. 27 12.15 391.75 287.89 262.10 237. 80 52.19 59.02 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, except for the native white of native parents and for the foreign children under 5 years of age; among the latter it was exceedingly high. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Germans and highest among the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by East Ninety-fifth street, First avenue, East Eighty-sixth street, and Third avenue. Area, 72 acres; number of dwellings, 453; population, 11,936; persons to each acre, 165.78; to each dwelling, 26.35. The surface of this district was all good ground and was occupied mostly by tenements. One large brewery was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: • DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. ... Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. ’ . years. rr„. i Undei 5 1 ota1' years. Total. Under 5 years. The city 31.01 110.37 District C 35.70 110.34 30.22 112.41 44.13 115.28 31.38 33. 52 109. 03 108.94 23.15 19. 02 74.28 102.94 DEATH KATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN-- AREAS. # United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years ancl over. • Under 15 years. 15 years and i over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 54.01 56. 40 15.91 19. 98 50. 87 55. 35 28.01 21.08 46.97 53. 75 17.04 11.08 50.53 62. 75 20.78 14.35 43.71 52.47 21.91 12.94 106 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid (ever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city 181. 63 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 287. H9 52. 19 District C 254.23 405. 00 27.17 308. 57 285. 28 65. 98 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the native adults and foreign children under 5 years of age, and below the city average for the foreign adults. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Germans and highest among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by East Ninety-fifth street, the East river, East Eighty-sixth street, and First avenue. Area, 66 acres; population, 7,001; population density, 106.08 persons to the acre. This was all good land. Tenements predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. • Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. j Under 5 years. years. The city District D 31.01 29.10 110. 37 110.50 30. 22 36.15 112.41 113. 74 31.38 26.60 109. 63 109. 28 23.15 25. 43 74.28 68.63 AREAS. . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England ai Wales. id iars d ?r. Other foreign countries. Under •15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 I and 15 years, over. ;! years. 15 years and over. Under 15 yt 15 | ar years, i ovt Under 15 years. 15 years and over. _ The city District I) 54.01 57.88 15.91 20. 22 50.87 28.01 j 46.97 21.39 28. 76 39.73 17.04 15. 39 1 50.53 1 20.78 96.77 18.37 40.68 34.31 13. 00 19.23 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Scarlet fever. AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. , i'ever. Consump- Pnt!Utnonia. tion. The city District D 181.63 188.60 316.85 24.27 344.12 19.85 391.75 287.89 52. 19 357.36 244.85 69.49 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for the native and for the children under 5 years of age of foreign birth, and above the city average for the adults of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Germans and highest among the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by West One hundred and second street, Eighth avenue, West Ninety- fourth street, and the Hudson river; it contained 107 acres, G37 dwellings, and a population of 10,648, being 63.76 persons to the acre, and 16.72 persons to each dwelling; there were 12 acres of parking in this district, excluding which the population density rises to 68.70. The character of the land in this district was good, the ground being high and the buildings, as a rule, tine. Some tenements of the better class were found near Tenth avenue. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 107 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Xative. Foreign. AREAS. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. ot‘l1' years. Tht) citv 31.01 ; 110.37 30.22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74.28 District E 16.94 58. 70 15.70 53.10 17.98 63. 15 14. 73 34.19 ■ DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. . Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. • Under 15 15 years and Under 15 15 years and Under 15 15 years and Under 15 15 years and Under 115 years 15 | and years. over. years. over. years. over. years. over. years. over. The city 54.01 15. 91 50. 87 28.01 46.97 17.04 50. 53 20.78 43. 71 21.91 District E 28. 36 7. 23 32. 00 15. 41 32. 88 11.50 1 1 38. 36 11.61 23. 50 10. 70 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. Consump- Pneumonia. ! Childbirth, i tion. The citv 181. 63 316. 85 24.27 391 . 75 287.89 26. 72 District E 126.16 163.14 4.35 178 .37 , 147.92 21.75 During the O-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average for both the native and the foreign, and was remarkably low among the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans and the Scotch and highest among the Irish. The death rates from diarrheal diseases, consumption, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the urinary organs, and pneumonia were less than the average rates for the city. Sanitar y district F.—Bounded by East One hundred and fifth street, Third avenue, East Ninety-fifth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 112 acres; population, 8,432; giving an average of 75.21) persons to the acre. This district was residential in character and the land was good and high. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. | Total. Under 5 years. Roth parents native. ■ One or both parents foreign. Total Under 5 lota1' years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. ! The city District F 31.01 110.37 27.45 105.82 30. 22 33.18 112.41 112.40 31.38 25.12 109.63 102. 68 23.15 74. 28 22.92 41.67 f AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS ' WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign coun tries! Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F 54. 01 48.14 15.91 14.94 50. 87 28.01 72. 32 23. 87 j 40. 97 33. 94 ; 17. 04 14.53 50.53 28.46 20. 78 15.70 40. 68 22.01 13.00 8.66 108 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. CoS"'" Scarlet fever. The city 181. 63 316.85 24.27 391. 75 287. 89 52.19 District F 228.01 1 288. 45 10.99 296. 69 249. 99 74. 17 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was low among the Americans and Germans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, and diphtheria and croup caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district G.—Bounded by East One hundred and fifth street, the East river, East Ninety-fifth street, and Third avenue, containing 119 acres, 557 dwellings, and a population of 17,876, being an average of 150.22 persons to the acre and 32.09 persons to each dwelling. The entire surface of this district was originally marsh land, and has been filled. The district contained many tenement houses, which may be said to predominate. One large car stable and some gas houses were in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEA PH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. ' _ _ ■ _ . Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District G 31.01 45.11 110.37 123.80 30. 22 62.85 112.41 160.42 31. 38 40. 92 109. 63 115.13 23.15 19.38 74. 28 72.92 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— || United States T).„i„n<, tiormaov England and (white). l"<->n.!. • uemiany. Vales. JL,. . t ji _ !i .. ( '• sJ ■ ■ Other foreign countries. Under 15 years Under |15 years Under 15 and 15 | and 15 years, over. years. over. years. 115 years Under 15 years and 15 and over. years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District G 54.01 15.91 50.87 28.01 46.97 82.28 28.74 j 61.20 26.01 h 46.25 1 II 1: 17.04 50.53 20.78 12.73 38.97 16.48 40. 68 13. 00 58.56 13. 74 . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Co,j P.e.uncte, Malarial fever. The city District G 181.63 316.85 269.53 523. 51 24. 27 12. 96 391. 75 1 287.89 344.68 327. 84 1 24. 62 49. 24 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the native born and below it for those of foreign birth. It was especially high among the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was greatest among the Americans and lowest among the Germans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district H.—Bounded by West One hundred and tenth street, Eighth avenue, West One hundred and second street, and the Hudson river. Area, 168 acres, of which 13 acres were included in parks; number of dwellings, 365; population, 6,669; excluding the park area there were 43.03 persons to the acre and 18.27 persons to each dwelling. This was good land, sparsely populated. Large apartment houses and private dwellings, about equally divided, constituted the buildings in this district, which also contained one brewery. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 109 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES l'ER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total Under 5 Ttal. Uu,le''5 years. S. Total. 1 mler 5 ears. 12.41 55. 91 The city District K 31.01 110.37 30.22 16.70 65.60 13.67 31.38 109.63 23.15 74.28 20.04 73.58 17.32 125.00 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSON* WHOSE MOTHERS WERE HORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. En*. Uud 15 year .land and (Vales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. ' Under 15 years. 15 years and over. ■r 15 years and s. over. U nder 15 years 15 and years. over. The city 54.01 15.91 District K 29. 56 9. 85 50. 87 28. 01 30. 21 16. 18 46. 97 35. 44 17. 04 13.48 50. 53 20. 78 31.45 14.07 43.71 | 21.91 18. 82 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION Dl'E TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pnennu >nia. Child birth. 181.63 316.85 24.27 103.49 206.98 14.78 391. 75 192. 19 287. 89 26. 72 133.06 29. 57 District K NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 111 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was low, being only a little over half the city average for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers was lowest among the Americans, being 9.85 as against 16.18 for the Irish. Childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district L.—Bounded by East and West One hundred and twentieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West One hundred and tenth streets, and Seventh avenue. Area, 166 acres, containing 530 dwellings, and a population of 7,471, giving an average of 45.0L persons to the acre and 14.10 persons to each dwelling. This district was mostly good, high ground, occupied by residences of a fine class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for fhe city, were as follows: AREAS. , DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. Foreign. ' Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under5 years. ToW. Total. Under 5 years. The city. District L 31.01 110.37 16.64 62.42 30.22 112.41 18. 80 59. 34 31.38 14.89 109. 63 65.35 23.15 74.28 17.06 55.56 i DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States, (white). Ireland. Germany. England an Wales. d ars d r. 78 88 Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ; over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 ye an ove Under 115 years 15 1 and years, over. The city District L 54.01 15.91 25.44 11.49 50.87 | 28.01 33.65 19.79 46. 97 17. 04 36. 87 8. 87 50. 53 23. 81 20. 6. 40.68 13.00 22.52 j 12.58 . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. c“S“p- Sf i The city 181. 63 316.85 > 24.27 District L 117.83 151.94 12.40 391.75 287.89 52.19 210.85 173.64 65.12 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very low, being about the same as that for the preceding district. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the English, being (5.88 as against 11.49 for the Americans and 19.79 for the Irish of the same age group. Scarlet fever and malarial fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district M.—Bounded by East One hundred and twentieth street, the East river, East One hundred and tenth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 214 acres, with 2,326 dwellings and a population of 39,520, the average density being 184.67 persons to the acre and 16.99 persons to each dwelling. All of this district may be said to have been good, firm land. Between Third and Fourth avenues were located private dwellings and apartment houses. East of Third avenue the buildings were principally tenements. There were some gas houses on the southern boundary near the East river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPl’EATION. NATIVE. Foreign. AREAS. :i Both parents « One or both parents native. foreign. Total. Under 5 years. * ?.&,5 Total. Under 5 years. The city 31.01 110.37 ii i 30.22 112.41 31.38 109.63 23.15 74. 28 District M 37. 64 133. 71 38.47 126.30 37.24 136.87 25.17 106.06 112 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT M—Continued. DEATH HATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. U nder 15 years, 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Tlie city 54.01 15.91 50.87 28. 01 46.97 17.04 50. 53 20. 78 76.41 12.27 District M 00. 80 20.40 63. 50 30. 53 50.52 13. 22 07. 22 25.13 95. 05 14. 80 DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS.. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid Consump- |.,lellmoni.. Malarial fever. tion. * Ileun,oma fever. The city 181.03 316. 8 ", 24.27 391.75 287.89 24.02 District M 239.72 429. 0 21.10 374.53 306.54 42.70 i During the O-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, and decidedly so for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was smallest among the Germans and greatest among the Irish. The death rate of the children under 15 years of age of Italian mothers was greater than the corresponding rate of any other race. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district N.—Bounded by West One hundred and thirtieth street, Fifth avenue, West One hundred and twentieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 385 acres, of which 21 acres were parks; population? 25,744; excluding the park area the average number of persons to the acre was 70.73. This district contained good, high land and was suburban in character. One large car stable was in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ; DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION'. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Un,k'r 5 years. Both parents native. *»*<"■ ®ss.» One or both parents foreign. Total. Uml, r 5 years. Total ruder 5 years. The city 31.01 110.3V District N ‘JO. 19 84.82 30.22 112.41 18. 00 72. 64 1 . 31.38 109.63 22.95 95.90 23.15 74.28 17.71 105.56 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ' AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Enff*a,}J1|u,d Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under T5 years Under 15 and 15 years, over. '! years. 15 years 1 Under 115 years and 15 and over. years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 21.91 21. 59 The city District N 54.01 15. 91 32.70 12.28 50.87 28.01 46.97 45.80 16.59 41.96 17.04 50.53 20.78 12.89 42.33 15.67 43.71 21.61 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- Tl . j Malarial tion. Pneumonia, j feyer The city District N 181.63 107.07 316. 85 24. 27 186.24 ■ 17. 99 391.75 287.89 24.62 213.24 188.04 34. 19 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 113 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly below the city average, with the exception of the foreign children under 5 years of age, among whom the death rate was above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans and highest among the Scotch. Malarial fever and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district O.—Bounded by East One hundred and thirtieth street, the Harlem river, East One hundred and twentieth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 227 acres, 21 acres of which were contained in parks; population, 27,857; average number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the parking, was 135.23. Fine dwellings predominated in this district, built on good, high ground. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. . One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District O 31.01 30.41 110.37 122.62 I 30.22 32.95 112.41 124. 67 31.38 28. 29 109.63 121.20 23.15 25.37 74.28 77.78 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District 0 54.01 57. 69 15.91 20.55 50.87 62. 90 28.01 26. 26 46.97 41. 93 17.04 13.96 50.53 47. 07 20.78 22.96 57. 33 86.07 13.43 9.03 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District 0 181.63 195.40 316.85 309.32 24.27 25.78 391. 75 355. 05 287. 89 266. 08 24. 62 46.56 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average for the native and a little above it for both the foreign adults and children. For the native white of native parents the death rate was a little above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was less for the Scandinavians, being 9.03 as against 20.55 for the Americans and 2C.26 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district P.—Bounded by West One hundred and fortieth street, Eighth avenue, West One hundred and thirtieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 237 acres; population, 4,891; number of persons to the acre, 20.64, This district was suburban in character, sparsely populated, and contained mostly dwellings of the better class, built on good, high ground. 114 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5 years. The city District P 31.01 26. 72 110.37 104. 05 30.22 24. 94 112.41 89.24 31. 38 27. 78 109. 63 112.63 23.15 20.13 74. 28 37.04 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and wales. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 17.04 13.12 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District P 54.01 43.15 15.91 13.67 50.87 53.47 28.01 26. 96 46.97 33.97 50.53 42.48 20. 78 26. 88 28.67 1.77 6. 21 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District P 181.63 113. 64 316.85 194.13 24. 27 9. 47 391.75 336.17 287. 89 241.48 52.19 56.82 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for both the native and the foreign except for children under 5 years of age having one or both parents foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 26.96 for the Irish, 26.88 for the English, 13.67 for the Americans, and 13.12 for the Germans. There were no deaths at this age reported among those having Russian or Polish mothers, of whom there were 65 on June 1,1890. Scarlet fever, old age, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district R.—Bounded by East and West One hundred and fortieth streets, the Harlem river, East and West One hundred and thirtieth streets, and Eighth avenue. Area, 241 acres, with 1,086 dwellings, and a population of 11,328, the average density being 47.00 persons to the acre and 10.43 persons to each dwelling. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of sanitary district P. The district contained some car stables and gas houses; also a large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. — Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native.} One or both parents foreign. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 15.19 110.37 65. 21 30. 22 14.54 112.41 60.38 31.38 16.06 109. 63 69.80 23.15 18. 98 74.28 18.52 AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and #over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District I! 54.01 26. 73 15. 91 10.46 50. 87 52.83 28.01 20.63 46.97 21.74 17. 04 11.03 50. 53 35. 09 20.78 14.51 43. 71 18.52 21.91 8. 05 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 115 SANITARY DISTRICT R—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Old age. The city District R 181.63 59.30 316. 85 141.09 24. 27 18. 40 391.75 184. 03 287. 89 145.18 21.38 22. 49 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was only a little over half the city average, and! remarkably low for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest for the Scotch, being 8.05 as against 10.46 for the Americans,. 11.03 for the Germans, and 20.63 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Old age caused more than the average jwoportion of deaths. Sanitary district S.—Bounded by Spuyten Duyvil creek, Harlem river, East and West One hundred and fortieth streets, and the Hudson river; it included the whole of Manhattan island lying north of One hundred and fortieth street, and contained 2,343 acres, of which 173 were included in High Bridge park. The total population was 16,510; excluding the park area the number of persons to the acre was 7.61. This district was suburban, with a sparse population, and contained mostly dwellings of the better class; also some gas houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows:. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District S 31.01 19.01 110. 37 67.91 30.22 19. 05 112.41 67.24 31.38 18. 97 109. 63 68.36 23.15 19. 86 74.28 40. 54 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. [ over. Under 15 years. L 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and | over. Under 15 years. 15 years afed over. The city District S 54.01 15.91 27.61 12.95 50.87 | 28.01 34.35 21.63 46. 97 24. 42 17.04 12.34 50. 53 28. 59 20.78 15. 72 76. 41 7. 31 12.27 6.14 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District S 181.63 316.85 116.44 186.59 24.27 16. 84 391.75 192.20 287.89 180. 98 24. 62 25. 25 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly below the city average for both the native' and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 6.14 as against 12.95 for the Americans and 21.63 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Malarial fever and old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district AB.—Included the islands in the Bast river opposite ward 12, containing the public institutions of the city. The area was 300 acres and the population 2,653, giving an average of 8.84 persons to, each acre. 116 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District AB ... 31.01 31.76 110.37 179.08 30.22 11.66 112.41 54.64 31.38 58.22 109. 63 409. 09 23.15 23.40 74.28 750.00 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and W ales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District AB 54. 01 77.16 15. 91 2. 89 50.87 44.67 28.01 9. 76 46.97 124.03 17.04 15.15 50.53 69.44 20. 78 24.31 76.41 11.91 12. 27 71.43 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District AB ... 181. 63 43.65 316. 85 497. 64 24.27 43.65 391.75 296.84 287.89 323.03 45. 67 61.11 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average for the total population, and much above the average for children under 5 years of age of foreign parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was very high for the Italians, being 71.43 against 2.89 for the Americans and 9.76 for the Irish per 1,090 of population of this age group. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, and measles caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 13. This ward was subdivided into two districts; it contained 109 acres, 1,431 dwellings, and a population of 45,884, giving an average of 420.95 persons to the acre and 32.06 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Rivington, Willett, Division, Grand, and Norfolk streets. Area, 52 acres; number of dwellings, 786; population, 27,664; number of persons to the acre, 532.00; and the number to ‘each dwelling, 35.20. This district was well elevated and the houses, consisting mostly of stores and tenements, were built on good land. There were some factories in this district and a large German population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. } One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Un,ler 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 42.29 110. 37 84.54 30.22 : 112.41 66.21 , 186.77 31.38 39.45 109. 63 77. 27 23.15 13.45 74. 28 47. 89 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 117 SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— Ireland. 1 Germany Russia and Poland. Hungary. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. ■ 1 15 years! and i over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 50.87 82.80 28.01 49.06 1 46.97 52. 61 17.04 ! 23.13 1 28. 67 28.54 6. 21 5 85 47. 21 107. 21 8. 45 13.89 40.68 36.30 13. 00 6.40 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District A 181.63 194. 76 316. 85 : 24. 27 313.53 15.96 391.75 248.39 287. 89 26.72 279. 68 35.12 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was much above the average for the native adults. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Russian and Polish Jews, being 5.85 as against 49.06 for the Irish and 23.13 for the Germans per 1,000 of population of this age group. Diphtheria and croup and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Rivington street, the East river, and Grand and Willett streets; it contained 57 acres, 645 dwellings, and a population of 18,220, giving 319.65 persons to the acre, and 28.25 to each dwelling. Nearly one-half of this district, on the east, was made land, reclaimed from the river. The district contained principally stores, tenements, and old dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 31. 01 33.83 110.37 97.98 30.22 47.25 112.41 135. 03 31.38 29.86 109. 63 85. 63 23.15 21.78 74.28 57. 35 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Hungary. Under 15years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 54.01 15.91 66.65 ! 19.67 i 50.87 44.28 28.01 33. 82 46. 97 35. 75 17.04 14. 88 28.67 25. 62 6.21 4.95 47.21 39. 66 8.45 6.41 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— 1 Diphtheria j Diarrheal and croup. ! diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District B 181.63 316.85 195.85 : 343.22 24.27 25. 21 391.75 338. 38 287. 89 318.98 26.72 31.03 VITAL STATISTICS. 118 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, being slightly higher for the adults of native birth and lower for the children under 5 years of age and for the adults of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 4.95 for the Russian and Polish Jews and 6.41 for the Hungarians as against 33.82 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 14. This ward was subdivided into two districts; it contained 102 acres, 899 dwellings, and a population of 28,094, giving 275.43 persons to the acre and 31.25 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by East Houston, Mulberry, and Canal streets and Broadway. Area, 55 acres; number of dwellings, 352; population, 9,181, giving an average of 166.93 persons to the acre and 26.08 persons to each dwelling. This district may be described as a tenement district, that class of buildings predominating, and being crowded with Italians. Some business and manufacturing houses Avere found near Broadway. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or hoth parents foreign. Total. Under 5 y ars. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. i The city 1 i District A 1 31.01 68. 35 110. 37 182.18 30. 22 78. 25 112.41 227.82 31.38 66.78 109. 63 176.03 23.15 27.17 74.28 107. 00 areas. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and W ales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. . 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and oyer. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 54.01 100. 28 15.91 25.53 50. 87 58.46 28.01 42.93 46.97 68. 57 17. 04 26.92 50. 53 93. 50 20.78 17.68 76.41 95. 72 12.27 13.62 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District A 181.63 277.19 316.85 454. 87 24. 27 26. 65 391.75 508.17 287.89 501.07 45.67 172. 35 During the G-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and more than double the city average for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward according to birthplaces of mothers, was high for the Irish, being 42.93 as against 13.62 for the Italians, 17.68 for the English, 25.53 for the Americans, and 26.92 for the Germans. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Houston street, the Bowery, and Canal and Mulberry streets. Area, 47 acres, containing 547 dwellings with a population of 18,913, giving an average of 402.40 persons to the acre and 34.58 persons to each dwelling. The same general characteristics as to buildings and population existed in this district as in district A. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 119 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. T Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. ital. Under 5 years. The city District B 31.01 58. 75 110. 37 160.70 30. 22 58.41 112.41 192.93 31.38 109.63 58.83 155.49 23.15 25. 91 74.28 120. 75 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. I y Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years iind over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Tnder 15 years 15 j and ears. ; over. The city District B 54.01 88.47 15.91 19. 32 50.87 62.22 28.01 44.84 46. 97 60. 06 17.04 26.12 28. 67 53.68 6.21 6. 85 76.41 | 12.27 i 80.91 9.62 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— • Diphtheria and croup. • Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneuni onia. Measles. The city District B 181. 63 235. 48 316.85 412.31 24.27 26. 74 391.75 502. 88 287. 89 420. 07 45.67 175.97 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for the native under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 6.85 for the Russian and Polish Jews as against 19.32 for the Americans, 26.12 for the Germans, and 44.84 for the Irish per 1,000 of population of this age group. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 15. This ward was subdivided into four districts, containing 229 acres, of which 10 acres were included in parks, 1,876 dwellings, and 25,399 population. Excluding the park area the average density was 115.98 persons to the acre, with 13.54 to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Fourth, Wooster, West Houston, Hancock, Bleecker, and Carmine streets and Sixth avenue. Area, 37 acres; population, 9,671; number of persons to each acre, 261.38. This was a large tenement district and contained about equal numbers of Italians, French, and negroes crowded together. Many stables of a very poor class were found. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Uoreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city 31.01 110.37 30. 22 112.41 31.38 109.63 23.15 74.28 District A 47. 33 153. 59 53.34 200.58 44.56 140.78 22.02 88.89 120 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. France. Italy. I Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under j 15 years 15 j and years. | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District A 54. 01 15. 91 94.15 38.41 50.87 ! 28.01 59.22 | 42.11 46.97 59.16 17.04 26. 21 47. 01 52.70 17. 86 15.41 76.41 12. 27 52. 70 8.66 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. ; diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Mf^a"al The city District A 181.63 ! 316.85 117. 51 367.01 24.27 27. 36 391. 75 523.15 287.89 24.62 310.67 25.75 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was decidedly above the city average, and was especially so for the native whites. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.66 for the Italians and 15.41 for the French as against 38.41 for the Americans and 42.11 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East and West Fourth streets, the Bowery, and East and West Houston and Wooster streets. Area, 48 acres, containing 315 dwellings, with a population of 4,759, giving a density of 99.15 persons to an acre and 15.11 persons to each dwelling. This was largely a business and manufacturing district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both i nat Total. arents ive. Under 5 years. One or b fo Total. oth parents reign. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 31.01 44.49 110. 37 175.57 30. 22 38.52 112.41 366. 67 31.38 47.75 109. 63 150. 86 23.15 28.85 74. 28 111. 11 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. France. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and j over. | Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 54. 01 96. 53 15.91 25.39 50. 87 51.36 28. 01 37.59 46.97 49.38 17.04 22.89 47. 01 106. 84 17.86 50.56 76.41 75.07 12. 27 12. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District B 181. 63 228.98 316.85 320. 58 24. 27 29.44 391.75 529.93 287.89 327.12 52.19 58.88 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 121 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for thenative whites and for native children under 5 years of age of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.67 among the Italians as against 50.56 among the French and 37.59 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by West Fourteenth and Wooster streets, University place, West Fourth street, and Sixth avenue. Area, 81 acres, of which 10 acres were included in parks; population, 7,081, in 663 dwellings. Excluding the park area there was an average of 99.73 persons to the acre and 10.68 persons to each dwelling. Business houses and residences were found in about equal numbers. Between University place and Broadway may be classed as a business section. West of University place was formerly a tine residence section and many fine dwellings occupied by old families are still found. There were many large hotels and boarding houses in the. district. Some stables of the worst kind were in the alleys of this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 23.23 110.37 112. 72 30. 22 20. 62 112. 41 90. 70 31.38 27.41 109. 63 128. 98 23.15 20.47 74. 28 83. 33 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. German y. England ai Wales. id ?ars d 3r. France. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years ' and I over. Under 15 yt 15 •! an years. ! ovi Under 15 years 15 j and years. ! over. The city District C 54.01 15.91 45.65 17.91 1 50. 87 46.24 28. 01 18.43 46.97 54.90 17. 04 22. 01 50.53 20.78 31.65 23.81 47.01 17.86 32.26 ; 19.42 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District C 181.63 92.34 316. 85 134.11 24.27 17. 59 391. 75 290. 20 60. 55 76. 95 138.24 175.88 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average for the adultsr and slightly above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the English, being 23.81 as against 19.42 for the French and 17.91 for the Americans. Cancer and tumor and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, the Bowery, East Fourth and Wooster streets,, and University place. Area, 63 acres; population, 3,888, giving an average of 61.71 persons to each acre. This may be described as a business district, containing a number of hotels. 122 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in tills district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. ! Under 5 j years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 31.01 110.37 28. 71 109.40 30. 22 27.17 112.41 123.56 31.38 31.29 109.63 210. 94 23.15 27.14 74. 28 277. 78 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 .PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and j over. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. U J nde 15 ears r 15 years and over. The city District D 54.01 47.95 15. 91 21.95 50.87 46.30 28.01 21.91 46. 97 78.13 17.04 20. 40 50.53 . 20.78 138.89 j 32.30 47.0 JO. 9 17.86 17.41 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i Diphtheria Diarrheal 1 Typhoid and croup. diseases. | fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Cancer and tumor. The city District D 181.63 ! 316.85 24.27 48. 05 164.18 ; 44.05 1 391. 75 372.42 287.89 280.31 60.55 88.10 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average, and considerably above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the English, being 32.30 as against 21.91 for the Irish, 21.95 for the Annericans, and 17.41 for the French. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. This ward was subdivided into four districts, and contained 332 acres, 3,236 dwellings, and a population of 49,134, giving an average density of 147.99 persons to the acre and 15.18 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Twentieth street, Ninth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 66 acres, with 346 dwellings and a population of 8,001, giving 121.23 persons to the acre and 23.12 persons to each dwelling. The original shore line in this district followed about the course of Tenth avenue, and all that portion of the district east of Tenth avenue, amounting to more than one-half, was made land. Tenements predominated, and the district contained several gas houses and breweries. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: WARD 16. . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Nat ire. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or botli parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District A 31.01 32.48 110. 37 117.61 30.22 33.33 112.41 109.14 31.38 32.10 109.63 121. 76 23.15 34.06 74.28 89. 74 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 123 SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under i 15 years 15 j and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 a 0 2 2 years nd ver. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 54. 01 15.91 50.98 16.70 50.87 55. 38 8.01 9.92 46.97 54. 61 17.04 16. 24 50.53 59.14 20. 78 17. 66 43.71 25.89 21.91 33.13 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria ! Diarrheal and croup. ; diseases. Typhoid fever. C°tionnP ! Pneumonia. Malarial fever. 1 The city i District A 181.63 310.85 227. 08 i 347. 78 24.27 36.82 391.75 287.89 417. 33 306.86 24.62 38.87 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average, the excess occurring chiefly among the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the Scotch, being 33.13 as against 29.92 among the Irish, 17.66 among the English, 16.70 among the Americans, and 16.24 among the Germans. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by West Twentieth street, Sixth avenue, West Fourteenth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 91 acres; population, 16,594; average density, 182.35 persons to the acre. Dwellings, stores, and tenements existed in about equal numbers in this district. There were a number of fine dry goods stores, many boarding houses, and one large brewery in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Jsative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. years. The city District B 31.01 27.86 110.37 116. 41 30. 22 28.63 112.41 123.97 31. 38 ! 109. 63 27. 32 [ 112. 22 23.15 34. 54 74.28 144. 93 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— • United States,- (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. Id years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 y< an ov -ars d . er. 78 91 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. | The city District B 54.01 57.82 15. 91 17.27 50. 87 47.21 28.01 32.91 46.97 59.74 17. 04 19.33 50. 53 49.02 20 26 47.01 45. 98 ' 17.86 20.45 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. ! The city District B 181.63 157.82 316.85 243. 63 24. 27 18. 74 391.75 434. 99 287. 89 278.16 24. 62 35.51 124 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. It was above it for the native and considerably above it for the foreign, both adults and children. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was highest among the Irish, being 32.91 as against 20.45 among the French, 19.33 among the Germans, and 17.27 among the Americans. Malarial fever, consumption, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by West Twenty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Twentieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 82 acres; population, 6,834, giving 83.34 persons to the acre. West of Tenth avenue was all made land, reclaimed from the Hudson river. The houses in this portion were mostly tenements. The district contained also small dwellings and stores, with one car stable near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 28.91 110.37 115.68 30.22 25.96 112.41 110.84 31. 38 31.28 109.63 118.40 23.15 30.67 74.28 10.42 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England ai Wales. id ars d r. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 115 years 15 and years, over. ! Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 ye an ove Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 54.01 55.71 15. 91 17. 94 50.87 i 28.01 48.85 j 30.63 46.97 50. 51 17.04 18. 57 50.53 46. 88 20. 78 24.38 43.71 50.00 21.91 23.23 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District C L 181.63 124.54 316. 85 268.24 24.27 26.34 391. 75 399.96 287. 89 277.82 24.62 26.34 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. It was very low for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 30.63 for the Irish as against 24.38 for the English, 18.57 for the Germans, and 17.94 for the Americans. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by West Twenty-sixth street, Sixth avenue, West Twentieth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 93 acres; 1,328 dwellings; population, 17,705, the average number of persons to the acre being 190.38. In this district were some of the largest and finest dry goods stores. Dwellings and apartment houses existed in about equal numbers. One brewery and some houses of ill fame were in this district. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 125 The death rates in this district, as compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 31.01 20. 21 110.37 89.57 30. 22 20.47 112. 41 91.37 31.38 19.98 109. 63 88.42 23.15 19.82 74.28 136. 36 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and | over. Under 15 years.' 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 54.01 42 81 15. 91 14. 43 50. 87 39. 52 28.01 20.98 46.97 35.43 17. 04 11.89 50.53 31.75 20.78 16.77 47.01 67. 77 17.86 18.52 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Cancer and tumor. The city District D 181.63 96.15 316.85 146. 99 24.27 17.57 391. 75 295.84 287. 89 194.14 60. 55 67.49 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, and especially so for the native white. It was above the average for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 20.98 among the Irish as against 11.89 among the Germans. Cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 17. This ward was subdivided into six districts, and contained 290 acres and 3,689 dwellings, with a total population of 103,158. There were 10 acres of parks in this ward, excluding which the population density was 368.42 persons to the acre and 27.96 persons to each dwelling. This ward contained a very large proportion of German population. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by East Fourth street, First avenue, Allen and Rivington streets, and the Bowery. Area, 51 acres; population, 17,778, giving 348.59 persons to the acre. This district contained tenements and small dwellings in about equal numbers, with a predominating proportion of German population. The death rates in tins district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH BATES PEE 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 33.31 ■ 110.37 112.72 1 30.22 40.03 112.41 119.40 31.38 31.78 109.63 111.03 23.15 21.06 74.28 56.86 126 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over., Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and j over. | Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 54.01 66. 24 15.91 17.87 50.87 69.87 28.01 34.02 46.97 55.08 17.04 17.08 28. 67 20.33 6.21 4.98 40. 68 42. 36 13.00 12.80 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal dieases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District A 181.63 170. 73 316.85 302. 28 24.27 22.39 391.75 365. 73 287. 89 270. 56 138. 24 159. 54 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average for the foreign and a little above it for the native, but highest among the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was only 4.98 among the Russian and Polish Jews as against 34.02 among the Irish and 17.87 among the Americans. Heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. (Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Fourth and Clinton streets, Avenue B, Iiivington and Allen streets, and First avenue. Area, 54 acres; population, 30,100, making an average of 557.41 persons to the acre. Tenements and small dwellings existed in about equal numbers, with a German population predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. 110. 37 95. 77 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. 74. 28 45.61 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Tlic city District B 31.01 34.90 30. 22 48. 73 112.41 117.32 31.38 33.05 109.63 92.18 23.15 18. 95 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Germany. Russia and Poland. Hungary. Other i >reign countries. Under 15 3 ears. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Und 15 year 47. 38. er 15 years j and s. over. Under 15 years. _iO years and over. The city District B 54. 01 62. 20 15. 91 17.19 46. 97 51.71 17.04 22.03 28. 67 18. 09 6.21 2.54 21 8.45 95 7.35 40. 68 35.44 13.00 8.24 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— .Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Childbirth. The city District B 181. 63 164. 76 316. 85 340. 54 24.27 30. 86 391. 75 338.89 52.19 61.17 26. 72 29.20 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but considerably above it for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 2.54 among the Russian and Polish Jews and 7.35 among the Hungarians as against 22.03 among the Germans and 17.19 among the Americans. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 127 Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of' deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by East Ninth street, First avenue, East Fourth street, and the Bowery. Area, 43 acres, with 515 dwellings, containing 11,772 persons, giving an average of 273.77 persons to the acre and 22.86 persons to each dwelling. The characteristics of this district as to buildings and population were similar to those in the preceding; district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows:: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. — Total. Umler5 years. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 lotaL years. Total* Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 23.25 110. 37 94.43 30.22 112.41 30.12 90. 04 31.38 109. 63 21.55 | 96.12 . 23.15 21.09 74. 28 33.33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 15 years. J years and Ivor 15.91 12.18 Under 15 years. 15 years and ov er. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and! over. U y nder: 15 years 15 | and ears. ; over. The city ! District 0 54.01 46.47 50. 87 51. 75 28.01 27. 55 46.97 41.08 17.04 14. 88 50.53 66. 67 20.78 18. 69 10. 68 13. 00 S3. 99 20. 22 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO*— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District C 181. 63 139.49 316. 85 202.89 24. 27 33. 82 391. 75 322.65 287.89 197.26 26.72 36.63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average both among the children and the adults. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.18 among the Americans as against 14.88 among the Germans and 27.55 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by East Ninth street, Avenue B, East Fourth street, and First avenue. Area, 41 acres, of which 6 acres were in parks; population, 15,651, excluding the park area, giving 447.17 persons, to the acre. The characteristics of the population and dwellings were the same in this district as in the preceding. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign.. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5T> years. The city District D 31.01 26.29 110.37 94. 64 • 30.22 33.65 112.41 74.93. 31.38 25. 30 109. 63 99. 92 23.15 20.12 74.28 123.46 128 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 54.01 47.31 15.91 9.05 50.87 103.77 28. 01 49. 21 46.97 44. 33 17.04 14.27 82. 57 135. 74 20. 31 49.75 40.68 25.13 13.00 12. 85 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District D 181. 63 173. 80 316.85 246.92 24.27 24.37 391. 75 314. 75 287.89 201.35 52.19 57. 23 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 9.05 among the Americans as against 19.75 among the Bohemians and 49.21 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, First avenue, East Ninth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 59 acres; population, 10,947, being 185.54 persons to the acre. The principal characteristics of this district were similar to those in the preceding districts of this ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Xative. Foreign. Total. U nder 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Undtr 5 years. The city District E 31.01 27.57 110. 37 125.90 30.22 25.43 112.41 114. 33 31.38 28.48 109.63 130.01 23.15 27.38 i 74.28 79.17 AREAS. United (wh DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— States ite). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, over. The city District E 54.01 56.27 15. 91 13.90 50.87 44.16 28. 01 28.87 46. 97 59.81 i 17.04 17.80 j 50.53 94.59 20.78 21.24 76. 41 12. 27 17.37 j 11.06 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District E 181. 63 166. 65 316. 85 222. 71 24.27 22.73 391. 75 387.84 287.89 262.10 26. 72 37.88 Daring the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but somewhat above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11,06 among the Italians as against 13.90 among the Americans and 28.87 among the Irish. Cancer and tumor and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 129 SANITARY district F.—Bounded by East Fourteenth street, Avenue B, East Ninth street, and First avenue. Area, 42 acres, with 474 dwellings and a population of 16,910. There were 4 acres of parking in this district, excluding which the population density was 445.00 jiersons to the acre. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of the preceding. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. j Under 5 [ years. The city District F 31.01 33.40 110. 37 112. 91 30.22 42.56 112.41 104.88 31.38 31. 66 109. 63 115. 63 23.15 26. 01 1 74.28 88.71 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). (| Ireland. || Germany. Italy. Other foreign countries. Under lc 15 years, j years and over. 15.91 13. 72 Under 15 years. 15years|i Under and | 15 over. years. 15 years and over. 17. 04 17. 33 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F I 54.01 ) 61. 34 50. 87 53.10 j 28.01 1 j 46.97 34.09 : 48.63 76.41 28. 95 12. 27 14. 65 40.68 74. 30 13.00 20.14 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— i Diphtheria j Diarrheal Typhoid and croup, j diseases. i'ever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia, i Measles. The city District F 181.63 316.85 24.27 190.29 367.82 18.64 391. 75 436. 48 287.89 324. 66 45. 67 47. 08 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.65 among the Italians as against 34.99 among the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 18. This ward was subdivided into five districts, containing 431 acres, 63,270 population, and 3,373 dwellings. The average number of persons to the acre, exclusive of 20 acres of park area, was 153.94, and the number of persons to each dwelling was 18.76. The New York, Post Graduate, and Willard Parker hospitals were in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by East and West Twentieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fourteenth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 66 acres, with about 7 acres of park; population, 3,864; number of persons to each acre, exclusive of the park area, 65.49. This was largely a business district, containing some fine residences and hotels and many large boarding houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. TJnder 5 ! years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 31.01 24. 25 110.37 133.66 30.22 112.41 18.41 65. 36 31.38 39.81 109. 63 203.33 • 23.15 17.49 74.28 666. 67 130 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years,. 15 years and over. The city District A 54.01 42.71 15.91 18.85 50.87 64.10 28.01 18.48 46. 97 71.43 17.04 24. 07 50.53 100.00 20. 78 15. 78 47.01 18.52 17.86 19. 35. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria j Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Tvphoid fever. Consump- , Cancer and tion. tumor. Diseases of the urinary organs. The city District A 181.63 316.85 63. 71 84. 95 24.27 25.48 391.75 60.55 293. 07 89. 70 173.72 254.84 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average,, but above it for the children under 5 years of age, especially for those of foreign birth, among whom it was 666.67 per 1,000 of population. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers,, was 15.78 among the English as against 24.07 among the Germans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Twentieth street, First avenue. East Fourteenth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 83 acres; population, 11,089. There were 5 acres of parking, excluding which the average number of persons to the acre was 142.17. That portion of this district between Fourth and Second avenues was occupied by a hue class of residences. East of Second avenue the buildings were mostly tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows-:: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign.. Total Under 5 years. Both i arents native. One or both parents- foreign. Total, Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5. lotal- j years. The city District B .... _ 31.01 110.37 25. 07 133.45 30. 22 26.17 112.41 129.97 31.38 ; 109.63 24. 26 i 135.50 23.15 22.70 74. 28 133.33 : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE'BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Un ye Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 [ and years, j over. der 5 irs. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 1 and years, over. The citv District B 54. 01 15. 91 60.51 17.37 50. 87 56. 39 28.01 23.00 46.97 43. 34 17. 04 13. 86 50. 53 61.83 20. 78; 17.33 40; 68 13. 00 55.56 17.19 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION BWE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases, j fever. Consump- Malarial tion. fever. Cancer and tumor. i The city District B 181. 63 108. 03 316. 85 170.19 24. 27 19. 24 391. 75 24. 62 313. 74 31.08 00. 55 76. 95 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 131 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average for the adults and above it for the children under 5 years of age, both for the native and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.86 among the Germans as against 17.37 among the Americans and 23.00 among the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by East Twenty-sixth street, the East river, East Fourteenth street, and First avenue. Area 129 acres, containing 701 dwellings and a population of 24,445, giving an average of 189.50 persons to the acre and 34.87 persons to each dwelling. This district consisted almost entirely of land reclaimed from the river, there being but a small corner in the southeastern part within the original shore line. At Seventeenth street the shore line was more than 3 blocks beyond its original location. The tenement class of buildings predominated. Some large gas houses were located near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 38. 88 110. 37 134.86 30. 22 54.40 112.41 147. 73 31.38 36.07 100. 63 131.08 23.15 32.58 74. 28 87. 30 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, i over. Under 15 years. 15 years and ] over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 54. 01 64.92 15. 91 15. 62 50.87 28. 01 55.60 34.86 46. 97 50. 51 17.04 18.36 50.53 63.90 20.78 26. 26 40.68 49.52 13.00 15.66 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria j Diarrheal and croup. I diseases. Typhoid fever. C°tnionmP‘ : Pneumoni a. Measles. The city District C 181.63 316.85 239.01 | 443.10 24.27 29.54 391.75 287. 8! 494.80 339.7] 45.67 51.02 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.G2 among the Americans and 34.86 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by East and West Twenty-sixth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Twentieth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 71 acres; number of dwellings, 484; population, 7,024. Excluding 6 acres in parks, the population density was 108.00 persons to the acre and 14.51 persons to each dwelling. This was a retail business district. It also contained many hotels and boarding houses, with dwellings of the better class, many of which on the business streets had been converted into stores. 132 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 31.01 14. 54 110. 37 133. 33 30. 22 12. 37 112.41 81.30 31.38 26. 21 109. 63 206.90 23.15 11.05 74.28 333. 33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 54. 01 31.37 15.91 12.08 50. 87 111.11 28.01 8.42 46. 97 66. 67 17.04 12.31 50. 53 11.11 20.78 17.93 47.01 58.33 17.86 16.88 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. i Co™P- Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District D 181.63 32. 71 316.85 I 24. 27 63. 09 | 23.37 391. 75 | 287.89 133.18 i 149. 54 138.24 144. 87 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was less than half the city average, but was greater for the children under 5 years of age, and especially among the foreign and the native children having one or both parents foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.42 among the Irish, 12.08 among the Americans, 12.31 among the Germans, and 16.88 among the French. Heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by East Twenty-sixth street, First avenue, East Twentieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area 82 acres, containing 908 dwellings and a population of 16,848. Gramercy park, containing about 2 acres, was in this district, excluding which area the number of persons to the acre was 210.60, with an average of 18.56 persons to each dwelling. This district contained private dwellings and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. j Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 26. 77 110.37 104.69 30.22 24.27 112.41 105. 39 31.38 28.03 109. 63 104.42 23.15 28. 02 74. 28 104.17 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 j and years. | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and 1 over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 , and years, over. The city i District E 54.01 53. 63 15. 91 15.36 50.87 1 28.01 44.49 ' 28.39 46. 97 45.24 17.04 16.16 50. 53 48. 22 20.78 16.97 57.33 13.43 63.01 21.05 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 133 SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District E 181.63 146.11 316.85 249. 37 24.27 30.20 391. 75 421. 78 287. 89 238.65 138. 24 168. 52 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but above it for those of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.36 among the Americans, 16.16 among the Germans, and 28.39 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, consumption, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 19. This ward was subdivided into sixteen districts and contained, including Blackwells island, 1,600 acres, 12,261 dwellings, and a population of 234,846. That portion of Central park lying south of Eighty-sixth street and east of Sixth avenue, containing 145 acres, was included in this ward, also the space known as Reservoir square, covering about 10 acres. Excluding the park area, there was an average of 162.52 persons to the acre and 19.15 persons to each dwelling. This was largely a residential ward, containing many fine dwellings situated, for the greater part, west of Third avenue. East of Third avenue were mostly flats or tenements. There were many hospitals and public institutions in this ward, including the Presbyterian, German, Mount Sinai, Colored Home, Nursery and Child’s, and St. Luke’s hospitals, the Foundling asylum, and the institutions on Blackwells island. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by East and West Fiftieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fortieth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 117 acres; population, 7,275; giving 67.99 persons to the acre, excluding the area of Reservoir square. Fifth avenue in this district contained some fine residences. Almost all of one block, between Forty-third and Forty-fourth streets and Fifth and Sixth avenues, was covered by one large car stable. On the north side of Forty-fourth street and south side of Forty-third street were many smaller stables. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the citVi were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 1 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. m * i ! Under 5 Total- years. The city District A 31.01 26.66 110. 37 109. 30 30. 22 24.61 112.41 86. 78 31.38 109. 63 31. 74 138. 30 23.15 16.29 74.28 55. 56 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. F ranee. Under 15 years! 15 1 and 1 years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. The city District A 54.01 | 15.91 39.26 | 24.22 50.87 85. 07 28. 01 14.98 46. 97 59. 75 17.04 18.15 50. 53 53. 92 20.78 21.38 47.01 17. 86 100.00 12.61 AREAS. Diphthe and croi DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— ria Diarrheal p. | diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and Heart disease tumor. and dropsy. The city District A 181.63 316.85 98. 01 : 126. 38 24.27 43.85 391.75 226. 97 60.55 138. 24 87.69 , 196.02 134 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, especially for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.61 among the French, 14.98 among the Irish, and 24.22 among the Americans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Fiftieth street, Second avenue, East Fortieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 99 acres; population, 19,699; average number of persons to the acre, 198.98. This was a residential district and it contained one large car stable and a brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. 1 Under 5 lotaL | years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 31. 01 29.16 110. 37 119.75 30. 22 112.41 32.45 121.32 31.38 27. 77 109. 63 119.17 23.15 24. 03 74.28 86.81 DEATH KATES PEE 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and ; 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 54.01 53.15 15.91 19.35 50.87 28. 01 38.02 22. 01 46.97 56. 34 17.04 50. 53 ! 17.68 53.76 I 20. 78 15.46 76.41 30.11 12. 27 14.08 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. lever. ; Consump- tion. Scarlet Malarial fever. fever. The city District B 181.63 316.85 24.27 194.32 238.14 20.00 391. 75 364.82 52.19 24. 62 58.11 31.43 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but slightly above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.08 for the Italians, 15.46 for the English, 19.35 for the Americans, and 22.01 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by East Fiftieth street, the East river, East Fortieth street, and Second avenue. Area, 81 acres; number of dwellings, 633; population, 15,550, giving an average of 191.98 persons to the acre and 24.57 persons to each dwelling. This district contained a large slaughterhouse on the river front; also some car stables and gas houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents, native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 31.01 40. 06 110. 37 135.10 30.22 112.41 51. 89 147. 09 31.38 37.87 109. 63 132.13 23.15 29.65 74.28 145.83 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 135 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and years, over. years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 'The city District C 54.01 15.91 50.87 28.01 63.48 12.79 55.69 30.84 46. 97 54.08 17. 04 17.33 50. 53 81.48 20. 78 25.16 47.01 20. 33 17.86 13.73 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District C 181.63 316.85 302. 88 431.99 24. 27 24.13 391.75 441.64 287. 89 322.18 52.19 85. 67 During' the ■O-year period tlie death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, and especially so among the native whites of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.73 for the French, 12.79 for the Americans, and 30.84 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, and whooping- cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by East and West Fifty-ninth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Fiftieth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 100 acres; population, 6,815, giving an average density of 68.15 persons to the acre. This district was almost entirely free from the usual nuisances. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. ToM. Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 31.01 22.33 110. 37 106. 97 30.22 112.41 20.66 72.30 31.38 26.01 109. 63 179.49 23.15 13.51 74.28 83. 34 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 115 years 15 | and years, j over. The city District D 54.01 15. 91 35. 22 19. 09 50. 87 68.89 28.01 9.10 46.97 78.70 17.04 19.74 50. 53 48.61 20. 78 20.50 57.33 13.43 ! 1-39 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. , j Consump- Malarial Cancer and | tion. j fever. | tumor. 1 - 1 The city District D 181.63 316.85 24.27 74.34 i 104.63 33.04 391.75 24.62 i 60.55 162.45 33. 04 99.12 136 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the children under 5 years of age of foreign parentage. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 1.39 for the Scandinavians, 9.10 for the Irish, and 19.09 for the Americans. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by East Fifty-ninth street, Second avenue, East Fiftieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 87 acres; population, 17,179, being an average of 197.46 persons to the acre. There was one large brewery in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 30. 03 110.37 130. 48 30. 22 32. 23 112.41 128.17 31.38 29.16 109.63 131.36 23.15 21.45 74.28 75. 76 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN r foreign ntries. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Otlie cou Under 15 years. 15 yea ant ovei rs 1 6 Under jl 5 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years. L. 15 year* and | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District E 54.01 55.33 15. S 17.1 50.87 : 28.01 44.27 ' 22.09 1 46. 97 61.18 17.04 15. 44 50. 53 66.94 20. 78 19. 56 40. 68 62.02 13. 00 11.05 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Malarial fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District E 181. 63 182.42 316. 85 271. 99 24. 27 18. 57 391. 75 289. 47 24. 62 25.12 60.55 90.66 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.44 among the Germans, 17.16 among the Americans, and 22.09 among the Irish. Malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by East Fifty-ninth street, the East river, East Fiftieth street, and Second avenue. Area, 82 acres; population, 19,834; being an average of 241.88 persons to the acre. This district contained many apartment houses and tenements and one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District F 31.01 30.19 110. 37 107. 82 30. 22 34.00 112.41 107. 26 31.38 29.33 109. 63 107.96 23.15 22. 97 74.28 . 69.44 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 137 SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign countries. Under |15 years 15 and years, i over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F 54.01 j 15.91 44.36 ; 16.03 50.87 28.01 57. 95 28.17 46. 97 45.29 17. 04 15.81 82.57 91.64 20.31 25. 67 40. 68 43.51 13. 00 16.17 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Childbirth. The city District F 181. 63 208.13 316.85 321. 66 24. 27 32.17 391.75 327. 34 52.19 58. 66 26.72 37.84 Daring the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.03 for the Americans, 25.67 for the Bohemians, and 28.17 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district G-.—Bounded by Eighty sixth street, Fifth avenue, East Seventieth street, Third avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and the line of Sixth avenue continued through Central park to Eighty-sixth street; it contained 279 acres, of which 145 acres were in Central park, 1,087 dwellings, and a population of 11,533. Excluding the park area there was an average of 86.07 persons to the acre and 10.61 persons to each dwelling. The buildings in this district were mostly dwellings of a fine class; there was one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: I • AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District G 31.01 36.14 110.37 175. 21 30. 22 30. 65 112.41 88.78 31.38 41.35 109. 63 358. 84 23.15 17. 22 74.28 266. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 1 and years. [ over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over, j Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District G 54.01 15.91 35.44 . 16.73 50.87 53.60 28.01 15.40 46. 97 36.43 17. 04 11.81 50. 53 39. 55 20. 78 17.71 40.68 59. 83 13.00 14. 78 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Measles Cancer and Measles, j tumor. The city District G 181. 63 156. 20 316.85 388. 88 24.27 17. 90 * 391. 75 218. 04 45. 67 60. 55 55. 32 63. 46 138 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average, but was below it for the foreign. The death rates for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.81 for the Germans, 15.40 for the Irish, and 16.73 for the Americans. Diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district H.—Bounded by East Seventieth street, First avenue, East Fifty-ninth street, and Third avenue; it contained 90 acres, 833 dwellings, and a population of 19,L17, giving an average of 212.41 persons to the acre and 22.95 persons to each dwelling. This was a residential district, and contained the large car stables of the Third Avenue Railroad Company, covering the entire block between Sixty-fifth and Sixty-sixth streets and Second and Third avenues. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. : DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Uative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. Total. U“d«r5 I years. Oneor bo for Total. tli parents sign. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city | District H 31.01 34. 48 110. 37 125. 52 30. 22 112.41 35.21 123.22 31.38 34„28 109. 63 126.14 ' 23.15 24. 52 74.28 94.77 - \ j AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and | wales. Bohemia. Under j 15 years 15 j and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15'years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years; and 1 over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 1 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District II 54.01 15.91 57. 27 | 12.80 50.87 49.35 28.01 27.58 46.97 42. 77 17. 04 12. 99 50.53 ! 20.78 46.41 22.01 82.57 80.88 20.31 26. 76 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. The city District H 181.63 262. 07 316.85 369. 06 24.27 22.58 391.75 357.28 52.19 74.60 24.62 33.37 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.80 for the Americans, 26.76 for the Bohemians, and 27.58 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I.—Bounded by East Seventieth street, the East river, East Fifty-ninth street, and First avenue. Area, 77 acres; dwellings, 185: population, 0,471; persons to the acre, 84.04; persons to each dwelling, 34.98. This district contained some large gas houses on the eastern side near the river. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District I 31.01 40.31 110. 37 116.05 30.22 39.83 112.41 126. 26 31.38 40. 99 109. 63 114.12 23.15 21. 74 74.28 65. 48 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 139 SANITARY DISTRICT I—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. I over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ; over. The city District I 54.01 64.49 15. 91 5.45 50.87 28.01 58. 59 32.05 46. 97 45. 82 17. 04 16.40 82.57 41.95 20.31 13.04 40.68 13. 00 103.66 , 17.48 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Comsump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District I 181.63 301. 55 316. 85 507.42 24.27 26.10 391.75 365. 34' 287. 89 298. 65 45.67 63.79 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, and especially so for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.45 for the Americans, 13.04 for the Bohemians, and 32.05 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, and measles caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district K.—Bounded by East Seventy-sixth street, Third avenue, East Seventieth street, and Fifth avenue; it contained 69 acres, 718 dwellings, and a population of 7,275, giving an average of 105.43 persons to the acre and 10.13 persons to each dwelling. This district was all good high ground and contained fine dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. : Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District K 31.01 15. 37 110. 37 74. 86 30.22 19. 91 112.41 58.17 31.38 12. 88 109. 63 86.99 23.15 13.46 74. 28 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. j England and wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 i and years. : over. Under 15 years- 15 years and over. Under 15 years. ! 15 years; and over. Under 15 yt 15 au years. | ov( ■ars d ;r. 78 69 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District K 54. 01 15. 91 30.54 12.82 50.87 61. 32 28.01 14. 62 46. 97 32. 72 17.04 8.89 1 50.53 20 54.26 15 40. 68 10. 20 13.00 5. 63 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrhea] diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Cancer and tumor. The city District K 181. 63 92. 85 316. 85 82.53 24. 27 15. 48 391. 75 103.17 287.89 144.43 60.55 82.53 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was only about half the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.89 for the Germans and 12.82 for the Americans. Cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 140 VITAL STATISTICS. Sanitary district L.—Bounded by Seventy-sixth street, First avenue, East Seventieth street, and Third avenue; it contained 49 acres, 631 dwellings, and a population of 19,978. Number of persons to the acre, 407.71; to each dwelling, 31.66. This district was good, high ground, containing line dwellings and first-class apartment houses in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. N ative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District L 31.01 36. 45 110.37 116.63 30.22 47.58 112.41 139.67 31.38 34. 58 109. 63 112. 72 23.15 20.70 74. 28 45. 79 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER l;000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign countries. Under 15 ■ years. 15 years and over. 15.91 17.44 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years , and over. 1 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District L 54.01 64.55 50.87 52.86 28.01 30.67 46. 97 46. 01 17. 04 13.92 82. 57 70. 48 20.31 12.27 40. 68 35. 23 13. 00 8. 06 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria aDd croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Whooping cough. Childbirth. The city District L 181.63 236. 69 316.85 389.78 24. 27 15.97 391. 75 358. 79 33.70 44.14 26. 72 32. 87 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was above it for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.27 for the Bohemians and 30.67 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district M.—Bounded by East Seventy-sixth street, the East river, East Seventieth street, and First avenue. Area, 52 acres; population, 10,571; average number of persons to the acre, 203.29. This district contained private dwellings and a good class of tenement or apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District M 31.01 42. 74 110.37 105. 78 30. 22 54.89 112.41 135.88 31.38 41.08 109.63 102.12 23.15 15.15 74.28 31.91 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 141 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Other foreign, countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District M 54.01 72.13 15.91 13. 94 50. 87 48.27 28.01 32.17 46. 97 52. 29 17. 04 14.75 82.57 41.98 20.31 5.89 40. 68 ! 42.84 13.00 7. 77 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. • Consump- ! Scarlet tion. fever. Whooping cough. The city | District M 181.63 j 316.85 24.27 391.75 j 52.19 278.69 457.98 1 14.20 259.17 72.78 33. 70 40.83 SANITARY DISTRICT M—Continued. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was a little below the city average, but was much above it for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.89 for the Bohemians, 13.94 for the Americans, and 32.17 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district N.—Bounded by East Eighty-sixth street, Third avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and Fifth avenue, containing 114 acres, 1,135 dwellings, and a population of 14,421, giving an average of 126.50 persons to the acre and 12.71 persons to each dwelling. This district contained principally line dwellings. The large car stables of the Fourth Avenue Bailroad Company were located just south of Eighty-sixth street on Madison avenue. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both part foreign. nts r 5 s. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Unde year The citv District N 31.01 10.41 110. 37 85. 05 30. 22 17. 64 112.41 78.92 31.38 15.61 109. 63 89.38 23.15 13.66 74. 28 64.10 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— oreign tries. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other coun Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. Un ye 5( 41 der |l5years 5 ] and ars. | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District N _ 54.01 15.91 29.91 10.93 ). 87 28.01 ). 16 | 15.82 46.97 31.21 17. 04 j' 8.53 50.53 43.14 20.78 14.53 40. 68 1 14.04 ! 13.00 8.44 ■ DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. j diseases. Typhoid fever. Consnmp Pneumonia i Malarial turn. fever. The city District N 181.63 316.85 101.49 131.42 24. 27 26. 02 391.75 287.89 24,62 191.27 130.12 ! 15. 61 142 VITAL STATISTICS. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, and was especially low for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.53 for the Germans, 10.93 for the Americans, and 15.82 for the Irish. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district O.—Bounded by East Eighty-sixth street, First avenue, East Seventy-sixth street, and Third avenue. Area, 84 acres; population, 28,477; average number of persons to the acre, 339.01. In this district private dwellings and a good class of tenement or apartment houses were found in about equal numbers. It also contained some factories. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District 0 31.01 25. 95 110.37 96.41 30. 22 28. 79 112.41 107. 34 31.38 24.97 109. 63 92.80 23.15 18.02 74.28 74.71 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. rs Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 yea 15 am years, ovei Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 50.53 48.15 15 years and over. 20. 78 14. 77 I y Uder 15 ears. 15 years and over. 13. 00 11.19 The city District 0 54.01 48. 20 15.91 12.11 50.87 , 28.01 54.20 22.20 46. 97 36. 46 17.04 11.82 1 40. 68 61.76 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- T) tion 1 Pneumonia. |. ' | Malarial fever. The city District 0 181.63 197.02 316.85 253. 68 24.27 15.81 391.75 j 287. 89 256.32 [ 212. 83 24.62 17.13 | During’ the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.11 among the Americans and 22.20 among the Irish. Diphtheria and croup caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district P.—Bounded by East Eighty-sixth street, the East river, East Seventy-sixth street, and First avenue. Area 100 acres, containing 803 dwellings and a population of 23,711, giving an average of 237.41 persons to the acre and 29.57 persons to each dwelling. This district also embraced good, high land. It contained mostly tenement houses of a good class, with some factories. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Bot h parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. ™*>- ; rv”,™.5 Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District P 31.01 20.31 110.37 62. 29 30.22 112.41 24. 08 65. 26 31.38 19. 26 109. 63 61.31 23. 15 13.29 74. 28 79. 23 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 143 SANITARY DISTRICT P—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Hungary. Bohemia. Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The citv District P 54. 01 15. 91 34.95 10.14 50.87 39.39 28.01 18.19 46. 97 27. 79 17.04 8.51 47.21 12.94 8.45 5.59 82,57 45.87 20.31 11. 85 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal i Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet Malarial fever. j fever. The city District P 181.63 165.19 316.85 24. 27 234.74 23.71 391. 75 198. 38 52.19 i 24. 62 53. 75 | 15. 02 During- the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, and especially so for the native children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.59 for the Hungarians, 8.51 for the Germans, 10.11 for the Americans, and 18.19 for the Irish. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district K.—This district included Blackwells island, which contained many of the public institutions of the city, such as prisons, reformatories, insane asylums, and hospitals, and had an area of 120 acres containing 16 dwellings, and a population on June 1, 1890, of 6,910. As far as could be determined from the records kept in the institutions the deaths of adults occurring on Blackwells island were distributed among the districts in the city according to the residences from which the decedents were sent to the island, hence the death rates of this district have no significance except for the children. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Undw 5 years. Total. : Under 5 | years. The citv District R 31. 01 21.06 110.37 763. 57 30.22 | 112.41 14.48 611.11 31.38 26. 07 109.63 845.24 23.15 2.54 74.28 166. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— TTnited States (white). Ireland. Germany. j England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 1 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. Under 15 years 15 1 and years, over. The city District R 54.01 710.78 15.91 3.21 50. 87 28. 01 1250. 00 2. 29 46.97 1861.11 17. 04 2.57 50.53 ! 20.78 1055.56 2.70 76.41 12.27 1000.00 | 2.53 ! AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion, Pneumonia. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District R 181.63 2. 72 316.85 62.45 24.27 2.72 391.75 76. 03 287. 89 51.59 138. 24 13. 58 144 VITAL STATISTICS. Of the 431 deaths not assigned to other districts, which were reported from Blackwells island during the 6-year period, 159 were stillbirths and 160 were of infants under 3 months of age. This heavy death rate among the infants was not due to epidemic disease nor to unsanitary conditions of the environment, but mainly- to congenital want of vitality, expressed by the terms debility, inanition, etc. The annual report of the board of health for the year ending December 31, 1890, shows 1,279 deaths as having occurred in institutions in this district during that period, giving a death rate of 185.09 per 1,000 of population as reported June 1, 1890. WARD 20. This ward was subdivided into six districts, and contained 443 acres, 4,171 dwellings, and a population of 84,327, the population density being 190.35 persons to the acre and 20.22 persons to each dwelling. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Thirty-first street, Ninth avenue, West Twenty-sixth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 78 acres, with 495 dwellings and a population of 12,134, being 155.5G persons to the acre and 24.51 persons to each dwelling. Nearly one-lialf of this district was made land, reclaimed from the river. The buildings were private dwellings and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates ia this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 | years. [ Total Ul y ider 5 ears, 09.63 28. 97 The city District A 31.01 37.29 110. 37 134. 63 30. 22 44.92 112.41 149.17 31.38 34.93 23.15 34.18 74.28 90.91 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 • years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years an d over. The city District A ... 54.01 71.49 15.91 17.02 50. 87 49. 05 28.01 34. 30 46.97 60. 04 17.04 17.89 50.53 32.46 20. 78 20.73 43.71 51.85 21.91 13. 98 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases, j fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. ! Measles. The city District A 181.63 206.17 316. 85 I 24. 27 409. 60 34.13 391. 75 544. 77 287. 89 j 45. 67 320. 85 I 68. 27 During the G-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, acccording to birthplaces of mothers, was 17.02 among the Americans, 17.89 among the Germans, and 34.30 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by West Thirty-first street, Sixth avenue, West Twenty-sixth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 75 acres; number of dwellings, 1,019; population, 16,423, the average number of persons to each acre being 218.97: to each dwelling, 1G.12. Between Sixth and Eighth avenues was located a part of what was known as the “ Tenderloin district”, containing the largest number of houses of ill fame of any district in the city. There was also a large settlement of colored people of a low class and many houses of ill fame frequented by this class. West of Eighth avenue the buildings consisted mostly of residences of the middle class and tenements. NEW YORK CITY AN!) BROOKLYN. 145 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both pare foreign. nts r 5 s. 63 93 Total. Under 5 years. ... . , Under 5 lotaK years. Total. ! U nde i year The city District B 31.01 32.67 110.37 140.18 30.22 j 112.41 34.86 157.79 1 31.38 31.46 109. 132. 23.15 28.19 74.28 102.56 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white;. Ireland. Germany. France. Italy. I Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Under 15 years 15 and years, i over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 47. 01 52. 27 15 years and over. 17.86 16.54 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 76.41 | 12.27 56.62 | 37.61 The city District B 54.01 15.91 64.49 1 19.50 50.87 28.01 59.03 33.20 1 46.97 46.10 17.04 21.08 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. | Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. 1 1 Consnmp- Cancer and tion. tumor. Diseases of the urinary organs. The city District B 181.63 316.85 24.27 391.75 60.55 157.38 i 304.66 22.19 466.07 76.67 173.72 229.00 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, especially for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 19.50 for the Americans, 33.20 for the Irish, 16.51 for the French, and 37.61 for the Italians. Consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by West Thirty-sixth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-first street, and the Hudson river. Area, 84 acres, with 496 dwellings and a population of 11,979, giving an average of 142.61 persons to the acre and 24.15 persons to each dwelling. About one-third of this district was made hfnd. Tenements predominated. The death rates in this district* compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Tidal. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. -“•I. | Total. 31. 38 29.41 Under 5 years. The city District C 51.01 51.77 110. 57 115.37 30.22 1 112.41 38.42 ! 120.44 i 109. 63 110. 36 23.15 74.28 30. 39 58.14 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and ' over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. i The city 54. 01 15. 91 District C 59.85 15.91 50.87 28.01 44. 57 20.44 40.97 53.8G 17.04 20. 32 50. 53 20. 78 40. G3 20. 73 43.71 58.23 21.91 17. 22 146 Vital statistics. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. DEATH HATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO- AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. The city 181.63 316. 85 24. 27 391. 75 52.19 24.62 District C ... 243. 43 326. 42 22.13 445.37 76.07 29.05 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.91 for the Americans and 26.44 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by West Thirty-sixth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirty-first street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 79 acres; number of dwellings, 995; population, 15,346; number of persons to the acre 194.25; to each dwelling, 15.42. The buildings in this district were largely tenements and boarding houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. n, . i Under 5 J. OI.il 1 . years. Total. U,'der 5 years. Total. ‘ years. Under 5 years. The city District D :n.oi 26.59 110. 07 120. 80 00.22 112.41 28.60 130.98 1 31. 38 25. 36 109.60 20.15 74.28 115.56 24. OS 71.43 L ! DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and ... Wales. 1 ranee. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Tiider 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 i and 15 and years, i over. years, j over. The city District D 54.01 15.91 00.90 15.28 50. 87 28.01 50.30 23.57 46. 97 43.44 17.04 17. 03 50.53 20.78 j| 47.01 17.86 56.05 24.69 45.80 18.37 * r i AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Cancer and | tumor. The city District I) 181. 60 125. 20 016. 85 252. 62 24.27 30.23 091.75 041.15 287. 89 *77.45 60. 55 75.57 ! During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, and especially so for the native, being slightly in excess for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.28 for the Americans, 18.37 for the French, and 23.57 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Hounded by West Fortieth street, Ninth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 65 acres; dwellings, 467; population, 15,820; making an average of 243.38 persons to the acre and 33.88 persons to each dwelling. The tenement class of buildings predominated in this district. It also contained some large slaughterhouses, fat rendering establishments, and an offal dock. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 147 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. j Native. Foreign. Total. 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. I:., ' Total Under 5 ot ‘ years, i , | ; Total Under 5 lota1' years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 110.37 35.43 117. 80 30. 22 112.41 42.23 111.96 31.38 33. 59 109. 63 120. 13 23.15 74.28 j 29.05 75.16 1 \ AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. ) Under 15 years 15 and years, oyer. Under 15 years. 15 years and | over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. ! The city District E I 54.01 15.91 62.51 17.52 ! 50.87 28. 01 44.18 31.06 46.97 17. 04 52. 01 j 19.24 50.53 20.78 62.96 , 13.51 43.71 21.91 48. 91 22. 62 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup, j diseases, j fever. Consump- Scarlet \ Whooping tion. fever. cough. The city District E 181.63 316.85 24.27 272.30 395.88 29.32 391.75 52.19 j 33.70 432.53 56.55 ! 42.94 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. The death rates for those 35 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.51 for the English, 17.52 for the Americans, 19.24 for the Germans, and 31.06 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by West Fortieth street, Sixth avenue, West Thirty-sixth street, and Ninth avenue. Area, 62 acres; dwellings, 699; population, 12,625. There was an average of 203.63 persons to the acre and 18.06 persons to each dwelling. This district contained many hotels and theaters, with private dwellings and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PEE 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. Foreign. AREAS. Tctal. Under 5. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 » years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The citv District F 31.01 29.10 110.37 124. 07 30.22 28. 26 112.41 115. 58 31. 38 29.55 109. 63 127. 93 23.15 26. 65 74. 28 106. 67 DEATH KATES PEE 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. lender 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. 1 over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Unde 15 years r 15 years and over. The city 54.01 15.91 50 i .87 i 28.01 46. 97 17. 04 50. 53 20. 78 47.01 17.86 District F 54. 75 15.65 51.89 26.50 48.24 20. 91 41.28 17. 31 15.96 16.93 148 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Contiuueil. AREAS. DEATH KATES PEB 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria ami croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District!' » 181.63 200. 79 316.85 297.90 24.27 24. 93 391.75 368. 77 287. 89 255. 91 26. 72 39.37 During the 0-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat below the city average for the native white but slightly above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.65 for the Americans, 16.93 for the French, 17.31 for the English, 20.91 for the Germans, and 26.50 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 21. This ward was subdivided into eight districts, and contained 410 acres, with 4,003 dwellings and a total population of 63,019, the average density being 153.70 persons to the acre and L5.74 persons to each dwelling. Bellevue hospital was in this ward. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by East and West Thirty-first streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Twenty-sixth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 58 acres; population, 5,071, the number of persons to each acre being 87.43. This district contained ’many fine residences and also many large hotels. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH BATES PEB 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. , Un'J«1'5 years. ! U„te 5 The city ... District A 31.01 110.37 22.45 98. 04 30.22 112.41 19.42 54.46 j 31. 38 109. 63 33.09 182.69 23.15 15.01 74. 28 55. 56 AREAS. DEATH BATES PEB 1,000 PEBSONS WHOSE MOTHERS VVEBE BORN IN— United States (white). L. Ireland. Germany. • England and Wales. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 1 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Unde 15 years r 15 years and over. 1 17.86 ! 14.98 The citv ' District A 54.01 43. 54 15.91 19. 17 50.87 40.88 28.01 13.44 46.97 95. 96 17.04 15.87 50. 53 20. 78 62. 50 25. 75 47.0 71.4 AREAS. DEATH BATES PEB 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consnmp Malarial tion. fever. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District A 181.63 61. 44 316.85 24.27 67.91 38.80 391.75 24.62 210.19 32.34 138. 24 187.56 During the (5-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, with the exception of the children under 5 years of age of. the native white of foreign parents, for whom it was higher. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.44 for the Irish, 15.87 for the Germans, 19.17 for the Americans, and 25.75 for the English. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AN1) BROOKLYN. 149 Sanitary district B.—Bounded by East Thirty-first street, Second avenue, East Twenty-sixth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 50 acres, with a population of 9,777, giving an average of 195.54 persons to the acre. Tenements predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Both parents One or both parents native. foreign. Under 5 rr. . , Under 5 ! years. years. U nder 5 Total. Under 5 years. years. The city ... 31.01 110.37 30.22 112.41 31. 38 109.63 23.15 74. 28 District B 27.15 113.54 24.32 101.85 28.87 118. 90 23.96 52.08 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Scandinavia. Italy. AREAS. Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years. over. years. over. years. over. years. over. years. over. The city 54.01 15.91 50.87 28.01 40. 97 17.04 57.33 13.43 76.41 12.27 District B 55. 97 16. 07 45.29 27.47 42.19 14.30 49.15 12.18 28.05 14.25 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria > Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Malarial Heart disease and croup. < diseases. fever. tion. fever. and dropsy. The city 181.63 316.85 24.27 391. 75 24.62 138.24 District B 115. 72 159.32 31.86 392.43 25.16 179.45 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.07 for the Americans and 27.47 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by East Thirty-third street, the East river, East Twenty-sixth street, and Second avenue; it contained 58 acres, 392 dwellings, and a population of 11,786, making an average of 203.21 persons to the acre and 30.07 persons to each dwelling. Tenements predominated in this district, which also contained one large car stable and a brewery. Bellevue hospital was located in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH HATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total T7nder 5 ‘ * years. ' The citv District C 31.01 33. 72 110.37 120.41 30. 22 38.55 112.41 117. 62 31.38 1C9.63 32.44 121.48 23.15 29. 86 74. 28 40.00 150 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. • DEATH RATES I*ER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Ulld 15 year 50. 39. er 15 years and s. over. i > Jnder 15 years 15 j and ears. over. The city ! District C 54.01 15. 91 64. 81 16.54 50.87 56.48 28.01 33. 08 46.97 45. 13 17.04 14.54 53 20.78 01 17.86 57.33 13.43 61.81 18.38 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION Dl’E TO— AREAS. Diphtheria j Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Malarial fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District C 181. 63 316. 85 178. 07 j 350.58 24.27 26.43 391. 75 495.27 24.62 41.74 60. 55 69. 56 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.54 among the Germans, 16.54 among the Americans, and 33.08 among the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district !).—Bounded by East and West Thirty-sixth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Thirty-first streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 58 acres; number of dwellings, 571; population, 5,451; average number of persons to the acre, 93.98; to each dwelling, 9.55. The district contained principally fine residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. ! . . Under 5 lotal- j years. 23.15 74. 28 11. 33 55. 56 l?eaS5 Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 31. 01 17.84 110. 37 77.63 30.22 112.41 15.98 50.72 31.38 23.90 _ 109.63 123.46 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). j Ireland. England and Wales. Scotland. France. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under i 15 years 15 j and years. | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 54.01 28. 63 15.91 16.01 50.87 64.10 28.01 8.46 50. 53 333.33 20. 78 17.83 43.71 21.91 41.67 | 22.57 1 1 47.01 47.62 17.86 13.16 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Oonsump- Cancer and Heart disease tion. tumor. ! and dropsy. The city District D 181.03 316. 85 ! 24. 27 48.13 75.21 15.04 391.75 ( 60.55 138.24 141.40 90.25 156.44 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 151 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, especially so for the native white of native parents and the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.16 among the French, 16.01 among the Americans, 8.46 among the Irish, 17.83 among the English, and 22.57 among the Scotch. Cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by East Thirty-sixth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-first street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 52 acres; population, 8,268, the average number of persons to the acre being 159.00. Private dwellings and tenements existed in about equal numbers. There were some car stables in this district, near Second avenue. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 24.30 110.37 118.35 30.22 22.51 112.41 95. 67 31. 38 25.53 109. 63 134.06 23.15 23.60 74.28 71.43 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. France. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 yea anc over rs 1 2 Under 15 years. 15 years and | over. 1 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District E 54.01 44. 81 15.91 15.11 50. 87 53. 76 28. C 23.3 46.97 51.87 17.04 11.84 47.01 17.86 27. 78 9.46 57. 33 63.22 13.43 10.81 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Diseases of the liver. The city District E 181.63 144. 77 316. 85 188. 40 24.27 23. 80 391.75 303. 43 60. 55 ■ 85.28 33. 03 35.70 During the 6-year period the death rate iu this district was considerably below the city average, blit slightly above it for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 10.81 for the Scandinavians, 9.46 for the French, 11.84 for the Germans, 15.11 for the Americans, and 23.32 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by East and West Fortieth streets, Fourth avenue, East and West Thirty- sixth streets, and Sixth avenue. Area, 45 acres, with 419 dwellings containing a population of 3,183, making an average of 70.73 persons to the acre and 7.60 persons to each dwelling. The buildings in this district were principally fine residences of the wealthy class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Un'!®'„5 years. The city District F 31.01 22.71 110. 37 89.39 , 30. 22 22. 83 112.41 78. 28 31.38 109.63 22. 39 106. 06 23.15 11.20 74.28 ’ 41.67 152 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. DEATH HATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). AREAS. Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 1 ‘ Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. The city 54.01 i 15.91 District F 42.35 19.37 50.87 28.01 74.56 8. 66 46. 97 17. 04 116.67 16.13 50.53 20. 78 35.71 16.99 47.01 17.86 10.42 11.11 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. i Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Heart disease and dropsy. | The city 181.63 District F ! 92.74 316. 85 56. 67 24. 27 30.91 391. 75 164.86 60.55 118.50 138.24 216. 38 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, and especially so for the foreign and for the children under a years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.11 among the French, 8.66 among the Irish, and 19.37 among the Americans. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district G.—Bounded by East Fortieth street, Second avenue, East Thirty-sixth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 40 acres; population, 6,304; average number of persons to the acre, 157.60. The district contained residences and apartment houses in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Unde year Both parents native. r5 One or both parents foreign. Total. TTnder5 years. Total. UnJ®r5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District G 31.01 23. 73 i 110.37 ; 30.22 1 112.41 107.44 j 19.08 j 95.99 31.38 27.54 i 109.63 ; 112.99 23.15 74. 28 23.07 129. 63 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 46.97 50.60 |15 years [ and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District G 54. 01 41.04 15.91 12.18 50. 87 37.18 28.01 26.54 17. 04 14.42 50.53 28.37 20.78 16.36 57.33 13.43 36. 59 7.18 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal i Typhoid diseases. fever. Con sump- Malarial tion. fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District G 181.63 109. 24 316. 85 24.27 200.27 13.00 391. 75 24. 62 299.11 33.81 60.55 80.63 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 153 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 7.18 among the Scandinavians, 12.18 for the Americans, 14.42 for the Germans, and 26.54 for the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion ot deaths. Sanitary district H.—Bounded by East Fortieth street, the East river, East Thirty-third street, and Second avenue. Area, 49 acres, containing 408 dwellings and a population of 13,179, giving an average of 268.96 persons to the acre and 32.30 persons to each dwelling. A small portion of this district on the river front was made land. The buildings were principally tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total Under 5 1 otal‘ years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under» years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District H 31: 01 110.37 37.89 145. 73 30.22 53.23 112.41 152.19 31.38 34.92 109.63 143.65 23.15 74. 28 34. 66 126. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Bohemia. Italy. Under 15 years. 54.01 71.19 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years | and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, i over. The city District H 15.91 13.46 50. 87 49. 06 28. 01 29.64 46. 97 67. 88 17.04 20. 06 82. 57 62.18 20. 31 13. 97 76.41 ' 12.27 97.70 21.02 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. i Consump- j Scarlet tion. | fever. j Malarial fever. The city District H 181.63 220. 23 316.85 429.26 24.27 13. 69 391.75 52.19 538. 76 i 62.21 24.62 43.55 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, and especially so for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.46 for the Americans, 13.97 for the Bohemians, 20.06 for the Hermans, 21.02 for the Italians, and 29.64 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. This ward was subdivided into twelve districts. It contained 1,480 acres, including 311 acres of parking, 291 acres of which were embraced in Central park east of the line of Sixth avenue and below Eighty-sixth street. There were 7,700 dwellings, with a total population of 153,877. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 131.03, with 19.81 persons to each dwelling. This ward contained Roosevelt and Sloane maternity hospitals. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Tenth avenue, West Fortieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 110 acres; number of dwellings, 718; population, 22,580; average number of persons to the acre, 194.71; to each dwelling, 31.46. Tenements predominated in this district, which also contained some large gas houses and slaughterhouses. WARD 22. 154 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. I Native. | Foreign. " .... i Total. Both parents native. Under 5 One or both parents foreign. . .. ii -c .. .1 1 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. years. U nder5 years. i The city District A 31. 01 34. 21 110.37 i 30.22 117.51 1 35.46 112.41 115. 34 31.38 33. 79 109.63 ! 23.15 74.28 118.42 29.30 84.58 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. CnS!(Sa"“ Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years! Under 15 years and 15 and over. years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. The city District A 54.01 58. 23 15.91 50.87 28.01 8.61 57.19 28.29 II 1 i 46. 97 48. 54 17.04 17. 75 50. 53 65. 25 20. 78 24.21 43. 71 21.91 48.13 23.81 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. , diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet Malarial fever. fever. The city District A 181.63 316.85 24.27 220.21 , 395.72 24.38 391.75 408. 72 52.19 24.62 82.07 38.19 During the G-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.G1 for the Americans and 28.29 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Eighth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 104 acres, containing 1,317 dwellings and a population of 34,307, being an average of 329.88 persons to the acre, and 26.05 persons to each dwelling. This district contained tenements and private dwellings in about equal numbers. There was one large car stable and many private stables in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or botli parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District B 31.01 29.37 110.37 110. 64 30. 22 32. 27 112.41 108. 92 31.38 27.98 109.63 111.55 23.15 23.35 74. 28 127. 66 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 J and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years, i over. Under ISyears 15 and years. 1 over. The city District B 54.01 15.91 55. 65 16. 07 50.87 49.68 28.01 23.21 46. 97 17. 04 51.32 16.90 50.53 20.78 47.54 19.17 43.71 21.91 51.95 17.89 j NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 155 SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued. ~ DEATH RATES PEE 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AKEA§. Diphtheria aim croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. The eitv . -. 181.63 316.85 24. 27 391.75 52.19 24.62 District B 179.21 296. 89 14. 98 360. 02 56. 70 25.68 During the (5-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat below the city average, but was above it for the foreign, especially for the children under 5 years of age. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.07 for the Americans and 23.21 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by West Fiftieth street, Sixth avenue, West Fortieth street, and Eighth avenue. Area, 104 acres; population, 14,262, the average number of persons to the acre being 137.13. The buildings consisted of tenements and private dwellings in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. death Rates per 1,000 white population. sign. Native. Fort Total. U nder 5 years. Both parents native. ()ne or both parents foreign. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C .. 31.01 23. 73 110.37 134.56 30. 22 112.41 21.45 143.76 31.38 27.00 109.63 128. 74 23.15 21.31 74. 28 500.00 AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Irel„n(1 (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. France. Under ! 15 years| Under 15 years 15 and 15 and years, over. ! years. [ over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years! and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. j The city j District C 54.01 15.91 50.87 28.01 53.14 15.84 71.79 22.93 46.97 45.70 17. 04 13.99 50. 53 68.18 20. 78 18.04 47. 01 37.63 17.86 15.91 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and j Heart disease tumor. j and dropsy. The city District C _ . 181.63 316.85 110. 67 i 147.98 24. 27' 21.88 391. 75 276. 66 60.55 138.24 65. 63 164. 71 During the (5-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average for the adults, but above it for the children under 5 years of age, especially for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 15.84 among the Americans, 13.09 for the Germans, and 22.93 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by West Fifty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 75 acres, with 443 dwellings and a population of L0,007, giving an average of 133.43 persons to the acre and 22.59 persons to each dwelling. The buildings in this district were principally of the tenement class. 156 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Ul1,,er5 years. Total. ; Under 5 years. The city.. District I) 31.01 36. 86 110.37 129.71 30.22 112.41 43.50 121.73 31. 38 34. 70 109. 63 133. 78 23.15 . 74. 28 33. 60 97. 22 | AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under jl5 years 15 j and years. 1 over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 21.91 16.90 The city District D 54.01 68.16 15.91 14.51 50.87 , 28.01 53.13 30.56 f 46.97 | 17.04 49.27 23.56 50.53 41.27 20. 78 21.60 43.71 30. 43 AREAS. . DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- Scarlet Malarial tion. j fever. j fever. .... The city District D 181.63 207.23 316.85 429.14 24.27 27.51 391.75 52.19 24.62 451.14 106.37 40.35 During1 the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.51 among the Americans as against 30.56 among the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by West Fifty-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 92 acres, and population 23,886, or an average of 259.63 persons to the acre. Private dwellings and tenements were found in about equal numbers. One large car stable in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POP II. AT ION. Xative. Foreign. Total Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. years. years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 31.01 27.25 110. 37 107.10 ' 30.22 26.74 112.41 ' 107.08 : 31.38 27.58 109. 63 107.12 23.15 74.28 23.11 ! 76.67 ' 1 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Tlie city District E 54.01 15.91 50.77 14.00 50.87 48.61 28.01 21.60 46.97 54.11 17.04 17.50 50.53 i 20.78 52.54 17.67 43.71 48.18 21.91 14.27 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 157 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- Scarlet tion. fever. Malarial fever. 181.63 173. 64 316.85 252. 01 24. 27 13. 06 391. 75 [ 52.19 325. 00 79.91 24.62 35.34 District E SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially among the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 14.00 for the Americans, 17.50 for the Germans, and 21.60 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by West Fifty-ninth street, Sixth avenue, West Fiftieth street, and Eighth avenue. Area, 92 acres; population, 9,844; average number of persons to the acre, 107.00. in that part of this district between Seventh and Eighth avenues were many first class residences and apartment houses. Between Sixth and Seventh avenues private stables were more numerous than in any similar area in the city. Many families were found living in rooms over stables. There was a large number of tenement houses in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. ' Foreign. Total. • Under 5 years. Both parents native. *«“• One or l fo Total. oth parents reign. 7 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 j years. j The city District F 31.01 21.74 110.37 112.17 30.22 : 112.41 17.88 111.78 31.38 27.19 109. 63 112. 38 23.15 20. 74 74. 28 266. 67 D United S (whit SATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. tates 8)‘ Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. _ Under 15 years 15 and years. ! over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years! and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F 54.01 15.91 39.15 12. 88 50.87 51.43 1 28.01 22.28 46.97 44. 36 17. 04 15.30 1 50.53 j 20.78 23.81 20.58 40.68 58.82 13.00 6. 85 ' AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- Malarial Cancer and tion. fever. tmnor. The eif v District F 181.63 78.30 _ 316. 85 152.87 24.27 18. 64 391. 75 24. 62 60.55 272.18 26.10 63.39 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the average, but was considerably above it for the children under 5 years of age of foreign birth. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 12.88 for the Americans, 15.30 for the Germans, and 22.28 for the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district G.—Bounded by West Sixty-fourth street. Tenth avenue, West Fifty-seventh street, and the Hudson river. Area, 80 acres; 234 dwellings; population, 10,237, giving an average of 127.96 persons to the acre and 43.75 persons to each dwelling. Tenements predominated in this district. A large slaughterhouse and a brewery were located in the western part of the district, near the river. VITAL STATISTICS. 158 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES 1*EK 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Xative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. _ One or both parents foreign. rr , , Under 5 rotaL years. . , Under 5 TotaL years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District G 31.01 40. 80 110. 37 108.12 30.22 1 112.41 57.93 127. 76 31.38 36. 56 109. 63 102. 65 23.15 74.28 23.03 103.60 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ■ _ United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 | and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and j years, j over. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District G 54.01 15.91 73.03 36.67 50. 87 40.82 28. 01 23. 65 46.97 ; 17.04 48.40 ' 16.71 50. 53 20. 78 53. 03 28. 35 43.71 21.91 51.91 24.08 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- Measles Whooping tion. “ .... j cough The city District G 181.63 316.85 . 24.27 195.42 399.81 30.48 391.75 45.67 33.70 380. 09 66. 34 50. 20 During the 6-year period the deatli rate in this district was above the city average, especially so for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those Id years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 36.67 for the Americans, 23.65 for the Irish, and 16.71 for the Germans. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district II.—Bounded by West Seventy-fourth street, Tenth avenue, West Sixty-fourth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 116 acres, of which 4 acres were contained in parks; population, 6,457. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 57.65. Fine residences and handsome apartment houses were the rule in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. ... Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Tuder 5 years. years. The city 31.01 110.37 30. 22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 . 23.15 74. 28 District H 25. 83 83. 75 28. 52 100.75 24. 44 75. 25 18. 30 39. 22 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WEflE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over, i Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years la and years. over. The city 54. 01 15. 91 50.87 28.01 46.97 17.04 50. 53 20 78 76. 41 12.27 District H 40. 76 8.37 30.15 19. 06 34. 52 16.06 37. 22 18.62 3.29 5. 58 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 159 SANITARY DISTRICT H—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. The city District H 181.63 144. 95 316. 85 329. 70 24. 27 11.37 391.75 216. 01 52.19 56.84 24. 62 51.16 During the (5-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.58 for the Italians, 8.37 for the Americans, 1 (5.0(5 for the Germans, and 19.0(5 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I.—Bounded by West Sixty-eighth street, Eighth avenue, West Fifty-ninth street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 90 acres, with 532 dwellings and a population of 10,467. The number of persons to the acre was 116.30 and the number to each dwelling 19.67. This was a beautiful residence section, containing fine residences and apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total- 'years.5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 9 Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. ,r„, , Under 5 rotal years. The city District I 31.01 110.37 18.63 86.52 30. 22 17.58 112.41 83. 96 31.38 109. 63 19.59 88.48 23.15 17.01 74.28 62.50 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. j England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. The city District I 54. 01 15.91 43. 91 7.13 50. 87 28. 01 54.77 16.11 46. 97 42.89 17.04 10. 28 50. 53 50. 88 .20. 78 13.45 43.71 21.91 47.22 9.45 • AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup, i diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Malarial fever. * Stillbirths. The city District I 181.63 316.85 99.95 j 187. 62 24. 27 12. 27 391. 75 210.42 24.62 15. 78 225.41 299.84 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, especially for the native whites. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 7.13 for the Americans, 10.28 for the Germans, and 16.11 for the Irish. The death rates for all the specified causes were below the city average except for stillbirths, which were above the city average. Sanitary district K.—Bounded by West Seventy-seventh street, Eighth avenue, West Sixty-eiglith street, and Tenth avenue. Area, 94 acres, containing 512 dwellings and a population of 4,853, making an average of 51.63 persons to the acre and 9.48 persons to each dwelling. This was also a beautiful residence section containing handsome residences and apartment houses. 160 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. II Native. ! Foreign. Total. r'nder5 years. j Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. > Under 5 ' j years. Total Under 5 1 otdl- years. Total, j Un(ler 5 years. The city District K 31.01 110.37 9.45 j 55.81 i 30.22 J 112.41 9.58 j .56.35 31.38 109.63 23.15 74.28 9.25 54.88 8.12 83.34 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. • Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 ! and 15 1 and years, j over. years. ; over. The city District K 54.01 15.71 15.91 5.66 50.87 29.57 28.01 5.37 46. 97 27.03 17.04 11.83 50.53 20.78 43.71 21.91 15.15 6.13 27.78 16.67 * AREAS. - - DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. i'ever. Consump- j Malarial tion. fever. Scarlet fever. The citv District K 181.03 49.16 316.85 24. 27 49.16 15.13 391.75 24.62 49.16 22.69 52.19 34.04 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was extremely low. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.66 for the Americans, 5.37 for the Irish, and 11.83 for the Germans. The death rates for the specified causes were all below the city average. Sanitary district L.—Bounded by West Eighty-sixth street, Tenth' avenue, West Seventy fourth street, and the Hudson river. Area, 147 acres, of which 16 acres were contained in parks. The population was 2,343. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 17.89. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of the two preceding districts. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. * Total. I’nder '5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. L'n^er5 years. years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District L 31. 01 20. 30 110. 37 70. 29 30.22 22.49 112.41 79.21 31.38 17. 99 109. 63 79. 37 23.15 74. 28 24.96 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Scotland. i'nder 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District L 54. 01 38.72 j 15.91 16.17 50.87 37. 31 28.01 17.58 : ! 46.97 17.04 36. 08 19.32 50. 53 20. 78 13.89 9.16 43.71 ! 21.91 9.80 1 21.74 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 161 SANITARY DISTRICT L- -Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— 1 AREAS. | Diphtheria 1 and croup, j Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Malarial fever. Cancer and tumor. The citv 181. 03 316. 85 24. 27 391.75 24. 62 60. 55 District L... 133.15 i 180.14 15. 66 203. 63 62. 66 62. 66 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but somewhat above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 16.17 for the Americans, 17.58 for the Irish, and 19.32 for the Germans. Malarial fever, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district M.—Bounded by West Eighty-sixth street continued through Central park to the line of Sixth avenue, Sixth avenue extended through Central park, West Fifty-ninth street, Eighth avenue, West Seventy-seventh street, and Tenth avenue. This district included all that portion of Central park lying west of the line of Sixth avenue extended and below Eighty-sixth street, containing 291 acres. The total area of the district was 370 acres, containing 423 dwellings and a population of 4,628. Excluding the park area, the number of persons to the acre was 58.58 and the number to each dwelling 10.94. This district contained mostly handsome residences and large apartment houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ' AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District M 31.01 9. 83 110.37 54. 57 30. 22 9. 78 112.41 49.08 31.38 9.90 109. 63 62. 15 23.15 8. 61 74. 28 33.33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (White). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 15 years. years and over. 15.91 5. 83 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and \ over. 1 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. j Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. The city District M 54.01 21.14 50. 87 22. 94 28. 01 5. 04 46.97 17.04 31.40 7. 91 50. 53 27. 78 20. 78 6.91 43.71 21.91 30.30 9.66 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria 1 Diarrheal and croup, j diseases. Typhoid Consump- | Malarial fever. tion. j fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District M '181.63 83.27 | 316. 85 79. 31 24.27 391.75 1 24.62 11.90 103.10 15.86 60. 55 15. 86 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 5.04 for the Irish, 5.83 for the Americans, and 7.91 for the Germans. The death rates for the specified causes were all below the city average. 162 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 23. This was one of the suburban wards lying north of the Harlem river, and was not subdivided. The total area of the ward was 4,241 acres, of which 225 acres were included in parks and cemeteries. It contained 6,242 dwellings, with a total population of 53,948. Excluding the area embraced in the parks and cemeteries, the number of persons to the acre was 13.43 and the number to each dwelling 8.64. This ward contained almost entirely suburban homes. Near the Harlem river building had been most rapid and many improved houses had been built. The sewerage and drainage in this ward was not good. It contained one large gas house, near the East river. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. | Under 5 | years. The city Ward 23 31.01 23. 95 110. 37 82. 34 30. 22 26.40 112.41 80.72 , 31. 38 22.69 109. 63 83.31 23.15 22.85 74.28 55.02 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white)- Ireland. German y. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city Ward 23 54.01 39. 99 15. 91 13. 85 50.87 28. 01 37.49 : 24.03 46. 97 38.32 17. 04 15. 66 50.53 20.78 29.28 21.17 76.41 12.27 50. 47 15. 54 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. ! diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- ! Malarial tion. ! fever. ' Scarlet fever. The city Ward 23 181. 63 316. 85 179.51 : 245.84 24.27 22.49 391. 75 1 24. 62 275.45 43.10 52.19 50.97 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was considerably below the city average, and especially so for the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 13.85 for the Americans, 15.66 for the Germans, 15.54 for the Italians, and 24.03 for the Irish. Malarial fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 24. This was also a suburban ward lying north of ward 23 and occupying the extreme northern end of New York county. The total area of the ward was 8,474 acres, of which 4,077 acres were embraced in parks and cemeteries. There were 3,275 dwellings, with a population of 20,137. Excluding the parks and cemeteries, the number of persons to the acre was 4.58 and the number to each dwelling 0.15. The ward contained suburban residences badly sewered or drained. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city 31.01 110.37 30.22 112.41 31.38 109. 63 23.15 74.28 Ward 24 20. 39 6G. 76 21.42 57.69 19. 58 73.92 25.17 39. 22 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 163 WARD 24—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 .and years over. Under 15 years 15 i and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under (15 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city W ard 24 54. 01 15.91 28. 09 16.92 50. 87 28. 01 28.85 21.08 46. 97 29.91 17.04 18.63 50.53 ! 20.78 22.05 25 26 ! 76.41 : 12.27 20.83 8.54 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal i Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- Malarial Cancer and tion. fever. tumor. The city Ward 24 181.63 101.26 316. 85 24.27 173 45 15.00 391. 75 24. 62 60. 55 327. 22 84. 38 76. 88 During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was decidedly below the city average, but above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 8.54 for the Italians, 16.92 for the Americans, 18.63 for the Germans, and 21.08 for the Irish. Malarial fever and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 1 ELEVENTH CENSUS OF.THE UNITED STATES. ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT MORTAL ITY LEGEND Under 20 per 1000 20 to 25 „ 25 „ 30 „ 30 „ 35 , 35 „ 40 , i() and over M A P 7 OF THE C ITV of N E W YORKJs'.Y, SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1 ST 1890 JULIUS BIEN5 CO.'HTH. H.Y. 2 ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER, SUPERINTENDENT MORTALITY LEGEND Under 90 per 1000- 90 to 110 110 . 130 „ 130 „ 150 150 „ 170 170 and over M A P % or the * C IT Y o K N E W YOHK ,N A:, SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE in <1 ifferent districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1 ST 1890 Scale <5 ELEVENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER , SUPERINTEN DENT MORTALITY LEGEND ] Under 200 per 100,000 ] 200 to 300 „ [! 300 .. 400 „ | 400 „ 500 „ | 500 „ 000 P »■»A avo»» M A P t OF THE CITY of NEW YORKJf.Y, SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CONSUMPTION i n di fie !• e n t districts IIURIN G THE SIX YE AH S ENDING JUNK 1 ST 1890 JULIUS 81 EN **•■ °,n±r5 lotaL years. The city 25.00 93.78 25.48 91.92 District A 18.05 64.37 17.51 GO. 91 24. 66 94.99 19. 60 67. 23 22. 26 54. 96 18.10 37. 04 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ... . . _ _ . ■ United States England and (white). Ireland. Germany. Vales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years ) Under 15 years Under and 15 and 15 over. years, over. years. 15 years Under 15 years and 15 and over. : years, over. Under 15 years 15 and ! years, over. The city 45.76 District A 32. 85 13.89 43.84 22.68 44.31 7.51 j 41.38 17.01 41.67 15.46 32.42 16.95 14.73 23.35 11.70 45. 50 9.13 40.88 10.03 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Malarial P1 . . v diseases. fever. tion. fever. The city District A 164.42 202.52 282.58 23.13 303.24 32.62 20.02 156.49 23.01 179.51 50.63 23.01 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans, being 7.51 as against 14.73 for the Germans and 17.01 for the Irish. Malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the a verage proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 177 Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Prospect and Fifth avenues, Thirty-sixth street, Fourth Forty-second street, and Gowanus bay. Area, 479 acres, 185 acres of the surface area inside the city line being within the bay. Population, 14,844; number of persons to the acre, after excluding the water area, 50.49. A large portion of this district was made ground, and still more was partially tilled. The buildings were principally small dwellings and tenements. The death rates in this district,.compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: I AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25. 00 93.78 35.37 115.38 25.48 35.15 91.92 115.90 24.66 35.48 94.99 115.11 22.26 22. 79 54. 96 73.33 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45.76 13.89 61.89 12. 33 43. 84 22. 68 54.77 25.35 44.31 55. 35 15.46 14.89 27.03 23.15 5. 85 8.43 53.62 99. 52 7.89 9.47 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. 1 " " " j The city 164.42 | District B 319. 90 282.58 333. 28 23.13 26. 77 303.24 305.17 42.48 78.97 ' 32.62 61.57 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially among the native. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Eussian Jews, being 8.43 as against 9.47 for the Italians, 12.33 for the Americans, 14.89 for the Germans, and 25.35 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Prospect avenue, the city line, Thirty-seventh street, Seventh avenue, Thirty-sixth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, including Greenwood cemetery, which was located herein, 587 acres. Excluding the cemetery, the area was 148 acres; population, 10,410; number of persons to the acre, 70.34. This was mostly a suburban tract, with small houses; the ground was rolling, with frequent changes in level, the extremes ranging from 60 to about 200 feet. The death rates iu this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: i DEATH RATES PEE 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total- ™“r'5 Total. Under 5 years. years. The citv District C 25. 00 27. 28 93.78 90.48 25.48 91.92 32.72 99. 25 24.66 24. 55 94. 99 85. 23 22.26 21.22 54.96 53.92 178 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 j and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 35 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Tbe city District C 45. 76 54.16 13.89 12. 36 43. 84 22.68 36.26 21.20 44.31 35.99 15.46 13.69 32.42 38.40 16. 95 14.53 45. 50 40.58 9.13 4.95 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid Consump- pneilmonia Scarlet fever. tion. 1 neuona’ fever. Tlie city District C 164. 42 282. 58 213.77 297.76 23.13 17.18 303.24 230.06 42.48 351.20 244.31 72.53 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average, but slightly below it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 4.95 among the Scandinavians, 12.36 for the Americans, 13.69 for the Germans, and 21.20 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district 1).—Bounded by Thirty-sixth street, Seventh avenue, Thirty-seventh street, the Cityline, Sixtieth street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 393 acres; population, 1,668. This was the most thinly settled district in the city, with the exception of sanitary district F of ward 17, the number of persons to the acre being only 4.24. The district was entirely suburban and the ground was much broken, the changes in level being very abrupt. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: I AREAS. DEATH RATES PER i ,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. 1 c5"™5 j T< loth parents native. One or both parents foreign. r|. )tal. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 ; years. The city District D 25.00 | 93. 78 31.30 94.62 25.48 91.92 33.91 88.54 24. 66 30. 33 94.99 22. 26 97. 66 18. 83 54.96 23.81 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States n, (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. ! 5 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 32.42 42. 33 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 45.76 46.49 13. 89 43. 84 11.67 | 48.43 22.68 44.31 18. 79 69.44 15.40 23.42 16. 95 21.01 45. 50 25.25 9.13 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— ■ 1 Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Whooping ... ... . and croup. diseases. fever. tion. cough. uniicunrtn. The city District D 164.42 282.58 23.13 303.24 26.18 440.79 274.01 11.91 214.44 35.74 1 d i , i ! 20. 02 23.83 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, but was below it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was 11.67 for the Americans, 18.79 for the Irish, and 23.42 for the Germans. The death rate from diphtheria and croup was very great during the 6-year period. Whooping cough and childbirth also caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 179 WARD 9. The total area of this ward was 437 acres, of which 66 acres were included in the reservoir and park, or reservation, lying between Flatbush and Washington avenues and eastern Parkway. It contained 1,855 dwellings and a total population of 17,696, the average density being 47.70 persons to the acre and 9.54 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Atlantic and Underhill avenues, Butler street, and Flatbush avenue. Area, 123 acres; population, 8,315; number of persons to the acre, 67.60. This was all good, high ground, rising uniformly from 40 to 120 feet. It contained dwellings of the middle class and tenements in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHfl’E POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. j Total. rna rents Foreign. Total. Unde year Both parents native. r 5 1 .... . __ . One or both ] foreign TO. s. li TCI- . ! Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25. 00 39.54 . 93.78 25.48 91.92 128.11 35.71 115.73 24. 66 41.27 94.99 133.42 22. 26 54.96 25. 54 50. 85 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— ' - _ United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Hungary. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 j and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45.76 13. 89 60.53 ; 14.60 43.84 22.68 68. 64 33. 66 44. 31 58. 20 15.46 13. 98 27. 03 5. 85 39.11 10.14 21.10 24.69 5.20 3.57 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District B 164.42 203. 65 282. 58 501. 44 23.13 21.13 303. 24 330. 45 230. 06 301.19 42.48 74.93 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was smallest among the Hungarians, being 3.57 as against 10.14 for the Russians, 13.98 for the Germans, 14.60 for the Americans, and 33.66 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by North Seventh, North Second, Rodney, and Grand streets and Bedford avenue. Area, 61 acres; population, 9,149; number of persons to the acre, 149.98. There was but little swamp land in this district, most of it lying above the 20-foot level, The buildings were principally tenement houses. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 191 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows : AREAS DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. 1 cy“S5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 25.00 93.78 29.54 112.24 25. 48 31.95 91. 92 117. 72 24.66 28.13 94. 99 108. 55 22. 26 54.96 26. 28 39.47 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under jl5 years Under 15 and 15 years, over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 45. 76 13. 89 50.15 14.58 43.81 22.68 44.31 50.09 29.80 39.47 15. 46 19. 67 32.42 28. 67 16. 95 25.91 53. 62 54. 89 7.89 8.67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. , i'ever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. M^rjal rever. The city District 0 164.42 137. 42 282.58 23.13 330. 55 26. 00 303. 24 389. 97 230. 06 32. 62 297.12 35,28 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, the death rate was smallest among the Italians, being 8.67 as against 14.58 for the Americans, 16.67 for the Germans, and 29.80 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D,—Bounded by North Fourteenth street, Van Cott and Union avenues,. North Seventh street, and Bedford avenue. Area, 54 acres; population 2,594; number of persons to the acre, 48.04. Almost all of this district was originally marsh land, since filled and occupied by tenement houses and factories in about equal numbers. The death rates in this district, compared witli the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. ' DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 5 years. T.t„_ “ Total. Under 5 years.. Tlie city District D 25. 00 41.89 93. 78 138. 81 | 25.48 91.92 34. 06 126. 62 24. 66 48. 06 94.99 149.17 22. 26 54. 96 35. 21 83. 33 i DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— _ _____ _ AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. over. Under 15 years. 1 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. ; over.. Under 15 years 15 and years. : over. The city District D 45.76 13.89 43.84 22. G8 65.90 10.50 72.78’ 42.36 1 44.31 74.23 15.46 38.87 32.42' I6i 95 19.44 22:06. 53. 62 7. 89 111.11 10.42 192 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. 164. 42 248.85 282.58 510. 81 23.13 32. 74 303.24 432. 22 230. 06 438. 77 32.62 85.13 District I) During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 10.42 as against 10.50 for the Americans, 38.87 for the Germans, and 42.36 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 15. This ward adjoined ward 14 on the east and contained a considerable portion of swamp land lying along the water course, separating the old city of Williamsburg from Greenpoint. The area of the ward was 234 acres and the total population 27,630. It contained 2,559 dwellings, the number of dwellings to the acre being 10.94, with 10.80 persons to each dwelling and 118.08 persons to the acre. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Yan Pelt, Leonard, Richardson, Humboldt, and Jackson streets and Union avenue. Area, 69 acres; population, 5,025; number of persons to the acre, 72.83. This district was for the greater part formerly swamp laud, now filled in and built upon with tenements and small dwellings, the tenements predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. «*>• Total. Under 5 years. years. The citv District A 25. 00 30. 98 93. 78 109.93 • 25,48 91. 92 38.10 112.24 j 1 24.66 27.00 94.99 108. 03 22. 26 26.67 54. 96 83. 33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Italy. Under 15 years 15 j and years. ; over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 44.31 39. 81 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and •over. The city District A 45.76 13.89 57.04 15.53 43.84 i 22.68 39.44 29.64 15. 46 32. 42 12.81 74.63 16.95 15. 93 53.62 58.02 7. 89 9.26 AKEAS. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Scarlet fever. The city District A 164.42 250.16 282. 58 371. 76 23.13 17. 37 303.24 243. 21 230.06 337. 02 42.48 83.39 1 Daring the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white ot native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 9.26 as against 15.53 for the Americans, and 29.64 for the Irish. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 193 Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Jackson, Humboldt, and North Second streets, Bushwick avenue, Ainslie, Rodney, and North Second streets, and Union avenue. Area, 77 acres; population, 9,492; number of persons to the acre, 123.27. This district was mostly good land and the buildings were tenement houses and private dwellings in about equal proportion. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1, 000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. arents Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both p foreign Total. Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District B 25. 00 23. 75 l 93.78 87. 75 25.48 25. 66 91.92 84. 59 24.66 21.77 94.99 92.28 22.26 28.45 54. 96 64.82 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England ard Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, oyer. - Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45. 76 13.89 43. 21 15.63 43. 84 22. 68 28.40 27.02 44. 31 40. 03 15.46 19. 20 32.42 19.13 _ 16. 95 20. 80 29. 86 34.72 16.41 22. 73 AREAS.- DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District B 164.42 125.11 282.58 250.21 23.13 31.28 303. 24 309. 08 230. 06 272. 29 32.62 47.83 During the O-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was above it for the foreign. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Americans, being 15.G3 as against 19.20 for the Germans and 27.02 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Ainslie street, Bushwick avenue, Ten Eyck street, Union avenue, South Second, and Rodney streets. Area, 88 acres; population, 13,113; number of persons to the acre, 149.01. This district contained tenement houses, with stores beneath, and small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. i . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Under 5 Total‘ years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 25. 00 23.90 93. 78 97. 32 25.48 91.92 28.27 100. 61 24.63 21.17 94.99 94. 74 22.26 24. 33 54.96 97.22 194 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH KATES PEIt 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Itaj.. Wales. Under 15 years 15 i and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 and 15 years, over. years. 15 years and over. The city - District C 45. 76 | 13. 89 45.61 13.38 43. 84 44. 70 22.68 24.44 44.31 43.19 15. 46 16. 34 32.42 16.95 ; 53.62’ 23.03 23.00 63.93 7.8S)i 5. 42 . AREAS DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria : Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. : The city District C 164. 42 282. 58 151.81 1 275.65 23.13 21. Si 303.24 230.06 32.62: 292.96 231.70 34.62 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents. The death rate for those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, was lowest among the Italians, being 5.42 as against 13.38 for the Americans, 16.34 for the Germans, and 24.44 for the Irish. Malarial fever, measles, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 16. Tlie area of this ward was 250 acres, containing 2,849 dwellings and a total population of 45,720. There was an average of 182.88 persons and 11.40 dwellings to tlie acre, with 16.05 persons to each dwelling. This was largely a manufacturing ward, containing many factories of different kinds, and a large number of Polish Jews, located east of Union avenue. . It was subdivided into four districts. % • * • Sanitary district A.—Bounded by South Second street, Union avenue, Broadway, Division avenue, and Rodney street. Area, 45 acres; population, 5,585; number of persons to the acre, 124.11. Private residences predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION- ... ... Native. Foreign.. Total. Both parents native. Under 5 One or both parents foreign. Total- Under 5 years. years. j The city District A 25. 00 18. 23 93.78 25.48 91.92 66.45 20.76 66.57 24. 66 94. 99 16. 23 66.30 2Z 26 23. 47 54.96 33.33 * AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE .MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 1 United States T|lflloi,j, (white). Ireland. it ■ ■ Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 j and years, over. years. 1 over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and . years, over. Under 15 years 15 j and years, over. Tlic city District A 45.70 13.89 43.84 22.68 35.17 10.38 31.63 | 19.97 44.31 34. 44 15.46 14. 76 32.42 | 16. 95 14.04 14.51 29.86 16.41 23.81 22. 73 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. ! diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. • Scarlet Pneumonia. y fever. The city District A 164.42 282. 58 115.74 225. 39 23.13 12.18 303.24 234.53 230.06 42. 48 207.12 48.73 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 195 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it tor the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Americans, being 10.38 as against 14.76 for the Germans and 19.97 for the Irish. Scarlet fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Ten Eyck, Ewen, and McKibben streets, Broadway, and Union avenue. Area, 59 acres; population, 12,494; number of persons to the acre, 211.76. The dwellings in this district were mostly tenement houses, inhabited largely by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25.00 93. 78 33. 42 104.17 25.48 39. 82 91.92 105. 72 24.66 31.94 94.99 103. 68 22. 26 22.43 54.96 54. 60 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years 15 i and years, over. Ui ye •4: 3! der 5 irs. 15 years and over. Under 15 : years. 15 years j and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45.76 13. 89 56. 05 14. 29 1.84 ). 09 22.68 37.61 44.31 50. 36 15.46 18. 68 32.42 27.13 16.95 10. 03 27.03 13.99 5.85 4.23 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal ; Typhoid and croup. diseases. 1 fever. Pneumonia. j Scarlet fever. The city District B 164.42 282.58 1 23.13 197.42 453.39 20.42 303.24 230.06 329.49 287. 29 42.48 53.10 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Russians and Poles, being 4.23 as against 14.20 for the Americans, 18.68 for the Germans, and 37.61 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Ten Eyck street, Busliwick avenue (Old Bushwick place or road), and McKibben and Ewen streets. Area, 69 acres; population, 14,164; number of persons to the acre, 205.28. As in the preceding district the buildings were mostly tenement houses, largely inhabited by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total IJnder5 ouu- years. Both parents native. One or hoth parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. «»>■ c,n,™5 T.t.1. The city District C 25. 00 93. 78 35. 41 118. 77 25.48 91.92 46. 76 120. 27 24. 66 94. 99 1 33.04 118.27 22.26 25.49 54. 96 63. 22 196 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. Under j 15 years 15 ! and years. over. The city District C 45. 76 56. 94 13.89 8.08 43. 84 22. 68 52. 29 52.85 44.31 15.46 53. 97 20. 31 27. 03 5. 85 14.29 4.50 56.11 18.96. 92. 59 24.05 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. eonsump. Pneunl0Ilia Scarlet tion. | lever. The city District C 164.42 | 282.58 1 23.18 171.73 422.73 20.42 303.24 230.06 42.48 343.47 375. 89 ' 44. 43 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 4.50 for the Russian and Polish Jews, 8.08 for the Americans, 20.31 for the Germans, and 52.85 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was excessive, being 297.83 per 100,000 of population as against 179.01, the city average. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by McKibben street, Bushwick and Flushing avenues, and Broadway. Area, 77 acres; population, 13,477; number of persons to the acre, 175.03. This district also contained principally tenement houses, inhabited for the greater part by Polish Jews. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER. 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. rr. . , ! Under 5 TotaL years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The citv District 1) 25. 00 93. 78 32. 29 93.50 25. 48 43.75 91. 92 108. 70 24.66 29.81 94. 99 89. 07 22.26 20. 35 54.96 26. 32 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under j 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District D 45. 76 13. 89 55.88 ; 14.04 43.84 ; 22.68 72.22 33.96 44. 31 45. 90 15. 46 19. 69 ■ 27.03 5.85 8.63 i 0.50 56.11 18.96 18.21 14.37 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. J fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Measles. The citv District D 104. 42 174.18 282. 58 23.13 397. 58 , 15.15 303.24 297. 87 230. 06 313. 01 17.71 22. 72 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 197 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, but below it for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 0.50 for the Russian Jews (of whom there were on June 1, 1890, but 676) as against 14.04 for the Americans, 19.69 for the Germans, and 33.96 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, measles, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 17. This ward includes the greater part of the area known before annexation as Greenpoint, lying between the old city of Williamsburg and Newtown creek. The area of the ward was 755 acres and the total population was 41,424, contained in 3,407 dwellings. There was an average of 54.87 persons and 4.51 dwellings to the acre, with 12.16 persons to the dwelling. Considerable filling had been done along the river front in this ward, and on the north side along the Newtown creek there was originally an extensive- salt water marsh. Probably more than one-half of this ward was originally covered by water at high tide. The ward was subdivided into six sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Newtown creek, Manhattan avenue, Greenpoint avenue, and the East river. Area, 116 acres; population, 9,512; number of persons to the acre, 82.00. Private dwellings and tenements, about equally divided, constituted the character of the dwellings iu this district, except along the river front, which contained many factories. There was considerable made laud in this district, the original shore line following about the course of Commercial street and West avenue. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 Total. years. m.i Under 5 Total- years. years. The city District A 25. 00 93. 78 28. 71 99. 44 25. 48 91. 92 31.99 104.65 24. 66 94. 99 26. 99 96. 77 22. 26 21.84 54. 96 96.15 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — United States Ireland, (white). „ England ai Germany. Wales. id ars d jr. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 ye 15 j and 15 an years. over. years. ove 1 . Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. The city District A 45.70 | 13.89 54.86 16.63 43. 84 45. 56 22.68 22. 08 44.31 15.46 32.42 16.95 49.08 13.24 36.90 18.80 29. 86 16. 41 39.47 10.15 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and.croup. I diseases. fever. . i. Consump- tion . Pneumonia. fever.* The city District A 164.42 282.58 23.13 216.00 337.50 9.64 1 303. 24 277. 71 230.06 42. 48 285.43 81.00 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was somewhat above the city average, but was below it for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.15 for the Scotch, 13.24 for the Germans, 16.63 for the Americans, and 22.08 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues, Van Pelt street, YanOott avenue, North Fourteenth street, Kent avenue, North Thirteenth street, and the East river. Area, 123 acres; population, 6,867; number of persons to the acre, 55.83. More than half of this district was originally under water. The class of buildings was about equally divided between private dwellings and tenements, with large manufacturing establishments on the water front. 198 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. owi Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Iota1' years. Total lota1' years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25. 00 93. 78 23.81 102.61 25.48 91. 92 24. 07 102. 71 24.66 23. 55 94.99 102. 52 22. 26 54. 96 17.08 44.44 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — United States (white). Ireland. England and Germany. fyales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years. | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under 15 years and 1 15 and over. | years, over. Under T5 years! 15 and years, over. The city District B 45. 76 13. 89 46.55 14.40 43.84 53. 72 22. 68 16.14 44.31 39. 62 15.46 32.42 16.95 13.68 28.11 13.68 29.86 16.41 16.39 14.31 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria , Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump-- Whooping tion. cough. Childbirth. The city District B 104.42 282.58 23.13 184.32 221.72 5.34 303. 24 26.18 248.44 53.43 20.02 24.04 During’ tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 13.68 for the Germans, 14.40 for the Americans, and 16.14 for the Irish. Scarletfever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Newtown creek, Provost street, and Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues. Area, 102 acres; population, 9,701; number of persons to the acre, 95.11. Nearly one-half of this district was originally swamp land. It was a large manufacturing district and contained many buildings used in refining oil. The dwelling houses were principally tenements. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH HATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Xative. Foreign. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total Under 5 *; years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. V„d„5 lotal. years. The city District C 25. 00 37. 24 93. 78 121.48 25.48 45. 60 91.92 125. 04 24. 66 94. 99 34.84 j 120.01 22. 26 54.96 25. 31 05.66 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Under 15 years 15 j and years. 1 over. Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and 15 j and years, over. vears. over. years, over. ! li . 1 ' l! Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District C 1 45.70 13. 89 03. 04 17. 89 i 43.84 22.08 44.31 15.40 32.42 10.95 50.70 24.20 i j 58.25 14.59 55.50 i 22.22 I II 1 l! ' 1 27.03 5. 85 45.31 7.88 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 199 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. 1 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid ami croup. diseases. i'ever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District C 104.42 282.58 23.13 230.69 495.42 20.80 303. 24 312. 00 230.00 272. 29 32. 62 50. 73 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the Dative white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.88 for the Russian Jews as against 14.59 for the Germans, 17.89 for the Americans, and 24.20 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping -cough, childbirth, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion ■of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by Greenpoint avenue, Jewell and Humboldt streets, Meeker avenue, Richardson, Leonard, and Van Pelt streets, and Manhattan avenue. Area, 130 acres; population, 13,149; number •of persons to the acre, 101.15. The buildings in this district were about equally divided between private dwellings and tenement houses. Most of the land was above the 10-foot level. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,0C0 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. ™e year Both parents native. r5 One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. | s. Total. TJn,ler 5 years. Total. The city District D 25.00 95.78 25.48 91.92 21.69 77.22 22.64 77.59 24. 66 94.99 20. 79 76. 69 22.26 54.96 22.57 43. 48 AREAS. DEATH BATES PEK 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 45. 76 40. 90 13.89 12.10 43.84 22. 68 38.02 20.78 44.31 34.87 15.46 13.90 32 42 16. 95 35.41 18. 64 29. 86 28.46 16 41 21.10 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. lever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District D 164.42 282.58 23.13 188.33 235.76 12.50 303. 24 228. 79 42.48 53.01 48.27 54. 41 During- tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. For those 15 years of nge and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.10 for the Americans, 13.90 for the Germans, and 20.78 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, whooping cough, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by Norman, Kingsland, and Meeker avenues and Humboldt and Jewell .streets. Area, 53 acres; population, 1,914; number of persons to the acre, 36.11. This district contained some large car stables, and the dwellings were principally of the tenement house class. 200 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. llts Foreign. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both pare foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under.1} years. years. 25. 00 17.16 93. 78 64. 34 25. 48 91. 92 24.66 21.36 94. 99 72.14 22.26 17.47 54.96 27. 78 District E 11.57 51.44 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city 45. 76 22. 56 13. 89 3.84 43. 84 28.41 ' 22.68 44. 31 20. 89 46. 78 15.46 12. 82 32. 42 43.01 16. 12 95 50 | 56.11 18.96 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Mfg!fe"al The city District E 164.42 143.84 282. 58 23.13 230.15 28. 77 303. 24 124. 66 230. C6 32. 62 201.38 9.59 During the G-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 3.84 for the Americans, 12.82 for the Germans, and20.S9 for the Irish. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by Newtown creek, Meeker, Kingsland, and Norman avenues, Jewell street, Greenpoint avenue, and Provost street. Area, 231 acres. This was the most sparsely settled district in the city, and the number of persons to the acre was 1.22, the total population of the district being but 281. Probably three-fourths of this district were included in the swamp which originally existed in the northern part of the ward. The district contained some factories and a few tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION Native. Foreign. AREAS. ! Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. „ , Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District F 25. 00 93. 78 43.48 184. 52 25. 48 111.11 91.92 145.83 24. 60 36.53 94.99 200. 00 22. 20 54.96 47.87 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. Unites States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and W ales. France. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District F 45. 70 13. 89 122. 81 37. 04 43. 84 22. 68 70. 58 °8. 23 44. 31 138. 89 15.40 31.75 32.42 16.95 02. 50 27.81 14.43 ■ NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 201 SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria anil croup. • Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Scarlet fever. The city 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 48. 27 42. 48 District F 326.80 392.16 1.045. 75 130. 72 65. 30 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greatly above the city average, especially for the- native white of native parents, but the population was so small that the rates have no special significance. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 18. This ward contained an area of 2,005 acres, 125 of which were embraced in cemeteries. The number of dwellings was 6,704, and the total population was 74,960. Excluding the area embraced in the cemeteries, there were 3.46 dwellings and 38.64 persons to the acre, with 11.18 persons to each dwelling. A considerable tract of land about the headwaters of Newtown creek was originally swamp land. The ward was subdivided into ten sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Meeker and Kingsland avenues, Parker street, Morgan avenue, Ten Eyck street, Bushwick avenue, and North Second, Humboldt, and Richardson streets. Area, 141 acres; population, 10,521; number of persons to the acre, 74.62. The buildings in this district were principally tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ■ AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Both parents native. U nder5 One or both parents foreign. m , i Under 5 Total- j years. years. Total. Unller5 years. Total. U nder 5 years. The city District A 25. 00 40. 32 93.78 25.48 91.92 138.23 53.74 144.08 1' 1 24.66 35.30 94. 99 135. 08 22.26 54.96 j 32.71 41.67 1 1 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN—- AREAS, United States (white). Ireland. Germany. E”®Se.“d Under If 1*5 years. years and >ver. 13.89 18.44 U nder 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years 1 and over. Under 15 years Under 15 ! and 15 years, over. ! years. 15 years and over. The city District A 45.76 73.69 43. 84 66. 05 22. 68 44. 31 • 41. 80 60. 99 15.46 ! 20.47 32.42 16.95 53.62 33.02 15.27 65.66 7.89 15. 58 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Pneumonia. Measles. The city District A 164.42 282.58 23.13 278.93 457.45 24.55 303.24 239.06 17.71 428.44 348.11 44.63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greater than that of any other district in Brooklyn except district F of ward 17, the rates of which have no significance, and district D of ward 14. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 15.58 for the Italians, 18.44 for the Americans, 20.47 for the Germans, and 41.80 for the Irish. 202 VITAL STATISTICS. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was very great, being 283.39 per 100,000 of population as against 179.10, the city average. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Ten Eyck street and Morgan, Johnson, and Bushwick (Old Bushwick place or road) avenues. Area, 61 acres; population, 2,435; number of persons to the acre, 39.92. Tenements predominated in this district which also contained a good many factories and one large brewery. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: ; . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION'. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 Total. Unde1'5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. The city District B 25.00 31.68 93.78 84. 70 25.48 91.92 48. 90 84.47 24.66 28.41 94.99 84. 77 22. 26 22. 97 54.96 23.81 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSON'S WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ur ye Ireland. Germany. France. 0tller countries. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. der 5 ars. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 27. 81 15 years Under 15 years and 15 and over. years, over. The city District B 45. 76 13.89 51.46 30.70 43.81 30. 30 22.68 45.14 44.31 15. 40.21 17.41 14.43 56.11 18.96 I 37.04 71.43 . AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid ieyer. Consump- Pneunlonia Whooping tion. cough. The city District B 164. 42 282.58 183.15 530.17 23.13 38. 56 ■ 303. 24 i 230. 06 240. 99 318.10 26.18 38. 50 Daring the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 17.41 for the Germans, 30.70 for the Americans, and 45.14 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, whooping cough, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Johnson, Morgan, Flushing, and Bushwick avenues. Area, 77 acres; population, 3,950; number of persons to the acre, 51.30. This was also a tenement district and it contained a number of factories; also a slaughter house. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. •i Under 5 lotaL years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 3 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Tlie city District C 25.00 93. 78 36.99 112.65 25. 48 56. 26 91.92 121.21 24.66 32. 75 94.99 109. 32 22. 26 25. 89 54.96 74.07 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 203 SANITARY DISTRICT C—Coutiuued. AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States ilehmd (white). Ireland. . jl i Germany. France. Other foreign countries. Under 15years Under 15 years 15 and 15 and years, over. years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Und 15 year er s. 81 05 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. : over. Tlie city District 0 45.70 13.89 43 84 67.42 j 11.49 52.08 22.68 51.11 44.31 15.46 53.33 18.84 27. 5. 14.43 56.11 18. 96 41.67 26.67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- diseases. i'ever. tion. p ueumonia. Measles. The city District C 164. 42 267.48 282.58 23.13 303.24 493.34 17.83 380.41 230.06 17. 71 368. 52 41.61 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 11.49 for the Americans, against 18.84 for the Germans, and 51.11 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by Flushing and Knickerbocker avenues, Jefferson street, and Broadway. Area, 99 acres; population, 13,566; number of persons to the acre, 137.03. The district was occupied by numerous tenement houses and contained a number of breweries. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 j years. * years. Total. rmIer5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city | District D 25.00 37. 69 93.78 117. 46 25.48 91.92 56. 22 136. 03 24. 06 34.09 94.99 112. 35 22. 26 18. 50 54. 96 36. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States T i i (white). Ireland- Germany. England and Wales. i Other'foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 y ears Under 15 y ears and 15 and over. years, over. ' Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 45. 76 67. 74 13.89 43.84 22.68 25.37 31.45 41.91 44.31 48.44 15.46 14. 49 32.42 16. 95 53. 76 15. 56 56.11 42.64 18. 96 28. 99 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria i Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Whooping cough. The city District D 164. 42 282. 58 249. 20 529. 54 23.13 6.92 303. 24 323. 61 230. 06 271. 09 26.18 48.45 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents. For those of 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 14.49 for the Germans, 25.37 for the Americans, and 41.91 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 204 VITAL STATISTICS. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by Jefferson street, Knickerbocker avenue, De Kalb avenue, De Kalb place, and Broadway. Area, 128 acres; population, 13,588; number of persons to the acre, 106.16. Private dwellings and tenements were about equally divided. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5 iota1' years. U,SL5 The city District E 25. 00 27.59 93. 78 84. 86 25.48 91.92 39. 29 112. 73 24.66 94.99 23. 75 74. 75 22. 26 18. 77 54. 96 61. 11 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— si • ' L " AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. *rance‘ Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 | and 15 j and years, over. years, over. The city District E 45. 76 52.67 13.89 15. 52 43.84 56. 71 22.68 36. 91 44.31 32.14 15. 46 12. 76 32.42 16.95 27.81 14.43 65.10 27.39 49.02 22.44 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. lever. CTo!,",P’ r-eumom.. Scarlet fever. The city District E 164.42 157. 23 282.58 23.13 350. 75 17. 28 303. 24 | 230.06 288. 55 | 229. 80 42.48 46.'65 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was about the city average, but was decidedly above it tor the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.76 for the Germans, 15.52 for the Americans, and 3(5.01 for the Irish. Scarlet fever and diarrheal diseases caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by De Kalb place, De Kalb and Knickerbocker avenues, Himrod and Hamburg streets, Greene avenue, and Broadway. Area, 96 acres; population, 7,238; number of persons to the acre, 75.40. This was a residential district containing principally dwellings of the middle class. The death rates for this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 22. 26 16.14 Under 5 years. 54. 96 55.56 . , Under 5 lotaL years. Under 5 lotal- years. The city District F 25.00 21.02 93. 78 73. 92 25.48 91.92 24.17 79.34 24. 66 94. 99 18. 41 69. 72 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Fi ye Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. tinder 15 years. 15 years and over. der 15 years 5 and irs. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and vears. over. ‘ Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F 45. 76 38. 53 13.89 15.07 43. 84 22. 68 43.77 13. 80 44.31 25. 89 15.46 12.01 32.42 16. 95 36. 53 13. 26 29.86 44.44 16.41 i 10.64 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 205 SANITARY DISTRICT F—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Diseases of the liver. The city District F 164.42 149. 22 282. 58 201.12 23 13 19. 46 303. 24 181.65 48. 27 61.63 35. 95 51.90 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was slightly above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.64 for the Scotch, 12.01 for the Germans, 13.80 for tlie Irish, and 15.07 for the Americans. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district G.—Bounded by Greene and Hamburg avenues, Palmetto street, and Broadway. Area, 101 acres; population, 6,268; number of persons to the acre, 62.06. This was also a residential district containing dwellings of the middle class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. j Foreign. Total. U“d^5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents | foreign. , , TJnder 5 otal- years. i Total. Under 5 years. Total. TJnder 5 years. The city District G 25. 00 ! 93. 78 15.17 48. 23 25.48 17.24 91.92 44.80 i 24.66 94.99 22.26 54.96 13.58 1 50.86 i 10.98 83.33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— . . . _ ... .... United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 115 yea 15 ant years, j over l'S 9 2 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 1 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, j over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District G 45.76 13. 24.48 11.4 43. 84 22. 68 53.88 20.40 44.31 14. 60 15. 46 5.07 32.42 ! 16.95 25.25 6.05 29. 86 31.75 16.41 10.87 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District G 164. 42 93. 63 282.58 205. 99 23.13 3. 75 303.24 153.56 230. 06 108. 61 32. 62 11.24 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was greatly below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those Id years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 5.07 for the Germans, 6.05 for the English, 10.87 for the Scotch, 11.42 for the Americans, and 20.40 for the Irish. The death rates from all causes were below the average. Sanitary district H.—Bounded by Palmetto street, Hamburg avenue, Jacob street, Evergreen avenue, Schaffer street, and Broadway. Area, 120 acres; population, 6,919; number of persons to the acre, 57.66. This district was residential in character, the dwellings being principally of the middle class. 206 VITAL STATISTICS. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. ! Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. 1 Total- XyearL5 Total. Under 5 years. The city District H 25.00 12.51 93. 78 42.51 25. 48 91. 92 13.02 36. 04 24. 60 11.87 94. 99 52. 32 22. 26 14. 92 54.96 33.33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. : Under 15 years 15 and years. 1 over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Unde 15 years r . 6 0 15 years and over. 16. 41 9.06 The city District H ■ 45. 70 20.01 13.89 8.49 43. 84 22. 68 36. 51 19. 23 44.31 20. 44 15. 46 7.59 | 32.42 16.95 20. 99 9. 44 29.8 9.8 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Malarial Cancer and fever. tumor. The city District H 164.42 08.40 282. 58 132. 33 23.13 20. 36 303.24 128. 94 32. 62 48. 27 10.18 27.14 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.59 for the Germans, 8.49 for the Americans, and 19.23 for the Irish. The rates from all the specified causes were below the city average. Sanitary district I.—Bounded by Schaffer street, Evergreen avenue, old city line, and Broadway. Area, 97 acres, of which 10 acres were within tlie limits of the cemetery. The population was 3,172 and, excluding the area embraced in the cemetery, there was an average of 36.46 persons to the acre. The district was suburban in character, devoted to purposes of residence and containing principally small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: — DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. TJll<'er 5 years. Both parents native. One or both part foreign. nts r 5 s. Total. Under 5 years. Total Under 5 10lal- years. Total. Unde year The city District I 25. 00 | 93. 78 0. 48 ! 34. 80 25. 48 91. 92 10.72 36.71 24.66 ‘8. 22 94.99 32.61 i 22. 26 13.03 54. 96 AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). .. . | Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Canada. Under 15 years 15 ! and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 15.46 8.67 U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District I 45.76 13.89 20.22 1 4.85 43.84 22. 68 29.57 13.16 44.31 11.20 32.42 12. 82 16.95 8.16 33. 44 10.42 14.33 13.33 NEW YORY CITY AND BROOKLYN. 207 SANITARY DISTRICT I—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Whooping cough." Childbirth. The city 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 26.18 20.02 District I 44.40 140. 62 7. 40 96. 21 37. 00 22. 20 During the 6 year period the death rate in this district was the lowest of any district in the city, except district D of ward 24, and less than half the city average, and was remarkably low for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 4.85 for the Americans, 8.16 for the English, 8.67 for the Germans, and 13.16 for the Irish. Whooping cough and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district K.—Bounded by Newtown creek, city line. Evergreen avenue, Jacob street, Hamburg avenue, Himrod street, Knickerbocker, Flushing, and Morgan avenues, Parker street, and Kingsland and Meeker avenues. Area, 1,145 acres, 115 acres of which were included in the cemeteries in this district. The population was 7,303 and the number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the area included in the cemeteries, was 7.00. This district was largely suburban in character and in the western portion about 300 acres, in the vicinity of Newtown creek, was originally marsh land, which had been filled in to a large extent. The district contained a large glue factory, chemical works, and some car stables, which might be classed as nuisances. The residences were for the greater part small dwellings with suburban surroundings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both pare foreign. nts r 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Unde year ! The city District K 25. 00 23. 77 93. 78 67.87 25. 48 27.69 91.92 68. 30 24. 66 22.18 94.99 67. 67 22. 26 17. 33 54.96 21.74 DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 j and years. [ over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District K 45. 76 13.89 39. ID 13.23 43. 84 54.35 22. 68 23.45 44. 31 15. 46 26.38 11.44 32.42 22. 09 16.95 « 10.42 29. 86 16. 41 11. 90 8. 55 DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria ; Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. I Consump- tion. r—«■ ’K*1 The city 164.42 282.58 District K 138.22 366.44 23.13 303. 24 6.43 I 202. 51 230. 06 32. 62 215.36 i 32.14 J Dining tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 8.55 for the Scotch, 10.42 for the English, 11.44 for the Germans, 13.23 for the Americans, and 23.45 for the Irish. Diarrheal diseases caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 208 VITAL STATISTICS. WARD 19. This ward contained 422 acres, 3,497 dwellings, and a total population of 36,244, giving 8.29 dwellings and .85.89 persons to the acre, with 10.36 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by the old division line between Brooklyn and Williamsburg, Bedford, Flushing, and Washington avenues, and Wallabout canal and channel. Area, 178 acres; population, 8,775; number of persons to the acre, 49.30. A considerable portion of this district was originally below the 10-loot contour line, and in the vicinity of Wallabout bay was marshy in character, the marsh extending entirely through the district on about the line now occupied by Kent avenue and Wallabout street. This was originally a residential district with small dwellings and contained some factories .within the eastern boundary. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. »*** years. The city District A 25. 00 23.24 93. 78 87.98 25. 48 22. 70 91.92 76. 51 24. 66 23.71 94.99 | 97.49 1 22.26 54.96 24. 03 75. 76 AREAS, DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. EU\Va”e!saml Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 1 ! 15 years j and over. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. The city District A 45.70 41.19 13.89 14.80 43.84 40.44 22.08 23.32 44.31 54. 74 15.46 15. 30 32.42 43.01 16. 95 29. 86 19.30 49. 38 16.41 14.07 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Diseases of the urinary organs. The city District A 164.42 282.58 i 23.13 119.46 218.32 ! 30.89 303. 24 282.17 48.27 63.85 112. 87 131. 82 During- the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest for the Scotch and Americans and highest for the Irish. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, childbirth, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by the old division line between Brooklyn and Williamsburg, Broadway, liutledge street, and Bedford avenue. Area, 140 acres; population, 9,541; number of persons to the acre, G8.15. Thisdistrict occupied the highest land in the ward, gently sloping on all sides. Private dwellings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. • Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. • Under 5 years. Total. Under5 years. 1 Total. Un'ler 5 years. The city District I! 25.00 15. 53 93. 78 02.57 25.48 91.92 17.16 57.32 24. 66 94. 99 12. 90 74. 81 22. 26 54. 96 21.06 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 209 SANITARY DISTRICT B-Continueil. AREAS. DEATH HATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45.70 29. 42 13.89 13.15 43. 84 33. 33 22. 68 16. 89 44. 31 44.03 15.46 32.42 11.04 12.35 16. 95 17. 77 29. 86 16. 41 20. 23 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Cancer and tumor. Diseases of the urinary organs. The city District B 161.42 70. 80 282. 58 134. 50 23.13 24.63 303. 24 229. 22 48. 27 73.88 112. 87 115. 56 During' the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans and Americans and highest among the Irish and English. For those under 15 years of age the highest death rate occurred among the Germans. The rate for those 15 years of age and over whose mothers were born in Scotland was 20.23, but this has little significance as the mean population on which this rate is based was only 173. Typhoid fever, cancer and tumor, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Kutledge street, Broadway, and Flushing and Bedford avenues. Area, 104 acres; population, 17,928; number of persons to the acre, 172.38. A small portion of this district along the boundary between this and the Twenty-first ward was originally swain;) land, since filled in. In the eastern portion of the district was a small colored population. The dwellings were principally of the tenement class. The district contained a large varnish factory. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Tol'al. Total. U“der 5 years. The city District C 25.00 20. 14 93.78 86. 70 25. 48 91.92 30. 60 . CO. 74 24. 66 94. 99 24.42 84.64 L 22. 26 18. 70 54.96 44.72 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Russia and Poland. Other foreign countries. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 j and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. The city District C 45. 76 44.61 13. 89 12. 05 43.84 22.68 34.59 20.36 44.31 47. 54 15.46 16.12 27. 03 5. 85 19.23 56.11 18.96 26. 08 9. 76 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup, j diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Whooping cough. The city District C 164. 42 282. 58 149.21 315.55 23.13 14.11 303. 24 324, 62 230. 06 234. 90 26.18 35. 29 VITAL STATISTICS. 210 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was above it for the native and below it for the children under 5 years of age of all classes. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, no deaths occurred among the Russians, who numbered 174 on June 1, 1890. For the Americans the death rate was 12.05; for the Germans, 16.12; for the Irish, 20.36. Diarrheal diseases, consumption, pneumonia, whooping cough, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 20. This ward covered an area of 410 acres, including 92 acres in the United States navy yard and 15 acres in Washington park. The number of dwellings was 3,150, containing a total population of 24,136, making an average of 79.66 persons and 10.40 dwellings to the acre, with 7.66 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into three sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Flushing, Washington, Myrtle, and North Portland avenues. Area, 186 acres; population, 10,043. The navy yard was located, in part, in this district, excluding which the number of persons to the acre was 106.84. A small portion of the district near the navy yard line was formerly marsh laud. The buildings were principally tenements and small dwellings, the first mentioned class predominating. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. • DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Xative. Foreign. T»»l. Both parents native. One or hotli parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 25. 00 93. 78 23. 21 83. 90 25.48 25.52 91.92 82. 07 24. 00 ; 94. 99 21. 29 85. 08 22. 20 27.20 54. 90 33. 33 " ~ . DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS* WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Canada. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 yea anc over rs 8 2 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. Unde 15 years 1’ 15 years and over. The city District A »45. 70 13.89 40.04 15.90 43, 84 43.08 22. ( 22.0 44.31 ! 55.50 15. 40 15.11 32.42 10.95 33.71 22.34 33.4 15.7 14.33 18. 78 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. Consump- tion. Malarial Diseases of fever the uriuar>' le'er> organs. ■ The city District A . ... 104. 42 184. CS 282. 58 218. 91 23.13 18. 24 303.24 315. 09 32.02 112.87 34. 83 i 142. 02 i During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was slightly above the city average, and was above it for the foreign, but was much below it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans, being 15.11 as against 15.96 for the Americans and 22.02 for the Irish. Malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, consumption, diseases of the liver, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Myrtle, Washington, La Fayette, and South Portland avenues, and line of latter continued through Washington park. Area 112 acres, 15 acres of which were included in Washington park. The population was 6,213 and the number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the park area, was 61.05. This district contained for the most part line residences. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 211 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. UN';1^5 ™e.r.5 The city District B 25. 00 93. 78 16.03 63.38 25.48 91.92 16. 97 63. 75 24. 66 94. 99 14.12 02. 71 22. 26 14.67 54. 96 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,009 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— navia. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scand U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 32.42 ; 16.95 29.91 19.38 Under 15 i years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45. 76 27. 63 13.89 14.19 43.84 25. 46 22. 68 10. 96 44.31 27. 78 15.46 11.59 45.50 9.13 7. 44 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and.croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid iever. Consump- Malarial tiou. fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District B 164.42 58.98 282. 58 75.06 23.13 303.24 1 32.62 34.85 142.08 j 40.21 48. 27 72.38 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.44 for the Scandinavians, 10.96 for the Irish, 11.59 for the Germans, 14.19 for the Americans, and 19.3S for the English. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by La Fayette, Washington, Atlantic, and South Portland avenues. Area, 112 acres; population, 7,880; number of persons to the acre, 70.36. The buildings were principally private dwellings, with some tenements inhabited by a small colored population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. i Under 5 TotaL years. Total. Ul,der 5 years. The city District C 25. 00 18.07 93. 78 76.04 25.48 91.92 19.12 93.14 24. 66 94. 99 16. 07 60.12 22.26 17. 92 54.96 83.33 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Scandinavia. Italy. Under 15 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 45.76 10.89 38. 81 14.11 43. 84 45.58 22.68 19. 52 44. 31 35. 35 15. 46 10. 49 45. 50 31. 75 9.13 6. 76 53. 62 27.21 7. 89 3.06 212 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid Consuinp- fever. tion. Cancer and tumor. Heart disease and dropsy. The city District C 164.42 60. 41 282. 58 126.82 22.13 303.24 8. 45 249. 42 48. 27 59.18 131.16 150. 07 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 3.06 as against 6.76 for the Scandinavians, 10.49 for the Germans, 14.11 for the Americans, and 19.52 for the Irish. Cancer and tumor and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 21. This ward contained 475 acres, 4,814 dwellings, and a total population of 50,118, making an average of 105.51 persons and 10.13 dwellings to the acre, with 10.41 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into five districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Flushing, Marcy, Myrtle, and Bedford avenues. Area, 71 acres; population, 9,982; number of persons to the acre, 140.59. Tenements predominated in this district which contained a considerable German population. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. 1 lltler 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 25. 00 25. 86 93.78 82. 58 25. 48 91. 92 37. 26 113. 04 24.66 21.53 94. 99 68. 87 22.26 20. 06 51.96 36. 59 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 22. 08 22. 56 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 32.42 32. 54 15 years and over. Under 15 years. i5 years and over. The city District A 45.76 13.80 53. 95 13. 04 43.84 36. 73 44. 31 24.62 15.40 11.09 16. 95 13.13 53. 62 26. 01 7.89 5. 38 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal ' Typhoid diseases. \ i'ever. Consump- Whooping tion. i measles- cough. The city District A 164.42 158. 62 282. 58 23.13 330. 02 15.29 303. 24 17. 71 26.18 286.66 26.76 | 28.67 During the G-year period the death rate in this district was slightly below the city average, but was considerably above it for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Italians, being 5.38 as against 11.69 for the Germans, 13.01 for the Americans, and 22.56 for the Irish. Diarrheal diseases, measles, and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was 210.22 per 100,000 of population as against 179.01, the city average. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Myrtle, Marcy, La Fayette, and Bedford avenues. Area, 80 acres; population, 6,697; number of persons to the acre, 83.71. This district contained first class residences. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN.- 213 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Uncit year II Both parents native, r 5 One or both parents foreign. Total. 22. 26 23. 29 Under 5 years. 54. 96 9.80 S. I Total. U,1,ler5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The citv District B 25. 00 23. 55 93.78 25.48 91.92 93.39 25.84 98.15 24. 66 20. 67 94. 99 87. 52 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BOHN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and W ales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 ; and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 15.46 13. 72 Under 15 years. 32.42 28. 30 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The citv District B 45. 76 13.89 42.30 16. 94 43. 84 22. 68 38.14 21. 98 44.31 39. 68 16.95 ' 22.63 29. 86 34. 72 16.41 22. 36 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- Malarial Heart disease tion. fever. and dropsy. The city District B 164.42 148.12 282. 58 213.64 23.13 31.33 303.24 32.62 131.16 259.21 39.88 219.34 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents, and for the foreign. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Germans, being 13.72 as against 16.94 for the Americans and 21.98 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, whooping cough, heart disease and dropsy, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Flushing avenue, Broadway, and Sumner, Myrtle, and Marcy avenues. Area, 92 acres; population, 14,918; number of persons to the acre, 162.15. The population of this district was largely German, living in tenements, which class of buildings predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. • Total. Under 5 years. The city Dist riot C 25.00 32. 04 93. 78 108.03 25.48 39.78 91.92 103. 59 24.66 29.86 94.99 109.93 22. 26 22.18 54. 96 102.15 AREAS. I DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States Ireland, (white). Germany. England and Wales. Russia and Poland. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District C 15. 70 57.83 13. 89 43. 84 14. 75 65. 82 22.68 34.53 44. 31 48. 97 I - 15.46 i 17.31 32. 42 32.11 16. 95 11.87 27. 03 1G. 20 5.85 2. 87 214 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT C—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid j Consump- lever. tion. i Whooping Cancer and cough. tumor. 164.42 241. 68 282. 58 395.12 23.13 303.24 16. 62 364.43 26.18 48.27 31. 97 60.10 District C During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents and for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was lowest among the Russians, of whom there were 133 on June 1, 1890, being 2.87 as against 14.75 for the Americans, 17.31 for the Germans, and 34.53 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, consumption, whooping cough, cancer and tumor, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The number of stillbirths per 100,000 of population was 259.58 as against 179.01, the city average. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by Myrtle, Sumner, La Fayette, and Marcy avenues. Area, 100 acres; population, 7,312; number of persons to the acre, 73.12. The district contained a good class of residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Jfative. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. 22.26 18.25 Under 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. years. 54.96 37. 04 Tlie city District D 25. 00 16.43 93. 78 65.15 25. 48 16.14 91.92 62. 63 24. 66 16.91 94.99 69.60 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. En«rd *»«*■»>• Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 1 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and i over. Under 15 years ! Under 15 and [ 15 years, over. years. 15 years and over. The city District D 45. 76 28. 67 13.89 13.69 43.84 22.68 7.88 18. 93 44.31 40.26 j 15.46 12.05 , 32.42 16.95 29.86 9.35 16.28 5.95 ’ 16.41 20.83 A REAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- Malarial Cancer and j tion. fever. tumor. The city District I) 164.42 96. 52 282. 58 23.13 127. 82 26.09 303.24 32. 62 177. 39 46. 96 48.27 49.56 During tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.05 for the Germans, 13.60 for the Americans, and 18.93 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by Broadway, La Fayette, and Sumner avenues. Area, 132 acres; population, 11,209; number of persons to the acre, 84.92. This district contained private dwellings and tenements in about equal proportions. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 215 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. ,r.„, 1 Under 5 rotaL 1 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 25. 00 23. 28 93. 78 84.30 25.48 91. 92 24. 84 78. 84 1 24. 66 22. 21 94.99 88. 42 22.26 20.38 54. 96 16. 67 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and 0 , , Wales. Scotland. il _ Under 15 years 15 and years, over. I Under 15 years 15 and years. J over. Under 15 years. 15 years i and over. Under 15 years Under 15 and 15 years. ! over. years. 15 years and over. The city District E 45. 76 13. 89 38.71 13.90 43. 84 22. 68 41.67 20.02 44.31 43. 37 15.46 14. 59 32.42 16.95 29.86 24.85 15.45 26.32 !i 16. 41 23. 33 DEATH RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet and croup. diseases. fever. tion. fever. Malarial fever. The city District E 164.42 282.58 23.13 j 303.24 ; 42.48 129.34 270.60 18.72 : 243.37 44.25 32.62 49.35 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, especially for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 13.90 for the Americans, 14.59 for the Germans, and 20.02 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, malarial fever, childbirth, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 22. Tlie total area of this ward was 1,355 acres, Prospect park, with an area of 514 acres, being located in this ward. Excluding the park area, there were 841 acres containing (1,170 dwellings with a total population of 50,250, the number of persons to the acre being 59.75 and the number to each dwelling 8.14, with 7.34 dwellings to the acre. Except along the eastern boundary of the ward and in the vicinity of the Gowanus canal, the land was well elevated, being mostly above the 40-foot level and rising very uniformly to about 175 feet. The ward was subdivided into six sanitary districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Flatbush and Ninth avenues, Union street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 145 acres; population, 14,122; number of persons to the acre, 97.39. This district contained considerable vacant land, which was rapidly being improved, and tin* buildings were principally residences of the first class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 25. 00 14. 7G 03.78 52. 69 25.48 14.71 91.92 47.21 24. 66 14.82 94. 99 58.74 22. 26 13. 68 54. 96 24.69 216 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. areas. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District A 45.76 25. 68 13.89 10.88 43.84 24.84 22. 68 13,26 44.31 35. 92 15. 46 9. 76 32.42 11.52 16. 95 12.05 45. 50 21.14 9.13 5.63 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. ! Old age. The city District A 164. 42 96.95 282. 58 123. 00 23.13 18. 81 3C3. 24 160. 62 230.06 : 31.37 109. 97 | 47. 75 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 5.63 for the Scandinavians, 9.76 for the Germans, 10.88 for the Americans, and 13.26 for the Irish. Old age caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Union street, Ninth avenue, Third street, Fifth avenue, First street, and Fourth avenue. Area, 136 acres; population, 5,984; number of persons to the acre, 44.00. The characteristics of this district were similar to those of district A. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: , AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. 54. 96 66.67 | Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25.00 14.56 93. 78 55.43 25.48 14. 02 91.92 46. 23 24. 66 15. 27 94.99 70.18 22.26 13.51 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. U y ndc-r 15 ears. 15 years and over. The city District B 45. 76 24.95 13.89 9. 20 43. 84 28.17 22. 68 16.59 44.31 31. 84 15.46 7.22 32.42 34.48 16.95 9.80 15. 50 14.48 9.13 3.25 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Childbirth. The city District B 164.42 126. 34 282. 58 122.93 23.13 17.07 303. 24 198. 05 230. 06 112. 68 20. 02 10.24 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was very much below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 3.25 for the Scandinavians, 7.22 for the Germans, 0.20 for the Americans, 0.80 for the English, and 16.50 for the Irish. The death rates from all specified causes were below the average. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 217 Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Third street, Ninth avenue, Ninth street, and Fifth avenue. Area, 112 acres; population, 4,390; number of persons to the acre, 39.20. This district was similar in character to the preceding districts in this ward. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 25.00 15. 70 93. 78 50.15 25.48 17.05 91.92 58.51 24.66 13. 56 94. 99 39. 01 22. 26 . 17.87 54.96 83. 33 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 115 years 15 j and years, over. The city District C 45. 76 30.45 13. 89 11.98 43.84 36.11 22. 68 16. 36 44. 31 25. 00 15.46 12. 87 32.42 15.43 16. 95 14. 83 45. 50 9. 13 55.56 | 8. 59 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. Con sump- Pneilmonia. tion. Cancer and tumor. The citv District C 164.42 125.66 282. 58 134. 97 23.13 27.93 303. 24 | 230. 06 139.63 i 121.01 48.27 03. 81 During the 6-year period the deatli rate in this district was much below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 8.59 for the Scandinavians, 11.98 for the Americans, 12.87 for the Germans, and 10.36 for the Irish. Typhoid fever and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D (includes Prospect park).—Bounded by Ninth street, Ninth avenue, Prospect park line, Cityline, and Prospect and Fifth avenues. Area, including Prospect park, 710 acres (excluding the park, 196 acres), containing a population of 12,378, giving 63.15 persons to the acre. This district occupied high land with a uniform slope, and contained many fine residences. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. • DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. i^n. Native. Fori Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District D 25.00 19. 62 93.78 67.89 25. 48 18.47 91.92 63.15 24. 66 20. 80 94.99 72. 68 22. 26 19. 88 54. S6 68.18 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 ; and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. ! The city j District D 45. 76 36. 62 13. 89 9.95 43.84 22. 68 38.23 19. 87 44. 31 33.95 15.46 13.19 32. 42 22. 76 16.95 13.05 29.86 18. 75 16.41 9. 8!) 218 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. Consump- tion. Childbirth. Diseases of the liver. 164. 42 282. 58 23.13 303. 24 20. 02 35.95 District D 181.59 216. 26 9.90 214.61 21.46 37.97 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 9.89 for the Scotch, 9.95 for the Americans, 13.19 for the Germans, and 19.87 for the Irish. Diphtheria and croup, childbirth, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by First street, Fifth avenue, Ninth street, and Gowauus canal. Area, 123 acres; population, 2,640; number of persons to the acre, 21.46. This district occupied the lowest tract of land in the ward, being almost entirely within the limits of the original swamp, extending northward from Gowanus bay. A large portion of the district was entirely under water at high tide. The buildings in this district were principally tenements, with some factories. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: arp:as. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District E 25. 00 93. 78 28. 78 100. 79 25.48 35. 22 91.92 121.86 24. 66 24. 54 94.99 88.54 22.26 31.83 54. 96 125. 00 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). < Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and , over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District E 45. 76 57.86 13.89 16. 59 43. 84 44. 69 22.68 29. 43 44.31 80. 73 15.46 22.86 32. 42 59.14 16. 95 14. 39 45.50 33.33 9.13 7.14 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Scarlet fever. Malarial fever. The city District E — 164.42 270. 94 282. 58 278.68 23.13 38. 71 303.24 294.16 42.48 54.19 32. 62 46.45 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much above the city average. For those 15 years of age aud upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.14 for the Scandinavians, 14.39 for the English, 16.59 for the Americans, and 29.43 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, diphtheria and croup, measles, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The proportion of stillbirths was very great, being 464.47 per 100,000 of population as against 179.01, the city average. Sanitary district F.—Bounded by Ninth street, Fifth avenue, Prospect avenue, and Gowauus canal. Area, 129 acres; population, 10,736; number of persons to the acre, 83.22. A large portion of this district lying west of Third avenue was originally marsh land. East of Third avenue the ground rises gradually to about 90 feet above sea level. The district contained private dwellings and tenements in about equal numbers. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 219 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. year s. "8 5 Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District F 25. 00 2G. 50 93. 98. 25.48 26. 88 91.92 93.80 24. 66 94.99 26.21 101.87 22.26 25.90 54. 96 114. 04 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. Canada. Italy. "Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 | and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District F 45. 76 47.65 13. 89 14. 72 43. 84 22. 68 58.12 27.10 44.31 47. 52 15.46 13.48 33. 44 28.41 14.33 11.81 53. 62 53.76 7.89 20. 55 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. C01thmni>' Pntmrnonia. Scarlet fever. The city District F 164.42 226. 51 282. 58 308. 36 23.13 303. 24 230. 06 279.81 215.55 42.48 74.23 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 11.81 for the Canadians, of whom there were 155 on June 1, 1890; 13.48 for the Germans; 14.72 for the Americans; 20.55 for the Italians, of whom there were 90 on June 1, 1890; and 27.10 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, diphtheria and croup, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, childbirth, and diseases of the nervous system caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 23. The area of this ward was 422 acres, including one park of about 8 acres; the total population was 29,348 in 4,257 dwellings, the number of persons to each dwelling being G.89 and the number of persons to the acre 70.89. The ward was subdivided into three districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by La Fayette, Sumner, Gates, and Bedford avenues. Area, 134 acres, 8 acres of which were included in one park. The population was 9.553, and the number of persons to the acre, exclusive of the park area, was 75.82. This district was residential, and the character of the dwellings was of the best. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. « Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city District A 25.00 18.75 93.78 73. 63 25.48 19.87 91.92 74. 45 24. 66 16. 27 94. 99 71.93 22. 26 20. 36 54. 96 55. 56 220 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, j over. ; Under 15 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District A .... 45. 76 13. 89 34.02 | 15.40 ; 43. 84 22. 68 41.97 18.21 44.31 31.13 15.46 9. 63 32. 42 15. 33 16. 95 16.46 29.86 16.41 7.25 25.77 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- j Malarial tion. fever. Cancer and tumor. The city District. A 164.42 95. 05 282. 58 157. 70 23.13 28. 08 303. 24 32. 62 207.39 38. 89 48. 27 66.97 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 9.63 for the Germans, 15.40 for the Americans, and 18.21 for the Irish. Malarial fever, cancer and tumor, and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Gates avenue, Sumner avenue, Hancock street, and Bedford avenue. Area, 134 acres; population, 9,479; number of persons to the acre, 70.74. This was also a residential district, containing private dwellings of the best class. The death rates in this district,*compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. !_ Total. Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25.00 17. 52 93. 78 60. 08 25.48 i 91.92 17.98 58.58 24.66 16.31 94.99 63.76 22. 26 54. 90 14.00 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE HORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years. 15 years Under and 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. u 15 years and | over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District B 45. 76 27.15 13.89 | 43! 84 14. 76 39. 06 22.68 11.33 44.31 | 15.46 22.11 10.09 32. 42 41.03 16.95 17.90 29. 86 25. 00 16.41 20. 20 ■ AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid fever. C°t?dnT' Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District B 164.42 282. 58 89. 25 : 82. 72 23.13 69. 66 303.24 j 213.34 , 230.06 145. 86 32. 62 28. 30 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.09 for the Germans, 11.33 for the Irish, 14.76 for the Americans, and 17.90 for the English. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 221 Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Hancock street, Sumner avenue, Fulton street, Albany, Atlantic, and Franklin avenues, Brevoort place, and Bedford avenue. Area, 154 acres; population, 10,316; number of persons to the acre, 66.99. This district was residential in character, and the dwellings may be classed as of the best in the city. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Nat .vc. Foreign. AREAS. Total. 25. 00 16.51 Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents ; foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under5 years. Total. The city District C 93. 78 60. 10 25.48 91.92 16. 92 60.32 24.66 i 94.99 15. 09 74. 07 22. 26 16. 92 54.96 30.30 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — United States T . , „ (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Canada. Under 15 years Under 115years Under 15 and 15 and 15 years. over. years, over. years. 15 years and over. Und 15 yeai 32. 20. er 15 years and s. , over. Under 15 years 15 | and years, j over. The city 45.70 13.89 43.84 22.68 44.31 District C 29.03 j 12.95 48.65 16.25 i 56.09 15. 46 5. 51 42 16.95 62 15.59 33.44 14.33 4.90 j 9.17 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Heart disease find dropsy. The city 164.42 282.58 23.13 303.24 District C . 96.03 102.03 28.01 214.06 230. 06 142.04 131. 16 138. 04 _ During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 5.51 for the Germans, 12.95 for the Americans, and 1C.25 for the Irish. Typhoid fever and heart disease and dropsy caused more than the average proportion of deaths. WARD 24. This ward had a total area of 1,181 acres, the number of dwellings was 2,110, containing a total population ot 1C,771, the number of persons to the acre being 14.20 and the number to each dwelling 7.95. This ward was all good, high ground, being almost entirely above the 60-foot level, ranging up to about 150 feet, and the grade being, for the most part, moderate and uniform. The ward was subdivided into live districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn avenue, Park place, and Franklin avenue. Area, 131 acres; population, 3,555; number of persons to the acre, 27.14. The district was residential in character, with a good class of private dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. • Native. Foreign. AREAS. Total. Under 5 years. Both ])arents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. Total. Under 5 years. The city 25.00 District A 1 15.78 98. 78 63. 38 25. 48 14.49 91.92 49. 38 24.66 18.68 94.99 | 87. 61 22. 26 15. 93 54. 96 222 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT A—Continued. AREAS- DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. ■Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 vears and over. The city District A 15.70 21.55 13.89 12. 06 43.84 32. 05 22.68 14.18 44. 31 51.85 15.46 10.91 32.42 ; 16.95 37. 63 22. 46 45.50 9.13 3. 33 • AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO Diphtheria and crotip. Diarrheal Typhoid diseases. fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District A 104. 42 04.11 282. 58 79. 58 23.13 34.11 303. 24 221. 69 230. 06 85. 27 32. 62 11.37 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 10.91 for the Germans, 12.06 for the Americans, and 14.18 for the Irish. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by Atlantic avenue, Utica avenue, Park place, and Brooklyn avenue. Area, 162 acres; population, 6,210; number of persons to the acre, 38.33. This district was also residential in character, the dwellings being of the good class. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AKEAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. iign. Native. Fort To,,,. Both parents native, r 5 One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 years. s. “”>• C,"S5 ' _.i Total. Under 5 years. The city District B 25.00 93.78 25.48 91.92 20.30 98.98 1 29.29 141.76 24.66 14.09 94.99 72. 77 22. 20 15. 73 54.96 95. 24 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. I England and Wales. Italy. Under 15 yea 15 ant years, ovei i rs 9 7 Under 15 years 15 and years, over. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. \ over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. 53. 02 7. 89 The city District B 45. 70 13. 8 39. 01 15. 3 43.84 22.68 16. 22 13.15 44.31 28.32 15.46 16. 72 32. 42 16. 95 20.65 8.93 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Malarial Diseases of fever. 1 the liver. The city District B 104.42 126. 90 282. 58 341. 60 23.13 16. 27 303. 24 188. 73 32. 62 35.95 35. 79 58. 57 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 8.93 for the English, 13.15 for the Irish, 15.37 for the Americans, and 16.72 for the Germans. Malarial fever, diarrheal diseases, cancer and tumor, heart disease and dropsy, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 223 Sanitary district C.—Bounded by Atlantic avenue, Howard avenue, Park place, and Utica avenue. Area, 131 acres; population; 2,081, number of persons to the acre, 15.89. This district contained principally private dwellings, with a considerable number of tenement houses. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. VyS, Both parents native. ■ 5 One or both parents foreign. , Total Under 5 10ta1' years. s. Total. Under 5 years. The city District C 25.00 93.78 25.48 28.81 104.35 35.86 91.92 125. 60 24. 66 94. 99 25. 57 94. 77 22.26 54. 90 22.97 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN'— breign tries/ United States (white). Ireland. rs or- ! En«,“"1 Other coun Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 yea 15 and years, over Under 15 years Under 15 years 15 and 15 \ and years. over. years, over. i ‘ Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city 45.76 13.89 District C 55.99 11.23 43. 84 22.68 34.01 21.49 44.31 15.40 32.42 16.95 75.00 18.89 31.25 12.30 56.11 33.33 18. 96 7. 75 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Scarlet Cancer and and croup. diseases. fever. tion. fever. tumor. The city District C 1 j i 164.42 282.58 23.13 303.24 42.48 48.27 145.69 359.36 48.56 291.38 87.41 77.70 During' tlie 6-year period the death rate in this district was above the city average, especially for the native white of native parents under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 11.23 for the Americans, 18.89 for the Germans, and 21.19 for the Irish. Scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diarrheal diseases, pneumonia, measles, cancer and tumor, diseases of the liver, diseases of the nervous system, and diseases of the urinary organs caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district I).—Bounded by Atlantic avenue, East New York avenue, Park place, and Howard avenue. Area, 103 acres; population, 1,683; number of persons to the acre, 16.34. This district was mostly suburban in character, and contained small dwellings. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. Total. Vm\er 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 10,01. Total. Under 5 years. J- o Lai. years. Tlie city District D 25. 00 93. 78 11.30 41.97 25.48 91.92 j 14.32 41.67 24. 66 9.93 94. 99 42.19 22. 26 7.11 54.96 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— 'United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Other foreign countries. Under j 15 years 15 i and years, over. Under 15 years 15 j and years. over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. The city District D 45. 76 13. 89 19. 42 5.08 43. 84 22. 68 11. 42 6. 04 44. 31 30. 00 15. 46 8. 33 32. 42 15. 63 16. 95 4. 76 56.11 41.67 18.96 10.10 224 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT D—Continued. DEATH KATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid i'ever. Consump- tion . Pneumonia. The city 164.42 District D 84.05 282. 58 144. 09 23. 13 24. 02 303. 24 132.08 230. 06 32. 62 90. 06 12. 01 During the 6 year period the death rate in this district was lower than in any other district in the city. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 5.08 for the Americans, 6.04 for the Irish, and 8.33 for the Germans. Typhoid fever caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by Park place, East New York avenue, city line, and Franklin avenue. Area, 654 acres; population, 3,242; number of persons to the acre, 4.96. This district contained a large amount of vacant territory and occupied the highest ground in the ward. It was suburban in character, and the dwellings were generally small. Kings county penitentiary was located in this district, and it also contained a large street car stable. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1.000 WHITE POPULATION. . Native. Foreign. rp 4. 1 Under 5 lotal- years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Under 5 Total. Underf> j years. ™«i. 'SfS'5 years. The citv 25. 00 93. 78 19.78 91.81 25.48 91.92 23.04 114.23 24. 66 94. 99 17. 91 78. 23 22. 26 14.54 54. 96 | j j j DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. E"$2i?“d Italy. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years Under 15 and ] 15 years. over. years. ,15 years Under and 15 over. ; years. !| '■ 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District E 45.76 13.89 53. 45 6. 84 43.84 22.68 44.31 28.42 13.36 62.50 i 15.46 32.42 6.64 23.81 16.95 10. 67 53. 62 7.89 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. C'on sump - tion. Pneumonia. Dti«ea.8,‘s of the liver. The city 1G4.42 282.58 23.13 303.24 District E 124.66 193.22 18.70 224.38 230. 06 35. 95 143. 36 43. 63 During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the average, but was above it for the native white of native parents under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 6.84 for the Americans, 6.64 for the Germans, and 13.36 for the Irish. Diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. The area of this ward was 818 acres, with 5,937 dwellings and a total population of 44,638, making an average of 54.57 persons to the acre, with 7.2C dwellings to the acre and 7.52 persons to each dwelling. The ward was subdivided into five districts. Sanitary district A.—Bounded by Reid avenue. Halsey street, Patclien avenue, Fulton street, Buffalo, Atlantic, and Albany avenues, Fulton street, and Sumner and Putnam avenues. Area. 219 acres; population, 12,584; number of persons to the acre, 57.46. This was a residential district with a good class of dwellings. WARD 25. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 225 The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION, AREAS. Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Iot„ Under S 1 Total Under 5 * years. Total. 24. 66 21.66 Under 5 years. The city District A 25.00 22.13 93.78 90.06 25. 48 91. 92 22.45 94.90 94. 99 84. 16 22.26 54. 96 20.70 41.67 DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scandinavia. U nder 15 years. 15 years and over. U nder 15 years. 15 years Under and ; 15 over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. U nder 15 years 15 and years, over. The city 45. 76 District A 41.64 13.89 12.95 43. 84 55.13 22.68 44. 31 22. 18 39. 54 15. 46 13.75 32.42 16.95 35.46 17.04 45.50 9.13 53. 57 12. 50 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Malarial fever. The city District A 164.42 152.17 282.58 241. 08 23.13 35. 90 303. 24 249. 62 230. 06 237. 66 32. 62 39. 32 During the O-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 12.95 for the Americans, 13.75 for the Germans, and 22.18 for the Irish. Typhoid fever, malarial fever, pneumonia, and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district B.—Bounded by La Fayette, Reid, Putnam, and Sumner avenues. Area, 117 acres; population, 8,065; number of persons to the acre, 74.00. Private residences predominated in this district. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH HATES PER 1,000 WHITE POP11.ATION Native. Foreign. Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. Total. Under 5 years. One or both parents foreign. 1 — 1 Under 5 i years. The city District B 25. 00 16. 62 93.78 57. 62 25.48 91.92 17. 24 57. 26 ! 24. 66 94. 99 14.8> 58.10 12.26 | 54. 96 L7. 96 133.33 DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN — AREAS. United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. * Under jl5 years 15 ! and years, over. Under Il5 years 15 | and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years. over. The city District B 45.76 27. 07 13.89 12. 13 43.84 i 22.68 45.74 | 15.78 i 44.31 28.74 15. 40 9.58 32.42 16.95 30. 30 14. 81 29. 86 16. 41 33.33 16.41 226 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT B—Continued. DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— AREAS. Diphtheria and croup. Diarrheal diseases. Typhoid fever. COnoTP' Pneumonia. Cancer and tumor. The city 1(54.42 282. 58 28.13 303. 24 230.06 48. 27 District B 106. 77 188. 72 27.31 176.30 156.44 49.66 During the 0-year period the death rate in this district was considerably below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 9.58 for the Germans, 12.13 for the Americans, and 15.78 for the Irish. Typhoid fever and cancer and tumor caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district C.—Bounded by La Fayette avenue, Broadway, Halsey street, and Reid avenue. Area. 102 acres; population, S,890; number of persons to the acre, 54.91. As in the preceding district, private residences predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. ™.i- Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Total. Un,ler 5 years. 22. 26 54. 96 25.24 125.00 | Total, i r5 years. Total. j Under 5 years. 25.00 : 03. 78 19.13 j 70. 18 25.48 j 91.92 18. 02 | 67. 03 24. 66 21.35 94.99 95. 68 District G AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England and Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. | Under 15 years 15 and years, over. Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city District C 45.76 13.89 32.56 , 11.24 43. 84 22. 68 59.80 21.63 44.31 55. 91 15. 46 13. 98 32.42 16.95 47. 37 23.65 29.86 16.41 22.22 ; 13.02 AREAS. DEjMU'H RATES PER 100.000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid and croup. diseases. fever. Consump- Mala tion. fevt rial V. 2.61 5. i>: Childbirth. The city District C 164.42 282.58 23.13 147.54 . 229.77 ! 19.35 303.24 \ : 237.02 , 1 20. 02 21.77 During the (3-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the/ foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers it was 11.24 for the Americans, 13.98 for the Germans, and 21.03 for the Irish. Malarial fever, childbirth, and diseases of the liver caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district D.—Bounded by Saratoga, Atlantic, and Buffalo avenues, Fulton street, Patclien avenue,, and Halsey street. Area, 154 acres; population, 7,948; number of persons to the acre, 51.01., This was a residential district entirely. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 227 The death rates for this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign Total. Under 5 years. Both parents native. One or both pare foreign. nts • 5 s Total. Under 5 years Total. Unde year The city District I) 25.00 23.22 93. 78 81.37 25.48 28. 86 91.92 92.43 24. 66 19.09 94. 99 72. 94 22. 26 54. 90 21.11 * 27.78 AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England aud Wales. Scandinavia. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 and years. : over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. Under 15 years 15 i and years. | over. The city District I) 45.76 46.64 13.89 11.26 43.84 22.68 25.70 17.37 44. 31 36.87 15.46 17.33 32 42 34.27 16 95 10 88 45.50 9 13 22. 22 13 73 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO — AREAS. Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. : diseases. Typhoid fever. Consump- tion. Measles. Childbirth. The city District D 104.42 282.58 159.71 308.59 23.13 8.12 303 24 322.13 17.71 21. 06 20.02 29. 78 During' the 6-year period the death rate in this district was below the city average, but was above it for the native white of native parents. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 11.26 for the Americans, 17.33 for the Germans, and 17.37 for the Irish. Diarrheal diseases, consumption, measles, and childbirth caused more than the average proportion of deaths. Sanitary district E.—Bounded by Broadway, East New York, Atlantic, and Saratoga avenues, and Halsey street. Area, 166 acres; population, 6,515; number of persons to the acre, 39.43. Private residences predominated. The death rates in this district, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS DEATH RATES PER 1,000 WHITE PO P ELATION. Native. Foreign. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 j ! , Total. Under 5 1 years. years. ; The city District E 25. 0.) . 93. 78 15. :S5 54.02 25 48 15. 99 91.92 56. 13 : 24.66 14. 67 94. 99 22.20 51. 55 10. 48 : ! 54. 90 13.89 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland, Germany. England and' Wales. Scotland. Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years Under 15 years! 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and years, j over. years, over. years. over. years, j over. years. I over. The city 45.76 : 13.89 43.84 22.68 44.31 15.40 32.42 16.95 29.86 10.41 District E 27.04 7.52 ! 31 .25 j 14.30 33. 33 12.37 13.29 11.43 38.46 11.11 228 VITAL STATISTICS. SANITARY DISTRICT E—Continued. AREAS. DEATH BATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal and croup. diseases. Typhoid lever. Consump- tion. Pneumonia. Whooping cough. The city District E 164.42 282.58 82.18 ; 177.51 23.13 19. 72 303. 24 147.93 230. 06 144. 64 26.18 36. i6 : During the 6-year period the death rate in this district was much below the city average. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 7.52 for the Americans, 12.37 for the Germans, and 14.30 for the.Irish. Whooping cough caused more than the a verage proportion of deaths. WARD 26. This ward, which formed a part of the town of New Lots prior to annexation, was the largest in the city, and. measured to the city limits on Jamaica bay, contained 4,225 acres. There were several cemeteries in the district, aggregating 157 acres. Of the total area given above, very nearly 1,000 acres along the water front constituted a salt water marsh or meadow. The number of dwellings was 4,412 and the total population was 29,505. Excluding the cemetery area, there was an average of 7.25 persons to the acre. In what is known as u Brownsville”, in this district, was a large settlement of Russian and Polish Jews. The •dwellings were generally small and many of them frame. The death rates in this ward, compared with the average rates for the city, were as follows: AREAS. DEATH KATES PER 1,000 WHITE POPULATION. Native. Foreign. 'yls;5 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 5 lotal. years. **»• 'years.5 Total. 1 Under 5 years. The city Ward 20 25. 00 OIL 78 21. 59 74. 30 25.48 91.92 23.10 77.60 1 24. 60 20.53 94.99 71.92 22.26 54.96 18.90 61.40 AREAS. DEATH RATES PER 1,000 PERSONS WHOSE MOTHERS WERE BORN IN— United States (white). Ireland. Germany. England ai Wales. id ars d ,1*. Russia and Poland. ITider 15 years 15 and years. over. Under 15 years Under 15 and t 15 years, over. years. 15 years and over. Under 15 yi 15 ai years, ovc Under 15 years 15 and years, over. The city W ard 20 45. 70 13. 89 37.00 10.42 43.84 22.08 44.31 15.46 33.50 20.04 36.19 17.00 32. 42 16. 95 15. 61 15. 24 27.03 5. 85 24.(8 4.04 AREAS. The city Ward 20 DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION DUE TO— Diphtheria Diarrheal Typhoid Consump- Malarial Whopping and croup. diseases. fever. tion. fever. cough. 104.42 282.58 23.13 303.24 32.62 26.18 127.41 239.80 21.35 230.01 54.09 30.01 i During the 6-year period the death rate in this ward was below the city average, but was above it for the foreign children under 5 years of age. For those 15 years of age and upward, according to birthplaces of mothers, it was 4.64 for the Russians and Poles, 10.42 for the Americans, 17.00 for the Germans, and 20.04 for the Irish. Malarial fever and whooping cough caused more than the average proportion of deaths. 7 ELEVENTH CENSUS OFTHE UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. M 0 RTA LITY. LEGEND Under 20 per 1000 20 to 24 „ 24 „ 27 „ 27 „ 30 „ 30 , 33 , 33 and over,, „ MAP OJ? THE CITY of BROOKLYN,N Y, SHOWING RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE TOTAL POPULATION in different districts DURING THE SIXYKARS ENDING JUNE 1ST 1890. St^]e UTH A HOEN S CO. BALTIMORE 8 t L LVtN1H CENSUS 0T THE U NITED ST AT E S ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. M O RTA LITY. LEGEND Under 80 per 1000 80 to 100 „ 100 „ 110 „ HO „ 120 „ 120 „ 140 * 140 and oven „ MAP OF THE CITY of BROOKLYN,N.Y, showing- RELATIVE DEATH RATES OF THE T O TAL P O PU LAP 10 N UNDER 5 YEAR S OF AGE in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1ST L 8 9 0 . £ca.le LITH. A. HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE. 1 MILE 9 ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. M O RTA LITY. LEGEND Under 200 per. 100.000 ! 200 to 250 „ 250 „ 300 300 „ 350 „ 350 „ 400 „ 400 and over „ „ MAP OJ? THE CITY of BROOKLYN,N.Y, SHOWING AVERAGE ANTNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CONSUMPTION in diffei’ent districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1st 18 9 0. 1 MILE =1 LITH. 4. HOEN & CO BALTIMORE 10 —crxrt v c. in i n—o t ino u d u t I H t UNITED STATES ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. M O RTA LITY. LEGEND Under 140 per 100,000 140 to 180 „ „ 180 „ 220 „ „ 2 20 „ 260 „ 260 „ 300 „ „ 300 and over,, „ MAP Of THE CITY of BROOKLYN,N.Y, SHOWJNG AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO PXETJMOINIA in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1st 189 0. cjc^le LITH A.HOEN & CO. BALTIMORE. 1 MILE 11 ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. MORTALITY. LEGEND Under 150 per 100,000 150 to 225 „ „ 225 „ 300 „ „ 300 „ 350 „ „ 350 „ 425 „ 42 5 and over „ „ MAP OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN,N.Y, SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DTJK TO DIARRHEAL DISEASES in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1st 1890. I MILE. UTH.A.HOEN JL«C ROBERT P. PORTER SUPERINTENDENT. MORTALITY. LEGEND Under 100 per 100.000 100 to 140 „ „ 140 „ 180 „ 180 „ 220 „ 220 „ 250 „ „ 250 and over,, „ MAP OF THE CITY of BROOKLYN,N Y, SHOWING AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO DIPHTHERIA and CROUP in different districts DURING THE SIX YEARS ENDING JUNE 1st 1890. £50**6 UTH.A.HOEN * CO. BALTIMORE 1MILE GENERAL TABLES. 229 230 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 78.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. AGGREGATE. WHITE. All ages. Under o years. 5 years and over. Total. Native born. All ages. 1 « t Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Total. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. 1 Total 1.515,301 164,680 1.350, 615 1,489,627 162, 994 1.326, 633 852,641 156, 993 695, 648 2 Ward 1 11,122 1,055 10, 007 10, 971 1,051 9, 920 5,888 1,038 4, 850 3 A 8, 129 817 7,312 8.105 817 7,288 4, 189 804 3,385 4 B 2, 521 199 2, 322 2,411 195 2, 216 1,394 195 1,199 5 C 472 39 433 455 39 416 305 39 206 c Ward 2 929 47 882 906 46 860 467 46 421 7 Ward 3 3, 765 200 3, 565 3, 735 199 3. 536 2, 085 196 1,889 8 Ward 4 17, 809 1,857 15, 952 17,712 1,853 15,859 9, 401 1,784 7,017 9 A 7,183 641 6, 542 7, 136 641 6. 495 3, 992 630 3, 362 10 B 10, 626 1.216 9,410 10, 576 1,212 9, 364 5, 409 1,154 4,255 11 W ard 5 12, 385 1,308 11,077 12, 304 . 1,308 10, 996 6,855 1,287 5, 568 12 A 7, 259 751 6, 508 7, 244 751 6, 493 4,052 739 3,313 13 B , 5,126 od7 4, 569 5, 060 557 4,503 2, 803 548 2, 255 | 14 Ward 6 23,119 2, 905 20, 214 22, 663 2, 897 19, 766 9,633 2,711 6,922 ! 15 A 1,957 159 1, 798 1,940 159 1.781 969 154 815 10 B 6, 570 813 5, 763 6, 518 813 5, 705 3,216 765 2, 451 17 C 14, 586 1,933 12, 653 14, 205 1,925 12. 280 5,448 1.792 3, 656 18 Ward 7 57, 366 7,214 50,152 57, 290 7.214 50, 076 31,222 6, 883 24, 339 ; 19 A 9, 959 1,224 8, 735 9, 947 1,224 8. 723 5.368 1,166 4, 202 20 B 11.420 1, 501 9,919 11, 417 1,501 9,916 6,610 1,407 5, 203 21 C 22, 484 2. 874 19, 610 22. 437 2, 874 19, 563 11,219 2, 754 8, 465 22 1) 13, 503 1,615 11,888 13, 489 1,615 11,874 8, 025 1,556 6,469 j 23 Ward 8 31,220 3, 443 27,777 30, 483 3,412 27, 071 16. 945 3,321 13, 624 24 A 10. 872 1,055 9, 817 10, 815 1,053 9, 762 6. 594 1,041 5, 553 25 B = 8, 520 1,054 7, 466 8.149 1, 038 7, 111 4, 008 997 3,011 20 C 11,828 1,334 10. 494 11,519 1,321 10,198 6, 343 1,283 5,060 j 27 Ward 9 54, 425 5, 089 49, 336 53, 237 5.008 48. 229 36,725 4, 938 31, 787 I 28 A - 9,137 975 8,162 9,120 975 8,145 6, 196 964 5, 232 j 29 B 21, 230 2, 033 19,197 20, 268 1,958 18, 310 13,951 1,928 12,023 30 C 10, 013 1,128 8. 885 9, 979 1,125 8. 854 6, 699 1, 109 5, 590 ; 31 11 14,045 953 13, 092 13, 870 950 12,920 9,879 937 8, 942 32 Ward 10 57, 596 8, 253 49,343 57. 422 8. 245 49,177 20,040 7,374 12, 066 33 A 30,490 4, 536 25, 954 30, 426 4, 533 25, 893 9, 838 4, 004 5, 834 34 B 27,106 3,717 23, 389 26, 996 3,712 23, 284 10, 202 3, 370 6,832 35 Ward 11 75,426 10, 242 65,184 75, 364 10, 242 65,122 37, 527 9. 679 27, 848 36 A 24, 435 3,772 20. 663 24.404 3, 772 20, 632 8, 968 3. 427 5, 541 j 37 B 19, 785 2, 405 17,380 19, 774 2,405 17, 369 10. 451 2. 297 8, 154 ! 38 C 12. 694 1,664 11.030 12. 683 1,664 11,019 7, 146 1, 595 5,551 ' 39 1) 18,512 2,401 16,111 18,503 2, 401 16,102 10. 962 2, 360 8,602 1 40 Ward 12 245, 046 27, 249 217, 797 240, 820 20. 879 213, 941 155,468 26. 173 129,295 41 A 5,107 395 4. 712 5, 047 394 4,653 3, 503 389 3,114 42 B 13,345 1,232 12,113 13, 278 1,231 12, 047 8,404 1. 220 7,184 43 C 11, 936 1,686 10, 250 11,646 1,643 10. 003 6,471 1. 596 4, 875 44 1) 7,001 778 6,223 6. 989 778 6, 211 4, 538 754 3. 784 | 45 E 10,648 1,336 9.312 10, 600 1,333 9,267 7, 234 1,279 5,955 40 F 8,432 940 7,492 8, 252 913 7, 339 5, 240 891 4, 349 47 G 17, 876 2, 765 15, 111 16,571 2, 607 13.964 8, 766 2,518 6, 248 48 H 6, 669 727 5, 942 6. 588 723 5. 865 4, 555 710 3, 845 j 49 I 23. 358 3,010 20, 348 23. 315 3,010 20, 305 13.828 2,917 10,911 50 K 4,700 482 4,218 4, 687 482 4, 205 3,203 477 2,726 51 L 7,471 766 6, 705 7.419 766 6. 653 5,219 754 4, 465 : 52 M 39, 520 4, 786 34, 734 39, 288 4.771 34.517 24,103 4. 603 19, 500 f 53 N 25, 744 2, 247 23, 497 25, 221 2, 223 22. 998 17,976 2,182 15, 794 54 () 27, 857 2.673 25,184 27, 331 2, 624 24. 707 18, 784 2. 58? 16,201 55 V 4,891 495 4,396 4, 875 494 4, 381 3,069 481 2, 588 50 R 11,328 978 10, 350 11.186 965 10, 221 8, 282 952 7,330 57 s 10, 510 1,686 14,824 15. 968 1,658 14,310 10,615 1,600 9, 009 58 AB 2,653 267 2,386 8, 559 264 2, 295 1,078 261 1,417 59 Ward 13 45, 884 6,991 38, 893 45,' 822 6, 991 38,831 20, 591 6,516 14,075 60 A 27, 064 4, 480 23,184 27. 615 4, 480 23,135 10, 309 4,104 6, 205 61 B 18,220 2,511 15,709 18, 207 2,511 15, 696 10, 282 2, 412 7, 870 62 Ward 14 28. 094 3. 680 24,414 27, 925 3, 671 24. 254 11, 691 3,333 8, 358 63 A 9,181 1,230 7, 951 9,109 1.225 7. 884 3, 886 1,146 2, 740 04 B 18, 913 2, 450 16,463 18,816 2,446 16, 370 7,805 2,187 5, 618 65 Ward 15 25, 399 1,792 23, 607 23, 134 1,625 21. 509 12, 569 1, 554 11,015 66 A 9, 671 941 8. 730 7,907 792 7, 115 3, 786 750 3,036 67 B 4, 759 387 4,372 4. 665 384 4, 281 2, 345 367 1,978 68 C 7, 081 343 6, 738 6, 737 333 6. 404 4, 242 323 3.919 69 1) 3, 888 121 3, 767 3, 825 116 3, 709 2,196 114 2,082 70 Ward 16 49,134 3,928 45, 206 46, 856 3, 783 43, 073 29, 797 3,708 26, 089 71 A 8, 001 950 7.051 7, 968 950 7, 018 5,084 924 4,160 72 B 16, 594 1,307 15, 287 15, 791 1,247 14. 544 10. 029 1,224 8. 805 73 C 6, 834 577 6, 257 6,809 577 6. 232 4, 376 562 3,814 : 74 D 17, 705 1,094 16, 611 16,288 [ 1,009 15, 279 10, 308 998 9, 310 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 231 WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY. PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. r white—continued. COLORED. Native horn —Continued. Foreign born. All ages. f Under 5 years. 5 years and * over. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. All ages. Under 0 years. 5 years and over. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. 270,487 42,185 228, 302 582,154 114,808 467, 346 636. 986 ' 6, 001 630, 985 25,674 1,692 23, 982 1 1.293 323 970 4,595 715 3,880 5,083 13 5,070 151 4 147 2 083 201 482 3,506 603 2,903 3. 916 13 3, 903 24 24 3 381 93 288 1. 013 102 911 1,017 1,017 110 4 106 4 229 29 200 10 66 150 150 17 17 5 159 21 138 308 25 283 439 439 23 1 22 6 738 39 699 1, 347 157 1,190 1. 650 3 1,647 30 1 29 7 2. 045 417 1,628 7, 356 1,367 5. 989 8, 311 69 8,242 97 4 93 8 873 188 685 3,119 442 2, 677 3,144 11 3,133 47 47 9 1, 172 229 943 4,237 925 3,312 5,167 58 5,109 50 4 46 10 1, 453 293 1,160 5, 402 994 4, 408 5,449 21 5, 428 81 81 11 854 188 666 3, 198 551 2. 647 3,192 12 3,180 15 15 12 599 105 494 2,204 443 1,761 2, 257 9 2,248 , 66 66 13 1. 161 200 901 8, 472 2,511 5,961 13, 030 186 12, 844 456 8 448 14 170 25 151 793 129 664 971 5 966 17 17 15 495 104 391 2. 721 661 2. 060 3, 302 48 3, 254 58 58 16 490 71 419 4,958 1,721 3. 237 8,757 133 8, 624 381 8 373 17 1, 553 4 106 25, 563 5, 330 20, 233 26, 068 331 25,737 76 18 853 282 571 4. 515 884 3,631 4, 579 58 4, 521 12 12 19 1,406 423 983 5, 204 984 4, 220 4, 807 94 4,713 3 3 20 1, 436 403 1, 033 9, 783 2. 351 7, 432 11,218 120 11,098 47 47 21 1,904 445 1, 519 6,061 1,111 4,950 5,464 59 5,405 14 14 22 4, 643 819 3, 824 12. 302 2,502 9,800 13, 538 91 13, 447 737 31 706 23 1,937 342 1,595 4,657 699 3.958 4, 221 12 4,209 57 2 55 24 877 159 718 3,131 838 2, 293 4,141 41 4,100 371 16 355 25 1,829 318 1,511 4, 514 965 3,549 5,176 38 5,138 309 13 296 26 17, 061 2,124 14,937 19, 664 2,814 16, 850 16, 512 70 16, 442 1,188 81 1,107 27 2, 7«2 424 2 358 3, 414 540 2, 874 2 924 I] 2 013 17 17 28 0, 332 807 ■5' 525 7,619 1,121 6,498 6,317 30 6,287 962 75 887 29 2. 612 409 2, 203 4,087 700 3,387 3,280 16 3,264 34 3 31 30 5, 335 484 4,851 4, 544 453 4, 091 3,991 13 3, 978 175 3 172 31 1,992 429 1,563 18,048 6,945 11,103 37, 382 871 36,511 174 8 166 32 692 104 588 9,146 3, 900 5,246 20, 588 529 20, 059 64 3 61 33 1,300 325 975 8, 902 3, 045 5,857 16, 794 342 16, 452 110 5 105 34 0, 320 1 851 4, 469 31, 207 7, 828 23 379 37, 837 563 37 274 62 62 35 955 259 696 8.013 3,168 A, 845 15,436 345 15,091 31 31 36 1,542 437 1,105 8, 909 1, 860 7,049 9, 323 108 9,215 11 11 37 1,585 419 1.166 5; 561 1,176 4,385 5, 537 69 Si 468 11 11 38 2,238 736 1,502 8, 724 1,624 7,100 7, 541 41 7, 500 9 9 39 62,104 9, 067 53, 037 93, 364 17, 106 76, 258 85,352 706 84, 646 4, 226 370 3,856 40 2,185 197 1.988 1,318 192 1,126 1,544 5 1,539 60 1 59 41 2,901 449 2,452 5,503 771 4,732 4,874 11 4,863 67 1 66 42 1,365 352 1,013 5.106 1,244 3,862 5,175 47 5,128 290 43 247 43 1,186 205 981 3, 352 549 2, 803 2,451 24 2, 427 12 12 44 3, 291 567 2, 724 3,943 712 3, 231 3,366 54 3, 312 48 3 45 45 1, 515 287 1,228 3, 725 604 3,121 3, 012 22 2, 990 180 27 153 46 1,674 482 1,192 7. 092 2,036 5, 056 7, 805 89 7,716 1,305 158 1,147 47 2, 359 297 2, 062 2,196 413 1.783 2, 033 13 2, 020 81 4 77 48 3, 499 714 2, 785 10, 329 2, 203 8,126 9 487 93 9, 394 43 43 49 1,078 216 1,462 1,525 261 1,264 1.484 5 1,479 13 13 50 2, 341 368 1,973 2, 878 386 2,492 2,200 12 2,188 52 52 51 7,930 1,377 6, 553 16,173 3,226 12, 947 15,185 168 15,017 232 15 217 52 10,022 1,039 8,983 7, 954 1, 143 6, 811 7, 245 41 7, 204 523 24 499 53 8, 534 1,059 7. 475 10, 250 1,524 8, 726 8, 547 41 8,506 526 49 477 54 1.142 176 966 1,927 305 1, 622 1,806 13 1. 793 16 1 15 55 4, 749 405 4,284 3, 533 487 3, 046 2, 904 13 2,891 142 13 129 56 4, 779 647 4.132 5,836 959 4, 877 5, 353 52 5, 301 542 28 514 57 954 170 784 724 91 633 881 3 878 94 3 91 58 3, 441 875 2, 566 17,150 5,641 11,509 25, 231 475 24, 756 62 62 59 1, 093 272 821 9, 216 3,832 5,384 17, 306 376 16, 930 49 49 60 2, 348 603 1,745 7,934 1,809 6,125 7,925 99 7, 826 13 13 61 1, 884 440 1,444 9,807 2, 893 6, 914 16, 234 338 15, 896 169 9 160 62 530 136 394 3. 356 1,010 2, 346 5, 223 79 5,144 72 5 67 63 1,354 304 1, 050 6, 451 1,883 4, 568 11,011 259 10,752 97 4 93 64 6, 010 394 5, 616 6, 559 1,160 5, 399 10,565 71 10, 494 2,265 167 2, 098 65 1.194 101 1,033 2, 592 589 2, 003 4,121 42 4,079 1,764 149 1,615 66 829 : 42 787 1,516 325 1, 191 2, 320 17 2,303 94 3 91 67 2,612 ! 137 2, 475 1,630 186 1,444 2.495 ; 10 2,485 344 10 334 68 1,375 54 1,321 821 60 761 1,629 i 2 1,627 63 5 58 69 12,605 1,331 11, 274 17,192 2, 377 14, 815 17, 059 75 16.984 2, 278 145 2,133 70 1, 572 305 1,267 3,512 619 2, 893 2,884 26 2,858 ( 33 33 71 4,151 437 3, 714 5, 878 787 5.091 5, 762 23 5,739 j 803 60 743 72 1,948 202 1, 746 | 2,428 360 2,068 | 2,433 15 2,418 | 25 25 73 4,934 387 4,547 5, 374 611 4, 763 I 5, 980 11 5, 969 I 1,417 85 1,332 74 232 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabus 78.-POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WITH WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. AGGREGATE. WHITE. All ages. Total. Native born. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ages. | Under 5 .years. 5 years and over. Total. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. 1 Ward 17 103,158 11.269 91, 889 j 102,934 11.264 91,670 50, 647 10,743 39,904 2 A ' 17,778 1.766 16. 012 17, 725 1,766 15, 959 8, 305 1,682 6, 623 ;] 15 30,100 4.025 26. 075 30, 072 4,025 26, 047 13,128 3, 741 9, 387 4 0 11, 772 959 10, 813 11, 749 959 10, 790 6. 079 935 5. 144 5 1) 15, 651 1,662 13. 989 15, 634 1,662 13,972 7, 944 1.635 6. 309 0 E 10, 947 828 10. 119 10, 855 825 10, 030 6,148 785 5, 363 7 F 16, 910 2, 029 14,881 16, 899 2, 027 14,872 9, 043 1,965 7, 078 8 Ward 18 63, 270 5,202 58, 068 62, 774 5,192 57, 582 36,889 5, 079 31, 810 9 A 3, 864 102 3, 762 3, 773 100 3, 673 2, 281 99 2, 182 10 15 11,089 586 10, 503 10, 972 583 10, 389 6, 428 578 5, 850 11 C 24,445 2,951 21,494 24, 429 2,951 21,478 13. 880 2. 869 11,011 12 I) 7, 024 74 6,950 6,819 70 6. 749 4, 220 69 4,151 13 E 16, 848 1, 489 15. 359 16, 781 1,488 15. 293 10, 080 1,464 8, 616 14 Ward 19 234. 846 24, 697 210.149 232, 711 24, 591 208,120 130,482 23, 958 106, 524 15 A 7, 275 250 7. 025 7, 026 245 6. 781 4,181 | 242 3, 939 16 15 19, 699 1,858 17. 841 19,532 1. 850 17, 682 11,575 1,796 9. 779 17 C 15, 550 2. 018 13, 532 15, 509 2. 016 13,493 8, 731 1,979 6, 752 18 I) 6, 815 229 6, 586 6, 699 229 6,470 4,102 227 3,875 19 E 17,179 1,537 15, 642 16, 994 1,523 15, 471 9,996 1,498 8, 498 20 F 19, 834 2, 302 17, 532 19, 800 2. 299 17,501 10, 970 2, 245 8, 725 21 (1 11,533 1,001 10, 532 11, 402 994 10, 408 6, 900 988 5, 912 22 H 19,117 2, 300 16, 817 19. 062 2, 297 16, 765 10, 766 2,240 8, 526 23 I 6,471 976 5, 495 6, 232 969 5, 263 225 2 3K7 24 K 275 406 o: 869 7,192 404 6! 788 4i 236 398 3. 838 25 L 19, 978 2,596 17, 382 19,939 2, 596 17, 343 10, 085 2, 494 7,591 26 M 10, 571 1,736 8, 835 10, 569 1.736 8, 833 4,671 1.630 3, 041 27 N 14, 421 879 13, 542 13, 951 835 13,116 8, 578 820 7, 758 28 <) 28, 477 3, 083 25, 394 28, 281 3, 072 25, 209 16,148 3.007 13, 141 29 P 23, 741 3. 476 20, 265 23, 726 3.476 20, 250 14, 151 3, 407 10,744 30 1i 6, 910 50 6, 860 6, 797 50 6, 747 2, 067 49 2,018 31 Ward 20 84, 327 8, 542 75, 785 79,459 8, 222 71, 237 47, 821 8. 017 39. 804 32 A 12,134 1,388 10. 746 12, 048 1,383 10, 665 7,171 1,350 5.821 33 15 16, 423 1,316 15. 107 14,192 1,177 13, 015 8,326 1,151 7,175 34 C 11, 979 1.412 10,567 11,951 1,411 10, 540 7,307 j 1, 368 5, 939 35 I) 15, 346 1,177 14, 169 13, 974 1. 101 12. 873 8,518 i 1,073 7. 445 36 E 15. 820 2,109 13,711 15,720 2, 098 13, 622 9,320 2, 048 7,272 37 F 12. 625 1,140 11,485 11,574 1,052 10, 522 7, 179 1,027 6,152 38 Ward 21 63,019 4, 929 58, 090 62, 382 4, 922 57, 460 36, 256 4. 772 31, 484 39 A 5. 071 154 4, 917 4, 929 153 4, 776 2, 995 i 150 2, 845 40 B 9,777 695 9, 082 9. 690 692 8, 998 5, 563 676 4, 887 41 C 11, 786 1,315 10,471 11,766 1,314 10, 452 6.428 1.241 5.187 42 1) 5,451 150 5, 301 5, 303 150 5,153 3, 262 144 3,118 43 E 8,268 550 7,718 8, 204 550 7, 654 4, 918 536 4.382 44 F 3,183 113 3,070 . 3,073 i 112 2, 961 1,784 108 1,676 45 (x 6,304 486 5.818 6,260 485 5, 775 3.780 476 3, 304 46 H 13,179 1,466 11.713 13,157 1.466 11,691 7,526 1,441 6, 085 47 Ward 22 153, 877 16.110 137, 767 149, 472 15, 754 133,718 94, 675 15.422 79, 253 48 A 22, 586 3, 027 19, 559 22, 572 3, 027 19, 545 14, 023 2, 953 11.070 49 15 34, 307 3. 697 30, 610 33, 910 3. 661 30. 249 21,037 3,610 17,427 50 0 14, 262 697 13,565 12, 714 603 12. Ill 8, 322 600 7, 722 51 1) 10, 007 1,301 8. 706 9, 894 1,286 8, 608 6,103 1, 246 4, 857 52 E 23, 886 2.455 21, 431 23,405 o 422 20. 983 14, 733 2, 366 12, 367 53 F 9.844 545 9, 299 9,378 527 8. 851 6,070 522 5. 548 54 (1 10, 237 1.594 8.643 9.466 i 1. 492 7, 974 5, 322 1.451 3,871 55 H 6, 457 924 5, 533 6,422 ! 923 5,499 4,015 ! 886 3,129 | 56 1 10, 467 1. 069 9.398 10. 124 1,025 9, 099 7,113 1.008 6,105 57 K 4,853 258 4, 595 4. 688 246 4,442 3,128 244 2, 884 58 L 2,343 227 2, 116 2, 312 227 2, 085 1.672 227 1,445 59 3d 4,628 316 4,312 4,587 1 315 4, 272 3,137 309 2, 828 60 Ward 23 53. 948 6.697 47.251 53,407 6. 649 46, 758 35,403 6, 524 28, 879 61 Ward 24 20,137 1,987 18,150 19, 844 1,976 17, 868 13, 564 1,937 11, 627 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 233 DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continued. white—continued. COLORED. Native bora —Continued. Foreign born. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. S, 509 2,182 6, 387 42, 078 8, 561 33, 517 52, 287 521 51, 706 224 5 219 1 1.540 341 1, 205 6, 759 1,341 5. 418 9, 420 84 9. 336 53 53 2 1.590 534 1, 062 11. 532 3, 207 8. 325 16, 944 284 16. 660 28 28 3 1.206 260 946 4,873 675 4. 198 5, 670 24 5, 646 23 23 4 936 345 591 7,008 1,290 5.718 7, 690 27 7, 663 17 17 5 1,839 206 1.633 4,309 579 3, 730 4,707 40 4. 667 92 3 89 6 1,446 490 950 7,597 1,469 6,128 7, 856 62 7. 794 11 2 9 7 13,467 1,357 12.110 9R 4*_>*2 3 7*2*2 19. 700 25. 885 113 25, 772 496 10 486 8 1. 658 50 1, 608 623 49 574 1,492 1 1.491 91 2 89 9 2. 735 215 2, 520 3, 693 363 3,330 4, 544 5 4, 539 117 ii 114 10 2,124 650 1,474 11,756 2. 219 9, 537 10, 549 82 10. 467 16 16 11 3.556 40 3,516 664 29 635 2, 599 1 2, 598 205 4 201 12 3, 394 402 2. 992 6. 686 1, 062 5, 624 6, 701 24 6.677 67 1 66 13 36, 626 5, 976 30. 650 93, 856 17,982 75. 874 102, 229 633 101,596 2,135 106 2,029 14 2,981 136 2, 845 1. 200 106 1.094 2, 845 3 2, 842 1 249 5 244 15 3,440 484 2,956 8,135 1,312 6, 823 7, 957 54 7, 903 107 8 159 16 1,364 393 971 7. 367 1. 586 5.781 6. 778 37 6,741 41 0 39 17 2, 825 153 2,672 1. 277 74 1,203 2, 597 2 2, 595 116 116 18 2, 834 414 2. 420 7, 162 1,084 6, 078 6, 998 25 6. 973 185 14 171 19 2, 025 439 1, 586 8. 945 1,806 7.139 . 8, 830 54 8.776 34 3 31 20 3, 360 67*2 2,688 3, 540 316 3, 224 4. 502 6 4. 496 j 131 7 124 21 2,260 475 1. 785 8, 506 1, 765 6. 741 8, 296 57 8. 239 55 3 52 22 537 149 388 2, 788 789 1.999 2. 907 31 2. 876 239 7 232 23 1,498 167 1,331 2, 738 231 2,507 2, 956 6 2.950 83 2 81 24 1,452 • 362 1,090 8. 633 2,132 6,501 9, 854 102 9, 752 39 39 25 561 177 384 4, 110 1. 453 2, 657 5, 898 106 5. 792 2 2 26 3. 362 340 3,022 5, 216 480 4. 736 5. 373 15 5, 358 470 44 426 27 4,139 747 3,392 12, 009 2,260 9. 749 12,133 65 12, 068 196 11 185 28 3. 094 851 2, 243 11,057 2,556 8,501 9, 575 69 9,506 15 15 29 894 I 17 877 1,173 32 1. 141 4, 730 1 4. 729 113 113 30 14, 316 2, 396 11,920 33, 505 5. 621 27, 884 31,638 205 31, 433 4, 868 320 4,548 31 1,693 379 1,314 5. 478 <171 1, 507 4,877 33 4. 844 86 5 81 32 2. 905 336 2, 629 5, 361 815 4,546 5, 866 26 5. 840 2. 231 339 2,092 33 1,915 409 1,506 5. 392 959 4.433 4, 644 43 4,601 28 1 27 34 3,238 366 2,872 5, 280 707 4. 573 5. 456 28 5. 428 1,372 76 1,296 35 1,990 585 1. 405 7, 330 1,463 5, 867 6,400 50 6. 350 100 11 89 36 2, 515 321 2,194 4.664 706 3,958 4, 395 25 4, 370 1.051 88 963 37 14, 470 1,537 12, 933 21,786 3, 235 18. 551 26.126 150 25. 976 637 7 630 38 2. 331 99 2, 232 664 51 613 1,934 ' 3 1. 931 142 1 141 39 2,104 213 1,891 3, 459 463 2,996 4.127 16 4,111 87 3 84 40 1.352 344 1,008 5. 076 897 4.179 5, 338 73 5, 265 20 1 19 41 2. 494 91 2, 403 768 53 715 2,041 6 2, 035 148 148 42 1,996 219 1,777 ‘2 0*2*2 317 2, 605 3.286 14 3, 272 64 64 43 1,271 65 1,206 i 513 43 470 1,289 4 1,285 110 1 109 44 1.702 , 155 1,547 2, 078 321 1. 757 2.480 9 2. 471 44 1 43 45 1 220 351 869 6,306 1,090 5, 216 5,631 25 .5, 606 22 22 46 30, 448 5, 272 31,176 58. 227 10,150 48, 077 54, 797 332 54. 465 4. 405 356 4, 049 47 3, 525 869 2, 656 10,498 2, 084 8,414 8, 549 74 8, 475 14 14 48 6. 784 1.255 5,529 14. 253 2,355 11.898 12, 873 51 12, 822 397 36 361 49 4. 902 232 4, 670 3, 420 368 3, 052 4, 392 3 4, 389 1,548 94 1,454 50 1,498 421 1,077 4, 605 8*25 3, 780 3,791 40 3, 751 113 15 98 51 5, 764 819 4, 945 8, 969 1.547 7. 422 8. 672 56 8, 616 481 33 448 52 3, 553 184 3,369 2,517 338 2.179 3, 308 5 3, 303 466 18 448 53 1. 055 316 739 4, 267 1.135 3,132 4,144 41 4,103 771 102 669 54 1.364 295 1,069 2. 651 591 2,060 2,407 37 2, 370 35 1 34 55 3. 394 438 2. 956 3,719 570 3,149 3,011 17 2. 994 343 44 299 55 1.858 153 1,705 1,270 91 1.179 1,560 2 1. 558 165 12 153 0/ 111 810 116 700 640 640 31 31 58 1,895 179 1, 716 1. 242 130 1,112 1,450 6 1.444 41 1 40 59 12, 048 2,435 9, 613 23,355 4,089 19. 266 18, 004 125 17, 879 541 48 493 60 5,975 854 5,121 7.589 1,083 6, 506 6,280 39 6, 241 293 11 282 ______ 61 234 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 79.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WARDS AND UNITED STATES (WHITE). ENGLAND AND WALES. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. SANITARY DIS- TRICT8. All Under 1.) | years All Under years All Under 15 years All Under years All Under L5 years All Under years and ages. and ages. years. over. years. over. years. over. over. over. years. over. 1 Total.. 334,725 145, 354 189, 371 55,572 12, 991 42, 581 399, 348 79,105 320, 243 19, 627 4,298 15, 329 16, 239 3. 032 13, 207 403, 784 97, 795 305, 989 n Ward 1 1,727 1,055 672 396 83 313 5,911 1,197 4,714 79 21 58 71 22 49 1,983 425 1.558 3 A 973 707 200 252 69 183 4, 007 1,011 3, 590 55 20 35 51 13 38 1. 542 «157 1,185 4 B 512 291 221 127 9 118 1,187 170 1,017 22 1 21 19 9 10 401 68 333 5 c 949 57 185 17 12 117 10 101 9 2 1 1 40 40 G Ward 2 204 91 113 ] 1 42 384 18 366 12 12 3 3 192 20 172 7 Ward 3 803 192 071 165 15 150 1, 568 163 1,405 52 52 20 20 819 140 679 8 Ward 4 2, 339 1, 244 1,095 552 115 437 8, 267 1,475 6, 792 113 7 106 81 13 68 1,847 319 1.528 9 A 995 1 573 422 270 73 203 4, 056 793 3, 203 59 1 58 37 4 33 877 136 741 10 13 1,344 .071 673 270 42 234 4,211 082 3. 529 54 6 48 ! 44 9 35 970 183 787 11 Ward 5 1,823 992 831 336 91 245 0, 363 1.490 4, 873 143 30 113 52 • 10 42 2,445 009 1,836 12 A 1, 047 583 464 209 00 149 4, 057 951 3.100 98 25 73 33 7 20 1,462 345 1. 117 13 13 770 409 367 127 31 90 2, 300 539 1, 767 45 5 40 19 3 16 983 204 719 14 Ward 0 1,219 831 388 468 130 338 4,508 638 3,870 105 21 84 84 17 67 2,155 530 1.625 15 A 212 95 117 39 3 30 540 38 502 20 4 22 23 1 22 434 08 360 10 13 049 424 225 101 50 111 1, 999 323 1, 670 39 11 28 10 5 11 862 265 617 17 C 358 312 46 268 77 191 1, 969 277 1,092 40 0 34 45 11 34 839 197 042 18 Ward 7 7, 804 4. 804 3, 000 1,356 405 891 21,818 4, 299 17, 519 283 71 212 101 11 90 0, 878 1, 946 4,932 19 A 1,225 899 326 303 112 191 5, 001 1.058 3, 943 49 9 40 15 2 13 707 180 581 20 13 1,987 1, 270 717 205 91 174 5, 198 1,100 4,098 01 19 42 21 1 20 1,455 399 1,056 21 (’ 2,124 1,300 704 425 140 285 0, 057 1. 220 5, 437 83 25 58 29 4 25 2, 067 842 1,825 22 D 2,528 1,335 1,193 363 122 241 4, 962 921 4, 041 90 18 72 36 4 32 1. 989 519 1,470 23 Ward 8 5, 905 2. 799 3,100 1,160 274 886 9. 025 1,772 7,853 346 40 300 809 179 090 5,190 1,041 4,149 24 A 2, 400 1, 104 1,302 493 126 367 5, 578 1. 085 4, 493 100 20 140 04 9 55 1.383 274 1. 109 25 13 1,115 517 598 240 52 194 1,464 251 1.213 90 8 82 158 38 120 1, 546 315 1. 231 20 C 2, 324 1,118 1,206 421 96 325 2, 583 436 2,147 90 12 84 647 132 515 2, 201 452 1,809 27 W ard 9 19, 530 0, 775 12, 755 3,110 024 2,480 18, 293 3. 779 14, 514 1.269 201 1.068 825 155 070 7, 634 1,522 0,112 28 A 3,211 1, 285 1,920 479 113 300 3.738 809 2, 929 168 31 137 i 61 7 54 1,071 215 826 29 B 7.120 2, 023 4, 503 1,195 237 958 6. 072 1,394 5, 278 410 60 350 449 93 356 3,165 581 2, 584 30 C 3. 072 1, 220 1.852 479 139 340 4,316 1. 108 3,208 255 58 197 G8 10 52 1,521 413 1.108 31 1) 0.121 1,047 4,474 957 135 822 3, 567 408 3, 099 430 52 384 247 39 208 1,877 283 1,594 32 Ward 10 2,780 1,591 1,189 1 680 181 499 2, 173 204 1,909 72 3 09 130 20 110 14,402 3,497 10, 905 33 A 878 430 442 252 70 182 1. 168 1, 013 32 32 51 44 4. 330 1, 123 3, 213 34 B 1, 902 1,155 747 428 111 317 1,005 109 890 40 3 37 79 13 06 10, 066 2, 374 7, 692 35 Ward 11 9,200 0,121 3,139 807 310 551 0, 068 1,079 5, 589 207 65 142 392 114 278 32,171 8, 890 23, 275 30 A 1. 207 883 384 1 75 30 39 239 30 209 27 24 3 75 32 43 7,959 2, 448 5, 511 37 B 2, 597 1.747 850 219 71 148 1,042 149 893 31 2 29 129 27 102 10, 608 2, 757 7,851 38 C 2.219 1,303 856 279 94 185 1,423 220 1,203 02 8 54 90 24 60 4,260 1, 111 3, 149 39 I) 3,177 2,128 1,049 294 115 179 3,904 080 3,284 87 31 56 98 31 67 9, 344 2,580 6, 764 40 Ward 12 75, 025 31. 915 43, 710 12, 892 3, 273 9,619 58, 721 12, 480 46, 241 4, 373 | 1,094 3, 279 1,778 394 1,384 63, 291 15, 813 47. 478 41 A 2, 451 747 1,704 326 66 260 981 131 850 157 43 114 43 4 39 756 133 623 42 13 4. 012 1,094 2, 318 592 104 488 2, 579 387 2,192 144 20 124 102 21 81 4, 924 859 4. 005 43 U 1,998 1.180 812 409 118 291 2, 983 749 2, 234 218 75 143 74 10 58 5, 370 1, 029 3, 747 44 1> 1,415 797 018 220 43 177 1, 078 574 1,104 57 19 38 49 12 37 2,841 869 1, 972 45 E 4, 003 1,789 2, 274 734 175 559 2, 455 485 1,970 368 108 260 148 27 121 2, 206 515 1, 691 40 F 2, 128 1,135 993 553 171 382 2, 201 484 1,717 124 30 94 82 19 03 2,430 532 1.898 47 G 2, 205 1,540 725 892 386 500 5, 401 1,559 3, 902 299 118 181 100 35 05 5, 403 1.783 3, 620 48 H 2, 707 978 1,789 457 93 364 1,197 185 1.012 242 67 175 47 7 40 1, 527 395 1,132 49 1 4, 980 2, 703 2, 223 1.225 433 792 5, 925 1, 510 4,415 372 117 255 179 37 142 7,420 2.042 5, 3 / 8 50 K 1,039 051 988 287 73 . 214 1, 239 238 1,001 109 23 86 34 10 24 861 242 619 51 I 2,852 1, 138 1,714 564 127 437 1,654 290 1,358 142 18 124 09 12 57 1,594 314 1,280 52 M 10,377 4, 792 5, 585 1.071 417 1,254 9,499 2, 050 7,449 579 136 443 214 46 168 10,814 2, 503 8, 251 53 N 11, 075 3,847 7,828 1.520 263 1, 257 5, 503 855 4, 648 418 75 343 164 42 122 4,096 977 3.719 54 () 10,142 3, 049 6, 493 1, 511 301 1, 210 6,517 1, 241 5, 276 444 69 375 166 33 133 6, 348 1, 320 5, 028 55 1> 1, 334 022 712 243 71 172 1, 416 333 1.083 107 33 74 32 5 27 940 293 653 50 R 5,509 1,708 3, 741 059 132 527 1, 995 311 1, 684 239 37 202 93 14 79 1,991 410 1,575 57 S 5. 090 2. 744 2, 952 940 284 002 4,448 957 3,491 333 103 230 170 51 119 2. 900 872 2, 028 58 AB 310 75 241 83 16 07 990 135 855 21 3 18 12 3 9 258 59 199 59 Ward 13 4, 092 2, 794 1.898 732 258 474 5,390 890 4, 506 100 22 84 197 39 158 12, 824 3, 937 8,887 ! 00 A 1, 508 963 005 299 124 175 1,316 104 1,152 22 1 21 75 10 65 6, 252 1,877 4,375 01 13 3.124 1,831 1, 293 433 134 299 4, 080 726 3,354 84 21 63 122 29 93 6,572 2,000 4,512 02 Ward 14 2, 588 1,452 1,136 529 140 389 7,258 1, 267 5,991 97 19 78 132 27 105 3,112 606 2,506 03 A 793 407 320 169 40 120 2 332 294 1 938 24 1 23 76 17 59 935 171 7G4 04 B 1,795 985 810 360 100 200 4. 920 873 4,053 73 18 55 56 10 46 2,177 435 1,742 Ward 15 0,102 1,470 4, 626 1,159 157 1.002 540 4,115 310 29 281 1, 850 341 1, 509 3, 472 041 2, 831 GO A 1,192 511 081 299 51 248 1, 230 184 11 040 82 8 74 206 236 970 946 210 730 07 B 775 242 533 149 15 134 1,001 101 840 38 10 28 203 37 160 972 170 796 08 C 2,040 519 2.121 453 74 379 1, 504 145 1,419 128 9 119 300 58 248 838 159 679 09 1) 1,495 204 1, 291 258 17 241 800 50 810 02 2 60 135 10 125 716 90 626 70 Ward 10 14,040 4, 047 9, 999 2, 775 479 2, 296 17,601 3,196 14, 405 1,520 260 1,260 1,130 154 982 6, 256 1,230 5. 026 71 A 1,979 989 990 418 122 296 4,053 940 3,113 204 101 163 40 4 36 870 231 645 72 B 4. 940 1, 614 3, 326 874 150 724 0. 013 1,019 4, 994 408 49 419 433 57 370 2.141 430 1,711 73 C 2,138 687 1,451 392 03 329 2,686 * 570 2,110 201 39 102 01 4 57 823 162 661 74 D 5, 589 1,357 4,232 1,091 144 947 4, 849 667 4,182 587 71 510 602 89 513 2,410 407 2,009 75 Ward 17 12, 900 7, 750 5,150 1,567 315 1,252 10, 815 1, 658 9.157 266 31 235 682 136 540 58, 831 12, 780 46, 051 76 A 2.181 1, 179 1,002 373 82 291 1,640 197 1,443 38 1 37 116 18 98 10, 685 2,219 8,466 77 B 2,588 1,922 660 148 26 122 558 78 480 20 3 17 140 43 97 , 16, 500 3, 987 12, 513 78 (' 1,891 992 899 258 45 213 1,399 189 1,210 08 12 56 104 11 93 , 7, 078 1,203 5, 875 79 1) 1.074 1,234 440 114 38 76 306 53 313 G 6 113 18 95 1 11 910 2 41 a 9 497 80 E 2,415 852 1.563 396 37 359 3, 281 460 2, 815 91 8 83 103 15 88 3,179 533 646 81 F 2,157 1,577 580 278 87 191 3, 571 675 2, 890 43 7 36 106 31 75 9,479 2, 425 7,054 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 235 WITH DISTINCTION 01- BIRTH!‘LACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. RUSSIA AND POLAND. CANADA SCANDINAVIA. HUNGARY. BOHEMIA * ITALY. OTHER FOREIGN COUN- TRIES. l All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 2, 728 lo years and | over. 6,919 All ages. IT nder 15 years. 3, 078 15 years ; and over. | 10.233 , All ages. Under 15 years. 15 i years and over. 9, 960 All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. 54,334 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. 61.835 Under 15 years. 15 years and over. 80, 235 30, 859 49,376 9, 647 13, 311 15, 555 5,595 12, 287 4, 597 7,690 19,485 34,849 18, 397 43,438 63 26 37 52 22 30 278 40 238 *>o 13 66 19 294 34 260 2 61 26 35 23 7 16 213 30 183 12 s 17 58 244 28 216 3 1 1 15 9 6 61 10 51 4 ! 8 9 6 45 6 39 4 1 1 14 6 8 4 4 1 l] 3 3 5 5 5 2 8 1 19 19 9 9 2 9 15 6 20 4 16 32 3 29 56 11 45 3 2 3 1 2 46 15 31 78 17 61 7 580 209 371 83 21 62 281 50 231 30 10 20 2 2 2,827 1,133 1.694 383 48 335 8 58 2 43 13 30 93 15 78 g 4 326 118 208 102 25 137 9 522 207 315 40 8 32 188 35 153 22 6 16 2 2 2. 501 1,015 1,486 221 23 198 10 49 11 38 57 18 39 184 33 151 16 1 15 2 1 1 630 236 394 137 8 129 11 39 11 28 39 14 25 133 24 109 6 6 32 10 22 50 2 48 12 10 10 18 4 14 51 9 42 . 9 1 598 ‘2°r» 87 6 81 13 3, 245 1, 284 1,961 38 12 26 60 16 44 32 12 20 . 4 1 3 9, 863 3,459 6, 404 751 81 670 14 87 15 22 9 9 12 12 ID 5 476 162 314 113 28 15 318 105 213 16 9 20 9 11 5 *» 2,273 721 1, 552 101 18 83 16 2, 890 1, 164 1,726 13 3 10 28 21 17 4 33 4 1 3 7,114 2, 576 4,538 537 35 502 17 16, 295 6, 482 9,813 224 94 130 344 58 286 128 26 102 16 7 9 658 238 420 1.199 340 859 18 1, 896 826 1,070 46 15 31 108 15 153 1 1 131 196 135 34 101 19 2, 054 749 1, 305 45 23 22 59 20 39 37 15 22 8 4 4 19 44 126 44 82 20 9,425 3, 791 5, 634 70 28 42 83 18 65 9 46 8 3 5 111 41 70 638 183 455 21 2. 920 1,116 1, 804 63 28 35 34 29 35 ty 33 47 110 300 79 221 99 272 95 177 211 69 142 171 42 129 42 8 34 13 6 r- 6, 066 2,222 3, 844 529 90 439 23 94 27 67 92 41 51 105 26 79 14 2 12 8 5 3 233 65 168 80 17 69 24 92 30 62 59 11 48 25 3 22 11 1 10 5 1 4 3,168 1, 206 1, 962 154 23 131 25 86 38 48 60 17 43 41 13 28 17 12 2,665 951 1, 714 289 50 239 26 202 66 136 535 121 414 259 65 194 1 6 7 7 390 135 255 666 90 570 27 23 9 14 87 30 57 44 15 29 i 1 2 2 45 11 34 87 10 77 28 112 39 73 195 42 153 78 15 63 1 1 5 192 74 118 314 58 256 29 31 8 23 60 11 49 59 27 32 9 1 - 51 16 44 37 30 36 10 26 193 38 155 78 8 70 3"1 3 102 34 68 221 21 200 31 30, 476 11,862 18, 614 51 18 33 111 7 104 313 111 202 1 1 225 79 146 5,902 1,911 3,991 32 21.311 8, 534 12,777 30 15 15 61 1 60 183 121 105 40 65 1,922 660 1.262 33 9,165 3,328 5i 837 21 3 18 50 6 44 130 49 81 1 1 120 39 81 3,980 1,251 2, 729 84 3,149 1, 248 1,901 113 34 79 91 23 68 7, 708 3, 068 4,640 1.102 404 698 373 149 224 12, 522 4,717 7,805 35 2. 267 936 1,331 17 10 7 10 10 4, 274 1. 671 2, 603 52 17 35 157 70 87 7,305 2, 849 4, 456 36 380 137 243 23 2 21 24 11 13 2,230 855 1,375 905 340 565 41 15 26 1,547 481 1, 006 37 365 130 235 50 9 41 9 9 925 508 39 14 88 34 54 2, 858 1, 072 1,786 38 137 45 92 23 13 10 48 12 36 279 125 154 106 33 73 87 30 57 812 315 497 39 1,954 693 1,261 2, 346 715 1, 631 2,827 735 2. 092 794 247 547 843 339 504 7, 436 2,759 4,677 5. 205 1,287 3, 918 40 7 2 5 97 26 71 61 6 55 8 5 3 9 4 5 6 2 4 113 25 88 41 110 17 93 125 34 91 91 22 69 42 4 38 66 30 36 71 28 43 375 83 292 42 121 40 81 85 33 52 88 30 58 18 8 10 14 4 10 92 37 55 211 59 152 43 42 32 10 45 13 32 23 6 17 59 26 33 1 1 91 iO 16 155 47 108 44 14 3 11 151 45 106 196 44 152 11 9 9 6 1 5 52 19 33 182 33 149 45 113 26 87 75 36 39 83 23 60 72 57 2 2 61 24 37 287 73 214 46 213 77 136 80 32 48 169 50 119 17 8 9 604 251 353 479 171 308 542 155 387 47 23 6 17 90 29 61 17 28 7 5 18 4 14 136 32 104 48 348 118 230 189 76 113 185 47 138 85 20 65 43 21 22 1,699 639 1,060 609 176 433 49 - 0 1 l’ 47 16 31 41 13 28 c 1 47 11 36 50 30 6 24 113 40 73 78 20 58 26 7 19 9 2 7 82 26 53 199 51 148 51 299 78 221 370 111 265 448 134 314 143 36 107 33 13 20 3, 924 1,404 2, 520 788 203 585 52 58 13 45 211 51 160 246 40 206 54 9 45 17 5 12 76 30 46 457 83 374 53 195 35 160 286 59 227 683 170 513 94 20 74 17 17 286 112 174 470 78 392 54 196 131 05 60 25 35 56 24 32 91 65 26 7 6 1 13 6 116 51 65 55 39 5 14 153 39 114 187 58 129 17 17 9 9 18 3 15 203 31 172 56 130 88 42 145 49 96 130 28 102 49 20 29 5 2 3 423 159 264 277 79 198 57 31 15 16 18 1 17 17 3 14 1 1 1 1 39 19 20 38 17 21 58 13,190 5, 207 7,983 82 35 47 51 16 35 1,702 644 1,058 37 17 20 132 39 93 6, 631 2, 578 4, 053 59 11,810 4,648 7,162 16 8 8 30 12 18 550 181 369 16 6 10 46 12 34 5,610 2, 214 3,396 60 1,380 559 821 66 27 39 21 ’ 4 17 1,152 463 689 21 11 10 86 27 59 1,021 364 657 61 803 296 507 48 9 39 48 4 44 54 11 43 14 4 10 12,821 4, 669 8,152 394 95 299 62 89 34 13 4 9 6 6 10 9 8 4, 541 1, 679 2, 862 126 101 63 714 262 452 35 5 30 42 4 38 44 9 3d 14 4 10 8^280 2i 990 5, 290 208 70 198 64 281 94 187 276 39 237 192 34 158 67 13 54 24 7 17 3,134 1,079 2, 055 882 140 742 65 81 33 48 106 18 88 48 14 34 14 4 10 2,164 727 1,437 376 63 313 66 83 30 53 36 10 26 28 6 22 40 9 31 11 3 8 871 330 541 181 21 160 67 /8 28 83 6 93 13 80 3 3 3 3 69 14 229 49 180 68 39 3 36 51 5 46 23 1 22 10 10 101 4 6 30 8 22 96 7 89 69 185 52 133 547 97 450 455 77 378 57 12 45 20 11 9 445 154 291 772 79 693 70 3 3 64 13 51 58 13 45 1 1 5 1 86 44 42 63 13 50 71 48 14 34 176 32 144 110 19 91 11 1 10 13 6 7 164 61 103 291 32 259 72 28 9 19 75 16 59 102 19 83 12 2 10 52 15 37 57 4 53 73 106 29 77 232 36 196 185 26 159 33 9 24 1 1 143 34 109 361 30 331 74 5. 673 2, @74 3,599 190 49 141 541 152 389 2, 511 854 1, 657 1,021 350 671 1, 665 623 1,042 6,096 1,883 4,213 1,100 367 733 44 6 38 152 46 106 139 39 100 36 10 26 230 75 155 952 239 713 76 4. 205 1,595 2,610 16 7 9 80 35 45 1,904 686 1,218 554 208 346 102 45 57 3,258 1,165 2, 093 77 83 18 65 47 10 37 86 12 74 110 25 85 54 11 43 65 30 35 440 71 369 78 131 48 83 6 6 26 6 20 ' 182 48 134 296 96 200 20 3 17 767 251 516 79 54 11 43 51 18 33 114 27 87 60 12 48 18 3 15 708 258 450 358 1 75 283 80 100 35 65 26 8 18 83 26 57 116 44 72 63 22 41 540 212 328 321 ; 82 239 81 236 VITAL STATISTICS. Taiu.k 79.—POPULATION OF NEW YORK, JUNE 1, 1800, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WARDS AND UNITED STATES (WHITE). ENGLAND AND | WALES. IRELAND SCOTLAND FRANCE. GERMANY 15 years SANITARY DIS- TRICTS. All Under 15 years. J 5 years All Under years All Under years All Under 15 years. All U nder 15 years. years All Under 15 years. years ages. and over. ages. years. and over. ages. years. and over. ages. and over. ages. and over. ages. and over. 1 Ward 18 15, 692 5, 098 10. 594 2,427 432 1,995 23, 373 4, 177 19.196 664 107 557 855 128 727 15. 502 3, 843 11, 659 *) A 1, 624 196 816 1,428 2, 372 249 10 239 993 51 942 68 08 119 9 110 301 35 266 2. 191 :( B 3,188 553 61 492 3, 347 393 2, 954 166 20 146 188 32 156 2,558 367 4 C 3, 374 2, 344 1, 030 515 190 325 10,372 2, 467 7, 905 119 38 83 127 29 98 8, 808 2. 622 6. 186 5 r> 3, 595 267 3, 328 354 15 339 1,744 30 1,714 76 1 75 j 175 20 155 506 39 467 6 E 3, 911 1,475 2, 436 756 156 600 6,917 1,236 5, 681 235 50 185 246 38 208 3, 329 780 2. 549 7 Ward 19 47, 660 21.408 26, 252 7,743 1,868 5, 875 61, 858 12, 703 49,155 2, 057 448 1.609 2, 079 341 1, 738 80,288 19. 234 61.054 : 8 A 2, 997 526 2,471 336 38 298 2, 225 108 2, 117 102 6 96 1 140 6 134 680 60 620 ; 9 B 4. 403 1,998 2,405 877 210 667 8,172 2,008 6, 164 209 36 173 200 42 158 4, 194 873 3.321 ! 10 C 2, 258 1,436 822 340 101 239 5. 421 1,435 3, 986 99 26 73 142 46 96 6, 516 1.946 4. 570 i 11 1) 3,152 655 2, 497 311 27 284 2, 043 84 1,959 82 6 76 102 3 99 687 40 647 12 E 3, 751 1,641 2,110 579 138 441 5. 026 1.170 3, 856 130 33 97 174 28 146 5.805 1.101 4. 704 13 F 3,171 1,883 1,288 409 133 276 3, 330 706 2, 624 116 20 96 201 28 173 9. 843 2, 498 7, 345 14 Gr 3, 500 1,032 2,468 427 67 360 2. 570 256 2.314 101 18 83 132 9 123 3. 347 376 2, 971 15 H 3,161 1,710 448 1,451 595 178 417 7. 066 2, 046 5, 020 139 38 101 123 22 101 5. 985 1.566 4,419 16 I 689 241 123 45 78 1,457 432 1,025 48 17 31 25 4 21 2,210 803 1,407 17 K 2, 244 781 1,463 240 48 192 1,364 119 1.245 81 8 73 94 8 86 2, 442 247 2,195 18 L 2, 326 1. 433 893 626 207 419 4, 590 1,232 3, 358 129 41 88 134 29 105 6, 866 1, 933 4.933 19 M 866 570 296 174 80 94 1,509 412 1,097 38 14 24 52 17 35 2,841 958 1.883 20 N 4,410 1,612 2, 798 587 96 491 2, 959 374 2, 585 199 52 147 179 27 152 4, 510 529 3, 981 21 0 5. 725 2, 874 2. 851 1, 054 253 801 6, 607 1,340 5, 267 216 39 177 217 39 178 11.807 2, 758 9. 049 22 P 4, 326 2. 771 1.555 784 244 540 3, 979 967 3,012 279 94 185 116 33 83 11.671 3, 539 8,132 23 R 681 38 643 281 3 278 3. 540 14 3, 526 22, 455 89 89 48 48 884 7 877 24 Ward 20 17,578 8, 031 9. 547 3, 424 843 2, 581 28. 922 6. 467 1,914 446 1,468 1.750 382 1,368 20, 018 5,030 14,988 25 A 2,179 1,245 934 581 189 392 6, 301 1,554 4, 747 430 134 296 80 21 59 1.804 480 1.324 20 B 3,484 1,266 2, 218 695 140 555 4. 202 763 3,439 353 60 293 809 168 641 3.148 672 2, 476 27 c 2, 534 1,326 1.208 551 159 392 5,719 1,327 4,392 352 82 270 0/ 6 51 2. 012 520 1.492 28 D 3, 838 1,237 2, 601 649 112 537 4,100 655 3,445 324 40 284 449 80 369 3.586 725 2, 861 29 E 2, 562 1. 786 776 428 134 294 5.714 1. 564 4,150 231 92 139 76 14 62 5. 601 1,682 3, 919 30 F 2, 9S1 1,171 1,810 520 109 411 2,886 604 2, 282 224 38 186 279 93 186 3. 867 951 2, 916 31 Ward 21 16, 253 5, 098 11,155 2, 592 440 2,152 26, 606 4, 567 22, 039 702 101 601 1.000 151 849 9,102 1. 956 7.146 32 A 2, 200 241 1,959 258 16 242 1,174 52 1.122 63 1 62 189 14 175 384 32 352 33 B 2, 529 794 1,735 395 53 342 3, 885 644 3,241 117 10 107 177 32 145 1.530 315 1,215 34 0 1,684 1,040 644 442 139 303 5, 346 1,068 4. 278 126 37 89 105 18 87 2. 706 687 2,019 35 I) 2, 574 321 2, 253 242 3 239 1,609 77 1,532 98 4 94 119 7 112 294 11 283 36 E 2, 360 809 1,551 453 65 388 3,289 427 2, 862 107 17 90 108 29 139 1.273 193 1,080 37 F 1,374 1,893 240 1.134 168 14 154 984 37 947 24 24 90 16 74 223 ; 10 213 38 Cl 587 1.306 317 46 271 2, 320 393 1.927 91 10 81 80 16 64 937 220 717 39 H 1, 639 1,066 573 317 104 213 7, 999 1,869 6,130 76 22 54 72 19 53 1.755 488 1. 267 40 Ward 22 44. 072 17, 567 26, 505 6,749 1,574 5.175 51. 605 11, 221 40, 384 3. 755 982 2,773 1,496 271 1,225 33, 325 8,051 25, 274 41 A 4. 753 2,771 1, 982 721 258 463 9. 277 2, 323 6.954 591 206 385 122 28 94 6,187 j 1,928 4, 259 42 B 8, 538 3, 980 4,558 1,502 344 1,158 11,271 2, 271 9,000 816 170 646 332 57 275 9.040 2. 078 6, 962 43 C 5, 378 964 4.414 713 72 641 3, 503 430 3, 073 217 16 201 276 34 242 1.834 ' 273 1.561 44 1) 1,987 1,228 759 353 115 238 3, 843 985 2, 858 366 127 239 45 13 32 2, 971 875 2, 096 45 E 6, 968 2, 733 4, 235 1,044 203 841 8,530 1.903 6, 627 578 141 437 198 29 169 5.056 977 4.079 46 F 3. 898 877 3. 021 540 85 455 3. 105 592 2,513 153 16 137 117 11 106 1,028 153 875 47 a 1, 358 917 441 407 194 213 4, 768 1,470 3,298 325 134 191 76 35 41 1.987 701 1.286 48 H 1,752 918 834 311 114 197 1,748 439 1,309 199 68 131 58 16 42 1,640 463 1,177 49 I 4,033 1,433 2,600 555 105 450 2, 847 546 2. 301 280 66 214 120 27 93 1,766 338 1,428 50 K 2, 246 689 1.557 204 24 180 1.129 68 1,061 73 7 66 55 3 52 749 82 667 51 L 1,013 389 624 127 27 100 554 74 480 69 19 50 37 13 24 411 107 304 52 M 2,148 668 1,480 272 33 239 1, 030 120 910 88 12 76 60 5 55 656 76 580 | 53 Ward 23 16. 216 8. 438 7, 778 2.410 539 1,871 10, 571 2,410 8,161 743 191 552 450 82 368 19, 323 5,123 14. 200 54 Ward 24 7,181 3,119 4, 062 1,430 368 1,062 6, 389 1, 355 5, 034 439 109 330 206 45 161 2. 724 606 2,118 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 237 WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Continued. RUSSIA AND POLAND. CANADA. SCANDINAVIA. HUNGARY. BOHEMIA. ITALY. OTHER FOREIGN COUN- TRIES. All Under 1 15 15 years All Under 15 15 years| Ail Under 15 to vears All Under 15 15 years All Under 15 15 vears All Under 15 15 years All Under 15 years ages. and ages. and | ages. and aues. and over. over. over. over. years. over. years. over. years. over. 207 79 ! 188 ' 378 87 291 708 147 621 74 13 61 90 32 58 794 235 559 1, 244 229 1,015 1 :! : 3 41 3 38 3 52 ! 114 4 11 1 1 33 4 29 107 189 90 11 79 2 70 10 : 60 117 18 99 125 11 22 22 3 • 3 138 31 98 379 35 344 3 119 40 73 58 28 30 151 1 49 102 14 3 u 69 31 38 287 398 136 262 4 ' 5 1 4 60 4 56 68 3 65 1 i 7 28 0 26 120 115 5 70 22 48 102 34 68 369 81 288 ! 22 6 16 10 1 9 308 100 208 257 42 215 6 2,001 639 1.442 1,640 489 1.151 1.968 440 1,528 1,499 433 1,066 7,944 2,959 4,985 1, 939 673 1,266 10, 899 3,182 7, 717 7 0 6 69 6 63 80 ! 4 6 6 16 1 174 15 320 76 339 10 66 8 110 32 78 102 27 75 275 69 206 56 18 38 36 15 21 494 55 284 9 i;;4 40 94 67 31 36 97 27 70 35 11 24 3 3 167 56 3 111 5 125 251 114 504 59 192 10 0 0 ! 42 {) 33 135 227 i 135 7 1 1 8 11 103 11 138 38 100 130 27 103 58 169 73 15 58 28 13 15 229 104 97 407 12 108 61 107 50 16 34 150 J 54 90 81 19 62 839 305 534 74 25 49 1,000 280 720 13 83 16 67 72 16 56 83 1 205 1 2 81 36 6 30 8 8 67 29 98 38 170 362 44 318 14 189 75 114 91 26 65 65 140 169 51 118 539 230 309 268 606 209 397 15 82 28 34 9 2 7 39 14 25 34 11 23 1,097 492 605 18 6 12 253 92 161 16 05 15 76 ‘>7 49 03 5 58 27 27 40 9 31 17 ‘> 322 267 17 213 86 127 218 96 122 102 32 70 177 56 121 1,752 620 1, 132 156 58 98 2, 608 933 1,675 18 88 22 44 24 23 49 21 28 69 20 49 2, 894 1.046 1,848 47 14 33 1,901 718 1.183 19 101 2? 80 219 48 171 98 6 92 86 11 75 75 20 55 26 11 15 529 107 422 20 451 139 315 245 81 164 175 32 143 316 99 217 268 86 182 172 49 123 946 192 754 21 218 05 151 155 53 102 147 51 96 317 116 201 360 123 237 104 41 63 995 320 675 22 70 i 69 48 48 43 980 43 10 10 4 4 76 9 74 716 93 93 23 130 243 577 153 424 259 730 95 21 74 36 8 28 1,160 444 1,919 408 1,511 24 28 12 16 35 to 25 342 103 239 11 4 7 7 3 4 119 49 70 115 25 90 25 Oi 18 39 150 33 117 202 163 85 118 79 1.578 40 162 21 3 18 380 155 83 57 56 225 128 152 81 60 505 , 103 45 61 76 98 232 402 26 41 14 27 63 16 47 53 110 12 4 8 1 1 211 ' 226 181 27 114 41 73 34 169 43 126 9 16 3 13 4 4 209 379 296 318 23 58 24 82 33 49 38 10 80 7 20 5 15 137 220 29 75 21 54 78 18 60 63 28 21 4 4 104 44 298 398 1,187 300 30 402 134 268 422 96 326 369 1, 209 134 41 93 713 302 411 816 518 955 31 23 4 19 64 40 2 15 38 131 292 2 129 215 3 3 2 44 249 13 99 31 150 122 222 12 36 110 186 32 96 32 82 67 77 ! 28 7 21 7 1 6 33 113 35 78 38 10 28 416 148 268 44 15 29 94 42 52 195 75 120 226 68 158 34 17 15 38 1 37 42 85 211 69 154 85 182 3 3 4 4 13 53 13 103 98 128 64 24 6 18 61 19 29 '9 3 9 3 6 1 5 15 38 12 159 74 31 10 43 36 5 1 4 43 36 2 12 37 31 16 15 54 16 38 40 114 7 2 5 4 2 2 84 39 45 179 136 38 93 38 DO 00 26 40 220 l 71 149 37 17 20 596 256 340 166 57 109 102 27 75 39 399 101 298 1,103 318 785 1,329 306 1.023 177 40 137 34 15 19 1,499 564 935 2, 730 573 2,157 40 6 21 79 39 40 138 52 86 12 6 6 5 3 2 219 80 139 364 109 255 41 162 26 136 235 81 154 273 77 196 97 21 76 4 1 3 300 112 188 656 126 530 42 59 27 32 135 20 115 114 14 100 16 2 14 1 1 73 20 53 316 51 265 43 24 12 12 01 20 41 53 18 37 1 35 129 15 3 8 7 33 183 41 183 6 65 27 118 34 101 130 397 179 195 43 83 18 36 87 314 161 159 44 55 13 42 173 39 134 100 16 3 13 3 45 16 ‘> 14 84 14 70 95 78 94 ? 2 1 1 2 46 13 3 10 39 19 20 32 46 16 4 12 4 2 82 47 4 4 37 IS 33 19 132 101 77 30 90 1 i 397 54 167 21 930 33 5 7 100 217 82 8 22 50 17 78 167 65 8 48 22 6 3 16 110 23 1 1 78 70 23 6 1 5 49 10 40 n 29 5 5 1 1 3 12 23 24 11 4 51 6 3 12 63 78 14 64 7 3 4 86 18 68 189 5« 133 413 152 261 547 158 389 45 14 31 324 124 200 836 172 664 1,154 302 852 53 85 17 OS 221 76 145 .64 36 128 43 5 38 37 9 28 511 91 420 246 67 179 54 238 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.k KO.—POPULATION OF BROOKLYN, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. AGGREGATE. WHITE. All ages, i Total. Native born. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. Total. All ages. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. ] Total 806,343 i 90,811 715, 532 795,397 89,869 705, 528 534,672 87, 706 446, 966 O Ward 1 20, 040 1.344 18, 696 19, 738 1,330 18. 408 12,453 1.296 11,157 a A 10. 530 8)3 9.717 10, 360 808 9, 552 6, 362 785 5, 577 4 H 9,510 531 8, 979 9, 378 522 8, 856 6, 091 511 5, 580 5 Ward 2 : 8,986 1,040 7. 946 8, 908 1,032 7, 876 4, 840 956 3, 890 <> Ward 3 18. 754 1,012 17.142 18. 537 1. 601 16,936 12,058 1,563 10. 495 7 A 10, 582 1,053 9. 529 10, 463 1.044 9. 419 6,591 1.019 5, 572 8 11 8,172 559 7, 013 8. 074 557 7. 517 5. 467 544 4, 923 9 Ward 4 ~ 12.324 975 11,349 11,794 922 10, 872 7,804 907 6, 897 10 Ward 5 20.175 2, 057 18.118 19, 593 2, 025 17. 508 12,191 1,949 10, 242 11 A 9, 725 909 8.816 9,488 904 8. 584 5. 437 866 4.571 12 H 10. 450 1.148 9, 302 10,105 1,121 8.984 6, 754 1,083 5, 671 13 Ward 6 37, 693 4. (l«9 33. 604 37, 585 4. 080 33, 505 21,830 3 928 17, 902 14 A 8, 792 759 8. 033 8, 769 759 8,010 5, 550 732 4,818 If) B 17 9‘>4 2. 415 15, 509 17, 912 2. 415 15,497 9. 450 2.317 7,133 1(1 0 10/177 915 062 10! 904 906 9, 998 6,830 879 5, 951 3 000 32 720 9 951 32,125 25, 772 2,913 22 859 18 A 10, 286 1/227 9.' 059 10,211 1.218 8. 993 6. 800 1.199 5, 601 19 11 8. 441 603 7. 838 8. 301 592 7, 709 6, 322 583 5, 739 2;) G 8. 757 560 8,197 8.459 536 7. 923 6, 577 532 6. 045 21 D 8, 242 610 7, 620 8,105 605 7,500 6, 073 599 5,474 *» Ward 8 31,239 4,209 27,030 31,170 4.206 26.970 19,541 4.057 15, 484 23 A 4,317 530 3. 787 4.303 530 3. 773 2.930 519 2. 411 24 11 14. 844 1,982 12. 802 14, 812 1,980 12, 832 8.798 1. 890 6. 908 25 0 10, 410 1.459 8. 951 10.401 1,459 8, 942 0, 797 1.419 5, 378 20 D 1,668 238 1,430 1,600 237 1,423 1,016 229 787 27 17. 696 1.964 15,732 17.262 1,919 15, 343 11,284 1. 867 9,417 28 A 8. 315 697 7, 018 8, 022 664 7, 358 5, 537 637 4, 900 29 11 8,008 1,120 6. 888 7, 867 1. 108 6. 759 4, 867 1.087 3, 780 30 G 1. 373 147 1.226 1,373 147 1 226 880 143 737 31 Ward 10 34, 031 3,881 30. 150 33. 309 3,813 29, 496 21,283 3, 705 17, 578 32 A - 14, 064 1,323 12. 741 13.990 1.322 12,668 9, 100 1,298 7, 801 33 H 13,189 1.633 11,556 12,649 1,580 11,069 7, 926 1,531 6,395 34 G 6.778 925 5, 853 6, 670 911 5, 759 4. 257 875 3.382 35 Ward 11 22 693 1.912 20, 781 20. 762 1,738 19, 024 14.285 1.711 12, 574 30 A i 12, 005 1. ]92 7, 360 1.067 6. 293 54 G 13. 113 1 ] 450 11, 663 13. 062 1.448 11,014 9, 265 1. 435 7.830 | 55 Ward 16 45. 720 6. 567 39,153 45,310 6. 530 38, 780 26. 025 (5,324 20,301 j 56 A • 5. 585 654 4,1)31 5, 425 645 4. 7S0 3. 975 635 3,340 57 B 12, 494 1.804 10, 690 12,351 1. 782 10.569 (i. 958 1,723 5. 235 | 58 c 14. 104 2. 051 12.113 14. 161 2. 051 12. 110 8.195 1,092 6.203 59 D 1.3, 477 11. 419 13. 373 2 052 11 321 7. 497 1 974 5. 523 (10 Ward 17 41, 424 5.152 36, 272 41.387 5. 152 36,235 27, 979 5. 038 i 22,941 61 A !*, 512 1.145 8, 367 9. 503 1, 145 8. 358 6. 075 1, 116 4, 959 (12 11 0. 807 664 6. 203 0, 849 i 664 0,185 4. 937 647 4. 290 63 G 9. 701 1,404 8, 297 • 9.696 1,404 8,292 5. 862 1.368 4.494 (14 D 13. 149 1. 664 11,485 13. 144 1.664 11.480 9. 633 1.639 7. 994 (15 k 1.914 244 1,670 1,914 244 1.670 1.294 237 1. ( 57 (16 T 281 31 250 281 31 250 178 31 147 67 Ward 18 74. 960 11,022 63,938 ' 74,881 11,015 63.866 49,394 10, 794 38. 600 (18 A 10. 521 I. 503 9.018 10,517 1.503 9,014 6,964 | 1. 4S6 5.478 69 15 2.435 440 1. 995 2, 435 ! 440 1.995 1.474 j 430 1,044 70 G 3,950 621 3, 329 3. 945 621 3,324 2. 450 609 1,841 71 I) 13, 566 2,105 11.401 13,560 2,165 11,395 8.004 ! 2,095 5,909 72 K 13,588 2. 038 11, 550 13.566 2,037 11.529 8.499 1,995 6,504 73 F 7,238 884 6,354 7, 224 S82 6,342 i 5,114 873 4.241 74 (1 6.268 833 5. 435 0, 258 831 5.427 4.442 f 823 3, 619 75 II 6,919 1 856 (i, 003 0. 907 854 6.053 5, 443 839 4, 604 76 I 3,172 436 2, 736 3. 168 436 2.732 2. 303 430 1.873 77 K 7,303 1,246 6. 057 7. 301 1,246 0,055 ! 4.701 1 1 214 3.487 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 239 WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS. white—continued. COLORED. Native horn- - Continued. Foreign horn. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Under 0 - 0 years and 7— — ~ All ages. Under 5 5 years and years. over. Under 5 5 years and Under « 5 years and years. over. years. over. 222,573 34. 742 187,831 312, 099 52, 964 259, 135 260, 725 2,163 258,562 10, 946 942 10, 004 1 6,679 457 6, 222 5, 774 839 4, 935 7,285 34 7. 251 302 14 2*8 2 3, 053 230 2,823 3. 309 555 2. 754 3, 998 23 3, 975 170 5 165 3 3. 626 227 3, 399 2.465 284 2,181 3, 287 11 3, 276 132 9 123 4 1,098 263 835 3. 748 693 3.055 4.062 76 3. 986 78 8 70 5 5.512 576 4, 936 6. 546 987 5,559 6.479 38 6. 441 217 11 206 2. 478 356 2. 122 4. 113 663 3, 450 3, 872 25 3. 847 119 9 110 7 3. 034 220 2, 814 2, 433 324 2, 109 2, 607 13 2, 594 98 - 96 8 3, 419 417 3, 002 4.385 490 3,895 3, 990 15 3, 975 530 53 477 9 3, 323 710 2. 613 8, 868 1.239 7,629 7.402 76 7,326 582 32 550 10- 1,296 246 1, 050 4. 141 620 3, 521 4,051 38 4,013 237 5 232 11 2,027 464 1.563 4.727 619 4.108 3,351 38 3.313 345 37 318 12 . 6, 114 1.006 5.108 15,716 2 922 12, 794 15, 755 152 15, 603 108 9 99 13 2. 062 285 1. 777 3.488 447 3, 041 3, 219 27 3.192 23 23 14 1,322 433 889 8. 128 1.884 6,244 8. 462 98 8. 364 12 12 15 2, 730 288 2. 442 4,100 591 3. 509 4,074 27 4, 047 73 9 64 16 13. 913 1,477 12. 436 11,859 1.436 10,423 9, 304 38 9. 266 650 55 595 17 2, 246 451 1.795 4, 554 748 3, 806 3.411 19 3. 392 75 9 66 18 3,949 362 3. 587 2. 373 221 2. 152 1,979 9 1.970 140 u 129 19 4, 552 3.44 4.208 2, 025 188 1,837 1.882 4 1.878 298 24 274 20 3. 166 320 2. 846 2. 907 279 2. 628 2. 032 6 2, 026 137 11 126 21 6. 921 1.492 5,429 12, 620 2. 565 10, 055 11,635 149 11. 186 63 3 60 22. 1, 339 236 1.103 1,591 283 1.308 1.373 11 1,362 14 14 23 3, 041 649 2, 392 5. 757 1.241 4,516 6,014 90 S, 924 32 2 30 24 2. 266 531 1.735 4. 531 888 3, 643 3,604 40 3. 564 9 9 25 275 76 199 741 153 588 644 8 636 8 1 7 26 3, 787 621 3.166 7. 497 1.246 6, 251 5, 978 52 5, 926 434 45 389 27 2.373 1 307 2, 066 3. 164 330 2, 834 2. 485 27 2, 458 293 33 260 28 1,267 286 981 3. 600 801 2.799 3, 000 21 2. 979 141 12 129 29 147 28 119 733 115 618 493 4 489 38 6. 8(34 1.447 5, 417 14,419 2. 258 12, 161 12, 026 108 11,918 722 68 654 31 3,302 528 2, 774 5, 798 771 5, 027 4.890 23 4, 867 74 1 73 32 2. 256 573 1.683 5,670 958 4. 712 4. 723 49 4,674 540 53 487 33 1,306 346 960 2. 951 529 2. 422 2,413 36 2. 377 108 14 94 34 6, 457 773 5, 684 7.828 938 6, 890 6.477 27 6, 450 1,931 174 1,757 35 2,291 436 1, 855 4, 699 613 4, 086 3,793 21 3. 772 1.222 120 1,102 36 4,166 337 3,829 3, 129 325 2, 804 2, 684 6 2. 678 709 54 655 37 3, 582 944 2, 638 12. 535 2, 503 10,032 11.238 115 11, 123 13 13 38 760 196 504 2. 761 688 2. 073 3,159 38 3.121 8 8 39 761 184 577 2.144 443 1,701 1, 863 17 1,846 40 2,061 564 1,497 7, 630 1.372 6. 258 216 60 6,156 5 5 41 8. 023 957 7. 066 : 7. 725 906 6,819 5, 765 41 5. 724 115 12 103 42 2. 245 240 2. 005 1, 953 171 1,782 1,401 8 1.393 31 1 30 43 2. 744 344 2, 400 3, 322 * 506 2,816 2, 847 29 2,818 11 11 44 3, 034 373 2. 661 2. 450 229 2, 221 1,517 4 1,513 73 11 62 45 5. 342 1, 132 4.210 11.423 2.207 9,216 10,473 128 10. 345 8 8 40 849 229 620 3. 255 624 2. 631 2, 555 20 2, 535 1 1 47 1.570 343 1,227 3.491 802 2. 689 3, 778 61 3. 717 4 4 48 2.180 403 1. 777 3. 733 596 3. 137 3. 233 30 3, 194 3 3 4!) 743 586 944 185 759 907 8 899 8, 562 1.568 6, 994 11. 580 1.627 9. 953 7.414 46 7, 368 74 3 71 51 1,260 308 952 2, 257 385 1.872 1,499 14 1,485 9 1 8 52: 3. 744 628 3.116 3.616 439 3. 177 2. 118 19 2, 099 14 14 53 3. 558 632 2. 926 5. 707 803 4. 904 3, 797 13 3,784 51 2 49 54 5.813 1.706 4, 107 20, 812 4. 618 • 16,194 18. 685 206 18, 479 410 37 373 55 1,753 355 1.398 2 222 280 1.942 1,450 10 1,440 160 9 151 56 1.311 410 901 5, 647 1. 313 4, 334 5, 393 59 5, 334 143 22 121 57 1. 419 <124 0 776 5 279 3 1.330 446 884 el 167 l! 528 4.639 876 78 0, 798 104 6 98 59 11,127 1.915 9,212 16. 852 3.123 13. 729 13,.408 114 13, 294 37 37 60 2,099 379 1,720 3,976 737 3. 239 3, 428 29 3, 399 9 9 61 2. 48-! 298 2. 186 2, 453 349 2,104 1, 912 17 1. 895 18 18 62 !, 298 358 940 4. 564 1 010 36 3 79ft 5 63 782 3. 892 4. 959 ’ 857 4.102 3! 511 25 3. 486 5 5 04 00 T 8!) 739 148 591 620 613 65- 17 9 S 161 09 139 103 103 6G 15. 782 3.651 12, 131 33,612 7. 143 26.469 25.487 221 25, 266 79 rj 72 67 1.896 520 1.376 5. 068 966 4, 102 3, 553 17 3, 536 4 4 68 235 103 132 1 22,9 ;e>7 912 443 171 272 2, 007 438 1, 569 1.495 12 1, 483 5 5 70 ’, 303 452 851 6. 701 1,643 5. 058 5. 556 70 5, 486 6 0 71 2. 103 532 1,571 6. 396 1,463 4, 933 5, 067 42 5, 025 22 1 21 72 2,321 381 1, 940 2. 793 492 2, :m 2, 110 9 * 2.101 14 2 12 73 1. 934 357 1, 577 2. 508 466 2, 042 1,816 8 1,808 10 2 8 74 3. 030 525 2. 505 2.413 314 2. 099 1.464 15 1,419 12 2 10 /o i, 160 236 924 1 143 194 949 865 6 859 4 4 76 1. 357 374 983 3, 344 840 2. 504 2, 600 32. 2, 568 0 O IT 240 VITAL STATISTICS. Table SO.—POPULATION. OF BROOKLYN, .KINK 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, AGGREGATE WHITE. — Total. Native bum WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All age.n. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All aj.es. Under 5 years. 5 years and over. All ajtes. Total. Under ."V years. 5 years and over. 1 Ward 19 30, 244 3, 871 32, 373 35. 629 3.821 31, 808 24, 537 3. 761 20, 776 2 A 8,775 830 7, 945 8, 743 829 7. 914 6. 080 817 5. 263 3 9, 541 640 8,901 9, 504 640 8,864 7,531 636 6. 895 4 C 17,928 2, 401 15, 527 17,382 2, 352 15, 050 10, 926 2,308 8, 618 5 Ward 20 24,136 1,828 22, 303 23,315 1,702 21, 553 17, 034 1,737 15, 297 o A 10,043 1,050 8, 993 9,968 1.045 8, 923 7.242 1,030 6,212 7 B 6,213 289 5, 924 6, 086 286 5, 800 4,519 284 4, 235 « < 7,880 489 7,391 7,261 431 6,330 5, 273 423 4,850 !) Ward 21 50,118 5,882 44,236 49, 858 5,872 43, 986 33. 892 5, 737 28,155 10 A 9. 982 1,445 8, 537 9, 958 1,415 8, 513 6, 277 1.398 4,879 11 :i 6, 697 579 6.118 6, 670 579 6, 091 4,999 560 4, 439 12 c 14, 918 1.963 12,955 ! 14,776 1.955 12.821 8,979 1.919 7. 060 13 D 7. 312 587 6,725 j 7,289 587 6, 702 5. 795 577 5, 218 14 E 11,20E 1, 7.08 9,901 11, 165 1,306 9,859 7,842 1,283 6, 559 15 Ward 22 50, 256 5, 282 44,908 50, 041 5,275 44. 766 35. 665 5. 173 30. 492 16 A 14,122 1,248 12. 874 14,023 1.247 12,776 10.094 1.214 8,880 17 15 5, 984 551 5, 433 5. 955 551 5.404 ! 4.337 54,. 3, 792 18 < 4, 390 414 3, 976 4. 361 411 3,950 3,241 404 2.837 19 I) 12, 378 1,435 10. 943 12,348 1,435 10,913 8, 770 1,408 7.362 20 11 2, 640 316 2, 324 2, 638 316 2. 322 1.796 310 1.486 21 F 10, 736 1,318 0,418 10,716 1.315 9, 40. 7,427 1,292 6, 135 22 Ward 23 29, 348 2, 191 27, 157 29.113 2. .84 26. 929 23. 236 2. 1.59 21,077 23 A 9, 553 733 8,820 9, 507 731 8, 776 7, 703 724 6, 979 24 15 9, 479 044 8,835 9, 400 643 8, 757 7. 646 639 7, 007 25 0 10,310 814 9. 502 10,206 810 9, 396 7 887 I 796 7,091 | 26 Ward 24 16, 771 1.681 15, 090 15, 790 1.575 14.215 11,035 9. 497 | 27 A 3,555 262 3, 293 3,501 262 3, 239 2, 677 258 2,419 1 28 15 6,210 631 5,579 5, 656 564 5, 092 3. 9C0 555 3, 405 ! 29 C 2, 081 304 i, 777 1,921 279 1,642 1,270 270 1,000 30 I) 1,683 184 1,499 1.654 181 1.473 1.085 lfiS 917 31 E 3, 242 300 2. 942 3,058 289 2, 769 2, 043 287 1,756 32 Ward 25 44, 638 5,070 39,568 43,406 4, 937 33,469 33. 345 4,866 28. 479 33 A 12, 584 1,247 11,337 11. 952 1, 167 10, 785 9 03u 1 152 7,878 34 15 8, 665 877 7.788 8, 638 877 7, 761 6, 805 870 .6. 935 35 *• 8, 896 903 7, 993 8. 732 883 7,849 7. 164 873 6,291 36 1) 7, 948 1,090 6. 858 7. 591 1,062 0, 529 5. 328 1,039 4,289 37 E 6,545 953 5,592 6, 493 94)? 5, 545 5. 01S 932 4.08': 38 Ward 26 29, 505 3. 987 25,518 29, 265 3, 955 25 310 19.811 3. 883 15, 928 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 241 WITH 1 DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND CERTAIN AGE PERIODS—Courimiod white—continued. COLORED. N ative born - -Continued. Foreign born Both parents native. One or both pr.rents foreign. Under a a years and J years. over. Under a 5 years aril Under a a years and All ages. years. over. year . over. years. over. 10, 467 1,596 8, £71 14,070 2, 165 11,905 11,092 || 60 :i. o-2 615 50 565 1 2,787 370 2, 417 3,293 447 2, 846 2, 663 12 2, 651 32 1 1 31 2 4, 044 445 4,109 2, 887 191 2, 696 1,973 4 1,969 37 ! 37 4 :j, 036 781 2,255 7, 890 1.527 6, 363 6, 456 44 6.412 546 | 49 497 3 9, 758 893 8,8«5 7,276 844 6,432 6,281 25 6,256 821 66 755 5 3, 276 506 2,770 3,966 524 3, 442 2, 726 15 2,711 5 70 6 3,033 183 2, 850 1,486 101 1,385 1,567 2 1. 565 | 127 3 124 7 3,449 204 3, 245 1,824 219 1,605 1,988 8 1.980 619 i 58 561 8 13, 314 2, 232 11.082 20, 578 3, 505 17, 073 15,966 135 15, 831 260 j 10 250 9 1,731 428 1,303 4, 546 970 3, 576 3, 681 47 3,634 24 i 24 ll 2, 784 309 2. 475 2,215 251 1.964 1,671 19 1. 652 1 27 27 11 1.971 574 1,397 7, 008 1,345 5.663 5, 797 36 5, 761 142 8 134 12 3 641 369 3. 272 2, 154 208 1,946 1,494 10 1,484 23 23 13 3,107 552 2. 635 4,655 731 3,924 3,323 23 3, 300 2 42 14 18. 7.-9 2.572 16. 167 16, 926 2, 601 14, 325 14, 376 102 14. 274 209 202 15 5, 820 636 5,184 4, 274 578 3, 696 3, 929 33 3, 896 99 i 98 16 2. 403 335 2,128 1,874 210 1,664 1, 618 6 1,612 29 29 17 2,050 231 1,819 1, 191 173 1,018 1 120 ' 7 1, 113 29 3 26 18 4,468 708 3, 760 4.302 700 3, 602 3. 578 27 3, 551 30 31 19 714 114 (.00 1,082 196 886 842 6 836 2 2 21 3, 224 548 2,676 4,203 744 3, 459 3, 289 23 3,266 20 3 17 21 10. 096 1,405 14, 691 7,140 754 6. 386 5, 877 25 5,852 235 7 228 22 5,318 488 4. 830 2, 385 236 2. 149 1, 804. 7 1.797 46 o 44 23 5,520 455 5, 065 2,126 184 1,942 1,754 4 1, 750 79 I 78 24 5, 258 462 4, 796 2,629 334 2, 295 2,319 14 2, 305 110 4 106 23 4,892 639 4,253 6, 143 899 5.244 4,755 37 4,718 981 106 875 26 1, 855 164 1,691 822 94 728 824 4 826 54 54 27 1,539 211 1,328 2, 421 344 2,077 1, 696 9 1,687 554 67 487 28 401 84 317 869 186 683 651 9 642 160 2o 135 29 352 72 280 733 96 637 569 13 556 29 3 26 30 745 108 637 1.293 179 1, 119 1.015 2 1,013 184 11 173 31 10,002 2. 682 16, 320 14, 343 2,184 12, 159 10, 061 71 9,990 1.232 133 1,099 32 5.375 633 4.742 3. 655 519 3. 136 2,922 15 2,907 632 80 552 33 4,218 503 3 715 2,587 367 2, 220 1.833 7 1, 826 27 27 34 4, 776 595 4, 181 2, 388 278 2, 110 1.568 10 1,553 164 20 144 35 2, C50 449 1,601 3, 278 590 2, 688 2, 263 23 2, 240 357 28 329 36 2, 583 502 2,081 2, 435 430 2, 005 1 475 16 1,459 52 5 47 37 7, 987 1 ,611 6, 376 11,824 2.272 9 552 9, 454 72 9,382 240 32 208 38 242 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 8 1 .—POPULATION OF BROOKLYN, JUNE 1, 1890, BY WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS, WARDS AND SANITARY DIS- TRICTS. UNITED STATES (WHITE). ENGLAND AND WALES. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. ! ■ . All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All a ges. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Under 15 years. 15 years and over. All ages. Undei 15 years. 15 years and over. 1 Total.. 268, 097 115, 073 153. 024 50,379 11, 675 38,704 196, 372 41, 570 154,802 14.195 3,394 10, 801 4,777 1,017 3,760 195. 663 52, 809 142,854 2 Ward 1 7, 565 1,770 5. 795 1,371 224 1,147 0, 800 1,031 5, 775 439 60 379 161 21 140 1.793 315 1,478 3 A 3, 620 971 2, 649 024 120 504 4, 043 074 3, 309 191 34 157 64 4 60 953 177 776 4 15 3,945 799 3.146 747 104 043 2, 703 357 2, 400 248 20 222 97 17 80 840 138 702 5 Ward 2 1,417 746 671 475 117 358 4,213 897 3.310 153 48 105 54 13 41 866 220 646 6 Ward 3 6.507 2, 066 4,501 1,332 224 1, 108 4,087 762 3, 325 333 41 292 92 9 83 3,334 614 2, 720 7 A 3,080 1. 180 1.900 691 132 559 2.710 571 2.145 187 24 163 43 6 37 2,038 390 1,648 8 13 3, 487 886 2,601 641 92 549 1,371 191 1, 180 146 17 129 49 3 46 1,296 224 1,072 9 Ward 4 4,030 1,388 2, 642 1, 142 171 971 3. 650 433 3,217 394 73 321 96 10 86 1,453 263 1,190 10 Ward 5 4,219 2,175 2,044 1,145 339 806 9,914 2, 052 7, 862 557 191 300 100 15 85 1,503 282 1,221 11 A 1,622 789 833 405 147 258 5, 361 1. 145 4,216 220 84 136 45 9 30 571 88 483 12 15 2, 597 1,386 1,211 740 192 548 4, 553 907 3, 646 337 107 230 55 0 49 932 194 738 13 Ward 6 7,951 3, 379 4, 572 1,798 443 1, 355 16, 986 3,927 13,059 374 69 305 133 20 113 3, 998 871 3,127 14 A 2,612 930 1.676 583 123 460 3, 326 627 2,699 131 22 109 36 5 31 939 172 767 15 15 2, 067 1,390 671 559 182 277 9.173 2, 453 0, 720 151 42 109 32 8 24 1,894 517 1,377 10 c 3,272 1, 047 2, 225 656 138 518 4,487 847 3,640 92 5 87 65 7 58 1,165 182 983 17 Ward 7 15,507 4,906 10.601 2. 850 549 2, 301 10. 285 2. 007 8.218 683 132 551 152 24 128 3, 281 712 2,569 18 A 2. 707 1, 298 I, 401) 773 208 4, 619 1.056 3, 563 195 53 142 29 29 1,162 295 867 19 B 4,121 1,225 2.896 756 136 020 1.850 203 1,587 175 36 139 38 11 27 653 149 504 20 C 5,080 1,248 3,832 687 94 593 1,347 137 1,210 153 9 144 33 1 32 697 95 602 21 D 3,599 1,135 2, 464 634 111 523 2. 469 611 1,858 160 34 126 52 12 40 769 173 596 22 Ward 8 8, 622 4, 572 4,050 2. 622 793 1, 829 9,401 2, 368 7, 033 818 277 541 139 23 110 5. 886 1.692 4, 194 23 A 1,617 744 873 595 187 408 862 173 689 139 29 110 19 3- 16 586 114 472 24 13 3,776 1,987 1. 789 930 272 664 4.316 1,009 3,307 274 89 185 37 7 30 3.180 952 2, 228 25 C 2, 832 1. 563 1.269 874 259 615 3,671 1.047 2. 624 295 121 174 73 16 Dt 1. 918 568 1, 350 26 1) 397 278 119 217 / 0 142 552 139 413 110 38 72 10 3 7 202 58 144 27 Ward 9 4, 740 2. 226 2, 514 1,039 276 763 8, 228 1,926 6, 302 307 79 228 36 32 1,652 438 1,214 28 A 2, 813 1.137 1,670 567 150 417 3.012 582 2,430 174 35 139 18 3 15 685 159 526 29 15 1. 683 748 378 83 295 4, 372 1.096 3.276 117 43 74 15 826 238 588 30 c 244 154 90 94 43 51 844 248 596 16 1 15 3 1 2 ; 141 41 100 31 Ward 10 8, 566 4,382 4,184 2, 197 548 1, 649 14,150 2,971 11,179 833 280 553 120 20 100 4,050 i 958 3,092 32 A 4, 058 1,753 2. 305 935 185 750 5. 225 898 4,327 ‘272 69 203 75 12 63 2, 075 396 1.679 33 15 2,871 1, 054 1.217 822 213 609 5, 922 1,297 4, 625 339 127 212 40 8 32 1,294 357 937 34 C 1, 637 975 002 440 150 290 3. 003 776 2, 227 222 84 138 5 5 681 205 476 35 Ward 11... 7, 496 2,518 4, 978 1, 504 273 1,231 7,354 1.324 6, 030 440 75 365 131 25 106 2,164 406 1,758 36 A 2, 857 1,356 1, 501 607 162 505 4, 815 911 3, 904 232 53 179 48 j 6 42 1,143 | 235 908 37 1! 4, 639 1,102 3,477 837 111 726 2, 539 413 2,126 208 22 186 83 19 64 1,021 171 850 38 Ward 12 4. 593 2,923 1,670 1,377 461 916 12.656 3,253 9, 403 488 180 308 55 16 39 3,336 1,117 2,219 39 A 967 592 375 256 80 170 2. 283 538 1,745 117 37 80 19 7 12 1,422 475 947 40 B 762 247 181 116 1,754 513 1.241 121 2 2 667 262 405 41 C 2, 804 1,816 1,048 940 316 624 8,619 2, 202 6,417 250 87 163 34 9 25 1,247 380 867 42 Ward 13 9, 032 3,130 5, 902 1, 473 204 1,209 3,882 593 3, 289 418 77 341 165 37 128 4. 855 944 3,911 43 A 2. 551 779 1,772 390 65 325 990 130 854 . 82 12 70 43 13 30 1,220 174 1. 046 44 15 3, 067 1. 173 1,894 552 . 112 440 1, 872 312 1, 560 185 40 145 46 10 36 2.217 515 1, 702 45 C 3, 414 1, 178 2, 236 531 87 444 1,020 145 875 151 25 126 76 14 62 1,418 255 1,163 40 Ward 14 0. 551 3, 563 2. 988 1,003 305 698 9,660 2, 274 7, 386 303 78 225 117 22 95 6, 448 2,024 4, 424 47 A 1,119 702 417 193 08 125 3, 280 865 2,415 97 29 08 64 16 48 1,370 483 887 48 B 1,897 1,036 861 251 81 170 2, 796 036 2,160 78 14 64 23 9 21 2, 770 899 1.871 49 C 2, 687 1,382 1,305 429 95 334 2. 677 539 2,138 118 31 87 29 4 25 1.929 521 1. 408 50 1) 848 443 405 130 61 69 907 234 673 10 4 6 1 1 379 121 258 51 Ward 15 10.584 5,129 5, 455 1, 761 421 1,340 4,229 759 3,470 483 150 333 161 35 120 8, 798 2,123 6, 675 52 A 1,603 940 663 212 70 142 1.298 314 984 108 44 64 14 6 8 1,352 329 1.023 53 1! 4,445 1.976 2.469 805 192 613 1,365 215 1. 150 188 50 138 09 12 57 2, 251 532 1,719 54 C 4,530 2, 213 2, 323 744 159 585 1, 566 230 1,336 187 56 131 78 17 61 5. 195 1,262 3,933 55 Ward 16 8, 518 6,020 2.498 820 216 604 1,633 336 1,297 142 33 109 271 67 204 30,980 9,118 21,862 50 A 2.159 1, 093 1, 066 437 97 340 779 140 639 89 22 67 45 ii 34 1,788 370 1,418 57 B 2, 002 1.490 572 180 44 130 345 83 262 31 8 23 84 23 01 9, 000 2,662 6, 338 58 C 2,288 1.888 400 64 25 39 178 52 126 4 1 3 91 20 71 11,097 3,351 7,746 59 1) 2, 009 1,549 460 139 50 89 331 61 270 18 1 “ 10 51 13 38 9,095 2. 735 6, 360 60 Ward 17 13, 536 6.323 7,213 2.544 636 1,908 12,442 3.040 9,402 1,080 297 783 320 88 232 9,114 2,616 6, 498 01 A 2,595 1,227 1,368 583 144 439 2,875 648 *2 2*27 301 , 84 217 110 27 83 2. 486 699 1,787 62 B 2, 921 1,100 1,821 521 92 429 1,596 301 I. 295 247 67 180 44 13 31 1,127 268 859 63 1, 842 1.165 077 409 145 204 4. 497 1.215 3, 282 141 43 98 48 7 41 2, 076 680 1,396 64 1) 5, 455 2, 453 3. 002 891 212 679 2. 726 642 2, 084 351 90 261 86 21 65 3, 027 837 2, 190 65 E 692 357 335 122 34 88 571 194 377 32 8 24 21 11 10 368 125 243 60 F 31 21 10 18 9 9 177 40 137 8 5 3 11 9 2 30 7 23 67 Ward 18 20,736 11,798 8, 938 3,499 964 2 535 6, 876 1,620 5.256 655 166 489 588 190 398 40. 220 12,848 27, 372 68 A 2, 649 1,643 1. 006 503 150 353 1, 655 380 1. 275 61 25 36 84 31 53 5,115 1. 570 3, 545 09 B 359 305 54 19 9 10 99 32 07 19 9 10 26 10 16 1.883 683 1,200 70 C 704 560 204 36 12 24 151 45 106 10 2 8 111 40 65 2, 776 845 1,931 71 1) 1,988 1, 581 407 150 44 106 74 241 21 21 78 30 10. 722 3. 673 7, 049 72 E 3.033 1, 868 1,165 390 90 300 807 203 604 74 19 55 97 24 73 8,869 2, 871 5. 998 73 F 2,
    15 2 13 21 16 77 21 50 48 76 7 215 82 133 40 10 30 118 40 78 5 o 3 15 6 9 59 8 14 14 68 14 54 109 1 24 85 i 1 31 36 30 11 1 25 77 145 15 32 62 113 9 56 19 37 89 21 68 77 29 48 15 8 7 3 o 1 10 280 90 190 818 281 537 2, 234 578 1, 656 28 6 99 2 i 1 343 106 237 829 140 689 11 27 20 198 43 155 905 252 653 1 4 48 17 31 16 11 81 266 37 18 19 27 229 12 7 2 5 94 29 65 224 36 188 1 3 25 13 117 9 104 86 94 121 13 10 1 9 91 25 66 134 15 119 1 1 9 113 148 14 90 27 63 102 48 54 326 73 253 7 1 6 2 i 1 36 15 16 5 11 70 28 42 123 37 80 1 1 12 4 8 43 7 36 16 130 48 82 263 108 155 522 165 357 10 3 7 12S 38 90 155 32 123 17 . 27 . IS 412 93 319 402 344 12 5 i 1 62 5 20 42 4 384 66 76 308 58 18 10 4 6 94 21 73 92 8 84 1 8 23 19 6 6 141 30 111 104 11 93 3 3 12 1 11 116 93 20 11 5 6 177 42 135 206 39 167 9 5 4 i 1 18 27 202 45 157 21 57 20 37 162 49 113 286 90 196 2 2 2 2 186 107 79 292 77 215 22 1 1 30 6 24 64 4 60 i I 17 99 9 0 15 19 32 100 82 6 26 76 52 23 12 4 8 71 22 49 113 74 41 1 i 80 24 30 24 27 9 18 23 14 9 28 46 i i 25 12 7 5 19 5 14 20 12 8 1 i 6 1 15 40 26 5 19 2 17 15 10 16 39 23 2 21 27 175 74 101 464 149 315 766 220 546 23 14 9 3 3 171 41 130 741 220 521 28 60 33 27 144 36 108 279 72 207 3 •> 67 16 261 85 14 176 29 11 4 7 74 24 50 111 16 95 7 6 1 2 2 18 4 14 100 86 30 26 8 18 102 32 70 86 22 64 21 14 119 30 89 31 57 22 35 20 33 187 77 110 ::::::: ::::::: i i 45 10 143 60 83 32 21 , 7 14 91 37 103 33 70 13 8 20 4 16 118 31 87 33 784 1 331 453 208 72 136 312 109 203 109 53 56 530 133 397 694 202 492 34 246 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 82.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31. 1890. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar-1 let fever.1 t y phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar rlieal dis eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known. Total. 250, 359 4, 367 2, 031 2, 060 15,199 26, 514 32, 781 24, 090 3,822 2, 820 5,067 11,568 2,236 2,764 20, 247 14, 537 1,789 18, 862 59, 522 83 3, 320 70 23 150 259 494 336 48 34 51 150 27 217 203 19 174 979 A 2, 620 59 25 26 115 203 408 263 41 31 35 104 23 44 167 165 14 154 749 B 638 8 ii 31 50 85 69 7 3 16 45 4 3 45 36 5 17 203 C 50 3 4 6 i 4 1 5 2 3 27 363 3 5 9 16 21 39 3 1 3 27 o 6 32 22 6 16 108 Ward 3 694 5 10 5 33 40 102 54 7 21 9 58 3 6 50 53 31 215 Ward 4 4, 622 62 20 38 230 383 738 563 70 30 63 197 35 65 339 333 28 253 1,172 3 A 1. 862 30 8 16 91 149 312 203 15 14 31 88 18 26 132 143 13 95 477 1 11 2,760 32 12 22 139 234 426 360 55 16 32 109 17 39 207 190 15 158 695 2 Ward 5 2, 922 42 33 18 150 312 408 325 58 34 35 127 21 39 236 160 14 215 688 i A 1, 812 30 21 12 97 193 254 202 34 23 24 75 8 24 104 100 9 123 419 B 1, 110 12 12 6 59 119 154 123 24 11 ii 52 13 15 72 60 5 92 269 i 5, 342 57 51 30 309 516 767 212 49 57 196 46 48 420 291 22 359 1 950 A 354 4 5 20 24 49 30 2 5 23 4 10 32 22 2 14 97 B 1 478 13 4 84 128 209 180 55 19 22 57 14 12 116 95 7 92 350 C 3, 510 40 31 22 205 364 509 440 150 28 30 1,6 28 26 278 174 13 253 803 Ward 7 9, 943 175 57 50 577 1.079 1,233 1,209 121 123 141 346 89 106 791 581 04 731 2,468 2 A 2, 227 36 12 12 142 227 265 282 26 25 25 59 7 24 212 124 8 148 591 2 B 2. 137 34 10 9 115 227 270 298 33 33 28 59 25 21 153 141 15 152 C 3, 369 68 23 13 201 369 414 367 31 35 49 127 39 37 268 186 28 276 838 1) 2, 210 37 12 16 119 256 284 202 31 30 39 101 18 24 158 130 13 155 525 Ward 8 6, 660 104 44 32 376 600 976 624 95 63 92 294 09 80 606 408 31 534 1,631 1 2,105 44 16 12 93 190 331 194 27 20 27 105 23 34 203 130 7 128 509 B 23 18 11 137 205 307 225 40 17 29 89 22 17 191 144 10 223 541 C 2,300 37 10 9 146 205 338 205 22 20 30 100 24 29 212 128 14 183 581 1 Waid 9 8, 885 149 78 85 474 799 1,270 729 116 108 186 470 79 142 848 523 72 576 2,180 1 A 1, 050 26 14 18 83 144 211 142 26 19 23 76 14 32 160 101 15 106 445 1 B 3, 503 58 32 31 189 327 543 279 47 37 60 178 30 53 299 218 27 13 236 859 C E 688 28 14 15 113 178 123 25 30 31 70 17 21 104 73 107 401 1) 2, 038 37 18 21 89 150 :;i l 185 18 22 72 140 18 30 225 131 17 127 415 Ward 10 8,508 195 65 27 612 997 1,001 903 124 81 141 348 99 85 626 446 45 943 1,828 2 A 4, 663 115 33 10 349 530 491 513 78 41 61 184 57 40 358 252 22 535 991 11 3, 905 80 32 17 263 467 507 390 46 * 40 80 164 42 45 268 194 23 408 837 2 Ward 11 11,706 212 86 53 800 1,389 1.442 1,240 196 115 221 471 108 141 967 598 59 1,044 2, 559 5 A 3, 758 64 22 12 298 460 429 402 83 38 70 137 43 39 312 153 21 404 767 4 B 2, 814 60 21 14 178 355 308 991 39 29 68 120 22 36 2‘>4 154 14 240 581 C 2, 214 25 19 16 128 228 259 245 28 18 38 90 14 24 181 135 14 196 556 1) 2, 920 03 24 11 196 346 386 302 46 30 45 124 29 42 250 156 10 204 655 1 W ard12 27, 585 625 204 349 1.943 3. 269 3,033 2,578 434 333 590 1,175 290 236 2, 205 1,336 213 2,193 6, 572 7 A 318 12 3 5 11 26 39 21 7 9 23 2 1 26 13 5 23 92 B 1,441 34 7 14 117 126 151 137 24 18 45 80 16 20 105 106 11 109 C 1,509 34 14 10 131 209 159 147 19 14 24 60 16 10 122 73 12 144 311 11 837 21 6 7 57 104 108 74 12 6 20 46 5 4 69 39 3 57 198 1 E 761 19 9 10 58 75 82 68 3 rj 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 71 E . 952 27 4 13 83 105 108 91 14 8 15 38 7 10 80 59 8 72 G 2,570 64 10 38 208 404 266 253 41 46 35 70 27 19 202 103 8 193 582 1 H 519 8 6 8 41 42 40 2 3 13 37 3 3 50 39 9 109 1 3,519 96 30 33 274 475 333 324 78 48 58 138 40 20 253 139 17 311 K 350 8 3 4 21 42 39 27 2 11 17 6 i 22 23 3 32 85 1 L 21 4 9 38 49 08 50 7 9 8 24 4 5 33 40 2 M 5, 662 122 36 73 409 733 639 523 136 81 105 195 62 47 419 243 42 473 1,323 1 N 2,132 42 20 38 119 207 237 209 13 08 127 23 20 181 113 22 136 532 0 3, 493 31 56 235 1172 427 390 42 95 100 39 35 P 512 12 2 i 24 41 71 51 2 8 13 18 4 4 48 27 5 35 145 1 R 810 14 9 10 29 69 90 71 8 8 22 46 8 10 82 45 11 78 205 1 s 1,358 23 12 18 83 133 137 129 16 13 31 58 18 16 120 57 22 94 377 1 AB 319 3 2 57 34 37 2 2 7 8 19 124 Ward 13 6, 969 110 51 34 507 845 738 767 104 76 118 239 87 74 571 301 45 720 1,573 3 A 3, 962 77 25 14 305 491 389 438 58 36 78 139 55 32 318 159 31 443 873 1 B 3, 007 39 26 20 202 354 349 329 46 40 40 100 32 42 253 142 14 277 700 2 Ward 14 7,174 95 46 29 429 734 869 769 301 98 84 235 49 60 492 387 32 581 1, 880 4 A 2, 537 37 15 8 156 256 286 282 97 38 32 89 15 24 186 122 9 210 673 2 B 4,637 58 31 21 273 478 583 487 204 60 52 146 34 36 306 265 23 371 1, 207 2 Ward 15 4,987 73 45 35 197 428 712 462 55 45 91 338 46 55 463 361 36 353 1, 190 2 A ........ 2,139 22 17 10 73 228 325 193 24 23 21 134 21 21 184 120 13 181 522 1 B 1,150 18 9 5 70 98 162 100 20 12 13 05 10 16 96 94 7 70 284 1 (' 1,014 22 8 8 42 61 132 99 8 9 35 80 8 10 107 84 8 1) 684 11 11 6 12 41 93 70 3 1 22 59 7 8 76 63 8 32 Ward 16 8,088 119 67 82 427 688 1,132 758 63 74 194 479 72 101 698 571 90 547 1.921 5 A 1,587' 26 18 19 111 170 204 150 11 25 16 69 12 24 135 89 15 90 402 1 B 3, 049 49 19 36 160 247 441 282 20 21 80 198 21 36 275 208 37 217 701 1 <’ 1,242 18 11 11 52 112 167 116 12 10 25 72 16 10 113 87 13 96 299 2 11 2,210 26 19 16 104 159 320 210 20 18 73 140 23 31 175 187 25 144 519 1 Ward 17 16,582 311 161 67 1,049 1,841 2. 234 1.579 200 166 382 843 170 200 1,330 906 98 1,563 3, 479 3 A 2, 963 45 24 10 183 324 392 290 47 30 64 171 27 31 226 175 10 302 611 1 B 4, 850 111 56 18 299 618 615 455 56 43 108 225 53 55 382 228 31 489 1,008 C 1, 615 29 24 6 99 144 229 140 11 13 49 93 26 21 137 98 9 154 332 1 1) 2, 223 54 23 5 164 233 297 190 20 18 59 111 23 24 204 E 1,821 23 15 14 110 147 256 173 18 15 47 111 25 18 144 135 12 142 415 1 E 3, 110 49 19 14 194 375 445 331 48 47 55 132 16 5L i 237 140 20 282 655 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 247 Tablk 82.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. WARDS AND j SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid lever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Ward 18 10,930 140 104 86 608 1,078 1,508 1,021 131 119 217 605 86 160 874 727 73 840 2,547 6 A 494 6 6 4 15 20 69 53 1 19 44 2 9 45 60 4 26 111 B 1, 047 15 13 21 73 115 212 153 15 16 52 118 23 18 136 121 10 138 396 2 c 5, 393 73 44 32 356 660 737 506 76 73 69 208 35 74 419 296 28 406 1,298 3 I) 570 3 10 4 14 27 57 64 3 16 62 8 14 61 55 6 46 119 1 E 2, 826 43 31 25 150 433 245 30 30 61 173 18 45 213 195 25 2‘>4 623 Ward 19. . 31,145 650 270 252 2,406 3,585 3, 514 2,835 446 412 713 1,474 305 308 2,434 1,597 187 2, 610 7,138 9 A 848 6 17 6 38 49 88 89 4 4 34 76 8 10 87 79 6 53 194 l; 2 859 61 21 33 204 250 383 252 38 43 54 142 31 42 231 147 21 227 679 c 2, 935 71 20 28 251 358 366 267 54 50 42 125 29 23 204 143 10 210 683 1 1) 701 6 12 12 27 38 59 59 11 4 36 69 3 10 77 57 5 59 157 E 2, 453 45 17 23 167 249 265 198 45 36 83 130 28 28 176 136 21 211 595 V 2,846 62 34 10 220 340 346 267 38 39 53 131 40 24 224 163 18 209 628 It 1,743 25 11 11 96 239 134 162 34 29 39 72 11 15 101 110 19 114 519 2 H 3, 112 76 23 34 267 376 364 324 58 34 56 123 31 38 202 156 11 238 700 1 I 1, 108 13 0 8 104 175 126 103 22 9 17 38 7 8 73 37 2 94 262 1 K 572 13 6 6 36 32 40 56 2 32 41 7 5 57 44 5 48 137 L 3,129 50 17 16 252 415 382 294 44 47 73 112 35 23 255 122 19 302 671 M 1, 534 41 8 8 157 258 146 134 19 23 18 49 10 9 127 57 7 112 350 1 V 1,175 33 20 12 78 101 147 100 g 13 40 82 16 13 93 70 13 87 249 O 3,431 79 24 26 299 389 323 35 47 87 189 27 37 320 178 19 265 702 E 2, 268 68 30 19 209 297 251 188 34 29 47 90 22 22 184 89 10 222 454 3 n 431 1 l 1 23 28 19 2 5 1 23 9 1 159 158 Ward 20 15, 862 252 138 114 1,012 1.677 2,193 1,427 182 212 327 726 150 218 1. 222 999 99 1,222 3, 686 6 A 2, 640 34 25 20 151 300 399 235 50 39 37 101 30 44 187 183 12 183 609 1 B 3, 217 1 38 22 19 156 302 462 282 29 49 76 186 30 37 275 227 22 241 761 3 c 2 264 16 21 176 236 322 194 29 33 51 96 35 160 122 16 532 D 2,428 32 28 17 116 234 316 257 19 25 70 125 17 33 204 153 25 208 548 1 E 3,188 54 28 23 260 378 413 264 42 41 52 114 28 44 225 188 10 279 744 1 F 2,125 39 19 14 153 227 281 195 13 25 41 104 30 171 126 14 156 492 Ward 21 10, 407 151 89 120 542 921 1,435 928 107 132 270 606 81 140 856 685 79 830 2,432 3 A 586 6 12 10 19 21 58 2 2 21 7 10 62 66 6 36 125 B 1,605 31 19 15 69 95 234 145 14 . 21 33 107 ii 26 129 102 18 173 361 2 c 2, 361 30 19 30 128 252 356 181 23 35 50 102 13 32 169 109 16 234 582 D .. 510 4 5 4 16 47 46 3 30 52 4 11 54 10 39 101 E 1, 209 12 11 73 153 120 12. 11 43 10 18 118 71 9 88 293 F .. 349 5 0 2 18 11 32 36 2 23 42 3 4 38 30 2 29 66 U- 890 18 5 13 42 77 115 88 11 13 31 70 9 ii 70 63 8 53 192 1 H 2, 897 50 11 35 177 345 433 254 39 110 24 28 216 185 10 178 712 Ward 22 21, 824 503 154 253 1,341 2, 303 2, 679 1, 954 291 297 432 1,029 211 237 1,852 1,254 165 1,797 5,062 10 A 4,029 101 30 47 271 487 503 346 49 64 42 172 33 42 316 198 26 334 966 2 B 5, 164 106 28 48 335 555 673 493 74 74 117 222 56 47 436 318 45 427 1,109 1 C 1, 740 25 17 19 86 115 215 157 12 13 51 128 19 25 154 • 151 15 116 420 2 I) 1, 924 58 15 22 113 234 246 174 34 20 28 67 11 25 182 105 13 133 443 1 E 3, 387 104 17 46 296 328 423 307 44 48 87 174 36 41 292 197 18 262 737 F . 1,147 25 10 14 42 82 146 102 12 12 34 83 13 19 88 75 13 84 293 G ... 1, 735 29 17 12 109 223 212 165 37 28 23 12 13 132 81 6 182 • 437 H 821 20 4 18 51 116 76 63 17 14 9 30 14 8 92 32 6 71 178 2 I 1,123 21 7 9 57 107 120 91 5 12 20 43 9 10 81 56 11 171 292 1 K 227 9 4 6 13 13 13 16 2 3 9 18 3 2 28 15 ■ 5 11 57 I. 281 2 2 8 17 23 26 23 4 5 8 13 3 4 27 18 6 29 62 1 M 246 3 3 4 21 20 26 17 1 4 4 1? 2 1 24 8 1 27 68 6, 352 136 60 115 479 656 735 586 67 77 130 223 64 53 532 309 52 508 1,570 2, 290 34 16 90 108 185 349 192 23 40 82 100 11 24 240 128 30 105 533 Unlocated 17'139 88 152 57 418 1, 9C9 3,168 1.556 368 99 438 812 36 133 1,334 1. 358 225 117 4. 861 10 248 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 83.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Total. 112, 467 1,840 1,002 1,413 7,122 12,240 13,135 9, 965 767 1,134 2,091 5, 681 867 1,557 11, 724 4,889 1,359 7,754 27, 804 123 Ward 1 2, 257 26 23 31 130 159 276 170 12 15 67 159 14 41 270 127 44 124 567 2 A 1.154 13 14 12 70 90 136 79 10 9 35 83 7 19 126 58 23 61 302 1 15 1.103 13 9 19 54 69 140 91 2 6 32 76 7 22 144 69 21 63 265 1 Ward 2 1.915 12 10 17 104 228 228 185 28 9 24 94 7 27 209 87 19 123 502 2 Ward 3 2,455 38 15 19 158 227 313 199 12 19 09 145 18 47 295 107 45 168 559 2 A 1,474 29 11 8 93 145 175 128 6 15 33 83 13 27 179 56 31 96 344 2 H 081 9 4 U 82 138 71 6 4 36 62 5 20 116 51 14 72 215 Ward 4 1.958 21 14 25 91 186 269 166 8 12 44 112 16 26 224 92 27 138 483 4 Ward 5 3.648 38 22 59 206 396 439 319 24 41 48 160 25 57 426 195 29 236 926 2 A 1, 654 9 12 27 88 192 203 153 13 19 21 59 12 25 195 89 12 97 427 1 B 1 994 29 10 32 118 204 236 166 11 22 27 101 13 32 231 106 17 139 499 1 W ard 6 5, 791 115 56 77 386 673 634 524 60 49 92 261 41 82 556 234 82 388 1,474 7 A 1, 090 20 25 15 77 124 117 110 6 7 19 49 O 20 102 50 20 72 252 3 15 3. 393 73 19 44 999 430 370 305 48 33 41 134 28 43 301 123 29 246 902 2 C 1,208 22 12 18 87 119 147 109 . 6 9 32 78 11 19 153 61 33 70 320 2 Ward 7 4,448 62 48 53 ?7r 309 530 361 23 40 112 289 23 82 493 238 88 319 1.040 3 A 1 013 10 12 15 14 119 169 184 139 10 13 27 101 9 30 173 71 16 128 389 15 904 21 14 57 59 117 62 6 15 33 57 3 15 107 58 19 81 223 2 c 890 14 32 14 46 62 107 70 3 3 25 70 5 15 128 49 22 54 196 1 I) *11 9 11 GO 79 122 90 4 9 27 61 6 22 85 60 31 50 232 Ward 8 4,331 105 25 73 432 462 469 356 35 50 47 186 41 48 385 162 33 293 1,116 3 A 408 5 5 11 44 34 39 24 2 6 8 24 5 4 25 15 4 23 129 1 15 2, 322 59 20 46 239 249 228 186 19 21 23 93 18 34 210 95 19 151 610 2 0 1, 372 38 9 13 3 112 184 128 13 20 14 58 16 8 123 43 103 327 D 229 3 1 37 23 18 18 1 3 2 H 2 2 27 9 3 16 50 Ward 9 2, 040 41 25 29 189 300 318 178 23 36 54 141 19 37 282 125 34 177 629 3 A 1.157 22 11 10 • 80 100 164 69 11 14 22 78 6 14 121 62 18 74 274 1 15 1, 272 14 14 17 95 170 132 95 9 21 27 57 8 19 135 56 13 87 301 2 • 0 211 2 14 24 22 14 3 1 fj 6 5 4 26 7 3 16 54 5, 320 95 55 47 605 571 42 69 92 257 31 227 76 340 1 277 2 A 1, 964 41 32 22 139 204 229 172 9 25 39 109 16 29 218 89 38 118 435 B 2, 290 31 13 19 167 262 236 224 21 29 37 107 8 29 245 95 21 145 599 2 C 1,066 23 10 6 90 139 106 101 12 15 16 41 7 10 no 43 17 77 243 Ward 11 3, 643 69 22 46 236 378 443 290 19 44 73 221 17 57 400 143 35 227 920 3 A 2,188 45 10 20 139 236 253 183 13 30 38 129 11 42 241 83 13 149 546 1 15 1, 455 24 12 20 97 142 190 107 6 14 35 92 6 15 159 60 22 78 374 2 Ward 12 4.790 126 30 77 333 556 459 472 48 55 53 194 55 62 456 200 43 292 1.272 7 A 1, 221 39 5 27 64 135 108 110 20 23 12 39 16 17 108 46 8 96 347 1 15 863 23 6 7 44 88 92 94 6 10 15 35 12 12 72 38 8 59 240 2 C 2. 70G 64 19 43 225 333 259 268 22 22 26 120 27 33 276 116 27 137 685 4 Ward 13 3,008 53 ' 29 36 164 287 401 297 17 20 64 183 26 40 340 177 50 203 677 4 A 900 13 13 7 51 85 96 81 3 5 16 00 9 11 92 45 19 68 219 i 15 1, 226 21 5 18 70 115 157 123 11 11 24 70 12 15 145 74 12 78 264 i C 942 19 11 11 43 87 148 93 3 4 24 47 5 14 103 58 19 57 194 2 Ward 14 5,048 92 36 02 283 650 561 543 22 43 56 215 53 47 566 233 35 316 1,235 A 1,072 15 (j 10 G5 133 113 128 2 8 49 20 9 118 49 9 63 268 B 1, 792 39 11 20 10G 261 172 188 9 12 ‘20 66 11 16 210 87 11 114 439 C 1,563 30 14 19 74 178 210 100 8 14 19 80 19 211 176 66 13 98 364 I) 621 8 5 13 38 78 66 67 3 3 9 27 3 1 62 31 41 164 Ward 15...... 4,144 79 38 63 254 450 458 419 34 37 57 199 33 48 405 203 35 307 1,020 5 A 881 24 5 11 72 107 70 97 4 7 6 33 5 10 88 49 4 59 230 15 1,389 26 17 26 68 136 168 148 10 18 23 54 17 18 143 87 19 99 310 2 c 1,874 29 16 26 114 207 220 174 20 12 28 112 11 20 174 67 12 149 48J 3 Ward 16 7, 899 117 48 61 464 1, 074 841 840 52 79 132 311 53 106 794 249 68 643 1. 957 10 A 695 10 4 6 38 74 77 08 3 4 13 38 5 5 75 30 8 61 168 2 B 2, 214 39 15 13 145 333 242 211 13 22 38 87 25 26 197 63 13 180 549 3 < ■ 2. 750 37 17 23 143 352 286 313 18 32 40 no 14 40 267 70 25 248 707 2 D 2, 240 25 12 19 138 315 236 248 18 21 35 76 9 35 255 86 22 154 533 3 Ward 17 5,904 132 30 72 458 719 595 536 30 72 107 254 51 75 586 252 44 416 1.470 5 A ■ 1,405 42 5 15 112 175 144 148 7 12 21 54 10 19 143 67 17 102 311 1 B 845 17 Q 7 69 83 93 78 5 20 19 42 9 6 no 28 6 59 191 1 (' 1,768 31 11 30 122 262 165 144 9 17 23 69 17 25 141 77 9 113 503 1) 1,626 38 9 19 135 169 164 143 9 22 39 83 14 23 171 64 10 120 391 3 E 185 3 3 1 15 24 13 21 3 6 1 1 19 u 1 13 50 F 75 1 5 6 16 2 * 1 2 1 5 1 9 24 Ward 18 8,168 131 48 83 573 1,141 846 740 54 no 113 335 67 95 854 264 55 631 2,018 10 A 1.752 26 11 20 125 205 192 156 20 31 23 57 15 14 182 65 10 127 471 2 15 311 3 4 1 19 55 25 33 1 4 3 8 1 4 32 14 5 29 69 1 C - 574 5 3 3 45 83 64 62 7 9 4 16 8 52 17 42 147 I) 1,807 28 4 20 144 306 187 157 12 28 15 63 13 18 192 46 9 142 419 4 E 1,462 27 10 12 91 203 167 133 5 13 27 75 10 17 150 49 12 112 349 K 621 16 6 11 46 62 56 61 3 7 19 34 6 16 65 20 7 42 143 1 G 391 10 1 3 25 55 41 29 2 5 7 18 3 4 47 17 4 34 86 H 396 2 6 3 29 39 38 34 2 6 8 26 5 4 38 15 7 28 106 I 153 4 1 6 19 13 8 5 1 12 3 2 19 6 17 37 K 701 10 2 10 43 114 1 63 67 2 2 6 26 4 8 77 15 1 58 191 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN, 249 Table §3.—DEATHS FROM CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar- let lever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. i Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- * ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Ward 19 4, 533 68 42 36 245 490 580 418 21 48 101 223 38 56 497 208 46 356 1,054 6 A 1.162 j 11 15 12 58 106 137 103 4 11 31 55 11 18 134 64 11 76 303 2 B 893 19 13 9 39 71 121 82 5 2 39 54 5 16 98 61 20 55 182 2 C .* 2,478 38 14 15 148 313 322 233 12 35 31 114 22 22 265 83 15 225 569 2 Ward 20 2,940 33 28 47 163 220 361 234 9 21 85 191 26 51 329 173 72 185 710 2 A 1,482 19 11 21 111 132 190 125 7 10 30 71 12 25 154 86 41 82 353 2 B 581 7 13 15 22 28 53 1 4 27 49 8 13 73 39 12 33 139 c 877 7 4 11 30 60 118 64 1 7 28 71 6 13 102 48 19 70 218 Ward 21 6,478 80 53 93 J 437 765 737 533 36 68 127 359 61 82 683 224 78 487 1,567 8 A 1,313 16 8 8 83 173 150 119 14 15 18 57 10 15 135 41 12 no 327 2 B 830 5 11 14 52 75 91 65 3 10 14 77 8 11 111 28 20 43 191 1 C 2,330 22 13 .'4 189 309 285 171 13 25 47 9!) 23 24 215 74 18 203 573 3 D u 10 18 37 49 68 62 2 3 19 51 7 9 86 29 13 41 138 E 1,352 26 11 29 76 159 143 116 4 15 29 75 13 23 136 52 15 90 338 2 Ward 22 4,926 93 35 60 395 479 514 379 42 48 104 245 47 66 579 201 81 409 1,146 3 A 1,023 ! 11 13 13 67 85 111 76 11 i) 27 50 10 16 137 44 33 70 239 1 B 434 | 6 5 37 36 58 33 2 4 g 28 3 4 46 20 4 36 99 C 370 : 5 6 2 27 29 30 26 2 2 ' 15 18 7 43 19 4 37 93 1 I) .... 1, 234 25 6 17 110 131 130 87 9 13 23 73 13 23 134 46 22 94 278 E 430 7 5 6 35 36 38 28 6 2 12 26 2 3 39 17 9 60 99 F 1.435 39 17 119 162 147 129 12 18 19 50 15 13 180 55 9 112 338 1 Ward 23 2, 524 32 59 46 133 162 301 214 15 24 66 193 22 46 280 139 56 162 569 5 A 907 7 13 18 44 73 96 76 8 9 31 77 6 16 96 55 18 64 200 B 774 17 32 13 41 38 98 67 4 3 17 47 8 14 84 46 25 42 176 2 C 843 8 14 15 48 51 107 71 3 12 18 69 8 16 100 38 13 56 193 3 Ward 24 1, 635 34 21 22 87 199 174 136 5 16 45 89 5 37 162 67 17 99 418 2 A 276 5 G 9 6 14 39 15 1 15 1 6 34 24 5 16 71 i B 666 13 ll 39 105 58 64 2 8 16 47 18 53 19 6 40 161 i c 297 9 5 3 15 37 30 26 2 2 8 9 1 5 29 13 5 15 83 D 85 1 2 1 7 12 11 8 2 1 3 ] 10 5 1 6 14 K 311 G 3 5 20 31 36 23 1 3 5 15 3 36 6 22 89 Ward 23 4,319 68 49 64 277 480 479 394 25 41 100 225 38 59 449 174 53 339 999 6 A 1, 375 20 21 23 89 141 146 139 7 14 36 73 8 16 142 61 14 98 326 1 B 696 16 11 7 43 76 71 63 2 3 20 42 6 13 67 28 12 57 157 2 C. . 853 11 8 19 61 98 64 7 7 16 42 9 16 108 33 11 63 185 D 886 15 3 10 59 114 119 84 8 6 18 40 11 9 87 30 11 73 187 2 E 509 6 6 25 54 45 44 1 11 10 28 4 5 45 22 5 48 144 1 Ward 26 3, 059 53 30 76 179 337 324 212 19 43 57 116 27 49 307 103 54 195 871 7 Unlocated 4,626 27 101 39 74 248 1,014 353 52 25 102 324 13 ! 66 324 285 60 181 1,328 10 250 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 84.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1800. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Mala- rial fever. Diph- theria qnd croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- cS, Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of t lie nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Total... 2.99] .90 52.19 24.27 24.62 181.63 316.85 391.75 287.89 45.67 33.70 60.55 138.24 26.72 33.03 241.96 173.72 21.38 225.41 711.32 0.99 Ward 1. 4,310.46 90.88 32.46 48.04 194.75 336.27 641.38 436.24 62.32 44.14 66.21 194.75 35.05 61.02 281.74 263.56 24.67 225.91 1,271.07 A 4,664.96 104.81 44.41 46.19 204.29 360.62 724.79 467.21 72.83 55.07 62.18 184.75 40.86 78.16 296.67 293.11 24.87 273.57 1,330.56 15 3,654.08 45.82 63.00 177.55 286.37 486.83 395.19 40.09 17.18 91.64 257.73 22.91 17.18 257.73 206.19 28.64 97.37 1,162.66 r, 122.32 183.49- . 30.58 122.32 30.58 152.91 61.16 91.74 825.69 r Ward 2 5,525.11 45.66 76.10 30.44 243.53 319.63 776.26 593.61 45.66 15.22 45.66 410.96 30.44 91.32 487.06 334.86 91.32 243.53 1.643.84 Ward 3 3,118.54 22.47 44.94 22.47 148.29 179.74 458 34 242165 31.46 8.99 40.44 260.63 13.48 26.96 251.64 238.16 22.47 139.30 966.12 Ward 4 4,117.01 55.23 17.81 33.85 204.87 341.15 657.37 501.49 62.35 26.72 56.12 175.48 31.18 57.90 301.96 296.62 24.94 225.36 1,043.95 2.67 A 4,112.01 66.25 17.67 35.33 200.96 329.05 089 02 448.30 33.13 30.92 68.46 194.34 39.75 57.42 291.51 315.80 28.71 209.80 1,053.40 2.21 1! 4,120.39 47.77 17.91 32.84 207.51 349.34 635.97 537.44 82.11 23.89 47.77 162.73 25.38 58.22 309.03 283.65 22.39 235.88 1,037.56 2.99 Ward 5 3,652.04 52.49 41.24 22.50 194.98 389.95 509.94 406.20 72.49 42.49 43.74 158.73 26.25 48.74 294.96 199.98 17.50 268.72 859.89 1.25 A 3,863.87 63.97 44.78 25.59 206.84 411.55 541.62 430.74 72.50 49.04 51.18 159.93 17.06 51.18 349.71 213.24 19.19 262.28 893.40 1! 3,352.06 36.24 36.24 18.12 178.17 359.36 465.06 371.44 72.48 33.22 33.22 157.03 39.26 45.30 217.43 181.19 15.10 277.83 812.35 3.02 Ward G 4,010.51 42.79 38.29 22.52 231.98 387.39 575.83 492.49 159.16 36.79 42.79 147.15 34.53 36.04 319.82 218.47 16.52 269.52 938.44 A 3,139.97 35.48 44.35 35.48 177.40 212.88 434.63 266.10 62.09 17.74 44.35 204.01 35.48 88.70 283.84 195.14 17.74 124.18 860 39 B 3,900.77 34.31 39.59 10.56 221.69 337.82 551.60 490.89 145.16 50.15 58.06 150.44 36.95 31.67 306.15 250.73 18.47 242.81 923.73 C 4 176.78 47.60 36.89 26.18 243.94 433.15 605.69 523.59 178.49 33.32 35.70 138.04 33.32 30.94 330.81 207.05 15.47 301.06 955.54 Ward 7 3,009.15 52.96 17.25 15.13 174.62 326.55 373.15 365.89 36. G2 37.22 42.67 104.71 26.93 32.08 239.39 175.83 19.37 221.23 746.91 0.61 A 3.882.09 62.75 20.92 20.92 247.53 395.70 461.95 491.58 45.32 43.58 43.58 102.85 12.20 41.84 369.56 216.16 13.95 257.99 1,030.23 3.49 B 3 248.81 51 69 15.20 13.68 174.83 345.10 410.47 453.04 50.17 50.17 42.57 89.70 38.01 31.93 232.60 214.36 22.80 231.08 781.42 C 2,601.46 52.51 17.76 10.04 155.21 284.93 319.68 283.39 23.94 27.03 37.84 98.07 30.11 28.57 206.94 143.62 21.62 213.12 647.08 D 2,841.42 47.57 15.43 20.57 153.00 329.14 365.14 336.86 39.86 38.57 50.14 129.86 23.14 30.86 203.14 167.14 16.71 199.29 675.00 Ward 8 3,410.14 53.25 22.53 16.39 192.52 31-7.22 499.74 319.51 48.04 32.26 47.11 150.54 35.33 40.96 310.29 208.91 15.87 273.43 835.13 0.51 A 3,095.13 64.70 23.53 17.64 136.74 279.37 486.69 285.25 39.70 38.23 39.70 154.39 33.82 49.99 298.49, 199.97 10.29 188.21 748.42 B 4.230.93 43.15 33.77 20.64 257.05 384.63 576.01 422.15 86.31 31.90 54.41 166.99 41.28 31.90 358.36 270.18 18.76 418.40 1,015.05 C 3,108.44 50.01 13.51 12.16 197.32 277 06 456.81 277.06 29.73 27.03 48.65 135.15 32.44 39.19 286.52 172.99 18.92 247.32 785.22 1.35 Ward 9 2,718.32 45.59 23.86 26.01 145.02 244.45 388.55 223.03 35.49 33.04 56.91 143.79 24.17 43.44 259.44 160.01 22.03 176.22 666.90 0.31 A 3,017.71 (47.38 25.51 32.80 151.25 262.41 384.50 258.77 47.38 34.62 41.91 138.49 2541 58.31 291.57 184.05 ?7.33 193.16 810.92 1.82 B 2,747.45 45.49 25.10 24.31 148.24 256.47 425.88 218.82 36.86 29.02 47.06 139.61 23.53 41.57 234.51 170.98 21.18 185.10 673.73 C 2,807.16 46.56 23.28 24.95 187.92 296.02 340.92 204.55 41.58 49.89 51.55 116.41 28.27 34.92 272.73 121.40 21.62 177.94 766.65 1) 2,416.18 43.87 21.34 24.90 105.52 177.83 368.71 219.33 21.34 26.08 85.36 173.09 21.34 42.68 266.75 155.31 20.15 150.57 492.01 Ward 10 2,626.01 59.77 19.92 8.28 187.57 305.57 306.80 276.76. 38.00 24.83 43.22 106.66 30.34 26.05 191.86 136.69 13.79 289.02 560.27 0.61 A 2,699.71 66.58 19.11 5.79 202.06 306.85 286.01 297.01 45.16 23.74 35.32 106.53 33.00 23.16 207.27 145.90 1274 309.75 573.75 B 2,543.11 52.10 20.84 11.07 171.28 304.13 330.18 253.99 29.96 26.05 52.10 106.80 27.35 29.31 174.53 126.34 14.98 265.71 545 09 1.30 Waid 11 2,659.23 48.16 19.54 12.04 181.73 315.54 327.58 281.69 44.53 26.12 50.20 107.00 24.53 32.03 219.67 135.85 13.40 237.16 581.32 1.14 A 2,635.20 44.88 15.43 8.41 208.96 322.56 300.82 281.89 58.20 26.65 49.09 96.07 30.15 27.35 218.78 107.29 14.73 283.29 537.84 2.80 B 2,437.00 51.96 18.19 12.12 154.15 307.44 318.70 252.01 33.78 25.11 58.89 103.92 19.05 31.18 193.99 133.37 12.12 207.85 503.16 C 2,988.58 33.75 25.65 21.60 172.78 307.77 349.61 330.71 37.80 24.30 51.29 121.49 18.90 32.40 244.32 182.23 18.90 264.57 750.52 1) 2J02.65 58.31 22.21 10.18 181.41 320.25 357.27 279.52 42.58 27.77 41.65 114.77 26.84 38.87 231.39 144.39 9.26 188.82 606.25 0.93 Ward 12 2,607.49 59.08 19.28 32.99 183.66 309.00 286.70 243.69 41.02 31.48 55.77 111.07 27.41 22.31 208.43 126.29 20.13 207.29 621.22 0.66 A 1,442.18 54.42 13.61 22.68 49.89 117.91 176.87 95.24 31.75 9.07 31.75 104.31 9.07 4.54 117.91 58.96 22.68 104.31 417.23 B 2.501.22 ■ 59.02 12.15 24.30 203.08 218.70 262.10 237.80 41.66 31.24 78.11 138.80 27.77 34.71 182.25 18:1.99 19.09 189.20 557.18 C 2.928.50 65.98 27.17 19.41 254.23 405.60 308.57 285.28 36.87 27.17 46.58 116 44 31.05 19 41 236.70 141.67 23.29 279.46 603.56 1) 2,769.51 1 69.49 19.85 '23.10 188.60 344.12 357.36 244.85 39.71 19.85 66.18 152.21 16.54 13.24 228.31 129.05 9.93 188.60 655.15 3.31 E 1,655.36 41.33 4.35 21.75 120.16 163.14 178.37 147.92 6.53 15.23 39.15 67.43 21.75 10 88 158.79 76 13 8.70 154.44 413.30 F 2,615.24 74.17 10.99 35.71 228.01 288.45 296.69 249.99 38.46 21.98 41.21 104.39 19.23 27.47 219.77 162.08 21.98 197.79 576.89 U 3,330.22 82.93 12.96 49.24 269.53 523.51 344.68 327.84 53.13 59.61 45.35 90.71 34.99 24.62 261.75 133.47 10.37 250.09 754.16 1.30 11 1,802.83 27.79 20.84 27.79 142.42 145.89 156.32 138.95 6.95 10.42 45.16 128.53 10.42 10.42 194.53 135.47 31.26 191.05 378.03 I 3,489.62 95.20 29.75 32.72 271.71 471.03 330.22 321.29 77.35 47.60 57.52 136.85 39.67 25.78 250.89 137.84 16.86 308.40 838.94 K 1,724.82 39.42 14.78 19.71 ’103.49 206.98 192.19 133.06 14.78 9.86 54.21 83.78 29.57 4.93 108.42 113.35 14.78 157.70 418.88 4.93 I. 1,603.10 65.12 12.40 27.91 117.83 151.94 210.85 173.64 21.71 27.91 24.81 74.42 12.40 15.50 102.33 124.03 6.20 65.12 368.99 M 3.318.56 71.51 21.10 42.79 239.72 429.62 374.53 306.54 79.71 47.47 61.54 114.29 36.34 27.55 245.58 142.43 24.62 277.23 775 43 0.59 N 1.918.23 37.79 17.99 34.19 107.07 186.24 213.24 188.04 11.70 22.49 61.18 114.27 20.69 17.99 162.85 101.67 19.79 122.36 478.66 <> 2,904.44 54.05 25.78 46.56 195.40 309.32 355.05 266. C 8 34.92 27.44 78.99 133.04 32.43 29.10 254.44 145.51 24.11 224.51 667.70 P 2,424.24 56.82 9.47 4.73 113.64 194.13 336.17 241.48 9.47 37.88 61.55. 85.23 18.94 18.94 227.27 127.84 23.67 165.72 686.55 4.73 11 1,668.51 28.63 18.40 20.45 59.30 141.09 184.03 145.18 16.36 16.36 44.98 94.06 16.36 20.45 167.67 92.01 22.49 159.49 419.17 2.04 S 1,905.16 32.27 16.84 25.25 116.44 186.59 192.20 180.98 22.45 18.24 43.49 81.37 25.25 22.45 168.35 79.97 30.86 131.87 528.90 1.40 AB 2,785.05 26.19 43.65 17.46 43.65 497.64 296.84 323.03 61.11 17.46 17.46 61.11 69.84 61.11 165.88 1.082.59 Ward 13 2,683.01 44.66 19.63 13.09 195.19 325.32 284.12 295.29 40.04 29.26 45.43 92.01 33.49 ... 28.49 219.83 115.88 17.32 277.19 005.59 1.15 A 2,529.92 49.17 15.96 8.94 194.76 313.53 248.39 279.68 37.04 22.99 49.81 88.76 35.12 20.43 203.06 101.53 19.79 282.88 557.45 0.64 B 2,915.45 37.81 25.21 19.39 195.85 343.22 338.38 318.98 44.60 38.78 38.78 96.96 31.03 40.72 245.30 137.68 13.57 268.57 678.69 1.94 Ward 14 4,165.80 55.16 26.71 16.84 249.11 426.22 504.61 446.54 174 78 56 91 48.78 136.46 28.45 34.84 285.69 224.72 18.58 337.37 1,091.68 2.32 A 4,507.82 65.74 26.65 14.21 277.19 454.87 508.17 501.07- 172.35 67.52 56.86 158.14 26.65 42.64 330.49 210.77 15.99 373.13 1,195.81 3.51 B 3,999.76 1 50.03 26.74 18.11 235.48 412.31 502.88 420.07 175.97 51.75 44.85 125.94 29.33 31.05 263.95 228.58 19.84 320.02 1,041.13 1.73 Ward 15 3,056.66 44.74 27.58 21.45 120.75 262.33 436.40 283.17 33.71 27.58 55.78 207.17 28.19 33.71 283.78 221.27 22.07 216.36 729.38 1.23 A 3,443.11 35.41 27.36 25.75 117.51 367.01 523.15 310.67 38.63 37.02 33.80 215.70 33.80 33.80 296.18 193.16 20.93 291.35 840.25 1.61 B 3,761.86 58.88 29.44 16.36 228.98 320.58 529.93 327.12 65.42 39.25 42.53 212.63 32.71 52.34 314.03 307.49 22.90 228.98 929.02 3.27 0 2,229.26 48.37 17.59 17.59 92.34 134.11 290.20 217.65 17.59 19.79 76.95 175.88 17.59 21.98 235 24 184.67 17.59 153.89 490.26 D 2,739.07 44.05 44.05 24.03 48.05 164.18 372.42 280.31 12.01 4.00 88.10 236.26 28.03 32.04 304.34 252.28 32.04 128.14 044.72 Ward 16 2,694.33 39.64 22.32 27.32 142.25 229 19. 377.10 252.51 20.99 24.65 64.63 159.57 23.99 33.65 232.52 190.22 29.98 182.22 639.94 1.67 A 3,246.59 53.19 36.82 38.87 227.08 347.78 417.33 306.86 22.50 51.14 32.73 141.16 24.55 49.10 276.18 182.07 30 69 184.12 822.39 2.05 B 3,007.44 48.33 18.74 35.51 157.82 243.63 434.99 278.16 19.73 20.71 78.91 195.30 20.71 35.51 271 25 205.16 36.50 214.04 691.44 0.99 (.’ 2,974.57 43.11 26.34 26.34 124.54 268.24 399.96 277.82 28.74 23.95 59.87 172.44 38.32 23.95 270.63 208.36 31.13 229.92 716.10 4.79 1) 2,043.12 24.04 17.57 14.79 96.15 146.99 295.84 194.14 18.49 16.64 67.49 129.43 21.26 28.66 161.79 172.88 23.11 133.13 479.81 0.92 Ward 17 2,666.11 50.00 25.89 10.77 168.06 296.00 359.19 253.88 32.16 26.63 61.42 135.54 27.33 32.16 213.84 145.67 15.76 251.30 559.37 0.48 A 2,764.41 41.98 22.39 9.33 170.73 302.28 : 65.73 270.56 43.85 27.99 59.71 159.54 25.19 28.92 210.85 163.27 9.33 281.76 570.05 0.93 B 2,672.53 61.17 30.86 9.92 104.76 340.54 338.89 250.72 30.86 23.69 59.51 123.98 -.9.20 30.31 210.50 125.64 17.08 269.46 555.45 C 2,275.48 40.86 33.82 8.45 139.49 202.89 322.65 197.26 15.50 18.32 69.04 131.03 36.63 29.59 193.03 138.08 12.68 216.98 467.78 1.41 1) 2.355.82 57.23 24.37 5.30 173.80 246.92 314.75 201.35 21.19 19.08 62.53 117.63 24.37 25.43 216.19 137.77 16.96 205.59 485.36 E 2,758.84 34.85 22.73 21.21 166.65 222.71 387.84 262.10 27.27 22.73 71.21 168.17 37.88 27.27 218.16 204.53 18.18 215.13 628.73 1.52 E 3,050.46 48.06 18.64 13.73 190.29 367.82 436.48 324.66 47.08 46.10 53.95 129.47 15.69 50.02 232.46 137.32 19.62 276.60 642.46 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 251 Table 84.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still born. All other causes. Un- known. Ward 18 2,835.10 36.31 26.98 22.31 157.71 279.62 391.16 264.83 33.98 30.87 56.29 156.93 22.31 41.50 226.70 188.57 18.94 217.89 660.66 1.56 A 2,098.20 2,437.40 25.48 25.48 16 99 63.71 84.95 293.07 225.11 4.25 80.70 186.88 174.63 8.49 34.04 38.23 26.64 191.13 201.27 254.84 179.07 16.99 14.80 110.43 204.23 471.46 B 22.20 19.24 31.08 108.03 170.19 313.74 226.43 22.20 23.68 76.95 586.04 2.96 c 3,620.68 49.01 29.54 21.48 239.01 443.10 494.80 339.71 51.02 49.01 46.32 139.64 23.50 49.68 281.30 198.72 18.80 272.57 871.43 2.01 I) E 1.331.84 2,752.78 7.01 41.89 23.37 30.20 9.35 24.35 32.71 146.11 63.09 249.37 133.18 421.78 149.54 238.65 7.01 35.07 29.22 37.38 59i42 144.87 :i 68.52 18.69 17.53 32.71 4!{.83. 142.53 207:48 128.51 189.95 14.02 24.35 107.48 218.20 278.05 606.86 2.34 Ward 19 2,488.49 51.94 21.57 20.13 192.24 286.44 280.77 226.52 35.64 32.91 56.97 117.77 24.37 24.61 194.48 127.60 14.94 208.54 570.33 0.72 A 2,187.15 15.48 43.85 15.48 98.01 126.38 226.97 229.55 10.32 10.32 87.69 196.02 20.63 25.79 224.39 203.76 15.48 136.70 500.36 B 2,723.32 58.11 20.00 31.43 194.32 238.14 364.82 240.04 36.20 40.96 51.44 135 26 29.53 40.01 220.04 140.02 20.00 216.23 646.78 c 3,541.61 85.67 24.13 33.79 302.88 431.99 441.61 322.18 65.16 60.33 50.68 150.81 34.99 27.75 246.16 172.56 12.07 253.40 824.10 1.21 i> 1,930.17 2.679.47 2.692.48 2,836.08 16.52 33.04 18.57 32.17 17.90 33.04 25.12 9.46 17.90 74.34 182.42 208.13 156.20 104.63 271.99 321.66 388.88 162.45 289.47 162.45 216.28 252.60 263.59 30.29 49.15 35.95 55.32 11.01 39.32 36.90 47.19 99.12 90.6(5 189.99 142.00 123.93 117.15 8.26 30.59 37.84 17.90 27.53 30.59 22.71 24.41 212.02 192.25 211.92 164.34 156.95 148.56 154.21 178.98 13.77 22.94 17.03 30.92 162.45 230.48 197.73 185.49 432.29 649.93 E 49.15 F 327.34 218.04 50.14 63.46 594.12 (x 40.68 844.48 3.25 ir 3,054.57 3,212.71 1 475 29 74.60 22.58 26.10 15.48 15.97 33.37 23.20 15.48 15.03 262.07 301.55 92.85 236.69 369.06 507.42 82.53 389.-78 357.28 365.34 103.17 358.79 318.02 298.65 144.43 276.13 56.93 63.79 5.16 41.33 33.37 26.10 12.90 44.14 54.97 49.29 82.53 68.56 120.73 110.18 105.75 105.19 30.43 20.30 18.05 32.87 37.30 23.20 12.90 21.60 198.27 211.67 147.01 239.50 153.12 107.28 113.48 114.59 10.80 5.80 12.90 17.85 233.61 272.56 123.80 283.65 687.08 759.68 0.98 i 37.69 2.90 K 33.53 353.35 L 2,938.86 46.96 630.22 M 2,723.04 72.78 14.20 14.20 278.69 457.98 259.17 237.87 33.73 40.83 31.95 86.98 17.75 15.98 225.44 101.18 12.43 198.81 621.29 1.78 N 1,528.87 42 94 26.02 15.61 101.49 131.42 191.27 130.12 10.41 16.92 52.05 106.70 20.82 16.92 121.01 91.08 16.92 113.20 323.99 O 2,260.75 1,792.57 52.05 53.75 15.81 23.71 17.13 15.02 197.02 165.19 253.68 234.74 256.32 198.38 212.83 148.59 23.06 26.87 30.97 22.92 57.33 37.15 124.54 71.13 17.79 17.39 24.38 17.39 210.85 145.43 117.29 70.34 12.52 7.90 174.61 175.46 462.56 P 358.83 2.37 E 1,170.32 3,116.43 2.72 2.72 2.72 62.45 76.03 51.59 5.43 13.58 142.64 2.72 42.83 62.45 24.44 2.72 431.74 429.02 Ward 20 49.51 27.11 22.40 198.83 329.48 430.86 280.36 35.76 41.65 64.25 29.47 240.09 196.27 19.45 240.09 724.19 1.18 A 3,604.49 3,245.36 46.42 38.34 34.13 22.19 27.31 19.17 206.17 157.38 409.60 304.66 544.77 466.07 320.85 284.49 68.27 29.26 53.25 49.43 50.52 76 67 137.90 187.64 40.96 30.26 60.07 37.33 255.32 277.42 249.86 229.00 16.38 22.19 249.86 243.12 831.49 1.37 b 767.71 3.03 c :* 131.40 76.07 34.55 22.13 30.23 29.05 18.35 243.43 125.23 326.42 252.62 445.37 341.15 268.33 277.45 40.11 20.51 45.64 26.99 70.54 75.57 132.78 134.95 20.75 18.35 48.41 35.63 221.30 220.24 168.74 165.18 22.13 26.99 214.38 224.55 735.82 i) 2,621.24 591.61 1.08 E 56.55 51.18 29 32 24.93 24.09 18.37 272.30 200.79 395.88 297.90 432.53 368.77 276.49 255.91 43.99 17.06 42.94 32.81 54.46 53.81 29.32 39.37 46.08 32.81 235.64 224.41 196.89 165.35 10.47 18.37 292.20 204.72 779.19 1.05 F 2.788.71 136.48 645.67 Ward 21 2,707.87 39.29 23.16 31.22 141.03 239.64 373.38 241.46 27.84 34.35 70.25 157.68 21.08 36.43 222.73 178.24 20.56 215.96 632.80 0.73 A 1.894.97 19.40 38.80 32.34 61.44 67.91 210.19 187.56 6.47 6.47 67.91 187.56 22.64 32.34 200.49 213.43 19.40 116.41 404.22 B 51.99 41.74 31.86 26 43 25.16 41.74 12.03 115.72 178.07 48.13 159.32 350.58 75.21 392.43 495.27 243.17 251.81 138.39 23.48 32.00 35.22 48.69 9.03 55.34 69.56 90.25 216.34 235.11 162.45 171.06 151.64 177.50 30.19 22.26 30.08 290.13 325.54 117.33 605.42 3.35 C 18.09 12.03 44.52 33.09 809.68 D 1,534.30 12.03 15.04 141.40 156.44 303.85 E 2,397.67 13.88 23.80 21.82 144.77 188.40 303.43 237.98 23.80 21.82 85.28 128.91 19.83 35.70 234.02 140.81 17.85 174.52 581.07 F 1,798.04 25.76 30.91 10.30 92.74 56.67 164.86 185.47 10.30 11850 216.38 15.46 20.61 195.78 154.56 10.30 149.41 340.03 Cx 2,314.81 46.82 13.00 33.81 109.24 200.27 299.11 228.88 28.61 33.81 80.63 182.06 23.41 28.61 182.06 163.86 20.81 137.85 499.38 2.60 II 3,604.58 62.21 13.69 43.55 220.23 429,26 538.76 316.04 55.99 55.99 48.53 136.87 29.86 34.84 268.76 230.19 12.44 221.48 885.90 Ward 22 2,602.89 59.99 18.37 30.17 159.94 274.67 319.52 233.05 34.71 35.44 51.52 122.73 25.17 28.27 220.88 149.56 19.68 214.32 603.73 1.19 A 3.273.85 82.07 24.38 38.19 220.21 395.72 408.72 281.15 39.82 52.00 34.13 139.76 26.81 34.13 256.77 160.89 21.13 271 40 784.94 1.63 B 2,762.44 56.70 14.98 25.68 179.21 296.89 360.02 263.73 39.59 39.59 62.59 118.76 29.96 25.14 233.23 170.11 24.07 228.42 593.25 0.53 C 2.239.04 32.17 21.88 24.45 110.67 147.98 276.66 202.03 15.44 16.73 65.63 164.71 24.45 32.17 198.17 194.31 19.30 149.27 540.46 2.57 D 3,528.46 106.37 27.51 40.35 207.23 429.14 451.14 319.10 62.35 36.68 51.35 122.87 20.17 45.85 333.77 192.56 23.84 243.91 812.43 1.83 E 2,602.34 79.91 13.06 35.34 173.64 252.01 325.00 235.88 33.81 36.88 66.84 133 69 27.66 31.50 224.35 151.36 13.83 201.30 566.26 F 2,138.33 46.61 18.64 26.10 78.30 152.87 272.18 190.16 22.37 22.37 63.39 154.74 24.24 35.42 164.06 139.82 24.24 156.60 546.23 (x 3.110.66 51.99 30.48 21.51 195.42 399.81 380.09 295.83 66.34 50.20 41.24 120.12 21.51 23.31 236.66 145.22 10.76 236.66 783.49 11 2,333.45 1,969.14 56.84 36.82 11.37 12.27 51.16 15.78 144.95 99.95 329.70 187.62 216.01 210.42 179.06 159.57 48.32 8.77 39.79 21.04 25.58 35.07 85.27 75.40 39.79 15.78 22.74 17.53 261.48 142.03 90.95 98.19 17.05 19.29 201.80 299.84 505.91 5.68 I 512.01 1.75 K 858.48 2,200.81 975.49 34.04 15.66 11.90 15.13 15.66 11.90 22.69 62.66 15.86 49.16 133.15 83.27 49.16 180.14 79.31 49.16 203.63 103.10 60.51 180.14 67.41 7.56 31.33 3.97 11.35 39.16 15.86 34.04 62.66 15.86 68 07 101.82 47.59 11.35 23.50 7.93 7.56 31.33 3.97 105 89 211.47 95.17 56.73 140.98 31.72 18.91 46.99 3.97 41.60 227.13 107.07 215.57 L 485.59 7.83 M .. 269.65 2,380.47 2,147.09 50.97 31.88 22.49 15.00 43.10 84.38 179.51 101.26 245.84 173.45 275.45 327.22 219.61 180.02 25.11 21.56 28.86 37.50 48.72 76.88 83.57 93.76 23.98 10.31 19.86 22.50 199.37 225.02 115.80 120.01 19.49 28.13 190.38 98.45 588.37 499.74 Ward 2-1 Unlocated 252 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 85.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. All causes. s-g £ 1 _ Ty- phoid lever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles Whoop- ing cough. Can cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Total. 2.596.50 42.48 23.13 32.62 164.42 282.58 303.24 230.06 17.71 26.18 48.27 131.16 20.02 35.95 270.67 112.87 31.37 179.01 641.90 2.84 Ward 1 -■ 1.915.60 22.07 19.52 20.31 110.34 134.95 234.25 144.29 10.18 12.73 56.87 134.95 11.88 34.80 229.16 107.79 37.34 105.24 481.23 1.70 A 1,893.88 21.00 22.61 19.38 122.75 145.36 219.06 127.60 16.15 14.53 56.53 134.06 11.31 30.69 203.51 93.68 37.15 98.52 487.77 1.62 a 1,972.88 23.25 16.10 33.98 96.59 123.42 250.41 162.77 3.58 10.73 57.24 135.94 12.52 39.35 257.57 123.42 37.56 112.69 473.99 1.79 Ward 2 3, 520.48 22.06 18.37 31.25 191.19 419.15 419.15 340.10 51.47 16.55 44.12 172.81 12.87 49.64 384.22 159.94 34.93 226.12 922.80 3.68 Wards 2,198.88 34.04 13.44 17.02 141.52 203.32 280.35 178.24 10.75 17.02 61.80 '129.87 16.12 42.10 264.22 95.84 40.31 150.47 500.68 1.79 A 2,339.68 46.03 17.46 12.70 147.62 230.16 277.78 203.17 9.52 23.81 52.38 131.75 20.63 42.86 284.13 88.89 49.21 152.38 540.03 3.17 B 2,016.53 18.50 8.22 22.61 133.61 168.56 283.67 145.95 12.33 8.22 74.00 127.45 10.28 41.11 238.45 104.83 28.78 148.00 441.95 2,616.95 28.07 18.71 33.41 121.03 248.60 359.53 221.87 10.69 16.04 58.81 149.69 21.38 34.75 299.39 122.96 36.09 184.44 645.55 5.35 3^092.10 32.21 18.65 50.01 174.61 335.66 372.10 270.39 20.34 34.75 40.69 135.62 21.19 48.31 361.08 165.29 24.58 200.04 784.89 1.70 A 2,908.49 15.83 21.10 47.48 154.74 337.62 356.97 269.04 22.86 33.41 36.93 103.75 21.10 43.96 342.90 156.50 21.10 170.57 750.86 1.76 B 3,262.97 47.46 16.36 52.36 193.09 333.82 386.19 271.64 18.00 36.00 44.18 165.28 21.27 52.36 378.01 173.46 27.82 227.46 816.56 1.64 2,608.49 51.80 25.22 34.68 173.87 303.14 285.58 236.03 27.03 22.07 41.44 117.56 18.47 36 94 250.44 105.40 36,94 174.77 663.95 3.15 A'. 2,104.82 38.62 48.28 28.97 148.69 239.45 225.93 212.4! 11.59 13.52 36.69 94.62 3.86 38 62 196.96 96.55 38.62 139.03 486.62 5.79 B 3,213.98 69.15 18.00 41.68 210.29 407.31 350.48 288.91 45.47 31.26 38.84 126.93 26.52 40.73 285.12 116.51 27.47 233.02 854.41 1.89 2,023.20 34.03 18.56 27.84 134.57 184.07 227.38 168.60 9.28 13.92 49.50 120.65 17.01 29.39 236.66 91.35 51.04 108.28 494.97 3.09 2,151.60 29.99 23.22 25.64 133.02 178.49 256.37 174.62 11.13 19.35 54.18 139.80 11.13 39.67 238.48 115.13 42.57 154.31 503.07 1.45 A 2,710.01 26.88 20.16 23.52 188.17 283.94 309.14 233.53 16.80 21.84 45.36 169.69 15.12 50.40 290.66 119.29 26.88 215.05 653.56 B 3,973.55 42.99 30.71 28.66 116.69 120.79 239.53 126.93 12.28 30.71 67.56 116.69 6.14 30.71 219.06 118.74 38.90 165.83 456.54 4.09 0 1,768.30 27.63 23.68 27.63 90.78 122.36 211.17 138.15 5.92 5.92 49.34 138.15 • 9.87 29.60- 252.61 96.70 43.42 106.57 386.82 1.97 n 2:1.06 18.87 ‘>3.06 125 80 165.64 188.70 8.39 18.87 56.61 127.90 12.58 46.13 178.22 125.80 65.00 117.42 • 486.43 Ward 8 2,754.67 66.78 22.26 46.43 274.77 293.85 298.30 226.43 22.26 31.80 29.89 118.30 26.08 30.53 244.87 103.04 20.99 186.36 709.82 1.91 A 1,877.93 23.01 23.01 50.63 202.52 156 49 179.51 110.47 9.21 27.62 36.82 110.47 23.01 18.41 115.07 69.04 18.41 105.86 593.76 4.60 B 3,107.93 78.97 20.77 61.57 319.90 333.28 305.17 248.96 25.43 28.11 30.78 124.48 24.09 45.51 281.08 127.15 25.43 202.11 816.47 2.68 C 2,618.72 72.53 17.18 24.81 213.77 297.76 351.20 244.31 24.81 38.17 26.72 110.70 30.54 15 27 234.77 82.07 13.36 196.59 624.14 T) 7‘>K 14 35.74 11.91 35 74 440.79 274.01 214.44 214.44 11.91 23.83 131.05 23.83 23.83 321.66 107.22 35.74 190.61 595.66 Ward 9 2,610.50 40.54 24.72 28.68 186.89 290.65 314.45 176.01 22.74 35.60 53.40 139.42 18.79 36.59 278.85 123.00 33.62 175.02 021.97 2.97 A 2,434.76 40.30 23.15 31.04 168.35 223.06 345.12 145.20 23.15 29.46 46.30 164.14 12.63 29.46 254.63 130.47 37.88 155.72 576.60 2.10 B 2.779.60 30.59 30.59 37.15 207.60 371.49 288.45 207.60 19.07 45.89 59.00 124.56 17.48 41.52 295.00 122.37 28.41 190.11 657.75 4.37 c 63.71 25 48 178.39 305.81 280.33 178.39 38.23 12.74 63.71 76.45 63.71 50.97 331.29 89 19 38.23 203.87 688.07 Ward 10 2.788.44 49.79 28.83 24.63 207.50 317.11 299.29 260.50 22.01 36.17 48.22 134.70 16.25 35.64 300.33 118.98 39.83 178.21 669.33 1.05 A 2,490.93 52.00 40.59 27.90 176.29 258.73 290.44 218.15 11.41 31.71 49.46 138.24 20.29 36.78 276.49 112.88 48.20 149.66 551.71 B 3,096.94 41.92 17.58 25.70 225.85 354.32 319.16 302.93 28.40 39.22 50.04 144.70 10.82 39.22 331.33 128.48 28.40 196.09 810.07 2.70 C 2,805.41 60.53 26.32 15.79 236.85 365.81 278.96 265.80 31.58 39.48 42.11 107.90 18.42 26.32 289.49 113.16 44.74 202.64 639.51 Ward 11 2,712.50 51.38 16.38 34.25 175.72 281.45 329.85 215.93 14.15 32.76 54.35 164.55 12.66 42.44 297.83 106.47 26.06 169.02 685.01 2.23 A 3,079.43 63.33 14.07 36.59 195.63 332.15 356.08 257.56 18.30 42. ‘22 53.48 181.56 15.48 59.11 339.19 116.82 18.30 209.71 768.15 1.41 B 2,300.32 37.94 18.97 31.62 153.35 224.50 300.39 169.16 9.49 22.13 55.33 145.45 9.49 23.71 251.38 94.86 144.78 123.32 591.29 3.16 Ward 12 3,105.99 81.70 19.45 49.93 215.93 360.53 297.63 306.06 31.12 35.66 34.37 125.80 35 66 40.20 295.69 129.C9 27.88 189.34 824.81 4.54 A 3,239.93 103.49 13.27 71.64 169.82 358.22 286.58 291.89 53.07 61.03 31.84 103.49 42.46 45.11 280.58 122.06 21.23 254.74 920.77 2.65 B 3,212.00 85.60 22.33 26.05 163.76 327.53 342.41 349.86 22.33 37.21 55.83 130.27 44.66 44.06 267.97 141.43 29.77 219.59 893.26 7.44 c 3,017.93 71.38 21.19 47.96 250.94 371.39 288.80 298.89 24.54 24.54 29.00 133.83 30.11 30.80 307.82 129.37 30.11 152 79 763.96 4.46 Ward 13 2,384.17 41.19 22.54 27.98 127.45 223.03 311.62 230.80 13.21 15.54 49.74 142.21 20.20 31.08 264.22 137.55 38.86 157.75 526.10 3.11 A 2.686.73 38.81 38.81 20.90 152.25 253.75 286.58 241.81 8.96 14.93 47.76 197.03 26.87 32.84 274.64 134.34 56.72 203.00 653.77 2.99 B 2,309.11 39.55 9.42 33.90 131.84 216.60 295.70 231.66 20.72 20.72 45.20 131.84 22.60 28 25 273.10 139.38 22.60 146.91 497.23 1.88 c 9 238.06 45.14 26.13 26.13 102.16 206.70 351.63 220.96 7.13 9.50 57.02 111.67 11.88 33.26 244.71 45.14 135.42 460.92 4.75 ‘i 147 64 57.37 22.45 38.66 176.46 405.30 349.81 338.58 13 72 26.81 34.92 134.06 33.05 29.31 a52.93 145.29 21.82 197.04 770.07 A 2^734.41 38.26 15.30 25.51 165.80 339.25 288.24 326.50 5.10 35.71 20.41 107.13 51.02 22.96 300.99 124.99 22.96 160.70 683.60 B 3,442.84 74.93 21.13 38.42 203.65 501.44 330.45 361.19 17.29 23.05 38.42 126.80 21.13 30.74 403.46 167.15 21.13 219.02 843.42 G 2,902.51 55.71 26.00 35.28 137.42 330.55 389.97 297.12 14.86 26.00 35.28 148.56 35.28 39.00 326.83 122.56 24.14 181.99 675.95 1) 4,066.79 52.39 32.74 85.13 248.85 510.81 432.22 438.77 19.65 19.65 58.94 176.82 19.65 6.55 406.02 203.01 13.lt) 268.50 1.074.00 Ward 15 2,618.94 49.93 24.02 39.81 160.52 284.39 289.45 264.80 21.49 23.38 36.02 125.76 20.86 30.34 255.95 128.29 22.12 194.02 644.62 3.16 A H 060.94 83.39 17.37 38.22 250.16 371.76 243.21 337.02 13.90 24.32 20.85 114.65 17.37 34.74 305.75 170.25 13.90 204.99 799.11 B 2.555.47 47.83 31.28 47.83 125.11 250.21 309.08 272.29 18.40 33.12 42.32 99.35 31.28 33.12 263.09 160.06 34.96 182.14 570.34 3.68 C 2,495.46 38.62 21.31 34.62 151.81 275.65 292.96 231.70 26.63 15.98 37.29 149.14 14.65 26.63 231.70 89.22 15.98 198.41 639 18 3.99 Ward 16 2,938.88 43.53 17.86 22.70 172.63 399.59 312.90 312.53 19.35 29.39 49.11 115.71 19.72 39.44 295.41 92.64 25.30 239.23 728.12 3.72 A 2,116.84 48.73 12.18 18.27 115.74 225.39 234.53 207.12 9.14 12.18 39.60 115.74 15.23 15.23 228.44 91.37 24.37 185.79 511.70 6.09 B 3,014.46 53.10 20.42 17.70 197.42 453.39 329.49 287.29 17.70 29.95 51.74 118.45 34.04 35.40 268.22 85.78 17.70 245.08 747.49 4.08 C 3,302.59 44.43 20.42 27.62 171.73 422.73 343.47 375.89 21.62 38.43 55.24 132.10 16.81 4S.04 320.65 84.07 30.02 297.83 849.07 2.40 D 2,827.21 31.55 15.15 23.98 174.18 397.58 297.87 313.01 22.72 26.51 44.18 95.92 11.36 44 18 321.85 108.54 27.77 194.37 672.72 3.79 Ward 17 2,614.59 58.46 13.29 31.89 202.83 318.41 263.50 237.37 13.29 31.89 47.38 112.48 22.59 33.21 259.51 111.60 19.49 184.23 650.99 2.21 A 2,709.64 81.00 9.64 28.93 216.00 337.50 277.71 285.43 13.50 23.14 40.50 104.14 19.29 36.64 275.78 129.21 32.79 196.71 599.78 1.93 B 2,257.31 45.41 5.34 18.70 184.32 221.72 248.44 208.37 13.36 53.43 50.76 112.20 24.04 16.03 293.85 74.80 16.03 157.61 510.23 2.67 C 3,343.17 58.62 20.80 56.73 230.69 495.42 312.00 272.29 17.02 32.15 43.49 130.47 32.15 47.27 266.62 145.00 17.02 213.68 951.14 I) 2,268.35 53.01 12.56 26.51 188.33 235.76 228.79 199.49 12.56 30.69 54.41 115.79 19.53 32.09 238.55 89.28 13.95 167.41 545.47 4.19 E 1 774.07 28.77 28.77 9.59 143.84 230.15 124.66 201.38 28.77 57.54 9.59 9.59 182.20 105.49 9.59 124.60 479.48 F 4 901.96 326.80 392.16 1045.75 130.72 130.72 65.36 130.72 326.80 65.36 588.24 1 568.03 Ward 18 2,558.13 41.03 15.03 25.99 179.46 357.35 264.96 231.76 16.91 34.45 35.39 104.92 20.98 29.75 267.46 82.68 17.23 197.62 632.02 3.13 A 3,909.49 58.02 24.55 44.63 278.93 457.45 428.44 348.11 44.63 69.17 51.32 127.19 33.47 31.24 406.12 145.04 22.31 283.39 1,051,01 4.46 B 2,997.88 28.92 38.56 9.64 183.15 530.17 240.99 318.10 9.64 38.56 28.92 77.12 9.64 38.56 308.46 134.95 48.20 279.55 665.12 9 64 C 3,411.79 29.72 17.83 17.83 267.48 493.34 380.41 368.52 41.61 53.50 23.78 95.10 41.61 47.55 309.08 101.05 249.64 873.75 1) 3.127.05 48.45 6.92 34.61 249.20 529.54 323.61 271.69 20.77 48.45 25.96 109.02 22.50 31.15 332.26 79.60 15.57 245.73 725.09 6 92 E 2.526.09 46.65 17.28 20.73 157.23 350.75 288.55 229.80 8.64 22.46 46.65 129.59 17.28 29.37 259.17 84.66 20.73 193.52 603.01 F 2,014.40 51.90 19.46 35.68 149.22 201.12 181.65 197.87 9.73 22.71 61.63 110.29 19.46 51.90 • 210.85 64.88 22.71 136.24 463.86 3.24 1 464.42 37.45 3.75 11.24 93.63 205.90 153 56 108.61 7.49 18.73 26.22 67.42 11.24 14 98 63 67 14 98 127.34 322.10 H 1,343.65 6.79 20.36 10.18 98.40 132.33 128.94 115.36 6.79 20.36 27.14 88.22 16 97 13.57 128.94 50.90 23.75 95.01 359.66 1 1 132.33 29 60 7.40 44.40 140.62 1)0.21 59.21 37.00 7.40 88.81 22.20 14.80 -140.62 44 40 125.81 273.83 K 2,253.30 32.14 6.43 32.14 138.22 366.44 202.51 215.36 6.43 6.43 19.29 83.57 12.86 25.72 247.51 48.22 3.21 186.44 613.95 6.43 Ward 19 2,260.49 33.91 20.94 17.95 122.18 244.35 289.23. 208.45 10.47 23.94 50.37 111.20 18.95 27.93 247.84 103.72 22.94 177.53 525.60 2.99 A 2,393.31 22.66 30.89 24.72 119.46 218.32 282.17 212.14 8.24 22.66 63.85 113.28 22.66 37.07 275.99 131.82 22.66 156.53 624.07 4.12 B 1,691.67 35.99 24.63 17.05 73.88 134.50 229.22 155.34 9.47 3.79 73.88 102.30 9.47 30.31 185.65 115.50 37.89 104.19 344.78 3.79 C 2,498.19 38.31 14.11 15.12 149.21 315.55 324.62 234.90 12.10 35.29 31.25 114 93 22.18 22.18 267.16 83.68 15.12 226.83 573.63 2.02 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 253 Table 85.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES DUE TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED CAUSES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890—Continued. WARDS AND SANITARY DISTRICTS. causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria and croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- ironia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. <5' and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and puer- peral dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age- Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. Ward 20 2,028.82 22.77 19.32 32.43 112.48 151.82 249.12 161.48 6.21 14.49 58.66 131.80 17.94 35.19 227.03 119.38 49.69 127.66 489.95 1.38 A 2,457.71 31.51 18.24 34.83 184.08 218.91 315.09 207.30 11.61 16.58 49.75 117.74 19.90 41.46 255.39 142.62 67.99 135.99 585.41 3.32 B 1,557.56 18.77 34.85 40.21 58.98 75.06 142.08 120.64 2.68 10.72 72.38 131.36 21.45 34.85 195.70 104.55 32.17 88.47 372.63 c 1,853.73 14.80 8.45 23.25 63.41 126.82 249.42 135.28 2.11 14.80 59.18 150.07 12.68 27.48 215.60 101.46 40.16 147.96 460.79 Ward 21 2,465.67 30.45 20.17 35.40 166,33 291.18 280.52 202.87 13.70 25.88 48.34 136.64 23.22 31.21 259.96 85.26 29.69 185.36 596,43 3.04 A 2,509.27 30.58 15.29 15.29 158.62 330.62 286.66 227.42 26.76 28.67 34.40 108.93 19.11 28.67 258.00 78.35 22.93 210.22 624.93 3.82 B 2,364.27 14.24 31.33 39.88 148.12 213.64 259.21 185.15 8.55 28.49 39.88 219.34 22.79 31.33 316.19 79.76 56.97 122.49 544.07 2.85 C 2,979.39 28.13 16.62 30.69 241.68 395.12 364.43 218.66, 16.62 31.97 60.10 126.59 29.41 30.69 274.92 94.62 23.02 259.58 732.70 3.84 1) 1 703.45 28.70 26.09 46.96 96.52 127.82 177.39 161.74 5.22 7.83 49.56 133.04 18.26 23.48 224.34 75.65 33.91 106.95 359.99 E 2,300.96 44.25 18.72 49.35 129.34 270.60 243.37 197.42 6.81 25.53 49.35 127.64 22.12 39.14 231.46 88.50 25.53 153.17 575.24 3.40 Ward 22 2,003.17 37.82 14.23 24.40 160.63 194.79 209.02 154.12 17.08 19.52 42.29 99.63 19.11 26.84 235.45 81.74 32.94 166.32 466.02 1.22 A 1,480.29 15.92 18.81 18.81 96.95 123.00 160.62 109.97 15.92 13.02 39.07 72.35 14.47 23.15 198.24 63.67 47.75 101.29 345.84 1.45 B 1,481.94 20.49 17.07 17.07 126.34 122.93 198.05 112.68 6.83 13.66 27.32 95.61 10.24 13.66 157.07 68.29 13.66 122.93 338.05 C 1.722.05 23.27 27.93 9.31 125.66 134.97 139.63 121.01 9.31 9.31 69.81 83.78 18.62 32.58 200.13 88.43 18.62 172.21 432.84 4.65 D 2 037.11 41.27 9.90 28.06 181.59 216.26 214.61 143.62 14.86 21.46 37.97 120.51 21.46 37.97 221.21 75.94 36.32 155.18 458.93 E 3 328.69 74.19 38.71 46.45 270.94 278.68 294.16 216.75 46.45 15.48 92.89 201.27 15.48 23.22 301.90 131.60 69 67 464.47 766.37 F 2 731.46 74.23 32 36 226.51 308.36 279.81 245.55 22.84 34.26 36.17 95.17 28.55 24.74 342.62 104.69 17.13 213.19 643.37 1.9J Ward 23 1,774.82 22.50 41.49 32.35 93.52 113.91 211.66 150.48 10.55 16.88 46.41 135.71 15.47 32.35 196.89 97.74 39.38 113.91 400.11 3.52 A 1.959.39 15.12 28.08 38.89 95.05 157.70 207.39 164.18 17.28 19.44 66.97 166.34 12.96 34.56 207.39 118.82 38.89 138.26 432.06 B 1,684.95 37.01 69.66 28 30 89.25 82.72 213.34 145.86 8.71 6.53 37.01 102.32 17.42 30.48 182.86 100.14 54 42 91.43 383.14 4.35 C 1,686.47 16.00 28.01 30.01 96.03 102.03 214.06 142.04 6.00 24.01 36.01 138.04 16.00 32.01 200.06 76.02 26.01 112.03 386.11 6.00 Ward 24 1,970.07 40.97 25.30 26.51 104.83 239.78 209.66 163.87 6.02 19.28 54.22 107 24 6.02 44.58 195.20 80.73 20.48 1111.29 503.66 2.41 A 1,568.89 28.42 34.11 11.37 34.11 79.58 221.69 85.27 5.68 85.27 85.27 5.68 34.11 193.27 136.43 28.42 90.95 403.53 5.68 B 2,167.12 42.30 16.27 35.79 126.90 341 66 188.73 208.25 6.51 26.03 52.06 152.94 58.57 172.46 61.82 19.52 130.16 523.88 3.25 c 2 884.62 87.41 48.56 29.14 145.69 359.36 291.38 252.53 19.43 19.43 77.70 87.41 9.71 48.56 281.66 126.20 48.56 145.69 800.14 I) 1 020.65 12,01 24.02 12.01 84.05 144.09 132.08 96.00 24.02 12.01 36.02 12.01 120.08 60.04 12.01 72.05 168.11 E B938 42 37.40 18.70 31.16 124.66 193.22 224.38 143.36 6.23 18.70 31.10 93.49 18.70 43.63 224.38 37.40 137.12 554.72 Ward 25 2,081.77 32.78 23.62 30.85 133.51 231.36 230.88 189.91 12.05 19.76 48.20 108.45 18.32 28.44 216.42 83.87 25.55 163.40 481.52 2.89 A 2,350.91 34.20 35.90 39.32 152.17 241.08 ,249.62 237.66 11.97 23.94 61.55 124.81 13.68 27.36 242.78 104.29 23.94 167.56 557.38 1.71 B 1,728.25 39.73 27.31 17.38 106.77 188.72 176.30 156.44 4.97 7.45 49.66 104.29 14.90 32 ‘>8 166.37 69.53 29.80 141.54 389.85 4.97 c 2j063.08 26.60 19.35 45.95 147.54 229.77 237.02 154.79 16.93 16.93. 16.24 38.70 101.58 21.77 38.70 261.21 79.81 26.60 152,37 447.44 D 2,398.35 40.60 8.12 27.07 159.71 308.59 '322.13 227.38 21.66 48.73 108.28 29.78 24.36 235.50 • 81.21 29.78 197.61 506.20 5.41 E 1,673.24 19.72 19.72 16.44 82.18 177.51 147.93 144.64 3.29 36.16 32.87 92.04 13.15 16.44 147.93 72.32 16.44 157.79 473.37 3.29 Ward 26 2,177.29 37.72 21.35 54.09 127.41 239.86 230.61 150.89 13.52 30.61 40.57 82.56 19.22 34.88 218.51 73.31 38.44 138.79 619.95 4.98 i 1 254 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (5 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under a 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 250, 359 44,156 13, 750 11,549 9, 567 79, 022 117, 993 10, 470 14,509 84, 975 22, 200 206 2 134,233 116,126 245, 567 24, 956 19, 200 43, 337 7.484 6, 062 5,020 43, 522 63,791 5,317 7, 336 47, 556 37, 419 10,094 139 3 6, 266 5,487 4, 547 35, 500 54, 202 5,159 7,173 12,106 67 4 13,500 11, 360 9,425 77, 622 116.126 10,313 14,100 82,982 21,851 195 5 160, 097 24, 432 21,101 42, 309 6. 209 4,757 12, 779 10,743 8,940 74, 771 110, 094 15,320 12,953 8,921 9,198 25,944 5, 285 6 Both parents native CM.. i F .. 1,786 1,471 1,358 1,281 1, 060 1,029 10,413 8,538 1,208 1,171 860 831 5,190 4, 011 1,845 2,127 9 8 7 One or both parents foreign.. JM- IF- 57, 303 49, 271 16,184 12, 296 4, 780 3,984 4. 067 3.619 3,497 3.060 28, 528 22, 959 41. 898 35,418 3,246 3, 168 3, 612 3, 533 8,159 6,629 368 511 20 12 8 Foreign born 42,988 38, 382 31 20 61 51 93 73 108 91 293 241 1,297 1,074 704 660 2, 384 2, 469 31,056 25,163 7,524 8, 990 23 26 9 Colored 4, 792 819 250 189 142 1,400 1,867 163 409 1,993 349 11 10 Birthplaces of mothers: ai- 33, 768 8.885 6,894 2, 568 2,115 1,969 1,902 1,544 1,502 14, 966 12, 413 22, 087 18, 829 1, 773 1,731 1,252 1,228 6, 570 5,259 2, 068 2.505 18 13 l F- 29, 565 11 4,474 3, 847 671 185 183 160 131 142 127 1,158 963 1,719 1,467 153 180 219 199 1,810 1.436 572 564 1 522 12 Ireland {?:: 35. 721 36, 654 3, 905 3.037 1,166 944 916 857 844 697 6, 831 5. 535 10, 519 9,152 1, 312 1.311 2, 750 2. 933 17,880 18, 061 3, 243 5, 179 17 18 Scotland c M 1.542 1,290 1,240 923 30, 378 23, 432 190 40 43 330 486 80 716 202 13 Jf 144 49 46 25 204 279 408 388 349 43 80 508 239 14 France {?:: 167 143 48 49 37 39 « 24 37 38 52 42 596 367 166 127 1 15 Germany 4,731 3, 534 1,582 1,312 1,240 1. 121 975 878 8, 528 6, 845 12,407 10, 436 1.177 1,114 1,731 1,591 12.312 7, 798 2. 742 2,484 9 9 16 Russia and Poland {¥:: 3,863 2, 928 1,109 774 229 165 235 165 267 238 1,840 1,342 2, 676 2,068 162 137 182 183 684 428 158 111 1 1 17 Canada {?:: 7.17 643 122 89 40 32 47 2J 25 34 234 182 354 312 39 49 53 39 259 201 30 42 2 Scandinavia 090 145 44 46 293 290 452 441 37 61 55 409 180 31 20 18 720 148 46 57 45 29 1 19 Hungary CM.. 1,07G 920 290 69 81 511 46 43 178 32 If.. 203 74 83 63 423 641 60 152 16 20 Bohemia CM.. IF.. 1, 603 1, 295 374 270 155 120 138 95 105 89 772 574 1,092 864 56 40 47 62 345 264 62 64 1 1 21 Italy CM.. i F .. 6, 233 4, 829 1,454 1,098 379 312 482 412 400 358 2, 775 2,180 4, 446 3,711 241 199 264 231 1,158 591 119 94 5 22 Other foreign countries 4, 303 3,064 908 669 255 214 221 136 191 176 1, 575 1, 195 2, 20 J 1,724 131 146 233 218 1,493 751 244 222 2 3 23 Unknown JM.. ( F .. 8,305 6,010 2,005 1, 075 699 651 446 416 280 291 3. 430 3, 033 4. 188 3.801 95 85 369 246 3,146 1,423 425 439 82 17 24 Ward 1 3,320 449 132 118 112 811 1.273 133 234 1,458 209 13 25 26 27 1,928 1,392 3, 299 236 66 67 50 425 386 677 596 1, 268 928 530 1,445 13 213 66 51 50 99 105 207 447 132 118 110 807 133 233 13 28 29 1.843 439 126 113 99 777 1, 222 164 120 10 140 10 328 68 Both parents native JM.. IF.. CM.. 268 58 19 13 18 108 16 177 47 15 14 15 91 140 13 15 4 30 One or both parents foreign.. 721 157 43 50 28 278 464 63 138 2 V F .. 587 151 47 31 35 264 415 41 60 71 31 Foreign born CM.. 809 5 3 3 7 18 25 6 52 81 ( F .. 587 2 2 o 3 9 18 31 433 98 32 21 0 o 4 5 218 13 76 33 Birthplaces of mothers: CM.. 345 72 26 20 23 141 20 13 18 1 F .. 248 68 19 16 20 123 197 21 21 4 34 England and Wales CM.. 73 9 2 1 1 13 19 2 4 44 4 ) F .. 39 8 2 1 2 -13 23 1 3 11 1 35 Ireland CM.. 869 71 15 21 16 123 240 36 458 57 ) F .. 796 67 19 19 21 126 219 72 397 81 36 Germany CM.. 343 51 15 23 9 98 134 8 20 166 15 ) F.. 198 43 16 10 5 74 100 7 14 64 13 37 Scandinavia CM.. 35 1 1 ') 5 o 1 If.. 17 i 2 1 1 i 5 0 i 8 2 . NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 255 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Wheap- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erneral dis- eases. Dis- eases ofthe liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known. 250,359 4, 367 2,031 2, 060 10,134 5,065 26. 514 32, 781 24, 090 3,822 2,820 5, 067 11,568 2, 236 2, 764 20, 247 14,537 1.789 18, 862 59, 522 83 i 1 134,233 116,126 2,180 2,187 1,208 823 1,004 1, 056 5,103 5, 031 2,679 2, 386 13, 774 12, 740 18, 408 14,373 13, 441 10, 649 1.966 1,856 1,267 1,553 1,678 3, 389 5,903 5,665 *2,236 1. 535 1,229 11,061 9, 186 8. 031 6, 506 620 1, 169 10,809 8.053 33, 526 25, 996 40 43 2 3 243,567 4, 351 2,005 2, 023 10, 088 5,046 26,163 31, 666 23,623 3, 800 2,763 5, 002 11, 297 2. 202 2, 746 19, 901 14,188 1,740 18,429 58, 455 79 4 160,097 3,972 910 1,259 9,311 4.677 22, 307 14,433 13, 867 3, 369 2, 017 1, 356 4,358 832 835 12. 807 5,132 377 18,429 39,181 48 5 24,432 21,101 585 555 159 99 216 226 1.269 1,261 590 536 2. 706 2, 499 1,798 1.484 2. 078 1,761 386 376 352 401 201 550 973 823 240 194 136 2.346 1,935 1.239 766 78 187 2.560 1, 902 6,694 5,357 8 7 S6 57, 303 1.370 339 399 3. 347 1. 870 8. 505 7,593 5, 553 4, 792 5, 245 1,250 1.171 797 1,015 148 1, 156 271 4. 297 1,481 1.314 18 7. 309 5,420 13. 935 10.766 13 49,271 1,405 271 400 3,237 1,635 4,218 372 1. 180 589 183 3,653 41 16 42, 988 177 665 350 307 149 1,430 1.682 9, 802 7. 298 5,261 3,928 123 27 1,277 2. 356 3, 406 1.023 882 3, 744 3. 196 4.824 4.106 491 9. 860 7 689 12 i8 38, 382 172 425 410 30^ 152 97 31 3, 422 1,347 869 13 4.792 16 26 37 46 19 351 1. 115 467 22 57 65 271 34 18 346 349 49 433 1,067 4 9 33, 768 29, 565 831 8 JO 204 137 278 308 1,857 1,831 854 765 3,922 3,639 2.640 2,188 2. 905 2, 501 561 509 501 603 231 653 1,224 1,095 * 309* 235 155 3, 066 2, 592 1. 546 1, 050 98 224 3,768 2. 819 9. 036 7. 374 11 13 S10 4,474 3, 847 74 59 31 143 71 373 461 60 35 83 48 386 379 241 25 291 1,137 844 4 w 92 28 56 161 63 351 411 348 60 46 164 238 69 52 338 49 234 2 35, 721 36, 654 460 299 329 988 450 7, 335 7. 042 4,135 3,524 324 283 412 1,714 2, 289 510 2. 608 2.857 3, 209 236 1,759 1,243 8, 464 7, 570 7 453 270 386 978 417 2, 740 339 344 1,133 682 062 2, 790 573 10 1,542 1,290 1,240 923 29 19 13 53 20 110 235 162 23 12 8 24 94 89 23 118 137 10 77 387 S13 19 16 44 14 108 174 116 16 51 35 9 134 91 23 57 275 13 11 11 43 10 105 205 104 6 5 4 26 101 31 110 9 75 280 8 6 13 97 97 97 64 8 57 15 14 93 45 1,940 1.204 14 65 206 30, 378 23, 432 454 372 202 1, 138 1,137 623 3,321 2,918 4,587 2, 704 2, 790 275 199 618 1,670 1.340 477 2, 563 149 2, 179 1, 662 6,815 4, 671 6 471 249 191 543 1,958 265 273 959 652 241 1.814 174 6 $15 3,863 2,928 737 83 26 15 172 148 476 301 148 103 80 453 73 33 62 112 18 317 122 99 *15 25 18 541 893 96 16 149 129 418 325 49 33 49 70 112 8 221 12 390 599 20 10 5 6 44 9 85 76 49 ii 10 6 14 34 59 37 205 i17 643 25 9 41 16 61 9 21 21 15 5 43 1 21 158 1 990 15 20 7 40 18 138 162 99 90 17 9 8 9 73 53 25 1 55 230 \w 726 20 12 5 34 19 124 64 16 12 12 12 9 3 50 2 60 147 r 1,076 920 23 i 63 46 143 75 140 30 19 11 29 17 *> 83 26 9 106 256 i *19 27 6 3 37 37 149 63 173 159 428 305 109 24 17 11 31 37 88 20 G1 42 1 69 189 1.603 1.295 15 19 7 11 6 71 46 44 271 239 123 no 21 22 20 16 23 23 38 36 *21* • 11 9 143 81 9 159 113 389 274 i C. 233 53 57 42 178 217 737 876 329 52 33 121 460 136 4 685 1. 773 1,281 5 r 4,829 54 25 24 193 188 597 553 294 73 45 69 142 15 351 94 516 3 4. 303 51 28 140 137 102 513 701 292 418 293 53 29 68 184 51 24 330 180 16 436 938 *22 3, 064 53 - 31 19 81 . 443 41 31 99 123 89 245 125 301 609 1. 8, 305 6,010 68 30 162 191 79 1,029 841 904 611 735 623 183 68 76 282 745 454 43 641 9 79’A 5 50 26 15 55 207 112 177 49 30 346 236 57 503 1,799 6 3, 320 70 25 37 101 49 259 494 336 48 34 51 150 27 47 217 203 19 174 979 24 1,928 1,392 3,299 37 15 10 25 22 58 43 101 27 99 132 127 258 300 194 490 210 126 331 27 21 48 14 20 34 18 33 51 93 29 18 47 120 97 116 87 - 90 613 25 33 70 27 12 84 366 26 37 49 148 27 217 202 19 172 973 27 1,843 268 177 721 587 809 65 11 10 24 20 5 16 96 13 14 42 27 47 6 209 28 16 76 86 24 181 13 g 165 21 12 72 46 4 34 5 G 53' - 10 121 19 CG 1 172 543 28 21 1 3 13 21 90 /29 4 3 6 o 15 12 66 o 9 3 20 18 1 80 67 199 116 4 21 14 9 14 3 18 13 r 42 24 58 216 *30 3 52 7 9 38 19 1 60 143 2 13 13 3 107 58 21 71 237 S31 587 21 3 ' 7 g 9 1 23 1 30 43 o 20 16 41 63 10 145 1 38 23 4 1 9 6 32 *33 345 15 15 1 1 4 21 20 1 6 16 13 8 27 23 12 0 G g 26 3 3 21 14 26 116 248 73 6 6 2 q ' 21 3 1 82 2 i 3 12 1 4 6 23 *34 39 3 i 5 3 7 ] i -2 1 3 9 3 7 869 13 29 14 11 0 42 180 94 11 2 8 38 13 57 61 5 26 259 796 12 • 5 7 14 3 55 31 29 3 149 48 19 76 46 17 10 10 20 39 13 13 66 9 1 26 204 343 4 6 3 6 13 9 23 17 16 99 ]>36 198 2 i 5 3 i 8 12 3 10 2 8 1 20 47 35 1 i ...... 1 11 5 1 1 1 7 17 2 i 3 1 1 i 1 5 256 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. i SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages.1 Under 3 3 to C (> to 9 » to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 1—Continued. 2,626 387 104 95 97 683 1,073 100 186 1,117 143 7 2 1,492 1.134 2, 621 202 185 387 pm 56 39 95 50 47 95 363 320 681 579 494 1,071 52 48 ■ 100 107 79 186 681 436 1,115 66 3 49 104 142 f* 1,461 382 99 90 86 657 1,031 91 113 218 8 6 Both parents native ( M.. 172 46 12 10 16 12 84 121 5 5 36 5 y-■ 122 39 11 8 70 104 3 1 One or both parents for- (M.. 605 141 39 42 25 247 416 43 49 96 1 eign. F .. 501 136 35 26 30 227 358 34 49 60 8 Foreign born (M-- 638 4 3 3 6 16 23 3 45 509 58 F .. 486 1 1 2 3 16 6 24 75 9 Colored 2 2 2 2 1 6 . 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.' 227 59 19 21 114 167 12 6 36 V - - 175 55 14 10’ 16 95 147 14 3 10 1 11 M.. 47 9 2 1 12 17 2 3 22 3 a waes 30 8 2 1 2 13 22 1 1 6 12 13 Ireland Germany CM.. 713 67 15 20 16 118 230 30 65 348 40 |F-. JM-. 679 295 59 46 13 14 16 20 20 6 108 86 193 119 21 5 • 61 16 344 143 60 12 1 F .. 163 40 12 9 4 89 6 10 47 11 14 <2 1 • (M.. 29 1 1 2 4 1 1 23 iF.. 14 2 1 1 4 4 1 7 2 15 638 57 23 23 13 116 180 46 321 61 3 16 17 399 239 622 30 27 55 9 14 23 26 20 234 87 310 34 27 3 12 61 94 i 11 18 White 13 19 344 22 23 - 24 32 98 18 20 fM.. 85 12 5 3 1 21 4 4 29 11 F .. 49 7 4 6 3 20 35 4 2 5 3 21 One or both parents for- JM.. 111 14 4 8 3 29 41 10 14 42 1 eign. F .. 78 15 9 5 4 33 50 6 li 11 22 5M- 160 i 1 2 2 2 6 131 19 ! F .. 101 i 1 2 2 1 7 68 11 37 23 1 12 23 Colored 16 2 9 i 6 24 Birthplaces of mothers: {M.. 106 13 5 5 1 24 44 7 F -- 67 12 5 6 4 27 49 5 2 8 3 25 , .1 CM.. 26 1 1 2 1 9 22 5 1 F .. 9 1 26 27 pv- 148 4 1 5 10 5 13 ip- 52 22 13 F . .. 110 45 8 4 3 1 3 3 1 3 15 11 22 14 5 3 11 3 20 3 IF.. 33 3 4 1 1 9 10 1 4 16 2 28 CM.. 5 1 4 IF-- 2 1 1 1 i 20 29 Sanitary district C 56 12 20 3 “ 30 Males 37 4 2 1 1 - 12 8 20 31 Females 19 i 3 5 1 3 32 56 12 - 6 20 5 3 33 Native bom 38 4 - 9 11 3 19 6 1 p 1 1 12 l i 34 M.. 11 2 l 1 F 6 i 1 9 35 One or both parents for- M.. 5 2 2 i eign. F- 8 3 l 4 i 36 Foreign born M.. 11 l 1 F .. 37 Colored 38 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 12 2 l 3 i 1 3 F .. 6 1 1 1 2 39 M.. 8 1 F .. 7 3 3 4 i 40 M.. 3 1 1 i 1 1 5 ; F .. 9 ! 1 41 1 M.. •1 1 i : i ; F .. i ! i 42 Italy.. ! M.. 2 2 2 2 F .. NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 257 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All caii.se s. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid, fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases ofthe liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2, 626 59 25 26 75 40 203 408 263 41 31 35 104 23 44 167 165 14 154 749 1 1,402 31 15 18 46 23 104 244 164 24 14 ii 59 27 89 95 5 79 444 9 J, 134 28 10 8 29 17 99 164 99 17 17 24 45 23 17 78 70 9 75 305 3 2, 621 59 25 26 75 40 202 407 262 41 31 35 104 23 44 167 165 14 154 747 4 1,461 56 5 10 71 38 163 149 125 39 31 1 34 6 9 91 50 1 154 428 5 172 8 9 4 17 10 14 2 5 7 3 8 10 55 122 10 2 8 1 6 6 4 5 1 8 11 55 \ 6 605 22 2 7 34 18 64 68 59 20 9 4 39 18 175 !J 501 16 3 i 20 15 73 58 41 11 12 12 6 9 “ 32 17 1 56 125 1 7 638 1 13 ii 3 1 20 158 85 11 36 20 38 63 5 173 486 2 7 5 1 1 19 99 51 1 23 33 17 36 51 118 1 3 5 1 1 1 9 9 227 12 i 15 4 24 10 18 3 9 10 3 10 10 24 175 14 2 12 3 11 9 14 4 6 1 2 14 i 14 68 \w 47 1 2 1 2 3 5 2 2 3 3 30 3 i 2 2 1 i 1 3 3 hi 713 13 5 10 26 14 39 154 73 u 2 4 27 13 48 52 4 26 192 s12 679 10 5 5 11 10 48 129 63 8 9 16 32 u 13 47 59 6 24 173 295 5 4 5 2 4 27 43 41 5 3 11 8 19 16 1 13 83 163 1 1 4 4 24 17 13 3 1 4 7 10 2 9 5 1 20 37 (13 29 1 1 3 10 5 1 1 1 i 5 14 14 2 1 2 1 1 1 638 8 11 23 8 50 85 69 7 ' 3 16 45 4 3 45 36 5 17 203 > 15 399 4 4 n 4 23 56 44 3 7 33 2 27 20 2 9 239 4 7 12 4 27 29 4 3 9 12 4 1 18 16 3 8 53 622 8 n 23 8 50 82 65 7 3 16 43 4 3 45 35 5 15 199 J • 18 344 7 6 22 8 41 31 36 3 18 1 1 26 192 19 85 2 3 2 8 3 2 13 9 3 i 49 2 5 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 f'20 111 2 2 8 2 11 12 12 1 3 3 1 3 6 6 89 ) 78 3 2 6 2 12 9 9 3 2 1 1 6 2 4 16 i21 160 2 4 34 22 4 15 1 13 101 1 3 1 4 17 7 7 10 3 1 5 12 3 22 16 3 4 2 9 ) 106 2 2 11 6 9 3 15 9 2 67 i 2 7 3 12 3 9 2 2 1 1 6 2 3 13- (•24 26 i 2 1 2 2 2 {25 9 3 i 1 1 2 148 2 3 3 26 20 4 11 g 8 1 3 > 110 i 2 3 1 6 20 12 2 1 4 7 2 10 2 27 (26 45 2 1 1 2 3 5 5 1 9 i 4 1 3 33 1 1 5 9 4 3 l 2 i 1 3 >27 5 1 i 1 2 1 i {23 > 56 3 3 6 i 4 l 2 3 27 29 37 2 1 5 9 i 4 19 1 2 1 1 l 2 1 1 56 3 3 1 6 i 4 1 5 9 3 27 32 38 2 3 1 l 4 l 4 i 2 13 33 11 1 1 3 l 2 1 | 1 l 1 1 1 (-31 5 1 1 i 8 1 i 1 1 l 2 9 (35 11 i i * i 1 • (36 12 i 1 3 l 9 (38 6 1 i 1 8 1 1 i ) 7 l 1 i 39 3 1 (40 2 1 i i (-41 i 1 2 i (42 258 VITAL STATISTICS.. Table §«.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY , AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AH ages. Under 3 3 to (i 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to, 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Wnr71 28 1 3 102 6 2 4 3 15 31 8 6 45 12 4 White 353 23 4 6 40 66: 12 22 214 38 1 5 176 23 4 - 6 40 66 10 14 74 12 6 Both parents native (M.. i F ■ ■ < M.. IF.. C M.. t F — 47 22 1 3 7 2 31 ‘> 2 1 5 11 3 2 4 2 61 11 3 0 3 2 18 25 2 8 24 7 One or both parents foreign.. 29 112 9 2 9 18, 3 3 6 90 16 b Foreign born 2 1 33 9 9 * 10 6 9 2 Birthplaces of mothers: 56 6 9 8 13 14 2 1 32 8 10 2 11 England and Wales C M 11 3 1 9 i I F 1 9 12 Ireland 1?:- 79 5 1 o 1, 9 10 n 6 2 9 6 7 2 3 18 5 13 53 3 3 6 I 4 34 8 Germany 24 1 i 2 6 3 12 3 14 Scandinavia C M i 1 9 {f.. 3 1 ir> Ward 3 694 68 19 99 12 121 181 22 61 61 4 l 4 24 1 8 6 86 9 ii 9 i 16, ] 6 3 12 1 28 Scandinavia 11 3 l, 1 6 1 1 i lj b 29 Ward 4 4, 622 584 1.79 189 168 1,120* 1,826 156 322 2,024 293 1 30 2.558 312 96 92 94 594 956 86 165 1.198 152 1 31 2. 064 272 83 97 74 526 1,119 870 70 826 141 32 White 4.597 583 17.9 189 168 1,824 156 321 2,002 293 1 33 2. 696 580 178 184 163 1,105 133 1, 779 138 226 12 530 23 both parents native C M. 331 <16 30 20’ 15 225 14 14 34 If. 269 11 140 223 9 11 24 35 < )ne or both parents foreign.. CM.. IF. 1,070 916 229 64 68- 74 GO 96; 236 0 187 54 06- 61 368 616 53 96. 148 3 36 Foreign born 1,028 834 2 2 3 7 26 12 48- 809 132 1 3 1 4 15 46 1 631 136 37 i 1 99 38 Birthplaces of mothers • United States. CM.. IF.. CM. 423 345 94 91 37 31 31 31 19 19 181 172 299 283 20 14 16 15 74 31 14 2 39 England and Wales 86 9 2 4 3 18 27 2 50 1 F 63 9 9 9 13 145 25 3 34 26 2 79 40 Ireland CM.. 1,160 1,105 239 74 30 19 99 236 96 715 If.. 66 21: 17 16 120 211 il9 105 637 113 41 Germany C M.. 31 6 6 8 51 71 10 4 15 119 24 |f.. 155 19 3 10 8 40 66 ii 61 13 42 Italy CM.. 339 82' 13 27 36 158 258 21 T. 12 .39 9 3, 1 F .. 252 68- 16. 22:1 26, 132. 213 a 2JL NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 259 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known. 363 3 5 2 13 3 21 51 39 3 1 3 27 2 6 32 22 6 16 108 i 261 1 3 1 3 10 42 25 3 ] 1 24 4 29 10 2 13 83 2 102 1 10 3 11 9 14 9 3 2 2 3 o 4 25 3 353 3 5 2 13 3 21 49 38 a 1 3 97 2 6 32 22 6 13 104 4 176 o 1 12 3 13 23 18 3 1 15 9 19 8 9 13 40 5 47 1 9 3 4 4 i 8 8 3 1 12 \ „ 22 1 4 2 1 1 1 9 9 8 61 1 9 12 3 >6 2 1 (j 1 6 9 4 18 t rr 29 1 i 5 i - 4 :::::::: 9 1 3 1 £ 1 112 3 1 4 21 13 1 10 9 10 10 2 35 > a 2 1 4 5 9 2 9 2 i 3 2 12 \ 8 10 ' a 3 4 9' 1 3 4 9 8 8 3 4 14 (lO' 26 1 4 9 1 4 i 2 2 9 11 3 3. 2 3 2 i'll 3 i w) SU 79 o 3 14 12 1 9 2 5 4 2 25 (12: 35 1 1 8 6 5 9 1 1 ] 1 2 4 53 1 1 9 9 1 3 - 2 2 15 [* 24 1 1 4 I i 3 1 i i 2 9 i 1 i (14 3 1 i 1 : : 694 5 10 5 24 9 40 102 54 _ 2 9 58 3 6 50 53 5 31 215 15 478 i 7 3 10 7 22 72 36 3 1 4 44 5 45 41 3 18 156 16 216 * 3 9 2 18 30 18 4 1 5 14 3 i 11 12 2 13 59 17 691 5 10 5 24 9 40 102 53 7 2 9 58 3 6 55 53 5 31 214 18 382 4 3 1 22 9 34 49 24 7 2 1 27 2 1 32 25 1 31 107 19 86 1 1 1 9 9 9 1 16 1 13 8 29 41 5 1 3 •» 9 1 4 1 9 1 3 10 £20 132 1 2 1 9 0 15 21 15 3 1 9 12 27 1 ii ii 3 1 i 4 4 10 27 (21 200 4 9 4 37 17 ~ 3 -1 4 15 20 2 71 ) 84 1 3 9 9 9 15 22 9 1 i 5 1 9 17 £22 ] 1 23 116 i 9 3 4 n 4 1 17 1 18 10 1 0 38 8 1 s 3 3 2 1 4 1 3 3 15 24 19 l 9 9 9 1 *> 4 1 l i 1 1 J 1 (■25 147 1 3 3 3 2 8 30 14 3 1 2 14 2 8 14 l 4 34 93 1 1 2 3 4 16 10 1 1 6 i 1 0 6 2 4 28 (26 94 1 2 8 15 q 3 10 3 31 > 36 2 9 1 4 3 3 3 i 1 3 0 27 11 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 1 2 (28 4,622 62 20 38 135 95 383 738 563 70 30 63 197 35 65 339 333 28 253 1.172 3 29 2, 558 28 11 22 66 52 205 449 339 34 15 25 127 30 199 185 5 134 631 1 30 2, 064 34 9 16 69 43 178 289 224 36 15 38 70 35 35 140 148 23 119 541 - 31 4, 597 61 20 38 135 95 382 728 558 70 30 63 \196 35 65 338 333 28 252 1.167 3 32 2. 696 54 8 18 128 89 303 313 296 63 29 10 76 11 19 219 108 1 252 696 3 33 331 17 19 40 99 29 9 1 12 3 32 17 24 100 269 6 1 1 20 8 54 20 20 ii 3 2 9 20 5 30 90 (34 1,070 16 8 * 44 31 140 136 27 8 6 36 8 88 35 1 99 260 i (»..* 916 24 3 45 31 99 109 103 29 11 3 19 8 5 71 36 84 227 2 1 028 3 12 2_l 37 258 159 4 1 18 68 19 71 119 4 242 834 3 r, 8 4 41 152 99 3 46 24 27 46 100 23 215 (36 ] ] 10 1 1 1 37 423 9 28 23 27 34 3 1 16 3 41 19 37 124 345 8 1 r 27 9 44 23 33 4 4 4 2 9 23 9 38 112 1 (38 o 1 4 3 18 9 1 1 9 1 11 4 22 66 1 i 2 1 9 13 6 "i' 2 1 5 2 4 17 (39 1 160 8 3 91 18 10 66 273 194 4 3 11 62 13 87 99 4 25 271 1,105 ii 5 9 17 15 67 200 133 9 6 33 48 19 28 07 109 21 27 281 (-40 239 5 9 9 2 9 23 40 23 3 1 6 22 6 23 19 12 48 ) .. 155 4 9 2 6 0 15 19 2 3 2 10 7 2 17 10 1 13 34 41 339 9 4 10 16 21 50 20 3 9 4 4 19 4 41 93 1 (42 252 1 12 11 27 12 . v 35 17 3 2 2 3 2 17 7 32 68 i VITAL STATISTICS. 260 Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE fi YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. x ears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 « to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 <)ver 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 4—Continued. 1,862 224 75 67 48 414 667 61 m 862 139 2 1,017 113 38 31 27 209 340 27 71 509 70 3 845 ! 111 37 36 21 327 34 62 353 69 4 1,852 223 75 67 48 413 666 61 133 853 139 5 1,062 155 223 74 67 48 412 660 56 99 235 12 Both parents native M.. F .. 26 12 9 6 63 108 5 G 27 9 115 37 u 10 4 62 94 3 5 u 2 7! One or both parents for.C M.. F .. 385 358 72 24 22 21 139 135 218 19 43 104 68 1 68 24 26 17 222 28 40 Foreign born j M.. 417 4 3 17 335 58 F .. 352 1 2 17 (57 '9 10 1 1 1 9 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j M.. F .. M . 190 146 47 41 43 9 15 14 15 12 3 8 79 135 119 19 8 31 13 24 5 3 11 | England and Wales < 2 14 11 1 F .. 29 8 1 2 17 2 1 9 12 j Ireland | M.. 502 32 11 7 57 65 28 16 98 16 43 311 293 54 34 F .. 527 31 16 10 8 108 24 46 13 Germany : M.. 116 16 4 4 4 37 4 5 1G F.. 64 7 1 5 3 29 2 5 22 6 14 Italy | M.. 46 10 4 1 3 5 20 34 4 8 F .. 26 12 1 17 706 26 15 Sanitary district B 2, 760 360 104 122 1 j 120 1,159 95 189 1,162 154 1 16 17 Males 1,541 1, 219 2,745 199 161 58 46 61 61 67 : 53 i 385 321 616 543 59 36 94 95 689 473 82 70 1 360 104 122 120 j 706 1,158 95 188 1,149 154 1 19 1,634 176 104 117 115 1 693 1,119 82 127 295 11 Both parents native < M.. 32 18 11 9 70 117 9 6 39 / 5 20 F .. 154 38 16 17 7 , 78 129 6 6 13 21 One or both parents for- < eign 1 M.. 685 558 157 119 40 30 46 40 53 44 296 233 458 394 41 25 53 50 132 80 i 3 Foreign born M.. 611 2 2 3 9‘> 9 31 474 74 1 22 ¥ .. 482 3 1 4 14 1 4 29 69 23 15 1 13 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 233 53 * 22 10 U 102 95 164 13 8 43 18 5 1 24 United States F .. 199 48 17 19 11 164 10 i Ireland M.. 42 19 12 88 138 18 404 45 57 8 1 25 578 35 5 8 55 103 15 59 344 Germany • M.. 123 15 2 2 4 23 34 6 10 65 39 26 F .. 91 12 2 5 24 37 2 6 Russia and Poland M.. 26 4 1 i 1 8 3 11 2 4 27 19 1 2 2 10 1 l Italy M.. 293 72 9 26 31 138 224 21 8 31 9 3 28 F .. 226 15 19 25 115 187 7 8 21 29 2, 922 482 150 126 113 871 1. 342 107 171 1, 118 183 1 30 31 32 Msil 1,629 1,293 283 85 61 484 730 54 92 601 92 199 65 65 58 387 612 53 79 91 1 . 2,900 418 150 126 113 867 1.332 107 170 1,109 181 1 ! 33 1,822 476 149 125 110 860 1, 315 98 109 279 21 Both parents native M 256 72 16 13 16 117 179 6 ii 50 10 34 177 26 8 13 92 129 9 28 6 35 • One or both parents foreign. M.. 715 192 65 47 38 342 516 41 1s 109 1 F 601 142 33 54 43 272 453 42 42 64 36 Foreign born CM.. 571 i 9 1 3 6 °9 452 "F1 479 i 1 2 3 8 2 31 355 9 82 2 1 37 38 22 4 i i 4 10 1 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 356 105 24 17 22 168 256 11 13 63 13 F .. 263 71 31 18 17 1 137 203 13 8 33 6 39 England and Wales CM.. 55 12 6 19 25 2 23 8 5 F .. 33 8 1 4 1 14 19 2 i 3 40 Ireland M.. 694 73 37 19 19 148 230 32 46 343 43 F .. 678 65 16 18 21 120 214 24 57 326 57 41 Germany Italy M.. 286 46 13 10 7 112 4 23 126 21 M" F-- 157 73 22 22 7 3 11 6 8 3 48 34 78 57 10 3 4 1 49 10 15 2 1 42 64 15 1 3 1 6 7 1 31 1 53 1 4 6 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 261 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age: Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,862 30 8 16 59 32 149 312 203 15 14 31 88 18 26 132 143 13 95 477 1 1 1.017 10 3 6 32 16 84 193 122 6 13 58 13 77 83 1 49 246 9 845 20 5 10 27 16 65 119 81 10 8 18 30 18 13 55 60 12 46 231 1 3 1,852 30 8 16 59 32 149 308 201 15 14 31 88 18 26 132 143 13 94 474 1 4 1,062 28 2 7 58 31 115 138 98 14 14 7 31 3 10 87 47 1 94 276 1 5 155 1 10 8 25 9 12 1 2 1 6 17 rj 13 43 115 5 10 2 16 9 8 1 1 1 5 4 13 40 f 6 385 8 3 21 8 41 59 43 3 4 3 14 36 14 1 32 90 358 12 2 4 16 13 31 47 32 9 3 10 3 4 27 lo 30 92 1 \7 417 3 3 1 17 108 62 1 9 33 8 99 54 96 , 352 2 3^ 6 1 16 60 41 15 20 15 8 22 38 12 93 £ 8 10 ' 4 9 1 3 190 1 18 9 30 11 13 1 3 1 9 21 16 50 >. „ 146 6 11 2 19 10 12 2 1 1 8 6 16 51 1 s10 47 1 3 1 6 4 2 1 4 9 4 12 29 3 1 1 1 1 5 i 1 1 | 1 1 4 8 26 26 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 i 6 19 9 6 3 3 1 i i 2 >27 293 2 3 9 14 38 14 41 18 2 2 4 4 19 4 35 83 1 226 1 12 9 24 12 33 15 3 9 2 3 2 15 5 27 60 1 2, 922 42 33 18 98 58 312 408 325 58 34 35 127 21 39 236 160 14 215 688 1 29 1 629 16 16 13 50 29 162 °31 175 30 19 9 70 24 130 87 4 132 432 30 1,293 26 17 5 48 29 150 177 150 28 15 26 57 21 15 106 73 10 83 256 1 31 2, 900 42 33 18 98 58 312 406 320 58 34 35 125 21 39 236 158 14 211 681 1 32 1,822 40 10 11 97 56 260 164 189 56 34 10 42 5 7 162 51 i 211 416 33 256 - 3 1 9 7 39 12 16 6 4 2 7 1 24 ii 33 76 u 177 5 1 1 32 13 21 6 2 2 6 3 18 3 i 15 38 ;>34 715 9 9 40 22 100 78 99 1 10 2 62 15 84 169 1) ,, 601 20 4 9 41 22 86 54 66 20 13 5 14 2 3 54 19 56 120 i >35 571 1 11 1 20 134 1 6 44 20 39 1 57 4 152 5 479 i 12 1 31 106 i 19 37 16 12 34 49 9 94 <36 90 2 2 4 7 P 37 356 3 1 15 10 50 19 29 8 10 2 1 11 1 32 14 47 99 263 9 2 1 11 6 49 17 34 8 6 2 6 3 27 4 1 25 52 <38 2 1 1 4 5 9 1 4 1 2 3 4 3 16 <39 33 i 1 1 1 5 2 3 1 2 4 2 1 9 694 8 9 26 9 52 135 87 13 6 4 22 10 54 42 2 33 175 678 8 ii 2 20 13 61 130 75 ii 3 15 33 9 11 58 57 6 26 129 >40 286 2 1 6 5 34 47 31 2 1 3 18 7 24 18 21 66 157 7 3 9 5 18 17 16 1 1 8 11 4 3 5 2 12 30 r1 73 i 1 4 10 4 7 4 1 1 1 5 1 12 21 J4* 64 2 2 3 2 i 9 7 2 3 1 4 9 20 VITAL STATISTICS. 262 Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE <> YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND — — -- ' ■ — AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 8 3 to 6 « to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to (15 ()ver 65 Un- known. Ward 5—Continued. 1 Sanitary district A 1,812 288 99 74 67 528 817 448 64 108 713 110 2 3 1,036 776 176 54 33 34 297 33 56 440 273 59 51 109 112 45 41 33 231 369 31 52 1,804 287 99 ' 74 67 527 815 64 107 709 1,116 286 98 73 64 521 806 63 171 27 10 6 1 4 6 Both parents native ( M.. 160 50 6 11 8 75 118 4 t F .. 113 30 20 3 8 61 90 5 9 15 One or both parents for- eign. CM.. 434 111 45 21 25 202 304 28 29 72 1 7 |f.. 359 75 24 36 23 158 265 26 29 39 Foreign born C M 375 1 1 9 3 1 20 301 215 50 49 1 8 < F .. 288 1 3 4 20 9 s 1 l 2 \ Birthplaces of mothers: 10 C M.. 223 72 13 13 12 110 170 8 6 31 8 j F -. 161 43 11 11 87 131 8 5 16 1 England and Wales fM.. IF.. CM.. 34 8 4 1 13 18 1 13 3 11 15 3 1 3 1 8 12 12 Ireland 472 46 27 10 12 95 147 19 30 247 29 IF-. 439 12 14 12 81 146 15 39 202 37 13 Germany 182 96 28 10 8 4 4 6 6 5 46 25 70 44 4 6 15 4 79 32 14 10 14 e t • CM.. 14 2 1 1 4 6 7 1 1 F .. 13 2 2 3 1 8 10 3 63 1 1 1,110 194 51 52 46 ' 343 525 43 — 107 16 17 18 593 31 28 21 187 282 21 36 27 63 221 184 400 33 40 72 517 87 20 24 25 243 22 1,096 191 51 52 46 340 517 43 19 20 706 190 51 52 46 339 509 35 43 6 3 108 23 13 11 4 Both parents native CM.. IF.. CM.. IF.. CM.. If.. 96 64 22 15 10 6 2 5 8 5 42 31 61 39 2 4 21 One or both parents for- 281 81 20 26 13 140 212 13 19 37 eign. 242 67 9 18 20 114 188 16 13 9 11 25 196 1 1 3 6 151 140 27 33 22 Foreign born 191 4 2 23 14 3 3 8 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 10 24 CM.. 133 33 11 4 58 80 3 7 32 \v.. 102 28 9 7 6 50 72 5 3 17 25 England and Wales C M 21 4 2 3 1 10 5 ) 18 5 i 6 9 1 26 Ireland CM.. 222 27 10 9 7 53 83 13 16 96 14 239 22 4 4 9 39 68 9 18 124 20 27 Germany C M.. 104 18 5 6 1 30 42 8 47 F.. 61 12 3 5 3 23 34 4 17 l 1 28 Italv CM.. < F .. 62 19 3 6 2 30 52 3 6 i 55 13 2 5 6 26 46 3 5 29 5, 342 787 248 285 285 1.605 2.727 180 332 1,825 277 1 30 3,154 459 135 150 159 903 1, 495 1,232 2,711 204 1.230 595 1,672 147 130 273 31 2,188 328 113 135 126 702 103 128 32 5,147 780 247 283 283 1, 593 179 312 33 3,209 774 236 273 273 1, 556 2, 558 137 386 12 34 Both parents native CM.. 234 49 15 11 12 87 142 8 7 69 8 IF . 116 23 10 8 9 50 86 5 7 18 35 One or both parents foreign .. CM.. 1,502 393 109 129 136 767 1. 225 45 69 162 1 \ v -. 1.259 290 101 121 112 624 1.064 57 48 89 1 36 c M.. 1,133 , 4 8 7 21 88 23 106 786 130 t F .. 752 1 1 3 7 53 40 68 462 129 37 Colored Birthplaces of mothers: 195 7 1 2 2 12 16 1 20 153 4 1 38 m- 323 72 21 16 19 128 212 10 10 81 10 IF.. 184 40 / 17 18 13 88 138 8 9 29 39 Ireland 683 31 9 10 7 57 96 16 56 460 45 > F .. 555 21 12 5 5 43 80 22 50 316 87 40 JM- 222 16 6 5 2 29 52 6 24 118 22 ) F .. 107 15 5 4 4 28 44 9 4 38 12 41 Russia and Poland CM.. 268 66 14 13 27 120 184 9 10 50 15 1 F .. 197 35 15 14 19 83 147 13 8 21 8 42 Italy CM.. 1,218 251 76 101 98 526 883 31 58 219 27 IF.. 1,014 195 56 89 79 419 764 44 46 141 19 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 263 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- Ty- Mil- let phoid larial fever, fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of t he urinary organs. Old age. Still. horn. All other causes. Un- known. 1,812 30 21 12 61 36 193 254 202 34 23 24 75 8 24 164 100 9 123 419 1 1,036 8 9 10 20 101 149 113 18 13 41 34 87 56 9 83 272 2 776 22 12 2 28 16 92 105 89 16 10 17 34 8 10 77 44 7 40 147 3 1,804 30 21 12 61 36 193 253 200 34 23 24 74 8 24 164 100 9 122 416 4 1,116 28 7 8 61 36 lp8 104 116 34 23 6 22 2 5 112 30 1 122 241 5 160 2 1 1 8 5 25 4 9 4 2 1 1 17 8 22 48 27 94 65 102 54 3 63 35 \* l 7 5 \ 8 113 4 1 1 3 5 20 9 2 1 2 12 1 ii 434 4 2 6 25 15 61 53 49 13 ii 1 3 4 1 3 39 8 48 359 17 3 24 11 50 35 44 10 8 10 28 22 1 4 41 13 99 375 1 6 3 13 86 51 5 13 12 27 24 39 2 288 1 8 1 22 61 33 6 30 6 8 1 1 31 9 223 2 1 1 10 32 18 6 8 1 1 23 8 1 (.10 161 8 2 1 7 6 29 8 16 6 i 9 9 17 l 13 34 l 1 1 3 3 7 l 1 2 3 9 *“ 15 1 1 1 3 I 28 472 4 7 7 16 35 92 61 6 3 14 6 40 22 119 S12 439 7 7 1 14 7 39 76 52 8 2 13 20 4 7 44 36 5 14 83 182 1 4 5 20 33 17 2 13 9 5 15 4 12 4 12 4 40 16 (13 96 6 3 3 3 10 14 10 I 3 9 3 1 14 1 3 3 2 i 2 (14 13 3 1 9 5 72 1 1 269 1,110 12 12 6 37 22 119 154 123 24 11 ii 52 13 15 60 5 92 1 15 593 8 7 3 17 9 61 82 62 12 6 5 9 29 23 , 10 43 31 2 49 160 109 16 517 4 5 3 20 13 58 72 61 12 9 13 5 29 29 3 43 1 17 1,096 12 12 6 37 22 119 153 120 24 ii 11 51 13 15 72 58 5 89 265 1 18 706 12 3 3 36 20 102 60 73 22 a 4 20 3 2 21 89 175 28 11 19 96 3 2 1 2 14 8 9 2 i i 3 3 11 (-20 (-22 64 1 2 12 12 1 1 6 23 4 281 5 1 „ 39 24 29 9 4 0 1 36 242 3 i 2 17 ii 36 19 22 10 5 4) 2 13 6 34 55 50 40 196 2 1 7 48 25 1 1 10 15 8 12 18 19 2 191 4 i i 9 22 1 6 10 10 3 14 1 3 3 23 }» / ~r 133 3 2 3 18 12 11 9 1 1 9 10 1 6 16 12 36 17 7 102 1 4 20 9 18 2_ ] 3 21 i 1 9 2 1 1 3 1 2 18 i 1 1 I 2 2 8 1 1 r 6 56 46 r5 (■26 (27 222 3 i 2 10 2 17 43 26 1 1 2 4 14 14 14 2 11 239 1 4 I 6 6 22 54 23 3 1 5 4 21 T 12 104 1 i 9 14 14 14 1 2 9 6 9 26 14 18 17 1,250 61 1 6 ? 8 3 6 1 - 2 1 1 196 2 1 i i 8 62 1 V 7 2 3 1 1 5 i 11 (28 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 8 5, 342 « 51 30 165 144 510 707 656 212 49 57 46 48 426 291 22 359 29 3,154 2,188 5,147 27 31 19 91 77 281 533 391 105 19 27 30 55 118 78 192 31 244 190 8 206 756 494 30 30 20 11 74 67 235 234 265 107 30 46 17 182 418 101 14 153 31 57 51 26 164 143 515 636 648 212 49 46 46 286 22 355 1,226 32 3,288 51 14 12 148 124 423 239 390 192 3 47 6 52 6 4 8 16 281 19 67 355 784 70 33 (34 234 1 2 JO 10 25 31 2e 15 16 116 2 2 3 1 13 13 14 8 i 16 0 26 1,502 22 4 2 70 53 204 113 178 88 19 1 24 16 81 57 4 10 128 184 141 377 1,259 27 7 5 59 172 159 91 27 4 112 17 287 (35 1,133 752 26 11 8 12 44 248 163 12 24 25 19 82 132 8 258 (-36 1 11 3 8 42 146 86 8 2 38 11 50 14 166 195 4 1 1 1 131 8 2 2 8 4 24 37 (38 323 184 2 3 2 3 18 14 11 2 35 25 39 16 31 21 4 11 1 2 3 8 0 i 30 22 18 1 27 14 94 42 683 3 3 10 5 31 170 96 g 8 16 6 35 37 16 17 10 5 38 41 23 86 4 12 154 (-39 (40 555 222 7 2 7 6 3 1 5 9 7 1 29 11 110 36 58 20 4 2 1 8 67 21 13 6 9 125 107 3 3 1 7 3 9 14 12 3 7 5 3 3 10 24 268 3 1 2 14 11 39 23 34 5 6 83 1 4 5 10 6 33 18 18 14 104 7 2 35 58 (4! 197 ! 5 I 19 42 42 27 167 2 9 2 14 114 38 1,218 1,014 17 14 9 34 146 90 11 4 4 24 ...... 321 Ii42 11 7 3 36 36 111 73 129 .83 19 ii 29 93 18 1 97 237 c VITAL STATISTICS. 264 Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 1*2 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 6—Continued. 354 37 10 10 13 70 119 10 30 162 33 2 203 24 3 3 7 37 62 23 98 15 18 33 3 151 13 6 33 57 5 64 4 White 349 36 10 10 13 69 118 10 27 161 185 35 9 10 1 12 1 66 113 21 9 16 1 46 1 Both parents native C M.. 31 9 11 9 6 \ F .. 14 1 i i 9 5 10 i 1 2 7 One or both parents fore- ign. Foreign born CM.. 08 13 9 9 6 23 35 5 9 18 1 < F - - 03 10 6 6 3 25 43 3 12 CM.. 92 1 1 9 10 66 14 8 \ F .. 70 1 1 9 3 1 1 1 47 18 9 1 1 3 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 46 12 1 3 16 31 1 9 11 1 10 2 1 i } F .. 18 3 9 14 11 (M.. 6 i l 3 1 England and \\ ales .......... \ F .. 4 4 12 Ireland fM.. CM.. IF.. $M.. IF.. 71 67 5 3 2 2 1 2 10 5 13 12 2 2 9 6 44 34 3 13 13 Germany 48 / 3 3 i l 5 6 i 6 29 6 34 1 2 2 8 14 1 16 3 14 Italy 6 1 9 1 4 1 1 1 15 l 3 i 7 13 i 15 1,478 192 59 68 77 396 680 63 85 562 88 16 17 18 865 109 31 28 59 36 32 67 42 218 178 391 368 312 674 31 51 369 46 42 88 613 83 35 77 32 34 193 553 White 1,462 188 62 85 19 20 889 188 20 8 56 5 4 67 5 4 74 5 4 385 35 20 645 55 48 4 9 51 141 4 Both parents native {¥:: 96 48 4 3 30 8 3 21 One or both parents for- eign. JM.. IF.. 398 313 83 70 23 23 31 27 35 29 172 149 287 256 22 20 28 14 61 22 1 22 Foreign born CM.. 327 1 9 3 15 4 18 248 42 } F .. 233 ] i 12 10 ] 16 154 41 23 16 4 1 _ 6 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States Ireland Germany if:: Sr:: CM.. 128 31 8 8 52 83 4 33 3 24 25 73 290 213 75 16 16 9 8 6 4 7 3 4 1 6 3 1 J 35 26 21 10 54 46 35 19 4 9 10 3 3 20 14 11 12 204 120 34 u 34 8 :::::::: 26 \ F .. 33 9 2 1 10 14 2 2 11 4 27 Russia and Poland C M.. 28 5 I 3 9 16 9 3 5 9 If.. CM.. 20 4 l 9 3 10 18 1 1 28 Italy 250 44 15 23 29 111 188 10 32 13 If.. 236 42 10 17 22 91 173 14 11 34 4 29 3,510 558 179 207 195 1,139 1,928 107 217 1,101 156 30 2,086 1, 424 3,336 326 232 556 101 78 111 96 206 110 85 193 648 491 1,133 1,065 863 1,919 41 130 763 338 958 86 70 152 31 66 87 32 White 178 107 200 33 34 2,135 107 171 196 187 1,105 41 1,800 59 4 70 199 30 Both parents native CM.. 20 10 5 3 6 2 5 ( F .. CM.. 14 5 3 25 41 2 3 8 One or both parents for- eign. 1.036 297 84 96 95 572 903 18 32 83 \ F .. 883 210 72 88 80 450 765 34 29 36 Foreign born C M.. IF.. 714 2 2 8 5 17 71 19 78 472 74 449 1 1 3 38 29 51 261 70 37 38 174 •> i 1 9 6 9 17 141 i Birthplaces of mothers: United States J M.. i F $ M.. IF.. CM.. 149 29 13 ii 60 98 5 3 37 6 93 21 9 9 44 70 3 5 15 39 Ireland 322 10 3 6 2 21 37 5 37 212 31 275 1 9 3 1 4 17 33 10 30 162 40 40 Germany 99 : 5 5 3 1 14 27 2 8 IF.. CM.. 40 i 2 1 10 10 6 2 11 41 Russia and Poland 238 i 61 13 13 23 110 167 45 12 IF.. CM.. 176 31 14 12 16 73 129 13 7 19 8 42 Italy 962 206 61 78 68 413 691 20 51 186 14 {f.. 763 ! 151 45 69 56 321 578 29 35 106 15 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 265 may 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty Ma- phoitl larial lover, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing- cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the dis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. l ' 11- known. 354 4 5 4 13 7 24 49 30 7 2 5 23 4 10 32 22 2 14 97 * 1 203 2 4 3 6 10 32 18 3 2 2 14 5 24 14 i 6 52 2 151 j . 2 i 1 7 9 14 17 12 4 3 9 4 5 8 8 i 8 45 3 349 4 5 4 13 7 24 47 29 7 2 5 23 4 10 32 22 2 13 96 4 185 4 3 13 - 14 21 16 2 1 9 1 3 15 6 13 50 31 1 4 2 9 2 3 9 9 2 9 > „ 14 2 1 9 i 2 1 1 4 > 6 68 2 1 ' 1 3 4 9 9 2 4 2 8 1 3 21 ) „ 63 L G 9 6 8 6 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 12 S 7 92 4 1 4 18 9 2 7 3 14 a i 18 > „ 70 1 6 8 4 9 rj 3 4 3 5 1 26 > 8 5 9 1 1 1 9 46 2 1 5 3 3 3 9 1 4 4 2 14 18 2 1 3 1 9 1 1 9 >10 6 1 1 l 1 1 1 4 2 i 1 s11 71 1 1 3 16 6 5 2 10 9 1. 17 ) 67 l .) 1 8 8 1 9 4 i 3 4 6 1 1 19 > 12 48 2 1 2 4 1 2 4 2 2 2 12 34 1 4 1 2 4 1 3 2 i i 9. 12 >13 6 1 1 1 1 3 15 9 3 1 3 i 1 4 514 1,478 13 15 4 47 37 128 209 186 55 19 22 57 14 12 116 95 7 92 350 15 865 5 30 99 74 136 106 29 5 9 35 8 70 59 9 50 220 613 8 10 4 17 15 54 73 80 26 14 13 22 14 4 46 36 5 42 130 17 1,462 13 15 4 47 37 128 202 186 55 19 22 57 “ 11 115 95 7 89 346 18 889 10 5 3 46 33 102 79 113 48 18 3 20 2 2 80 28 89 208 19 96 3 5 11 9 14 3 10 6 28 48 2 1 2 i 7 2 8 2 4 3 11 |-20 398 3 26 14 51 44 44 24 5 1 8 i 36 0 40 92 313 3 2 14 13 31 19 42 19 13 { 0 1 28 8 36 70 >21 327 9 3 11 74 44 5 8 21 0 20 36 2 90 233 l 5 1 "i 1 15 47 28 2 1 ii 14 12 3 14 27 5 45 >22 16 i 1 3 4 23 > 128 5 14 13 14 3 17 12 36 73 2 1 6 1 8 5 9 1 2 5 8 18 <24 290 1 9 4 12 73 47 3 2 3 12 5 9 31 1 8 71 ) 213 2 4 2 2 4 12 42 20 1 2 14 4 3 12 28 5 3 46 y 25 75 1 3 4 11 5 9 5 1 10 6 5 22 33 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 5 6 > 26 28 9 1 2 4 9 2 1 1 4 3 6 20 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 >27 250 3 1 11 36 19 27 23 3 1 8 24 1 1 20 65 236 3 3 8 6 25 17 37 15 9 5 4 7 24 6 20 47 28 3, 510 40 31 22 105 100 304 509 440 150 28 30 116 28 26 278 174 13 253 803 29 2, 086 20 22 16 50 197 365 267 73 12 16 69 18 150 117 150 484 1,424 20 9 6 50 50 167 144 173 77 16 14 47 28 8 128 57 8 103 319 3i 3, 336 40 31 18 104 99 363 387 433 150 28 28 112 28 25 271 169 13 253 784 32 2,135 37 9 6 89 84 307 139 261 137 27 9 23 5 11 186 33 253 526 107 1 1 3 3 12 20 10 3 33 > 54 2 4 4 10 4 3 1 1 11 3 11 >34 1.036 17 4 i 43 36 149 60 129 62 12 12 7 84 15 141 264 ) 883 20 4 2 36 44 135 40 111 68 14 2 9 5 4 80 6 98 205 >35 714 3 17 10 8 9 29 156 110 7 u 53 10 48 85 5 150 > 449 5 2 7 6 21 91 54 • 6 1 12 36 23 4 33 45 8 95 >36 174 4 1 1 1 122 2 4 1 5 19 37 149 2 1 6 3 18 23 15 3 1 1 i 9 9 13 44 93 1 2 7 1 14 10 10 4 1 3 16 1 4 19 >38 322 1 2 3 16 81 43 5 * 1 5 18 10 19 46 3 3 66 275 5 3 1 2 12 60 30 2 19 3 4 25 33 7 2 60 > 39 99 2 3 6 1 5 18 11 2 7 2 6 13 9 21 ] 40 3 2 2 1 4 7 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 6 >40 238 3 i 2 12 9 37 19 31 3 1 4 9 14 7 2 32 52 ] 176 3 1 7 16 39 24 4 4 1 6 1 2 12 2 12 35 >41 962 14 13 9 27 31 110 71 139 59 8 3 24 4 80 2a 94 253 'i 763 8 4 3 28 30 84 53 91 65 10 6 14 22 2 68 12 1 76 186 >42 266 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 1 AGE SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS. Months. Years. All agvs. Under 3 - 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 ()ver 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 7 * .................... 9,943 1,741 520 430 413 3, 104 4,774 418 644 3, 456 640 11 ■2 Males . 5, 205 994 266 233 208 1.701 199 289 1,868 1,588 3. 449 276 10 4, 738 9,933 747 254 197 205 1,103 3, 102 2. 211 219 355 „ 364 1 4 1,740 520 430 412 4. 771 418 644 640 11 r 1,735 289 514 419 405 3. 073 4. 682 773 373 452 952 63 22 1 C C M Iloth parents native. < y" 914 92 63 52 496 32 21 96 853 221 84 73 61 439 672 58 32 66 05 7 One of both parents foreign .. | p " 2, 387 2,139 665 485 166 158 161 116 145 139 1. 137 898 1,672 1,447 140 138 165 222 405 324 4 8 1 (M Fore i j;n born..................... 1 p 1. 683 4 2 44 25 96 96 1,270 1. 183 7 246 330 2 •8 1. 651 0 3 2 7 23 19 9 10 1 i 2 3 •10 Birthplaces of motliers: 1.250 373 286 23 124 117 4 87 97 8 79 663 1,031 50 31 114 23 1 11 Fngland and Wales j p ’' Ireland j p"’" 159 3 38 64 39 9 4 175 217 81 67 40 26 12 9 167 240 36 55 19 21 95 121 21 8 1 5 35 62 0 12 2,120 2, 263 204 178 57 50 54 33 48 47 363 308 568 548 69 87 1,139 1,171 216 2 13 CM.. 547 103 23 19 21 166 236 29 30 (rermany < y 421 62 24 21 19 126 181 17 34 134 14 r M v Russia and Poland < jj. " 585 186 41 40 33 300 422 32 22 90 464 115 25 26 30 196 308 23 33 79 15 2, 227 374 127 87 92 680 , 1,060 93 132 844 3 1C Males 1. 174 202 66 46 57 371 554 61 71 132 470 374 840 42 53 95 0 17 1,053 172 61 41 35 309 506 48 93 1 18 White 0 ‘>99 374 127 87 92 680 1,059 3 | 19 20 1,450 223 371 124 86 89 670 123 1,040 179 89 7 95 216 30 9 4 1 < M Both parents native *. .. 2 y " 66 31 11 15 3 187 51 21 15 10 97 156 18 6 21 One or both parents for p 522 472 125 108 33 33 34 26 38 23 230 190 348 324 36 28 34 49 101 68 3 1 22 „ . 1 CM.. 383 1 1 23 14 314 292 36 50 1 1 oreign horn .. — < y 361 i' 1 4 1 23 24 5 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States pf” 285 258 87 73 30 27 14 23 21 18 158 141 233 220 10 20 4 9 33 9 4 1 25 Ireland | p " 539 585 48 58 16 14 16 9 16 8 96 89 156 164 21 20 40 48 294 311 27 42 4 1 26 S M-- 10O 17 5 2 4 28 38 8 5 45 iiermaiiN i [• 50 8 3 2 2 15 21 3 7 15 4 27 Russia and Poland < p " 58 16 5 2 30 43 1 4 8 2 2 38 8 2 2 2 3 14 27 1 8 28 it.,1, 5M- 28 11 4 18 24 1 3 1Tai> ’ - * \ y mm 22 3 1 3 1 8 16 1 3 2 29 2,137 346 120 105 80 651 1,007 99 131 748 145 30 31 32 Males 1, 144 993 215 61 59 120 56 36 44 79 368 283 649 552 455 1.005 41 58 73 131 420 328 746 66 79 145 131 49 * White 2,133 1,410 345 105 99 7 33 34 344 120 102 78 11 644 123 979 190 89 97 6 20 6 Both parents native | p 227 74 21 17 18 210 39 :>9 23 9 93 20 8 18 9 One or both parents for-5 p " eign. '■ Foreign born | jf ' 493 128 40 38 23 ! 229 332 28 33 99 1 432 84 30 23 33 176 275 34 47 74 4> 36 9 G 4 17 17 266 235 10 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 1 Ward 7—Continued. 3, 369 633 160 153 143 1,089 1,647 138 2^7 1,140 216 1 2 1, 757 1. 612 364 73 78 66 581 878 71 98 615 94 1 3 \ 269 87 75 508 769 67 129 525 122 3,369 633 160 153 143 1,089 1,617 138 227 1,140 216 1 2,170 249 226 632 159 149 141 1,081 118 1,615 207 122 144 274 15 Both parents native JM-- IF-. 5M.. IF.. (M.. 70 17 99 21 10 11 5 18 20 8 6 09 19 21 131 184 10 6 6 7 One or both parents for- 857 773 284 185 54 62 52 53 54 55 444 355 632 50 48 55 74 120 94 Foreign horn 605 3 3 22 9 36 454 84 8 |f-- 583 1 1 6 47 407 116 9 Birthplaces of mothers: pi.. If.. CM.. 356 308 59 44 672 101 24 36 1 29 18 27 1 172 180 11 14 115 95 48 47 184 11 SI 298 19 9 22 24 30 18 37R 8 6 10 United States 87 30 255 15 8 England and Wales 8 1 18 3 2 0 11 | F .. 8 1 13 1 4 21 ] 2 2 JM.. ( F- 5 M-. IF.. C M.. 67 20 15 166 22 59 47 12 Ireland 701 54 13 7 14 14 8 167 30 354 75 47 48 53 724 73 Germany 171 29 4 69 7 13 13 152 342 26 9 67 4 13 12 21 12 14 Russia and Poland 124 24 21 15 14 1 F .. 287 04 20 113 14 21 186 12 20 16 15 2,210 388 85 98 684 1,060 88 154 184 16 17 18 1,130 213 175 388 66 47 113 53 49 49 98 381 303 684 579 42 72 363 361 7‘>3 1, 080 32 481 46 82 154 110 White 2, 209 85 1,060 88 184 19 1,493 388 79 111 23 19 » 27 82 97 16 678 1.048 73 116 237 30 22 85 88 19 Both parents native CM.. |f .. (M.. If.. C M.. 245 14 132 197 4 20 230 62 128 108 16 21 118 234 177 10 11 10 1 21 One or botli parents for- 37 30 360 26 43 462 14 28 1 177 291 28 52 3 22 Foreign horn 338 1 9 6 8 20 236 68 [f.. 374 1 1 3 7 18 249 1 97 23 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. | F .. 327 291 98 78 34 28 1 23 18 25 27 180 151 265 227 9 14 11 14 38 26 4 10 25 England and Wales JM.. If.. (M.. | F .. 29 1 4 2 8 14 1 3 9 2 23 3 3 9 1 1 9 3 26 Ireland 425 41 10 8 7 66 in 13 42 213 46 487 33 8 4 11 56 104 17 45 249 79 27 Germany CM.. 115 25 4 4 3 36 55 4 11 34 11 If.. 117 16 4 3 5 28 42 6 6 44 19 28 Russia and Poland CM.. 199 30 8 9 9 56 78 11 2 26 5 If.. 85 26 2 5 4 37 6 10 12 2 29 Ward 8 6, 660 1,161 333 291 250 2,035 3.146 246 431 2,390 445 2 30 Males _ _ 2 571 659 502 1,117 182 151 322 155 136 284 137 113 244 1.133 902 1, 967 1 679 126 120 242 192 239 407 1,361 1.029 2, 299 212 233 428 1 1 2 ! 31 3’089 6,443 11467 3,065 32 33 34 4, 281 617 ,• 1,113 319 50 280 238 31 1.950 281 2, 981 382 199 255 14 759 158 85 38 2 Both parents native CM.. 169 31 25 [f .. 524 127 37 36 19 219 342 23 23 102 34 35 One or both parents foreign.. JM.. If.. 1,583 1,422 438 339 116 107 116 95 99 86 769 627 1.163 1,030 70 80 98 110 246 197 5 4 1 1 36 Foreign born CM.. If.. 1,145 993 2 1 4 2 9 49 29 60 S49 158 \ 1 3 5 30 14 90 675 184 r- co CO CO 217 44 11 6 68 411 81 569 24 33 91 228 17 43 Birthplaces of mothers: United States JM.. .. (M.. 910 237 54 37 764 187 55 52 29 323 508 37 39 139 41 39 England and Wales 109 17 6 4 3 30 39 6 6 47 11 IF.. 112 19 3 4 5 31 44 3 8 44 13 40 Ireland CM.. | F .. 1,000 986 103 74 19 21 23 13 22 14 167 122 253 218 27 24 82 102 567 530 70 112 1 Germany (M.. 463 63 92 11 10 106 156 13 31 219 44 | F .. 343 39 19 11 14 83 131 19 27 135 31 42 Italy CM.. 694 171 40 54 45 310 513 36 22 108 15 IF.. 606 129 44 43 42 258 446 28 46 76 9 11 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 269 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. p lim'd fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- e? ies of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born . All other causes. Un- known. 3, 3G9 68 23 13 115 86 369 414 367 31 35 49 127 39 37 268 186 28 276 838 1 1, 757 34 15 5 59 48 196 214 201 17 14 18 63 15 145 93 13 162 445 393 838 2 1.012 34 8 8 66 38 173 200 166 14 21 31 64 39 29 123 93 15 114 3 3,369 68 23 13 115 86 369 414 367 31 35 49 127 39 37 268 186 28 276 4 2,170 62 11 7 106 79 308 188 208 31 35 7 37 9 9 178 53 2 276 564 5 249 7 1 15 15 32 9 17 6 3 1 5 21 6 29 82 64 212 192 138 133 } r 226 8 12 6 30 8 19 2 6 1 9 2 9 31 5 9 28 r > 7 857 21 5 2 38 27 123 79 86 ii 11 16 13 9 72 22 18 128 74 773 25 5 5 40 31 117 84 12 14 9 9 4 51 r ), 1 605 5 9 3 6 115 97 15 27 39 49 13 50 62 70 13 13 583 1 3 3 3 1 24 110 61 30 15 40 8 9 S“ 1“ <12 (l3 356 13 1 21 18 48 26 9 6 1 6 26 34 8 8 43 35 115 88 15 14 160 308 10 1 16 12 49 12 26 4 7 l 1 9 1 3 1 1 9 5 2 59 3 2 2 4 9 3 44 2 4 3 1 40 5 3 672 5 6 1 9 6 60 133 93 3 4 8 49 6 25 701 10 3 7 12 13 43 136 83 5 7 ll 35 4 10 11 47 61 10 1 20 14 170 41 35 73 171 3 5 6 4 17 20 20 1 1 2 16 12 9 9 152 3 i 1 9 4 18 16 6 1 3 4 5 13 5 8 3 9 2 12 60 342 7 2 1 16 15 46 17 41 3 4 3 31 6 \U 287 8 3 20 8 44 17 34 2 1 3 8 n 2 23 10 1 29 63 2, 210 37 12 16 89 30 256 284 262 31 30 39 101 18 24 158 130 13 / 155 525 15 1,130 19 5 8 47 16 114 146 144 14 20 15 24 39 9 80 67 7 78 290 16 1,080 2, 209 18 8 42 14 142 138 118 17 10 50 101 18 18 78 158 63 130 6 77 235 525 17 18 37 12 16 89 30 256 283 262 31 30 24 13 155 1,493 245 35 4 9 87 29 214 155 30 29 13 9 41 4 9 3 109 39 1 374 19 5 2 18 3 3 25 14 14 61 26 6 5 19 8 25 83 62 230 8 15 40 20 6 3 9 6 22 31 1 21 12 1 9 28 12 71 65 15 15 15 31 29 2 49 127 (2! 462 10 3 g; 11 71 60 64 64 1 42 9 4 9 1 33 27 a 43 51 98 74 338 2 4 4 1 13 52 9 374 1 4 3 2 29 53 i i 17 9 14 99 48 5 73 23 ).. 327 G ‘>2 3 36 20 18 4 37 9 o 5 26 25 9 3] 112 291 10 i 19 3 54 24 8 3 8 4 i 79 24 29 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 (-25 23 4 3 86 1 i 8 1 1 425 1 4 10 3 31 74 9 20 6 21 38 4 16 87 (26 (27 487 115 4 5 1 9 4 4 48 94 11 71 4 2 11 3 29 9 10 11 34 5 39 4 15 S 88 30 3 4 6 14 10 1 6 117 122 1 i 6 2 5 12 8 9 3 1 4 £ 3 7 11 1 1 8 12 26 30 2 3 15 9 14 9 i 3 92 6 2 14 85 2 1 6 1 13 8 976 I i 63 ........ 6 9 17 16 f28 6, 660 104 44 32 249 127 600 624 95 294 69 80 606 408 31 534 1,631 1 29 3, 571 3,089 52 52 17 16 16 115 134 64 63 310 290 553 423 355 269 40 20 43 60 33 59 151 143 286 69 50 30 346 260 229 179 12 19 311 223 896 1 30 31 6,443 103 43 31 246 127 585 937 599 95 90 69 78 584 388 28 505 1,588 1 32 4,281 95 21 15 230 114 512 431 332 92 59 24 122 23 23 403 145 5 505 1,129 1 33 617 12 2 3 or. 14 59 50 5 9 15 9 26 4 27 5 3 68 31 o 67 176 (34 524 1, 583 1,422 1,145 993 14 36 32 4 3 o 35 78 92 10 12 69 28 166 159 289 217 39 38 129 106 156 11 35 41 12 23 40 26 7 51 17 1 39 144 6 9 8 3 42 46 8 205 172 35 37 15 2 3 16 10 4 156 116 35 48 139 209 165 421 354 246 1 (.35 9 26 33 97 8 3 1 14 1 5 3 109 25 3 1 3 38 9 86 45 21 81 103 15 203 <-36 37 217 1 8 2 22 20 3 29 43 910 764 18 21 2 3 4 41 51 3 23 16 1 93 103 9 93 49 17 73 56 8 8 11 4 35 104 47 3 106 239 (38 3 5 14 2 4 18 14 28 3 7 3 80 24 2 65 205 109 2 1 11 8 9 33 (.39 112 4 l 7 19 12 1 4 6 5 1 9 7 11 21 1,000 986 463 343 694 16 13 5 5 3 4 20 8 61 257 225 78 49 45 118 6 3 57 19 81 81 48 205 10 8 90 11 8 51 30 35 88 86 34 27 90 6 1 9 13 9 58 26 21 19 97 10 32 216 4 4 14 18 25 9 46 43 36 116 U 7 5 3 8 5 3 5 ii 5 25 12 10 1 21 20 2 24 71 5 4 4 23 21 7 63 17 204 1 (42 606 6 9 2 29 22 67 49 62 23 10 5 12 23 2 47 12 63 163 270 VITAL STATISTICS. Table ■86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE ♦! YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 0 to I 2 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Y.'ard 8—Continued. Sanitary district A 2.105 320 95 81 72 568 864 75 140 868 157 1 2 Males 1.146 178 41 43 313 454 38 73 505 75 1 .3 959 142 44 40 29 255 410 37 " 67 363 82 4 White 2,091 318 94 80 70 1 562 856 140 863 156 1 5 Native horn 1,340 318 93 80 70_ 561 846 70 94 293 36 1 6 Both parents native { F 237 191 64 52 17 13 16 17 11 7 108 89 149 133 12 11 3 6 54 28 19 13 7 One or both parents for- CM., eign. j F .. 475 395 105 83 33 29 24 22 29 21 191 155 283 260 24 22 46 36 120 75 1 2 1 1 Foreign horn | " 392 6 2 3 21 310 53 349 1 1 4 25 251 66 1 9 14 2 1 i 9 6 8 5 10 11 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F " England and Wales | " Ireland |f * , c m” 306 271 49 40 78 70 9 6 23 21 3 2 23 23 2 16 10 3 2 140 124 17 10 197 194 21 17 16 13 2 9 5 10 4 3 68 41 20 20 20 13 2 4 12 575 494 64 43 15 12 12 10 15 7 106 72 , 162 129 15 15 48 48 310 250 33 52 13 1 13 102 12 6 2 3 23 29 4 7 49 14 If1:: 73 19 5 2 0 1 3 1 7 3 21 7 31 17 4 5 1 26 7 1 19 6 1 2 o 11 14 2 3 15 2,255 430 116 108 106 760 1,161 86 151 723 133 ! 10 1,185 1.070 62 52 52 421 616 44 57 397 320 665 71 62 120 17 175 54 56 339 545 42 94 1 1 18 2,119 404 110 103 104 721 1,118 82 133 19 1,472 172 403 110 99 102 714 77 1,082 102 62 78 227 49 22 9 1 20 48 17 6 6 7 5 168 34 13 9 7 63 102 3 10 42 11 ] 21 One or both parents for- CM., eign. } F .. 551 181 37 40 45 303 452 21 21 56 525 126 39 43 43 251 402 31 37 54 1 22 Foreign horn | " 345 4 4 21 14 18 239 199 58 53 45 13 12 296 1 i 11 6 35 23 136 26 6 ■> * 39 43 4 18 18 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States F " C M 289 77 27 12 9 125 160 13 86 258 58 18 16 11 103 154 9 ' 19 1 60 16 28 4 3 1 8 10 12 5 Juiglaml ;iiid \\ itl(*s.......... < p 32 4 22 2 9 8 10 5 14 3 20 I reland 5 " 175 2 3 4 31 43 6 8 105 13 219 16 4 2 2 24 41 6 20 129 23 27 ( M (lerniany p ** 170 31 4 4 3 42 61 3 10 78 18 106 13 2 4 24 39 8 14 37 8 28 |^" 401 99 18 30 30 292 19 15 63 12 359 72 29 29 29 159 269 13 26 44 6 1 29 2, 300 411 122 102 72 707 1, 121 85 140 799 155 30 Males 1,240 1,060 2,233 226 69 62 42 399 308 609 44 41 62 78 134 459 340 66 89 152 31 185 40 30 512 32 395 118 101 70 684 1, 091 85 33 1,469 208 392 116 101 675 1 053 67 6 83 239 27 34 Both parents native | 57 16 9 14 96 131 6 10 165 41 11 10 5 67 107 9 32 10 35 One or both parents [for- CM., eign. IF.. 557 502 152 130 46 39 52 30 25 22 275 991 428 368 25 27 31 37 70 08 3 2 36 CM Foreign horn ’ jy ' ‘ 408 2 1 2 22 13 21 300 52 348 1 2 3 15 5 30 225 73 37 67 16 4 1 2 23 146 30 212 6 10 28 74 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | F 315 82 27 19 18 8 ii 235 I 59 16 13 8 96 160 15 10 38 12 39 Ireland j F 250 i 17 2 8 3 30 48 6 26 146 24 273 ! 15 5 1 5 26 48 3 34 151 37 40 France 5 5?' • l 1■ 65 14 3 3 2 22 30 1 1 28 5 46 13 1 6 i 21 as 1 1 11 5 41 Germany | p ' 191 20 12 5 4 41 66 6 14 92 13 164 21 11 4 2 38 61 7 8 72 16 9 42 lta]y ;; 274 70 21 23 12 126 204 17 6 228 ! 51 14 12 11 88 163 13 20 29 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 271 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AN1) FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY* BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continue*!. CAUSE OF DEATH. "V All causes. Soar- Ty- Ma- let plioid larial fever, fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- Heart dis- ease and Child birth and pu- erperal Dis eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- Dis- eases of t be urinary Old age. Still- born. All other causes. I'd- known. mor. dropsy. eases. system- organs. 2. 105 44 16 12 64 29 190 331 194 27 26 27 105 23 34 200 130 128 509 1 1. 146 22 7 6 30 15 93 199 116 9 7 9 56 17 109 79 2 79 291 2 959 9 6 34 14 97 132 78 18 19 18 49 23 17 94 57 5 49 218 3.. 2,091 44 15 12 63 29 189 329 192 27 26 27 103 23 34 201 135 7 127 506 4 i,:uo 40 8 6 63 27 165 160 101 26 26 10 51 11 8 136 49 127 326 5 237 6 1 1 12 6 20 20 19 2 .5 1 14 28 9 25 68 ,> , 191 8 2 12 3 29 4 11 5 8 10 4 18 10 47 35 54 116 78 475 14 2 2 18 8 58 76 41 r. 2 1 16 3 49 13 395 11 3 3 21 10 55 53 29 12 ii 1 7 4 38 17 S 39'; * ■> 3 3 1 12 97 - 21 32 14 12 30 35 54 31 1 11 g 9 93 81 340 1 4 3 1 12 72 37 1 10 12 r ( 8 14 1 1 1 9 (■16 306 _ 1 17 8 29 25 22 3 5 1 18 38 32 \7 87 71 271 10 2 2 16 5 43 14 16 6 9 7 10 4 31 3 49 2 i 2 6 1 1 2 17 6 126 W 46 1 3 7 7 3 4 1 5 49 575 11 3 3 9 5 41 139 74 2 4 25 13 40 27 494 7 6 3 11 6 32 97 42 6 8 3 30 14 15 3 44 37 4 17 112 102 i 2 1 1 l 9 15 8 1 14 5 25 12 73 i 1 5 1 11 7 7 2 1 3 3 3 8 3 (13 19 1 2 5 o 1 1 4 15 19 i 3 i 3 1 3 2, 255 23 18 11 84 ■' 53 205 307 225 46 17 29 89 22 17 191 144 10 223 541 1.185 12 5 7 38 29 102 166 122 19 7 8 41 12 112 73 69 5 131 92 294 247 16. 17 1,070 11 13 4 46 24 103 141 103 27 10 21 48 22 79 5 2.119 23 18 10 84 53 194 280 210 46 15 28 84 22 17 177 132 8 206 512 18 1,472 22 9 4 75 48 169 122 131 45 14 7 33 8 7 132 52 1 200 387 19. 172 5 i 4 5 11 23 17 1 9 2 6 1 17 11 19 17 47 (~o* 168 4 1 9 4 21 11 15 6 3 2 6 2 2 16 7 1 41 551 6 3 1 28 21 73 34 48 18 4 i 9 4 54 9 95 143 (21 525 7 4 2 34 18 63 47 46 20 5 i 11 6 39 15 66 141 345 1 1 5 6 3 12 87 46 26 97 41 39 12 18 3 49 too 296 8 i 2 2 12 71 33 1 i 15 25 13 3 17 4 136 i 11 27 15 9 1 14 34 29 72 23. (24 289 5 1 i 5 8 22 42 31 1 3 9 1 1 35 28 258 4 i 13 4 35 19 23 7 5 3 10 2 9 23 2 12 3 1 68 28 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 (25. 32 i 8 1 1 1 2 3 T 5 175 3 6 3 8 46 18 13 2 7~ 17 30 11 4 3 3 15 10 18 8 34 39 43 16 (26. 219 1 1 6 1 13 53 21 4 16 4 1 16 19 4 170 2 2 3 3 12 27 11 2 3 13 4 (-27 (-28 106 2 3 2 3 3 13 19 8 3 1 ii 2 1 401 2 2 3 17 15 48 26 48 18 3 3 4 4 39 13 50 33 183 106 359 3 8 20 13 41 26 40 14 3 4 6 11 2 20 212 8 101 2,300 37 10 9 101 45 205 338 205 22 20 36 100 24 29 128 14 581 1 29- 1,240 1,060 18 5 3 47 20 115 188 117 12 6 16 54 21 125 75 5 9 101 82 311 1 30. 31 19 5 6 54 25 90 150 88 10 14 20 40 24 8 87 270 2, 233 36 10 9 99 45 202 328 197 22 19 35 97 24 27 206 121 13 172 570 1 32 1.469 33 4 5 92 39 178 149 100 21 19 7 38 4 8 135 44 4 172 416 1 33. 208 1 2 9 3 27 16 14 2 2: l 4 7 4 23 11 3 2 23 12 67 64 61 49 (34 165 2 1 i 14 5 19 13 12 4 7, i 1 n 53 16 * 1 32 13 74 40 10 3 13 3 13 16 162 135 1 (35. 502 14 2_ 2 37 18 54 59 31 9 10 1 8 3 39 408 1 4 i 4 4 ii 105 14 hi 30 12 6 40 29 44 33 3 6 78 73 (•36 348 2 2 3 3 2 13 74 39 1 29 3 20 67 i . o 3 10 8 T 1 1; 9 4 0 11 39 20 11 80 66 37 (38 315 6 2 19 42 26 20 4 3 10 32 26 18 4 9 235 7 i 2 22 7 27 16 17 1 4 4 8 1 1 1 250 2 2 5 12 72 26 9 1, 2 19 4 25 24 30 2 <) 45 (39 273 5 I i 5 4 6 75 23 1 6 12 3 3 25 3 65 i 2 1 10 5 6 4 0 4 7 14 6 48 43 (40 46 3 1 7 1 5 2 3 9 ] 2 1 191 4 i 10 4 9 36 15 9 20 9 18 10 13 164 4 i i 10 2 11 23 12 1 5 ii l 11 4 ...... 274 3 2 6 8 35 19 40 3 2 2 3 20 25 94 60 1 228 2 1 2 9 9 23 22 19 9 6 1 5. ii 18 4 ... 26 (42; 272 VITAL STATISTICS. Table M>.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOE, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to !) 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Word 9 8, 885 1, 335 411 343 280 2, 369 3,636 405 508 3, 362 969 5 2 4, 735 4,150 8, 724 776 999 174 150 1, 329 1,996 213 258 1,853 406 4 3 559 182 169 130 1,040 1,640 192 250 1,504 563 1 4 White 1.308 403 332 271 2,314 3, 555 399 500 3,307 958 5 6. 128 1, 304 303 236 400 325 265 2, 294 3,503 373 383 1,467 401 i 6 Both parents native {¥:: CM.. } F .. {¥:: 1,431 1,218 1,738 1,501 1,309 1,233 102 70 59 74 53 47 517 427 788 640 73 62 56 61 383 292 130 163 i 7 One or both parents foreign. 424 292 119 104 102 83 91 70 736 549 1,094 903 120 112 129 118 366 29 43 Foreign born 3 1 4 22 14 62 984 227 8 1 1 1 3 6 16 12 53 823 328 i 9 161 27 8 11 9 55 81 6 8 55 11 10 Birthplaces of mothers: i?:: {¥:: 1, 793 411 119 89 79 96 72 65 681 560 1,030 838 93 86 75 75 453 347 141 187 i 1,533 229 207 11 England and Wales 37 5 7 4 53 82 4 9 96 38 22 9 4 2 37 56 14 12 89 36 12 Ireland CM.. 1 591 182 69 50 47 348 528 67 110 769 117 C M 1,600 101 69 99 10 60 40 3 36 2 235 15 430 24 56 3 113 4 784 53 210 17 i 13 Scotland ) F 5 1 6 11 5 3 31 19 14 Germany 63 24 16 10 119 185 33 38 246 54 406 60 9 19 15 103 165 17 24 141 59 15 1,656 247 78 62 48 ! 73 93 634 176 3 10 914 148 45 30 27 250 367 43 49 370 82 3 17 742 99 33 32 21 185 310 30 44 264 94 18 White 1,648 247 78 62 47 434 675 72 92 631 175 3 19 1, 108 245 78 62 47 432 666 68 70 233 70 1 20 Both parents native CM.. \ F .. 244 198 58 36 19 15 13 15 7 8 97 74 141 123 12 10 11 7 53 36 26 22 i 21 One or both parents for- C M.. 338 85 26 17 19 147 213 27 24 71 3 \ F .. 290 59 18 17 12 106 176 19 25 59 11 22 Foreign born {¥:■ 297 3 3 13 230 48 235 1 1 1 9 163 23 8 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: Oni ted States 289 243 72 19 23 17 14 16 10 12 119 94 173 153 14 11 13 10 62 43 26 26 i 25 CM.. 57 10 3 13 19 2 1 26 9 |F.. 40 3 2 1 1 12 1 3 17 7 26 Ireland CM.. 371 44 18 10 8 80 121 17 24 181 28 | F .. 320 21 12 11 4 48 85 9 24 158 44 27 Scotland CM.. 20 1 1 2 4 1 1 13 1 1 V 11 1 6 4 28 Germany. CM.. 97 11 3 1 5 20 29 8 7 43 i.O 1 F .. 83 13 2 4 4 23 40 6 2 25 0 29 3,503 566 169 138 112 985 1.488 147 197 1,312 358 i 30 31 32 "Males 1,816 1,687 3, 379 330 236 544 96 73 163 73 59 558 427 822 72 95 102 191 686 626 1,274 141 53 666 75 143 217 i i White 128 104 939 1. 420 350 33 34 2, 429 543 160 123 102 928 1,397 318 136 154 594 148 Both parent s native f M.. 558 123 45 22 25 215 22 18 149 51 \ F .. 479 98 27 22 20 167 244 25 25 122 . 63 35 One or both parents for- CM. 687 181 44 44 30 299 442 43 54 139 9 eign. Foreign born I F .. 615 119 41 34 26 220 363 44 49 144 36 C M.. 454 1 1 1 8 4 18 35! 73 i F -. 483 1 2 4 8 3 18 6 325 128 8 i 37 Colored 124 9‘) 6 10 8 46 68 4 38 38 Birthplaces of mothers: 745 176 53 35 35 299 441 33 26 188 57 F.. 636 135 35 36 26 ‘>32 344 36 30 151 75 39 England and Wales CM.. 76 12 1 2 2 ! 17 32 2 2 26 14 1 F.. 79 7 5 3 1 16 25 5 5 36 8 40 41 Ireland < M.. 566 77 24 20 17 138 198 20 43 274 31 IF- fM.. 634 29 41 8 26 1 17 2 13 97 11 177 12 22 2 47 1 310 10 77 4 i If.. 24 1 2 8 11 9 4 42 Germany cm.. 223 28 11 4 3 46 78 10 14 96 25 159 22 1 4 7 34 51 5 10 63 30 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 273 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known 8,885 149 78 85 320 154 799 1, 270 729 116 108 186 470 79 142 848 523 72 576 2,180 1 1 4, 735 68 47 31 84 426 674 385 67 44 59 232 453 999 23 339 1 262 2 150 81 31 54 155 70 373 596 344 49 64 127 238 79 65 395 224 49 237 918 1 3 8,724 148 75 82 313 152 785 1,237 715 115 104 186 464 78 142 831 519 71 558 2,148 1 4 C, 128 141 35 55 297 145 702 723 467 110 100 74 223 39 55 571 249 24 558 1.559 1 5 1,431 20 9 9 71 32 154 139 110 28 15 10 70 22 150 75 5 119 393 1,218 31 0 15 59 25 132 126 93 16 23 31 56 20 12 123 53 12 89 297 s6 1,738 43 10 10 85 50 220 2‘>« 136 34 26 7 44 10 143 46 187 459 > 1,501 46 7 21 79 38 183 199 110 29 35 20 46 18 124 52 2 125 359 1 r 1, 309 5 26 10 7 1 38 275 123 3 2 40 109 42 129 159 14 326 18 1,233 2 14 17 6 6 42 238 122 2 1 71 131 39 45 126 109 33 229 161 1 3 3 2 14 33 14 1 4 6 1 17 4 1 18 32 9 1, 793 29 10 14 90 42 179 183 137 33 21 12 81 25 182 84 6 494 > i; 533 37 7 20 79 35 172 156 122 19 32 34 67 22 12 149 58 14 123 375 r 229 3 4 5 15 25 22 3 1 4 17 2 25 17 1 111 207 4 I 6 11 3 n 30 22 3 2 6 9 4 3 14 15 2 9 52 S11 1 591 23 19 9 39 25 133 130 15 18 69 32 132 113 u li 600 26 10 19 36 21 116 310 127 19 19 51 107 33 42 147 113 28 36 339 1 i12 101 1 1 4 8 16 12 4 1 2 5 3 8 7 5 24 69 2 1 3 18 6 2 5 2 12 3 2 13 £13 8 7 4 21 10 47 92 8 4 19 38 7 52 42 1 24 127 > 406 8 8 5 16 6 46 46 41 2 8 20 32 8 3 37 18 2 25 75 >14 1, 656 26 14 18 52 31 144 211 142 26 19 23 76 14 32 160 101 15 106 445 1 15 914 13 8 8 26 13 81 115 78 15 11 7 8 42 15 84 63 5 66 267 10 742 13 6 10 26 18 63 96 64 12 15 34 14 17 76 38 10 40 178 1 17 1,648 26 14 18 52 30 144 209 139 26 19 23 76 14 32 160 101 15 106 443 1 18 1,108 26 7 10 49 27 137 112 78 25 19 5 29 7 11 109 42 8 106 300 1 19 244 4 1 3 7 6 33 17 19 4 3 1 11 3 26 14 2 28 69 |-20 198 3 2 3 ii 9 25 21 10 4 7 3 6 2 2 21 2 4 11 52 338 9 2 1 18 7 44 36 23 10 4 6 3 31 13 35 96 290 10 i 3 13 5 31 34 23 5 5 1 4 5 2 30 13 1 27 76 1 >21 297 5 4 1 1 60 34 1 7 23 8 26 36 2 89 235 9 4 9 3 5 37 27 11 24 7 13 24 23 5 48 8 1 9 3 9 23 ‘>89 3 12 36 22 23 4 3 1 13 29 2 ) 243 3 2 3 4 10 32 23 14 5 8 3 8 3 2 26 4 5 16 62 > 57 1 1 2 4 8 2 4 8 4 f) 17 40 1 2 2 1 9 3 9 1 3 1 9 9 6 371 4 2 9 5 27 60 27 4 3 14 6 28 32 2 19 119 <2S 320 5 i 4 6 4 18 52 28 l 3 7 19 7 12 32 24 5 5 86 1 20 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 ) 11 1 4 1 3 2 27 97 2 2 1 5 81 lfP 7 2 3 6 2 10 9 5 20 ) 83 2 9 1 3 9 8 8 10 1 4 3 2 1 8 3 9 16 3, 503 58 32 31 118 71 327 543 279 47 37 60 178 30 53 299 218 27 236 859 23 1 816 24 17 8 54 40 169 286 24 15 20 81 27 160 122 7 134 472 30 1,687 34 15 23 64 31 158 257 123 23 22 40 97 30 26 139 96 20 102 387 31 3,379 57 29 28 111 71 314 517 272 46 34 60 174 29 53 287 215 26 222 , 834 32 2,429 54 16 18 107 67 280 310 179 44 33 25 94 13 23 192 113 8 222 631 33 558 7 3 2 20 14 62 62 45 12 3 24 9 47 41 1 42 158 ) . 479 13 3 9 21 8 55 46 28 7 6 9 22 7 7 43 25 5 37 128 r 687 1 31 25 81 99 10 8 1 20 3 47 16 78 182 615 19 5 6 34 20 78 86 36 15 12 8 24 6 3 46 22 1 51 143 >J5 454 0 8 3 1 1 17 103 40 1 14 32 49 59 4 105 483 1 7 2 3 17 103 1 1 21 48 16 15 44 42 14 93 124 1 3 3 13 26 1 3 4 1 12 3 1 14 25 37 745 12 4 4 27 * 17 80 88 59 „ ii 4 30 9 66 47 2 64 207 h 630 16 5 ii 33 13 77 65 40 8 10 11 25 8 7 54 26 6 55 166 2 3 3 3 8 6 7 1 3 3 6 4 6 21 70 1 1 5 i 5 10 5 1 2 5 2 1 5 1 9 25 560 6 G 2 13 10 42 122 52 2 6 26 11 42 36 4 34 147 634 13 5 8 14 u 50 131 48 11 9 18 37 11 14 57 40 11 16 130 (-4° 29 2 3 2 3 2 4 4 6 3 £41 24 ...... 4 1 4 1 ""2 3 1 2 2 3 223 3 1 1 6 8 14 40 21 2 1 4 14 3 23 19 9 54 159 5 3 1 4 3 17 26 16 4 14 4 1 10 10 2 8 31 274 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 9—Continued. 1,688 272 81 81 60 494 789 109 82 567 140 2 926 158 41 43 33 275 439 56 45 338 47 1 3 762 1,677 114 40 38 27 219 350 53 37 229 93 4 270 81 80 60 491 784 109 81 563 139 1 5 1,167 241 269 61 81 78 60 488 771 100 52 198 46 Both parents native • M.. 11 11 9 92 154 23 7 47 10 F .. 210 49 13 18 5 85 132 13 9 31 25 7 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn m.. 374 88 30 29 24 171 263 26 20 62 3 F . 308 259 59 26 18 22 125 206 35 15 47 5 8 M.. 2 2 10 5 15 197 32 F .. 226 1 4 13 148 60 1 9 11 2 1 3 5 1 4 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M . 304 82 14 13 124 204 27 10 51 12 F .. 256 63 17 20 8 108 164 20 11 33 28 11 M.. 40 3 1 1 12 16 22 2 6 ' C V .. 1 7 11 13 12 Ireland M.. 373 40 16 17 14 87 145 17 26 162 23 F .. 344 22 16 8 18 64 115 17 19 149 44 13 Scotland M.. 19 2 1 1 4 7 1 8 3 F .. 11 2 2 5 1 4 1 14 Germany M.. 99 11 6 7 2 26 40 7 5 41 6 F . 73 10 3 7 20 33 5 5 23 . 7 15 2,038 250 83 62 60 455 682 136 849 295 16 1, 079 140 47 28 31 246 368 42 69 464 136 17 959 110 36 34 29 209 450 314 34 75 67 136 385 839 159 294 18 2, 020 247 81 62 60 676 19 20 1,424 388 247 81 62 56 446 669 69 107 20 442 137 Both parents native M.. 61 27 13 12 113 175 16 134 43 F .. 331 53 15 19 14 101 141 14 20 103 53 21 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born M.. 339 70 19 12 18 119 176 24 31 29 94 14 F .. 288 55 19 14 10 98 158 14 75 12 M.. 299 1 1 1 2 16 13 206 74 21 F .. 289 1 1 2 4 187 83 23 24 18 3 2 5 6 1 10 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 455 81 28 16 14 139 212 19 26 152 46 F .. 398 63 20 24 19 1 126 177 19 24 120 58 25 England and Wales 'H.. 56 8 1 1 11 15 6 22 13 F 54 6 1 8 3 4 23 16 26 Ireland [M.. 281 21 11 3 8 43 04 13 17 23 152 35 F .. 302 15 6 4 1 26 53 8 167 51 Scotland M.. 30 2 2 4 1 9 14 9 27 F .. 30 3 1 4 5 3 12 8 28 German v 'M.. 137 13 4 4 6 27 38 8 12 66 13 F .. 91 15 3 4 4 26 41 1 7 30 12 29 8, 568 1,906 465 420 448 3, 239 4,808 286 508 2, 474 481 11 30 4, 972 3, 596 1,124 782 264 232 240 208 447 1,860 1,379 3, 236 2, 733 2,075 4,802 150 136 286 266 242 508 1,548 926 2,462 268 213 481 31 201 188 4 11 32 8,550 1,905 464 420 33 34 5, 609 431 1,902 123 412 430 3,202 218 4,612 309 203 18 932 14 519 78 39 12 Both parents native M.. 40 33 22 F .. 293 67 29 19 23 138 207 10 12 50 13 1 35 One or both parents foreign.. M.. F .. 2, 665 2,064 962 689 215 164 189 163 210 172 1.576 1,188 2,262 1,735 85 88 109 88 202 146 5 6 2 1 30 Foreign born M.. F .. 1.741 1,163 2 1 2 3 6 2 8 9 18 15 103 85 45 38 135 137 1,210 711 247 192 1 37 Colored 18 i 1 1 3 6 12 90 88 39 Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales M.. 616 183 59 46 35 323 22 15 14 F .. M.. 433 90 112 12 37 3 30 6 35 2 214 23 323 32 21 9 17 8 58 38 13 10 1 F .. 67 9 3 4 i 17 29 3 5 24 6 40 Ireland M.. 370 20 8 13 3 44 76 11 30 219 34 F .. 345 19 4 6 4 33 56 6 42 203 38 41 Germany M.. F .. 1, 718 1,145 261 200 73 61 64 49 44 444 375 639 541 46 41 114 72 781 384 136 107 2 42 Russia and Poland ■ M.. 1.469 446 85 78 111 720 1,097 56 60 208 48 F .. 1,099 305 57 58 96 516 807 52 63 145 31 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 275 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu nionia. Measles. Whoop ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1, (588 28 14 15 78 35 178 205 123 25 30 31 70 17 21 164 73 13 107 461 1 926 13 9 6 43 23 98 104 57 14 14 8 35 13 95 39 34 4 64 287 174 2 762 15 5 9 35 12 80 101 66 11 16 23 35 17 8 69 9 43 3 1,677 28 14 15 78 35 178 202 122 25 29 31 70 17 21 161 73 13 105 460 4 1, 167 26 1 10 71 35 154 105 83 24 28 15 29 5 7 120 28 3 105 318 241 3 1 21 7 25 13 16 3 1 8 9 30 3 1 2 21 79 58 106 70 77 44 1 103 72 210 6 2 12 5 27 11 22 4 4 3 4 4 2 18 39 28 20 19 10 6 16 35 22 £ 6 374 8 4 18 16 58 38 17 6 10 2 8 3 308 8 4 19 7 43 40 26 11 8 8 1 6 26 18 \ 7 259 o 8 2 4 14 49 21 1 1 5 18 8 3 \ 8 226 5 3 2 10 48 18 11 23 12 6 7 11 3 1 1 9 9 304 3 1 1 25 ii 27 20 8 4 2 9 3 36 3 10 1 32 256 6 2 10 5 31 14 26 5 6 4 6 4 2 23 6 2 22 no 40 1 4 3 1 1 4 1 9 34 1 i 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 ] 1 3 2 10 101 64 <11 373 7 4 4 12 10 44 66 24 3 6 1 11 6 35 30 21 21 15 344 4 1 3 11 6 36 74 26 4 6 10 18 9 6 6 9 <12 19 2 ] 1 2 1 1 2 1 8 11 1 1 1 1 1 4 C13 99 3 2 4 1 15 8 6 1 1 4 9 1 8 4 28 12 415 73 3 3 4 9 8 2 3 4 8 1 6 2 4 <14 2,038 37 18 21 72 17 150 311 185 18 22 72 146 18 36 225 131 17 127 15 1,079 18 13 9 42 8 78 169 94 14 8 23 74 22 114 75 56 7 75 52 236 179 16 17 959 19 5 12 30 9 72 142 91 4 14 49 72 18 14 111 10 2,020 37 18 21 72 16 149 309 182 18 22 72 144 18 36 223 130 17 125 411 18 1,424 35 11 17 70 16 131 196 127 17 20 29 71 14 14 150 66 5 125 310 19 388 6 4 4 23 5 34 47 30 5 3 5 27 8 47 41 17 16 1 28 25 94 59 75 70 331 9 1 15 3 25 48 33 1 6 16 24 7 1 1 (20 339 11 3 4 18 2 37 55 31 8 4 4 10 1 26 11 39 |21 288 9 1 8 13 6 31 39 25 2 7 3 10 6 2 20 11 25 299 1 1 1 6 63 28 1 14 36 11 11 34 39 2 38 26 1 20 18 6 3 24 28 5 55 44 289 1 2 3 10 50 27 1 28 36 4 7 18 1 1 2 3 0 9 23 9 4 6 26 7 36 58 35 3 29 8 51 46 1 43 30 5 107 75 14 11 58 59 8 398 12 4 16 7 32 54 42 1 8 16 28 7 1 1 56 1 2 1 10 4 6 1 1 9 5 1 <25 54 2 2 9 2 13 8 3 1 3 3 281 5 5 1 20 56 27 3 3 8 18 27 28 2_ 10 6 302 4 3 4 12 53 25 3 1 16 33 6 10 6 <26 30 9 1 6 1 1 2 1 30 2 1 1 9 3 2 5 1 10 3 <27 137 2 2 6 1 10 29 11 3 2 8 9 1 11 1 6 25 16 1,828 < 91 1 5 1 12 8 4 8 1 1 13 626 4 <28 8, 568 195 65 27 347 265 997 1,001 903 124 81 141 348 99 85 446 45 943 2 29 4, 972 3,596 101 34 16 198 145 526 641 537 71 35 67 207 57 28 373 253 263 183 28 17 573 370 1,098 730 30 31 94 31 11 149 120 471 360 366 53 46 74 141 99 8, 550 195 65 27 347 265 996 994 903 124 81 141 347 99 85 625 444 45 942 1,823 2 32 5,609 175 23 15 314 251 917 359 586 107 75 11 85 14 17 392 133 2 942 1,190 1 33 431 15 1 23 14 38 43 3 8 2 15 2 33 21 52 29 492 326 102 77 580 395 <34 293 7 9 18 10 43 27 25 4 6 i 2 1 24 11 1 2,665 2, 064 9 6 153 127 420 154 282 23 1 39 8 186 52 1 £35 74 10 8 120 100 378 122 224 43 38 5 22 12 140 41 1 1. 741 8 24 9 22 4 41 429 204 13 4 62 148 47 143 176 28 15 378 238 1 <36 1.163 12 18 3 ii 10 37 201 111 4 2 68 113 85 21 88 126 18 1 1 1 9 1 37 > 616 20 2 38 97 93 44 52 9 9 2 19 3 47 24 79 47 148 109 433 14 2 1 27 21 62 36 38 10 1 7 4 1 29 16 1 £38 90 i 2 7 18 8 2 2 6 4 7 2 7 24 11 86 61 339 230 <39 67 3 9 1 8 10 6 2 7 1 1 6 4 5 370 6 4 3 4 5 12 84 46 3 2 3 19 1 31 42 5 14 345 4 5 2 6 16 92 37 1 5 23 4 8 27 40 6 8 1,718 1,145 29 18 6 53 37 170 304 182 15 8 36 110 37 123 113 58 10 6 126 93 <41 26 16 7 45 35 148 129 104 11 12 46 60 27 11 81 1, 469 1,099 41 5 3 81 185 102 183 31 11 17 31 7 101 46 5 236 327 {• 39 7 1 53 51 161 46 128 17 16 16 20 50 81 45 3 149 216 276 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. ANI) Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 10—Continued. 4,663 1.054 993 233 278 1,788 2,718 157 279 1,248 255 6 2 2, 702 618 132 133 155 1,038 1 1,548 92 153 760 146 3 i 3 1,961 436 91 100 123 750 1,170 65 126 488 109 3 4 4; 657 1,054 223 233 277 1, 787 2,716 157 279 1,244 255 6 5 3,091 1,052 48 25 220 997 265 1,764 2,594 104 111 261 17 4 ' M.. F .. 190 126 22 9 12 8 11 15 93 57 122 87 8 3 _ 47 26 6 6 Both parents native 4 5 1 7 One or both parents for- M.. F .. 1,515 1,141 544 103 113 87 139 98 899 653 1,317 994 52 39 51 42 90 05 3 2 1 eign. 202 4 1 7 2 6 58 1 13 36 3 3 18 51 32 84 62 268 3 34 512 > 671 ii 9 20 11 57 109 g 11 16 13 11 80 14 6 54 32 167 108 408 150 433 8 7 9 17 18 47 53 41 5 7 31 24 11 5 80 13 1,110 832 32 4 3 67 41 155 140 79 23 15 46 5 4 231 33 38 108 119 31 10 18 34 42 9 169 514 15 3,905 80 32 17 467 507 40 164 45 23 837 2 2,270 1,635 3,893 10 84 59 253 320 229 27 20 36 111 32 152 116 26 8 124 12 244 495 2 10 35 80 17 32 71 155 49 108 214 467 187 503 161 390 19 46 20 40 44 80 53 163 42 42 13 45 70 192 11 23 164 407 342 833 17 18 17 2 2,518 75 13 11 146 101 428 185 241 39 38 7 32 6 9 167 65 2 407 545 i 19 241 10 1 17 8 33 19 21 21 106 3 i 4 9 18 16 70 59 11 6 32 61 j20 167 1,150 923 3 9 12 64 5 20 14 o i 16 i 1 1 1 18 203 43 32* 3 4 50 38 203 80 21 18 26 248 i 5“ 29 7 6 53 170 70 92 16 18 4 8 5 2 20 i 143 182 833 9 11 3 1 17 216 100 6 1 34 87 25 61 80 12 171 i (•>2 5 23 529 12 3 8 1 6 6 99 100 48 1 39 44 1 36 11 40 43 9 9 111 4 1 4 352 13 1 ' 27 13 12 54 22 28 28 6 6 4 1 6 3 23 19 9 13 10 2 48 28 90 (-24 525 J26 254 54 6 2 1 20 2 29 19 5 1 ] 2 3 1 1 66 5 8 i 9 17 28 I 3 1 3 2 2 3 9 3 4 152 1 3 2 6 31 21 14 no i 2 2 11 9 21 17 9 4 33 143 ""4 i 10 34 4 10 1 9 72 3 4 27 1, 047 18 11 4 33 26 113 195 7 8 74 23 61 4 72 189 2 712 18 9 5 28 17 10 95 88 66 36 6 8 5 4 30 4 29 16 6 49 17 19 967 28 13 8 6 61 359 9 1 14 45 23 7 2 1 1 69 96 [|-28 29 267 11, 706 6 9 1 12 13 317 42 15 29 1, 240 9 6 5 9 16 108 41 47 212 86 53 483 1,389 1, 442 196 115 221 471 141 598 59 1,044 2, 559 5 6, 364 5,342 no 102 54 32 24 29 238 245 178 139 698 691 847 595 674 566 107 89 54 61 87 134 239 232 108 87 54 528 439 330 268 24 35 593 451 1,487 1,072 5 30 31 11,693 212 86 53 483 317 1,388 1,435 1,240 196 115 221 471 108 141 967 596 59 1,043 2,557 5 32 7, 812 184 36 34 456 296 1,231 652 804 181 108 21 144 28 35 649 164 5 1,043 1, 737 4 33 840 24 4 4 44 28 86 39 87 25 9 2 14 81 18 0 no 257 1 701 3, 351 2, 758 2,017 1, 812 13 20 2 4 11 60 26 133 104 531 23 334 68 21 70 16 41 14 64 1 68 18 68 1 82 459 20 343 4 18 737 3 61 10 9 29 15 9 172 17 104 11 495 69 242 457 292 236 61 9 41 3 g 48 27 ?"3 172 53 234 9 351 545 438 80 64 22 18 21 10 10 8 83 1 326 198 5 3 120 169 80 42 D3 194 9 31 351 1 2 37 1,205 34 4 71 43 153 61 129 31 15 2 18 6 115 23 9 155 335 3 '994 i 702 i 654 30 13 4 4 4 89 12 13 74 39 6 164 36 28 174 94 85 76 271 28 3 20 1 7 5 g 21 37 37 126 1 4 94 57 49 210 22 71 82 1 119 23 227 145 8 9 10 18 53 4 539 3 27 8 4 44 125 2 25 8 9 16 16 124 2.579 2,212 34 10 65 268 432 27 10 17 1(56 561 <40 38 13 13 87 4 46 247 313 226 26 3 78 2 131 59 21 178 6 124 17 147 431 128 2 15 6 19 9 1 24 32 I41 122 i 4 8 23 7 12 2 1 3 5 1 11 3 1 13 27 551 15 3 40 28 70 32 71 17 14 3 10 7 9 1 119 1 542 458 | 15 4 1 20 21 79 35 54 14 9 6 10 18 1 42 7 1 37 84 278 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years All ages. Under 3 3 to G 6 to 9 i) to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 11—Continued. 3, 758 833 241 218 234 1,526 2, 286 150 208 904 208 o o Wales 2,015 1. 743 473 136 118 112 839 1,240 1, 040 70 100 498 106 102 203 3 360 105 100 122 687 8.) 108 406 1 4 3,751 832 241 218 234 1,525 2,284 150 208 839 9 2,567 195 149 830 236 213 225 1,504 113 79 2,191 110 91 8 2 G Both parents native ifv. 68 35 16 16 12 12 17 16 175 128 6 10 3 2 7 8 4 1 7 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. < F .. c M.. 1,168 998 399 311 113 85 100 85 92 99 704 580 994 854 43 49 42 42 86 52 2 1 i 611 3 2 8 49 19 53 392 98 101 8 [¥.. 569 2 1 2 12 43 21 64 340 9 r. i 1 2 5 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 290 228 100 54 26 21 21 14 22 169 114 259 194 11 10 5 10 12 4 1 1 11 Germany : CM.. 762 104 50 27 206 300 25 48 313 76 [f .. 663 76 36 26 26 164 277 27 47 231 81 12 Russia and Poland C M.. 86 32 4 12 9 57 69 3 2 10 2 [f .. 92 28 5 6 9 48 72 4 5 9 2 13 Hungary M.. IF-■ CM.. 357 100 24 23 26 173 285 13 11 41 7 297 71 14 27 27 139 210 16 15 3 14 Bohemia 94 24 11 8 4 47 62 3 5 22 2 I F 68 20 5 5 8 38 47 2 2 16 i 15 Sanitary district B 2, 814 529 154 159 131 973 1,448 141 144 825 256 10 1,529 1. 285 304 86 91 72 553 797 73 85 459 115 141 256 17 225 68 68 59 420 68 59 18 White 2,813 529 151 159 131 973 1,448 141 143 825 19 1,817 529 152 158 126 965 1, 410 115 95 188 10 9 2 20 Both parents native 5 M.. IF.. CM.. 182 61 18 12 14 105 156 9 155 48 12 12 14 86 130 8 10 5 21 One or both parents for eign. 790 233 66 78 54 431 602 54 48 86 1 P - - 662 174 54 55 43 326 503 43 40 74 9 22 Foreign horn C M.. jf.. 532 1 3 4 24 9 31 355 280 113 134 460 1 1 4 12 17 17 23 24 25 1 1 Birthplace of mothers: United States Ireland pi.. IF.. CM.. 281 93 25 21 18 157 240 20 11 3 239 94 72 10 19 3 20 1 21 1 132 15 207 20 14 2 2 11 51 5 14 If.. 107 4 1 2 1 8 9 1 6 66 25 26 Germany C M.. 702 94 34 32 24 184 263 28 49 280 82 IF.. 617 73 28 22 20 143 228 34 39 223 93 Hungary CM.. 109 34 5 12 3 54 8 3 10 3 IF-- 79 17 7 9 3 36 60 3 8 1 28 Bohemia £ M.. 150 25 12 18 14 69 95 6 6 35 8 IF.. 121 35 7 9 8 59 83 8 4 22 4 29 2, 214 409 122 103 90 724 1.090 97 128 705 190 4 30 1.233 221 188 409 66 55 48 47 43 90 389 335 724 594 496 1,090 59 71 57 128 414 291 703 92 98 189 0 31 981 38 1 32 2, 211 122 103 97 33 1,493 235 408 67 118 17 100 16 87 14 713 114 1, 058 166 85 17 90 12 232 32 27 1 34 Both parents native CM.. 8 I F .. 189 49 13 9 17 88 149 12 2 16 10 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 578 141 44 37 32 254 392 36 39 108 3 eign. IF- 454 131 , 42 38 24; 235 326 20 34 68 5 i 3G Foreign horn CM.. 363 2 1 3 14 6 18 244 81 79 ) F .. 322 I 1 1 3 11 6 20 206 37 Colored 3 2 i 10 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 307 88 23 19 ; 15 145 220 25 14 38 I K .. 251 74 18 16 ! 21 129 202 15 2 21 11 30 Ireland C M.. 203 1 • 8 3 5 1 16 30 5 16 129 94 23 25 46 I F .. 168 13 2 2 17 30 4 15 40 41 Germany Russia and Poland J M... 440 56 26 19 13 : 114 179 23 29 163 IP-- pi.. 387 19 56 8 25 ! 3 12 11 1 104 12 153 13 12 1 28 1 141 3 1 6 52 1 1 ) F .. 11 2 7 9 1 42 Hungary CM.. 7° 24 2 ! 6 6 38 59 3 2 2 If.. 62 18 6 ! 8 6 38 49 3 o 7 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 279 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ma- 1 plioid larialj ever, fever. Diph- heria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. 429 Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer ! and j tu- 1 mor. Heart dis- ease and Iropsj. Child- birth Dis- and pu-leases erperal of the dis- liver, eases, j Dis- eases of the ner- vous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3, 75>S 64 22 12 168 130 460 , 402 83 38 70 137 43 39 3121 153 21 404 767 4 2,015 37 14 1 90 74 216 257 198 43 19 30 62 26 175 92 7 243 427 4 9 1,743 27 | 8 11! 78 56 244 172 204 40 19 40 75 43 13 137 61 14 161 340 3,751 64 22 12 168 130 460 425 402 83 38 70 137 43 1 39 312 152 21 403 766 4 4 2,567 ; 55 8 11 154 121 408 150 292 73 37 5 35 7 11 215 34 403 545 3 5 195 i 8 16 8 21 10 17 7 2 3 2 14 2 31 1 149 3 2 15 8 4 18 5 3 1 1 8 36 < 6 1, 168 25 6 i 62 59 166 85 127 29 16 i 17 98 12 209 248 2 ) _ 998 19 0 8 58 43 189 3 8 6 4 82 14 143 198 i 7 611 4 8 12 4 24 157 52 c 1 28 40 19 58 72 119 569 6 i 2 28 118 58 3 37 61 36 9 39 14 102 8 4 1 1 1 9 290 10 21 11 40 15 29 H 3 3 2 24 3 44 71 3 228 2 26 12 7 6 6 1 21 2 16 1 23 4 1 1 18 6 23 42 <3 4 3 21 23 84 6 1 14 2 44 24 71 139 454 5 3 3 29 12 80 50 40 8 3 2 15 1 1 30 7 i 62 102 '■3d 8 3 2 12 60 1 13 27 11 25 41 6 94 <36 2 3 12 39 1 1 21 24 13 7 27 43 72 3 1 i 1 37 1 4 24 2 6 2 40 ii 1 39 97 1 9 8 4 1 9 1 23 7 35 52 203 5 4 2 3 11 52 27 4 14 5 10 22 1 2 41 £39 168 2 2 3 4 1 13 29 20 1 6 7 12 19 5 39 8 3 3 8 18 0 31 38 4 25 115 387 3 i 3 20 3 41 58 34 4 i 13 23 9 2 29 25 2 31 85 {40 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 r1 72 1 3 2 11 5 10 2 i 2 2 7 7 19 l42 62 1 i ii 2 4 3 i 2 2 3 6 1 3 18 280 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. i Ward 11—Continued. 2,920 485 196 162 151 994 1,493 136 132 906 201 2 1, 587 1,333 2,918 277 208 484 103 89 80 549 808 685 71 95 515 96 2 3 93 73 71 445 993 65 87 182 391 105 201 196 162 151 136 905 2 5 1,935 228 481 194 158 17 146 979 126 1,458 194 181 113 130 222 13 12 5 Both parents native M.. 68 26 15 9 6 F .. 208 57 27 16 18 118 16 7 4 One or both parents for- eign. M.. 815 201 76 68 61 406 582 50 63 120 F .. 644 140 64 47 306 470 11 38 59 75 2 M.. 511 1 2 3 12 24 373 90 i 8 F .. 461 ] 1 1 4 7 16 1 11 28 308 98 9 2 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 327 93 37 28 22 180 280 14 8 20 5 10 F .. 1 276 70 27 24 156 241 19 11 4 England and Wales M.. 33 4 4 i 9 15 3 1 13 1 11 F .. 21 4 1 5 10 81 67 1 1 7 9 12 Ireland rM.. F .. 359 329 26 16 4 11 8 9 14 5 52 41 12 12 38 34 191 176 36 40 i Germany M.. 675 105 40 36 26 207 305 36 39 245 50 13 F .. 545 85 31 23 31 170 264 29 46 161 45 Hungary M.. 13 2 3 3 2 10 10 1 2 14 F .. 20 3 1 4 8 16 1 3 27, 585 5,269 1,731 1,406 1,094 9, 500 14,151 1,498 1,468 8, 006 2, 438 24 Malea 14,411 13,174 2, 926 2, 343 5,193 925 716 573 5,140 4,360 9, 335 7, 544 6,607 13,910 774 712 756 1,425 4, 274 3, 732 7, 889 1,093 1, 345 2,423 14 806 690 1,375 521 724 10 White 27,138 1,696 1,071 1,469 22 19, 827 3, 010 3, 345 5,171 916 701 1,665 282 237 1,344 223 197 1,034 141 140 9, 214 1,562 1,275 13, 565 2, 234 1,919 1,299 239 220 995 152 139 3, 093 699 671 866 284 394 9 2 2 2C Both parents native M.. F .. 21 One or both parents foreign. H.. F .. 6, 370 5, 740 1,801 1,449 574 512 450 438 387 344 3,212 2, 743 4, 765 4,164 427 396 315 355 810 755 51 69 2 1 22 Foreign horn M.. F .. 3, 675 3,437 2 9 5 7 10 13 7 30 24 126 115 80 86 195 232 2, 548 2,171 724 829 4 23 447 76 35 31 23 165 241 29 43 117 15 2 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales -M.. F .. M.. 4,845 4,491 670 1,264 997 105 391 341 34 308 290 29 209 205 32 2,172 1,833 200 3,152 2, 778 307 246 1,328 1,172 1,470 1,274 523 452 333 313 39 204 190 26 838 786 213 313 422 85 115 319 418 247 225 9 10 5 2 25 F .. 618 88 37 21 28 174 30 25 202 1,504 1, 567 1.032 742 146 69 26 Ireland Germany Italy 'M.. 3,542 3, 606 3, 039 2, 548 743 572 511 139 113 109 872 722 994 153 238 F .. M.. 400 521 111 205 117 147 94 121 166 152 281 138 2 28 F .. rM.. F.. 431 170 156 176 55 50 136 49 56 9-' 45 41 837 319 303 134 37 22 171 26 18 2 2 1 29 318 64 18 9 6 97 133 16 18 115 35 30 31 32 161 43 21 63 61 36 96 75 58 132 11 58 10 25 35 1 157 317 10 18 2 10 16 White ■ 9 6 18 115 1 33 34 991 63 17 3 9 6 95 18 130 22 14 2 15 3 50 12 12 1 Both parents native M.. 40 12 2 1 F.. 49 8 2 2 1 13 23 5 1 12 8 35 One or hoth parents for- CM.. 66 28 4 3 40 48 3 6 9 eign. Foreign F .. 56 11 7 1 1 20 31 4 4 16 1 3C M. 47 1 1 1 1 9 36 27 F .. 45 15 37 Colored 1 1 1 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 55 21 3 3 3 30 36 3 3 12 1 F .. 58 9 5 3 1 18 1 29 5 1 14 9 39 England and Wales (M.. 7 1 3 4 F .. 13 2 2 2 2 6 14 18 3 3' 1 8 40 Ireland M.. 29 7 1 8 9 1 1 F . 36 2 1 1 4 8 1 41 M.. 3 F .. 6 1 1 2 3 3 42 Germany M.. 40 7 3 3 1 14 16 3 16 5‘ F.. 29 5 5 9 2 4 12 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 281 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,920 63 24 11 128 68 346 386 302 46 30 45 124 29 42 250 156 10 204 655 1 1,587 29 17 7 62 37 192 224 175 31 11 15 64 21 127 80 4 103 387 1 2 1,333 34 7 4 66 51 154 162 127 15 19 30 60 29 21 123 76 6 101 268 3 2,918 63 24 11 128 68 345 385 302 46 30 45 124 29 42 250 156 10 204 655 1 4 1,935 53 13 6 123 64 307 183 190 44 29 6 41 12 8 170 44 1 204 436 1 5 228 5 2 11 8 28 7 28 9 3 1 3 22 5 23 73 208 9 2 1 16 6 31 5 15 4 4 1 2 20 5 26 59 \ 6 815 21 6 4 46 26 145 99 78 19 8 1 21 64 14 75 182 1 ) _ 644 16 3 1 48 24 98 67 65 9 14 3 14 12 1 63 19 1 72 114 511 3 9 3 3 2 16 113 66 1 13 39 16 40 60 4 123 461 7 2 9 2 i 19 89 44 1 1 26 44 17 18 40 52 5 91 £ » 2 1 1 9 327 7 2 22 10 47 16 43 11 4 1 0 31 5 28 94 276 11 3 i 26 8 40 8 19 6 5 1 3 2 29 5 32 71 |:o 33 1 3 4 4 1 3 •p 9 2 3 8 21 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 359 7 3 4 9 4 19 84 44 2 1 3 18 3 27 33 2 13 83 / ■ 329 2 1 8 2 19 41 2 4 14 21 5 9 28 43 5 6 54 \12 675 12 11 3 23 19 105 70 12 4 8 29 16 53 36 2 42 153 ) 545 15 4 1 24 15 65 74 48 5 9 11 28 22 7 52 21 1 45 98 P 13 4 2 1 1 5 20 1 3 9 9 1 4 3 4 •14 27, 585 625 204 349 1,348 595 3, 269 3, 033 2,578 434 333 590 1,175 290 236 2,205 1,336 213 2,193 ■ 6, 572 7 15 14,411 320 121 155 667 333 1,655 1,581 1,436 226 161 185 554 119 1,152 734 72 1,245 3, 691 4 16 13,174 305 83 194 681 262 1. 614 1,452 1,142 208 172 405 621 290 117 1,053 602 141 948 2,881 3 17 27,138 623 200 344 1,339 595 3,227 2, 957 2,520 432 325 588 1,160 286 234 2,180 1,313 210 2,157 6,441 7 18 19, 827 586 116 250 1,251 560 2,934 1,616 1,598 410 314 225 534 142 91 1,543 612 71 2.157 4, 812 5 19 3,610 100 28 50 205 87 457 268 296 56 52 31 117 19 322 176 15 371 960 i 3, 345 105 12 54 213 80 385 264 277 72 49 95 136 48 17 287 130 41 290 789 1 $20 6, 370 196 40 67 407 226 1. 002 503 535 152 95 28 119 26 456 157 4 767 1.588 2 5, 740 180 32 77 414 163 1,005 505 436 121 in 58 129 90 24 428 125 3 559 1,278 2 521 3. 675 19 48 33 44 18 109 729 533 9 o 120 295 70 329 371 49 894 2 > 3, 437 15 36 60 42 14 147 009 365 0 1 243 330 144 72 304 322 89 638 £22 447 2 4 9 42 70 9 8 9 4 9 25 23 3 36 131 23 4 845 146 39 60 287 126 632 358 429 81) 74 36 144 24 407 212 18 512 1, 261 > „ 4,491 140 19 74 303 110 554 340 367 92 71 105 169 61 22 384 155 42 417 1,065 i (24 670 21 9 5 28 14 61 66 59 10 8 16 32 6 50 61 7 47 169 i 618 16 4 13 26 7 66 46 56 6 1 32 48 17 7 62 37 8 40 120 3,542 60 23 43 135 50 293 605 404 31 35 46 139 38 276 224 26 227 878 3 3,606 62 31 65 150 46 313 642 337 37 37 105 198 85 57 272 227 52 135 754 1 526 3, 039 64 28 28 150 81 401 343 250 28 26 60 • 160 36 141 14 234 728 > 2, 548 63 14 24 145 58 391 246 188 32 33 110 139 78 25 206 120 17 167 491 1 s27 743 3 9 5 26 33 87 34 143 40 3 1 7 4 48 16 69 209 t, 572 2 2 4 15 24 106 40 07 20 4 3 8 20 39 10 62 146 $28 318 12 3 5 6 5 26 39 21 7 2 23 2 1 26 13 5 23 92 29 161 1 3 * 1 12 20 9 - 1 9 10 13 2 13 57 30 157 2 2 6 4 14 19 12 () 1 5 13 9 1 13 8 3 10 35 31 317 12 3 5 6 5 26 39 21 7 2 7 23 2 1 26 13 5 23 91 32 221 12 2 5 6 5 24 20 13 6 2 4 14 i 1 14 5 3 23 61 33 40 3 i 1 1 - 3 9 1 9 3 1 4 13 > 49 2 1 2 i 8 3 3 1 9 5 1 2 9 3 13 34 66 4 1 6 3 4 i 4 4 2 8 24 56 3 1 1 4 3 5 9 4 1 1 1 2 1 6 71 47 1 12 4 1 1 4 6 2 l 45 i 1 4 9 5 i 6 6 i 11 (36 1 1 37 1 1 1 6 3 4 1 1 9 3 9 7 18 58 2 1 1 3 i 10 3 4 1 2 0 2 2 2 A 14 (-38 7 1 1 2 i i 1 13 1 i 2 9 2 1 1 2 1 £39 29 1 9 7 1 3 1 i 1 12 1) 36 1 2 l 0 4 1 3 3 1 1 6 >40 3 1 1 1 O1 6 i 1 i 1 2 40 1 1 9 2 1 1 4 3 i 2 17 29 1 1 i 2 - 2 1 3 4 8 282 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOB. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under .5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 12—Continued. 1,441 250 63 59 48 420 656 74 84 459 167 1 2 3 4 Males 717 137 40 33 22 j 232 345 41 ..32 233 65 1 724 113 23 26 26 188 311 33 52 226 102 1, 434 250 61 58 48 417 651 74 83 458 167 1 5 1, 003 250 61 57 45 413 639 05 65 184 49 1 c Both parents native fM.. F .. 208 190 55 40 12 8 15 8 5 87 63 128 99 18 10 5 13 44 42 12 26 1 One or both parents for- M.. 278 71 25 18 16 130 193 199 17 21 42 5 F .. 290 68 15 16 16 115 19 24 44 4 It 205 1 1 6 5 139 48 8 r oreign 221 1 1 9 4 3 13 131 70 9 7 2 1 3 5 i 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States [?:: 273 248 70 52 22 9 21 12 11 120 84 185 139 19 18 6 19 49 45 13 27 , 1 11 England and Wales CM.. 26 4 1 5 9 8 39 2 10 5 F .. 33 3 1 2 1 16 9 12 Ireland CM.. 127 16 4 2 3 25 6 10 58 14 F . 153 11 6 1 18 29 3 15 74 32 13 Scotland M.. 9 1 1 i 5 3 F .. 6 6 14 Germany $M.. 207 27 9 8 8 52 72 10 13 88 24 F 211 36 13 4 8 61 100 9 14 64 24 15 1,509 336 113 83 70 602 906 85 72 373 73 16 774 175 66 40 32 313 464 442 872 38 31 210 31 17 735 161 47 43 38 289 47 41 163 42 18 1, 460 322 107 78 69 576 83 70 364 71 19 20 1,077 130 l 321 104 77 68 570 853 96 68 41 103 12 Both parents native M.. 42 10 3 62 i 21 5 F .. 136 39 8 6 11 64 93 9 6 22 6 21 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn CM.. 411 121 52 29 27 229 332 25 17 37 22 F .. 384 109 34 33 27 203 319 26 17 22 CM.. 198 1 1 1 1 4 13 11 145 24 F .. 181 2 2 5 10 17 114 35 23 24 49 14 6 5 1 26 34 147 9 2 9 2 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 197 60 17 13 97 12 2 29 7 If .. 203 59 ii 10 13 93 148 14 9 25 25 England and Wales CM.. 29 1 2 2 4 9 14 4 9 2 If.. 18 3 2 1 1 7 n 2 3 2 26 Ireland CM.. 183 42 9 73 91 13 9 F .. 182 27 2 10 9 48 72 8 14 73 15 27 Scotland CM.. 13 3* 3 7 2 2 2 F .. 10 1 2 3 5 2 1 2 28 German v CM.. 287 53 28 16 11 108 175 13 9 81 9 |f .. 264 61 24 18 12 115 170 15 15 53 11 29 837 139 57 41 26 203 406 72 45 249 63 30 411 75 26 23 18 11 15 135 128 262 190 216 404 41 31 21 24 45 126 123 248 31 32 63 31 426 64 31 32 834 138 57 41 26 33 590 137 57 40 25 1 259 38 397 48 64 30 2 80 15 13 4 34 Both parents native M. 83 22 9 6 14 F . 97 22 11 6 44 62 13 8 13 6 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 181 44 17 17 10 88 131 21 10 18 1 eign. Foreign born F .. 193 33 19 12 8 72 133 13 12 34 1 36 CM.. 125 3 9 87 26 24 F 110 1 1 2 6 4 6 70 1 17 37 Colored 3 1 1 9 38 Birthplaces of mothers: CM.. 117 31 13 9 1 54 72 19 5 4 F .. 134 31 13 8 8 60 94 14 4 7 39 England and Wales M.. 19 4 1 1 2 8 12 3 3 1 F 12 1 1 1 2 5 9 40 Ireland > M.. 77 7 2 4 3 16 21 2 5 40 f .. 99 8 2 4 14 25 4 11 49 10 41 Germany M- 142 19 10 5 4 38 57 13 11 46 15 F .. 128 14 14 6 5 39 70 5 40 6 42 Italy M.. 4 1 1 2 1 1 F . 1 1 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 283 MAY 31. 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal ’ dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and 'Jropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases Of t !1(‘ nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1.441 34 7 14 80 37 126 151 137 24 18 45 80 16 20 105 106 11 109 321 1 717 21 3 6 40 12 64 63 76 13 7 18 38 9 59 2 176 145 2 724 13 4 8 40 25 62 88 61 11 11 42 16 11 60 47 9 44 3 1,434 34 7 14 80 37 124 150 137 24 18 45 80 16 20 105 105 11 109 318 4 1, 003 31 5 12 75 36 112 81 87 24 18 19 34 8 9 59 50 3 109 231 208 7 1 18 1 24 19 21 3 2 3 8 1 10 9 1 25 16 55 42 \ 6 190 7 1 2 13 7 17 16 18 2 3 9 4 1 9 14 2 278 11 2 5 18 10 33 13 21 10 5 4 10 3 13 17 32 71 \ 290 6 1 4 25 18 36 30 26 8 8 2 4 4 3 24 9 24 58 205 3 1 3 1 3 30 33 10 16 19 4 22 24 32 23 1 43 40 \ 8 221 1 2 2 9 38 17 27 8 7 2 1 9 <10 11 273 9 1 4 25 3 35 20 28 6 4 4 10 2 11 10 1 33 67 52 248 8 2 4 22 10 24 18 23 4 5 8 11 4 1 16 2 19 26 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 6 3 19 14 9 2 1 6 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 4 13 t1 30 26 2 1 52 127 5 1 1 4 2 7 11 15 o 2 ] 9 s12 153 1 3 2 1 9 27 12 1 1 8 10 3 5 20 6 4 9 1 2 1 1 1 19 s13 (11 0 3 1 18 207 4 1 1 7 4 15 24 19 4 3 8 3 16 9 211 4 12 11 22 29 13 3 3 13 4 11 13 73 1 12 13 144 47 311 1,509 34 14 10 94 37 209 159 147 19 14 24 60 16 10 1‘>2 15 774 16 9 3 40 24 105 85 79 10 9 0 26 5 66 40 33 4 8 76 68 171 140 16 i7 735 18 5 7 54 13 104 74 68 9 5 18 34 16 5 56 1,460 34 12 10 92 37 206 151 143 19 12 24 57 16 10 120 71 11 135 300 18 1,077 32 8 8 89 34 193 67 97 19 11 4 15 7 1 94 *>7 1 135 235 19 130 4 1 1 5 3 19 5 11 4 2 2 12 8 11 14 58 42 36 81 72 136 3 1 17 1 16 7 14 3 2 3 2 12 4 1 411 11 5 2 34 19 76 27 39 6 1 2 36 9 21 384 14 2 4 32 11 80 28 33 6 4 1 8 5 1 33 5 45 198 1 2 1 2 8' 48 26 1 5 21 5 16 22 21 3 37 26 11 58 46 6 ? 00 23 <24 181 1 2 2 2 1 5 36 19 15 21 9 4 10 7 49 2 2 3 8 4 2 3 2 197 6 3 1 9 5 26 11 20 4 4 3 15 8 2 22 26 203 5 3 2 23 4 25 11 21 3 2 6 2 17 6 i 29 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 5 2 3 2 <25 18 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 ] 4 35 183 1 1 1 8 1 29 3p 19 1 3 2 6 1 9 13 1 20 <26 182 5 1 1 12 3 11 37 19 1 3 6 10 6 1 6 13 3 37 13 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 <27 10 1 2 3 1 4 1 287 6 4 18 15 43 33 27 5 1 9 4 30 12 12 25 27 51 <28 264 6 1 3 15 3 50 19 16 5 1 8 11 8 4 26 0 41 837 21 6 7 42 15 104 108 74 12 6 20 46 5 4 69 39 3 57 198 1 29 411 8 4 4 18 6 53 48 35 9 3 21 1 39 30 17 27 113 30 426 i 13 2 3 24 9 51 60 39 3 3 15 25 5 3 22 3 30 85 1 31 834 21 6 7 42 15 104 107 74 12 6 20 46 5 4 69 38 3 57 197 1 32 590 19 4 4 39 14 94 61 47 12 6 8 17 4 1 50 17 57 135 1 33 83 3 1 4 1 14 2 3 4 9 2 6 27 19 / 97 3 1 2 18 9 1 2 5 1 10 4 10 14 181 4 2 3 12 4 34 16 18 4 3 i 9 3 46 193 1 7 28 23 19 3 2 5 4 3 3 1 14 14 7 14 40 33 1 125 1 1 1 i 5 24 15 13 12 36 110 2 1 2 1 5 22 12 8 16 i 2 5 9 3 21 3 1 1 4 1 37 38 117 3 2 8 i 21 23 12 8 3 4 12 32 31 5 134 5 1 ... . 9 1 4 12 7 2 i 2 5 2' ...... 1 12 4 13 1 19 3 3 1 1 3 <39 12 1 1 ! 1 1 3 1 1 6 2 77 i 13 8 i 1 3 2 27 16 <40 99 3 1 1 ' 2 4 29 12 3 3 2 6 6 3 4 1 142 4 2 3 5 3 18 16 13 2 2 4 11 11 5 8 h1 128 2 1 9 20 10 12 i 2 8 10 3 9 6 5 27 1 4 1 2 42 1 ' 1 284 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 12—Continued. 1 761 175 49 30 18 272 385 56 37 215 67 1 2 415 113 25 99 11 171 222 25 15 117 36 3 346 62 24 8 7 101 163 31 22 98 31 1 4 760 175 49 30 j8 272 385 56 37 214 67 5 568 174 48 30 18 270 376 50 27 94 21 6 Botli parents native CM.. 130 42 12 10 4 68 90 13 6 14 IF.. 103 23 8 5 3 39 59 11 4 22 7 7 One or both parents for- eign. • Foreign born M.. 158 62 12 11 6 91 116 10 5 26 1 F .. 160 36 16 3 4 59 97 16 12 31 4 8 CM.. 112 1 1 4 2 4 76 26 If .. 76 3 3 6 44 19 1 9 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 10 United States ;m.. 155 52 14 10 4 80 107 16 8 17 7 F .. 129 31 12 5 3 51 80 13 4 24 8 11 England and Wales CM.. 34 10 4 2 16 16 1 11 6 F .. 19 3 2 1 6 10 2 3 4 T CM.. 90 15 i 3 3 22 31 4 3 38 14 iieland ) E .. 95 6 4 1 1 12 23 8 8 42 13 1 13 Scotland CM.. 16 6 1 7 8 1 7 F .. 6 1 1 3 2 1 14 Germany M.. 84 17 2 4 3 26 34 3 2 39 6 (F .. 67 12 6 1 3 Oo 31 4 9 21 2 15 952 161 38 51 41 291 473 64 49 293 73 16 477 69 26 25 26 146 237 34 22 154 30 17 475 00 12 26 145 236 30 27 139 43 18 . White 927 160 37 50 37 284 460 63 45 286 73 19 656 160 37 49 281 49 454 53 31 101 17 4 20 Both parents native 105 25 8 9 76 5 4 16 JF.. 116 28 4 10 3 45 75 7 6 20 8 21 One or both parents for- UM.. 210 41 18 16 13 88 148 25 8 28 1 eign. Foreign born IF.. 203 55 7 15 10 87 142 15 13 32 1 22 CM.. 139 1 1 1 3 7 103 25 F .. 128 ] 1 2 7 81 31 23 25 1 1 1 4 7 13 1 4 7 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 (M.. 155 36 11 13 12 114 10 7 19 5 F .. 163 36 9 17 6 68 114 9 8 24 8 25 M.. 19 1 1 2 4 6 3 2 6 2 ugmmi u i aics F .. 25 4 1 1 2 8 10 2 5 8 26 PI-- 152 20 5 8 7 40 66 14 5 59 8 F 156 1 4 5 32 59 9 5 67 16 27 Q 4-1 1 CM.. 13 1 2 3 4 1 7 1 F .. 6 3 1 4 5 1 28 M- 101 7 5 3 4 19 34 5 5 45 12 F .. 88 15 1 2 2 20 30 8 11 31 8 29 2, 570 518 202 171 139 1,030 1,569 135 119 641 104 30 1, 310 1. 260 277 95 107 192 87 84 162 526 504 970 811 758 1,478 58 77 126 60 59 105 333 308 589 \\ 31 241 486 72 130 32 2,394 95 1 33 Native born 1,781 229 484 189 158 127 14 958 116 1,439 183 106 10 63 162 24 11 5 *34 iM.. 61 23 18 7 F .. 228 51 32 22 17 122 168 15 11 32 2 35 One or both parents for- M.. 662 190 64 63 45 362 551 36 26 49 eign. F.. 612 165 64 52 48 329 503 44 17 46 2 36 M.. 301 1 1 2 15 8 19 221 38 x oreign oorn F .. 293 0 2 9 12 23 202 46 37 176 32 10 9 14 Birthplaces of mothers: 38 United States M.. 398 108 31 27 22 188 302 17 13 57 8 1 F .. 403 94 50 34 25 203 295 26 18 56 8 39 M.. 48 12 4 4 4 24 35 2 3 1 F .. 48 8 3 3 2 16 24 3 3 17 1 40 M.. 409 55 22 21 14 112 185 21 30 156 17 F .. 392 54 17 16 19 106 172 26 20 147 26 1 41 M.. 287 54 24 21 is ; 117 171 13 8 78 17 ' * F .. 252 49 . 22 16 16 103 155 13 14 56 14 42 M.. 16 5 i 3 i ; 10 12 4 F .. 13 2 i 1 2 1 6 8 2 3 NEW YORK CITY ANI) BROOKLYN. 285 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ha- phoid larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 761 19 2 10 44 14 75 82 68 3 7 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 71 190 i 415 j 7 1 6 20 7 43 38 45 2 2 9 13 2 41 20 1 49 109 346 12 1 4 24 7 32. 44 23 1 5 9 18 10 3 32 15 3 22 81 3 8 19 2 10 44 14 75 82 68 3 7 18 31 10 5 73 35 4 71 189 4 568 19 i 9 39 14 69 52 43 3 6 5 18 5 1 13 71 144 5 130 4 1 11 3 14 14 1 1 1 5 1 13 1 21 32 103 5 2 9 i 10 7 6 2 9 3 u 4 8 28 £ 6 158 3 4 6 4 25 14 9 1 1 1 17 4 22 47 l 160 7 i 2 12 6 19 23 13 1 3 i 6 2 13 4 n 36 $ 7 112 i 1 2 3 17 20 1 1 9 15 1 27 76 3 3 13 4 6 6 5 3 7 3 16 \ 8 1 1 155 5 3 11 6 18 9 16 1 1 1 5 i 15 1 23 39 l 129 7 2 10 2 12 8 6 1 3 2 3 15 5 11 35 sio 34 i 1 3 2 4 3 2 i 4 5 8 ? 19 2 1 2 i 1 i 1 1 1 8 11 90 3 1 g 12 12 9 2 1 5 26 95 2 1 6 1 4 21 5 5 6 3 3 7 2 3 o 24 <12 16 1 i 2 2 2 i 1 1 2 3 ( 6 1 1 i 1 2 <13 84 2 3 9 13 6 2 3 9 7 6 24 { 67 1 5 1 11 12 5 1 4 3 8 5 4 514 952 27 4 13 57 26 105 108 91 14 8 15 38 7 10 80 59 8 72 210 15 477 16 2 3 24 16 56 55 47 5 2 4 17 7 44 32 4 31 112 16 475 11 2 10 33 10 49 53 44 9 6 11 21 7 3 36 27 4 41 98 17 927 27 3 13 57 26 103 105 88 13 8 15 38 7 10 78 57 8 71 200 18 656 26 2 12 52 24 94 47 52 12 7 4 15 5 3 45 28 3 71 19 105 3 1 9 3 17 4 2 2 9 8 2 9 29 116 4 4 13 3 10 5 13 4 2 2 2 2 7 2 13 30 210 13 1 2 13 13 33 14 20 2 1 4 2 15 8 20 49 ) 203 6 1 5 17 5 30 23 10 4 4 2 7 3 1 11 9 24 41 \21 139 2 34 17 4 11 17 16 2 26 > 128 1 1 1 3 1 4 23 19 1 7 12 2 2 16 13 3 19 '-22 25 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 10 23 > 155 6 1 1 13 6 24 6 13 3 3 11 8 2 14 44 163 4 7 18 19 7 4 2 2 4 2 12 4 17 41 '24 19 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 ) 25 3 1 4 3 1 1 3 4 (25 152 4 2 6 5 17 22 18 i 2 2 17 12 1 11 32 > 156 4 2 3 9 3 7 28 18 3 2 i 9 2 2 10 15 in 8 29 13 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 ) 6 3 9 5 1 S27 101 3 1 4 4 8 11 1 2 7 5 8 10 19 88 5 2 11 14 4 1 O 4 8 2 1 10 3 2 3 16 ;-28 2, 570 64 10 38 14G 62 404 266 253 41 46 35 70 27 19 202 103 8 193 582 1 29 1,310 36 7 23 37 202 146 125 25 26 • 10 35 7 90 47 2 113 302 1,260 28 3 15 69 25 202 120 128 16 20 25 35 27 12 112 56 6 80 280 1 31 2, 394 63 10 37 142 62 387 235 232 40 43 33 63 24 18 192 93 7 181 522 1 32 1,781 59 4 26 129 58 358 104 156 38 42 6 21 8 6 » 28 1 180 399 1 33 229 18 7 41 14 21 6 12 2 19 3 1 27 46 ;,4 228 9 3 11 10 42 11 21 4 3 2 9 3 2 30 6 16 52 r 662 26 3 12 50 27 134 36 57 18 12 2 5 1 49 6 74 150 612 17 1 6 49 13 134 38 10 13 2 10 4 2 53 13 52 140 301 3 4 6 3 11 75 35 1 6 23 16 34 1 73 293 1 2 C 6 1 14 37 2U 19 16 7 19 31 53 236 176 1 1 4 17 31 21 1 3 2 3 1 10 10 1 13 50 37 398 13 8 28 10 69 34 36 12 13 2 6 1 30 1 42 86 /38 403 13 4 21 12 63 28 38 6 5 2 6 6 3 46 12 1 32 104 1 48 3 1 4 8 2 7 1 1 2 3 11 48 i 3 8 6 5 2 2 4 2 4 11 409 9 3 9 29 9 38 69 41 6 7 2 12 3 29 23 1 21 98 >... 392 8 1 7 25 4 49 54 37 4 7 6 15 7 6 33 29 5 9 86 >40 287 9 1 3 14 13 60 22 28 4 4 4 11 2 20 9 23 60 252 6 1 1 12 3 56 17 27 3 \ 5 11 9 8 2 18 8 19 46 r1 16 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 13 1 3 4 1 4 286 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to ft ft to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 0 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 12—Continued. 519 97 23 20 11 151 212 29 22 144 112 2 256 53 12 13 5 83 115 15 10 70 46 3 263 44 11 7 6 68 97 14 12 74 66 4 516 97 22 20 11 150 211 29 22 ,« 112 325 96 22 20 11 149 204 26 18 53 24 6 Both parents native j p " 65 18 5 8 1 32 41 5 4 11 4 41 11 4 2 17 23 6 1 5 6 One or both parents for- £M.. eign. } F .. 93 34 6 5 4 49 68 7 12 1 103 27 7 5 6 45 65 8 7 22 1 _ < M 90 3 3 1 44 39 8 Foreign born ■! ■ ■ 95 1 3 43 48 9 3 1 1 1 2 Birthplaces of mothers; c M.. 85 24 8 8 2 42 57 6 4 14 4 10 I mted states 7 p 15 4 3 2 24 34 2 7 6 C M 9 1 2 3 3 11 England and W ales 7 p 18 1 1 2 i 1 8 6 12 56 2 2 2 11 13 3 2 23 15 Ireland p 70 11 9 13 16 3 5 28 18 13 8 1 1 1 1 5 1 Scotland 3 p 11 1 1 3 2 4 2 CM. 79 22 2 3 1 28 42 3 4 20 10 14 Germany...................... < j, 64 11 9 3 1 17 27 2 1 20 14 15 3, 519 735 241 204 182 1,362 2,075 189 159 895 200 1 16 Males 1, 872 401 136 99 91 727 1.136 100 76 472 88 17 18 1,647 3, 512 334 105 105 91 635 939 89 83 423 112 i 733 241 204 182 1,360 2, 072 188 158 893 200 1 19 2, 577 797 234 194 176 1,331 177 2, 002 252 160 112 266 36 1 Both parents native j ” 343 99 38 21 19 11 46 9 20 294 24 22 14 145 216 15 10 39 14. 21 One or both parents for-OF. eign. ( F -. 1,004 858 278 90 79 67 73 507 813 44 v 87 4. 235 78 75 461 673 61 43 77 3 1 22 C AI Foreign born < p ' * 4 4 3 11 31 15 20 327 72 444 1 3 5 19 3 12 26 296 91 23 9 9 1 1 2 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j pf" 493 421 144 51 32 31 258 377 38 12 56 10 24 115 37 32 26 210 318 28 12 48 15 25 England and Wales j pf'' Ireland | C M Germany ) F ** Italy 93 22 3 8 2 35 61 3 1 22 22 6 73 18 3 9 42 2 4 3 26 470 68 20 16 13 117 204 16 33 187 30 457 49 12 23 21 105 169 20 31 189 48 414 29 16 19 141 231 20 17 117 29 27 371 204 66 38 28 18 18 14 13 18 125 88 196 149 20 13 21 5 102 33 31 4 1 28 169 52 14 16 14 96 131 6 7 21 4 29 350 68 23 14 11 116 163 15 17 117 38 30 178 172 349 39 9 4 r. 59 84 10 19 31 32 29 14 10 4 57 79 8 7 59 19 68 23 14 11 116 163 15 17 116 38 33 247 67 99 14 11 114 157 14 13 3 52 11 C M Both parents native ) F * * 49 15 3 1 24 31 3 8 4 34 52 10 3 4 1 18 29 3 2 13 5 35 One or both parents for-(M.. 73 23 6 2 33 50 4 4 15 65 16 10 6 CJ 35 43 3 4 14 1 36 ( M Foreign born 2 p *' 50 1 3 32 14 48 2 1 1 31 1 13 37 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States pL' 62 18 4 1 6 29 39 4 5 10 4 38 61 13 6 1 25 36 3 3 14 6 39 England and Wales | E 12 9 3 i 2 10 9 2 5 1 3 1 40 Ireland Scotland { " Germany { F ' 49 9 2 1 1 13 17 2 23 46 3 2 4 1 13 1 1 25 6 41 2 1 1 4 2 21 42 38 8 1 1 10 17 2 9 12 32 6 5 1 12 15 2 3 10 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 287 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, 13IRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of tile urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 519 8 6 8 28 13 42 45 40 2 3 13 37 3 3 56 39 9 55 109 i 256 4 5 3 12 7 27 18 23 1 1 1 17 3 26 17 2 29 60 2 263 4 1 5 16 6 15 27 17 1 2 12 20 3 30 22 26 49 3 516 8 6 8 28 13 42 45 40 2 3 13 37 3 3 55 37 9 55 109 4 325 7 3 2 26 13 33 29 20 2 3 3 11 2 1 30 17 2 55 66 5 65 1 1 2 2 3 7 1 3 1 6 4 16 13 41 1 4 9 9 4 3 1 9 9 2 8 10 s 6 93 3 1 1 8 16 6 8 1 2 6 3 13 20 > -7 103 3 1 12 4 10 13 2 1 2 1 2 2 14 12 17 7 90 3 2 2 4 9 8 1 12 2 12 9 2 24 ? u 95 1 4 3 11 9 14 1 13 11 5 16 s 8 3 1 9 9 85 2 1 6 3 9 3 7 1 3 i 8 6 19 16 Jl° 1 8 Q 3 6 3 1 3 2 12 12 9 i 2 i 1 2 2 S11 18 2 1 3 6 3 3 50 2 1 4 7 7 6 3 14 |l2 70 i 2 4 4 11 6 i 1 9 1 # 6 9 3 12 8 1 1 6 j13 11 i 1 1 1 4 1 2 79 3 1 6 3 11 5 5 i 1 4 2 9 3 2 7 15 I14 64 2 9 4 3 6 5 5 1 6 2 1 8 3 9 6 8 3. 519 96 30 33 184 90 475 333 324 78 48 58 138 40 26 253 139 17 311 846 15 1.872 50 16 16 97 43 237 176 205 44 28 20 56 12 141 82 - 174 470 16 1,647 46 14 17 87 47 238 157 119 34 20 38 82 40 14 112 57 12 137 376 17 3,512 96 30 33 184 90 475 331 323 78 48 58 138 40 26 253 139 17 310 843 18 2. 577 90 12 22 172 85 430 150 205 73 45 20 54 16 13 185 60 3 310 632 19 343 15 3 5 24 ii 49 14 28 6 9 2 4 3 26 U 1 40 89 294 10 1 2 23 6 32 20 20 11 7 5 ii 3 i 28 5 1 34 74 (20 5 1, 004 32 3 64 28 162 66 96 35 18 - 11 . 76 25 1 126 245 858 33 9 61 39 177 41 53 21 ii 8 25 11 4 48 14 93 200 21 465 3 10 9 3 14 92 74 2 13 39 34 41 0 119 444 8 6 3 1 23 89 40 i 25 44 24 9 34 37 11 87 7 2 i 1 3 23 493 21 4 5 36 16 74 23 42 8 13 2 6 3 35 18 1 57 129 (24 421 12 i 3 30 12 55 22 33 16 8 8 17 3 i 34 7 1 44 108 93 4 9 4 3 9 7 6 3 3 7 9 10 20 £25 73 1 i 3 1 g 7 2 1 1 3 4 3 i 4 11 17 470 14 9 4 18 8 30 82 58 12 3 11 3 34 32 3 114 457 12 T 8 16 15 55 65 47 7 1 13 27 10 6 29 19 6 15 101 (26 S 414 0 4 22 7 37 35 4 3 12 23 3 34 16 1 37 10S) j27 371 17 5 5 23 11 62 34 15 5 4 8 28 11 6 A Jo 13 3 29 67 204 1 4 1 8 7 32 8 10 1 1 3 2 14 1 15 51 £28 169 1 3 36 12 16 3 9 9 1 8 8 20 350 8 3 4 14 42 39 27 3 2 ll 17 6 i 22 23 3 32 85 1 29 178 4 1 2 9 4 17 20 14 3 4 i 10 13 ] 18 49 1 30 172 4 9 2 5 3 25 19 13 2 10 6 12 10 2 14 36 31 349 , 8 3 4 14 42 39 27 3 2 11 17 6 i 22 22 3 32 85 1 32 247 7 2 4 14 7 40 23 14 3 i 6 9 15 12 32 58 33 49 2 1 1 5 1 6 4 9 2 9 1 4 2 9 J34 52 *> 1 9 2 9 5 3 5 1 3 9 1 4 2 6 11 73 9 l 4 3 11 7 3 i l 3 10 22 i 3 1 18 3 3 i 4 9 6 16 9 8 1 5 1 3 4 1 17 1 48 l 1 1 1 4 5 4 4 9 8 £36 1 1 37 62 3 1 i 6 1 8 0 9 9 9 1 8 11 61 2 1 2 3 2 7 3 5 1 3 3 1 4 3 14 12 i 2 2 2 4 1 £39 10 1 i 1 i 1 5 49 2 2 8 5 1 2 3 1 3 17 46 1 1 9 4 3 3 1 * 4 3 1 i 8 £40 2 2 > 4 1 ! i ] i l 1 £41 38 i 1 1 1 3 2 4 3 i i' . 6 4 11 > 32 1 1 2 6 2 I i 2 3 3 3 3 6 :::::::: j42 288 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 1) to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 12—Continued. 517 64 27 27 15 133 215 31 34 182 55 2 269 38 19 17 11 85 123 13 12 93 28 3 248 26 8 10 4 48 92 18 22 89 27 4 516 64 27 27 15 133 215 31 34 181 55 5 373 89 64 27 27 15 133 213 29 26 81 24 <5 C M 9 10 2 9 4 32 4 3 21 14 Both parents native t p 83 10 6 1 19 40 6 5 24 8 7 One or both parents for* CM.. 102 25 9 8 6 48 68 9 5 20 88 16 5 4 3 28 50 10 13 14 1 8 C M 66 1 4 48 13 Foreign horn t p 1 1 2 4 51 18 9 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: c AT 107 12 11 5 13 6 42 60 5 4 24 25 4 14 10 i nited States 2 p 97 13 6 1 25 49 9 6 8 11 England and Wales j p '' 15 3 3 7 2 2 10 2 2 4 2 4 12 Ireland j P ' ■ 61 6 3 1 2 12 17 2 4 33 5 86 3 2 2 16 7 10 43 3 10 13 5 i 1 Scotland } p 3 1 2 14 C AT Germany ) F 52 10 4 1 1 16 23 4 2 19 4 43 8 ] 2 1 12 21 1 4 14 3 15 5,662 1,079 392 305 254 2, 030 3,075 280 294 1,552 456 16 17 18 3,001 620 191 157 139 1,107 1,668 1,407 3,055 153 127 278 149 145 293 831 721 1, 546 198 258 455 2 2,661 5, 631 459 201 148 115 923 3 White 1, 072 390 303 253 2,018 4 19 ■20 4 125 1,007 187 381 49 295 243 1.986 305 2, 949 441 240 45 199 31 578 118 158 47 i C AT Both parents native 2 p 682 40 29 636 129 53 34 33 249 380 41 28 114 72 i ■21 One or both parents for-(M.. eign. ) F .. Foreign horn 5 M' ‘ 1,462 412 129 109 99 749 1,128 928 85 66 168 15 1,233 753 306 139 102 75 622 68 70 151 16 22 1 1 2 1 1 3 33 34 20 22 16 2 46 47 1 39 520 440 6 134 130 167 1 53 2 705 1 2 1 23 31 7 2 1 12 i Birthplaces of mothers: United States f England and Wales j jT' Ireland I F 898 255 69 43 422 612 60 25 838 120 186 17 78 7 55 3 45 6 364 33 537 52 57 8 32 5 136 40 75 15 i 120 20 12 3 5 40 53 5 4 40 18 26 90 19 22 22 153 250 33 51 303 68 ■ 737 79 32 19 13 143 242 27 59 319 90 27 28 C AT Germany 7 p Italy - 567 97 35 25 202 300 23 24 188 32 428 418 302 59 101 75 28 32 30 21 28 31 19 23 21 127 184 157 206 302 242 23 19 10 29 18 9 125 76 38 44 1 3 1 2 29 2,132 352 123 105 76 656 922 117 115 707 269 2 80 1,120 198 69 44 43 354 302 643 492 430 905 68 49 115 62 53 112 362 345 699 135 134 269 1 21 1,012 154 54 61 33 1 32 White 2,102 348 120 102 73 33 1,608 416 347 119 100 69 16 635 146 886 201 108 22 378 109 146 63 63 34 C AT Both parents native |f ” 81 28 21 21 1 339 54 20 19 12 105 154 21 12 89 35 One or both parents for-(M.. eign. j F .. 420 370 JOS 87 38 .30 20 37 23 16 189 170 265 239 36 27 30 24 84 80 4 6 i ! 36 Foreign horn ) F Colored 239 1 3 5 5 9 15 157 161 63 60 248 i 1 ii i 37 30 4 3 3 3 13 198 152 1 17 276 217 2 8 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | F 524 433 in 79 39 26 26 29 22 18 34 28 28 119 107 66 1 39 England and Wales '' 64 • 4 5 14 12 21 4 5 3 23 24 92 11 10 28 59 7 1 2 2 21 1 40 Ireland : j 223 40 9 1 10 16 245 25 10 6 5 46 72 25 112 29 41 Scotland 5 • 10 1 1 3 12 20 1 1 0 4 1° 4 42 German v j • 206 27 10 11 7 ! 74 15 12 86 19 164 25 13 15 2 | 55 76 10 7 57 14 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 289 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- 11a- plioid; larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. AV hoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth j Dis- and pu-j eases erperal jof the dis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 517 21 4 9 30 8 49 68 56 7 9 8 24 4 5 33 40 2 21 119 i 200 11 4 12 5 34 32 35 3 3 1} 3 21 19 1 16 57 9 248 10 4 5 18 3 15 36 21 4 6 8 ii 4 2 12 21 i 5 62 3 516 21 4 9 30 8 49 68 56 7 9 8 24 4 5 33 39 2 21 119 4 373 21 2 4 29 7 43 36 9 10 3 9 23 22 21 84 5 89 3 1 6 1 16 10 2 9 i 10 10 1 19 83 6 1 8 2 3 12 ...... 4 4 3 1 i 5 4 21 (6 102 rj 4 16 10 11 3 1 3 5 2 11 24 ! 88 4 1 3 10 10 11 9 1 2 l 1 2 3 6 19 (7 1 3 1 2 13 13 7 2 5 6 1 12 76 2 2 1 2 12 3 1 1 4 ii i 22 s 8 1 1 i 9 107 6 l 1 20 12 3 3 1 10 u 3 22 97 8 i 1 9 2 5 13 8 3 5 4 3 1 1 6 4 1 22 10 15 2 i 1 1 1 3 4 10 1 1 1 2 » 2 :::::::: 11 61 1 1 1 6 14 13 i' 3 1 5 *1 2 11 ) 86 1 3 4 i 4 14 10 1 2 4 1 1 1 11 i 2 23 5 2 1 1 1 3 3 52 2 ] 9 2 5 4 6 3 4 9 i 5 15 > 43 1 1 5 4 8 9 1 ...... 0 2 i 2 9 11 su 5.662 122 36 73 269 140 733 639 523 136 81 105 195 62 47 419 243 42 473 1,323 i 15 3, 001 64 24 24 142 88 358 349 299 39 33 92 24 229 133 14 276 i 16 2, 661 58 12 49 127 52 375 290 224 69 42 72 103 62 23 190 105 28 197 583 17 5,631 122 36 73 269 140 729 632 518 136 80 105 195 62 46 417 243 41 472 1,314 i 18 4,125 113 22 50 249 127 646 362 307 127 78 37 93 28 15 291 109 17 472 081 i 19 682 16 4 10 38 21 88 60 57 11 10 1 15 0 56 31 3 75 183 036 16 2 8 36 19 94 55 45 23 8 19 32 8 2 37 21 10 00 141 1,462 41 n 10 93 58 228 126 111 49 26 3 25 6 104 32 2 190 346 i )ni 1, 233 40 5 21 79 28 225 107 84 41 32 12 18 20 4 86 20 1 129 281 r 753 6 9 4 10 8 27 150 120 4 28 51 14 63 69 . 8 182 9 5 19 10 4 37 120 81 2 40 51 34 17 63 63 16 141 31 4 1 i 2 1 1 9 s 23 898 o- 10 31 in 71 70 20 12 1 17 6 73 37 4 102 235 838 25 2 12 50 23 130 67 52 26 15 22 37 12 2 53 25 10 90 185 (24 s 120 i 2 1 (j 4 14 13 7 1 2 3 7 13 7 1 7 31 (25 ll£f) i 1 3 4 16 8 14 2 9 5 8 3 2 13 3 8 23 705 16 5 4 30 5 57 137 76 4 il 13 30 10 56 39 6 41 164 i 73.7 13 4 20 32 6 67 129 70 10 n 16 20 19 14 50 50 8 22 160 S 11 4 ?,\ 19 91 78 34 4 6 13 38 22 1 124 428 13 7 21 10 63 40 26 8 9 20 16 13 5 43 19 4 25 84 r7 418 1 4 2 13 22 44 21 82 31 2 3 9 26 11 44 110 302 1 1 9 10 11 55 20 38 15 9 1 10 19 3 30 79 (.28 2,132 42 20 38 91 28 207 237 209 13 _ 25 68 127 23 20 181 113 22 136 532 23 1.120 24 12 16 43 19 102 121 104 6 10 23 70 13 94 71 8 78 306 30 1.012 18 8 99 48 9 105 116 105 7 15 45 57 23 7 87 42 14 58 226 31 2,102 41 20 38 91 28 206 232 202 13 25 68 126 23 20 180 112 22 134 521 32 1,608 41 12 31 85 27 190 154 148 13 25 34 72 15 12 133 63 7 134 412 33 416 9 4 7 17 7 36 32 36 4 4 11 26 4 44 23 2 32 118 (34 339 12 19 2 28 34 38 2 7 7 17 6 3 27 19 4 22 85 i 420 14 4 6 23 12 60 46 34 9 6 3 18 4 25 14 39 no 376 10 4 6 25 6 61 39 33 5 8 11 9 8 i 35 5 29 81 ; (3o 239 4 3 O 3 40 27 8 24 5 22 32 6 63 .. (.0 248 4 4 4 1 11 38 27 26 30 8 3 25 16 9 42 . 30 1 1 5 i 1 1 9 11 I 37 524 12 4 21 9 51 39 48 4 u 31 4 52 27 9 44 151 : 433 10 2 13 22 3 42 46 45 3 8 9 18 7 3 36 20 4 34 108 1 (38 04 1 3 9 3 3 8 1 , 4 2 2 4 3 3 3 15 (39 1 1 9 5 1 6 4 6 1 8 P) 2 1 2 2i>‘: 3 4 6 3 12 35 23 ] 2 20 2 11 20 ] 16 59 245 1 5 4 8 3 19 45 20 3 4 11 18 9 3 9;-; 10 2 9 48 '•40 10 1 4 1 9 2 2 3 3 20 1 3 y 9 1 3 2 1 1 '(41 > 206 3 10 3 28 24 19 4 9 5 20 11 2 53 164 5 2 10 1 10 24 1 1 14 11 4 13 2 5 34 (.2 290 VITAL STATISTICS, Table S6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. All ages., Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over 65 Un- known. 1 "Ward 12—Continued. 3,493 635 182 165 105 1.087 1,605 173 208 1,102 400 5 1,802 1,691 3,429 351 284 626 103 79 174 78 87 157 57 48 101 589 498 1,058 847 758 1,570 90 83 167 101 107 200 588 514 1,089 173 WTlItA 398 2,585 602 585 625 139 117 171 44 28 156 32 33 98 20 12 1,050 235 190 1,555 335 289 155 38 34 145 30 21 524 137 141 6 Both parents native M.. F .. 61 100 1 7 One or both parents for- < eign. M.. F .. 670 636 186 151 49 47 40 49 34 32 309 279 456 430 44 39 37 54 121 92 11 21 1 Foreign born M.. 428 1 1 2 4 5 27 294 98 96 *> 8 F .. 396 2 2 7 27 258 9 10 64 9 8 8 4 29 35 6 8 13 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M-. F 765 739 185 152 54 40 45 42 26 20 310 254 448 392 50 49 38 36 158 153 69 109 2 England and 'Wales M.. 83 12 2 5 1 20 27 3 6 31 16 11 F .. 85 9 6 1 3 19 26 4 5 29 21 Ireland 'SI.. 453 66 21 11 13 111 164 14 28 211 36 12 F .. 420 47 12 18 8 85 133 20 34 186 47 13 Germany M-- 283 45 16 10 10 81 115 16 16 104 32 F .. 238 37 9 16 7 69 99 6 20 86 27 Scandinavia M.. 32 2 1 4 7 22 2 2 5 1 14 F -• 43 7 4 6 3 20 35 5 3 15 512 100 33 21 20 174 243 29 40 155 44 10 268 55 13 14 14 96 129 12 17 16 24 90 65 154 20 24 44 1 244 45 20 7 6 78 114 18 WlntA 509 100 33 20 20 173 241 29 40 19 369 100 33 20 20 173 31 240 26 28 3 63 15 12 4 Both parents native M.. 64 20 2 4 5 40 2 20 F .. 57 8 9 1 2 20 34 5 1 11 6 One or both parents for- M.. 117 34 11 9 9 63 86 10 15 1 21 eign. Foreign born F .. 116 34 10 6 4 54 75 8 16 16 1 M.. 74 5 54 35 15 17 22 F .. 63 1 3 7 23 3 1 1 2 i 16 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 84 26 5 5 9 45 59 2 3 4 24 F .. 74 17 11 3 2 33 50 6 1 11 6 England and Wales 19 2 1 1 4 8 1 7 3 25 F .. 12 1 1 2 4 1 1 4 2 Ireland M.. 91 14 4 7 1 26 33 6 5 39 8 26 F .. 99 13 6 1 1 21 33 4 17 36 9 Germany M.. 45 9 2 1 3 15 22 1 2 16 4 27 F .. 32 7 2 3 1 13 17 2 2 7 4 Russia and Poland M.. 1 i 28 F .. 29 816 156 35 30 23 244 339 28 47 291 111 30 31 415 85 20 14 10 129 115 239 179 16 12 28 21 26 46 153 138 286 46 65 111 401 71 15 16 13 160 802 154 34 29 22 331 33 34 584 154 34 28 99 238 48 329 26 37 7 139 37 53 17 Both parents native M.. 138 32 8 6 2 71 6 F .. 161 30 12 8 6 56 74 8 6 43 30 35 One or both parents for- M-. 148 49 11 8 75 100 10 r. 29 2 eign. Foreign born F .. 114 33 2 6 5 46 71 2 12 25 4 36 M.. 101 3 71 68 27 F .. 107 2 6 31 37 38 14 9 i 1 i 5 8 i 8 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 p " 179 41 14 8 3 66 94 10 49 18 195 39 14 n 7 71 97 8 9 50 31 39 England and Wales M.. 25 5 1 i 2 9 10 1 1 9 4 F .. 5 1 i «7 9 O 6 8 40 Ireland J f " 104 17 2 i 3 23 35 4 2 49 14 102 16 2 18 29 2 8 50 2 13 41 Scotland SI.. 4 1 i i i F .. 5 1 2 42 n CM.. Germany p 62 12 2 2 2 18 25 5 23 9 46 5 2 2 9 12 i 4 21 8 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 291 may 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ma- phoid larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis ease and dropsy. Child- | birth Dis- and pu-i eases erperal of the dis- ! liver, eases. ; Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,493 65 . 31 56 170 65 372 427 320 42 33 95 160 39 35 306 175 29 270 803 1 1,802 28 17 26 87 39 182 218 176 20 18 24 77 16 158 107 12 148 449 2 1,691 37 14 30 83 26 190 209 144 22 15 71 83 39 19 148 68 17 122 354 3 3,429 65 31 53 169 65 364 419 307 42 32 95 157 39 35 303 173 29 264 787 4 2. 585 61 22 40 165 63 338 252 202 40 32 43 93 24 14 216 93 12 264 611 5 602 i 12 7 8 34 15 80 54 40 8 7 6 24 2 55 42 9 49 157 585 19 5 12 32 11 / 62 47 46 11 6 26 21 9 4 68 19 6 44 137 > 0 670 13 3 10 51 24 85 67 11 9 4 18 3 48 17 79 172 636 , 17 5 10 47 12 109 69 . 56 10 9 5 21 15 3 36 11 2 66 133 > 7 428 3 6 6 1 10 85 1 14 30 10 46 41 10 98 396 1 3 7 3 2 82 35 1 38 34 15 10 39 37 08 ) 8 64 3 1 8 8 13 1 3 3 9 6 9 765 16 7 10 42 22 100 65 60 8 11 8 28 2 70 46 9 70 198 I10 739 24 5 17 45 15 79 59 64 14 9 27 25 11 6 78 23 6 62 170 83 1 1 3 i 11 5 1 4 4 1 7 13 2 3 20 t 85 3 2 2 3 10 4 11 1 7 2 3 2 11 7 1 6 10 P 453 3 3 11 17 9 34 76 58 2 3 5 14 8 39 25 3 32 111 b2 420 3 2 8 15 3 40 94 32 3 3 13 28 10 8 27 17 4 23 87 283 5 2 3 17 3 27 40 25 3 4 0 19 3 25 12 4 20 t... 238 2 2 1 14 4 34 30 19 2 2 16 14 11 1 11 16 i 11 47 p 32 2 4 3 4 1 4 5 1 1 1 43 3 4 10 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 2 p 512 12 2 1 16 8 41 71 51 2 8 13 18 4 4 48 27 5 35 145 15 268 5 2 1 9 5 21 35 30 i 3 7 7 4 21 10 3 19 84 1 16 244 7 7 3 20 36 21 i 6 11 4 27 17 2 10 17 509 12 ' 2 1 16 8 41 70 51 2 8 13 18 4 4 47 27 5 35 144 1 18 369 12 1 16 7 38 40 30 2 8 7 10 2 3 34 14 i 35 109 19 64 2 3 1 3 6 7 i 1 1 3 2 10 1 6 17 57 1 3 1 5 4 3 i 1 4 3 5 5 i 4 10 117 3 6 4 16 11 12 2 i 9 1 6 1 12 40 116 6 4 1 13 16 8 4 2 2 12 7 9 32 74 1 1 2 16 11 5 2 1 4 8 3 1 63 i 1 1 14 10 ]P 6 9 9 5 1 13 >22 3 1 1 1 23 84 2 5 1 6 8 10 i 2 1 3 2 12 1 9 21 74 1 4 1 9 5 4 i 2 4 3 7 5 1 7 24 19 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 6 12 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 >25 91 2 1 2 16 13 2 2 2 5 4 2_ 5 27 1 99 3 2 7 21 10 2 4 9 14 9 2 23 >26 1 3 1 4 6 2 1 2 1 2 4 i 3 14 32 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 l 4 1 3 H >27 1 1 >28 816 14 9 10 21 8 69 90 71 8 8 22 46 8 10 82 45 ii 78 205 1 29 415 8 4 5 10 4 31 49 37 3 5 4 22 5 40 26 2 46 113 1 30 401 1 6 5 5 11 4 38 41 . 34 5 3 18 24 8 42 19 9 32 92 31 802 14 9 9 21 8 66 88 69 8 7 22 46 8 10 81 45 11 77 202 1 32 584 14 6 6 . 20 8 59 57 39 8 7 9 20 6 5 63 25 7 77 147 1* 33 00 I-H CC CC 2 4 3 2 3 5 8, 1 2 10 12 14 19 10 12 2 2 1 1 2 3 6 6 3 3 17 19 8 7 1 6 18 15 30 36 i34 148 5 1 3 18 13 10 i 3 3 1 13 6 25 40 1 114 2 3 2 2 18 8 7 3 2 4 31 3 1 13 2 10 31 >35 101 1 1 2 18 15 2 11 4 10 11 1 25 107 2 1 i 13 15 11 15 2 1 8 9 3 21 £36 14 1 3 9 2 1 1 1 3 37 179 195 2 5 •3 2 4 7 9 i o 14 18 18 20 19 14 3 3 2 . 2 2 3 8 8 3 3 21 22 10 7 1 6 23 17 43 49 25 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 ) 25 3 2 1 1 i 4 2 2 1 2 6 >39 104 2 1 2 10 17 8 i 7 2 6 8 1 8 30 1 > 102 i 4 1 10 13 9 1 10 7 3 10 51 2 6 20 £40 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 £41 62 3 1 2 1 4 7 6 1 5 2 9 3 7 11 46 1 1 2 5 3 5 3 4 1 6 4 i 10 P 292 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE- 4 SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. , AND Months. Yea r,. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 1‘2 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 1*5 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known 1 Ward 12—Continued. 1,358 999 67 48 38 375 555 101 90 451 158 3 2 770 129 41 20 16 215 303 53 274 83 75 157 2 3 588 93 26 19 22 160 252 46 37 i 3 4 White. 1,330 219 66 48 38 371 546 95 84 445 5 906 219 66 48 35 368 535 93 54 162 50 28 61 21 27 1 i 6 Both parents native CM.. IF 224 168 54 35 18 8 13 3 9 88 59 123 93 20 10 10 9 7 One or both parents fot eign. C M.. 254 66 20 16 12 114 162 28 19 40 - \ F .. 222 52 18 12 11 • 93 139 33 12 36 2 Foreign born CM.. 231 ! 1 1 9 1 159 111 c 54 42 8 \ F .. 175 1 1 6 1 15 6 9 10 11 28 3 1 4 9 C Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales CM.. IF- CM.. 280 67 22 16 4 109 154 2S 17 57 24 226 38 53 4 11 3 10 2 14 2 88 11 ! 138 17 18 1 11 1 31 13 27 6 l 1 F - 37 3 2 1 1 7 14 2 2 10 9 12 Ireland CM.. 225 23 4 4 5 36 59 12 24 97 33 If.. 210 18 6 2 6 32 52 16 14 102 26 13 Germany C M*.. 120 20 10 *> 9 6 5 6 4 38 46 27 4 9 9 3 5 47 23 6 15 9 14 Italy 10 2 |f.. 1 1 15 Sanitarv district A B 319 118 45 23 11 197 219 4 18 65 13 16 Males 195 68 26 11 7 112 124 95 219 2 10 - 17 124 50 19 12 23 4 85 2 13 64 18 White.....' 316 118 45 ii 197 4 16 13 19 Native born 232 116 43 99 10 191 207 9 2 3 17 1 1 20 Both parents native C M.. 13 3 1 2 6 i 9 1 F .. 10 1 1 3 2 8 i 21 One or both parents for CM.. 61 29 12 4 3 48 50 i 10 eign. { F .. 31 15 4 4 2 25 1 3 22 Foreign born CM.. 51 1 i i 6 4 o |f.. 26 1 1 2 4 i 8 23 Colored 3 24 Birthplaces of mothers: CM.. 18 3 3 3 i 10 13 2 i 2 ) F .. 13 3 1 4 2 10 11 i 1 25 M.. 10 1 i 2 | F .. 1 1 3 20 CM.. 38 11 3 2 l 17 17 1 17 } F .. 2 V 6 1 1 8 9 16 4>T fM„ 25 10 4 16 2 ) F .. 18 5 2 3 l 11 13 1 3 2 28 CM.. 5 1 3 If .. 1 1 i 29 Ward 13 6, 969 1,522 418 2,659 3, 968 1,810 450 3G4 30 3, 796 3,173 881 641 240 178 207 148 178 186 1,506 1. 153 211 239 31 Females 1, 749 144 216 824 32 White 6, 945 1, 514 418 354 2. 650 311 423 1,802 447 ’ 33 Native born 4,888 1,512 412 348 350 2, 622 3. 832 246 247 493 69 l 34 5M- 592 169 59 35 25 288 461 34 14 60 23 IF- 478 113 33 36 40 222 359 23 15 49 32 35 One or both parents foreign.. 2, 031 1,641 669 496 171 134 165 107 148 136 1,153 873 1,636 1.278 95 88 106 106 191 165 2 4 l 36 CM.. 1,066 2 5 5 12 65 35 82 179 199 i F .. 974 i 1 9 11 56 30 596 l 37 38 Colored 24 8 9 396 9 620 Birthplaces of mothers: United States JM- 782 236 74 44 42 44 19 73 26 ) F .. 629 158 40 49 51 298 476 35 18 65 39 40 41 JM- 539 41 14 13 11 79 | 122 20 41 300 56 t F — 5M- 587 1,035 35 178 7 60 6 47 6 31 54 316 97 469 15 46 62 76 328 371 85 73 Russia and Poland } h'.. \¥:: 825 615 455 139 183 117 55 37 22 33 52 24 33 48 260 320 i 216 396 441 329 52 32 19 54 34 243 87 66 79 20 16 l l 42 Hungary (M- 135 43 12 12 9 76 110 6 2 14 3 iF- 125 26 15 9 9 59 88 6 10 20 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 293 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid1 ever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup, j Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump-! tiou. | Pneu monia. Measles. g J* a a s Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and Iropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases if the iver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,358 j 23 12 18 52 j i 31 133 i 137 129 16 13 31 58 | 18 16 120 57 22 94 377 1 1 770 11 9 9 26 15 81 81 72 6 3 15 29 j 67 25 9 249 2 3 588 1 12 3 9 26 i 16 52 56 57 i° 10 16 29 18 9 53 32 13 38 128 1 1,330 23 12 i 18 50 1 31 132 130 127 16 ! ! 13 31 ; 57 17 16 118 57 22 92 367 1 4 906 20 7 15 45 30 119 62 j 76 15 j 13 11 27 6 4 73 26 ii 92 253 1 5 224 7 9 j 6 6 rj 29 I 13 j 18 9 1 8 1 | 18 8 2 24 71 168 6 1 6 8 19 8 ! 18 4 3 2 8 2 12 10 3 6 17 35 \ 6 254 4 4 3 15 8 40 l 20 18 4 3 6 20 1 24 79 222 3 1 5 17 7 26 18 19 5 5 2 5 4 3 22 4 16 59 1 £ 7 231 3 3 8 39 32 11 14 6 27 14 69 ) a 2 2 3 2 1 29 19 1 9 16 11 6 18 17 6 28 \ 8 28 2 1 9 1 1 9 2 10 9 280 i 8 3 6 8 8 35 21 24 3 9 11 1 99 10 9 29 86 226 8 1 ii 10 27 12 23 4 5 8 4 1 21 10 6 20 50 C° 38 i 3 3 5 4 3 1 2 1 i 14 37 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 9 9 10 225 4 3 9 4 16 34 23 2 9 10 24 8 4 9 63 S12 210 1 3 4 9 3 13 34 19 4 i 6 15 8 6 19 14 4 4 43 120 9 1 4 3 14 9 12 1 2 3 1 13 3 1 7 44 ..... 9 1 5 1 6 2 10 1 9 4 3 1 8 4 5 17 F 10 9 2 1 5 K . 1 1 su 319 3 5 2 4 1 __ 0/ 34 *37 7 2 2 7 8 7 19 124 15 195 4 1 1 1 30 27 25 3 i 4 7 6 11 ' 74 16 124 3 i 1 3 27 - 12 4 1 9 3 1 1 8 17 316 3 4 2 4 1 56 34 37 2 2 7 8 , 19 123 13 232 2 1 1 1 52 12 26 6 1 3 3 19 100 19 13 1 1 9 3 1 1 4 10 1 2 9 i 1 3 P 61 1 9 6 9 1 9 1 10 22 ) 31 1 6 9 9 1 1 1 10 S21 2 i 1 1 18 8 i 2 3 3 11 ? ,, 26 1 1 i 9 3 4 3 9 9 1 6 P 3 1 1 1 23 18 1 1 2 2 9 1 5 t 13 1 ... . 3 2 1 i’ 1 4 p 10 2 2 * 2 1 3 > 1 i P 38 2 4 13 0 l 4 8 21 9 9 5 3 i 3 r P 25 i 3 3 9 i i 9 i 18 1 1 1 1 1 ■ r i 2 4 P 5 1 1 3 1 1 >28 6,969 116 51 34 288 219 845 738 767 104 76 118 239 87 74 571 301 45 720 1,573 3 29 3,796 56 31 14 145 131 461 440 418 57 36 52 132 40 305 149 14 407 907 1 30 3,173 60 20 20 143 88 3S4 298 349 47 40 66 107 87 34 266 152 31 313 666 2 31 6. 945 116 51 34 288 219 815 729 765 104 76 117 238 87 74 569 301 45 713 1, 571 3 32 4,888 102 26 16 265 192 755 342 526 98 74 18 87 24 15 397 99 4 713 1,133 2 33 592 9 1 2 41 26 91 25 55 8 10 3 1 12 2 64 9 1 75 157 1 L, 478 12 3 31 15 73 28 33 12 8 3 7 3 9 12 51 128 >34 2 031 40 12 6 96 i 89 301 241 46 26 3 10 145 30 309 494 l 1.641 41 12 5 95 61 268 124 184 31 28 9 30 21 i 121 40 238 325 1 >35 1, 066 7 17 6 16 52 246 118 3 46 89 28 87 105 13 226 | ) 674 7 8 12 16 ii 33 140 121 3 2 53 62 63 31 85 96 28 202 1 $36 24 9 2 1 1 o 7 9 37 $38 782 14 1 3 49 32 111 35 75 16 14 3 16 2 78 14 i 108 209 1 62 3 16 3 43 21 93 38 46 14 14 5 12 3 9 67 17 9 74 159 P 4 6 9 8 32 113 79 4 3 25 13 44 46 18 120 587 7 5 11 8 5 38 112 ' 77 2 4 20 30 18 18 46 47 16 10 112 1 rJ 1, 035 13 12 3 1 34 120 100 12 £ 19 56 14 73 47 5 89 231 J40 825 8 9 2 44 23 106 1 86 89 8 13 26 , 39 20 10 57 61 166 615 i 21 31 83 43 72 12 11 15 17 2 16 1 78 142 ) 1- 20 j 9 1 26 20 56 i 17 62 10 2 9 9 20 2 30 17 72 78 135 2 6 9 25 1 3 21 4 1 3 8 1 16 30 (42 125 2 1 i i 1 4 3 1 18 I 9 13 i i 3 2 . 6 1 1 12 3 9 38 294 VITAL STATISTICS. Tahlk 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE fi YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under3 3 to 6 (> to 9* 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known 1 Ward 13—Continued. 3,962 950 ??2 211 250 1,633 2,397 173 99,1 917 250 1 2 2,201 1,761 569 129 128 119 945 1,373 92 124 499 112 1 3 381 93 83 131 688 1,024 81 100 418 138 4 3,944 945 222 210 250 1,627 2, 391 173 221 911 247 1 2, 76G 238 945 219 204 236 1,604 2,297 131 104 201 32 1 6 Both parents native M 74 25 9 10 118 184 22 10 F 185 43 12 11 19 134 11 3 20 17 7 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born M . 1,283 974 469 100 112 104 785 1,107 52 51 72 1 F . 318 74 67 102 561 812 50 40 71 1 8 M 623 1 5 1 5 11 50 23 c, 392 97 IY.. 550 1 9 11 43 19 54 3 316 118 3 9 18 i 6 6 6 Birthplaces of mothers: M 329 259 108 32 13 16 169 265 18 8 26 12 10 United States F 15 14 24 118 188 36 19 6 28 18 11 Ireland M 166 12 3 5 4 24 5 12 95 18 F 199 10 1 3 4 18 29 5 17 107 41 12 13 Germany Russia and Poland M.. 622 118 26 24 22 190 284 24 51 215 48 F.. SI1:: 469 561 407 79 165 101 26 32 19 19 50 22 22 46 48 146 293 190 216 | 403 1 293 28 28 17 24 30 ■)•> 150 80 60 51 19 15 1 14 Hungary M.. 73 27 7 9 4 47 22 62 3 1 6 1 Sr.. 62 7 5 7 3 40 3 5 13 1 15 3,007 572 196 144 114 1,026 1,571 138 203 893 200 2 16 17 18 1, 595 312 111 79 59 , 561 846 75 87 487 99 l 1, 412 260 85 65 465 725 63 116 406 101 1 9 White 3,001 569 196 144 114 1,023 1,568 138 202 891 200 19 20 2,122 567 193 144 114 1.018 1,535 277 225 115 143 292 37 Both parents native M.. F .. 354 293 95 70 34 21 26 25 15 21 170 137 19 12 12 38 29 13 15 21 One or both parents for- eign. M.- F • 748 667 200 178 71 60 53 40 44 34 368 312 529 466 43 38 55 66 119 94 2 . 3 Foreign born M.. 443 1 1 15 12 21 313 82 22 F .. 424 13 3 11 38 1 280 81 l 23 6 3 3 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 453 128 42 31 26 227 26 11 47 14 24 F .. 370 93 25 27 180 288 16 12 37 17 Ireland 5 " Germany 11^ Russia and Poland 5 ** 373 29 11 8 55 86 15 29 205 38 25 388 25 6 3 2 36 68 10 45 221 44 413 60 34 23 9 126 185 22 25 156 25 26 356 54 60 18 29 5 14 2 >5 114 27 180 38 24 4 30 4 93 7 28 1 l 27 48 16 3 2 5 26 36 2 3 6 1 Hungary CM.. 62 16 5 3 5 29 48 3 1 8 2 28 F .. 63 19 10 9 6 37 48 3 5 7.174 1,274 399 438 399 2,510 4,077 260 411 2,055 367 “9 30 31 32 3,888 743 220 238 211 1, 412 2, 236 1,841 4,050 116 206 1,177 878 2,034 152 1 3,286 7,120 531 179 200 188 1,098 2, 489 144 205 215 3 White 1,262 394 437 396 259 408 366 33 34 4,733 377 362 1,252 112 96 386 415 370 2,423 185 185 3, 795 288 290 227 509 26 1 Both parents native M.. F.. 27 34 27 24 19 31 10 25 9 11 61 30 9 6 35 One or both parents foreign.. M.. F .. 2,128 1,737 1,241 588 416 183 133 196 161 170 143 1,137 853 1,749 1,396 122 Gi 93 105 219 156 5 3 i 36 Foreign born CM.. 4 1 8 13 26 44 93 848 134 F 1,104 54 3 8 8 19 103 40 87 667 21 205 1 9 37 Colored 12 5 1 3 21 27 i 3 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: M-. 518 162 38 40 26 266 403 16 14 76 9 F .. 486 129 44 28 42 243 388 32 14 43 9 39 40 Ireland Germany fM.. F - - M.. 943 993 368 59 53 31 31 17 18 18 21 20 13 9 128 104 73 223 181 120 32 29 6 92 101 25 516 536 201 79 145 16 l i F .. M.. 242 24 13 6 15 58 92 11 21 1 97 21 41 Russia and Poland 68 19 4 6 8 37 53 11 3 56 18 3 30 47 1 4 3 i 42 Italy M.. 1, 662 424 109 148 135 816 1,306 56 226 19 F .. 1,293 1 • 272 85 128 105 590 1,028 64 53 122 25 l NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 295 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS-Coiitimied. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. 491 Con- sump- tion. 389 Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cel’ and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. 31 Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,962 77 25 14 163 142 438 58 36 78 139 55 32 318 159 443 873 1 2,201 I 36 14 4 79 84 285 244 236 32 18 38 79 20 176 73 10 255 518 li 761 i 41 11 10 84 58 206 145 202 26 18 40 60 55 12 142 86 2H 188 355 1 3 944 77 25 14 163 142 491 382 436 58 36 78 138 55 32 316 159 31 439 871 1 4 2, 76G 66 11 5 150 124 445 159 314 52 35 8 46 10 5 222 46 4 439 625 5 238 1 1 18 12 41 10 16 4 5 1 27 9 1 31 61 185 9 13 30 5 17 4 3 2 3 1 15 rj 2 20 49 } 0 1, 283 29 1 56 62 203 78 158 25 13 3 14 4 97 210 310 974 31 9 62 42 159 62 114 18 13 3 19 9 74 20 153 188 ( 7 623 6 8 3 10 32 148 59 3 35 56 15 45 56 9 133 > 550 6 6 8 8 12 74 63 3 1 35 36 45 12 49 57 18 111 1 \ 8 9 1 9 4 2 ) 329 3 i 21 16 49 12 27 6 5 10 1 46 91 259 8 2 21 ii 37 14 23 5 5 2 6 1 21 9 9 62 0° 166 4 1 i 3 1 9 42 21 1 2 3 c 199 4 i 6 3 8 43 17 1 1 9 ii 5 5 14 16 9 4 38 1 in 022 9 4 9 17 21 70 108 9 1 37 10 43 26 5 56 132 469 4 7 i 24 14 59 50 49 2 4 18 25 ’ 13 5 37 30 6 33 88 561 6 5 l 21 24 76 39 70 10 11 14 17 1 48 14 1 72 131 407 19 2 l 21 19 49 14 59 10 2 9 8 20 2 24 15 2 61)1 71 J13 73 1 4 2 13 9 13 1 l 2 1 6 1 9 17 62 1 1 9 2 8 6 10 1 9 1 2 1 18 (l4 3,007 39 26 20 125 77 354 349 329 46 40 40 100 32 42 253 142 14 277 700 2 15 1,595 20 17 10 66 47 176 196 182 25 18 14 53 20 129 76 4 152 389 1 1,412 19 9 10 59 30 178 153 • 147 21 22 26 47 32 22 124 66 10 125 311 1 17 3,001 39 26 20 125 77 354 347 329 46 40 39 100 32 42 253 142 14 274 700 2 18 2,122 36 15 11 115 68 310 183 212 46 39 10 41 14 10 175 53 274 508 2 19 354 8 2 23 14 50 15 39 4 3 - ] 37 7 44 96 i <20 293 7 i 18 8 43 23 16 8 5 1 2 9 40 31 79 748 11 40 27 98 78 83 21 13 13 6 48 99 184 667 10 7 3 33 19 109 62 70 13 15 6 17 12 i 47 20 85 137 i S21 443 1 9 3 9 6 20 98 59 11 33 13 42 93 424 2 2 6 8 3 21 66 58 1 18 26 18 19 36 39 10 91 <22 6 9 1 3 23 ii 3 28 16 62 23 48 10 9 3 6 1 44 8 62 118 i 370 8 1 22 10 56 24 23 9 9 3 6 2 2 46 8 44 97 <24 373 1 3 0 8 23 71 58 3 3 3 18 10 27 32 3 19 388 3 4 5 5 9 30 69 60 1 3 11 19 13 13 32 31 6 74 <25 413 4 8 i 17 6 50 67 43 3 4 4 19 4 30 21 33 99 356 4 2 i 20 9 47 36 40 6 9 8 14 7 5 20 21 i 28 78 (26 54 1 2 7 4 2 2 1 1 8 2 6 ]] > 48 ' 1 5 1 3 3 1 6 2 12 7 :::::::: <27 62 1 2 12 1 8 3 1 2 2 7 13 63 1 i 9 1 10 3 3 1 1 4 1 8 20 <28 7,174 95 46 29 236 193 734 869 769 301 98 84 235 49 60 492 387 32 581 1.88) 4 r 29 3, 888 42 32 14 113 102 397 495 454 156 40 23 121 36 264 199 10 346 1, 041 3 30 286 53 14 15 123 91 337 374 315 145 58 61 114 49 24 228 188 22 235 839 1 31 7,120 95 46 29 236 193 729 853 766 300 96 84 232 49 60 490 387 32 574 1,865 4 32 4,733 82 17 17 207 172 605 348 474 273 91 11 65 12 17 327 125 1 574 1,313 2 33 377 9 2 1 28 11 47 28 27 16 7 1 8 1 26 12 35 117 1 ).} . 362 13 2 9 23 9 38 20 24 15 15 1 3 1 34 6 33 116 r 2,128 28 11 8 74 80 282 154 232 125 28 3 21 8 143 287 592 1 (35 l’ 737 31 2 6 79 70 229 126 182 112 38 6 26 9 116 46 190 462 1,241 5 18 9 9 59 286 181 11 19 87 27 88 129 9 208 1 <30 M04 8 10 20 9 61 217 100 13 2 54 80 37 16 75 130 22 242 1 16 3 1 9 3 2 7 15 37 518 14 9 1 32 20 64 37 34 22 10 1 10 1 34 14 58 163 1 (38 486 14 2 2 31 15 32 34 21 18 1 8 3 1 47 9 49 148 943 4 9 2 21 9 230 114 11 8 8 49 18 65 94 5 32 213 (39 993 5 4 3 22 10 65 229 92 15 9 29 67 9 15 70 113 17 22 197 368 fj 4 2 6 3 40 70 34 8 2 26 5 28 35 10 82 1 242 8 4 2 9 5 27 22 19 5 6 14 16 6 2 12 21 3 7 54 (40 68 1 1 3 ii 3 2 3 3 3 1 11 19 t ,. 4 4 8 2 3 1 1 3 2 10 13 S41 1 662 12 12 46 64 205 97 233 106 15 7 15 11 116 28 209 480 1 }, , 1, 293 18 4 7 52 52 165 65 145 96 22 9 10 28 4 79 29 2 131 374 1 > 296 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.k 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND TN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under :i 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to *25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 14—Continued. Sanitary district A 2, 537 477 152 147 144 920 1, 472 100 150 682 131 2 2 * 1, 379 1.158 290 8; 81 70 525 810 42 83 392 51 1 :s 187 68 6(3 74 395 662 58 67 290 80 1 4 2, 521 473 152 147 144 910 1,465 100 148 677 130 1 5 1. 732 471 150 142 138 901 1, 407 70 76 172 6 1 1?:: if 125 130 788 642 40 34 235 149 10 12 3 3 60 99 9 4 17 3 6 Both parents native 14 67 438 314 102 n 1 1 7 One or both parents for- eign. 69 55 62 58 661 521 27 30 30 36 68 55 1 1 Foreign born 416 361 16 1 1 3 5 4 23 13 42 292 46 8 l 1 2 24 17 30 212 78 C* 4 4 2 5 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: !?:: if 176 173 59 43 13 14 1 1 6 5 11 7 6 89 80 4 141 2 8 22 21 3 10 United States 16 134 14 9 2 England and Wales 1 1 5 6 7 8 1 9 2 11 15 281 319 113 76 680 516 4, 637 1 7 10 3 1 1 12 Ireland {?■: 17 19 10 9 186 105 797 3 6 31 36 26 21 343 236 1,590 57 54 16 11 29 30 157 168 70 26 21 56 1 Germany G 3 33 1 6 3 13 6 1 5 32 5 9 4 Italy 49 38 247 52 48 291 56 526 20 30 93 u 14 45 409 24 21 49 13 15 Sanitary district B 255 2. 605 160 261 1,373 236 2 16 17 2, 509 2,128 453 344 136 157 141 887 1.426 1.179 74 123 101 111 134 114 703 86 138 588 135 2 18 4, 599 789 242 290 252 1,573 2. 585 159 260 1,357 236 2 19 3,001 781 236 273 232 1, 522 2, 388 189 105 151 337 20 Both parents native 252 72 62 353 267 17 22 111 81 1 20 17 127 106 7 16 125 8 44 6 20 232 17 118 188 14 10 15 5 1, 340 108 699 539 1. 088 34 63 151 101 4 21 eign. if:: (M.. i F .. 1. 095 875 47 69 3 22 825 3 10 21 99 31 51 88 Foreign born. 743 2 6 15 79 23 127 9 23 38 8 r 1 3 17 20 1 1 16 Birthplaces of mothers: (M.. IF.. < M.. JF.. $M.. IF.. CM.. i F ■■ 342 103 86 42 34 21 15 25 30 25 29 21 13 15 3 20 177 262 14 6 54 ?° 6 24 1 nited States 313 6G2 26 163 254 18 12 7 Ireland Germany 17 97 166 16 63 359 368 131 58 25 674 255 12 12 7 G 68 47 127 87 18 5 71 19 89 13 1 26 166 5 6 10 37 60 6 12 71 17 27 Russia and Poland 54 13 10 0 8 29 27 42 1 3 8 3 49 0 2 43 1 28 Italy 982 238 60 96 80 79 473 780 36 25 133 8 777 167 47 . 60 354 619 40 32 73 12 1 29 Ward 15 4, 987 787 233 190 138 1,348 1.981 178 281 2.043 497 7 30 2,736 2. 251 460 125 95 65 1. 075 100 134 1.176 244 31 32 327 108 206 95 173 73 603 906 78 147 253 White 4, 538 697 122 1,198 1. 780 161 252 1,873 466 6 33 3, 007 615 513 692 122 73 201 26 30 169 la 23 119 1,181 174 144 1. 727 130 158 26 28 787 2*>5 202 3 Both parents native fM.. \ F .. 11 18 258 209 97 79 74 34 21 181 O0 One or both parents foreign.. {?:: 894 790 256 192 61 64 41 47 435 357 629 45 33 38 53 171 137 8 21 3 36 Foreign born 2 3 3 8 22 18 47 637 133 1 633 ! 1 1 19 13 427 129 37 449 90 211 126 97 17 16 20 28 150 319 245 201 • 17 29 44 43 170 31 1 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States {$:: 943 813 50 53 38 38 456 353 38 37 316 276 88 104 39 Ireland CM.. 438 37 12 6 4 59 90 14 27 261 46 | F .. 436 24 12 48 64 10 40 258 64 40 France C M.. 175 26 8 4 3 41 63 2 6 90 14 \ F .. 120 24 3 3 35 4 4 50 11 41 Germany CM.. 383 58 15 14 8 95 117 12 21 195 38 ) F .. 246 36 8 11 14 69 99 8 20 91 28 42 Italy CM.. If.. 293 247 66 53 18 10 19 19 23 : 19 126 101 203 189 20 7 12 11 52 36 3 4 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 297 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. • CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing- cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of t ho urinary organs. Old age. Still- born . All other causes. Un- known. 2,537 37 15 8 90 66 256 286 282 97 38 32 89 15 24 186 122 9 210 673 2 1 1,379 16 9 7 45 34 139 174 166 48 23 11 43 12 102 62 2 132 353 i 2 1,158 21 6 1 45 32 117 112 116 49 15 21 46 is 12 84 60 7 78 320 i 3 2, 521 37 15 8 90 66 256 282 282 96 38 32 89 15 24 184 122 9 207 667 2 4 1,732 33 5 83 62 216 110 178 91 37 3 20 3 6 125 47 207 501 5 125 3 1 12 5 19 9 4 1 1 4 6 14 35 130 5 1 9 3 12 7 0 4 1 1 1 12 3 n 49 \ 6 788 11 3 4 30 26 101 50 88 42 17 8 1 64 14 110 219 > ~ 642 14 1 31 27 81 37 74 38 11 2 10 2 3 43 17 64 187 s 7 416 2 6 9 9 3 16 106 1 10 34 10 31 37 2 88 i ) 361 2 41 1 5 1 22 66 33 3 19 35 12 8 28 37 7 77 i s 8 16 4 1 2 3 6 9 176 5 1 14 7 27 13 11 6 5 1 1 8 6 22 49 173 6 ...... 13 5 9 6 7 4 2 ] 1 20 4 14 65 $10 20 1 1 2 3 1 1 I 9 1 1 6 1 1 1 9 9 1 i 1 5 s11 281 1 5 l 13 70 34 6 4 3 21 4 19 28 9 53 fl2 319 4 7 2 22 61 36 3 8 32 1 7 21 36 6 10 60 113 2 1 i 9 22 12 4 8 2 13 9 4 26 76 i 4 3 12 7 i 4 3 T 6 4 3 17 su 680 6 3 22 21 78 46 96 35 11 2 9 8 88 190 1 ) 516 9 2 l 20 19 63 25 62 37 10 6 i 10 3 31 12 1 45 158 i r 4, 637 58 31 21 146 127 478 583 487 204 60 52 146 34 36 306 265 23 371 1,207 2 15 2,509 26 23 68 68 258 321 288 108 17 12 78 24 162 137 8 214 688 2 16 2,128 32 8 14 78 59 220 262 199 96 43 40 68 34 12 144 128 15 157 519 17 4, 599 58 31 21 146 127 473 571 484 204 58 52 143 34 36 306 265 23 367 1,198 2 18 3, 001 49 12 12 124 110 389 238 296 182 54 8 45 9 11 202 78 1 367 812 2 19 252 6 2 16 6 28 19 20 12 3 8 22 6 21 82 i 232 8 1 2 14 6 26 13 19 9 11 1 6 9 99 3 22 20 1 340 17 8 4 44 181 104 144 83 11 3 13 79 37 177 373 1 1 095 17 1 6 48 43 148 89 108 74 27 4 16 7 4 73 29 126 275 >21 8°5 3 12 1 3 7 6 43 180 116 10 9 53 17 92 210 743 6 6 6 15 8 39 151 67 10 2 35 25 8 47 93 15 105 $22 38 12 3 2 3 4 9 23 342 0 2 18 13 37 24 23 16 10 26 8 36 114 i 313 8 2 18 10 36 23 28 14 14 1 6 9 27 83 662 4 1 16 4 38 160 80 5 4 28 14 46 23 100 (25 674 i i 3 15 8 43 168 56 12 9 21 35 8 8 49 77 11 12 137 255 - 3 2 5 3 31 48 99 8 2 1 18 3 26 G 56 i > loo 7 4 2 5 2 15 15 14 5 5 10 11 3 i 6 17 3 4 37 >26 51 1 1 3 9 9 o 2 3 2 3 1 7 14 40 4 2 8 o 3 1 1 9 9 8 ii $27 982 777 6 9 1 24 43 127 51 137 71 4 6 6 61 20 121 290 > 9 2 6 32 33 102 40 83 59 12 3 9 18 1 48 17 1 86 216 $28 4, 987 73 45 35 123 74 428 712 462 55 45 91 338 46 55 463 361 36 353 1,190 2 29 2, 736 40 27 21 66 37 238 403 280 23 20 30 189 31 261 200 5 202 650 1 30 2,251 33 18 14 57 37 190 303 182 32 25 01 149 46 24 202 161 31 151 534 1 31 ' 4,538 73 42 30 119 70 383 642 421 52 40 87 303 43 53 435 328 34 307 1,074 2 32 3,007 67 22 18 102 63 339 313 267 49 39 35 119 21 17 290 175 14 307 749 1 33 615 13 3 6 16 12 40 70 70 6 38 6 62 9 153 513 13 4 3 8 5 42 47 49 22 34 9 3 58 40 7 25 130 (-34 894 20 7 6 39 18 133 87 81 14 11 o 20 4 37 108 222 > 790 18 5 34 27 106 82 53 20 14 5 19 12 3 71 25 4 93 197 S’’3 4 15 6 '4 25 207 89 2 1 21 103 19 88 82 3 182 > 633 1 5 11 3 18 121 29 75 22 17 67 17 129 1 $36 449 3 5 4 4 45 70 41 3 4 35 3 9 28 33 9 46 110 37 943 18 4 9 21 82 106 104 9 8 50 o 82 72 9 91 248 t 813 17 7 7 12 10 71 86 76 10 16 26 48 12 3 77 63 10 51 211 438 2 1 8 20 108 44 1 8 33 7 41 49 9 20 79 t 436 2 2 1 2 3 23 91 35 1 2 11 42 10 10 40 35 9 12 102 $39 1 4 7 2 17 30 17 1 9 7 4 12 10 10 51 t 120 1 1 4 9 16 8 7 14 1 8 9 3 11 28 $40 383 6 7 3 ii rf 35 63 25 1 3 38 4 46 30 24 82 t 246 5 1 3 10 2 22 35 18 4 3 16 10 6 24 15 3 19 47 S41 203 3 3 2 9 4 41 26 30 10 7 9 31 4 27 82 > 247 1 2 14 16 31 20 16 9 2 2 2 9 2 1.) 4 1 24 72 1 (42 298 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- | known. 1 Ward 15—Continued. 2,139 409 128 91 74 702 1.025 76 107 788 141 2 2 1, 171 245 66 45 37 393 568 48 51 438 64 2 3 968 ! 164 62 46 37 309 457 28 350 4 White 1,806 339 107 76 64 586 869 61 91 667 117 1 5 1,238 338 103 74 62 577 842 48 59 263 25 1 6 217 53 ,5 3 8 79 119 „ 14 63 10 Both parents native p 177 33 19 7 10 69 103 5 9 6 7 One or both parents " eign. * cM 418 345 140 90 37 26 28 31 20 23 225 170 326 19 11 13 20 56 56 3 3 1 307 1 1 2 4 12 9 15 229 166 121 42 48 24 8 Foreign born < ™ 244 333 1 1 116 17 16 9 Colored 70 21 15 10 156 15 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j " 433 364 110 70 29 33 19 18 15 15 173 136 244 196 19 18 22 16 130 109 17 25 1 11 _ , . CM.. 163 18 5 2 1 26 43 4 10 88 18 Ireland < p 162 9 2 5 3 19 22 15 100 43 19 7 12 CM.. 92 16 8 2 28 40 1 i France C p 72 19 3 i 2 25 34 3 2 26 13 CM.. 122 27 2 6 2 37 47 5 3 61 6 Germany < p 75 11 3 6 4 24 29 4 32 31 22 10 1 3 14 Italy {f " 171 147 44 28 11 5 9 9 12 12 76 54 118 109 12 6 8 1 15 Sanitary district B 1,150 167 48 55 42 312 488 50 58 466 84 4 16 Males 670 102 29 25 22 178 267 28 33 295 43 41 4 17 480 65 19 30 20 134 221 22 25 171 18 1,096 161 46 55 38 300 470 49 51 441 81 4 19 696 158 46 54 37 295 39 27 148 35 25 1 Both parents native | p " 114 24 6 6 1 37 58 7 5 9 20 75 8 6 9 4 27 42 5 3 17 8 21 ( M One or both parents tor- < p *' 249 213 63 50 20 12 17 21 18 14 118 97 172 161 15 10 7 9 52 31 2 2 1 eign. Foreign born { " 241 1 1 2 6 6 14 9 185 104 25 29 27 3 1 22 148 4 4 23 54 6 2 4 12 18 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) 166 33 12 11 3 59 91 8 ii 47 9 24 118 14 9 12 6 41 62 6 5 34 11 25 Ireland | F " 127 8 2 1 2 13 19 5 4 90 9 109 8 2 3 1 14 22 6 9 58 14 CM 44 7 1 8 14 2 27 16 54 I 26 I ranee < p 28 2 2 1 1 6 10 27 . CM.. Germany p 103 16 2 2 4 24 26 3 9 11 62 7 9 3 12 23 3 4 24 8 28 Italy.... 107 92 19 23 7 5 6 10 11 6 43 44 75 74 8 1 3 2 17 14 2 1 2 29 Sanitary district C 1,014 139 35 25 16 215 311 3, 63 435 167 1 30 487 71 14 13 4 102 152 17 21 223 212 73 94 1 31 527 68 21 12 12 113 159 20 42 32 961 125 32 24 14 195 286 36 59 416 163 1 33 4159 125 32 23 14 194 280 32 44 207 95 34 < M 155 27 2 4 2 35 52 5 4 59 35 177 26 4 4 4 38 48 10 10 68 41 35 C M One or both parents for- 2 p ** eign. ** ** 136 155 32 32 11 13 8 2 6 52 59 81 88 9 8 10 15 34 32 1 12 1 36 155 1 i 3 2 114 91 19 69 31 37 treign born | P 142 2 2 10 37 Colored 53 14 3 1 5 2 20 57 25 83 i 38 Birthplaces of mothers: 202 46 4 2 36 l I -- 231 33 10 5 7 55 75 ii 15 83 47 39 England and Wales [ * 32 1 1 2 i i 0 17 17 1 35 4 1 1 6 9 1 rl 40 •84 6 4 2 i 13 20 5 4 49 6 110 4 3 4 11 14 3 10 62 21 41 24 3 1 4 2 10 10 2 1 3 5 2 4 5 o 42 Germany 5 ■ 80 65 7 10 5 3 2 1 i 4 15 18 22 28 2 3 42 23 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 299 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid ever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer ami tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases ofthe liver. Dis- eases of* the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,139 22 17 16 41 32 228 325 193 24 23 21 134 21 21 184 120 13 181 522 1 1 1,171 13 10 12 24 17 122 176 116 9 10 10 78 13 106 67 2 112 273 1 2 908 9 7 4 17 15 106 149 77 15 13 11 56 21 8 78 53 ii 69 249 3 1,806 22 16 11 37 31 193 275 161 21 19 19 106 21 20 162 100 12 148 431 1 4 1.238 21 8 6 34 28 172 144 102 21 18 5 36 8 7 112 43 3 148 321 1 5 217 4 1 2 4 8 16 29 18 2 3 1 12 3 22 18 40 11 1 27 8 61 40 53 55 104 95 59 48 91 119 106 24 46 23 15 20 14 4, ;6 177 3 1 2 21 23 15 4 4 3 9 3 1 6 1 418 8 3 4 13 6 71 37 40 5 4 8 2 12 57 6 4 13 12 39 21 9 6 1 3 5 i 26 27 8 27 26 307 1 6 5 2 2 11 80 31 1 8 39 29 28 28 19 15 10 4 1 244 2 1 1 9 50 24 5 13 6 22 8 \ 8 333 1 5 4 1 35 50 32 3 4 9 1 22 20 23 15 17 11 3 1 33 49 26 11 5 7 9 433 1 4 8 9 43 52 43 4 4 3 4 33 29 1 JlO 364 4 2 4 3 2 44 51 32 6 11 4 3 1 2 163 1 i 1 3 10 43 16 1 4 1 15 16 7 162 i 6 41 16 12 1 i 1 2 4 5 3 92 3 1 1 11 12 1 2 £12 72 1 i 2 1 10 7 6 i 5 6 10 p 2 8 13 g 122 ')4 4 2 4 14 18 7 14 8 1 2 1 12 S13 75 1 1 11 12 6 1 2 3 19 1 171 2 1 2 5 3 25 20 23 2 2 i 18 10 70 £l4 147 2 10 9 23 11 6 4 9 1 8 i 16 13 96 3 i 7 43 284 1,150 18 9 5 46 24 98 162 100 20 12 13 65 10 94 1 13 670 11 6 4 24 10 57 102 67 11 6 5 39 26 9 52 44 53 41 2 40 30 172 112 16 480 7 3 1 22 14 41 60 33 9 6 8 10 7 5 i‘ 17 1,096 18 8 5 46 23 91 150 97 20 12 13 61 8 16 95 85 6 68 273 1 18 696 15 3 4 38 22 82 59 18 12 4 19 4 4 3 61 9 41 10 7 2 68 187 35 17 66 56 19 £20 114 2 2 8 1 10 13 8 2 2 i i 75 2 2 2 12 6 3 2 4 i 12 20 20 23 11 1 4 249 5 2 13 7 31 22 27 4 1 2 6 1 11 7 26 24 J21 213 4 1 13 11 26 14 16 4 4 3 i 241 2 4 1 3 6 58 28 2 4 26 8 5 25 19 9 i 3 1 50 29 11 47 31 22 17 13 10 29 16 29 (22 148 1 5 1 3 33 13 5 15 4 4 1 54 1 1 7 12 3 2 2 23 (24 166 3 1 2 9 3 20 21 13 2 2 5 10 15 9 14 13 16 11 4 1 2 13 5 118 127 109 3 1 3 3 13 4 10 35 21 5 1 3 i i 3 6 5 3 3 1 1 2 19 4 1 2 4 (25 1 3 8 12 1 12 1 3 11 1 4 1 10 3 3 44 28 103 62 107 4 1 9 3 1 2 2 3 1 (26 1 2 5 2 2 1 1 4 2 7 19 5 i i i 1 13 IP (27 1 6 1 3 5 3 1 2 4 i 2 1 0 4 1 14 4 13 8 2 5 i 11 6 3 1 84 8 (28 92 1 4 6 8 7 10 2 1 80 ] i 13 70 25 1 1,014 22 I 8 8 26 16 61 132 99 8 9 35 8 10 107 223 29 487 10 5 2 13 8 30 74 52 3 4 5 34 7 53 54 104 39 45 81 33 115 108 210 30 527 12 3 6 13 8 31 58 126 47 93 5 5 30 33 46 78 8 3 8 37 59 31 961 22 8 8 26 14 59 8 8 9 8 32 659 20 6 23 11 49 70 59 8 17 36 6 4 76 17 52 16 21 6 4 59 147 33 155 4 ' 2 1 2 2 8 20 23 1 1 1 7 2 14 34 177 6 2 2 4 1 5 9 18 1 1 14 4 i 18 15 22 16 2 12 41 34 136 4 1 i 10 4 14 15 9 2 3 3 i 11 37 24 32 £35 155 i 7 4 18 21 8 3 3 9 8 2 2 18 1 2 1 2 5 36 16 4 21 3 16 ?36 142 1 3 2 1 5 20 16 12 20 1 9 11 13 3 4 31 53 2 9 6 6 1 2 9 1 i 3 11 13 37 202 6 9 1 2 11 10 25 27 24 3 2 1 4 22 18 23 46 231 8 9 2 5 5 16 1 2 *5 4 17 5 1 22 27 3 17 48 5 (38 32 1 i 1 1 2 10 3 3 1 2 2 (39 35 2 1 4 1 1 5 2 3 8 19 84 1 1 6 2 17 5 1 7 1 13 8 i (40 110 2 'l 1 8 20 10 i 6 12 2 9 9 3 2 24 24 1 1 i 4 1 2 1 3 7 (4i 16 i 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 3 80 2 9 2 3 4 14 9 i 1 7 1 6 6 4 18 (42 65 i 1 4 9 5 2 i 1 4 3 10 2 1 4 10 300 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 80.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3to 6 (i to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 15—Continued. 684 72 22 19 6 119 157 15 53 354 105 ,f , 408 42 16 12 2 72 88 29 220 64 3 276 30 6 7 4 47 69 8 24 134 41 WllitA 675 72 21' 18 6 117 155 15 51 349 105 414 71 20 18 6 115 149 11 28 169 57 Both parents native M.. 129 18 3 2 23 29 4 3 68 25 C F .. 84 6 1 3 10 16 1 6 42 19 One or both parents for- eign. M.. 91 21 9 9 1 40 50 2 8 29 2 / F .. 77 20 3 4 4 31 42 4 9 18 4 Foreign born 5 ‘ 155 1 1 1 1 13 109 31 8 99 4 3 9 66 17 9 9 1 1 2 9 2 5 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 142 22 3 30 38 4 4 70 26 10 F .. 100 9 1 3 13 20 2 50 21 England and Wales M.. 32 3 1 1 5 6 4 20 2 11 F .. 28 3 1 1 5 7 2 2 15 34 32 2 Ireland M.. 64 5 1 i 7 8 9 13 12 F . 3 1 4 6 1 6 10 France M.. 1 1 9 1 1 10 1 1 13 F .. 4 1 1 9 1 14 Germany M.. 78 8 6 4 1 19 22 2 5 38 11 F .. 44 8 2 2 3 15 19 2 7 12 4 15 8,088 1,226 342 276 223 2, 067 3, 052 352 527 3,100 1,046 11 10 17 18 4,102 3,986 7,761 682 199 144 132 257 115 108 214 1, 140 927 1,660 1,392 2,897 185 257 1.582 1,518 3,000 412 634 1,020 544 143 167 270 497 1,163 314 1,948 337 10 19 20 5, 010 1,162 218 174 311 254 40 39 210 1.937 359 296 2, 852 524 460 301 365 1,150 264 240 337 118 140 5 Both parents native M.. 1,009 936 66 40 35 43 56 47 46 49 i 21 One or both parents foreign.. M.. F -. 1,557 1,341 395 322 114 86 89 82 72 57 670 547 989 809 101 95 139 125 300 278 27 31 i 3 22 Foreign born M.. 1,254 1,458 327 1 1 i 3 16 22 59 909 248 4 33 F-. 2 1 i 4 20 14 918 1 23 63 28 106 65 9 8 19 64 66 4 5 9 * 119 155 15 30 68 85 9 10 100 327 307 88 81 26 131 162 43 37 24 25 Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales fM.. F .. 1,407 1,295 207 193 332 261 20 17 52 57 6 3 554 449 39 33 802 667 59 56 77 73 8 9 2 1 20 27 Ireland j pf ■ • cm!! 1,491 1,705 92 172 129 44 39 5 45 30 1 34 26 295 224 13 438 361 19 71 56 2 134 U 330 6 706 833 48 141 322 17 1 3 OCUtlclUU F .. 94 10 4 4 18 25 5 39 25 44 28 Germany M.. 474 77 15 13 u 119 187 16 24 203 F .. 351 56 14 17 9 96 147 17 23 123 41 29 Sanitary district A 1,587 242 68 62 68 440 730 77 104 548 123 30 Males . 841 137 46 37 25 61 39 29 68 259 417 313 729 43 34 77 55 49 104 281 267 544 43 80 123 31 746 1.582 105 242 22 68 181 439 3 32 33 1,036 176 134 242 32 30 68 16 3 59 6 0 64 11 7 433 65 46 714 119 90 65 12 10 74 6 3 150 27 16 30 11 n 34 Both parents native ) r i 35 One or both parents for- M.. 389 95 28 30 26 179 280 23 36 48 eign. F .. 304 72 19 17 18 126 207 18 28 48 1 2 30 Foreign born M.. 247 1 1 2 4 7 13 193 30 F .. 287 1 1 i 17 196 62 37 Colored 5 1 1 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. F .. 236 168 50 36 22 5 11 12 12 9 95 62 166 113 15 11 9 9 33 20 12 15 1 39 England and Wales M.. 33 3 4 3 3 13 20 1 9 3 F .. 39 2 3 1 13 19 4 2 13 i 40 41 Ireland M.. 418 58 14 18 16 100 157 22 38 178 23 F .. M.. 409 20 38 1 11 1 6 10 65 2 120 13 1 30 1 192 10 52 1 2 ) F .. 25 3 1 4 7 12 6 12 Germany M.. 72 12 2 3 22 38 2 4 26 9 F .. 64 12 31 o 4 21 33 3 6 17 5 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 301 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 684 11 11 6 10 2 41 93 70 3 1 22 59 7 8 76 63 8 32 161 1 408 6 6 3 5 2 29 45 10 38 2 50 41 1 17 96 2 276 5 3 5 12 36 3 r 12 21 7 6 26 7 15 3 675 11 10 6 10 2 40 91 70' 3 i 22 58 7 8 74 62 8 32 160 4 414 11 5 3 7 2 36 40 52 3 i 9 28 3 3 41 39 5 32 94 5 129 3 1 2 1 6 8 21 3 15 1 14 G 84 2 2 1 1 4 9 13 2 5 6 1 1 10 G 3 1 91 3 i 1 3 1 17 13 5 1 3 10 8 19 ) r. 77 3 i 1 6 8 8 1 i 4 9 1 3 x 2 n \ 1 3 1 3 33 14 5 17 1 22 14 1 i8 99 2 2 3 1 18 4 7 11 4 4 11 9 2 21 9 i 1 2 1 2 1 1 9 142 4 2 2 1 8 8 21 3 1 17 17 ho 10U 2 9 1 1 4 9 2 5 G i 1 11 3 32 i 1 1 6 1 3 2 9 Ml 28 l 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 • 2 G 64 4 13 4 2 G 1 8 1 > l 1 12 1 l1 9 9 5 1 2 P 15 1 1 i 2 1 i 4 1 1 1 1 P 78 2 l 1 10 12 4 1 0 7 4 15 \u 44 9 l 1 1 9 4 1 i 1 3 3 1 4 5 8,088 119 67 82 316 111 688 1,132 758 63 74 194 479 72 101 698 571 90 547 1,921 5 15 4,102 63 39 34 171 72 352 586 383 31 40 57 228 45 354 302 24 314 1,004 3 16 3, 986 56 28 48 145 39 336 546 375 32 34 137 251 72 56 344 269 66 233 917 2 17 7,761 118 65 78 316 111 653 1,078 721 60 70 190 457 70 99 680 546 89 515 1,840 5 18 5, 010 109 36 50 290 105 571 601 419 59 67 74 216 38 34 396 229 28 515 1,172 1 19 1,009 28 5 5 60 18 92 92 81 9 11 11 66 9 98 63 6 91 264 936 21 10 11 49 14 77 95 89 10 10 34 60 io 8 87 41 11 70 229 1, 557 31 14 19 101 49 202 224 126 18 25 8 39 4 100 59 0 183 353 \21 1,341 29 5 15 76 24 191 174 111 22 20 18 41 26 9 84 57 4 140 294 1 1,254 4 18 9 9 31 237 148 1 2 36 107 28 129 161 13 313 3 1,458 11 19 15 1 48 239 152 1 80 134 32 37 153 154 48 329 327 1 4 35 37 3 4 4 22 o 2 18 1 32 81 23 1,407 40 7 7 27 145 130 118 15 18 13 84 13 119 78 7 146 364 1,295 27 10 15 60 18 121 139 120 15 19 40 74 15 8 108 60 12 107 326 1 207 1 3 12 3 31 18 1 1 0 10 1 18 22 3 9 52 1 193 6 1 3 7 4 19 21 15 2 2 11 13 6 3 18 13 3 10 36 1,491 1 14 15 18 55 25 113 282 153 5 14 19 68 23 118 128 7 82 351 1 1,705. 15 10 21 44 6 115 306 178 10 11 54 117 31 38 131 149 41 49 370 92 1 1 1 18 11 Q 2 4 2 6 11 2 26 94 1 3 2 2 4 13 8 6 4^ 3 n 5 3 4 474 3 10 7 18 12 39 69 48 3 3 11 27 4 32 3 32 108 351 5 3 3 18 6 39 31 30 5 i 14 20 14 2 40 20 4 32 64 1,587 26 18 19 82 29 170 204 150 ii 25 16 69 12 24 135 • 89 15 90 402 1 29 841 14 11 5 42 18 101 97 81 5 13 rj 33 8 70 3 55 228 30 746 12 7 14 40 11 69 107 69 6 12 9 36 12 16 65 39 12 35 174 1 31 1,582 26 18 19 82 29 170 201 150 11 25 16 69 12 24 134 89 15 90 401 1 32 1,036 24 11 11 76 28 150 95 93 11 23 5 23 7 5 83 32 3 90 266 33 176 6 3 17 6 21 9 12 2 4 2 4 15 8 1 14- 52 134 7 2 4 10 4 13 6 12 3 3 3 0 15 2 1 8 35 389 7 4 3 22 11 67 39 39 3 2 27 13 1 34 103 h 304 4 1 4 25 46 39 27 3 9 G 7 3 18 7 27 71 247 1 4 2 2 1 12 48 28 2 5 22 G 24 27 1 62 287 1 3 6 3 58 28 6 24 5 13 27 30 11 1 1 37 236 8 3 20 8 32 14 20 9 5 2 17 9 1 20 70 168 8 2 5 12 20 15 15 3 5 3 G 18 2 1 8 40 33 1 3 2 8 3 i 3 2 1 9 39 1 1 3 4 1 9 1 1 1 3 2 10 418 5 6 3 13 6 43 08 43 2 5 4 17 6 32 31 23 111 409 2 3 17 3 27 76 42 1 5 3 24 9 16 29 24 "ii 13 97 20 i 2 1 2 1 i 2 1 2 7 Ul 1 1 1 I 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 7 12 i i 2 3 2 9 9 9 1 1 9 3 1 4 12 p 64 i i 4 2 8 5 6 1 i 3 1 5 5 6 15 302 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 1) 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 16—Continued. 3, 049 467 124 104 73 768 1,099 134 180 1,179 456 1 2 1,459 70 50 36 411 577 64 84 566 168 3 1,590 212 54 54 37 357 522 70 96 613 288 1 4 White 2, 934 444 115 99 70 728 1,047 127 169 1,144 446 1 5 1,819 370 357 532 506 474 444 114 98 70 726 1,027 110 125 438 119 Both parents native J " 104 60 134 135 15 19 11 155 117 226 212 201 22 17 29 42 16 18 45 94 37 6 22 16 175 96 51 One or both parents for-CM., eign. ( F .. Foreign born | ' 39 29 24 328 117 13 7 26 32 19 304 104 11 9 11 19 322 113 8 634 1 1 2 8 6 25 380 214 1 9 115 23 9 5 3 40 52 7 11 35 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p" England and Wales | F Ireland j p* ‘ ‘ Scotland £ 511 498 75 139 99 9 41 29 2 27 29 19 226 180 11 303 30 31 5 22 29 0 114 118 34 42 62 19 10 23 258 11 76 503 1 1 1 8 21 3 19 21 1 3 31 246 18 52 47 13 11 10 86 129 44 12 696 25 12 1 12 1 7 78 2 120 3 50 1 343 12 161 8 1 13 37 6 1 1 8 9 2 14 12 Germany | p 194 34 4 4 7 49 78 5 11 10 82 19 14 151 28 189 5 8 3 44 6L 9 51 19 15 1, 242 64 45 38 336 473 51 83 471 161 3 671 103 32 23 20 178 253 31 44 267 2 571 86 32 22 18 158 220 20 39 204 87 1 1,236 189 63 45 38 335 472 51 83 467 160 3 819 188 63 45 38 334 470 48 57 177 66 1 < M 158 29 37 68 41 9 7 52 77 10 7 7 43 21 26 20 Both parents native < F 150 8 5 9 59 83 3 31 54 One or both parents for-CM.. eign. ( F .. 266 23 15 13 119 168 18 13 22 21 213 23 17 9 90 128 24 37 10 1 , CM.. 215 3 15 151 129 4 46 48 1 22 Foreign born < y 188 u 23 6 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: C M . 195 40 46 2 14 9 9 11 2 72 76 6 103 107 11 6 12 10 1 9 6 2 49 38 20 <) 22 29 24 L nited States < y 191 41 11 1 8 1 1 25 England and Wales < p 21 1 3 4 1 5 Ireland j p " _ , CM.. 270 30 10 7 54 79 16 9 27 123 122 11 25 37 1 2 26 256 21 11 8 4 44 63 7 25 19 5 2 7 27 Scotland < y 13 1 2 3 5 2 4 CM.. 76 U 3 5 i i 20* 29 18 2 2 30 18 13 4 28 Germany < p 44 5 2 3 11 4 29 2,210 328 86 65 44 523 750 90 160 902 306 2 30 31 32 1,131 1, 079 2,009 187 51 34 20 24 38 292 231 446 413 337 649 47 43 82 74 86 141 468 434 845 127 179 291 2 141 35 31 288 68 52 1 33 1, 336 305 288 53 47 66 52 12 38 6 11 444 87 74 641 127 Il-> 78 12 13 109 17 385 100 97 122 49 48 8 g 1 „ ,, CM.. 16 34 Botn parents native j p 295 9 25 35 One or both parents for- <, M.. eign. F .. C M Foreign born ) F "" 370 318 98 74 24 18 1 15 16 9 11 146 119 1 213 170 31 *)9 36 28 81 83 243 1 30 318 3 i 12 59 349 1 1 3 19 213 109 37 38 201 40 103 80 6 18 29 22 13 17 17 6 77 101 230 189 13 8 19 28 41 4 57 15 55 56 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F^ 465 438 58 12 14 1 161 131 9 20 21 2 131 131 25 1 39 14 xLii ana vv aies- •••••• • • • < 4 2 1 1 1 5 8 49 37 10 2 4 28 13 40 Ireland | F * 300 344 32 23 5 2 9 4 3 73 58 14 13 25 25 159 176 28 1 41 France { F 48 14 17 1 40 10 ct 1 1 14 18 42 1 5 ] l 5 42 Germany p " 132 20 6 1 1 28 8 10 92 11 4 4 1 20 35 3 4 37 13 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 303 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. . Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. “Whoop- ing cough. Can cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,049 49 19 36 114 46 247 441 282 20 21 80 198 21 36 275 208 37 217 701 1 1 1,459 26 10 16 62 29 109 225 143 13 13 22 77 15 130 102 11 119 336 1 2 1,590 23 9 20 52 17 138 216 189 7 8 58 121 21 21 145 106 26 98 365 3 2,934 49 18 34 114 46 235 428 266 20 19 78 188 20 36 271 200 37 205 669 1 4 1,819 46 8 21 106 41 200 225 135 19 19 30 88 11 13 145 82 10 205 415 5 370 11 2 22 8 32 32 30 4 3 4 20 9 40 99 1 43 94 357 7 3 5 19 4 33 35 28 2 3 12 27 4 4 33 16 4 25 93 3 6 532 14 9 9 37 17 62 89 39 8 8 4 13 9 30 20 1 67 110 £ 7 506 14 3 5 27 12 70 63 35 5 4 8 20 7 3 33 22 9 65 lu8 r 474 1 7 4 3 4 9 95 62 i 13 36 10 52 8 112 1 634 2 3 9 4 1 25 107 68 64 9 131 70 65 19 140 $8 115 1 2 12 13 16 9 2 10 1 4 8 12 32 9 511 19 1 3 27 13 50 40 45 6 5 4 27 9 44 29 ] 130 S10 498 9 3 6 24 5 52 431 41 4 5 15 36 5 4 42 22 5 44 133 75 1 9 4 12 7 1 2 4 1 7 6 2 1 3 99 1 S11 76 o 1 l 4 7 6 9 4 1 9 1 8 4 4 15 503 4 4 8 20 8 34 112 53 2 4 6 19 10 39 41 4 23 112 606 7 5 8 16 2 52 132 63 1 3 25 57 9 11 56 68 15 18 148 25 6 5 2 2 2 1 7 37 ] 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 •) 2 9 *1J 194 1 4 4 9 6 13 33 19 1 1 5 12 1 16 13 9 If) 38 S14 151 3 2 3 14 13 14 2 71 6 5 1 23 6 9 18 25 1, 242 18 ii ii 41 11 112 167 116 12 10 25 72 16 10 113 87 13 96 299 2 15 671 8 7 6 23 7 55 95 59 5 6 9 42 7 62 48 4 50 177 1 16 571 10 4 5 18 4 57 72 57 7 4 16 30 16 3 51 39 9 46 122 1 1/ 1,236 18 11 11 41 11 111 166 115 12 10 25 71 16 10 112 87 13 96 298 2 18 819 17 6 9 36 11 99 93 67 12 10 9 39 7 5 76 33 5 96 188 1 19 158 3 1 ] 7 1 15 13 15 1 3 1 16 3 6 1 13 43 j>20 150 4 1 1 9 12 13 11 2 3 4 6 2 2 17 2 20 34 266 4 9 4 13 6 33 42 19 4 3 1 8 24 10 33 60 213 6 1 3 7 4 39 22 20 5 1 2 8 4 15 9 21 1 215 1 4 1 3 6 38 24 7 17 4 18 30 2 59 1 |22 188 1 i 2 6 35 24 9 15 9 1 17 23 6 39 6 i 1 1 1 1 1 23 195 4 1 9 2 21 16 2 4 1 18 4 19 ] 19 49 l 191 6 i i 9 i 16 17 14 5 3 4 4 2 20 9 2 25 44 1 W 41 3 1 1 9 3 1 1 3 9 1 11 t 21 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 9 ] 3 ;2o 270 3 3 5 8 4 21 48 26 1 1 4 16 3 22 23 •> 15 64 1 L 256 3 3 5 1 22 42 28 1 1 7 17 6 1 22 25 10 57 S26 19 2 4 1 i 1 4 2 4 t 13 2 ] 1 1 3 2 i 2 S27 76 i 1 2 6 9 10 1 i 3 11 6 5 20 t 44 2 1 1 8 5^ 5 1 3 4 4 2 i 3 3 2,210 26 19 16 79 25 159 320 210 20 18 73 140 23 31 175 187 25 144 519 1 29 1,131 15 11 7 44 18 87 169 100 8 8 19 76 15 92 102 6 90 263 1 30 1,079 11 8 9 35 7 72 151 110 12 10 54 64 23 16 83 85 19 54 256 31 2, 009 25 18 14 79 25 137 283 190 17 16 71 129 22 29 163 170 24 124 472 1 32 1,336 22 11 9 72 25 122 188 124 17 15 30 66 13 11 92 82 10 124 303 33 305 2 14 3 24 2 1 4 26 28 27 3 21 75 295 3 ii 6 19 3 1 21 4 9 22 16 4 17 (34 370 6 6 3 29 15 40 54 29 3 3 11 19 16 49 80 > 318 3 17 1 36 50 29 9 6 8 8 3 18 19 2 27 70 •35 318 349 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 (j 4 10 56 39 34 32 1 11 30 32 31 9 8 10 31 39 52 36 12 80 85 1 (-36 201 1 1 2 22 37 20 3 2 2 11 1 9 12 17 1 20 47 37 9 2 3 20 4 42 37 4 6 34 39 33 4 42 115 > 438 4 4 3 15 7 33 64 50 3 6 18 25 6 2 28 27 4 30 109 1 1 4 2 10 5 3 9 6 9 1 4 10 57 2 1 2 6 1 1 q 4 1 2 1 8 £39 300 344 2 3 2 2 2 3 14 6 7 15 14 51 56 31 ;* 4 5 19 16 19 7 4 10 25 24 33 32 1 10 21 .8 64 77 J40 48 i 1 1 6 1 1 8 1 9 6 6 7 <41 40 1 3 6 4 3 3 1 3 3 4 9 132 4 i 4 4 11 18 10 1 3 9 10 38 s 92 i 6 9 8 5 2 3 7 4 1 10 9 1 5 21 42 304 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. . AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 1*2 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to l.~> 15 Io 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Wflril 17 16,582 3,126 972 792 620 5, 510 8, 075 662 932 5. 625 1,284 4 2 8, 950 1, 774 1, 352 3,114 506 406 340 3. 026 4,355 3, 720 334 452 3,191 615 3 3 7, 032 466 386 280 2, 484 328 480 2, 434 069 1 4 White 16, 545 972 791 619 5, 496 8,060 659 931 5, 609 1,282 4 5 10,397 3, 111 963 773 612 5,459 577 500 7,883 5-18 588 1. 260 lie 2 C Both parents native 1,068 952 332 281 97 93 81 69 67. 57 813 750 52 47 23 20 139 84 40 51 i 7 4, 361 1,385 1,010 1 1 400 311 301 7 9 262 219 5 2 2, 358 1, 889 14 14 3, 354 2, 802 90 71 224 218 54 57 3 265 262 155 187 1 515 442 2, 453 1,873 16 3 One or both parents foreign.. 3. 736 3,317 2. 789 359 12 504 601 9 ' 8 Foreign born 1 2 i 9 37 12 i i 14 15 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 1, 648 1. 470 521 424 97 93 768 546 147 118 127 17 26 185 176 11 97 97 17 883 798 157 167 1, 349 1,020 92 65 76 55 966 1, 309 1,185 246 252 1,906 1. 563 129 103 110 90 1,409 100 85 27 31 155 151 io 35 33 80 96 270 258 159 110 44 57 97 167 393 391 3 i 11 Ireland If' 1, 019 1, 163 4, 664 3, 722 26 569 39 9 617 12 Germany {?:: JM.. 1_F 247 195 149 109 1.939 1, 359 i 13 Russia and Poland 181 60 43 10 11 8 32 23 144 9 8 3 4 14 Hungary 100 40 14 15 8 6 33 134 24 15 8 9 156 24 4 15 2, 963 572 168 120 106 129 1,074 194 i 16 17 18 Males 1, 664 332 83 59 531 764 66 73 648 112 i 1.299 240 82 61 52 435 645 1,407 63 127 83 155 426 82 194 White. 2,954 570 168 120 106 904 1,070 i 19 1,870 570 167 117 105 959 1.378 148 133 581 480 15 10 9 110 98 4 255 28 1 Both parents native 212 61 20 14 16 111 10 37 13 8 20 178 19 12 g 92 10 9 18 21 761 259 43 36 403 322 0 45 40 9 8 38 43 28 28 1 96 1 eign. 1 F.. Of- < F .. 648 173 58 47 1 44 1 83 2 . 70 640 492 22 - . , Foreign born 434 i 1 318 23 9 2 9 2 4 Birthplaces of mothers: 301 87 29 20 20 156 224 16 8 40 13 275 ) V . . 79 20 14 211 20 13 38 18 14 9 England and Wales {?:: 42 8 2 3 13 2 4 19 1 23 26 3 2 3 8 1 i Ireland CM.. 182 16 3 2 2 1 23 5 10 116 13 26 \ F .. 107 11 6 5 23 33 5 15 96 18 ' Germany {?:: C M,. 880 162 45 26 23 256 364 34 41 380 27 602 105 34 1 30 24 193 302 27 37 248 48 28 Italy 35 14 1 5 21 27 1 2 5 IF.. 17 4 1 1 1 ■7 13 1 2 1 29 4,850 1,000 339 263 20C 1,808 2,605 176 260 1,498 311 30 31 2,642 564 182 138 102 986 1,406 1.199 2, 601 87 89 176 113 147 260 886 150 161 310 2, 208 436 157 339 125 104 205 822 .1,804 612 1,495 White. 4, 842 997 26.1 3,095 207 995 337 » 254 201 14 1,787 168 2, 529 224 129 13 149 274 23 14 9 34 Both parents native CM.. 91 28 If.. 238 83 21 16 20 140 201 13 9 13 9 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn C M.. \ F .. 1. 352 457 145 106 85 793 1,119 939 51 63 119 1. 170 337 132 101 81 2 : 651 108 3 30 O 979 1 1 2 0 38 23 41 730 147 149 1 3 760 1 2 10 32 24 70 485 37 8 3 1 4 4 3 Birthplaces of mothers: U nited States CM.. 1 1'' CM.. 424 139 40 22 ! 32 1 253 358 25 8 30 38 361 129 40 34 226 316 17 2 15 11 39 Germany 1.527 | 248 88 43 432 616 40 82 667 122 i F .. 1.264 i 174 72 64 42 i 352 60 523 48 107 454 132 40 Russia and Poland JM- ) F .. 111 ! 36 8 9 83 5 3 IS 2 99 35 5 4 0 50 i 80 4 8 o 41 Hungary CM.. 111 27 5 11 11 54 ! 78 6 3 21 15 3 1 IF S M.. IF.. 98 I 20 9 5 41 68 42 Bohemia 101 ! 18 10 2 37 i 65 9 2 29 3 74 14 9 5 4 : 32 ! 45 9 2 22 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 305 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. lf>, 582 311 161 67 680 369 1,841 2, 234 1,579 200 166 382 843 170 200 1,330 906 98 1,563 3,479 3 1 8, 950 153 88 30 341 181 963 1, 305 886 109 67 124 441 127 748 532 40 880 1 935 9 7,632 158 73 37 339 188 878 929 693 91 99 258 402 170 73 582 374 58 683 1,544 3 3 16, 545 311 161 66 679 369 1,841 2, 226 1,578 200 166 381 842 169 200 1, 329 903 98 1,556 3, 467 3 4 10, 397 280 63 27 635 341 1,660 902 933 192 163 45 219 49 41 847 239 14 1,556 2,190 1 5 1, 068 28 9 22 152 57 104 27 13 8 29 7 107 3 146 267 952 25 5 3 61 35 153 37 73 15 25 12 17 2 4 79 14 136 249 4, 361 111 23 14 253 150 712 404 397 73 49 6 87 20 336 103 698 925 3, 736 116 29 8 257 132 611 377 347 69 74 16 71 45 6 294 78 2 511 692 1 S7 3,317 14 60 13 27 8 81 822 375 5 3 109 308 97 277 383 36 699 2, 789 16 38 26 17 19 96 498 269 3 227 310 120 62 199 275 48 2 ■8 37 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 3 12 9 1,648 56 8 106 52 242 80 147 39 19 8 39 151 43 243 400 1,470 44 6 4 106 54 240 62 120 28 38 15 20 5 5 118 23 9 206 367 1,019 10 5 21 11 243 136 6 9 70 13 73 89 5 49 208 1. 163 8 8 10 19 11 77 235 129 9 8 38 96 32 20 81 105 21 39 217 S11 4,664 64 53 19 87 771 450 39 30 84 270 88 399 315 404 943 3, 722 77 47 19 171 84 411 491 331 29 41 176 239 91 38 286 184 25 291 689 2 512 181 2 11 4 16 14 25 2 2 2 7 1 14 7 24 45 >,. 144 4 6 9 18 13 1 i 3 7 18 32 p 160 3 1 11 6 26 17 17 4 l 1 2 4 8 1 8 > 134 8 2 6 21 9 17 3 l 1 6 7 1 5 11 21 p 2, 963 45 24 10 121 62 324 392 290 47 30 64 171 27 31 226 175 10 302 611 1 15 1, 664 22 8 6 60 33 177 240 180 28 12 21 92 23 126 111 4 167 354 16 lj 299 23 16 4 61 29 147 152 110 19 18 43 79 27 8 100 64 6 135 257 1 17 2,954 45 24 10 120 62 324 388 290 47 30 64 171 27 31 225 175 10 301 609 1 18 1,870 41 11 2 114 59 298 152 182 44 28 5 47 9 5 135 47 4 301 386 19 212 5 9 4 32 14 28 3 4 2 6 ..... 16 6 25 -1 178 4 3 7 4 25 8 16 1 3 2 3 20 2 29 50 <20 761 15 1 i 45 28 128 63 82 2. 6 18 4 50 19 136 144 648 17 i 50 23 105 61 52 17 15 i 14 8 40 18 1 97 121 640 7 5 4 1 14 157 68 • 3 2 19 61 19 54 83 9 139 434 9 6 3 2 9 11 79 40 40 62 18 7 34 1 43 1 9 1 4 1 2 ‘>3 301 8 15 9 46 18 34 9 4 2 22 6 r i 36 81 4 15 5 39 16 24 4 4 2 3 1 26 3 i 46 p 42 1 1 2 5 8 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 12 26 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 l <25 182 2 1 9 9 n 44 32 3 2 13 3 10 23 8 26 167 i 1 1 I 2 10 34 16 3 1 5 16 6 2 11 21 2 6 28 <26 886 7 6 4 34 19 96 133 96 7 0 15 53 19 67 68 2 95 159 ) 662 11 8 2 42 17 73 81 52 7 9 31 51 15 3 47 27 2 60 123 1 P 35 1 3 3 3 2 6 1 12 17 1 1 4 2 1 "T 1 <28 4,850 111 56 18 181 118 618 615 455 56 43 108 225 53 55 382 228 31 489 1.008 29 2, 042 55 35 7 98 58 312 375 247 30 17 43 122 35 214 133 20 286 555 30 2, 208 56 21 11 83 60 306 240 208 26 26 65 103 53 20 168 95 11 203 453 31 4.842 in 56 18 181 118 618 613 455 56 43 108 225 53 55 382 228 31 487 1,004 32 3,095 100 17 6 166 108 563 225 284 54 42 11 46 11 15 263 47 3 487 647 33 267 7 3 1 12 9 44 13 23 6 2 2 5 4 28 6 1 35 73 238 8 1 13 7 49 4 21 4 9 1 5 1 17 2 2 38 56 1,352 44 8 3 75 241 96 117 22 14 4 16 110 25 239 279 1,176 41 6 1 65 45 220 106 121 21 17 4 20 11 3 100 13 160 999 979 4 • 24 3 ii 9 23 259 106 1 1 37 100 25 69 102 19 193 760 7 15 9 4 31 128 1 78 42 15 50 78 9 161 <36 8 2 37 424 18 3 2 21 13 68 18 37 8 3 2 4 38 8 i 108 361 10 1 21 12 76 6 37 7 12 i 6 2 25 3 9 51 89 %38 1.527 23 21 5 47 27 147 280 139 15 10 31 89 24 130 96 u 134 295 1,264 29 18 9 44 25 155 179 119 9 12 55 77 30 13 95 66 7 86 236 C39 111 2 1 4 9 13 11 19 1 1 3 1 4 14 28 99 3 6 7 11 1 10 1 9 5 10 3 14 26 <40 111 3 1 8 6 13 10 13 3 1 i 2 3 6 i 1 32 98 2 3' 16 5 14 3 i 3 7 1 10 3 11) 13 41 101 2 2 6 13 12 4 2 1 2 3 4 11 74 2 3 5 10 9 5 1 i 4 1 1 5 4 5 13 <42 306 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. , AND Months. Years. All ages. U nder3 3.to (5 « to 9 !* to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 t 16 12 2 115 92 8 10 219 175 143 13 16 316 17 14 1 3 29 4 1 4 4 6 18 41 292 3 4 8 9 67 1 Germany 738 117 35 37 30 34 26 667 11 92 4 39 1 22 2 16 169 7 263 8 28 47 1 237 2 92 27 Ilungai y | F .. 12 1 3 2 1 9 3 28 5M-- 66 18 5 4 2 29 36 4 2 99 2 ) F .. 70 13 6 1 5 25 36 2 5 21 6 -.-H i 20 179 980 841 165 126 44 35 38 31 29 26 276 218 390 336 37 37 30 oor i ;ii AVhite 1,806 286 79 68 55 488 719 73 722 32 33 34 Native born 1,095 140 285 78 67 5 54 484 57 696 81 59 2 71 5 226 36 43 16 Both parents native 40 8 4 if’-- 144 29 13 6 8 56 83 8 3 31 19 35 One or both parents for- tM-. 425 116 33 29 23 201 279 29 37 78 2 eign. i F.. 333 86 22 24 17 149 227 20 24 60 2 36 CM.. 365 1 1 7 5 IT 267 09 \F- 334 9 9 25 226 6 41 38 65 37 Colored 15 I 6 94 87 i 10 13 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States If.. 218 205 65 45 12 16 10 13 7 13 141 129 8 4 18 21 39 England and Wales cm.. 32 3 2 1 6 10 17 16 175 5 | F .. 29 5 1 6 9 1 2 \ 40 pi. 290 25 4 4 2 35 50 9 25 31 i F .. 276 23 6 3 2 34 55 8 27 145 41 41 Germany CM.. 266 40 13 12 12 77 96 15 18 111 26 1 F.. 192 28 7 7 6 48 72 7 8 88 17 42 Italy 5M.. 63 15 6 3 5 29 46 2 3 10 2 1 F.. 45 11 1 4 1 17 32 4 4 5 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 307 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- | Ma- phoi IT 114 1 i 10 6 - 3 1 2 3 4 2 9 9 19 31 [ 6 382 11 4 3 23 7 54 48 30 6 4 14 4 22 ii 60 81 307 8 4 25 37 35 32 2 1 5 5 28 11 50 50 357 1 10 1 2 90 39 15 31 10 35 36 5 75 292 3 4 l 1 9 10 42 26 29 31 18 5 27 29 4 i 4 i 1 9 181 11 3 15 25 9 14 1 8 .1 18 7 26 38 jio> 160 1 1 13 7 21 8 5 1 4 4 4 2 15 34 38 19 1 1 9 1 1 1 6 2 4 ill 21 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 i 3 3 105 1 1 2 1 6 32 13 1 9 1 3 8 20 >12 135 2 2 3 1 5 26 20 1 1 11 6 2 10 11 2 20 454 6 6 3 14 4 39 84 42 4 10 29 10 42 31 2 32 91 336 6 5 1 17 6 27 41 25 1 3 21 22 15 2 31 24 i 22 66 P 10 1 3 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 (u 2, 223 54 23 5 106 58 233 297 190 20 18 59 111 23 24 204 130 16 194 458 15 1, 160 28 13 1 50 29 114 159 104 10 16 53 16 111 76 111 257 16 1 1,063 26 10 4 56 29 119 138 86 10 11 43 58 23 8 93 54 11 83 201 17 2, 222 54 23 5 106 58 233 297 190 20 18 59 111 23 24 204 130 16 193 458 18 1. 380 10 9 99 om 116 114 19 18 6 24 5 127 36 3 193 290 19 121 8 9 16 2 14 3 3 8 20 37 85 3 9 3 12 4 3 3 1 11 9 20 [20 607 20 1 39 27 51 51 6 _ 9 4 59 20 87 136 > > 22 - l 43 3 24 95 40 8 4 9 1 46 13 71 96 21 * 415 3 8 11 103 38 1 14 39 12 42 53 5 83 > ... 423 i 3 4 9 12 77 38 39 48 18 •35 41 11 82 >22 1 i 23 204 8 1 14 25 32 5 22 3 9 4 20 4 36 53 168 7 17 7 12 6 6 1 3 2 1 21 3 14 32 [24 44 1 3 1 9 8 3 1 1 3 5 1 12 73 1 2 i 1 17 6 3 9 1 1 2 1 9 20 >2o 738 15 10 1 3 28 18 65 116 60 5 4 9 44 14 67 58 5 55 164 667 16 7 27 17 70 90 55 4 4 34 43 16 6 53 41 10 52 119 [26 11 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 [27 12 1 3 1 1 6 66 1 9 7 12 10 1 2 i . 1 2 9 11 [28 70 1 6 1 8 16 4 1 3 9 2 1 4 4 6 11 1,821 23 15 14 73 37 147 256 173 18 15 47 in 25 18 144 135 12 142 415 i 29 980 ID 8 7 36 22 99 9 y 13 12 86 83 2 74 228 30 841 13 7 7 37 15 62 111 74 9 8 34 57 25 6 58 52 10 68 187 i 31 1,806 23 15 13 73 37 147 254 172 18 15 47 111 24 18 144 132 12 139 i 32 1,095 20 5 6 68 31 131 116 87 18 15 13 42 9 3 89 43 5 139 254 i 33 140 1 1 1 5 6 12 8 4 4 7 1 15 12 1 21 27 [34 144 3 9 5 3 2 11 7 4 14 11 425 8 3 26 13 58 43 6 15 27 13 50 103 [35 333 *> 1 22 9 39 36 25 6 3 13 9 28 6 46 75 i 365 1 6 9 9 3 74 44 9 30 ii 35 i 89 [36 334 1 4 3 3 9 63 40 1 25 37 15 4 17 37 6 65 1 9 1 3 3 4 37 ‘>18 3 16 10 1 3 4 9 1 17 15 1 33 44 [38 205 8 i i 15 5 21 u 15 2 6 4 2 2 16 9 4 22 58 32 1 1 3 y 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 6 [39 29 1 9 9 3 1 1 2 7 290 3 2 r0 9 y 71 35 2 2 21 3 27 30 1 14 65 [40 276 1 i 3 3 2 11 57 34 2 4 10 30 9 9 16 24 5 10 52 266 9 2 6 36 27 2 3 18 24 19 14 70 [41 192 2 3 2 15 6 15 22 13 15 10 6 i 19 9 1 20 32 i 63 i 3 8 3 9 1 1 2 1 l 2 1 8 22 [42 45 1 i 9 i 6 2 i 2 5 2 7 15 308 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.e 86.—DEATHS IX NEW YORK AND IX EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. | SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 17—Continued. 3,110 574 181 161 128 1,044 1,578 111 175 1,004 242 2 1,630 1,480 3,110 331 87 78 81 577 846 54 98 529 103 3 243 94 83 47 467 732 57 139 4 574 181 161 128 1,044 1,578 111 175 1.004 942 5 1,999 211 193 834 726 561 546 574 178 158 127 1,037 114 1,547 m 97 122 228 6 C M 67 15 16 16 13 5 17 Botli parents native 2 ,,, 58 99 17 13 110 177 2 6 •» 7 One or both parents for-CM.. 253 71 60 62 446 638 33 07 96 179 69 64 34 l 346 3 533 46 48 97 2 8 CM 2 17 8 26 407 103 Foreign born j p 1 i 2 12 6 27 367 134 9 Birthplaces of mothers: 320 301 21 22 333 433 110 22 22 23 177 279 18 5 18 10 1 nited States J p 81 28 24 158 260 19 ii 4 11 10 2 2 3 14 17 1 3 England and Wales J ™ 4 2 9 13 ] g 12 Tit C M.. 29 13 5 54 93 11 28 169 32 31 18 10 4 63 97 11 29 223 73 13 ., CM.. Germany < ™ Italy..." \f- 793 137 40 43 33 259 363 20 58 285 67 601 105 37 39 11 192 295 23 29 199 14 33 24 10,930 10 2 2 6 20 26 1 1 5 1 i 2 9 16 4 1 3 15 Ward 18 1,816 527 457 356 3,156 4,596 409 641 4,198 1,081 ' 5 l*i 1,057 288 244 192 1,781 2,469 216 332 2,280 2 17 Females 5,176 759 239 213 164 1,375 2,127 193 309 1.918 626 3 18 White 10,878 1,809 525 456 355 3,145 4,582 409 636 4,166 1,080 5 19 7, 064 1,803 517 450 344 3.114 4, 506 372 477 1.356 351 2 20 Both parents native | '' 1,149 931 290 195 65 48 62 56 43 46 46n 345 644 528 49 36 37 30 293 207 125 129 1 1 21 . ( m One or both parents foreign.. 2 p '' 2.501 2,188 696 511 208 177 176 148 137 110 1,217 946 1,680 1.471 144 139 212 180 432 350 27 42 22 ., CM.. 1,878 2 1 5 8 28 20 73 1,466 291 Foreign born < p 1,883 1 1 2 5 9 29 17 84 1.315 436 2 23 52 7 2 i 1 11 14 32 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j '' C M Knglandand Wales < p ' 1,511 1.259 180 414 286 25 104 68 7 80 78 8 04 65 7 662 497 47 911 766 67 69 58 4 51 42 7 340 241 82 139 151 20 1 1 25 170 19 6 9 6 40 67 8 4 69 22 26 Ireland | 2, 080 229 72 60 48 409 605 69 183 1,060 163 2,205 193 57 53 40 343 586 62 166 1, 101 290 27 „ CM.. CM Germany < p * 67 4 3 2 9 16 2 2 35 12 63 10 3 l 14 18 4 3 26 12 28 1,262 235 74 69 50 428 573 59 56 497 77 1, 004 162 70 DO 37 324 460 43 69 331 99 2 29 494 53 6 8 5 72 107 14 31 252 90 30 282 32 3 6 2 43 60 ■i 17 154 40 31 212 21 3 2 3 29 47 14 98 32 White 487 53 6 8 5 72 107 14 31 245 90 33 342 53 6 3 69 103 14 2r> 132 68 95 13 13 16 4 4 51 20 34 Both parents native p 78 5 1 1 1 ' 8 12 1 4 32 29 35 One or both parents for-CM., eign. 1 F .. „ CM 80 13 3 6 ?9 10 20 8 (19 13 2 2 17 2 30 2 21 71 38 7 9 10 12 36 86 2 o 3 Foreign burn 2 j. 55 l 1 *> 3 37 7 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | F 117 16 1 l 18 23 60 22 38 94 9 2 1 1 13 19 i 34 39 England and Wales j P ' 17 1 1 14 l 10 ■' r 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 40 Ireland ... j p " 60 1 4 9 9 7 37 56 3 i 1 5 8 i 4 36 7 41 France jF' 8 i 1 1 2 5 r 42 r M 31 2 i 3 7 l 3 18 2 21 3 3 6 l 3 8 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 309 MA\ 31, 1890, Al' CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR SEX NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. 1 Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of till* urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,110 49 19 14 128 66 375 445 331 48 47 55 132 16 51 237 140 20 282 655 1 1,630 21 9 5 62 27 196 243 177 °5 20 16 67 25 138 99 75 165 117 355 300 1,480 28 10 9 66 39 179 202 154 23 39 65 16 26 16 3 3,110 49 19 14 128 66 375 445 331 48 47 55 132 16 51 237 140 20 282 655 4 1,999 44 10 7 120 61 331 196 191 46 47 6 31 7 35 2 282 418 p- 211 5 12 4 28 11 21 10 - 3 1 20 11 68 9 32 27 126 87 49 51 182 128 193 3 1 11 12 38 17 5 (3 1 1 1 <0 834 13 4 3 45 21 147 91 74 14 12 1 15 3 15 17 ) 726 23 5 4 52 24 115 83 77 15 21 3 10 7 9 52 1 561 3 5 9 5 2 19 139 80 47 54 20 24 42 36 58 47 120 117 546 2 4 5 3 3 23 199 60 9 34 9' 14 \8 320 8 25 8 51 14 27 14 9 1 36 15 9 47 39 73 75 4 S10 301 11 1 i 25 18 51 14 27 8 9 1 i 3 2 21 2 3 1 1 2 6 22 1 i 4 2 3 I 19 33 3 75 84 fn 333 6 i 7 28 ’ 82 43 3 4 20 25 21 38 2 12 11 433 3 1 5 9 5 38 88 47 2 2 13 12 10 <12 793 7 8 4 27 13 95 122 86 6 4 16 37 36 16 69 43 17 2 74 51 164 113 601 13 6 2 26 13 71 78 67 8 13 20 9 13 41 4 i13 33 6 3 5 1 1 1 g g 24 2 1 4 4 3 9 3 840 3 2,547 j>14 10,930 140 104 86 405 203 1,078 1,508 1,021 131 119 217 605 86 160 874 727 6 15 5, 754 5,176 72 68 64 40 44 42 220 185 97 106 548 530 811 697 564 457 65 66 50 69 64 153 283 322 86 94 60 464 410 401 326 19 54 481 359 1,408 1,139 5 1 16 17 10, 878 140 104 86 405 203 1,072 1,496 1,016 131 119 215 601 86 159 871 722 73 835 2,538 G 18 7,064 130 56 54 380 198 960 698 587 125 116 74 273 37 47 548 280 15 835 1,647 4 19 1,149 931 18 18 9 4 6 9 56 44 15 29 119 106 75 67 111 81 20 10 12 16 12 29 70 53 11 11 8 110 83 81 34 4 6 124 79 295 243 1 1 <20 2, 501 2,188 47 44 23 17 24 13 149 124 78 71 371 341 283 252 202 177 38 50 37 51 5 24 64 69 25 18 8 177 160 72 79 2 1 299 246 Oil 436 1 1,878 6 30 13 13 3 40 428 240 3 i 47 137 188 63 161 231 208 13 447 414 9 1,883 4 18 19 12 2 67 367 186 1 2 94 49 49 158 45 '■22 52 6 12 5 o 1 3 0 23 1,511 1,259 180 25 26 3 11 4 3 10 13 2 81 60 3 23 37 3 163 153 16 99 85 24 143 112 16 27 19 2 17 31 1 13 36 81 63 5 i3 14 8 3 134 103 20 88 48 17 9 6 6 186 129 389 312 48 43 505 450 14 17 291 1 1 170 2 1 1 10 6 15 22 15 1 3 6 3 17 1 8 <25 2,080 2. 205 28 20 24 19 21 19 63 64 5 38 29 128 146 4 428 414 233 202 6 18 26 1 14 21 23 60 95 151 6 34’ 38 43 151 175 8 173 207 0 ■{ 8 35 91 90 2 3 103 1 <26 63 1 1 1 5 6 1 5 3 <27 1. 262 1, 004 13 13 15 13 8 6 35 26 22 180 151 173 112 118 85 9 10 13 12 16 33 51 70 26 23 10 92 69 77 f 1 ) l2& 494 6 6 4 13 2 20 69 53 1 19 44 9 45 60 4 26 111 29 282 2 4 1 7 2 10 41 32 1 9 24 4 24 41 15 11 26 65 46 108 30 31 32 212 4 2 3 6 10 28 21 10 20 9 21 10 4 487 6 6 4 13 2 20 68 53 1 19 43 9 9 44 50 4 342 6 4 13 2 17 40 41 1 12 23 1 4 29 40 16 4 6 9 26 95 1 3 ] 1 11 15 5 9 78 1 2 2 3 11 4 9 9 23 19 <34 80 1 1 6 9 10 1 1 1 5 1 0 > 69 3 1 1 4 6 11 1 1 1 11 8 14 5 <35 86 1 9 18 9 3 9 3 11 3 16 13 55 l 10 3 4 H 1 1 9 2 <36 1 1 1 17 > 37 <38 117 1 3 2 l l 16 16 1 ii 9 28 28 94 1 1 3 2 11 4 8 2 7 s 2 •5 17 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 9 4 1 10 s 10 9 3 2 13 8 <39 60 1 3 i 9 5 3 2 3 (j 2 > 56 2 2 3 10 4 2 8 1 1 £40 8 1 1 3 1 5 2 1 2 31 1 2 ’ l 1 8 3 3 i 3 21 1 1 1 6 2 3 1 2 1 2 <42 310 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, ANI> BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 S to 6 6 to 9 !* to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 *5 to 1*5 15 to 25 25 to 65 < >ver 65 Un- known. Ward 18—Continued. 1,647 293 70 47 30 440 586 57 100 670 233 1 2 823 173 28 32 17 250 310 30 48 341 94 824 1,635 120 42 15 13 190 276 329 139 1 White 291 70 47 30 438 584 0, 99 662 232 1 1,063 211 290 70 47 30 437 580 53 70 263 97 c < M Both parents native > F 61 6 6 5 78 94 10 -9 65 33 211 49 12 5 5 71 100 6 59 39 One or both parents for-CM., eign. < F .. Foreign born | " 304 96 22 25 12 198 17 59 5 274 62 26 10 105 156 19 28 60 ii 270 1 2 14 200 190 53 82 1 8 298 2 2 15 1 1 a 10 12 9 9 9 8 Birthplaces of mothers: 279 90 14 6 P- 117 140 ' 14 10 77 38 267 65 16 8 96 134 12 10 46 n England and Wales | j? " 37 32 7 1 1 9 2 1 12 8 1 1 1 3 20 16 3 4 12 Ireland j j? " ’ 231 24 7 ii 2 44 62 25 h 117 22 276 22 9 5 2 38 60 21 140 50 CM.. 15 i 1 * 2 1 1 11 1 13 France 7 j? 20 i 1 2 1 10 6 Germany ’ 141 27 10 42 52 6 6 58 19 14 129 18 i 28 34 4 10 59 21 "l 15 5, 393 953 321 276 218 1,768 2,675 227 293 1,856 338 16 17 18 2. 829 562 181 139 111 993 1.427 120 160 980 140 9 2,564 5,391 391 952 140 137 107 775 1,248 2, 673 107 133 876 1.856 198 338 9 White 321 275 218 1,766 997 293 4 i 19 20 3,490 412 313 949 316 979 212 1,749 230 164 2,624 346 274 202 224 423 29 18 15 6 9 < M Both parents native i F " 125 81 44 18 35 34 26 31 18 14 12 4 l l 21 One or both parents for- CM., eign. l F .. 1,415 1, 245 409 129 103 80 721 1. 014 86 111 200 4 289 114 99 71 573 909 83 91 161 i Foreign born 5 918 947 9 2 16 15 34 725 688 128 194 22 1 1 1 3 6 20 10 34 l 23 24 25 9 1 1 2 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) F England and Wales { " 558 452 59 183 124 10 57 26 47 46 3 34 39 3 321 235 21 475 393 32 26 24 3 16 8 2 34 24 19 6 2 3 l 1 60 8 3 8 2 21 33 4 20 . 3 26 Ireland 1,142 135 47 34 29 245 376 43 100 516 77 1,200 107 30 30 29 196 359 43 78 591 129 1- 00 CM CM _ < AT Germany ] F ** I,nl-v {?:: 789 162 53 44 35 294 388 42 32 287 40 659 25 108 6 55 2 45 2 30 1 238 11 340 17 27 38 1 196 6 57 1 l 25 6 3 1 10 21 i 9 1 29 570 59 6 4 76 103 8 36 291 132 30 31 Males 309 261 36 23 9 4 2 44 32 56 47 3 19 17 33 176 115 283 55 4 3 2 5 32 White 556 57 6 4 74 100 132 33 398 6 1 6 3 71 97 18 8 99 174 84 97 37 34 C M Both parents native > F ** 145 11 2 14 4 106 8 9 i i 12 3 8 35 35 One or both parents for-CM.. 62 18 l i i 21 29 1 21 4 eign. (F.. 11 2 15 1 25 9 3 16 12 36 Foreign born 79 j 1 6 60 48 12 23 77 i i i 37 38 14 2 9 3 3 8 95 53 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F "" 170 18 1 3 22 26 9 8 39 39 125 9 2 1 i 13 1 2!. 4 8 39 England and Wales | 13 9 7 4 21 i 1 1 15 5 4 40 Ireland | ' 46 1 8' ii 6 54 4 1 1 6 9 3 6 26 lj 41 France { F " 10 1 1 12 3 3 4 5 3 4 42 Germany " 34 4 1 i 6 1 2 20 15 31 1 1 5 1 2 5 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 311 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAL’SK OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of t he urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,647 15 13 21 51 99 115 212 153 15 16 52 118 23 18 136 121 10 138 396 2 1 823 6 6 9 33 n 54 110 80 7 4 n 61 11 60 64 3 87 204 2 2 824 9 7 12 18 n 61 102 73 8 12 41 57 23 1 76 57 7 51 192 3 1,635 15 13 21 5L 22 114 208 153 15 16 51 117 23 18 136 120 10 136 394 2 4 1.063 12 6 13 45 22 104 110 90 15 16 21 51 11 8 *83 55 6 136 256 211 3 1 3 3 2 20 14 18 3 16 21 1 23 56 211 4 9 8 3 18 17 16 2 2 9 11 6 21 11 4 16 59 $ 6 304 9 9 26 9 29 40 19 4 1 10 “ 1 1G 50 78 > 274 2 3 • 2 7 7 31 36 29 4 10 9 10 4 1 26 13 30 50 \ 7 270 1 3 1 4 3 52 35 10 31 6 21 32 9 67 2 > 298 9 4 7 2 7 46 27 20 34 12 4 28 33 9 70 12 1 4 v 1 1 1 2 2 279 4 1 3 9 3 25 19 26 4 1 23 5 19 24 1 37 ) 267 5 2 9 4 25 20 21 3 6 13 11 6 2 27 13 4 24 72 $10 37 1 1 4 3 5 2 2 3 2 2 11 i f 32 1 1 1 l 6 4 i' 3 3 i 3 1 6 $11 231 2 1 4 10 4 57 27 2 4 12 3 14 15 2 14 53 > 276 1 3 7 5 1 10 45 34 1 4 ii 15 10 3 28 27 2 11 58 $12 15 2. 3 2 2 1 5 > 20 1 2 1 3 2 5 2 4 $13 141 1 9 2 8 18 9 3 1 2 11 1 9 14 17 35 1 129 3 2 2 10 18 7 1 8 17 4 1 8 9 9 30 \u 5, 393 73 44 32 227 129 660 737 506 76 73 69 208 35 74 419 296 28 406 1,298 3 15 2, 829 40 29 19 116 60 344 398 283 32 33 21 91 36 221 151 8 234 711 2 16 2, 564 33 15 13 111 69 316 339 223 44 40 48 117 35 38 198 145 20 172 587 I 17 5,391 73 44 32 227 129 659 737 506 76 73 69 208 35 74 419 296 28 406 1,297 3 18 3,490 68 22 17 213 125 605 316 285 72 71 10 73 10 15 268 77 406 834 3 19 412 8 2 9 31 9 67 22 29 8 9 7 1 39 10 54 113 1 313 6 20 16 11 23 6 ii 1 9 1 1 31 4 26 98 ] $20 1,415 27 12 10 76 48 247 146 130 21 23 2 27 8 108 31 156 342 1 f 1,245 25 6 5 83 49 225 130 98 35 28 33 9 86 31 133 257 ;-2i f 918 4 14 2 21 225 122 2 1 19 52 27 71 108 8 228 947 i 8 8 2 29 195 97 i 1 40 81 25 32 79 108 20 213 2 1 1 23 ) , 558 10 2 4 41 13 110 30 49 9 12 8 1 46 10 81 151 1 452 8 30 21 17 41 14 17 2 3 1 1 37 6 51 125 1 >24 59 2 3 7 7 5 1 1 9 3 3 18 60 2 1 6 3 9 6„ 5 1 2 1 3 3 5 13 $25 1,142 16 10 10 34 26 87 220 131 13 10 7 41 14 86 90 6 46 294 1 $26 1,200 10 9 9 45 22 86 221 99 18 12 29 77 13 28 96 108 15 48 255 789 10 13 5 28 17 129 111 83 6 6 10 26 16 39 1 62 173 659 11 4 4 21 16 116 71 62 9 8 16 31 18 8 46 22 4 47 145 $-27 25 9 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 5 4 25 1 3 2 2 9 3 1 1 1 3 6 $28 570 3 10 4 13 1 27 57 64 3 16 G2 8 14 61 55 6 46 119 1 29 309 1 6 1 5 11 31 34 9 5 28 10 39 36 30 67 1 261 2 4 3 8 1 16 26 30 l a 34 8 4 22 19 4 16 52 31 556 3 10 4. 13 1 25 55 61 16 61 8 13 60 53 6 45 118 1 32 398 3 5 3 13 1 19 31 44 3 6 53 4 5 44 37 3 45 78 1 33 145 1 2 3 (5 8 20 1 3 21 3 22 19 1 o 26 106 2 2 9 5 1 4 11 12 1 9 19 3 1 8 8 6 19 $34 62 1 2 4 7 1 1 9 1 4 14 18 > 58 i 3 4 4 6 1 6 1 4 1 8 14 $35 79 3 i 14 9 9 3 6 9 10 1 21 77 2 6 10 8 g 4 9 - 6 17 t36 14 9 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 37 170 1 8 4 11 22 1 3 29 3 27 21 1 16 28 125 2 2 3 6 1 6 14 12 1 2 22 4 i 9 ii 6 23 $38 13 1 3 ? i 2 2 2 > _ 21 1 2 2 2 1 i 3 " Y 8 $39 46 1 2 7 5 2 2 3 1 3 4 16 54 2 5 8 6 2 7 1 4 5 9 2 10 $40 10 1 3 1 i 1 1 2 > 12 1 3 i 2 3 2 $41 34 1 1 4 1 7 4 l 4 11 > 15 2 1 1 3 i 1 3 2 2 $42 312 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. ' Months SEX, < '<)LOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. , AND All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 C)ver 05 Un- known. Ward 18—Continued. 1 2.826 458 124 119 99 800 1,125 103 181 1,129 288 9 1,511 1.315 254 74 63 60 451 616 52 88 629 126 3 204 50 39 349 509 51 93 500 162 4 White ‘ . 2, 809 456 122 119 98 795 1,118 103. 180 1,120 288 5 1,771 286 119 118 96 788 1,102 170 95 136 364 74 Both parents native pi-- - ■ 1 M.. IF.. IF.. 80 14 19 12 125 15 12 8 64 29 6 223 52 15 15 8 90 127 24 7 One or both parents for- 640 160 53 41 44 298 410 33 59 132 6 542 136 33 37 30 1 236 351 33 3 92 9 8 525 2 3 1 8 16 410 88 loreign born 1 4 97 345 125 9 17 9 2 1 5 7 1 9 Birthplaces of mothers: Ob. 10 United States 387 321 107 31 23 23 184 247 ‘to 12 74 34 \ F .. 79 22 23 16 140 199 17 11 29 11 England and Wales M.. IF.. (M.. 8 1 3 2 14 21 2 22 9 47 9 1 1 9 13 21 3 16 7 12 Ireland 601 60 18 13 17 108 147 19 45 335 | F .. 619 57 16 17 8 98 150 13 57 308 91 13 Germany CM.. 267 40 14 15 14 83 119 9 13 114 12 ( F .. 180 30 7 7 6 50 73 10 16 63 18 14 Scandinavia c M.. 30 29 5 8 1 9 12 2 5 9 9 If.. 3 8 12 3 1 12 i 15 31,145 6,191 1,947 1,614 1,229 10, 981 16,179 1,452 1,621 9.172 2,693 28 16 17 18 16,293 14, 852 30,916 3,512 2. 679 1. 071 854 640 6, 077 8,718 7, 461 16, 071 757 754 4, 792 4,380 9, 088 1.258 1.435 2, 677 14 760 589 4, 904 695 867 14 White 6,140 1,938 1.602 1,218 10, 898 1,441 1,612 27 19 21,064 2, 935 2, 645 5,927 834 1,787 210 1 495 1 158 10, 367 1,343 1,076 15, 260 1,295 151 1,063 87 2, 761 524 07!) G Both parents native (M.. IF- 188 in 1,931 242 20 617 175 166 118 1,585 132 106 524 297 i 21 One or both parents foreign... CM.. IF- 7,778 6. 946 2,354 1,789 739 592 575 515 482 419 4,150 3,315 6,013 5.164 523 477 410 430 787 799 44 73 i 3 22 Foreign born CM.. 4,701 4,474 7 r- 3 17 102 72 233 3, 333 5 {f- 3 7 9 6 25 91 71 314 2,952 1,040 0 23 Colored 229 51 9 12 11 83 108 11 9 84 16 1 Birthplaces of mothers: (M.. 24 United States 4, 049 1,203 295 260 182 1.940 2,804 250 127 610 258 |F- 3, 716 925 252 233 171 1.581 2, 362 214 148 656 334 2 25 England and Wales fM- F„ (M- 1 F .. 503 98 27 21 14 160 237 22 29 163 52 489 73 33 14 14 134 218 30 25 147 69 26 Ireland 4,129 4. 291 635 485 169 127 130 139 122 106 1,056 857 1,582 1,372 195 194 290 323 1,727 1,896 333 502 2 4 27 Germany < M.. 4.596 823 286 201 163 1,473 1.192 2,154 207 198 1,575 460 2 1 F- 3, 776 605 222 201 164 1.842 183 249 1,137 135 363 2 28 Bohemia pi-- 732 179 76 63 49 367 524 20 21 25 1 |F- 606 116 54 45 40 255 413 15 29 120 28 1 29 848 100 15 10 132 190 28 58 389 182 1 30 31 32 441 6 6 3 70 100 13 26 206 96 407 45 9 4 4 62 131 90 15 28 32 183 382 86 180 1 1 White 837 99 15 10 188 58 33 34 616 99 15 10 7 131 187 25 46 6 14 237 81 79 121 53 45 Both parents native 185 182 20 20 1 4 2 2 i 3 24 29 40 38 5 6 35 One or both Barents for- ( M.. 117 28 5 4 2 39 53 6 14 eign., Foreign born IF.. $ M .. IF.. 99 19 2 i 27 44 10 27 11 36 119 1 5 80 64 33 20 2 101 1 9 1 37 11 1 i Birthplaces of mothers: 38 PI-- 204 24 1 2 2 29 47 5 9 87 56 IF.. 214 29 3 4 41 52 16 87 52 England and Wales CM.. 26 2 2 1 5 5 15 6 3 39 | F .. 16 1 I 2 5 i 1 6 Ireland CM.. 104 12 2 1 15 22 6 55 14 40 | F .. 97 5 5 13 10 13 France JM- (F- CM.. |F.. 5 1 1 1 3 1 41 6 2 9 2 1 9 1 Germany 48 4 1 2 7 11 1 23 8 42 27 1 2 i 4 7 1 12 6 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 313 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continue.!. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- Ty- lct phoid fever, t'ever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of tlie urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2, 826 43 31 25 101 49 256 433 245 36 30 61 173 18 45 213 195 224 623 1 1,511 23 19 14 59 24 129 231 135 23 13 18 79 33 120 109 86 6 19 115 109 361 1,315 20 12 11 42 25 127 202 110 13 43 94 18 12 93 262 3 2,809 43 31 25 101 49 254 428 243 36 30 60 172 18 45 212 194 25 222 621 4 1,771 41 18 17 96 48 215 201 127 34 29 25 73 11 15 121 71 4 222 403 5 286 l1 1 18 4 26 20 22 9 3 4 15 4 26 15 2 33 27 78 223 5 3 9 9 26 21 19 1 3 13 14 1 18 44 640 17 8 8 39 19 84 80 45 10 10 1 20 41 22 23 2 73 71 154 542 14 7 4 15 75 71 37 11 13 6 19 10 1 32 106 7 1 9 4 1 14 119 1 13 42 21 49 41 1 67 56 2 19 115 101 £ 8 1 41 4 3 24 106 51 1 22 57 1 7 9 17 9 2 i 9 9 0 387 9 2 3 6 40 23 30 12 4 17 5 33 23 16 10 4 46 43 3 107 64 £l0 321 10 1 13 11 40 27 27 1 8 l!j 19 2 2 1 1 3 3 9 9 2 1 5 6 4 14 14 129 119 i11 47 3 2 4 6 I 1 1 1 i 6 3 25 29 601 9 12 16 8 31 135 65 5 35 16 44 55 62 12 619 7 5 3 12 6 42 130 59 5 16 44 9 9 40 15 9 267 3 1 1 10 6 41 23 32 23 6 4 14 19 13 17 20 20 63 [» 180 2 5 2 9 4 17 13 1 3 6 19 3 1 9 3 27 30 i 1 9 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 4 5 \U 29 1 1 3 10 9 1 1 1 187 9 4 31,145 650 270 252 1,731 675 3, 585 3, 514 2,835 446 412 713 1,474 305 308 2, 434 1,597 2,610 7,138 9 15 16, 293 14,852 330 320 161 109 124 128 864 867 350 325 1,913 1, 672 1,854 1,660 1,521 1,314 226 220 196 216 231 482 741 733 ""’305 157 151 1.307 1,127 852 745 09 118 1.485 1.125 3,909 3, 229 3 6 16 17 30, 916 647 269 252 1, 727 675 3, 567 3,479 2, 809 444 410 711 1,451 303 306 2,420 1,587 187 2, 578 7,085 9 18 21,064 606 132 167 1.601 634 3, 125 1,523 1,741 405 374 188 559 139 92 1,592 601 42 2, 578 4,959 6 19 2,935 2,645 05 62 23 17 34 22 175 169 68 74 338 168 169 260 49 43 16 121 24 251 230 141 106 353 266 766 639 9 £.20 307 225 45 41 80 111 36 24 20~ 2 7, 778 6,946 210 234 49 38 57 53 614 610 256 230 1,299 1,087 648 150 135 18 146 25 573 487 158 186 1,017 765 1,840 1,515 £21 544 553 142 146 66 166 98 17 7 2 4,701 4, 474 229 19 17 84 53 1 32 52 43 42 19 127 1,046 894 531 7 1 194 455 104 437 538 440 57 88 1, 006 840 1 £22 19 147 460 8 4 329 435 163 108 374 1 3 4 18 35 26 2 2 2 23 2 9 14 10 32 53 23 4,049 3, 716 503 489 4,129 4, 291 4,596 3,776 732 606 848 134 108 8 10 30 24 6 294 263 20 32 173 182 236 233 40 40 30 97 484 224 362 68 62 18 146 28 26 3 337 305 38 36 160 140 32 24 10 22 518 402 41 33 298 209 354 278 82 50 53 1 038 2 30 108 11 10 442 51 237 56 312 50 62 62 4 94 143 41 48 885 124 3 £25 5 8 44 37 36 10 5 27 5 12 11 27 37 21 26 7 119 74 66 79 97 36 24 68 40 0 34 47 35 28 6 62 54 111 89 27 333 748 451 47 48 48 194 49 271 276 321 276 176 23 19 79 960 £20 325 554 479 133 98 ”77 547 424 389 46 53 50 43 153 114 283 257 91 68 53 35 5 302 405 297 59 831 1,000 776 161 1 1 1 366 73 294 46 9 55 12 149 8 193 13 118 £27 9 6 9 9 23 8 81 88 62 13 10 16 8 4 38 4 120 194 £23 17 6 49 89 4 4 34 76 8 10 87 6 29 441 407 837 5 6 13 17 30 4 23 26 47 50 1 14 45 4 51 36 40 39 1 5 31 22 53 102 92 30 31 1 G ii 16 4 41 39 4 3 20 31 8 6 6 8 49 85 89 4 4 33 74 10 87 6 192 32 616 185 182 117 99 119 101 11 204 214 26 16 104 97 5 6 10 3 4 28 8 41 4 4 20 48 7 9 65 60 4 53 132 33 £34 3 9 1 1 6 17 23 2 22 4 29 16 23 23 1 10 9 32 38 31 6 8 10 14 18 3 1 12 13 2 i 9 1 1 6 3 13 12 1 1 8 10 15 £35 I 1 2 3 12 4 8 9 l ‘ 2 3 2 G i 9 21 1 14 20 11 15 11 9 32 £36 4 l 2 4 17 10 2 11 1 i 11 8 2 27 1 3 3 1 2 2 37 £38 3 9 1 1 8 20 16 27 21 2 23 14 4 30 18 3 24 1 12 37 7 9 14 3 3 1 13 7 2 27 1 1 12 48 3 3 4 2 7 £39 1 2 1 9 1 1 12 16 1 1 1 ] 2 1 5 2 4 3 6 6 13 10 4 3 9 7 9 30 £40 i 9 2 3 1 2 2 10 1 2 6 6 1 2 23 1 1 2 £41 0 48 27 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 3 6 3 4 1 16 £42 2 2 i 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 8 314 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. 1 Months. Tears. All ages.; Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 lo 12 Total under12 Under a 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 19—Continued. Sanitary district B 2,859 500 161 148 88 897 1,340 127 175 965 250 9 1,468 1.391 2, 836 264 83 84 41 472 690 68 86 509 113 2 236 78 64 47 425 59 89 456 137 White 495 161 147 88 891 1, 329 125 174 957 249 9 5 1,913 306 495 144 87 883 1,300 191 113 115 314 71 Both parents native { " ' 81 20 26 6 133 19 10 61 25 e 292 61 19 19 11 110 163 13 36 One or both parents for-CM.. 636 171 59 53 35 318 460 42 4 617 166 53 43 34 296 38 40 81 3 .. . CM.. 470 443 1 1 13 4 27 342 82 2 8 I’ orei <;n bom ’ j,. 1 1 8 7 1 300 96 9 23 r 1 6 11 9 8 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j y 406 113 27 38 11 189 271 28 11 71 25 10 410 93 30 31 17 171 252 21 20 40 England and Wales | F c M Ireland f " 60 9 4 6 3 22 28 2 3 19 n 48 528 527 12 3 1 1 17 24 5 15 4 12 70 66 23 16 16 14 9 13 118 109 184 180 21 15 48 45 232 228 42 59 i Germany < p " 299 41 22 11 12 86 125 11 15 118 30 13 255 37 15 13 12 77 111 12 18 87 27 Italy {f 34 7 2 4 1 14 23 1 1 7 2 14 38 8 4 2 14 30 1 6 1 15 2,935 523 173 150 141 987 1,586 154 180 858 151 6 16 17 18 1,547 1,388 2,929 283 240 85 88 172 78 72 72 518 814 82 90 486 372 858 70 ‘ 5 69 469 772 72 90 81 149 1 6 White 522 150 141 985 1,583 153 180 19 1,953 198 521 58 166 17 146 15 136 969 1, 546 164 139 107 150 18 10 ] 1 Both parents native j One or both parents for-CM., eign. i F .. 14 104 9 6 20 176 47 18 14 16 95 150 8 2 13 3 21 792 215 66 61 57 399 622 62 43 65 739 • 179 64 54 48 345 576 58 54 46 4 i "22 Foreign born j ‘ 517 7 10 39 393 66 2 436 3 3 1 17 3 4 34 308 73 23 6 1 1 9 1 2 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { ' 282 84 21 23 20 148 237 15 9 19 2 ~24 71 25 20 20 136 218 14 15 3 -25 England and Wales ji I? " 40 6 1 1 8 17 2 4 15 5 2 32 6 2 1 3 12 22 2 3 26 27 Ireland F ’ ( M Germany > F 506 62 20 - 11 24 117 195 25 43 216 27 505 513 437 55 85 73 16 30 33 13 26 30 13 17 21 97 158 157 168 238 30 33 23 51 23 19 214 186 111 41 31 25 1 2 28 Italy j*? - 14 5 1 1 11 1 1 1 8 9 1 1 i 5 6 9 29 701 98 15 18 10 141 187 35 39 294 146 :30 Males 356 59 11 6 5 81 60 134 102 19 24 137 157 288 •31 345 39 4 12 16 5 85 180 16 15 39 72 •32 White 686 93 15 10 34 145 33 34 519 93 15 16 10 134 34 179 41 32 8 25 8 182 56 101 Both parents native { F tine or both parents for- CM.. 156 25 5 3 i 19 2 5 3 26 42 8 4 60 41 35 90 21 6 4 34 48 9 20 6 eign. < E .. 97 16 2 5 5 28 36 6 5 39 11 36 Foreign born f ?jf** ( I -- 90 1 8 56 25 1 1 6 49 19 1 46 37 38 15 5 9 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { " m 32 6 3 2 43 52 10 8 63 196 26 2 8 4 40 57 10 4 80 39 England and Wales { " 19 1 1 4 1 n 12 2 6 16 1 1 3 40 Ireland | Germany | 57 7 2 1 1 11 15 4 6 23 32 9 59 3 i 1 5 4 6 10 41 44 4 8 2 4 20 20 10 37 4 2 6 3 _. , C M bcanaiuavid.................. < 2 1 1 i 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 315 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. | Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid ever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organa. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,859 61 21 33 153 51 250 383 252 38 43 54 142 31 42 231 147 21 227 679 i 1,468 35 13 19 74 17 137 206 145 19 20 20 69 21 118 74 7 127 347 2 ! 1, 391 26 8 14 79 34 113 177 107 19 23 34 73 31 21 113 73 14 100 332 3 2, 836 61 21 33 153 51 247 378 245 38 42 54 141 - 42 230 147 21 223 678 4 1,913 52 9 25 146 46 215 178 142 36 41 12 60 15 14 141 58 7 223 493 5 306 11 3 9 21 3 31 18 25 7 5 10 2 23 17 1 38 82 > * 292 j 5 2 4 22 9 20 24 23 1 7 5 14 7 3 29 9 3 28 77 r 636 18 2 6 49 13 88 66 54 11 13 9 19 5 37 16 1 82 154 617 17 2 5 52 21 72 62 38 15 14 3 15 8 42 15 1 68 164 (7 470 - 8 4 3 1 13 114 60 17 38 13 49 40 5 100 ;-8 443 4 4 4 4 4 15 86 42 1 25 43 16 39 49 9 83 1 23 3 7 1 1 1 4 9 406 .... 15 3 9 29 44 24 35 9 5 1 12 2 32 18 1 56 104 410 9 2 6 30 15 31 32 31 4 10 5 18 7 3 38 12 4 48 105 r° 60 3 1 7 5 8 2 1 5 5 1 4 18 b. 48 2 4 9 3 6 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 14 s11 5‘28 7 5 4_ 21 4 30 114 55 3 6 4 33 10 35 31 4 37 125 in, 527 2 3 2 26 7 30 102 45 3 8 14 37 12 10 37 39 6 27 117 P 299 5 3 4 17 5 36 38 32 2 5 9 6 26 18 2 14 62 255 9 3 i 11 8 37 23 14 5 2 10 11 9 7 22 14 1 12 56 1 3 34 1 1 1 5 3 7 2 1 1 2 2 8 38 9 1 1 1 3 3 5 4 1 9 2 1 4 8 <14 2, 935 71 20 28 178 73 358 366 267 54 50 42 125 29 23 204 143 10 210 683 i 15 1 547 38 14 9 89 32 185 208 127 29 2! 1 t 63 13 111 84 4 114 16 lj 388 33 6 19 89 41 173 158 140 25 29 31 62 29 10 93 59 6 96 288 i 17 2, 929 70 20 28 178 73 358 366 267 54 50 42 125 29 23 203 142 10 210 680 1 18 1, 953 67 3 19 167 73 325 132 172 52 46 5 35 8 1 130 32 210 475 1 19 198 7 3 12 8 32 13 6 2 4 2 17 70 176 9 11 9 30 5 19 5 4 5 - 1 14 2 13 48 '•20 792 28 3 3 74 23 137 66 ?1 19 1 11 53 18 91 190 739 25 H 70 32 121 59 71 20 21 0 6 43 10 73 159 1 (21 517 3 11 3 3 13 144 43 2 9 48 13 40 63 4 118 ) 436 6 6 8 14 90 49 2 28 42 21 9 32 47 6 76 <22 6 1 1 1 3 23 *>82 10 3 23 9 47 11 21 6 4 5 26 3 87 257 13 3 19 12 42 9 26 8 5 2 1 21 3 19 66 1 <24 40 2 3 2 1 1 3 6 4 3 8 > 32 1 1 1 2 5 3 3 1 1 1 2 9 3 6 <25 506 11 4 3 24 6 42 92 11 8 4 25 6 25 38 4 29 119 > j 505 9 i 10 23 8 41 90 62 7 8 17 30 14 20 34 4 23 97 <26 513 12 9 2 30 U 64 81 33 7 6 6 6 2.9 31 34 117 437 10 4 3 34 14 64 39 36 6 13 11 19 11 34 2 33 89 <27 14 1 1 1 1 2 8 8 ...... 9 1 1 2 1 <28 701 6 12 12 23 4 38 59 59 11 4 36 69 3 10 77 57 5 59 157 29 356 4 7 - 16 i 22 31 29 3 2 9 32 6 40 33 33 83 30 345 2 5 7 7 3 16 28 30 8 2 27 37 3 4 37 24 5 26 74 31 686 6 12 12 22 4 37 58 59 11 4 36 66 2 10 76 57 5 57 152 32 519 6 9 8 19 4 35 36 40 10 4 19 45 2 8 58 40 4 57 115 33 9 - 4 4 8 6 2 3 14 3 20 18 14 3S 2 2 3 3 9 8 13 3 1 10 20 3 20 13 1 13 31 <34 90 9 8 i 12 9 6 3 1 3 2 9 4 8 22 97 9 1 4 l 7 12 4 3 1 5 2 9 5 3 ii 20 <35 90 9 1 3 2 14 5 13 1 10 11 21 76 i 3 7 12 1 12 8 1 8 6 1 16 <36 15 1 i 1 3 i 1 2 37 179 2 4 9 9 17 2 3 16 3 23 19 19 41 196 2 3 4 4 2 12 13 13 5 2 12 23 i 3 24 13 2 16 42 <38 19 1 1 1 2 3 i 1 2 2 5 16 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 >39 57 2 1 3 1 3 11 6 2 i 4 1 5 2 15 59 2 1 1 1 10 8 4 4 8 5 1 2 12 <40 44 1 3 4 5 1 3 4 1 2 3 I 10 > 37 2 1 3 3 i 4 5 i 1 2 3 3 8 41 2 1 1 ! i 1 <42 316 VITAL STATISTICS. Takik 86 DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (I YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Mont hs. . Years. BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS. All ages. Under 8 3 to 6 (i to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 19- -Continued. Sanitary district E 2, 453 470 179 151 71 871 1,212 117 134 756 234 2 \I alt‘S 1,248 281 95 78 37 401 070 58 55 359 100 1,205 189 84 73 34 380 542 59 79 397 128 *> 495 463 178 150 70 861 1, 201 116 133 753 232 1.711 462 149 70 856 1, 188 110 100 265 48 Both parents native j F 245 252 19 28 28 21 127 109 167 149 11 6 g 38 21 21 c 54~~ 6 13 One or both parents for-CM., eign. ( F - - 608 546 187 124 68 54 44 49 28 27 458 368 44 49 35 42 69 84 2 7 254 3 8 9 n ( M.. 344 2 2 1 11 2 u 22 1 241 243 83 101 2 370 18 7 1 1 i 10 1 Birthplaces ot mothers: C M.. 340 338 39 50 319 108 29 34 12 183 151 18 18 90 71 136 91 4 245 208 23 21 16 1 11 'l 42 21 24 4 10 England and Wales | ! " 83 n 9 51 1 9 8 11 3 18 20 122 109 197 134 4 3 24 24 11 28 1 15 128 158 134 8 27 50 45 38 1 13 18 12 CM.. Germany } p Italy \ p" 363 399 320 10 18 2,846 78 43 9 28 20 2 19 18 11 10 12 13 11 109 1 14 15 .j 2 130 1 131 12 1,447 5 843 Sanitary district F 534 170 905 142 155 259 10 17 18 \I .ilea 1. 544 315 93 75 71 554 802 73 71 471 127 1,302 2,843 219 60 411 69 84 372 132 533 170 130 131 904 1,445 142 155 842 259 19 20 \ative bor 1,867 213 158 531 167 129 131 958 1.423 158 109 119 97 195 33 Both parents native { F 71 37 18 .11 10 9 11 13 116 70 12 9 1 5 33 19 9 10 21 One or both parents for- C M.. eign. jF.. 795 662 237 168 65 57 46 58 45 424 324 021 505 49 48 50 41 72 65 l Foreign born j p '' 519 448 3 2 1 3 12 12 20 360 115 22 4 11 38 284 111 23 1 1 9 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p" England and Wales { F* ' 303 242 101 54 24 21 3 3 19 16 9 19 17 1 1 163 108 14 10 72 230 177 18 13 100 86 295 20 8 10 9 35 24 10 24 14 17 2 3 25 1 i i 23 22 y Ireland | p ' ,, cm!! Bohemia | p '' Sanitary district G 281 290 662 516 129 90 1,743 45 31 107 78 26 18 444 8 12 9 13 119 26 26 12 38 26 14 9 5 57 201 147 136 31 68 31 21 8 34 32 28 237 27 22 234 36 153 61 6 85 1 24 12 28 0 40 01 1 6 18 4 29 108 125 G5 802 1,031 56 74 402 205 5 30 31 32 905 249 90 36 440 530 36 31 214 91 3 838 195 78 00 29 362 471 20 43 188 114 9 White 1,729 441 106 125 63 795 994 55 74 396 205 5 33 893 160 161 260 60 30 400 519 51 53 184 85 l Both parents native | p " 41 22 4 o 56 38 08 12 9 40 25 34 8 6 53 8 8 49 43 35 One or both parents for-CM., eign. j F .. Foreign born { F " 105 54 9 9 12 8 83 74 115 20 14 42 -i 192 186 48 10 107 10 21 42 12 ! 1 9 8 113 69 36 168 9 9 12 94 58 37 14 3 2 2 _ _ 1 6 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ] F England and Wales j p ' Ireland | jf' ' ( M France 4 p " 216 59 33 9 9 82 : 99 20 1 1 59 59 5 97 38 199 15 9 2 0 4 52 4 73 7 9 9 49 3 39 30 3 1 4 5 9 2 11 10 40 104 : 140 : 14 14 9 3 3 4 0 2 2 1 23 25 3 1 31 34 3 4 3 12 53 06 4 9 25 41 2 i 1 1 42 Germany { F " 1441 104 1 u 15 1 2 4 3 1 2 17 22 26 36 6 4 11 11 63 30 38 17 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 317 MAY 31. 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All j causes. Scar- let, fever. Ty- Ma- phoid larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,453 45 17 23 119 48 249 265 198 45 36 83 130 28 28 176 136 21 211 595 1 1,248 18 7 8 63 25 139 130 105 19 19 23 65 16 91 72 7 121 320 2 1,205 27 10 15 56 23 110 135 93 26 17 60 65 28 12 85 64 14 90 275 3 2, 425 45 17 23 119 48 247 263 196 45 35 83 129 28 28 174 136 21 207 591 4 1,711 42 11 16 112 46 228 130 126 - 34 27 53 14 6 108 59 4 207 415 5 245 - 1 1 0 - 24 14 21 4 8 3 1 1 36 70 ) „ 252 4 1 1 12 5 28 21 19 6 12 1 2 25 9 “ 22 70 r 608 9 4 7 20 48 39 10 u 1 18 9 35 20 77 i - - 54G 99 3 - 39 16 63 40 17 10 11 • 20 12 2 18 60 131 £ 1 344 2 1 4 4 66 37 0 19 38 14 39 76 1 a 370 i 5 7 3 1 15 66 33 1 37 28 14 8 28 36 12 65 s 8 18 9 9 9 1 1 9 4 4 9 340 2 1 9 41 16 30 6 12 3 15 9 99 12 9 47 101 338 8 1 3 19 9 34 24 25 8 7 8 3 2 26 12 2 37 95 10 39 1 1 9 1 4 4 4 1 1 10 50 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 5 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 3 14 319 4 2 14 28 26 4 4 4 25 8 18 23 1 21 363 6 1 5 12 3 23 65 30 9 2 15 27 10 6 27 32 6 14 70 12 399 6 4 4 20 8 52 39 28 4 2 11 23 7 41 22 3 33 92 *13 320 10 4 5 14 7 35 26 20 6 6 22 16 12 2 21 14 5 26 6!) s13 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 Jl4 18 ; 9 4 1 1 1 9 1 ■i 3 1 2, 840 G2 34 10 147 73 340 346 266 38 39 53 131 40 24 224 163 18 2(;9 628 15 1. 544 38 19 4 77 39 197 202 146 21 20 99 66 10 l9? 84 6 124 347 16 i; 302 24 15 6 70 34 143 144 121 17 19 31 65 40 14 102 79 12 85 281 17 2, 843 62 34 10 147 73 340 346 . . _ 266 38 39 53 131 40 24 224 163 18 208 627 18 1.867 60 15 3 134 68 304 150 178 37 39 11 32 12 2 137 51 3 208 423 19 213 8 l 15 4 29 17 18 4 1 3 - 1 15 25 60 158 6 1 10 6 17 10 19 2 4 2 4 1 13 8 1 9 £20 29 1 32 143 71 74 17 19 1 6 1 54 16 1 95 174 662 16 6 9 53 26 107 49 64 14 15 15 11 21 67 138 r 510 ] 1 1 3 99 113 53 18 53 8 63 106 448 1 8 2 13 83 35 1 1 24 46 28 14 34 48 10 92 £22 3 1 1 23 303 14 1 28 8 40 23 27 4 4 3 8 1 17 6 1 39 79 } n 1 242 9 2 1 15 :i 31 16 27 3 6 4 5 2 17 10 1 14 68 s24 32 2 1 4 5 1 2 3 3 11 27 1 G 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 r 281 4 3 3 11 4 22 61 31 4 3 3 12 3 14 18 2 21 62 *26 290 4 1 1 9 5 22 53 23 1 6 12 16 10 7 19 28 9 13 58 662 14 13 1 28 99 82 91 (iO 11 14 28 3 55 43 135 (-27 516 8 11 2 36 12 53 44 50 7 4 12 31 22 5 43 30 3 36 107 129 9 5 3 23 12 15 4 2 1 1 13 6 3 10 29 t in 90 4 3 13 12 9 3 3 1 9 3 1 3 1 18 r8 1, 743 25 n u 82 14 239 134 162 34 29 39 72 11 15 101 110 19 114 519 2 29 005 7 6 7 33 137 69 78 17 12 13 29 8 8 67 277 30 838 18 5 49 102 65 84 17 17 26 33 11 7 46 45 11 47 242 2 31 1,729 25 11 a 81 14 237 133 161 33 29 39 71 11 15 101 110 19 114 512 2 32 893 21 6 9 53 12 90 67 75 13 10 16 38 8 9 59 55 4 114 233 1 33 160 3 k> 9 o 14 14 U 10 3 14 20 24 30 >«, 161 5 I 1 6 9 8 12 16 9 1 10 14 3 4 12 11 3 13 36 1 r4 195 9 2 0 13 5 16 17 16 4 1 1 8 2 15 9 1 28 52 *35 102 10 1 9. 15 3 16 17 9 4 5 6 5 12 14 26 39 186 9 10 24 17 12 18 2 18 33 43 1(58 3 1 9 1 4 31 11 11 13 3 3 18 18 8 41 14 1 9 1 1 1 1 37 216 3 9 3 14 3 19 18 14 1 2 1 15 4 20 23 1 ::o 43 199 6 2 1 9 3 10 14 19 2 1 11 14 3 4 15 14 3 16 51 1 15 2 1 2 2 1 l 2 l 3 30 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 l 4 £39 104 1 2 1 3 9 23 10 1 2 5 12 3 11 21 * m 140 3 1 2 5 1 7 24 12 2 5 4 i 13 13 2 10 28 <40 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 *11 9 1 l r * 1, 144 2 2 1 G 8 15 1 7 13 2 18 17 3 42 104 6 2 6 6 12 7 3 5 7 1 9 7 1 7 25 <42 318 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (I YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND * AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Months. Years. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to !* 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un* | known. 1 Ward 19—Continued. 3,112 577 205 159 146 1,087 1,687 145 155 926 195 4 1,610 1, 502 337 in 83 78 609 915 75 75 461 82 2J 240 94 76 68 478 772 70 80 465 113 2| 3, 071 567 204 158 144 1,073 1,672 144 152 905 194 2,028 545 188 147 133 1,013 1,579 169 145 128 89 208 24 c Both parents native j p 218 194 64 50 16 15 21 17 9 8 no 90 9 8 5 3 30 30 5 8 7 One or both parents eign. | F .. .. (M 827 693 238 157 82 61 54 48 61 49 435 315 654 530 58 41 38 69 ’ 68 5 11 25 38 3 341 354 21 72 8 roreign horn •' r 514 i 2 3 13 15 9 98 1 9 41 10 1 i 2 14 * i Birthplaces of mothers: United States { U ' < M England and Wales | p " Ireland j p " Germany j p"' Bohemia j " 351 109 30 28 16 183 275 21 11 39 10 299 73 24 21 18 136 220 16 5 48 10 9 3 2 1 15 26 3 14 8 11 36 1 3 4 15 2 9 15 2 12 13 592 89 26 15 22 152 254 32 38 240 28 605 328 312 05 55 50 19 17 13 22 15 14 15 16 15 121 103 92 212 161 156 30 17 18 42 16 19 261 103 93 59 31 26 i 14 76 24 12 6 6 48 2 1 14 9 65 10 5 2 22 39 3 18 15 1,108 216 84 75 65 440 661 53 44 298 50 2 ' 16 17 Males Females • 605 503 130 86 51 33 36 39 37 28 254 186 373 288 32 21 24 20 153 145 22 28 11 i 18 White 1,074 208 83 72 64 427 647 . 53 44 282 46 2 19 Native born 767 206 82 68 64 420 634 47 30 54 2 | 20 Both parents native F One or both parents for-CM. eign. 1 F . 16 8 6 5 35 59 2 3 52 19 4 6 34 47 1 1 21 357 266 99 57 41 26 27 29 31 23 198 135 288 220 26 15 17 11 25 19 1 1 22 Foreign born { F 141 i 1 4 3 3 6 109 19 158 1 i 9 8 116 *>6 23 24 34 8 1 . 3 I 13 14 16 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p " England and Wales j p ‘ ■ Ireland | ' 110 83 32 26 13 6 7 9 10 i 6 1 62 47 90 69 3 4 2 2 13 2 1 9 4 4 5 4 25 12 i i 4 1 i 5 1 26 151 25 7 4 41 68 9 10 9 141 13 9 2 31 49 7 10 27 Germany j p '' Bohemia \ 163 30 18 ii 64 92 12 10 42 146 26 7 9 13 83 6 8 40 9 28 89 61 18 8 6 13 4 8 4 44 22 62 42 4 1 1 19 13 2 1 29 572 103 17 10 9 139 202 36 32 198 104 J 30 31 32 294 9 4 4 74 104 24 19 100 47 278 46 8 6 5 98 12 13 98 568 102 17 10 !) 138 198 36 32 198 104 33 374 102 17 10 9 1 138 197 33 24 85 35 Both parents native j ' One or both parents for- CM., eign. < F .. 79 81 19 14 4 1 25 18 39 25 9 6 13 29 34 2 1 1 3 19 35 101 36 5 3 3 47 60 13 20 1 108 30 6 5 4 45 70 6 8 21 3 36 Foreign born | p " 105 2 6 63 34 85 1 48 34 37 4 1 1 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p " England and Wales | F Ireland j p '' France Germany |p • m 31 3 1 40 33 60 14 8 17 32 12 38 112 27 4 1 1 47 8. I 5 20 39 14 1 1 5 1 14 3 1 1 6 1 1 40 59 11 1 12 15 4 3 29 8 07 6 2 1 9 . 17 2 3 30 15 41 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 12 78 11 4 1 16 18 4 4 31 21 62 2 2 13 19 i 5 23 14 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 319 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY,. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. • All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ha- phoid iarial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. 1 Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,112 76 23 34 193 74 376 364 324 58 34 56 123 31 38 202 156 11 238 7C0 1 1 1,610 38 14 18 94 43 187 174 162 30 15 19 55 21 117 72 3 137 410 1 2 1,502 35 9 16 99 31 189 190 162 28 19 37 68 31 17 85 84 8 101 290 3 3.071 76 23 34 193 74 375 353 319 58 34 56 119 31 36 2)1 152 11 229 696 1 4 2. 028 73 10 20 178 67 333 132 192 54 33 8 38 11 10 118 44 3 229 475 S' 218 9 o 2 16 8 26 9 22 4 3 3 10 G 97 66 > 194 10 i 14 6 31 14 16 10 4 2 5 1 2 12 1 19 39 827 27 2 12 66 30 140 54 73 23 9 i 17 4 97 203 693 27 5 5 76 21 125 49 67 16 13 13 9 1 35 14 2 72 138 h 456 2 9 4 3 2 9 100 56 18 34 12 47 3 1 514 i 4 10 2 4 19 119 63 1 30 47 20 13 35 58 83 (8 41 1 11 9 9. 351 13 3 4 29 10 18 30 9 6 3 18 46 104 299 10 1 1 27 11 22 11 -10. 51 3 1 i 6 3 1 1 9 6 3 3 12 s 36 1 1 3 9 1 2 3 ] 9 1 7 (u 592 15 4 10 29 11 89 11 7 6 22 36 2 149 > 605 14 5 10 31 8 55 102 66 7 8 23 34 u 8 39 47 4 28 105 S12- 328 3 5 3 20 12 38 36 29 6 1 10 17 7 26 17 1 27 69 1 ) 312 9 3 20 6 43 37 29 5 2 7 16 14 2 14 16 1 26 60 p 76 1 4 1 7 9 1 2 1 5 •) 3 11 16 fl4 65 l 7 1 9 11 1 1 9 9 1,108 13 9 8 70 34 175 126 103 22 9 17 38 8 73 37 2 94 262 1 ) 15 605 8 3 4 38 20 92 65 60 16 7 16 o 38 17 i 61 148 503 5 6 4 32 14 83 61 43 6 4 10 22 7 2 35 20 33 114 1 17 1, 074 13 9 8 70 ... 34 173 120 102 22 9 17 35 7 8 71 34 2 89 250 1 18. 767 12 5 6 66 32 161 38 60 22 9 13 4 2 60 7 89 181 19 66 6 6 11 5 3 3 6 G 18 52 2 1 11 1 9 j 5 17 (20 357 6 2 3 29 11 17 31 13 _ 3 i 25 2 43 89 ) 266 5 3 1 26 12 62 16 20 6 4 4 23 19 55 21 141 i 1 1 o 1 1 44 22 7 9 5 12 i 28 > 158 3 1 1 1 10 38 20 10 13 3 { 6 15 1 34 1 (22 34 6 1 2 12 > 23. 110 6 15 4 g 5 . 3 3 12 36 83 i 9, 7 1 17 6 6 3 l ' l ii 22 (24. 9 i 1 1 2 1 2 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 i 1 (25, ' 151 4 2 i 10 1 14 20 23 1 1 1 4 9 8 6 14 39 (26, 141 1 i i 4 2 21 24 14 2 2 3 9 2 1 9 8 6 30 1 163 3 i i 14 4 29 23 10 3 1 10 4 12 38 s27 146 1 o i • 16 5 22 14 12 9 2 4 6 3 9 6 34 89 9 4 4 16 9 10 3 i 1 2 o i 17 61 1 i 3 3 12 8 6 2 2 6 2 4 9 (-28. 572 13 6 6 30 6 32 40 56 9 5 32 41 7 5 57 44 5 48 137 29- 294 9 4 2 19 2 15 19 25 2 i 9 29 1 25 29 3 26 74 278 4 9 4 11 4^ 17 21 31 23 12 7 4 32 15 22 63 568 13 6 6 30 6 32 40 55 2 32 41 7 5 56 44 5 48 135 32 374 13 2 4 29 6 27 33 i 5 13 IS 6 9 30 20 3 48 87 33, 79 4 8 4 - i 3 6 6 6 2 9 18 81 1 3 *> 4 10 8 3 9 10 5 l1 17 (34. 101 5 i 1 10 2 8 8 8 1 4 17 24 108 4 i 2 8 2 10 7 8 1 6 3 7 4 14 26 35-, 105 3 i 9 7 9 1 6 17 1 12 18 i 27 (36- 1 i 3 6 13 13 6 1 9 13 1 6 i 19 4 1 9 37 111 6 1 12 10 12 1 1 3 6 8 2 15 27 112 2 i 6 2 6 9 8 2 4 2 12 i 12 26 38: 14 i 3 1 1 2 1 1 9 2 (39; 14 1 9 i 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 59 1 1 2 1 i 6 7 8 14 (40- 67 1 1 9 2 1 2 6 2 5 2 10 4 3 12 3 9 1 3 i 9 ' 41 78 n 2 i i 4 2 7 3 10 1 8 1 6 23 62 i i i 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 3 5 3. i 3 15 >42. 320 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (i YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AM' BIRTHPLACES OF MOTH HRS. Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 fi to !) i) to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 t<> 65 Over 05 Un- known. 1 Ward 19—Continued. Sanitary district L 8,129 ; 659 ■ 228 176 138 1,201 1, 792 138 142 832 223 2 1,646 1,483 1 395 124 90 69 678 989 68 429 95 :i 264 104 86 69 523 803 70 403 128 2 4 3,121 659 228 176 136 1, 199 1.789 135 142 831 229 5 2,135 658 90.1 171 13 L 1.184 112 84 163 22 6 Both parents native | 219 173 68 21 17 13 12 114 171 134 10 28 8 51 17 10 95 8 7 14 10 j One or both parents for-CM., eign. i F . - 82 a 323 100 85 72 53 789 49 34 39 49 65 1 794 207 66 55 413 642 45 3 ( M Foreign born < p 481 489 8 9 1 3 10 10 9 28 30 348 320 1 29 17 16 86 8 1 1 9 4 13 3 114 9 9 0 1 Birtli])laces of mothers: United States p 309 99 28 26 17 24 19 163 255 206 37 13 19 3 9 10 264 14 139 ib 5 12 11 62 14 4 4 3 25 1 England and vv ales < p C M 48 10 2 2 1 15 24 168 2 9 16 4 12 416 10 14 13 112 16 27 27 16 21 162 182 127 112 43 Ireland < y ~ \ m !! (vermanv < p f M 422 433 43 97 16 34 27 13 21 13 14 85 166 141 240 188 118 101 16 20 20 54 30 9 13 380 58 25 18 128 39 14 170 49 99 12 8 91 9 5 36 2 Bouenna < p 133 31 18 11 10 70 3 7 19 351 3 15 1,534 317 129 109 85 640 996 65 59 63 16 Males 818 180 76 62 43 361 532 464 38 197 29 17 716 137 53 47 42 279 27 37 34 18 White 1,534 317 129 109 85 640 996 65 59 351 63 19 1,108 87 317 127 107 84 3 035 974 72 59 28 3 1 44 6 3 20 „ . . CM.. 30 11 6 50 1 Both parents native < p 79 22 6 6 39 6)1 434 389 9 6 6 9 21 One or both parents for-CM., eign. \ F .. . , CM.. 491 143 60 40 298 31 17 s 18 10 171 134 429 114 45 38 36 233 13 10 21 220 2 28 ** r oreign born < p 197 i' i 2 4 32 23 Birthplaces of mothers: _ . , c, CM.. 131 44 14 ii 7 76 54 109 89 4 12 6 6 8 1 24 United States < p 106 30 8 9 1 2 25 r \j England and Wales ) F 8 1 2 3 3 1 9 1 1 5 ] 2 68 56 71 38 15 i 16 26 Ireland \ " 142 12 7 6 5 30 45 50 136 6 3 132 15 8 3 5 31 12 5 10 3 11 fi CM.. 229 51 21 10 8 90 a G -< 174 27 - 15 12 10 64 108 109 9 9 28 Bohemia 134 29 14 11 11 69 5 2 154 33 10 13 67 114 4 23 399 b 29 Sanitary district N 1, 175 . 190 41 41 35 307 457 66 71 181 l 30 31 Males (ill 122 68 25 16 25 Tg 17 i 18 18.1 118 261 196 24 42 31 213 186 392 82 99 1 32 White 1,148 188 38 38 32 296 442 65 69 179 l 33 Native born 790 187 37 37 31 292 434 64 56 175 60 i 34 ( M Both parents native .< p " 163 9 - G5 92 - 39 33 18 157 29 '7 5 G 47 76 14 8 25 i 35 C M One or both parents for-< p 237 70 16 13 8 107 149 17 17 47 ~ 202 33 9 9 10 1 61 1 103 24 20 49 6 36 . eign. C M Foreign born 2 p " 181 2 121 96 53 66 172 ::::::::: 9 1 1 ~ 37 o 3 3 ‘ 3 ii 95 67 8 15 133 104 9 o 38 39 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | ‘ England and Wales j p '' Ireland j p ' * Germany | p ‘ 226 208 26 63 36 u u i 14 9 1 7 11 1 14 19 3 11 9 1 48 41* 9 20 26 4 l 29 2 2 6 3 2 7 11 14 40 125 14 4 23 4 8 62 69 63 152 10 9 9 14 25 42 13 2 10 35 26 41 140 19 6 9 4 31 117 12 4 4 3 23 38 5 11 42 21 42 12 4 4 6 i 7 | 3 1 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 321 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Sear- Ty- let plioid fever, fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3, 129 50 17 16 171 81 415 382 294 44 47 73 112 35 23 255 122 19 302 671 1 1,646 22 14 10 82 44 215 180 164 23 27 26 57 9 129 66 9 189 380 2 1,483 28 3 6 89 37 200 202 130 21 20 47 55 35 14 126 56 10 113 291 3 3,121 50 17 16 170 81 415 381 291 44 47 73 112 35 23 253 122 19 302 670 4 2,135 47 8 9 163 74 391 133 191 42 44 10 35 12 3 166 34 302 471 5 219 9 2 13 6 36 5 26 4 2 6 15 9 32 54 ) - 173 3 13 4 41 11 10 2 3 3 4 3 1 17 3 22 33 s 6 922 12 8 4 66 33 162 54 81 18 25 ii 1 72 7 154 214 ) n 794 23 3 69 31 147 60 73 16 14 7 14 9 1 61 13 85 168 <7 481 1 6 4 2 12 119 50 26 40 8 40 49 9 110 \ 8 489 2 3 3 5 2 9 128 46 1 37 37 23 121 45 39 10 87 8 1 1 3 9 1 9 309 ii 9 26 9 53 5 38 5 3 8 16 9 74 ) 264 26 8 53 15 18 3 5 4 . 5 4 1 26 4 33 52 10 62 2 4 2 11 7 6 i 1 3 9 3 5 15 48 1 3 3 3 1 3 5 31 1 3 3 2 1 2 17 416 4 4 3 13 8 37 88 48 3 5 5 15 35 21 6 39 79 422 7 1 2 21 4 33 94 45 6 3 17 23 ii 8 31 28 3 20 65 <12 433 6 3 21 9 49 35 35 10 10 13 22 5 38 19 2 44 107 j!3 380 8 3 20 9 56 48 29 2 5 12 14 12 3 39 14 3 28 75 170 1 1 4 7 23 6 2 3 14 3 1 29 44 133 1 8 3 22 20 15 3 3 2 i 6 2 15 28 1,534 41 8 8 105 52 258 146 134 19 23 18 49 10 9 127 57 7 112 350 1 15 818 21 6 5 52 23 142 84 82 11 9 6 22 3 69 32 3 57 190 1 16 716 20 2 3 53 29 116 62 52 8 14 12 27 10 6 58 25 4 160 17 1,534 41 8 8 105 52 258 146 134 19 23 18 49 10 9 127 57 7 112 350 1 18 1,108 38 3 3 97 51 240 37 74 19 23 3 14 4 1 99 16 112 273 1 19 87 5 2 3 21 2 3 3 1 7 2 3 29 1 <20 79 2 10 13 i 5 ] 2 1 1 ! 7 1 13 17 491 14 3 2 19 111 19 41 8 8 2 1 49 4 49 116 l21 429 17 1 39 24 94 12 23 12 7 3 1 34 8 41 106 220 2 3 3 4 1 62 36 4 16 3 10 25 3 41 197 i 2 2 3 8 47 23 ii 19 6 5 16 16 4 34 23 131 9 3 4 27 3 4 4 1 16 2 6 46 1 j24 106 3 ii 5 16 1 6 9 4 i 1 10 2 16 28 8 2 1 2 1 2 9 1 2 2 1 1 2 r 142 2 1 6 4 12 24 24 5 3 3 1 5 12 4 36 <26 132 4 1 1 5 3 13 24 8 1 2 12 2 2 14 8 5 27 229 7 3 2 14 4 38 26 26 4 1 2 8 2 14 11 27 40 <27 > 174 6 1 i 13 7 33 12 9 2 2 4 6 3 3 15 5 i 12 39 134 1 1 2 15 27 10 11 2 1 1 1 12 2 2 11 28 <28 154 13 28 13 14 1 4 1 3 3 1 6 9 14 32 1,175 33 20 12 66 12 101 147 100 8 13 40 82 16 13 93 70 ,3 87 249 29 611 17 12 7 30 7 55 78 49 2 5 13 5 44 39 4 55 144 30 564 16 8 5 36 5 46 69 51 6 8 27 37 16 8 49 31 9 32 105 31 1,148 32 20 12 65 12 97 146 98 8 13 39 76 16 13 92 70 13 85 241 32 790 31 13 10 63 12 83 86 66 7 11 14 36 13 4 59 30 5 85 162 33 163 7 2 3 11 2 10 20 14 9 3 1 7 9 8 1 24 39 <34 157 5 2 2 18 2 13 10 17 4 8 10 4 1 10 3 12 31 237 10 5 3 17 5 32 24 19 ] 9 1 21 1 27 55 202 9 4 9 15 3 25 25 16 1 6 4 9 8 2 17 10 15 31 181 i 29 12 25 4 13 24 9 44 172 1 2 1 9 5 31 1 17 i 13 15 2 5 20 16 6 35 27 1 1 4 9 1 6 1 2 8 37 226 10 4 3 19 3 25 21 9 3 1 12 13 8 1 32 54 208 8 3 3 22 3 22 16 19 4 i 10 12 5 3 13 6 3 17 38 26 1 i 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 2 4 29 1 i 1 i 4 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 2 6 5 4 1 9 O 11 23 10 1 2 H 1 8 7 1 5 31 <40 152 3 2 1 4 1 8 33 16 3 8 10 2 ' 2 14 13 2 5 25 140 2 3 1 4 1 14 9 6 15 1 15 15 1 6 32 <4! 117 2 1 10 15 8 1 i 4 10 6 2 12 4 4 25 12 i 1 1 4 5 7 2 2 1 1 1 i <42 322 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 80.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to !) » to 12 Total . under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 tp 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 19—Continued. 1 Sanitary district O 3,431 657 201 185 114 1.157 1. 756 167 188 1,034 283 3 o Males 1,763 364 119 99 57 639 942 86 80 516 138 1 3 1, 668 293 82 86 518 814 81 108 516 145 2 4 3,412 655 201 184 114 1,154 1,748 167 186 1,026 283 9 ! 5 2,363 356 653 199 181 113 1,146 1,720 152 131 311 48 1 , .. (M 115 34 19 16 184 262 21 9 48 16 6 Botli parents native C p 295 72 22 23 16 133 205 17 15 37 21 7 One or both parents for- -T 812 34 5 6 87 19 121 77 18 8 18 7 4 22 83 167 7 516 9 6 - o 12 103 68 20 10 57 64 95 \ 8 524 4 3 4 4 19 92 58 47 16 ] 12 46 49 8 93 10 3 4 3 , 9 9 9 9 481 11 3 38 16 58 25 50 5 6 1 1 5 11 1 16 0 15 13 3 3 39 51 115 \1(> 440 19 2 37 18 61 29 36 10 5 18 4 4 1 33 5 4 49 5 95 15 52 1 2 3 1 l11 69 3 1 1 3 6 8 3 3 9 4 i 14 2 1 4 7 1 3 27 19 86 446 11 2 22 8 43 82 4 37 35 >12 499 6 2 5 28 5 42 93 52 4 15 43 5 10 39 4 17 89 597 7 8 6 29 16 68 72 62 3 3 17 37 8 66 34 5 45 111 <13 467 16 4 4 32 8 55 47 34 5 7 30 .30 11 4 38 17 1 33 91 22 2 3 2 1 i 1 9 4 2 5 17 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 222 4 £14 2,268 68 30 19 147 62 297 251 188 34 29 47 90 22 22 184 89 10 454 3 15 1,203 39 19 8 82 39 153 144 103 20 16 11 48 13 98 86 42 47 5 117 245 1 2 16 17 1,065 29 11 11 65 23 144 107 85 14 13 36 42 22 9 5 105 209 2,266 67 30 19 147 62 297 251 188 34 29 47 90 22 22 184 89 10 221 454 3 18 1, 655 62 15 15 141 57 281 119 129 31 25 9 26 13 5 129 28 221 346 S 19 227 14 2 1 19 10 38 12 19 7 4 3 1 23 9 27 44 1 1 191 4 9 3 12 5 34 10 13 3 3 o 3 9 1 18 9 26 47 [20 625 21 5 e- 25 106 46 12 10 2 10 2 41 3 82 144 582 23 5 4 50 16 100 46 46 8 8 5 10 11 I 45 21 37 24 75 107 1 >21 331 2 ii 3 3 9 84 34 1 9 1 9 35 10 7 34 53 49 268 2 4 4 1 2 7 48 24 1 29 29 9 21 5 o i 1 23 319 20 3 1 31 12 52 15 27 ii 3 _ ] 29 2 37 i 272 11 3 3 22 7 46 13 19 3 4 3 3 1 25 6 36 63 1 34 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 8 1 1 9 47 1 3 1 6 6 6 3 2 2 2 1 12 1 5 g \25 230 3 1 1 9 4 19 39 24 9 3 3 14 6 14 9 18 56 234 5 1 3 9 2 15 35 22 2 2 8 7 2 16 15 2 21 52 >26 478 n 11 4 31 18 61 66 40 6 3 5 18 3 39 27 3 43 89 >27 386 26 10 1 5 4 23 2 11 5I 1 31 3 4 6 1 17 1 16 10 5 31 2 22 2 31 5 61 3 1 18 1 i o 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 £28 29 431 1 1 i 23 28 19 9 5 1 23 9 1 159 158 234 1 i 15 19 11 l i 3 ] 13 10 23 1 82 77 156 82 76 ,5, 30 31 32 197 1 g 9 8 9 5 427 1 1 i 23 28 19 2 5 1 9 1 372 1 1 i 21 14 11 i 3 1 19 0 3 1 1 156 25 20 50 47 139 33 i 4 3 1 1 17 21 48 45 7 47 1 1 9 1 9 132 11 8 4 | i 1 1 8 2 108 1 5 9 9 1 4 £35 25 9 4 i 2 25 2 5 4 i 9 5 6 >36 4 3 1 25 31 6 2 37 81 i 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 39 35 76 9 2 2 4 £38 16 i 1 i £39 6 4 69 3 9 6 1 5 1 2 23 13 21 21 58 6 5 i 1 4 <40 ) _ 1 1 11 17 (41 ) _ 41 5 5 i 1 1 17 14 36 1 2 i 1 42 324 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. All nges. Under 3 3 to 6 (i to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 15, 862 2, 796 C08 692 564 4,960 7,389 674 987 5,473 1, 329 10 2 8, 313 7,549 14, 933 1,555 1.241 491 301 307 2, 714 2, 246 4, 579 4,019 3,370 321 472 2,941 551 9 3 417 331 257 353 515 2.' 532 778 1 i 2,567 844 642 520 6,891 646 931 5,181 1, 274 10 — 5 9, 872 1, 624 1,440 3,495 2,979 2,516 2, 482 929 2, 559 410 832 034 512 4, 537 6, 779 1,099 590 1.594 250 3 15ot.li parents native M 151 93 68 722 644 1,691 1.322 72 321 76 G F 373 119 81 71 944 84 71 233 108 7 One or both parents foreign . M.. F .. 962 700 296 253 230 212 1 203 157 2,508 2. 037 207 ‘>‘>9 260 504 439 13 23 3 8 Foreign born M 1 9 46 28* 125 1,885 1,676 292 430 2 F .. 9 1 4 ] **7 28 149 592 o 99Q 04 50 38 381 498 28 56 .10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 2 532 678 237 158 119 1,192 1,044 85 1,753 107 92 484 96 2, 294 276 605 188 141 110 1.523 131 115 374 151 11 M.. 52 15 16 8 10 121 14 4 110 27 251 13 12 37 F .. 08 581 447 33 99 11 92 12 I reland M-- 2, 685 2, 805 334 228 110 95 70 66 67 58 907 727 108 118 213 230 1,240 1,381 45 215 349 2 13 Scotland 'M.. 132 20 3 4 6 55 8 9 15 137 19 3 6 33 52 8 11 21 14 Germany fM.. F -- 1,818 1,340 2,640 304 208 84 71 79 72 71 46 538 397 781 607 60 56 115 105 712 423 148 149 2 15 441 164 116 93 814 1,243 114 169 928 186 16 17 .18 1,334 1,306 2,613 241 85 51 65 54 431 383 807 663 49 78 91 78 200 79 39 462 108 White 436 164 115 92 1,234 113 165 919 182 .19 1,694 246 432 161 115 88 796 128 113 286 1,210 190 104 117 240 38 23 Both parents native M.. 56 31 22 19 10 3 :20 F .. 224 67 23 14 9 176 17 8 13 10 : 21 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born M.. 627 171 53 29 33 443 34 97 F 546 115 54 48 25 242 2 367 42 54 99 81 315 360 *> M 417 488 2 10 5 3 67 91 .22 F .. 1 ] 6 26 '.23 / Colored °7 5 1 1 7 9 1 16 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States {¥:: 343 81 40 28 25 25 174 153 266 5 49 24 304 88 25 15 238 20 18 18 16 13 England and Wales M.. 42 10 2 1 i 14 20 1 2 3 1 25 F .. 38 3 4 7 14 1 4 Ireland f M.. 661 92 24 14 17 147 226 23 56 308 48 26 F .. 682 57 31 15 12 115 175 28 57 351 71 27 Scotland M.. 28 4 2 1 7 16 2 2 4 4 35 9 3 4 9 18 21 2 9 3 28 Germany M.. 164 30 14 6 8 58 88 3 10 11 F 142 17 11 15 48 71 10 10 41 10 29 3,217 564 166 131 106 967 1.386 123 203 1, 174 329 9 30 :31 32 1,686 1,531 2, 714 327 92 70 62 44 551 416 770 616 1,121 65 58 108 96 107 168 622 552 1,017 131 198 298 2 i 237 74 61 White _ ' _ 446 133 104 86 769 9 33 1,757 333 444 132 104 84 10 764 128 1,107 185 92 14 125 18 362 94 70 22 1 Both parents native fM.. 75 25 18 F 284 66 23 19 8 116 161 13 17 68 25 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn M.. F .. 593 460 167 114 52 31 35 25 36 26 290 196 416 308 36 28 48 39 89 78 3 l 36 M.. 465 1 2 3 9 16 340 92 136 31 30 l F .. 486 1 1 6 26 311 157 172 37 38 503 118 33 27 20 198 274 265 385 35 33 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) F^ 159 49 36 30 25 591 65 124 40 38 21 223 331 26 39 143 52 :39 England and Wales M.. 13 4 1 2 20 27 4 i 27 6 F .. 54 10 • 3 5 18 2 3 18 G 40 Ireland M.. 414 47 17 12 83 137 18 35 183 41 F .. 477 31 12 9 12 64 99 13 39 250 41 France F ' 75 33 13 6 6 5 2 1 3 1 24 13 31 18 1 1 4 2 35 11 3 1 l 42 .Germany M.. F .. 287 193 50 33 8 7 4 4 10 3 72 47 97 70 9 8 16 8 127 71 37 36 l NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 325 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX NATIVITY ' BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH ' All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known. 1 15, 862 252 138 114 679 333 1,677 2,193 1,427 182 212 327 726 150 218 1,222 999 99 1,222 3,686 6 1 8, 813 128 70 55 336 180 901 1.177 776 99 95 110 356 114 651 571 538 461 28 71 707 515 1,990 1,696 2 2‘ 7, 549 124 68 59 343 153 776 1,016 651 83 117 217 370 150 104 4 3. 14, 933 250 133 108 672 329 1,583 2, 038 1,324 178 195 314 089 141 215 1,142 944 97 1,113 3,464 4 A 9,872 231 55 68 645 316 1,434 965 767 172 189 77 270 57 53 724 324 20 1,113 2, 388 4 5- 1,624 32 9 11 88 52 207 128 126 30 35 12 g 139 103. 67 44 2 13 180 135 441 371 1,440 38 3 15 98 40 187 101 130 18 32 30 55 18 8 1 3,495 81 21 18 234 121 560 375 272 49 6 70 19 17 239 217 111 81 422 298 837 660 1 2,979 76 20 19 219 101 450 333 212 61 73 22 77 39 2 2 \T 2,516 9 37 18 14 4 62 573 311 4 3 85 210 84 217 313 24 548 500 222 \s- 2, 482 9 41 22 13 7 78 497 240 1 2 152 206 84 78 198 301 53 929 2 5 6 7. 4 94 155 103 4 17 13 37 9 3 80 55 2 109 0 “ 9' 2. 532 43 ii 21 124 74 331 224 207 39 55 19 81 88 18 12 10 3 217 178 19 21 183 203 10 12 151 92 102 66 24 2 291 216 16 16 153 94 12 678 592 75 55 637 568 28 33 399 289 1 2 |-10- 35. 460 7 2 3 44 11 68 52 23 8 11 4 17 8 1 35 49 47 40 17 465 4 4 1 2 1 93 47 2 46 16 62 62 10 486 2 5 3 1 1 10 91 59 36 40 12 11 7 503 1 2 3 3 3 57 91 57 4 12 8 24 6 28 1 56 71 46 3 2 377 645 5 5 5 19 8 85 87 53 7 14 8 36 3 40 30 1 591 65 9 2 2 5 21 1 13 3 60 4 71 5 62 4 2 2 20 11 3 30 10 2 1 58 3 28 5 3 1 2 54 2 1 9 7 6 i 6 1 5 4 3 414 8 5 3 151 6 25 72 34 5 5 2 99 9 34 36 5 21 9 107 99 Uo. 477 4 4 3 12 3 26 94 47 3 4 18 35 11 6 39 56 4 75 2 4 9 14 6 1 3 5 4 6 4 6 11 G (41 33 1 2 1 5 6 1 1 i 3 6 34 1 2 287 3 1 10 o 19 40 25 2 1 6 21 22 11 4 23 17 71 47 |42t 193 1 1 14 2 19 18 15 2 9 12 6 4 14 i VITAL STATISTICS. 326 Tahlk NO.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE G YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND . AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under:! 3 to 6 (> to i) 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 20—Continued. 2 264 371 110 95 82 638 1,062 119 123 771 185 4 0 Males 1.201 208 63 . 47 44 362 588 58 412 84 4 3 1,063 2,244 163 47 48 38 296 474 64 359 101 3G8 110 93 80 651 1,053 .10 121 762 185 4 r) 1,468 247 307 108 89 15 80 644 1,035 183 111 203 3° Both parents native ) One or both parents for-CM., eign. IF.. Foreign born | p^ 72 22 8 117 14 8 32 10 c 203 51 129 102 13 9 13 139 18 35 43 23 10 7 523 452 36 32 31 31 35 23 231 188 381 303 32 40 74 64 1 2 3 383 5 17 284 71 1 377 2 9 3 17 268 82 9 20 3 0 2 9 9 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p ‘' England and Wales j p " Ireland ; Scotland < p " 333 101 29 21 16 13 164 252 16 13 42 10 10 269 18 3 15 124 192 22 11 28 16 11 43 6 3 i i 9 13 3 13 22 9 14 39 4 11 3 9 16 12 185 500 55 44 14 15 1 13 10 91 82 162 138 22 28 34 40 1 219 239 47 1 13 29 2 2 2 7 16 2 9 i 3 24 2 i 3 3 2 9 14 ., CM.. 193 28 9 8 11 9 57 82 10 8 79 14 lierniany < p 146 26 3 44 70 9 12 15 2,428 448 139 90 66 743 1,048 78 154 885 263 16 17 18 Males 1,292 1,136 2,210 269 179 379 80 59 124 50 40 79 38 28 437 306 599 449 924 37 41 75 70 84 147 479 406 107 156 252 White 56 638 812 19 20 1,469 300 260 379 79 53 123 24 21 r-y 53 12 11 032 128 97 911 182 141 70 8 11 106 11 17 308 76 59 74 23 32 ( M Both parents native < p 13 12 21 One or both parents for-CM., eign. IF.. 474 375 142 86 46 27 31 21 18 12 237 146 328 231 25 26 36 40 80 71 5 7 22 Foreign born | p '' 367 1 1 3 4 3 18 23 271 71 367 2 1 0 2 229 107 23 218 69 146 15 37 35 2 11 10 105 124 305 73 115 11 31 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p ' England and Wales | F 478 23 22 228 12 19 24 416 59 102 21 15 173 241 22 96 38 25 11 1 14 19 4 30 0 50 4 2 11 13 i 3 19 14 26 Ireland j " 309 37 16 6 4 63 98 8 22 151 30 330 24 13 3 4 44 12 31 154 27 France | p " 44 9 1 2 2 14 10 1 2 23 2 14 4 4 4 9 1 28 Germanv | P'■ 261 39 13 14 8 74 ■ 101 11 18 104 27 202 24 4 42 67 g 18 186 82 27 29 3,188 602 199 163 138 1,102 1.689 138 1,007 166 9 30 31 32 Males 1,702 1,486 3,166 331 271 600 96 103 197 91 65 583 519 1,095 891 795 1.076 63 98 88 180 571 430 1,000 -r. 1 73 75 91 166 1 White 162 136 136 33 34 2,149 290 600 89 192 30 160 20 133 13 1,085 152 1,048 241 125 13 122 244 26 9 1 Both parents native | i/ One or both parents for-CM.. 3 254 79 24 15 21 139 204 18 46 8 20 4 35 811 746 230 377 62 76 69 54 48 47 409 354 616 549 56 50 34 91 98 1 1 1 36 Foreign born { F^ 562 1 i 2 12 4 441 71 441 30 311 * 37 22 9 o 1 o 7 13 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F 397 368 30 120 113 43 41 1 33 21 17 30 4 213 205 15 19 332 303 21 25 19 27 10 10 1 33 24 38 4 39 England and Wales ) F " 8 0 3 1 6 5 36 10 3 1 r. 3 40 Ireland 5^-- Scotland {1^" 576 75 24 17 17 133 197 24 49 272 34 539 20 44 16 17 15 92 9 166 11 23 34 265 6 1 41 2 23 4 i 12 I 2 5 3 42 Germany { F 552 398 102 71 23 27 34 24 18 21 177 143 274 216 14 17 32 37 203 101 28 27 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 327 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu. monia. Measles. TV hoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and ilropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,264 55 16 21 124 52 236 322 194 29 33 51 96 15 35 160 122 16 155 { i 1,201 24 11 11 68 27 123 170 105 13 11 18 41 20 90 72 2 92 303 2 1,003 31 5 10 56 25 113 152 89 16 22 33 55 15 15 70 50 14 63 229 3 2,244 55 15 21 123 52 235 318 193 29 32 51 95 15 34 160 118 16 155 527 4 1,468 53 5 12 118 51 209 138 116 28 31 ii 36 4 8 98 32 4 155 359 5 247 8 2 2 16 8 30 16 11 2 1 2 4 1 27 9 3° 203 12^ 3 19 7 32 13 2 6 4 8 1 11 3 4 47 s' 6 523 16 1 4 49 18 73 63 42 10 10 1 8 4 27 9 56 132 \ 7 452 17 2 3 32 17 67 44 43 14 14 3 15 3 3 29 9 43 94 5 7 383 7 5 3 12 86 48 1 H 29 15 34 9 377 2 3 4 9 1 12 94 27 1 26 30 11 11 28 37 10 78 s 8 20 1 i 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 9 333 9 3 2 19 15 40 27 18 2 3 1 33 269 15 21 10 43 16 19 3 9 4 11 1 2 17 3 4 21 67 s'10 43 L 1 4 4 3 2 i 1 3 11 39 2 2 3 5 4 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 7 25 6 42 89 51 5 1 8 24 11 31^ 42 1 30 101 Jl2 500 9 4 5 20 6 34 103 45 9 7 21 30 8 10 31 33 8 21 96 29 1 7 2 3 2 1 9 2 1 * 8 13 24 9 1 1 "i 1 1 2 I 2 8 193 4 3 1 7 3 23 36 20 4 4 2 81 6 9 5 10 48 116 2 2 5 6 20 17 15 i 1 5 4 9 12 6 1 14 28 2,428 32 28 17 78 38 234 316 257 10 25 70 125 17 33 204 153 25 208 548 i 15 1,292 20 14 11 36 24 133 170 150 ii 16 24 • 62 112 83 9 124 978 16 1,136 12 14 6 42 14 101 146 107 8 9 46 63 17 18 92 70 16 84 270 i 17 2,210 32 26 16 76 38 215 284 232 19 23 66 119 16 31 180 143 24 173 496 i 18 1,469 32 9 8 75 37 191 162 138 19 21 22 56 6 6 121 53 6 173 333 i 19 300 9 2 8 42 23 28 4 7 4 8 1 30 13 1 34 73 260 2 2 14 2 28 27 29 3 4 8 15^ 4 3 20 11 3 20 65 s20 474 15 3 4 21 16 71 51 53 6 16 1 39 15 60 96 ¥l 375 10 4 25 11 45 54 21 5 4 5 16 2 1 28 8 1 43 91 i 367 9 4 7 75 48 1 17 34 11 27 45 8 81 > ) 367 8 4 i 46 46 1 27 28 10 14 32 44 10 81 s“2 218 2 1 9 19 32 9 4 o 1 -9 24 10 i 35 5° 23 478 0 17 10 62 37 50 5 9 6 13 3 52 18 1 62 119 s* 416 2 2 24 4 43 44 40 3 6 ii 19 5 3 34 15 4 40 110 59 1 2 2 1 2 7 12 1 3 4 4 3 17 <9- 1 2 4 9 1 3 3 2 1 3 4 3 3“° 1 309 3 3 7 25 65 39 4 2 3 99 30 3 18 53 '-26 330 2 3 3 7 6 27 48 31 1 I 14 23 6 7 27 30 4 12 77 i 44 J 5 8 1 7 2 2 3 1 4 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 261 6 4 1 11 5 26 33 23 1 3 8 18 21 13 3 19 59 202 1 7 1 8 2 17 34 12 3 1 7 2 4 17 13 2 15 49 (28 | 3,188 54 28 23 157 103 378 413 264 42 41 52 114 28 44 225 188 10 279 744 i 29 1,702 25 14 9 79 58 193 223 146 20 18 21 58 24 127 109 2 413 30 M86 29 14 14 78 45 185 190 118 22 23 31 5G 28 20 98 79 8 116 331 31 3,166 54 28 23 157 103 376 411 260 42 41 52 114 28 44 223 186 10 278 735 1 32 2,149 51 11 14 150 99 343 177 154 41 41 8 27 11 12 147 57 278 527 i 33 290 7 9 26 21 29 10 17 6 8 4 2 19 47 85 254 10 1 9 24 16 44 11 17 4 3 2 3 2 4 30 66 r 811 6 3 50 34 145 75 62 14 10 3 4 57 25 105 196 746 18 3 49 27 122 76 56 17 20 3 13 9 6 55 19 75 170 i >OD 562 9 8 4 3 2 15 134 64 18 46 18 48 73 2 125 441 i 9 4 2 16 100 39 1 26 40 17 14 26 54 8 79 >iJO 99 2 2 4 2 9 1 9 37 397 8 2 36 25 48 17 27 10 1 2 27 10 61 111 3158 15 1 4 30 19 61 17 34 7 5 2 4 2 23 4 38 102 3(5 1 1 1 9 1 3 1 3 i 1 2 2 10 > _ 3(5 1 1 1 6 2 3 1 1 1 ..... 4 i 6 8 -39 576 8 5 3 14 9 46 113 51 8 5 18 43 45 1 31 162 539 9 5 6 15 12 40 115 39 5 6 13 33 11 13 34 54 6 21 102 20 1 1 3 1 l 1 1 4 2 I'm 23 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 6 34 5 8 3 22 17 74 48 4 3 9 29 12 47 35 1 49 111 j 398 4 7 4 23 10 58 40 32 7 9 12 15 12 6 22 15 2 35 84 i 328 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §«.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. i SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. * Under!! 8 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 U nder 6 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 20—Continued. 1 2,125 : 370 130 97 79 676 | 961 102 152 708 200 2 1,098 1,027 179 75 52 44 350 326 505 450 72 391 317 671 76 124 191 3 191 55 45 35 50 95 80 144 4 White 1,986 338 116 89 76 619 883 5 1,335 208 ! 337 116 89 74 6 616 69 868 118 88 13 99 9 237 42 13 1 6 Both parents native CM.. 39 19 5 \F .. 215 1 57 15 12 9 93 123 7 14 50 21 7 One or both parents for- fM.. 467 123 •47 35 33 238 324 31 37 73 1 1 eign. Foreign born } F - 400 106 33 33 24 196 279 35 35 47 4 8 322 1 1 i 8 4 18 27 g 234 197 37 58 90 9 |f .. 323 1 1 6 3 9 13!l 32 14 8 3 57 78 Birthplaces of mothers: 10 CM.. 336 71 39 17 12 139 213 19 16 73 U to l ell. CS 1 F .. 346 103 29 20 14 166 218 17 18 28 11 England and Wales CM.. 1 F .. 31 4 3 2 9 12 15 4 34 4 4 1 9 11 3 i 16 3 12 Ireland 240 28 15 12 9 04 87 13 17 107 15 1 (F.. 277 28 8 9 5 50 72 14 29 129 40 13 Scotland 17 1 1 2 4 1 1 8 3 9 f F .. 1() 1 1 31 3 2 31 14 Germany C M.. 361 55 17 10 18 100 139 13 147 1 E .. 259 37 11 15 10 73 113 8 23 78 37 15 10, 407 1,700 470 401 336 2,907 4, 276 386 664 3,966 1.102 13 1C Males 5, 364 5, 043 10, 349 940 760 1,685 242 212 189 399 169 167 336 1,563 1,344 2. 889 2. 256 2, 020 176 210 385 345 319 661 2,106 474 628 1,101 _ 17 228 6 18 469 3,936 11 19 6, 702 1,169 1, 679 268 458 67 390 60 331 41 2,858 436 4,176 632 350 34 464 57 427 149 3 20 Both parents native CM.. 297 IF.. 986 183 53 59 42 328 499 48 44 218 176 i 21 One or both parents foreign.. 2,202 598 161 142 120 1.021 1.477 127 181 385 31 i l F .. 2, 035 518 159 128 114 919 1, 382 . 140 162 305 45 i 22 Foreign born .' CM.. 1, 735 1 3 1 5 00 91 1,325 1.291 30 278 392 [f.. lj 837 58 1 2 2 5 27 18 106 3 23 Colored 15 1 18 22 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 5M.. 1,479 375 92 77 52 596 862 49 65 343. 160 i F .. 1,293 266 78 68 60 472 720 66 58 255 193 1 25 226 33 9 4 10 56 78 7 12 98 31 |F .. 188 36 4 6 7 53 72 7 8 71 29 1 20 Ireland (M.. 2,168 252 58 59 51 420 639 71 181 1,103 170 4 ) F .. 2.331 205 62 48 45 360 575 84 184 1.182 303 3 27 Germany CM.. 673 116 36 28 21 201 281 25 42 270 55 If.. 573 103 42 32 22 199 286 35 33 170 49 28 94 20 5 6 6 37 50 2 8 31 3 1 F .. 87 24 3 2 5 34 60 3 4 18 o 29 586 63 11 8 90 15 1 30 323 36 4 rf. 61 1 Females 31 263 27 6 40 57 113 285 60 121 32 581 62 n 8 1 33 Native born 420 147 109 62 21 10 u i 120 30 17 12 3 2 24 5 10 86 36 30 5 34 Both parents native CM.. |f.. 1 2 2 2 25 14 73 50 35 One or both parents for cm.. 62 11 4 2 2 19 26 4 3 24 eign. i F -- 66 13 6 2 21 31 3 5 17 10 18 16 36 C M.. 90 5 66 39 1 ” |f .. 66 1 1 9 37 Colored 5 1 1 1 i Birthplaces of mothers: JM.. 38 163 24 2 2 2 30 38 3 5 80 37 ) F .. 121 11 3 2 2 18 21 2 10 56 32 39 CM.. 22 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 12 4 If.. 18 1 1 2 0 40 cm.. 48 2 2 4 5 1 2 32 8 ) F .. 49 1 2 3 5 2 9 23 10 2 41 Franco CM.. 10 1 1 1 7 If.. 10 3 1 4 5 1 4 42 cm.. 28 1 1 2 4 2 2 16 IF .. 23 6 1 11 2 1 8 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 329 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. v CAUSE OP DEATH. All causes. ! Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu tnor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- i known 2,125 39 19 14 100 53 227 281 195 13 25 41 104 30 25 171 126 14 156 492 L 1,098 19 8 9 48 29 130 163 108 9 10 12 49 16 87 72 1 80 248 2. 1,027 20 11 5 52 24 97 118 87 4 15 29 55 30 9 84 54 13 76 244 3 1,986 39 19 12 99 52 214 260 81 13 23 40 99 29 25 160 116 14 141 450 4 1,335 37 12 9 93 48 195 120 110 12 22 14 36 14 8 95 47 5 141 317 5- 208 3 1 1 14 7 26 18 24 4 4 12 2 15 10 1 15 51 ) 215 4 3 13 4 24 14 16 2 4 10 G 7 1 10 9 £ ° 467 15 3 1 30 20 87 51 34 3 4 1 7 1 31 10 56 107 ? u 400 ' 15 7 2 35 17 57 34 33 2 10 3 8 7 3 25 8 1 45 88 iT 322 1 3 3 4 1 9 78. 43 l 1 11 28 12 30 35 62 ) 323 1 4 2 3 10 61 27 15 34 15 5 34 33 9 70 < 8 139 2 i 1 13 21 14 2 1 5 1 336 5 1 4 18 9 44 33 33 6 8 12 2 29 18 1 26 87 346 9 4 20 5 41 22 31 9 7 11 11 8 1 29 12 95 f io 31 2 4 4 4 7 L 34 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 11 240 4 2 2 9 7 27 39 26 1 2 16 9 14 20 16 53 > 277 4 7 1 11 3 17 49 25 6 9 20 9 4 15 20 G 13 58 17 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 > 16 2 i 1 3 1 1 9 1 i 2 2 361 6 2 1 16 11 39 69 35 2 10 11 10 30 20 27 72 L 259 4 3 11 13 30 32 20 9 2 8 13 9 3 18 14 19 58 p 10, 407 151 89 120 364 178 921 1,435 928 107 132 270 606 81 140 856 685 79 830 2,432 3 15 5, 364 75 54 58 175 79 433 800 510 51 55 72 279 84 452 346 26 470 1, 343 2 16 5,043 76 35 62 189 99 488 635 418 56 77 198 327 81 56 404 339 53 360 1,089 1 17 10, 349 150 89 120 364 178 918 1,425 917 107 132 269 604 80 140 854 679 79 819 2,422 3 18- 6, 702 138 50 68 343 172 824 621 531 99 131 100 253 32 52 561 266 22 819 1,618 2 12 1,169 26 11 11 51 20 93 67 102 18 17 19 74 20 132 76 6 117 308 1 ) 986 20 7 9 53 23 96 61 104 14 17 47 56 13 6 86 49 12 88 225 2,202 41 16 24 114 56 289 258 181 29 36 10 50 15 156 64 308 554 ) 2, 035 48 13 24 118 72 320 205 124 32 58 15 66 18 10 156 63 2 229 461 1 r 1,735 5 24 23 7 1 37 452 195 2 39 149 48 137 194 18 403 1 1,837 7 15 29 12 3 50 352 184 5 1 129 200 47 40 147 217 39 360 1 3 10 11 1 2 1 9 6 10 23* 1,479 33 15 11 69 29 131 ‘ 91 133 20 20 20 80 22 153 83 7 177 384 1 1,293 25 9 12 78 33 139 79 121 16 30 49 66 15 7 118 60 14 131 291 <24 226 3 2 5 5 3 21 28 25 4 1 2 15 5 13 20 52 ),, 188 2 2 1 6 4 10 14 20 4 3 ii 13 1 3 20 13 1 13 47 >25- 2,168 23 18 26 52 26 137 493 228 14 25 22 102 42 134 158 13 138 517 ) 2,331 25 16 40 53 30 164 427 187 16 31 79 183 42 38 175 213 32 88 492 £26 673 6 9 8 25 6 70 94 52 5 4 14 42 8 52 43 2 60 172 1 *9T 573 14 4 3 34 17 79 51 37 7 6 30 35 10 7 43 32 2 49 113 £27 94 1 1 1 3 2 13 23 6 1 1 3 1 9 1 8 20 87 5 1 2 13 9 4 2 3 3 3 1 16 : 586 6 12 10 14 5 21 05 58 2 2 . 21 58 7 10 62 66 6 36 125 29 323 4 8 6 9 2 12 37 30 9 35 7 32 38 3 21 70 30 263 2 4 4 5 3 9 28 28 2 2 12 23 7 3 30 28 3 15 55 31 581 6 12 10 14 5 21 64 56 2 2 21 58 7 10 61 66 6 35 125 32 420 5 10 6 13 3 20 35 43 2 2 15 36 7 2 39 49 6 35 92 33 147 1 4 2 6 1 5 8 18 3 17 2 15 29 9 13 30 ) 109 1 1 1 1 3 9 17 1 1 7 9 6 13 u 3 18 £34 62 2 4 1 2 1 6 9 2 2 5 3 6 66 I 1 2 i 1 5 4 5 i i 3 3 i 5 7 5 20 90 i 3 17 7 4 13 5 u 20 66 2 1 1 1 12 6 9 9 3 10 7 12 £36 1 37 163 i 2 6 1 8 9 20 4 18 2 16 21 2 15 33 121 i i 2 1 4 11 17 i i 8 9 6 15 12 3 8 21 £38 22 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 5 5 > 18 i 1 3 2 31 4 4 £39’ 48 1 1 1 10 4 5 2 6 5 2 11' 49 i 1 1 2 6 3 i 7 9 7 6 12 (401 10 2 2 9 i 3 ) 10 i 1 1 1 3 i <41 28 2 i 1 1 i 1 1 3 2 2 2 6 > 23 1 1 1 2 1 i 2 1 i i 2 1 2 7 <42 330 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND All ages. Under 3 3 to (> 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 1.) 15 to 25 25 to 05 < >ver 05 Un- it nown. 1 Ward 21—Continued. 1,605 328 43 51 3.6 458 628 63 130 613 169 2 2 827 181 29 31 17 258 348 32 75 311 61 3 778 147 14 20 19 200 280 31 55 302 108 .) 4 1,587 323 42 50 36 451 618 62 129 608 169 1 5 1,038 323 41 49 36 449 613 58 103 209 54 i Both parents native ( M.. 168 60 G 0 4 76 97 4 14 42 ii [f .. 152 33 4 5 7 49 69 11 5 42 7 One or both parents for- eign. (M.. 369 109 20 25 13 167 231 26 42 64 6 IF.. 306 103 10 13 11 137 195 16 39 52 3 i Foreigu born c M 248 3 2 15 191 37 76 Sf- 293 1 1 1 1 10 2 11 1 203 9 18 5 1 i Birthplaces of mothers: 239 89 9 10 United States 5 m - - 9 7 114 149 9 18 49 14 \ F .. 207 50 6 7 9 72 107 9 14 9 27 11 (11.. 38 6 0 1 3 19 6 England and Wales J F .. 35 12 2 2 1 17 18 12 4 i 12 Ireland 316 37 6 10 4 57 90 15 36 20 I F .. 351 37 4 4 2 47 61 9 37 185 59 13 Germany (M .. 94 17 4 4 1 26 31 3 10 42 8 \ F 86 22 5 2 29 40 6 8 24 8 14 Scandinavia C M. 18 4 1 i 6 9 2 ( F . 16 1 • 2 3 12 4 15 Sanitary district C 2, 361 446 114 105 98 763 1, 111 83 143 867 156 i 10 Males 1,259 246 52 54 52 404 586 34 85 484 69 i 17 1, 102 200 62 51 46 359 525 49 58 383 87 White 2.357 443 114 105 760 1,108 83 143 866 156 i 19 1,464 439 111 102 96 748 1,082 , 94 199 12 * * 20 O'- 180 54 13 14 13 94 141 4 9 23 3 ? F . 144 41 16 9 13 79 122 7 4 8 3 21 One or both parents for- fM. 564 163 36 36 36 271 394 28 49 92 1 eign. \ F . 482 132 41 39 30 242 352 38 28 59 5 22 • OP l F 443 2 2 5 2 25 21 346 309 65 426 1 1 2 10 4 79 23 Colored 4 3 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 OI-- 251 87 15 17 15 134 200 8 a 28 4 IF.. 220 75 22 12 20 129 188 13 5 9 r 25 op- 38 4 3 1 3 11 16 9 1 18 l } * -- 24 5 1 2 8 13 1 1 20 m- 575 66 16 17 19 118 173 15 50 291 46 ) i.. 568 52 16 14 12 94 147 26 40 291 64 27 ( M.. 201 39 7 9 6 61 92 7 12 76 14 t F .. 153 30 12 11 4 57 79 8 3 51 12 28 5M- 42 8 4 2 4 18 22 1 3 15 1 1 F -. 35 10 2 1 3 16 29 1 1 2 2 131 29 510 57 78 106 15 37 221 30 31 Males 260 26 3 1 36 55 19 111 70 3 250 31 42 51 10 18 110 61 32 r 500 54 75 103 15 36 215 131 : 33 373 54 _ 74 101 15 132 98 34 Both parents native 5M-- 130 9 1 3 1 14 23 8 57 42 (F.. 100 13 1 2 16 18 5 6 40 10 31 8 35 One or both parents for- C M.. 57 14 1 3 18 28 5 6 eign. < F - ■ 04 11 3 1 4 19 25 5 5 17 12 30 CM.. 59 1 1 j 1 3 38 44 6 17 16 IF.. 67 1 3 37 Colored 10 o • 3 i Birthplaces of mothers: 38 OF. 147 13 1 3 1 18 29 1 8 63 46 ) F - - 126 10 1 2 19 ?9 6 10 50 38 6 39 (M.. 18 4 4 5 ) F .. 12 1 1 1 1 | 40 (M.. 43 ! 3 1 2 6 10 ! 2 21 3 } -- 58 5 1 1 2 9 14 3 5 29 7 41 £ M.. 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 ) F.. 5 42 (j M.. 14 1 3 3 5 1 3 3 IF.. 16 1 3 4 1 8 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 331 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. i All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. 33 Heart dis- ease and dropsy. 107 Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. 26 Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,605 31 19 15 52 17 95 234 145 14 21 It 129 102 18 173 361 2 827 16 11 8 29 10 45 134 76 8 8 8 48 12 64 46 4 94 205 i 2 778 15 8 7 23 7 50 100 69 6 13 25 59 11 14 65 56 14 79 156 i 3 1,587 31 19 15 52 17 93 230 140 14 21 33 107 11 26 129 101 18 171 357 2 4 1,038 29 13 10 50 17 84 112 75 14 21 10 45 6 12 85 37 3 171 242 2 5 168 3 1 2 6 1 8 11 10 4 2 1 11 2 19 10 26 i 152 5 2 2 8 10 10 17 2 2 4 9 2 2 12 8 3 17 37 369 11 3 4 22 9 32 49 26 4 6 2 10 4 22 9 60 96 ) 306 10 5 2 13 7 33 37 20 4 11 2 14 4 4 26 8 i 5 7 248 2 5 2 1 3 67 33 3 26 6 18 25 4 53 293 i 3 1 6 30 19 35 5 25 ii < 8 18 4 5 9 239 4 2 2 11 3 12 18 17 3 1 11 3 24 U 68 1 207 6 2 2 11 1 15 14 19 2 6 5 12 3 3 19 10 3 28 46 f10 38 2 1 2 7 4 1 Q 1 35 1 2 5 5 9 2 mi 316 5 2 5 7 4 17 74 38 1 3 3 20 5 15 20 2 73 < 351 5 4 3 3 1 18 64 31 1 1 13 33 5 9 31 37 9 15 68 M2 94 4 1 3 2 5 16 8 1 6 3 8 1 86 i 2 1 5 2 10 6 6 1 a 4 5 1 i 5 5 1 16 13 F 18 i 1 8 2 ... 1 16 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 14 2, 361 30 19 30 85 43 252 356 181 23 35 50 102 13 32, 169 109 16 234 582 15 1,259 14 13 16 36 16 117 213 110 10 18 17 54 17 89 44 2 337 16 1,102 16 6 14 49 27 135 143 71 13 17 33 48 13 15 80 65 14 98 245 17 2,357 30 19 30 85 43 252 356 181 23 35 50 101 13 32 169 109 16 231 582 18 1,464 29 7 15 80 41 225 134 106 21 35 8 25 4 11 102 29 931 361 19 180 5 1 3 9 7 22 6 18 3 4 2 4 1 16 3 52 144 4 10 6 21 10 10 3 i 1 9 13 '-20 564 7 2 7 26 9 79 73 49 6 13 9 9 4 34 6 142 482 12 3 5 35 19 95 40 25 6 11 I 10 3 3 32 16 60 106 443 1 9 6 1 10 133 39 12 39 11 34 33 2 113 ) 426 3 9 4 2 15 89 34 2 30 37 9 10 31 47 14 90 >22 4 1 23 > 251 7 1 3 11 8 29 11 21 2 4 1 22 3 44 76 220 5 17 8 34 12 13 3 1 1 2 17 ■24 38 1 1 1 4 5 1 4 2 2 24 1 1 2 2 1 2 l 1 2 2 ;>25 575 4 7 6 16 5 38 143 51 3 9 25 14 31 29 2 141 > 568 3 4 14 19 6 48 112 39 3 18 31 5 11 37 ii 21 129 26 201 2 5 6 1 22 30 14 3 1 6 14 16 6 51 353 5 2 8 6 24 6 10 2 1 10 11 5 2 14 6 i 26 >27 42 i 1 1 8 3 1 2 1 4 35 2 1 3 11 2 1 2 3 >28 510 4 5 4 12 4 25 47 46 3 30 52. 4 11 54 59 10 39 101 29 260 3 2 4 5 2 9 28 22 3 23 10 31 32 7 54 30 250 1 3 7 2 16 19 24 23 29 4 1 23 27 2 500 4 5 4 12 4 25 46 45 3 29 52 3 11 54 56 10 36 101 31 32 373 3 4 o 10 4 19 33 28 3 23 38 2 6 44 36 7 36 75 33 130 1 1 9 1 3 16 11 2 15 16 17 O 100 2 2 1 5 3 10 14 10 2 4 57 2 2 2 1 3 6 3 i i 4 1 3 1 ) 64 1 4 1 8 6 3 8 - 1 2 1 3 5 6 1 3 4 . $ 67 1 1 3 8 11 5 ii 1 1 5 10 10 1 1 1 1 37 147 1 1 3 1 3 16 14 2 17 6 18 18 126 3 3 2 5 6 11 14 15 3 18 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 3 1 ) 12 1 2 4 i >39 43 1 1 1 2 i 1 3 1 1 2 2 58 1 3 9 6 3 i 6 1 12 >40 5 1 1 i 5 3 Hi 14 1 2 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 4 2 i 3 i 3 (42 332 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. 1 i SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS, Months. 1 Years. All ages.) Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under .5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 21—Continued. Sanitary district I! 1,209 200 42 33 : 331 460 49 79 466 162 2 634 1 575 1,205 101 33 23 18 20 172 246 21 32 256 79 3 99 24 13 i 159 214 28 40 210 83 4 White 200 56 42 33 331 460 49 72 462 162 5 775 143 129 200 41 32 327 454 43 52 171 6 Both parents native | 34 29 ii 4 9 9 2 4 56 46 79 65 3 8 8 - 8 32 23 21 25 7 One or both parents for- ( M.. eign. I F- 264 221 . 66 67 22 16 9 14 17 9 114 106 163 141 14 18 14 20 70 38 3 4 8 ,, . , 129 2 1 i 8 3 13 12 12 1 6 11 9 11 36 s G 264 9 2 17 9 28 31 99 2 4 9 6 3 23 8 36 64 221 i 2 13 10 27 27 18 2 7 I 9 1 16 5 26 56 £ 7 211 3 l 2 6 41 32 1 8 16 99 • 24 4 46 > 214 3 2 i 3 30 23 1 20 25 7 6 23 19 3 48 l 8 4 1 1 2 9 193 2 3 •> 13 4 18 14 13 1 3 3 21 11 20 53 ) 104 3 2 i 12 17 14 16 1 1 6 5 13 2 16 45 r° 41 l 3 5 2 1 1 2 1 6 14 29 1 1 3 1 7, 1 3 2 1 14 c1 253 2 1 8 4 13 53 30 ....... 3 5 n 8 21 17 3 15 54 254 9 2 6 6 12 46 24 11 24 6 4 25 3 12 50 13 i 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 14 349 5 6 2 15 3 11 32 36 2 23 42 3 4 38 30 2 29 66 15 171 3 4 6 1 3 19 16 i 4 20 3 21 14 20 36 16 178 2 2 2 9 2 8 13 20 i 19 22 3 1 17 16 2 9 30 17 341 5 6 2 15 3 10 31 36 2 23 41 3 4 37 29 2 28 64 18 262 5 4 i 13 3 10 19 28 2 17 28 9 3 31 14 i 28 53 19 83 3 2 2 2 9 1 3 9 2 12 5 9 19 86 1 5 1 3 13 11 9 2 1 9 6 3 17 (-20 40 1 2 1 i 2 1 3 4 2 8 10 39 9 i 3 1 9 5 3 1 1 5 i 5 4 21 36 1 1 8 4 6 1 4 6 5 41 1 i 1 4 4 6 6 1 2 9 i 5 22 8 i 1 1 1 1 1 9 23 94 3 2 9 9 11 3 9 2 13 6 12 21 101 1 7 1 6 14 11 10 9 ] 12 i 4 19 24 8 1 1 1 1 i 9 2 1 1 2 2 >25 24 1 1 1 6 1 4 2 4 4 38 1 l i 5 1 1 6 6 l 9 4 2 7 26 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 <27 20 2 2 9 2 6 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 >28 890 18 5 13 34 8 77 115 88 11 13 31 70 9 * 70 63 8 53 192 i 29 428 10 2 5 19 4 38 60 40 5 l 8 30 0 33 35 3 28 100 i 30 462 8 3 8 15 4 39 55 48 6 12 23 40 9 5 37 28 5 25 92 31 884 18 5 13 34 8 77 114 86 11 13 31 70 9 11 70 62 8 52 191 i 32 1 566 16 2 9 32 8 67 53 48 10 13 ii 34 1 6 46 31 3 52 124 33 98 4 1 1 4 1 8 8 5 1 1 2 9 9 13 8 1 92 93 4 9 1 9 6 10 9 4 8 T 8 6 9 6 12 . -34 176 1 2 13 3 24 17 4 8 1 14 11 19 39 183 2 4 8 3 22 20 15 3 8 3 9 1 9 11 5 18 49 <35 138 2 1 6 33 15 6 13 3 4 2 175 9 3 2 4 28 99 1 14 23 8 9 18 16 3 29 <36 G 1 1 1 ) 37 122 6 1 i 0 10 9 1 1 2 10 2 13 8 1 10 24 120 5 3 7 2 13 7 12 2 8 8 I 9 8 21 3 <38 15 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 17 1 1 1 1 l 4 1 i 4 2 <39 160 2 2 1 11 31 21 3 3 14 3 4 17 2 8 33 209 2 2 3 2 11 39 25 3 24 5 2 16 2 9 42 <40 62 1 i 9 1 3 2 i 1 4 i 64 1 3 2 4 3 3 1 4 4 2 i 6 3 3 17 <41 5 1 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 J 1 1 | 4 {42 334 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §«.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OP MOTHERS. AND 1 Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 21—Continued. i 2,897 459 187 148 122 916 1,406 120 168 1,014 182 7 2 AM 1,462 1,435 2, 894 267 90 83 60 500 722 58 90 518 69 5 3 192 97 65 62 416 684 62 78 496 113 2 4 459 187 148 122 916 1,405 120 168 1,012 182 7 5 1.804 220 173 457 184 144 120 905 1,376 108 107 198 13 2 pi.. IF.. 63 44 26 26 23 12 13 11 125 93 185 147 11 7 5 6 13 6 6 Both parents native 8 4 1 7 One or both parents for- 670 674 185 144 58 64 55 49 44 47 342 304 492 502 41 49 51 40 84 81 1 1 eign. C M.. 510 i 1 7 6 29 403 62 3 8 Foreign born If .. 8 6 32 401 107 1 9 3 1 2 Birthplaces of mothers: If.. \f- 270 234 40 44 35 33 29 19 2 15 128 156 124 15 15 230 203 26 23 14 11 15 6 10 United States 54 9 10 96 67 35 6 3 9 4 1 1 11 England and Wales 3 2 3 2 13 12 Ireland {¥:: pi.. 749 804 21 26 23 23 9 21 20 g 161 136 65 247 248 86 24 30 64 53 6 8 1 361 387 69 49 85 7 i 13 AID 9 4 41 11 15 1 1 F .. CM.. If.. 62 62 21,824 12 13 4,084 19 10 6 32 30 7.086 43 44 10. 729 11 (j 14 Bohemia 6 5 9 1 15 1,162 1.020 820 1,057 1,225 6, 977 1.826 10 16 11,551 10,273 21,356 2,322 1,762 645 528 436 3,931 5, 890 533 600 3,704 819 5 17 18 517 492 384 3i 155 6,903 4, 839 524 625 3,273 1,007 5 3,973 1,121 1.006 803 10,480 1,037 1,196 6,824 1,810 9 19 20 15,062 2, 791 2.472 3 957 1. 109 993 781 6, 840 1 10,279 939 831 2,465 504 480 544 4 Both parents native (M.. |f .. 781 609 191 160 156 146 142 103 1,270 1.018 1.883 1,530 156 146 67 86 180 229 1 i 21 One or both parents foreign.. (M.. |f.. 5, 059 4, 296 1,365 1,024 408 323 348 325 267 256 2,388 1, 928 3,611 2,983 317 315 345 322 745 41 624 51 i' 22 Foreign born pi.. 1 F .. 3,167 3,037 4 1 2 4 5 2 6 3 17 10 80 64 48 49 171 194 2,292 2,037 575 691 1 2 23 24 111 41 14 17 183 249 20 29 153 16 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 3, 727 1,057 270 214 211 12 18 123 128 12 8 124 89 184 1,725 2,592 208 101 135 20 29 291 305 15 12 147 116 629 607 144 196 263 57 1 England and Wales ) F .. !¥:: 3, 340 454 418 3,815 3, 744 250 215 2,384 1,871 4, 029 840 89 55 539 410 40 35 220 24 28 168 120 14 11 114 95 235 154 21 12 117 92 10 4 1. 425 146 113 947 750 76 2.141 216 159 1,448 1,229 115 94 1,034 843 9 155 191 17 18 164 169 13 10 102 109 25 156 1,639 1,636 88 56 26 Ireland 272 403 19 1 2 27 Scotland 58 683 539 1,370 76 23 68 902 199 28 Germany 275 80 151 603 200 29 761 223 222 216 1,185 251 30 31 32 2,135 1.894 4, 018 445 316 760 131 104 233 103 77 756 1.160 995 127 123 617 108 120 74 614 95 93 568 143 WtiitP 223 151 1.367 2,151 220 215 1,181 251 33 2, 785 757 231 99? 147 1. 357- 212 179 ' 2.112 202 150 303 18 Both parents native <11.. 371 347 135 94 294 36 29 85 19 99 309 291 805 24 26 5 34 | F . 33 16 15 u 22 8 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. 1,102 905 82 53 514 92 125 3 | F .. 208 74 86 423 <> 665 70 116 1 36 CM.. 1 1 12 10 36 448 99 If.. 606 16 8 29 419 134 37 11 1 9 3 4 9 1 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (M.. ) F .. ( M.. 509 177 48 30 27 282 433 32 8 31 5 38 457 123 38 25 231 384 25 11 29 8 39 England and Wales 72 16 4 3 23 25 44 1 3 20 4 1 F .. 73 13 5 5 2 39 6 5 20 3 40 Ireland CM.. IF.. c M.. 834 119 33 28 23 203 322 57 70 325 60 848 90 28 40 19 177 293 39 59 360 97 41 Scotland 53 9 3 4 2 18 28 3 7 13 2 | F .. 8 4 9 14 20 2 1 18 4 42 Germany pi.. 513 92 28 31 22 173 256 25 31 177 24 If.. 378 61 26 23 21 131 201 21 14 114 28 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 335 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. 35 Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. 345 Con- sump- tion. "■v 433 Pneu- monia. 254 Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases ot‘ the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of tbe urinary organs. 185 Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,897 50 11 103 74 45 45 39 no 24 28 216 10 178 712 1,462 21 8 11 44 33 161 226 149 20 20 5 41 18 114 95 3 104 389 2 1,435 29 3 24 59 41 184 207 105 25 25 34 69 24 10 102 90 7 74 323 3 2, 894 49 11 35 103 74 345 432 254 45 45 39 110 24 28 216 185 10 178 711 4 1.804 44 4 17 99 72 314 154 139 42 44 1 23 141 42 178 478 5 220 1 14 31 4 20 5 3 3 99 3 19 74 > r 173 4 3 12 11 30 8 15 5 5 5 li 1 17 46 670 12 3 3 30 23 116 68 62 13 12 5 2 49 19 76 177 674 20 1 10 41 30 128 66 35 16 19 1 10 7 56 17 54 163 \ 7 510 1 5 7 1 9 148 59 1 5 33 13 39 72 3 114 \* 4 9 11 4 18 130 1 1 33 54 16 10 33 71 106 3 1 1 1 9 270 9 1 17 10 44 6 28 6 7 3 26 24 80 JlO 234 5 4 20 14 45 10 19 7 7 19 20 57 46 1 l 2 1 4 5 6 2 1 4 9 5 11 44 1 3 1 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 6 3 3 10 749 9 6 6 14 11 55 169 82 7 10 3 20 9 53 9 40 187 (12 804 13 2 16 20 16 64 149 61 10 14 23 52 19 9 54 74 7 27 174 176 l 5 2 27 25 15 1 9 1 10 1 11 13 1 14 47 7 169 6 1 12 31 25 7 1 2_ 7 6 9 9 12 36 |lc> 62 3 9 2 13 4 2 1 2 2 8 4 5 14 > 62 1 1 9 19 5 3 1 i 2 1 1 3 3 19 (u 21,824 503 154 253 893 • 448 2, 303 2, 679 1.954 291 297 432 1.029 211 237 1, 852 1. 254 ...... 165 1. 797 5, 062 10 15 11,551 257 93 120 440 224 1,217 1, 437 1. 115 145 119 121 486 118 1.019 680 52 1,038 2, 868 2 16 10, 273 246 61 133 453 224 1,086 1,242 839 146 178 311 543 211 119 833 574 113 759 2, 194 8 17 21, 356 501 150 251 886 443 2. 270 2. 601 1,897 289 290 424 1.011 207 236 1. 813 1.227 165 1, 733 4, 952 10 18 15, 062 456 71 159 846 424 2, 052 1,348 1,188 270 285 143 461 85 101 1.293 504 44 1.733 3,594 5 19 2, 791 84 20 30 156 65 295 167 225 41 43 25 10° 21 291 133 7 334 752 2,472 72 9 32 138 69 287 155 185 48 53 63 99 39 23 237 94 24 239 604 2 (20 5,059 147 26 51 264 143 780 515 441 87 69 16 102 26 414 139 2 592 1.244 i 121 4,296 150 16 46 283 142 652 463 309 87 117 31 147 46 23 320 112 4 439 907 2 r 3,167 21 44 39 10 8 95 691 401 9 78 °67 271 379 41 742 (22 •A, 037 34 53 22 9 106 559 298 3 2 203 283 122 70 248 341 80 576 4 468 1 2 4 2 rj 5 33 78 57 2 - 8 18 4 1 39 27 64 110 (23 3, 727 108 24 37 215 87 422 242 308 60 57 29 124 27 372 161 470 977 3,340 93 12 41 189 94 395 235 265 56 77 76 123 43 25 313 127 24 341 808 3 sZi 454 10 2 3 19 13 37 49 1 4 3 14 6 44 37 3 34 119 (25 418 12 3 6 17 10 36 41 35 3 18 29 7 5 39 22 7 27 93 1 3 815 68 32 43 48 325 684 48 29 40 181 39 284 263 26 232 924 (26 3,744 74 27 44 127 56 286 665 326 45 55 119 236 84 63 252 286 52 185 759 3 250 7 2 4 10 9 16 27 30 6 2 4 10 2 17 9i 1 15 67 (27 215 6 1 1 10 23 21 23 7 8 1 19 11 2 16 39 2, 384 49 31 23 73 49 310 341 199 20 17 35 118 35 218 138 11 169 548 (28 1,871 47 15 27 86 46 248 215 130 25 22 68 118 58 19 163 102 18 116 348 4,029 101 30 47 168 103 487 503 346 49 64 42 172 33 42 316 198 26 334 966 2 29 2,135 46 15 19 82 47 258 262 204 25 26 12 83 20 174 106 9 198 549 30 1,894 55 15 28 86 56 229 241 142 24 38 30 89 33 22 142 92 17 136 417 2 31 4, 018 101 30 46 167 103 486 501 345 49 64 42 171 33 42 316 198 26 333 963 2 32 2, 785 92 12 29 162 100 439 244 208 46 64 5 60 10 15 220 59 2 333 683 2 33 371 13 2 6 22 11 51 17 21 5 6 i 1 32 11 53 112 (34 347 14 2 7 17 20 55 19 17 10 8 5 3 2 35 6 i 38 87 1 1 102 29 4 6 59 36 185 102 93 17 19 2 19 6 94 23 1 133 274 ' 905 36 4 10 64 33 146 95 70 13 29 9 28 7 6 57 18 88 198 1 4 9 1 17 134 84 2 9 57 13 46 70 . 144 (36 606 5 9 10 1 4 3 24 122 52 1 1 28 23 14 49 68 16 124 11 1 ] 9 , 1 3 37 509 2 6 35 82 21 35 8 9 1 8 2 43 12 68 147 (38 457 15 3 9 27 28 69 23 27 10 14 7 3 2 43 1 51 116 2 72 2 3 3 6 11 1 1 4 C 1 17 (39 73 6 1 1 4 5 7 6 4 1 2 6 1 1 6 3 14 834 17 22 13 74 136 103 11 12 4 41 10 64 7 207 (40 848 16 4 13 26 10 76 154 72 9 15 17 52 20 17 49 60 15 43 180 53 2 1 1 2 3 4 8 2 1 3 3 4 12 (4! 45 3 6 11 4 4 9 2 1 5 7 513 9 5 4 19 11 76 72 37 4 3 5 23 43 24 50 121 (42 378 15 6 3 22 11 57 36 25 2 6 10 18 8 2 35 20 22 80 336 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §6.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, PAKENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS. Months. Tears. All ages. II nder 3 3 to 0 6 to 9 it to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 (tver 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 22—Continued. 5, 164 969 274 240 211 1,694 ' 2, 557 236 312 1,631 428 2 2, 694 2.470 I 145 133 121 953 1,417 1,140 106 147 851 173 3 415 129 107 90 741 130 165 780 255 4 5, 064 951 204 237 205 1,657 2, 505 234 306 1,594 425 .5 3. 590 950 262 236 200 1,648 339 2,471 499 220 217 97 . .. CM.. 697 206 47 46 40 39 30 61 18 116 25 6 Both parents native < p 543 144 321 250 1 38 32 21 235 343 26 97 47 7 One or both parents for-CM., eign. ( F .. ■ CM.. 1,183 1,083 724 89 84 75 843 82 193 4 82 71 59 462 732 89 6 91 157 14 1 2 4 20 44 512 142 Foreign horn < p 742 1 1 9 8 45 494 186 9 100 18 10 3 0 37 52 9 6 37 3 10 Birthplaces of mothers: ' . , „ CM.. 910 262 198 16 15 £8 59 51 440 662 54 28 145 27 United States p 752 52 1 36 328 490 40 3 6 3G 132 54 11 C M 102 6 6 29 43 7 32 17 England and Whales < p 94 5 5 1 26 35 4 35 14 12 C M 799 117 86 25 24 30 196 293 22 40 72 348 64 Ireland < p 836 24 22 18 150 249 71 375 101 1-3 ii CM.. 52 10 2 4 4 20 25 2 2 20 3 Scotland < p 52 6 94 9 1 9 17 281 3 5 20 14 C M.. 630 33 25 187 19 244 51 Germany < y 72 34 24 18 148 240 33 41 172 60 15 Sanitarv district C 1,740 256 65 36 37 394 596 75 95 71b 258 1 16 925 152 35 17 16 220 342 34 43 388 118 815 104 30 19 21 174 254 41 52 327 140 1 18 White 1, 596 226 51 33 34 344 526 70 84 C62 254 19 1,127 304 226 50 30 33 339 518 67 64 336 142 C M. 50 37 67 9 4 5 68 125 84 11 10 11 12 105 52 20 Both parents native J p 252 14 5 8 64 90 56 21 One or both parents for-CM., eign. \ F .. , CM.. 280 16 11 9 103 158 20 23 65 14 234 52 10 9 11 82 128 25 17 7 56 8 43 239 1 1 2 4 185 '22 Foreign born < y 228 144 1 2 3 4 2 13 11 140 69 23 30 14 3 3 50 70 5 53 4 1 Birthplaces of mothers: C M 408 371 48 82 57 11 19 5 0 112 185 136 20 18 12 16 25 1 131 58 64 9 24 United States | p ( M 21 2 10 2 10 1 98 16 133 18 1 25 England and Wales c p 35 3 1 1 1 6 6 4 16 9 C 1SI 269 244 24 22 1 9 7 47 77 10 15 16 14 142 24 26 Ireland < p 4 3 3 32 63 121 31 C M 12 14 95 1 3 2 27 France i. n CM.. Germany ' p 17 12 326 1 3 1 22 31 5 44 8 28 84 3 3 18 25 6 97 G 28 19 127 29 1,924 107 101 92 626 992 116 591 1 .30 31 32 1,034 890 188 57 53 42 340 531 46 69 322 65 1 138 30 48 50 286 461 51 47 269 62 White 1,910 321 106 100 92 619 982 96 116 588 127 1 33 1,271 182 314 105 99 89 607 950 83 74 152 12 52 19 14 11 96 149 4 16 6 34 Hotli parents native < y 178 49 9 17 16 91 220 145 13 3 13 4 35 One or both parents for* CM.. 485 393 120 37 35 28 344 31 40 69 ] 78 38 31 33 180 290 32 26 44 1 T, cM.. 324 3 3 11 24 224 58 36 foreign born < y 295 1 1 6 18 207 14 1 1 10 1 3 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) 261 77 72 28 20 17 142 218 10 20 6 259 28 19 26 1 23 140 216 17 7 14 5 39 6 4 11 H 2 2 8 2 England and vY ales j y Ireland j p ‘' 22 9 9 1 5 8 1 3 8 2 40 376 44 16 10 16 86 135 19 35 160 27 ’ 335 29 10 9 12 6G 109 17 22 159 28 41 Scotland — j F 20 4 1 8 1 i 9 1 20 4 9 6 9 9 2 4 3 42 C M Germany j y 268 39 7 15 4 65 111 12 22 99 24 217 20 11 11 12 54 95 14 13 73 22 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 337 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- Ty- let phoid fever, fever. Ma larial fever. 1 >iph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart- dis- ease and dropsy. Child birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 5,164 106 28 48 228 107 555 673 493 74 74 117 222 56 47 436 318 45 427 1, 109 i 1 2, 694 2,470 58 48 19 9 23 25 111 117 57 50 294 261 358 315 274 219 34 40 30 44 26 91 100 122 56 26 21 234 202 171 147 n 34 255 172 613 496 i 2 3 5, 064 106 27 48 227 107 548 653 483 74 69 116 217 56 47 425 309 45 415 1,091 l 4 3,590 97 13 34 224 100 504 363 315 72 69 28 90 26 21 283 121 10 415 804 l 5 697 16 6 1 4 6 45 33 65 80 20 75 72 186 161 50 62 13 12 14 71 1 91 180 S6 543 1,183 1, 083 11 3 12 32 34 44 9 12 9 18 8 4 47 19 6 57 127 35 11 143 120 18 28 3 21 4 82 38 146 260 228 > „ 33 2 14 119 75 29 10 37 18 5 76 33 1 99 l !' 724 742 100 916 752 102 94 799 836 5- 8 6 1 6 1 3 26 16 7 154 135 84 9 18 61 15 72 70 101 10 158 125 18 4 8 9 83 70 1 66 30 87 25 i 60 50 6 5 20 10 - 11 9 12 18 9 23 8 8 27 18 3 1 11 14 1 1 11 12 36 104 95 g 69 80 15 11 21 21 6 88 34 1 125 219 18 1 3 65 21 13 23 8 5 29 6 79 176 21 <10 2 1 1 9 14 2 1 *3 2 11 13 7 S11 i 8 7 . 9 1 11 14 2 1 11 6 9 8 18 13 9 13 17 29 2 62 45 162 156 102 3 30 5 56 68 7 49 185 i12 \13 14 5 70 11 36 48 22 10 64 78 17 35 52 52 630 2 5 6 5 3 1 3 13 13 2 i 1 5 3 6 2 2 5 4 1 2 14 6 3 17 4 19 26 50 91 79 115 87 61 61 5 3 10 34 10 57 40 2 131 15 546 12 50 10 5 27 33 20 3 42 29 4 28 97 1,740 25 19 215 157 12 13 51 128 19 25 154 151 15 116 420 2 925 815 15 10 7 8 24 26 22 14 62 53 118 97 81 6 13 59 11 87 91 3 71 237 16 10 ii 76 5 38 69 19 14 67 60 12 45 183 2 17 1,596 25 16 18 49 34 105 185 142 ii 13 48 123 17 25 144 144 15 101 379 2 18 1,127 304 252 280 234 23 6 11 3 49 9 11 15 14 33 8 89 15 19 32 20 111 96 10 13 24 66 7 15 103 83 8 101 279 19 > ■ i 5 2 26 22 2 5 3 21 4 35 33 1 24 86 9> 2 4_^ 3 11 11 1 20 31 26 1 5 13 20 4 4 24 18 15 57 <20 ) 9 i i 6 2 26 3 1 1 8 2 99 16 25 75 7 2 20 4 2 3 3 17 12 1 22 49 r 239 228 1 1 3 6 45 29 27 1 9 28 4 20 37 1 50 3 1 3 4 10 10 23 28 4 19 15 29 10 6 21 24 6 49 2 144 408 371 48 35 1 3 1 12 12 2 10 3 30 39 1 3 2 10 15 38 23 41 114 23 6 34 4 5 3 23 4 47 39 1 9 2 6 42 1 5 18 27 6 4 32 23 5 87 1 1 i i 1 4 8 1 1 4 7 11 6 1 20 15 3 6 1 3 2 1 6 3 i 26Q 244" 12 14 4 5 10 8 51 35 1 27 2 17 6 14 16 27 1 2 8 63 50 3 4 i 2 8 1 1 18 4 ‘3 2 9 23 1 6 4 24 1 ’? 2 <26 > 1 i 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 <27 95 84 3 2 1 4 80 8 10 8 4 1 1 2 12 11 6 7 23 15 > 1 1 1 5 234 4 1 6 9 4 3 8 6 3 228 1,924 58 15 22 33 246 174 34 20 28 67 11 25 182 105 13 133 443 1 29 1, 034 890 31 . rj 9 33 47 18 15 117 144 108 14 7 10 30 11 93 57 7 72 266 30 31 27 8 13 117 102 66 20 13 18 37 11 14 89 48 6 61 177 1 1,910 56 15 22 80 32 232 245 173 34 20 28 67 11 25 181 105 13 130 440 1 32 1,271 182 178 53 8 ii 73 29 203 112 100 30 19 5 24 2 4 131 30 1 130 306 33 > 10 6 1 11 15 26 31 9 20 4 4 18 18 18 52 45 1 2 5 5 12 7 3 2 3 1 1 18 2 1 485 18 19 1 4 18 11 75 59 38 2 8 2 48 12 47 124 393 3 3 29 9 68 37 27 12 9 1 9 1 i 43 9 35 78 324 3 3 4 1 1 11 73 46 1 g 18 9 24 39 _ 76 295 9 4 8 9 14 60 25 1 15 25 9 12 26 36 49 1 14 2 1 9 i 1 1 3 3 37 261 12 2 14 18 8 40 13 26 5 6 27 6 30 33 2 72 259 11 2 3 50 10 18 10 4 2 4 1 1 26 3 • 1 55 - 28 1 3 3 9 1 11 22 1 4 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 376 10 3 8 4 36 61 44 9 16 2 31 29 4 16 93 335 20 7 4 3 14 2 3 26 61 2 29 1 4 1 t i 10 16 6 8 1 31 9 28 1 4 14 1 62 8 20 2 1 4 2 9 3 3 1 I41 268 7 3 1 4 30 28 1 3 2 7 7 20 17 9 16 58 542 i 217 6 2 5 13 4 33 25 13 4 2 5 15 4 3 23 9 i 5 45 338 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY. AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 !5 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over 05 Un- known. 1 Ward 22—Continued. Sanitary district E 3, 387 600 183 151 118 1,052 1,630 147 196 1,122 291 i 2 1. 771 327 95 71 63 556 869 72 616 129 3 1,616 3,299 273 88 80 55 496 761 75 111 506 162 i 4 White.. 576 175 148 112 1', 011 1,575 143 192 1,100 288 i 5 2, 312 174 148 111 1, 0G8 185 1,552 285 120 139 408 93 6 Both parents native \ if'' 434 415 112 29 24 9,i 21 25 42 7 92 29* 93 190 24 61 18 23 158 334 245 530 15 57 One or both parents for- M.. 46 37 118 92 643 156 58 56 31 301 31 57 7 1 8 C M Foreign born | p, " 502 479 88 1 1 1 41 8 8 17 383 307 99 86 109 3 1 11 55 15 4 36 4 i 9 24 8 3 0 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p " England and Wales 5 if " < v -• Ireland | p " Scotland j pf " Germany 5 if " 585 156 40 32 29 257 401 26 33 14 110 105 31 20 268 247 9 11 154 98 457 34 134 34 33 30 231 346 24 11 70 60 600 13 1 1 4 19 27 4 3 5 7 8 3 18 24 2 19 5 9 91 32 21 16 160 243 36 34 IZ 13 602 33 33 69 22 3 20 15 1 126 6 211 14 22 3 ] 60 9 61 i 2 l 1 ii 18 9 1 14 368 17 15 9 86 138 17 25 34 282 43 14 13 7 77 116 13 18 37 15 1,147 178 41 47 19 285 407 54 ' 72 156 i 16 17 18 Males 586 106 25 26 10 167 226 31 32 228 69 16 21 9 118 181 23 40 229 87 i 1,098 105 38 47 19 269 385 -53 68 438 153 19 756 164 36 45 19 264 376 48 43 213 75 i Both parents native 5 if " 166 166 196 188 33 7 12 3 55 72 12 4 26 20 30 5 7 3 45 56 11 5 14 18 65 39 43 29 21 One or both parents for- .,Q 217 8 1 12 32 12 15 5 4 2 10 3 i 22 3 1 27 54 49 2 3 3 6 7 i 2 1 2 17 36 1 4 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 i 1 1 3 9 - 12 2 36 40 5 9 11 3 28 25 2 21 91 350 3 5 1 12 5 44 70 36 4 5 9 19 2 3 16 22 i 12 81 1 1 3 1 1 6 4 2 9 2 12 S41 24 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 i 2 5 168 4 3 2 28 18 H 3 2 2 6 2 16 9 i 13 41 125 3 2 2 3 7 22 14 7 4 2 2 3 4 1 5 4 i 13 26 r2 340 VITAL STATISTICS. Tmslk 86.— DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. l All ages.j Under 3 3 to (1 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12| Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over (55 Un- known. 1 Ward 22—Continued. Sanitary district H 821 156 53 37 I 293 403 45 38 223 443 ■ 88 33 30 22| 15 173 257 25 16 119 26 378 68 20 17 120 206 20 22 104 26 817 155 53 47 . 37 292 461 45 37 222 59 • 599 109 155 29 30 52 44 30 287 450 .39 26 69 15 CM.. IF- 12 9 9 8 8 ' 3 58 50 88 85 8 _ - 6 10 One or both parents for- 108 206 158 12 11 9 14 1 3 CM.. 1 F 56 34 21 9 18 8 12 107 62 157 108 27 99 7 eign. {¥:: 114 98 1 2 3 4 . 82 20 8 Foreign born r 1 4 2 69 1 17 9 9 1 Birthplaces of mothers: C M.. 1 F .. C M 141 38 12 9 1 13 9 10 114 101 6 10 10 11 6 10 4 England and Wales 130 15 25 98 35 2 1 4 1 2 11 i F- i 12 6 ; 1 2 10 26 11 31 18 23 10 502 15 40 22 2 6 1 9 8 7 45 49 2 2 12 Ireland 2 10 j F " no 73 20 11 9 6 5 45 6 3 43 13 13 Germany 1 6 30 5 6 27 * 5 !f 33 9 4 14 Italy 1 9 17 i 3 1 15 Sanitary district I 1,123 352 57 59 34 635 56 50 296 84 2 16 17 18 626 497 1.096 200 152 38 31 20 289 369 32 21 155 48 i 19 28 14 213 260 24 29 141 36 i White 345 56 56 “ 491 621 53 48 290 82 2 19 :20 842 344 56 32 487 010 51 35 121 24 1 Both parents native CM.. ( F .. C M.. IF.. 202 148 250 205 80 51 103 85 14 9 10 18 18 u 6 114 74 151 120 140 99 15 8 0 28 20 12 8 1 One or both parents for- eign. 197 12 16 9 13 30 9 21 II 6 145 30 1 Foreign born C M.. 133 ■ j 9 ' 89 34 .22 If.. 115 1 1 8 80 24 1 27 1 3 11 14 3 9 0 9 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States C M 254 207 25 33 189 154 17 98 81 8 8 19 9 1 14 16 2 v 142 113 13 11 177 148 15 19 12 1 8 8 30 29 8 13 10 1 1 England and Wales 25 1 F 1 12 3 17 1 Ireland C Iv f 49 37 4 11 1 1 69 50 6 90 5 5 1 o 70 56 5 18 26 If.. CM.. 8 1 60 9 16 ,1 16 1 1 27 Scotland 1 F 10 90 2 1 3 6 1 3 Germany CM.. 22 4 6 1 33 44 4 4 25 13 28 29 |f-. 63 227 15 9 22 26 4 1 20 0 35 9 C 83 10 14 89 39 1 26 30 31 32 115 13 4 3 6 43 7 40 20 112 224 22 33 9 29 53 40 7 40 80 19 1 White 9 5 6 81 10 14 38 1 102 33 9 - 6 53 80 9 1 9 44 19 1 34 Botli parents native c M.. 40 6 9 2 5 15 25 1 F .. 52 9 3 9 14 21 3 9 10 9 ] 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 37 0 1 1 8 14 3 13 2 1 F .. 29 10 1 2 12 10 1 9 8 i 36 C M.. 35 i 1 9 20 ii loreign born If- 1 . 3 16 8 37 3 2 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 46 8 2 3 6 19 29 i 9 38 3 10 ) b .. 00 14 2 19 27 3 17 1 39 England and Wales 6 i 2 i 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 40 Ireland c M.. ) F - CM.. 19 3 6 3 8 2 20 4 4 4 i 4 10 1 41 Germany 32 1 1 3 1 16 7 1 F.. 20 2 2 3 1 1 9 6 CM.. 42 1 1 1 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 341 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SET. NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing- cough. Can- cer aiul tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the dis- liver, eases. , Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 821 20 4 18 32 19 116 76 63 17 14 9 30 14 8 92 32 6 71 178 2 i 443 8 4 10 15 8 63 44 36 8 5 2 15 5 54 17 2 42 104 i 2 378 12 8 17 11 53 32 27 9 9 7 15 14 3 38 15 4 29 74 i 3 817 20 4 18 32 19 115 70 63 17 14 9 29 14 8 92 32 6 71 176 2 4 599 19 9 31 19 99 40 39 17 14 2 17 4 5 72 13 1 71 123 2 5 109 4 9 1 8 3 1 3 1 19 3 13 29 _( 8 108 l 7 2 19 3 10 4 3 9 10 11 29 1 206 4 2 6 37 13 18 9 . 3 22 3 27 44 i ) - 158 6 l 10 9 23 14 8 3 i 8* 9 2 20 3 16 27 i ‘ / o 114 2 3 1 23 14 2 8 ■ 2 13 2 26 98 1 6 13 9 5 10 i 3 s 8 4 1 ] 9 9 141 4 2 9 2 25 9 3 4 3 9 21 3 17 37 (io 130 6 i 8 3 22 6 10 6 4 4 9 1 14 3 3 14 25 1 15 1 3 3 1 4 (n 25 1 i 2 4 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 8 98 1 i 3 3 9 14 11 2 i 8 9 11 41 8 20 i12 95 2 1 4 4 6 13 11 1 1 2 8 2 2 7 9 3 21 no i 3 3 1 2 17 14 7 9 1 1 3 2 15 6 2 7 23 (13 73 3 1 4 13 10 2 l 3 3 3 11 5 5 9 39 2 1 3 4 9 5 1 1 3 2 9 1 22 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 i 2 6 1.123 21 7 9 40 17 107 120 91 5 12 20 43 9 10 81 56 u 171 292 i 15 626 10 6 3 22 8 62 62 59 2 7 7 23 6 47 26 6 90 179 i 16 497 11 1 6 18 9 45 58 32 3 5 13 20 9 4 34 30 D 81 113 17 1,096 21 7 9 37 16 106 117 88 5 12 18 43 9 10 78 54 li 166 288 i 18 842 19 5 6 36 16 101 66 63 4 10 6 20 5 7 63 23 4 166 222 19 202 3 2 20 11 17 1 3 8 2 20 6 2 33 62 148 6 1 8 16 8 1 1 9 4 3 i 6 1 25 38 250 6 9 1 12 3 36 18 23 1 9 1 4 3 11 5 49 73 205 4 I 4 9 27 26 15 4 2 3 2 1 15 4 47 38 133 1 2 9 1 2 30 16 4 10 1 12 14 4 34 115 1 l 21 9 8 13 4 9 3 17 3 31 27 3 1 1 3 3 9 3 2 4 23 254 4 2 10 5 25 14 25 1 3 4 24 6 2 42 207 8 2 12 6 24 11 11 1 3 3 5 3 1 21 9 1 49 (24 25 2 4 1 1 2 4 4 G 33 1 4 4 2 4 2 2 1 4 9 >25 189 1 1 2 15 33 23 1 9 i 11 9 3 27 43 154 1 1 2 3 1 10 32 12 1 3 7 4 i 7 9 2 25 33 j>26 17 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 9 5 10 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 (27 90 3 2 1 4 9 8 1 1 2 1 7 34 63 1 2 1 1 3 9 4 4 6 1 8 16 (28 227 ! 9 4 6 11 2 13 13 16 2 3 9 18 3 2 28 15 5 11 57 29 115 5 3 2 3 2 10 8 9 2 1 8 14 11 3 5 29 30 112 4 1 4 8 3 3 8 10 3 9 14 4 9 6 28 31 224 9 4 6 11 2 12 13 16 2 3 9 18 3 2 28 15 5 10 56 32 162 9 2 5 9 2 12 7 10 2 3 4 12 3 2 18 7 3 10 42 33 40 3 1 i i 8 2 1 9 1 1 1 11 (34 52 1 2 6 1 2 2 3 2 6 9 1 4 1 3 16 37 2 1 1 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 4 29 3 1 1 1 2 3 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 >35 35 2 1 3 4 3 6 1 r> (30 27 1 1 3 2 5 3 2 1 3 1 1 : 37 46 3 1 1 1 9 9 2 1 2 2 1 2 12 (38 60 1 2 7 1 2 2 3 9 6 2 1 4 2 6 19 6 1 1 1 3 (39 2 1 1 19 "T i i 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 (40 20 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 6 4 32 1 1 1 i i 4 9 4 3 4 1 9 (411 20 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 4 (42- 1 1 ! 342 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to » 9 to 12 Total under 12 U nder 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 22 — Continued. 281 60 9 , 14 90 1122 12 17 92 38 9 Mnl.*s 146 35 3 6 8 52 73 4 10 43 16 3 ■1 135 25 4 3 6 38 49 8 49 91 22 Whit,« 280 60 9 14 90 122 12 17 38 201 60 7 9 14 90 120 11 10 40 12 14 3 Both parents native < M.. 49 14 2 3 4 23 18 31 2 i i 6 \ F .. 56 14 i 1 24 3 1 19 9 7 One or both parents tor- CM.. • 17 i 3 4 25 3G 4 8 ei^n. ( F .. 37 9 2 2 4 17 22 3 8 Foreign horn C M.. 40 1 1 11 13 ( F .. 38 23 9 1 i 18 10 Birthplaces of mothers: 69 20 2 5 5 32 44 2 2 3 ) F .. 65 17 1 1 4 23 30 5 i 20 9 11 England and Wales CM.. 3 1 2 [f .. 4 1 2 1 12 Ireland CM.. 2o 32 4 1 2 7 9 l 11 4 If.. 1 1 i 3 1 9 17 7 13 Scotland CM.. 3 1 1 1 l 1 \ F .. 3 2 1 14 Germany C M.. 31 4 l 1 i 6 10 1 6 10 4 \ F .. 20 4 2 9 1 9 5 3 15 246 56 13 8 8 . 85 115 14 13 24 16 148 98 34 22 8 rj 6 2 55 30 84 73 42 114 9 5 14 45 33 78 14 10 24 2 17 5 1 18 White 245 13 8 13 19 183 55 13 8 „ 83 119 14 6 34 16 1 11- 20 Both parents native CM.. 58 18 2 4 27 35 5 2 11 \ F -• 43 1 13 19 3 1 12 8 21 One or both parents for- CM.. 43 12 6 3 1 22 31 4 1 5 2 1 F .. 29 12 1 13 19 2 2 1 22 C M.. 38 1 9 28 7 e « or.. \ F .. 21 15 ' 1 23 Colored 1 1 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: 5M- 72 24 3 4 4 35 46 6 2 13 5 } 1 .. 49 9 5 1 i 16 22 3 i 14 9 25 t? i i i i CM.. 8 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 ) F.. 5 1 l 3 26 Ireland C M.. 23 1 1 1 i 4 8 1 12 2 \ F .. 15 4 4 3 6 °T CM.. 4 1 i i 3 1 IF.. 2 % 1 28 JM.. 23 3 1 4 4 1 3 ii 4 i F .. 14 4 4 6 3. 078 9 1 4 1 673 29 Ward 23 252 2.053 360 333 1,906 . 632 141 136 1.106 1,627 174 1,073 309 1 2, 991 19/ 152 177 183 • 527 152 116 947 1, 451 159 833 364 1 White 1,146 285 250 2,026 3, 046 358 331 1,883 G63 33 4, 448 1.142 345 284 247 2, 018 3,012 323 258 670 1 1 /8 34 Both parents native f?:: 851 778 239 200 61 44 47 47 42 394 337 575 520 52 53 39 17 T25 111 r>o 77 1 35 One or both parents foreign.. 1,401 363 130 87 84 664 981 98 98 208 16 < F .. 1.333 306 106 96 73 581 888 119 102 2ui 23 36 m- 993 1 2 3 18 25 32 686 232 IF.. 812 \) 10 39 501 253 37 Colored 69 1,141 1,078 13 31G 269 32 802 726 2 74 80 38 Birthplaces of mothers : United States c M.. i F .. 03 74 83 64 547 473 44 27 154 144 66 101 1 39 England and Wales CM.. )F.. 125 128 13 14 5 2 6 6 26 22 35 31 5 5 8 9 48 53 29 30 70 40 Ireland C M.. 670 76 23 11 13 123 192 31 49 328 ) F .. 648 69 13 18 9 109 183 33 58 268 106 41 Germany CM.. 1,078 169 57 37- 42 305 453 53 57 404 111 > F .. 915 134 54 36 37 261 394 58 56 311 96 42 Italy CM.. 50 7 4 5 5 21 2 2 21 ( F .. 11 2 1 1 4 7 4 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 343 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. . All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. . 281 2 2 8 11 6 23 26 23 4 5 8 13 3 4 27 18 6 29 62 1 1 146 i 1 6 5 1 13 13 10 3 3 3 3 11 9 3 18 43 2 135" i 1 2 6 5 10 13 13 1 2 5 10 3 4 16 9 3 11 19 1 3 280 2 2 8 11 6 23 26 22 4 5 8 13 3 4 27 18 6 29 62 1 4 201 i i 5 11 6 19 16 15 3 5 5 7 3 3 21 8 3 29 40 5 49 i i 3 1 6 4 5 2 2 2 1 1 13 3 2 2 2 5 1 1 2 3 2 3 9 4 9! - 10 :::::::: \ 6 49 i 3 2 3 3 2 1 6 3 9 11 ) _ 37 1 3 3 5 6 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 \ 7 40 2 2 6 1 1 1 2 5 2 18 38 i i i 2 4 6 2 5 1 4 1 4 l 1 1 9 69 i i i 3 1 9 7 6 i 2 2 2 3 2 9 19 > 4 3 3 2 5 1 1 2 - 4 2 3 11 4 2 6 12 (io i i 1 4 i i 1 i £n 25 i 2 3 i i 2 4 3 8 32 i 3 6 5 1 3 3 4 5* 3 1 i 1 3 i 1 1 ]3 31 3 2 2 2 2 i 3 2 i 2 11 (u 20 1 2 1 4 1 i i 1 1 1 i 3 2 246 3 3 4 17 4 20 26 17 i 4 4 12 2 i 24 8 i 27 68 15 148 1 2 3 12 1 17 14 7 i 3 2 4 i 14 4 15 47 16 98 2 i 1 5 3 3 12 10 1 2 8 2 10 4 i 12 21 17 245 3 3 4 17 4 20 26 17 i 4 4 12 2 i 24 8 i 26 68 18 183 3 o 4 17 4 18 12 10 i 4 3 7 2 i 19 5 1 26 44 19 58 1 1 5 1 7 3 4 i 2 1 i 6 1 7 17 43 i 1 1 4 1 2 6 2 i 2 1 2 3 2 i 8 43 i 2 7 3 1 i 1 1 4 10 29 i 1 2 1 3 4 5 2 6 5 38 1 2 8 2 1 2 3 3 16 21 6 4 3 2 6 1 1 23 72 1 1 1 4 i 2 1 i 6 1 11 22 49 2 1 1 4 1 2 6 3 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 6 9 8 1 2 5 5 1 1 3 r° 23 2 5 3 6 1 1 1 2 2 b 1 1 1 3 1 9 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 i 2 1 1 r7 23 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 10 j>28 14 2 1 2 1 3 6, 352 136 60 115 342 137 656 735 586 67 77 130 223 64 53 532 309 52 508 1,570 29 3,361 66 31 53 176 66 326 410 323 37 34 37 111 30 270 172 20 288 911 30 2,991 70 29 62 166 71 330 325 263 30 43 93 112 64 23 262 137 32 220 659 31 6, 283 136 60 113 342 137 646 726 577 67 75 129 219 63 53 526 304 51 502 1.557 32 4,448 134 30 79 322 127 586 380 318 64 75 38 101 34 17 357 118 13 502 1,153 33 851 20 5 41 20 88 50 76 8 15 8 25 6 81 27 4 98 264 778 26 6 18 50 20 88 45 57 20 16 23 6 2 82 24 6 85 197 1,401 45 9 21 120 39 205 143 99 22 17 1 19 2 95 36 1 172 355 <35 1,333 43 10 25 111 46 202 134 84 22 23 12 30 27 6 90 31 120 315 993 1 17 16 15 6 24 205 140 3 27 63 22 86 106 15 247 812 1 13 18 5 4 34 140 117 64 29 14 82 80 23 133 69 2 10 9 9 o 1 4 1 6 1 6 13 37 1,141 28 8 21 65 28 132 61 102 15 20 9 28 0 98 34 5 130 351 1,078 40 7 23 77 30 136 64 76 13 27 19 33 10 3 104 30 9 108 269 125 1 i 2 3 15 14 12 1 1 1 6 18 12 5 33 J _ _ 128 1 i 3 4 1 13 17 10 1 4 13 4 2 15 4 3 7 25 <39 670 11 5 14 26 8 39 136 84 6 4 10 32 7 47 43 5 40 153 648 11 8 9 24 12 46 115 73 9 3 20 28 14 6 50 56 6 35 123 '40 1, 078 19 16 11 67 20 112 162 96 8 5 16 30 13 78 66 8 82 269 ?. i 915 15 12 24 52 20 105 104 95 6 9 45 32 29 7 70 39 11 50 190 41 50 1 1 o 2 5 3 10 1 1 3 1 2 18 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 >42 344 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 86.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. AND Months. Tears. SEX. COLOK, NATIVITY. PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Wn.rrl 94 2. 290 277 86 74 46 483 776 128 146 854 383 3 1. 249 161 48 38 29 276 420 64 90 488 185 . - 2 1,041 116 38 36 17 207 356 64 56 366 198 i WliitP 2. 249 268 84 72 46 470 759 126 138 842 382 2 1.484 268 83 72 46 469 752 122 103 362 144 i CM.. i F.. ( M 339 53 14 9 91 139 24 17 102 57 G Both parents native 299 46 13 13 4 76 141 28 8 63 59 440 102 32 28 13 175 263 34 42 95 i 7 One or both parents foreign.. 342 59 23 19 13 1 114 194 35 32 70 11 (M.. 404 1 1 4 2 9 24 256 211 12 118 120 1 8 Foreign horn 344 1 10 9 41 9 2 2 13 17 2 8 i Birthplaces of mothers: c M 450 76 26 17 16 135 212 35 21 120 61 i 10 l nited States |f .. 392 64 18 16 10 108 195 35 15 79 67 i CM.. 92 6 1 4 1 12 19 9 41 31 161 23 22 53 11 England and Wales 78 367 1 7 17 4 4 JM.. IF.. C M.. f F .. !¥:: 12 9 5 61 96 21 36 27 12 Ireland 345 22 8 6 41 70 16 172 60 172 22 6 2 2 32 48 1 9 87 27 13 Germany 120 15 6 4 i 26 40 6 40 27 21 1 9 1 4 6 2 12 1 14 Italy 7 4 1 6 1 15 17,139 2,132 1,032 668 433 4,265 5, 564 260 951 7. 762 2, 578 24 16 17 18 9. 610 1,137 562 343 209 2, 251 2, 890 2,674 138 593 4.794 1. 177 18 7, 529 995 470 325 224 2,014 122 358 2. 968 1.401 6 16, 226 2,103 1. 021 659 433 4, 216 5, 500 237 820 7.200 2,446 23 19 6, 058 1 j 818 ; 573 1,161 1.412 607 334 241 2,594 3,262 160 371 1. 926 337 2 Both parents native If 63 54 180 27 23 19 19 124 161 158 492 99 56 461 275 118 20 8 104 18 39 80 21 One or both parents foreign.. C M.. 83 42 355 39 114 478 37 1 If.. C M.. 806 4,435 148 4 51 15 53 9 36 288 418 95 42 33 66 252 28 22 Foreign horn 8 36 271 3, 097 937 2 IF.. 3.485 4 9 7 9 29 101 28 164 2, 031 1,158 3 23 Colored 913 29 11 9 49 64 23 131 562 132 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 United States JM.. If 1, 343 1, 050 347 99 92 10 6 44 37 33 35 3 24 18 4 200 182 24 267 272 41 34 197 164 35 34 3 123 81 20 753 512 211 164 151 1 England and Wales ( M 72 25 |f ' 204 2 5 14 20 18 1 21 22 6 125 38 26 Ireland JM.. > F .. 2,420 2. 685 68 56 31 20 20 16 133 112 128 103 1.551 1,486 521 908 2 2 27 Germany < M-. 1,332 51 31 13 10 105 152 20 81 843 234 2 1 F 695 109 40 18 17 11 1 86 143 21 53 342 136 28 Russia and Poland CM.. 9 4 3 17 29 5 14 54 If.. 64 8 4 1 9 15 28 6 11 18 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 345 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2, 290 34 16 90 82 26 185 349 192 23 40 82 100 11 240 128 30 105 533 1 1, 249 15 13 44 41 18 95 209 113 12 23 22 36 11 131 78 9 62 317 2 i;041 19 3 46 41 8 90 140 79 11 17 60 64 11 13 109 50 21 43 216 3 2, 249 34 16 87 82 26 182 341 188 22 38 82 100 11 24 236 126 30 104 520 4 1, 484 33 9 65 81 25 155 195 109 22 36 36 49 2 8 148 60 8 104 339 5 329 3 6 14 13 6 33 52 25 9 4 7 9 47 23 1 18 76 > « 299 ! 6 1 15 19 2 33 24 19 2 6 16 14 i 3 32 11 5 18 72 r 440 11 17 27 ii 50 63 33 12 11 2 7 2 34 41 104 342 13 2 19 22 6 32 45 28 g 10 11 17 i 26 10 1 22 69 7 404 i 10 i i 7 86 51 2 14 21 7 38 106 \ 344 12 19 60 28 32 30 9 9 42 97 15 61 41 3 3 8 4 1 9 4 9 1 13 9 450 6 6 19 19 8 47 60 33 9 12 4 8 3 62 27 1 21 112 S10 392 13 1 20 24 2 41 30 32 3 10 21 18 4 36 13 6 22 95 92 1 1 9 1 1 6 18 9 3 9 6 1 10 8 3 20 5“ 78 1 81 2 ‘ 6 13 5 3 1 6 9 1 10 1 2 1 11 367 6 3 10 3 16 74 46 7 4 8 4 31 24 5 17 89 (12 345 4 1 10 3 22 68 30 4 4 15 26 5 3 32 28 10 11 62 172 6 6 12 34 15 3 6 8 1 14 9 1 10 42 120 1 6 4 3 8 15 6 1 1 12 9 2 13 4 1 6 28 21 1 2 4 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 3 <14 17,139 88 152 57 319 99 1,909 3,168 1. 556 368 99 438 812 36 133 1,334 1,358 225 117 4,861 10 15 9,610 | 35 116 42 160 46 974 1.912 885 178 50 164 463 92 793 797 87 63 2, 749 4 16 7,529 53 36 15 159 53 935 1,256 671 190 49 274 349 36 41 541 561 138 54 2,112 6 17 16, 226 86 149 56 316 96 1,886 2, 831 1,511 365 98 416 730 30 132 1, 265 1,241 189 111 4,710 8 18 6,058 44 42 18 165 39 800 851 447 156 56 103 185 11 40 409 304 32 111 2, 241 4 19 818 3 8 4 10 7 46 143 56 5 9 21 39 14 83 100 9 10 244 1 ) 2 9 12 51 67 39 G 6 45 22 4 9 32 9 205 ,20 1,161 7 3 31 9 105 245 100 25 13 8 52 12 72 70 1 36 354 1 806 14 5 5 27 10 91 154 58 28 11 22 31 4 2 51 32 3. 37 221 4 436 13 78 27 16 1 288 1,121 412 21 1 123 299 57 447 489 66 976 3, 485 12 26 9 25 8 342 783 267 26 1 183 235 19 33 334 408 91 680 3 913 2 3 1 3 3 23 337 45 3 1 22 82 6 1 69 117 36 6 151 2 24 1,343 3 10 4 17 10 76 334 83 18 9 24 72 17 115 167 17 23 343 1 1,050 7 5 2 25 8 77 178 68 9 7 65 68 10 3 87 82 26 14 308 1 r4 347 1 8 2 2 1 14 56 :*4 3 1 15 26 5 40 36 3 2 98 (25 204 3 3 4 20 37 17 c 14 11 1 13 27 3 45 2, 420 4 26 12 13 4 185 653 222 13 9 38 142 30 182 275 34 15 562 1 2,685 7 17 7 12 3 292 630 198 14 5 107 173 9 25 240 311 83 10 535 1 r6 1 332 18 5 15 3 91 306 114 7 4 43 95 ] 1 130 137 15 6 327 >.. 695 3 7 2 13 9 72 121 48 18 2 44 44 3 6 58 56 5 13 170 1 >27 109 3 1 2 2 2 25 10 4 4 5 1 12 5 5 28 jt28 64 2 4 2 3 10 8 i 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 16 346 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD ANl> SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. - EX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. AU ages. Under 3 3 to (i 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Grand total 112,467 19,164 6,313 5,198 4, 351 35, 026 52, 906 6, 339 6, 594 34,571 11,970 81 9 58, 601 53, 866 110. 616 10, 771 8, 393 3, 330 2, 722 2,294 19, 117 15, 909 34, 459 28, 456 24,450 3, 108 3, 283 18,433 5, 268 a 2. 983 2.476 2, 057 3. 231 3, 311 16, 138 28 4 WliitP 18, 905 6,193 5, 091 4.270 52,094 6,220 6, 435 33, 987 11,806 74 5 79. 084 18. 874 6,152 5,052 4,217 34, 295 51.418 4,841 612 676 12,811 2,911 2,760 4. 248 21 G Both parents native CM.. IF.. 16,813 15., 744 4,431 3,429 1,261 1,127 1,007 868 795 726 7,494 6,150 10,800 9, 223 996 1,059 1,489 2. 024 5 7 One or both parents foreign.. ( M.. < F .. 23, 258 20. 992 5,904 4, 637 1, 957 1‘, 742 1,611 1,521 1.412 1.249 10,884 9, 149 16, 433 14.167 E 772 1. 820 1.657 1.684 3,197 3, 009 193 306 6 6 8 Foreign born C M.. \ F 15.940 15,188 9 8 17 21 22 16 29 21 77 66' 341 302 229 241 798 778 11,175 9, 718 3, 387 4,140 10 9 9 Colored . 1,851 259 120 107 81 567 812 119 159 584 170 7 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 21, 197 19,900 5, 506 4, 284 1,678 1,482 1,328 1, 170 1,075 960 9,587 7, 896 14, 061 11,979 1,347 1,430 790 926 3. 401 3,313 1,592 2,250 6 8 11 2, 889 2, 030 344 280 109 87 87 74 64 82 004 523 936 813 113 146 161 129 1,160 973 517 568 2 ( F .. 12 Ireland - JM.. I F.. 14, 379 15, 049 1,694 1,280 460 415 379 365 368 321 2,901 2, 381 4,619 3,975 681 749 1,129 1.201 6,497 6, 960 1,445 2,155 8 9 13 Scotland pi- ti- pi-. if.. 830 90 24 16 274 40 326 139 671 58 31 19 19 127 42 196 35 33 280 104 127 14 France 249 20 8 8 6 14 59 • 187 21 6 6 5 38 59 9 7 69 43 pi - • 12,937 2, 015 747 664 531 3,957 5, 782 664 740 4, 609 1,138 4 10, 853 1, 637 687 609 468 3, 401 5,102 621 695 3,235 1,197 3 16 Russia and Poland {¥:: 336 245 98 70 28 22 13 17 25 15 164 124 225 181 11 13 15 13 76 32 9 6 17 P1-- 401 374 68 26 15 12 12 18 16 124 195 19 38 122 27 l F -■ 95 153 19 31 132 39 CM.. 1,241 259 85 67 64 475 736 64 62 346 33 ) F . 1. 035 198 85 71 59 413 643 69 7< 215 30 1 19 Hungary fM.. IF.. CM.. 32 24 7 2 2 2 3 i 4 12 16 19 19 1 1 2 1 9 3 1 20 Bohemia 31 2 i 2 2 17 10 4 If.. pi- * F.. CM., t F .. l¥:. 29 i i 18 1 170 3 21 929 243 68 59 73 443 654 39 ■ 34 32 75/ 202 58 65 56 381 595 42 19 85 16 22 Other foreign countries 942 712 138 95 52 48 43 40 29 30 262 213 382 313 48 38 63 52 373 221 74 88 2 23 Unknown 2, 208 1,394 287 204 41 11 34 25 22 21 384 294 491 404 67 58 191 125 1,230 615 198 186 31 6 24 2, 257 304 65 80 37 851 384 9 /39 1-0 1,198 1,059 176 128 33 32 43 37 19 18 271 397 66 84 _ 26 ZIL “ 27 2, 232 303 64 79 36 482 732 123 28 1,567 302 63 78 36 479 719 116 383 237 29 Both parents native 424 370 75 56 11 7 12 9 8 8 106 80 150 124 29 19 23 12 124 110 97 104 1 1 30 One or both parents foreign. CM.. 361 92 22 29 9 152 228 31 40 53 9 i F .. 334 69 22 26 9 126 199 34 32 14 31 Foreign born CM.. 326 . 6 4 17 243 201 56 80 3 If.. 313 1 1 9 6 3 17 4 32 25 1 3 1 1 ■ 33 34 Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales CM.. 1 F .. , M. 494 439 75 87 65 12 14 13 1 18 16 1 12 10 131 104 14 191 159 18 34 25 2 34 16 4 133 121 37 20 101 116 14 16 1 2 '> F .. 54 7 2 1 12 17 1 35 Ireland CM.. 320 38 14 9 1 62 94 16 30 151 29 :::::::: ) F .. 366 31 4 12 5 52 94 22 33 164- 53 36 CM.. 87 7 3 7 4 21 28 7 5 39 8 ) F .. 84 7 7 4 18 28 4 10 31 11 37 CM.. 23 7 i 1 1 10 14 1 1 IF-. 19 6 1 7 11 7 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 347 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN ACES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. , CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- in" cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. ! Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born . All other causes. Un- known. 112,167 1,840 1,002 1,413 5,018 2,104 12, 240 13,135 9,965 767 1,134 2, 091 5, 681 867 1 1, 557 11,724 4, 889 1. 359 7, 754 27, 804 123 1 58, 601 905 569 698 2. 461 1,143 0, 259 7. 065 5,437 408 510 663 2. 809 855 6.205 445 4,359 15,187 56 2 53.866 935 433 715 2, 557 961 5, 981 6, 070 4, 528 359 624 1,428 2,872 867 702 5, 519 2, 322 914 3,395 12. 617 67 3 110,616 1,830 995 1,387 4,979 2, 094 12, 048 12,813 9,792 758 1,104 2, 058 5,574 852 1,531 11,521 4,815 1,340 7, 708 27, 296 121 4 79,084 1, 726 590 801 4, 748 2,022 10, 743 7,044 6,180 720 1.084 743 2,448 419 583 8,381 2,133 499 7,708 20, 389 63 5 16, 813 369 145 183 924 367 1,959 1. 150 1,327 135 997 119 039 145 2,019 565 12 > c 15, 744 341 113 176 958 336 1,848 1,123 1,177 122 246 376 643 155 125 lj 825 456 291 l’ 470 3, 947 16 r 23. 258 475 168 225 1,390 724 3, 561 2,298 1,935 240 262 49 504 151 2,343 484 19 2,310 6,106 14 \ 7 20,992 533 125 260 1,447 588 3, 240 2,074 1, 609 209 341 160 539 251 123 1,991 502 41 1,806 5,134 19 \ 7 15, 940 52 229 271 110 41 575 3.158 1,998 18 7 463 1,519 519 1,606 1,385 286 3,679 24 ) 0 15,188 50 175 255 116 31 725 2,584, 1,599 20 13 845 1,587 433 425 1.513 1.284 549 2, 958 26 s* 1,851 10 7 26 39 10 192 322 173 9 30 33 107 15 26 203 74 19 46 508 2 9 21,197 479 177 225 1,205 502 2,658 1,460 1,670 180 287 138 750 172 2, 534 658 132 2,177 5, 778 15 19, 906 452 138 219 1,243 448 2,420 1,443 1,510 157 336 427 776 191 159 2, 292 561 313 1. 729 5,072 20 *1° 2, 889 37 30 43 90 31 229 359 296 12 17 55 209 54 346 200 38 136 703 4 2, 630 24 30 41 117 30 236 270 237 10 22 102 211 48 41 319 128 79 110 569 6 r 14, 379 171 127 192 499 177 1, 118 2, 438 1,662 72 73 192 808 279 1,392 829 135 687 3, 519 9 ? 10 15, 049 200 115 258 515 160 1.215 2.471 1,395 61 106 439 1,043 298 311 1 399 1,029 313 494 3.210 17 r 830 11 9 12 30 12 57 116 84 4 7 15 74 18 88 44 16 39 192 2 ?,o 671 4 6 12 28 3 54 90 54 2 6 43 41 15 18 67 34 20 28 146 >3 249 3 1 4 14 6 20 39 21 9 1 18 3 35 ’ 10 3 S14 187 3 o 1 8 4 14 25 16 2 4 5 8 4 6 18 14 6 11 35 1 12,937' 148 139 144 431 310 1,587 1,818 1.178 69 95 199 663 243 1 270 561 89 830 3,147 16 10. 853 191 85 134 452 240 1,451 1, 216 953 66 106 302 622 231 125 1, 028 384 143 686 2, 426 12 ) 5 336 - 3 2 11 18 44 21 35 4 ] 3 9 • 3 33 12 1 84 > . 245 3 6 16 7 50 11 18 2 9 1 1 29 8 S'0 401 9 4 8 26 3 42 57 30 2 5 3 28 . 27 15 1 27 105 1 l17 374 8 3 9 25 5 40 46 15 9 18 29 8 7 33 15 2 22 79 1 1,241 20 24 22 69 22 196 141 103 16 5 6 43 9 125 35 3 90 311 1 1, 035 27 14 11 65 29 179 115 78 16 14 17 17 18 3 90 27 5 70 238 2 32 1 3 4 6 6 1 1 1 n ) 24 1 i 9 1 1 9 2 1 <19 31 i 2 8 3 1 1 4 2 1 29 1 2 0 . 1 3 9 1 3 1 <20 929 10 6 15 28 30 97 47 107 29 8 5 22 9 82 15 2 100 316 1 ?91 757 3 1 9 25 25 100 39 89 35 7 3 8 13 1 62 13 1 91 230 2 r 942 3 10 10 33 19 105 136 90 5 5 15 53 13 96 53 9 235 1 ) 712 11 0 12 36 6 113 89 69 5 7 24 34 16 7 67 27 5 37 139 2 2,208 6 39 21 21 11 94 424 154 12 6 27 129 42 172 133 165 731 6 j>23 1,394 8 20 9 24 4 94 254 90 2 5 45 75 20 22 110 81 27 87 407 4 2, 257 26 23 31 107 23 159 276 170 12 15 67. 159 14 41 270 127 44 124 567 2 24 1,198 15 14 16 49 16 76 147 101 8 y 19 81 22 70 11 311 2 25 1,059 'j 11 9 15 58 7 83 129 09 4 8 48 78 14 19 113 57 33 48 256 26 2, 232 25 23 30 107 23 158 273 167 12 15 66 157 14 40 264 126 44 124 562 2 27 1,567 23 18 20 99 22 126 149 103 12 15 38 91 9 23 201 77 28 124 388 1 28 424 5 7 6 20 0 24 26 33 4 4 11 36 8 73 31 5 3° 87 J29 370 5 4 6 19 18 29 28 3 9 22 27 G 6 47 17 361 10 5 6 21 9 37 « 25 4 3 9 3 39 6 3 39 1(10 1 ) 334 3 2 2 32 7 44 34 1 6 4 14 3 4 35 14 27 90 <30 326 2 4 2 1 13 61 38 8 33 8 35 24 3 1 > 313 2 3 6 0 19 60 25 20 33 5 9 25 25 12 63 31 25 i 1 1 3 3 1 9 1 6 1 32 494 7 10 30 9 34 32 37 4 4 11 37 8 84 34 37 104 439 7 6 7 24 22 33 31 3 4 25 33 6 6 56 18 20 21 117 >33 75 1 2 1 3 14 1 1 0 1 5 5 54 3 3 8 4 1 1 1 1 7 2 1 3 <34 320 4 1 5 13 2 17 60 30 2 1 3 20 7 39 12 15 85 1 366 2 2 4 19 3 29 67 26 3 23 3 9 32 26 8 12 83 87 2 2 2 6 i 1 3 5 9 3 1 > 84 i 6 8 8 4 4 9 2 1 13 5 1 3 <36 23 2 3 4 1 1 1 3 5 19 1 6 9 i . . 2 3 4 (37 348 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE G YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AG E. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. , AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 1—Continued. Sanitary district A... 1,154 154 29 50 21 254 393 69 75 427 182 8 9 591 88 17 12 144 208 37 44 216 79 3 563 60 12 23 9 110 185 32 31 211 103 1 4 White 1,110 153 28 49 20 250 387 68 72 424 181 8 5 781 153 28 48 20 249 384 175 99 2 6 Botli parents native {¥:: 183 169 34 23 4 3 9 5 1 52 34 66 52 17 9 12 6 52 58 35 43 i i One or both parents for- eign. CM.. 208 48 13 18 6 85 135 18 99 27 c 7 \ F .. 193 42 7 14 7 70 122 20 16 28 8 168 179 14 .... 1 9 125 119 3 33 4.8 1 Foreign born 1 3 9 9 1 ■1 1 i 4 6 l 3 10 Birthplaces of niothers: United States England and Wales CM.. IF .. Ol.. IF.. CM.. 215 203 34 28 203 39 30 3 5 6 1 12 9 1 i 63 46 5 86 71 7 18 12 ] 17 8 3 55 63 18 11) 38 48 : 11 4 i 10 1 y 12 Ireland 10 5 i 43 66 11 Hi 90 2.1 i F .. C M.. 234 21 2 ii 5 39 71 17 99 32 13 Germany 46 4 i 4 3 12 17 4 4 16 If .. C M 43 15 3 *> 1 6 11 3 6 16 4 r 14 Scandinavia 4 1 1 6 9 i l Jf .. 15 1.103 4 1 9 6 15 150 36 30 16 232 346 57 73 424 202 1G 607 88 16 16 7 127 189 29 40 255 169 420 94 . 17 496 02 20 .14 9 105 157 28 33 108 20o 18 White 1,092 150 36 30 16 232 345 55 72 19 20 786 149 35 30 16 230 335 51 208 72 158 62 Both parents native pi.. l F .. C M- 241 41 3 3 54 84 12 u 201 33 4 2 7 46 72 10 6 52 61 21 One or both parents for- eign. _ 44 9 u 3 67 93 13 14 18 20 27 141 27 15 12 2 77 16 22 Foreign born c M. ■ ’58 134 11 279 6 3 8 118 82 23 38 o ) F .. 1 1 3 1 10 1 23 24 i 105 9 i Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales pr.. t F .. pi-- If.. C M 48 9 6 5 68 16 17 78 58 19 10 61 65 11 63 236 41 35 9 7 7 9 58 9 88 11 7 13 1 8 1 68 9 9 9 21 1 1 3 i 25 26 3 2 5 26 Ireland 117 132 11 4 4 19 28 23 3 - 14 16 ]f.. 10 o i 13 7 27 Scotland CM.. 15 1 ::::::::: 1 | F .. 9 1 11 1 2 28 Germany CM.. 41 3 2 3 i 9 3 i 231 t F . 41 4 5 3 12 17 933 1 4 15 671 29 Ward 2 1,915 336 103 100 72 611 88 95 i 30 1. 0.15 910 184 152 334 53 50 102 44 56 98 35 37 316 295 606 492 441 925 48 40 41 54 94 371 300 066 i 31 75 127 32 White 1, 901 72 ■ 33 1.232 160 151 334 44 41 101 10 11 98 17 17 71 604 80 76 902 121 112 68 2 8 165 16 17 18 ? i 34 Both parents native {¥:: 9 15 9 35 One or both parents foreign.. J?:: 452 416 • 136 108 41 37 26 37 25 29 228 211 349 308 28 25 25 29 47 49 i 36 Foreign born C M.. 344 1 1 1 5 12 5 10 16 274 223 43 65 [f .. 320 | ::::::::: 1 ii 8 164 5 37 Colored 14 0 1 9 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 211 62 14 20 12 108 18 4 18 7 ) F .. 206 53 16 24 9 102 154 11 10 23 18 10 211 208 8 39 England and Wales CM.. 49 5 3 1 9 20 2 2 i F .. 35 7 9 9 11 9 40 Ireland Pi- ll'- 407 429 52 42 10 14 10 16 8 13 80 85 128 121 15 16 24 34 2 ' 50 , Germany pl~ 1 F .. 79 16 5 7 1 29 38 6 4 28 02 14 3 3 4 24 38 4 9 14 4 1 42 CM.. 127 30 14 3 10 57 88 2 3 33 1 IF.. 103 27 9 8 10 54 80 6 3 12 2 : NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 349 MAY 31,1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. 13 Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. 12 Diph- tlieria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. 90 Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. W hoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. 35 Heart dis- ease and dropsy. 83 Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. 19 Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,154 14 66 10 136 79 10 9 7 126 58 23 61 302 1 591 9 8 5 29 5 39 67 47 7 4 9 39 9 76 28 8 36 165 1 2 563 4 6 7 37 5 51 69 32 3 5 26 44 7 10 50 30 15 25 137 3 1,140 13 14 ii 66 10 89 135 77 10 9 35 81 7 18 123 58 23 61 299 1 4 781 12 11 7 61 10 71 64 50 10 9 19 45 5 10 94 34 . 12 61 196 5 183 3 4 12 9 11 14 12 3 3 - 17 2 28 14 3 13 37 S6 169 9 3 3 10 10 17 10 9 9 11 14 3 3 18 8 9 37 208 6 3 4 15 3 23 15 18 4 1 6 9 25 3 9 20 l 7 193 1 i 24 26 15 8 1 3 3 6 9 3 18 7 16 54 s 7 168 i 1 9 34 15 4 14 4 18 9 3 57 1 i8 179 1 2 3 3 13 12 12 29 2 4 11 15 37 14 1 1 1 9 2 1 3 3 9 215 14 3 16 16 14 3 3 18 2 35 14 3 16 43 510 203 2 4 3 12 12 18 12 9 9 13 16 3 3 23 9 7 11 51 34 1 1 1 5 9 3 3 2 11 28 1 9 5 1 1 2 2 2 7 203 2 4 11 1 13 32 20 9 9 13 5 19 6 3 9 61 234 9 i 3 17 3 20 37 17 2 9 15 1 5 14 6 9 58 46 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 8 3 17 1 i13 43 i 3 4 4 4 6 2 8 3 1 1 6 15 9 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 * 1 9 3 1,103 13 9 19 41 13 69 140 91 2 6 32 76 7 22 144 69 21 63 265 1 15 607 6 6 11 20 11 37 80 54 1 3 10 42 13 81 42 3 40 146 1 16 496 7 3 8 21 2 32 60 37 1 3 22 34 7 9 63 27 18 23 119 17 1, 092 12 9 19 41 13 69 138 90 2 6 31 76 7 22 141 68 21 63 263 1 18 786 11 7 13 38 12 55 85 53 2 6 19 46 4 13 107 43 16 63 192 1 19 241 2 3 6 14 4 13 12 21 i 1 6 19 6 17 9 19 J20 201 3 1 3 9 8 12 18 1 11 13 3 3 29 9 13 10 153 4 9 9 6 6 14 26 0 3 1 14 3 1 19 42 1 S21 141 2 1 9 8 18 19 4 3 1 8 i 1 17 11 36 158 1 3 1 8 27 23 4 19 4 17 15 36 134 i l 3 3 6 25 13 8 11 3 14 10 5 26 n 1 9 ] 1 3 1 9 23 279 9 16 6 18 16 23 1 1 6 19 6 49 20 9 21 61 i 236 5 4 12 10 19 1 2 12 17 3 3 33 9 13 10 66 (24 41 1 1 2 9 6 4 1 2 2 1 3 9 (25 26 ...... 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 ] 2 4 117 2 1 1 2 1 4 28 10 1 1 7 2 20 6 6 24 1 132 1 1 2 9 30 9 1 6 8 2 4 17 12 2 3 25 s2b 15 1 9 1 2 1 2 ... 1 2 3 >27 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 £> 41 1 1 4 4 5 2 2 1 3 1 IT1 41 3 4 4 4 3 1 2 9 13 1,915 12 10 " 69 35 228 228 185 28 9 24 94 27 209 87 19 123 502 2 29 1,005 4 3 37 16 100 114 104 12 4 5 47 16 112 43 5 64 302 1 30 910 8 7 lu 32 19 119 114 81 16 5 19 47 7 11 97 44 14 59 200 1 31 1,901 12 10 16 69 35 997 997 183 28 9 24 94 7 . 27 206 86 19 123 497 O 32 1,232 11 4 9 65 33 193 100 106 23 9 6 37 1 9 141 20 9 123 347 33 160 , 11 4 20 0 9 3 2 1 2 l 25 1 1 45 (34 151 4 1 1 91 11 9 3 16 1 16 43 452 Q 3 26 10 7, 29 ■ 38 9 9 11 1 49 9 37 152 416 3 3 - 23 12 37 37 - 3 3 17 r 47 42 94 344 1 3 _ 4 9 14 62 51 9 2 30 14 34 30 4 91 1 320 3 3 4 19 64 26 •» 16 27 6 11 31 36 13 1 14 1 1 1 9 3 1 37 211 2 13 4 27 11 12 4 9 1 2 1 33 9 1 27 69 206 3 2 9 9 32 14 19 6 9 4 23 2 1 20 56 49 1 3 i 6 3 1 1 9 9 1 9 21 35 1 2 4 9 1 1 4 1 9 3 9 3 3 6 1 2 - 8 9 60 54 2 1 2 26 9 54 2 IP 2 13 110 (40 429 2 3 6 H 3 41 78 34 2 1 14 29 1 9 47 33 9 18 88 79 4 1 13 8 5 ..... 1 1 2 8 4 1 8 17 1 {41 1 1 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 11 127 1 'i r. 17 5 19 3 6 5 46 i 103 i 2 1 23 3 19 5 1 3 10 3 7 24 1 350 VITAL STATISTICS. Taiw.k 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY. PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. 2,455 Under 3 3 to 6 « to » 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 3 385 115 84 76 660 | 979 140 149 810 376 1 2 MbImb 1,251 203 182 381 70 ■ 47 37 84 35 355 1 519 75 65 71 416 394 170 3 1.204 41 305 460 78 206 1 4 2,419 111 74 650 961 140 147 797 373 1 5 6 1.684 378 no 26 84 74 940 128 105 343 168 Both parents native pi.. IF.. C M.. 103 90 23 9 148 206 27 18 91 61 419 86 15 13 16 130 186 27 21 96 89 One or both pa rents foreign.. 425 105 38 24 23 190 282 42 33 04 4 \ F .. 384 86 27 23 21 157 241 31 30 76 6 Foreign born C M.. 378 9 1 3 13 18 241 101 j K .. 352 23 212 102 1 9 36 4 4 9 10 18 2 13 3 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States pi.. If" 471 107 30 26 14 177 253 33 20 101 64 499 108 21 17 9 19 165 238 31 111 92 11 England and Wales 94 , 0 3 9 1 14 21 4 6 39 32 24 3 11 8 9 1 14 2 22 12 13 Ireland Germany - (M- < F .. ??:: 254 2 45 63 15 17 124 35 288 216 24 23 5 6 2 4 39 42 62 69 11 11 22 19 140 91 52 26 1 171 I 21 4 8 8 41 9 9 69 21 14 Scandinavia 111 93 22 13 9 4 5 8 6 44 28 73 50 7 4 13 23 19 4 4 15 Sanitary district A 1,474 244 81 47 52 424 629 82 84 473 205 1 16 123 55 29 24 231 344 40 240 90 17 121 26 18 47 28 193 285 37 44 233 115 1 1 18 1,450 242 80 50 419 618 82 82 470 203 19 20 988 239 79 47 50 415 76 54 184 69 Both parents native CM .. 90-| 48 IS 14 6 8 88 130 16 9 40 26 F . 232 8 10 79 116 14 11 38 21 69 34 15 11 13 131 192 27 18 40 eigu. Foreign born : \F .. CM.. oo:», 16 14 98 144 18 16 44 1 22 237 9 1 3 9 1 12 154 61 If.. 227 3 16 131 71 1 23 24 18 9 1 9 5 11 2 3 2 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 258 59 19 16 8 10 104 158 21 10 42 27 > F .. 979 67 10 13 98 144 17 14 59 38 25 50 6 2 1 9 13 3 3 23 8 1 12 l F .. 39 1 2 3 2’ 20 20 27 Ireland Germany pi. 1V -■ \¥:: 183 15 10 6 2 33 48 11 n 85 25 184 137 16 14 5 8 2 3 2 2 25 40 44 4 3 14 10 90 60 35 20 1 115 17 3 6 5 31 44 4 42 18 28 Scandinavia {¥:: 18 9 2 9 5 34 51 4 14 1 59 10 3 3 18 31 6 8 10 29 981 141 34 37 24 236 350 58 65 337 171 30 492 80 61 139 15 19 31 18 19 37 11 13 24 124 112 231 30 31 176 80 91 31 489 175 28 34 161 32 963 343 58 05 327 170 33 096 139 42 31 31 8 37 9 24 1 6 231 60 335 76 70 159 51 43 93 35 51 34 Both parents native {¥:: 182 187 n 13 9 10 35 One or both parents for eign. CM.. 148 36 4 9 10 59 90 15 15 24 32 4 \ F .. 161 29 11 12 59 97 13 14 36 Foreign born c M.. 141 4 4 6 87 40 125 4 2 7 81 31 37 18 9 3 _ 10 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM .. 213 48 n 10 4 73 95 12 10 59 37 1 F .. 227 41 n 9 1 6 94 14 13 52 54 39 England and Wales CM.. 44 3 1 5 8 l 3 16 16 1 F .. CM.. \v ■ CM.. > F .. CM.. 36 2 9 1 11 3 12 10 40 Ireland 74 10 1 1 12 15 4 6 39 10 104 8 3 3 14 22 8 50 17 41 Germany 79 9 1 3 2 15 25 8 9 31 6 4 1 9 3 10 19 2 27 3 42 Scandinavia 36 4 3 3 10 0 9 / 3 \ F .. 34 3 1 3 3 10 19 1 5 9 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 351 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES ANI) FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2, 455 38 15 19 121 227 313 199 12 19 69 145 18 47 295 107 45 168 559 2 1 1,251 24 6 8 60 21 122 167 114 4 8 18 61 164 60 10 88 291 1,204 14 9 11 61 16 105 146 85 8 11 51 84 18 22 131 47 35 80 268 2 2 3 2,419 38 15 18 120 36 222 308 193 12 18 68 145 17 46 292 106 45 167 551 2 4 1,684 34 8 6 112 34 191 170 124 10 18 21 68 8 16 201 54 23 167 418 1 5 403 9 2 3 23 6 37 36 32 1 3 1 4 23 3 46 107 419 0 2 2 27 4 32 37 26 3 4 12 30 3 6 47 17 19 44 99 h 425 13 4 i 32 13 64 52 33 2 5 2 9 9 58 4 40 91 384 7 29 10 41 26 4 6 3 14 5 4 35 1 17 378 *> 4 1 18 73 43 1 14 37 19 49 31 75 i 352 2 7 8 4 1 13 65 25 1 33 40 9 11 42 20 14 56 1 36 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 471 a 2 3 26 9 44 4? 42 2 1 15 4 60 94 3 52 126 9 499 7 2 3 30 6 42 45 31 4 6 13 32 6 8 55 19 19 116 1 £10 94 T 9 6 7 14 8 1 7 1 > 75 i 4 1 9 6 6 £11 254 3 i 9 8 4 99 27 4 9 8 33 9 288 3 2 6 6 1 99 56 21 2 2 13 18 ■r> 31 13 11 9 60 £12 216 6 I 1 8 6 21 29 19 1 7 20 9 23 7 2 171 3 8 4 12 23 8 i 2 8 99 3 i 20 4 9 S13 111 3 i 9 1 20 15 9 i 3 4 16 3 i (5 19 93 4 9 12 2 14 12 8 1 3 9 1 1,474 29 11 8 69 2t 145 175 128 6 15 33 83 13 27 179 56 31 96 344 2 s14 15 759 19 5 4 34 14 82 80 3 6 10 36 15 99 25 3 181 715 10 6 4 35 10 63 80 4S 3 9 23 47 13 12 80 31 28 48 163 2 16 17 1,456 29 11 8 69 24 142 173 125 0 15 32 83 12 27 177 56 31 96 338 2 18 988 26 C 3 63 24 129 91 72 5 15 7 33 4 8 121 27 17 96 249 1 19 221 7 2 2 15 3 21 18 22 1 3 i 7 1 26 8 2 ‘23 232 - 3 i 12 4 19 15 12 1 4 4 17 1 4 33 10 14 £-20 277 11 3 i 15 11 32 21 2 3 1 4 1 38 3 25 61 223 5 20 32 24 13 i 5 1 3 9 22 5 22 1 £21 237 i i 3 14 4? 34 8 25 13 33 1 227 2 4 3 8 39 18 i 17 25 8 6 23 15 12 18 3 9 3 1 1 9 23 258 9 2 2 16 25 19 ’ 28 9 4 1 1 31 8 9 27 69 4 1 13 5 26 20 13 \ 5 5 18 3 4 36 11 14 30 62 1 £24 50 3 5 8 6 3 8 5 It ) 39 1 3 4 9 3 2 2 1 9 1 >25 180 3 1 9 3 4 16 41 20 4 6 5 23 6 8 184 2 1 3 3 14 33 15 i 2 8 14 4 5 17 9 9 £26 137 II 5 1 6 4 17 13 4 14 6 13 3 1 115 3 3 7 16 5 2 5 11 3 i 13 2 (27 2 1 4 1 13 9 i 2 3 12 1 14 ] 59 3 1 9 9 6 6 i 9 { £28 981 9 4: 11 52 13 82 138 71 6 4 36 62 5 20 116 51 14 72 215 29 492 , 5 1 4 26 7 40 72 34 1 2 8 25 10 35 - 40 110 30 489 4 3 26 6 42 66 37 5 2 28 37 5 10 51 16 7 32 105 31 963 9 4 10 51 12 80 135 68 6 3 36 62 5 19 115 50 14 71 213 32 696 8 2 3 49 10 71 79 52 5 3 14 35 4 8 80 07 6 71 169 33 182 9 1 8 3 16 18 10 8 3 26 1 187 2 i 9 13 99 14 2 8 13 2 9 14 7 £34 148 2 i 17 2 19 20 12 2 1 1 20 1 15 30 161 2 9 23 17 13 Q 1 2 9 2 9 16 13 >35 141 i 3 1 1 4 30 9 i 6 12 6 16 17 6 28 > _ 125 2 6 1 4 24 16 15 1 19 9 16 £36 18 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 * 9 37 > 213 2 1 10 4 19 23 14 1 8 3 29 16 8 1 95 57 227 3 1 3 17 1 16 25 18 3 1 8 14 3 4 19 5 24 5 V 8 44 1 9 3 9 6 2 1 4 6 5 1 2 »■ 36 1 1 3 3 4 9 6 2 £39 74 6 16 3 3 10 6 9 4 12 104 1 1 3 3 1 8 23 6 i 4 1 2 14 4 2 4 21 £40 79 1 1 2 2 4 16 4 i 3 6 3 10 4 1 5 16 ') „ 56 i i 3 i 3 11 1 3 13 c1 36 1 6 9 1 1 4 2 1 1 34 1 1 3 2' 5 6 2 1 2 1 2 1 7 S42 VITAL STATISTICS. 352 Table 87.—DEATHS IX BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (I YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY. AND AGE. Months. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS All ages. Under 3 3 to G 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. | 1 Ward 4 1.958 327 106 77 55 565 j 782 87 134 099 250 0 9, Malms 1.029 183 52 43 26 304 422 50 74 374 106 3 3 929 144 54 34 29 261 360 37 oo 325 144 3 4 wiiit.. 1.842 305 98 69 52 524 725 82 125 661 244 5 5 1.285 333 - 262 305 87 98 20 69 52 524 137 723 192 74 16 105 15 290 82 52 92 28 i Both parents native (3d.. 17 13 "" | F . 56 17 16 8 97 141 13 11 7 One or botli parents forei CM.. 335 307 273 272 116 79 30 19 12 140 193 26 43 67 62 192 171 38 6 -n" } F .. 31 16 19 143 186 18 34 8 Foreign born . < M.. 4 11 9 66 ( F .. 1 <> 9 22 8 8 3 41 57 9 6 i Birthplaces of mothers: CM. 10 United States 440 368 120 27 26 15 188 265 25 18 20 20 100 80 30 53 78 28 18 13 137 190 r 11 England and Wall a 84 6 4 2 3 15 24 5 9 30 16 86 12 5 3 6 26 30 5 2 31 18 12 Ireland 265 20 4 4 41 56 13 28 133 35 l F - - 307 27 10 6 6 49 71 9 24 149 53 i 13 Scotland CM.. i F .. 24 10 93 2 1 3 4 4 13 6 46 3 3 4 1 14 Germany CM.. 9 6 1 21 28 3 5 n 10 613 4 17 1, 110 23 1,734 8 217 26 1,229 12 284 i 15 Ward 5 3, 648 » 155 157 182 16 1,873 1,775 3, 553 352 261 595 103 88 185 87 68 153 92 634 482 1, 085 905 769 1,691 81 10 L 175 104 113 209 602 627 1,199 119 165 2 17 18 152 9 19 2,406 434 361 820 734 594 139 97 185 43 43 153 28 31 151 33 16 1.083 243 187 1.675 347 278 163 18 26 51 159 8 9 371 48 32 37 12 16 1 1 20 Both parents native 21 One or both parents forei 196 56 59 366 68 125 156 42 35 47 280 462 130 6 99 Foreign born CM., i F .. 525 610 95 1 1 2 11 6 21 29 385 434 30 101 136 1 6 23 18 6 0 5 31 43 Birthplaces of mothers : 1 24 United States ... JM- 609 190 56 35 49 330 482 27 16 69 14 1 IF.. 508 130 48 244 374 38 4 16 25 25 England and Wales M.. ■■IF.. CM.. 92 17 2 5 29 42 3 33 10 64 833 g 6 2 3 19 172 30 24 384 5 26 Ireland 90 30 30 22 274 32 70 72 1 i F .. 935 79 16 18 27 140 234 44 81 2 468 108 27 CM.. 105 17 3 4 5 29 45 7 39 12 74 6 1 9 16 28 4 22 28 Italy ( M.. 58 53 15 4 8 34 46 4 2 5 1 "If.. 18 4 4 31 46 4 9 l 29 Sanitary district A 1,654 270 92 67 69 498 303 72 105 565 109 30 845 809 1,647 157 113 268 55 36 31 67 33 36 G9 281 217 496 444 359 801 33 39 72 50 55 103 272 293 504 46 63 107 21 37 92 32 White 3! 34 1 065 267 52 92 67 68 11 494 96 788 141 67 4 75 127 10 g Both \ arents native.. C M.. 150 22 u 4 \F .. for- CM.. ) F.. CM.. 132 38 17 15 113 4 5 8 •35 One or both parents eign 394 100 33 25 21 179 289 26 35 44 358 73 20 16 29 138 237 33 34 52 30 209 1 1 2 8 3 13 205 40 ) V . . 306 15 226 1 58 37 9 9 9 o Birthplaces of mothers: 38 United States CM.. 211 68 28 14 15 125 186 5 4 11 5 ) F .. CM.. ( F -. CM.. 17 16 10 89 6 11 3 39 England and Wales 29 5 2 15 3 g 3 1 8 i 22 4 1 14 1 6 40 Ireland 457 61 18 13 10 102 164 19 40 201 33 498 40 11 11 18 3 80 134 26 2 44 245 49 3 41 45 7 2 14 23 i 16 ■■'IF.. 31 3 1 9 ! 12 2 1 10 6 42 Scandinavia 22 3 1 3 13 i g 18 1 5 1 1 8 12 2 i 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 353 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. C AUSE Ob' DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. L_ 21 Ty- phoid fever. 14 Ma- larial fever. 25 Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing' cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases Of t he urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. 138 All other causes. Un- known. 1, 958 64 27 186 269 166 8 12 44 112 16 26 224 92 27 483 4 1,029 7 9 13 36 15 89 154 94 4 4 12 54 14 111 ii 70 276 2 2 929 14 5 12 28 12 97 115 72 4 8 32 58 16 12 113 38 16 68 2u7 2 3 1,842 21 14 23 61 27 172 252 157 7 11 39 105 13 25 211 87 27 131 455 4 4 1. 285 20 10 19 60 25 144 158 88 - It 15 45 8 10 148 38 13 131 333 2 5 333 5 4 4 13 6 29 33 33 4 9 3 15 1 37 3 35 91 262 6 1 12 4 34 18 22 2 3 7 11 2 2 36 5 25 64 i 56 335 2 3 5 19 8 43 57 17 1 9 7 4 30 ID 31 95 i 307 6 1 10 14 7 34 41 14 i 5 2 12 6 2 37 5 1 37 72 l1 273 2 3 1 8 51 41 29 g 29 6 64 ) _ *272 1 2 1 1 1 20 43 27 19 30 5 32 8 52 i 8 116 2 3 14 17 9 1 1 _ 440 5 . 0 - 19 9 44 41 37 4 3 6 21 2 50 17 3 121 i ?io 368 7 i i 15 5 46 33 32 3 3 9 20 5 3 47 8 7 36 86 i r 84 i 3 4 9 9 7 1 3 1 86 i 3 4 2 8 4 4 1 3 7 2 3 1 e1 265 2 i 2 7 i 18 68 25 3 20 4 24 4 64 307 5 4 6 5 24 29 1 3 15 22 g 6 5 <12 24 2 1 5 1 3 3 2 6 a 16 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 (T3 93 3 5 11 10 8 2 7 2 5 24 73 2 2 t 8 16 3 1 9 H 3, 648 38 22 59 122 84 396 439 319 24 41 48 160 25 57 426 195 29 236 926 2 15 1,873 16 12 25 63 38 233 226 176 11 17 17 81 24 226 93 10 121 482 2 16 1,775 22 10 34 59 46 163 213 143 13 24 31 79 25 33 200 102 19 115 444 17 | 3, Oi>3 38 20 57 118 83 389 425 314 23 40 47 155 24 56 412 191 29 233 897 2 18 2, 406 36 8 36 110 80 348 209 185 22 39 4 61 9 14 284 82 2 233 642 2 19 434 6 1 5 20 11 69 19 30 3 7 14 2 64 10 i 121 361 5 1 3 19 16 51 15 23 3 6 1 3 46 i 48 103 820 10 2 11 36 27 139 75 80 6 8 1 20 4 97 20 68 214 2 J21 734 15 3 17 34 26 84 86 51 9 18 1 6 74 63 193 525 9 8 5 18 111 62 1 1 16 41 16 9 121 > 610 2 3, 13 3 3 23 100 67 27 51 is 26 74 17 131 <22 95 2 2 4 1 7 14 1 1 1 5 1 3 23 60!) 9 i 6 30 14 94 33 a 10 17 95 14 1 62 174 508 10 3 5 26 19 68 23 33 6 9 2 13 4 9 59 16 i 59 150 <24 92 J l 1 4 3 11 9 8 1 2 4 9 12 18 1 64 1 2 1 8 5 4 1 <25 833 4 8 13 17 15 88 132 97 2 3 13 45~ 14 94 49 31 200 1 f , r. 935 9 5 24 21 18 62 149 86 4 6 23 54 17 26 100 71 u 214 <26 105 2 i 1 3 3 11 13 8 1 2 7 2 4 Q 0 9 25 74 2 1 3 2 10 8 9 5 3 3 2 527 58 2 2 9 5 11 l 1 4 10 53 T 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 1,654 9 12 27 47 41 192 203‘ 153 13 * ' 19 21 59 12 25 195 89' 12 97 427 1 29 845 4 7 11 25 19 107 97 90 7 8 9 28 10 102 46 5 53 216 1 30 809 o 5 16 22 85 106 63 6 11 12 31 12 15 93 43 7 44 211 31 1.647 9 12 27 47 41 192 201 153 13 19 21 59 12 25 195 89 12 97 422 1 32 1,065 8 4 17 42 39 173 88 83 13 19 3 22 4 4 133 34 1 97 280 1 33 159 1 l 1 8 3 30 1 8 3 4 3 31 5 1 19 40 132 1 1 1 5 6 20 5 8 1 3 1 3 1 19 1 17 39 <34 394 3 6 14 16 67 32 43 3 4 1 1 1 358 3 2 9 15 14 55 43 23 5 8 1 9 3 3 36 17 25 87 <35 269 6 4 3 9 57 38 8 18 24 306 1 2 6 2_ 2 10 54 32 10 17 8 12 38 24 81 <36 7 0 37 211 1 i 1 9 5 37 4 11 4 4 4 42 6 1 20 61 169 1 i 1 8 6 26 7 11 2 5 1 4 i 1 23 2 20 49 >38 29 4 1 3 9 5 1 2 <39 22 1 3 3 2 4 1 2 457 2 4 9 8 10 45 70 58 1 2 8 20 9 51 27 3 19 110 1 > M 498 4 4 13 9 11 40 79 41 4 1 10 23 10 14 51 37 17 125 <40 45 1 1 1 3 6 4 5 l 2 4 1 7 31 2 2 4 5 1 2 7 <4i 22 1 1 4 4 4 1 3 1 18 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 5 <42 354 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §7.—DEATH,S IX BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE G YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 ()ver 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 5—Continued. Sanitary district B 1, 994 343 99 88 88 618 931 no 112 664 175 2 2 1.028 195 48 51 59 353 521 48 54 330 73 2 3 \ 966 148 51 37 29 265 410 62 58 334 102 White 1,906 327 93 86 83 589 890 103 106 635 170 9 5 1, 341 275 229 426 327 93 86 83 589 887 96 84 244 29 i 6 Both parents native JM- IF .. (M.. IF.. 87 59 21 26 17 16 22 9 147 110 206 165 287 225 14 99 8 4 38 24 8 14 i One or both parents for- eign. 96 23 34 34 187 33 81 376 83 19 18 142 33 36 78 4 Foreign born CM.. 256 3 3 8 180 61 i 8 304 4 14 208 78 9 10 88 16 6 0 29 41 6 29 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 2 • 27 1 3 3 25 11 42 4 5 1 1 11 16 1 18 4 12 Ireland 376 437 60 29 39 10 12 5 1 17 9 12 9 9 70 j 110 60 j 100 15 • 22 13 18 5 30 37 1 183 223 23 39 59 9 i 13 < lermanv { F .. 43 3 10 16 2 4 12 9 14 Italy CM.. 41 11 2 4 rj 24 33 2 9 3 9 1 If.. 32 1 8 2 4 3 17 27 9 ] 15 5. 791 948 306 258 238 1,750 2,801 316 317 1,823 531 3 16 17 18 2. 963 2,828 5,777 530 155 133 119 937 1,502 1,299 2,796 149 149 935 225 3 418 151 125 119 238 813 167 168 888 306 946 305 257 1,746 314 317 1,818 529 3 19 3,977 607 944 304 257 234 35 34 81 83 3 1,739 254 2, 750 385 283 230 545 169 Both parents native JM.. IF.. {¥:\ 146 42 31 39 102 82 33 21 96 72 20 594 136 40 249 \ 358 1,071 905 25 35 22 102 164 147 638 77 21 One or both parents foreign. 1,429 1,261 862 371 274 110 108 C64 547 102 110 83 94 9 22 Foreign born JM.. IF-. 1 4 13 42 142 9 923 1 1 19 18 45 623. 5 218 23 14 1 1 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 701 186 56 44 43 43 41 41 2 329 512 47 24 34 104 115 532 569 103 74 " 74 24 IF.. 700 171 58 47 319 477 53 81 25 Ireland CM.. IF.. JM.. IF.. CM.. IF.. CM.. 1,283 1,289 246 174 120 43 48 43 40 301 249 520 426 57 66 80 87 84 141 i 20 Germany 37 9 9 86 14 13 30 211 28 6 6 9 49 15 12 34 27 Scandinavia 217 46 21 14 » 17 98 142 9 9 55 2 180 45 18 11 9 83 126 12 33 2 28 Italv 153 36 12 12 9 69 109 8 6 24 6 IF.. 142 28 8 10 a 43 57 107 449 0 4 18 352 4 20 1,090 170 45 39 297 65 74 150 30 Wiles 547 90 22 20 28 160 137 296 245 31 31 187 53 31 32 543 80 23 19 15 43 204 448 34 43 165 350 97 1,087 170 45 38 65 74 150 33 794 169 45 38 43 295 G? 442 92 60 62 160 44 70 Both parents native {M.. IF.. C M.. 183 41 9 4 13 11 10 26 34 188 41 12 8 66 88 ii 13 42 34 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born 217 47 13 16 15 10 91 69 147 112 4 17 18 33 33 2 F .. 191 38 u 10 21 21 4 36 CM.. IF.. 139 3 3 105 24 154 3 1 1 2 2 9 56 37 1 1 1 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 M.. IF.. <, M.. i F .. CM.. IF.. CM.. I F.. CM.. 219 47 11 9 14 81 121 105 14 12 38 219 47 13 8 16 16 46 36 30 England and Wales 29 3 1 1 2 i 10 i 14 4 23 3 4 1 10 8 40 Ireland 181 19 9 - r 42 66 9 11 14 80 12 191 15 8 5 5 33 55 19 9 70 36 41 Germany 42 o 1 1 8 11 - 3 22 4 39 6 6 12 1 2 18 6 42 Scandinavia 8 1 4 13 21 I 8 IF.. 37 10 3 3 18. 23 I 4 9 .1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 355 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Sear- let fever. Ty- Ma- phoid larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of tiie nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known . 1,994 29 10 32 75 43 204 236 166 11 22 27 101 13 32 231 106 17 139 499 1 i 1,028 12 5 14 38 19 126 129 86 4 9 8 53 14 124 47 5 68 266 1 2 960 17 5 18 37 24 78 107 80 7 13 19 48 13 18 107 59 12 71 233 3 1,906 29 8 30 71 42 197 224 161 10 21 26 96 12 31 217 102 17 136 475 1 4 1,341 28 4 19 68 41 175 121 102 9 20 1 39 5 10 151 48 1 136 362 1 5 275 - 4 12 8 39 18 99 3 11 2 33 5 32 81 ? 229 4 9 14 10 31 10 15 3 4 2 27 9 1 31 64 5 ° 426 2 22 11 43 37 3 4 13 3 51 14 35 103 1 > rr 12 1 8 19 12 29 43 28 4 10 6 3 4 38 38 106 £7 256 3 4 2 9 54 24 1 1 8 23 30 23 62 \ 8 304 1 1 ] 1 13 46 35 17 34 7 14 ’36 31 10 88 2 2 4 1 12 1 1 1 1 i 14 4 3 24 9 ’ 398 21 9 29 30 1 6 13 3 53 8 42 113 339 9 2 4 18 13 42 16 22 4 4 1 9 3 i 36 14 1 39 101 63 1 1 1 9 8 7 3 2 9 9 12 7 3 11 1 In 42 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 8 1 1 4 10 370 ‘> 4 4 9 43 62 39 1 1 25 5 43 22 4 12 90 ll2' 437 - 1 11 12 if 22 70 45 13 31 7 12 49 34 6 18 89 60 1 1 2 9 3 1 1 7 2 2 1 2 16 43 9 1 1 9 3 6 3 1 3 i 3 G 3 i 4 3 41 1 2 6 4 8 1 1 9 3 13 32 i 1 3 9 1 1 1 17 SU 5, 791 115 56 77 295 91 673 634 524 60 49 92 261 41 . 82 556 234 82 388 1,474 7 15 2, 963 48 26 34 152 54 334 329 276 35 19 33 122 32 291 117 31 212 814 4 16 2,828 67 30 43 143 37 339 305 248 25 30 59 139 41 50 265 117 51 176 660 3 17 5, 777 115 56 77 295 91 672 633 523 60 49 91 261 41 82 556 232 81 388 1,467 7 18 3, 977 111 32 47 277 85 589 296 294 56 48 19 96 13 31 387 86 20 388 1,097 5 19* - 85 32 r- 4 4 21 G 55 1 j20 594 12 16 5 27 ii 82 32 49 8 6 7 18 4 70 15 11 57 161 2 1.429 34 4 14 104 38 209 118 98 27 14 3 26 c 146 22 132 433 i r* 1,261 54 7 23 105 23 206 97 84 14 24 5 28 9 12 107 29 i 117 315 i 862 15 9 3 37 170 116 1 1 25 72 19 84 74 23 196 2, 1 is 15 45 166 113 3 47 92 28 31 84 72 38 164 |(22 14 1 i i 1 2 i 23 761 17 ii 5 52 18 114 33 59 ii 6 4 23 6 73 21 8 81 218 1 £24 760 26 n 8 36 15 108 40 56 8 11 7 20 4 10 87 20 12 72 206 3 1,283 22 6 11 60 23 113 195 145 9 7 16 55 17 127 68 13 65 330 1 1,289 23 9 23 58 8 140 188 124 5 10 35 81 23 34 102 77 25 47 277 s 246 3 2 1 4 6 20 41 16 2 3 5 15 5 25 15 6 15 62 (26 211 8 4 2 11 4 18 23 14 I 4 22 5 4 20 10 7 15 39 43 ‘>2 4 1 1 15 3 17 GO 1 (27 G 32 13 9 3 2 i 4 16 2 1 19 42 6 1 13 5 14 7 1 1 3 1 19 1 13 59 j28' 9 13 5 19 9 2 3 3 10 18 43 1,090 20 25 15 60 17 124 117 110 6 7 19 49 2 20 102 50 20 72 252 3 29' 547 9 10 9 36 11 63 57 51 6 5 6 18 11 56 25 6 37 129 2 30- 543 11 15 6 24 6 61 60 59 - 13 31 2 9 46 25 14 35 123 i 31 1,087 20 25 15 60 17 123 117 109 0 7 19 49 2 20 102 49 20 72 252 3 32 794 19 17 8 58 17 109 67 68 6 7 3 24 i ii 71 23 8 72 203 2 33 9 u 17 4 1 r. 4 17 6 2J 22 45 i >„. 1 11 3 20 16 21 1 8 i 19 0 5 17 42 i 534 12 2 4 0 1 19 9 14 63 3 )12 20 16 9 *> 1 12 8 1 18 48 1 G 27 20 6 „ G 17 16 4 20 i 1 3 8 23 21 10 18 i 3 14 10 8 29 £36 3 1 i 1 37 2 30 H 19 2_ 4 99 6 2 24 52 i i 6 2 12 24 19 23 1 9 i 5 22 9 6 20 48 i 1 5 2 5 4 1 2 9 2 1 - 4 ) 1 3 2 3 l 5 1 2 1 1 '39 181 1 3 12 4 21 24 18 i 2 3 4 5 21 10 3 45 •>4 23 3 I 6 12 2 12 11 43 1 1 2 8 3 3 1 3 11 (n 1 9 G 2 i 5 2 3 9 1 3 9 r1 o O 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 11 S42 0aJ 37 | 1 2 4 1 6 i i 1 4 11 356 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOK, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 0 6 toil il lo 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over f>5 Un- known. 1 Ward 6—Continued 3,393 603 197 175 159 1.134 1,821 173 187 1,010 199 2 Males 1. 765 339 100 86 73 598 956 83 98 540 85 3 3 -1 1,628 264 97 89 86 536 865 90 89 470 114 3,390 602 197 175 159 1.133 1,820 172 187 1,010 198 r. j. 2, 293 251 601 190 155 1. 127 1,783 211 150 121 220 13 llotli parents native | One or both parents for-CM., eign. < F . . ( M Foreign born < j,, " 69 23 24 19 135 10 4 19 '6 233 66 21 26 24 137 196 13 15 4 7 927 830 260 192 76 75 62 60 51 60 449 387 712 642 62 62 55 96 76 o 547 1 3 4 20 10 12 1 36 30 403 372 76 109 1 8 2 ■8 538 1 1 '9 3 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | jf" ‘ 339 99 34 30 25 188 288 16 09 10 334 91 33 3.3 29 186 ' 281 20 11 17 5 76 11. Ireland { F 846 806 123 83 26 30 27 30 29 28 205 171 354 291 39 42 65 50 340 347 1 ,, CM.. 147 24 6 37 11 57 38 15 18 12 Germany - < 117 15 4 4 8 31 Scandinavia { F^ 126 29 12 9 7 78 0 36 1 13 108 30 13 6 5 54 82 4 7 13 2 Italy Jp- 144 36 12 10 8 66 103 8 6 21 6 14 138 27 8 10 11 56 106 4 18 3 15 1.308 175 64 44 30 319 531 78 56 461 182 16 17 18 Males 651 101 74 33 31 27 17 18 18 179 301 230 35 43 20 36 208 253 458 87 95 181 140 White 1,300 174 63 44 36 317 528 77 56 19 20 890 174 63 44 36 317 525 73 12 11 47 159 33 86 39 39 C M Both parents native \1? " One or both parents for-C M.. eign. , 9 362 348 18 146 193 577 1 ] 8 4 22 4 37 60 13 4 3 25 38 Birthplaces of mothers: 1,041 251 56 64 29 400 561 63 50 225 142 1. 035 181 56 43 44 324 464 78 3 58 255 180 39 145 16 3 4 3 26 42 12 64 24 163 18 2 3 6 29 43 10 10 53 47 40 Ireland | 662 683 64 56 21 11 16 14 12 12 113 93 188 159 25 36 3 46 42 309 318 93 128 1 41 Scotland | ' ’ r M Germany < p “ 40 4 1 9 2 16 14 69 10 26 4 1 6 2 42 183 13 11 5 56 76 10 13 15 159 26 11 10 9 56 76 9 11 41 22 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 357 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR SEX NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 3,393 73 19 44 163 59 430 370 305 48 33 41 134 28 43 301 123 29 246 902 0 1 1.765 30 9 18 84 31 212 197 171 25 11 18 67 12 158 63 9 139 510 1 2 1, 628 43 10 26 79 28 218 173 134 23 22 23 67 28 31 143 60 20 107 392 1 3 3, 390 73 19 44 163 59 430 369 305 48 33 41 134 28 43 301 123 29 246 900 2 4 2,293 70 5 27 151 54 377 162 156 44 32 6 43 7 12 209 38 1 246 651 2 5 251 4 i 16 9 49 11 21 3 2 9 4 1 15 3 1 36 ) ~ 233 7 i 10 7 50 8 12 6 4 I 4 1 21 3 27 71 r 927 24 i 8 60 19 135 76 66 21 8 1 15 3 94 16 96 283 1 > 830 35 3 18 65 19 137 55 51 14 18 17 6 8 76 15 78 212 1 r 547 o 8 9 8 3 27 102 79 1 1 15 *6 7 47 43 8 141 538 I 6 8 4 2 20 104 70 3 20 45 21 23 44 42 20 99 3 1 0 9 339 1 22 10 12 23 4 3 9 1 23 6 1 > 334 17 2 1 15 10 68 11 16 6 8 1 5 1 1 33 3 36 99 1 P 846 17 2 5 37 15 76 127 105 7 4 10 40 6 76 46 4 47 991 1 806 13 5 15 35 7 83 121 78 5 8 13 43 17 27 61 46 14 29 186 147 2 2 2 2 13 27 8 2 2 4 8 3 18 > 117 6 •2 2 6 2 12 13 6 1 3 u ' 3 2 13 6 4 8 17 p 126 3 4 8 1 28 9 9 3 1 2 9 1 108 5 3 5 5 23 8 6 2 1 1 2 11 1 13 22 p 144 3 2 6 4 i 13 4 10 7 l1 i 3 1 16 1 13 58 138 2 i 4 6 9 13 5 18 9 2 9 3 10 17 42 $14 1,308 22 12 18 72 15 119 147 1C9 6 9 32 78 11 19 153 61 33 70 320 2 15 651 9 7 - 32 12 59 75 54 4 3 9 37 9 77 29 16 36 175 1 16 657 13 5. 11 40 3 60 72 55 2 6 23 41 11 10 76 32 17 34 145 1 17 1,300 22 12 18 72 15 119 147 109 6 9 31 78 11 19 153 60 32 70 315 2 18 890 22 10 12 68 14 103 67 70 6 9 10 29 5 8 107 25 11 70 243 1 19 173 3 4 9 10 1 16 10 16 1 9 12 23 8 173 i 4 6 1 12 8 16 2 2 5 6 2 2 30 6 6 13 48 1 S20 285 6 o 3 99 11 37 23 20 4 2 2 5 2 33 4 99 87 <21 240 12 3 29 1 37 22 17 4 1 6 3 3 19 0 21 55 176 1 2 4 41 17 4 19 6 20 1 231 i 4 4 1 11 39 22 17 29 6 5 26 20 1 10 36 ■ 22 8 1 23 203 4 5 9 15 3 19 10 17 2 1 9 13 1 28 9 15 52 207 3 2 5 9 1 16 10 17 2 3 5 6 2 4 32 8 6 16 59 1 f-24 33 1 3 1 2 2 5 ] 2 16 31 9 1 1 4 4 4 2 3 9 (25 256 4 2 3 11 4 16 44' 99 1 1 3 11 6 30 12 7 64 292 5 i 4 18 30 43 23 1 16 26 6 5 29 20 6 11 48 £26 57 1 ] 3 6 1 1 4 2 4 6 2 2j S 2 i 4 1 4 4 () 6 9 4 9 9 4 13 (27 59 . 4 2 12 9 5 1 4 4 1 1 15 1 35 i 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 9 9 £28 4.448 62 48 53 206 69 369 530 361 23 40 112 289 23 82 493 238 88 319 1,040 3 29 2, 242 33 24 21 89 35 183 256 206 13 15 26 135 47 277 122 23 175 560 2 2,206 29 . 24 32 117 34 186 274 155 10 25 86 154 23 35 216 116 65 144 480 1 31 4,388 62 48 51 206 69 361 521 . 351 23 40 110 287 23 81 488 236 88 317 1,023 3 32 3,256 60 36 35 197 68 314 349 228 22 40 59 139 11 45 369 142 45 317 788 1 33 881 22 7 9 41 13 80 65 61 6 10 10 40 17 127 51 9 92 220 1 ? 880 16 14 12 61 11 81 89 67 6 16 38 52 6 10 91 33 25 06 186 £34 737 9 10 6 42 21 81 91 6 1 21 10 69 07 9 78 203 681 13 3 7 51 22 69 92 36 4 9 9 21. 4 4 60 27 5 76 169 £35 548 2 18 89 81 1 15 68 17 67 41 10 123 1 > 577 n 3 i 29 82 42 36 80 12 19 60 52 33 109 1 <36 60 9 8 9 10 9 2 1 9 9 17 37 £ 1,041 23 9 10 17 98 82 70 12 10 48 21 144 56 11 107 268 1 1,035 18 15 14 68 18 95 107 81 7 20 40 56 8 11 109 41 26 78 223 £38 145 9 1 1 10 14 10 1 4 16 17 11 2 10 33 163 2 5 8 9 6 16 8 13 19 2 21 7 12 12 30 <39 662 5 8 8 21 9 46 106 83 2 1 7 46 18 64 42 7 30 158 1 683 8 3 10 22 8 56 108 51 2 4 27 59 8 16 69 51 19 25 145 1 <40 40 3 2 1 5 5 3 9 1 2 11 ) 26 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 I 3 1 1 1 7 <41 183 1 1 2 6 1 19 30 15 2 1 4 12 3 99 3 14 47 i42 159 1 2 1 11 4 15 17 9 1 1 10 1 3 14 5 4 17 43 358 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. . . SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. A11 ages. Under :i 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 ()ver 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 7—Continued. 1,613 766 81 2 3 Males 832 781 164 49 42 22 277 418 37 42 258 258 76 1 J t)t) — 4 1,602 295 509 760 80 5 1,124 rna 186 AO 1 oD 6 Both parents native M.. 245 73 22 23 12 130 183 13 28 40 65 44 158 169 16 F .. 228 57 20 17 19 19 11 105 140 16 14 23 24 18 4 •> 7 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born M.. IF.. 342 290 90 73 27 16 10 17 146 125 229 196 20 24 1 8 M-. 228 3 3 10 54 F .. 249 • 1 1 5 4 4 67 9 11 1 13 6 1 18 18 5 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States < M.. 298 88 26 26 18 1 153 226 17 30 43 18 17 156 163 26 F .. 269 68 24 16 1 126 172 19 17 11 England and Wales M.. 46 8 1 11 18 1 4 F .. 61 10 i 3 2 16 24 4 4 12 43 48 3 7 12 • Ireland M.. F .. 344 333 44 30 12 6 10 9 5 6 71 51 111 89 12 17 21 16 1 13 Germany M.. 72 11 7 3 3 24 35 2 6 4 F . 54 9 4 4 4 21 27 3 13 9 14 Italy ■ M.. 17 8 i 9 13 2 F .. 23 9 i' i 11 20 2 1 15 Sanitary district B 964 145 35 32 25 237 358 59 68 308 171 16 478 80 65 14 21 35 21 11 32 12 13 24 127 110 236 189 169 357 22 37 58 35 33 68 159 149 306 73 98 170 17 486 18 959 145 19 742 145 44 34 32 11 7 4 235 66 354 95 58 11 53 12 9 178 54 51 95 99 34 47 6 8 39 20 Both parents native ' M.. 206 F .. 215 28 11 7 53 86 22 21 One or both parents for- M.. eigu. \ F .. 147 34 6 10 8 58 89 10 17 156 35 10 4 54 79 15 15 39 71 56 22 Foreign horn j 111 1 i 2 6 1 105 i 9 23 5 i 82 1 1 14 i 38 51 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 241 54 8 14 6 116 15 58 57 9 12 59 51 F .. 250 36 15 8 10 69 105 26 n 3 25 England and Wales CM.. 25 2 1 i 4 8 F .. 32 3 3 3 2 11 8 21 29 2 26 Ireland M.. 129 11 4 3 3 21 34 4 F .. 133 14 3 i 2 20 33 6 14 1 27 Scotland M.. 12 1 1 * 2 3 1 F . 10 3 3 3 6 1 28 Germany CM.. 36 4 2 3 ::::::::: 9 13 2 4 15 10 338 2 F .. 36 6 9 9 i 11 15 2 4 29 896 125 „ 28 20 201 279 44 190 30 16 12 16 12 10 10 116 85 157 122 25 20 23 21 165 173 87 31 439 51 32 White 859 117 25 17 184 260 43 41 326 189 33 676 117 47 25 11 25 10 184 71 259 93 39 14 15 36 11 221 121 49 60 34 Both parents native M.. 239 3 F . 233 31 5 4 47 67 9 82 36 26 35 One or both parents for- M.. 105 21 4 35 53 0 8 eign. Foreign born F .. 86 16 5 6 9 29 44 4 6 6 36 M.. 88 3 1 9 49 56 12 81 34 33 F .. 93 3 37 37 8 3 12 , 3 6 17 86 19 no 3 14 38 Birthplaces of mothers: -M.. 271 57 11 16 50 F .. 270 37 9 6 8 60 84 16 12 95 21 10 37 63 8 13 15 39 England and Wales M.. 35 3 3 3 i 2 F .. 31 2 1 1 4 5 1 2 40 Ireland M.. 78 3 2 1 u 20 2 4 F .. 75 2 1 3 8 l 3 47 ll 5 16 41 Germany M.. 36 6 2 1 9 14 3 1 7 F .. 27 1 2 10 16 i 1 4 42 M.. 7 1 2 3 3 i i 2 F .. 5 1 1 2 9 o i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 359 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OE MOTHERS—Continued. ' - CAUSE OK DEATH. i All causes. Scar- let fever. 16 Ty- phoid fever. 12 Mil larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion . Pneu- monia. Measles. . Whoop- ing cough. 13 Can- cer and tu- mor. 27 Heart dis- ease and dropsy. 101 Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. 389 Un- known. 1,613 14 80 32 169 184 139 10 9 30 173 71 16 128 832 8 - 6 42 16 83 89 90 5 7 4 46 18 98 26 4 66 217 .> 781 8 5 8 38 16 86 95 49 5 6 23 55 9 12 75 45 12 62 172 3 1,602 16 12 14 80 32 167 183 138 10 13 26 100 9 29 173 71 16 128 385 4 1,124 15 9 8 75 31 148 101 83 10 13 7 36 2 12 129 30 3 128 284 5 245 2 ,, 1 17 4 31 11 2 4 11 2 42 3 27 71 1 c 228 9 4 9 17 4 34 24 3 4 3 6 l 23 2 24 53 s6 342 5 9 3 99 11 44 32 32 3 8 6 29 10 39 93 i - 290 6 1 18 11 39 32 17 2 9 3 11 1 3 30 10 38 66 s7 228 1 9 9 3 45 39 4 26 8 23 13 4 51 l g 249 i 4 2 1 12 36 16 15 38 9 21 28 9 50 i 8 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 9 298 3 l 22 6 39 13 17 6 13 5 44 4 30 90 JlO 269 3 4 2 20 6 41 28 17 3 6 4 8 1 28 9 28 61 46 3 1 5 6 6 1 4 1 1 5 6 61 4 3 7 5 6 6 1 4 3 6 H \n 344 9 9 4 13 4 28 51 52 1 2 21 10 31 19 2 21 81 \12 333 4 I 9 30 47 21 1 10 33 5 10 32 30 5 13 70 72 i l 1 3 8 13 4 1 1 2 9 5 18 £l3 54 2 2 7 5 4 3 2 5 2 1 14 17 1 1 1 1 2 5 G ) 23 1 1 2 1 1 9 2 8 964 21 15 14 42 15 59 117 62 6 15 33 57 3 15 107 58 19 81 * 223 9 “ 15 478 $ 6 19 7 31 57 28 4 4 10 29 8 58 _ 486 13 8 8 23 8 28 60 34 n 23 28 3 7 49 22 12 38 108 l 17 959 21 15 13 42 15 59 115 61 6 15 33 57 3 15 107 58 19 81 222 2 18 742 21 10 9 41 15 49 81 45 6 15 17 34 2 10 83 40 11 81 172 19 206 7 1 4 6 4 11 18 10 3 3 3 11 4 25 19 4 23 > 215 9 5 2 12 2 14 16 19 1 7 11 14 2 3 28 10 3 18 39 (20 147 1 o i 12 3 20 8 1 i 4 2 14 7 1 18 > 156 4 i 10 6 8 23 1 4 3 4 13 4 3 19 (21 111 3 16 10 13 2 16 10 2 i > 105 2 4 1 18 6 9 10 i 3 8 8 6 23 i (22 1 1 23 241 l _ 15 21 12 3 3 3 13 4 29 21 30 250 10 5 2 13 5 16 19 22 2 9 11 14 2 3 33 10 4 21 49 :::::::: ;24 25 9 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 > 32 2 2 9 i 3 2 2 6 9 (25 129 1 3 3 8 21 11 1 1 2 12 2 (26 133 3 i 3 5 i 10 23 10 2 8 8 2 5 7 8 12 2 1 2 1 1 i i i > 10 1 1 2 i 1 •27 36 i 3 3 6 1 3 4 2 9 36 i 9 i 9 2 4 1 1 4 896 14 12 14 37 9 62 107 70 3 3 25 70 5 15 128 49 22 54 196 i 29 457 9 3 5 16 6 27 55 36 3 1 6 35 8 77 27 7 36 99 i 30 439 5 9 9 21 3 52 34 9 19 35 5 7 51 22 18 97 31 859 14 12 13 37 9 57 102 62 3 3 24 69 5 15 124 48 22 53 186 i 32 676 14 8 10 36 9 53 82 48 o 3 19 36 5 7 87 34 14 53 155 i 33 239 8 2 3 11 2 19 24 20 1 1 4 10 3 38 16 5 23 48 i 233 4 3 4 13 19 28 17 2 14 19 2 4 27 8 8 H ,■34 105 1 1 4 4 6 1 i 6 >5 u 30 > 86 1 2 3 8 3 11 1 2 6 4 1 25 >30 88 9 1 11 9 1 1 18 5 19 5 9 1 4 93 4 i 4 9 4 15 3 17 9 6 16 (36 37 l 8 1 l 4 1 1 10 37 271 8 2 3 11 3 20 30 22 1 1 4 12 3 46 17 5 25 57 i 270 4 4 14 1 24 33 99 2 15 19 3 4 29 10 8 H 62 35 i 1 2 2 7 4 1 1 9 > 31 9 1 1 9 3 1 1 2 4 (39 78 1 9 4 9 13 9 1 9 3 8 3 1 3 17 1 2 2 3 10 5 4 8 1 1 11 6 3 1 17 (40 36 1 i i l 4 i 8 1 6 7 > 27 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 4 6 (4i 7 1 2 1 2 1 5 l 1 2 1 i 360 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX. COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3to o 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 7—Continued. 975 132 33 40 29 234 337 69 67 327 175 2 475 71 19 “>0 9 119 171 29 32 174 69 s 590 61 14 20 20 115 166 40 35 153 106 4 968 129 33 40 29 231 334 69 67 325 173 714 129 33 39 28 229 . 329 64 172 45 93 0 Both parents native CM.. 191 43 8 8 1 60 88 15 9 34 204 32 8 10 8 58 53 14 11 47 7 One or both parents for eign. Foreign born CM.. 143 24 n 11 74 12 18 36 3 ) F .. 149 . 27 6 9 12 ] 75 23 16 32 3 (M.. IF.. 121 1 9 5 2 4 84 26 8 130 3 6 67 54 9 3 3 3 9 2 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. ) F .. 231 52 10 13 4 79 69 109 16 14 56 36 246 40 3 8 11 10 1 103 17 18 GO 48 11 39 2 2 8 13 1 3 16 6 14 39 3 3 0 2 14 12 Ireland (M.. i F- CM.. ( F .. CM.. in 4 2 1 3 10 23 7 10 57 14 142 10 2 4 3 19 29 12 9 57 35 13 Scotland 10 1 1 3 5 39 1 1 9 9 1 14 Germany g 4 3 1 14 14 3 2 17 3 42 4 4 9 4 14 18 2 13 6 15 AAard 8 4,331 761 269 226 191 1,447 2, 326 333 249 1,130 292 1 16 17 18 2, 216 2,115 420 138 117 91 766 1,221 1,105 2, 320 157 131 571 135 1 341 131 109 100 681 1,442 176 118 157 White * 4, 318 759 269 223 191 331 248 1,127 291 1 1 19 3,147 585 758 171 265 220 187 33 1,430 285 2, 274 447 298 170 347 59 58 Both parents native «*.. IF.. 48 33 44 16 19 20 548 129 38 33 256 389 48 14 24 21 One or both parents foreign. 1,006 946 243 202 86 73 80 68 57 64 466 407 734 680 96 109 71 61 99 92 6 4 22 Foreign born JM.. IF.. 580 2 1 9 1 4 23 15 39 393 109 1 584 1 2 3 8 23 18 39 1 380 124 23 13 9 3 5 6 9 3 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (M.. i F .. C M.. IF.. C M.. \ F.. JM.. F.. (M.. IF.. 747 218 48 39 373 579 61 23 63 21 24 704 167 72 52 45 336 518 64 18 79 25 25 England and Wales 144 159 22 17 io- 6 5 2 12 39 40 65 62 6 8 17 51 48 13 17 1 26 Ireland 631 78 18 25 18 139 228 48 60 246 49 642 63 19 18 14 114 206 43 52 274 67 27 Germany 373 52 20 21 19 112 186 28 20 109 30 335 44 21 16 103 169 26 93 32 28 Scandinavia 75 14 6 4 1 25 45 9 ‘ 20 3 14 4 29 46 10 6 12 i 29 408 66 31 21 10 128 191 39 32 114 32 ' 30 31 32 199 33 18 11 6 68 60 127 106 18 15 51 63 114 9 209 33 65 13 10 4 85 190 21 17 23 31 406 31 21 10 39 32 33 288 31 21 10 127 188 42 35 9 20 36 9 Both patents native JM.. IF. 56 12 0 4 27 3 1 \ 34 11 6 9 26 35 10 14 4 9 4 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 83 19 13 9 ' 39 59 o 4 eign. Foreign born IF- (M.. IF -. 7K 19 i 4 31 47 9 7 14 i ! 36 51 2 6 33 8 62 2 e 40 14 37 9 1 1 ] 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. IF.. J M-- (F .. CM .. 76 78 17 16 8 10 8 9 4 1 37 36 56 47 6 12 ] 3 4 10 10 1 England and Wales 16 3 2 1 6 9 1 4 1 39 28 3 I 2 0 4 6 4 40 Ireland 37 4 4 1 i 10 13 10 4 \F .. UM 1 F .. C M .. 53 5 16 1 3 1 27 6 41 33 3 34 4 13 1 25 3 i 4 4 9 15 9 2 42 Scandinavia 10 ; 4 1 l 6 6 I ? IF .. 10 I 3 3 5 i 2 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 361 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. - CAUSE OF DEATH. , All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph tlieria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- ease's of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other jeauses. Un- known. 975 11 9 11 47 13 79 122 90 4 9 27 61 6 22 85 60 31 56 232 1 475 | 8 - 4 12 6 42 DO 52 1 3 6 25 13 44 33 . 30 129 2 500 3 2 7 35 37 67 38 3 6 21 36 6 9 41 26 26 103 3 968 11 9 11 47 13 78 121 90 4 9 27 61 6 22 84 59 31 55 230 4 714 10 9 8 45 13 64 85 52 4 9 16 33 9 16 61 38 17 55 177 5 191 5 2 1 3 19 12 16 9 3 8 8 22 ? r 204 i 2 4 19 5 14 21 16 2 3 10 13 1 3 13 8 12 13 44 r 140 ; 2 5 9 4 3 16 24 10 1 1 3 9 11 ] ) 1 149 ! 2 i 15 2 15 26 1 3 3 5 1 1 11 1 12 121 ! i i 1 6 17 23 3 11 9 9 2 130 9 8 19 15 8 17 4 4 14 1 12 7 1 1 1 9 231 5 4 l 3 24 18 19 2 3 10 9 25 1 s10 246 i 2 5 21 6 14 27 20 2 3 10 15 2 4 19 14 12 18 51 39 i 2 3 3 5 1 1 3 1 <1 1 39 i 1 1 3 2 5 6 1 3 5 111 * 2 2 2 1 3 8 21 11 2 4 3 9 2 142 i 6 13 28 1 2 10 2 3 12 8 6 3 10 1 2 1 9 5 1 1 1 2 [>13 39 7 6 9 1 3 1 1 11 <14 42 4 1 6 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 2 4, 331 105 35 73 372 60 462 469 356 35 50 47 186 41 48 385 162 33 293 1,116 3 15 2,216 | 61 20 29 192 31 210 246 196 16 22 14 84 29 182 14 161 624 16 2,115 44 15 44 180 29 252 223 160 19 28 33 102 41 19 203 77 19 132 492 3 17 4,318 105 35 73 372 60 461 467 356 35 50 46 186 41 48 385 160 33 292 1,110 3 18 3,147 96 14 38 356 54 416 232 221 33 50 12 69 25 15 280 58 7 292 878 1 19 585 22 4 68 10 64 31 35 9 10 2 54 12 3 59 548 6 2 6 61 12 72 35 38 4 12 5 16 8 1 62 12 4 47 145 1. 006 33 4 7 115 16 127 83 81 9 12 3 19 ’8 80 19 97 293 S21 946 33 4 17 109 16 150 69 65 14 15 4 21 16 3 82 13 79 235 1 580 4 12 5 17 122 79 1 11 54 18 46 52 11 126 <22 584 5 9 20 9 1 . 28 113 55 1 23 63 16 15 59 50 15 100 2_| 13 1 2 1 9 1 6 23 747 30 6 10 87 11 87 35 50 6 11 1 10 2 67 12 3 76 243 <24 704 12 2 7 81 14 97 42 51 7 16 6 19 9 1 74 13 4 62i 187 144 2 1 8 3 14 22 11 2 3 4 3 12 11 8 40 <25 159 2 1 8 11 1 18 18 10 1 1 8 4 1 19 1 ■ 0 41 631 16 6 10 49 5 37 113 68 1 3 35 10 45 38 6 34 150 <26 642 18 3 17 35 6 50 102 62 2 4 10 49 16 12 57 40 8 24 126 1 373 5 2 5 28 8 39 36 41 5 3 17 9 28 13 4 17 113 <27 335 7 5 6 30 5 54 29 21 5 2_ 14 lTl 8 4 34 10 6 15 67 75 5 2 2 5 i 8 4 10 2 7 1 6 2 7 13 <28 75 2 3 5 2 11 10 6 2 2 6 2 7 17 408 5 5 11 42 2 34 39 24 2 6 8 24 5 4 25 15 4 23 129 1 29 199 1 3 4 25 i 16 18 11 2 3 2 6 3 15 10 1 11 67 30 209 4 2 7 17 i 18 21 13 3 6 18 5 1 10 5 3 12 62 1 31 406 5 5 11 42 2 34 39 24 2 6 7 24 5 4 25 15 4 23 128 1 32 288 5 3 5 40 i 32 21 17 2 6 3 10 3 1 13 8 1 23 94 33 56 2 11 3 6 2 i 1 2 3 3 4 18 <34 62 1 1 8 6 5 9 1 2 1 3 1 " 1 3 22 83 1 1 14 12 4 5 i 9 1 1 4 9 5 30 78 3 1 3 i 11 6 5 I 1 9 1 3 1 8 19 >35 51 1 3 i 1 8 4 1 3 3 8 4 1 13 <36 62 1 3 2 1 10 3 3 11 2 4 3 2 16 1 2 1 1 37 76 2 1 12 6 4 i 2 9 5 3 5 26 <38 78 1 1 9 10 6 6 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 6 26 16 1 2 i i 1 2 8 28 2 2 i 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 8 37 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 10 ) 53 2 1 5 3 2 2 7 1 ] 3 1 2 1 14 1 V46 33 1 4 i 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 12 )■ 25 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 5 41 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 > 10 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 >42 362 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 1 AGE. HEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 < H er 65 Un- known . 1 Ward 8—Continued. 2, 322 408 140 126 108 782 1,263 . 187 127 597 148 2 1,222 236 72 66 54 428 669 90 71 308 78 3 1,100 172 68 60 54 354 ; 594 91 56 289 70 4 White 2,315 407 140 123 108 778 1,258 186 126 597 148 5 1.675 406 140 120 105 771 1,226 221 167 85 169 28 C M Both parents native 2 y 95 25 13 11 144 29 8 26 8 273 58 34 17 IS 127 200 17 7 •35 14 7 One or both parents for- CM., eign. j F .. ( \1 578 138 47 49 42 276 ! 423 58 41 52 4 500 109 34 41 34 218 373 62 24 40 1 8 331 1 1 9 17 8 » 2°2 66 Foreign horn < j, 308 1 1 2 2 5 15 11 23 1 205 54 9 3 4 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | " 371 117 33 23 16 189 285 37 12 27 10 354 78 41 22 27 168 271 23 9 37 14 England and Wales f F 73 13 2 2 1 18 28 4 4 30 63 5 ‘‘ 3 2 13 24 6 4 22 7 12 Ireland £ " 348 41 7 13 13 74 127 26 36 127 32 318 29 9 13 4 93 25 27 144 29 13 n . CM.. 241 37 15 18 15 85 127 18 t) 69 18 182 28 7 14 10 59 103 15 6 45 13 14 Italy |fF-- 55 12 5 6 5 28 43 4 3 4 1 41 11 3 2 2 18 34 1 1 5 15 1,372 249 80 69 65 463 748 86 _ 370 92 1 10 Males 674 131 38 34 27 230 378 35 36 186 38 1 17 698 118 42 35 38 233 370 51 39 184 54 18 While 1,368 249 80 69 65 463 748 85 75 367 92 1 19 20 1,012 249 69 64 458 737 54 126 18 ( \I Both parents native ) F 210 55 15 12 17 99 163 11 5 23 8 187 50 13 12 15 90 134 18 3 26 6 21 ( M One or botli parents for-< eign. * Foreign born F " 283 314 76 66 20 27 22 22 10 22 128 137 207 225 19 29 19 25 36 34 2 1 22 168 9 2 3 4 4 11 121 27 47 1 187 2 1 4 10 119 23 24 4 1 3 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) E ’ 261 72 22 13 18 125 205 16 8 24 8 240 63 18 20 17 118 178 22 5 29 6 25 England and Wales | p " 41 52 5 8 4 2 2 1 1 4 12 15 22 23 i 3 2 6 12 15 3 5 1 26 Ireland { F^ 213 29 6 9 3 47 74 14 15 99 11 235 24 7 5 10 46 83 15 18 91 28 27 Germany j p" 78 13 2 3 2 20 37 3 7 23 8 113 12 13 6 5 36 54 8 7 31 13 28 , CM.. 18 6 1 2 9 14 l 3 14 3 1 1 5 12 2 29 ‘>9Q 38 18 10 8 74 124 21 15 49 20 30 121 20 10 6 4 40 68 56 8 6 26 23 10 10 20 31 Females 108 18 8 4 4 34 13 32 White 229 38 18 10 8 74 124 21 15 49 33 172 38 18 10 8 74 123 21 19 2 11 16 2 3 2 34 27 9 3 2 1 15 26 10 3 13 20 3 3 35 One or both parents for- C M.. 0, 10 6 4 3 23 45 5 5 eign. )F .. 54 8 5 4 4 21 35 9 5 4 l 36 Foreign born " 30 1 4 17 16 8 9 27 1 1 37 Colored 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F " 39 12 5 4 1 22 33 2 2 2 32 10 3 1 14 22 7 3 39 14 1 2 3 6 i 5 ‘> 16 1 1 4 6 8 2 1 4 1 2 40 Ireland | '' 33 4 1 2 1 8 14 3 4 10 36 5 3 8 14 2 4 12 41 C M (lerrnany ) F 21 ‘> 8 3 3 15 1 2 1 4 8 i 2 4 42 ,, .. CM 4 2 1 3 4 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 363 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN ACES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. l All causes. 2 322 Scar- let fever. Ty. Ma- phoid: larial I'everJ fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tiou. 228 Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer ami tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and clr.psy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- horn. All other causes. Un- known. 59 20 46 205 34 249 186 19 21 2:3 93 18 34 210 95 19 15. 610 1 999 36 11 17 99 21 122 124 107 6 9 8 50 21 99 43 10 92 347 2 1, 100 23 9 29 106 13 127 104 79 13 12 15 43 18 13 111 52 9 59 263 2 3 2,315 59 20 46 205 34 248 227 186 19 21 23 93 18 34 210 94 19 150 607 4 1, 675 t 53 6 23 196 29 220 109 116 18 21 5 31 10 10 159 29 3 150 486 1 5 292 I 10 1 3 29 7 34 14 19 o 4 3 1 28 4 1 33 99 273 | 3 1 4 36 5 36 16 2 7 9 7 9 37 8 9 19 71 23 2 64 10 74 42 47 4 9 10 47 9 170 500 16 2 10 65 7 74 29 33 10 5 I 9 7 2 47 37 138 i < 7 331 9 8 9 5 4 13 61 41 6 36 13 24 30 9 70 308 4 6 14 4 1 15 57 29 1 12 26 8 11 27 35 i \ 8 j ; i 1 1 1 3 0 371 13 40 * 27 4 1 1 35 4 1 46 120 354 8 I 5 50 6 45 19 23 4 10 2 9 2 40 9 2 28 91 r 73 1 7 2 6 12 5 1 2 9 5 6 6 18 f 11 63 4 4 8 6 3 1 2 9 9 6 3 ... 21 r 348 12 5 26 2 24 57 32 1 3 22 8 25 21 5 83 318 6 3 12 17 i 33 1 3 20 6 9 30 30 3 10 59 r2 241 4 1 3 11 28 24 25 4 1 13 16 8 4 12 73 182 5 1 5 16 4 26 11 10 4 1 7 7 5 3 21 5 3 7 41 8 9 5 2 i 1 3 5 21 41 1 3 1 9 i 1 1 3 5 16 14 1,372 38 9 13 92 20 156 184 128 13 20 14 58 16 8 123 43 1 103 327 15 674 22 5 7 50 9 62 95 64 8 9 4 23 4 53 27 2 50 180 698 16 4 6 42 11 94 89 64 5 11 10 35 16 4 70 16 5 53 147 17 1, 368 38 9 13 92 20 156 183 128 13 20 14 58 16 8 123 42 7 103 325 18 1,012 36 5 8 89 20 144 87 77 12 20 3 24 12 3 93 18 2 103 256 19 210 12 1 3 25 3 26 11 13 2 4 4 1 20 5 i 19 60 , 187 9 1 1 12 6 28 13 16 i 3 2 6 5 20 9 i 20 48 <20 283 r. 2 1 23 6 33 29 22 4 5 8 1 23 6 31 82 314 14 i 3 28 56 29 25 4 1 6 7 28 5 31 64 2i 168 2 2 3 1 2 52 28 1 4 11 1 8 15 1 37 187 2 2 10 41 22 7 23 4 4 22 9 4 32 <22 4 1 1 2 23 261 16 2 3 29 4 32 13 16 3 1 24 5 1 21 82 240 3 I 1 7 38 15 21 2 4 2 G 6 28 2 i 23 24 41 2 1 7 8 3 3 3 1 2 11 <25 52 1 i 2 6 9 4 3 1 10 3 4 8 213 2 i 2 ii 3 10 48 29 1 1 2 11 2 L3 13 15 49 <26 235 10 ' 4 ii 4 19 38 26 1 3 3 19 8 2 19 9 2 11 46 78 1 i 1 9 6 8 11 i 1 1 3 5 113 2 2 12 25 15 9 1 i 5 3 2 i 8 1 2 5 19 <27 18 I 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 3 14 1 1 2 I 1 3 <28 229 3 i 3 33 4 23 18 18 1 3 2 11 2 2 27 9 3 16 50 29 121 o i 1 18 10 9 14 1 5 1 15 1- 8 30 108 I 2 4' 13 9 4 1 2 2 6 2 r 12 4 8 20 229 i 3 33 4 23 18 18 1 3 11 2 9 27 9 3 16 50 32 172 2 31 4 20 15 11 i 3 1 4 i 3 l 16 42 33 27 i 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 13 26 l o 9 1 i l 9 1 4 <34 62 2 14 8 8 7 6 2 4 ii i 9 3 9 2 2 1 1 4 3 14 i>35 30 i 1 1 1 6 4 1 G 3 6 27 i i 1 2 2 1 • 1 3 2 6 3 2 2 <36 37 > 39 i i 6 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 15 32 7 1 4 2 1 i 1 1 3 1 5 5 <38 14 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 > 16 i 2 3 i 1 i i 2 4 <39 33 i 7 2 2 4 i 4 i 3 8 36 2 1 3 7 1 i 2 3 1 5 1 2 7 <40 21 4 2 2 4 1 4 r 3 15 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 41 4 2 1 1 > 1 l 42 364 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AM) SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE tf YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under :i 3to « 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. ] Ward 9 2. 640 434 120 in 95 760 1, 199 145 155 850 290 i 2 1, 339 239 61 59 44 403 648 63 75 414 138 i 3 1,301 2. 563 195 59 52 51 357 551 82 80 436 152 White 420 116 108 91 735 1,159 138 148 827 290 l 418 116 106 86 726 1,142 223 133 112 296 73 i Both parents native j p '' One or both parents for-CM.. * eign. } F .. Foreign born { F " 331 311 563 507 381 493 95 22 18 15 13 145 126 22 9 51 26 6 73 18 17 192 21 13 52 33 7 136 107 37 38 40 32 26 28 239 205 390 321 35 48 35 87 92 2 5 i 9 3 8 ] 10 257 105 8 1 2 3 8 4 26 273 112 9 77 14 4 3 4 25 40 23 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) F^ England and Wales j p '' Ireland | Germany { F ' 430 420 76 73 590 607 122 101 33 21 1,157 115 101 5 27 23 1 18 19 179 168 16 295 31 14 64 90 10 23 4 21 6 256 22 37 1 3 19 4 73 37 35 12 11 11 3 22 4 8 26 4 22 9 69 49 19 23 22 12 125 101 36 39 207 24 42 235 82 12 21 6 8 16 173 32 38 276 13 8 3 1 63 1 6 8 42 27 7 7 i r A! Scandinavia It? 10 9 2 14 20 9 1 9 3 i 14 4 2 6 9 3 4 9 15 183 39 41 43 306 484 64 79 387 143 16 17 18 569 105 20 17 17 159 260 28 42 179 60 588 1,096 78 19 24 26 147 224 36 37 208 83 White 170 36 39 39 284 453 59 73 368 143 19 755 169 36 38 35 278 442 58 40 149 161 231 198 45 6 4 60 89 10 7 29 14 20 Both parents native j j, 28 5 11 84 11 8 34 24 21 One or both parents for-fM.. eign. 1 F .. 56 12 10 10 88 151 16 26 38 38 13 12 14 77 113 .21 15 48 1 C M 153 187 61 202 219 36 29 222 253 44 34 1 9 3 4 98 46 22 Foreign born < p '' 1 2 3 6 1 11 112 57 23 24 13 3 2 4 22 31 5 6 19 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | p '' England and W ales j ' Ireland | p " < M 55 45 3 9 8 12 2 6 10 4 75 9 123 115 12 15 21 11 11 2 39 48 17 24 5 25 4 9 2 3 u 40 39 8 16 2 4 26 23 18 6 7 5 1 5 7 5 9 1 73 63 17 10 12 1 21 14 84 • 118 17 34 46 4 27 Germany < p 8 3 2 13 15 1 4 11 3 Scandinavia F " 25 12 1,272 6 i 2 9 14 2 1 1 A 1 28 9 1 3 5 2 3 1 29 211 70 60 40 381 606 65 66 402 133 30 31 32 667 111 33 36 20 200 325 31 27 214 70 605 luO 37 24 20 181 281 34 39 188 63 1.257 210 69 60 40 379 598 63 65 •398 , 133 33 849 210 69 59 39 377 593 59 47 119 31 Both parents native j p " One or both parents for-fM.. eign. ) F .. Foreign born j p " 155 41 13 8 67 111 '10 9 21 11 34 125 281 37 11 6 61 91 5 14 8 35 67 20 26 13 126 201 17 18 43 2 262 60 24 18 12 114 180 24 19 4 36 207 1 1 2 3 9 1 6 145 52 201 * 3 12 134 50 37 15 1 1 0 1 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States | F^ 192 48 15 8 9 80 141 13 3 24 11 38 164 46 13 8 8 75 117 10 8 19 10 39 England and Wales | F^ 34 2 1 2 1 6 8 1 2 17 6 36 6 1 4 13 17 3 2 10 4 40 Ireland j p1 ‘' cm! 318 36 10 14 6 66 110 13' 17 136 42 301 25 15 6 53 91 15 21 135 39 41 74 13 5 8 2 28 43 3 25 3 Germany 2 ™ 62 15 5 1 26 39 4 3 12 4 42 ( m" Scandinavia p '' 4 1 5 6 1 9 2 1 3 4 2 2 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 365 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. 1 ' Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- ; sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,640 ! 41 25 29 154 35 300 318 178 23 36 54 141 19 37 282 125 34 177 629 9 i 1,369 1 17 13 11 82 14 144 167 96 13 20 18 62 20 145 52 12 99 353 1 2 1.301 24 12 18 72 21 156 151 82 10 16 36 79 19 17 137 73 22 78 276 2 3 2, 563 1 41 25 29 149 34 289 304 175 22 35 52 135 19 36 275 123 34 174 609 3 4 1. 737 39 18 21 144 32 249 171 96 21 35 14 58 7 8 186 52 3 174 428 1 5 331 6 4 3 23 4 31 21 21 5 9 1 2 41 12 1 42 90 l6 311 8 3 7 21 6 43 19 18 3 5 10 3 33 14 2 33 76 563 11 4 53 10 87 68 26 7 11 1 13 56 8 53 145 507 14 7 6 47 12 86 55 28 5 10 5 18 3 1 49 16 41 104 s ‘ 381 5 3 2 19 47 14 32 13 43 30 11 98 423 2 2 5 3 2 21 69 32 1 24 45 12 46 41 20 81 9 (8 - i 11 14 3 1 1 9 6 1 2 3 20 9 430 8 4 4 38 5 41 30 23 5 10 3 18 2 51 14 1 46 127 I* 420 8 5 7 32 9 62 34 23 4 8 7 15 3 2 46 16 2 39 98 76 l 1 7 11 5 1 10 1 9 3 2 73 1 1 i 1 14 1 7 1 1 3 1 9 5 2 3 l 590 6 5 5 34 5 58 93 52 5 9 12 22 13 61 28 10 32 140 607 15 5 10 31 6 53 85 37 5 6 21 50 12 13 63 41 14 25 114 l s12 122 2 2 5 1 22 17 8 2 1 1 3 11 4 1 7 28 s13 101 1 1 6 3 17 9 10 3 2 1 10 7 2 9 20 33 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 i 10 (14 21 1 4 4 9 1 3 6 1,157 22 11 10 69 11 106 104 69 11 14 22 78 6 14 121 62 18 74 274 l 15 569 8 7 2 40 4 .48 91 33 7 6 6 32 8 59 30 9 43 136 16 588 14 4 8 29 58 73 36 4 8 16 46 6 6 62 32 9 31 138 l 17 1,096 22 11 10 66 1C 98 152 69 10 13 20 74 6 13 115 60 18 71 257 l 18 755 21 9 9 63 9 85 88 42 10 13 4 35 l 3 80 31 1 71 180 19 149 4 4 9 9 9 10 8 9 4 6 1 16 10 1 21 40 161 1 5 11 9 20 9 11 9 3 9 18 10 14 39 231 4 1 2 28 97 38 , 11 2 9 2 26 3 21 51 198 6 3 2 15 iT 28 28 11 1 4 9 12 17 8 13 45 s2\ 153 2 1 6 33 ' 13 4 16 5 16 8 34 } i i 187 i i 2 i 7 31 14 12 23 5 5 20 13 9 42 1 £22 61 3 i 8 12 l 1 2 4 1 6 2 17 23 202 5 4 16 2 18 9 2 4 2 8 1 21 12 i 58 J24 219 7 2 5 16 4 26 17 12 3 4 2 10 1 26 12 19 53 36 1 1 4 2 6 1 4 1 i 8 >,r 29 1 1 5 1 4 1 2 I 1 12 P 999 2 1 1 20 2 14 46 16 3 1 3 10 2 24 15 11 44 i26 253 6 1 3 11 I 19 40 14 2 8 27 5 5 26 15 7 8 54 l 44 I 4 11 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 34 1 1 4 5 5 2 3 3 1 3 6 (■27 1 1 1 l 4 1 i 12 i 2 9 1 2 1, 272 14 14 17 74 21 170 132 95 9 21 27 57 8 19 » 56 13 87 301 2 29 667 8 6 8 35 8 83 65 56 6 13 12 29 11 73 22 3 45 183 i 30 605 6 8 9 39 13 87 67 39 3 8 15 28 8 8 62 34 10 42 118 i 31 1.257 14 14 17 72 21 168 130 92 9 21 27 55 8 19 134 56 13 87 298 2 32 849 13 9 10 70 20 144 73 45 9 21 7 22 3 4 87 19 2 87 203 1 33 155 2 2 12 2 17 11 10 3 r, 1 9 1 22 2 16 40 125 2 i 8 3 21 10 6 1 9 3 3 1 13 4 2 16 29 r4 281 6 3 3 20 6 53 26 14 3 8 1 4 2 25 5 26 76 ) 262 5 4 4 30 9 52 . 22 13 2 6 2 5 2 1 24 6 26 49 <35 207 3 3 1 12 25 31 10 8 24 14 3 58 201 1 2 4 1 1 12 32 16 10 18 5 7 23 23 8 37 >36 15 2 2 9 3 2 1 37 192 3 3 18 3 20 12 11 3 6 1 10 ] 26 9 , 17 56 164 3 1 14 4 31 14 9 i 4 3 5 1 1 16 4 2 17 34 <38 34 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 9 1 36 i 1 8 2 ] 7 >39 318 3 4 4 12 2 40 38 34 2 7 9 a 10 31 13 3 16 79 ) _ 301 6 4 7 19 5 30 41 19 2 4 10 20 5 7 29 22 4 15 52 <40 74 2 2 3 1 16 6 5 1 3 7 4 6 18 62 1 5 3 12 3 5 2 7 3 1 6 <41 7 1 1 9 2 2 2 i 2 J42 366 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. All ages. Under t{! 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to *25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 9—Continued. 211 40 11 10 12 73 109 16 10 61 14 103 23 8 6 7 44 63 4 6 21 8 6 i 108 17 3 4 29 46 12 4 40 210 40 11 9 12 72 108 16 10 61 14 153 39 9 11 9 12 71 107 23 16 7 20 L 1 9 i Both parents native CM 27 3 2 4 18 2 i 6 > F .. 25 8 i 3 14 17 3 4 i 7 One or both parents for-CM.. 51 13 4 3 25 38 2 4 6 i eign. } F .. 47 9 1 2 2 14 28 9 1 9 Foreign horn Vm.. i F.. 21 14 8 35 3 27 r} 9 1 1 ... 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. ) F .. 36 12 3 3 4 22 31 3 i l 10 37 10 2 3 3 18 24 6 6 i England and Wales 5 M.. ) F . < M.. 6 1 1 2 3 i 11 8 1 10 1 2 2 5 i Ireland 50 5 3 1 19 24 1 4 15 6 12 ■ ( F .. 53 6 i 1 1 9 19 5 3 23 3 Scotland CM.. ’ ) F .. M.. 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 Germany 4 3 i 14 • ) F .. 5 1 4 15 5, 320 881 306 230 225 1,642 2, 503 349 311 1, 633 521 Males 2 676 508 373 871 148 158 299 117 128 901 741 1,338 1,165 2,455 169 147 164 304 818 .815 1,601 202 319 508 2,644 5,214 113 97 180 18 White 224 218 1, 612 343 3 19 3, 642 870 910 299 56 222 213 1,604 348 2, 419 508 316 237 540 103 129 43 1 Both parents native CM.. 39 41 36 25 20 ' l F .. 668 153 275 207 70 29 30 282 425 59 33 89 62 21 One or both parents foreign. CM.. • l F .. 1,127 1,025 81 85 72 79 79 60 507 431 757 688 115 97 94 171 133 6 13 1 22 Foreign horn f M.. ’IF.. 706 1 1 4 6 19 11 35 493 147 1 855 1 1 2 17 16 31 561 229 1 23 106 10 263 rj 30 48 654 6 32 130 13 48 Birthplaces of mothers: United States fM.. •IF- f M.. * i F . . (M.. • ) F .. { M.. 'IF.. 919 71 53 54 441 58 29 24 872 193 20 13 84 43 49 369 565 74 43 113 25 England and Wales 142 118 9 6 6 3 7 42 29 61 45 10 6 6 4 44 41 20 22 1 2G Ireland 066 1,143 262 107 93 32 28 35 13 29 28 8 38 15 13 202 171 66 315 291 101 55 63 24 79 94 11 423 518 104 93 176 22 1 l 188 27 10 13 57 89 12 12 54 21 28 Scandinavia CM.. OF.. 124 31 6 12 6 83 11 6 24 129 16 12 16 9 53 85 10 3 28 3 29 1,964 292 87 87 67 533 827 132 127 021 257 30 31 32 984 980 168 124 289 48 39 87 47 3.9 302 452 63 56 71 310 311 103 154 40 28 65 231 69 White 1,945 86 527 819 132 125 615 254 33 1,348 282 288 75 87 16 86 21 64 525 808 181 12 2 105 11 225 51 88 28 Both parents native CM.. 9 121 u 34 ■If.. 259 56 21 9 6 92 143 18 19 38 41 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn t F .. CM- 401 363 80 66 29 18 26 30 29 19 164 133 246 222 49 40 31 40 70 51 5 10 258 1 1 9 2 9 173 67 30 'IF- 335 4 8 11 214 98 3 37 19 368 3 1 2 6 8 2 6 Birthplaces of mothers: UM- 98 21 12 158 236 25 13 63 31 38 329 16 F .. 72 24 13 125 193 22 23 43 48 39 England and Wales f M-- " t F .. C M- 60 6 5 ] 17 20 5 2 23 10 52 4 1 3 8 16 4 3 18 11 40 Ireland 301 25 9 9 11 54 87 13 29 134 38 ' ) F .. 3.94 22 8 13 2 45 83 99 35 383 41 Germany 5 M.. •IF- J M.. 125 11 13 3 6 27 24 42 39 13 4 53 34 13 14 101 1 6 4 8 6 42 44 2 2 3 20 ■>2 5 9 IX.. 41 1 7 5 3 1 i 27 4 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 367 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Contained. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Sear- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis~ eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 211 5 2 11 3 24 22 14 3 1 5 6 5 4 26 7 3 16 54 1 103 1 i 2 13 11 1 1 1 13 11 34 108 4 i 4 i ii 11 3 5 5 5 3 13 7 3 20 2 210 5 11 3 23 22 14 3 1 5 6 5 4 26 3 16 54 4 153 5 2 11 3 20 10 9 9 1 3 1 3 1 19 9 16 45 5 > _ 27 1 2 3 3 5 8 25 1 1 2 1 2 1 9 9 2 3 8 51 1 2 4 1 1 1 5 6 18 > 47 3 1 1 6 5 4 2 l 1 1 8 9 9 10 (7 21 1 (3 3 1 4 6 9 6 2 1 2 4 2 3 3 5 3 9 \8 1 1 36 1 4 6 3 4 5 13 37 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 9 4 3 11 p 6 1 2 1 9 8 i 1 1 1 9 1 50 1 2 1 4 9 2 1 i 1 6 5 17 53 3 i 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 8 4 3 9 8 \12 1 I 1 i £l3 4 i 9 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5, 320 95 55 47 319 77 605 571 497 42 69 92 257 31 68 573 227 76 340 1, 277 2 15 2, 676 52 28 21 147 33 291- 293 257 23 28 31 133 40- 299 105 27 186 082 16 2,644 43 27 26 172 44 314 278 240 19 41 61 124 31 28 274 122 49 154 595 2 17 5, 214 95 54 47 314 77 588 554 485 42 66 91 251 31 68 556 222 76 338 1, 257 2 18 3,642 88 42 29 298 75 529 297 272 37 64 30 96 13 18 378 97 16 338 924 f 19 715 12 11 6 49 10 92 41 7 9 4 26 4 77 15 6 79 210 668 10 10 5 64 14 93 45 40 4 19 13 26 2 9 83 19 8 68 143 1,127 37 10 7 85 21 170 109 100 14 18 J 23 8 m 27 1 100 283 > ■ 1,025 29 9 10 99 29 169 83 68 12 18 10 18 10 3: 98 32 1 83 243 i P 706 3 4 7 9 1 18 123 87 2 1 25 78 27 93 57 20 151 855 4 8 11 1 41 134 125 3 1 35 74 18 23 84 67 40 178 1 106 1 - 17 17 12 3 1 6 IT - 9 20 23 910 19 14 64 129 52 73 9 12 4 29 104 22 8 94 257 (24 872 15 13 5 87 21 127 57 50 4 25 15 34 2 2-’ 108 26 9 82 190 142 4 2 5 9 14 16 19 6 4 17 9 6 40 s25 118 4 2 l 18 9 14 1 1 4 6 2 12 5 i 4 29 966 14 3 46 6 75 156 117 11 15 63 15 108 49 14 42 218 1.143 14 8 15 42 14 92 163 132 6 8 32 71 17 19- 111' tP 35 36 255 2 262 4 9 18 3 27 27 19 3 3 5 15 8 35 16 2 16 52 188 4 3 ' 14 4 27 12 16 2 4 10 5 2 13 8 1 18 124 3 1 1 8 3 23 15 11 1 r1 2* 4 9 9 34 j>28 129 1 13 9 25 17 12 3 3 2 1 2 1 1’3 «9 3 26 1,964 11 32 22 107 32 204 229 172 9 25 39 109 16 29 218 89 38 118 435 29 084 18 16 11 55 12 . 105 119 92 5 13 14 14 109- 36 15 59 236 30 980 23 16 11 52 20 99 110 80 4 12 25 10 15 109 53 23 59 199 31 1,945 41 31 22 106 32 201 226 169 9 25 39 108 16 29 213 89 38 118 433 32 1.348 36 25 15 100 32 184 131 90 9 24 11 38 7 T, 155 40 8 118 318 33 982 2 3 19 - 38 21 19 2 4 2 13 9 36 4 3 19 83 ]>34 259 5 8 2 19 ib 34 20 ii 2 4 3 12 2 1 3(k ii 4 30 45 401 13 6 4 32 7 60 47 36 3 9 5 3 37 9 36 94 363 16 4 5 30 10 49 33 21 2 7 5 8 5 j 1 41 15 1 29 81 258 2 3 3 4 43 32 12 37 9 28 99 12 48 9 4 4 3 13 52 46 1 16 32 9 13 30 97 18 65 10 i 1 3 3 3 1 2 37 0fi8 5 10 4 28 6 51 23 24 9 2 14 3 48 4 31 101 329 7 10 2 24 12 45 23 16 2 6 3 14 2 i 46 13 5 36 62 60 4 1 1 9 9 6 1 i 2 i 20 ) . .. 52 2 3 7 6 1 3 4 2 i y 8 s'8 2 1 2 5 12 1 59 36 1 5 5 26 ...... 31 16 8 13 56 ) m 394 6 2 u 27 60 43 2 2 13 27 6 to 44 32 14 9 77 '40 195 4 3 1 9 1 7 13 13 2 3 3 6 4 17 6 2 26 P 101 4 5 3 6 8 1 4 4 2 4 9 29 44 l 4 3 6 4 4 2 4 11 Lo. 41 I 6 6 7 4 2 2 1 5 1 — 1 5 '•42 368 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk *7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN ANI.) IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT J)l RING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 (i to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 10—Continued. 1 2, 290 402 151 98 102 753 1,122 144 135 693 194 2 2 Male« 226 176 74 48 63 411 342 593 70 65 336 68 126 1 a 1, 157 77 50 529 79 357 4 2,219 395 146 96 98 735 1, 093 138 130 671 185 2 1,569 395 146 96 97 734 1,082 128 101 229 28 1 C Both parents native C M.. 307 91 31 13 25 160 230 18 14 35 10 IF.. 287 70 32 15 33 15 132 197 28 10 38 14 7 One or both parents tor- JM.. 475 127 36 34 230 331 37 36 70 1 eign. 1 F .. 453 96 43 ■ 35 22 196 305 41 40 64 3 285 1 1 5 17 202 56 t F .. 361 6 11 238 100 1 9 71 18 29 6 5 22 Birthplaces of mothers: 10 Cf. 394 110 38 20 34 202 296 25 16 46 11 1 1' -■ 379 91 40 19 20 170 255 36 15 51 22 11 < M-. 56 8 2 4 1 15 24 5 4 17 6 ® A 1 A ) F.. 42 • 5 4 2 2 13 18 2 13 9 12 Ireland 438 62 14 ii 19 106 156 21 40 180 40 1 1 F .. 531 52 15 9 6 82 135 32 42 241 80 1 13 Germany (M.. 79 10 7 1 4 22 29 5 4 36 5 ) F .. 54 8 4 5 3 20 30 2 4 13 5 14 CM.. 72 18 4 10 3 35 50 5 2 15 > F .. 80 7 7 11 32 53 4 2 18 3 15 1,066 187 45 56 356 554 73 49 319 70 1 10 559 114 26 22 26 188 293 41 21 172 31 1 17 18 507 1.050 73 187 42 23 42 30 55 168 261 543 32 73 28 49 147 39 White 1 10 20 187 46 66 9 40 5 52 345 67 529 97 66 7 31 86 17 13 5 Both parents native 5M-. 126 27 17 1 F .. 122 9 58 85 13 4 13 21 One or both parents for- ot- 251 68 16 13 16 113 180 29 10 31 1 eigu. l F -. 209 24 14 19 102 161 16 14 18 09 Foreign born CM.. 163 1 2 3 4 9 118 24 1 IF- 159 1 i 2 7 3 9 109 31 23 Colored 16 0 3 1 ii Birthplaces of mothers: 24 JM.. 157 55 12 6 8 81 122 8 21 6 164 30 20 8 16 74 117 16 5 19 7 25 England and Wales i M - - 26 6 2 1 1 10 17 4 4 1 24 I F .. 4 2 9 8 11 1 10 2 20 CM.. 227 20 5 9 8 42 72 21 10 109 15 i F . 218 19 12 6 7 44 73 9 17 94 25 27 CM.. 58 11 3 3 17 30 6 3 4 ) F .. 33 6 5 2 13 20 2 2 2 1 28 JM-. 42 15 4 2 4 25 34 l i 5 IF.. 29 7 4 4 15 22 2 5 29 Ward 11 1.055 1, 176 411 181 —7 30 Ql -a _ 846 605 176 1 31 l.i 1,801 240 87 71 119 571 235 1 OL ■ A 124 32 White 3, 313 539 153 122 130 944 1,439 205 199 1, 080 389 1 33 Native born 2.401 586 539 174 151 42 121 28 129 23 940 267 1,421 365 106 33 156 22 481 111 147 55 34 Both parents native pi.. 1 t -- 006 118 43 29 37 227 341 54 28 113 70 35 One or both parents foreign.. CM.. 604 139 32 34 33 238 373 58 59 111 3 i F - • 529 98 32 30 34 194 323 49 40 109 8 3G (M.. 438 2 1 1 4 11 1 18 304 103 1 1 F -- 471 7 8 25 31 292 96 139 22 37 Colored 330 46 28 22 15 i 111 158 22 1 Birthplaces of mothers: . 38 CM.. 836 223 66 45 34 368 522 55 35 162 62 t F -- 837 148 62 44 54 308 453 74 53 165 91 1 39 fM.. 96 9 2 2 3 16 27 4 8 38 19 i 1' •• 93 6 2 1 1 10 5 29 27 40 Ireland CM-- 547 60 12 9 17 98 148 32 50 262 54 1 ( F .. 600 51 13 13 12 89 155 31 40 291 83 12 41 (M- 156 25 6 5 6 42 67 3 6 68 l F . - 109 8 3 5 5 21 42 5 5 36 21 42 Italy 5M.. 38 It 2 3 3 19 29 1 3 1 F .. 33 9 4 3 3 19 28 4 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 369 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY 131RTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- i let fever. Ty- 1 Ma- phoid larial fever, j fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the dis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organ8 Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2, 290 31 13 19 138 29 262 236 224 21 29 37 107 8 29 245 95 21 145 599 . 2 i 1,133 21 7 9 53 11 123 115 117 11 10 12 17 130 51 4 82 305 2 1. 157 10 6 10 85 18 139 121 107 10 '19 25 52 8 12 115 44 17 63 294 2 3 2,219 31 13 19 135 29 254 225 215 21 27 36 103 8 29 235 90 21 143 583 2 4 1,569 29 9 10 130 28 229 115 129 19 26 10 43 4 9 159 40 6 143 430 1 5 307 7 2 3 21 4 36 17 28 3 5 1 10 2 30 5 2 43 88 ) c 287 3 2 34 3 38 19 17 2 5 11 1 34 <6 475 14 3 2 97 6 74 36 50 8 4 11 4 55 14 36 131 453 5 3 3 47 14 79 37 34 6 10 3 8 3 2 39 13 37 109 1 \7 285 1 4 2 53 83 1 10 29 11 38 28 66 361 2 3 5 3 1 18 57 53 2 15 30 4 9 37 22 13 86 i‘ (8 71 3 8 ii 9 2 1 4 10 9 ) 394 10 2 3 26 6 52 23 39 5 6 1 ii 3 41 8 9 44 112 379 3 1 2 46 6 53 26 21 2 9 6 16 1 44 8 30 101 9° 56 i 3 1 4 6 11 4- 9 2 11) 42 1 1 1 7 1 5 1 2 5 2 2 14 11 438 7 2 4 19 2 32 61 53 4 3 7 22 8 52 27 2 22 111 531 5 3 7 22 7 40 75 65 3 6 15 33 6 8 46 29 12 99 125 2 S12 79 i 1 1 1 1 11 8 3 1 2 9 3 10 9 5 13 54 6 1 13 3 3 1 1 8 13 72 3 3 16 8 1 1 2 22 80 1 1 7 2 18 9 7 3 1 2 1 5 i 9 20 <14 1,066 23 10 6 74 16 139 106 101 12 15 16 41 7 10 110 43 17 77 243 15 559 13 5 1 39 10 63 59 48 7 5 23 9 60 18 8 141 16 507 10 5 5 35 6 76 47 53 0 10 11 18 7 1 50 25 9 32 102 17 1, 050 23 10 6 73 16 133 103 101 12 14 16 40 7 10 108 43 17 77 241 18 725 23 8 4 68 15 116 51 53 9 14 9 15 2 2 64 17 2 77 176 19 126 3 2 9 1 18 3 10 2 1 3 11 6 3 1 17 39 122 2 2 1 11 1 21 6 12 8 5 3 13 15 19 >20 251 -10 1 1 26 8 36 26 14 3 5 1 i 21 4 1 28 58 (21 209 8 2 2 22 5 41 13 13 4 1 2 2 2 18 4 17 53 163 1 4 1 r- 27 22 2 3 12 27 G 37 159 1 2 1 10 25 26 1 4 12 5 1 17 18 9 >22 16 1 6 3 1 1 2 9 ) 157 4 2 10 3 26 6 10 2 1 i 4 1 15 2 19 44 164 5 2 1 17 3 29 8 13 10 6 4 18 5 16 27 (24 26 2 1 1 2 1 i 3 i 24 1 4 3 3 1 2 <25 227 5 1 15 3 19 36 28 2 3 3 4 6 4 7 1 (26 218 3 3 3 9 3 25 28 24 1 4 11 5 i 21 10 9 53 58 2 8 1 9 6 3 i 8 1 G 33 3 8 9 3 3 >27 42 2 2 2 6 3 9 3 1 i 4 8 29 1 9 5 1 3 4 1 9 2 (28 3,643 69 22 46 187 49 378 443 290 19 44 73 221 17 57 400 143 35 227 920 3 29 1,842 31 12 21 84 26 191 224 160 5 16 27 107 28 203 72 16 133 486 1,801 38 10 25 103 23 187 219 130 14 28 46 114 17 29 197 71 19 94 434 3 31 3,313 69 21 40 178 48 342 385 265 19 36 71 198 14. 55 368 127 33 218 ■ 823 3 32 2,401 68 13 27 171 46 290 234 159 19 36 26 97 6 23 269 75 14 218 607 3 33 586 16 3 7 35 10 76 35 38 2 6 25 6 71 18 4 70 157 606 18 2 6 54 11 75 42 39 4 11 13 27 2 6 66 19 7 51 152 1 (34 604 15 2 6 41 14 77 77 3 8 1 20 57 21 1 154 (35 529 19 3 8 40 11 57 71 31 10 11 4 17 4 6 64 14 37 120 2 438 5 6 2 1 19 77 60 18 41 16 53 23 9 108 471 1 3 7 5 1 33 73 46 27 60 8 16 45 29 10 107 330 1 6 9 1 36 58 25 8 23 3 9 32 16 9 9 37 636 18 4 11 48 14 101 64 58 3 9 40 100 27 83 237 837 21 2 11 65 14 101 77 55 4 18 15 86 5 8 93 32 9 63 207 i £38 96 2 1 4 9 12 7 3 2 1 13 9 4 5 24 93 1 1 3 4 1 6 13 15 1 1 7 2 3 10 4 3 18 £39 547 11 1 . 5 23 4 43 91 57 2 2 10 38 19 51 24 3 22 141 (40 600 14 3 9 20 5 47 97 39 4 9 24 49 6 18 62 29 9 18 138 156 3 2 5 3 20 30 13 2 5 6 1 15 6 11 34 109 1 1 i 8 2 12 15 6 2 1 15 2 14 3 1 3 22 (41 38 2 1 5 2 5 1 1 1 2 4 33 i 2 1 2 1 5 3 1 3 12 :::::::: (42 370 VITAL STATISTICS. Table §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND | Months. Tears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages.! Under 3 3 to 6 0 to t) 0 to 12 Total 1 under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 11—Continued. 370 107 95 07 609 1,010 134 147 697 198 2 1,092 ! 1,090 | 1.982 212 55 48 42 357 522 60 64 363 82 1 3 •1 158 52 47 55 312 488 74 83 334 110 1 WhitA 345 90 82 85 602 916 124 125 633 183 1 1.392 290 312 393 348 345 88 81 85 599 993 118 94 35 C Both parents native 102 74 20 24 18 18 15 22 161 13S 214 200 13 35 12 45 44 12 12 One or both parents for' eign. pi.. ) F .. 92 14 24 23 153 244 41 34 73 1 ' 73 22 21 24 140 997 28 29 59 pr.. t F .. 275 312 200 448 449 49 2 1 3 7 11 195 193 61 87 15 1 8 Foreign born 6 G 20 25 17 13 12 67 94 10 99 04 ..... i Birthplaces of mothers: ! {f" 128 41 27 22 218 307 27 19 78 17 10 Fnited States 90 z. 33 1 29 2 34 2 186 10 271 16 43 2 33 78 18 23 8 1 13 England and Wales 2 1 i 9 24 3 4 15 12 12 Ireland 374 417 102 09 28 29 1,455 45 38 6 9 6 9 n 8 68 04 102 106 25 19 32 34 178 199 86 1 *M.. IF. $ M.. i F .. 17 4 2 3 20 44 1 3 47 7 13 Germany 5 2 3 5 15 29 3 3 19 15 8 1 2 3 14 22 4 2 14 Itnlv 9 4 9 3 18 24 4 1 15 215 74 49 48 380 587 93 83 479 213 10 17 18 750 71.5 1,331 133 39 25 22 219 324 43 47 919 94 82 35 24 20 167 263 50 36 237 119 White 194 03 40 45 342 523 81 74 447 206 19 1,009 194 03 40 44 341 518 78 62 239 112 Or-- I F.. pr.. IF .. 290 294 211 181 72 10 10 8 100 151 20 10 60 43 20 Both parents native 44 19 11 15 89 19 13 69 58 :::::::: 21 One or both parents for eign. 47 18 10 10 85 129 17 25 38 2 25 10 9 10 54 96 21 11 50 3 pr.. IF.. 103 159 1 i 4 1 109 42 99 Foreign born 1 9 5 99 52 23 124 21 11 9 3 44 64 12 9 32 7 Birthplaces of mothers: Ot-. I F -- or.. 1 F .. or.. I F .. pi - - 1 F .. or.. IF.. 388 95 25 18 12 150 215 28 16 84 45 24 l nited States 388 47 35 173 58 29 15 20 122 182 31 20 87 England and Wales 4 1 1 6 11 2 3 20 11 25 1 1 1 2 3 14 15 Ireland 15 6 3 6 30 46 7 18 84 18 20 183 13 4 4 4 25 49 12 2 0 92 24 Germany 54 8 2 3 3 16 23 3 21 5 27 40 16 3 i 2 6 13 2 2 17 6 Scandinavia 3 2 10 9 1 3 28 13 4, 790 9 9 4 1 1 6 29 Ward 12 827 299 225 99S 1,579 2,448 301 270 1, 500 271 30 31 32 2, 530 450 143 113 130 838 1,321 1,127 154 131 812 112 2, 200 377 156 110 98 741 147 139 088 159 White ... 827 298 225 228 1.578 2, 447 301 270 1, 49G 271 33 34 3,208 444 825 130 297 38 221 220 33 1,569 244 2,396 364 207 33 180 4 333 33 26 10 Both parents native 0[ j IF.. 392 120 30 34 229 319 24 11 28 10 35 One or both parents foreign .. or. 1, 239 307 104 74 96 «. 914 101 79 142 3 |F.. 1. 081 253 106 79 62 500 5 776 105 112 1 30 Foreign born pi.. |F.. 784 1 3 1 29 18 44 98 704 1 1 1 3 20 16 39 542 147 37 Colored 1 i 318 1 4 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States pr.. |F.. rM.. | F.. 000 170 47 44 499 47 37 10 525 160 40 41 298 432 38 13 32 10 0 England and Wales 103 8 5 4 5 22 3 6 41 8 uJ 74 9 3 4 9 18 3 8 22 6 40 Ireland fM. 1 F .. 1.101 128 36 38 237 388 65 88 490 70 1.097 100 39 28 21 194 321 70 507 112 41 Germany or.. 979 49 19 13 11 92 134 19 90' 14 | F .. 200 38 25 19 19 101 142 16 11 68 28 2 42 pr . 210 49 19 11 19 98 140 9 5 CO |F.. 161 40 18 10 9 77 118 10 12 19 2 ! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 371 ' AY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, I IETHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 3 4 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. 30 8 22 26 Can- cer and tu- mor. 38 Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. 11 Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2. 188 45 19 26 45 10 26 11 15 23 102 37 236 253 183 13 129 42 22 20 40 241 83 13 149 546 1 1,002 1,096 1,982 0 4 10 47 55 98 21 10 36 110 120 214 128 125 217 100 83 169 3 10 13 12 26 36 OS G1 112 117 124 221 40 43 71 5 8 12 83 66 143 286 260 480 11 9 1 1 1,392 44 3 14 94 34 175 129 94 13 26 8 47 4 15 159 38 1 143 350 1 5 290 o 19 8 43 18 1 3 9 3 38 6 41 82 > fi :n-2 14 - 27 8 38 21 17 3 9 4 10 1 4 34 32 78 \ 6 393 12 1 4 25 11 48 32 9 4 10 40 13 39 95 £ - 318 ii 1 3 22 7 42 39 24 7 10 1 7 3 3 42 12 29 81 1 \ 1 275 4 4 1 14 42 9 28 13 28 16 3 68 l a 312 i 3 4 i 42 33 19 37 5 12 33 17 8 67 206 3 4 1 22 36 14 4 17 0 20 12 1 6 60 a 448 8 4 27 11 57 32 29 1 4 9 20 4 57 12 1 47 132 449 16 33 9 53 44 26 3 13 6 14 3 50 17 40 110 s10 49 9 1 8 4 5 9 i i ] 4 10 58 1 4 1 10 1 9 i 9 7 9 3 12 i, s11 37-t 9 l 13 4 31 55 43 2 1 5 26 16 30 iT1 9 18 95 S12 417 8 3 6 10 4 38 .59 31 3 8 17 34 3 13 45 22 7 15 91 102 2 1 3 11 21 9 1 9 1 10 4 8 19 n 525 23 2 G 40 10 83 24 29 4 ‘ 11 5 6 5 3 63 2 3 02 144 '>38 103 4 1 4 1 14 G 18 2 1 3 2 10 G 1 30 > 74 i 1 6 1 9 1 1 3 i' 1 10 4 3 18 (39 1,101 18 8 26 45 14 89 138 160 13 6 10 48 21 103 53 11 42 294 2 (40 1. 097 17 7 24 49 19 88 144 113 6 7 22 83 34 17 93 73 19 28 254 272 8 4 3 14 2 36 27 26 3 6 1 15 3 27 12 2 21 60 2 w 26 ) 13 1 8 7 47 23 15 3 4 9 ii 2 20 11 4 17 60 210 3 3 5 11 4 36 26 20 2 1 3 2 ; 20 4 15 61 l 2 161 7 2 1 6 7 32 10 9 4 2 1 3 ! 1 2 1 2 16 6 15 35 i ■S'- VITAL STATISTICS. 372 Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 to <; 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 05 Over 05 Un- known. 1 Ward 12—Continued. 1,221 253 71 67 58 449 661 76 57 375 52 689 532 145 108 34 37 31 36 33 243 206 364 47 33 220 25 3 4 25 297 29 24 155 27 White, 1,219 253 71 67 58 449 661 76 57 373 52 5 831 253 42 26 101 82 70 66 447 C46 65 32 83 Both parents native $ U 112 89 339 6 11 5 60 54 179 150 1 88 10 • 12 2 6 72 262 3 31 0 10 30 2 One or both parents for-CM. eign. } F .. Foreign born j " 25 26 16 275 206 24 28 ]6 217 20 12 26 ■ 9 6 14 154 23 8 164 1« 1 6 5 10 119 24 q 2 0 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F Ireland j jf " n (M” Germany < y _. m“ 153 124 202 185 123 52 39 27 18 22 23 95 12 14 2 e 14 9 12 10 4 82 122 104 62 14 5 1 3 13 8 14 10 99 2 2 42 30 43 52 15 13 n 3 50 11 100 16 10 4 63 11 8 34 7 12 113 93 12 5 9 8 72 6 26 28 r> 60 3 9 .13 Scandinavia < T.-> Italy •• 53 35 5 1 9 3 2 1 4 24 15 37 24 3 3 4 1 7 2 14 15 4 151 9 i 9 12 1 46 1 53 1 15 863 ■V) 979 3 j 1 44 16 458 85 20 18 18 141 22(1 22 28 174 14 17 18 405 G6 32 16 17 131 189 24 137 30 860 151 51 34 35 271 408 40 309 44 1!) 542 150 51 34 34 3 269 400 40 35 66 1 ( M Both parents native i F " One or both parents for-CM., eign. \ F . , , CM.. 64 28 22 6 42 36 94 91 50 3 .20 66 1 1 6 21 221 54 43 15 21 ii 15 14 12 ir>G 17 17 30 1 180 128 14 16 99 22 i 1 3 2 10 128 13 Toreign born < y 1 - 151 3 I 4 8 106 30 23 3 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: CM 89 33 28 1 5 53 50 78 4 24 United i dates < 90 13 3 6 6 1 8 25 14 1 2 6 i 1 0 3 England and At ales j p T , CM 13 2 1 2 5 6 1 3 213 202 17 3 5 30 56 10 21 104 11 Ireland 1 j,. 184 20 5 3 4 4 .33 25 20 17 17 47 9 15 95 18 „ CM 60 15 3 4 35 4 2 17 2 27 Germany < y 59 5 4 4 25 4 17 8 1 Scandinavia [ 1^ Sanitary district C 44 3 3 25 1 9 15 28 36 9 5 2 i 26 4 4 29 2, 706 423 176 124 135 858 1.378 179 160 8i4 175 30 31 32 1,383 1, 323 2, 706 220 X OO -1 to 66 79 454 404 737 85 70 418 73 203 58 56 641 94 90 396 102 423 l76 124 135 858 1, 378 179 160 814 175 33 1, 835 268 422 176 121 134 853 142 1,350 220 162 119 184 20 Both parents native | " One or both parents for- C M.. eign. ( F .. Foreign born | " 66 27 26 23 20 4 16 8 34 237 72 26 21 20 139 193 16 8 12 8 35 679 152 62 38 56 308 496 53 4G 82 2 626 128 61 36 34 259 431 71 59 64 1 36 422 1 9 3 17 10 20 313 02 449 i 1 11 21 317 93 37 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ' England and Wales j Ireland | ic 358 85 37 34 27 183 299 29 6 16 8 38 311 93 3 30 23 25 171 14 253. 26 27 1 9 14 8 30 64 4 2 5 3 29 5 3 46 9 2 2 11 23 2 4 14 40 697 84 29 23 29 165 270 40 54 287 46 728 68 29 20 3 14 3 131 224 64 312 78 41 Germany ) F C M Scandinavia ) Y " 89 12 6 24 36 4 39 88 10 10 6 29 45 3 10 1 42 79 17 8 3 8 36 1 17 72 16 8 5 36 55 5 4 8 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 373 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN ACES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All causes. Scar- let fever. 39 Ty- phoid fever. 5 Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs" Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,221 2' 40 24 135 108 110 20 23 12 39 16 17 108 46 8 96 347 1 689 22 4 21 18 11 71 59 78 11 12 3 18 9 64 27 3 48 209 1 2 532 17 1 6 22 13 64 49 32 9 11 9 21 16 8 44 19 5 48 138 3 1,219 39 5 27 40 24 135 108 110 20 23 12 39 16 17 108 46 8 96 345 1 4 831 34 2 14 39 20 120 46 54 18 23 9 5 8 84 12 1 96 246 5 112 9 1 1 3 4 2 8 1 3 1 1. 17 2 15 37 ) 89 4 9 2 15 5 3 9 1 3 2 13 1 15 \ 6 339 10 10 13 21 29 9 9 5 2 31 7 31 275 11 1 i 20 10 40 15 14 6 10 3 9 21 3 33 83 \ 7 206 3 3 10 1 2 7 32 41 1 3 12 6 14 18 3 49 1 164 2 3 8 29 15 1 9 18 n 3 10 16 4_i \8 2 2 9 153 10 1 1 4 5 17 6 14 9 2 1 10 2 17 47 S10 124 4 2 7 1 19 5 2 4 3 2 17 1 21 31 202 2 1 10 4 9 15 20 29 2 3 3 4 18 16 3 7 58 w 185 4 1 2 8 2 10 25 19 1 3 6 15 9 4 11 10 3 5 47 123 6 1 2 6 i 16 12 13 3 3 7 1 12 3 9 27 1 113 3 4 20 11 4 3 3 1 4 4 4 1 9 28 £l2 93 1 1 4 3 2 15 13 9 1 1 5 1 6 31 $ 53 1 1 2 4 10 4 3 3 1 3 3 6 12 >13 35 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 5 13 n 15 1 2 ] 1 1 9 3 >14 863 23 6 7 26 18 88 92 94 6 10 15 35 12 12 72 38 8 59 240 2 15 458 11 5 3 18 8 43 47 56 2 6 4 17 ( 33 19 9 33 142 2 16 405 12 1 4 8 10 45 45 38 4 4 11 18 12 5 39 19 6 26 98 17 860 23 0 7 26 18 87 92 94 6 10 15 35 12 12 72 ' 38 8 59 238 2 18 542 21 5 4 24 17 73 43 47 5 9 5 10 5 3 43 10 59 158 1 19 64 3 i 4 9 4 . 9 1 4 2 8 27 1 66 1 1 3 6 4 2 2 101 1 8 20 221 6 2 1 13 6 33 16 28 2 4 4 1 15 5 24 61 J21 180 9 1 2 6 6 30 20 10 3 3 3 3 5 9 13 1 17 46 156 j 9 1 9 1 5 30 23 4 11 6 14 12 9 42 1 ? ,. 151 i 1 1 9 19 23 1 1 6 13 7 3 15 16 6 29 P 3 , 23 89 4 1 4 8 9 4 1 2 q “ 36 1 90 3 i 4 4 8 6 7 1 3 2 13 1 8 29 >24 14 2 1 1 2 1 2 5 |25 13 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 202 3 9 2 i 9 12 27 32 2 3 11 5 17 11 2 6 61 184 3 2 2 16 25 23 3 2 4 14 8 2 16 13 5 7 39 60 1 l 4 12 8 5 1 i 1 i 4 4 8 9 £ 27 59 4 1 2 9 6 9 2 1 1 3 2 i 4 15 44 1 1 1 6 (j 8 4 1 3 12 ) 36 i 1 9 5 3 3 1 i i i 2 1 5 6 >28 2,706 64 19 43 176 49 333 259 268 22 99 26 120 27 33 276 116 27 137 685 4 29 1, 383 29 10 18 95 26 161 126 153 16 12 7 53 18 146 10 73 375 3 30 1,323 35 9 25 81 23 172 133 115 6 10 19 67 27 15 130 64 17 64 310 i 31 2,706 64 19 43 176 49 333 259 268 22 22 26 120 27 33 276 116 27 137 685 4 32 1.835 60 9 22 169 ■46 300 118 143 22 20 2 44 7 7 200 35 4 137 488 2 33 268 8 27 8 42 9 20 4 6 4 1 30 6 1 23 79 > 237 8 1 1 23 5 44 10 13 2 •t 2 4 2 1 22 1 2 29 63 r 679 19 5 - 62 16 97 43 64 12 5 3 78 13 1 50 188 1 t 626 25 3 14 56 17 115 52 45 4 5 18 5 2 68 12 34 150 1 >35 422 2 5 ii 5 2 22 72 69 1 7 32 14 37 30 8 103 2 449 2 . 5 10 2 1 11 69 56 1 17 44 20 12 39 51 15 94 >36 37 358 12 1 40 11 56 11 26 6 38 8 1 28 107 311 16 2 3 29 5 56 13 17 2 6 2 4 9 1 33 1 2 33 84 64 2 1 2 11 4 11 i 1 2 5 3 20 ) , ■ 46 5 1 4 5 6 i 1 i l 7 3 2 9 P 697 13 5 14 37 10 02 91 99 9 3 4 32 12 68 26 6 29 175 2 *40 728 13 6 19 39 15 62 94 71 2 2 12 54 17 11 66 50 11 16 168 P 89 1 2 1 4 1 8 7 8 2 7 1 11 5 2 4 24 1 > 88 9 1 4 1 18 6 9 1 2 4 4 2 6 5 2 4 17 r1 79 I 2 1 1 15 7 3 1 1 9 1 11 6 18 > 72 3 1 3 1 17 3 3 1 1 1 i 1 1 11 2 4 17 1 42 374 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.f. 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE fi YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AG E. 1 i SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 8 to 6 <> to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 0 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 <)ver 65 Un- known. 1 Wqt-iI IS 3,068 476 156 137 107 876 1,268 138 198 1.044 419 1 2 Males 1,606 257 93 73 66 489 683 64 96 579 184 3 Females 1,462 219 63 64 41 387 585 74 102 465 235 1 4 White 3, 047 475 155 136 106 872 1,263 138 197 1,036 412 1 5 2,315 475 154 134 106 869 1,250 132 158 561 214 ( M.. 642 130 38 41 28 237 327 29 40 173 73 ! G Both parents native 610 528 484 390 114 35 40 21 210 295 36 33 137 109 fM.. I 123 39 37 243 342 30 31 116 9 7 One or both parents foreign. 100 28 21] 19 170 277 34 50 10) in M.. IF.. 1 4 22 261 98 8 Foreign born 338 21 1 0 9 17 213 ICO 9 1 1 1 4 1 8 - Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 755 53 46 36 290 407 33 47 190 78 10 131 11 42 2 42 1 24 2 239 16 347 26 31 68 38 2 2 10 37 8 155 54 37 135 117 18 26 43 11 108 Ireland wr 100 273 10 21 11 2 4 4 11 18 47 4 17 12 31(> 26 3 4 5 38 69 10 35 148 54 M TT 22 18 2 1 3 3 4 13 ,2 13 Scotland 2 1 3 3 1 2 9 14 Germany £ if" 312 252 48 18 14 17 13 10 6 93 68 125 100 14 19 14 18 126 86 33 29 15 900 128 50 48 26 252 356 41 64 305 134 16 17 18 478 69 30 28 17 144 200 21 32 175 50 422 59 20 20 9 108 156 20 32 130 84 Win to 895 127 50 47 26 250 354 41 61 303 133 19 20 694 127 49 47 26 249 352 40 53 178 71 Both parents native M.. E- 211 187 36 30 12 14 16 14 9 3 73 Cl 107 80 9 11 16 5 58 45 21 40 21 One or both parents for- eign. M. F 144 135 30 26 17 6 •11 6 8 (i 66 44 88 79 11 9 8 22 35 30 | 22 M 106 1 6 72 27 Foreign born 93 1 5 52 35 23 24 5 1 1 9 2 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M-. M 243 216 32 43 36 4 17 19 18 14 1 11 A 89 73 129 98 8 11 11 1 17 8 2 64 51 13 22 48 8 25 England and ales F .. 29 3 1 i 5 1 3 9 9 26 Ireland M.. 74 83 7 4 2 1 2 ] 14 9 19 20 3 3 6 12 39 33 7 15 27 Scotland 5 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 28 Germany M 81 10 7 6 1 1 24 31 3 4 32 11 IF.. 72 8 1 5 15 22 4 8 27 11 29 1,226 207 62 54 44 367 538 . 51 73 418 146 30 635 111 33 29 62 29 25 28 201 280 21 33 227 74 31 591 96 16 166 30 40 191 72 32 1. 224 207 54 44 367 538 51 72 418 145 33 891 207 50 44 62 10 11 53 15 12 44 366 530 46 54 197 64 34 Both parents native F 219 208 10 8 85 75 no 112 9 14 14 12 66 42 20 28 35 One or both parents for- eign. M.. F .. 231 212 60 50 23 18 13 13 18 8 114 89 165 140 9 13 11 16 40 35 6 8 36 Foreign born M.. 173 1 1 4 3 7 112 47 F .. 160 4 2 11 109 34 1 37 Colored 2 .. 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 60 16 16 14 106 140 9 15 68 23 F .. 227 48 12 14 8 82 124 14 12 49 28 39 England and Wales CM.. 29 3 ] 4 6 1 1 14 F.. 38 4 1 1 1 1 12 19 40 Ireland M.. 116 8 1 4 14 26 3 7 59 21 F .. 149 13 2 3 2 20 34 5 17 73 20 41 Scotland M.. 8 2 5 1 F .. 9 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 42 Germany M.. 157 25 10 8 7 50 69 7 5 59 17 F .. 124 22 12 5 4 43 64 8 6 36 10 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 375 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ma plioicl larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases ofthe liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- I nown. 3,068 53 29 36 102 62 287 401 297 17 20 64 183 26 40 , 340 177 50 203 677 4 l 1,606 27 18 16 41 32 150 228 163 8 13 19 92 22 181 95 15 114 370 307 9 ly-162 26 11 20 61 30 137 173 134 9 45 91 26 18 159 82 35 89 2 3 3, 047 53 29 36 102 62 287 398 294 17 20 64 181 26 39 337 174 50 202 672 4 4 2,315 52 18 25 98 57 263 283 196 16 20 29 94 22 20 257 100 33 202 529 1 5 642 610 13 10 2 3 9 8 19 30 12 10 68 58 76 60 62 44 2 4 2 8 16 36 31 11 4 6 70 65 31 28 8 21 63 49 151 154 1 e 528 484 14 15 4 4 4 20 29 18 17 74 61 72 65 48 41 5 5 6 5 5 11 16 11 5 3 60 52 17 21 1 3 49 36 117 91 i’ 390 7 3 2 2 7 72 52 i 11 10 44 43 6 84 57 5 1 \8 338 i 4 8 1 3 17 43 46 24 42 4 8 36 31 11 21 3 3 9 1 3 3 1 72 9 755 18 4 9 24 16 80 89 71 3 9 8 38 5 87 37 8 176 1 (10 694 14 3 8 36 13 66 65 53 5 2 16 36 14 6 77 34 21 54 9 171 108 1 2 1 2 1 6 20 15 1 12 4 8 9 4 19 18 65 45 1 {u 100 2 6 2 10 22 15 9 1 5 3 15 2 2 13 32 4 3 5 10 273 2 6 2 4 3 51 35 3 4 17 2 1“ 316 22 4 5 6 6 6 18 1 1 59 6 35 ] 2 4 1 13 27 1 5 7 2 24 .4 1 34 28 1 1 ...9. 12 1 1 i 18 1 9 2 2 1 6 65 r3 312 6 4 4 9 6 32 41 31 2 2 8 20 2 22 1 23 252 6 1 4 13 33 25 28 I 1 7 16 21 66 4 30 92 10 1 12 68 49 219 l l 900 13 13 35 16 85 96 81 3 5 . 9 11 45 19 15 478 10 9 5 17 8 43 55 41 1 3 4 28 6 50 25 4 35 134 16 422 3 4 2 18 8 42 41 40 2 2 12 38 9 5 42 20 15 33 85 l 17 895 13 13 7 35 18 85 96 80 3 5 16 65 9 11 92 45 19 67 217 i 18 694 13 8 4 34 15 77 71 53 3 5 9 34 8 9 73 31 14 67 166 19 211 8 1 2 6 5 23 22 18 2 1 2 12 17 1 22 10 3 18 56 42 36 187 1 1 8 2 19 10 13 1 6 9 4* 22 9 11 18 144 2 3 9 10 3 18 15 9 1 1 i 2 20 6 s21 <22 135 2 1 10 5 16 20 13 1 1 1 4 6 9 6 12 28 34 15 2 63 106 3 1 1 1 16 14 9 15 1 8 9 1 93 o 2 1 9 13 1 5 16 1 12 1 11 5 4 5 1 23 <24 243 9 i 2 9 5 30 25 19 1 2 9 1 25 12 3 22 216 o i 9 4 23 11 16 1 1 6 19 3 4 26 12 11 20 47 6 32 i 1 1 0 5 9 1 9 2 1 1 2 29 i l 4 1 9 5 ] 5 r° 74 i 4 i 2 i 8 i) 3 8 4 4 29 15 1 <26 83 2 i 4 1 6 15 13 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 3 1 l 1 >27 81 i 2 4 2 8 9 4 9 7 5 t) 21 > <28 72 i 4 1 <) 9 1 1 24 9 8 2 1 12 15 264 1, 226 21 5 18 40 30 115 157 123 11 11 70 12 15 145 74 78 l 29 635 9 4 4 15 13 60 87 76 6 7 44 7 36 4 46 134 30 31 591 12 1 14 25 17 55 70 47 5 4 17 26 12 8 69 38 8 32 130 i 1,224 21 5 18 40 30 115 156 123 ii 11 24 69 12 15 145 74 12 78 264 l 32 891 20 1 11 38 27 104 95 77 10 11 8 31 9 6 106 40 10 209 33 219 2 9 8 3 21 25 24 1 3 4 14 2 24 * 11 9 25 48 64 <34 208 5 6 12 18 19 10 2 4 5 6 2 19 11 6 14 231 1 6 9 34 25 27 4 4 7 1 27 5 1 21 52 (35 <36 212 6 3 12 10 31 23 16 3 4 5 3 29 10 1 38 173 3 2 1 1 5 34 25 1 3 23 4 21 19 1 30 160 1 1 1 9 6 27 21 13 15 3 18 15 1 25 1 2 1 i 37 <38 4 2 8 6 23 26 29 1 5 4 16 2 32 11 2 6 27 16 57 67 227 6 6 14 5 21 22 11 3 2 4 5 2 20 13 29 1 3 4 ] 1 3 3 2 6 6 <39 38 1 1 i 2 6 6 1 2 1 i 2 116 2 1 2 9 29 18 1 8 2 15 4 18 149 3 3 2 29 3 15 1 1 6 12 9 4 18 1 1 15 1 17 8 1 j« 9 1 i 1 1 4 157 4 2 1 4 3 18 16 17 2 2 12 i 18 12 ii 32 (-42 124 2 4 8 4 18 11 10 1 3 7 3 17 5 9 22 376 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND 1 AGE. SEX, COLOB, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to » 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 13—Continued. Sanitary district C - - - 942 141 44 35 37 257 374 46 61 321 139 1 2 493 77 30 16 21 144 203 22 31 177 60 3 449 64 14 19 16 113 171 24 30 144 79 1 4 AV lilt pi 928 141 43 35 30 255 371 46 61 315 134 1 5 730 141 43 34 36 254 368 46 51 166 79 Both parents native ( M.. 212 44 16 10 9 79 110 11 10 49 32 F.. 215 40 10 14 10 74 103 11 16 50 35 7 153 33 13 6 11 63 89 10 12 41 1 eign. (F (M.. 137 24 4 4 5 37 65 12 12 39 9 111 1 9 77 52 6 24 31 8 Foreign born 85 1 i 1 1 9 14 1 1 2 3 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. IF.. C M.. 257 52 20 12 11 95 138 13 15 58 33 °51 47 11 14 12 84 125 13 17 55 41 3 11 England and Wales 47 4 2 1 1 7 12 5 27 9 IF.. 33 3 2 6 12 1 1 10 12 Ireland C M.. 83 6 6 1 6 19 23 4 4 37 I F .. 84 6 1 1 1 9 15 2 6 42 19 13 Scotland CM.. 7 1 1 1 2 4 ( F .. 6 1 1 1 4 1 14 Germany CM.. 74 13 1 3 2 19 25 4 5 35 5 I F .. 56 5 1 3 1 10 14 7 4 23 8 15 5, 048 864 323 267 243 1,697 2.606 277 300 1, 516 347 2 16 2, 656 2,392 5,044 501 151 147 132 931 1,393 1.213 150 151 816 700 1,514 145 202 347 17 363 172 120 111 766 127 149 1 2 :8 864 322 267 243 . 1, 696 2,605 276 300 19 3, 536 863 317 261 238 1,679 319 2, 561 451 246 218 24 451 61' 58 15 20 588 183 43 49 44 36 1 1 F .. 540 129 59 35 40 263 408 28 17 58 29 21 One or both parents foreign.. CM.. 1,257 312 106 89 83 590 903 97 79 174 4 IF.. 1,089 230 106 84 71 491 775 82 94 132 5 1 22 Foreign born CM.. 755 4 4 8 21 13 44 121 168 \ F .. 741 5 1 6 18 1 17 1 37 501 23 4 1 1 9 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States C M.. I F .. 732 652 206 154 60 73 65 44 57 46 388 317 564 501 52 35 29 22 71 15 30 1 25 England and Wales CM.. 78 9 4 6 19 25 4 4 32 13 I F .. 74 6 2 1 3 12 23 2 2 36 ii 26 27 Ireland Germany CM.. 953 120 29 23 29 201 320 52 06 447 68 IF.. { M.. 946 567 73 101 31 32 31 32 22 31 157 196 273 299 49 24 80 34 436 178 107 32 1 IF.. 486 77 47 26 25 175 259 28 32 125 42 28 Italv 5 M.. 92 26 9 5 45 64 3 3 21 ] IF.. 63 22 4 5 4 35 51 1 4 5 2 29 1,072 161 70 49 52 332 553 65 61 324 67 30 , 88 73 29 32 17 49 28 24 52 177 155 332 297 256 553 37 28 65 34 27 61 168 156 323 30 37 67 1 1 31 505 41 32 1,071 161 70 33 735 161 6D 48 11 3 51 10 6 329 55 46 545 86 72 02 4 0 43 2 2 78 5 5 1 3 2 1 34 Both parents native 99 99 27 28 7 9 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 291 60 22 19 17 118 203 30 20 37 1 eign. Foreign born IF.. 247 15 31 14 18 1 108 180 4 21 9 19 12 26 121 121 1 7 1 36 CM.. 167 1 2 28 34 IF.. 166 1 1 4 1 6 37 Colored 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. IF.. 129 112 32 33 12 12 14 3 11 8 69 56 ; 110 91 0 8 4 3 1 3 1 England and Wales {11.. 19 *» 3 5 7 1 9 6 f 39 IF .. 12 1 1 4 40 5M- 244 25 7 5 9 46 83 19 17 109 10 I F .. CM.. 245 3 20 9 8 4 41 16 22 111 1 21 1 41 IF.. 8 i 1 4 42 5M-. 118 22 5 7 5 39 65 6 7 32 8 IF. 96 14 15 4 7 40 58 2 2 24 10 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 377 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- i Ma- phoidj larial fever. Ifever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases ofthe liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 942 19 11 11 27 16 87 148 93 3 4 24 47 5 14 103 58 19 57 194 2 1 493 8 5 7 9 n 47 86 46 1 3 8 20 9 55 34 7 33 102 2 2 449 11 6 4 18 5 40 62 47 2 1 16 27 5 5 48 24 12 24 92 3 928 19 11 11 27 16 87 146 91 3 4 24 47 5 13 100 55 19 57 191 2 4 730 19 9 10 26 15 82 117 66 3 4 12 29 5 5 78 29 9 57 154 1 5 212 3 1 5 5 4 24 29 20 1 2 2 10 i 24 10 3 20 47 1 215 4 9 - 2 10 3 21 31 21 1 i 6 9 3 24 g 4 17 48 $ 6 153 5 3 2 4 6 90 32 12 i 3 2 13 6 13 29 > H 137 7 3 1 2 14 22 12 1 4 2 2 14 5 2 7 25 \ 7 111 1 i 1 22 13 6 5 15 90 1 85 1 1 4 12 6 11 2 7 1 8 14 2 2 1 9 257 5 3 5 _ 5 27 38 23 1 2 2 10 2 30 14 3 23 56 1 251 6 2 13 4 22 32 26 2 1 6 12 4 31 9 4 18 57 s10 47 1 i 1 1 2 10 1 2 2 5 i 3 1 33 4 1 4 4 2 3 i 3 1 7 83 1 3 12 14 8 2 4 2 9 6 2 2 18 I12 84 1 3 2 5 15 7 4 8 i 2 5 ID 5 13 7 3 2 i 1 i13 6 1 1 1 1 2 74 2 1 1 1 1 6 16 7 4 4 i r- 3 1 7 12 ju 56 4 1 6 9 3 5 5 3 1 12 5,048 92 36 62 173 110 650 561 543 ' 22 43 56 215 53 47 566 233 35 316 1,235 15 2. 656 40 21 27 82 62 317 301 332 10 19 18 118 22 305 111 8 191 672 16 2, 392 52 15 35 91 48 333 260 211 12 24 38 97 53 25 261 122 27 125 563 17 5, 044 92 36 62 172 110 650 561 542 22 43 56 215 53 47 565 233 35 316 1,234 18 3, 536 89 19 39 166 108 577 286 312 20 40 14 75 21 13 416 75 6 316 944 19 588 11 3 3 22 9 88 29 52 2 11 1 12 1 89 11 9 66 176 (20 540 16 2 . 7 19 18 83 31 36 4 8 6 12 3 3 67 14 , 4 42 165 1. 257 27 ; ii 59 52 195 119 143 8 6 9 23 4 136 24 123 318 i21 1.089 35 4 17 66 29 209 93 79 6 14 5 25 17 3 118 25 81 263 755 2 9 12 1 32 143 135 ] 15 80 15 73 75 6 156 (22 741 i 8 11 6 1 40 131 95 2 2 26 60 32 19 75 83 22 127 4 1 J • 1 1 23 732 15 3 3 33 13 118 37 68 3 12 1 13 1 110 15 76 209 652 23 2 8 25 18 107 39 42 4 9 6 12 4 3 84 15 4 46 201 78 1 8 12 3 9 2 12 2 17 (25 74 2 3 1 8 10 7 7 2 1 4 i 3 16 953 13 8 15 26 24 68 151 129 1 1 8 54 13 100 62 4 231 (26 946 21 6 15 34 12 78 146 91 1 7 18 53 26 14 110 77 15 27 195 567 9 5 6 16 14 77 69 74 2 4 6 31 2 58 26 39 127 (27 486 6 4 8 22 11 93 42 49 4 7 10 19 14 5 47 19 5 22 99 92 2 1 1 1 12 3 18 3 2 1 5 3 11 29 63 1 2 10 5 9 1 1 9 9 12 18 (28 1,072 15 6 10 43 22 133 113 128 2 14 8 42 20 9 118 49 9 63 268 29 567 6 3 5 26 14 57 64 74 i 6 4 23 4 67 27 2 38 146 30 505 9 3 5 17 8 76 49 54 i 8 4 19 20 5 51 22 7 25 122 31 1,071 15 6 10 43 22 133 113 128 2 14 8 42 20 9 117 49 9 63 268 32 735 15 2 ' 6 42 22 118 56 69 i 13 1 14 8 4 86 14 2 63 199 33 99 5 2 13 3 4 6 1 1 17 1 11 34 90 2 1 4 ii 5 6 1 1 1 9 3 1 7 38 (34 291 6 2 2 21 12 39 28 38 i 6 31 6 27 72 (35 247 7 4 15 4 55 19 21 7 6 8 2 26 4 18 51 167 1 3 5 32 32 4 16 3 15 20 1 35 (36 166 3 1 1 10 25 27 i 1 2 12 12 2 16 15 G 32 1 1 37 129 i 10 2 20 8 6 1 19 3 1 13 39 (38 112 5 1 2 4 15 6 7 1 1 1 1 12 3 1 9 43 19 1 9 3 1 2 2 1 7 12 2 i 4 1 4 >39 244 3 1 3 ii 8 18 36 38 2 13 2 24 17 1 13 54 (40 245 4 3 4 ii 1 25 36 26 4 12 13 3 27 16 3 7 50 3 2 1 8 i 1 3 i' 1 1 >41 118 2 1 2 4 2 10 12 18 1 7 1 15 7 7 29 (42 96 2 2 26 5 11 2 2 4 6 6 2 3 6 19 378 VITAL STATISTICS. Tahi.e §7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR. NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. U nder 3 8 to 0 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 0 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- ! known. 1 Ward 14—Continued. 1,792 3*7 US 102 93 980 96 104 491 121 301 943 201 r- 48 518 60 268 52 849 136 61 47 289 402 51 44 223 CD 1,791 337 117 102 93 619 979 <16 104 491 ]*>! 1,257 336 116 93 89 640 957 7f 71 133 19 C AI 171 171 53 14 14 10 91 127 130 373 8 10 21 5 c Both parents native 4 p One or both parents for- <, 51.. eign. ) 1' - • Foreign born ( " 17 42 13 11 10 17 9 473 37 34 258 28 28 42 ' 409 ICO 41 31 2(0 310 30 30 2 270 2 3 11 8 19 188 44 s 258 1 1 11 14 168 58 1 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States ) F^ England and Wales j f " Ireland | p" Germany 99?. 63 44 20 23 ] 19 10 118 101 173 168 g 12 11 22 10 214 19 21 324 3-’6 17 17 12 6 19 9 2 7 2 1 1 11 3 1 1 5 9 1 10 l 53 25 54 48 g 10 7 9 79 58 107 117 17 23 141 26 12 10 12 11 100 16 21 145 44 243 *18 18 17 150 6 16 60 11 13 210 20 13 12 93 136 14 11 38 11 Russia and Poland 35 20 3 9 1 14 21 3 1 O It 6 258 1 9 13 4 1 1 i 15 1,563 94 78 ‘ 71 501 754 74 103 504 128 16 17 18 Males ... 823 153 105 47 41 37 278 412 44 40 63 277 50 740 47 37 34 223 342 30 9»>7 78 White 1,561 258 94 78 71 501 754 103 503 128 19 1.097 245 191 332 312 258 92 76 71 497 744 66 82 174 31 | C AT Botli parents native ) F One or both parents for- CM., eigu. \ F .. 74 44 78 17 23 19 13 19 23 14 10 124 90 21 11 10 28 ' 23 8 16 20 137 29 99 23 149 225 19 20 67 1 61 18 124 190 20 40 51 2 Foreign born ) F 232 1 1 0 9 179 37 22 230 2 1 3 4 5 12 149 60 23 9 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 • • England and Wales J y ’ Ireland f |F" Germany [ F Italy {f- 287 82 21 23 18 144 208 25 12 34 8 j 24 220 50 20 18 17 111 103 13 26 17 30 9 9 1 5 6 17 7 25 35 9 i 1 1 5 8 2 '■ i 15 9 247 259 30 4 6 45 72 9 17 132 17 26 10 10 5 30 62 12 28 127 30 27 149 7 6 9 G1 6 6 64 12 127 12 C 6 4 28 45 8 14 44 16 28 65 18 6 4 2 30 43 2 3‘ 16 1 42 17 9 4 3 26 36 1 2 9 1 29 621 108 41 38 2J 214 319 4»> 32 197 31 30 323 59 18 19 19 166 24 17 103 13 31 3° 298 49 23 19 8 99 153 18 15 94 18 621 108 41 38 97 214 319 42 32 . 197 31 33 34 447 108 40 38 27 213 315 61 69 41 0G C AT Both parents native ] F ' 73 88 29 24 5 10 5 0 10 4 49 44 3 1 11 l 35 One or both parents for- C M. . eign. \ F .. 161 121 29 24 13 12 14 13 9 4 05 53 102 80 20 11 11 10 28 19 1 36 Foreign born F^ 86 1 1 4 68 12 ! 87 1 | 1 3 5 63 16 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j f " England and Wales ) F Ireland j pi " Germany .. . p ' ’ Ttaly \lh 9.3 100 29 7 0 G 12 4 57 49 73 '.9 0 8 2 8 12 1 1 39 10 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 6 1 I 1 2 4 40 41 138 116 12 12 10 2 7 C 1 n 2 31 22 13 « 37 23 5 6 9 9 65 53 22 9 12 1 6 3 2 14 20 4 5 19 5 42 13 1 } I 8 12 1 11 4 1 6 8 1 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 379 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN” AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty. phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Orouji. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,792 39 11 20 62 44 261 172 188 9 12 20 66 11 16 210 87 11 114 439 1 943 18 8 8 26 27 135 99 120 2 6 - 34 G 104 42 3 69 231 9 849 21 3 12 30 17 126 73 68 6 15 32 il 10 106 45 8 45 208 3 1,791 39 11 20 62 44 261 172 188 9 12 20 66 11 16 210 87 11 114 438 4 1,257 36 9 11 57 42 228 78 111 8 11 5 27 3 3 151 22 1 114 340 5 171 5 1 - 3 °7 10 17 3 3 20 18 52 \ 6 171 61 4 6 9 22 10 14 2 3 4 26 3 1 13 48 473 11 4 2 19 23 88 32 52 9 3 8 7 50 117 409 14 1 4 24 87 23 26 4 5 9 9 3 1 48 31 113 \ 7 270 2 1 - 1 18 51 50 5 20 4 27 30 3 53 \* 258 i 1 4 C 1 14 42 27 1 1 10 19 8 9 31 42 i 1 9 223 7 1 9 40 10 23 3 4 28 6 22 65 S10 214 8 4 10 9 31 8 1G 2 3 4 1 33 3 1 14 67 19 i 4 9 9 1 1 1 3 1 1 9 21 3 5 1 1 1 3 2 5 324 6 4 3 6 8 23 53 40 3 13 3 39 21 3 12 87 320 8 2 3 10 3 28 44 29 1 9 10 17 4 6 43 31 5 9 71 s12 243 3 1 2 0 8 44 20 35 1 3 1 9 25 12 23 50 Jl3 210 3 4 13 4 42 13 3 4 2 3 2 23 7 i 13 51 35 4 3 5 1 1 5 4 5 » 20 2 2 1 6 i) 1 1 4 1 1,563 30 14 19 46 28 178 210 160 8 14 19 80 19 21 176 06 13 98 364 15 823 14 G 10 26 14 87 110 89 4 6 5 48 11 96 29 3 60 205 16 740 16 8 9 20 14 91 100 71 4 8 14 32 19 10 80 37 10 38 159 17 1,561 30 14 19 45 28 178 210 159 8 14 19 80 19 21 176 66 13 98 364 18 1,097 30 5 12 45 28 163 118 93 8 13 6 24 7 G 129 29 3 08 280 19 245 G 1 3 10 4 40 16 99 1 1 1 6 36 3 ] 29 05 1 ;.2o 191 5 2 i 6 3 31 14 13 2 1 3 2 2 26 2 15 49 222 g 4 10 43 43 33 3 3 1 4 36 8 31 84 212 11 9 14 11 49 39 25 2 1 3 9 4 31 10 23 74 21 232 r 3 4 48 33 1 3 36 24 17 2 49 $22 5 230 4 4 11 44 33 10 20 12 8 23 20 34 2 1 1 23 287 G i 3 13 G 4G >1 27 1 2 1 0 43 3 1 33 74 226 7 2 1 7 3 41 20 15 2 7 1 3 2 2 32 2 15 57 30 4 4 1 i 5 1 9 7 35 1 9 1 3 4 1 2 5 2 4 2 i 7 247 4 9 5 g 3 11 48 27 1 1 21 7 27 16 13 53 ) lr 259 I 4 18 46 29 16 28 19 50 <26 149 1 9 4 17 27 14 1 1 2 12 1 5 2 4 34 ;.27 127 2 3 2 4 3 15 18 17 1 1 4 6 5 3 13 7 i 3 19 1 1 1 8 9 12 2 2 1 4 3 8 20 <28 42 1 o 7 1 i 2 0 14 621 8 5 13 22 16 78 66 67 3 3 9 27 3 1 62 31 2 41 164 29 323 2 4 4 4 7 38 28 49 3 1 4 13 1 38 13 24 90 30 *>98 G 1 5 9 18 9 40 38 18 9 5 14 3 24 1- 9 17 74 31 621 8 13 22 16 78 06 67 3 3 9 27 3 1 62 31 2 41 161 32 8 3 10 90 10 68 34 39 3 O 9 40 3 50 10 41 125 33 73 i 8 1 8 i 1 9 16 9 8 25 88 c> 2 5 2 IT1 1 i 4 1 6 1 30 l34 161 2 1 3 4 25 16 20 2 J 3 14 3 15 45 <35 121 3 1 5 13 r* 18 12 1 1 2 13 4 9 86 2 1 5 12 20 3 8 1 8 19 87 2 20 8 4 9 13 2 19 37 93 1 i 12 1 10 2 1 2 20 3 8 31 3 2 6 2 20 4 1 1 4 1 1 7 2 8 34 10 2 3 2 1 1 G 1 1 1 2 1 138 i 4 1 5 1G 14 24 i 2 7 1 10 8 37 <40 116 2 4 8 3 20 7 1 1 8 2 12 11 2 4 24 57 1 2 2 G 10 7 2 3 3 2 5 14 1,. 53 1 2 3 2 10 6 6 2 2 5 3 10 '■41 13 i 1 . 4 1 1 5 S42 ii 2 i 3 i 2 2 380 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 87 DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 4,144 721 272 193 170 1,356 2, 068 217 253 1,184 420 2 9 2,165 1,979 406 143 92 107 748 1.139 112 111 617 185 i 3 315 129 101 63 608 929 105 142 567 235 i 4 Whit* 4,135 721 271 193 1169 1,354 2, 065 217 253 1,179 419 2 5 a, 115 721 271 193 166 1.351 2, 043 203 220 491 156 2 6 Both parents native (M.. IF.. (M.. 800 710 201 171 80 57 50 42 55 24 386 294 554 460 55 38 24 37 113 98 53 i One or both parents foreign.. 817 199 62 42 51 354 564 68 130 4 7 IF.. 738 142 71 56 36 305 447 59 87 130 14 i Foreign born CM. < F 511 1 1 12 6 17 355 121 8 501 2 2 9 8 16 328 140 9 10 9 1 1 2 3 5 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM., t F .. JM- IF- CM.. 969 838 116 245 196 9 99 67 4 54 48 9 65 28 1 463 340 16 688 543 35 71 54 4 30 42 6 125 113 52 54 85 19 i i 11 •» England and Wales 112 12 2 2 4 20 27 5 7 48 25 12 Ireland 310 33 8 5 51 83 8 29 159 31 ] F .. 348 19 82 6 4 4 33 58 12 37 190 51 Germany <.. ( M 583 26 26 21 236 27 37 219 64 13 | F .. 528 i St 42 34 19 159 218 25 49 174 62 Italy C M 48 13 3 1 10 27 37 1 1 9 14 < F 49 14 5 3 27 41 2 1 5 15 881 158 68 .. 41 42 309 495 57 50 213 66 16 17 18 469 88 33 20 25 166 276 29 27 100 37 412 70 35 21 17 143 219 28 23 113 29 White 878 158 68 41 41 308 493 57 50 212 66 19 665 158 68 41 41 308 486 53 46 59 21 Both parents native CM.. 149 35 16 u 67 110 13 13 0 20 | F .. 145 37 18 u 71 112 10 3 9 11 One or both parents for eign. Foreign born CM.. 201 49 17 9 20 13 18 13 1 21 161 33 17 9 11 70 102 17 18 23 1 C M 109 5 3 2 72 27 22 102 3 9 1 2 80 17 23 1 1 9 1 Birthplaces of mothers: f M- ) K- C M.. 189 43 22 11 8 84 143 17 9 14 6 24 United States 173 99 44 3 21 1 12 7 1 84 5 132 15 12 9 5 13 4 11 1 25 England and Wales 1 F 20 3 2 9 3 1 5 2 26 Ireland CM.. 122 16 1 4 2 3 23 37 6 13 12 IF.. 103 8 4 i 16 99 4 10 59 8 27 Germany CM.. 74 9 6 3 4 22 37 3 4 17 13 \ F .. 73 9 8 2 2 21 31 4 5 26 7 28 Italy 5 M — IF- 31 9 2 i 9 21 25 1 5 24 i 4 9 12 19 1 4 29 1,389 221 88 63 49 421 633 73 95 423 164 i 30 31 32 724 132 52 23 32 239 362 40 33 222 GO i 665 89 36 40 17 182 271 33 62 201 98 1,387 221 87 63 1 49 420 632 73 95 423 163 i 33 34 1,070 325 266 291 87 63 48 419 624 68 80 218 79 i i Both parents native CM.. \ F .. 82 59 36 14 13 18 21 10 152 101 208 154 22 13 6 19 59 44 29 3G 35 One or both parents for 5 M — ( F — c M.. 240 49 15 10 10 84 146 16 20 55 3 221 29 22 21 7 79 112 17 33 50 9 36 148 1 1 5 2 6 101 34 Foreign born > F . 168 2 3 9 104 50 37 38 9 1 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. i F .. 385 314 96 43 17 13 21 25 11 177 116 252 181 28 22 8 21 66 48 30 42 i 39 England and Wales C M.. 48 3 1 1 1 5 12 3 25 8 43 2 2 i i 6 7 2 3 18 13 40 Ireland £ M.. > F .. i F- CM.. 77 4 1 8 15 1 6 44 11 123 1 6 15 3 18 22 Scotland 16 1 1 6 1 7 2 41 10 1 1 1 9 i 3 4 42 Germany 158 19 5 7 4 56 10 13 66 13 If.. 144 10 13 12 5 40 , 51 4 16 58 15 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 381 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Tv- Ma- phoid larial fever, fever.. Diph- theria. j Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. ; Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop-t ing cough, i Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease j and ; Iropsy.1 Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases' of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. : Old age. Still born. All other causes. Un- known. 4,144 79 38 63 143 Ill 450 458 419 34 37 ; 57 199 33 48 405 203 35 307 1,020 5 i 2,165 39 23 34 77 60 230 240 221 20 ' 19 19 102 19 228 105 8 180 534 i 2 1,979 40 15 29 66 45 220 218 198 14 ; 18 38 97 33 29 177 98 27 127 486 4 3 4,135 | 79 38 63 143 in 449 457 418 34 36 57 199 33 48 404 202 35 307 1,018 4 4 3,115 75 20 43 137 110 396 294 299 31 35 24 91 17 20 311 94 15 307 792 4 5 800 21 o 10 36 24 102 54 71 11 11 3 87 26 i 98 213 ( 710 21 2 6 38 18 78 52 57 7 8 16 23 3 2 80 23 10 76 189 1 r 817 16 n 11 37 42 103 89 91 8 8 3 19 6 81 19 1 79 192 1 ) 7 738 17 5 15 26 26 110 93 79 5 8 2 20 14 5 Ol 22 2 50 181 1 s 7 511 9 10 12 4 24 92 57 i 13 8 54 118 501 2 8 8 1 1 29 71 61 2 1 20 16 20 39 51 14 105 \8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 9 969 28 2 11 48 38 199 62 88 13 5 28 109 28 1 111 255 (10 838 26 3 11 45 23 92 61 67 9 9 17 29 3 2 94 27 11 84 223 2 116 2 2 3 1 7 16 12 2 3 8 13 12 1 6 23 ) . , 112 3 1 2 5 18 14 4 3 9 4 i 8 9 2 4 \U 310 4 8 9 0 23 60 43 4 21 29 24 2 10 348 4 2 5 5 4 24 63 46 2 23 9 13 22 34 7 8 71 1 J12 583 2 12 9 17 14 62 83 56 9 2 7 34 6 56 34 2 35 149 1 528 8 6 11 10 13 82 62 53 2 i 8 33 14 9 42 23 6 20 125 c3 48 1 4 4 4 4 2 i 8 1 7 12 49 5 6 1 9 3 1 1 9 12 S14 881 24 5 11 35 37 107 70 97 4 7 6 33 5 10 88 49 4 59 230 15 469 17 3 5 19 20 58 34 3 2 21 3 50 22 3 32 116 16 412 7 2 6 16 17 49 36 41 1 5 1 12 5 7 38 27 1 27 114 17 878 24 5 11 35 37 106 70< 97 4 6 6 33 5 10 88 49 4 59 229 18 665 23 2 7 32 37 96 33 67 4 6 3 19 2 2 64 22 2 59 185 19 149 - 9 r, 5 24 3 16 1 9 6 10 4 17 45 145 4 i 6 22 3 8 2 l 3 i 21 4 13 49 '•20 201 9 2 l 9 15 30 11 22 3 1 [ 6 1 25 6 1 13 46 > 161 3 3 10 10 19 16 21 1 2 3 i 1 8 8 14 41 (21 109 1 1 2 3 3 20 17 3 9 2 11 1 21 > 102 2 2 17 12 3 6 9 15 1 22 3 1 1 1 23 189 10 2 8 11 28 4 24 2 1 2 15 23 5 IS 173 4 1 8 26 10 3 l 3 i 4 60 <24 22- o 1 2 i 2 l 6 2 2 ) 20 o 1 i 3 1 i 2 2 >2o 122 i 1 ii 3 8 21 19 2 10 9 11 8 1 3 28 > 103 1 3 1 9 13 1 i 4 6 14 1 4 25 26 74 1 i 2 2 11 5 5 1 1 12 1 2 15 3 i 3 1 9 11 6 3 2 9 5 4 13 (27 31 i 3 4 9 1 1 4 ID > _ 24 3 2 rj 1 2 4 5 >28 1,389 26 17 26 44 24 136 168 148 10 18 23 5t 17 18 143 87 19 99 310 2 29 724 11 8 14 21 12 74 97 79 7 9 6 29 -7 48 4 66 30 665 15 9 12 23 12 62 71 69 3 9 17 25 17 11 66 39 15 33 155 2 31 1,387 26 17 26 44 24 136 168 148 10 18 23 54 17 18 142 86 19 99 310 2 32 1,070 25 10 20 41 24 120 116 108 9 17 12 34 9 8 120 48 3 99 241 2 33 325 6 9 8 39 30 33 6 l 11 40 17 41 74 266 0 2 2 16 6 27 16 22 1 4 7 11 1 32 9 6 25 69 1 >34 240 4 2 4 12 7 28 38 28 1 3 2 8 2 26 9 24 42 221 6 4 8 5 6 25 28 .24 2 4 4 8 2 20 10 i 7 54 1 >35 148 1 4 4 i ,7 25 17 1 3 10 3 9 20 4 39 168 3 2 i 9 27 23 1 8 10 8 13 18 8 30 V36 1 1 37 ) 385 2 6 12 9 49 34 36 6 13 2 50 17 45 87 314 12 3 6 20 7 31 18 24 3 4 8 13 1 40 12 27 77 1 S38 48 1 3 2 6 3 3 8 1 3 9 43 1 2 9 6 2 3 2 9 1 i 3 1 10 3) 77 1 2 3 1 1 14 11 5 1 4 8 1 1 17 123 2 2 4 2 4 23 20 1 1 2 6 6 8 a 4 i 25 n 40 16 1 1 9 4 1 1 i 1 4 10 1 l 2 1 4 1 <41 1 3 3 3 2 13 34 1 1 7 2 13 12 1 a 34 144 1 3 2 3 3 22 17 13 1 4 8 6 1 11 10 3 3 34 (42 382 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY. AND ACE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to « « to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to *25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 15—Continued. 1,874 342 116 89 79 626 940 87 108 548 190 1 2 972 186 58 49 50 343 501 43 295 82 3 902 156 40 29 283 439 44 57 253 108 1 4 'White 1,870 342 116 89 79 626 940 87 108 544 190 1 1,380 326 299 342 116 89 77 624 933 82 94 214 56 1 6 Both parents native 5?:: 84 75 28 25 26 13 29 9 167 122 236 194 2J 15 11 15 41 45 18 30 One or both parents for eigii I- 376 356 101 30 23 21 175 262 22 30 62 7 80 32 26 18 156 233 25 36 57 4 1 Foreign born (M.. 1 F ■■ 254 9 1 9 182 60 8 231 4 1 2 2 4 144 73 9 4 10 Birthplaces of mothers: 5£.. 395 106 85 3 34 30 16 1 32 10 202 293 230 8 26 20 2 13 45 18 32 10 52 23 1 11 1 F -. CM.. F .. (M.. 1 F .. { M.. 1 F.. pi.. IF .. .s51 46 49 111 122 351 311 11 21 29 2 140 6 16 3 3 England and M ales 8 1 9 11 25 10 12 Ireland 13 - 9 20 11 98 31 1 10 61 8 Cf 9 1 21 9 66 21 13 Germany 16 13 143 14 20 136 38 45 3 21 20 12 98 136 17 28 90 40 14 Italy 1 3 1 8 1 9 1 1 12 19 ] 1 15 7, 899 1,561 577 491 384 3,013 4.446 390 377 2, 073 612 1 10 Males 4,190 3, 709 7,781 860 298 238 196 1. 592 1,421 2, 988 2, 309 197 184 1.196 303 1 17 701 279 253 188 2, 137 193 193 877 309 13 oo3 569 484 382 4,402 385 364 2, 027 602 1 19 5, 442 797 1. 548 567 479 379 2, 973 4, 347 625 341 261 460 33 Both parents native CM.. { F .. CM.. ) F 257 52 48 430 32 12 48 10 20 681 2, 063 1,904 1, 305 1,028 118 204 80 384 1,131 1,010 i 9 577 34 47 15 21 One or both parents foreign.. 220 179 145 1,618 1. 497 1.19 109 193 4 486 192 191 141 131 124 151 1 22 Foreign born ( r .. 4 1 1 3 1 2 30 22 51 921 281 1 9 6 25 22 51 644 286 23 8 8 _ 2 44 13 46 10 Birthplaces of mothers: pi-- IF.. 1,067 1,045 39 344 115 72 616 902 51 22 15 24 I nited States 277 127 98 68 ■ 570 11 864 61 1 26 ] 74 20 25 6 1 4 15 14 8 8 26 Ireland CM.. ( F 150 17 - 2 24 17 886 769 43 8 14 71 14 146 14 1 2 27 12 72 28 27 Germany 5 m. - IF.. C M 2, 744 2. 274 461 171 141 113 1,265 1,140 21 130 135 969 245 143 139 110 111 140 654 299 28 Bussia and Poland 26 8 2 3 13 1 1 3 1 i < F . 26 3 9 4 4 13 20 9 9 29 695 119 43 33 17 212 317 44 44 213 7. 30 356 63 19 21 8 111 164 20 17 116 39 31 339 56 24 12 9 101 153 24 27 97 38 32 White 658 117 41 31 17 206 305 40 39 201 73 33 474 117 41 31 17 206 303 37 33 87 14 4 34 Both parents native pi.. c F - - CM.. 125 41 8 9 65 93 3 18 120 3 50 83 - 3 99 35 One or both parents for eign. Foreign born 109 20 10 11 1 42 62 11 9 26 1 \ F .. 114 29 8 6 0 49 65 14 1 18 16 1 30 pr.. IF.. 101 1 4 30 83 1 2 49 29 37 38 97 9 0 9 6 12 4 12 X Birthplaces of mothers: United States i¥:: {M.. IF .. pr.. 1 F .. pr.. IF.. CM.. IF.. 166 48 11 13 8 80 118 11 6 26 15(5 28 16 9 6 53 99 10 10 29 8 39 England and Wales 18 1 2 4 8 17 4 1 40 Ireland 49 3 1 4 9 4 1 27 s 40 6 6 8 4 5 19 10 41 Scotland 6 1 5 1 1 I 9 1 1 1 42 Germany 100 9 6 22 1 29 4 8 46 13 91 17 8 2 2 29 35 6 7 32 n NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 383 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoia fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. M'hoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Fn- known. 1.874 29 16 26 64 50 207 220 174 20 12 28 112 11 20 174 67 12 149 480 3 i 972 11 12 15 37 34 98 109 86 10 8 8 52 9 101 35 1 82 263 1 2 902 18 4 ii 27 16 109 111 88 10 4 20 60 11 11 73 32 11 67 217 2 > 3 1,870 29 16 26 64 50 207 219 173 20 12 28 112 11 20 174 67 12 149 479 2 4 1, 380 27 8 16 64 49 189 145 124 18 12 9 38 6 10 127 24 6 149 366 2 5 326 8 3 21 14 39 21 99 6 4 8 3 37 - > _ 299 8 3 16 29 33 27 6 9 i‘ 2 27 10 4 38 71 6 376 3 7 6 16 20 40 41 4 4 1 3 30 4 42 104 1 356 8 1 4 11 10 66 49 34 2 2 13 9 29 4 i 29 86 \7 254 5 6 14 47 23 7 36 3 30 25 58 ) 231 9 3 4 1 13 27 26 9 12 37' 5 7 17 18 5 52 s 8 4 i 1 ! i 9 395 u 3 28 18 24 28 8 3 44 6 1 48 116 > 351 10 4 18 8 35 36 33 6 2 8 13 i 2 31 11 4 42 86 i S10 !G 9 9 1 1 3 8 4 1 1 4 9 1 11 49 9 I 2 8 5 1 7 1 4 1 4 8 s11 111 I 4 2 8 25 13 2 6 <» 14 8 6 20 122 2 i 11 27 11 4 16 2 3 8 9 2 3 21 8 4 10 38 44 34 2 1 24 3 31 17 22 100 i 311 5 2 6 6 51 34 34 2 4 22 6 6 26 3 13 11 1 3 1 1 . 1 9 21 2 4 1 1 9 I 4 6 r4 7, 899 117 48 61 280 184 1,074 841 840 52 79 132 311 53 106 794 249 68 643 1. 957 10 15 4.190 52 27 ■28 132 102 573 515 424 27 34 42 149 67 . 411 153 26 359 1, 065 4 16 3,709 65 21 33 148 82 50.1 326 416 25 45 9J 162 53 39 383 96 42 284 892 6 17 7,781 117 48 61 279 183 1. 065 812 827 52 76 132 303 52 106 780 245 65 641 1,927 10 18 5,442 111 30 261 178 974 374 553 48 75 18 90 16 27 566 72 6 641 1,387 4 19 727 17 1 37 19 120 28 61 4 10 9 4 14 2 116 200 681 19 3 38 23 103 21 63 6 13 4 10 2 i 92 9 187 (20 2,063 33 8 10 87 80 397 181 196 19 22 5 29 9 196 26 i 240 523 1 ini 1,901 42 3 16 99 56 350 135 230 19 30 5 39 14 12 190 21 i 194 445 3 r 1,305 9 19 17 8 3 52 283 156 4 1 35 103 53 123 110 21 312 3 (99 1,028 4 18 14 10 9 39 153 118 78 109 36 26 91 63 38 226 3 118 1 1 9 29 13 3 8 1 14 4 3 9 30 93 1.067 27 2 2 54 31 190 51 101 7 16 1 19 4 119 17 3 142 280 i 1,045 27 i 4 56 35 164 41 117 9 19 4 19 4 2 134 11 3 104 291 s24 39 1 3 6 3 1 1 3 1 6 9 1 3 8 42 1 2 2 3 8 1 7 3 3 3 4 <25 150 2 3 2 16 17 1 3 6 3 ii i 11 38 146 4 3 1 8 22 16 5 17 2 20 11 23 2 £26 2. 744 22 22 25 71 65 346 399 285 ‘17 16 35 in 55 255 120 18 187 692 3 L 2, 274 36 19 23 80 41 302 237 248 13 23 76 114 40 34 207 62 29 160 527 3 > 26 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 4 9 6 1 26 1 1 1 3 6 1 5 9 2 4 (•28 693 16 4 6 19 19 68 3 4 13 38 5 5 75 30 8 61 168 2 29 356 6 1 9 11 8 42 40 1 1 6 14 3 39 13 9 35 30 339 10 3 4 8 11 32 30 28 3 7 24 5 2 36 17 6 26 83 2 31 658 16 4 6 18 18 70 70 62 3 4 13 36 4 5 71 29 ‘ 60 160 2 32 474 15 2 3 17 18 58 40 39 3 4 4 19 2 3 46 14 3 60 122 2 33 125 ,, 7 4 13 8 10 1 1 14 26 32 120 3 8 13 2 2 7 11 4 2 14 35 . <34 109 9 i 3 4 18 17 10 1 4 1 11 ] 8 28 114 ! 4 2 2 4 2 12 8 12 2 i 7 2 1 10 3 i 12 27 2 (35 101 1 1 1 8 19 17 4 8 1 12 6 1 22 83 1 1 4 11 6 9 9 1 13 9 3 16 <36 37 1 i 4 6 2 i 4 1 1 1 8 37 166 - 21 13 14 1 1 9 20 6 29 42 156 7 1 5 9 16 11 12 i 2 2 9 i 14 9 14 (-38 18 2 9 1 I 1 6 1 I 3 17 1 i 4 2 9 l ] (39 49 1 1 6 9 8 ...... 3 3 2 1 14 46 3 1 1 3 1 4 i 4 9 9 10 2 (40 6 i 9 1 3 i 2 9 <41 100 1 1 2 2 12 21 3 6 9 6 3 4 22’ 91 1 1 2 i 11 10 7 i 4 2 i 3 i 23 (42 VITAL STATISTICS. 384 Table 87.—DEATHS IX BROOKLYN AND IX EACH WARD AXD SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AXD AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS. Months. Years. 1 All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 16—Continued. Sanitary district B 2,214 424 175 137 114 850 1,246 108 106 574 179 i 2 a Males 1,151 1,063 2,178 236 188 90 85 173 62 75 60 54 448 402 649 597 54 54 56 50 310 264 81 98 i 4 White 420 137 112 842 1,234 108 101 558 176 i r 1, 513 417 172 136 112 837 1,215 175 92 122 9 0 # CM Both parents native ) F *" 199 77 18 14 15 124 3 13 3 156 44 19 17 14 94 132 1 12 4 One or both parents for- ( M.. 573 152 71 48 43 314 454 39 30 49 1 1 142 64 57 40 303 451 11 s 40 38 44 Foreign born j p " 350 2 1 3 9 17 238 311 ] 1 2 8 9 196 91 3 9 36 4 2 12 255 218 2 16 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States [ 301 101 32 25 26 22 180 149 9 ! . 8 8 24 6 266 68 38 15 1 5 23 5 11 England and Wales J F 6 9 1 2 3 9 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 12 Ireland { F 32 3 1 12 2 15 3 41 4 1 5 6 i 3 21 10 ia 14 Germany '* C M Russia and Poland 1 p 123 56 35 46 37 251 360 347 4 42 34 42 251 64 690 106 1 35 232 1 38 197 2 74 1 8 3 1 172 1 5 1 15 2,750 598 193 141 1,104 1,634 128 116 673 199 10 1,490 1,260 2, 749 334 264 102 91 193 82 90 172 73 68 141 591 513 1.104 849 785 1,634 66 62 128 58 58 116 411 262 106 93 17 18 White: 598 672 199 19 1,914 220 597 193 170 13 24 66 138 14 11 58 55 ] 1,098 137 135 447 369 3 3 1,612 201 205 632 556 9 13 115 12 11 48 43 76 2 3 109 2 20 Both parents native { F^ 83 27 5 '223 3 1 21 One or both parents for- < M.. eign. { F .. Foreign born jf " Colored 775 248 38 30 56 i 673 183 66 44 22 482 1 1 1 15 24 348 105 352 2 215 92 23 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { 1^ 319 116 39 23 35 2 24 19 202 190 5 292 295 6 4 6 322 99 37 18 4 4 1 25 10 2 i 4 9 3 i 4 5 4 26 Ireland 29 3 3 2 5 9 4 2 3 lo 23 1 i 46 41 2 48 50 13 3 27 1 y " 1, 091 850 207 149 60 50 53 49 48 * 45 368 293 2 521 448 2 373 229 103 82 28 C M Russia and Poland ) P 2 2 6 1 1 9 4 2 29 2, 240 420 166 149 112 847 1,249 110 111 613 157 ' 30 1, 193 1,047 227 193 87 79 73 76 55 57 442 405 647 602 53 58 359 254 31 Females 53 80 32 White 2, 196 418 162 144 112 836 1,229 109 108 596 154 33 Native born 1.541 417 161 142 112 832 1,217 156 157 470 425 97 77 142 8 Both parents native p " 183 20 16 12 17 104 105 12 182 58 21 9 u 41 34 1 10 3 1 35 One or both parents for- C M.. 606 167 64 54 43 328 289 32 62 eign. ) F .. 544 132 54 63 ' 40 38 47 30 Foreign born J 372 1 2 3 1 11 9 15 16 3 270 71 74 3 282 j 1 5 1 184 17 Colored 44 2 4 20 237 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 ' 281 79 33 24 18 154 15 4 21 4 301 j 82 36 28 26 1,2 252 18 7 18 1 6 39 England and Wales '[ F 5 | l 3 i 7 1 1 2 i 8 4 40 40 8 1 1 10 i 13 2 14 3 l F 36 1 1 2 9 355 1 2 19 299 41 794 122 48 47 28 | 245 38 37 643 105 40 42 28 j 215 310 30 | 45 196 62 42 17 (i 1 9 10 15 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 3 8 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 385 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUJJE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. 1 Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- in g cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,214 39 15 13 83 62 333 242 211 13 22 38 87 25 26 197 63 13 180 549 3 1 1,151 18 10 8 35 37 174 140 102 7 9 11 41 15 106 36 3 104 293 2 2 i.06:i 21 5 5 48 25 159 102 109 6 13 27 46 25 11 91 27 10 76 256 1 3 2,178 39 15 13 83 62 332 231 206 13 20 38 83 25 26 194 61 12 180 542 3 4 1, 513 38 3 9 75 58 303 115 139 12 19 6 21 7 8 131 12 180 376 1 5 199 5 ii 4 32 6 17 1 3 5 o 22 1 39 51 156 2 10 28 5 14 1 3 1 1 17 4 19 46 573 13 3 4 21 31 128 49 4 5 1 41 3 64 146 1 1 7 573 18 5 33 18 115 47 59 9 11 6 5 49 3 57 129 l 7 350 4 3 2 14 70 33 1 i 11 29 12 41 30 3 88 1 f8 311 1 2 45 34 20 33 18 6 22 19 9 76 1 36 1 11 5 2 4 3 2 1 7 9 301 9 1 15 5 56 16 9~ 1 5 9 2 30 3 48 70 1 jl° 266 2 1 14 10 48 11 32 2 4 1 2 2 i 27 4 1 80 6 1 1 9 2 \» 9 1 2 1 1 2 2 32 1 2 1 6 1 1 5 1 9 12 :« 41 3 5 5 1 7 1 7 2 9 759 8 8 7 17 30 114 108 66 5 4 11 27 13 64 31 2 49 194 1 690 19 5 3 28 13 100 77 64 4 9 22 35 20 10 55 17 7 47 155 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (14 8 1 1 1 1 9 2 2, 750 37 17 23 91 52 352 . ' 286 313 18 32 46 110 14 40 267 70 25 248 707 2 15 1,490 18 9 13 37 32 192 177 162 11 16 14 58 28 138 51 12 383 16 1, 260 19 8 10 54 20 160 109 151 7 16 32 52 14 12 129 19 13 109 324 2 17 2,749 37 17 23 91 52 352 286 313 18 32 46 110 14 40 267 70 25 248 706 2 18 1 914 35 3 9 88 324 114 208 16 32 Q 22 6 206 23 248 19 220 7 i 10 5 37 23 i 4 i 1 25 3 61 223 6 17 4 33 4 22 1 4 1 i 1 32 64 P 10 3 3 27 27 138 60 81 8 12 4 11 9 73 14 198 ) 673 12 5 34 16 115 42 82 6 12 1 3 9 6 73 179 21 482 1 6 9 16 108 58 2 10 46 25 39 34 12 116 > 352 1 8 5 3 12 63 47 30 42 10 9 22 13 13 72 2 P 1 1 23 319 9 1 1 16 11 62 10 31 2 8 1 2 1 32 3 85 ) 322 9 24 7 47 8 36 2 6 1 3 1 1 41 42 94 P 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 2 1 1 1 P 29 1 4 8 3 1 2 1 1 5 23 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 p 1,091 7 8 12 20 20 120 152 124 8 8 12 50 23 102 45 11 88 281 > 850 9 8 9 27 13 106 92 101 4 10 23 41 10 11 84 15 11 59 210 9 <27 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 <28 2,240 25 12 19 87 51 315 236 248 18 21 35 76 9 35 255 86 22 154 533 3 29 1.193 10 7 5 49 25 165 151 120 8 8 11 36 21 128 53 9 81 304 2 30 1,047 15 5 14 38 26 150 85 128 10 13 24 40 9 14 127 33 13 73 229 I 31 2,196 25 12 19 87 51 311 225 246 18 20 35 74 9 35 248 85 21 153 519 3 32 1,541 23 3 9 81 50 289 105 167 17 20 2 28 3 10 183 23 3 153 371 1 33 183 1 9 6 38 11 1 2 3 1 24 5 2 56 182 6 3 8 6 29 5 20 4 4 3 32 1 19 42 P 606 8 2 2 36 18 113 50 56 6 0 9 5 71 8 i 64 151 > 544 8 1 4 28 20 108 38 77 6 8 11 3 4 9 52 110 i' <35 372 1 5 3 4 1 14 86 48 1 10 20 31 40 5 86 2 ) 282 1 4 2 8 34 31 23 25 6 10 34 22 13 62 <36 44 4 11 2 1 2 7 i 1 14 37 ) 281 4 1 16 10 51 12 26 3 2 6 1 37 5 3 9.1 83 301 9 3. 13 9 53 11 37 4 5 52 2 ! 24 72 <38 5 1 1 1 1 1 ), . 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 <39 40 6 8 i 1 2 3 1 1 3 5 7 36 1 1 3 8 5 1 2 6 4 9 p 794 6 6 5 32 13 100 118 80 4 4 9 28 17 83 41 5 46 195 2 643 6 5 10 23 14 85 58 76 4 4 22 31 8 12 61 27 10 47 139 1 S41 17 2 3 2 1 9 2 5 10 T 1 5 2 1 ‘42 VITAL STATISTICS. 386 Table ST.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 5,904 1,019 334 295 266 1.914 3,082 373 312 1,662 473 2 3,019 ' 2,885 571 448 1,017 172 162 334 145 150 295 142 124 1,030 884 1,912 1,637 1,445 3,080 184 189 373 148 164 312 851 811 1, 659 197 276 473 3 4 5, 899 266 5 4,387 1,017 332 291 263 1,903 3,038 342 224 614 168 G Both parents native CM.. 890 237 63 62 51 413 614 52 24 139 61 \ F .. 869 181 52 53 47 333 546 64 41 130 88 7 One or both parents foreign... CM.. IF.. 1,348 2,219 323 261 108 109 82 94 88 75 601 539 988 871 115 110 79 77 158 152 7 9 1 8 Foreign born CM.. 737 1 1 2 20 17 41 530 128 177 1 < F .. 770 1 3 1 5 20 14 45 514 9 9 9 2 3 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. ) F .. 1,105 2.055 298 224 86 76 75 61 65 57 524 418 790 684 71 87 30 45 149 148 65 91 11 England and Wales CM-- 174 29 6 2 5 42 67 11 7 63 26 ) F .. 140 20 3 6 3 32 51 5 6 56 22 12 Ireland Si?:: 895 932 119 95 33 40 28 26 30 27 210 188 360 329 54 41 67 63 365 392 47 107 2 13 Scotland CM.. 54 3 1 5 2 11 20 6 2 20 6 \ F .. 72 7 4 2 2 15 21 4 8 29 10 14 German y C M.. 600 82 37 30 30 179 299 38 30 190 43 IF.. 523 68 30 40 29 167 271 45 34 137 36 15 1,405 222 65 71 56 414 711 94 86 396 117 16 702 116 106 31 34 32 39 31 25 210 204 358 353 53 41 45 41 200 196 396 45 72 117 1 17 703 18 1.405 999 65 71 56 414 711 94 86 19 20 1,025 201 999 64 71 9 54 411 83 694 86 56 9 149 33 39 12 Both parents native CM.. 50 10 14 135 12 \ F .. 193 33 12 12 9 66 121 14 5 31 22 21 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. \ F .. 310 304 65 71 20 22 23 27 16 15 124 135 215 219 35 25 20 22 36 37 3 1 1 22 CM.. 182 1 1 6 6 16 124 30 (F.. 194 9 2 13 122 48 23 24 Birthplaces of mothers: JM.. 243 60 12 13 15 100 168 17 10 35 13 ) F .. 240 46 17 13 10 86 161 16 5 35 23 25 England and Wales CM.. 39 6 1 1 1 9 14 5 1 13 6 IF.. 33 4 2 2 8 10 17 6 26 Ireland Sf:: 209 199 19 16 6 4 7 5 9 8 41 33 70 60 18 9 24 19 85 11 26 1 Scotland CM.. 15 1 1 3 1 6 7 3 3 2 If.. 14 4 1 5 2 3 2 28 Germany CM.. 147 20 9 4 40 78 9 9 43 8 IF.. 162 25 10 13 5 53 86 13 13 39 11 29 845 149 42 36 35 262 418 53 42 236. 96 30 437 81 29 18 18 21 149 113 237 181 418 25 22 20 42 Ill 125 235 42 54 96 31 408 68 13 14 28 32 844 149 42 36 35 262 53 33 682 149 42 34 35 260 414 109 52 35 6 129 35 52 20 34 Both parents native CM.. 179 40 14 8 69 9 i F -■ 162 31 5 6 8 5C 84 12 9 27 30 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 170 37 15 9 13 74 120 16 11 99 1 eign. I F.. 156 35 8 11 6 60 94 15 7 39 1 36 Foreign born CM.. 1 1 3 3 4 48 58 21 23 t F .. 87 1 1 1 1 37 38 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 218 49 15 10 11 85 137 16 38 20 ( F .. 196 40 7 10 64 105 16 10 35 30 39 England and Wales CM 25 3 i 1 5 8 1 1 5 10 j F .. 20 1 3 4 1 28 3 40 Ireland JM.. F.. 84 15 4 3 3 25 39 6 4 109 12 1 9 1 ,0 35 5 6 49 14 41 Scotland CM.. 7 1 1 4 1 2 12 1 9 l 4 4 1 42 Germany CM.. 72 10 7 4 3 24 36 1 4 26 IF.. 47 5 i 4 2 12 17 4 3 19 4 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 387 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. i All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rhea] dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. H cart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born . All other causes. Un- known. 5,904 132 30 72 311 147 719 595 536 30 72 107 254 51 75 586 252 44 416 1,470 5 1 3.019 65 16 34 158 74 368 280 288 18 29 43 134 42 329 119 15 232 772 3 2 2. 885 67 14 38 153 73 351 315 248 12 43 64 120 51 33 257 133 29 184 698 2 3 5,899 132 30 72 311 147 719 594 535 30 72 106 254 51 75 585 252 44 416 1,469 5 4 4,387 120 19 45 297 145 653 320 336 30 71 32 117 27 26 450 118 12 416 1,150 3 5 890 22 3 5 59 22 103 47 75 5 15 6 35 4 108 24 4 109 243 1 8(59 33 4 10 5o 28 117 61 56 4 14 14 33 12 5 84 25 7 83 223 1 r 1,348 34 6 16 93 50 225 101 111 13 14 3 26 9 139 35 115 358 1.219 31 3 13 90 45 206 103 93 8 28 8 18 15 111 27 98 314 1 7 737 9 6 13 6 2 38 129 101 32 69 28 74 56 11 161 2 J8 770 9 5 14 8 28 144 98 1 42 68 24 21 61 78 21 155 5 1 1 1 1 1 9 1,105 30 j 4 9 74 29 146 52 87 7 17 8 40 132 27 4 124 307 1 ?ln 1,055 37 6 11 71 34 147 72 72 5 18 18 35 12 6 102 26 96 279 1 <10 174 5 2 2 18 21 17 i 1 3 12 9 21 6 9 12 44 140 1 2 2 3 15 14 15 1 6 15 6 o 11 9 i 6 24 £ll 895 16 7 12 35 17 85 123 112 5 5 13 38 18 82 49 4 42 231 1 932 13 9 38 12 78 147 96 2 13 17 48 21 19 77 65 13 33 228 1 54 1 1 2 1 7 7 3 2 3 5 2 2 11 72 2 4 5 9 6 2 3 4 5 17 $13 600 9 4 9 33 20 92 60 48 3 4 13 28 n 71 24 5 34 131 1 hi 523 12 2 14 29 20 85 50 42 5 7 17 18 4 i 42 23 6 35 111 r 1,405 42 5 15 69 43 175 144 148 7 12 21 54 10 19 143 67 17 102 311 1 15 702 19 3 7 40 20 88 71 85 4 5 9 26 10 80 31 4 48 151 1 16 703 23 8 29 23 87 73 63 3 7 12 28 10 9 63 36 13 54 160 17 1, 405 42 5 15 69 43 175 144 148 7 12 21 54 10 19 143 67' 17 102 311 1 18 1,025 37 2 12 65 43 154 71 93 7 12 8 27 3 6 107 33 5 102 237 1 19 201 2 18 7 28 11 19 i 3 2 5 22 5 23 47 1 193 9 i 31 9 8 29 9 14 i 2 4 8 1 1 17 6 4 22 45 310 9 i 4 20 13 48 24 38 3 2 5 2 39 11 24 67 304 12 2 18 49 24 2 5 2 2 3 28 9 30 77 182 3 2 i 2 12 36 28 7 12 8 18 14 4 35 194 1 1 9 2 9 36 27 6 15 7 5 18 20 8 37 23 ? .. 243 10 2 21 10 34 12 21 2 4 2 6 1 28 6 27 56 1 240 12 i 4 15 10 36 10 38 1 2 6 8 i 2 20 6 4 23 61 r 39 1 1 i 1 1 1 3 2 9 4 7 33 4 6 1 1 2 3 1 9 10 209 3 2 2 3 20 30 41 1 3 3 20 16 2 2 46 199 4 5 2 16 34 24 1 4 1 12 5 4 18 3 18 4 5 42 3 15 1 4 2 1 i 14 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 £27 147 5 1 2 8 3 9* 16 12 ] 1 6 5 21 ii 29 162 5 1 3 8 9 23 14 14 1 4 4 i 1 14 2 17 36 >28 845 17 2. 7 53 16 83 93 78 5 20 19 42 9 6 110 28 6 59 191 1 29 437 9 1 3 26 9 52 41 41 4 10 8 24 4 54 16 34 101 30 408 8 1 4 27 7 31 52 37 1 10 11 18 9 2 56 12 6 25 90 1 31 844 17 2 7 53 16 83 93 78 - 0 20 IS 42 9 6 110 28 6 59 191 1 32 682 15 2 5 53 16 79 59 63 5 20 8 23 5 2 85 17 2 59 163 1 33 179 i 6 i 12 3 15 8 18 1 2 10 26 7 18 45 162 3 2 11 5 14 16 11 3 4 8 3 22 3 2 11 44 1 r > 170 2 2 14 6 33 14 17 3 3 3 1 13 3 12 44 156 4 i 16 2 16 19 16 1 2 2 2 21 4 13 29 1 >35 75 1 i 3 17 5 ii 9 12 6 12 87 1 i i 17 10 5 8 4 9 13 5 4 16 >36 l ! 1 37 218 6 i 18 3 24 9 22 2 7 3 ii i 28 8 21 54 196 4 9 15 6 18 18 14 3 5 9 3 28 3 2 13 53 >38 25 2 2 9 1 2 4 2 1 9 20 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 i 2 i 1 >39 84 3 l 4 1 8 18 2 1 2 9 i 6 21 109 1 2 20 13 1 2 2 4 3 i 18 3 3 5 21 1 >40 7 2 i 1 2 1 12 1 i i 1 1 1 1 3 r1 2 o 3 16 6 2 3 4 i 10 3 3 10 J42 47 2 3 5 8 3 4 2 i 1 4 3 1 3 7 388 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 8 to 6 6 to 9 ft to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 17—Continued. 1,768 325 118 94 98 635 1,016 88 90 476 97 1 2 904 185 63 46 55 349 544 45 41 241 32 1 3 864 140 48 43 286 472 43 49 235 65 Whit,o l, 766 324 118 94 98 634 1,015 88 90 475 97 1 5 1. 274 324 118 93 98 633 1,002 77 59 121 CM.. IF.. {¥:: 186 167 481 430 229 26° 59 21 22 9 13 115 152 2 20 5 C Both parents native 46 13 11 79 129 r- 9 14 8 7 One or both parents for- 123 93 42 24 38 49 231 381 31 24 45 42 32 205 337 8 31 24 37 1 14 173 26 1 8 Foreign born 1 1 5 4 16 181 56 9 0 1 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 250* 81 31 25 13 19 156 209 10 21 10 105 13 165 22 15 10 3 16 12 8 l England and Wales ) F .. {*:: If" 40 9 2 2 11 34 6 1 2 9 19 9 10 3 12 Ireland 377 394 14 16 62 44 13 20 12 14 16 13 103 91 176 157 18 21 23 144 152 17 47 1 Scotland )F" 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 13 1 2 3 10 1 Germany 165 155 20 14 16 55 95 14 6 43 14 20 9 11 55 94 11 10 36 4 15 1,026 272 90 82 67 511 802 116 79 478 151 16 17 18 838 160 39 43 32 274 427 49 33 256 788 112 51 . 39 237 67 46 222 78 1,624 271 90 82 67 510 801 116 79 477 151 1 19 1, 226 300 271 89 81 67 508 1 795 107 66 199 59 Both parents native CM.. IF.. CM.. ) F 76 14 23 17 130 200 22 48 23 '20 319 63 21 23 18 125 190 30 17 56 26 21 One or both parents for- eign. 313 81 25 20 14 140 220 23 20 3 277 48 29 15 17 109 180 32 21 38 6 CM.. IF.. 212 186 2 4 5 8 154 124 1 47 45 22 Foreign born 1 i 2 4 23 Colored 2 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: {¥■• 362 95 22 27 19 163 251 25 8 52 60 26 24 United States 371 70 29 25 22 146 225 39 19 28 England and Wales CM.. ) F 62 8 2 1 11 18 3 2 30 9 25 44 8 2 10 15 4 2 13 10 Ireland C M 168 16 7 5 2 30 53 13 84 11 26 ) F 182 17 13 3 3 36 61 8 10 86 17 Scotland CM.. IF- CM.. 17 1 1 2 5 2 1 2 27 26 1 1 2 4 3 3 11 5 Germany 183 28 6 11 5 50 74 11 68 23 28 1 F 134 14 8 8 37 61 12 39 , - 29 185 36 13 9 6 64 95 20 13 46 11 30 31 32 97 22 7 4 3 36 51 11 6 25 4 88 14 6 5 3 28 44 9 7 21 Whit a - . 185 36 13 9 6 64 95 20 13 46 11 33 131 36 13 9 5 63 94 18 8 8 3 Both parents native C M 18 9 3 12 13- 2 9 1 34 t F 92 6 3 9 17 1 1 1 2 35 One or both parents for- C M.. 55 13 4 4 3 24 38 9 4 4 36 8 6 2 2 18 26 6 3 1 C M.. 24 2 19 3 36 Foreign born 5f.. 30 1 1 1 2 3 19 5 Birthplaces of mothers: c M.. 24 10 4 1 18 3 0 1 38 United States F .. 26 ] 3 11 21 1 1 i 2 8 3 1 4 5 3 39 1 1 Ireland c m . 36 5 o 1 8 14 4 2 13 3 40 1 F . 33 3 1 1 5 8 3 4 15 3 Scotland CM.. 41 ) F 1 1 1 ] 42 Germany 27 3 1 2 2 8 13 3 4 7 22 4 2 i 2 9 1 11 5 1 3 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 389 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- Ma- phoidj larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the dis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,768 31 ll 30 86 36 262 165 144 9 17 23 69 17 25 141 77 9 113 * 503 1 90-t 17 7 18 43 18 136 70 - 7 9 37 13 83 34 3 58 269 2 864 14 4 12 43 18 126 90 74 2 10 14 32 17 12 58 43 6 55 234 3 1,766 31 11 30 86 36 262 164 144 9 17 23 69 17 25 140 77 9 113 503 4 1,274 • 27 7 19 82 35 236 74 81 9 16 3 28 9 5 102 27 1 113 19 23 4oo 186 2 1 10 37 9 1 8 19 16 4 1 68 49 167 6 2 1 3 22 11 9 1 4 7 3 3 481 13 3 9 32 17 85 2? 28 30 6 9 42 9 38 151 \ 7 l * 430 8 8 33 15 92 33 1 9 4 6 3 11 25 22 9 20 32 126 45 229 4 2 8 1 1 14 40 31 8 20 21 2 262 2 3 3 12 50 32 1 12 8 9 16 1 24 30 6 57 > 8 2 - 1 9 w 250 1 2 14 1 52 9 11 1 9 4 1 23 93 214 6 2 1 11 3 31 14 12 1 5 7 3 18 3 29 3 68 40 3 1 9 5 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 6 £11 34 l 2 2 5 9 4 4 2 3 21 2 5 377 7 3 9 15 7 39 43 34 3 3 5 15 10 36 20* 107 Jl2 394 4 1 6 17 6 44 38 4 6 17 1 1 10 10 21 2 27 6 13 1 109 14 2 1 1 1 5 (l3 16 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 165 3 2 2 10 9 34 14 11 2 1 2 7 16 5 2 7 37 }l* 155 3 1 4 11 6 34 12 11 i 6 3 11 9 8 35 1,626 38 9 19 92 43 169 164 143 9 22 39 83 14 23 171 64 10 120 391 3 15 838 18 4 6 44 22 80 80 81 3 7. 14 43 14 100 31 6 81 202 9 16 788 20 5 13 48 21 89 84 62 6 15 25 40 14 9 71 33 4 39 189 I 17 1,624 38 9 19* 92 43 169 164 142 9 22 39 83 14 23 171 64 10 120 390 3 18 1,226 37 7 9 86 43 156 103 90 9 22 12 38 10 12 136 36 3 120 296 1 19 300 8 2 19 12 21 21 29 3 4 5 1 6 11 10 9 g 4 40 7 9 45 22 34 17 71 ho 319 15 9 4 26 99 11 10 45 49 24 28 21 2 4 26 35 12 10 i 79 74 313 9 1 21 3 3 3 w 277 5 3 2 19 10 40 28 19 4 10 2 5 1 31 5 68 212 1 1 3 3 9 30 31 10 23 22 21 13 4 54 2 ('22 186 1 3 4 31 21 17 4 4 14 15 3 40 2 1 1 23 362 371 62 12 15 1 1 2 1 21 28 9 15 14 1 31 54 22 29 8 32 27 7 3 3 5 8 2 7 1 4 13 11 7 5 5 4 50 33 7 8 13 1 2 1 49 24 4 89 88 18 1 U (25 44 i 2 51 3 2 5 5 2 1 4 1 2 168 2 i 8 3 15 27 22 1 3 ii 13 1 4 14 8 1 10 37 1 182 3 i 1 8 2 11 28 14 3 7 3 3 17 13 8 47 17 1 i 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 i 2 26 1 9 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 9 8 183 1 i 3 9 3 18 17 17 1 6 10 10 6 4 19 9 3 12 5 49 1 fig 134 1 6 5 5 19 14 12 3 9 5 1 11 3 3 29 185 3 3 1 9 6 24 13 21 3 1 1 19 11 1 13 50 29 97 2 1 3 8 6 9 4 11 4 1 8 33 30 88 1 o 1 4 3 16 12 1 2 1 1 8 5 17 31 185 3 3 1 9 6 24 13 21 3 6 1 1 19 11 1 13 50 32 131 3 1 9 6 22 9 9 1 1 18 3 1 13 3 35 33 18 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 8 1 9 1 1 2 1 3 4 V’4 1 r 3 5 9 1 14 fi5 36 1 2 9 y 4 3 6 9 9 24 1 1 4 1 0 1 2 11 4 30 1 1 2 3 8 1 9 1 1 6 37 24 1 ,3 8 1 1 i 1 . 2 1 1 3 10 26 1 9 l 1 2 1 3 7 8 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 o I f 36 1 1 l i 9 1 0 2 3 2 3 13 33 : 1 l 3 6 7 1 2 1 3 2 6 !41 1 1 1 27 i 4 2 2 4 2 1 i 4 1 1 5 i<2 22 ! 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 4 390 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOB, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 0 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 17—Continued. 75 15 6 3 4 28 ; 40 2 30 1 2 MnlPfl 41 7 3 2 12 20 1 1 18 1 3 34 8 3 1 4 16 20 1 12 1 4 White 75 15 6 3 4 28 40 2 2 30 1 49 6 3 4 28 39 2 8 Both parents native fM.. F .. M.. F- M.. F -. 6 3 1 4 1 6 6 9 1 1 4 5 1 One or both parents for- eign. 19 16 4 9 9 # 14 1 4 7 6 2 l 3 12 15 1 1 8 15 1 12 Foreign born n 1 10 9 10 Birthplaces of mothers: rM.. F .. M.. F .. M.. F - - M.. F .. M.. F .. 8 3 2 , 7 1 United States 8 4 1 1 6 7 1 11 England and Wales 3 3 12 Ireland 21 2 3 1 3 8 1 11 1 15 1 l 2 7 8 1 1 5 13 Scotland 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 :::::: 14 Germany 6 1 l 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 15 8,168 1.612 561 540 404 3,117 4. 697 484 363 2,000 621 3 16 4, 376 902 31(5 317 216 1,745 2, 535 247 183 1,112 297 2 17 3, 792 710 251 223 188 1, 372 2,162 237 180 888 324 1 18 White 8,155 1,609 560 540 404 3,113 4,692 484 362 1,995 619 3 19 6, 155 1,608 557 537 398 3,100 4,652 441 263 630 167 2 20 Both parents native M.. F .. M.. F .. 1,132 1,031 2,087 1,826 319 111 111 55 596 859 721 1,639 1,399 67 26 123 131 177 172 57 253 97 79 58 480 30 72 14 16 21 One or both parents foreign. 576 447 197 152 203 149 156 127 1,132 875 153 139 103 99 1 1 22 Foreign born 5 • 1,102 897 1 1 4 6 19 OO 49 791 574 5 221 231 2 1 2 2 21 21 50 23 13 3 1 4 1 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. F .. M.. F .. M.. 1,473 1,331 136 411 151 140 85 1,148 966 95 33 135 140 40 39 197 62 United States 324 118 103 80 625 103 10 41 81 25 25 46 56 25 England and Wales 20 10 4 2 36 56 131 20 4 4 2 30 51 11 21 5 26 Ireland 64 18 15 12 109 33 493 13 13 13 90 148 25 38 226 27 Scotland m7- m'.’. F-- 34 8 2 2 12 16 10 2 29 2 1 1 4 9 12 5 28 Germany : 2,068 1,645 360 282 122 107 144 95 110 84 736 568 1,065 896 109 91 99 • 88 654 434 140 135 1 1 : 29 1,752 307 107 106 81 601 988 110 82 446 126 30 31 32 939 172 61 59 45 337 534 59 51 41 243 203 62 813 135 46 47 36 264 41 64 1,751 307 107 106 81 601 988 no 82 446 125 33 ‘ 1,293 267 306 107 106 81 600 985 103 23 17 33 30 3 126 23 Both parents native M.. 64 28 21 15 128 204 3 28 9 34 35 F . 198 50 16 11 10 87 153 4 17 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born M.. 423 107 33 38 30 208 326 27 35 2 393 82 30 36 26 174 297 1 22 41 3 36 M 242 11 15 50 52 1 10 8 F.. 216 1 1 143 37 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M-- 335 78 34 25 19 156 259 198 9 31 20 4 31 38 251 20 16 15 l 106 6 19 39 - _ M.. 22 2 1 4 2 4 F .. 20 2 1 2 5 9 2 6 3 40 Ireland M.. 142 15 4 3 27 42 8 9 8 174 16 2 5 28 9 15 85 20 41 Germany M.. 371 62 21 24 20 127 188 19 19 107 32 F .. 330 52 20 22 15 109 179 19 85 28 3 42 Italy M.. 22 6 1 2 9 14 1 4 F .. 13 5 1 1 11 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 391 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 75 1 2 3 6 16 9 1 2 1 2 5 i 9 24 1 41 2 4 7 2 i 1 1 3 i 3 16 2 1 2 1 9 9 1 i 1 2 6 8 3 75 1 2 3 6 16 2 1 2 1 2 i 9 24 4 49 1 2 2 6 4 1 1 2 2 9 19 (i 1 1 4 } , (5 1 1 2 s 0 19 3 2 1 1 1 2 8 ) n 16 1 2 1 2 1 4 5 £ 4 15 i 5 2 1 1 1 4 > n 11 1... 1 2 i ( 8 9 8 2 1 5 \10 8 1 1 4 2 11 :j 1 1 s 21 1 2 1 4 2 1 ] 1 i 1 7 j12 15 . ... . 1 i 2 4 2 2 3 1 1 <13 3 1 2 s 6 ...... ' i 2 1 1 i S14 :i 1 .• 1 1 8,168 131 48 83 345 228 1, 141 846 740 54 110 113 335 67 95 854 264 55 631 2,018 10 15 4, 376 59 33 46 157 130 626 489 368 25 50 41 176 54 478 147 20 348 1,124 5 16 3, 792 72 15 37 188 98 515 357 372 29 60 72 159 67 41 376 117 35 283 894 5 17 8,155 131 48 83 345 228 1, 140 842 739 54 110 113 334 67 95 853 264 55 630 2, 014 10 18 6,155 123 28 44 332 225 1,069 428 515 52 109 25 128 32 30 667 101 13 630 1,599 5 19 1,132 27 7 11 51 41 172 63 97 8 29 2 22 5 146 22 4 124 300 1 f m 1,031 34 1 8 62 29 147 59 107 9 22 16 28 8 5 121 19 6 110 240 s20 2, 087 27 13 13 101 418 16 21 33 10 230 30 222 560 o 1,826 35 7 ii 116 69 324 138 160 19 37 6 43 24 10 164 26 2 170 464 i J21 1,102 5 13 22 4 30 1 38 118 39 99 243 1 897 3 7 17 9 41 157 105 i i 49 88 35 26 87 68 27 172 4 r 13 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 23 1,473 30 9 14 75 49 246 76 118 12 32 9 29 5 185 29 4 155 402 1 1,331 41 2 11 89 46 200 68 127 12 30 20 36 12 7 158 24 6 126 316 s“4 136 3 3 6 9 13 15 13 2 10 1 16 12 1 5 34 > 131 i 7 2 10 9 10 2 2 4 10 2 2 11 6 1 7 44 l >25 452 6 8 8 12 40 75 46 1 1 7 26 10 39 24 4 33 107 1 ] 493 5 3 9 17 2 44 77 58 1 3 10 35 13 9 39 34 9 25 98 2 <26 34 1 1 4 4 1 2 4 3 1 2 11 29 1 2 4 4 1 3 2 1 3 3 5 (-27 2, 068 19 13 21 57 71 303 290 176 11 17 25 97 38 217 69 7 140 494 3 1,645 26 9 14 64 45 232 183 161 12 25 32 68 36 19 147 47 15 115 393 2 <28 1,752 26 11 20 78 47 205 192 156 20 31 23 57 15 14 182 65 10 127 471 2 29 939 5 14 38 22 108 118 84 72 8 14 10 27 9 105 34 3 69 260 813 15 6 6 40 25 97 74 12 17 13 30 15 5 77 31 7 58 211 2 31 1,751 26 11 20 78 47 205 192 156 20 31 23 56 15 14 182 65 10 127 471 2 32 1, 293 26 6 8 77 47 189 92 108 19 31 3 19 6 3 135 22 2 127 372 1 33 267 7 4 18 9 37 11 22 3 8 3 1 33 i 23 82 > 198 8 17 10 25 8 19 3 9 2 2 1 16 4 23 51 (34 423 3 3 20 13 66 5 6 4 1 44 7 45 129 393 7 3 1 22 15 59 30 34 8 8 10 6 41 4 i 33 no 1 (35 242 2 4 64 29 10 19 7 27 22 2 49 216 3 5 1 12 36 19 1 10 18 9 4 20 21 6 50 1 (36 1 1 37 335 1 5 21 H 46 14 31 3 8 5 1 42 6 1 30 102 (38 251 1 19 15 31 9 25 4 ii 2 3 1 1 25 5 24 67 22 i 1 4 i 1 4 3 7 (39 20 2 1 1 1 i 1 2 1 2 8 142 1 3 4 3 1 10 34^ 17 4 5 2 11 10 1 10 26 (40 174 3 3 3 4 2 20 22 20 i i 6 9 4 12 13 2 9 39 1 371 1 5 12 10 48 54 30 4 6 6 13 6 43 11 1 24 97 \u 830 4 2 2 15 6 39 39 25 5 5 4 15 8 2 38 9 4 17 90 1 22 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 11 (42 13 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 392 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Te. 11*8. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to (> « to 9 9 to 1 *2 | Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 16 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward j8—Continued. 311 r„ 26 20 17 120 182 17 9 85 17 1 2 168 1411 34 23 14 12 8 68 52 120 103 79 4 46 39 6 11 17 1 12 8 9 9 17 5 311 57 26 20 17 182 9 85 223 04 l 26 6 6 19 17 119 17 14 181 25 17 15 1 2 5 19 2 1 6 C ■ Both parents native 31 21 3 3 1 1 i 2 1 One or both parents for- CM.. 90 26 8 9 7 50 77 2 eign. Foreign born | F .. 76 19 6 4 8 37 59 6 2 9 CM.. 43 1 1 37 29 4 8 |f.. 44 1 1 1 3 10 Colored Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. IF.. 44 12 6 3 3 25 17 2 38 25 3 1 2 10 29 7 3 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 England and Wales <, M.. F- C M.. 4 i 11 2 1 2 1 1 1 Ireland 9 2 2 1 12 |f.. 7 1 2 1 Scotland CM.. 13 |f .. 2 1 1 ] 1 Germany CM.. 105 18 14 125 6 9 5 38 29 59 6 7 2 34 32 4 14 |f .. 95 5 4 6 44 4 8 15 574 43 29 29 226 333 40 26 151 24 16 17 18 313 261 - 571 69 56 124 25 18 43 18 11 2D 13 125 101 225 175 158 332 19 21 40 8 18 25 95 56 150 16 8 24 16 29 19 418 65 124 22 43 9 29 29 225 40 328 58 39 17 1 33 2 1 Both parents native CM.. 4 20 | F .. 54 18 46 37 3 3 6 30 84 41 5 1 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. 148 16 13 9 115 14 17 3 16 8 75 | F .. 148 15 8 10 70 110 13 CM.. 96 1 3 16 22 |f .. 57 3 5 42 23 3 1 30 1 i 76 1 i 3 Birthplaces of mothers: (M.. 87 10 5 5 50 7 1 24 England and Wales— If.. CM.. 85 7 25 5 1 5 8 43 1 67 2 10 2 5 1 | 25 | F . 4 1 2 1 1 6 Ireland |m.. 14 2 2 4 2 2 26 1 F .. 17 i 1 1 1 4 6 2 8 i Scotland t M.. 27 { F .. 4 i 37 27 396 1 1 9 1 Germany CM.. 195 14 11 8 70 91 12 8 86 4 74 14 28 | F .. 144 11 5 7 80 14 37 367 29 1,807 122 133 122 773 1 1,181 76 97 30 31 32 959 210 186 395 02 60 122 79 69 420 353 618 563 1,180 42 44 86 43 33 76 210 157 365 46 51 97 848 53 White 1,804 133 122 772 33 1,396 185 395 63 121 16 133 117 766 106 1,169 160 55 3 89 11 11 33 11 5 Both parents native CM.. 16 11 6 34 1 F . 158 41 145 17 16 81 307 136 445 3 5 One or both parents for C M.. 532 40 62 54 27 27 35 | F .. 142 42 47 266 417 35 8 20 12 32 164 1 Foreign born < M.. 233 4 4 8 41 36 | F .. 175 1 1 2 3 6 9 112 45 37 3 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: fM.. 248 83 21 25 18 23 147 218 12 5 38 18 13 6 210 4 14 2 2 England and Wales . C M - 8 3 1 ] 4 2 39 1 F 9 2 a 6 1 Ireland C M . 20 1 1 3 4 9 4 40 If.: 30 2 1 2 5 7 2 19 2 Scotland CM.. 4 2 2 2 41 | F .. 3 I 1 Germany CM 642 120 37 50 47 254 202 374 30 28 30 24 173 113 35 41 42 |f.. 527 105 37 34 26 321 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 393 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All j causes. Scar- let. fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of’the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 311 3 4 1 12 7 55 25 33 1 4 3 8 1 4 32 14 5 29 69 1 1 168 1 2 1 8 3 33 14 18 1 5 3 19 8 15 36 1 2 143 9 2 4 4 99 H 15 4 2 3 1 1 13 6 14 33 3 311 3 4 1 12 55 25 33 1 4 3 8 . 1 4 32 14 5 29 69 1 4 223 o 1 11 - 53 21 3 5 22 3 1 29 1 5 31 1 9 5 2 4 3 5 21 1 1 6 1 1 4 6 \ 90 1 8 3 23 8 1 10 i 12 18 1 > V 70 2 9 3 15 7 3 2 8 2 10 17 S 43 1 1 i 2 3 5 7 10 44 2 l 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 5 4 4 8 9 44 i 12 6 2 6 4 11 29 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 i 1 2 in 2 1 ..... 1 9 i 2 2 2 i *12 7 1 2 i 1 2 2 1 1 105 i 1 8 3 19 H 9 2 1 12 6 11 20 1 S14 i 2 9 3 8 10 12 3 1 1 1 11 5 4 9 20 574 3 3 30 15 83 64 62 7 9 4 16 7 8 52 17 42 147 15 313 3 3 1 12 8 49 28 3 8 5 27 15 21 90 16 201 2 2 18 34 34 6 4 8 3 25 2 21 57 571 5 3 3 30 15 83 63 62 9 4 16 7 8 51 17 42 146 18 4 2 9 29 15 80 30 39 9 1 4 3 3 38 6 42 104 19 2 i 2 4 10 8 3 7 9 8 13 l 4 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 8 8 1 i 9 4 36 p. 1 2 12 3 13 46 > 148 1 l 14 6 17 5 1 9 3 10 13 35 P 96 i l 1 2 13 3 8 10 28 > 57 1 1 10 3 5 4 9 5 1 14 £22 1 1 23 i 13 8 3 8 3 12 21 >.. io-1 13 10 2 1 2 1 11 1 9 16 p 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 1 £25 1 2 3 1 i 2 3 17 l 1 5 2 1 1 I 2 3 £26 1 2 1 2 l 32 18 8 4 17 6 ♦ 9 59 J ... 6 5 19 18 18 3 3 i ii i 12 36 £28 1,807 28 4 20 75 69 306 187 157 12 28 15 03 13 18 192 46 9 142 419 4 29 959 11 3 6 34 40 168 118 79 6 12 5 34 10 112 20 3 72 224 2 30 848 17 1 14 41 29 138 69 78 6 10 10 29 13 8 80 26 6 70 195 2 31 1,804 28 4 20 75 69 306 185 157 12 28 15 63 13 18 192 46 9 141 419 4 32 1,396 26 4 9 73 67 286 86 110 11 28 1 17 7 8 156 16 1 141 348 1 33 1 1 12 28 8 17 7 2 2 21 1 22 50 158 6 5 3 27 17 1 3 1 1 21 3 1 20 39 532 8 2 2 21 27 128 38 38 5 5 5 2 70 4 49 127 1 38 11 6 6 3 44 8 49 124 r 3 1 2 11 69 24 1 5 26 6 21 3 44 1 36 \ 8 1 9 30 23 9 • 20 6 4 15 15 5 27 2 9 i 37 42 11 18 3 7 2 2 27 1 30 72 f 38 > 247 7 2 14 9 46 8 23 i 7 1 4 1 2 27 4 1 28 62 8 2 2 1 2 1 (39 1 2 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 2> 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 9 4 2 1 4 9 4 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 s 16 27 113 95 59 3 5 3 24 8 79 16 3 37 138 2 527 10 1 7 24 19 81 51 49 4 8 6 20 10 5 471 17 3 40 124 1 394 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND | 1 Mouths. Tears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 0 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 18—Continued. Sanitary district E 1, 462 285 123 109 68 585 831 89 66 357 119 ! 2 785 677 1. 461 162 68 32 330 449 42 32 205 57 3 123 41 36 382 47 34 152 62 4 285 123 109 68 585 830 89 357 119 1,086 186 187 374 285 121 109 68 583 819 79 52 109 27 1 „ , .. (M 21 29 111 142 12 10 6 Both parents native < p 48 26 21 8 103 141 14 5 16 11 One or both parents for- ( M.. 106 46 38 27 217 297 25 17 33 9 7 326 214 161 1 '74 28 20 28 150 1 234 26 22 41 3 ,, (ji.. 1 6 3 44 8 foreign born < p 1 1 5 94 48 1 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: 257 239 73 31 38 11 153 202 16 11 18 10 United States p 63 30 27 12 132 185 18 8 16 12 C AT ■ 28 30 59 78 4 4 8 13 2 1 6 6 11 England and Wales 1 p 3 1 1 7 2 2 10 9 , , ill . 6 1 3 4 14 22 3 25 9 12 Ireland < p 9 1 i 1 12 22 4 9 31 12 ,, CM.. 1 1 l 2 3 2 13 * ranee < p 3 396 1 1 1 1 14 pi-. 70 29 24 17 140 189 22 14 145 26 305 44 20 13 20 97 157 22 13 87 26 15 621 117 28 30 25 200 314 40 24 158 85 16 17 18 321 65 17 16 16 114 176 21 11 74 39 300 52 11 14 9 86 138 19 13 84 46 619 116 28 30 25 199 313 40 24 157 85 19 486 116 28 29 25 198 311 39 17 44 Both parents native j p " 124 29 32 8 9 8 54 82 8 1 20 13 20 126 5 51 66 10 3 27 20 21 One or both parents for-CM., eign. \ F .. Foreign horn \ '' 127 35 9 p. 8 59 93 11 6 13 4 100 18 4 6 4 32 67 9 11 6 63 1 4 37 45 1 21 20 22 70 1 1 2 3 23 2 1 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 149 39 10 10 10 69 102 11 1 20 28 15 24 24 l nited States j p 149 34 7 8 56 79 12 6 C M 14 2 1 3 5 2 3 25 England and Wales 1 p 22 3 1 4 2 1 C) 6 T , (M 32 2 4 1 11 4 4 26 Ireland < p 29 2 i 1 4 9 i i 14 4 3 1 1 3 27 Scotland ? P 4 i 2 i 12 28 C M Germany < p ‘ * 107 18 3 4 5 30 50 2 6 37 80 9 2 3 2 16 31 4 4 32 9 29 391 76 30 25 12 143 203 28 14 108 37 30 31 32 202 48 19 13 r- 87 119 17 5 52 56 108 9 28 37 189 28 11 12 5 56 84 203 u 9 14 White 391 76 30 25 12 143 28 1 33 34 313 76 30 25 12 143 200 26 6 14 o 53 12 19 5 1 Both parents native ) r 78 24 8 6 1 39 53 68 10 4 4 1 19 26 8 8 16 10 35 One or both parents for-< M.. eign. ( F .. 85 24 11 5 47 64 9 2 10 73 18 7 8 4 37 54 3 1 12 2 1 36 Foreign born j P ' ‘ 34 1 2 44 2 28 14 37 38 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 yf'' 96 27 12 9 4 52 68 2 14 81 12 6 7 1 26 35 8 8 18 12 39 ( \I England and Wales ) F 16 3 2 1 6 8 2 4 2 8 2 2 5 3 19 40 I reland j p 39 1 1 2 9 15 4 1 47 7 2 o 3 14 21 2 1 19 4 41 Scotland J p " 1 1 6 1 1 3 2 1 42 Germany | p " 38 9 3 9 14 21 3 o n 12 36 7 2 3 1 13 16 1 0 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 395 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR. SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 2 3 4 All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. j Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- luouia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth | Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the ilis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of t he urinary organ. Old age. Still horn. All other causes. Un- known. 1,462 27 10 12 56 35 203 167 133 5 13 27 75 10 17 150 49 12 112 349 785 677 1,461 16 11 27 9 1 10 10 2 12 23 33 56 19 16 35 111 92 202 90 77 167 67 66 133 i 4 5 6 7 13 14 13 27 41 34 75 11 6 17 86 64 150 29 20 49 6 6 12 61 51 112 185 164 349 10 10 1,086 26 6 4 54 34 188 89 97 5 13 3 24 7 3 117 20 1 112 283 5 186 - 1 1 7 32 12 19 1 9 1 2 30 4 17 47 187 4 13 30 13 19 1 3 1 5 2 21 2 18 50 £ 6 374 9 4 3 15 74 28 \ 30 4 8 1 38 8 44 93 326 6 1 18 51 35 29 3 4 1 9 5 2 28 5 33 85 £ 7 214 4 6 1 3 49 18 13 31 10 18 17 5 39 ( 8 161 1 2 2 11 29 18 ii 20 3 4 15 12 6 27 1 ] 9 257 ! 8 2 1 12 52 1(3 26 4 ! 5 39 6 21 59 > . 239 5 17 37 15 22 2 3 g 3 31 3 22 62 s10 28 2 1 4 4 6 2 1 1 7 p 30 1 2 2 3 5 1 4 1 1 10 59 2 1 2 4 8 6 4 2 10 3 1 3 13 78 4 5 16 9 1 5 2 3 6 3 6 18 1 p 7 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 (-13 396 6 6 7 7 12 46 58 27 2 11 29 8 33 18 2 34 90 (“ 305 6 1 2 10 8 47 40 30 2 3 10 15 5 4 23 7 2 21 69 621 16 6 ii 30 16 62 56 61 3 7 19 34 6 16 65 20 ' 42 143 1 15 321 6 3 6 14 10 36 35 24 4 3 16 8 37 10 3 27 78 l 16 300 10 3 5 16 6 26 21 37 3 3 lo 18 6 8 28 10 4 15 65 17 619 16 6 u 30 16 62 56 61 3 7 19 34 6 16 65 20 7 42 141 1 18 486 15 3 9 30 16 58 36 45 3 7 9 22 3 7 53 12 3 42 112 1 19 124 4 1 2 5 4 13 14 12 2 3 13 3 2 13 32 1 J-20 126 2 5 3 11 7 17 2 1 6 9 2 12 4 1 10 29 127 1 3 9 6 21 10 4 2 6 2 17 2 14 20 (•21 100 5 9 2 11 13 11 3 8 5 63 i 2 i 2 8 6 6 1 14 70 1 i 2 12 9 5 3 3 6 3 3 15 (-- 2 9 23 149 4 1 3 8 4 22 14 12 2 4 16 4 2 15 37 1 149 7 3 7 14 18 1 9 1 2 3 15 5 1 10 33 (24 14 2 1 1 5 1 2 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 9 P 1 32 1 i 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 14 3 Pi* 29 1 i 1 2 4 8 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 P 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 (27 107 1 i 1 4 12 12 11 2 2 7 6 12 5 1 10 20 4 80 2 2 i 3 2 8 10 9 i 2 5 5 2 2 4 i 1 3 17 391 10 i :: 18 7 55 41 29 2 5 7 18 3 4 47 17 4 34 86 29 202 4 3 10 28 16 13 2 3 9 1 33 9 1 21 42 30 189 6 i 8 9 27 25 16 3 4 9 3 3 14 8 3 13 44 31 391 10 i 3 18 7 55 41 29 2 5 7 18 3 4 47 17 4 34 86 32 313 8 i 1 15 7 54 24 21 2 5 2 13 i 1 43 7 3 34 71 33 78 1 1 4 3 10 3 4 1 1 3 1 17 2 1 10 16 (34 68 4 i 3 1 8 ii 6 2 1 4 1 6 2 3 85 1 2 17 5 2 1 3 14 1 11 18 (35 73 2 3 i 17 5 5 1 2 4 4 10 19 34 2 2 1 8 3 9 2 1 6 (36 44 2 1 9 5 3 3 2 3 3 4 1 8 37 96 1 1 4 4 4 2 1 3 1 22 2 1 11 19 >.,n 81 4 i 3 2 11 13 6 2 1 4 i 6 i 2 4 20 16 3 3 1 1 i 3 1 3 (39 8 1 1 1 3 39 1 2 3 6 4 1 1 3 5 2 9 9 47 1 2 8 5 4 i 3 9 3 1 3 3 11 ( 0 i i ) 6 i i 1 i 2 ..... S41 38 i 9 1 4 3 1 i 1 2 5 7 ) 36 I i 1 6 4 4 1 i 3 3 1 4 7 >42 396 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 t o 6 (i to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 18—Continued. 396 68 27 26 5 126 179 26 21 116 54 2 210 39 18 9 12 14 26 09 57 126 97 82 179 12 14 26 13 8 21 57 59 115 31 23 54 3 186 29 5 4 395 68 27 5 5 310 68 27 25 5 125 35 177 48 23 1 19 62 19 29 9 Both parents native CM.. 82 18 10 6 If.. 98 15 7 8 3 33 10 3 21 12 1 7 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign horn CM.. 82 21 8 4 33 48 10 12 5 2 3 16 25 2 2 3 25 {M- 4 i 1 3 1 |F.. 9 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 26 14 6 i 6 6 1 I - - 14 3 3 5 7 2 i 27 CM.. JF.. 3 2 28 5 *'F. 19 1 1 2 4 9 10 3 1 F .. 11 1 1 2 3 i l 39 5 i 48 29 Sanitarv district K 701 147 165 48 1 30 Males 395 306 83 64 22 24 15 102 63 24 24 l 31 1*..j 32 White 700 147 48 165 47 1 33 born 522 H7 24 46 l 34 Both parents native 83 28 4 12 5 49 64 6 3 7 3 1 F .. 95 29 10 6 5 50 67 7 2 14 5 35 One or both parents for- eign. {¥:: 199 139 55 35 18 16 24 14 15 9 112 74 153 116 18 9 11 15 7 1 l 36 CM . 110 1 2 9 79 40 19 19 1 F .. 68 1 1 2 (3 37 Colored 1 38 Birthplaces of mothers: m- 121 * 36 11 15 10 72 98 8 3 7 l F .. 111 31 10 8 7 56 81 8 2 15 39 V M.. 10 1 1 3 1 4 2 < F .. 11 2 1 i 4 1 1 30 2 40 85 18 4 4 3 29 35 5 7 8 IF.. 68 6 6 1 13 25 8 21 41 Ol.. 2 2 1 F .. i 1 s-> Germany CM.. IF.. 158 94 22 20 10 17 8 6 53 44 74 57 13 ii 6 51 22 8 i 9 1 l NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 397 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. | Scar- let fever.: Ty- jlioid ever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing- cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and Ircpsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. "Un- known. 396 2 6 3 20 9 39 38 a. 2 6 8 26 5 4 38 15 7 28 106 i 210 i 1 10 7 19 20 13 i 6 3 13 3 15 9 3 16 2 1S6 1 i 1 2 10 2 20 18 21 i 13 5 1 23 6 4 12 41 3 395 ; 6 ? 20 9 39 38 33 2 6 8 26 5 4 38 15 28 106 4 310 2 4 3 19 9 37 27 24 2 6 4 13 2 2 30 10 2 28 86 5 82 i 3 1 2 2 10 7 5 i 3 4 6 4 10 23 > 98 ] i 8 9 12 7 12 3 2 13 3 i 10 20 s 0 82 1 8 8 6 4 3 1 G 2 6 30 t, 43 1 1 6 9 i 4 1 1 1 9 H £7 43 1 i 6 2 2 3 3 3 12 42 1 1 i 6 3 9 9 8 £8 l i 9 97 1 3 1 6 3 12 6 i 3 4 6 5 11 28 > 107 i 8 2 13 13 4 4 2 16 3 1 10 23 r 23 1 2 9 2 1 3 2 1 9 7 16 2 3 i 9 1 1 6 r1 38 2 1 1 4 3 2 i 4 i 3 1 1 2 12 > 29 1 1 6 2 3 o 4 i 9 i (i v- 5 1 1 1 i i 1 l (!3 37 1 2 1 7 2 o 2 2 2 2 1 1 1° 23 i 1 5 2 3 3 1 1 2 i 2 14 153 4 i 3 3 19 13 8 5 i 12 3 2 19 6 37 15 84 1 i 1 2 10 10 3 3 7 i - 3 11 24 16 69 3 2 i 9 3 5 2 i 5 3 i 12 3 6 13 17 152 4 i 3 19 13 8 5 i 12 3 2 19 6 17 36 18 108 4 3 3 18 5 5 5 i 4 2 2 12 1 17 *>6 10 31 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 3 1 o ) 26 3 1 4 2 2 1 i 1 5 9 •20 27 1 1 4 2 1 2 i 2 6 03 1 1 9 i 0 - <21 24 1 i 7 1 4 2 2 6 20 1 2 4 i 5 3 (22 1 1 39 1 1 6 1 2 3 2 3 1 6 32 3 1 2 2 2 i I 6 9 5 24 4 1 1 i 1 9 1 1 1 i 2 ] 1 1 £25 14 4 1 i 4 14 2 2 2 i 1 3 3 26 3 1 2 (27 19 i 2 3 2 i 3 1 1 ry 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 (28 701 10 2 10 23 20 114 63 67 2 2 6 26 4 8 77 15 l 58 191 2 29 • 395 2 4 7 14 64 34 39 i 2 16 3 37 10 1 35 1 306 6 16 6 29 28 i 2 4 10 4 5 40 23 700 10 2 10 23 20 114 62 67 2 2 6 26 4 8 77 15 l 58 191 2 32 522 9 i 8 21 20 106 28 2 2 1 1 1 61 4 58 146 i 33 83 1 1 1 4 18 9 4 1 2 1 12 13 23 95 3 5 6 2 16 3 1 18 2 12 18 34 199 3 i 2 10 41 18 17 2 22 139 2 9 4 31 8 16 2 1 9 i' 14 n £35 110 i i 1 1 16 17 2 13 2 8 8 1 68 1 1 3 18 3 6 3 5 8 3 u i K6 1 1 37 I 121 i 2 1 0 26 4 1 2 i 16 1 15 ) 111 4 9 3 18 3 7 1 i i 2 20 9 13 22 £38 10 1 2 1 i 2 1 11 1 1 3 1 i >39 85 2 1 12 7 13 4 K -i l 11 68 4 6 14 7 i 6 i 2 1 J 9 1 13 1 >40 2 i i 1 1 41 158 2 i 2 4 8 26 19 17 9 2 1] 3 8 40 94 1 1 1 2 18 9 11 2 2 3 3 8 8 24 £-12 398 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND ■ AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 4, 533 806 285 195 168 1,454 2,104 237 270 1,407 514 1 2 401 469 337 157 128 102 90 818 636 1,159 945 115 129 769 228 1 2.132 93 78 122 141 638 286 White 4,427 792 274 192 166 1,424 2,059 230 264 1, 364 509 1 3, 272 757 792 215 144 242 183 272 63 50 87 190 32 166 1.420 337 2,043 467 215 208 210 Both parents native OF. 27 34 20 154 82 G [f .. 644 28 25 247 367 40 27 122 88 One or both parents foreign.. i M - - 5F - OF. 938 61 455 652 71 71 136 8 7 870 72 62 52 369 542 69 81 157 21 Foreign born 615 2 9 4 8 27 439 134 8 IF- 534 8 8 29 324 165 106 14 260 186 .... 11 3 2 30 6 43 5 Birthplaces of mothers: United States OF. 77 69 37 419 589 47 32 192 85 10 ) F .. 830 31 32 318 478 61 40 153 98 England and Walas OF. 111 s 2 3 1 14 21 3 5 57 25 11 IF.. 81 336 6 39 1 7 15 2 4 35 25 Ireland ( M.. 14 6 8 67 107 10 22 163 34 12 \ F .. 349 31 4 5 7 9 52 81 18 31 170 49 Scotland OF. 27 4 6 2 1 11 7 13 i F- 23 854 727 1 3 10 10 Germany c M.. 137 100 58 45 44 50 42 33 281 228 391 47 55 299 62 14 IF.. 328 37 53 230 79 15 1,162 190 64 40 32 326 471 67 63 418 143 16 17 18 624 538 1,160 113 37 27 64 19 21 17 186 140 258 213 32 31 238 15 35 32 180 78 White 190 40 32 326 471 67 62 417 143 19 834 200 166 230 220 179 190 51 30 58 47 64 16 12 21 15 40 32 326 466 64 47 189 68 Both parents native OF. 5 4 76 108 10 2 49 31 20 | F .. 8 4 54 80 15 6 39 26 21 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. 14 13 106 146 19 17 46 2 \ F .. 13 11 86 128 20 20 47 5 22 S M.. 3 9 136 31 \ F .. 145 5 6 90 44 23 9 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: < M.. 236 193 40 25 191 191 62 36 18 14 1 6 93 130 13 3 58 32 24 1 nited States ) F .. 9 5 64 96 19 8 41 29 England and Wales 5 1 3 1 10 14 3 16 7 25 | F .. 1 2 9 2 8 6 Ireland C M 20 99 10 5 5 6 41 61 6 11 96 17 26 ) F .. 6 8 41 59 . 10 17 85 20 Scotland )F„ OF. \ F.. 13 3 3 4 2 6 1 27 2 1 4 Germany 1,12 91 16 7 4 4 31 38 u u 45 7 28 15 3 36 4 2 24 35 5 3 35 13 29 893 100 17 19 172 273 41 62 320 197 30 31 32 446 54 23 8 14 99 73 153 19 29 163 82 447 888 46 13 9 5 120 22 33 157 115 100 36 16 18 170 271 41 61 318 197 33 680 239 216 97 112 101 100 34 33 20 13 16 18 170 271 40 51 203 115 Both parents native ( M 9 65 99 14 12 73 41 34 < F 12 2 78 14 ii 62 35 One or both parents for- eign. C M 8 1 4 33 52 5 12 24 4 < F 1 2 3 19 40 14 36 15 36 ?M.. >F.. 3 61 37 Foreign born 107 1 54 45 37 5 l 1 9 i Birthplaces of mothers: 5 M - - \ F .. or.. ) F .. C M 261 253 40 16 8 11 115 14 14 76 42 53 38 United States 38 1 12 0 2 58 96 18 16 70 England and Wales 36 i 9 1 i 20 12 39 29 2 2 1 2 15 9 Ireland 51 4 1 1 6 11 5 28 7 40 t F 62 1 i 3 2 8 30 19 41 Scotland OF. 8 1 3 4 ) F.. 12 5 42 Germany Si?:: 65 8 4 2 14 21 4 4 26 10 66 6 2 2 10 16 1 5 26 18 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 399 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fe^er. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 4.533 68 42 36 147 98 490 580 418 21 48 101 223 38 56 497 208 46 356 1,054 6 1 2,401 35 26 16 68 255 324 990 11 21 28 101 37 279 218 123 85 11 35 201 155 581 473 2,132 33 16 20 79 45 235 256 189 10 27 73 122 38 19 4 3 4. 427 68 42 35 146 98 480 556 404 21 44 99 217 37 55 490 202 45 352 1,030 6 4 3,272 65 25 19 141 96 444 345 275 21 43 35 96 18 25 350 103 22 352 795 9 5 757 14 2 26 27 84 60 56 4 9 3 28 7 98 69 34 3 90 72 204 153 1 ? r 644 13 5 4 23 20 75 65 44 5 12 17 25 4 5 18 14 r 938 20 6 7 39 25 151 106 86 7 10 1 16 5 98 28 104 80 229 870 18 7 6 52 24 132 100 83 5 12 12 26 12 5 19 3 199 \7 615 1 13 7 2 1 15 136 74 23 55 99 71 68 56 43 130 104 24 254 202 27 14 77 74 \8 534 o 4 9 3 1 20 74 54 1 41 19 8 15 3 106 1 i 10 24 14 4 2 6 1 1 6 9 945 17 3 32 34 102 87 80 6 13 4 30 32 8 121 89 17 11 40 39 23 11 104 88 1 1 10 830 111 17 6 3 4 2 32 23 96 4 83 62 12 7 16 1 21 6 6 7 1 15 3 81 9 4 4 14 6 1 >11 336 4 1 3 7 2 20 60 33 2 3 8 19 6 32 2 17 11 1 <12 349 1 8 15 4 28 55 3 28 i 3 14 26 9 29 ! 26 4 27 1 i 3 1 1 1 s13 23 i 4 4 9 1 1 5 195 154 854 14 14 6 25 16 115 137 90 3 4 10 34 18 7- 32 9 62 42 iU 727 14 9 4 21 17 93 89 73 2 8 21 51 19 9 75 27 5 1 1,162 11 15 12 32 26 106 137 103 4 11 31 55 11 18 134 64 11 76 303 2 15 624 6 9 3 12 9 53 72 54 3 4 9 27 28 9 87 43 r 10 44 32 178 125 1 1 16 17 538 5 6 9 20 17 53 65 49 1 7 22 11 9 47 21 1,160 ii 15 12 32 26 106 136 103 4 ii 31 55 11 18 133 64 11 76 303 2 18 834 u 7 6 32 24 95 94 66 4 ii 10 27 5 9 93 28 6 76 228 2 19 200 3 1 i i 7 4 10 11 14 1 i 7 9 37 q 17 68 34 1 166 3 3- 7 9 12 22 15 1 3 4 8 i 9 16 2 4 18 1 230 3 9 4 34 32 17 2 3 1 l 23 n 24 14 61 S21 220 2 1 4 13 7 33 19 4 4 5 3 16 5 1 62 45 29 179 6 2 1 3 25 22 8 13 15 25 23 13 145 9 4 1 7 17 15 13 6 4 15 >22 1 1 23 236 3 1 1 7 99 17 17 1 1 g 2 43 10 18 18 9 79 45 10 6 49 1 193 40 4 3 1 i 9 17 4 23 5 17 2 1 3 1 5 3 8 2 2 i 3 1 21 6 2 3 4 1 <24 25 2 2 9 2 4 9 1 1 1 1 >2o 191 2 i i i 1 u 30 19 2 2 5 6 3 24 24 9 191 i 6 8 3 20 24 18 3 9 10 6 4 15 14 4 6 40 13 1 1 2 1 4 i i 2 j 7 1 3 1 1 1 3 <27 112 1 6 2 13 14 11 1 9 9 9 5 29 > 91 1 9 1 4 8 13 8 1 5 8 3 i 6 3 22 893 19 13 9 24 15 71 121 82 5 39 54 5 16 98 61 20 55 182 2 29 446 9 9 10 10 42 62 38 4 1 7 27 10 44 36 3 25 104 39 447 : 10 4 4 14 5 29 59 44 1 1 32 27 5 6 54 25 17 30 78 2 j 31 888 19 13 9 24 15 69 120 82 5 2 39 54 5 16 97 61 20 55 181 2 32 680 239 18 G 10 7 22 15 93 58 5 2 20 34 14 3 11 70 40 13 9 55 17 23 139 33 > 1 8 25 28 17 2 2 26 20 58 216 6 9 3 7 4 16 27 16 1 11 13 o 3 92 13 g 39 <34 97 3 1 9 9 2 14 10 2 1 3 3 9 8 19 21 26 16 1 <35 112 101 107 3 1 5 1 9 18 12 i 7 4 1 2 11 5 14 9 3 2 1 16 11 10 4 8 t <36 1 2 3 11 13 14 10 2 i 19 1 6 2 9 1 37 > 261 253 36 29 51 02 8 6 5 3 1 9 9 31 31 17 2 9 14 3 29 20 9 18 62 7 3 8 4 18 32 21 1 1 13 13 9 4 30 15 8 26 44 9 i 6 4 2 2 4 5 1 1 1 8 <39 1 2 4 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 9 7 1 2 2j 4 4 9 10 !» 1 2 i i 12 5 3 5 9 1 6 6 9 13 2 1 i 2 1 2 i j41 12 65 66 "'•■'i i 2 3 1 1 l i i 2 1 1 i i 8 9 9 2 5 3 4 4 15 <.2 3 1 3 9 6 5 6 1 3 2 2 14 400 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE G YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Years. BIKiHPLACES Ur MOTHKHS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 U nder .5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 05 Un- known.1 1 Ward 19—Continued. 2,478 516 185 138 117 956 1, 360 129 145 669 174 1 1 2 Males 1.331 302 97 75 59 533 748 64 69 368 81 i * 3 1. 147 214 88 03 53 423 612 05 76 301 93 4 A\rliite 2. 379 502 174 136 116 928 1,317 122 141 629 169 i . 1,758 318 262 611 538 502 172 134 116 924 1.300 in 110 204 27 CM.. 130 81 164 123 32 20 20 14 190 200 10 11 47 6 32 21 66 10 0 Both parents native One or hotli parents for 15 19 141 310 209 10 11 7 ( r .. CM.. 58 50 44 454 42 9 47 38 264 374 42 47 74 I eign. 335 282 99 2 2 4 8 4 242 66 8 Foreign born 3 16 180 o 14 11 2 1 28 43 7 4 40 5 Birthplaces of mothers: 448 384 35 27 94 96 677 158 112 •> 43 30 20 251 190 344 286 5 4 20 24 2 15 58 ii 10 United States 16 25 16 42 16 3 3 1 21 12 6 11 England and Wales 3 15 9 113 1 10 JM.. 3 1 1 20 10 35 19 4 0 39 10 12 Ireland 1 6 6 10 47 42 40 36 236 332 277 6 32 31 40 228 13 44 29 2 194 6 45 169 48 f F .. Sf" 0 6 2,940 4 14 Russia and Poland 4 1 1 15 414 103 92 83 692 1,030 148 183 1.020 556 3 16 1, 488 246 53 48 48 395 579 65 90 516 237 1 17 1,452 2, 861 168 50 44 35 297 451 83 93 504 319 2 18 400 100 85 79 664 994 146 171 997 551 2 1 19 2, 132 400 99 84 79 002 987 141 144 546 313 1 20 Both parents native 615 619 131 98 23 29 22 22 23 13 199 162 284 239 33 36 20 31 •174 155 104 157 1 21 One or both parents foreign. {¥:: CM.. IF ■- 430 96 27 22 21 160 258 26 48 82 16 410 66 20 1 18 21 125 194 45 45 103 23 358 368 79 1 4 5 18 221 109 * 22 Foreign born 1 1 3 9 227 129 23 14 3 4 28 36 2 12 23 5 1 Birthplaces of mothers: C M 730 156 112 14 6 35 24 30 34 31 251 362 38 29 194 107 24 United States 732 124 34 3 20 2 19 2 191 21 291 , 29 46 3 48 5 175 47 170 40 2 25 26 England and Wales 1 1'' 108 2 3 3 14 22 3 5 40 38 Ireland CM.. 1 F . 346 380 5 6 3 7 5 50 42 86 07 12 25 33 25 164 187 50 76 1 M.. 131 21 9 6 5 41 54 5 9 45 18 27 ) F 113 11 0 6 2 25 37 7 45 17 CM.. \F.. 17 16 1,482 2 1 3 c 0 3 3 5 ■28 •29 Scandinavia 1 67 1 9 597 1 6 217 45 49 378 80 81 505 218 1 30 771 135 36 24 30 225 347 34 40 257 93 21 45 250 594 46 78 41 79 248 125 32 1,471 215 67 49 376 501 218 1 33 1,060 272 244 215 72 66 45 49 375 | 591 74 62 233 99 1 Botli parents native C M 17 10 13 4 112 80 163 14 52 36 34 (F... 45 18 13 125 15 8 54 41 1 35 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. 267 247 204 206 11 314 293 63 56 235 256 21 50 18 14 17 108 21 49 7 | F... 35 13 8 15 71 ] 122 29 26 61 9 36 CM.. 1 3 4 12 138 47 If... 5 129 72 37 9 ! 9 3 9 4 Birthplaces of mothers: Ic ■ 79 20 13 10 128 197 16 23 2 8 56 63 26 37 42 14 38 14 3 1 l I - -. 5.’> 20 2 14 2 8 1 95 12 150 18 39 20 17 IF... C M 40 Ireland 29 3 2 41 70 8 21 108 28 16 6 4 31 1 15 124 47 41 Scotland i 4 9 3 10 2 | F . 0 1 i 4 3 -42 »Gkermany f M.. 1 F... 78 14 6 4 4 28 40 3 3 26 6 58 , 6 2 1 H 1 20 3 6 21 8 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 401 1VIAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let. fever. ty- phoid lever. Ha larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing- cough. Can- cer anil tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- : eases of the liver. Dis- eases of tlio nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2,478 38 14 15 91 57 313 322 233 12 35 31 114 22 22 265 83 15 225 569 2 1 1,331 1,147 20 18 8 6 8 46 45 34 23 160 153 190 132 137 96 4 8 16 19 12 19 47 67 22 18 4 148 117 44 39 7 8 132 93 299 270 i i 2 3 2, 279 38 14 14 90 57 305 300 219 12 31 29 108 21 21 260 77 14 221 546 9 4 36 8 6 87 284 158 151 12 30 35 10 - 187 35 3 221 428 78 5 318 1 11 18 43 21 25 1 8 1 9 35 31 1 56 \ 6 202 4 9 32 7 47 16 13 4 8 4 1 3 15 31 80 149 116 59 59 611 14 3 5 16 103 59 59 3 4 6 6 1 68 48 38 72 538 13 4 1 34 16 90 52 8 1 17 32 8 1 o 59 335 1 4 3 9 11 41 10 13 19 6 l '!■* 9 282 1 9 i 10 46 26 1 14 40 ii 3 34 23 5 l 99 1 i 8 22 14 4 9 6 1 1 6 1 4 23 113 113 9 4 448 8 l 1 16 20 49 39 46 ‘i 12 9 8 3 49 38 9 1 68 !10 384 35 6 17 10 61 28 24 5 12 3 11 1 ** 6 3 3 44 1 4 6 i 9 1 2 27 1 3 3 2 3 i 4 2 9 94 1 1 1 7 21 l 8 1 12 4 i 6 18 I12 96 1 19 1 1 2 11 i 4 8 67 6 5 21 677 11 7 99 13 95 115 70 4 8 23 11 23 2 49 151 118 9 \n 10 6 4 19 i3 79 67 59 2 11 37 16 62 21 3 35 l 6 i 3 £14 6 1 i 3 x 2, 940 33 28 47 140 23 220 361 234 9 21 85 191 26 ... 51 329 173 72 185 710 2 15 1,488 1,452 2.861 18 15 17 11 29 18 63 77 17 6 23 115 105 180 181 124 110 4 5 8 5 16 23 62 88 103 26 30 21 162 167 319 90 83 171 17 110 394 316 682 2 16 17 33 28 46 139 213 343 230 20 84 188 26 51 72 183 2 18 2. 132 33 19 37 136 21 189 234 143 8 19 50 108 17 28 228 99 43 183 535 2 19 615 619 13 12 6 0 15 30 4 54 51 30 9 8 34 42 r» 76 80 35 8 57 182 136 1 J20 ii 37 9 42 54 42 10 30 8 7 29 28 43 430 410 5 3 3 3 3 31 38 n 4 45 46 54 66 37 32 2 4 3 4 3 8 11 18 8 8 4 ■ 40 28 41 16 15 3 9 46 32 106 92 78 68 1 J21 358 2 9 11 56 53 11 38 13 4 £22 y 368 9 2 13 53 33 1 23 42 9 10 50 36 25 79 i l 18 4 1 1 1 3 10 90 91 9 9 28 215 164 30 23 86 74 23 730 14 12 6 15 36 10 71 68 37 o 3 8 35 49 11 36 32 8 29 64 45 9 1 {25 732 6 11 3 53 3 54 69 50 2 1 14 33 8 124 1 1 1 1 6 15 11 1 2 8 4 14 12 33 37 14 2 108 l 1 9 1 15 9 12 13 5 4 3 rj 4 14 10 346 5 1 3 19 56 50 6 21 6 24 33 3 1 (26 380 1 3 4 18 20 67 31 1 2 11 37 4 8 16 131 1 9 1 6 2 14 17 12 1 1 4 10 3 12 6 2 10 27 28 5 113 1 l 13 15 9 1 6 8 4 17 3 2 i 7 17 2 3 1 3 (-28 16 1 1 i 12 1 . T 86 3 82 3 353 1,482 19 ii 21 94 17 132 190 125 7 10 30 71 25 154 41 9 29 IT! /11 11 8 6 5 14 7 l1 53 13 4 75 57 92 98 71 54 3 4 3 7 11 19 31 40 12 18 78 76 42 44 10 31 48 34 202 151 2 30 31 1,471 19 n 21 93 17 131 186 124 7 10 30 70 12 25 154 86. 41 82 350 2 32 1, 060 19 8 15 91 15 120 113 72 7 10 12 40 7 12 99 42 22 82 272 2 33 272 244 I 9 6 17 3 33 15 11 1 9 12 12 4 1 31 32 12 6 25 84 58 66 54 1 (34 i 3 1 21 24 14 4 <> ii 19 21 15 267 247 4 3 3 1 22 28 8 3 35 29 33 38 22 24 2 4 1 3 4 6 10 4 4 24 11 11 9 1 (-33 204 2 2 6 39 37 12 9 ?9 17 1 43 206 11 l 1 34 15 1 IL 18 1 5 33 27 18 s"3 1 t 4 S 95 66 17 9 54 37 314 8 9 6 3 20 6 ! 41 18 13 1 9 12 12 6 27 1 (23 (-89 293 I 37 28 31 17 1 5 17 9 1 33 8 12 1 6 1 20 3 63 • 1 1 1 l 1 4 10 5 i 1 1 2 6 . 1 { 1 1 3 8 9 3 3 I 4 4 - i ii 235 3 12 1 3 15 39 38 9 25 13 1 (40 256 1 3 2. 14 16 43 19 i 2 8 18 3 27 •> 26 12 6 47 21 1 9 1 2 3 2 j* 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 78 1 6 2 12 10 8 i i 2 i 4 4 16 ) 58 1 4 13 6 i ;; i 8 1 4 16 42 VITAL STATISTICS. 402 Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY , AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 20—Continued. 581 61 10 17 12 100 141 29 48 220 142 1 2 300 36 4 11 4 80 10 27 113 69 1 3 281 25 6 6 8 45 61 19 21 107 73 4 575 59 10 10 12 97 138 29 47 218 1.42 1 5 452 59 10 16 12 97 138 28 42 144 100 Both paients native CM -- 151 22 6 31 49 4 8 57 33 6 i F... 163 21 4 2 4 31 41 12 5 16 43 51 Ooe or both parents for- eign. Foreign born pi .. IF... pi.. 69 u 4 4 1 20 27 15 16 6 7 59 4 9 4 3 13 19 7 3 24 6 68 i 4 34 28 1 8 55 1 40 14 9 6 9 1 3 3 1. 9 10 Birthplaces of mothers: pi.. 176 29 i 10 3 43 62 6 11 63 34 5 13 1 18 1 F... 178 25 > 4 2 33 11 England and Wales (m.. \F... CM .. 3 3 3 1 9 ]] 20 1 1 9 1 12 12 Ireland 40 1 1 9 5 6 20 8 1 | F... 34 1 1 2 3 3 1 23 4 13 Germany pi.. IF... pi.. IF... 30 2 3 1 6 6 2 4 10 8 .... 24 3 1 2 2 5 6 9 12 1 4 14 Scandinavia 9 1 • 1 15 877 136 26 30 22 214 292 39 54 295 196 1 16 417 13 13 14 115 152 21 23 146 75 17 460 61 13 17 8 99 140 18 31 149 121 1 18 White 815 126 23 24 18 191 262 39 45 278 191 19 20 020 126 23 23 18 190 258 39 40 169 114 35 Both parents native pi.. > F .. 192 37 6 0 72 15 5 212 32 7 5 73 9 7 58 21 One or hoth parents for- < M.. 94 104 26 27 4 6 3 3 38 41 56 53 6 9 12 16 17 18 3 8 22 Foreign born CM. . IF.. 86 i 9 49 34 107 1 1 3 3 43 23 24 25 62 10 3 o 4 23 30 9 17 5 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States England and Wales pd.. IF.. CM.. 240 48 9 11 12 80 103 16 10 36 261 36 37 4 10 1 10 6 1 63 6 95 8 10 16 1 67 12 72 15 1 ) F .. 32 3 2 5 2 1 8 16 26 Ireland pi.. IF.. pr.. > F .. pi.. IF.. 71 5 2 11 4 6 36 14 90 8 i 9 12 4 9 40 25 23 5 9 8 2 9 4 Geiman\ .................... 31 4 2 3 9 9 11 2 I 12 5 28 Scandinavia 8 2 4 1 i 2 11 4 4 0 i 4 29 Ward 21 G, 478 1.215 405 331 245 2.190 3,223 370 377 .1,852 649 7 30 3,349 3,129 6, 420 670 545 1,207 229 176 404 171 160 326 131 114 241 1, 201 995 2,178 1, 749 1. 474 3,196 182 188 362 171 946 906 1,830 297 352 649 31 206 3 32 White. 376 33 34 4 790 1 205 399 89 326 65 240 56 2,170 485 3,163 340 303 764 152 219 Both parents native pi.. 1 F .. 1,019 275 44 l j 958 245 67 46 411 578 64 173 98 35 One or hoth parents foreign PI.. \F.. 1,431 1,302 381 291 138 105 104 103 72 66 695 565 1,024 857 99 109 99 109 191 209 18 17 "i'j 36 Foreign born pi.. IF.. 819 1 i 9 12 10 26 569 492 200 228 2 1 799 2 4 0 21 11 46 37 Colored 58 8 1 5 4 18 27 8 1 99 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States (M-- 1,309 346 116 91 77 630 916 50 181 ) F .. 1,197 288 83 81 60 512 737 88 61 208 103 39 f£.. 145 14 7 4 3 28 41 4 7 56 37 1 F .. 145 12 6 3 4 48 8 5 28 40 (M.. 537 77 19 16 12 124 186 17 49 227 58 41 Scotland < F .. 1 M.. 572 52 48 4 15 2 11 9 1 83 7 132 14 27 4 61 1 263 18 13 88 15 7 1 1 F -. 37 | 6 2 2 10 16 1 42 Germany CM.. IF.. 1.127 975 198 158 58 55 53 31 ! 35 ■ 361 304 515 453 61 56 56 09 397 299 96 98 2 ! NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 403 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. 'J'y- phoiu fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and iropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 581 7 13 15 19 3 28 53 45 1 4 27 49 8 13 73 39 12 33 139 1 300 3 7 11 o 10 29 24 1 1 26 9 36 24 3 22 75 2 ‘281 4 0 1 18 24 21 3 20 23 8 4 37 9 11 64 3 575 13 15 19 3 26 52 45 1 4 27 49 8 13 73 38 12 33 137 * ’ 4 452 7 8 14 18 3 21 43 36 1 4 18 32 5 8 58 26 8 33 109 5 151 9 9 - 4 16 10 1 4 12 9 21 IS 1 15 37 163 4 5 5 4 io1 8 16 1 12 14 4 i 21 9 6 8 35 • 69 l 3 6 2 1 6 8 1 3 3 1 1 7 19 > -7 59 3 1 6 ii 2 9 9 3 1 i 7 9 3 15 V 1 3 4 6 3 11 3 8 8 1 16 1 1 2 5 3 6 6 3 2 4 3 12 6 9 1 1 9 9 176 9 9 o 9 6 19 13 1 i 4 12 3 25 14 1 18 40 178 4 5 4 i 10 10 17 3 13 14 4 1 24 9 6 9 39 9 1 4 1 3 2 9 2 3 \n 20 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 1 3 1 1 40 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 1 15 M2 34 9 1 9 2 4 1 4 1 1 9 30 9 1 3 I 2 2 1 2 1 1 9 j!3 24 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 877 7 4 ii 27 3 GO 118 64 1 7 28 71 6 13 102 48 19 70 218 15 417 4 11 2 30 59 29 1 31 3 48 24 4 40 117 16 460 3 6 16 1 30 59 35 1 6 23 40 6 10 54 24 15 30 101 17 815 7 4 10 27 3 56 105 61 6 69 6 13 92 47 IS 68 195 » 620 rj 3 8 27 3 48 78 20 36 8 71 31 13 68 154 19 192 4 9 3 8 1 . 17 20 9 4 10 ] 24 10 1 17 61 212 3 3 9 1 11 22 12 4 14 16 2 27 13 11 16 43 94 1 1 3 1 9 1 2 1 9 4 1 18 21 104 1 11 17 6 2 3 1 10 4 14 23 86 1 1 9 13 10 i 15 1 11 10 2 19 107 1 6 14 1 6 18 1 4 10 5 4 22 6*2 1 4 13 ' 3 1 1 1 9 10 ] 2 23 23- 240 4 9 3 9 24 31 11 4 ii 1 28 10 1 19 80 261 3 3 12 1 16 28 16 1 6 15 18 2 34 15 11 16 59 <24 36 1 5 2 1 4 6 5 1 3 8 > . 32 3 3 3 2 2 1 5 1 3 9 >2,> 71 1 1 2 3 14 7 1 6 1 1 3 17 > 90 9 2 3 15 10 3 15 i 9 6 6 3 4 18 '26 > , - 23 1 1 4 3 3 i 2 1 5 2 31 1 4 1 3 1 4 2 6 1 2 6 127 8 1 1 1 2 3 11 1 1 3 1 |28- 6,478 80 53 93 274 163 765 737 533 36 68 127 359 61 82 683 224 78 487 1,567 8 29 3,349 37 27 50 148 99 390 383 285 19 32 44 186 41 336 123 30 270 845 4 30 3,129 43 26 43 126 64 375 354 248 17 36 83 173 61 41 347 101 48 217 722 4 31 6,420 80 53 93 272 162 759 728 530 36 68 126 352 59 82 673 223 78 486 1,552 8 32 4, 790 77 39 64 261 160 690 439 356 35 65 43 160 32 34 513 97 33 486 1,201 5 33 1,019 19 9 18 58 32 130 68 87 8 13 4 39 8 107 21 11 109 276 2 lu 958 11 8 15 46 21 127 56 76 5 14 23 36 13 9 121 25 15 106 231 r 1,431 16 11 15 81 66 231 152 101 10 18 3 46 8 138 22 1 158 354 1,302 31 10 15 75 41 197 144 90 11 20 13 35 18 8 140 26 4 108 313 3 >35 819 9 j 17 - 23 147 93 1 36 92 24 81 78 18 191 9 799 l 7 12 4 2 46 140 79 1 2 47 97 27 24 78 48 26 157 I >36 58 9 i 6 9 3 1 7 2 10 1 1 15 37 Ka 1,309 24 ii 2‘2 78 50 181 87 101 11 16 6 46 10 141 23 12 137 351 2 1, 197 17 10 17 59 31 157 74 94 7 19 26 44 17 12 152 31 15 114 301 /38 145 3 2 1 1 10 18 16 1 1 20 3 22 11 2 7 26 > 145 3 4 9 8 3 12 12 13 1 9 15 3 20 3 3 27 >39 537 2 2 10 14 13 42 91 51 4 2 10 34 8 45 34 5 36 134 ) 572 3 7 n 8 44 108 57 4 4 12 48 18 9 61 21 7 14 126 3 >40 52 2 9 i 9 6 10 1 3 7 2 2 14 37 1 9 6 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 9 >41 1.127 8 7 17 44 34 138 155 93 3 10 24 71 17 101 48 8 81 267 1 J42 975 18 2 12 42 20 141 131 67 4 7 31 48 23 12 88 39 10 70 209 1 404 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. 1 Years. All ages. U nder 3 3 to 6 0 to !> 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under .5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 21—Continued. 1,313 281 81 58 486 722 56 369 96 2 Males 676 637 149 132 45 36 28 30 258 228 382 340 25 194 175 41 55 1 3 30 31 34 4 White 1.299 277 81 62 58 478 712 56 366 96 r> 938 192 185 277 62 71 82 60 81 22 15 62 13 10 58 13 12 478 110 108 703 155 148 53 10 11 49 113 18 9 20 5 12 B Both parents native 4 5 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born CM.. 290 23 22 15 142 216 13 23 37 1 1 i If.. 252 21 17 ' 18 116 182 18 16 35 pi.. 175 4 1 6 129 35 8 183 5 2 11 123 41 1 9 14 4 8 10 1 3 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 0 34 117 65 17 418 23 17 25 25 141 79 18 White 826 40 32 215 313 53 59 257 144 19 640 190 123 * 47 39 32 20 6 214 69 312 101 51 12 53 15 150 74 20 Both parents native ( M.. 9 7 38 24 \ F .. 197 3“> 13 9 4 58 82 12 11 55 37 21 One or both parents for- eign. C M.. 122 23 . 8 6 45 62 15 16 21 8 119 18 9 7 4 38 63 n 10 33 2 22 Foreign born \¥:. 93 1 3 57 32 91 1 1 1 1 1 3 48 1 38 23 4 1 2 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. 222 52 13 8 9 82 124 17 16 41 24 X F .. 22,3 33 15 11 4 63 91 17 14 62 39 25 England and Wales CM.. 39 2 1 1 4 5 2 i 19 12 } F .. 32 2 2 1 1 6 10 1 2 12 7 26 Ireland (, M.. 84 9 4 4 1 18 20 3 11 32 18 IF.. 105 9 5 3 1 18 1 26 4 7 45 23 Scotland ( M.. 10 1 2 i 1 3 3 27 X F .. 6 1 i 3 1 28 Germany C M.. 47 6 2 1 9 13- 6 4 19 5 X F .. 28 2 1 1 4 10 1 n 6 29 2, 330 470 171 134 96 871 1,297 130 118 626 156 30 1,242 1,088 2, 297 264 20(i 96 67 67 54 42 481 390 865 709 588 1,287 60 50 68 118 336 290 609 84 72 156 31 75 70 124 32 White.. 467 171 134 93 33 34 1,671 243 467 70 167 134 92 860 135 1,268 199 111 12 89 188 23 15 6 Both parents native C M.. 26 22 17 3 X F .. 223 73 21 19 11 124 175 12 6 26 4 35 One or both parents for- pi.. 031 189 69 45 34 337 490 37 35 66 3 eign. Foreign born < F .. 555 132 ! 51 1 48 2,0 261 397 49 44 64' i 36 CM.. 333 1 2 11 231 75 2 [f .. 290 1 3 3 12 0 17 189 66 37 Colored 33 | 3 3 6 10 311 6 17 35 38 Birthplaces of mothers: C M.. 381 104 42 29 27 202 23 6 6 X F .. 321 86 29 30 19 104 246 21 11 39 4 39 England and Wales pi.. 23 4 3 1 8 11 7 5 ) F .. 24 3 2 5 7 2 1 10 4 40 Ireland pi.. 86 15 2 2 19 32 3 8 35 8 X F .. 103 8 4 2 1 J5 20 5 13 54 n 41 German v CM.. X F .. 675 575 126 97 46 37 34 B0 22 19 228 183 319 280 32 39 33 41 231 167 58 48 o 42 Russia and Poland pi.. 4 1 1 2 2 ) F .. 5 2 1 3 5 :::::::: NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 405 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoici lever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birtli- and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. l. ;si3 16 8 8 48 35 173 150 119 14 15 18 57 10 15 135 41 12 110 327 2 1 676 8 3 4 23 24 93 76 65 6 9 7 27 - 59 24 , 63 174 153 9 037 8 5 4 25 11 80 74 54 8 6 11 30 10 8 76 17 8 47 2 3 1. 299 16 8 8 48 34 170 147 119 14 15 18 57 10 15 132 11 12 110 323 2 4 938 15 5 6 44 34 153 74 77 13 15 6 24 3 103 7 4 110 240 1 5 192 4 1 8 10 34 13 18 2 1 9 99 1 “>4 185 1 1 8 6 30 14 3 9 1 o-> 9 3 30 38 17 50 68 65 5 6 290 3 2 2 13 13 49 25 25 4 8 3 10 2 99 9 1 252 7 2 2 15 5 38 23 20 4 6 1 6 2 i 35 9 1 5 7 175 i i i 9 34 38 3 99 4 14 18 12 21 13 3 $ 8 183 2 1 2 10 19 1 8 6 35 11 i 3 3 s 238 i 11 13 44 36 15 10 4 19 17 3 1 1 3 226 2 1 10 4 6 3 1 31 4 $10 37 i 1 1 4 8 62 51 25 13 1 s 35 1 4 1 9 i 1 9 8 i 11 227 l 1 2 5 7 23 35 97 3 2 9 3 15 23 8 13 14 213 3 5 2 16 17 38 15 24 7 1 3 9 16 10 5 3 9 3 2 $12 111 l i 3 3 4 ii 102 i 3 3 19 16 1 2 5 5 3 2 1 9 1 3 111 o $13 7 1 9 1 9 $14 13 1 i 1 5 o CO 00 5 11 14 41 11 75 91 65 3 10 14 8 ii 28 20 43 191 1 15 412 418 2 3 5 6 6 8 26 6 32 43 44 47 36 29 3 3 3 11 14 42 35 8 5 6 45 66 110 19 9 28 7 13 20 23 20 43 101 90 190 1 16 17 18 826 3 ii 14 40 ii 75 91 65 3 10 76 8 u 640 5 7 10 39 ii 68 62 50 3 10 8 42 5 6 85 20 10 43 155 1 19 190 0 3 14 9 18 16 15 9 7 1 14 9 2° 7 3 14 14 8 48 37 35 32 15 $20 197 3 4 8 3 23 19 13 13 11 2 6 16 6 2 3 32 11 18 12 12 1 6 6 1 g 6 199 2 9 ..... 11 4 12 l J21 $22 119 3 6 14 11 14 11 i 1 6 3 i 3 2_j 1 93 l 3 9 10 9 21 4 91 3 1 1 5 15 4 12 3 9 6 20 1 58 42 6 8 4 1 1 23 922 1 3 3 19 90 18 17 3 J 15 9 23 3 15 15 2 223 3 10 3 25 21 5 16 3 6 17 8 3 4~ n 6 $24 39 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 9 1 $25 32 1 2 9 9 • 3 2 4 4 2 84 i 2 1 3 11 8 8 9 12 15 y 2 2 4 24 27 1 9 $26 105 i 1 9 1 8 21 1 5 1 9 4 9 1 1 10 i l 1 3 1 i $27 6 W 1 9 47 1 5 4 6 4 1 9 5 4 2 2 8 $28 28 2 1 1 9 9 1 1 2 6 2, 330 22 13 24 107 82 309 285 171 13 25 47 99 23 24 215 74 18 203 573 3 29 1,242 12 13 56 49 154 158 90 8 10 19 14 116 38 9 113 319 2 30' 1,088 10 6 11 51 33 155 127 81 5 15 28 44 23 10 99 36 9 90 254 1 31 2. 297 22 » 24 106 82 306 279 168 13 25 46 94 21 24 212 74 18 202 565 3 32 1,671 21 8 13 103 80 279 159 100 13 24 7 34 12 6 155 25 3 202 426 i 33 243 4 2 14 15 32 14 13 3' 2 9 9 22 3 9 36 34 76 77 62 $34 223 1 3 13 6 34 16 9 7 9 I 3 23 9 631 3 3 39 34 113 71 39 4 ..... 16 9 60 152 $35 555 9 5 37 25 100 61 31 3 8 14 9 2 8 56 126 i 333 1 4 8 64 35 1 18 21 32 10 33 30 19 7 79 59 8 2 $36 37 $38 290 1 3 1 9 20 32 3 27 9 9 8 24 3 8 33 1 3 6 1 1 381 1 3 22 23 54 23 22 4 4 1 3 41 4 2 47 37 1 113 321 1 2 P 20 14 47 15 24 2 9 4 5 5 36 9 88 23 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 8 4 1 $39 24 1 3 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 9 86 1 i i 6 3 18 3 1 1 7 1 5 8 3 19 22 $40 103 9 3 11 21 10 ] 9 9 6 26 3 5 9 23 20 88 101 2 4 16 38 9 57 6 52 159 1 I41 $42 575 4 8 1 5 27 13 86 81 42 3 4 17 25 15 6 49 1 17 6 44 1 125 2 1 5 1 1 1 i 2 406 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 8'7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AND Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 « to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 |Under5 b to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 21—Continued. 653 92 27 21 23 163 236 39 49 214 115 2 48 17 12 14 91 128 18 18 99 59 3 331 44 10 9 9 72 108 21 31 115 56 4 Whit* 652 92 27 21 23 163 236 39 49 213 115 5 523 91 27 21 23 162 234 38 41 144 66 45 Both parents native fM.. 161 33 10 11 61 80 9 33 29 F .. 159 24 4 4 39 63 12 12 48 24 '7 One or both parents for- eign. rM.. 90 14 7 3 29 46 9 6 25 4 F 106 18 6 5 2 31 41 8 13 37 :8 Foreign born £ " 69 1 9 41 28 1 25 60 1 1 1 1 6 4) 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States M.. 181 35 11 9 12 67 94 9 10 38 30 F .. 179 29 4 5 8 46 71 15 15 24 11 England and Wales M.. 24 1 1 2 2 1 2 11 10 25 8 8 g F .. 22 1 3 1 2 1 1 12 Ireland rM.. 44 1 1 5 7 1 3 F .. 51 2 1 3 3 2 31 8 5 13 Scotland M.. 8 3 F .. 6 1 1 1 2 3 14 Germany M.. 47 4 4 2 1 11 17 4 3 18 5 IF.. 47 8 3 2 1 14 21 1 10 8 15 1,352 249 85 78 48 460 653 91 84 385 138 1 16 697 137 53 41 37 / 77 23 254 206 457 363 290 648 50 41 90 36 48 84 200 185 385 48 90 138 17 655 112 32 25 1 1 18 White 1,346 248 85 47 19 1,018 233 247 63 85 77 47 456 110 646 148 87 22 12 169 40 44 1 20 Both parents native £ 22 10 9 11 194 45 14 11 12 82 110 17 11 35 21 21 One or both parents for- M.. 298 73 31 24 14 142 210 25 19 42 2 eign. . F .. 270 63 18 26 12 119 174 23 26 40 6 1 22 Foreign born CM.. 149 I 1 4 111 104 33 59 F .. 1 1 2 1 9 23 Colored 6 1 1 1 3 r 1 24 Birthplaces of mothers: fM- 287 75 27 24 14 140 I 193 25 14 44 11 F -. 248 58 19 17 16 110 149 22 15 38 24 25 T.t 1 1 1 tT, , CM.. 22 3 1 . 4 6 i o G F .. 32 1 2 * 3 9 1 1 16 42 26 M.. 96 16 5 4 27 39 5 3 27 F .. M.. 100 8 1 8 1 2 2 • 1 12 2 21 3 5 15 39 3 19 2 1 F .. 11 2 2 3 1 11 28 CM.. 244 41 17 11 6 75 in 16 851 21 F - 223 37 10 15 6 68 96 11 13 73 30 616 Ward 22 4,926 858 250 186 156 1.450 1,475 oio 1 30 Males 2,474 2.452 471 139 93 84 787 1.163 1.051 147 153 737 274 342 31 387 1 32 4, 909 858 250 184 156 1,448 o 91A 1,468 613 1 33 Hative born 3, 650 856 246 59 183 44 .153 ! 34 1,438 360 2,174 523 293 65 232 36 659 166 292 97 34 P M.. 887 223 F .. 913 184 47 36 33 300 474 63 187 144 35 One or both parents foreign.. M.. 898 236 78 46 49 409 609 70 132 11 F .. 856 197 59 57 37 ; 350 546 90 63 137 20 36 M.. 619 1 1 2 13 10 33 410 153 F .. 630 l 3 2 6 20 8 39 395 167 37 Colored 17 o o 38 Birthplaces of mothers: M.. 1, 076 273 76 59 46; 454 667 81 39 188 3 101 c F .. 1,107 226 61 52 37 376 601 86 212 153 39 M.. 155 16 3 4 1 24 40 6 15 64 30 40 F .. M.. 165 548 26 72 5 21 9 9 2 12 | 42 114 DO 158 10 26 4 51 60 244 35 69 1 41 ‘ y F .. M.. 589 322 38 48 13 25 15 14 14 .14 80 101 137 146 28 18 48 19 291 111 85 28 F .. 298 59 10 10 6 85 133 21 21 85 38 42 M.. 76 19 3 2 2 I 26 47 4 4 18 3 F .. 10 10 6 4 2 1 22 41 5 9 15 5 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 407 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN ACES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. IV hoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still born. All other causes. Un- known. 6;:: 11 10 18 29 8 49 68 62 2 3 19 9 86 29 13 41 138 1 322 7 8 9 13 3 21 34 31 i - 21 3 38 48 16 • p. 99 81 57 2 331 4 9 9 16 5 28 34 31 i 3 12 30 7 6 13 6 19 3 652 11 10 18 29 8 49 68 62 o 3 19 50 9 86 29 13 41 138 4 523 11 10 14 27 8 47 53 49 2 9 13 24 6 6 65 22 10 41 113 5 161 6 6 8 12 9 i 9 9 9 99 5 16 38 30 27 i6 ? 7 15!) 9 2 4 11 9 15 13 15 8 9 3 9 26 4 9 n 90 l 2 1 6 3 8 14 9 3 4 6 1 6 106 9 1 4 3 11 17 10 i 9 3 3 9 12 11 10 3 8 14 15 10 $ f8 9 69 2 1 11 9 1 9 5 9 60 4 1 4 6 l 1 17 1 1 ‘> I 1 181 6 6 9 8 1 14 11 » i 9 9 9 23 26 5 6 5 18 45 33 5 jl° 179 4 2 4 12 2 18 16 i 11 4 2 2 14 24 i 9 4 2 5 3 ‘2 1“ \n 22 i 3 4 2 l 3 i 1 3 3 7 44 1 11 4 4 4 9 1 9 4 2 o' 9 2 10 » i 3 3 9 3 4 8 3 3 1 N 6 1 2 l l i 47 | 1 i 3 9 1 4 8 1 1 i 4 3 9 15 10 338 S14 47 3 9 9 5 3 4 i 15 1 4 l 6 3 3,352 26 n 29 49 27 159 143 116 4 29 75 13 23 136 52 15 90 2 15 697 8 4 18 30 17 90 71 63 i 6 8 41 12 78 26 3 49 170 168 9 16 * 655 18 7 11 19 10 69 72 53 3 9 21 34 13 11 58 26 12 41 17 | 1,346 26 11 29 49 27 159 143 116 4 15 29 75 13 23 133 51 15 90 336 2 18 , 1.018 25 9 21 48 27 143 91 80 4 14 9 36 5 13 105 23 6 90 267 2 19 233 1 4 17 5 34 16 26 3 1 12 2 19 1 19 61 52 9 y20 1“ too r 23 194 4 6 4 25 10 18 5 4 4 18 4 4 17 298 3 2 9 12 12 49 29 17 1 3 11 4 41 3 30 72 270 10 3 4 13 6 34 32 18 3 3 3 6 1 9 8 1 22 76 149 1 5 3 1 6 24 19 16 13 16 9 34 33 175 1 1 10 27 17 1 13 23 8 5 15 3 12 1 6 6 2 287 1 6 18 8 47 20 4 1 12 5 3 29 6 1 26 71 2 >u 248 10 2 5 5 31 12 22 1 7 5 4 6 22 7 4 18 75 22 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 3 32 1 1 2 4 3 3 9 1 3 4 1 4 1 4 4 96 2 10 16 6 2 ii i 8 22 <26 100 ! 1 5 1 1 7 18 13 2 1 5 4 i 3 2 9 22 8 1 4 2 1 4 I27 11 1 9 2 2 244 3 1 6 1 10 9 28 29 18 12 i 1 6 13 5 27 13 14 60 223 7 1 9 4 26 29 7 13 5 3 20 13 2 16 j28 29 4, 926 93 35 60 317 78 479 514 379 42 48 104 245 47 66 579 201 81 409 1,146 3 2.474 42 20 31 153 40 249 257 257 210 169 23 19 20 34 112 133 47 273 105 96 31 99.'! 603 1 2 30 31 2. 452 51 15 29 164 38 230 28 70 47 19 306 50 186 543 4, 909 93 35 59 317 78 479 510 378 42 48 104 243 47 66 574 200 81 409 1,143 3 32 3,650 88 25 38 300 75 427 302 245 41 47 58 112 29 24 418 93 44 409 873 2 33 887 16 8 13 66 18 96 65 76 10 10 ii 26 - 103 20 11 105 226 <34 913 25 1 7 71 16 92 50 55 11 15 24 36 17 5 126 23 23 88 217 2 898 25 6 9 78 20 127 83 56 12 8 10 6 22 19 ii i 87 22 9 112 210 <36 99 9 83 21 106 80 11 12 11 90 26 6 96 194 619 1 6 9 8 9 21 97 75 58 1 14 29 73 60 17 146 1 630 41 4 12 8 l 31 111 1 32 70 18 13 81 47 20 119 3 17 1 4 74 1 9 1 37 1.076 1. 107 24 32 2 9 15 83 94 7 21 22 1 127 115 10 90 68 14 9 12 14 1 13 19 1 11 24 3 31 41 18 12 29 127 149 23 26 11 25 1 121 274 266 29 <38 <39 (40 2 3 9 2 68 18 17 88 95 36 20 5 5 3 30 11 102 6 2 1 9 1 10 45 1 9 1 8 4 24 11 14 33 548 1 6 9 23 63 3 10 19 45 34 9 36 121 589 5 6 15 26 6 50 i i 22 2 35 15 7 71 40 ii 21 109 322 7 1 1 19 7 30 16 5 20 8 38 13 3 28 86 1 u 298 1 1 17 29 11 36 5 19 5 3 2 25 4 3 33 5 6 3 31 64 3 9 6 1 2 1 2 5 11 17 1- 75 3 1 n 6 9 7 4 i 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 2 22 VITAL STATISTICS. 408 Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX. COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Y ears. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 ... ..... j 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 22—Continued. •Sanitary district A 165 41 30 33 269 383 63 02 330 185 2 Males 501 99 21 14 j 19 153 : 207 23 169 72 3 Females • 522 j 60 165 20 41 16 j 29 14 33 ] 116 268 176 381 40 63 U 62 161 326 183 5 Native born 775 165 41 29 32 1 267 377 61 48 187 102 , j Both parents native F One or both parents for-CM., eign. t F .. 201 226 166 161 56 32 9 6 | 78 ' 94 11 7 32 c 8 - 8 84 24 7 54 41 12 12 71 1 107 11 17 15 28 35 3 33 12 9 6 > 60 89 14 8 Foreign born 117 122 1 8 244 269 28 35 97 100 49 i 3 1 5 76 32 8 1 9 63 49 9 ( t -■ 1 | 1 2 4 2 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j pJ'' England and Wales j F " Ireland { F ~ , cm!! 66 12 U 10 99 72 122 111 14 34 10 u 11 10 26 1 8 67 57 9 2 4 3 10 10 11 2 2 4 1 1 13 13 9 4 9 1 16 23 9 45 12 6 1 1 9 10 15 4 14 41 26 :::::::: 4 1 3 13 14 8 24 9 5 14 4 13 14 15 9 7 2 1 21 14 3 23 5 7 21 2 Scandina\ ia. 20 434 3 76 21 1 10 13 6 120 10 183 l 23 3 33 140 4 55 16 17 18 Males 213 221 40 13 8 6 67 99 13 18 58 25 36 8 2 7 53 84 10 15 82 30 White 433 76 21 10 13 120 183 23 33 139 55 19 335 76 21 10 13 120 181 22 29 09 34 Both parents native $ '' 87 18 19 21 16 8 6 32 48 ii 12 11 20 3 6 4 26 33 26 45 49 36 9 4 24 16 21 it •• One or both parents for-C M.. eign. l F .. 81 66 4 4 2 2 2 7 u 6 17 14 2 3 Foreign born j j? " 41 57 9 28 u 22 9 i 2 42 10 23 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F England and Wales j j? Ireland | Germany [ F 104 105 13 14 49 55 20 16 4 26 21 0 9 6 1 1 42 30 3 61 51 4 11 3 16 11 24 5 28 18 1 2 25 2 4 9 3 4 2 2 6 11 6 28 4 26 2 1 1 9 8 12 10 34 4 9 1 3 2 4 3 27 1 i 3 2 5 3 28 29 1 i 3 5 60 1 19 10 3 96 3 138 21 22 125 Ot 30 31 32 Atfllfs 31 9 6 51 45 69 11 10 71 34 175 368 29 10 2 4 69 10 12 54 30 60 19 6 10 95 137 20 22 125 64 33 34 279 87 91 60 17 6 10 93 134 18 16 74 37 Both parents native | F 1 14 18 4 4 3 24 28 36 47 5 3 2 4 28 20 16 17 35 One or both parents for-CM., eign. ( F .. 9 23 13 28 18 11 10 39 9 o l 6 g Foreign born j " 50 39 ■> 1 1 3 29 16 36 9 9 1 3 22 11 37 1 i 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: 103 18 6 ? 6 49 53 3 6 9 30 16 38 32 3 6 20 12 17 4 . . .... < F .. England and Wales y " Ireland ) F^ 101 19 10 28 30 c 9 39 1 6 2 1 1 1 8 1 5 3 1 2 3 10 5 40 9 3 2 18 7 Scotland 1 ’ ! T 1 2 3 41 ‘) 1 i 1 1 f M German vT ) F " * 17 12 9 1 3 5 9 8 2 42 2 1 3 3 1 2 5 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 409 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Cron]). Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old ao-e. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1,023 11 13 13 56 11 85 Ill 76 11 9 27 50 10 16 137 44 70 239 1 1 6 43 522 8 4 33 6 42 50 38 5 4 20 30 10 5 81 16 20 26 116 1 2 3 1,015 11 13 12 56 u 85 109 76 11 9 97 49 10 16 134 44 33 70 238 1 4 775 11 11 7 54 10 79 66 51 10 9 19 28 5 8 103 24 25 70 184 - 5 201 226 1 o - 6 1 19 18 17 9 4 4 8 3 23 6 6 21 13 6 15 9 19 8 18 3 i ii ii 2 i 40 15 1 1 166 161 4 i 1 17 16 3 20 19 15 19 3 1 1 4 3 20 6 6 21 13 37 32 2 4 4 8 2 3 2 5 3 1 18 3 j> 7 117 122 3 9 1 9 99 13 i 9 r. 5 12 15 6 28 26 1 9 1 4 21 12 6 14 ] 3 19 5 2 1 9 3 > 9 244 269 28 35 97 100 49 57 21 20 434 1 3 5 1 11 2 26 23 18 2 4 4 9 3 28 9 6 25 7 1 1 21 1 2 25 9 10 3 19 2 3 3 ii 12 5 3 1 1 48 4 6 1 15 17 1 63 7 1 s» 1 i 1 9 1 1 6 2 1 9 4 9 2 <) 511 2 2 4 9 20 16 1 10 11 1 2 8 4 4 26 3 i 3 4 5 3 l 18 6 1 3 20 \12 i 1 4 i 5 3 2 3 l 8 4 11 1 1 3 9 3 1 3 2 4 1 1 9 15 3 > 15 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 i 5 9 4 9 ] ] 1 1 1 5 6 5 33 4 36 58 33 2 4 8 28 3 -i 46 20 4 36 99 213 221 2 3 14 19 3 1 20 28 30 15 18 1 1 3 9 12 16 3 22 8 9 18 56 16 17 9 2 16 1 6 3 1 24 12 2 18 43 433 6 P - 33 36 57 33 2 4 8 28 3 4 46 20 4 36 99 18 335 6 4 3 30 4 33 32 25 2 4 4 15 3 2 34 ib 2 36 86 19- 87 91 81 66 41 57 1 1 3 9 10 9 1 9 5 2 1 5 13 9 12 24 (21 8 9 8 i 3 3 6 2 10 2~~l 1 9 17 1 9 4 2 8 10 6 12 13 1 9 1 1 1 2 5 3 1 6 25 1 l 1 1 i 6 0 i 5 3 9 17 1 4 1 6 i 4 3 1 6 <22 3 9 4 3 i 8 1 7 23 104 105 13 14 49 55 20 16 1 ... 3 9 1 10 12 i 12 9 3 1 3 5 14 3 15 29 <24 9 10 i 3 6 3 2 ii 3 1 10 22 9 9 1 1 i 3 1 9 1 9 l 2 1 ] 1 2 l l 1 1 3 12 8 1 3 i 3 1 1 1 12 1 i i 9 6 12 9 2 1 1 9 6 1 2 4 i 1 i 2 2 5 1 4 2 ::::::::: ;; 1 2 I ] i 2 <28 29 1 24 1 1 2 370 5 6 2 3 29 30 26 9 2 15 18 4 7 43 19 4 37 93 1 195 175 368 9 1 2 15 14 18 12 13 i i 6 9 25 18 12 1 17 53 30 1 9 13 2 9 9 4 3 20 40 1 31 5 6 2 24 3 29 30 26 9 15 18 4 7 41 19 4 37 93 1' 32 279 5 4 2 22 3 24 99 20 2 2 11 8 1 3 30 9 3 37 1 33 87 91 49 39 50 39 i p. 1 9 6 ii 5 9 ] 1 3 9 9 10 3 3 1 2 7 22 <34 - 10 8 2 1 3- 3 3 I 4 12 99 1 1 i 8 3 1 2 8 14 i 3 2 1 9 5 4 9 1 4 7 8 4 3 9 6 3 16 1 o 4 4 3 5 4 3 4 3 1 7 2 37 <38 103 101 19 10 28 30 6 3 1 i ! 10 9 11 5 3 9 5 ; 1 3 4 2 11 3 1 8 28 12 2 2 3 1 i 10 4 2 13 25 1 1 2 3 i i 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 i 1 2 3 i 4 3 1 2 i 2 2 4 i40 4 4 2 2 3 1 2 5 1 2 3 S41 2 1 1 17 12 i 1 1 i 1 3 o 7 <42 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 410 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY , AND Months. Years. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. A11 ages. Under 8 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 1 *2 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. ] Ward 22—Continued. Sanitary district D 1,234 209 57 59 42 . 367 562 107 75 355 135 2 634 112 32 26 22 192 298 56 39 178 63 3 600 97 25 33 20 175 264 51 36 177 79 4 1,231 209 57 59 42 367 561 107 355 135 5 908 224 204 230 227 209 56 58 40 363 551 101 55 151 50 6 fM.. i F .. CM.. If.. 58 13 14 9 94 143 25 8 10 30 18 Both parents native 49 14 8 78 116 17 38 23 3 7 One or both parents for- eign. 51 47 18 16 11 19 13 10 93 92 147 139 27 30 19 17 37 38 8 (M.. } F- 163 156 1 1 3 3 9 104 44 Foreign horn 2 9 6 3 8 99 40 9 10 fi . , 3 270 1 9 Birthplaces of mothers: If" 65 17 16 12 110 181 152 10 31 9 31 18 I nited States 63 1 10 1 18 2 91 1 100 5 28 3 14 7 43 11 26 11 England and Wales {¥:: 263 38 43 154 147 83 87 13 4 1 2. 1 g 11 3 1 17 68 11 12 Ireland 18 7 3 4 32 42 10 13 21 10 4 4 3 21 36 29 10 8 16 13 Germany CM t F .. 12 5 4 4 25 4 4 37 9 14 3 6 2^ 25 39 4 10 24 10 14 Scandinavia 4 4 1 5 2 1 1 4 4 9 1 2 15 430 87 18 19 13 137 214 20 32 118 46 16 208 41 9 9 8 67 102 - 16 62 21 17 222 428 46 9 10 5 70 112 13 16 56 25 18 White 87 18 19 13 137 214 20 32 116 46 19 306 86 18 19 13 ! 136 210 19 24 39 14 20 Both parents native Ifv. CM.. ( F .. 67 72 74 81 14 21 6 4 3 3 26 28 45 48 2 6 5 10 7 4 21 One or both parents for- 26 3 6 5 40 54 5 6 9 25 5 10 2 42 63 5 5 1 :::::::: eign. 22 Foreign horn {M.. \ v.. 58 62 o 2 3 38 15 1 1 5 38 17 23 9 24 Birthplaces of mot tiers: {?» 83 92 19 5 4 35 58 4 6 11 4 United States 26 6 3 3 38 3 64 6 5 10 25 England and Wales f M.. \ F ■■ CM.. 1 F 13 10 2 1 5 1 4 1 5 6 3 1 26 Ireland 50 64 4 9 1 1 11 13 1 3 24 9 6 4 1 11 18 4 5 28 9 27 Scotland C M 2 9 2 2 1 F 1 1 1 3 3 9 2 28 Germany 32 29 1,435 7 2 1 1 10 13 2 2 12 r- 3 8 9 11 15 1 1 29 Sanitary district F 261 94 61 45 461 734 79 83 407 131 1 30 723 148 31 23 257 388 37 40 199 31 712 113 39 30 22 204 346 42 43 208 1 32 1.434 261 94 61 45 461 734 79 83 407 130 i 33 1,047 921 260 93 61 45 459 721 79 60 139 34 Both parents native c M 63 19 12 12 106 157 11 8 29. 16 If.. 229 45 18 14 8 85 134 12 15 41 27 35 One or both parents for- C M.. 298 83 36 19 11 149 224 21 19 30 33 4 IF.. 282 67 20 16 14 117 201 28 15 5 eign. 36 Foreign born C M 190 4 S 11 135 35 IF.. 194 1 1 2 8 2 12 131 40 1 37 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States C M.. 272 79 25 16 13 133 196 15 10 33 18 38 > F .. 56 23 17 8 104 170 17 18 44 28 39 England and Wales Ireland C M.. 44 7 1 8 14 2 19 7 IF.. CM.. 53 170 13 26 4 9 4 3 1 4 22 42 25 61 2 8 2 17 18 69 5 15 1 40 \F-. 193 11 6 6 28 53 10 14 93 23 41 Germany CM.. 121 18 13 43 9 4 36 | F .. 97 25 2 2 2 31 52 9 3 3 21 12 42 Scandinavia C M.. 32 3 I 11 19 ] 8 1 !f.. 30 3 1 2 1 7 19 1 1 8 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 411 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- ! Ma- phoid( larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erpei’al dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 1, 234 25 6 17 96 14 131 130 87 9 13 23 73 13 23 134 46 22 94 278 1 634 14 4 7 54 8 65 62 56 4 9 34 18 69 18 9 54 142 2 600 11 2 10 42 6 66 68 31 5 6 14 39 13 5 65 28 13 40 136 3 1,231 25 6 17 96 14 131 130 86 9 13 23 73 13 23 134 46 22 94 276 4 908 25 5 13 92 12 118 82 54 9 13 10 29 10 6 95 20 9 94 212 5 224 5 2 3 2f> 1 24 14 16 2 4 1 7 1 30 1 3 28 57 204 6 5 13 2 25 14 10 2 3 2 10 6 1 22 5 3 18 57 r 230 9 1 3 25 6 33 27 17 O 3 i 8 4 20 . 24 42 > - 227 5 2 28 3 35 26 9 3 3 3 2 4 21 8 2 21 50 E7 j 163 1 1 3 1 8 20 22 18 13 19 11 6 35 3 1 1 28 10 8 25 3 4 20 15 26 E8 3 1 2 9 | 270 10 2 3 29 9 31 14 23 2 5 1 9 1 1 3 32 67 E10 263 8 22 4 30 19 12 3 5 2 11 7 1 28 9 5 21 71 38 i 1 3 1 9 3 4 1 9 2 4 4 1 9 * 43 4 2 . 1 9 4 1 1 5 3 2 9 u 154 i 2 1 16 23 17 1 4 10 10 14 9 4 rj 28 147 2 7 9 14 26 10 4 12 5 2 14 10 3 4 27 E12 83 4 I 12 13 3 1 1 8 41 10 1 1 20 87 2 4 14 14 4 2 3 7 1 10 3 i 10 12 E13 13 1 i 1 2 i 1 1 3 2 > 9 1 1 1 I 5 E14 430 7 5 6 27 8 36 38 28 6 9 12 26 2 3 39 17 9 60 99 15 208 4 3. 4 9 4 19 23 17 4 i 6 10 9 18 8 1 25 50 16 222 3 2 18 4 17 15 11 2 l 6 16 2 i 21 9 8 35 49 17 428 7 5 6 27 8 36 37 28 6 2 12 25 2 3 39 17 9 60 99 18 306 i 4 25 8 31 20 16 6 9 6 14 26 9 2 60 69 19 67 1 3 1 3 8 8 2 3 10 16 72 3 i 2 3 3 1 I 3 rj 3 i 16 16 74 3 6 l 10 6 3 9 i i 4 5 1 15 16 E21 81 1 10 2 8 4 9 I l i 2 9 i 19 20 58 3 1 2 1 10 6 9 4 2 6 4 i 16 62 1 1 4 6 4 7 2 1 4 6 12 y22 2 1 1 23 83 1 3 2 3 10 10 3 9 1 9 3 11 20 92 3 1 9 2 4 4 2 I 10 3 1 19 22 E24 13 1 1 1 2 2 l 2 3 > .i 10 1 i 2 i 1 4 E25 l 1 9 4 5 5 1 3 5 o 3 4 5 9 64 1 4 1 6 6 4 5 1 1 10 5 4 4 12 4 4 ) 7 1 l 1 i 1 2 127 32 1 9 1 6 1 l 2 1 i i £ 8 ) 29 2 1 9 3 9 3 i i 6 8 >28 1,435 39 17 81 38 162 147 » » 18 19 50 15 13 180 55 9 112 338 1 29 723 6 44 19 87 65 71 8 5 4 27 8 83 5 1 30 712 24 11 37 19 82 58 4 13 15 23 15 5 97 24 4 47 159 31 1,434 39 17 81 38 162 147 129 12 18 19 50 15 13 180 54 9 112 338 1 32 1, 047 34 9 77 38 142 80 7° 12 17 8 18 10 5 130 21 3 112 252 33 221 1 17 11 30 12 24 4 • 1 9 3 1 23 5 1 27 52 E34 229 7 17 8 27 20 11 2 4 3 7 37 4 1 20 298 2 24 8 48 22 19 4 4 5 2 34 5 38 76 £35 282 13 4 19 11 36 23 24 2 4 9 6 2 35 27 67 190 1 3 3 8 29 27 2 18 5 25 20 3 45 1 194 4 5 1 12 38 23 i 9 13 3 23 13 3 41 1 1 37 272 8 2 23 12 38 14 27 5 3 9 4 1 30 1 30 277 10 3 18 12 21 18 3 7 4 4 2 42 5 1 22 63 44 l 1 2 2 5 5 1 5 1 9 6 3 3 53 1 4 4 5 1 2 1 9 11 3 14 >39 170 1 9 8 3 18 27 20 1 3 15 u 15 39 ) _ 193 7 ii 3 17 31 23 1 7 5 3 3 19 ii 9 6 39 >40 121 3 1 8 3 12 11 8 2 1 6 1 18 i i 9 35 1 97 4 4 3 10 8 4 2 2 8 1 16 i 10 9A E41 32 1 9 7 1 1 i ] 3 3 3 9 1 30 3 I 1 3 4 9 i 1 1 3 i l 1 7 :::::::: E42 VITAL STATISTICS. 412 Table 8V.—DEATHS IX BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE (5 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SKX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY. ANI) Months. Years. All ages. Under 3 :{to 6 6 to a 9 to 1*2 , 62 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 66 Over (>5 Un- known. 1 Ward 23 2,524 363 88 70 583 856 142 159 832 534 1 9 1,263 218 49 43 34 344 491 08 77 416 210 1 3 1.261 145 39 28 239 74 82 416 324 4 White 2, 508 361 87 70 60 578 851 142 157 825 « 1 5 2. 072 361 70 58 846 139 141 568 377 1 c Both parents native { 744 711 145 105 30 15 29 17 16 12 220 149 312 230 42 52 50 45 212 192 127 192 1 7 One or both parents foreign., j p 309 264 70 38 17 23 13 10 16 14 110 85 171 128 26 19 20 23 78 63 14 31 „ , CM.. 176 1 1 2 108 61 8 r oreign born < p 256 1 T 3 11 9 146 94 0 16 9 1 9 r 2 10 Bi rthplaces of mothers: United States j jf" England and Wales Ireland [ Scotland j jF' ‘ Germany j j/'' Sanitary district A 824 786 161 117 2,8 18 32 20 3 22 16 253 171 359 265 48 56 55 49 8 231 209 130 207 I 11 79 8 11 13 9 37 19 110 4 9 1 4 11 15 g 41 41 12 108 26 5 1 4 36 6 6 69 30 38 3 174 5 2 3 17 33 17 81 13 24 2 1 1 13 29 i 3 1 9 1 9 16 8 10 14 77 11 3 4 21 31 9 27 86 13 9 3 9 27 36 4 9 31 13 15 907 143 36 23 21 223 320 33 50 295 208 1 10 Males 436 83 17 11 14 125 176 13 00 143 81 I 17 471 60 19 12 98 144 20 28 152 127 18 White 899 143 36 23 20 992 319 33 48 292 206 1 19 . 728 143 35 ' 23 19 220 316 31 46 194 150 40 83 1 20 ( M Both parents native | j, " 264 264 62 42 10 8 9 89 124 95 11 10 16 76 1 21 One or both parents for-( M.. eign. ( F .. ,, . CM.. 97 . 21 6 4 33 49 6 10 25 -35 59 17 12 4 46 9 1 26 y 22 1 1 i 9 9 34 99 r oreign born ’ p 99 2 i 62 3 34 23 8 1 l i 9 9 24 Birthplaces of mothers: Unitecl States F England and Wales | F Ireland j p '' Scotland { F " 289 292 68 46 12 9 8 8 11 4 99 67 138 105 3 8 12 ll 20 82 67 49 88 1 25 26 9 1 3 5 ] 12 {) 36 2 1 3 3 9 18 12 26 9 3 11 16 4 4 99 11 63 2 1 1 12 2 4 30 3 15 27 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 8 28 Germany { F 25 1 9 9 12 i 1 8 3 42 4 9 i 14 16 9 9 17 29 774 101 15 21 13 150 225 62 275 157 30 Males 385 58 10 13 8 87 63 130 95 32 23 31 31 62 130 145 62 95 157 31 389 43 32 White - 771 100 15 2, 13 149 224 55 273 33 Xative horn 667 100 15 21 13 149 224 55 57 213 118 34 Both parents native | p ' One or both parents for- £ M.. eign. iF.. Foreign horn [ F Colored 242 44 6 6 3 92 21 22 69 38 241 34 3 6 3 46 65 20 17 84 35 84 13 3 3 26 36 11 6 27 4 .... 84 9 9 4 17 30 3 10 24 17 36 49 9 28 19 54 3 3 31 20 37 38 1 1 9 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F " 266 47 8 8 4 67 105 26 23 74 38 266 35 3 4 49 20 17 91 62 39 England and Wales j p " Ireland 5 FjF’ • t X *- Scotland f ’ i 1 * Germany j p " 32 5 1 6 1 l 8 36 1 1 2 4 5 1 11 13 8 40 35 4 2 1 i 8 10 16 32 3 3 5 17 5 41 10 1 1 9 , 1 1 1 4 8 1 3 42 21 23 2 ] 3 3 3 i 11 3 1 i 5 i 7 10 6 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 413 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES ANI) FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. ( Al’SK OF DEATH. All causes. j Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer aucl tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth- and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 2. 524 32 59 46 115 18 162 301 214 15 24 66 193 22 46 280 139 56 162 569 5 1 1,263 23 34 20 54 11 84 153 107 10 15 20 101 w 130 72 17 96 292 2 2 1, 261 9 25 26 61 7 78 148 107 5 9 46 92 22 24 150 67 39 60 277 3 3 2, 508 32 59 46 115 18 160 299 211 15 24 66 192 22 46 278 139 56 162 564 4 4 2.072 31 48 35 113 18 143 236 167 15 24 46 140 15 33 222 107 44 162 470 3 5 744 16 21 7 40 54 87 57 6 9 11 49 13 77 48 12 64 167 1 711 4 14 12 47 3 36 78 59 3 5 27 52 12 13 90 35 23 49 147 9 ># 309 7 14 6 26 37 30 4 6 23 4 24 ~ 30 -7 ) rr 264 4 5 7 11 4 27 29 19 4 7 12 3 23 13 8 16 68 S 7 176 _ 4 4 16 8 25 5 24 13 41 1 1 6 7 1 13 38 n 97 rj 32 19 - * 16 1 1 9 824 18 22 9 46 6 63 96 63 8 13 12 14 86 51 12 71 181 1 786 6 15 Hi 49 4 42 82 66 3 7 29 55 12 14 96 39 25 55 168 3 i10 79 1 3 9 9 14 6 12 9 5 4 1 3 24 110 1 3 l 9 6 15 0 4 13 ] l 16 9 24 'U 168 i 3 4 l 3 20 12 1 2 4 14 4 17 8 4 14 48 f12 174 4 (> 4 1 10 29 14 9 i 11 rj 5 17 15 3 3 35 24 1 6 3 1 4 > 29 1 i 1 3 3 1 9 5 1 6 P > 11 77 1 3 0 10 u 1 4 9 8 4 3 17 86 1 1 i 2 9 10 11 8 1 2 6 l 2 0 3 1 4 24 p 907 13 18 38 0 73 96 76 8 9 3. 77 6 16 96 55 18 64 200 15 436 4 12 6 It 42 52 36 6 3 12 37 6 41 29 5 38 90 16 471 1 24 3 31 44 40 2 6 19 40 6 10 00 26 13 26 110 17 899 13 18 38 6 79 95 74 8 9 31 76 6 16 94 55 18 64 199 18 738 7 13 13 37 6 64 76 63 8 9 19 52 4 11 74 43 15 64 160 19 264 1 l 3 12 3 31 29 19 3 3 6 14 3 26 18 0 27 54 264 1 4 18 11 22 28 1 4 9 21 3 5 31 15 10 20 60 97 3 • o 0 a 12 10 O 0 11 19 * 95 1 4 5 2 13 n 4 i 2 3 3 1 I 8 5 5 24 59 1 9 9 4 9 1 8 6 14 > 99 4 6 10 6 2 3 12 3 25 8 1 1 9 1 1 23 1 289 1 8 13 3 35 31 22 4 •j 16 3 27 20 30 292 2 5 19 1 14 25 29 1 4 10 22 3 35 17 11 99 67 S24 26 1 6 4 4 1 9 4 ) 36 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 i y 9 1 10 j'2o 57 2 9 1 1 6 1 1 4 8 1 6 4 4 16 > 63 l 4 9 l 6 8 1 1 3 4 9 2 6 4 1 1 11 9 •26 5 1 1 1 L, 10 1 9 1 4 .-27 25 l l 3 3 1 2 3 1 - l 42 1 1 1 6 3 1 l 6 i 1 i‘ H 774 17 32 13 37 4 38 98 67 4 3 17 47 8 14 84 46 25 42 176 2 29 385 14 15 10 21 2 17 47 29 2 3 4 26 9 33 22 7 21 102 1 39 389 3 17 3 16 2 21 51 38 9 13 21 8 5 51 24 18 21 74 1 31 771 17 32 13 37 4 38 98 67 4 3 17 47 8 14 84 46 9' 42 174 1 32 067 17 25 11 37 4 35 85 54 4 3 14 34 8 11 74 38 20 42 151 33 242 11 9 3 15 12 27 17 1 0 3 12 6 20 18 4 67 > 241 10 9 14 1 12 32 20 15 6 3 13 17 42 84 3 1 4 6 16 8 1 1 6 1 6 2 6 17 84 1 4 1 9 I 9 8 3 1 9 9 5 8 4 19 49 4 2 1 4 3 1 8 9 1 54 3 2 9 10 5 I 6 2 ■-36 3 9 1 37 > 206 1 12 9 4 19 1 14 30 18 9 3 3 12 24 18 4 17 69 266 2 ii 3 15 2 13 33 24 2 9 15 6 3 37 15 8 18 49 1 P 32 I i 2 i 9 1 9 36 i 2 3 0 3 1 3 1 5 '•39 35 i t i 9 9 1 9 32 1 1 6 r} 1 9 { 9 i i 40 10 3 4 1 9 8 1 1 9 1 1 1 s41 21 2 3 i 2 3 2 1 1 l 9 1 9 23 i i 2 9 r 1 1 2 2 1 1 (P :::::::: 42 414 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 23—Continued. | 1 843 119 37 26 28 210 311 54 262 169 442 77 22 19 14 132 185 93 24 143 67 i 3 4 401 42 15 7 14 78 126 31 23 J19 102 White 838 118 30 26 27 207 308 54 47 260 169 667 118 30 20 26 206 306 53 38 101 109 Both parents native j 238 39 14 15 4 72 90 14 18 67 43 6 206 29 5 3 7 44 70 21 12 49 51 One or both parents eign. t F • - 128 36 8 4 9 57 86 9 4 26 3 7 85 12 9 4 0 31 52 9 4 13 7 Foreign born ft? t t • 68 2 46 53 •> 20 8 103 1 1 2 1 40 9 1 1 1 3 3 Birthplaces of mothers: United States p " 269 40 18 10 7 87 no 14 21 75 43 10 228 30 0 5 8 55 84 24 12 51 57 England and Wales j p " Ireland 5 ‘ - 21 1 1 2 3 1 9 10 12 5 11 38 l 1 2 4 1 2 16 76 13 1 3 17 31 2 i 31 11 12 79 1 3 1 2 7 16 3 8 34 18 Germany | p '' 31 8 1 9 i 13 16 3 8 4 13 21 3 5 8 13 2 4 2 14 13 5 2 1 8 9 3 1 < F .. Ward 24 7 1 9 3 4 3 15 1,035 330 106 80 67 583 830 100 75 440 189 1 10 840 795 182 <0 C O IT 37 43 67 30 37 58 305 278 440 390 49 51 87 39 36 66 228 212 393 84 105 161 17 148 18 White 1, 453 303 92 520 745 19 1,117 282 275 303 92 27 22 67 13 14 58 13 14 520 133 121 741 184 169 83 20 14 49 9 5 170 44 49 73 25 38 1 i 20 Both parents native j P - - 80 71 21 One or both parents foreign., j j?'' 280 86 20 17 13 130 206 26 10 35 3 249 62 22 22 17 123 173 21 17 32 5 1 22 Foreign born f ' Colored 168 2 9 10 117 105 47 39 48 28 100 4 23 182 97 14 13 9 03 85 13 9 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 408 102 42 20 18 182 257 29 13 67 42 ) T - - 418 101 33 30 21 185 254 26 13 74 51 25 England and Wales 5 60 36 14 4 3 3 2 1 3 22 8 30 10 2 4 4 3 20 13 4 6 26 204 33 23 5 7 7 52 78 10 10 82 24 ( ■' -- 198 4 7 8 42 63 9 13 87 25 1 27 Germanv f t * 94 19 2 5 1 27 44 5 8 32 5 86 10 8 4 0 28 41 9 4 20 12 28 CS T . C M 7 1 3 0 1 l -r •• Sanitarv district A ‘ 10 3 1 1 0 95 3 95 1 29 276 44 12 7 :! 06 14 19 1 30 Males 146 21 23 - 4 9 34 ! 32 60 1 52 10 12 49 23 29 52 31 130 276 - 3 i 43 95 32 White 44 12 3 14 19 95 1 33 218 44 12 7 3 66 1 95 20 25 14 16 6 1 54 19 19 38 15 19 1 34 Both parents native j p " 67 60 5 15 4 2 3 2 1 1 13 20 35 One or both parents for- M. 45 16 3 1 1 21 32 3 4 5 1 eign. t F .. 38 8 3 1 12 18 9 5 9 3 11 30 Foreign born j p 33 9 ‘>4 - 25 1 17 7 37 Birthplaces of mothers: 38 79 9 •> 4 2 20 29 8 0 20 16 { 17 3 i 23 30 3 3 21 20 j 39 England and Wales j F " 14 4 2 6 ] 0 7 1 11 33 1 1 1 8 1 3 40 4 4 9 1 4 16 Germany | p ' 24 2 11 41 12 3 3 6 9 13 4 9 6 1 1 3 1 42 \ F .. 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 415 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar. rheal dis- eases. Con sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth j Dis- and pu-j eases erperal of the dis- j liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. TJn- known. 843 8 14 15 40 8 51 107 71 3 12 18 — 69 8 16 100 38 13 56 193 3 1 442 5 7 4 19 6 25 54 42 2 9 4 38 7 56 21 5 37 100 1 2 401 3 7 11 21 2 26 53 29 I 3 14 31 8 9 44 17 8 19 93 2 3 838 8 14 15 40 8 50 106 70 3 12 18 69 8 16 100 38 13 56 191 3 4 667 7 10 11 39 8 44 75 50 3 12 13 54 3 11 74 26 9 56 159 3 5 238 4 5 1 13 2 11 31 21 2 4 2 23 4 31 12 3 22 46 1 206 1 4 6 15 i 13 24 11 1 10 16 3 5 24 7 6 12 45 9 5 6 128 1 1 2 6 4 13 10 10 5 7 1 12 2 13 41 l 7 85 1 9 4 1 9 i 9 1 s 1 G 3 25 s' 7 68 1 1 1 12 9 9 8 9 13 5 9 12 103 1 3 3 1 19 11 3 3~ 13 2 20 V 8 1 1 1 2 9 269 5 5 1 14 9 14 35 23 2 9 24 4 35 13 3 24 55 l 228 2 4 8 15 i 15 24 13 3 10 18 3 6 24 i 6 15 52 2 C° 21 1 1 3 3 3 9 8 Su 38 1 1 9 5 6 4 i 1 1 11 76 1 1 1 2 6 9 2 4 2 8 3 2 8 20 f , 79 2 2 2 3 15 4 i 3 5 4 3 9 7 i 1 17 s12 31 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 4 1 2 10 21 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 21 7 s13 13 2 1 2 3 5 7 9 2 9 1 (-U 1, 635 34 21 22 57 30 199 174 136 5 16 45 89 5 37 162 67 17 99 418 9 15 21 17 13 30 18 96 90 67 9 5 13 47 20 92 33 7 61 208 16 795 13 4 9 27 12 103 84 69 3 ii 32 42 5 17 70 34 10 38 210 9 17 1,453 32 20 18 54 29 173 156 110 5 14 39 81 4 32 147 62 15 97 363 2 18 1,117 30 11 12 51 29 159 85 83 5 14 18 50 3 16 109 34 4 97 305 9 19 - 12 6 34 16 4 6 35 14 30 67 275 4 1 3 12 6 39 17 24 2 7 14 14 1 2 18 7 3 18 81 l '20 9 5 15 12 41 25 21 1 1 28 7 29 81 249 7 12 5 44 23 18 i 3 1 10 9 2 26 5 1 19 69 1 ;-21 3 9 37 16 8 17 9 19 8 6 31 *> 9 3 1 9 34 11 13 13 i 19 20 26 <22 : 3 1 26 18 26 2 G 8 i , 15 5 2 9 23 6 15 60 23 30 25 7 •18 18 1 34 106 > 418 6 l 6 17 7 59 27 44 3 8 i^ 18 2 6 28 9 5 22 131 l s24 1 5 1 9 8 6 1 3 8 5 4 16 36 5 5 2 i 2 1 5 i p r 4 4 3 3 9 20 34 21 4 11 20 3 12 47 i 2 1 22 39 13 1 9 11 5 19 13 10 39 <26 4 8 14 6 2 3 9 9 2 6 25 86 1 1 4 4 12 6 1 7 2 2 10 5 2 2 19 l (27 7 1 i 1 9 1 1 (28 19 2 f 1 2 4 276 5 6 2 3 3 14 39 15 1 15 15 1 6 34 24 5 16 71 l 29 5 2 1 2 8 21 8 5 6 22' 14 2 10 31 30 1 2 1 6 18 1 10 9 1 1 12 10 3 6 40 l 31 276 5 6 2 3 3 14 39 15 1 15 15 1 6 34 24 5 16 71 l 32 218 5 6 2 3 3 13 26 n 1 10 10 1 5 28 15 3 16 59 l 33 O 9 1 3 - 4 3 2 4 13 8 9 12 2 3 8 3 1 5 i 4 3 2 4 21 (34 9 4 1 1 9 6 2 ...... 8 14 l 3 5 3 1 5 2 2_ 12 l (3o 1 9 3 2 3 1 3 4 2 (36 25 4 1 3 2 3 5 37 l 5 4 3 3 4 14 9 4 16 1 1 2 4 8 5 1 5 1 6 4 3 4 (-38 14 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 jni 11 3 i 1 2 J(3y 2 8 3 2 i 1 6 2 1 2 4 (-40 2 5 1 2 l 3 3 1 6 1 1 2 1 7 (41 13 1 1 l 1 2 1 l (42 1 i VITAL STATISTICS. 416 Table 87.—DEATHS INr BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. Months. Years. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AM) A11 ages. Under 3 S to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to25 25 to (m Over 65 Un- known. Ward 24—Continued. ( 1 666 150 50 29 27 259 369 39 30 156 72 2 Males..' 337 84 25 15 12 136 191 15 16 83 32 3 329 66 25 17 15 123 178 24 14 73 40 4 549 130 ,0 20 24 214 310 31 22 132 54 5 0 427 118 116 95 130 47 34 40 11 15 20 5 4 24 214 67 58 306 86 80 31 5 16 2 I 57 20 18 17 5 10 Both parents native . C M.. -••• ) F .. 4 5 One or both parents for- C M.. 26 4 6 43 70 9 8 8 7 eign. \ F -- 87 21 6 6 8 41 65 10 4 1 Foreign born f M.. 03 9 4 40 17 8 ) F .. 58 2 2 34 20 18 9 Colored 117 20 10 12 3 45 59 8 8 24 Birthplaces of mothers: CM- 10 183 58 18 9 6 91 124 8 5 31 15 189 50 20 11 7 88 119 15 7 30 18 11 England and Wales (M.. 17 4 2 6 8 3 5 1 ---- t F .. 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 12 Ireland CM.. 81 13 4 3 23 35 6 3 24 13 •••• ) F .. 81 11 3 4 4 22 32 4 31 9 13 Germany CM.. 26 3 1 1 5 9 1 3 11 2 ) F .. 28 1 1 3 14 3 2 1 4 14 Scandinavia (M-. 4 1 1 1 ) F.. 6 9 T 4 1 1 3 15 297 24 17 118 10 Males 163 39 14 9 6 68 98 9 40 16 17 Females 134 18 10 11 11 50 66 9 7 35 17 18 White 261 54 21 19 14 108 151 14 9 61 26 19 192 47 54 21 19 3 14 9 108 27 151 40 - 16 8 3 20 Both parents native.. CM.. 15 1 1 31 5 1 5 3 14 20 2 4 4 21 One or both parents for- ( M.. 61 22 - 5 3 35 50 5 1 eign. ) F .. 50 H 8 6 6 31 40 9 3 22 CM.. 33 l 1 24 8 -*F~ 35 i 9 21 14 9 23 36 3 " 1 3 10 13 Birthplaces of mothers: 24 71 19 11 4 37 54 2 8 7 ( F .. 62 11 4 8 0 29 41 2 2 10 England and Wales CM.. 11 2 1 3 5 1 1 — I F.. 10 3 1 4 4 o i ii 9 26 CM.. 27 5 1 2 8 11 I 4 i 1 • 27 1 1 9 6 1 3 13 4 27 Germany CM.. 37 8 1 3 12 19 3 1 12 2 ) F .. 24 2 4 1 9 9 9 4 1 3 28 CM.. 3 2 9 3 ""I F.. o 1 l 1 1 29 Sanitary district D 85 12 6 3 28 41 8 -1 0 30 Males 47 4 4 9 23 5 15 12 1 4 31 38 • n 1 32 12 6 28 8 26 33 64 12 r- 6 3 28 6 4 13 34 Both parents native . CM.. 11 9 1 1 1 - 6 3 — 1 F.. 12 3 2 1 6 9 1 i 4 1 35 One or both parents for- CM.. 26 5 3 3 1 12 17 9 3 eign. t F .. 13 2 1 2 8 1 4 36 Foreign born CM.. 7 — •IF.. 12 4) 3 37 Colored 4 Birthplaces of mothers: 38 CM- 16 3 2 i 1 7 9 3 4 ••" l F .. CM.. 15 3 2 2 1 8 12 ; 1 1 1 39 6 i i 2 4 1 1 ) F . 4 1 : 1 40 CM.. 10 1 i1 i 1 4 4 1 ---• t F .. 8 1 41 CM.. 1 t --■) F .. 42 Germany CM — 8 3 i 4 9 1 3 — IF- 8 i 1 3 : 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 417 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- j Ma- phoid larial fever, fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth 1 Dis- and pu- eases erperal of the uis- liver, eases. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of tin* urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 666 13 5 11 28 . 11 105 58 64 2 8 16 47 18 53 19 6 40 161 1 1 3,'i7 9 4 7 14 6 52 31 25 9 2 4 25 10 27 10 3 24 82 32!) 4 1 4 14 53 27 39 6 12 99 8 26 9 3 16 79 1 549 12 5 8 26 10 86 49 45 9 12 42 16 ' 45 15 5 39 124 1 4 427 n 5 23 10 80 24 37 2 8 31 1 107 1 118 4 2 3 18 , 2 2 8 33 116 i 3 20 9 16 3 5 I 8 1 i 9 31 1 $ 6 95 4 9 6 3 20 12 6 1 1 21 87 3 i 21 4 9 2 6 9 9 6 19 $ 7 63 4 2 2 0 10 3 r 8 9 3 9 58 1 1 1 i 4 15 3 4 5 3 6 6 1 $ 8 117 1 3 o i 19 9 19 1 4 9 8 1 37 9 183 6 3 0 3 8 13 1 3 15 51 189 1 3 8 4 29 8 28 4 8 n 1 12 2 2 1 $io 17 1 3 3 1 3 2 4 7 2 1 1 i 9 $u 81 2 \3 1 2 1 10 12 7 4 8 2 - 17 81 3 1 1 2 13 15 6 1 3 4 6 2 13 $12 26 1 1 I 9 9 4 2 2 1 1 2 5 28 2 l 2 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 $•13 4 l i 1 i 2 2 $14 297 9 5 3 11 4 37 30 26 2 2 8 9 1 5 29 13 5 15 83 15 163 6 5 1 5 3 18 19 1 2 17 5 1 13 46 .. 134 3 2 6 1 19 11 11 2 2 1 3 12 8 4 2 37 .. 261 9 4 2 11 4 34 23 21 2 2 1 3 25 12 4 15 i <5 18 192 8 2 2 11 4 29 12 13 2 2 o 4 21 9 62 19 47 3 3 1 4 3 i 6 l 9 11 31 i 6 4 3 1 2 2 2 10 >20 61 3 2 i 2 9 10 9 3 7 l 4 23 ) 50 2 6 l 9 3 9 i 1 O 17 2! 33 2 9 9 1 1 2 9 2 ) 35 i 3 2 s 3 1 1 2 4 6 $22 36 1 i 3 5 1 o 2 4 1 8 > 23 71 3 1 4 1 6 3 8 i 9 20 62 1 2 2 11 6 6 2 2 3 2 5 i 19 $24 11 9 2 1 1 1 4 > 10 3 i 1 2 3 $25 27 2 1 3 3 1 1 9 2 27 2 1 1 9 1 3 3 5 3 1 5 $26 37 1 3 1 2 5 3 r 1 3 i 11 $27 24 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 8 3 1 1 1 j* 2 1 1 85 1 2 1 2 5 12 11 8 2 1 3 1 10 5 i • 6 » 29 47 2 2 4 7 5 4 i 3 6 9 i 4 6 30 38 1 1 1 6 4 i 1 1 4 3 2 « 31 83 1 2 1 2 5 12 11 7 2 1 3 1 10 5 i 6 13 32 64 1 1 2 11 6 5 9 1 8 5 6 11 33 11 1 3 1 i 1 1 2 12 1 1 2 1 i 1 1 4 $34 26 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 1 4 1 13 2 9 1 2 9 i $35 7 1 l 1 2 1 12 1 1 i 4 1 1 1 2 $36 | 1 37 in 1 1 1 i 1 9 1 2 15 1 3 3 i l i $38 6 2 1 2 i ) 4 1 1 2 $39 10 1 i 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 8 1 4 1 1 i $40 1 1 1 1 1 i 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 ? O 8 i i 1 1 1 1 l 2 VITAL STATISTICS. 418 Table DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. Months. Tears. All ages. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 !) to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 06 Un- known. 1 Ward 24—Continued. 311 67 13 15 17 112 161 23 13 87 27 2 147 31 6 8 50 76 12 6 41 12 3 j 164 36 7 10 9 62 85 11 7 46 15 White 284 63 12 15 14 104 149 20 12 79 24 5 216 63 12 15 14 104 149 20 8 30 9 Both parents native { F 39 u 4 1 21 32 4 1 2 6 50 14 2 3 4 23 35 3 1 7 4 One or both parents for-(M.. eign. $F.. ( M Foreign born < j, " 17 2 4 2 37 1 13 1 7 61 20 4 7 3 34 42 4 5 9 1 8 32 3 23 6 36 1 26 9 9 27 4 1 3 8 12 41 52 3 1 8 3 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j " 59 13 20 6 9 6 27 8 9 4 10 75 5 6 6 37 i 12 5 11 England and Wales { F " 12 4 1 5 7 l 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 19 1 12 Ireland { F^ 53 10 2 1 13 2 2 26 4 58 9 1 2 2 14 19 3 4 25 13 Scotland { F 2 1 1 1 1 14 C M Germany < " 11 2 1 3 5 1 5 13 3 1 2 1 7 8 1 1 3 15 4, 319 790 253 185 160 1, 388 2, 069 265 232 1,235 515 3 16 17 18 Males 2.189 462 328 757 140 113 243 103 82 83 77 788 600 1,318 1,146 923 1,971 133 132 253 107 125 214 590 645 1, 192 212 303 500 2.130 4.131 9 168 150 l 19 20 3, 259 963 756 244 243 82 168 149 1,316 418 1,953 614 240 63 188 34 630 169 248 83 ( M Both parents native ) F * * 52 40 878 167 46 43 42 298 462 60 46 191 119 21 C M One or both parents foreign.. j," 666 194 54 43 35 326 460 54 48 9 136 61 30 31 258 392 56 57 138 14 22 Foreign born '' 429 1 1 10 8 17 291 103 440 7 9 271 147 15 89 130 39 1 23 188 33 300 10 99 17 68 10 51 70 518 98 766 12 81 18 44 43 193 Birthplaces of mothers: United States { F^ England and Wales { ' 1,173 24 25 1,107 178 215 25 64 8 61 6 51 1 391 40 597 fl[ 58 78 9 67 7 234 1 154 12 0 3 3 21 42 9 5 67 31 26 Ireland | F 316 57 10 10 8 85 122 19 18 133 24 343 31 13 6 8 58 95 16 18 158 13 14 56 27 Scotland 1 F^ 32 1 4 7 4 3 5 34 3 2 1 6 9 2 1 g 28 C M Germany 2 p '' 327 333 49 45 17 23 14 9 17 8 97 85 134 127 13 19 27 27 122 112 31 47 ’i’ 29 1,375 245 78 59 51 433 642 85 83 391 172 30 ‘11 709 149 90 39 39 31 28 30 21 249 184 363 279 46 39 190 201 72 100 666 46 32 White 1, 252 221 71 45 45 382 571 80 71 366 16.3 33 995 220 80 48 71 24 15 45 11 13 45 14 12 381 129 88 92 567 195 127 75 22 19 59 6 11 201 58 60 93 35 46 34 Both parents native { F^ 316 263 35 One or both parents for-^M.. 195 54 13 13 12 127 16 19 30 3 eign. ) F .. 194 34 19 8 7 68 112 14 3 22 43 3 36 C M Foreign born p " Colored 127 2 8 86 79 25 28 41 9 128 1 9 1 37 123 24 7 14 6 51 71 5 12 l 38 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 5 ' ■ 394 100 30 20 17 167 249 29 11 67 38 360 63 24 20 16 123 15 179 25 24 81 23 24 51 39 C M England and Wales ) F 57 11 9 2 19 4 2 9 52 2 9 1 ii 5 3 9 Ireland • 120 18 2 4 4 28 43 8 11 48 10 4U 113 8 2 4 2 16 30 4 8 21 41 42 r \T Germany \ p f AT Scandinavia 1 tU " t P .. 63 9 4 3 4 20 27 1 23 78 16 10 3 i 3 2 ; 1 22 5 34 8 2 3 25 9 1 12 4 i 11 6 9 3 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 419 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larjal fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 311 6 3 5 13 31 36 23 1 3 5 15 3 7 36 6 22 89 1 147 9 1 3 8 3 11 14 15 2 3 3 20 9 10 43 2 164 4 9 2 5 4 20 22 8 1 i 9 8 3 4 16 4 12 46 3 284 5 3 5 12 7 27 34 22 1 • 2 4 14 2 6 33 6 21 80 4 216 5 9 3 12 - 26 17 17 1 2 6 2 3 21 5 21 66 39 1 1 3 1 6 4 i 9 4 9 50 9 1 3 2 8 3 1 1 2 i i 4 2 4 15 59 l 1 9 3 8 ] 2 4 22 ) r, 61 9 i 9 9 9 8 i 1 i 1 8 18 s 7 32 1 8 9 0 3 1 6 9 > n 36 1 i 1 9 3 9 5 6 1 5 8 27 i 1 4 2 1 i 1 1 i 1 3 1 9 & 59 9 1 4 l 8 1 2 1 3 9 17 Ji° 75 2 1 5 2 12 2 1 2 2 5 2 5 27 12 1 3 i 4 3 i 4 1 2 1 \n 2 i i 2 9 6 l 2 1 4 2 4 18 jl2 58 9 1 i 5 13 5 l 3 1 6 2 4 14 o i l )i ! 1 F n 1 9 3 . 1 2 2 ■ 13 i i 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 F 4. 319 68 49 64 200 77 480 479 394 25 41 100 225 38 59 449 174 53 339 999 6 15 2 189 as 35 253 99a 196 21 25 109 238 91 19 211 527 2 2,130 30 24 35 98 42 227 255 198 8 20 75 116 38 32 211 83 34 128 472 4 17 j 4.131 65 48 62 197 76 459 444 380 24 39 97 218 37 52 429 170 51 336 941 6 18 3, 25!) 61 36 42 187 74 423 287 270 24 39 51 125 24 30 344 95 25 336 780 6 19 963 19 o 10 60 23 117 60 86 8 11 10 40 8 109 29 6 111 247 878 11 14 58 26 95 71 81 i 8 25 36 9 ii 97 23 13 72 217 3 '20 666 15 8 7 34 9 107 60 51 8 9 2 16 4 72 15 1 96 150 2 657 15 11 11 35 16 98 84 48 6 10 12 21 13 5 60 21 51 139 1 429 2 7 10 6 2 16 83 53 11 10 47 42 9 86 440 2 5 10 4 20 73 57 34 48 13 12 38 33 17 74 >22 188 3 i 2 3 1 21 35 14 1 2 3 1 7 20 i 9 3 58 23 1.173 25 10 13 69 28 150 79 102 12 12 11 50 10 131 31 8 126 305 1 hi 1.107 12 8 14 67 33 131 102 98 3 11 31 41 10 14 122 30 14 86 277 3 178 5 2 5 3 1 15 19 13 1 4 9 15 5 24 2 12 35 4 1 2 2 10 21 16 2 7 12 4 4 15 3 3 37 <25 316 3 7 3 12 1 97 46 39 1 2 4 19 4 30 15 1 34 68 343 5 6 5 8 1 31 67 39 3 1 11 17 9 9 29 22 8 ii 61 32 2 3 1 4 5 4 1 1 3 9 1 5 > 34 9 9 1 4 9 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 9 <27 327 4 2 5 11 3 41 54 30 3 2 4 19 5 29 14 6 24 70 1 333 5 3 10 13 5 32 42 31 1 4 14 28 11 4 33 15 5 18 58 1 1, 375 20 21 23 67 22 141 146 139 7 14 36 73 8 16 142 61 14 98 326 1 29 709 10 12 12 * 34 10 74 73 3 9 10 36 6 87 27 7 62 172 30 666 10 9 11 33 12 67 81 66 4 5 26 37 8 10 55 34 7 36 154 1 31 1, 252 19 20 21 66 22 125 128 127 6 12 34 69 7 13 127 60 13 96 286 1 32 995 17 13 16 61 22 117 87 94 6 12 21 44 5 8 102 35 5 96 233 1 33 316 6 3 18 7 28 16 32 1 3 5 14 4 44 9 2 32 89 s 263 4 1 20 7 26 21 27 11 14 3 9 24 11 3 20 63 1 <34 195 3 4^ 4 11 3 35 1G 20 1 5 1 19 5 28 33 194 3 4 12 26 30 14 3 4 3 6 9 2 12 8 14 42 <35 127 1 4 3 4 4 23 17 3 ii 1 11 4 26 ) 128 1 3 9 1 4 17 16 10 14 2 4 10 14 4 26 '36 123 1 1 2 1 16 18 12 i 2 9 4 1 3 15 1 1 2 40 37 394 6 3 G 20 8 41 21 39 3 4 5 19 4 54 10 3 37 111 360 4 i 5 21 8 42 36 37 2 3 16 14 4 4 33 14 3 22 90 1 57 9 i 1 1 8 5 1 1 5 1 4 4 1 12 52 i 3 1 3 10 3 1 3 5 1 1 6 3 11 F 120 I 5 3 1 ] 1 20 16 1 2 5 11 5 1 9 22 l 13 2 3 9 4 16 17 1 4 3 3 3 7 6 4 4 27 G: 1 1 1 9 1 12 0 2 1 5 7 2 5 7 78 9 9 3 3 8 9 1 9 10 2 6 4 14 r1 16 1 i 5 1 4 ) 11 i 3 2 i 2 3 <42 420 VITAL STATISTICS. Table &7.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND AGE. SEX, COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS. Months. Years. i All ages.. Under 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 t o 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. Ward 25—Continued. Sanitary district B G96 114 20 17 186 ; 289 30 38 220 113 o 73 21 10 8 118 170 18 17 103 39 3 349 694 41 14 4 9 08 119 J8 21 117 74 4 114 35 20 17 186 289 36 37 220 112 5 Native bor - - - 114 35 20 17 180 285 36 33 137 64 Both parents native { One or both parents for-CM.. 183 102 39 16 14 6 11 9 5 8 69 99 61) 66 50 11 10 10 42 21 G 15 43 34 1 3 1 3 16 30 * 101 24 8 9 35 8 9 Foreign born | 62 76 2 2 3 42 15 8 *> 1 41 32 0 1 1 Birthplaces of mothers : United States j j7'' England and Wales \ r* 208 46 21 6 3 15 13 3 1 G 80 39 118 68 10 o 12 12 45 21 35 10 7 8 10 9 16 48 9 12 11 11 19 52 80 i 6 4 1 5 6 Ireland | p ' Scotland \ ' ' 10 10 1 23 26 4 1 9 22 2 12 14 4 37 3 11 1 13 11 26 38 853 i 1 1 g 2 1 l 3 4 Germany p " Sanitary district C 6 2 10 13 9 14 14 1 46 6 9 i 14 8 15 150 30 31 257 374 65 46 255 113 1G 436 417 847 84 28 16 14 142 202 29 26 126 53 17 18 66 18 14 17 115 172 36 20 129 60 148 46 30 31 255 372 04 46 252 113 19 680 214 192 127 121 148 46 30 31 306 63 41 154 56 C M Both parents native > F "" One or both parents for-CM., eign. }F.. 47 35 37 27 17 9 11 9 9 9 80 63 62 48 119 97 81 67 18 19 14 43 20 20 10 12 42 99 21 11 8 25 9 5 r- 13 6 30 5 22 Foreign born 84 83 6 240 227 44 45 65 57 2 3 51 28 4 1 2 47 29 23 9 9 1 3 Birthplaces of mothers: United States j p C M 57 44 3 17 9 8 91 76 10 3 134 118 14 9 23 20 15 50 21 24 10 11 11 23 14 49 23 25 3 3 1 1 1 16 12 England and Wales 1 p _ , , CM-. 1 12 1 1 9 1 21 12 2G 2 1 2 17 13 3 3 29 7 Ireland ? p 4 2 16 4 3 21 13 27 Scotland | 1 1 4 1 rj 1 8 i 2 17 3 3 1 28 CM-- 51 53 886 4 3 2 22 4 4 17 4 (termanv < ™ 9 9 2 3 16 313 21 5 9 21 4 29 162 67 50 34 481 57 47 227 74 30 31 32 440 446 .837 90 72 39 28 22 19 176 137 299 255 226 29 • 19 106 31 28 65 28 28 121 43 White 155 49 30 460 51 42 214 70 33 632 137 155 37 65 21 49 29 298 457 109 44 10 38 3 76 17 " Both parents native | '' 13 6 12 3 34 163 38 10 11 8 67 115 27 35 One or both parents for- f M.. eign. ( F .. Foreign born { F^ 166 47 16 15 9 87 125 11 12 17 1 150 29 18 10 6 63 99 15 18 3 3G 104 i 1 3 9 72 22 101 2 2 66 31 37 49 r. 9 1 4 14 104 21 6 5 13 4 Birthplaces of mothers: United States 194 49 28 17 10 153 16 16 4 38 215 49 14 16 11 90 146 14 11 34 10 39 England and Wales { F^ 21 4 1 5 10 1 6 4 19 3 2 1 6 10 1 i 40 Ireland | p'"' Germany | p " 42 3 1 11 5 16 2 21 25 3 47 3 2 11 62 3 2 0 41 152 23 8 8 8 47 14 53 16 127 15 2 10 4 1 30 3 45 8 14 39 9 21 42 Scandinavia { F^ 8 1 4 i i 6 1 1 2 3 2 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 421 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX. NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. W hoop- in g cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- ; birth ! Dis- and pu-, eases erperal jof the dis- liver, eases. | Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born j All other causes. Un- known. 696 16 11 7 32 11 76 71 63 2 3 20 42 6 13 67 28 12 57 157 2 i 347 11 5 2 14 36 34 28 i 1 2 18 6 36 17 2 40 87 2 349 5 6 5 18 4 40 37 35 i 2 18 24 6 31 11 10 17 70 3 G94 15 n 7 32 11 70 70 63 2 3 20 42 6 13 67 28 12 57 157 2 4 555 15 9 6 31 10 67 53 42 2 3 11 27 5 7 51 19 8 57 130 2 5 183 5 4 2 11 4 23 16 14 i 1 1 10 3 16 10 1 22 39 162 1 i 12 3 22 13 14 i 2 7 6 2 3 19 4 4 7 37 2 93 3 2 9 - 5 o 10 9 1 17 30 } r, 101 3 4 3 I 12 15 9 3 6 9 1 0 9 10 19 ( 7 62 1 i 3 9 9 1 0 3 10 14 t n 1 1 1 6 8 12 9 i 3 6 4 4 13 s' 8 2 1 i 9 208 4 9 13 25 18 15 i 1 1 12 3 20 10 1 24 46 <10 177 2 1 i 12 3 25 15 16 i 2 7 6 2 3 21 5 4 10 39 2 37 ° 1 i 4 4 3 1 7 2 1 4 7 111. 19 1 1 1 1 4 i 3 1 9 1 3 1 1 52 2 0 2 2 16 <12 80 9 1 3 3 8 15 0 4 0 2 3 0 4 1 4 12 4 2 1 1 >13 11 2 1 9 2 1 3 26 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 10 38 9 1 3 3 8 3 3 1 3 1 i 9 853 ii 8 19 46 15 95 98 64 7 ' 7 10 42 9 16 108 33 11 G3 185 15 436 8 3 21 57 49 31 7 25 - 18 4 44 81 16 417 3 5 12 25 8 38 49 33 2 O 9 17 9 9 51 15 lS 104 17 847 11 8 19 46 15 95 96 64 7 7 16 42 9 16 107 32 ii 63 183 18 6S0 11 6 11 44 15 90 73 40 7 7 12 26 6 8 81 16 8 63 156 19 214 4 2 14 6 34 17 16 4 9 4 8 30 1 23 44 192 2 3 16 6 23 18 11 I 3 0 1 5 ■ 18 3 13 127 4 1 1 6 1 20 18 4 1 3 4 1 4 21 23 S21 121 1 2 1 8 •) 12 15 6 1 4 5 4 16 3 6 33 84 9 4 1 3 n 9 3 12 11 9 9 12 <22 i 19 15 1 3 3 7 1 6 2 1 i *) 23 240 4 9 17 0 36 22 18 4 9 4 10 31 1 28 50 J24 227 2 4 - 19 7 27 21 12 l 4 9 1 5 4 5 16 44 i 1 2 8 2 2 i 9 1 3 4 1 4 (25 9 2 9 6 7 l 1 2 1 1 13 1 9 5 1(U l 4 9 9 3 14 ; <26 57 i 1 1 1 3 11 7 9 3 2 1 1 11 1 3 1 1 1 <27 1 1 1 1 3 s 51 3 9 1 1 4 9 1 6 1 3 4 1 7 8 <28 *> 3 3 8 3 9 "T 9 3 15 886 15 3 10 41 ■ 18 114 119 84 8 6 18 40 ii 9 87 30 11 73 187 29 440 8 9 5 23 G 61 56 43 8 1 4 18 4 38 16 3 38 105 i 30 446 7 1 5 18 12 53 63 41 5 14 22 ii 5 49 14 8 35 82 i 31 837 14 3 10 39 17 109 105 84 8 6 17 37 ii 7 84 28 10 72 174 32 032 13 2 6 37 16 100 55 63 8 6 3 15 5 5 70 11 1 72 142 2 33 137 4 1 2 10 9 19 9 17 2 1 4 10 1 18 37 <34 103 2 1 8 6 15 13 21 2 2 6 1 i 25 3 21 36 166 i 1 11 2 32 10 0 1 2 18 19 37 i 150 5 2 8 6 32 10 10 3 i 9 4 2 16 12 25 i 104 i 2 1 1 11 3 10 1 10 12 9 20 101 i 21 1 4 25 10 ii 12 6 4 71 12 y 6 49 i 2 1 14 i 3 3 o 1 1 13 194 7 1 2 11 4 31 15 22 4 1 1 5 14 1 1 20 53 215 3 1 11 10 23 23 9*) 2 2 8 1 .) 29 5 1 24 48 ;.,s 21 1 1 1 i 2 1 1 4 2 1 6 19 1 1 3 1 1 9 2 1 1 5 y/J >, „ 42 3 4 0 1 1 4 5 ' 4 4 47 i 15 3 3 2 1 1 3 9 1 3 r° 152 i 2 8 20 29 13 3 2 6 3 13 6 2 9 34 i 5“ 127 3 4 5 1 15 17 13 2 5 10 7 2 11 4 4 7 16 i 8 1 2 1 9 2 S42 6 1 1 [ 2 422 VITAL STATISTICS. TABLR 87.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN AND IN EACH WARD AND SANITARY DISTRICT DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND j AGE. SKX. COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, AND Months. Tears. All ages. Under 8 3 to 6 0 to 9 « to 12 Total under 12 Under 5 5 to 15 15 to 25 25 to 65 Over 65 Un- known. 1 Ward 25—Continued. Sanitary district E 1 509 ! 119 27 26 27 199 283 22 18 142 43 1 2 257 66 13 12 12 103 156 ii 8 17 8 252 14 26 14 15 96 127 n 10 77 26 1 4 501 119 24 27 196 279 » 140 42 5 397 119 26 24 27 196 278 99 17 62 18 e Botli parents native C M.. 113 41 6 8 8 63 92 0 1 1 14 4 If.. 98 30 6 8 4 48 63 61 19 10 One or both parents for- eign. Foreign born C M.. 85 25 3 4 39 9 6 2 \ F .. 91 22 7 10 44 58 6 9 17 1 8 CM.. 52 1 1 40 10 If.. 52 38 14 1 <) 8 i 9 3 4 9 1 10 Birthplaces of mothers: United States C M.. 137 48 9 9 10 76 1 112 4 1 15 If.. CM-- 128 19 38 1 9 2 11 5 63 3 86 5 6 1 2 2 22 8 11 3 1 11 England and Wales { F .. 19 3 1 1 1 5 6 1 i 9 13 25 2 12 Ireland CM.. 37 10 1 12 17 9 3 If . 46 3 1 2 4 10 1 12 i 3 5 13 Scotland CM.. 0 I 2 2 1 1 3 If.. 5 ] 1 1 1 14 Germanv C M.. 3 1 1 5 13 1 6 F.. 37 6 3 2 11 14 2 3 13 807 5 15 Ward 26 (including New Lots to August, 1886) . 3, 059 594 196 172 134 1,096 1,580 180 167 322 3 in 17 1, 623 1,436 3,010 329 106 82 90 74 591 505 1,083 859 84 96 87 426 381 790 165 157 316 9 265 90 60 721 80 \ 18 586 194 172 131 1,562 178 162 9 19 2,189 585 193 171 130 1,079 253 201 1,540 354 305 169 129 266 55 51 84 35 35 1 20 Both parents native CM.. \ F .. 481 440 151 105 46 36 32 40 24 20 24 27 13 99 21 One, or both parents foreign .. CM.. 637 1G1 60 46 49 316 283 460 46 51 3 I*- 557 150 49 49 35 386 61 37 68 4 1 22 Foreign horn C M.. 433 13 - 18 120 384 1 1 1 3 13 320 g 2 15 247 17 112 23 24 49 8 2 3 18 9 1 Birthplaces of mothers: United States CM.. ( F .. 613 566 181 127 60 48 43 51 36 32 451 392 37 40 19 29 67 66 38 39 1 25 England and Wales CM.. 83 8 3 2 2 15 22 3 35 18 \ F .. 63 11 1 i 13 15 3 31 9 26 27 Ireland Germany CM.. 204 38 4 3 5 50 79 8 20 76 21 If.. CM.. 181 548 22 71 5 32 3 26 2 25 32 154 47 220 8 25 15 34 84 195 26 74 1 \ F .. 501 80 28 25 20 153 201 35 1 23 170 72 28 Kussia and Poland C M.. 30 9 3 1 3 16 23 2 4 ( F .. 16 1 1 2 9 13 2 1 29 4,626 441 161 96 57 755 1 052 157 483 2,163 751 20 3t) Males 2,798 1 828 4, 531 248 193 436 86 54 25 32 56 413 342 747 568 484 1,038 83 74 147 307 176 468 1,489 674 2,131 337 414 727 14 31 75 42 t5 32 White 160 20 33 34 2, 091 383 431 64 158 95 56 740 124 1,025 182 134 20 251 36 554 115 126 30 1 Both parents native C M.. 28 21 ii \ F .. 303 45 26 11 13 95 147 24 19 o5 One or both parents foreign.. CM. 465 70 45 26 10 151 227 36 67 131 4 ( F .. 362 60 35 28 15 138 1 200 31 54 63 14 30 Foreign horn CM.. 1,378 872 1 3 133 954 281 If .. 3 477 32 135 312 24 35 2 37 95 5 1 1 1 1 g 14 218 10 29 15 42 38 Birthplaces of mothers: 5M- 459 76 34 27 13 150 ) F .. 375 51 28 16 16 111 173 30 24 82 39 England and Wales (M.. 90 6 4 2 1 13 20 2 4 55 15 IF.. C M.. 70 4 1 1 6 10 3 4 30 23 40 Ireland 828 32 21 10 66 108 23 71 465 161 41 } V- CM.. 696 389 37 14 17 7 14 2 8 3 76 26 103 37 26 8 74 60 293 217 198 67 9 ( F .. 199 5 8 2 3 18 34 1 21 78 65 42 (M-. 83 6 3 2 2 13 16 1 12 54 1 F -- 35 7 5 »> 14 16 4 14 1 , NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 423 MAY 31, 1890, AT CERTAIN AGES AND FROM CERTAIN CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, SEX, NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All causes. Scar- let fever. . Ty- phoid fever. Ma- larial fever. Diph- theria. Croup. Diar- rheal dis- eases. Con- sump- tion. Pneu- monia. Measles. Whoop- ing cough. Can- cer and tu- mor. Heart dis- ease and dropsy. Child- birth and pu- erperal dis- eases. Dis- eases of the liver. Dis- eases of the nerv- ous system. Dis- eases of the urinary organs. Old age. Still- born. All other causes. Un- known. 509 6 6 5 14 11 54 45 44 1 11 10 28 4 5 45 22 5 144 1 1 or- i 3 3 10 5 25 20 21 5 2 12 4 20 13 3- 27 82 ] 2 2W» 5 3 2 4 6 29 25 23 1 6 8 16 4 1 25 9 2 21 62 3 501 6 6 5 14 11 54 45 42 1 11 10 28 4 3 44 22 5 48 141 1 4 :!97 5 6 3 14 11 49 19 31 1 11 4 13 3 2 40 14 3 48 119 1 5 119 1 1 - 4 13 2 4 4 1 9 5 1 16 38 < c 98 1 9 2 4 9 6 8 3 2 4 2 n 2 1 11 30 s 6 85 1 9 1 3 1 11 3 7 l 1 9 1 10 2 11 27 1 > -7 91 3 i 1 2 2 16 8 9 1 2 1 2 1 10 3 9 20 £ 7 52 1 1 15 1 6 1 5 1 14 < Q 52 1 1 4 11 4 5 9 1 1 3 3 1 g £ 8 8 2 2 l 3 9 137 1 2 1 8 5 17 3 8 4 4 2 12 2 17 45 1 s10 128 1 2 4 5 14 11 3 2 4 2 14 2 1 14 42 19 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 6 w 19 2 1 1 3 1 1 9 1 1 1 5 37 1 1 3 6 ] 4 2 i 7 11 s12 46 6 10 6 ] 3 1 1 4 4 1 1 8 6 1 2 1 2 |l3 5 | 1 1 2 1 35 3 7 5 1 1 1 4 i 1 11 514 37 9 1 9 3 9 L 1 2 5 3 9 4 4 3, 050 53 30 76 109 70 337 324 212 19 43 57 116 27 49 307 103 54 195 871 7 15 1,623 25 16 45 53 43 175 184 130 9 18 21 58 32 168 54 19 106 463 4 16 1,436 28 14 31 56 27 162 140 82 10 25 36 58 27 17 139 49 35 69 408 3 17 3, 010 53 30 76 109 69 334 310 209 19 43 56 110 27 49 302 100 52 194 861 18 2.189 52 22 51 106 64 303 175 137 19 43 16 47 14 17 228 30 9 194 659 3 19 481 12 2 16 17 12 52 25 31 4 5 3 18 5 59 9 2 50 158 1 440 13 4 9 17 10 59 24 23 2 15 0 10 6 4 48 8 5 40 136 1 r 637 12 o 34 25 100 74 52 5 12 9 5 4 67 1 l 55 164 557 14 6 9 38 16 86 45 28 8 . 10 4 8 8 4 45 10 47 170 1 ; 21 > 433 4 13 9 4 19 71 43 29 23 36 39 15 117 3 384 1 4 12 i i 12 64 29 25 34 13 9 38 29 28 83 i £22 40 i 3 14 3 1 6 3 9 1 10 23 613 14 4 20 24 16 76 36 43 4 8 4 21 6 77 12 “ 2 54 191 i >94 566 16 4 10 27 13 74 36 29 2 18 8 14 8 5 61 10 7 47 176 i s'24 83 1 4 3 1 6 9 9 1 2 3 1 7 5 4 2 24 i 63 1 2 2 5 5 4 2 6 3 1 5 4 3 3 i ■2d 1 1 9 5 19 34 20 1 2 3 12 12 21 49 1K1 0 1 4 4 17 28 15 1 9 7 4 5 14 12 10 41 26 548 7 7 12 13 15 63 85 38 1 6 10 21 20 61 18 8 18 144 i <27 7 13 23 10 48 3 59 27 5 5 16 24 12 6 46 17 18 21 135 30 9 i 1 3 1 1 2 6 JO 2 3 1 2 i 1 6 <28 4,626 27 101 39 47 27 248 1,014 353 52 25 102 324 13 06 324 . 285 60 181 1. 328 10 29 2, 798 14 ■ 63 32 21 17 121 662 226 32 19 39 181 42 185 175 17 118 830 4 30 1,828 13 38 7 26 10 127 352 127 20 6 63 143 13 24 139 '110 43 63 498 6 31 4, 531 23 100 37 47 26 245 995 344 48 23 101 319 12 62 316 282 54 180 1,307 10 32 2, 091 18 31 10 41 25 151 384 173 48 23 33 95 5 17 140 77 12 180 628 33 r. 9 6 25 62 32 9 5 4 23 6 43 12 1 19 114 303 5 4 2 9 2 31 22 25 10 2 9 22 2 3 25 7 9 ii 103 6 2 5 g 28 108 46 14 12 2 15 1 29 17 15 153 > 3 12 7 30 83 34 g 2 7 10 2 19 12 1 7 120 <3d 1 378 4 41 25 5 45 393 117 26 119 30 95 118 14 346 }:*« 872 27 1 2 i 1 48 212 50 41 102 14 74 83 28 179 3 95 4 9 1 3 19 9 4 2 i 5 1 4 8 3 6 1 21 37 459 7 10 3 ii 9 32 71 40 11 5 4 24 7 48 14 3 22 138 375 8 4 3 10 3 33 27 30 12 4 12 27 2 7 35 7 13 12 126 96 1 ] 1 1 5 16 14 2 l 5 4 2 12 6 1 1 24 7-39 70 3 1 1 7 10 3 8 1 2 3 8 1 9 H 7 2 1 27 249 76 10 8 6 67 14 54 67 7 8 212 18 3 6 4 39 177 48 5 25 60 6 6 37 59 19 6 178 s40 16 2 2 14 93 28 1 2 10 29 27 29 5 2 117 > . 190 83 1 3 1 2 2 17 35 15 2 10 20 5 21 14 5 44 2 >41 g 3 i i 7 9 1 2 3 8 2 23 <42 i 9 8 i 1 2 2 1 2 15 424 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 88.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. aii ; ages. 1 Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to ‘20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 60 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. All causes 250, 359 79,022 117,993 7,619 2,857 4, 983 9, 526 12,109 11.258 11,870 11, 234 10. 547 10,290 8, 779 8,888 22, 406 Males Females 134, 233 116,126 83 43, 522 35,500 j 32 j 63, 791 54,202 41 3,886 3, 733 1 1,431 1,426 2,512 2, 471 4 4.824 4, 702 3 6,451 5. 658 4 6, 293 4, 965 6 6.819 5,051 4 6, 625 4, 609 4 6. 235 4.312 5 5.697 4, 593 2 4,868 3,911 4,568 4. 320 1 10, 233 12, 173 7 40 13 20 1 J 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 43 ’■9 21 3 9 3 4 3 3 2 2 I.—General disease*. 55, 398 23,691 42, 673 3,730 660 665 916 923 680 632 584 575 563 527 574 1,696 28,510 26 888 12, 508 22.153 1,804 313 342 492 538 365 364 330 295 292 238 259 725 11,183 20. 520 1,926 347 323 424 385 315 268 254 280 271 289 315 971 163 87 30 59 52 12 12 1 _ 21 19 13 12 5 5 2 2 2 9 1 3 2 1 (1 .. 1.966 1,856 2.180 2,187 5,103 568 542 147 154 463 398 1,845 1,736 1,662 1,600 4,011 3,811 93 97 402 458 906 993 2 9 1 1 1 2 2 6 49 50 83 104 3 16 22 27 32 2 i If.. 5M.. 20 24 23 25 17 6 6 i i 14 13 15 g 9 8 9 0 i F . . 4f" 6 11 10 10 1 1 1 2 1 12 9 t * •• .{£-• 1,267 1.553 700 755 1, 230 1,487 2 33 56 1 3 1 2 5. Whooping cough 3 2 i 1 i? .. CM.. i i 6. Fever 1 2 2 i i 7. Cerebro-spinal fever... ( * • * 589 527 150 132 374 332 79 76 22 29 22 24 16 10 22 7 9 7 13 9 9 6 4 8 6 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 8. Typhoid fever •{?:: 1,208 823 9 6 58 39 49 46 47 54 157 118 245 160 211 112 126 91 100 52 67 31 44 34 37 31 25 16 22 16 20 23 9. Diarrheal diseases CM.. ’IF.. CM.. 8,845 8, 219 5,722 4,918 4,069 3,715 92 57 7,044 6,122 4,929 4, 520 311 266 145 | 99 4 o 48 48 69 93 109 105 93 93 117 94 122 115 140 133 149 154 137 186 141 224 480 708 10. Cholera infantum 1 11. Malarial fever ( r .. CM.. •IF.. 1,004 1.056 75 83 47 43 39 58 62 69 75 82 62 66 52 59 49 50 44 54 37 39 33 44 41 41 77 102 12. Erysipelas 471 435 209 216 228 241 2 4 2 4 8 9 11 10 18 16 16 12 20 8 31 19 28 19 30 17 15 19 17 14 45 43 112 4 1 4 9 2 1 1 3 5, 407 2, 030 i 3,770 74 16 24 52 75 66 67 94 148 139 170 660 5. 571 2,192 3, 305 67 14 30 48 73 48 66 109 115 161 153 250 1.126 ( M 4. Pneumonia < y *' 13, 41 2. 725 5, 393 306 127 200 572 768 729 843 811 794 661 599 515 1 057 10. 049 2, 258 4,017 291 130 222 354 427 462 470 435 446 535 435 519 1.300 5. Pleurisy | 531 54 109 13 0 20 29 36 48 39 40 37 41 26 28 59 356 43 84 10 - 15 12 22 25 22 18 22 14 24 25 61 124 6 7 O 6 6 - 13 10 48 17 8 13 16 46 84 100 119 6. Asthma J j, 7. Others of this class { pj(j 4 1 9 2 29 10 7 13 48 36 16 16 1,247 951 734 571 792 025 13 8 9 7 10 7 19 24 16 33 16 37 23 32 22 53 38 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 8,085 1,280 1, 745 176 178 202 325 414 469 561 580 671 672 552 519 1,021 4,149 735 992 105 105 118 133 199 223 246 267 294 311 365 306 342 330 275 251 463 3, 930 128 753 71 73 84 192 215 269 277 268 558 1. Dentition | j? 78 128 103 03 103 2. Angina £ j?" 77 19 47 9 3 9 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 41 7 26 4 3 1 I 1 9 1 1 1 C M 3. Diseases oi the stomach.. ] ” 092 782 167 147 227 203 13 9 5 8 16 13 20 41 27 42 44 41 39 45 45 32 46 52 45 53 39 44 29 54 97 145 C M 4. Obstruction of the bowels. < y " 258 218 74 46 91 67 6 1 9 3 11 3 5 15 10 14 10 13 15 15 11 18 13 15 17 6 10 18 14 22 37 264 36 39 1 2 4 5 13 11 15 16 25 99 23 31 57 223 2 3 8 9 13 12 30 22 2 33 35 58 3 6. Other diseases of the (M.. 30 10 17 2 1 1 2 9 3 3 bowels. t F .. 28 8 10 1 i 3 3 2 0 2 4 ( M 7. Jaundice < y " 93 79 82 1 1 3 1 4 1 4 4 00 46 47 9 1 2 9 4 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 204 9 9 5 5 2 8 17 25 34 25 38 24 24 15 33 of the liver. ) F .. 272 6 10 3 2 3 11 15 17 20 32 28 30 27 25 49 C M 9. Other diseases of the liver. \ y" 1,178 9 15 7 4 6 13 46 72 108 158 177 178 135 110 149 SOL 7 11 4 1 6 20 35 58 91 104 117 117 100 89 138 653 56 98 46 52 53 54 59 37 39 33 34 33 31 27 57 l h .. 872 43 65 37 43 51 90 88 94 88 61 45 61 42 33 18 3 1 1 1 8 1 i 1 1 1 1 ...... 21 1 12 1 503 197 238 16 25 26 24 19 14 16 16 23 15 38 < * -* 432 170 ! 207 12 11 8 15 13 15 16 13 15 22 18 14 53 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 14, 537 208 644 236 137 236 503 859 1,007 1,247 1,380 1,411 1,500 1.246 1,314 2,817 ... 1,615 0, 506 84 284 119 60 135 277 428 <38 144 dud 1. Bright’s disease 3,644 34 33 47 no 130 186 213 ] 258 247 ] 362 258 9 356 326 422 329 396 398 1 3 364 288 1 1 320 354 316 722 659 3, 294 30 20 74 2. Calculus, urinary { 32 3 4 I 3 1 1 2 359 14 1 2 2 256 l 1 409 1 321 3. Diseases of the kidney | " 3,777 3,048 101 327 80 43 49 100 227 337 358 591 75 204 SO 39 50 139 201 216 265 305 225 305 212 238 503 .4. Diseases of the bladder ... £ 327 ! 1 5 2 2 5 8 6 11 6 18 37 38 183 1 4 10 5 9 2 12 4 14 2 11 3 12 C \T f>. Others of this class J vr" 251 1 19 ! 24 1 16 24 110 9 ( r - 74 7 15 3 1 4 4 7 3 6 6 3 6 5 561 0 53 generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 52 140 ] , 10 13 26 11 18 12 14 18 19 84 1 11 99 48 4. Uterine diseases 3' 10 07 9 38 427 6 34 341 5 25 142 3 3 190 •) 10 120 27 8 3 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion 2,230 545 633 16 5 3 1 205 r, 36 88 5J 147 55 89 41 100 14 49 2. Childbirth 49+ 10 4 1 3. Puerperal septicaemia 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 1.250 j 70 356 1 358 3 224 5 54 166 59 10 2 14 5. Others of this class 273 07 64 71 29 20 9 9 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 427 Table §8.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. . _ 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 80 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 05 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 675 24 104 138 95 30 43 29 28 30 38 29 23 29 17 33 389 286 7 58 46 70 68 56 39 26 13 30 13 21 8 15 13 20 18 18 11 15 8 18 11 Females 17 8 7 23 1. Diseases of the spine < M.. } F .. 146 115 1 9 33 17 32 34 18 14 10 4 11 5 10 3 1 5 5 6 7 5 5 5 2 3 5 2 2 3 7 2. Diseases of the bones {?:: 118 82 1 3 10 10 14 13 17 6 6 4 7 4 2 10 6 2 10 6 8 3 6 4 8 4 7 4 5 10 3. Diseases of the liip joint .. C M.. 84 2 9 21 20 9 10 6 2 3 0 1 1 | F — 59 2 12 19 17 4 1 1 9 1 1 4. Others of this class C M.. 1 F 41 30 3 3 6 l ~ 1 9 1 9 1 l 9 2 6 1 27 2 3 5 9 4 1 6 2 1 1 1 5 675 191 249 15 8 13 31 32 23 34 29 46 34 40 94 356 107 138 9 2 _ 17 14 13 20 17 21 25 11 17 26 46 48 16 319 84 111 6 6 6 14 18 10 18 8 14 12 17 14 13 JM- 199 53 52 78 2 6 10 12 9 13 6 8 \ * • 206 67 4 6 6 12 18 8 15 11 • 10 10 6 26 2. Carbuncle t M.. 49 i 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 4 8 7 7 9 | F .. 29 2 4 1 1 1 3 6 4 4 < M.. 108 1 53 59 1 1 4 1 3 2 9 6 21 K. 84 30 40 *> 2 1 3 2 2 9 l 4 18 6 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system -. 88 • 21 3 i 2 0 5 4 8 5 ii 3 Males 45 43 5 4 9 12 1 9 i 1 9 3 3 2 9 9 4 4 3 4 4 1 7 4 l 8 "2 1 6 1. Addison’s disease ( M. 15 1 1 1 3 3 9 0 1 1 I F .. 13 i 2 1 2 I 9 4 2. Diseases of the spleen 5^:: 10 9 1 9 1 1 3 4 i 1 1 1 i 3. Others of this class CM.. 20 5 i i 9 i 2 3 2 If .. 26 4 li 2 i I 9 3 2 9 i 1 XII.—Accidents and injuries 9.523 644 1,343 . 463 289 410 693 902 845 933 885 728 613 454 340 625 Males 7,096 2.427 351 293 765 578 328 135 233 56 309 101 529 164 720 182 673 172 779 154 12 16 707 178 589 139 472 141 353 101 241 99 398 22J 13 28 1. Burns and scalds CM.. 263 16 144 17 6 10 16 9 g 6 9 8 If.. 365 22 115 32 15 22 30 23 23 14 14 22 6 5 2. Drowned CM-. ( F .. 1,035 83 7 1 21 17 ; 76 6 64 2 59 6 78 7 84 3 99 4 123 4 118 8 87 4 67 2 49 6 24 3 86 11 3. Exposure and neglect .... C M.. 9 2 2 2 1 4 6 4 4 1 1 4. Gunshot wounds $ M.. i • 5 6 9 3 3 2 1 1 i 3 \ F .. 8 i 9 9 1 2 5. Homicide 5f:: 258 67 J 3 7 2 10 2 » 6 47 9 38 9 28 4 38 7 23 11 20 6 16 2 4 5 1 3 1 6. Infanticide CM.. | )f.. 7 i 1 7. In juries by machinery ... C M 13j 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 F . 8. Kailroad accidents CM.. ; 352 8 16 16 17 36 47 32 39 49 - 28 26 14 9 15 jF.. 18 2 2 1 1 i 9 3 1 3 2 9. Suffocation CM.. < F .. 366 226 141 131 155 147 9 4 4 3 7 10 12 10 29 9 27 13 27 3 28 2 18 3 14 11 5 5 5 20 5 10. Suicide by shooting C M. 438 1 17 61 61 53 51 39 41 27 38 25 24 |f.: 27 1 5 6 3 2 2 1 11. Suicide by drowning C M.. 37 6 8 4 2 G 4 3 2 1 1 If.. 10 1 i 1 i 9 9 i 1 12. Suicide bv poison C M.. 224 1 8 19 21 20 29 31 25 22 12 21 1 F . 149 20 28 23 19 13 11 10 12 2 5 6 C M.. 355 6 19 25 47 39 40 50 42 38 16 33 1 F .. 3 10 10 8 4 6 14. Sunstroke C M.. ( F .. 457 146 34 27 53 39 4 6 3 4 1 33 6 50 6 60 9 73 6 63 16 48 26 11' 14 10 9 17 22 15. Surgical operations CM.. IF- 187 346 28 7 39 14 7 5 10 5 8 4 31 14 50 15 47 12 51 15 42 15 36 15 24 15 13 11 8 8 12 16. Wounds SI1:: C M.. c F .. 94 18 1 9 2 2 6 1 16 11 3 6 9 5 3 9 1 2 1 9 1 2 9 1 6 17. Other accidents and in- juries. 2, 973 880 119 88 338 223 185 78 112 27 138 22 183 29 314 38 270 34 319 37 278 60 238 44 192 53 147 46 112 56 147 133 428 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 89.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. I All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 to 15 20 years, years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 80 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 60 years. 50 to 55 years. 56 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. 112,467 35,026 52, 906 4,637 1,702 2,456 4,138 4.733 4, 693 4,453 4, 256 4,155 4, 281 3, 948 4,052 12,057 58,601 19,117 28, 456 2, 293 815 1. 202 2, 081 2,414 2, 481 2, 365 2, 359 2, 320 2, 252 2,127 2,115 5, 321 53, 866 15,909 24. 450 2,344 887 1. 254 2. 057 2. 319 2, 212 2 088 1,897 1,835 2, 029 1.821 1,937 6,736 123 20 25 7 2 - 7 3 6 5 4 11 4 9 8 27 56 10 12 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 3 18 67 10 13 6 2 2 6 2 5 2 1 6 4 4 5 9 I.—General diseases. 25, 001 9, 596 17, 585 2,319 524 382 577 505 408 336 295 269 319 276 299 907 12,651 5,061 9,068 1, 111 252 178 308 258 205 170 157 139 159 142 147 357 12, 350 4,535 8. 517 1, 208 272 204 269 247 203 166 138 130 160 134 152 550 1. Smallpox CM.. CM.. 127 97 13 14 36 46 12 9 11 8 9 8 10 6 12 5 10 3 8 4 3 1 10 4 : 1 2 2 2 408 94 368 » 3 1 9 2 1 2. Measles 359 905 80 322 616 33 222 9 1 10 1 c * • • CM.. 58 36 8 7 1 1 1 2 1 3. Scarlet fever 935 41 639 227 34 6 8 g 6 2 4 1 CM.. 'IF.. 2,461 2, 557 129 1, 705 1,622 77 16 12 3 4 3 2 2 2 4. Diphtheria 114 756 104 26 14 8 6 6 2 4 3 1 2 3 CM.. 510 624. 10 6 151 143 569 433 272 499 592 10 1 5. Whooping cough 306 22 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 CM.. 3 1 2 1 6. Fever 1 3 1 1 1 46 42 2 110 105 20 20 6 6 1 4 2 ] 1 7. Cerebro-spinal fever.. 11 23 17 6 133 88 2 1 16 11 2 2 8. Typhoid fever ( r ■■ •{if:: 31 26 68 55 96 51 63 52 38 40 28 25 14 15 15 9 12 8 10 16 9. Diarrheal diseases CM.. "} F.. 3, 357 3. 257 I 1,855 1,601 2,478 2,189 94 71 35 37 22 30 46 45 44 58 51 56 56 46 45 46 55 61 76 89 72 74 71 ' 93 212 362 10. Cholera infantum CM.. ' ) F 2. 902 2, 724 698 715 2, 392 2. 189 25 18 2, 901 2, 724 129 100 1 11. Malarial fever CM.. " ) F .. 52 51 39 44 35 62 72 72 65 65 47 44 39 48 44 40 27 30 31 33 30 31 30 26 58 69 12. Erysipelas 236 176 83 67 88 76 1 6 3 6 6 6 6 9 3 8 6 ’} 20 4 10 5 11 9 11 7 15 11 25 35 13. Septicaemia ■{¥:: 112 139 u 8 19 16 5 8 5 4 3 4 7 12 8 34 11 20 8 9 3 10 5 5 14 4 6 6 6 2 12 5 14. Venereal diseases CM.. ' ) F 101 68 104 03 40 13 67 44 30 5 4 - 3 8 1 0 1 1 1 - 6 1 3 4 1 2 15. Others of this group . fM.. ’ c F .. 3 2 3 i 3 1 4 5 4 5 10 33 117 12 19 9 2 6 6 4 3 3 2 9 3 7 51 1,427 832 872 _ 8 28 61 74 79 89 65 55 31 26 32 861 436 462 3 2 99 47 58 66 38 24 15 18 566 396 410 4 6 6 14 16 23 23 lo 17 7 11 14 1. Parasitic diseases ■{¥:: CM.. 9 i 1 321 1 2 2. Alcoholism 1 17 38 50 47 56 43 35 17 13 3 • \ F .. 105 2 10 9 18 23 14 15 6 6 2 3. Lead poison ( F . - 5 M.. 24 3 3 3 3 2 o 1 1 50 4 9 9 4 3 6 4 6 3 4 7 3 •2 9 3 28 463 430 15, 548 5. Inanition... •{¥:: 431 393 12. 788 449 403 13, 276 2 1 1 6 9 3 1 2 2 11 26 p. 11 12 u 15 23 19 17 34 35 75 1.987 8,184 7, 364 7,120 7, 362 12 14 9 5 7 6 3 14 13 ; 15 17 34 690 5. 668 5, 914 862 652 4,359 3, 395 214 151 1,927 1. 716 5 7 12 9 6 10 19 18 41 1,297 1. Frematuro birth CM. 862 860 651 ') F 652 2. Stillborn C M 4. 359 3.395 214 4, 359 3,395 213 150 1,688 1, 472 *. 3. Malformation C M. ‘ ( F 154 F ** 3. Bronchitis { 1,143 961 252 202 2,483 2,485 947 784 191 153 1, 690 1,495 186 163 23 32 39 39 9 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 5 1 9 8 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 9 15 17 5 30 15 26 36 21 38 28 17 38 36 32 39 51 65 63 78 97 106 342 501 4. Pneumonia | jf" 5,437 4,528 806 690 1,930 1,614 200 216 7 13 63 60 117 117 213 142 283 173 338 207 326 184 318 192 304 217 321 248 270 234 261 265 493 659 5. Pleurisy j ‘' 232 177 11 5 31 16 3 6 9 0 22 14 16 15 23 9 27 17 14 10 15 5 15 11 10 9 19 8 21 38 6. Asthma j p " 104 122 682 559 9 9 334 248 12 11 393 299 1 9 3 7 11 12 14 37 49 1 i 9 9 8 11 13 12 12 7. Others of this class | p " 24 10 8 7 4 G 6 16 16 10 24 14 25 15 • 23 16 25 11 27 20 21 15 28 25 58 95 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 5,293 1, 218 1,826 117 97 116 161 204 234 250 308 333 345 324 302 676 2, 665 2,628 668 1,008 818 59 58 64 69 81 95 97 153 171 168 177 162 303 Females 550 58 39 52 92 123 139 153 155 162 177 147 140 373 1. Dentition | p " . CM 481 280 249 481 415 46 42 8 32 22 4 1 2 9 1 2 2 2. Angina ' p ' 8 74 58 9 3 1 O l 1 1 2 3. Diseases of the stomach.. | 350 429 116 100 11 10 1 3 2 8 4 8 G 1-7 14 25 14 25 15 20 21 33 23 29 35 28 28 30 60 93 4. Obstruction of the bowels. | 131 137 18 14 26 15 2 5 4 3 8 6 11 4 6 5 5 5 8 8 8 11 7 11 9 14 9 5 7 J4 21 31 94 15 15 1 5 3 6 9 3 7 9 8 • 10 25 o. Hernia ’ p 70 2 2 1 6 11 8 8 15 14 33 18 5 9 55 12 9 1 1 2 2 4 i 3 2 5 1 1 2 i 1 3 5 • 7. Jaundice [ F^ 86 76 187 202 582 424 326 528 56 3 1 2 6 9 3 3 5 37 7 4 38 13 6 3 1 2 3 8 4 1 16 37 49 85 92 31 40 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 3 2 5 1 5 3 e 12 14 12 20 17 18 21 24 15 24 22 26 16 20 9. Other diseases of the liver. | p " 10. Peritonitis '[ F 6 9 • 11 16 38 34 2 3 2 3 11 8 25 18 29 29 32 26 66 46 81 52 20 22 91 54 73 41 67 36 25 20 26 20 36 25 31 28 28 63 26 65 19 65 20 61 20 43 8 23 ii 24 12 15 ,, . •„ CM.. 25 2 2 3 1 2 1 4 3 4 2 11. Ascites ’ p, 31 i 2 1 1 9 1 2 j> 3 13 29 29 1,011 12. Others of this class { F^ 324 250 173 140 | 206 160 232 5 9 8 5 ii 3 99 5 5 3 4 4 5 6 13 7 7 4 * 6 10 7 11 13 * VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 4, 889 67 139 83 182 284 339 392 384 426 . 474 402 442 2.567 2. 322 1,263 1,233 43 129 103 73 66 35 45 77 134 154 175 217 96 208 176 124 223 203 119 260 214 174 958 264 178 149 572 439 250 253 2 24 48 105 150 185 184 125 C M 1. Bright’s disease 1 p “ 18 u 20 31 71 22 22 27 54 74 96 129 110 110 122 109 105 1 2. Calculus, urinary 1^ 8 1 3 i 2 1 3. Diseases of the kidney j p " 4. Diseases of the bladder j p ‘ ’ 1,023 996 169 29 38 23 1 1 120 101 1 1 51 43 20 25 1 1 23 25 1 43 47 2 54 67 1 3 72 8J 3 07 82 2 2 73 61 5 1 91 86 5 1 8 G 79 86 4 2 78 68 10 4 83 68 19 3 169 157 115 11 36 17 16 5. Others of this class { F^ VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 104 62 4 7 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 4 4 6 5 9 10 4 6 4 9 4 5 2 12 9 198 1 9 1 4 17 28 21 28 15 25 15 10 16 56 1 3 4 10 9 5 6 6 10 12 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 47 1 3 3 3 4. Uterine diseases 19 2 5 y o 2 1 64 1 9. 2 8 15 12 13 119 5 5 1 •> VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 1. Abortion 867 37 188 264 192 58 i 1 38 0 13 10 9 221 33 112 66 117 1 51 100 1 35 53 27 22 l 3. Puerperal septicaemia 462 23 3 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy . .■ 2 5. Others of this class 144 8 37 37 30 22 9 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 431 Table 89.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under l year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. i 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 217 9 29 48 33 14 16 11 5 9 9 G n 7 2 17 116 6 21 19 G 10 6 3 2 5 10 101 3 14 14 8 4 2 1 1 9 i 1. Diseases of the spine | 54 3 9 11 9 3 5 4 i 4 1 50 2 8 17 9 3 5 2 1 3 3 1 1 i 2 4 2. Diseases of the bones p ’ 27 i 9 3 2 1 2 9 1 3 l 3 1 15 9 1 3 l1 2 1 1 I 3 M 24 i 3 8 1 3 1 1 3. D]8C<1868 uf the lnp joint .. < 17 2 £ 3 1 2 4. Others of this class | jf** 11 i 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 13 i 2 2 9 1 1 1 2 2 188 68 84 1 3 3 5 G G 9 10 8 10 14 30 102 35 44 40 25 1 2 2 3 i 5 8 14 16 3 86 51 33 18 1 i i 2 2 1 2 3 9 i 5 3 4 3 43 19 24 l i 2 3 1 l 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 22 1 1 1 2 i 3 1 4 10 i l 1 2 2 3 3. Others of this class 29 16 18 1 i 1 9 i 5 '33 14 16 1 3 1 4 7 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system.. 48 4 10 i 0 i 1 4 9 4 2 8 Males 21 3 7 1 i 3 l l l 9 4 27 1 3 4 i 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1. Addison’s disease { 5 3 9 i i 2 i i 1 i 1 C M 2. Diseases of the spleen. • ) p’* 1 9 1 1 1 1 2 9 2 i 1 1 1 3. Others of this class 11 2 i 1 1 3 9 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 i 240 3, 009 224 458 138 86 121 183 263 249 263 263 270 177 178 120 2,330 679 127 275 183 92 46 73 13 96 25 149 34 213 50 209 40 227 36 224 39 234 36 5 6 151 26 148 30 95 25 144 9G 97 1. Burns and scalds { "" 162 144 6 6 83 46 10 20 2 5 5 10 7 8 8 11 6 6 7 1 5 3 4 1 2 5 9 10 2. Drowned {1^"" 404 41 5 2 11 3 26 5 24 3 19 1 23 3 43 • 4 28 4 50 1 48 6 68 2 22 1 18 3 11 2 13 3 C M 3. Esposure and neglect > F *" 9 1 3 1 2 i 1 1 1 1 C M 4. Gunshot wounds > F * 20 5 o - , 4 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 5. Homicide { F "" 39 1 1 5 8 4 6 2 2 2 1 1 10 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 6. Infanticide 1 1 1 2 2 2 C M 7. Injuries by machinery ... < p * ‘ 9 2 2 1 2 1 1 8. Railroad accidents F^ 62 16 2 1 1 3 2 4 6 9 2 6 9 5 1 7 1 3 1 6 5 3 1 5 2 9. Suffocation | 123 63 59 42 66 48 2 2 3 1 2 1 G 3 8 1 6 7 2 2 2 1 6 2 1 6 1 5 2 10. Suicide bv shooting { F 128 4 12 14 12 14 ii 15 22 10 4 2 1 i 11. Suicide by drowning " 4 !. 3 2 1 i c \r 12. Suicide by poison > F " 59 2 8 5 5 4 5 9 ii 4 6 34 1 3 4 G 6 1 1 I 9 2 13. Other suicides { 1^" 115 3 13 13 7 11 14 12 17 . 16 19 ::::::: 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 i 5 14. Sunstroke | 15. Surgical operations | " 170 23 6 4 8 6 2 2 1 1 1 16 17 2 29 9 23 24 1 21 12 1 9 1 2 2 5 5 32 3 3 1 1 2 1 6 . 3 2 9 2 24 1 9 3 4 o 1 4 9 3 1 1 16. Wounds { F^ 29 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 6 l 1 1 l 2 6 2 3 1 1 1 17. Other accidents and in- CM., juries. (S'.. 964 285 46 38 100 73 47 15 32 3 47 6 58 8 1' 85 13 96 15 91 13 88 18 , 13 50 14 47 11 73 6G 432 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE (5 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. 65 CAUSE OF DEATH. All a'ges. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to ! 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. and over and un- known 77, 622 116.126 7, 525 2,788 4, 852 9, 248 11, 739 10,959 11,537 10, 958 10, 332 110, 084 1 8.631 8,742 22, 046 131, 607 42, 755 62, 794 53. 332 39 3, 839 1, 398 2, 440 4, 664 4 584 6,232 5,507 6,103 4 856 6. 613 6, 451 4, 507 4 6, 095 1 5, 581 4,503 9 4.788 4, 503 4, 239 1 10,106 11,940 -pi 11 113,960 79 34, 867 30 3. 086 1 1,390 2 412 4,924 4 3, 843 1 3 o 5 5 ,,, •>:! 12 19 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 41 18 20 3 9 3 3 3 3 2 2 i.... - I.—General diseases. ~± 770 23, 357 42, 224 3, 697 653 051 894 906 670 619 574 571 557 516 572 1,668 Males Females 26,596 12, 322 11,035 2i,912 20,312 1,788 1, 909 310 343 335 316 479 415 527 379 358 312 354 265 323 251 292 279 290 267 235 281 258 314 715 953 1. Smallpox CM.. 153 30 59 12 1 5 17 16 13 12 4 2 2 Si) 20 52 12 9 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 9 3 9 1 <, M.. 1,952 1, 848 2,17.3 2,178 5, 085 5, 003 561 541 1,833 1,729 1,657 91 96 5 6 0 9 1 2 2 3 1 , ' 3. Scarlet fever (M.. 147 401 49 16 20 16 6 6 l ‘ 1 - i F .. 154 49 9? 24 14 8 9 ! 2 4. Diphtheria CM.. 'IF.. (M.. 461 398 3, 999 3, 796 901 986 82 102 32 23 23 13 13 6 11 8 •J 10 10 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 12 9 5. “Whooping cough 1 242 689 1,207 31 1 1 2 -1 F .. 1. 521 741 54 1 2 1 6. Fever 2 1 1 J | 1 2 9 1 1 7. Cerebro-spinal fever— CM.. *IF- 583 520 147 129 371 | 325 i 79 ! 76 22 29 21 24 16 10 22 7 9 12 9 9 6 3 8 6 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 8, Tvpboid fever 1. 193 812 0 6 58 39 48 45 46 54 154 115 242 160 209 111 124 89 99 51 67 31 43 33 37 31 25 16 22 16 19 21 3. Diarrheal diseases — ■ > r 8, 756 8,131 5, 661 4,864 6, 973 6, 060 143 98 51 44 48 48 68 90 108 104 91 93 114 93 118 114 140 133 148 153 137 179 140 224 477 698 10. Cholera infantum C M- 4, 828 4,448 981 1,042 3,977 3. 649 4, 828 4,448 305 264 - \ V .. 11. Malarial fever 90 55 72 81 46 43 38 56 59 68 73 81 59 65 51 59 48 49 44 54 37 37 31 44 41 41 77 100 12. Erysipelas 470 430 209 214 ! 228 239 2 4 2 4 8 9 11 9 18 15 16 12 20 8 31 19 28 19 30 16 15 19 17 14 44 43 13. Septicaemia c M.. 61 7 17 2 2 6 3 3 8 1 5 6 1 4 3 • | F .. 8 12 !i 1 5 28 15 5 4 6 24 5 3 1 1 12 4 14. Venereal diseases CM.. 500 310 331 1 3 11 33 17 12 4 13 5 10 ' ) F .. 339 237 257 1 9 8 14 17 6 4 15. Others of this group.- 195 24 19 44 39 5 1 3 4 i 3 4 j? 5 6 1 9 5 9 u 6 8 13 12 . 17 13 61 69 General diseases—B 2,982 1,343 1,423 13 8 14 58 219 245 256 222 161 145 89 66 63 Males .Females 1,981 1,001 616 766 657 8 5 1 10 4 35 23 161 58 193 52 206 50 177 45 134 119 26 69 20 50 16 46 17 1. Parasitic diseases CM.. 16 3 11 3 1 1 ’ ( F — 10 1 8 2 2. Alcoholism CM 1. 063 9 3 28 143 50 4 177 45 4 192 43 162 35 3 116 104 19 4 61 18 ] 39 32 - \ F 266 30 - 1 13 1 3. Lead poison CM.. 1 2 1 1 “ \ F - - 1 2 1 4. Other poisons CM.. “ i F .. 122 81 9 6 22 21 2 3 1 3 3 6 10 14 11 G 10 10 9 2 12 11 6 6 1 1 8 9 6 5. Inanition CM.. 733 1 9 0 " ( F .. 641 608 626 1 1 30 1 1 25 1 47 1 81 General diseases—C 33, 316 2), 337 29, 927 28 10 G 14 21 21 24 182 2,900 Males Females 18,10.1 15, 207 16,614 12, 723 10, 908 13, 019 14 14 4 0 5 1 8 6 12 9 12 18 11 12 12 10 15 20 27 33 48 70 112 990 1,910 CM.. 2,GU 2, 608 2,612 • i F .. 1.952 10. 560 1,952 1,952 (M-. 10. 560 10, 560 'IF- 7. 869 7. 869 7,869 (M.. 275 263 271 O 1 1 “ ) F - - 238 225 234 1 1 4. Debility and atrophy.. 4. 056 4.012 3,183 2, 677 3, 465 2, 964 12 11 4 0 1 6 12 9 12 17 11 10 : 12 12 9 15 20 27 33 48 44 60 410 826 C M.. 604 1 26 578 1,084 • ' ( F .. 1,136 52 j NEW YORK OITl AND BROOKLYN. 433 Table »©—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 0 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. 65 years All ages. U uder l year. Total 5 to 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 55 to 60 to and CAUSE OK DEATH. under ; 10 n> 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 »)*) 60 65 over 5 years.; years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and tin- - known. I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases—1) 42, 941) 2, 744 5, 381 566 465 1,880 4,228 5. 220 4, 542 4,331 3, 740 3, 172 2, 701 2, 089 1,852 2,773 1,545 2,977 2, 404 289 176 289 866 2, 152 2, 723 2,822 2, 380 2,122 1. 772 1,457 1.244 1, 136 953 934 1,286 1.487 Females 20, 148 1, 199 1,014 2, 076 2, 497 2, 020 1.951 1,618 1.400 918 1. Rheumatism CM.. \ l' - 498 452 9 9 28 23 30 17 20 25 26 16 24 22 35 20 36 28 32 27 33 ‘>'2 51 30 41 46 25 24 28 47 76 105 2. Scrofula and tabes < M.. I*’.. CM.. 295 192 263 - 3 9 3 2-1 3 9 9 1 0 2 237 142 205 3 3 3 6 4 3 I 1 1 3. Leprosy | F.. i i 4. Consumption C M.. 17. 694 359 700 Ill 109" 790 2, 061 2,606 2, 376 2,211 1,918 1,490 1, 128 823 631 734 )F- 13,972 300 618 136 223 949 1,990 2, 355 1,802 1.588 1, 175 880 688 459 411 698 5. Hydrocephalus C M. 2,089 897 1,820 123 31 19 10 15 12 14 13 10 9 5 5 \ F.. 1,632 697 1.461 97 21 12 7 8 4 7 5 4 1 •■j i fi. Cancer $M.. t F .. 1,545 3. 237 4 9 19 12 3 8 9 4 9 13 25 30 38 76 63 153 87 288 126 389 162 440 217 443 230 418 211 385 353 578 7. Tumor I M.. 115 5 10 2 3 6 7 9 6 9 7 10 10 9 4 23 IF.. J M.. IF.. 105 •>• 7 9 4 9 1 6 1 10 10 13 18 12 7 8. Amentia 59 18 20 4 6 6 1 4 5 110 14 20 5 2 10 11 8 8 9 5 7 7 (i 5 7 9. Dropsy C M.. \ F •• 17 29 294 4 - 9 i 1 i 3 1 i 9 2 9 i y 1 4 13 i 5 .1 , 8 10 10 19 11 13 17 34 18 35 36 32 74 67 1 F .. 1 3 .) 4 12 31 11. Others of this group If:: 178 116 54 33 100 50 9 4 6 5 6 5 5 4 5 6 3 4 5 8 1 6 6 11 11 12. Others of this class CM.. IF.. 8 2 2 \ 1 9 1 1 1 1 ” T II.—Diseases of the nervous systeu 19,901 5, 867 9,098 520 234 226 331 415 551 729 809 857 994 1,038 1,091 3,0J8 Male* 10,877 9,024 2, 956 2, 442 3, 276 2. 591 1,081 885 4 997 275 no 114 173 248 330 496 516 580 __ 574 1.457 4,101 2, 090 1,794 245 124 112 158 167 29] 275 313 341 414 485 517 1,551 1. Inflammation of the b.rain. {¥:: 172 165 00 75 40 44 60 38 53 34 72 47 76 42 65 28 68 43 67 29 46 25 27 15 6.) 63 2. Apoplexy CM.. 2. 560 51 71 7 4 9 23 56 87 137 204 232 296 275 356 8)3 If.. 2.319 35 51 1 o 13 29 43 58 83 136 162 225 306 315 891 3. Paralysis CM.. \ F-. 780 608 6 15 23 7 3 4 5 5 5 6 28 9 45 20 70 25 71 32 74 35 70 49 64 54 65 68 249 •278 4. Tetanus and trismus nas- eentium. 5. Epilepsy .... CM.. i F . - CM. 241 144 200 131 40 205 133 ,. - 3 5 ;s 9 1 1 1 2 * 9 2 1 1 1 1 4 29:*, 74 ,6 14 25 30 19 18 « 12 11 16 6 22 > F 281 48 83 17 13 10 25 14 17 21 15 14 7 10 10 16 (i. Convulsions C M.. (F C M IF.. CM.. < F .. 2, 054 1,661 336 1,581 1,246 2,018 1,623 15 21 1 9 4 1 J 1 2 3 5 1 2 • 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 7. Mental diseases 1 4 16 32 30 53 52 34 27 19 21 47 334 16 24 35 45 30 27 26 23 81 8. Diseases of the brain 1.241 932 300 221 I 480 42 371 29 15 20 18 19 24 25 35 21 46 22 61 54 35 61 30 68 43 42 61 61 199 187 9. Diseases of the spinal cord CM.. 16 33 22 11 6 4 9 17 22 26 29 31 38 50 30 09 i F .. 222 9 5 9 4 12 13 20 27 16 14 29 17 19 22 ll). Others of this class {¥:: 51 1 3 2 2 9 9 - 8 4 1 3 4 15 81 1 ;} 3 3 ii 6 8 .0 9 4 5 6 12 III. Diseases of the circulatory system . 12, 712 883 1,057 311 384 450 504 638 682 853 947 1,072 1,114 1, 057 1,153 2,430 Males . 6, 636 489 592 132 159 236 248 304 388 466 560 578 582 588 1, 192 1, 298 394 465 179 225 214 256 334 294 387 381 494 509 475 1. Angina pectoris CM.. 134 1 6 9 9 20 12 18 18 41 ) F .. 85 1 3 8 7 3 10 0 14 22 2. Aneurism C M 9 4 17 3 26 41 44 42 33 27 99 17 < F .. 89 o i 12 10 12 6 10 8 18 3. Diseases of the heart CM.. 5, too 5, 49(5 93 62 183 123 128 178 159 225 234 210 243 250 285 321 354 280 414 363 512 365 514 466 555 491 534 455 537 531 1,103 1,238 4. Otheis of this class CM.. IF.. 472 390 409 4 . 2 1 9 5 3 11 31 406 332 342 2 •_> 3 6 6 5 12 20 434 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YOKE FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. ( Al'SK OK 1)KATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IY.—Diseases of the respiratoi-y system . 43,146 11,746 22, 934 1,365 335 606 1,071 1,432 1,401 1,536 1,569 1,594 1,655 1,453 1,620 4,575 Males 23, 273 19, 873 2,669 2, 377 6, 464 5, 282 12,332 10,602 2, 330 2,053 707 658 165 170 322 284 651 420 897 864 537 971 983 586 986 608 895 760 806 782 838 1.912 2. 663 3 5 , ., (M.. 1. Croup j p 390 300 287 271 7 14 6 4 4 5 4 3 9 3 5 2 ‘ 3 4 3 3 3 9 4 4 2. Laryngitis \ ™ " 203 164 5, 356 5,442 44 29 2. 568 2, 135 137 121 3, 678 3, 206 10 2 1 1 8 4 8 7 5 4 4 0 ‘ 138 153 2 1 3. Bronchitis | p " 72 65 16 13 24 35 52 47 75 72 66 46 66 66 92 109 108 112 145 161 170 245 3 654 1. 112 , • (M.. 4. Pneumonia ’ p 13,181 10,442 2. 681 2.211 5. 292 4, 520 303 286 125 132 261 220 548 344 750 416 712 449 817 452 796 429 774 442 048 532 592 428 510 510 1,053 1,282 5. Pleurisy { F 516 352 53 43 108 84 13 10 6 1 20 15 27 12 35 21 46 25 38 37 17 36 22 40 14 26 24 27 24 57 61 6. Asthma [ F 7. Others of this class | p " 121 162 6 o 6 9 6 - 12 g 13 16 16 16 44 82 100 118 4 1 2 6 10 12 1,227 034 722 560 780 613 13 8 9 7 10 7 19 7 23 15 28 10 31 15 37 22 47 17 47 35 30 22 53 38 Y Diseases of the digestive system 7,980 1,260 1.716 174 177 200 320 407 401 555 564 663 668 546 517 1,012 Males 4, 088 3, 892 126 722 538 77 1 977 739 126 104 70 104 73 116 130 190 194 217 244 266 302 262 358 340 328 272 274 249 268 459 553 84 213 289 305 1. Dentition j p 2. Angina | p '' 103 63 103 76 19 47 9 3 9 9 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 41 26 4 3 r"1 T 1 1 1 96 144 3. Diseases of the stomach.. p 683 771 165 145 225 201 13 8 5 8 16 13 20 41 27 42 42 40 39 44 43 29 45 52 45 53 38 42 29 54 4. Obstruction of thehowels. j p 254 215 73 45 90 65 6 1 9 3 10 3 5 14 10 13 10 13 14 15 11 18 13 15 17 6 10 18 14 22 37 5. Hernia | P " 0. Other diseases of the CM., bowels. 1 F .. 7. .1 aundice | p " 8. Inflammation and abscess (M.. of the liver. IF.. 256 9?9 33 9 36 3 1 9 4 5 13 8 10 9 15 13 15 12 24 29 22 23 33 3 30 35 3 56 5b 36 10 17 2 1 ] 9 9 27 9 1 1 3 o 9 2 92 65 78 45 SI 1 i 3 1 1 46 9 1 9 4 9 4 260 270 9 5 9 9 8 5 2 2 :! 10 16 15 24 17 34 20 25 32 38 28 24 30 23 97 15 25 33 49 9. Other diseases of the liver | p “ 1,169 890 9 15 11 4 i 6 6 13 20 45 35 72 58 108 91 155 104 174 117 116 135 100 110 83 149 138 10. Peritonitis j p " 11. Ascites p " 12. Others of this class j p 637 855 *) 54 41 1 96 63 1 45 37 52 43 52 51 53 95 58 86 36 93 38 86 30 57 32 45 32 60 31 41 26 33 1 56 65 8 1 1 i 1 i l ] 1 11 18 1 38 52 <97 425 194 170 234 202 10 12 25 11 26 8 24 15 18 13 14 15 16 15 16 13 23 15 21 22 15 14 YI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. Males 14.188 208 638 235 134 230 490 838 991 1,222 1,345 1,364 1. 458 1,216 1,269 2,758 7.847 124 356 117 76 99 220 424 526 701 725 822 761 715 501 355 286 1 719 550 349 1.586 6,341 3, 579 3, 217 84 282 118 131 46 270 100 414 183 465 255 521 620 349 542 412 697 384 391 1. Bright’s disease j p OI 2. Calculus, urinary | p 34 32 713 645 8 36 1 19 71 125 1 207 242 1 254 319 314 308 30 3 3 3 1 2 i 1 14 3. 663 2. 961 326 1 2 9 1 2 350 293 11 1 301 226 38 9 24 3. Diseases of the kidney... j p 4. Diseases of the bladder.. - j p 101 : 75 1 324 263 5 80 79 2 43 38 48 55 o 95 137 5 224 193 252 212 6 327 258 6 393 219 6 346 294 18 306 207 37 4 574 487 183 34 108 76 i 19 3 ] 4 - 9 4 9 3 12 249 24 1 10 9 12 8 14 il 16 73 7 14 3 1 4 4 9 7 3 2 o 6 3 6 5 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 536 2 15 43 69 76 90 65 49 48 22 20 37 134 1 3 15 8 26 17 11 9 14 8 16 8 r. 8 19 4 83 | 1 11 13 1] 4 88 ■ .... 1 g 9 9 13 18 4 14 3 3 4. Uterine diseases 47 ! 3 9 6 1 184 2 10 25 26 37 34 23 3 4 8 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 2, 202 114 626 420 339 140 16 3 1 203 - 36 51 54 88 40 100 14 1 487 16 143 48 58 4 1 3. Puerperal septicaemia 1.232 14 65 351 1 356 3 220 5 105 10 2 1 2 5. Others of this class 266 ! ! 26 60 73 53 29 20 2 l 2 1 1 NEW YORK CITY ANL) BROOKLYN. 435 Table 90.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM V.ACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE <> YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890. WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. (,'AUSK Ob' DEATH. ! All ages. : Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. » to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 5 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to ao years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 063 23 103 136 92 39 41 28 28 30 38 28 23 27 17 33 Mi.l.w 381 - 58 45 55 20 13 28 20 8 15 13 22 8 20 18 17 n 15 8 17 10 3 5 10 10 23 3 r 282 16 08 37 13 1. Diseases of the spine .... * F 144 112 1 8 33 16 31 34 18 12 10 4 10 5 10 3 1 5 5 G 5 5 5 2 2 2 2. Diseases of the lames \F .. 114 81 1 3 10 10 14 13 16 6 6 4 7 3 2 10 7 6 2 10 6 3 6 4 7 3 7 4 r) ib 3. Diseases of the hip joint (M.. 83 9 9 20 20 9 10 6 9 3 9 i i \ F .. i F ■- 59 o 12 19 17 4 1 i 9 1 1 1 4. Others of this class 40 30 3 3 6 3 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 o 6 ] 3 5 9 4 1 46 0 9 i i 444 1 5 667 189 247 15 8 12 31 32 22 25 33 29 34 93' 352 106 137 9 17 14 12 8 20 13 13 11 17 12 6 21 25 11 10 17 17 8 10 26 14 13 6 46 47 16 25' 315 83 110 6 6 5 6 14 18 12 18 10 9 8 1. Abscess (M.. i F .. 196 204 52 51 66 4 6 10 12 15 49 1 1 1 3 1 3 i 4 4 8 - 7 9 CM .. 29 2 4 1 1 3 0 0 4 . 3. Others of this class 107 53 59 1 1 4 1 3 9 o 21 \F .. tem . 82 30 40 2 9 1 2 1 2 9 1 4 18: XI.—Diseases of the absorbent sj> 87 9 21 3 1 2 5 5 4 7 5 n 3 6 44 0 ] 2 3 2 9 3 3 - 6 43 4 12 2 1 1 3 1 9 4 4 9 6 1. Addison's disease *M.. \F .. J M.. IF .. CM .. 14 1 2 9 1 13 1 9 1 2 l 5 4 2. Diseases of the spleen .. 10 • 2 i 9 1 i 3 4 T i i i 3. Others of this class 20 i ... . 1 9 i i 3 2 3 2. \F -. 26 4 n 2 i T 9 2 i i XIT.—Accidents and injuries 9, 396 626 1,318 461 285 404 680 879 831 920 877 721 610 452 338 620' 7.013 342 32G 230 304 100 6 520 160 10 704 175 16 662 169 9 770 150 12 701 176 584 137 6 14 471 139 9 21 351 101 5 240 98 » 5 396 224 13 26 2, 383 260 284 135 1. Burns and scalds \F .. 15 142 17 358 22 '114 32 15 22 30 21 22 16 14 6 2. Drowned . Fever 3 3 1 l 9 1 1 l 1 7. Cerebro spinal fever C M.. 1 P 148 137 566 429 45 108 101 21 20 20 6 6 1 3 2 1 1 42 9 " 10 4 6 1 3 9 1 9 o 3. Typhoid fever pl~ t F-. 23 17 31 26 68 54 133 87 94 51 63 52 38 39 28 25 14 15 If. 11 15 8 12 8 10 16 9. Diarrheal diseases 10. Cholera infantum <, M.. i F.. (M.. i F.. fM.. (V.. 3,310 3, 210 2,855 2, 673 689 698 1. 823 1,570 2, 355 2,144 25 17 2,440 2,156 2, 854 2, 673 128 97 91 71 35 35 22 29 44 44 44 56 51 5G 56 46 45 45 54 60 76 89 71 74 71 92 210 357 1 1 11 Malarial fever 52 49 38 43 34 59 71 71 64 65 47 43 38 47 44 39 27 30 31 32 29 29 30 56 69 12. Erysipelas JM.. i F.. 231 174 81 67 86 76 6 1 6 3 6 6 6 6 9 3 6 14 4 20 3 10 11 9 10 15 10 35 (M.. 110 11 19 5 4 3 7 8 11 7 3 10 r 14 6 6 12 F. < M 811 399 799 46 19 11 1 1 4 6 4 3 9 1 1 3 348 j 602 38 5 1 3 9 1 1 4 6. Cancer 584 1.334 1 J 9 5 2 T 10 30 3 13 43 89 40 154 63 172 90 214 88 171 78 155 170 289 7. Tumor 68 1 3 1 3 2 8 4 4 4 4 5 6 14 l F . (M (F . <; M. *F. 70 2 •> 1 3 3 6 ■4 6 5 8 (i 5 21 8. Ana-mia 66 19 24 1 3 1 3 9 2 6 8 1 5 73 10 4 • 1 4 2 6 , 3 10 4 4 6 2 9 15 9. Dropsy 52 1 74 4 2 8 3 1 1 9 i 3 1 5 4 2 6 6 4 1 1 6 4 4 8 7 34 • 10. Diabetes pi. IF. 103 07 2 2 4 3 2 4 4 1 1 5 4 1 3 4 l 6 7 9 2 10 11 7 9 9 25 12 11. Others of this group ... F 85 55 56 2 !. 2 6 9 3 3 4 5 5 74 36 37 2 i 3 21 23 81 52 8 1 16 34 39 84 90 8. Inflammation and abscess JM.. of the liver. \ F .. C M 9. Other diseases of the liver. p ** 182 198 4 13 2 2 5 1 5 3 6 12 14 6 12 20 17 18 66 45 15 24 89 52 22 25 71 40 15 20 67 35 576 416 6 9 11 16 ! 2 3 2 7 3 11 8 25 1 32 26 10. Peritonitis { F 319 521 24 20 37 34 26 19 35 25 30 27 26 63 25 65 18 64 20 60 20 42 20 22 8 22 11 24 12 15 31 39 11. Ascites | 12. Others of this class { ic 23 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 3 4 9 2 29 1 2 1 1 9 1 3 13 12 29 27 1,004 320 250 170 137 202 156 5 9 8 11 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 6 13 4 6 10 1 1 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 4,815 66 226 139 82 97 180 282 331 386 379 414 464 395 436 2,525 2,290 1,241 1,217 7 42 126 73 66 35 47 11 44 53 20 26 133 149 75 74 150 181 69 94 2 171 215 93 128 206 173 123 107 214 200 114 107 254 210 171 121 1 213 182 123 108 261 175 146- 104 1 568 436 247 252 2 1 24 100 103 31 1. Bright's disease 5 H'' 18 22 22 52 CM ' 2. Calculus, urinary ) F " 1 2 1 1 75 67 10 C M 3. Diseases of the kidney > p ** r \f 4. Diseases of the bladder > F 1,009 980 166 38 23 1 119 98 1 51 43 20 24 1 22 25 L 43 47 9 53 66 1 71 78 3 66 81 9 72 61 5 88 86 77 83 83 66 19 3 169 155 114 11 36 17 16 29 1 1 1 3 9 1 1 9 C M 5. Others of this class > F * 102 62 3 5 1 4 1 3 1 9 1 4 4 6 5 9 21 10 4 6 8 6 ! 5 9 12 9 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 194 1 2 1 4 17 28 26 15 15 10 55 1 3 9 10 6 w 10 2 4 11 1 3 1 1 9 1 1 46 i 5 rj 3 4. Uterine diseases 19 2 9 o 1 5. Others of this class 63 1 2 9 8 15 12 12 4 g i' 9 VIIJ.—Affections connected with preg- 852 35 184 261 188 118 57 1 1 1 1. Abortion 37 6 12 10 9 2. Childbirth 217 6 33 49 98 1 34 53 27 21 9 1 3. Puerperal septicasmia 452 21 108 146 1 3 1 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 2 5. Others of this class 144 8 37 37 30 22 9 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 439 Tablk 91.—DEATHS AMONG THE WHITE POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAl'SK OF DEATH. All ages. Under l year. Total under 5 years. a to 10 years. 10 to la years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 2a years. 25 to 30 years. 80 to 35 years. 35 lo 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 4a to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 00 to 05 years. 05 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 214 9 29 47 33 13 16 11 5 9 8 6 ii 2 17 115 6 20 19 6 10 7 3 9 5 5 7 5 2 i i 10 7 99 3 14 27 14 6 4 9 3 1 4 1. Diseases of the spine { 3 9 11 9 • 3 4 l i 2 4 1 4 2 8 17 9 9 l 1 3 9 1 3 1 i 2 2. Diseases of the bones " 27 i 9 3 1 0 1 9 9 3 1 i 4 15 9 3 T i 2 I i i 3 3. Diseases of the hip joint - • | p '' 4. Others of this class j X.—Diseases of the skin 23 i 3 6 8 1 3 1 16 2 1 - 2 11 i i 1 1 2 2 2 2 13 i 9 o 3 ::::::: i 1 1 9 2 185 68 84 l 3 5 6 9 9 8 6 10 14 29 Males 102 44 l 9 2 3 i 6 4 8 14 83 33 40 I 1 9 4 1 9 3 3 2 9 7 15 3 1 Abscess | 51 18 25 9 1 9 1 5 3 4 3 42 19 24 I 1 9 9 1 i 1 1 1 1 6 2. Carbuncle { 22 1 1 l 9 1 3 i 4 3 f> 10 1 1 1 9 2 1 3 3. Others of the class { 29 16 18 l 1 l 9 5 31 14 16 l 9 1 i 4 6 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system .. 48 4 10 5 1 3 i 1 4 9 4 2 8 21 3 7 1 i i 2 4 5 27 1 3 4 1 3 l r 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1. AddKson s disease 2 p ’* 9 1 1 2 l i 1 i i C M 2. Diseases of the spleen > f * 1 2 1 1 1 1 9 9 1 i 1 i o 3. Others of this class $ 11 2 1 1 i i 3 9 i 1 9 9 1 i 1 2. 971 211 444 136 86 119 179 261 246 261 261 270 175 177 119 237 2, 307 120 267 90 73 96 147 211 208 225 222 234 149 147 94 144 664 91 177 46 13 23 32 38 36 39 36 26 30 93 C M 1. Burns and scalds 7 |r' ’ 161 140 6 6 82 46 10 20 2 5 5 9 6 8 11 6 6 9 6 5 6 5 3 4 1 9 9 2. Drowned { F^" C M 3. Exposure and neglect 7 £ 401 41 9 5 2 11 3 26 5 24 3 19 1 23 3 1 43 4 3 28 4 49 1 1 48 6 2 68 2 1 20 l 18 3 1 ll 2 13 3 1 i 1 20 5 9 3 4 1 ' 1 1 2 1 1 4. Gunshot wounds £ i? ’ 4 i 2 5. Homicide | jjf" 39 i 1 5 8 1 4 6 2 9 2 1 1 9 1 2 i I ii 1 6. Infanticide { ' 1 i 1 2 2 C M 7. Injuries by machinery ) F ** 9 1 2 2 1 9 i 1 1 C M 8. Railroad accidents 1 p ' 62 2 1 1 3 9 4 6 9 6 5 3 6 3 5 16 2 9 1 1 1 1 2 9. Suftocatiou { F^ 120 62 57 41 64 47 2 9 3 1 2 1 6 3 8 1 6 6 2 2 2 1 6 2 1 6 1 5 2 C M 10. Suicide by shooting > F 126 4 6 12 13 12 14 a 15 22 10 7 4 2 1 1 ( \f 11. Suicide by drowning 2 p *' 4 1 3 9 1 1 12. Suicide by poison ‘ 58 2 8 5 5 4 2 10 4 6 34 1 3 4 6 6 1 i 1 2 2 13. Other suicides | " 3 4 13 13 7 11 14 12 17 5 16 19 9 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 5 ( M 14. Sunstroke 1 p ** 170 22 6 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 16 17 9 29 9 23 24 l 21 3 9 1 2 9 5 5 C M 15. Surgical operations ) F " 31 3 3 , 1 1 l 6 5 4 2 2 2 22 i 1 3 4 1 4 9 3 1 i 16. Wounds { F^ 27 9 3 3 1 3 1 3 l 1 1 i 2 6 9 3 1 1 1 17. Other accidents and in- CM., juries. {F.. 954 279 41 34 95 e 46 15 32 3 47 6 58 8 81 17 85 13 90 15 90 13 88 18 67 13 50 14 46 11 73 64 440 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.h »*.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. 05 years All ages. Under I vear. Total 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 4*> to 50 to 55 to 60 to and CAUSE OK DEATH. under 5 years. 10 years. 15 years. 20 years. 25 years. 30 years. 35 years. 40 years. 45 years. 50 years. 55 years. 00 years. 05 years. over and 1111- • known. 4. 792 1.400 1,867 94 69 131 278 370 299 333 276 215 206 148 146 360 Males 2. 620 767 997 47 33 72 160 219 190 206 174 140 116 80 65 127 Females 2.160 633 870 47 36 59 118 151 109 127 102 75 90 68 81 233 TT .) 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ! I.—General diseases. 13 11 28 626 334 449 33 14 22 17 10 10 4 6 1 334 186 241 16 3 7 13 11 7 10 7 3 9 3 1 10 •>92 148 208 17 4 7 9 6 3 3 3 1 4 8 1 18 5 m .. 10 9 4 3 1 1. Smallpox ] f M.. 2 ] 1 1 i 9 9 l pi.. ” (F • • ( M 1 12. Erysipelas 5 2 2 i l l 13. Septicaemia •• ) F 14. Venereal diseases (M.. "IF.. 19 6 6 2 9 4 9 1 .> 9 5 2 1 1 15. Others of this group . 5M.. "IF- 9 .) 1 3 1 1 l 1 1 3 37 23 1 3 i 3 1 l 1 1 21 13 13 2 i 2 1 1 1 16 10 12 1 1 1 1 1. Parasitic diseases ( M - ■ i F 2. Alcoholism pi.. "IF.. ( M r 1 i 2 1 3 1 1 ] 3. Lead poison 1 " / F 4. Other poisons (M . *• ) F 3 1 1 1 1 5. Inanition I M.. "IF.. 13 12 12 1 13 10 12 1 698 592 607 9 ] i 1 9 5 8 71 324 329 i 1 i 1 22 342 268 278 i i 2 4 49 1. Premature birth pi "IF.. 35 34 35 38 38 38 ■ 2. Stillborn pi.. "IF.. PI- F- r M 249 249 249 184 3 184 3 184 3. Malformation 3 7 4. Debility and atrophy .. 53 38 42 49 1 1 i 1 "If.. 80 39 1 i 9 4 2 21 5. Old age pi.. IF.. 16 i 15 33 1 5 28 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 441 Tabu. 94.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE li YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. i 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases—1) 64 138 25 38 70 156 215 158 166 121 68 56 34 28 49 Males 815 40 77 12 21 37 90 127 no in 89 46 39 21 15 20 Females 507 24 61 13 17 33 66 88 48 55 32 22 17 13 13 29 1. Rheumatism CM 9 9 1 1 1 1 a I F .. 14 :l 9 1 1 9 9 1 5 2. Scrofula and tabes...... C M.. 10 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 j F.. 10 3 6 1 2 1 3. Leprosv C M.. j F .. C M.. 714 11 19 9 18 33 86 123 110 109 86 42 35 16 13 15 } F.. 401 7 27 10 15 31 65 82 42 5 j 19 17 11 7 10 15 5. Hydrocephalus CM.. 1 F .. 56 29 25 14 50 24 3 3 I 1 1 6. Cancer JM.. ) F .. 17 44 1 1 1 1 4 2 a 3 9 1 4 4 3 5 1 a 1 8 7. Tumor S M.. 1 1 \ F .. 3 ] i 1 8. Ana mia I M.. i i i j F .. i 1 9. Dropsy C M.. i 1 IF.. 10. Diabetes CM.. 3 , 2 \ F .. 1 i 11. Others of this group..-.. CM.. 3 2 3 4 4 12. Others of this class..... CM.. ...! I F . II.—Diseases of the nervous system 346 89 141 9 3 10 9 16 15 11 14 18 30 12 21 37 Males 184 53 82 5 1 7 7 12 10 8 10 12 4 7 12 162 36 59 4 2 3 2 4 5 4 6 8 18 8 14 25 1. Inti animation of the brain.. CM. IF.. 56 28 20 9 37 18 4 1 1 4 2 i i 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2. Apoplexy 31 58 1 ! 1 1 i 4 *) 2 9 2 4 3 3 12 2 2 11 8 15 3. Paralysis 16 14 1 1 i 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 9 . 1 3 1 2 7 CM.. 4 4 4 IF.. i 1 1 .; :::::::: C M. 8 2 2 2 1 ] 5. Kpilepsv I F . 1 i l i C M. 32 24 31 1 0. Convulsions IF.. 29 22 29 1 CM. 6 2 1 1 1 ■ i .. Mental diseases I F 4 1 1 l i 8. Diseases of the brain {¥:■ 18 19 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 i i i C M 11 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 9. Diseases of the spinal cord i F 1 1 2 1 C M. 2 2 10. Others ot this class » F Ill Diseases of the circulatory system. 305 7 9 4 2 7 22 28 41 32 24 34 28 17 50 152 6 8 1 5 4 16 16 22 17 15 17 11 13 Females 153 1 1 3 2 2 3 6 12 19 15 9 17 17 10 37 C M 4 1 1 1 1 1. Angina pectoris ) F 3 1 1 i c M 14 1 2 5 1 3 1 i 2. Aneurism l F 6 1 1 9 1 i c M 130 2 4 1 5 4 15 13 16 16 14 14 10 6 12 3. Diseases ot the heart If:: ( M 140 4 4 4 3 2 2 3 6 10 18 13 8 15 16 10 34 4. Others ot this class 4 i 1 ! 1 1 1 1 VITAL STATISTICS. 442 Tablk 92.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE (I YEARS ENDING MAY III, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSK <‘K IJICATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to •20 years. 20 to years. 2a to 30 years. 30 to years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 05 years. «5 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.. 793 242 433 14 8 8 37 35 35 50 29 34 23 17 21 49 421 121 215 2 26 21 20 30 20 27 18 10 G It 35 372 121 218 7 6 3 11 14 15 20 9 7 5 7 15 , ., CM.. 10 2 2 1 1- Croup | F 9 4 8 1 „ T ... £ M.. 2. .Laryngitis j. CM.. o 2 2 2 111 62 92 2 1 2 4 3 1 3. Bronchiris : p 129 57 99 2 1 "T 1 1 2 3 p» 14 4 18 4. Pneumonia { 260 207 44 47 101 97 3 5 2 4 5 2 24 10 18 11 17 13 26 18 15 6 20 4 13 3 7 9 - CM.. 15 1 1 9 1 2 1 3 1 ] 1 2 o. Pleurisy c -p 4 i 1 1 6. Asthma { 3 1 4 i r l 2 C M 7. Others of this class > F "" 20 12 12 l 1 2 1 2 17 11 12 1 i i l V,—Diseases of the digestive system 103 26 29 2 i 2 ' V* * 5 8 G 16 8 4 6 2 9 61 13 15 1 i 2 3 5 6 i 9 7 9 3 3 2 44 13 14 1 2 2 o 5 - ] 9 2_ 1 2 J. Dentition | CM.. i 1 r M 3. Diseases of the stomach. • - p " * ( M 4. Obstruction of the bowels.. < p* 9 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 11 2 2 1 1 i 3 1 4 i i 1 i 1 3 i 2 i 5. Hernia | ” 8 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. Other diseases of the CM.. • bowels. l F .. i 1 l (M 1 1 1 1 l l 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 4 i i 1 1 of the liver. ( F .. 2 1 1 i 9. Other diseases of the liver, s p *" 9 i , 3 3 1 1 1 1 10. Peritonitis j 16 2 2 1 1 i i 1 i 3 9 1 1 3 17 2 2 i 1 4 ‘ i 1 1 1 12. Others F ........ 1 1 1 1 5 3 p. 10 15 9 2 9 14 77 6 5 4 2. Calculus, urinary { F^ 2 i 3. Diseases of the kidney f^ 3 1 5 3 4 10 7 16 6 12 11 14 5 17 16 87 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 12 12 4. Diseases of the bladder J p ' 1 1 l VII.—Diseases of the female organs of 25 3 2 4 2 3 _ generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 6 1 2 1 I 2. Ovarian diseases l | 3. Uterine tumors 11 i 2 i 1 3 4. Uterine diseases l i 5. Others of this class 6 2 i i VIII.—Affections connected with preg- 34 0 10 7 2 nancv. ! 1. Abortion 2 1 1 1 2. Childbirth 7 1 4 i 4 i 3. Puerperal septicasmia 18 5 | 5 2 1 1 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy o. Others of this class 7 | 1 i 4 1 ll NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 443 Takle 92.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OP NEW YORK FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31. 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continue:!. 1 65 years pi li d e r Total 5 to 10 to !•> to 20 to 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 55 t« jfO to and CAl’SK OK I»KATH. under 10 F5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 60 05 over 5 years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and un- known. 12 i i 9 3 o i i 1 i Males 8 2 1 9 i i i 4 i i 9 1 , ... (M.. 2 i i 1. Ihseases ot the spine ’ p it i i .> :::::::::::::: 4 l i i i 1 1 f|1 , CM.. l l C M 1 i 4. Others ot this class ’ p 8 9 9 i ] 9 1 4 i i i i i 4 i l i 1 1 ... CM.. 3 i i t i 2 l l 1 , C M - mm • vUl U LI llO Itl ................. | pi c y{ i i .'i. Others ot this class | p i I XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... i 1 i 1 i i i 1. Addison s disease ’ p (M i ' ’ 1 2. Diseases ot the spleen < p M . if. Others ot this class 5 P ...... XII.—Accidents and injuries 127 18 25 2 4 G 13 23 14 13 8 7 3 2 2 5 Males 83 9 11 2 3 5 9 16 11 9 G 5 i 2 i 2 44 9 14 1 1 4 3 4 9 2 »> 1 3 1 2 l 1. Burns and scalds Ip ' 7 I 1 2 1 1 2 „ „ c M.. 9 1 1 i 2. Drowned 1 p „ ... CM.. J. Exposure and neglect ’ p . ,, , CM.. .. j-...... . „ . CM.. 14 1 4 9 1 2 1 3 e>. Homicide ? j. 3 1 i i l 6. Infanticide ) F "" ..... ,. CM.. i. Injuries l»\ machinery j i * 5 i l 1 l 1 8. Railroad accidents ? p ’ 6 3 3 l 1 1 9. Su(location >F ** 4 3 3 i CM 9 2 j 10. Suicide by shooting ; P i ! 11. Suicide by drowning j j,. " i | lli. Suicide hv poison ’ p, " i I 1 i CM 8 1 l.b (>1 her su rides ■’ p 1 1 3 1 i 1 14. Sunstroke 1 p " 3 1 l 1 4 i l 1 1 15. Surgical operations > j, ** 13 l 9 4 1 3 l 1 3 2 1 1 1 30 3 9 i 8 2 5 1 1 1 1 juries. 11 8 i 1 i i 1 444 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabi.e 98.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 0 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUISK OF DKATH. Al! ages. Cutler 1 year. Total under j 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 lo 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 jo 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 05 years. 05 years and over and un- known. 1,851 : 567 812 44 64 95 85 83 61 76 70 76 48 177 Males 909 298 428 41 17 23 44 42 46 40 29 45 36 34 93 f>1 942 ! 2 269 384 34 27 41 51 43 39 1 43 32 31 1 34 42 25 116 Males I 9 1 i I.—General diseases. 360 169 248 28 8 10 9 5 8 3 6 9 6 5 15 Males . 168 80 121 15 3 1 6 3 9 4 1 3 5 192 89 127 13 5 ] 4 6 3 9 ] 3 5 10 1. Smallpox pi-- • \ F .. , 1 1 ] 1 2. Measles (M.. \F.. ( M .. 3 2 1 6 9 1 3. Scarlet fever 9 2 i ' | F .. 5 1 4 ■ i 4. Diphtheria pi-- t F .. JM-- " ( F . '. (M.. 23 15 i 16 6 2 1 1 1 5. Whooping cough 9 4 9 21 7 18 3 6. Fever / F . 7. Cerebro spinal' fever . CM.. 3 i 2 i • [f .. 6 4 1 1 8. Typhoid fever (M.. ’ . Cancer | p 7. Tumor j ‘>9 2 3 9 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 8. Anaemia p ' 4 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9. Dropsy ... CM 2 2 . 4* i l 1 1 it*. Diabetes < / 11. Others of this group ? p 12. Otliers ot this class | p 3 1 1 1 203 72 102 6 3 i 5 4 3 8 10 13 3 33 Males 47 61 2 9 1 9 2 2 4 1 9 108 25 41 4 I i 4 9 3 1 2 4 8 11 2 24 1. Inflammation of the brain. ] v ' 19 29 7 1 1 > l 1 9 20 3 i i ::::::: 1 i i' 1 t . , < M. 18 1 i 4 3 1 9 i 5 2. Apoplexy < t? 32 i 7 i 17 3. Paralysis — j F* 4. Tetanus and trismus nas-C M. 0 1 1 4 i i 1 4 6 3 3 * ..... CM •■>■ p 3 l 1 1 6. Convulsions ' 7. Mental diseases | 36 19 1 31 13 i 17 1 1 i 8. Diseases of the brain [ F^ ... , .CM 11 8 6 8 1 1 1 3 4 i i . i i i i 9. Diseases ot the spinal cord. < p c M 10. Others of this class | P III.—Diseases of the circulatory system.. 2 ::::::: i 1 110 12 14 1 4 2 2 9 7 7 7 11 10 8 1 21 54 9 1 2 2 i 3 5 3 4 _ 4 3 4 8 56 5 2 i 6 2 4 3 6 6 ° 3 13 . . C M . 1. Angina pectoris ■ ( M Aneurism < F 9 1 l 3. Diseases of the heart " 50 3 9 5 2 1 2 2 2 i i 3 6 5 2 3 4 4 3 5 5 4 6 3 4 4 3 8 13 4 4 4 4. Others of this class } p 3 3 3 1 | 446 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 93.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. ! CAU6K OF DKATH. All i ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 yea rs. •20 to 25 years. 25 to .10 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system 327 102 185 12 4 4 12 12 8 13 8 10 13 13 - 28 ICO 49 95 1 6 3 2. 3 4 5 9 4 6 9 5 2 7 Females 1C7 53 90 6 1 9 9 8 3 4 4 4 4 8 3 21 , ,, \M.. . ... fM-- 2. Laryngitis j p 3. Bronchitis | p '' , . (M.. 4. Pneumonia 1 p ( M fi 3 ! 6 3 4 1 9 ! 1 1 n 1 i 56 56 82 , 91 3 28 1 26 50 9 1 1 1 1 1 41 1 1 ! 2 1 1 9 6 14 19 32 37 3 4 1 l 0 2 8 3 6 4 9 3 3 4 5 4 f( 5 1 3 12 i 1 1 5. Pleurisy i 6. Asthma j p " 1 1 3 1 1 1 ( M 10 4 5 1 1 i i | 7. Others of tins class < p n 8 ] 2 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 100 28 38 4 1 2 4 9 4 3 4 2 9 9 3 15 54 18 3 1 i 3 l 2 2 i 4 3 1 7 46 10 13 1 . i 1 l 2 3 2 i 5 6 2 8 i. Dentition { F ( M 15 5 10 3 15 2. Angina | P 3. Diseases of the stomach.. j” p -' * i AT 4. Obstruction of the ho wels. J p * 5. Hernia | p^'* 10 4 5 2 1 L 1 1 10 3 3 2 3 1 2—i 1 ] i 1 9 i 1 ] 1 7. Jaundice j 1 1 9 i 1 1 8. Inflammation and abscess CM., of the liver. ( F .. 1 i 3 4 i i 1 9 1 6 i 9 1 9. Other diseases ot the liver 8 1 1 I 1 CM.. i 1 1 1 2 1 10. Peritonitis < p rj 1 i i i 1 1 1 ,, . .. CM.. 2 1 1 11. Ascites c p 9 i 1 12. Others of this class { F VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 4 3 3 4 0 4 2 74 1 6 1 2 2 2 8 6 5 12 10 ; 6 42 32 1 3 . i i 1 4 4 9 9 6 5 3 4 3 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 22 3 1 3 9 3 3 1. Bright s disease P 16 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 l ] 1 2. Calculus, urinary j p " i 1 ( \I 14 1 i 1 i 1 1 3 2 3 3 3. Diseases of the kidney. - • < p 16 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ( M 3 1 1 1 4. Diseases of the bladder... } p 5. Others of this class { F 2 1 2 I VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 4 9 1 1 1 t ‘ ! 1 2. Ovarian diseases 1 l L ::::::: ] i... i 1 l VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. » • *> 4 4 l 1 1 1 l 4 2 l 10 9 4 1 2 i 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 447 Tahi.k 93.—DEATHS AMONG THE COLORED POPULATION OF BROOKLYN FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. t'Al’SK OK DEATH. All ages, j Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. la to 20 years.: *20 to 25 to 80 to 25 30 35 years, years, years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 65 years 60 to and 65 over years, and un- known. IX.— Diseases of the bones and joints .. - 3 1 1 ; 1 1 2 1* 1 1 .. 1. Diseases ot tlie spine 1 p . (\f i 1 ' 2. Diseases ot the bones 2 v * ( M 3 Diseases of the hip joint.. 2 p " * 1 i 1 < M 4. Others oi this class . j 3 ! 1 1 1 Males 3 1 1 i c 1. A bseess ' p j _ , < M i' 2. Carbuncle 2 p c \T 3. Others ot this class < p o - ;; 1 i j t 1. Addison s disease < P CM 2. Diseases ot the spleen. - • < p , . CM 3. Others ot this class ’ F 38 13 14 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 o 1 1 3 23 15 1 4 3 6 8 6 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 i 2 •> 3 1. Burns and scalds | " 2. Drowned j 1 *2 1 i 2 .... . . , 27 216 10, 759 223 10. 901 1 1 i 2 487 11,515 12 9 1 3 16 16 ! 0, 363 6,081 i 4,678 1,253 6, 192 4, 709 - 1,257 i 925 4 1 3 i i - 4 148 • 339 5. 152 8 2 3 li “i 1. Premature birth CM.. 1. 257 • \ F .. 925 925 1 i 2. Stillborn ;r (M.. 'IF.. CM.. 'IF.. CM..: 3. 768 i 3. 768 3,768 2.819 1 2, 819 113 2,819 3. Malformation 112 112 | i 112 108 no 2 i 4. Debility and atrophy. 1. 127 1.072 948 826 1,055 915 | 4 6 9 1 3 9 i 1 3 1 3 5 11 9 4 52 123 95 216 5. Old age 98 1 9 ' \ F ..] 224 || [ j 1 1 i 1 8 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 449 Table 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. j Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to •20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. I.—General diseases—Continued. 7,938 1,103 : 2, 190 207 145 415 649 784 633 600 472 402 358 302 250 531 4. Ill 630 1, 232 958 100 58 180 327 394 340 319 271 211 200 147 115 217 3,827 111 94 473 107 87 235 322 390 293 281 201 191 158 155 135 314 1. Rheumatism 1?:: 7 3 16 8 8 9 5 5 9 4 8 4 6 5 5 4 2 4 4 9 5 3 3 11 6 20 27 2. Scrofula and tabes Ik < M 122 84 82 112 3 i l 1 9 1 1 56 i 1 1 9 1 1 ::::::: 3. Leprosy ) F 4. Consumption 2,640 2, 188 129 99 256 212 42 48 36 72 160 219 313 308 371 357 319 249 297 218 245 120 178 104 153 65 104 54 72 94 121 5. Hydrocephalus CM.. > F 867 385 797 45 10 9 3 1 1 1 2 677 295 1 621 ,41 6 1 3 9 "Y 6. Cancer pi-- IF.. 209 9 2 5 8 12 16 19 26 30 21 61 625 1 4 3 1 i"1 5 16 30 49 71 76 76 88 67 137 7. Tumor {¥■■ 22 28 14 28 o 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 9 1 8 1 4 2 9 3 9 3 i 1 3 3 8. Amentia {?:: CM.. P .. 4 1 1 9 1 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 1 3 1 9 2 1 3 i 4 9. Dropsy 1 1 6 i 1 1 1 ::::::: 3 10. Diabetes % 1 3 9 2 4 1 3 9 9 9 6 5 25 15 i 9 1 3 2"1 3 4 3 9 21 7 16 11. Others of this group .. (M.. 51 20 33 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 t E 33 14 24 l 2 1 1 4 12. Others of this class ... ( M 0 1 1 1 F I ..... 1 11—Diseases of the nervous system 5, 658 2, 226 3,463 192 57 43 42 60 93 91 135 131 173 206 191 781 3, 066 2, 592 982 813 1,230 996 1.894 99 27 27 20 32 56 61 73 78 106 117 105 371 1, 569 800 680 93 30 16 22 28 37 30 62 53 67 89 3 6 86 410 1. Inflammation of the brain CM. JP- 433 353 60 56 14 17 12 7 8 8 5 3 13 8 13 3 14 5 12 6 11 3 5 1 12 10 2. Apoplexy If:: pi- l F 515 473 176 150 20 14 28 20 1 1 1 4 3 3 8 8 20 8 22 11 27 31 13 6 29 21 52 40 65 53 11 9 60 54 15 8 195 223 74 89 3. Paralysis 9 11 5 1 1 2 3 8 15 8 17 7 8 2 1 9 6 4 4. Tetanus and trismus nas centium. 5. Epilepsy CM.. 73 74 i 1 E .. 47 46 1 C AI 58 51 11 24 3 3 5 3 4 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 4 \ F .. 19 19 8 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 4 6. Convulsions CM-- 743 731 8 1 2 1 1 E .. 624 458 608 12 1 1 1 1 7. Mental diseases CM . 35 1 2 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 6 17 61 57 \ F .. 43 2 3 2 2 6 2 3 9 8. Diseases of the brain C M.. 1 E .. 385 320 129 104 206 177 15 15 7 4 3 5 3 4 5 6 9 5 10 4 6 9 'i 9 6 21 8 16 13 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. CM., t E 85 46 8 6 18 10 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 4 6 1 2 1 1 5 1 3 „ 6 11 6 4 4 16 5 10. Others of this class C M.. 12 i 2 i 1 1 1 1 151 2 3 F 25 i 1 1 2 1 3 9 4 3 187 9 5 III.—Diseases of the circulatory system.. 2, 829 422 490 119 118 89 76 93 103 152 174 196 194 687 1,523 1,306 231 268 48 52 47 39 52 83 86 91 123 114 73 4 104 90 358 329 19 12 9 4 191 999 71 66 42 37 41 45 69 83 73 1. Angina pectoris CM. 35 1 1 1 2 9 4 3 < E 30 4 2 2 3 7 1 4 2. Aneurism {?:: 61 1 2 6 9 8 8 4 14 1 2 2 2 1 81 79 1 1 94 84 3. Diseases of the heart {¥:: 1,222 1.089 45 34 79 60 45 71 52 66 47 42 38 37 50 36 50 41 76 66 76 61 in 70 102 69 321 307 {¥:: 205 173 186 157 189 162 3 1 3 9 6 938 .29 450 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under a years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 05 years. 05 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system. 10,904 3,965 7, 736 462 86 112 186 199 196 207 181 191 194 155 201 858 5, 813 2,152 1. 813 4,134 3,602 758 238 224 86 39 60 114 118 81 1 116 132 75 120 61 125 66 121 87 68 90 111 319 539 1 5.151 47 52 1 72 80 73 i n CM.. 1- Croup < p 854 109 9 3 i i 92 660 95 4 .1 1 1 1 1 1 2. Laryngitis j '' 62 14 48 1 1 1 4 i 60 12 48 7 o 1 1 1 3. Bronchitis 1,519 1,425 946 795 1,338 1,170 26 19 3 2 4 6 3 4 5 4 7 6 10 9 6 7 10 9 ii 15 6 9 11 72 165 4. Pneumonia j y " 2,905 2.501 789 673 1, 652 1, 445 107 98 28 36 50 40 100 64 107 65 97 69 112 59 103 49 95 51 95 58 66 55 73 87 220 325 5. Pleurisy | " 96 19 37 - 3 7 1 8 3 9 9 10 - 9 3 10 17 83 , 10 24 i 2 2 1 5 5 3 5 2 3 H 6. Asthma 14 2 3 1 i l 1 1 i G 16 I 1 1 1 2 1 9 7. Others of this class [ F^ 362 301 273 230 298 254 3 5 1 2 3 1 1 3 5 3 5 4 4 1 7 1 9 4 4 1 4 1 10 22 1,636 476 643 58 53 36 58 63 77 80 81 75 84 66 66 196 892 272 204 367 276 38 20 34 19 23 13 30 28 28 35 41 36 30 50 42 39 47 28 53 31 44 22 744 30 117 1. Dentition | 41 24 41 38 23 38 2. Angina { F 25 6 17 3 2 1 1 1 17 2 12 2 1 CM 3. Diseases of the stomach., 2 y ’* 147 57 76 4 4 2 1 11 6 8 _ 4 12 34 140 36 51 9 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 2 5 4. Obstruction of the bowels | p 63 30 36 i 2 3 9 i 9 1 3 9 1 4 5 61 *23 31 i i 9 4 2 2 4 3 u 6 0 5. Hernia j 6. Other diseases of the CM.. 39 13 16 l 3 1 2 3 9 15 1 1 2 1 1 9 1 12 6 9 i i ] bowels. j F .. 10 5 i i 3 CM-- 29 24 26 i i . . i 99 20 21 i 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. of the liver. j F .. 9. Other diseases of the liver | p " 43 3 3 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 6 3 3 8 31 5 1 1 3 2 1 1 9 9 9 163 5 6 4 3 1 g 4 11 21 22 20 24 16 9 23 24 11 17 102 6 6 1 3 6 3 9 11 8 13 9 10. Peritonitis | " 159 187 22 16 40 23 20 10 14 11 7 9 16 14 9 20 10 21 22 7 15 5 6 6 10 4 9 3 7 2 i 1 1 3 i 1 1 i ■ 12. Others of this class j 169 118 81 67 96 81 5 4 11 2 8 1 7 4 5 6 3 1 3 3 2 4 2 7 2 2 2 1 12 13 604 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generat ion. 2,596 224 70 43 58 91 115 128 200 193 212 230 224 204 1, 546 49 128 96 25 18 24 34 42 49 50 59 60 62 112 115 78 140 72 137 93 153 71 132 379 225 1, 050 34 33 1. Bright’s disease j p1" 8 14 6 13 22 16 29 1 22 30 33 31 63 40 59 38 1 64 47 70 51 71 40 1 56 34 2 148 109 4 489 ..... 12 12 2 i 3 1 2 3. Diseases of the kidney ... j p*' * 4. Diseases of the bladder. • - ] p " 749 518 76 40 30 1 113 89 3 28 20 1 u 12 10 11 22 19 9 31 28 2 30 30 1 46 46 1 51 39 71 25 1 64 37 2 72 28 5 59 35 9 2 6 141 99 49 13 37 19 1 ] 2 C M 72 7 10 l 1 2 2 4 4 1 3 4 21 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 170 Q o 1 1 r 3 12 3 6 1 6 31 7 1 37 8 4. Uterine diseases 6 { 9 1 5. Others of this class 44 9. 1 (i ,b 6 10 i 1 309 ! 1 nancy. 1. Abortion 29 j 3 4 7 7 10 1 2. Childbirth 78 | 4 18 27 13 5 i 3. Puerperal septicaemia . 145' ; 14 41 30 3 1 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 4 53 1 i 5 13 14 V2 2 4 2 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 451 Table 94.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. “20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 05 years aud over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the hones and joints 165 8 40 39 30 8 4 4 2' 7 5 4 3 7 5 7 104 24 23 18 12 - 4 3 1 6 4 4 1 3 2 5 61 6 10 10 2 1 1 4 3 2 1. Diseases of the spine CM-- 47 i 17 12 6 6 i 1 3 i 1 2 1 F - 30 3 1 7 10 1 1 3 1 1 2. Diseases of the bones .... 23 9 6 1 3 1 i 1 2 1 \ F .. 17 1 4 3 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3. Diseases of the hip joint.. (H.. ( F •• < M.. 26 1 9 9 6 3 1 3 1 1 1 11 1 4 9 4 4. Others of this class 8 2 9 1 1 1 [f .. 3 1 1 i 1 177 79 loo 4 3 r. 3 4 4 n 2 6 23 94 48 58 n 3 1 2 2 3 11 83 31 42 1 4 6 1 4 3 9 3 12 i. Abscess CM.. 53 24 32 2 9 ] 1 9 9 3 9 4 |f.. 56 18 26 4 6 I 3 9 9 1 p 9 2. Carbuncle CM.. 10 1 1 2 1 • 9 l 3 \ F -- 3 1 1 i 1 l 3. Others of this class 24 14 70 50 14 20 11 12 23 5 14 19 32 11 16 29 37 16 21 34 48 19 30 51 34 34 25 56 29 43 16 48 {9 68 29 39 18 167 133 T1 73 31 10 10 30 28 17 C M 1. Bright’s disease Ip " 8 15 28 23 C ]\1 2. Calculus, urinary ]v" 1 i 3. Diseases of the kidney... j p " CM 4. Diseases of the bladder .. < B m” 5. Others of this class { F 245 242 53 21 14 64 55 16 20 9 G 8 9 12 7 14 10 14 12 18 1 12 3 1 16 11 1 It 12 .1 17 6 I 20 9 38 47 41 6 i i 1 3 39 23 57 3 6 ] 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 9 4 15 1 1 i 9 1 2 1 2 1 10 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of 1 1 9 6 3 9 C 9 3 .. 6 3 generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 10 1 1 9 9 4 1 i A 3 2. Ovarian diseases 4 l 1 1 i 3. Uterine tumors. 12 1 i 2 i 9 9 2 i 4 18 191 1 1 4 1 1 l1 1 l 12 3 4 9 2 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 56 57 38 22 4 1 1 * 14 1 3 - S 2. Childbirth 41 2 ii 31 16 r 4 1 92 7 27 14 9 2 1 1 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 5. Others of this class 1 1 43 3 13 11 9 6 1 NEW YOKE CITY AND BROOKLYN. 455 Table 95.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH All ages. Under | 1 year. Total under [ 5 years. 5 to 10 5 ears. 10 to 15 years. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 06 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints ... 74 3 ; 10 22 10 6 6 2 2 2 5 1 i 3 4 37 3 6 9 6 9 3 2 1 1 3 1 9 1 37 4 13 4 4 3 1 1 2 i 1 3 1. Diseases of the spine CM.. \ F .. 15 22 1 2 1 6 8 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 i i CM.. 5 i 1 2 1 2. Diseases of the bones ... 1 F 3 1 i 1 3. Diseases of the hip joint.. CM.. \ F . 12 1 3 1 J 3 i i 1 1 CM 5 1 1 1 2 4. Others ot this class 1 F 6 1 i J 2 X.—Diseases of the skin 74 37 41 3 i 3 1 3 3 1 4 4 10 47 92 25 2 i 1 2 9 i 4 3 6 27 15 16 1 2 1 1 I 1 4 1. Abscess C M.. ) F 24 17 10 12 2 1 1 1 1 2 i 2 2 1 2 2. Carbuncle CM.. ) F 6 2 i i l 2 1 2 1 C M 17 n 1 2 2 3. Others of this class 8 3 1 j’ " 1 3 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system .. 18 2 4 2 i 1 i 2 i 6 7 j 3 i 3 11 1 1 9 i 1 2 i 3 C M ■ 1 1 1. Addison s disease > F 3 i Y C M i 2. Diseases ot the spleen ... ) F 3 i 2 C AT 1 . i 1 3. Others of this class 1 i 1 i 1 XII.—Accidents and injuries 642 122 53 31 26 ' 30 39 40 27 36 29 18 20 20 59 Males 432 73 126 ! 36 24 20 19 28 32 20 27 23 14 17 17 29 Females 210 49 88 17 7 6 11 11 8 7 9 6 4 3 3 30 1. Burns and scalds C M.. 30 42 1 99 i 4 7 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 2. Drowned 45 8 2 9 9 8 3 3 2 8 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 C AT 3. Exposure and neglect .... ) F C AT 5 1 1 1 1 1 4. Gunshot wounds 1 1 (i. 3 1 1 1 1 5. Homicide c m.. 2 1 1 1 * *• 6. Infanticide iF c * - • CM., i F 2 1 1 7. Injuries by machinery 1 , 2 1 2 1 3 3 i 8. Railroad accidents 3 1 1 1 t r - - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 9. Suffocation 20 24 l 1 1 ( * -- C AT 26 2 1 4 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 10. Suicide by shooting F 2 1 1 ( * •* 11. Suicide by drowning Ip" 3 1 2 i 2 1 12. Suicide by poison y" 1 1 2 1 2 l X -- 5M- 16 4 2 2 2 2 1 3 14. Sunstroke IF.. fJF- 4 12 3 5 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 15. Surgical operations 9 1 1 2 9 1 i l r .. 9 2 1 1 2 i 1 16. Wounds 17. Other accidents and in- t* -• < M.. 194 28 53 18 10 11 6 8 18 10 13 9 i 7 8 19 juries. < F ■■ 95 26 43 6 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 24 456 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 96.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. 65 CAUSE OF DEATH. All age 8. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to *20 yea rs. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 65 years. and over and un- known. 72, 375 12, 366 19,671 1, 755 868 1,783 3, 900 5,200 4. 675 5.016 4,880 4, 639 4,465 3.456 3,604 8,457 35,721 36, 654 17 6,831 5, 535 4 10,519 9,152 896 410 839 1,911 2, 673 2. 429 2,596 2,580 2,306 2,411 2. 228 1 2, 064 2. 401 1 1,603 1.853 1,524 2,080 3, 260 859 452 944 1.989 2,527 2. 246 2,420 5.197 4 2 1 1 1 4 2 - 3 3 1 l 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 I.—General diseases. 11,588 3, 469 7, 278 833 169 198 324 348 239 240 211 250 276 240 274 702 1,845 3, 727 398 73 94 159 201 120 123 97 105 121 85 81 263 5. 941 1,624 3,551 435 96 104 165 147 119 123 114 145 155 155 193 439 1. Smallpox 45 4 8 1 2 9 9 4 2 3 9 324 339 460 4 1 1 1 2. Measles CM.. 84 299 16 9 1 2 4 • ] F 79 307 27 3 1 1 3. Scarlet fever C M.. 27 349 80 9 4 6 4 3 • ) F .. 453 1 27 314 98 14 8 8 i 4 1 4. Diphtheria ■{¥:: 988 86 757 191 15 6 i 2 3 s 978 47 725 210 23 6 4 2 1 2 3 1 1 5. Whooping cough (M.. 283 344 132 142 271 12 | F . 320 21 1 1 1 6. Fever . CM.. ■ } F .. 3 9 1 7.'Cerebro-spinal fever.. CM.. 122 32 76 17 5 4 3 4 i 4 3 3 2 | F .. 171 34 90 24 9 13 5 2 6 6 4 3 3 2 4 8. Typhoid fever C M 299 270 3 8 11 38 64 34 26 15 12 11 12 9 6 4 3 • t F 6 - 10 32 65 45 31 21 15 5 4 7 9. Diarrheal diseases CM . ’IF.. 1,646 1,886 706 577 914 798 42 24 14 16 17 32 38 53 45 37 46 48 52 40 65 58 79 99 59 106 51 153 204 348 ]0. Cholera infantum C M. 905 701 905 ) F 854 329 386 643 11. Malarial fever ■Sr:: 17 13 76 63 29 26 10 16 17 23 24. 32 33 32 21 27 18 22 19 16 18 29 14 20 11 21 11 21 22 38 95 25 26 4 • 9 3 6 9 9 6 5 10 13 29 34 2 2 1 1 8 6 12 1 14 i 4 2 1 4 9 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 2 1 14. Venereal diseases 84 59 26 24 30 1 2 12 6 9 5 3 3 1 4 1 1 2_ 6 3 9 3 15. Others of this group . (M.. ) F 59 09 4 9 9 1 i 9 1 9 4 9 3 6 3 4 6 16 31 31 5 2 1 1 2 1 3 971 206 218 5 9 5 31 116 119 127 101 71 71 42 32 652 110 114 4 2 5 19 78 86 95 72 54 51 20 29 23 9 20 11 319 96 i 104 1 12 38 33 29 17 13 1. Parasitic diseases C M.. 2 i 1 • } F . i 1 i 496 i 1 9 9 19 8 72 83 31 90 30 71 50 46 26 19 15 25 1 15 i 14 2 13 1 7 1 8 1 3. Lead poison CM.. o 2 2 9 • ( F .. 1 1 26 j *■*. 5 0 1 4 1 3 3 3 1 9 i l 3 9 \ F .. 6 2 1 5. Inanition CM.. 113 107 108 ] 1 3 ' l *' ■■ 105 94 1)7 4,851 1 1 8 1 9 General diseases—C 6, 395 4,724 10 3 3 4 6 4 8 8 20 35 106 1,329 Males 3, 201 3. 194 2, 682 2, 739 7 1 0 o 3 i 4 3 2 6 11 24 32 74 388 941 1 2. 042 ; 2.112 3 2 i 9 3 3 4 6 14 1. Premature birth C M.. 475 473 474 - ) F .. 401 401 401 2. Stillborn F .. 573 1 !.; I ::::::: NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 457 Table 96.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total ; under 5 years 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 05 years. 05 years and over and un- known.- I.—General diseases—Continued. 17,363 473 969 138 182 786 1,935 2, 394 2,023 2,019 1, 727 1,430 1,163 798 749 1,050 Males Females :::::: 8. 461 8.902 260 213 523 446 74 64 05 117 339 447 933 1,002 1,160 1.234 1,027 996 993 1,026 888 839 725 705 548 615 407 391 335 414 444- 606= 1. Rheumatism (M.. }F~ 1C4 2 - 6 8 14 16 14 14 23 12 4 9 28- 49 220 .... 4 2 9 4 7 5 13 17 15 20 28 16 31 2. Scrofula and tabes (M.. > F 49 32 42 9 1 1 1 1 2. 40 i l i o 9 3 1 3. Leprosy c M } F 4. Consumption (M.. 7, 335 7.042 65 58 132 116 31 32 41 99 323 424 909 972 1,121 1,177 977 923 946 875 835 673 640 504 463 403 335 231 263 244 3J9- 369 5. Hydrocephalus (M.. ) F 399 325 385 1. 102 153 399 29 13 3 3 4 2 6 4 3 2 11 120 271 25 1 4 6 1 3 4 9 1 4 9 1 1 1 M. t F .. \f:: 13 4 5 8 4 3 4 ll 8 10 19 12 0 12 17 34 8. Diseases of the brain 8 102. /8 u 4 6 2 8 8 10 ll 10 8 9 22 12 » 14 24 18 21 26 10. 20 19 23 44 57 9. Diseases of the spinal cord \f:: t F .. 88 79 11 24 3 6 4 * 4 9 o - 9 11 8 - 6 9 8 9 9 5 11 13 10 1 4 8 10. Others of this class 1 1 9 3 4 l 9 i 1 1 8 1 2 9 1 1 3 III.—Diseases of the circulatory system.. 4, 346 162 191 74 116 153 225 268 274 320 381 441 419 362 383 739 1, 926 2,420 93 107 30 41 102 122 143 144 204 208 173 154 147 276 69 84 44 75 78 323 146 131 1 170 177 233 240 208 236 463 1. Angina pectoris 5 M-- t F .. C M . 28 1 3 3 8 1 3 5 3 99 3 3 3 1 4 *> 2 4 2. Aneurism 95 2 1 8 19 15 10 .. 10 2 1 F . 41 1 1 4 4 4 6 4 6 3. Diseases of the heart I?:: 1,711 2,279 11 12 23 25 30 44 41 75 75 99 118 114 145 135 124 122 166 186 169 185 222 161 242 143 199 131 226 266 447 4. Others of this class (M.. IF.. 92 78 82 57 84 59 1. 1 1 5 | 1 9 9 3 1 4 6 458 VITAL STATISTICS.. Table 96.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. ft CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. ! Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 j years, j 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years 55 to GO years. 1 60 to 65 years 05 years and over and un known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.. j 13,048 1,995 3.822 ! 308 ! 99 234 480 724 060 737 812 827 885 087 794 1.973 Males G, 643 0, 405 1, 112 883 2. 044 1.778 102 140 48 51 115 119 276 204 455 269 408 258 427 310 459 353 455 372 417 468 318 309 342 452 717 1.256 ( M 1- Croup \F .. c M 450 417 57 3G7 74 9 ‘> 1 1 2 41 340 01 3 3 2 ! 1 0 D 1 37 ! 8 18 2 1 4 2 2 9 1 2. Laryngitis < p 39 | 24 3 3 I 1 2 I 1 \ •> ( M 3. Bronchitis < p 1,490 1,960 ' 462 388 650 578 16 16 4 4 13 24 35 32 56 49 36 34 36 42 54 84 58 85 87 117 63 109 95 158 287 634 , t> • (M.. 4. Pneumonia < p 4,135 3.524 447 339 849 710 60 04 36 41 86 87 223 159 367 200 340 204 352 248 373 247 357 254 288 316 226 226 214 257 358 511 5. Pleurisy j p?'' 181 9 3 12 9 99 20 17 14 8 10 18 11 g 16 19 117 4 11 1 1 5 10 8 9 11 16 . , C M 52 1 2 3 3 8 4 6 5 20 G. Asthma J p 8'1 1 3 2 9 3 8 9 43 7. Others of this class p " 292 259 128 103 138 115 1 . 1 2 3 2 9 2 7 6 8 13 6 15 10 14 11 i? 10 12 20 20 35 47 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 2, 742 190 278 30 42 52 117 161 211 236 258 297 289 227 199 345 Males 1,183 1,559 106 90 152 126 15 15 25 17 29 23 43 74 76 85 91 120 99 137 125 133 124 173 118 181 84 143 73 126 139 20C . CM.. 25 16 25 1. Dentition j p 20 13 20 1 „ , CM- 19 11 4 1 1 1 1 1 2. Angina < p 11 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3. Diseases of the stomach .. .j pj '' 222 335 17 27 31 38 3 4 3 2 3 5 8 22 13 22 25 23 17 20 ?! 28 33 19 37 13 29 9 26 29 51 4. Obstruction of the bowels.. s p ’ 59 8 10 2 4 i 4 3 1 10 7 6 9 3 0 08 9 1 1 9 4 5 0 3 5 7 y 4 14 18 22 . 1T . CM.. 8 8 1 2 V 4 3 0 G 10 4 9 5. Hernia C p 87 9 4 4 4 10 8 15 1 18 8 2 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 " T 7. Jaundice j p 10 _ _ 1 2 20 8 8 9 1 2 ] 3 80 2 2 1 10 16 14 8 3 3 3 9 13 53 61 137 9 1 1 4 7 12 12 13 19 19 14 14 0. Other diseases of the liver., j p " 10. Peritonitis ) I<^ 420 i 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 11 22 20 34 43 44 58 55 00 61 78 55 07 48 36 44 105 254 9 0 12 10 4 4 10 9 15 12 15 30 21 21 14 28 12 25 12 20 9 20 9 27 8 18 9 10 15 20 12. Others of this class F 1 r 98 110 31 29 40 35 1 3 5 2 5 4 0 4 4 8 2 3 3 4 6 8 . i 6 13 5 3 7 9 15 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 0, 066 25* 90 59 42 98 217 421 509 588 001 663 698 498 507 1,015 2, 857 3,209 1,428 1,72.3 5 12 13 50 40 24 35 12 24 18 9 39 59 17 97 120 52 189 232 91 244 265 133 309 279 164 295 366 142 345 318 178 295 403 160 241 257 127 231 276 122 541 ■ 221 307 1. Bright’s disease j p " C M 2. Calculus, urinary ) F 12 35 63 114 137 1 143 192 185 228 151 154 0 9 1 ] 1 3. Diseases of the kidney P* " 4. Diseases of the bladder.... j p " 1.208 1,421 80 9 11 46 37 12 22 15 10 19 22 1 40 54 1 93 107 3 104 122 1 137 132 0 141 171 6 1 163 127 1 125 171 0- 101 104 9 92 116 9 3 180 223 4' 99 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 5. Others of this class j P ‘ 3 4 2 5 0 3 0 1 3 G 32 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 6 3 4 2 9 2 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 144 . . 17 24 24 16 17 12 5 - 12 35 1 4 5 0 4 3 2 0 2 2. Ovarian diseases 10 0 4 1 9 1 1 3. Uterine tumors 24 3 2 4 3 4 9 1 11 9 3 1 9 1 2 58 5 3 152 8 15 127 9 7 9 3 2 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 682 93 213 117 41 0 1 1 1 00 1 13 33 20 19 10 3 170 52 20 37 99 1 350 10 84 116 01 58 15 5 1 9 ::: 5. Others of this class 8-s 7 22 25 1 j 12 i t NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 459 Table 96.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. iU-! ages. Under 1 year. Total under o years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and ' over an d un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 210 3 18 43 29 15 12 17 12 10 17 9 5 8 4 u 107 9 17 17 9 8 11 1 5 9 7 3 2 6 2 2 103 3 9 26 12 6 4 6 7 1 10 6 3 9 2 9 44 8 4 3 6 4 1 2 1 l 1 Diseases or tho spine < p 3 6 15 4 2 i 3 3 5 3 3 ( M 31 4 4 9 3 2 5 2 5 1 i 2 2. Diseases ot the bones C p. 28 4 1 9 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 l 2 19 2 : 5 5 3 1 3 3. Diseasesof the hip joint... C 19 2i ' 6 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 4. t)thers ot tliis class < p 11 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 1 170 18 29 1 5 9 5 9 8 9 9 16 14 11 40 . 76 10 17 1 2 2 5 4 5 2 0 3 5 4 4 16 94 8 12 3 3 4 1 4 6 3 6 11 10 7 24 1. Abscess j p " 42 52 7 6 13 8 1 2 3 i 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 5 4 3 1 3 J 1 6 1 1 4 11 9 2 2 2 1 i 1 2. Carbuncle C p 16 1 1 3 4 31 4 25 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 11 3. Others ot this class j p 26 2 4 1 1 1 2 5 3 9 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... 99 4 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 12 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 i 1 10 2 1 i 1 9 9 1 CM.. 4 1 i 2 ! 1. Addison s disease < p 3 1 l 1 2. Diseases of the spleen | 2 i 1 1 l i 6 1 2 1 1 9 1 ! j 3. Others of this class £ p 6 i 1 1 i 3. 213 123 205 122 94 124 261 3oo 289 317 338 261 231 177 139 240 2, 341 872 _ 67 133 89 78 98 208 219 261 271 208 162 199 81 116 132 33 16 26 53 60 70 56 67 53 69 55 124 9 16 2 3 1 4 3 4 2 2 G 4 1. Burns and scalds C p 120 i 19 3 6 8 11 10 12 4 3 9 12 4 3 16 2. Drowned { 1^ 312 28 1 l 3 5 28 4 23 1 20 9 1 39 31 1 25 4 30 2 28 16 14 7 9 2 15 3 ( M l 3. Exposure and neglect < p 1 1 _ , (M 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 4. triinshot wounds < p „ „ . . , CM 104 20 3 r 27 18 8 12 11 9 3 2 i 5. Homicide < p l 1 1 1 l 3 3 1 4 3 1 1 M C. Infanticide < p | ’ _ „ . . . CM.. 9 1 1 i. lupines bv machinery C p M 135 1 8 5 16 22 12 11 18 11 9 3 5 8. Railroad accidents < p 9 1 1 9 1 1 2 1 ( M 9. Suffocation < p ‘ 98 28 31 31 36 4 2 1 9 4 2 4 9 3 10 6 1 9 9 6 2 4 1 2 3 4 4 CM 35 1 1 4 G 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 10. Suicide by shooting < p i | 1 9 0 1 1 11. Suicide by drowning < p 4 I 2 i* 12. Suicide bv poison p " 31 2 3 1 4 8 i 1 4 2 5 40 5 8 4 9 4 5 i 3 1 13. Other suicides | p " 14. Sunstroke F 43 i 2 2 6 5 2 13 1 3 3 3 2 1 235 72 10 6 12 10 1 1 1 4 25 4 35 3 34 34 5 36 8 19 4 18 8 0 0 3 3 7 15 C M 15. Surgical operations < p 46 72 5 9 8 3 2 1 ? 1 11 5 13 3 7 4 11 6 4 6 4 i 2 0 4 4 ! 4 1 4 16. Wounds jj p ' 30 3 3 4 3 1 2 3 9 2 3 1 1 2 9 j 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 17. Other accidents and in CM. juries. ( F . 1,201 415 21 15 62 57 40 21 37 5 48 8 89 9 145 22 106 24 149 18 138 41 114 26 90 36 70 45 37 68 79 460 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 97.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. • 65 CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 tO 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 4 5 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. and over and un- known. i 29, 428 5,282 8, 594 969 461 803 1.527 1,847 1,789 1,676 1,643 1,724 1, 796 1,474 1,508 3, 617 14,379 2,901 2. 381 4,619 3,975 2 471 210 754 773 4 913 934 2 874 915 1 810 866 1 821 822 858 866 3 814 982 719 755 5 688 820 3 1.453 2. 164 2 15, 049 20 498 251 428 2 1 9 9 1 1 1 1 4 „ 2 17 9 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 I.—General diseases. General diseases — A 5. 032 1,346 2, 923 485 129 99 177 164 125 100 103 102 133 107 117 268 Males 2, 397 2, 635 8 691 655 1 472 1,451 1 236 249 62 67 36 63 84 93 74 90 1 54 71 1 45 55 1 46 57 1 41 61 3 47 86 52 55 53 64 95 173 1. Smallpox ( M.. • 1 F .. 10 1 1 i 2 2 1 2. Measles ( M..' 72 13 61 8 i 1 1 " \ F .. 01 9 53 7 1 3. Scarlet fever (M.. 171 13 122 39 4 2 1 3 ' ( F .. 200 13 131 50 6 3 3 2 1 3 1 4. Diphtheria CM.. 499 21 342 132 18 1 3 1 2 ' i F .. 515 20 330 146 23 5 3 3 1 2 1 1 5. Whooping cough (M.. 73 34 71 2 " ( F .. 106 49 100 4 1 1 6. Fever CM.. 2 1 1 •• ) F .. 2 1 1 1 7. Cerebro-spinal fever.. (M.. 28 9 17 6 1 1 1 •• ) F .. 29 8 20 3 1 2 1 1 1 8. Typhoid fever CM.. 127 2 5 9 10 32 21 16 7 7 3 3 3 5 4 "(F. 115 3 2 2 11 32 14 18 12 9 4 9 4 2 5^- 682 261 376 31 7 6 17 18 16 15 18 20 30 32 32 64 800 233 352 16 13 ii 18 24 23 18 25 39 55 39 42 125 10. Cholera infantum CM.. 436 323 436 " i F .. 415 306 l 415 11. Malarial fever (M.. -\F- 192 258 92 24 12 14 18 18 14 26 23 • 24 20 31 14 16 10 17 10 15 7 12 7 19 14 12 6 10 15 20 12. Erysipelas C M.. 47 10 12 1 2 1 1 6 7 3 3 1 1 4 6 6 • ) F .. 41 10 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 1 5 3 13. Septicaemia ( M.. 23 ] 1 4 5 9 i 3 2 1 9 • F .. 35 1 4 1 1 3 8 6 T 4 9 14. Venereal diseases CM.. 14 4 9 1 3 1 2 1 " ) F .. 13 4 1 1 9 2 2 15. Others of this group.. CM.. 23 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 9 5 •• [f .. 2 5 1 4 1 3 3 15 404 134 146 2 o 9 31 37 45 29 27 13 16 10 257 73 81 i 8 1 24 29 8 26 11 28 18 11 9 147 61 65 1 1 2 10 1. Parasitic diseases (M.. 1 ' \ F .. 1 1 2. Alcoholism CM.. 161 1 2 8 21 6 2 27 5 23 27 18 11 16 9 2 • \ F .. 67 9 3. Lead poison.. CM.. 7 9 2 i •' ) F .. 4. Other poisons (M.. rj i 2 1 1 i 9 " ( F 11 i 3 2 1 2 9 1 CM.. 81 71 76 i 4 t)< Inanition ............. " l F .. 68 60 61 i ! .... 1 i ■) 1 2.753 1,937 2,028 g 1 2 4 15 15 26 625 1,403 1,116 821 1.163 2 3 9 9 204 421 1,350 133 865 133 6 1 3 18 1. Premature birth CM.. 132 OF 97 97 97 i C M.. 687 687 687 ! .. OtllluOl 11 " I F .. 494 494 494 CM.. 31 30 31 - \ F . 28 28 28 4. Debility and atrophy.. C M.. 417 267 312 o 3 0 2 r 2 6 9 9 70 • \ F .. 418 202 246 6 1 2 3 9 7 a 2 2 9 11 115 CM.. 135 1 134 V71U «tgt. j p 313 : 7 • 306 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 461 Table 97.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. I.—General diseases—Continued. ' 6,111 166 330 ! 55 85 360 737 833 745 585 527 457 407 318 267 405 2, 899 3. 212 94 174 21 25 152 344 416 384 283 241 227 191 159 119 163 72 156 34 60 208 393 417 361 302 286 230 216 159 148 242 X. Rheumatism CM.. 1 F*. 63 93 3 ! 1 1 4 5 1 9 2 9 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 13 5 13 5 4 7 7 7 11 10 15 2. Scrofula and tabes CM.. 37 18 25 i l 1 1 4 1 i 2 F . 37 17 28; 1 1 1 2 1 3. Leprosy C M. ■ 1 F ::::::: 4. Consumption 2,438 2. 471 17 13 33 37 14 18 51 150 201 337 373 408 400 369 333 257 261 222 210 192 147 152 138 123 95 83 84 87 127 5. Hydrocephalus C M 124 107 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 \ F 105 41 86 10 2 1 3 2 ■ i 6. Cancer C M 177 1 1 1 i 1 3 8 10 24 28 22 25 53 I F . 413 5 9 15 29 53 59 69 52 42 80 7. Tumor c M. 15 1 t 2 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 \ F 26 1 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 2 3 8. Anaemia ( M 14 3 3 2 2 i 1 4 1 | F .. 22 1 2 6 1 i 1 ’ 2 6 9. Dropsy C M.. 9 1 1 i 1 2 1 2 | F .. 27 1 1 1 i 2 1 4 1 1 5 10 10. Diabetes C M 19 1 i 2 2 2 2 1 2 6 1 F .. 12 i 1 2 1 9 2 1 9 11. Others of this group C M. 3 1 1 1 1 | F .. 6 1 1 1 1 1 i 12. Others of this class CM.. F 1 II.—Diseases of the nervous system 2, 791 570 937 80 50 53 64 60 98 93 132 164 213 162 193 492 Males Females 1,392 1,399 316 254 503 434 50 30 28 22 32 21 33 31 32 28 52 46 49 44 72 60 79 85 86 127 76 86 92 101 208 284 1. Inflammation of the brain. 335 275 78 67 183 166 33 19 21 11 15 12 10 7 6 5 10 9 13 6 9 6 5 12 14 3 3 5 9 3 4 11 2. Apoplexy C M.. 325 2 4 2 3 3 5 11 15 20 31 44 40 43 104 1 F . 442 1 3 1 1 4 4 17 15 33 35 77 45 62 145 3. Paralysis C M 148 1 2 2 1 5 5 9 14 10 20 20 18 59 |f.. 164 2 1 3 3 6 7 18 17 17 72 CM.. 42 24 24 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 i centium 5 Epilepsy < F 22 18 1 18 1 1 2 {?" 27 22 167 164. 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 6. Convulsions C M 134 161 r 1 F . 114 153 2 2 3 1 1 7. Mental diseases C M.. \ F CM.. IF.. 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 17 4 1 1 3 2 i 14 10 4 8. Diseases of the brain 294 235 75 52 123 89 6 6 4 5 4 4 10 6 11 2 18 6 11 11 25 10 16 10 11 20 11 10 30 46 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. C M 36 2 6 2 9 2 3 1 5 4 1 5 ) F 47 G 9 1 1 5 5 3 6 5 3 4 2 10. Others of this class C M 1 2 1 1 1 F a 1.965 1 i l 1 1 9 1 1 2 III.—Diseases of the circulatory system. 115 131 53 58 62 80 71 98 144 127 168 188 174 190 421 871 62 70 23 21 32 46 30 40 60 60 76 72 78 77 186 1,094 8 53 61 30 37 30 34 41 58 84 67 92 116 96 113 235 1. Angina pectoris C M 2 1 1 1 3 If.: C M 15 10 2 2 1 3 3 4 2. Aneurism 9 1 1 4 1 i < F 8 1 ] 3 1 i i 3. Diseases of the heart. CM.. If.. 799 1,016 9 5 17 12 23 30 21 37 32 30 46 33 30 38 38 56 59 81 56 66 75 91 68 110 76 95 75 109 183 . 228 4. Others of this class CM.. )F. 54 55 53 48 53 49 1 2 1 i ****** *\***** 2 462 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 97.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAYING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. " All ages. Under 1 year. Total under ; 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. *20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 4 5 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of tlie respiratory system. 5,575 | 776 1,650 190 64 102 1S8 264 279 300 306 338 376 346 367 805 2,800 415 900 88 29 54 117 152 158 172 177 186 189 107 169 302 2 715 | 361 750 102 35 48 71 112 121 128 129 152 187 179 198 503 1. Croup $ if" 177 141 32 3 1 100 11 122 34 1 r i 2. Laryngitis | pf" 3. Bronchitis ‘{ F " * 40 37 3 1 1 1 1 39 26 1 1 1 1 689 830 220 197 352 310 8 10 3 5 - 3 15 0 21 4 20 11 13 21 22 15 24 26 43 32 50 55 64 134 238 4. Pneumonia ) p " 1,662 1.395 109 100 294 211 38 44 . 21 23 44 40 90 51 131 75 138 87 136 97 138 88 154 113 141 118 115 114 88 115 134 199 5. Pleurisy j p " 87 78 3 1 4 1 9 - 8 - 12 10 - 9 8 10 3 5 3 3 6 9 5 9 4 4 5 4 6. Asthma 5 p " 30 55 169 9 9 8 10 1 . ;» i 9 5 8 2 12 0 5 22 7. Others of this class j p " 61 12 6 1 4 8 ii 6 8 11 9 14 158 40 55 1 1 6 6 7 5 5 14 10 33 V.—Diseases of the digestive system .... 1,522 185 310 19 17 34 59 79 85 91 119 152 142 117 113 185 701 104 168 9 10 17 23 31 32 33 67 62 58 59 58 79 821 81 142 10 17 36 48 53 58 65 85 80 55 106 1. Dentition J ™ ' ( * 2. Angina j p - 47 85 27 1 65 1 4 1 1 1 i 5 2 3. Diseases of the stomach 5 H *' O - 4. Obstruction of the bowels.. J " ( f .. 5. Hernia j p •" 6. Other diseases of the C M .. bowels. l F .. 7. Jaundice { 105 145 43 40 27 12 20 3 3 3 g 8 15 10 12 15 ii 16 14 6 20 3 5 1 8 10 15 22 3 1 1 2 3 3 6 7 4 4 3 1 2 2 9 5 9 9 9 1 3 6 1 9 3 6 31 3 9 3 - l 4 9 2 i ] i 16 23 6 6 1 6 1 1 5 8 14 30 30 2 8 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. of the liver. } F .. 9. Other diseases of the liver. | p ' 65 86 198 202 87 150 4 5 1 1 3 3 6 3 3 6 11 19 20 5 12 13 25 25 1 1 6 14 29 32 9 8 0 2 3 6 12 12 13 18 5 16 26 19 10 8 7 1 1 1 2 4 13 18 10. Peritonitis j p " 6 5 8 5 3 6 5 6 11 10 8 23 18 4 16 6 9 6 12 11. Ascites | p 5 1 9 1 1 9 3 12. Others of this class \ p ' , ( * ■ ■ VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 00 61 1,858 99 28 31 9 2 1 1 1 o 9 8 28 r 3 2 200 2 212 2 164 29 38 33 69 125 154 163 161 161 326 829 - 20 18 10 19 28 61 60 63 69 92 40 54 87 113 49 65 72 89 46 47 71 93 39 52 164 1,029 437 9 20 13 9 14 41 64 94 100 125 55 69 162 88 101 1. Bright's disease | p1 " 2. Calculus, urinarv j jf ** 3 8 9 31 30 37 569 5 22 29 50 61 1 1 3. Diseases.of the kidney | p ' 334 421 35 7 20 9 15 13 5 6 ii 9 18 16 28 29 27 40 21 35 28 36 36 45 30 52 9 22 39 22 39 51 53 17 4. Diseases of the bladder ... j ' i 1 2 1 14 1 9 5. Others of this class 5 " tv- 99 2 1 1 4 3 8 25 3 4 4 3 3 9 4 65 1 1 0 6 10 12 3 3 generation. 17 1 9 9 r 1 1 2. Ovarian diseases 1 1 1 20 1 1 3 1 5 3 1 4. Uterine diseases :::::::: 1 3 5. Others of this class 18 i i 4 4 4 l 23 i 1 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. 298 0 50 91 74 49 1. Abortion 9 " ■ ■ 9 3 3 1 2. Childbirth 84 o 9 20 23 12 g i 3. Puerperal septicaemia 149 5 25 53 35 23 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 1 5. Others of this class 56 ::::::: 2 14 15 13 8 . 3 l 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 463 Table 97.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN IRELAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF xVGE AND SEX—Continued. I| 65 years All | ages. Under 1 year. Total 5 to 10 to j 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 55 to 60 to and CAUSE OF DEATH. under 10 15 *20 25 30 35 40 45 50 90 60 65 over 5 years. years. years.! years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. years. and 1111- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints 59 3 8 9 10 2_ 5 ■ 6 i 4 4 4 2 4 2 5 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 3 i 3 28 : 1 3 6 6 1 2 2 i 3 1 1 i 1 1. Diseases of the spine { F 2. Diseases of the bones f if " t * -- 3. Diseases of the hip joint. 4 Others of this class | p " 20 1 9 4 2 2 1 3 9 9 2 2 16 l 3 4 3 2 I 1 i 1 1 9 i l 1 i 1 3 i' 1 3 1 2 6 1 9 2 1 1 1 3 i l i 1 37 7 12 2 0 < l 1 g 3 1 9 3 5 17 4 9 i i 1 i 1 1 9 i 1 1 20 3 3 1 l i 1 2 1 i 2 4 1. Abscess 5 if" 9 9 6 9 1 1 1 10 4 9 1 l 1 t * 2. Carbuncle { F " 3. Others of this class \ if*' i l 1 1 4 1 ! 1 l 1 1 4 2 3 i 0 1 1 9 1 1 1 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... 12 3 l 1 1 9 1 2 4 1 i 2 8 2 l i 1 i l 1 . , , , ( M 1. Addison s disease ’ p 2. Diseases of the spleen f if'' 3 l i 1 1 1 4 9 I 1 i' 3. Others of this class | " 1 2 1 :i* l S5 920 33 84 29 24 41 72 106 76 92 85 68 51 43 64 709 17 53 20 21 63 86 64 75 68 69 54 41 28 36 211 16 31 9 3 10 9 20 12 17 17 16 14 10 15 28 1. Burns and scalds j 49 21 l 1 6 4 1 4 3 3 1 1 9 1 47 2 7 2 4 1 6 4 3 4 3 1 5 2. Drowned {f*"" 3. Exposure and neglect 5 if " 96 1 9 3 8 13 6 12 8 14 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. Gunshot wounds j 5 1 1 1 1 l C M 5. Homicide < p ' * 18 3 5 3 3 1 1 1 i 1 9 1 1 6. Infanticide j 1 i 1 7. Injuries by machinery.... j jf‘* 3 i 1 1 1 I i" 18 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 2 2 1 8. Railroad accidents < p 1 1 i 2 9. Suffocation f if" 26 8 10 I 1 9 6 2 O 9 1 19 9 10 1 3 9 1 i 1 14 1 1 4 1 0 3 1 1 10. Suicide by shooting f P or 1 •| 11. Suicide bv drowning ? F " 12. Suicide by poison { F^ 13. Other suicides j " 10 t 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 17 ■ 3 2 1 6 2 1 2 1 l 1 i 1 14. Sunstroke j F^ 73 9 1 12 14 1 11 10 9 j 2 4 1 8 i 2 1 1 1 ■ 1 2 15. Surgical operations j " 0 9 1 1 6 1 1 1 9 1 10 i 1 1 2 4 !• 1 16. Wounds ’ p " 3 1 r 1 1 j 17. Other accidents and in- ( jI. juries. ( F . 357 6 18 10 12 19 24 38 30 39 30 36 38 20 17 26 99 3 11 4 1 4 3 8 0 9 6 11 8 6 7 15 464 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 98.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAYING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 16 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to GO years. 00 to 65 years. 65 years and over and mi- known. 53, 810 15,373 22, 843 1,664 627 1,197 2,125 2,610 2, 623 2,581 2. 469 2,435 2,465 2,446 2,481 5, 244 30, 378 12,407 862 315 660 1,071 1,438 1,172 1. 570 1,627 954 1,578 891 1,614 821 1. 546 1,515 931 1 1,424 2,751 2,493 1 23, 432 6. 845 10. 436 802 312 537 1 1,054 1 1,053 919 1,057 12 1 9 G 1 1 1 2 1 1 G 4 4 1 1 .1.—General diseases. 12,195 5, 438 9, 252 832 152 192 215 205 174 148 138 129 124 129 143 362 G. 391 2, 912 2, 526 4,840 4, 412 12 417 71 101 116 112 94 90 88 73 70 68 78 173 5, 804 20 415 81 91 1 99 93 80 58 1 50 56 54 61 65 189 1. Smallpox ( M . 5 1 9 1 2 1 ' I E - - 25 6 14 3 1 1 2 2 2 2. Measles C M . 275 76 254 18 2 1 - { F .. 265 58 244 19 1 1 3. Scarlet fever ( M.. 454 22 324 99 12 5 8 1 ' t. E - - 471 32 343 99 11 6 4 2 1 4. Diphtheria f M.. 1,138 1,137 199 86 873 223 17 9 3 1 1 2 3 1 ] i 3 • i F .. 74 843 233 29 15 2 3 2 1 2 5. Whooping cough CM.. 117 196 1 2 • ( F .. 273 117 267 1 6. Fever CM.. ‘ \ E .. 7. Cerebrospinal fever.. ■{¥:: 131 83 26 18 67 56 17 10 6 4 6 4 1 7 1 2 7 2 4 3 1 2 3 1 3 8. Typhoid fever ■{¥:: 372 249 2 12 8 14 14 16 13 47 38 77 47 64 32 37 27 33 16 18 11 15 11 13 11 11 11 8 4 6 9. Diarrheal diseases CM.. * t F .. 2,174 1,874 1,470 1,225 1,778 : 1,464 28 18 11 10 18 7 10 20 12 23 24 20 23 24 26 •22 24 23 27 26 37 37 41 41 115 139 10. Cholera infantum C M.. 1, 147 1,044 984 1,147 1,044 60 30 - { F .. 902 ! I 11. Malarial fever CM.. ‘IF.. 202’ 191 14 8 9 12 6 9 - / 15 • 10 13 10 25 14 18 10 11 17 11 14 10 8 8 9 9 8 18 15 12. Erysipelas CM.. 116 41 44 3 3 4 4 9 10 10 9 5 10 9 1 ‘ l F .. 85 43 48 9 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 13. Septicaemia CM.. 13 1 3 i 1 9 1 9 1 • \ F .. 15 3 4 1 9 i 3 2 14. Yenereal diseases CM.. 94 58 61 l 4 8 2 6 2 2 2 2 •[f.. CM.. 48 40 l 1 9 1 2 1 15. Others of this group 50 8 9 2 1 2 1 4 1 3 4 3 1 3 16 14 12 -[f.. 44 5 1 f 3 1 3 3 2 2 7 458 167 181 2 2 2 8 36 ' 47 39 39 41 18 19 12 342 no 91 76 97 84 9 l. i 6 9 29 41 6 37 36 38 18 15 11 11 1 2 ■ 7 2 1. Parasitic diseases CM.. i i • i F .. 2 i 2. Alcoholism CM.. 208 i 5 97 35 35 34 30 14 12 3 G 9 1 ■ ] F .. ID 6 3 2 i 2 1 3. Lead poison CM.. ‘IF.. C M.. G 1 2 1 i 1 1 1 i 4. Other poisons 28 4 i 1 4 1 1 6 3 3 4 ■\V.. 13 2 i i 1 3 2 1 5. Inanition c M.. 99 91 93 i 1 1 i 2 F . 588 8 5 12 22 33 30 50 55 62 84 1 2. Calculus, urinary CM.. 2 4 1 1 1 1 3. Diseases of the kidney CM.. \F.. C M 899 586 93 20 14 59 57 2 17 19 1 8 11 13 10 21 33 1 50 36 1 68 25 2 79 40 2 94 50 2 76 44 2 87 54 5 96 48 14 94 52 14 137 107 47 4. Diseases of the bladder If.. 15 i 3 3 ] 3 5. Others of this class CM.. IF.. •42 2 3 3 1 9 3 1 9 2 1 1 8 18 11 2 ] 2 1 generation. 26 9 4 1 . 5 9 1 3 3 1 1 1 20 3 1 4 3 2 9 1 18 1 1 1 2 1 3 6 10 2 3 2 1 l1 1 33 1 3 10 G 5 1 *> 652 30 158 165 136 95 61 4 J 1 1 nancy. 76 9 13 16 23 15 2. Childbirth 139 4 20 29 30 18 0 358 18 109 96 68 39 24 1 1 1 1 4 i 2 1 5. Others of this class ........ .... 75 6 15 18 14 10 12 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 467 Table 98.—DEATHS IN NEW YOKE DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OK DEATH. * All ages. Under 1 year, j Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 year§. 55 to 60 years. «0to 05 years. 65 years and over and un- known.. IX.—Diseases of the hones and joints... 149 5 16 26 19 10 12 3 7 9 6 11 5 6 5 14 stales 87 1 9 15 11 6 2 6 5 4 8 3 4 4 3" 62 4 11 8 4 i 1 4 2 3 9 2 1 11 1 (M 28 4 3 9 3 i 2 9 0 1 1. Diseases of the spine h," 18 2 3 9 l 1 1 3 1 i i 2‘ 2. Diseases of the bones 5 " 31 1 3 3 9 9 3 1 3 4 1 3 3 2’ 20 i 1 3 9 l 3 1 2 l i 1 4 17 1 3 _ 2 9 i 9 “ i 3. Diseases ot the hip joint ... 14 i 3 3 i 4. Others of this class ... £ ' <.b .. 11 i 3 * i 2 9 i 10 1 1 i i l i' 4 164 47 57 4 2 2 6 11 4 5 9 18 10 13 16. 85 ?7 ! 30 3 i 3 3 i 4 7 10 5 10 8'. 79 20 27 1 9 i 3 3 3 9 8 5 3 8- 1. Abscess 41 10 12 9 1 9 9 1 9 3 3 3 6 4 50 13 15 2 i 2 8' 3 4 2 i 4 9 3 3 2. Carbuncle \ '' 1 1 9 5 0 3 ] 6 1 1 9 2 C AT 3. Others of this class ) F XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system .. 29 i ! 17 18 1 9 9 2 i 3- 23 11 1 1 1 1 9 1 5 5 6 1 9 3 1 4 2 2 1 Males 9 2 j 9 I 2 9 i 1 13 3 4 1 1 i l 9 2 i 1. Addison’s disease | '' 4 1 i i 1 5 1 1 i 2 C M 2. Diseases of the spleen < i 1 3. Others of this class ) 1^ 4 9 2 1 1 8 3 4 l 1 i i 2,209 109 254 119 74 112 168 194 203 203 183 182 162 127 83 145. 1.692 73 61 86 115 155 163 171 142 151 134 111 67 108 517 42 99 46 13 26 53 39 40 32 41 31 28 16 16 37' C M 3. Burns and scalds ’ p ' 2. Drowned { 1^*' 62 3 35 1 2 6 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 97 32 14 17 4 8 2 2 2 T 160 9 20 20 13 14 13 10 n 8 12 4 9' 20 3 1 9 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3. Exposure and neglect p C M 3 l 2 1 4. Gunshot wounds j p 5. Homicide | . ., ( M 1 1 49 13 1 1 3 3 6 6 6 8 4 5 9 2 0 1 1 2 2 3 9 1 1 6. Infanticide < ™ 3 i 1 1 7. Injuries by machinery < -p 50 4 2 4 6 6 4 5 6 3 5* 8. Railroad accidents \ ™ 6 9 1 1 9. Suffocation | 65 32 23 9 26 11 1 0 6 1 3 3 3 2 9 7 »> 1 4 3 1 2 9 1 198 20 29 19 21 23 22 16 25 G 12 10. Suicide by shooting \ b 10 1 3 2 1 2 1 18 3 4 3 * 1 3 1 2 1 11. Suicide by drowning < p 4 1 1 l1 1 102 5 11 11 8 10 11 12 9 11 6 6 11 12. Suicide by poison | p 51 6 12 4 7 5 1 4 178 1 10 8 24 18 18 21 23 22 11 22 13. Other suicides < p 31 1 5 3 9 4 4 3 5 3 1 .. . . . CM.. 94 8 9 i 4 7 11 18 1 11 13 5 3 5 14. Sunstroke < p 35 6 5 9 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 . s . i . (M 41 9 12 3 1 6 1 9 4 1 Id. Surgical operations < ,, 62 29 3 1 9 1 6 10 2 11 1 10 3 6 3 4 3 1C. Wounds " 1 i 1 9 i 1 2 17. Other accidents and in-CM.. juries. |F.. 636 152 22 19 69 42 42 24 25 4 33 5 27 9 60 7 62 * 71 6 48 7 57 7 48 8 30 4 31 8 33 18 468 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 99.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. 65 CAUSE Ob' DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. a to 10 years. 10 to la years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 3a years 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. and over and un- known. 23, 790 7,358 10, 884 952 333 547 888 1,049 1,076 983 927 884 944 1,003 978 2, 342 12. 937 3,957 5,782 487 177 273 467 560 612 593 568 551 584 597 544 1, 142 10,853 3, 401 5,102 465 156 274 421 489 464 390 359 333 360 406 434 1,200 28 5 6 1 1 1 3 2 1 9 3 2 6 16 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 4 , ,i — 12 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 I.—General diseases. 5,403 2, 397 3, 874 446 95 75 118 118 105 78 52 56 76 70 69 171 2,778 1,272 1,994 1,880 217 49 40 69 62 54 39 25 27 49 41 39 73 2,625 1,125 229 46 35 49 56 51 39 27 29 27 29 30 98 C M.. 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Smallpox 13 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 CM.. ■\v.. 69 18 63 5 1 2. Measles 66 20 61 5 148 8 89 49 1 1 1 3. Scarlet fever 191 4 129 46 8 9 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 431 21 290 119 8 4 1 4. Diphtheria 452 24 281 145 14 3 1 1 1 5. Whooping cough S M-- ■\F.. < M 95 51 94 1 106 9 46 103 1 i 1 1 i 6. Fever i 1 1. Cerebro-spinal fever . C M 26 5 16 4 1 2 2 1 • | F 19 3 11 9 1 1 2 2 :8. Typhoid fever CM.. ” { F .. 139 85 1 1 2 4 8 6 7 6 17 8 33 12 24 13 15 7 10 8 7 4 1 4 8 3 5 6 1 2 1 2 9. Diarrheal diseases - -. CM.. 858 770 515 433 659 565 16 12 12 10 2 7 13 8 10 14 12 19 13 11 6 7 14 9 18 14 17 11 19 17 47 66 30. Cholera infantum <, M.. 729 619 729 ■; f 681 681 31. Malarial fever •{?:: 144 134 2 2 10 16 10 9 9 5 5 10 13 16 18 12 15 10 9 13 9 8 9 10 3 7 4 11 5 12 13 fl2. Erysipelas 66 37 16 11 16 12 3 2 3 3 3 5 1 5 1 4 4 1 2 3 4 3 6 4 5 3 4 6 13. Septicaemia CM.. 30 3 6 1 1 1 i 1 3 1 5 4 i 5 ‘ { F .. 38 3 5 1 1 2 10 6 4 4 i 1 2 1 14. Venereal diseases C M.. 14 10 10 1 2 1 • | F .. 11 6 7 1 1 i 1 15. Others of this group . CM.. 18 9 7 1 1 i 2 2 4 ’ t F .. 21 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 9 9 213 117 121 1 9 g 15 15 16 8 2 4 133 rj 4 8 12 15 16 8 5 1 3 80 66 67 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 3. Parasitic diseases C M.. • } F .. 2. Alcoholism CM.. 58 4 3 6 9 12 13 7 3 1 • \ F .. 3 3 3. Lead poison CM.. 6 1 i 3 1 • { F .. 4. Other poisons CM.. 14 1 2 i 2 2 2 1 1 2 - i F .. 4 1 1 1 i i 5. Inanition CM.. 55 51 53 1 1 ■•If.. oft 65 66 1 1 1 2,963 2, 443 2,514 7 3 1 5 7 3 3 o 20 384 1,544 1, 320 1, 356 4 1 1 2 5 2_ 3 11 9 153 231 1,419 L 123 116 1,158 116 3 3 9 9 1 4 1. Premature birth CM.. 116 ■ ( F .. 87 86 87 2. Stillborn f M.. 830 830 830 ♦ ' \ F .. 686 686 686 3. Malformation CM.. 16 16 16 • \ F .. 16 16 16 4. Debility and atrophy.. CM.. 493 358 394 4 i 1 2 5 1 2 3 5 68 90 85 141 • \ F .. 487 335 369 3 9 3 9 2 i ■5. Old age C M.. 89 •If-- 143 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 469 Table 99.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAYING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to |15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 80 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 65 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. I—General diseases—Continued. 4,271 369 579 46 44 233 416 472 475 393 350 268 284 181 287 2,419 1,852 64 46 201 320 23 23 1 20 24 5 1 106 127 1 3 224 192 3 4 285 187 5 279 196 1 5 236 157 4 4 211 139 7 2 165 103 5 3 175 109 6 3 168 259 1. Rheumatism 1 1 4 1 4 6 6 2 12 9 2. Scrofula and tabes { p " 62 44 59 1 1 1 50 34 47 1 2 4. Consumption 1,818 1,216 24 22 53 37 9 8 20 103 121 213 183 274 178 271 183 221 126 184 97 130 60 131 60 90 52 60 31 72 60 5. Hydrocephalus 219 128 195 9 6 2 2 1 1 3 182 106 166 10 2 i 1 2 6. Cancer 5 t X •• 7. Tumor 5 8. Amemia |jF** 9. Dropsy p " 186 1 2 3 6 16 22 38 33 42 2 36 40 0 24 47 1 43 291 1 1 i 6 4 20 36 56 13 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 i 1 3 1 4 10 2 4 1 1 i 2 13 i 1 1 2 i 9 3 1 1 1 13 i 1 1 i i 1 l 1 1 3 2 20 i 2 i 1 9 2 12 10. Diabetes p-" 1 9 1 l 3 1 4 2 o 4 2 12 9 i i 1 9 2 a 11. Others of this group 6 i 3 1 1 1 11 2 4 i 1 9, i i 1 12. Others of this class | 1 i II.—Diseases of the nervous system 2, 298 799 1,156 84 37 36 30 36 45 53 62 89 96 136 117 321 1,270 1,028 350 309 460 339 120 105 641 515 229 232 40 44 18 19 9 12 19 17 11 7 19 11 6 2 21 15 9 6 61 14 8 2 38 15 13 3 41 21 7 52 37 10 2 54 42 7 3 70 66 7 2 57 60 1 169 152 1. Inflammation of the brain. | p •• 25 22 9 2 2. Apoplexy " 3. Paralysis 274 237 9 4 1 9 1 6 2 10 8 3 16 9 18 17 21 28 39 44 9 9 38 31 110 3 3 2 6 89 84 2 3 1 1 i 1 4 9 3 5 9 11 8 22 85 9 3 2 i 3 2 2 1 8 5 9 37 32 24 25 9 1 9 1 1 centium. 20 , 16 16 i i 1 1 5. Epilepsy |p " 16 1 i 1 9 4 1 3 1 ] 1 2 19 1 3 i 4 i 2 2 1 1 2 6. Convulsions 5 jf” 307 262 299 4 1 1 1 1 227 187 219 4 l 1 1 1 7. Mental diseases {f^" 5 1 1 1 1 1 13 i 9 1 4 9 9 1 8. Diseases of the brain | " 164 93 49 29 75 40 8 7 3 2 l l 5 1 4 3 2 2 2 10 3 8 4 10 4 8 3 5 5 21 16 9. Diseases of the spinal cord? p " 10. Others of this class j III.—Diseases of the circulatory system.. 1 5 i 1 1 4 3 4 2 4 5 19 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 i 1 2 1,375 99 117 36 46 46 46 46 70 75 81 88 105 134 172 313 706 47 59 17 17 21 19 29 47 45 44 45 58 72 87 146 669 52 58 19 29 25 27 17 23 30 37 43 47 62 85 167 C AT 1. Angina pectoris jir" 7 1 2 1 1 2 9 9 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 9 2. Aneurism { F^'" i 2 i 2 6 2 i 1 1 1 3. Diseases of the heart { F^" 650 602 10 10 22 12 17 19 17 28 21 25 17 25 29 17 46 22 44 30 43 34 42 40 54 46 70 60 84 81 144 163 4. Others of this class j ” 40 37 37 1 1 1 52 42 46 1 1 1 3 470 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 99.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. 1 All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years.' _ 1 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 year 8. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 60 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.. 4,039 826 . | 2,007 | 238 42 60 101 Ill 135 132 126 130 138 152 199 468 Vfnlna 2,244 443 1,080 927 125 24 29 62 62 81 97 82 90 74 99 114 232 1.795 383 113 18 31 39 49 54 35 44 40 64 60 85 236 CM.. 310 ■ 25 261 47 2 1. Croup |F.. 240 i 20 193 41 4 1 1 2. Laryngitis C M.. 73 9 8 1 1 9 5 2 4 2 1 2 \ F .. 51 4 41 I 9 3. Bronchitis {¥:: 471 386 180 151 274 239 8 2 1 1 1 8 9 9 13 9 8 6 9 9 13 12 71 40 24 21 87 75 110 123 4. Pneumonia {¥:: 1,178 953 179 157 434 389 55 54 16 12 23 28 46 31 48 40 59 49 69 31 58 31 67 28 54 43 68 54 o. Pleurisy < M.. 59 6 2 2 3 8 2 8 - 3 4 2 rj 1 F .. 37 9 1 2 4 4 i 2 ] 3 1 3 1 3 8 16 14 , 13 16 131 6. Asthma CM.. 33 2 3 2 2 4 1 F . 28 4 4 9 3 3 9 7. Others of this class l¥:: 120 100 48 ■ 47 57 54 6 1 2 I •1 1 9 3 3 1 9 8 6 5 9 5 4 2 4 11 7 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 1,189 245 352 25 31 35 49 60 63 79 76 79 96 88 652 : 131 189 163 13 12 18 20 11 17 18 23 26 25 38 41 38 45 31 45 34 65 31 51 37 73 58 537 ; 114 33 3. Dentition (M.. 89 54 89 \ F .. 94 67 94 (M.. 7 4 1 2 \ F .. ii 2 6 2 i 1 l 3. Diseases of the stomach... CM.. 90 | 18 5 1 9 _ 4 2 „ 9 10_ 9 8 1 11 11 0 (F .. 82 15 23 2 2 2 3 9 10 4. Obstruction of the bowels CM.. 24 ! 3 4 2 4 3 2 i i 3 1 3 3 \ F .. 26 1 1 1 i 3 9 3 1 4 3 5. Hernia C M.. 25 3 3 1 4 9 1 1 4 ) F .. 20 i 9 >6. Other diseases of the CM.. 8 2 2 i 1 2 bowels. } F .. CM.. 17 12 13 1 1 2 , F .. 12 7 7 1 1 1 O 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 49 9 i 1 1 5 9 r 6 6 6 33 11 of the liver. \ F .. 38 i 9 G :9. Other diseases of the liver CM.. 177 1 1 1 “ 9 9 19 9 5 17 27 25 9 2 5 29 10 2 5 18 21 10 5 i F .. i 3 1 1 1 9 5 !10. Peritonitis S'#:: 84 132 8 1 10 6 6 5 10 4 9 9 8 13 9 21 4 14 2 18 4 6 3 4 CM.. 8 1 1 O 1 1 0 IF.. 8 1 2 9 12. 0the 18 ot this class CM.. 74 30 35 5 6 2 9 1 i 4' 1 3 2 12 ) F .. 39 20 22 1 1 i 1 3 O 9 1 89 1 92 XVI.—Diseases of -the urinary system and male orgaus of generation. 945 12 47 31 13 20 31 59 56 68 78 81 96 184 561 384 g 24 23 20 11 9 11 u 29 30 37 31 53 25 46 35 69 27 53 36 63 29 108 76 4 .1. Bright's disease CM.. 262 o 1 5 r- 18 15 15 15 18 20 29 42 ( F .. 199 3 2 5 12 9 Pq ln„l,ia nr^Q1 CM.. 3 1 1 z. oaicuius, urinary ) F .. :3. Diseases of the kidney 4. Disoases of the bladder CM.. \ F .. ( M.. 249 174 33 6 3 1 21 22 1 15 8 4 4 3 5 1 7 4 10 15 15 11 19 10 20 u 2_i 21 18 25 5 25 14 24 10 40 37 ) F .. 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM.. 14 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 9 ) F .. 6 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 'VII.—Diseases of the female organs of 41 9 4 11 -generation 1. Ovarian tumors 10 1 1 2. 0 varian d iseas es 1 1 3. Uterine tumors 6 1 1 1 1 4. Uterine diseases 8 l 1 3 1 1 * 5. Others of this Class 16 l 9 9 3 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- 231 6 50 80 49 97 O nancy. 1. Abortion 10 o 5 3 10 8 2. Childbirth 63 9 29 20 47 1 15 31 3. Puerperal septicaemia 128 6 6 1 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy . 1 .5. .Others of this-xslass 29 10 3 6 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 471 Table 99.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN GERMANY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to ! 20 years, j 20 to 26 years. 26 to 30 years 30 to 36 years. 36 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 46 to 60 years. 50 to 55 years. ‘ .... 66 to 60 years. 60 to 0 5 years. 65 years and over and un- known. 38 3 8 8 6 2 9 2 1 3 1 5 18 ! 1 3 4 3 i l i i o 1 9 20 2 5 4 3 i i i 1 3 „ . . c M.. 8 2 1 1 9 1. Diseases of the spine < p 9 . i 3 2 o i i ( M i 1 1 1 1 3 2. Diseases of the bones < pi - 1 2 i r i 4 9 1 1 3. Diseases of the hip joint... < -p 9 1 1 i 1 9 i 1 1 49 17 21 l 3 i 2 9 l 3 6 22 5 1 1 9 2 1 2 i 9 9 4 27 12 16 i i l 1 4 3 1. A bscess | p '' 2. Carbuncle jp1" 3. Ot hers of this class J " 3 3 i 1 1 1 11 3 i 6 1 i i 1 2 9 l 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 6 13 o! 2 l 1 9 ! 10 3 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system... 9 o 1 l 1 3 l 6 i 2 l 3 3 1 1 1 1. Addison's disease £ 1 2 ( r .. 2. Diseases of the spleen { if " 1 i 1 9 1 3. Others of this class f i i i 9 1 l ( r .. 698 25 80 30 24 31 41 52 63 65 56 68 47 57 27 57 568 14 51 29 23 22 26 32 42 53 58 52 59 43 47 23 37 130 11 9 5 9 10 10 4 9 4 10 4 20 54 2 3 i 2 4 4 2 3 9 9 3 1 1. Burns and scalds < p < M 30 3 16 4 2 9 3 9 1 48 1 4 - 5 3 5 2 6 8 9 1 3 2. Drowned ] p " 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 „ , , CM.. 1 1 3. Exposure and neglect < p . _ (M 10 3 3 1 2 3 1 4. Gunshot wounds < p 2 1 - .T • • 1 < M. . 1 1 1 1 i o. Homicide < p 1 1 i 6. Infanticide — 2 p 1 1 i 2 1 1 7. Injuries by machinery < p M u i 1 1 9 1 i l 9 1 8. Railroad accidents 5 p 3 i 9 C M 17 4 1 1 2 l 9 2 2 9. Suffocation 2 p 4 i C M 10. Suicide by shooting ? p *' 57 1 3 6 5 3 6 5 u 5 1 1 1 1 11. Suicide by drowning p 1 1 C M 12. Suicide by poison ) F " 26 2 9 3 1 2 2 4 9 5 1 2 16 2 1 4 i 1 13. Other suicides 5 ( * *• 2 9 2 8 2 5 6 6 ii 3 8 2 1 1 i 51 i 1 1 i 1 9 1 9 10 9 8 6 9 1 14. Sunstroke f p 6 1 9 1 1 C M 15. Surgical operations ? P " 4 1 i 2 3 i 1 1 1 16. Wounds | " 6 1 2 1 i 1 17. Other accidents and in- ( M. jnries. } F .. 220 4:> 6 15 14 8 10 1 16 1 14 3 in 28 i 21 4 r> l 10 11 14 17 472 VITAL STATISTICS. Table lOO.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OP DEATH. All ages. Tinder 1 year. Total | under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 36 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. 6, 791 3,182 4,744 213 86 127 238 196 156 160 142 128 136 105 89 271 3,863 2,928 1,840 2,676 2,068 118 44 64 118 116 92 90 93 83 90 65 55 159 112 1, 342 95 42 63 120 80 64 70 49 45 46 40 34 I.—General diseases. 1.750 884 1,554 67 23 7 24 11 15 3 9 6 8 5 l4 945 805 475 409 1 829 725 35 8 3 15 9 12 3 6 2 4 7 4 8 6 32 15 4 9 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1. Smallpox CM.. 1 1 "1 F .. 2 1 1 2. Measles (M.. 73 23 72 1 • \ F .. 49 83 17 10 14 27 27 49 75 3. Scarlet fever CM.. 6 1 1 ' \ F .. 96 84 10 2 4. Diphtheria CM.. 172 149 156 15 1 ■ l F . 131 14 1 4 5. Whooping cough CM.. 33 23 32 CM.. 33 15 32 1 6. Fever ' ) F .. 7. Cerehro-spinal fever.. (M.. 19 3 12 3 1 1 1 i ” | F .. 12 4 1 5 1 1 8. Tvphoid fever CM.. 26 2 3 2 4 1 5 3 5 1 1 i • \ F .. 16 2 5 1 3 5 1 1 9. Diarrheal diseases ... CM.. ■ *F .. 286 261 197 193 157 249 244 6 3 3 1 3 5 3 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 i 2 1 4 4 10. Cholera infantum CM.. 190 190 "IF.. 157 15 124 157 11. Malarial fever CM.. 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 l 1 ] 2 • \ F .. 5 1 1 1 1 1 12. Erysipelas C M.. 25 18 16 22 1 i 1 2 • ( F .. ’ 21 6 16 2 1 13. Septic®mia CM.. 3 4 1 1 ' t F .. 1 1 14. Venereal diseases C M.. 9 8 8 1 • l F .. 1 1 1 15. Others of this group.. C M.. 7 1 3 1 2 1 • \ F .. 2 1 1 44 36 39 1 * 1 1 1 1 22 17 18 1 1 1 i 22 19 21 1 1. Parasitic diseases CM-- ' } F 1 1 2. Alcoholism C M 4 1 1 1 i • ) F .. 3. Lead poison C M.. ■ ( I-' 4. Other poisons CM.. 1 1 1 ' l F 2 1 1 5. Inanition C M.. 16 16 16 ■ i F . 20 19 20 1,289 1,207 1,232 1 1 1 1 o I o 49 757 714 729 1 1 1 2 23 26 532 493 503 1 2 1. Premature birth C M 74 74 74 • t F 37 37 37 2. Stillborn C M 541 541 541 - | f 390 390 390 1 3. Malformation ( M.. 7 ' l I' 6 6 4. Debility and atrophy.. C M 117 92 107 1 1 1 7 • | p 87 61 70 1 2 14 16 5. Old age C M . IF.. 18 - 2 12 1 j 12 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 473 Table lOO.—DEATHS IX NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS: OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. | All ages. Under j 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to ; 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to . 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 3o to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years ' and over and un- known.. I.—General diseases—Continued. 728 95 , 174 21 7 35 84 72 52 55 46 53 45 30 23 31 466 57 107 9 5 18 56 52 20 38 14 40 31 33 20 30 15 19 11 13 10 15. 16 262 38 07 12 2 17 28 15 15 1. Kheumatism | M.. 5 1 1 1 2 F 2 1 1 2. Scrofula and tabes | M 6 3 ! 6 . F .. 2 2 2 3. Leprosy | M. F .. 4. Consumption M.. F . 301 148 14 1 s : 29 19 5 6 2 1 17 15 48 24 46 18 35 12 32 8 24 9 26 11 17 6 9 5 r 7 4 7 5. Hydrpcephalus j M.. 70 32 62 3 1 1 2 1 F .. 47 20 38 5 1 1 1 1 6. Cancer M.. 56 1 1 6 1 2 3 6 6 11 8 4 8 7 F .. 47 1 1 2 2 2 4 6 5 3 7. Tumor M.. 6 9 2 1 1 1 i F .. 2 i 1 1 8. Ansemia M.. 5 5 5 F 5 3 3 1 i 9. Dropsy M.. 1 1 F 10. Diabetes M.. 10 1 1 i 2 2 1 2 F 5 1 i i 1 1 1 11. Others of this group .. M.. 6 1 1 3 1 F .. 4 4 4 12. Others of this class ... M.. 1 F 1 II.—Diseases of the nervous system 538 271 365 17 10 g 11 16 10 10 12 14 12 9 12 32. 317 161 208 10 7 4 7 12 5 4 10 10 4 7 8 1 3 22: 1(K 221 110 157 7 3 4 4 4 5 6 2 5 9 1 1. Inflammation of the brain. M.. 97 41 72 3 2 i 2 1 1 1 4 i F 95 45 78 1 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 Apoplexy M . 35 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 3 4 1 11 O' 2. F .. 30 2 2 1 9 1 1 i 4 1 8 3. Paralysis M.. 5 1 1 i F 2 1 1 M.. 19 18 18 1 centium. 5. Epilepsy F 13 13 13 M.. 11 1 5 1 2 i 2- F .. 6 9 4 1 i 6. Convulsions • M.. 104 96 102 i i F .. 63 47 59 1 1 1 i 7. Mental diseases M.. 8 3 2 i 2. F 4 1 1 i i 8 Diseases of the brain M.. 30 4 9 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 F 6 1 1 1 i i i 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. M.. 6 1 1 1 1 2: F 2 i 1 10. Others of this class M . 2 1 1 F .. III.—Diseases of the circulatory system. 209 20 23 15 11 19 8 11 9 15 18 H 20 10 17 22’ 128 11 12 7 6 10 6 10 - 9 11 9 12 7 12 5 10 ia 81 9 11 8 5 9 2 i 2 6 7 2 8 3 1. Angina pectoris | M.. 3 1 1 F .. 2 1 1 2 Aneurism j M.. 2 i 1 F .. 3. Diseases of the heart j M.. F .. 111 70 : 1 1 1 3 7 7 6 5 10 9 6 2 8 1 0 2 8 5 11 7 8 2 12 7 7 3 it 5 10 12t 4. Others of this class | H.. 12 10 11 1 F 9 1 8 I 8 ! 1 474 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 1O0.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. ! Under 1 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15. years. 15 to 20 years. “20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. ; 00 to 05 years. i 05 years | and [ over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system. 1,412 562 1,151 38 10 18 17 17 13 19 10 16 17 17 13 56 Males .... 826 386 343 219 661 490 24 14 6 4 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 4 15 5 12 13 10 9 36 20 (M.. 148 35 134 14 '( F . 129 25 124 5 2. Laryngitis CM.. 6 i 4 9 i \ F .. 7 6 1 3. Bronchitis C M.. 148 97 127 2 1 i i i 1 3 11 5 22 12 [f .. 94 53 82 3 i 1 9 4. Pneumonia CM.. IF.. 453 325 176 125 352 256 4 4 6 4 7 6 8 5 8 8 4 ii 3 4 5 8 4 10 3 8 5 2 2 5. Pleurisy CM.. ) F .. 18 1 7 2 1 1 2 2 9 1 1 n : 2 6 2 1 1 6. Asthma CM.. 3 2 2 1 \ F .. 2 1 ' i 2 CM.. 50 31 35 1 2 1 1 2 1 i i 1 2 > F .. 18 14 1 16 1 i 22 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 205 62 79 ii 6 10 8 12 9 9 9 13 7 7 3 Males Females 117 88 37 25 46 33 6 3 3 6 4 3 5 9 3 6 3 5 4 7 2 5 8 4 3 4 3 2 1 12 10 1. Dentition r CM.. 6 4 6 \ F .. 1 i 1 2. Angina CM.. 3 2 2 1 ) F .. 2 i 9 3. Diseases of the stomach.. CM.. 13 8 8 1 i 1 1 2 15 4 6 1 1 6 1 2 4. Obstruction of the bowels. CM.. 17 1 3 4 1 2 2 2 2 t F .. 10 3 6 1 i 5. Hernia CM.. 11 3 3 1 1 i 2 3 If.. cm.. 8 1 i' 1 3 i i i 6. Other diseases of the 1 bowels. 1 F -• 1 1 1 1 7. Jaundice CM.. 4 3 4 | }F .. 2 o 2 _ 1 . 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 3 i 1 1 1 of the liver. t F .. 2 1 1 9. Other diseases of the liver CM.. 11 1 4 1 i 1 F 4 1 1 1 10. 1 ei it it 5M-- 26 3 7 2 2 1 2 5 1 i i i i 2 \ F •• 29 4 5 4 2 2 4 9 3 1 i 4 1 CM.. 1 F .. 5 m. . 22 12 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 F .. 14 9 10 2 1 i 19 'VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 221 5 38 10 3 3 21 4 17 14 17 8 18 12 37 122 99 19 19 t; o 5 16 1 9 8 6 8 9 8 6 8 11 28 9 1 2 1. Bright’s disease CM.. 47 2 1 2 3 9 1 1 11 \ F .. 36 6 1 1 CM.. 1 > F .. 3. Diseases of the kidney ... CM.. 68 3 18 4 1 9 1 rj 2 2 11 4 5 If.. CM.. 62 5 1 19 4 1 1 9 2 4 4 3 1 2 6 ) F .. _ . p , C M.. 1 1 1 1 F .. 1 1 VII.—Diseases of the. female organs of 18 2 4 3 9 3 1 2 generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 3 1 2. Ovarian diseases 1 3. Uterine tumors 1 1 4. Uterine diseases 7 i 2 2 1 5. Others of this class 6 i o 9 1 20 'VIII.—Affections connected with preg- 112 35 29 18 3 nancy. 1. Abortion 5 1 9 1 1 6 12 2. Childbirth 20 4 5 3. Puerperal septica?mia 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 76 1 2 28 20 u 1 3 5. Others of this class 10 5 2 2 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 475 Table lOO.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAYING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to (50 years. 60 to 65 years. 05 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints... 14 3 5 4 i 2 1 1 8 2 2 9 9 1 1 6 1 3 9 i 2 i 1 1. Diseases of the spine 5 3 1 1 1 2. Diseases ot the bones 3 1 1 i 3. Diseases ot the hip joint .. 1 -p, " 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 4. Others of this class 1 1 1 20 8 8 9 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 2 i 9 i 1 1 2 10 6 6 l 1 1 1 , . . CM 8 2 9 1 9 1 1 1 1. Abscess ) ,, i i i CM.. 2 1 1 2. Carbuncle ..2 2 i 1 1 C M Others ot this class ’ ,, ' 1 1 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system.. 3 3 1 1 2 9 1. Addison’s disease 1 f M i 2. Diseases of the spleen 2 ty " C M 3. Others of this class 2 v" XII.—Accidents and injuries 228 : 29 73 28 14 15 22 18 9 11 14 8 7 1 2 6 144 17 42 18 rj 9 15 12 5 8 12 6 6 1 3 Females 84 12 31 10 7 6 7 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 C M 21 9 11 3 3 9 1 1. Burns and scalds i u, " 12 4 i i 1 2. Drowned )F 2 1 1 C M 3. Exposure and neglect ? p, " C M 4. Gunshot wounds 1 ,, " j C M 6 1 1 1 i 1 1 5. Homicide J j, c M i 1 6. Infanticide 5 p, ’’ C M 7. Injuries by machinery < -ri " 6 9 3 i i 8. Railroad accidents 1 * 1 C M H 5 6 i 2 1 1 9. Suffocation \ p. " 9 5 7 1 1 n 9 3 i 1 1 i 1 1 10. Suicide by shooting 4 p. I C M 11. Suicide by drowning < 5 9 1 2 12. Suicide by poison 7 p, 9 1 2 l i i 1 2 13. Other suicides { p i 1 C M 1 2 1 i 14. Sunstroke G c 2 ** _ _ . . . (M 14 g 1 i 2 i 1 15. Surgical operations G i 9 i 2 1 9 C M 4 2 1 1 16. Wounds 5 -p, 2 12 2 3 _ 4 3 3 l 1 juries. \ F .. 24 4 9 4 | 3 i i 2 1 1 1 2 476 VITAL STATISTICS. Table lOl.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING * MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. All causes 581 288 406 22 2 14 14 14 23 21 17 15 7 7 4 15 Males 336 164 225 10 i 6 9 8 12 15 14 11 6 6 4 9 245 124 181 12 i 8 5 6 11 6 3 4 1 1 6 I.—General diseases. 158 86 130 9 i 3 4 1 3 4 2 1 44 63 3 i 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 81 42 67 6 2 1 1 3 1 C M 1. Smallpox p 1 1 i „ ,, CM 4 4 2. Measles ! T 2 1 2 3. Scarlet fever ( ‘' 7 3 1 5 2 1 1 i 11 9 2 4. Diphtheria } P 16 1 ii 3 1 1 1 1 i o. Whooping cough < v 2 2 2 6. Fever } | CM 7. Cerebrospinal fever.. - | p ' 1 i 3 1 2 8. Typhoid fever 2 f, 6 1 1 1 2 1 17 13 15 1 1 9. Diarrheal diseases < ‘ * 21 15 19 1 1 27 27 27 10. Cholera infantum ' j. 29 99 29 C M 2 1 1 11. Malarial fever ) F 12. Erysipelas { F^ 2 l 1 1 1 1 13. feept-icsemia J p CM 2 l 1 1 14. Venereal diseases ' j. ' _. „ , C M . lo. utners or tins group ■ < y - 6 6 1 4 4 1 2 2 2 , ... CM.. 1. Parasitic diseases J p cM.. i 1 2. Alcoholism p o T . _ 1 CM.. 3. Lead poison j p C M CM 4 4 4 2 2 2 110 105 107 1 9 I Males 66 63 64 2 Females 44 42 43 1 C M 6 6 6 4 4 4 45 45 26 26 26 CM 2 2 2 1 1 i i CM 12 i 10 u 1 13 1 11 12 1 1 • ’ 1 1 o. Uid age < p 0 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 477 Tahle lOl.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under o years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 to 35 40 years, j years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases D 48 5 11 1 3 1 6 7 4 2 6 i 2 4 29 2 4 1 1 4 4 3 2 4 i 2 3 19 3 7 3 2 3 l1 2 1 CM. 1. Kneumatism < p C M 1 1 1 ‘2. Scrofula and tabes < p 2 1 2 nr CM.. 3. Leprosy . ,. CM 21 1 4 4 3 2 4 1 2 4. Consumption < p 11 3 2 3 1 2 •4 1 3 1 5. Hydrocephalus 1 p 4 1 4 „ CM 3 1 1 1 0. (lancer c p 1 1 _ CM.. 7. Tumor < p _ . CM.. Amenna < p 9. Dropsy | p C AT 10. Diabetes 1 p 1 1 1 CM 11. Others of this group - • • j p "' * 12. Others of this class J p '' 11.—Diseases of the nervous system 62 32 43 3 i 1 3 1 1 4 1 4 33 18 21 1 1 2 1 1 3 i 2 29 14 22 2 i 1 1 2 C M 12 7 9 1 1 1 1. Indaniinationofthebrain. c p 10 5 9 i „ , CM.. 2 1 1 1 2. Apoplexy < p 2 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 . „ CM.. <>. Epilepsy

    F .. 3 3 1 1 4. Obstruction of the bowels.. CM.. 1 i x F .. 5. Hernia ( M .. 1 1 }F .. CM.. 6. Other diseases of the bow els ( F .. CM .. 1 1 1 X F .. 1 1 1 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 1 1 of the liver. X F .. 9. Other diseases of the liver.. CM.. 1 i IF.. CM.. 4 1 1 i 1 1 } F .. 1 i 11. Ascites C M .. ( F .. cm:.. 4 3 3 1 ) F 3 3 3 VI.—Diseases of the urinarv system and 20 1 2 i 2 3 •> 3 i male organs of generation. Males 12 i 1 1 i Females 8 1 1 2 CM .. 3 1 2 X F 3 1 1 2. Calculus, urinary CM.. If.. rv ., , . , c M .. 8 i 1 o O 1 i F .. 1 i i 4. Diseases of the bladder ... C M .. 1 i X F .. - Aii r • i CM.. 1 F .. VII.—Diseases of the female or sans of 1 i generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 2. Ovarian diseases 1 i 3. Uterine tumors 4 Uterine diseases 5. Others of this class VIII.—Affections connected with preg- 5 ' 1 4 nancy. 1. Abortion 2. Childbirth 1 3. Puerperal septicaemia 4 4 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy o. Others of this class 1 | 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 479 Tahle lOI.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN RUSSIA AND POLAND, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH. DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under j 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to- 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known Males CM 1 Diseases of the spine j p 2. Diseases ot the bones < p . , , . . F ii 6 10 1 s M 3. Leprosy |f { M.. 428 ' 25 48 11 14 30 59 65 53 46 34 23 20 10 10 5 4. Consumption * F .. 305 11 39 ' 17 13 34 52 42 34 21 24 10 3 2 6 8 5. Hydrocephalus {?■• 79 62 30 24 65 57 5 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 ( M 29 1 3 3 l 3 2 8 4 9 2 6. Cancer ) F 41 l 1 4 3 11 4 5 2 ( M 4 1 1 j 1 i 1 7. l'umor ) F 4 1 1 1 i ( M 1 1 1 8. Anaemia ) F 4 1 9 1 1 ( M 9. Dropsy ) F 1 1 c \r 4 1 2 i 10. Diabetes ( F ::::::: ( M ii 4 ii 11. Others of this group... > F 6 1 < M i 1 12. Others of this class E II. Diseases of the nervous system 811 392 649 25 4 n 11 4 11 15 13 10 8 9 • 34 460 208 352 13 1 8 9 3 7 9 10 9 4 G 7 22 351 184 297 12 3 3 2 1 4 6 3 1 4 3 12 1. Inflammation of the brain- CM.. > F 176 130 67 50 143 113 10 11 1 1 2 1 4 2 I 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 H ■ 33 3 1 4 3 1 4 15 3. Paralysis \ F -• (M.. 1 E 19 9 3 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 l 1 1 10 1 1 CM.. 10 8 i 1 centium. 1 F .. 3 1 23 10 19 i i 1 1 5. Epilepsy ) V 27 17 26 1 158 113 158 6. Convulsions If 109 144 1 If - 6 4 i 1 7. Mental diseases 3 2 1 8. Diseases of the brain CM .. 33 9 6 19 11 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 3 i i 2 9. Diseases of the spinal cord pi- 1 4 1 2 1 ) F 1 C \T 4 1 1 i 1 !0. Others of this tdass Ie • i III.—Diseases of the circulatory system. 226 31 39 10 8 12 u 16 17 17 20 14 10 14 19 19 Males 144 18 25 7 5 9 4 7 13 13 12 9 8 9 12 11 Females 82 13 14 3 3 3 7 9 4 4 8 5 2 5 7 8 c \f 1 1 1. Angina pectoris ) F 1 1 C M 9 1 l 3 3 1 2. Aneurism ) F 9 i 1 1 ( M 121 12 5 8 4 6 13 13 12 5 5 8 12 11 3. Diseases of the heart If:. 68 3 3 3 2 1 9 4 3 8 5 2 5 7 7 C M 13 11 j 13 4. Others of this class > F .. a It 1 a 1 482 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 102.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAYING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. cause ok death. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 t« 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system. 3, 273 1,285 2. 598 87 26 28 55 71 06 62 68 47 44 25 32 64 Males 1,865 1,408 217 714 1, 393 45 17 41 55 48 48 38 38 14 21 38 571 1,205 203 42 11 11 14 16 18 14 14 9 6 11 11 26 1. Croup CM.. 52 12 1 1 ( F - 188 28 179 9 1 2. Laryngitis f M. . \F .. JM-: 1 F .. (M.. 14 3 13 1 9 4 ] 1 3. Bronchitis 648 361 (504 10 4 1 1 4 i 2 2 3 1 12* 591 312 3 3 4 2 2 i 1 3 n 87(5 237 498 11 14 39 49 36 38 50 35 32 *2 16 23 i F .. 553 188 417 24 6 9 10 11 17 11 11 • 5 7 5 13- 5. Pleurisy < M . . IF .. {¥:: 38 8 1 15 i 1 0 4 2 1 2 9 2 i 14 7 3 1 ] 1 i i 0. Asthma 1 1 1 i 2 i 7. Others of this class $M.. 1 F 70 53 60 i 1 2 1 1 i i 9 48 37 42 1 I 1 1 9 V.—Diseases of the digestive system.... 236 74 116 8 4 5 3 17 16 12 7 10 12 12 5 9 149 46 69 8 3 3 1 9 11 10 5 6 8 6 3 7 87 28 47 1 2 2 8 2 2 4 4 6 2 9 1. Dentition (M.. IF.. 5 7 4 3 4 2. Angina C M.. 3 1 2 1 1 F .. i i 3. Diseases of the stomach . (M.. IF.. c M.. 33 15 25 ] 1 1 1 1 3. 28 13 22 i 3 1 1 4. Obstruction of the bowels 12 3 4 1 1 2 i 1 1 i < F 3 1 i 1 5. Hernia (M.. IF.. !?:: 9 2 1 1 9 L 3 I 1 i 1 6. Other diseases oft he bowelf 1 1 3 3 9 7. Jaundice C M.. IF 13 3 12 12 1 3 3 1] 3 9 9 ] 1 1 i l of the liver. < F . . c M 4 1 2 23 1 1 1 3 4 9 1 1 2 1 1 9 9. other diseases ol the liver < 8 1 9 i 9 10. Peritonitis CM.. t F .. C M.. oq 4 3 10 2 9 9 4 9 3 2 1 1 21 5 l l 1 2 5 1 i 2 1 i 11. Ascites IF.. (M.. IF.. 1 i 12. Others of this class 10 4 G 1 1 i 1 8 3 6 1 i VI.—Diseases of the urinary systemand 230 5 44 19 4 4 11 15 13 24 16 10 17 8 n 2* Males 136 94 4 1 23 21 ' 11 8 4 2 9 8 3 9 G 12 1 14 10 8 11 10 0 2 6 15 13. 1. Bright's disease CM.. 44 3 1 l 4 4 4 1 5 4 i 9 9 IF.. 42 2 3 5 4 4 8 3 9 2. Calculus, urinary CM.. i F .. 3. Diseases of the kidney .. (M.. IF.. CM.. (m:: IF.. ns of 87 48 1 1 23 19 8 6 3 1 9 3 4 4 8 1 9 4 4 6 1 3 2 4 4 2 4 3 4. Diseases of the bladder .. 4 i 1 2 3 1 i 1 5. Others of this class 1 1 l 1 | VII.—Diseases of the female orga 8 i 3 1 i 9 generation. 4. Uterine diseases.... 3 l 1 i 5. Others of this class 5 9 1 9 VIII.—Affections connected with 142 13 38 39 23 18 8 9 1 nancy. 1. Abortion 3 ] 1 1 2. Childbirth 17 1 4 1 4 112 11 31 29 18 13 7 ! 2 ] 5. Others of this class..... 10 ! r 2 2_ 4 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 483 Table 102,—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OF ‘DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un- known. IX.—Diseases of the holies and joints 23 1 6 6 3 2 3 1 o 14 3 3 9 1 3 o 9 1 3 3 l 1 1 :. l l 1. 1 diseases of the spine ' r 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2. Diseases ol the bones ... 2 v 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 2 i 3. Diseases of the lup joint.. < v 3 1 1 1 l 1 i 4. Others of this class 5 1 1 1 ... 1 24 9 14 2 l 2 2 1 9 1C - 11 1 i i 8 2 3 l 1 i i l # 13 9 9 1 1 1. Abscess ‘' 1 o 1 1 i i l . .. 2. Carbuncle < c m 3 9 2 l 3. Others of tins class J -p, 1 i i XI. Diseases of the absorbent system. 1 1 1 t» t 1 ~ ‘ 1 I Females 1 l i 1. Addison s disease i p. 2. Diseases of the spleen... | y ( M 1 1 1 3. Others of this class < ™ *’ 1 i i ! : XII. Accidents and injuries 272 16 53 17 10 13 29 27 28 40 24 8 9 3 6 5 Males 221 11 32 13 7 9 25 25 27 37 20 7 9 1 0 3 21 4 3 4 4 2 1 3 4 1 2 2 C M 13 1 12 1 1. Burns and scalds < " 2 10 2 1 c Ar 2 1 4 1 1 5 1 2. Drowned 4 " 1 c M 1 3. Exposure and neglect... < v 2 1 4. Gunshot wounds < -p " 1 r M 26 1 4 3 9 9 1 2 2 1 1 5. Homicide. si?"’ 5 2 1 l 1 C M 6. Infanticide < c 7. Injuries by machinery... < v 24 2 1 2 3 4 4 5 2 1 8. I fail road accidents 1 ' 10 9 4 4 , 1 i 1 1 1 9. Suffocation < -p " 9 2 10 1 3 2 9 1 1 10. Suicide by shooting si? 2 1 1 11. Suicide by drowning f p " 2 1 , 12. Suicide by poison t p ‘' 4 2 2 ( M 4 3 ] 13. Other suicides < p " 9 1 1 2 4 1 1 9 2 1 1 14. Sunstroke \ p ‘' 1 ( M | 15. Surgical operations ■; p i i 2 9 i 1 1 16. Wounds.. { r 17. Other accidents and in- 98 4 10 8 6 7 ii ii 15 ii ii 1 4 i 2 juries. f D.. 19 i 6 9 2 i i 1 1 I 484 VITAL STATISTICS. Tabie 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH. All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to It years. IS to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. . 50 to 55 years. 55 to 00 years. 60 to 65 years. 65 years and over and un known. All causes 1, 68o 824 1, 249 68 13 13 40 62 89 40 82 21 26 11 24 48 Males 929 443 654 33 6 ; 27 38 24 26 21 18 17 8 18 32 Females 757 381 595 35 7 6 13 24 15 14 11 3 9 3 0 16 Unknown causes 3 * 1 1 1 1 1 ] 2 1 1 1 I.—General diseases. General diseases—A 414 191 355 22 1 7 4 1 7 3 3 5 1 5 218 102 179 13 1 6 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 190 89 176 9 1 1 3 1 3 2 „ CM. 1. Smallpox < p 29 10 27. 1 1 ! .2. Measles < ™ 35 8 83 9 ( M 10 1 9 1 3. Scarlet lever < y 3 1 3 C M 28 3 18 9 l 4. Diphtheria 25 1 20 c M 8 8 5. Whooping cough < T.> 2 7 ( M 6. Fever < ™ ( i\l 2 2 9 7. Cerebro spinal lever ... < v 9 l • 1 c M 0 i 9 9 1 8. Typhoid fever < K 1 l c M 51 30 43 . i i 1 i 1 9. Diarrheal diseases < v 49 34 44 i 1 1 2 c M 4G 37 46 1 10. Cholera infantum i 51 33 51 f ( M 3 9 2 1 9 1 11. Malarial fever \ p 9 1 7 ] 1 C M 9 7 7 i 1 1 12. Erysipelas | p 10 8 8 1 1 ( M 9 3 l 9 1 18. Septicfemia < p 9 i l ( M . 4 4 1 14. Venereal diseases < y i 1 1 9 1 2 15. Others of this group ... jp T i n 9 9 1 1 6 4 4 ] , CM 1. Parasitic diseases y c M . 2. Alcoholism < y , . . c M.. .1. Lead poison p c M 2 1 1 4. Other poisons < p i.i , . . CM. 4 4 4 o. Inanition < y 5 5 321 299 312 , 1 9 i 171 160 160 11 1 1 9 150 139 146 1 l CM 24 23 24 i 1. Premature birth < p 15 100 100 100 i 2. Stillborn < p 91 91 91 1 1 1 3. Malformation.. < p 7 CM 44 36 41 i 1 4i Debility and atrophy .. | p 36 26 33 1 l „ „.. C M .. 2 2 5. Old age J p 1 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 485 Table 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1800, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OK DEATH. Under 1 year. 21 Total under j » years.; 42 5 to 10 years. 6 10 to lo years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to | 35 i years.! 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 years. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 55 to 60 years. 00 to 05 years. 05 years and over and un- known. I.—General diseases—Continued. General diseases D Males Females ! < M J 133 5 4 13 17 5 7 6 7 5 6 .. 7 i 3 69 64 . 12 9 21 21 3 3 i 4 2 i 6 9 8 3 3 4 2 * 4 6 1 2 3 3 3 6 1 2 1 1. Rheumatism < p 2 3 2 1 ( * * * 2. Scrofula and tabes j c M 6 1 7 2 i i ! 3. Leprosy p 4. Consumpt ion F C M 5. Hydrocephalus ] F 47 39 10 10 5 3 3 2 3 I 1 6 7 10 1 3 1 4 2 1 7 6 9 6 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 6 1 l 3 4 1 1 • 1 * (M.. i 2 ; 2 1 2 t * -• 7. Tumor < p c * •* 8. Anaemia \ p t r .. 9. Dropsy p 1 1 10. Diabetes < p 3 i i 1 ( X -• 11. Others ot this group < p 3 2 3 12. Others of this class J p ( r * * II.—Diseases of the nervous system 144 84 47 37 13 13 111 60 51 22 21 6 2 i 2 2 3 i 2 2 1 2 9 82 62 28 * 24 9 5 3 1 5 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 i i i i i 1 1 1 8 1 T? 1 > 2 1. Inflammation of the brain. | p " (M 2. Apoplexy ( F 2 2 i i i i 1 1 1 5 1 2 i i f M 3. Paralysis < p , 1 4. Tetanus and trismus nas- £M.. centrum. < F.. 4 1 4 1 i 5. Epilepsy < p C M 6. Convulsions \F 25 24 22 19 25 22 i i (M.. C M 8. Diseases of the brain < ™ 10 6 2 i 7 4 1 8 5 1 1 i i ; r l * ** C M 9. Diseasesof the spinal cord. ] p '* 1 • 10. Others oi this class p ( r .. III.—Diseases of the circulatory system . Males 38 30 8 3 9 8 1 11 2 i i 4 3 1 3 i . 3 i . 1 7 9 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 i 1 5 2 i i I. Angina pectoris | '' 1 1 2. Aneurism < p 3. Diseases of the heart £ pA’ 22 7 5 1 3 4 1 5 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 i 1 5 2 i i 4. Others of this class j p'" 5 1 1 1 486 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 103.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE (i YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, AMONG THE POPULATION HAVING MOTHERS BORN IN ITALY, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF AGE AND SEX—Continued. CAUSE OP DEATH. ' All ages. Under 1 year. Total under 5 years. 5 to 10 years. 10 to 15 years. 15 to 20 years. 20 to 25 years. 25 to 30 years. 30 to 35 years. 35 to 40 years. 40 to 45 yeai*s. 45 to 50 years. 50 to 55 years. 1 55 to 60 years. 60 to 65 years. M years and over and un- known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system . 445 175 348 23 2 2 7 16 9 7 4 1 7 2 6 u Males 240 199 95 80 183 165 9 14 2 i i 2 6 1 13 3 5 4 5 9 4 r 6 1 2 4 6 5 M.. 30 5 28 t F .. CM.. 25 4 21 4 2. Laryngitis 4 1 4 \ F .. 5 1 4 1 :3. Bronchitis CM.. 92 55 86 1 1 i 1 IF.. 66 27 62 2 4. Pneumonia (, M.. 107 25 54 r i 0 5 11 4 5 5 89 40 66 6 i 1 2 4 i 9 5. Pleurisy CM.. 3 1 1 i ) F .. < M.. 1 1 1 j F .. CM.. 9 8 9 ) F .. 14 8 12 l 1 V.—Diseases of the digestive system 66 24 38 1 i 1 2 5 3 i 9 i 3 37 10 21 1 i i 2 1 Females 29 14 17 1 i 3 9 l CM.. 9 4 9 IF.. 2 2 2 CM.. 2 2 \ F .. 3. Diseases of t lie stomach .. CM.. 3 2 l t F .. 4 2 31 1 CM.. ( F.. 1 1 ®* hernia C M.. 3 1 1 l 1 \ F.. 1 1 1 6. Other diseases of the CM.. 1 1 bowels. i F -- 1 1 CM.. 2 1 1 l IF.. 8. Inflammation and abscess . Can- ada. France. Scan- dina via. Rus- sia and Po land. Bohe- mia. Hun gary. Italy. Other coun- tries Un known. 250, 359 245,567 4,792 63, 333 8 321 2, 832 72,375 53,810 1.380 2,163 1,716 6, 791 2, 898 1,996 11,062 7, 367 14,315 . 134. 233 131, 607 2, 626 33, 768 4.474 1.542 35, 721 30, 378 737 1,240 990 3,863 1.603 1,076 6,233 4. 30.1 8, 305 6, 010 11 116,126 113,960 2,166 29,565 3.847 1.290 36, 654 23, 432 12 643 923 726 2,928 1.295 920 4,829 3,064 83 79 4 24 6 17 1 1 1 1 8 1 40 38 2 11 4 7 6 1 1 5 5 43 41 2 13 2 10 6 1 1 3 1 6 I.--General diseases. 626 General diseases—A 55, 398 , 54,772 16,969 1,714 515 11,588 12, 195 379 393 488 1,750 833 599 2,934 1,748 3, 293 28, 510 28,176 334 8. 685 860 273 5, 647 6, 391 195 210 259 945 442 313 1,589 951 1,750 1.543 26,888 a 63 26, 596 292 8,284 854 242 5. 941 5,804 26 18s 183 229 805 391 286 1 1.345 797 1. Smallpox ( M 153 10 6 1 45 1 1 1 1 13 4 9 l F 87 86 1 25 2 1 9 25 2 9 2 5 1 12 2. Measles CM.. 1,966 1. 952 14 561 60 23 324 275 ii 6 17 73 21 30 329 53 183 \ F.. 1.850 1.848 8 509 60 12 339 265 10 8 16 49 22 24 294 41 207 3. Scarlet fever pi- * F" 2,180 2,187 2,173 2,178 9 831 800 74 92 29 19 460 453 454 471 20 25 13 8 15 20 83 96 15 19 23 27 53 54 65 53 45 50 4. Diphtheria C M.. 5,103 ! 5,085 18 1, 857 143 53 988 1.138 44 43 40 172 82 63 178 140 162 IF.. 5,031 5,003 28 1,831 161 44 978 1,137 41 27 34 149 71 37 193 137 191 5. Whooping cough (M.. 1,267 1.242 25 502 35 8 283 199 6 5 9 33 30 19 52 29 67 1 F .. 1,553 1,521 32 603 46 16 344 273 9 4 12 33 16 17 73 31 76 6. Fever pi.. ’IF.. IF:: 4 4 1 ] 1 9 9 3 1 7. Cerebro spinal fever... 589 527 583 520 6 7 199 187 27 15 3 3 122 171 131 83 2 5 3 3 3 19 12 5 5 3 5 27 19 19 10 19 9 8. Typhoid fever CM.. 1,208 1,193 15 204 59 19 299 372 10 11 20 26 7 5 57 51 68 If.. 823 812 11 137 28 7 270 249 5 6 12 16 5 6 25 31 26 9. Diarrhea] diseases CM-. 8,845 8, 756 89 2, 266 233 72 1,646 2,174 42 69 87 286 147 99 473 340 911 If.. 8, 219 8.131 88 2,105 219 70 1,886 1,874 37 55 70 261 136 105 386 278 737 10. Cholera infantum cm.. If.. 4,929 4,521 4,828 4,448 101 73 1,656 1,534 140 132 38 38 905 854 1.147 1,044 43 39 36 42 51 54 190 157 124 103 44 44 264 211 173 165 118 104 11. Malarial fever cm.. 1,004 981 23 278 31 13 329 202 6 11 7 15 11 1 42 28 30 If.. 1,056 1,042 14 308 56 16 386 191 9 13 5 5 6 3 24 19 15 12. Erysipelas CM.. 471 470 1 91 22 9 95 116 2 6 3 25 3 15 45 27 19 1 F.. 435 430 61 5 99 21 (i 103 85 3 6 21 4 10 38 21 18 13. Septicaemia CM.. 61 9 o 3 14 13 6 1 4 4 3 3 1 F . 54 54 17 17 15 1 i- 1 1 14. Venereal diseases $M.. If.. 519 348 500 : 339 19 9 132 92 16 13 6 84 59 94 48 4 2 3 6 5 3 9 1 2 2 6 5 41 15 14 5 102 91 15. Others of this group... pi.. If.. 201 184 3,019 195 177 2,982 6 43 36 11 9 53 1 4 1 r- 5 9 14 4 69 44 2 9 4 37 712 116 36 971 458 19 16 24 44 17 6 112 72 416 2, 002 1.017 1,981 1, 001 16 21 16 437 275 3 83 33 31 652 342 12 13 3 1 10 14 22 22 ] 13 3 7] 258 158 319 116 7 3 41 17 l. Parasitic diseases cm.. ( F.. CM.. 16 9 1 g 10 10 3 l 3 3 1,068 1,063 5 141 37 24 496 208 6 5 4 4 7 2 8 26 100 ‘IF.. CM.. 269 266 3 21 9 3 186 19 1 1 1 *> 26 3. Lead poison 30 3 30 3 6 3 15 G | F .. 1 i 1 4. Other poisons CM.. 125 122 3 33 9 3 1 26 28 1 3 1 ] 1 3 . 11 1 F .. 81 81 24 26 13 2 1 3 s 5. Inanition C M.. 763 750 13 254 34 6 113 99 5 4 6 16 6 52 21 147 i F.. 654 641 13 227 21 9 105 80 6 1 12 20 3 3 36 14 124 General diseases—C 34,014 33,316 698 11,515 972 294 6, 395 6,230 148 260 186 1,289 483 258 1,726 1, 133 3,125 Males 18,465 15, 549 18,109 15, 207 2, 614 356 6. 363 153 3,201 3, 438 83 130 92 757 275 149 973 649 1,687 1,438 78- 342 5,152 1,257 141 3,194 2 792 65 23 130 15 94 10 532 74 208 21 109 8 753 125 484 74 1. Premature birth C M.. 2, 649 35 84 29 475 376 If.. 1,990 1,952 38 925 62 23 401 255 17 17 18 37 16 15 95 50. 50 2. Stillborn CM- 10,809 10, 560 249 3,768 291 77 1,759 2, 179 37 75 55 541 159 106 685 436 641 C F.. 8,053 7,869 184 2,819 234 57 1 243 1,662 21 65 60 390 113 69 516 301 503 3. Malformation CM.. 278 275 3 113 8 9 53 45 1 3 1 7 3 4 23 6 2 1 F .. 5M-. 245 238 112 1 44 39 ‘> 1 2 6 20 3 0 4. Debility and atrophy.. 4,109 4, 056 53 1, 127 107 28 678 689 22 28 25 117 83 29 136 117 923 ) F .. 4,092 4,012 80 1,072 105 37 933 662 24 33 12 87 74 22 115 103 813 CM.. 620 604 16 98 25 10 236 149 9 1 18 9 9 4 36 4? If.. 1,169 1,136 33 , 224 49 23 573 174 1 14 o 12 5 i ‘ 27 57 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 489 Tablk 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. COLOR. MOTHERS BORN IN— CAUSE OF DEATH. Aggre gate. White. Col- ored. United States. Eng- land and Wales Scot- land. Ire- land. Ger- many. Can- ada. France. Scan- dina- via. Rus- sia and Po land. Bolie mia. Hun- gary- Italy. Other coun tries. Un- known. I —General diseases—Continued. General diseases—D 44, 262 42, 940 1, 322 7,938 1,429 543 17,363 10, 227 263 442 318 728 482 227 1,035 1,359 1,908 Males 23, 607 22 792 815 4, 111 3,82? 766 289 8,461 8,902 164 220 5,978 4. 249 146 269 192 258 224 128 99 589 446 883 476 18 8 1.071 837 7 19 20, 655 20 148 507 663 254 117 173 126 262 1 Rheumatism 507 466 498 452 9 14 111 94 26 15 6 132 82 4 3 10 4 4 5 9 4 1 2 14 11 2. Scrofula and tabes 305 247 295 237 10 10 122 84 6 9 i 3 49 52 64 55 1 2 1 2 3 6 2 7 3 3 18 11 9 15 10 3. Leprosy CM. > F .. 4. Consumption CM . \F .. 18, 408 14, 373 17. 694 13, 972 714 401 2, 640 2,188 559 411 235 174 7, 335 7, 042 4,587 2, 704 103 80 205 97 162 99 301 148 173 159 75 63 428 305 701 292 904 611 5M- 2,145 2, 089 56 867 677 57 15 399 403 19 14 13 70 45 30 79 67 67 l F .. 1,661 1,632 29 38 10 325 3U7 TZ 8 10 4« 30 16 62 55 64 6. Cancer CM.. t F .. 1,562 3,281 1,545 3, 237 17 44 209 625 158 19 51 385 1,102 584 931 13 21 26 55 8 11 56 47 21 23 11 11 29 41 65 97 59 108 7. Tumor CM.. 116 115 1 22 6 5 27 34 1 6 2 4 3 6 > F .. 108 105 3 28 6 31 28 9 1 9 4 2 4 8. Anaemia CM.. 60 59 1 14 3 20 10 1 5 i 2 1 3 \ F .. 111 110 1 28 4 3 38 18 2 5 ] 4 3 5 9. Dropsy CM.. 18 17 1 2 9 8 1 i 3 ) F .. 29 29 6 10 11 1 1 10 Diabetes CM . 297 294 3 71 26 8 49 104 3 8 10 i 4 8 [f .. 254 253 1 63 17 1 53 91 1 4 5 9 i 11 5 11. Others of this group C M 181 178 116 3 6 28 28 52 20 2 2 6 5 1 3 11 7 5 | F .. 120 4 33 4 9 4 4 1 ii 12. Others of this class CM.. 8 8 0 9 1 1 1 1 IF.. 5 i i I 2 IT.—Diseases of the nervous system 20, 247 19, 901 346 5, 658 724 252 5. 398 4,377 102 203 123 538 224 171 811 575 1.091 11,061 9, 186 3,012 2,470 10,877 9, 024 2, 956 2, 442 184 3, 066 2, 592 386 118 134 2,608 2, 790 694 590 2, 563 1,814 605 474 59 43 110 93 22 24 73 50 29 21 317 221 97 95 143 81 32 31 83 88 30 40 460 351 176 130 330 245 77 60 745 346 162 338 1. Inflammation of thebrain... I M.. (F •• 56 28 982 813 106 79 25 35 19 11 118 67 2, 591 2, 560 31 515 103 36 773 775 12 39 16 35 17 10 33 72 155 (F.. 2,377 2. 319 58 473 105 40 966 526 12 34 8 30 7 7 19 58 92 JM- 796 780 16 176 22 9 220 159 5 7 6 5 1 1 9 26 150 IF.. 622 608 14 150 32 11 284 85 4 1 2 2 1 ' 3 9 36 c M.. 245 241 4 75 12 4 53 48 4 1 19 3 6 10 8 2 centium. If.. 144 1 47 4 i 39 1 2 13 9 2 3 4 2 C M.. 301 293 8 58 10 57 1 11 1 1 23 10 45 j F .. 285 281 4 51 14 5 108 42 1 9 3 6 1 1 27 7 17 6. Convulsions 1?:: 2,086 1,690 2, 054 1.661 32 29 743 624 49 40 12 14 315 277 425 333 11 u 6 10 10 104 63 78 31 ' 27 27 158 145 91 73 52 40 7. Mental diseases (M. IF.. YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. 1 I COLOR. j MOTHERS HORN IN— CAUSE OE DEATH. Aggre- gate. White. Col- ored. U nited States. Eng- land and Wales Scot- land. Ire- land. Ger- many. Can- ada. France. Scan- dina- via. Kus- sia and Po- land. Bohe- mia. Hun- gary. Italy. Other coun- tries. Un known. IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system.. 43, 939 43,146 793 10, 964 1,401 464 13, 048 8, 556 199 284 270 1.412 512 434 3, 273 1,195 1.927 Males 23, 694 20.245 2, 679 23, 273 421 5,813 5, 151 854 764 262 0,643 6,405 450 4, 866 3,690 623 90 169 147 826 279 250 1,865 1.408 217 696 499 102 1,024 903 72 19,873 2, 669 372 <137 202 109 115 123 586 233 184 CM. 1. Croup p 10 71 20 2 10 18 118 46 40 2, 386 2, 377 9 765 63 14 417 543 16 15 19 129 44 37 188 81 55 C M 205 203 2 63 8 3 37 53 1 i 6 5 14 5 4 2. Laryngitis < j,- 166 164 9 60 4 2 39 31 1 3 1 4 9 648 C M 3. Bronchitis < p 5, 467 5, 356 111 1.519 155 49 1,496 987 27 40 32 148 87 40 114 125 5,571 5, 442 129 1,425 166 56 1,906 862 24 27 26 94 62 25 591 86 161 4. Pneumonia 13. 441 13,181 260 2.905 461 162 4. 135 2, 790 49 104 90 453 123 140 876 418 735 10, 649 10,442 207 2. 501 348 116 3,524 1,958 61 64 64 325 no 109 553 293 623 C M 5. Pleurisy < p ** 531 516 352 15 4 96 83 17 18 9 3 181 117 122 12 9 r, 6 3 1 18 11 2 u 3 38 14 9 9 9 1 4 47 25 27 20 1 6. Asthma j pf '' 7. Others of this class ) 124 121 3 14 11 2 52 34 i 3 166 162 4 16 8 83 41 9 1 5 1,247 951 1, 227 934 20 17 362 301 41 30 17 11 292 259 257 183 8 5 8 6 ,? 50 18 13 12 16 8 70 48 60 34 V. Diseases of the digestive system 8, 085 7,980 105 1,636 322 106 2, 742 1.994 49 100 48 205 51 59 236 255 282 4,149 3. 936 4, 088 3, 892 61 892 150 55 1,183 1, 559 25 1,117 877 30 26 57 43 27 21 117 88 c 29 22 I 38 21 1 149 151 158 44 744 172 51 23 1. Dentition j " 128 126 2 41 3 i 2 St 103 103 38 2 20 95 i 2 1 3 2 1 5 6 4 2 2. Angina { F^" 76 l 25 2 2 19 12 2 1 1 1 3 1 33 28 41 41 17 1 11 4 9 3. Diseases of the stomach.. '' 692 782 683 771 9 11 147 140 28 v 30 5 18 222 335 170 151 5 3 9 5 3 3 13 15 4 1 6 8 22 25 20 C M 4. Obstruction of the bowels 2 p *’ 258 254 4 63 6 6 59 65 3 9 4 17 3 12 3 () 9 218 215 3 61 5 2 68 50 9 3 3 10 2 264 256 8 39 13 i l t 80 l 3 4 11 1 3 8 16 ‘>*>2 99*> 1 15 14 4 87 73 i 4 8 1 3 3 10 6. Other diseases of bowels. ( F .. 36 36 12 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 28 27 1 10 1 5 6 i 4 93 92 1 29 1 10 21 l 9 13 ‘1 9 66 65 1 9‘) 2 20 12 1 9 3 11 8. Inflammation and abscess CM.. 264 260 4 43 ii 1 80 78 2 1 2 3 13 10 of the liver. ( F .. 272 270 2 31 12 1 137 i 1 2 39 27 19 C M 9. Other diseases of the liver. ? p ** 1,178 891 1, 169 890 ! 163 102 37 38 21 8 420 505 378 162 4 4 30 9 5 9 11 4 4 4 8 23 3o 18 26 653 637 16 159 29 8 165 172 3 8 4 26 •i 4 29 l * -- 872 855 17 187 42 14 254 228 " 12 8 29 3 9 21 25 33 3 2 1 2 8 8 3 1 3 j- 503 497 6 169 20 6 98 106 3 3 2 22 7 6 10 21 30 i * -- 432 425 7 118 25 4 116 96 4 2 1 14 5 1 8 14 24 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and 14,537 14, 188 349 2.596 620 228 6, 066 3, 144 70 140 78 221 103 46 230 305 690 male organs ol generation. Males 8. 031 7. 847 184 1,546 379 137 2, 857 1.940 45 95 53 122 99 61 42 26 20 136 94 180 125 454 236 6, 506 6, 341 165 1,050 241 91 3, 209 1,204 45 -a 3,644 3, 579 65 037 167 55 1,428 904 23 38 16 47 37 44 64 177 1 11 •• 3, 294 3.217 77 489 122 46 1.728 588 13 24 11 36 19 42 60 109 2. Calculus, urinary | '' 32 30 2 12 2 2 1 9 14 14 3 0 4 1 3, 777 3, 663 in 749 173 70 1,268 899 20 47 34 68 21 13 87 92 236 ( b •• 3, 048 2, 961 87 518 112 43 1.421 586 11 16 13 62 21 13 48 61 123 4. Diseases of the bladder F " 327 326 1 76 6 80 93 1 9 5 9 4 9 3 13 20 3 17 76 76 19 6 2 22 15 1 2 3 1 Others of this class 251 249 2 72 15 6 76 42 1 1 3 l 1 9 l F -• 74 73 i • 21 1 32 11 l 9 1 8 1 26 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of 561 536 25 170 22 13 144 107 9 11 3 18 6 5 19 generation. 1. Ovarian tumors 2. Ovarian diseases 140 134 6 52 4 4 35 20 1 2 3 1 4 8 84 83 1 31 4 3 10 20 1 1 3. I terine tumors 99 88 11 37 4 3 24 18 3 3 1 2 4 4. 1 terine diseases 48 47 l 6 1 11 10 33 1 4 i 4 3 5 3 5. Others of this class 190 184 0 44 10 2 58 4 6 2 6 7 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- 2, 236 2,202 34 309 69 115 682 652 15 15 9 1,2 21 37 142 89 49 nancy. 205 494 203 487 2 29 78 rj 3 12 66 176 76 139 i 1 1 1 1 3 3 2. Childbirth 7 It 20 2 13 1, 250 1.232 18 145 39 18 350 358 9 12 6 76 12 25 112 4. Extra-uterine pregnancy 65 14 14 4 9 4 1 1 5. Others ot this class 273 266 7 53 10 2 88 75 2 10 2 2 10 8 11 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 491 Table 104.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE (5 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1*90, FROM EACH SPECIFIED DISEASE AND CLASS OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. COLOR. MOTHERS BORN IN— CAUSE OF DEATH. Aggre- gate. White. Col- ored. United States. Eng- land and Wales Scot- land. Ire- land. Ger- many. Can- ada. France. Scan- dina- via. Rus- sia and Po- land. Bohe- mia. Hun- gary. Italy. Other coun- tries. Un- known. IX.--Diseases of the hones and joints 675 663 12 165 24 5 210 149 3 7 4 14 4 6 23 20 41 Males 389 381 8 104 14 4 107 87 3 5 3 8 1 5 14 10 24 286 146 282 4 61 10 1 103 62 2 1 6 3 1 9 10 17 6 1. Diseases of the spine CM.. 144 2 47 7 3 44 28 1 3 9 i 1 9 1 IF.. 115 112 3 30 5 1 18 1 1 4 5 2. Diseases of the hones C CM.. 118 114 4 23 1 31 31 9 3 2 5 10 < F 82 84 81 i 17 3 28 20 3 3 I 1 3 3 3. Diseases of the hip joint.. CM.. 83 i 26 19 17 3 9 2 6 3 G If.. 59 59 11 9 19 14 i 2 3 1 6 4. Others of this class CM.. 41 40 i 8 9 13 11 3 1 1 2 IF.. 30 30 3 11 10 1 1 1 3 675 667 8 177 21 10 170 164 3 9 20 10 7 24 23 37 356 352 4 94 14 6 85 9 5 10 6 6 16 13 23 319 315 4 83 7 4 94 79 I i 4 10 4 1 8 10 14 1. Abscess C M.. 199 196 3 53 6 3 42 41 4 8 3 2 13 6 17 If.. 206 204 2 56 3 52 50 l 3 7 4 1 8 9 2. Carbuncle c M.. 49 49 10 3 3 9 15 2 3 1 2 1 1 F .. 29 29 3 16 6 1 2 1 3. Others of this class c M.. 108 107 i 31 5 25 29 i 1 3 3 5 5 F. 84 82 2 24 9 i 26 23 1 3 1 1 5 88 87 i 28 4 22 22 l i 2 45 44 1 15 2 12 9 i 1 i 1 3 43 43 13 2 10 13 2 1 2 1. Addison’s disease c M.. 14 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 F .. 13 13 3 1 3 5 2. Diseases of the spleen CM.. 10 10 4 2 1 1 i 1 If.. 4 4 3 1 3. Others of this class cm.. 20 20 7 6 4 l 1 1 JF .. 26 26 7 1 6 8 9 1 1 9,523 9, 396 127 1,643 324 125 3, 213 2, 209 84 95 228 67 67 272 225 917 7,096 2, 427 263 7, 013 83 44 3 1 1,108 249 102 2.341 872 1.692 517 36 64 82 13 144 84 52 15 2 40 27 4 221 174 791 1 2,383 535 75 23 3 18 20 51 51 126 5*- 260 63 12 55 62 i 4 2 21 13 9 12 F .. 1 1 8. Railroad accidents yM.. 62 62 15 3 3 18 11 3 i 2 2 7 } F - - 16 16 1 1 3 y^-. 123 120 3 54 9 26 17 i 1 8 9 7 IF.. 63 62 1 27 1 19 9 1 8 yM- 128 126 ft 26 10 4 14 2 l 3 i 9 8 l F .. 4 4 9 1 1 yM.. 4 4 i i l 9 11 - 2 9 l yM.. 59 58 1 10 4 1 10 26 1 9 IF.. 34 34 7 i 16 ] 9 5M-. 115 115 16 8 1 17 1 i 7 IF.. 19 19 4 1 9 I i yM.. 170 23 170 12 9 l 51 8 l 9 3 10 }F .. 99 1 6 1 8 6 1 1 15. Surgical operations yM - 32 31 1 10 1 4 l 2 l i i 4 l F .. 24 99 12 6 3 I 9 yM.. 29 27 2 10 1 10 6 2 < F .. 6 6 1 3 i i 17. Other accidents and in juries. yM.. IF.. 964 285 954 279 10 6 194 95 58 .2 19 6 357 99 220 49 6 1 5 20 4 6 1 1 20 2 20 6 38 10 496 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 106.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. . COLOR. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OF DEATH. Aggre- gate. White, total. Colored, total. United States (white) Eng- land and Wales. Ireland Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada Scandi- navia. Hun- gary- Bohe- mia. j Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. 2,991.90 2,986.03 0.96 3,327.36 2.78 3,234.33 1.10 2,766.53 1.99 3,250.64 0.76 2,659.75 2,327.61 2,426.67 0.54 1,485.40 2,656.81 1.93 ,2,347.15 1.37 2,242.60 4,356.85 1.50 3,529.09 2,123.76 0.29 0.99 1.12 2.55 I.—General diseases. 662.03 666.01 434.67 902.93 569.86 520.46 483.68 422.91 549.96 382.78 729.66 667.49 673.00 1,252.33 936.03 503.91 2.99 2.91 7.64 3.81 2.66 2.43 1.88 2.15 2.30 0.66 3.85 1.37 1.12 3.01 5.74 1.44 45.67 46.21 15.28 57.90 39.90 29.78 32.87 15.07 24.35 26.69 40.43 45.14 60.67 64.65 198.75 27.10 52.19 52.91 11.11 89.23 55.19 41.01 45.08 22.60 41.71 39.15 86.64 47.87 56.18 51.12 34.14 34.02 121.11 122.67 31.94 201.22 101.07 88.30 91.10 75.33 102.60 70.21 163.64 101.22 112.35 230.02 118.36 79.85 5. Wiiooping cough 33.70 33.60 39.58 57.90 26.93 28.16 22.54 9.68 21.29 14.44 28.88 28.72 40.45 54.12 39.88 17.30 0.13 0.13 0.11 1.00 0.13 0.64 7. Cerebro-spinal fever. 13.34 13.41 9.03 20.61 13.96 13.16 5.64 8.61 9.65 6.78 17.33 8.21 8.99 15.03 14.68 8.36 24.28 i 24.38 18.05 17.40 28.93 25.56 24.42 18.29 28.01 9.19 28.88 43.77 12.36 18.04 26.16 23.61 9. Diarrheal diseases. i 10. Cholera infantum .. \ 316.85 318.14 243.72 398.34 240.71 237.64 204.74 217.37 281.36 195.55 309.96 358.30 328.07 766.73 425.58 275.60 24.62 24.60 25.69 30.33 28.93 32.11 27.24 25.83 17.72 4.37 28.88 16.41 4.49 21.06 13.55 10.83 10.94 4.17 10.17 14.30 8.89 7 51 12.91 9.06 10.06 1.53 9.63 4.10 28.09 10.52 26.48 1.60 13.84 13. Septicaemia 1.37 1.40 1.44 0.66 1.39 2.82 1.26 5.62 1.15 10.36 10.20 19.44 10.83 9.64 6.42 12.21 9.68 6.40 2.19 1.97 11.55 10.94 12.36 6.01 17.87 5.48 15. Others of this group. 4.60 4.52 9.03 3.65 5.98 5.48 5.64 5.38 4.24 1.37 2.25 7.52 5.10 2.59 36.08 36.26 25.69 37.29 38.57 43.61 33.81 17.22 20.65 9.02 36.58 32.83 6.74 25.56 35.73 20.76 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.13 1.08 0.18 10.24 0.22 0.87 3.51 3.19 15.98 16.16 5.55 8.51 15.29 30.63 25.36 6.46 13.48 6.84 2.25 10.52 7.49 0.39 0.40 0.33 1.00 0.72 0.32 1.37 2.46 2.47 2.08 2.98 3.99 2.34 0.94 4.30 1.85 8.07 0.66 7.87 281.94 1.93 21.18 1.12 3.37 1.50 13.53 0.96 28.07 550.64 3.17 10.09 16.93 16.91 18.05 25.14 18.29 9.79 7.51 5.38 24.62 General diseases—C 406.48 405.11 484.66 597.63 323.17 287.22 276.12 279.79 280.95 284.93 254.41 289.87 726.14 326.62 1. Premature birth 55.44 55.52 50.68 116.52 48.54 39.34 48.84 34.44 28.46 24.28 77.01 38.30 25.84 55.63 70.19 35.75 2. Stillborn 225.41 224.09 300.66 340.00 174.55 134.83 125.85 150.65 173.22 203.64 111.66 157.30 196.62 408.92 383.15 212.46 3. Malformation 6.25 6.24 6.94 11.88 1.99 4.36 9.39 4.30 3.79 2.84 5.78 4.10 6.74 4.51 13.72 2.59 4. Debility and atrophy. 98.01 98.10 92.35 114.14 70.48 72.36 61.05 65.64 60.93 44.62 88.56 50.61 57.30 236.03 80.08 63.42 5. Old age 21.38 21.16 34.02 15.08 24.60 36.34 30.99 24.75 14.57 6.56 1.93 4.10 3.37 21.05 3.51 12.40 General diseases—!) 528.95 522.14 917.94 365.53 475.11 779.84 509.97 475.64 461.21 159.24 506.33 434.96 255.04 724.64 330.19 391.77 1. Rheumatism ... 11.63 11.55 15.97 10.06 13.63 17.25 12.21 15.07 9.65 1.53 13.48 5.47 2.25 7.52 7.98 7.49 2. Scrofula and tabes ... 3. Leprosy 6.60 6.47 13.89 : 10.28 4.99 4.54 3.76 3.23 5.37 1.75 1.93 6.84 6.74 21.05 9.25 4.61 4. Consumption 391.75 385.05 774.21 205.14 322.50 645.73 384.12 324.98 328.80 98.21 352.32 357.00 155.05 499.13 233.85 286.26 45.48 45.25 58.15 2.68 59.02 42.36 2.78 80.61 42.71 2.54 31.59 32.52 23.48 23.67 32.02 68.32 2.80 25.59 22.53 1.75 59.68 65.46 1.93 31.46 25.99 1.37 51.68 24.72 112.75 66.15 3.01 44.98 22.33 2.55 35.17 46.70 1.44 57.88 2.68 78.13 3.99 66.79 2.61 65.74 87.16 7. Tumor 4.70 2.15 2.04 2.05 1.39 0.69 2.21 0.39 7.18 4.25 2.33 2.61 2.82 1.08 1.26 0.86 8.79 3.25 2.19 0.22 3.28 2.19 2.74 3.37 1.50 1.50 3.01 9.02 1.60 0.32 1.28 1.73 0.29 5.48 2.31 9. Dropsy 0.56 0.58 6.58 2.78 4.86 14.30 3.66 4.58 2.52 8.45 3.76 12.91 7.70 3.85 2.25 7.86 11. Others of this group. 3.60 3.57 5.38 2.74 12. Others of this class .. 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.94 0.09 1.37 1.12 192.13 0.32 258.73 0.29 165.76 II.—Diseases of the nervous system. 1. Inflammation of the 241.96 241.99 240.25 293.48 240.71 242.44 236.67 218.45 197.39 117.68 196.37 168.24 336.76 65.51 65.64 58.33 94.53 61.51 57.67 56.35 49.50 48.66 42.00 57.76 68.39 78.65 94.71 97.62 39.49 brain. 2. Apoplexy 3. Paralysis 59.37 59.33 61.80 49.69 69.15 78.11 71.38 78.56 58.67 14.22 46.21 32.83 19.10 36.08 16.59 37.48 16.95 16.88 20.83 16.35 17.95 22.64 18.78 11.84 11.00 1.53 13.48 9.57 2.25 4.51 3.83 10.09 4. Tetanus and trismus 4.66 4.68 3.47 6.46 5.32 3.50 4.70 6.46 3.92 7.00 1.93 1.37 8.99 7.52 4.15 3.46 nascentium. 5. Epilepsy 7.00 6.98 8.33 5.36 7.98 8.31 11.27 2.15 4.46 3.72 1.93 5.47 2.25 3.01 15.95 4.90 45.12 45.17 42.36 72.16 29.59 26.59 24.42 18.29 34.18 36.53 34.65 27.36 60.67 163.87 47.28 7. Mental diseases 8.13 8.15 6.94 3.76 6.98 8.85 10.33 8.61 6.49 2.62 5.78 2.25 2.87 3.17 8. Diseases of the brain. 26.41 26.42 25.69 36.91 29.92 27.71 26.30 36.59 20.61 7.87 21.18 13.68 10.11 15.03 16.59 15.57 9. Diseases of the spinal 7.21 7.14 11.11 6.35 10.64 7.50 11.27 5.38 7.94 1.75 9.63 4.10 4.49 10.52 2.87 3.75 coni. 10. Others of this-class.. 1.60 1.61 1.39 1.93 1.66 1.57 1.88 1.08 1.44 0.44 3.85 3.37 1.50 1.60 0.58 III.—Diseases of the circula- tory system. 1. Angina pectoris 2. Aneurism 155.56 i 154.57 211.78 139.45 183.86 195.20 193.47 214.14 149.45 45.71 125.14 94.38 80.89 126.29 72.10 98.88 2.70 • 2.66 4.86 3.20 5.32 2.25 0.94 8.61 2.93 1.09 1.93 1.50 0.64 3.51 1.44 3.17 88.21 ■4.59 4.43 13.89 3.04 5.65 6.11 7.51 5.38 4.10 0.44 | 5.78 : 6.84 j 1.12 3. Diseases of the heart. 137.68 136.81 187.48 112.76 163.91 179.21 171.87 189.39 134.89 i 39.59 1 105.89 t 77.96 67.41 109.75 60.30 4. Others ot this class .. 10.59 10.68 5.55 20.44 8.98 7 64 13.15 10.76 7.53 4.59 ' 11.55 9.57 I 12.36 15.03 7.66 6.05 IV—Diseases of the respira- tory system. 1. Croup 525.09 524.64 550.63 561.94 465.80 586.04 i 435.78 1 305.61 385.85 308.85 383.12 369.31 487.62 769.74 1,044.18 344.50 60.53 61.36 13.19 1 88.40 44.55 38.94 31.93 26.90 52.58 60.59 34.65 50.61 93.25 135.31 129.21 52.76 2. Laryngitis 4.43 4.46 2.78 ' 6.57 3.99 3.41 4.70 1.08 3.79 2.84 3.85 4.10 10.11 9.02 | 7.34 1.73 3. Bronchitis .181.91 131.30 ; 166.65 149.39 106.72 155.49 98.61 72.10 83.38 52.93 98.19 79.33 73.03 224.01 395.28 57.66 4. Pneumonia 287.89 10.60 287.25 I 10.55 [ 324.27 ! 13.19 272.87 8.84 268.97 j 11.64 ' 344.00 ! 13.38 261.09 tl.27 180.79 9.68 214.12 8.75 170.17 211.77 210.64 279.76 j 4.49 | 350.29 7.52 455.89 16.59 204.97 5.19 6. Asthma 3.47 ■ 3.44 4.86 1.27 6.32 6.06 1.88 3.38 1.09 1.93 6.01 2.23 l 44 7. Others ot this class... 26.27 | 26.28 ! 25.69 1 34.59 23.61 1 24.75 I 26.30 15.07 19.84 14.87 25.03 23.25 26.96 37.58 37.65 20.76 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 497 Table 106.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. COLOR. BIRTHPLACES OK MOTHERS. -CAUSE OF DEATH. Aggre- gate. White, total. Colored, total. United States (white). Eng- land and Wales. Ireland Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Sc and i- navia. Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. V.—Diseases of the digestive system. 96.62 97.03 72.91 84.59 107.06 123.15 99.55 107.61 89.92 44.84 94.34 65.65 66.29 76.67 75.29 73.51 1. Dentition 2.76 2.78 1.39 4.25 1.66 2.02 0.94 1.08 2.48 1.53 3.85 2.74 1.12 3.01 3.51 3.46 1.41 1.42 0.69 2.27 1.00 1.35 1.88 2.15 0.72 1.09 2.25 1.28 1.73 3. Diseases of the stom- ach. 4. Obstruction of the bowels. 17.61 5.69 17.68 5.70 13.89 4.86 14.75 6.46 19.28 3.66 25.02 5.70 21.60 7.51 15.07 5.38 14.48 5.19 6.12 5.91 15.40 9.63 8.21 9.57 15.73 7.52 7.52 19.46 4.79 13.55 4.61 .$. Hernia 6. Other diseases of the bowels. 5.82 0.77 5.81 0.77 6.25 0.69 2.49 1.16 8.98 0.66 7.37 0.58 4.70 2,82 7.53 1.08 6.90 0.50 4.16 0.44 3.85 5.47 2.74 3.37 3.01 1.50 3.19 1.28 3.17 0.58 1.90 1.91 1.39 2.71 0.66 1.35 0.94 1.49 1.31 1.93 4.10 8.99 5.10 1.44 8. Inflammation and ab- 6.41 6.44 4.17 3.76 7.65 9.75 1.88 6.46 6.54 1.09 5.78 2.74 3.37 18.04 4.79 4.90 scess of the liver. 9. Other diseases of the 24.73 25.04 6.94 14.09 24.94 41.55 27.24 41.97 24.35 3.28 15.40 9.57 8.99 12.03 9.89 15.28 liver. 10. Peritonitis 18.22 18.14 22.91 17.29 23.61 18.82 20.66 21.52 18.04 12.03 19.25 16.41 14.61 6.01 15.95 14.70 0 13 0.12 11.21 0.69 0.22 15.14 0.04 0.14 0.32 12. Others of this class.. 11.17 9.03 14.96 9.61 9.39 5.38 9.11 7.87 13.48 4.10 7.86 18.04 5.74 10.09 "VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male or- gans of generation. 173.72 172.52 242.33 124.14 206.13 272.45 214.13 150.65 141.78 48.34 134.77 106.69 51.68 154.85 73.38 87.93 1. Bright’s disease 82.91 82.64 98.60 54.36 96.09 141.75 94.86 66.72 67.28 18.15 69.31 36.93 15.73 84.19 27.44 35.75 2. Calculus, urinary 3. Diseases of the kidney 0.54 80.55 1.39 0.72 58.90 0.66 0.49 1.08 67.79 0.27 0.22 2.25 3.01 63.14 0 58 44.11 81.56 139.57 94.76 120.77 106.13 66.97 28.44 59.68 64.29 29.21 43.07 4. Diseases of the bladder 5. Others of this class.. 4.82 4.89 0.69 5.19 4.97 9.31 4.58 7.51 11 84 4.87 1.09 3.85 9 9n 2.23 0.64 3 46 4.04 3.88 3.92 2.08 5.32 4.85 5.64 3.23 2.39 0.44 1.93 5.47 2.25 4.51 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 6.70 6.52 17.36 8.01 7.31 6.47 '12.21 11.84 4.83 3.94 17.33 4.10 5.62 9.02 2.55 5.48 1.67 1.63 4.17 2.54 1.66 1.44 1.33 1.57 3.76 2.15 1.17 1.93 1.50 1.15 1.44 0.58 0.86 1.44 2. Ovarian diseases 1.00 1.18 1.01 1.07 0.69 1.33 0.72 1.08 2.82 0.90 0.22 1.93 7.64 1.33 2.82 3.23 0.81 0.22 5.78 0.57 0.57 0.69 0.28 0.49 0.91 0.45 1.53 1.37 1.12 1.50 6.01 0.96 1.60 5. Others of this class .. 2.27 2.24 4.17 2.10 3.32 2.61 1.88 6.46 1.49 1.31 7.70 2.74 4.49 'VIII.--Affections connected with pregnancy. 26.72 26.78 23.61 15.19 22.94 30.63 32.87 16.14 29.40 24.50 28.88 12.31 41.57 31.57 45.30 25.66 2.45 2.47 1.39 1.49 3.92 2.33 2.96 2.82 1.08 3.43 1.09 1.93 1.37 2.25 8.99 1.50 9.02 18.04 0.96 5.42 0.86 3.75 18.74 2. Childbirth 5.90 5.92 4.86 3.66 7.90 11.27 1.08 6.27 4.37 5.78 2.74 3. Puerperal septicaemia 4. Extra-uterine preg- nancy. 14.94 0.17 14.98 0.17 12.50 7.02 0.22 12.97 0.66 15.72 0.09 16.91 12.91 1.08 16.14 0.18 16.62 0.22 17.33 8.21 28.09 35.73 3.26 3.23 4.86 2.54 3.32 3.95 1.88 3.38 2.19 3.85 2.25 6.74 3.01 6.01 3.19 7.34 2.31 5.77 IX.—Diseases of the bones and joints. 1. Diseasesof the spine. 8.07 8.06 8.33 8.45 7.98 9.43 4.70 7.53 6.72 3.06 5.78 5.47 3.12 2.39 3.11 3.47 3.98 1.93 3.99 4.00 3.76 2.15 2.07 0.44 5.47 1.12 3.37 1.50 4.51 1.91 1.91 1.73 2.31 1.15 2.37 3.47 2.66 2.65 0.94 2.15 2.30 1.31 3. Diseases of the hip joint. 1.71 1.73 0.69 1.99 0.66 1.71 3.23 1.40 0.44 5.78 2.25 2.87 0.85 0.85 0.69 0.66 1.08 0.95 0.87 0.64 7.66 0.58 6.63 8.07 8.11 5.55 9.34 6.98 7.64 9.39 9.68 7.40 4.37 5.78 7.86 15.03 4.84 0.93 4.86 0.95 3.47 5.75 0.72 3.66 1.00 4.22 1.12 5.64 7.53 4.10 0.95 3.28 0.87 3.85 3.37 1.12 10.52 4.51 6.38 4.04 0.86 1.73 1 44 2.82 1.08 2.29 2.30 2.08 2.87 2.33 2.29 0.94 1.08 2.35 0.22 1.93 3.37 1.28 0.64 iXI.—Diseases of the absorbent system. 1.05 1.06 0.69 1.49 1.33 0.99 0.99 0.66 1.93 1.12 0.33 0.33 0.69 0.33 1.00 0.31 0.41 0.58 0.20 0.58 64.80 2. Diseases of the spleen 0.17 0.17 0.39 0.13 0.05 0.22 1.12 0.55 0.56 0.77 0.33 0.54 0.44 1.93 0.64 86.78 jXII.—Accidents and injuries. 113.80 114.25 88.18 83.76 107.72 144.31 117.40 90.39 99.62 49.87 103.96 129.94 75.28 100.73 1. Burns and scalds 7.50 7.51 6.94 6.19 6.98 7.86 4.70 6.46 7.17 10.94 5.78 5.47 13.48 7.52 8.29 5.19 13.36 13.53 0.18 3.47 5.69 6.98 15.27 15.97 6.46 8.12 1.31 5.78 21.88 10.52 5.10 4.04 3. Exposure and neglect 0.18 0.06 0.09 0.51 0.52 0.83 0.33 0.36 0.94 0.36 0.22 1.93 1.12 0.96 9.89 0.29 2.31 0.29 ,3.88 0.08 11.80 1.77 2.99 5.57 3.76 2.15 2.80 1.53 3.85 1.12 1.50 0.09 7. Injuries by machinery 8. Railroad accidents... 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.66 0.09 0.14 2.74 4.42 4.44 3.47 2.87 2.99 6.47 4.70 3.23 2.53 1.53 1.93 4.10 1.50 7.66 0.58 7.07 7.08 6.94 9.17 5.98 7.46 5.64 8.61 4.37 4.37 9.63 6.84 6.74 0.01 3.83 3.19 3.75 7.78 10. Suicide by shooting.. 5.56 5.63 1.39 4.48 4.99 1.62 2.82 13.99 9.38 2.41 1.93 12.31 3.37 9.02 11. Suicide by drowning. 12. Suicide by poison 0.06 0.66 0.40 0.99 1.37 0.64 1.91 0.58 2.59 4.46 4.52 0.69 2.93 6.65 3.19 3.76 7.53 6.90 2.19 3.85 4.10 5.62 4.51 13. Other suicides 5.09 •5.07 6.25 1.82 3.99 2.52 4.70 3.23 9.43 2.62 5.78 12.31 1.12 15.03 1.91 7.78 7.21 7.26 4.17 2.43 13.79 10.33 5.38 5.82 0.87 0.8-1- 6.01 4.51 4.15 1.28 4.32 4.61 15. Surgical operations .. 6.37 6.27 11.80 9.17 10.97 5.30 5.64 6.46 4.64 5.03 21.18 4.10 8.9D 1.34 1.31 2.78 1.10 1.33 1.08 1.44 0.87 0.64 37.33 0.58 20.18 17. Other accidents and 46.04 46.35 28.47 35.03 45.55 72.58 54.47 25.83 35.54 15.97 38.50 47.87 33.71 34.58 injuries. 498 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 107.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY SI, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. COLOR. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OP DEATH. Aggre- gate. White, total. Colored, total. United States (white). Eng- land and Wales. Ireland. Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Scandi- navia. Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy Other foreign coun- tries. All causes 2,596.50 2.590.0C 3,054.46 2,749.49 2,051.23 2,714.36 1,961.78 1,722.37 2,317.89 1,392.88 2,003.52 1,946.30 1,127.21 5,208.33 2.411.40 2.757.77 2.84 2.83 3.30 2.31 3.72 2.40 2.61 3.95 2.73 5.17 2.57 4.29 5 00 I.—General diseases. General diseases—A 577.19 576.95 594.06 725.27 374.64 464.14 348.96 339.73 526.42 378.79 524.79 608.86 442.83 1,562.50 592.12 633.59 5.17 5.08 0.63 3.35 1.66 3.92 2.14 2 40 5.17 1.71 1.67 16.67 23.34 115.05 17.71 42.48 115.85 14.85 22.98 8.18 12.27 7.84 15.80 13.15 14.38 5.17 27.36 40.26 91.54 18.59 75.80 42.85 16.50 64.51 22.67 34.22 19.60 23.70 33.03 23.97 43.95 40.19 20.13 86.81 260.42 4. Diphtheria 116.58 64.36 168.74 76.94 93.53 75.80 86.91 86.03 64.73 131.84 114.59 80.52 26.18 25.85 49.50 41.54 14.50 16.51 16.99 19.75 19.58 7.19 36.19 16.25 21.45 20.01 0.37 6.79 23.13 0.37 0.21 0.74 0.37 0.29 2.57 7. Cerebo-spinalfever... 8. Typhoid fever 9. Diarrheal diseases . V 10. Cholera infantum. - 5 6.67 14.85 10.51 5.20 5.26 2.61 7.90 4.38 2.40 7.76 1.71 5.72 10.01 5.00 26.68 363.48 23.30 21.57 22.30 22.32 19.60 11.85 21.82 21.58 18 10 32.50 20.13 282.58 282.10 316.83 342.25 172.83 215.19 145.08 134.31 296.00 225.35 211.98 320.68 261.67 1,215.28 281.76 11. Malarial fever 32.62 32.48 42.90 29.28 31.22 41.51 31.37 19.75 27.09 4.79 43.95 28.22 34.33 36.68 9.51 9.48 11.55 8.97 7.43 8.12 11.76 11.85 10.04 4.79 12.93 10.26 20.13 27.17 12.87 8.58 4.29 15.73 8.34 1.67 10.00 5.00 31.68 5.79 3.90 i 5.67 14.85 4.62 3.72 5.35 6.53 3.95 6.63 2.40 2.59 5.13 14. Venereal diseases 15. Others of this group. General diseases—B 3.77 13.20 3.99 2.23 •2.49 2.61 2.44 4.79 2.59 6.84 5.10 32.94 5.01 11.55 5.46 3.35 5.35 5.23 3.95 3.80 2.59 0.86 32.83 41.25 36.28 27.13 37.26 31.37 3.95 20.75 16.78 31.02 29.07 20.13 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.18 1.31 9.83 0.60 1.80 20.62 358.95 9.93 3.30 2.52 8.18 21.03 10.46 6.33 2.40 2.57 5.00 0.61 0.07 1.12 0.65 1.31 0.58 2.59 0.86 1.83 20.37 1.75 2.23 1.66 3.92 1.75 0.86 2.86 12.87 459.11 3.33 23.34 290.12 37.95 31.87 15.61 13.74 14.38 3.95 12.08 14.38 28.44 24.80 20.13 I 360.11 277.23 515.27 229.32 253.93 220.88 197.52 288.69 263.71 245.59 242.86 161.03 520.83 1. Premature birth 2. Stillborn 34.95 179.01 34.98 33.00 61.36 20.81 21.21 14.38 87.57 3.95 19.78 23.97 20.68 29.07 86.81 260.42 55.78 273.18 26.68 146 73 180.48 75.91 270.38 91.43 108.93 82.96 147.71 170.21 126.67 136.82 60.39 8.50 8.59 1.65 15.89 6.32 3.92 3.12 7.19 5.17 5.13 20.13 11.44 114.42 8.34 85.03 4. Debility and atrophy. 105.11 104.69 135.31 137.99 67.27 77.02 67.96 75.06 95.48 59.93 85.31 64.99 80.52 86.81 31.37 421.63 31.38 31.35 29.84 43.49 41.32 35.55 343.68 22.60 2.40 7.76 6.84 86.81 607.64 4.29 190.22 23.34 513.54 417.81 691.42 305.27 345.65 563.60 392.10 416.13 115.07 364.51 291.60 161.03 11.08 11.03 14.85 8.48 14.50 14.39 14.38 7.90 7.90 10.72 5.17 7.70 2.86 14.30 13.34 11.67 11.73 11.38 36.30 16.04 7.43 6.83 3.92 10.91 7.19 10.34 11.97 40.26 303.24 300.01 531.35 180.79 233.78 452.79 269.24 18.30 252.82 23.70 295.61 39.07 76.72 266.27 12.93 218.92 120.77 347.22 86.81 123.00 28.60 375.15 35.01 5. Hydrocephalus 34.70 34.77 29.70 48.19 18.21 21.12 19.18 23.94 45.00 44.91 51.16 34.32 54.64 54.42 74.50 35 55 3.95 46.47 9.59 51.70 2.59 17.96 173.61 11.44 53.35 11.67 3.33 1.67 1.67 6 67 3.28 3.28 3.30 2.94 3.72 3.78 1.31 2.34 1.71 3.35 3.25 9.90 3.99 2.60 3.32 3.92 2.24 2.59 2.57 3.05 2.95 9.90 2.59 2.23 3.32 1.31 7.90 3.22 0.86 1.43 4.29 4.29 3.92 3.98 4.83 7.06 2.86 3.95 3.80 2.40 5.17 0.86 11. Others of this group. ? 901 2.18 4.95 3.01 1.49 0.83 5.23 1.66 0.10 4.28 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.86 11 —Diseases of the nervous system. 1. Inflammation of the 270.67 269.76 334.98 323.83 247.16 257.43 202.58 209.37 223.90 148.64 155.11 183.85 60.39 607.64 205.96 271.78 76.14 76.10 79.21 106.19 54.64 56.26 52.28 31.60 64.21 52.74 51.70 72.69 20.13 173.61 74.37 85.03 brain. 2. Apoplexy 55.04 54.65 82.51 45.32 71.36 54.89 86.91 49.79 16.78 36.19 17.96 86.81 20.02 5.72 8.58 63.36 16.67 24.93 24.80 34.65 24.80 28.78 24.83 23.70 3.95 16.47 5.07 2.40 12.93 9.41 10.26 4. Tetanus and trismus 6.16 6.18 4.95 7.50 4.09 5.90 14.38 2.59 20.13 nascentium. 4.50 4.50 4.95 3.92 6.32 4.52 6.53 3.41 2.59 11.67 48.35 6. Convulsions 51.85 51.30 90.76 73.55 23.42 30.53 23.53 27.65 52.03 35.96 25.85 43.61 20.13 173.61 70.08 1.89 1.90 1.54 2.23 2.67 1.31 1.75 2.40 1.67 33.35 8. Diseases of the brain. 40.84 40.98 31.35 50.29 33.08 48.79 31.37 27.65 25.04 11.99 18.10 26.51 173.61 22.88 9. Diseases of the spinal cord. 7.41 7.49 8.41 9.66 7.66 6.53 3.95 5.26 11.99 2.59 2.57 4.29 6.67 1.89 1.87 3.30 2.31 3.72 1.57 1.31 3.95 0.88 2.59 0.86 5.00 163.40 111.—Diseases of the circula- tor}' system. 145.56 145.05 181.52 122.86 165.76 181.25 158.15 102.71 133.97 40.76 149.94 65.85 40.26 434.03 54.35 2.29 2.32 2.73 2.60 2.12 3.92 3.95 1.56 2.59 0.86 4.29 5.00 3.33 143.39 1.69 1.60 3.30 1.54 2.97 1.66 1.46 0.86 3. Diseases of the heart. 128.11 127.56 166.67 96.81 153.87 167.41 149.00 94.81 121.98 31.17 139.60 50.45 40.26 434.03 41.48 4. Others of this class.. 13.48 13.51 11.55 21.78 6.32 10.05 5.23 3.95 8.96 9.59 7.70 13.68 8.58 11.67 IV.—Diseases of the respira- tory system. 447.12 445.81 539.60 454.05 341.19 514.22 308.45 31)4.18 393.52 246.93 261.10 313.84 140.90 607.64 636.46 445.18 49.03 16.50 65.84 22.67 31.08 19.60 39.50 53.59 12.08 59.93 2.40 20.68 5.17 43.61 11.97 173.61 78.66 12.87 225.98 280.33 41.68 13.34 76.70 265.11 2. Laryngitis 10.48 10.56 4.95 12.96 6.32 7.84 1.31 114.70 113.70 184.82 125.38 71.36 140.11 73.19 180.36 86.91 146.16 83.50 207.63 43.15 127.06 82.73 116.33 73.54 86.81 347.22 4. Pneumonia 230.06 229.27 285.48 210.63 198.10 281.97 154.78 140.90 9.44 9.48 6.60 5.32 9.66 15.22 5.23 3.95 9.35 10.34 6.84 1.71 4.29 1.43 32.90 8.34 11.67 28.34 5.22 5.20 6.60 2.59 6.69 7.84 1.31 7.90 5.94 2.40 7. Others of this class... 28.65 28.57 34.65 31.31 26.39 30.16 27.45 19.75 21.43 11.99 25.85 21.38 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 499 Ta::lk 1 ) 7.-AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR AND BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. COLOR. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OF DEATH. Aggre- gate. White i total. ! 'olored, total. United States (white). Eng- land and Wales. Ireland. Scot - land. France Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Scamli navia. Hun- gary- Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign co un tries. V.—Diseases of the digestive system. 122.20 121.59 165.02 114.60 104.44 140.39 104 56 67.16 115.85 83.91 116.33 72.69 20.13 260.42 94.40 126.72 1. Dentition 20.69 20.51 33.00 30.47 10.04 13.84 9.15 7.90 17.83 21.58 20.68 16.25 15.73 23.34 2.03 17.98 2.06 2.87 1.86 1.29 1.31 1.75 4.79 2.59 2.57 2.86 3. Diseases of the stom- ach. 17.77 33.00 15.76 16 35 23.06 15.68 16.76 14.38 10.34 8.55 10.01 IS. 34 4. Obstruction of the bowels. 6.19 6.20 4.95 6.02 5.95 7.66 3.92 4.87 2.40 2.59 1.71 1.43 10.00 3.79 1.18 3.77 4.95 1.68 2.97 5.35 2.61 7.90 4.38 2.40 2.59 1.71 5.72 5.00 6. Other diseases of the bowels. 1.19 2.10 1.12 0.65 1.31 0.78 2.86 3.74 8.98 3.72 4.95 4.48 2.23 3.60 6.53 2.83 4.79 12.93 1.71 2.86 8. Inflammation and ab- scess of the liver. 8.90 14.85 5.18 10.03 13.93 13.07 3.95 8.48 2.40 5.17 2.57 86.81 4.29 6.67 9. Other disease ’ of toe 23.23 23.23 23.10 11.70 23.04 36.89 27.45 27.65 24.55 2.40 20.68 5.99 20.13 86.81 7.15 26.68 livei- 19.72 1.29 13.39 19.67 23.10 16.53 17.10 21.86 16.99 11.85 11.99 23.27 20.52 20.02 15.01 1.22 6.60 1.26 0.74 1.11 1.56 1.67 12. Others of this class.. - 13.35 16.50 16.53 13.01 11.16 6.53 3.95 11.01 16.78 15.51 11.12 86.81 21.45 20.01 VI. —Diseases of thourinary system and male or- gans of generation. 112.87 112.74 122.11 80.20 121 91 171.38 101.64 94.81 92.07 47.95 77.56 53.02 260.42 40.05 133.39 57.62 57.55 62.71 39.93 58.72 92.79 48.36 47.40 44.92 14.38 38.78 24.80 86.81 12.87 78.36 1. Bright’s disease 2. Calculus, urinary 3. Diseases of the kidney 4. Diseases of the bladder 5. Others of this class... VII.—Diseases of the female organs of generation. 0.23 46.61 0.21 1.65 0.14 0.37 0.09 0.29 1.67 40.02 46.57 49.50 32.01 47.57 69.64 41.82 23.70 41.21 31.17 27.36 173.61 22.88 4.57 3.83 4.57 3.84 4.54 4.95 3.92 10.41 4.52 5.23 11.85 3.70 2.40 10.34 8.34 5.00 5.00 3.30 4.20 4.83 4.34 6.53 11.85 1.95 2.59 0.86 3.42 4.29 7.15 4.57 6.60 3.71 4.46 6.00 2.61 3.99 2.40 5.17 1.65 1.26 0.97 1.29 1.29 2.23 4.29 2. Ovarian diseases 0.28 0.26 1.65 0.21 0.46 0.10 2.40 0.86 1.09 1.08 0.77 1.86 1.84 1.31 2.59 0.86 4. Uterine diseases 5. Others of this class .. 0.44 1.47 0.44 0.28 0.46 0.78 3.33 1.67 1.48 1.65 1.19 0.37 1.66 1.31 1.56 2.59 1.71 2.86 VIII.—Affections connected with pregnancy. 20.02 19.95 12.33 17.84 27.49 19.00 15.80 22.51 11.99 20.68 15.39 18.59 26.68 1 A bortion 0.88 0.87 1.65 0.91 0.37 0.83 1.31 0.97 2.59 1.67 5.10 5.08 6.60 2.59 4.09 7.75 7.84 6.14 5.17 4.28 2.86 1.67 3. Puerperal septicaemia. 10.67 10.58 16.50 5.74 10.78 13.74 6.53 11.85 12.47 9.59 12.93 10.26 12.87 23.34 0.07 0.10 4. Extra-uterine preg- 0.05 0.05 nancy. 5. Others of this class... 3.32 3.37 3.01 2.60 5.17 3.92 3.95 2.83 2.40 0.86 9 «6 4.95 2.61 ■ 20.13 2.86 6.67 IX.—Diseases of the bones 5.01 5.01 4.97 6.09 5.44 3.95 3.70 4.28 and joints. 1. Diseases of the spine. 2.54 2.55 1.65 2.52 2.23 3.32 1.31 3.95 1.66 3.42 2.86 3.33 0.97 0.98 0.56 1.86 0.92 1.31 1.17 0.86 20.13 3. Diseases of the liip joint. 0.95 0.91 3.30 1.12 1.12 0.83 0.58 3.33 0.55 0.56 0.77 1.49 0.37 0.29 4.34 4.33 4.95 4.97 4.46 3.41 1.31 4.77 1.71 7.15 1.67 2.17 2.18 1.65 2.80 2.60 1.75 0.86 4.29 1.43 1.67 0.74 0.75 0.56 1.12 0.74 1.17 1.43 1.40 3.30 1.61 0.74 0.92 1.31 1.85 0.86 1.43 1.11 1.12 1.26 1.49 1.11 1.31 0.88 2.59 2.86 ent system. 0.32 0.33 0.28 1.12 0.28 A .31 0.29 0.32 0.33 0.28 0.46 0.19 2.86 0.46 0.47 0.70 0.37 0.37 0.39 2.59 XII.—Accidents and injuries. 69.47 60.56 62.71 42.31 55.38 84.86 62.74 35.55 68.01 35.96 43.95 57.29 60.39 347.22 80.09 103.37 7.06 10.27 8.25 4.69 8.85 6.53 8.18 5.26 7.19 2.40 5.17 7.76 3.42 13.68 40.26 80.81 10.01 8.34 10.35 4 95 3.50 5.20 9.50 2.61 7.90 16.67 3. Exposure and neglect. 0.23 0.23 0.37 0.46 0.10 0.55 1.13 0.56 0.42 0.46 1.27 1.12 1.65 0.28 1.12 2.12 1.31 0.58 11.44 1.67 0.07 0.23 0.07 0.09 0.10 7. Injuries by machinery 0.23 0.14 0.28 0.19 0.86 3.33 1.80 1.83 1.26 1.49 2.12 5.23 1.36 2.59 '.71 2.86 . 14.30 4.29 4.26 6.60 5.39 2.23 2.61 2.14 2.40 0.80 5.00 3.33 10. Suicide by shooting.. 11. Suicide by drowning. 12. Suicide by poison 3.05 3.04 3.30 1.82 4.09 1.29 5.23 3.95 5.65 5.17 2.57 80.81 0.14 0.14 0.19 1.43 2.15 2.15 1.65 1.12 1.86 1.57 1.31 4.09 4.79 2.59 1.67 3.09 3.14 1.40 3.35 2.03 3.92 5.85 2.59 2.57 20.13 11.67 4.16 4.50 1.65 1.19 3.72 7.47 1.31 2.40 7.70 2.86 6.67 15. Surgical operations .. 1.29 1.24 4.95 1.33 0.37 1.20 3.95 i 0.68 2.40 2.57 1.43 1.67 0.81 0.77 3.30 0.63 0.37 1.20 0.58 0.86 4.29 17. Other accidents and 28.84 28.87 26.40 19.12 26.02 42.06 32.67 19.75 26.21 14.38 18.10 20.52 173.61 31.47 43.35 injuries. 500 VITAL STATISTICS Table 108.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OF DEATH. United ; States (white). England and Wales. Ireland. Scot- l land. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Scandi liavia. Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. All causes 5,400.63 2.29 5, 052. 55 1.44 5,087.10 0.91 4. 370. 80 4,700. 71 4, 697. 35 0.93 2. 866. 74 5, 205. 74 6.90 5. 732.90 5.98 4,721.39 3. 12 8, 256. 88 4. 02 7, 640. 56 3. 55 4, 068.13 I.—General diseases. General diseases 1,913. 91 1.889. 35 1,707.27 1, 835.13 1,913.03 934.55 2, 278. 37 2,498. 80 1,779.48 3, 170.77 2, 405. 84 1,470.96 5. 99 332. 37 7.18 2. 97 5.79 6.73 1.71 13.81 3. 12 4.02 9. 78 3. 87 167.99 149.23 148. 46 81.05 100.17 69. 35 144. 99 185.32 168. 29 173. 02 546. 58 91.03 3. Scarlet fever 202. 95 455 -'1 219. 68 414. 94 197.15 438. 34 196. 49 406. 08 109. 99 393. 66 165. 96 414.53 100. 62 181.91 303. 78 552. 33 209.23 430 42 155. 82 308.53 136.81 607. 60 91.54 324. 39 112. 33 261. 46 5. Whooping-cough 133.14 113.43 142. 61 100. 43 52.10 87. 84 37.52 103. 56 125.54 112. 19 144.86 111.09 58.10 0 13 0. 89 43. 83 9 30 48. 82 50.43 17.47 46.31 29. 90 14.78 55.23 23.91 17. 93 1,434. 72 24. 93 24. 14 33. 77 22. 27 17. 23 9. 81 13. 10 11. 58 14.39 10.23 13.81 12.47 24. 14 20. 44 17. 43 9. Diarrheal diseases i 870. 04 849.99 813. 93 729.19 989. 93 1,027.91 484. 33 1,014.91 881.95 1,975. 70 1, 129. 60 845. 39 10. Cholera infantum. ) 11. Malarial fever 12. Erysipelas 41.15 15.54 1 40 38. 77 18.67 51.57 14. 15 1.37 34. 93 17.47 63. 68 34.73 23. 55 17. 57 1.87 3.41 21.60 2. 27 41.43 13.81 17.93 11.96 6. 23 68. 50 3.12 48. 29 16. 10 31.99 53.32 1. 78 12.59 31.96 1. 94 19. G2 15. 79 12. 78 39. 30 34. 73 18. 88 5.12 20. 71 35. 87 5. 98 113.58 28. 05 12.07 41. 77 8. 72 2.55 60. 39 1 44 5.02 4. 37 11. 58 3. 74 1. 71 6. 23 4. 02 8. 89 3.87 35. 83 83. 28 51.34 3T4. 93 40. 52 34. 58 22. 74 75.95 9. 35 40. 24 87. 99 0. 76 0.68 5. 79 0 57 8.89 0.68 4.37 0.19 0. 57 0 13 0.19 5. 98 2. 04 4. 31 3. 19 1.31 1.14 '4.02 0. 89 2. 91 5. Inanition 57. 46 78.97 46. 78 30.57 28. 95 32.15 20.46 75. 95 107. 60 9. 35 36. 21 78.21 32. 92 1, 204. 63 1, 109. 88 1,026.11 1, 302. 54 1, 032.02 701.48 966.58 785. 34 1,814. 74 1,507.31 1,017. 76 1. Premature hirtli 2. Stillborn 268. 69 784.04 27. 26 240. 67 209. 63 753. 79 21.54 219.68 199. 06 685. 00 22.13 227. 05 585.10 43 66 185. 25 810.47 23.16 283. 66 117.93 717.85 15. 33 63.10 529. 24 7. 39 276. 17 400. 44 20 71 167. 38 • 687.47 17.93 221.19 71.68 545. 38 18.70 149. 59 148. 88 1,094.48 12. 07 559.31 195.52 1.067.38 38.22 206.19 120. 08 713. 69 203. 08 170. 29 180.91 101.75 269. 26 175. 28 5. Old age 298.25 221.11 294.13 187. 76 179.46 218.10 114.83 303. 78 269. 01 243.08 515.05 299.51 195.01 6. 50 23.19 2. 87 21.54 7. 07 4.37 11.58 11.58 1.14 4. 55 6. 90 6. 90 5.98 4.02 56. 33 9.78 24.00 5.81 19. 62 19.81 15.58 3. Leprosy 72.37 61.74 102. 91 43.66 28. 95 54. 39 35.24 55.23 S3. 69 74.79 136.81 '.20. 20 54.23 183. 08 1. 91 124. 91 151. 51 104. 79 4.37 121.57 125. 22 1. 87 G2. 53 1.14 207.13 20. 71 131. 52 5.98 134.01 293. 74 118. 20 1.78 1.78 2. 67 112. 33 2.74 1.15 0. 68 1. 71 0.97 0.97 0.97 0. 97 1.53 0.25 1.44 1. 83 4.37 5. 79 1.68 4 55 5.98 6. 23 4.02 9. Dropsy 0. 23 0. 57 10. Diabetes 1.15 2. 87 0. 23 0.19 0.57 6. 90 6.88 0. 25 4.31 7.07 0.23 4.37 4. 37 7.10 2.84 12. Ot hers of this class .• II.—Diseases of the nervous system 453. 43 402. 02 420.47 384 25 341.55 360.14 222. 84 352.11 418.46 420.72 736. 36 602. 57 325 37 199. 51 6 3? 192. 40 4. 31 205. 82 9.13 209.59 4 37 179. 46 155. 31 4. 4<> 3.18 94. 36 2. 84 0. 57 18.19 5. 68 172. 60 251.08 5. 98 5.98 5. 98 193. 22 3.12 233. 38 8. 05 247. 96 109. 43 5.81 3. 87 10. 65 2. 93 1. 44 2. 28 5. 79 28. 95 5. 79 1.78 8. 89 39. 99 4. Tetanus and trismus nascentium. 14.91 7. 26 20.10 10. 05 13. 69 9.81 21. 83 13.10 14. 02 5. 98 6.90 6.90 24.93 20.12 4.02 0. Convulsions 7. Mental diseases 165. 62 127. 79 133. 20 109.16 92.62 140. 54 0.19 92. 09 124.28 113.58 168. 29 438. 60 268.40 158.81 52.11 4.08 40. 20 5.74 48.15 4.11 26. 20 28. 95 34.20 1.87 7. 96 1.14 27. 62 6. 90 29. 89 15. 5H 28. 17 30. 22 4.44 0. 89 50.66 25.18 2.91 0. 97 40. 67 9. Diseases of the spinal cord 10. Others of this class 0.64 0. 23 0.37 6. 90 3! 12 81.03 4.02 56. 33 III.—Diseases of the circulatory system ... 90.71 76.10 86.94 65.50 115. 78 61.67 27.85 75.95 71. 74 1. Angina pectoris 1 2. Aneurism 3. Diseases of the heart 4. Others of this class 46. 25 44.46 44.51 31. 59 54. 31 32. 63 34.93 30.57 69.47 46. 31 38. 50 23. 17 16. 49 11.37 48. 33 27. 62 35. 87 35.87 46. 75 34.28 20.12 36.21 29.33 21.33 23. 24 17.43 IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system 997. 44 930.39 904.98 737. 93 694. 69 850. 36 681. 58 876. 83 1,064.08 1.128.15 1.669. 89 2, 409. 39 787. 29 202.32 13. 89 180. 65 11.49 193.50 11.41 144. 09 13.10 138. 94 212. 31 12 52 157. 46 6. 82 121. 65 355. 86 221.19 11.96 298. 90 478. 24 249. 31 24. 93 177. 64 620.17 350. 07 20.12 531.14 681. 05 358.16 19. 55 1,046. 94 870. 08 172.37 5.81 151.07 410. 59 2. Laryngitis 13.81 241.65 421.15 3. Bronchitis 4. Pneumonia 300. 93 401.83 278. 54 379. 05 290.70 402. 97 213. 96 310. 02 208. 41 306.82 207.45 361. 64 5. Pleurisy 8. 54 11.49 6.85 4.37 8. 78 9.66 6. 90 9.35 8. 05 22. 22 0. 89 91.54 4. 84 6. Asthma 0. 64 2. 87 0. 23 0. 37 1. 14 7. Others of this class 69. 31 60. 30 59. 33 52.40 40.52 47.28 28.99 69. 04 53.80 46. 75 76. 45 42. 61 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 501 Table 108.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. United ■ States (white). | England and Wales. Ireland. Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Kussia and Poland. Canada. Scainli navia. j Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. 91.99 81.84 79.86 82.96 63. 68 80.18 54.57 131.18 77.71 105.96 68. 40 113. 76 89.09 1. Dentition 9.81 4.84 7. 18 2. 87 10. 27 4.79 4.37 8. 73 5.79 11. 58 10. 28 2. 06 3.98 2.27 13.81 20.71 11.96 3.12 6.23 8. 05 9. 78 2. 67 11.62 1.94 16. 69 18. 67 18. 48 13.10 11.58 19. 06 8. 53 13. 81 24. 93 16.10 43. 55 30. 99 8.66 2. 87 5.93 17.47 5. 79 8. 04 5.12 27. 62 5. 98 8.05 4. 44 4.84 1.66 1.44 2. 05 0.93 1. 71 11. 96 4. 02 3. 55 0.97 6. Other diseases of the bowels 1. 78 1.44 1.14 0. 75 0. 57 5.98 3. 55 5. 73 1. 44 3. 42 5. 23 3.41 11.96 24.93 13. 33 3.87 8. Inflammation and abscess of the liver. 1.53 1.44 1.60 1.12 0.57 2. 67 2.91 2.29 1.37 4.37 0. 93 13. 81 9. 35 1. 78 1.94 14. 40 24.41 11.18 17. 47 28.95 14.76 12.51 13.81 17. 93 18. 70 17.77 10.05 0. 38 24. 21 20.10 19. 62 17.47 17. 01 15. 92 27.62 11.96 18.70 32.19 10. 66 19. 37 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 41.66 43. 07 43. 58 34.93 j 52.10 38. 50 28. 99 41.43 47.82 34. 28 68. 40 59. 55 35. 83 4.84 2. 87 9.13 4.37 5. 79 5. 79 23.16 4. 30 1.71 8 05 5. 33 2.91 0.13 0.19 3.12 4.02 56. 33 34. 02 40. 20 32.40 0 23 26.20 31.96 0. 75 26. 72 34. 52 47.82 28. 05 52. 44 0. 89 30. 02 0. 51 2.17 1.83 4. 37 17. 37 1.31 0.57 6. 90 3.12 | 0. 89 2. 91 VII.—Diseases of the female organsof gen- eration. 0.25 ::::::::: 0. 25 VIII.— Affections connected with preg- nancy. IX. Diseases of the bones and joints 13.12 11.49 20. 54 8.73 11.58 11.40 5.68 13.81 11.96 6.23 12.07 13. 33 8. 72 6. 88 2. 68 3 31 4. 31 4. 31 10. 72 2.97 6. 16 0. 68 7.99 4. 37 4.37 5. 79 3.92 2.43 11.96 4.02 8.05 3. 55 4.44 2.91 2. Diseases of the bones 2. 27 2.91 3. Diseases of the hip joint 2.87 5. 79 3.74 1.31 1.14 13.81 6. 23 4. 44 1.94 4. Others of this class 0. 25 2.27 0.89 0. 97 10. 05 13.10 11.58 11.77 4. 55 6.90 15.58 8. 05 15.11 9.68 7. 39 4.31 6.16 8. 73 11.58 5. 79 0.37 5 fil 3.41 0. 57 6. 90 6. 23 8.05 12. 44 5. 81 2. Carbuncle 0. 97 3. Others of this class 5.74 1.44 1.83 1.37 4. 37 9. 35 2. 67 2.91 XI. Diseases of the absorbent system 0. 89 1.12 1.71 6. 90 0. 89 1. Addison's disease 0 23 2. Diseases of the spleen ' 0.13 0. 23 0. 91 109. 76 0.57 0. 76 1. 44 1.12 83.54 1. 14 6. 90 0. b9 XII.—Accidents and injuries 83. 32 71. 79 87. 33 52.10 65. 37 69. 04 59. 78 109.08 92.55 71.10 51.32 10. 57 17.23 2. 87 10. 50 14.60 11.58 16.82 8. 04 6 90 17. 93 31.16 12. 07 23.11 10. 65 5.48 21.83 1.14 13. 81 5.98 16.10 2. 67 2.91 0.13 0.68 1.37 0. 56 1.68 1.02 1.44 1.71 0. 80 0.07 1. 02 1.44 3. 65 1. 50 3.41 2. 67 0.97 17.58 12.92 16. 89 0.23 13.10 11.58 7. 85 7.96 6. 90 5. 98 12.47 12. 07 (3. 22 0. 13 r;; 3.44 2.87 11.58 4.11 1.14 6. 25 12. 07 4. 44 2. 91 15. Surgical operations 1.44 4.11 3.55 20.71 9. 35 4. 02 0.89 0.97 0.51 1.44 1.37 50. 66 0. 93 1 ]4 17- Other accidents and injuries 40.90 30.15 I 52. 40 17.37 38.50 25.58 20.71 29. 89 56.10 36.21 30.22 24.21 502 VITAL STATISTICS Table 109.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. CAUSE OF DEATH. United States (white). England and Wales. Ireland. Scot - land. France. Ger- many. Russia and Poland. Canada. Scanrti uavia. | Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. All causes 4, 575. 74 3,241.95 4. 383. 57 2, 985. 97 2, 780. 93 4, 431.12 2, 703. 38 3. 343. 73 4, 550. 38 2,116.40 9. 090. 91 5,302. 04 5, 610. 63 2. 40 1.31 2. 55 8. 66 6. 02 4. 03 7. 18 I.—General diseases. General diseases— A 1,528. 47 1,141.40 1,546.70 1,013.59 1.210. 75 1,607.04 880. 17 1,386.00 1.811.73 1.058. 20 4. 545. 45 1,519. 92 2, 140. 80 0. 98 0. 40 1. 75 5. 48 3.64 6. 29 3. 01 1 53. 33 35. 52 56. 85 32. 87 75. 67 49.16 37. 72 17.33 96. 30 105. 82 253. 99 71.84 147. 51 90.41 153. 93 82.18 113. 51 119. 44 62. 87 129. 94 135. 43 52.91 252. 53 48. 38 86.21 4. Diphtheria 387. 90 330. 98 433. 37 306. 82 378. 36 312.42 157.17 433. 13 388. 23 211.04 757. 5> 209. 04 488. 51 90. 48 02.97 77. 40 71. 23 94.59 72. 46 18. 86 121. 28 57. 18 60. 47 86.21 0. 10 0.44 3. 01 ! 7. Cerebro spinal fever 22. 97 17. 70 20. 99 10. 90 37. 84 12. 74 0. 29 17. 33 6. 02 12.09 21. 55 10. 83 3. 23 10. 00 18. 92 12. 02 0. 29 8.66 6. 02 8. 00 14.37 9. Diarrheal diseases... } 749. 55 553.78 719. 81 400. 22 491.87 977. 33 572.11 580. 39 1.032. 20 034. 92 3, 535.35 749. 88 1,314.66 10. Cholera infantum ) 29. 54 20. 99 47. 23 27. 39 21.48 51. 98 36. 11 28. 74 13. 78 4.84 11.81 10. 90 12.02 6. 29 25.99 24. 08 52. 91 60.47 7.18 3.77 0. 40 3. 06 5. 10 10. 13 8. 20 0.40 4.81 5. 48 0. 19 0.29 24. 08 20. 10 21.55 1.01 5. 25 3.64 8. 00 General diseases B 73.51 09.42 61.72 54.79 44. 06 37. 72 95. 29 87.28 52.91 36. 28 100.57 0. 1G 0.87 5.48 0.87 0. 82 4.84 2. 19 0 7:5 72. 53 64. 58 60. 79 49. 31 43. 33 37.72 95. 29 87. 28 52.91 36. 28 100. 57 General diseases—C 1,102.17 720. 07 890. 80 624. 59 586. 45 917.98 672. 70 753. 64 821. 60 423. 28 1,262. 63 1,261. 89 1,077.59 143. 74 90. 41 100. 58 60 27 18. 92 73. 92 62 87 69 CO 109 39 252. 53 157 93 114.94 2. Stillborn 033. 38 397. 17 516.40 367. 08 397. 28 552. 02 446. 37 424. 40 481.52 158. 73 757. 58 770. 04 632.18 30. 70 25. 83 25. 80 10. 44 11.65 18. 86 17. 33 18 06 52. 91 32 25 35.92 4. Debility and atrophy 288. 30 200. 60 247. 95 180. 80 170. 20 280. 38 144. 60 242. 55 219. 69 211.64 252. 53 302. 37 294. 54 General diseases—D 214.79 145.30 205. 53 131. 49 189. 18 243. 00 75.44 129. 94 234.74 105. 82 252. 53 213.68 287. 36 5.91 4.84 8.31 5. 46 6 0° 2. Scrofula and tabes 35. 44 24.22 25.30 10. 96 18. 92 38. 90 18. 86 25. 99 42. 13 105. 82 36. 28 50. 29 48. 08 32.29 09. 97 38.35 48.79 60. 64 84 27 50. 29 5. Hydrocephalus 111.25 74.27 94.02 65. 75 113.51 141.28 50. 30 43.31 78. 25 252 53 76. 60 143.68 0. 98 3. 23 1.31 0. 36 0. 00 1.01 0. 87 0. 73 6. 02 3.28 3. 23 2. 62 6.02 7. 18 1.48 0. 87 1.82 7. 18 2. 40 0.44 0. 30 6. 29 3 01 5.09 1.61 1.75 16.44 3. 28 9. 03 12. 09 28. 74 0. 10 II.—Diseases of the nervous system 519. 99 343. 89 406.01 307.08 151. 34 465. 00 295. 49 277 20 487. 54 158. 73 1,010. 10 479. 76 581. SO 1. Inflammation of the brain • 228. 74 101.45 189.35 175.32 18. 92 192. 63 125. 74 155.93 231. 73 52.91 505. 05 197.55 287. 36 3. 01 3. 23 4.37 4. 01 6 02 4.03 7. 18 3. 28 4.84 2. 62 5. 48 3. 64 3 01 10. 74 16.15 19.08 16. 02 31. 43 8. 66 33.10 52. 91 20. 16 3. 01 3.23 2 55 7. 18 0. Convulsions 170. 98 100. 10 141.25' 98. 02 132.43 191.90 94. 30 80. 63 153. 49 52.91 505. 05 193.52 193.97 0. 36 81. 39 45.21 101. 89 71. 23 49 16 31.43 25. 90 00. 19 71.84 10.07 8. 07 5. 25 16. 44 4. 01 12 57 8. 06 14. 37 0. 98 1.61 0. 44 0. 73 III.—Diseases of the circulatory system .. 92.22 07.81 105. 83 71.23 18. 92 72.46 44.01 51.98 78.25 93.39 I 0. 36 3. Diseases of the heart 42. 50 41.98 01.22 51. 7!) 18.92 41.88 18.80 25. 99 33. 10 32. 25 50. 29 49. 72 25. 83 44.61 10. 44 30 22 ‘>5 99 45 14 24 19 ! 43. 10 IV.—Diseases of the respiratory system... 784.17 555. 39 832.63 531.45 529. 70 832. 77 . 515.53 433. 13 803. 54 264.55 1.707. 68 1.503.70 1,005.75 1. Croup 153. 91 98. 49 146.00 : 82. 18 189.18 199.54 157.17 69.30 , 153. 49 505.05 221. 74 179.60 28. 39 25. 83 32.80 i 5. 48 36 78 6 ‘>9 1 8 66 : 49 13 36 98 57. 47 243.51 167.91 300. 87 104.37 132.43 192.99 I 106. 88 216 56 228 72 252 53 604 74 999 70 4. Pneumonia 294.04 211.50 284.09 ! 224. 63 151.34 j 349.57 i 220.04 112.61 309. 98 264.55 1,010.10 | 544.27 1 452.59 4.59 1.01 7.00 ! 5.48 7. 28 8. 66 9.03 4. 03 7 18 1.97 1.01 | 1. 31 2. 55 4. 03 7.18 7. Others of this class | 57. 70 ! 48.44 1 59.91 49.31 1 50.75 ; 44.06 j 25.15 17.33 ! 60. 19 88.70 i 79.02 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 503 Table 109.—AVERAGE ANNUAL DEATH RATES PER 100,000 OF MEAN POPULATION UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FOR EACH SPECIFIED CAUSE AND CLASS OF CAUSES, WITH DISTINCTION OF BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. CAUSE OF DEATH. ! 1 United England States i and s (white).; Wales. ! Ireland. Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Russia •and Poland. Canada. Scandi- navia. Hun- gary. Bohe- mia. Italy. Other foreign coun- tries. 161.79 103.33 151.31 104.10 56. 75 146. 38 144.60 155. 93 132. 42 252. 53 161.26 222.70 71. 38 43. 59 65.60 38. 35 37.84 66. 64 56.58 69. 30 57.18 44.35 ICO. 57 5. 91 4.84 5. 25 5. 48 4. 73 12.57 6. 02 8. 06 18. 05 8.07 18. 80 5.48 20.03 18.86 8.66 12. 04 20.16 28. 74 4. 43 8.07 5. 25 3.28 4. 03 1 48 0. 87 1.09 8.06 7.18 6. Other diseases of the bowels 2.46 1.31 5.48 0. 73 3. 23 5. 68 5.48 18. 92 12.57 43. 31 3.01 4.03 8. Inflammation and abscess of the liver. 1.64 1.61 4. 37 1.46 3. 01 7.18 3. 28 2.62 5.48 2.18 7.18 12. 96 4.84 14.43 27. 39 14.93 6. 29 17. 33 12.04 20.16 14.37 0. 66 0. 36 32. 00 29.06 27.11 10.96 23. 30 37. 72 17. 33 39.12 252.53 52.41 57.47 VI.—Diseases of the urinary system and male organs of generation. 34.62 29.06 39. 36 16.44 37.84 33.14 6.29 17.33 33.10 32. 25 35. 92 ! 6.24 3. 23 8.31 18. 92 3. 28 8. 66 4. 03 0. 36 27. 24 25.83 29. 74 16. 44 18. 92 26.95 6.29 8. 66 30.10 28 22 35. 92 0. 44 1.09 1 15 0. 87 1.46 3.01 VII.—Diseases of the female organs of gen eration. 0. 33 0. 44 1 0.16 0.16 0.44 VIII.—Affections connected with preg- nancy. :::::::::::::::: 6. 73 9.69 11.81 5. 48 8.01 12.04 8.06 3. 61 1. 61 7. 87 5. 48 4. 37 12.04 8. 06 0.49 2.13 0.49 7. 22 4.84 0. 87 1. 46 3. 23 3. 06 1. 46 0. 73 6.46 5. 25 5. 48 8.01 6. 02 12. 09 4. 59 6.46 3.50 3. 28 3.01 8.06 0. 16 2. 46 0.98 1.75 5.48 4. 73 3.01 4. 03 XI.—Diseases of the absorbent system .... 3.23 1.31 0. 73 8.66 4.03 1.61 0.16 0.82 46. 27 0. 87 0.36 4. 03 1. 61 0.44 0. 36 8. 66 46. 82 59.91 60. 27 48.79 31.43 25. 99 36.11 52.91 68. 54 57. 47 8. 20 14.53 14.43 16. 44 19.30 12.57 8.66 6. 02 52. 91 28. 22 21.55 3.94 3. 23 8. 75 5.48 4.73 6. 29 8. 66 14. 37 0.16 0.16 0.44 1.09 0. 44 0.36 V , ■ ,1 ,, t c 0.33 10.83 5.48 1. 09 3.01 4.84 8. 75 5. 48 3.64 3.01 20.16 14.37 0.16 1.31 0. 66 0. 66 19. 85 1.61 1. 75 1.46 3.01 8. 29 1.61 20.99 0. 87 3.01 4. 03 17. Other accidents and injuries 24.49 27. 39 17.11 6.29 8. 66 18.06 16.13 7.18 504 VITAL STATISTICS. Table HO.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. MONTH AND SEX. January. February. March. April. May. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males, Females. 1 Grand total 12, 084 10, 603 10, 775 9, 309 11,982 10, 31G 11. 339 9, 686 10, 784 9, 371 2 Under 5 5, 239 4,378 4,801 4, 127 5,248 4,380 4. 963 4, 115 4, 647 4,033 3 60 and over 1.384 1,691 1,313 1,433 1.498 1. 710 1. 393 1,485 1,263 1,334 4 Unknown 3 5 8 4 10 6 10 3 24 5 Unknown causes: 9 9 6 4 6 3 5 1 2 4 4 1 7 2 i i 8 I.- General diseases. General diseases A: 9 All ages 1,746 1,686 1,604 1,497 1,704 1,605 1,665 1.575 1. 736 1.598 10 Under 5 1,291 1,243 1,214 1. 105 1.243 ■ 1,160 1,232 1. 136 1,287 1,122 11 60 and over 55 59 52 71 65 77 60 75 63 76 12 1 1 1 9 1 13 1. Measles 282 286 219 202 175 159 157 152 171 140 14 Under 5 258 271 203 190 166 154 151 144 155 134 15 16 1 17 2. Scarlet fever 246 247 25,6 245 270 280 278 261 232 235 18 Under 5 186 183 202 180 205 208 215 188 184 166 19 20 21 3. Diphtheria 499 513 473 446 493 488 464 459 522 485 22 Under 5 389 404 390 354 407 373 382 360 421 377 23 1 1 2 1 1 1 24 1 1 r 25 4. Whooping cough 116 111 96 114 112 131 103 137 76 109 26 Under 5 115 106 93 112 110 128 97 131 73 102 27 1 28 .. 29 5.-Cerebro spinal fever 43 46 40 47 61 51 63 52 63 51 30 Under 5 29 33 29 31 40 32 41 33 38 28 31 9 9 1 1 1 32 33 6. Typhoid fever 71 45 60 29 57 38 46 34 49 24 34 Under 5 4 3 4 3 9 5 2 4 6 2 35 60 and over 3 3 6 4 3 2 2 3 5 I 36 37 7. Diarrheal diseases 282 277 267 231 294 244 318 274 402 318 38 Under 5 216 185 191 143 210 167 243 186 309 230 39 60 and over 28 25 31 38 27 42 30 45 25 42 40 1 41 8. Malaria] fever 79 62 73 76 72 79 77 79 70 97 42 Under 5 30 9 28 28 26 16 33 25 30 19 43 60 and over 5 11 6 13 15 12 10 5 12 10 44 1 1 General diseases B: 45 All ages 174 86 137 74 171 67 174 87 142 89 46 Under 5 62 45 52 54 06 40 74 58 51 58 47 11 5 9 10 1 7 4 48 1 49 1. Inanition 40 51 57 66 39 71 59 53 60 50 Under 5 61 39 49 54 64 38 71 58 48 0/ 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 52 General diseases C: 53 All ages 1,519 1,327 1, 369 1,193 1.550 1,331 1.475 1.219 1,446 1,274 54 Under 5 1.412 1,099 1.269 1.009 1. 438 1.088 1,301 1,039 1,344 1. 112 55 60 and over 100 209 90 175 96 224 102 164 92 150 1 1 57 1. Debility and atrophy 302 333 244 250 343 326 297 283 283 291 58 Under 5 248 211 199 167 285 223 245 187 235 224 59 60 and over 47 103 30 74 43 85 41 81 39 55 60 1 61 2. Old age 5.1 106 54 101 5, 139 61 83 53 95 62 60 and over 53 106 i 54 101 53 139 61 83 53 95 63 General diseases D: 64 All ages 2, 259 1, 965 2, 046 1,662 2. 281 1.859 2,152 1.800 2.051 1, 829 05 Under 5 260 241 244 202 290 204 271 222 270 247 66 60 and over 219 259 206 196 211 234 183 210 174 195 67 1 9 1 1 1 1 68 1. Consumption 1.825 1,405 1,023 1 164 1 775 1.293 1.703 1.261 1, 578 1.212 69 Under 5 67 58 01 59 77 47 • 70 79 72 59 70 60 and over 139 135 90 130 111 114 100 104 72 71 Unknown 1 2 l 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 505 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES. MONTH AND SEX- —continued. June. J uly. August. September. October. November. December. Unknown. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 10, 872 9,187 14,523 12,587 11,418 9,933 9, 970 8, 707 9, 759 8, 565 9, 554 8, 431 11,144 9,417 29 14 1 5. 657 4, 712 8, 784 7,664 6,066 5, 283 4,957 4,400 4, 368 3, 635 4,116 3, 488 4, 943 3, 977 2 10 2' 1 044 1. 105 1,187 1.328 1.081 1,148 1,012 1, 104 1,073 1.278 1,142 1,319 1.269 1,491 3 3 91 -l 14 13 9 14 4 8 2 5 5 10 4 3 5 10 1 4 c 4 9 9 3 i 2 4 4 1 1 5- 3 3 2 3 1 i 2 9 1 6 1 2 7 1 8 l 2, 823 2,603 6, 111 5, 674 3,631 3, 456 2, 489 2,480 1,814 1,715 1,423 1,428 1.761 1,567 3 4 0 2, 330 2, 105 5, 357 4,874 2, 881 2. 715 1, 900 1,884 1.236 1. 127 934 949 1.247 1.097 1 3 10 96 165 239 146 195 102 140 73 114 58 64 53 70 11 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 19' 155 178 183 164 &1 78 60 40 __ 64 157 149 261 238 13 146 170 90 73 58 38 53 58 140 134 249 219 14 15' : 1 16 195 194 118 136 86 77 70 75 89 90 108 150 232 197 17' •142 146 83 97 64 57 70 64 79 110 174 140 18 19 20- 457 449 377 343 254 295 232 258 357 362 405 437 569 494 1 2 21 340 336 295 254 199 212 180 205 268 251 298 315 436 369 1 22. 1 1 3 23 1 1 9 1 24 84 99 r>6 187 149 178 139 162 93 120 86 98 119 95 79 94 125 178 147 172 137 157 86 114 71 81 97 112 96 i 1 27 1 . 28. 64 47 39 38 33 36 42 40 35 42 43 42 29 33 26 31 27 99 99 23 30 | 21 21 40 28 27 21 30 3 i i 9 1 1 i i 4 31 32 43 36 103 64 167 108 192 152 183 130 97 102 66 33 3 1 9 4 2 4 3 3 4 i 2 i 9 6 5 5 5 2 5 4 3 35 36 1,624 1,425 4.985 4,581 2, 664 2.496 1.585 1,592 782 739 309 307 261 254 1 2 37 1,505 1. 261 4, 566 4,097 2, 295 2, 111 1,369 1,334 653 559 227 212 188 155 1 2 38 1 85 45 80 25 42 24 38 39 1 9 1 3 1 40< 102 76 74 41 9f> 24 16 15 25 37 30 27 23 28 13 23 42 13 9 9 15 16 15 3 9 10 18 7 10 n 14 43 1 44 82 127 198 96 169 97 70 66 66 70 69 39 40 46 3 10 13 9 7 6 11 2 6 2 7 4 47 48 69 73 68 56 39 33 38 36 49 64 102 67 73 67 56 38 33 37 56 36 50 1 9 3 0 1 52 1,526 1.270 1,738 1,461 • 1,643 1,350 1,617 1,339 1,567 1,318 1,493 1, 206 1,521' 1,255 1 6 53- 1,432 1. 128 1, 633 1,266 1,540 1, 188 1.516 1, 149 1.401 1. 134 1.397 1,016 1,433 1, 063 1 6 54 94 90 146 89 170 90 169 172 80 175 55 3 1 2 i 1 i 56 324 335 534 526 437 433 457 406 366 357 275 288 247 263 1 57 279 270 490 420 393 363 410 325 303 268 219 18* 201 173 1 58 33 31 54 35 70 47 43 90 38 73 59 1 1 i 00 92 54 109 43 94 39 82 42 102 01 61 59 92 54 109 43 94 39 82 42 102 62 1 03 ■ 1,815 1, 606 1,778 1,684 1,810 1. 694 1,790 1,534 1,863 1.717 1. 735 1,625 2,025 1,680 2 64 ‘>87 211 263 295 243 180 179 154 200 140 05 189 174 184 172 144 184 202 164 191 204 230 66 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 07 1 383 1 367 1 027 1 460 1, 218 1 405 1,163 1, 581 1, 214 2 68 56 66 57 48 58 51 46 38 40 39 09 93 109 87 109 67 109 99 113 83 115 106 70 1 2 ”2 2 i 5 i 1 2 ; 71 506 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 1 IO.—DEATHS IX NEW YORK BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. MONTH AND SEX. January. February. March. April. May. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. II Diseases of the nervous system: 1 All ages 979 787 976 810 1,049 881 1.043 846 907 835 2 Under 5 438 340 440 395 483 407 496 3?3 383 360 3 60 and over 201 174 207 176 193 210 203 193 168 211 4 1 1 1 2 III.—Diseases of the respiratory system: 5 All ages 3,189 2, 701 2, 493 2, 144 2, 832 2, 459 2,525 2,098 2, 072 1, 736 6 Under 5 1,526 1.215 1. 344 1. 188 1,459 1, 270 1,256 1,070 1. 043 941 7 60 and over 344 531 260 376 354 480 326 388 276 278 8 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 IY.—Affections connected with pregnancy: 9 215 212 264 233 209 V.—Accidents and injuries: 10 All ages 485 193 433 178 476 208 559 193 672 230 11 Under 5 53 39 49 41 54 43 66 48 73 44 12 60 and over 43 29 54 21 38 30 50 21 47 22 13 1 3 5 16 2 14 1. Burns and scalds 57 27 37 21 37 18 28 14 24 15 Under 5 15 13 14 12 9 12 15 3 8 6 16 5 3 3 3 3 4 1 17 18 2. Drowned 26 4 35 2 55 8 72 6 151 12 1!) 1 1 4 3 9 1 2 20 3 2 3 2 1 5 1 2 21 1 3 3 13 1 22 2 1 1 1 3 i 23 1 24 25 26 3 9 2 1 2 3 27 28 1 1 29 30 5. Homicides 22 3 23 6 21 ii 21* 7 28 0 31 4 1 4 2 9 4 5 32 1 1 1 33 34 3 2 1 1 35 36 37 38 28 1 25 3 35 3 98 28 3 j 39 1 9 40 2 3 3 1 9 41 42 8. Suicide hy shooting 39 1 34 i 27 3 45 3 37 4 43 Under 20 2 ] 3 1 9 1 44 3 4 rj 2 45 1 46 3 1 1 1 0 6 3 47 Under 20 ". 48 60 and over 1 1 49 50 10. Suicide by poisoning 20 8 15 10 17 14 31 13 24 15 51 52 60 and over 1 5 9 1 5 7 53 Unknown I 54 11. Other suicides 29 7 27 3 43 6 35 5 25 11 55 56 60 and over 2 1 3 4 3 • 2 57 58 12. Sunstroke i 1 59 GO 61 Unknown NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 507 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES—Continued. month and sex—continued. June. July. August. September. October November. December Unknown. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 982 726 1,032 856 890 707 756 654 779 642 774 654 891 787 3 i 1 488 343 505 421 465 358 326 314 354 262 334 260 367 326 i 2 156 155 152 192 142 134 147 135 139 155 157 170 178 200 2 3 1 1 4 1,347 1,092 1,061 903 993 901 1. 113 1,008 1.554 1,395 1,945 1,657 2, 570 2, 151 5 785 655 627 557 551 642 585 833 719 1, 045 910 1,422 1, 159 6 144 149 118 119 115 113 111 158 176 272 210 294 267 383 7 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 8 178 176 159 143 133 146 168 9 686 228 909 228 736 188 574 180 543 203 504 201 499 197 20 10 81 58 81 63 81 48 63 48 53 48 47 52 64 46 11 45 30 61 32 55 23 32 28 51 29 49 21 45 33 1 12 12 1 6 8 1 9 i 4 2 i 10 13 14 99 16 21 30 28 18 99 21 28 20 39 32 42 14 9 10 10 8 10 10 17 9 12 16 20 11 15 l 1 9 9 9 i 2 1 9 1 7 16 4 1 17 136 12 165 6 154 12 89 4 68 9 37 6 27 0 20 18 3 2 1 4 9 3 2 1 9 i 9 19 9 6 8 6 1 5 9 1 1 4 1 20 8 1 4 4 1 3 1 i 10 21 1 1 2 9 22 :::::::::: 1 1 i i 23 24 i 25 1 1 8 1 i 2 3 1 2 3 26 1 27 1 28 ! 29 24 6 14 3 23 3 16 3 21 3 28 6 17 30 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 5 2 3 3 . 31 1 1 1 1 2 32 — 33 i 1 1 2 1 34 35 1 36 37 33 9 • 16 2 29 1 29 40 30 i 31 2 38 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 l 3 1 i 4 1 40 41 43 i 41 4 31 32 1 33 1 35 3 41 5 42 9 2 2 9 1 43 i 5 4 3 1 6 3 2 44 9 1 45 6 i 8 4 4 1 9 2 1 1 46 i 47 1 48 49 15 9 14 13 12 10 19 15 12 15 20 12 25 15 50 51 2 4 9 ' i ' 2 3 1 2 9 4 9 1 52 53 34 9 36 26 6 21 6 23 31 4 25 54 55 1 11 1 8 2 1 i 4 9 4 2 56 57 31 244 65 109 99 46 28 I 58 10 9 30 20 10 3 6 59 6 4 9 12 9 5 1 8 60 1 61 | j • 508 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 111.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTIAN CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. MONTH AND SEX. January. February. March. April. May. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Grand total 5,138 4.873 4,522 4,195 5,092 4,655 4,875 4, 301 4, 559 4,060 2 Under 5 2,153 1,848 2,012 1,753 2. 257 1.838 2, 106 1. 761 2, 013 1.668 3 60 and over 732 868 626 763 741 890 703 777 042 720 4 Unknown 4 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 5 Unknown causes: 5 All ages 1 4 9 6 3 9 1 2 4 7 6 Under 5 1 1 4 7 60 and over 1 2 9 1 8 Unknown r I.—General diseases. General diseases A: All ages 665 741 607 651 693 669 670 646 666 652 Under 5 405 414 393 407 417 403 429 408 449 428 11 60 and over 26 31 22 32 42 49 35 44 31 42 12 13 1 1 1 1. Measles 48 38 36 40 61 44 70 46 62 48 14 Under 5 43 36 34 41 53 40 63 39 54 43 15 17 2. Scarlet fever 96 94 100 125 90 108 108 116 96 101 18 Under 5 69 63 71 88 63 83 75 80 69 75 19 ] 91 3. Diphtheria 245 322 215 222 236 221 205 202 203 214 22 Hinder 5 174 194 149 145 166 143 146 145 147 145 23 1 2 1 1 1 25 4. Whooping cough 35 43 39 56 52 64 32 55 31 40 26 Under 5 34 40 38 52 49 58 31 50 29 39 2 29 5. Cerebro spinal fever 10 15 9 14 10 10 18 15 19 10 30 Under 5 8 12 5 8 9 6 15 14 16 5 i 33 6. Typhoid fever 38 34 17 16 24 16 27 15 17 9 5 3 9 1 2 1 2 9 2 3 i 2 1 2 3 2 1 I 37 7. Diarrheal diseases 75 79 68 64 88 95 99 85 124 136 38 Under 5 43 38 47 33 45 46 63 44 95 91 39 60 and over 7 13 8 13 15 21 11 10 22 41 8. Malarial fever 34 57 41 39 43 39 43 48 4G 33 42 Under 5 6 10 10 13 10 11 7 11 10 3 43 60 and over 5 9 3 1 9 4 9 9 8 9 General diseases B: All ages 62 40 61 33 64 29 61 35 53 43 46 Under 5 23 30 28 19 31 19 28 21 24 30 2 l 9 3 2 5 2 4 49 1. Inanition 23 30 32 23 33 23 29 22 25 32 50 Under 5 22 29 28 19 31 19 27 19 24 30 1 1 ] 1 1 2 2 52 General diseases C: 53 All ages 659 577 582 545 654 573 054 594 661 560 54 Under 5 576 437 509 440 594 430 577 439 597 450 60 and over 74 121 67 98 51 124 62 140 61 101 57 1. Debility and atrophy 134 130 128 107 151 115 145 157 132 121 58 Under 5 100 80 95 77 123 62 103 95 108 81 59 60 and over 25 26 27 29 19 40 27 53 21 31 61 2. Old age 49 95 40 60 32 84 35 93 40 70 62 60 and over 19 95 40 69 32 84 35 93 40 70 63 General diseases D: 64 All ages 876 823 788 681 831 801 883 769 802 772 05 U nder 5 90 74 109 74 104 111 125 92 105 89 66 60 and over 82 112 77 92 90 118 93 94 78 107 C)7 1 o 1 1 1 1 68 1. Consumption 705 580 610 470 640 521 679 522 607 548 69 Under 5 19 20 29 13 22 29 37 20 22 23 70 60 and over 52 54 45 41 54 46 52 31 37 48 71 Unknown 1 2 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN 509 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES. month and SEX—continued. 1 June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Unknown. Males. 1'euiales. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 51ales. 4,161 Females. 3,801 Males. Females* Males. 13 Females. 5 4,817 4, 306 6, 495 6, 087 5, 111 4, 784 4,686 4,254 4,327 4,082 4, 805 4,463 2, 629 2.202 4, 103 3, 768 2,863 2,610 2, 526 2, 197 1,981 1,678 1, 703 1, 384 2,109 1,741 1 2 2 581 592 580 676 520 021 505 567 535 643 577 722 689 806 2 3 8 7. 5 1 5 1 5 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 6 4 6 8 4 8 4 5 8 3 8 c 5 9 3 1 i 3 2 2 1 2 6 2 9 1 i 9 1 3 1 2 1 i 1 1 8 1 1, 195 2, 785 2, 743 1, 641 1,242 1 224 842 799 713 738 9 1. Ill 972 2, 400 2, 299 1, 306 l’ 228 897 858 483 443 349 288 429 10 39 40 93 135 111 44 71 33 47 37 48 31 50 11 9 1 1 ] 12 33 27 18 29 12 3 3 13 12 47 44 13 29 24 16 26 12 12 3 6 4 3 13 12 41 40 14 15 16 99 76 47 51 47 41 26 38 47 46 63 49 80 88 17 . 59 55 36 31 26 23 27 28 42 24 59 59 18 i 19 20 176 167 136 162 133 138 153 161 213 222 281 271 21 120 107 93 110 100 91 101 103 145 132 172 143 19° 164 99 1 23 24 40 37 64 67 83 54 71 34 44 38 31 33 36 25 40 36 62 66 80 5*4 69 34 42 37 30 32 34 26 1 27 28 13 10 17 1(5 12 15 14 12 10 9 11 14 29 6 8 ii 13 8 11 13 9 7 G 6 9 6 11 30 i 31 ;*9 11 15 34 22 63 43 80 64 99 1 69 101 79 58 58 1 33 2 1 2 2 4 3 4 2 34 1 i 1 2 9 3 1 4 4 1 3 i 36 877 773 2, 386 2, 302 1, 237 1, 189 313 286 99 110 98 97 822 721 2, 159 2, 031 1,065 983 683 625 248 208 57 59 52 si 38 16 25 80 114 52 90 34 55 20 30 12 25 15 27 39 1 1 40 44 51 50 53 74 83 88 76 91 84 80 85 64 67 41 13 9 12 4 11 12 6 10 9 4 16 10 8 6 8 6 14 6 8 8 14 14 43 1 44 70 40 113 81 100 76 96 58 57 41 61 38 63 44 41 32 71 ' 57 60 46 37 23 24 26 28 33 1 46 4 4 1 1 2 4 i 4 2 2 2 3 9 i 47 1 48 41 34 71 54 64 38 22 23 25 26 33 49 41 32 74 70 54 60 64 46 36 22 22 26 32 50 2 1 3 2 1 i 51 52 668 595 789 737 781 698 807 718 714 653 588 534 627 53 613 488 721 623 709 594 734 611 657 544 518 404 442 54 43 99 63 105 63 100 66 96 48 99 61 119 64 130 1 192 178 299 294 306 303 301 307 240 247 140 151 136 139 57 160 140 273 250 278 270 263 268 215 207 106 97 103 83 ' 58 20 31 21 35 19 29 31 28 16 30 25 44 27 48 59 1 60 23 68 42 70 44 71 35 68 32 69 36 37 82 61 23 68 42 70 44 71 35 68 32 69 36 37 82 62 63 716 704 747 763 738 727 728 693 727 756 721 661 773 780 3 64 115 93 125 127 122 97 141 97 i 112 87 72 66 89 75 . 65 85 90 75 95 6(5 85 78 77 68 92 75 90 81 95 66 1 1 i 2 1 1 67 513 470 539 481 545 475 529 484 524 524 585 455 587 540 2 68 18 21 13 20 16 17 30 13 15 11 19 13 14 20 69 49 38 37 41 39 28 50 41 37 47 44 45 48 45 70 1 1 2 1 1 71 510 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 111.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN BY MONTHS DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN MONTH AND SEX. CAUSE OF DEATH AND AGE. . J annary. February. March. April. May. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. II.—Diseases of the nervous system: 1 All ages 560 477 490 473 610 535 555 495 530 472 2 Under 5 290 226 253 232 295 238 276 233 244 207 3 60 and over 114 98 110 113 137 134 106 119 101 105 4 1 111.—Diseases of the respiratory system: . 5 All ages 1,396 1,318 1, 158 961 1,271 1,000 1,073 909 915 731 c Under 5 642 556 578 466 625 498 510 440 445 337 7 60 and over 179 270 151 203 169 214 160 191 132 146 8 1 1 1 1 ] IV.—Affections connected with pregnancy: 9 78 87 92 77 | V.—Accidents and injuries: 10 All ages 139 56 119 05 166 61 165 54 204 39 11 Under 5 20 18 18 12 26 14 20 18 24 8 12 60 and over 19 10 8 13 20 14 16 7 20 9 13 1 1 14 1. Burns and scalds 14 14 11 22 15 22 12 8 12 3 15 9 0 7 4 9 0 3 5 1 16 1 1 3 1 i 2 17 18 2. Drowned 11 1 12 2 18 3 26 3 56 3 19 1 1 1 20 3 2 1 1 21 1 22 1 3 2 23 24 25 26 1 1 1 1 1 27 28 29 30 9 i 3 1 3 1 3 1 31 1 32 j 33 1 i 34 1 9 1 2 35 36 37 38 ( 1 2 ] 3 3 1 n 39 1 1 40 1 1 1 1 41 42 r. 9 15 9 1 13 i 1 43 1 44 4 ] 46 1 1 1 1 47 ! 48 49 Unknown 50 4 3 3 1 1 10 5 i 10 9 51 52 1 1 3 1 53 Unknown 54 10 1 3 j 10 ] 9 1 10 55 Under 5 i 56 2 3 1 1 3 57 58 2 59 Under 5 60 ] 61 :i: 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 511 SPECIFIED DISEASES AND CLASSES OF DISEASES, WITH DISTINCTION OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF AGES—Cbutinued. month and sex—continued. June. July. August. September. October. November December. Unknown. Males. Females. ' Males Females. Males Females, j Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females Males. Females. Males. Females. 502 460 609 529 477 454 461 391 470 403 419 380 521 447 1 3 1 286 230 349 287 259 251 277 205 208 194 177 146 225 204 1 2 2 85 no 95 114 88 96 73 81 91 83 99 99 120 117 3 1 »> 1 1 4 557 456 418 352 401 394 470 427 670 634 831 756 1,173 1,036 5 289 239 : 233 198 217 223 243 238 350 292 426 6 16 530 6 63 68 48 48 53 57 68 84 126 14)2 157 161 198 7 1 9 1 1 8 78 72 52 58 64 78 2 9 248 56 320 79 236 60 223 53 163 51 157 50 184 55 . 10 27 17 21 23 20 93 20 23 11 14 11 26 13 11 16 13 12 25 1 6 25 8 12 1 i 1 6 13 12 10 15 14 7 19 7 13 11 9 15 ! 17 11 6 14 4 6 6 4 3 9 3 1 4 6 3 I 9 4 1 i 2 | i 9 | i 16 6 17 58 1 14 65 3 45 3 2 20 2 i 14 4 18 1 2 1 1 3 19 9 3 1 9 1 :;:i 20 1 3 i 1 i 21 i 1 1 1 22 i 23 1 II 24 i 25 i 7 ' i 3 1 3 i 26 27 i i 28 i i 3 4 2 4 1 4 2 30 o 1 31 i 33 1 2 2 34 35 36 37 6 1 g 3 13 9 1 6 1 6 2 38 i 39 2 i 9 2 i 40 i • .. 41 12 12 10 1 10 8 12 42 1 1 43 4 1 1 2 1 44 45 i 1 46 48 49 6 1 6 5 9 i 3 1 50 i 51 ] 3 1 i 52 53 17 2 7 12 3 9 14 1 i 55 2 2 1 2 i i 4 3 56 57 3 93 1 j 36 16 3 58 2 i 4 9 2 2 i 59 3 3 1 i 9 60 2 61 I 512 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 112.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND WHITE AGE PERIODS. Kative born. Aggre gate. Total males. Total females. j Colored. SEX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign Foreign born. All ages. Under 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 1 250, 359 134, 233 116,126 245, 567 45,533 100, 574 81,370 4, 792 250, 359 128, 409 4,983 9,526 — 90,555 Single CM.. 90, 555 88. 793 19, 090 52. 540 11,882 1,762 90, 555 71,156 32,615 26. 377 69, 090 2, 487 2, 248 4,202 2, 458 530 2,117 16 2 - \ F .. 71, 156 71,156 26,’377 09.856 15, 700 4.103 2, 978 1,126 42, 636 3, 963 5, 343 7, 192 23. 282 17,271 6, 845 1,300 59. 352 3 Married $ M.. -if.. CM.. 32, 615 26, 377 9,000 32, 615 31.960 655 398 8 4 2 17 212 9, 000 8, 834 662 160 9, 000 i 17,825 5 17,825 448 4 ' l r 17. 377 2, 302 2 1,209 13, 443 2 5 80 Divorced CM.. 5 5 1 5 5 • \ F .. 6 6 6 4 9 6 Unknown IF.. 2, 058 2, 058 2.015 742 in 137 977 43 2, 058 762 8 3? 6 762 762 57 83 474 20 1 7 32, 781 18.408 14, 373 31,666 3, 282 10, 345 17,100 1,115 32,781 2. 001 1,803 4, 202 8 Single C M. ■if.. CM.. 8, 995 8.995 8, 593 5,023 7,199 968 3,929 3, 333 402 8. 995 971 811 1,904 1,213 212 783 11 42 5, 212 5, 212 606 2, 520 1,614 5, 060 189 5, 212 1,028 1 916 Married 7, 448 7,448 1,383 1.941 194 249 7. 448 9 ’ | F .. 6, 716 0,716 0, 581 1,648 2 237 599 3. 934 135 6 716 1 63 10 Widowed CM.. 1,697 1,697 158 1.200 49 1,697 2. 308 1 ■\y.. 2. 308 2.308 210 307 1,662 71 i 11 Divorced CM.. 1 1 ] i i 3 3 3 2 1 3 12 Unknown CM.. 267 267 253 20 47 149 14 267 2 20 17 68 ■) F .. 134 134 128 24 87 0 134 13 5, 067 1,678 3, 389 5,002 751 520 3,633 5, 067 72 31 14 Single CM.. 280 280 278 37 72 157 2 280 39 16 25 |F.. 443 443 430 1,064 1,717 299 67 131 95 62 259 856 13 13 443 1,077 1 739 33 13 18 8 17 15 Married CM.. 1,077 1,077 ' l F .. 1.732 1,732 280 185 1.225 15 9 16 Widowed CM.. 302 302 31 14 247 3 302 ) F .. 1,175 1,175 1,156 194 83 847 19 1,175 CM.. ) F .. 18 Unknown < M.. 19 19 19 2 17 19 ' l F .. 39 39 39 3 9 25 • 39 19 Diseases of the nervous system 20, 247 11,061 9,186 19, 901 4, 281 7, 950 6, 940 346 20, 247 10, 005 236 340 20 Single {M.. 6, 730 5, 365 3,175 6, 730 6, 605 1, 633 3, 971 3, 270 739 125 6, 730 5,365 3,175 5,469 4,534 1 121 110 158 109 19 • IF.. CM.. 5, 365 5, 284 1,334 528 544 81 21 3,175 3,131 261 2, 209 44 ' i F .. 1. 790 1,790 233 260 1.236 25 12 1,790 977 1 44 22 o >5 to 65 65 and over. Un- known.| United States. 63,333 Eng- land | and j Wales. 1 Ire- land. ; Scot- land. '1 I ranee.| Ger- many. Rus- sia and Po- land. Can- ada. 1,380 Scan- di- navia. 1,716 Hun gai-v. Bo- hernia. Italy. Other for- eign coun- tries. 7, 367 Un- known'. 14,315 23,367 23,104 20,837 17, 667 22,200 206 8,321 72, 375 2, 832 2,163 53,810 6, 791 1, 996 2. 898 11.062 6, 861 3, 845 2,143 1. 052 841 34 27, 295 2, 624 20, 496 834 640 18,153 3,122 539 719 893 1,223 5, 228 3, 041 5, 748 2, 538 1,382 1, 032 : 892 1.225 29 22, 769 2, 018 16,418 611 459 ! 13,283 2,318 430 563 728 958 4,015 2, 085 4,501 S2 5.185 8,007 7, 689 6, 054 5, 111 14 4. 966 1, 363 10, 963 517 466 9, 780 647 152 214 156 334 839 1, 020 1,198 7,290 6, 542 4, 774 3, 295 2.129 14 3,741 1,063 11, 178 385 264 6, 662 457 138 116 152 220 660 661 680 l3 341 992 1,653 2,085 3, 903 7 1, 370 439 3. 881 171 116 2,117 76 38 36 19 41 115 192 389 689 1,579 2.937 3,919 8, 599 13 2.978 740 8,781 284 194 3, 358 141 73 41 34 114 141 303 643 i4 1 ] 3 9 2 1 2 4 4 i' ::::::: 1 \ 5 356 599 447 242 239 84 135 48 381 20 18 326 18 8 21 8 5 51 49 970 104 153 162 125 153 11 73 26 277 10 6 129 11 2 6 6 3 13 15 185 l6 9, 496 7,156 4. 291 2, 370 1,439 23 4. 828 970 14,377 409 302 7,291 449 183 261 138 332 733 993 1,515 7 2, 953 1,435 606 218 91 6 1.481 244 3. 732 97 75 1.901 134 56 92 26 53 230 346 528 } t 1. 182 447 207 117 95 1,044 127 2. 467 51 18 788 60 31 45 28 44 114 105 290 5 8 2, 034 2,416 1, 566 851 356 3 922 244 2, 692 108 105 2, 275 153 39 61 45 108 170 ' 296 230 } „ 2. 727 1.835 853 331 121 2 835 213 3. 226 91 58 1,502 74 36 43 30 97 168 150 193 5' 9 161 406 463 383 271 i 211 61 834 25 22 359 9 - 7 4 10 23 43 82 I , 337 1 519 509 424 475 i 296 1 61 1,295 32 18 388 11 13 9 5 17 20 33 103 5 10 1 ! 2 1 1 11 66 07 60 31 19 2 25 10 77 5 3 52 1 9 2 5 16 64 ? 34 9t; 27 11 1 11 3 54 3 26 9 9 1 3 4 25 \ 12 367 943 1,329 1,286 969 884 247 1,545 75 83 1,577 in 35 20 22 46 78 167 177 13 47 49 51 26 27 42 19 69 6 80 13 6 2 3 i 10 10 3 10 48 93 95 92 51 92 20 225 6 9 60 3 • 3 3 2 24 tu 65 170 297 326 211 148 44 240 13 20 425 44 5 5 8 21 21 49 34 { 179 464 543 386 140 1 327 85 481 26 34 576 31 10 5 8 14 33 64 38 P5 3 15 48 99 137 39 20 99 5 105 5 3 1 2 7 14 20 141 280 341 392 1 228 59 414 19 21 310 15 8 4 3 9 10 29 46 Sl6 } 17 1 8 3 9 4 1 8 1 2 1 4 11 9 8 6 13 13 3 4 118 997 1, 563 1,899 2,162 3,038 7 | 5,658 724 5, 398 252 203 4,377 538 102 123 171 224 811 575 1,091 19 303 279 174 114 110 2 2, 254 212 1,376 57 43 1,311 246 40 51 68 117 396 218 341 ? 128 112 95 100 177 1,854 156 1,246 58 42 970 176 24 37 77 70 317 163 175 5 20 257 587 765 759 785 2 596 119 853 37 54 979 61 16 18 13 22 49 90 268 233 378 409 420 298 2 289 86 684 37 28 471 33 13 9 4 22 47 60 \ 21 16 53 135 233 540 203 50 350 22 11 237 9 3 3 2 4 15 18 50 \ 30 93 263 493 1.090 445 93 1 837 39 23 365 11 0 4 4 7 11 34 97 S 22 I .....I... J 1 5 23 24 46 44 32 29 1 13 5 29 0 2 36 1 1 4 86 6 14 11 9 4 3 23 8 1 1 1 14 5 24 1, 370 1.873 2, 244 2, 255 2,531 9 2. 829 553 4, 346 206 199 3,314 209 65 09 72 84 226 343 502 25 385 305 221 135 99 1 676 74 744 38 24 553 ‘ 53 23 19 16 14 68 70 131 i 163 139 115 114 143 j 568 70 723 19 24 315 33 7 12 14 11 27 48 45 5 26 308 656 808 796 653 654 156 867 49 74 1,044 71 11 24 15 24 62 108 88 l 435 512 572 454 290 1 365 105 855 33 31 738 29 11 4 18 19 43 58 57 17 77 143 230 421 1 177 52 283 23 14 232 4 4 8 1 4 10 28 49 } 41 147 335 484 886 1 364 ; 89 825 41 31 385 19 8 1 6 11 12 29 76 5 28 ) 1 1 1 5 29 l 14 33 43 ...... 27 26 4 16 6 32 2 1 35 1 1 1 1 4 2 47 [ 6 4 7 15 13 1 J 8 1 17 1 12 1 9 5 30 514 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 113.—DEATHS IN NEW YOKE DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND SEX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggre- gate. Total males. 1 Total females. WHITE. Colored. AGE PERIODS. Total. Native born. Foreign born. All ages. Under 15 Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. 15 to 20 20 to 25 1 Diseases of the digestive system 8, 085 4,149 3,936 7,980 1,270 2, 267 4. 247 105 8, C85 t 2.099 202 325 w , pi.. 1,925 1,925 1,894 414 1.040 375 31 1, 925 1,202 118 105 2 1, 383 i, 383 1, 360 300 714 290 23 1, 383 896 77 96 . , ( M.. 1 811 1,811 1.792 994 181 1,359 19 1, 811 25 3 Married p 1 550 1,550 1, 541 245 1,120 9 1, 550 91 , ( M 371 371 364 41 24 292 371 2 4 Widowed - < p 971 971 959 127 757 12 971 1 2 I 5 Divorced \ p 6 Unknown p " 42 32 42 32 38 32 4 5 3 3 25 23 4 42 32 1 3 7 Diseases of tlie urinary system 14, 537 8,031 6, 506 14,188 2, 005 2, 795 8, 930 349 14. 537 1,017 236 503 a«„„i„ PI - ■ 2, 426 2, 426 2, 382 402 907 955 44 2,426 554 99 204 Single p 1.437 1,437 1.399 222 584 542 38 1,437 463 120 137 4, 025 4,025 3. 929 043 2. 763 96 4 025 18 9 Married P 2 887 2.887 ; 2, 837 294 1, 921 50 2 887 9 131 1. 315 1,315 1, 281 175 106 967 34 1, 315 1 10 Widowed | p 2, 056 2,056 1,982 242 137 1,574 7*1 2. 056 5 ... . (M.. 9 9 9 1 1 9 11 Divorced | 1 1 . i 1 1 12 Unknown { 1-'^ 263 125 263 125 253 122 18 16 8 138 69 10 3 263 125 2 3 4 13 Diseases of tlie female organs of generation.. 561 561 536 128 96 300 25 561 2 15 46 U 190 120 112 31 29 48 8 120 2 9 15 350 350 338 79 199 12 350 28 16 84 84 80 17 12 49 4 84 1 17 . ! 18 _ 6 I 1 4 1 1 19 Suicides 1,311 1.054 257 1.293 161 148 903 12 1.311 2 55 142 365 365 357 63 67 212 8 365 2 30 91 oingie < p 71 71 70 11 16 1 71 22 .. .. 6 144 94 33 1 67 26 54 6 4 267 10 4 6 1 11 8 22 12 5211 52 28 16 13 4 15 36 9 4 57 3 3 9 1 4 0 7 29 27 28 9 6 14 l 1 61 2 1 3 6 4 &2 3 10 9 4 7 1 16 i 1 1 4 } 23 23 1 7, 926 25 12 3 9 9 3 9 1 4 i 24 2 1 1 2 i 46 \u 1 1 1 1 4 7, 354 6, 461 5, 751 10, 283 138 44, 552 4,814 37, 585 1, 531 1,102 31, 414 5,007 859 1.092 1,-474 2, 033 8. 716 4,645 9, 929 25. 2,316 1. 195 656 321 318 22 21. 670 1,912 13, 202 579 454 13, 264 2,558 378 502 742 1,008 4, 347 2.248 4, 467" |'26: 670 331 295 305 607 19 18, 420 1,554 10, 688 441 352 10. 639 1.959 339 442 587 812 3. 466 1. 681 3, 829 1,858 2, 772 2, 565 1,939 1,970 6 1,546 497 4, 339 203 117 3,062 195 48 73 51 91 432 288' 394 \‘1T' 2, 593 1,993 1, 300 1,002 928 5 1,239 360 3, 672 128 67 2, 215 196 48 35 67 59 312 227 217 99 279 516 663 1,780 1 459 163 1.571 60 42 746 29 14 8 8 15 45 59 122 | 28- 160 395 868 1,382 4,485 7 1,143 302 3, 830 105 63 1,318 57 26 14 11 46 65 124 219 1 1 1 1 |23« 1 191 332 209 90 106 72 47 15 174 9 5 120 9 5 14 3 1 41 13 598 | 30< 39 55 52 48 89 6 28 11 109 6 2 49 4 1 4 5 1 8 4 82 516 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 113.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND WHITE. AGE PERIODS. SEX ANI) CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggre "ate. Total males. Total females, j Native born. Colored. i Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign born. All ages. Under 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 a Grand total 112.467 58, 601 53. 866 110,616 32,557 44.250 31,128 1,851 112,467 59, 245 2,456 4,138 Single 5 M.. 38, 920 38, 920 38,316 13, 062 21. 100 3, 205 604 38, 920 31.531 1. 187 1,766 •| F.. 32 666 32, 666 32,109 11,362 3, 023 17, 865 1,889 2. 589 2. 307 32, 666 27. 653 1.153 1,091 290 928 3 ' Married ( M 15, 819 12,473 15,319 15,077 9, 814 242 15,319 12,473 21 13 If.. 12, 473 12j 277 2,395 7,083 196 15 97 Widowed 3, 852 8,539 3,852 3,799 8, 353 707 253 2,715 5,687 53 3,852 8,539 7 1 8 4 If" 8,539 1,968 530 186 11 2 29 Divorced CM- 5 ' | F (i cm.: 510 510 500 21 16 206 10 510 5 1 17 188 ' l F .. 188 19 111 9 7 'Consumption 13,135 7, 065 6, 070 12, 813 2,273 4, 372 5. 742 322 13,135 750 989 1,834 •'8 Single c M. 3, 237 3, 237 3,148 571 1,542 855 89 3,237 336 444 799 \ F .. 2. 290 2.290 2,215 450 1, 139 666 567 2, 290 3 195 411 511 556 3 Married CM.. 3, 195 3, 195 3,124 504 1 891 71 1 5 123 • \ F .. 2, 910 2, 910 2,863 566 518 828 1,458 388 47 2, 910 1 1 25 333 10 Widowed CM.. 579 579 70 81 13 579 1 4 If.. 842 842 818 152 103 543 24 812 1 14 11 Divorced CM.. • \ F .. .12 Unknown CM.. 54 52 5 9 24 2 54 1 4 1 ‘ { F .. 28 28 27 3 4 16 1 28 1 fl3 •'Cancer and tumor 2,091 663 1,428 2.058 495 209 1, 308 33 2, 091 24. 4 23 :14 Single C M. 75 79 14 22 32 2 13 3 o • ; F .. 166 166 164 63 23 76 2 166 10 i 3 115 Married < M.. 471 471 462 85 25 339 9 471 1 ■|f.. 753 753 745 188 100 445 8 753 10 10 C M.. 111 111 111 20 2 88 111 506 37 323 12 1 ' l F .. 506 494 123 506 117 Divorced 5 M.. ■|f.. U8 Unknown. .. CM.. IF.. G 3 6 6 4 6 3 3 3 2 i 119 11,724 6, 205 5,519 11,521 3, 844 4, 334 3,119 203 11,724 6, 421 133 178 -.20 Single C M.. 3, 958 3,958 3,890 3, 246 1,439 1. 261 2,167 1, 776 220 68 3 958 3,464 2, 952 76 84 35 - ) F .. 3, 300 1,731 1,049 489 3,300 167 54 3, 300 1,731 1 049 55 -.21 Married — C M.. 1,731 1,707 1,028 487 463 148 1,042 637 24 2 10 43 - ) F .. 1,049 225 148 21 2 2 :22 Widowed CM.. 489 116 27 330 9 489 i • \ F .. 1,146 1,146 1,113 338 67 692 33 1,146 3 ‘23 Divorced — CM.. ■ \ F .. 24 Unknown CM. 27 27 26 1 1 14 1 27 9 / F .. 24 24 24 1 17 24 i 196 25 Diseases of the circulatory system ... 6, 305 3, 177 3,128 6, 195 1,559 1,344 3, 141 110 6, 305 1,161 186 26 {M- 1,116 1,116 1,096 359 496 200 20 1.116 614 98 89 - * F .. CM.. 959 959 946 293 408 171 13 959 545 61 11 27 Married 1,554 1,554 1,526 349 129 1,005 28 1, 554 1 ' i F .. 1, 137 1,137 1.113 469 234 176 693 24 1,137 2 2 32 28 Widowed CM. 475 475 107 25 325 6 ■ | F .. 1,011 1,011 992 211 48 714 19 1,011 29 Divorced CM.. • )F. 30 Unknown . C M.. 32 32 32 2 2 22 32 i 1 • F.. 21 21 21 4 11 21 1 2 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 517 OF CAUSES, BY CONJUGAL CONDITION AND SEX, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY,. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. AGE periods—continued. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. 25 to 35 | • 85 to 45 45 to 55 55 to 65 65 and over. Un- known. United States. Eng land and Wales. Ire- land. Scot- land. France. Ger- many. Rus sia and Po- land. Can- ada. Scan- di- navia. Hun- gary ■ Bo- hemia. Italy. Other for- eign conn tries. Un- known. 9,426 8,709 8, 436 8,000 11,976 81 41,103 5,519 29, 428 1,501 436 23, 790 581 775 2, 276 56 60 1,686 1, 654 3, 602 I 2, 369 1.032 441 260 322 12 16,975 1,405 8,117 421 99 7, 893 260 277 946 99 20 753 573 1,159 }* 1,015 457 372 320 591 14 14, 802 1,169 6, 895 285 83 6,405 204 215 793 21 21 647 412 714 2, 277 3, 226 3,473 3,110 2, 901 8 3,412 1,171 4,739 » 313 114 4.124 67 94 257 9 7 148 310 554 3,275 2,982 2, 265 1,636 1,272 3 2,826 815 4, 710 227 54 2, 892 32 105 184 2 4 86 182 354 158 337 541 808 1,987 5 783 295 1,443 92 32 868 9 28 33 1 4 21 47 196 218 512 1,201 1,775 4, 787 4 2, 259 641 3,367 157 50 1,530 8 54 57 1 4 24 117 270 14 ? _ 5 5 91 129 117 64 28 27 18 80 4 4 52 2 5 7 12 299 23 34 26 27 58 7 19 5 77 2 26 1 i 1 56 } & 3,830 2. 572 1,563 955 631 11 2,903 629 4, 909 206 64 3,034 32 103 256 6 4 86 225 678 7 1, 104 371 120 37 25 1 758 134 1,193 48 7 687 3 31 65 1 1 20 52 237 479 156 73 46 4 636 81 951 21 10 377 3 16 44 14 27 110 S S 886 914 687 408 170 i 611 196 989 56 26 987 17 18 66 5 1 23 76 124 1,147 815 355 155 71 2 622 143 1,126 55 11 684 8 25 57 1 24 48 106 77 149 131 107 109 86 28 242 11 5 134 1 - 9 1 4 8 43 ) _ 110 148 187 185 196 i 182 46 381 12 4 151 5 14 1 14 32 £ 1G > 4 11 19 13 7 3 1 14 1 1 10 1 1 20 ) _ 8 6 2 3 13 2 4 6 I12 116 334 569 522 497 2 565 157 631 58 10 501 4 21 23 2 8 39 72 13 11 ' 7 8 10 14 19 8 23 2 12 1 1 1 3 > .. 19 26 46 39 99 70 6 63 4 1 11 3 1 1 6 514 19 63 136 142 109 i 98 37 122 n 4 161 1 2 5 o 10 17 59 199 259 153 73 212 55 212 22 4 187 10 ii 2 2 16 20 I15 6 19 28 58 21 10 46 9 i 25 2 1 3 6 33 100 149 217 143 41 164 17 103 1 5 5 i 7 19 Jk> 517 2 1 9 i 1 1 i 1 2 ) 1 2 2 1 518 414 645 908 1,105 1,914 6 4, 826 665 2, 791 155 53 2. 298 62 60 215 3 7 144 163 282 19 119 92 41 39 52 1 1,900 138 762 41 9 777 23 19 88 1 4 67 57 72 48 48 45 45 71 1 1,628 123 624 33 5 618 25 18 77 2 2 55 40 50 122 252 373 441 531 507 156 470 33 17 389 10 6 34 12 30 67 ) _ 117 193 247 241 204 271 96 366 18 5 230 2 8 7 6 13 27 |21 3 25 46 86 327 1 124 51 156 13 9 101 2 3 2 21 12 28 145 241 715 2 392 99 398 16 8 178 2 7 5 i 1 13 26 | 22 | 23 2 2 8 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 2 12 1 6 ' 5 6 1 1 11 2 1 1 7 524 499 721 912 1,097 1,527 6 1,864 446 1,965 121 26 1,375 17 58 77 2 5 38 98 213 25- 110 77 49 28 50 1 448 47 290 18 2 189 4 8 21 20 54 | 26 66 4r* 41 45 71 382 44 296 12 174 4 7 12 i 5 4 18 128 253 346 428 386 1 390 136 416 43 13 406 5 13 22 3 13 36 58 167 257 266 227 183 1 276 83 404 21 5 280 i 18 9 1 1 16 22 5"' 11 20 52 105 287 119 38 157 16 1 106 1 6 9 2 5 15 ) „„ 14 58 144 257 538 242 96 383 10 4 215 2 5 3 i 1 2 17 30 5 2* I 29 3 6 11 5 4 2 3 2 g 1 1 5 1 1 10 5 3 2 8 i 4 11 6 > 30 518 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 113.—DEATHS IN BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, FROM CERTAIN CAUSES AND CLASSES CERTAIN AGES, AND WHITE. AGE PERIODS. SEX AND CONJUGAL CONDITION. Aggre- gate. Total males. Total females. Native born. | Colored. Total. Both parents native. One or both parents foreign. Foreign born. All ages. Under 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 1 5,293 2, 665 2,628 5,193 1,351 1,704 2,032 100 5, 293 2, 040 116 161 Single C M.. 1,438 1, 142 • 1,438 1, 403 1,122 1,007 472 762 141 35 1.438 1,122 62 61 2 • } F .. 1,142 395 614 92 20 1,142 1,017 947 915 44 45 3 Married CM.. • } F .. 1,017 1,017 171 92 727 10 3 2 8 947 947 935 167 193 558 12 8 45 Widowed. CM.. •)F.. CM. 193 531 193 186 518 28 116 11 141 7 193 4 531 30 359 13 531 1 Divorced 5 ' 1 F ■ - {j Unknown CM.. 17 17 15 i 1 12 2 17 ■ 8 8 7 1 2 2 1 8 * 1 7 4, 889 2, 567 2,322 4, 815 1,021 986 2,069 74 4,889 454 99 182 8 CM.. 677 677 668 166 290 177 9 677 237 44 70 497 ' l F .. 491 136 21S 128 915 6 497 216 47 9 Married CM.. 1,481 1,136 384 1,481 1, 456 337 167 25 1,481 1,136 384 1 • \ F .. 1,136 1,122 376 196 242 658 274 484 14 8 58 10 Widowed CM.. 384 61 27 8 ' i F .. 672 672 660 123 42 12 672 1 11 Divorced C M.. i ' l F .. 12 Unknown CM.. 25 25 25 1 19 25 i - ) F .. 17 17 17 1 14 17 13 198 198 194 49 45 98 4 198 3 4 17 14 42 42 42 123 28 14 31 4 12 29 4 15 63 19 42 125 30 3 2 6 1 15 125 125 30 o o H 16 30 2 17 IB Unknown 1 1 1 1 238 1 19 365 306 59 362 57 49 3 365 12 27 :20 Single CM.. 70 70 70 18 35 70 8 13 - [f .. 11 11 ii o 6 3 11 i 3 3 1 -21 CM.. 184 184 181 21 14 141 3 184 1 4 [f .. 36 36 36 8 4 22 < 36 4 22 'Widowed CM.. 38 38 38 4 27 33 1 1 i - • 11 11 11 3 i 5 11 -23 CM.. - \ F .. 24 Unknown. CM.. 14 14 14 1 1 5 14 1 [f .. 1 1 i 1 1 1 25 68, 467 35, 953 32, 514 67, 465 21,908 31, 207 12, 781 1,002 68,467 48, 391 913 1,520 26 Single CM.. 28, 349 28, 349 27. 968 10, 026 8,748 1, 093 828 298 898 15, 803 13. 609 1,545 1,088 3, 754 2,549 1,142 2,548 381 28,349 24,259 5,686 4,380 1,583 3, 790 1 25. 745 22,600 15 452 641 IF.. 24, 259 5,686 4,380 24, 259 23,872 5,614 4, 312 1,566 3,719 387 406 335 Married CM.. 5,686 648 869 76 72 68 3 126 1 F .. 4,380 10 50 392 ■28 Widowed. CM.. 1,583 3, 790 1,583 17 5 3 [f .. 3, 790 198 71 9 1 11 CM.. } F .. 30 Unknown CM.. 335 335 330 10 3 | 106 5 385 5 9 )F.. 85 85 84 1 49 i 85 2 I 1 3 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 519 OF CAUSES, BY CONJUGAL CONDITION AND SEX, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY, PARENTAL NATIVITY, BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS—Continued. AGE periods— continued. BIRTHPLACES OF MOTHERS. *25 to 35 35 to 45 4d to 5o 55 to 65 65 and over. Un- known. United States. Eng- land and Ire- land. .Scot- land, France. Ger- many. Rus- sia and Po- Can- ada. Scan di- Hun gary. Bo- hemia. Italy. Other for- eign Un- known. Wales. land. tries. 438 558 678 626 671 5 1.736 281 1,522 80 17 1,189 35 45 85 i 3 66 76 157 1 82 39 32 19 21 643 42 311 13 1 285 15 13 26 23 26 40 44 27 19 17 31 530 45 241 11 2 205 10 11 29 9 19 11 26 5 2 82 197 274 259 190 2 190 80 315 19 321 6 9 16 i 11 10 28 ) o 212 247 226 128 81 197 60 367 20 5 234 3 10 8 12 1 24 13 h 8 11 30 57 86 1 36 74 4 42 i 1 1 i 9 15 33 91 142 259 138 38 210 13 4 97 4 3 21 8 14 ) 1 5 0 4 3 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 } 6 i 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 ::::::: 3 ! 623 776 900 844 1,004 7 1,219 328 1,858 78 24 945 20 30 62 3 28 80 214 7 135 82 40 30 39 201 34 239 8 114 3 6 12 4 11 45 } 8 67 33 28 23 37 183 16 182 6 2 68 2 1 9 8 7 13 142 281 370 340 338 9 385 124 442 28 8 353 8 19 1 10 37 59 254 316 235 175 90 232 68 41 525 18 6 207 3 9 16 4 9 39 5 9 19 06 106 184 2 71 139 9 87 1 2 4 1 1 23 S10 12 38 150 163 307 1 145 43 312 10 6 108 2 2 1 1 11 26 511 4 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 12 9 1 7 6 S12 2 6 4 1 3 1 1 10 1 1 3 4!) 43 40 26 16 57 65 9 41 1 2 4 5 3 6 13 8 7 9 4 3 15 3 l 3 1 1 3 14 40 33 20 13 6 35 4 38 36 1 1 2 4 2 2 15 1 3 10 9 7 7 5 11 l 2 9 1 1 16 17 1 1 18 70 67 66 77 36 65 25 53 8 1 162 2 4 6 i 1 1 10 26 19 28 11 6 2 2 19 1 12 1 26 1 1 2 3 4 | 20 3 1 2 ? 1 6 32 35 46 54 12 23 16 25 5 94 1 ' 3 3 i 1 5 7 } 21 i 11 11 4 3 3 8 9 2 13 1 1 2 i 2 4 7 10 14 8 5 3 1 18 1 1 1 22 3 2 2 4 3 i 2 3 2 } 23 :::::::: 4 2 6 i 2 1 1 10 } 24 1 1 i 3, 378 2,993 2, 800 2, 748 5,680 44 27, 868 2,976 15,634 793 241 14,245 408 452 1,548 43 35 1,310 960 1,954 25 790 353 145 95 119 9 12, 987 1,001 5, 287 291 79 5,803 211 198 731 20 15 623 401 702 | 26 281 115 110 93 310 9 11,356 849 4, 522 197 63 4,943 160 158 621 18 17 545 322 488 866 1,231 1, 241 653 1,038 1,165 1 1,208 426 1,960 118 41 1,413 19 36 92 3 1 75 100 194 27 1,268 50 911 541 555 973 306 1,663 626 71 18 1,021 14 27 71 2 37 65 112 103 190 309 922 1 318 107 38 14 355 3 10 1 10 19 75 28 55 169 374 627 2, 544 1,007 272 1,506 78 24 673 1 23 23 1 16 46 120 | 29 57 100 83 29 32 20 12 12 42 2 21 3 4 7 232 | 30 11 11 4 16 33 4 7 3 28 16 31 520 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 114.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY, WITH CAUSE OF DEATH. All occu pations. ! CLASS A. j Total. Ac- tors. Archi- tects, artists, etc. Clergy- men. Den- tists. Engi- lieers and sur- veyors. Jour nal- ists. Law- yers. Musi- cians and teachers of music. Physi- cians and surgeons. Profess- ors, authors, literary and scientific persons. Teach- ers. 1 NEW YORK 49, 343 2,058 143 234 156 52 73 116 361 377 331 94 121 j 2 White 48, 055 2,037 139 234 153 51 72 115 360 369 330 94 120 | 3 Native born 15, 282 1,026 | 87 89 78 36 38 65 269 81 207 51 25 4 Both parents native 5, 388 619 33 44 55 23 23 45 178 31 142 29 16 5 One or both parents foreign 8,711 339 42 40 19 11 10 14 71 46 59 18 9 6 Foreign born 32. 666 1,007 | 51 145 75 15 34 49 90 287 123 43 95 7 1, 288 21 4 3 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 Typhoid fever 809 37 1 5 1 4 1 2 10 3 5 3 2 9 420 21 3 2 2 1 6 1 5 1 10 30 2 i 1 11 306 9 i 1 1 3 1 2 12 8 13 4, 070 242 15 25 26 4 6 18 46 43 36 14 9 14 Consumption 13, 660 398 49 62 24 9 15 27 37 101 40 11 23 1*> 210 19 2 1 1 1 4 2 16 Diseases of the nervous system 4,055 248 11 26 24 1 7 9 51 41 54 7 17 17 Diseases of the respiratory system 7. 709 296 11 28 28 9 8 17 61 48 44 13 20 18 Diseases of the liver 1,105 44 4 6 1 1 1 3 10 10 7 1 1() 20 Other diseases of the digestive system 1,159 56 3 2 2 1 3 2 18 8 12 2 3 21 Bright's disease 2.661 121 8 14 6 2 8 H 28 18 16 6 4 22 Other diseases of the urinary system 3, 019 158 10 9 14 10 7 7 26 22 36 10 23 143 7 1 2 3 1 9«1 83 1 1 25 11 26 807 40 3 5 2 9 4 7 5 3 2 27 3, 531 74 3 12 4 5 13 14 8 8 2 28 423 19 1 1 9 1 3 4 2 1 4 29 207 11 3 l 1 4 2 30 105 8 2 2 1 1 2 31 80 2 1 1 32 116 6 i 1 9 i 1 33 14 34 BROOKLYN 18, 450 705 15 82 87 11 20 65 144 77 141 23 40 35 White 18,163 697 15 81 86 11 20 65 144 7* 140 92 39 36 Native born 6,728 393 12 29 46 10 13 33 107 23 90 12 18 37 Both parents native 3,039 287 5 17 35 6 9 24 81 11 i D 12 12 38 3, 082 81 7 8 9 3 3 5 22 11 10 5 39 r oreign born 11,398 303 3 52 40 1 7 32 37 51 49 10 21 40 287 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 41 375 3 1 1 9 2 5 1 42 346 13 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 43 29 44 140 5 1 1 1 1 r 45 Dropsy 30 46 Heart disease 1,591 84 1 0 10 1 2 6 19 12 23 2 2 47 Consumption 4, 760 116 6 17 8 1 3 6 34 10 16 5 10 48 68 9 9 2 2 2 I 49 Diseases of the nervous system 1,756 93 1 10 iT1 2 3 6 21 u 21 4 6 50 Diseases of the respiratory system 3,241 108 3 15 16 2 1 12 21 ii 22 2 3 51 541 31 3 4 7 3 4 3 9 52 15 1 1 3 53 Other diseases of the digestive system 531 23 2 1 2 5 3 l 1 54 847 40 2 6 2 i 1 6 13 4 55 724 29 1 4 i 5 ? 4 1 1 56 Diseases of the bones and joints 32 i 1 57 38 58 Injuries by machinery 8 59 Suicides 198 r^ 1 2 1 1 60 Other accidents and injuries 936 15 9 1 1 2 5 3 1 61 170 6 1 1 1 1 i 1 62 1 l 63 Cancer of the head, face, and neck 47 9 1 1 64 Cancer of the abdomen 20 65 Cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat 31 i i 1 66 Unknown causes 28 i i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 521 MALES ENGAGED IN CERTAIN SELECTED OCCUPATIONS AND CLASSES OF OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SPECIFICATION OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH. CLASS B. CLASS C. Total. Stenogra- phers and type- writers. Account ants, book- keepers, clerks, and copyists. Bankers, brokers, and officials of com- panies. Collect- ors, auc- tioneers, and agents. Whole- sale mer- chants and dealers. News- | paper 1 carriers ; and news- boys. Total. Apothe- caries, pharma- cists, and dealers in chemicals and drugs. Com- mercial travelers and salesmen. Dealers in dry goods (retail). Dealers in gro- ceries (retail). Dealers not specified (retail). Huck- sters and lied dlers. Wine and liquor dealers (retail). Wine and liq uor dealers (whole- sale). ■4,906 14 3,597 422 687 168 18 4, 797 147 596 46 340 2,715 720 210 23 1 4,893 14 3,585 422 686 168 18 ! 4, 783 147 593 45 340 2, 705 720 210 23 2 2. 987 8 2, 259 295 341 73 11 i 1.638 i 54 297 12 57 1,008 169 37 4 3 1.310 5 846 205 208 43 3 ! 792 27 149 5 16 555 34 6 4 1,503 2 1,301 71 101 22 6 740 25 131 6 37 398 110 29 4 5 1,896 6 1,323 126 339 95 7 3.135 93 294 33 283 1,693 547 173 19 & 13 12 1 14 3 1 10 7 94 81 4 9 95 9 19 13 49 12 8 58 47 4 4 3 1 5 34 3 2 9 K> 36 30 2 3 1 42 i 4 4 25 1 1 11 1 1 12 476 313 61 78 23 i 498 14 55 3 28 329 52 16 1 13 1.475 5 1.268 55 118 24 5 1,028 31 160 17 69 486 204 56 5 14 29 15 6 1 59 2 6 5 39 3 4 15 404 1 247 58 70 26 2 524 16 55 4 34 330 66 17 2 16 721 3 520 58 110 28 2 719- 22 83 7 49 405 118 33 2 17 109 54 17 32 6 137 4 19 11 71 10 18 4 lg 19 123 83 9 24 9 137 3 20 i 4 28 5 3 20 260 166 32 52 9 i 265 4 34 4 20 152 31 19 1 21 271 9 187 36 37 9 346 16 27 23 9)9 14 3 22 12 7 3 1 i 2 1 11 1 93 2 9 5 1 2 1 > 91 115 2 76 15 21 i 105 9 26 6 46 14 4 26 215 1 160 17 28 7 2 195 5 28 1 17 104 34 5 1 27 21 10 4 2 50 1 9 2 2 31 12 1 *>K 23 19 2 2 19 1 4 11 3 29 7 3 1 1 2 10 1 i 6 9 SO 5 1 16 5 10 1 SI 17 n 4 1 ] 22 1 2 15 3 1 39 1 1 1 i ss 1. 878 4 1,433 147 251 33 10 2.020 91 326 12 163 1,167 128 118 15 34 1, 875 4 1,430 147 251 33 10 2,014 90 325 12 163 1,164 127 118 15 35 1,292 2 993 104 162 23 8 916 38 217 8 37 541 45 28 2 3b 727 1 518 77 116 15 527 22 102 5 13 375 5 5 S7 502 1 424 24 39 8 6 337 13 101 3 22 147 26- 23 2 38 582 2 436 43 89 10 2 1.097 52 108 4 126 622 82 90 13 3b 3 3 i 6 1 1 3 1 40 ' 65 54 5 1 38 10 2 24 1 1 41 33 2 5 1 44 5 7 1 23 1 42 1 ] 43 °6 17 . 1 8 17 2 2 11 1 1 44 4 1 1 45 1 100 13 27 7 219 6 36 20 126 15 13 3 46 604 2 532 21 40 6 3 404 21 100 34 180 40 26 3 47 9 6 1 2 20 2 2 2 14 -18 184 123 23 33 1 4 241 9 24 1 20 164 8 14 1 49 212 24 33 7 1 326 12 44 4 26 204 20 15 1 5b 41 30 4 6 1 6 2 6 43 5 4 2 51 ;... 2 1 1 52 39 7 1 67 2 17 3 6 32 3 4 51 10 16 1 110 6 16 1 57 5 17 1 5f 44 1 8 18 2 i 100 11 68 3 5 1 55 3 2 2 5 56 i 1 2 1 1 57 58 14 4 7 1 30 2 4 3 19 2 59 47 30 8 9 52 1 8 4 32 4 2 1 60 1 a 2 1 23 1 3 1 15 2 1 61 4 1 12 1 3 1 7 62 3 1 1 1 63 2 4 1 3 64 3 2 1 4 1 2 1 65 5 1 1 5 1 1 3 66i | 522 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 114.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY, WITH CAUSE OF DEATH. CLASS D. CLASS E. Total. i Hotel j and boarding! house | keepers. 1 Saloon Keepers, bil- liard and bowling saloon keep- ers, bar- tenders, and restaurant keepers. Total. Barbers and hair- dressers. Janitors and sextons. Launder era. Nurses. Police men. watch- men, and de- tectives. Soldiers, sailors, and marines (United States). Under takers. 1 NEW YORK 1.470 164 1,306 1.839 417 299 194 58 739 81 51 2 White 1,460 161 1, 299 1,604 393 255 31 58 736 80 51 3 Native horn 456 54 402 508 79 76 12 13 274 30 24 4 Both parents native 100 31 69 184 15 36 5 8 90 22 8 5 One or both parents foreign 331 20 311 288 60 32 6 4 166 5 15 6 Foreign born 1,003 107 896 1,093 313 179 19 45 461 49 27 7 10 3 235 24 44 163 3 1 8 15 1 14 25 5 3 2 12 3 9 10 1 9 25 4 6 9 1 10 11 8 2 6 15 4 4 i 5 1 12 13 Heart disease 105 17 88 196 43 38 8 81 14 5 14 Consumption 419 32 387 499 141 62 123 u 141 9 12 15 10 3 7 12 1 1 9 1 16 Diseases of the nervous system 112 19 93 131 35 16 3 6 55 11 5 17 Diseases of the respiratory system 234 24 210 275 53 60 20 14 116 6 6 18 83 11 72 38 11 5 1 17 3 1 19 Ascites 20 25 3 22 50 5 11 5 25 1 3 21 87 12 75 104 24 14 7 48 9 2 22 Other diseases of the urinary system 87 15 72 122 17 22 2 8 63 5 5 23 2 2 8 4 1 3 24 1 i 5 2 1 1 1 25 Injuries by machinery 26 32 6 26 40 15 6 4 27 Other accidents and injuries 79 5 74 113 10 19 3 3 70 6 2 28 13 1 12 14 1 9 2 - 1 1 29 Cancer of the liver 10 1 9 6 9 2 1 1 30 Cancer of the head, face, and neck 1 1 i 1 1 2 31 4 1 1 2 32 Cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat 4 1 3 2 2 33 Unknown causes 2 1 1 34 BROOKLYN „ 409 64 345 528 145 55 16 7 260 28 17 35 White 407 64 343 499 135 49 5 7 258 28 17 36 Native born 131 19 112 179 48 13 12 10 37 Both parents native 27 11 16 82 7 10 51 8 6 38 One or botli parents foreign 89 7 82 79 35 3 35 2 4 39 Foreign born 276 45 231 319 87 36 4 7 162 16 40 Colored 2 2 29 10 6 2 41 Typhoid fever 6 i 5 9 6 1 9 42 kfalarial fever 8 i 2 1 43 Lead poison * 44 Rheumatism 1 1 2 i' 45 Dropsy 1 i 46 Heart disease 25 3 22 55 10 6 2 2 30 2 3 47 Consumption 118 16 102 124 52 11 6 1 44 7 3 48 Diabetes 1 1 49 Diseases of the nervous system 28 21 48 9 4 25 6 4 50 Diseases of the respiratory system 76 12 64 87 17 8 53 3 51 Diseases of the liver 22 3 19 25 8 3 1 ii i i 52 Ascites 1 1 53 Other diseases of the digestive system 9 2 7 11 2 2 6 1 54 27 20 31 55 Other diseases of the urinary system 10 1 9 19 5 2 1 10 9 i i 56 Diseases of the bones and joints 4 1 3 57 Burns 1 1 3 2 58 Injuries by machinery 59 Suicides 7 7 12 7 60 Other accidents and injuries 15 1 14 30 6 i 61 Cancer of the stomach 5 2 3 3 1 2 62 Cancer of the liver 1 1 2 x 63 Cancer of the head, face, and neck :... 2 2 3 1 2 64 | Cancer of the abdomen 1 1 65 j Cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat ] 1 66 Unknown causes 1 1 1 i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 523 MALES ENGAGED IN CERTAIN SELECTED OCCUPATIONS AND CLASSES OF OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SPECIFICATION OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH—Continued. CLASS F. CLASS G. 1 Total. Laborers (not spe- cified). Messen- ger boys. Serv- ants. || Total. Artificial tiower and paper box makers. Bakers and confec- tioners. Black- smiths. Bleach- ers, dyers, aiid scourers. Book- binders. Boot and shoe makers. Brass founders and copper- smiths. Brewers, distillers, and rectifiers. Brick and tile makers and terra cotta workers. Butch- ers. Cabinet makers and up- holster- ers. 12,126 9, 978 81 2,067 17.333 128 779 635 60 158 1,160 184 219 11 766 722 i 11,327 ' 9, 593 78 1,656 17,239 127 778 634 60 158 1,157 184 219 11 766 721 2 2,165 1, 666 57 442 4,501 49 116 119 12 72 111 77 18 3 200 144 3 507 336 20 151 1,235 j 10 20 27 2 15 38 9 1 51 31 4 1,417 1,145 35 237 2, 906 36 83 84 9 51 58 62 15 3 132 102 5 9, 133 7, 899 21 1,213 12, 707 78 662 513 48 86 1,042 108 201 8 566 577 6 799 385 3 411 94 1 1 1 3 1 7 206 164 2 40 264 2 30 6 1 2 9 4 7 20 9 8 86 76 10 121 \ 6 6 1 2 6 1 2 3 9 2 2 26 1 10 62 47 1 14 112 i 4 1 2 9 3 5 10 11 5 3 2 1 I9 794 631 9 154 1,376 15 74 39 - 8 99 15 18 3 54 58 13 3,346 2, 634 25 687 5,215 47 208 181 23 68 • 298 72 57 2 194 216 14 21 11 10 50 1 3 9 3 4 1 15 861 685 6 170 1,427 54 44 4 10 117 15 14 i 69 62 16 2, 241 1,924 14 303 2. 523 16 101 107 6 27 191 27 36 3 100 111 17 213 157 2 54 387 7 22 17 2 1 22 2 7 21 18 18 19 260 221 39 406 i 30 18 1 5 25 3 8 19 27 20 621 520 3 98 989 8 44 46 4 6 80 6 8 51 33 21 742 610 1 131 999 7 48 33 4 8 76 1.2 11 1 44 46 22 38 32 6 44 1 1 ] 23 21 17 4 36 1 1 1 1 2 24 3 2 1 8 1 116 79 1 36 311 i 15 4 4 21 3 9 15 15 26 1,141 1,018 14 109 1.099 5 39 49 1 3 38 9 ii 1 48 29 27 73 60 13 198 1 8 7 1 1 21 1 4 8 9 28 26 18 8 94 4 o 4 1 2 9 5 29 29 28 1 33 1 3 i 3 1 2 30 10 8 2 37 1 3 l 2 2 3 3 31 17 17 41 1 3 5 1 1 1 32 2 2 5 1 33 3,961 3, 638 19 304 7,240 30 272 265 16 100 447 67 73 4 234 203 34 3, 793 3, 533 19 241 7,201 30 271 261 16 100 446 67 73 4 233 202 35 721 634 13 74 2,430 15 45 55 1 59 86 32 5 2 70 49 36 135 110 3 22 942 4 u 19 22 32 10 1 20 16 "7 442 404 8 30 1.268 10 27 30 1 33 37 19 4 1 43 27 38 3,062 2,889 6 167 4,756 15 226 206 15 41 358 34 68 2 163 152 39 168 105 63 39 1 4 1 1 1 40 80 69 1 10 110 1 4 2 2 ” 1 9 5 41 63 59 1 3 119 1 2 6 5 1 6 4 42 7 13 1 43 24 20 4 49 1 1 9 1 2 2 44 7 7 13 1 i 45 281 245 2 34 636 22 27 i 7 47 5 8 1 15 18 46 987 893 5 89 2, 010 12 68 63 2 30 107 22 21 2 55 62 47 4 3 1 23 1 2 1 1 2 1 48 304 286 1 17 701 4 29 31 2 8 45 6 6 30 12 49 824 783 1 40 1,240 6 43 47 2 20 87 12 14 1 30 43 50 85 78 7 218 2 13 7 3 21 2 13 5 51 4 4 6 52 108 93 1 14 216 7 6 9 l 11 2 4 7 8 53 173 154 1 18 330 2 12 12 l 5 22 4 5 7 6 54 142 127 2 13 279 8 10 l 3 14 4 4 7 7 55 3 3 11 1 1 1 56 17 15 2 13 1 2 1 3 57 3 3 5 58 19 19 90 1 8 2 2 5 3 3 59 314 301 13 303 15 16 1 3 9 2 3 12 4 60 31 25 6 81 4 1 3 4 4 61 12 10 2 31 1 l 1 i 4 i 62 15 15 14 1 1 63 4 4 7 1 2 1 64 4 3 1 14 1 1 i 65 4 4 9 1 2 66 524 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 114.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING '[’HE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY, WITH CAUSE OF DEATH. CLASS i—continued. Car- pen ters and joiners. Cigar makers and tobacco work- ers. Clock and watch repairers, jewelers, and opticians. Com- posi- tors, print- ers, and press- men. Coop ers. Cotton mill opera- tives. Electro - typers and stereo- typers. Engi- neers and firemen (not loco- motive). Flax mill opera- tives. Gas works em- ployes. Glass- blow- ers. Glass- work- ers. Gun- smiths, lock- smiths, and bell hang- ers. 1 1 NEW YORK 2,016 1,097 300 772 244 14 557 10 8 50 98 2 White 2, 008 1.067 300 772 244 14 551 10 8 50 98 3 547 191 105 440 41 12 210 4 4 19 9 4 245 30 33 109 5 101 2 1 2 2 5 255 144 66 285 29 6 88 1 3 17 7 ' 1, 457 874 195 331 203 2 340 5 4 31 89 7 8 30 6 8 39 14 6 14 2 g 1 1 9 53 13 36 1 36 1 1 1 6 23 3 4 1 3 1 24 1 9 25 2 1 26 35 36 8 9 1 6 2 3 27 180 42 9 41 14 1 60 1 1 6 28 24 16 2 5 6 6 1 29 13 5 5 2 1 2 1 30 4 2 2 31 4 2 2 3 32 5 2 1 2 1 33 1 1 34 BROOKLYN 908 253 166 348 208 2 10 310 2 79 34 29 35 White 904 249 166 348 207 2 10 309 2 79 34 29 30 340 67 • 75 208 69 1 7 1 38 12 G 37 2i7 12 33 77 23 2 70 1 9 38 106 47 40 118 37 1 4 52 26 10 3 39 563 181 91 139 138 1 3 176 1 40 22 23 | 40 4 4 1 1 41 12 3 7 rj 1 6 i 2 42 18 3 2 4 1 10 43 1 2 44 4 2 2 1 2 4 45 1 1 1 46 79 *2*2 22 30 15 1 29 3 1 ! 2 i 47 190 92 58 129 53 4 59 39 16 8 48 1 2 1 1 49 117 14 15 30 23 1 34 1 6 2 50 148 31 14 55 42 1 49 1 8 c 51 18 9 4 9 7 9 1 52 1 1 53 Other diseases of the digestive system 24 10 3 9 5 5 1 54 43 10 16 9 16 2 1 j 55 42 10 14 6 1 13 5 1 1 : 56 Diseases of the bones and joints 1 1 1 57 1 5 i i 58 Injuries by machinery 1 1 59 10 6 3 3 6 3 ] 60 Other accidents and injuries 60 6 5 10 30 4 61 13 4 1 2 2 1 i 62 4 2 1 1 63 Cancer of the head, face, and neck 3 1 3 64 2 65 Cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat i i 66 Unknown causes 2 1 i i NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 525 MALES ENGAGED IN CERTAIN SELECTED OCCUPATIONS AND CLASSES OF OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SPECIFICATION OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH—Continued. class g—continued. Harness and saddle makers and repair- ers, and trunk, val- | ise, and leather case j makers. Hat and cap makers. Iron and steel workers. Lead and zinc workers. Leather cur- riers, dress- ers, fin- ishers, and tanners. Machin- ists. Marble and stone cutters. Masons (brick and stone). Meat packers, curers, and picklers, canners, and fruit preserv- ers. Mill and factory opera- tives (textiles not speci- fied). Millers (flour and grist). Painters, glaziers, and var- nisbers. Paper hang- ers. Paper- mill opera tives. Pho- togra- phers. Plaster- ers and white- wash- ers. Plumbers and gas and steam fitters. 167 175 492 3 65 540 537 738 12 136 41 1,325 42 24 52 274 509 1 165 175 492 3 65 540 537 736 11 136 41 1,318 42 24 52 247 509 2 42 65 172 11 198 95 168 6 29 15 504 23 12 28 69 274 3 7 20 36 4 63 9 41 3 8 6 151 10 3 12 15 39 4 30 36 126 5 126 80 118 2 21 8 316 11 9 15 45 228 5 123 109 318 3 54 341 442 565 5 107 26 812 19 12 24 178 232 6 2 2 1 7 27 7 3 9 6 2 10 3 9 4 1 8 1 3 2 4 7 4 3 1 2 y 10 i' 2' 4 3 3 6 11 2 11 1 12 12 16 47 1 9 51 33 39 8 5 99 4 2 2 16 28 13 49 58 154 16 194 214 185 5 34 16 411 16 10 18 89 167 14 l 1 2 1 13 13 38 43 34 49 10 2 3 1 3 17 16 24 24 66 1 7 67 96 137 2 16 3 165 6 4 6 46 82 17 6 2 16 9 11 18 4 1 28 3 1 7 8 18 19 "‘7 3 11 2 16 6 1 2 2 21 1 1 3 20 6 14 35 1 4 20 27 38 10 3 92 2 1 4 13 27 21 12 10 24 3 26 43 1 12 2 86 2 4 20 22 1 1 2 5 23 1 2 2 24 1 1 1 1 4 1 O 2 13 5 14 5 22 3 2 26 7 2 32 1 36 28 93 1 10 3 123 1 2 3 22 48 27 6 4 9 1 4 4 7 3 - ‘>8 1 1 1 6 1 7 1 ‘>0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 30 1 1 2 I 1 2 31 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 32 1 33 48 115 188 4 59 427 170 348 2 47 21 500 7 2 23 ■ 175 34 48 115 187 4 59 427 169 344 2 47 21 496 7 2 23 82 175 35 16 58 63 15 184 47 87 1 22 4 218 4 1 14 24 100 36 8 19 17 2 84 9 33 10 3 88 7 6 23 37 6 32 40 13 90 34 45 1 10 1 105 1 r 6 15 66 38 31 57 123 4 43 243 122 256 1 25 17 278 3 1 9 57 74 39 1 1 4 4 5 40 3 1 2 5 6 6 2 1 3 I 2 3 8 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 7 1 2 1 2 4 5 14 2 28 12 31 5 60 0 11 10 46 16 45 56 1 19 119 72 63 1 17 5 151 3 1 4 25 55 47 1 3 1 1 3 10 9 4 45 11 40 3 1 40 2 5 15 6 18 43 13 93 26 74 4 6 76 1 1 12 34 50 1 2 6 1 13 7 8 1 G 1 1 5 51 2 4 10 1 9 4 16 2 12 1 5 5 5 6 6 1 3 23 8 18 2 18 1 2 8 51 3 4 7 2 12 1 9 3 14 1 1 5 12 55 1 2 56 57 2 1 58 O 2 5 3 - 1 2 50 2 2 11 10 9 28 26 1 5 7 60 1 3 3 1 11 O 1 4 1 61 1 1 2 1 6 9 1 1 1 1 63 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 65 1 66 l. 526 VITAL STATISTICS. Table 114.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG COLOR, NATIVITY, AND PARENTAL NATIVITY, WITH class o—continued. CLASS H. CAUSE OF DEATH. Potters. Rubber factory opera- tives. Silk mill opera- tives. Tailors. Tinners and tinware makers. Wheel- wrights. Woolen mill operatives. Total. Boatmen and canalmen. Draymen, haekmen, teamsters, drivers, etc. 1 NEW YORK 9 47 1,794 245 104 7 4,814 132 2,421 9 7 47 1,790 245 104 7 4, 712 130 2, 381 3 4 3 2 7 154 98 22 1 2,001 641 72 1,141 i 36 21 ii 37 3 l 6 103 71 9 1 1,187 2, 692 102 28 821 6 40 1,634 4 146 82 6 1,238 2 40 1 19 3 1 73 1 36 6 1 1 54 1 12 10 11 12 9 1 22 1 10 1 13 14 15 16 l 3 168 10 8 1 383 14 187 4 9 18 429 91 26 2 1,280 10 26 707 11 5 3 208 19 r 348 10 162 1 i 269 37 16 i 700 13 379 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 46 4 1 94 2 6 48 63 9 i 100 3 46 i 9 99 18 12 214 9 109 9 116 11 6 294 17 15 152. 6 11 :::::::::::: 12 1 4 28 C 3 48 1 19 2 9 20 3 10 1 615 4 294 3 35 38 3 15 16 9 6 12 1 3 9 1 2 1 4 «- 7 j 1 3 r BROOKLYN 16 4 9 782 124 20 3 1.709 32 687 35 16 4 9 777 123 26 3 1,677 32 678 36 37 38 39 5 2 127 58 666 17 309 3 I 28 17 2 312 9 106 9 89 33 2 281 165 li 2 9 650 05 21 3 1,003 15 366 40 i 32 9 41 42 43 44 45 6 9 1 47 1 17 16 I 1 51 1 20 1 16 4 0 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 3 1 74 8 r 9 343 9 1 l 206 46 4 397 9 181 9 4 2 71 13 157 1 54 3 1 140 21 1 303 13 135 1 28 44 24 1 1 38 9 1 43 15 21 31 - 38 4 *» 79 31 1 3 1 1 11 9 9 4 13 9 160 5 13 1 1 13 4 1 1 1 0 3 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 527 MALES ENGAGED IN CERTAIN SELECTED OCCUPATIONS AND CLASSES OF OCCUPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF SPECIFICATION OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH—Continued. CLASS H—continued. 1 2 3- 4 5 6 Farmers, planters, ami over- seers. Farm laborers. Fisher- men and oyster- men. Gardeners, florists, nursery- men, and vine growers. Livery stable keepers and hostlers. Lumber- men and raftsmen. Miners (coal). Miners (not speci- fied). Pilots. Quar- rymen. Sailors. Steam railroad employes (includes conductors, brakemen, engineers, and fire- men). Stock- raisers, herders, and drovers. Telegraph and telephone operators. Telegraph and telephone linemen and electric light men. 275 13 122 220 408 10 1 32 16 7 525 516 19 85 12 274 12 121 217 387 10 1 29 15 7 501 511 19 85 12 77 54 15 197 1 3 1 2 9 1 74 24 40 47 1 31 8 20 186 3 88 37 38 299 21 6 3 2 4 1 1 13 7 4 16 3 11 2 6 4 1 i i 6 155 81 45 336 24 258 109 129 250 5 9 3 4 10 55 21 29 29 6 3 6 4 3 2 8 1 12 5 1 8; 5 1 2 3 2 23 5 9 10 4 2 1 1 1 o 11 1 1? 15 1 13 18 28 1 3 1 45 48 3 5 1 13 57 0 38 57 108 3 4 2 1 96 132 4 36 3 14 1 2 o 1 5* 26 2 11 22 19 l 4 2 39 43 1 G 10 49 12 33 58 1 1 4 71 50 17 17 7 9 3 8 1 9 9 1 L8- 1 1 19 4 3 4 13 13 12 2 *>() 10 i 12 15 23 1 20 19 2 91 20 9 14 22 1 33 24 1 3 22 2 1 2 i 1 3 23 9 94 25 4 1 6 ..... 3 26- 24 6 8 55 1 c 2 4 81 100 2 7 27 4 4 i 9 4' 2 28’ i 1 1 2 3 2 1 i 29 3 1 1 1 2 30» 1 1 1 31 1 1 2 2 32 1 1 33 179 5 8 CO 92 3 4 57 2 396 111 4 30 9 34 177 4 8 89 84 3 4 57 2 385 111 4 30 9 35- 46 0 30 1 1 34 114 9 23 O 36 38 C 15 1 26 72 26 i 6 37 6 9 8 1 6 26 33 1 17 9 38 131 4 2 74 54 2 3 23 2 267 45 2 7 6 39- 2 1 1 8 11 40 3 1 1 4 1 16 1 2 41 2 4 1 1 1 18 9 1 42 l 43 1 4 1 2 2 1 44 1 45- 24 1 2 8 0 5 1 33 3 2 46' 23 i 21 26 1 8 70 34 9 19 2 47 48 13 10 10 1 16 40 10 1 1 49 34 1 9 17 13 V 9 63 12 l 1 1 50' 4 1 l 1 2 10 1 51 52 4 2 A 9 13 2 1 53- 6 l 3 4 17 4 1 54 0 4 3 9 1 17 6 l 1 55- 2 56' 57 58'. i .. 2 59 12 3 9 1 24 1 2 60- 9 9 1 4 61 I 1 02 r | l 2 1 63 64 1 9 1 1 - i 1 528 VITAL STATISTICS. Tablk 115.—DEATHS IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN DURING THE 6 YEARS ENDING MAY 31, 1890, OCCURRING AMONG NATIVITY, WITH SPECIFICATION CAUSE OF DEATH. Total. Musicians and teachers of music. Teachers in schools. Stenogra- phers and type- writers. Account- ants, book- keepers, clerks, and copyists. Hotel and boarding house keepers. Laun- dresses. Nurses and mid wives. Servants. 1 NEW YORK 15, 164 45 136 11 105 28 573 230 11,512 2 White 14, 428 43 136 11 103 97 468 220 10,920 3 Native horn 3, 883 29 95 10 70 10 101 53 2,426 4 Both parents native 1. (154 14 36 3 23 5 29 664 5 One or both parents foreign 2. 505 14 57 7 40 5 51 20 1,552 0 Foreign horn 10, 513 14 41 1 33 17 364 166 8,477 7 730 2 9 1 105 10 592 g 957 9 2 9 2 6 177 9 8 1 1 9 114 10 ] 11 107 5 1 90 12 6 13 Heart disease 1,372 1 9 1 12 3 72 23 1.036 14 Consumption 4.181 10 37 6 32 4 167 38 2, 995 15 31 IS 10 Diseases of the nervous system 1, 143 5 10 1 4 2 52 20 880 17 Diseases of the respiratory system 1,993 2 20 1 8 8 60 29 1,559 18 288 1 1 2 5 4 239 1<) 20 542 4 9 2 2 20 9 419 21 762 4 5 9 24 11 617 99 938 1 3 2 37 16 23 32 24 24 94 6 1 8J 25 9(j 91 1 2 1 1 97 389 4 4 1 16 4 287 98 149 1 1 1 1 8 4 107 29 415 1 2 1 6 2 358 30 113 1 1 4 4 90 31 299 2 5 2 13 8 99;* ‘19 135 1 1 1 4 3 99 S3 73 5 1 61 34 16 1 1 9 31 1 1 9 1 21 30 7 I 6 37 13 10 38 BROOKLYN 5,003 10 92 6 30 4 86 67 4,161 39 "White 4, 860 10 90 6 30 4 61 62 4,063 40 Native horn 1,418 4 72 5 24 3 13 21 1,012 41 Both parents native 530 3 39 3 9 2 4 15 379 42 One or both parents foreign 702 1 28 9 14 1 2 3 488 43 Foreign born 3,423 e 18 i 6 1 47 40 3, 035 44 143 9 25 98 15 95 rj 5 65 10 127 3 2 1 99 47 1 1 34 1 30 49 22 1 2 18 50 410 3 1 9 3 349 51 Consumption 1,249 3 31 3 10 1 23 13 976 5° 6 4 53 Diseases of the nervous system 423 3 5 1 6 11 7 362 51 717 2 12 4 1 10 n 603 55 138 9 1 4 3 199 50 3 3 57 218 1 3 6 181 58 241 1 9 2 3 217 59 188 2 1 1 9 166 00 13 1 8 01 15 14 02 1 63 11 9 04 43 1 1 35 05 45 9 37 00 157 1 1 151 07 51 ] 2 1 2 42 08 79 I 1 9 68 69 44 9 i 1 39 70 29 71 5 1 4 72 12 1 11 73 4 3 74 8 1 1 1 NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. 529 FEMALES ENGAGED IN THE SPECIFIED OCCFPATIONS, WITH DISTINCTION OF COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAL OF CERTAIN CAUSES OF DEATH. Artificial flower ami l>aper box makers. Cigar makers anil tobacco workers. Cotton mill operatives. Flax mill operatives. Mill and factory oper- atives (tex- tiles not specified). Milliners. Dress- makers. Seam- stresses. Sewing machine operators Silk mill operatives. Woolen mill operatives. Telegraph and tele phone operatives. 80 181 4 58 — 088 453 80 181 4 58 70 678 417 5 21 1 57 2 54 55 1 31 45 302 184 5 14 1 35 3 3 4 2 0 42 51 48 1 27 38 211 123 r ...... 5 20 124 3 27 31 374 260 10 1 22 0 1 10 o 7 4 3 1 5 4 11 4 8 2 1 2 1 9 2 9 10 1 1 1 11 1 12 6 10 i 3 48 4 13 32 90 2 24 31 262 178 1 i; i 30 14 1 5 li) 6 3 •2 39 34 2 10 13 19 1 9 I 80 38 3 4 17 1 1 9 0 1 f 18 19 7 3 1 4 k,7 1 20 3 4 17 x 1 21 1 4 l) t; 30 33 \ 3 22 1 i o 3 l ' 23 1 1 i 24 2 4) 2 1 . 26 1 3 l 3 18 13 1 3 11 4 1 28 2 6 6 7 29 1 1 1 4 1 30 2 3 2 10 6 4 31 1 i 15 4 32 i 2 1 33 2 ] i 34 2 35 30 1 37 10 2 20 9 147 121 2 1 3 38 10 2 20 9 142 117 1 3 39 8 2 14 - 74 56 9 1 40 1 1 28 11 1 ] 41 7 2 n 43 32 1 42 9 c 4 01 1 43 5 4 44 8 4 3 1 4 40 47 1 2 48 . 49 i 1 12 9 50 0 i 9 3 42 59 2 1 51 1 3 53 3 i 3 i 20 12 54 9 1 1 56 1 | r 1 3 58 3 0 3 1 59 2 1 60 1 61 | 62 1 63 2 64 0 3 65 1 ] 2 67 2 1 I 68 69 3 70 71 72 73 74 1