m &V Ja^f &p*£ *.s?SJ%fcj£ *H* »M,V .•°\ 4* ^3oci eXi e<>. rjlu-^u-ms Charter, Constitution, By~Laws> LIST OF MEMBERS. pfafp JKirposropiral poripfg OF ILLINOIS. i 870. CHICAGO: CHURCH, GOODMAN & DONNELLEY, PRINTERS. 1870. 4- * 1> ijzJJ^^ OTijarter. AN ACT INCORPORATING &\)t State Jfttcrogcrjpical 2>ocietg of JHltnots. Whereas, it is eminently conducive to the public good of a State to foster and encourage such institutions in its midst as have for their object the dissemination, advancement, and pro- motion of sound and useful knowledge; and Whereas, The cultivation of a public taste for scientific inquiry, research and pursuits is especially to be commended as invaluable in its material and moral results to the State; and Whereas, The persons hereinafter mentioned are associated for the purpose of affording assistance and encouragement to Microscopical investigations, by promoting that ready inter- course between those engaged in such pursuits, that not only are great advantages mutually gained, and an increasing interest in Microscopical pursuits largely maintained, but also informa- tion of the most valuable kind disseminated and perpetuated; therefore, Section i. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in General Assembly, That Hosmer A. Johnson, M.D., Nathan S. Davis, M.D., John H. Hollister, M.D., Wil- liam C Hunt, M.D., James V. Z. Blaney, M.D., Joseph W. Freer, M.D., H. Webster Jones, M.D., Thomas C. Duncan, M.D., Walter W. Allport, D.D.S., Ezekiel H. Sargent, chemist; 4 and Messrs. George M. Higginson, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, William E. Doggett, George F. Rumsey, Joseph T. Ryerson, Daniel Thompson, Henry H. Shufeldt, George A. Shufeldt, Jr., Samuel A. Briggs, Henry F. Munroe, John Carbutt, John Rob- son, and James Hankey, all of the city of Chicago, so associated for the purposes aforesaid, be and are hereby formed into and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The State Microscopical Society of Illinois ; " and that they and their successors, and such others as shall be legally elected by them as their associates, shall be and continue a body politic and cor- porate by that name forever. Sec. 2. The said Society shall have power to elect a Presi- dent, and all such officers as from time to time may be deemed necessary for the more efficient conduct of its affairs and pur- poses. Sec. 3. The said Society shall have a common seal, and the same may break, change and renew at pleasure; and, as a body politic and corporate, may sue and be sued, and prosecute and defend suits, both in law and equity, to final judgment and execution. Sec. 4. The said Society shall have power to make all orders and by-laws for governing its members and property, not repugnant to the laws of this State, and may expel, disfranchise or suspend any member who, by his conduct, shall be rendered unworthy, or who shall neglect or refuse to observe the rules and by-laws of the Society. Sec. 5. The said Society may, from time to time, establish such rules for electing officers and members, and also times and places for holding meetings; and it is hereby empowered to take or hold real or personal estate, by gift, grant, devise, or purchase, or otherwise, and the same or any part thereof to alien and convey; Provided, That the corporation hereby created shall not, at any one time, hold real estate the value of which shall exceed $100,000. 5 Section 6. The said Society shall have power to elect Corre- sponding and Honorary members thereof, in the various parts of the State, and of the several United States, and also in foreign countries, at their discretion; and Hosmer A. Johnson, or any other person named in this act, is hereby authorized and empowered to notify and call together the first meeting of said Society, with power to adjourn from time to time, as may be found necessary. Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. (Signed) F. CORWIN, Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Signed) J. DOUGHERTY, Speaker of the Senate. Approved March 31, 1869. (Signed) JOHN M. PALMER. Office of Secretary. United States of America, > State of Illinois. > I, Edward Rummel, Secretary of State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an act to incorporate the State Microscopical Society of Illinois — approved March 31, 1869—now on file in this office. In Witness Whereof, I hereto set my hand [seal.] and affix the Great Seal of State; at the City of Springfield, this 8th day of April, A.D. 1869. (Signed) EDWARD RUMMEL, Secretary of State. OFFICERS. SESSION 1869-70. President: DR. W. W. ALLPORT. Vice Presidents : HOSMER A. JOHNSON, M.D. GEORGE F. RUMSEY, Esq. JAMES V. Z. BLANEY, M.D. JOHN F. BEATY, Esq; Treasurer: GEORGE M. HIGGINSON, Esq^ Secretary : JAMES HANKEY, Esq. Secretary for Foreign Correspondence : SAMUEL A. BRIGGS, Esq. 7 Council: S. A. Briggs, Esq^ J- H. Hollister, M.D. Joseph T. Ryerson, Esq. John F. Beaty, Esq. N. S. Davis, M.D. Walter Hay, M.D. James Hankey, Esq. R. Ludlam, M.D. W. C. Hunt, M.D. Samuel J. Jones, M.D. W. E. Doggett, Esq. G. M. Higginson. Curator: H. F. MUNROE, Esq.* Librarian: JOHN ROBSON, Esq {By Appointment.') Photo-Mierographer to the Society: JOHN CARBUTT, Esq * Resigned. OFFICERS ELECTED AT ANNUAL MEETING, APRIL 22, 1870. President: HENRY W. FULLER, Esq Vice-Presidents : H. A. JOHNSON, M.D. S. A. BRIGGS, Esq Secretary: CHARLES ADAMS, Esq Corresponding Secretary: CHARLES BIGGS, Esq Treasurer : GEORGE M. HIGGINSON, Esq Trustees: J. LINTON WATERS, Esq W. H. PARK. Esq W. W. ALLPORT, D.D.S JOSEPH T. RYERSON, Esq E. H. SARGENT, Esq CONSTITUTION OF ftfje State iHtcroscoptcalgocieti) of fillinote. Adopted March 16, 1870. NAME. Article i. This Association shall be called the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. OBJECTS. Article 2. Its objects shall be the advancement of the interests of Science, by the encouragement of micro- scopical and collateral investigations ; by fostering and disseminating microscopical literature, and by promot- ing a ready intercourse between those engaged in such pursuits. MEMBERS. Article 3. This Society shall consist of Active, Associate, Life, Honorary and Corresponding Members. IO OFFICERS. Article 4. The Officers shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer, who, with five additional members, shall constitute the Board of Trustees. They shall all be Active Members, resident in Chicago. The officers of the Society shall be the officers of the Board of Trustees. They shall be elected at the annual meeting, by ballot, and shall hold office one year, or until the election of their successors. A maj'ority of the votes cast shall be necessary to an election. If from any cause the election shall not be held as ordered, it shall take place at an adjourned meeting, to be held within one month from the annual meeting. BY-LAWS. Revised and Adopted March 16, 1870. LAW I. — Of Members. Section i . Active Members shall reside in the State of Illinois. Section 2. The mode of admission to Active Mem- bership shall be as follows: The candidate must be recommended, in writing, by two or more members, from personal knowledge. The application shall be announced by the Secretary, and the candidate therein recommended may be elected at the next meeting of the Society, by two-thirds of the votes cast, on ballot. Section 3. Active Members shall pay to the, Secre- tary, upon admission, an entrance fee of ten dollars, and five dollars as dues until the next annual meeting; and shall pay thereafter five dollars annually, in advance, on the fourth Friday in March. No member shall be entitled to vote nor eligible to office until such dues shall have been paid. Entrance Fees and Annual Dues received from Active Members elected in February and March shall be con- sidered as in full for all dues, for the year commencing in April thereafter. 12 Section 4. Active Members may compound for their future annual dues by the payment, at any one time, of fifty dollars, all previous dues having been paid. Section 5. If any member shall neglect or refuse to pay his dues for six months after the annual meet- ing, his membership may be declared forfeited by a vote of the Society. Section 6. No person shall be considered a member of this Society until he shall have paid the prescribed dues. Section *]. Associate Members shall reside in the State of Illinois. They shall be proposed and elected in the manner prescribed for Active Members. They shall pay, on admission, three dollars as dues until the next annual meeting, and shall pay thereafter three dollars annually, in advance, on the fourth Friday in March. Section S. Life Members.—Residents of the United States, who may be approved by the Board of Trustees, may become Life Members, upon the payment of the sum of one hundred dollars at any one time. Life Alem- bers shall have the same privileges as Active Members. Section 9. Honorary Members may be elected by ballot, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Trustees. Section 10. Corresponding Members shall consist of persons eminent in microscopical science, and those whose labors have added to the general stock of scientific knowledge. They shall be elected, by ballot, upon recommendation of the Board of Trustees. *3 Section ii. Honorary and Corresponding Members shall be exempt from entrance fees and annual dues. Section 12. Associate, Honorary and Corresponding Members shall have all the privileges of Active Members, with the exception of holding office and voting. Section 13. Upon the payment of five dollars, mem- bers shall be entitled to a Certificate of Membership, bearing the seal of the Society, signed by the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer ; such member covenanting, in writing, to return said Certificate on ceasing to be a member from any cause whatever (death excepted). Section 14. The resignation of no member shall be accepted, unless accompanied by a voucher from the Secretary that his Certificate of Membership has been returned or destroyed, and all arrearages paid. Section 15. The Certificate of Membership may be continued to ex-members by vote of the Society. Section 16. Receipts for Entrance Fees, Life Mem- berships, Commutations of Memberships, or Certificates, shall be invested, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, in securities of the United States, of the State of Illinois, of the County of Cook, or of the City of Chicago, unless otherwise recommended by the Trus- tees, and ordered by the Society at a regular business meeting. The annual interest only may be expended by the Board of Trustees, for apparatus, books or objects, but for no other purpose whatever. H LAW II.— Duties of Officers. Section i. The President shall preside at all meet- ings of the Society, and of the Board of Trustees, main- tain the rules of order, and in case of equal division, shall cast the deciding vote, not having previously voted ; and, unless otherwise ordered, he shall appoint all committees not provided for by the laws; shall sign Certificates of Membership, approve all foreign correspondence, and countersign all orders on the Treasurer, when accom- panied by the proper voucher. He shall, at the written request of any three members, call a special meeting of the Society. He shall present, at the annual meeting, a report of the condition of the Society, together with such suggestions for its future management as may seem to him proper and necessary. Section 2. The Vice Presidents (in the order of their names), in case of the absence, disability, or refusal of the President to act, shall perform the duties of that office. The Vice Presidents shall sign the Certificates of Membership. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep regular minutes of the proceedings of the Society and of the Board of Trustees; he shall notify new members of their election, keep a complete list of members, give them two days' notice of the time and place of holding stated and special meetings, and shall furnish to each member of a committee a copy of the resolution under *5 which he was appointed; he shall carefully file, and preserve on file, all reports, essays and papers read before the Society; he shall receive all dues and moneys belonging to the Society, pay the same to the Treasurer, without delay, taking his receipt therefor. He shall draw all orders on the Treasurer (to be countersigned by the President) for moneys expended by the Trustees under an appropriation of the Society. He shall render an account at the annual meeting, and as often as may be required by the Board of Trustees, of the items of receipts and orders drawn upon the Treasurer. He shall hold and issue the Certificates of Membership ; shall have the custody of the seal, and affix the same, under the direction of the Society or of the Board of Trustees. He shall also sign the Certificates of Membership, and perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Board of Trustees. Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, which shall be first submitted to the President for his approval. All correspondence shall be read at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees thereafter. The Corresponding Secre- tary, in case of the absence, disability, or refusal of the Secretary to act, shall perform the duties of that office. Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys from the Secretary, giving him a receipt therefor. He i6 shall pay no money except on the order of the Secretary, countersigned by the President, and accompanied by the proper vouchers. He shall give such bond and security as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees; shall present a statement of his account at the annual meeting, or as often as may be required by the Board of Trustees, and shall sign the Certificates of Membership. Section 6. The Board of Trustees shall meet once a month from October to May, inclusive, or oftener if necessary, by adjournment, or on the call of the Presi- dent, or of any two members of said Board. Six mem- bers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall conduct the affairs of the Society, and perform such duties as may from time to time be committed to them. They shall appoint annually a Librarian and a Curator. The Board of Trustees may offer prizes, the amount and the conditions of the same having been previously approved by the Society; they may also, with the con- sent of the Society, institute Lectures. They shall expend such funds only as may be appro- priated by the Society. The transactions of the Board of Trustees shall be reported at the stated meetings of the Society for approval. *7 LAW III. — Of the Meetings. Section i. The meetings shall be Stated and Scien- tific. Section 2. The Stated meetings of the Society shall be annual and semi-annual for the transaction of general business. The annual meeting shall be held on the fourth Friday in April, and the semi-annual meeting on the fourth Friday in October. One-third the active membership shall be required to constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time till a quorum is obtained. The meeting having organized, the order of business shall be as follows : The Secretary shall call the roll, noting those present. Minutes of the preceding stated or special meeting or meetings read, corrected if necessary, and approved. Transactions of the Board of Trustees shall be pre- sented for approval. Appropriations shall be made if necessary. Miscellaneous business. Section 3. At a special meeting, after organization, the meeting shall proceed to the consideration of the business for which it was specially convened, and no other business shall be brought before the Society at such special meeting. Section 4. Scientific meetings of the Society, which shall be for scientific purposes, shall be held on the second and fourth Friday evenings in each month, from i8 October to May, inclusive, and at such other times as the Society may order. The order of proceeding at Scientific meetings shall be : First—The Minutes of the proceedings of the previous meeting shall be read and submitted for approval. Second—Reading of the list of Candidates for election. Third—Election of New Members. Fo?irth—Reception of Donations. Fifth—Reports of Committees or Officers on Scientific subjects. Sixth—Reading of communications, and discussion of scientific subjects. Seventh—Miscellaneous Business. At Scientific meetings members may introduce persons having an interest in science generally, who, when intro- duced, shall be entitled to participate in scientific dis- cussions. Section 5. — At Stated, Adjourned, Special and Scientific meetings, business shall be proceeded with as prescribed by the Rules of Order. LAW IV.—Rules of Order. Rule 1. When the President takes the chair, he shall call the meeting to order, and every member shall remain seated unless he rise to address the chair. Rule 2. The President shall speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the meeting by any member. r9 Rule 3. When the meeting is equally divided, the President shall decide the question by his vote; and when his vote, if given to the minority, shall make an equal division, it shall be his duty to vote, and in such case the question shall be lost. Rule 4. When a member is about to speak upon any question, or deliver any matter to the Society, he shall rise from his seat and address himself to the President. Rule 5. No member shall speak more than twice to the same question, without the permission of the Society, nor more than once until every member desiring so to do shall have spoken. Rule 6. Every member who shall be present when a question is put and a division called for, shall give his vote, unless excused for special reasons before a division. Rule 7. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the President before being debated, and shall be reduced to writing, if so required by the President. Rule 8. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but to adjourn, the previous question, to lay on the table, to postpone definitely, to commit, to amend, to substitute, or to postpone indefinitely, which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged — the first three to be decided without debate. Rule 9. When a motion has been decided by a divi- sion, it shall be considered as the sense of the Society, 20 and no motion for a reconsideration thereof shall be received on the same day. Rule 10. When not otherwise provided for, Parlia- mentary usage, as adopted by the National House of Representatives, shall be followed by this Society. LAW V.—Alterations of the Constitution and By-Laws. Section i. No amendment or alteration of the Con- stitution and By-Laws shall be made, except at a Stated meeting, nor unless the proposed alteration shall have been submitted to the Society in writing, and entered upon the minutes at a previous Stated meeting, or at a Special meeting held at least four weeks previously. The affirmative votes of four-fifths of the members present shall be necessary to make such alterations. Section 2. All laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws are hereby repealed. W. W. ALLPORT, D.D.S., President. CHAS. ADAMS, Secretary. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Names marked * are those of the Incorporators. NAMES. ADDRESS. ELECTED. Allport, W.W.,DD.S. 32 Washington Street . April 23. 1869* 454 Wabash Avenue... May 7i " 1000 Michigan Avenue. Oct. 8, " 245 W. Washington St. Oct. IS, t< Andrews, Edw'd, M.D. Oct. i ;ii."-.'iV-.L'i«N :. .. "l-';:y>J:, . : Vv.V.V-'A^'.'-V '.V/?-'/ -V'. .' 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