The National Library of Medicine GBftARDW DE HAraatwvgc minium mmh 111■khiiiiini 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Telephone Numbers Listed Number____________________301-656-4084 Government IDS Code______________14 Direct In -Dialing___________________496 Reference Services________________49-66095 Reader Service Desk______________49-62002 Interlibrary Loan___________________49-65511 History of Medicine________________49-65405 Jn^TI! -£*;n* The National Library of Medicine is the world's largest research library in a single scientific and professional field. The Library's holdings total nearly 1,300,000 books, journals, theses, pamphlets, prints, and microfilms. More than 70 languages are represented in the collection. Holdings in the literature of biomedical and related sciences include: 315,000 monographs, 310,000 bound journal volumes, 285,000 theses, 168,000 pamphlets, 4,500 reels of microfilm, and 60,000 portraits and illustrations. About 18,000 serial titles are received each year. Materials are collected exhaustively in some 40 biomedical areas and, to a lesser degree, in a number of related subject areas such as general chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, psychology, and instrumentation. The Library acquires new material at the rate of approximately 90,000 items a year. 2 HOURS OF PUBLIC SERVICE* MAIN READING ROOM Monday through Friday_______________________________8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday____________________________________________8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday_____________________________________________2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Summer Hours Monday through Saturday_______________________8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday _________________________________________Closed HISTORY OF MEDICINE Monday through Saturday____________________________8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. BUILDING TOURS Monday through Friday at 3:00 p.m. For special arrangements, call 49-66308 or write to the office of the Assistant to the Director. * The Library is closed on National Holidays. Vjew 0f |yjajn Reading Room __| ' «"- W" Public Catalog Room as seen from the Mezzanine Abstract ceramic mural by Frans Wildenhain. £ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Contract awarded June 1959. Building occupied April 1962. Construction contract awarded at_______________________________$4,370,000 Elevator contract awarded at------------------------------------ 94,988 Stack contract awarded at_______________________________________ 172,377 Contract cost* ______________________________________________ 4,637,365 * Does not include cost of furniture, general equipment, art work, or landscaping. 5158 Area________________ 231,855 Cost per sq. ft. Volume _____________3,187,476 Cost per cu. ft. Book capacity: 1,162,000 volumes Catalog drawers: 4550 @ 1000 cards Seating capacity: 200 readers (excl. of staff areas) Number of staff positions: 397 (auth. 1967) $20.01 5 1.45 6 Overall dimensions-. 276' 4" x 192' 10" Modular column spacing: 21' 0" x 21' 1" Floor to ceiling heights: C Level-8' 6"; B Level-8' 6"; A Level—9' 0"; First Floor—9' 9" and 14' 0"; Mezzanine—9' 8" Structural frame: Reinforced concrete—below grade; Steel—above grade Exterior walls: Indiana Limestone, granite and marble trim Interior walls: Painted cinder block, plaster, wood panelling, plastic wall covering in various locations Floors: Vinyl-asbestos in stack areas 7 rubber in special public areas oak and walnut in History of Medicine Reading Room terrazzo in lobby ceramic tile in toilet rooms Ceilings: Mineral acoustic tile in general except in stack areas Stacks: Metal bracket type stacks, 10" shelves Illumination: Fluorescent mercury vapor in Public Catalog area 02 Air conditioning: Entire building—low and high velocity system; zone controlled, fully automatic summer-winter,day-night control; 24-hour system in History of Medicine Heating: Low pressure steam Elevators: Oildraulic Entrance panel: Swenson Green Cornice and base: Mount Airy Granite Panels at windows: Imperial Danby Marble Lobby walls: Granox Golden Buff Marble 9 Columns in Public Catalog Room: Cliffdale and Imperial Danby Marble Columns in Main Reading Room—Maryland Verde Antique & Cliffdale Marble Walls in Public Catalog Room—Walnut Walls in Main Reading Room—Red Birch Walls in History of Medicine Reading Room—Butternut Ceiling in Main and History of Medicine Reading Rooms- square wave acrylic plastic 10 Architects: O'CONNOR and KILHAM; Project Manager, R. M. BEDER Consultants: KEYES D. METCALF, Library Consultant SEVERUD-ELSTAD-KRUEGER, Associates, Structural Engineers JAMES MONGITORE Associates, Mechanical Engineers BOLT BERANEK, and NEWMAN, INC., Acoustical Consultants TERESA KILHAM, Color Consultant JEANNETTE MINTURN, Landscape Architect Artists: C. PAUL JENNEWEIN FRANS WILDENHAIN General Contractor: ARTHUR VENNERI COMPANY tettlONAL LIBRARY OF >A MEDICINE W-^ T ft f 1967 FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR 68 fcct=3=§J?=¥=? 1967 FLOOR PLAN MEZZANINE *"'"*■ NEW WKC HI 1967 FLOOR PLAN A LEVEL 1111118999 :n p:k :q: E If i STACK AREA ;d:;::a::? _ ^~~Z\~L~~~__i\ i r. JSTACK AREA- -■ * !i J"';:: :: B fl- + fl~----b;: : IHSl^i^al i :cedl iill L»g?iLffi3 IlIIII! 03 if5IpJ IMlWz '-tH t3 tiidBHILrH- . -----UK - * +»- - - ' * * ~ ^ ~ V/////A NEW SINCE 1962 1967 FLOOR PLAN B LEVEL C�+./�/:::�A 53345 28 55585 1851 89999999993 1 �9999999999999 V//WX NEW SINCE I 1967 FLOOR PLAN C LEVEL 05 16 DIRECTORS OF THE LIBRARY 1865-1895 Deputy Surgeon General John Shaw Billings, M.C. 1896-1897 Assistant Surgeon General David Low Huntington, M.C. 1898-1902 Surgeon James Cushing Merrill, M.C. 1902-1902 Major Walter Reed, M.C. 1903-1904 Brigadier General Calvin DeWitt, M.C. 1904-1913 Brigadier General Walter Drew McCaw, M.C. 1913-1918 Colonel Champe Carter McCulloch, M.C. 1918-1919 Colonel Paul Frederick Straub, M.C. 1919-1919 Brigadier General Francis Anderson Winter, M.C. 1919-1924 Major General Robert Ernest Noble, M.C. 1924-1927 Colonel James Matthew Phalen, M.C. 1927-1932 Colonel Percy Moreau Ashburn, M.C. 1932-1936 Major Edgar Erskine Hume, M.C. 1936-1945 Colonel Harold Wellington Jones, M.C. 1945-1946 Colonel Leon Lloyd Gardner, M.C. 1946-1949 Colonel Joseph Hamilton McNinch, M.C. 1949-1963 Colonel Frank Bradway Rogers, M.C. 1964- Martin Marc Cummings, M.D. * GPO : 1967 0—272-012 Dr. John Shaw Billings FORMER LIBRARY BUILDING The Library was founded in 1836 as the Library of the Surgeon Gen- eral's Office, U.S. Army. It was developed as a national resource un- der Dr. John Shaw Billings, Librarian from 1865-1895. In 1956, it became part of the Public Health Service under legislation introduced by Senators John F. Kennedy and Lister Hill and was officially named the National Library of Medicine. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Public Health Publication No. 507: Revised June 1967