The Philosophy and Psychology of Human Relations THE FLORIDA PSYCHOLOGICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY OCALA, FLORIDA THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONS By DR. C. E. KIPLINGER FIFTH EDITION The Florida Psychological Publishing Co. Ocala, Florida COPYRIGHT 1914 PREFATORY There is no subject more interesting to ninety per cent, of the people of the world than the one to which the author has given his attention in compiling this very instructive work. Largely because of prudery and false modesty and also be- cause of general ignorance, even among the medical profession, this vitally important subject has been neglected, and it is with an earnest effort to instruct and help that the author has delved deep into this fascinating subject. To know how to conserve the vital sexual powers requires more than physical training and knowledge and to obtain the fullest enjoyment of them it is necessary to understand the psychology of human relations. The necessary demonstratable facts are herewith given, by which you may improve your physical and mental condition and increase your enjoyment of the sexual relations to their greatest extent. The Author. Read, Not To Believe Nor To Contradict, But To Weigh and Consider. The U. S. Government rejects two-thirds of the enlistments for Army and Navy, so it behooves every thinking person to study the cause, and, if possible, stop this rapidly deteriorating physical destruction, and make an appeal for a higher standard of Man Power. The continuous call for the principles as taught in this book (because of the excellent preserving of Man-Power obtained by their observance) prevails upon us to print a fifth edition. THE FIRST DIVISION (Seven Parts) THE PRINCIPLES OF HARMONY Applied to The Selection of Sexual Consorts This division contains a clear exposition of the laws of NATURE GOVERNING THE SELECTION OF COMPANIONS FOR LIFE. It shows what temperaments are adapted to each other, AND WHAT ARE DISCORDANT, AND THE REASON WHY. IT EX- PLAINS THE GREAT LAWS OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC AFFINITY, THE RELATION OF THE ANATOMICAL TEMPERAMENTS, AND THE LAWS OF CHEMICAL AFFINITY AS EXPRESSED IN HUMAN ORGANIZATION. It also gives directions for the detection of organic sexual WEAKNESS IN EITHER SEX AND THE SIGNS OF COMPLETE MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. IT IS THE DESIGN OF THE AUTHOR TO INSTRUCT EVERY YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN IN THE PRINCIPLES THAT UNDER- LIE THE CONDITIONS OF HAPPINESS IN THE MARRIAGE RELATION, SO THAT NO MISTAKE WILL BE MADE IN THE SELECTION OF A COMPANION FOR LIFE. IT SHOW: 1. HOW TO JUDGE WHAT TEMPERAMENT IS SUITABLE TO YOUR OWN. 2. HOW TO TEST THE POSSIBILITY OF LOVE AND ENJOYMENT OF COMPANIONSHIP. 3. HOW TO AVOID THOSE WHO ARE UNFIT FOR MATRIMONY BY DISEASE OR ORGANIC INCOMPLETENESS. 4. HOW TO CONDUCT A MAGNETIC COURTSHIP. 5. HOW TO PRESERVE THE HARMONIES WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN SECURED. 6. Causes and cure of jealousy. 7. The true philosophy of divorce, showing for what REASONS AND HOW A MARRIAGE SHOULD BE TERMINATED, AND THE BEHAVIOR OF THE PARTIES AFTER DIVORCE. These propositions will be considered in their order. Modern society has established the conventional mar- riage AFTER MANY YEARS OF EVOLUTION. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN IDEAL STATE, IN WHICH THE PARTIES FIND GREAT FELICITY; BUT THIS SUPPOSITION IS SELDOM REALIZED IN PRACTICAL EXPERI- ENCE. AS A MATTER OF FACT, • OBSERVATION JUSTIFIES THE BE- LIEF THAT THE GREAT MAJORITY OF MARRIAGES ARE POSITIVELY UNHAPPY, AND IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT SOME ARE COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE OF LIFE AND HEALTH. THESE UNHAPPY CONDITIONS CANNOT BE ASCRIBED TO EVIL ACTIONS OR BAD CHARACTER OF THE PARTIES, OR OF EITHER OF THEM, IN MANY CASES. SOME OF THE MOST DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS I HAVE EVER OBSERVED HAVE EX- ISTED IN MARRIAGES IN WHICH BOTH PARTIES POSSESSED EXALTED CHARACTER AND WERE ACTUATED BY THE LOFTIEST IMPULSES OF DEVOTION AND LOVE. The true law of happiness may be declared in these WORDS: THE PARTIES MUST BE ADAPTED TO EACH OTHER IN THEIR PHYSICAL ORGANIZATIONS, AND THEY MUST UNDERSTAND THE LAWS OF HARMONY AND PRACTICE HUMAN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SAME SKILL WITH WHICH MUSICIANS PRACTICE MUSIC. To DO THIS SUCCESSFULLY REQUIRES A KNOWLEDGE OF THE ELEMENTS OF HUMAN CHARACTER AS THE MUSICIAN MUST UNDERSTAND HIS INSTRUMENT. THE INSTRUMENT (I. E., THE HUMAN CHARACTERS ASSOCIATED), MUST BE SUCH AS CAN BE ADJUSTED TO HARMONY, AND THE LAWS OF HARMONY MUST BE OBEYED IN PRODUCING THE MUSIC OF HUMAN HAPPINESS. The IMPORTANT FACTS OF ONE’S OWN CHARACTER BEING KNOWN AND BORNE IN MIND, THE KNOWLEDGE IMPARTED BY THIS WORK BECOMES DOUBLY INTERESTING AND AVAILABLE FOR GOOD RESULTS. Proper Selection of Sexual Consorts and the Harmony Which Results Therefrom First. HOW TO TELL WHAT TEMPERAMENT IS SUITABLE TO YOUR OWN The temperament of any individual is made up of a great many conditions. The seven primary conditions of temperament are called the Electric, the Magnetic, the Motive, the Vital, the Mental, the Acid, and the Alkali. As the names indicate, the first two of these relate to the relative proportion of electric or magnetic conditions, the next three to anatomical development, and the last two to relative proportion of chemical elements. The temperament of the individual is the final proportion in which all these elements combine in his constitution, and to make a perfect affinity his consort should have a temperament in which the elements are so blended that those which are strong in him shall have a corresponding strength of the harmonious elements in her. That is to say, electricity should be harmoniously opposed to magnetism, acid to alkali, the ana- tomical temperaments should be so blended as to secure har- monious relations likewise. It is not unusual that we find the temperamental elements uniformly distributed over the whole individual so as to make his whole body belong to the same temperament. This occurs sometimes, and in such cases the individual is adapted to a person of the opposite sex who has a corresponding temper- ament. But as a general rule, a careful analysis has to be made of various parts of the body to determine the tempera- ment of each. Thus it often happens that a man will be electric in his brain and magnetic in his digestive organs, acid in the upper part of his face and alkali in the lower, motive in his legs and vital in his trunk, etc.; and in all of these cases it is true that he should have a different, but harmonious condition in his consort. 6 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY To understand my analysis of this subject, the reader must remember that electricity is always manifested by the states of gravity, respectivity, coldness, and darkness; that magnetism is always manifested by the states of vibration, radiation, heat, and light. So whenever we find any part of the body dominated by electricity, that part will always be found to be dark and cold, and if it is dominated by magnetism it will be found to be light colored and warm. In studying the temperament of the individual, I consider it first as a whole, in general appearance of the body, and then observe particularly the temperament of the skin, the digestive organs, the heart, the lungs. The relative states of electricity and magnetism of these parts of the con- stitution being determined, there is not much else that is likely to exert any controlling influence. The electro-magnetic conditions of the sexual organs is indi- cated by the color of the organs themselves and by the color of the beard. Where electricity dominates, the organs will be dark in complexion and the beard will be dark or black, according to the intensity of the condition. Where magnetism dominates, the organs will be ruddy in color, the beard will be light brown, red or flaxen, according to the degree of magnetism. Females as a rule, develop no pronounced beards, but an inspection of the down on the upper lip and the cheeks will show what the color would be if the beard were developed. It is hardly neces- sary to add that the most delightful effects of sexual inter- course can only be experienced by those whose sexual organs are harmonious in temperamental adaption. Those who are electric in the skin have a dark skin, while the magnetic skin is ruddy, in all sexual association the electro- magnetic conditions developed in the skin are important factors in the pleasures to be derived from personal contact, and persons who possess the same conditions are naturally repulsive to each other, while those who possess harmonious conditions find that personal contact is always delightful and productive of health on both sides. The electro-magnetic conditions of the digestive organs is indicated by the color and temperature of the lips, tongue and mucus membrane lining in the mouth. Here, as in all other OF HUMAN RELATIONS 7 cases, the electric condition is indicated by dark color and cool temperature, A magnetic condition will be indicated by a bright red in the lips and tongue, while the gums and mucus lining of the mouth will be much paler than in the electric temperament. It is a great truth, not generally known, that persons possessing the magnetic condition of the digestive organs are repelled by kisses from persons having a similar condition, while those of an electric type are repelled from persons having the electric state. The most delightful effects are produced by the union of harmonious conditions here as elsewhere. The electro-magnetic condition of the heart is indicated by the temperature of the chin and extremities. Persons who are ruddy or florid in complexion of the chin, and who have warm hands and feet, are magnetic in the heart, and possess a power- ful circulation. This is one of the most important conditions of temperament, and in the selection of a consort it is imper- atively necessary to select a person whose circulation is opposite to your own. The electro-magnetic condition of the brain is indicated by the color of the hair. The darker the color of the hair, the more electric. The lighter the color of the hair, the more magnetic the condition of the brain. It follows therefore that two persons having the same color of the hair never can be harmonious in their intellectual processes, because they possess brains which are approximately in the same electro-magnetic condition, and therefor antagonistic. Black hair harmonizes well with all the colors above brown, including red. Brown hair, if dark, will harmonize with light brown, red, and golden. Dark red hair will harmonize with light brown, golden, and flaxen. Light red hair will harmonize black, dark brown, and dark red. The electro-magnetic condition of the lungs is indicated by the nostrils. Persons who have electric lungs have dark nostrils and the breath is cool. Persons who have magnetic lungs have wide and red nostrils and the breadth is usually warm. The 8 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY pleasure of sexual companionship is greatly enhanced by a correct condition of harmonious association in this particular. The electro-magnetic condition of the cerebellum is indicated by the color of the eyes. The cerebellum is the seat of amative- ness, or sexual love, and the eyes indicate the harmonies of this passion as the hair indicates the harmonies of purely intellec- tual intercourse. The association of two persons having the same color of eyes is sexually antagonistic, because the cere- bellum of each is in the same condition. To secure the highest expression of sexual passion the cerebellum of one person must be electric and the other magnetic. For this reason blue eyes are harmonious with dark brown, violet with hazel, gray eyes with brown; while those persons whose eyes are mottled with a mixture of blue and brown may consort with either light blue or dark brown, being careful to select the color which is least represented in their own. It is impossible to emphasize too greatly the importance of harmonious adaption in these particulars. Love is simply the mutual attraction existing between positive and negative forces, and the action of these forces is entirely dependent upon electro- magnetic conditions. The reason why any man loves any woman or any woman loves any man, is simply because he has magnetic conditions which correspond to her electric ones, and vice versa. The reason a hungry man loves food or an over- heated one seeks shade is found in the understanding of the same great principle. Hence it follows that when one or more of these conditions are harmonious and the rest are inhar- monious, there will be some gratification between the parties, but it will fall short of a complete happiness just as much as the adaption is lacking in complete obedience to the great law of electro-magnetic affinity. Thus we will suppose the case of a man and woman who are adapted to each other in everything except the color of eyes. They may have the most delightful experiences in mere intellectual conversation; they may enjoy personal contact kisses and caresses, and even sexual inter- course to a great degree (if these organs are all harmonious) ; but they will fall short of the realization of complete harmony in sexual passion, because the cerebellum of each is in the same OF HUMAN RELATIONS 9 electro-magnetic state, and they will fail to reach the highest forms of ecstatic experience. In the case of a man and a woman who are harmonious in every point except the color of the hair, there may be ecstatic sexual experience, great pleasure in per- sonal contact and caresses, but they will be antagonistic in their habits of thought, and will not be able to afford each other mutual assistance and co-operation in purely mental occupa- tions. While it is true that a companionship involving the loss of only one condition of adaptation might be infinitely better than none, or the results attained in the average marriage, every well organized person will concede that where complete happiness is possible of attainment, it is folly to accept any- thing less. The electro-magnetic conditions are the great fundamental facts to be considered in estimating any adaptation for com- panionship. But the anatomical and chemical relations are important incidentals which aid us in understanding the minute details of the electro-magnetic conditions, and must never be treated with neglect. These anatomical and chemical relations of the various parts of the body enable us to determine the relative intensity of the action of the electro-magnetic forces. Thus it may be stated, as a general rule, that the anatomical conditions indicating the vital temperament in any part of the body are an evidence that that part of the body is more mag- netic than electric, that the conditions indicating the Motive Temperament are an evidence that the part is more electric than magnetic, and that the conditions indicating the Mental Temperament are an evidence that magnetism is more rapidly radiated, and that the body will pass rapidly from positive to negative conditions, and vice versa. For the foregoing reasons therefore, we should select for a person having the Vital Temperament a companion who pos- sesses a strong endowment of the Motive, while those persons who are deficient in Vital development are naturally associated with those who are stronger in this element. This principle should be extended to different parts of the body. It is not 10 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY unusual to find a person who is vital in the form of the trunk, who is nevertheless very muscular in the arms and legs. Such a person should be associated with a companion in which these conditions are reversed. And it is equally true that where there is a strong endowment of the Mental Temperament, caus- ing a rapid expenditure of magnetism, association should be made with a person who has less of the Mental and more of the Vital and Motive, while those persons who are deficient in mental vivacity and rapidity should be associated with persons who possess a stronger endowment. I do not wish to be misunderstood here as advocating the union of great extremes of development. I do not think that the best results are obtainable in companionship of extremes. I do not advocate that a very fat man should consort with a living skeleton; that a man six feet tall should select a woman under five feet in height; nor that a dull stupid man should be joined to a bright vivacious woman. I do not hesitate to assert however, that the union of such extremes, as a general rule, would be more happy than the union of persons of similar char- acter. But in the exercise of good sense and judgment, the reader will understand that an excess in any direction is to be counteracted by a difference in the consort, which will in a harmonious degree correct the eccentricity. The inferences to be drawn from the chemical conditions of temperament are as follows: Where the Acid Temperament exists, it indicates an excess of one of the elements of chemical equilibrium and it should be neutralized by the opposition of the other element, viz. the Alkali. Acid persons will show in their conduct, in their vivacity and quick actions, rapid thoughts, and sometimes in sharpness of temper, the corrosive action of the excessive element. Alkali persons on the other hand show by their slow and deliberate action, the absence of the acid stimulant. When these temperaments are united har- moniously, a great beneficial mutual influence results. The alkali person is excited to quicker and more effective action; the acid person is soothed and restrained. The most important effect is shown in the result of sexual intercourse and in kisses and caresses. Sexual intercourse between two persons of the OF HUMAN RELATIONS 11 Alkali Temperament is stale, flat, and unprofitable; between two persons of the Acid Temperament it is irritating and exhaust- ing ; between persons harmoniously adapted in these particulars it is, when properly performed, exquisitely enjoyable and mutu- ally beneficial. The same results are experienced in a minor degree in the effects of kisses and caresses. The reader who will study the doctrines set forth by me in my divisions, Nos. 8 and 4, will understand at once that it is impossible for parents possessing the same chemical conditions of temperament to produce perfect offspring or to experience the highest joys of the act of sexual intercourse. The Acid Temperament is distinguished by convexity of feature and sharpness of angles; the Alkali Temperament by concavity of features and the absence of angles. This is true both as to the general contour of the body and the outline of each feature. In the Acid Temperament the body is usually slender (never fat), angular in contour, and of medium weight. The face is pyriform, or oval, in general outline, convex in profile; the chin round—sometimes slightly retreating; the teeth sharp, and arranged in a convex form of jaw—sometimes projecting. The tongue is sharp and round, and the lips prominent, whether full or thin; the nose is not so sharp (generally Roman) ; but when the acidity is not so pronounced it may be straight. The eye- brows are prominent; cheekbones usually so; the forehead slightly retreating, and most prominent at the base. The Alkali Temperament is distinguished by the reverse of the foregoing conditions. The body is plump, often fat, rounded in contour; weight usually heavy. The face is round in general outline and concave in profile. The chin projects forward at the base. The teeth are flat, or receding in arrangement in the jaw, causing the mouth to fall in slightly, adding to the general concavity. The tongue is broad and flat; the lips usually finely formed, but concave; the nose concave, sometimes degenerating into a pug; the cheekbones and lower part of the forehead not prominent; the forehead flat above the eyebrows, bulging at the top, usually high and wide at the top. 12 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY When the Acid and Alkali Temperaments are blended in the individual, causing some of the features to take to acid and others the alkali forms, great care should be taken to select a consort having the opposite condition of each feature. It must be constantly borne in mind that the sweetness of sexual inter- course is always in direct proportion to the intensity of the magnetic current, and that this intensity depends upon feature being opposite to feature in harmonious conditions throughout the entire organization. For instance, the acidity expressed in the forehead of one person could not be harmoniously set against the alkali expressed in the chin of the consort, because the forehead and chin have no sexual correspondence. Each feature expresses the condition of a department of the organ- ization which must be harmoniously opposed by a different con- dition in the same department of the character of the consort. I am sometimes criticised by those who have only a smatter- ing of physiological knowledge for emphasizing too much the temperamental conditions of adaption. In the light of these explanations of effect, I think, the candid reader will agree with me that it is impossible to dwell too strongly upon their importance. It is also true, that when the temperaments are harmoniously adapted the sexual organs will also be adapted, unless there is some congenital deformity which makes the character so eccentric as to place it outside of all general rules for calculation. The temperament governs the form of the head and the rela- tive activity of the brain organs to a great degree. It will be found by examination that persons possessing the same tem- perament in all particulars will agree substantially in the development of the organs of the brain and in the manifest- ations of character. It is a general rule that the largest and most active organs of any given brain are more magnetic in their conditions than those which are smaller and less active. To secure perfect electro-magnetic opposition, it is therefore important that persons having very active and powerful development of the brain should select companions who are less powerful and active in these departments and more active and powerful in those which are comparatively dormant in the first OF HUMAN RELATIONS 13 instance. I advise those persons who are large in love to select those who are “medium” in development; but never advise them to select a person who is “small” in any department. There is a great difference in having an organ or group of organs medium in size and dormant in action, and therefore capable of being aroused to a great degree of enjoyment by the superior magnetism of a companion, and that condition which represents weakness and deformity. It is necessary for a man of large amative affection to select a woman of good, full, medium, or even large development; but if he is magnetic and positive in the action of this organ, she should be electric and negative, and then both will experience the highest degree of pleasure, because she will be capable of receiving his love, and he will be capable of furnishing enough to satisfy her. The same prin- ciple applies to all organs and groups of organs. A person who is strong in language, and who loves to talk, will be antagonized by one who possesses the same characteristics. On the other hand, he does not want a dumb person for a companion, but one who possesses the organ of language sufficiently large to ask questions and suggest further conversation but possessing a respective condition which may profitably absorb the inform- ation which the first person is so ready to impart. The careful observation of the rules of temperamental affinity which I have discussed in the preceding paragraphs constitutes the only method by which this congenial and agreeable relation- ship can be established. It may be remarked that the adapta- tion of conditions of organic quality are governed by the same general rules, persons possessing very great strength being benefited by association with those who have relatively greater delicacy and responsiveness, etc. Second. HOW TO TEST THE POSSIBILITY OF LOVE AND THE ENJOYMENT OF COMPANIONSHIP Courtship is an institution of modern society, designed to afford the prospective candidates for matrimony an opportunity to test their affections and to become acquainted with each other’s characteristics. But as the parties are usually ignorant 14 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY of the first principles of character study, the process is very much like bringing an ignorant boy or girl into the presence of an exquisite musical instrument and expecting such a novice to produce harmony. The ridiculous and destructive false modesty with which nearly all persons treat the subjects of marriage and the sexual relations precludes the possibility of giving intelligent instruction in most cases. I will also assume that the reader has selected a candidate who in physical aspect seems to realize the harmonious adapt- ation of the temperamental conditions; also, that the family history, the education, accomplishments, and personal appear- ance are satisfactory, and that both parties are actuated by a sincere desire to ascertain whether a congenial condition exists. As courtship is generally conducted, no intimacy is allowed until the young man has declared his love and proposed matri- mony. If the young lady for any reason thinks he is a desir- able match, she accepts him, and thereafter it is considered dishonorable to break off the match. The result is that the parties marry without any reasonable knowledge of conditions of happiness, and when the intimate association of marriage discloses their incompatibility it is too late to separate without scandal and loss of social position. I have shown how this unnatural condition of things can be avoided by the substitution of a rational system of selection. But as the plan outlined requires the co-operation of a number of persons who are well informed in relation to these topics, and as modern society does not contain the conditions of such co-operation, I shall endeavor to here set forth a modification of the plan, so that any individual may conduct his selection upon rational principles. I may as well remark that I consider that a woman has as much right to select a man for companionship as a man has to select a woman, and that a proposition leading to the experi- mental stage of courtship comes with propriety from either sex. The notion that a woman must passively await the advances of a man is a relic of barbarism, and owes its origin to the passive OF HUMAN RELATIONS 15 condition of the female slaves who awaited their purchasers in the mart. Begin your advances to a favored acquaintance with a declar- ation of admiration and respectful friendship, and a statement that you feel honored by a compact of fraternal affection. Declare your intention of soon selecting a permanent compan- ion, and request the privilege of intimate association and affec- tionate regard. Be careful, however, to state in explicit terms that you do not mean at this time to make a proposition of marriage but that you wish the opportunity to show your own excellencies and to test your feelings. If this declaration is made in diplomatic language and in a sincere manner, it is likely to be accepted, unless the person is antagonistic to you in some way, or is dominated by ideas of propriety founded upon false philosophy, or is perhaps precluded by circumstances from granting the request. When the proposal is accepted, and both parties cultivate intimacy with sincere desire to test the possi- bility of love, the following tests are invaluable: 1. Clasp hands, and note the harmony or inharmony of the clasp itself, and the effect of its prolongation. If the hands do not seem to fit harmoniously, and if the contact becomes un- pleasant when prolonged, it is a sure sign that the dispositions will not harmonize. If the clasp is harmonious and the effect of prolonged contact continues to be agreeable it indicates that the general effect is harmonious; but there may be inharmon- ious conditions which this test will not reveal. 2. In every intimate association kisses and caresses will reveal the most important information, if the parties are suffi- ciently instructed to make the tests intelligently. As a general rule, in courtship between refined persons, the advantages are so delicate and the contact of the parties so restricted that little is learned. To be of any value as tests, caresses and kisses must be exchanged with great freedom, and the kisses must be sufficiently passionate and complete to enable the parties to obtain the complete effect of the flavor of the fluid and the magnetic or electric effect of the caresses, and the parties must exercise sufficient jurisdiction over the passions to form a judg- 16 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY meat as to the effects of both. If this instruction is fully carried out, they will find that where the adaptation is reasonably per- fect, the caresses exert a highly beneficial effect, and that the kisses increase in sweetness and enjoyment is greater at each interview. If this result is not reached; if the kisses become repulsive and the caresses become wearisome, or the parties find that after complete and intimate association that love does not continually augment in intensity, the conditions of harmony are absent, and all thought of continued companionship should be dismissed; but the parties may continue to be affectionate friends as long as it is mutually agreeable. This judgment should not be formed hastily and I consider it unsafe to form a conclusion from any impression which may only be momen- tary. I recommend that this experiment should last at least six months unless the parties discover in a shorter time that it is positively disagreeable. In some of the best adaptations I have ever known it took some time for the best results to be estab- lished, especially in those cases where the parties were young and inexperienced, and had not learned the art of expressing the emotions freely. Love, like everything else, is a creature of growth, and takes time to develop. 3. In walking together, keep step, and notice if it is an easy thing to do and if the gait of one is harmonious with the other. The walk is an unfailing indication of character, and it is impossible for persons to harmonize in character who exper- ience great difhcutly in keeping step or who tire each other by the walk. 4. Notice the effect of conversation. If after a long inter- view you experience the feeling of fatigue and you find this the usual result, the character is inharmonious with your own. Language is the principal avenue of expression, and its effects cannot be too closely watched. If the conversation inspires you, and you feel rested and instructed after each interview, or this is the general result, the indications are in favor of harmony. 5. Some nationalities are sufficiently well informed to know the desirability of previous tests of intimate association before marriage, and the custom of “bundling” among the Dutch, and OF HUMAN RELATIONS 17 similar customs among other nationalities, have their origin from a crude effort to establish a test of this kind. In the custom of “bundling” the male and female are each sewed up in sacks in such a manner that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse without rupturing the sacks, and thus being detected. In this condition they are allowed to sleep together and note the effects upon their feelings. Whatever may be the general result of such a custom, there is no question as to its value as a test. It is impossible for two persons to sleep together a number of nights without being conscious of in- creased affection and desire for companionship or the entire loss of such desire. The effect of sleeping together may be summed up as follows: If the parties are not harmonious, they will in a short time exhaust their magnetism to such a degree that all mutual attraction ceases. If they are harmonious the effect will be delightful, and the desire for its continuance will increase for a number of months. Then there will be a cul- mination in which no great degree of increase of desire will be felt, but it will continue to be a pleasant experience. If the parties are perfectly harmonious this may continue for many years, but as a general rule the pleasure of contact will be greatly intensified if they do not continually sleep together. If they are not perfectly harmonious, the magnetism will gradu- ally be lost, hence as very few couples are perfectly harmonious, it is a good rule to occupy separate beds, and sleep together occasionally as desire and expediency may dictate. The loss of magnetism, and the subsequent neutralizing of affection, will be slow or rapid in its progress as the parties are more or less harmonious. The period of experimental courtship may be as long or short as the prudence and the circumstances of the parties may dictate but I suggest that six months is not unreasonably long, and I also believe that any reasonable man or woman ought to be thoroughly satisfied of the results of such a test in one year of continued intimate association. In the meantime the matters considered in the next section are of the greatest importance. 18 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY Third. HOW TO AVOID THOSE WHO ARE UNFIT FOR MATRIMONY BY DISEASE OR ORGANIC INCOMPLETENESS It is of the utmost importance that all persons who become parents of offspring should be able to transmit to such offspring bodies unimpaired by disease. Hereditary taints of insanity, consumption, syphilis, scrofula, and similar diseases exist, and it is impossible to prevent them from being handed down to the third and fourth generation unless every person who contem- plates parentage searches his own family history as well as that of the proposed consort for the evidence of these conditions. When a well defined tendency of this nature is found, there is no choice but to avoid the selection of such a person. I do not believe that persons tainted with hereditary disease should be deprived of a legitimate sexual association and the joys of congenial companionship, but I do insist that all such persons should avoid offspring. Reproduction should only be of the best. Hereditary diseases of the types mentioned above do not always appear upon the surface, and are not easily detected. Sometimes the effect skips one generation entirely, to reappear in the next. It is a good rule to remember that a woman is more likely to inherit the conditions of her father and that a man is more likely to inherit the conditions of his mother, and then search the family history of both acordingly. When this has been done, the conditions exhibited by the individual selected are to be closely observed. “The following points of female beauty are nature’s own advertisement of a healthy condition of the sexual system: “1. Large limbs, indicative of strength to sustain the body during the period of pregnancy. “2. Broad hips, indicative of a large pelvis, giving abdominal support during pregnancy, and easy delivery. “3. A relative narrow waist, indicating freedom from sup- pressed menstruation, and a proper expansion of the hips. OF HUMAN RELATIONS 19 (Note.—In a correct female figure the waist should measure, in circumference, two-fifths of the height, the hips at broadest part, nine inches more.) “4. Breasts, standing out prominently, firm in texture, with large nipples, and a bright pink aureolla surrounding nipples, free from discoloration, all of which indicates a correct con- dition of the womb. “5. A graceful carriage of the body, a springing, vigorous, rythmical step, a sweet breath, good teeth, clear complexion, pleasant musical voice, a well-shaped neck and back-head, red and full lips, and a well developed chin, projecting forward slightly, clear, bright, animated eyes, all are indispensable indi- cations of good sexuality, and any departure from these pecul- iarities is a warning that the female is in whole or in part unsexed and should be avoided in selecting a companion for matrimony.” The points enumerated in the last paragraph apply equally well to estimating the sexual strength of the male, with the addition of broad shoulders, deep chest and a contour of body broadest at the shoulders and tapering toward the feet. What is here stated as indicative of a healthy condition of the sexual system applies with equal force to the general health of the whole body. I will here add certain indications of inherited weaknesses which the reader may find very valuable. Inherited weakness of the heart is indicated by a narrow and receding chin, and a general unsteadiness of the walk and movements of the body and a lack of a graceful correlation of these movements. Constitutional weakness of the stomach and digestive organs is indicated by sunken cheeks and a general narrowness of the face across the lower part in a line with the mouth. Weakness of the lungs is indicated by narrowness of the face at the cheekbones, and if this is complicated with the weakness of the digestive organs just noted it is a pretty sure sign of 20 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY consumptive diathesis. This will be emphasized if the chest is narrow and contracted and the nostrils are narrow, and small in size. Organic incompleteness is, in my opinion, the most fruitful cause of sexual misery, next to wholesale ignorance, of which it is the legitimate offspring. By organic incompleteness, I mean a rudimentary condition of the sexual organs of the body, of the sexual organs of the brain, or both. The sexual organs of the body are the penis and the testes, and those organs intimately associated with them in the function of reproduction. It is also evidenced by a general completeness of the face, espe- cially the lower part of it, and by a full, round chin. When these organs are small and incomplete it is evidenced by a deficient chin, and deficiency of the backhead and neck, which is very noticeable to anyone who has paid any attention to observing human characteristics. Some persons have only rudimentary sexual organs of the body. It is quite common for females who have never men- struated, and who have only rudimentary sexual organs, to marry, through the universal ignorance which exists on this subject. Of course, such persons are incapable of sexual desire or intercourse in any form, and yet they are frequently selected as wives by ignorant men. The consequences are deplorable in the extreme, often resulting in the most frightful personal injury by attempting intercourse where it is manifestly im- possible. This rudimentary condition results from arrested development, caused by paralysis of the organs in infancy. The same condition exists in the case of many men, whose sexual organs have never developed, owing to paralysis, neglect or disease. Such men are incapable of correct intercourse, or of satisfying the desires of any normally organized woman, and it is a truth that persons of either sex afflicted in this way can never expect anything in marriage but disappointment, unhap- piness and personal injury. Where there is organic incompleteness of the sexual organs of the body it is always evidenced by a deficient development of the organs of love in the brain and by a deficient chin, and also by a deranged condition of the circulation evidenced by OF HUMAN RELATIONS 21 clammy cold hands and feet. The eyes are dull or glassy in expression, and the mouth is always repulsive in appearance. A keen observer of human nature once remarked to me, “It is a safe rule never to fall in love with a woman, unless you can love her mouth.” 1 replied, “The rule applies to both sexes.” It is a curious fact that the organs of love in the brain may be so deficient that the individual may be utterly incapable of affection, and yet he may be sufficiently intellectual to learn to repeat the most ardent expressions of love in written or spoken language. It does not therefore follow that because a person is able to breathe the language of passion that he is able to experience it. And it does not even follow that he is insincere, for under the impulse of the weakest scintillation of love, he may make the most ardent expressions and sincerely believe that he means all he says, when he is simply repeating what he has learned in a literary way as the proper thing to say on such an occasion. The trained observer of human nature would never be deceived, however, as he would be able to estimate, before a word was spoken, what the possibilities of the person would be in the experience of a natural passion. And those who have trained the sense of taste to discriminate in the flavor of kisses would not be deceived, because persons who are afflicted with organic incompleteness are incapable of giving a kiss which is sweetened by love. Right here I wish to say, that the reason a kiss from a loved and loving human is sweeter than a similar caress received from an animal is because the human being is organically more complete. A kiss from a reptile would be so destitute of flavor that it would not be desirable to any well organized person, even if he were friendly to the reptile, as all persons should be. A kiss from a dog would be several degrees better, and I have seen some ladies kiss and fondle their dogs with evident relish, although I could not but criticise their taste as long as reason- ably decent manhood was obtainable. When I observed that their husbands used tobacco, I could not blame them for pre- ferring the dogs. But the dog as compared with a gentleman who does not use tobacco is organically less complete, for the 22 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY sole reason that he has a smaller brain and fewer faculties of intelligence with which to sweeten the expression. The more complete the manhood or womanhood of a person, the sweeter and richer will be the flavor of a kiss. It is this fact which gives to the kiss its great value as a test, and those persons who are afflicted with organic incompleteness will give kisses which are as destitute of flavor as those of the lower animals. A superbly sexed woman remarked to me once, in speaking of an incomplete man, “I would as soon kiss a toad!” There was more philosophy than contempt in the remark. Foukth. HOW TO CONDUCT A MAGNETIC COURTSHIP Assuming that the reader has made a successful selection, according to the principles announced in the foregoing sections, and that he is himself a complete specimen of manhood, the fol- lowing suggestions will be useful. I direct my remarks to the man for conventional reasons, but there is no difference in the application of the principles in the case of the woman: First of all, remember that in order to make the proper impression both parties must be well informed on these topics, else you are likely to waste all of your magnetism where it is not appreciated. When a lady and gentleman know the facts, and they test each other intelligently, great profit results from the mutual respect called out by the display of each other’s powers. The following rules will enable the reader to make all necessary tests: 1. Study carefully the strong and weak points of the pro- posed consort, and remember that all strong organs manifest themselves by positive action, and that this action gives the greatest enjoyment to their possessor. Now, when you want to make a fine impression, call these organs into action, and let them have a full expression. The person thus experimented upon will enjoy your company exceedingly and think you have given her an opportunity to display her powers. One of the most popular women I ever knew explained the secret of her power to me in these words: “I always find out OF HUMAN RELATIONS 23 what the person I am conversing with likes to talk about the most, and then ask questions on that subject.” On the other hand, the most insufferable bore is the man who insists on talking about his own affairs or the subjects he alone is inter- ested in. 2. When dealing with a receptive and attentive listener who encourages you with questions, let yourself out, and be as enter- taining as possible. But be sure you know something to say. 3. When you see that your associate is excited, vivacious and anxious to talk, become negative at once and receptive and show a lively sympathetic interest. 4. Never talk for the sake of talking and keeping up the conversation. If you have nothing to say, keep quiet. It is a sublime test of congeniality for two persons to be in each other’s company for half an hour and be able to be happy without talking. 5. Never giggle. It is the most exhaustive action young people are guilty of. A great many young men and women think it is necessary to giggle at everything a friend of the other sex says. This strained effort exhausts magnetism of your brain, and leaves you powerless to say anything really bright. When a bright remark is made, smile serenely or come back in repartee brilliantly, if you can. If it is very funny, laugh heartily. 6. In exchanging kisses and caresses, have an understanding which shall be positive and which negative. Change the condi- tions as frequently as you please, but do not oppose positive to positive, or negative to negative. While one is declaring his passion and pouring out his love in a positive caress, the other should be sweetly receptive, but express appreciation; and when the first has exhausted his strain, and become in turn negative, it may be returned with a full measure. 7. The most important fact is to closely observe the proposed consort, and see if she is capable of receiving your love and appreciating it. There is the same difference in capacity in persons as to love that there is among teacups and barrels as 24 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY to liquids. Some delicate and undersized capacities are over- whelmed, surfeited, and disgusted by the expressions of those of large and perhaps coarser organizations, while these in turn are starved by the inability of their consorts to give them the full, rich expression for which they crave. Measure the capacity carefully, but do not overtax it at first. Many a woman has been disgusted by the extreme passion of a man, who would have responded fully to it if she had been given time to comprehend it. It is a fine art—to know just how much passion to express so as to fill the measure of happiness, but not to overflow and surfeit it. Sexual passion is like the appetite for food, or any other appetite. It is attractive while it is hungry; it revels in satisfaction; but it is repulsive when surfeited. Love your sweetheart passionately and devotedly, but do not overdo it. Keep your dignity. Give kisses and caresses freely where they are gratefully received, but be on your guard and quit at the right time. Go home before mid- night, and leave her in a condition in which she will welcome your next visit. Fifth. HOW TO PRESERVE THE HARMONIES WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN SECURED 1. Remember that the present form of marriage ceremony is absurd, and that because a woman has promised to love and honor you, it does not follow that she can do it, even if she tries. You must be lovable and honorable in your conduct, and, in the words of the new marriage ceremony given in “Love and Cherish,,, PRESENT YOURSELF TO HER DAILY IN THE MOST LOVABLE AND COMPANIONABLE AS- PECT OF WHICH YOU ARE CAPABLE. This rule, con- scientiously applied on both sides, will pretty nearly solve the problem. 2. Do not remain constantly in each other’s society. The electro-magnetic condition will neutralize in spite of all you may feel to the contrary. Be together enough to have a delight- ful companionship, get all the enjoyment and satisfaction there is in it; but do not withdraw from the society of other good OF HUMAN RELATIONS 25 men and women. By going into society you exchange magnet- ism with others, and come back to each other constantly renewed. It is the hardest thing in the world to teach the average married man and woman that the reason they have become stale and flat to each other is because they have been too much together, and have not renewed their electro-magnetic conditions by coming in contact with others of the other sex. It is the prevailing habit even in social gatherings for the married men to get together and the married women to flock by themselves. This form of social intercourse is better than nothing, but married women need the companionship, conver- sation and social contact of other men than their husbands, AND MARRIED MEN NEED THE CONTACT OF GOOD WOMEN IN THE SAME WAY. Of course all the prudes will throw up their hands in holy horror at this last sentence, but I am writing scientific truth, not caring at all for your criticism. 3. In applying the foregoing rule, do not slight your consort. Have a distinct understanding when and where you shall indulge in association with others, and at such a time if it happens that you come in contact with your consort, show the most distinguished consideration. 4. In your intimate social contact never forget the pro- prieties. I really think most married couples lose more on this point than any other. In matters of the toilet and at all times when you appear at a disadvantage preserve the strictest privacy. I know a great many good but ignorant people who think that any indecency is permissible between persons who are married. The present form of marriage undoubtedly edu- cates people to forget all the decencies as soon as the contract is made. But love cannot exist except under constant culture, and wretched are they who forget this rule. 5. Sleep in separate beds and only sleep together on occa- sions of special indulgence. Make the general rule of your sexual intercourse, kisses, and caresses correspond to the facts set forth in the fourth section of this instruction, and let your entire association be a magnetic courtship, never carried to a surfeit, never characterized by the indulgence of lust, but always a feast of unselfish, considerate love. 26 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY Sixth. Jealousy is the legitimate child of the modern form of mar- riage, in which the man and wife are educated to believe that each is the property of the other. A great many men and women are naturally selfish and suspicious. The selfish idea dominates, and when a selfish individual purchases a desirable consort in the matrimonial market he naturally wishes to deprive all others of the pleasures she may be able to bestow. The man or woman who submits to the selfish dictation of such a consort is a coward and a slave, and sacrifices all happiness and self-respect as cowards and slaves generally do. When the association of the consorts is entirely exclusive, as it usually is in marriage, and sexual intercourse is indulged in to an extent which creates a surfeit, a species of insanity is developed and the individual is guilty of absurd and insuffer- able actions. He treats his consort with suspicion, and acts as if he believed she were a prostitute, ready to make an appointment with the first man she meets. Bear in mind that all my remarks on these subjects apply equally to both sexes. Jealousy of this kind usually happens where the victim (the jealous person) is inflicted with an inferior organization. I pity the man or the woman who is obliged to live with such a consort. Life is too short to spend it with lunatics or bar- barians. The cure for jealousy, where it is not caused by insanity as above stated, is the enforcement of the doctrine that all men and women are free, and that no one is entitled to love unless he can win it by good behavior and genuine lovableness. No man or woman should be required to love another one moment after that person has become hateful. As soon as this doctrine is accepted jealousy will disappear, because it is in itself dis- agreeable and prevents love. As long as disagreeable persons can claim love as a right granted by law, and not to be deserved by good action, jealousy will be a popular pastime among inferior, selfish and suspicious men and women. CAUSES AND CURE FOR JEALOUSY OF HUMAN RELATIONS 27 Seventh. THE TRUE PHILOSOPHY OF DIVORCE 1 will not here enter into an argument, but will simply state the proposition. The only reasons why a man and woman should ever join in a compact of marriage are these: 1. Their mutual gratification of love and enjoyable compan- ionship. 2. The production of offspring. 3. Mutual support of themselves and offspring. If the union has become insupportable to either party mutual gratification of love and enjoyable companionship has disap- peared, and the first of these objects is a failure. If perfect love and mutual gratification is destroyed the pro- duction of good offspring is impossible and the production of depraved offspring is assured, and the union should be dis- solved in the interests of humanity as well as of the parties. When the parties have become antagonized, mutual support of themselves is in a large measure destroyed, their improve- ment and progress is arrested, and their offspring already in existence neglected. But consideration of future offspring should overbalance consideration of those already existing, as it is better for a well organized child to suffer neglect than for one to be born of an unhappy union foreordained to suffer all his life the ills of an unnatural condition of organization. I do not advocate the capricious rupture of the domestic rela- tions for trivial pretences, but I hold that every man and woman is the final judge of the question of his or her relation- ship, and should not suffer a disagreeable condition or to appeal to the courts for a remedy. And I hold further, that the knowledge that either party is free to rupture the union puts the other party on his good behavior to maintain and preserve it. Most of the tyrannical and disagreeable actions of husbands and wives which produce the misery of matrimony grow out of the inability of the other party to escape. 28 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY When this philosophy is recognized, and sexual associations is placed upon the plane of love, instead of being as now a commercial commodity, happiness will be possible, and educa- tion will make it a certainty; and when a matrimonial mistake is committed, the parties will be permitted to rectify it, and after a divorce is granted, they may remain good friends, pro- moting each other’s welfare by every means in their power, instead of degenerating into hateful enemies, as is usually the case under the present system. The careful observation of the rules contained in this instruc- tion will reduce the possibility of divorce to a minimum, because under the conditions herein directed to be produced, the con- stant growth of love will be a fact. Beloved reader, you may be able to comprehend it, and so live that you will be worthy of a beautiful and harmonious consort, the sweetest and best of all of Nature’s gifts to man. And when you have thrilled with the transports of the inde- scribable ecstacies of a correct sexual association, and have prolonged the harmonies through many years of delicious experiences, as a consequence of this instruction, you will have realized the hopes and experienced the joys of life. THE SECOND DIVISION (Six Parts) The Embarrassments of Wedlock and Their Removal First. CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO PERFECT HAPPINESS If reproduction is the highest privilege of mankind, as it surely is, then certainly as much attention should be paid to the intelligent study of the act of reproduction as to any subject within the intelligent grasp of mankind. Yet, strange to say, this is the only book ever written in which an attempt has been successfully made to explain scientific conditions underlying the physical details. Their instructions herein given are based upon the following cardinal propositions: 2. That THE PERFECTION OF OFFSPRING IS ALWAYS IN EXACT PROPORTION TO THE .PLEASURE EXPERIENCED BY THE PARENT IN PRODUCING THEM. 3. The act of copulation is designed not only for reproduc- tion of offspring, but also for the fortification and reproduction of the powers of the participants. Following this line of argument I wish to show: 1. The conditions essential to perfect production. 2. The conditions essential to the highest development of enjoyment. 3. The evils attendant upon excessive, unnatural, and im- moral use of the sexual functions. 4. The benefits derived from the correct use of these powers in the perfection of offspring, the enjoyment of sexual relations, and the development of self-control. 5. The full explanation of this extraordinary doctrine that by the proper employment of the sexual relations, organs of the OF HUMAN RELATIONS 31 brain can be enlarged and strengthened, and various forms of disease can be cured. This is a most startling and revolution- ary doctrine, but one which is demonstrably true. There is no more fruitful source of human misery than AN IMPROPER SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. THERE IS NO PLEASURE SO ECSTATIC AS THAT WHICH ACCOMPANIES THE CREATIVE ACT, WHEN SURROUNDED BY RROPER CONDITIONS. Nothing is so conducive to health, happiness, longevity, and prosperity as a proper sexual condition and association with a companion of the opposite sex who is the sexual affinity. These postulates are accepted by the entire scientific world, but where is the teacher who attempts to instruct the rising generation concerning these proper or improper conditions which surround the highest function of man’s physical exist- ence? The man who in the face of the warped and prejudiced public sentiment of the times attempts to lift the cloud of ignorance and pour upon this subject the light of scientific truth is entitled to the gratitude, moral and financial support of all enlightened, intelligent, and progressive people. Many thousands of men and women have been instructed in the principles of correct cohabitation. The terse rules here laid down are the result of many private interviews with all classes, married, single, virtuous, prostitute, rakes, clergymen, physi- cians, learned and unlearned, male and female. Read and ponder, all who seek enjoyment, beauty, virtue, love, offspring, health and prosperity, and if you can bring one single, natural fact to militate against the principles herein propounded, do so and let me know. Second. THE CONDITIONS ESSENTIAL TO THE PERFECT DEVELOPMENT OF SEXUAL HARMONY Nature has ordained that the best possible conditions of reproduction should be attendant with the highest possible degree of pleasure. It is therefore true that by learning to 32 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY enjoy sexual intercourse fully, man is doubly rewarded by experiencing the ecstatic emotions and at the same time insur- ing the perfection of his offspring. The male and female must be mature and of appropriate age, and of the same race. Mature age in the male is usually reached at twenty-five, and in the female at twenty, within the meaning of this article. As a general rule an appropriate age between the parties con- sists in the male being from three to five years older than the female. This rule will vary much according to the constitu- tion and habits of the parties, and the influence of climate, but for the best results should not be more than ten years and the female should always be the younger. Intercourse between dif- ferent races is always degrading and if offspring results, it will be inferior to either parent. The parties must be free from disease. In proportion as either party is diseased, the pleasure of sexual intercourse and perfection of offspring will be impaired. Diseases of the sexual organs are always destructive of enjoy- ment, and take away the reciprocal pleasure which is a para- mount condition of sexual happiness. The Parties Must Be Adapted to Each Other in. Relation to the Size and Proportions of the Or- gans of Reproduction and in Sexual Magnetism or the Mutual Attraction and Repulsion Which Ex- ists Between Certain Temperaments of the Species. There is much diversity in the formation of the sexual organs with relation to size, shape, and quality of texture. The penis in different males will vary from less than two to more than twelve inches in length. There is a corresponding variety of dimensions in circumference and proportion. The vagina of the female will differ likewise, and as much in all these particulras. A male of large dimensions of penis, copulating with a female of small dimensions will invariably produce pain, besides dis- locating the womb and its appendages and bring on a fearful train of ills called prolapsus uteri, or falling of the womb. OF HUMAN RELATIONS 33 Where the penis is small and the vagina large, the act fails to give pleasure to the female, leaving her unsatisfied after intense sexual excitement, and as equally productive of disease as the first condition. The highest pleasure of the female is derived from a perfect fit of the penis and vagina, causing the titila- tion of the mouth of the womb by the head of the penis, and allowing the vagina to contract around the penis along the whole length of the organ. Without these conditions much inconvenience is experienced. The parties must be adapted in sexual magnetism. This sexual magnetism exists in all persons to a greater or less de- gree, and it attracts or repels according as the conditions of temperament and mental calibre are favorable or unfavorable to the production of perfect offspring. There is very little exchange of magnetism between persons of the same sex or those nearly related. You may be physio- logically related and have as little exchange of magnetism be- tween a husband and wife over whom a dozen marriage cere- monies may have been said as between an actual brother and sister, and the marriage in such a case is physiologically in- cestuous. For a full exposition of the causes and effects of sexual mag- netic affinity the reader is referred to Division 4 of this volume. The Act Must Be Entirely Voluntary on Both Sides, and the Enjoyment Must Be PwEciprocal. Sexual intercourse must be voluntary, and must be entered into by both parties with the liveliest anticipations of pleasure on both sides, and a sympathetic desire to confer pleasure. This explains why intercourse between parties who have married for financial or social reasons merely, is attended with such dire consequences. Where it is merely a commercial transaction, as with a prostitute, who does not manifest attachment and pleasure, it is simply double masturbation. Wives who simply submit passively to their husbands, and from prudery or other motives, refuse to enter fully into the spirit and passion of intercourse, are guilty of a crime against nature, and reap their 34 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY reward in unfaithful husbands, sometimes brutal treatment, and always in the loss of the greatest pleasure in existence, and produce inferior offspring, if any. The natural instinct of both male and female craves the evi- dent enjoyment of the consort as the chief element of pleasure in the enjoyment of the function; disappointment in this results in a revulsion of feeling, transforming love into hatred of the most intense type. Ponder on this statement all ye passive, prude, and indifferent wives, and find in it a solution of the cause of all your unhappy relations with your husbands. The shrewd prostitute on whom he lavishes his money, time and en- dearments, may not feel any more pleasure in his embraces than you do, but she makes him believe that he is the only man in the world who can give her ecstatic pleasure that she stimu- lates. Therefore, all who attempt such an intercourse must give expression to the liveliest emotions of pleasure to afford reciprocal enjoyment to the companion. The Act Should Be Performed at a Time When Vitality and Sexual Magnetism are at the High- est Degree. In a perfect sexual interview, vitality and magnetism must be at their highest degree. This prohibits intercourse whenever disease or temporary injury has reduced vitality, whenever the system is strained and tired from exhaustive labor, whenever the mind is wrought upon by excitement, grief, or anxiety, or any other condition which would interfere with enjoyment. The best time for intercourse is during the early morning on awakening after a refreshing slumber. The vital forces are then highest and the participants are able to enjoy the ex- hilarating influence of a proper intercourse and feel much benefited for the labor of the day. Sexual Intercourse Should Always Be a Prolonged Enjoyment and Should Always Be Performed Under Circumstances Which Involve a Perfect Security, Happy Frame of Mind, Freedom From Apprehension of Any Unpleasant Consequences, OF HUMAN RELATIONS 35 Complete Comfort, and Which Allow Plenty of Time for Its Commencement and Completion, Ac- cording to the Rule Herein Set Forth. It is a fact that more than seventy-five percent of men ARE UNABLE TO PROPERLY PROLONG THE SEXUAL ACT. It is an almost universal experience, that as soon as the sexual organs are brought into contact, the emission of semen occurs, and the female is left unsatisfied. If the male is unusually strong in sexual power, he is able in a short time to produce another erection and emission, but these repeated orgasms are always injurious and unnatural. Where the male is unable to do this THE FEMALE BEING LEFT IN AN EXCITED AND UNSATISFIED CON- DITION, EXPERIENCES THE MOST PAINFUL DISAPPOINTMENT, AND DISEASES OF SERIOUS NATURE ARE ENGENDERED. The only correct intercourse is that in which both PARTIES REACH THE FORM OF SATISFACTION DESIRED. To be able to produce this is an accomplishment worthy of the most patient and conscientious effort to obtain. I have been repeatedly con- sulted by men who believe that the inability to retain the semen and to have a satisfactory intercourse was the result of disease, “lost manhood,” and a great many men believe it to be the natural condition and hence never take any pains to overcome it. Personal experience and the result of years of observation, prac- tice, and instruction have convinced me that all of those views are erroneous. While it is true that debility of the sexual sys- tem might be attended with this result, I have found hundreds of men who were in excellent health in every way, who are unable to control the orgasm for any length of time until in- structed, when the difficulty immediately disappeared. In the majority of cases this embarrassment arises entirely from ignorance. This ignorance will be removed by the contemplation of the following facts: The sexual organs are organs of sense. As an eye senses light, so the sexual organs sense gender. The delightful sensa- tions of the act of sexual intercourse are simply the intense im- pression of the sexual magnetism received from the companion. 36 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY Where the companion is not well-sexed and very little mag- netism is given or received, the sensations are very tame. The sexual organ of the male is strictly analogous to the eye in con- struction. The parts of the female are strictly adapted to those of the male. Those sexual eyes receive and transmit the gender of the companion in precisely the same way that the eye re- ceives and transmits the impression of the light of an image, and it follows that the sexual organs are subject to the same conditions as those which governs the eyes. If you were to treat your eyes the same as the average man treats his sexual organs, you would be blind in less than a week. Imagine the eyes covered with hot, sweaty flannel, bandaged from contact with air and light, seldom bathed, and the cir- culation of all the surrounding parts impaired, and you can imagine that, after a few days of such treatment, they would be in such a condition that, if exposed to the ligth and required to perform their duty, they would be utterly unable to respond. In such a case precisely the same results would happen to the eyes that occur to these sexual organs. The eyes would be dazzled by the light, the person would be unable to control the vision, and ther would be a spasm of nervous action entirely beyond the control of the owner. This is precisely what occurs to the owner of sexual organs which have been kept in the usual con- dition, swaddled in a roll of flannel or cotton with the circulation impaired by tight-fitting clothing, deprived of light and air, and frequently in a condition of filth which only those who make professional examinations can fully appreciate. It is proper to add here that the almost universal sentiment, that the sexual organs are dishonorable, and to be held in contempt, and that there is something inherently nasty about them, has in a large measure caused this condition. Convince a man that a part of his body is naturally filthy and he will allow it to become so in fact. The loss of pride in sexual strength which this doctrine has inculcated is almost increditable. It is also true that the majority of men are habitually con- stipated. In nearly every case there is an habitual accumulation of foecal matter in the rectum, which presses against the deli- OF HUMAN RELATIONS 37 cate nerves and blood vessels of the sexual organs and produces a temporary paralysis, which sometimes becomes permanent. While this constipated condition lasts it is impossible FOR ANY MAN TO PROPERLY CONTROL THE SEXUAL ORGANS. When the bowels are open and free from accumulations, the sexual nerves perform their functions, self-control is possible, and greater pleasure is sure to be experienced. There is no greater room for the accumulation of semen, as the seminal reservoirs are directly between the bladder and the rectum. From the foregoing facts I have reduced the following prop- ositions, which furnish a solution of the problem before us: First, get into proper condition. Second, remove the consti- pation. Third, practice the art of self-control. To get into proper condition it is necessary to remember that nudity is the natural condition of man and that the wearing of clothing is an unnatural habit, contracted through the excursions of our ancestors into those climates to which they were not accustomed, through their greed of acquisition of territory and conquest. While custom compels us to retain the practice we can in a measure counteract its effects. Practice carefully the following rules: 1. Expose the body to sunlight, air, and friction as much as possible. Bathe frequently and practice alternate shocks of cold and heat in bathing. Be sure that the sexual organs have plenty of exposure, friction, heat, cold, light and sunshine. Bathe the sexual organs at least twice a day in cold water and see that all sebaceous matter is removed from under the foreskin. 2. Wear loose clothes and see that the sexual organs are sus- pended on their own muscles and not supported by the panta- loons or swaddled in rolls of underclothing. Let them hang loose and receive the friction of the clothing in walking. Wear as light clothing as can be worn with safety and comfort, especially in summer, and have the shirt so short that it does not cover the sexual organs. Let the pantaloons hang low and be careful that no article of clothing is worn that will in any way impair free circulation. Sleep under light bed-clothing and accustom the body to exposure. 38 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY 3. Those who are in any way debilitated from the effects of self-abuse or inherent weakness should never resort to the ignorant method of quacks and attempt to restore vitality by the use of pernicious drugs. The best remedial treatment possible to bring permanent and lasting results will be found elsewhere in this work. To remove constipation do not take pills, but use exercise and massage, which will be explained more fully elsewhere in this work. Always empty the bowels and bladder at frequent intervals, which will give you greater freedom and thus enable you to prolong the act of intercourse and greatly increase the possibilities of pleasure. To reach perfect control of the sexual act some special drill is often necessary. It is true here as elsewhere that practice makes perfect. Very few men ever approach the act of sexual intercourse except in a blaze of passion which makes any form of deliberate action impossible. To all such persons I commend the following rules: 1. Keep cool. Do not be a fool, and do not disgust the female by your evident desire to satisfy your passion at her expense, without considering her enjoyment. Be deliberate in all your actions and do not be in a hurry. 2. Spend at least fifteen minutes in caressing endearments before you begin intercourse. This will enable you to compose your nerves and to obtain greater control and will allow the lubricating fluids which are secreted in both sides to begin to flow. If the female does not furnish a copious flow in this length of time, which will sometimes be the case, anoint the penis thoroughly with vaseline or sweet oil, especially under the foreskin. 3. Begin intercourse by making up your mind that you will control yourself and that you will not emit the semen until you get ready to do so voluntarily. Resolution is a great aid to the accomplishment. Press the penis gently but firmly into the vagina, being careful not to be rough or impetuous. After the entrance is effected and the penis has passed the constriction of OF HUMAN RELATIONS 39 them and his pleasure highly augmented, and sexual power and the lips there is less danger of losing control. If you feel doubt- ful of your self-control, withdraw, lie down and cool your nerves until you feel that the tendency toward the emission has been overcome, then repeat the process. The entrance and with- drawal of the penis should be practiced until you can do it with perfect impunity, and if you fail at first and have an emission, do not be discouraged.1 Keep up the practice, and every attempt will increase your power of self-control, until at last you will be able to enter and remove as freely as you desire without losing control. When you reach this stage, you are a master of the situation. The exchange of sexual magnetism is the prime factor of all pleasure, the creative force which begets all offspring, and in proportion as it is intense or weak will sex pleasure be intensi- fied or destroyed, and offspring perfected or deteriorated. In view of these facts, the value of other principles herein shown which describe the adaptability to produce the most force of this magnetic element may be appreciated. A period of preparation, before intercourse begins, is abso- lutely necessary to the generation of this magnetic fluid. It is most easily excited by the contact of these parts which are best supplied with nerves of sensation. The sexual organs them- selves, the hands, the eyes, the breast of the female, the testicles of the male, the lips and tongue, are all filled with nerves, all connected with the organs of love in the brain, and from this fact we see the philosophy of kissing, loving glances, clasping hands, manipulations of the breasts and sexual organs, as well as other parts of the body, all of which are necessary preludes to this intercourse, and should be indulged in freely and reciprocally for at least a half hour, or any limited time, to bring about proper magnetic conditions, before the act of coition. The neglect of this preliminary exercise is a frequent CAUSE OF PREMATURE EMISSION IN HEALTHY MALES WHO COPU- LATE WITH PROPERLY adapted females, because the magnetic influence has not been allowed to generate. Nature abhors an intercourse without this magnetic element and sets her seal of disapproval upon it and endeavors to prevent the creation of 40 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY male to throw off the semen before the female reaches the climax, whenever intercourse is attempted without this prepa- ration or by parties sexually related, between whom there can be no intense magnetic exchange. Every healthy female reaches the climax slowly in order to give time for the magnetic gen- eration. When the magnetic exchange is at its height the male should have perfect control of himself and may postpone the climax until the female is fully ready. The female, likewise, should have control of the sexual emotions completely. And thus the act may be prolonged at pleasure and may be termi- nated by a mutual climax when both parties have been fed to satisfaction by the mutual and reciprocal exchange of sexual magnetism, which should never be less than one-half hour after entrance, and may be prolonged to one or two hours with no worse effect than the ecstatic gratification of both. 7. Positions, manipulations, and caresses are important factors in proper intercourse. Ignorance of these details is the most frequent cause of unhappy results between parties mutually adapted. The recumbent position of the female with the weight of the male upon her is fatiguing and cannot be maintained for the time necessary for proper intercourse. It also prevents her having the free use of herself necessary for the proper move- ment for the act. She should lie upon her back at first, spread- ing the limbs well apart, and presenting the vulva to the free access of the male. Many wives fail in this and from prudery and other motives keep the limbs close, which delays entrance and disappoints the male to whom nothing is more delightful than a free entrance. When entrance has been well effected the male should ease himself over and recline upon his back or left side upon the bed with his face toward her, lifting his right leg and carrying it over with her left leg. At the same time she turns slightly upon her right side and clasps her limbs closely around his left leg. This position may be maintained without fatigue to either, or may be reversed by changing sides. The parts are thus brought more closely together and, what is more important, the testicles are lifted from contact with the cold sheet and clasped in this warm embrace of the limbs when, at every moment, warm, strong pressure is brought to bear upon offspring, who are sure to be inferior without it, by causing the OF HUMAN RELATIONS 41 magnetism redoubled. If the testicles are suffered to come in contact with a cold substance, or if they are not pressed con- tinually, the male magnetism is checked and his pleasure is lost. The left hand of the male should clasp the neck of the female under the organ of amativeness, which will be greatly excited thereby, while his right hand should continually caress her face, hair, breast, etc. Endearing words and lively conversation, laughter, etc., should be freely used, and the eyes should be em- ployed in endearing glances, each feasting on the personal charms of the other, hence intercourse should best not be in- dulged in in the dark, or under any circumstances not per- mitting the utmost freedom of proper expression. Most men ruin the pleasure of intercourse by violent strokes and movements in the first stages. For some time after entrance the movements should be slow and gentle, and should be more dependent upon the movements of hearty caressing than used to excite the penis and vagina. Caresses are indispensable and should be constantly employed during the entire duration of the intercourse. Kisses should be freely exchanged with the perfect abandon of passion. The lips and tongue are furnished with innumerable and most susceptible nerves which when brought in contact produce the most ex- quisite sensation. The fluids of the mouth are far superior to the most delightful nectar when tasted under the circumstances of perfect sexual intercourse. To render it so, and to make this perfect intercourse absolutely delightful, involves, of course, habits of scrupulous cleanlines in respect to the mouth and teeth, as well as attention to proper food, digestion, and the condition of the stomach. This rule of cleanliness, of course, applies to all parts of the body. Any neglect in these particulars may cause disgust on the part of the companion, and however temporary, is destructive of enjoyment. Frequency of sexual intercourse should be regulated by the feeling of the parties and may be readily determined after a few trials. It should never be indulged in to such an extent that the parties lose the peculiar feeling of exaltation and exuberance which always results from a proper intercourse. Sexual intercourse may be terminated without the climax 42 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY AND ON EITHER SIDE, WITH THE HAPPIEST RESULTS TO BOTH, PRO- VIDED THE ACT HAS BEEN PROPERLY PERFORMED, SO THAT EACH HAS BEEN FULLY FED WITH SEXUAL MAGNETISM. The Actual climax will be found to be only a small part of the pleasure of such an interview as this instruction contemplates. The re- tention OF THE SEMEN IS HIGHLY BENEFICIAL TO THE MALE*, provided is is not effected by artificial compression of the natural channels of egress. And furthermore, any excess in the loss of this semen is detrimental and often brings about a feel- ing of disgust toward the person on whom it is wasted. Third. THE EVILS ATTENDANT UPON EXCESSIVE, UN- NATURAL, AND IMMORAL USE OF THE SEXUAL FUNCTIONS For lack of instruction upon the principles enumerated in the preceding section, the greatest abuses of the sexual organs have occurred and have gone on for centuries without any intelligent effort being made to correct them. As a consequence, the human race has deteriorated and man has been made a slave of his passions, as well as a slave of the priests and kings and politicians who have inaugurated and perpetuated the prevailing system of ignorance, oppression and violence. It is impossible to enumerate all of the evils, but the following have impressed themselves upon the author as being the most deplorable and at the same time most easily corrected in the light of intelligent instruction: Excessive Sexual Intercourse. Men and women who do NOT GET A SATISFACTORY EXPERIENCE IN SEXUAL JOYS DO NOT EXPERIENCE A SATISFACTION OF THE PASSIONS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE AVERAGE MAN TO HAVE CORRECT INTERCOURSE, AS HAS ALREADY BEEN SAID, HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW. CONSEQUENTLY HE INDULGES TO A RUINOUS EXTENT AND THUS PRODUCES AN IRRI- TATED AND INFLAMED CONDITION OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS WHICH goads piim ON to still greater excesses. As a consequence, the majority of men are much more fitted for a hospital than for the marriage bed, and their wives are compelled to submit to OF HUMAN RELATIONS 43 an inordinate demand for sexual gratification, which produces a fearful train of female diseases, besides impairing the functions of maternity and rendering the woman unfit for motherhood. There are hundreds of weak, depraved, and deformed children, caused by these sexual excesses of the parents. This excessive indulgence weakens the organs at last to such a degree that a natural and satisfactory enjoyment is impossible. The inability to experience gratification which results from the excessive indulgence above mentioned, and the excited and inflamed condition of the brain which is caused thereby, pro- duces a form of insanity, which is manifested by various forms of unnatural desires. This is greatly exaggerated where the case is complicated by the use of tobacco and alcoholic stimu- lants, narcotics, etc., and where the natural development of amativeness is small. These consequences manifest themselves in indecent and extravagant actions in the forms of vice known as “sodomy,” the crime against nature, in other words, the “French vice,” and other forms of indulgence which are con- trary to all refined and natural instincts. In extreme cases these forms of insanity result in atrocious crimes and many cases of murder and suicide occur, the details of which, when discovered by detectives, are too revolting for publication. Very little is known of these forms of vice, except to those who have participated in them, because the details are too shocking. Society is doing absolutely nothing to stay the progress of these fearful evils. The remedy consists in educating every young person to an exalted conception of the dignity and elegance of sexual pleasures and when natural desires are exquisitely re- fined, there will be but little danger of the adoption of revolting customs. Promiscuous Sexual Intercourse. In the absence of cor- rect instruction there is absolutely nothing to prevent men from forming the idea that every woman who will submit is perfectly fair game and no man realizes the consequences of this error until he has destroyed his capacity for enjoyment and his moral character together. Every boy and girl should be instructed in the moral bearings of this subject, and until this is done, the United States will continue to suffer the humiliation of devoting 44 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY more than two hundred and fifty thousand of its daughters annually to prostitution and witness the debauching of a much larger number of its sons. Promiscuous sexual intercourse de- stroys the sexual sensibilities, renders the victim incapable of the higher forms of enjoyment, and generates the deplorable forms of venereal diseases with which so large a percentage of our citizens are afflicted. The full value of correct sexual intercourse is never reached in the first interview, but will continue to develop and grow with each successive experience, and the best results will be ob- tained after years of exclusive association. A correct experience destroys in each party the desire for promiscuous intercourse, as neither can afford to jeopardize the magnetic development which would be destroyed or in part annulled by introducing another current. Sexual affinity rightly established, will reform the most notorious rake or abandoned prostitute, and has done so in hundreds of cases observed by the author. Fourth. THE BENEFITS DERIVED FROM THE CORRECT USE OF THESE POWERS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRFECT SELF-CONTROL The greater benefit conferred by this instruction will be realized in the perfection of offspring. As before stated, Nature has ordained that the conditions which produce the greatest pleasure to the participants in sexual intercourse results in the highest perfection of offspring. But when he refuses he reaps most condign punishment, not only in the loss of his pleasure, but in the actual destruction of his powers. The prolongation of the act as herein described enable him to arouse and employ during the act of sexual intercourse every organ of his brain and every expression of his powers, if he has intelligence enough to do so. When he does this he transmits these powers to his offspring, and the child comes into the world with a splendid inheritance of intelligence and happiness. So absolute is this fact true that I will undertake to describe to any individual not only which parent be resembles, but what the condition of that parent was at the time of his conception, and which parent OF HUMAN RELATIONS 45 enjoyed the greatest amount of pleasure in the act of inter- course in which he was conceived. The reason is that the per- son who enjoys complete pleasure produces offspring with com- plete heads, while those who destroy the pleasure of intercourse by improper conditions in the same ratio destroy the complete- ness of the offspring resulting from such intercourse. For it goes without saying that the pleasure of intercourse will be greatly increased by the careful obedience to these in- structions. But very few persons realize the actual amount of pleasure that can be experienced. In other departments of human effort the pleasure derived from correct actions are publicly enjoyed and all persons are inspired to emulate a similar experience, but in sexual relations all this is changed, and those persons who do experience pleasure are deterred from giving their experience publicly by the sense of shame by which this whole subject is enshrouded. Within the limits of a condensed instruction like the present it is impossible to go into details, but as a comprehension of the next section depends upon a principle which must be explained here I will be explicit. All ecstatic emotions of pleasure are due to an unusual amount of blood being directed into the organ of the brain corresponding to the emotion producing the pleasure. This may be done by continued concentration of mind upon one sub- ject, or by some unusual and unexpected circumstances pro- ducing a violent emotion. During the act of sexual intercourse, an unusual amount of blood is forced into the brain, and if the participant is able to prolong the act at will, as herein instructed, he can by the con- centration of mind at that time upon any particular subject produce emotions of ecstacy, amounting in some cases to a complete trance. If this ecstacy is held under control and he retains the con- sciousness the participant will be able to evolve the most intense sensation in any of the brain lobes to which he may direct his expression of energy at the time, and by concentrating his mind into an intense expression and continuing it for some time, he 46 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY will produce extraordinary thought, great power and brilliancy of conception and expression, and, besides experiencing the pleasure of these emotions, he may develop ideas of the greatest value of which he would be incapable under ordinary con- ditions, and this process frequently repeated will result in an extraordinary of those brain organs which are employed in the emotions experienced. It has been demonstrated through experience that the brain organs have been developed and enlarged and actual increase of power became noticeable under the conditions and the stimulus of sexual activity, and it is within the power of any man who wishes to adhere to the instructions herein given to generate greater power physically and mentally than that of which he has heretofore conceived. I am often asked if such an experience would not be a fearful strain upon the nervous system and if it is not dangerous. I answer that it is just as dangerous to develop the brain by use and strong action as it is to develop the muscles by gymnastics. Some persons injure themselves by gymnastics and strain their muscles. It is possible to be too violent in sexual emotions as in any other department of human action, and men with weak hearts and a tendency to apoplexy may be cautious with profit. But the chances of injury are quite remote and just about the same as in religious revivals, where men and women cultivate religious ecstacies with general benefit. In most cases the first result is a great increase in self-control, the emotions become subject to the will and the entire mental machinery is disciplined by the process. In fact, as the sexual nature is at the very foundation of character, the cultivation of self-control in this department virtually establishes it in every other de- partment. This leads me to the discussion of one of the greatest discoveries ever made, as herein given. As has already been shown in the preceding sections the organs of the brain can be enlarged by cultivation of ecstacy during sexual intercourse. It has also been demonstrated that various kinds of nervous troubles, and in some instances, func- tional disorders, have been greatly benefitted, and in many OF HUMAN RELATIONS 47 instances cured, by the proper carrying out of these sexual in- structions; and when so doing, focusing the brain’s action on affected parts. This can only be accomplished by having proper control of one’s faculties and where both parties are willing to co-operate. With the earnest hope that the foregoing instructions may prove as beneficial to the reader as they have to hundreds of others, the author presents them with his best wishes. Fifth. PERFECT OFFSPRING How They May Be Created, and the Regulation of Sex. The highest consideration for the welfare of the human race, the comfort and safety of individuals, and the protection of families from privation and want, demand that the conditions which surround pregnancy should be better understood. Science has demonstrated that the production of idiots, deformed, de- praved and diseased offspring are the result of ignorance of parents of the great physiological facts surrounding the be- ginning of the new life. To furnish parents the knowledge by which they can have the kind of offspring desired, to make the production of superb off- spring a possibility, to reduce the number of paupers, idiots, criminals, cowards, and invalids in the next generation, to increase the pleasure and benefit the sexual strength of its favored readers is the object of this work. In order to understand the theory of conception and preg- nancy it is necessary to explain a portion of the anatomy of the female. The womb is a small, hollow, pearshaped organ, form- ing the vehicle in which conception takes place and the child is carried. The ovaries are two small sacs in which the life germ originates in the form of an jvum, or egg. The ovum at maturity is itself no larger than a pinhead, but is surrounded by a protecting envelope resembling a clot of phlegm or mucus, slightly discolored and fringed and making the whole about the size of a pea. In a healthy female at regular periods of about 48 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY twenty-eight days, one of the ovi, or eggs, matures and passes through a tube connecting the ovary with the womb, into which it is discharged and where it remains during a period varying in different females from an immediate discharge to fifteen days. If, during the period while the ovum remains in the womb, the semen of the male is brought in contact with the ovum, which is the natural result of coition, at such time, the ovum is impregnated, and immediately attaches itself to the walls of the womb and begins to grow and gradually assumes the form of an infant. The expulsion of the ovum from the ovary and its passage from the womb is attended (in a healthy female) with a slight discharge of discolored mucus from the vegina, a small quantity of blood, and general feeling of lassitude (bearing-down pains), etc., which should not last more than three days. This is the process of menstruation and at the period of three days and the cessation of the symptoms, the ovum should be in the womb ready for impregnation, the female is more likely to desire coition at that time because she is in a condition to become a mother. By some authorities it is contended that the ovum may be fecundated while it is passing through the fallopian tube, or while it is in the tube itself. The process of impregnation or fecundation takes place when the semen of the male is brought in contact with the ovum by the act of coition. The penis of the male in coition is brought in close contact with the mouth of the womb, and at the moment of climax, or when the passion of the male reaches culmination, a nervous spasm ensues, followed by the ejection of about one-half ounce of whitish fluid called semen. Under the microscope this fluid is found to contain innumerable little animalcule called spermatozoa, which unquestionably are the vehicles of the life principle. These spermatozoa resemble tad- poles and move at the rate of about an inch in two hours. At the moment of climax on the part of the female she ex- periences a similar nervous spasm, and the glands of the womb and its appendages secrete a fluid copiously, which forms an excellent medium for the preservation and nourishment of the OF HUMAN RELATIONS 49 spermatozoa after they have left the body of the male. At the same time the mouth of the womb dilates to receive the semen,, which is thrown into the womb with considerable force. The spermatozoa come in contact with the ovum, enter it, and unite with it and the ovum attaches itself to the womb and begins to grow. Impregnation has been effected and new life has com- menced. Its destruction after the moment of impregnation is murder. The mere contact of the semen and the ovum, while unques- tionably necessary to conception, it not all that is necessary. The creative force which molds the child is magnetism, which originates in the body of each parent, passes through every nerve, and culminates in the union of two forces, negative and positive, in the womb of the female upon the ovum and the spermatozoa. There are really four elements necessary to con- ceptivity in one parent, and positive magnetism from the other all uniting under favorable conditions to form a child. The total absence of any one of these elements will defeat con- ception ; the inferior quality of any one of them will produce an inferior result in the offspring, which may be idiocy, deformity, depravity, stupidity, or disease, according to varying conditions. Sixth. CAUSES OF BARRENNESS The theory of conception and pregnancy being thus explained I shall proceed to discuss the causes of barrenness. 1. In order to obtain a perfect conception, insuring perfect offspring, it is necessary that the constitution of the parents should be adapted to each other. That is, that the excesses and deficiences of development in each should be balanced by a different constitutional condition in the other. If the consti- tutions are similar in development, if both have the same weak- nesses, or excesses, or the constitutions are so neutral to each other as to be devoid of magnetic attraction, the creative act is shorn of its power and total barrenness will I^th^se 50 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY conditions exist only in a degree the result will be partial con- ception, the child will only be partially made, something will be left out, and congenital deformities result. 2. Barrenness may be caused by an improper marriage, where the parties have such a maladaptation of the sexual organs as to make coition painful or prevent the female from reaching the climax. The intercourse of persons of harmonious constitutions result in delightful coition and perfect offspring. 3. Barrenness may be caused by congenital malformation of the womb and its appendages, or by an arrested development during childhood, caused by paralysis, which is of course in some cases incurable. Many females who are in this condition marry with most unhappy results. 4. A fourth cause is found in a debilitated condition of the sexual organs producing a physical incapacity on the part of the female to furnish a healthy well-formed ovum, or to retain it in the womb, and on the part of the male of a physical incapacity to furnish healthy and impregnating semen. This may or may not be curable, according to the individual case. 5. Non-participation in the climax of coition on the part of the female is a frequent cause of non-conception and barren- ness. It may be willful, or it may be because of inability to work up her feeling to the extent of passion, thereby interfering with conception, both through lack of magnetism and the failure of the womb to dilate and receive the semen. Many women con- ceive without participating in the pleasure of coition because the mouth of the womb is in such cases dilated by a relaxed condition of the system caused by disease. 6. Premature emission on the part of the male is another frequent cause of non-conception. If the emission takes place before the female has had a reasonable time to reach the climax, the design of nature is frustrated. 7. Some females discharge the ovum during the menstrual flow. In such cases, when offspring is desired, copulation dur- OF HUMAN RELATIONS 51 ing the early stages of menstruation, just before flow com- mences, or immediately after its cessation, will often have the desired effect, particularly if coition is refrained from for two weeks previously to enable the semen of the male to reach its full vitality. In such cases, the offspring will probably be female. The ovum is likely to pass at the close of menstruation and be discolored with menstrual blood, and mistaken for a clot of it. The mere statement of the foregoing causes of barrenness and the causes of deformity and disease in offspring carries with it the irresistible conclusion that it is necessary that all married persons should beget their offspring intelligently. They should have absolute control of the time, place, and circumstances at- tending conception, and no child should ever be forced into the world the unwelcome offspring of parents who have ceased to love each other, or who for any reason are not in the most perfect condition of parental effectiveness and mutual desire. The regulation of offspring is absolutely necessary to the health of every mother, and to the health of the offspring as well. Thousands of mothers are rendered hopeless invalids by over-production and continue to bear sickly and deformed children because they have no time to recuperate. Children should be begotten at a time when the condition of the parents is at the highest point favorable to reproduction, and when surrounding circumstances have been intelligently arranged to endow the child with the best possible organization. Whenever men and women learn the truth as explained in this volume, there will be brought into the world healthy, matured, properly formed children. The first great lesson which every man must learn is that sexual intercourse is the highest of life’s great functions, and is only to be used for the benefit of himself, his consort, and his Offspring. IN THE ABSENCE OF INSTRUCTIONS, NOTHING IS MORE NATURAL THAN FOR HIM TO ACQUIRE THE HABIT OF INDULGING MERELY FOR THE GRATIFICATION OF MORBID FEELINGS WHICH ARE USUALLY DUE TO INFLAMMATION OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS. Most 52 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY unhappy is the lot of a woman who is bound for life to a man afflicted with such desire, who is unwilling to learn or to prac- tice any rule of life which interferes with his ignorant and lust- ful pleasures. Such men never reach a comprehension of THE HIGHEST JOYS OF SEXUAL PLEASURES AND THEY ARE THE REAL destroyers OF SOCIETY. I do not hold to the absurd doc- trine that sexual intercourse should only be used for production of offspring. But I do hold that whenever sexual intercourse is used in such a way that it results in injury to the man or woman, or in the production of inferior, diseased, or depraved offspring, it is an abomination. The first great lesson which woman must learn is that she is absolute owner of her own person, and that she cannot sell it to any man, either in marriage or prostitution. Most women be- lieve and have been taught that in marriage they are the property of their husbands, and that they must submit to all demands, no matter how unreasonable. This is the most damnable doctrine ever taught by the enslavers of women, but the one which has been most enforced. Woman must realize that when she submits to a man for any reason but love she is prostituting herself and bringing into the world a child which is prostituted from its conception. No woman should ever submit to rape, either at the hands of her husband or any other man. Intelligent love will never require a gratification of a passion that is not directed toward the benefit of both parties to the union, and which will be guarded against any possibility of in- jury to prospective offspring. If both parties are not willing to conform to these conditions, the union should be at once dis- solved. If either party is so cowardly or so weak as to be will- ing to submit to the demands of unbridled lust, I have no remedy to offer, but I shall be filled with pity and sadness when I contemplate their crippled offspring. THE THIRD DIVISION (One Part) How to Produre Perfect Offsprings, Their Creation and the Regulation of Sex. THE PHILOSOPHY OF CORRECT GENERATION The first three great laws of reproduction are as follows: I. In reproduction the offspring is the composite product of the transmission and combination of all traits and conditions of the composition of all previous ancestors. II. The temporary condition of the parents at the time of con- ception becomes the permanent condition of the offspring by transmission. III. The temporary condition of the mother during preg- nancy BECOMES THE PERMANENT CONDITION OF THE OFFSPRING. I have already remarked that the creative force which molds the child is magnetism which originates in the body of each parent, passes through the nerves, and culminates in the union of two forces, negative and positive, in the womb of the female upon the ovum and spermatozoa. I will now elaborate this explanation. All matter radiates magnetism. All space is receptive to magnetism and receives it as it is radiated from matter. This is a general statement of the creative force as it exists in all nature and as it produces all the manifold changes in matter which constitutes life. Electricity is the generative passion of love of space for mat- ter. The corresponding degree of generative passion or love which matter radiates into space is called magnetism. The OF HUMAN RELATIONS 55 radiation of magnetism from matter gathered into a current by- restraining forces is erroneously called electricity. It should always be spoken of as magnetism. A correct understanding of these terms is necessary to a comprehension of the philosophy. I shall give enough of it here for the reader to understand how to apply it. The phenomena of magnetism are radiation, vibration, heat, and light. The electric state is negative, the magnetic state is positive. All bodies, human beings included, are organized and are com- posed of molecules which are held together by electro-magnetic affinities. All growth is caused by changes in the condition of electricity and magnetism in the environment. The conception and growth of human beings are subject to the same great laws. A man or a woman is in an electric or negative state when the body is composed, receptive, and cool. Brunettes are more subject to these conditions than blondes, hence they are called electric, or of the electric temperament. A man or a woman is in a magnetic or positive state, when the body is vibrating, radiating magnetism, and warm. Blondes are more subject to these conditions than brunettes, hence they are usually called magnetic, or said to belong to the magnetic temperament. It must be borne in mind, however, that all persons are sub- ject to either condition under the proper circumstances. The difference is simply in the amount of magnetism generated, the period necessary for it to reach the highest culmination, and the facility with which the change from one state to the other is effected. Any person can become negative by becoming composed, re- maining passive, and allowing the body to become receptive and cool. Conversely, any person can become positive by becoming sufficiently excited, vibrating the body in violent exercise and radiating magnetism and this is true whether the excitement is 56 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY pleasant or unpleasant. When the reader has thoroughly mas- tered these definitions of electric and magnetic conditions he will be prepared to follow me through the most important dis- cussion of the correct conditions of parentage ever submitted to intelligent consideration. There are four forms of sexual intercourse. They may be properly designated as: (1) Male Positive. (2) Female Positive. (3) Double Positive. (4) Double Negative. In the Male Positive intercourse, the female becomes negative, remains as composed as possible, giving little or no expression to emotion, allowing her passion to be passive, and moving the body no more than she can avoid. She should be in an easy recumbent position sustaining as little weight as possible, and perfectly free from all unpleasant fears or emotions of any kind. At the close of the intercourse, if conception is desired, she should experience the orgasm, but should allow it to occur without any great excitement. The male, on the contrary, should cultivate and express the most intense emotion and passion, vibrate the body with such caresses and exercises as will gen- erate a great amount of radiation and magnetism and be in a position where he will have perfect freedom of action for this purpose. He should culminate the act with a strong orgasm, but should exercise restraint over this function until he is cer- tain that he has called out in his actions an expression of every one of his faculties of intelligence. If conception is desired, he should have the orgasm at the same time that the female ex- periences it. In this form of intercourse, the magnetism of the male is most powerfully generated and is poured into the body of the female, who will be greatly benefited thereby, and if the female is weak or exhausted from nervous excitement, or any cause it will be found to have a wonderful strengthening effect. If the male is in a high state of vitality and good health, the expenditure of his magnetism in this form will also be bene- ficial to him, if repeated until he reaches a full recuperation of his powers. In the Female Positive intercourse, these conditions are exactly reversed. The female expends her magnetism in a powerful expression of emotions and action, while the male OF HUMAN RELATIONS 57 remains passive. In this form, the male should not permit the emission of semen to occur unless conception is desired, and in that case it should only occur quietly and without violent emotion or expression. In this form the magnetism and strength of the female is transferred to the male, who will be correspondingly benefited. In the Double Positive intercourse, both parties are positive and the magnetism is wasted. This is the form usually prac- ticed by the passionate man and woman who are ignorant of the laws of generation. In this form neither party is benefited, except by the discharge of magnetism from the body. If both are in a high state of magnetic strength, such an intercourse may be permissible, as it is permissible to waste a surplus of steam in an engine by opening the safety valve, but no con- ception of offspring should ever occur in a double positive inter- course, for reasons which will be given. The Double Negative intercourse is simply an embrace of the parties in which the sexual organs are brought into contact, but neither party experiences the orgasm or expends much force. Such an embrace is often delightful for the purpose of restor- ing an equilibrium to the brains of both parties after mental exercise which has been prolonged, affecting the frontal lobe. The moderate sexual excitement of such an embrace draws the blood to the posterior lobe of the brain and relieves the con- gestion of the frontal lobes, often inducing sleep when all other methods fail. The conception of offspring should never occur in a double negative intercourse. Having in the foregoing paragraphs explained how the four kinds of sexual intercourse may be performed, and briefly alluded to their effects upon the participants, I will now explain their philosophic bearings upon the production of offspring. All creation is effected by the union of negative and positive forces, and it is a general rule to which science furnishes no exception, that the strongest creation occurs when the most complete negative conditions are opposed by the most powerful force or forces, from all of which I deduce the fourth great law of reproduction. 58 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY The best offspring results from intercourse in which one parent is very completely negative and the other very power- fully positive. Of course it is impossible for either parent to be entirely negative, but the nearer this condition is approximated the more perfect will be the result. The importance of this fact will be more appreciated when the reader has comprehended the tremendous facts disclosed in the next section. The sex of offspring is governed by the application of this great law. In order to maintain the equality of the sexes in numbers and quality, nature has ordained that in each succeed- ing generation the elements of human character shall cross the line of genesis. The history of the world reveals the fact that men do not transmit their characteristics to their sons. Neither do women transmit their characteristics to their daughters. No great man has ever yet appeared above the horizon of mediocrity who did not have a mother who embodied in her character the elements which made him successful. No woman has ever astonished the world with her genius who was not the offspring of a father who possessed the germs of the same genius. Dif- ferences in environment, in education, and immediate conditions have of course had their influences, but as far as the law of inheritance furnishes a cause of observed effects, there are no exceptions to this rule. In any apparent exception where a son has followed in the footsteps of his father with success, it will be found that the mother possessed the elements of character which made the success possible. In all ages men have mourned the fact that their sons were unable to follow in their footsteps, while the current theology and social customs of society have relegated their daughters, because the occupation in which those talents would shine have not been considered within “‘woman’s sphere.” And so the development of humanity has been retarded and set back until another generation after decades of disuse and suppression, the talent has appeared in the grandson. It is in the same way gifted and talented boys, inheriting from sensitive and refined mothers the grace which would have made them brilliant musicians, accomplished painters, and incom- parable poets, have been compelled to adopt commercial pursuits OF HUMAN RELATIONS 59 for which they were utterly unfitted, in order to succeed to their father’s business. And so the miserable inharmony proceeds. The fifth great law of reproduction may be stated as follows: The positive parent governs the sex and reverses it, and if the positive parent is very positive and the negative parent very negative, the result will be a child of the opposite sex from the positive parent, but possessing that parent’s qualities of character in the highest degree of perfection possible to that parentage. According to this law, a negative female and a positive male will produce a female child, and that child will resemble her father and be like him in character; and being like him, will be as perfect as it is possible to produce a female child, for it is impossible for the mother to transmit her qualities to her daughter, who resembles her in any degree, it is because she was partly positive and so far opposed her positive force to that of the father, defeating his creation and to that degree impair- ing the perfection of the child. It is universally true that boys who resemble their father and girls who resemble their mother in any degree are to just that degree inferior. This resem- blance to the parent of the same sex is often superficial and fre- quently exists only as to the color of the hair and eyes, while the formation of the brain and the essentials of character are properly inherited from the right parent. It is not unusual to find such cases referred to as “the very image of her mother,” or “the picture of his father,” when the truth is the reverse. It is a fact, however, that all persons who resemble the parents of the same sex in brain formation and the essentials of char- acter are the result of either double negative or double positive intercourse, in which the forces were nearly equally opposed, but having just enough preponderance on one side to effect the creation. If the forces were exactly equal in opposition, no creation could result. It follows that as the opposition de- creases the creation becomes more perfect. According to this same law, a negative male and a positive female will produce a male child, who will resemble his mother and inherit her characteristics, and will be as perfect as it is 60 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY possible for the couple to produce a male child. Such is, in fact, always the case. The sixth great law of reproduction naturally follows as a corollary to the second. The more perfect the receptivity of the negative parent and the greater force generated by the positive parent, the stronger will be the offspring. Both the negative and the positive conditions are enjoyable. Both should be made the subject of careful study and practice by all prospective parents until it is possible to assume either at will and enjoy it thoroughly. Unless this is done, when the time comes to generate offspring they will probably fail in pro- ducing the desired results from lack of practice. It is just as necessary to practice in this great art of production as in any other. The greater the harmony existing in the temperament and constitution of the parents, the easier will it be for them to establish harmonious positive and negative conditions. Here again is seen the inestimable value of perfect harmony of sex. For this reason it is possible with such a consort to enjoy a high degree of pleasure in all social and sexual relations, and because of this reciprocity to have more perfect offspring than can possibly be obtained by any other combination. And this brings us to the enunciation of the seventh great law of repro- duction. The conditions of pleasurable enjoyment of the act of sexual intercourse are always in direct proportion to the conditions favorable to the perfect creation of offspring. I have frequently been assailed by hostile critics who have contended that I dwelt too much upon the pleasures of intercourse and that my philosophy tended to make man sexual. My answer has always been the enunciation of this great law that follows logically from the others we have considered, and I have always de- clared that as long as I knew that my doctrine would continue to add beauty to children yet unborn, I would continue to teach this great law and let the critics to their worst. These ideal conditions are possible and easy of attainment between all persons who are physically fit and willing to make OF HUMAN RELATIONS 61 lust subservient to love. Love is simply the attraction felt BY ONE PERSON FOR ANOTHER, RESTRAINED AND DIRECTED SO AS TO PRODUCE THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE LOVED SUBJECT. LUST IS THE SAME ATTRACTION UNBRIDLED AND INDULGED IRRESPECTIVE OF the welfare OF the object. Ponder on these definitions and decide which form you are experiencing. In order to carry out the philosophy of this system and to reap the benefit of a knowledge of the laws herein expounded, it is necessary: First. The male should secure perfect control of his sexual powers to the extent that he can be negative or positive at will, that he can control the emission of semen perfectly, so as to prolong sexual intercourse to a necessary extent, and be able to terminate the act with or without emission, or with a violent orgasm or a gentle one, according to his desire, and the object to be obtained. Second. The female must be in possession of a knowledge of her condition as to possibility of impregnation, the exact stage of her menstrual period, and be able to control her own con- dition of negativeness or positiveness, and to terminate the act with or without orgasm, violent or gentle, according to her de- sire and the object to be obtained. Men who have never experienced anything but the violent and abortive effects of the positive form of intercourse usually in- dulged in by the uninformed will be inclined to look upon the requirements of the male above stated as impossible. But in the light of instruction there is nothing unreasonable or even difficult to obtain in these requirements. A more full and com- plete discussion of the method of cultivating self-control is found in another chapter of this great work; but for the application of the principles herein discussed I consider the following sug- gestions necessary. To attain these requirements, it is necessary that the sexual organs should be in a perfectly natural con- dition, that the parties should abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, liquors, and all nerve poisons, that the bowels should be kept open and free from accumulations, and that intercourse should never be attempted when these precautions have been neglected. 62 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY When a man puts himself in this perfectly natural condition, he is fit to become the father of offspring, and not before. Then all that is necessary is a comprehension of the laws and practice in their application. If you are not able to reach all the require- ments with a reasonable degree of practice, there is something wrong, either with your sexual organs or your method of prac- tice, or the adaptation of your consort. You will find great benefit in any case from the information contained in other parts of this work. Females as a rule have very little trouble in controlling their negative and positive conditions and in regulating the force of the orgasm. I attribute this to the fact that the sexual organs of the female are not so much restricted by unnatural and debilitating clothing as those of man. Much has been said to the contrary, there is more need of dress reform among men than among women. But very few women understand the various stages of men- struation or their condition at each stage, as to negativeness or positiveness, or liability to impregnation. The following in- structions are indispensable and should be comprehended by every woman before sexual intercourse is attempted under any circumstances. The menstrual month of the female who is healthy and regular consists of twenty-eight days, continuing from the com- mencement of one flow to the commencement of another. There are slight variations from this rule, but they are not numerous. When there is a great variation, it is evidence of disease and treatment is required to establish regularity. This month of twenty-eight days is divided into three periods, viz: the period of flux, the period of retention of the ovum, and the period of sterility. These periods are all variable in different women, but generally invariable in each case, and when established become' sources of great convenience in the management of proper sexual relations. The period of retention of the ovum properly begins about two days before the.menstrual flow, includes the time of its flow and extends for a number of days beyond it. The ovum OF HUMAN RELATIONS 63 ripens in the ovary just before the beginning of the menstrual flow and it is possible for impregnation to take place if inter- course occurs at that time. After the menstrual flow ceases, the ovum remains in the fallopian tubes and uterus for some time, varying in different females from three days to fifteen days. In each female, however, the discharge usually occurs about the same number of days after the menstrual flow ceases, so that if the period is once established, the female may look for its repetition with tolerable regularity. When the ovum is discharged the period of sterility begins and continues until about two weeks before the next flow com- mences, when, as already stated, it is possible for the female to conceive with the ripened ovum which is then in the ovary. To enable a woman to surely understand her condition, and to conceive her offspring at a proper time and under proper conditions, she must know exactly when the ovum is discharged from the uterus and when the period of sterility begins. To accomplish this observe the following instructions carefully: As soon as the menstrual flow ceases, carefully cleanse the vagina with warm water at about blood heat. No other in- jection should ever be used. Now carefully notice all discharges that come from the uterus, and for this purpose it is desirable to wear a thin cloth, not heavy enough to heat the parts, but upon which all discharges from the uterus may be caught and examined. It is desirable until the period has been established, to strain the urine through a thin cloth and observe. When the ovum is discharged there is nearly always a flow of mucus, or thin watery fluid, from the vagina more than usual. Just previous to the appearance of the ovum there will be a feeling of contraction and bearing down in the uterus, as in men- struation. The ovum will be discharged in the form of a grayish clot of about the size of a small pea, and of a firm and elastic texture. The ovum itself is only about the size of a small pin- head, but it is surrounded by enveloping matter and mucus which makes it clearly visible if the observer is careful. As already remarked, the period of retention varies in dif- ferent females from three to fifteen days. Just a very few 64 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY females discharge it during the menstrual flow, and some on the first or second day, but these cases are very rare. No case has ever been found where the ovum has been retained beyond the fifteenth day, so females who from any cause are unable to detect the passage, may with certainty rely upon the fifteenth day as establishing the period of retention whether discovered or not. The female being in possession of the knowledge of her con- dition, the act of sexual intercourse becomes perfectly easy to regulate. She will find, however, that immediately after the cessation of the menstrual flow, and for several days thereafter, she will be more negative than positive, hence if she conceives at such a time, the result wil be a female offspring, unless for some reason the positiveness of the male is still more reduced. Such a conception would, of course, be disastrous to the off- spring by the creative force being reduced to a minimum. But if female offispring is desired and the male is magnificently positive, it is the most desirable time. The female will begin to manifest her most positive condition after the seventh day following the close of the menstrual flow, hence this would be the most favorable time to conceive male offspring, provided the ovum has not been passed previously. Another point that is worth noticing is that when the female offspring is desired after the intercourse, the female should lie quietly and sleep, thus prolonging her negativeness. When male offspring is desired, she should move about and prolong her positiveness by cheerful occupation, pleasant companion- ship, active movements, and gayety. The greatest difficulty I have experienced in teaching my philosophy of the sexual relations is the unwillingness of man to believe there is any pleasure in sexual intercourse except that which is derived from excitement of the orgasm and the dis- charge of semen. As a general rule, the man measures his pleasure by the number of orgasms he can force in the length of time he has possession of the female. It is this view of the sexual relations which makes it hard to enforce or to acomplish anything in behalf of the great number of women who are bound for life to masses of organized selfishness known as hus- OF HUMAN RELATIONS 65 bands. I am driven to dispair frequently when some beautiful woman, to whom I have given my instructions, returns to me with tears and says: “It is no use. I believe all you say is true, but my husband says it is all humbug, and I cannot even persuade him to try your method. All he seems to think of is gratification of his passion, and when we have intercourse, all his pleasure consists in the excitement and the orgasm, and that is so quickly over that I experience no pleasure at all. And he requires so much that he keeps me in a family way all the time, and as soon as I am through nursing one child I am pregnant with the next.” Now this is simply barbarous. And yet it is the unhappy condition of thousands of families all over the world, resulting in the production of thousands of ill-made children, destroying the health of the mothers and making them incapable of pro- ducing healthy offspring, and no less certainly destroying the health of the men who practice the outrage and causing them to sacrifice all the real pleasure there is in true sexual embrace. The man who has not learned to control himself, so that he can have satisfactory intercourse without any emission of semen is uneducated and unfit to be the companion of any woman. When he does learn this degree of control, he experiences pleasure infinitely beyond the comprehension of the man who experiences only the usual abortive form of intercourse. In fact I do not believe that any man has ever experienced true sexual joys until in the exercise of his manhood and self-justification he has caused himself and his loved consort to thrill with ecstatic emotions which may result from the intelligent use of sexual functions when held under this complete control. The same rule applies here which is true in music, or in any other accomplishment. Skilled performances give joy, while unskill- ful discords produce misery. The emission of the semen in coition is never necessary except for propagative purposes. By the cultivation of self-control, and by adhering closely to habits of living, diet, etc., promotive of sexual vigor on the part of the male, he may enjoy coition to 66 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY the fullest extend, prolong the act for an unlimited time and withdraw without emission, with full feeling of satisfaction, both to himself and consort, provided that the conditions sur- rounding the act are proper and natural. I am aware that this statement will be received with great incredulity by those who have never experienced anything but an abortive coition—attempted under circumstances contrary to the laws of nature and all conditions of enjoyment. That nature intends the discharge of semen to be directly under the control of the male I have not the shadow of a doubt. The fact that I have met hundreds of well-sexed men who have been able under my instructions to duplicate my experience proves the fact. A great many magnetic men are able to prolong the act of coition to a satisfactory extent, but find it necessary to eject the semen at the conclusion of the act, which may take place after withdrawal without injury, provided the coition has lasted half an hour or more and the male has been fed by the magnetism of the female and has experienced the feeling of satisfaction which enables him to close the act without a severe nervous spasm inducing prostration. Any man of average physique and sexual vigor should be able to reach this degree of self-control. To attain to a higher degree in which no secretion of semen occurs and no feeling of discomfort arises, requires excellent health, perfect sexual vigor, and strongly developed habits of self-control, with the ability to elevate the feeling above mere selfish gratification, and to so sublimate the act as to make it the highest degree of mental enjoyment as well as physical. To attain the full degree of satisfaction in this method of coition, the act must be performed under the following con- ditions : 1. The husband and wife must be adapted to each other in harmony, with physiological principles, in order to have correct sexual magnetism, natural attraction, and enjoyment. 2. The parties must live in harmony with the laws of nature as to diet, bathing, habits, sleep, etc., and absolutely abstain OF HUMAN RELATIONS 67 from all nerve poisons, such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, morphine, and other stimulants, etc. 3. The act must be performed in the proper way, at a proper time, when both parties are highly qualified to enjoy it, and with all disturbing conditions removed. A fuller discussion of these topics is referred to in another division of this work, but with reference to the methods of cultivating self-control, the following suggestions are here given: The male should accustom himself to entering the female and remain quiet for some moments, then withdraw without emission. This may be repeated frequently until the male has become accustomed to exercising this restraint, which is highly beneficial. At each interview the period of contact may be in- creased in duration and the male accustom himself to gentle movements, always being careful to terminate the insertion be- fore emission is imminent. This discipline may be kept up for some time with the assistance of the female until the habit of self-control is established. The act may then be prolonged by continuing the movement until emission seems to be imminent, when both should cease all movements, allowing the penis to re- main in the vagina and rest, in the meantime cultivating a lively conversation on agreeable topics. When the feeling of the approaching orgasm has subsided, the movement may be re- newed. The male should accustom himself to seek the gratification of his mind in the beauty and conversation of the female, in loving caresses and endearments, and enjoy the self-control which he is striving to maintain. As far as possible make the act a reciprocal enjoyment and remove the thoughts from the contact of the organs. When the habit of self-control is thus established and the male is able to prolong the act and enjoy it mentally, if it is properly accomplished and the rules as given in another division properly obeyed, the enjoyment on both sides will be delightful in the extreme, and so far transcend the pleasure of the mere orgasm that the participants will never again resort to improper methods. 68 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY The physical effects of such coition are in the highest degree beneficial: I have yet to find a man who has appreciated and adopted it who has not been greatly improved in health and appearance by the practice. Its beneficial effect upon the female is equally good, and she should accustom herself to the same mental enjoyment and terminate the act without the orgasm and its accompanying nervous spasm. The performance of the act of coition under these conditions places the matter of conception entirely in the hands of the parents and enables the wife to enter fully into the enjoyment of the act without fear of unwelcome offspring. In practicing this theory, the male should be careful to withdraw whenever he feels the approach of the orgasm to such an extent as to render it beyond his control. If the act has been prolonged, it will not be in the least injurious to let the emission take place outside, but it is better to retain the semen if possible. A MOST IMPORTANT FACT TO BE BORNE IN MIND IS THAT THE MENTAL CONDITION OF THE PARTICIPANTS AND THEIR STATE OF CONSCIENTIOUS CONVICTION EXERT A VERY GREAT INFLUENCE IN THE FINAL effect which shall be felt. A great deal has been written by ignorant persons concerning the injurious effects of “incomplete intercourse/’ and withdrawal, etc. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” If a man believes he is injuring himself by any act, it will injure him in fact, no matter how harmless the act may be in itself. A gentleman once complained to me that “incomplete intercourse,” this is terminating without emission, was very injurious to him, although he had practiced it for years to save his wife from unwelcome offspring. He was asked, “Who told you so?” “My family physician,” he re- plied. He was informed that his family physician did not understand the case. It is not only not injurious, but that THE RETENTION OF THE SEMEN WILL CAUSE ONE TO BE LESS NERVOUS AND TO increase IN weight. He followed my advice and re- ported in three months that he had gained fifteen pounds and that his nerves were much stronger. The truth is that such an intercourse is just as complete as any other. The completeness or incompleteness of the in- tercourse DEPENDS UPON THE EXCHANGE OF MAGNETISM, AND OF HUMAN RELATIONS 69 not on the emission. If the magnetic exchange is full and complete and both parties are truly fed with it, and the affections are fully gratified, the emission is simply a question of economy. If either party is in a high state of vitality and magnetism and would be benefited by a discharge and complete orgasm, it may take place at the close of the interview without evil effects, and it is simply a question of expediency whether it occurs inside or outside the vagina. There is a slight increase in the duration of pleasure to the male if the penis is con- tracted by the female during the emission, as the closing of the walls of the vagina around the penis contracts the urethra and offers resistance to the passage of the semen, which causes pleasurable sensations to the male. Even this may be retained in an external emission by the female contracting the penis in a similar way with the hand, just as it escapes from the vagina. This allows an uninterrupted stream of magnetism to continue from the female to the male and fully compensates him for any loss that may occur by his separation from the vagina. The most perfect results are obtained by those who pay the closest attention to the reciprocation of negative and positive conditions. During the period of retention the female is most likely to desire intercourse. If she refrains entirely from fear of conception, she will suffer a certain degree of sexual starv- ation. During the period of sterility, many females have no passion at all, and when they are required to perform inter- course in a positive way, it is at considerable expense to the nervous system. My philosophy gratifies both at the proper time. During the period of retention let the female be as positive as she likes, but let the male be negative and retain the semen. During the period of sterility let the female be nega- tiv, if she desires to be, and let the male extend his force as freely as his health and temperament require. During the menstrual flow decency requires complete abstinence. If during the period of retention the male would be benefited by an emission it may take place externally, and thus both parties may experience the highest possible benefits without resorting to any preventive or incurring a temptation to commit murder in the form of an abortion. THE FOURTH DIVISION (Three Parts) The Cureof Sexual Weakness Without Medicine or Expense; Manhood Restored. First. A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONS GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS SEXUAL WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, NERVOUS DEBILITY Degeneracy of the sexual organs exists in some cases and may frequently be remedied by proper treatment. Degeneracy would be indicated by deficiency in size or by malformation. For actual malformation amounting to inability to sustain sexual relations there would be no remedy, but such cases are extremely rare. The most common form of malformation, which is remediable, is phymosis. This is a condition in which the foreskin is long and the opening is so contracted that it cannot be drawn back over the glands. This causes a lack of growth of the organ and a filthy condition which breeds disease and is a frequent cause of nervousness and idiocy in boys. An exam- ination by any competent and reputable surgeon will settle this question and provide a remedy, which is usually found in cir- cumcision. This is the only condition in which I recognize the act of circumcision as being in any degree necessary. Deficiency in size of the sexual organs is a much advertised condition upon which the quacks reap a fruitful harvest. Nearly all young men are anxious to have a vigorous condition of these organs and naturally the size seems to be an indication of power, as in the case of the rest of the body. But as very few men have any opportunity of comparing sizes of development, and most of them are filled with distrust of their own condi- tions through reading quack advertisements, it is not to be wondered at that many a man comes to believe that his organs are small and weak, when in fact they are well-proportioned. It must also be remembered that the sexual organs have two con- OF HUMAN RELATIONS 73 ditions, flaccidity and erection, andt hat the size of the organs in flaccidity is no indication of their size in erection. Hundreds of men contemplate their sexual organs in a state of flaccidity and noticing their natural shrunken and diminished size in that condition and being worried over their distrust and lack of con- fidence, have arrived at the conclusion that they are hopeless degenerates, when in fact they are vigorously sexed. Where there is an actual deficiency of size in the organs the best remedy is found in their legitimate use and in massage and remedies hereinafter described. But if a satisfactory sexual relation is experienced there is really no reason for worry over the size of the organs. Women differ in size of these organs as much as men and where the parties are properly mated, there is no great disparity in size, and the action of the organs are harmonious. It is of far greater importance that every man and woman should secure the knowledge which enables each to make a correct selection of a sexual mate than to submit to treatment for deficiencies which may have no existence except in the mind of the victim and in the rapacity of the quacks who assume to treat him. The effects of self-abuse are greatly exaggerated in the ad- vertisements of these frauds and these exaggerations have caused more injury than self-abuse itself. It is safe to say that a large majority of boys learn to practice the vice of self-abuse to some extent. While this is true that a great many injurious effects result from this practice, it is also true that in the advertisements of these quack doctors and in the misguided expressions of a great many moralists such emphasis has been laid upon the injury and so little practical instruction has been given as the real power and use of sexual organs that a great injury has been done. I am constantly coming in contact with a class of men, young and middle-aged, who have been so impressed with the awful consequences of self-abuse, that they believe that they are hopelessly ruined because they have indulged in it to a limited extent and were not aware of these awful consequences nor of any weakness existing until they read these advertisements. Yet as soon as they came in con- 74 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY tact with the advertisements referred to, they imagine that they are hopelessly ruined. This imagination is really the cause of the breakdown. In most cases where there is an inordinate desire for sexual excitement and an actual practice of self-abuse to an injurious extent, the cause will be found in an unnat- ural DIET, IN FILTHY HABITS, NEGLECT OF THE BATH, CONSTI- PATION AND INDULGENCE IN STIMULANTS, AND THE ACT OF SELF-ABUSE IS A RESULTING SYMPTOM, INSTEAD OF THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE. When this condition exists and there is a continuation of the practice, the remedy is found only in total abstinence. Adopt the proper diet, avoid all forms of meat, stimulating foods and drinks, eat fruits, nuts, and vegetables of the right kind and temperature, according to your temperament; bathe properly, seek agreeable companionship, wear loose clothing and learn the current of your magnetism and control it. All of these practices are taught fully in physical culture magazines. If you have discontinued the habit and still have some fears that your sexual strength has been diminished by the practice of it, the best thing to do in any case is to dismiss this fear and proceed to develop and enjoy your functions regardless of a past which you cannot recall. The probabilities are that as soon as you adopt this mental attitude and dismiss fear, you will have no further trouble. Where there is really any deficiency in size of the organs, or a debility resulting from sexual abuse of any kind, the first thing to do in any case is to improve the general heatlh. The study of the functions of generation, depuration, nutrition, cir- culation, observation, respiration, and reflection, and the im- provements of the functions according to directions given in other portions of this work, will greatly increase the force of your gender. Spermatorrhea is an imaginary disease. Many years ago I began teaching the doctrine that involuntary losses of semen, nocturnal emissions, were simply symptoms resulting from con- stipation, by which unnatural pressure was brought upon the seminal reservoirs. My adoption of a natural diet based upon the temperament of the individual with the total exclusion of OF HUMAN RELATIONS 75 meat from the dietary, has resulted in a complete mastery of this condition, which has been such a fruitful source of revenue to the quack and such a nightmare to thousands of uninformed men. At the same time it must be borne in mind that occa- sional emissions at long intervals are natural to some tempera- ments and produce no evil effects. In every case that I have observed in late years where emissions have occurred with debilitating frequency, there has been constipation, or in the absence of constipation, an indulgence in meat diet or some stimulant, or unnatural nervous excitement. Varicocele results from the relaxation of the muscles of the scrotum caused often by keeping the affected region in a hot, sweaty condition by an excess of clothing, frequently of an un- wholesome character. The remedy for this condition is found in the massage and cold compress hereinafter described, fre- quently applied and in reducing the amount of clothing sur- rounding the scrotum, exposing the parts to air and sunshine, removing all suspensories and other bandages and keeping the scrotum muscles contracted by cold applications. It is espe- cially important that the parts should be exposed constantly to ventilation and air currents, which can easily be accomplished by correcting the clothing. Total or partial failure of erection may occur from two causes, the debility of the sexual organs and the lack of control of the current of magnetism, in some cases both causes exist. Where there is a debility of the sexual organs, correct the gen- eral health according to natural methods and apply the massage and cold compress hereinafter described, vigorously and fre- quently. This treatment has been known to restore vigorous erectile power to the sexual organs of men of advanced years who have not known such a power for intervals of five and ten years. In such cases, the circulation was good and all that was necessary was to direct it specially to the sexual organs. Where the failure of erection is due to the disturbance of the current of magnetism, the correction of the condition is only a matter of intelligent effort. This will be fully discussed in sub- sequent pages. THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY Premature Emission of Semen, or the inability to prolong the act to a satisfactory termination, may also be due to these causes. Where there is debility of the organs, follow the direc- tions carefully and vigorously, the same as for the failure of erection. The conditions arising under the current of magnetism will be fully discussed under that head. The inability to reach a satisfactory prolongation of the sex- ual act results in mutual disappointment and reversion of affections and is a serios cause of marital unhappiness, as well as the deterioration of offspring. Unless the sexual emotions are entirely under control in both parents, the off- spring are sure to be seriously impaired in functionality, irri- table, nervous, and short-lived. The inability to control the act, however, is so general that I have found the greatest difficulty in convincing a large class of intelligent people that it is neces- sary to have the sexual emotions under the same control that is required in all other forms of human action, where effective- ness is desired. Briefly stated, however, the causes which give rise to this lack of self-control and cause the impairment of sexual effectiveness are as follows: 1. Debility of the sexual organs and of the general consti- tution. 2. Ignorance of the current of magnetism and how it may be controlled. 3. Constipation, causing a partial paralysis of the sexual nerves by compressing the tissues of the sexual organs. 4. Lack of temperamental affinity in the companion. 5. Disturbing influences, such as fear, anger, distrust, or interruptions. 6. Ignorance of the fact that such form of intercourse is profitable and consequent lack of effort to reach and enjoy it. 7. In the absence of intelligent co-operation between the parties to secure the best possible results to each other and to the resulting offspring. OF HUMAN RELATIONS 77 As stated in previous chapters, many nervous troubles can be successfully treated through proper understanding and practice of coition. Briefly stated, the sexual organs of most men are small, defi- cient in circulation, unclean, and inefficient in the performance of the function of generation. Few men experience anything near the normal pleasure in sexual intercourse, and very few are able to exhibit any degree of control during the perform- ance of the act of copulation. Many complain of the failure of erection, others of premature discharge of semen, others are entirely impotent in generation, while the consciousness of weakness in any form is destructive of character by reducing self-confidence, destroying ambition and making the unhappy victim a prey to misery worse than death. These conditions have resulted in a fruitful harvest to the quacks who have added to the sum total of human misery by publishing adver- tisements especially worded to aggravate fear, inspire dread and induce patronage of their worse than worthless methods of treatment. Second. TRICKS OF FRAUDULENT DOCTORS Thousands of young men have been deluded into patronizing these scoundrels by their artfully worded advertisements, which suggest symptoms of sexual weakness every possible condition which any man is likely to feel in the course of a perfectly nor- mal existence. The continued suggestions of these advertise- ments produce in the perfectly normal and healthy man a feel- ing of dread lest he be afflicted as therein described. The seductive offer of free opinion on his case induces him to send for a question blank. He answers the questions, and is, of course, told that he is sick. He believes it, and thereafter it is simply a question of how long his money holds out. He is never benefited by the treatment unless his own imagination works the benefit. Every conceivable suggestion is made the basis of persuading him that he needs more medicine, and of course must pay more money. The above remarks apply to the treat- 78 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY ments given by mail. If he is unfortunate enough to be close enough to the quack for a personal consultation he is unmerci- fully ‘‘faked.” If he has any sediment in his urine he is in- formed that it is deadly. If he has one testicle larger than the other (as most men have), it is shown that he has ruined himself with youthful indiscretions. If he has an occasional emission, as nearly all men have at times when the nerves are excited from any cause, or there is temporary constipation, he is assured that his vitaliy is being utterly destroyed. He is never informed, however, of the following cardinal fact, to-wit: All involuntary seminal emissions are the effect of con- stipation ACCOMPANIED BY NERVOUS EXCITEMENT OF SOME KIND. All debility of the sexual organs not directly due to inherited general debility, of the constitution, is caused by uncleanliness and the wearing of clothing in such a manner that the organs are deprived of the conditions of growth. All lack of self-control, premature emission in the sexual act, failure of erection and similar embarrassments result from the continued unnatural conditions in which the sexual organs are kept as a result of the neglect, contempt, and general dishonor inculcated by a depraved sentiment. The foregoing statements are made, of course, with reference to men who have originally possessed normal conditions of health and who do not come under the following classifications; which may be considered as having acquired sexual weakness from diseased ancestors or from causes which may be directly traced. In the following cases the causes may be more easily determined when the facts are known, but the remedy is the same in all cases. 1. General Hereditary Weakness of the constitution, resulting from parental incompatibility, parental disease, or an improper condition or method of sexual intercourse at the time of con- ception of the patient, resulting in small or undeveloped sexual organs, weak and excitable nerves and the inability to properly perform or prolong the act of copulation or to become the parent of perfect offspring. OF HUMAN RELATIONS 79 2. Effects of Acute and Chronic Diseases of the reproductive organs in male and female, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, stric- ture, or inflammation of the bladder, lucorrhea, womb disease, or the effect of injuries received by accident or otherwise. 3. Effects of Abnormal Indulgence in Masturbation, or Self- Abuse, Narcotics, Alcohol, or other Stimulants, or Improper Sexual Intercourse. In all of the above forms the general results are the same in the end, viz.: a general debility of the nervous system, failure of erection, seminal emissions at night or in the urine, palpita- tion of the heart, failure of memory, aversion to society, loss of sexual enjoyment. In all cases of sexual debility the fact must be borne in mind that the sexual organs are organs of sense. Man has seven senses, to-wit: gender, touch, taste, hearing, sight, smell, and clairvoyance. The sexual organs are the organs of gender, and the exquisite pleasure which is derived from their correct uses is due to their perception and sensibility to the vibrations of magnetism in the lowest stage, which constitutes the sensation of gender. If man would subject his eyes, ears, nose, or mouth to the abuses with which he afflicts his sexual organs, he would soon lose the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Because these senses are necessary to his daily vocation, he has learned to keep the face and hands practically exposed and these organs have nearly normal conditions. But he is not supposed to use his sense of gender at all, and it is possible to live without it, he has been instructed to keep it covered with several layers of dry goods, to neglect the exposure of the organs of gender, to neglect cleanliness, to think of it only with shame and to sup- press all talk concerning sexual pleasure. Is it any wonder that men and women are sexually blind? The remedy is obvious. Subject the sexual organs to the same treatment that you would apply to the eyes if they weakened by the continued application of bandages accompanied by con- ditions of filth, constriction, and impaired circulation. 80 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY The following rational system of cure is based on the prin- ciple of avoiding all causes which produce these results and the substitution of conditions tending to produce development of the other direction. There is always present in nature a grand force directed toward recuperation. Nature is constantly em- ploying impulses toward the building up of health and normal conditions. Disease is the result of the recuperative forces being interfered with, or the extraordinary effort which nature makes to expel abnormal conditions. Civilization has its disadvantages and the prevailing fashions of wearing clothing are a fruitful cause of debility and disease by causing pressure on the organs, obstructing circulation, and causing abnormal conditions in both sexes. The Vital or Recuperative System of the body consists of the digestive organs and the blood vessels, the heart and lungs, and the various glands, such as the liver, stomach, spleen, kidneys, testes, etc., and it is by means of the circulation of the blood manufactured in the bowels from the food, circulation by the heart and blood vessels, and purified by the lungs and glands, that disease and wasted tissue is thrown out and new life in- jected into all the organs of the body. Exposing the sexual organs to natural conditions, regulating the digestion, and promoting circulation will cure ninty-five per cent of all sexual debility. By these simple measures we secure the proper nourishment of the parts and the disposition of all diseased, dead, or unnecessary accumulations. Exposing the sexual organs to fresh air, sunshine and friction as much as possible, every day, and apply plenty of hot and cold water in the form of a general bath over the whole body once a day, and a special bath of the sexual organs as hereinafter set forth as often as is convenient. Fresh air and sunshine are just as important to the sexual organs as to any other form of growth. If you deprive your eyes of these conditions you would soon be blind. It is because you have deprived your sexual organs of natural conditions that you are dazzled, sexually, whenever you come in contact with OF HUMAN RELATIONS 81 the gender of the other sex, and you are unable to control the action of these organs, as you would in the case supposed, be unable to control your eyes. Be nude as much as possible, expose the sexual organs to a sun bath at least an hour each day if you can spare the time. Bathe as directed and at all times cultivate the feeling that your sexual organs are as respectable as any other part of your body. Be proud of them and keep them in natural, healthy, and clean condition, and never prostitute them to base uses. Wear clean underclothing and never wrap the sexual organs in fold of shirts or underwear of any description. Let the scrotum hang on its own muscles, and let the sexual organs have the friction of the clothing as you walk. If you get chafed you will soon get over it. Persevere. Have your trousers and drawers made loose and do not have your shirts long enough to necessitate wrapping the fold around the sexual organs. It is desirable to change the underwear every day. If this makes too big a laundry bill, have suits so you can change very frequently and allow the former garments to air until you have made the round. Promoting circulation in diseased parts will enable Nature to use her own forces, which are always employed FOR HEALTH AND ENJOYMENT. THIS MAGNIFICENT PRINCIPLE IS THE SECRET OF EVERY CURE MADE SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. The only rational use which can be made of medicine is to assist Nature in the application of this principle, and the LESS ONE USES DRUGS OF ANY KIND, THE BETTER THEY ARE OFF PHYSICALLY. The following directions will enable the intelligent reader to succeed in promoting circulation. 1. The cold sponge bath should be taken as frequently as possible, either in the morning or evening. Apply cold water to the entire person and immediately rub with a rough towel until the whole body is in a glow. Dress quickly and take brisk exercise. The cold bath should be taken in a warm room. 82 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY 2. A cold foot bath and hand bath should be taken on retir- ing. Plunge the hands and feet into the coldest water obtain- able. Repeat the plunge once or twice. Dry quickly and then rub and slap the hands and feet for five minutes. Jump up and down and rub the feet on a piece of brussels carpet until they are in a glow; jump into bed and cover the feet warmly. This process will produce a reaction of circulation and make the hands and feet hot, unless the patient has a very impoverished heart action and condition of blood, and when it fails to produce the proper effect, the patient should use hot water and sleep with the feet in contact with something warm until reaction does set in, keeping the soles of the feet hot and the body com- fortably covered. If the case is urgent and hot applications cannot be conveniently obtained, rub a small quantity of cayenne pepper on the soles of the feet and ankles with the hands and cover warmly in bed. The foregoing directions are sufficient in most cases to cure any case of acute catarrh or cold. The Massage of the Sexual Organs. At night, after the foot bath, and in a comfortable room, protected from cold draughts of air, and with proper privacy, perform the following exercise: Subject the entire pelvic region to a vigorous slapping and punching exercise, as follows, avoiding any part that may be inflamed or sore: slap the penis, the scrotum, and the testicles (gently) until they are red and glowing with increased cir- culation ; slap the groins the entire surface of the abdomen and upper part of the thighs, the anis, and in cases of females, particularly the region of the ovaries and lips of the vulva. Slap rapidly and smartly with the open hand for five minutes, and then roll, punch and knead the parts another five minutes. Follow this up with another round of slapping and then another round of punching and kneading until every part has been thoroughly treated. It will be found less painful to slap the penis if the latter is drawn up on the abdomen with the left hand and stretched while the right administers the massage. The outer skin of the scrotum may be drawn and stretched over the left hand while treated, with best results. When this has been done for at least twenty minutes—don’t guess at it—then apply— OF HUMAN RELATIONS 83 The Cold Compress, a towel wet with the coldest water ob- tainable, applied directly to the sexual organs. In male cases apply around the scrotum and testicles; in females, to the vulva and wrap around with another dry towel and let remain for twenty minutes. By that time there should be a vigorous re- action of circulation, a profuse perspiration of the parts, and the sexual organs should be hot. If on several applications this reaction is not obtainable, suitable hot water and cold alter- nately for several nights. When the reaction is obtained, the compress may be left on all night. If not, or if considered in- convenient, the compress may be removed after twenty minutes and the parts wiped clean and dry. The object to keep in view is the reaction or quickened circulation, which calls a large volume of healthy blood to the weakened parts, sweating out the diseased matter and local inflammation and restoring healthy vigor. Persons possessing a magnetic temperament, with good cir- culation, will find no difficulty in following this treatment with the coldest water obtainable, and such persons are benefited by frequent plunge or tub baths in very cold water. They are also benefited by eating cold food and drinking copiously of cold water. Persons who posses the electric temperament are more easily chilled and should resort to tepid or hot baths, use warm food, drink hot water, and the use of the compress on the sexual organs hot. All persons are benefited by the slapping, punching and kneading exercise. In every case a certain amount of experiment and observation are necessary to adapt the treatment to each individual tem- perament and constitution. Third. GENERAL DIRECTIONS The bowels should be kept in a normal condition, and where the habit can be formed, it is best to evacuate them before re- tiring. Empty the bladder on retiring and establish the habit of awakening toward morning and emptying the bladder the second time. The presence of accumulated matter in the rectum 84 THE PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY and of urine in the bladder creates a pressure upon the seminal reservoirs, which are situated directly between the bladder and rectum; and this pressure is a fruitful cause of seminal emissions. The diet should be of a vegetable nature, fruit, nuts, vege- tables, eggs, milk. And as much as possible, take these foods in the raw state and eat the kind that is harmonious with your temperament at a temperature agreeable to your stomach. Cultivate a happy, cheerful frame of mind, seek a healthful and congenial occupation, pleasant associates, and don’t indulge in moody reflections upon your condition or your indiscretions. Sleep as much as possible, provided it does not make you stupid; cultivate regular habits and practice total abstinence from tobacco, alcoholic liquors, tea, coffee, cocoa, narcotics, and all indulgences having an unfavorable effect upon the nervous system. Association with virtuous persons of the opposite sex is highly beneficial. Be continually in the society of the other sex as much as possible. Avoid exclusive association with per- sons of your own sex as far as practicable. Avoid all lewd con- versations, jokes, or associations. Cultivate gallantry, love- making, kissing, caressing, etc., to the full extent of purity. Refrain entirely from sexual intercourse for the first three months, and in extreme cases, six months; and avoid every- thing which inflames the passion or excites lascivious desires, especially lewd imaginations. There is a vast difference be- tween love and lust. Cultivate love to the fullest extent and expel lust in all forms. The cold foot and hand bath may be used to good advantage daily. The cold compress and massage may be used as often a* benefit is derived. Your own feelings are the best guide. If emissions take place at first as a result of the treatment they should not be regarded with any alarm but the result of in- creased activity of the organs, which will soon disappear. When varicocele exists, the greater amount of the treatment should be expended in promoting circulation in the scrotum, OF HUMAN RELATIONS 85 and the cold compress should be used frequently. Do not wear a suspensory, as it weakens the muscles of the scrotum and increases the complaint. Where there is difficulty in obtaining an erection, expend the greater part of the treatment along the penis and especially at the roots where it joins the abdomen. The testes should also be vigorously treated. By adhering closely to the foregoing instructions and prac- ticing cleanliness, which is very essential, in all bodily treat- ments, and by giving special attention to the thought current, and bearing in mind that proper thinking goes a long way toward establishing healthy and harmonious conditions of the body. One of the essentials in the enjoyment of sexual inter- course IS THE QUIETUDE OF MIND AND NERVES, AS WHEN THESE ELEMENTS ARE DISTURBED NATURE CANNOT PERFORM HER NORMAL FUNCTIONS. As heretofore stated, medicines, generally speaking, are very detrimental to all functional diseases and also nervous troubles, and should be used sparingly, if at all. PROPER EXERCISE AND DIET, ALONG WITH SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE AND SPINAL ADJUST- MENTS ARE ESSENTIAL IN THE PROMOTION OF PERFECT HEALTH. The practice of the principles herein laid down will prove beneficial to thousands of readers, if properly adhered to. FINIS