*v '-*'-w'--j\:"5tl»'*- .ft'.' it *■ \ ■. .• v- -mm t . ^ y&.; i ,<• ?•'«'.' $$;?#v;f . -:,■; Kff LAWS OF THE COMMONWJSALTH Establishing and defining the powers of THE BOSTON BOARD OF HEALTH; WITH THE '^V2^^^2X^w. t RULES, * ORDERS AND REGULATIONS OF SAID BOARD RELATIVE TO INTERNAL HEALTH, QUARANTINE OF VESSELS, BURYING GROUNDS, fton, qualified to vote for town officers, fhall, on the firft Wednefday of April annu-Times of choo«. 1 ally, meet in their refpeclive Wards, at fuch time and place as ingMemben. may be appointed by the prefent and fucceeding Boards of Health of faid town, and publifhed in two of the newfpapers printed in faid town, feven days previous to the time of meet- ing, and choofe one able and discreet perfon, being a freehold- er and refident within the Ward for which he fhall be chofen, to be Member of a Board of Health, which Board fhall con- fift of one perfon from each Ward, chofen by a majority of the voters prefent, and by ballot: And the Members of the Board of Health, for the time being, fhall prefide each in his respec- tive Ward, at fuch meetings ; and on the neglect, of either of them, a Committee chofen by the Ward fhall prefide until a Clerk for fuch Ward is chofen by a majority of the voters i prefent; whofe duty it fhall be to prefide at future meetings of faid Ward, for the enfuing year, to call for the votes, re- ceive, count and declare the fame in open meeting; and in cafe it fhall appear that no choice has been made, the ballot fhall be repeated until a perfon fhall be elected, at whofe dwell- ing-houfe the Clerk fhall, on the fame day, leave a written notification of his being chofen as aforefaid ; and upon his re- Powers of fufal or non-acceptance within four days, after notice as afore-Clerk. faid, the Clerk fhall fummon a new meeting of the inhabitants of his Ward, at a time and place to be fpecified in two of the newfpapers as aforefaid, three days at leaft previous to the in- tended meeting. Provided however, in cafe of refufal to ferve of any perfon, at the time of his election in any Ward, the faid Ward fhall proceed to a new choice ; and in cafe of the accept- ance of any perfon chofen as aforelaid, the Clerk of the Ward, where fuch perfon is chofen, fhall notify the Prefident of the Board of Health for the time being, or in cafe of his death or abfence from Bofton, the oldeft Member of faid Board, of fuch choice, within twenty-four hours after fuch choice is made; and in all cafes the faid Board of Health for the time being fhall continue in power and office until a new Board is chofen and organized agreeable to the provifions of this Act. And the Powers of Prefident of the Board of Health, for the time being, or in cafe President. of his death or abfence from the town of Bofton, or incapacity to attend, the oldeft Member of faid Board prefent, fhall, with- in five days after the return made to him, by two thirds of the Clerks of the Wards aforefaid, where and when two thirds of faid Members of faid Board of Health are chofen as aforelaid, notify the new Members chofen and returned as aforefaid, to meet at the ufual place of the meeting of faid Board, and fhall at fuch meeting preGde until a Prefident and Secretary fhall be elected by the Members of faid new Board, for faid Board 5 and he hereby is authorized to adminifter to fuch Secretary an Regulations. oath faithfully to record all the .votes, orders, proceedings and regulations of faid Board, and faithfully to perform all the du- ties of his said office, during his continuance therein \ which oath fhall be entered and subfcribed by fuch Secretary on the records of faid Board, and attefted by the perfon adminiftering the fame ; after which fuch Secretary fhall have the cuftody of the records, hooks and papers of said Board; and a certified, copy of the votes, orders, proceedings and regulations of faid Board, or a certified copy from the records of faid Board, by fuch Secretary thereof, fhall be received and admitted as evi- dence in all cafes relating to the proceedings or concerns of faid Board. SfcCT. 2. Be it further enaBed, That faid Board of Health Powers, fhall have power, and it is hereby made their duty, to examine into all caufes of ficknefs, nuifances, and fources of filth that may be injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the town of Bofton, which do, or may exift within the limits of the town of Bofton, or on any ifland, or in any veffel within the harbour of Bofton, or within the limits thereof, and the fame to de- ftroy, remove or prevent, as the cafe may require ; and when- ever faid Board fhall think it neceflary for the prefervation of the lives or health of the inhabitants of Bofton to enter forci- bly any building, or veffel, having been refufed fuch entry by the owner or occupier thereof, within the limits of the faic\ 5 Ujvrn of Bofton or the harbour thereof, for the purpofe of ex* ammirig into, deftroying, removing or preventing any nuifance, fource cf filth, or caufe of ficknefs aforefaid, which faid Board have reafon to believe is contained in fuch building or vefFel— any Member of faid Board, by order of laid Board, may apply to any Juftice of the Peace, within and for the county of Suf- folk, and on oath complain and ftate, on behalf of faid Board, the tacts as far as faid Board have reafon to believe the fame relative to fuch nuifmce, fource of filth or came of ficknefs aforefaid ; and fuch Juftice fhall thereupon iffue his warrant, directed to the Sheriff of the county of Suffolk, or either of his Deputies, or any Conftable of the town of Bofton, therein requiring them or either of them, taking with them fufficien: aid and affiftance, and alfo in company with faid Board of Health, or fome two Members of the fame, between the hours of funrife and funfet, to repair to the place where fuch nuifance, fource of filth or caufe of ficknefs complained of as exifting as aforefaid ; and there, if found, the fame to deftroy, remove or prevent, under the directions and agreeable to the order of faid Board of Health, or fuch Members of the fame, as may attend and accompany fuel* officer for fuch purpofe. Provided however, Provi^ that no Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff fhall execute any civil pro- cefs, either by arrefting the body or attaching the goods and chattels of any perfon or perfons under colour of any entry made for the purpofes aforefaid, unlefs fuch fervice could by law have been made without fuch entry ; and all fervices fo made, under colour of fuch entry, fhall be utterly void, and the officer making fuch fervice fhall be confidered as a tref? paffer to all intents ab initio,. And in all cafes where fuch nui- fance, fource of filth, or caufe of ficknefs fhall be removed, de* ftroyed or prevented, in manner aforefaid, the coft of io re- moving, deftroying or preventing the fame, together with all cofts attending the proceedings relative thereto, fhall be paid by the perfon or perfons, who caufed or permitted the fame nuifance, fource of filth, or caufe of ficknefs to exift, or in whofe poffefiion the fame may be found. And in all cafes where any contagious and malignant difbrder exifts, within the limits of the town of Bofton, or on board of any veffel, or on any ifhmd within the harbour of Bofton, and it appearing to faid Board of Health, after the fame has been examined into by the Phyfician cf faid Board, or fbme other refpectable Phyfician cf the town of Bofton, that the public fafety requires that any per- son or perfons affected with any contagious, malignant difortier, fhould be removed to the Hofpital on Rainsford Ifland, or to apv other place within the limits of faid town cf Bofton, qh 1 any ifland in the harbour of Bofton, or fhould be confined or remain in the place where fuch perfon or perfons thus affected then are; in every fuch cafe the faid Board of Health fhall pafs an order relative to the fame, which order, all perfons dwelling in or occupying fuch ph( e, building or veffel, notified thereof by faid Board, or called on by faid Board, fhall be oblig- ed to obey ; and any perfon refufing to obey fuch order, or re- fitting any officer or perfon acting under the authority of faid Board, or any Member of faid Board, in any of the duties or re- quirements in thisfection of this Art, fhall feverally forfeit and pay for fuch offence a fum not lefs than five, and not exceed- ing five hundred dollars, according to the nature and aggrava- tion of the offence. Sec. 3. Be it further enaBed, That the faid Board of Health fhall have power to make fuch rules, orders and regulations, Rules and or-from time to time, for the preventing, removing or deftroying of all nuifances, fources of filth and caufes of ficknefs within the limits of the town of Bofton, or on board any veffel, or on any ifland in the harbour of Bofton, which they may think ne- ceffary; which rules, orders and regulations, from and after the fame have been publifhed in two newfpapers, printed in the faid town of Bofton, fhall continue in force and be obeyed by all perfons, until changed, altered or repealed by the fame Board who made them, or by fome fucceeding Board of Health. And any perfon or perfons who difobey or violate any fuch rules, orders or regulations, fo as aforefaid made by fuch Board, fhall feverally forfeit and pay for fuch offence, a fum not lefs than one, and not more than fifty dollars, according to the na- ture and aggravation of fuch offence. Sec 4. 'Be it further enacted, That the faid Board of Health fhall have power to feize, take and deftroy, or to re- May seize and move to any fafe place without the limits of the town of Bof- destroy pro ^pn, or caufe the fame to be done, any unwholefome and putrid or tainted meat, fifh, bread, vegetable or other articles of the provifion kind, or liquor, which in their opinion, firft confult- ing the Phyfician of faid Board, qr fome other reputable Phy- fician of the town of Bofton, fhall not be fit for food and nour- ishment, and injurious to the health of thofe who might ufe the fame : And the coft of fuch feizing, taking, deftroying or removing fhall be paid for by the perfon or perfons in whofe poffeffion the fame unwholfome, putrid, Qr tainted article fhall or may be found. Sec 5. Be it further enaBed, That the faid Board of Health fhall have power, from time to time, to make and eftablifh all fuch rules, orders and regulations relating to clothing or any 7 article capable of containing or conveying any infectious dif- eafe, or creating any ficknefs, which may be brought into, or conveyed from the town of Bofton, or into or from any veffel, or on or from* any ifland in the harbour of Bofton, as they fhall think proper for publick fafety, or to prevent the fpread- ing of any dangerous or contagious difeafe. And all fuch rules, orders and regulations, fo as aforefaid by faid Board made and eftablifhed, fhall be obeyed by all perfons from and after the fame have been publifhed in two of the newfpapers, printed in the town of Bofton, and fhall continue to be in full force until altered or repealed by the Board who made and eftablifhed the fame, or fome other fucceeding Board ; and every perfon who fhall difobey or violate any of fuch rules, orders and reg- ulations, fhall forfeit and pay a fum not lefs than one dollar, and not more than one hundred dollars, according to the na- Fines. ture and aggravation of fuch offence. Sec 6. Be it further enaBed, That the faid Board Of Health fhall have power to effoblifh and regulate the quarantine to be performed by all veffels arriving within the harbour of the Quarantine. town of Bofton ; and for that purpofe fhall have power, from time to time, to eftablifh, make and ordain all fuch orders, rules and regulations relating to faid quarantine, as faid Board fhall think neceflary for the fafety of the publick and the fecu- rity of the health of the inhabitants of the faid town of Bof- ton ; which faid rules, orders and regulations, fo as aforefaid eftablifhed, made and ordained, fhall be obeyed by ail perfons, and fhall continue to be in force from and after the fame fhall have been publifhed in two newfpapers, printed in the town of Bofton, until the fame are altered or repealed by the faid Board eftablifhing, making and ordaining the fame, or by fome. fucceeding Board of Health. And faid rules, orders and reg- ulations may extend as well to all perfons arriving in fuch vef- fels, and to their property and effects aboard fuch veffels, and to all fuch perfons as may vifit, or go on board fuch veffels, after their arrival in faid harbour of Bofton, and to the cargo of all fuch veffels, as to the veffels themfelves ; as alfo to every matter and thing relating to, or connected with fuch vefTel, or the cargo of the fame, or to any perfon or perfons going on board or returning from the fame; and every perfon who lhall knowingly or wilfully violate or difobey any of fuch rules, or- ders and regulations, fo as aforefaid made, eftablifhed or or- dained by faid Board of Health, fhall feverally forfeit and pay a fum not exceeding five hundred dollars, according to the na Finc* ture and aggravation of fuch offence. And the Board of Health lhall have power at all times, to caufe anv veffel arriv- ed, or mg in the harbour of Bofton, which is foul and infected whofe cargo is foul and affected with any malignant an 1 con tagious difeafe, to be removed and placed on quarantine ground^ and the fame to be thoroughly cleanfed and purified at the ex- penfe and charge of the owners, confignees or poffeffors of the fame ; and alfo all perfons arriving in or going on board fuch infected veffel, or handling fuch infected cargo, to be removed to Hofpital or Rainsford Ifland, under the care of faid Board, and to the Hofpital on the fame, there to remain under the or- ders and regulations of faid Board. All expenfes incurred on account of any perfon under the quarantine rules, orders and regulations of faid Board of Health, fhall be paid by fuch per* fons. Sec 7. Be it further enaBed, That faid Board of Health fhall have power, and it fhall be their duty to elect and Officers ap appoint a principal Phyfician to faid Board, who fhall refide in E?lr^d.i fo.rBofton, and an affiftant Phyfician, who fhall, during the time Hofp.t3iUland.of quarantinej refide on Hofpital Ifland, alfo an Ifland-Keeper, to refide on faid Hofpital Ifland, Boatmen and fuch other Of- ficers and Servants as will be neceffary to carry into effect the rules, orders and regulations of faid Board of Health, as it re- fpedts the quarantine ; and fhall prefcribe to them their duty, and eftablifh their falary and fees, and difplace or remove them at pleafure, and elect and appoint others in their places; alfo faid Board fhall, from time to time, eftablifh and regulate the fees or expenfes attending the faid quarantine regulations, fhall have the care of faid Rainsford or Hofpital Ifland, and of the Hofpital on the fame, and of all property on faid Ifland and belonging to or connected with the Hofpital on the fame; and fhall annually in the month of January in each year, file in the Secretary's Office of this Commonwealth, an exact and true ac- count of the ftate of the property in and connected with the Hofpital eftablifhment on faid Ifland, and of the property be- longing to the Commonwealth on faid Ifland, and of all money expended thereon. Sec 8. Be it further enaBed, That faid Board of Health fhall have power to elect and appoint Scavengers, Superintend- Scavengers and ants of burying grounds, Funeral Porters or Undertakers, and Funeral Port- fuch other Officers and Servants, as fhall be neceffary to carry c"' into effect all the powers and duties in this Act given to, or re- quired of the faid Board of Health, and to fix and eftablifh their fees of office or compenfation ; and all officers elected or appointed by faid Board, fhall be removeable from their faid offices, at the pleafure of faid Board, and others fubftituted. 9 elected or appointed in their place. And a majority of faid Board fhall be competent to transact any bufinefs which the whole Board, were they all prefent, might or could tranfact, Sect. 9. Be it further enaBed, That all the powers and du- ties which are given to, or required of the Selectmen of the town of Bofton, by a law of this Commonwealth, palled the twenty-fecond day of June, in the year of our Lord one thou- fand feven hundred and ninety-feven, entitled " An Act to pre- vent the Spreading of contagious Sicknefs," and by the feveral acts in addition thereto, fhall be, and they hereby are transfer-Transfer or red to and made the duty of the Board of Health of the townPowers- of Bofton, any thing in faid laws to the contrary notwithftand- ing. And for all expenfes which may arife in the execution of their duty, the faid Board of Health fhall be authorized to draw upon the Town Treafurer of the town of Bofton; and the accounts of faid Board, including all receipts and expend i-Ejpenfcs. tures of money, fhall be examined by the Committee of ac- counts annually chofen by faid town of Bofton for that purpofe, who lhall report a ftate of them to the faid town accordingly, and the fame fhall be paid by the Treafurer of faid town of Bofton. And on the death or refignation of any Member of faid Board of Health, the said Board may caufe such vacancy to be filled by a new election from the Ward from which said Member was elected, by directing the Clerk of such Ward to call a meeting of the inhabitants of fuch Ward, qualified to elect Vacancies filled a Member of the Board of Health, to meet at fuch time and»P- place, as fhall be notified to him by faid Board ; at which meet- ing fuch vacancy fhall be filled, and fuch proceedings be had as are directed in the firft fection of this Act, as to the choice and return and notification of the perfon elected as a Member of faid Board as aforefaid. Sect. 10. Be it further enaBed, That whenever any prifoner confined in the gaol in Bofton, or within the limits of faid prif- on, fhall be attacked with any contagious, malignant diforder, which in the opinion of faid Board of Health, firft having con- fulted with the Phyfician of faid Board, or fome other refpect- able Phyfician of the town of Bofton, endangers the fafety and health of the other prifoners in faid gaol, or the inhabitants of faid town, and that the fuffering fuch prifoners, fo attacked as aforefaid, longer to remain in faid gaol, or within the limits of May remove faid prifon, is not confiftent with the public fafety, or the health «?kp»*"»CT9- of the inhabitants of faid town, or the prifoners in faid gaol j in every fuch cafe, the faid Board of Health fhall make appli- cation in writing to any two Juftices of the Peace, quorum unus, therein ftating the facts relative to fuch cafe; and the faid Juf- B 10 tices to whom fuch application fhall be made, fhall examine in- to fuch cafe, and if fatisfied that the facts ftated are true, fhall iffue their warrant to faid Board of Health, authorizing and di- recting them to remove faid prifoner fo attacked with fuch contagious and malignant diforder, to the Hofpital on Rains- ford Ifland, or to fome other place of fafety, there to remain under the directions of faid Board, until such prifoner either recovers or dies ; and in cafe of recovery, then to be returned by faid Board to the place from which he was taken ; and fuch warrant fo executed by faid Board, or any member thereof, fhall be by them returned, with their doings thereon, into the Clerk's Office of the Court, from which the procefs for com- mitting fuch prifoner to gaol, fhall have iffued •, and the place to which fuch prifoner fhall be removed by virtue of fuch or- der, fhall be confidered as the gaol of the county of Suffolk; and every prifoner removed as aforefaid, for the caufes afore- faid, fhall not thereby be confidered as having committed any efcape, fo as to prejudice either himself, his bondfmen, or the perfons who had the custody of him in his confinement afore- faid. Sect. 11. Be it further enaBed, That the faid Board of Health of the town of Bofton are hereby authorized and em- powered, from time to time, to make and eftablifh rules, or- Buryingders and regulations for the interment of the dead in faid town, grounds.to eftablifh the police of the Burying Grounds, appoint and lo- cate the places where the dead may be buried in faid town, and caufe the places for the depofit of the dead in faid town, and the Burying Grounds, to be repaired and properly enclofed. Funerals. Alfo to make regulations for funerals and funeral proceffions, and appoint all neceffary Officers and perfons to carry the fame into effect, and to appoint to them their duties and fees ; and fhall alfo have the power to eftablifh fuch penalties for the vi- olation of any fuch rules, orders and regulations, as they may Proviso for think proper : Provided, no one penalty for any one violation penalties. fl^ exceed the fum of fifty dollars. And all fuch rules, or- ders or regulations, fo as aforefaid made and eftablifhed by faid Board, fhall be obeyed by every perfon, from and after the fame have been publifhed in two of the newfpapers printed in Bofton, and fhall continue in full force, until the fame are al- tered or repealed by the faid Board, who made and eftablifhed them, or by fome fucceeding Board. Sect. 12. Be it further enaBed, That the faid Board of Permits. Health fhall have power to grant permits for the removal of any nuifance, infected article, or fick perfon, within the town of Bofton, when they think it fafe and proper fo to do j and f 11 ■laid Board, whenever they think juftice requires it, may ftcp, difcontinue, difcharge or compromise any fuit, complaint or in- formation, originating under this Aft. And all fines, forfeit- ures, penalties, fums to be paid or recovered, arifing under any of the provifions of this Aft, fhall be profecuted for, by and in May prosecute. the name of « The Board of Health of the town of Bofton," by complaint or information by faid Board, to be made in writ- ing to fome Juftice of the Peace within and for the county of Suffolk ; which faid Juftice, upon faid complaint or information being made to him as aforefaid, fhall receive the fame, and thereupon iffue his warrant, therein reciting the faid complaint or information, directed to the Sheriff of the county of Suffolk or either of his Deputies, or any Conftable of the town of Bof- ton, commanding them, or either of them, to fummon the par- ty informed againft or complained of, to appear before him at a time and place to be named in faid warrant, to fhew caufe, if any they have, why they fhould not pay the fum demanded of them in fuch complaint or information : which faid warrant, fhall by the officer who receives the fame, be ferved on the party informed or complained againft as aforefaid, at leaft fev- en days before the day in faid warrant ftated, as the faid day of trial, by giving fuch party in hand, a copy of fuch warrant,Forms of Pro- reading the fame to him, or leaving a copy thereof at the laftcess- and ufual place of the abode of fuch party ; and if fuch party fhall not appear at the time and place appointed, or appearing fhall not fhow fufficient caufe as aforefaid, the faid Juftice fhall proceed to render judgment in every fuch cafe, that the faid Board of Health fhall recover fuch fum in damages or as fine, as the cafe may be, as according to the provifions of this Act, they ought by law to recover, with cofts, and fhall proceed to iffue his execution therefor, in the fame manner as executions iffue from Juftices of the Peace in civil cafes triable before them; and fuch executions fhall be ferved and made returna- ble in the fame manner as executions in civil actions are by law ferved, and made returnable, which iffue on judgments render- ed in the Supreme Judicial Court of this Commonwealth : iVff-proyiso. vided however, that in all fuch profecutions as aforefaid, if the faid Board of Health fhall difcontinue fuch profecution or be- come nonfuit, or the fame on the merits fhould be decided by fuch Juftice trying fuch profecution againft them, in every fuch cafe, the faid party informed againft and complained of, fhall recover his legal cofts againft faid Board, which cofts fhall be paid by the Treafurer of the town of Bofton. And in every profecution under this Act, before any Juftice of the Peace as aforefaid; the party complained againft in fuch profecution, be- ing diffatisfied with the judgment in the fame, given by iuch Appeals. Juftice, may appeal therefrom to the Bofton Court of Common Pleas, next to be holden at Bofton, within and for the county of Suffolk, after fuch judgment is fo as aforefaid given, or ren- dered by fuch Juftice; provided fuch appeal be entered within twenty-four hours after fuch judgment is given as aforefaid ; and the fame proceedings in all refpefts relating to fuch appeal, fhall be had as are by law required on appeals from judgments rendered in civil caufes by Juftices of the Peace in this Com- monwealth j and on the entry of fuch appeal in faid Court, the faid Court fhall have cognizance and jurifdiftion of the fame, and fhall proceed to hear and determine the fame in the fame manner, and award execution in the fame way and manner as they have cognizance and jurifiJiftion, proceed to hear and de- termine and award execution in civil caufes, on appeals to them from judgments given by Juftices of the Peace in this Common- wealth. And in all cafes of fuch appeals on profecutions un- der this Aft, the party prevailing in the faid Court fhall recov- Cpsts. er his cofts, to be paid in the manner prefcribed in this feftion of this Aft: Provided however, that no appeal (hall be allowed or granted to faid Court in any profecution under the provifions of this Aft, where the amount of the judgment rendered, and had before, and by any Juftice of the Peace, fhall not amount to more than five dollars exclufive of cofts. And all fines and forfeitures recovered by faid Board of Health, under the pro- vifions of this Aft, fhall inure to the ufe of the inhabitants of the town of Bofton, and be accounted for by faid Board o£ Health, to and with the Town Treafurer of faid town of Bof- Proviw. ton. And provided alfo, that in confequence of faid appropria- tion of faid fines and forfeiture*, or the appropriation of any other monies by virtue of this Aft, no inhabitant of the faid town of Bofton fhall be difqualified as a Juftice of the Perce, a witness or juror in any profecution under this Aft, nor fhall the faid Board of Health or any Member of the fame, or any officer of the fame, be rendered thereby incompetent witneffes in any profecution under this Act ; and the Members of faid ' Board of Health, while they continue in fuch office, fhall be Ei:emptiont. exempted from all militia duty and every other duty and fer- vice, which by law the Selectmen of towns in this Common- wealth are exempted from : and all laws heretofore made re- lating to a Board of Health in the town of Bofton, fo far as they are inconfiftent with or contrary to the provifions of this Acts repealed. Aft, fhall be, and the fame are hereby repealed. Provided how- ever, that the election of the prefent Board of Health for the faid town of Bofton, and all their doings under the faid law: 19 are hereby confirmed, and they fhall have and exercife ail the powers and duties required Qr permitted by this prefent Act; and provided alfot that all profecutions now pending, fhall be proceeded in, in the fame way and manner, as though this Act had never been paffed. And in all profecutions under this Act, the perfons profecuted, may plead the general iffue, and give May plead the any fpecial matter in evidence under the fame; and the com-gcncral*-8"e' plaint, information, pleadings or proceedings in any profecu- tions under this Aft, may, by leave of Court, before whom the fame is, or m.;y be pending, be amended in any ftate of fuch prufecuiion, without the payment of cofts by either party. [Approved by the Governor, June 20, 1816.] An A& to prevent the Spreading of contagious Sickness. Sect. 1. BE it enaBed by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefenta- tives, in General Court ajfembled, and by the authority of the fame, That for the better preventing the fpreading of infection, when Selectmen to it fhall happen that any perfon or perfons coming from abroad, ^1(^e ^ * or belonging to any town or place within this State, fhall be persons side vifited, or fhall lately before have been vifited with the plague, with contag. fmall pox, peftilential or malignant fever, or other contagiousl0Usd,steniJierSa ficknefs, the infection whereof may probably be communicated to others, the Selectmen of the town where fuch perfon or perfons may arrive, or be, are hereby empowered to take care and make effectual provifion in the heft way they can, for the prefervation of the inhabitants, by removing fuch fick or in- fected perfon or perfons, and placing him or them in a feparate houfe or houfes, and by providing nurfes, attendance, and other affiftance and neceffaries for them; which nurfes, attendance, and other affiftance and neceffaries, fhall be at the charge of the parties themfelves, their parents or mafters (if able) or Otherwise at the charge of the town or place whereto they be- long; and in cafe fuch perfon or perfons are not inhabitants of any town or place within this State, then at the charge of the Commonwealth. Sect. 2. And be it further enaBed, That any perfon or per-.Person arn> fons coming from any place out of this State, where the fmall|n^c[g" !"*«•. pox or other malignant diftemper is prevailing, into any town formSelectmcr.. within this State, fhall, when thereto required by the Selectmen of fuch town, within the fpace of two hours from the time they fhall be firft informed of their duty by law in this particular, ciye notice to one or more of the Selectmen, or the Clerk of 14 fuch town, of their coming there, and of the place from whence they came, upon pain of forfeiting, in cafe of neglect, the fum of one hundred dollars. And fuch perfon or perfons, if not dif- dTn a perso"faD^e(l hy ficknefs, fhall, within the fpace of two hours after so directed bywarr"ng given to him or them by the Selectmen of fuch town the Selectmen.for that purpofe, depart from this State, in fuch manner and by fuch road, as the faid Selectmen fhall direct; and in cafe of refufal, it fhall be lawful for any Juftice of the Peace in the county where fuch town may lie, by warrant direfted to a conftable or other proper officer, or other perfon whom the Juftice fhall judge proper, to caufe fuch perfon or perfons to be removed into the State from whence he or they may have come; and any perfon removed by warrant as aforefaid, who, during Penalty for re-tjje prevaience 0f fucn diftemper, fhall prefume to return into turning, with- * . . . „ . , r ... £ n , . i r r i out previousanv town °* this State, without liberty firft obtained from luch permission. Juftice, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of four hundred dollars: And any inhabitant of this State, who fhall entertain in his f houfe any perfon warned to depart as aforefaid, for the fpace of taining per-two hours after notice given him of fuch warning, by one or sons warned to more of the Selectmen aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay the fum depart. 0f fW0 hundred dollars. Sect. 3. And be it further enaBed, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Selectmen of any town near to, or bordering upon, either of the neighbouring States, to appoint by writing under their hands, fome meet perfon or perfons to attend at Persons may be ^ries or other places by or over which paffengers may pafs appointed to from fuch infefted places; which perfon or perfons fo appoint- atten&c3t fer"e(*» ^ia^ nave Power to examine fuch paffengers as they may fufpeft to bring infection with them, and, if need be, to hinder and reftrain them from travelling, until licenfed thereto by a Juftice of the Peace within fuch county, or by the Selectmen of the town in which fuch perfon or perfons may come; and 1 heir power. any paffenger, who coming from fuch infefted place, fhall (without licenfe aforefaid) prefume to travel within this State, unlefs it be to return by the moft direct way to the State from whence he came, after he fhall be cautioned to depart by the perfon or perfons appointed as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of one hundred dollars; the feveral forfeitures aforefaid to be recovered by action of debt in any Court of Record prop- er to try the fame ; one moiety to and for the ufe of the town ■where the offence fhall be committed, the other moiety to the ufe of the perfon who may fue for the fame. Sheriffs, &a Sect. \. And be it further enaBed, That if need be, any may be requir two Juftices of the Peace may make out a warrant, direfted to ed to remove the Sheriff of |he Count or his Deputy, or Conftable of the infected perlons j[' rr r u or take up town, or place where any luch lick perfon or perfons may Dej houses, be guarded. quired to take effectual care to prevent fuch baggage, clothing, or other goods, being removed or intermeddled with, by any perfons whatfoever, until due inquiry be made into the circum- stances thereof; requiring likewife the faid Sheriff, his Deputy, or the Conftable aforefaid, if it fhall appear neceffary, with the advice and direction of faid Selectmen, to imprefs and take up If necessary, ts convenient houfes or ftores, for the receiving, lodging and fafe]?e st°red *>N keeping of fuch baggage, clothing, or other goods, until the fectionrom in" fame fhall be fufficiently cleanfed from infection : And in cafe it fhall appear highly probable to the faid Juftice, that fuch bag- gage, clothing, or other goods, are infefted as aforefaid, he is hereby empowered and direfted to iffue his warrant in manner as aforefaid, requiring faid Sheriff, his Deputy, or any Confta- ble, or other perfon therein fpeclally named, to remove faid0r maY Dere» baggage, clothing, or other goods, to fome convenient place, ^°t*„ce " a where there fhall be the leaft danger of the infection fpreading; there to remain, until the fame fhall be fufficiently aired andWarc houses freed from/infection in the opinion of said Selectmen : And the &c. may be faid Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, or Conftable, in the execution ofbroken UP .»" faid warrant?, are empowered and direfted, if need be, to break ^"^ ° b'"^ up any houfe, ware-houfe, fhop or other place, particularly gage, ike. 16 i.ieutioned in faid warrant, where fuch baggage, clothing, or other goods fhill be ; and in cafe of oppofition, to require fuch aid as fhall be neceffary to effect the execution of faid warrants, Citizens are toand repel fuch oppofition; and all perfons are hereby required, if called""""'3* tne commandment of either of the faid officers, having either ' of the warrants aforefaid, under penalty of ten dollars, to be re- covered before any Juftice of the Peace in the County where fuch oppofition may happen, to affift fuch officer in the execu- tion of the fame warrant, againft any oppofition as aforefaid j moval^&c. To311^ tne cnarges or* fecuring fuch baggage, clothing, or other be defrayed bygoods, and of airing and tranfporting the fame, fhall be borne the owners, and paid by the owners thereof, at fuch rates and prices as fhall be fet and appointed by the Selectmen of the town, where fuch baggage, clothing or other goods fhall be, to be recovered by action of debt, by any perfon or perfons who may have been employed in the bufiness aforefaid, in any Court of Record pro- per to try the fame. Inquiry to be Sect. 6. And be it further enaBed, That inquiry fhall be made of vessels made by the officer or other perfon on duty at the Caftle in the passing the harbour of Bojlon, of every veflel coming from fea, and palling Casdc- by the faid Caftle, whether any infectious ficknefs be on board, or has been on board, fince fuch veffel left the port from whence fhe laft came ; and if any fuch veffel has any ficknefs on board, Vessels to be or j^s had any on board, fince her leaving fuch port, in fuch ceived ' infec- ca^e> orders fhall be given by faid officer, or other perfon on tious. duty, to the mafter or commander of fuch veffel, immediately to anchor, and to remain at anchor until a certificate fhall be ob- tained from the major part of the Selectmen of the town of Bojlon, that they are of opinion fuch veffel may come up to the town without danger to the inhabitants, or until the faid mafter or commander fhall receive orders from the faid Selectmen to an- chor his veffel near the Hofpital on Rainsford Ifland, in the Penalty forharbour of Bojlon. And in cafe any mafter or commander of falsely anfwer-a veffe\ (hall, by himfelf or the people on board, make falfe »ng at t e Cas*anfwerj wnen inquired of as aforefaid, by the officer or other perfon on duty as aforefaid, or after orders are given as afore- faid, fhall neglect or refufe to anchor near the Caftle as afore- faid, or come on fhore, or fuffer any paffenger or other perfon belonging to the veflel to come on fhore, or any goods to be taken out before the veffel fhall have anchored, or without lib- erty from the Selectmen as aforesaid; or in cafe any mafter or commander of a veffel ordered to anchor near the Hofpital aforefaid, fhall neglect or refufe fo to do; in every fuch cafe, every mafter or commander fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay for each offence the fum of four hundred dollars, or fuffer fix. months imprifonment. 17 Sect. 7. And be it further enaBed, That upon application Goods fuppoi- made to the Selectmen of the town of Bofton, by any mafter or £™; ™™ '£ commander of any veffel at anchor near the Hofpital as aforefaid, permitted to be the faid Selectmen are hereby empowered to permit fuch paf- landed. fengers, goods, or lading, as they fhall judge free from infeftion, to come on fhore, or to be taken out and difpofed of as the owners fhall fee fit; and fuch paffengers and goods as fhall not be permitted as aforefaid, fhall remain on board, or be landed on faid Ifland : And if any mafter or commander of any fuch Pen°r,hojd"nl, Veffel, for the time being, fhall come on fhore, or fuffer any of ^munication his people or paffengers to come on fhore, or any boat to come with perfons on on board, or fuffer any goods to be taken out of his veffel, un- fl»orc,forbiddcii lefs permitted as aforefaid, or fhall come up to faid town, with mjttgfa y pCr his veflel, until by a certificate under the hands of faid Select- men, or the major part of them, it fhall appear that faid veffel, company and goods are clear of infection, and the orders for flopping the fame be removed or taken off, he fhall for every fuch offence forfeit the fum of two hundred dollars; and in cafe he be not able to pay that fum, he fhall fuffer three months imprifonment; and if any failors or paffengers, coming in faid veffel, fhall, without the knowledge or content of the mafter or commander, prefume to come on fhore, or up above the Caftle aforefaid ; or if any perfon fhall knowingly prefume to go on board from fhore, or go to the aforefaid Houfe or Ifland in time of infection there, without leave as aforefaid $ or if any perfon put fick into the faid houfe, or fent there on fufpicion of being infefted, fhall prefume to go off the faid Ifland without leave as aforefaid ; any perfon offending in any of the particulars above mentioned, fhall forfeit the fum of two hundred dollars s and in cafe fuch perfon be not able to pay faid forfeiture, he fhall fuf- fer two months imprifonment. All profecutions for offences contrary to this and the preceding feftion, fhall be by indict- ment or information in the Supreme Judicial Court or Court of General Seflions of the Peace ; and one moiety of all fines mentioned in faid feftions, fhall be to the ufe of the town of Bojlon, and the other moiety to the ufe of the Selectmen of faid town for the time being, whofe particular duty it is hereby made to profecute therefor. Sect. 8. And be it further enaBed, That whenever any Vessels may be fhip or veffel, wherein any infection or infectious, ficknefs hath p^hiand. ° lately been, fhall come to any harbour within this State ; or whenever any perfon or perfons belonging to, or that may eith- er by fea or land come into any town or place near the public Hofpital aforefaid, shall be vifited, or shall lately before have been vifited with any infectious ficknefs, two of the Juftices of the Peace or Selectmen of fuch place, be, and hereby are em- powered immediately to order the faid veffel and fick perfons C 18 to the faid Hofpital, there to be taken care of according to the directions of this Aft : And where any fuch fhip, veffel, or per- fons, cannot, without great inconvenience and damage, be or- dered to the aforefaid Hofpital, in any fuch cafe, the rules and directions are to be obferved which are provided in the firft in case of refu-enafting claufe of this Aft. And in cafe the mafter or mariners sal togo tothe0f any veflel ordered to the Hofpital as aforefaid, fhall refufe ° pita' or delay, for the fpace of fix hours after fuch order being giv- en to faid mafter, or either of the owners of faid veffel, or of the factors, or either of faid owners of the good^, to come to fail, if wind and weather permit, in order to proceed to faid Hofpital, fuch mafter fo refilling, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of four hundred dollars ; and each mariner fo refufing, the fum of one hundred dollars ; and in cafe they be not able to pay faid fums, they fhall fuffer fix months imprifonment; one half of faid fine to be to the informer, and the other half to the poor of the town or diftrift, to which fuch port or harbour belongs, and to be recovered in any Court of Record proper to try the fame, by indictment or information Perfons nfus- Sect. 9. And be it further enaBed, That if any mafter, fea- wg to^ answer man OJ. paffenger> belonging to any veffel on board which any que^tionecT bym^ec^'on 1S> or mav ,ave lately been, or fufpeftedto have been, the Selectmen, or which may have come from any port where any infeftious mortal diftemper prevails, fhall refufe to make anfwer on oath to fuch queftions as may be afked him or them relating to fuch infection, by the Selectmen of the town to which fuch veffel may come, (which oath the faid Selectmen are hereby empow- ered to adminifter) fuch mafter, feaman, or paffenger, fo re- fufing, fhall forfeit the fum of two hundred dollars ; and in cafe he be not able to pay faid fum, he fhall fuffer fix months im- prifonment ; faid penalty to be adjudged on profecution by in- dictment or information in any Court proper to try the fame ; one moiety of faid fine to the ufe of the town where the offence may be committed, and the other moiety to the ufe of the Se- lectmen thereof, whofe particular duty it is hereby made to profecute therefor. Nurses, &c. to And the Selectmen of Bofton are hereby authorized and di- be provided, refted to provide nurfes, affiftance, and other neceffaries, for the *t comfort and relief of fuch fick perfons as may be fent to faid Hofpital as aforefaid : The charge thereof to be borne by the faid perfons themfelves, if able ; or if poor and unable, by the towns to which they refpeftively belong ; or if not inhabit- ants of any particular town, or other place within this State, then by the Commonwealth. Sect. 10. And be it further enaBed, That whenever the fmall pox, or other mortally infeftious diftemper fhall prevail in any of the towns wherein the Supreme Judicial Court of f is this Commonwealth, the Courts of Common Pleas, or General Seffions of the Peace are to be holden, at the times prefcribed Courts may ad- by law, or by their own adjournment, for their fitting m fuchfcaious towns town, the Juftices of the faid Courts refpeftively are hereby empowered to adjourn and hold faid Courts in any town with- in the fame County, by proclamation to be made in the fhire town, or as near the fame as fafety will in their opinion permit. ,.* •« Sect If. Be it further enaBed, That each town or diftrift Health Com- in this Commonwealth may, at their meeting held in March ^eeoK)fficer or April annually, or at any other meeting legally warned forpointcd- the purpofe, when they fhall judge it to be neceffary, choofe and appoint a Health Committee, to confift of not leis than five, nor more than nine fuitable perfons, or one perfon to be a Health Officer, whole duty it fhall be to remove all tilth of any kind whatever, which fhall be found in any of the ftreets, lanes, wharves, docks, or in any other place whatever, with- in the limits of the town to which fuch Committee or Health Officer belongs, whenever fuch filth fhall in their judgment endanger the lives or the health of the inhabitants thereof: all the expenfes whereof to be paid by the perfon or perfons who placed it there, if known, or if not, by the town by which faid Committee or Health Officer was appointed. And whenever any filth as aforefaid fhail be found on private property, faid Committee or Health Officer fhall notify and order the owner or occupier thereof,after twenty four hours notice,to remove the fame, at their own expenfe ; and in cafe faid owner or occupier fhall neglect to remove fuch filth from his or her property, af- ter the expiration of the time aforefaid, he or they fo offending fhall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollars, to be fued for and recovered with cofts of fuit by faid Committee or Health Officer, before any Court proper to try the fame, for the ufe of the poor of the town in which fuch offence is committed. And faid owner or occupier as aforefaid fhall be liable and obliged to repay to faid town all coft and charges which the faid Com- mittee or Health Officer may have incurred in removing the filth from his or her property; and in cafe of refufal to pay the fame, he or they may be fued in the fame way as is provided in this Aft for the recovery of fines as aforefaid. SecT. 12. And be it further enaBed, That whenever any Infccfioui yes veffel fhall arrive at any port other than Bofton within this Com-sclS) how to be monwealth,havingon board any perfon vifited with the plague, deposed of at fmall pox, malignant fever, or any other peftilenttal difeale, the^jj™ mafter, commander, or pilot thereof, fhall not bring fuch veflel up near the town of the port where fhe firft arrives, until lib- erty be firft granted in writing by the Selectmen thereof; but 'hey mav bring fuch veffel to an anchor in fuch place below 20 the town as will be moft for the fafety of the inhabitants there- of, and the prefervation of the veflel and the people on board, there to wait for orders from the Selectmen of fuch town before any paffenger or perfon belonging to, or any thing on board the fame be brought on fhore ; and any mafter or commander of fuch veffel, who fhall be found guilty of a breach of the law contained in this fection, fhall forfeit and pay a fine of two hundred dollars for every fuch offence, upon convic- tion thereof before any Court proper to try the fame; and any Pilot who may go on board any fuch veffel and pilot the fame up to the town, without liberty firft had and obtained from the Selectmen thereof as aforefaid, fhall, upon conviction in man- ner as aforefaid, forfeit and pay a fine offifty dollars for every fuch offence ; all which fines contained in this fection may be fued for and recovered with cofts of fuit, in manner as afore- faid, by the Selectmen of the town where the offence is com- mitted, to and for the ufe of the fame town. Previous laws SecT. 13. And be it further enaBed, That a law of this rcpea ed. Commonwealth, made in the year one thoufand feven hundred and one, providing in cafe of fickness ; one other law made in addition thereto, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one; one other law made in the year one thoufand fev- en hundred and thirty, empowering Courts to adjourn and re- move from the towns appointed by law for holding Courts, to other towns, in cafe of ficknefs by the fmall pox ; one other law made in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven, for regulating the Hofpital on Rainsford's Ifl- and, and further providing in cafe of ficknefs ; one law pafled the next year in addition thereto ; one other law made in the year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two, to prevent the fpreading of the fmall pox, and other infeftious ficknefs, and to prevent the concealing the fame, be, and they are hereby re- pealed ; except that the fame fhall remain in force for the pur- pofe of recovering all fines incurred by force thereof. [This Aft paffed June 22, 1797.] An Act in addition to an Act, entitled, " An Aft to prevent the Spreading of contagious Sickness." WHEREAS it it neceffary that fome further provifion Preamble fhould be made by law, to require veffels to perform quaran- tine, for the fafety of the people in this Commonwealth : SeCT. i. Be it enaBed by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefent- aiives, in General Court ajfembled, and by the authority of the fame, That whenever it fhall appear to the Selcftmen of any fen port t 91 town within this Commonwealth (other than Bofton and Sa/em)sdec}Ktn ,u' that the fafety of the inhabitants thereof requires, that any vef-thonzed" fel, or veffels, which fhall arrive in any harbour or river within this Commonwealth, from any port or place, fhould perform quarantine, the Selectmen of any town where fuch veflel fhall fb arrive, are hereby required and empowered to caufe fuch vef- fel or veffels to perform quarantine, at fuch place as they fhall appoint, and under fuch reftrictions and regulations as they may judge expedient; and any owner, mafter or fupercargo, officer, feaman or confignee of fuch veffel or veffels, or any other perfon who fhall neglect or refufe to obey the orders, directions, rules, regulations and reftrictions of the faid Selectmen, refpefting the faid quarantine, and fhall be convicted thereof, upon indict- ment or information, before the Supreme Judicial Court or Court of General Seffions of the Peace, held in the county where the offence may be committed, fhall forfeit and pay a Penalty for dis- fum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprifoned for obeying erder*, a term of time not exceeding fix months, or both, at the difcre- ofselectmen C> tion of the Court having cognizance of fuch offence. Sect. 2. Be it further enaBed, That when any mafter or Attention to be commander of any veffel fhall come up to any feaport town paid to any in- aforefaid, with his faid veffel, after notice given to him by anyfonna"°n oi perfon or perfons whomfoever, that a quarantine has been di- 1uarantine- refted by the faid Selectmen for all veffels coming from the port or place from which fuch mafter or commander fhall have ar- rived ; or fhall falfely or fraudulently attempt to elude the direc-. tions of the faid Selectmen, by falfe and unfounded declarations of the port or place from whence he came ; or fhall land, or N° perfon or fuffer to be landed from his veflel, any perfon or perfons, or J °g. t0 b" apparel, bedding, goods or merchandize whatfoever, without the permiflion of the faid Selectmen,—every fuch mafter or com- mander fhall, upon conviction thereof in manner and form point- ed out in the firft feftion of this Aft, forfeit and pay a fum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or fuffer imprifonment for a tna l^' term not exceeding fix months, or both, at the difcretion of the Court having cognizance of fuch offence. SecT- 3. Be it further enaBed, That whenever the faid Se- lectmen fhall think it neceffary to order all veffels which fhall or may arrive at any of the feaport towns aforefaid, from any When SelecN- particular port or ports, to perform quarantine, and fhall giveme" *haJlord^r notice of fuch order to the Pilots of the faid feaport towns; itjot/directcdto fhall be the duty of fuch Pilots to make known the faid order make it known to the captains or mafters of all veffels which they fhall board.toCaptains.&c And if any Pilot, after notice given to him as aforefaid, fhall neglect to make known the faid order, or fhall pilot any fuch veffel up to any town aforefaid, he fhall, upon conviction 22 thereof in manner and form pointed out in the firft feftion of Penalty. this Aft, forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enaBed, That the Selectmen of each of the feaport towns aforefaid, fhall provide, at the expenfe of Red flags to be fuch towns, a fuitable number of red flags, of three yards at hoisted. leaft in length ; and the nv.fter of every veffel ordered to per- form quarantine, for the purpofe of purification, fhall hoift one of faid flags on the head of the mainmaft, there to be kept dur- ing the whole time, fo long as faid veffel or veffels are perform- Pcr&onsnot to ing quarantine ; and no perfon during the time fhall goon go on board board, except thofe employed by the faid Seleftmen ; and every fuch vessels. perfon who fhall tranfgrefs by going on board any fuch veflel, fhall be confidered as contaminated with infection, and held to undergo purification in the fame manner, and under the fame regulations and reftrictions, as thofe perfons who are perform- ing quarantine on board fuch veffel or veffels, and fhall there re- main until difcharged by order of faid Seleftmen, who, by any perfon or perfons employed by them, may forcibly detain fuch perfon or perfons tranfgrefling as aforefaid, for the purpofe of purifying as aforefaid. Sect. 5. Be it further enaBed, That in every feaport town aforefaid, where there is a Health Committee or a Health Offi- cer, legally chofen and appointed in manner as direfted by the Act to which this is in> addition, and the Seleftmen of fuch town fhall judge it neceffary, and/ fhall certify it under their Health Com- namjS) or the major part of them ; fuch Health Committee or ce'r authorized". Health Officer are hereby authorized to perform all the duties, and exercife all the authority which Seleftmen are authorized and required to execute, in requiring any perfon or perfons, veffel or veffels as aforefaid, to perform quarantine in manner as pointed out in this Aft. Appropriation Sect. 6. And be it further enaBed, That all the forfeitures of forfeitures, arifing from this Aft fhall accrue to the ufe of the town where Expenses from the offence fhall be committed ; and all expenfes arifing from any vessel, &< .any veffel, perfon or perfons, or effects on board the fame, per- by whom paid. formmg qUarantine as aforefaid, fhall be paid by the owner or f f L owners of fuch veffel, or effects on board the fame ; and in cafe of refufal to pay fuch expenfes, the fame may be recovered by an action of debt in the name of the Seleftmen, Health Com- mittee, or Health-Officer, as the cafe may be, in any Court pro- per to try the fame. [This Aft paffed February 26, 1800.] 23 HEALTH OFFICE, Boston, April 26, A. D. 1819. ORDERED, That the following RULES and REGULATIONS for the Interment of the Dead in the To ,vn of B >ST)N, for Funerals and Funeral Proces- sions in said Town, for the Police of Burying-Grounds in said Town, and the following Penalties and Fees respecting the same, be and the same are hereby fixed and established by the Board of Health of the Town of Bojlon, and that the same commence and have effect from and after the first day of June next. ARTICLE I. Police of the Burying Grounds and Cemeteries. Sect. 1. To execute the Police of the Burying Grounds and Cemeteries, there fhall be one Superintendant elected by ballot, who on acceptance of the truft shall give fatisfaftory ^jSction bonds for the faithful performance of the duties required, and of superintend- whose jurifdiftion fhall extend to all the Burying Grounds and ant. Cemeteries within the town, and his Office fhall be kept in the eaft corner of Faneuil Hall, Market-Houfe. It fhall be the duty of the Superintendant to keep the fences, walls and gates of the refpeftive Grounds and Cemeteries in complete repair, and pro- His duty. perly fecured by locks and bolts ; to point out the place,-depth and width of every grave to be dug therein ; to caufe the graves to be dug in exact ranges parallel with, and as near to each other as may be ; and to fee that the graves be fo filled and ele- vated, and the turf replaced, that water may not stagnate there- on ;—To caufe the tombs opened in the refpeftive Cemeteries, between the 1ft of July, and the 30th of September, to be clo- fed and pointed with lime within twenty-four hours after the depofit of bodies therein ; and to direct the Wardens of the feveral Churches to which Cemeteries belong, to caufe at leaft three bufhels of good stone lime to be flacked therein on the lft and 15th days of July, August and September :—To record in a book to be kept for that purpofe, the name, age and fex of each perfon interred ; the family to which the deceafed belong- ed ; the difeafe or caufe of death; and whether citizen or ftranger; the time when interred ; the number of the grave, and the number of the range, where buried, or the tomb where depofited. 24- Grave stones to Sect. 2. The Superintendant fhall permit the family of any !»e CKCjtcd un"Perlort hereafter buried in any grave in the North and South ofthe Wi°nn.Burial Grounds, to place within 12 months after the burial of tcndant. fuch perfon, a ftone of the following dimenfions, viz—length 41 feet, breadth 1 foot 10 inches, thicknefs 3| inches, having the perfon's name and age, the number of the grave, and the number ofthe range cut thereon, placed perpendicular 6 inches from the head ofthe grave, and fettled in the earth 18 inches from a level furface ; which, being recorded by the Superintend- ant, fuch grave fhall be referved for the ufe of the fame family for 20 years ; and graves may be re-opened for members of the reopened?7 ' 'feme family, provided the top of any coffin put therein be not within three feet of the furface of the ground. The bottom of the firft coffin buried in any grave in the North Burying Ground fhall be at leaft eight feet from the furface of the ground ; and the bottom of the firft coffin buried in any grave in the South Burying Ground, fhall be at leaft fix feet fix inches from the furface of the ground. Newgravesnot Sect. 3. A new range of graves fhall not be commenced un- permitted unti .^.j t^e preceding range is entirely taken up by the depofit of a body or bodies in each grave. No temporary Sect. 4-. A corpfe fhall not be depofited for a temporary depositswithoutpurpofe in any of the PuDlic Vaults, without the licenfe of this license. £» , Board. Corpses depos- Sect. 5. "When a corpfe fhall be depofited in any of the me0dvcs5aUbcre" Public Vaults, the fame fhall be afterwards removed and inter- red, agreeably to the regulations of the Board, and in the man- ner and time expreffed in a licenfe of the Board for faid depofit. And for a faithful execution of the fame, every perfon concern- ed in faid depofit, removal and interment, fhall feverally be refponfible. Fees for depos- Sect# 6# When a corpfe is depofited in a Public Vault, in ta>S' addition to the Superintendant's fees, there fhall be paid to the ufe of the Town one dollar for each adult, and fifty cents for each child, to be collected by the Superintendant. Returns to be Sect. 7. The Superintendant fhall, on the Monday of each made. week, make a return to the Health-Office of the perfons inter- red in the Grounds and Cemeteries in his care ; which return fhall comprife a copy of all the particulars required to be record- ed by the firft fection of thefe Regulations; that from fuch returns this Board, from time to time, may publifh Bills of Mor- tality for the town. Sect. 8. That if any perfon fhould be defirous to remove out of town the body of a deceafed friend for interment, it mav be lawful fo to do, on application to the Superintendant of Burial Grounds, he to attend the time and place of removal; provided no caufe fhould appear, to withhold the permiflion :— 25 The applicant fubjeft to pay the Superintendant twenty-five cents fox his attendance. ' " ARTICLE II.— Funeral Cars. ' '' Li Sect. 1. The Funeral Cars fhall be under the care of the Superintends; Superintendant, and fhall be depofited for fafe keeping in pla-^^vc^ajgc ces provided therefor. It fhall be the duty of the Superintend- Cars ant, to keep them clean and in good repair, he having the ap- probation of the Burying Ground Committee ; and only permit Funeral Undertakers, licenfed by this Board, to ufe the fame, on the payment of the fee eftablished by thefe Regulations. The Superintendant to account monthly to the Treafurer of this Board for fuch fees. ARTICLE III.—Funeral Undertakers. Sect. i. A fufficient number of Funeral Undertakers fhall Undertakers be appointed and licenfed by this Board, who fhall be refponfi- li^ed! ble for the decent, orderly and faithful management of the Fu- nerals undertaken by them ; and for a ftrict compliance with thefe Regulations. Each Undertaker may employ fober and dis- creet Porters to aflift him ; and fhall be accountable to this Board for their conduct.— Perfons not licenfed as Undertakers, are forbid the undertaking of any Funeral, under penalty of twenty dollars for each offence. ARTICLE IV.--Funerals, &c. Sect. i. All Funerals fhall be between fun-rifing and fun- Time and man- fetting, except when otherwife ordered by this Board, in cafes ner of Funerals. ofthe prevalence of contagious and malignant difeafes, and fhall pafs through or into at leaft one principal ftreet There fhall be but one bell tolled at any funeral; which bell fhall be tolled no longer than one hour, and no oftener than two ftrokes in a minute ; and the bells of the North Church fhall not be chim- ed more than fifteen minutes for one funeral proceflion. The corpfe of every perfon over ten years of age, fhall be conveyed to the grave or tomb in a Funeral Car, to be drawn by not more than two horfes: Provided however, That on an extraor- dinary occafion permiffion may be obtained of this Board, on re- gular application, to difpenfe with any of the rules contained in this article. Sect. 2. The Superintendant fhall defignate fuitable places Where to bury in the North and South Burying Grounds, for the burial of peo-peoPUof colour- pie of colour, under the direction of thi$ Board. ARTICLE V.—Fines', &c. _ . . , Fines for violat Sect. 1. If the Superintendant fhall violate any or either of ingReguhtions thefe Regulations, he fhall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars. If an Undertaker fhall violate any or either of D 26 thefe Regulations, he fhall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of thirty dollars ; and if any other perfon or perfons fhall violate or tranfgrefs them, he or they fhall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars. Boar to re- Sect 2. The Superintendant, Funeral Undertakers and move Superin* Porters fhall at all times be removable at the pleafure of this tendan ts, Sec. Board. ARTICLE VI—Fees, csV. Sect. 1. There fhall be collected and paid for fervices in the execution of thefe Regulations, the following fees, viz For the Superintendant.—For each grave dug, fifty-five cents, Fees to the s«-except for fuch perfons as are buried at the expenfe ofthe cenntendant. * _ ,r, .,. , ,„r -o town. For each tomb or public vault opened, lb cents, for _ the record of each perfon buried or entombed, twenty-five cents. Tomb 75 ct.«.For the ufe ofthe car at each funeral, two dollars ; and the fame with the fees for graves tombs and public vaults, to be col- lected from the families < f the perfons interred. The recording fees to be paid quarterly by the Board of Health. , ., Fees for Undertakers For digging a grave 8 feet deep, and Fees to the Un- - J , r , „ **, ?f 6 r Je „ denakcrs. covering the lame, two dollars and hrty cents; tor one 6 feet 6 inches deep, one dollar and fifty-cents ; for one 5 feet deep, one dollar and twenty five cents, and for 4 feet deep one dollar. For opening and clofing a tomb, feventy-five cents. For fer- vice at the houfe of a perfon deceafed, in collecting and return- ing chairs and other attendance, one dollar ; for every family notified by requeft, five cents; for tolling a bell, fifty cents ; for placing a corpfe in coffin when requefted, and removing down ftairs, one dollar; for the ufe of one horfe in the car, and leader, one dollar and fifty cents ; for two horfes, feventy-five cents each ; for carrying a corpfe from the houfe to the car, and from the car to the grave, tomb or vault, and removal of the fame from the Public Vault to the place of interment, including the affiftance of funeral porters, and the leader or leaders of the Funeral Car, three dollars. Additional fee. Sect. 2. When a corpfe is carried into a church, the Fune- ral Undertaker may make an additional charge of two dollars; and whenever the ground fhall be frozen, the charge of digging graves may be augmented at the difcretion of this Board. Sect. 3- For burial of children under ten years of age, viz. Digging a grave 3-| feet deep, feventy five cents ; for fervice at the houfe, one dollar ; tolling bell, fifty cents j carrying the corpfe to the carriage, and from the carriage to the place of de- pofit, fifty cents ■, for the ufe of a pall, twenty-five cents. Sect. 4. It fhall be the duty of the feveral Undertakers and each of them to fettle with, and pay over monthly to the Super- intendant, the fees provided for in the firft fection of this article- I ' 27 ARTICLE VII__Burying Grounds. Sect. 1. The Central, Chapel and Granary Burying Certain Bury- Grounds are clofed fo far, that no graves fhall be opened or1,I£SJounds dug, nor tombs built therein, until the further order of this0 * Board. Sect. 2. The old part of the North Burying Ground is alfo clofed fo far, that no graves fhall be opened or dug therein, Others clofed excepting in the places appropriated for the interment of people condltlonally- of colour, under the direction of this Board. Perfons may have leave to erect tombs in the new part of the North Burying Ground, and the South Burying Ground, under the direction, and on the conditions prefcribed by this Board. By order of the Board of Health, BENJAMIN WHITMAN, President. Attest—James Robinson, Sec'ry. HEALTH OFFICE, Boston, April 56, A. D. 1819. ORDERED, That the following Rules, Regu- lations, Restrictions, Qualifications and Directions, shall constitute the Quarantine Regulations of this Board, on all Vessels, &c. which shall arrive within the Har- bour of Boston, from any port or place, until the fur- ther order of this Board ; and that the same be pub- lished in the Newspapers employed by this Board, for general information, viz. ARTICLE I. Quarantine of Veffels. Sect. 1. On and after the twentieth day of May annually, and until the twentieth day of October, in each year, a quar- antine fhall be had of all veffels, their officers, crews, paffen- gers and cargoes, that come within the Harbour of Bofton, which are from or have touched at any port or place within the tropics, or from any of the Weft India Iflands, or from any of the Britifh provinces in North America, having arrived there from any of the places herein mentioned, or any port or place where contagious ficknefs doth or hath recently prevail- ed—0f all veffels on board of which any perfon fhall have died of any difeafe, or been fick during their homeward paffage, ex- cepting veffels coming from places beyond the Cape of Good 28 Hope, where no contagious or malignant difeafe was known to be prevalent previous to their departure—or from the Iflands of St. Helena, or Afcenfion. Sect. 2. The quarantine above directed, fhall be had near Rainsford liland, under the direction of the Principal or Affif- tant Phyfician, and other officers of this Board, and fhall con- tinue on every veflel which has had twenty-two or a lefs num- ber of days paflage, until fhe fhall have made up twenty five days from the day fhe left her laft port; and on each veflel which has had twenty three or more days paflage, feventy-two hourSj in addition to fuch paflage. And on every veffel, on board which, during her homeward paflage, any perfon fhall have died, (excepting from accident or cafualty) the quarantine fhall be extended to twenty-five days from the laft death. And no veffel fhall be confidered as having commenced quarantine, un- til fhe fhall have anchored in her proper ftation on quarantine ground, as direfted by the Principal or Affiftant Phyfician, or other officers of this Board. Masters, &c, of Sect. 3. The mafters, officers, crews and paffengers of all vessels, to com-veffels when on quarantine, fhall be fubject to the Regulations ulations1/ R?S" °^ l*"s ^oarAi /"U--.TT Dirt, &c. Art. 2. When any quantity of dirt, faw-duft, foot, fhav- { ings, ftraw, hair, animal or vegetable fubftance, or filth of any kind, fhall be found in any cellar, yard, or other premifes, or be thrown into any ftreet, fquare, lane or alley; the owner or occupier of fuch cellar, yard or other premifes, where found ; or the owner or occupier of the premifes from whence fuch dirt, faw-dust, &c. had been removed* fhall caufe the fame to be carried away, at his, or her expenfe, within four hours after notification, in writing, from this Board.—And all carts or waggons employed in the carting earth, clay, fand or dirt of any kind, fhall have and ufe good and fufficient fore and hind boards, and otherways fufficiently tight to prevent the faid earth, fand, clay, or dirt, from dropping in the ftreets through which they may pafs. Waste Water, ^ Art. 3. The owners or occupiers Of houfes, buildings Or w lands, fhall caufe all Wafte Water from their premifes to be conveyed from their cellars, yards, finks, pumps and vacant lands, through drains under ground to common fewers j or to fuch refervoirs funk under ground to receive the fame, as a committee of this Board fhall approbate. J^ Vaults, Privies, &c. Art. 4. The owners of vaults or privies, and the occupi- ers of the houfe or houfes, ftore or buildings, to which they ^ults' PnviC3< belong or are attached, fhall not permit the contents of fueh vaults or privies to rife within two feet of the furface of the earth—and every owner, occupier or perfon who improves any vault or privy, in the town Bofton, fhall conftantly keep the fame vault or privy boxed or made tight, fo that the contents thereof fhall not efcape from fuch vault or privy into the cel- lar or on to the land of any other perfon, or into or on any ftreet, lane or alley in the town of Bofton, or on any land be- longing to faid town of Bofton, or any corporation ; and no vault or privy fhall be emptied without a permit from this Board, and by perfons authorized by this Board for that pur- E ^ 34 pofe. from and after the firft of April, and until the firft of November next; at which time, the Inhabitants may employ, from the firft of November, to the firft of April next fucceeding, any perfon they fhall fee fit, to empty their neceffary vaults be- tween the hours of 10 o'clock in the evening, and the sun's rifing, on fuch terms, and by fuch perfons as they may elect, the own- ers of fuch vaults being accountable to the Board in removing any nuifance that fhall happen in fo doing. Stables, and Stable Manure. Art. 5. The owners or occupiers of livery and other fta- Stables, and fta bles fhall not permit more than two cart loads of manure to ble manure, accumulate and remain in or near their ftables, at any one time, between the firft day of May and the firft day of November, and fhall keep their ftablei and "liable yards clean and decent. Market Stalls. Marketftalls. Art. 6. Perfons occupying ftalls in Faneuil-Hall, Boylfton or Parkman's Market-houfes, or the Market-place, and Dock- fquare, fhall daily, in the morning, during the months of June, July, Auguft, September and October, wafh or cleanfe their refpeftive ftalls—They fhall not permit any heads, feet or of- fals of dead animals, or vegetables of any kind to remain in f, or about their ftalls over night They fhall take up and * ^ remove the platforms of their refpeftive ftalls, on the firft day of June, and fhall not replace them until the firft day of No- vember enfuing; during which period, meats of any kind fhall not be expofed in the markets, or any other place within the ftown, excepting in the ftalls, carts, or other vehicles, which *' fhall be covered from the rays of the fun ; nor expofe for fal* any mutton or lamb with the feet on the fame. Damaged Grain, Rice and Coffee. „ Art. 7. No perfon fhall be allowed to land on any wharf, Daniagedgrain, _ * . ...... J , * rice and coffee °r put on fhore, from any boat or veflel, or bring into town by land, any damaged grain, rice, or coffee, without a permit from this Board. Swine and Goats. Art. 8. Swine and Goats fhall not be kept within the Respecting thej;mjts 0f tnjs town by anv perfon, without a licenfe from this andPgoats!WineB°ard» and in fuch place and manner as the Board fhall ap- prove. Fresh Fish. pe"mitted.WhCn Art* 9* M Fish< before br0"ght into this town, fhall firft be gutted, and the filn made clean. Frefih Fifth, (excepting f 85 fuch as are named in the fucceeding article) fliall not be offer- ed for fale between the 1ft day of June, and the 1ft day of Oc- tober, unlefs kept in covered ftalls, fifh boxes, or other houfes fituated over the fait water.—And Frefh Fifh offered for fale in the ftreets before the firft day of June, and after the firft day of October, fhall be kept clean in covered carts, barrows, &c. Salmon and Small Fish. Art. 10. Salmon, Shad, Bafs, Mackarel, Tautog, Eels, Flounders, Tomcods, Smelts, and other fmall Fifh, may be fold c , • r i i i Salmon an> at all times, in any part of the town, provided they be kept bniai, fish fecure from the rays of the fun ; but venders thereof will be held refponiible for any nuifance created thereby. Provided, however, that Salmon and Bafs, brought to town by fea, may be fold, and landed therein, when cleanfed of their entrails ; which entrails are to be kept on board in tight veffels, and re- moved beyond low water mark, at every time of high water— And that no perfon take a ftand in or near the Ifaneuil-HaH Market for the fale of fuch Fifh as are allowed by this article, but at the north fide of faid Market-Houfe, at the place pro- vided by the Clerk of faid market for that purpofe. And whereas fick perfons are much diftreffed by the prac- tice of blowing horns, trumpets, and other wind inftruments, by fifhermen and others, to call the attention of the people ^" to their occupations and bufinefs, and the fame is injurious to ^ the health ofthe inhabitants; therefore, Ordered, That horns, trumpets, or other wind inftruments, fliall not be blown or founded by any Fifherman or oth,er perfon, to the injury or dl&urbance of any fick perfon. Oysters. Art. 11. Oyfters fhall not be offered fqr fale within the Oysters, limits of the town, between the 5th day of July and the i ft day of September. Feathers, Rags, &c. Art, 12. Feathers, old'or new, fliall not be landed, or Feathers, .Jgs^ brought within the limits of the town, between the 1ft day of &c. ' ^ May, and the ift day of November, without a permit.from this Office after a previous examination by the perfon authorized by this Board. And feather and other beds, bedding, clothing, or rags, fhall not be landed, or brought into this town from any place where any contagious difeafe doth, or hath recently prevailed, unlefs by fpecial permiflion of this Board. Nor fhall any clothing or other article, which contains or is affefted with 36 any difeafe which may communicate any diforder to any per- fon, be landed or brought within the town of Bofton without a fpecial permit from this Board. Thefe Regulations, in addition to thofe enumerated by the Aft empowering the Town of Bofton to choofe a Board of Health, and other laws relating to faid Board, being effential Determination to the prefervation of the health of the Town, it is the deter- enfohrceERule8!0mination of the Board °f Health moft rig*dlv t0 enforce their execution, and to profecute all violators. And., as heavy pen- alties are by law attached to the breach of any or either of them, the faid Board requeft their constituents to caufe thefe Regulations to be made known to all perfons under their di- rection, and read to their domeftics; and alfo to affift the Board in their due execution. Complaints of any breaches thereof, or any neglect or inattention, in any perfon employed or licenfed by the Board, are folicited; and thofe who complain may rely on all proper fecrecy. BENJAMIN WHITMAN, President. A true copy of Record—James Robinson, Sec'ry. An Act to protect the Sepulchres of the Dead. '.■v Sect. I. JjE it enacted by the Senate and House ofRepresenta- tives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same. That if any person, not being authorized by the Board of Health, Penalty for or the Selectmen of any town in this Commonwealth, shall know- faking dead ingly and wilfully dig up, remove or carry away, or aid or assist in bodies. digging up, removing or carrying away any human body, or the re- mains thereof, such person or persons so offending, shall, on con- PV"* viction of such offence, in the Supreme Judicial Court of this Com- monwealth, be imprisoned, not more than one year, or fined, not more than one thousand dollars, according to the nature and ag- gravation of the offence. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any perfon or persons knowingly and wilfully receive, conceal, or dispose ef any human body, or the remains thereof, which shall have been dug up, remov. ed, or carried away in the manner described in the first section of this Act, he qr they shall be fubject tp the same forfeitures and pen- m \\ alties as in said section is provided, on conviction thereof in the court aforesaid : Provided however, That nothing in this act shall be so \ construed as to affect the power or authority in the courts of the United States, or of this Commonwealth, or of any person acting > under the authority of the same, in removing or disposing of the * bodies of perfons executed pursuant to any sentence of such court. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all fines, accruing under this Act, shall enure* one half to the informer, and one half to the town in which the offence is committed. [Approved by the Governor, March 2, 1815.] S7 IN BOARD OF HEALTH, Boston, April 10, 1819. VOTED, That the following Rules and Orders be adopted J or the regulation of the Board the ensuing year, viz.— Article 1. There shall be a stated Meeting of the Board every • Monday, to commence the 19th instant, at 3 o'clock, P. 1Y{. until the first week in November, and once a fortnight the remainder of the year. Seven tylembers shall be necessary to form, a Board. • Article 2. In the absence of the President, a President pro tern, shaH be appointed. Article 3, The Members shall take their seats ^t the Board in numerical order ; the Member of Ward No. 1 on the right hand, and the Member from Ward No. 12 on the left hand of the President. Article 4. In all debates, the speaker shall address the Presi- dent, and there shall be no interruption of a Member speaking, excepting to call him to order. In all debates, no member shall he allowed to speak to the point in debate, more than twice, without speciaj leave of the Board, nor more than once, while Mem- bers who have not spoken wish to speak. Article $• The majority pf votes of the Members present shall be considered as the act of the Board; but any Mem- ber may enter his dissent to any measure on the Re- cords of the Board, and no vote shall be re-considered by a less number than there were present when the, same was passed. / Article 6. No Member of the Board fhall withdraw himself without leave from the President. Alticle 7. An inviolable secrecy shall be observed by the Mem- bers, of the names of all persons entering complaints, and the Officers of the Board are enjoined strictly to observe this Article. Article 8. Punctuality as to the time of meeting of the Board shall be strictly observed, and no person other than the Officers of the Board shall be admitted during its de- liberations. Article 9. The Board shall be divided into Committees of three each, to be styled the Committee for the Week of the Board of Health, the Members of which shall sit daily ^T in rotation, and during their continuance in office shall Bave power to carry into execution all the Laws, Rules, and Regulations ofthe Board; shall make records of their proceedings for the general inspection of the Mem- *£. bers, and whenever they judge it neceesary, call special ^ Meetings of the Board. Article 10. No Member shall be obliged to serve on more than two Committees, excepting the Committee for the Week, unless all the Members are on that number. *\ \ Article 11. The Treasurer, Secretary and Messenger shall keep books to enter all monies which they may receive and i'v pay belonging to the Board, which books shall at all times be open for the inspection of the Members ofthe Board. /fff- a ./,'..-,> / :^f * i v * &$$&! V .*.,. ' ;W J /