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Institutions with a life-span of twenty or more years, even though no longer in existence, are included. Biographical material and information linking the man with the institution, when a link exists, are supplied, and the founding date and name changes of the institutions are given whenever possible. Names of the institutions in the less familiar languages are translated. In addition to its possible historical value, this list may have some value as a directory. The search for information about medical research institutions is often handicapped when the precise current name and geographical location of the institution is not known. This guide, by listing an institution under the name of the person for whom it is named, circumvents the need for the correct name and geographical location of the institutions. For those who require a geographic approach, a geographical index has been provided. Genevieve Schiffmann is currently on the staff of the National Institutes of Health Library, Bethesda, Md. AGEICHENKO, FEDOR EFIMOVICH. Professor of pathological anatomy at the Kishinev State Medical Institute. LABORATORIIA F. E. AGEICHENKO. KISHINEV. MOLDAVSK. SSR. [F. E. AGEICHENKO LABORATORY. KISHINEV. MOLDAV. SSR], AGNEW, DAVID HAYES. 1818-1892. Professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania and surgeon at the University hospital. (a) AGNEW AND HUNTER DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL SURGERY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Donated 1923 by Edmund A. W. Hunter and named in honor of Dr. Agnew and Dr. Charles T. Hunter. (b) HUNTER-AGNEW LABORATORY OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Opened 1921. see also no. 120. AL'BRECHT, GERMAN ALEKSANDROVICH. 1878-1933. Orthopedist. In 1919 became Director of the newly formed Institute for Application of Prosthesis in St. Petersburg. In 1924 directed the Institute of Traumatology, Leningrad. LENINGRADSKI? NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT PROTEZIROVANIIA IM. PROF. G. A. AL'BRECHTA. [PROF. G. A. AL'BRECHT LENINGRAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE APPLICATION OF PROSTHESIS]. ANDRADE, PAULO CESAR. 1894-1945. Surgeon. Director of Santa Casa de Miseric6rdia from 1939-1945. Established the following teaching center: CENTRO DE ESTUDOS PAULO CEZAR DE ANDRADE. SANTA CASA DE MISERICORDIA. RIO DE JANEIRO. ARNALDO DE VILANOVA. d. 1311? Empirically oriented physician of the Montpellier school. INSTITUTO "ARNALDO DE VILANOVA" DE HISTORIA DE LA MEDICINA E DE LAS CIENCIAS NATURALES. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTtFICAS. MADRID. Founded 1949 (?) Part of the Instituto "Santiago Ram6n y Cajal". 1 ASATIANI, MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH. 1880-1938. One of the founders of modern psychiatry in Georgia. In 1921 became Director of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Medical Institute, Tbilisi. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT PSIKHIATRII IM. M. M. ASATIANI. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA GRUZINSKOI SSR. TBILISI. [M. M. ASATIANI SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH, GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI]. Organized by Asatiani in 1925 and named after him ca 1950. AVICENNA see IBN-SINA, ABU ALL BABES, VICTOR. 1854-1926. From 1887 professor of pathology and bacteriology at the Medical School, University of Bucharest. Organized the Institute of Bacteriology and Pathology, Bucharest. INSTITUTUL DE ANATOMIE PATOLOGICA "VICTOR BABES". BUCURESTI. [VICTOR BABES INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. BUCHAREST]. Founded 1887. BACH, A. N. see BAKH, ALEKSEI NIKOLAEVICH. BAKH, ALEKSEI NIKOLAEVICH. 1857-1946. Founder of Russian biochemistry. In 1918 organized the Central Chemical Laboratory which was later reorganized and called L. la. Karpov Physico-Chemical Institute. Directed by Bakh, it became the most important research center of industrial chemistry in the USSR. INSTITUT BIOKHIMII IM. A. N. BAKHA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [A. N. BAKH INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMISTRY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR. MOSCOW]. Started in 1921 as A. N. Bakh Biochemical Institute of the National Commissariat of Health. It was reorganized in 1935 and became part of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Bakh's name was added to the new institute later. BALINSKII, IVAN MIKHAILOVICH. 1827-1902. Founder of the so-called Petersburg School of Russian psychiatry. The first lecturer in Russia on psychiatry (1857) and founder of the first psychiatric clinic (1859). Professor at the Medico- Surgical Acadeny in St. Petersburg (1860-1884). 2 PSIKHIATRICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. BALINSKOGO. LENINGRAD. [BALINSKII PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. LENINGRAD]. 10. BANTING, SIR FREDERICK G. 1891-1941. Co-winner of Nobel prize (1923) for discovery of insulin. (a) BANTING AND BEST DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL RESEARCH. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. TORONTO. Established 1923. (b) BANTING INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. TORONTO. Opened 1930. 11. BAPTISTA, BENJAMIN. 1869-1934. Anatomist. He developed the experimental surgery section at the Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Rio de Janeiro in 1926. INSTITUTO ANATOMICO BENJAMIN BAPTISTA. ESCOLA DE MEDICINA E CIRURGIA. INSTITUTO HAHNEMANNIANO. RIO DE JANEIRO. Founded 1928. Anatomy department of the school. 12. BARCIA GOYANES, JUAN JOSE. 1901- Leading neurologist of Spain. Director of: SERVICIO DE NEUROLOG^A PROF. J. J. BARCIA GOYANES. VALENCIA. SPAIN. Began activities in 1931 at the Servicio de Neuropsiquiatria of the Hospital Provincial. Suspended 1936-1939. In 1940 resumed function as the Secci6n de Neurologfa de Instituto Cajal, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. 13. BARDEEN, CHARLES R. 1871-1935. First person to receive a medical degree at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Founder and first dean of the University of Wisconsin Medical School (1907). BARDEEN MEDICAL LABORATORIES. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MEDICAL SCHOOL. MADISON. Dedicated 1957. 14. BARRAQUER, IGNACIO. 1884- Ophthalmologist. Inventor of the suction operation of extraction of senile cataract (1922?) Founder and president of: INSTITUTO BARRAQUER. BARCELONA, SPAIN. Founded 1946. 3 BASSETT, MARY IMOGENE. 1856-1922. Graduated from Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1887. Leading physician of Cooperstown. MARY IMOGENE BASSETT HOSPITAL. COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK. Established 1921 by a grateful patient. Affiliated with Albany Medical College, Union University, Albany, New York, and with College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City. BAUDELOCQUE, JEAN L. 1746-1810. Leading French obstetrician of his time. Professor of obstetrics at the Faculte de Medecine and at the Maternite (Paris). CLINIQUE BAUDELOCQUE. FACULTE DE MEDECINE. UNIVERSITE DE PARIS. PARIS. Opened 1890. BEHRING, EMIL VON. 1854-1917. Prussian Army Surgeon. Professor of hygiene at Halle 1894 and Marburg (1895). Nobel prize (1901) for his wcrk on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria. INSTITUT FUR EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE "EMIL VON BEHRING". MARBURG. Originally a private laboratory founded by Behring for the manu- facture of antitoxins and a remedy for tuberculosis of cattle. Name changed to above in 1921. BEKHTEREV, VLADIMIR MIKHAILOVICH. 1857-1927. Neuropathologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and physiologist. Founder of "reflexology". Organized in 1908 the Institute of Psycho- neurology in St. Petersburg and became its first director. Initiated the first Russian neurological journal, Nevrologicheskii vestnik. (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII PSIKHONEVROLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IM. V. M. BEKHTEREVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. LENINGRAD. [V. M. BEKHTEREV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NEUROPSYCHIATRY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. LENINGRAD]. Established in 1908. Placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR in 1945. (b) INSTITUT MOZGA IM. V. M. BEKHTEREVA. LENINGRAD. [V. M. BEKHTEREV INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF THE BRAIN. LENINGRAD]. Initiated by Bekhterev in 1918 as Institut po izucheniiu mozga i psikhicheskoi deiatel'nosti. [institute for the Knowledge of the Brain and the Psychic Activities], Later Bekhterev's name was added. 4 19. BELFANTI, SERAFINO. 1860-1939. Bacteriologist and immunologist. In 1895 appointed director of: ISTITUTO SIER0TERAPIC0 MILANESE SERAFINO BELFANTI. MILAN. Founded 1895 as Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese. Belfanti's name added 1939. 20. BERG, ALBERT a. 1872-1950. His surgical service at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, was one of the first devoted solely to the treatment of the alimentary tract. Provided funds for the construction of research labora- tories at New York University-Bellevue Medical Center and at Mount Sinai Hospital in memory of his brother Henry W. Berg. BERG, HENRY W. 1858-1938. His writings include the description of the first case of "Diabete Bronze" reported in the United States. Attending physician Williard Parker, Riverside and Mt. Sinai Hospitals (New York City). (a) BERG INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH. MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL. NEW YORK. Dedicated 1952; completed 1954. (b) HENRY W. AND ALBERT A. BERG INSTITUTE FOR EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, SURGERY AND PATHOLOGY. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY- BELLEVUE MEDICAL CENTER. NEW YORK. Dedicated 1952. 21. BERITASHVILI, IVAN SOLOMONOVICH. 1884- . From 1941 director of the Institute of Physiology in Tbilisi. Professor at Tbilisi Medical Institute. INSTITUT £IZI0L0GII IM. AKAD. I. BERITASHVILI. AKADEMIIA NAUK GRUZINSK01 SSR. TBILISI. [ACADEMICIAN I. BERITASHVILI INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI]. Beritashvili's name added to the Institute around 1943. BERITOV, J. S. see BERITASHVILI, IVAN SOLOMONOVICH. 22. BERNARD, CLAUDE. 1813-1878. Considered the greatest physiologist of modern France and one of the founders of experimental medicine and physiology. 5 HOPITAL CLAUDE-BERNARD. PARIS. Opened 1884 as Ho^ital d'Aubervilliers. Adopted present name around 1899-1900. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Paris. BEST, CHARLES H. 1899- . Co-discoverer of insulin. Since 1929, head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Toronto and 1941- director of: (a) BANTING - BEST DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL RESEARCH. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. TORONTO. Established 1923. (b) CHARLES H. BEST INSTITUTE. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. TORONTO. Opened 1953. BESTA, CARLO. 1876-1940. Pioneer in brain surgery. Founder of: ISTITUTO NEUROLOGICO CARLO BESTA. MILAN. Founded 1920 as Istituto per i Feriti Cerebrali di Guerra. Name changed in 1932 to Istituto Neurologico and in 1953 Besta's name was added. BICHAT, MARIE F. X. 1771-1802. French anatomist and physiologist. HOPITAL BICHAT. FACULTE DE MEDECINE. UNIVERSITtTDE PARIS. Opened 1882. BLAND-SUTTON, SIR JOHN. 1855-1936. Surgeon. Appointed professor at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1887 and president of the school in 1923. Donor of: BLAND-SUTTON INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY. MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. LONDON. Donated 1913. BOCKUS, HENRY LE ROY. 1894- Gastroenterologist and emeritus professor of medicine and gastro- enterology at the Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 6 HENRY L, BOCKUS RESEARCH INSTITUTE. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. PHILADELPHIA. Dedicated November I960. BOERHAAVE, HERMAN. 1668-1738. Considered the leading physician of Europe of his day, and the initiator of the modern method of medical teaching. BOERHAAVE LABORATORIUM. RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT TE LEIDEN. LEYDEN. Founded 1855. BOGOMOLETS, ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDROVICH. 1881-1946. Founder of pathology in Russia. (a) INSTITUT KLINICHESKOI FIZIOLOGII IM. A. A. BOGOMOL'TSA. AKADEMIIA NAUK USSR. KIEV. [A. A. BOGOMOLETS INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV] . 1930-1946 directed by Bogomolets and then named after him. (b) KIEVSKII MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. A. A. BOGOMOL'TSA. [A. A. BOGOMOLETS KIEV MEDICAL INSTITUTE]. (c) INSTITUT EXPERIMENTAL'NOI BIOLOGII I PATOLOGII IM. A. A. BOGOMOL'TSA. AKADEMIIA NAUK USSR. KIEV. [A. A. BOGOMOLETS INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV]. Directed by Bogomolets and after his death named after him. BOMBARDA, MIGUEL. 1851-1910. Appointed superintendent of the Hospital de Rilhafoles (1892). HOSPITAL MIGUEL BOMBARDA. LISBON. Established 1848 as Hospital de Rilhafoles, the first mental hospital in Portugal. It underwent various changes in name and in 1948 assumed the above name. B0N0RIN0 UDAONDO, CARLOS. 1884-1951. Gastroenterologist. Professor at the Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires from 1913 until 1935. Director of Dispensario Publico Nacional para Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo de Buenos Aires. From 1947 the first director of the Instituto Nacional de C-astroenterologia, Ministerio de Salud Publica, Argentina. Founder of Prensa Medica Argentina and of the Archivos Argentinos de Enfermedades del Aparato Digestivo. 7 HOSPITAL DE GASTROENTEROLOGfA "DR. BONORINO UDAONDO". BUENOS AIRES. Apparently replaced the INSTITUTO BONORINO UDAONLO (formerly the INSTITUTO REGIONAL DE GASTROENTEROLOGiA DR. BONORINO UDACNDO), established shortly after Bonorino Udaondo's death. 32. BORDET, JULES. 1870-1961. Belgian bacteriologist and immunologist. Nobel prize 1919. 1907 appointed professor of bacteriology, University of Brussels. INSTITUT JULES BORDET. UNIVERSIT^ LIBRE DE BRUXELLES. BRUSSELS. Founded 1935 for cancer research. « 33. BOTKIN, SERGEI PETROVICH. 1832-1889. Physiotherapist. Founder of modern clinical medicine and physiology in Russia. (a) BOL'NITSA IM. S. P. BOTKINA. LENINGRAD. [S. P. BOTKIN HOSPITAL. LENINGRAD]. Initiated by Botkin and established in 1880 as Aleksandrovskaia barachnaia bol'nitsa. [Alexander Provisional Hospital]. Named after Botkin in 1890. (b) MOSKOVSKAIA GORODSKAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. S. P. BOTKINA. [S. P. BOTKIN MOSCOW COMMUNAL CLINICAL HOSPITAL]. Established in 1910 as Soldatenkovskaia bol'nitsa. [Military Hospital]. Name changed to above (with slight variations) in 1920. 34. BRAZIL, VITAL. 1865-1950. Toxicologist. Founder and director of the Instituto Butantan. INSTITUTO VITAL BRAZIL. NITEROl. BRAZIL. Founded 1919. New building inaugurated 1943. 35. BRESSLER, FRANK C. 1855-1935. For a number of years served as surgeon at the Hebrew Hospital (now Sinai Hospital) of Baltimore, and as local surgeon of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Donor of: FRANK C. BRESSLER RESEARCH LABORATORY. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. BALTIMORE. Opened 1940. 36. BROCA, PAUL. 1824-1880. Surgeon at Hopital Necker, Paris, and considered founder of modern surgery of the brain. H&PITAL BROCA. PARIS. Opened 1836 as Hopital de Lourcine. Present name adopted in 1893. Affiliated with the Faculte" de Medecine, Universite de Paris. 37. BRODMANN, KORBINIAN. 1868-1918. German neuropathologist who made contributions to cerebral anatomy. INSTITUT KORBINIAN BRODMANN. Tubingen. Established in I960 as a research institute of neuropathology and given the name above. 38. BRONNER, VOL'F MOISEEVICH. 1876-1933? Dermatologist and venerologist, active in the campaign against prostitution and venereal diseases. Around 1924 directed this campaign from the National Commissariat of Health, Moscow. OB'EDINENNYI GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOZHNO-VENEROLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IM. V. M. BRONNERA. MOSKVA. [V. M. BRONNER UNIFIED STATE INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEROLOGY. MOSCOW]. 39. BROUSSAIS, FRANgOIS, JOSEPH VICTOR. 1772-1838. French military surgeon,then in 1831 professor of general pathology, Faculte de medecine, University de Paris. H&PITAL BROUSSAIS - LA CHARITf. PARIS. Established in 1883 as Hopital des Mariniers. Became Hopital Broussais in 1885, and in 1935 - La Charity added to its name when La Charite (1608-1935) was discontinued. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, Universite" de Paris. 40. BROWN-S^QUARD, CHARLES EDOUARD. 1817-1894. Professor of physiology at the Medical College of Virginia for the session 1854-1855. Mainly associated with French medicine. BROWN-sfQUARD LABORATORY. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Opened 1949. 41. BUIKO, PETER MIKHAILOVICH. 1895-1943. Obstetrician, gynecologist and professor. He died on the battle- field and is a national hero. UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT OKHRANY MATERINSTVA I DETSTVA IM. GEROIA SOVETSKOGO SOIUZA PROF. P. M. BUIKO* MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. KIEV. [HERO OF THE USSR, PROF. P. M. BUIKO UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE PROTECTION OF MATERNITY.' AND CHILDHOOD. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV]. 9 . BURDENKO, NIKOLAI NILOVICH. 1876-1946. Founder of Russian neurosurgery and the first President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. During World War II the Surgeon General of the Army. From 1923 to 1946 professor of the First Moscow Medical Institute (originally University of Moscow, School of Medicine). (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT NEIRUKHIRURGII IM. N. N. BURDENKO. AKADEMIIA MEDITISINKIKH NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [N. N. BURDENKO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NEUROSURGERY. ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. (b) FAKUL'TETSKAIA KHIRURGICHESKAIA KLINIKA PERVOGO MOSKOVSKOGO MEDITSINSKAGO INSTITUTA IM. N. N. BURDENKO. [N. N. BURDENKO SURGICAL CLINIC OF THE FACULTY OF THE FIRST MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE]. (c) GLAVNYI VOENNOI GOSPITAL' VOORUZHENNYKH SIL SSSR IM. N. N. BURDENKO. MOSKVA. [N. N. BURDENKO GENERAL HOSPITAL OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. BURNIER, J. S. see PENIDO BURNIER, J. CAJAL, S. RAM(5n see RAMON Y CAJAL, SANTIAGO. CALVO MACKENNA, LUIS. 1883-1937. Prominent Chilean pediatrician of his day. Founder and first president (1922) of the Sociedad Nacional de Pediatria. HOSPITAL DE NINOS "LUIS CALVO MACKENNA". SERVICIO NACIONAL DE SALUD. SANTIAGO DE CHILE. CAMARA PESTANA, LUIZ DA. 1863-1899. Portuguese bacteriologist. While investigating plague in the 1899 Oporto epidemic, he contracted the disease and died. In 1892 he had been appointed director of: INSTITUTO BACTERIOLOGICO CAMARA PESTANA. LISBON. Founded 1892 as Instituto Bacteriologico. In 1899 Pestana's name was added. CAMPBELL, ELDRIDGE HOUSTON. 1901-1956. Professor of surgery and director of the Department of Surgery, Albany, Medical Collegej Surgeon-in-chief and head of the Sub- department of Surgery, Albany Hospital, from 1946. Instrumental in the establishment of: 9a ELDRIDGE H. CAMPBELL MEMORIAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. UNION UNIVERSITY. ALBANY. Dedicated 1957. To be used for the development of new techniques in surgery and the training of future surgeons. 46. CAMPBELL, WILLIS C. 1880-1941. Professor of orthopedic surgery, University of Tennessee College of Medicine and Chief of Staff of the Willis C. Campbell Clinic. Author of Operative Orthopedics, 1939- WILLIS C. CAMPBELL CLINIC. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. MEMPHIS. Opened 1920. CANTACUZENE, J. see CANTACUZINO, IOAN. 47. CANTACUZINO, IOAN. 1863-1934. 1901 professor of Experimental Medicine at the University of Bucharest Medical School. Began the Institute of Sera and Vaccines in Bucharest, named after him in 1921. (a) INSTITUTUL DE EPIDEMIOLOGIE SI MICROBIOLOGIE "DR. I. CANTACUZINO". BUCURE§TI. * [DR. I. CANTACUZINO INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOIDGY, BUCHAREST]. (b) INSTITUTUL DE SERURI SI VACCINURI "DR. I. CANTACUZINO". BUCURESTI. * ["DR.I.' CANTACUZINO0 INSTITUTE OF SERA AND VACCINES. BUCHAREST]. Founded 1921. 4B. CANTON, ELISEO. 1861-1931. Dean of the Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires from 1906 to 1912. He is credited with performing the second pubiotomy in South America. Founder of: CLfNICA OBSTETRICA Y GYNECOLOGICA "ELISEO CANTON". FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MEDICAS. UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. BUENOS AIRES. In 1901 it became the University's Catedra de Clinica Obstetrica; in 1908 changed to Clinica Obstetrica y Ginecologica, and later Canton's name was added. 49. CARRION, DANIEL A. 1850-1885. While a six-year medical student, inoculated himself with verruga blood, and with his death proved the indentity of verruga and Oroya fever (Carri6n disease). 10 HOSPITAL DANIEL A. CARRION. BELLAVISTA, PERU. 50. CARVALHO, ARNALDO VIEIRA DE. 1867-1920. Director of the Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo and of the Santa Casa de Miseric6rdia. One of the founders of the Instituto Pasteur of Sao Paulo, etc., and of: INSTITUTO DO RADIUM "ARNALDO VIEIRA DE GARVALH0". SAO PAULO. Opened in 1929. Complementary institution of the Universidade de Sao Paulo. 51. CAVINA, CESARE. 1888-1935. Oral surgeon and stomatologist. Professor of stomatology at the Universita di Padova. Founder of Archivium Chirurgiae Oris. ISTITUTO NEUROCHIRURGICO CESARE CAVINA. BOLOGNA. Opened 1951. 52. CERVIA CABRERA, TOMAS. 1902-1962. Physician of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Especially noted for his work in the field of tuberculosis control. Founder and first director of: INSTITUTO TOMAS CERVIA DE FISIOLOGiA Y PATOLOGlA REGIONALES DE TENERIFE. SANTA CRUZ DE. TENERIFE, SPAIN. Created 1954 as the Instituto de Fisiologia y Patologia Regionales de Tenerife. Tomas Cervia's name added in 1962. 53. CHEDIAK, AHUAYDA ALEJANDRO. In 1932 published Chediak test (micro-reacci6n Chediak) for the sero- diagnosis of syphilis. INSTITUTO DE SEROLOGIA CHEDIAK. MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA NACIONAL. HAVANA. Founded 1943 as Instituto de Serologia. 54. CODIVILLA, ALESSANDRO. 1861-1912. Introduced tenodesis. Directed the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna. ISTITUTI ELIOTERAPICI CODIVILLA-PUTTI. CORTINA D'AMPEZZO. Opened 1922 by V. Putti as Istituto terapico Codivilla di Cortina d'Ampezzo for the care of surgical tuberculosis patients. Part of the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna. 11 COLLIP, JAMES BENTRAM. 1892-1965. Member of the Banting, Best and MacLeod research group that discovered insulin. Also known for his pioneer work in ACTH. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, 1947-1961. COLLIP MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO. LONDON. CANADA. Established 1948(?) CORACHAN GARCIA, MANUEL. 1881-1942. Spanish surgeon. Professor of the Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Barcelona. Founder of the Instituto de Cirujia Experimental and of: INSTITUTO CORACHAN. BARCELONA, SPAIN. COSTA, ALFREDO DA. In 1898 appointed to the Chair of Obstetrics at the Escuela Medico-Cirurgica de Lisboa. He was instrumental in the founding of: MATERNIDADE DR. ALFREDO DA COSTA. LISBON. Opened 1932. COSTA FERREIRA, ANt6nI0 AUr£lIO DA. 1879-1922. Medical pedagogist. Founded 1914 the first school for mentally defective chilaren, the Instituto Medico Pedagogico in Portugal. INSTITUTO DE ANTONIO AUrIlIO DA COSTA FERREIRA. LISBON. By a government decree of 1928, the Instituto Medico Pedag6gico was separated from the Casa Pia of Lisbon, and transferred to the Ministerio da Instrucao Publica and renamed as above. In 1941, the Portuguese government began the organization of child mental health services on an extensive scale and centered in the above institution. CRISS, CLAIR CARLTON. 1879-1952. MD, Creighton University School of Medicine (1912). Left private practice in 1933 for business. Mabel L. Criss (wife) donated: DR. C. C. AND MABEL L. CRISS MEDICAL CENTER. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY. OMAHA. Ground broken for the Medical Research Wing, first phase of the Criss Medical Center, in 1962. CRUZ, OSWALDO. 1872-1917. Responsible for freeing Rio de Janeiro from yellow fever. Directed the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 12 (a) CENTRO ACADEMICO ^SWALDO CRUZ". FACULDADE DE MEDICINA. UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO. Founded 1913. (b) INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ. RIO DE JANEIRO. Founded 1900 as Instituto de Manguinhos for the production of serum and vaccine against bubonic plague. Name changed to Instituto de Experimental Patologia in 1907, and to above form in 1908. It is the leading medical research institute in Brazil. 61. CUSHING, HENRY KIRKE. 1827-1910. Western Reserve College Medical Department 1956-1883. Emeritus professor of gynecology 1883-1889. H. K. CUSHING LABORATORY OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. CLEVELAND. Opened 1908. The donor requested that it be named in honor of Cushing. 62., DANIELOPOLU, DANIEL. 1884-1955. Rumanian physiologist. INSTITUTUL DE FIZIOLOGIE NORMALA §1 PATOLOGICA "PROF. DR. D. DANIELOPOLU". ACADEMIA REPUBLICII POPULARE ROMANE. BUCUREgTI. Derives from the medical clinic of the Filantropia Hospital in which Denielopolu had organized a laboratory of experimental and clinical physiology. Moved to its own building in 1926. 63. DARLING, MILTON A. 1889-1963. For years chief of staff at Grace Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. MILTON A. DARLING MEMORIAL CENTER. GRACE HOSPITAL. DETROIT. MICHIGAN. Research center for cancer. Dedicated 1964. 64. DIAS, EZEQUIEL CAETANO. 1880-1922. Assistant to Oswaldo Cruz at the Instituto de Manguinhos (now Instituto Oswaldo Cruz). In 1906 Oswaldo Cruz sent him to Belo Horizonte to establish a branch there. Held the chair of microbiology at the Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte from its founding in 1911 until his death in 1922. 13 INSTITUTO BIOLOGICO EZEQUIEL DIAS. BELO HORIZONTE. Founded 1906 as a branch of the Instituto de Manguinhos and called Instituto Bioquimico and Instituto de Higiene. In 1926(?) the institution acquired an independent status and was renamed in honor of its first director. DIGHT, CHARLES FREMONT. 1856-1938. Pioneered in the field of eugenics, and left his fortune to the University of Minnesota in order to advance the cause. DIGHT INSTITUTE FOR THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN GENETICS. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. MINNEAPOLIS. Founded 1941. DZHANELIDZE, IUSTIN 1ULIAN0VICH. 1883-1950. Russian military surgeon. Between 1937-41 editor of Vestnik khirurgii im. Grekova. Contributed to the development of cardiac and vascular surgery. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT SKOROI POMOSHCHI IM. PROF. I. I. DZHANELIDZE. LENINGRAD. [I. I. DZHANELIDZE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF FIRST AID. LENINGRAD]. EHRLICH, PAUL. 1854-1915. Pioneer in modern immunology, chemotherapy and hematology. Nobel prize (1908) for his work on immunity. Discoverer of salvarsan (arsphenamine) for the treatment of syphilis. From 1896 to 1915 director of: PAUL-ERHLICH-INSTITUT. STAATLICHE ANSTALT FUR EXPERIMENTELLE THERAPIE. FRANKFURT a/M. In 1896 the Prussian government established the Institut fur Serumforschung und Serumpriifung at Steglitz near Berlin. In 1899 the institute was moved to Frankfurt. Name change to above in 1947. EIJKMAN, CHRISTIAN. 1858-1930. Nobel prize (1929) for his discovery of the antineuritic vitamin. He spent many years in Dutch East Indies as director of the medical. school for native doctors and of: LEMBAGA EIJKMAN. LABORATORIUM KESEHATAN PUSAT DARI KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN. REPUBLIK INDONESIA. DJAKARTA. [EIJKMAN INSTITUTE. CENTRAL HEALTH LABORATORY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. DJAKARTA]. Established 1888. 14 ERISMAN, FRIEDRICH (FEDOR FEDOROVICH). 1842-1915. Swiss. Active in Russia 1869-96. Published the first manual on public hygiene in the Russian language (1872-77). (a) MOSKOVSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOI INSTITUT SANITARII I GIGIENY IMENI F. F. ERISMANA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. [F. F. ERISMAN MOSCOW SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SANITA- TION AND HYGIENE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OFyTHE RSFSR]. Between 1936 and 1946 called Sanitarnyi institut imeni Erismana. (b) PETROPAVLOVSKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. ERISMANA. PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZAKH. SSR. [F. F. ERISMAN HOSPITAL IN PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZAKH SSR], Founded 1835 with another name. ESCUDERO, PEDRO. 1877-1962. Founder of the Escuela Nacional de Dietistas, and of the Asociaci6n Argentina de Dietologia. Taught at the Clinica de la Nutrici6n, Buenos Aires from 1921. Professor of nutrition at the Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires 1936-1946. CLINICA DEL PROFESSOR PEDRO ESCUDERO. BUENOS AIRES. Founded 1925 (?) INSTITUTO DE LA NUTRIClON "PROFESSOR DOCTOR PEDRO ESCUDERO". BUENOS AIRES. Founded by Escudero at the Ministerio de Asistencia Social y Salud Publica. Received his name by President's Decree of February 8, 1963. EWING, JAMES. 1866-1943. From 1899 until 1932, when he became professor of oncology* he was professor of pathology at Cornell University Medical College, New York City, and from 1932 medical director of Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York City. Author of Neoplastic Diseases (1919- ) JAMES EWING HOSPITAL. NEW YORK. Dedicated 1950. It is structurally a part of the Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases and functionally a unit of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research and of Cornell University Medical College. See also Institutional History under Loomis Laboratory for reference to Ewing. 15 72. FERNALD, WALTER E. 1859-1924. Psychiatrist. Specialized in the study and training of the mentally retarded. Superintendent of: WALTER E. FERNALD STATE SCHOOL. WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. Organized in 1848 as Experimental School for Teaching and Training Idiotic Children. Incorporated in 1850 as Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feebleminded Youth. Reincorporated in 1833 as Massachusetts School for the Feebleminded. Name changed to above by law in 1925. 73. FERREIRA DE MATOS, DANIEL. -1921. Professor of clinical surgery at the Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Coimbra. One of the original editors of Movimento Medico. CLINICA DR. DANIEL DE MATOS. COIMBRA, PORTUGAL. 74. FERREYRA, MARTIN. INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACION MEDICA MERCEDES Y MARTIN FERREYRA. CORDOBA, ARGENTINA. Organized 1946 as Instituto de Investigaci6n M6dica para Promoci6n de la Medicina Cientifica. Name changed to above form in 1948 in appreciation of the donations by the children of Senora Mercedes and Doctor Martin Ferreyra. One of the few private institutions in Argentina dedicated to scientific research, it was established to enable Oscar Orias to carry on independent research. 75. FIGUEIRA, FERNANDES. 1863-1928. Brazilian pediatrician and inspector of Child Hygiene, Departamento Nacional de Saude Publica. INSTITUTO FERNANDES FIGUEIRA. DEPARTAMENTO NACIONAL DA CRIANCA. MINISTfRIO DA SAUDE. RIO DE JANEIRO. * Founded before 1943. 76. FILATOV, NIL FEDOROVICH. 1847-1902. One of the founders of pediatrics in Russia. Professor of pediatrics at University of Moscow (1876- ). In 1875 he reorganized: DETSKAIA BOL'NITSA N. F. FILATOVA. MOSKVA. [N. F. FILATOV CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. MOSCOW]. Founded 1834 as Nikolaevskaia detskaia bol'nitsa, the first children's hospital in Russia. 16 FILATOV, VLADIMIR PETROVICH. 1875-1956. Ophthalmologist. Known for his works on transplantation of cornea, tissue therapy, etc. UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII EXPERIMENTAL'NY I INSTITUT GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEI I TKANEVOI TERAPII IM. AKAD. V. P. FILATOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. ODESSA. [V. P. FILATOV UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASES AND TISSUE THERAPY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. ODESSA]. Received its name in 1936 when Filatov became its director. FINLAY, CARLOS J. 1833-1915. Advanced (1881) the theory that the Aedes aegypti mosquito is the transmitter of yellow fever. (a) INSTITUTO CARLOS FINLAY. MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. BOGOTA. In 1936 a Secci6n de Estudios Especiales was organized within the Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Samper y Martinez" to fight yellow fever. Present building was inaugurated in 1939 and above name adopted in 1944. (b) INSTITUTO FINLAY. MINISTERIO DE SALUBRIDAD Y ASISTENCIA SOCIAL. HAVANA. Founded 1927. It is the research division of the national department of health. FINNEY, JOHN MILLER TURPIN. 1863-1942. Johns Hopkins Hospital staff 1889-1933. Professor of Clinical Surgery, Johns Hopkins University Medical School. FINNEY-HOWELL CANCER RESEARCH LABORATORY. JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE. Founded 1953 and financed by the Finney-Howell Foundation which was set up in 1937 by the will of Dr. George Walker, member of Dr. Finney»s surgical staff. FINOCHIETTO, ENRIQUE. 1881-1948. FINOCHIETTO, RICARDO. 1888-1962. Brothers' surgical team. Professors of surgery at the Facultad de Ciencias Medicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and surgeons at the Hospital Guillermo Rawson, where they founded the Escuela Finochietto, graduate school of surgery. ESCUELA FINOCHIETTO. HOSPITAL GUILLERMO RAWSON. BUENOS AIRES. Until 1956 or 1957, called Escuela Quirurgica Municipal para Graduados. 17 FINSEN, NIELS. 1860-1904. Nobel prize (1903) in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with con- centrated light rays. Founder and director of: FINSENINSTITUTET. COPENHAGEN. Founded 1896 as the Finsens Medicinske Lysinstitut for research into the action of light on living organisms. Name changed to above in 1930. FLEMING, SIR ALEXANDER. 1881-1955. Bacteriologist. Co-winner of Nobel prize (1945) for the discovery of penicillin. (a) ISTITUTO DI RICERCHE TERAPEUTICHE "ALEXANDER FLEMING". SOCIETA PRODOTTI ANTIBIOTICI. MILAN. (b) WRIGHT-FLEMING INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY. ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. LONDON. See under Wright (Almroth Edward) for institutional history. FORLANINI, CARLO. 1847-1918. His investigations (1882) led to the induction of artificial pneumo- thorax (1894) in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. ISTITUTO "CARLO FORLANINI". UNIVERSIli DI ROMA. Founded 1934 and run up to 1944 by Forlanini's first pupil, Eugenio Morelli. Center for the study of tuberculosis and o£ the diseases of the respiratory system. FOURNIER, ALFRED. Established the relationship between tabes and syphilis. Professor, Faculte de Medecine, Paris. INSTITUT ALFRED FOURNIER. PARIS. Inaugurated 1932 and established by the Ligue Nationale Frangaise Contre le Peril. Venerien. Includes the Ecole de Serologie Appliquee a la Syphilis, Faculte de Medecine, Paris. Center for treatment and research on syphilis. FRANCO, ROBERTO D. 1874- Professor of tropical medicine 1905-1938, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota., where he established the Clinica de Enfermedades Tropicales. Especially known for his work on jungle fever and uncinariasis. 18 INSTITUTO DE ENFERMEDADES TROPICALES "ROBERTO FRANCO". MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. VILLAVICENCIO, COLOMBIA. Founded before 1939. 86. FRFDERICQ, LfiON. 1851-1935. Physiologist. Discovered (1878) hemocyanine. INSTITUT LEON FRMRICQ. UNIVERSITY DE LlilGE. 87. FREIRE DE CARVALHO, OSCAR. 1883-1923. Founder of the department of legal medicine at the Universidade de Sao Paulo. IIjSTlTUTO OSCAR FREIRE. FACULDADE DE MEDICINA. UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO. The building was inaugurated 1918 by Professor Oscar Freire de Carvalho to house the Departamento de Medicina Legal of the University, and named in his honor in 1923. 88. FUNK, CASIMIR. 1884- Introduced the term "vitamin" (1914). First to synthesize adrenalin. President of: FUNK FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. NEW YORK. Foundation established 1947; present laboratory facilities set up in 1952. Emphasis is on cancer research. 89. GACHE, SAMUEL. 1859-1907. Director of maternity services at the Hospital Guillermo Rawson. Professor of obstetrics at Facultad de Ciencias Me'dicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. INSTITUTO DE MATERNIDAD Y ASISTENCIA SOCIAL "SAMUEL GACHE". HOSPITAL GUILLERMO RAWSON. BUENOS AIRES. Founded 1934(?) 90. GADE, FREDRIK GEORG. 1855-1933. Pathologist. First secretary of the Norwegian Cancer Committee, 1908-1933. Donor of: DR. F. G. GADES PATHOLOGISK-ANATOMISKE LABORATORIUM. BERGEN, NORWAY. Began operation in 1912. 19 91. GAILLARD, EDWIN SAMUEL. 1827-1885. Professor of pathology and pathological anatomy at the Medical College of Virginia, 1867-1868. Dean of the Kentucky School of Medicine, 1870-1879, and of the Louisville Medical College (until 1879). GAILLARD LABORATORY. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. RICHMOND. Opened 1939. 92. GALTON, SIR FRANCIS. 1822-1911. Founder of the science of eugenics. Donor of: FRANCIS GALTON LABORATORY FOR NATIONAL EUGENICS. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Founded 1904. 93. GAMA PINTO, GAETANO ANTONIO CLAREDIO JULIO. 1853-1945. Portuguese ophthalmologist. Founder of: INSTITUTO DE OFTALMOLOGIA DR. GAMA PINTO. LISBON. Founded 1891 as Instituto de Oftalmologia. 94. GAMALEIA, NIKOLAI FEDOROVICH. 1859-1949. Epidemiologist. Disciple of Pasteur and regarded as one of the founders of Russian microbiology and immunology. Founder and editor of Gigiena i sanitariia (1910-1913). (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII I MIKROBIOLOGII IM. AKAD. N. F. GAMALEIA. AKADEMIIA MEDITSINSKIKH NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [N. F. GAMALEIA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. (b) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII, MIKROBIOLOGII I GIGIENY IM. N. F. GAMALEIA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. DNEPROPETROVSK. [N. F. GAMALEIA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HYGIENE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. DNEPROPETROVSK]. Earlier name: Sanitarno-bakteriologicheskii institut. [Sanitary-Bacteriological Institute]. 95. GANASSINI, DOMENICO. 1870-1936. Professor-pharmacologist. Published some 300 papers on biochemical subjects. GANASSINI ISTITUTO. SOCIETA PRODOTTI ANTIBIOTICI. MILAN. 20 GANNUSHKIN, PETR BORISOVICH. 1875-1933. From 1918 Professor of psychiatry at the University of Moscow (later Moscow Medical Institute). His book Sovremennaia psikhiatri.ia, published in 1907, became the cornerstone of Russian psychiatry and he established a new Russian school of psychiatry. KLINICHESKAIA PSIKHIATRICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. P. B. GANNUSHKINA. MOSKVA. [P. B. GANNUSHKIN CLINICAL PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. MOSCOW]. GEL'MGOL'TS see HELMHOLTZ GERTSEN, PETR ALEKSANDROVICH. 1871-1947.. Russian surgeon and professor at the Moscow Medical Institute. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII ONKOLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IM. P. A. GERTSENA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. MOSKVA. [Pv S. GERTSEN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. MOSCOW]. y Started about 1918 as Institut dlia lecheniia opukholei. [institute for Treatment of Tumors] with Gertsen as its Director. Name changed first to Tsentral'nyi onkologicheskii institut. [Central Institute of Oncology] and then to present form. GESELL, ARNOLD. 1880-1961. Child psychologist. Professor of child hygiene at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, from 1915 to 1943. GESELL INSTITUTE OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT. NEW HAVEN. Private organization founded in 1950 in honor of Gesell. GIRSHMAN, LEONARD LEOPOL'DOVICH. 1839-1921. Originally professor at the Kharkov Medical Institute, later with Kharkov Communal Ophthalmic Hospital. Pioneer in ophthalmology in Russia. (a) UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEI* IM. L. L. GIRSHMANA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. KHAR'KOV. [L. L. GIRSHMAN UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASES. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KHARKOV]. (b) GOSUDARSTVENNYI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVAIEL'SKII INSTITUT GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEI IM. L. L. GIRSHMANA. LENINGRAD. [L. L. GIRSHMAN STATE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASES. LENINGRAD]. 21 100. GLAVCHE, EGOR STEPANOVICH. 1871-1919. Venerologist. One of the organizers of the campaign against venereal diseases in Russia and founder of a polyclinic for that purpose in Odessa. ODESSKII KOZHNO-VENEROLOGISCHESKII INSTITUT IM. E. S. GLAVCHE. [S. S. GLAVCHE ODESSA INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREAL DISEASES]. Founded by Glavche in 1917 as Poliklinika dlia lecheniia kozhnykh, venericheskikh i mochepolovykh boleznei. [Polyclinic of Dermatologica" Venereal and Urinary Diseases], Reorganized in 1922 and given the present name. 101. GOLGI,-CAMILLO. 1844-1926. Co-winner of 1906 Nobel prize for his work on the structure of the nervous system. Professor of histology and general pathology at the Universita. di Pavia. ISTITUTO CAMILLO GOLGI. UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA. 102. GONZALEZ, JOSE E. 1813-1888. Founder and first director (1859-1888) of the Escuela de Medicina de Monterrey, and of the Hospital Civil. HOSPITAL UNIVERSIT.ARIO "DR. JOSE ELEUTERIO GONZALEZ". FACULTAD DE MEDICINA. UNIVERSIDAD DE NUEVO LEON. MONTERREY, MEXICO. Upon Gonzalez's death, the name of the Hospital Civil was changed to above. 103. GORGAS, WILLIAM C. 1854-1920. Sanitarian. Noted for his achievement in yellow-fever control. Surgeon General, U.S. Army (1914-1918). GORGAS MEMORIAL LABORATORY OF TROPICAL AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. PANAMA, CANAL ZONE. Founded 1929. It is the operating research establishment of the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc. Washington, D.C. 104.GROVES, WILLIAM H. 1834-1895. Salt Lake City dentist. Financed founding of: DR. WILLIAM H. GROVES LATTER-DAY SAINTS HOSPITAL. SALT LAKE CITY. Dedicated 1905. 105..GtfeMES, LUIS. 1856-1927. Professor of clinical medicine and Dean (1912-1915) of the Facultad de Ciencias M6dicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 22 INSTITUTO DE CIRUGfA "PROF. DR. LUIS GUEMES". BUENOS AIRES. Opened 1942. 106. HAFFKINE, WALDEMAR M. W. 1869-1930. Bacteriologist, born in Odessa, Russia. He discovered and used method of inoculation against cholera (1893-1894). Director of: HAFFKINE INSTITUTE. BOMBAY. Founded 1896 as Plague Research Laboratory. Name changed in 1905 to Bombay Bacteriological Laboratory and in 1925 to above. 107. HAHNEMANN, SAMUEL. 1755-1843. German. Founder of homeopathy. HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA. Formed by the successive union of several institutions. Present name dates from 1885. 108. HALSTED, WILLIAM STEWART. 1852-1922. American surgeon and educator, introduced many new technics and equipment in surgery. Joined Medical School of the Johns Hopkins University in 1889 and led its Department of Surgery. HALSTED SURGICAL CLINIC. JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE, MD. Early in 1929 a new planned surgical clinic was named after Halsted. The building was dedicated on October 28, 1932. 109. HARRIS, SEALE. 1870-1957. Research on hyperinsulinism and its control. SEALE HARRIS CLINIC. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. 110. HARVEY, WILLIAM. 1578-1657. His experiments established the mechanics of the circulation of blood. Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 34 years (from 1609). HARVEY PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S MEDICAL COLLEGE. LONDON. Opened 1891; in 1924 it was added to the facilities of the Pathologi- cal Block and converted into a Lecture Theatre and Laboratory for Morbid Anatomy and Histology. The building (Pathological Block) on Giltspur Street was referred to as the Harvey Laboratory Building. The preclinical departments and laboratories were moved to Charter- house Square in 1935 when the new medical college was established. 23 111. HASKINS, CARYL P. 1908- Professor of biophysics, Union College, Schenectady, New York. 1937-1955. President of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C. 1956- . From 1935 to 1955, founder of: HASKINS LABORATORIES, INC. NEW YORK. Founded 1935(?^ as a nonprofit foundation devoted exclusively to re- search in biochemistry and biophysics, a division of the Haskins Labo- ratories is a research unit at Union College, Schenectady, New York. 112. HEALY, WILLIAM. 1869-1963. Psychiatrist. Director of the Juvenile Psychopathic Institute, Chicago, from 1909 to 1917, and of the Judge Baker Guidance Center, Boston, from 1917 to 1949. WILLIAM HEALY SCHOOL. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. CHICAGO. Opened 1955. In-patient service of the Institute of Juvenile Research 113. HEKTOEN, L. 1863-1951. Professor and head, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Chicago 1901-1932. HEKTOEN INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. CHICAGO. Incorporated in 1943 under control of Cook County Hospital. Chicago. 114. HELMHOLTZ, HERMAN LUDWIG FERDINAND. 1821-1894. German scientist - originally a military physician - worked in the fields of physics, mathematics, physiology and psychology. From 1888 Director of the National Physico-Technological Institute in Berlin. (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEI IM. G. GEL'MGOL'TSA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. MOSKVA. [H. HELMHOLTZ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASES. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. MOSCOW]. Established around 1935 as H. Helmholtz Institute of Theoretical and Clinical Ophthalmology. (b) FILIAL NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKOGO INSTITUTA GLAZNYKH BOLEZNEI IM. G. GEL'MGOL'TSA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. CHEBOKSARY. CHUVASH. ASSR. [H. HELMHOLTZ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. BRANCH OFFICE AT CHEBOKSARY. CHUVASH ASSR]. HERZEN, P. A. see GERTSEN, PETR ALEKSANDROVICH 115. HILL, LUTHER LEONIDAS. 1862-1946. In 1902, reported the first successful case in America of suture of the heart for a stab wound penetrating the left ventricular cavity. 24 LUTHER LEONIDAS HILL HEART CENTER. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA MEDICAL CENTER. BIRMINGHAM. Dedicated 1959. HIRSCHHAN, L. L. see GIRSHMAN, LEONARD LEOPOLDOVICH HIRSCHFELD, L. see HIRSZFELD, LUDWIG 116. HIRSZFELD, LUDWIG 1884-1954. In 1919 his classical description of Bacteria paratyphosum C ("Hirszfeld's bacillus") appeared. He discovered the paratyphus strain Salmonella hirszfeldi, and with von Dungern discovered in 1911 the heredity of blood groups. INSTYTUT IMMUNOLOGII I TERAPII .DOSWIADCZALNEJ IM. LUDWIKA HIRSZFELDA. POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK. - WRCG^AW. [L. HIRSZFELD INSTITUTE OF IMMUNOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPY. POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. WROCLAW], In 1945 the Medical Faculty of the University of Wroclaw assumed control of the former German Institute of Hygiene developing it into the Institute of Medical Microbiology. In 1952, the Polish Academy of Sciences took control and renamed it above. 117. HOSTER, HERMAN A. 1912-1951. Professor of oncology Ohio State University Medical School, Columbus. Instrumental in securing funds for a new cancer research. laboratory wing of the University Hospital which includes: HERMAN A. HOSTER RESEARCH LABORATORIES. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER. COLUMBUS. Opened 1954. 118. HOWE, LUCIEN. 1848-1929. Ophthalmologist. Author of the 1890 Howe Law (New York State) requiring the application of a prophylactic solution to the eyes of newborn children. Chief donor of: HOWE LABORATORY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. BOSTON. Founded 1926. 119. HOWELL, WILLIAM HENRY. 1860-1945. First professor of physiology of the Johns Hopking University Medical School (1893), and dean of the medical school 1899 - 1911. Director of the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1926-31. 25 FINNEY-HOWELL CANCER RESEARCH LABORATORY. JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE. See under 79 for institutional history. 120. HUNTER, CHARLES T. 1843-1884. In 1870 appointed an assistant in Agnew's clinic in the University of Pennsylvania, and soon became the chief of the clinic, and Dr. Agnew's private assistant. Professor of surgery at the University of Pennsylvania, and surgeon at the University hospital. AGNEW AND HUNTER DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL SURGERY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. See under 2 for institutional history. HUNTER-AGNEW LABORATORY OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Opened 1921. 121. HUNTER, JOHN. 1728-1793. British anatomist and surgeon. HUNTERIAN LABORATORY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICAL SCHOOL. BALTIMORE* Founded 1904 at Harvey Cushing's request. Discontinued 1956. 122. IANOVSKII, FEOFIL GAVRILOVICH. 1860-1928. Specialized in the treatment of lung diseases, notably tuberculosis. UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT TUBERKULEZA I GRUDNOI KHIRURGII IM. AKAD. F. G. IAN0VSK0GO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. KIEV. [F. G. IANOVSKII UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF TUBERCULOSIS AND THORACIC SURGERY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV]. 123. IBN-SINA, ABU ALL (AVICENNA). (ca 980-1037 A.D.) Arabian philosopher, physician. His Canon of Medicine greatly influenced medieval medicine. STALINABADSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. ABUALI IBN-SINO (AVITSENNY). STALINABAD, TADZHIK. SSR. [ABU ALI IBN-SINA STALINABAD STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. STALINABAD. TADZHIK SSR]. Organized in 1939. Its name changed in 1961 to: Tadzhikskii meditsinskii institut. Dushanbe (formerly Stalinabad). 26 124. IVANOVSKII, DMITRII IOSIFOVICH. 1864-1920. Botanist and microbiologist. Founder of Russian virology. Professor of plant anatomy and physiology in St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Rostov on Don. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT VIRUSOLOGII IM. D. I. IVANOVSKOGO. AKADEMIIA MEDITSINSKIKH NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [D. I. IVANOVSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY. ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. 125. IZQUIETA PlfREZ, LEOPOLDO. 1879- Director General de Sanidad, Ecuador? 1937 - 1944. Founder of: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE HIGIENE "LEOPOLDO IZQUIETA PfiREZ". GUAYAQUIL. Inaugurated 1940 as Instituto Nacional de Higiene. Izquieta's name added in 1944. 126. JENNER, LOUIS LEOPOLD. 1866-1904. First director (1897-1900) of the clinical laboratory at St. Thomas's Hospital. LOUIS JENNER LABORATORY. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL. LONDON. Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine see no. 152 127. JORDAN, HARVEY ERNEST. 1878- With the University of Virginia Medical School in various teaching and administrative capacities for 42 years. Professor of anatomy, and director of anatomical laboratories, 1938-1949; dean 1939-1949. HARVEY E. JORDAN HEMATOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY. MEDICAL SCHOOL. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. CHARLOTTESVILLE. •Dedicated 1963. 128. JORGE, RICARDO. 1858-1939. President (1912) of the Office International d'Hygiene. In 1926 he was charged with reforming the public health services of Portugal. INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE HIGIENE DOUTOR RICARDO JORGE. LISBON. Created in 1899 as the Instituto Central de Higiene. Name changed to present form in 1946. 27 129. JOSLIN, ELLIOTT PROCTOR. 1869-1962. Honorary physician-in-chief of the New England Deaconess Hospital where he developed a diabetes clinic from which grew the Joslin Clinic. Clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, Boston, from 1922 to 1937. Author of The Treatment of Diabetes, 1916- . : : (a) ELLIOTT P. JOSLIN RESEARCH LABORATORY. DIABETES FOUNDATION. BOSTON. Dedicated 1964. The scientific direction of the Laboratory is in the Department of Medicine of the Harvard Medical School. (b) JOSLIN CLINIC. NEW ENGLAND DEACONESS HOSPITAL. BOSTON. 130. JUNG, CARL GUSTAV. 1875-1916. Established "analytical psychology". CARL GUSTAV JUNG INSTITUT. ZtTRICH. Established 1948 as a training center for analytical psychology. 131. KAR, RADHAGOBINDA G. 1852-1918. Pioneer of medical education in Calcutta. R. G. KAR MEDICAL COLLEGE. CALCUTTA. Founded 1916. Formerly called Carmichael Medical College. Name changed in 1947 to present form. 132. KASHCHENKO, PETR PETROVICH. 1858-1920. Psychiatrist in Nizhnyi Novgorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. Introduced collecting of psychiatric statistics and organized psychiatric hospitals. PSIKHONEVROLOGICHESKAIA GORODSKAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA NO. 1 IM. P. P. KASHCHENKO. MOSKVA. [P. P. KASHCHENKO PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL CLINICAL HOSPITAL NO. 1, MOSCOW] Originally Psikhiatricheskaia bol'nitsa im. N. A. Alekseeva. [N. A. Alekseev Psychiatric Hospital]. Received Kashchenko's name in 1922. 133. KEDZIE, ROBERT CLARK. 1823-1902. Physician-chemist. Professor of chemistry, Agricultural College of the State of Michigan. KEDZIE CHEMICAL LABORATORY. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. EAST LANSING. Opened 1927. 28 134. KEHOE, ROBERT A. 1893- Director and founder of Kettering Laboratory, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1948-1965. ROBERT A. KEHOE HALL. KETTERING LABORATORY, MEDICAL CENTER. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. CINCINNATI. Dedicated 1964. 135. KEILLER, WILLIAM. 1861-1931, First professor of anatomy and from 1922 to 1926 Dean of the University of Texas School of Medicine. WILLIAM KEILLER BUILDING. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH. GALVESTON. Completed 1931 and named for Keiller in 1951. One of the three major laboratory buildings of the University of Texas Medical Branch. 136. XHLOPIN GRIG0RI1 VITAL'EVICH. 1863-1929. Founder of public hygiene in Russia. In 1918 became professor at the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad. Organized in Leningrad Nauchno-issledovatel'skii sanitarno-gigienicheskii institut. [Scientific Research Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene], R.ADIEV0I INSTITUT IMENI G. V. KHLOPINA. LENINGRAD. [G. V. KHLOPIN INSTITUTE OF RADIUM. LENINGRAD]. 137. KITASATO, SHIBASABURO. 1852-1931. Discovered the plague bacillus (1894). Co-discoverer with von Behring of diphtheria and tetanus antitoxin. Worked at Koch's institute from 1855 to 1892. Laid the foundation for research in bacteriology and epidemiology in Japan. KITASATO KENKYUSHO. TOKYO. [KITASATO INSTITUTE FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES. TOKYO]. Founded 1914 by Kitasato as a nonprofit corporation for research. 138. KOCH, ROBERT. 1843-1910. One of the founders of bacteriology. Nobel prize (1905) for his investigations and discoveries in regard to tuberculosis. (a) INSTITUT F*UR INFEKTIONSKRANKHEITEN "ROBERT KOCH". BERLIN. Founded 1891 by Koch, and under his direction until 1904. (b) "ROBERT KOCH" TUBERKULOSEKLINIK. ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSlTlT. FREIBURG. Inaugurated 1958. 29 !39. KOCHER, EMIL THEODOR. 1841-1917. Surgeon. Nobel prize (1909) for his work on the problem of cachexia strumipriva. THEODOR KOCHER INSTITUT. UNIVERSITAT BERN. BERN. Founded 1950. HO. KORSAKOV, SERGEI SERGEEVICH. 1854-1900. One of the founders of Russian psychiatry. Associated from 1888 with the University of Moscow. In 1892 became Director of its Psychiatric Clinic. PS1KHIATRICHESKAIA KLINIKA IM. S. S. KORSAKOVA. PERVYI MOSKOVSKII MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT. MOSKVA. [S. S. KORSAKOV PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC OF THE FIRST MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE. MOSCOW]. Established in 1887 as Psikhiatricheskaia klinika im. A. A. Morozova. [a. A. Morozov Psychiatric Clinic] and about 1930 became part of tne newly formed First Moscow Medical Institute. 14L K(5s, JOSfi. Associated with the Clinica 0to-Rino-Laringol6gico, Faculdade Kannemanniana,Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia, Rio de Janeiro. CLINICA PROFESSOR J0S£ KOS. RIO DE JANEIRO. Inaugurated 1955. 142. KOVALEVSKII, ALEKSANDR ONUFRIEVICH. 1840-1901. Biologist. Founder of comparative biology and physiology of invertebrate animals and one of the initiators of experimental and evolutional histology in Russia. Professor in Kazan, Kiev, Novorossiisk and St. Petersburg. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKAIA BIOLOGICHESKAIA STANTSIIA. A. 0. KOVALEVSKOGO. SEVASTOPOL. [A. 0. KOVALEVSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STATION OF BIOLOGY. SEVASTOPOL]. 143.. KRAMER, VASIL VASIL'EVICH. 1876-1938(?) Specialized in psychiatry and neuropathology. Started his practice between 1909 and 1912 in Moscow. GOSUDARSTVENNYI TSENTRAL'NYI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVAIEL'SKII INSTITUT PSIKHIATRII IM. V. V. KRAMERA. MOSKVA. [V. V. KRAMER STATE CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY. MOSCOW]. Established before 1940. 30 144. LAENNEC, RENE THEOPHILE. 1781-1826. French clinician. Invented the stethoscope and its use in auscultation. HOPITAL LAENNEC. PARIS. Constructed from 1635 to 1649 and called Hospice des Incurables. Name changed to present form in 1878. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, University de Paris. 145. LAGLEYZE, PEDRO. 1855 - ca 1925. From 1884 professor of ophthalmology at the University of Buenos Aires. INSTITUTO OFTALMOLOGICO "PEDRO LAGLEYZE". BUENOS AIRES. 146. LAHEY, FRANK H. 1880-1953. American surgeon. Founder of: LAHEY CLINIC. BOSTON. Founded 1927(?) 147. LANGBORD, JOSEPH ARRONS. 1882-1963. Medical director of the Sidney Hillman Medical Center, Philadelphia. LANGBORD VIRUS LABORATORY. HAHNEMANN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL OF PHILADELPHIA. Established 1952 through a donation from friends of Dr. Langbord. 148. LAWLESS, THEODORE K. 1892- American dermatologist. T. K. LAWLESS DERMATOLOGY DEPARTMENT. BEILINSON HOSPITAL. PETAH TIKVA, ISRAEL. Established 1956 by the Kupat Holim, the medical department of the Israeli Federation of Labor. The Lawless Dermatology Department serves as the consultation and research center for all the Kupat Holim hospitals in Israel. Named in honor of Dr. Lawless in appreci- ation of his "generous support of the State of Israel and its people". 149. LERICHE, RENE. 1879-1955. Appointed in 1924 to the chair of clinical surgery at the Universite de Strasbourg, and in 1937 as professor at the College de France. LABORATOIRE RENE-LERICHE. CENTRE DE RECHERCHES CHIRURGICALES RAYMOND-POINCARE. HOPITAL CIVIL. STRASBOURG. Opened 1953. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Strasbourg. 31 150. LESGAFT, PETR FRANTSEVICH. 1837-1909. Anatomist, pedagogist and founder of physical education in Russia. In 1893 organized in Leningrad a Biological Laboratory, which in 1918 changed into a scientific research institute bearing his name. (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT FIZICHESKOI KUL'TURY IM. P. F. LESGAFTA. LENINGRAD. [P. F. LESGAFT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE. LENINGRAD]. (b) POLIKLINIKA IM. P. F. LESGAFTA. MOSKVA. [P. F. LESGAFT POLYCLINIC. MOSCOW]. (c) LABORATORIIA FUNKTSIONAL'NOI M0RF0L0GII IM. P. F. LESGAFTA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [P. F. LESGAFT LABORATORY OF FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. 151. LIMON MONTERO, ALFONSO de. before 1697. Father of medical hydrology in Spain and author of the first Spanish book on medicinal waters: Espe.jo cristalino de las aguas de Espana (1697). INSTITUTO "ALFONSO de LIMON MONTERO«MJE HIDROLOGlA MFJDICA Y CLIMATOLOGIA. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS. MADRID. Founded 1952. Part of the Instituto "Santiago Ram6n y Cajal". 152. LISTER, SIR JOSEPH. 1827-1912. Founder of antiseptic surgery. First chairman of: LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. LONDON. Founded 1891 as the British Institute of Preventive Medicine. From 1897 to 1903 it was known as the Jenner Institute of Preventive Medicine, taking thereafter the name of Lister. 153. LLERAS ACOSTA, FEDERICO. 1877-1938. Though a veterinarian, he is considered the father of modern bacteriology in Colombia and gained great prominence through his studies of the etiology and diagnosis of leprosy. INSTITUTO FEDERICO LLERAS ACOSTA DE INVESTIGACION MFDICA. MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. BOGOTA. Founded 1934. Located first in the Dispensario Antileproso de Cundinamarca. Later transferred to the Instituto Nacional de Higiene Samper-Martinez and later to the Laboratorio "Santiago Samper" of the Hospital San Juan de Dios. 32 154. LOOMIS, ALFRED LEBBEUS. 1831-1895. Professor of pathology and practice of medicine at the New York University College of Medicine, New York, from 1886 to 1895. Author of Physical Diagnosis (1873). He procured funds to build and endow the: LOOMIS LABORATORY. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY,' NEW YORK AND CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE. NEW YORK. Opened 1886. 155. LORENZINI, GIOVANNI. 1886-1940. Biochemist. President and founder of Istituto Biochemico Italiano and founder and editor of Bollettino della Societa. Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale. ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI VITAMINOLOGIA "GIOVANNI LORENZINI". MILAN. Founded 1941. 156. LOVELACE, WILLIAM RANDOLPH. 1907-1965. Head of Section of Surgery, Lovelace Clinic and co-founder of the Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research. LOVELACE CLINIC. ALBUQUERQUE. Founded 1946. In 1947 it was donated to the Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 157. LUMIERE, AUGUSTE. 1862-1954. With his brother.Louis Jean, he invented the cinematograph. After making a fortune he retired from business life and devoted his life to medical research and especially to pharmacodynamic studies and research on biocolloids. LABORATOIRE AUGUSTE LUMIERE. LYON. Established by Lumiere in 1922 at the site of the Policlinique Lumiere. 158. LUTZ, ADOLFO. 1855-1940. On invitation of Oswald Cruz, became director of the Division of Medical Zoology at the Institute Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, in 1909 and held that position for 26 years. INSTITUTO "ADOLFO LUTZ". SAO PAULO. Founded 1892. Central laboratory of public health for the state of Sao Paulo. 33 159. McCOLLUM, ELMER V. 1879- Professor emeritus. Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1946- . Vitamin Advisory Board, U.S. Pharmacopoeia, 1932 to 1949. McCOLLUM-PRATT INSTITUTE. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. BALTIMORE. Founded 1948. The donor was John L. Pratt, a university trustee. 160. MACHADO,VIRGlLIO. CESAR DA SILVEIRA. 1859-1927. Founded the following institution for the study and application of physics and chemistry in medicine: INSTITUTO MEDICO VIRGILIO MACHADO. LISBON. Established 1903. 161. McEACHERN, JOHN SINCLAIR. 1873-1947. Instrumental in the establishment of the Canadian Society for the Control of Cancer, later renamed the Canadian Cancer Society. President of the Society from 1938-1944. McEACHERN LABORATORY. UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA MEDICAL SCHOOL. EDMONTON. Built and equipped by the Alberta Division of the Canadian Cancer Society, 1951. 162. MACKENZIE, SIR JAMES. 1853-1925. Pioneer in the graphic study of cardiac arrhythmias. Founder of: JAMES MACKENZIE INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH. ST. ANDREWS, SCOTLAND. Founded 1919 as St. Andrews Institute for Clinical Research. Name changed to present form after 1926. 163. MAGALHAES, AGGEU. 1898-1949. Pathologist. Described the renal lesions in yellow fever. ("Magalhaes bodies"). In 1946 a Secretaria de Saude e Educagao was established and he was appointed the first director. INSTITUTO AGGEU MAGALHAES. DEPARTAMENTO NACIONAL DE SAUDE. RECIFE. Inaugurated 1950. 164. MAIMONIDES, MOSES. (MOSES BEN MAIMON). 1135-1204. Philosopher-physician. MAIMONIDES HOSPITAL OF BROOKLYN. Established 1919. 34 165. MAKHVILADZE, NIKOLAI IVANOVICH. 1890-1946(?) Specialized in industrial hygiene. Professor at the Medical Institute in Tbilisi. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT GIGIENY TRUDA I PROFZABOLEVANII. IM. PROF. N. I. MAKHVILADZE. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA GRUZINSKOl SSR. TBILISI. [N. I. MAKHVILADZE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI]. 166. MALBRAN, CARLOS G. -1940. Founder of the first chair of bacteriology at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and of: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE MICROBIOLOGIA "CARLOS G. MALBRAN", MINIS- TERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. ARGENTINA. Founded 1916 by Malbran as Instituto Bacteriologico. Patronymic first added in 1941. Variously titled: (1) Instituto Bacterio- logico "Malbran", (2) Instituto Malbran, (3) Instituto Central de Salud Publica "Malbran". 167. MALLORY, FRANK BURR. 1863-1941. Pathologist. Boston City Hospital, 1891-1932. MALLORY INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY. BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL. Opened 1933. 168. MARCHIAFAVA, ETTORE. 1847-1935. Pioneer malariologist. Described the forms and life cycle of P. falciparum. ISTITUTO DI MALARIOLOGIA "ETTORE MARCHIAFAVA". ROME. Created 1927 as Scuola Superiore di Malariologia. In 1933 name changed to Istituto di Malariologia. Marchiafava's name added in 1936. 169. MARCHOUX, FRANCOIS EMILE GABRIEL. 1862-1943. Tropical medicine specialist, especially noted for his work on leprosy. He was President of the Commission de la Lepre of the Ministere des Colonies of France (1932) and was instrumental in the establishment of: INSTITUT MARCHOUX. BAMAKO. REPUBLIC OF MALI; Inaugurated 1935 as Institut central de la lepre. Name changed to above after 1943. 35 See also 207.19 170. MAREY, ETIENNE JULES. 1830-1904. 1867 College of France. Invented sphygmograph, etc. INSTITUT MAREY. BOULOGNE SUR SEINE. PARIS. Founded by Marey in 1898 in order to further the work of the Com- mission internationale pour 1'unification des appareils de measure en physiologie. Marey's name added in 1901. 171. MARSDEN, WILLIAM. 1796-1867. His concern for the plight of cancer patients among the poor who could not gain admittance to existing hospitals lead to the establish- ment of: ROYAL MARSDEN HOSPITAL. INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH. LONDON. Opened 1851 as Free Cancer Hospital and considered the first hospi- tal in the world devoted solely to the treatment of cancer and allied diseases. Name changed to Royal Cancer Hospital in 1936 and to Royal Marsden Hospital in 1954. A constituent of the British Post- graduate Medical Federation, University of London. Shares some of its facilities with the Chester Beatty Research Institute. 172. MARTINEZ-SANTAMARIA, JORGE. -1947. Studied a number of diseases including rabies and uncinariasis. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE HIGIENE SAMPER-MARTINEZ. MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. BOGOTA. Founded 1917 as a private laboratory by Bernardo Samper Sordo and Jorge Martinez Santamaria. Acquired by the Ministerio de Instrucci6n y Salubridad Publica and given present name in 1926. 173. MARTSINKOVSKII, EVGENII IVAN0VICH. 1874-1934. Bacteriologist, parasitologist and infectious diseases expert. One of the organizers of the fight against malaria in the USSR. Editor of Gigiena i epidemiologiia and Russkii zhurnal tropicheskoi meditsiny. From 1920 director of: NAUCHN0 ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT MEDITSINSKOI PARAZIT0L0GII I GEL'MINTOLOGII IM. E. I. MARTSINK0VSK0GO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVO- OKHRANENIIA SSSR. MOSKVA. [E. I. MARTSINKOVSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL PARASI- TOLOGY AND HELMINTHOLOGY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. Originally Institut protozoinykh zabolevanii i khimooterapii. [institute of Protozoic Diseases and Chemotherapy], 36 MATOS, DANIEL de. see FERREIRA de MATOS, DANIEL. 174. MATOS, JULIO de. 1856-1922. Leading Portuguese psychiatrist of his day. Superintendent of the "Manicome Bombarda" (formerly Hospital de Rilhafoles; now Hospital Miguel Bombarda) from 1911 to 1922. HOPITAL JULIO de MATOS. LISBON. Established 1942. 175. MAYO, CHARLES H. 1865-1939. MAYO, WILLIAM J. 1861-1939. The Mayo brothers were authors of many improvements in visceral surgery and outstanding surgeons of their period. MAYO CLINIC. ROCHESTER. MINNESOTA. Founded 1889 by the Mayo brothers when they became surgeons at the newly erected St. Mary's Hospital. Mayo Clinic building was built in 1914. 176. MECHNIKOV,, IL'IA IL'ICH. 1845-1916. Russian biologist. One of. the founders of evolutional embryology, comparative pathology, microbiology and immunology. Nobel prize (1908) for his work on immunity. In 1886 he organized the first bacteriological station in Odessa. Unable to acquire the support and proper understanding in Russia, he left the country and joined Louis Pasteur in Paris in 1888. Died in France. (a) DNEPROPETROVSKAIA OBLASTNAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IMv I. I. MECHNIKOVA, NO. 1. [I. I. MECHNIKOV DNEPROPETROVSK DISTRICT CLINICAL HOSPITAL NO. l]. (b) UKRAINSKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII I MIKROBIOLOGII IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. KHAR'KOV. [I. I. MECHNIKOV UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. KHARKOV]. v v (c) UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT VAKTSIN I SYVOROTOK IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. KHAR'KOV. [I. I. MECHNIKOV UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF VACCINES AND SERA. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KHARKOV]. 37 (d) BOL'NITSA I. I. MECHNIKOVA. LENINGRAD. [I. I. MECHNIKOV HOSPITAL. LENINGRAD]. Originally Bol'nitsa Petra Velikogo. [Peter the Great Hospital]. Name changed around 1917. (e) MOSKOVSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT VAKTSIN I SYVOROTOK IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA SSSR. MOSKVA. [I. I. MECHNIKOV MOSCOW SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF VACCINES AND SERA. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. (f) MOSKOVSKII OBLASTNOI INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII, MIKROBIOLOGII I INFEKTSIONNYKH BOLEZNEI IM. I.I. MECHNIKOVA. [I. I. MECHNIKOV MOSCOW DISTRICT INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. MOSCOW]. (g) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII I MIKROBIOLOGII IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. ODESSA. [I. I. MECHNIKOV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. ODESSA]. «* v (h) ODESSKII DERZHAVNYI UNIVERSITET IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. ODESSA. [I. I. MECHNIKOV ODESSA STATE UNIVERSITY]. (i) PENZENSKII GUBERNSKII SANITARNO-BAKTERIOLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. PENZA. [I. I. MECHNIKOV PENZA DISTRICT INSTITUTE OF SANITATION AND BACTERIOLOGY]. o » (1) UFIMSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT VAKTSIN I SYVOROTOK IM. I. I. MECHNIKOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA SSSR. UFA. BASHKIR. ASSR. [I. I. MECHNIKOV UFA SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF VACCINES AND SERA. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. UFA. BASHKIR ASSR]. 177.. MENDEL, GREGOR. 1822-1884. His experiments on hybridization in peas led to the formation of "Mendel's law" which shed much light on heredity and the origin of species. ISTITUTO DI GENETICA MEDICA E GEMELLOLOGIA "GREGORIO MENDEL". ROME. Founded 1953. 178. MENDEL, LAFAYETTE BENEDICT. 1872-1935. Researched jointly with T. B. Osborne the correlation of the amino-acid constitution of different proteins with the functions and efficiencies of these proteins in nutrition. 38 L. B. MENDEL RESEARCH LABORATORY. ELGIN STATE HOSPITAL. ELGIN, ILLINOIS. Opened 1959 for long-range investigation of the biochemical, pharma- cological, nutritional, and bacteriological aspects of mental illness. 179. MENNINGER, CHARLES F. 1862-1953. MENNINGER, KARL. 1893- MENNINGER, WILLIAMC. 1899-1966. Father and sons psychiatric team and founders-directors of the following center: (a) CHARLES FREDERICK MENNINGER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. TOPEKA. Opened 1954. Part of the Menninger Foundation. (b) MENNINGER CLINIC. TOPEKA. Begun in 1919 as a private medical partnership of C. F. Menninger and his two sons, Karl and William. In 1925 the Clinic became associated with the Menninger Sanitarium (founded 1925 by the Menningers) and the Clinic gradually developed into a training and research center. To permit acceptance of philanthropic support, the Menninger Foundation was established in 1941. A few years later, the partners of the Menninger Clinic, and the stockholders of the Menninger Sanitarium Corporation contributed to the new foundation all of the properties they had accumulated through the years. Since 1945 "The Menninger Clinic" has been used to refer to the cooperative clinical work, and staff at the Menninger Foundation as distinguished from the research and educational functions. (c) MENNINGER SCHOOL OF PSYCHIATRY. TOPEKA Begun in 1946. Part of the Menninger Foundation. 180. MEYER, ADOLF. 1866-1950. Psychiatrist, important in the development and vitalization of psychiatry in America. Professor of psychiatry Johns Hopkins Medical School (1910-1941), and director of the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic (1913^1941). Editor of the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry from 1929 until his death. ADOLF MEYER LABORATORY OF NEUROLOGY. SETON INSTITUTE. BALTIMORE. Houses Meyer's personal collection of neuro-anatomic and neuropa- thological material, and his exhaustive card index file of neurologic subjects which he donated to the hospital in 1947. 39 181. MILOSEVIC, SIMO (1896-1943) Yugoslavian physician-parasitologist. Organized the first laboratory of parasitology in his country. Professor at the medical school of the University of Belgrad (1938). ZAVOD, ZA^KOZNE I VENERICNE BOLESTI "DR. SIMO MILOSEVIC" ["DR. SIMO MILOSEVIC" INSTITUTE FOR SKIN AND VENEREAL DISEASES]. JAGOMIR (SARAJEVO). 182. MINOVICI, MINA. 1858-1933 Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Bucharest and director of the Medico-Legal Institute of Bucharest. Author of Tratat complect de medicina legala. (2 v., 1928-30); INSTITUTUL MEDICO-LEGAL "PROF. MINA MINOVICI". BUCURESTI. [PROF. MINA MINOVICI MEDICO-LEGAL INSTITUTE. BUCHAREST]. 183. MIXTER, WILLIAM JASON. 1880-1958. Visiting surgeon in charge of neurosurgical cases at the Massachusetts General Hospital 1911-1939 when a special service, headed by Dr. Mixter, was established. Instrumental in raising funds for: MIXTER LABORATORIES FOR NEUROSURGICAL RESEARCH. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL. BOSTON. Dedicated 1957. 184. MOREIRA, JULIANO. 1875-1933. Professor of psychiatry at the Universidade da Bahia (1896). In 1903 he was appointed superintendent of the government hospital for mental diseases in Rio de Janeiro. Due to his efforts, a national law was passed which did much to improve the care of the mentally ill in Brazil. HOSPITAL JULIANO MOREIRA. BAHIA. 185/ MORELLI, JUAN B. 1868-1947. One of the pioneers in pulmonary tuberbulosis in Latin America and first South American to practice artificial pneumothorax. One of the founders of: INSTITUTO DE NEUMOLOGIA "PROF. J. B. MORELLI". FACULTAD DE MEDICINA". UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTEVIDEO. Created 1937 as Instituto de Tisiologia. In 1943 Morellits name was added and in 1957 "neumologia" was substitutted for "tisiologia" in the title. 40 186. MORGAGNI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. 1682-1771. Anatomist from Forli., Italy. Considered the founder of modern pathologic anatomy. OSPEDALE CIVILE G. B. MORGAGNI. FORLI. Established 1915 bearing the name Aurelio Saffi. Succeeded the old Ospedale Civile. Name changed to present form in 1921. 187:, MORQUIO, LUIS. 1867-1935. The code of laws to guard the interest of children in Uruguay, sponsored by him, has been adopted by nearly all the Latin American nations. Founder and director of: INSTITUTO DE CLINICA PEDlATRICA E HIGIENE INFANTIL "DR. LUIS MORQUIO". FACULTAD DE MEDICINA. UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTEVIDEO. Founded in 1929 as Instituto de Clinica y Puericultura. Name changed in 1935. 188. MOSSO, ANGELO. 1846-1910. Occupied the chair of materia medica at University, di Torino where he established the first laboratory for pharmacology in Italy. With Hugo Kronecker established the following institution for the study of physiological response to high altitudes: LABORATORI SCIENTIFICI ANGELO MOSSO. MONTE ROSA. ITALY. Founded 1909. Attached to the Universita di Torino. !89. . MUGRAGE, EDWARD ROSSETER. 1885-1958. University of Colorado School of Medicine 1914-53. 1924-53, professor and head of the Department of Clinical Pathology. EDWARD R. MUGRAGE LABORATORY. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO MEDICAL CENTER. DENVER. Dedicated 1955. Central Laboratory for the Center. 190. MUKHADZE, GRIG0RI1 MIKHAILOVICH. 1879-1948. Surgeon in Tbilisi. From 1918 Director of Institute of Traumatology and later Chairman of the Department of Surgery which he helped to organize at the University of Tbilisi Medical School. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT PERELIVANIIA KROVJ IM. G. M. MUKHADZE MINISTERSTVO EDRAVOOKHRANENIIA GRUZINSKOI SSR. TBILISI. [G. M. 'MUKHADZE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI] . Established in 1935 by expansion of the "Station for Blood Transfusion", organized by Mukhadze in 1923. After 1948 Mukhadze's name was added. 41 191. MUSABEKOV, GAZANFAR MAKHMUD QGLY. 1888-1938. Physician of Azerbaidzhan. Inspired (ca 1923) organization of: v AZERBAIDZHANSKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII I MIKROBIOLOGII IM. G. MUSABEKOVA. BAKU. [G. MUSABEKOV AZERBAIDZHAN INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY. BAKU]. 192. MUSSER, JOHN HERR. 1856-1912. The first assistant professor of clinical medicine at University of Pennsylvania (1889-1898); professor of clinical medicine 1898-1912. Instrumental in establishing and director of: JOHN HERR MUSSER DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Established 1910. 193. MUTIS, JOSF, CELESTINO. 1732-1808. Priest-physician-botanist. In 1760 went to New Granada (South America) as physician to the Spanish envoy. In addition to his work on cinchona, he is credited with having discovered the medicinal uses of ipecacuanha, balsam of tolu and balsam of Peru. INSTITUTO JOSFT CELESTINO MUTIS. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS. MADRID. Founded 1942. Part of the Instituto "Santiago Ram6n y Cajal". 194. NARIMANOV, NARIMAN NADZHAF-OGLY. 1870-1925. Physician, politician and journalist. Interested in public hygiene of Azerbaidzhan. AZERBAIDZHANSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. N. NARIMANOVA. BAKU. [N. NARIMANOV AZERBAIDZHAN STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. BAKU]. 195. NATISHVILI, ALEKSANDR NIKOLAEVICH (1878- ) Soviet anatomist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR (1944- ), professor at the medical school in Tbilisi from 1918. Compiled the first anatomical nomenclature in the Georgian language. INSTITUT EKSPERIMENTAL'NOI M0RF0L0GII IM. A. N. NATISHVILI. [A. N. NATISHVILI INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY]. TBILISI, GEORGIAN SSR. 42 196. NENCKI, MARCELI. 1847-1901. His appointment to a chair in physiological chemistry in 1877 was among the earliest recognition which the science received as an independent field of study. INSTYTUT BIOLOGJI DOSWIADCZALNEJ IM. M. NENCKIEGO. WARSZAVA. [M. NENCKI INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. WARSAW]. Founded 1920. 197. NCCHT, BERNHARD. 1857-1945. Tropical diseases specialist. BERNHARD-NOCHT-INSTITUT FUR SCHIFFS- UND TROPENKRANKHEITEN. HAMBURG. Founded 1902. 198. NOfi CREVANI, JUAN. 1877-1947. Professor of biology, embryology and parasitology of the Facultad de Biologia y Ciencias Medicas, Universidad de Chile for 34 years. Founder of: INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA "JUAN NOfi". FACULTAD DE MEDICINA. UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. SANTIAGO. Founded 1933. 199. OBUKH, VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH. 1870-1934. Hygienist. Director of Moscow Department of Health. Through his initiative the Institut gigieny truda i professional'nykh zabolevanii [institute of Labor Hygiene and of Occupational Diseases], first in Russia, was established in 1923. INSTITUT PO IZUCHENIIU PROFESSIONAL'NYKH BOLEZNEI IM. V. A. OBUKHA. MOSKVA. [V. A. OBUKH INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES. MOSCOW]. Established around 1934. 200. OCHSNER, EDWARD WILLIAM ALTON. 1896- Specialist in thoracic and vascular surgery. Professor of surgery and Chairman of the Department of Surgery, University of Tulane School of Medicine 1927 to 1956, and professor of clinical surgery and senior at the same school since 1956. Regent of the American College of Surgeons since 1936. Director and founder of: (a) OCHSNER, CLINIC. NEW ORLEANS. Founded 1942. 43 (b) OCHSNER FOUNDATION HOSPITAL. NEW ORLEANS. Founded 1947. 201. OSIER, SIR WILLIAM. 1849-1919. From 1889 to 1904 professor at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine. Worked especially on diseases of the heart and the blood, made many clinical discoveries and published extensively. OSIER MEDICAL CLINIC. JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE, MD. Early in 1929 a new planned clinic was named after Osier. It re- ceived its first patient on January 7, 1931, but was dedicated only on October 28, 1932. 202. PALAGI, PIERO. 1879-1947. Chief of the section of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery in the Department of Surgery at the Universita di Firenze from 1918 till 1923 when he became chief of the Istituto Ortopedico Toscano, the orthopedic hospital of the University. ISTITUTO ORTOPEDICO TOSCANO "PIERO PALAGI". UNIVERSITA DI FIRENZE. FLORENCE. Palagi's name added after his death. 203. PALLADIN, ALEKSANDR VLADIMIROVICH. 1885- Russian biochemist. Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1950). Initiator and editor (1926) of the first biochemical journal in Russia: Naukovi zapiski ukrains'kogo biokhemichnogo institutu. KATEDRA PO BIOKHIMIIA "A. V. PALLADIN". MEDITSINSKA AKADEMIIA "VULKO CHERVENKOV". ["A. V. PALLADIN" CHAIR OF BIOCHEMISTRY. "VULKO CHERVENKOV" ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. SOFIA]. 204. PAPANICOLAOU, GEORGE NICHOLAS. 1883-1962. Best known for his introduction of the exfoliative cytologic (Papanicolaou smear) diagnostic technique for uterine cancer at the presymptomatic stage. PAPANICOLAOU CANCER RESEARCH INSTITUTE. MIAMI. Founded 1961. 205. PARHON, CONSTANTIN I. 1874- "Founder of Rumanian endocrinology". Professor of neurology and psychiatry in Jassy in 1912 and professor of endocrinology at the University of Bucharest Medical School in 1934. (a) INSTITUTUL DE ENDOCRINOLOGIE "PROF. C. I. PAHRON". ACADEMIA REPUBLICII POPULARE ROMINE. BUCURE^TI. [PROF. C.I. PARHON INSTITUTE OF ENDOCRINOLOGY. ACADEMY OF PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF RUMANIA. BUCHAREST]. 44 (b) UNIVERSITATEA "C. I. PARHON1'. BUCURESTI. [C.I. PARHON UNIVERSITY. BUCHAREST] \ 206. PARK, ROSWELL. 1852-19H. In 1883 he was elected to the chair of surgery of the University of Buffalo and surgeon to the Buffalo General Hospital. Instrumental in the establishment of: ROSWELL PARK MEMORIAL INSTITUTE. BUFFALO. Established 1901 as State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases. Name changed in 1945. 207. PASTEUR, LOUIS. 1822-1895. One of the founders of bacteriology and pioneer of modern preventive inoculation against disease. 1. INSTITUT PASTEUR D'ETHIOPIE. ADDIS-ABASA. Founded 1951. 2. INSTITUT PASTEUR D'ALG£RIE. ALGIERS. Founded 1894. 3. PASTEUR INSTITUTE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. ANN ARBOR. In 1902 the institute was set up as part of the University's Hygienic Laboratories and as part of the Department of Bacteriology. It was headed by Dr. Herbert W. Emerson from 1915 until his death in 1948. 4. INSTITUT PASTEUR HELL2NIQUE. ATHENS. Founded 1919. 5. PERUSAHANN NEGARA PASTEUR. BANDUNG. [PASTEUR STATE ENTERPRISES. BANDUNG]. Established 1890 in Djakarta by the Ministry of Health. Moved to Bandung in 1923 and changed to a state enterprise in 1955. 6. INSTITUTE PASTEUR. BANGKOK. 7. INSTITUT PASTEUR. BANGUI. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Founded I960. 8. INSTITUT PASTEUR. BORDEAUX. Founded 1902 and closed 1955. 9. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE BRAZZAVILLE. CONGO. Founded 1906. 45 10. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE BRUXELLES. Founded 1901 by Jules Bordet. 11. INSTITUTUL DE SERURI SI VACCINARI "PASTEUR". BUCHAREST. Founded 1908. 12. PASTEUR INSTITUT. BUDAPEST, (in existence in 1901) 13. LABORATORIO PASTEUR. BUENOS AIRES. Founded 1886. 14. PASTEUR INSTITUTE. CALCUTTA. Founded 1922. 15. INSTITUTO PASTEUR. CARACAS. Founded 1895. 16. INSTITUT PASTEUR DU MAROC. CASABLANCA. Founded 1932. 17. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE LA GUYANNE ET DU TERRITOIRE DE L'ININI. CAYENNE. Founded 1940. 18. CENTRE HOSPITALIER L. PASTEUR. COLMAR. FRANCE. 19. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE L'AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE. DAKAR. SENEGAL. Opened 1896 at the hospital of Saint-Louis du Senegal by Emile Marchoux and is the first African laboratory of microbiology. Transferred to Dakar in 1913 as Institut de Biologie. In 1937 a new building was authorized and renamed for Pasteur. 20. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE DALAT, VIETNAM. Inaugurated 1936. 21. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE LA MARTINIQUE. FORT DE FRANCE. Founded 1939. 22. INSTITUT PASTEUR. HANOI. 1928-1958. 23. INSTITUTO PASTEUR SANTOS FERNANDEZ. HAVANA. Founded 1887 as Laboratorio Bacteriologico y de Vacunaci6n one of the first anti-rabies institute in America. Name changed in 1943. 46 . INSTITUT PASTEUR PALESTINIAN. JERUSALEM. Established 1913. 25. PASTEUR INSTITUT. KAUNAS. LITHUANIA. [USSR] 26. PASTORIA PASTEUR. KINDIA. REPUBLIC OF GUINEA. Established in 1922. 27. LENINGRADSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII, MIKROBIOLOGII I GIGIENY IM. L. PASTERA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. LENINGRAD. [L. PASTEUR LENINGRAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR]. Founded by Prince Aleksandr Petrovich Oldenburg in 1890 on the advice of Pasteur and turned over to the Russian government after the Revolution. Originally called Bakteriologicheskii institut im. Pastera. [L. Pasteur Institute of Bacteriology], then Leningradskii institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. Pastera. [Pasteur Leningrad Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology] and, finally, assumed the present name. 28. VTORAIA DETSKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. LUI PASTERA, LENINGRAD. [L. PASTEUR SECOND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. LENINGRAD]. Founded 1843, named after Pasteur in 1918. 29. INSTITUT PASTEUR. LILLE. Founded 1895 and under the direction of Albert Calmette. 30. CENTRO CIENTIFICO "LUIS PASTEUR". FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Y BIOQUIMICA. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS. LIMA. Founded 1955. 31. INSTITUTO PASTEUR DE LISBOA. Founded 1895. 32. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE SUD-EST. LYONS. Founded 1900 as Institute Bacteriologique. Name changed 1954. 33. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE MARSEILLE. 34. HOSPITAL PASTEUR. MONTEVIDEO. Founded 1898. 35. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE LA LOIRE-INFERIEURE. NANCY. Founded 1898. 36. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE NOUMEA. NOUMEA. NEW CALEDONIA. Founded 1955. 47 37. INSTITUT PASTEUR. NHATRANG. SOUTH VIETNAM. Established in 1895 by Alexandre Emile Yersin and under his direction for many years. 38. PASTEUR INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN INDIA. C00N00R. Founded 1906. Active center for rabies research in India. 39. PASTEUR ZAVOD. NOVI SAD, YUGOSLAVIA. Founded 1921. 40. INSTITUT PASTEUR. PARIS. Founded 1888. The first independent corporation for medical research and the prototype of similar institutes throughout the world. Drive for funds begun in 1886; building inaugurated 1888. 41. IxNSTITUT PASTEUR. PATNA. INDIA. 42. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE PNOM-PENH. CAMBODIA. Founded 1953. 43. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE LA GUADELOUPE. POINTE-A-PITRE. Founded 1948. 44-. INSTITUT PASTEUR. RABAT. MOROCCO. 45. PASTEUR INSTITUTE OF THE UNION OF BURMA. RANGOON. Founded 1915 as Burma Pasteur Institute. Name changed in 1948. 46. INSTITUTO PASTEUR. RIO DE JANEIRO. Founded 1888. Construction is planned for a Pasteur Institute in the Republic of Ivory Coast. 47. INSTITUT PASTEUR. SAIGON. Founded 1890 by Albert Calmette. The first of the so-called Institute Pasteur d'Outre-Mer. 48. PASTEUR INSTITUTE AND PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY. SALISBURY. RHODESIA. Founded 1921. 49. INSTITUTO PASTEUR. SAO PAULO. Inaugurated 1910. 50. KING EDWARD VII MEMORIAL PASTEUR INSTITUTE AND MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE. SHILLONG. INDIA. Founded 1924. 48 51. INSTITUTE PASTEUR. TANANARIVE. MAGADASCAR. Founded 1899 as a laboratory of bacteriology and affiliated with Institut Pasteur, Paris, in 1927. 52. INSTITUT PASTEUR. TANGIER. MOROCCO. Opened 1913. 53. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE L'IRAN. TEHERAN. Founded 1921. 54. INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS. TUNIS. Founded 1893. Under Charles Nicolle it became an important center for research. 55. INSTITUT PASTEUR. YAOUNDE. REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON. Founded 1959. A number of other Pasteur Institutes have been referred to but their precise names have not been located. These include: For China: CANTON Established by Government. CHENGTU SHANGHAI (1938), (Branch of the For South America: CHILE (1896) CORDOBA, ARGENTINA FORTALEZA, BRAZIL GUATEMALA (1915) JUIZ DE FORA, BRAZIL LA PAZ, BOLIVIA MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (1928) MARACAIBO, VENEZUELA (1896) MEXICO (1888) NATAL, BRAZIL (1936) PERU (1908) PORTO ALEGRE, BRAZIL RECIFE, BRAZIL (1899) For the United States: CHICAGO (1890) opened Closed. NEW YORK (1890) Still Closed Alexandre Yersin on request of the Chinese closed 1958. Institut Pasteur, Nhatrang) July 2, 1890. in operation in 1892 (opened February 18, 1890). 49 208. PAUTRIER, LUCIEN MARIE. 1876-1959. Dermatologist. 1919-1942 and 1945-1946, professor of clinical dermatology at the Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Strasbourg. As president of the Societe des Amis de 1'Universite de Strasbourg (1947- ), he was instrumental in raising funds for the Centre de Recnerches Chirurgicales Raymond-Poincare, which includes: LAB0RAT0IRE L. M. PAUTRIER. CENTRE DE RECHERCHES CHIRURGICALES RAYMOND-POINCARE. HOPITAL CIVIL. STRASBOURG. Opened 1953. Affiliated with the Faculte de Medecine. Universite de Strasbourg. Includes Laboratoire Rene-Leriche. 209. PAVLOV, IVAN PETROVICH. 1849-1936. Nobel prize (1904) for his work on the physiology of digestion. Discovered the physiological principle of conditioned reflex. (a) PAVLOVIAN LABORATORY. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. BALTIMORE. (b) PAVLOV PHYSIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM. BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. In 1922, Dr. W. N. Boldyreff, first assistant to Pavlov at the Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, from 1902 to 1912, was invited to organize at the sanitarium a laboratory patterned after that of Pavlov's. (c) INSTITUTUL DE NEUROLOGIE "I. P. PAVLOV". ACADEMIA REPUBLICII POPULARE ROMINE. BUCUREgTI. [I. P. PAVLOV INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY. ACADEMY OF PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF RUMANIA. BUCHAREST]. (d) KIEVSKAIA PSIKHONEVROLOGICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. AKAD. I. P. PAVLOVA. KIEV. [I. P. PAVLOV KIEV HOSPITAL OF PSYCHONEUROLOGY]. (e) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT FIZIOLOGII IM. I. P. PAVLOVA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. LENINGRAD. [I. P. PAVLOV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. LENINGRAD. Probably developed from Fiziologicheskaia laboratoriia akad. I. P. Pavlova, which is mentioned between 1928 and 1945. (f) PERVYII LENINGRADSKII MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. AKAD. I. P. PAVLOVA. LENINGRAD. [ACADEMICIAN I. P. PAVLOV FIRST LENINGRAD MEDICAL INSTITUTE]. Founded 1897. Acquired present name in 1937. 50 (g) INSTITUT FIZIOLOGII IMENI I. P.: PAVLOVA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [I. P. PAVLOV INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. Established 1950 when the Institut evolutsionnoi fiziologii i patologii vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti im. I. P. Pavlova in Koltushi united with the Institut fiziologii tsentral'noi nervnoi sistemy of the Acadeny of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow and the Institut evolutsionnoi fiziologii i patologii vysshei nervnoi deiatel'nosti of the same Academy. (h) INSTITUT AVIATSIONNOI MEDITSINY IM. I. P. PAVLOVA. MOSKVA. [I. P. PAVLOV INSTITUTE OF AVIATION MEDICINE. MOSCOW]. (i) MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. AKAD. I. P. PAVLOVA. RIAZAN'. [ACADEMICIAN I. P. PAVLOV MEDICAL INSTITUTE. RIAZAN]. (j) SAMARKANDSKlf "MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. AKAD. I. P. PAVLOVA. SAMARKAND. [ACADEMICIAN I. P. PAVLOV SAMARKAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE. SAMARKAND. UZBEK SSR]. (k) MEDITSINSKA AKADEMIIA "I. P. PAVLOV". PLOVDIV, BULGARIA. [I. P. PAVLOV MEDICAL ACADEMY. PLOVDIV, BULGARIA]. (1) INSTITUT PO FIZIOLOGIIA "I. P. PAVLOV". MEDITSINSKA AKADEMIIA "VULKO CHERVENKOV". SOFIA. ["I. P. PAVLOV" INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY. "VULKO CHERVENKOV" ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. SOFIA]. 210. PENIDO BURNIER, J. Brazilian ophthalmologist. INSTITUTO PENIDO BURNIER. CAMPINAS. Founded 1920 by Penido Burnier. The first ophthalmic institute in Campinas and a leading center of clinical ophthalmic studies in South America. 211. PEPPER, WILLIAM. 1810-1864. Held the Chair of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1860-64. WILLIAM PEPPER LABORATORY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Established in his memory by his son Dr. William Pepper (1843-98). The first laboratory of clinical medicine in the United States. Opened December 4, 1895; building planned by John Shaw Billings. 51 *±*. PERALTA RAMOS, ALBERTO. Ca 1880- . Specialized in obstetrics and gynecology, started teaching in 1907 at the Obstetrical Clinic in Buenos Aires. From 1908 taught also natural sciences at Colegio National de Buenos Aires. INSTITUTO DE MATERNIDAD PROFESOR DOCTOR PERALTA RAMOS. BUENOS AIRES. Established and directed by him as Instituto de Maternidad. Named after him in January 1956. 213. PEREIRA BARRETTO, LUIZ. 1840-192 . Active in the campaign against yellow fever in Sao Paulo (1904). CFJJTRO ACADEMICO "PEREIRA BARRETTO". ESCOLA PAULISTA DE MEDICINA. SAO PAULO. 214. PERON, TOMAS. 1839-1889. In 1870 appointed to the Catedra de Medicina Legal, Faculdad de Derecho and in 1875 he was appointed head of organic chemistry at the Facultad de Ciencias Flsico-Matem£ticas of the same university. FACULTAD DE CIENCIES MEDICAS DR. TOMAS PERON. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CUYO. MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. Established 1950. 215. PIERSOL, GEORGE MORRIS. 1880-1966. Associated with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine from 1907 to 1957. Emeritus professor of medicine and physical medicine, 1954-66. Director of the Center for Instruction and Research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the University, 1944 to 1954. Dean of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Medicine, 1954 to 1957. GEORGE MORRIS PIERSOL REHABILITATION CENTER. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. PHILADELPHIA. Dedicated 1959. Includes a controlled climate chamber unit for the study of the effects of temperature, barometric pressure, ioniza- tion, humidity, and other atmospheric phenomenon on disease. 216. P1NI, GAETANO. 1846-1887. Founder of the Reale Societa d'Igiene, founder of the following hospital for childhood rickets: ISTITUTO ORTOPEDICO "GAETANO PINI". MILAN. Founded 1874 as Pio Istituto dei Rachitici. Name changed after World War II. 217. PIR0G0V, NIKOLAI IVAN0VICH. 1810-1881. Founder of military field surgery and surgical anatomy in Russia. 52 (a) VTOROI MOSKOVSKOI GOSUDARSTVENNYI INSTITUT IM. N. I. PIROGOVA, MOSKVA. [N. I. PIROGOV 2ND STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. MOSCOW]. (b) ODESSKII MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. N. I. PIROGOVA. MINISTERSRTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. ODESSA. [N. I. PIROGOV ODESSA "MEDICAL INSTITUTE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. ODESSA]. (c) INSTITUT ZA BURZA MEDITSINSKA POMOSHCH "N. I. PIROGOV". SOFIA. [N. I. PIROGOV INSTITUTE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. SOFIA]. (d) VINNITSKAIA OBLASTNAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. N. I. PIROGOVA. VINNITSA. [N. I. PIROGOV VINNITSA DISTRICT CLINICAL HOSPITAL. VINNITSA]. 218. POLENOV, ANDREI L'VOVICH. 1871-1947. Specialized in neurosurgery and traumatology. After 1917 director of the Institute of Traumatology in Leningrad. LENINGRADSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII NEIROKHIRURGICHESKII INSTITUT PROF. A. L. POLENOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. LENINGRAD. [PROF. A. L. POLENOV LENINGRAD SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF NEUROSURGERY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. LENINGRAD]. 219. POPOV, METODI1. 1881-1954. Biologist. Investigated cell stimulation and stimulation of vital processes in the organism. Professor of Biology at the University of Sofia, director of the Institute of Biology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) and President of Bulgarian Scientific Medical Council. INSTITUT PO BIOLOGIIA "METODII POPOV". BULGARSKA AKADEMIIA NA NAUKITE. SOFIA. ["METODII POPOV"INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY. BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. SOFIA]. Founded 1948. 220. PORTER, LANGLEY. 1870-1965. Professor of medicine and lecturer in Medical History and Bibliography, University of California Medical School, San Francisco, and professor emeritus of medicine and Dean of the School of Medicine emeritus, since 1940. LANGLEY PORTER NEUROPSYCHIATRIC INSTITUTE. SAN FRANCISCO. The research and teaching functions of the hospital are under the direction of the University of California School of Medicine. Until about 1957 it was called Langley Porter Clinic. 53 221. PRATT, JOSEPH HERSEY. 1872-1956. Physician-in-chief at the Boston Dispensary from 1927 to 1931; at the New England Center Hospital from 1931 to 1938; and the Joseph H. Pratt Diagnostic Hospital from 1938 to 1956. JOSEPH H. PRATT DIAGNOSTIC HOSPITAL. BOSTON. Opened 1938. It was the largest hospital in the country con- structed solely for diagnostic purposes. In 1949, the hospital became part of the New England Center Hospital, affiliated with Tufts University School of Medicine. 222. PURKYNE, JAN EVANGELISTA. 1787-1869. Czech pioneer in experimental physiology, histology and embry- ology. Professor of physiology at the University of Breslau 1823, and at the University of Prague 1850. UNIVERSITA JANA EVANGELISTY PURKYNE. BRNO. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Founded 1919 as Masarykova universita. After 1948 changed to present name. 223. PUTTI, VITT0RI0. 1880-1940. Assistant of Codivilla from 1903 and his successor at the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna. Founder of: ISTITUTI ELIOTERAPICI CODIVILLA-PUTTI, CORTINA D'AMPEZZO. See under Codivilla, Alessandro for history of the institution. 224. RAMON Y CAJAL, SANTIAGO. 1852-1934. Nobel prize (1906) with Camillo Golgi in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system. Developed several important innovations in staining technique. (a) INSTITUTO CAJAL. UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. GRANADA. (b) INSTITUTO "SANTIAGO RAMON Y CAJAL". CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES dENTIFICAS. MADRID. In 1901 the Spanish government founded the Instituto Cajal on the third floor of a small building adjacent to the University of Madrid. Upon Ram6n y Cajal's retirement, the government appropriated support for a large new Instituto Cajal, completed in 1932. In 1939 present name adopted. 54 (c) INSTITUTO DE HISTOLOGIA Y EMBRIOLOGIA "RAMON Y CAJAL". UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CUYO. MENDOZA, ARGENTINA. RAMOS MEJIA, JOSE MARIA. 1849-19H. Psychiatrist and pioneer in mental hygiene. "Founder of pathologic psychology in Argentina". ESCUELA NACIONAL DE SALUD PUBLICA, RAMOS MEJIA. BUENOS AIRES. HOSPITAL RAMOS MEJIA. BUENOS AIRES. Formerly Hospital San Roque and includes Clinica Obstetrica y Ginecologia Eliseo Cant6n. Name changed to present form 1914. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SALUD, RAMOS MEJIA. BUENOS AIRES. RAUKHFUS, KARL ANDREEVICH. 1835-1915. Pediatrician. TRETSIA DETSKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. K. A. RAUKHFUSA. LENINGRAD. [K. A. RAUKHFUS THIRD CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. LENINGRAD]. Founded 1869 with the name of Prince of Oldenburg. RAVDIN, ISIDOR SCHWANDER. 1894- . Vice-President for medical development and John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania. I. S. RAVDIN INSTITUTE. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. HOSPITAL. PHILADELPHIA. Money raised by a group of Dr. Ravdin's friends. Dedicated June 1962. RAWSON, GUILLERMO. 1821-1890. First professor of public health in Argentina (1873). HOSPITAL GUILLERMO RAWSON. BUENOS AIRES. Includes the Escuela Finochietto and the Instituto de Maternidad y Asistencia Social "Samuel Gache". RAZETTI, LUIS. 1862-1932. His C6digo de Moral Medica was adopted by various Latin America countries and his name is connected with practically every medical advance made in his country during his life. 55 INSTITUTO DE ONCOLOGIA "LUIS RAZETTI". CARACAS. Established as the Laboratorio de Fisioterapia y Radiumterapia. In 1936 the name was changed to Instituto Anticanceroso "Luis Razetti", and in 1946 to present form. 230. AL-RAZI (MUHAMMAD EBNE ZAKARYA). (RHAZES). 865-925. Arabic physician. INSTITUT RAZI. HESSAREK. IRAN. Founded 1930 as Institut d'Hessarek. Later name changed to Institut d'Etat des Serums et Vaccines and in 1946 to present form. A re- search institute of the Iranian Ministry of Agriculture and under the direction of L. P. Delpy from 1930 to 1951. 231. REED, WALTER. 1851-1902. Head of the United States Army Yellow Fever Board (1900)which proved Carlos Finlay's theory that yellow fever was transmitted by the Stegomyia mosquito. WALTER REED ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH. WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER. U.S. ARMY. WASHINGTON, D.C. Founded 1893 as the Army Medical School. Name underwent several changes after World War II, and in 1955 to present form. 232. REES, CLARENCE E. 1892-1963. Co-founder of: REES-STEALY CLINIC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. Founded 1923. The clinic carries on a full-time research program concerning the relationship between estrogens and cancer. RHAZES (ABU BAKR MUHAMMAD IBN ZAKARIA) see RAZI (MUHAMMAD EBNE ZAKARYA). 233. RICHARDS, ALFRED NEWTON. 1876-1966. Emeritus professor of pharmacology and former vice-president for medical affairs of the University of Pennsylvania (1939-1948).. ALFRED NEWTON RICHARDS MEDICAL RESEARCH BUILDING. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA. Dedicated May I960. 234. RIGGS, AUSTEN FOX. 1879-1940. Psychiatrist. Founder, president and director of: AUSTEN RIGGS CENTER. STOCKBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. Founded 1919 as Austen Riggs Foundation. Name changed in 1951. 56 RIZZOLI, FRANCESCO. 1809-1880. Orthopedist. Founder of: ISTITUTO ORTOPEDICO RIZZOLI. BOLOGNA. ROBLES, RUDOLFO. 1878-1939. In 1915 he called attention to the presence of a new disease, onchocerciasis, now also called Roble's disease in the coffee growing areas of Guatemala. INSTITUTO DE ENFERMEDADES TROPICALES "RUDOLFO ROBLES". DIRECCION GENERAL DE SANIDAD PUBLICA. GUATEMALA. Created 1958. RODRIGUES, NINA RAYMUNDO. (1862-1906) Pioneer in the field of legal medicine in Brazil. He started at Bahia, where he was a professor at the Faculdade de Medicina, and completed at Rio de Janeiro the reform of medicolegal service, and the promotion of research in that field. INSTITUTO NINA RODRIGUES. BAHIA. Organized around 1922. ROFFO, ANGEL H. 1882-1947. Oncologist. Director and founder of: INSTITUTO DE 0NC0L0GIA "ANGEL H. ROFFO". BUENOS AIRES. Founded 1922 as Instituto de Medicina para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Cancer. Name changed in 1954 or 1955. ROSS, SIR RONALD. 1857-1932. Nobel prize (1902) for his work on malaria. ROSS INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL HYGIENE. LONDON. Founded 1923. ROUSSY, GUSTAVE. 1874-1948. First director of: INSTITUT GUSTAVE ROUSSY. VILLEJUIF. FRANCE. Began 1921 as Centre Anticancereux de^-la Banlieue Parisienne in the Hospice Paul Brousse in Villejuif. In 1934, moved to its own building and became the Hopital (or Section Hospitaliere of the Institut du Cancer, under the control of the Department de la Seine. Transferred 1946-1947 to the Ministere de la Sante Publique. Name changed in 1950. 57 240.1 RUBASHKIN, VLADIMIR IAKOVLEVICH. 1876-1932. Histologist. Director of the Ukrainskii protozoinyi institut, Khar'kov. [Ukrainian Protozoic Institute, Kharkov]. Worked mostly on the histology of the nervous system. UKRAINSKII lUUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT MALIARII I MEDITSINSKOI PARAZITOLOGII IM. PROF. V. IA. RUBASHKINA. KHAR'KOV. [V. IA. RUBASHKIN UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALARIA AND MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY. KHARKOV]. 241. RUSAKOV, IVAN VASIL'EVICH. 1877-1921. Pediatrician, in 1918 member of the Sovet vrachebnykh kollegii [Coun- cil of Medical Boards]. " He was more active in politics than in medicine. Died in battle. DETSKAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. I. V. RUSAKOVA. MOSKVA. [I. V. RUSAKOV CHILDREN'S CLINICAL HOSPITAL. MOSCOW]. Established about 1866 as Bol'nitsa sv. Vladimira. [St. Vladimir Hospital]. Changed name in 1923. 242. RUSH, BENJAMIN. 1745-1813. Leading American physician of his day. RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE. CHICAGO. Opened in 1843. In 1898 became affiliated with the University of Chicago as a graduate school of medicine. In 1941 the union with the University of Chicago was dissolved and the Rush Medical College became affiliated with the University of Illinois Medical School. 243. SABIN, FLORENCE R. 1871-1953. First woman to be admitted and graduated and later first woman to hold a full professorship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. First woman to be invited (1925) to join the staff of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, where she served until 1938. Retired to Denver where she became the city manager of health and charities. FLORENCE R. SABIN BUILDING FOR RESEARCH IN CELLULAR BIOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO MEDICAL CENTER. DENVER. Completed 1951. 244. SALK, JONAS EDWARD. 1914- Best known for his development of the poliomyelitis vaccine. Designated to be director of: 58 SALK INSTITUTE FOR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA. Financed through contributions of the National Foundation and private contributions. Building of the institution began in in 1962. 245. SAMPER SORDO, BERNARDO. 1926, 1935 to 1947 director of: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE HIGIENE SAMPER-MARTINEZ. MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICA. BOGOTA. 246. SAMUELS, S. MAIMON. 1873-1962. Seattle physician. Donor of: S. MAIMON SAMUELS INSTITUTE FOR HEART AND CANCER RESEARCH. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. SEATTLE. Dedicated I960. 247. SASAKI, TAKAOKI. 1878- Authority on neurology, cancer and organic chemistry. Director of: SASAKI, KENKYUSHO. TOKYO. [SASAKI RESEARCH INSTITUTE. TOKYO]. Founded 1939. 248. SAVCHENKO, IVAN GRIGOR'EVICH. 1862-1932. Outstanding Russian pathologist and microbiologist. Professor of pathology in Kazan (1896-1919). In 1920 appointed Director of Chemical and Bacteriological Institute in Krasnodar. KRASNODARSKII INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII I MIKROBIOLOGII IM. I. G. SAVCHENKO. KRASNODAR. [I. G. SAVCHENKO KRASNODAR INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY]. 249. SEARS, GEORGE GRAY. 1858-1940. Professor emeritus of clinical medicine at Harvard. Chief of medi- cal staff and trustee of the Boston City Hospital. Instrumental in founding the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory at the Boston City Hospital. SEARS' LABORATORY FOR SURGICAL RESEARCH. BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL. BOSTON. In 1954 following formal affiliation of the Fifth (Harvard) Surgical Service,the Boston City Hospital Charles H. Tyler Fund 5? was activated. This bequest of the Boston attorney, Charles H. Tyler, Esq., in memory of Dr. George G. Sears, amounted to one million dollars in 1924. Half was to be used to establish a surgical re- search laboratory, while income from the remainder was to support laboratory activities. SEARS, HENRY F. 1862-1942. Graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1887. Assistant patholo- gist at the Boston City Hospital from 1888 to 1894. In 1889 donated: SEARS PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORY. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. BOSTON. Opened 1890. SECHENOV, IVAN MIKHAILOVICH. 1829-1905. Founder of so-called reflexological physiology. Also interested in the psychology and physiology of work. (a) NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT KLIMATOLOGII I KLIMATC- TERAPII TUBERKULEZA IM. I. M. SECHENOVA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. IALTA. [I. M. SECHENOV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CLIMATOLOGY AND CLIMATOTHERAPY OF TUBERCULOSIS. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. YALTA]. (b) INSTITUT EVOLIUTSSIONNOI FIZIOLOGII IM. I. M. SECHENOVA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. LENINGRAD. [I. M. SECHENOV INSTITUTE OF EVOLUTIONARY PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. LENINGRAD]. (c) PERVYI MOSKOVSKII MEDITSINSKII INSTITUT IM. I. M. SECHENOVA. MOSKVA. [I. M. SECHENOV FIRST MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE. MOSCOW]. (d) TSENTRAL'NYI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT FIZICHESKIKH METODOV LECHENIIA IM. I. M. SECHENOVA. MOSKVA. [I. M. SECHENOV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY. MOSCOW]. This is probably the institution founded in 1914 in Sevastopol, in 1941 evacuated to Borovoe, later to Kislovodsk and in 1944 transferred to Yalta. SEMASHKO NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH. 1874-1949. First "People's Commissar of Health" of the USSR, first professor of social hygiene at the Moscow University and chief editor of the Sovetskaia meditsinskaia entsiklopediia. Organizer of Soviet health services. 60 (a) INSTITUT ORGANIZATSII ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA I ISTORII MEDITSINY IM. N. A. SEMASHKO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA SSSR. MOSKVA. [N. A. SEMASHKO INSTITUTE FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. (b) KLINIKA BOLEZNEI UKHA, NOSA I GORLA IM. N. A. SEMASHKO. MOSKVA. [N. A. SEMASHKO CLINIC FOR EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT DISEASES. MOSCOW]. Founded in 1932 as a part of public health system of Moscow. (c) TSENTRAL'NAIA KLINICHESKAIA BOL'NITSA IM. N. A. SEMASHKO. MOSKVA. [N. A. SEMASHKO CENTRAL CLINICAL HOSPITAL. MOSCOW]. (d) UZBEKSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT KURORTOLOGII I FIZI- OTERAPIIwIM. N. A. SEMASHKO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA UZBEKSKOI SSR. TASHKENT. [N. A. SEMASHKO UZBEK SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BALNE- OLOGY AND PHYSIOTHERAPY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UZBEKH SSR. TASHKENT]. Established in 1919. SENCKENBERG, JOHANN CHRISTIAN. 1707-1772. Physician. Donated funds for the establishment of various medical and scientific institutions, including: (a) SENCKENBERGISCHE NEUROLOGISCHE INSTITUTE. FRANKFURT a.M. Established by Ludwig Edinger, and financed by the Senckenberg Foundation (1904). In 1914 the institute was made part of the newly founded University of Frankfurt. (b) SENCKENBERGISCHES PATHOLOGISCH-ANATOMISCHES INSTITUT. FRANKFURT. Founded 1763. An independent (non-university affiliated) re- search institution. SERBSKII, VLADIMIR PETROVICH. 1858-1917. Russian psychiatrist who contributed greatly to forensic medicine. His book Sudebnaia psikhopatologiia [Forensic psychopathology], published in 2 volumes between 1895-1900, was the first Russian methodical textbook on that subject. TSENTRAL'NYI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT SUDEBNOI PSIKHIATRII IM. PROF. SERBSKOGO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA SSSR. MOSKVA. [V. P. SERBSKII CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. Founded in 1921. 61 255. SEVERTSOV, ALEKSEI NIKOLAEVICH. 1866-1936. Biologist. Interested mostly in evolutional morphology. Professor in Iurievo, Kiev, and from 1911 in Moscow. Initiated the establishment of the Laboratory of Evolutional Morphology (1930). INSTITUT M0RF0L0GII ZHIVOTNYKH IM. A. N. SEVERTSOVA. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [A. N. SEVERTSOV INSTITUTE OF ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. Started in 1930 as Laboratory of Evolutional Morphology. In 1935 reorganized into A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutional Mor- phology and Paleozoology and then acquired the present name. 256. SHTERNBERG, ABRAM IAKOVLEVICH. 1873-1927. Specialized in the treatment of tuberculosis. From 1922 director of: v u LENINGRADSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT TUBERKULEZA IM. A. IA,SHTERNBERGA. LENINGRAD. [A. IA,SHTERNBERG LENINGRAD INSTITUTE OF TUBERCULOSIS. LENINGRAD]. Organized as Tubinstitut in 1922; Shternberg's name was assigned to it in 1927. 257. SHUTE, EVAN. 1904- SHUTE, WILFRED E. 1907- SHUTE INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. LONDON. ONTARIO. Founded by Doctors Evan and Wilfred Shute in 1948. 258. SIRCAR, NILRATAN SIR. 1861-1943. Instrumental in the founding of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Bengal (later amalgamated with the Calcutta Medical School) and the Carmichael Medical College (now R. G. Kar Medical College). First president of the Indian Medical Association, Bengal Branch. Editor-in-Chief of the Indian Medical Journal. NILRATAN SIRCAR MEDICAL COLLEGE. SEALDAH. CALCUTTA. Established as the Campbell Medical School in 1873. Name changed in 1950. 259. SITENKO, MIKHAIL IVANOVICH. 1886-1940. Orthopedist. From 1924 director of Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Specialized in the pathology of the coxofemoral region. 62 UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT ORTOPEDII I TRAVMATOLOGII IM. PROF. M. I. SITENKO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVO- OKHRANENIIA USSR. KHAR'KOV. [M. I. SITENKO UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KHARKOV]. 260. SKLIFOSOVSKII, NIKOLAI VASIL'EVICH. 1836-1904. Surgeon. Professor and the dean of the Moscow University Medi- cal School, 1880 to 1893. Propagator of antiseptic technique and noted for his works in military medicine. M0SK0VSK0I G0R0DSK0I NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT SK0R0I POMOSHCHI IM. N. V. SKLIFOSOVSKOGO. MOSKVA. [N. V. SKLIFOSOVSKII MOSCOW COMMUNAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF FIRST AID. MOSCOW], Established in 1923 by the reorganization of Sheremetevskaia bol'nitsa, founded 1810. ■ Central emergency hospital for Moscow area. Since 1930 cadaver blood has been used in human trans- fusion here. 261. SKRIABIN, KONSTANTIN IVANOVICH. 1878- Founder of Russian helminthology. From 1931 Director of All- Union Institute of Helminthology, Moscow. Edited with E. I. Martsinkovskii the Russkii zhurnal tropicheskoi meditsiny. Initi- ated: VSESOIUZNYI INSTITUT GEL'MINTOLOGII IM. K. I. SKRIABINA. MOSKVA. [K. I. SKRIABIN ALL-UNION INSTITUTE OF HELMINTHOLOGY. MOSCOW]. Started in 1920. Reorganized in 1931 and acquired present name. 262. SMITH, ASHBEL. 1805-1886. Surgeon General of the Texas Army, 1837-1839. ASHBEL, SMITH BUILDING. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS MEDICAL BRANCH. GALVESTON. Building erected 1890 and named for Ashbel Smith in 1951. One of three major laboratory buildings of the University of Texas Medi- cal Branch. 263. SMITH, NATHAN. 1762-1829. Instrumental in the establishment of Dartmouth Medical School and began the first course of lectures in Dartmouth College in 1797. 63 NATHAN SMITH LABORATORY. DARTMOUTH MEDICAL SCHOOL. HANOVER. NSW HAMPSHIRE. Founded 1908. SMITH, THEOBALD. 1859-1934. Graduate of Albany Medical College. Pioneer in immunization. THEOBALD SMITH LABORATORY. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. UNION UNIVERSITY. ALBANY. Dedicated 1937. SOUCHON, EDMOND. 1841-1924. 1872 demonstrator of anatomy, Medical Department, University of Louisiana (now Tulane University School of Medicine). 1885-1908 professor of anatomy and clinical surgery. At the school, he laid the foundation for the Museum of Anatomy which was later named after him. SOUCHON LABORATOY OF GROSS ANATOMY. RICHARDSON MEMORIAL BUILDING. TULANE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. NEW ORLEANS. Cornerstone of the Richardson Memorial Building was laid in 1893. A new Richardson Memorial Building was built in 1908, and a second new building in 1930. SPALLANZANI, LAZZARO. 1729-1799. Pioneer in experimental physiology. LABORATORI SCIENTIFICI LAZZARO SPALLANZANI. ISTITUTO PSICHIATRICO DI REGGIO EMILIA. REGGIO EMILIA. Founded before 1927. STEALY, CLAIR L. 1899-1956. Fellow of American College of Physicians and Endocrine Society. Co-founder and chief of the department of internal medicine at: REES-STEALY CLINIC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. See under Rees, Clarence E. for history of institution. STEARNS, ALBERT WARREN. 1885-1959. Professor of psychiatry and dean of Tufts University Medical School from 1927 to 1945. Chief of neurology service at Boston Dispensary from 1921 to 1945. A. WARREN STEARNS RESEARCH BUILDING. TUFTS UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. BOSTON. Dedicated 1963. 64 269. STEIN, JULES CAESAR. 1896- Ophthalmologist. Co-founder and chairman of Research to Pre- vent Blindness, Inc. Donor of: JULES STEIN EYE INSTITUTE. MEDICAL CENTER. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES. Established 1962. 270. STRANGEWAYS, T. S. P. 1866-1926. Huddersfield Lecturer in Special Pathology at the University of Cambridge. Founded: STRANGEWAYS RESEARCH LABORATORY. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND. Founded 1907 as the Cambridge Research Hospital. Hospital ac- tivities discontinued in 1926 and name changed to present form. 271. STRAZHESKO, NIKOLAI DIMITRIEVICH. 1876-1952. Clinician. Interested especially in the studies of cardiac in- sufficiency. v/ » » UKRAINSKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT KLINICHFSKOI MEDITSINY IM. AKAD. N. D. STRAZHESKO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA USSR. KIEV. [N. D. STRAZHESKO UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV]. 272. SWAEN, AUGUSTE. 1847-1929. Chair of Anatomy. Universite de Liege (1874) Organized: INSTITUT AUGUSTE SWAEN. UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE. Founded between 1878 and 1884 as Institut d'Anatomie. Name changed in 1921 when Swaen retired. 273. SYSIN, ALEKSEI NIKOLAEVICH. 1879- From 1919 Director of Department of Sanitation and Epidemiology of the National Commissariat of Health and professor of experi- mental hygiene in Moscow. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT ■ OBSHCHBI I KOMMUNAL'NOI GIGIENY IM. A. N. SYSINA. AKADEMIIA MEDITSINSKIKH NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [A. N. SYSIN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF GENERAL AND COMMUNAL HYGIENE. ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. 274. TARASEVICH, LEV ALEKSANDROVICH. 1868-1927. Microbiologist and pathologist. Worked between 1900-2 with 65 Mechnikov at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. From 1918 perma- nent president of the Learned Medical Soviet of the National Commissariat of Health in Moscow. Initiator and first editor of Zhurnal' patologii, mikrobiologii i infektsionnykh boleznei. Initiator of: o KONTROL'NYI INSTITUT MEDITSINSKIKH I BIOLOGICHESKIKH PREPARATOV IM. L. A. TARASEVICHA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA SSSR. MOSKVA. [L. A. TARASEVICH CONTROL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. Organized in 1918 as Control Station of Sera and Vaccines. In 1919 the name was changed to Control Institute of Sera and Vaccines and Tarasevich became its director. Later it was given present name. TARNIER, ETIENNE STEPHANE. 1828-1897. Surgeon in chief at the Maternite, Paris, 1867. CLINIQUE D'ACCOUCHEMENT TARNIER. PARIS. Founded 1876. Name changed to present form in 1897. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Paris. TENON, JACOBUS RENf!. 1724-1816. One of the most distinguished anatomist and surgeons of the eighteenth century. In 1785 he made his celebrated report on the hospitals of Paris and for many years occupied himself with their reform. HOPITAL TENON. PARIS. Founded 1878 as Hopital de Menilmontant. Name changed in 1879 to present form. Affiliated with Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Paris. TIIUDICHUM, JOHN LUIS WILLIAM. 1829-1901. Born in Germany, he migrated to England in 1853, becoming England's first biochemist, and so-called "chemist of the brain". He isolated and named cephalins and myelins and in 1880 discovered in the brain the "cerebrosides". THUDICHUM PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH LABORATORY. GALESBURG STATE RESEARCH HOSPITAL. GALESBURG , ILLINOIS. Dedicated 1953. Dr. Percival Baily, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Illinois, proposed that it be named in honor of Thudichum. 66 278. TILLETT, WILLIAM SMITH. 1892- Associated with the New York University College of Medicine from 1937 to 1958 as professor of medicine, and with the Bellevue Hospital from 1938 to 1958 as director of the third medical division. TILLETT MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY-BELLEVUE MEDICAL CENTER. NEW YORK. Dedicated 1958. 279. TRUDEAU, EDWARD LIVINGSTONE. 1848-1915. Founder of the first private establishment for the treatment of tuberculosis in the United States (1884 at Saranac Lake, New York). He also set up a laboratory at Saranac where he conducted experimental work on tuberculosis. From this laboratory grew the Saranac Laboratory (1894). TRUDEAU-SARANAC INSTITUTE. TRUDEAU. NEW YORK. Founded 1953 through the merger of the activities of the Trudeau Sanatorium (closed 1954), the Edward L. Trudeau Foundation, and the Saranac Laboratory, one of the research laboratories of the Trudeau organization. 280. TROUSSEAU, ARMAND. 1801-1867. Great clinician of the Hotel-Dieu. Made important advances in the treatment of diphtheria, typhoid, scarlet fever and other conditions. HOPITAL TROUSSEAU. PARIS. In 1880 the name of Trousseau was given to the Hopital des Enfants- Trouves, built in 1674. It was given several other names, but in 1896 reverted to present name. Affiliated with the Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Paris. TSINAMDEGVAROV, M.D. see TSINAMZGVRISHVILI, MIKHAIL DART. 281. TSINAMZGVRISHVILI, MIKHAIL DART. 1880- Professor at the Medical Institute in Tbilisi and Director of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology in the same city. INSTITUT KLINICHESKOI I EXPERIMENTAL'NOI KARDI0L0GII IM. M.D. TSINAMZGVRISHVILI. AKADEMIIA NAUK GRUZINSKOI SSR. TBILISI. [M. D. TSINAMZGVRISHVILI INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL CARDIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI]. 282. TSKHAKAIA, MIKHAIL IVANOVICH. 1890-1935? Specialized in orthopedics and traumatology. From 1924 mentioned as practicing medicine in Tbilisi. 67 1/ w TSENTRAL'NYI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT KURORTOLOGII I FIZIOTERAPII IM. MIKHHA TSKHAKAIA. KURORT ABASTUMAN. TIFLIS. KUPORT BORZHOM. TIFLIS. [M. I. TSKHAKAIA CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BALNEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL THERAPY. ABASTUMAN SPA. TBILISI. BORZHOM SPA. TBILISI]. Publications known from 1935-6 only. TURNER, GENRIKH IVANOVICH. 1858-37941. Orthopedic surgeon. Organized the first pediatric clinic and became in 1900 the first professor of pediatrics in Russia. Taught at the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII DETSKII ORTOPEDICHESKII INSTITUT IM. G. I. TURNERA. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. LENINGRAD. [G. I. TURNER SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CHILDREN'S ORTHOPEDICS. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. LENINGRAD]. UKHTOMSKII, ALEKSEI ALEKSEEVICH. 1875-1942. From 1922 Chairman of the Department of Physiology at the University of Leningrad. Known for his researches on the excitation inhibition and general physiological activities of the central nervous system.. In his later years interested also in the physiology of work. FIZIOLOGICHESKII NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTIJUT IM. AKAD. A. A. UKHTOMSKOGO. LENINGRADSKII GOSUDARSTVENNOI UNIVERSITET IM. A. A. ZHDANOVA. [A. A. UKHTOMSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY. A. A. ZHDANOV STATE UNIVERSITY. LENINGRAD]. UNNA, PAUL GERSON. 1850-1929. Established (1891) the existence of "plasma cells" which bears his name, and considered an outstanding authority on leprosy and skin diseases. The clinic established by Unna achieved world-wide fame. DR. UNNA'S KLINIK FUR HAUTKRANKHEITEN. HAMBURG. Established 1883. VEL'IAMINOV NIKOLAI ALEKSANDROVICH. 1855-1920. One of the founders of Russian surgery. He realized the importance of endocrinology in surgery and introduced new technics, especially in surgical management of tuberculosis. Editor of the first Russian surgical journal, Khirurgicheskii vestnik (1885-1918). AKADEMICHESKAIA KHIRURGICHESKAIA KLINIKA PROF. N. A. VEL'IAMINOVA. ST. PETERBURG. [PROF. N. A. VEL'IAMINOV ACADEMIC SURGICAL CLINIC. ST. PETERSBURG]. 68 287. VESTEA, ALFONSO DI. 1854-1938. He investigated rabies, serotherapy of tuberculosis and patho- genesis of cholera. ISTITUTO D'IGIENE A. DI VESTEA. UNIVERSITA DI PISA. PISA. Originally Istituto d'Igiene. Name changed to Istituto d'Igiene e Microbiologia dell'Universita di Pisa in 1953 and later to present form. 288. VIRSALADZE, SPIRIDIN SEMENOVICH. 1868-1930. Parasitologist. Professor at the Medical Institute in Tbilisi. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT MALIARII I MEDITSINSKOI PARAZITOLOGII. IM S. S. VIRSALADZE. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRA- NENIIA GRUZINSKOI SSR. TBILISI. [S. S. VIRSALADZE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALARIA AND MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE GEORGIAN SSR. TBILISI]. Organized by Virsaladze in 1924, as Institut tropicheskikh zabolevanii [institute of Tropical Diseases].Received his name after 1930. Present name: NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT PARAZITOLOGII I TROPICHESKOI MEDITSINY. [SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PARASITOLOGY AND TROPICAL 'MEDICINE]. 289. VISHNEVSKIJ ALEXANDER VASIL'EVICH. 1874-1948. From 1912 professor at the Medical Institute in Kazan and from 1934, in Moscow. From 1946 Director of the Institute of Surgery of tne Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Developed an effective method of tissue infiltration by novocaine in saline solution ("novocaine blockage") in 1930. NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII INSTITUT KHIRURGII IM. A. V. VISHNEVSKOGO. AKADEMIIA MEDITSINSKIKH' NAUK SSSR. MOSKVA. [A. V. VISHNEVSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SURGERY. ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USSR. MOSCOW]. u 290. VLADIMIRSKII, MIKHAIL FEDOROVICH. 1874-1951. One of the organizers of the Soviet public health system after 1917. An ardent Communist, from 1934 active in politics only. MOSKOVSKII OBLASTNOI NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATEL'SKII KLINICHESKII INSTITUT IMENI M. F. VLADIMIRSKOGO. MINISTERSTVO ZDRAVOOKHRANENIIA RSFSR. MOSKVA. [M. F. VLADIMIRSKII SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CLINICAL INSTITUTE OF THE DISTRICT OF MOSCOW. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RSFSR. MOSCOW]. 69 291. VREDEN, ROBERT ROBERTOVICH (also: ROMAN ROMANOVICH) 1867-1934 Specialized in orthopedics. Associated with Military M-dical Academy from 1893 as Assistant Professor and Professor. Surgeon General during the Japanese-Russian War. Director of Orthopedic Department of the Institute of Traumatology in Leningrad after 1917. w */ TSENTRAL'NYI TRAVMATOLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IM. VREDENA. LENINGRAD. [VREDEN CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TRAUMATOLOGY. LENINGRAD]. 292. WALLACE, GEORGE BARCLAY. 1875-1948. Joined the staffs (1901) of New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College (now New York University College of Medicine). 1901 instructor in pharmacology, 1907-46 professor of pharmacology. Published numerous papers on saline cathartics, volatile oils, cyanides, nitrates, diuretics, bile pigments, body water and distribution of ions in the body. WALLACE LABORATORIES FOR RESEARCH IN PHARMACOLOGY. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY - BELLEVUE MEDICAL CENTER. NEW YORK. Established 1948. 293. WARING JAMES JOHNSON. 1883-1962. Specialist in tuberculosis and chest disease. Professor and head of the Department of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine from 1933 until his appointment as professor emeritus in 1952. After the death of Dr. Gerald B. Webb in 1948, Dr. Waring was chosen president of the Colorado Foundation for Research in Tuberculosis. Under his leadership an outstanding staff was assembled and the institute became a major center for research in respiratory physiology and pathology, and in bacterial genetics. WEBB-WARING INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO MEDICAL CENTER. DENVER. See under Webb, Gerald Bertram for history of the institution. 294. WARREN, JOHN COLLINS. 1842-1927. Professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, and surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Chairman of the Cancer Committee (1899- ) of the Harvard Medical School [later called Cancer Commission of Harvard University]. Instrumental in raising funds for the Collins P. Huntington Memorial Hospital for Cancer Research (1912) and for: JOHN COLLINS WARREN LABORATORIES. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL. BOSTON. Opened 1922, and part of the Collins P. Huntington Memorial Hospi- tal for Cancer Research. In 1943 the Huntington Memorial Hospital 70 and the Warren Laboratories were moved to the Massachusetts General Hospital. A research building, opened in 1951, provides for the Warren Laboratories. WEARN, JOSEPH TRELOAR. 1893- . Associated with the Western Reserve University School of Medi- cine from 1928 to I960. John H. Hord Professor Emeritus, and Dean Emeritus since I960. Author of numerous papers on coronary and pulmonary circulation and cardiac hypertrophy. JOSEPH TRELOAR WEARN MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. SCHOOL OF MEDI- CINE. WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. CLEVELAND. Dedicated 1962. Includes 100 laboratories of the departments of preventive medicine, medicine, radiology, and surgery. WEAVER, JAMES BRANSON. 1897-1956. Associated with the University of Kansas Medical School from 1927, head of the orthopedic section from 1946. Founder of the "bone bank" project at the school. JAMES B. WEAVER LABORATORY FOR ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. KANSAS CITY. Completed 1958. WEBB, GERALD BERTRAM. 1871-1948. Tuberculosis expert. His studies on the changes in the blood due to altitude gave some scientific basis for the belief that the climate of Colorado is especially favorable to recovery from tuberculosis. In 1924 he founded: WEBB-WARING INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO MEDICAL CENTER. DENVER. Founded 1924 as the Colorado Foundation for Research in Tubercu- losis and located at Colorado Springs. In 1954 it was moved to the University of Colorado Medical Center. In I960 it was renamed Webb Institute for Medical Research. Dr. James Johnston Waring's name was added in 1962. WEEKS, JOHN ELMER. 1853-1949. Co-discoverer with Robert Koch of the Koch-Weeks bacillus which causes conjunctivitis (1886) and author of Diseases of the Eyes (1910), which was for many years one of the standard textbooks in ophthalmology. Emeritus professor of ophthalmology, University cf Bellevue Medical College (now New York University-Bellevue Medical Center), from 1921. Upon his retirement from active practice in 1924, he moved to Portland, Oregon. He spent a great part of his time at the University of Oregon Medical School and 71 contributed money for the construction of the new university hospital which includes: JOHN E. WEEKS INSTITUTE FOR OPHTHALMOLOGICAL RESEARCH. UNI- VERSITY OF OREGON MEDICAL SCHOOL HOSPITAL. PORTLAND. Dedicated 1956. 299. WHERRY, WILLIAM B. 1875-1936. With others reported the first case of tularemia in man proved bacteriologically (1914). Professor of bacteriology and hygiene at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine from 1909 to 1913. WILLIAM B. WHERRY MEDICAL RESEARCH BUILDING. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Opened 1959. Headquarters for much of the University's medical research. 300. WIENER, ALEXANDER SOLOMON. 1907- . With Karl Landsteiner, discovered RH factor in the blood (1940). Director of: WIENER LAB0RAT0T1ES. NEW YORK. Founded 1935? WIENER SERUM LABORATORY. NEW YORK. Founded 1943? 301. WILLIAMS, ENNION GIFFORD. 1874-1931. First State Health Commissioner of Virginia (1908-1931) and a member of the Medical College of Virginia faculty (1901-1923). ENNION G. WILLIAMS HOSPITAL. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Opened 1956. Joint project of State Health Department of Virginia and the Medical College of Virginia. 302. WILLIAMS, FRANCIS H. 1852-1936. One of the first in the United States of America to enter the field of roentgenology. In 1901 he published The Roentgen Rays in Medicine and Surgery. Among his contributions to X-ray knowledge is his early recognition of the value of lead as a protective agent for operators. Physician-in-charge of the X-ray Department at Boston City Hospital for twenty years. 72 FRANCIS H. WILLIAMS ROENTGEN RAY LABORATORY. BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL. BOSTON. Opened 1925 and named in honor of Williams in recognition of his pioneer work at the Hospital. WILMER, WILLIAM HOLLAND. 1863-1936. Professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, where he established the first University clinic in ophthalmology in the United States where teaching and research went hand-in-hand. From 1925 until his retirement in 1934, director of: WILMER OPHTHALMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. MEDICAL SCHOOL. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Founded 1925. It is the eye clinic and Department of Ophthalmology of the school. WISTAR, CASPAR. 1761-1818. Professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania from 1791 to 1818. His System of Anatomy (1811-1814) is the earliest treatise on the subject published in the United States of America. WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA. The institute has its origin in the anatomical collection of C. Wistar (1808) which his widow donated to the University to form the Wistar Museum. In 1892 the Wistar Museum was incorporated under the above name and financed by Isaac J. Wistar to perpetuate the memory of his great uncle. WOODS, ALAN CHURCHILL. 1889-1963. Director of the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute of the Medical School of Johns Hopkins University from 1934 to 1955. His research on inflammation of the inner eye over a period of four decades won him international recognition. ALAN C. WOODS RESEARCH BUILDING. WILMER OPHTHALMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. MEDICAL SCHOOL. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Opened 1964. Set up with separate departments in eye research, such as physiology and biochemistry and operates in connection with the clinical facilities of the hospital. WORCESTER, JOHN LOCKE. 1873-1947. In 1917 he was invited to act as the coordinator for the formation of a medical school at the University of Washington, Seattle, and was associated with the Department of Anatomy from 1918 until his retirement in 1946. 73 WORCESTER MEMORIAL LABORATORIES. DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. SEATTLE. In January 1947, the University of Washington Board of Regents voted to name the new anatomy laboratories of the school in honor of Dr. John L. Worcester. 307. WRIGHT, SIR ALMROTH EDWARD. 1861-1947. Called "father of modern vaccine therapy". He originated (1896) the system of anti-typhoid inoculation. In 1902 became pa- thologist to St. Mary's Hospital,where he founded the Inocula- tion Department; from 1908 to 1947, was director of: WRIGHT-FLEMING INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY. ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. LONDON. In 1908 Wright's request for laboratory space at St. Mary's Hospital was met with the opening of the Inoculation Department under almost complete autonomy in 1909. It was in this Depart- ment that Alexander Fleming first discovered the remarkable properties of penicillium notatum (1928). After World War II, the Inoculation Department assumed its present name, and in 1948 it became affiliated with the medical school. 308. WRIGHT, JAMES HOMER. 1870-1928. Director of the pathological laboratory, from 1896 till his death, at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School. Co-author with Frank B. Mallory of Pathological Technique [1896- ], the standard textbook in pathological techniques for many years. JAMES HOMER WRIGHT PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORIES. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL. BOSTON. In 1896 a pathological laboratory was built at the Hospital. This laboratory was then a new departure and when completed was more extensive and better equipeed than that of any other hospital either in the United States of America or in Europe. In 1956 the laboratory was moved to the new Warren Building and named in honor of its first director. 309. YERKES, ROBERT MEANS. 1876-1956. Psychobiologist. Professor of psychology (1924-1929) and psycho- biology (1929-1944) at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. His chief interest was in the development of methods by which the behavior and intelligence of mammals may be studied. Organized (1929) and directed (1929-1941): 74 YERKES REGIONAL PRIMATE RESEARCH CENTER. EMORY UNIVERSITY. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Organized 1930 as the Yale Laboratories of Primate Biology and located at Orange Park, Florida. Name changed to Yerkes Laboratories of Primate Biology in 1942 when Yerkes became director emeritus. In 1956 Yale University gave the center to Emory University. Name changed to above and the center trans- ferred to Emory University campus in 1965. 310. YOUNGKEN, HEBER W. 1886-1963. Internationally known authority on the taxonomic aspects of pharmacognosy, and author of one of the basic textbooks in the field, Pharmaceutical botany 7th ed., 1951, and co-author of, Pharmacognosy, 2d ed., 1956. Member of the National Research Council from 1920-1941. From 1923 until his retirement in 1951, member of faculty of the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy. For 40 years he was a member of the United States Pharmacopeia Re- vision Committee and also served on the same committee of the National Formulary. HEBER W. YOUNGKEN LABORATORY. MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. BOSTON. Dedicated 1962. 311. ZABOLOTNYI, DANIIL KIRILLOVICH. 1866-1929. One of the founders of Russian epidemiology. Organized Institutes of microbiology and epidemiology in Leningrad, Odessa and Kiev. INSTITUT MIKROBIOLOGII IM. AKAD. D. K. ZAB0L0TN0G0. AKADEMIIA NAUK USSR. KIEV. [ACADEMICIAN D. K. ZABOLOTNYI INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR. KIEV]. 75 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX ALGERIA Algiers 207.2 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires 31, 48, 70, 80, 89, 105, 145, 166, 207.13, 212, 225, 228, 238 Cord6ba 74, 207 Mendoza 214, 224 BELGIUM Brussels 32, 207.10 Liege 86, 272 BOLIVIA La Paz 207 BRAZIL Bahia 184, 237 Belo Horizonte 64 Campinas 210 Fortaleza 207 Juiz de Fora 207 Natal 207 Niter6i 34 Porto Alegre 207 Recife 163, 208 Rio de Janeiro 4, 11, 60, 75, 141, 207.46 Sao Paulo 50, 60, 87, 158, 207.49, 213 BULGARIA Plovdiv 209 Sofia 203, 209, 217, 219 BURMA Rangoon 207.45 CAMBODIA Pnom-Penh 207.42 CAMEROON Yaound6 207.55 CANADA Edmonton 161 London 55, 257 Toronto 10 CENTRAL AMERICAN REPUBLIC Bangui 207.7 76 CHILE Santiago 43, 198 CHINA Canton 207 Chengtu 207 Shanghai 207 COLUMBIA Bogota 78, 153, 172, 245 Villavicencio 85 CONGO Brazzaville 207.9 CUBA Habana 53, 78, 207.23 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Brno 222 DENMARK Copenhagen 81 ECUADOR Guayaquil 125 ENGLAND Cambridge 270 London 26, 82, 92, 100, 126, 152, 171, 239, 307 St. Andrews (Scotland) 162 ETHIOPIA Addis-Ababa 207.1 FRANCE Bordeaux 207.8 Boulogne sur Seine (Paris) 170 Colmar 207.18 Lille 207.29 Lyon 157, 207.32 Marseille 207.33 Nancy 207.35 Paris 16, 23, 25, 36, 39, 84, 144, 207.40, 275, 276, 280 Strasbourg 149, 208 Villejuif 240 FRENCH GUIANA Cayenne 207.17 GERMANY Berlin 138 Frankfurt a/M. 67, 253 Freiburg 138 Hamburg 197, 285 Marburg 17 Tubingen 37 GREECE Athens 207.4 GUADELOUPE Pointe-a-Pitre 207.43 GUATEMALA Guatemala 236 GUINEA Kindia 207.26 HOLLAND Leyden 28 HUNGARY Budapest 207.12 INDIA Bombay 106 Calcutta 131, 207.14, 258 Nilgiris 207.38 Patna 207.42 Shillong 207.50 INDONESIA Bandung 207.5 Djakarta 68 IRAN Hessarek 230 Teheran 207.53 ISRAEL Jerusalem 207.24 Petah Tikva 148 ITALY Bologna 51, 235 Cortina d'Ampezzo 54, 223 Florence 202 Forli 186 Milan 19, 24, 82, 94, 155, 216 Monte Rosa 188 Pavia 101 Pisa 287 Reggio Emilia 266 Rome 83, 168, 177 JAPAN Tokio 137, 247 MADAGASKAR Tananarive 207.51 MALI Bamako 169 MARTINIQUE Fort-de-France 207.21 MEXICO Mexico 207 Monterey 102 MOROCCO Casablanca 207 Rabat 207.44 Tanger 207.52 NEW CALEDONIA Noumea 207.36 NICARAGUA Managua 207 NORTH VIETNAM Hanoi 207.22 NORWAY Bergen 90 PANAMA Panama 103 PERU Bellavista 49 Lima 207.30 POLAND Warsaw 196 Wr6claw 116 PORTUGAL Coimbra 73 Lisbon 30, 44, 57, 58, 93, 128, 160, 174, 207.31 RHODESIA Salisbury 207.48 RUMANIA Bucharest 7, 47, 62, 182, 205, 207.11, 209 SENEGAL Dakar 207.19 SOUTH VIETNAM Dalat 207.20 Nha Trang 207.37 Saigon 207.47 SPAIN Barcelona 14, 56 Granada 224 Madrid 5, 151, 193, 224 Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands) 52 Valencia 12 SWITZERLAND Bern 139 Zurich 130 THAILAND Bangkok 207.6 TUNISIA Tunis 207.54 UNITED STATES Albany, N.Y. 45, 264 Albuquerque, N.M. 156 Ann Arbor, Mich. 207.3 Atlanta, Ga. 309 Baltimore, Md. 35, 79, 108, 119, 121, 159, 180, 201, 209, 303, 305 Battle Creek, Mich. 207 Birmingham, Ala. 109, 115 Boston, Mass. 118, 129, 146, 167, 183, 221, 249, 250, 268, 294, 302, 308, 310 Brooklyn, N.Y. 164 Buffalo, N.Y. 206 Charlottesville, Va. 127 Chicago, 111. 112, 113, 207, 242 Cincinnati, Ohio 134, 249 Cleveland, Ohio 61, 295 Columbus, Ohio 117 Cooperstown, N.Y. 15 Denver, Colo. 189, 243, 293, 297 Detroit, Mich. 63 East Lansing, Mich. 133 Elgin, 111. 178 Galesburg, 111. 277 Galveston, Texas 135, 262 Hanover, N.H. 263 Kansas City, Kansas 296 Los Angeles, Calif. 269 Madison, Wis. 13 Memphis, Tenn. 46 Miami, Fla. 204 Minneapolis, Minn. 65 New Haven, Conn. 98 New Orleans, La. 200, 265 New York, N.Y. 20, 71, 88, 111, 154, 207, 278, 279, 292, 300 Omaha, Neb. 59 Philadelphia, Pa. 2, 27, 107, 120, 147, 192, 211, 215, 227, 233, 304 Portland, Ore. 298 Richmond, Va. 40, 91, 301 Rochester, Minn. 175 Salt Lake City, Utah 104 San Diego, Calif. 232, 244, 267 San Francisco, Calif. 220 Seattle, Wash. 246, 306 Stockbridge, Mass. 234 Topeka, Kansas 179 Waltham, Mass. 72 Washington, D.C. 231 78 URUGUAY Montevideo 185, 187, 207.34 USSR Baku, Azerb. SSR 191, 194 Cheboksary, Chuvash ASSR 114 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukr. SSR 94, 176 Dushanbe see Stalinabad Kaunas, Lithuan. SSR 207.25 Kharkov, Ukr. SSR 99, 176, 240.1, 259 Kiev, Ukr. SSR 29, 41, 122, 209, 271, 311 Kishinev, Moldav. SSR 1 Krasnodar, RSFSR 248 Leningrad, RSFSR 3, 9, 18, 33, 66, 99, 136, 150, 176, 207.27-8, 209, 218, 226, 251, 256, 283, 284, 291 Moscow, RSFSR 8, 33, 38, 42, 69, 76, 94, 96, 97, 114, 124, 132, 140, 143, 150, 173, 176, 199, 209, 217, 241, 251, 252, 254, 255, 260, 261, 273, 274, 289, 290 Odessa, Ukr. SSR 77, 100, 176, 217 Petropavlovsk, Kazakh SSR 69 Riazan, RSFSR 209 Samarkand, Uzbek SSR 209 Sevastopol, Ukr. SSR 142 S. Petersburg (Leningrad) 286 Stalinabad, Tadzhik SSR 123 Tashkent, Uzbek SSR 252 Tbilisi, Georg. SSR 6, 21, 165, 190, 195, 281, 282, 288 Ufa, Bashkir ASSR 176 Vinnitsa, Ukr. SSR 217 Yalta, Ukr. SSR 251 VENEZUELA Caracas 207.15, 229 Maracaibo 207 YUGOSLAVIA Jagomir (Sarajevo) 181 Novi Sad 207.39 79 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service / National Institutes of Health i