§>tatr of MamjjBljte STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS Laws of New Hampshire Relating to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Divorces For the Use of Physicians, Clergymen, Town Clerks, Boards of Health, Embalmers and Funeral Directors JUNE. 1945 §>tatr of Nnu Bampaljtrr STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS Laws of New Hampshire Relating to Births, Marriages, Deaths and Divorces For the Use of Physicians, Clergymen, Town Clerks, Boards of Health, Embalmers and Funeral Directors JUNE, 1945 7283 6-45—15C She of itampuhtr? REVISED LAWS. CHAPTER 337 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS 1. Statistical Forms. The registrar of vital statistics for the state shall furnish to sextons, to clergymen and others authorized to solemnize marriages, to physicians, town clerks and clerks of the society of Friends, a copy of this chapter and suitable blanks for recording the following facts in rela- tion to births, marriages, and deaths: I. Birth. The record of a birth shall state its date and place of occurrence, full Christian and surname (if named), color and sex of child, whether living or still- born, and the full Christian and surnames, color, occupation, residence, and birthplace of parents. II. Marriage. The record of marriage shall state its date and place of occurrence, the name, residence and official character of the person by whom solemnized, the full Christian and surnames of the parties, the age, color, occupation, residence, con- dition, whether single or widowed and whether first or other marriage of each party, and the full Christian and surnames, residence, color, occupation, and birthplace of their parents. III. Death. The record of a death shall state its date, the full Christian and sur- 3 name of the deceased, the sex, color, con- dition (whether single or married), age, occupation, place of birth, place of death, the full Christian and surnames and birth- places of parents, and the disease or cause of death. 2. Seal of Registrar. The registrar of vital statistics shall have a seal, which shall be like the seal of the state except that the device thereon shall be surrounded by the words “The State of New Hampshire, Department of Vital Statistics” in the place of the words “Seal of the State of New Hampshire, 1776.” 3. Authenticated Copies. Every cer- tificate or other official paper executed by the registrar under seal, in pursuance of authority conferred by law, shall be re- ceived as evidence, and may be recorded in the proper recording offices in the same manner and with like effect as a legally acknowledged deed; and copies of papers and records in his office, so authenticated, shall be received as evidence with the same effect as the originals. 4. Report of Birth. The attending physician, midwife or other person in charge, who shall attend, assist or advise at the birth of any child, living or still-born, within the state, shall report to the clerk of the town within six days thereafter all the facts required by paragraph I of sec- tion 1. In case the parents of the child reside in some other town than the place of birth, the clerk of the town within which the birth takes place shall thereupon send a copy of the birth record to the clerk of the town within which the parents re- side, where the same shall be recorded; but only the clerk of the town of actual 4 birth shall be required to transmit a copy to the state registrar. 5. Report of Marriage. Every person who solemnizes a marriage shall make a record of it and of all the facts required by paragraph IT, section 1, and, within six days thereafter, shall forward to the clerk of the town in which the marriage intention was recorded a copy of such record. 6. Town Record, etc. The clerk of every town shall keep a chronological rec- ord of all births, marriages and deaths re- ported to him, and shall, between the sixth and twelfth days of each month, transmit a copy of such record for the preceding month, or for any previous month not be- fore reported, to the state registrar. He shall also transmit the names, residences and official stations of all persons who have neglected to make to him the returns re- quired by law relating to the subject-mat- ter of such records. 7. Marriage of Nonresident. Whenever there is filed with a town clerk a certificate of the marriage of any person not a resi- dent of the town where such marriage is solemnized he shall, within ten days after such filing, forward an attested copy of such certificate to the clerk of the town where each nonresident so married resides, as shown by the certificate, whether in this or another state. 8. Notice to Parents, etc. Town clerks shall, within thirty days after receiving the report of a birth, send a copy of the rec- ord to the parents, and state that the birth has been duly recorded on the town books, and, if the name of the child is not given, 5 it shall be the duty of the clerk to obtain it and complete the record. 9. Preservation of Returns. The state registrar shall cause the returns made to him in pursuance of the preceding sections, together with the returns of divorces made by the clerks of court, to be arranged, al- phabetic indexes of all the names contained therein to be made, and the whole to be bound in convenient volumes and preserved in his office. He shall include a general ab- stract thereof in his annual report. 10. Record, Evidence. The town clerk’s record of a birth, marriage or death, or a duly certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the fact, in any judicial proceeding. 11. Fees. The town shall pay the fol- lowing fees for services required by this chapter: To a person who makes return of a birth, marriage, or death, twenty-five cents; to the town clerk for receiving, recording, and returning the facts, fifty cents. 12. Payment by County. The physi- cians’ fees for the return of all births and deaths occurring at county farms, alms- houses, jails and other county institutions, and the town clerks’ fees for recording the same, shall be paid by the county in which said births or deaths occur, at the same rates; and the treasurer of any county shall, upon the presentation of the bill for such services of any town clerk within his county, duly approved by the county com- missioners, draw his warrant for the same. 13. Institutional Records. The record of all births and deaths occurring at such 6 institutions shall be kept in separate books suitable for this purpose by the clerk of the town in which such institution may be located, and such records shall be kept separate from all other records. 14. Unreported Facts. The clerk of each town shall be paid fifty cents for obtaining, recording and returning the facts relating to each birth, marriage, or death, which has not been officially reported to him; and a like sum for obtaining and properly inserting in the records and re- turns the name of any child which may have been omitted from the official return o'f a birth made to such town. 15. Vouchers. The clerk shall append to his vouchers, for fees due him for said service, a list of the names obtained by him under the provisions of the preceding section. 16. Penalties. Any person who wil- fully makes or alters any vital statistics record, or certified copy thereof, except as provided in this chapter, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or of any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, or who neglects or refuses to perform a duty imposed upon him by the provisions hereof, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars for each offense, for the use of the town in which the offense was committed, and it shall be the duty of the registrar of vital statistics to enforce this section, (1943, c. 194, s. 2.) 17. Rules and Regulations. The regis- trar of vital statistics is authorized and em- 7 powered to make rules and regulations to secure uniformity and efficiency in the preparation, transcription, collection, com- pilation and preservation of facts in rela- tion to births, marriages and deaths. Said rules and regulations also may include pro- visions for so-called delayed certificates of birth, the registration of children of un- known parentage, the filing of additional certificates after the legitimation of chil- dren and other matters relative to vital statistics. Such rules and regulations shall be given such publicity as said registrar may deem necessary and shall be bind- ing upon the town clerks charged with duties under the provisions of this chapter. (1943, c. 194, s. 1.) 18. Certified Copies. A town clerk or the registrar of vital statistics shall issue to any applicant a certified cony of any record in his office relative to births, mar- riages and deaths or any part thereof, or verification thereof. (1943, c. 194, s. 1.) 19. Fees. A town clerk or the regis- trar of vital statistics shall be paid in ad- vance, by any person requesting any copy or verification as provided in section 18, the sum of fifty cents for making search, which sum shall include payment for the issuance of such copy or verification, pro- vided that the fee to town clerks for ex- amination of documents and issuance of a delayed birth certificate shall be two dollars. (1943, c. 194, s. 1.) 20. Governmental Agencies. Certified copies, certificates of partial facts, verifica- tions or search of the records may be made for any federal, state or local governmental 8 agency by special arrangement without re- gard to the provisions of section 19. (1943, c.. 194, s. 1.) 21. Disposal of Fees. All fees collect- ed by the registrar of vital statistics under the provisions of sections 19 and 20 shall be paid into the state treasury. (1943, c. 194, s. 1.) 9 REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 338 MARRIAGES Relationship !• Degrees Prohibited, Men. No man shall marry his father’s sister, mother’s sister, father’s widow, wife’s mother, daughter, wife’s daughter, son’s widow, sister, son’s daughter, daughter’s daughter, son’s son’s widow, daughter’s son’s widow, brother’s daughter, or sister’s daughter, father’s brother’s daughter, mother’s broth- er’s daughter, father’s sister’s daughter or mother’s sister’s daughter. 2. Degrees Prohibited, Women. No woman shall marry her father’s brother, mother’s brother, mother’s husband, hus- band’s father, son, husband’s son, daugh- ter’s husband, brother, son’s son, daugh- ter’s son, son’s daughter’s husband, daugh- ter’s daughter’s husband, brother’s son, sister’s son, father’s brother’s son, mother’s brother’s son, father’s sister’s son or moth- er’s sister’s son. 3. Effect of Marriage. Every marriage contracted by parties within the degrees prohibited by the two preceding sections is incestuous and void, and the issue of such marriage illegitimate. Age 4. Marriageable. No male below the age of fourteen years and no female be- low the age of thirteen years shall be ca- pable of contracting a valid marriage, and 10 all marriages contracted by such persons shall be null and void. 5. Of Consent. The age of consent shall be in the male, twenty years and in the female, eighteen years. Any marriage contracted by a person below the age of consent, except as hereinafter provided, may in the discretion of the superior court be annulled at the suit of the party who at the time of contracting such marriage was below the age of consent, or at the suit of his or her parents or guardian, unless such party after arriving at such age shall have confirmed the marriage. 6. Petition by Party Under Age. Jf special cause exists rendering desirable the marriage of a person resident in this state below the age of consent and above the ages specified in section 4, the parties desiring to contract such marriage, with the parent or guardian having the custody of such party below such age, if there be such parent or guardian within the state, may apply in writing to a justice of the superior court, or to the judge of probate of the county in which one of them who is below such age resides, for permission to contract such marriage. 7. Permission. Such justice or judge shall at once hear the parties, and, if he is satisfied that special cause exists making such marriage desirable, he shall grant per- mission therefor, which shall be filed with the court and shall be certified by the clerk or register to the town clerk to whom application is made for a certificate; and such clerk shall minute the fact of the granting of such permission upon the cer- tificate issued by him, and upon the record thereof preserved by him, and upon all 11 copies thereof which he is by law required to make. 8. Prohibitions. No town clerk shall issue any certificate for the marriage of any person below the age of consent, and no magistrate or minister of religion shall solemnize the marriage of any such person, if such clerk, magistrate or minister knows or has reasonable cause to believe that such person is below such age, unless per- mission for such marriage has been given as provided herein. 9. Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of the preceding section, or any person knowingly making any false statement as to the age of any person, with intent to induce any clerk to issue a certificate for the marriage of any person below the age of consent, or to induce any magistrate or minister of religion to solem- nize the marriage of any such person, shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. Defective Persons 10. Marriage. No woman under the age of forty-five years, or man of any age, —except he marry a woman over the age of forty-five years,—either of whom is epileptic, imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, shall hereafter intermarry or marry any other person within this state. 11. Solemnization. No clergyman, or other officer authorized to solemnize mar- riages, shall perform a marriage ceremony prohibited by the preceding section. 12. Certificate. No town clerk or other 12 authorized officer shall issue a certificate for such prohibited marriage. 13. Application to State Board of Health, Should any question arise as to whether an applicant for such certificate is so disqualified, the contracting parties shall apply to the state board of health which shall thereupon appoint some quali- fied person or persons to determine wheth- er the contracting parties are epileptic, imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane, such determination to be certified under oath. 14. Reports Required. It shall be the duty of all superintendents of schools and of all who have charge of instruction in private schools or state schools annually in July to file with the state board of health the names of all epileptics, imbeciles, fee- ble-minded, idiotic and insane persons who have left school or have become fourteen years of age during the preceding year. It shall be the duty of the superintendents of the Laconia state school and of the New Hampshire state hospital to file with the state board of health the names of all such persons discharged or paroled from those institutions. The names thus reported shall not be made public except so far as is necessary for the public welfare. 15. Applications Referred to State Board. It shall be the duty of the town clerk or other authorized officer when ap- plication is made for a certificate for the marriage of any person born subsequent to June 1, 1909, suspected as being epileptic, imbecile, feeble-minded, idiotic or insane to cause the application to be forwarded for inspection to the state board of health. The state board of health after investiga- 13 tion shall return the application to the town clerk or other authorized officer and if it finds that a certificate may not legally be granted it shall so notify the clerk and the applicants for the license. 16. Penalty. Any person who know- ingly violates any of the provisions of this subdivision shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Diseased Persons 17. Marriage. It shall be unlawful for any person suffering from gonorrhoea or syphilis reported to the state board of health in accordance with chapter 156, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, to marry until there is returned to said board a satisfactory record by the physician in charge of the case that the person so registered is free from disease and will not infect others. 18. Duty of Physicians. Every physi- cian shall keep a record of an cases of syphilis and gonorrhoea that come under his observation and care, and shall use reasonable means to ascertain the intentions of syphilitic or gonorrhoeal patients as to marriage. The physician shall warn said patients of the legal, moral, and physical evils of marriage contracted by them. 19. Notice to State Board. If the phy- sician learns that such a patient intends to marry, the physician shall notify the state board of health. 20. Certificate. When it shall be made known to any town clerk, by a legally regi- stered physician or by any board of health. 14 that a person desiring a marriage certificate has gonorrhoea or syphilis, such certificate shall not be issued without the consent of the state board of health. 21. Penalty. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this subdi- vision shall be imprisoned not more than one year nor less than three months, or fined not more than five hundred nor less than two hundred dollars, or both. Marriage Intentions, Blood Test, Certificates, etc. 22. Notice of Intention. All persons proposing to be joined in marriage within the state shall cause notice of their in- tention, with the full Christian and sur- names, color, occupation, birthplaces, resi- dences, and ages of the parties, their con- dition, whether single or widowed, whether first or other marriage of each party, and the full Christian and surnames, residences, color, occupation, and birthplaces of their parents, to be entered in the office of the clerk of the town in which they or either of them dwell if either of them dwell in this state; otherwise in the town in which the marriage is celebrated. If there be no such clerk in the place of their residence the like entry shall be made with the clerk of an adjoining town. The clerk shall re- cord the notice in a book to be kept for that purpose. 23. Blood Test Required. No applica- tion for a marriage license shall be accepted by any town clerk until there shall be in his possession a statement signed by a li- censed physician that each applicant has submitted to a Wassermann or Kahn or other similar standard laboratory blood 15 test and that, in the opinion of such physi- cian, the person is not infected with syph- ilis or in a stage that may become com- municable. Such statements shall be ac- companied by a record of the standard laboratory blood tests made, and this rec- ord shall contain the exact name of such applicant. The standard laboratory blood test shall be performed by the state board of health on request of a licensed physician, or at a laboratory approved by said board. Such test shall be made not more than thirty days before the issuance of the mar- riage license. 24. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of section 23 shall forfeit sixty dollars for each such offense. 25. Confidential Report, Optional De- struction. The statement and record re- quired by section 23 shall be treated as a confidential report and shall not be con- sidered as part of the marriage record. Such statement and record shall be retained for a period of two years after the date thereof, after which it may be destroyed at the option of the official having custody thereof. (1943, c. 50, s. 1.) 26. Certificate. The clerk shall, not less than five days from the date on which the notice of intention of marriage was entered in his office, deliver to the parties a certificate, under his hand, embodying the facts required in section 22, speci- fying the time when the notice was en- tered with him, which certificate shall be delivered to the minister or magistrate who is to officiate, before he shall proceed to solemnize the marriage. Said certificate shall be valid only for a period of ninety days from the date of issue. 27. Shortening Period; Blood Test Waived. On application to a justice of the superior court, or judge of probate within the county where the proposed mar- riage is to be solemnized, the court for good cause shown may order that the period of five days provided in the pre- ceding section be shortened, as in the order provided, and for like cause may waive the provisions of section 23. 28. Procedure. The procedure upon such application shall be as provided in section 7. 29. Fee. The fee of the clerk for mak- the record of notice and issuing his cer- tificate shall be two dollars, to be paid by the parties. 30. Marriage Outside the State. When parties living in this state shall go out of it to be married, and shall return to it to reside, they shall file a certificate or declar- ation of their marriage, including the facts required to be stated in the notice aforesaid, with the clerk of the town where either of them lived prior to their marriage, within seven days after their return, under penal- ty of ten dollars. Solemnization of Marriage 31. Who may Solemnize. Marriage may be solemnized by a justice of the peace as commissioned in the state; by any min- ister of the gospel in the state who has been ordained according to the usage of his denomination, resides in the state, and is in regular standing with the denomina- tion; and, within his parish, by any min- ister residing out of the state, but having 17 a pastoral charge wholly or partly in this state. 32. Special Commission. The secretary of state may issue a special license to an ordained minister residing out of the state authorizing him in a special case to marry a couple within the state. The names and residences of the couple proposed to be married in such special case shall be stated in the license, and no power shall be con- ferred to marry any other parties than those named therein. The fee for such li- cense shall be five dollars. The secretary of state shall keep a permanent record of all such special licenses, which record shall contain the names and residences of the couple to be married and the name and residence of the minister to whom the license is issued. 33. Fee. The persons joined in mar- riage by a minister or justice shall pay the minister or justice one dollar. 34. Penalty. If a minister or justice of the peace shall join any persons in mar- riage without having first received a cer- tificate of the town clerk, or shall join any persons in marriage with a certificate which he knows to be invalid, he shall for- feit for each offense sixty dollars. 35. Unauthorized Person. If a person not authorized by this chapter to solemnize marriages shall join any persons in mar- riage, with or without a certificate, he shall be fined not more than three hundred dollars. 36. Effect of Informality. No marriage solemnized before a person professing to be a justice of the peace or minister of the 18 gospel shall be void, nor shall its validity be affected on account of want of juris- diction or authority in such supposed justice or minister, or on account of any omission or informality in the certificate of intention of marriage, if the marriage is in other respects lawful and has been consumated with the belief on the part of either of the parties thereto that they were lawfully married. 37. Exceptions. Nothing contained in this chapter shall affect the right of Jewish Rabbis who are citizens of the United States, residing in this state, or of the people called Friends or Quakers, to solem- nize marriages in the way usually practiced among them, and all marriages so solem- nized shall be valid. Jewish Rabbis who are citizens of the United States, residing out of the state, may obtain a special li- cense as provided by section 32. Proof of Marriage 38. Certified Copy. A copy of the rec- ord of a marriage, certified by a minister, justice, clerk of the people called Friends, or town clerk, shall be received in all courts and places as evidence of the fact of the marriage. 39. Cohabitation, etc. Persons cohabit- ing and acknowledging each other as hus- band and wife, and generally reputed to be such, for the period of three years, and until the decease of one of them, shall thereafter be deemed to have been legally married. 40. Civil Actions. In all civil actions, except actions for criminal conversation, evidence of acknowledgment, cohabitation, 19 and reputation is competent proof of mar- riage. 41. Criminal Cases. In actions for criminal conversation, and in indictments for adultery, bigamy, and the like, there must be proof of a marriage in fact. Legitimation of Children 42. Where the parents of children born before marriage afterwards intermarry, and recognize such children as their own, such children shall be legitimate and shall inherit equally with their other children under the statute of distribution. 20 REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 339 DIVORCE AND SEPARATION Void Marriages 1. Without Decree. All marriages pro- hibited by law on account of the consan- guinity or affinity of the parties, or where either has a former wife or husband liv- ing, knowing such wife or husband to be alive, if solemnized in this state, shall be absolutely void without any legal process. 2. Libels. If any doubt exists whether any marriage is void, or as to the effect of any former decree of divorce or nullity between the parties, a libel may be filed as in other cases, and a decree of divorce or nullity may be made. 2-a. Jurisdiction. In any proceedings for annulment for any cause whether under statute or under common law, the court shall have jurisdiction to declare an annul- ment of a marriage entered into in this state even though neither party has been at any time a resident herein. (1945, c. 12, s. 1.) Jurisdiction to Grant Divorce 3. Limitation. The jurisdiction of the court to grant divorce is limited to cases where there is jurisdiction over the parties and of the alleged cause as defined in the two succeeding sections. 4. Parties. Jurisdiction of the parties exists in the following cases only: 21 I. Where both parties were domiciled in the state when the action was com- menced. II. Where the plaintiff was so domi- ciled and the defendant was personally served with process within the state. III. Where the plaintiff was domiciled in the state for one year next preceding the time when the action was commenced. IV. Where the domiciled plaintiff has filed a libel the non-domiciled defendant may have affirmative relief upon filing a cross libel. 5. Cause. Jurisdiction of the cause for divorce exists when it wholly arose or ac- crued while the plaintiff was domiciled in the state, and not otherwise. Causes for Divorce 6. Absolute Divorce. A divorce from bonds of matrimony shall be decreed in favor of the innocent party for either of the following causes: I. Impotency of either party. II. Adultery of either party. III. Extreme cruelty of either party to the other. IV. Conviction of either party, in any state or federal district, of a crime punish- able with imprisonment for more than one year and actual imprisonment under such conviction. V. When either party has so treated 22 the other as seriously to injure health or endanger reason. VI. When either party has been absent three years together, and has not been heard of. VII. When either party is an habitual drunkard, and has been such for three years together. VIII. When either party has joined any religious sect or society which professes to believe the relation of husband and wife unlawful, and has refused to cohabit with the other for six months together. IX. When either party, without suffi- cient cause, and without the consent of the other, has abandoned and refused, for three years together, to cohabit with the other. X. When the husband has willingly ab- sented himself from the wife for three years together, without making suitable provision for her support and maintenance. XI. When the wife of any citizen has willingly absented herself from her hus- band, without his consent, for three years together. XII. When the wife of any citizen has gone to reside beyond the limits of this state, and has remained absent and separate from her husband ten years together, with- out his consent and without returning to claim her marriage rights. XIII. When the wife of any alien or citizen of another state, living separate, has resided in this state for three years 23 together, her husband having left the United States with the intention of be- coming a citizen of some foreign country, and not having during that period come in- to this state and claimed his marital rights, and not having made suitable provision for his wife’s support and maintenance. 7. Existence at Filing. No divorce shall be granted for any cause except adultery, unless the cause shall be in ex- istence at the time of filing of the petition therefor. Procedure 8. Venue; Notice. All libels for di- vorce shall be brought in the county in which the parties, or one of them, live, and before the superior court; and the notice of the pendency thereof shall be given to the libelee, personal or otherwise, as the court shall order. 9, Libels. Every libel shall state the cause or causes of divorce, and shall be signed by the libelant, if of sound mind and of the age of legal consent; otherwise by the parent, guardian or next friend of the libelant. 10. Insanity of Libelee. If the libelee is insane the court may appoint a guardian to appear and answer for the libelee, as is done for an infant defendant at common law. 11. Evidence of Marriage. Upon a hearing for divorce, the admission of the marriage by the party against whom the process is instituted, general repute, the fact of cohabitation, or any other circum- stantial or presumptive evidence from 24 which the marriage may be inferred, shall be competent evidence for the considera- tion of the court. 12. Revision of Orders, etc. The court, upon proper application and notice to the adverse party, may revise and modify any order made by it, may make such new orders as may be necessary, and may award costs as justice may require. 13. Clerks’ Returns. The clerks of the superior court shall, at the close of each term in their respective counties at which divorces are granted, make return to the registrar of vital statistics of the number of divorces decreed at that term, the causes thereof, the .sex of the libelant, and the date of the decree. Alimony, Allowances, Custody, Etc. 14. Temporary Orders. After the fil- ing of a libel for divorce the superior court, or any justice thereof, may, on petition of the wife, prohibit the husband from imposing any restraint upon her personal liberty, or from entering the tene- ment where she resides during the pend- ency of the libel, and, during such pend- ency, may order a temporary allowance to be paid to the wife by the husband for her support, and, on the petition of either party, may make such order respecting the custody and maintenance of the minor children of the parties as shall be deemed expedient and for the benefit of the chil- dren. 15. Support of Children. In all cases where there shall be a decree of divorce or nullity,- the court shall make such fur- 25 ther decree in relation to the support, education, and custody of the children as shall be most conducive to their benefit, and may order a reasonable provision for their support and education. 16. Alimony. Upon a decree of nulli- ty or divorce, the court may restore to the wife all or any part of her estate, and may assign to her such part of the estate of her husband, or order him to pay such sum of money, as may be deemed just, provided that in cases in which no children are involved, or in which the children have reached the age of majority, said order shall be effective for not more than three years from the date thereof, but such order may be renewed, modified or extend- ed if justice requires for periods of not more than three years at a time; and may compel the husband to disclose, under oath, the situation of his property; and before or after the decree, may make such orders and use such process as may be necessary. 17. Trusteeship. In a case arising un- der the two preceding sections the court may order the property to be conveyed or the money to be paid to a trustee, to invest and to apply the income thereof to the support of the wife or the maintenance and education of the minor children, and to pay over the principal sum, or any part thereof, as the court may from time to time order. 18. Security. In all cases where ali- mony or an allowance shall be decreed for the wife or children the court may require security to be given for the payment there- of. 19. Allowance for Husband. Upon a 26 decree of nullity or divorce, the court may decree that the husband shall have a part of the estate of the wife in the nature of alimony, as justice may require 20. Legitimacy. No decree of divorce shall affect the legitimacy of a child born or begotten in lawful matrimony, unless it shall be so expressed in the decree, and children born of a marriage entered into in trood faith by the parties thereto shall be regarded as legitimate children and their legitimacv shall not be affected by a decree of nullity, unless it shall be so expressed in the decree. Change of Name 21. Decree. In proceedings for di- vorce, when the libelant shall have asked in the libel to have her name changed, the court may, when a divorce is decreed, de- cree the change of her name to that which she bore before her last marriage. 22. Return of List. The clerk of the superior court for each county shall, at the end of each term of court, transmit to the register of probate a full and correct list of all changes of names that have been decreed hereunder. 23. Publication. The register of pro- bate shall return said list to the secretary of state, who shall cause it to be published as the lists of names changed by the judges of probate are, except that the names shall be designated when published as names changed by the superior court in divorce proceedings. 27 Limited Divorces 24. Legal Separation. In any case in which a divorce might be decreed the su- perior court, on petition of the party who would be entitled to a divorce, may decree a legal separation of the parties, which separation shall have in all respects the effect of a divorce, except that the parties shall not thereby be made free to marry any third person, and except as hereinafter provided. 25. Procedure, etc. Upon such peti- tion the procedure shall be the same as upon libels for divorce, and the court shall have the same power in all matters relat- ing to restraining orders and decrees, al- lowances, alimony, custody of children and division or apportionment of the property of the parties, as in cases of divorce. The name of the wife shall not be changed. 26. Resumption of Relations. The par- ties to such a petition may at any time resume marital relations, upon filing with the clerk of the superior court for the county in which the separation was de- creed their written declaration of such resumption, signed, acknowledged and wit- nessed. Such declaration shall be entered upon the docket, under the entries relat- ing to such petition. 27. Effect of Resumption. Such re- sumption of marital relations shall termi- nate and annul all restraining orders, and all decrees relating to alimony or the cus- tody of children, but shall not affect any decree relating to the division or apportion- ment of property. 28. Returns. The clerk of the superior 28 court shall make return of all such decrees of separation and declarations of the re- sumption of marital relations to the regis- trar of vital statistics in the manner pro- vided for the return of divorces. Orders for Support, Etc., When Husband is Insane, Etc. 29. Order on Petition. Whenever the husband is insane, or whenever a cause is in existence which is, or if continued will be, a cause for a divorce in favor of the wife, the superior court, upon petition of the wife and such procedure thereon as in divorce cases, may restrain the husband from interfering with the personal liberty of the wife, may grant to her temporarily or permanently the custody, care, educa- tion and maintenance of their minor chil- dren and may make to her a reasonable allowance out of the estate of the husband for the support of herself and children, all subject to such limitations and condi- tions as the court shall deem just. 30. Modification. Upon motion and notice to the adverse party in the proceed- ing, or upon a new petition by either par- ty and like procedure thereon, the court may modify or revise its orders and de- crees. 31. Temporary Allowance. At any time after the filing of a petition for an allowance, and before final hearing, the court may, on satisfactory affidavits or other proofs, order a temporary allowance to be paid to the wife by the husband, pending the final hearing on the petition. 32. Enforcement. Upon such petition 29 an attachment of the husband’s property may be made as in case of a libel for di- vorce; and the court may make interlocu- tory orders therein as in divorce cases, and its orders and decrees shall be enforced in like manner. 33. Support of Children. In cases where husband and wife are living; apart the court, upon petition of either party, may make such order as to the custody and maintenance of the children as justice may require; and all appropriate provisions of this chapter shall apply to such pro- ceedings. 30 REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 168 MORTUARY REGULATIONS The Practice of Embalming and Funeral Directing 1. Definition. Words and phrases used in this chapter shall be construed as fol- lows: I. “Board,” the state board of regis- tration of funeral directors and embalmers appointed under the provisions hereof. II. “Persons,” shall include corpora- tions, partnerships, associations or other organizations. III. “Embalming,” the business, prac- tice, science or profession of preserving, disinfecting and preparing in any manner, dead human bodies for burial, cremation or transportation. IV. “Funeral directing,” the business, practice or profession of (a) directing or supervising funerals, (b) the preparation or disposal of dead human bodies, (c) con- ducting or maintaining a preparation room or establishment equipped with necessary drainage and ventilation, and containing the necessary instruments and supplies for the preparation and embalming of dead human bodies for burial, cremation or transportation, (d) conducting or main- taining a funeral home or parlor, mortuary or funeral chapel from which funerals may be held and wherein services may be con- ducted. 31 V. “Embalmer,” any person engaged, or holding himself out as engaged in em- balming, whether on his own behalf or in the employ of another, and shall include any person who shall use, in connection with his name, the word embalmer, or any other word or title intending to imply or designate him as an embalmer, or as one engaged in embalming. VI. “Funeral director,” any person en- gaged, or holding himself out as engaged in funeral directing or who shall use in connection with his name or business the words funeral director, mortician, or any other word or title intending to imply or designate him as a funeral director, under- taker, or mortician. VII. “Apprentice,” any person engaged in embalming under the instruction and supervision of an embalmer duly licensed and registered under the provisions of this chapter and actively engaged in embalm- ing in this state. 2. State Board Constituted. There shall be a state board of registration of funeral directors and embalmers. Said board shall consist of five members as follows: The secretary of the state board of health, ex officio, and four members to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the council. The secretary of the state board of health shall be secretary of this board. 3. Appointment. All appointees to the board shall be funeral directors, shall be citizens and residents of the state who have had at least five years of practical experience in funeral directing and in em- balming, and shall have been engaged 32 therein in this state for a period of at least five years. Appointees shall be chosen from a list of three names annually sub- mitted to the governor and council by the New Hampshire Funeral Directors’ As- sociation. 4. Term of Office. The term of office of each appointed member shall be for four years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. 5. Removal from Office. Any member of said board may be removed by the governor and council for cause. 6. Compensation. The members of the board shall receive the sum of five dollars per day while actually engaged upon the business of the board and shall be reim- bursed for necessary traveling expenses incident to attendance upon the business of the board, provided that said compensa- tion and expense shall be a charge upon the fund herein constituted and further provided that in case said fund shall be insufficient to pay said compensation and expenses the members of said board shall have no claim upon the state for said com- pensation. 7. Vacancies. Vacancies in the board shall be filled by the governor with the advice and consent of the council for the unexpired term and said appointment shall be made within sixty days from the date of such vacancy. 8. Organization; Quorum. Within thir- ty days after appointment and qualification of a member, the board shall meet and or- ganize by electing a chairman and a treas- urer, This organization shall continue un- 33 til the appointment of a new member. The office of secretary and treasurer may be held by one member. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 9.* Rules and Regulations. The board shall have the power to adopt whatever rules and regulations it may deem necessa- ry for the transaction of its business and the management of its affairs, for the betterment and promotion of educational and other standards and for the regulation, conduct and supervision of the general business, practice, science or profession of funeral directing and embalming. 10. Secretary, Duties. The secretary of the board shall keep a record of ail proceedings of the board, issue all notices and certificates and attest such papers and orders and perform such other duties as may be designated or directed by the board. He may employ a clerk and ex- pend for such employment a sum not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars a year. 11. List of Licensees. The secretary of the board shall, on or before the fifteen- th day of February of each year, supply each registered embalmer and the railroad companies within this state with a list of all funeral directors then holding certifi- cates of registration stating the name, business address and registration number of each funeral director. The board shall keen a register in which shall be entered the names of all persons to whom certifi- cates are issued, and this register shall be open to public inspection at the office of the board. 12. Treasurer, Duties. The treasurer 34 of the board shall receive and keep a rec- ord in detail of all sums collected and paid to the state treasurer and all sums expended by the board. He shall pay over monthly to the state treasurer all moneys received by the board under the provisions of this chapter. 13. Qualifications, Embalmers. No per- son shall embalm dead human bodies or engage or hold himself out as engaged in embalming whether on his own behalf or in the employ of another, unless he shall be at least twenty-one years of age, a citi- zen of the United States, be of good moral character, shall hold a diploma or certifi- cate showing completion of a high school course or its equivalent, shall have com- pleted a one-year course in apprenticeship under the supervision and instruction of a duly registered embalmer actively en- gaged in embalming in this state and shall have completed a full course of instruction in an embalming school maintaining at that time a standard satisfactory to the board, and pass such examinations as the board may deem proper tq ascertain his efficiency and qualifications to engage in embalming, and obtain a certificate of reg- istration from the board to that effect. 14. Funeral Directors. No person shall engage or hold himself out as engaged in funeral directing, unless he is the holder of an embalmer’s certificate, has passed such examination as the board may deem proper to ascertain his efficiency and quali- fications to engage in funeral directing, and holds a certificate of registration from the board to that effect. 15. Corporations, etc. An embalmer’s or funeral director’s certificate, or both, 35 shall be issued to a corporation, partner- ship, association or other organization only if one or more of its officers actively en- gaged in the conduct of its business is the holder of an embalmer’s or funeral di- rector’s certificate, or both, as the case may be. 16. Premises. Funeral directing shall be conducted in a fixed place of establish- ment. 17. Inspection. The board may in- spect all places where funeral directing is conducted or where embalming is practiced. 18. Examinations. Examinations of ap- plicants for certificates of registration shall be held at least once a year in the city of Concord and elsewhere in the discretion of the board. Any person who desires to engage in funeral directing or embalming shall submit in writing to the board on forms provided by it an application for registration accompanied by a fee of five dollars. The board shall require the ap- plicant to submit to such examinations as it may deem proper. 19. In Lieu of Examinations. The board shall have the power, in its discretion, to accept in lieu of an examination a duly authenticated statement of a national board of examiners or of a board duly ap- proved by the Conference of Embalmers’ Examining Boards of the United States, Inc., certifying the successful passage of an examination conducted by said board or boards. 20. Certificates of Registration. The board shall issue to each applicant success- fully passing the examination, where an 36 examination is required, and who other- wise satisfies the board of his qualifications, a certificate of registration, signed by all the members of the board, entitling him to practice or engage in the business in this state as a funeral director, embalmer, or both, as the case may be. 21. Contents and Display of Certificate. Every certificate of registration shall speci- fy the name of the person to whom it was issued, the address of his place of business or employment, and shall be conspicuously displayed, at all times, in his place of business or employment. Certificates of registration shall not be assignable. 22. Special Certificates. The board may by special rule or by regulation issue a special funeral director’s certificate of registration or a special embalmer’s cer- tificate of registration, without examina- tion to bona fide nonresident funeral direc- tors or embalmers who are qualified and duly licensed in each of their respective states under such rules and regulations as the board may see fit and upon the payment of a fee of five dollars. 23. Expiration. All certificates issued under the provisions of this chapter shall expire on the thirty-first day of December each year unless previously suspended or revoked. 24. Notices of Expiration. On or be- fore the fifteenth day of November in each year the board shall mail to each holder of a certificate of registration a notice of the expiration of his certificate and an application for the renewal thereof. 25. Renewal of Certificates. All cer- 37 tificates of registration may be renewed by the holders thereof upon payment to the secretary of the board of a renewal fee of five dollars. 26. Application for Renewal. Applica- tions for renewal, accompanied by the fee of five dollars, shall be filed with the board on or before the thirty-first day of De- cember each year. Applications filed after the thirty-first day of December and on or before the fifteenth day of January must be accompanied by a fee of five dollars in addition to the renewal fee. 27. Failure to Renew. All certificates of registration shall be automatically re- voked unless an application for renewal accompanied by the above stated require- ments is filed by the fifteenth day of Jan- uary following its date of expiration. 28. Educational Meetings. The board shall hold at least two educational meet- ings annually and at such times and at such places as it may determine, which meetings all holders of certificates of reg- istration issued by the board shall be requested to attend. All expenses in- curred by the board in connection with the meetings shall be certified for payment to and by the state treasurer and paid upon warrant of the governor from the special fund hereinafter provided. The secretary shall keep a record of attendance at state meetings and also, upon satisfac- tory proof thereof, of all holders of cer- tificates of registration at all educational meetings held outside the state under auspices duly recognized and approved by the board. 29. Apprentices. No person shall as- 38 sist in the embalming of dead human bodies for burial or cremation in any manner unless he holds a license as an apprentice. 30. Licenses. Licenses shall be issued for a period of three years and shall termi- nate three years from the date of registra- tion unless sooner ended by death, resig- nation, revocation or by ruling or decision of the board. Such licenses may be re- newed in the discretion of the board. 31. Rules Governing Apprentices. The board may make such rules and regulations as it deems advisable for the qualifying or supervising of apprentices. No appren- tice shall be permitted to advertise or hold himself out to the public as a holder of a certificate of registration in funeral di- recting or embalming. 32. Suspension and Revocation of Cer- tificates. The board shall have power to suspend or revoke any certificate of regis- tration for violation of any provision of this chapter, for violation of any rule or regulation duly adopted by the board, for gross incompetency, for unprofessional con- duct, or for other cause deemed sufficient in the judgment of the board; provided, however, that prior to such suspension or revocation the holder thereof shall have notice in writing of the charges against him and shall have reasonable opportunity to be heard in his defense. 33. Power to Conduct Hearing. Thd chairman of the board shall have power to summon any person to appear and testify at any hearing of said board and to ad- minister oaths and examine all witnesses. 34. Decision of Board. The SUSpen- 39 sion or revocation of a certificate of reg- istration shall become operative and abso- lute thirty days after a decision is rendered; provided, however, that if during said period an appeal is taken said decision shall not become operative until confirmed by the court. .35. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by any decision or ruling of the board may, within thirty days after receiving notice of said decision or ruling, appeal there- from to the superior court by filing therein his petition stating his reasons therefor and the superior court shall have power to review the entire proceedings taken and held by the board and hear and make final disposition thereof. 36. Reinstatement. Any certificate sus- pended or revoked may be reinstated or reissued to the original holder thereof upon such terms or conditions, if any, as the board may see fit. 37. Deceased Funeral Director. The board may by a special rule or by regula- tion permit the continuance of the business of a deceased funeral director duly regis- tered as such by the board, under the active supervision of a person or persons holding the required certificate or certificates, for the benefit of the widow and family, for the estate or for persons interested in the estate of the decedent during such a period of time and in such manner and under such conditions as the board may determine. 38. Burial Associations Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, promote or participate, directly or in- directly, in any scheme or plan in the nature of a burial association or in a so- 40 called chain of burial or funeral establish- ments. 39. Securing of Business. It shall be unlawful for any funeral director or em- balmer, or the agents or representatives thereof, directly or indirectly, to pay or cause to be paid any sum of money or other valuable consideration for the securing of business. 40. To Render Account. The board shall account whenever requested, to the governor and council for all receipts and expenditures in detail. 41. Accidental Deaths. No person shall inject into any cavity or artery of the body of any person who has died from an accidental or sudden death, or under sus- picious circumstances, any fluid or sub- stance until a legal certificate of the cause of death has been obtained from the at- tending physician or medical referee, nor until a legal investigation has determined the cause of death. If a criminal cause of death is alleged or suspected no fluid or other substance shall be injected into a body until the cause of death is legally established. 42. Embalming Fluids. The sale or use for embalming purposes of any fluid containing arsenic, zinc, mercury, copper, lead, silver, antimony, chloral, or cyanogen, or any compound containing any of these, or any poisonous alkaloid, is prohibited, and all brands of embalming compounds used within the state shall be subject to test and approval by the state board of health. 43. Transfer of Body. The body of 41 any deceased person may be transferred to another town for preparation or for burial or cremation only under the direction of a funeral director: provided that death was not sudden, or the result of violence, and provided that such body shall be returned to the town in which death oc- curred within thirty-six hours, or a permit for permanent removal, as required by this chapter, has been secured within said time. 44. Transfer by Whom. Such trans- fer shall be made under the direction of a funeral director, and he or his repre- sentative shall leave with the institution from which or the person from whom such body is received, on forms supplied by the state board of health, the name of the funeral director, the name of the per- son making the transfer, his address, the funeral director’s license number, and the date and hour such body was delivered to him. 45. Transfer to Other Town. Any body for which a burial or removal permit has been secured, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, may be taken through or into another town for funeral services without additional permits. Burials 46. Death Certificate. Whenever a per- son shall die, or a stillborn child shall be brought forth, the physician attending at the last sickness or bringing forth shall fill out and deliver to the funeral director, or to the town clerk, a certificate, duly signed, setting forth, as far as may be, the facts required in the record of a death, according to chapter 337. 42 47. If No Physician. If the deceased person did not have the attendance of a physician in his last sickness the town clerk may issue and sign the certificate of death, upon presentation of such facts as may be obtained of relatives, or persons in attendance upon the deceased person during the last sickness or present at the time of death, and the permit for burial shall be issued upon such information. 48. Death Out of State. If the de- ceased was a resident of this state and died in some other state, but is buried in this state, the clerk of the town where the interment is made shall make a rec- ord of the death, as required by chapter 337, section 1, and shall transmit a copy of said record to the state registrar as required by section 6 of said chapter. 49. Burial Permits, Obtaining. It shall be the duty of the funeral director to add to the death certificate the date and place of burial, and having signed the same, to forward it to the clerk of the town, and obtain a permit for burial. In case of a contagious or infectious disease the cer- tificate shall be made and forwarded im- mediately. 50. Duplicates. If the deceased is to be buried in a town other than that in which the death occurred the town clerk issuing the burial permit shall, within six days, forward a duplicate of the record of death to the clerk of the town where the interment is made, who shall record the same; but no return of said duplicate record shall be made to the state registrar unless called for. 51. Required. No interment of the 43 dead body of a human being, nor disposi- tion thereof in a tomb or vault, shall be made without a permit, nor otherwise than in accordance with it. No disinterment, except as otherwise herein provided, of the dead body of a human being shall be made without a permit therefor from the state board of health, countersigned by the lo- cal health officer, nor otherwise than in accordance with such permit. Such dis- interment permit shall not be required for removal of such dead body from a tomb or vault for the purpose of burial, for rein- terment of dead bodies after discontinuance of a public cemetery, as provided in sec- tions 9 and 10 of chapter 68 of the Re- vised Laws, nor in case where an autopsy has been ordered by a county solicitor or the attorney general. No person shall assist in, assent to or allow, an interment or disinterment to be made until a permit has been obtained as provided in this sec- tion. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section relative to dis- interment shall be punished as provided in section 15, chapter 442, of the Revised Laws. (1943, c. 157, s. 1.) 52. Return. It shall be the duty of every funeral director, or other person having charge of a burial place, who shall receive the permit, to preserve and return it to the clerk of the town within six days after the burial. 53. In Cities. Boards of health in cities shall have charge of granting permits for the burial of the dead; and no interment or removal from the city, of the dead body of any human being, nor disposition thereof in any tomb or vault, shall be made with- out a permit from said boards or their 44 duly appointed agent, nor otherwise than in accordance with said permit. 54. Prerequisites. No such permit shall be issued until there has been delivered to the board a satisfactory written statement containing the facts required by section 46 hereof, together with the certificate of the attending physician, or, in absence thereof, other evidence as required by section 47 hereof. Upon the receipt of such statement and certificate, the board shall forthwith countersign the same and transmit it to the city cleric for registra- tion. 55. Sub-registrars. The town clerk may appoint suitable persons, not exceeding two in number, as sub-registrars, who are authorized to issue burial permits based upon a death certificate, as hereinbefore provided, in the manner required of the town clerk. The appointment of sub-regis- trars shall be made with reference to lo- cality, as the convenience of the inhabitants of the town may require. 56. Record. The record of death upon which the permit is issued shall be for- warded to the town clerk within six days after it is received. 57. Special Fund. All funds paid over to the state treasury by the treasurer of the board shall be held in a special fund to be paid out upon warrant of the gover- nor for the purposes of this chapter. 58. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter, or any rule or regulation prescribed by the board hereby created, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars 45 or imprisoned not less than ten nor more than sixty days. 59. Separability. If any provision of this chapter is declared unconstitutional, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validi- ty of the remainder of the chapter and the application of such provision to other per- sons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby. 46 EXCERPTS REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 147 THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 8. Vital Statistics. The board shall ap- point the registrar of vital statistics for the state who, under the supervision of the state health officer, shall have charge of the vital statistics of the state and shall enforce the provisions of law in relation to them. (1945, c. 129, s. 1.) REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 252 THE PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC 17. Duties. Practitioners of chiroprac- tic shall be subject to the provisions of the law relating to contagious and infectious diseases and to the granting of certificates of deaths, as physicians are. REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 436 MEDICAL REFEREES 16. Return of Death. He shall make a return of the death to the city or town clerk, as required by the laws of the state, said certificate containing all the facts necessary to complete the record as far as possible, as well as a personal description of the deceased for identification. 47 REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 59 CHOICE AND DUTIES OF TOWN OFFICERS 9, Copies. The town clerk shall fur- nish, to any person requesting: it and tendering pay therefor, an attested copy of any public record in his custody; and for neglect or refusal to do so he shall be fined twenty dollars. 10. City and Town Clerks Association. Town and city clerks shall be entitled to receive the actual expenses incurred by them in attending the yearly meeting of the New Hampshire City and Town Clerks Association, the same to be audited by the selectmen of towns and the finance com- mittee of cities respectively and paid out of the town or city treasury. 53. Deposit with Clerk. All books, rec- ords, papers, vouchers, and documents which shall be in the possession of any officer, committee, or board of officers of the town, and which are not needed else- where by them in the discharge of official duty, shall be deposited in the office of the town clerk, and shall be there kept and preserved by him as public records of the town. Provided that, if the office of the clerk is not equipped for the safe keeping of the said public records, the clerk may, with the approval of the selectmen, deposit such records in some other safe and suit- able place. 54. Care and Preservation. The se- lectmen shall cause all books of public rec- ord belonging to the town to be well and strongly bound, and all papers and docu- ments to be filed and arranged in an order- 48 ly manner convenient for reference and examination, and shall provide suitable fireproof safes or other means for their care and preservation, all at the expense of the town. 55. Copying Records. The selectmen may authorize and direct the town clerk to make, in suitable books, true copies of any of the public records of the town which have become so faded, worn out or otherwise defaced that in their judgment it is necessary they should be copied in order to insure the preservation of a proper record of the facts or instruments recorded. The town clerk shall attach thereto certificates of their correctness, and showing when, by whom and under what authority they were made, and shall also preserve the originals. Such copies shall have the same force and effect as the originals, and copies made therefrom may be used in evidence the same as if made from the originals, without showing the loss of the originals. 56. Inspection. No town officer hav- ing the custody of its public records or documents shall loan the same or permit them to be taken from the place where they are usually kept except when necessary for the discharge of official duty or upon the summons of a court of competent au- thority; and they shall be open at all proper times for public inspection and ex- amination. 58. Delivery by Clerk. Whenever a town officer goes out of office he shall de- liver to his successor all records, books, pamphlets, papers and other things in his possession pertaining to the office!. REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 442 DIGGING UP DEAD BODIES 15. Disinterments. If any person, ex- cept as otherwise provided in section 51 of chapter 168 of the Revised Laws, shall dig up, remove or carry away any human body or the remains thereof, or shall con- ceal the same, knowing; it to have been illegally dug up, he shall be imprisoned not more than one year, or fined not more than two thousand dollars, or both. (1943, c, 157, s. 2.) REVISED LAWS, CHAPTER 68 9. Discontinuance. Whenever there is a public necessity for the discontinuance of any public cemetery, park or common and the removal of the remains of persons buried in such cemetery, the same may be discontinued by a three fourths vote of the legal voters present and voting at any town-meeting holden for the purpose, or by three fourths of each board of the city councils present and voting. PUBLIC CEMETERIES 10. Reinterment. The selectmen may, at the expense of the town, disinter all the remains of persons buried in such cem- etery and reinter the same in the unoccu- pied part of some public cemetery within the town, such reinterment to be in the place designated by the nearest surviving relatives of the deceased person, if any is designated; such removal shall be done prudently and with proper care and atten- tion. 50 INDEX Birth, Marriage and Death Registration 3-9 Copies, Authenticated 4 Certified 8 Forms 3 Fees, for certified copies 8 Disposal of 9 Paid by county 6 Paid by towns 6 Paid by Governmental Agencies 8 Institutional Records 6 Marriage Nonresident 5 Parents’ Birth .Notification 5 Penalties 7 Records of town 5 As evidence 6 Reporting of Birth 4 Marriage 5 Rules and Regulations 7 Unreported Facts 7 Vouchers 7 Burials 42-46 Death, Certificates 42 Duplicate certificates 43 No Physician 43 Out of State 43 Permits for burial 43-45 Obtaining, in towna 43 “ in cities 44 Prerequisites 45 Required 43 Return 44 Sub-registrars 45 Separability 46 Violations, penalty 45 Chiropractic 50 Cemeteries, Public 50 Discontinuance 50 Reinterment 50 Death Registration, See Birth Registration 3-9 Disinterments 50 Divorce and Separation 21-30 Alimony, allowances, custody, etc. 25-27 Causes for divorce 22-24 Change of name 27 Jurisdiction to grant divorce 21-22 Limited Divorces 28 Orders for support, when husband is insane, etc 29-30 Procedure 24-25 Void Marriages 21 Marriage Laws Age 10-12 Marriageable 10 Of consent 11 Penalty for violation 12 Permission 11 Petition by party under age 11 Prohibitions 12 Blood test—See Intentions, Blood test 15-17 Defective Persons 12-14 Applications to State Board .... 13 Certificate 12 Marriage 12 Penalty for violations 14 Reports Required 13 Solemnization Prohibited 12 Diseased Persons 14-15 Certificate 14 Duty of Physician 14 Marriage 14 Notice to State Board 14 Penalty 15 Intentions, Blood Test, Certificates 15-17 Blood Test Required 15 Certificate of Marriage 16 License Fee 17 Marriage Outside State 17 Notice of Intentions 15 Penalty 16 Waivers 17 Legitimation of Children 20 Marrage Registration—See Birth Registration 3-9 Proof of Marriage 19 Relationship 10 Solemnization of Marriage 17-19 Medical Referees 47 Mortuary Regulations Accidental Deaths 41 Apprentices 38-39 Board, Constituted 32-33 Accounts 41 Burial Association Prohibited 40 Certificates 36 Contents and Display 37 Expiration 37 Reinstatement 40 Renewal 37 Special 37 Suspension and revocation 39 Deceased Funeral Director 40 Definitions Apprentice j 32 Board 31 Embalmer 32 Embalming 31 Funeral Directing 31 Funeral Director 32 Persons 31 Educational Meetings 38 Embalming Fluids 41 Examinations 36 Hearings 39-40 List of Licensees 34 Premises 36 Qualifications, Embalmers 35 Rules and Regulations 34 Securing of Business 41 Secretary 34 Transfers, of body 41 By whom 42 To other town 42 Treasurer, Duties 34 Special Funds 45 Records, Public 48-49 Registrar, Appointment 47 Preservation of Returns 6 Town Officers, choice and duties .... 48-49