Guide To Vital Statistics Records In Mississippi VOLUME I PUBLIC ARCHIVES Prepared By The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Service Division Work Projects Administration The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Jackson, Mississippi GUIDE TO VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN MISSISSIPPI VOLUME I PUBLIC ARCHIVES Prepared by The Mississippi Historical Records Survey Service Division Work Projects Administration Jackson, Mississippi The Mississippi Historical Records Survey April 1942 HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECTS Sargent B. Child, Director Robert E. Strong, State Supervisor SERVICE DIVISION Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Leo G. Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Supervisor Ethel Payne, State Director WORK PROJECTS AIM INISTRATION Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner C. B. Braun, Regional Director Q. Edward Gatlin, State Administrator SPONSOR Mississippi Department of Archives and History Jackson, Mississippi FOREWORD This volume, prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey, is, to the best of my belief and knowledge, the first attempt to list all public vital statistics records in the State of Mississippi. It will be of material assistance to in- dividuals who require information concerning marriage and divorce records and to the Divi- sion of Vital Statistics of the Mississippi State Board of Health in locating any missing records• R. N. WHITFIELD, Director Division of Vital Statistics Mississippi State Board of Health Jackson, Mississippi April 23, 1S42 PREFACE The Guide to Vital St^t1stics Records in Mississippi has been published to assist in t\ie war effort by providing a checklist of existing archival materials relating to births* marriages, deaths, and divorces. This Guide is being issued in two volumes: Volume I, Public Archives; Volume II, Church Archives. The paramount necessity and importance of all vital statistics records, especially birth records, has increased as the nation has prepared itself for defense and for total war. Birth records are prerequisites for entrance into the services of the Army and Navy, for employment in war industries and in other occupations. Birth records are needed to determine questions of parent- age, heredity, legitimacy, personal identity, property rights, inheritance, citizenship, and entrance into schools. They are also needed in establishing claims to old age assistance, benefits from workmens’ compensation, widows’, mothers1, and other pensions. Death records are essential in ascertaining the cause of death, rela- tive death rates, ratios of deaths to births, duration of life, and rates of life insurance. They also are valuable in comparing the relative health conditions of different states and communities, in controling contagious diseases, in effecting the shipment of bodies from state to state, and in preventing and detecting crime. They are required for proof of death in the probate of wills, the settlement of estates, the establishment of claims for insurance and pensions, and proof of ancestry and heredity. Marriage and divorce records are used to decide questions of parentage, heredity, legitimacy, property rights, inheritance, citizenship, pensions, benefits, marital relationships, for determining certain contractual rights and obligations, and for substantiating claims for exemption from selective service. This volume of public records is composed of separate sections on births, deaths, marriages, and divorces in which are listed both State and county re- cords of each classification. A short essay citing important legislation con- cerning each type of records precedes the actual listing of the records. The records of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health are described and arranged in the full-length, formalized, and number- ed entry style used by the Survey in its publications of inventories of county archives. The county records are described in an abbreviated manner and are arranged alphabetically in each section by the name of the county, with the records listed chronologically thereunder. Sample birth and death certificates and reporting forms for marriages and divorces are inserted at the end of the applicable section. The titles and addresses of the custodians are given in the bodies of the record entries. The cost of certified copies of county records is indicated in the entries and the cost of certified copies of State records is indicated in the essays. It will be noted that certified copies of both Birth Certifi- cates and Death Certificates can be obtained only from the Division of Vital Statistics of the S~bate Board of Health, Jackson, Mississippi. In September 1940, in conjunction with the work of the Vital Statistics Division of the Bureau of the Census, the Historical Records Survey Project in each state was requested to supply the central office of the project with a brief checklist of existing State and county records of births, marriages, deaths, and divorces with transcripts, abstracts, or citations of legislation requiring or affecting the keeping of records of each of these types. The in- formation obtained in Mississippi as the result of this request is the basis of this publication. This volume was prepared for publication under the supervision of Nash K. Burger, Project Technician, by Elizabeth Gordon, Kate Langston, and Maurice Price. The field inventories of the county records were made by project em- ployes under the supervision of District Supervisors Lorine R. Goza, Sara 0. Smith, Mabel V. Bustin, and Eloise E. Parsons. The inventory of the records of the Division of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health was made and rcchecked by personnel of the State office of the Survey. The Survey acknowledges with sincere appreciation the assistance given by Dr. Felix J. Underwood, Executive Officer of the Mississippi State Board of Health; by Dr. R. N. Whitfield, Director of the Division of Vital Statis- tics; and by administrative officials of the State and Regional offices of the Work Projects Administration. A list of publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records Sur- vey appears on page 62. Approximately 1,850 publications have been issued by the Survey throughout the Nation. ROBERT E. STRONG State Supervisor Mississippi Historical Records Survey 9 Bridges Building Jackson, Mississippi April 1942 "To bring together the records of the past and to house them in buildings where they will be preserved for the use of men living in the future, a nation must believe in three things. It must believe in the past. It must believe in the future. It must, above all, believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgement for the creation of the future." Franklin Delano Roosevelt TABLE OF COOT ENTS Page Legislation Concerning Birth Records 2 State Birth Records 4 County Birth Records ............ 6 Standard Certificate of Live Birth following IS State Certificate of Birth for Ages 2 through 12 years . . following 13 Delayed Certificate of Birth for Persons Born Before November 1, 1912 following 13 Delayed Certificate of Birth for Persons Born on or After November 1, 1912 following 13 Standard Certificate of Stillbirth following 13 Instructions to Registrars of Birth and Deaths ...... following 13 Rules and Regulations Governing Birth and Death Regis- tration following 13 Legislation Concerning Death Records 14 State Death Records . 1.5 County Death Records ..... ..... 16 Standard Certificate of Death . following 23 Standard Certificate of Stillbirth . following 23 Legislation Concerning Marriage Records ... 24 State Marriage Records 25 County Marriage Records 27 Cards Used by Circuit Clerks to Report Marriage Records Prior to 1926 following 43 Statistical Records of Marriage Prepared by Circuit Clerks 1926-38 ................... following 43 Punched Card Statistical Records of Marriage Prepared by Circuit Clerks 1938-42 ........ following 43 Statistical Record of Marriage Prepared by Circuit Clerks Beginning January 1942 , following 43 Legislation Concerning Divorce Records .......... 44 State Divorce Records 46 County Divorce Records 47 Statistical Record of Divorce . . following 60 Alphabetical List of Counties in Mississippi ........... 61 List of Publications Issued by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey ...... ........ 62 LEGISLATION CONCERNING BIRTH RECORDS Prior to 1912 there was little governmental recordation of births in Mississippi. A law passed by the State Legislature in 1822 requiring the Tax Assessor to compile birth records for 1822 and three years following the enactment of the law does not seem to have been observed." In 1877 a State Board of Health, consisting of 12 physicians appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the State Medical Association was established by the Legis- and the following year provision was made for the registration oiy all births with the circuit clerk of the county wherein the birth occured.'"' This provision requiring birth registration was, however, eliminated by an amending act in 1880.^ In 1912 a law was enacted providing that the State Board of Health should establish a Bureau of Vital Statistics.0 This law stipulated that this Bureau should set up a system for the registration of births on forms to be prescribed by the State Board of Health. The secretary of the State Board was to serve as Registrar and local registrars over the State might be appointed by the board. Under the provisions of this act the State was divided into registration districts, each city, town, village, and election precinct constituting a dis- trict, but the State Registrar was given authority to make combinations of districts. A local registrar was appointed for oach district. Births were to be reported by physician or midwife to the local registrar within 10 days. Stillborn children were to be registered both as births and deaths. The certificate of birth was to contain; place and date of birth, full name and sex of child, whether a single or plural birth, whether legitimate or il- legitimate; except in illegitimate births, full name, residence, race, age, birthplace, and occupation of father; similiar information regarding the mother, plus number of children of this mother and number now living; the whole to be signed by the person attending at birth. The State Registrar was to receive the reports monthly from the local registrars and was res- ponsible for permanently preserving them. Certified copies might be obtained from the State Registrar for 50 cents each, fees received from this source to bo turned in to the State Treasurer. Although the arrangement of infor- mation on the birth certificate has been changed since 1912 the information called for is in general, the same. Two items on the present form not on the earlier one are; length of pregnancy, and time spent in hospital, if any. Stillbirths are now recorded separately.' 1. L. M. 1822, p. 24. 2. L. M. 1877, p. 60. 3. L. M. 1878, pp. 129-137. 4. L. M. 1880, pp. 160-169. 5. L. M. 1912, pp. 158-159; Code 1917, secs. 4868-4874; Code 1930, secs. 4904-4910. 6. Mississippi State Board of Health, Report of the Board of Health, 1911- 13, 179-ff • ~ " ‘ 7. Mississippi State Board of Health, Twenty-Fourth Biennial Report, 1924- 25. Vol. 1, 17. ' Births p In 1924, the number of local registrars was 1,250. During the 1930’s a program of consolidation of the State’s large number of registration dis- tricts was begun with the result that by 1936 the total number of registrars was reduced to ’’less than and at present to 123. NO BIRTH CERTIFICATES OR COPIES THEREOF ARE AVAILABLE EXCEPT FRO! THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Records of births kept in the counties are copies or abstracts of the originals sent to the State Board. Because of the tendency to consolidate registration districts e.nd the fact that the Countjr Health Off- icer is the most important health official in the county, records are listed under his office even though they may, in part, be in the possession of the local registrars. Whore there is no Health Office,records are listed with the Registrar. 8. Ibid *, 18. 9. Mississippi State Board of Health, Twenty-Ninth Biennial Report, 1935- 35, p. 17. * ” 10. Mississippi State Board of Health, Thirty-First Biennial Report, 1937- 39, p. 13. (1-4) STATE BIRTH RECORDS 1. BIRTHS PRIOR TO 1912, 1870-1911. 51 vols. (labeled by contained certif. nos., 1-18156). Original certificates of birth of persons born prior to 1912 who have pre- pared such certificates and deposited them with the Division of Vital Stat- istics, showing State file number; county and town of birth; full name of child; sex; twin or triplet; number in order of birth; legitimate; month, day, and year of birth; full name, address, color, age last birthday, place of birth, and occupation of father of child; full maiden name, address, color, age last birthday, place of birth, and occupation of mother of child; number of children born to mother including this birth; signature and acknowledgement of persons making affidavits to this birth; and their relation to child; sign- ature and seal of notary; signature and address of person sending in certifi- cate; and date filed. For index, see entry 2. Hdw. and typed on ptd. form. 500 pp. 8 x 9 x 2gr. 2. BIRTH INDEX DELAYED BIRTHS ALL YEAR END VOLUMES - BIRTHS PRIOR TO 1912. 1 vol. Russel-Soundcx system index to: i. All year end volumes 1912—, in Births (entry 3), showing surname, Christian name, and middle initial of child; father’s initial; code number for county of birth; code number for color; and contained State file number, ii. Births prior to 1912 (entry 1), showing surname, Christian name, and middle initial of child; father’s initial; code number for color; code number for county of birth; and contained State file number. 3. BIRTHS, 1912—. 2833 vols. (labeled by inclusive certif. nos.). Original standard birth certificates filed with Division of Vital Statistics by local registrars of births and deaths, showing State file number; regis- trar’s number; county. State, city or rural precinct, hospital, or street address of birth; residence of mother by State, county, city or rural precinct; full name of child; date of birth, whether boy or girl or twin or triplet; whether stillborn or born alive; number of months of pregnancy; whether mother is married or not; full name, color or race, ago at time of this birth, birth- place, usual occupation, and industry or business of father of this child; full maiden name, color or race, age at time of this birth, birthplace, us- ual occupation, industry or business of mother of this child; number of child- ren of this mother now living, born alive but now dead, and born dead; mailing address of mother for registration notices; certification and signature of person attending this birth; name of informant and relation to this child; date certificate received by registrar; and signature of registrar. Arr. alph. by name of county of birth, and numcr. thereunder by contained State file no. For index, see entries 4, 5. Hdw. on ptd. form. 500 pp. 7x9x3. 4. BIRTH INDEX, 1912-40. 51 vols. (dated). Russo1-Soundex index to Births (entry 3), showing surname, Christian name, and middle initial of child; father’s initial; code number for county of birth; code number for color; and contained State file number. Photostat of typed cards, 24 vols., 1912-24, 1927, 1930-40; typed, 27 vols., 1925-26, 1928-29. 200 pp. 12 x 9 x 2. 5 Births (5-9) 5. INDENT/7, January 1, 1941 - June 30, 1941, 114 Remington-Rand Double Panels. Card slip index to 1940 volumes in Births (entry 3), showing surname, Christian name, and middle initial of child; father’s initial; code number for county of birth; code number for color; and contained State file number. Typed. Av. 110 card slips to panel 20 x 8. 6. CWA YTilTE BIRTH RECORDS, 1927-34. 15 vols. (labeled by inclusive certif* nos.). Original standard birth certificates prepared by county CWA Projects in 1934 for white children born 1927-34 for which no birth certificates had been filed. For description of contents, arrangement, manner of recording, average number of pages, and dimensions, see entry 3. No index. 7. CWA COLORED BIRTH RECORDS, 1927-34. 18 vols. (labeled by inclusive cortif. nos.). Original standard birth certificates prepared by county CWA Projects in 1934 for colored children born 1927-34 for which no birth certificates had been filed. For description of contents, arrangement, manner of recording, average number of pages, and dimensions, see entry 3. No index. 8. BIRTHS ILLEGITIMATE, 1934-36, 1938-39. 43 vols. (labeled by contain- ed cert if. nos.). Original standard birth certificates which show birth was illegitimate, with- drawn from Births (entry 5), and bound separately. For description of contents, arrangement, indexing, manner of recording, average number of pages, and dimensions, see entry 3. For similar records 1912-33, 1937, see entry 3. 9. STILLBIRTHS, 1938—. 16 unbound vols. (labeled by contained cert if. nos.). Original standard certificates of stillbirths, filed with Division of Vital Statistics by local registrars of births and deaths, showing State file number, registrar’s number; place of stillbirth by county, city, rural precinct, hos- pital, or street address; residence of mother by State, county, city, or rural precinct; month, day, and year of birth; sex of child; whether twin or triplet; number of months of pregnancy; whether mother married or not; full name, color, or race, age at time of this birth, birthplace, usual occupation, and industry or business of father; full maiden name, color or race, age at time of this birth, birthplace, usual occupation, and industry or business of mother; num- ber of other children of this mother now living, born alive but now dead, and number of other children born dead; mother’s usual mailing address; whether or not child died before labor or during labor; complications of pregnancy or labor; whether or not an operation was performed, and if child died before or during operation; cause of stillbirth; certification and signature and address of person attending the birth; signature and address of informant; whether burial, cremation, or removal; date and place of burial or cremation; signature and address of funeral director; statement and signature of local registrar or coroner if physician was not present at stillbirth; date certificate filed with registrar, and signature of registrar. Arr. alph. by name of county, and numer. thereunder by contained State file no. No index. 500 pp. 7x9x3. Dr. R. N. Whitfield, Director, Division of Vital Statistics, Miss. State Board of Health, Jackson. Certified copy 50/. COUNTY BIRTH RECORDS ADAMS COUNTY (Natchez) 1879-80 Record (in Register of Marriages, Births, and Deaths), 1 vol. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. 1929— Record, If. b*. Chron. by date of birth. Indexed alph. by surname of child. County Health Officer, Natchez* ALCORN COUNTY (Corinth) 1938— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of birth* Indexed alph. by surname of child. County Health Officer, Corinth. AMITE COUNTY (Liberty) 1913— Record, 26 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Liberty. ATTALA COUNTY (Kosciusko) 1912— Record, 86 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Registrar, Kosciusko. BENTON COUNTY (Ashland) 1912— Record, 72 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. County Health Officer, Ashland. BOLIVAR COUNTY (Rosedale-Clevoland) 1931— Record, of. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Rosedale. CALHOUN COUNTY (Pittsboro) 1912-- Record, 62 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Regis- trar, Calhoun City. CARROLL COUNTY (CarrolIton-Vaiden) 1912— Record, 111 vols. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Vaiden. 1928— Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. Regis- trar, North Carrollton. CHICKASAW COUNTY (Houston-Okolona) 1912— Record, 24 f. b. Chron. by date reported. No index. County Health Officer, Houston. 1923— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date reported. No index. Registrar, Okolona. 7 Births CHOCTAW COUNTY (Ackerman) 1917— Record, 22 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. Regis- trar, Ackerman. CLAIBORNE COUNTY (Port Gibson) 1927— Record, 32 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. County Health Officer, Port Gibson. CLARKE COUNTY (Quitman) 1920— Record, 229 vols. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. Registrar, Quitman. CLAY COUNTY (West Point) 1912— Record, 190 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. Regis- trar, West Point. COAHOMA COUNTY (Clarksdale) 1928- Record, 49 vols. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Clarksdale. COPIAH COUNTY (Hazlehurst) 1912-- Record, 35 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date reported. No index. County Health Officer, Hazlehurst. COVINGTON COUNTY (Collins) 1912— Record, 25 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Collins. DESOTO COUNTY (Hernando) 1935-- Record, 27 vols. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Hernando. FORREST COUNTY (Hattiesburg) 1912— Record, 4 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. County Health Officer, Hattiesburg. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Meadvi1le) 1912-- Record, 35 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. Regis- trar, Meadvilie. GEORGE COUNTY (Luccdale) 1912-- Record, 38 vols. and 1 f. d. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Lucedale. 8 Births GREENE COUNTY (Leakesvilie) 1935— Record, 4 vols. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Leakesville. GRENADA COUNTY (Grenada) 1912-- Record, 51 vols. Chron. by date reported. No index. Regis- trar, Grenada. HANCOCK COUNTY (Bay St. Louis) 1912-- Record, 46 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Bay St. Louis. HARRISON COUNTY (Gulfport) 1906-15 Record (Gulfport), 1 vol. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Division of Vital Statistics, State Board of Health, Jackson. 1912-- Record, 123 vols. Chron. by date recorded. Indexed alph. by registration district. County Health Officer, Gulfport. HINDS COUNTY (Raymond-Jackson) 1910-17 Record (Jackson), 1 vol. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Division of Vital Statistics, State Board of Health, Jackson. 1925— Record, 185 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Jackson. HOLMES COUNTY ' (Lexington) 1930— Record, 3 vols. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Lexington. HUMPHREYS COUNTY (Belzoni) 1933— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Belzoni. ISSAQUENA COUNTY (MayersviUe) 1912— Record, 6 vols. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, MayersviUe. ITAWAMBA COUNTY (Fulton) 1912— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Fulton. JACKSON COUNTY (Pascagoula) 1909— Record, 32 f. b. Chron. by date of birth, alph. thereunder by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Pascagoula. 9 Births JASPER COUNTY (Bay Springs-Paulding) 1912-- Record, 73 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Bay Springs. JEFFERSON COUNTY (Fayette) 1912— Record, 20 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Fayette. JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY (Prentiss) 1912— Record, 89 vols. Chron. by date of birth. Index alph. by first letter of surname. County Health Officer, Prentiss. JONES COUNTY (Ellisville-Laurel) 1908— Record, 41 vols., 12 f. b. and 5 f. d. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Laurel. KEMPER COUNTY (DeKalb) 1932— Record, 18 vols. and 4 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, DeKalb. LAFAYETTE COUNTY (Oxford) 1912— Record, 99 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Oxford. LAMAR COUNTY (Purvis) 1933— Record, 1 f. d. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Purvis. LAUDERDALE COUNTY (Meridian) 1930— Record, 14 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. County Health Officer, Meridian. LAWRENCE COUNTY (Monticello) 1935— Record, 16 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Mont icello. LEAKE COUNTY (Carthage) Not invent or ie d. LEE COUNTY (Tupelo) 1932— Record, 1 vol. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Tupelo. Births LEFLORE COUNTY (Greenwood) 1912— Record, 10 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. County Health Officer, Greenwood. LINCOLN COUNTY (Brookhaven) 1929— Record, 2 vols. and 1 f. d. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Brookhaven. LOWNDES COUNTY (Columbus) 1912-- Record, 103 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Columbus. MADISON COUNTY (Canton) 1936— Record, 3 f. d. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Canton. MARION COUNTY (Columbia) 1915-- Record, 115 vols. and 1 f. d. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Columbia, MARSHALL COUNTY (Holly Springs) 1912— Record, 98 vols. Nuraer. by registration districts, thereunder chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Holly Springs. MONROE COUNTY (Aberdeen) 1935— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Aberdeen. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Winona) 1912— Record, 70 vols. 1912-35, numer. by registration districts, thereunder alph. by surnamej 1936—, chron. by date filed. No index. Registrar, 'Winona, NESHOBA COUNTY (Philadelphia) 1930- Record, If. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Chancery Clerk, Philadelphia. NEWTON COUNTY (Decatur) 1930— Record, 31 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Registrar, Newton. Births NOXUBEE COUNTY (Macon) 1912;-- Record, 94 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Macon. OKTIBBEHA COUNTY (Starkvilie) 1912-- Record, 77 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Starkville. PEARL RIVER COUNTY (Poplarvilie) 1931— Record, 2 vols. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. County Health Officer, Poplarville. PERRY COUNTY (New Augusta) 1912— Record, 50 vols. and If.d. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, New Augusta. PIKE COUNTY (Magnolia) 1901-12 Record (McComb),1 vol. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Division of Vital Statistics, State Board of Health, Jackson. 1931— Record, 4 f. d. Alph. by first letter of surname. No index. County Health Officer, McComb. PONTOTOC COUNTY (Pontotoc) 1835— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Registrar, Pontotoc. PRENTISS COUNTY (Booneville) 1812— Record, 58 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Booneville. QUITMAN (Marks) 1923— Record, 50 vols. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Lambert. RANKIN COUNTY (Brandon) 1912— Record, 82 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Brandon. SCOTT COUNTY (Forest) 1912— Record, 39 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Regis- trar, Forest. Births SHARKEY COURTY (Rolling Fork) 1937— Record, 2 f. d. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Rolling Fork. SIMPSON COUNTY (Mendenhall) 1912— Record, 115 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Mendenhall. SMITH COUNTY (Raleigh) 1912— Record, 50 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Raleigh. STONE COUNTY (Wiggins) 1912— Record, 30 vols. and If. b. Chron- by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Wiggins. SUNFLOWER COUNTY (indianola) 1927— Record, 4 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Indianola. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY (Charleston-Sumner) 1912— Record, 70 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Charleston. TATE COUNTY (Senatobia) 1912— Record, 30 vols. and 3 f. b. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Senatobia. TIPPAH COUNTY (Ripley) (See also,Marriages, Tippah County, p. 41). 1913— Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Ripley. TISHOMINGO COUNTY (luka) 1938— Record, 8 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, luka. TUNICA COUNTY (Tunica) 1933— Record, 26 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Tunica. UNION COUNTY (New Albany) 1912— Record, 28 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of birth and alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, New Albany. Births WALTHALL COUNTY (Tylertown) 1914-- Record, 78 vols. Chron. by date of recording. Registrar, Tylertown. WARREN COUNTY (Vicksburg) 1912— Record, 4 vols. Chron. by date recorded. Indexed alph. by surname. County Health Officer, Vicksburg. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Greenville) 1937— Record, 54 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Greenville. WAYNE COUNTY (Waynesboro) 1914— Record, 33 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. County Health Officer, Waynesboro. WEBSTER COUNTY (Walthall) 1935— Record, 16 vols. Chron. by date of birth. No index. Registrar, Stewart, WILKINSON COUNTY (Woodville) 1912— Record, 29 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Woodville. WINSTON COUNTY (Louisville) 1921-- Record, 50 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Louisville. I YALOBUSHA COUNTY (Coffeeville-Water Valley) 1912— Record, 26 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Water Valley. YAZOO COUNTY (Yazoo City) Not inventoried. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of The Census STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI State File Number Registrar’s Number 1. PLACE OF BIRTH — City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and No Precinct Mother’s Stay Before Delivery—(a) In Hospital (b) In the Community 2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER— City or or Rural State County Town Precinct FOR LIVE BIRTH ONLY USE SPECIAL BLANK FOB RECORDING STILL BIRTH 3. FULL NAME OF CHILD 4. DATE OF BIRTH 19 5. Boy or Girl? 6. Twin or T riplet? If so—born 1st., 2d., or 3d. 7. Number Months of Pregnancy 8. Is Mother Married ? FATHER OF CHILD 9. Full Name 11. Age at Time 10. Color or Race of this Birth Yrs. 12. Where Born ? 13. Usual Occupation 14. Industry or Business MOTHER OF CHILD 15. Full Maiden Name 17. Age at Time 16. Color or Race of this Birth Yrs. 18. Where Born ? 19. Usual Occupation 20. Industry or Business 21. CHILDREN BORN TO THIS MOTHER: (a) How many other children of this mother are now living? 22. Mother’s Mailing Address for Registration Notice (b) How many other children were born alive but are now dead? (c) How many children were born dead? 23. 1 hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was born alive at the hour of M. on the date above stated, and that the information given was furnished by related to this child as 24. Date Rec’d. by Registrar 25. Signature of Registrar 19 (Signed) Address MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH Form V. S. IB EVERY BLANK ON THIS CERTIFICATE (Except the Affidavit) MUST BE FILLED OUT JUST AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN THE DAY THIS CHILD WAS BORN. (This certificate must be signed before an officer by two people thoroughly acquainted with the facts.) 1. PLACE OF BIRTH County of — Place 2. Full name of Child- 3. Male, or Female 4. Twin, Triplet or other? Number la order of birth? 5. Is this a legiti- mate child? 6. Date of birth , 19 (Month) Day Year THE FATHER 7. Full Name 8. Address at time of this birth Age at time 9. Color 10. of this birth yrs. 11. Where Born T —— 12. Occupation at time of this birth THE MOTHER 13. Full Name Before Marriage 14. Address at time of this birth Age at time 15. Color 16. of this birth yrs. 17. Where Born? 18. Occupation at time of this birth 19. Number of children born to this mother at time of this birth, and counting this birth 20. Number of children of this mother living at time of this, birth, and counting this birth (Signed) (Signed) Relation to Child ■ Relation to Child State of Mississippi, County of This day personally appeared before me. the undersigned authority in and for said County and State the above who being by me first duly sworn say that they signed the above statements of facts relative to the birth ol Sworn to and subscribed before me this the day of 1® (SEAL) Name and address of party sending in this Certificate Mississippi State Board of Health FEUX J. UNDERWOOD. M. D..Executive Officer JACKSON. MISSISSIPPI For Ages 2 through 12 Years We have your communication in which you state that We are sorry that this birth record is not on file in this office. However, it may yet be filed by using the enclosed blank and following the instructions printed below. The certificate, when completed, should be sent direct to us. Yours very truly, flX R. N. Whitfiela, M. D, Director, Vital Statistics RNW:p ends. READ CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING OUT BLANK The enclosed blank must be filled out accurately and every question answered to correspond to date of birth and no later date. Two persons thoroughly acquainted with the facts of the birth must sign the certificate before a notary or other person authorized to take depositions. These two persons may be the or one parent and the doctor who attended the case; or uncles and aunts; or two other persons who knew the facts. In the latter case the present ages of the persons signing must be stated. MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH — DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH Full Name at birth _ County of Birth NOTE -This Form ONLY for Persons Born BEFORE NOV. 1, 1912 Form V.S.—511-NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON SENDING IN THIS CERTIFICATE Name Address STATE OF MISSISSIPPI . Sex Date of Birth Color _ Full Name Where Born? THE FATHER Full Name Before Marriage Where Born? THE MOTHER AFFIDAVIT By Applicant — I hereby declare upon oath that the above statements are true and correct, (Signed). Full Address: 19. (Seal) My Commission Expires Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the day of Notary Public 19 For State of County of AFFIDAVIT By Close Relative (or other person) I hereby declare upon oath that the above Statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief - for the following reasons: (Signed). Full Address: Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the day of 1 9 _ (Seal) My Commission Expires Notary Public (Do Not Write Below This Line) For State of County of PARENTAGE, AGE AND MISSISSIPPI BIRTH VERIFIED BY U. S. CENSUS OF OTHER SUPPORTING EVIDENCE Name and Kind of Document and By Whom Issued and Signed Date Original Document Was Made 1 _2_ Information Concerning Registrant as Stated in Document 1 2 Birth Date or Age Birthplace Name of Father Name of Mother I hereby certify that I have reviewed the evidence recorded above and that the information is as noted in these ab- stracts. This the day of M. D. By 19_ State Director Vital Statistics Authorized Clerk in the Department NOTE—This Form ONLY for Persons Born ON or AFTER NOV. 1, 1912 Form V.S.—511A NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON SENDING IN THIS CERTIFICATE MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH — DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH Full Name at birth _ Sex Color County of Birth STATE OF Date MISSISSIPPI of Birth THE FATHER THE MOTHER Full Name Where Born? Full Name Before Marriage Where Born? Address AFFIDAVIT By Applicant — I hereby declare upon oath that the above statements are true and correct. (Signed). Full Address: (Seal) My Commission Expires Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the day of Notary Public 1 9 19 For State of County of AFFIDAVIT By Close Relative (or other person) I hereby declare upon oath that the above Statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief - for the following reasons: (Signed). Full Address: Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the day of 19 (Seal) My Commission Expires Notary Public 19 For State of County of PARENTAGE, AGE AND MISSISSIPPI BIRTH VERIFIED BY U. S. CENSUS OF OTHER SUPPORTING EVIDENCE (Do Not Write Below This Line) M. D. By State Director Vital Statistics Authorized Clerk in the Department Bureau of the Census Applicant for information from Census records must fill in this form as Department of Commerce completely as possible. Also it must be SIGNED IN PERSON by the applicant. Washington, D. C. Date No. Gentlemen; Will you please furnish me with any information appearing on the Census records concerning my Age, Place of Birth, and Names of Parents, especially as shown in the next census taken after my birth. Name in full of applicant (Print or Type) Maiden Name Date of Birth Place (If a woman) Full name of Father Mother . Name of Husband or Wife (1) (Z) GIVE EXACT PLACE OF RESIDENCE AT EACH DATE LISTED BELOW: Number and Street City, Town, Township With whom living Census date Very Important (precinct, beat, etc.) County and State (Name, Head of Household).. June 1, 1850 June 1, I860 June 1, 1870 June 1, 1880 , June 1, 1900 Apr. 15, 1910 Jan. 1, 1920 Apr. 1, 1930 Reason for requesting this information; For proof in preparing Delayed Birth Certificate. I certify that I have been unable to get this information from State or Local records. Signature of Applicant Present address (Number and Street) ___ City County State _ Form VS 351 Note - The 1890 schedules were destroyed by fire. SEE OTHER SIDE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING OUT THIS BUREAU CENSUS FORM The most necessary information for you to give on the blank is your location at the time the census was made. Select the first census year which came after you were born, and then to the right of this date state name of town where you were living at the time, also name of the street. If you were not living in an incorporated town, give Beat number and name of Voting Precinct. Then further to the right, give name of County, State, and with whom living. This latter question can usually be answered with the word ‘’Parents". Of course all questions in the upper half of the blank should be carefully answered, and your signature and address written at the bottom of the sheet. It may be necessary for you to confer with the parents or others to learn in what town or in what beat you were living when the particular census was made. When the blank is completed and signed by you, mail it to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D. C. Date To the Life Insurance Company Address Dear Sirs; Will you please refer to your records and send direct to the Mississippi State Board of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Jackson, Mississippi, any information concerning ray date of birth and place of birth (or reference to parents) that may appear on ray application made for Insurance in your company on or about the year Name of Beneficiary Policy No. Amt. of Insurance My Date of Birth, I was living at Yours very truly, when policy was taken out. Address, Insurance Company will please mail this direct to the applicant, who in turn will mail to us with other evidence of age and place of birth. To The Mississippi State Board of Health Division of Vital Statistics Jackson, Mississippi Dear Sirs: MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. With reference to Policy No, 1s sued , said applicant stated on the application; Date of Birth Place of Birth Parents (if mentioned): Father Mother Yours very truly. Dated at Life Insurance Company This the day of By. , 19 Official Title To Insurance Company; Please imprint your Seal on this sheet vs-352 DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARING YOUR OWN BIRTH RECORD (In case your Birth has not been Registered) 1. Use the enclosed colored "Delayed Certificate of Birth" form. - MITE PLAINLY WITH GOOD INK, OR USE A PLAIN WRITING TYPEWRITER - 2. After filling in the information about yourself and your parents, go before a notary public and complete the first affidavit. 3. Get a close relative (Father, or Mother, or Aunt, or Uncle) to make second affidavit before a notary public. If a close relative cannot be reached, someone who has known you all your life may make the second affidavit. 4. Then you must get together at least two documents written about you over five years ago, which will help in proving your Age and Place of Birth. * Such as a statement from an insurance company if the policy is over five years old; a statement from the Census Bureau at Washington, showing how you were listed in the next census after your birth; a public school record; a baptismal record (if Catholic or Episcopalian); etc., etc. SEE OTHER SIDE OF THIS SHEET. 5. For most purposes during this war copies of birth records should be certi- fied, and bear the State Board of Health seal. To get a certified copy send money order for fifty cents payable to the Mississippi State Board of Health. DO NOT SEND CASH. 6. Do not mail the State Board of Health any of the above mentioned items until you are able to send all in one envelope, which will be: a. The Delayed Certificate of Birth, prepared as directed under Paragraph 2 and 3) above. b. Two or more pieces of Documentary Proof, described in Paragraph 4, above. c. Money order for fifty cents payable to the Mississippi State Board of Health. d. A short letter from you giving your name and full address. MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI DELAYED BIRTH REGISTRATION Forms of Documents and other Evidence which may be submitted to the Mississippi State Board of Health by an Applicant in proving Parentage, Mississippi Birth, and Date of Birth. FURNISH AT LEAST TWO OF THESE OR SIMILAR DOCUMENTS. 1. A statement from the U. S. Bureau of the Census in Washington concerning the Applicant and his or her parents as shown in the next census made after the applicant’s birth. (Printed form with instructions for writing the Census Bureau is attached). If a $3.00 money order made out to the U. S. Treasury is included with this request to the Bureau of the Census, you may expect an early reply. 2. A statement from the Insurance Company, if the applicant has a policy over five years old, even though the policy is not now in force. (Blank for writing insurance company is attached). 3. A certified Baptismal Certificate. A Catholic or Episcopalian can usually secure such a certificate from his original church. 4-. If you were married in Mississippi between June, 1926, and Judy, 1938, send us date and county of marriage, and name of wife before her marriage. We will probably have your marriage record on file and it will serve as proof on your birth certificate. 5. A birth certificate of a son or daughter born more than five years ago fur- nishes excellent proof of age and Mississippi birth of the father or mother. If the child was born in Mississippi, send us the name, date, and place of birth. If born in another state, and you need this proof to complete your own birth certificate, write the State Board of Health of the other state, giving name of child, date and place of birth; send them a money order for fifty cents and ask for a certified copy of the child's birth certifi- cate . 6. A school certificate sworn to by the Superintendent of the School, or by the County Superintendent of Education, will show age and parentage of the applicant when he first entered school. 7. Army Discharge (War of 1918) will help to prove age and place of birth. 8. If the physician who attended the birth is still living, his affidavit is acceptable, especially as to names of parents and Mississippi birth of the Applicant. 9. The Mississippi State Board of Health has a book of births of McCorab City, Mississippi, dating back to July 1, 1901; a book of births for Jackson, Mississippi, dating back to November 2, 1910; and a book of births for Gulfport, Mississippi, 1906-1912,Inclusive. MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI Form VS-379 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of The Census STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF STILLBIRTH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI State File Number Registrar’s Number 1. ’LACE OF STILLBIRTH — City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and No. Precinct Mother’s Stay Before Delivery—(a) In Hospital (b) In the Community 2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER— City or or Rural State County T own Precinct 3. NAME OF CHILD STILLBORN 4. Date of birth (Month) (Day) (Ym) 5. Sex: 6. Twin or If so—born 1st triplet 2d, or 3d 7. Number months of pregnancy FATHER OF CHILD MOTHER OF CHILD . 8. Is mother married? 9. Full name 10. Color or race 11. Age at time of this birth yrs. 12. Birthplace (City. town, or county) (State or foreign country) 13. Usual occupation 14. Industry or business 15. Full maiden name 16. Color or race 17. Age at time of this birth yrs. 18. Birthplace (City. town, or oounty) (Stat. or (or.ian country) 19. Usual occupation 20. Industry or business 21. Children born to this mother: (a) How many children of this mother are now living? (b) How many children were born alive but are now dead? (c) How many other children were bom dead? 22. Mother’s usual mailing address 23. Did child die before labor? During labor? 24. Pregnancy, complications of 25. Labor: (a) Complications of (b) Induced? 26 (a) Was there an operation for delivery? (Yet or no) (b) State all operations, if any (c) Did child die before operation? or during operation? .. 27. Cause of stillbirth (state only morbid conditions causing fetal death. Do not use such terms as prematurity, asphyxia, etc.): (a) Fetal causes (b) Maternal causes 28. I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was bom dead at the hour of -on. on the date above stated. Signature (Specify if M. D.. midwife or other) Address 32 (a) Statement of local registrar or coroner if physician was not present at stillbirth (b) Signature Title 33. Date filed with local registrar 34. Registrar’s own signature 29 (a) Informant (b) Address 30 (a) Burial, cremation, or removal (i) Date . (Month day Vc) Place or burial or cremation 31 (a) Signature of funeral director (i) Address INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ALSO TO PHYSICIANS AND UNDERTAKERS FOR THEIR INFORMATION AND CO-OPERATION MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI INSTRUCTIONS TO COUNTY AND DISTRICT REGISTRARS The County and District Registrar's allegiance is to the State Board of Health. The County or District Registrar represents the Division of Vital Statistics of the Mississippi State Board of Health in his (or her) registration area. He should not hesitate to enforce the rules and regulations of the Board of Health governing birth and death registra- tion. Every effort should be made by friendly tactics to secure prompt and accurate reporting, but when these methods fail, the registrar is expected to enforce the rules and regulations. There is no reason for permitting one individual to delay his or her certificates month after month, and in many instances fail to file the required records alto- gether. HOW REGISTRARS ARE PAID County and District Registrars are paid quarterly. The division of Vital Statistics sends out vouchers to the registrars shewing the amount each is due for sending in birth and death certificates during the preceding three months. ■ For births and deaths occurring in towns of 5000 or more inhabi- tants, registrars are paid twenty-five cents for each certificate. In places of less than 5000 people, the registrar receives forty cents for each certificate sent in on time, and twenty-five cents for certificates that are delayed, or are materially incorrect, whether it be his fault or the fault of others. The voucher received by the registrar should be filed immediately with the Chancery Clerk who places the same before the Board of Super- visors for payment. Vouchers are due in January, April, July and October. THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT REGISTRAR'S REPORT The regulations require that each registrar make his report to the State Division of Vital Statistics on the tenth of each month; and a "report" means birth and death certificates for the previous month, and any delayed certificates - together with the report card,(Form V.S. 12) properly filled out to correspond to the certificates enclosed. The report will not be considered as delayed if it reaches the State Division before the x8th of the month, but it should reach the Division by the 12th. Along with the card and certificates should be sent any monthly reports from hospitals, undertakers and coffin dealers that may be in the registrar's hands. In counties having full-time health departments, the registrars have been directed to mail or turn over their reports to the health officers, who in turn mail them on to the State Division about the 15th of the month. BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS Provide a special piece of furniture (whether homemade or not) for keeping all records in proper order. Every registrar must copy his birth certificates in his Birth Record Book each month before mailing same on the tenth. He must also do the same for his death certificates, using his Death Record Book. Certificates should be numbered, beginning each year with Number a for Births and Number 1 for deaths, on the certificates and in the Record Books. HOW BIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE FILED The rules and regulations governing birth registration require the person who attends a birth (Doctor or Midwife) to file the certifi- cate within ten days with the registrar of the district or county in which the birth occurred. However, no complaint is made if the certif- icate is filed by the first of the next month, before the registrar makes his report. If there be no attendant, then the father or mother should make the birth report. In case of twins or triplets, etc., a separate birth certificate must be made for each child. Try to get each twin named and numbered in order of birth, as first born, or second born, etc. This item is very important for records in births of this nature. (Item 5 on the blank—Also, Item 27). STILLBIRTHS A stillborn child is one that shews no evidence of life after birth. Stillborn children are registered only as births. They are not registered at all unless gestation has advanced through the fifth month. BACK RECORDS OF BIRTHS There is new no regulation permitting the filing of a birth cer- tificate of any person older than twelve years of age. Send the proper information to the State Division so a search may be made, if the person was born since November 1, 1912. The record may be already on file. If not on file, the State office furnishes a special blank for registering any birth that occurred less than thirteen and over two years ago, and another form for any person over twelve years of age; but in the latter case the record must be used direct. It cannot be accepted for filing by the State Division. HOW DEATH CERTIFICATES ARE FILED The regulations of the Board of Health require that the under- taker, shall be held responsible for the completion of the death cer- tificate in every case where his hearse is used in the burial of any deceased individual. The undertaker must obtain family history of the deceased from a reliable member of the family, and must have that indi- vidual sign his or her name under Item No. 17 (Informant and Address). The undertaker must also see that the proper date of death is stated under Item 21, and must sign his name in ink and give his address under Item 19. The undertaker must present the death certificate to the last physician in attendance for completion of that portion of the certifi- cate headed "Medical Certificate of Death" and the signature of the physician must appear on the certificate. 3 DEATHS WITHOUT MEDICAL ATTENTION If no physician has recently attended the case, the undertaker should present the certificate to the local health officer for certifi- fication, or if there is no local health officer, then the registrar may state as nearly as possible the cause of death. Also, a statement should be written on the certificate showing that no physician was in attendance. VIOLENT AND ACCIDENTAL DEATHS For any death due to violence or to an accident, Items 23 and 24 must be fully completed. If a death was due to foul or suspicious means, the matter must be turned over to the coroner for his investigation, and he should state on the death certificate the findings in the case and sign his name as coro- ner . Deaths from accidental and violent means will be very carefully and extensively tabulated in the future in every state. Be sure that every question on the death certificate in such a case is fully and completely answered. (Items 23 and 24).. Coroners, sheriffs, and others can often furnish complete and au- thentic information for your violent deaths. STILLBORN For a child born dead, no death certificate should be prepared, but a birth certificate must be made in every case for any stillbirth that has developed through five months gestation. PERMITS If the death occurred in a town of five thousand or more popula- tion, the undertaker must get the certificate completed and present the same to the registrar for a burial or removal or transit permit before the body is disposed of. If the death occurs in any place of less than five thousand people, no permit is required, but the undertaker must file the certificate with the registrar within five days after death. However, if the body is to be shipped across the State line, the undertaker must secure a transit permit to be carried into the other State. This is essential because of the fact that other states require that a permit be brought in with the body for burial. If any individual or undertaker makes application to disinter a body already buried, for the purpose of removing to some other point for reburial, the disinterment permit should be completed and sent to this office for signature, and the same will be signed immediately and return ed to the person asking for permission to disinter and remove the body. The registrar retains the completed permit after disinterment and re- burial have been made. CERTIFICATES MUST BE COMPLETE The County or District Registrar must see that every death certif- icate and every birth certificate is as complete as possible before he makes his report each month. By taking pains to examine these certifi- cates carefully when received, a great deal of correspondence and lost time can be eliminated. Of course, in certain cases it is impossible to get such items as family history, especially with old Negroes; but there should be no excuse for such items being omitted as the Date, Sex,Color, Address, Legitimacy, and so forth. SIGNATURES Registrars must not sign names of physicians and undertakers on certificates. If a certificate is sent in without the proper signature, get the signature, or if that is impossible, the name and address of the person who should have signed should be written.on the margin of the cer- tificate. Registrars may sign midwives 1 names to birth certificates when such midwives cannot write. The registrar must sign his own name to every certificate before mailing to the Division of Vital Statistics, and he should also state the date the certificate was filed with him. PROMOTIONAL WORK Arrange to visit every doctor, midwife, undertaker, coffin dealer, and hospital in the County, and have an understanding with each one of them as to how certificates and reports are to be turned over to you by the time your report day arrives; but remember that a death certificate must be filed with you within five days after death. (a) It may be best to send out postal cards to doctors and mid- wives on a day near the end of the month setting a time you will call on the first or second day of the next month and asking that all certifi- cates be ready. Midwives may be met in their groups at certain points, but you should go to doctors' offices. While on this round close in- quiries should be made of citizens relative to births and deaths that have come to their attention. (b) Arrangements may be made with doctors and midwives to mail their certificates on the first of every month. It would pay to fur- nish each doctor a stamped envelope for this purpose. As for the mid- wives, the leader of each midwife club could collect certificates from the members. However, follow whatever plans you find best suited for good registration in your own registration area. (c) All hospitals, coffin dealers, and undertakers are required to report to the State Division on the first of each month. Have those in your area make these reports direct to you so you can check them against birth and death certificates received. Send such reports along with your certificates. Registrars receiving these monthly reports should copy information from them pertaining to individuals dying in other counties, and send this information to the registrars of said counties. This data will be of material aid in getting certificates on all persons dying in each county. Hospital reports apply only to the county in which the hospital is located. Here is a fine opportunity for cooperation among county registrars. 5 Watch newspaper accounts of births and deaths—make continual inquiries among visitors to the County Seat from different parts of the County—go to gatherings in different sections as you have opportunity— visit schools and ask for information—put notices in your county papers —publish monthly lists of births and deaths but do not publish their addresses—keep yourself and your job before the people all the time. SPECIAL POINTS OP INFORMATION The Division of Vital Statistics was established for the purpose of keeping records of births and deaths on November i, 1912. The Legislature authorized the State Division to begin keeping rec- ords of marriages and divorces in the early part of the year 1926, The same law authorized the Division to collect records of marriages that occurred prior to the year 1926. (By 'October 1, 1937, over 300,000 such back records of marriages had been collected in the State Division of Vital Statistics.) The law requires the Division of Vital Statistics to make a charge of fifty cents (50t) for issuing a certified copy of any birth, death, marriage, or divorce record. This fee should always be sent in the form of a money-order. When a request is sent in for a certified copy of a certificate, the name, date, and county should be clearly indicated. If the request is made for a birth certificate, the father's name should also be stated. The Board of Health some years ago directed that no registrar is authorized to issue a certified copy of a birth or death certificate. All certified copies are issued by the State Division of Vital Statis- tics. Registrars may mail a certificate in advance to the State divi- sion when a certified copy is requested. It is not good practice to send these certificates by individuals. A statement may be given by a registrar on request showing some person has died, giving name, color, date and place of death, but other items, such as aie, cause of death, etc., must not appear in the state- ment . Birth record books may be examined by school officials to deter- mine ages of children desiring to enter school for the first time. The Attorney General of the State has ruled that birth and death certificates are not public records until they are filed with the State office. Do not allow individuals to examine your certificates. Registrars are particularly cautioned not to furnish any person, firm or corporation any names and addresses connected with births and deaths. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR POSITION AS REGISTRAR IF YOU DO SO. (Names without addresses may be published in newspapers.) CORRECT STATEMENTS OF CAUSES OF DEATH It is a matter of great importance to have on the death certifi- cate as nearly as possible the accurate cause of death. Causes of death are tabulated throughout most of the civilized world on a uniform basis — in other words, so as to correspond with the adopted International List of Causes of Death. Very often a physician is not able to give full information on cause of death, but he should so state on the certificate. However, in a majority of cases he can state the cause of death in terms that will correspond to those on the uniform list. For instance, suppose a physician states that CANCER or TUBERCU- LOSIS was the cause of death, and does not state what part of the body was affected. He does not give the full information necessary, because cancer deaths and tuberculosis deaths are classified by portions of the body involved. We have to write hundreds of letters every year to doctors in Mississippi for just this additional information on cancer and tuberculosis. Hundreds of other letters to physicians could be avoided if the following points could be kept in mind: HEART DISEASE should always show the particular form of heart trouble - such as mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis, chronic endo- carditis, chronic myocarditis, and so forth. Acute myocarditis and acute endocarditis should show the cause or stated as "Cause unknown." NEPHRITIS (Brights Disease) should always be properly qualified. Acceptable terms are chronic interstitial nephritis, or chronic paren- chymatous nephritis. Acute nephritis should always be accompanied with statement of predisposing cause, or "Cause unknown." PNEUMCNIA should be stated principally as Lobar pneumonia or Bronchial pneumonia, but bronchial pneumonia should always be qualified by giving the predisposing cause, or stated as "primary" or by the statement "Cause unknown." "Terminal" pneumonia or "hypostatic" pneu- monia should always be clarified by giving the predisposini cause. PARALYSIS should be designated - such as "General Paralysis of the Insane" - "Cerebral Hemorrhage" or "Paralysis due to " or "Apoplexy." ACCIDENTAL AND VIOLENT DEATHS (Such as Homicides, Suicides, Automobile, and other accidental deaths): About 140,000 people die in the United States every year by acci- dental and violent means. Approximately 2250 such deaths occur annually in Mississippi. Every state is endeavoring to get full information on these causes of death. Items 23 and 24 should be completely answered in every accidental or violent death. Each question is of prime importance. Give not only the day of injury but also the hour; and the place of injury should show the county (or State) and the exact spot as near as possible. Registrars, physicians, undertakers, officers, and others should not hesitate to answer additional inquiries which are made relative to accidental and violent deaths. The replies are kept confidential and used only in preparing statistics. The CAUSE should always accompany such statements as the follow- ing when either of them appear on a death certificate: ABSCESS DROPSY MALNUTRITION ACCIDENT ECLAMPSIA MENINGITIS ACIDOSIS E ODE MA OPERATION ASCITES EXHAUSTION PERITONITIS ASTHENIA FRACTURE PLEURISY ATROPHY GANGRENE POISONING CONGESTION GASTRITIS SALPINGITIS CONVULSIONS HEMORRHAGE SCLEROSIS CROUP HYSTERECTOMY SEPTICEMIA DEBILITY INANITION SHOCK DILATATION INFECTION TOXEMIA of the Stomach INFLAMMATION UREMIA of the Heart JAUNDICE Examine all death certificates carefully, and if you find some causes of death which are vague, show the doctor what you see printed here, and ask him to make additional statements. You will probably see your doctors before you make your report on the tenth of each month - so this additional information should not be very hard to get. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF REGISTRARS (Effective March i, 1938) Please make changes as notified by using blanks at bottom of each page. COUNTY ADAMS (Charity Hosp ALCORN AMITE ATTALA BENTON BOLIVAR list Dist.). (and Dist.) CALHOUN CARROLL list Dist.) (and Dist.)........... CHICKASAW (1st Dist,) ( and Dist.) CHOCTAW CLAIBORNE CLARKE . CLAY COAHOMA (Clarksdale & Lyon)... (Friars Point, Farrell and Stovall)....... i( J on e s t own ).. (Coahoma Lula & Rich)......... Mattson & Dublin).... Bobo) Sherard & Hillhouse). Fishing Bayou)....... King & Anderson) COPIAH (Crystal Springs) COVINGTON DESOTO FORREST FRANKLIN GEORGE GREENE GRENADA HANCOCK (Bay St. Louis and Wave land)..... . (Aaron Academy)....... (Ansley) (Caesar) (Crane Creek).... (Kiln and Fenton)..... (Flat Top) (Gainesville)......... (La keshore) (Logtown) (Parker).... (Standard) . .. . . REGISTRAR Mrs. Eliza M. Parham W . D . Deterly Mrs. Ellie Springer...... Miss Irma Westbrook.. Mrs. R. R. Watts.... Mrs. Delphia E. McDonald Mrs. C. C. Morris Miss Ruth Naron. Mrs. Esther Bennett Mrs. Vardaman Campbell Mrs. B. P. Cain.... Mrs. Mary R. Harrington....... Mrs. Porter Davis.. D . H . Quinn Mrs. Mary H. Moore Mrs. Nellie Case Mrs. Iva U. McClellan. Miss Mercedes McConnell....... Miss Daisy Fisher.. .Dr. D. 0. Pierce W. E . Lewis Mrs. Daisy B, Harris Dr . D , H. Raney S. R. Faust Howard Parker Mrs. Garner Johnson. J. C. Stevens Mrs. J. F. Scarborough Mrs. J. M. Dampeer Miss Allie I. McLeod Mrs. Edna R. Campbell Miss Verna Beach Miss Marguerite Costley Mrs. S. E. MeEachern.......... Mrs. Lorena Skehan............ Miss Cornie Perry Dr. C. L. Horton Mrs W. P. Blackwell........... Hy Schwartz A . J• Bilbo Calvin Shaw F. Fuente Felton Whitfield .' Theo. Totenhorst Edwin Green C. W. Fountain Thomas W. Dossett Mrs. Irene Ladner ADDRESS Natchez Miss.. Nat chez Corinth Liberty Kosciusko Ashland Rosedale Cleveland Calhoun City N. Carrollton Vaiden Houston Okolona Ackerman Port Gibson Quitman West Point Clarksdale Friars Point Jonestown C oahoma Lula Mattson Bobo Hillhouse Clarksdale, R a Dickerson Hazlehurst Crystal Springs Mt, Olive He rnando Hatt iesburg Meadville Lucedale Lea ke sville Grenada Bay St. Louis Nicholson Ansley Picayune Perkinston Kiln Picayune Picayune Rt. i La kes here Logt own P ic a yune, RFD Pass Chistian HARRISON (Gulfport, Hansboro, k Miss. City) (Biloxi, Beauvior, k Woolmarket)...... (Long Beach, and Willow Springs).... (Pass Christian;..... . Saucier. Crescent)... DeLisle ) Ly-an) (Advance) HINDS HOLMES HUMPHREYS ISSAQUENA ITAWAMBA JACKSON (Moss Pt., Creole, and East Side) (Pascagoula) ... . . . .. . . (Ocean Spgs., Larue, ! Jacobs) Lat imer)..... E s c a t awp a) Bluff Creek) Hurley) - Wade ) Orange Grove) West Pascagoula and Gautier) (Pecan) (Carterville) . . (Big Point) JASPER JEFFERSON JEFF DAVIS JONES KEMPER (Electric Mills)...... LAFAYETTE LA MAR LAUDERDALE LAWRENCE LEAKE .................. LEE LEFLORE LINCOLN LOWNDES MADISON MARION MARSHALL MONROE (ist Dist.) (and Dist.).... MONTGOMERY NESHOBA NEWTON.. (Union 4 Vicinity).... NOXUBEE OKTIBBEHA PANOLA (Sard is) PEARL RIVER list Dist.) ( and Dist.) Dr. Charles LeBiron... Dr. B. Z. Welch Laura Littlepage . . Mrs. C. B. Adam Mrs. Florence Leidigh Mrs. N. NeCaise B . B . Hatten Newton Shaw E . C . Gaynor Mrs. Jennie Thweatt........... Miss Maxine Brewer Mrs. Alice Lee Mrs. Myrtle Gillentine Dr. J. F. Colley..... Miss Kate Denhy Byrl Bailey D. L. Delaney Mrs. George Thompson Mrs. Gladys Ramsey E. G. Miz elie Mrs. R. C. Faggard..... Miss M. L. Leuba. . . Walter Gautier H. W. Stark C. Dalton Havens Mrs. Hubert S. Goff Mrs. J. A, McFarland Mrs . A. C. Puffer Mrs. Lela McNease Mrs. Eva T. Cranford H. T. Jackson........ ......... Dr. A. M. McCarthy - Dr. W. W. Phillips G. J. Thomas Inman Cooper... Mrs T. F. Conn.... Mrs. Ruth Chadwick... Mrs. J. A. Cottrell Mrs. Cornelia Jordan Mrs. Alice B. Hardison Mrs. Anne Shackelford Miss Edna Cordts Mrs. J. E. Watts Mrs . Garland Ragsdale Mrs. Mary M. Mims. Miss Mamie Jones. Mrs. Sue Siddon Miss Alma Cook Mrs. C. D. Beeman.. Mrs. Z. C. Hagan Mrs. Ora H. Bethany H. C. McCreight Dr. G. H. Wood.. Dr. J. M. Anderson H. K. McKee Bruce Breland Gulfport Biloxi Gulfport Pass Christian Saucier DeLisle Lyman Perkinston Jac kson Durant Belz on i Mayersville Fulton Moss Point Pascagoula Ocean Springs Larne Escatawpa Ocean Spgs., RFD Hurley Wade Orange Grore Gautier Pecan Perkinston, RFD Big Point Bay Springs Fayette Cars on Ellisville DeKalb Electric Mills Oxford Purvis Meridian Monticello Carthage Tupe1o Greenwood Brookhaven Columbus Canton C olumbia Holly Springs Aberdeen Amor y Sweatman Philadelphia Newton Union Macon Starkville Bate sville Sa rd is Picayune Poplarville PERRY PIKE PONTOTOC PRENTISS QUITMAN RANKIN SCOTT SHARKEY SIMPSON SMITH STONE SUNFLOWER (indianola, Heathman, & Johnson's Mill).. (Moorhead A Baird).... (Ruleville) (Drew, Dwiggins, A Lombardy) IInve rn ess) Rome) Dockery) Doddsville) Hale) Sunflower)........... Blaine ) TALLAHATCHIE fist Dist. I. .......... (and Dist.)..... TATE TIPPAH TISHOMINGO TUNICA UNION WALTHALL WARREN (Vicksburg, Cedar Grove, A Yokena)... (Bovina) (Brunswick)........... (Oak Ridge) (Redwood) (Red b one) WASHINGTON WAYNE WEBSTER WILKINSON WINSTON YALOBUSHA , fist Dist.) (and Dist.).. YAZOO (Yazoo City, Eden, Benton, Crumps, Center Ridge, Rob- inette, Tokeoa, Valley, Enola, and Zion).......... iSatartia) . . • . Bentonia A Dover)..., Deasonville, Hart- town A Fugates).... (Fairview A Holly Bluff) . . . (Midway A Free Run)... (Phoen ix) Miss May Belle Long... Mrs. Julia M. Vaughn.. Mias Velma Sudduth.... Miss Lonella Rogers... Mrs. E. A. McVey...... Mrs. Audrey Lee Webb.. Mrs. W. C. Anderson... Mrs. E. E. Turnijseed, R. K. Mahaf f ey F. S. Huff Mrs. Emma Lancaster... Miss Eleanor Steele... W. E. Stevenson....... E. D. Burke C. R. Hughes Mrs. Alma Spencer Dr. J. C. Herrington., W. T. Jones Mrs. J. T. Coleman.... Dr. A. M. Liddell Robert P. Roberts Mrs. J. H. Barksdale.. Mrs. Isabel Summers... Miss Christine Lay..,. Dr. W. D. Smith Howell Alvis Mrs. Ruby Gardner..... Mrs. L. C. Shannon.... Curtis E. Miller...... Mrs. Trixie Copes Dr. F. Michael Smith.. Dr. H. H . Aust in Rev. C. S. Slater C. J. Henry H. D. Gaunt Wesley Carter....' Mrs. Minnie G. Reise.. Miss Theresa Wilson... Mrs. Willie B. Parker. Mrs. Clarke McKey,.... Mrs. E. L. Richardson. Mrs. Vera L. Rogers... Miss Lottie Brown...,. Dr. U. L. McCalip S. H. Childress Mrs. C. F. Harris Dr. H. E. Friz e11 Dr. H. C. Owen........ Dr. W. C. Smith Mrs. D. M. Busby New Augusta McComb Pontotoc Booneville Lambert Florence Rt. 4 Forest Rolling Fork Mendenhall .Rale igh Wiggins Indianola Moorhead Rnleville Drew In ve me s s Rome D o’ckery D odd sville Shaw Sun flowe r Blaine Chariest on Sumner Senat ob ia Ripley In ka Tunica New Albany Tylertown Vicksburg Bovina Brunswick Oak Ridge Redwood Cedars t RFD Greenville Waynesboro Stewart Centerville Louisville Coffeeville Water Valley Yazoo City Satart ia Ben t on ia Vaughn Holly Bluff Zeiglerville Phoenix 11 RULES AND REGULATIONS Governing BIRTH AND DEATH REGISTRATION REVISED JUNE, 1941 Every Person Affected Should Preserve a Copy for Reference MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Division of Vital Statistics Jackson, Mississippi I, Felix J. Underwood, Secretary and Executive Officer of the Mississippi State Board of Health, do hereby certify that the attached are the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health, governing birth and death registration in this State. All these attached rules and regulations have been thoroughly promulgated to all parties concerned. Witness my hand and seal of office, this the day of , nineteen hundred and (Signed) m. d. Secretary and Executive Officer, Mississippi State Board of Health. IN RE: PUBLIC INSPECTION OF RECORDS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGES, AND DIVORCES IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the Mississippi State Board of Health, That the records of births, diseases, deaths, marriages, and divorces on file in the Division of Vital Statistics, although public records and accessible to the public at reasonable times and for proper purposes, shall not be available to public inspection when it would appear that the pur- pose of such inspection is idle curiosity, or to obtain names for adver- tising purposes, or for any purpose that might be construed as against public welfare, health, safety or morals, or against public policy. That every officer and employee in the Division of Vital Statistics is hereby cautioned to observe this order and show such records to the public only in conformity with the same. APPROVED this the 13th Day of December, 1940. FELIX J. UNDERWOOD, M. D., Secretary. VITAL STATISTICS LAWS BIRTH AND DEATH RECISTRATION; MORBIDITY (Ch. 149, Laws 1912; Sec. 4904-4910, Code of 1930, as Amended by Ch. 44, Laws of 1928; Ch. 209, Laws 1936; Ch. 269, Laws of 1938.) AN ACT authorizing the State Board of establish a Bureau of Vital Statistics; provide for the registration of births and deaths; the granting of burial or removal permits; the reporting of morbidity statistics; the election of a State Registrar of Vital Statistics and other assistants and remuneration for the same. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That a Bureau of Vital Statistics shall be .established by the State Board of Health, which shall provide an adequate system for the registration of births and deaths and preservation of vital statistics on forms prescribed by said Board of Health, and provide adequate methods for enforcing the laws and orders of the Board relating to health matters of the State. Provided, however, that in the event a child is legally adopted by pro- ceedings in a chancery court of this state and a certified copy of the decree of adoption is filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics, a birth certificate issued to any person showing the registration of birth of such adopted child shall show the names of the adoptive or foster parents in lieu of the names of the natural parents of said child and shall show any change in the legal name of said child in lieu of the original name of said child, but in all other particulars shall show the true facts of birth. (Ch. 269, Laws of 1938.) Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall act as State Registrar of Vital Statistics, and his compensation for said duties shall be fixed by the said Board, and it shall be his duty to carry into effect the rules, regulations, and orders of the State Board of Health, provided for the Bureau of Vital Statistics, and the said Board shall pro- vide for such clerical and other assistance as may be necessary for the purposes of this Act, and may fix the compensation of persons thus employed within the amount appropriated for the health work by the Legislature, and provide suitable apartments, properly equipped with fire- proof vaults and filing cases, for the permanent and safe preservation of all official records made and returned to said bureau. Sec. 3. That for the purposes of this Act the said State Board of Health may divide the State into registration districts, defining and designating the boundaries thereof and appointing local registrars in each district. Sec. 4. That the said Board of Health shall formulate and promulgate rules and regulations for the proper reporting and registration of morbidity and vital statistics, prescribing the method and form of making such registration. Sec. 5. That any copy of the records of birth, sickness, or death, 5 when properly certified to by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, to be a true copy thereof, shall be prima facie in all courts and places of the facts therein stated. Sec. 6. Each local registrar shall be paid the sum of twenty-five cents for each birth and each death certificate, properly made out in the manner and on the form required by the State Board of Health, same to be paid by the Board of Supervisors of the County in which the regis- tration district is located, upon certification made annually—between January 1 and February 20—to the Board of Supervisors by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics; except that in any county where not more than two registrars are serving, the Board of Supervisors shall pay said registrar or registrars, quarterly on quarterly certification from the State Registrar. • Provided, that in any registration district in which there is no munici- pality of five thousand or more inhabitants, the local registrar shall receive as his compensation the sum of forty cents for each birth and each death certificate, provided, farther, that said Registrar shall receive only twenty- five cents for each birth and each death certificate sent in to the Bureau of Vital Statistics at a later time than fixed by the regulations of the State Board of Health. Provided, further, that in case of death, resignation, or removal of a local Registrar at any time during the year, the State Registrar of Vital Statistics may then make certification to the Board of Supervisors of the amount due such Registrar for sending in birth and death certificates up to the time of said death, resignation, or removal; and the Board of Supervisors shall pay said amount on presentation of said certification. Sec. 7. That any person or persons who shall violate any rule, regula- tion, or order of the State Board of Health relative to recording, reporting, or filing information for the Bureau of Vital Statistics, or who shall wilfully neglect or refuse to perform any duties imposed upon them by said orders, or who shall furnish false information for the purpose of making incorrect records for said Bureau, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding sixty days, or suffer both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 8. That all laws and Acts, or parts of Acts in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. That this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE REPORTS Chapter 164, Laws of 1926—Amended by Chapter 132, Laws of 1928; Sections 4933-4941, Code of 1930; Section 1426, Code of 1930; and Chapter 293, Laws of 1938; provide for statistical reports of marriages by circuit clerks and for statistical reports of divorces by chancery clerks. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH GOVERNING THE REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS, MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT APPROVED MARCH 11, 1912 Authorizing the State Board of Health to establish a Bureau of Vital Statistics; provide for the registration of births and deaths; the granting of burial or removal permits; the reporting of morbidity statistics; the election of a State Registrar of Vital Statistics and other assistants and remuneration for the same. REGISTRARS REGISTRATION DISTRICT Rule 1. For the purpose of this Act the State shall be divided into Registration Districts as follows: Each city, town, village, and election precinct shall constitute a primary registration district. Provided that the State Registrar may combine two or more of said primary registration districts into one primary registration district. APPOINTMENT OF REGISTRAR Rule 2. (As amended Dec. 13, 1940) The State Registrar shall appoint some person residing in each registration district to serve as Regis- trar of that district, provided that the following may not be appointed as registrar: (a) Practicing physician or member of his household or assistant in his office; (b) County health officer, or any of his person- nel serving on full-time basis; (c) Undertaker or member of his house- hold, or anyone in his employ. DEPUTY REGISTRAR Rule 3. Each registrar shall appoint a deputy to be approved by the State Registrar, whose duty it shall be to act instead of the registrar in case of absence, illness, or disability, who shall accept such appointment in writing, and who shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the actions of registrars. REMOVAL OF REGISTRARS Rule 4. Any registrar, or deputy registrar, who fails or neglects to efficiently discharge the duties of his office in accordance with the Act providing for the registration of births and deaths, or the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health governing the same, shall be forthwith removed from the office by the State Registrar, in addition to the other penalties that may be imposed under Section 7 of the Act, REGISTRATION OF LIVE BIRTHS Rule 5 (A) (Adopted June 23, 1939.) In order that this State may secure statistics on births which will be uniform with such records in other States, every live birth occuring in this State shall be registered on the Standard blank form prepared and furnished by the State Board of Health, said form containing the following: 1. PLACE OF BIRTH— City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and No. Precinct Mother’s Stay Before Delivery—(a) In Hospital (b) In the Community 2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER— City or or Rural State County Town Precinct 3. FULL NAME 4. DATE OF OF CHILD BIRTH 19 MOTHER OF CHILD 15. Full Maiden Name 17. Age at Time 16. Color or Race of this Birth Yrs. 18. Where Born? 19. Usual Occupation 20. Industry or Business M. on the date related to this 22. Mother’s Mailing Address for Registration Notice (b) How many other children were born alive but are now dead? (c) How many children were born dead? DEPARTMENT State File OF commerce STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH Numbcr The'cenaus STATE OF MISSISSIPPI straps 5.'Bo7oTgTH? 6. Twin or If so—born 1st., 7. Number Months 8. Is Mother Triplet? 2d., or 3d. of Pregnancy Married? 23. I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was born alive at the hour of above stated, and that the information given was furnished by child as - - (Signed).. FATHER OF CHILD 9. Full Name 11. Age at Time 10. Color or Race of this Birth Yrs. 12. Where Born? 13. Usual Occupation 14. Industry or Business 21. CHILDREN BORN TO THIS MOTHER: (a) How many other children of this mother are now living? 24. Date Rec’d. by Registrar 25. Signature of Registrar REGISTRATION OF STILLBIRTHS Rule 5 (B) (Adopted June 23, 1939.) In order that this State may secure statistics on stillbirths which will be uniform with such records in other States, every stillbirth occurring in this State shall be registered on the Standard blank form prepared and furnished by the State Board of Health, said form containing the following: 1. PLACE OF STILLBIRTH— City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and No. Precinct Mother’s Stay Before Delivery—(a) In Hospital (b) In the Community 2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER— City or or Rural State County Town Precinct 3. NAME OF CHILD STILLBORN 4. Date of birth 5. Sex: 6. Twin or If so—born 1st, 7. Number months of triolet 2d. or 3d oreamanev 8. Is mother married? MOTHER OF CHILD 15. Full maiden name 16. Color or race 17. Age at time of this birth yrs. 18. Birthplace — (Oily. town, or oouaty) (8UU or foraics oouatry) 19. Usual occupation 20. Industry or business - 27. Cause of stillbirth (state only morbid conditions causing fetal death. Do not use such terms as prematurity, asphyxia, etc,): (a) Fetal causes — (b) Maternal causes 28. I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was bom dead at the hour of «m. on the date above stated. ] Signature (BpooUy it U. D.. midvifo or othor) Address 32 (a) Statement of local registrar or coroner if physician was not present at stillbirth , (b) Signature Title 33. Date hied with local registrar - 34. Registrar’s own signature DEPARTMENT _ State File OF COMMERCE STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF STILLBIRTH Number Bureau of STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Registrar’s The Census Number 22. Mother’s usual mailing address FATHER OF CHILD 9. Full name 10. Color or race ... 11. Age at time of this birth yrs. 12. Birthplace (City, town, or aounty) (8UU or (oraisn oountry) 13. Usual occupation 14. Industry or business 23. Did child die before labor? During labor? 24. Pregnancy, complications of 25. Labor: (a) Complications of (b) Induced? 26 (a) Was there an operation for delivery? (Ye. or do) (b) State all operations, if any (c) Did child die before operation? or during operation? __ 29 (a) Informant (i) Address 30 (a) Burial, cremation, or removal (b) Date (Month d*y yw) (c) Place of burial or cremation 31 (a) Signature of funeral director (b) Address 21. Children bom to this mother: (a) How many children of this mother arc now living? (b) How many children were bom alive but arc now dead? _ (c) How many other children were bom dead? Rule 5 (C) (Adopted June 23, 1939.) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH, That the following birth certificate blank content is approved in order that the conditions set forth in Chapter 269, Laws of 1938, relative to adopted children may be met by the Division of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health: 1. PLACE OF BIRTH County Dist No Reg. No. Voting Precinct or Village or City. (Hospital) 2. Full name of child 3. Male or Female 4. Date of Birth 19 FOSTER MOTHER 11. Full Name Before Marriage 12. Address 13. Color 14. Age Yrs. 15. Where Born 16. Occupation CERTIFICATE OP ATTENDING PHYSICIAN OR MIDWIFE I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was at m., on the date above Stated. (Born nllvf or •tlllborn) (Signed) M. D. Filed 19 or Midwife __________________RFfiEtPiP Address . Address MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS ADOPTION CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH FOSTER FATHER 5. Full Name 6. Address 7. Color 8. Age Yrs. 9. Where Born 10. Occupation IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, That no adoption certificate of birth be prepared unless the original record of birth of the child in question is on file in the Division of Vital Statistics, and that the information to be placed on the adoption certificate under Items 1 to 4, inclusive, and the certificate of attending physician or midwife shall be copied from the original birth record with the exception that under Item 2 the full name of the child shall be the name given by order of the Chancery Court; and further, that the information under Items 5 to 16, inclusive, shall be ob- tained from the foster father and the foster mother; answers from the foster father and foster mother to be true as of the date of the court decree. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the original certificate of birth be removed from the regular files and placed with the certified copy of the court decree in a special file known as the “Adoption File.” IN RE: ADOPTIONS (Amendment—Approved Jan, 23, 1941) It is hereby ordered by' the Mississippi State Board of Health, That when the original birth record of an adopted child born in this State is not on file, and said child in its infancy was under the care of an orphan’s home, a home finding society or other institution, the Director of Vital Statistics may accept a birth certificate of said child made from original records on file with such institution when sworn to by the super- intendent of the same, and one other individual familiar with the records of the institution. HOW LIVE BIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE FILED Rule 6. All live births that occur in the State shall be registered in the districts in which they occur, as hereinafter provided. All certificates of live birth shall be written legibly, in unfading ink; and no certificate shall be complete and correct that does not supply all of the items of information called for therein, or satisfactorily account for their omission. It shall be the duty of the attending physician or midwife to file a certificate of live birth, properly and completely filled out on a blank provided by the Board of Health, giving all of the particulars required by Rule 5 (A), with the registrar of the district in which the birth occurred, within ten days after the date of birth. And if there be no attending physician or midwife, then it shall be the duty of the father or mother of the child, householder or owner of the premises, manager or superintend- ent of public or private institution in which the birth occurred, to register the birth as specified. In case of twins or triplets, etc., a separate birth certificate must be made for each child. The attendant on a birth must sign the certificate, and give his or her address and date of signature; provided, that a certificate of birth shall not be required for a child which has not advanced through the fifth month (20th week) of uterogestation. CHILD’S NAME Rule 7. The attendant on a live birth must make every effort possible to secure the full name of the child for the registrar before said registrar reports the birth to the State Department of Vital Statistics. When any certificate of birth of a living child is presented without the statement of the given name, then the registrar shall make out and deliver to the parent of the child, a special blank for the supplemental report of the given name of the child, which shall be filled out as directed, and returned to the registrar as soon as the child shall have been named. HOW STILLBIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE FILED Definition of a Stillbirth—A fetus showing no evidence of life after com- plete birth, providing uterogestation has advanced through 5 months (20 weeks) or more. Rule 8. All stillbirths that occur in the State shall be registered in the districts in which they occur, as hereinafter provided. All certificates of stillbirth shall be written legibly, in unfading ink; and no certificate shall be complete and correct that does not supply all of the items of information called for therein, or satisfactorily account for their omissions. It shall be the duty of the attending physician or midwife to prepare immediately a certificate of stillbirth, properly and completely filled out on a blank provided by the Board of Health, giving all of the particulars required by Rule 5 (B) (to item 29). And if there be no attending physician or midwife, then it shall be the duty of the father or mother of the child, householder or owner of the premises, manager or superin- tendent of public or private institution in which the birth occurred, to prepare the certificate as specified. In case of twins or triplets, etc., a separate certificate must be made for each child. The attendant on a stillbirth must sign the certificate, and give his or her address and date of signature. It shall be the duty of the undertaker or acting undertaker to secure from the attending physician or midwife the certificate of a stillborn child, complete items 29 (A) through 31 (B) and file the same within five days after the stillbirth occurred, with the registrar of the district in which the event took place; and if no undertaker or acting undertaker secures the certificate, the physician or midwife shall deliver the same to the registrar within ten days after stillbirth occurred. DELAYED BIRTH REGISTRATION Rule 9. (As amended Dec. 13, 1940, and June 27, 1941). It is here- by ordered by the State Board of Health that Rule 9 of the Rules and Regulations Governing Birth and Death Registration be amended so as to read as follows: Any individual born in the State of Mississippi whose birth has not been registered, may have his or her birth recorded in the Division of Vital Statistics after complying with the requirements set forth below. (a) For a child two years old or younger the birth may be regis- tered on the regular form as current births are registered. (b) For a child over two and under thirteen years of age the birth must be registered on a special blank prepared by the State Board of Health and the record sworn to by two individuals thoroughly acquainted with the facta. (c) For an individual over twelve years of age a “Delayed Cer- tificate of Birth” blank prepared by the State Board of Health must be completed, and sworn to by two individuals thoroughly acquainted with the facts. One of the two affidavits may be executed by the applicant himself. In addition to the said Delayed Certificate of Birth record, the applicant must furnish a transcript from the U. S. Bureau of the Census showing his name, age, Mississippi birth, and names of one or both parents, as taken from census records of the next census following applicant’s birth. A transcript from a later census will be acceptable, but will not be regard- ed by this Board as Class A evidence. (d) The Delayed Certificate of Birth form referred to above (Sec- tion c) shall contain the following items of information: Full name of applicant, sex, place and date of birth; name of father, maiden name of mother, color of parents, and their places of birth. In addition to above items the Director shall detail near the bottom of the blank any corrobora- tive evidence presented by the applicant. (e) If any required evidence cannot be produced, the Director of Vital Statistics is authorized to accept instead any other authentic proof of the facts connected with the age, parentage, and place of birth of the individual concerned. ILLEGITIMATE BIRTHS Rule 10. (As ammended June 27, 1941). Any physician, or other person who attends an illegitimate birth may file the certificate of such birth directly with the Department of Vital Statistics, but such certificate must be filed with said Bureau not later than the first of the month im- mediately succeeding the month of birth. No information relative to the father of an illegitimate child shall appear on the birth certificate. REGISTRARS TO KEEP RECORDS Rule 11. Every registrar must copy his birth and stillbirth cer- tificates in his Birth Record Book each month before mailing same on the 5th. He must also do the same for his death certificates—copying these in his Death Record Book. Certificate should begin with No. 1 for births and No. 1 for deaths, at the beginning of each year. However, if the county health department is keeping a card record of all births and deaths, such file may be substituted for the registrar’s record books. OVER ONE MILLION BIRIN CERTIFICATES ARE IN THIS VAULT 14 PRESENT DAY URGENCY For Prompt and Accurate Registration School Age — Six Years A child must be six years of age to enter a public school in Mississippi. Numerous school superintendents in the State each year mail to this Division lists of new pupils to find their dates of birth. In some states it is a legal requirement to show a birth record before entering school. Proof of Age for a Position No birth certificate, no job! This is getting to be true all over the country. You must prove your age and citizenship to get a job with Uncle Sam. Many in- dustries now require a birth record with every application for a position. Boys and girls have failed to secure positions because they were not registered at birth. Army — Navy — C. C. C. A birth record must accompany the application for enlistment in the Army, Navy, and the C. C. C. Uncle Sam must know your age, and he must know where you were born be- fore he figures on your other qualifica- tions. 15 Marriage The laws of Mississippi set the mini- mum legal ages for marriage at 21 years for the groom and 1 8 years for the bride. Below these ages consent of parents or guardians is required. Be fortified with a birth record to prove you are old enough to marry. Passport Would you like a trip abroad? Well-to-do folks gen- erally go. A boy or girl born poor may some day be able to go over the sea. You must possess a birth certificate to get a passport. Birth Records Should Be ACCURATE Those who attend births should take great pains to see that all questions on a birth certificate are correctly answered by the mother, and the handwriting done with care, and with good ink. Also, the mother should be concerned and use every effort to see that her child is properly recorded and promptly registered. These records are filed in the Division of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health where they are kept for generations. A birth certificate is of even greater value to a poor child than to a wealthy one. So, in fact, the poorer a family may be, the greater the reason for registering the birth of each child. 16 Rule 12. (Adopted June 23, 1939). In order that this State may secure statistics on deaths which will be uniform with such records in other states, every death occurring in this State shall be registered on the Standard blank form prepared and furnished by the State Board of Health, said form containing the following: MEDICAL CERTIFICATION 20. Date of death: Month day year hour A. M. or P. M 21. I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from that I last saw h .. alive on 19 and that death occurred on the date and hour stated above. DURATION Due to .. : 0t(Includedpr -"'r PHYSICIAN MAJOR FINbiNGS: Of operations - Underline sswrisus: should be 01 *utop,y 3. (a) FULL NAME I How Long hTu. S.7 Yrs. 22. If death was due to external causes, fill In the following: (a) Accident, suicide, or homicide (specify) _ (b) Date of occurrence (c) Where did injury occur? (City or town) (County) (State) (d) Did Injury occur In or about home, on farm, in industrial place, in public place? (Specify type of place) While at work? (e) Means of injury department cif COMMERCE STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF DEATH state fh, no. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Registrar’s No. 1. PLACE OF DEATH— County - - Town7 H I I 0I" dVi*** b 07 Rur*1 Length of Stay Before Death, (a) In Hospital (b) In this Community 2. RESIDENCE BEFORE DEATH— State County Town7 PracfiTct 3. (b) If veteran, 3 (c) Social Security 4. Sex 5. Color or Race 6 (a) Single, widowed, married, 6 (b) Name of husband or wife... 8 (c) Age of husband or wife If I«»ve years 7. Birth date of deceased (liay) (Year) 8. AGE: Years Months Days If less than one day hplace (Qjjy {owrli or covmty) (State or foreign country) 10. Usual occupation —..— £ fl2. Name — j|l3. B rt P aC*city, town, or county) (State or foreign country) sjl- — ■ (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 16 (a) Informant’s signature (b) Address 17 (a> (Burial,''creation, or removal) '(Month) (bay) (Year) (C) Place - - (b) Address IN RE: STANDARD CERTIFICATE BLANKS As ordered June 23, 1939, under Rules 5 (a), (b), (c), and Rule 12. That present rules and regulations of the Board of Health, or parts of such rules and regulations in conflict with this order shall be so con- strued as to conform to the contents of these new standard certificate blanks. REGISTRATION OF DEATHS Rule 13. No dead human body shall be held out for Burial, Crema- tion, or other such disposition in Mississippi longer than forty-eight (48) hours after death, unless the same has been thoroughly embalmed by a licensed embalmer. UNDERTAKER TO FILE DEATH CERTIFICATE and Obtain Permit (where required) Rule 14. The undertaker or person acting as undertaker shall be responsible for obtaining and filing the certificate of death with the registrar of the district in which the death occurred. He shall obtain the personal and statistical particulars from the person best qualified to supply them, over the signature and address of the informant. He shall then present the certificate to the attending physician, if any, or to the health officer or coroner, as directed by the registrar, for the medical certificate of the cause of death, and other particulars necessary to complete the record. He shall then state the facts required relative to the date of death and date and place of burial, over his signature and with his address, and present the completed certificate to the registrar within five days after the death occurred. Except that when a body is to be transported across the State line for final disposition in another state the completed death certificate must be delivered to the registrar and a burial-transit permit obtained prior to the removal of the body, in accord with Rules 15 and 23 of these Rules and Regulations. In such case the Undertaker shall deliver the burial-transit permit to the proper authority in the other state; or shall attach the burial-transit permit to the box containing the corpse, when the same is to be shipped by any transportation company. (See Rule 23, for Rules and Regulations Governing the Transportation of Bodies in the State of Mississippi). DISINTERMENT PERMIT Rule 15. No dead body shall be disinterred in Mississippi for trans- portation without a permit being given by the Mississippi State Board of Health for such disinterment; and said permit shall be presented to the registrar of the district in which the body is to be disinterred, who shall in turn issue a transportation permit if the body is to be re-interred in another state. Disinterred remains for transportation shall be incased in a metal casket or metal lined box and hermetically sealed; provided, that bodies in a receiving vault when prepared by licensed embalmers shall not be regarded as disinterred bodies until the expiration of thirty days. 18 IN RE: BURIAL-TRANSIT PERMIT Rule 16. (As adopted June 27, 1941). It is hereby ordered by the Mississippi State Board of Health: That, after May 1, 1941, no undertaker or acting undertaker will be required to obtain a burial-transit permit in this State for disposition of any dead body, except under the following conidtions: (a) The regulation burial-transit permit must be obtained as here- tofore when a body is to be transported across the State line for burial or cremation in another State, in accord with Rule 23. (b) A permit accompanying a body brought into Mississippi for burial must be delivered by the funeral director within five days to the registrar of the district in which the body is interred, in accord with Rule 23. (c) A disinterment permit must be obtained as heretofore, from the State Board of Health, when a body is to be disinterred for reinterment in another place, in accord with Rule 23. (d) Every undertaker or acting undertaker before burying a dead body in a cemetery with a regular sexton employed who is keeping a rec- ord of burials, shall present said sexton, on a blank furnished by the State Board of Health, certain information as required by Rule 17. (e) In any case where no permit is required a complete death cer- tificate must be filed by the undertaker or acting undertaker with the registrar of the district in which the death took place, and such certificate must be filed within five days after the death occurred. That all rules and regulations or parts of rules and regulations in con- flict with this order are hereby repealed. INFORMATION FOR SEXTON Rule 17. When a body is to be buried in a cemetery with a regular sexton employed, and the sexton is keeping a record of his burials, it shall be the duty of the undertaker to furnish said sexton at the time of the interment, the following information, either in the form of the regular burial permit, when required, or where permits are not required at the place of death, then on a special blank; 1. Name, age and sex of deceased; 2. Place of death; 3. Cause of death; 4. Date of burial; 5. Name and address of undertaker. FALSE INFORMATION Rule 18. If the undertaker who secures information for a death certificate has reason to believe that any item has been answered falsely for the purpose of making an incorrect death record, it shall be the duty of said undertaker to inform the State Board of Health within five days after the death occurred, of such false information, at the same time furnishing the Board of Health with particulars as to name of deceased, date and place of death, name and address of party furnishing the false information, and the item, or items, of information believed to be false and given in for the purpose of making an incorrect record. DEATH WITHOUT MEDICAL ATTENTION Rule 19. In the case of a death where no physician was used, the health officer, if one is near, should fill out the physician’s side of the death certificate. If no health officer is available the registrar is authorized to complete the certificate, and should state that there was no attending physician; also should give cause of death according to whatever informa- tion may be available. Death from suspicious or foul means should be referred to the coroner for investigation and certification (by the coroner) on the death certificate. Rule 20. If no undertaker used his hearse in the disposition of a dead body, then the procedure just outlined in rules 13 to 19, inclusive must be followed by the acting undertaker or by the nearest relative of the deceased. Rule 21. The “Medical Certificate” on the death certificate blank shall be completed by, and signed by, the last physician in attendance on the deceased. Said physician shall also indicate on the blank the date of his certification. PHYSICIAN’S STATEMENT ON DEATH CERTIFICATE DELAYED DEATH CERTIFICATES Rule 22. No certificate for a death that occurred more than one year prior to request for filing shall be accepted by the Department of Vital Statistics, unless said record be supported by affidavits of at least two reliable persons, who shall be the undertaker or acting under- taker, or c.offin seller, and the last physician in attendance, if available. Provided, further, that no death certificate shall be accepted by the Department for any death that occurred more than five years prior to date of request for filing same. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE TRANSPORTATION OF BODIES OF PERSONS DYING IN OR BURIED IN THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI (Rule 23. As amended June 23, 1939 and April, 1941) BODIES SHIPPED OUT OF THE STATE Rule 23. (1) A Burial-Transit Permit shall first be obtained from the Registrar of the District by the undertaker, or acting undertaker, be- fore transporting or shipping a corpse from Mississippi into another state. Said permit shall consist of the following, and the blanks for the same shall be furnished by the State Board of Health: (a) Full Name of Deceased; Place of Death; Date of Death; Method of Disposal; Place of Disposal. (b) Permit of Registrar. (c) Statement and Signature of Sexton or other authority as to date and method of Disposal, to be filled in immediately after disposition of the body. (d) When the body is to be shipped, the Burial-Transit Permit shall be attached in a strong envelope to the shipping case. (e) If the body is to be transported by Motor Vehicle, the Burial- Transit Permit shall be delivered immediately to the proper authorities in the other state. (f) The shipping funeral director shall state on the shipping en- velope how the body is prepared; and if embalmed, the name and license number of the embalmer. (2) The transportation into other states of bodies dead of smallpox, plague, Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, diphtheria (mem- branous croup or diphtheritic sore throat), scarlet fever, (scarlet rash or scarlatina), epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, erysipelas, anthrax, and leprosy, shall be permitted only under the following conditions: The body shall be thoroughly embalmed with an approved disinfectant fluid, all orifices shall be closed with absorbent cotton, the body shall be washed with the disinfectant fluid, and placed at once in the coffin or casket which shall be immediately closed, and the coffin or casket shall be placed in a strong well made outside case. (3) Transportation of bodies dead of any disease other than those mentioned in Section 2 shall be permitted under the following conditions: (a) When the destination can be reached within twenty-four hours after death, the coffin or casket shall be enclosed in a strong well made outside case, and may be shipped or transported without embalming. (b) When the destination cannot be reached within twenty-four hours after death, the body shall be thoroughly embalmed, and the coffin or casket placed in a strong well made outside shipping case. (4) When a dead body is transported from another state into Mis- 21 sissippi for burial, then the transit and removal permit, issued in accord- ance with the law and health regulations of the place where death occur- red, shall be delivered within five days by the undertaker to the regis- trar of the district where interment was made, together with a statement by the undertaker over his signature showing date and place of burial. (5) No dead body shall be disinterred in Mississippi for transporta- tion without a permit being given by the Mississippi State Board of Health for such disinterment; and said permit shall be presented to the registrar of the district in which the body is to be disinterred, who shall in turn issue a transportation permit if the body is to be re-interred in another state. Disinterred remains for transportation shall be incased in a metal casket or metal lined box and hermetically sealed; provided, that bodies in a re- ceiving vault when prepared by licensed embalmers shall not be regarded as disinterred bodies until the expiration of thirty days. (Rule 15). (6) The outside case may be omitted in all instances when the body is transported in hearse or funeral director’s conveyance. (7) Every outside case shall bear at least four handles and when over five feet six inches in length shall bear six handles. (8) The term embalming as employed in these rules shall require injection arterially, in addition to cavity injection, of an approved em- balming fluid by a licensed embalmer until the body is properly embalmed. RULE 24. TRANSPORTATION WITHIN THE STATE Rule 24. (1) Transportation within the State is defined as ship- ping or transporting a dead body from one county to another county in the State for burial or other disposition. (2) For transportation of bodies within the State, no Burial-Transit Permit is required, but when no permit is required, the undertaker in charge must observe Rule 17 of the Rules and Regulations wherever a sexton is keeping records of burials in his cemetery. (3) When the destination cannot be r6ached within twenty-four (24) hours after death, the body shall be thoroughly embalmed by a licensed embalmer. Except that a body for transportation in a first class container to the State University, for dissection purposes, may not be embalmed under 36 hours after death. (Amendment November 28, 1936). (4) Every coffin or casket for transporting a body within the State shall be strongly and safely constructed. (5) The transportation of bodies dead of smallpox, plague, Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, diphtheria (membranous croup or diphtheritic sore throat), scarlet fever (scarlet rash or scarlatina), epi- demic cerebrospinal meningitis, anthrax, and leprosy shall be permitted only under the following conditions: The body shall be thoroughly em- balmed with an approved disinfectant fluid, all orifices shall be closed with absorbent cotton, the body shall be washed with the disinfectant 22 fluid and placed at once in the coffin or casket, which shall be immediately closed; and no coffin or casket containing a body dead of one of the above mentioned diseases shall be opened for inspection of the body. (6) No disinterred body, offensive to smell, shall be transported in this State unless encased in a metal casket or metal lined box, and her- metically sealed. ADOPTED JUNE 25, 1926 BY THE MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Revised June 24, 1929 Revised November 16, 1931 Revised December 8, 1937 Revised June 23, 1939 Revised June 27, 1941 UNDERTAKERS TO MAKE MONTHLY REPORTS REPORTS Rule 25. For the purpose of obtaining an additional check on death registration in Mississippi, it is hereby ordered by the Mississippi State Board of Health that on the first day of every month, each and every person, firm, corporation, burial society, or burial association, engaged in the business of burying dead persons, shall make a report to the Depart- ment, or its designated agent, showing the following data relative to each and every dead person buried during the previous month by such person, firm, corporation, burial society, or burial association: (1) name of de- ceased; (2) color; (3) county in which death occurred; (4) date of death; (5) name of registrar to whom the death certificate was delivered. COFFIN DEALERS’ RECORDS AND REPORTS Rule 26. Every person, firm, or corporation selling a casket, shall keep a record showing the name of the purchaser, purchaser’s post office address, name of deceased, date and county of death of deceased, and name and address of nearest relative of the deceased living in the home or in the community at the time of the death. This record to be open to inspection of the State Registrar at all times. On the first day of each month the person, firm, or corporation selling caskets shall report to the State Registrar, or his designated agent, each sale for the preceding month, on a blank provided for that purpose, and containing the following in- formation: (1) name of deceased; (2) color; (3) county of the death; (4) date of death; (5) name and address of nearest relatives; (6) relation of said relative to deceased. Provided, however, no person, firm, or cor- poration selling caskets only to dealers or undertakers shall be required to keep such records, nor shall such reports be required from undertakers when they have direct charge of the disposition of a dead body. Every person, firm, or corporation selling a casket at retail and not having charge of the disposition of the body, shall enclose within the casket a blank death certificate and a notice furnished by the State Registrar calling the attention of the family of the deceased to the re- quirements of the law, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health concerning the burial or other disposition of a dead body; and shall write at the bottom of said notice the name of the registrar of the district in which the death occurred. Every person, firm, or corporation selling caskets at retail shall obtain from the State Registrar of Vital Statistics at least once a year a list of registrars of all counties in which caskets are sold by him or them. The name of the person, firm, or corporation selling a casket shall be written on the reverse side of the blank death certificate placed inside of the casket. Rule 27. (As amended June 27, 1941.) All superintendents or man- agers, or other persons in charge of hospitals, almshouses, lying-in or other institutions, public or private, to which persons resort for treatment of diseases, confinements, or are committed by process of law, are hereby required to make a record for each inmate on admittance of all the per- sonal and statistical particulars that are required in the forms of birth and death certificates provided for by the Rules and Regulations, and as directed by the State Registrar. The personal particulars and information required by this section shall be obtained from the individual himself if it is practicable to do so; and when they can not be so obtained, they shall be secured in as complete a manner as possible from relatives, friends, or other persons acquainted with the facts. HOSPITAL RECORDS AND REPORTS Except that for persons resorting to said institutions for confine- ment, the personal and statistical particulars shall be entered on the standard birth (or stillbirth) certificate blank supplied by the Missis- sippi State Board of Health, and it shall be the duty of the Superintend- ent or manager of the institution immediately after each live birth oc- curs to prepare a live birth certificate in detail and secure the signature thereon of the attendant at the birth; and in the case of a stillborn child to prepare a stillbirth certificate through Item 22; then to have the attendant on the stillbirth complete Items 23 through 28 including his signature; then to have the undertaker or other person taking charge of the body to complete Items 29, 30, and 31. Completed live birth certificates and stillbirth certificates must be turned over to the registrar of the district on request of the registrar, except that when the body of a stillborn infant is to be transported across the State line the undertaker, or acting undertaker, must exchange the stillborn birth cer- tificate with the registrar for a burial-transit permit. It shall be the duty of every hospital in the state, through its super- 24 intendent or manager, to make a report to the State Department of Vital Statistics, through the registrar of the district where the hospital is located, on the first day of each month, on blanks provided by the State Board of Health, showing a complete list of births and deaths occurring in the hospital during the preceding month, and giving in detail the follow- ing information relative to each birth: (1) Date of Birth, (2) Name of Father, (3) Address of Father, (4) Name of Attendant; and giving in detail the following information relative to each death: (1) Name and Age of Deceased, (2) Date of Death, (3) Previous Address, (4) Name of At- tending Physician, (5) Disposition of the Body. Every stillbirth shall be reported as a birth only. In case of an illegitimate child, the report must show the name of the mother instead of the name of the father. REGISTRAR'S REPORTS Rule 28. (As revised Dec. 13, 1940). It shall be the duty of the Registrar to supply blank forms to such persons as require them and he shall carefully examine each certificate of birth or death when presented for record to see that it has been made out in accordance with the pro- visions of the rules and regulations and the instructions of the State Registrar; and if any certificate is incomplete or unsatisfactory, it shall be his duty to secure the proper information. And he shall on the fifth day of each month transmit to the State Registrar, or to the County Health Officer if so directed, all of the original certificates of births and deaths registered with him during the preceding month, together with a summary card, and such other reports as he may have received from un- dertakers, coffin dealers, hospitals, etc., but the health officer must for- ward said report to the Division of Vital Statistics not later than the 7th of the month. Rule 29. The State Registrar shall carefully examine the certificates received monthly from registrars, and if any such are incomplete or unsatisfactory he shall require such further information to be furnished as may be necessary to make the record complete and satisfactory. And all physicians, midwives, informants, or undertakers, connected with any case, and all other persons having knowledge of the facts, are hereby required to furnish such information as they may possess regarding any birth or death, upon demand of the State Registrar in person, by mail, or through the registrar. INCOMPLETE CERTIFICATES GENERAL RULES BLANK FORMS Rule 30. The State Registrar shall prepare, print, and supply all registrars all blanks and forms used is registering, recording, and pre- serving the returns, or in otherwise carrying out the purposes of this Act; and shall prepare and issue such detailed instructions as may be required to secure the uniform observance of its provisions and maintenance of a perfect system of registration. And no other blanks shall be used than those supplied by the State Registrar. BINDING AND INDEXING Rule 31. The State Registrar shall furnish, arrange, bind, and permanently preserve the certificates in a systematic manner, and shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive and continuous index of all births and deaths registered. Rule 32. The State Registrar shall, upon request, furnish any applicant a certified copy of the record of any birth or death registered under provisions of this Act, for making and certification of which he shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents to be paid by the applicant. For any search of the files and records, when no certified copy is made, the State Registrar shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents for each hour or fractional hour of the time of search, to be paid by the applicant. And the State Registrar shall keep a true and correct account of all fees received by him under these provisions, and turn the same over to the State Treasurer quarterly. Provided, further, that no registrar shall issue a plain copy or certified copy of any record of birth or death. CERTIFIED COPIES OF CERTIFICATES PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING REGULATIONS PHYSICIANS AND MIDWIVES Rule 33. If any physician, who was in medical attendance upon any deceased person at the time of death shall neglect or refuse to make out and deliver to the undertaker, sexton, or other person in charge of the interment, removal, or other disposition of the body, upon request, the medical certificate of cause of death, hereinbefore provided. Or, if any physician or midwife, in attendance upon a case of confine- ment, or any other person charged with responsibility for reporting births, who shall neglect or refuse to file a proper certificate of birth with the registrar within the time required by Rule 6 shall be deemed guilty of violation of Section 7 of the Act. UNDERTAKERS, SEXTONS, ETC. Rule 34. If any undertaker, sexton, or other person acting as under- taker, shall inter, remove, or otherwise dispose of the body of any deceased person, without having received a burial or removal permit as herein provided he shall be deemed guilty of violation of Section 7 of the Act. Rule 35. If any registrar, or deputy registrar, or sub-registrar who shall neglect or fail to enforce the provisions of this Act in his district, or shall neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties imposed upon him by this Act or by the instructions and direction of the State Registrar, shall be deemed guilty of violation of' Section 7 of the Act. REGISTRARS 26 ALTERING CERTIFICATES, ETC. Rule 36. If any person who shall wilfully alter any certificate of birth or death, or the copy of any certificate of birth or death on file in the office of the local or State Registrar, shall be deemed guilty of violation of Section 7 of the Act. Any other person, or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act and the Rules and Regulations, or shall wilfully neglect or refuse .to perform any duties imposed upon them by the provisions of the Act, and the Rules and Regulations, or shall furnish false information to a physician, undertaker, midwife or informant, for the purpose of making incorrect certification of births or deaths shall be guilty of violation of Section 7 of the Act. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES Rule 37. Any transportation company or common carrier trans- porting or carrying, or accepting through its agents or employees for transportation or carriage, the body of any deceased person, without an accompanying permit issued in accordance with the provisions of the Rules and Regulations, shall be deemed guilty of violation of Section 7 of the Act; provided, that in case the death occurred outside of the State, and the body is accompanied by a certificate of death, burial or removal or transit permit issued in accordance with law or Board of Health regulations in force where the death occurred, such death certificate, burial or removal or transit permit, may be held to authorize the transportation or carriage of the body into or through the State. REGISTRARS TO ENFORCE REGULATIONS Rule 38. Registrars are hereby charged with the strict and thorough enforcement of the provisions of this Act in their districts, under the supervision and direction of the State Registrar. And they shall make an immediate report to the State Registrar of any violations of this law, coming to their notice by observation or upon complaint of any person, or otherwise. The State Registrar under the direction of the State Board of Health is hereby charged with the thorough and efficient execu- tion of the provisions of the Act and the Rules and Regulations in every part of the State, and with the supervisory power over registrars, to the end that all of the requirements shall be uniformly complied with. He shall have authority to investigate cases of irregularity or violation of law, personally or by accredited representative, and all registrars shall aid him, upon request, in such investigations. When he shall deem it necessary, he shall report cases of violation of any of the provisions of this Act to the prosecuting attorney of the proper county, with a state- ment of facts and circumstances, and when any such case is reported to them by the State Registrar, all prosecuting attorneys shall forthwith initiate and prosecute the necessary proceedings against the parties re- sponsible for the alleged violation of the law. FELIX J. UNDERWOOD, M. D. Secretary and Executive Officer Mississippi State Board of Health 27 PREPARATION AND FILING OF CERTIFICATES OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS 1. The new Standard Live Birth, Stillbirth, and Death blanks should be used exclusively. All old forms should be discarded, if any are left on hand. 2. Every item on the blank should be carefully answered with information obtained from the individual best informed in the case. Physicians will please carry the "Birth Record Note Book" along and get correct data for birth certificates from the new mothers themselves. This note book will also be the doctor's stub book. 3. Each certificate should be prepared as neatly as possible with pen and good ink. Typing is acceptable, if the letters are clear. Physicians and undertakers should know that nearly half the cer- tificates are photographed and sent to the families concerned. 4. Stillbirths are to be recorded only on the new Standard Still- birth certificate blank. 5. Signatures. Birth and Death certificates are legal records. Physicians and undertakers must sign in ink. A record may be challenged in court, or by some other person or agency if signa- tures are not properly done. The registrar signs each certificate. The "informant" must sign on the death certificate. 6. Filing. Our county registrars are now Special Agents of the Bureau of the Census, and can cooperate with physicians and undertakers in filing certificates. In a county with full-time health department, immediate filing of each certificate with the registrar would be a great help to the health officer; also to the Social Security Board with which many of our citizens are now concerned. Death certificates should never be filed later than 5 days after death. 7. The Division of Vital Statistics of the Mississippi State Board of Health was organized November 1, 1912. From that time to November 1, 1939 — twenty-seven years — approximately 1,216,000 live births were registered, together with 614,000 deaths. In addition, since January 1, 1926, this Division has registered approximately 400,000 marriages and 36,000 divorces. Also, there have been secured about 300,000 card records of marriages in the State dating from the earliest times to January 1, 1926. 28 THE VALUE OF THE DEATH CERTIFICATE FIRST — What a Death Certificate IS NOT. The certificate of Death as prepared by the undertaker is not simply a scrap of paper. It is not merely a blank filled out because the registration law requires such a formality. It is not just a piece of writing to be laid upon a musty shelf and never referred to again. It is not merely a few facts and fig- ures to be combined with other such records and certain statistics derived there- from. SECOND — What a Death Certificate IS. 1. It is a living record of a dead personality. No matter how lowly in life, or how highly esteemed — the infant, the sharecropper, the prince or the king—each must have a death certificate prepared at death. The same blank is used for the pauper as is used for the king. 2. The Death Certificate is a legal record — a living witness of facts, not only for today, but for generations to come. A fortune may hinge on a death certificate. 3. Death records constitute the barometer of the health conditions of a community, or state, or a nation. From year to year they portray the progress we are making, or foiling to make, in our battles with the grim reaper. 4. The Death Certificate is a family record. For over a quarter of a cen- tury it has been unnecessary for citizens of Mississippi to enter their deaths in the family Bible, which wears out easily, and which goes up in smoke along with other household effects when the house burns down. Therefore, Death Certificates should be promptly and accurately compiled, and then filed with all diligence, with the registrar who transmits them to the Division of Vital Statistics of the Mississippi State Board of Health. Social Security Nearly 50,000,000 persons have been given Social Security numbers in the United States — about one-third of the entire population. The Social Security Board must have immedi- ate proof of death of any number holder. Arrangements for such proof have been made through state and local registrars. Therefore, this constitutes one of the modern and important reasons for prompt and accurate filing of certificates of death. Always think of Social Security in connection with a death. A space is provided for the number on the death certificate. MODERN EQUIPMENT FOR HANDLING MISSISSIPPI’S VITAL STATISTICS HUBQAm MARY J 28 2 3752 165 HUBBARD MINNIE L S4 i *139 163 HUBBARD M1NROD JR 47 2 8983 153 HOWARD RACHAEL 20 t 6448 163? HU8fcA*B SAM o«s 1 3992 aee HAYS AONES H 30 1 12117 200 HICKS AtBf»DA 32 2 2442 200 HAYES ALICE 41 2 1528 300 HICKEV ANDY E 36 1 8703 300 HOUSE ANNA L 36 12 12235 200 HOUSE ARIC 12 2 8187 300 haves BARBARA J 57 2 1601S 200 HICKS BESSIE R Ot 2 3891 200 HAYS at lev 8 08 1 St 58 300 HAVES 808 41 2 123U 300 HOOKS BOO01E f 80 i 9665 200 HAYES BURRELL 38 1 10505 INDEX Page Adoption Certificates of Birth 10 Altering Certificates 27 Birth Certificate, Content 8 Births—Delayed Certificates 13 Births—How Registered 11 Births, Illegitimate 13 Births, Stillborn 12 Binding and Indexing 26 Blank Forms 25 Burial-Transit Permit 19 Certified Copies of Certificates 26 Child’s Name 1 12 Coffin Dealers, Duties 23 Coffin Dealers, Monthly Reports 23 Death Certificate, Content 17 Deaths, Undertakers Time Limit 18 Deaths, Without Medical Attention 20 Death Certificate, Physician’s Statement 20 Death Certificate, Delayed 20 Death Certificate, False Information 19 Deaths, How Registered 18 Disinterment Permit 18 Divorce Reports 6 Hospitals, Records 24 Hospitals, Reports 24 Incomplete Certificates 25 Law Authorizing Bureau of Vital Statistics 5 Marriage Reports 6 Physician’s Statement, Death Certificate 20 Penalties for Violation of Regulations 26 Public Inspection of Records 4 Registration District 7 Registrars and Deputies, Appointment 7 Registrars, How Paid (Sec. 6 of Laws) 6 Registrars, Removal of 7 Registrars, Records 14 Registrars, Reports 25 Registrars to Enforce Rules and Regulations 27 Sexton, Information for 19 Stillbirth Certificate, Content 9 Stillbirths, How Registered 12 Transportation Companies 27 Transportation Rules 21 Undertakers, Monthly Reports 23 Undertakers, Duty When False Information Is Given 19 31 14 LEGISLATION CONCERNING DEATH RECORDS The act of June 26, 1822, required the assessors of taxes in the several counties, at the time of making their next assessment and for three succeeding years, to make an enumeration of births, deaths and persons over 70 years of age in their counties and report it to tho Secretary of State who was to lay it before the The assessor received a fee of 5 cents for each person so enumerated. No records compiled under this lav/ have been found* By a law approved March 1, 1878, it was made tho duty of the State Board of Health, to exercise general supervision of the State system of registration of births, marriages and The secretary of the board was made Superin- tendent of Vital Statistics in the State. It was provided that records of deaths, births, and marriages should be filed with the clerk of the circuit court. This provision was repealed by the act of March 4, 1880.° From 1897 to 1912, the function of collecting complete death statistics was assigned to a county board consisting of 5 physicians, one from each super- visor’s district, appointed by the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. Tho Hospi- tal Medical College at Vicksburg acted as the State Bureau of Vital Statistics until 1906. It was provided that the county board might keep book.’ for regis- tering deaths which occured in the counties. The State Bureau was required to make an annual report to the State Department of Health concerning statistical work done in tho State during the proceeding Since no funds wore pro- vided this law was never carried out. Death registration with tho Division of Vital Statistics cf the State Board of Health was established in Mississippi by the ace of 1912By the end of 1938, a total of 591,436 deaths had been registeredr° NO DEATH CERTIFICATES OR COPIES THEREOF ARE AVAILABLE EXCEPT FRCM THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Records of deaths kept in the counties are copies or abstracts, of the originals sent to the State Board. Because of the tendency to consolidate registration districts and the fact that the County Health Officer is the most important health official in the county, records are listed under his office even though they may, in part, be in the possession of the local reg- istrars. Where there is no Health Office records are listed with the Registrar. 1 • ~L» M*' 1'822 , <24 . 2. L. M. 1878, p. 131. 3. L. M. 1880, p. 160. 4. L. M« 1897, p. 15] Code 1906, sec. 1645. 5. L. M. 1912, pp. 158-159; Code 1917, secs. 4868-4874; Code 1830, sees. 4904-4910. 6. Mississippi State Board of Health, Thirty-First Biennial Report, 1937-39,”p. 28. (1-3) STATE DEATH RECORDS (See also entry 9, p. 5) 1. DEATHS, 1912—. 1457 vols. (labeled by contained cert if. nos.). Original standard death certificates filed with Division of Vital Statistics by local registrars of births and deaths, showing State file number, place of death by county, city, rural precinct, hospital, or street address; length of stay before death in hospital or in the community; residence before death by State, county, city,or rural precinct; full name of deceased; if foreign born, number of years in United States; veteran’s status, if any; social se- curity number; sex, color, or race, and marital status; name and age of husband or wife if alive; month, day and year of birth of deceased; age of deceased in years, months, and days, and in hours and minutes if less than one day of age; birthplace, usual occupation, industry or business of deceased; name and birth- place of father; full maiden name and birthplace of mother; signature and ad- dress of informant; whether buried, cremated, or removed, and date and place'of burial, cremation, or removal; signature and address of funeral director; date certificate received by local registrar; signature of registrar; medical cer- tification showing month, day, year, hour, a. m. or p. m. of death; certificate of physician of attendance on deceased; duration of attendance; last time seen alive; immediate cause of death; major findings of operation or autopsy; data as to doath if due to external causes; whether accident, suicide, or homicide; whether death occurod in or about hone, on farm, in industrial place, or in public place, and while at work; means of injury; signature and address of phy- sician, and date signed. Arr. alph. by name of county in which doath occured, and numer. thereunder by contained Stato file no. For index, see entries 2, 3. Edw. on ptd. form. 500 pp. 7 x 9 x 3. 2. DEATH INDEX, 1912-40. 21 vols. (dated). Russel-Soundcx index to Deaths (entry 1), showing surname and Christian name of deceased, name of county of death, color of deceased, certificate number, and year of doath. Arr. alph. by first letter of surname and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed, 13 vols., 1912-24, 1927-31; photostat of typed card slips, 8 vols., 1925-26, 1932-40. 200 pp. 12 x 9 x 2. 3. DEATH INDEX, Jan. 1, 1941 - Sept. 30, 1941. 77 Remington-Rand Double Panels. Card slip index to 1941 volumes in Deaths (entry 1), showing surname and Chris- tian name of deceased; name of county of death; color of deceased; certificate number; and year of death. Arr. alph. by first letter of surname of deceased, and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed. Av. 90 card slips to panel 6 x 15* Dr. R. N. Whitfield, Director, Division of Vital Statistics, Miss. State Board of Health, Jackson. Certified copy 50/. COUNTY DEATH RECORDS ADAMS COUNTY (Natchez) 1879 Record (in Register of Marriages, Births and Deaths), 1 vol. Chron. by date of death. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. 1929-- Record* 1 f. d. and 5 shelves (4! x !♦)* Alph. by surname of de- ceased. Card index. Alph. by surname of deceased. County Health Officer, Natchez. ALCORN COUNTY (Corinth) 1938— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death. Index alph. by surname of deceased. County Health Officer, Corinth. AMITE COUNTY (Liberty) 1913— Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Liberty. ATTALA COUNTY (Kosciusko) 1912— Record, 40 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Kosciusko. BENTON COUNTY (Ashland) 1912— Record, 20 vols* Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Ashland. BOLIVAR COUNTY (Roscdale-Clcveland) 1935— Record, If. b. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Rosedale, CALHOUN COUNTY (Pittsboro) 1912— Record, 31 vols, Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Pittsboro. CARROLL COUNTY (Carrollton-Vaiden) 1912— Record, 97 vols. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. Registrar, Carrollton. 1916— Record, 21 vols. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Vaiden. CHICKASAW COUNTY (Houston-Okolona) 1912— Record, 24 bundles. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Houston. 1915— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar. Ok oIona. Deaths CHOCTAW COUNTY (Ackerman) 1916— Record, 9 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Ackerman. CLAIBORNE COUNTY (Port Gibson) 1915— Record, 18 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Port Gibson. CLARKE COUNTY (Quitman) 1916— Record, 24 vols. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Quitman. CLAY COUNTY (West Point) v 1912— Record, 190 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Regis- trar, West Point. COAHCMA COUNTY (Clarksdale) 1928— Record, 37 vols. and 8 f. b. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Clarksdale. COPIAH COUNTY (Hazlehurst) 1912-- Record, 35 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Hazlehurst. COVINGTON COUNTY (Collins) 1912— Record, 10 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Collins. DESOTO COUNTY (Hernando) 1935— Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Hernando. FORREST COUNTY (Hattiesburg) 1912— Record, 3 vols. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Hattiesburg. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Meadville) 1912— Record, 24 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Meadville. GEORGE COUNTY (Luccdale) 1912—- Record, 16 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Lucedale. Deaths GREENE COUNTY (Leakesville) 1935-- Record, 2 vols. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Leakesville. GRENADA COUNTY (Grenada) 1912— Record, 33 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Grenada. HANCOCK COUNTY (Bay St. Louis) 1912— Record, 29 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Bay St. Louis. HARRISON COUNTY (Gulfport) 1906-16 Record (Gulfport), 1 vol. Chron. by date of death. No index. Division of Vital Statistics, State Board of Health, Jackson. 1912— Record, 70 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Gulfport, HINDS COUNTY (Raymond-Jackson) ' 1925— Record, 140 vols. Chron. by date of death. No indox. County Health Officer, Jackson. HOLMES COUNTY (Lexington) 1930— Record, 1 vol. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Lexington. HUMPHREYS COUNTY (Belzoni) 1933— Record, 1 f. d. Alph. by name of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Belzoni. ISSAQUENA COUNTY (Mayersville) 1912— Record, 7 vols. and 2 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. Mayersville. ITAWAMBA COUNTY (Fulton) 1912-- Rocord, 1 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, FuIt on • JACKSON COUNTY (Pascagoula) 1909— Record, 4 shelves. Alph. by surname. No index. County Health Officer, Pascagoula, Deaths JASPER COUNTY (Bay Springs) 1912— Record, 36 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Bay Springs. JEFFERSON COUNTY (Fayette) 1912— Record, 15 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Fayette. JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY (Prentiss) 1914— Record, 37 vols. Chron. by date of death. Index alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. County Health Officer, Prentiss.. JONES COUNTY (Ellisville-Laurel) 1912— Record, 21 vols. and 13 f. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Laurel. KEMPER COUNTY (DeKalb) 1933— Record, 8 vols. and 6 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, DeKalb. LAFAYETTE COUNTY (Oxford) 1912— Record, 53 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Oxford. LAMAR COUNTY (Purvis) 1933— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Purvis. LAUDERDALE COUNTY (Meridian) 1930— Record, 14 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Meridian. LAWRENCE COUNTY (Monticello) 1935— Record, 6 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Mont icello. LEAKE COUNTY Not invent or icd • LES COUNTY (Tupelo) 1932— Record, 1 vol. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer., Tupelo. 20 Deaths LEFLORE COUNTY (Greenwood) 1931— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Greenwood. LINCOLN COUNTY (Brookhaven) 1929— Record, 1 vol. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Brook- haven. LOWNDES COUNTY (Columbus) 1913— Record, 82 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Columbus. MADISON COUNTY (Canton) 1936 — Record, 2 f. b. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Canton* MARION COUNTY (Columbia) 1915— Record, 30 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Columbia, MARSHALL COUNTY (Holly Springs) 1912— Record, 43 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Holly Springs. MONROE COUNTY (Aberdeen) 1935— Record, 1 f. d. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Aberdeen. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Winona) 1912— Record, 30 vols. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Winona. NESHOBA COUNTY (Philadelphia) 1930— Record, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Philadelphia. NEWTON COUNTY (Decatur) 1931— Record, 19 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Decatur. NOXUBEE COUNTY (Macon) 1912— Record, 45 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Macon. Deaths OKTIBBEHA COUNTY (Starkville) 1912— Record, 38 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Starkville. PANOLA COUNTY (Batesville-Sardis) 1912— Record, 84 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Datesville. PEARL RIVER COUNTY (Poplarville) 1935— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Poplarville. PERRY COUNTY (New Augusta) 1912— Record, 20 vols. and 1 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, New Augusta. PIKE COUNTY (Magnolia) 1931— Record, 1 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Magnolia. PONTOTOC COUNTY (Pontotoc) 1935-- Record, 1 f. d. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Pontotoc. PRENTISS COUNTY (Booneville) 1912— Record, 24 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Booneville. QUITMAN COUNTY (Marks) 1923-- Record, 50 vols. Alph. by surnEime of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Marks. RANKIN COUNTY (Brandon) 1912— Record, 44 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Brandon. SCOTT COUNTY (Forest) 1912— Record, 19 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar. Forest. SHARKEY COUNTY (Rolling Fork) 1927— Record, 5 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Rolling Fork. Deaths SIMPSON COUNTY (Mendenhall) 1912-- Record, 38 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Mendenhall. SMITH COUNTY (Raleigh) 1912-- Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Raleigh. STONE COUNTY (Wiggins) 1912— Record, 12 vols. and If. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. thereunder by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Wiggins. SUNFLOWER COUNTY (indianola) 1933-- Record, 3 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Indianola. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY (Charleston-Sumner) 1912— Record, 40 vols. and 3 f. b. Chron. by date of death. Index alph. by surname of deceased. County Health Officer, Charleston. TATE COUNTY (Senatobia) 1912- Rocord, 15 vols. and 3 f. b. Chron. by date of death. Index alph. by surname of deceased. County Health Officer, Senatobia. TIPPAH COUNTY (Ripley) (Sec also Marriages, Tippah County, p. 41) 1913— Record, 8 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Ripley. TISHOMINGO COUNTY (luka) 1938— Record, 4 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, luka. TUNICA COUNTY (Tunica) 1925-- Record, 20 vols. and 1 f. b. Chron. by date of death and alph. by first letter of surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Tunica. UNION COUNTY (New Albany) 1912-- Record, 96 vols. and If. d. Chron. by date of death-. 1912- 1936, no index; 1937—, index alph. by surname of deceased.. County Health Officer, New Albany. Deaths WALTHALL COUNTY (Tylertown) 1914-- Record, 21 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Tylertown. WARREN COUNTY (Vicksburg) 1928-- Record, 4 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. County Health Officer, Vicksburg. WASHINGT ON C OUNTY (Gr e en vi 1 le) 1937-- Record, 51 vols. Chron. by date of death and alph. by surname of deceased. No index. County Health Officer, Greenville. WAYNE COUNTY (Waynesboro) 1913— Record, 19 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. County Health Officer, Waynesboro. WEBSTER COUNTY (Walthall) 1935-- Record, 6 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Walt hall, WILKINSON COUNTY (Woodville) 1912-- Record, 20 vols. Chron. by date of death. No index. Registrar, Controvillc. WINSTON COUNTY (Louisville) 1921— Record, 25 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Registrar, Louisville and Noxapater. YALOBUSHA COUNTY (Coffeevillo-Water Valley) 1912— Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date recorded. County Health Officer, Water Valley. YAZOO COUNTY Not inventoried. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI State File No. Registrar’s No. 1. PLACE OF DEATH— City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and Number Precinct Length of Stay Before Death, (a) in Hospital (b) In this Community 2. RESIDENCE BEFORE DEATH— City or or Rural State County Town Precinct 3. (a) FULL NAME If Foreign Born How Long in U. S.? Yr«. 3. (b) If veteran, 3 (c) Social Security name war No MEDICAL CERTIFICATION 20. Date of death: Month day year hour A. M. or P. M 21. I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from 19 , to , 19 ; that I last saw h alive on 19 ; and that death occurred on the date and hour stated above. DURATION Immediate cause of death Due to Other conditions (Include pregnancy within 3 months of death) PHYSICIAN MAJOR FINDINGS: Of operations Underline the cause to which death should be Of autopsy charged sta- tistically. 22. If death was due to external causes, fill in the following: (a) Accident, suicide, or homicide (specify) (b) Date of occurrence (c) Where did injury occur? (City or town) (County) (State) (d) Did injury occur in or about home, on farm, in industrial place, in public place? (Specify type of place) While at work? (e) Means of injury 23. Signature , M. D. Address Date Signed. ..._ 4. Sex 5. Color or Race 6 (a) Single, widowed, married divorced 6 (b) Name of husband or wife. 6 (c) Age of husband or wife il (alive years 7. Birth date of deceased (Month) (Day) (Year) 8. AGE: Years I Months Days If less than one day hr min 9. Birthplace (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 10. Usual occupation 11. Industry or business 2 [ 12. Name £ ) 13. Birthplace (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) £C f Ul 14. Maiden name xj o|15. Birthplace Ig I (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 16 (a) Informant’s signature (b) Address 17 (a) (b) Date (Burial, cremation, or removal) (Month) (Day) (Year) (c) Place 18 (a) Signature, funeral director (b) Address - 19 (a) (b) (Date received local registrar) (Registrar’s signature) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF STILLBIRTH STATE OF MISSISSIPPI State File Number Bureau of The Census Registrar’s Number 1. PLACE OF STILLBIRTH— City or Inside or Outside County Town Corporate Limits? or Street or Rural Hospital and No. Precinct Mother’s Stay Before Delivery—(a) In Hospital (b) In the Community 2. RESIDENCE OF MOTHER— City or or Rural State County T own Precinct 3. NAME OF CHILD STILLBORN 4. Date of birth (Month) (D»y) (Ymut) 5. Sex: 6. Twin or triplet If so—born 1st, 2d. or 3d 7. Number months of pregnancy 8. Is mother married? . FATHER OF CHILD 9. Full name 10. Color or race 11. Age at time of this birth yrs. 12. Birthplace s (City. town, or county) (State or foreign country) 13. Usual occupation 14. Industry or business MOTHER OF CHILD 15. Full maiden name 16. Color or race 17. Age at time of this birth yrs. 18. Birthplace (City. town, or county) (Stnto or fonhtn country) 19. Usual occupation 20. Industry or business 21. Children born to this mother; (a) How many children of this mother are now living? (b) How many children were born alive but are now dead? (c) How many other children were bom dead? 22. Mother’s usual mailing address 27. Cause of stillbirth (state only morbid conditions causing fetal death. Do not use such terms as prematurity, asphyxia, etc.): (a) Fetal causes (b) Maternal causes 28. I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child who was bom dead at the hour of jn. on the date above stated. Signature (Specify if M. D.. midwife or other) Address 23. Did child die before labor? During labor? 24. Pregnancy, complications of 25. Labor: (a) Complications of (i) Induced? 26 (a) Was there an operation for delivery? (Yee or no) (i) State all operations, if any (c) Did child die before operation? or during operation? _ 32 (a) Statement of local registrar or coroner if physician was not present at stillbirth (b) Signature Title 33. Date filed with local registrar 34. Registrar’s own signature 29 (a) Informant (Jj) Address 30 (a) Burial, cremation, or removal (b) Date . (Month dny year) (c) Place of burial or cremation 31 (a) Signature of funeral director (b) Address LEGISLATION CONCERNING MARRIAGE RECORDS Legislation requiring the keeping of marriage records in Mississippi was first enacted on February 28, 1799. This laxv authorized persons to be joined in marriage either after declaring or publishing their intention to marry at least 15 days before such a marriage, or procuring a license from the Governor. Officiants were required to transmit a certificate of every marriage performed to the register of the county in which the ceremony was performed. The obtaining of a license was made mandatory by laws passed in 1805 and 1807.® Until 1857 licenses wore issued by the register of the orphan’s court,0 from 1857 to 1871 by the clerk of the probate and since 1871 by the clerk of the circuit court.® Officiants have been required to return certificates of all marriages performed to the officials issuing the licenses, to bo recorded in the office of issuance.^ With respect to the keeping of marriage records by the State Board of Health, a law passed in 1878, but repealed in 1880, made it the duty of the circuit clerks to furnish the Board with detailed information concerning marriages, compiled from the local marriage records.' Since 1926 it has been mandatory that circuit clerks make regular monthly reports to the Division of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health of licenses issued and of marriages performed in the counties.® To obtain records of marriages prior to 1926, the State Board of Health was authorized in 1926 to contract with the circuit clerks of all counties to report such marriages.^ 1. The Historical Records Survey, Sargent1s Code, A Collection of the Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory Enacted • • • 1799-1800 , The Historical Records Survey, Jackson, 1939, pp. 23-25. Hereafter cited as Sargent’s Code. 2. Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory, Series D, No. 3, Mississippi Department of Archives and History; Code 1807, p. 368; Code 1816, p. 329. 3. Code 1807, p. 368; Code 1816, p. 329; Code 1848, p. 493. 4. Code 1857, p. 332. 5. Code 1871, sec. 1760; Code 1880, sec. 1148; Code 1892, sec. 2860; Code 1906, sec. 3245; Code 1917, sec. 2552; Code 1930, sec. 2362. 6. Code 1807, p. 368; Code 1816, p. 329; Code 1848, p. 493; Code 1857, p. 333; Code 1871, sec. 1761; Code 1880, sec. 2553; Code 1930, sec-. 2364. 7. L. M. 1878, p. 131; L. M. 1880, p. 160. 8. L. M. 1926, p. 255; Code 1930, sec. 4926-4927; L. M. 1939, p. 653. See entries 3, 5, 6. 9. L. M. 1926, p. 257; L. M. 1929, p. 185; Code 1930, sec. 4940. o.o entries 1, 2. (1-4) STATE MARRIAGE RECORDS 1. MARRIAGES PRIOR TO 1926, 1801-1925. 350 file drawers. Three types of cards filled out by clerks of county circuit courts from local marriage records, giving information in these local records including: 1. Marriage license issued but never cancelled and no returns made showing that marriage was ever consummated, record of; showing names of intended groom and bride, date license issued, volume and page of record in local marriage records, statement by clerk that license was never cancelled, and that no return was made to show that marriage was consummated, signature of clerk, name of county, and date of certification. ii. Marriage record, correct copy of, showing date filed with Board of Health, names of groom and bride, color, date married, name and title of officiant at marriage ceremony, certification of clerk, volume and page of record in local marriage records, signature of clerk, name of county, and date of certification, iii. Marriage record of persons whose color is not known, correct copy of, showing date filed with Board of Health, names of groom and bride, date married, name and title of officiant at marriage ceremony, certification of clerk, volume and page of record in local marriage records, signature of clerk, name of county, and date of certifi- cation. Arr. according to Russe1-Soundex system. No index. Approx. 325,000 cards kept in file drawers 5 x 7 x 16. 2. MARRIAGES PRIOR TO 1926, 1801-1925. 3 f. d. Microfilmed copies of three types of cards filled out by clerks of the circuit court of all counties from local marriage records, entry 1. For contents, arrangement, and indexing, see entry 1. Microfilm. 52 100’ films kept in file drawers 5 x 7 x 16. 3. MARRIAGES, 1926-April 1938. 718 vols. (1-13500). Discontinued in April 1938 in favor of punched card record. Marriages, entry 5. Original monthly statistical reports of marriages, filled out by contracting parties prior to performance of marriage ceremony, certified to and filed by officiant with clerk of the circuit court issuing license, and delivered to Division of Vital Statistic by the clerk; showing State file number, full names, county and State of residence, present and future address, race or color of groom and bride; whether or not single, widov/ed, or divorced and age, place of birth, occupation, fathers’ and mothers’ full names; signatures of contracting parties and of witnesses certification, signature, title and address of officiant; date and place ceremony performed; date license issued; and name of county in which issued. Reverse side of form shows instructions for filling out form and citation to law of 1926 requiring form to be filled out. Arr. alph. by name of county in which license was issued, and number, thereunder by contained State file number. For index, see entry 4, below. Hdw. on ptd. form. 500 pp. 8 x 9 x 2>r. 4. MARRIAGE INDEX, 1926-June 1938. 11 vols. (dated). Discontinued in June 1938 in favor of punched card record. Marriages, entry 5. Marriages (5-6) Photostatic copies of Russel-Soundex panel indexes to Marriages (entry 3), showing surname, Christian name, and second initial of groom, initials of bride, county code number, code number denoting color (l for white, 2 for colored), numerical indication of month, calendar year, and contained State file number. Arr. according to Russel-Soundex system. Photostat. Av. 200 pp. 6 vols., 1926-31, 14 x 11 x 3; 5 vols., 1932-38, 12 x 9 x 2. 5. MARRIAGES, July 1928-December 1941. 47 f. d. Punched card record of marriages consummated in all counties transmitted monthly by circuit clerk, showing name of county; month; color of contracting parties; name, age, address and name of father of groom; name, age, address, and name of father of bride; date licensed; date married; name and title of officiant; volume and page of record in local marriage records; signature of clerk of the circuit court; and punches denoting county, month, color, name letter, code number, and ages of groom and bride. Arr. according to Russell- Soundex system. No index as this is a combination original record and index. Typed and hdw. on ptd. form. 4-gr x 8-g- x 24. 6. MARRIAGES, January 1942—. 7 vols. (1-3500). Original monthly statistical report of marriages sent to Division of Vital Statistics by circuit clerk, showing State file number, full name, address, age, and color of bride and groom; names of fathers; date licensed, married, and name and title of officiant at marriage ceremony; book and page number in local marriage record; and certification of the clerk, Arr. alph. by name of county in which license was issued and numer. thereunder by contained State file number. No index. 1 box punched cards and printed index to be prepared from these reports. Hdw. and typed on ptd. form. 500 pp. 64- x 8g ' x 2 |. Dr. R. N. Whitfield, Director, Division of Vital Statistics, Mississippi State Board of Health, Jackson. Certified copy 50/. COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS ADAMS COUNTY (Natchez) 1802— Marriage Record (white), 20 vols. Chron. by date issued. 1802- 73, separate index; 1874—, indexed alph. by first letter of surname of male. Certified copy 75/. Circuit Clerk, Natchez, 1802-73 Index (white), 3 vols. Alph. direct and reverse, by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. 1866— Marriage Record (colored), 31 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male. Certified copy 75/. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. 1879-80 Marriages (in Register of Marriages, Births and Deaths), 1 vol. Chron. by date of marriage. No index. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. 1892-- White and Colored Marriage License Returns. 22 f. b, Chron. by date of return. No index. Circuit Clerk, Natchez. ALCORN COUNTY (Corinth) 1840— Marriage Record (white and colored), 47 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Corinth. Records, 1840-69 are records of old Tishomingo County. AMITE COUNTY (Liberty) 1809-- Marriage Record, 32 vols. Chron. by date issued. Separate index. Certified copy •*!. Circuit Clerk, Liberty. 1809-- Index, 3 vols. Alph. direct and reverse, by first letter of sur- name. Circuit Clerk, Liberty. ATTALA COUNTY (Kosciusko) 1892— Marriage Record (white), 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Kosciusko. 1892-- Marriage Record (colored), 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Kosciusko. BENTON COUNTY (Ashland) 1870— Marriage Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male. Certified copy vl. Circuit Clerk, Ashland. BOLIVAR COUNTY (Rosedalc-Cleveland) 1866— Marriage Record, 46 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy ijfil. Circuit Clerk, Rosedale. 1900-- Marriage Record, 54 vols. Alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy #1. Circuit Clerk, Cleveland. Marriages CALHOUN COUNTY (Pittsboro) 1930- Record of Marriage Applicants, 1 vol, Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Pittsboro. 1931— Affidavits for Marriage License, 2 f. d. No index. Certified copy vl« Circuit Clerk, Pittsboro, 1922— Marriage Record (white), 5 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy tyl. Circuit Clerk, Pittsboro. 1923— Marriage Record (colored), 2 vols. Chron. by date issued Indev alph. by first letter of surname of male. Circuit Clerk, Pivts- boro. 1923— Marriage Certificates Returned, 3 f. d. No arr. Mo index. Circuit Clerk, Pittsboro. CARROLL COUNTY (CarrolIton-Vaiden) 1834-- Marriage Record, 27 vols. Chron. by date recorded. Index alph. direct and reverse, by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Carrollton. 1873— Marriage Record, 10 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy Cl. Circuit Clerk, Vaiden. CHICKASAW COUNTY (Eouston-Okolona) 1930— Record of Marriage Application, 1 vol. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Houston. 1863-96 Marriage License and Bond, 7 vols. Chron. by date issued, and chron. thereunder by date returned. No index. Certified copy Cl- Circuit Clerk, Houston. 1877-96 Marriage License and Bond, 4 vols, Chron. by date issued and by date of return. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Okolona. 1862-- Marriage Record, 20 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy |1. Circuit Clerk, Okolona. 1877— Marriage Record, 16 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Certified copy frl. Circuit Clerk, Okolona, 1924— Certificates of Marriage, 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Houston. 1936— Certificates of Marriages, License Returned, 28 pkg. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Houston. CHOCTAW COUNTY (Ackerman) 1931— Record of Marriage Applications, 3 vols. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ackerman. 1881— Marriage Record, 19 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index, 1881-1912, alph. direct and reverse, by first letter of surnames of both applicants. Certified copy vl. Circuit Cleric, Acker- man. Marr iages CLAIBORNE COUNTY (Fort Gibson) 1816— Marriage Record (white), 15 vols. Chron. by date of application. No index. Certified copy bl.25. Circuit Clerk, Port Gibson. 1870— Marriage Record (colored), 21 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy (1.25. Circuit Clerk, Port Gibson. 1890— Certificates of Marriage License Returned. 7 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Port Gibson. CLARKE COUNTY (Quitman) 1853-- Marriage Record (white), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Quitman. 1866— Marriage Record (colored), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy *1. Circuit Clerk, Quitman. 1915— Marriage License Certificates, 2 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Quitman. CLAY COUNTY (West Point) 1872— Marriage Record, 29 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy Ql. Circuit Clerk, West Point. 1872— Marriage Returns, 3 pigeon holes and 4 manila jackets. Numer. by license number. No index. Circuit Clerk, West Point. COAHQMA COUNTY (Clarksdale) 1849-1930 Marriage Record District^7 (white and colored), 27 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index by first letter of surname of groom. Certified copy Ql. Circuit Clerk, Clarksdale. 1892— Marriage Record (white), 8 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of groom. Circuit Clerk, Clarksdale. 1892-- Marriage License (colored), 56 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alnh. by first letter of surname of groom. Certified copy Ql. Circuit Clerk, Clarksdale. COPIAH COUNTY (Hazlehurst) 1823-31; Marriage Record, 51 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. 1836— by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Hazlehurst. 1823— Index to Marriage Record, 3 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Hazlehurst. 1933— Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 2 desk files. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Hazlehurst. Marriages COVINGTON COUNTY (Collins) 1904— Marriage Record (white), 9 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Collins. 1904— General Index to Marriage Record, 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Circuit Clerk, Collins.. 1905— Marriage Record (colored), 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $!• Circuit Clerk, Collins. 1905— Certificate of Marriage License Returned (white), 2 f. b. Chron. by date received. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Collins. 1905— Certificates of Marriage License Returned (colored), 2 f. b. Chron. by date received. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Collins. DESOTO COUNTY (Hernando) 1845— Marriage Record (white), 28 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of male and female. Certified copy from 50/ to £1*50. Circuit Clerk, Hernando. 1866— Marriage Record (colored), 34 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surname of groom and bride. Direct and reverse. Certified copy from 50/ to Cl.50. Cir- cuit Clerk, Hernando. 1936— Monthly Reports of Marriages, If. b. Chron. by date of report. No index. Circuit Clerk, Hernando. FORREST COUNTY (Hattiesburg) 1930— Application for Marriage License, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Hattiesburg. 1908— Marriage Record, 35 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph., direct and reverse by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Hattiesburg. 1908— General Index to Marriage Record, 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Circuit Clerk, Hattiesburg, 1910— Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 4 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Hattiesburg. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Meadville) 1818— Marriage Record (white and colored), 29 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Meadville. 1818-1905; Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 1 f. b. and 1 1935— basket. 1818-1905, no arr.; 1935--, chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Meadville. 31 Marriages GEORGE COUNTY (Luc©dale) 1932— Marriage Notices, 1 vol. Chron. by date of notice. No index. Certified copy 80/. Circuit Clerk, Lucedale. 1910— Marriage Record (white), 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 80/. Circuit Clerk, Lucedale. 1910— Marriage Record (colored), 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 80/. Circuit Clerk, Lucedale. 1928— Marriage Certificates, 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 80/. Circuit Clerk, Lucedale. GREENE COUNTY (Leakesvilie) 1930— Notice of Application for Marriage License, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Leakesville. 1874— Marriage Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy |l. Circuit Clerk, Leakesville. 1912— Certificate of Marriage, 2 f. b. and 5 pkgs. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy &1. Circuit Clerk, Leakesville. GRENADA C OUNTY (Grenada) 1870— Marriage Record (white), 7 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy vl. Circuit Clerk, Grenada. 1880— Marriage Record (colored), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Grenada. 1908— Certificates of Marriage Returned, 6 f. b. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Grenada. HANCOCK COUNTY (Bay St. Louis) 1853— Marriage Record, 29 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Bay St. Louis. 1853— Marriage License Certificates (colored), 2 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Bay St. Louis. 1882— Marriage License Certificates (white), 10 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Bay St. Louis. HARRISON COUNTY (Gulfport) 1841— Marriage Record, 51 vols, Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Gulfport. 1846— Marriage Certificates, 41 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Gulfport. 1869-78 Marriage Bonds, 1 vol. Chron. by date of Bond. No index. Circuit Clerk, Gulfport. 32 Marr iages HINDS COUNTY (Raymond-Jackson) 1930-- Notice of Applications for Marriage License, 1 vol. Chron. byr date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1838— Marriage Bonds, 6 vols. Chron. by date of Bond. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy *>1. Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1823— Marriage License Record (white), 13 vols. Chron. by date issued. 1823-70, separate index; 1871—, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copyr Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1823-- General Index to Record of Marriages (white), 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1865— Marriage Record License (colored), 35 vols. Chron. by date issued. 1865-78, separate index; 1879—, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Jjpl. Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1865-78 General Index to Record of Marriages (colored), 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Certified cony not available. Circuit Clerk, Raymond. 1870— Marriage Record (white), 26 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Jackson. 1871— Marriage Record (colored), 37 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Jackson. HOUSES COUNTY (Lexington) 1889-90 Marriage Record (colored), 28 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. Separate index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Lexington. 1893— Marriage Record (white), 6 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. Separate index. Certified copy &!. Circuit Clerk, Lexington. 1889-90 Index to Record of Marriages (colored), Alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Lexington. 1893— Index to Record of Marriage (white), 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames of bride and groom. Circuit Clerk, Lexing- ton. HUMPHREYS COUNTY (Belzoni) 1930-37 Applications for Marriage Licenses (white), 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Belzoni. 1930-37 Application for Marriage Licenses (colored), 2 vols. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Belzoni. 1918— Marriage Record (white), 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Belzoni. 1918— Marriage Record (colored), 12 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy v-1. Circuit Clerk, Belzoni. I!***-** » ISSAQUENA COUNTY (Mayersvilie) 1866-- Marriage Record, 18 vols. Chron. by date issued- Index direct and reverse, alph. bjr first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Mayersvilie. ITAWAMBA COUNTY (Fulton) 1837— Marriage Record (white and colored), 28 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 4-1. Circuit Cleric, Fulton. JACKSON COUNTY (Pascagoula) 1914-18 Application for Marriage License Certificates, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Pascagoula. 1875-1908 Marriage Record, 8 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Pascagoula. 1909— Marriage Record (white), 23 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy |p 1 * Circuit Clerk, Pascagoula. 1909— Marriage Record (colored), 19 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy *>1. Circuit Clerk, Pascagoula. 1898— Certificates of Marriage Licenses Returned, 12 f. b. Chron. by dates certificates returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Pasca- goula . JASPER COUNTY (Bay Springs-Paulding) 1931— Notice of Application for Marriage License, 2 vols. Chron. by date of notice. No index. Circuit Clerk, Bay Springs. 1906— Marriage Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1, Circuit Clerk, Bay Springs. 1932— Marriage Record, 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Paulding. JEFFERSON COUNTY (Fayette) 1930— Record of Marriage Applications (notices), 1 vol. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Fayette. 1805— Marriage Record (white), 17 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Cl. Circuit Clerk, Fayette. 1866— Marriage Record (colored), 20 vols. Chron. by date of marriage. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Cl* Circuit Clerk, Fayette. 1898— Marriage Record (certificates), 5 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Fayette. Marriages JEFFERSON COUNTY (Continued) 1915— Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 2 f. b. and 1 bundle. Chron. by date of return. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Fayette. JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY (Prentiss) 1906— Marriage Record (white), 7 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1, Circuit Clerk, Prentiss. 1906— Marriage Record (colored), 5 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Prentiss. JONES COUNTY (Ellisville-Laurel) 1882— Marriage Record (white), 12 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Ellisville. 1887— Marriage Record (colored), 7 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy £l. Circuit Clerk, Ellisville. 1907— White Marriages, 14 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy 01. Circuit Clerk, Laurel. 1923-32 Marriage Certificates, 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Laurel. 1932— Returns on Marriage Licenses, 1 f. b. and 9 folders. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Laurel. KEMPER COUNTY (DeKalb) 1912— Marriage Record (white), 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, DeKalb. 1912— Marriage Record (colored), 8 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, DeKalb. 1928-- Marriage Certificates Returned (white), 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, DeKalb. 1933— Certificates of Marriage Licenses Returned (colored), 1 bundle. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, DeKalb. LAFAYETTE COUNTY (Oxford) 1931— Notice of Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1 vol, Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Oxford. 1850-- Marriage Record (white), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Oxford. Marriages LAFAYETTE COUNTY (Continued) 1837— Marriage License, 48 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Oxford. 1865— Marriage Record (Freedmen), 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Oxford. 1893-- Marriage Record (colored), 11 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Oxford. 1901— Marriage Certificates, 3 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Certified copy *>!• Circuit Clerk, Oxford. LAMAR COUNTY (Purvis) 1931— Notice of Applications for Marriage License* 1 vol. Chhon. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Purvis. 1889— Marriage Record, 16 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Purvis. 1920— Certificates of Marriage, 2 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Purvis. LAUDERDALE COUNTY (Meridian) 1839-45; Marriage Record (white), 37 vols. Chron. by date issued. 1851— Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Meridian. 1865— Marriage Record (colored), 38 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy fyl. Circuit Clerk, Meridian. 1893-1910; Marriage Licenses and Certificates Returned, 3 f. b. Chron. 1939— by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Meridian. LAWRENCE COUNTY (Montice llo) 1818— Marriage Record, 22 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy ftl. Circuit Clerk, Mont icello. LEAKE COUNTY (Carthage) 1836-57; Marriage Record, 21 vols, Chron. by date issued. No index. I860-- Certified copy fcl* Circuit Clerk, Carthage. LEE COUNTY (Tupelo) 1930-34 Marriage Application, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Tupelo. 1867— Marriage Record (white and colored), 44 vols. Chron. by date- issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy |1. Circuit Clerk, Tupelo. Marriages LEE COUNTY (Continued) 1867-- Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 16 f. d. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Tupelo. 1938— Statistical Record of Marriages for State Board of Health, 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Tupelo. LEFLORE COUNTY (Greenwood) 1844— Marriage Record, 74 vols. Chron. by date of issue. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Greenwood. LINCOLN COUNTY (Brookhaven) 1893— Marriage Record (white and colored), 29 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of male and female. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Brookhaven. 1893— Marriage Record, 7 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Brookhaven. LOWNDES COUNTY (Columbus) 1830— Marriage Record (white), 36 vols. Chron. by date issued. Separate index. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Columbus. 1865-76 Marriage Record (Freedmen), 4 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy tyl. Circuit Clerk, Columbus. 1877— Marriage Record (colored), 23 vols. Chron. by date issued. Separate index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Columbus. 1865— Index to Marriages (colored), 10 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Certified copy $1* Circuit Clerk, Columbus. 1892-- Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 5 f. b. and 1 bundle. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Columbus. MADISON COUNTY (Canton) 1865-73 Marriage Record (Freedmen), 2 vols. Chron. by date of marriage. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Canton. 1930— Marriage Licenses, Record and Certificates, 1 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Circuit Clerk, Canton. 1930-- Marriage Record, 31 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Canton. 1932— Statistical Record of Marriages, 1 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Circuit Clerk, Canton. 1934— Marriage Record (colored), 1 vol, Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Canton. Marriages MARION COUNTY (Columbia) 1812— Marriage Record, 24 vols. Chron. by date filed. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Columbia. MARSHALL COUNTY (Holly Springs) 1836-1929 Marriage Record (white and colored), 32 vols. Chrcn. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Holly Springs. 1930— Marriage Record (white), 1 vol. Chron. by date issuee. IAa alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy £1. Circuit Clerk, Holly Springs. 1930— Marriage Record (colored), 4 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $!. Circuit Clerk, Holly Springs. 1812-- Marriage Certificates, 5 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Holly Springs. MONROE COUNTY (Aberdeen) 1821— Marriage Record, 50 vols. Chron. by date filed. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Aberdeen. 1871-74 Marriage Record (Freodmen), 1 vol. Chron. by date filed. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Aberdeen. 1900-- Certificates of Licenses Returned, 12 manila jackets. Chron. by date of marriage. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Aberdeen. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Winona) 1900— Marriage Record, 16 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Winona, 1900-27 Marriage Certificates Returned, 9 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified 0005/- $1. Circuit Clerk, Winona. NESHOBA COUNTY (Philadelphia) 1883— Marriage Record (white), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Philadelphia. 1883— Marriage Record (colored), 10 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of Certified copy |1. Circuit Clerk, Philadelphia. NOXUBEE COUNTY (Macon) 1834— Marriage Record, 43 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $>1. Circuit Clerk, Macon. Marriages NOXUBEE COUNTY (Continued) 1834— General Index to Record of Marriages, 2 vols. Chron. by date issued. Circuit Clerk, Macon. OKTIBBEHA. COUNTY (Starkville) 1930-32 Applications for Marriage Licenses, 2 vols. Chron. by date issued* No index. Circuit Clerk, Starkville. 1861— Marriage Record (white), 13 vols. Chiron, by date issued. Separate index. Certified copy $;!• Circuit Clerk, Starkville. 1866— Marriage Record (colored), 21 vols. Chron. by date issued. Separate index. Circuit Clerk, Starkville. 1861— Index to Marriage Record, 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surname of male. No index. Circuit Clerk, Starkville. 1881— Certificates of Marriage License, 22 f. b. Chron. by date of return. No index. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Starkvillo. 1936— List of Marriage License, of uhich No Returns Have Been Made, 1 folder. Chron. by date filed. No index. Circuit Clerk, Starkville. PANOLA COUNTY (Batesville-Sardis) 1871-77; Marriage Record, 41 vols. Chron. by date of filing. Index 1880— alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified cony £1. Circuit Clerk, Sardis. REARL RIVER COUNTY (Poplarville) 1890— Marriage Record, 25 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Poplarville. PERRY COUNTY (Now Augusta) 1930-35 Record of Marriage Applications, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, New Augusta, 1877- Marriage Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, New Augusta. 1878- Certificate of Marriage Licenses Returned, 7 f. b. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, New Augusta. PIKE C OUNTY (Magno1ia) 1882- Marriage Record, 42 vols, Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Magnolia. 1930— Certificates of Marriages Returned, 3 bundles. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Magnolia. Marriages PONTOTOC COUNTY (Pontotoc) 1836— Marriage Record (white), 17 vols. Ghron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Pontotoc. 1836— Marriage Record (colored), 9 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Pontotoc. 1926— of Marriagejsy7, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of report. No index. Circuit Clerk, Pontotoc. 1932— Certificate of Marriage, 1 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Pontotoc. PRENTISS COUNTY (Booneville) 1930-33 Notices of Applications for Marriage License, 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Booneville. 1871— Marriage Record, 22 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Booneville. 1872— Certificates of Marriage License Returned, 9 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Booneville. QUITMAN COUNTY (Marks) 1877— Marriage Record (white), 7 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy &1. Circuit Clerk, Marks. 1877— Marriage Record (colored), 26 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Marks. 1927— Certificates of Marriage, 5 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy &1. Circuit Clerk, Marks. RANKIN COUNTY (Brandon) 1924— Applications of Marriage License, 1 vol. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Brandon. 1828— Marriage Record, 30 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Brandon. SCOTT COUNTY (Forest) 1872— Marriage Record (white), 11 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy |1. Circuit Clerk, Forest. 1865— Marriage Record (colored), 11 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Forest. Marriages SHARKEY COUNTY (Rolling Fork) 1070— Marriage Record, 43 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Cleric, Rolling Fork. SIMPSON COUNTY (Mendenhall) 1872-- Marriage Record (white), 15 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1, Circuit Clerk, Mendenhall. 1872- Marriage Record (colored), 13 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Mendenhall, 1897— Index to Marriage Record, 1 vol. Alph. direct and reverse by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Mendenhall. 1871— Marriage Certificates, 68 vols. Alph. by first letter of sur- names. No index. Certified copy 50p'. Circuit Clerk, Mendenhall, SMITH COUNTY (Raleigh) 1930-31 Record of Marriage Applications, 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy Circuit Clerk, Raleigh. 1912-- Marriage Record, 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Raleigh. STONE COUNTY (Wiggins) 1916— Marriage Record, 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Wiggins. 1916— Marriage Certificates, 1 f. b. and 21 pigeon holes. Chron. by date of marriage. No index. Circuit Clerk, Wiggins. SUNFLOWER COUNTY (Indian©la) 1861— Marriage Record, 54 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Cl. 1861-71, 2 vols.. Circuit Clerk, Leflore County, Greenwood; 52 vols., 1871—, Circuit Clerk, Indianola, TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY (Charleston-Sumnor) 1857— Marriage Record, 31 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy 4>1* Circuit Clerk, Char leston. 1850— Certificates of Marriage, 6 f. b. and 40 bundles. Chron. by date issued. No index. Certified copy fyl. Circuit Clerk, Charleston. TATE COUNTY (Scnatobia) 1873— Marriage Record, 40 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Scnatobia. 41 Marriages TIPFAH COUNTY (Ripley) 1866- Marriage Bonds, 1 bundle. Chron. by date of filing. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. 1930— Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1 f. b. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. 1930— Notice of Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1 vol. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. 1858— Marriage Record, 22 vols. Chron. by date of application. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of applicants. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. 1870-80 Register of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1 vol. Chron. by date reported. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. 1867- Marriage Certificates, 10 f. d. and 2 envelopes. Chron. by date of return. No index. Circuit Clerk, Ripley. TISHOMINGO COUNTY (luka) (See also, Alcorn County) 1887— Marriage Record (white), 13 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, luka. 1887— Marriage Record (colored), 3 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, luka. TUNICA COUNTY (Tunica) 1858— Marriage Record, 39 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certi- fied copy Circuit Clerk, Tunica. UNION COUNTY (New Albany) 1930— Application for Marriage License, 2 vols. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, New Albany. 1878— Marriage Record (white), 20 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy |1. Circuit Clerk, New Albany. 1878— Marriage Record (colored), 12 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $>1. Circuit Clerk, New Albany. WALTHALL COUNTY (Tylertown) 1930— Notices of Applications for Marriage License, 1 vol. Humor. by application no. No index. Circuit Clerk, Tylertown. 1914— Marriage Record, 13 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Tylertown. 1914— List of Marriage Licenses, of Which No Return Has Been Made, 1 f. b. Chron. by date issued. No index. Circuit Clerk, Tylertown. Marriages WARREN COUNTY (Vicksburg) 1930-34 Application for Marriage Licenses (white), 6 vols. Numer, by- application no. No index. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1930-34 Applications for Marriage License (colored), 11 vols. Chron by date returned. No index. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1810-- Marriage Record (white), 22 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph, by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1810-92 Index to White Marriages, 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. I860-- Marriage Record (colored), 40 vols. Chron. by date issued. In- dex alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1869-- Index to Marriage Record (colored), 1 vol. Alph. by first letter of surnames. No index. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1810— Marriage Certificates (white), 14 f. b. Chron. by date returned. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. 1860— Marriage Certificates (colored), 39 f. b. Chron. by date return- ed. No index. Circuit Clerk, Vicksburg. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Greenville) 1858-- Marriage Record, 89 vols, Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1.50. Circuit Clerk, Greenville. WAYNE COUNTY (Waynesboro) 1881— Marriage Record (white), 13 vols. Chron. by date issued. In- dex direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Cer- tified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Wraynesboro. 1892-- Marriage Record (colored), 9 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $!• Circuit Clerk, Waynesboro. WEBSTER COUNTY (Walthall) 1930-33 Notice of Applications for Marriages, 2 vols. Chron. by date of application. No index. Circuit Clerk, Walthall, 1874-- Marriage Record, 21 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Walthall. 1938-- Certificates of Marriages, 1 f. b. CRron. by date of marriage. No index. Circuit Clerk, Walthall. WILKINSON COUNTY (Woodville) 1805— Marriage Record, 38 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Woodville. 1938-- Certificate of Marriages Returned, 5 bundles. Chron. by date of return. No index. Certified copy 50/. Circuit Clerk, Woodville• 43 Marriages WINSTON COUNTY (Louisville) 1836-- Marriage Record (white), 20 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Louisville. 1908— Marriage Record (colored), 8 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index direct and reverse, alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy $1. Circuit Clerk, Louisville. YALOBUSHA COUNTY (Coffeeville-Water Valley) 1834— Application for Marriage Licenses (white and colored), 10 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. Separate index. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1834-90 Marriage Bonds, 5 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. / Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1930— Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1 vol. Chron. by date filed. No index. Circuit Clerk, Water Valley. 1834-89 Marriage Record (colored), 12 f, b. and 1 vol. Chron. by date recorded. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1835-1916 Marriage License (white), 14 f. b. Chron. by date filed. Certified copy tyl. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1857-70 Marriage Record (white and colored), 2 vols. and 1 f.b. Chron. by date issued. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1857-72 Index to Record of Marriages, 2 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1866- Marriage Record (Freedmon), 2 vols. Alph. by first letter of surnames of bride and groom. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1867— Marriage Record (white), 5 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Certified copy Ul, Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1873— Marriage Record (white), 8 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Coffeeville. 1874- Marriage Record (colored), 6 vols. Chron. by date issued. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Circuit Clerk, Water Valley. YAZOO COUNTY (Yazoo City) Not inventoried. AGE >- X QC CODE 5 z ZD z o S £ NO. c R 5 >— > O s s Z 3 < U) 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > H > m o m 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 OF yj m 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 W o 73 o 3 3 3 3 ' 3 3 3 3 0) ■2 TJ 4 4 4 4? i / k4 4 4 4 1 z H in 5 5 5 5ir 5 5 5 5 r in -41A 0) 6 6 6 6' vl 6 6 6 6 H > p y / 0) I m 7 7 7 7 Cet_, 7 7 7 7 H > (/) I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 COUNTY MONTH COLOR GROOM AGE ADDRESS FATHER BRIDE ACE ADDRESS FATHER DATE DATE LICENSED MARRIED Maddux pv USE THE WORD "PREACHER”, MAKKIED BY J.p.» “MBS”. OR “JUDGE” j k RECORD BOOK NO PAGE NO (SIGNED) (DO NOT BEND OR FOLD THIS CARD) °RCUIT CLERK ino.722 Form V.S. 201 Marriage Record—Miss. St. Bd. of Health Groom (White) Bride (White) Date Married Officiating His Title (if known) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the foregoing record of Marriage is correctly copied, and that the same is on file in my office in Book Page thereof. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Circuit Clerk Co. of Form V.S. 202+ Marriage Record—Miss. St. Bd. of Health Groom Bride Date Married Officiating His Title (if known) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the foregoing record of Marriage is correctly copied, and that the same is on file in my office in Book Page thereof. STATE OP _ MISSISSIPPI Circuit Clerk Co. of MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Intended Groom Intended Bride This is to certify that the records in my office show that the above named were licensed on to marry; that said license was never cancelled; and that no returns were made showing that the marriage was ever consummated. (Book Page my office.) STATE OF „ MISSISSIPPI Circuit Clerk, County of NOTE—If this blank is attached to the marriage license by the Circuit Clerk, then the couple and the person performing the ceremony should complete the blank down to the Circuit Clerk’s certification and mail the record immediately with the returns (at the bottom of the marriage license) to the Circuit Clerk who issued the license. Form v. s. 366. STATISTICAL RECORD OF MARRIAGE MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OF HEALTH (Chapter 293, Laws of 1938) GROOM | BRIDE Full Name Full Before Name Marriage | P. O. Address Post Office Before Address [ Marriage Age Color Age Color Full Name Full Name of Father of Father Date Licensed 19 Date Married 19 Married by .(Minister, J. P., M. B. S., Judge) This certifies that above marriage is recorded in my office. Book Page Number (Signed) Circuit Clerk of County By Deputy Circuit Clerk LEGISLATION CONCERNING DIVORCE RECORDS There has been no legislation in Mississippi pertaining to the keeping of separate divorce records by the courts which have exercised jurisdiction over divorce. Consequently, such records are to be found only in the court minutes and among the regular court files of case papers. Since 1869 the chancery court has had full jurisdiction over divorce matters. Until 1803 divorces were granted by laws enacted by the Governor and the Territorial Judges, the first of record being October 3, 1799.^ In 1803 jurisdiction in all causes of divorce was delegated to the su- preme or superior court of the Territory having equity jurisdiction, in 1809 to the superior court of law and equity which superseded the supreme or superior and from 1818 to 1822 to the superior court provided for by the Constitution of 1817 and the lav/ of 1818.'-' In 1822 this jurisdiction was vested in the superior court of The Revised Constitution of 1832 gave the circuit court jurisdiction in divorce cases concurrent with that of the superior court of An amendment to the Constitution in 1856 established a chancery court to be hold in each judicial district by the judge of the circuit court and delegated to it full jurisdiction in all matters of eguity.° The lav/ of 1857 required bills for divorce to bo filed in chancery,!' and the lav/ of 1859 made divorce a matter of the chancery court exclusively. c/ The Constitution of 1869 provided for the establishment of a separate chancery court in each county with full jurisdiction in all matters of divorce. Thc clerks of the various courts, while required by law to preserve and maintain all court records, were not required to keep separate records of divorce matters. 1. Const. 1869, art. 6, see. 16; Code 1871, see. 1773; Code 1888, see. 1161; Code 1892, secs. 1567-1568; Code 1906, sees. 1675-1676; Code 1917, sees. 1417-1418; Code 1930, sees. 1415-1416. 2. Sargent's Code, p. 126. 3. Code 1807, p. 372; Code 1816, p. 252. However, divorces were also grant- ed by the Territorial Assembly (Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory, Series D, No. 3, Laws Nos. 21, 24, and 55). 4. Code 1816, pp. 178-179. 5. Const. 1817, art. v, see. 5; L. M. 1818, p. 7. 6. Code 1848, p. 495. 7. Const. 1832, art. iv, see. 16. 8. Const. 1832, Amendment 3, in Code 1857, p. 38. 9. Code 1857, p. 335. .0. L. M. 1859,"p. 265. .1. See footnote 1. Legislation Concerning Divorce Records The 1926 chancery clerks were required to report all divorces granted to the State Board of Health and the Board was empowered to prescribe forms, rules, and regulations for reporting these vital statistics.1*’'' It is the duty of each clerk of the chancery court to make a certified report of each divorce granted in his county within 10 days after adjournment of each term of court, on forms furnished by the Division of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health, showing names of complainant and defendant, their race and color, when married, number of minor children affected by the decree, cause of divorce, and the volume and page of record of the decree in the minutes of the chancery court.^ 12. L. IT 1926, p. 255; Mississippi State Board of Health, Biennial Report, 1926-27, p. 24. 13. Ibid.; L. M. 1928, p. 186; Code 1930, sec. 1426. See entry 1. (1-6) STATE DIVORCE RECORDS 1. DIVORCES, 1926—. 83 bound vols., 1 unbound vol. (labeled by contained State file nos.). Original statistical report of divorces, filed with Division of Vital Statis- tics by clerks of the chancery courts of all counties, showing State file num- ber, name and color of complainant; name and color of defendant; when married; number of minor children affected by the divorce; cause of divorce; whether or not suit was contested; certification of chancery clerk that divorce was grant- ed; name of county in which granted; date granted; volume and page of record in Minute Book of Chancery Court; and signature and seal of clerk. Also shows citation of act requiring clerk to make report. Arr. alph. by name of county, and alph. thereunder by first letter of surname of husband. For index, sec- entries 2-6, below, Av. 500 pp. 8x9x2. 2. DIVORCE INDEX, 1926-36. 2 vols. (dated), Russel-Soundex index to Divorces (entry 1, above), showing file number, surname and Christian name of husband, Christian name of wife, name of county in which divorce granted, and year divorce granted. Arr. alph. by first letter of sur- name of husband, and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed. 200 pp, 12 x 9 x 2. 3. INDEX DIVORCES Miscellaneous/7, 1937-38. 7 Remington-Rand Double Panels. Card slip index, ready for photostating, of divorce reports received late but included in Divorces (entry 1, above), showing State file number, surname and Christian name of husband, Christian name of wife, name of county in which di- vorce granted, and year divorce granted, Arr, alph. by first letter of surname of husband, and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Av. 90 card slips to panel 6 x 15. 4. DIVORCE /index/, 1957-38. 2 f. b. Card index to Divorces (entry 1, above), showing State file number, surname and Christian name of husband, Christian name of wife, name of county in which di- vorce granted, and year divorce granted. Arr, alph. by first letter of surname of husband, and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed. 4 x 6 x 24. 5. INDEX DIVORCES, 1939. 18 Remington-Rand Double Panels. Card slip index, ready for photostating, of Divorces (entry 1, above), showing State file number, surname and Christian name of husband, Christian name of wife, name of county in which divorce granted, and year divorce granted. Arr. alph. by first letter of surname of husband, and alph. thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed. Av. 90 card slips to panel 6 x 15. 6. DIVORCE [Index1940—. 8 f. b. Card index to 1940—, volumes of divorce reports in Divorces (entry 1, above), showing surname and Christian name of husband, Christian name of wife, name of county in which divorce granted, and year divorce granted. Arr. alph. by first letter of surname of husband, and alph, thereunder by first letter of Christian name. Typed. 4x6 x 15. Dr. R. N. Whitfield, Director, Division of Vital Statistics, Mississippi State Board of Health, Jackson. Certified copy 50^. COUNTY DIVORCE RECORDS ADAMS COUNTY (Natchez) 1840— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Files,” 236 f. b. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Natchez. 1850-57 Record, in "Minute Book District Chancery Court,51 2 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Natchez, 1856— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 12 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Natchez. ALCORN COUNTY (Corinth) 1917— Papers, in "Chancery Case Papers," 360 f. b. Numer, by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Corinth. 1917— Record , in "Chancery Court Minutes," 5 vols. Chr vi. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, (orinth. AMITE COUNTY (Liberty) 1S09-- Papers, in "Chancery Case Papers," 375 i. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Liberty. 1856— Record, in ’Minutes Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by term of court. Chancery Clerk, Liberty. ATTALA COUNTY (Kosciusko) 1858— Papers, in "Chancery Case Papers," 240 vols. Numer. by case no. and chron, thereunder by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Kosciusko. 1858— Record , in "Chancery Court Minutes," 19 vols, Chron. by term of court and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. Index alph. by name of petitioner. Chancery Clerk, Kosciusko. BENTON COUNTY (Ashland) 1914— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 12 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Ashland, 1870— Record, in ’Minutes," 8 vols. Chron. by date of term of court, and chron. thereunder by date of session. Chancery Clerk, Ashland. BOLIVAR COUNTY (Rosedalo-Cleveland) 1856— Papers, in "Case Papers," 528 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Rosedale. 1856— Record, in ’Minutes," 13 vols. Chron. by date of term of court. Chancery Clerk, Rosedale. 1900— Papers, in "Case Papers," 153 f. b. Numer, by filing no. Chancery Clerk, Cleveland. 1900-- Record , in ’Minutes," 9 vols. Chron. by date held in court. Index self contained by case no. Chancery Clerk, Cleveland. Divorces CALHOUN COUNTY (Pittsboro) 1923— Papers, in'’’Chancery Cases,” 48 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Pittsboro. 1923— Record , in "Minutes Chancery Cases,” 3 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Pittsboro. CARROLL COUNTY (Carrollton-Vaiden) 1874— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 76 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Vaiden. 1874-- Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes Book,” 5 vols. Chron. by date of filing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Vaiden. CHICKASAW COUNTY (Houston-Okolona) 1888— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 23 f. b. Numer. by case no. and chron. by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Okolona. 1868— Record , in "Minutes Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. No index. Chancery Clerk, Houston. 1927— "Divorces," 2 f. b. and 56 bundles. Numer. by case no. and chron. by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Okolona. CHOCTAW COUNTY (Ackerman) 1881— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 73 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Ackerman. 1881— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 80 vols. Chron. by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Ackerman. CLAIBORNE COUNTY (Port G-ibson) 1856— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 390 f. b. Numer. by docket no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Port Gibson. 1814-26 Record, in "Minutes of Superior Court of Law and Equity," 2 vols. Chron. by court terra. Index alph. by first letter of surname of plaintiff. Chancery Clerk, Port Gibson. 1856-71 Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 18 vols. Chron. by term of court, and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. Chancery Clerk, Port Gibson. CLARICE COUNTY (Quitman) 1861— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 134 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Quitman. 1856— Record, in "Minutes Probate 7 Court," 1856-75, 1 vol.j "Minutes Chancery Court," 1876—, 8 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Quitman. CLAY COUNTY (West Point) 1872— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Papers," 290 f. b. Chron. by date of filing. No index. Chancery Clerk, ’west Point. Divorces CLAY COUNTY (Continued) 1872— Record, in ’’Chancery Court Minutes,” 12 vols. Chron. by date of term, and chron. thereunder by date of hearing of each case. No index. Chancery Clerk, West Point. COAHOMA COUNT'Y (Clarksdale) 1864- Papers, in ’’Original Case Records and Suits Filed,” 1 bundle and 457 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Clarksdale. 1866-1930 Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court Dist. 1,” 7 vols. Chron. by date of term and hearing. Dist. 1 abolished in 1930. Chan- cery Clerk, Clarksdale. 1892-- Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court,” 10 vols. Chron. by date of term and hearing. Chancery Clerk, Clarksdale. COPIAH COUNTY (Hazlehurst) 1915-20 "Divorce Cases," If. d. Chron. by date of filing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Hazlehurst. COVINGTON COUNTY (Collins) 1856— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 151 f. b. Alph. by surname and- chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Collins. DESOTO COUNTY (Hernando) 1856-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 16 vols. Chron. by date of court terra. No index. Chancery Clerk, Hernando. 1865— Record, in "Clerk’s Cases Record," 409 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Hernando. 1913— Record, in "Chancery Cases," 60 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Hernando, FORREST COUNTY (Hattiesburg) 1892— Papers, in "Chancery Cases,” 344 f. b. Numer. by case no. Separate index. Chancery Clerk. 1870— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 49 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Hattiesburg. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Moadville) 1870— Papers, in "Case Records, Chancery Court," 23 f. b. 1870-1919, not arranged; 1920--, numer. by case no. Separate index. Chancery Clerk, Moadville. GEORGE COUNTY (Lucodale) 1910— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases,” 66 f. b. Numer. by_docket no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Luoedalo. 50 Divorces GEORGE COUNTY (Continued) 1876-1909 Record, in ''Minutes Chancery and Circuit Courts, Transcribed from Greene and Jackson Counties for George County," 2 vols. Chron. by term of court, and chron. thereunder by date of hear- ing. Index alph. by the first letter of surname of defendant and plaintiff. Chancery Clerk, Lucedale. 1910-- Record, in "Minute Book, Chancery Court," 4 vols, Chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Lucedale. GREENE COUNTY (LeakesviXle) 1878-- Papers in "Chancery Cases," 63 f. b. burner, by docket no. and chron. by date filed. Index in "Chancery Docket," Chancery p Clerk, Leakesvilie. 1876— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 7 vols. Chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date of hearing each case. Chan- cery Clerk, Leakesville. GR ENADA C OUNTY (Grenada) 1870— Papers, in "Case records," 171 f. b. Numer. by docket no. and chron. thereunder by date of filing. Chancery Clerk, Grenada. 1870— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by date of term of court and chron. thereunder by date of session. No index. Chancery Clerk, Grenada, HANCOCK COUNTY (Bay St. Louis) 1853— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 183 f, b. and 6 bundles, Numer. by docket no. Chancery Clerk, Bay St. Louis. 1856-- Record, in "Chancery Minutes," 13 vols. Chron. by date of term of court and chron. thereunder by date of session. 1856-1880, 1895-1904, 1923—, no index. 1881-1895, 1904-1925, alph. by surname of complainant. Chancery Clerk, Bay St. Louis. HARRISON COUNTY (Gulfport) 1842— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 106 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Gulfport. 1853— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 46 vols. Chron. by term of court and thereunder by date of hearing. Vols. 1 and 2, no index; vols. 3-46,alph. by first letter of surname of plain- tiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Gulfport. HINDS COUNTY (Jackson-Raymond) 1844-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 14 vols. Chron. by date of term and thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Raymond. Divorces HINDS COUNTY (Continued) 1865-- Record, in ’’Minutes Chancery Court,” 51 vols. Chron. by term of court and chron. thereunder by date of session. No index. Chancery Clerk, Jackson. HOMES COUNTY (Lexington) 1865-*- Papers, in ’’Chancery Cases,” 131 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Lexington. 1883-- Record, in ”Minutes of Chancery Court,” 14 vols. Chron. by date of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Lexington. HUMPHREYS COUNTY (Belzoni) 1918— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Cases,” 48 f« b. Numer-. by docket no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Belzoni. 1918— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court,” 4 vols. CVrcr-. by date of term of court and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Belzoni. ISSAQUENA COUNTY (Mayersvilie) 1887— Papers, in "Case Records Chancery Court,” 24 f. b. Chron. by term of court and proceedings. Chancery Clerk, Mayersvilie. 1856-- Record, in "Minute Book Chancery Court," 5 vols. Chron. by date of term of court and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. Chancery Clerk, Haycrsvillo. ITAWAMBA COUNTY (Fulton) 1853— Papers, in "Chancery Cases,” 119 f. b. Numer. arr. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Fulton. 1879— Record, in "Minute Book, Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by term of court. 1879-1912, no index; 1913—, index alph. by name of both parties. Chancery Clerk, Fulton. JACKSON COUNTY (Pascagoula) 1875-- Papers, in "Record of Cases Tried in Chancery Court," 249 f. b. Numer. by docket no. and chron. by date of filing. Indexed in separate documentary files. 1875— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 14 vols. Chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date of hearing each case. Separate index. Chancery Clerk, Pascagoula. JASPER COUNTY (Bay Springs-Paulding) 1878-84; Papers, in "Active and Ended Cases, Chancery Court," 12 f. b. 1932— Arr. numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Paulding. 1906— Papers, in "Case Records, Chancery Court,” 28 f. b. Arr. numer. by case no. Chancery Clerk, Bay Springs. Divorces JASPER COUNTY (Continued) 1906-- Record, in Minutes Chancery Court,M 5 vols. . chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date of hearing of each cause. No index. Chancery Clerk, Bay Springs. 1932-- Record, in ’‘Minutes Chancery Court,” 1 vol. Arr. chron. by date of court term. Chancery Clerk, Bay Springs. JEFFERS ON C OUNTY (Fayette) 1857-- Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Case Records,” 14G f. b. Arr. nuraer. by case no. Separate index, alph. by first letter of surname of plaintiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Fayette. 1857— Record, in ”Mimates Chancery Court,” 1 vol. Arr. chron. by date of court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Fayette. JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY (Prentiss) 1906— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Cases,” 53 f. b. Arr. chron. by date of recording and numer. thereunder by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Prentiss. 1906— Record, in ’’Minutes Chancery Court,” 4 vols. Chron. by date of court terra. Index alph. by first letter of surname of both parties. Chancery Clerk, Prentiss. JONES COUNTY (Ellisville-Laurel) 1857— Papers, in ’’Record of Cases Filed in Chancery Court,” 99 f. b. Numer. by case no. Index alph. by first letter of surname of complainant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Ellisville. 1857— Record, in ”Minutes Chancery Court,” 8 vols. Chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date of hearing of each cause. Chancery Clerk, Ellisville. 1906— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Case Files,” 197 f. b. and 8 f. d. File boxes numer. by case no.; file drawers alph. by first letter of surname of complainant. No index. Chancery Clerk, Laurel. 1907- Record, in ”Minutes Chancery Court,” 10 vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. No index. Chancery Clerk, Laurel. 1928— ’’Affidavits and Certificates of Divorce,” 1 f. b. Alph. by surnames. No index. Chancery Clerk, Laurel. KEMPER COUNTY (DeKalb) 1881— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Case Files," 201 f. b. Alph. by first letter of surname of party and numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, DeKalb. 1881— Record, in "Minute Book, Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by date decreed. Indexed by first letter of surname of both parties. Chancery Clerk, DeKalb. 1912— "Bills For Divorces,” 1 bundle. Chron. by date of recording. No index. Chancery Clerk, DeKalb. Divorces LAFAYETTE COUNTY (Oxford) 1837— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 172 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Oxford. 1867-- Record, in "Chancery Clerk's Minutes," 9 vols. Chron. by date of court term. Chancery Clerk, Oxford. LAMAR COUNTY (Purvis) 1889— Papers, in "Record of Cases Tried in Chancery Court," 123 f. b. Numer. by docket no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Purvis. 1889— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 7 vols. Chron. by date of tern and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chan- cery Clerk, Purvis. LAUDERDALE COUNTY (Meridian) 1858— Papers, in "Chancery Case Records," 809 f. b. Chron. by date filed. Index separate. Chancery Clerk, Meridian. 1856— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 39 vols. Chron. by term of court and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Meridian. LAWRENCE COUNTY (Monticello) 1818— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 42 f. b. Numer. by case no. Separate index. Chancery Clerk, Monticello. 1859— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Monticello. LEAKE COUNTY (Carthage) 1840— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Records," 151 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Carthage. 1838— Record, in "Minutes of the Chancery Court," 17 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Carthago. LEE COUNTY (Tupelo) 1867-- Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 189 f. b. Numer. by case no. and chron. thereunder by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Tupelo. 1873-- Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 22 vols. Chron. by term of court and chron. thereunder by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Tupelo. LEFLORE COUNTY (Greenwood) 1846-- Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 371 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Greenwood, 1857- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 17 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Greenwood. Divorces LINCOLN COUNTY (Brookhaven) 1894— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Case Record,” 264 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Brookhaven. 1894-- Record, in ’’Chancery Court Minutes,” 10 vols. Chron. by court term. Index alph. by first letter of surname of plaintiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Brookhaven. LOWNDES COUNTY (Columbus) 1829— Papers, in ’’Chancery Cases Tried in Chancery Court,” 99 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Columbus. 1870- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court,” 20 vols. Chron. by date of term and chron. thereunder by date recorded. No index. Chan- cery Clerk, Columbus, MADISON COUNTY (Canton) 1871— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Files,” 34 f. b, Numer. by case no. Index alph. by first letter of surnames. Chancery Clerk, Canton. 1857— Record, in ’’Chancery Court Cases,” 13 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Canton. MARION COUNTY (Columbia) 1831— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Cases,” 567 vols. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Columbia. 1866-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court,” 11 vols. Chron. by date of court term. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of plaintiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Columbia, MARSHALL COUNTY (Holly Springs) 1836— Papers, in ’’Chancery and Probate Papers,” 1836-1868, 2 f. b.; ’’Chancery Court Cases,” 1869—, 326 f. b« Chron. by date of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Holly Springs. 1836— Record, in ’’Probate Court Minutes,” 1836-1869, 20 vols.; ’’Chan- cery Court Minutes,” 1870--, 12 vols. Chron. by court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Holly Springs. MONROE COUNTY (Aberdeen) 1821— Papers, in ’’Chancery Cases,” 109 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Aberdeen. 1856— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court,” 17 vols. Chron. by date of court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Aberdeen. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Winona) 1871— Papers, in ’’Original Case Record,” 149 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Winona. 1871— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes,” 8 vols. Chron. by term of court. Chancery Clerk, Winona. Divorces NESHOBA COUNTY (Philadelphia) 1866— Papers, in ''Chancery Court Record," 30 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Philadelphia. 1857— Record, in Minutes Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by term of court. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of parties in "Chancery Court Index," Chancery Clerk, Philadelphia. NEWTON COUNTY (Decatur) 1911-- Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 156 f. b. Chron. by date filed. Index in "General Index to Chancery Cases ." Chan- eery Clerk, Decatur. 1876-- Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 10 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Decatur. NOXUBEE COUNTY (Macon) 1856— Papers, in "Chancery Court Records," 394 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Macon. 1841-- Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 22 vols. Chron. by . date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Macon. OKTIBBEHA COUNTY (Starkville) 1876— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 137 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Starkville. 1880— Record, in "Minutos Chancery Court," 10 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. Index alph. by first letter of surname of complain- ant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Starkville. PANOLA COUNTY (Batosville-Sardis) 1857- Papers, in "Case Record of Chancery Court," 252 f. b. Chron. by date filed. No index. Chancery Clerk, Sardis. 1856-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 13 vols. Chron. by terra of court. Index alph. by first letter of surname of plaintiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Sardis. 1880-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Batcsville. PEARL RIVER COUNTY (Poplarville) 1891-- Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 127 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Poplarville. 1891-- Record, in ’‘Minutes of Chancery Court," 6 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Poplarville. PERRY COUNTY (New Augusta) 1878— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 6 f. b. Numer. by case no, No index. Chancery Clerk, New Augusta, Divorces PERRY COUNTY (Continued) 1878— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 5 vols. Chron. by term of court, and chron. thereunder by date of session. No index. Chancery Clerk, New Augusta. PIKE COUNTY (Magnalia) 1882-- Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 190 f. b. and 159 pigeon-holes. Numer. by case no. Index in "General Chancery DoOket." Chan- cery Clerk, Magnolia. 1936— Papers, in "Live Chancery Cases," 1 filing cabinet. Numer. by case no. Index in "General Chancery Docket." Chancery Clerk, Magnolia. 1882— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 19 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Magnolia. PONTOTOC COUNTY (Pontotoc) 1836— Papers, in "Chancery Cases," 1836-1936, 89 f. b. "Chancery Court Cases," 1937--, 207 file folders. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Pontotoc. 1836— Record, in "Chancery Court .Minutes," 30 vols. Chron. by court term, numer. thereunder by case no. Chancery Clerk, Pontotoc. PRENTISS COUNTY (Booneville) 1870— Papers, in "Chancery Court Case Files," 175 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Booneville. 1870-- Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 14 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Booneville. QUITMAN COUNTY (Marks) 1877— Papers, in "Chancery Court Gases," 126 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Marks. 1877— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Marks. RANKIN COUNTY (Brandon) 1902— Papers, in "General Chancery Docket," 3 vols. Chron. by date filed. Index alph.,direct and reverse, by first letter of sur- names of defendant and plaintiff. Chancery Clerk, Brandon. 1870-- Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 11 vols. Chron. by court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Brandon. SCOTT COUNTY (Forest) 1872-- Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 156 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Forest. Divorces SCOTT COUNTY (Continued) 1873— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by term of court. No index. Chancery Clerk, Forest. SHARKEY COUNTY (Rolling Fork) 1876-- Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 91 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Rolling Fork. 1879— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 6 vols. Chron. by date of term and date of hearing of each cause. No index. Chancery Clerk, Rolling Fork. SIMPSON COUNTY (Mendenhall) 1872— Papers, in "Case Record," 200 bundles, 1872-1900j 154 f. b., 1901—. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Court, Mendenhall. 1872— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Mendenhall. SMITH COUNTY (Raleigh) 1906— Papers, in "Chancery Cases,” 124 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Raleigh. 1893— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by court term. Index alph. by first letter of surname of complainant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Raleigh. STONE COUNTY (Wiggins) 1916-- Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 24 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Wiggins. 1886-1917 Record, in "Transcribed Minutes of the Chancery Court, Harrison County," 1 vol. Index alph.,direct and reverse, by first letter of surname of complainant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Wiggins. 1916— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 3 vols. Chron. by court term. Chancery Clerk, Wiggins. SUNFLOWER COUNTY (Indianola) 1871— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 17 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Indian©la. TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY (Charleston-Sumner) 1856— Papers, in "Original Gases Chancery Court," 39 f. b. and 800 bundles. Numer. by case no. Chancery Clerk, Charleston. 1856— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 9 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. Index alph. by first letter of surname of plaintiff and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Charleston. 58 Divorces TATE COUNTY (Senatobia) 1875— Papers, in ’’Chancery Cases,” 485 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Senatobia. 1873— Record, in ”Minutes Chancery Court,” 12 vols. Chron. by date of court. Chancery Clerk, Senatobia. TIPPAH COUNTY (Ripley) 1855— Papers, in ’’Chancery Court Files," 108 f. d. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Ripley. 1856— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 9 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. Records prior to 1870 in "Minutes Probate Court." Chancery Clerk, Ripley. TISHOMINGO COUNTY (luka) 1912— Papers, in "Case Papers, Chancery Court," 52 f, b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, luka. 1887— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 7 vols. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, luka. TUNICA COUNTY (Tunica) 1858— Papers, in "General Docket File," Chancery Court, 172 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Tunica. 1858— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 10 vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. Chancery Clerk, Tunica. UNION COUNTY (New Albany) 1881— Papers, in "Issue Docket and Trial Docket," 5 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. Issue Docket indexed alph, by first letter of surname of parties; Trial Docket not indexed. Chancery Clerk, New Albany. 1881— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 9 vols. Chron. by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Now Albany. WALTHALL COUNTY (Tylertown) 1914— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 40 f. b. Chron. by date recorded. No index. Chancery Clerk, Tylertown. 1914— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 4 vols. Chron. by court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Tylertown. WARREN COUNTY (Vicksburg) 1839-55 Papers, in "Superior Court of Chancery Record," 1 vol. Chron. by court term. No index. Chancery Clerk, Vicksburg. 1819*38 Record, in "Minutes Superior Court," 1 vol. Chron. by court term. Chancery Clerk, Vicksburg. Divorces WARREN COUNTY (Continued) 1856— Papers, in "Chancery Cases Chancery Court," 684 f. b. Numer. by case no. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of defend- ants and complainants. Chancery Clerk, Vicksburg. 1856— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 22. vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. No index. Chancery Clerk, Vicksburg. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Greenville) 1840— Papers, in "Chancery and Probate Papers," 11 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Greenville. 1856— Record, in "Minutes of Chancery Court," 20 vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. No index. Chancery Clerk, Greenville. WAYNE C OUNTY (Waynesbor o) 1893— Papers, in "Case Record," Chancery Court, 104 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Waynesboro. 1878-- Record, in i.'i inut e s of C hanc ery Court, o vo Is. C hr on. by o e rm of court. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of complain- ant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Waynesboro. WEBSTER COUNTY (Walthall) 1874-- Papers, in "Chancery Court Papers," 87 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Walthall. 1874— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 6 vols. Chron. by date of proceedings. No index. Chancery Clerk, Walthall, WILKINSON COUNTY (Woodville) 1866— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 224 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Woodville. 1856— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 8 vols. Chron. by date of court proceedings. Index alph. by first letter of surnames of complainant and defendant. Chancery Clerk, Woodville. WINSTON COUNTY (Louisville) 1860— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 73 f. b. Numer. by case no. Chancery Clerk, Louisville. 1856— Record, in "Minute Book Chancery Court," 7 vols. Chron. by term of court and chron. thereunder by date of hearing. No index. Chancery Clerk, Louisville. YALOBUSHA COUNTY (Coffeeville-Water Valley) 1851— Papers, in "Chancery Court Cases," 140 f. b. Numer. by case no. No index. Chancery Clerk, Coffeeville. 1856— Record, in "Minutes Chancery Court," 8 vols. Chron. by date of court term. Chancery Clerk, Coffeeville. 60 Divorces YALOBUSHA COUNTY (Continued) 1876— Papers, in "Original Papers Chancery Court," 88 f. d. Numer. by case no. Chancery Cleric, Water Valley. 1873-- Record, in ’Minutes Chancery Court 2nd - Dist.," 7 vols. Chron. by court term Chancery Clark, Water Valley. YAZOO COUNTY (Yazoo City) 1843— Papers, in 'Chancery Court Cases," 502 f. b. Numer. by case no. Chancery Clerk, Yazoo City. 1866— Record, in "Chancery Court Minutes," 21 vols. Chron. by date recorded. Chancery Clerk, Yazoo City. MISSISSIPPI STATE BOARD OP HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS STATISTICAL RECORD OF DIVORCE Name of COMPLAINANT COLOR Name of DEFENDANT COLOR Number Minor Children WHEN MARRIED Affected by the Decree CAUSE OF DIVORCE (Briefly Stated) WAS SUIT CONTESTED? I, the undersigned Chancery Clerk of County, hereby certify that the above named were divorced by decree of the Chancery Court of said county on the day of 19 ; said decree being recorded in Minute Book Page (SEAL) (Signed) .-. Chancery Clerk. (Margin Reserved for Binding) 19 ; said decree SECTIONS 6, 7, 8, and 9, CHAPTER 132, LAWS OF 1928 Sec. 6. That Sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 164, Laws of 1926, be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. That it shall he the duty of each chancery clerk in the State to make a report of each divorce granted in his coun- ty and on forms furnished by the State Board of Health, showing the following information, as correctly as he is able to make such report; Names of complainant and defendant; their race and color; when married; cause of the divorce, briefly stated; number of minor children affected by the decree; and the page and book in which decree is recorded. He shall certify to the above, and affix his seal. Said report shall be forwarded to the State Board of Health by said chancery clerk within ten days after adjournment of each term of chancery court in his county. Sec. 8. That each chancery clerk for his services in preparing and forwarding said records to the State Board of Health shall receive the sum of thirty-five cents for each completed record, to be taxed as costs in each divorce case as other fees are taxed, and shall be in addition to the fees prescribed by Section 1848 of Hemingway’s Code edition of 1917, Section 1167 of Mississippi Code of 1906. Sec. 9. That this act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 16, 1928. Form V.S. No. T-39* ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTIES IN MISSISSIPPI WITH THE DATES OF THEIR CREATION No. Created County No. Created County 1. 1799 Adams 42. 1871 Leflore 2. 1870 Alcorn 43. 1870 Lincoln 3. 1809 Amite 44. 1830 Lowndes 4. 1833 Attala 45. 1823 Madison 5. 1870 Benton 46. 1811 Marion 6. 1836 Bolivar 47. 1836 Marshall 7. 1852 Calhoun 48. 1821 Monroe 8. 1833 Carroll 49. 1871 Montgomery 9. 1836 Chickasaw 50. 1833 Neshoba 10. 1833 Choctaw 51. 1836 Newton 11. 1802 Claiborne 52. 1833 Noxubee 12. 1833 Clarke 53. 1833 Oktibbeha 13. 1871 Clay 54. 1836 Panola 14. 1836 Coahoma 55. 1890 Pearl River 15. 1823 Copiah 56. 1820 Perry 16. 1819 Covington 57. 1815 Pike 17. 1836 Dedoto 58. 1836 Pontotoc 18. 1908 Forrest 59. 1870 Prentiss 19. 1809 Franklin 60. 1877 Quitman 20. 1910 George 61. 1828 Rankin 21. 1811 Greene 62. 1833 Scott 22. 1870 Grenada 63. 1876 Sharkey 23. 1812 Hancock 64. 1824 Simpson 24. 1841 Harrison 65. 1833 Smith 25. 1821 Hinds 66. 1916 Stone 26. 1833 Ho Ime s 67. 1844 Sunflower 27. 1918 Humphreys 68. 1833 Tallahatchie 28. 1844 Issaquena 69. 1873 Tate 29. 1836 Itawamba 70. 1836 Tippah 30. 1812 Jackson 71. 1836 Tishomingo 31. 1833 Jasper 72. 1836 Tunica 32. 1802 Jefferson 73. 1870 Union 33. 1906 Jefferson Davis 74. 1910 17a It ha 11 34. 1826 Jones 75. 1809 Warren 35. 1833 Kemper 76, 1827 Washington 36. 1836 Lafayette 77. 1809 Wayne 37. 1904 Lamar 78. 1874 Webster 38. 1833 Lauderdale 79. 1802 Wilkinson 39. 1814 Lawrence 80. 1833 Winston 40. 1853 ; Leake 81. 1833 Yalobusha 41. 1866 Lee 82. 1823 Yazoo 62 PUBLICATIONS PREPARED BY THE MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY SERVICE DIVISION WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION I WENTPRIES OF COUNTY ARCHIVES *No. 3. Amite. (ii, 85 p. mimeo., September 1S37) *No. 18. Forrest. (iv, 140 p. raimeo., June 1938) ♦No. 22. Grenada. (v, 172 p. mimeo., April 1940) No. 27, Humphreys, (v, 180 p. mimeo., August 1941) No. 37. Lamar. (vi, 329 p. mimeo., July 1939) ♦No. 55, Pearl River. (v, 127 p. mimeo., February 1938) No. 72. Tunica. (vi, 184 p. mimeo., March 1942) INVENTORIES OF THE CHURCH AND SYNAGOGUE ARCHIVES OF MISSISSIPPI Jewish Congregations and Organizations. (v, 41 p. mimeo., November 1940) "'Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Mississippi, (vii, 146 p. mimeo., June 1940) MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Guide to Vital Statistics Records in Mississippi, Volume I, Public Archives, (v, 62 p. mimeo., April 1942) Mississippi Newspapers 1805-1940, A Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Newspaper Files Available in the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, (v, 102 p. raimeo., February 1942) ♦Sargent's Code, A Collection of the Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory Enacted 1799-1800 by Governor Winthrop Sargent and the Territorial Judges, (ix, 168 p. mimeo., June 1939) ♦Denotes out of print.