GUIDE TO PUBLIC VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN ILLINOIS Prepared by Illinois Historical Records Survey Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration . Sponsored by The Governor of Illinois Chicago, Illinois Illinois Historical Records Survey May 1941 Historical Records Survey Projects Sargent B. Child, National Director Thomas R, Hall, State Supervisor Research and Records Section Harvey E, Becknell, National Director George ft. Hubley, Jr., Regional Supervisor Willard N. Hogan, State Chief Lawrence P. Jones, State Supervisor Illinois Public Records Project Division of Community Service Programs Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Regional Supervisor Evelyn S. Byron, State Director WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Howard 0, Hunter, Acting Commissioner George Field, Regional Director Howard S, Drew, State Administrator FOREWORD While there have been laws in the State of Illinois requiring the recording of births, stillbirths, and deaths since 1877, no previous attempt has been made to survey the results of such laws as regards their efficiency and results obtained. As the first law which became effective in 1877 only required recording of such events with the county clerk, the State Department of Public Health has never been able to determine just what records might be found in any particular county. The method of recording such records in the various counties was not the same and there was no standard of procedure. While in some counties birth certificates are found on file, in many others only book records were made. As far as county clerks’ records are concerned, the publication of this survey is welcomed as it is anticipated that it will be a material aid to this department in many ways. It also should be of benefit to the public at large and shorten the time previously required to obtain a birth record or information relative to such record. The publication of this survey, in conjunction with the proposed master index which is now being developed in the various counties in connection with the records on file in this department, will bo of inestimable value to all concerned. Springfield, Illinois May 1, 1941 R. H. Woodruff, M. D. State Registrar PREFACE This Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Illinois is the first publication of the Illinois Historical Records Survey specifically intended to aid in national defense work, as well as to be generally useful to government officials, research workers, and the public at large. On September 3, 1940, in conjunction with the work of the Vital Statistics Division of the Bureau of the Census and with the National Defense Program, the Historical Records Survey in each state was requested to compile a checklist of existing state and local public records of births, marriages, deaths, and divorces, with transcripts, abstracts, or citations of legislation requiring or affecting the keeping of these records. On the basis of the results obtained, it was decided later to publish this data in the form of a vital statistics guide for each of the states. Divided into separate sections on births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, the Illinois guide lists both state and county records for births and deaths and county records for marriages, since no state records for the latter are kept. As there is no legislation in Illinois requiring the keeping of separate record series for divorces, no records are listed in the divorce section; instead this section is devoted to a legal statement covering divorce juris- diction and procedure, and the keeping and custody of divorce records. In all sections listing county records, the arrangement is alphabetical by name of county, with records listed chronologically thereunder. Sample birth and death certificates and marriage forms will be found inserted at the end of their respective sections. In addition to the checklist of records, the guide contains a fully documented introduction covering the history of vital sta- tistics records in Illinois, from territorial days to the present. This essay discusses nongovernmental church recordation as well as governmental recordation, examines the adequacy and completeness of the latter, and contains suggestions for obtaining vital statistics information from governmental records. Charts, tables, and other illustrative matter are included. For the benefit of those wishing to consult the actual Illinois statutes on the keeping of birth, death, and marriage records, tran- scripts of all such legislation are contained in an appendix which also includes an alphabetical list of Illinois counties giving infor- mation on the formation of each county. An index to the counties in the checklist and a list of publications of the Survey conclude the guide. Revision of the Presidential Letter of Authority for the Illinois Historical Records Survey was made recently in order to provide for additional national defense assignments which are expected to follow# The regular activities of the project, however, are to continue as far as possible. As is well known by this time, these embrace the compi- lation and publication of inventories of Federal, state, county, and municipal archives; inventories of church archives and directories of churches; guides to manuscript depositories and collections; calendars of certain selected manuscript collections; and checklists of early American imprints. This extensive program had its inception in 1936 when a nation- wide Historical Records Survey was organized as part of the Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Administration. Under the administration of the Division of Professional and Service Projects,' the program was technically supervised by Dr. Luther H. Evans until March 1940, when he was succeeded as National Director by Sargent B. Child# Since February 1941, the Survey in this state has been part of the Illinois Public Records Project. The present official sponsor is the Honorable Dwight H. Green, Governor of Illinois. The guide was prepared for publication under the direction of Herbert R. Hifkind, State Editor. Martino J, O’Connor supervised the preparation of the checklist of records; Romeo Burwell and Mathew Moran accomplished the legal research on governmental recordation, and Paul M. Reid, the research and investigation on church recordation; tables and charts were drawn by Louis J. Mader; format and collation were supervised by Edward J. McDonough; and typing and mimeographing by Dorothy Herold# The field recheck of the approximately one thousand separate series of vital statistics records in the one hundred and two counties in the state (except Cook County) was accomplished under the supervision of district supervisors Kenneth C, Blood, Victor C. Karcher, David G. McGraw, and Jess J. McMurray. The Cook County records were rechecked diroctly by personnel of the State Editorial Office. Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made to Dr. Robert H. Woodruff, State Registrar, Department of Public Health, for an advance reading of the guide and for his foreword# Sample state birth and death certificates and county marriage forms used in the book were graciously supplied by Dr. Woodruff and Michael J. Flynn, County Clerk of Cook County. The cover design was prepared by the Illinois Art Project. The G-uide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Illinois is available for distribution to defense agencies, governmental offices, libraries, schools, and historical societies in Illinois, and defense and governmental agencies and other authorized depositories outside the state. Requests for information concerning this and other publications of the Illinois Historical Records Survey should be addressed to the State Supervisor* 'ILmJ.M— Thomas H. Hall State Supervisor Illinois Historical Records Survey May 1, 1941 TABLE OP CONTENTS Page Vital Statistics Records in Illinois 2 Necessity and Importance* Governmental recordation: births, deaths; marriages; divorces. Church recordation: active churches; defunct churches* Obtaining vital statistics information from governmental records. Adequacy and com- pleteness of records. Conclusion. Official State Information and Instruction Leaflet Relating to Birth Registration ; following 10 Table showing adequacy and completeness of successive acts relating to the keeping of birth and death records 12 Table showing adequacy and completeness of successive acts relating to the keeping of marriage records 13 Table of births, deaths, and stillbirths in Illinois, 1916-1940 - - 14 Introduction Checklist of State and County Vital Statistics Records Birth Records - State 16 Birth Records - County 19 State Certificate of Birth following 38 Death Records - State 40 Death Records - County , 43 State Certificate of Death, Certificate of Stillbirth, and Coroner*s Certificate of Death following 71 Marriage Records - County 73 Cook County Marriage Forms following 102 Divorce Records 104 Appendix Transcripts of All Legislation Requiring or Affecting the Keeping of Birth and Death Records, 1819-1941 106 Transcripts of All Legislation Requiring or Affecting the Keeping of Marriage Records, 1788-1941. 119 Table of Contents Page Counties of Illinois, Showing Name of County, Date Formed, and Original County or Area from Which Formed 132 Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes 135 Index to Counties in Checklist 136 Publications of the Illinois Historical Records Survey 137 INTRODUCTION VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN ILL IN O I S VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS IN ILLINOIS Necessity and Importance Vital statistics are the collectively recorded numerical facts pertaining to births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and other related matters; they are both governmental and nongovernmental in character* The increased use of vital statistics records in connection with such recent legislation as the old age assistance, child labor, emergency’ relief, and selective service acts has served to focus the attention of the country upon their necessity and importance. Data compiled from vital statistics records are proving to be of inesti** mable value in the formulation of social legislation; government offices and agencies engaged in national defense activities also frequently find it necessary to consult them* In addition to their public and governmental uses, vital statistics records are constantly being employed for many private purposes by business firms and various professions* Birth records are essential in determining questions of parentage, heredity, legitimacy, personal identity, property rights, inheritance, citizenship, and eligibility for selective service. They aid in establishing claims to old ago assistance, benefits from workmen’s compensation, widows’, mothers’, and other pensions, and orphans’ awards. In many instances they are prerequisites for entrance into schools and the services of the Army and Navy, for employment in occupations, for passports, and for the right to practice professions and hold public office. Proof of age is necessary in reference to the contractual rights and obligations of minors and in determining their legal criminal capacities. Death records are indispensable in ascertaining the ..cause of relative death rates, ratios of deaths to births, duration of life, and rates of life insurance. They also are valuable in comparing the relative health conditions of different states and communities, in controlling contagious disoasos, regulating the management of cemeteries, effecting the shipment of bodies from state to state, and in preventing and detecting crime. They are required for proof of death in the probate of wills, the settlement of estates, the establishment of claims for insurance and pensions, and proof of ancestry and heredity. Marriage and divorce records are used to decide questions of parentage, heredity, legitimacy, property rights, inheritance, citizen- ship, pension benefits, marital relationship, for determining certain contractual rights and obligations, and for substantiating claims for exemption from selective service* Introduction Governmental Recordation Births, Deaths The first legislation in the state of Illinois in regard to the keeping of vital statistics records was enacted in 1819 at the second session of the First General Assembly in a law establishing medical societies to which all practicing physicians were required to One section of this act made it the duty of every physician to keep a record of births, deaths, and diseases occurring within the vicinity of his practice, and to transmit such record to his medical society, whereupon the record was to be published in the newspapers. In 1843 it was provided that a parent could appear before the clerk of the county commissi oners* court (present county clerk) and make affidavit as to the birth of a child, and the eldest next of kin of a deceased person could similarly appear and jnake affidavit as to It is probable that the tenor of the above mentioned laws explains the fact that no birth or death records existed in the state prior to 1877 (except in a few scattered counties where the records were at "best very fragmentary), since the first law, 1819, required no public records to be kept, and the law of 1842 made recordation voluntary rather than mandatory. 1. L. 1819. p. 233. 2. L. 1842—43, p. 210*-12« 3. The inventorying of vital statistics records by the Illinois Historical Records Survey in the 102 counties of .the state, reveals that the following counties attempted to keep birth or death records prior to 1877: Birth Records Prior to 1877 Clark, 1865-67 Pike, 1876- Cook, 1871— Rock Island, 1861— Payette, 1864— St. Clair, 1838— Grundy, 1876— Union, 1867— LaSalle, 1868— Wayne, 1870— Madison, 1858- Marshall, 1870— M cDo nough, 187 CU- Morgan, 1851- Perry, 1845— Death Records Prior to 1877 Cass, 1874— Clark, 1865-67 Cook, 1871— Cumberland, 1844— LaSalle, 1870— McDonough, 18 70- Mo rgan, 1851— St. Clair, 1851- Warren, 1875— Por alphabetical list of counties showing date of formation and county from which formed, see Appendix, p. 132-34. Introduction Tho act of 1877 created the State Board of Health with general supervision over tho registration of all births and deaths occurring within the state; this act required that all births and deaths in each county bo reported to tho county clerk by tho attending physicians or accoucheurs and that all physicians and accoucheurs in the state register their names and addresses with their county clerk.4 Teeth were put into this and subsequent laws by providing penalties for non- complianco# In 1901, death certificates issued by physicians, mid- wives, or coroners, were to bo presented to town clerks who as the local registrars issued burial permits and forwarded tho certifi- cates to the county clork*5 in 1903, tho requirement as to burial permits was omitted and certificates of deaths wore to be turned over to the State Board of Health, which then delivered to the county clerk all certificates so received,6 Tho system of registration was completely revised in 1915, when the state was divided into registration districts and the duty of recording births and deaths was placed in tho hands of local regis- trars and subregistrars who were required to report to both the county clerk and the State Board of Health*? Tho local registrars were required to deposit annually with the county clerk of their respective counties complete sets of records for births, stillbirths, and deaths registered with them. Each month they were required to transmit to tho State Board of Health all original certificates regis- tered by them; copies of certificates or a recordation of the same in a form approved and prescribed by the State Board of Health were to be kept by the local registrars. The county clerk was charged with binding and indexing, or recording, and safekeeping of all vital statistics records deposited with him*8 From the act of 1877 to the present, the county clerk has been required to retain tho abstracts and certificates, keep a record of births and deaths, maintain alphabetical indexes, and issue certified copies of certificates upon request. He has also been required to prepare a register of all physicians and accoucheurs in the county.9 In 1931 it was made possible to get a new certificate of birth under the new name in the case of an adopted child,10 and two years 4* L. 1877, p, 208-10. 5, L. 1901, p. 302,303. 6. L. 1903, p. 315-18. 7* L. 1915, p. 661,667-69. . Two years later the name of the State Board of Health was changed to the State Department of Public Health (L. 1917, p. 4,27). 8. L. 1915, p. 667. 9. L. 1877, p. 209, 10, L, 1931, p. 734. 5 Introduction later the same privilege was granted to an illegitimate child in case of the intermarriage of the child’s parents.^ Marriages Illinois legislation requiring the keeping of marriage records go hack to the days of the Indiana,13 and Illinois territories. These territorial laws authorized persons to he joined in marriage either after obtaining a license or publishing their intention to marry at least two weeks before such marriage. When Illinois became a state the first General Assembly passed legis- lation continuing the right of persons desiring to marry to secure a license or publish their intention to marry prior to the performance of the ceremony. However, the certificate was still required to be filed with the clerk of the county commissioners’ court by the person per- forming the It was not until 1877 that the securing of marriage licenses was made mandatory.16 The laws then remained in status quo until 1937 when a provision was added requiring marriage license applicants to undergo a medical examination^7 and make appli- cation announcing intent to marry not less than three days and not more than thirty days prior to the ceremony,18 jn April 1941 that part of the provision requiring an application to be made was abolished and now no notice of intent is required, Divorces There has been little legislation pertaining to the keeping of divorce records in this state. In territorial days divorces were 11. L. 1933, p. 838. For transcripts of all legislation pertaining to keeping of birth and*death records in Illinois, from 1819 to the present, see Appendix, p. 106-18, For standard state certificates for births, deaths, and stillbirths, see inserts following pages 38, 71. 12. Theodore Calvin Pease, ed., Laws of the Northwest Territory, 1788- 1800, v. XVII, Illinois Historical Collections, Law Series, I, 23, 13. Francis S. Philbrick, ed., Laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-1809, v. XXI, Illinois Historical Collections. Law Series, II, 251,252. 14. Nathaniel Pope, ed., Laws of the Territory of Illinois, I, 47; II, 345,349; Laws of Illinois Territory, 1817-18, p. 91, 15. L. 1619, p. 25-28/ 16. L. 1877, p. 130. 17. L, 1937, p. 910. 18. Ibid., p. 909. 19. 111. Rev. Stat. 1941, p, 2017. For transcripts of all legislation pertaining to the keeping of marriage records in Illinois, from 1788 to the present, see Appendix, p. 119-31. For samples of standard marriage forms issued by Cook County, see inserts following page 102, Introduction 6 granted by the territorial legislatureSO and courts.21 in early statehood, jurisdiction over divorces was vested in the legislature22 and the circuit courts,23 and. both kept records. Later, the Consti- tution of 1848 prohibited the exercise of this jurisdiction by the General Assembly24 and now only courts having general chancery juris- diction grant divorces.25 Since there is no legislation requiring the keeping of separate series of divorce records or files, they only are to be found spread over the regular chancery records and dockets, and among the regular court or chancery files. Church Recordation Active Churches At the present, there is no data on the extent or scope of church- recordation of vital statistics in Illinois. However, as the Illinois Historical Records Survey of the Work Projects Administration pro- gresses with that phase of its program which has for its objective the surveying of church archives and the publishing of inventories for all denominations in the state, such information gradually will become available. When the church archives survey is completed the publication of a guide to church vital statistics records in Illinois will become feasible. That such a guide would prove an important and valuable supplement to the public records guide is almost certain, especially when it is realized that churches of many denominations were founded before Illinois became a state, and that their records, including vital statistics, antedate public records in certain instances. Among the one hundred and eleven church bodies having ten or more local churches in the State of Illinois, there is no uniformity of church law or of practice in the keeping of church records of vital statistics. Only a few of the religious bodies have church laws dealing with them.. In most bodies, however, there is a common practice within the denomination regarding the method of keeping registers of vital statistics. On the basis of church law or common practices they fall into the following four divisions: A. Roman Catholic Church. Canon law requires the officiating clergyman to keep in the rectory, in a series of separate volumes, vital statistics covering baptisms, confirmations. 20. Laws of Illinois Territory, 1817-18, p. 35. 21. Theodore Calvin Pease, ed., Laws of the Northwest Territory, 1783-1800, v. XVII* Illinois Historical Collections, Law Series, I, 11, 259; Nathaniel Pope, ed., Laws of the Territory of Illinois, II, 333-43; Laws of Illinois Territory, 1817-18, p. 92. 22. L. 1831, p. 71. 23. L. 1819, p. 378; R.L. 1827, p. 181. £4. Art. Ill, sec. 32. 25. Const. 1870, Art. VI, sec. 12,25; L. 1901, p. 137. Introduction 7 marriages, and burials.26 These records are subject to annual or biennial inspection by the Bishop of the Diocese. Protestant Episcopal Church. Church law states that it shall be the duty of the minister in charge of a local church "to keep a Parish Register of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials, and the names of the communicants within his cure."27 This register, usually a single volume, is kept in the custody of the rector and is subject to biennial inspection by the Bishop of the Dioceso. Salvation Army. The Central Territorial Headquarters require the officer in charge of each Corps (church) to keep accurate records of membership, baptisms, marriages, and deaths on regular printed forms. These records are inspected serai-annually by the Divisional Commander or his delegate.28 B. Presbyterian Church, USA. In this denomination there is no law of the General Assembly governing the keeping of vital statistics, but each Presbytery usually adopts a body of rules on this matter, and practice is fairly uniform throughout the country. The "Rules for Keeping Sessional Records" adopted by the Presbytery of Chicago on September 11, 1933, require the Clerk of the Session to record only baptisms and church membership. Clergymen in charge of local churches, however, keep additional marriage and burial records. All four items are usually kept in a stand- ard register book, in which the date of birth is recorded along with the baptismal entry and the date of death is shown with the burial entry. United Lutheran Church. Here the minister of each local church is required to keep an accurate record of his ministerial acts;29 this record includes data on baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials. The date of birth is not required on baptismal entries. The practice of other Lutheran bodies follows the same procedure. C. Methodist Episcopal Church» There is no rule for the keeping of vital statistics in this denomination. Most Methodist ministers do keep a register of baptisms, marriages, members, 26. Canon 470. 27. Canon 21. 28. Information furnished hy officers in charge of the Central Terri- torial Headquarters of the Salvation Army, 717 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois. 29. Const., Art, VI, 4, j. Introduction and burials. Some also keep confirmation or preparatory records. All such records are kept in the church or parsonage in custody of the minister.30 Congregational and Christian Church,. Evangelical and Reformed Church. In neither of these is there any church law regarding the keeping of vital statis- tics. It is the common practice in both bodies for the minister to keep a register of baptisms, marriages, burials and membership.31 Church of Christ Disciples. No church law for this body governs the keeping of vital statistics. The minister usually, the clerk occasionally, keeps a register of members, baptisms, and deaths.32 D* Baptist Bodies. Among the Baptists there are no rules for the keeping of registers, since the individual church is autonomous. The custom is well established, however, for the minister to keep a register of baptisms, marriages, and deaths. This custom serves almost as an unwritten law. The register is kept as a part of the record of ministerial acts.33 Jewish Bodies. Practices regarding the keeping of vital statisTics vary greatly among the Jewsj in no case does any church law govern the practice. In instances where an Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform congregation owns a cemetery, cemetery records are usually kept giving data on deaths and burials. Death records are frequently kept by all three bodies as supplements to or in place of cemetery records, and all keep membership records. Confirmants* records are kept only by the Conservative and Reform bodies. Only Reform bodies keep marriage records and even here the practice is not general. Often data on deaths is simply entered in the minute book.of a Jewish congregation. There are few Jewish record books of vital statistics that date before 1920 in Illinois.34 30. Information received from the office of Bishop Ernest L. Waldorf, 77 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. 31. Congregational and Christian information gathered from State Office of the denomination, 19 S. LaSalle Street, Room 1312, Chicago, Illinois. Evangelical and Reformed information obtained from office of President of Illinois Synod, Rev. V/i11iam Haefe, 4948 Grace Street, Chicago, Illinois. 32. Information obtained from office of Chicago Disciples Union, 19 S. LaSalle Street, Room 1322, Chicago, Illinois. 33. Information gained from the Rev. W. E. Powers, First Baptist Church, 935 E. 50th Street, Chicago, Illinois. 34. Information gained from Survey of Jewish congregations in Illinois by the Illinois Historicad Records Survey. Introduction Ghurch of Christ, Scientist, There are no Christian Science regulations governing the keeping of vital statistics. It is the custom for the Reader to keep a record of marriages and deaths,35 Defunct Churches In respect to vital statistics records of defunct churches in Illinois, there have been no defunct churches in the Roman Catholic body since the time of the French occupation,36 jn the Protestant Episcopal Church, record books of defunct churches, if preserved, are filed in the diocesan headquarters. Whenever the records of a dissolved Corps of the Salvation Army are preserved, they are filed in the Divisional or Territorial Office, Records of dissolved Presbyterian churches, if preserved, are usually placed in the hands of the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery for safekeeping. In some cases where a church is dissolved because of merger with another church, the records of the dissolved church will be kept by the existing institution. Register books of defunct or dissolved churches of other religious bodies listed above are very difficult to locate. There seems to be no general practice regarding the preservation or filing of such records. Obtaining Vital Statistics Information from Governmental Records To establish facts of births, deaths, or marriages in Illinois, the various vital statistics files, records, and indexes kept by each county clerk should be consulted. While the indexes generally cover the records and registers only, in some counties they also take in the files of unbound certificates. In respect to births and deaths, where the county in which the event took place is unknown, recourse also should be had to the records and indexes kept by the State Department of Public Health, No state records of marriages are kept. Copies of birth, death, and stillbirth certificates may be obtained, upon payment of a fee of fifty cents, from the State Department of Public Health and from any county clerk or local registrar,37 Pees for copies of marriage certificates vary from county to county, but the average is about one dollar. Since no separate divorce records arc required to be kept, in order to locate such records it is necessary to determine the court in which the decree was granted. The dork of the court has in his possession the dockets and indexes to the chancery records and files wherein the decree will be found. 35, Information obtained from Christian Science Committee on Publi- cations, 220 S, Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 36, Information obtained from Right Reverend George J, Casey, Monsignor, Holy Name Cathedral, 719 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 37, L, 1915, p, 668, For complete information and instructions on birth registration, see insert of official state leaflet following page 10, Introduction Adequacy and Completeness of Records It is unfortunately true that in Illinois, in common with the rest of the country, the proper preservation and indexing of vital statistics records (like county records in general) have been greatly neglected*. The older records are frequently badly preserved and arranged. Disintegration and destruction of records are constantly taking place because of the hazards of dirt, fire, and water, or the inroads of insect and animal pests. The need for better storage space and facilities is almost universal. Indexes of vital statistics records in particular are not up-to-date, ■and in many counties they are woefully inadequate. Mindful of this situation, the State Department of Public Health, in conjunction with the Work Projects Administration, now is sponsoring a Vital Statistics Project to compile a master index of all state and county birth records. Other master indexes for vital statistics may be expected to follow. The indexing of birth certificates as set up by this project is designed to facilitate the completion of searches and aid county clerks and local registrars in filling promptly the numerous requests for certi- fied copies of birth certificates. This is accomplished by first arrang- ing the certificates in the desired order and then punching on standard tabulating cards all the pertinent information for establishing identity given on the birth certificate. The key-punched card is electrically tabulated, printing all of this information on a single line. Additional statistical information appearing on the birth certificate is also punched on the tabulating card, thus nicking possible the completion of more accurate tables and other compilations of birth statistics. State and county indexes, covering the period 1878 to date, will be arranged chronologically and alphabetically, ready for binding. The State Department of Public Health will maintain the index subsequent to 1940. Conclusion In conclusion, it may be stated that, since 1920, Illinois has been ranked among the leading states in regard to progressive vital statistics legislation. With supervision of births and deaths in the hands of the State Department of Public Health and with local registration mandatory upon penalty of being prosecuted for misdemeanor, this important state and county function is being carried out effectively. The present marriage laws requiring medical examinations for both parties and witnessed signatures of the examined on the medical certificate, is modern in every respect.38 And while there are no laws regarding the keeping of separate 38. Por tables showing the development of Illinois legislation on births, deaths, and marriages from territorial days to the present, see p. 12, 13. For table showing annual births, deaths, and stillbirths in Illinois, 1916-1940, see p. 14. IINFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO BIRTH REGISTRATION IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS As the first Law requiring the registration of births in Illinois did not become effective until 1877, individuals born previous to that time are advised that official records of such birth are not available at any place. It is not possible there- fore for such persons to establish proof of their age by means of a birth certificate that was made and filed at the time of the birth. A method by which such individuals may estab- lish proof of their age has been made possible by the United States Census Bureau, at Washington. The census taken in 1900 has now been indexed, and by advising the Bureau of the name, the parents’ names and the address in 1900, a person may obtain proof of his, or her age at that time. This would quite naturally establish proof of such person's age at the present time. The Law which became effective in this State in 1877 only required that births be recorded with the County Clerk of the County in which the birth occurred. This Law continued in effect until 1915, but as many births occurring at that interval of time were not attended by a physician or midwife, such births were never registered. If a record of the birth was made and filed at the time of its oc- currence, it should be found in the office of the County Clerk. The present existing Law to provide for the registration of all births, stillbirths and deaths in the State of Illinois, which repealed the previous Law, became effective in 1915 but really did not become operative until the following year. This Law requires that all births be recorded with the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurs, such local registrar being either the town or the village clerk, or if the birth was in a rural community the township or road district clerk. The local registrar is required to make two copies of the birth certificate, one for his own files and a copy for the County Clerk, after which the original certificate is forwarded to this Department. A record of the birth is thereby established in three places, and the Law provides that a certified copy of the record may be obtained from the County Clerk, from the local registrar, or from this De- partment upon the payment of a fee of fifty cents. ESTABLISHING DELAYED BIRTH RECORDS AVhile the present Law provides that a delayed birth record may be established, this procedure is governed by certain regulations and restrictions. To avoid duplication of birth records in the case of births occurring between 1877 and 1915, it must be determined that a birth record is not on file in the office of the County Clerk before attempting to es- tablish a delayed birth record. For the same reason individuals born after 1915 must ascertain whether or not there is a record of the birth on file with this Department. INSTRUCTIONS Blank birth certificate forms and affidavits is- sued by this Department must always be used when preparing a record of a birth occurring in this State. When preparing a delayed birth certificate, all items required on the certificate should be com- pleted as applying at the time of the birth, that is, the place of the birth, the residence of the parents, and the ages of the parents should refer to the actual time that the birth occurred and not to the present time. Do not show the present address, or ages at such items, or state that the parents are deceased. The certificate must be prepared with pen and ink, or typewriter, and not with a lead pencil as it is intended as a permanent record. In those cases where it is possible to obtain the signature of the physician or midwife who attended at the birth, all that is required in establishing a delayed birth record is a properly prepared cer- tificate, on a form issued by this State, signed by such physician or midwife. When it is not possible to obtain the signature of the birth attendant, the completed certificate may be signed by a member of the individual’s imme- diate family who was living at the time of the birth, that is, a blood relation. Certificates signed by “relatives by marriage”, or by neighbors or friends will not be accepted under any circum- stances. In cases where the certificate is signed by a member of the family, the relationship, and the present address of such individual, as well as the date of signing must be shown with the signa- ture. Also, in all such cases the certificate must be accompanied by an affidavit, on a form issued by this State, completed before a Notary or other person qualified to administer the required oath. ALL CERTIFICATES AND AFFIDAVITS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PREPARED IN KEEPING WITH THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE REJECTED AND NOT FILED FOR RECORD In the case of births occurring previous to 1915 outside of the City of Chicago, the completed cer- tificate and affidavit should be forwarded directly to this Department. In the case of births occurring after 1915, the certificate and affidavit prepared to establish a delayed birth record may either be filed with the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurred, or forwarded directly to this Department. In the case of births occurring in the City of Chicago, regardless of the year of occurrence, the certificate and affidavit must be filed with the Board of Health of that City, at 54 West Hubbard Street, and a filing fee of twenty-five cents is re- quired to be forwarded with the certificate and affidavit. OBTAINING CERTIFIED COPIES The Statutes provide that a certified copy of a birth record may be obtained upon the payment of a fee of fifty cents. This copy may be obtained from the local registrar, from the County Clerk, or directly through this Department. When the certified copy is obtained from the Board of Health of Chicago, the fee of fifty cents should be remitted to that Board in the form of a Money Order. When the certified copy is obtained from this Department, the remittance of the fifty cent fee should be in the form of a Money Order, payable to the “Director of Public Health”. PERSONAL CHECKS OR STAMPS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THIS DEPARTMENT The Attorney General of Illinois has ruled that a delayed birth certificate, prepared in keeping with the provisions of the Statutes and the regula- tions of this Department, shall have the same pro- bative value in Court as a certificate that was made and filed for record at the time the birth occurred. While this Department will file for record any birth certificates, or certificates and affidavits that have been properly prepared, and will also issue a certified copy of the same upon payment of the Statutory fee of fifty cents, the Department cannot guarantee that such certified copy will be accepted in all channels as proof of birth, age, etc. At the present time, some employers of labor, civil service commissions, and others requiring proof of birth and age will only accept as such proof, birth certi- ficates that were made and filed at the time of the birth. Blank birth certificates and affidavits for use in establishing delayed birth records may be obtained from this Department at any time upon request. (27978—25M—7-40) STATE OF ILLINOIS HENRY HORNER, Governor Information and Instructions Relative to Birth Registration in the State of Illinois DIVISION OF VITAL STATISTICS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH ALBERT C. BAXTER, M. D., Director ISSUED BY December I, 1939 PRESERVE FOR REFERENCE [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois.] Form V. S. 29 Introduction divorce records (since the granting of divorces is purely a judicial function, they are handled in common with all other chancery cases by courts having such jurisdiction) it may be said with truth that Illinois divorce legislation follows a sane and moderate middle course. It is neither so loose and casual as to make for free and easy divorces in divorce mills throughout the state, nor is it so reactionary and hide- bound as to make legitimate divorces obtainable only through perjury, manufactured evidence, and other unethical practices. Act Governmental Supervision Persons Reporting Nature of Provision ■ - - -1 Penalty for Failure tn Rerort 1819 None Physicians only reported to Medical Society Mandatory $10 1821 Act of 1819 repealed (No Legist tion affecting the recording of tirt keeping of records from 1821 to hs and deaths . I8I+3) md the 181+3 County Clerk Father - Mother - Next of Kin- Householder - Coroner - Warden, Jailer or Overseer of Poor of inmates of institutions % Voluntary None 1877 State Board of Health (via County Clerk) Mother - Father - Next of Kin - Physician - Accoucheurs - Coroner - Householder Mandatory $10 1915 Department of Public Health County Clerk (via Local Registrar) Same as Above Mandatory within 10 days of event Prosecuted as a mis- demeanor TABLE SHOWING ADEQUACY AND COMPLETENESS OF SUCCESSIVE ACTS RELATING TO THE KEEPING OF BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS TABLE SHOWING ADEQUACY ALT! COMPLETENESS OF SUCCESSIVE ACTS RELATING . TO THE KEEPING OE MARRIAGE RECORDS Acts Medical Certifi- cate Application Notice of Intention License Return and Filing^ Publication and Certificate License and Certificate 1788 None Minors1State ment - Par- ents' Consent - 15 Days or License Optional Filed with the County Register Recorded by the County Register 1807 None Same Same Same Filed with the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas Recorded by the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas 1814 Hone Same Same Same Piled with the Clerk of Terri- torial County Court Recorded by the Clerk of Terri- torial County Court 1818 None Same Same Same Filed with the Clerk of Jus- tices' Court Recorded by the Clerk of Jus- tices* Court 1819 None Same Same Same Filed with the Clerk of the County Commis- sioners' Court Recorded by the Clerk of the County Commis- sioners' Court ... 3.827 Naaa_ Same Same Same Same Same 1845 Hone Same 2 weeks or License Same Same Same 40 1874 None Minors' Af- fidavit Adult Application 2 weeks or License Same Filed with the County Clerk Recorded by the County Clerk 1877 Hone Minors' and Adult Appli- cation None Manda- tory Publication Abolished License Reauim Same 1889 Hone Affidavit Mandatory None Same Same Same 1905 Hone Same None Same Same Same 1937 Mandate rj Same 3 to 30 days Same Same Same ,19.43.. Same. _ Hone JNqas. ! Same Sane Same 39. From 1788 to 1877 persons could be joined in marriage after obtaining a license or publishing their intention to marry at least two weeks previous to such marriage in the church or congregation to which the parties, or one of them belonged. When a license was used, the officer celebrating the marriage made out a certificate of the marriage and returned the same, with license to the clerk who issued the license and when publication was used a certificate was made out and filed with the clerk (Theodore Calvin Pease, ed,, Laws of the Northwest Territory, 1783-1800, v. VII, Illinois Historical Collections. Law Series, I, 22,23; Francis S. Philbrick, ed., Laws of In- diana. Territory, 1801-1807, v. XXI, Illinois Historical Collections, Law Series, II, 250-52; L. 1819, p. 25-28; R.L. 1827, p. 288-90; R.S. 1845, p. 354; R.S. 1874, p. 394-Q6). 40. The basic laws on marriage have been in effect since 1874, the later acts are amendments thereto. TABLE OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND STILLBIRTHS IN ILLINOIS, 1916-1940 YEAR BIRTHS STILLBIRTHS DEATHS PERCENTAGE OF DEATHS TO BIRTHS 1916 126,744 5,257 81,757 • 64 1917 123,217 5,077 85,872 .69 1918 129,643 5,504 106,178 .81 1919 122,697 4,811 77,669 .63 1920 137,960 5,185 82,845 .60 1921 147,311 5,447 73,718 .50 1922 141,606 4,887 75,985 .56 1923 141,890 5,223 82,045 .57 1924 144,850 5,326 77,343 .53 1925 139,380 4,917 81,752 .58 1926 136,524 4,900 85,532 .62 1927 136,992 4,711 83,094 .60 1928 132,520 4,685 90,398 .68 1929 131,033 4,484 87,930 .67 1930 128,121 4,312 83,684 .65 1931 118,788 4,082 85,741 .70 1932 111,525 3,459 83,183 .745 1933 106,863 3,225 82,456 .77 1934 110,225 3.343 87.205 .79 1935 111,884 3,330 85,525 .76 1936 112,158 3,122 92,918 .828 1937 115,283 3,078 87.741 .76 1938 122,562 3,207 84,769 .69 1939 117,844 3,003 86,993 .73 1940 123,211 3,162 88,236 .71 41, Illinois Department of Public Health, Annual Reports (1916 to 1939); ibid,. Statistical Review of Mortality and Morbidity Trends, Circular No. 59; information on 1940 statistics obtained from Dr. R. H, Woodruff, State Registrar. (Any discrepancies are due to the difference in calendar year of reports - table shows latest and most complete figures.) CHECKLIST OF STATE AND COUNTY VITAL STATI S T I CS RECORDS Checklist of Records - Births BIRTH RECORDS - STATE1 1. (BIRTH INDEX), 1850-1938. 909 f.d. (1850-1916, 1918-36); 4 v. (1917); 11 v. (1937-38). Index to Births Delayed Series (for Chicago), 1926-27, entry 2; Down State Births, 1916-38, entry 3; Chicago Births, 1926-27, entry 4; Births Prior to Act, 1850-1915, entry 6, showing name and number of county and city, number of certificate, date and place of birth, and name of child. Arr. alph. by surname of child within year, Hdw, on pr. fm. F.d. 5 x 6 x 4; v. 600 p. 28 x 12 x 4. 171 f.d., 1920-22; 50 f.d., 1924, dept.’s bsmt. vlt.; 10 f.d., 1850-1915; 17 f.d., 1916; 4 v., 1917; 32 f.d., 1918-19; 629 f.d., 1923-36; 11 v., 1937-38, rm, 202-212, Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois. 2. BIRTHS PRIOR TO ACT, 1850-1915. 181 v. (A-Hft1850-79; 12 lettered H, 1866-77; A-H,H, 1880-89; 8 lettered G, 3 letter- ed H, 1882-89; A-G, 1890-94; 6 lettered G-I, 1890-94; A-J, 5 lettered K, 1895-99; 8 lettered I, L, 1895-99; A-G, 1900; A-G, 1901; A-E, 1902; A-E, 1903; A-F, 1904; A-D, 1905; A-F, 1906; A-F, 1907, 1908; H, H, 1907; H-J, 1908; A-I, 1909, 1910; J, 1909; J, 1910; K, M, 1911; A-I, 1911, 1912; J-M, 1912; A-I, 1913; A-I, 1914; A-I, 1915). Certificates of birth of persons born in the state of Illinois (except- ing the city of Chicago), showing place and date of birth; full name of father; full maiden name of mother; name, sex, and number of child in order of birth; age, race or color, birthplace, residence, and occupa- tion of father and mother; number of children of mother living at time of birth; signature and title of person signing certificate; signature and address of registrar; registrar’s filing date; registration and file numbers of certificate, and affidavit attesting birth. These are birth certificates of people born prior to 1916 and certificates record- ed with the state subsequent to 1916. Arr. by date of birth. For sep. index, see entry 1. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed on pr. fm. 500 p. 8" x 10 x 3. Main off. rm. 202-212, 2nd fl., Centennial Bldg., Spring- field, Illinois. 3. BIRTHS DELAYED SERIES (For Chicago), 1875 — . 134 v. (1-134). Certificates of birth of persons born in the city of Chicago filed with affidavit of birth and recorded by the bureau of vital statistics, show- ing place and date of birth; full name of father; full maiden name of mother; name, sex, and number of child in order of birth; age, race or color, birthplace, residence, and occupation of father and mother; number 1. For a legal summary of the history of birth records in Illinois, including illustrative tables, see Introduction; for transcripts of all legislation pertaining to the keeping of birth records, see Appendix, p. 106-18. Checklist of Records - Births of children born to mother now living; signature and title of person sign- ing certificate; signature and address of registrar; registrars filing date; registration and file number of certificate, and affidavit attest- ing birth* These are certificates of birth of persons born in Chicago prior to 1916, and certificates recorded with the state subsequent to 1916. Arr* by certificate no. 1875-1925, 1928—, no index; for sep. in- dex, 1926-27, see entry 1. Hdw, on pr. fm. and typed on pr. fm. 500 p. 8-g-x 10 x 3. Dept.*s vlt., 9th level. Archives Bldg., Springfiold, Illinois. 4. DOTSTATE BIRTHS, 1916—. 3529 v. (442, v, not labeled, 1916- 18; 126 v. not labeled, 1-7, 1919; 143 v, not labeled, 1-7, 1920* 150 v. not labeled, 1-9, 1921; 148 v. not labeled, 1922; 1-163, 1-160, 1-159, 1-158, x-152, 1-145, 1-144, 1-146, 1-131, 1-132, 1-124, 1-129, 1-130, 1-135, 1-142, 1-148, 1-142, 1-55, 1923—). Original certificates of births for the State of Illinois (excepting the city of Chicago), showing place, date, and hour of birth; maiden name and residence of mother; full name, sex, and number of child; full name, race or color, age, birthplace, and occupation of father and mother; number of children born alive; number of children now living and number of still- births of mother; type of treatment given child1s eyes at birth; state- ment of blood tost of mother; signature and address of attending physician and registrar; date of filing with registrar, and registration and file numbers of certificate. Arr. by certificate no. within year. For sop. index, 1916-38, see entry 1; 1939—, no index. Hdw. on pr, fm. and typed on pr. fm. 500 p, 8-J x 10 x 3. 2113 v, 1916-29, dept.'s bsmt. vlt.; 1416 v., 1930—, main off* rm. 202-212, Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois. 5, CHICAGO BIRTHS, 1916—, 2841 v. (864 not labeled, 1916-22; 1-117, 12 not labeled, 1923; 1-118, 12 not labeled, 1924; 1-123, 5 not labeled, 1925; 1-124, 2 not labeled, 1926; 1-125, 4 not labeled, 1927; 1-126, 2 not labeled, 1928; 1-122, 1 not labeled, 1929; 1-118, 2 not labeled, 1930; 1-109, 2 not labeled, 1931; 1-100, 1 not labeled, 1932; 1-95, 1 not labeled, 1933; 1-98, 1 not labeled, 1934; 1-99, 1 not labeled, 1935; 1-101, 1-103, 1-107, 1-100, 1-47, 1936—). Original certificates of birth for the city of Chicago, showing date, place, and hour of birth; maiden name and residence of mother; full name, sex, and number of child; full name, race or color, age, birthplace, and occupation of father and mother; number of children born alive; number of children living; and number of stillbirths of mother; typo of treatment given child's eyes at birth; statement of blood test of mother; signature and address of attending physician, and registrar; date of filing with registrar and registration and file numbers of certificate* Arr. by certificate no, within year. For sep* index, 1926-27, see entry 1; 1916-25, 1928-39, no index; index for 1940 is being compiled. Hdw, on pr, fm. and typed on pr. fm, 500 p, sj- x 10 x 3. 2694 v., 1916-38, 9th level. Archives Bldg.; v, 1-100, 1939; 1-47, 1940, main off, rm, 202-212, 2nd fl,; Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois. Checklist of Records - Births 6. BIRTHS ILLINOIS CHILDREN BORN OUT OF STATE, 1953—. 10 v* (A, A, A, B, A-C, A-C, 1933-3?); 4 bdl. (1938—). Standard certificates of births of children born out of scate, showing name of child, statistical and personal particulars, names, addresses, occupations, and nativity of parents, signature of attending physician or midwife, date of filing with and signature of registrar, and state file and registration numbers* Arr• alph* by name of state and alph, by surname of child thereunder* No index. Hdw. on pr. fm* and typed on pr* fm. 500 p. 8 x 10 x 3. Dept.*s bsmt.vlt., Centennial Bldg*, Springfield, Illinois. Checklist of Records — Births BIRTH RECORDS - COUNTY ADAMS COUNTY (Quincy) 1877-— Certificates, duplicate, 15 f.b., 25 v. 1877-1915, by date of entry; 1916—, by certificate no. Indexed alph, by surname of child and in separate index "General Index to Files," 1 v., 1877-1915. 1877- Register, 10 v. 1877-86, by date of entry; 1887-1915, alph, by surname of child, ALEXAI'iDDR COUNTY (Cairo) 1878— Certificates, duplicate, 1 carton, 13 v, 1878-1915, by date of birth; 1916-25, by certificate no.; 1926—, alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1916-25, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1878-80, Record, 7 v, By date of entry. Indexed alph, by surname 1902-15, of child. 1926- BOND COUNTY (Greenville) 1877- Record, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1904 in "Index to Birth and Death Register," 1 v,, alph, by surname of child; 1905-15 in "Index to Marriages and Births," alph. by surname of child, 1880— Certificates, duplicate, 19 bdl,, 10 v, 1880-1914, no obvious arr.; 1915—, alph, by surname of child. Separate index in "Index to Certificates of Births and Deaths," 1915—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1915—, BOONE COUNTY (Bolvidcro) 1878- Certificates, duplicates, in "Marriages, Births, Deaths," 1 f,b. By date of filing, 1901— Certificates, duplicate, 15 bdl,, 12 v, 1901-15, by date of filing; 1916—, by certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child. Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Indexed alph. by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births BROWN COUNTY (Kt. Sterling) 1878— Certificates, duplicate, 12 f.b,, 5 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 1916--, 1 v., alph, by surname of child, 1878-1915 Register, 3 v, Alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, BUREAU COUNTY (Princeton) 1878-« Record, 42 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of child. Also contains stillbirths, 1904--, 1923— Certificates, duplicate, in "Miscellaneous',," 1 f.d. By date of birth, CALHOUN COUNTY (Hardin) 1878-1918 Record, 5 v. By date of registration. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child, 1907— Certificates, in “Births and Deaths,“ 8 f.b,, 3 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph, by surname of child, CARROLL COUNTY (Mt. Carroll) 1877-1927 Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1877-1916, 5 v., alph, by surname of child. 1877- Certificates, duplicate, in “Births and Deaths,“ 3 bdl,, 1918-27 6 f.b. Alph. by surname of child, 1916-17, Certificates, duplicate, 8- v. Alph, by surname of child, 1928— CASS COUNTY (Virginia) 1878— Certificates, duplicate, in "Birth, Stillbirth and Death Certificates," 25 f.b. By date of certificate. 1878— Record, 12 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1878- 1902, 1916-17, 2 v,, alph. by surname of child; 1903—, self-indexed alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1899-1917, Checklist of Records - Births CHAMPAIGN COUNTY (Urbana) 1878— Record, 17 v, By date of entry. Indexed alph. by surname of parents, 1878-1901; separate index, 1878—, 2 v.» alph. by surname of child. One volume, 1878-80 also contains record of stillbirths, 1897-1901 Certificates, duplicate, in "Birth and Death Certificates of State Board of Health," 1 f.b. By date of filing. 1902— Certificates, duplicate, 71 v. By date of entry* Separate index, 2 v,, alph. by surname of child. CHRISTIAN COUNTY (Taylorville) 1877—> Certificates, duplicate, 19 f.b,, 10 v. By date of certifi- cate. Separate index, 1932—, 1 v., alph, by surname of child. 1877-1931 Record, 16 v. Alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1917-31, 1 v., alph, by surname of child. CLARK COUNTY (Marshall) 1865-67, Register, in "Register of Births and Deaths," 8 v, Alph, 1877-1928 by surname of child. Separate index, 1877-1928, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child. 1922— Certificates, duplicate, 4 f.b., 13 v. Alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1929—, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. CLAY COUNTY (Louisville) 1877— Certificates, 16 f.b., 22 v. No obvious arrangement, 1877-1915; 1916— alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1877-1915, 2 v, in "Index to Miscellaneous Papers," alph, by surname of child. 1877-1919 Record, 8 v, Alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1877-1905, 1 v.,alph, by surname of child; 1902-19, soIf- indexod alph. by surname of child, CLINTON COUNTY (Carlyle) 1877-1915 Record, 7 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of child. 1903— Certificates, 8 pigeon holes, 23 v. 1903-15,by certifi- cate no.; 1916—falph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1903-15, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births COLES COUNTY (Charleston) 1878*— Certificates, 34 f.h,, 24 v. Alph, by surname of child. 1876- , Register, 12 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 1879-1915, 2 v., alph. by surname of child; 1878 self- indexed alph, hy surname of child. COOK COUliTY (Chicago) 1878-1936 Card record, 210 f.d, Alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1898-1936, 29 v., alph. by surname of child. 1871-1915 Register, 87 v. By date of birth. Also includes still- births. Separate index, 1898-1915, 29 v,, alph, by sur- name of child. 1878— Certificates, duplicate, 312 f.d. By registration no. Separate index, 1898-1939, 29 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1898-1909 Register, 44 v, Arr. by date of birth and alph. by sur- name of child thereunder. Soundex system now in process of installation, CRAWFORD COUNTY (Robinson) 1877— Certificates, 12 f.b,, 15 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 3 v., alph, by surname of child. 1877-1915 Register, 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph. by surname of child, CUMBERLAND COUNTY (Toledo) 1885-1915 Certificates in ’’Miscellaneous Papers,” 120 bdl. By date of filing. 1885-1915 Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surname of child. 1916— Certificates, 8 v, By date of filing. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of child. DE KALB COUNTY (Sycamore) 1877- Record, 6 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 6 v., alph, by surname of child, 1878— Certificates, 27 bdl., 19 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 6 v,, alph, by surname of child; 1878-1915 also in- dexed in "Vault Index,” 1 v., alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births DE YiITT COUNTY (Clinton) 1877- Register, 5 v* 1877-1919, by certificate no*; 1920-26 by date of filing* Separate index, 1877-1920, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* 1878- Certificates, 2 f.b., 11 v* 1878-191% by date of filing? 1916—, by certificate no* Separate index, 1916—, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* DOUGLAS COUNTY (Tuscola) 1877-1915 Register, 6 v, By date of registration* Separate index, 1877-95, 1 v., alph* by surname of child; 1896-1915, self- indexed alph* by surname of child* 1916— Certificates, 2 f.d* Alph* by surname of child* Separate index, 1916-17, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* Also includes stillbirths* DU PAGE COUNTY (Wheaton) 1877-1903 Register, 2 v* By date of entry* Separate index, 2 v*, alph* by surname of child* 1880-1927 Certificates, 14 f*b. By date of birth* Also includes stillbirths, 1880-1915* 1902-12 Record in "Births and Deaths," 1 v. Alph. by family name* 1904— Record, 27 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 1928—, 1 v. alph* by surname of child; 1904-27, self-indexed alph* by surname of child* EDGAR. COUNTY (Paris) 1877— Register, 5 v* By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph* by surname of child. 1879- Certificates in "Birth and Death Certificates," 74 f*b* By date of ontry* This record also contains stillbirth certificates • 1916— Certificates, duplicate, 27 v. Alph. by surname of child* EDUARDS COUNTY (Albion) 1877— Certificates, 6 f*b*, 2 v*, 1 f.d* By date of filing* Includes stillbirths, 1878-1915* Register, 7 v* By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* Checklist of Records - Births EFFING-HAM COUNTY (Effingham) 1877-1916 Certificates in "County Clerk’s Miscellaneous Files,” 460 f.b, By date of filing. Separate index in "Index to Court Records,” 3 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877-1915 Record, 5 v, By date of filing. Separate indexes, 2 f.d, and 3 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1916— Certificates, 12 v, 3y certificate no. Separate indexes, 2 f.d, and 3 v,, alph, by surname of child, FAYETTE COUNTY (Vandalia) 1854-1916 Certificates, deferred birth, 1 v, Alph, by surname of child. 1877-1916 Record, 4 v, By date of registration. Separate index in "Index to Register of Births and Deaths,” 2 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1903-5 Record, duplicate, 1 v. By date of filing, 1877— Certificates, 4 f.b,, 22 v. 1904-16, by date of.certifi- cate; 1917— alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1917-25, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877- Register, 1 v. By date of filing. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child. Compiled by WPA project to complement record described in first entry, FORD COUNTY (Paxton) 1878— Record, 10 y. 1878-1915 by date of filing; 1916— alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1878-1915, 2 v., alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1902-15, 1902- Certificates, duplicate, in "Birth and Death Certificates,” 4 f.b. By date of filing, FRANKLIN COUNTY (Benton) 1877- Record, 3 v. By date of return. Separate index, 4 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878- Certificates in "Birth Certificates and Death Certificates,” 1903- 9 f.b. By certificate no. Also includes stillbirths, 1914-15 1916— Certificates, duplicate, 33 y, Alph, by surname of child, 1882-1901, Certificates in "County Court Papers, Miscellaneous," 43 f.b, 1906-13 Checklist of Records - Births PULTON COUNTY ( Lewi st own) 1878— Certificates, 27 f*b* By date of filing* 1878— Record, 23 v. By date of registration* Self-indexed alph* by surname of child* GALLATIN COUNT'Y (Shawneetown) 1878— Register, 9 v* 1878-1903, by date of registration; 1904—, alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1878-92, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* Includes stillbirths, 1907—* 1902-- Certificates, 6 f.b* By date of certificate* Separate index in "Index to Court and Miscellaneous Papers," 1 v., alph* by surname of child. GREENE COUNTY (Carrollton) 1877— Certificates, 9 f*b., 10 v. 1877-1915,by date of certifi- cate; 1916—,by certificate no* Separate index, 1916—, in "Index to Birth and Death Certificates," 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* 1877— Register, 9 v* 'By date of entry. Separate index in "Births and Deaths," 1 v*, alph. by surname of child* GRUNDY COUNTY (Morris) 1876— Certificates, 8 v. By date of entry* Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1877— Record, 8 v. By date of entry* Self-indexed alph* by surname of child* HAMILTON COUNTY (MoLeansboro) 1878— Register, 5 v* By date of entry* Separate index, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* 1882— Certificates, 8 f*b*, 10 v. 1882-1915, by date of filing, 1916—, alph* by surname of child* Separate index, 1 v*, alph* by surname of child* HANCOCK COUNTY (Carthage) 1877— Certificates* 18 f.b. 22 v* By certificate no* Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Register, 10 v. By date of entry* Self-indexed alph* by surname of child and in separate index, 2 v*, alph* by surname of child* Checklist of Records - Births HARDIN COUNTY (Elizabethtown) 1884-1916, Register, 1 v, By date of entry* Separate index, 1884- 1908-10, 1906, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child* 1907-16 self- 1915- indexed alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1906— Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Indexed alph, by sur- name of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1906-7, 1911-14, 1917-31. 1980— Certificates, 2 v,, 1 f,b, 1920-30 alph, by surname of child; 1931-- by date of certificate, HENDERSON COUNTY (Oquawka) 1877-1915 Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index in "Births and Deaths Index,." 1 v., alph. by surname of chaj-d. 1916- Certificates in "Deaths and Stillbirths," 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index in "Births and Deaths Index," ]i v,, alph, by surname of child, 1921— Certificates, 6 v. By date of filing. Separate index in "Births- and Deaths Index," 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, HENRY COUNTY (Cambridge) 1877-- Certificates, 7 f.b,, 2.2. v, 1877WL915 by date of filing* 1916— alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child. Includes stillbirths, 1877- Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph* by surname of child, IROQUOIS COUNTY (Watseka) 1878- .Register, 10 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child; separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1902-6, Certificates in "Birth and Death Reports," 3 bdl,, 6 f,b, 1911-15 By date of certificate, 1916— Certificates, 20 v* By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births JACKSON COUNTY (Murphysboro) 1877— Certificates, 8 f.b., 23 v. 1877-1915 by date of certifi- cate!, 1916— alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1877-1901, 1 v., alph. by surname of child; 1916—, separate index in ’’Index to Births and Deaths,”1 I v., alph. by sur- name of child. 1877-1937 Register, 6 v, By date of entry* Separate index, I v., alph. by surname of child. 1901— Record, 17 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1906-15 in "Index to Births and Deaths,” 1 v, alph. by surname of child! self-indexed, 1912--, alph, by surname of child. Includes stillbirths, 1908-16, JASPER COUNTY (Newton) 1877— Certificates, 12 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 1877-1916, 2 v., alph, by surname of child! 1917— self- indexed alph, by surname of child. Also includes still- births, 1906-16, JEFFERSON COUNTY (Mt. Vernon) 1877- Register, Z v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of child. 1902— Certificates, 19 f.b,, 31 v, 1902-15, by date of filing; 1916— alph* by surname of child, 19 f.b, are now being re- filed and indexed, JERSEY COUNTY (Jerseyville) 1.878— Record, 8 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 2. v., alph. by surname of child, hast two volumes of this series contain stillbirth certificates, 1905-32, 1878- Certificates in "'Birth and Stillbirth Certificates," 10 f.b,, 8 v, • By date of certificate. JO DAVIESS COUNTY (Galena) 1877— Certificates, 12 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 6 v., alph. by surname of child; 1877-1915 also self- indexed alph, by surname of child. This series also contains stillbirth certificates, 1877-1915. JOHNSON COUNTY (Vienna) 1878— Register, 6 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 2 v., alph* by surname of child, 1902— Certificates, 6 f.b,, 5 v. By date of filing. One file box, 1914-15, 1920-21, also contains death certificates* Checklist of Records - Births KANE COUNTY (Geneva) 1877— Certificates, bdl,, $2 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 5 v* » alph. "by surname of child. 1877-1922 Record, 2} v. By certificate no. Separate index,. 5 v,, alph, by surname of child; also self-indexed alph, by surname of child. KANKAKEE COUNTY (Kankakee) 1877-1915 Record, 9 v. By date of entry. 1897-1915* self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1889-1915. 1916— Certificates, UU v. By date of filing. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of child, KENDALL COUNTY (Yorkville) 1877-— Certificates, 15 f.b. Alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877"*"* Register, J v. By date of filing. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of child, KNOX COUNTY (Galesburg) 1877— Certificates, 2 cartons, 2k v. I877-I915, by date of filing; 1916—, alph. by surname of child. Separate index, U v., alph. by surname of child. Also contains stillbirths, 1877-1915. 1877-““ Register, 35 By date of entry. Separate index, k y., alph, by surname of child. LAKE COUNTY (Waukegan) 1877— Certificates, 11 f.b., 28 v. 1877-1915, by date of certifi- cate; 1916—, alph, by surname of child. Separate index, 1916—, U v., alph, by surname of child. 1877-1915 Record, 11 v. By date of birth. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child, LA SALLE COUNTY (Ottawa) 1868-1915 Record, 17 v. By date of entry. Separate index, U v,, alph. by surname of child, 1877-28, Certificates, 31 f.b. By date of filing. Separate 1899-1907* index, U v., alph. by surname of child; also separate index, 1913— in "Miscellaneous Index," -alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1878-191^. Checklist of Records - Births LAURENCE COUNTY (Lawrenceville ) 1878-1927 Record, 10 v, By date of filing. Separate index, 1878- 1911, 1 v., alph, by surname of child; 1912-27 self- indexed alph* by surname of child, 1916— Certificates, 10 v, Alph, by surname of child. Prior certificates were destroyed by fire, LEE COUNTY (Dixon) 1877— Certificates, 2 f,d,, 23 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1877-1915 in "Register of Birth Certificates," 5 v,, by certificate no,; separate index, 1916--, 1 v., alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1877-1915. 1877-1915 Register, 5 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1903-14, LIVINGSTON COUNTY (Pontiac) 1877- Record, 3 v, 1877-1909 alph, by surname of childj 1910-19 by date of certificate, 1910-19 self-indexed alph, by surname of child. 1878— Certificates, 14 f.b., 17 v, 1878-1915 by date of certif- icate; 1916— by certificate no. Separate index, 1916--, 2 v,, alph, by surname of child, LOGAN COUNTY (Lincoln) 1878— Record, 12 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child, 1878-1915 Certificates in "County Clerk’s General Files," 899 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index in "General Index," 2 v., alph, by surname of child, 1916— Certificates, 19 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of child, MACON COUNTY (Decatur) 1877— Record, 33 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 5 v,, alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1887—. 1883— Certificates, 48 f.b. By certificate no. Self-indexed, 1939—a alph, by surname of child. Also includes still- births, 1902—, Checklist of Records - Births MACOUPIN COUNTY (Carlinvillc) 1877— Certificates, 24 f.b., 21 v, By certificate no# Also includes stillbirths, 1920—. 1877— Record, 24 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 5 v., alph. by surname of child; also self-indexed alph, by surname of child, MADISON COUNTY (Edwardsville) 1858-1924 Record, 17 v, By date of birth# Self-indexed alph. by surname of child, 1877— Certificates, 32 f.b., 31 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surname of child. MARION COUNTY (Salem) 1877-1915 Register, 7 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1877- 1904, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child; 1905-16, self- indexed alph, by surname of child. 1877- Certificates, 45 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1916—, 2 v., alph, by surname of child. MARSHALL COUNTY (Lacon) 1870-1915 Register, 6 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child; separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of child# 1916— Certificates, copies of, 26 v, By certificate no. Self- indexed, 1870-1915, alph, by surname of child; separate index, 1916—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, MASON COUNTY (Havana) 1878- Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1878- 1906, 1 v,, alph# by surname of child; self-indexed, 1907-15, alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1916— Certificates, 4 v», 11 bdl, . 1916-23 alph, by surname of child; 1924-- no obvious arr# i 1924— Record, 4 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births MASSAC COUNTY (Metropolis) 1877— Certificates, 45 Ml., 14 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1915—, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878- Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. McDONOUGH COUNTY (Macomb) 1870-1900, Certificates, 5 bdl., 13 v. By date of filing. Separate 1928— index, 1928—, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1870-1927 Certificates in "Birth and Death Certificates," S bdl*. 8 f.b. By date of filing. 1870-1902 Register, 2 v. By date of filing. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. McHENRY COUNTY (Woodstock) 1877— Record, 18 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of child; also self- indexed, 1916—, alph. by surname of child. 1877-1916 Certificates, 42 bdl. By date of certificate. McLEAN COUim (Bloomington) 1877-1915 Record, 14 v. Alph. by surname of child and by date of birth thereunder. 1877-1915 Card record, 34 f.d. Alph. by surname of child and by date of birth thereunder. 1899— Certificates, 8 f.b., 53 v. 1899-1915*by registration no.; 1916—»alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1899-1915. MENARD COUNTY (Petersburg) 1877-1923 Record, 4 v. By date of birth. Separate index, 1877-1915 1 v., alph. by surname of child; also self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Certificates in "Birth and Death Certificates," 12 f.b. By date of certificate. 1916— Certificates, 9 v. By date of certificate. Checklist of Records - Births MERCER COUNTY (Aledo) 1877— Certificates, 9 f.h., 16 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1915, 1 v., alph. by surname of child; separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. MONROE COUNTY (Waterloo) 1877- Record, 5 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1878— Certificates, 9 f.b., 9 v. By certificate no. Self- indexed alph. by surname of child. MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Hillsboro) 1877— Record, 20 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 1877- 1918, 7 v., alph. by surname of child; 1919—,self~indoxed alph. by surname of child. 1877— Certificates, 18 f.b., 1 v. 1877-1915, 1917—, by certif- icate no.; 1916,alph. by surname of child. Separate index in 11 Index to Miscellaneous Piles,’1 1 v., alph. by surname of child. MORGAN COUNTY (Jacksonville) 1851— Certificates, 61 f.b., 16 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1922—, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878— Record, 9 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. MOULTRIE COUNTY (Sullivan) 1877-1925 Records, 10 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. 1879— Certificates, 14 f.b., 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1926—, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births OCLE COUNTY (Oregon) 1878— Certificates, 6 f.h., 16 v. By date of birth. Separate index, 1916—, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878-1927 Register, 9 v. By date of birth. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. PEORIA COUNTY (Peoria) 1878— Certificates, 44 f.b., 96 v. 1878-1923 by date of filing; 1924— by certificate no. Separate index, 1878-1923, in ’•Index to Papers in County Clerk's Office,” 1 v., alph, by surname of child; separate index, 1924—, 3 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878-1924 Register, 15 v. By date of return of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of child. PERRY COUNTY (Pincknoyville) 1845— Certificates, 6 f.b., 28 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1878-1916, 2 v., alph. by surname of child; 1917— self-indexed alph. by surname of child, 1878-1916 Register, 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1878- 1915, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. PIATT COUNTY (Monticello) 1877— Certificates in ’’Birth and Stillbirth Certificates,” 14 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index in ’’Miscel- laneous Index,” 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1916 Register, 3 v. Alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. This is also a register of stillbirths. 1917— Record, 5 v. Alph. by surname of child. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Includes record of stillbirths. PIKE COUNTY (Pittsfield) 1876-1930 Register, 11 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1876- 86, 1 v., alph. by surname of child; 1887-1930 self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Includes stillbirths, 1906-15. 1916— Certificates, 8 v. Alph. by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births POPE COUNTY (Golconda) 1877-1915 Register, 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Certificates in "Birth and Death Reports," 39 f.h. By date of filing. Includes stillbirths. 1916— Certificates, 10 v. Alph. by surname of child. PULASKI COUNTY (Mound City) 1882— Register, 6 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Includes register of stillbirths and register of deaths, 1882-1909, 1920—. 1882-1909 Record in "Death Record," 6 v. By date of entry. ScIf-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1905— Certificates, 50 f.b. 1905-35, by da,te of filing, 1936—, alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths. 1910— Record, 5 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1910-15, 1924-28. PUTNAM COUNTY (Hennepin) 1877- Register in "Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages," 1 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1878- Certificates, in "Births and Deaths," 8 f.b. By date of filing. Also includes stillbirths. 1894— Register, 2 v. By certificate no. Sclf-indoxod alph, by surname of child. 1916— Certificates, 2 v. Alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of child. RANDOLPH COUNTY (Chester) 1877— Certificates, 24 f.b., 26 v. 1877-1915, by certificate no.; 1916—, alph. by surname of child. Separate index, 1916—, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Register, 7 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. Checklist of Records-*• Births RICHLAND COUNTY (Olney) 1877— Record, 9 v, 3y date of entry. Separate index, 1877- 1924, 2 v., alph, by surname of child; self-indexed, 1925—, alph, by surname of child. Also includes stillbirths, 1877- 83, 1877— Certificates, 12 f,b. By date of certificate. Also includes stillbirths, ROCK ISLAND COUNTY (Rock Island) 1851-1933 Record, 1 v, By certificate no. This is a record of birth certificates of persons previously unregistered and now registered by affidavit. Last entry made in 1933. Separate index, 8 v,, alph, by surname of child. 1877— Certificates, 37 f,b,, 25 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 8 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877-1921 Register, 19 v. By date of report. Separate index, 8 v,, alph, by surname of child, SALINE COUNTY (Harrisburg) 1877— Record, 17 v. By date of birth. Separate index, 1886—, 3 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1882— Certificates, 3 f.b,, 6 v. By date of certificate. 1900-1922 Certificates in ’’Miscellaneous Papers," 1 wooden box. By date of certificate, SANGAMON COUNTY (Springfield) 1877— Certificates, 47 f.b,, 23 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877— Register, 38 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surname of child; 1917—, also self-indexed alph, by surname of child, SCHUYLER COUNTY (Rushville) 1877-1915 Record, 5 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child; 1877-1900 in separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of child, 1883— Certificates, 9 f,b,, 14 v, 1883-1915 by certificate no,; 1915— by date of entry. Separate index, 1883-1900, 1916— 2 v,, alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births SCOTT COUNTY (Winchester) 1877-1915 Register, 3 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, "by surname of child, 1880-1915 Certificates in "Birth and Death Reports," 16 f,b. By date of filing, Also includes stillbirths. 1916— Certificates, 6 v, Alph. by surname of child, SHELBY COUNTY (Shelbyville) 1877- Record, 14 v, By date of birth. Separate index, 1877- 1903, 1 v,, alph, by surname of child; self- indexed alph, by surname of child, 1878- Certificates, 50 f,b. No obvious arr. Also includes death and stillbirth certificates, 1936— Certificates, 4 v, Alph, by surname of child. No date Record, previous births recently recorded, 1 v, Alph, by surname of child, STARK COUNTY (Toulon) 1877-1915 Record, 3 v. By date of filing. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child, 1877-1915 Certificates in "Birth, Death and Stillbirth Record," 1 f,b , By date of filing. Separate index in "Index," 1 v,, alph, by type of document and alph, by surname of child thereunder. 1916— Certificates, 11 v. By year of birth and alph. by surname of child thereunder. ST. GLAIR COUNTY (Belleville) 1338— Certificates, 1 v., 76 f,b, 1877—, by date of filing. Separate index, 1877—, 5 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877— Register, 23 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 6 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877-1928 Proof of birth record, 1 v. By date of filing. Self- indexed alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births STEPHENSON COUNTY (Freeport) 1378— Certificates in "County Clerk's Miscellaneous File," 746 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index, 1878-1918, in "General Index," 2 v., alph. by type of document and surname of child thereunder; separate index, 1919—, 4 v., alph. by surname of child. 1878-1918 Register, 22 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. TAZEWELL COUNTY (Pekin) 1878— Record, 20 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child, UNION COUNTY (Jonesboro) 1857-1915 Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1877- 1902, 4 v., alph. by surname of child; 1903-15 self- indexed alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Certificates in "Birth and Death Reports," 10 f.b. By date of filing. 1916— Certificates, 13 v. Alph. by surname of child. VERMILION COUNTY (Danville) 1877-1929 Register, 17 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 7 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1915 Certificates, in "Certificates of Births, Stillbirths, and Deaths," 36 bdl. No obvious arr, 1916— Certificates, 59 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 4 v., alph. by surname of child. 1918— Record, 2 v. By date of certificate. These are births prior to 1916 and reported subsequent to 1918. WABASH COUNTY (Mt. Carmel) 1877-1915 Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of child. 1916— Certificates, 7 v. By date of filing. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records - Births Y7AEHS2T COUNTY (Monmouth) 1877— Certificates, 5 f.b., 15 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-1916 Register, 6 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of child. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Nashville) 1377-1934 Record, 12 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 1877-1902, 1 v., alph. by surname of child; 1903-34, self- indexed alph. by surname of child. 1915— Certificates, 6 v. By date of filing. WAYNE COUNTY (Fairfield) 1870— Record, 10 v. 1870-1910, alph. by surname of child; 1911—, by date of filing. Self-indexed, 1911*’-% alph. by surname of child. 1885— Certificates, 2 boxes. Alph. by surname of child. WHITE COUNTY (Carmi) 1877— Register, 12 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1877- 1915, 2 v., alph. by surname of child; 1915—, self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1904-31 Certificates, in "Certificates of Births and Deaths," 14 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Papers," 1 v., alph. by surname of child. 1932— Certificates, 3 v. Alph. by surname of child. WHITESIDE COUNTY (Morrison) 1877— Certificates, 178 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1903—, 3 v., alph. by surname of child. 1877-79 Register in "Register of Physicians’ Births and Deaths," 1 v. By date of birth. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1879-83 Register, 1 v. By date of birth. Self-indexed alph. by surname of child. 1903 Record, 1 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of child. 1904—15 Record, in "Birth and Death Report," 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of child. v. o. in. xvi/uvuii'i ivc/oaxyvjiu run. ih.m/iau. Write Plainly with Unfading Ink — This is a Permanent Record. Follow instructions Found on the Reverse Side of this Certificate. CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH 1. PLACE OF BIRTH I Registration County of —^ {‘Township \ ‘Road Dist. J :ViUag0 \ Primary Street and ♦(Cancel the three terms not applicable—Do notl No.._ Number enter “R. R.,” “R. F. D.," or other P. 0. address.) / STATE OF ILLINOIS DWIGHT H. GREEN, Governor Department of Public Health— Division of Vital Statistics ORIGINA 2. FULL NAME AT BIRTH 3. Sex 4. Twin, Triplet, or I 5. Number in order 6. Legitimate? 7. Date of other? | of birth birth FATHER MOTHER 8. Full 14. Full Maiden Name Name 9. Residence at time 15. Residence at time of this birth of this birth 10. Color 11. Age at time 16. Color 17. Age at time of this birth yrs. of this birth yi 12. Birthplace (City or Place) 18. Birthplace (City or Place) (Name State, if in U. S.) (Name State, if in U. S.) (Name Country, if Foreign) (Name Country, if Foreign) 13. Occupation 19. Occupation (Nature of Industry)— (Nature of Industry) ... 20. (a) Number of children born to this mother at the time of (b) Number of children living at the time of and including this birth — and including this birth 21. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I was the Attendant at this Birth. , Physici Signed Midwif Address — Date (Month) (Day) (Year) IF SIGNATURE OF BIRTH ATTENDANT IS OBTAINABLE, AN AFFIDAVIT IS NOT REQUIRED. STATE OF _. - I > ss. County of. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that I had actual knowledge of the facts as stated in this RECORD OF BIRTH at the time the birth occurre and know them to be true; and that I am related to this person as Signature— Present Address Subscribed to, and sworn before me this day of. f 19 Notary Pub] SEAL Mv commission expires (A46281—100M—5-4t; 22. Filed , 19 Registr Post Office Address INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING A DELAYED BIRTH REGISTRATION The information required in connection with this birth concerns the facts existing at the time of the birth, not the present time. All questions must be answered as fully as is possible. If possible the certificate must be signed by the Physician or the Midwife who attended at the birth. If the certificate is properly completed and the signature of the birth attendant is obtained, no other procedure is necessary to establish a record of the birth. If the signature of the Physician or Midwife cannot be obtained, the father or mother, or a member of the immediate family, may sign the certificate after it has been completed. This signature must be made in the presence of, and notarized by, a notary public or other person qualified to administer oaths. If the birth occurred in the City of Chicago, the certificate and affidavit must be filed with the Board of Health of that City. A fee of 25 cents is charged by that Board for filing such papers. A certified copy of a birth record may be obtained in the State of Illinois upon the payment of the Statutory fee of 50 cents. In the case of certified copies obtained in Chicago, the fee should be submitted in the form of a Postal or Express Money Order payable to the “City Collector of Chicago." When the certified copy is obtained from the State Department of Public Health, the fee must be submitted in the form of a similar order made payable to the Director of Public Health. Personal checks will not be accepted. Checklist of Records - Births WILL COUNTY (Joliet) 1877- Register, 18 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 10 v., alph, by surname of child, 1878- Certificates, 55 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 10 v,, alph. by surname of child, 1883— Certificates of correction in ’’Birth and Death Certifi- cates of Correction.” 1 f.b. By certificate no, 1929— Certificates, 4 v. By certificate no. Separate index, ' 10 v«, alph. by surname of child, WILLIATS ON COUNTY (Marion) 1877-94, Record, 26 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 8 v,, 1901— alph, by surname of child; also self-indexed alph, by surname of child. 1877-87, Certificates, 33 f.b., 1 v., 6 f.d, 1916,alph. by sur- 1889-97, name of child; 1918—,by certificate no. Separate index 1902— in ’’Miscellaneous and Probate index,” 1877-1915, alph. by type of document and alph. by surname of child there- under, WINNEBAGO COUNTY (Rockford) 1877— Certificates, 68 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 13 f.b,,alph, by surname of child, 1877— Record, 39 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of child. WOODFORD COUNTY (Eureka) 1877-- Certificates, 9 f.b., 11 v-, 1877-1915,by date Of certifi cate; 1916—,by certificate no. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1877-1918 Record, 5 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of child. Checklist of Records — Deaths DEATH RECORDS - STATE1 Deaths 1. CHICAGO DEATHS, 1916—. 1823 v. (373 not labeled, 1916-20; 62 not labeled, 1, 1921; 64 not labeled, 1, 1922; 1-68, 1923; 1-68, 1924; 1-73, 1925; 1-76, 1926; 1-76, 1927; 1-84, 1928; 1-78, 1929; 1-75, 1930; 1-76, 1931; 1-71, 1932; 1-70, 1933; 1-77, 1934; 1-73, 1935; 1-82, 1936; 1-77, 1937; 1-76, 1938; 1-74, 1939; 1-48, 1940), Certificates of death for the city of Chicago, recorded with the State of Illinois, showing date, place and cause of death, full name, resi- dence, age, sex, color or race, marital status, date and place of birth, occupation, and date and place of burial of deceased, full name and birthplace of parents, name and address of undertaker, physicians’ certi- fication, address and filing date of registrar, and state registration and filing numbers. Arr. by certificate no. within year. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed on pr. fm. 500 p. 8| x 9gr x 2-|-. 1775 v, 1916-39, dept, vlt., 9th level, Archives Bldg.; 48 v. (1-48), 1940—, main off., rms. 202-21.2, Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois. 2. DOWNS TATE DEATHS, 1916 — . 2479 v. (92 not labeled, 1-3, 1916; 92 not labeled, 1-2, 1917; 120 not labeled, 1-2, 1918; 89 not labeled, 1919; 96 not labeled, 1920; 86 not labeled, 1921; 88 not labeled, 1, 1922; 1-97, 1923; 19-90, 1924; 1-98, 1925; 1-107, 1926; 1-102, 1927; 1-105, 1928; 1-108, 1929; 1-103, 1930; 1-104, 1931; 1-102, 1932; 1-101, 1933; 1-104, 1934; 1-104, 1935; 1-113, 1936; 1-108, 1937; 1-106, 1938; 1-108, 1939; 1-48, 1940), Certificates of deaths for the State of Illinois, (excepting the city of Chicago) recorded with the state, showing date, place, and cause of death, full name, residence, age, sex, race or color, marital status, date and place of birth, and date and place of burial of deceased, full name and birthplace of parents, name and address of undertaker, physicians’ certi- fication, address and filing date of registrar, and state registration and filing numbers. Also contains Death of Non-residents of Illinois, 1932--, entry 4. Arr, by certificate no. within year. 1916, 1917, no index; for sep. index, 1918--, see entry 3. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed on pr* fm. 500 p, 8-g- x 9h x 1679 v., 1916-32, dept, vlt*, bsrnt.; 802 v., 1934—, main off*, rms. 202-212, 2nd fl., Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois* 1. For a legal summary of the history of death records in Illinois, including illustrative tables, see Introduction; for transcripts of all legislation pertaining to the keeping of death records, see Appendix, p. 106-18. Checklist of Records - Deaths 3, INDEX DEATHS, 1918—, 501 f.d,, 6 v, (X-3, 1-3), Last entry 1938, Index to Deaths Downstate, 1918—, entry 2, showing year of death, volume and certificate numbers, names of city, county, and deceased, date and place of death, and date of birth, Arr, alph, by surname of deceased with- in year, 1918-36, hdw, on pr, fm, find typed on pr, fra,; 1937—, photo- static copy of typed cards, F.d, 5 x 5 x 14 - 5 x 12 x 26; v, 1000 p, 7 x 12 x 2f, 55 f.d,, 1918-19, dopt, vlt,, bamt,; 446 f.d,, 1920-36, 6 v,, 1937—, main off., rm. 203-212, 2nd fl., Centennial Bldg,, Sbringfield, Illinois, 4. DEATHS OF NON-RESIDENTS OF ILLINOIS, 1928-31. 8 v. (A, B, 1928; A, B, 1929; A, B, 1930; A, B, 1931). 1933— in Down State Deaths, entry 2. Death certificates of non-residents of the State of Illinois, showing date, place and cause of death, full name, residence, sex, age, color or race, marital status, date and place of birth, occupation, date and place of burial of deceased, full name and birthplace of parents, name and address of undertaker, physicians’ certification, address and filing date of registrar, and state registration and filing numbers, Arr, by certificate no, within year. No index. Edw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 500 p, 8 x 10 x 3, Dept, vlt, bsmt,, Centennial Bldg,, Springfield, Illinois, 5, DEATHS OE ILLINOIS RESIDENTS DTING OUT OF STATE, 1928—, 23 v. (A, B, 1928; A, B, 1929; A, B. 1930; A, B, 1931; A, B, 1932; A, B. 1933; A, B, 1934; Ar-C, 1935; A-C, 1936; Ar-C, 1937), 6 bdl, (1938—), Death certificates of Illinois residents dying out of state, showing date, place and cause of death, name, residence, sex, age, color or race, marital status, date and place of birth, occupation, date and place of burial of deceased, full name and birthplace of parents, name and address of undertaker, physicians* certification, address and filing date of registrar, and state registration and filing numbers, Arr. by certifi- cate no, within year. No index, Hdw. on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 500 p. 9 x 10 x 3, Dept, vlt, bsmt,, Centennial Bldg,, Springfield, Illinois, Stillbirths 6. MISCELLANEOUS STILLBIRTHS DOWNS TATE, 1915—, 8 v, (7 not labeled, 1916-22; 1 not labeled, 1915—), Copies of certificates of stillbirths, showing date, place, and cause of stillbirth, residence of mother, name, sex and number (in order of birth) of child, name, age, color or race, birthplace and occupation of parents, number of children and stillbirths of mother, signature and address of in- formant, physician and funeral directors certification, signature of registrar, filing date of registrar, and state filing and registration numbers, Arr, by certificate no, within year. No index, Hdw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 100 - 500 p, 8j- x 9j x 2 - x 9g x 5, 7 v,, 1916-23, dept, vlt,, bsmt,; 1 v,, 1915—, main off,, rms, 202-212, 2nd fl,, Centennial Bldg,, Springfield, Illinois. Checklist of Records - Deaths 7. MISCELLANEOUS STILLBIRTHS CHICAGO, 1916—* 1 v, Last entry 1937. Copies of certificates of stillbirths, showing date, place and cause of stillbirth, residence of mother, name, sex, and number (in order of birth) of child, name, age, color or race, birthplace and occupation of parents, number of children born, and stillbirths to mother, signature and address of informant, physician, and funeral director., filing date and signature of registrar, and state filing and registration numbers. Arr, by certificate no, within year. No index, Hdw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 500 p. 8 l/2 x 9 1/2 x 6. Dept, vlt,, 9th level. Archives Bldg., Springfield, Illinois* 8, STILLBIRTHS CHICAGO, 1916-22. 30 v, 1923— in Stillbirths Chicago and Downstate, entry 10, Copies of certificates of stillbirths for the city of Chicago, showing same information as entries 6, 7, and 10, Arr, by certificate no, within year. No index, Hdw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 300 p, 8 l/2 x 9 l/2 x 2 l/2. Dept, vlt,, 9th level. Archives Bldg,, Springfield, Illinois. 9, STILLBIRTHS (Downstate), 1916-22, 30 v, 1923— in Stillbirths Chicago and Downstate, entry 10* Copies of certificates of stillbirths for the State of Illinois (except- ing the City of Chicago), showing same information as entries 6, 7, and 10, Arr, by certificate no, within year. No index, Hdw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm, 500 p* 8 x 10 x 2 l/2. Dept, vlt,, bsmt,. Centennial Bldg., Springfield, Illinois, 10. STILLBIRTHS CHICAGO AND DOWNSTATE, 1923--. 210 v, (17 sets numbered 1-12, 1 set for each year; 1-6, 1940), Copies of certificates of stillbirths, sbowing same information as in entries 6 and 7, Stillbirths Chicago, entry 8; Stillbirths (Downstate), entry 9, formerly kept separately, Arr. by certificate no, within year. No index, Hdw, on pr, fm, and typed on pr, fm., interspersed, 300 p, 8 l/2 x 9 l/2 x 2 1/2, Dept, vlt,, 9th level. Archives Bldg,, Springfield, Illinois, 43 Checklist of Records - Deaths DEATH RECORDS - COUNTY ADAMS COUNTY (Quincy) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 14 f,b., 25 v. By date of filing. Separate index, 1877-1915, in "General Index to Files," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1877- Register, deaths and stillbirths, 8 v, 1877-86, by date of entry; 1887-1915, alph, by surname of deceased. AL3XANDER COUNTY (Cairo) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 1 carton, 13 v, 1878-1915,by date of birth; 1916-25, by certificate no,; 1926—, alph, by surname of deceased. Self-indexed, 1878-1915, 1926—, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1916-25, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-80, Register, deaths and stillbirths, 7 v, By date of record- 1902-15, ation. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1926- BOND COUNTY (Greenville) 1877— Register, deaths, 3 v. By date of recordation. Separate index in "Index to Birth and Death Register," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—, Records for 1915— are still in loose-leaf form but volume binders have been ordered, 1880— Certificates, deaths, 5 bdl,, 7 v. By date of filing, 1880- 1914; alph, by surname of deceased, 1915—, Separate in- dex in "Index to Certificates of Births and Deaths," 1915—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1880-1914 Certificates, stillbirths, 1 bdl. By date of filing, 1882-1915 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of entry. Separate index in "Index to Birth and Death Register," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1915— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Certificates of Birth," 10 v. Alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index in "Index to Certificates of Births and Deaths," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths BOONE COUNTY (Belvidere) 1877- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Marriages, Births, Deaths," 1877-83, 1 f*b. By date of filing* 1901— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 15 bdl*, 11 v* By certificate no* Separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased* 1878- Register, deaths, 1 v, By certificate no* Self-indexed alph* by surname of deceased* 1878-1916 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 1 v., alph* by surname of deceased* BROWN COUNTY (Mb* Sterling) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 11 f*b., 5 v* By date of certificate. Separate index, 1916—, 1 v*, alph* by surname of deceased* 1878-1915 Register, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate* Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased* Also includes stillbirths, 1892-1915. 1878-91 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate* Self-indexed alph* by surname of deceased* BUREAU COUNTY (Princeton) 1878— Record, deaths, 25 v. By date of certificate* Separate index, 1878-1930, 2 v*, alph* by surname of deceased* 1878-1903 Record, stillbirths, 1 v* By date of certificate. 1904-** Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 34 v* By date of certificate. Separate index in "Birth Index," 4 v*, alph* by surname of deceased* CALHOUN COUNTY (Hardin) 1878-1913 Record, deaths, 4 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph* by surname of deceased* 1878-1903 Register, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1903— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 8 f*b. By certi- ficate no* Separate index, 1916—, 1 v*, alph. by sur- name of deceased* Checklist of Records - Deaths CARROLL COUNTY (Mt, Carroll) 1877—- Record, deaths, 7 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 y,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Births and 1918-27 Deaths,11 3 bdl,, 6 f.b, Alph, by surname of deceased, 1916-17, Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 4 v. By date of 1928— Certificate, 1916-27 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, CASS COUNTY (Virginia) 1874-96, Record, stillbirths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Self- 1918— indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth, Still- birth, and Death Certificates,11 25 f.b. By date of certificate. 1878-1900, Record, deaths, 8 v. By date of certificate. Separate 1902— index, 1878-1900, 1916-17, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1902—, alph, by surname of de- ceased, 1899-1917 Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 12 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1899-1903, 1916-17, in "Birth Index,2 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self- indexed, 1903-17, alph. by surname of deceased, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY (Urbana) 1878-1918 Record, deaths, 18 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1878-80 Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 17 v. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index in "Index to Births," 2 y,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1881-1901 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index in "Index to Births," 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1897-1901 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death Certificate of State Board of Health," 1 f.b. By date of certificate, 1902— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 37 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths CHRISTIAN COUNTY (Taylorville) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 10 f.b,, 10 v, 1877-1931, by date of certificate; 1932--, alph. by surname of de- ceased, Separate index, 1932—, 1 v., alph, by sur- name of deceased, 1877— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Reports," 18 f.b., 8 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Births," 1932—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1931 Register, deaths, 9 v, 1877-1916, alph, by surname of deceased; 1917-31, by date of certificate. Separate index, 1917-31, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1878-1915, 1913-31 Certificates, coroner’s death, 3 v, By date of certifi- cate, Separate index, 1917-31, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1913-29, alph, by surname of deceased, 1916-33 Register, stillbirths, 2 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, CLARK COUNTY (Marshall) 1865-67 Record, deaths, in "Register of Births and Deaths," 8 v, Alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1928 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 3 v, Alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1923— Certificate, dea/ths and stillbirths, 1 f.b,, 13 v, Alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index, 1929—, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased, CLAY COUNTY (Louisville) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 11 f.b,, 18 v, 1877-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph, by sur- name of deceased. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Papers," 2 v,, 1877-1915, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1918 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 4 v. By date of certifi- cate, Separate index, 1877-1901, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1902-18, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths CLINTON COUNTY (Carlyle) 1877-1915 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v,* alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1911 Register, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1903-- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 8 f.b,, 20 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, COLES COUNTY (Charleston) 1877- Register, deaths, 7 v. By date of certificate; Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1877**86, 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 11 f.b,, 24 t, 1878-1915, alph, by surname of deceased; 1916—, by date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, 1916—, alph, by surname of deceased, 1887-1918 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, COOK COUNTY (Chicago) 1871-1936 Card record, deaths, 250 f,d, Alph, by surname of de- ceased, 1871-1915 Register, stillbirths, in "Register of Births," 87 v. By date of certificate, 1878— Certificates, deaths, 352 f.d. By certificate no. Also includes stillbirths, 1936 — , Separate index, 34 v, (A-S), alph, by surname of deceased* index from S-Z in process of compilation, 1878-1915, Certificates, stillbirths, 29 f.d,, 9 bdl., 2 storage 1917-35 boxes. By date of certificate. These are in Empire Warehouse, 1878-1915 Register, deaths, 84 v. By date of certificate, 1916-19 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, City of Chicago, 7 storage boxes, 59 bdl. By date of certificate. These are in 3rd basement. Soundex system now in process of installation. Checklist of Records - Deaths CRAFPORD COUNTY (Robinson) 1877- Record, deaths and stillbirths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 f.b., 9 v, 1378-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph. by sur- name of deceased. Separate index, 1916--, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. CUMBERLAND COUNTY (Toledo) 1844-1903 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1885-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in ’’Miscellaneous Papers," 120 bdl. By date of certificate, 1885-1915 Record, deaths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased, DE KALB COUNTY (Sycamore) 1878— Certificates, deaths, 26 bdl., 9 v, 1870-1915, by year of certificate and alph, by surname of deceased there- under; 1916--, by date of certificate, 1878-1915 Register, deaths, 4 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, DE WITT COUNTY (Clinton) 1878-- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 2 boxes, 8 v, 1878-1915, by date of certificate; 1916-25, alph, by surname of deceased; 1926—, by cfertificate no. Separate index, 1926—, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-1926 Register, deaths and stillbirths, 3 \r, 1878-1915, by date of certificate; 1916-26, alph, by surname of de- ceased, Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths DOUGLAS COUNTY (Tuscola) 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 4 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1906, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; 1906- 1915, self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1902-3 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate, 1916— Certificates, deaths, 2 f.d, Alph, by surname of de- ceased, Separate index, 1916-17, 1 v,, alph, by sur- name of deceased, 1916-- Certificates, stillbirths, in "Certificate of Birth," 2 f.d. Alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index, 1916-17, "Index to Birth Certificates," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, DU PAGE COUNTY (YJheaton) 1877-1927 Register, deaths, 9 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1908, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1909-27, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Certificates, deaths, 20 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1928—, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1880-1915 Certificates, stillbirths, in "Births," 14 f.b. By date of certificate, 1902-12 Record, deaths, in "Births and Deaths," 1 v, Alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased, EDGAR COUNTY (Paris) 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 4 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1887-1915. 1879-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death Certificates Returned," 74 f.b. By date of certificate, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 25 v, Alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths EDWARDS COUNTY (Albion) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 3 f.b,, 1 v,, 1 f,4, 1877-1924, 1927—, by date of certificate; 1925-26, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877- Record, deaths, 4 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; self-index, 1909-33, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1917-33. 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, SITING-HAM COUNTY (Effingham) 1877- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Miscellaneous Files," 450 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate in- dex in "Index to Court Records," 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; also card index, 4 boxes, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Record, deaths, 5 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also in- clude s stillbirths, 1902-15, 1878- Record, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 12 v. By certif- icate no. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased, FAYETTE COUNTY XVandalia) 1877-1915 Record, deaths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Register of Births and Deaths," 2 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1912-15. 1877-1911 Register, stillbirths, 1 v, Alph, by surname of deceased. 1879- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in 4 f,d. in State Archives Bldg., Springfield, 111, 1901— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 3 f.b., 25 v. 1901-15, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph, by surname of deceased, Separtato index, 1916-25, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1926— Register, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records — Deaths FORD COUNTY (Paxton) 1878-1915 Register, deaths, 5 v. By date of certificate. Separate index alph. by surname of deceased, 1878-1901 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in ”Index to Births,” 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased, 1902-15 Register, stillbirths, in ’’Record of Births,” 4 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in ’’Index to Births, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 v. Alph. by sur- name of deceased. FRANKLIN COUNTY (Benton) 1877- Record, deaths, 2 v. 1877-1909, by date of certificate; 1910-15, alph. by surname of deceased. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Includes coroners* record, 1877-1909. 1878- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in ’’Births Certifi- 1902-5, cates and Death Certificates,” 9 f.b. By certificate 1914-15 no. 1878-1915 Record, stillbirths, 1 v, Alph. by surname of deceased. 1832-1901, Certificates, in ’’County Court Papers, Miscellaneous,” 1906-13 43 f.b. By date of certificate. 1910-16 Record, coroners* death, 1 v. By date of entry. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 26 v. Alph. by surname of deceased. FULTON COUNTY (Lewistown) 1878-1915 Certificates, deaths, 8 f.b. By date of certificate, 1878— Record, deaths, 20 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1878-84, 1885— Record, stillbirths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths GALLATIN COUNTY (Shawneetown) 1878-1906 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. Alph. by surname of deceased* 1878-1902 Record, deaths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1878-92, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1903— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 f,b. By date of certificate. Separate index in ’’Index to Court and Miscel- laneous Papers," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1903— Register, deaths, 5 v, By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased. 1904— Register, stillbirths, in "Register of Births," 8 v, Alph, by surname of deceased, GREENE COUNTY (Carrollton) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 8 f,b,, 8 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, in "Index to Birth and Death Certificates," 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1877— Record, deaths and stillbirths, 6 v, By certificate no. Separate index in "Births and Deaths," 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, GRUNDY COUNTY (Morris) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 7 v,, 3 f,b. No obvious arr. Self-indexed, 1878-1930, alph, by sur- name of deceased; separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1931—. Record, stillbirths, 3 v, Alph, by surname of deceased. HAMILTON COUNTY (McLcansboro) 1878-1915 Certificates, stillbirths, 1 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes deaths, 1909-15. 1878-1923 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. 1878-1924 Record, deaths, 2 v, Alph. by surname of deceased. Self- indexed, 1878-1910, alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 1911-15, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1895-1908 Certificates, deaths, 1 f,b. By date of certificate. 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 v. By surname of deceased. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of doceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths HANCOCK COUNTY (Carthage) 1878-1915 Record, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, hy surname of deceased; separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. 1878-1915 Record, stillbirths, 1 v, By certificate no. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1378-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 11 f.b. By date of certificate, 1910- Certificates, deaths, coroners, 1 v. By date of certifi- cate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths, 24 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, stillbirths, 1 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, HARDIN COUNTY (Elizabethtown) y 1884—1905, Register, stillbirths, in "Register of Births," 1 v. By 1903-10, date of certificate. Separate index, 1884-1906, in "Index 1915-16 to Birth Register," 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1907-16, alph, by surname of deceased. 1884-1905 Register, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1884-1902, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1903-5, alph, by surname of deceased, 1906— Record, deaths, 4 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1932—. 1906-7, Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 4 v. By date 1911- of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of do- 1917— ceased, 1921— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 1 v., 1 f.b. Alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths HENDERSON COUNTY (Oquakwa) 1878-1915 Records, 3 v, By date of entry. Separate index in "Births and Deaths Index," 1 v,, alph, by surname of child, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Births and Deaths Index," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes births, 1916-20. HENRY COUNTY (Cambridge) 1877— Certificates,deaths and stillbirths, 4 f,b,, 24 v. By date of certificate, IROQUOIS COUNTY (Watseka) 1878- Register, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1902-6, Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death 1911-15 Reports," 3 bdl,, 6 f,b. By date of certificate, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 23 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, JACKSON COUNTY (Murphysboro) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 f.b,, 26 v, 1877-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph, by sur- , name of deceased. Separate index, 1877-1901, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1902-15, in "Index to Births and Deaths," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Record, deaths, 12 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1901, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1902-15, in "Index to Births and Deaths," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1908-16 Register, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1900-1901, in "Index to Births," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1902-15, in "Index to Births and Deaths," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths JASPER COUNTY (Newton) 1877— Record, deaths, 7 y. 1877-1916, by date of certificate; 1917--, alph« by surname of deceased* Separate index, 1877-1910, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased* 1877-1906, Record, stillbirths, 4 v, By date of certificate* Self- 1917— indexed alph, by surname of deceased, JEFFERSON COUNTY (Mt, Vernon) 1877-- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 31 y, 1877-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph, by surname of de- ceased, 1877- Register, deaths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate, 1902-15 Record, deaths, 2 v, By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, JERSEY COUNTY (Jerseyville) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 5 f,b., 3 y, By certificate no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Record, stillbirths, 5 y, By certificate no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index in "Index to Births,” 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Some still- births, 1905-32, found in ,fBirth Record*, 1878-1931 Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth and Stillbirth Certi- ficates,” 10 f,b,, 8 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Births," 1 v., alph, by surname of de- ceased, 1878-- Record, deaths, 5 y. By certificate no. Separate index, 1 y,, alph, by surname of deceased, JO DAVIESS COUNTY (Galena) 1877- Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 10 y* By certificate no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of de- ceased; separate index in "Index to Birtns," 6 v,, by surname of deceased, 1878— Certificates, deaths, 9 v. By certificate no. Self-in- dexed alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, stillbirths, 1 y. By certificate no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths JOHNSON COUNTY (Vienna) 1878— Record, deaths, 3 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1902— Record, deaths, 2 v, By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased, 1907— Certificates, deaths, 4 f.b,, 4 v. 1907-15, 1920—, alph. by surname of deceased; 1916-19, by date of certificate. Also includes stillbirths, 1907-13, 1916-19, 1922—, 1914-15, Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 6 f.b, 1920-21 By date of filing* KANE COUNTY (Genova) 1877-1922 Certificates, deaths, 195 bdl. By certificate no. Separate index, 1877-1922, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased; also separate index, 1903-22, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1877- Register, deaths, 5 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased; also separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased, 1878- Certificates, stillbirths, 1 box. By certificate no. Separate index, 1904-22, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. 1878-1904 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By certificate no* Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. 1903— Record, deaths, 60 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1903-22, alph. by surname of deceased, 1904— Record, stillbirths, 4 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. KANKAKEE COUNTY (Kankakee) 1877-1903 Register, deaths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1903, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1877-88. 1889-1915 Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 9 v. By date,of certificate. Self-indexed, 1897-1915, alph. by surname of deceased, 1897-1907, Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 1 box, 45 vt By date 1916— of certificate. Separate index, 1916-—, 2 v., alph, by sur- name of deceased. 1904-15 Record, deaths, 5 v* By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of-Records - Deaths KENDALL COUNTY (Yorkvillo) 1877—. Register, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Births and Deaths,H 1 v., alph,by sur- name of deceased. 1879— Certificates, deaths, 15 f.b, By certificate no. Separate index in "Index to Births and Deaths," 1 v,, alph. by sur- name of deceased. KNOX COUNTY (Galesburg) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 1 carton, 15 v, 1877-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph. by surname of deceased. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—* 1877— Register, deaths and stillbirths, 25 v. By date of certifi- cate, Separate index, 4 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1877- Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 2 car- tons, 24 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 4 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Record, stillbirths, 1 y. Alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surname of deceased. LApi COUNTY (Waukegan) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 f.b*,’ 27 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed, 1916—, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of de- ceased, 1877-1917 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 9 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, LA SALLE COUNTY (Ottawa) 1870— Certificates, deaths, 13 f.b,, 24 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1870-1914, in "Miscellaneous Index," 1 y,, alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1915—, 3 y., alph. by surname of deceased, 1877- Register, deaths, 9 v* By date of certificate. Separate index, 3 y., alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 31 f.b., 39 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Miscel- laneous Index," 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-1916 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1915— Certificates, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths LAWRENCE COUNTY (Lawrenceville) 1878-1927 Record, deaths, 6 v. 3y date of certificate* Separate index, 1878-1907, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1908-27, alph* by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1878-1915. 1916— Certificates, deaths, 6 v. Alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1920—. 1916-19 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. LEE COUNTY (Dixon) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 2 f.d., 23 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph. by surname of de- ceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—• 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 5 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1877- Certificates, stillbirths, in ’’Birth Reports, " 2 f.d., 23 v. By certificate no. 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By certificate no. 1915 1903-14 Register, stillbirths, in "Register of Birth Certificates," 5 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. LIVINGSTON COUNTY (Pontiac) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 7 f.b., 10 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased, 1878-1915 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 5 v. 1878-1903, alph. by surname of deceased; 1904-15, by certificate no. Self- indexed, 1904-15, alph. by surname of deceased. LOGAN COUNTY (Lincoln) 1878— Record, deaths, 18 v. By date of certificate. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—. 1878-1915 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. 1878-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "(County Clerk1s General Piles)," 889 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index, "General Index," 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths LOGAN COUNTY (Continued) 1902 Register, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1915— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 9 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. MACON COUNTY (Decatur) 187?— Record, deaths, 22 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1887-1901. 1887— Certificates, deaths, 33 f.b. By date of certificate. Self- indexed, 1938—, alph. by surname of deceased. 1887— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 48 f.b., 2 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed, 1939—, alph. by surname of deceased. 1902— Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 31 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Births," 5 v., alph. by surname of deceased. MACOUPIN COUNTY (Carlinville) 1877—. Certificates, deaths, 47 f.b., 12 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 5 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877— Record, deaths, 10 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 5 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1901 Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 22 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased; separate index in "Birth Index," 4 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1919 Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Records," 24 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index in "Birth Index," 5 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1902— Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased; separate index in "Birth Index," 4 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1920— Certificates, stillbirths, 2 v. By certificate no. Separate index in "Birth Index," 4 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths MADISON COUNTY (Edwardsville) 1877-- Certificates, deaths, 15 f.b,, 19 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1877-88, 1877- Record, deaths, 10 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1877-1915. 1889— Certificates, stillbirths, 6 f.b., 2 v. By certificate no. Separate index, in ’’Index to Birth Certificates,” 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. MARION COUNTY (Salem) 1878- Record, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1878-1909, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1910-15, alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1878-1901. 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 33 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1916*--, 2 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. 1902-15 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. MARSHALL COUNTY (Lacon) 1877— Record, deaths, 29 v. 1877-1915 by date of entry; 1916— by certificate no. Self-indexed, 1877-1915, alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. MASON COUNTY (Havana) 1877- Record, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1902, in ’’Index to Register of Births,” 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1903-15, alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Record, stillbirths, in ’’Record of Births,” 4 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1878-1905, in ’’Index to Register of Births,” 2 v», alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1907-15, alph. by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 4 v., 11 bdl. 1916- 23, alph. by surname of deceased; 1924—, no obvious arr. 1%24— Record, deaths and stillbirths, 3 v. By date of certifi- cate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths MASSAC COUNTY (Metropolis) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 53 bdl., 14 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 1916—, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Register, deaths, 2 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878-1915 Record, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. McDONOUGH COUNTY (Macomb) 1870-1927 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death Certificates," 6 bdl., 8 f.b. By date of certif- icate. 1877— Record, deaths and stillbirths, 18 v. By date of certif- icate. Self-indexed, 1877-1927, alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 1928—, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. McIIENRY COUNTY (Woodstock) 1877-1916 Certificates, deaths, 23 bdl. By date of certificate. 1877-1916 Record, deaths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased, 1877-1915 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased, 1916— Record, deaths and stillbirths, 12 v. By date of certif- icate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. McLEAN COUNTY (Bloomington) 1877-1915 Record, deaths and stillbirths, 9*v. By date of certificate, 1899-- Certificates, deaths, 7 f.b., 46 v, 1899-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph, by surname of deceased. Separate index, 1899-1915, in "Index (to Boxes in Vault)," alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—, 1899-1915 Certificates, stillbirths, in "Births," 8 f.b., 53 v. By certificate no. Checklist of Records - Deaths MENARD COUNTY (Petersburg) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 12 f.b., 8 v. 1877-1915, by date of certificate; 1916--, alph. by sur- name of deceased, 1877-1923 Register, deaths and stillbirths, 2 v, By date of certif- icate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, MERCER COUNTY (Aledo) 1877-1915 Certificates, deaths, 4 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1915 Certificates, stillbirths, 1 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1877- Register, deaths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v, Alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 8 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, MONROE COUNTY (Waterloo) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 4 f.b,, 8 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-1915 Record, deaths, 3 v, 1878-1909, alph, by surname of de- ceased; 1910—, by certificate no. Self-indexed, 1911-15, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-1915 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased, MONTGOMERY COUNTY (Hillsboro) 1877— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 f.b. By certif- icate no. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Files," 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Record, deaths, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1910, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1911—, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Register, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Becords - Deaths MORGAN COUNTY (Jacksonville) 1851— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 59 f.b,, 20 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1922--, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1878-1922 Record, deaths, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. MOULTRIE COUNTY (Sullivan) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 5 f.b., 4 v. By date of certifi- cate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877- Record, deaths and stillbirths, 4 v. By date of certif- icate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1879- Certificates, stillbirths, 1 f.b. By date of certificate. 1916— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Records," 14 f.b., 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Birth Record Index Book," 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. OGLE COUNTY (Oregon) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 4 f.b., 15 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878-1927 Register, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. 1878-94 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. 1891-1900 Certificates, deaths end stillbirths, 1 f.b. By dp,te of cortifi cate. 1918-31 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. PEORIA COUNTY (Peoria) 1877- Record, deaths, 12 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1878— Certificates, deaths, 37 f.b., 95 v. 1878-1923, by date of certificate; 1924—, by certificate no. Separate index, 1878-1923, in "Index to Papers in County Clerk’s Office," 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; separate index, 1924—, 5 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths PERRY COUNTY (Pickneyvillc) 1878— Certificates, deaths, 3 f.b., 26 v. 1878-1915, hy certif- icate no.; 1916—, by date of certificate. Separate index, 1878-1915, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1916—, alph. by surname of deceased. “ 1878-1915 Record, deaths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1878-1912 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. PIATT COUNTY (Monticollo) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 4 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index in "Miscellaneous Index," 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth and Stillbirth Certif- icates," 6 f.b. Separate index in "Miscellaneous Index," 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1905 Register, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1916 Register, stillbirths, in "Birth Register," 3 v. Alph. by surname of deceased. Separate index in "Index to Births," 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. « 1906— Record, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1906-16, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1917— Record, stillbirths, in "Record of Birth," 4 v. By certif- icate no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. PIKE COUNTY (Pittsfield) 1877- Register, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1978 Certificates, deaths, 4 bdl., 11 v. Alph. by surname of deceased. 1878- Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1906-15 Register, stillbirths, in "Register of Births," 11 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1916— Certificates, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Checklist of Records - Deaths POPE COUNTY (Golconda) 1877-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death Deports,11 39 f,b. By date of certificate, 1877—1909 Register, deaths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Includes stillbirths, 1895-1900, I 1883*94, Register, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate, 1901-15 1910-15 Record, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 v, Alph, by sur- name of deceased, PULASKI COUNTY (Mound City) 1882— Record, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1882-1909, 1913-15, 1917—; and births, 1882-1909, In- cludes delayed birth reports which have been made recently, 1938—, 1905— Certificates, deaths, 47 f,b, 1905-35, by date of certif- icate; 1936—, alph, by surname of deceased, 1905— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Births," 50 f,b, 1905-36, by date of certificate; 1936—, alph, by surname of deceased. 1910-15, Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Report Record," 5 v. By 1924-28 date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, PUTNAM COUNTY (Hennepin) 1877- Register, deaths, in "Register of Births, Deaths, and Marriages," 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Births and Deaths," 8 f,b. By date of certificate, 1878-1910 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By certificate no. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths ,nnd stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths RANDOLPH COUNTY (Chester) 1877*— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 24 f.b,, 25 v. 1877-1915, by certificate no,; 1916—, alph, bjr sur- name of deceased. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by sur- name of deceased, 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 2 v», alph, by surname of deceased. RICHLAND COUNTY (Olncy) 1377— Certificates, deaths, 8 f,b. By date of certificate, 1877— Record, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1917, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1918—, alph, by surname of deceased. 1877— Certificates, stillbirths, in "Birth Certificates," 12 f,b. By date of certificate, 1877-83 Record, stillbirths, in "Birth Record," 9 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1884— Register, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, ROCK ISLAND COUNTY (Rock Island) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 26 f.b,, 19 v. By date of certifi- cate, Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Record, deaths, 23 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased, SALINE COUNTY (Harrisburg) 1878— Record, deaths, 10 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 3 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1902— Certificate, deaths, and stillbirths, 3 f.b., 3 v. By date of certificate. Also includes births, 1877-1914, 1913—22 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths in "Miscellaneous Papers," 1 wooden box. By dcato of certificate. Checklist of Records - Deaths SANGAMON COUNTY (Springfield) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 54 f.b,, 16 v. By date of certifi- cate. Separate index, 1915--, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877— Record, deaths, 31 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1915—, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1878— Record, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. SCHUYLER COUNTY (Rushville) 1877- Register, stillbirths,! v, By date of certificate. 1878- Record, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1878-1903, 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1904—, alph. by surname of deceased, 1882— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 f.b., 11 v. 1882-1915, by date of certificate; 1916—, alph. by sur- name of deceased. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased. SCOTT COUNTY (Winchester) 1877-1915 Register, deaths and stillbirths, 3 v. By date of ccrtifi cato. Separate index, alph. by surname of deceased. 1880-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth and Death Reports," 6 f.b. By date of certificate, 1916— Certificates, deaths, 4 v, By date of certificate. SHELBY COUNTY (Sholbyvillo) 1877- Record, deaths, 10 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1902, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased; self indexed, 1903-35, alph, by surname of deceased. 1878- Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 50 f.b. No obvious arr. Also includes births, 1936— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 6 v. Alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths STARK COUNTY (Toulon) 1877-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Birth, Death, and Stillbirth Record," 1 f.b, By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Files," 1 v,, alph? by surname of deceased. 1877- Record, deaths, 3 v, By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1907-15. 1878- Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased. 1916— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased. ST. CUIR COUNTY (Belleville) 1851— Certificates, deaths, 46 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 1877—, 4 v., alph, by surname of deceased. 1877-- Record, deaths, 17 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 4 v,, alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes proof of death, 1883—• 1870-82 Record, proof of death, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self' indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1877— Certificates, stillbirths, 5 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877- Register, stillbirths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, STEPHENSON COUNTY (Freeport) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "County Clerks Miscellaneous File," 746 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1878-1918, in "General Index," 2 v., alph, by surname of deceased; separate index, 1919—, alph, by surname of deceased, 1878-1918 Record, deaths, 6 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, TAZEWELL COUNTY (Pekin) 1878— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 61 f.b., 2 f.d. By date of certificate. 1878— Record, deaths, 12 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1878— Record, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths UKION COUNTY (Jonesboro) 1877-1915 Certificate, deaths, in "Birth and Death Reports," 10 f.b. By date of certificate, 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 6 v, 1877-84, by certificate no,; 1885- 1902, alph, by surname of deceased; 1903-15, by date of certificate. Self-indexed, 1903-15, alph, by surname of deceased. Also includes, stillbirths, 1877-82, 1883— Register, stillbirths, 1 v, By date of certificate, 1916-- Certificates, deaths, 14- v, Alph, by surname of deceased, 1936— Record, veterans’ deaths, 1 v, Alph, by surname of deceased, VERMILION COUNTY (Danville) 1877-1915 Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, in "Certificates of Births, Stillbirths, and Deaths," 36 bdl. No obvious arr. 1877- Register, deaths, 11 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surname of deceased, 1878- Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, "Index to Births," 7 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, deaths, 50 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 4 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1916— Certificates, stillbirths, 1 v., 1 bdl,, 1 f.b. By certifi- cate no. Separate index in "Index to Births," 7 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, WABASH COUNTY (Mt, Carmel) 1877-1915 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1915 Register, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1912-15 Record, deaths, coroner’s, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph, by surname of deceased, 1913, Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 5 v, Alph, by sur- 1916— name of deceased, WARREN COUNTY (Monmouth) 1875— Certificates, deaths, 4 f.b,, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased, 1877-1917 Register, deaths, 3 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths WASHINGTON COUNTY (Nashville) 1877— Record, deaths, 7 v. 1377-1915, by date of certificate; 1916-34, alph. by surname of deceased. Separate index, 1877-1902, ’’Index to Births and Deaths,” 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1901 Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. 1883-1906, Certificates, deaths, B f.b., 4 v. Alph. by surname of 1916— deceased, WAYNE COUNTY (Fairfield) 1386— Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 2 boxes, 8 v. By date of certificate. 1386— Record, deaths, 5 v. 1886-1910, alph. by surname of deceased; 1911—, by date of certificate. WHITE COUNTY (Carmi) 1877— Record, deaths, 7 y. By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1912, 1 v., alph. by surname of deceased; self- indexed, 1913—, alph. by surname of deceased. 1877— Register, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1904- Certificates, deaths, in ’’Certificates of Births and Deaths,” 14 f.b. By date of certificate. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Papers," alph. by surname of deceased. 1932— Certificates, deaths, 5 v. Alph. by surname of deceased. WHITESIDE COUNTY (Morrison) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 96 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v., calph. by surname of deceased. 1877-1902 Register, deaths, in "Register of Physicians1 Births and Deaths," 1 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1902-4 Record, deaths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1905- Record, deaths, in "Birth and Death Report," 4 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Checklist of Records - Deaths WILL COUNTY (Joliet) 1877-- Certificates, deaths, 26 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, 7 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877— Record, deaths, 9 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 7 v., alph* by surname of deceased, 1877— Register, 6 v. By certificate no* Separate index, 7 v,, alph. by surname of deceased, 1878- Register, stillbirths, 2 v. By certificate no. Self- indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1899- Certificates, stillbirths, 1 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, in "Index to Births," 9 v., alph. by sur- name of deceased. 1910-14 Record, duplicate, 1 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 7 v., alph* by surname of deceased. 1932— Certificates, deaths, filed for correction, in "Birth and Death Certificates of Correction," 1 f.b. By certificate no. WILLIAMSON COUNTY (Marion) 1877-87, Certificates, deaths and stillbirths, 15 f.b*, 1 v., 3 f.d* 1889-93, By date of certificate. Separate index, 1877-1917, in 1901— "Miscellaneous and Probate Index," 2 v., alph. by surname of deceased. 1877-94, Register, deaths, 12 v. By date of certificate. Separate 1900— index, 1877-1912, alph. by surname of deceased; self-indexed, 1913—, alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes coroners certificates, 1877-1916. 1877-91, Register, stillbirths, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self- 1900— indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1917— Register, deaths, coroner’s, 2 v. By date of certificate. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. WINNEBAGO COUNTY (Rockford) 1877- Card index of deaths, 7 f.b. By certificate no. This card file seems to indicate that there should be death certifi- cates in volume form for these years but none were reported. 1878— Record of stillbirths, 3 v# By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of parent. 1878— Certificates, stillbirths, 2 f.b. By certificate no* />. 4 3 EVISION )5.10M Bks. FILL IN THIS FORM (except signature) WITH TYPEWRITER OR LEGIBLE PRINTING 1, PLACE OF DEATH. Registration County of Dist. No. STATE OF ILLINOIS ORIGINAL Department of Public Health — Division of Vital Statistics FORM .y? s No-4 MUST BE USED1.‘fl'B.—Every item of information should be cauetutly supplied. . nut snouiu ue sutiuu camuili. rmoaumno Miuutu unug.. Or DEATH in plain terms, so that it may be properly classified. Exact statement of occupation is verv important. See instructions on back of certificate. (‘Village ‘Township ) Primary CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ( ‘City ‘Road Dist.) Dist. No ‘(Cancel the three terms not applicable—Do not enter “R. R.,” "R. F. D.," or other P. O. address) Registered No. Street and (Consecutive No.) Number, No St Ward, Hospital. (if death occurred in a hospital or institution, give its NAME instead of street and number.) LENGTH OF TIME AT PLACE WHERE DEATH OCCURRED? yrs. mos. ds. 2. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: STATE County Township Road Dist (Usual place of abode) City or Village Street and Number 19. LIST NO. 3 (a) PRINT FULL NAME _ 3 (b) If veteran, 3 (c) Social Security name war No. 5. Color or 6 (a) Single, widowed, married, 4. Sex race divorced 6 (b) Name of husband or wife 6 (c) Age of husband or wife if alive years 7. Birth date of deceased (Month) (Day) (Year) 8. AGE: Years Months Days If less than one day hr min. 9. Birthplace (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 10. Usual occupation 11. Industry or business uj 112. Name J* 113. Birthplace L (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 114. Maiden name 2 J15. Birthplace 2 (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 16. INFORMANT (personal signature with pen and ink) P. 0. Address. 17. PLACE OF BURIAL (b) DATE Cremation or Removal (a) Cemetery 19 Location (Township, Road Dlst., Village or City) County. State 18. Funeral director ADDRESS (personal signature with pen and ink) (Arm name, if any) __________________ MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 20. Date of death: Month day year hour minute 21. I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from , 19 ,tO. 19 : ;hat I last saw h alive on , 19 ; md that death occurred on the date and hour stated above. ~ “ Duration Immediate cause of death Due to. Due to. Other conditions (Include pregnancy within 3 months of death) {Was an operation performed? Date of For what disease or injury? Was there an autopsy? Findings?.... 23. If a communicable disease: where contracted? Was disease in any way related to occupation of deceased? If so, specify how: 24. (Signed) M. D. Address Date 19... Telephone *N. B.—State the disease causing death. All cases of death from “violence, casualty, )r any undue means” must be referred to the coroner. See Section 18 Coroner’s Act. 25. Filed 19 - Registrar. P. O. Address ... HI- UNITED STATES STANDARD CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Statement of occupation—Precise statement of occupation is very important, so that the relative healthfulness of various pursuits can be known. Make some entry in this section for every person aged 10 years or over. If the deceased had retired from business, re- port the occupation prior to retirement. Children not gainfully employed may be returned as at school or at home. For a woman whose only occupation was that of home housework, write houseivife in answer to Question 10 and own home in answer to Question 11. For a person engaged in domestic service for wages, however, designate the occupation by the appropriate terms, as servant—private family, cook—hotel, etc. For a person who had no occupation whatever write none. To be complete, an occupation return must state: 10— The trade, profession, or particular kind of work done. 11— The industry or business in which the work was done. In stating the occupation, avoid the use of such indefinite terms as “employee,” “worker,” “operative,” etc. Find out the particular kind of work done and return that, as spinner, weaver, etc. In stating the industry orbusiness, avoid the use of such general terms as “store,” “factory,” “mill,” etc. State the particular kind of store, factory, mill, etc., as grocery store, soap factory, cotton mill, etc. Distinguish carefully the different kinds of engineers by stating the full descriptive titles, as civil engineer, mechanical engineer, mining engineer, stationary engineer, etc. Avoid the term “laborer” when a more precise statement of the occupation can be secured. Do not use the word “mechanic,” but give the exact occupation, as carpenter, painter, machinist, etc. Distinguish carefully between retail merchants and wholesale merchants. A person who sells goods should be called a salesman and not a clerk. Statement of cause of death—Cause of death means the disease, injury, or complication which causes death, NOT the mode of dying, e.g., heart failure, asphyxia, asthenia, etc. As principal cause name the disease or injury causing death. As related causes, name earlier morbid conditions, if any, related to the principal cause and any important complication of the principal cause. Under other contributory causes of importance, name other important diseases or injuries. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR FURTHER STATEMENTS BY PHYSICIAN ..... All deaths from “violence, casualty, accident, or any undue means” must be referred to the coroner: A MEDICAL CER- NOTF* TIFICATE OF DEATH IN SUCH CASES DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE REGISTRATION LAW OF ILLINOIS. See ‘ Section 10, Coroner’s Act. FILL IN THIS FORM (except signature) WITH TYPEWRITER OR LEGIBLE PRINTING Fl/ISION 1. PLACE OF STILLBIRTH Registration HENRY^ORN ORIGINAL „ Dist. No Department of Public Health County of Division of Vital Statistics /♦Township \ ) ♦Road Dist. i fer (hs-js CERTIFICATE OF STILLBIRTH ♦(Cancel the three terms not applicable— L Do not enter “R. R.,” “R, F. D.,” or other 1 D „ P. O. address). / Registered No (Consecutive No.) Name of hospital Mother’s stay or institution before delivery • J3.~J.I1 CESC Ol twin Or tnpiei Uimuii uio, a oojjtuatc uoiuuvom} juiuop'uo m»uc xvt «.auu ounuu vu. xuvcxj Abtuu iM uuuiumuuu mUBl irnrwMiiiY supplied. PHYSICIANS should state CAUSE in plain terms- 2. USUAL RESIDENCE OF MOTHER: (a) State (b) County (c) City or town (d) Street No I 4. Date of 3. Name | stillbirth 6. Twin or Born 1st, 7. Months of 8. Legitimate? 5. Sex triplet 2d. or 3d.™ pregnancy Yes No FATHER 15. Full MOTHER 9. Full maiden name name 10. Color or race 11. Age 16. Color or race 17. Age i 12. Birthplace 18. Birthplace 13. Usual occupation 19. Usual occupation 14. Industry or business 20. Industry or business 21. (a) Including this child, how many (b) How many of these (c) How many stillbirths children born to this mother? children are now alive? has she had? 22. Informant P. O. Address (Personal signature wHh pen and ink.) CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN OR MIDWIFE 23. Did child die before labor During 24. Pregnancy complications 25. Labor: (a) Complications (b) Induced 26. (a) State all (b) Died before or during operations operation operation 27. Cause of Stillbirth (b) Maternal (a) Fetal causes causes 28. (a) Was a blood test for Syphilis made (b) Date blood specimen (c) Name of Laboratory upon the mother of this child ? was taken.™ making this test™ NOTE: Result of the test must not be stated on this certificate. 29. Signature of M. D. attendant Midwife Address Telephone CERTIFICATE OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR 30. Place of Burial Cremation or Removal 31. Date 19 (Month) (Day) (Year) 32. Funeral Director (Personal signature with pen and ink.) Address of Funeral Director (Firm name, if any) 33. Date filed , 19 34 Registrar P. O. Address (A30177—500 Bks.—9-40) <^^^2 i 4A J7ISION (9KM Bks. 1. PLACE OF DEATH. Registration state of Illinois ORIGINAL DWIGHT H. GREEN, GOVERNOR County of Dlst. No. department of public Health — Division of vital statistics {SSr-SJoWSaK CORONER’S certificate of death ’(Cancel the three terms not applicable—Do not enter “R. R.,” ‘‘R. F. D.,’’ or other P. 0. Address.) Registered No- Street and (Consecutive No.) Number, No ... St.,. Ward, Hospital. (If death occurred in a hospital or institution, give its NAME instead of street and number.) CAUSE OF DEATH In plain terms, so that It may be properly classmen, txact statement or i .ur. is very ■mp.rnnt. LENGTH OF RESIDENCE WHERE DEATH OCCURRED yr« mos. ds. 2. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: STATE County Township Road Dlst... (Usual place of abode) City or Village Street and Number. 3 (a) FULL NAME (Print or type) 18. INT. LIST NO. CORONER’S CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 20. DATE OF DEATH 19 (Month) (Day) (Year) 21. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That i took charge of the remains of the deceased herein described, held an thereon and from the evidence (Inquest, Autopsy or Inquiry) obtained find that said deceased came to death on the date (His or Her) stated above and that Disease or ln|ury causing Death was: Dale of Onset or Occurrence: Manner of Injury was: (Additional space provided on reverse side, if needed.) 22. ACCIDENTAL, SUICIDAL OR HOMICIDAL? Was Injury In any way related to occupation of deceased? If so, specify: 23. INJURY rec’d in I ’Village ’Township ’(Cancel the three terms not applicable.) \ ’City ’Road Dlst. Specify whether Injur/ occurred In Industry, In home, or In public place: 24. (Signed) Coroner By Deputy Coroner Address Date 19 Telephone 26. Filed . 19 Registrar. P. O. Address HI- 3 (b) If veteran, 3 (o) Social Security name war No S. Color or 8 (a) Single, widowed, married, 4. Sex race divorced 6 (b) Name of husband or wife 6 (c) Age of husband or wife if alive years 7. Birth date of deceased (Month) (Day) (Year) 8. AGE: Years Months Days If less than one day hr min. 9. Birthplace ... (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) 10. Usual occupation 11. Industry or business !jM12. Name 2 ) 13. Birthplace V (City, town, or county) (State or foreign country) ■jMl4. Malden name i 15. Birthplace V (City, town, or count;') (State or foreign country) 18. INFORMANT.... (personal signature with pen and ink) P. 0. Address 17. PLACE OF BURIAL (b) DATE " Cremation or Removal (a) Cemetery — 12 Location (Township, Road Diet., Village or City) County State Ta. Funeral director ADDRESS (personal signature with pen and ink) (firm name, if any) Coroner’s cases as specified by Section 10 of the Coroner’s Act (as amended by Act of 1931). All cases of “violence—casualty—undue means”. Any “death occurring without medical attendance”. The death certificate shall be issued and signed by the Coroner or Deputy Coroner in all of the above stated cases. A complete transcript of the findings of the Coroner’s jury is not desired, but “cause and manner of death” (Sec. 10 of the Coroner’s Act) must be concisely stated. The Coroner of the county in which “a body is found lying” has jurisdiction in the holding of an inquest. He loses jurisdiction if the body is removed from his county before an inquest is held—even though such removal is illegal. A dead body “shall not be interred or disinterred, deposited in a vault or tomb, cremated or otherwise disposed of, or removed from or into or from place to place in any registration district unless a permit for burial, removal or other disposition thereof shall have been properly issued”. (Sec. 5 of the Vital Statistics Act). The following terms are not sufficient and must be further explained: Accident—suicide—homicide—injury—external causes—violence—drowning—gun shot—burns—fracture—natural causes— sudden death—old age. Statement of occupation.—Precise statement of occupation is very important, so that the relative healthfulness of various pursuits can be known. Make some entry in this section for every person aged 10 years or over. If the deceased had retired from business, report the occupation prior to retirement. Children not gainfully employed may be returned as at school or at home. For a woman whose only occupation was that of home housework, write housewife in answer to Question 10 and own home in answer to Question 11. For a person engaged in domestic service for wages, however, designate the occupation by the appropriate terms, as servant—private family, cook—hotel, etc. For a person who had no occupation whatever write none. To be complete, an occupation return must state: 10. The trade, profession, or particular kind of work done. 11. The industry or business in which the work was done. In stating the occupation, avoid the use of such indefinite terms as “employee,” “worker,” “operative,” etc. Find out the particular kind of work done and return that, as spinner, weaver, etc. In stating the industry or business, avoid the use of such general terms as "store,” "factory.” “mill,” etc. State the particular kind of store, factory, mill, etc., as grocery store, soap factory, cotton mill, etc. Distinguish carefully the different kinds of engineers by stating the full descriptive titles, as civil engineer, mechanical engineer, mining engineer, stationary engineer, etc. Avoid the term “laborer” when a more precise statement of the occupation can be secured. Do not use the word “mechanic,” but give the exact occupation, as carpenter, painter, machinist, etc. Distinguish carefully between retail merchants and wholesale merchants. A person who sells goods should be called a salesman and not a clerk. Statement of cause of death.—Cause of death means the disease, injury, or complication which causes death, not the mode of dying, e.g., heart failure, asphyxia, asthenia, etc. As principal cause name the disease or injury causing death. As related causes, name earlier morbid conditions, if any, related to the principal cause and any important complication of the principal cause. Under other contributory causes of importance, name other important diseases or in- juries. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR FURTHER STATEMENTS BY CORONER . .. ■%.<-! ■ ■_ wr 1/CM 1 It 24a (Signed) Coroner By Deputy Coroner Address Date 19 Telephone All deaths from “violence, casualty, accident, or any undue means” must be referred to the coroner; A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE Of HC. DEATH IN SUCH CASES DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE REGISTRATION LAW OF ILLINOIS. See Sec. 10, Coroner’s Act Checklist of Records - Deaths WINNEBAGO COUNTY (continued) 1910— Coroner’s death certificates, 5 v, By date of certificate# Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased. 1918-21 Certificates of deaths at Camp Grant, 1 f.b# By certifi- cate no. WOODFORD COUNTY (Eureka) 1877— Certificates, deaths, 4 f.b., 5 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1916—; and coroner’s certificates, 1877-1909, 1916—. 1877-1915 Certificates, stillbirths, 1 f.b. By date of certificate. 1877— Record, deaths, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, alph. by surname of deceased. Also includes stillbirths, 1904—; end coroner’s certificates, 1877-1909. 1877-1904 Record, stillbirths, 1 v. By date of certificate. Self- indexed alph. by surname of parents. 1910-17 Certificates, coroner’s, 1 f.b. By certificate no. Separate index, alph. by surname of deceased. 1910-15 Record, coroner’s certificates, 1 v. By certificate no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of deceased; also separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of deceased. Ohecklist of Records — Marriages MARRIAGE RECORDS - COUNTY1 ADAMS COUNTY (Rainey) 1825— Licenses, 113 f.b, By license no. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of male; 1825-85 also indexed by guide slip pasted to outside of file boxes, 1834— Register, 14 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v., alph, by surname of male, 1868— Applications for license, 36 f.b., 81 v. By application no. ALEXANDER COUNTY (Cairo) 1819— Record, 25 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1819—91, alph, by surname of male; 1892—, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1825— Licenses, 37 f.b. By date of license. 1893— Original applications for license, 19 v. By date of application. BOND COUNTY (Greenville) 1817— Licenses, 39 f.b. By date of license. Includes applica- tions for licenses, 1817-80. 1821— Register, 6 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1857—, 3 v., alph. by surname of male. 1881— Applications for license, 14 v. By date of application. 1937— Physicians1 health certificates, 1 f.d. By date of certificate. 1. Eor a legal summary of the history of marriage records in Illinois, including illustrative tables, see Introduction; for transcripts of all legislation pertaining to the keeping of marriage records, see Appendix, p. 119-31, Checklist of Records - Marriages BOONE COUNTY (Belvidere) 1838— Applications and licenses, 33 f.b,, 21 v. 1838-1931 by date of document; 1932—,by document no. Separate index, 1877—, 4 v,, alph, by surname of male, 1850— Register, 6 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female, 1877-83 Certificates in ’’Marriages, Births and Deaths,” 1 f,b. By date of certificate, BROWN COUNTY (Mt. Sterling) 1839- Register, 3 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1847—. Licenses, 20 f.b. By date of license, 1874— Applications for license, 10 v, By date of application, 1877— Record, 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, BUREAU COUNTY (Princeton) 1837— Applications and licenses, 43 f.b. By date of document. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1837— Record, 24 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph* by surnames of male and female. Includes record of minors, 1837-86. 1878- Register, 1 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1887— Minors* record, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female. 1937— Physicians* health certificates in file of applications and licenses at head of this section, CALHOUN COUNTY (Hardin) 1825— Record, 6 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages CALHOUN COUNTY (continued) 1893— Applications and licenses* 6 Ml*, 5 f.b. By document no* Physicians* health certificates, 1937— included in this series. 1878— Register, 2 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1896— Record of applications for license, duplicate, 7 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. CARROLL COUNTY (Mt, Carroll) 1839— Licenses, 35 f.h. By license no. 1839— Register, 10 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surnames of male and female* CASS COUNTY (Virginia) 1837— Licenses, 4 f.d. By date of license. 1837— Register, 9 v. By license no. Self-indexed alph* by surnames of male and female* 1868-76 Record of marriages without license, 1 v. By date of marriage. 1878— Record, 4 v. By date of return. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female* 1878— Applications for license, 20 v. By application no. Self- indexed, 1878-80, alph* by surname of male; self-indexed, 1934—, alph. by surnames of male and female. CHAMPAIGN COUNTY (Urbana) 1833— Licenses, 89 v. By license no. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1833-56, 1 v., alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1864—, 6 v., alph. by 1333—80, Applications for license, 10 f.b., 35 v, 1833-77, by license 1890— no.; 1878-80, 1890—, by date of filing, 1864— Register, 12 v, By date of filing. Separate index, 6 v., alph. by surnames of male ana female. Checklist of Records - Marriages CHRISTIAN COUNTY (Taylorville) 1839— Register, 6 v, By date of return. Self-indexed, 1839-66, alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1867—, 3 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female, 1844— Licenses, 32 f.b, By date of filing. I 1877— Record, 10 v, By date of registration. Self-indexed, 1914—, alph. by surnames of male and female, 1879-80, Applications for license, 11 f.b., 15 v, By application 1892— no. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female, CLARK COUNTY (Marshall) 1819-1922 Record, 13 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female, 1878- Applications for license, 24 v, Alph, by surnames of male and female. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female • 1878-1928 Register, 5 v,' Alph, by surnames of male and female, Separate index, 1878-1922, 1 v., alph. by surname of male; self-indexed, 1923-28, alph. by surname of male, 1922— Licenses, 5 f.b,, 11 v, Alph, by surnames of male and female. Separate index, 1929—, 1 v., alph, by surname of male. Also contains applications, 1929--, CLAY COUNTY (Louisville) 1825— Record, 11 v. By date of filing. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1878-1930, 2 v., alph, by surname of male, 1829— Licenses, 35 f.b. By date of return. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Papers," 2 v,, alph, by surname of male. 1873-1919 Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1873-77, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1878-1912, 2 v., alph, by surname of male* 1889-1901, Applications for license, 9 v. By date of filing, Self- 1915— indexed alph, by surname of male. - 77 - Checklist of Records - Marriages CLINTON COUNTY (Carlyle) 1825-67 Record, 3 v, By date of return. 1842— Licenses, 80 bdl. By date of return, 1377— Register, 6 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1883— Applications for license, 16 v, By date of application, COLES COUNTY (Charleston) 1831— Applications for license, 30 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male, 1831— Licenses, 83 f.b. By date of filing, 1831— Register, 13 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1831-77, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1878—, 4 v,, alph, by surname of male, 1831-94 Record, duplicate, 8 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male, COOK COUHTY (Chicago) 1856— Register, 127 v, By license no. Separate index, 1871—, 210 v«, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1371— Applications, affidavits and licenses, 2129 f.b. By license no. Separate index, 210 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1871— Licenses, copies of those not returned, 30 f.d. By license no. Separate index, 210 v., alph, by surnames of male and female • 1878 Register, 1 v. By license no. Separate index, 210 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. This is a duplication of entries for 1878 in the rep’istcr at the head of this section. Soundex system now in process of installation. CRAWFORD COUNTY (Robinson) 1817— Register, 7 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages CRAWFORD comm (continued) 1817— Licenses, 28 f.b, By date of filing. Includes affidavits for minors, 1879-1902, 1906-27, 1929—. 1879- Applications for license, 28 v. By date of application. 1891— Self-indexed alph, by surname of male, 1903-5 Permit affidavits for minors, 1 f.b. By date of filing, CUMBERLAND COUNTY (Toledo) 1880- Record in "Miscellaneous Record," 1 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male, 1885— Application register, 8 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed Alph, by surnames of male and female, 1885-1939 Register, 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1885-1922 Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1885-1922 Licenses in "Miscellaneous Papers," 120 bdl. By date of filing, 1895-1923 Record, minor, 2 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female, 1923— Licenses, 4 v. By date of filing, Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, DEKALB COUNTY (Sycamore) 1837— Licenses, 117 f.b, Alph, by surname of male, 1837— Register, 13 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1891— Applications for license, 14 bdl., 14 v. By application no, DE WITT COUNTY (Clinton) 1839— Licenses, 21 f.b. By date of return. Checklist of Records - Marriages DE WITT COUNTY (continued) 1839— Register, 6 v, 1839-63, by date of entry; 1864—,by license no* Separate index, 3 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1876-- Applications for license, 22 v, By certificate no, DOUGLAS COUNTY (Tuscola) 1859— Record, 14 v. By date of license. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surnames of male and female. 1874- Register, 2 v. By date of marriage. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1892-1933 Applications for license, 14 v. By date of application. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1901-38 Register, 5 v. By date of license, 1909-33 Licenses, 5 f,b, Bja date of license. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1915-33 Minors’ license record, 1 v. By date of license. Separate index, 1 v,, alph* bjr surnames of male and female , DU PAGE COUNTY (Wheaton) 1839-- Applications and licenses, 57 f.b. By date of application or license, 1839— Register, 24 v, Alph. by surnames of male and female, EDGAR COUNTY (Paris) 1823— Applications for license, 18 v. By date of application, 1823- Register, 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female* 1824- Licenses, 56 f.b,, 17 v. By date of return, 1898— 1875— Record, 12 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 4 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1937— Physicians* health certificates, 3 f.b. Checklist of Records - Marriages EDWARDS COUNTY (Albion) 1815— Licenses, 17 f.b., 1 f.d. Alph. by surname of male. 1815-98, Applications for license, 3 f.b., 5 v. By date of filing. 1912-15, Self-indexed, 1912-15, 1926—, alph. by surname of male. 1926— 1831-1915 Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1878-- Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1937-- Physicians' health certificates, 1 f.b. By date of filing;. EFFINGHAM COUNTY (Effingham) 1833-1925 Licenses in "County Clerks* Miscellaneous Files," 460 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index in "Index to Court Records," 5 v., alph. by surname of male. 1839— Register, 7 v. By date of marriage. Separate card index, 6 f.d., alph. by surnames of male and female.; also separate index, 2 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1904-- Applications for license, 13 v. 1904-35, by date of license; 1936--, by application no. Separate card index, 6 f.d., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1926— Licenses, 7 v. By date of license. FAYETTE COUNTY (Vandalia) 1821-- Licenses, 33 f.b. By date of return. Includes applica- tions for license, 1821-76. 1821— Register, 6 v. By date of license. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of male. 1827-74 Record, 4 v. By date of license. This record is a photo- static copy of marriage licenses recorded in "Supervisors* Record," and is to be found in the State Archives Building in Springfield. 1849-74 Register, 2 v. By date of license. This register has been transcribed into the register mentioned above, also in State Archives Building, Springfield. Checklist of Records m Marriages PAYETTE COUNTY (continued) 1877— Applications for licensee,22 v, By date of application. Self-indexed, 1882-IS10, alph. by surname of male. 1937— Medical certificates, 1 f.b. By date of return, PORD COUNTY (Paxton) 1859— Licenses, 24 f.b. By date of license, 1859— Register, 9 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 4 r., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1874-78 Register, minors, 1 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 4 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1889-1904 Applications, minors, 1 v. By date of filing. Self- indexed alph. by surname of male, 1S05— Applications for licenses, 10 v. By date of entry, PRAMKLIN COUNTY (Benton) 1836— Record, 25 v. By date of registration. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1877—, 4 v«, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1841-49 Licenses, in ’’County Court Papers, Miscellaneous,” 43 f.b. By date of filing, 1850— Licenses, 53 f.b. By date of return. Includes medical certificates, 1937—, 1877-1927 Register, 6 v. By date of return. Separate index, 4 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female, 1880— Applications for licenses, 48 v. By date of application, PULTON COUNTY (Lewiston) 1824— Register, 9 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 1824-57, 1862—, 5 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female; self-indexed, 1858-61, alph, by surname of male, 1824— Licenses returned, 88 f.b. By date of license. Separate index* 5 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records — Marriages PULTON COUNTY (continued) 1878-1918 Record, 4 v, By date of license. Self-indexed alph, By surnames of male and female. 1922— Applications for license, 9 v, By date of application. Self-indexed alph* hy surnames of male and female, 1937— Physicians* certificates, 2 f.h, By date of certificate. GALLATIN COUNTY (Shawneetown) 1830— Record, 16 v. By date of marriage. Self-indexed alph. hy surname of male, 1878-1926 Register, 4 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 2 v,, alph. By surname of male. 1891-99, Applications for license, 18 v. By date of application. 1905— Self-indexed alph* hy surname of male, 1930--. Licenses, 5 f.h, By date of filing. Separate index in "Index to Court and Miscellaneous Papers," 1 v,, alph, hy surnames of male and female, GRBBNB COUNTY (Carrollton) 1821— Licenses, 120 Ml, By date of filing. Separate index, 1821-70, 1 v,, alph, hy surnames of male and female; separate index, 1871—, 6 v,, alph, hy surnames of male and female. 1821-70 Record, 2 v. By date of entry* Separate Index, 1 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. 1870— Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 6 v*, alph, hy surnames of male and female* 1905— Applications for license, 18 v. By date of entry. Self- indexed alph, hy surname of male. GRUNDY COUNTY (Morris) 1841— Applications for license, 12 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. hy surname of male. 1841— Licenses, 26 f.h. By license no. 1841— Record, 2 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph. hy surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages GRUNDY COUNTY (continued) 1841-54, Register, 5 v. By date of entry* Separate index, 2 v., 1877- alph. by surnames of male and female. HAMILTON COUNTY (McLeansboro) 1821-68, Licenses, 23 f.b. By license no. 1879— 1821— Record, 6 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v», alph. by surnames of male and female; self-indexed, 1878-1902, alph. by surname of maid. 1878— Register, 4 v. By serial no. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1878— Applications for licenses, 24 v. By date of application. Sdlf-indexod alph. by surname of male. HANCOCK COUNTY (Carthage) 1829— Register, 6 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 1862—, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1830— Licenses, 44 f.b. By license no. 1877-1908 Record, 2 v. By license no. Self-indexed alph. by sur- names of male and female. 1880— Applications for licenses, 23 v. By application no. Self- indexed, 1880-96, alph. by surname of male, HARDIN COUNTY (Elizabethtown) 1884— Licenses, 59 envelopes. By date of filing. 1884— Record, 6 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1884—1916, 1 v., alph. by surname of male; self-indexed, 1884-1906, 1917—, self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1884— Register, 2 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1834-1916, 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1916— Application record, 8 envelopes, 7 v. By date of appli- cation. Self-indexed, 1921—, alph. by surname of male. 1940— Physicians1 certificates, 1 f.d. By date of filing. Checklist of Records - Marriages HENDERSON COUNTY (Oquawka) 1841— Register, 4 v. By license no. Separate index, 3 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1876- Applications for license, 13 v. By date of application. Self-indexed, 1876-1914, alph. by surname of male. 1877— Licenses, 20 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Court Papers," 1 v,, alph, by type of document and alph, by surname of male thereunder. In- cludes applications, 1937--, HENRY COUNTY (Cambridge) 1837-- Licenses, 36 f.b,, 4 v. By date of license, 1837-1929 Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1867— Applications for license, 11 f.b., 2 v. By application no, 1867-1930 Record of applications, 33 v. By date of entry. 1937-- Health certificates, 3 f.b. By date of filing. IROQUOIS COUNTY (Watsoka) 1866-- Licenses, 27 f.b., 5 v. By license no. Separate index, 1933—, 3 v,, alph, by surname of male, 1866-1932 Register, 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 3 v., alph, by surname of male. 1881-1932 Applications for license, 37 v. By date of application. SoIf-indexed alph, by surname of male, 1937-- Health certificates, 4 f,d. By date of certificate, JACKSON CONI'!TY (Murphysboro) 1843-- Licenses, 43 f.b. By license no. Separate index in "County Court and Miscellaneous Index," 1 v,, alph, by type of document and alph. by surname of male thereunder, 1843— Record, 8 v, 1843-75,by date of entry; 1876--, alph, by surname of male. Self-indexed, 1858-76, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1870-95, 2 v,, alph. by surname of male • Checklist of Records - Marriages JACKSON COUNTY (continued) 1843-95 Register, 4 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1845-77, alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1878-95, 2 v., alph. by surname of male. 1882— Applications for license, 34 v. By date of application. 1910— Stubs of licenses, minor, 8 v. By license no. 1911— Stubs of licenses, adult, 39 v. By license no. JASPER COUNTY (Newton) 1835-77 Record, 5 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1852-73, alph. by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1874-77, 2 v., alph. by names of male and female. 1878— Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1896— Application record, 4 v. By date of application. 1933— Licenses, 10 bdl. By license no. JEFFERSON COUNTY (Mt. Vernon) 1819-1935 Register, 12 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by name of male; separate index, 1902-35, 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1834— Licenses. These are now being refiled and indexed. 1864-91 Register (transcription of register, 1874-1902), 1 v, Alph. by surname of male. 1874-1902 Register (original), 2 v. Alph. by surname of male. 1877-1916 Register (original), 3 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1877-91, 1894-1916, 3 v., alph. by surname of male self-indexed, 1892-93, alph. by surname of male. 1902— Applications for license, 11 v. By date of application. JERSEY COUNTY (Jerscyvillc) 1839— Licenses, 33 f.b. By license no. Checklist of Records - Marriages JERSEY COUNTY (continued) 1839-74, Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., 1877— alph. by surname of male; self-indexed, 1877—, alph. by surname of male. 1881— Applications for license, 17 v. By certificate no. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of male. JO DAVIESS COUNTY (Galena) 1830— Register, 17 t. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male, 1876- Certificates, 22 v., 6 f.b. By certificate no. Separate 1907— index, 1931—, 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1877- Record, 1 v. By date of entry. 1913— Applications for license, 23 v. By date of application. JOHNSON COUNTY (Vienna) 1835— Record, 12 v. 1835-57 by date of entry; 1858-76 by date of license; 1877—' by license no. . Self-indexed alph. by name of male. 1876-1900, Applications for license, 9 v., 1 bdl. By date of 1905-16, application. 1921— 1878- Register, 3 v. By license no. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1878-1927, 1 v., alph. by surname of female. KANE COUNTY (Geneva) 1836— Applications and licenses, 132 f.b., 20 v. By license no. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1836— Register, 17 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1835-76, alph. by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1877—, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1836-61 Register, 3 v. By licenses no. 1857-64, Record, 9 v. By date of license. Self-indexed, 1857-64, 1905-33 alph. by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1905-33, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records — Marriages KANKAKEE COUNTY (Kankakee) 1853— Record, 11 v. By date of entry* Separate index, 7 v,, alph* "by surnames of male and female* 1858— Licenses, 47 f»t>* By license no* 1878-82, Applications for license, 49 v. By date of license* 1889— Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; also separate index, 1923-25, 1 v., alph. by surname of male* 1937— Medical certificates, 1 f.b. By date of filing. KENDALL COUNTY (Yorkvillc) 1835— Affidavits of minors, 3 f.b* By date of filing. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of minor* I860— Licenses, 3 v. By license no* Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1925— Applications for license, 4 v. By license no. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female, KNOX COUNTY (Galesburg) 1830— Register, 11 v* By date of entry* Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female* 1830-1930 Licensee, 9 cartons. By license no. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female* 1878— Record, 12 v. By license no* Separate index, 10 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female* 1883— Applications for license, 50 v* By application no. Self- indexed alph, by surname of applicant, LAKE COUNTY (Waukegan) 1839-1931 Licenses, 167 f.b* By license no, 1839— Record, 180 v. By date of license. Separate index, 17 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female* 1889-1905, Applications for license, 21 f.b. By license no, 1927-31 1893-1905 Applications of minors, 1 v. By date of filing* Self- indexed alph, by surname of applicant. Checklist of Records - Marriages LA SALLE COUNTY (Ottawa) 1831-53, Applications, licenses and affidavits, 131 f.b. By date of 1870— filing. Separate index in "Miscellaneous Index,11 6 v., alph. by type of document and by surnames of male and female thereunder. 1831— Register, 17 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 6 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. LAWRENCE COUNTY (Lawrenceville) 1821-81 Record, 8 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1872-94 Register, 3 v. Alph. by surname of groom. 1878— Register, 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1920—, 3 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1887— Licenses, 26 f.b. By date of filing. 1907— Applications for license, 20 v. By date of filing. LEE COUNTY (Dixon) 1839— Licenses, 25 f.d., 1 f.b. By date of return. 1839— Register, 6 v. By license no. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surname of male; also separate index, 1914—, 1 v., alph. by surname of female. 1880— Applications for license, 6 f.b., 17 v. By date of application. LIVINGSTON COUNTY (Pontiac) 1837— Licenses, 58 f.b. By date of return. 1837— Record, 19 v. Alph. by surname of male. Self-indexed, 1867-1914, alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1915—, 2 v., alph. by surname of groom. 1877-84, Applications for license, 29 v. Alph. by surname of male* 1886-1923 Checklist of Records — Marriages LOGAN COUNTY (Lincoln) 1857— Applications for license, 11 v«, 1 f.b. By date of appli- cation* Self-indexed alph. by surnames of male and female. 1857— Licenses, 30 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index in '‘General Index,” 2 v., alph* by type of document and surname of male thereunder. 1865— Affidavits, 33 f.b. By date of filing* Separate index in “General Index,” 2 v., alph. by type of document and surname of male. 1878— Record, 9 v. By date of entry* Separate index, 8 v., alph. by surnames of male and female, MACON COUNTY (Decatur) 1829— Licenses, 65 f.b. By date of return. 1829— Register, 15 v. By date of entry* Separate index, 7 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1859-83, Applications for license, 1 f.b., 60 v. By date of entry. 1889— 1937— Medical certificates, 5 f.b. By date of certificate. MACOUPIN COUNTY (Carlinville) 1829— Licenses, 121 f.b. By licenses no. 1829— Record, 48 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by sur- name of male; separate index, 11 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1877— Register, 43 v. By date of entry. 1876— Applications for license, 44 v. By application no. Self- indexed alph. by surname of male; separate index, 11 v., alph* by surnames of male and female. 1878- Record of minors, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. 1915-30 by surname of male; separate index, 11 v., alph. by surnames of male and female# Checklist of Records - Marriages MADISON COUNTY (Edwardsville) 1813— Licenses, 2,47 f.b, By license no. Separate index, 14 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. 1838— Record, 34 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 14 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, MARION COUNTY (Salem) 1823— Licenses, 100 bdl,,. f 10 f.b. By date of filing, 1823-1934 Record, 6 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1823- 1910, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1856— Applications for license, 60. bdl., 5 v. By date of license. Self-indexed, 1931 — , alph, by surnames of male and female. 1878— Register, 5 v, By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1878-1929, alph, by surname of male; self-indexed, 1930—, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1937— Medical certificates, 1 f,d. By date of filing, MARSHALL COUNTY (Lacon) 1839- Register and returns, 7 v. By license no. Separate index, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1842-1906 Applications, original in "Probate Estate Papers,” By date of filing. Separate 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1905-26 Applications for license, 7 v, By application no. Separate index, 2 v,, alph. by surnames of mafe and female. 1921— Record, 12 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. Includes applications, 1927—. MASON COUNTY (Havana) 1841— Applications end licenses, 36 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index in '‘Index to Miscellaneous Papers," 1 v., alph. by type of document and by surnames of male and female thereunder. Checklist of Records - Marriages MASON COUNTY (continued) 1841-74 Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male, 1875— Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1875-77, alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1878—, 1 v., alph, by surname of male. MASSAC COUNTY (Metropolis) 1843— Licenses, 186 bdl. By date of filing. Includes medical certificates, 1937—. 1843— Record, 31 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; 1937—, also by name of female. 1855— Applications for license, 27 v. Self-indexed, 1855-1902, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1874-1919 Record of minors, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1878— Register, 7 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1878-1901, 1 v,, alph, by surname of male; self-indexed, 1902—, alph, by surname of male. McBONOUGH COUNTY (Macomb) 1830— Register, 25 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surnames of male and female. 1850— Licenses, 13 boxes. By license no. 1877— Applications, 29 v. By application no. Self-indexed alph, by surname of male. McHENRY COUNTY (Woodstock) 1837— Applications and licenses, 52 f.b., 7 v, 1837-1931»by date of filing; 1932—*by application no. Separate index, 6 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. 1837-1932 Register, 8 v. By license no. Separate index, 6 v,, alph. by surnames of ma,lo and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages McLEAN COUNTY (Bloomington) 1831-*- Record, 18 v, 1831—74, "by date of entry; 1875—, by license no. Separate index, 6 v,, alph, by surname of male; self-indexed, 1906-12, alph. by surname of male. 1889— Applications for license, 61 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1899— Licenses, 43 f.b. By license no. Separate index, in general "Index," 1 v,, alph, by type of document and by surnames of male and female thereunder, MENARD COUNTY (Petersburg) 1839— Applications for license, 20 f.b. By date of application. 1839— Licenses, 35 f.b. By license no. 1839— Record, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; also separate index, 2 v., alph. by sur- name of male, 1878— Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; also separate index, 2 v,, alph. by sur- name of male, 1887-99 Applications, duplicates, 1 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female. MERGER COUNTY (Alodo) 1835— Licenses, 33 f.b,, 1 v. By license no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1835— Register, 4 v. By license no. Separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. 1889— Applications for license, 22 v, By application no. MONROE COUNTY (Waterloo) 1816— Licenses, 52 f.b. By license no. 1816— Record, 29 v. By license no, Solf-indoxcd, 1867-1917, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1878r~» 8 v*» alph, by surnames of male and female, 1878— Register, 9 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 8 v., alph, by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages MONTGOMERY COU1TTY (Hillsboro) 1821— Licenses, 45 f.b. By license no* Separate index in ’’Index to Miscellaneous Files,” 1 v., alph* by type of document and by surnames of male and female thereunder. 1821— Record, 11 v. By date of registration. Separate index, 4 v., alph. by surnames of male and female 1893— Applications for license, 21 v. 1893-1936,by date of appli- cation; 1937—,by application no. Self-indexed, 1893-1936, alph. by surname of male, 1937-- Medical certificates, 1 f.b. By date of return. MORGAN COUNTY (Jacksonville) 1827— Licenses, 45 f.b. By license no. Separate index, 1 v., alph. by surname of male, 1827-- Register, 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surname of male. 1878-1924 Record (exact title - Register), 5 v. By date of entry. Separate index, 1878-1911, 2 v., alph. by surname of male. 1895— Applications for license, 55 v. By date of license. MOULTRIE COUNTY (Sullivan) 1843— Record, 5 v. By date of entry, Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surnames of male and female, 1856— Licenses, 80 f.b. By date pf license. 1899— Applications for license, 14 v. By application no. OGLE COUNTY (Oregon) 1837— Licenses, 45 f.b. By date of license, 1837— Record, 17 v. By date of license. Separate index, 5 v., alph. by surname of male, 1876-1933 Applications for license, 19 v. By application no, 1881-86 Affidavit, record, 2 v. By date of affidavit. Self-indexed alph, by surname of applieant. Checklist of Records - Marriages PEORIA COUNTY (Peoria) 1825— Record, 23 v. By license no. Self-indexed alph. by sur- name of male. 1825-52 Applications, licenses and returns, 3 f.b. By document no. Separate index in ’’Index to Papers in County Clerk’s Office,” 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1853— Applications for license, 128 f.b. By application no. Separate index in ’’Index to Papers in County Clerk's Office,” 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1853— Licenses and returns, 139 f.b. By license no. Separate index in "Index to Papers in County Clerk's Office,” 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. PERRY COUNTY (Pinckneyville) 1827— Licenses, 30 f.b. By license no. Separate index, 1905—, 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1827— Register, 8 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1868-1904, alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1905—, 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1876—- Applications for license, 25 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. PIATT COUNTY (Monticello) 1841— Licenses, 20 f.b. By license no. Separate index in "Mis- cellaneous Index,” 1 v., alph. by surname of male. 1841— Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1876— Applications for license, 24 v. By date of application. 1878— Record, 2 v. By date of license. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surname of male. PUCE COUNTY (Pittsfield) 1827— Record, 5 v. By license no. Separate index, 5 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1831— Licenses, 38 f.b. By date of license. Checklist of Records - Marriages PIKE COUNTY (continued) 1878-- Register, 5 v, By date of entry. Separate index, 5 v., alph, By surnames of male and female, 1889-1913, Applications for license, 5 v., 6 f.B, By date of 1935— application. POPE COUNTY (Golcond*) 1813— Licenses, 95 f.B, By date of filing. 1816-70, Record, 5 v, By date of license. Separate index, 1822—, 1878— 2 v,, alph. By surnames of male and female; self-indexed, 1858-65, alph. By surname of male. 1871— Register, 3 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed, 1871-77, alph. By surname of male; separate index, 1878-1911, 3 v,, alph. By surnames of male and female. 1879- Consents for minors, 8 f.B, 1882— Applications for license, 7 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. By surnames of male and female, PULASKI COUNTY (Mound City) 1861— Register, 4 v. By date of license return. Separate index 1861-1922, in "Record," 1 v,, alph. By surname of male; self-indexed, 1923-27, alph. By surnames of male and female; separate index, 1928-36, 1 v,, alph. By surnames of male and female; self-indexed, 1937—, alph. By sur- name of male, 1893— Licenses, 19 f.B. Alph. By surname of male. 1903-7, 1913— Applications for license, 15 v, By date of application, PUTNAM COUNTY (Hennepin) 1831— Licenses, 9 f.B, 1831— Register, 4 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph. By surnames of male and female. 1854— Applications for license, 9 v. Self-indexed, 1877-1936, alph. By surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages RANDOLPH COUNTY (Chester) 1809— Licenses, 39 f.b. By license no. 1809— Register, 12 v. 1822-35, 1846--, by date of certificate; 1839-47, alph. by surname of male. Self-indexed, 1839-47, 1856-66, alph. by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1867—, 5 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female. 1927-- Application registers (minors), 1 v, By date of application. Self-indexed, alph. by surname of. male. 1934— Applications for license, 3 v. By date of application. RICHLAND COUNTY (Olney) 1841— Licenses, 27 f.b. By date of license. Includes medical certificates, 1957—. 1841— Register, 9 y. By date of license. Separate index, 3 v., alph, by surnames of male and female. 1883— Applications for license, 17 y. By date of application. Self-indexed, 1932-35, alph. by surname of male. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY (Rock Island) 1833-1935 Licenses, 82 f.b. By license no. Separate index, 13 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1833-- Register, IX v. By date of license return. Separate index, 13 y., alph, by surnames of male and female. 1847-1935 Applications for license, 5 f,b,, 57 v. By application no. Separate index, 13 v., alph, by surnames of male and female. 1878-1918 Record, 5 v, By date of certificate. Separate index, 13 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1878-82 Returns, 1 f.b. By license no, Separate index, 13 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1936— Applications and licenses, 8 y. By document no* Separate index, 14 v., alph. by surnames of male and female, SALINE COUNTY (Harrisburg) 1845— Licenses, 10 f.b. By date of license. — Checklist of Records - Marriages SALINE COUNTY (continued) 1847— Record, 19 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. 1877— Record, minors, 5 v. By date of license. Self-indexed, 1877—, alph, by surname of male; self-indexed, 1877-86, alph. 'by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1877—, 1 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1878— Applications for license, 27 v., 3 f.b. By date of appli- cation. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of applicants. 1878-1909,Register, 5 v, By license no. Self-indexed alph. by sur- 1914— names of male and female; also separate index, 4 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1920-23, Licenses in ‘‘Miscellaneous Papers," 1 wooden box. No obvious 1925— arr. 1937— Applications and medical certificates, 1 f.b, By date of application. SANGAMON COUNTY (Springfield) 1821— Record, 14 v. By license no. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surname of male, 1827— Licenses, 331 f.b. By date of license. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surname of male. 1903— Application register, 93 v. By date of entry. 1877— Register, 16 v. By license no. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surname of male, SCHUYLER COUNTY (Ruahville) 1825— Licenses returned, 28 f.b. By date of license. Separate index in "Index to Files," 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1825— Register, 6 v. By date of license. Self-indexed, 1856-64, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1864--, 3 v., alph by surnames of male and female, 1825-55, Register of licenses issued, 6 v. By date of license. 1860— Checklist of Records - Marriages SCHUYLER COUNTY (continued) 1832-99 Consents for minors, 4 f.b. By date of filing* Separate index in "Index to Piles," 2 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female, 1846-53, .Applications for license, 4 f,b,, 15 v, By date of appli- 1869— cation. Separate index, 1846-77, in "Index to Piles," 2 v,, alph, by surname of male; self-indexed, 1878—, alph. by surname of male, 1938— Medical certificates, 1 f.b. By date of filing. Separate index in "Index to Piles," 2 v,, alph. by surname of male. SCOTT COUNTY (Winchester) 1339— Record, 7 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female; also separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of male, 1867— Licenses, 21 f.b,, 2 v. 18 67-19 2£* by date of license return; 1927—, alph, by surname of male, 1878— Applications for license, 9 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female, 1878— Register, 2 v. By date of entry. Self-indexed alph, by surnames of male and female; also separate index, 1 v,, alph, by surname of male, SHELBY COUNTY (Shelbyville) 1827-1935 Record, 12 v. By date of license return. Self-indexed, 1827-77, 1908-35, alph, by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1878-1907, 2 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1829-1935 Licenses, 79 f.b. By date of license return, 1910-35 Applications for license, 19 v. By application no. Self- indexed alph. by surnames of male and female. 1936— Application and license record, 4 v. By date of document. Separate index, 1 v., alph, by surnames of male and female, 1937— Medical certificates, 2 f.b. By date of filing. Checklist of Records - Marriages STARK COUNTY (Toulon) 1839— Licenses in "Miscellaneous Files," 284 f#b#, 9 f.d# File boxes by date of filing; file drawers alph# by title of document* Separate index in "Index to Miscellaneous Files," 1 v*, alph# by surnames of male and female# 1839— Register, 5 v. By date of license return# Separate index, 1 v#, alph# by surnames of male and female# 1877— Applications for license, 17 v# By date of application# 1957— Medical certificates, 1 f#b# By date of filing# ST. CLAIR COUNTY (Belleville) 1790— Licenses, 104 f#b# By date of filing. Separate index, 1878—, 9 v., alph# by surnames of male and female# 1807— Register, 10 v. By date of entry# Self-indexed alph# by surname of male# 1869— Licenses and applications, 138 v# By date of application. Self-indexed, 1869-77, alph# by surnames of male and female; separate index, 1878—, 10 v#, alph# by surnames of male and female• 1874-77 Record of minors, 1 v* By license no# Self-indexed alph# by surname of minor# 1877— Record, 20 v. By date of license return. Separate index, 10 v#, alph# by surnames of male and female# 1926— License stubs, 100 v. By license no# STEPHENSON COUNTY (Freeport) 1837— Record, 14 v# By date of license. Self-indexed alph# by surname of male# 1840— Licenses in "County Clerk’s Miscellaneous File," 746 f#b# By date of filing. Separate index in "General Index," 2 v#, alph# by surnames of male and female# 1876— Applications for license, 51 v. By date of application# Self-indexed alph# by surname of male# Checklist of Records - Marriages TAZEWELL COUNTY (Pekin) 1827— Record, 11 v. By date of certificate. Separate index, 5 v., alph. By surname of male. 1865— Licenses, 71 f.b. By date of license return. 1902— Applications for license, 25 v. By date of application. Self-indexed alph. by surnames of male and female. UNION COUNTY (Jonesboro) 1818— Licenses, 31 f.b. By license no. 1818-79 Record, 5 v. 1818-64, 1875-79, by date of license; 1855-74, alph. by surname of male. Self-indexed,. 1874-79, alph. by surname of male. 1877— Register, 6 v. By date of license return. 1877— Record, adults, 8 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph. by surname of made. 1878— Applications for license, 17 v. By date of application. Self-indexed, 1878-90, 1905-6, alph. by surname of male. 1879— Record, minors, 4 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male. VERMILION COUNTY (Danville) 1826— Licenses, 80 f.b., 12 v. By license no. 1826— Register, 15 v. By license no. Separate index, 16 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1876— Applications for license, 116 v. By date of application. WABASH COUNTY (Mt. Carmel) 1857-1906 Register, 3 v. By date of license. Separate index, 3 v., alph. by surname of male. 1877- — Register, 3 v. By date of license return; separate index, 1877--,2 v., alph. by surname of male. 1884-1903, Licenses, 5 fob., 1 bdl. By date of license return. 1923— 1907— Applications for license, 11 v. By date of application. Checklist of Records - Marriages WARREN COUNTY (Monmouth) 1831— Licenses, 15 f.b., 1 v. By license no. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1851— Records, 19 v. By license no. Separate index, 2 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1878-1931 -Applications for license, 50 v. By date of application. Self-indexed, 1915-31, alph. by surname of applicant. WASHINGTON COUNTY (Nashville) 1831— Register, 6 v. By date of license return. Separate index, 4 v,, alph. by surnames of male and female. I860— Licenses, 19 f.b., 9 v, 1860-191Q by date of license; 1911— alph. by surname of male. Includes affidavits, 1°37—. 1872-1936 Affidavits, 1 v., 3 bdl. By date of affidavit. WAYNE COUNTY (Fairfield) 1859— Register, 8 v, Alph. by surname of male. 1886— Licenses, 27 bdl. By date of license, 1886— Apolications for license, 22 v. By date of application. WHITE COUNTY (Carmi) 1816— Record, 8 v, 3y date of license return. Self-indexed, 1816-73, alph, by surname of male; separate index, 1874—, 3 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1816-21 Licenses in ”Mi s cell an eous Papers,” 1 f.b. By license no. Separate index in ’’Index to Miscellaneous Papers, ” 1 v,, alph, by surname of male, 1822— Licenses, 112 f.b. By license no. Separate index in ’’Index to Miscellaneous Papers, ” 1 v,, alph, by surname of male. Includes medical certificates, 1937—, 1877— Applications for license, 30 v. By date of license return. Self-indexed, 1877-1930, alph, by surnames of male and female, 1878— Register, 4 v. By date of license return. Separate index, 3 v,, alph, by surnames of male and female. Checklist of Records - Marriages WHITESIDE COUNTY (Morrison) 1857— Applications and licenses, 61 f.b., 2 file cabinets. By license no. Includes medical certificates, 1937—. 1857— Register, 3 v. By license no. 1877- Register, Duplicate, 1 v. By license no. WILL COUNTY (Joliet) 1836-68, Licenses, 99 f.b., 2 v, By license no. Separate index, 1937— 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female, 1836— Register, 15 v. By date of license return. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1840— Applications for license, IS v. By license no. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1889-1933 Applications, duplicate copies above, 73 v. By date of application. Separate index, 10 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1937— Notice of intention to wed, 3 f.b. By document no. 1937— Medical certificates, 5 f.b. By certificate no. WILLIAMSON COUNTY (Marion) 1839-57. Licenses, 9 f.d. 1839-1924, by date of license; 1925— 1859, by license no. 1865— 1839— Record, 30 v. By date of license. Self-indexed alph. by surname of male; separate index, 1865-83, 2 v., alph, by surnames of male and female. 1878- Register, 1 v. By date of license return. 1883— Record of applications, 39 v. By date of applications. SoIf-indexed alph. by surname of male. WINNEBAGO COUNTY (Rockford) 1836— Licenses, 213 f.b. By date of license. 1836— Record, 21 v. By date of license. Separate index, 24 f.d., alph, by surnames of male and female. INFORMATION iWarnage Huenses NOTE: Applications for a marriage license may be made to the County Clerk not sooner than one (1) day nor later than fifteen (15) days after the date that the physician made the examination as certified by him. A license to marry in Cook County can be obtained by either residents or non-residents of the State of Illinois at the office of the County Clerk, Room 233, Court House (situated corner Clark and Washington Streets), Chicago, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock A. M. and 5:00 o’clock P. M., any week day (excepting holidays and excepting Saturday, when the closing hour is 12 o’clock noon). Males must be of the age of 21 years or over; females 18 years or over; provided, however, that males between 18 and 21 and females between 16 and 18 may procure license through the sworn consent of parent or guardian. In cases where males are only 21 or where females are over 18 and under 21, they will be required to present proper proof of age. The presence before the County Clerk of both parties to the contemplated marriage is required. The law of Illinois makes the following described marriages void: Blood relatives down to cousins of the first degree, idiots and lunatics. The Uniform Marriage Evasion Law of Illinois makes the marriage prohibitions and obligations of all other States applicable to Illinois. No license will be issued by the county clerk’s office to non-resident persons prohibited from inter- marrying by divorce decrees or by the laws of the jurisdiction where they reside. Non-residents whose home jurisdiction requires the giving of public notice of intention to marry or whose laws require the furnishing of a Doctor’s certificate or other obligations will be required to furnish a certificate by the proper home officer stating that such requirements have been complied with or where dispensation has been granted, releasing the persons concerned from such obligations. Persons, resident and non-resident, desiring to marry shall within fifteen (15) days prior to the issuance of a license to marry, be examined by any duly licensed physician as to the existence or non-existence in such person of any venereal disease, and it shall be unlawful for the county clerk of any court to issue a license to marry to any person who fails to present for filing with such county clerk a certificate setting forth that such person is free from venereal diseases as nearly as can be determined by a thorough physical examination, and attached thereto laboratory reports (by approved Illinois laboratories or State Board of Health of foreign states only) of microscopical examination for the gonococcus for gonorrhea and the blood Wasserman test or Kahn test for syphilis. Such laboratory examination shall upon the request of any physician in the State be made free of charge by either the State Department of Public Health or the Health Department of cities, villages and incorporated towns maintaining Health Departments. The certificate required herein must be signed in the presence of the physician by the person examined and shall be filed with the application for license to marry. Examinations may be made only by physicians licensed in Illinois. The fee for a marriage license is Three Dollars ($3.00). Persons obtaining licenses in Cook County may not use the license to marry in any other County. Physicians’ certificate forms will be supplied by the County Clerk upon application. Licenses issued on or after July 1, 1937, are void thirty (30) days after the date of issuance. County Clerk. «*ffifc>637 24127 NOTE: The gonococci and syphilis examination must be made not sooner than 15 days before the County Clerk may issue your license. Physician’s Certificate SHOWING FREEDOM FROM ALL VENEREAL DISEASES I, being a physician, legally licensed to practice in the NAME OF PHYSICIAN State of (my credentials being filed in the office of in the City of County of State of ) do certify that I did on the day of 19 make a thorough examination of and considered the result of a microscopical examination for gonococci and an approved serological test for syphilis, which was made at my request, and believe to be free from all venereal diseases. SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN ADDRESS OF PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE OF PERSON EXAMINED (Which must be signed in the presence of examining physician) The laboratory reports of the microscopic exami- nation for the gonococcus for gonorrhea and for the serological test for syphilis must be attached to this certificate by the physician issuing same. ■637 24126 ISSUED BY MICHAEL J. FLYNN , COUNTY CLERK. COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS AFFIDAVIT FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF COOK )ss* No,__ residing in the City of Chicago, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, being duly sworn deposes and says that he was born on and is of the age of years; that he married, and is now and "Never" or "Was" "Unmarried" "A*Widower" or "Divorced" that he is not prohibited from intermarrying by the laws of the jurisdiction ¥/here he resides. That M ‘ residing in the City'of Chicago in the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, was born on and is of the age of years• That she married, and is now . "Never" or "Was" "Unmarried" "A Widow" or • That she is not prohibited from intermarrying by the laws of the jurisdiction "Divorced" where she resides. That said persons are not blood relatives and are not imbeciles, idiots or in- sane, and are not under the influence of intoxicating liquors or narcotic drugs; that they are both single and unmarried, and may lawfully contract and be joined in marriage, and that they are the identical persons named in the Physicians1 Certificates submitted herewith. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of (Signed) A. D, 19 • (Address) , — r ' * - ly ■■■*■■"■ '■ — > County Clerk (Signed) By Deputy (Address) EDITOR1 S HOTS: Effective July 1, 1941, the above form will be used exclusively for applications, and the old "Application For License to Marry" form (not included) will be discontinued. (At the time of publication printed forms were not yet available for insertion in this volume.) STATE OF ILLINOIS,)ss T COUNTY OF COOK, ) * _° — — do solemnly swear that I am the of , a minor, (Parent or Guardian) that said was bom on A. D, in and that I hereby give my consent to _______ marriage. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this) ) day of 19 ) Address _County Clerk. Deputy, By_ Form 44 Warning: This License Void 30 Days After Issuance Jllilii!ili)8£ I ICfllSE No Returned and Filed—Date STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 COUNTY OF COOK/8'8* To Any Person Legally Authorized to Solemnize Marriage BliSHJflBS Marriage may be Celebrated, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, between Mr. of Chicago, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, of the age of years, and M of Chicago, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, of the age of years. Witness, MICHAEL J. FLYNN, County Clerk of the County of Cook and the Seal thereof, at my office in Chicago, this day of , A. D. 194 The Person who solemnizes Marriage is cautioned against making anjr'chfanges m th^'l/cense —County Clerk STATE OF ILLINOIS! X COUNTY OF COOK J ' (Nam. ol Person Officiating) T (Official Title) hereby certify that Mr. and w— were united in Marriage by me at in the County of Cook and State of Illinois/ on the day of 194 (Signature and Official Title) (The Names la this certificate must be IS <4/4 identical with Names in above License) /iOureSS — —— N.B.—This license, with certificate ol marriage properly made, must (within 30 days) be returned to the COUNTY CLERK, by the person who performed the marriage ceremony. LAWS IN RELATION TO MARRIAGES In Force July 1, 1874, As Amended SECTION 6a. Any license to marry issued hereunder, shall be void thirty (30) days after the date thereof. SECTION 9. The Minister, Judge or Justice of the Peace shall, within thirty days after such Marriage is solemnized, make a certificate there- of, and return the same, together with the license, if one has been issued, to the Clerk of the County in which the Marriage took place, or to his suc- cessor in office. SECTION 16. If any Minister, Judge or Justice of the Peace, having celebrated a Marriage, or any clerk or secretary of any society, church or denomination among whom a Marriage is cele- brated, and whose duty it shall be to make and return a certificate of such Marriage, shall fail to make and return to the County Clerk such cer- tificate in the time and manner provided by law, he shall forfeit and pay $100, to be recovered in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, in an action of debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION 17. It shall be the duty of the State's Attorney of the proper County to prosecute all offenses under the preceding sections. LEO P. DWYER CO. Checklist of Records - Marriages WINNEBAGO COUNTY (continued) 1877-1919 Register, 8 v. By date of license return. Self-indexed alph. by surnames of male and female. 1937— Medical certificates, 7 f.b. By date of certificate. WOODFORD COUNTY (Eureka) 1841— Licenses, 19 f.b., 1 v. By date of license. 1841— Record, 5 v, By date of license return. Separate index, ' 3 v., alph. by surnames of male and female. 1852— Applications for license and affidavits of consent, 18 f.b. By date of document. Includes medical certificates, 1937—. DIVORCE RECORDS There is no legislation in Illinois requiring the keeping of separate series of divorce records. Divorces are granted only by courts having genera], chancery jurisdiction*1 and generally the decrees, abstracts of proceedings, and other documents are simply spread over the regular chancery records and dockets and filed with other chancery papers in the regular court or chancery files. In all counties in the state the circuit and city courts hear divorce suits. In addition, the superior court of Cook County in Chicago also exercises jurisdiction over divorces. In all cases, the records are in the custody of the respective court clerks. Fees for copies of divorce decrees average about one dollar. 1. For summary of divorce legislation in Illinois, 1817 to date, see Introduction, p. 5,6. appendix Appendix TRANSCRIPTS OF ALL LEGISLATION REQUIRING OR AFFECTING THE KEEPING OF BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS, 1819-1941 L, 1819, p, 233-35 AIT Act for the establishment of Medical Societies Sec, 1, That the state shall be divided into four Medical districts in each of which there shall be held a board of Physicians, See, 8, That it shall be the duty of every physician, residing within the bounds of either of the aforesaid districts, to keep a true and accurate record of all births, deaths, and diseases which may take place within the vicinity of his practice, which record, or copy of same, he shall transmit to the president of the society; and which list or record shall be by the president published in one or more newspapers of this state; and any physician refusing or, fail ing to make out the aforesaid list or record, and transmitting the same as aforesaid, shall pay to such society as he may belong, the sum of ten dollars for the use of said society. Approved, March 24, 1819, L, 1842-43, p. 210-12 AIT Act to establish a mode to register births and deaths See, 1, 3e it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall bo the duty of the clerk of the county commissioners' court, in each county of this State, to provide himself with a well bound book, wherein he shall record the births and deaths of all persons coming to his knowledge in the manner hereinafter provided. See, 2, The father of a child or children, or mother of any child or children, in ease the father be dead, out of the State or otherwise prevented, or in ease of an illegitimate child or child- ren, may appear before the clerk of the county commissioners' court of his or her respective county, and make an affidavit in writing before such clerk, setting forth the birth or births of his or her child or children, stating therein the day and year when, and the justice's precinct wherein such birth or births happened, and the Christian and surname of said child or children. In ease such father or mother fail or neglect to make an affidavit as afore- said within sixty days after such birth or births, any householder may make the same concerning every birth happening in his house. See, 3, The eldest person next of kin may make an affidavit before the clerk aforesaid, of his or [her! respective county, of the death of his or her kindred, and in case the next of kin neglects to make such an affidavit for the space of twenty days, the adminis- trator or executor of such deceased person may make such affidavit as aforesaid; and any householder may make the like affidavit before said clerk concerning any death happening in his house. Affidavits made under the provisions of this section shall state the name and In force, April 1, 1843, See supplement, 6th Mar, 1843 Mode of register- ing births, etc. Eldest person next to heir may make af- fidavit Appendix the age of the person deceased according, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and shall also state the justice’s precinct where such death happened. If any person shall come to his death, and a coroner's inquest bo held over his or her body, or if any person die while confined in any penitentiary, jail, workhouse, poor house, or hospital within this State, the respective wardens, jailors, or keepers of such workhouses, poor houses or hospitals, shall make out a certificate containing substantially the same statements concerning the name, age, death, and place of death, required in the affidavit last aforesaid, and within ten days after such death happened, file the same with county commissioners' clerk of the proper county. Duty of county clerk Sec. 4-, The said county commissioners' clerk shall careful- ly file and number such affidavits and certificates in the order they are presented, and shall be parts of the recoVds of his office, and said clerk shall make an abstract of the material facts sot forth in said affidavit or certificate and enter the same in the said record of births and deaths; which abstract shall be in sub- stance as follows: Entry concerning the birth of a person On the day of A.D. , A.B. (being the - father or mother, or a householder as the case may be) made proof of the birth of C.D., which took place on the day of , A.D. , in precinct, county of ; see af- fidavit on file. No. • Entry of birth Entry of death Entry of death On the day of , A.D. , A.b. of county (being the eldest person next of or a householder in whose house the death happened, executor or administrator of deceased, coroner or keeper of a jail, poor house, workhouse or hospital, as the case may be) made proof of the death of C.D, aged years, which took place the day of A.D, in precinct county; see affidavit (or certificate) on file. No, ' . Clerk to make in- dex Sec. 5. The clerk shall keep a correct alphabetical index to said record showing'the Christian names and'surnames of'the person concerning whom entries have been made; said index distinguishing between cases of births and deaths, and shall, upon request of any person, make out a certificate of said entry under his hand and the seal of the county commissioners’ court, and such certificate shall be received as prima facia evidence of the facts stated therein in all courts of law and equity in this State. Approved, March 3, 1843. Appendix In force, March 6, 1843 AN Act to amend "AN Act providing a voluntary mode of register** ing births and deaths," approved March 3d, 1843 Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the "Act providing a voluntary mode of registering births and deaths," approved third of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, shall be in force from and after the first day of April next; any thing in the said act to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, March 6, 1843. L. 1877, p. 208,209 AIT Act to create and establish a board of health in the State of Illinois Sec. 3. [Charge of Registration of Births and Deaths.] The Board of Health shall have supervision of the State system of reg- . istration of births and deaths as hereinafter provided; they shall make up such forms, and recommend such legislation as shall be deem- ed necessary for the thorough registration of vital and mortuary statistics throughout the State. The Secretary of the Board shall be Superintendent of such registration. The clerical duties, and the safe keeping of the bureau of vital statistics thus created shall be provided by the Secretary of State. In force, July 1, 1877 Sec. 4. [Duty of Physicians - Penalty.] It shall be the duty of all physicians, and accouchers in this State, to register their names and post office address with the County Clerk of the county where they reside; and said physicians and accouchers, shall be required under penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction in the State, at suit of the County Clerk, to report to the County Clerk, within thirty days from date of their occurrence, all births and deaths, which may come under their supervision, with a certificate of the cause of death, and such correlative facts as the Board may require, in the blank forms furnished as hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. [Report of Births and Deaths.] VThere any birth or death shall take place no physician or accoucher being in attendance, the same shall be reported to the County Clerk, within thirty days from the date of their occurence with the supposed cause of death, by the parent, or if none, by the nearest of kin not a minor, or if none, by the resident house-holder where the death shall occur, under penalty as provided in the preceding section of this act. Sec. 6. [Coroner - Reports of.] The Coroners of the several counties shall be required to report to the County Clerk, all cases of death which may come under their supervision, with the cause and mode of death, etc., as per forms furnished, under penalty as provided in section four of this act. Sec. 8. [Books of Births and Deaths.] The County Clerks of the several counties in the State shall be required to keep separate books for the registration of the names and post-office address of physicians and accouchers, for births, for marriages, and for deaths; said books shall always be open to inspection without fee; and said Appendix County Clerks shall he required to render a full and complete report of all births, marriages and deaths to the Secretary of the Board of Health, annually, and at such other times as the Board may direct. See, 9, [Forms,] It shall be the duty of the Board of Health, to prepare such forms for the record of births, marriages and deaths, as they may deem proper; the said forms to be furnish- ed by the Secretary of said Board, to the County Clerks of the several counties; whose duty it shall be to furnish them to such persons as are herein required to make reports. Approved, May 25, 1877, L. 1901, p, 301-4 AIT Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording of same; regulating the interment or other disoosal of dead bodies, and prescribing a penalty for non-corneliance with the erovisions thereof In force, Jan, 1, 190S Sec. 1, It shall be the duty of every physician and in the State of Illinois who attends the birth of a child to report said birth within thirty days after its occurrence to the county clerk of the county in which the birth takes place. Such reports shall be made on blank forms, to be prescribed and issued by the State board of health, and shall contain such information as may be directed by said board in resolutions, copies of which shall bo printed on the reverse of the blank forms aforesaid, When no physician or midwife has boon in attendance, then it shall bo the duty of the parent, or in caso of the disability of the parent, of the householder, to make said report within the time and within the manner aforesaid. Reports of births- blank3 Burial per mits - by whom issued - form of Sec. 4. The following persons shall issue permits for inter- ment, cremation or other disposal of bodies of such persons as die within their respective jurisdiction, viz; county clerks in counties not under township organization; town clerks in counties under township organisation, and the clerks of incorporated cities and villages; Provided, that in any county not under township organization the board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to divide the county into districts, not exceeding six in number, and to appoint in each district an agent of sa,id board of county commissioners, who shall be empowered to issue such permits; Pro- vided, further, that the duties heroin devolved upon city and vill- age clerks may bo performed, instead, by the clerk, secretary or registrar of a. legally appointed city or board of health; And, provided further, that neither county nor town clerks, nor tho district agents aforesaid, shall issue permits in cases of deaths which occur within the jurisdiction of incorporated cities or villages. Certificates for 'burial permits required Sec* 5, No such permit shall he issued until there shall have been delivered to the proper official, as designated above, a certifi cate of death in the manner directed, and on the blank form pres- cribed by the State board of health, by a legally qualified physician or midwife, or by the coroner of the county in which such death occurred. Appendix Physician or midwife to sign certifi- cate See. 6, It shall be the duty of the physician or midwife last in attendance upon the deceased, if any there was, to sign the certificate hereinbefore required, stating the primary and secondary cause of death, according to the best information obtainable, and giving such correlative facts as may be required the State board of health in resolutions, copies of which shall be printed on the reverse of said certificates. If there was no attending physician or midwife, or if the the certificate of the attending physician or midwife can not be obtained within forty-eight hours after death has occurred, the required certify cate may be made by any legally qualified physican employed for the purpose. Coroners to report deaths; body buried without per- mit to be disinterred and inquest held Sec, 7. Any death coming under the supervision or direction of the coroner shall be by him reported to the district agent, the clerk of the county, township, village or city, in which the death occurred, or to the local board of health of such city or village, as the case may be, in the manner directed and on the blank forms prescribed by the State Board of Health, and it shall be the duty of the coroner to disinter any body buried without the permit hereinbefore required, and to hold an inquest on said body, and within three days thereafter to report said death in the manner aforesaid to the proper official. Monthly re- ports to county clerks Sec, 8, It shall bo the duty of all district agents, town- ship, city or village clerks, and clerks, secretaries or regis- trars of city or village boards of health to forward at the end of each month to the county clerk of the county in which such district, township, city or village is located, all certificates of death presented to them during the preceding thirty days. County clerk’s record of births and deaths - fil- ing certifi- cates - quart- erly report to State Board of Health Sec# 10# The county clerk of each county shall record in the manner directed by the State board of health all certificates of births and deaths delivered to him pursuant to law, and shall file such certificates in his office. The record of such certifi cates shall at all times to be open to the inspection of the public without fee. Each county clerk shall, also, during the first ten days of January, April, July and October of each year, render to the State board of health, in the manner directed by said board, a full and complete report of all births and deaths reported to him during the preceding quarter# Forms - by whom, pre- pared Sec, 11, The State board shall prepare such forms for certificates of births and deaths as it may deem proper, and shall deliver said forms to the county clerks of the several counties, whose duty it shall be to furnish such forms to phy- sicians, midwives and coroners: Provided, that in cities and villages the local board of health or the city or village clerk, as the case may be, may prepare forms for certificates of death in form similar to those issued by the State board of health, and furnish the same to physicians and midwivos. Repeals Sec, 14, All that part of sections 4, 5 and 6 of an act en- titled, "An Act to create and establish a State board of health in the State of Illinois," approved May 28, 1877, relating to re- ports of births and deaths, and all acts or parts of acts in con- flict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Appendix When act in force Sec# 15. This act shall he in force on and after the first day of January, 1902. Approved, May 11, 1901. L. 1903, p. 315—18 M Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording of the same, and prescribing a penalty for non-comp1iance with the provisions thereof, and repeal- ing certain acts therein named In force, July 1, 1903 Sec# 1, It shall be the duty of every physician and mid- wife in the State of Illinois who attends the birth of a child to make a report of said birth with the name of such child and such other information as may be required by the State Board of Health, within thirty days after its occurrence in writing, to the county clerk of the county in which the said birth takes place; PROVIDED, that in cities of 50,000 or more inhabitants repcrrts may be made to the city commissioner of health instead of the county clerk, if said commissioner of health so requests. Physicians and midwives shall report births - to whom made- forms fur- nished - duty of parent or house- holder Such reports shall be made on blank forms prescribed by the State Board of Health, and shall contain such information as may be directed by said board in resolutions, copies of which shall bo printed on the reverse of the blank forms afore- said. When no physician or midwife has been in attendance, then it shall be the duty of the parents, [or] the householder, to make said report within the time and in.the manner aforesaid. Commissioners of health sha5»l report to county clerk Sec. 3. Every city commissioner of health to whom reports of births are made shall deliver to the county clerk of the county in which the city is located, on or before the tenth day of each month, all reports of births received by him during the preceding month* Sec. 4, It shall be the duty of every physician and mid- wife practicing in the State of Illinois to report, in writing to the State Board of Health, at Springfield, the death of any of his or her patients within thirty days after the date of said death! PROVIDED, that in the case of death [deaths] which occur within the corporate jurisdiction of cities, the ordi- nance of which requires that the burial or removal permit shall be issued before the burial or removal* of the body, and that before such permit shall be issued, a report or certificate of death shall be presented to the official by whom the permit shall be issued, no report need be made to the State Board of Health by the physician or midwife. Physicians and midwives shall report deaths in certain cases to State Board of Health Coroners shall re- port deaths to State Board of Health Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the coroner to report, in writing, to the State Board of Health, any death coming under his supervision within ton days after he receives notice of said death: PROVIDED, that this section shall not apply to deaths occurring within the jurisdiction of the cities referred to in section 4 of this act. Appendix Commissioner of health shall report to State Board Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of health, or the other city or village official in the cities referred to in section 4 of this act, by whom burial or removal permits are issued, and, to whom certificates or reports of death ,are pre- sented, to deliver to the State Board of Health at Springfield, on or before the tenth day of each month all certificates oT re-* ports of death presented to him during the preceding month. State Board of Health shall make record and transmit death certif- icates to county clerks Sec. 9. The State Board of Health shall make a record with- in ten days after their receipt of all certificates of death for- warded to it, and shall deliver such certificates on or before the first day of the succeeding month to the proper county clerk with a list giving the names and addresses of the persons from whom the certificates were received. Sec. 11. The county clerk of each county shall record in the manner directed by the State Board of Health all certificates of births and deaths delivered to him pursuant to law, and shall file such certificates in his office. The record of such certif- icates shall at all times be open to the inspection of the public without fee. Each county clerk shall also, during the first ten days of January, April, July and October of each year, render to the State Board of Health in the manner directed by said board, a full and complete report of all births reported to him during the preceding quarter. County clerk shall record certificates of births, and deaths Repeals act of 1901 Sec. 15. An act requiring reports of births.and deaths and the recording of same, regulating the interment or other disposal of dead bodies, and prescribing a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions thereof, approved May 11, 1901, and in force Jan- uary 1, 1902, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Approved, May 6, 1903. L. 1915, p. 660-70 AH Act to provide for the registration of all births, still- births and deaths in the State of Illinois, and to repeal an act entitled, HAn Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording of the same, and prescribing a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions thereof, and repealing certain acts therein named,11 approved May 6, 1905, in force July 1, 1903 In force, July 1, 1915 Sec. 1. That the State Board of Health shall have charge of the registration of births, stillbirths, and deaths throughout the State# The said board shall be charged with the uniform and thor- ough enforcement of this Act throughout the State, and shall cause to be preserved and kept the originals of all such records in the office of the State Board of Health in the Capitol Building at Springfield. State Board of Health shall have charge Supt. of registra- tion Sec# 2. That the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall be the superintendent of such registration of births, still- births and deaths. Sec. 3. That for the purposes of this Act the State shall be divided into vital statistics registration districts (herein- after referred to as registration districts), as follows: Appendix Registration Districts Each city, village and incorporated town, and each township in counties under township organization (excepting that portion of the township constituting a separate registration district) and each road district «inJcounties not under township‘organisa- tion (excepting that portion of the road district constituting a separate registration district) shall constitute a registra- tion district. Local regis- trars and deputies Sec. 4. That the local registrars for each registration district shall be as follows: In cities, villages and incorporated towns, the clerk of the city, village or incorporated town shall he the local registrar for the purpose of this Act; PROVIDED, that in cities, villages and incorporated towns in which registration of 'births, still- births or deaths is conducted under local ordinance, the officer of the city, village or incorporated town who is local registrar under such ordinance shall he the local registrar under this Act, and such local registrars shall he subject to the rules and regula- tions of the State Board of Health and to all the provisions of this Act. In each township in counties under township organization, excepting those portions of the township constituting a separate registration district, the clerk of the township shall ho the local registrar for the purposes of this Act. In each road district in counties not under township organiza- tion, excepting those portions of the road district constituting a separate registration district, the road district clerk shall hq the local registrar for the purposes of this Act, Fhat certifi- cate of death to contain Sec. 7. That the certificate of death shall contain at least the items of the Standard Certificate of Death, approved and adopt- ed by the United States Bureau of the Census, The personal"particu lars shall he authenticated hy the signature and address of the in formant who shall he the nearest of kin or other competent person acquainted with the facts. The medical certificate shall he made and signed hy the legal- ly qualified physician, if any, last in attendance, or coroner, or hy the local registrar as provided for in section 8 of this Act. Registration of births - who to file certificate Sec. 1R. That all births that occur in the State shall he immediately registered in the districts in which they occur, as hereinafter provided. It shall he the the duty of the attending physician or midwife to file a certificate of 'birth, properly and completely filled out, and in a form prescribed hy the State Board of Health, with the local sub-registrar of the district in which the birth occurred within ten days alter the date of birth. If there ho no attending physician or midwife, then it shall he the Appendix duty of the father, or in case of death or absence of the father, it shall be the duty of the mother, and in the event of the death or disability of the mother, then it shall be the duty of the house' holder where the birth occurred, to file such certificate of birth with the local registrar within ten days after such birth; or if the birth occurred in a public or private institution, it shall be the duty of the manager or superintendent of such institution to file with the local or sub-registrar a certificate of such birth, properly and completely filled out as required by this Act; PROVIDED, that in order to prevent blindness and otherwise conserve the health and life of infants, the State Board of Health on request of any health officer of any registration district, shall direct and require that persons, residing in such district, charged with the duty of reporting births, shall file with the local registrar such reports within twenty-four hours, and for this purpose, a short form on postal card may be used: PROVIDED, fur- ther, that said brief postal card report shall not take the place of the complete report provided for in this Act, and that no fees shall be paid to registrars, deputy registrars or sub-registrars for receiving, handling, or recording such postal form reports. Certificate of birth Sec. 13. That the certificate of birth shall contain at least the items of the standard certificate of birth as approved and adopted by the United States Bureau of the Census. Yiftien certif- icate of birth is filed with- out given name - re- port of prior births Sec. 14. That when any certificate of birth of a living child is presented without the statement of the given name, then the local or sub-registrar shall make out and deliver to the parents of the child a special blank for the supplemental report of the given name of the child, which shall be filled out as directed and returned to such registrar as soon as the child shall have been named. Fnere the birth of a child born prior to the taking effect of this Act has not been recorded, or in cases of failure to report any birth which occurs subsequent to the taking effect of this Act within the time prescribed herein, such report may be received and filed by the local registrar, for the purposes and uses of this Act, when such report is accompanied by affidavits of the father or mother of the child, or if neither father nor mother of the child is living, of the nearest of kin or guardian. State Board of Health to prescribe form of re- ports - other duties Sec. 17. The State Board of Health shall carefully examine the certificates received monthly from the local registrars and if any such are incomplete or unsatisfactory shall require such fur- ther information to be furnished as may be necessary to make the records complete and satisfactory. All physicians, midwives, coroners, superintendents of hospitals or institutions, informants, undertakers or sextons, connected with any birth, stillbirth or death, and all other persons having knowledge of the facts, shall furnish such information as they may possess regarding any death, stillbirth or birth (excepting such information as may divulge the parentage of an illegitimate child, as provided in section 13 of this Act) upon demand of the State Bo and of Health, by. mail, or through an accredited representative. Said board shall arange, bind and permanently preserve the certificates in a systematic manner, and shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive card index Appendix of all births and deaths registered, and shall compile and publish for the information of the citizens of the State an annual report of births and deaths, which reports shall contain such data, as, in the opinion of the said board, will serve to promote public health and the general welfare of the citizens of the State. Duties of local regis- trars Sec. 18. The local registrar shall number consecutively the certificates of births, stillbirths and deaths in three separate series, beginning with No. 1 for the first birth, stillbirth or death in each calendar year, and sign his name as local registrar in the attest of the date of filing in this office. He shall also make a complete and accurate copy or copies of each birth, still- birth and death certificate registered by him on blank certificates of births, stillbirths and deaths, or in a record book of approved form prescribed by the State Board of Health. Local registrars shall deposit with the county clerks of their respective counties within sixty days after the close of each calendar year, one com- plete set of records of births, stillbirths and deaths registered with them during the year, and the county clerks are charged with the binding and safe keeping of such records. Each local registrar shall, on the tenth day of each month, transmit to the State Board of Health all original certificates registered by him, including those received from his sub-registrars, during the preceding month. Provided, that any city, incorporated town or village which is a registration district for the purposes of this Act, may cause to be made extra copies of any or all birth, stillbirth and death certificates filed with the local registrar, such extra copies to be in addition to those copies which are required to be made for and turned over to the county clerk, as provided for in this Act, and such extra copies may be retained by any city, incorporated town or village a,s its permanent record. If no birth, stillbirth or death occurred in any month, the local registrar shall, on the tenth day of the following month, report that fact to the State Board of Health on a card provided for that purpose. Certified copies of record of birth or death fee Sec. 20. The State Board of Health, any local registrar or any county clerk shall, on request, furnish a certified copy of the record of any birth, stillbirth or death to any applicant entitled to the same upon the payment by such applicant of a fee of fifty cents ($0.50) to the maker of such certified copy. Any such copy of a birth, stillbirth or death, when properly certified to by the State Board of Health or the local registrar of the county clerk, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and planes of facts therein stated: PROVIDED, that the United States Census Bureau may obtain, without expense to the Sta-te, transcripts or certified copies of birth, stillbirth and death certificates without payment of the fees herein prescribed: And, provided,fur- ther, that the State Board of Health, in its discretion end in the appendix interests of promoting registration of birth, may issue, without fee, to the parents or guardian of any or every child whose birth has been registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act,. a special certificate of birth, limited in its statement of items from the record of birth, to the name of the child, names of the parents, date and plane of birth, date recorded, and the name of the attendant; such certificate, however, shall not be deemed an fulfilling the requirements of the certified copy of a record of birth for which payment is hereinbefore pro- vided. Repeal Sec, 23. That an Act entitled, "An Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording of the same and prescrib- ing a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions thereof, and repealing certain Acts therein named, approved May 6, 1903, in force July 1, 1903,11 and all amendments thereto be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, June 22, 1915, L. 1931. p. 734 AN Act to add section 13a to "An Act to provide Tor the registration of all births, stillbirths and deaths in the State of Illinois, etc." TSee L. 1915, p. 660) In force, July 1, 1932 13a. Whenever a decree of adoption has been entered declar- ing a child adopted in any court of competent .jurisdiction in the State of Illinois, a certificate of the decree of adoption may be recorded with the proper department of registration of births, and a certificate of birth shall issue upon request, bearing the now name of the child as shown in the decree of adoption, the names of the foster parents of the said child, age, sex, date of birth, but no reference in ?tny birth certificate shall have re- ference to the adoption of the said child. However, original re- gistration of births shall remain a part of the record of the said department of birth registration, provided, however, there shall be no difference in the color of birth registration cards or certificates, whether the child be legitimate or illegitimate. Adds sec- tion 13a to Act of 1915, Certificate When Adopted Approved, July 3, 1931, L. 1933, p • 838 AN Act to amend an "Act to provide for the regis- tration of all births, still-births and deaths in the State of Illinois, and to repeal An ' Act entitled, yAn Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and the recording the same, and prescrib- ing a ponalty for non-compliance with the provisions thereof, and repealing certain Acts therein named,<’ approved Hay 6, 1903," approved June 22, 1915, as amended, by adding sections 13b and 13c, thereto In force, July 1, 1933 Adds Section 13b and 13c to Act of 1915 Sec. 13b Illegitimate child - Birth Certificate Sec, 13b, Whenever the parents of an illegitimate child inter- marry before a certificate of birth is filed as required by this .Act, such child shall be considered legitimate and the certificate of birth shall be made accordingly. .Appendix In any case when the parents of an illegitimate child have intermarried after a certificate of birth is filed as required by this Act, a certificate of such marriage may be recorded with the Department of Public Health and a new certifi- cate of birth shall issue upon request in the same form as certificate of birth for a legitimate child, The Department of Public Health shall also send copies of the now certificate of birth to the local registrar and county clerk of the district where the birth occurred. The local registrar and the county clerk shall substitute such copies of the new certificate of birth for the copies previously filed, and shall send the copies previously filed to the Department of Public Health, The Depart- ment of Public Health shall put the certificate of marriage fil- ed, and original certificate of illegitimate birth, and the copies sent by the local registrar and county clerk in a sealed package. Such sealed package shall not bo opened except upon order of a court of record. Approved, June 30, 1933, L, 1939, p. 839.840 AH Act to amend section 17 and tho title of "An Act to provide for the registration of all births, still- births and deaths in tho State of Illinois, and to repeal an Act entitled, 11 An Act requiring reports of births and deaths, and tho recording of tho same, and prescribing a penalty for non-compliance vdth tho pro- visions thereof, and repealing certain Acts therein named,11 approved May 6,*19037"in force July 1, 1903, " approved June 22, 1915, as amended. In force, July 1, 1940 Prescribes typewritten reports of all vital statistics 17. That the State Board of Health shall prescribe all forms of reports of births, stillbirths and deaths and shall prepare, print and supply all local registrars with copies of all blanks and forms sufficient to carry out the provisions of this Act; and shall prepare and issue such detailed instructions as may be required to procure the uniform observance of its provisions and the maintenance of a perfect system of registration and no other blanks shall be used than those supplied by the State Board of Health; PROVIDED, that in any city, incorporated town or village, the local department or board of health or the city clerk, as the case may be, may have printed blank forms bearing such items of record or instructions as may bo necessary for the needs and pur- poses of carrying out the provisions of local ordinances, not in conflict with the forms proscribed or approved by the State Board of Health, and provided further, that the State Board of Health shall not supply the short form on postal cards for the reporting of births, mentioned in Section 12 of this Act, All forms prescribed by the Board of Health under this Act shall have printed near the top of such form the instructions fol- lowing; "PILL IN THIS FORM (EXCEPT SIGNATURE) ON A TYPEWRITER OR BY LEGIBLE PRINTING.'1 Appendix The State Board of Health shall carefully examine the certificates received monthly from the local registrars and if any such are incomplete or unsatisfactory shall require such further information to be furnished as may be necessary to make the records complete and satisfactory. All physicians, midwives, coroners, superintendents of hospitals or institu- tions, informants, undertakers or sextons, connected with any birth, stillbirth or death, and all other persons having know- ledge of the facts, shall furnish such information as they may possess regarding any death, stillbirth or birth, (excepting such information as may divulge the parentage of an illegitimate child, as provided in Section 13 of this Act), upon demand of the State Board of Health, by mail, or through an accredited representative. Said board shall arrange, bind and permanently preserve the certificates in a systematic manner, and shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive card index of all births and deaths registered, and shall compile and publish for the information of the citizens of the state, an-, annual report of births and deaths, which report shall contain such data as, in the opinion of the said board will serve to promote public health and the general welfare of the citizens of the state. 2. The title of said Act is amended to read as follows: "An Act to provide for the registration of all births, still- births and deaths in the State of Illinois, and to repeal an Act herein named." Approved, July 20, 1939, App endix TRANSCRIPTS OP ALL LEGISLATION REQUIRING OR AFFECTING THE KEEPING OP MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1788-1941 A Law regulating Marriages^- Certifi- cates of marriage by whom given A certificate of every marriage solemnized as aforesaid, signed by the judge or minister celebrating the same or in case of Quakers, by the clerk of the meeting, shall be by such judge, minister or clerk respectively transmitted to the register of the county wherein the marriage has boon solemnized, within three months thereafter, to be entered on record by such register, an exemplication of which shall bo evidence of such marriage. Exempli- fication to he deemed evidence And if any judge, minister or clerk as aforesaid neglect to transmit a certificate of such marriage to the register as afore- said he shall upon conviction thereof forfeit twenty dollars to and for the use of the territory. 1788. Certifi- cates of marriage - hy whom given AN Act regulating Marriage A certificate of every marriage solemnized as aforesaid, signed by the judge or justice or minister, solemnizing the same, or in case of Quakers, by the clerk of the meeting shall be by such judge, justice, minister or clerk respectively transmitted to the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in their respective counties, wherein the marriage has been solemnized, within three months thereafter, to be entered on record by the said clerk, an exemplification of which shall be evidence of such marriage. Exempli- fication thereof to he deem- ed evidence Approved, September 17, 1807 AM Act concerning county courts^ That there shall be a court of record in each county in this Territory, to be called and styled the county court, to 1, Theodore Calvin Pease, ed,, Lavs of the Northwest Territory, 1788-1800, v. XVII, Illinois Historical Collections, Law Series, I, 23, 2, Francis S, Philhrick, ed., Lavs of Indiana Territory, 1801- 1809, v, XXI, Illinois Historical Collections, Lav Series, II, 251,252, 3, Nathaniel Poioe, ed,, Lavs of the Territory of 111inois, 1815, II, 345-48, Appendix consist of three Judges, who shall he conservators of the peace, any two of whom shall form a quorum, to he appointed and commissioned hy the Governor. And the said court shall have and possess and ex- ercise, all and every of the powers, privileges and jurisdiction (as near as may he) and perform the same duties, that the courts of Com- mon Pleas of the respective counties might lawfully have performed on the first day of November last, except so far as relates to the trial of causes civil and criminal over which the county court shall have no jurisdiction for the trial thereof. Clerks How Appointed That the clerk of said court shall be appointed in the same man- ner in all respects as the clerks of the courts of Common Pleas were appointed; and they shall have the same power and fees in court, and in the vacation thereof, end perform the same duties, that the clerks of common pleas could or might have done; and the clerk shall have the same fees that are or may he allowed hy law.1 Approved, December 19, 1814. In force, January 12, 1818 AN Act estahli shing Circuit Courts and Justices* Courts, and for other purposes^ Sec. 1. 5e it enacted hy the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Illinois territory, and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same, That there shall he, and there is hereby established in each and every county now established, or which may hereafter he established in this territory, a Court to he styled nthe Justices* Court,” which shall he composed of the justices of the peace of the respective counties, and three of whom shall constitute a court, or quorum to do business. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall he appointed and commissioned hy the governor, some competent person in each county, who shall he clerk of the justices* court of the county in which he shall he appointed, who shall hold his office at the place where such county court may he held; and the said clerk shall give bond with one or more sureties to he approved of hy the court of which he is clerk, to the governor for the time being and his suc- cessors in office, in the sum of five hundred dollars, and take an 1. The above act shows that the clerk of the territorial county court was charged with the same duties which were previously performed by the clerk of the court of common pleas. 2. Laws of Illinois Territory, 1817-18, p. 90-92. Appendix oath faithfully to discharge the duties of his office, and sea- sonable to record the decrees, judgments and orders of the court of which he is clerk; and to do and perform all other duties re- quired, or which shall be required of him by law; and deliver all the records and other writings belonging to his said office, whole, safe and undefaced, to his successor in office, which oath shall be endorsed on the back of said bond, and filed in the office of the Secretary of the territory; provided, that no person holding the office of justice of the peace shall be appointed clerk of any justices1 court. Sec, U, Be it further enacted, That the said justices* courts shall have the same powers, and possess the same juris- diction, which the county courts now possess and exercise in all cases relating to public roads and highways, in cases relating to the county taxes, in all cases relating to elections, and all other cases relating to the concerns of the county,1 Approved, January 12, 1818. L. 1819. p, 26—28 AN Act regulating Marriages Sec, 3, That previously to persons being joined in marriage as aforesaid, the intention of the parties shall he made known, by publishing the same for the space of fifteen days at least, either by the same being publicly and openly declared, three several Sundays, or other days of public worship, in the meetings in the towns where the parties respectively belong, or by publica- tion in writing under hand and seal of one of the judges before mentioned or of one of the justices of the peace within the county or be affixed in some public place in the town where the parties respectively dwell; or a license shall be obtained from" the county clerks of their respective counties, which said license shall authorize the marriage of the parties without pub- lication as is herein required; for which license, the clerk shall be entitled to have and receive the sum of one dollar; and the said clerk shall keep a record of such licenses by him issued. Sec. 5* That a certificate of every marriage solemnized as aforesaid, signed by the judge or justice, or minister solemniz- ing the same, or in case of Quakers, by the clerk of the meeting, 1, The above act expressly vested in the Justices’ Court the same administrative powers which were previously exercised by the territorial county court. Therefore, by implication the clerk of the Justices’ Court was charged with the duty of issuing marriage licenses and with the recording of certif- icates of the same. Appendix shall be by such judge, justice, minister or clerk respectively, transmitted to the clerk of the court in their respective counties, wherein the marriage has been solemnized to be entered on record by said clerk, an exemplification of which shall be evidence of such marriages. Approved, February 20, 1819. R.L. 1827, p. 288-90 AN Act concerning Marriages Sec, o* Any persons wishing to marry, or be joined in mar- riage, go before any regular minister of the gospel, author- ized to marry by the church or society to which he belongs, any justice of the supreme court, judge of any inferior court, or jus- tice of the peace, and celebrate or declare their marriage, in such manner and form as shall be most agreeable. And such minis- ter of the gospel, justice of the supreme court, judge, or justice of the peace, shall make a certificate of such marriage, and re- turn the same, with the license, to the clerk of the county com- missioners’ court, who issued such license, within thirty days after solemnizing such marriage * and the clerk, after receiving such certificate, shall make a registry thereof, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose only; which registry shall contain the Christian and surnames of both parties, the time of their marriage, and the name of the person certifying the same; and said clerk shall at the same time, endorse on such certificate, that the same is registered, and the time when; which certificate shall bo carefully filed and preserved; and the same, or a certified copy of the registry thereof, shall be evidence of the marriage of the parties. PJho author- ized to per- form the marriage cer- emony Publication of banns Sec. 4. No person shall be joined in marriage, as aforesaid, unless their intention to marry shall have been published at least two weeks previous to such marriage, in the church or congregation to which the parties, or one of them belong; or unless such per- sons shall have obtained a license, as herein provided. Acts repealed The act entitled "An Act regulating Marriages,11 aporoved February 20th, 1819, is hereby repealed; but rights acquired, and forfeitures incurred, under that act, are not hereby affected. This act to take effect on the first day of June next. Approved, February 14, 1827, R.S. 1845, p, 354 AIT Act to revise the law in relation to marriages Person cele- brating mar- riage, to file certif- icate there- of Sec. 5. Any minister of the gospel, justice of the supreme court, judge or justice of the peace, who shall celebrate any mar- riage shall make a certificate of such marriage and return the same, with the license, to the clerk of the county commissioners* court, who issued such license, within thirty days after solemnizing such marriage. Appendix Clerk to keep registry there- of; copies to be evidence Sec. 6. The clerk of the county commissioners1 court after receiving such certificate, shall make a registry thereof, in a book kept by him for that purpose only; which registry shall contain the Christian and surnames of both the parties; the time of their marriage and the name of the person certifying the same: And said clerk shall, at the same time, indorse on said certif- icate, that the same is registered and at the time when; which certificate shall be carefully filed and preserved; and the seme or a certified copy of the registry thereof, shall be evidence of the marriage of the parties. No person shall ho joined in marriage as aforesaid, unless their intention to marry shall have been published at least two weeks previous to such marriage in the church or congregation to which the parties or one of them belong; or unless such persons have obtained a license, as herein provided. Approved, March 3, 1845. H.S. 1874, p. 694-96 AN Act to revise the law in relation to marriages Sec. 6. [License-Publication], Persons intending to be joined in marriage shall, before their marriage, obtain a license from the county clerk of the county whore such marriage is to take place, or shall cause their intention to marry to be published at least two weeks previous to the marriage, in the church or con- gregation to which the parties or one of them belong. Sec. 7, [Form of License], The license shall be substan- tially in the following form: State of Illinois, )ss, County ) Marriage may ho celebrated between A B, of in the county of .and State of of the age of years, and CD, of in the county of and State of of the ago of years (if the man is under the ago of twenty-one years, or the woman under eighteen years of age), add the following! the father (or mother or guardian as the case may be), of the said A B and C D (or A B or C D, as the case may require), having given his (or her) assent to said marriage. Witness * county clerk, and the seal of said county. Sec, 9. [Certificate of marriage]. The minister, judge or justice of the peace, or if the marriage is celebrated according to the rules and principles of a religious society, church or denomin- ation, and there be no minister, then the clerk or secretary of such society, church or denomination, shall within thirty days after such Appendix marriage is solemnized* make a certificate thereof, and return the sane together with the license, if one has been issued, to the clerk of the county in which the marriage took place, or to his successor in office. Sec. 10, [Form of certificate]. The certificate may he substantially in tho following form: State of Illinois, ) „ . . v So County ) I, S J, a justice of the peace (or as the case nay be), here- by certify that A B and 0 D were united in marriage by me, at ,,,, in the county of and State of on the doy of A. D,,.,. Sec. 11. [Registry of certificate]. The county clerk, upon receiving such cert if icrate, shall make a registry thereof in a hook to he kept in his office for that purpose only, which regis- try shall contain tho Christian and surnames of the parties, the time of their marriage, and the name of the person certifying the same; he shall also at the same time indorse on such certificate the time when the same is registered, and shall number and care- fully preserve the same (see RfSf 1845, py 354, sec, 6). Where in bigamy prosecution marriage was proved by un- contradicted testimony, there is no necessity, of any supplemental record or documentary evidence (People vs. Graves, 357 111, 605; 192 N.E. 680), Sec. 12. [Evidence], Such certificate or a copy of the same, or of the entry in such registry, certified hy tho county clerk, under the seal of the county shall he received as evidence of the marriage of the parties as therein stated (see HrS, 1845, p, 354, sec. 6). In civil actions, except the action for criminal conversation, record or direct evidence of marriage is not required, hut mar- riage may he shown hy reputation, the testimony of witnesses, or hy circumstances ('Western Coal and Mining Co, vs. Industrial Commission, 296 111, 408; 129 17,S. 779). Sec. 14. [Neglect to register, etc,, certificate]. If any county clerk shall refuse or neglect to register and file any marriage certificate according to lav/, for more than thirty days after the same is returned to him for that purpose (his fees therefore being paid), he shall forfeit and pay $100,00, to he recovered hy the party injured, in an action of debt, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Approved, February 27, 1874. Appendix L. 1877, p* 130 AM Act to amend section six (6) of an act entitled "An Act to revise the law in re- lation to marriages,H approved Feb. 27, 1874 In force, May 11, 1877 Sec. 6. Persons intending to be joined in marriage shall, before their marriage, obtain a license from the County Clerk of the county where such marriage is to take place, anything in any general or special law of this State to the contrary notwith- standing. License Mandatory Approved, May 11, 1877. L. 1889, p. 201 AN Act to amend section six of an act entitled "An Act to revise the law in re- lation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874, in force July 1, 1874, as amended by act approved and in forcc May 11, 1877 Amends section 6 of the act of 1874, as amended in 1877, by pro- viding for proof of consent where the applicants are under age: liability of county clerks Sec. 6, Persons intending to be joined in marriage shall, before their marriage, obtain a license from the county clerk of the county where such marriage is to take place, anything in any general or special law of this State to the contrary notwith- standing. For the purpose of ascertaining the age of the parties and the legality of the contemplated marriage, the county clerk may require the affidavit of either of the parties, or other wit- nesses. When a minor is an applicant for a marriage license, or if an applicant is desirous of obtaining a license to marry a minor, and the parent or guardian of such minor is not present to give his or her consent, then such consent may be in writing, and must be attested by two witnesses, one of whom shall sign the application for license with the applicant, and make affidavit that he or she witnessed the signature of the person giving con- sent, and knows the same to be the genuine signature of the parent or guardian of the minor on whose account the application for license is made, and if any applicant for license, or any witness to the signature of a parent or guardian, shall swear falsely as to the age of any one for whom a license is applied, or as to the signature of any parent or guardian giving consent, and the county clerk is thereby induced to issue a marriage license to one who is not of age, the said county clerk shall not be liable for the penalty mentioned in section thirteen of this act. Approved, June 3, 1889. L. 1937, p . 908, 909 AN Act to amend section 6 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874; as amended Sec. 6. All persons about to be joined in marriage must first obtain a license therefor, from the County Clerk of the .Appendix Comity in which such marriage is to take place, anything in any general or special law of this State to the contrary notwith- standing, which license must show: 1. Their real and full names, and places of residence. 2, Their ages. Ho license may be granted when either of the parties, appli- cants therefor, is an. imbecile, or insane, or Is at the time of making the application, or proofs heroin required, for said license, under the influence of any intoxicating liquor, or nar- cotic drug. If the male is over the age of eighteen (18) years and under the age of twenty-one (21) years, or the female is over the age of sixteen (16) years and under the age of eighteen (18) years, no license may bo issued by the County Clerk, unless the consent in writing of the parents of the person under age, or on© of such parents, or of his or her guardian, is presented to him, duly verified by such parents, or parent, or guardian, and such consent must be filed by the Clerk, and he must state such facts in the license, For the purpose of ascertaining the age of the parties and the legality of the contemplated marriage, the County Clerk shall obtain an affidavit of the party applying for the license (who must be one of the parties to the contemplated marriage) and such County Clerk may, if he deems proper, obtain the affidavit of both parties to the contemplated marriage, and of any other person or persons, and any applicant for any such license, and any person or persons who are about to be married under any such license, or any other person making any such af- fidavit above mentioned, who shall willfully and knowingly swear falsely as to any material matter in any such affidavit or to the age of either of the parties to the contemplated marriage whore such ago is material, and the County Clerk is thereby induced to issue a marriage license permitting persons to be joined in marriage v/ho are legally incapfable or who have not the right to be joined in marriage, shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Delians ($100) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1000,00), or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than one (l) year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. License - restrictions on issuance - Notice of in- tention - .Application for marriage license - ?orm of application APPLICATION, Application for a marriage license must he made at least three days and not more than thirty days, before the license shall he issued, upon a form which tho County Clerk shall furnish without charge. One of the parties to the mar- riage must sign the application before the County Clerk; the other party need not appear in person at the time of making the application hut must sign the application before some officer authorized hy law to administer oaths and such officer shall take the acknowledgment of such signature without charge. The County Clerk may, if he deems proper, require both parties to the marriage to sign the application before him. Upon the expiration of throe days and not later than thirty days after receipt of the application, duly executed nnd signed, the clerk may issue the license. Appendix FORM. The application shall ho substantially in the follow- ing form: Application for License to Marry Notice is hereby given that a native of of the age of ...... years, residing at and of the ago of (Pull address to be inserted) years, residing at (Full address to bo inserted) intend within thirty days from date hereof, to apply to the County Clerk of County, State of Illinois, for license to marry. Approved, July 9, 1937. L. 1937, p. 910, 911 AM Act to add section 6a to "An Act to revise the law in relation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874. as amended Sec. 6a. All persons desiring to marry shall within fifteen (15) days prior to the issuance of a license to marry, be examined by any duly licensed physician as to the existence or non-existence in such person of any venereal disease, and it shall be unlawful for the county clerk of any court to issue a license to marry to any person who fails to present for filing with such County Clerk a certificate setting forth that such person is free from venereal diseases as nearly as can be determined by a thorough physical examination, and attached thereto laboratory reports of microscopical examination for the gonococcus for gonorrhea and the blood Wasserman test or Kahn tost for syphilis. Such laboratory examination shall upon the request of any physician in the State be made free of charge by either the State Department of Public Health or the Health Department of cities, villages and incorporated towns maintaining Health Departments. The certificate required herein shall be filed with the applica- tion for license to marry and shall read as follows, to-wit: I, (Name of Physician) being a physician, legally licensed to practice in the State of (my credentials being filed in the office of .. in the City of *... County of State of ......) do certify that I did on the ...... day of 19 ... make a thorough examination of and considered the result of a microscopical examination for gonococci and a Wasserman or Kahn test for syphilis, which was made at my request, (strike out the tests which were not made) and believe to be free from all venereal diseases. Signature of Physician Appendix Any county clerk who shall unlawfully issue a license to marry to any person who fails to present for filing the certif- icate provided for in this ACT or who shall refuse to issue a license to marry to any person legally capable of contracting a marriage who present for filing the certificate provided for in this ACT, or any physician who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false statement in the certificate, or any party or parties having knowledge of any matter relating or pertaining to the examination of any applicant for license to marry, who shall disclose the same, or any portion thereof, except an may be re- quired by law, shall upon proof thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each and every offense. Any person who shall obtain any license to marry contrary to the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 or "by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than three (3) months or both such fine and imprisonment. Any license to marry issued hereunder, shall be void thirty (30) days after the date thereof. Approved, June 23, 1937. L. 1941, P . House Bill No. 149 62nd G.A# AIT Act to amend section 6, and 6a of "An Act to revise the law in relation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874, as amended^ Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, repre- sented in the General Assembly: In force, July 1, 1941 Sec. 1. Sections 6 and 6a of "An Act to revise the law in relation to marriages," approved February 27, 1874, as amended, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 6. License - Affidavit - Penalty. All persons about to be joined in marriage must first obtain a license therefor, from the County Clerk of the County in which such marriage is to take place, anything in any general or special law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding, which license must show? 1. Their real end full names, and places of residence# 2. Their ages. No license may be granted when either of the parties, applicants therefor, is an imbecile, or insane, or is at the time 1. 111. Rev. Stat., p. 2017. Appendix of making the application, or proofs herein required, for said license, under the influence of any intoxicating liquor, or narcotic drug. If the male is over the age of eighteen (18) years and under the age of twenty-one (2l) years, or the fe- male is over the age of sixteen (IS) years and under the ago of eighteen (18) years, no license may he issued hy the County Clerk, unless the consent in writing of the parents of the person under age, or one of such parents, or of his or her guardian, is presented to him, duly verified hy such parents, or parent, or guardian, and such consent must he filed hy the Clerk, and he must state such facts in the licence. For the purpose of ascertaining the age of the parties and the legali- ty of the contemplated marriage, the County Clerk shall obtain an affidavit of the party applying for the license (who must he one of the parties to the contemplated marriage) and such County Clerk may, if he deems proper, obtain the affidavit of both parties to the contemplated marriage, and of any other person or persons, and any applicant for any such license, and any person or persons who are about to he married under any such license, or any other person making any such affidavit above mentioned, who shall wilfully and knowingly swear false- ly as to any material matter in any such affidavit or to the age of either of the parties to the contemplated marriage where such age is material, and the County Clerk is thereby induced to issue a marriage license.permitting persons to he joined in marriage who are legally incapable or who have not the right to he joined in marriage, shall he punished hy a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars($100.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00), or hy imprisonment in the ..County Jail for not more than one (l) year, or hy both such fine and imprisonment. Sec* 6a. All persons making application for a license to marry shall at any time within fifteen (15) days prior to such application he examined hy a physician duly licensed in this State as to the existence of or freedom from any venereal disease, and, except as otherwise herein provided, it shall he unlawful for the county clerk of any county to issue a license to marry to any person who fails to present for filing with such county clerk a certificate signed hy such physician set- ting forth that such person to the proposed marriage is free from venereal diseases as nearly as can he determined hy a thorough physical examination and such standard microscopic and serological tests as are necessary for the discovery of venereal diseases. If, on the basis of negative laboratory and clinical findings the physician in attendance finds no evidence of venereal diseases, he shall issue a certificate to that effect to the examinee, which certificate shall read as follows, to-wit: Appendix I, (Kamo of Physician) being a physician, legally licensed to practice in the State of * (my credentials being filed in the office of in the City of County of State of ...) do certify that I did on the day of ...19...... make a thorough examination of and considered the result of a microscopical examination for gonococci and an approved serological tost for syphilis, which was made at my request, and believe.... to be free from all venereal diseases. Signature of Physician Signature of Person Examined Such certificate of negative findings as to each of the parties to a proposed marriage to which laboratory reports of microscopical examinations of smears from the genitalia for the gonococcus of gonorrhea and serologic tests for syphilis are attached, shall be filed with the county clerk of the county wherein the marriage is to be solemnized at the time application is made for a license to marry. Laboratory tests for venereal diseases required hereunder shall be tests approved by the State Department of Public Health and shall be made by laboratories of said Department or by such other laboratories as are approved by said Department. Such tests as may be made by the health depart- ments of cities, villages and incorporated towns maintaining laboratories shall be free of charge. The results of all labora- tory tests shall be reported on standard forms prescribed by the State Department of Public Health. Vvhcnever any such physician’s ocrtificato is_ required by the provisions "of this~sc~ction, the person whose_ name is_ set” forth therein as the person who was examined by such physician shall sign such-'certificate in the presence of such physician before such certificate is "filed in the ~ofFice of the county clerk. Irrespective of the results of laboratory tests and clinical examination, the clerks of the respective counties shall issue a marriage license to parties to a proposed marriage (a) when the woman is pregnant at the time of such application, and (b) when the woman has, prior to the time of application, given birth to an illegitimate child which is living at the time of such applies tion and the man making such application makes affidavit that he is the father of such illegitimate child. The county clerk shall in lieu of the health certificate required hereunder, accept, as the case may be, either an affidavit on a form prescribed by the State Department of Public Health, signed by a physician Appendix duly licensed in this State, stating that the woman is pregnant, or a copy of the hirth record of the illegitimate child, if one is available in this State, or if such birth record is not avail- able, an affidavit signed by the woman that she is the mother of such child. Also irrespective of the Results of laboratory tests and clinical examination, the clerks of the respective counties shall issue a marriage license to parties to a proposed marriage when, after investigation, the Director of the State Department of Public Health, or his duly authorized representative, issues or causes to be issued a certificate that such marriage may be con- summated without serious danger to the health of either party to the proposed marriage or to any issue of such marriage. Any county clerk who shall unlawfully issue a license to marry to any person who fails to present for filing the certifi- cate provided for in this Act or who shall refuse to issue a license to marry to any person legally entitled thereto under this Act, or any physician who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false statement in the certificate or permit any person to sign such certificate as the person examined other than the per- son named by the physician in such certificate as the person examined, or any party or parties having knowledge of any matter relating or pertaining to the examination of any applicant for license to marry, who shall disclose the same, or any portion thereof, except as may be required by law, shall upon proof thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500,00 for each and every offense. Any person who shall obtain any license to marry contrary to the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than three (3) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any license to marry hereunder, shall be void thirty (30) days after the date thereof. Approved, April 22, • appendix COUNTIES OF ILLINOIS, SHOWING NAME OF COUNTY, DATE FORMED, AND ORIGINAL COUNTY OR AREA FROM WHICH FORMED Name Bate Formed Original County or Area Adams J anuary 13, 1825 Pike and unorganized territory attached to Pike Alexander March 4. 1819 Unorganized territory attached to Union Bond January 4, 1817 Madison Boone March 4. 1857 Winnebago Brown February 1, 1839 Schuyler Bureau. February 28, 1837 Putnam Calhoun January 10. 1825 Pike Carroll February 22, 1839 Jo Baviess March 3, 1837 Morgan Champaign February 20, 1833 Vermilion and unorganised territory attached to Vermilion Christian February 15, 1839 Shelby, Montgomery, and Sangamon Clark March 22. 1819 Crawford Clay Becember 23, 1824 Fayette, Crawford, and Wayne Clinton Beeember 27. 1824 Washington, Fayette, and Bond Coles Becember 25, 1830 Clark and unorganized territory attached to Edgar Cook January 15. 1831 Putnam Crawford Becember 31, 1816 Edwards Cumberland March 2. 1843 Coles Be Kalb March 4, 1837 Kane Be Witt March 1, 1839 McLean and Macon Bouglas February 8. 1859 Coles Bu Page February 9, 1839 Cook Edgar January 3. 1823 Clark Edwards November 28, 1814 Gallatin and Mahison Effingham February 15, 1831 Fayette and Crawford Fayette February 14. 1821 Bond, Jefferson, Wayne, Crawford, and Clark Ford February 17. 1859 Unorganized territory attached to Vermilion Franklin J anuary 2, 1818 White and Gallatin and unorganized territory attached to Jackson Fulton January 28, 1823 Pike Callatin September 14, 1812 Randolph Creene January 20, 1821 Madison Crundy February 17, 1841 La Salle Hamilton February 8, 1821 White Hancock January 13, 1825 Unorganized territory attached to Pike Hardin March 2, 1839 Pope Henderson J anuary 20, 1841 Warren Henry J anuary 13, 1825 Unorganized territory attached to Fulton Appendix Name Date Formed Original County or Area Iroquois Fehrucary 26, 1833 Unorganized territory attached to Vermilion Jackson January 10, 1816 Handolph Jasper February 15. 1831 Crawford and Clay Jefferson March 26, 1819 Edwards and White Jersey February 28. 1839 Greene Jo Daviess February 17, 1827 Mercer, Henry, and Putnam Johnson September 14. 1812 Randolph Kane J anuary 16, 1836 Unorganized territory attached to La Salle Kankakee February 11. 1853 Iroquois and Will and unorganized terri tory attached to Vermilion Kendall February 19. 1841 La Salle and Kane Knox Jrnuary 13. 1825 Fulton and unorganized territory attach- ed to Fulton Lake March 1. 1839 McHenry La Salle January 15. 1831 Putnam and unorganized territory attach- ed to Tazewell Lawrence January 16, 1821 Crawford and Edwards Lee February 27, 1839 Ogle Livingston February 27, 1837 La Salle and McLean and unorganized territory attached to Vermilion Logan February 15, 1839 Sangamon Macon J anuary 19. 1829 Unorganized territory attached to Shelby Macoupin January 17. 1829 Madison and unorganized territory attached to Greene Madison Sep tember 14. 1812 St. Clair and Pandolph Marion January 24, 1823 Fayette and Jefferson Marshall January 19, 1839 Putnam Mason January 20, 1841 Tazewell and Menard Massac February 8. 1843 Pope and Johnson McDonough January 25, 1826 Unorganized territory attached to Schuyler McHenry January 16. 1836 Cook and unorganized territory attached to La Salle McLean December 25. 1830 Tazewell and unorganized territory attached to Shelby Menard February 15, 1839 Sangamon Mercer J anuary 13. 1825 Unorganized territory attached to Pike- Monro e January 6, 1816 St, Clair and Randolph Montgomery February 12, 1821 Bond and Madison Morgan January 31, 1823 Sangamon and unorganized territory attached to Greene Moultrie February 16. 1843 Shelby and Macon Ogle January 16, 1836 Jo Daviess and unorganized territory attached to La Salle Peoria January 13, 1825 Palton and unorganized territory attached to Fulton Perry January 29, 1827 Randolph and Jackson Appendix Name Date Formed Original County or Area Piatt January 27, 1841 De Witt and Macon Pike January 31. 1821 Madison, Bond, and Clark Pope J anuary 10, 1816 Johnson and Gallatin Pulaski March 3, 1843 Johnson, Alexander, and Massac Putnam January 13, 1825 Unorganized territory attached to Fulton and Edgar Randolph October 5, 1795 St, Clair Hi chi and February 24, 1841 Clay and Lawrence Rock Island February 9. 1831 Jo Daviess Saline February 25, 1347 Gallatin Sangamon January 30, 1821 Madison and Bond Schuyler January 13. 1825 Pike, Fulton, and unorganized terri- tory attached to Pike Scott February 16, 1839 Morgan She 1 "by January 23. 1827 Fayette Stark March 2, 1830 Knox and Putnam St. Clair April 27. 1790 Northwest Territory Stephenson March 4, 1837 Winnebago and Jo Daviess Tazewell January 31. 1827 Unorganized territory attached to Peoria Union January 2, 1818 Johnson Vermilion January 18. 1826 Unorganized territory attached to Edgar Wabash December 27, 1824 Edwards Warren January 13, 1825 Unorganized territory attached to Pike Washington J anuary 2, 1818 St, Cl-adr Wayne March 26, 1819 Edwards White December 9. 1815 Gallatin Whiteside January 15, 1836 Jo Daviess and Henry Will January 12. 1836 Cook and Iroquois Williamson February 28, 1839 Franklin Winnebago January 16. 1836 Jo Daviess and unorganized territory attached to La Salle Woodford February 27, 1841 McLean and Tazewell ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS. AND EXPLANATORY NOTES alphabetical(ly) arr* arranged, arrangement Art, Article °dl. bundle (s) bldg, - building bsmt, basement Const. Constitution dept, dep ar tmen t od, edited, edition, editor file box (es) f«d, file drawer (s) fl» floor fm. form &.A. G-eneral Assembly (State of Illinois) hdw, handwritten ibid. ibidem (refers to last single source cited) 111. Illinois Reports (Supreme Court) 111, Rev, Stat, - Illinois Revised Statutes (Smith-Hurd) L. Laws (of Illinois) N.S, Northeastern Reporter no, number (s) off, • office P* page (s) pr, printed R.L, Revised Laws (of Illinois) rm, room R.S. Revised Statutes (of Illinois) sec. - section (s) v, volume (s) vlt, vault vs. versus — to date State records of births and deaths are set up in regular entries, follovring the style and form used in the published inventories of the county archives of Illinois, County records are listed in abbreviated checklist form, showing in elusive dates, type of record, number of volumes or file containers, ar- rangement, and indexing. Omission of the indexing item indicates that the record is not indexed. Hie name of the county seat of each county appears in parentheses following the name of the county. INDEX TO COUNTIES IN CHECKLIST (The three sets of figures following the name of each county refer respectively to pages listing records of births, deaths [including stillbirths], and marriages) Adams, 19, 43, 73 Alexander, 19, 43, 78 Bond, 19, 43, 73 Boone, 19, 44, 74 Brown, 20, 44, 74 Bureau, 20, 44, 74 Calhoun, 20, 44, 74-75 Carroll, 20, 45, 75 Cass, 20, 45, 75 Champaign, 21, 45, 75 Christian, 21, 46, 76 Clark, 21, 46, 76 Clay, 21, 46, 76 Clinton, 21, 47, 77 Coles, 22, 47, 77 Cook, 22, 47, 77 Crawford, 22, 48, 77-78 Cumberland, 22, 48, 78 De Kalb, 22, 48, 78 De Witt, 23, 48, 78-79 Douglas, 23 , 49 , 79 Du Page, 23, 49, 79 Edgar, 23, 49, 79 Edwards, 23, 50, 80 Effingham, 24, 50, 80 Payette, 24, 50, 80-81 Pord, 24, 51, 81 Pranklin, 24, 51, 81 Pulton, 25, 51, 81-82 Gallatin, 25, 52, 82 Greene, 25, 52, 82 Grundy, 25, 52, 82-83 Hamilton, 25, 52, 83 Hancock, 25, 53, 83 Hardin, 26, 53, 83 Henderson, 26, 54, 84 Henry, 85, 54, 84 Iroquois, 25, 54, 84 Jackson, 27, 54, 84-85 Jasper, 27, 55, 85 Jefferson, 27, 55, 85 Jersey, 27, 55, 85-86 Jo Daviess, 27, 55, 85 Johnson, 27, 56, 86 Kane, 28, 56, 86 Kankakee, 28, 56, 87 Kendall, 28, 57, 87 Knox, 28, 57, 87 Lake, 28, 57, 87 La Salle, 28, 57, 88 Lawrence, 29, 58, 88 Lee, 29, 58, 88 Livingston, 29, 58, 88 Logan, 29, 58-59, 89 Macon, 29, 59, 89 Macoupin, 30, 59, 89 Madison,. 30, 60, 90 Marion, 30, 60, 90 Marshall, 30, 60, 90 Mason, 30,. 60, 90-91 Massac, 31, 61, 91 McDonough, 31, 61, 91 McHenry, 31, 61, 91 McLean, 31, 61, 92 Menard, 31, 62, 92 Mercer, 32, 62, 92 Monroe, 32, 62, 92 Montgomery, 32, 62, 93 Morgan, 32, 63, 93 Moultrie, 32, 63, 93 Ogle, 33, 63, 93 Peoria, 33, 63, 94 Perry, 33, 64, 94 Piatt, 33, 64, 94 Pike, 33, 64, 94-95 Pope, 34, 65, 95 Pulaski, 34, 65, 95 Putnam, 34, 65, 95 Randolph, 34, 66, 96 Richland, 35, 66, 96 Rock Island, 35, 66, 96 Saline, 35, 66, 96-97 Sangamon, 35, 67, 97- Schuyler, 35, 67, 97-98 Scott, 36, 67, 98 Shelby, 36, 67, 98 Stark, 36, 68, 99 St»- Clair, 36, 68, 99 Stephenson, 37, 68, 99 Tazewell, 37,. 58, 100 Union, 37, 69, 100 Vermilion, 37, 59, 100 Wabash, 37, 69, 100 Warren, 38, 69, 101 Washington, 38, 70, 101 Wayne, 38, 70, 101 White, 38, 70, 101 Whiteside, 38, 70, 102 Will, 39, 71, 102 Williamson, 39, 71, 102 Winnebago, 39, 71-72, 102-3 Woodford, 39, 72, 103 PUBLICATIONS of the Illinois Historical Records Survey Inventories of the County Archives of Illinois 1. Adams 1939 210 p. 5. Brown 1938 93 p. 8. Carroll 1937 103 p. 10. Champaign 1938 118 p. 12. Clark 1938 132 p. 18, Cumberland 1938 105 p. 21. Douglas 1939 282 p. 25, Effingham 1940 254 p, 26. Fayette 1939 165 p. 28. Franklin 1941 302 p. 39. Jackson 1939 206 p. 43. Jo Daviess 1938 122 p. 48. Knox 1938 220 p. 53. Livingston 1940 252 p. 54. Logan 1938 207 p. 56. Macoupin 1939 212 p. 68. Montgomery 1939 230 p. 69. Morgan 1939 213 p. 71, Ogle 1940 310 p, 74. Piatt 1940 266 p. 75. Pike 1938 121 p* 81. Rock Island 1939 274 p. 83. Sangamon 1939 228 p. 85. Scott 1938 121 p. 88. St. Clair 1939 345 p. 89. Stephenson 1938 143 p. 92. Vermilion 1940 386 p. Vital Statistics Guide Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Illinois 1941 138 p. Inventories of Federal Archives in the States; No. 12 ~ Illinois Series II Federal Courts 1939 134 p. Series III Department of Treasury 1939 27? p. Series IV Department of War 1941 412 p., 326 p. (2 v.) Series V Department of Justice 1940 56 p. Series VII Department of Navy 1940 172 p. Series VIII Department of Interior 1941 110 p. Series IX Department of Agriculture 1938 335 p. (2 v.) Series X Department of Commerce 1938 22 p. Calendars of Collections; Guide to Manuscript Depositories Calendar of Robert Weidensall Correspondence 1940 34 p. Calendar of Ezekiel Cooper Collection of Manuscripts 1941 97 p, Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Illinois 1940 55 p. Publications of the Illinois Historical Records Survey American Imprints Inventory - Checklists 1. Missouri, 1808-1850 1937 225 p. 2* Minnesota, 1849-1865 1938 219 p. 3. Arizona, 1860-1890 1938 81 p. 4* Chicago Ante-Fire, 1851-1871 1938 727 p. 5. Kentucky, 1778-1810 1939 205 p. 6. Kentucky, 1811-1820 1939 235 p. 7. Nevada, 1859-1890 1939 127 p. 8. Alabama, 1807-1840 1939 159 p. 9. New Jersey, 1784-1800 1939 189 p. 10. Kansas, 1854-1876 1939 773 p. 11 • Kellogg Collection of ’’Patent Inside” Newspapers of 1876 1939 99 p# 12. Sag Harbor, Long Island, N.Y., 1791-1820 1939 51 p. 13. Idaho, 1839-1890 1940 74 p. 14. West Virginia, 1791-1330 1940 54 p. 15. Iowa, 1838-1860 1940 84 p. Location Symbols for Libraries in the United States 1939 258 p. , Additions and Corrections January, 1941 1941 36 p# L / HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY CHICAGO • • • ILLINOIS