CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE N E ¥ ■ Y 0 R K ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. lOiti) a £ist of ©Steers an& UNA FIDES ALT ARE COMMUNE. N E W - Y O li K : ... • ' PRINTED BY H. LUDWIG & CO., 70 VESEY-STREET, 1848. CONSTITUTION AND t BY-LAWS OF THE NEW-YORK ACADEMY 0E MEDICINE, toiti) a fist of ©ffitm emir idioms. UNA TIDES ALTARE COMMUNE. NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY H. LUDWIG & CO., 70 VESEY-STREET. 1848. CONSTITUTION. Art. I. This Association shall be called the “ New-York Academy of Medicine,” and be composed of Resi- dent and Corresponding Fellows. Art. II. The objects of the Academy shall be :— First. The cultivation and advancement of the Sci- ence, by united exertions for mutual improvement, and contributions to Medical Literature. Second. The promotion of the character, interests, and honor of the fraternity, by maintaining the union and harmony of the regular profession of the City and its vicinity, and aiming to elevate the standard of Medical Education. Third. The separation of Regular from Irregular Practitioners. Fourth. The association of the Profession Proper for purposes of mutual recognition and fellowship. Art. III. The Resident Fellows shall be regular practition- ers of Medicine and Surgery in the City of New- York or its vicinity; they shall be proposed in writing, at a regular meeting, by two Fellows of the Academy, and may be elected by a majority vote at any meeting subsequent to the one at which they 4 may have been proposed. A residence of at least two years as a Practitioner in this City or its vi- cinity, shall be necessary to render an individual eligible to Resident Fellowship in the Academy. Art. IV. Corresponding Fellows shall be elected only upon the recommendation of the Committee on Admis- sions, who shall vouch for their being duly-qualified practitioners, and then by a vote of three-fourths of the Fellows present at a regular meeting. The number of Corresponding Fellows shall be limited to one hundred. Art. V. No Proprietor or Vender of any patent or secret remedy or medicine ; nor any Empirical or Irregular Practitioner, shall either be admitted to, or retained in the Fellowship of this Academy. Art. VI. The Officers of this Academy shall be, a Presi- dent ; four Vice Presidents ; a Recording Secretary; an Assistant Secretary ; a Domestic Corresponding Secretary; a Foreign Corresponding Secretary; a Treasurer; and a Librarian; all of whom shall be elected annually by ballot and a majority vote at the regular meeting in January. No Fellow shall be eligible to the office of Presi- dent for more than one term. Art. VII. The following Standing Committees shall be an- nually elected by ballot and a plurality vote, and 5 they shall severally perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the By-Laws. First. A Committee on Admissions. Second. A Committee on Medical Ethics. Third. A Committee on Finance. Fourth. A Committee on Publication. Fifth. An Executive Committee. Art. VIII. Any Fellow may withdraw from the Academy by a formal communication to that effect presented in writing at a regular meeting, provided that he shall have complied with the requisitions of the Constitu- tion and By-Laws : and no resignation shall be valid until accepted by a vote of the Academy. The Academy shall present to such of its members as may desire it, a duly-authenticated certificate of Fellowship; but the Academy reserves the right of recalling its diploma in ‘case of resignation or expul- sion. The said diplomas or certificates shall be issued upon the express understanding, that if any Fellow, resigning or being expelled, shall refuse or neglect, when required, to return his certificate, the Academy may at its discretion publish in the news- papers a revocation of the said diploma. Art. IX. The Academy hereby reserves the right of punish- ing violations of its regulations, with the concurrent vote of four-fifths of the Fellows present at a regular meeting, by reprimand, suspension, dismission, or expulsion; and no Fellow who shall have been ex- pelled shall be again proposed for admission, nor shall he be recognised by the Academy as a regular practitioner of Medicine. 6 Any Resident Fellow who shall have removed per- manently from this City or its immediate vicinity, shall be considered as having vacated his Fellowship, and his certificate, at any time afterwards, may be recalled for cause. Art. X. No part of this Constitution shall be altered, ex- cept at a regular meeting subsequent to one at which a proposition to that effect shall have been made in writing; and then only by a vote of two-thirds of the Resident Fellows in attendance at a meeting at which not less than one hundred are present. BY-LAWS. 1 MEETINGS. • 1. The Regular or Stated Meetings of the Academy shall be held on the first Wednesday in each and every month, except when the said first Wednesday is the first day of January, or the fourth day of July, in which case the meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday of those months. 2. An Anniversary meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday in November, at which an oration shall be delivered. 3. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, upon the requisition in writing, of any ten Resident Fellows. 4. At all meetings, the presence of twenty-one Resident Fellows shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. 5. The hour for holding regular meetings shall be ; from April to October, 8 o’clock, P. M.; and from October to April, 7 o’clock, P. M. II.—OFFICERS. The Officers and Standing Committees shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are elected in their places. III.—THE PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the President to preside in the Academy, and enforce a due observance of the Constitu- tion and By-Laws; to see that all officers and members of committees perform their respective duties ; to appoint all committees not otherwise provided for; to give the cast- ing vote only; to inspect and announce the result of all ballotings or other votes ; to introduce all corresponding 8 Fellows and distinguished members of the profession visit- ing the Academy. IV.—VICE PRESIDENTS. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the performance of his duties, and in his absence they shall preside in the order of seniority. In case the office of President becomes vacant, the first Vice President shall fill his place. They shall rank by the number of votes cast at their election—the one receiving the highest number of votes being the first, etc. In case of equality of votes, they shall rank by age. V.—RECORDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep the minutes of the proceedings of all meetings; to notify officers and members of committees of their appointment, and the duties required of them; to sign Diplomas, and certify to all official acts requiring certificates, either in conjunction with, or independently of the President as the case may require, or as may be ordered by the Academy ; to receive the signatures and initiation fee of newly-elect- ed members, and to transact such other business in his de- partment as may be required or deemed necessary by the Academy. He. shall transmit to the Committee on Admis- sions all nominations for resident or corresponding fellow- ship, within one week after each regular meeting, and pay over all money received by him to the Treasuser. VI—ASSISTANT SECRETARY. The Assistant Secretary shall keep a correct list of all resident and corresponding Fellows of the Academy; he shall call the roll at each meeting, and issue all notices of meetings to resident Fellows; he shall assist the Record- ing Secretary in the discharge of his duties, whenever re- quired so to do, and in case of the absence of that officer, he shall, in addition to his own duties, act for, and dis- charge the duties of the Recording Secretary. VII. DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Domestic Corresponding Sec- retary to take charge of the correspondence of the Acade- my within the United States. VIII. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Foreign Corresponding Secre- taryto take charge of the foreign correspondence of the Academy. IX.—TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due, and all do- nations made to the Academy ; he shall pay all bills en- dorsed by the Finance Committee and countersigned by the President, and none others; keep a correct account of all moneys received and expended; give a monthly statement of the funds of the Academy; and at the annual meeting, in January, make a full and detailed report. He shall have his books ready for the Finance Committee whenever they may require them, and deliver up, when legally called upon, all moneys, bonds, papers, books, etc., etc., belonging to the Academy, to his successor in office, or to any other person, whom the Academy may specially appoint to receive them. He may, at his discretion, engage the services of a col- lector to assist him in collecting moneys due to the Acade- my. X.—LIBRARIAN. * * The Librarian shall have charge of all books, pam- phlets, manuscripts, anatomical or pathological specimens, apparatus, instruments, medals, coins, or scientific prop- erty of whatever kind, which may be presented to the Academy. He shall keep a catalogue, and designate every article with the name of the donor. He shall report whenever called upon to do so, and render a full and de- tailed account of the condition of his department at the regular meeting in January. XI.—COMMITTEES. 1. The Standing Committees, required by the Constitu- tion, shall consist of five members each. 9 10 2. All Special Committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by the Academy. 3. All Standing Committees shall meet at least once in each month. They shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings, which must be recorded in suitable books, to be provided for the purpose. 4. All Special Committees shall likewise keep minutes of their proceedings, and no such committee shall be dis- charged until a duly authenticated copy of its minutes has been deposited with the Recording Secretary or Librarian for preservation in the Archives. 5. The President and Recording Secretary shall be ex- officiis members of all standing committees. 6. In all cases the person first named, or having the largest number of votes, shall be chairman of the commit- tee to call the members together, and to conduct its pro- ceedings until organized. 7. When any officer or member of a committee shall fail to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of the Acade- my, he may be dismissed from his office by a two-third vote ; no motion for dismissal, however, shall be acted upon until the next regular meeting of the Academy. 8. It shall be the duty of every officer or member of a committee to give and surrender to the President, (or such other, officer* as the Academy may appoint,) all proper- ties in his hands belonging to the Academy, whenever he, at the request of two-thirds of the Resident Fellows pre- sent, may demand them. XII.—COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Admissions, upon receiving from the Recording Secretary the names of candidates proposed for fellowship, to make due in- quiry, and report, within three months, such as may be found worthy, to the Academy, which may thereupon elect them: should the Committee on Admissions fail to report within the time specified, upon any nomination submit- ted to them, any Fellow having made a nomination, shall have the privilege of renewing the same directly to the Academy, and a vote shall be taken upon it; in this case, 11 however, the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members present, as ascertained by ballot, shall be requisite to in- sure an election; and on the question being put, it shall be distinctly stated that the nomination has not been ap- proved by the Committee. The Committee on Admissions shall, likewise, in reporting upon nominations submitted to them, declare the source whence the individual nominated has obtained his license to practice Medicine and Surgery, together with the date of his Diploma or Certificate. XIII.—COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ETHICS. The Committee on Medical Ethics shall hear all com- plaints of breach of etiquette, or violation of Medical Ethics, on the part of any Fellow, and decide all questions of Medical Ethics submitted to it by the Academy. It shall, also, notify to appear before it any Fellow of the Academy who shall be charged in writing with violating any of the provisions of the Constitution, a copy of such charge hav- ing been previously furnished him; his accuser being also cited to appear, the Committee shall proceed to take testi- mony and hear the defence, reserving its decision to be re- ported to the Academy at the next regular meeting, when its action may be affirmed by a majority of the Fellows present, but the vote of three-fourths of those present shall be required to reverse the decision of the Committee. The Committee on Finance shall recommend an assess- ment to such an amount as may be necessary for incidental expenses, upon the Resident Fellows, by a pro rata tax, which shall not, however, exceed the sum of three dollars per annum to each individual. It shall also be their duty to superintend the Financial concerns of the Academy; to inspect and audit all Bills, (countersigning them, if correct,) and accounts of the Trea- surer, and other officers and Committees charged with the receipt or expenditure of moneys ; they shall be authorized to examine the books and accounts of any officer, or Com- mittee, charged with the receipt or disbursement of money, XIV.—COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. 12 \ and they shall make a full and detailed report at the regu- lar meeting in January. XY.—COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION. The Committee on Publication shall be charged with superintending the printing of such Orations, Memoirs, or Papers, as may be ordered to be published, so that they may be issued on a uniform paper and page, under the title of the “Transactions of the New-York Academy of Medicine.” It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to so- licit and receive donations for the Academy; to recommend plans for promoting its objects; to provide a suitable room for the meetings; to assist the several officers in protecting the property of the Academy, and procure proper recepta- cles for the same ; and in all things to superintend the general interests of the Academy. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, five mem- bers shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. They shall report annually at the regular meeting in January, and oftener if necessary. XVI.—EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XYII.—ELECTIONS 1. Previous to every Election, the Assistant Secretary shall prepare a list of Resident Fellows entitled to vote. At the election, said roll shall be called,—and each Fellow as his name is announced shall deposit his ballot. 2. At the time of holding an Election for officers, the President shall appoint an Inspector and two Tellers, (who shall be stationed in front of the President.) to receive the ballots; and as soon as the balloting is completed, the Poll shall be declared closed, and no vote shall be received thereafter. The Inspector and Tellers shall then proceed to canvass the votes, and in case there should be no choice of one or more officers, on any ballot, a new balloting shall forthwith take place, and at each succeeding balloting, the Candidate receiving the lowest number of votes, shall be withdrawn by the President. 13 3. The Tellers shall in no case, count or reckon as a part of the Poll, any blank vote, or vote cast for any Fel- low who is not at the time in regular nomination for the office for which it is cast; and should it appear when can- vassing, that there are some ballots enfolded in each other, such ballots shall be destroyed, and a canvass taken on the rest, without reference to those destroyed. 4. At the meeting designated for an Election, such Elec- tion shall take place immediately after the reading of the minutes. 1. The Securities, Investments, and Funds of the Aca- demy, shall not be disposed of, or transferred in whole or in part, unless at a Regular Meeting, and by a Two-third Vote—provided, however, this Section shall not apply to the passage of Bills for contingent expenses, nor to special appropriations; and also provided, that no Loan of the Funds of the Academy be made to individuals. 2. Any Resident Fellow vacating his Fellowship, from any cause whatever, shall thereby forfeit all right, title, or claim, to any portion of the Funds or Property of the Aca- demy. XVIII.—FUNDS. 1. Every Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, admit- ted as a Resident Fellow of this Academy, shall pay the sum of One Dollar as an Initiation Fee, before signing the Constitution, and also such Annual Assessment as may be ordered by the Academy. 2. Any Resident Fellow who shall be indebted to the Academy One Year’s Dues, shall not be allowed to vote at any Election for Officers. XIX.—DUES. XX.—ORATOR. At the Regular Meeting in February, nominations shall be made for an Anniversary Orator, and the election shall be held at the succeeding Regular Meeting. 14 XXI.—SIGNING THE CONSTITUTION. 1. —Every practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, who shall be duly elected by the Academy to Resident Fellowship, shall affix his Signature to the Constitution and By-Laws, within two months after he shall have been elected ; or he shall be considered as having vacated his privilege of Fellowship, unless a satisfactory excuse be given to the Academy. Nothing in this Section, however, shall be understood as forbidding the nomination of the same indi- vidual for Fellowship de novo. 2. No one elected to Resident Fellowship, shall be en- titled to the rights and privileges of Fellowship, until he shall have signed the Constitution and By-Laws. XXII.—MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Any Resident Fellow shall have the privilege of in- viting his professional friends to attend the Meetings of the Academy; and all Corresponding Fellows or distinguished Physicians who may be present at a Meeting, shall be in- troduced to the President, and their names entered on the minutes. 2. The names of the Resident Fellows of the Academy, shall be published once in each year in at least four of the newspapers of this city, certified by the President and Re- cording Secretary. 3. A copy of every Oration, Memoir, or Medical Paper, read before the Academy, shall be kept in its Archives, by the Librarian, unless otherwise ordered. But no such pa- per shall be published, as having been delivered or read before the Academy, unless authorized by a vote of the majority, at a regular Meeting. 4. Every Fellow shall notify the Assistant Secretary of a change of Residence as soon as practicable. 5. Whenever any Fellow of the Academy is removed by death, it shall be the duty of the President to appoint a member to prepare a suitable memoir of the deceased, to be read before the Academy, and afterwards preserved among its Archives. All such Memoirs shall be recorded upon paper of a uniform size and quality, (to be furnished by the Secretary,) in order that the same may be bound in successive volumes for future reference. 15 6. All charges against Fellows of the Academy, for al- leged infractions of its Rules and Regulations, or Breaches of Medical Ethics, shall be addressed to the Recording Secretary, under a sealed cover, with the words, “ Charge against a Fellow,” written upon it. The reception of such paper shall be announced to the Academy by the Secre- tary, who after designating it by a number, shall hand the same over to the Committee on Ethics. 7. All Original Scientific Papers or Translations, read before the Academy, shall be referred to the Committee on Publication, without further immediate action upon the same. XXIII.—RULES OF ORDER. 1. The President shall take the chair precisely at the appointed time. The Academy shall then proceed to busi- ness, in the following order, which, however, may be altered by a majority of those present, viz :— 1. Calling of the Roll of Resident Fellows. 2. Reading of the Minutes of last Meeting. 3. Report of Committee on Admissions. 4. Election of new Members. 5. Nomination of Resident and Corresponding Fellows. 6. Report of Recording Secretary. 7. Report of Committee on Medical Ethics. 8. Report of Committee on Finance. 9. Report of Committee on Publication. 10. Report of Executive Committee. 11. Report of Domestic Corresponding Secretary. 12. Report of Foreign Corresponding Secretary. 13. Report of Treasurer. 14. Report of Librarian. 15. Reports of Special Committees by Seniority. 16. Reading of Papers, and Discussions thereon. 17. Reception of Professional or Scientific Intelligence. 18. Unfinished Business. 19. New Business. 2. No question shall be open for consideration, until stated by the President; and when a question is before the Academy, no motion shall be received, unless to lay on the table ; the previous question ; to postpone ; to refer ; or to amend;—they shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. 16 3. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest Number or greatest Sum, and on the longest time proposed. 4. Any Fellow may call for a division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. 5. Any five Fellows, rising for the yeas and nays, they shall be ordered by the President, and recorded on the minutes. G. After any question has been decided, except one of indefinite postponement, any two Fellows, who voted in the majority, may at the same or next regular meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof; but no discussion of the main question shall be allowed, unless reconsidered. 7. All questions, unless otherwise fixed by Law, shall be determined by a majority of votes. 8. Every Fellow shall have the privilege of speaking once, on any question under consideration; but not oftener, unless by permission of the Academy. 9. Any Fellow may call another to order while speaking, when the debate must be suspended, and the Fellow take his seat, until the point or order shall be determined. Should the President confirm the call, an appeal may be made to the Academy, which must be decided without debate. 10. No motion can be made by one Fellow, while an- other is speaking ; and no motion can be made without rising and addressing the President. 11. No Resolution shall be offered to the Academy, except in writing. 12. Whenever an appeal is made from the decision of the chair, it shall be submitted to the Academy, and unless a majority dissent therefrom, the decision shall stand. 13. All questions of order, not provided for by these rules, must be determined by Parliamentary usages. XXIV.—ALTERATIONS OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be suspended by a three-fourth Vote at a Regular Meeting ; and they may be repealed or amended by a similar vote, provided notice of the same has been given in writing at a preceding Meeting. OFFICERS wm® mm a © <0 s. flresibent: JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. Dice flresibents: THOMAS COCK, M. D. JOHN*B. BECK, M. D. J. K. RODGERS, M. D. WM. W. MINER, M. D. Becoming Secretary : F. CAMPBELL STEWART, M. D. Assistant Secretary: MARCUS L. TAFT, M. D. Slnmcstic Cdrrcsponbtitg Secretary: WM. C. ROBERTS, M. D. .foreign tarrespon&ing Secretary: GURDON BUCK, JR, M. D. treasurer: JAMES 0. POND, M. D. librarian: THOMAS F. COCK, M. D. Standing tomimUees. Committee on Admissions. Willard Parker, M. D. Benj. Ogden, M. D. Wm. P. Buel, M. D. Gurdon Buck, jun., M. D. T. F. Cock, M. D. Committee on Medical Etbics. Jas. R. Manley, M. D. Isaac Wood, M. D. F. U. Johnston, M. D. Ed. Delafield, M. D. Committee on Finance. Alex. H. Stevens, M. D. R. Watts, jun., M. D. A. C. Post, M. D. Galen Carte*, M. D. J. C. Cheesman, M. D. Committee on Publication* S. P. White, M. D. Joseph M. Smith, M. D. H. D. Bulkley, M. D. W. C. Roberts, M. D. J. G. Adams, M. D. Chas. A. Lee, M. D. Benj. Drake, M. D. J. R. Wood, M. D. Executive Committee. Valentine Mott, M. D. Jas. C. Bliss, M. D. J. G. Adams, M. D. RESIDENT FELLOWS: Abbott, Norman Adams, John G. Andariese, James W. Anderson, James Andrews, J. M. Ashburn, Robert A. Aylett, Philip A. Ayres, Daniel, jun. Barker, Luke Bartles, 0. S. Batchelder, J. P. Bay, John W. Baylies, Hersey Beadle, Edward L. *Beals, Gorham Beales, J. C. Beck, John B. Bedford, Gunning S. Berger, Francis E. Blakeman, W. N. Bliss, James C. Bliven, J. P. Blois, Samuel Bogert, Corn. R. Bogert, S. Y. R. Bolton, Jackson Borrowe, J. H. Bowen, William Boyd, Thomas Brady, Patrick J. Buck, Gurdon, jun. Buel, William P. Bulkley, H. D. Busteed, John Cameron, James Cameron, John S. Campbell, James Campbell, N. L. Carroll, Danl. J. Carter, Galen Chalmers, Thomas C. Chapin, Ed. R. Chapin, Jno. R. Cheesman, Jno. C. Chesebrough, N. H. Childs, S. Russel Clark, Peter F. Clarkson, C. V. Clements, Jas. W. G. Clinton, Alex.. Cock, Thomas Cock, Thomas F. Collins, C. T. Cooper, James S* Covel, Jno. C. Cox, Abm. L. Crank, Jno. J. Cullen, W. J. Davis, John Delafield, Edward Detmold, W. Downs, Henry S. Drake, Benjamin Dudley, Wm. Henry Dwight, Wm. W. Earle, Edward Earle, Pliny Edgar, D. A. Elliot, Aug. G. Elliott, Thos. W. Ellis, Samuel C. Enos, Dewitt C. Fell, J. W. Ferguson, Jno. T. Ferris, Floyd T. Ferris, Lynde C. Fisk, Lyman Fitch, Jas. D. Forrester, Jas. C. Foster, Joel Foster, S. Conant Francis, John W. Franklin, Edward C. Franklin, Thos. M. Gardner, Aug. K. Garrish, JohnP. Geer, Seth, jun. Gill, Charles R. Gill, R. T. Gilford, Jacob T. Gilman, C. R. Goodrich, Chas. S. J. *Graham, John Gray, H. M. Green, David Green, Horace Greene, Isaac Griscom, Jno. H. Guernsey, Peter B. Gunn, A. N. Hall, Edward Hall, Samuel Halsted, J. Halsted, Thad. M. Harcourt, James |Hardenbrook, J. R. Harris, Stephen R. 19 Hart, John Heard, John S. Henriques, A. J. Henschell, Chas. Hepburn, Jas. C. Herriot, George Hobart, W. H. Hogan, Daniel M. Hoit, Moore Horsfield, Thos. W„ Hubbard, Samuel T. Huntington, G. F. Hutchinson, E. F. Ives, George W. Ives, John Jackson, Wm. H. Johnston, F. U. Jones, Wm. W. Kearney, R. Keene, S. S. Kennedy, James Kilbourne, J. Sage King, Edward P. Kissam, Richard S. Kuypers, S. S. Lee, Chas. A. Lee, J. C. Leo-Wolf, Morris Levings, N. C. Lewis, W. C. Linsly, Jared Ludlow, E. G. Lyon, Jas. L. McCaffery, Chas. McClelland, John McCready, B. W. Mac Claury, J. Macdonald, Jas. Macfarlan, Ebr. Macneven, W. H. Manley, Jas. Manley, Jas. R. Markoe, Thomas M. Martin, Joseph Marvin, David D. Maxwell, W. H. Meikleham, D. S. Metcalfe, John T. Miller, Wm. Elleson Millett, Nicholas Miner, Wm. W. Mitchell, Chauncey L. Moor, Edward Moore, S. W. Morris, Richard L. Moses, Israel Mott, Valentine Mullen, Peter A. Newcomb, George Nichols, Elias S. Ogden, Benjamin Ogden, John D. Parker, Willard Parkinson, W. B. Paul, Jas. C. Pennell, Richard Pentz, Elias J. Perry, Jos. S. Phelps, Jas. L. Phillips, S. B. Piatt, Wm. F. Pond, Jas. 0. Post, Alfred C. Power, Wm. Pratt, Peter Proudfoot, L. Punnett, John Purdy, Alfred S. Purdy, S. A. Purple, S. S. Putnam, F. A. I IQuintard, Chas. T. Reese, David M. Roberts, Wm. C. Robeson, A. B. Rockwell, Wm. Rodgers, J. Kearny Rogers, J. Smyth Rotton, Samuel Sabine, Gust. A. Sayre, Lewis A. ScHIRMER, Wm. Schmidt, J. W. jun. Shanks, John Sherwood, Burritt Smith, Chas. D. Smith, David Smith, Gilbert Smith, Jos. M. ♦Snowden, John Spring, Edward Stearns, John ■[Stephens, Jas. J. 20 Stephenson, Mark Stevens, Alex. H. Stewart, F. Campbell |Stickney, J. Dwight Stillman, J. D. B. Stilwell, J. E. Stimson, Edwin B. Stone, John O. Storer, Ebenezer Stout, Arthur B. Sweeny, Hugh Sweeny, Owen Swett, John A. Taft, Marcus L. Taylor, Isaac E. Thayer, Henry W. Thompson, A. G. jun. Tomes, Robert Townsend, P. S. Trudeau, Jas. Underhill, Alfred Vache, Alex. F. Van Arsdale, Henry Van Arsdale, Henry Van Arsdale, Peter Van Beuren, Thomas Van Buren, Wm. H. Vanderpool, Edward Vandervoort, Jno. "L. * Deceased. Van Hoovenbergh, H. Van Kleek, Jno. R. Van Pelt, M. D. Van Rensselaer, Alkx. Van Winkle, Ed. H. Varick, Theodore R. Wallace, W. W. Walsh, Hugh Warren, James Jas. A. Watts, Robert, jun. Watson, Alex. T. Weed, John W. Weeks, Cyrus Wells, Daniel Wells, Ovid P. Westervelt, Jno. S. White, Ambrose L. White, Oliver White, Samuel P. Wight, L. L. Wilkes, George Williams, M. W. Wilson, Wm. Wood, Isaac Wood, Jas. R. Wood, Stephen Worster, Joseph Wright, Aron Young, Wm. f Removed from the City. Thomas W. Blatchford, M. D. Troy, New-York. Jean Civiale, M. D., Paris, France. TheodoricRomeyn Beck,M. D., Albany, New-York. CORRESPONDING FELLOWS: Thomas Harris, M. D., U. S. N., Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, D. C. Professor Louis Agassiz, H arvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass.