CANADIAN INSTITUTE GENERAL INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS 1852-1912 Compiled and Edited by JOHN PATTERSON, M.A. Hon. Secretary Price $5.00 UNIVERSITY PRESS TORONTO 1914 Errata Preface, line 12 for puer read pure. p. 60, under Brayley, Ed. W., for regulation read regelation. p. 81, the reference for " Coat of Arms" should be IV. ix n instead of IV ix 2. p 159, after Emberiga for Enivalis read E. nivalis. p. 351, under (Enothera, L., etc., for O. abnormal development in read CEnothera, abnormal etc. Lacerta agilis, see p. 270 after Lanchester. Lake Superior, p 269 see also Superior, Lake p. 464. Philiota, see p. 378 after Pholerite. Preface. It has hitherto been a serious handicap to all those who may have found it necessary or desirable to consult the publications of the Canadian Institute that no Index existed to make the contents of these publications easily avail- able. In order to remove this handicap Mr. J. B. Tyrrell, when President of the Institute, took up the question and by his generosity in undertaking to finance the compilation of the index made it possible for the Council to proceed with the work. The present time is especially opportune for issuing the index, as it includes all the volumes published by the Institute before it received the title "Royal". It is suggested that in future an index for every ten volumes should be issued. The Publications began in 1852 and up to the present 34 volumes have been issued. These volumes contain articles on many branches of puer and applied Science, Economics, Art, Literature, etc., and are representative of the growth and trend of scientific thought in Canada. In the earlier volumes, when magazines dealing with special branches of Science were few, the Cana- dian Journal formed one of the principal means by which the scientific labours of the Canadians of that day found expression, but, with the growth of literature and with the specialization in almost every branch of human learning, the means for publishing papers in Journals dealing directly with the subject involved have greatly increased; as a result the Transactions of the Institute have come to deal more with purely Canadian subjects and general problems. In compiling the index, in view of the varied character of the articles, it was determined to make a general index of the papers and their contents with- out any attempt to classify the entries under the various branches of science to which they belong nor to give the subjects and authors in separate parts. A person desiring to look up a particular name simply has to look for that name, or in the case of a subject the names under which that subject would most likely be given. It is hoped that this method will make it a simple matter to look up any reference that may be given in the Publications. The work of compiling the index and supervising its publication was entrusted to Mr J. Patterson, the honorary secretary of the Institute, who with Mrs. Patterson has carried out the work with care and accuracy. The expense has so far been met by contributions of Members of the Insti- tute. The names of these are as follows: J. B. Tyrrell, Sir Sandford Fleming, Sir Edmund Walker, Alex. Longwell. To all these Members, and to Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, and to all who have helped in this work, the Council are deeply grateful. FRANK ARNOLDI, President. Author's Preface. In preparing this Index of the Publications of the Canadian Institute the aim has been to give as full and complete an Index as possible of papers that cover almost the entire range of scientific and literary study. The entries were all made by Mrs. Pattelson or myself and in order to avoid errors in the references they were verified by both of us. The following members and friends of the Institute have very kindly read the proof to correct archaic spelling and detect typographical errors- Professor J. P. McMurrich, Professor D. R. Keys, Professor J. H. Faull, Prof. E. M. Walker, Mr. A. MacLean and Miss Jennie Macfarlane. The author desires to take this opportunity of expressing to them and to many others who helped in the work his thanks for their valuable aid in increasing the accuracy of the Index. ' J. PATTERSON. Explanation of the Index Introduction. i his is a general index of the papers and their contents contained in the Publications of the Canadian Institute. No attempt has been made to classify the entries under the leading branches of science except where the title of the paper had no reference other than metaphorical to the subject; in such cases the title is given under the branch of science to which it belongs. Cross entries are avoided as far as possible. The index is to be used like a dictionary, the entries being arranged in alphabetical order. Publications. The Publications of the Canadian Institute have appeared in four prin- cipal series and one minor series as follows: First series-"The Canadian Journal", a Repertory of Industry, Science and Art and a Record of the Proceedings of the Canadian Institute", 3 vols., 4to. Began August 1852, ended December, 1855. Second series-"The Canadian Journal of Science, Literature and History (new series) 15 vols., 8vo. Began January 1856, ended January, 1878. Third series-" Proceedings of the Canadian Institute ". 7 vols. Began 1879, ended April, 1890. Fourth series-Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Began October, 1890, and up to December, 1912, 9 volumes have been published. Minor series-"Proceedings of the Canadian Institute (New Series)". From 1897 to 1904 two volumes in this series were pub- lished concurrently with the Transactions of the Canadian Institute and contain short papers. They have not been included in the General Index but the list of papers is given under authors in an appendix on pages 517 and 518. In the Index the Large Roman numerals refer to the Series, the Small Roman numerals to the Volume and the Arabic numbers to the Page. Type Black face -The identification word or phrase is given in black face. Small capitals-Titles of papers are all given in small capitals under the black face heading. Roman type -The special feature of the subject to which the reference refers is given in Roman type. Abbreviations and Signs Abstract-Abstracts of many papers are given, and this is indicated by the word "abstract" at the end of the title. In cases where the abstract and the paper in full are given, the reference to the abstract is indicated by giving on a separate line immediately following the title the word "abstract" and the reference. (pl.). . . .-The subject is illustrated by a drawing, map or plate. Ref-Authors whose works are quoted in the volumes are given with the subject matter to which the quotations refer and the word "ref." is printed at the end to indicate that at the place indicated a reference to the original paper will be found. Reprint.-The first volumes published by the Canadian Institute contain reprints of papers from other periodicals, and this is indicated by the word "reprint" at the end of the title. When the first word of the subject has to be repeated, as in the scientific names of species, only the first letter of the word is given. Authors. Under the authors' names the titles of their papers are given in alphabetical order followed by any other references that may be made to them. In the case of multiple authorship the original order in which the authors' names stood is indicated as follows: Jones, A. B. and C. D. Wise. Wise, C. D., A. B. Jones and. J. PATTERSON. GENERAL INDEX. Ser. Vol. Page Aapaitupi IV iv 249 Aar Valley. Description of II v 54 Glaciers in II v 53 Abacan Channel, section of (pl.) IV v 364 Abate, Felix. Direct nature printing from wood: reprint I in 332 Thermography: reprint... I in 31 Abattoirs. Canadian Cattle Trade and. By Alan Macdou- gall Ill ii 53 History Ill n 59 Abbott, Dr. Chas. C. Man's early existence in America: ref II xv 561 Abbreviations, Errata Re- cepta in II ix 149 Abderhalden. Analyses of dog's blood; ref. IV ix 401 Abducens, Amiurus Ill n 356 Abductor muscles of Amiurus Catus. Profundus Ill n 332 Superficial (pl.) Ill n 332 Superficial pelvis Ill n 334, 335 A. muscle of chimpanzee. Ossis metatarsi quinti IV vi 565 A. muscles of orang. Hallucis IV vi 572 Minimi digiti (pl.) IV vi 549, 575 Ossis metacarpi quinti IV vi 575 Pollicis (pl.) IV vi 547 Abel. Nitro-glycerine and way it explodes: ref II xiv 357 Abenakis. Abenakis of St. John River. By Ed. Jack.... IV m 195 (Abstract) IV in 13 Food before European occu- pation IV in 199 Glooscap traditions IV in 202 History during French and English conflict for supre- macy IV ill 200 Indian corn as prepared by IV in 200 Jesuit missions among IV ill 195 Marriage customs IV hi 199 Medicines IV ill 199 , . Ser. Vol. Page Abenakis-Con. Serpent myth IV v 13 Traditions IV in 202 Traditions and wars IV in 197 Tribes according to Abbe Maurault IV in 196 Abenaquais, population in 1845 I i 196 Abenequois, population in 1845.. I i 196 Aber, origin of, in topography of Wales and Scotland... Ill ii 189 Abercrombie. Weight of brain of II xv 209 Aberdeen. Annual meeting of British Association, 1859, at II v 64 Aberdeenshire, caverns I in 314 Abernethy. Ceremonies of Den&s on re- turn from war: ref IV v 190 Tungus funeral customs: ref. IV v 193 Tungus marriage customs: ref IV v 176 Tungus rites and cere- monies: ref IV v 197 Aberration of light. Discovery by Bradley I i 220 I ii 203 Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Host of Cecidomyia bal- samicola Lintner IV ix 317 Ottawa Valley I n 115 A. canadensis. Canadian II vi 35 Ottawa Valley I n 115 A. nigra. Balsam of, as used by Indians for eye trouble.. . IV vn 27 Ottawa Valley I ii 115 Abiezer, descendantsand con- nections II xv 281 Abino Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 305 A. Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 212, 305 Abipones, legends of IV vi 208 Abishur, trace of, in ancient Greece II xiv 423 Abitibi, Que., mean tempera- ture and precipitation at IV ix 152 1 ABN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ABY Ser. Vol. Page Abney, Sir Wm. Colour sensation curves.... IV vn 373 Sensitometer IV vii 380 Aboriginal antiquities, dis- covered at Montreal II vi 415 Aboriginal Women. Notes on Early develop- ment in, in all Lati- tudes. By Percy W. P. Mathews Ill iv 181 Aborigines. Central America II i 375 New Zealand II n 364 One cranial type THROUGHOUT THE AMERI- CAN. By Daniel Wilson II u 406 Tasmanian, origin and cause of extinction II xn 443 Van Diemen's Land II xn 444 Aborigines of Australia. Aborigines of Australia.... II xn 446 Aborigines of Australia. By Jas. Browne, Toronto II I 251 Beards of men; purpose. ... II I 263 Character Il xn 449 Chiefs of tribes II I 257 Clothing II i 261 Cockatoo-men's influence over other tribes II I 506 Corroberry II I 253 Death customs II I 266 Described 11 I 252 Feasts Il I 257 Fishing methods II I 260 Food II i 259 Future 11 n 456 Houses II i 259 Jahnac, their evil being. .. . II I 506 Kangaroo dance II I 254 Kangaroo hunting II I 261 Kangaroo hunts II I 257 Marriage customs II I 264 Native dance or corroberry. II I 253 Origin II I 268 Ornaments II I 262 Property rights II I 256 Religion II i 505 II xn 450 Superstitions and Tra- ditions of. By Jas. Browne, Toronto II I 505 Traditions II xn 452 Traditions concerning bandi- coot II i 510 Traditions concerning fire. . II I 509 Traditions concerning frogs. II I 508 Traditions concerning kanga- roo II i 508 Treatment of old and help- less II xn 453 Trial by ordeal II I 510 Ser. Vol. Page Aborigines of Australia-Con. Tribes - Murray, Weal, Cockatoo and Kincannup II I 255 Water transportation un- known II I 268 Weapons II I 269 Women II I 264 Women's participation in husbands' quarrels II I 265 Abraham, Robert. Crustacean footprints in Ar- gillaceous schist at Beau- port: ref I I 122 Discovery of crustacean tracks in Potsdam sand- stone: ref I III 252 Abraham's descendants .... II xiv 176 Absorption. Of water by foliage leaves: expts IV vii 248 Power of leaf to absorb water on one surface and transmit to other: expts. IV vn 252 Abutilon, Tourn. Localities Canadian species. II xv 175 A. Avicemae, Gaertn, Cana- dian localities II xv 175 Abydos, copper coins from, in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Abyssinia. Amhara's period of rule in.. II x 47 Biography of Theodore II.. 11 x 208 Catholic missions in Il X 59 First capital at Azum 11 x 47 Form of government II x 48 Gonda, capital of II x 47 Government of, by Theo- dore II II X 69 History of (brief) II x 47 Historical sketch of, in 18th and first half of 19th cen- tury II x 49 I udicial reform of Theodore Il II x 70 Kassie and Oubie's struggle for supremacy II X 62 Kassa Kuranya of (Theo- dore II.) H x 52 Missionary enterprises in... 11 x 138 Negousie's revolt against Theodore II II x 144 Negus kings of II x 49 Oubie of H X 51 Physical features Il x 46 Political events in, 1856-61. Il x 140 Political subdivisions Il x 48 Protestant missions in 11 x 59 Religious history of 11 X 59 Religion in, under Theodore II II x 140 Religious reforms by Theo- dore II II x 72 2 ABY GENERAL INDEX A CH Abyssinia-Con. Theodore II. and new Empire of: reprint. .. II x 46, 138, 204 Theodore IL, conduct to- ward Mussulmans II x 207 Theodore IL, conquest of . . II x 52 Theodore IL, crusade against Turk II x 66 Theodore IL, treatment of Europeans, especially English II x 204 Theodore IL, wars with Egypt II x 146 Tigrien, period of rule in... II x 47 Abyssinian race, origin II x 47 Academy. American Academy of Arts and Sciences' opinion on closing Toronto Observa- tory I i 146 Academy of Sciences, Paris, elections to I u 173 Acadia Mines. Analyses of Iron Ores and Ankerites from, of Londonderry, N.S. By E. J. Chapman II xv 414 Acadian Geology. Acadian Geology. By J.W. Dawson: reviewed II I 39 Supplementary chapter to. By J. W. Dawson: re- viewed II vi 191 Acalepha II vi 511 Acalephae II vi 169 Acanthis, observations on Ontario species Ill vn 189, 198 IV i 42, 51, 53, 54, 57 IV in 64, 69, 95, 100 Acanthocephala. Characters II iv 18 In duodenum of white fish (pl.) II iv 442 Acanthotheca II iv 25 Acarina. Convoluted hair in, dimple gall found in reproductive axes of host IV ix 369 Gall-producing stimulus.. . IV ix 367 Species IV ix 299 Acarnania, traces of Ash- churites in II xiv 261 Acarnania, Leucas in. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 228 Silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 107 Accidents. Formation of Soc. for pre- vention of, in mines I I 23 Ser. Vol. Page Ser. Vol. Page Accidents-Con. On London and Northwest- ern Ry. in 1851 I i 8 Accentuation, Blackfoot.... IV v 130 Acclimation, effect on races of men II n 215 Accommodation, first boat on St. Lawrence IV in 175 Accipiter, observations on Ontario species Ill vn 195, 196 IV i 56, 60 IV in 67, 76, 86 A. cooperi, Canadian specimen II iv 447 A. fuscus, Canadian specimen II iv 448 Accipitrinae, generic char- acters II iv 447 Acencheres Mesphres Tho- thmosis (Pharaoh of Exodus), his intimate re- lation with Greece and Phoenicia II xm 39 Acer, Toum. Capability of leaf to absorb water on one surface and transmit to other IV vn 253 Localities Canadian species II xv 353 A. dasycarpum, Ehrhart, Canadian localities II xv 354 A. negundo, L., host for Erio- phyes sp IV ix 300 A. pennsylvanicum, L., Canadian localities II xv 353 A. rubrum, L. Canadian localities II xv 354 Host of Cecidomyia ocel- laris O. S IV ix 320 A. saccharinum Wang. Canadian II vi 36 Canadian localities II xv 353 A. spicatum, L., Canadian localities II xv 353 Aceraceae, Canadian species I in 292 Acetabulifera II vm 17 Acetate of Magnesia, pre- paration of II i 312 Acetic acid. Manufacture in Canada.... IV vm 164 Testing II i 195 Acetyle, preparation of II i 313 Achaia, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 256 Achashtari (fourth son of Ashchur), traces of, in Egypt II xiv 196 Achban, traces of, in ancient Greece II xiv 425 Aches, same as Achuzam. Acheson, Geo. A. Biological study of tap- water in School of Practical Science, Tor- onto Ill i 413 3 A CH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ADA Ser. Vol. Page Achtheres micropteri n.s., full description with plates III I 249 Achthoes II xm 527 Achuzam. Difficulties of connecting Bible name of eldest son of Ashchur with Egyptian names, etc II xiv 185 Dwelling place of family.... II xiv 166 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 185 Acid. Acetic, testing II I 195 Alloxanic II I 313 Anilotic, same as nitrosali- cylic II I 489 Anisoic, preparation of II I 488 Arachic, salts of II I 489 Arsenic II I 558 Bibasic, origin of II vi 124 Carbazotic, Physiological properties OF. By Prof. C. Calvert: reprint I ill 113 Citric, Tartaric, and THEIR SALTS, SUBSTITUTES for: reprint I in 221 Citric, Tartaric and Oxalic action on Cotton and Flax. By F. Grace Calvert: reprint I ill 113 Ferrocyanhydric, prepara- tion of I ii 172 Formic II I 193 Fulminuric II I 82 Gallic and Tannic Action on Iron J and Alumina Mordants. By Prof. Cal- vert: reprint I m 113 Hordeic II i 194 In animal organisms II I 489 Isocyanuric II I 82 Methylotetrasulphuric, pre- paration of II I 313 Nitric, preparation of.... II I 309 Nitrous, preparation of. .. . II n 306 Nucleic, properties of IV vn 508 On Hydrate of Hydro- sulphuric Acid. By H. Croft II I 126 Pipitzahoic II I 194 Propionic II I 81 Stannic, isomorphism of... . II iv 493 Sulphuric, on purification of II m 359 Tribasic, origin II vi 124 Acidaspidae II i 286 Acipenser. Alimentary canal Ill in 272 Heart Ill n 420 Histology of spiral valve ... HI in 273 Pancreas Ill in 274 Ser. Vol. Page Acipenseridae, isinglass ob- tained from I i 9 Acolyte, epitaph to an II xi 363 Acontia of Sagartiadae, first observations on IV VI 387 Acorns, production of oil and alcohol from I in 341 Acotyledons, two prevailing number in II ill 411 Acoustics. As APPLIED TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS. By Prof. Henry: reprint II II 130 Experiments regarding II n 134 Refraction of Sound II n 138 Sample of Lecture Hall of Smithsonian Institute.... II n 139 Acrogenous, two prevailing number in II in 411 Acrostichinae II xn 365 Acrylic, new alcohols or, series II i 488 Actaea, L., Canadian local- ities of A. alba, Bigel II xv 57 A. rubra, Bigel II xv 57 Actinia bellis I ii 87 Actiniaria, species in which ciliated bands in mesen- terial filaments absent... IV vi 390 Actinolithus Ehrenberg, Jamaica IV vm 387 Actitis macularia, observa- tions on Ontario fre- quenters Ill vii 191 IV in 66 Actuaries, work of Society of I in 88 Adam, M. Lucien. Grammatical gender: ref... Ill vii 216 Adam, Dr. Walter. Crania classification II xn 278 Adametz. Schizomycetes and yeasts in Emmenthaler and cottage cheese: ref IV vn 105 Adamnan. Life of St. Columba IV in 138 Adams. Discovery of Neptune II vi 102 Adams, Dr. F. D. Apatites: ref IV vm 497 Rivers draining rocky areas of pre-Cambrian type con- tain more potassium than sodium: ref IV vn 556 Roche moutonnee character of Laurentian rocks: ref. IV vn 153 Adamson, Rev. Wm. Agar. Decrease, restoration AND PRESERVATION OF SALMON IN CANADA II II 1 4 ADD GENERAL INDEX At SC Ser. Vol. Page Addington County, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 305 Addison, Rev. M. Autograph letter on Niagara church after war of 1812 II xiv 104 Biography II xn 248 IV I 110 Addison's Portrait II m 368 Adductor Muscles of Amiu- rus Catus. Arcus palatini Ill n 316 Hyomandibularis Ill n 318 Mandibuke (pl.) Ill n 312 Operculi Ill n 319 Profundus Ill n 334 Profundus pelvis Ill n 335 Superficialis Ill n 333 Tentaculi (pl.) Ill n 314 A. Muscle of Chimpanzee. Obliquus IV vi 574 A. muscles of Orang. Brevis. IV vi 553 Femoris IV vi 554 Group IV vi 585 Longus IV vi 553 Magnus IV vi 553 Obliquus hallucis IV vi 574 Obliquus pollicis (pl.) IV vi 548 Transversus hallucis IV vi 574 Transversus pollicis IV vi 548 AdSnas, not Dene IV iv 17 Adenoid tissue, how fat car- ried through IV vin 249 Aderhold. Effect of Bordeaux mixture on leaves: ref IV vn 246 Adiantinae II xn 366 war with Iro- quois IV i 90 Adjective. Blackfoot IV v 154 Dene IV I 185 Adler. Larva of Nematus vallis- nierii: ref IV ix 336 Purpose of protective zone of galls: ref IV ix 356 Adlumia, Raf., Canadian localities of A. cirrhosa, Raf II xv 61 Adnasal, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill n 278 Adolph, Mayer. Burning quality of tobacco leaf affected by certain substances in leaf: ref... IV vii 322 Adolphus Town, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Adolphustown, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 68 Ser. Vol. Page Adonis. Birth and parents II xm 57 Is Tammuz II xm 55 Of Phoenicia and Greece is Pharaoh of Exodus II xm 50 Pharaoh of Exodus iden- tified in myth of. By J. Campbell II xm 33 Scene and history of story of II xn 35 Adulteration. Food and its: reprint I in 279 Adverb, Blackfoot IV v 161 Aecidium elatinum, on Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. IV ix 318 T&gialitis, observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191 IV m 66, 108 Aegina, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 251 Aegina exitiosa, larvae of, in fruit trees IV II 213 Aegilops. .ZEgilops Converted into Wheat: reprint I in 308 A. ovata, parent of wheat... I i 14 Aegium, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Aegypti, ancestor a Horite... II xm 529 ASpyornis, see Epyornis. Aeriferous tissue. Distribution in cortex of Populus IV ix 369 Distribution in species of Salicacese IV ix 369 Production of, in salicaceous galls, and distribution in normal stem IV IX. 369 Aerolites. Historical account of I u 188 Theories of origin of, in lunar volcanoes or cosmi- cal I ii 210 JSschines contra Ctesiph, sec. 77, explained II xiv 53 Aeschna, Fabricius. Char- acters and N. American habitats of A. constricta, Say II vn 456 A. heros, Fabr II vn 456 A. obliqua, Say II vn 457 Aeschnina, genera of Cana- dian II vn 451 N. American species II Vii 456 JSschylus. Agam. v. 1618, translated.. Ill I 170 Sept. c. Theb. 1042 and So- phocles' Antig. 250 foil, explained II xiv 52 2Esculus, L., Canadian localities of A. hippocastanum, L II xv 353 Adler. 5 AES PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE AGN Ser. Vol. Page Agassiz, L.-Con. Directions for collecting fishes: reprint I 11 91 Extraordinary fishes from California, con- stituting a new family: reprint I H 87 Frozen wells, theory I in 355 Glacial period, theory IV vm 279 Infusoria, the larvae of intes- tinal worms, discovered by I I 18 Letter on Smithsonian Institute: reprint I m 216 On unity of the human race: ref I in 229 Poem commemorating his 50th birthday: reprint.. II li 306 Sameness of American crania: ref II u 413 Agassizichthys sullivanti, Ontario II vi 363 Agathocles of Sicily, copper coin of, in Canadian In- stitute II ix 230 Agelacrinites. Analytical review of II V 361 Described (pl.) 1 n 271 Found in Ottawa Valley, described I ii 273 On new species of, and on structural relations of that Genus. By E. J. Chapman II v 358 A. Billingsii. Full description of (pl.).... II v 359 Preliminary notice of. By E. J. Chapman II v 204 A. dicksorii II iv 47 A. hamiltonensis I n 215 A. of Vanuxem I n 215 Agelaius. Hamilton species II v 392 A. phoeniceus, observations on Ontario frequenters... Ill in 94 111 vil 190, 199 IV in 69, 81, 92, 102, 105 Ages (prehistoric) not strictly successive IV iv 137 Agglutination, in Algonquin and Malay-Polynesian languages Ill i 19 Aggomiut territory Ill vi 265 Aglemut territory Ill vi 265 Agnesia Mchlsn. Proper classification IV ix 118 A. septentrionalis n. sp. Stephen Island, B.C IV ix 118 Agnesiidae, British Columbia coast IV ix 118 Agnew, J. N. On state of Medical Sci- ence in Ontario II xii 207 Ser. Vol. Page JEsica. Latin inscription on slab found at II x 105 Roman name of Gt. Chesters II xm 148 2Esir, legends II xiv 567 Aesop, beavers mentioned by II iv 360 /Esthetic. On Relation of Quality to, Sentiment. By Rev. David Inglis II in 409 Aetherine, bisulphocyanide of II i 81 /Ethylanimes, preparation of II n 306 /Etnaea, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Aetolia, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 260 Affinity, chemical II i 395 Africa. Central Africa: reprint.. I n 160 Climate of central I n 160 Cymri traces in northern... II xv 291 Dr. Barth's travels in (1852) I m 265 Expedition to Central. By Augustus Peterman: reprint I in 83 Explorations of Drs. Barth and Vogel: re- print... I in 387 Geographical researches in (1863) II vm 105 Homeritae in northern II xv 290 Lenormant, on iron in IV iv 137 New Expedition into cen- tral: reprint I in 307 Palms of western tropi- cal: reprint II x 285 Zimri traces in northern... II xv 291 African. African and American CONTACT OF NEGRO AND Indian. By A. F. Cham- berlain: abstract IV n 21 Brain weight of II xv 201 Horse sickness, cause IV vm 56 Native iron, working of.... II i 190 Agamemnon, v. 1618, trans- lated Ill i 170 Agaricaceae, list of Ontario.. IV ix 69 Agaricus. Habits and Cana- dian habitats of A. campester, Linn IV ix 74 A. magnificus, Pk IV ix 74 A. silvaticus, Schseff IV ix 74 A. silvicola, Vitt IV ix 74 Agassiz, L. Brain weight of II xv 209 Contributions to Natural History of United States; reviewed II ni 243 II vi 169 Darwinian theory criticized. II vm 400 6 AGN GENERAL INDEX AIR Ser. Vol. Page Agnoiology, Prof. Ferrier's theory II I 114 Agnostus. Position in Canada II vi 289 Primordial zone, Quebec. .. II vi 42 Agonderus lineola Fabr. Mels Cat I in 256 Agonum cupripenne Dej. (Mels. Cat.), in Ontario I in 210 325,327 A. 8 - punctatum Fabr. (Mels. Cal.), in Ontario I m 210 325,327 Agricola. Defeated Galgacus; Latin inscription at Birrens commemorating defeat interpreted II in 11 March into Caledonia II xiv 10 Agriculture. Agriculture of the French Exhibition. By J. Wilson, F.R.S.: reviewed II I 140 Anticosti Island II ill 329 Canadian Agriculturist and Transactions of Board of: reviewed I i 139 Description of first steam plough I I 13 In France in 1850 II I 141 Indian, in C. America II I 377 Influence of, on climate in lessening streams, etc.: reprint I u 131 Irrigating with liquid man- ure I I 12 Jury's report on exhibit of Canada at 1851 Exhibi- tion I i 90 Meteorology in connection with. By Prof. Henry.. II ill 240 Natural History in its Relation to. By Prof. Hinks I ii 207 Provincial Agri. Show for 1852; full description. . I I 52 Reaping machines, early models I I 39 St. John Valley, Que., possi- bilities of II iv 271 Usher's steam plough I I 40 Agricultural. Agricultural Engineering I i 12, 39 Agricultural extracts... I i 111 Agricultural Manufac- tures. By S. Copeland: reprint..-. II VI 463 Capabilities of country be- tween Thessalon and Mississagui Rivers in L. Huron districts II v 464 Ser. Vol. Page Agricultural-Con. Capabilities of Laurentian Rocks of Canada II vm 122 Display at Provincial Exhi- bition, Toronto, 1852.... I I 54 Prov. Agri. Assoc. Premiums to be awarded in 1853 ... I I 23 Agriculturist, The Canadian (paper) I u 19 Agrigentum, Phintais of, copper coin of, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 230 Agrimonia, Tourn. Cana- dian localities of A. eupatoria, L II xv 363 A. parviflora, Ait II xv 363 Agrimony, Canadian locali- ties II xv 363 Agrionina. Genera of Canadian II vil 452 N. American species II vn 458 Agrion Fab. Characters and N. American habitats of A. anomalum, Rambur. .. . II vn 458 A. irene, Hagen II vu 459 A. savicum, Burm II vn 458 A. thastatum, Say II vn 458 A. violaceum, Hagen II vn 458 Ahaknanelet territory HI vi 266 Ahau Ahpop IV vi 157 Ahban. Family connection in Rome II xiv 562 Traces of, in ancient Greece II xiv 425 Traces of, in ancient history II xiv 407 Ahcunal of Uxmal IV vi 176 Ahtena. Not Dene IV IV 15 IV vi 77 Yellow-Knives or Copper Indians are not Dene... . IV vi 80 Ahuales II I 377 Ahuitzotl, Mexican king.... IV vi 171 Ah-Witzil, invasion of Yuca- tan by IV vi 177 Ainse, Joseph. Peace envoy to warrior In- dians, 1787 IV v 82 Ainos. Ainos II x 134 Origin HI v 75 Air. Air Telegraph: Canadian invention HI iv 179 Consumption of air in blast furnaces I II 173 Contamination of milk from stable air IV vu 490 Effects of sea-water on IV vu 329 Illuminating power of candle whenburningin rarefied air II vi 381 7 AIR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ALE Ser. Vol. Page Air-Con. On Action of, on Alkalic Arsenites. By Henry Croft II in 126 On combustion in Rare- fied Air. By Dr. Ed. Frankland: reprint II VI 380 Air-bladder. Amiurus (pl.) Ill n 381, 416 Auditory Labyrinth and, of Amiurus (pl.) Ill n 376 Airy, Geo. Biddell. Autograph on correcting compasses II xv 150 Airy, Prof. Commercial enterprise AND SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGA- TION: reprint I III 92 Result of recent pendu- lum EXPERIMENTS, HaR- ton Pit, South Shields: reprint I m 166 Strains in tubular bridges.. 11 vm 100 Theory of rainbow I I 8 Aitken, W. D.P.S. of Gov. Simcoe's party to Matchetache Bay, 1793 .' IV i 128 Aix sponsa. At Sparrow Lake IV m 84 Listowel, Ont IV m 66 Ajax, v. 416: interpreted Ill I 90 Akahales, quarrel with Tu- kuches and results IV vi 163 Akahals, conquered by Cachi- quels IV vi 161 Akatzeeb. Building IV vi 193 Inscription at Chichen-Itza. IV vi 193 Inscription: free translation IV vi 201 Inscription: text and trans- lation IV vi 199 Inscriptions translated IV vi 194 Akencheres, traces of, in Egypt II xiv 194 Akillinermeut, territory.... HI vi 266 Akkadian civilization IV iv 263 Akudliarmiut, territory... . Ill vi 265 Akudnirmiut, territory Ill vi 265 Alabama stone II ix 307 Alanine, properties of II u 306 Alaska. Alaska and its resources. By Wm. H. Dall: re- viewed II xii 480 Sale of, by Russia II xu 482 Alaskan boundary. By T. B. Browning: abstract.. Ill v 132 Alauda, Hamilton species... II v 391 Alaus. oculatus, Linn. (Mels. Cat.) in Ontario.. . I in 211, 325 Ser. Vol. Page Albanel, Pere. Quebec to Hudson's Bay, overland (1671) II vin 411 Albanic Duan IV v 302 Albany. Ship canal from Albany to New Baltimore; report on: reviewed I i 186 Water supply I in 260 Alberta. Climate of. By R. F. Stupart IV v 49 Coal areas IV ix 101 Flora characteristics IV vm 35 Albino, observations on Toronto species.... IV m 74,77,84 Albite. Albite II v 529 Same as Peristerite I I 114 Albumin, plant, in gluten... IV vn 497 Alca torda. Seen at Toronto Ill vn 200 Alee, americanus Jardine, Canadian localities Ill vi 68 Alcedinidae, generic charac- ters II ix 233 Alcedo, Hamilton species.... II v 393 Alchemilla, Tourn. Cana- dian localities of A. vulgaris, L II xv 362 Alcohol. Amylic II I 81 Benzoic II I 81 Compounds II i 81 Effect on aboriginal and civilized races IV vm 545 From olefiant gas and sul- phuric acid II l 81 From potatoes I I 118 Influence of Tobacco and, on Vision. By Dr. G. S. Ryerson: abstract. .Ill vi 18 Manufactured from acorns. I in 341 New, or Acrylic series II I 488 On Electricity of flames of Hydrogen and. By M. Mateucci: reprint... II vi 385 Production of artificial I ill 310 Propylic II I 81 Vapours II i 313 World-wide use of I n 29 Alcyonaria, development of mesenterial filaments. ... IV vi 398 Aidborough Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Alempignon Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Alert Bay, Caesira apoploa sp. n IV xi 124 Alessandrini. Pancreas of Amiurus: ref. . Ill n 413 8 A LE A LI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Aleuron. Cell, compounds in IV vn 514 Iron in IV vn 506 Layer of wheat IV vn 513 Phosphorus in IV vn 507 Aleutian, kyak II xn 485 Aleutians, territory Ill vi 265 Alexander, Jos. Lynne. Nom-de-plume, "Canadian"; selection from poems.... II xv 450 Alexander, Prof. S. On the Asteroid planet: reprint I in 356 Alfred Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Algse. Humber River (plate) I in 201 Preliminary list of, col- lected in neighborhood of Toronto. By J. J. Mackenzie, B.A Ill vn 270 Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Algebra. New proof of existence of Roots of an Equa- tion. By Rev. Geo. Pax- ton Young II ix 26 On linear Asymptotes in Algebraic Curves II vm 290 Algebraic equations. On resolutions of, of FIFTH DEGREE. By J. B. Cherriman II V 209 Proof of impossibility of REPRESENTING IN FINITE Algebraic functions in THE MOST GENERAL CASE THE ROOTS OF ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS WITH DEGREES HIGHER THAN FOURTH; WITH METHODS OF FINDING ROOTS OF EQUATIONS OF 5th, 6th, etc., degrees IN CERTAIN CASES. By Geo. Paxton Young II v 20 127,209 Algeria, state of agriculture in (1854) II I 143 Algic. Algic legends: famous Algonquins. By Jas. C. Hamilton IV vi 285 Algiers, supposed emeralds from II n 302 Algonquin. Affiliation of, lan- guages. By John Camp- bell Ill i 15 Agglutination in, language. II xv 19 Ser. Vol. Page Algonquin-Con. Algonquins of Georgian Bay; Assikinack, war- rior of Odahwas. By J. C. Hamilton:abstract... IV iv 232 Asiatic origin disputed Ill v 60 Belief as to origin of man.. . IV Vi 207 Comparative vocabulary of, Malay-Polynesian, Ural- Altaic, Asiatic Hyper- borean and Peninsular. .. Ill I 26 Connections with old world III i 16 Divinities IV Vi 275 Family of languages; list of words showing connection IV V 131 Famous; Algic Legends. By Jas. C. Hamilton. ... IV vi 285 Grammar, similarity with Malay-Polynesian Ill I 20 Iroquois grammar, differ- ences from IV vi 209 Language and grammar.... HI vi 122 Language and philology.... II ill 442 Language characteristics... IV vi 286 Location of I in 209 Malay-Polynesian family connected with Ill I 18 Myth concerning Deluge... IV v 20 Physical likenesses to Malay-Polynesians HI I 22 Population in Quebec, 1845 I i 196 Race, past and present IV vi 285 Subtribes I HI 210 Time reckoning IV v 313 Traditions regarding migra- tion to America IV vi 286 Tribes Ill I 17 Variations in language among different tribes... HI I 17 Alimentary Canal. Alimentary Canal in GANOID FISHES. By A. B. Macallum: abstract HI in 271 Alimentary Canal of Amiurus. By A. B. McCallum, B.A Ill n 387 Coarse anatomy of, in Amiurus HI n 387 Description of, in Bear I m 203 Alison, Dr. S. Scott. A new Sphygmoscope: reprint II H 453 Alisonite, from Chili, com- position II iv 325 Alisphenoid, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill ii 275 Alismacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species HI II 153 Localities Canadian species II xiv 651 9 A LI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ALT Ser. Vol. Page Alloys-Con. Nickel IV 11 83 Resembling gold II i 313 Alloxan, method of colouring with I in 17 Alloxanic Acid II i 313 Allspices, tannin in Ill iv 214 Alluvial strata, their age exaggerated IV iv 42 Alluvium, Jamaica IV v 354 Almanac. Canadian, 1859: reviewed.. II in 509 Davis's report on Nauti- cal Almanac (American) I i 129 Of U. S. of Colombia for 1863: reviewed II ix 411 Quebec, and British Ameri- can Royal Calendar for 1819: reviewed II xv 29 Scobie's Canadian Almanac for 1853: reviewed I i 89 Alnwick Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Alpha rays. Apparatus used to get secondary rays excited by, of Polonium . IV ix 153 Experiments on secondary rays excited by, from Polonium with brass elec- trodes in ordinary and liquid air temperatures. . IV ix 191 Experiments on secondary rays excited by, from Polonium with carbon electrodes at different temperatures, in air, oxygen and hydrogen. ... IV ix 182 Falling on polished copper emit 3 rays IV ix 153 Influence of occluded gas on secondary radiations ex- cited by, from Polonium IV ix 181 Logeman's experiment re- peated on secondary rays excited by, of Polonium.. IV ix 154 Lose power to produce secondary rays when lose charge and power to ionize IV ix 153 On secondary rays ex- cited by, from Polo- nium. By V. E. Pound: pt. I IV ix 153 pt. II IV ix 181 Alphabet. Blackfoot. IV v 129 Comparative table of twelve Khitan Ill m 168 Altaic, Tinneh tribe associ- ated with Ill I 173 Ser. Vol. Page Alismacese-Con. London species II vm 234 Alkali works. Utilization of waste pro- ducts I I 165 Alkalic. On Action of Air on, Arsenites. By Henry Croft II in 126 Alkalies. Action of dilute, on develop- ment of cell IV vi 422 Action on nerve cells IV vi 413 Action on nerve cells of lower orders of animals. . IV vi 427 Detection of, in presence of Magnesia by blowpipe... II x 342 Alkaline, on Oxidation of, Arsenites II x 334 Al-kolloch II ii 22 Allan, Col., Toronto II xu 516 Allan, Hon. G. W. On land birds wintering IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF Toronto I i 169 Presidential Address, 1856 II i 97 Presidential Address to Canadian Institute, Jan. 1859 II iv 81 Some of our migratory birds Ill in 87 Donation of building site to Canadian Institute I in 364 Allanite. Muskoka II ix 103 Note on occurrence of, in Canadian rocks. By E. J. Chapman II ix 103 Allcock, Chief Justice of U. C. Autograph letter about judi- cial appointments owing to disaster to ship Speedy II xiv 98 Alleghanies, not natural climatological division in United States II ill 30 Alleghany City, water works I m 260 Alleghany Vine, Canadian habitats II xv 61 Allen, A. H. Reichert's distillation pro- cess for identification of butter-fat: ref Ill v 39 Alliteration, Celtic IV in 209 Allopathia, treatment II xi 228 Allophylian crania I m 315 Alloys. Comportment of certain, under blowpipe II xv 256 Copper and zinc: ref II v 474 10 ALT A MB GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Al-ta-tin tribe. Language similar to Nah- 'ane IV vn 526 Same as Lh'ta'tin IV vn 526 Alte, Dene gambling HI vil 154 Altered Scapolite II v 531 Alum-root, localities Cana- dian species II xv 548 Alumetes, les, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 306 Alumina. Hydrated sesquioxide of iron and, deposits in France II vi 387 Preparation of II u 448 Aluminium. Alloys of. By Prof. F. C. Calvert: reprint I ill 411 Deposition by Electro- type process: reprint... I ii 281 Electro-plating with I in 15 Industry and production in Canada, 1902 IV viii 159 M. Bunsen's method of pre- paring I in 362 Preparation of. By M. St. Claire Deville: re- print I in 361 Preparation by means of galvanism I m 361 Prepared from Kry elite.... II I 192 Progress of Manufacture of. By T. L. Bell: re- print II ix 51 Proportion and properties of metallic Aluminum.... I u 313 Sodium process of prepara- tion I in 361 Alured Cape, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Alveolites (Lamarck), gene- ric characters II iv 114 A. cryptodens (Billings), corniferous limestone,Ont. II iv 115 A. fischeri, Billings, n. sp. Niagara limestone, Owen Sound II xiv 151 Shales of Hamilton group.. . II V 257 A. goldfussi (n. sp.). Hamilton shales, Ont II v 256 A. labiosa (Billings), corni- ferous limestone, Ont. (pl.) II iv 114 A. niagarensis, Nicholson and Hinde, Niagara limestone, Rockwood (pl.) II xiv 152 A. roemeri (n. sp.), Bosan- quet, Ont., in Hamilton shales II V 255 Ser. Vol. Page A. squamosa (n. sp.), corni- ferous limestone, Cayuga Tp II v 257 Alyssum calycinum, Cana- dian localities II xv 163 Amaleites, population in 1845 I I 196 Amalgamation. Baron Inigo Du Born's pro- cess IV iv 362 Cazo or hot process of ex- tracting metals IV iv 361 Freiberg or Barrel process of IV iv 364 Norwegian process of IV iv 358 Notes on history of, pro- cess. By Robert Dewar IV iv 357 Patio process of.... IV iv 359 Process used in Mexico and Peru IV iv 359 Tintin process of extracting metals IV iv 362 Washoe or Pan process of. . IV iv 364 Amanita. Habits and On- tario habitats of A. muscaria Linn IV IX 69 A. phalloides Fr IV ix 69 Amanitopsis strangulata Fr., Canadian habitats and habits IV ix 69 Amara vulgaris Lin (Mels. Cat.) I m 256 Amarantaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill u 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 647 London species II viii 231 Amaroucium, species on Vancouver coast IV ix 113 A. glabrum Verrill, distribu- tion on Atlantic coast (Canada) IV ix 111, 138 Amaryllidacese. Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species HI n 153 Localities Canadian species II xiv 651 Amazon, chemical report on burning of ship, 1852. .. . I I 24 Amazon. In cretaceous and tertiary times IV viii 379 Proportional amounts of salts in water IV vil 558 Ambidextrous, examples in early times II xm 215 Amblyrhiza Anguilla, W. Indies IV vil 355 Amblyscirtes, Rocky Moun- tain species with habitats III II 241 Amblystoma. Adaptation to terrestrial life IV viii 485 Development of limbs IV viii 483 11 A MB PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE A ME Ser. Vol. Page Amblystoma-Con. Irregularity in direction of rotation in, eggs IV viii 476 Karyolytic and cytolytic products in, pancreas of young IV I 266 Larvae, first appearance of blood corpuscles in, and development of circula- tion system IV II 251 Larvae, origin and growth of haematoblasts in IV ii 253 Nerve cells IV vi 426 Nerve cells of larva and adult IV vi 428 Parasites found in IV I 273 Plasmosomata migrated or extruded in II I 267 Thickness of epidermis IV vm 489 Zymogenesis IV I 269 A. punctatum. Action of stained object on staining reagent in blood of IV ii 222 Methods of studying struc- tures in pancreas of IV I 257 Parasites not generally pre- sent in pancreas of young IV I 262 Studies on blood of larvae of. By A. B. Macallum.. IV ii 221 Treated with pilocarpin.... IV I 259 Ambocoelia II vi 188 Amboglanna (Birdoswald). Latin inscription found at. . II xiv 150 Roman name of Birdoswald: evidence II xm 149 Ambonychia radiata Hall, Toronto localities II I 74 II iv 452 Ambrotype, invention of James A. Cutting I ill 339 Ambulacral system, crinoids II iv 44 Amelanchier, Medic. Cana- dian localities of A. Canadensis, T. and G. II xv 434 Ameliasburgh Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 306 Amenemhe's Pyramid I n 154 America. Archaeological faked cavern near St. Louis II xn 143 Asiatic tribes in. By John Campbell Ill i 171 Cambrian system in I in 386 Colonization by Welsh in 1170: tradition II I 228 Concise account of. By Major R. Rogers, 1765... II xv 27 Copper tablet of Capuchins dated 1648, found at Cas- tine (Maine) II ix 302 Ser. Vol. Page America-Con. Cranial distortions practised by Indians of II vn 440 Discovery by Eric, a Nor- wegian, in 985 II ix 291 Early discoveries of French in. By J. Langton II n 393 Early notices of Beaver in Europe and. By Daniel Wilson II iv 359 Elevation previous to glacial period IV vi 46 Englishwoman in: reviewed II hi 126 Faked relics of antiquity... II ix 306 Five distinct vegetable pro- vinces II xiv 285 Flora common to Europe and IV vm 38 Fossil remains of horse in post pliocene period in... II iv 414 F rench discoveries com- pared with British II ii 403 Geological features of east- ern, part; brief I I 126 Geology in. By Prof. James D. Dana: reprint I ill 357, 385 Gold coinage found in Chincha Islands II ix 315 Historical Footprints in. By Daniel Wilson II ix 289 In Cambrian time IV vii 154 Languages of II ii 414 List of woods of I I 74 Manlius stone, with inscrip- tion dated 1520 on it.... II ix 308 Memorials of early history of, at Tadoussac II ix 304 Meteorological system I ill 407 Migrations ancient tribes to III v 73 Mines and Mineral Re- sources of: reprint.... I n 36 Mollusca shells found in Indian encampments. ... II ill 387 Nocturnal Lepidoptera species found in II vm 16 North American Fisheries, history of I ii 116 North American Lakes. By Chas. Whittlesey: re- print II in 87 Northmen's discovery of.... II iv 51 Occurrence of native lead in II x 406 On Elevations and De- pressions of the Earth in. By Abraham Gesner: reprint II VII 81 On Occurrence of Amer- ican Birds in Europe. By H. Gatke: reprint.... II vi 459 Othomis of Mexico most an- cient Tungusian colonists IV v 206 12 A MH A ME GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page America-Cow. Palaeolithic man in, evi- dence of * II xv 559 Parallelism of escarpments in II ix 260 Parasitic Copepoda in. By R. Ramsay Wright Ill I 243 Peopled from Asia II I 190 Records of Norseman settle- ments found in Davis Strait II ix 294 Rock formations in I m 386 Round tower at Newport erected by Norsemen in tenth century? its history II ix 296 Seven years' residence in Great Deserts of. By Abbe Em. Domenech: reviewed II vii 217 Standard time introduced.. Ill in 71 Stone tablet with heraldic blazonry found at North Chineha Islands (pl.).... II ix 314 Theory of one uniform cranial type pervading all Indian tribes of N. and S. II vm 128 Traces of Ashchurites in. .. II xiv 268 America, Central. Aborigines of II i 375 British and American inter- ests in II I 360 Causes of degradation of people II I 373 Character of people II I 369 Geography of II I 360 Indians in II I 377 Map of, inaccuracies in... II I 361 Notes on; geography, topo- graphy, climate, popula- tion, etc. By E. G. Squier: reviewed II I 359 Population II i 371 America, South, dislocations and upheavals that separ- ated Trinidad from IV vm 379 America yacht, cause of winning race I n 201 American. Aboriginal, inscriptions IN PHONETIC CHARACTERS. By Rev. John Campbell.. IV v 53 Aborigines, supposed pre- valence of one Cranial TYPE THROUGHOUT. By Daniel Wilson II n 406 African and. Contact of Negro and Indian. By A. F. Chamberlain:abstract. IV n 21 Brain weight of II xv 201 Complexion of, races II n 416 Contributions to, Hel- minthology. By R. Ramsay Wright (pl.).... HI I 54 Ser. Vol. Page American- Con. Crania, Dr. Morton's views II n 408 Extinct, horse II iv 414 Geology. By Jas. D. Dana: ref II viii 49 Hindrances to, art. By W. A. Sherwood: abstract IV iv 235 Literary Forgeries. By Daniel Wilson II xn 134 Manners of, races II ii 416 Meteorites II vi 300 Narrative of Expedition of, squadron to Chinese seas and Japan in 1852-1854: reviewed II i 523 Parasitic Copepoda. By R. Ramsay Wright Ill i 243 Physique of II ix 131 Relationship of, lan- guages. By A. F. Cham- berlain Ill v 57 Reprints of Edinburgh London Quarterly and Westminster Reviews for Jan. 1858, and North British, for Nov. 1857: reviewed II in 137 Sculptress, Miss Hosmar... II i 87 Supposed evidence of ex- istence of Inter- Glacial Man. By Daniel Wilson II xv 557 Telescope for Ann Arbor.. . II i 314 Universities II i 173 American Association for Advancement of Science. Meeting, 1853 I n 44 Meeting, 1854 I in 130 Meeting, 1855 1 in 355 Meeting, 1856 II n 63, 473 Meeting, 1857 II in 69 A. Elk, Canadian localities of III vi 68 A. Goldfinch, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 96 A. Redstart, Listowel fre- quenter IV in 72 A. Revolution. American attack on Seneca towns IV vii 394 Attempt on Canada II xiv 79 Joseph Brant in. By Lieut-.Col. E. Cruikshank IV v 243 IV vii 391 Operation against the In- dians IV vii 391 Amharas, rule in Abyssinia.. II x 47 Amherst Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 307 Amherst, Lord. Autograph letters on regi- mental matters II xiv 84 13 A MH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE AMI Ser. Vol. Page Amherst, Lord-Con. Brief biography of II xiv 84 Amherstburgh, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 214, 307 Amia. Alimentary canal 111 in 272 Pancreas HI m 274 Amides II i 82 Amikoues, River of the, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 307 Amiurus (Catus). Abnormal conditions of skin of Ill ii 258 Accessory lateral organs. . . Ill u 265 Auditory organ of (pl.). • • • HI II 374 Adductor arcus palatini.. . . Ill u 316 Adductor hyomandibularis.. HI ii 318 Adductor mandibulae mus- cle of (pl.).... HI ii 311 Adductoroperculi Ill ii 319 Adductor tentaculi (pl.)... • HI ii 314 Air-bladder (pl.) HI u 381,416 Alimentary Canal, Liver, Pancreas. Air Bladder of. By A. B. McCallum. Ill u 387 Anal fin HI u 301 Arterial system (pl.) HI II 422 Bibliography of pancreas of III u 413 Blood-vascular system, Ductless Glands, and Uro- Genital System of. By T. Mackenzie HI u 418 Bone development Ill II 307 Brain (pl.) HI n 353 Branches of trigeminus group (pl.) HI 11 366 Branchial muscles Ill u 345 Branchial apparatus (pl.)... Ill ii 292 Branchial system Ill u 421 Caudal fin HI u 301 Central nervous system... . Ill ii 353 Character of skin Ill u 257 Clavate cells HI u 393 Cranium compared with other teleostean HI n 278 Cranial muscles Ill u 342 Cutaneous sense organs. .. . Ill u 259 Dilatator operculi Ill II 318 Dorsal muscles Ill u 326 Dorsal fin Ill II 298 Ductless glands HI H 432 Endgut Ill ii 405 Epidermis cells Ill II 252 Erectors and depressors.... HI u 339 Gall-bladder Ill H 407 Geniohyoideus (pl.) HI II 320 Genital organs HI u 443 Heart Ill u 418 Hyohyoideus (pl.) Ill u 320 Hyomandibular, hyoid and opercular apparatus Ill ii 287 Ser. Vol. Page Amiurus (Catus)-Con. Hyomandibular and meta- pterygoid elements and their development Ill n 290 Hyopectoralis (pl.) Ill n 322 Kidney (pl.) Ill n 440 Lateral muscles Ill n 339 Layers of corium.... . Ill n 256 Levator arcus palatini Ill n 316 Levator operculi Ill n 318 Liver HI it 406 Mandibular muscles Ill II 311 Midgut Ill n 402 Mouth and pharynx, fine anatomy HI n 390 Mucous canals Ill n 264 Muscles Ill ii 311 Muscles of anal fin Ill n 338 Muscles of the branchial arches HI n 322 Muscles of caudal fin (pl.).. Ill n 339 Muscles of dorsal fin Ill n 336 Muscles of Head Ill n 350 Muscles of hyoid arch Ill n 320 Muscles of palatine arch.. . Ill n 316 Muscles of pectoral arch and fin Ill ii 331 Muscles of pelvis and pelvic fin HI ii 334 Muscles of trunk Ill ii 328, 350 Musculi interarcuales ob- liqui dorsales Ill n 327 Musculi interarcuales ob- liqui ventrales (pl.) Ill n 324 Musculi levatores branchi- III n 326 ales Musculi transversi dorsales. Ill n 328 Musculi transversi ventrales (pl.) HI ii 325 Musculus hyobranchialis (pl.) Ill ii 322 Musculus intermandibularis III n 315 Myology of. By J. Play- fair McMurrich HI n 311 Nervous System and Sense Organs of. By Prof. Ramsay Wright HI n 352 (Esophagus Ill ii 395 Opercular bones, their re- lations and origin Ill ii 291 Opercular muscles Ill u 318 Organs of special sense Ill n 372 Osteology of. By J. Play- fair McMurrich Ill n 270 Osteology of cranium (pl.).. HI n 270 Palato-quadrate and mandi- bular apparatus (pl.) Ill ii 283 Pancreas HI n 412 Pectoral arch and fin Ill ii 301 Pectoral arch HI II 305 Pelvic arch and fin Ill II 306 14 AMI GENERAL INDEX AMP Ser. Vol. Page Amiurus (Catus)-Con. Peripheral nervous system.. Ill n 364 Pharyngo-clavicularis exter- nus (pl.) . Ill ii 325 Pharyngo-clavicularis in- ternus (pl.) Ill II 326 Pigmentary layer Ill n 256 Relationship between air- bladder and auditory la- byrinth (pl.) Ill ii 376 Skin and Cutaneous sense organs of. By Prof. R. Ramsay Wright Ill n 251 Slime cells (pl.) Ill n 392 Sense organs of the Lateral Line and of the Mucus Canals of the Head (pl.).. Ill n 262 Spinal column (pl.) Ill n 294 Spinal cord Ill n 364 Spinal nerves (pl.) Ill n 370 Spleen Ill u 432 Stomach Ill u 396 Superficial epithelium of stomach Ill u 397 Suprarenal bodies Ill n 437 Sympathetic nervous system III u 372 Thymus gland of (pl.) Ill u 435 Thyroid gland (pl.) Ill u 434 Trapezius Ill u 331 Uro-genital system Ill n 440 Venous system Ill n 428 Amiurus Corium. Adipose layer Ill u 257 Stratified layer Ill u 257 Amylic Alcohol II i 81 Ammodramus, Hamilton species II v 391 A. sandwichensis Savanna, observations on Ontario frequenters Ill vn 190 IV in 63, 69, 82, 105 Ammodytes, Americanus, GaspeBay... II in 515 Ammon, traced in Egypt. . . II xiv 202 Ammon Temple, Dr. R. Lepsius'exploration of... I n 180 Ammonia. Contained in rainwater.... I n 282 In rain I n 9 In rain, river water and snow I n 102 Manufacture in Canada.... IV vm 165 Ammoniacal liquor, waste product converted into useful I i 103 Ammonites Barnstoni II v 188 A. billingsi II v 188 Ammonitidae II u 266 II vm 19 A. proper II vm 19 Ser. Vol. Page Ammonium. Cadmio-iodide of, prepara- tion II I 15 Molecules of metals II I 395 Amnicola, species of, in Nottawasaga River dis- tricts II vi 497 A. porata, Say. L. Ontario II xm 504 Amoeba II xv 241 Amorphous Phosphorus, preparation II i 393 Amoy. Distinction of homophonous words in, dialect II xr 91 On Amoy colloquial dia- lect. By W. H. Cum- ming II xi 81 Phonetic elements in, dia- lect II xi 84 Practical efficiency of tonal distinctions in, dialect... II xi 89 Relation of, tones to ordin- ary tones of common utterance II xi 90 Roman orthography of, col- loquial II xi 94 Syntax of, colloquial II xi 93 Ampelis, observations on Ontario species Ill in 89 III vii 189, 201 IV i 40, 41, 53, 56 IV in 70, 82, 98, 99 Ampelopsis. Adaptation of leaves for ab- sorption of water IV vii 255 Capability of leaf to absorb water on one surface and transmit to other IV vii 253 Effect of solutions applied to leaf of, in drops: expts. IV vn 309 Localities Canadian species. II xv 352 Potassium nitrate and car- bonate's effect on leaf tissue IV vn 327 A. quinquefolia, Michx, Canadian localities II xv 352 Amphibia. Characteristics II xv 244 Studies on Blood of. By A. B. Macallum IV II 221 Family proper, position in animal kingdom II x 25 On certain structures in pancreatic cells of IV i 253 Amphibian. Classes unrepresented in fossil condition; reason... II xm 382 Origin of haematoblasts in, embryo IV n 249 15 AMP PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ANC Ser. Vol. Page Amphibolips confluens Harris, host and anatomy IV ix 343 A. inanis O. S., hosts and anatomy IV ix 344 Amphicarpsea, Ell, localities Canadian species II xv 360 A. monoica, Nutt, Canadian localities II xv 360 Amphicoelia, sub-order II v 83 Amphioxus. Character of myomeres.... Ill n 341 Characteristics II xv 239 Amphiphloic siphonostele, in Osmundaceae IV vm 526 Amphipods II i 280 Amphirrhina II xv 243 Amphitrite, discovery of.... I n 313 Amphiuma eggs, incuba- tion IV vm 474 Amplexus (Sowerby). Generic characters II iv 123 Hespeler, Guelph and Elora II xiv 142 A. Yandelli, Edw, and Haime. Corniferous Ont. (pl.) II iv 123 Hespeler and Guelph II xiv 142 Ampullacera, shells in de- serted sites in New Zea- land II in 387 Ampyx II vn 73 Amsterdam, number bac- teria in milk supply IV vn 468 Amygdalese, Canadian spe- cies I in 292 Amy gdalocy stites. Canadian II iv 46 Generic characters I n 270 Ontario II vi 515 A. florealis, discovery and description of (pl.) I u 270 A. radiatus, discovery and description of (pl.) I n 271 A. tenuistriatus, discovery z and description of (pl.)... I n 271 Amygdaloidal. Formations, L. Superior.. . Ill vn 224 Rocks, L. Wendigokan IV vm 349 Trap, L. Superior I i 125 Trap; relative date of intru- sion into Laurentian series in Canada II in 110 Amylaceous Foods. Micro-chemical researches ON THE DIGESTION OF. By Philip Burnard Ayres: reprint I m 310 Anabasis of Xenophon, translation Ill i 161 V vn 25 Ser, Vol. Page Anabolia, Stephens. Char- acters and N. American habitats of A. modesta, Hagen II vn 491 A. punctatissima, Walker. . II vn 491 A. sordida, Hagen II vn 490 Anacardiaceae. Barrie list II xv 47 Canadian species I in 292 II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 147 Localities Canadian species II xiv 638 II xv 351 London species IJ vm 223 Anaemia. Of anchylostomiasis IV vm 546 Theory of hypnotism Ill n 65 Anaerobes facultative A., in milk IV vn 477 Anaerobic bacilli, in cheese.. IV vn 109 Anaesthetic, causes of death occurring in giving IV vn 207 Anak, history of family II xiv 169 Anal fin, amiurus catus Ill n 301 Analcime II v 531 Anas, Hamilton species II v 395 A. bimaculata, hybrid of. .. 11 vn 226 A. discors, with scaup ducks. IV m 108 A. glocitans, hybrid of II vn 226 Anastatic printing. By S. Bateson: reprint I I 95 Anatidae, true relation of.... II xi 151 Anatomical, characters in botanical classification... II vn 221 Anatomy. Anatomy of Orang-Out- ang (SIMIA SATYRUS). By A. Primrose IV vi 507 Anatomy of Wood-Louse. By Frank T. Shutt: ab- stract Ill hi 293 Lectures on Elements of Comparative. By Thos. H. Huxley: reviewed. .. . II x 40 Notes on some Points in, of Leech. By Jas. Bovell, M.D. (pl.) II i 27 Orang-Outang, bibliography IV vi 507 597 Proglottis of entozoa II iv 33 Six-hooked embryo II iv 35 Ancaster (Ont.). Mineral springs at I i 153 Temperature at, from 1835- 1845 I i 77 Ancaster Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 307 Anchomenus extensicollis, Say h ii 325, 376 16 ANC AN1 GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Anchor Ice. Cause of formation II vm 321 Formation II vu 175 In excavation of Lake- basins II ix 259 Notes on. By T. C. Keefer ........ II vu 173 On Ground-Ice or, in Rivers. By Prof. Jas. Thompson. II vm 320 Raises level of St. Lawrence in winter II vu 175 Anchylostomiasis IV vm 546 Ancis trophy Hum, uses of... II x 287 Anconeus, Orang IV vi 541 Anchonium billardieri, structure of stamens in. . II v 338 Ancylostoma duodenale .. II iv 27 Ancyracanthus cystidicola (Schn.) (pl.) Ill i 73 A. senatus (n. sp.) (pl.) Ill i 74 Andalusite II v 520 Andaman Islands. Brain of mincopies of II xv 186 Inhabitants fully described II ix 330 Origin of secluded tribes on II ix 329 Anderson, Charles John. Account of pipes and tobacco of Damaras of Africa: ref II II 339 Anderson, Rev. Prof. Classification of human race: reprint II III 89 Anderson, Robert. Modern Geograph for use in Schools: reviewed II i 464 Anderson and Stewart. Search for Franklin's party and Starvation Cove. ... IV vm 396 Andrae. Electoral scheme of repre- sentation IV ii 328 Andreanof! Islanders, terri- tory Ill vi 265 Andrews. Africa and South America once joined by land: ref.. IV vm 375 Andrews, Dr. On composition and micro- scopic STRUCTURE OF CER- TAIN BASALTIC AND META- MORPHIC rocks: reprint I i 168 Andricus. Beginning of gall develop- ment in IV ix 360 Andricus. Hosts and anat- omy with plates of A. imbricariae, Ashmead... IV ix 346 A. petiolicola, Bassett IV ix 348 A. piger, Bassett IV ix 347 A. singularis, Bassett IV ix 346 Ser. Vol. Page Andricus. Hosts and anat- omy with plates of-Con. A. (undescribed) on host Quercus macrocarpa Michx IV ix 348 Androecium, structure II v 337 Anemone. Central cylinder and phloeo- termal sheaths IV Vi 619 Daisy anemone I u 87 Localities Canadian species. II xv 51 Monostelic and astelic ex- amples IV vi 614 Suitable for flower garden.. IV ill 128 Anemone. Canadian local- ities of A. cylindrica, Gray II xv 52 A. multifida, DC II xv 51 A. narcissiflora, L II xv 52 A. nemorosa II xv 52 A. parviflora, Michx II xv 51 A. pennsylvanica, L II xv 52 A. virginiana, L II xv 52 A. cylindrica, G., phloeo- terma IV vi 619 A. nemorosa. Around Toronto I i 207 Astelic central cylinder. . IV vi 619 A. pennsylvanica, L., stelar system IV vi 619 Anenerit, territory Ill vi 266 AnenterousPolygastrica... II vn 370 Angekok, Eskimo Ill vi 227 Angiosperms. Morphology of central CYLINDER IN. By Ed. C. Jeffrey IV vi 599 Occurrence of foliar gaps... IV vi 631 Polystely in IV vi 613 Siphonostelic nature of cen- tral cylinder IV vi 613 Tubular stelar system IV vi 631 Anglo-Saxon. Cranial capacity (large).... II xv 216 Bows and arrows used in, period I i 24 Angousoka R., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 307 Anguilla, spleen Ill u 432 Anguilla, W. Indies. Amblyrhiza IV vn 355 Physical features and geo- logy IV vii 355 Anhydrite, origin in apatite deposits IV vm 512 Anilides II i 312 Anilotic acid, same as nitro- salicylic II i 489 Animal. Acids in, organism II i 489 17 ANI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ANT Ser. Vol. Page Animal-Con. Composition of eggs in, series: reprint I ill 301 Criteria of rank among II vm 50 Destruction of wild, and means that should be TAKEN FOR THEIR PRESER- VATION. By J. B. Wil- liams: abstract Ill iv 142 Nutritive system, plan of development II x 27 Parthenogenesis of, and Plants. ByB.Seemann: reprint II n 481 Relations of man to lower. . II ix 157 Remarks on Principles of Classification in, King- dom, IN IMMEDIATE RE- FERENCE TO A RECENT paper by J. W. Dawson. By Rev. Wm. Hincks.... II x 19 Uses of, in relation to In- dustry of man. By E. Lankester: reviewed II vn 358 Animalcules, list of, in Tor- onto ponds II vm 342 Animikie. Formations of L. Superior basin HI v 173 Rocks, L. Superior IV vi 49 Slates of Thunder Bay IV i 214 Animistic ideas, Blackfoot Indians Ill v 23 Anisodactylus ellipticus, Le Conte I in 325 376 Anisoic acid, preparation. . . II i 488 Ankerites. Analysis of Iron Ores and, from Acadia Mines of Londonderry, N.S. By E. J. Chapman II xv 414 Ann Arbor, telescope for.... II i 314 Annandale (Scotland), Ag- ricola's fortifications, etc., at II xiv 10 Annapolis and North Mountain, geological area of Nova Scotia II xv 111 Annatto Bay (Jamaica), effect of river discharge on IV v 327 Annelida. Canadian II vm 24 In Devonian of Ont., list.. . II xiv 136 Lake Ontario II xm 493 Annequionchecom Lake, gazetteer notice (1813).. . II xiv 307 Ann's, St., Islands, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 307 Ser. Vol. Page Annuloida, classes unrepre- sented in fossil condition; reason II xni 380 Annulosa, classes unrepre- sented in fossil condition; reason II xm 381 Anodon. Lake Ontario II xm 506 Toronto species II vi 329 A. fluviatilis, Dillwyn. Lake Ontario II xm 506 Anodus Dorianus, Indian River, Owen Sound II xiv 472 Anomodontia II v 81 Anomoura II i 280 Anonacese, localities Cana- dian species II xv 58 Anorthite, same as By- townite I i 114 Anorthosites, Canadian... . II vin 117 Anser. Hamilton species II v 395 Anson, Lord. Flying proas of Ladrone Is- lands: ref Ill vn 204 Antarctic. On Arctic and, currents AND THEIR CONNEXION with the Fate of Sir John Franklin. By A. G. Findlay: reprint I in 160 Antelope, Canadian localities III vi 70 Antenor, of Hittites IV v 101 Anthelie, phenomenon of, explained by M. Bouguer I i 7 Antheridia. Botrychium virginianum (pl.) IV v 267 270,275 Lycopodium annotinum.... IV v 267 Lycopodium cernuum IV v 268 Lycopodium phlegmaria... IV v 268 Antherozoids, Ophioglossum pendunculosum IV v 277 Anthocaris, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill n 240 Anthracia-Hubu, characters II x 248 A. cornix (Guen), characters: habitats II x 249 A. squamularis, Drury, characters; N. American habitats II x 248 Anthracite. Areas in Canada IV ix 101 Blowpipe test II ill 209 Coal in United States I in 102 Lower Silurians, deposits of South Scotland. By Prof. Harkness: reprint. . I in 115 Occurrence in L. Superior districts II x 410 18 ANT GENERAL INDEX ANT Ser. Vol. Page Anthracite- Con. Properties of, coal II in 209 Silurian, of Cavan. By Dr. Whitty I in 173 Value for making steam compared with soft coal. . HI iv 83 Anthracitic coals, properties of II in 210 Anthropogenie. Haeckel's. By R. Ramsay Wright II xv 231 Anthropoids. Anthropoids II xv 247 Abduction of digits of foot.. IV vi 576 Cause of short neck IV vx 511 Chin.... IV vi 511 Diseases in them similar to those affecting man IV vm 537 Flexor accessorius IV vi 571 Grooves on palms IV vi 520 Interossei IV vi 551 Laryngeal pouches IV vi 513 Laryngeal sacs IV vi 515 Length of arm IV vi 517 Neck IV vi 511 Omo-cervicalis IV vi 527 Anthropoid Apes. By Prof. Owen: reprint I ill 109 On syndactylous Con- dition of Hand in Man and. By C. C. Blake: reprint II ix 52 Opponens hallucis IV vi 573 Plantaris IV vi 567 Sesamoid bone IV vi 544 Anthropology. Complexion, Climate and Race. By J. M. Buchan III i 5 Uncertain criterion of eth- nological differences IV iv 17 Anthropomorpha, Brain, compared with man's. ... II xv 179 Anthus. Hamilton species II v 391 Observations on Ontario species IV ill 72, 86 Anticosti Island. Agricultural possibilities. . . II III 329 Beatricea in II in 331 Fossils from II II 47 Geological district of Quebec II xv 102 Geology II n 47 Geology and physical char- acteristics II in 327 Palaeontological relations of rocks II iv 330 Resources and capabili- ties of the Island. By A. A. Roche, Esq.: reprint I in 328 Soil of, described II in 328 Vegetation of II m 328 Ser. Vol. Page Anticosti Group, Canada. .. II ix 5 Anticlinal regions, N. America I in 27 Antigua, W. Indies, exports and products of (1859)... II vn 142 Physical features and geo- logy IV vn 359 Antigonish geological area, Nova Scotia II xv 116 Antillean. Resemblances between DECLIVITIES OF HIGH PLA- TEAU AND THOSE OF SUB- MARINE, VALLEYS. By J. W. Spencer IV v 359 Antilles, lesser, arrangement into two groups and line of demarcation IV vm 377 Antilocapra americana, Ord, Canadian localities. Ill vi 70 Antilope furcifer (Smith), Rich., Canadian localities III vi 70 Antimonial vermilion II i 311 Antimony. Deposits and production in Canada up to 1905 IV vm 161 Detection of, in tube sub- limates, by blowpipe II x 348 Determination of atomic weight of II I 558 Dimorphism of II vi 530 Equivalent II I 393 Used in batteries or cells... In 165 Antipathia, treatment II xi 228 Antonius de Dominis (Arch- bishop of Spalatro), rain- bow explained I i 8 Antoninus Pius. His Legate in Britain II x 310 Antiquaries, establishment of Soc. in London in 1708. . . II xn 178 Antiquary. Alexander Gordon, the. By Daniel Wilson II xiv 9 Antiquity of man as evi- denced by remains found in Wookey Hole cave near Wells II vn 379 Fossil remains of man in French caves II v 122 Gordon, Alex., the, sup- plementary notice. By Daniel Wilson II xv 122 Antiquary, the, by Scott, source of some of its material II xiv 17 Antiquities. Antiquities of Canusium (Apulia): reprint I in 263 Celtic, at Caerleon II vu 464 19 APE A NT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Antiquities- Con. Illustrated Catalogue of Museum of, at Caerleon. By John Ed. Lee: re- viewed II vii 463 Remarks on some Coinci- dences between Primi- tive Antiquities of Old and New World. By Daniel Wilson I n 213 Roman, at Birrenswork.... II xiv 10 Antiquity. Introductory Lecture of Course on Remote. By A. Morlot II vm 249 Of archaeological objects exaggerated IV iv 39 Of man: Remains found in France evidence of II iv 496 Antrostomus vociferus. Observations on Ontario visitors IV in 68, 73, 89, 107 Anu, traces of, in ancient his- tory II xiv 414 Anub, traces of, in Egypt.... II xiv 202 Anura. Praepollex and praehallux. . IV vi 545 Species that contain Nissl granules IV vi 425 Aorta. Paget's measurement of sec- tional area of II ix 181 Pressure on, effect on blood pressure IV vn 194 Apache Indians. Apache Indians IV v 171 Creation myths IV vi 336 Dialects IV v 172 Habitat, subdivisions and population IV iv 13 Apamea on Orontes. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 226 Apatania. Characters and N. American habitats of A. kolenati 11 vn 493 A. nigra, Walker II vn 493 A. pallida, Hagen II vn 493 Apathy, Stefan. Gold stain for nerve cells: ref IV vi 417 Apatite. Apatite 11 v 522 Analysis of Canadian IV vm 506 Anhydrite in, deposits IV vm 512 Bibliography IV vm 495 Calcite in, deposits IV vm 510 Canadian Apatite. By F. T. Shutt HI v 30 Canadian localities Ill v 32 HI in 302 Ser. Vol. Page Apatite-Con. Canadian rocks in which it occurs HI v 31 Colour types of IV vm 508 Composition Ill v 31 Composition of Canadian specimen Ill v 31 Crystals, peculiarities IV vm 509 Deposits in true veins IV vm 499 Geology of, region in Canada Ill m 295 Graphite in, deposits IV vm 512 In dykes of Rainy Lake.... Ill v 176 Magnetite in, deposits IV vm 512 Minerals associated with, in Canada Ill hi 296 Mining operations Ill v 35 Mode of occurrence of, in Canada. By Robert Bell Ill in 294 Mode of occurrence in rocks III v 34 Nature of deposits Ill in 299 Occurrence in Canada Ill in 295 Origin HI v 32 IV vm 507 Origin of Canadian. By Wm. Harvey McNairn.. IV vm 495 Origin of Canadian, evi- dence of the rock IV vm 497 Origin as evidenced from associated minerals IV vm 510 Origin as evidenced from chemical characteristics.. IV vm 501 Origin of Canadian, evi- dence from nature of de- posits IV vm 499 Origin as evidenced from physical characteristics... IV vm 509 Structure Ill v 33 Apes, Anthropoid. Biceps IV vi 561 Chin....... IV vi 511 Communications between short and long flexors of toes IV vi 571 Description. By Prof. Owen: reprint I m 109 Difference between human foetus and that of (pl.).. . . IV vi 589 Extensor minimi digiti IV vi 542 Extremities of man and, compared IV vi 590 Flexor digitorum fibularis distribution IV vi 570 Foot and hand differ from those of man IV vi 588 Interossei IV vi 551, 576 Muscles in ape's foot re- sembling those in human hand IV vi 587 Neck IV vi 511 20 ARA APR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Apes, Anthropoid-Con. Omo-cervicales IV vi 527 On syndactylous condition of Hand in Man and. By C. C. Blake: reprint.. II ix 52 Opponens hallucis IV vi 573 Peroneus parvus IV vi 564 Peroneus quinti digiti IV vi 565 Plantaris IV vi 567 Structural differences separ- ating them from lemurs. . II IX 160 Aphanocapsa granules, in nodal points of proto- plasm IV vi 449 Aphid Corrugations on Birch, on hosts Betula lenta L., B. alba var. papyrifera (Marsh) Spach (pl.) IV ix 305 A. Gall (unclassified), on host Populus balsamifera L. (pl.) IV ix 303 Aphides. Researches on Develop- ment of Viviparous Ap- hides. By Dr. W. J. Burnett: reprint I u 136 Aphididse. Feeding habits of larvae of. . IV ix 361 Species IV ix 303 Aphis caryae, viviparous de- velopment of I ii 137 A. dianthi I n 137 A. root, in peach trees IV n 213 Aphodius fimetarius Mels. Cal I in 257 A. stercorator Mels. Cal.... I m 257 Apical cells, botrychium vir- ginianum IV v 282 Apikaks IV iv 255 Apiocystites (E. Forbes), Canada II n 303 A. elegans. I n 215 Apios, Boerhaave, localities Canadian species II xv 360 A. tuberosa, Moench, Cana- dian localities II xv 360 Apkwameut, territory HI vi 266 Aplidium spitzbergense Hartmeyer, Grand Manan IV ix 112, 137 Aplite, red, Hudson's Bay... HI iv 197 Aplocerus montanus, Ord., Canadian localities HI vi 70 Aplodontia leporina, Rich, Canadian localities HI vi 84 Apocynaceae. Barrie list II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 647 Ser. Vol. Page Apocynaceae-Con. London species II vm 231 Apogamy. Prothallial tracheides ac- companiment of IV v 281 Pteris aquilina IV v 281 Apologetic position II i 537 Apophyllite II v 531 Apostles, the Twelve, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 307 Appalachian. Formation of, chain. By Jas. Hall II v 543 Declivity of valleys in, Mts. IV v 360 Geological district of Que- bec II xv 97 Mountain system and man- ner of formation Ill vn 85 Appalachian Indians, sub- tribes I in 210 Appanee R., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 307 Appetites, distinct from natu- ral instincts Ill iv 30 Apple, Canadian localities.... II xv 434 Apple oil, manufacture of.. .. I n 12 Apple of Peru, thorn apple, or devil's apple, Toronto I I 205 Apple tree, Canadian, wild.. II vi 30 April. Arrival of birds in Toronto in HI vn 190 IV in 63, 106 Apterous II vn 449 Apteryx, sub-family of stru- thionidse II vm 466 Apulia. Antiquities of Canusium: reprint I in 263 Aquifoliaceae. Hamilton species ... HI n 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 644 Aquila chrysaetos. Canadian specimens II iv 446 Muskoka IV I 44 Aquilegia, Tourn. Cana- dian localities of A. brevistyla, Hooker II xv 57 A. canadensis, L II xv 57 A. vulgaris, L II xv 57 Arabs, Geographical know- ledge of II iv 51 Arabia. Breed of horses in I I 199 Horite traces in, and evi- dence of their greatness.. II xm 534 Horse introduced into, and use made of horse I I 181 Katoorah race in II xv 287 Traces of Ashchur in II xiv 220 Traces of Zimrites in II xv 287 21 ARC ARA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Arabic. Article AL or L Jin, traced through various languages II xm 406 Celtic words containing, article Al or L II xm 409 Coptic article in, examples. II xm 413 A. notation. First calendar in English in IV v 317 Origin of system IV v 317 Arabis. Canadian locali- ties of A. alpina, L II xv 64 A. canadensis, L Il xv 64 A. drummondii, Gray II xv 65 A. hesperidoides, Gray II xv 64 A. hirsuta, scopoli Il xv 64 A. laevigata, DC II xv 64 A. lyrata, L Il xv 64 A. perfoliata, Lam 11 xv 65 A. petriae, Lam Il xv 64 A. retrofracta, Graham II xv 65 Aracese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 650 London species Il vm 233 Arachic acid, salts of II i 489 Arachnida. Feeding habits of larvae of family Eriophyidae IV ix 361 Highest class of articulata.. II x 27 Lake Ontario II xm 501 Arago M. Francois. On the Physical Constitu- tion of the Sun: reprint In 4 Our knowledge of the sun (1852): reprint II vm 298 Do comets sensibly affect the weather? II vm 75 Short account of his life.... 1 li 159 Theory of colour of water. . II vm 45 Aragua Valley, effect of de- foresting on rainfall in... I n 131 Araliacese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II vi 281 II xiv 294 Characters 11 vi 281 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 641 London species II vm 226 Aralus. Characters and Canadian habitats of A. hispida, Michx II vi 282 A. nudicaulis, L II vi 282 A. racemosa, L II vi 282 Aran traps, Wales I i 248 Araucanian, origin Ill v 68 Arba,family of Ashchurite line II xiv 169 Arbitration, International. Brief history of its develop- ment IV vm 41 Ser. Vol. Page Arbitration, International -Con. Greek practices IV vm 41 Hague Tribunal; articles governing it IV vm 45 International Arbitra- tion. By J. M. Clark, K.C. IV vm 41 Its development between Gt. Britain and United States IV vm 43 Roman practices IV vm 41 Arbor-vitae, in Ottawa Valley I n 116 Arbutus, trailing, suitable for flower gardens IV ill 128 Arcades. Canadian II iv 274 Position in Lamellibran- chiata n xi 394 Arcadia. Ashchurites, traces in II xiv 253 Zimri traces in II xv 303 Area grandis, of Pacific, identical with A. patricia Sow. of Trinidad IV vm 389 Area patricia Sow., of Trini- dad identical with A. grandis of Pacific IV vm 389 Arcacidae, Ottawa R. species. I I 222 Arch, seen in heavens I I 240 Archaia. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II v 59 Archaean. Continent Ill vil 218 Gneissic foliation and Schistose Cleavage in Dykes and bearing on ORIGIN OF, ROCKS. By A. C. Lawson HI iv 115 L. Superior in, period IV vi 48 Metamorphic origin of, rocks criticized Ill iv 123 Region of N. America IV vi 48 Seas contain little calcium.. IV vu 536 Theory of origin of, rocks. . Ill iv 125 Archangelica, Hoffm. Canadian localities of A. atropurpurea, Hoffm.... II xv 556 A. gmelini DC II xv 556 A. officinalis, Hoffm II xv 555 Archaeological. Antiquity of, objects ex- aggerated IV iv 39 Archaeological Outlook in Canada. By David Boyle HI iv 1 Archaeological Remains A FACTOR IN STUDY OF History. By David Boyle IV i 67 Discovery of carbonate of iron in Brendon Hills, Somerset I in 341 22 arc GENERAL INDEX ARC Ser. Vol. Page Archaeological-Con. Faked cavern near St. Louis II xn 143 Recent, investigations in Ontario. By H. Mont- gomery IV ix 1 Remains, their age exagger- ated IV iv 41 Research in Canada Ill iv 1 Sir Charles Lyell mistaken as to the age of, finds.... IV iv 41 Sir John Lubbock mistaken as to the age of, finds.... IV iv 41 Archaeologist, value of natu- ral history to II I 191 Archaeology. Annaler for Nordisk Old- kyndighed og Historic (Annals of Northern Archaeology and History): reviewed II iv 51 Archaeology of Scugog Island. By A. F. Cham- berlain: abstract Ill vm 14 Authority of Bible un- diminished by, discoveries IV iv 40 Bearing of philology on... . IV iv 32 Beverley Tp HI iv 4 Bibliography of, of Canada and Newfound- land. By A. F. Cham- berlain. First Contribu- tion to Ill vn 13 Second Contribution to. . Ill vn 40 Bibliography of Ontario. .. IV ix 11 Egyptians and Assyrian, easy to fully describe.... IV iv 5 Geology against great age attributed to IV iv 42 Progress in (1863) II vm 106 Remains found in drift in France evidence of an- tiquity of man... •. II iv 496 Traces of Human Arts in Drift (France): reprint. II iv 496 Archebuteo, generic charac- ters II iv 445 A. lagopus, Canadian speci- mens II iv 445 A. Sancti-Johannis, Cana- dian specimens II iv 445 Archegonia. Botrychium virginianum... IV V 267 270,277 Lycopodium cernuum IV V 268 Lycopodium phlegmaria... IV V 268 Archelaus. Conjecture of nature of sun .In 6 Archelminthes II xv 242 Archemora, DC., Canadian localities of A. rigida, DC II xv 555 Archeocyathus II vn 72 Ser. Vol. Page Arche ocyathus atlanticus. II vn 72 A. minganensis II vn 72 Archiac M. d'. Antiquity of human race: ref II vi 372 Separation of England from Continent: ref II vi 372 Archib utes lagapus, Brun- nick, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 A. lagopus sancti-johannis. Observations on Ontario visitors HI vn 186, 198 IV in 67 Architecture. Brock monument (pl.) I I 41 In ancient Palenque IV vi 110 Various forms of buildings and effects on acoustics.. II u 131 Architheuthis dux II vn 125 Archies, traces of, in Egypt. . II xiv 204 Arctia Schr. Characters and Canadian habitats of A. americana, Harris II vm 351 A. celia (Saunders) II vm 361 A. decorata (Saunders).... II vni 360 A. dione (Hubner) II vm 355 A. nais (Drury) II vm 356 A. parthenos (Harris) Il vm 352 A. parthenice (Kirby) Il vm 353 A. phalerata (Harris) II vm 359 A. philyra (Drury) II vm 359 A. placentia (Abbot) II vm 353 A. virgo (Hubner) II vm 354 A. virgincula (Kirby) II vm 357 Arctiadse (Herr-Schaef). Generic characters and sub- divisions II vm 349 Synopsis of Canadian; INCLUDING SOME ADDI- TIONAL SPECIES LIKELY to occur in Canada. By Wm. Saunders II vm 349 Arctic. Arctic Current around Greenland. By Capt. Irlinger: reprint II n 124 Capt. M'Clure voyage through northwest pass- age; diary I n 83 Causes of great fluctuations in temperature in, winter II vi 524 Climate, character of skin and complexion produced by HI ii 18 Chief Factor Macpherson's report from Esquimault concerning Sir John Franklin I II 84 Expeditions I n 83, 111 Exploration, 1769-72 Ill iv 202 Formation of icebergs II IV 182 23 ARC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ARI Ser. Vol. Page Arctic-Con. Game I II 111 Islands, coal areas IV ix 101 Jas. Knight's attempt to discover northwest pass- age in 1719 and his fate.. Ill iv 201 Monthly mean of temp, and pressure from 1850-1853. I u 111 Northwest passage attemp- ted, 1719 HI iv 201 On, and Antarctic Cur- rents AND THEIR CON- NEXION with Fate of Sir John Franklin. By A. G. Findlay: reprint I ill 160 On great Fluctuations of Temperature in, win- ter. By J. J. Murphy: reprint II vi 521 Polar Regions; theories REGARDING SEA OR LAND at pole: reprint I u 125 Powder for blasting ice; re- sults I u 112 Scenery, illustrated editions of Dr. Kane's Arctic Ex- pedition II in 367 Scenery, Kane's Arctic Ex- pedition, fraud II in 465 Select Committee to en- quire into, Expeditions: reprint I m 335 Sir E. Belcher's explorations I n 85 Whale fisheries in I i 118 Wood on Banks Land I n 111 Arctic fox. Canadian localities HI vi 73 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 113 Arctic Group. Canadian flora IV vm 27 Arctomys. Canadian local- ities of A. caligatus HI vi 88 A. empetra (Sabine), Rich.. Ill vi 88 A. erythroglutaeus, Rich.. . Ill vi 87 A. (Spermophilus) guttatus, Rich Ill vi 87 A. (Spermophilus) Hoodi Rich Ill vi 87 A. kennicotti, Ross Ill vi 87 A. lateralis, Rich Ill vi 87 A. monax, Linn Ill vi 88 A. okanaganus, King Ill vi 88 A. (Spermophilus) parryi, Rich HI vi 87 A. pruinosus, Gmel., Rich.. Ill vi 88 Ardea. Hamilton species II v 394 Observations on Ontario frequenters IV in 66, 74, 98, 109 Ardeidse II xi 154 Ser. Vol. Page, generic characters. II Xi 154 Ardoch (Scotland), Latin in- scription on monumental tablet found at II v 483 Areas. Scale for Computation of Areas of Irregular Figures. By Thos. Hector II ill 309 Arenaceous till, L., Ontario. IV vm 21 Arenaria, L., Canadian localities of A. groenlandica II xv 171 A. lateriflora, L II xv 171 A. peploides, L II xv 171 A. serpyllifolia, L Il xv 170 A. stricta, Michx II xv 170 A. verna, L II xv 171 Arenicolites sparsus (Sal- ter), Clinton group, Dun- das II xiv 138 Areoda lanigera Linn (Mels. Cal.), Ontario I ill 211, 325 Aretia, flower peculiarities in II v 340 Argenteuil, Que., explora- tion of crystalline lime- stone bands in, in 1858. . . II v 452 Argentite, conditions in which occurs in Kamanis- tiquia region Ill vil 249 Argillaceous. Rocks, origin II in 202 Sandstone, L. Superior.... I I 125 Schist; crustacean footprints in, at Beauport I I 122 Slate, hard dark, Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Argillite, Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Argippa, Cornelius. ' ' Resurrection Bone ' ' le- gend: ref .e IV ix 47 Argos. Excavations at I m 240 Traces of Ashchurites in... II xiv 255 Zimri traces in 11 xv 300 Argus, New Era, and Argus, Honolulu, 1857: reviewed II ill 451 Argynnis, Rocky Mt. species with habitats HI li 240 241, 242 Arhopalus fulminans, Mels. Cat., in Ont I in 212 Arialiacese, Hamilton species III u 148 Arica, Indian burial ground. . II x 284 Arisaig, Egerton, and Porcu- pine Mts., geological areas of Nova Scotia II xv 116 Aristolochiace ae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II vi 277 II xiv 297 24 ARI GENERAL INDEX ART Ser. Vol. Page Aristolochiacese-Con. Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 647 London species II vin 231 Aristophanes, Equites, v. 545: translated Ill I 170 Aristotelian,logic in complete II x 167 Arithmometer, new. Description of. By M. T. De Colmar: reprint I in 173 Arizona Copper Mine. Arizona Copper Mines. By Jas. Gilbert II II 321 Difficulties met with by company II n 322 Ores extracted from II n 323 Situation II II 321 Arkose. Central Ontario IV vn 159 Huronian, of L. Wendigo- kan region IV vin 357 Huronian, L. Wawang IV vin 358 L. Wendigokan region.... IV vm 346, 350 Armenia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 243 Zimri traces in II xv 293 Armillaria mellea Fr. Vahl., habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 69 Armorican. Grammar and vocabulary.. Ill V 80 People Ill v 79 Armour, Denes IV iv 117, 149 Armour, Samuel, of Toronto Grammar School II xn 260 Armstrong, Chas. Physianthus albens Ill vn 230 Armstrong, Sir Wm. Presidential address at British Association for 1863: reprint II IX 28 Arnott, Neil, M.D., F.R.S. On a new Smoke consum- ing and Fuel saving FIREPLACE I III 6, 25 On Warming and Ven- tilation of Schools : reprint I ill 101 On the Position of Fire- places: reprint I ill 38 Aroids, cauline axis of IV vi 624 Aromatic compound, form- ed in sawdust extract; effect on fish IV vn 459 Arragonite, formation of.... II vi 300 Arrhenius. Origin of Life on Globe.... IV vin 425 Arrhenodes septentrionis Hbst. Mels. Cat., in Ontario I in 212,326 Ser. Vol. Page Arrow. Dene Ill vn 139 Dene; fully described IV iv 53 Fenni using bone arrows. . . IV iv 43 Arrow heads, flint, manu- facture Ill in 131 Arsenic. Acid II I 558 Arsenic and Sulphur as Metallurgical Agents in treatment of Cana- dian Auriferous and Argentiferous Ores. By R. Dewar IV I 141 Deposits and production in Canada up to 1905 IV vin 160 Dimorphism II vi 530 Mineral waters contain.... I I 151 Poisoning, detection of. . . . II iv 413 Poisoning, treatment II IV 287 Arsenical nickel, character- istics and Canadian locali- ties II v 172 Arsenical Pyrites. Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II V 172 From Marmora: analysed.. II xn 267 From Tudor, Hastings Co.: analyzed II xn 266 Arsenides, nickel, reduction. IV n 84 Arsenites. On Action of Air on Alka- lic. By Henry Croft.... II ill 126 On oxidation of alkaline.... II x 334 Art. Art in Canada to-day. By J. W. L. Forster IV n 113 Art Society of Upper Canada IV n 113 Canadian, of to-day. By J. W. L. Forster: abstract IV n 22 Gleanings from Euro- pean, Fields. By J. W. L. Forster: abstract IV I 35 Hindrances to American. By W. A. Sherwood: abstract IV iv 235 Nineteenth Century Sacred. By J. W. L. Forster: abstract IV in 28 Spirit of National Art. By W. A. Sherwood: abstract IV in 9 Arteria genu suprema, Orang IV VI 552 Arterial system, amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 422 Arthromacra (Statyra) aenea, Say, Canadian... II i 38 Arthropoda, Toronto tap water Ill I 425 25 A SC ART PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Arthur and Knights of Round Table, traditions IV v 71 Arthur, Sir Geo. Autograph letter to Bishop Mountain II xiv 115 Arthur's Oon II xiv 23 Articulata. Articulata and vertebrata; points of agreement and difference Il iv 281 Fossils around Toronto. ... II iv 450 In rocks at Toronto I I 149 Primordial zone, Quebec... II vi 43 Articulated animals, Cana- dian II vm 24 Artificial, formation of crys- tallized minerals II iv 54 Artisise, preservation of 11 u 476 Artists. Their educational privi- leges AND PROFESSIONAL rights. J. W. L. Forster: abstract IV iv 239 Artolin. In gluten IV vn 500 Preparation of IV vu 505 Arts. Application of silica to I in 106 Society of; centennial I ill 16 Arts, Fine, at Provincial Ex- hibition, Toronto, 1852. . I i 60 Arum triphyllum, Toronto specimen: described I I 206 Arvicola. Canadian locali- ties of A. drummondii, Aud. and Bach Ill vi 81 A. groenlandica (Traill), Rich HI vi 82 A. helvolus, Rich Ill vi 81 A. (Georychus) hudsonius, Rich ... Ill vi 82 A. noveboracensis (Raf)Rich III vi 81 A. oregoni, Bach HI vi 81 A. pennsylvanicus (Ord), Rich Ill vi 80 A. riparius, Ord Ill vi 80 A. riparius (Ord), Rich. ... HI vi 80 A. riparius var. borealis, Rich Ill vi 80 A. townsendi, Bach Ill vi 80 A. trimucronatus, Rich.. .. Ill vi 81 A. xanthognathus, Leach.. Ill vi 80 A. xanthognathus, var. Rich- ardsoni De Kay HI vi 80 Arvicolse. Species found in Nova Scotia. By J. H. Dawson I ill 388 Aryan. Aryan and Semitic roots indicate same source II xin 284 Ser. Vol. Page Aryan-Con. Complexion Ill n 23 Egyptian language connects, and Semitic II xin 287 Egyptian names of persons, places, things common to, and Semitic II xin 288 Elements in Hamite lan- guage II xin 286 Languages; G. and W. com- mu table in IV iv 8 Migrations into Europe, and changes produced in lan- guage Ill VI 110 Origin of Quichua-Aymara: ref Ill v 67 Origin Ill VI 110 Village community Ill iv 62 Asaphidse II i 285 Asaphus. Described (pl.) II vm 28 Primordial zone, Quebec... II Vi 42 A. Canadensis. Described II I 482 Full description (pl.) II in 231 Hypostoma of (pl.) II iv 1 On Hypostoma of, and on A THIRD NEW SPECIES OF Asaphus from Canadian Rocks. By E. J. Chap- man Ill iv 1 A. gig as, from Ottawa R I I 222 A. Hincksii. Canadian specimen 11 iv 141 New species (pl.) II IV 2 A. halli, new species from Trenton limestone of Peterborough, fully de- scribed (pl.) II m 235 A. latimarginatus II n 47 A. megistos. Note on Occurrence of, in Canadian Rocks, with Additional Re- marks on A. Hincksii. By E. J. Chapman II IV 140 Trenton limestone, Ont. ... II iv 140 A. platycephalus. Described II in 231 Toronto II iv 450 Asareel, son of Jehaleleel, traces of, in Egypt II xiv 191 Asarum canadense, L. Canadian habitats; char- acters II vi 278 Asbestos, deposits and in- dustry in Canada IV vm 183 Ascaris II iv 26 A. adunca Rud Ill i 72 A. mystax II iv 14 26 ASH ASC GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ascher. Nom-de-plume Isidore, a poet; wrote Voices from Hearth II xv 454 Aschkinass, E. Alpha rays falling on polished copper emit delta rays: ref IV ix 153 Ascidia II xv 239 A. aurantium (Pallas), syn. Tethyum aurantium Pal- las IV ix 136 A. callosa Stimpson. British Columbia coast.... IV ix 119 Syn. Ascidiopsis prunum (Muller) IV ix 138 A. Columbiana sp. n., Brit- ish Columbia coast IV ix 120 A. complanata Verrill. Syn. A. prunum (Muller).. IV ix 138 A. geometrica stimpson, syn. Chelyosoma maclea- yanum B. and S IV ix 139 A. globularis (Pallas), syn. Rhizomolgala globularis (Pallas) IV ix 127 A. hirsuta Agassiz, syn. Boltenia hirsuta (Agas- siz) IV ix 147 A. mollis Verrill, syn. Phal- lusioides obliqua (Alder). IV ix 139 A. nanaimoensis sp. n., Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 119 A. paratropa sp. n., British Columbia coast IV ix 120 A. seu Phallusia auct. part, British Columbia coast.... IV ix 121 Ascidians. Ascidians from Coasts of Canada. By A. G. Huntsman IV ix 111 Collecting places at Depar- ture Bay, B.C IV ix 113 Commensals in IV ix 116 Compound species at De- parture Bay, B.C IV ix 113 Early development of, on British Columbia coast.. IV ix 115 Eggs IV ix 115 Eggs, manner of producing and retaining ... IV ix 116 From coasts of Maritime Provinces IV ix 111 Larvae IV ix 116 Protozoa in IV ix 117 Species at Ucluelet, B.C.... IV ix 114 Ascidiopsis Verrill sens. nov., British Columbia coast IV ix 119 A. prunum (Muller), Cana- dian Atlantic coast IV ix 138 Ser. Vol. Page Asclepiadaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill II 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 647 London species II vm 231 Ascomycetes, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats.. IV ix 80 Ash (tree). Effect of concentration of its extracts on fish IV vii 455 Suitability for city planting IV vui 270 A. red, swamp and white, Canadian II VI 30 Ash mounds. Description of, at Jerusalem I in 264 Ashbridge's Bay, in early history II xil 171 Ashbridge, Jonathan, Tor- onto II xil 353 Ashchur. Descent and descendants... II xiv 161 Ezra connected with, family II xiv 167 History of II xiv 269 Kenaz connected with II xiv 167 Philistine ethnically connect- ed with II xiv 163 Reasons for believing he was father of Mestraei of Egypt II XIV 182 Traces of, in Arabia II xiv 220 Traces of, in Assyria II xiv 225 Traces of, in Babylonia. ... II xiv 225 Traces of, in Carthage 11 xiv 230 Traces of, in India II xiv 237 Traces of, in Persia II xiv 234 Traces of, in Phoenicia II xiv 230 Traced through Egyptian history II xiv 182 Ashchurite. Arba family of, line II xiv 169 Branches of II xiv 207 Coz family of, line II xiv 171 Ashchurite traces in Achaia II xiv 256 Acarnania II xiv 261 Aegina II xiv 251 Aetolia II xiv 260 America II xiv 268 Among some so-called Tur- anian Peoples II xiv 267 Arcadia II xiv 253 Argos II xiv 255 Armenia II xiv 243 Asia Minor II xiv 244 Attica II xiv 257 Bithynia II xiv 247 Boeotia II XIV 258 Britain II xiv 265 Cappadocia II xiv 248 Caria II xiv 247 27 ASP ASH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Ashchurite, Traces in-Con. Caucasus II xiv 243 China II xiv 267 Chios and Cos Il xiv 250 Coreyra II xiv 251 Corinth Il xiv 256 Crete II xiv 250 Cyprus II xiv 249 Elis II xiv 253 Epirus II xiv 261 Euboea II xiv 251 Galatia II xiv 248 Gaul II xiv 265 Germanic peoples II xiv 266 Greece II xiv 251 Italy II xiv 263 Ithaca II xiv 251 Laconia II xiv 252 Locris H xiv 260 Lydia II xiv 246 Macedonia II xiv 262 Megara II xiv 256 Messenia II xiv 253 Mysia II xiv 244 Palestine II xiv 269 Pamphyllia II xiv 247 Phocis II xiv 260 Phrygia Il xiv 247 Pontus Il xiv 247 Salamis II xiv 251 Samothrace Il xiv 248 Sicyon H xiv 256 Spain II xiv 265 Tenedos 11 xiv 249 Traditions, etc., of Oriental Nations of Indo-Euro- pean stock II xiv 233 Traditions of occidental nations of Indo-European stock II xiv 248 Traditions, etc., of Semitic and Semito-Hamitic na- tions II xiv 219 Thessaly H xiv 261 Thrace II xiv 262 Ashe, E. D., Lieut. R.N. On Employment of Tele- graph TO DETERMINE Longitude of some Canadian Cities II iv 453 Determination of longitude of Quebec and other places II iv 277 Plan of construction of Raft to rescue passengers from sinking ships I in 327 Water power of Quebec.... I ill 327 Asia. America peopled from II i 190 History of tobacco in Il n 240 Ser. Vol. Page Asia, Central. Ass indigenous to I i 155 Geographical and physical features I I 154 Horse domesticated there; evidence for I I 155 Horse indigenous to 1 I 155 Original home of human race I I 154 Plants and animals indige- nous to I I 155 Asia Minor. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 244 Horite traces in II xin 538 Onite connection in II xiv 422 Asiatic. Asiatic Tribes in North America. By Rev. John Campbell Ill I 171 Brain volume comparative. II xv 229 Brain weight II xv 201 Mythology connected with Indian (Amer.) Ill v 61 Origin of Algonkin disputed III v 60 Asiatic-Hyperborean, com- parative vocabulary of, Malay-Polynesian, Algon- quin, Ural, Altaic and Peninsular Ill I 26 Asimina, Canadian species. . II xv 58 A. triloba, Duval. Canadian localities II xv 58 Asio, observations on Cana- dian species Ill vu 200 IV I 56 IV m 67, 88 Asiphonida. Characteristics of, and families in II xi 396 Suggested leading division of Lamellibranchiata. ... II xi 394 Subdivisions II vu 116 A Edict at Girnar (pl. III). . . IV iv 270 Proclamation of, found at Girnar, translated IV iv 266 Proclamations, syllabary of. IV iv 270 Aspelin, J. R. Siberian archaeological ex- ploration: ref , .... IV ii 262 Aspen, Dene use roots against bleeding IV iv 130 Asphalt. Deposits II vi 314 Manufacture in Canada.... IV vm 168 Asphyxia. Action on blood pressure... IV vu 212 Under chloroform (blood pressure tracing) IV vu 212 Aspidiinse. Characters II xn 366 28 ASP GENERAL INDEX AST Ser. Vol. Page Aspidiinse-Con. Proper naming of Canadian II xn 368 Aspidiumlonchitis, Niagara escarpment, Bruce penin- sula II xiv 471 Aspleniinae. II xn 366 Ass. Domesticated before horse. I I 155 Indigenous to central Asia.. I I 155 Assaying. On Assaying of Coals by Blowpipe. By E. J. Chapman II in 208 Instruments and appliances for, coal with blowpipe... II in 212 Assheton. Ciliation of Rana and Triton larvae: ref IV vm 476 Asshur. Descent, family and descen- dants II xiv 158 Assikinack. Algonquins of Georgian Bay; Assikinack War- rior of Odahwas. By J. C. Hamilton: abstract. .. IV iv 232 Assikinack, Francis. Legends and Traditions of Odahwah Indians ... II in 115 Odahwah Indian Lan- guage II in 481 II v 182 Social and warlike cus- toms of Odahwah Indians II in 297 Biography IV iv 233 Ottawa Indian IV vi 302 Assikinack, J. B. Blackbird Indian chief IV vi 300 Assiniboine. Narrative of, exploring Ex- pedition of 1858. By H. Youle Hind:reviewed.... II vi 175 On some Superstitions and Customs common among Indians in Valley of, and Saskat- chewan. By Henry Y. Hind II iv 253 Progress report of exploring expedition, of H. Y. Hind: reviewed II v 187 Assiniboine Indians, pipes. II n 331 Assiniboine R., proportional amounts of salts in water in IV vn 558 Associability, Law of II xi 312 Association. Farmers' Assoc, formed in Tp. of E. Oxford, Co. of Oxford I i 22 Prov. Agri. Assoc., premiums to be awarded in 1853.... I I 23 Ser. Vol. Page Association-Con. Social Science Association.. II vn 384 Assonet, runic epigraphy on II ix 295 Assus in Mysia, copper coin from, in Canadian Insti- tute II IX 227 Assyria. Cuneiform Inscriptions of. By Col. Rawlinson: reprint I in 364 French archaeological ex- plorations in I I 48 Onite connection; table... . II xiv 417 Sumerian family in II xv 286 Traces of Ashchur in II xiv 225 Assyrians. Archaeology of, easy to fully describe IV iv 5 Assyrian Expedition. By Col. Rawlinson (1854): reprint I m 309 Characters denoting num- ber IV v 315 Connection with lonians. .. II xiv 412 Astacus. On Two Species of, found in Ont. By T. J. Cottle.. II vm 216 A. aftinis II vm 218 A. Bartonii, Canadian II vm 217 A. fodiens, new Canadian species II vm 217 Astelic. Central cylinder in Par- nassia parviflora IV vi 612 Astelic, examples in Anemone IV vi 614 Equisetaceae IV vi 614 Phanerogams IV vi 614 Ranunculaceae IV vi 614 Astelic, types in Central cylinder IV vi 627 Monocotyledons IV vi 623 Nymphaeaceae IV vi 620 Plants IV vi 613 Aster corymbosum Ait, host for Gnorimoschema gallaeasterella Kellicott .. IV ix 310 A. divaricatus, host for Gnorimoschema gallae- asterella Kellicott IV ix 310 Asteriadse. New species II m 158 Asterida, Ontario II vi 516 Asteridae. In lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. By E. Billings: ref II iv 43 Protasters ascribed to IV vm 365 Asteroid. Asteroid Planet. By Prof. S. Alexander I in 356 29 AST A TH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Asteroid-Con. Elements of I in 207 Origin I in 207 Peculiarities I in 208 Asthenopia II xi 24 Astraeophyllum (Nicholson and Hinde), generic characters (pl.) II xiv 152 A. gracile, Nicholson and Hinde, Niagara lime- stone, Owen Sound (pl.). II xiv 138 Astragalinus tristis, Habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 59 Astragalus, L., Canadian localities of A. alpinus, L II xv 356 A. canadensis, L II xv 356 A. cooperi, Gray II xv 356 A. robbinsii, Gray II xv 356 Astringents, Dene IV iv 213 Astrocerium, Hall, distin- guished from Favosites. . II xiv 38 A. parasiticum II iv 103 A. pyriforme II iv 103 Astroni I ii 261 Astronomical. Account of U. S. Naval- Expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849-50, 51, 52. By Lieut. Gilliss, U.S.N.: reviewed II n 195 Canadian Institute's me- morial to Governor- General for, Observa- tory at Quebec II ii 309 Canadian Institute's cir- cular LETTER TO ASTRO- NOMERS OF ALL NATIONS on Proposed change in reckoning, Day IV in 307 Clock and spring governor.. I I 215 Inauguration of Dudley Observatory II n 64 Astronomical Day, Opin- ions regarding reckon- ing of, expressed by Carpmael, Chas IV in 316 Christie, W. H. N IV ill 313 Franklin, Commodore, S. R. IV in 315 Harvey, Arthur IV Hi 316 Herschell, Sir John IV in 311 Newcomb, Prof. S IV in 314 Otto Struve IV in 312 Astronomy. Solar Red Flames. By Profs. Alexander and Henry: reprint I ill 356 Chronology of the Form- ation of the Moon. By Prof. Nichol: reprint.... I III 366 Elements of the asteroids... I ill 207 General survey of, in 1853.. In 50 Ser. Vol. Page Astronomy-Con. Great Centre; an Astro- nomical Study. By J. C. Hamilton IV in 189 Motion of Saturn's Rings. By Prof. Benjamin Pierce: reprint I in 356 Nebulae, theories of, in 1852 I I 82 Notes on present state of. By Prof. Challis (1854).. I ill 85 Periodical Comet of Thir- teen years. By Dr. Peters II n 65 Planetoids discovered up to 1854 I in 207 Recent advances in (1863) . II vm 98 Review of progress (1857).. II n 463 Astur, Hamilton species II V 388 A. atricapillus, Canadian specimens II IV 447 Asymptotes, on linear, in Algebraic Curves II vm 290 Atalapha cinerea, Beauv, Canadian localities Ill vi 91 A. noveboracensis, Tomes, Canadian localities Ill VI 91 Ataroth, history of name and family II xiv 169 Atavism II vm 394 Ateleacystites, Ont II vi 516 Ateles, laryngeal sacs IV vi 516 Athabaska R., geology of petroleum areas Ill I 226 Athabaska-McKenzie, pe- troleum localities Ill I 225 Athapascans. Names of seasons IV vi 331 Statistics of IV V 171 Athapaskan,. Inappropriate as generic name of Dene IV iv 9 Languages; Newhawni same as Nah'ane IV vn 517 Athenaeum, indenture re- lating to union of Cana- dian Institute and Tor- onto I in 401 Athenian, connection with Jadag II xiv 428 Athens, copper coins from, in Canadian Institute II ix 227 Athyris. Canadian localities (pl.).. . II vu 113 Fully described and distin- guished from allied genera II vi 138 Generic characters II V 273 II vn 113 Separated from Terebratula and placed with Spiri- feridae II vi 188 30 A TH GENERAL INDEX ATR Ser. Vol. Page A. Chloe, n. sp., Hamilton shales, Ont. (pl.) II v 282 A. Clara, n. sp., corniferous limestone, Ont. (pl.) II v 274 A. Clusia (n. sp.), corniferous limestone, Ont II v 279 A. intermedia, Hall, Thorold II xiv 141 A. maia (n. sp.), corniferous limestone, Ont. (pl.) II v 276 A. naviformis, Hall, Niagara limestone, Dundas II xiv 141 A. rostrata (Hall), Hamilton shales, Ont. (pl.) II v 281 A. unisulcata (Conrad), Canadian specimens (pl.) II v 279 Atitlaris, war with Cachi- quel IV vi 162 Atiyeh, a Carrier game IV iv 81 Atkans, territory Ill vi 265 Atkinson. Completoria in prothallia of ferns: ref IV v 275 Atlantic. Ascidians from Canadian, coast; notes on species... IV ix 137 Cable (first) II m 462 Caesira canadensis sp. n. of Canadian, coast IV ix 140 First boats to cross, under steam IV ix 108 Gales in, May 1857: re- viewed II ii 280 History of first attempts to cross, under steam IV ill 167 On Heights of Tides of, Coast of United States from Observations in Coast Survey. By A. D. Bach: reprint II ill 73 On surface temperature and Great Currents of North Atlantic and Northern Ocean. By Rev. Dr. Scoresby: reprint I u 67 Phallusioides nov. of Cana- dian, coast IV ix 138 Recent Expeditions of "Bulldog" and "Fox" for Cable between Europe and America, via Faroe, Iceland and Greenland: reprint II vi 80 Salmon IV ix 23 Atlantic Telegraph, poem by J. A. Boyd; on com- pletion of first cable II iv 329 Atlantis theory IV vm 373 Atlantidae, generic characters II xn 33 Atlas, Nelson's Atlas of World: reviewed II vm 54 Atlih, a Carrier game IV iv 78 Ser. Vol. Page Atlin, B.C. Climate IV vm 291 Meteorological observations IV vm 291 Atmosphere. Cause of refraction and mathematical expression for amount I i 6 Chlorides in IV vn 335 Correct exposure of ther- mometers for temp, of... I x 76 During period of earth's for- mation IV vn 543 Humidity in; effect on re- fraction I I 7 Lunar atmospheric tide. ... I I 85 On the Atmospheric Phe- nomena of Light. By J. Bradford Cherriman... I i 6, 25 On the causes of the ex- cess OF MEAN TEMP. OF RIVERS ABOVE THAT OF, RECENTLY OBSERVED BY M. Renou. By W. J. M. Rankine: reprint I I 96 Plants and the. By M. J. Jamin: reprint II ix 418 Atmospheric Electricity. At St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Que II iv 266 Atmospherical Electri- city. By Prof. J. Love- ring: reprint I n 155, 181 Aurora connected with I ii 184 Causes of; evaporation, fric- tion and combustion I u 182 Effects of I ii 183 Atnas, AdSnas, not Dene.... IV iv 17 Atokas River, Aux, gazetteer notice, 1813 II xiv 308 Atotarho, in Iroquois Book of Rites: origin of IV vi 264 Atractides ovalis koenike, syn. megapus crassipalpis koen IV ix 289 Atrato. Explorations through VALLEY OF, TO PACIFIC IN SEARCH OF ROUTE FOR Ship Canal. By F. M. Kelley: reprint II u 126 Atrium, Dene, of winter lodges IV iv 190 Atropine. Antidote in chloroform poisoning (Blood pressure tracing) IV vn 228 Effect on blood pressure (tracing) IV vn 227 Paralyzes respiration IV vu 232 Atrypa. Canadian localities II vu 114 31 ATR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE A UR Ser. Vol. Page Atrypa-Con. Generic characters II vi 264 II vii 114 A. arata II vi 269 A. extans, chemical composi- tion compared with allied fossils I ii 265 A. flabellites II vi 351 A. hemiplicata, Hall, Otta- wa R I i 222 A. hemiplicata, true Penta- merus II iv 316 A. impressa, see Atrypa Reticularis. A. increbrescens. Ottawa R I I 222 Toronto II iv 451 A. naviformis, Hall, Dundas 11 xiv 144 A. octocostata II vi 269 A. reticularis (Linn). Devonian of Ont. (pl.) II vi 264 Dundas II xiv 144 Ottawa R I I 222 Niagara limestone, Thorold II xiv 141 A. scitula (Hall), corniferous limestone, Ont. )pl.) II v 278 A. transversa, Ottawa R.... I i 222 Atsinas, Blackfoot gestures for IV v 45 Attelabus, analis Mels. Cat. I in 324 A. bipustulatus Mels. Cat.. I in 258 Attica. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 257 Zimri traces in Il xv 300 Attica Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) ... II xiv 308 Attica River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 308 Attiwandarous IV i 71 Aturidse II n 266 Atzih Winak Hunahpu, re- bellion IV vi 181 Aubert, Dr. Colour experiments IV v 231 Auckland. Earth from II II 361 Geological specimens from.. II u 357 Auditory labyrinth, amiurus (pl.)..... Ill ii 376 A. nerve, amiurus (pl.) Ill u 358 A. organ, amiurus (pl.) Ill u 374 Audubon, monument Ill vi 17 Augite. Characteristics II v 526 Chemical analysis of, from Montarville, Que II v 437 Crystals from different regions Ill v 176 Crystals from dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 175 Hornblende and, relations of II m 517 Ser. Vol. Page Augite-Con. In dykes of Rainy Lake. ... Ill v 181 In Montarville, Que II v 436 Augite-porphyry/ relative date of intrusion into Laurentian series in Canada II m 110 Augusta, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 65 Augusta Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 308 Auk, Little, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 123 A. Razor-billed, Toronto... Ill vn 200 Aulacidea nabali Brodie. Glands more plentiful or larger in galls than in normal tissue IV ix 368 Hosts: anatomy (pl.) IV ix 353 Aulopora (Goldfuss), gene- riccharacters II iv 118 A. cornuta, Billings, cornj- ferous limestone, Ont. (pl.) II iv 118 A. filiformis (Billings), cor- niferous limestone, Ont. . II iv 119 A. umbellifera (Billings), corniferous limestone, Ont. (pl.) II iv 119 Auricula. Flower peculiarities of II v 340 Polystelic type IV vi 608 Auriculidse, generic charac- ters II xii 34 Auriferous mispickel, Mar- mora; analysis of II xiii 509 Auritae, gods of ancestors of. II xm 525 Aurochs. Canal de 1'Ourcq II vi 369 Geographical distribution of, in Europe II vi 374 Aurora Borealis. Atmospheric phenomenon of I m 164 Aurora Borealis. By Ad- miral Sir John Ross and Lieut. W. H. H. Hooper.. I I 95 Aurora and spectroscope: reprint II xii 320 Aurora and Zodiacal Light: reprint I u 38 Aurora Borealis, cause of. By Prof. A. de La Rive: reprint I ill 124, 164 Aurora Borealis, Causes of. By Admiral Sir John Ross: reprint I ill 412 Causes I m 165 Connected with atmospheric electricity I u 184 Description of, and its accom- panying effects I in 125 32 A UR GENERAL INDEX AUT Ser. Vol. Page Aurora Borealis-Con. Displays at Pt. Barrow. ... II in 56 Effect on Magnetic needle. . I in 165 Electrical origin I in 165 Experiments I in 128 Frequency I m 166 Magnetic disturbance I in 125 Magnetic storms IV vi 353 M. de Tessan's observations I in 125 On Amount and Frequency of Magnetic Disturb- ances and of Aurora at Pt. Barrow on shores of Polar Sea. By Major- General Sabine: reprint. . II m 55 Origin I in 124 Phenomena accompanying. I m 164 Phenomena described I in 164 Proposed theory electrical origin I in 126 Results at Toronto, 1859. .. II v 239 Results at Toronto, I860... II vi 211 St. Martin, Isle Jesus, 1852 . In 8 St. Martin, Isle Jesus II iv 265 St. Martin, Isle Jesus, 1859. II v 311 Theories concerning I in 166 Auroral arch, 9th April, 1863, at Toronto II vm 319 Austral type of plants, east coast L. Huron, list and distribution II xiv 477 Australasian S.S. Co., first vessel, Golden Age; de- scription of I i 283 Austria. Imperial Printing Office.... I n 181 Sugar beet industry; de- velopment of II vi 475 Australia. Botany of North Australian Expedition II in 460 Coal deposits II vi 480 Coinage of gold at mint.... II I 442 Gold diggings I I 237 Gold discovery, resultant rush, and results II I 435 Gold fields I I 23 Prices during gold fever.... II I 435 Progress of Melbourne, 1853: reprint I m 266 Water transportation by aborigines II I 268 Australian Aborigines. Aborigines of Australia. By Jas. Browne, Toronto II I 251 Affected by whites II I 511 Australian aborigines II xn 446 Beard; purpose II I 263 Brain capacity II xv 216 Brain volume, comparative II xv 229 Brain weight II xv 201 Ser. Vol. Page Australian Aborigines-Con. Character II xn 449 Chiefs of tribes II i 257 Clothing II i 261 Cockatoo, man's influence over II i 506 Corroberry II i 253 Death customs II i 266 Described II i 252 Feasts II i 257 Female II i 264 Fishing methods II i 260 Food '..... II i 259 Future of II xn 456 Houses II i 259 Jahnac, evil being II i 506 Kangaroo dance II i 254 Kangaroo hunting II i 261 Kangaroo hunts II I 257 Marriage customs II i 264 Method of trial by ordeal. . II I 510 Native dance or corroberry. II i 253 Origin II i 268 Ornaments II i 263 Property rights among II i 256 Religion II i 505 II xil 450 Superstitions and Tra- ditions of. By Jas. Browne, Toronto II I 505 Traditions II xn 452 Traditions concerning ban- dicoot II I 510 Tradition concerning fire... II I 509 Tradition concerning frogs .II i 508 Tradition concerning kan- garoo II I 508 Treatment of old and help- less II xn 453 Tribes of-Murray, Weal, Cockatoo and Kincannup II I 254 Weapons II I 269 Women participate in hus- bands' quarrels II I 265 Australian Archipelago, economic use of shells by aborigines II ill 391 Australioid group of men. .Ill i 8 Autodax. Adaptation to terrestrial life IV vin 485 Colour of larvae IV vm 485 Incubation of eggs IV vm 474 Autographs. Leaves they have touched; being a review of Historical. By Rev. Henry Scadding II xiv 73, 315,479,597 II, xv 145, 531 Canadian (early period).... II xiv 75 Copies of the four Gospels of an early date II xv 153 33 AUT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE AUT Ser. Vol. Page Autographs-Con. Oxford and Cambridge cele- brities, with notes II xiv 597 Value of, as delineating character II xiv 74 Autographs. In this Re- view of Autographs Dr. Scadding gives some peculiarities, reminis- cences, etc., of the different persons given below. The subject- matter of the Auto- graph is given under the person's name. Addison, Rev. Mr II xiv 104 Airy, G. Biddell II xv 150 Allcock, Chief Justice II xiv 98 Amherst, Lord II xiv 84 Arthur, Sir Geo II xiv 115 Bagot, Sir Chas II xiv 117 Barker, E.H II xiv 337 Bateman (Capt.) II xv 531 Blomfield, Dr. Chas. Jas... II xiv 340 Bonaparte, Napoleon II xiv 497 Bouchette, Capt I i xv 532 Bouchette, Surveyor-General 11 xiv 89 Bowles, W. L II xiv 482 Brant, Capt. John (Mo- hawk) II xiv 92 Brock, Major-Gen II xiv 103 Brougham, Lord II xiv 479 Bryant, Jacob II xiv 322 Brydges, Sir Sam. Egerton.. II xiv 496 Buckle, Henry Thos II xiv 481 Bunsen, Chevalier II xiv 500 Butler, Dr. Samuel 11 xiv 341 Canning, Geo Il xv 543 Carleton, General Sir Guy.. Il xiv 80 II xv 145, 532 Carlisle, Earl of II xiv 606 Cecil, Lord Burleigh II xiv 317 Chalmers, Dr II xiv 342 Chambers, Robert II xv 539 Clark, (Mrs. Cowden) II xiv 486 Claus, Hon. Col II xiv 93 Colborne, Sir John Il xiv 112 Coleridge Il xiv 483 Cruikshank, Geo II xiv 486 Daly, Dominick II xiv 118 Denaut, Bishop II xiv 89 Dickens, Chas II xiv 486 Disraeli, Isaac II xiv 328 Dodgson, C. L II xiv 607 Dorchester, Lord II xv 145 Douce, Francis II xiv 326 Dundas, Rt. Hon. Henry . . II xv 533 Dunn, Thos II xv 533 Durham, Lord II xiv 113 Dyce, Alexander II xv 539 Elgin, Lord II xiv 118 Ser. Vol. Page Autographs-Con. Elgin, Earl of (7th) II xv 536 Elmsley, Chief Justice II xiv 96 Elmsley, Mrs. (widow of Chief Justice) II xiv 97 Fanshaw, Richard II xiv 607 Farish, Prof II xiv 618 Franklin, Dr. B II xv 534 Franklin, Sir John II xiv 111 Galt, Chief Commissioner of Canada Co II xiv 110 Garrick, David II xiv 493 George IV II xv 146 George III II xv 531 Glegg, Major (A.D.C. to Gen. Brock) II xiv 104 Gloucester, Duke of (brother of Geo. III.) Il xv 535 Goethe (poet) II xv 150 Gore, Governor II xiv 100 Grote (Geo.) 11 xiv 480 Haldimand, General II xiv 80 Hall, Capt. Basil II xiv 107 Hallam II xiv 480 Halliwell, J. 0 11 xiv 487 Hare, Julius Chas II xiv 625 Harvey, Sir John II xiv 102 Head, Sir Francis II xiv 113 Head, Sir Edmund II xiv 119 Heber, Richard II xiv 328 Hernan, Mrs II xiv 485 Herchmer II xiv 99 Herschel, Sir John Il xv 151 Holland, Major II xiv 85 Hone, W II xv 537 Humboldt, Fred. H. Alex. . II xiv 500 Hume, Jos II xiv 115 Hunt, Leigh II xv 538 Irving, Washington II xv 534 Jameson, Mrs II xiv 486 Johnson, Dr. Samuel II xv 147 Juxon, Bishop II xiv 320 Kemble, John Philip II xiv 493 Lee, Prof. Samuel II xv 544 Lewis, Sir Geo. Cornwall... Il xiv 605 Lowe, Robert II xiv 605 Luttrell, Narcissus II xv 535 Lytton, Lord II xiv 484 Macaulay II xiv 481 Maitland, Sir Peregrine.... II xiv 108 Massey, Gerald II xiv 487 Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon II xiv 114 Mezzofanti, Cardinal II xiv 502 Milman, H. H., Dean II xiv 346 Milton II xiv 494 Mountains, Bishop II xiv 105 Muller, Max II xiv 603 Nares, Robert II xv 542 Nicholson, Otho II xiv 598 Mohawk Chief (John Nor- ton) II_xiv 90 34 AUT GENERAL INDEX y4Z7 Ser. Vol. Page Autographs-Con. Osgoode, Chief Justice (first of Upper Canada) II xiv 93 Palmerston, Lord II xv 146 Parr, Dr. Samuel II xiv 331 Penn, Wm II xiv 120 Philip Ferdinand, Duke of Orleans Il xv 540 Piozzi, Mrs II xv 148 Pitt, Wm II xiv 630 Powell, Justice II xiv 97 Pownall, Geo II xv 532 Prince of Orange II xiv 321 Queen Charlotte II xv 535 Queen Victoria II xiv 631 Ramsay, E. B., Dean II xiv 346 Russel, Receiver-General (U. C.) II xiv 100 Reed, Isaac II xv 539 Ritson, Jos II xv 539 Robinson, J. B II xiv 112 Rochefoucauld-Lian court, Duke de la II xiv 75 Rogers, Samuel II xiv 328 Ruskin II xiv 604 Scholefield, Rev. Jas II xiv 621 Scott, Chief Justice II xiv 99 Scott, Sir Geo. Gilbert. ... II xiv 606 Scott, Sir Walter II xv 148 Sedgwick, Adam II xiv 616 Shakespeare II xiv 487 Sheaffe, Gen II xiv 107 Simeon, Rev. Chas II xiv 622 II xv 153, 543 Smith, Col. Samuel II xiv 108 Smyth, Prof II xiv 620 Smith, Col. F II xv 533 Smith, Sydney II xiv 343 Southey II xiv 482 Stanley, Dean (Dr. Arthur Penrhyn) II xiv 602 Stewart, Bishop, II XIV 113 Strachan, Dr II xiv 105 Sydenham, Lord II xiv 116 Taylor, Sir Henry II xiv 483 Tennyson II xiv 484 Thackeray II xv 538 Thirlwall, Connop II XV 544 Thrale, Mrs II xiv 335 Tryon, Gov. of N. York. .. II xiv 121 Walpole, Horace II xiv 323 Washington, Geo II xiv 123 Wellington, Duke of II xiv 347 Wesley, John II xv 542 Whewell, Wm II xiv 611 Widder, Fred. (Canada Co.) II xiv 111 Wilberforce, Bishop II xiv 601 Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta. II xiv 342 Wolff, Jos II xv 544 Wordsworth II xiv 481 Wordsworth, Christopher. . II xiv 614 Ser. Vol. Page Autumn, Hudson's Strait... IV v 110 Avens, Canadian localities. . . II xv 363 Avernus I n 261 Aves. Sclater's views on Geogra- phical distribution of.... II hi 459 Species that contain Nissl granules IV Vi 424 Avicula alata, Hall, Dundas II xiv 144 A. demissa (Conrad), Tor- onto II iv 452 Aviculidae and mytilidae, in near neighbourhood of each other II ix 394 Avocets II xi 159 Awls, Dene bone IV iv 69 Axes, various of Dene's IV iv 43, 140 Axum, first capital of Abys- sinia II x 47 Aymara,. Brain capacity of II xv 221 Language Ill v 131 Ayr, arrival of Birds at IV in 63 Ayres, Philip Burnard, M.D. Micro-chemical Researches on Digestion of Starch and Amylaceous Foods: reprint I in 310 Aythya affinis, Toronto IV m 84 Aytoun, W. Edmondstoune. Bothwell; a poem in 6 pts.: reviewed II I 541 Azoic formation. Boundaries of, on L. Huron and L. Temiscamang. . .. II n 441 L. Huron district II II 440 L. Temiscamang II n 440 Azoic Rocks. Canada II II 302 II VIII 111 II ix 1 Division of Azoic Rocks of Canada into Huron- IAN AND LAURENTIAN. By Sir William E. Logan II n 439 Extent of subsilurian of Canada II n 439 Group II vin 452 Huronian and Laurentian.. II vm 113 AvfAPQ Alphabet... Ill m 168 Amalgamation process of extracting metals pro- bably known to them.... IV iv 360 Basque forms compared with Ill ii 169 Characters similar to those of Syria Ill ill 148 Circassian forms compared with Ill II 169 Contests with Huastecs. IV vi 178 35 AZT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BAC Ser. Vol. Page Aztecs-Con. Copper of 6 tons weight found in their mine, de- scription of mine I I 132 Diffusion of, stock at Spanish Conquest II I 377 Estimation of date of dis- appearance from L. Su- perior I I 134 Georgian forms compared with Ill H 168 Hittite forms on monuments compared with Ill II 179 Hittite traces among, of Mexico Ill ii 158 Khitan Languages, and its relations. By Prof. John Campbell HI II 158 Lesghian forms compared with HI ii 166 Love song IV vi 341 Maya-Quiche of different origin IV vi 156 Methods in mining I I 133 Mound builders connection with I i 107 III ii 171 Origin HI v 65 " Palli" traced through vari- ous languages Ill ii 175 Peculiarity of, language... . Ill II 161 Phonetic values of, characters III in 157 Reason for considering they mined copper on L. Su- perior I i 132 Serpent worship IV V 13 Time reckoning IV V 313 Tools used by them in min- ing I I 133 Traces in Kamtchatdale. . . Ill n 171 Tribe in C. America II I 375 Turanian syllabary deciph- ered from, characters. .. . HI in 149 Wooden tools found in their mines about L. Superior. I I 133 Baal Peor, origin of II xiv 198 Babbington, Dr. Prevention of incrustation in steam boilers I I 24 Babcock, J. P. Salmon fry may remain a year on spawning grounds: ref IV ix 33 Salmon run in 1907: ref. . . IV IX 27 Babcock and Russel. Action of rennet on cheese: ref IV vii 120 Unorganized ferment factor in ripening cheese: ref... IV vu 113 Babeen Indians, pipes (pl.). II n 333 Ser. Vol. Page Babies, Dene mode of carry- ing IV iv 134 Eabine Indians. Beard not rare among IV iv 18 Gambling sticks IV iv 78 Habitat IV iv 27 Physical peculiarities IV iv 18 Subdivisions IV iv 27 Eabinet, M. Anthelic phenomena ob- served I I 7 Eaby, Jas., Toronto II xn 159 Babylonia. Celt in ancient Egypt and. By Rev. John Campbell IV v 89 Cuneiform inscriptions of. By Col. Rawlinson I ill 364 Gileadite traces in II xv 77 Il or Ra, great god II xm 523 Onite connection table Il xiv 417 Traces of Ashchur in II xiv 225 Babylonian. Connection with lonians. . . II xiv 412 Coptic article in, examples. II xm 413 Dunki, monarch IV v 95 Egyptian and, alliances. ... IV v 97 Mythology II xm 158 Use of horses I I 180 Bache, Prof. A. D. Cause of increase of Sandy Hook II II 67 Cotidal lines of diurnal and semi-diurnal tides of Gulf of Mexico II ii 68 Notes on Measurement of Base for Primary Triangulation of East- ern Section of Coast of United States, on Ep- ping Plains, Maine: re- print '. II hi 74 On Heights of Tides of Atlantic coast of Unit- ed States from Observ- ations in Coast Survey: reprint II hi 73 Notice of Earthquake Waves: reprint I Hi 355 On Winds of Western Coast of United States from Observations in Connection with Coast Survey: reprint II m 72 Progress made in the coast Survey in prediction tables of tides for U. S. Coast II ii 70 36 BAC BAC GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Bache, A. D. and Charles A. Schott. Notice of Longitude of Fernandina, Florida, by Chronometer Exchanges from Savannah, Georgia: reprint II in 71 Bache, Major Hartman. Lighthouse on New South Shoal, Nantucket, U.S. I in 121 Bachouanan R., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Bachul Mohr, miraculous powers of II iv 436 Bacillus. Characteristics of, found in milk IV vn 476 In milk........ IV vn 475 In yellows in fruit IV n 215 Typhoid, in relation to Drinking water. By J. J. Mackenzie: abstract.. IV n 11 B. acidi lactici. Cause of ripening of Ched- dar cheese IV vn 107 In milk IV vn 474 B. anaerobic, in cheese ' IV vn 109 B. annulatum (Wright), in milk IV vn 474 B. Clostridium foetidum lactis, in cheese IV vn 109 B. cremoris (43), in milk.... IV vn 475 B. exiguum (Wright). In milk IV vn 475 Inoculated in udders: results IV vn 477 B. fluorescens liquefaciens, in udder IV vn 477 B. halofaciens (n. sp.), in milk IV vn 474 B. icterogenes, cause of yellow fever IV vm 57 B. lactis aerogenes IV vn 479 B. lactis No. 9 Flugge, in milk IV vn 475 B. mesentericus vulgatus.. IV vn 478 B. Nos. 7, 8 and 18, Conn, in milk IV vn 475 B. prodigiosus, inoculated in udders: results IV vn 477 B. proteus IV vn 479 B. subtilis IV vn 478 B. XVI, Adametz IV vn 108 Backhaus. Amount of fresh manure dissolved in milk, and danger of filth and bac- teria: ref IV vn 467 Cleaning milk by centri- fugal force: ref IV vn 487 Connection between bac- teria and dirt in milk: ref IV vn 467 Ser. Vol. Page Backhaus-Con. Defects of gravel filters for cleaning milk: ref IV vn 486 Backwoodsman, nom-de- plume of Dr. Wm. Dun- lop: selections from writ- ings II xv 442 Bacteria. Bacterial Contamination OF MILK AND ITS CONTROL. By F. C. Harrison IV vn 467 Bacterial contamination of milk: bibliography IV vn 495 Bacteriological examination of sawdust water in shade and sunshine: effect on fish IV vu 466 Conditions which govern existence of, in soil IV I 157 Connection between, and filth in milk IV vn 467 Conn's method of procur- ing natural starters for cultures in milk IV vn 476 Cultures from sawdust ex- tracts: effect on fish IV vn 460 Cyanophycese cell structure same type as in IV vi 444 Difference in sunlighted and shaded streams on bac- teria and fish life IV vn 460 Effect of sunlight on IV vin 102 Effect of temperature of milk on IV vn 492 Effect of vaseline on hands in milking on IV vn 482 Experiments on bacteria in udder IV vn 473 Experiments on centrifugal treatment of milk on... . IV vn 488 Facultative anaerobes in milk IV vn 477 From udders of killed cows IV vn 478 From freshly killed animals IV vn 478 Germicidal action of fresh milk on B. Cholera Vibrio, Typhoid and Shaffiri. .. . IV vn 480 In dairy utensils IV vn 491 In fore and after, milk IV vn 473 In freshly drawn milk IV vn 470 In gravel filtered and un- filtered, milk IV vn 486 In ground waters at differ- ent depths IV I 158 In human milk IV vn 472 In manure and filth where milking occurs IV vn 481 In milk clarified by centri- fugal force IV vn 487 In milk from machine milker IV vn 483 In sawdust extracts, pro- duce aromatic compound, effect on fish IV vn 459 37 BAC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BAL Ser. Vol. Page Bacteria-Con. In stable air to contaminate milk IV vii 490 In udders: from blood or through teats IV vn 479 In udder milk IV vii 471 In very low temperature.. . IV vm 425 Invasion of udder by IV vn 472 Lactic acid, in cheese IV vn 112 Nutritive relations in saw- dust extracts on fish life. . IV vn 461 Pails used in milking, effect on IV vn 482 Peptonizing, in cheese IV vn 111 Species in milk IV vn 474 Temperature for growth of, in milk IV vn 476 Bad-People. Dene tribe, its habitat and population IV iv 16 Tribe HI vn 113 Badger, Canadian localities. . Ill vi 75 Badger Song, of Navajos.... IV vi 324 Badger Vein, in Kamanis- tiquia Ill vii 257 Baffin Land, Eskimo Ill vi 265 Bag-net fishing, D&nes IV iv 91 Bagot, Sir Chas. Autograph letter about Clergy Reserves II xiv 117 Foundation of University of Toronto II xm 487 Bags, Dene, their varieties. . . IV iv 146 Bahama banks, submarine valleys IV V 363 Bahamah channel, section of (pl.) IV v 364 Bahamas, exports and pro- ducts (1859). II vn 137 Baikal, L., original home of Turanians and Lapps. ... Ill vi 282 Baile, names in Isle of Man containing Ill n 184 Bailey, Bruce. List of coleoptera col- lected by, in Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, C.P.R., 1884 III v 213 Bain. Electric clock I i 44 Bain, Prof. Alex. Mind and Body: ref Ill v 14 Bain, Jas., D.C.L. Obituary..., IV vm 549 Bain, J. W. Iron ranges in L. Wendigo- kan region: ref IV vm 341 Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Obituary Ill vi 1 Bakele. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Ser. Vol. Page Baker, Prof. Alfred. Some experiments in con- nection WITH DOCTRINE of Probabilities Ill v 194 Bakerian Lecture. On Osmotic Force. By Prof. Graham: reprint... I m 12 Bakkan of stranger kings, traces of, in Egypt II xiv 194 Bala limestone, Wales I i 248 Balaklava. Balaklava Tempest and MODE OF INTERPRETING Barometrical Fluctua- tions. By T. Dobson: reprint II n 111 Balanus Hameri, Gaspe, Que II v 465 Balbiani. On true sexual reproduc- tion in Infusoria: reprint 11 vii 391 Baldwin. Description of Palace at Palenque IV Vi 107 Description of Ruins of Copan IV vi 151 Baldwin, Dr., Toronto. Career II xm 111, 435 Spadina House residence... II xn 165 Baldwin, Hon. Rob. Abstract of address at first Annual Meeting of Cana- dian Institute IV vi 20 Ballads. Of Scotland: reviewed II iv 295 Romantic Scottish Ballads; their epoch and author- ship. By Robert Cham- bers: reviewed II iv 468 Ballard. Theory of formation of glu- ten: ref IV vii 511 Ballingall, Sir Geo. Obituary notice II I 86 Balloon, scientific, ascent, by Mr. Glaisher, 5th Sept., 1862 II vii 526 Ballot, Dr. Buys. On System of Forecasting Weather pursued in Holland: reprint II ix 49 Ballybetagh bog, ancient haunt of Cervus Megaceros HI I 211 Baloena mysticetus, Linn., Prince of Wales Sound HI v 118 Balsam, Canadian species with habitats II xv 350 Balsam Lake. Indian remains and relics FOUND NEAR. By G. E. Laidlaw: abstract IV u 33 38 BAL GENERAL INDEX BAR Ser. Vol. Page Balsaminacese, London spe- cies II vm 223 Baltimore Oriole. Habits of Ont. frequenters.. HI in 97 Hamilton frequenters II vi 129 Banana family, species yield- ing paper fibre II Xi 198 Bandelier, A. A. Early Navajos: ref IV iv 12 Bandes polaires, cause of... I i 7 Bandicoot, tradition of abori- gines of Australia con- cerning II I 510 Baneberry, Canadian spe- cies with habitats II xv 57 Banks Isd., B.C. Ascidiopsis paratraps, sp. n. IV ix 120 Corella rugosa, sp. n IV ix 122 Banks Land (Arctic), wood on I n 111 Bannister, Christopher. Account of Coppermine region IV ix 210 Bantine Table I n 276 Baphetes planiceps, Nova Scotia II xv 116 Baptisia, Vent, Canadian localities of B. alba, R. Br II xv 361 B. leucantha, Torr, and Gray II xv 360 B. tinctoria, R. Br II xv 360 Baraba steppe, Siberia, water supply affected by cultivation I n 132 Barb breed of horses, coun- tries found in I i 200 Barbados. Exportsand products (1859) II vn 140 Geology and physical fea- tures IV vn 366 Position in geological times IV vm 376 Barbarea, R. Brown, Cana- dian localities of B. praecox, R. Br II xv 65 B. vulgaris, R. Br II xv 65 Barberry, Canadian localities II xv 58 Barbuda, physical features and geology IV vn 359 Barbue Pt., gazetteer notice, 1813 II xiv 367 Barbue River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 367 Barclay, Dr. Theory of Righthandedness II xm 201 Barcroft and Brodie. Excess absorption of oxygen during period of diuresis over period of rest: ref. .. IV ix 397 Bardeleben, K. Praepollex theory: ref IV vi 546 Ser. Vol. Page Barford, J. G. Charcoal as a Disinfect- ant: reprint I hi 196 Baril, Isles du, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Baril, Pointe au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Barium. On Iodide of. By H. Croft II x 333 On some new Salts of Cadmium and the Io- dides of. By Henry Croft II I 13 Cadmio-iodide of, prepara- tion of II I 16 Iodide of, preparation of. .. II I 18 Bark. Dene, bottles IV iv 135 Dene, peelers IV iv 76 Dene, utensils IV iv 76 120,135 Dene, vessels IV iv 120 Effect of concentration of hemlock, extract on fish. . IV vn 453 Effect of extracts from white pine, hemlock and cedar bark on fish life IV vn 457 Barker, E. H. Autograph of., in copy of Facciolati's "twelve ora- tions'' which Dr. Scadd- ing possesses; brief sketch of Barker and the Book. . II xiv 337 Barlow. Observation of Aurora Bore- alis: ref I in 127 Barlow, Rev. J., M.A., F.R.S. On Silica and some of its applications to the arts: reprint I in 106 Barlow and Adams. Grenville and Hastings rocks are elastic: ref IV vm 497 Barn Swallow, habits of Ontario visitors HI in 93 Barnett, J. Davies. Mechanical Value and Treatment of Hard and Soft Coal Ill iv 82 Barnet, Eng., sludge disposal IV n 146 Barometer. Reduction of, to Sea Level. By Chas. Carp- mael Ill I 1 St. Martin's, Isle Jesus, re- sults for 1859 II v 308 Toronto, results for 1860... II vi 210 Barometric Pressure. Abnormal variations in, at Toronto (1854-62), espe- cially to direction of wind II IX 115 39 BAR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BAS Ser. Vol. Page Barometric Pressure-Con. At St. Martin, Isle Jesus, discussed „ II iv 263 Barometrical fluctuation. Balaklava tempest and mode of interpreting. By T. Dobson II n 111 Baron de Hoen, Toronto.... II xm 435 Baron de Rottenburg, Colonel. Occultation of Spica Vir- ginis BY THE MOON, 12TH March, 1857 II n 180 Solar Spots observed at Toronto in Jan., Feb., Mar., 1858 II in 293 Supposed Self-Luminosity of Planet Neptune. ... II i 424 Baron Von Reichenbach. On classification of meteor- 'ites II v 206 Barque, Isle de la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Barrandia II vi 190 Barrande Joachim. Letter to, from Sir W. E. Logan on Primordial Zone of Canada II vi 41 Classification of Trilobites.. II I 282 Zone Primordiale in America II iv 316 Barrel process, of extracting metals IV iv 364 Barren Ground Caribou, Canadian localities Ill vi 68 Barren Grounds IV ix 202 Barren Strawberry, Cana- dian localities II xv 364 Barrett, M. On Composition, Struc- ture and Development of Bone II x 194 Barrie. List of Flora at. By H. B. Spotton II xv 46 Barrie skull (pl.) II xm 125 Barrier Pt., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Barrois, C. Reproduction in sponges: ref II xv 420 Barrow-builders, Britain... II ix 378 Barrows, measurements of Crania from British, and cists II vn 436 Barry Islands, copper and character of rock, etc., in IV ix 219 Barth, Dr. Account of Journey to Timbuctoo: reprint I ii 256 Arrival at Timbuctoo: re- print I ii 256 Ser. Vol. Page Barth, Dr.-Con. Explorations#*' of, in Africa: reprint I m 387 Meeting of Dr. Vogel and. By Augustus Peter- man : reprint I m 265 Reported death of I m 269 Travels in central Africa. . . I in 83 Barthel. Reason for Storch's test acting in milk: ref IV vn 115 Barton Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Baryta. Action of, on Titanic Acid in blowpipe II x 343 Caustic, from carbonate.... I n 36 Detection of, in Presence of Strontia by blowpipe.... II x 343 Reaction of Manganese Salts on, in blowpipe. . . II x 342 Solubility of sulphate of, in acids II i 394 B. Carbonate of, blowpipe reactions II in 517 B. sulphate of. Canadian localities II vi 156 Decomposition of II in 521 In New York I n 37 In Nova Scotia I I 241 Substitute for white lead. . . II iv 328 Tests II vi 156 Barytic, process in sugar manufacture I n 35 Barytine, occurrence in L. Superior districts II x 409 Basaltic. On Composition and Microscopic Structure of Certain, and Meta- morphic Rocks. By Dr. Andrews: reprint I I 168 Bases. Phosphuretted II I 194 Strength of II I 80 Volatile II I 82 Basic Eruptive, L. Wendigo- kan region IV vm 358 Basidiomycetes,list of Ontario IV ix 69 Basicity of Oxides II i 193 Basioccipital, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 272 Basisphenoid, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 275 Basophile substance, in cell as it develops (pl.) IV vi 420 Basque. Aztec forms compared with III n 169 Comparative vocabulary of, Iroquois Ill I 297 Constructions in Etruscan. . Ill in 152 40 BAS BAT GENERAL INDEX Ser Vol. Page Basque-Con. Hittite forms from monu- ments compared with.... Ill n 179 Language compared with Iroquois Ill I 287 Language, similarities to Caucasian traced Ill i 290 Lesghian compared with... HI n 163 Migrations HI v 69 Mutil; derivation Ill n 173 Origin of American tribes.. Ill V 73 Origin of Canary Islanders. IV vii 34 Origin of Etruscan HI v 87 Phonetic values of, char- acters HI in 157 Primitive population in Europe HI vi 110 Skulls II ix 377 Tribe or race Ill V 89 Vocabulary of Canary Is- land dialects compared with IV vn 81 Bass. Effect of hemlock sawdust on, fry IV vii 448 Effect of Norway pine saw- dust on IV vn 449 Effect of pine extract on... IV vii 446 Bass, black. B.C. Cedar sawdust, effect on IV vii 448 Cedar extract, effect on... . IV vn 443 Effect of sawdust in experi- mental tank on, fry IV vii 433 Bass (rock), effect of saw- dust in experimental tank on IV vn 433 Bass Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Bass Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Bass Islands, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 367 Basswood. Canadian II vi 31 Canadian localities II xv 176 Bastard Tp., gazetteer notice, 1813 II xiv 368 Bastedo. ftaEffect of sawdust on fish: IV vn 432 Bast-tissue, y. a"' ginianum IV v 284 Bats. Catalogue of species found in United States II I 189 Ceylon II VII 348 Parasites in. By Henry Goadly, M.D I in 355 Vespertilio novaboracensis, Toronto I n 171 Ser. Vol. Page Bats, Canadian localities of Blunt nosed Ill vi 91 Brown Ill vi 91 Hoary Ill vi 91 Little Brown Ill vi 91 Red Ill vi 91 Sil very-haired Ill vi 91 Batchelder, Sedgewich and. Examined Boston milk sup- ply for bacteria: ref IV vii 468 Bateman, Capt. Autograph letter about winter at Halifax, 1760. . II XV 531 Bateman. Latin inscriptions on pigs of lead found in Britain: ref. II vii 30 Bateson, S. Anastatic Printing I I 95 Bath, Eng., Notes on Latin Inscriptions. On gravestones, etc II v 484 II vi 395; II x 106 On Roman medicine stamp. II in 8 To Goddess Sul II vi 401 Batholith, L. Wendigokan region IV vin 359 Bathurst Inlet, copper in vicinity IV ix 219 Bathybius II xv 241 Bathymetrical, distribution of British marine animals and plants I I 109 Bathynotus II vi 190 Bathyurus. Potsdam sandstone, Canada II vn 72 Primordial zone, Quebec. .. II vi 42 Batrachia II v 86 Batrachians, fossil, from coal strata of Ohio ... II in 261 Batrachoides nidificans.... IV i 213 Battery. Cast-iron I I 243 Description of, made with tin, platinum and nitric acid , I I 17 Description of some new kind of Galvanic Batteries invented by Kukla of Vienna: re- print I H 165 Golding Bird's Battery and decomposing Cell I I 16 Maynooth I I 243 Use made of waste products of I I 244 Batteau Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Batture Grand, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 41 BAU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BEC Ser. Vol. Page Baur, G. Praepollex element, true carpal displaced: ref IV vi 546 Bauxite deposits, France... II vi 387 Bauhin, Caspar. " Resurrection Bone ref.. IV ix 45 Bawtree, E. W. Tropical shells found near Penetanguishene: ref.... II ill 399 Bay of Chaleur, coal seams.. II xv 385 Bay of Fundy, fisheries I n 117 Bay of Quinte. Age of ancient mounds in, district II v 413 Contents of ancient mounds found around II v 412 Location of ancient mounds in II v 411 ON SOME ANCIENT MOUNDS UPON SHORES OF. By Thos. Campbell Wall- bridge II v 409 Skeletons found in ancient mounds in, district (pl.).. II V 414 Trenton Limestone II v 42 Bayerl. Experiment on haemoglobin: ref IV ii 226 Bayfield, Capt. Observations on lake levels of Great Lakes, 1825-26: ref I ii 296 Bayham Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Bay-winged Bunting, Habits of Ontario visitors HI in 95 Beaches. Geological age of, of L. Huron I I 226 Iroquois, at Black Creek... IV vi 33 Iroquois, L. Ont IV vi 29 Jamaica IV v 353 Old lake, in Nottawasaga valley I I 226 Terraces and, in northwest- ern Ontario and Manitoba II ix 259 Beadle, D. W. Canadian Wild Flowers.... IV m 125 Bean family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 198 Bear. Alimentary Canal of. By J. Bovell, M.D 1 in 203 Canadian species and their localities Ill vi 76 Den6, snares (pl.) IV iv 99 Dene, totem (pl.) IV iv 205 Dene, traps (pl.) IV iv 95 D6n&, methods of catching. IV iv 95 Use made of, by Dene's.. IV iv 107, 205 B. Brown, Canadian localities III vi 77 Ser. Vol. Page B. Sea, Canadian localities. . . Ill vi 77 Bearded Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Bearded Seal, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 78 Beatricea, Anticosti Island. II in 327,331 B. nodulosa, Anticosti Island II in 332 B. undulata. Anticosti Island II in 332 St. John Valley, Que II vi 271 Beauharnois Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Beaver. ALsop mentions II iv 360 Ancient haunts in Britain.. II iv 375 Antiquity II iv 374 Canadian localities Ill vi 84 Character and habits of Canadian, from earliest times. II iv 363 Denes'method of hunting.. Ill vn 131 Dene, nets (pl.) IV iv 67 Dene, trapping IV iv 87 Denes' various methods of catching IV iv 66, 87 Early notices of, in Europe and America. By Daniel Wilson II iv 359 Haunts in ancient and modern Europe II iv 379 Indian legends about II iv 369 Mentioned in ancient litera- ture II iv 360 Part not eaten by Dene.... IV iv 108 Snaring by Denes IV iv 66 Beaver Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 368 Beaver nets IV iv 67 Beaver River. Gazetteer notice (1813)... . II xiv 368 Valley (pl.) ....... 1V vn 175 Beaver Vein Kamanistiquia III vn 258 Beavers (Indians). Athabaska Ill V 216 Branch of Tse'kehne IV iv 11 Habitat IV iv 29 How separated from Sarcees IV iv 11 Tribe (Dene) Ill vn 112 Becari. Gluten from wheat flour: ref IV vn 497 Beche, Sir Henry de la. Obituary I in 262 Bechstein, T. M., M.D. Cage and chamber birds, their Natural History, HABITS, FOOD, DISEASES, MANAGEMENT AND MODES of capture: reprint I n 124 Beck, Prof. Classification of spruce (1833) III vi 172 42 BEC GENERAL INDEX BEL Ser. Vol. Page Becker, Popp and. Germ content in milk put through separator: ref.... IV vn 487 Becquerel, M. On M. Marie-Davy's New Electro-Magnetic En- gine: reprint I in 33 Bedford, Eng., sewage farm. IV n 146 Bedford Tp. Analysis of fluor-apatite from II xiii 507 Analysis of iron ore from... II xiii 508 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 368 Bee-eaters, generic charac- ters II ix 234 Bee sting, remedy I i 189 Beech, suitability for city planting IV vni 269 Beech, blue, red and white, Canadian II vi 31 Beer, cooled by centrifugal action during its manu- facture I I 11 Beer-Worts. Dextrine Maltose in. By C. Gordon Richardson: abstract Ill v 133 Beet-Root. On Purification of Juice of, in Manufacture of, Sugar. By M. Emile Rousseau: reprint II vi 292 Useful by-products after ex- tracting sugar I I 105 Beet Sugar. Effect of discharge from beet sugar mills on fish life IV vn 439 Industry in Canada IV vni 175 Production in Canada, 1901-1904 IV vni 190 Beetz, W. On colour of water: re- print II vni 42 Beggiatoa. Cytoplasm of growing cells. IV vi 477 General cell structure IV vi 477 Granules in IV vi 477 Literature on structure of.. IV vi 474 Macallum's methods of study of structure and materials IV vi 476 "Masked" iron in IV vi 475, 478 Methods of fixing IV vi 476 Methods of staining IV vi 476 Phosphorus reaction in. . . . IV vi 478 Spirillum like forms "cocci" and comma-shaped organ- isms; structure IV vi 478 Structure of cells after fixing IV vi 477 Ser. Vol. Page Begonia, experiments with solutions of CaH2(Co3)2 and Ca(OH)2 placed on leaves in drops IV vn 312 Beijerinck, M. W. Propertires of cyanophyceae: ref IV vni 428 Beke, Dr. On the Koh-i-noor diamond I I 95 Belajeff. Cilia forming body in Filicineze and Equise- tinese: ref IV v 276 Belcher, Sir E. Arctic exploration (1853)... I n 85 Northwest passage explora- tion I n 85 Plan for searching for Sir John Franklin I i 118 Belcher's Artesian Well, St. Louis I i 237 Belgium, universal time Ill in 64 Belief. And intuition II x 245 And sensations II x 234 In mathematical proposi- tions II x 243 In a scientific generalization II x 240 Thoughts on, and Evi- dence. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II x 232 Bell. Theory that horse first domesticated by Egyp- tians I I 155 Bell, Prof. A. J., Ph.D. Origin of Gender IV vi 61 Bell, Rev. Andrew. Testimony regarding Geo- logical Survey of Canada I ill 255 Bell, C. N. Mound Builders in Can- ada Ill iv 131 Bell, I. L. On Aluminium; progress of manufacture: reprint II IX 51 Bell, Melville. Vowel, production Ill VI 182 Bell, Dr. Robert. Geological History of L. Superior IV vi 45 Marble Island and North-West Coast of Hudson's Bay Ill iv 192 Mode of occurrence of Apatite in Canada Ill in 294 Occurrence of Petro- leum in N.W.T. OF Canada with notes on NEW LOCALITIES Ill I 225 43 BEL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BER Ser. Vol. Page Bell, Dr. Robert-Con. Sketch of Geology of Route of Intercolonial Ry II xv 381 Canadian apatite deposits in true veins: ref IV vm 499 Difficulties in collecting Canadian mineral statis- tics Ill v 188 Origin of apatites: ref IV vm 496 Bell, Prof. R. Differences between white and black spruces Ill vi 175 Bell. Bindbean Bell, miraculous power of II vi 433 Clog beanuighte Bell, super- stitions concerning II iv 431 Ronecht Bell, miraculous properties of II iv 432 Bella Coola Indians, British Columbia Ill v 218 Belle River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Bellerophon cancellatus (Hall), Toronto II iv 451 Bellerophons, Ottawa R.... I i 222 Belleville. Climate of Hamilton com- pared with, as influencing Flora of the two places... II xiv 287 Drift (pl.) II v 42 Fossils collected at II v 45 Geology of. By Prof. E. J. Chapman II v 41 List of plants that do not occur at II xiv 302 Origin of name II xm 185 Situation II v 41 Bellona, planet, discovery. . I n 313 Bellot, Lieut. Memorial to II I 88 Belly River Series, Irvine Ravine HI v 161 Belceil Mt., Que., chemical analysis of felspar from.. II V 435 Beltrami, J. C. Exploration of Red Cedar Lake Country Ill vi 142 Belts, Den6 weaving of IV iv 157 Beluga catodon (L.,) Prince of Wales Sound HI v 119 Belzung. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 245 Ben-Djemma skull, Mor- tonian Collection II vm 136 Benecke. Microscopical analysis of Emmenthaler cheese: ref. IV vu 104 Ser. Vol. Page Beneden, P. J. Van. On Transformation of Entozoa: reprint II vn 467 Benedict, Rowswell G. Report on Great Western Ry: extracts I I 20 Beneke. Fat absorbed by intestine in fine particles as emulsion: ref IV vin 242 Benjamites, left handedness of Ill in 127 Bennard, Prof. On new Refractometer: reprint I in 112 Bennett, J. Printer and publisher of Gazette II xil 523 Bensley, R. R. Fixing agent for nerve cells: ref IV vi 407 Bentham, Geo. Outlines of Elementary Botany, as Introductory to Local Floras: reviewed II vn 79 Benwell (Northumberland), note on Latin Inscription on stone found at II iv 177 Roman name Condercum: evidence II xm 141 Benzine, discovered by Fara- day I i 78 Benzoic Alcohol II i 81 Beraea maculata, Hagen, characters; N. American habitats II vn 501 Berber, relation to Guanche.. IV vn 34 Berberidaceae. Barrie species 11 xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 II xv 58 Hamilton species HI n 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 63,65 II xv 58 London species II vm 220 Berberis vulgaris, L., Cana- dian localities II xv 58 Berczy, Mr., Markham .... II xm 442 IV i 74 Berczy, Wm., York II xm 362 Berenice, Ptolemaeus I. and, copper coin of, in Canadian Institute II ix 230 Bergamot Pear Oil, manu- facture of I n 11 Berkeley. Theory of Knowledge II i 117 New Theory of Vision II xi 212 Berkeley, Rev. M. J. Introduction to Crypto- gamic Botany: reviewed. II in 342 44 BER BIB GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Berlin (Ger.), amount of filth in milk supply IV vn 467 Bernard. Pancreas of Amiurus: ref.. . HI n 413 Bernardston, Mass., geology III iv 69 Bernicla brenta, Stephens, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 121 B. Hutchinsi, Richardson, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 121 Berriedale, Lord. Manufacture of paper from thistles; patent: reprint I ill 298 Berries, used by Denes and method of preserving. ... IV iv 125 Berry basket, Dene IV iv 122 Berryman, Lieut. Topographical features of bottom of Atlantic: ref... I in 4 Bert, Paul How different parts of spec- trum affect pigment cells: ref IV vm 103 Bertie Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Bertram, Chas. Julius. Author of Spurious MSS. of Richard of Westminster on history of Roman Britain II xn 184 Bertram, John. Obituary IV vm 98 Beryl II v 521 Berzelius. Catalysis: ref IV ix 273 Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vn 497 Bessel. Theory on comet's light being its own or not II vm 69 Bethencourt, Dr. Spanish documents relative to Canary Islands in his possession IV vn 29 Bethune, Rev. Charles J. S. Descriptions of some species of Nocturnal Lepidoptera found in Canada II vm 1 Nocturnal Lepidoptera found in Canada II x 247 Betoi, counting system IV V 312 Betula alba, Canadian II vi 32 B. alba var. papyrifera (Marsh) Spach, host for Aphid corrugations on Birch IV ix 305 B. lenta, L. Host for Aphid Corruga- tions on Birch IV ix 305 B. nigra, Canadian II vi 32 Ser. Vol. Page Betulaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species I m 292 II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 649 London species II vm 233 Species supporting Platy- samia Cecropia Ill iv 212 Beutenmiiller, Wm. Memythrus tricinctus Har- ris: ref IV ix 311 Bevan, Mr., Toronto II xm 356 Beverley, Tp. Archaeological remains.. ..Ill iv 4 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 368 Indian burying ground found in. By Rev. C. Dade I i 6 Indian Ossuaries I in 156 Pyrula Spirata from Ossu- aries I in 156 Beyerinck. Cause of mosaic disease in tobacco plant: ref IV vm 55 Enclosing of larva by tissues of host: ref IV ix 359 Bhotia, Brain capacity of.... II xv 216 Bibasic acids, origin II vi 124 Bible. Archaia, or Studies in Cos- mogony and Natural His- tory of. By J. W. Daw- son: reviewed II v 59 Ethnical identity of names in Palestine and surround- ing country: line of argu- ment used to trace con- nections of different races in world II xiv 178 Geology and II u 202 Its authority undiminished by archaeological dis- coveries IV iv 40 List of, names identified with Egyptian monarchs. II xiv 206 Holbeins, cuts. By Thos. Frognail Dibden: re- viewed II iv 211 Bibliography. Absorption of fat in intes- tine IV vm 241 Anatomy of orang IV vi 595 Apatites, origin IV vm 495 Archaeology of Canada, SECOND CONTRIBUTION TO, By A. F. Chamberlain... Ill vn 40 Bacterial contamination of milk IV vii 495 Beggiatoa IV vi 474 Campaign of 1815 HI iv 150 45 BIB BIO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page B ibliography-Con. Canadian ornithological.... IV I 60 Cheese, ripening of IV vn 133 Chemistry of wheat gluten. IV vu 516 Cyanophyceae IV vi 441 Denes IV iv 219 Distribution of fat, chlor- ides, phosphates, potas- sium and iron in striated muscle IV vm 418 Effects of water on foliage leaves IV vn 346 Eskimo Ill vi 267 First Contribution to, of Archaeology of Canada and Newfoundland. By A. F. Chamberlain. . . Ill vn 13 General, of original con- tributions TO PUBLICA- TIONS of Canadian In- stitute IV in 317 Geology and Paleontology of West Indies IV vm 373 Geology of Caribean Area.. IV vm 148 Iroquois Beach north of L. Ont IV vi 29 Mammals of Canada Ill vi 67 Map literature of Canada. . II xv 41 Mesenterial filaments IV vi 387 Mesenterial filaments in Zoanthus sociatus IV vi 403 Morphology and biology of insect galls IV ix 375 Ontario archaeology IV ix 11 Origin of blood cells IV n 249 Origin of grammatical gender 111 vn 216 Pancreas of Amiurus Ill u 413 Physical geology of Central Ontario IV vu 185 Plethodon cinereus erythro- notus IV vm 491 Potassium in renal cells. ... IV ix 405 Prehistoric man IV u 116 Seiches I n 27 Slavery in Canada IV I 108 Stele of Osmunda cinna- momea IV vm 533 Yeast cell IV vi 481 Biceps. Ape's and man's, arise same IV vi 535 Chimpanzee IV vi 561 Gorilla IV vi 561 Lower apes IV vi 561 Orang IV vi 535, 560 Two heads of, in gorilla. ... IV vi 561 Biche, Marais a la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 368 Biedermann. Superficial epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref. Ill u 398 . . Ser. Vol. Page Big Bear Vein, Kamanisti- quia HI vn 258 Big-horn (sheep), Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Big Island Fishery, petrol- leu m area Ill i 228 Bilhoola Indians, British Columbia Ill v 218 Billings, C. Discovery of lievrite I m 100 Billings, E., F.G.S. Note on a New Genus of Palaeozoic Brachio- poda II vi 148 On Devonian fossilsof Canada West II v 249 II vi 138,253,329 On Fossil Corals of De- vonian Rocks of Canada West II iv 97 On some new Genera and species of Cystidea from Trenton Lime- stone I n 215 250,268 Asteridae of Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada: ref II iv 43 Canadian fossils: ref II iv 275 Canadian Naturalist and Geologist: reviewed II i 164 Crinoids in Lower Silurian of Canada: reviewed II iv 467 Cystideans: ref II n 302 Cystideae of Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada: ref.... II iv 43 New species of Lower Silu- rian Fossils: reviewed... II vn 71 Theories of formation of mountains II vi 301 Billings, E., Salter and. Cyclocystoides of Echino- dermata: ref II iv 43 Binbrook Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 369 Binks, Christopher. New methods in manage- ment OF ELECTRIC LIGHT: reprint I n 32 Binnite, composition II i 483 Binocular. Notice of Binocular Mi- croscope. By J. L. Riddell I i 144 Binz. Atropine most powerful of stimulants: ref IV vn 227 Biography. Assikinach, Ottawa, chief.. IV iv 233 Brant, Jos IV v 243 Lefroy, Gen. Sir John. By his son IV u 1 46 BIO BIR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Biography-Con. St. Columba or Colum Cille IV in 134 Biographical. Notice of Sir Roderick Murchison: reprint. .. . I in 52 Biological. Biological Study of Tap Water in School of Science, Toronto. By Geo. Acheson Ill i 413 Proceedings of Ornitho- logical SUBSECTION OF Canadian Institute... Ill vii 181 IV i 40 IV in 62 Biology. Contribution to morph- ology AND, OF INSECT galls. By A. Cosens... IV ix 297 Genetic Cycle in Organic Nature. By Geo. Ogilvie: reviewed II vii 515 History of ocean Biology.. IV vii 536 Insect galls, bibliography. . IV ix 375 Nature and Varieties of Alternation of Genera- tions II vii 517 Production of double mon- sters II vii 519 Relation of salts in Ocean to protoplasm IV vii 552 Some thoughts on classi- fication IN RELATION TO Organised Beings. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 31 Biquadratic. Auxiliary, irreducible in equations of fifth degree. Ill u 122 Auxiliary, with quadratic sub-auxiliary in equa- tions of fifth degree Ill ii 121 Birch, Dr. Origin of Egyptian: ref... . HI in 284 Birch, Samuel. History of Ancient Pottery: reviewed II in 254 Birch, black and white, Canadian II vi 32 Birdoswald. Note on Latin Inscriptions found at II xiv 150 Roman name Amboglanna: evidence II xm 149 Birds. Avocets II xi 159 Birds recently added to Museum. By J. B. Wil- liams IV I 11 Ser. Vol. Page Birds-Con. Cage and chamber birds, THEIR NATURAL HISTORY, HABITS, FOOD, DISEASE, MANAGEMENT AND MODE OF CAPTURE. By T. M. Bechstein; review of: reprint I II 124 Canadian Humming II n 382 Capture of two, of Un- usual Occurrence in Ontario. By T. J. Cottle II iv 388 Catalogue of, known to in- habit western Canada (Ont.). By Rev. Wm. Hincks: reviewed II xi 244 Clapper Rail II vn 510 Classes represented in fos- sils: reasons II xm 383 Collection of Mr. Doel of Toronto: ref I i 122 Coots II xi 158 Coursers II xi 157 Cranes II xi 155 Disappearance of Forest Birds IV I 47 Flamingo, order to which it belongs II xi 151 God-wits II xi 159 Grallatores: Waders or Stilted Birds. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 147 Habits of native, in cap- tivity IV in 92 Herons; generic characters. II xi 154 Jacanas II xi 158 Land-birds can rest on water II vi 461 List of, observed in vici- nity of Hamilton. By Thos. Mcllwraith II v 387 List, observed near Hamil- ton, Ont. By Thos. Mcllwraith: reviewed... II xi 245 Longshanks II xi 159 Mammals and Birds of Prince of Wales Sound, Hudson's Strait. By F. F. Payne Ill v 111 Methods adopted in classi- fying II vii 330 Migrations from Ontario... Ill vii 195 IV, in, 75,78,85, 86 Nesting habits IV in 77, 80 New Gigantic fossil: re- print I in 244 Northern migrants winter- ing in Southern Ontario.. IV hi 79 Notes and observations on Ontario Birds Ill vii 181 IV i 40 IV m 62 47 BIR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BIS Ser. Vol. Page Birds- Con. Notices of, observed near Hamilton, Ont. By Thos. Mcllwraith II vi 6, 129 On Families properly be- longing to Fissirostral Suborder of Insessor- ial Birds and real POSITION OF SOME WHICH HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO it. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 230 On the land-birds winter- ing IN NEIGHBOURHOOD of Toronto. By G. W. Allan I I 169 On power that certain WATER BIRDS POSSESS OF REMAINING PARTIALLY SUBMERGED IN DEEP water. By Beverley R. Morris II vii 509 On Occurrence op Ameri- can Birds in Europe. By H. Gatke: reprint.... II vi 459 Pearly Nautilus II Vii 514 Perching II xi 148 Plovers II xi 156 Pratincoles II Xi 157 Purple Gallinule II vii 510 Rail and Water hen, order to which they belong.... II xi 151 Rails Il xi 158 Rare Ontario specimens.... HI vii 194 IV, in, 76, 79 Rate of flight II vi 460 Sandpipers II xi 159 Screamers 11 xi 158 Secretary, not a Grallatorial II xi 150 Series in which orders most naturally placed II xi 148 Settlement of country affects species obtainable II VI 9 Sheath-bills II xi 157 Six orders II xi 147 Skinning and stuffing, for specimens; notes on I I 172 Snake bird Il vii 509 Snipes II xi 158 Some of our Migratory. By Hon. G. W. Allan. .. . Ill III 87 Spring arrivals in Toronto. . Ill vn 187 188-193 IV, III, 62-64, 73, 75, 77,106,107 Storks II xi 154 Tantalinae II xi 156 True limits of Grallatores. . II xi 150 Trumpeter; order to which they belong II xi 151 Turnstones II xi 157 Virginian Rail II vii 513 Water hens II xi 158 Ser. Vol. Page Birds-Con. Winter, notes on Ill vn 185 186,188,190,198 Woodcocks II xi 159 Birmingham, Eng., sewage disposal IV n 147 Birrens, notes on Latin In- scriptions. On altars, etc II in 220 II xiv 150 On altar giving, defeat of Galgacus by Agricola.... II in 11 Roman name, Blatum Bul- gium II xiv 150 Birrenswork, Roman antiqui- ties at II xiv 10 Bischoff. Anatomical differences be- tween foot and hand of man: ref IV vi 579 Biceps in man and all apes arise same: ref IV vi 535 Communications between short and long flexors of toes in apes: ref IV vi 571 Development of flexor bre- vis in man and gibbon: ref..... IV vi 550 Distribution of flexor digi- torum fibularis in apes: ref IV vi 570 Extensor indicis same in gorilla and man: ref IV vi 542 Extensor minimi digit! in apes: ref IV vi 542 Flexor accessorius in an- thropoids: ref IV vi 571 Flexor longus hallucis in orang: ref IV vi 574 Flexor longus pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 539 Insertion of extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis in apes: ref..... IV vi 543 Interossei' of lower and an- thropoid apes: ref IV vi 551 Interossei in man and apes: ref IV vi 576 Levator anguli scapulae and serratus magnus in ape: ref IV vi 526 Opponens hallucis in anthro- poids and lower apes: ref. IV vi 573 Pars clavicularis in anthro- poid apes: ref IV vi 530 Pectoralis minor in Cyno- cephalus: ref IV vi 532 Peroneus parvus in apes: ref. IV vi 564 Peroneus longus in man and apes: ref IV vi 564 Plantaris in chimpanzee: ref. IV vi 567 48 BIS GENERAL INDEX BLA Ser. Vol. Page Bischoff-Con. Plantaris in lower apes IV vi 567 Pronation in ape's knee: ref. IV vi 567 Pronation and supination in leg: ref.. IV vi 578 Scansorius in anthropoids: ref. IV vi 557 Soleus in anthropoids, lower apesandman: ref IV vi 566 Supinators in man: function: ref ......... IV vi 580 Thumb muscles in gorilla: ref.. . .... IV vi 550 Tibialis anticus in gorilla: , ref.: IV vi 562 Tibialis anticus in orang and chimpanzee: ref.... IV vi 562 Two heads of biceps in gorilla: ref IV vi 561 Weyl and Bischoff's theory of formation of gluten: ref IV vn 511 Bishop's Cap, Canadian lo- calities II xv 549 Bismuth. Detection of lead in pre- sence of, by blowpipe.... II x 347 Double salts of II in 360 Solubility of, oxide in car- bonate of soda before blowpipe II xv 253 Bismuth alloys in blowpipe with Gold II xv 257 Lead II xv 258 Platinum II xv 257 Silver II xv 257 Tin II xv 258 Bison, Canadian localities.. . Ill vi 70 B. americanus var? Ill m 114 Bisulphocyanide of oether- ine II i 81 Bithynia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 247 Celtic and Gileadite traces in.... II xv 78 Zimri traces in II xv 294 Bitter Almonds, manufac- ture of artificial oil of.... I II 12 Bittern. Hamilton species II v 394 Notes on Toronto frequen- ters IV m 76, 106 Bittern, Cory's Least, de- scription IV in 76 Bittern, greater and lesser, Hamilton frequenters... . II vi 135 Bitumen. Rolled sheets of I u 171 Bituminous Coal. Areas in Canada IV ix 101 Ser. Vol. Page Bituminous Coal-Con. Four different practices for economical combustion discussed Ill iv 85 Value for steam compared with hard coal Ill iv 83 Bituminous shale. Manufacture of Paraf- fine from : reprint I in 17 Ontario, black I in 1 Process of distilling I m 17 Bizzozero and Torre. Fusiform corpuscles: ref. ... IV n 244 Black Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 369 Black Bear, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 77 Black Creek. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 369 Iroquois beach at IV vi 33 Black Guillemot, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 123 Black Hill, Jamaica IV v 338 Black Mustard, Canadian localities II xv 162 Black Rat, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 81 Black River. Formations in central Ont. . IV vil 160 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 208 Jointed and fissured uplands in, escarpment IV vn 172 Black River group of rocks, in New York equivalent in Tennessee.. I u 138 Black Snake-root, Canadian localities II xv 555 Black-tailed Deer, Canadian localities Ill vi 69 Black Throated Green Warbler, Ont. visitors... Ill m 96 Black Wolf, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 72 Blackbird, Andrew J. (Ottawa Indian). Career IV vi 299 Blackbird Indians, J. B. Assi- kinack, chief of tribe .... IV vi 300 IV vi 299 Blackbirds. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 94 Hamilton species II v 392 Notes and observations on Ontario species Ill vn 189 190, 199 IV, iii,69,81,92, 98 Blackbirds, Marsh, Hamil- ton species II vi 129 Black-cap, Toronto HI vn 193 Blackburnian warbler, Ontario visitors Ill in 96 49 BLA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BLA Ser. Vol. Page Blackfoot Indians. Adoption customs IV iv 251 Allied tribes IV iv 250 Ancestor, Napioa... IV iv 251 Animistic ideas Ill v 23 Autobiography of " Many Shots" in pictographs.. . IV V 119 Blackfoot Confederacy. By Rev. John Maclean: abstract Ill vn 17 Blackfoot Language. By Rev. John Maclean IV V 128 Blackfoot Sun-dance. By Rev. John Maclean HI vi 231 Burial rites HI v 21 Camping order, when on march IV iv 257 Canada.:• HI v 216 Character and civilization.. IV vi 294 Confederacy IV iv 250 Confederacy council. IV iv 250 Cranial measurements II n 423 Cree and Ojibway branches of Algonkin; list of words showing connection IV v 131 Crowfoot s career IV vi 294 Divinities IV vi 275 Euphony IV V 131 Gens, mode of forming and electing chief IV iv 257 Gentes, legends connected with IV iv 256 Gestures for IV v 44 Gestures for Blood Indians. IV v 44 Gestures for Crow Indians. . IV v 45 Gestures for Gros Ventres, or Atsinas IV V 45 Gestures for Piegan....... IV v 44 Gestures for Sarcee Indians IV V 45 Gestures for Sioux IV v 44 Gestures for white men. ... IV v 44 Gestures for various actions IV v 45 Gesture Language of. By Rev. John Maclean. .IV v 44 Marriage customs IV iv 251 Migrations and conquests. . IV iv 250 Modes of burial III v 20 Modes of denoting sex IV v 138 Mortuary customs of. By Rev. John Maclean HI V 20 Natos HI vi 231 Origin of name IV iv 249 Orthography IV V 129 Peace chief duties IV iv 253 Peace chief election IV iv 253 Picture writing of. By Rev. John Maclean IV v 114 Quarrel with and separation from Crees IV iv 250 Rights of chiefs, etc IV iv 252 Sacred pipes IV iv 257 Ser. Vol. Page Blackfoot Indians-Con. Serpent myth IV v 14 Slavery IV iv 257 Sleeping position IV iv 187 Social organization of. By Rev. John Maclean. . IV iv 249 Spirit worship ... HI V 23 State classes in IV iv 251 Sun Lodge HI VI 231 Taboo IV iv 251 Three tribes of confederacy. IV iv 249 War chief's duties IV iv 252 War chiefs, mode of election IV iv 252 Warriors, duties IV iv 254 Warriors, grades IV iv 255 Warriors, how to become. . . IV iv 254 Various names for, and their significance IV iv 249 Blackfoot Language. Accentuation ... IV v 130 Adjective (all classes dis- cussed) IV v 154 Adverb (all classes discus- sed) IV v- 161 Alphabet IV v 129 Blackfeet Picture writ- ing. By Rev. John Mac- lean IV v 114 Blackfoot Language. By Rev. John Maclean. IV V 128 Case forms IV v 139 Language characteristics... IV vi 283 Conjunction IV v 164 Declension of nouns IV V 140 Gender IV V 137 Gesture Language of Blackfeet. By Rev. John Maclean IV V 44 Grammar and dictionary... Ill v 217 Interjection IV v 165 Nouns IV v 134 Number in nouns IV V 138 Language peculiarities IV v 128 Prepositions IV V 165 Pronouns (all classes dis- cussed) IV v 148 Blackie, J. Stuart. On advancement of learning in Scotland: reviewed.... II i 168 Bladder Campions, Cana- dian habitats II xv 169 B. Ketmia, Canadian locali- ties II xv 176 B. Nut, Canadian localities. . II xv 353 B. Pod, localities Canadian species II xv 163 Blake, C. C. On Syndactylous Condi- tion of Hand in Man and Anthropoid Apes .. II ix 52 50 BLA GENERAL INDEX BLQ Ser. Vol. Page Blake, Dr. Wooden tools found by him at Eagle Harbor I i 133 Blake, Dr. Ed. Hand of gorilla: ref IV vi 521 Blakeley, Capt. Mathematical Investiga- tion of Proportion be- tween Length required FOR TELEGRAPHIC CABLE and its Specific Grav- ity: reprint II m 54 Blake, Wm. On Polishing of Granite by driving Sand: reprint I m 357 Bland. America and Africa once joined as evidenced by tortoise fossils: ref IV vm 375 Bland Sutton, J. Arrangement of coraco bra- chialis: ref IV vi 535 Coraco-humeral ligament: ref IV vi 532 Palmaris longus: ref IV vi 537 Blandford Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 369 Blarina, Canadian locali- ties of B. angusticeps, Baird Ill vi 90 B. brevicauda, Say Ill vi 90 B. cinerea, Bach Ill vi 90 B. talpoides, Gapper Ill vi 90 Blasting, submarine rock blasting at New York.... I i 48 Blastoidea, Ontario (pl.).... II vi 513 Blastoidocrinus, Canadian specimen II iv 468 Blatum Bulgium (Birrens). Latin inscriptions found at; note on II xiv 150 Latin inscription on defeat of Galgacus by Agricola interpreted II in 11 Bleaching. Manufacture of, powder from waste products I I 104 Methods of, cotton and linen I I 135 Bleasdell, Wm. M.A., Indian tribes of Canada. I in 209 Bleeding practices. Indian; and implements (pl.) IV vu 16 Dene IV iv 82 Bleek, Dr. Kaffir and Hottentot lan- guages: ref II xiii 286 Bleek, Wilhelm. Origin of language: ref. ... II xv 511 Blenheim Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 369 Ser. Vol. Page Blepharoplast, cycadese. ... IV v 279 Blind. Mary Bradley, Deaf and, Mute II xi 184 Blochmann. Division of nucleolus in Euglena viridis: ref IV vi 501 Block Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 369 Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of United States: review of II in 28 Blomfield, Dr. Chas. Jas. His Copy of a classical book now owned by Dr. Scad- ding: history of both II xiv 340 Blonde race, distribution.... Ill n 13 Blood. Amount of, flowing through Coeliac axis per day II ix 182 Amount flowing through mesenteric per day II ix 182 Amount passing through heart in given time, ac- cording to Guy and Volk- mann II ix 181 Amount of sodium and po- tassium in dog's IV ix 401 As food II vii 362 Bibliography of origin of, cells IV n 249 Blood Vascular System of Amiurus Catus. By T. McKenzie Ill n 418 Detection of, stains II iv 328 Effect of transfusing milk into I in 190 Origin of physiological re- lation of chemical ele- ment in, plasma IV vu 539 Results of transfusion of milk into, in cholera cases I in 191 Structure of, corpuscles in Necturus IV n 228 Studies on Blood of Am- phibia. By A. B. Macal- lum IV ii 221 Studies on origin of, pig- ment. By A. B. Macal- lum: abstract IV II 19 Surface tension of, plasma lower than that of iso- tonic salt solution IV ix 397 Blood pressure. Artificial respirations, effect on, in chloroform poison- ing (tracing) IV vu 216 Chloroform's effect on dog's IV vu 199 Does respiration or heart stop first in chloroform poisoning? IV VII 199 51 BLO BLO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Blood pressure-Con. Division of spinal cord, effect on IV vu 196 Effect of atropine on, when administered with or without chloroform or morphia IV vn 228 Effect of firm abdominal pressure on (pl.) IV vn 194 Effect of posture on animal in which vagi paralysed by atropine (pl.) IV vn 196 Hypodermic injections of morphia in dogs, effect, on IV vn 199 In asphyxia in animals whose respiration para- lysed by Curara IV vn 212 In dogs after hydrocyanic injection (tracing) IV vn 220 In dog going under chloro- form (pl.) IV vn 201 In double pneumo-thorax (tracing) IV vn 213 In rigid condition of body under chloroform IV vu 215 Normal effects of Gravity on (pl.) IV vn 189 Observations on, with SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Chloroform. By R. D. Rudolf IV vn 187 Of inspiratory stridor (trac- ing) . .; IV VII 214 Tracheotomy's effect on (tracing) IV vu 217 Vagaries in dogs (fig) IV vn 187 Blood Indians. Blackfoot gestures for IV v 44 Camping order when on March IV iv 257 Gentes IV iv 254 Gentes, legends, connected with IV iv 256 Gesture language IV v 44 Government's treatment of IV iv 259 Mikasto or Red Crow's career IV vi 298 Mortuary customs Ill v 20 Peace chiefs' election IV iv 253 Peace chiefs' duties IV iv 253 Pictograph IV v 118 Population, chiefs, bands, gens, etc. (1888) IV iv 258 Reservation IV iv 258 Reservation farm products in 1888 IV iv 259 Sacred pipes IV iv 257 Slavery IV iv 257 Taboo IV iv 251 War chiefs'duties IV iv 252 War chiefs' elections IV iv 252 Ser. Vol. Page Blood Indians-Con. Warriors' duties IV iv 254 Warriors' grades IV iv 255 Warriors, how to become... IV iv 254 Various names for, and their significance IV iv 249 Blood-root. Canadian localities II xv 61 Toronto specimens I i 207 Bloor, Mr., Toronto II xm 357 Blothrophyllum (Billings), generic characters II iv 129 B. decorticatum (Billings), corniferous, Ontario II iv 130 Blowpipe. Action of Baryta on Titanic Acid II x 343 Alloys behaviour under.... II xv 256 Bismuth oxide solubility in carbonate of soda under.. II xv 253 Blowpipe Reactions. By E. J. Chapman II xv 249 Chromium and manganese reaction with carbonate of soda under II xv 252 Coal Assay by II x 349 Contributions to, An- alysis. By E. J. Chap- man II x 339 Estimation of moisture, coke, ash or inorganic matters and sulphur in coal by II x 350 Instruments and appliances for assaying coal with.... II m 212 Manganese salts reaction on baryta under II x 342 Method of distinguishing monoxide of iron (FeO) from sesquioxide in silicates and other compounds by II x 345 Method of distinguishing red flame of lithia from that of strontia by II x 341 On Assaying of Coals by. By E. J. Chapman II m 208 Silicates in phosphor-salts behaviour under II xv 250 Thallium reactions under. . II xv 249 Blowpipe detection of. Alkalies in presence of mag- nesia II x 342 Antimony in tube-subli- mates . II x 348 Baryta in presence of strontia II x 343 Boracic Acid not detected with Turner's flux II xv 255 Bromine II xv 254 52 BLO BCEO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Blowpipe detection of-Con. Cadmium in presence of zinc II xv 252 Carbonates II xv 255 Copper in minute traces in iron pyrites and other bodies II x 346 Lead in presence of bismuth II x 347 Lithia in presence of soda.. II X 340 Oxide of manganese when present in minute quan- tity in mineral bodies.... II X 344 Blowpipe Reactions in forming Alloys of Bismuth and tin II xv 258 Copper and lead II xv 258 Copper and thallium II xv 258 Copper and tin II xv 258 Copper and zinc II xv 258 Gold and bismuth II xv 257 Gold and copper II xv 257 Gold and lead II xv 257 Gold and silver II xv 257 Gold and thallium II xv 257 Gold and tin II xv 257 Gold and zinc II xv 257 Lead and bismuth II xv 258 Lead and thallium II xv 258 Lead and tin II xv 258 Platinum and bismuth .... II xv 257 Platinum and copper ....... II xv 257 Platinum and gold II xv 257 . Platinum and lead II xv 257 Platinum and silver II xv 257 Platinum and thallium .... II xv 257 Platinum and tin II xv 257 Platinum and zinc II xv 257 Platinum, zinc and tin II xv 257 Silver and bismuth II xv 257 Silver and copper II XV 257 Silver and lead II xv 257 Silver and thallium II xv 257 Silver and tin II xv 257 Thallium and tin II xv 258 Blowpipe-support, new... . II v 474 Blue Cohosh, Canadian lo- calities II XV 59 Blue Fox, Canadian localities III vi 73 Blue Mountain. Notes on, escarpment in Collingwood Tp., Ont. By E. J. Chapman II v 304 Nottawasaga district I I 224 Blue-back Salmon IV ix 24 Bluebird. Habits in captivity IV m 97 Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 91 Hamilton species II v 390 Notes on Ontario frequen- ters Ill vu 189, 198 IV in, 73, 83 Ser. Vol. Page Bluebird-Con. Bluejays, Toronto frequen- ters Ill vii 190 IV in 98 Blucher, General. Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 153 Blumenbachii, Toronto.... II iv 450 Boas, Dr. Franz. Eskimo of Baffin Land: ref. Ill vi 263 Eskimo migration: ref Ill vi 275 Eskimo poetry: ref IV vi 320 Eskimo tradition of men being transformed into stars: ref IV v 35 Eskimo tradition of origin of Europeans: ref IV v 35 Discoverer of Ts'Ets'ant tribe IV vu 521 Origin of Ts'Ets'ant tribe: ref IV vu 521 Map by, incorrect in one particular IV iv 22 Boats, Chinese II u 166 Bobolink. Habits of Ontario frequen- ters Ill in 98 Hamilton species II v 392 Notes on Ontario frequen- ters Ill vu 191 IV in 68,109 Boccius, W. On Artificial Breeding and Rearing of Fish: reprint I I 18 Bodet, Pointe au, gazetteer notice (1813) II XIV 369 Bodet, River au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 369 Bodo. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Bodies. On Spheroidal State of Bodies. By Arthur H. Church: reprint I ill 11 Bodleian. Canada in. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xil 370 Body. Mind and. By Prof. Alex Bain: ref Ill v 14 Boehm. Absorption of salts by leaves: ref..'. IV vu 316 Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vu 243 Bcekhout and Vries. Edam cheese from pasteur- ised milk: ref IV vn 116 Boeothick Indians. Arts and ornaments IV u 101 Attempts to civilize them.. IV li 99 53 BCEO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BON Ser. Vol. Page Boeothick Indians-Con. Bceothick Indians of Newfoundland. By Alan Macdougall IV li 98 (abstract) IV u 26 Burial customs IV II 100 Customs and habits IV n 100 Efforts to prevent their ex- termination IV li 98 Boeotia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 258 Horite traces in II xm 540 Boeotia, Thebes in, silver coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 108 Boeotia, Thespise in, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 229 Bog Iron Ore. Canadian II vm 460 Deposits in N. Brunswick.. IV vm 186 Deposits in Manitoba IV vm 186 Deposits in Ontario IV vm 186 Deposits in Quebec IV vm 186 Tests II iv 150 Bogdanow. Complete removal of fat from muscle: ref IV vm 406 Bogue Forts, history of II n 168 Bohemian Chatterer, Hamilton species II v 393 Bohemian Waxwing, habits of Ontario visitors Ill m 89 Bohn's. Libraries II ill 170 Scientific Library I u 19 Boiler, Steam. Boiler Explosions. By Sewell: reprint II ill 145 Boiler Explosions. By Astronomer Royal (1863): reprint II ix 46 Fairbairn's experiments. Proposed associations for prevention of I m 81 Fuel for Marine I ill 131 Incrustation in: reprint.. I m 56 Prevention of incrustation in .... I I 24 Valve to prevent, explosions I I 24 Bois Blanc Islands, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 369 Boitard. Absorptions of aqueous solutions by leaves: ref.. . IV vu 245 Boletinus pictus, Pk., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 75 Boletus. Habits and On- tario habitats of B. Americanus, Pk IV ix 75 B. chromapes, Fr IV ix 75 B. cyanescens, Bull IV ix 75 Ser. Vol. Page Boletus. Habits, etc.-Con. B. edulis, Bull IV IX 75 B. felleus, Bull IV ix 75 B. luridus, Schaeff IV ix 75 B. Ravenelii IV ix 75 B. Russelli, Frost IV ix 75 B. scaber, Fr IV ix 75 B. speciosus, Frost IV ix 75 B. subglobripes, Pk IV ix 75 Bolitobius cinctus, Giv. Mier 1 in 326 Bolitophagus cornutus Pz. (Mels. Cat.), Ontario. .. I ill 259, 326 Bollery. Solutions kill some plants and help others: ref IV vu 247 Bolley, H. L. and C. M. Hall. Bacteria in milk in udder: ref IV vu 471 Bolootoo, enchanted island. . IV vi 207 Boltenia of British Colum- bia Coast. Boltenia auct. part IV ix 133 Boltenia (sens, nov.) IV ix 133 B. echinata (L.) IV ix 133 B. echinata, Ritter IV ix 134 B. villosa (Stimpson) IV ix 134 Boltenia of Canadian At- lantic Coast. B. hirsuta (Agassiz) IV ix 147 B. ovifera (L.) IV ix 147 Bolton, Col. Trade conditions at Niagara and Upper Lakes IV iv 302 Boltonite, from Massachu-. setts same as Chrysolite II iv 325 Bombyciformes II vm 3 Bombycilla, Hamilton species II v 393 B. carolinensis, Toronto in winter I i 171 B. garrula, Toronto winter- bird I I 171 Bombycina. N. American: ref II vm 2 Bonaparte's Sandpiper, Prince of Wales Sound.. . Ill v 121 Bonasa, notes on Ontario species IV in 77, 78 Bonaventure Formation. Location in Canada II vm 450 New Brunswick II xv 385 Quebec II xv 100 Bond, G. P. Account of great comet of 1858: review of II vm 57 Theory as to constitution of comet's tail II vm 65 Bond, Wm., Bond's Lake. . . II xm 449 Bond's Lake, Ont., in 1800.. II xm 448 54 BON BOS GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Bondzinsky. Peptone in cheese not pre- cipitated by ammonia sulphate IV vn 112 Bone. Bone Caves, with espe- cial REFERENCE TO PRE- HISTORIC Man. By Arthur Harvey IV u 116 Composition of II x 195 Density of II x 195 Instruments of, in use among historical nations. IV iv 43 Marrow of II x 201 Microscopic examination of II x 196 On Composition, Struc- ture and Development of. By M. Barrett II x 194 Bone Earth II i 487 Bonnecherre River. Effect of sawdust in it on fish IV vu 462 Sawdust beds in; effect on fish life IV vu 426 Bonne Chere, Riviere de la, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 369 Bonnet. Water absorption by leaves: ref IV vu 242 Bonnet, Chas. Relation between plants and atmosphere: ref II ix 420 Bonnycastle, Sir Richard. On Toronto Harbour I li 229 Opinion of formation of Toronto peninsula I II 105 Report on Toronto Harbour reviewed I I 162 Books. Notices of Books I n 79 I in 93, 172 Book of Deer IV v 300 Book of Nature. By F. Shoedler: reviewed.. I n 311 Booker, T. W. On Cider and Perry making: reprint I n 163 Bookseller, handbook of British and Foreign Liter- ature: reviewed II iv 194 Boole, Prof. Obituary II X 44 Remarks on, Mathemati- cal Theory of Laws of Thought. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II x 161 Boomerang. Australian natives'use of. . II xn 448 Described II i 270 Propeller I I 287 Bopp, Prof. F. Basis of classification of lan- guages: ref II xm 283 Ser. Vol. Page Boracic Acid, uselessness of Turner's Flux to detection of, in blowpipe II xv 255 Boracite, analysis of II iv 495 Borax. Analysis of, from Califor- nian deposits II xv 328 California, deposit. By W. H. Ellis II xv 328 Borcovicus, Roman name of Housesteads; evidence... II xm 147 Bordeaux mixture. Absorbed by leaves IV vn 317 Effect on growth of potatoes IV vu 318 Effect on leaves IV vu 246 Boreal Group. Canadian flora IV vm 26 Cause of semi-arctic species occurring in IV vm 33 Boreal type of plants, east coast L. Huron; list and distribution II xiv 474 Borer, in fruit trees IV n 213 Borghesi. Latin inscription on stone at High Rochester; trans- lated by II xii 124 Borland, Andrew, New- market II xm 569 Born, G. Supernumerary digits in tarsus of amphibians: ref. IV Vi 545 Borneo. Coal deposits in II vi 480 Boron, perparation of II n 304 Boronatrocalcite, composi- tion II i 484 Borranginaceae. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species. II xiv 296 Hamilton species. Ill u 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 646 London species II vm 230 Borzi. Cyanophyceae contains no nucleus or chromato- phore: ref IV vi 442 Bos Americanus, Gmel, Canadian localities...... Ill vi 70 Bosanquet Tp. Alveolites goldfussi II v 255 Alveolites roemeri II v 255 Athyris chloe, n. sp II v 282 Diphyphyllum archiaci .... II v 260 Favosites gothlandica II v 260 Favosites hemispherica .... II v 260 Orthis vanuxemi (Hall) .... II v 269 Rhynconella laura II V 273 Trachypora elegantula II V 254 Bosphorus Crimean. Researches in. By Dr. D. MacPherson: reprint. ... II n 120 55 BOS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BOT Ser. Vol. Page Boston. Medical inspection of schools IV vm 198 Number bacteria in milk supply IV vu 468 Water supply I in 260 Bostrichobranchus Man- hattensis Traustedt, syn. Eugyra pilularis Ver- nll IV ix 144 Bostwick, Henry. Trader in L. Superior after conquest IV in 261 Bostwick, Lardner, Toronto II xm 356 Botany. Anatomy in natural botani- cal classification II vu 221 Anomalous development of plants; diminished, in- creased and altered in direction II in 314 Bathymetrical distribution of British Marine forms. . I I 109 Botanical nature of country around Hamilton II xiv 286 Botany of Eastern Coast of L. Huron. By John Gibson and John Macoun II xiv 467, 635 Botany of New Zealand: ref. II xi 196 Botany of North Australian Expedition II m 460 Climate and physical geo- logy of eastern coast of L. Huron as affecting, of district II xi 467 Considerations respect- ing Anomalous Vege- table Structures. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II m 311 Course in Botany at Laval University. By l'Abbe Ouide Brunet: reviewed. . II ix 344 Endorhizal division II xi 241 Exorhizal division II xi 241 Five distinct vegetable pro- vinces of America II xiv 285 Flora peculiarities of British Seas I i HO Flower development from bud II x 373 How Plants Grow. By Asa Gray: reviewed II iv 145 Introduction to Crypto- gamic. By Rev. M. J. Berkeley: reviewed II m 342 King of Saxony's botanical excursion to Monte Negro I I 81 Manual of Botanic Terms. By M. C. Cooke:reviewed II vu 214 Ser. Vol. Page Names (various) for differ- ent classes of flowers II x 375 On investigators of plants. . I i 80 On Some Questions in re- lation TO THEORY OF Structure of Plants of Orders Brassicace>e and Primulaceze. By Rev. W. Hincks II v 332 Outlines of Elementary Botany as Introductory to local Floras. By Geo. Bentham: reviewed II vu 79 Plants and Botanists I i 79 Position of, in 1858 II iv 74 Position of Marine, in (1858) II iv 75 Progress up to 1856 II u 53 Some thoughts on classi- fication IN RELATION TO ORGANISED BEINGS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 31 Botaurus, notes on Ontario species IV in 66, 76, 105,106 Bothwell, a poem in 6 pts. By W. E. Aytoun: re- viewed II i 541 Bothriocephali II iv 20 Botocudos, crania HI vi 287 Botrychium lunaria. Described ' IV v 265 Distribution of endodermis in IV vi 602 B. virginianum. Antheridia IV v 270 Antheridia (pl.) IV v 275 Apical cells IV v 282 Archegonia IV v 270, 277 Conidia (pl.) IV v 274 Embryo (pl.).. > IV v 278 Endophyte IV v 275 Found at Little Metis, Que. IV v 268 Fungiferous tissue (pl.).... IV v 273 Gametophyte of. By Ed- ward C. Jeffrey IV v 265 Gametophyte (pl.) IV v 270 Mycelium (pl.) IV v 274 Germination IV v 267 Oosphere (pl.) IV v 278 Periderm tissue IV v 284 Pileorhiza IV v 282 Pith IV v 284 Polyembryony in IV v 282 Position in regard to other representatives of Ophio- glossaceae IV v 287 Preservation of prothallia. .IV v 269 Prothallia (pl.) IV v 270 Root diarchous or triarchous IV v 283 Root an endotrophic my- corhiza IV v 282 56 BOT GENERAL INDEX BOW Ser. Vol. Page B. virginianum-Con. Root, formation and growth (pl.) IV v 280 Root hairs IV v 273 Symbiotic filaments IV v 274 Tracheides in IV v 281 Botryllopora, Hamilton Rocks, Ont II xiv 133 Bottles, Dene castoreum. . . IV iv 66, 135 Bouchardat, constituents of gluten: ref IV vu 498 Boucherie, Dr. Process of preserving timber from decay II n 8 Boucher. Story of Anderson and Stew- art's search for Franklin expedition IV vm 398 Boucherville Mt. Chemical analysis of olivi- nitic dolerite from II v 436 Composition of II v 436 Bouchette, Capt. Jean Bap- tiste, autograph receipt. II xv 532 Bouchette, Col. Jos., Tor- onto II xiii 183 Bouchette (Surv.-General). Autograph letter from (1800).. II xiv 89 Topographical description of Canada (1815) II xv 31, 32 Bouguer, M. Anthelie, phenomenon ex- plained I I 7 Bouin. Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 482 Boulders. Carried in icebergs II iv 183 Formation of Icebergs and Transportation of, by Ice. By John Rae II iv 180 In Labrador originate through local glacial ac- tion II ix 256 In Moisie R. Valley II ix 254 Large, found in Ontario.... II in 357 On flanks of Labrador Table-land II ix 253 Story of a. By Arch. Geikie: reviewed II in 493 Boulder-Clay. Forced arrangement of block of limestone in, with drawing II ix 257 No. 1 or Till, Scarboro Hts. II xv 393 No. 2 or Till, Scarboro Hts. II xv 401 No. 3 or Till, Scarboro Hts. II xv 403 Boulders, Erratic, Scarboro Hts II xv 404 Boulton, M., Justice, Tor- onto ;... II xii 160 II xiii 103 Ser. Vol. Page Bouncing Bet, Canadian habitats II xv 169 Bourdon, Sieur. Overland journey from Que- bec to Hudson's Bay (1646) II viii 410 Bourke, Capt. J. G. Creation myth of Apache Indians: ref IV VI 336 Boussingault. Absorption of salt solutions by leaves: ref IV vil 246 Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vu 243 Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vu 497 Boussingault, J. B. Influence of Agricul- ture on Climate in LESSENING STREAMS, ETC.: reprint I u 131 Ammonia contained in rain- water I ii 282 Bovell, J., M.D. Additional Observations on Anatomy of Bear and Lobster I m 203 Note on Preservation of some Infusoria with VIEW TO DISPLAY OF THEIR Cilia II vm 341 Notes on Some Points in Anatomy of Leech (pl.) II i 27 On transfusion of milk AS PRACTISED IN CHOLERA at Cholera Sheds, Tor- onto, July (1854) I in 188 Outlines of Natural Theology for use of Canadian Student: re- viewed II v 201 Original views on renal cir- culation I ii 146 Bovell, J., M.D., and Dr. Goadley. Passing visits to Rice Lake, Humber River, Grenadiers Pond and Island: reprint I in 201 Bowen's Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Bower. Ontogeny of Osmundacese: ref ...... IV vm 527 Ophioglossacese relationship to other groups of Pteri- dophyta: ref IV v 288 Osmundaceous siphonostele derivation: ref IV vm 526 Stratigraphical evidence of upgrade theory of Osmun- dacese: ref. IV vm 529 57 BOW PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BRA Ser. Vol. Page Bowerbank, J. S. Monograph on British Spon- giadae: reviewed II x 355 Bowles, W. L. Autograph in one of his books ... II xiv 482 Bowman's Root, Canadian localities II xv 362 Bowring, Sir John. Decimal system IV v 311 Bows. Carriers IV iv 59 Dene IV iv 58 Tse'kihne IV iv 58 Box Elder, Canadian locali- ties II xv 354 Boyd Dawkins, W. Fire used by cave dwellers of Britain: ref II xv 515 Boyd, Dr. Weight of human brain: ref. II xv 210 Boyd, Francis, Richmond Hill II xiii 448 Boyd, J. A. Poem on completion of first Atlantic Telegraph II iv 329 Summary of Canadian His- tory from time of Cartier to 1860: reviewed II v 537 Boyd, W. On a Hyaena-Den at Wookey-Hole, near Wells: reprint II vn 377 Boyden Premium, condi- tions of award to person who determines that all rays of light travel with same velocity II v 302 Boyle, David, Ph.D. Archaeological Outlook HI iv 1 Archaeological Remains A FACTOR IN STUDY OF History IV i 67 Canadian Institute of Future IV n 3 Notes on discoverer of GREAT FALLS OF LABRA- DOR IV ii 332 Persistence of savagery in Civilization: abstract HI iv 129 Mounds in Otonabee Tp., Ont.: ref IV ix 1 On palaeoliths: ref IV iv 63 Bracelets, Dene IV iv 139, 172 Brachialis anticus, Orang.. IV vi 535 Brachinus cordicallis, Mels. Cat., Ontario I in 210,325 B. viridipennis (Dej), Mels. Cat., Ontario.... I in 210, 325 Brachiopoda. Canadian II iv 274 Ser. Vol. Page Brachiopoda-Con. Canadian genera II v 266 II vii 109 Characters II v 266 II vii 109 Classification of II m 158 Genera of II in 160 Generic characters II xi 188 Note on a New Genus of Palaeozoic. By E. Bill- ings II vi 148 Ontario.. II xiv 129 Position in Canada II vi 289 Toronto II iv 451 Brachipods. Belleville species II v 45 Cambrian beds contain.... IV vii 536 Chemical Composition of Shells of certain: re- print i. I ii 195 Rib-formulae in II iv 53, 326 Brachycentrus fuliginosus, Walker. Characters, N. American habitats II vii 493 Brachycephalic. Conformation of ancient crania found in Wiltshire (pl.) II Vii 407 Crania of Indians (Amer.).. II vii 406 Skull from Scioto Valley.. . Il n 411 Unusual skull found at Barrie of, form II vn 406 Brachys tessellata Fab., Canadian II I 36 Brachysiphonidae, charac- teristics and families II xi 397 Brachyura II i 280 Braconnot, M. Obituary I ill 269 Brady. Orbulina rock: ref IV vni 384 Pulvinulina favus: ref IV vm 387 Range of Polystomela crati- culata: ref IV vm 383 Bradford, Eng., sewage dis- posal IV n 146 Bradley, Mary. Mary Bradley, a Deaf and Blind Mute II xi 184 Bradley's discovery of aber- ration of light I I 220 Brain. Amiurus (pl.) Ill n 353 As Organ of Mind. By Dr. Daniel Clark: abstract IV iv 227 Average weight at different ages II xv 214 Celebrated men's II xv 203 Differences in specific grav- ity of II xv 181 Idiots II xv 184 58 BRA BRA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Brain-Con. Intelligence of savage races II xv 187 Internal capacity of skull according to methods of measuring it II xv 182 Largest, capacity among ancient European races. . II xv 216 Male and female, compared II xv 195 Man's, and other animals compared II xv 178 Megalocephalic variations among ancient races..... II xv 216 Mincopies of Andaman Is- lands II xv 186 Negro of Guinea's II xv 180 Primitive race of France. .. II xv 193 Potassium richer than sodium in IV IX 402 Premature ossification of skull in arresting develop- ment II xv 185 Small sized, in man. II xv 185 Troglodytes II xv 194 Brain Capacity of American races (Indians).. II xv 219 Ancient Britons compared with modern English, French and German II xv 217 Bruce II xv 204 Bunger, Dr. Christian Hein- rich II xv 206 Burns.... II xv 204 Comparative, of different races II xv 228 Cuvier II xv 207 Dante II xv 204 Different races . . II xv 201 Distinguished men II xv 208 Foscolo, Ugo II xv 205 Heinse, J. J. Wilhelm II xv 206 Indian Tribes (Amer.) II xv 224 Mexicans II xv 224 Non-Christian races II xv 216 Peruvians (ancient) II xv 219 Peruvians II xv 224 Toltecans II xv 223 Various races II xv 180 Brain Weight. Brain Weight and Size in Relation to Relative Capacity of Races. By Daniel Wilson II xv 177 Brain weights II xv 191 Determined from internal capacity of skull II xv 181 Distinguished men II xv 209 English II xv 202 Negroes II xv 197 Patients in St. Marylebone Infirmary II xv 211 Scotch II xv 202 Bramble, Canadian localities II xv 431 S er. Vol. Page Bran. Coagulable proteid in IV vu 514 Gliadin exists in IV vil 514 On Proximate Principles of, of wheat I II 313 Branchial Apparatus, Ami- urus catus (pl.) Ill II 292 Branchial Arches, muscles of, of Amiurus catus Ill u 322 Branchial Muscles, Amiurus catus Ill n 345 Branchial System, Amiurus catus Ill ii 421 Branchifera, characters; Canadian localities (pl.).. II vil 120 Branchiostegal Rays, Ami- urus catus Ill II 289 Brandon, Vt. Description of Brown Coal deposit in: reprint I I 139 Branson, Ferguson, M.D. Soap as a means of art I u 281 Brant, Capt. John (Mo- hawk). Autograph letter on losses during war of 1812 II xiv 92 Brant, Joseph. Joseph Brant in American Revolution. By Lieut.- Col. E. Cruikshank IV v 243 IV vil 391 Brief biography IV v 243 Letter complaining of American treatment of their Indian prisoners.... IV vil 397 Letter from Upper San- dusky regarding opera- tions there in 1781 . IV vu 403 Letter to militia officer threatening him IV vil 399 Letter to Col. Daniel Clauss in 1779 IV vu 394 Letter to Sir John Johnson in 1782 stating his griev- ances IV vn 406 Operations in Mohawk val- ley during Revolutionary war IV vu 398 Part in sacking Cherry Valley, 1778... ... IV iv 289 Speech at Council Meeting in Detroit during Revolu- tionary war IV vu 402 Brant Goose, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Brant's Village, gazetteer notice (1813)........... II XIV 370 Brantford. Opening of Buffalo and Brantford Ry.: reprint. I II 205 Bras d'Or, limestone deposits IV vm 155 Brasenia, Canadian species.. II xv 59 59 BRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BRI Ser. Vol. Page B. peltata, Pursh, Canadian localities II xv 59 B. purpurea. Development of young stem (pl.) IV vi 620 Stelar system and phlceo- terma (pl.) IV vi 621 Brass. Formation of, by Gal- vanic Agency I m 302 Iron coated with I I 43 Othomis of Mexico: ref.. . . IV v 207 Native histories of Mexico and Central America. ... IV vi 156 Mexican and Zapotecs Wars IV vi 171 Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbe. History of Oaxaca IV vi 158 Ruins of Palenque IV vi 102 Brassica, Tourn, Canadian localities of B. alba, Boissier II xv 161 B. nigra, Boissier II xv 162 B. sinapistrum Boissier.... II xv 161 B. sinapistrum, Boissier. Copper sulphate solution kills it and helps grain: ref ..... IV vii 247 Spray that will kill it with- out injuring grain IV vii 308 Brassicaceae. Collateral chorisis in II x 379 On some Questions in re- lation TO THEORY OF Structure of Plants of Orders, and Primu- lace/e. By Rev. W. Hincks II v 332 Theory regarding number and structure of the various parts of the flowers in II v 333 Brayley, Ed. W., F.R.S. Notes on Apparent Uni- versality of Principle Analogous to Regula- tion, on Physical Na- ture of Glass, and on Probable Existence of Water in State corre- sponding TO THAT OF Glass: reprint II vi 63 Brazil. Ancient tribes Ill v 68 Morro Velho gold lode I I 17 Bread. Causes producing staleness. I I 189 Methods of adulterating. . . I in 280 Use of Lime-water in For- mation of: reprint...;. . I ill 309 Ser. Vol. Page Breakenridge, John. Nom-de-plume "Claud Hal- cro"; poem. Crusaders before Jerusalem II xv 453 Breast plates, Dene cere- monial IV iv 167 Breath, and its government. . Ill vi 181 Brebner, G. Root first shows develop- ment in Danaea: ref IV v 280 Breccia. Described II vi 440 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Bredig Copper Colloidal Solution, effect of potas- sium phosphate in, on velocity of particles in electric field IV ix 59 Breech-cloth, Dene cere- monial IV iv 180 Breeding, artificial breeding of fish I i 18 Bremenium (High Roches- ter), notes on Latin In- scription on stones and altars found at II vi 242 II xii 123 II xiv 550 Bressa Prize. Bressa Prize IV m 186 Conditions of award for 1891-94 IV iv 234 Bretagne. Gaelic topographical names in Ill v 82 Language and Litera- ture of. By Rev. Dr. McNish Ill v 76 Bretons. Of Cymric family Ill v 77 Only French sailors IV n 176 Origin Ill v 77 Relation to Guanche IV vn 37 Sailors in Caesar's time. ... IV n 177 Type of, crania II ix 400 Brewster, Sir David. Experiments on vision II u 269 Memoirs of Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton: reviewed. II I 452 Notice of tree struck by lightning I I 95 On Sir David Brewster's SUPPOSED LAW OF VISIBLE Direction. By Rev. George Paxton Young.. . II n 268 Brick Clay, Canadian II vm 461 Bridge. Action of Ice at Rice Lake on. By T. C. Clarke I m 249 Bruni's Iron Bridge over River Wye I I 35 60 BRI GENERAL INDEX BRI Ser. Vol. Page Bridge-Con. Description of, at Rice Lake I m 249 Description with draw- ings of a Mill-dam and Bridge across a Creek FIFTY FEET WIDE I I 10 High Bridge, Portage, New York, described with illus- trations I i 68 Niagara Suspension: re- print I hi 19 Railway Bridge over St. Lawrence at Montreal ; ITS LOCATION AND CON- STRUCTION: reprint I II 76 Railway Suspension Bridge over Niagara I I 46 I in 149 Report of Survey for Rail- way Bridge over St. Law- rence at Montreal I ii 44 Report on Victoria Bridge. By Robert Stephenson: reviewed II I 467 The Victoria I m 69 Victoria compared with Niagara Suspension Bridge II I 479 Victoria, material in II I 468 Victoria Bridge, with PLAN, DESCRIPTION AND Robert Stephenson's Report I n 290 Bridgeman, Laura. On Vocal Language of. By Daniel Wilson II xi 113 Brie, Cheese, nature of fatty acids formed in IV vn 111 Brieger and Ehrlich. Immunity of milk of im- mune animals: ref IV vn 480 Brinton, Dr. D. G. Creation myths of Algon- quin tribes II v 19 Dew as holy water among Mayas: ref IV vi 336 Eskimo myths: ref Ill vi 289 Grammatical gender in Aryan speech: ref Ill vn 216 Huastecs IV vi 177 Identity of Savacon of Caribs IV vi 116 Maya chronicles published by......... IV vi 158 On distribution of Denes: ref IV iv 14 On distribution of Kenai: ref...: IV iv 15 On Dene technology: ref.... IV iv 35 Origin of Mound-builders: ref Ill v 63 Ser. Vol. Page Brinton, Dr. D. G.- Con. Origin of term "Eskimo": ref Ill vi 267 Poetry of Eskimo: ref IV vi 319 Priests (primitive) as ob- servers of nature: ref IV vi 320 Quetzalcoatl worship: ref... IV v 13 Time reckoning among Al- . gonkins IV v 313 Bristol, Ont., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 370 Britain. Ancient metallurgy in II vn 31 Ashchurite traces in II xiv 265 Barrow builders in II ix 378 Beavers in early II iv 360 Brachycephalic skull found in Wiltshire (pl.) II vn 407 Celtic migration into Ill i 310 Cimbri migration into Ill i 310 Coal supply of II ix 30 Constructions used in Latin Inscriptions on pigs of lead found in II vn 28 Crania of Ancient Britons. By J. B. Davis: ref II vn 437 Crania, artificial distortion of, in ancient II vn 408 Crania Britannica; deline- ations and descriptions of skulls of early inhabitants of. By Jos. Barnard Davis and John Thur- nam: reviewed II iv 142 Crania of early races of... . II vn 437 Crania from Longlow Cist.. II vn 423 Crania of primitive races from West Kennet .... II vn 425 Cranial distortions of an- cient Britons: causes of.. II vm 141 Cranial evidence of Phoe- nician settlement in II vm 137 Cranial measurements of skulls from British Bar- rows and Cists II vn 436 Cranial measurements of skulls from British Mega- lithic Tombs II vn 435 Cranial types (3) in Ancient British graves II vm 131 Cranial types found in an- cient, and deductions therefrom II vm 138 Cave and sepulchre excava- tions II vn 404 Description of Monu- ments of Roman Rule in North of England: reviewed II xiv 543 Dolichocephalic crania of, questions concerning. ... II vm 138 61 BRI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BRI Ser. Vol. Page Britain-Con. Errors in Wright's book on "Celt, Roman and Saxon'' II v 286 Fossil musk ox found in... . II I 307 Identified Stations on southern Roman bar- rier in. By Rev. John McCaul II xiii 136 Illustrations of Signifi- cance OF CERTAIN AN- CIENT British Skull forms. By Daniel Wilson II vm 127 Inquiry into Physical Characteristics of An- cient and Modern Celt of Gaul and. By Daniel Wilson •.••••.•• 11 1X 369 Inscriptiones Britanniae Latinae: reviewed II xiv 145 Latin Inscriptions on Metal- lurgic relics in II vi 410 Latin Inscriptions on pigs of lead found in II VII 30 Malcolm's Genealogical Tree of Royal Family of: reprint II VII 152 Notes on Latin Inscrip- tions found in Britain. By Rev. John McCaul... II in 7, 220 II iv 173, 349 II v 283, 483 II vi 230, 395 II vn 28 II ix 217 II x 95, 303 II xii 108 On Breaks in Succession of Life in British Rock. By Prof. A. C. Ramsay: reprint II in 89 Osteological evidence as to ancient races in II ix 378 Primitive races of II vn 423 Primitive races prior to the Celts II vn 405 Races inhabiting, in prime- val times II ix 375 Roman government of, general view of II X 303 Roman Governors during first century and dates of rule II x 304 Roman Governors of, during second, third and fourth centuries determined from Latin Inscriptions II x 310 Roman Inscriptions in, McCaul's rendering of Bath inscription correct. . II m 465 Roman medicine stamps in, interpreted II ill 8 Ser. Vol. Page Britain-Con. Roman metallurgy in .... . II vi 409 Roman walls in, who built them? II xiii 136 Shellsfound on Roman sitesin II in 386 Skulls of early inhabitants. II n 443 Spurious MSS. on antiqui- ties in II xii 178 Sugar beet industry; at- tempted development in. II vi 470 Topographical Argument IN FAVOUR OF EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH Isles by Celts who spoke Gaelic. By Neil MacNish..... Ill I 310 Types of ancient crania found in II ix 375 Use of iron-clad vessels in navy II vi 74 Zimri traces in (ancient)... II xv 311 Britannicus. Inscription on pig of lead to II vn 38 British. British Immigration into U. Canada, 1825-37. By A. F. Hunter: abstract.. IV iv 229 British Rule in India. By J. Patterson IV ix 83 Exports, 1853 I m 67 Discoveries in America com- pared with French II ii 403 Policy in India from 1750- 1856 IV ix 85 Post Office 1839-52, and finances 1822-51 I I 96 British Association for Ad- vancement of Science. 1852 Meeting; extracts. ... I i 81, 95 1853 Meeting; President's Address (Mr. Hop- kins) I n 49 Extracts from proceed- ings I n 66 1854 Meeting; President's Address I m 85 Extracts from proceed- ings I in 109, 143 1855 Meeting; President's Address I in 369 Extracts from proceed- ings I in 364, 411 1856 Meeting; President's Address (Dr. Dau- beny) II n 50 Extracts from proceed- ings II ii 110 1857 Meeting; President's Address (Rev. Hum- phrey Lloyd) II ii 462 Extracts from proceed- ings H in 50 62 BRI BRO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page British Association-Con. 1858 Meeting; President's Address containing review of Science to date II iv 61 1859 Meeting; President's Address (H. R. H. Prince Albert) II v 64 1863 Meeting; President's Address (Sir Wm. Armstrong) II ix 28 Montreal meeting; results. .Ill in 22 Objects and aims I n 56 II iv 63 III in 25 Report by Committee in- vestigating some improve- ments in Gun-Cotton.... II ix 37 British Canadian, nom-de- plume of Ed Ermatinger; Theology in University of Toronto (1851) II xv 447 British Columbia. Coal areas IV ix 101 Copper ores and copper pro- ductions, 1905 IV vm 157 Flora characteristics IV vm 36 Geological areas of II xv 19 Indian languages in, list.... Ill v 216 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Populations of Indians in 1820, 1847 I i 197 Produce of, mines for 1860: reprint II vn 147 Silver deposits and produc- tion up to 1905 IV vm 159 Sketch of Overland Route to. ByH.YouleHind:reviewed II vn 200 British Columbia Coast. Ascidians IV ix 117 Ascidiopsis; n. sp IV ix 119 Caesira apoploa, n. sp IV ix 124 Caesira cooperi, n. sp IV ix 127 Caesira hecateia n. sp IV ix 125 Caesira pacifica n. sp IV ix 126 Cnemidocarpa nov IV ix 132 Corella; n. sp IV ix 122 Goniocarpa nov IV ix 131 Katatropa nov IV ix 129 Metandrocarpa dermatius n. sp IV ix 129 Phallusia; n. sp IV ix 121 British Columbia Group (flora) IV vm 26 British Guiana, exports and products of (1859) II vn 140 British Honduras, exports and products of (1859).. . II vn 137 British Museum, Removal of Natural History Col- lection from; principles involved II iv 56 Ser. Vol. Page British Seas. Coralline zone in I i 109 Fauna and flora peculiarities I i 110 Laminarian zone in I i 109 Natural History of. By Prof. E. Forbes I I 109 British West India. British West India Colo- nies in 1859: reprint. ... II vn 136 Britons, Ancient. Brain capacity compared with modern English, French and German II xv 217 Crania of: reviewed II I 484 Cranial capacity (large).... II xv 216 Cranial distortions in II vn 443 Early history of II ix 372 Physical characteristics of. . II ix 373 Brittany. Celtic origin of people Ill v 76 Celtic survival in IV n 176 Druid remains Ill v 78 Gaelic topographical names in Ill v 82 Language and Literature of. By Rev. Dr. McNish III v 76 Brock, Henry. Upper Niagara River. ... Ill n 222 Brock, Maj.-Gen. Autograph letter to Bishop at Quebec about ordain- ing a Lutheran minister. . II xiv 103 Burial notice in St. Mark's register IV I 111 Naval conditions on Gt. Lakes previous to war of 1812 and results depen- dent on them IV vi 359 Brock Monument. Construction of, and details II I 201 Designs for I I 22 Design (pl.) I I 41 Brocken, spectre of, cause of and examples I I 7 Brocklesby, Prof. J. On Rising of Waters in Springs immediately be- fore Rain: reprint I n 141 Brookville. Discovery of Copper and other Indian Relics near. By Thos. Rey- nolds II i 329 Indian Relics of Copper hatchet or gouge, knife and spear and skeletons found at II I 330 Brodie. Cecidomyia bulla Walsh: ref IV ix 317 Eucosma scudderiana Cle- mens: ref IV ix 312 63 BRO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE BRU Ser. Vol. Page Brodie, Wm. Food Plants of Platy- samia Cecropia HI iv 211 Modern ornithology: abstract IV n 37 Brogger and Reusch. Origin of Apatites: ref IV vm 495 Bromide. Cadmio-bromide of Sodium; preparation of II I 17 Of organic radicals II I 488 Brome Mt. Chemical Analysis of tra- chytic rock from II V 430 Bromine. Detection in blowpipe II xv 254 Brondgeest, J. T. On the Preservation of Food I n 107 Brongniart, Alex. Fossil bones of man of great antiquity found near Paris: ref II VI 369 Brontidae II i 285 Bronze Period. Contemporaneous with stone age IV iv 137 In Europe and America... . I n 215 In Scotland I in 315 Bronzite II v 527 Bronzite, rhombic pyrox- ene, Whin Sill (Eng.): ref Ill v 178 Brooks, H., St. John. Adductor obliquus in orang: ref IV vi 574 Flexor brevis pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 539 Opponens hallucis in anthro- poids: ref IV vi 573 Opponens pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 548 Sesamoid bones in anthro- poids: ref IV vi 544 Brosenia antiqua, Medicine Hat HI v 155 Brougham, Lord. Autograph acknowledgment of pamphlet from Sir W. Congreve II XIV 479 Brown, Alex. Richard Norton's journey to Coppermine Country.... IV ix 204 Brown, C. B. * * Layton ' ' series of J amaica: ref IV v 341 Brown, C. P., M.A. Distribution of Potas- sium in Renal Cells. . IV ix 389 Brown, Peter. Nom-de-plume *'Libertas''; selections from writings. . II xv 274 Ser. Vol. Page Brown, Richard. First mining for coal in Cape Breton: ref IV ix 99 Brown, Dr. Robert. Eskimo an Hyperborean American race: ref Ill v 60 Obituary II in 365 Brown Coals II in 211 Brown-Sequard, E. Facts tending to show daily Development and Transformation of sev- eral KILOGRAMMES OF Fibrine in Human Body AND ALSO WHERE THIS Development and Transformation take place: reprint II ix 178 Brown Thrasher, habits of Ontario visitors Ill III 98 Browne, Alex. Account of Coppermine region IV ix 210 Browne, Jas. Aborigines of Australia II i 251 Superstitions and Tra- ditions of Aborigines of Australia II i 505 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Last Poems of, reviewed... II vn 210 Browning, T. B. Alaskan Boundary: ab- stract Ill v 132 Codification of Law: ab- stract IV i 12 Codification of Law with reference to Con- tracts: abstract IV n 28 Codification of Law. Real and Personal Pro- perty: abstract IV I 36 Elocutionary Drill Chart Ill vi 181 England's Oldest Col- ony: abstract Ill II 50 French Shore Question: abstract Ill vn 33 Individualism, from so- cial AND HISTORIC POINT of view: abstract Ill vi 21 Bruce, Dr. Antiquity of pipes II II 343 Interpretation of Latin in- scriptions found in Britain II in 224 II, v, 485; II, ix, 218 II, x, 99; II, xn, 118 Tobacco: reprint II n 343 Bruce, Robert the, Brain capacity of II xv 204 Bruce Mines. Examination of Huronian limestone of II iv 269 64 BRU GENERAL INDEX EUC Ser. Vol. Page Bruce Mines-Cow. Ontario II vu 216 Bruchmann. Endophyte of Lycopodium annotinum: ref IV v 275 Prothallus of Lycopodium annotinum: ref IV v 267 Brucite, crystallization of. . . II vi 527 Bruck. Capillaries take up fat: ref. IV vm 253 Briicke. Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Means by which Chameleon changes its colour: ref. .. IV vm 103 Bruges, City. Development of printing in. . II xv 587 Brugmann, Karl. Grammatical gender in Aryan speech: ref Ill vu 216 Brugmann and Paul. Origin of gender: ref IV vi 65 Brunel, Alfred. Economy of F uel for Steam Machinery II i 336 Iron bridge across Wye, designed by I I 35 Width of railway gauge.... I n 192 Brunet, Prof. Species of Spruce HI vi 173 Brunettes, number in differ- ent parts of world HI ii 13 Brunnel, Alfred. Report on Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Ry.: reviewed I i 256 Brussels, City, medical in- spection was first intro- duced in schools of IV vm 193 Brutii, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 227 Bryant, Jacob. Book once owned by him now owned by Dr. Scad- ding; history of Book. .. . II xiv 322 Bryce, Rev. Geo., M.A., D.D., etc. Crying need of Indus- trial Research in Can- ada IV ix 223 Bryce, P. H., M.A., M.D. Hypnotism and its Pheno- mena HI ii 62 Some Factors in Malaria Problem Ill ii 216 Some Points in Natural History of Ground Waters IV i 149 Bryce, T. H. Anomalies in pectoralis major in man: ref IV vi 531 Brydges, Sir Samuel Eger- ton. Autograph II xiv 496 Ser. Vol. Page Bryozoa. Characters II i 388 II xi 321 Fossils in Canada (pl.) II vn 109 Bryozoons. Belleville species II v 45 Species of, from great sea -depths II vi 520 Bubo, Hamilton species II v 388 B. virginianus. Canadian specimens II u 220 Habits of IV m 93 Notes on Ontario frequen- ters Ill vu 188, 189 IV i 45 IV, m, 67, 92,101 Buboninae. Sub-family of, described.. . II n 220 Bucania rotundata, Hall, Ottawa R I i 222 B. sulcatina (Emmons), Ottawa R I i 222 Buccament Valley, St. Vin- cent, W. Indies (pl.) IV vu 364 Buccinidse. Canadian II iv 273 Generic characters II ix 233 Bucerotidse, reasons for plac- ing in sub-order Ser- ratirostres II ix 235 Bucco-pharyngeal, respira- tion in Plethodon IV vm 489 Bucco-pharynx, position of capillaries of, for respira- tion IV vm 487 Buchan, Dr. Spectre of Brocken seen at Brighton: ref I I 7 Buchan, J. M. Canadian Plants II xiv 300 Flora Hamiltonensis. .. . Ill n 145 Notes on Flora of Hamil- ton II xiv 281 Presidential Address (1882) Ill i 361 Presidential Address (1883-84) on Complex- ion, Climate and Race . Ill ii 5 Obituary HI iv 7 Buchanan, Prof. Theory of Righthandedness II xm 203 Buck, Spike Horn II I 188 Buckeye, Canadian localities II xv 353 Buckingham, Eng. Calcareous concretions from. By Dr. G. D. Gibb: reprint II II 216 Buckingham Tp., Graphite from, analyzed II xn 265 Buckle, Henry Thos. Autograph II xiv 481 65 BUC BUN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Buckthorn, Canadian locali- ties II xv 352 Buddha. Connection with Jadag family II xiv 573 Date of death IV iv 271 Buddhist, connection with Zimran II xv 285 B. inscriptions. Interpreted by Devanagari characters IV iv 262 New reading of, of India. By John Campbell IV iv 261 Princeps considers them work of Aryans; Camp- bell, work of aboriginal peoples IV iv 265 Proclamation of Asoka found at Girnar; trans- lated IV iv 266 Tsurami inscription found at Mathura translated... IV iv 268 Budding. Effect of nutrient solutions on: expts IV vn 339 Yeast cell IV vi 498 Budgen, Richard. Remarks on Law of Storms as set forth in TRACT PUBLISHED BY, IN 1730. By Rev. C. Dade II v 294 Buds. Effect of water and nutrient solutions upon develop- ing, of willow twigs: expts IV vii 339 Flower development from.. II x 372 Buerotidae, generic charac- ters II ix 233 Buffalo, N.Y. Associated Charities Ill in 103 Buffalo and Brantford Ry., opening of: reprint I n 205 Waterworks I m 260 Buffalo. Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Extermination of Ill iv 144 Half-Breed's Hunting me- thods II i 129,133 Indian Buffalo hunt II v 192 Wood Buffalo. By Ernest E.T. Seton HI ill 114 Bufo variabilis, supernumer- ary digit in tarsus IV vi 545 Buhler, Anton. Alkalies' action on nerve cells: ref IV vi 413 Another green staining sub- stance besides nucleolus in nucleus:: ref IV vi 410 Chemical properties of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 406 Ser. Vol. Page Buhler, Anton- Con. Foetal cells devoid of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 418 Nissl granules not always in Lacerta agilis: ref IV vi 426 Nissl granules in spinal ganglion cells: ref IV vi 409 Buidhean or Bell of Stro- wan, miraculous powers of II iv 433 Building stones, Gaspe Pen- insula II v 467 Bujwid. Bacteria found in milk supply of Warsaw: ref... IV vn 467 Bulbiferous Cinta, Toronto i i 206 Bull, Rev. Canon. Old church register found in Chippewa by IV iv 240 Bulla, oryza Tott, St. Law- rence Valley II hi 87 Bulrush family, species yielding paper fibre II Xi 199 Buhic region IV vi 180 Bunbury. Cathaei of Punjab and Cathay resemblance pure- ly chance: ref Ill v 75 Bunch-berry, characters: Canadian habitats II vi 280 Bundenbachia, stiirtz. Characteristics; family and species IV vin 367 Bunge. Nucleins from yolk of hen's egg and milk contain iron firmly bound in nuclein molecule: ref IV n 237 Biinger, Dr. Christian Heinrich. Brain capacity of II xv 206 Bunsen. Origin of Egyptians: ref... . Ill in 285 Bunsen, M. Investigations to separate metals from their com- pounds: ref I in 94 Preparation of Aluminium. . I III 362 Autograph and reminiscen- ces II xiv 500 Bunting. Hamilton species II v 391 Prince of Wales Sound species Ill v 120 Bunting, Indigo, notes on Ontario frequenters Ill vn 192 IV, m, 70, 76, 82, 109 Bunting, rice, habits of Ontario visitors Ill m 98 Bunting, Snow, Toronto winterbird I I 171 Bunting, towree, habits of Ontario visitors Ill ill 93 66 BUP GENERAL INDEX BUT Ser. Vol. Page Buprestidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 Buprestis aureolenta Lin. Cat.) I in 257 Burford Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) ... II xiv 370 Burgess Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Burgoa, Francisco de. History of Oaxaca and Za- achilla-Yoho IV vi 158 Burlington Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 210 Burlington Beach and Heights, geological for- mation of II v 509 Burn, David. Nom-de-plume "Scotus": educational questions re- viewed II xv 446 Burnet, Canadian localities II xv 362 Burnett, Dr. W. J. Researches on Develop- ment of Viviparous Aphides: reprint I n 136 Burnfield, Rev. Geo. Ancient Egyptian Lan- guage Ill in 281 Burning-Bush, Canadian habitats II xv 353 Burns, David, Toronto II xm 186 Burns, Robert. Brain capacity of II xv 204 Brain capacity and early life II xv 212 Burnside, Dr., Toronto II xn 341 Burr, Rowland, Toronto.... II xm 375 Burrard Inlet. Chelysoma columbianum sp. n. in '... . IV ix 124 Corella rugosa sp. n. in IV ix 122 Goniocarpa coccodes sp. n. in IV ix 132 Burr-stone, discovered in gneiss of Chatham II II 49 Bursacrinus II vi 528 Burt. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vu 244 Burton, E. F. Dialysis of Colloidal Ferric Hydroxide IV ix 53 Size of suspension particles of colloidal solutions: ref. IV viu 435 Burwell, Adam Hood. Nom-de-plume "Erie-us"; with selections from poems II xv 450 Bury, Mrs. Radiolarians: ref IV viu 386 Buscalioni. Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Ser. Vol. Page Busck, August. Host plant of Gnorimos- chema gallaeasterella Kelli- cott: ref IV ix 310 Bush Clover, localities Cana- dian species II xv 358 Busycon peroersum, Mani- toba mounds contain.... Ill iv 134 Butcher Bird or American Shrike. Hamilton frequenters II vi 133 Wintering in Ontario HI vu 182 IV I 44, 59 Buteo. Hamilton species II v 387 Notes on Ontario species... . Ill vn 195 IV, in, 67, 84, 89, 90 Buteo. Characters and Canadian specimens of B. hyemalis II iv 445 B. lineatus II iv 445 B. pennsylvanicus II iv 445 Buteoninae, generic charac- ters; various species de- scribed and discussed.... II iv 444 Buthotrephis gracilis, Hall, Clinton Group, Dundas and Hamilton II xiv 137 Butler, Capt. Walter. Journal of, on voyage ALONG NORTH SHORE OF L. Ontario from 8th to 16th March, 1779. By Capt. Ernest Cruikshank IV iv 279 Memoir of. By Capt. Ernest Cruikshank IV iv 284 Reply to charges of cruelty against him IV iv 290 Butler, Col. John. Col. Butler and Butler's Ran- gers; settlement in Niagara IV i 98 In American Revolution. . . IV v 252 In Niagara (1778) IV iv 303 Obituary IV I 116 Butler, Dr. Samuel. History of his copy of a classical book which Dr. Scadding possesses II xiv 341 Butler, Fessenden and. A new planimeter III v 27 Butler's Rangers IV i 74 Biitschli. Cell structure of Bacteria and Cyanophyceae same in type: ref IV VI 444 Cyanophyceae cells contain nuclein: ref IV vi 445 Structure of Beggiatoa: ref. IV vi 472 Butter fat. Cocoa nut oil adulterant identified by Reichert's Process Ill v 40 67 BUT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAD Ser. Vol. Page Butter fat-Con. Reichert's Distillation- Process FOR IDENTIFI- CATION OF. By A. McGill III v 39 Buttercup. Localities Canadian species. II xv 53 Toronto I I 207 Butterflies, early appearance in Nova Scotia I I 241 Butternut, Canadian II vi 32 Butterweck, Otto Carl. Ripening of tobacco: ref.. . IV vn 323 Butyric. Acid in lactic fermentation. II vi 457 Ferment II vi 457 Peculiar flavour of pine apple rum due to, ether.. I i 10 Buzzards. Generic characteristics II iv 444 Hamilton species II v 387 Buzzard, Rough-legged. Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Toronto Ill vn 186 Byrant. Analysis of ancient myth- ology: ref II xiii 156 Byron, Lord Brain weight of II xv 209 Byrrhidse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Byrrhus cyclophorus, Kirb., Canadian II I 36 B. varius (Mels. Cat.) I in 257 Bysmalith, L. Wendigokan region IV vm 359 Bytownite, same as Anorthite I i 114 Cabbage family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 C ablahuh- Tihax. King of Cachiquels IV vi 125 Cable. Completion of first cable and second survey for Atlantic II vi 105 Difficulties in laying first cable across Irish Channel I I 33 Difficulties of constructing Atlantic I Hl 5 Experimental Observa- tions on. By Mr. Wild- man: reprint I m 366 Exploration survey for se- cond Atlantic II VI 105 First Atlantic II ill 462 Law of the Squares. Is it admissible or not in- transmission OF SIGNALS by Cable. By O. W. Whitehouse: reprint II n 113 Ser. Vol. Page Cable-Con. Mathematical Investi- gation of Proportion between Length re- quired FOR TELEGRA- PHIC Cable and its Specific Gravity. By Capt. Blakely: reprint... II m 54 Observations on, between Europe and America. By L. Turnbull I m 4 Poem by J. A. Boyd on completion of first At- lantic Cable II iv 329 Recent Expeditions of "Bulldog" and "Fox" for Cable from Europe to America, via Faroe, Iceland and Green- land: reprint II vi 80 Survey made, prior to laying Atlantic Cable II n 86 To India I in 341 Cabot, J. Eliot. Physical features of south shore of L. Superior II i 353 Cabree, Canadian localities. .Ill vi 70 Cabot's Head, gazetteer no- tice (1813). . II xiv 370 Cacab, rebellion in IV vi 201 Cachiquels. Conquest of Akahals IV vi 161 Conquests IV vi 159 Dominion in Central Amer- ica IV vi 205 History IV vi 156, 169 Kings of; record of, on altar at Copan IV vi 151 Oxlahun-Pek king of IV vi 125 Oxyib revolt from IV vi 203 Thirteen Dogs, king of ... . IV vi 125 Twelve Flint Knives, king of IV vi 125 Vaku IV vi 116 Wukubatz king of IV vi 125 Zecpan Atitlan MS IV vi 157 Caderouqua in 1779 IV iv 283 Cadmio-bromide, of Sod- ium; preparation of II i 17 Cadmio-iodide. Of Ammonium; preparation of II I 15 Of Barium II I 16 Of Potassium II I 13 Of Sodium; preparation of.. II I 14 Of strontium; preparation of II i 16 Cadmium. Detection of, in presence of zinc with blowpipe II xv 252 Double chlorides of II i 193 68 CAD GENERAL INDEX CAL Ser. Vol. Page C admium-Con. On some new salts of Cad- mium and Iodides of Barium and Strontium. By Henry Croft II i 13 Salts of (double chlorides). . II i 79 Cadotte and Henry. Traders to northwest of L. Superior IV in 264 Caecilians, incubation of eggs IV vm 474 Csenuri, development II iv 36 Caenurus cerebralis, experi- ments on II vn 373 Caerleon. Celtic Antiquities II vn 464 Illustrated Catalogue of Museum of Antiquities at. By John Ed. Lee: reviewed II vn 463 Latin inscription found at, giving Emperor Gallienus' legate in Britain II x 321 Notes on Latin inscriptions on grave stones, etc., found at II vn 464 II ix 222 II xiv 154 Roman remains at II vn 463 Caernarvon, notes on Latin Inscription on stone slab found at II v 292 Caervoran, note on Latin in- scription on altar at, to Calpurnius Agricola II x 311 Caerwent, note on Latin in- scription on stone found at II vi 245 Caesira. Characters and localities on British Columbia coast of Caesira sp IV ix 126 C. apoploa sp. n IV ix 124 C. cooperi sp. n IV ix 127 C. hecateia sp. n IV ix 125 C. pacifica sp. n IV ix 126 C. pugetiensis (Herdman).. IV ix 126 Caesira. Characters and localities on Canadian Atlantic coast of C. canadensis sp. n IV ix 140 C. littoralis (Verrill) IV ix 142 C. morgatae Lac-Duth IV ix 141 C. pannosa (Verrill) IV ix 142 C. papillosa (Verrill) IV ix 139 C. retortiformis (Verrill)... IV ix 143 C. occulta (Kupffer) IV ix 126 Caesiridaa. Species on British Columbia coast IV ix 124 Species at Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 114 Caesirids. Species from Maritime Pro- vinces (Can.) IV ix 112 Ser. Vol. Page Caffeine, preparation of II i 312 Cahours, Dumas and. Proteids in flour: ref IV vn 498 Cailletet. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 243 Cailletet, M. L. On Permeability of HIGHLY HEATED IRON BY Gases: reprint II ix 277 Cainozoic. Fossils of, strata II vm 458 Period in Central Ontario. . IV vn 162 Tertiary fossiliferous rocks or, not found in Canada. II vm 112 Caistor Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Cajal, S. R. Nuclein condensed into nu- cleolus: ref IV vi 417 Cajetan. Pancreas of amiurus: ref.... Ill n 414 Peptic cells in pike: ref Ill n 401 Cakchequels, time reckoning IV v 316 Cakile, Tourn, Canadian localities of C. Americana, Nutt II xv 164 Caking Coals, properties of.. II m 210 Ca-kulel, deity IV vi 183 Calabar River, electric fish found in II in 68 Calamites, in Nova Scotia Coal I i 280 Calamus secundiflorus, uses of II x 287 Calathus ruficollis-Dej.... I m 325 Calcaire grossier, fossils in.. I m 193 Calcareo-felspathic, ashes and conglomerates in Wales I i 248 Calcareous. Calcareous concretions from Buckingham, Eng. By Dr. G. D. Gibb: re- print II n 216 Canadian, tufa II vm 460 Formation of, tufa around Moira River II v 42 Origin of, rocks II in 202 Calcarius lapponicus. Notes on Ontario frequen- ters IV in 69, 98 Calceolidae II in 160 Calceola, in upper Silurian Rocks of Tennessee II v 307 Calciferous Group. Canadian II vm 190 Displaced and altered strata of, in Canada II vm 191 Graptolithus Logani (Hall) of, in Canada (pl.) II vm 191 69 CAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAL Ser. Vol. Page Calciferous Group-Com. Normal deposits of, in Can- ada II vm 190 Occurrence, near Tor- onto, OF BOULDERS BE- LONGING to. By Geo. Jennings Hinde II xv 644 Ophileta compacta in, of Canada (pl.) II vm 190 Strata, of Lake Superior. .. II vm 193 Calcispongise, reproduction. II xv 421 Calcite. Analysis of, in apatite de- posits IV vm 511 Conditions in which occurs in Kamanistiquia region. HI vu 251 Formation of II vi 300 Origin in apatite deposits... IV vm 510 Tests; Canadian localities. . II vi 153 Calcium. Animals acquiring lime habit IV vn 536 Archaean seas contain little. IV vn 536 Evidence from lakes and rivers now existing of pro- portion in primeval ocean IV vn 556 Evidence from lakes and rivers that potassium and calcium predominated in pre-Cambrian seas. ... IV vn 555, 560 History of, in sea water... . IV vn 548 Increase of, in ocean accele- rated evolution of inver- tebrate and vertebrate life IV vn 536 On employment of higher SULPHIDES OF CALCIUM AS MEANS OF PREVENTING AND DESTROYING OlDIUM Tuckeri or Grape Dis- ease. By Dr. Astley P. Price: reprint I II 70 Plasma contains it, rela- tively same as sea water. . IV vn 561 Proportion in living proto- plasm unknown IV vn 561 Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vn 558 Proportions in blood and sea water different IV vn 539 Relative amount in dog's muscle IV vu 540 Relative proportion in sea water not same as in river water ; reason IV vu 560 Rivers and lakes contain it relatively abundantly.... IV vn 556 Sea water contains constant amount; reason IV VII 561 Calcium Salts. Effect on life in sea water.. IV vn 365 Ser. Vol. Page Calcium Carbonates, causes of removal from sea water and origin of pre-Cam- brian limestone beds IV vn 545 Calcium Carbide, manufac- ture in Canada IV vm 168 Calcspar. Canadian localities Il Vi 153 Crystals from South Africa. II u 219 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Tests II vi 153 Calcutta, inauguration of Railway I in 240 Calendar. Naturalists, for Tor- onto. By Wm. Couper. April-July 1853... I n 20 Aug.-Oct. 1853... I ii 76 Nov.-Dec. 1853.. . I n 124 Caledonia, Ont., mineral springs I I 154 Caledonia Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II XIV 370 Cales in Campania, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 227 Calgary, temperature pecu- larities of IV v 50 California. Borax deposit in. By W. H. Ellis II xv 328 Earthquakes in (1856) Il u 299 Extraordinary Fishes from California, con- stituting A NEW FAMILY. By L. Agassiz I u 87 Gold discoveries in, rush; and results II I 435 Californian Hare, Canadian localities HI vi 83 Calamiteae, in coal II v 305 Calamites, in Hamilton shales I hi 2 Calico, improvements in manufacture of I I 136 Calla palustris. Development of young stem IV vi 624 Toronto specimens I I 206 Callan, Rev. N. On Stanno-Plumbated Iron: abstract I m 45 Callbreath. On Tahl-tan Indians: ref.. . IV iv 35 Callidium antennatum Newn (Mels. Cat.).... I in 258, 326 C. violaceum, Linn I m 376 Calligrapha scalaris Le Conte (Mels. Cat.) .... I m 259, 326 Callimorpha Latr, generic characters; species II vm 374 Calliocrinites II n 304 70 CAL GENERAL INDEX CAM Ser. Vol. Page Callitricaceae, locality Cana- dian species II xiv 648 Callocystites, Hall, Canada II n 303 C. jewettii I n 215 Callorhinus ursinus (Linn.) Gray, Canadian localities III vi 77 Calocera carnea, habits; On- tario habitats IV ix 79 Calodictya IV vm 386 Calosoma calidum Fabr. and Black I in 210,325 C. frigidum, Kirby I m 210, 325 C. scrutator, Fabr. (Mels. Cat.) 1 in 210, 325 Calopteryx. Characters and N. American habitats of C. apicalis, Burm II vn 461 C. dimidiata, Rambur II vn 461 C. holosericeus, Burm II vn 461 C. maculata, Beauv II vn 461 C. papilionacea, Rambur... II vn 461 C. virginica, Drury, ed. Westwood II vn 461 Calpurnius Agricola, legate in Britain II X 311 Caltha, L. Canadian lo- calities of C. natans, Pallas II xv 56 C. palustris, L II xv 56 Calumet, Grand, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Calumet, Pointe au, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Calvatia. Habits and On- tario habitats of C. cyathiformis, Batsch.... IV ix 80 C. gigantea, Batsch IV ix 79 Calvert, Prof. C. On physiological pro- perties of Carbazotic Acid: reprint I in 113 Calvert, Prof. F. C. Alloys of Iron and Alu- minium: reprint I in 411 Action of gallic and tannic Acids on iron and Alumina Mordants: reprint I in 113 Calvert, F. Grace. Action of citric, tartaric and oxalic acids on cotton and flax fibres I III 113 Calvert, John. Decomposition of rocks; DECOMPOSITION OF THEIR METALLIC CONSTITUENTS: reprint I in 39 Calvin, Ont., mean tempera- tures and precipitation of IV ix 151 Calymene, Canadian (pl.). . II vm 31 Ser. Vol. Page C. blumenbachii, Brog- niart. Dundas II xiv 145 Niagara limestone, Niagara River, and Thorold II xiv 142 C. senaria (Conrad), Toronto II iv 450 Calymenidae II i 285 Camas, vegetable used by Chinook Indians I in 275 Cambden. Latin inscription on stone at Old Penrith translated: ref II x 97 Cambium, scrapers IV iv 76 Cambium layer, in galls (pl.) IV ix 373 Cambrian. Beds contain Brachipods and Trilobites IV vn 536 Contemporaneous with copper-bearing rocks of L. Superior I i 125 Magnesium in sea water in pre-Cambrian IV vn 540 North America during, time IV vn 154 Rocks in Wales I i 248 System in America I in 386 Cambrian, Lower, L. Su- perior in, times IV Vi 48 Cambridge Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Cambridge Univ., auto- graphs of, celebrities with notes II xiv 597 Cambro-Silurian, L. Su- perior IV vi 50 Camden East, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 370 Camden Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 370 Camelina, Krautz Cana- dian localities of C. sativa, Krautz II xv 163 Camera Obscura. Extent to which the re- ceived Theory of Vision REQUIRES US TO REGARD the Eye as a. By George Wilson: reprint I ill 347 Camerella, primordial zone, Quebec II vi 42 Cameron, John, of York Gazette II xil 525 Carneses, genealogy II xiv 561 Campaign of 1815. Bibliography Ill iv 150 Campaign of 1815. By R. E. Kingsford Ill iv 149 Campanulacese. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 295 Hamilton species Ill n 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 644 71 CAM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAN Ser. Vol. Page Campanulaceae-Con. London species II vin 228 Campania, Cales in, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 227 Campania, Neapolis in, sil- ver coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 107 Campanula rotundifolia, suitable for flower gardens IV in 129 Campbell, Osborne and. Method of preparing nu- clein: ref IV vii 508 Campbell, Prof. Douglas. Discovery of gametophyte of Botrychium virginia- num IV v 267 Embryo of Isoetes echino- spora: ref IV v 280 Precocious development of cotyledon in Marattiaceae: ref IV v 280 Well marked apical cells of mature spore plant Botry- chium virginianum: ref.. IV v 282 Campbell, Rev. John. Aboriginal American In- scriptions in PHONETIC characters IV v 53 Affiliation of Algon- quin Languages Ill i 15 Asiatic tribes in North America Ill i 171 Birthplace of ancient RELIGIONS AND CIVILIZA- TIONS II xm 152 Celt in ancient Egypt and Babylonia IV v 89 Coptic element in Lan- guages of Indo-Europ- ean family II XIII 282, 403 Critical examination of Spanish Documents re- lative to Canary Is- lands, submitted to Writer by Senor Don Juan Bethencourt Al- fonso of Tenerife IV vii 29 Decipherment of hierogly- phic inscriptions of Cen- tral America IV vi 101 Denes of America identi- fied with Tungus of Asia IV v 167 Eastern Origin of Celts II xv 73, 277 Etruria Capta Ill in 144 Horites II xm 510 Khitan languages: Aztec AND ITS RELATIONS Ill II 158 New reading of Buddhist Inscriptions in India. .. IV iv 261 Ser. Vol. Page Campbell, Rev. John-Con. Oldest written records of league of Iroquois. . IV vi 245 Pharaoh of Exodus IDENTIFIED IN MYTH OF Adonis II xm 33 Primitive history of Ion- ians II xiv 395,559 Shepherd Kings of Egypt II xiv 158, 219 Siberian Inscriptions. ... IV n 261 (abstract) IV III 20 Some Laws of Phonetic Change in Khitan Lan- guages Ill i 282 Ainos of Mongol descent: ref Ill v 75 Aryan origin of Quichua- Aymara: ref Ill v 67 "Denes of America identi- fied with Tungus of Asia" criticized IV 'Vi 95 Etruscan views of, criti- cized Ill v 86 Fuegians members of Khi- tan family Ill v 68 Hittites as ancestors of Mound builders criticized III v 63 List of Dene words criticized IV vi 94 Nahanie or Nahaunie same as Nah'ane IV vii 517 Obituary IV vm 98 Campbell, J. F. Authenticity of Ossian poems denied IV iv 323 Ossian poems collected by. . IV i 220 Campbell (Lord Chancellor). Brain weight of II xv 209 Campbell, Sir Wm. Chief Justice of U. Canada. II xn 244 Campbell, W. D. C., Que- bec. Method of determining Index Errors of Ther- mometer Scales II i 138 Canaanite. Home and migrations of... II xm 175 Race doomed to degrada- tion II i 5, 9 Canada. Acetic acid manufacture.. . IV vm 164 Agricultural capabilities of Laurentian Series II vm 122 Allanite (Orthite), Note on Occurrence of, in Rocks of Canada. By E. J. Chapman II ix 103 Aluminum industry and production (1902) IV vm 159 American Revolution epi- sodes II xiv 81 72 CAN GENERAL INDEX CAN Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. American settlement in Canadian prairies; effect on British connection.... II vm 424 Ammonia manufacture.... IV vm 165 Antimony deposits and pro- duction up to 1905 IV vm 161 Apatite, mode of occur- rence in. By Robert Bell III in 294 Archaeological research in. . Ill iv 1 Arsenic deposits and pro- ductions up to 1905 IV vm 160 Art in, to-day. By J. W. L. Forster IV n 113 Asbestos industry and de- posits IV vm 183 Ascidians from coasts of. By A. G. Huntsman IV ix 111 Asphalt manufacture IV vm 168 Azoic, Division of Azoic ROCKS OF, INTO HURONIAN and Laurentian. By Sir Wm. Logan II n 439 Azoic rocks of II n 302, II vm 113 Azoic series in II ix 1 Beet sugar industry IV vm 175 Bibliography of Archae- ology of, and New- foundland, FIRST CON- TRIBUTION to. By A. F. Chamberlain Ill vn 13 Bibliography of Archae- ology OF, SECOND CON- TRIBUTION to. By A. F. Chamberlain Ill vn 40 Bog iron ore deposits II vm 460 Boundary between Upper and Lower, reason for starting it from Pt. au Bod£t II xiv 62 Boundary difficulties with U.S. over part west of Lake of Woods II xiv 58 Boundaries of Upper and Lower, as defined by Con- stitutional Act of 1791. . . II xiv 58 Boundary, threatened at- tack in 1799 over bound- ary to west of Lake of Woods II xiv 59 Brick clay of II vm 461 British connection, feeling regarding, in 1865 II x 83 Calcium Carbide manufac- ture IV vm 168 Canada and Her Resour- ces, being Prize Essay at Paris Exhibition. By Alexander Morris: re- viewed I m 351 Canada in Bodleian. By Dr. Scadding II xii 370 Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Canada in 1852 I i 33 Canada in Sculpture. By Dr. Scadding: abstract... Ill v 132 Canada in 1852, Extracts FROM NOTES ON PUBLIC Subjects. By Hugh Sey- mour Tremenheere...... I I 32 Canada, Physical, Economic and Social. By A. Lillie, D.D.: reviewed I m 351 Canadas (1832). By An- drew Picken: ref II xv 34 Canals (1851) I i 119 Canal projects and possi- bilities (1865) II x 282 Canals: reviewed II x 261 Carbohydrate industry. ... IV vm 174 Carboniferous Strata in.... II vm 450 Carborundum manufacture IV vm 169 Cedar from : reprint I in 340 Cement industry IV vm 172 Census of; for 1851-52: reprint I n 92 Census of 1861. By John Langton II x 1 Census, extent of settlement (1663-1738) II vm 413 Census, growth from con- quest to 1850 I I 217 Cereals at Paris Exhibition. II i 144 Chazy Formation II vm 195 Chemical Industries of. By W. R. Lang IV vm 151 Chemicals (refined) manu- facture IV vm 166 Coal areas in IV ix 101 Coal in: reprint I n 292 Coal tar manufacture IV vm 168 COLEOPTERA COLLECTED IN. By Wm.Couper I m 210 256, 324, 376 II i 33 Confederation, Our Federal Union. By D. A. O'Sullivan: abstract. .Ill n 29 Copper Ores II vm 193 Copper ores and copper pro- duction (1905) IV vm 156 Corniferous Formation in. . II vm 441 Correspondence between Canadian Institute and Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce on making THE COUNTRY KNOWN. ... I I 14 Corundum industry IV vm 171 Cranial types in II ix 392 Crinoids of Lower Silurian.. II iv 467 Currency, efforts to adopt British standard of cur- rency in IV ix 241 73 CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAN Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Currency, efforts to obtain standard IV ix 245 Currency, proposals for standard of I i 179 Currency, standard of cur- rency in I i 178 De la Barre's and Frontenac's administrations II xm 306 Devonian Strata in II vm 440 Directory for 1857-58: re- viewed II in 34 Dominion Railway Board of Commissioners: powers, etc IV ix 62 Drift accumulations in II ix 6 Drift formation in II v 52 Drift or Glacial Formation proper in II vm 453 Drift, Observations on SUPPOSED GLACIAL DRIFT in. By H. Youle Hind: reprint II ix 253 Drift, Some Notes on Drift Deposits of Western Canada (Ont.) and an Extension of Lake Area of that Region. By E. J. Chap- man II vi 221 Drug manufacture IV vm 166 Earthquake shocks felt in. . I i 185 Echium vulgare, L., in II xiv 284 Economics, notes on some PRACTICALLY INTERESTING QUESTIONS IN ECONOMICAL SCIENCE BEARING ON PRO- SPERITY OF COUNTRIES SITUATED AS OURS IS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 96 Education, compulsory... . IV ix 223 Education, Governor Sim- coe's attempts for higher education II xm 463 Education, Lord Elgin's attempts for higher edu- cation II xm 473 Education, on course of Col- legiate Education adapted to circumstances of Can- ada. By J. W. Davison: reviewed II I 168 Education, Sir Edmund Head's attempts for higher II xm 481 Educational Directory and Calendar for 1857-8. By Thomas Hodgins: re- viewed II ii 207 Emigrants, Information FOR INTENDING EMI- GRANTS I in 267 Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Entomological Society of, Second Annual Meeting, May 14th, 1864 II ix 282 Esquisse Geologique du. By W. E. Logan and T. S. Hunt: reviewed II i 378 Exhibit at the Gt. Ex- hibition (1851) I i 38 Exhibit at The Universal Exhibition of 1855: re- viewed II ii 32 Expedition, first overland expedition from Montreal (1738) to discover Pacific Ocean Il vin 412 Expedition, Mackenzie's (Sir Alex.) to Pacific IV iv 314 Expeditions to North-West Territory II v 545 Exploration, Brief Nar- rative of Journeys of David Thompson in North-Western Am- erica. By J. B. Tyrrell.. Ill vi 13c Exploration, early explora- tions of Hudson Bay re- gion by French II vm 410 Exploration, early explora- tions in Manitoba and West by French (17 cent.) II vm 413 Exports of wheat from, 1838-52 I ii 21 Fauna Canadensis; ma- terials for. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vn 446 Fauna, Contributions to a Fauna Canadensis, BEING AN ACCOUNT OF Animals dredged in L. Ont., 1872. By H. Alleyne Nicholson II xm 490 Fertilizers, manufacture.... IV vm 167 Flora, groups IV vm 25 Flora, on Pre-Carboniferous Flora of, By J. W. Daw- son: reviewed II vi 486 Flora, specimen of a FLORA OF, WITH PRELIMI- NARY Remarks. By Wm. Hincks II vi 165, 266 Flora of, specimen of II vi 276 Foresters, need of IV vm 297 Fossil, additional, tracks in Potsdam sandstone II V 469 Fossil Corals of Devon- ian rocks of Ontario. By E. Billings II iv 97 Fossils. On Devonian Fossils of, West. By E. Billings II v 428 11 vi 138, 253, 329 74 CAN CAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Free trade versus protection (1866) II xi 102 French-Canadian cranial characteristics II ix 396 French Maps of II H 394 French surveys II n 393 French trading posts at time of conquest IV m 254 Gazetteer (1846). By Wm. Henry Smith: ref II xv 38 Gazetteer, Early, and Map Literature of Western. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 23 Gazetteer, First, and Notes on Upper Canada. By David Wm. Smith, Sur- veyor-General II xiv 55 Gazetteer notice (1778).... II xv 25 General Sir Guy Carleton's saving of, in 1775-76 II xiv 79 Geography and History of British America and other Colonies of the Empire. By J. Geo. Hodgins: re- viewed II hi 47 Geology of, brief Il i 378 Geology of Eastern or Meta- morphic Basin of II ix 9 Geology of Lake Basin of.. . II ix 4 Geology, Observations on Physical Geology of Western districts of (Ont.). By Chas. Robb. II v 497 Geology, Relative Dates of Various Intrusive Rocks Cutting Lauren- tian Series in. By Sir Wm.E. Logan II m 107 Geology, Remarks on Fauna of Quebec Group of Rocks and Primor- dial Zone of. By Sir W. E. Logan: reprint.... II vi 40 Geological Map of, note on. II i 74 Geological Map of Western, and Eastern Michigan... II ix 4 Geological, on Leading GEOLOGICAL AREAS OF. By E. J. Chapman II xv 13, 92 Geological survey and col- lection at Paris Exhibition II i 378 Geological Survey of, De- cades I and IV: reviewed. II iv 465 Geological Survey re- port (1852-3) I hi 97 Geological surveys made in, up to 1854 I hi 254 Geological Survey of, Re- port for 1857: reviewed.. II iv 268 Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Geological Survey of, Re- port for 1858: reviewed. . II v 451 Geological Survey of, Re- port from commencement to 1863: reviewed II ix 207 Geological Survey of, Hall on I in 250 Geological Survey of, Report of Select Com- mittee on (1855) I in 232,250 Glycerine manufacture. ... IV vm 165 Gneiss rocks in II in 323 Gold, does it exist in I I 255 Gold in I i 255 Gold in, in (1852) I I 112 Gold deposits and produc- tions up to 1905 IV vm 161 Gold Found in II vm 461 Governing, Experiments in. By D. A. O'Sullivan. Ill vi 254 (abstract) Ill vi 6 Government aid to Scientific and Literary institutions in Upper and Lower I in 168 Government aid to various Institutions for advance- ment of knowledge in Canada East and West. . I I 261 Government map of, from Red River to Gulf of St. Lawrence (1858) II v 551 Government of, from 1763 to 1867 Ill vi 254 Graphite industry IV vm 172 Great Northern Basin of.. . II ix 2 Great Southern Basin of. . . II ix 3 Guelph Formation II vm 215 Gypsum deposits and pro- ductions IV vm 174 Half-breed population II xiv 440 Hamilton formation 11 vm 444 Helix species in II vm 343 Hennepin's, Father Louis, voyages in (1679-82): ref. II vn 502 High prices in 1855 II I 432 History, concise. By Major R. Rogers (1765) II xv 27 History of two Frontier Churches. By Janet Carnochan IV I 109 History, Private corre- spondence of Lieut.- Col. Coffin, during re- bellion of 1837. By H. R. Fairclough IV ill 281 Hudson River formation... II vm 205 Huronian formation in II ix 2 Huronian Rocks, topogra- phical Distribution of, in. II vm 126 75 CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAN Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Hydrachniden, Revision OF MY "NORDAMERIKA- nische Hydrachniden". By F. Koenike: translated by E. M. Walker IV ix 281 Immigration into (1855)... I ill 341 Indians of. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract... IV I 17 Indians, Legal status II xiv 444 Indians, on probable NUMBER OF NATIVE IN- DIAN POPULATION OF British America. By Capt. J. H. Lefroy I i 193 Indian population, by coun- ties I I 197 Indian population, by tribes 1 i 194 Indian population, causes of decline in I I 198 Indian tribes of. By Wm. Bleasdell, M.A I in 209 Indian tribes in II m 48 Industrial conditions and efficiency IV ix 224 Industrial, Crying need OF, RESEARCH IN. By Rev. Geo. Bryce IV ix 223 Industries, Problems re- quiring solution in natural industries of IV7 ix 226 Insurance, on Duration and Expectation of Life in Canada, com- pared WITH OTHER COUN- TRIES. By Geo. H. Dart- nell I ii 191 Iron and steel production (1892-1902).. IV vm 188 Iron industry, history of.. . IV vm 153 Iron ores IV vm 186 Iron ores and iron produc- tion (1905) IV vm 153 Lahontan's (Baron) travels in (1703) II xm 240 Lahontan duties and ex- periences, etc. (1684).... II xm 306 Lake Basin of Il ix 3 Laurentian formation in. . . 11 ix 1 Laurentian rocks described and located in Il in 321 Laurentian Rocks of, on Probable Subdivision of. By Sir Wm. E. Logan II hi 1 Laurentian Rocks, structure of, in II vm 118 Lead deposits and produc- tion up to 1905 IV vm 159 Leather manufacture IV vm 163 LeadOre II vm 120 • Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Lepidoptera. Descriptions OF SOME SPECIES OF NOC- TURNAL Lepidoptera found in Canada. By Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune II vm 1 Lepidoptera, Nocturnal found in. By Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune II x 247 Leptocoelia flabellitesin. ... Il vi 352 Letters from United States, Cuba and Canada. By Hon. Amelia M. Murray: reviewed II I 160 Limestone band in Lau- rentian Rocks, traced.... II in 1 Lower Helderberg Group in II vm 439 Lovell's Dominion Direc- tory (1871-73) II xv 38 Mammals, Bibliography of. Ill vi 67 Mammals, Catalogue of Mammalia of Canada exclusive of the Ce- tacea. By J. B. Tyrrell III vi 66 Map literature of II xv 41 Marbles II vn 216 II vm 121 Medina and Clinton for- mation in II vm 208 Merton College and. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xm 453 Metallic production 1892- 1903. IV vm 187 Metals in. By Jas. L. Will- son and Chas. Robb: re- viewed II vi 486 Meteorological, Com- parative Tabular Me- teorological Observa- tions in, Canada, Eng- land and Russia. By W. G. Tomkins II iv 389 Meteorological, Efforts of Board of Education TO ESTABLISH METEORO- LOGICAL SYSTEM I III 410 Meteorological, on Es- tablishment of System of Simultaneous Me- teorological Observa- tions THROUGHOUT B.N.A. provinces. By Major R. Lachlan I n 241 Meteorological, proposal to establish, observatories. . f in 133 Mica Il vm 120 Mica industry IV vm 183 Middle Silurian series of.. . 11 vm 208 Millstones II vm 121 Mineral characters of Hur- onian strata in II vm 123 76 CAN CAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canada--Com. Mineral characters of Lau- rentian Strata II vm 114 Mineral exhibit at 1851 Ex- hibition I I 38 Mineral exports (1886).... Ill v 244 Mineral Springs of I in 99 Mineral statistics, difficul- ties in obtaining Ill v 188 Mineral wealth of I m 235, 251 Mineral wealth of Canadian Rockies and prairies II vm 421 Mineralogy, contribu- tions to. By H. R. Wood: abstract IV iv 226 Minerals and Geology of, Popular Exposition of. By Prof. E. J. Chapman. II v 1 168, 517 II vi 149, 425, 500 II vii 108 II vm 17, 111, 185, 437 II ix 1 Minerals, Descriptive Cata- logue of Collection of Economic Minerals of, and of its Crystalline Rocks; sent to London International Exhibition of 1862: reviewed II vn 215 Minerals, economic capa- bilities of limestones and lime feldspars of gneissoid rocks in II m 322 Minerals, economic mater- ials of Huronian Strata... II vm 125 Minerals, economic mater- ials of Laurentian Rocks in II vm 119 Minerals, economic mater- ials of Onondaga Forma- tions in II vm 439 Minerals, economic mater- ials of Potsdam Group... II vm 188 Minerals, tabular distribu- tion of II v 170 Mining Industries of, Re- port on Ill v 240 Mites, Occurrence in Canada, of two species of Parasitic (Sarcoptes Minor and Psorer- gates Simplex). By J. B. Tyrrell HI I 332 Mound Builders in. By C. N. Bell. Ill iv 131 Natural gas industry IV vm 179 Navigation (Inland), possi- bilities in II x 262 Niagara Formation in II vm 210 Niagara group in II ix 5 Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Nickel deposits and produc- tion (1905) IV vni 157 Ochres of II vm 461 Onondaga Formation in.... II vm 487 Oriskany Formation in. : . . II vm 440 Palaeozoic Rocks of II vm 185 Paper industry IV vm 182 Peat Bogs of II vm 462 Petroleum industry IV vm 179 Petroleum Springs and Oil Wells II vm 445 Plants found in; list with habitats II xiv 635 Plant life distribution in. How and Why. By A. T. Drummond IV vm 23 Plaster industry IV vm 172 Poems in Latin and Greek on, at time of conquest in Bodleian; extracts from.. II xn 374 Political and commercial Importance of Central British America, glance at. By H. Y. Hind.. II vm 409 Political union of all pro- vinces discussed II x 83 Polypodium species in II ix 349 Portland Cement and plaster-of-Paris produc- tion (1902) IV vm 189 Portage and Chemung Group in II vm 449 Post-Tertiary Deposits of. . II vm 453 Post-Tertiary formations in II ix 209 Postal services (1792) II xn 158 Potsdam Group II vm 186 Primordial zone in II vi 40 Prize Essay at Paris Ex- hibition on. By J. Sheri- Dan Hogan: reprint: ... I m 351 Progress during 1858 II iv 90 Progress of settlement in 1854 I ii 144 Public Works Commission- ers for 1851; report re- veiewed I i 90 Pulp industry IV vm 181 Railroads of I i 99 Railways in: reprint I m 147 Research in industry, means of securing IV ix 231 Rock formations according to age II vi 454 Rocks, metamorphic II vi 433 Rocks of. By W. E. Logan I i 124 Roofing slates II vn 218 Route from Ft. William to Red River described by Napier (1858) II v 547 Saline waters of I m 99 77 CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAN Ser. Vol. Page Canada-Con. Salmon, Artificial propa- gation of, and Trout in. By R. Nettle: abstract IV* in 43 Salmon, Decrease, Res- toration and Preser- vation of, in. By Rev. Wm. Agar Adamson II n 1 Satureia hortensis, L., in... II xiv 284 Science in Rupert's Land. By Daniel Wilson II vn 336 Silver deposits and produc- tions up to 1905 IV vm 159 Sketches of (1833). By W. L. Mackenzie: ref II xv 35 Slavery in. By J. C. Hamilton IV I 102 Slavery in, during French rule IV i 102 Smith's, David Wm. (Sur- veyor-General) instruc- tions to early surveyors of Upper II xiv 56 Snakes, poisonous in Ill v 255 Soap manufacture IV vm 165 Springs, Classification of Saline Springs of. By T. Sterry Hunt II vm 168 State of, in 1839. By Chas. Fothergill II xv 36 Sulphate of Baryta II vm 121 Sulphuric acid manufacture IV vm 163 Surveys (first) of eastern coast II xiv 86 Telegraph Lines in; present state and progress of, Aug. 1852 ....... 1 1 21 Topographical description of (1815). By Jos. Bou- chette II xv 31 Trade, Early traders and TRADE ROUTES, 1760-1782. By Capt. Cruikshank: IV m 24 (abstract) IV iv 299 Transcontinental railways, prospects and difficulties (1863) II vm 416 Transcontinental routes be- fore C.P.R II vm 416 Travelling methods (1839). II xv 37 Travels of Duke de la Rochefoucauld, Lian- court in, 1795 II xiv 75 Trenton Group II vm 196 United States relations with, 1794 and following years. IV ii 294 Universal Time principle adopted by IV l 232 Utica Formation II vm 203 Village Community system. Ill iv 65 Wood alcohol manufacture. IV vm 164 Ser. Vol. Page Canada- Con. Wolfram found in II i 74 Woods, Classification of DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF Canadian Woods (list) I in 292 Xanthium spinosum in II xiv 284 Canada, North-West. Agricultural operations (1872-75) Ill I 158 Arid region in southern part III i 153 Climatology Ill I 154 Geology Ill v 150 Humidity Ill I 157 Macoun's, exploration re- sults (1872-75) Ill I 152 Occurrence of Petroleum IN, WITH NOTES ON NEW localities. By Robert Bell Ill i 225 Ruminants of North- West. By Ernest E. T. Seton Ill in 113 Temperature Ill i 154 Canada, Upper, see Ontario. Canada West, or Upper Canada, see Ontario. Canada Lynx, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 72 Canadensium. Sylva Critica. By Rev. John McCaul Ill I 76 Sylva Critica. By W. D. Pearson Ill I 88 Canadian. Aeschnina, genera of Il vn 451 Agrionina, genera of II vn 452 Apatite, Canadian. By F. T. Shutt HI v 30 Apatites, origin of Cana- dian. By Wm. Harvey McNairn IV vm 495 Arctiadae, synopsis of. Including some addi - TIONAL SPECIES LIKELY to occur in Canada. By Wm.Saunders II vm 349 Art, of to-day. By J. W. L. Forster: abstract IV n 22 Asaphus Canadensis, On Hypostoma of Asaphus Canadensis and on a THIRD NEW SPECIES OF Asaphus from, Rocks. By E. J. Chapman II iv 1 Asaphus megistos, Note on Occurrence of Asa- phus Megistos in, Rocks, with Additional Remarks on Asaphus Hinksii. By E. J. Chap- man II iv 140 Aspidiinae, proper naming of II XII 368 78 CAN CAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canadian-Con. Autographs (early period).. II xiv 75 Canadian English. By Rev. A. Constable Geikie II Ii 344 Canals: traffic in (1852-53). I n 173 Canadian Cattle trade and Abattoirs. By Alan Macdougall Ill n 53 Caverns. By Geo. D. Gibb: reprint II vi 386 Chloritoid notes on. By T. Sterry Hunt: reprint II vi 484 Climates, Few Canadian Climates. By J. Gordon Mouat Ill n 195 Coal Resources. By D. B. Dowling IV ix 99 COLEOPTERA CANADIAN; Fred. H. Ibbetson's Collection I in 325 Crania, Hints for For- mation OF, COLLECTION OF ANCIENT CRANIA I III 345 Currency, History of Canadia Metallic Cur- rency. By Prof. Adam Shortt IV ix 237 Falconidae II iv 444 Ferns, synopsis of, Fernsand Filicoid Plants. By Geo. Lawson: reviewed II ix 348 Flora, age of IV vm 39 Flora; neighbourhood of Toronto II m 266 Flour, export difficulties... . I n 108 Flowers, Canadian Wild Flowers. By D. W. Beadle IV m 125 French, cranial types of.... II ix 402 Fungi Canadian, new species. By J. B. Ellis and John Dearness iv vi 637 Fungi Canadian; Partial list. By Thos. Langton. IV ix 69 Geological Survey and its Director, Sir Wm. E. Logan. By Sandford Fleming II i 238 Gomphina, genera of II tn 457 Gra pt elites II iv 274 History, local History; First Gazetteer of Upper Canada, with Annotations. By Rev. Henry Scadding II xiv 55 208,305,367,513,658 History, note on Memor- able epoch in. By Sand- ford Fleming IV iv 314 History, Summary of, from time of Cartier to 1860. By J. A. Boyd: reviewed II v 537 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian-Com. Humming-Bird II n 382 Infusoria, Notes on some, By J. Playfair McMurrich III i 300 Janthinidae II iv 466 Lakes, estimated size (1813) II xiv 673 Lakes, Ice on. By J. B. Tyrrell IV ix 13 Lavas II vi 427 Libellulina, synopsis of species II vn 452 Maple, Associations of Canadian and English. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D. I in 380 Marble: reprint I in 221 Minerals, Analyses of some. By E. J. Chapman II xn 265 II xiii 507 Minerals, at the Paris Exhibition I m 241 Minerals, classification of.. II v 168 Minerals, classified list of.. . II vi 162 Mollusca II iv 272 Moths II viii 1 Natural History II in 461 Neuroptera, families of. . . . II vn 450 Noms-de-plume, noms-de- PLUME IDENTIFIED; WITH SAMPLES of writings to WHICH THEY ARE APPEN- DED. By Rev. Dr. Scad- ding II xv 259, 332, 436 Organic Remains, Figures and Descriptions of: re- viewed II iv 42 Plants, List of Plants Collected by A. Logie of Hamilton II xiv 291 Plants, Judge Logie's collec- tion of II xiv 281 Plants, List of Plants AND THEIR LOCALITIES. By Macoun and Gibson. . II xv 51 161,349,429,546 Plants, supplementary list. By J. M. Buchan. . II xiv 300 Poetry: reviewed.... II m 17 Political sentiment in 1795. II xiv 77 Postage stamps, history.... IV in 178 Proteus, Remarks on Specimen of Proteus of Lakes. By J. G. Hodgins II i 19 Rock Formation, sketch section of II vm 113 Rock formations II ix 1 Silkworms .... I m 266 Saturnle, Notes on some, AND SUGGESTIONS ON POSSIBILITY OF USING THEIR SILK FOR TEXTILE purposes. By Thos. Cottle I ii 212 79 CAN CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Canadian-Con. Shipping I i 166 Spruces, Remarks on dis- tinctive Characters of. By Geo. Lawson Ill vi 169 Steam Navigation Co.'s SCREW PROPELLER STEAM vessel: reprint I in 92 Strigidae II n 219 Timber trees, Descrip- tive LIST OF PRINCIPAL, TIMBER trees. By Chas. Robb, C.E II vi 28 Trilobites, on some new Trilobites found in, rocks. By E. J. Chap- man II in 230 Wolfram, analysis of II v 303 "Canadian" nom-de-plume of Jos. Lynne Alexander; selection from poems... . II xv 450 Canadian Agriculturist (paper) I n 19 Canadian Almanac (1859): reviewed II in 509 Canadian Institute. Achievements Ill v 7 Achievements during its first fifty years IV vi 642 Address delivered at Annual Conversazione on April 2nd, 1853. By Mr. Jus- tice Draper I i 217 Address presented to Capt. Lefroy on his departure. . IV vi 21 Address to H.R.H. Prince of Wales on occasion of his visit in 1860 II V 475 Address to H.R.H. Prince of Wales in 1860 II vi 199 Address to Robert Ste- venson on VISITING Toronto, reply and dinner I n 42 Address to Sir Edmund Walker Head, Baronet I in 377 Aims of its founders IV vi 2, 9 Annual Conversazione and comments of press thereon I i 202 Annual Meeting, 1852 IV vi 9 1853 I ii 120 1854 I in 134 1855 I in 394 1856 II ii 143 1857 Il in 169 1858 H iv 150 1885 HI in 303 1886 Ill iv 191 1887 HI v 203 1888 Ill vi 46 1889 HI vii 43 1890 IV i 38 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Annual Meeting, 1891 IV n 43 1892 IV in 44 1893..... IV xv 244 Annual report of Council for 1852 I i 97 1853 I n 120 1854 I in 134 1855 I m 394 1856 II ii 143 1857 II in 169 1858 II iv 151 1859 II v 218 1860 II vi 193 1861 II vii 153 1862 II viii 169 1863 II ix 62 1864 II x 287 1865 II xi 124 1866 II xi 327 1867 II xii 87 1868 II xii 175 1869 II xii 439 1870 II xiii 73 1871. ... II xiii 255, 428 1872 II xiii 557 1873 II xiv 309 1874 II xiv 388 1875 II xv 67 1876 II xv 459 1881 Ill i 236 1882 Ill i 268 1883 Ill i 351 1884 Ill ii 245 1885 Ill in 304 1886 Ill iv 204 1887 Ill v 206 1889 Ill vii 44 1890 IV ii 44 1891 IV ii 60 1892 IV in 45 1893 IV iv 245 Application to Parliament regarding publication of Canadian Journal.... I in 140 Archaeological and Minera- logical Museum of IV n 14 Architectural Sections Re- port (1888-89) Ill vii 56 Astronomical Day, com- mittee on IV iv 237 Astronomical Day, pro- posed CHANGE IN RECKON- ING, Circular-Letter ADDRESSED TO ASTRONO- MERS OF ALL NATIONS. ... IV III 307 Athenaeum united with... . II i 99 Bibliography, General, OF ORIGINAL CONTRIBU- TIONS TO PUBLICATIONS OF IV in 317 Biological Sections Report, 1889 Ill vii 52 80 CA N CAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Biological Sections Report, 1890 IV ii 52 1891 IV ii 72 1892 IV m 56 Books acknowledged I m 172 Building commenced II i 101 Building site for I in 136 Building Committee's Re- port (1863) II ix 67 Building subscriptions (1886) III v 24 By-laws of I m 93 I iv 74 Canadian Institute and Toronto Athenaeum; BASIS OF UNION I II 195 Canadian Journal reviewed III v 6 Catalogue of books, etc., bearing on Art of Typo- graphy exhibited at, on four hundredth anniver- sary of introduction of printing into England.... II xv 601 Celebration of Fiftieth YEAR OF IV VI 641 Character of work done.... II I 102 Charter members, list of.... IV vi 5 Coat of arms IV ix 2 Communications (1857).... II m 178 Conversazione (1855).... I in 380 Correspondence with Soc. of Arts, Manufac- tures and Commerce on making Canada known . I i 14 Correspondence with Natu- ral History Society of Montreal I I 137 Contributions to Geology including mineralogy pub- lished in (list) IV ii 342 Criticism of management, etc IV ii 3 Curator's Report (1864-65). II xi 126 Currents in Lake should be determined by City Coun- cil before constructing trunk sewer; action by Institute IV ii 37 Descriptive Catalogue of Coins, Ancient and Mod- ern in. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II ix 105, 226 Difficulties IV ii 4 Donations received, 1855.. . I in 317 1863.. II viii 174 1864.. II x 289 1865.. II xi 130 1866.. II xi 331 1868.. II xii 262,330 1869.. II xii 499 1870.. II xiii 76 1871.. II xiii 428 1872.. II xiii 559 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. D onat ions received, 1873... II xiv 312 1874.. II xiv 391 1875.. II xv 70 1876.. II xv 461 1881.. Ill i 239 1882.. Ill i 271 1883.. Ill i 355 1883.. Ill n 1, 26, 34 1884.. Ill ii 248 1885. .Ill in 1, III iv8 1886.. Ill iv 207 Donation for Museum (1859) II v 226 Donations of Books, etc., in 1861 II vil 159 Donation of books to library by Robert Stephenson... I in 20 Donation of Building site by G. W. Allan, Esq I in 364 Donations to Museum in 1858 II iv 156 Early days of. By Sir Sandford Fleming IV vi 1 Early days, Note on. By Sir Sandford Fleming.... IV vi 657 Early history of I i 3 Editing Committee's Report: 1856 II ii 147 1857 II in 180 1858 II iv 158 1859 II v 229, II vi 196 1861 II vii 156 1862 II viii 171 1863 II ix 64 1864 II x 297 1865 II xi 125 Exchange list, 1885 Ill iv 216 1886 Ill v 270 1889 Ill vi 350 1890 Ill vii 291 1891 IV i 282 1892 IV ii 347 Fleming, Sir Sandford, donation of £1000 insur- ance Ill vn 43 Fleming, Sir Sandford, in- surance of his life in favour of Institute IV n 19 Fleming, Sandford, presen- tation of his portrait IV iv 224 Forster presented portrait of Sandford Fleming to In- stitute : expression of thanks IV iv 225 Foundation, early difficul- ties and discouragements. II I 97 Functions of II v 109 Future of Institute. By David Boyle, Ph.B IV u 3 Geological and Mining Sec- tion's Report, 1889...... Ill vii 54 81 CAN CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol Page. Canadian Institute-Con. Geographical and Mining Sec- tion's Report, 1890 IV ii 54 1891 IV ii 74 1892 IV in 58 Government grant increased I m 153 Government reply to me- morial about Toronto Ob- servatory I I 184 Governor-General's ad- dress ON OCCASION OF fiftieth anniversary .. IV vi 644 Governor Simcoe's diary urged to be published... IV n 6 Greek Coins (silver) in, collection II ix 105 Historical documents suit- able for publication: re- port on IV ii 24 Historical section's Report 1890 IV ii 56 1891 IV ii 75 1892 IV in 59 History of first fifty years of its existence IV vi vn Indenture relating to union of, and Toronto Athen- aeum I ni 401 Indian mounds and in- trenchments, information concerning, requested by. I I 25 Instructions regarding ob- servations on Solar Ec- lipse of May 25th, 1854. . I m 177 Iron smelting works for On- tario urged on Govern- ment IV iv 242 Journal of 1 I 124 Journal's success, causes of. II ill 98 Laying of foundation stone of Hall, Nov. 14th, 1855 I hi 377 Lefroy (Capt.) on its aims and objects IV vi 11 Letter from Soc. of Arts, Manufactures and Com- merce on Trade I I 112 Library report, 1854 I ill 135 1855 I in 395 1858 II iv 151 1859 II v 220 1860 Il vi 201 1863 II ix 66 1864 II x 298 1865 II xi 126 1867 II xii 90 1869 II xii 442 1889 HI vn 51 1890 IV ii 57 1891 IV ii 70 1892 IV in 55 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Library of Canadian In- stitute I ii 66 I in 170 Limestones of Canada, in- formation concerning, re- quested by I i 26 Logan, Sir Wm. E., address to, on being knighted... . II i 404 Loudon, Dr. Jas., Con- gratulations to, on becoming President of Univ, of Toronto IV IV 224 Magnetic observatory at Toronto, action regarding withdrawal of military attachment I I 138 Medical Section's Report: 1863 II ix 68 1864 II x 297 1865 II xi 126 Members, list of. . I i 49, I n 146, I m 402 III v 265, III vi 350 III vn 287, IV i 279 IV ii 344, IV in 337 Memorial to Governor- General for Astrono- mical Observatory of Quebec II n 309 Memorial to Government to retain Toronto Observa- tory (1853) I I 145 Memorials to Government regarding publication of historical documents of Ontario IV u 13 Mining and Metallurgical interests of Ontario de- mand Dept, of Mines, Institute's action IV ii 33 Mining convention's thanks to IV n 36 Minutes of Ordinary Meet- ings in 1853 I i 161 1854 I ii 142 169 194-95 232 254-55 292 I in 133 1855 I m 169 170 194 219 220 243 393 1856 II 1206 317 400-408 II H140 1857.. II ii 152 153 222 224 225 308 310 311 383 384 II in 169 1858 II hi 190-9-1 268-73 II iv 149 1859.. II iv 244 335 II v 215-17 1860.. Il v 234 236 312 399 II vi 89 1861 II vi 209 302-04 1862.. II vn 88 228 II vm 268 1863 II vm 469 1864 II ix 210 362 433 82 CAN CAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Minutes of Ordinary Meet- ings in 1865 II x 364 430 1866 II xi 72 1867 II xi 335 1883 HI ii 26-28 34 50 53 1884.. HI ii 143 156 157 194 216 218 220-21 228-29 232 242 HI m 1 18 22 38 41 42 57 59 1885.. Ill m 79 86 100 109 112 117 120 121 267 269 270 275 277-80 292 III iv 1 7 56-7 60 1886.. Ill iv 67 71 73 81 94 114 128 138 141 147-8 174 176 180 187 189 III vi 1 12 24 30 44 57 1887.. HI v 105 111 124 130 132 135 144 145-6 149 150 162 173 192-4 HI vi 1 2 5 8 10 14 16 1888.. II vi 17 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 31 39 40 42 44 III vii 1 3 5 7 8 10 1889.. Ill vii 13 15 19 22 25 27 30 32 36 39 41 43 IV i 2 6 8 10 12 1890.. IV i 14 17 20 22 25 29 31 33 35 65, IV ii 1 6 10 15 1891.. IV ii 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 38 43 IV in 1 5 7 11 1892. . IV in 12 18 24 28 40 43 IV iv 223 225 234 Museum of: reprint I n 98 National Park, action con- cerning IV in 11 Nature, utility and aims of II xii 97 Needs and objects I n 2 Notice to members and sub- scribers to Journal I ii 18 Objects of Ill in 31 Objects and persons bene- fited I I 50 I m 378 Objects of Association to advance Science II xv 365 Objects of new series of Canadian Journal II I 1 Organization IV vi 2 Peach Yellows; action to pre- vent spreading IV in 24 26 Peach Yellows; Government asked to adopt measures against spread IV in 18 Petitions to parliament con- cerning Time Standards.. IV I 10 Philological Section's Re- port 1888-89 Ill vii 53 1890-91 IV ii 55 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Com. Pioneer Ocean Steamship: ' action to have memorial tablet taken by IV iv 231 Presidential Address: 1853 I i 121 1854 I ii 142 1855 I in 153 1856 II i 97 1857 II ii 81 1858 II in 97 1859 II iv 85 1860 II v 109 1861 II vi 101 1862 II vii 1 1863 II viii 97 1865 II x 81 1869 II xii 97 1870 II xii 355 1877 II xv 365 1882 Ill i 361 1883 Ill ii 5 1884 Ill m 22 1886 Ill v 2 1898 IV vi 642 1904 IV viii 63 1908 IV viii 535 1911 IV ix 201 Presidents, list of (1849-88). IV I 13 (1889-1910) IV viii iv Prince Consort's death, re- ference to by II vii 2 Prize of $1,000 for best work- able measure that would give equal representation in parliament IV ill 21 Ornithological Subsec- tion, Proceedings of, 1889 III vii 181 1890 II i 40 Property transfer to Hon. G. W. Allan ratified by general meeting IV I 1 Proposal to Change name to Royal Society of Canada II iv 337 Proposal for Meteorological Stations by Major Lachlan I m 154 Proposal to establish Obser- vatories in Canada I in 133 Prospectus of I I 4 Provincial Government grant and use of Hall of Assembly I I 73 Regulations and By-laws (1854) I in 116 Regulations and By-laws of HI iv 74 Regulations concerning: reprint I II 98 Regulations of, consolidated and amended (1892) IV m 31 Reply of Sir Edmund Walker Head on laying CORNER STONE I III 378 83 CAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CAN Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Report of Building Com- mittee (1857) II in 185 Report of committee to CONFER WITH Dr. RyER- son about Meteoro- logical OBSERVATIONS IN GRAMMAR SCHOOLS OF Ontario II in 361 Royal Charter of Incorpora- tion of II in 187 Royal Society and Cana- dian Institute; exchange of publications: reprint.. I n 170 Session 1852-1853, notice of I I 89 Sociological Circular Ill vi 62 Sociological Committee's Report, 1889 Ill vn 57 1891 IV ii 59 Special General Meeting April 21st, 1855.. I Hl 243 Special general meeting 19th June, 1891: re building. IV in 1 Time reckoning on scientific basis; communication from Gov.-Gen., regarding IV n 18 Treasurer's Report 1852.. I I 99 1853.. I ii 123 1854.. I in 137 1855.. 1 in 400 1856.. 11 ii 149 1857.. II in 183 1858.. II iv 159 1859.. 11 v 232 1860.. II vi 198 1861.. II vn 157 1862.. II viii 172 1863.. II ix 65 1864.. II x 295 1865.. Il xi 127 1866.. II xi 329 1867.. II xii 88 1868.. II xii 329 1870.. II xiii 74 1872.. Il xiii 558 1873.. II xiv 311 1874.. II xiv 389 1875.. II xv 69 1881.. HI i 237 1882.. Ill i 269 1883.. HI i 352 1884.. Ill ii 247 1885.. HI in 305 1886.. HI iv 205 1887.. Ill v 209 1888.. Ill vi 58 1889.. Ill vn 48 1890.. IV ii 47 1891.. IV ii 65 1892.. IV in 50 Ser. Vol. Page Canadian Institute-Con. Wilson's, Dr. donations of Minerals to, Correspond- ence about I n 148 Work of Institute In 1 Canadian Journal. Close of first Series I in 413 Establishment I ii 98 II I 98 Engineering contributions to II I 199 Introduction I I 1 Its objects 1 I 5 New Series I Hi 399 New Series, Aug. 1852.... I m 266 Notice about I i 283 I ii 170 Notice of free postage on I n 151 Notice to correspondents. .. I in 293 Preliminary Address, new Series II i 1 Canadian Medical Associa- tion II xii 209 Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. By E. Bil- lings: reviewed II I 164 II vi 529 Canal or Canals. Across Isthmus of Suez; M. de Lesseps I in 337 Benefits of, between Lakes St. Clair and Erie I in 321 Canadian (1851) I I 46 Canadian, projects and possibilities (1865) II x 282 Canadian: reviewed II x 261 Canadian: traffic in, in 1852- 53 I ii 173 Champlain, report on I I 91 Coteau, construction in 1780-81 IV iv 301 Carillon, cost and construc- tion II x 269 Chambly, cost and construc- tion II x 263 Darien Ship I I 236 Description of Sault Ste. Marie (1855): reprint... I in 309 Dimensions of Sault Ste. Marie I m 269 Exploration through Valley of Atrato to Pacific in search of ship, route. By F. M. Kelly: reprint II II 126 Formation of, between Lakes St. Clair and Erie. By Major R. Lach- lan I in 303 321 Grenville; cost and construc- tion « II x 269 84 CAN CAP GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Canal or Canals-Con. In Canada in 1851 I i 119 Lake's System of Canal Steam Navigation: re- viewed I i 209 Oceanic Currents and THEIR INFLUENCE ON Central American Canal. By Alex. G. Find- lay: reprint I I 248 Probable cost of, between Lakes St. Clair and Erie.. I in 321 Report on Canals in Canada in 1851 I I 91 Rideau; its construction and cost II x 268 Ship Canal from Albany to New Baltimore, report on: reviewed I i 186 St. Lawrence 1852, report.. I I 91 St. Lawrence; cost II x 269 Welland; history up to 1865 II x 270 Welland 1852, report on.... I i 91 Canard's River gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 372 Canaria, Isd. prehistoric in- scriptions IV vn 57 Canary Islands. Basque origin of inhabitants IV vn 34 Celts migrated from, to Mexico IV vn 53 Critical examination of Spanish Documents re- lative TO, SUBMITTED TO WRITER BY SENOR DON Juan Bethencourt Al- fonso, of Tenerife. By Prof. John Campbell IV vn 29 Etruscan inscriptions in... . IV vn 62 Guanche IV vn 31 Hierro inscriptions IV vn 35 Inscriptions IV vn 55 Origin of inhabitants IV vn3147 Phonetic values of, charac- ters IV vn 102 Vocabulary of, dialects com- pared with Irish-Gaelic, Welsh and Basque IV vn 81 Candelaria, Virgin of IV vn 55 Candia. Twenty Years' Siege of. By E. T. Fletcher, Esq: re- viewed I in 327 Candles, manufacture of... . I I 158 Canek, king of Itzas. IV vi 180 Canis. Canadian localities of C. borealis Ill vi 73 C. cinereo-argentatus, Sa- bine - Ill vi 73 C. familiaris, Say HI vi 73 C. lagopus, Rich Ill vi 73 Ser. Vol Page Canis. Canadian localities of-Con. C. latrans, Say Ill vi 72 C. lupus occidentalis, Rich. Ill vi 72 Canis familiaris Linn, Prince of Wales Sound. . . Ill v 114 C. lupus occidentalis, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 112 Canise Island, gazetteer notice 1813 II xiv 372 Cannapora annulata, Nich- olson and Hinde, Nia- gara Limestone, Owen Sound II xiv 138 Cannel Coals, properties of.. II in 210 Cannibal, Polynesian race... II xn 454 Canniff, Wm. M.D. M.R.C.S. History of settlement of Upper Canada, especially Bay Quinte: reviewed... II xn 323 Settlement and original survey of Niagara Tp. . IV i 96 Canning, Geo. Autograph letter on behalf of a pensioner II xv 543 Cannon. Dr. Church's Breech-Load- ing I ii 197 Canoes. Dene IV IV 114 Dogribs and northern In- dians IV v 197 Cantal Cheese. Cause of its ripening IV vn 104 Micro-organisms in IV vn 103 Tyrothrix in IV vn 105 Cantharellus cibarius Fr., and C. lutescens, habits and Ontario habitats... . IV IX 72 Canthon (coprobius) laevis (Mels. Cat.) I in 257 Canton. Appearance from the River II n 169 Description of Native Street II n 170 Location of II n 167 Canusium. Antiquities of : reprint... I in 263 Caoutchouc, new compound of I 1 264 Cape Breton. Carboniferous areas II xv 118 Coal areas II xv 118 Discovery of coal IV ix 99 Geological areas II xv 117 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Submergence of coast line.. II vn 85 Cape Colony, Coal deposits in II vi 479 Cape Croker, geological for- mation ' IV vn 175 Cape Scott Indians, census (1847) I i 197 85 CAR CAP PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Caphtorim. Ancestors II xm 531 Came from Shobal in line of Ra and invaded Palestine before close of Israel's wanderings II xm 529 Capillary Wave. Description of II n 97 Effect of different objects upon II ii 102 Motion of II n 98 Small, not hitherto des- cribed. By John Langton II n 96 Observation on II n 100 Size of II n 99 Where found II n 97 Capital. Capital. By Chas. Levy: abstract Ill vi 29 Genesis and growth of. By Wm. Houston: ab- stract IV ii 40 Capitonidse, generic charac- ters II ix 233 Cappadocia. Ashchurites, traces in II xiv 248 Celtic traces in II xv 78 Gileadite traces in II xv 78 Capparidacese. Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species II xv 164 Structure II v 337 Capra Americana, Rich, Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Caprifoliacese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species Ill u 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 641 London species II vm 226 Species supporting Platy- samia Cecropia Ill iv 212 Caprimulgus, Hamilton spe- cies II v 389 Capsella, Vent, Canadian localities of C. bursa-pastoris, Moench. II xv 163 Captivity, habits of Native Birds in IV ill 92 Capuchins, copper tablet of 1648 of, found at Castine (Maine) II ix 302 Car. Sheriff Ruttan's venti- lating: reprint I Hl 69 Car abides, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Caracalla. Notes on Latin Inscription on slab dedicated to, found at Risingham II x 102 Ser. Vol. Page Caracalla-Con. Legate in Britain deter- mined from Latin In- scriptions II x 315 Caradoc sandstone, Wales.. I i 248 Carbohydrate, industry in Canada IV vni 174 Carbonate Schists, L. Wen- digokan region IV vni 351 Carbonates. Action of II I 80 Detection of, in blowpipe. . II xv 255 Carbonic Oxide, by Fownes' process II I 487 Carboniferous areas, North America I III 27 C. Formation. Bonaventure, in Canada. .. II vm 450 Cape Breton II xv 118 Eastern America I I 125 Estimation of solid matter in, Nova Scotia • ... I i 280 New Brunswick II xv 107 Nova Scotia II xv 110 112 112 116 Prince Edward Island II xv 120 Western Ontario I ill 2 C. Limestone, Red River District II V 189 C. Lower, Central basin, Ten- nessee Ill vii 76 Restigouche River II xv 384 C. period, Tennessee Ill vn 84 C. Rock. Michigan II vn 75 New Brunswick II xv 385 Nova Scotia II xv 386 Nova Scotia; synopsis of... II I 46 Rhode Island Ill ill 19 Carborundum. History of IV vm 170 Manufacture in Canada.... IV vm 169 Carcajou, Canadian localities III vi 74 Cardamine, L., Canadian localities of C. hirsuta, L II xv 63 C. pratensis, L II xv 63 C. rhomboidea, D.C II xv 63 C. rotundifolia, Michx II xv 63 Cardiadee, Canadian II iv 273 Cardinal (bird), observa- tions on Ontario visitors. Ill vn 184 IV i 55 IV m 97 Cardinal, Pointe au, gazet- teer notice 1813 II xiv 372 Cardinalis, cardinalis ob- servations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 184 IV I 55 IV m 97 Carduelis, Hamilton species. II v 391 Carenage Valley IV vm 142 86 CAR CAR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Carex. Illustrations of Genus. By Rev. Prof. Hincks.... II xi 398 Carey, John, of the Observer, Toronto II xn 526 Caria. Ashchurites, traces in II xiv 247 Zimri traces in II xv 294 Cariaco, geology IV vm 378 Cariacus. Canadian locali- ties of C. columbianus, Rich Ill vi 69 C. macrotis, Say Ill vi 69 C. virginianus, Bodd Ill vi 69 Cariboo-eaters. Habitat and population.... IV iv 16 Tribe Ill vn 113 Caribou. Canadian localities Ill vi 68 Dene, snares IV iv 100 Dene method of treating skins IV iv 68 Caribou Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 372 Caribou vein, Kamanistiquia III vn 258 Caribs of W. Indies. Savacons identity IV vi 116 Crania related to Guanches of Canaries Ill v 74 Carillon Canal, cost and con- struction II x 269 Carinopora, Corniferous Limestone, Ontario II xiv 132 Carleton, Sir Guy, auto- graph II xv 532 Autograph letter about son's commission II xv 145 Autograph letter ordering distribution of ammuni- tion to Hurons in 1770... II xiv 80 Brief biography II xiv 80 Defence of Quebec 1775-76.. II xiv 79 How he saved Canada in 1775-76 II xiv 79 Carleton Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 372 In 1778 IV iv 301 Carlisle, Earl of, Autograph with brief comments II xiv 606 Carlow Tp., corundum cry- stals in IV iv 227 Carlton gravel ridge IV vi 38 Carnallite, composition II i 553 Carnivora, Canadian species with localities Ill vi 71 Carnochan, Janet. Fort George's Lonely Sycamore. A reminis- cence of Niagara (poem) IV i 124 Ser. Vol. Page Carnochan, Janet-Con. Niagara Library (1800- 1820) IV iv 336 Two frontier Churches. . IV i 109 Carnot, M. Analysis of Canadian Apa- tites: ref IV viii 506 Origin of fluophosphate in mineral beds: ref IV vm 503 Analysis of human bones and fossil bones; fluorine present in IV vm 504 Carnot, S. Reflection on motive power of fire: ref I n 133 Carolina, North. On Klaprothine or Lazu- lite of. By E. J. Chap- man II vi 363 Carols. Review of Carvalyn Gailckagh or Manx Carols. By Neil Mac- Nish IV v 83 Carp, means of telling age of.. IV ix 37 Carp River, Ont., ancient settlements at II I 236 Carpals, supernumerary in human hand IV vi 545 Carpel, in fruit II vi 496 Carpenter. Middle rail to prevent train from leaving track, design I I 93 Carpenter, Dr. Thalassicollina leads from Polycystina to Spon- giadse: ref II xv 418 Carpenter, Mary. Our Convicts, reviewed:... II x 412 Carpenteria, and Dujar- dinia > II iv 224 Carpinus americana, Cana- dian II vi 32 Carpet-weed, Canadian lo- calities II xv 174 Carpmael, Chas. Reckoning of Astronomical Day IV in 316 Reduction of Barometer to Sea Level Ill i 1 Carpodacus purpureus. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 92 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 189 IV in 69 78 95 101 106 Pinicola enucleator and, hybrid IV I 41 Carpus, homologous bones of, referred to those of water tortoise IV vi 578 87 CAR CAR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Carrawburgh. Notes on Latin Inscription found at, giving legate of Maximinus in Britain ... II x 319 Roman name Procolitia: evidence II xm 146 Carrier, Indians. Atiyeh game IV iv 81 Atlih game IV iv 78 Babies, how carried IV iv 134 Bone scrapers IV iv 70 Bows IV iv 59 Bow-points IV iv 60 Burning as a surgical opera- tion IV vn 20 Call sunset or west "naa- nai" IV vn 517 Caps of IV iv 164 Ceremonial costume IV iv 172 Ceremonial dress of, original IV iv 172 Chaldean head-dress com- pared with that of, noble- women IV iv 177 Characteristic sounds in language IV vn 527 Clans of IV iv 203 Copper and iron used before contact with whites IV iv 137 Copper in use among pre- historic IV iv 137 Dead, method of disposing of III vn 146 Drums IV iv 150 Elk disappeared from IV iv 93 Graphic system IV iv 206, 208 Habitat IV iv 24 Hair sometimes fair among. IV iv 18 Head-dress of IV iv 164 Head-dress compared with that of Chaldean Kings. . IV iv 177 Head-dress compared with that of Shamans IV iv 181 Head-dress of noblemen.... IV iv 173 Head-dress of noblewomen. IV iv 177 Head dress, ordinary IV iv 164 Head-dress of pubescent girl IV iv 165 Houses Ill vn 117 IV iv 184 Industries Ill vn 136 Introduction of copper among IV iv 137 Iron in use among pre- historic IV iv 140 Knap-sacks of IV iv 148 Lances known to prehis- toric IV iv 149 Language of, subdivisions a little different IV iv 27 Looms of IV iv 156 Marriage customs Ill vn 122 Middle class of IV iv 204 Mode of wearing hair IV iv 181 Month names IV vi 331 Ser. Vol. Page Carrier, Indians-Con. Mortuary columns IV iv 199 Mystic virtue of number two IV v 15 Pot-latches tn vu 147 Physical characteristics... . IV iv 17 Population IV iv 16 Prognostications common among IV iv 110 Progressive IV iv 5 Salmon fishing (instruments illustrated) Ill vn 129 Snow-shoes formerly practi- cally unknown among.. . IV iv 151 Sociologically considered... IV iv 28 Store-houses IV iv 196 Subdivisions IV iv 24 Swaddling clothes of, babes IV iv 133 The tsoelrwces Ill vn 154 Three Carrier Myths, by Rev. Father Morice IV v 1 Timid IV iv 18 Tribe Ill vn 110 112 Tunics IV iv 163 Utensils IV iv 120 Weaving methods IV iv 156 Carrier Myths. Burning down of a country; IV v 22 (comments) IV v 24 Concerning deluge » IV v 17 Made Celestial IV v 28 Flight of two Carrier heroes, likened to journey of Hebrews from Egypt.... IV v 17 Man in the Moon Ill vn 159 Pursued by their Mother's Head IV v 4 (comments) IV v 10 Relating to Sodom and Gomorrha IV v 21 Ya'-ke'-nintil IV v 28 Carroll, Dr. A. Translations of Easter Island tablets IV vi 215 Carrot, Canadian localities.. II xv 555 Carruthers, Capt. Coppermine region IV ix 211 Richard Norton's journey to Coppermine region IV ix 204 Cart, description of Ran- some and May's one- horse harvest cart I I 13 Carter. Spermatozoids from Micro- ciona: ref II xv 420 Carthegena, Spain, notes on Latin Inscription on pig of lead found at II vi 246 Carthage, traces of Ashchur in II xiv 230 Cartilage II x 202 88 CAR CAT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Carvalyn Gailckagh. Review of, or Manx Carols. By Neil Mac- Nish IV v 38 Carver, Jonathan. Travels in western America (1766-68) IV in 265 Carvoran. Notes on Latin Inscriptions found at II ix 218 II xn 114 II xiv 154 Roman name "Magna"; evidence II xm 148 Cary, of Quebec Mercury. N om-de-plume ' ' J uniolus Canadensis ' '; selections from writings II xv 332 Carya alba, Canadian II vi 35 Caryocrinus ornatus, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Thor- old and Niagara River... II xiv 139 C ary ophy llace ae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill u 146 Localities Canadian species II xiv 637 II xv 169 London species II vm 222 Caryophyllia. Species found at great sea depths C. arcuata II vi 520 C. clavus II vi 520 C. electrica II vi 520 Caryoplasm, in yeast cell... IV vi 483 Caribean. Bibliography of Geology of, area IV win 148 Chama antiquata Dall IV vm 389 Depths of, Sea of Jamaica coast IV v 329 Ellipsoidina IV vm 388 Fossil foraminifera of Trini- dad as bearing on Pacific connections of, region.... IV vm 387 Fusus henekenii sow IV vm 390 Geological Connexions of, region. By R. J. L. Goppy IV vm 373 Land connection of, region with Africa and water connection with Pacific.. IV vm 377 Miocene fauna IV vm 382 Pyrula consors Sow IV vm 390 Purpura (Cuma) woodii Dall IV Vin 390 Tertiary fossils of IV vm 388 Caribean Formation. Composition of rocks IV vin 139 Strike of rocks in Trinidad. IV vin 139 Trinidad IV vm 139 Caryocystites (Von Buch).. II u 303 Ser. Vol. Page Casa Colorada, Yucatan.... IV vi 185 Cascade Group, Canadian flora IV vin 27 Casease, in Cheese IV vn 113 Casein gluten, obtained from gluten IV vu 498 Casnonia pensylvanica (Linn.) Mels. Cat., in Ontario I ill 210 325 Caspian Sea. Newly formed Volcanic Island in: reprint II vn 147 Salts in water, relative amounts of IV vn 559 Cassiterite. Artificial formation of II vi 526 Characteristics II V 522 Castanea vesca, Canadian.. II vi 33 Castine (Maine), copper tab- let of Capuchins dated 1648 found at. II ix 302 Castle Frank, Toronto about 1800 II xn 435 Castle Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Castor, Canadian localities of. C. canadensis, Kuhl Ill vi 84 C. fiber, Linn Ill vi 84 C. fiber americanus, Rich. . Ill vi 84 C. fiber, specimen obtained near Peterboro, Ont II vm 85 Castoreum bottles, Dene... IV iv 66 135 Cat Bird. Habits of Ontario visitor. . . Ill in 99 Hamilton species II v 390 Observations on Ontario visitors.... Ill vu 192 IV in 72 83 108 Cat Island, gazetteer notice 1813 II xiv 373 Cat, Wild, Canadian localities HI vi 72 Catacombs, notes on Chris- tian epitaphs found in... II xi 273 Catalepsy IIIn75HIvi 13 Catalogue. Catalogue of Insects. By Couper I in 213 Catalogue of Mammalia of Canada exclusive of Cetacea. By J. B. Tyrrell HI vi 66 Catalysis IV ix 273 Cataract, operations among Denes IV vn 26 Cataraqui, gazetteer notice (1813) .... II xiv 373 Cataraqui, Isle de Petite, gazetteer notice (1813).. . II xiv 373 Cataraqui, Petit, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Catarhinae II xv 246 89 CAT CAZ PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Catawba. Catawba Language. By A. F. Chamberlain: ab- stract HI vi 25 Catawba grape. Brief history of: reprint.. I in 220 Catchfly, localities Canadian species II xv 169 Catenipora escharoides. Anticosti Island II in 327 Ontario (pl.) II vi 509 Ottawa R I i 222 Caterpillar, vegetable, of New Zealand II n 364 Catfish Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Catfish Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Catholic Philosophy Il m 349 Catocala Ochs. Characters and N. American habi- tats of Catocala genus II vm 5 C. amasia (Abbot) Il vm 15 C. amatrix (Hiibn) Il vm 8 C. antinympha (Hiibn).... Il vm 12 C. cerogama (Guen) II vm 10 C. concumbens (Walk).... II vm 8 C. epione (Drury) 11 vm 14 C. ilia Cram (Walk) Il vm 9 C. illecta (Walk) II vm 15 C. innubens (Guen) Il vm 14 C. insolabilis (Guen) II vm 14 C. iunctura (Walk) 11 vm 13 C. lacrymosa (Guen) II vm 13 C. nurus (Walk) II vm 12 C. micronympha Il vm 15 C. muliercula (Guen) II vm 14 C. neogama (Abbot) Il vm n C. nuptialis (Walk) 11 vm jq C. nuptula (Walk) II vm 1.5 C. palaeogama (Guen) II vm 14 C. parta (Guen) Il vm 7 C. polygama (Guen) Il vm 12 C. relicta (Walk) II vm 6 C. selecta (Walk) 11 vm 13 C. ultronia (Hiibn) II vm 10 C. unijuga (Walk) II vm 7 C. uxor (Guen) II vm 9 C. vidua, Smith Il vm 6 Catocalidse 11 vm 4 Catogenus rufus, Fabr (Mels. Cat.), Ontario... I m 211 325 Catskill, Mountain Home on, "Specter of Brocken" seen at I I 7 Cattle. Canadian, trade and Abattoirs. By Alan Mac- dougall Ill 11 53 Canadian, trade (1871-81). . Ill 11 54 Ser. Vol. Page Caucasian. Division of human family. . II v 325 Lesghian compared with, language • Ill u 164 Master race from earliest times I i 155 Caucasus. Traces of Ashchurites in... II xiv 243 Tribes surrounding II v 323 Cauchois Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Caudal fin, Amiurus'Catus. . Ill n 301 Caudisoma tergemina, On- tario variety Ill v 255 Cauline central cylinder, Primulaceae IV vi 607 Caulophyllum, Michx. Canadian localities of C. thalictroides, Mx II xv 59 Cavan. Silurian Anthracite: re- print I in 173 Cavendish. Biography II u 376 Life of I I 160 Caverns. Canadian. By Geo. D. Gibb: reprint II vi 386 Of Aberdeenshire; described I m 314 Caves. Bone, with especial re- ference to Prehistoric man. By Arthur Harvey. IV n 116 Caves and Potholes of Rockwood, Ont. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton. . . Ill vi 244 Kent's Hole, near Torquay; relics in II ill 383 Rockwood, described Ill n 245 Rockwood, formation Ill vi 250 Cawdell, Jos. M. Nom-de-plume "Rose- harp"; selection from poems II xv 449 Cawek, house of. History IV vi 156 158 Yucatan IV vi 176 Cawthra, John, Newmarket II xm 569 Cawthra, J., Toronto II xn 342 Caxton, Wm., Printing intro- duced into England II xv 587 Cay-Hunahpu, career IV vi 163 Cayub suppresses Oxyib IV vi 204 Cayuga. Athyris clusia (n. sp.) found in... II v 279 Alveolites squamosa in cor- niferous Limestone II v 207 Cayuga Island, history Ill n 224 Cayugas, founder of tribe.... IV vi 265 Cazo process IV iv 361 90 CAZ GENERAL INDEX CEL Ser. Vol. Page Cazonan Valley, section of (pl.) IV v 365 Ceanothus, L., Canadian localities of C. Americanus, L II xv 352 C. ovalis, Bigelow II xv 352 C. americanus, L. Glands IV ix 315 Host for Stagmatophora ceanothiella Cosens IV ix 310 C. ovatus Desf., host of Stag- matophora ceanothiella Cosens IV ix 310 Ceangi, inscription on pig of lead to II vii 40 Cecidomyia, Host and an- atomy of C. balsamicola, Lintner (pl.) IV ix 317 C. bulla, Walsh (pl.) IV ix 317 C. impatientis O. S. (pl.)... IV ix 319 C. majalis, Bass (pl.) IV ix 320 C. ocellaris O. S. (pl.) IV ix 320 C. pellex O.S IV ix 321 C. triticoides (pl.) IV ix 322 C. ocellaris O. S., beginning of development of galls.. IV ix 360 C. triticoides, Walsh, gall shows aeriferous tissue in pith of stem which is not present in host IV ix 369 Cecidomyidae. Feeding habits of larvae. ... IV ix 362 Species described IV ix 316 Cecil, Lord Burleigh. Autograph on document conveying property II xiv 317 Cedar. Canadian II vi 33 Cedar from Canada: re- print I in 340 Effect of extract from Cedar bark on fish IV vn 457 Effects of extracts from Cedar sawdust on fish life IV vn 441 Effect of concentration of, bark extract on fish IV vn 454 Cedar, B.C. Effects of concentration of its extracts on fish IV vn 453 Effect of sawdust on fish.. . IV vn 448 Cedar, Ontario, effects of its extracts of different strengths on fish IV vn 453 Cedar, red and white, Otta- wa Valley I n 115 116 Cedar Bird. Hamilton species II v 393 Toronto winter bird I I 171 Toronto specimen Ill vn 189 Cedar Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Ser. Vol. Page Cedar Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Cedar Waxwings, Orillia ... IV in 98 Cedre blanc, Ottawa Valley. I n 116 Cedre range, Ottawa Valley. I n 115 Celastracese. Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 147 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 638 II xv 352 London species II vm 223 Celastrus, L., Canadian habitats of C. scandens, L II xv 352 Celeron Isle, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Celestine, tests; Canadian localities II vi 157 Cell, Golding Bird's battery and decomposing cell.... I i 16 Cell. Cell Structure and Cell Contents. By A. B. Macallum: abstract IV n 10 Certain structures in Pan- creatic, of Amphilia IV I 253 Contributions to Mor- phology and Physiology of. By A. B. Macallum. . IV I 247 Intestinal epithelium of Newt (pl.) IV I 248 Celt. Celt in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia. By Rev. John Campbell IV v 89 Cranial characteristics of... II ix 381 Cranial measurements of... II ix 387 Cranial measurements of modern II ix 390 Dominant race of ancient times IV v 100 Eastern Origin of. By Rev. John Campbell II xv 73 277 Early history of I n 247 Ethnology of I n 247 Eponym of, is Gilead II xv 74 Gaelic topography of Damnonia. By Dr. Neil MacNish Ill m 43 Gaelic topography of Wales and Isle of Man. By Rev. Neil MacNish. . Ill n 181 Genealogical tables of an- cient IV v 102 History of II ix 369 Hittite army leaders in Egypt who were Celts. .. IV v 99 Inquiry into Physical Characteristics of An- cient and Modern Celt of Gaul and Britain. By Daniel Wilson II ix 369 91 CEN CEL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Celt-Con. Migration into Britain Ill i 310 Olmecs were, from Canary Islands IV vu 53 Origin of II xv 87 Persian connection II xv 75 Physical characteristics of. . 11 ix 373 Southern Europe influenced by 1 ii 248 South Wales IV n 206 Toltecs were, from Canary Islands IV vu 53 Topographical argument IN FAVOUR OF EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH Isles by, who spoke Gaelic. By Neil Mac- Nish Ill i 310 Traces of Ashchurites in, of Gaul 11 xiv 265 Umbria influenced by 1 n 248 Celt-iberian. Alphabet Ill ill 168 Celtic. Alliteration 1V m 209 Antiquities at Caerleon... . II vu 464 Celtic Prosody. Ny Neil MacNish IV Hi 206 (abstract)... IV in 40 Connection with family of Onam Il xiv 562 Egyptian and, alliance IV v 97 Element in Iberic Toltecs. . IV vu 48 Element in Umbrian and Sabine languages I n 274 Era in France . II ix 270 Equivalents of Onam family, table II xiv 567 Gael and Cymri two great components of II xv 277 Kings of Kassite Dynasty.. IV v 103 Horite traces in, mythology II xm 543 Names in topography of Scilly Isles _ Ill m 55 Names of places in Corn- wall Ill in 47 Nouns have many points of similarity with Semitic... II xm 284 Origin of Bretons Ill v 77 Origin of Guanche IV vu 34 53 Pipes II ii 246 Poets IV ii 221 Remarks on Intrusion of Germanic Races on Older, Races of Europe. By Daniel Wil- son I ii 246 Roman and Greek types STILL EXISTENT IN France, with notes on Langue D'Oc. By Arthur Harvey IV n 176 Ser. Vol. Page Celtic-Con. Scansion IV m 207 Settlement of Wales IV v 64 Six dialects of, surviving. . . IV v 64 Survival in Brittany IV ii 176 Table tracing tribe through various countries II xv 89 Tablet found at Tell el Ainarna, Egypt, translated IV v 89 Its date IV v 94 Words showing Arabic art- icle Al or L II xin 409 Celtic traces in Babylonia II xv 77 Bithynia II xv 78 Cappadocia II xv 78 Chaldea II xv 77 Cilicia II xv 78 Galatia II xv 78 Gaul II xv 84 German tribes II xv 86 Greece Il xv 80 Guanche IV vn 38 India II xv 76 Italy II xv 80 Macedonia II xv 79 Mesopotamia II xv 77 Spain II xv 84 Thrace II xv 79 Celtis occidentalis, L., host for Pachypsylla celtidis- mamma Riley IV ix 308 Cement. Chloride on oxide of zinc.. . II I 80 Industry in Canada IV vni 172 M. Vicat's results on de- structive action of Sea Water on Silicates as, etc.: reprint I in 41 Portland II m 334 Production in Canada, 1902 IV vm 189 Census. Census of Canada for 1851-52 I ii 92 Census of Canada (1861). By John Langton II x 1 Census of Great Britain in 1851 with description of machinery and processes employed I n 70 Census of New England; notes on. By Rev. A. Constable Geikie II I 245 Indians of Canada, between 1820 and 1848 I i 195 On Comparative Progress of Population in Eng- land and Scotland as SHEWN BY, OF 1861. By John Strang: reprint II vn 129 Religious Census of Upper Canada, 1842, 1848, 1852 I I 96 92 CEN GENERAL INDEX CER Ser. Vol. Page Census-Con. Religious, of Ontario, 1842, 1848,1852 I i 96 System that would secure accuracy II x 16 Centanni. Chicken disease in Northern Italy due to filterable virus: ref IV vm 56 Centaurs, description of I i 156 Centoripa in Sicily, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 227 Central America. Civilizations of Mexico and, relations of Ill v 65 Decipherment of hiero- glyphic INSCRIPTIONS OF. By Prof. J. Campbell. .. . IV vi 101 In geological times IV vm 376 Native histories of IV vi 156 On Oceanic Currents and THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE Central American Canal. By Alex. G. Find- lay : reprint I i 248 Centre of Gravity. Note on Guldin's Proper- ties. By J. B. Cherriman II vm 33 Centrifugal. Applications of, actions to Manufacturing pur- poses I i 11 Beer cooled by, action... . I I 11 Centrifugal Forces of the Planets. By John Phillips: abstract Ill in 122 Cleaning milk by, force.... IV vu 486 Experiments on, treatment of milk on bacteria IV vu 488 Starch separated from flour by, action I I 11 Centronella, Billings, gene- ric characters II vi 271 C. glans-fagea (Hall), De- vonian of Ontario (pl.)... II vi 271 C. hecate (n. sp.), Oriskany Sandstone and Cornifer- ous Limestone, Ontario (pl.) II vi 273 C. tumida, Devonian of Ontario II vi 272 Ceophloeus pileatus, obser- vations on Ontario fre- quenters IV in 68 III vu 191 193 IV m 68 Cephalic. Study of, disk of Remora [Echeneis] II xi 260 Cephalisation, as basis of classification II xi 43 Ser. Vol. Page Cephaloedium in Sicily, copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 227 Cephalopoda, Cuvier Canadian II iv 272 Characteristics II vin 17 Ontario species II vi 360 Ottawa R. species I I 222 Position among Mollusca... II xi 325 Cephalpods. Architheuthis dux II vu 125 Belleville species II v 46 Characteristics II vu 122 On Existence of Dibranchi- ate, of great bulk: re- viewed II vu 122 Cerambycidse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 Ceramic Art. Ancient Egypt II ill 257 Ancient Peru II ill 258 Cerastium, L., Canadian localities of C. alpinum, L II xv 173 C. arvense, L II xv 173 C. nutaus, Raf II xv 173 C. oblongifolium, Torr II xv 173 C. viscosuin, L II xv 172 C. vulgatum, L II xv 172 Ceratidae II it 266 II vm 19 Ceratophyllaceae. Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 648 Ceratospyris ateuchus IV vm 385 Cerauridae II i 286 Ceraurus. Canadian (pl.) II vm 31 Position in Canada II vi 288 Cercospora cypripedii, E. and D IV vi 637 C. epigaeae, E. and D IV vi 637 Cereals, of Canada at Paris Exhibition II I 144 Cerebellum, Amiurus Ill n 354 Cerebro-Spinal, Irritation and Hypnotism Ill n 70 Ceremonial dress, Dene.... IV iv 179 Ceriornis Caboti II n 383 Cerite. Analysis of II iv 495 Titanic and tellurous acid in II VI 300 Cerium, in mineral waters. . . I i 152 Certhia, Hamilton species. . . II v 390 C. familiaris americana, observations on Ontario visitors HI vn 190, 196 IV i 47 IV m 72 101 105 Cervus, Canadian localities of C. alces Rich Ill vi 68 C. canadensis, Erxl HI vi 68 93 CER PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CHA Ser. Vol. Page Cervus, Canadian localities of-Con. C. macrotis var Columbi- anus, Rich Ill vi 69 C. strongyloceras, Rich.... Ill vi 68 C. tarandus sylvestris, Rich III vi 68 C. tarandus var arctica, Rich Ill vi 68 C. Canadensis. Canadian specimen II I 387 Occurrence in Eastern Can- ada Ill vn 281 Cervus Megaceros. An Ancient haunt of, or, Great Irish Deer. By Daniel Wilson Ill I 207 Ballybetagh bog haunt of. . Ill I 211 British specimens and haunts Ill I 214 Coexistent with man in Ire- land; evidence of HI I 216 C. somonensis, fossil bones of, in Caves near Paris, France II vi 370 Ceryle alcyon, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 190 IV i 58 IV in 67 74 80 105 106 Cestodes HI i 71 Cestoidea II iv 19 Cetonia fulgida, Fabr I m 325 C. inda (Mels. Cat.), in Ontario I Hl 211 Cew, J. De. Notes on Geology of Townships of Windham and Middleton, Nor- folk Co., Ont.: reprint.. II vi 295 Ceylon. Bats of Il vn 348 Cornus splendens of 11 vn 352 Crows of II vn 352 Early history of II ix 332 Early inhabitants II ix 332 Elephant hunt 11 vn 352 Geckoes of Il vn 354 Hydrophidae II vn 355 Kornegalle or Kurunaigulle II vn 351 Land leeches of II vn 356 Leopards of II vn 350 Lizards of Il vn 354 Pelicans of II vu 354 Pteropus of 11 vn 349 Rousette or flying fox of... . Il vn 348 Sea-snakes Il vn 355 Serpent myth IV v 14 Sketches of Natural History of. By Sir Jas. E. Ten- nant: reviewed II vu 347 Turbinella highly prized in. II in 403 Veddahs of II ix 334 "Wild hunters" of II ix 334 Ser. Vol. Page Chacachacare, Trinidad, geological formation IV vni 140 Chaetetes, Clinton Group, Dundas II xiv 141 C. lycoperdon, Say. Clinton group, Dundas. ... II xiv 140 Toronto Shales I i 150 Toronto specimens II i 74 II iv 452 Chaetura, Hamilton species. II v 389 C. pelagica, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 191 IV in 68 81 107 Chahta, descendants of mound-builders? Ill v 62 Chaicis in Euboea. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 228 Silver coins of, in Canadian Institute II ix 105 Chalcodite. Identical with stilpnomelane II in 262 Shephard's, from Sterling, N.Y. analyzed II in 262 Chalcophora virginica, Drury (Mels. Cat.), Ont. I in 211 325 Chaldea. Gileadite traces in II xv 77 Horite traces in, showing their greatness II xm 534 Zimri traces in II xv 286 Chaldean, Chaldean head- dress compared with that of Carrier noblewomen.. . IV iv 177 Challis, Prof. Memorandum on present state of Astronomy (1854): reprint I in 85 On Composition of Colours: abstract II u 451 Chalmers, Dr. Autograph letter on personal matters II xiv 342 Brain weight of II xv 209 Chalmers, Dr. Thos. Geology and the Bible II n 202 Chama and Tridacna, must be in same order II xi 394 C. antiquata Dall, of Caribean and its Pacific analogue C. californica Dall IV vin 389 C. californica Dall, analogue of Chama Antiquata Dall IV vin 389 Chamberlin, Prof. Fossiliferous beds in central Ontario: ref IV vn 167 Chamberlin. Planetesimal Theory: ref.. . IV vin 438 Chamberlain, A. F. African and American CONTACT OF NEGRO AND Indian: abstract IV n 21 94 CHA GENERAL INDEX CHA Ser. Vol. Page Chamberlain, A. F.-Con. American folk-lore So- ciety Meeting (1891): abstract IV in 12 American Indian in Liter- ature: abstract IV I 33 Archaeology of Scugog Island: abstract Ill vn 14 Catawba Language: ab- stract Ill vi 25 Colour Comparisons in Low German poets: ab- stract IV in 43 Deluge Myths of Cana- dian Indians: abstract. . Ill VII 11 Eskimo Race and Lan- guage; Origin and Re- lations Ill vi 8 (abstract) Ill vi 261 First Contribution to Bibliography of Arch- aeology of Canada and Newfoundland Ill vn 13 F rench-Canadian folk- lore: abstract IV n 34 Indians of Canada: ab- stract IV i 17 Language of Mississaguas of Scugog Ill vii 213 Mississaguas of Scugog: abstract Ill vn 2 Origin and development OF GRAMMATICAL GENDER. Ill VII 216 Pre-historic Ethnology: abstract Ill v 144 Primitive Nature Study. . IV vi 315 Relationship of American languages Ill v 57 Second Contribution to Bibliography of Arch- aeology of Canada .... Ill vii 40 Chamberlin and Salisbury. Ice expands and shoves gravel and sand upon shore: ref. IV ix 18 Origin of sand plains in L. Wendigokan region: ref. IV vni 361 Chambers, R. Autograph in volume now property of Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 539 Great Terrace of Ero- sion in Scotland and its RELATIVE DATE AND CON- NECTION with Glacial Phenomena: reprint.... I in 143 Observations on Glacial Phenomena in Scotland and North of England: reprint I HI 143 Romantic Scottish Ballads; their epoch and author- ship: reviewed II iv 468 Ser. Vol. Page Chambers, T. K., M.D. Industrial Pathology; or THE ACCIDENTS AND DIS- EASES INCIDENT TO IN- DUSTRIAL occupations: reprint I in 29 Chambly Canal, cost and construction II x 263 Chameleon, how it changes its colour IV vni 103 Champagne, method of pre- paring I n 7 Champion, M. How dynamite explodes: ref. II xiv 362 Champlain. Discoveries of (maps) II n 396 Expedition against Iroquois II n 395 Maps of voyages II n 398 Relations with Indians along northern shore of St. Lawrence II n 395 Champlain Canal, report on I i 91 Champlain formation I in 37 Champneys, F. Omo-cervicalis in Chim- panzee: ref IV vi 528 Scansorius in Chimpanzee: ref IV vi 557 Chandler. Todea Frazeri seedlings: ref. IV vni 515 Chants, Dene Ill vn 155 Chapman, Dr., species of spruce: ref Ill- vi 173 Chapman, E. J. Additional Note on Crys- tals of Lazulite de- scribed in July number of Journal, p. 363 II vi 455 Additional Note on oc- currence of Fresh Water Shells in Upper Drift Deposits of Ont. II vi 497 Additional Note on ob- ject of salt Condition of Sea II in 227 Analysis of some Cana- dian Minerals II xn 265 II xiii 507 Analyses of Iron Ores and Ankerites from Acadia Mines, London- derry, N.S II xv 414 Atomic constitution and Crystalline form as CLASSIFICATION CHARAC- TERS IN MINERALOGY. .. . II ii 435 Chapman's scale of hard- ness of minerals II v 12 Contributions to Blow- pipe Analysis II x 339 95 CHA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CHA Ser. Vol. Page Chapman, E. J.-Con. Deposition of Native Metals in vein Fis- sures, etc., by Electro- chemical Agency: re- print II in 75 Function of salt in Sea Water II xv 329 Geology of Belleville and Surrounding dis- trict II v 41 Local geological notes .. II iv 493 Note on Cause of Tides. . Il xiv 279 Notes on Geology of Blue Mt. escarpment, Collingwood Tp.,Ont. . II v 304 Note on Object of Salt Condition of Sea I m 186 Note on Occurrence of Allanite (Orthite) in Canadian Rocks II ix 103 Note on Occurrence of Asaphus Megistos in Canadian Rocks, with Additional Remarks on Asaphus Hincksii II iv 140 Note on Presence of Phosphorus in Iron Wire II ix 170 Note on Stelliform Cry- stals WITH SPECIAL RE- FERENCE to Crystalliz- ation of Snow II vi 1 Notes on Silver Loca- tions of Thunder Bay (pl. p. 265) II xii 218 Occurrence of genus Cryptoceras in Silur- ian Rocks II n 264 On Assaying of Coals by Blowpipe II ni 208 On habits of a small snake in Captivity • II xm 551 On Hypostoma of Asaphus Canadensis and on a third new species of Asaphus from Canadian rock II iv 1 On Klaprothine or Lazu- lite of North Carolina II vi 363 On leading geological areas of Canada II xv 13 92 On New Species of Agel- acrinites, AND ON STRUC- TURAL Relations of that Genus II v 358 On occurrence of Copper Ore in Island of Grand Manan, Bay of Fundy. . II xm 234 On Position of Lievrite in Mineral series II vn 42 Ser. Vol. Page Chapman, E. J.-Con. On some blowpipe re- actions II xv 249 On some Minerals from L. Superior II x 406 On some new Trilobites found in Canadian Rocks II in 230 Outline of Geology of Ontario II xiv 580 Popular Exposition of Minerals and Geology of Canada II v 1, 168 517 II vi 149, 425 500, II vn 108 11 viii 17 111 185 437 II ix 1 Preliminary notice of Agelacrinites Billingsii II v 204 Probable nature of sup- posed FOSSIL TRACKS KNOWN AS PROTICHN1TES and Climactichnites. . . II XV 486 Questions connected WITH THE SALTNESS OF the sea: reprint II n 484 Remarkable belt of Auri- ferous country in Mar- mora Tp., Ont II xm 330 Reply to Report of Select Committee on Geological Survey of Canada (1855) I m 289 Review of Trilobites; their Character and Classification II i 271 Simple Rules for Calcu- lating thickness of in- clined strata II v 544 Sketch of Geology of Hastings Co., Ont.: re- print II v 470 Some notes on Drift De- posits of Western Canada (Ont.) and an Extension of Lake Area of that Region ... II vi 221 Table for Calculating CUT AND YIELD, PER RUN- NING FATHOM,OF MINERAL VEINS II XII 478 Testimony of, regarding Geological Survey of Canada .... I in 251 Examples of Application of Trigonometry to Crystal- lographic Calculations for use of students: reviewed. II V 301 Great Lakes in post-tertiary times: ref IV vi 52 Nom-de-plume "He who sang the Song of Charity"; poem "Cana- dian Summer's Night"... II xv 455 96 CHE CHA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Chapman, E. J.-Con. Old beaches near Colling- wood: ref IV vi 30 Shells from Angus, south of Georgian Bay: ref IV vi 40 Chapman, H. C. Flexor accessorius in orang: ref ...... IV vi 571 Flexor longus pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 539 Omo-cervicales in orang: ref....... IV vi 527 Scansorius in orang: ref.. .. IV vi 557 Two heads of pronator radii teres of orang: ref IV vi 536 Chapman and Owen. Clavicular portion in orang: ref IV vi 530 Characese, Canadian species. II xiv 300 Charadridse, generic charac- ters. II xi 156 Charadrinse, generic charac- ters II xi 157 Charadrius, Hamilton species II v 394 C. dominicus. Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 199 IV in 66 Charcoal. Charcoal as a Disinfect- ant. By J. G. Barford: reprint I m 196 Charcoal as a Deodoriser and Disinfectant: re- print . I in 337 Disinfecting properties. ... I m 219 Fertilizing powers I m 219 On peat and other vege- table, and some of its uses. By Wm. Longmaid: reprint . I m 217 Power to deodorise and Dis- infect I hi 337 Preparation of I m 217 Charionella, n. g. New genus of Brachiopoda II vi 148 Remarks on II vi 274 C. circe, n. sp., Corniferous, Ontario (pl.) II vi 273 Charity. Associated Charities in Buffalo Ill in 103 Associated charities in New York Ill in 103 In London, Eng I i 120 Systematic. By D. A. O'Sullivan Ill m 101 Charleroi, scenes in Cam- paign of 1815 around.... Ill iv 153 Charlotte, Queen. Autograph II xv 535 Ser. Vol. Page Charlottenburgh, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Charlottenburg Tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 63 Charlottetown, P.E.I., Englishwoman's descrip- tion of. II in 131 Chariotteville, gazetteer no- tice II xiv 212 213 Charlotteville, Ont., mineral springs at I i 153 Charlotteville Mineral Spring, Ontario I in 99 Charlotteville Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Charnay. Room containing Tablet of Cross at Palenque: ref IV vi 114 Charr IV ix 25 Charras, Lieut.-Col. Campaign of 1815: ref Ill iv 151 Charron River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Chasse, Riviere de la Belle, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 373 Chassigny, meteoric stone of II vm 89 Chastay tribe, slavery among I m 276 Chat, Isle au, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Chat Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 373 Chatham, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 214 Chatham Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 373 Chatin, M. Salts dissolved in rain water in France: reprint I i 43 Chatterer, Bohemian, Tor- onto IV i 56 Chaudiere, gold in I i 112 Chaudiere Falls, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chaudiere Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chaudiere, Riviere a la, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 374 Chauvin. Development of gills in Salamandra atra IV vm 484 Chazy. Economic materials of, beds in Canada II vm 196 Formation Anticosti II xv 102 Formation Canada II vm 195 Formation Quebec II xv 95 Limestone, coast of Lake Winnipeg II v 188 New Cystidean in, limestone near Montreal II n 302 Cheboutequion, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 97 CHE CHE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Cheddar Cheese, Canadian. Bacterial contents; tables and charts showing rise and fall with age IV vn 124 Gas producing bacteria in.. IV vn 128 Lactic acid bacteria in IV vn 128 Ripening caused by B. acidi lactici IV vn 107 Rise and fall of bacteria in. . IV vn 109 Torula in IV vn 130 Yeasts in IV vn 129 Cheek, development of fat in, of orang IV vi 513 Cheese. Acid in IV vn 126 Anaerobic bacilli in IV vn 109 Bacterial content of, how made? IV vn 122 Calcium Chloride renders heated milk suitable for cheese making IV vii 122 Casease in IV vn 113 Clostridium foetidumlactis. IV vn 109 Cured under Chloroform. . . IV vn 114 Enzymes, origin and pro- perties in IV vn 118 Ferment (unorganized) fac- tor in ripening IV vn 113 Galactase ferment in IV vn 117 Lactic acid bacteria capable of dissolving coagulated casein? IV vn 121 Lactic acid bacteria, cause of ripening IV vii 113 Lactic acids role in ripening IV vn 115 Peptonizing bacteria in . . .. IV vn 111 Rennet's action in ripening. IV vn 132 Rennet's effect on IV vn 120 Ripeningcaused by Bacillus X IV vn 106 Ripening due to a fermenta- tion IV vn 103 Ripening of: literature on subject IV vn 133 Ripening of, and role of Micro-organisms in pro- cess. By F. C. Harrison. IV vn 103 Ripening: theory IV vn 130 Ripened under anaesthetic conditions IV vn 114 Cheese, Cantal. Ripening IV vn 103 104 Tyrothrix in IV vn 105 Cheese, Cottage, schizo- mycetes and yeasts in.... IV vn 105 Cheese, Edam, from pasteur- ized milk IV vn 116 Cheese, Emmenthaler. Microscopic analysis and ripening IV vn 104 Schizomycetes and Yeasts in IV vn 105 Cheese, Holland, bacilli. ... IV vn 109 Chehalis Indian, vocabulary III v 218 Ser. Vol. Page Cheiranthus cheiri, stamen peculiarities in II v 339 Cheiroptera, localities of Canadian species Ill vi 91 Cheladine, Canadian locali- ties II xv 60 Chelepteris gracilis. From upper Permian of Russia IV vni 529 Stele IV vni 530 C. Zaleskii, from Permian of Russia IV vni 529 Chelidon erythrogaster, ob- servations on Ontario visi- tors Ill vii 191 IV m 70 75 82 107 Chelidonium, L., Canadian localities of C. majus, L II xv 60 Chelonia II v 85 Cheltenham, composition of Mineral Waters of 1 I 152 Chelub, identity of II xiv 201 Chelyosoma, British Colum- bia coast IV ix 123 C. columbianum sp. n., British Columbia coast. . IV ix 124 C. macleayanum B. and S., Canadian Atlantic Coast. IV ix 139 C. productum Stimpson, British Columbia coast. . IV ix 124 Chelyosomatidae, British Columbia coast IV ix 122 Specimens from Canadian Atlantic coast IV ix 112 Species at Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 114 Chemical. Action in plants Il ix 422 Affinity II I 311 Analysis of Augite from Montarville, Que II v 436 Analysis of meteorites Il iv 411 Analysis of various igneous rocks from Montreal Dis- trict II v 432 Chemical Action of solar RADIATIONS. By R. Hunt: reprint I n 69 Chemical Industries of Dominion. By W. R. Lang IV vni 151 Chemical interpretation OF VITAL PHENOMENA. By J. B. Leathes IV ix 269 Chemical Method, Nota- tion, Classification and Nomenclature. By A. Laurent: reviewed II I 295 Chimney of St. Rollox Chemical works I n 12 Commercial, research IV ix 234 98 CHE CHE GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Chemical-Con. Composition of coprolites .. In 265 Composition of gliadin IV vn 503 Composition of gliadin nu- clein IV vn 503 Composition of glutenin... IV vu 505 Composition of Lingula found near Hawkesbury, Ont I ii 264 Composition of shells of Certain Brachiopods: reprint I n 195 Dumas and Laurent's views on, substitution II i 297 Life, a manifestation of, laws IV ix 272 On, Composition of Re- cent and Fossil Lingu- lae AND SOME OTHER shells. By W. E. Logan and T. S. Hunt I u 264 Origin of physiological rela- tion of chemical element in blood plasma IV vu 539 Origin of relation of chemi- cal elements within proto- plasm IV vu 540 Chemicals, refined, manu- facture in Canada IV vm 166 Chemistry. Atomic constitution and Crystalline Form as classification Charac- ters in Mineralogy. By Prof. Chapman II n 435 Candle Manufacture im- proved by I i 158 Chemistry of Wheat Gluten. By Geo. G. Nasmith IV vu 497 Coal-gas manufacture im- proved by........ I i 158 Composition of earth's crust as produced by cooling process IV vu 542 Composition of primeval ocean IV VII 542 Contributions to Blow- pipe analysis. By E. J. Chapman II x 339 Course of Practical, at Tor- onto Univ. By H. Croft: reviewed II V 299 Elements of Inorganic. By Thos. Graham: reviewed II ill 488 Equivalent Numbers of Ele- mentary Bodies require . revising I I 82 Fownes Elementary: re- viewed I H 170 Graham's Elements of: re- viewed I I 19 Ser. Vol. Page Chemistry- Con. Handbuch der Mineral Chemie. Von C. F. Ram- melsberg: reviewed II v 540 Improvements wrought by, in Cotton and Calico manufacture I i 135, 137 Improvements wrought by, in soap manufacture I i 137 On Source of Muscular Power. By Ed. Frank- land II xi 248 On Theory of Types in. By T. Sterry Hunt II vi 120 Otto's Handbuch der Anor- ganischen Chemie: re- viewed II in 488 PaLtEOCHEMISTRY OF OCEAN IN RELATION TO ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PROTO- PLASM. By A. B. Macal- lum, F.R.S IV vii 535 Physiological, beginnings... II m 248 Progress in, up to 1856 II ii 51 Recent advances in II vm 101 What, indicates on subject, whether petroleum origi- nates from decomposition of marine plants II xi 191 Chermes, beginning of gall development IV ix 360 C. abietis Choi, on hosts Picea abies (L.), Karst P. mariana (Mill), B.S.P. (pl.) IV ix 307 C. floccus, Patch, on host Picea mariana (Mill), B.S.P. (pl.) IV ix 307 Chemitypy I u 181 Chemung group, Western Ontario I in 1 Chen hyperboreus, Prince of Wales Sound HI V 121 Chenal Ecarte, Isle de, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 374 Chenal Ecarte River, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chene, Isle du, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 374 Chene, Pointe au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chene, Portage du, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chene, Riviere du, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chenopodiacese. Barrie list II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species HI II 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 647 London species II vin 231 99 CHI CHE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Cherokee. Crania II n 419 Descendants of Mound- builders Ill v 62 Mound-builders IV iv 39 Sacred formulas IV vu 15 Cherokee-Choctaw. Comparative vocabulary of, and peninsular languages. Ill i 192 Eskimo and, vocabularies comparative Ill vi 322 Koriaks affinity with, in customs, features, lan- guage HI I 179 Tribes Ill I 179 Wyandot-Iroquois language similarities with Ill i 183 Cherriman, Prof. General Meteorological Register of Provincial Magnetic Observatory, Toronto, for 1853 I n 185 Kirkwood's new planetary law, or Kirkwood's ana- logy IV vi 18 Mean Meteorological RESULTS AT TORONTO DURING YEAR 1854 1 III 161 Note on Guldin's Pro- perties II viii 33 Note on Poinsot's Me- moir on Rotation II viii 283 Note on propositions of Pythagoras and Pappus II in 15 Note on Trilinears II ix 249 II x 334 On Atmospheric Pheno- mena of Light I i 6, 25 On Composition of Paral- lel Rotations II n 92 On Axes of Conic in Tri- linears II xi 388 On Provincial Currency. I i 177 On Reduction of General Equation of 2nd degree in Plane Co-ordinate Geometry II i 286 On resolution of Alge- braic equations II v 209 On Variation of Temper- ature at Toronto I ii 14 Cherry. Canadian timber tree II vi 33 Canadian species with locali- ties II xv 361 Cherry Bird. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 91 Wintering at Toronto I I 171 IV I 41 Cherry Valley. Butler's attack and sacking of, in 1778 IV iv 287 Ser. Vol. Page Chert. North shore L. Huron I I 125 North shore L. Superior. . . I i 125 Cheshire, E. Census of Great Britain, 1851, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF MACHINERY AND PRO- CESS : reprint I II 70 Chester. Notes on Latin Inscription on altar found at II v 284 Chesterholm. Ancient Carved Stone found at, Northumber- land, Eng. By Rev. John McCaul (pl.) II xiv 1 Notes on Latin Inscription on Altars, etc., found at.. II x 98 II xii 115 Roman name, "Vindolana"; evidence II xin 147 Chesters, Roman name "Cil- urnum"; evidence II xin 146 Chestnut, Canadian II vi 33 Chestnut-cheeked Meadow Mouse, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 80 Chestnut, horse, suitability for street planting IV viii 268 Chetura pelasgica, Ontario • visitors Ill in 93 Chevalier, Louis. Trader in western America (1775) IV in 266 Cheveaux, Pointe au, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chevreul, M. E. On Harmony and Con- trast of Colours: re- print I in 68 Chewett, Col. W., Toronto.. II xm 187 Chiapas Indians Conquered by Cocyoeza... IV vi 181 Month names IV vi 332 Chicadee, observations on Ontario visitors IV ill 72, 74,83 Chicago. Longitude determined II iv 458 Water supply I ill 260 Chicago and Milwaukee Ry. Test of device for telegraph- ing to and from railway trains on Ill iv 177 Chichanchob, Edifice IV vi 185 Chichanchob inscriptions. At Chichen-Itza IV vi 185 Free translation IV vi 200 Text and translation IV vi 197 Translated IV vi 187 100 CHI CHI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Chichen-Itza. Chichanchob inscription... IV vi 186 Chichanchob inscription translated IV vi 187 Chief historical import IV vi 204 Geographical position IV vi 201 History recorded in, docu- ments IV vi 201 Itza's migration from IV vi 180 Stephens' descriptions IV vi 193 Chichen-Itza Inscription. Akatzeeb's IV vi 193 Found at Palenque, Mexico, translated: ref IV v 53 From, Chichanchob IV vi 185 Text and translations IV vi 197 Chichicastenago, Quicke MS. of IV vi 157 Chickadee, Toronto winter bird I i 170 Chickaree, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 85 Chickasaw, mound-builders. IV iv 40 Chickweed, Canadian species with habitats II xv 171, 173 Chien d'Or, inscription on old house at Quebec II ix 304 Children, education of neg- lected II vii 390 Chilcat Indians, census (1847) I i 197 Chilcotin, or Carrier, char- acteristic sounds in lan- guage IV vii 527 Chilhxotins. Basket work Ill vii 136 Tribe Ill vii 111 Winter huts Ill vn 117 Chili. Alisonite from II iv 325 Astronomical observations taken in, 1849-52 II u 196 Political, social and com- mercial condition of, stu- died by U.S.N. Expedi- tion to Southern Hemi- sphere, 1849, 50, 51, 52: reviewed II n 195 Chillicothe. Copper axe found there.... I I 133 Chilodon cucullus, influence of temperature on HI I 300 Chilomonas, effect of certain solutions diffusing to- wards colony IV vn 328 Chimaphila umbellata, suitable for flower gar- dens IV in 128 Chimney, Swift, Toronto... Ill vn 191 Chimo, Fort IV n 335 Ser. Vol. Page Chimpanzee. Abd uction of digits of foot. . IV VI 576 Abductor ossis metatarsi quinti IV Vi 565 Adductor obliquus IV Vi 574 Biceps IV vi 561 Coraco brachialis IV vi 534 Extensor Indicis IV vi 542 Extensor minimi digiti IV vi 542 Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis IV vi 547 Flexor accessorius IV vi 571 Gluteus medius and g. mini- mus IV vi 557 Interossei IV vi 552 Laryngeal pouches IV vi 513 Omo-cervicalis IV vi 528 Pectoralis minor insertion.. IV vi 532 Pectoralis minor muscle attachment IV vi 532 Peroneus parvis IV vi 565 Plantaris IV vi 567 Scansorius IV vi 557 Sartorius IV vi 553 Structural differences sep- arating man from II ix 157 Thumb muscles IV vi 540 Tibialis anticus IV vi 562 Trapezium IV vi 587 Chimseyans, census (1847).. I i 197 Chin, Orang Outang IV vi 511 China. Appearance and food of children II n 166 Appearance of shops II n 171 Ashchurites, traces in II xiv 267 Condition of people II xi 179 Customs and manners of street II n 173 Female infanticide II xi 182 Geographical researches in (1863) ..... II viii 105 Mandarin or Court Dialect only common language throughout China II xi 83 Man's duty to parents, etc. II xi 180 Marriage customs II xi 180 Marriage and Infanticide IN, IN THEIR RELATIONS to Population. By W. Henry Cumming II xi 178 Notes of travel in. By Jas. H. Morris, M.A II II 161 Tea warehouses II n 173 China Hat, B.C. Goniocarpa coccodes sp. n.. IV IX 132 Chincha Peru, stone table with heraldic blazonry found at II ix 314 Chincha Islands, gold carv- ings found in II ix 315 101 CHI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CHI Ser. Vol. Page Chinchay-Suyu, dialect of Quicha Ill v 131 Chinese. American origin of Ill v 73 Amusements of II n 172 Attitude toward foreigners and Government II n 174 Brain capacity of II xv 216 Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 228 Brain weight of II xv 201 Boats II ii 166 Chinese Method of Scent- ing tea: reprint I in 312 First to make paper Ill v 200 Language Il xi 82 Language as evidence of primitive origin HI vi 95 Language, history of Ill v 167 Language of II n 172 Language; practical effi- ciency of tonal distinctions II xi 89 Language. Relation of Words in Written and Spoken Languages to each other II xi 92 Philology shows common origin of Asiatic and Euro- pean Languages II xm 287 Pilots II ii 162 Pilots boarding vessels off Lerna Islands II II 162 Rivers II iv 234 Narrative of Expedition of American Squadron to, Seas in 1852-54: reviewed 11 i 523 Turbinella highly prized by II in 403 Chingalacose, Chippewa chief IV iv 233 Chinguacousy Tp., decline of rural population during 1861-1911 period IV ix 262 Chinoline, products of distil- lation of II I 557 Chinook Indians. Amusements II n 21 Beliefs II n 25 British Columbia Ill v 218 Chinook Indians. By Paul Kane I in 273 II ii 11 Costumes I in 274 Currency I in 274 II ii 15 Customs H n 12 Difficulties of Photograph- ing I in 279 II ii 27 Dwellings II n 19 Foods II ii 18 Gambling games I m 276 Gambling practices II n 21 Ser. Vol. Page Chinook Indians-Con. Habits I in 274 II n 15 Habits, Customs and Tra- ditions of. By Paul Kane I m 273 Horses II n 22 Ioqua shells used by II in 380 Language II n 14 Language, influence on Nah- 'ane IV vn 530 Legends I ill 279 II ii 28 Location of tribe Il n 12 Medical practices of Il n 25 Medicine men I in 278 II ii 25 Methods of fishing II ii 16 Methods of preparing food. II n 18 Mode of dress II n 15 Mode of fishing I m 275 Mode of life I ill 276 Outbreak of fever, mortality from II n 12 Peculiarities of food I in 275 Peculiarities of language.. . I in 274 Pipes II ii 331 Preparation of, olives I in 275 II n 19 Process of flattening head. . II ii 13 Sepulchral rites 1 m 277 II ii 22 Slavery among I in 276 II ii 20 Superstitions of I Hl 277 Treatment of sick I in 278 Vegetables used by I in 275 War implements of I in 276 II ii 20 Whale fishing II n 17 Chinook Olives. Preparation I in 275 II n 19 Chinook salmon IV ix 24 Chinook wind IV v 51 Chion garganicum, Fabr... 1 in 326 Chionidinse, generic charac- ters II xi 157 Chionobas, Rocky Mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 240 Chios, traces of Ashchurites in II xiv 250 Chipmunk, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 86,87 Chippewas. Career of Chas. Tebisco Keejak IV vi 302 Gitchi Naigou IV vi 304 Legend of origin I in 380 Location of I in 209 Population in 1838, 44 and 46 I I 196 102 chl CHI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Chippewas-Con. "Shooting the Thunder Bird" superstition IV vi 308 Waub-Ojeeg (chief) IV vi 305 Chippewa Village, Ont. Burning spring of I in 204 Discovery of old church register at IV iv 240 History Ill n 226 Chippewa Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Chipeways, census about 1847 I i 198 Chippeways. Cranial measurements of... II n 421 Pipes (drawings) II n 332 Pipe makers II n 333 Chipewyan Indians. Census (1847 about) I i 197 Dene, same as IV vi 77 Funeral and burial customs. IV v 193 Habitat and population.... IV iv 16 Language Ill v 216 Language, influence on Nah'ane IV vn 529 Myth of the Fall and Deluge IV v 11 Not southernmost of Dene tribes IV iv 9 Tribe Ill vn 113 Chipping Sparrow. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 92,95 Chironomus or Corethra, Lake Ontario II xin 501 Chimarrha Characters and N. American habitats of C. aterrima, Hagen II vn 501 C. obscura, Walker II vn 501 Chiswick, Eng., sewage dis- posal IV ii 146 Chitin, formation of, directly dependent on nucleus.... IV n 241 Chitonidse, Canadian II iv 27'3 Chittenden and Smith. Gluten Casein from gluten: ref IV vn 499 Chloretone, effect on dog of swallowing, when under chloroform (blood pres- sure chart) IV vn 211 Chlorides. Distribution in nerve fibre. . IV vin 409 Distribution of fat, phos- phates, POTASSIUM AND IRON IN STRIATED MUSCLE. By Maud L. Menten IV vin 403 Double, of Cadmium II i 193 In atmosphere IV vn 335 In muscle of octopus IV vm 409 Localization and distribu- tion of, in muscle IV vm 409 Of organic radicals II I 488 Ser. Vol. Page Chlorine. Determination of II i 487 In rain In 9 Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vii 558 Residuum of manufacture used in preparing oxide of manganese II i 393 Chlorite, tests; Canadian localities II vi 159 Chloritic schist, Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Chlorite slate, Canadian.... II vi 435 Chloritoid. Canadian Chloritoid. By T. Sterry Hunt II vi 484 Chemical analysis of, from Leeds, Que II vi 484 Chloroform. Atropine as antidote in, poisoning (blood pressure tracing) IV vn 228 Blood pressure when a body in rigid condition under (tracing) IV vn 215 Causes of death occurring in giving IV vn 206 Cheese cured under IV vn 114 Complications arising dur- ing administration of. . .. IV vn 211 Conditions of respiration on effects of, dose IV vn 203 Does respiration or heart stop first in, poisoning?. . IV vn 199 Effect of giving dose of chloretone to dog under (blood pressure chart)... IV vn 211 Effect of iced, on patients. . IV vn 200 Effect on blood pressure of dog when going under (pl.) IV vn 201 Effect on dog's blood pres- sure IV vn 199 Methods of resuscitation in, poisoning IV vn 215 Nitrite of Amyl's effect after respiration has ceased in, poisoning IV vn 219 Observations on Blood Pressure. With special REFERENCE TO. By R. D. Rudolf IV vn 187 Poisoning; artificial respira- tion's effect on blood pressure (tracing) IV vn 216 Poisoning; hydrocyanic acid as antidote IV vn 219 Chlorophycese, species in neighbourhood of Toronto HI vn 270 Chloroplast, caustic alkali effect on IV vn 327 103 CHL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CHR Ser. Vol. Page Chlorosplenium versiforme Pers., habits; Ontario habitats IV IX 80 Choctaw, descendants of Mound-builders? Ill v 62 Choctaw-Muskogee, origin. HI v 61 Chodat and Bang. Lactic acid bacteria on coagulated casein: ref... . IV vn 131 Chlsenius sericeus Fost. and C. tricolor Dej (Mels. Cat) I m 210, 325 Cholula, Mexico, at Spanish conquest II v 444 Cholera. Abortive treatment II xi 168 Cholera and water sup- ply: reprint I ill 264 Climatic conditions at time of, epidemic of 1834 in Toronto II vn 26 Epidemic of 1834 in Canada II vn 26 Evacuations I in 190 Means of prevention II xi 168 Notes on, seasons of 1832 and 1834. By Rev. C. Dade, M.A II vn 17 On Abortive Treatment of, and Special Treat- ment OF ITS SEVERAL stages. By Wm. Tem- pest II xi 163 On transfusion of milk AS PRACTISED in, at cholera sheds, Tor- onto, July, 1854. By Jas. Bovell I m 188 Phases II xi 173 Poznanski's propositions re- garding premonitory symptoms during epi- demic II xi 165 Premonitory symptoms.... II xi 163 Results of the different methods of treatment in epidemic: reprint I Hl 231 Results of epidemic of 1832 in Canada II vn 23 Statistics of epidemic in Toronto in 1832 II vn 19 Theory of effect of climatic influence on II vn 21 Treatment II xi 170 Cholera Vibrio, action of freshly drawn milk on. . . IV vn 480 Chonetes (Fischer), generic characters II Vi 349 C. hemispherica (Hall). Corniferous, Ont. (pl.) II Vi 349 Oriskany Sandstone, Ont. (pl.) II vi 349 Ser. Vol. Page C. lata?, chemical com- position compared with allied fossils I n 265 Chonophyllum magnifi- cum (n. sp.), Walpole Tp., Ont. (pl.) II v 264 Chordeiles, Hamilton species II v 389 C. virginianus, observations on Ont. visitors. . Ill vn 186,192, 195 IV in 68 81 87 107 Chordonia II xv 243 Chorisis. Defined II v 339 On Chorisis. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II x 371 C. collateral. Androecium of Fumariaceae II x 380 Brassicaceae II x 379 Malvaceae II x 381 Myrtaceae II x 381 Parnassia II x 381 Ricinus II x 381 Stamens of Elodea II x 380 C. transverse. Defined II x 381 Larrea II x 384 Parnassia II x 384 Petals of Silene Il x 383 Zygophyllaceae II x 384 Chorography, Egyptian, ob- tained by Dr. Lepsius.... I n 267 Christian Epitaphs (early). Age, name and date only stated II xi 276 Bibliography of works from which obtained II xi 272 Characteristic of deceased stated II xi 280 Christian Epitaphs of FIRST SIX CENTURIES. By Rev. John McCaul.... II xi 271, 351 II XII 1 Cyclic marks of time given II xn 11 Ecclesiastical occupation or position in life of deceased stated II xi 359 Heathen formula in com- mencement; most remark- able II xn 19 Most ancient example of representation of cross in II xn 3 Name and date only stated II xi 273 Occupation of deceased stated II xn 1 Place of burial also men- tioned or referred to II xn 2 Posture in prayer also given on stone (pl.) II xn 24 Relationship of deceased stated II xi 284 104 CHR GENERAL INDEX CHR . . . Ser. Vol. Page Christian Epitaphs (early)-Con. Secular occupation or posi- tion in life of deceased stated II xi 351 To an acolyte ;••.•••• H xi 363 To foster-father Antimio. .. II xi 298 Use of D.M. by Christians.. II xu 18 Christian Island, preserva- tion of old fort on IV in 4 Christianity. Roman laws concerning slaves before and after, was established IV n 173 Roman legislation influen- ced by, in laws for pro- tecting children IV n 163 Roman provision for relief of poor before, was estab- lished and afterwards.... IV n 165 Some effects of, on Legis- lation. By Hon. W. Proudfoot IV ii 159 (abstract) IV n 25 Christians. Use of D.M. by early II xi 18 Christison. Relation of lead to air and water I in 264 Christy, Lartet and. Observations relative to EXISTENCE OF MAN IN Centre of France when REINDEER AND OTHER ANIMALS NOW EXTINCT there existed: reprint. II ix 262 Christie, W. H. M. Reckoning of Astronomical day IV in 313 Chromascope II i 156 Chromates, of bismuth II i 394 Chromatic substance, de- velopment of nerve cells with special reference to development of, of cell body IV vi 418 Chromatin. Abundant in dividing hae- matoblasts (pl.) IV ii 236 Acts as oxygen absorber.... IV u 240 All stages in process of trans- formation and diffusion of, shown in embryo pig (pl.) IV vi 422 Appearance and growth in nerve cells (pl.) IV vi 419 Chromatin holding struc- tures in yeast cell IV vi 492 Chromatin-like substance in Cyanophyceae IV vi 462 Degenerating cells of mam- mary gland throw out... IV u 239 Development in cell body.. IV vi 421 __ . _ Ser. Vol. Page Chromatin-(.on. Eosinophilous substance of haematoblasts derived from, and finally trans- formed into haemoglobin. IV n 237 Foraminifer IV vi 497 Haemoglobin derived from, of haematoblasts IV n 239 Haemoglobin derived from, proof supported by occur- rence of phosphorus in haemoglobin of goose. ... IV ii 239 Iron always in it IV vi 411 Iron compound in every cell animal or vegetable IV n 257 Nerve cells contain IV vi 410 Neuroblasts, disposition of ,(pl.) IV vi 419 Nissl granules derived from. IV vi 421 Nuclear, migration to cyto- plasm IV vi .434 Nuclear network may con- tain it or haemoglobin?. . . IV ii 232 Nucleolus derived fronn .. . IV vi 421 Origin of IV vi 418 Oxyphile nuclear substance derived from IV vi 421 Reaction of, of haemato- blasts on haematoxylin.. IV n 234 Stages through which, passes in getting to cytoplasm (pl) IV vi 423 Transformation and diffu- sion of, in Urodela IV vi 427 Transformation in Ambly- stomata IV vi 428 Yeast cell contains IV vi 486, 494 Chromatium, nuclei in IV vi 474 Chromatophagous, in intes- tine of necturus lateralis IV i 252 Chromatophore. Character in Cyanophyceae. IV vi 463 Could not be found in Cya- nophyceae II vi 443 Cyanophyceae contain no... IV vi 442 Glaucocystis nostochinea- rum contains no IV vi 442 Occurrence in living cell of Cyanophyceae IV vi 456 Oscillaria contains IV vi 446 Chromatoscope. On a star Chromatoscope. By A. Claudet: reprint.. II ix 48 Chrome-ironstone, deposits in Quebec.., IV vm 186 Chromic iron. Gaspe, Que II v 466 Ore II v 518 Chromic myopia II i 152 Chromium. Blowpipe reaction of, and manganese with carbon- ate of soda II xv 252 105 CHR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CIM Ser. Vol. Page C hr omiu m- Con. How obtained II n 305 Chromophilous substance, nerve cells IV vi 407 Chronology. Egyptian II n 209 Mosaical, its accuracy not weakened by modern dis- covery IV iv 40 Chroococcacese, Toronto species Ill vn 274 Chrysoberyl, artificial form- ation of II iv 54 Chrysobothris dentipes Germ (Mels. Cat.), Ont. I in 211, 325 C. femoratax (Mels. Cat.), Ont I in 211 Chrysochus auratus, Fabr. (Mels. Cat.) I m 259, 326 Chrysolite and lievrite com- pared II vn 44 Chrysomitris pinus, habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 89 Chrysomelid®, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 Chrysophanus, Rocky Mountain species with habitats HI n 241 Chrysosplenium, Tourn, Canadian localities of C. Americanum, Schwein. . II xv 549 Churn, invention of rotatory. I i 111 Chuard and Porchet. Copper not present in leaves of grapes sprayed with Bordeaux mixture IV vn 318 Chugachigmut, territory. . . Ill vi 265 Chuklukmut, territory Ill vi 264 Church, Arthur H. On the Spheroidal state of Bodies: reprint I in 11 Church, Dr. Breech-Loading Cannon invented by: reprint... I n 197 Church. Christ's, Hamilton; design and construction of II i 203 Roman laws concerning, in early Christian times. ... IV n 168 St. Andrew's, Hamilton; design and construction of II I 203 Two FRONTIER CHURCHES. By Janet Carnochan. ... IV I 109 Chyle, analysis of I in 190 Cicero. I. Catil. C. VI. Correct translation II xm 427 Critical Notes; chiefly on De Legibus of. By W. D. Pearman II xiv 503 Ser. Vol. Page Cicero-Con. De Legibus of; critical notes on Book I: n, 7; xi, 31; xiv, 40; xvi, 44; xix, 50; xxn, 59; xxm, 60. Bk. II: iv, 9; vm, 19; vm, 20; ix, 21; x, 26; xm, 33; xvii, 44 II xiv 503 De Legibus II: xxv, 62, 63: translated Ill i 90 Lessons from times and teachings of. By Ed. Meek: abstract IV iv 234 Phil. II: c. xxxi, translated III i 76 Cichoriumintybus, L., Port Rowan, Toronto Ill n 156 Cicindela, species in Ont. C. duodecimguttata (Mels. Cat.) I in 210 C. 12 guttata, Dej I in 325 C. hirticollis, Say I in 324 C. punctulata, Oliv. (Mels. Cat.) I in 210, 325 C. purpurea, Oliv. (Mels. Cat.) I in 210 325 C. repanda, Dej I III 325 C. sex guttata I in 210, 325 C. vulgaris, Say (Mels. Cat.) 1 in 210, 325 Ciconinse, generic characters II xi 154 Cicuta bulbifera, Toronto.. I i 206 C. maculata, Toronto I i 206 Cider. Best apples for I n 163 Best time for making I n 164 Fermentation of juice I n 164 On Cider and Perry Making. By T. W. Booker: reprint I n 163 Cilia. Note on Preservation of some Infusoria with a view to Display of their. By Jas. Bovell. .. II vm 341 Ciliata II vn 370 Ciliated bands. Of mesenterial filaments in Zoanthus sociatus (pl.)... IV vi 390 391 Of Zoanthus sociatus onto- genetically distinct from glandular streak IV vi 401 Cilicia, Gileadite traces in.... II xv 78 Cilurum. Note on Latin Inscription on stone at. . II xiv 544 Roman name of Chesters; evidence II xm 146 Cimbri. Migration into Britain Ill I 310 Names of places in Scotland (Lowlands) indicating that, located there Ill I 317 106 CIM GENERAL INDEX CLA Ser. Vol. Page Cimbri-Con. Welsh descended from Ill n 187 Cimicifuga. L., Canadian localities of C. racemosa, Elliott II xv 58 Cincinnati, waterworks .... I m 259 Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Universities, co-opera- tive plan in research. ... IV ix 233 Cinchona. On cultivation of, in India. By C. R. Mark- ham: reprint II ix 56 Cincindela purpurea and C. punctulata I m 327 Cinclinae, generic characters. II xi 157 Cinereus Owls, Toronto.... IV i 53 Cinnabar, circular polariza- tion in II hi 158 Cinque-foil, Canadian locali- ties II xv 429 Cippus of Perusia, deciph- ered and translated Ill in 223 Ciona intestinalis (L.). Canadian Atlantic coast... IV ix 138 Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 119 Cionidae. Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 113, 119 Specimens near Grand Ma- nan IV ix 112 Circaea, Tourn. Canadian localities of C. alpina, L II xv 551 C. lutetiana, L II xv 551 Circassian, Aztec forms com- pared with Ill ii 169 Circulation. Original Views on Renal Circulation: reprint. . . In 146 Circinae, generic characters. . II iv 448 Circus, Hamilton species. ... II v 388 C. cyaneus, and C. uligi- nosus, Canadian speci- mens II iv 448 Circumcision. Maya-Quiche rites IV vi 212 Nations that practised it. . . IV vi 212 Cirrhopods II i 281 Cirrhopoda, Canadian II vm 25 Cistaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill II 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 637 II xv 167 London species II vm 222 Cistothorus palustris, ob- servations on IV in 83, 108 Cists. Measurements of Crania from British Barrows and, II vn 436 Ser. Vol. Page Cities. Applicability of Our Edu- cational System to Social Conditions of Large. By Thos. Hen- ning II in 422 Distances between, in United States I in 148 Citric Acid. Citric Acid contaminated with copper: reprint.... I ill 317 Substitutes for, Citric and Tartaric Acid: re- print I ni 221 Civilization. Birthplace of ancient religions and. By Rev. J. Campbell II xm 152 Persistence of Savagery in. By David Boyle: ab- stract Ill iv 129 Cladosiphonically. Leaf traces may originate in Osmundacinnamonea.... IV vm 517 Cladosiphony, Osmunda cin- namonea IV vm 524 Cladosiphonic type IV vi 632 Claies, Lake aux, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 374 Clallam Indians. Dictionary of, and Lummi Indians Ill v 218 Pipes (drawing) II n 334 Clapper Rail II vn 510 Clarence Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 375 Clark, Dr. Daniel. Brain as Organ of Mind. abstract IV iv 227 Clark, J. M., M.A., LL.B., K. International Arbitra- tion IV vm 41 Luminiferous Ether IV n 93 (abstract) Ill vn 15 Some thoughts on Ther- motics Ill II 36 Clark, Prof. Jas. Contractile vesicles in en- toderm cells of Leucoso- lenia botryoides: ref II xv 425 Clark, Levi J. City Sanitation and Sew- age Disposal Ill vn 232 City Sanitation and Sew- age Problem : abstract.. IV I 5 Consideration of Sewage Schemes IV n 143 (abstract) IV n 30 Few Words on Lake Cur- rents: abstract IV II 31 107 CLA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CLE Ser. Vol. Page Clark, Levi J.-Con. Formation of Toronto Is- land IV i 239 (abstract) IV I 37 Lake Currents IV in 275 (abstract) IV ill 41 Sewage Problem in Tor- onto: abstract Ill vn 36 Testing new Water pipe: abstract IV in 11 Clarke, Benjamin. New arrangement of Pha- nerogamous plants, with especial reference to rela- tive position, including their relations with Cryp- togamous: reviewed II xi 233 Clarke, F. W. Estimate of relative values of water and carbon di- oxide to solid during earth's formation: ref... IV vn 543 Clarke, Hyde. Fuegian related to south African languages: ref.... Ill v 68 Geographical names of Palestine are those of world: ref II xm 516 Clarke, Mrs. Cowden. Autograph note II xiv 486 Clarke, T. C., C.E. On Action of Ice on Bridge at Rice Lake. .. I in 249 Clarke Tp., Ont. Drift deposits; plan and sec- tions along shore IV vm 14 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 375 Till sheets along shore IV vm 17 Classical. Classical Notes. By Prof. Hutton Ill iv 17 Classical Notes. By W. D. Pearman II xm 426 Classification. Cephalisation as basis of. . . II xi 43 Principles adopted in Zo- ology II xi 41 Some thoughts on, in re- lation TO ORGANIZED beings. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II XI 31 Clastic rock, Grenville and Hastings IV vm 497 Clathropora. Characters and Ontario localities of C. frondosa Hall II xiv 139 C. intermedia (Nich. and Hinde) II xiv 140 C. intertexta Nich II xiv 141 Ser. Vol. Page Claud Halcro. Nom-de-plume of John Breakenridge; selection from poems II xv 453 Claudet, A. An improved stereoscope : reprint II II 113 On some Phenomena pro- duced by Refractive Power of Eye: reprint.. II ix 56 On Star Chromatoscope: reprint II ix 48 Claudopus nidulans, Pers, habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 73 Claus, Hon. Col. Autograph letter to Ensign Chiniquy (1806) II xiv 92 Clauss. Bacteria in Wurzburg milk: ref IV vii 468 Claussen, Chevalier. On effect of Sulphate of Lime upon Vegetable Substances: reprint.... I n 70 Claussen's Flax Work 1 n 233 Claussen's process, for treat- ing flax I i 88 Clavaria. Habits and On- tario habitats of C. aurea, Schaeff IV ix 79 C. ligula IV ix 79 Clavariacese, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 79 Clavate Cells, Amirus Ill n 254, 393 Clavicular portion, in Orang and anthropoid apes IV VI 530 Clay. Boulder, Scarboro' Hts. ... II xv 393 401,403 Boulder, No. 3 or Till, Scarboro' Hts II xv 403 Erie and Saugeen Il xv 407 Forced arrangement of blocks of limestone, etc., in boulders (pl.) II ix 257 Interglacial fossiliferous, Humber Bay II xv 395 Interglacial fossiliferous, Scarboro' Hts. and Hum- ber II xv 395 Laminated, and sand, inter- glacial, Scarboro Cliffs... II xv 402 Separation of elements of... I in 15 Clay Slates II vi 439 Clayton. Discoverer of Coal Gas. ... I I 28 Claytonia, L., Canadian localities of C. caroliniana, Michx II xv 175 C. virginica, L II xv 175 Clear Lake, topography IV vm 344 108 CLE GENERAL INDEX CLI Ser. Vol. Page Cleavage. In rocks II vi 451 Origin of rock II I 552 Peculiarly developed in sedi- mentary rocks Ill iv 117 Cleidophorus planulatus (Conrad), Toronto II iv 452 Clematis, L., Canadian habitats of C. verticillaris, D.C II xv 51 C. virginiana, L II xv 51 Clemo, Ebenezer. Nom-de-plume was "Maple Knot" II xv 270 Cleodora, Ottawa R I i 222 Clepsine patelliformis, Nich, Lake Ontario (pl.). II xm 494 C. sub-modesta, Nich, Lake Ontario (pl.) II xm 496 Cleridse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 Clermont, first steamboat built IV in 175 Cleve, P. T. Fossiliferous Eocene beds in Jamaica: ref IV v 333 Geological map of North- eastern West India Is- lands IV vni 377 Cleveland, Yorkshire, Iron districts, characteristics. . I i 18 Climactichnites. Fucoids may have caused tracks known as II xv 488 Probable Nature of sup- posed FOSSIL TRACKS KNOWN AS PrOTICHNITES and. By E. J. Chapman II xv 486 Climactichnites wilsoni. Potsdam Group, Canada (pl.) II vni 188 Perth, Ont II V 470 Climate. Climate of Alberta. By R. F. Stupart IV v 49 Climate of Crimea: reprint I m 146 Climate of Northern On- tario. By R. F. Stupart. IV ix 149 Climate of Yukon Terri- tory. By R. F. Stupart. . IV vm 291 Coldest winters in Toronto up to 1850 IV vi 16 Climates, Complexion, and Race. By J. M. Buchan III i 5 Complexion of race depen- dent on HI ii 15 Complexion of races in vari- ous Ill n 11 Few Canadian. By J. Gordon Mouat. . HI ii 195 Influence of Great Lakes of Canada on HI ii 195 Ser. Vol.-Page Climate-Con. Influence of Agricul- ture on, in Lessening Streams, etc.: reprint... I n 131 Lake Huron, eastern coast from Botanical point of view II xiv 470 New Zealand II n 363 Ontario Ill n 195 Ontario and parallel Euro- pean climates Ill u 214 Ravine effects on Ill u 203 Seasons Hudson's Straits. By F. F. Payne IV v 104 Time of Iroquois Beach De- posits IV vi 42 Toronto II m 502 Toronto and vicinity IV vi 16 Climatology. Climatology of United States. By L. Blodget: reviewed II m 28 Mississippi Valley II in 31 Natural divisions in United States II in 30 Northwestern Canada Ill i 154 On Annual distribution of Temperature at Tor- onto 1859-68. By G. T. Kingston II xn 474 On, of Stratford (Ont.). By C. J. Macgregor II xn 470 Climatology. Pacific Coast of United States II in 33 Clinkunbroomer, Chas., Toronto II xu 235 Clinostomum gracile, Leidy Ill i 60 Clinton Formation. Notes on Fossils of, of Ontario. By H. A. Nich- olson and Geo. J. Hinde II xiv 137 Clinton Limestone of Can- ada, mosses growing on.. II xiv 471 Clinton Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 375 Clisiophyllum (Dana), gene- ric characters II iv 128 C. oneidaense (Billings). Canadian specimen II v 264 Coniferous limestone, Ont.. II iv 129 Clitocybe. Habits and On- tario habitats of C. amethystina, Bolt IV ix 70 C. clavipes Pers IV IX 70 C. decastes Fr IV ix 70 C. gilva, Pers .. .. IV ix 70 C. infundibuliformis, Schajff IV ix 70 C. laccata, Scop IV ix 70 C. media Pk IV ix 70 C. nebularis Batsch IV ix 70 109 CLI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COA Ser. Vol. Page Clitocybe; habits and On- tario habitats of-Con. C. ochropurpurea, Berk.... IV ix 70 C. robusta Pk IV ix 70 Clitopilus caespitosus Pk., habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 73 Clivicola riparia, observa- tions on Ill vii 191 IV in 82, 106 Clock. Astronomical, and spring governor I i 215 Bain's electric I i 44 Clog beanuighte, miraculous properties II iv 431 Closterium. Species in Toronto tap water C. filiforme, n. sp Ill i 417 C. parvulum, Naegl Ill i 417 C. venus Ill i 416 Clostridium foetidum lac- tis, in cheese IV vn 109 Clothing of Australian Abo- rigines II I 261 Cloud berry, Canadian habi- tats II xv 431 Cloud bursts, Windward Islands IV vn 357 Clouds. Colouring more gorgeous in morning and evening; cause I I 7 St. Martin Isle Jesus (1859) II v 311 Toronto (1859)... II v 238 Toronto observations on, for 1860 II vi 211 Cloudiness. Abnormal variations in, at Toronto (1853-59) with wind direction II ix 119 Clover, Canadian species with localities. . .♦ II xv 355 Cloves. Tannin in. By W. Hodg- son Ellis HI iv 214 Cloves of Commerce, origin and description I I 116 Clymenidae II n 265 Clypeola cyclodontea, pecu- liarity of stamens in, and theory regarding same... II v 338 Clytus campestris, Oliv.... I m 324 C. erthrocephalus, Oliv .. I in 326, 327 C. flexuosus, Fabr I m 326, 377 C. nobilis, Harris I m 326 C. ruricola, (Mels. Cat.).... I m 324 C. speciosus, Say I m 212, 326 C. undulatus, Say I m 377 Cnemidocarpa nov., British Columbia coast IV ix 132 Sei. Vol. Page C. joannae (Herdman), Bri- tish Columbia coast IV ix 133 C. mollis, Stimpson. Canadian Atlantic coast. . . IV ix 145 Coagulating, power of ions of different valencies in Col- loids IV ix 59 Coagulation, point in glute- nin 70° C IV vii 512 Coal. Anthracite in United States I m 102 Areas and formations in eastern America I i 125 Artificial fuel from coal re- fuse I n 46 Assay by blowpipe II x 349 Burning of, various methods of feeding fires I in 7 Calamiteae in II v 305 Canada I n 292 Canadian, resources. By D. B. Dowling IV ix 99 Coal versus Sinews: re- print I in 149 Composition of Medicine Hat Coal Ill v 154 Consumption in United States: reprint I in 94 Composition of common.... I in 6 Description of brown COAL DEPOSIT IN BRAN- don, Vt.: reprint I i 139 Different methods of burn- ing soft coal for economy .III iv 85 Early discoveries and work- ings in America IV ix 99 Estimation of Ash in, by blowpipe II in 215 Estimation of Coke in, by blowpipe II in 215 Estimation of moisture, coke, ash or inorganic matters and sulphur in, by blowpipe II x 350 Estimation of Sulphur in, by blowpipe analysis. ... II in 218 Estimation of moisture in, by blowpipe analysis.... II in 214 Evil effects of its Smoke... 1 in 6 Flexure of strata in BROAD TOP COAL FIELD, Penn. By J. P. Leslie: reprint II u 479 Formations of Nova Scotia. I m 46 Formations in United States I in 35 Fossil Batrachians from, strata of Ohio II ill 261 Instruments and appliances for assaying with blow- pipe II in 212 110 COA GENERAL INDEX COB Ser. Vol. Page Coal-Con. Mechanical Value and Treatment of Hard and Soft. By J. Davies Barnett Ill iv 82 Metamorphism in. Rhode Island, basin. By Prof. T. Nelson Dale: abstract III m 18 Mud not mixed in ; reason for I i 280 Nature of Ash in, by blow- pipe assaying II in 217 New York State I n 38 New Zealand: ref II xi 196 On Assaying of, by Blow- pipe. By E. J. Chapman II m 208 On Fucoides in, formations. By Leo Lesquereux: re- viewed II xi 191 On vegetable structures in By Prof. Dawson: re- viewed II v 305 Origin in Canada IV ix 100 Origin of carbonate of iron of, measures II I 307 Output from different coun- tries IV ix 104 Process of, formation at South Joggins, N.S I I 280 Paraffine a product of: abstract I ill 66 Production in Britain, 1860 II vu 147 Rate of accumulation in Nova Scotia. II v 306 San Salvador II I 368 Seams in Western Ontario.. I m 2 Sigillariae in II v 305 Supply of Britain I in 86 II ix 30 Time required for its forma- tion I I 280 Waste of fuel in fireplace... I m 6 What is Coal I u 46 Varieties of, with description II in 209 Coal areas. Bay of Chaleur II xv 385 Canada IV ix 101 Cape Breton II xv 118 Nova Scotia II xv 114, 386 Coal deposits. Australia II vi 480 Borneo II vi 480 British Colonies in South... II vi 478 Cape Colony II vi 479 Labuan II vi 480 Medicine Hat, illustrated.. HI v 153 New Zealand II vi 483 Tasmania II vi 481 Coal fields. Formation of, in central basin of Tennessee Ill vn 84 Ireland I I 266 Ser. Vol. Page Coal fields-Con. Kentucky II n 217 Missouri and Illinois Coal Fields. By Prof. Hall: reprint I ill 357 Newfoundland IV II 14 On the Origin of. By Sir Charles Lyell: reprint.... I I 279 Coal gas. Brief history of I I 28 By-products in I I 78, 159 Croll's patent for purifica- tion I I 29 Discovered by Mr. Clayton I i 28 Lamings patent for purify- ing I I 29 Manufacture I I 28 Manufacture improved by Chemistry I I 158 Mixed with watergas I I 78 Naphthalizing I I 78 Purification I I 29 Coal Measures. Iowa I ii 80 Island of Conanicut Ill in 21 Narraganset Bay Ill ill 20 Coal Measures of Nova Scotia. Coal Measures of Nova Scotia. By Sir Charles Lyell: reprint I i 237 Dendrerpeton of II vm 267 Fossil Reptiles from II vm 267 Fossil reptile and land shell in tree in I I 237 Hylonomus of II vm 267 Indications of presence of insects in II vu 145 Lepidodendron in lower.... II v 307 Nseggerathia in lower II v 307 On some additional Re- mains of Land in. By J. W. Dawson: re-v print II vu 144 Pupa vetusta in II vu 146 Stigmaria and sigillaria in. . I I 237 Coal Tar, manufacture in Canada IV vm 168 Coast Survey, U.S. Annual Report of Supdt. FOR 1851; EXTRACTS from: reprint I II 81 Coates, Richard, Toronto... II xn 345 Cobalt. Crystallization of Ery- thrite from. By W. F. Green IV vm 443 In mineral waters I I 152 Oxide of II i 393 Separation from Nickel. ... I n 172 Separation from Nickel and Zinc I II 126 111 COB PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COH Ser. Vol. Page Cobalt-Con. Yellow salt of II i 310 Cobequid Mts., N.S. Formations II xv 386 Geological division of Nova Scotia II xv 112 Cobre beds, Jamaica IV vm 382 Coccinella, species in Ontario I m 259, 326 Coccinellid&e, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Coccoborus, Hamilton spe- cies II v 392 Coccothraustes vespertina. Appearance in Toronto.... IV in 182 Appearances in United States IV in 184 Cause of migrating IV ill 184 Coccothraustes vesper- tina, Evening Gros- beak. By Thomas Cottle I in 287 Description I in 287 Food IV in 185 Habits in Captivity IV ill 94 Listowel frequenter IV ill 69 Report of occurrence of, in Ontario winter 1889- 90 IV in 111 University museum IV i 55 Cocculus indicus, intoxicat- ing properties I n 58 Coccus Micrococcus No. 10. IV vn 475 Coccyzus, Hamilton species.. II v 393 Observations on Ontario species Ill m 99 III vn 183, 184, 193, 194, 195 IV i 48 IV in 67, 76, 77, 80 Cochela Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 375 Cochon, Isle au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 375 Cochlearia, Tourn, Cana- dian Localities of C. officinalis, L II xv 163 C. tridactylites, D.C II xv 163 Cockatoo-ihen, influence over other tribes II I 506 Cockatoo Tribe, Australian Aborigines II I 254 Cockle, Canadian localities. . II xv 170 Cocoanut oil, as adulterant in butter fat identified by Reichert's process Ill v 40 Cocyoeza. Captured Chiapas IV vi 181 Defence of Tehuantepec... . IV vi 173 King of Teotzapotlan IV vi 171 Oaxaca IV vi 126 Quiche-Cachiquel monarchs and IV vi 183 Cocyopi, Zaachilla king as given on Palenque Tablet IV vi 180 Cod, means of telling age of. . IV ix 37 Ser. Vol. Page Codex. Dresden IV vi 119 Peresianus IV vi 119 Troano IV vi 119 Vaticanus, application for photographing II I 204 Codfisheries, Labrador I n 117 Codford Barrow. Measurements of skull II vin 133 Skull from (pl.) II vn 408, 438 Il viii 141 Coelenterata. Classes unrepresented in fossil condition; reason... II xm 380 Ectodermal and endodermal origin of filaments in.... IV vi 401 Individuals or Colony II xv 124 Manual of sub-kingdom of. By Jos. Reay Greene: reviewed II vn 78 Ontario II xiv 127 Coeliac axis, amount of blood flowing through per day. . II ix 182 Coenites (Eichwald), generic characters II xiv 150 C. laminata, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Rockwood.. . II xiv 151 C. lunata, Nicholson and Hinde, Niagara Lime- stone, Owen Sound II xiv 151 Coenonympha, Rocky mountain species with habitats Ill n 241 Coenurus cerebralis II iv 9 11 vii 467 Coffee. Adulteration of I in 282 Analysis of I in 316 Deodorizing properties of... I n 21 Some experiments on, as a Beverage: reprint.... I m 316 Substitute for I n 233 Coffer-Dam, Iron I in 84 Coffin, Lieut.-Col. Family history IV in 282 Opinions concerning Lord Durham as administrator IV in 294 Private correspondence OF, DURING REBELLION OF 1837. By H. R. Fair- clough IV in 281 Toronto resident II xm 183 Cognitions. Nomology of; first part of nomological Psychology.. II Xi 317 Phenomenology of II xi 306 Presentative, first faculty of II xi 307 Cohn, Ferdinand. Cause of ripening of Cheese: ref IV vn 103 112 COH GENERAL INDEX COL Ser. Vol. Page Coho. Changes in digestive organs in spawning season IV ix 30 Characters IV ix 25 Coinage. Efforts to establish British standard of currency in Canada IV ix 241 Efforts to obtain uniform currency in Canada IV ix 245 Coins. Descriptive Catalogue of, Ancient and Mod- ern, in Canadian Insti- tute's Collection. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II ix 105, 226 Gold and silver, in Canada after conquest IV ix 238 Greek Silver, in Canadian Institute II ix 105 Greek Copper, in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern: reviewed. .. II vi 192 Coins. Copper, in Cana- dian Institute's Collec- tion from Abydos II ix 226 Aegium II ix 226 yEtnaea II ix 226 Agathocles of Sicily II ix 230 Apamea on Orontes II ix 226 Assus in Mysia II ix 227 Athens II ix 227 Brutii II ix 227 Cales in Campania II ix 227 Centoripa in Sicily. II ix 227 Cephaloedium in Sicily. ... II ix 227 Chaicis in Euboea II ix 228 Gela in Sicily II ix 228 Hieronymus of Syracuse.. . II ix 230 Leontini II ix 230 Leucas in Acarnania II ix 228 Messana II ix 228 Panormus II ix 229 Pergamus in Mysia II ix 228 Phintias of Agrigentum. .. . II ix 230 Ptolemaeus I and Berenice. II ix 230 Ptolemaeus IX II ix 230 Rhegium (3) II ix 228 Siculo-Punic II ix 229 Syracuse (4) II ix 229 Tauromenium in Sicily. ... II ix 229 Teanum Sidicinum II ix 229 Thespiae in Boeotia II ix 229 Tyndaris in Sicily II ix 229 Zacynthus '.. II ix 230 Coins, Monarchical, in Canadian Institute collec- tion II ix 108 Ser. Vol. Page Coins-Silver, in Canadian Institute's Collection from Chaicis in Euboea II ix 105 Elea or Velia in Lucania. . . II ix 106 Histiaea in Euboea II ix 107 Leucas in Acarnania II ix 107 Neapolis in Campania II ix 107 Philip II of Macedon II ix 108 Syracuse II ix 108 Thebes in Boeotia II ix 108 Coke. Fuel value I i 10-1 On the increased strength of Cast-iron, produced BY THE USE OF IMPROVED Coke. By W. Fairbairn I i 222 Colaptes auratus, observa- tions on Ontario visitors.. Ill vu 190 196 201 IV in 68, 80, 93, 102, 104, 106 Colard, Mansion. Improvements in printing introduced by II xv 589 Colborne, Sir John. As administrator of Quebec during rebellion of 1837.. IV in 301 Autograph letter to Bishop Mountain II xiv 112 Brief biography of II xu 242 In Canada IV in 298 Viewsoneducation II xu 228 Colchester, marshes of I in 322 Colchester Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 375 Colden, Hon'ble Cad- wallader. Account of war between Iroquois and Adirondacks when French first arrived IV i 90 Coleman, Alfred. Materials for paper making: reprint I in 32, 39 Coleman, A. P. Iroquois Beach IV vi 29 L. Warren responsible for sand plains in L. Wendi- gokan region: ref IV vm 361 Pleistocene deposits of central Ontario: ref IV vn 165 Till deposits near Toronto: ref IV vn 167 Coleochaetaceae, Toronto species Ill vn 270 Cole op ter a. Canadian Coleoptera; Fred H. Ibbetson's col- lection I in 325 Coleoptera collected in Canada. By Wm. Couper I in 210 256 324 376 II i 33 113 COL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COL Ser. Vol. Page Coleoptera-Con. Feeding habits of larva? of.. IV ix 361 List of, collected by Mr. Bruce Bailey in Kicking Horse Pass, . Rocky Mountains, C.P.R. (1884) HI v 213 Pselaphidse II n 382 Scarboro' Hts.. i II xv 399 Colerain, Hamilton Co., O., Copper slabs with native silver obtained from an- cient mine at I I 132 Coleridge, S. Taylor. Autograph letter re poor cotton factory children and other things II xiv 483 Coles (tribe in India), brain of II xv 185 Colias, Rocky Mt. species with habitats HI n 240 Coliidae, reasons for placing in sub-order Serratirostres. . II ix 235 Colinus virginianus, Lis- towel frequenters. IV in 67 College, King's College, Lon- don, appointments I ii 172 Collins, Francis, of Canadian Freeman Il xn 526 Collings Inlet, eastern limit of copper-bearing rocks of L. Huron I I 125 Collin gwood. Iron plant IV vm 154 Longitude determined II iv 459 Collingwood Tp. Notes on Geology of Blue Mt. escarpment, in, Ont. By E. J. Chap- man II v 304 Collodion plates. Backing and painting, or paper positives II I 204 Development of I in 3 Dry, Process in Photo- graphy: reprint II vm 323 M. Gaudin's method of pre- serving: ref I in 3 M. Girod's method of pre- serving: ref I in 3 Method of preventing drying I in 3 On method of preserving SENSITIVENESS FOR CON- SIDERABLETIME. By John Speller and Wm. Crookes: reprint I Hi 2 Preservation of I hi 3 Sensitiveness of I in 2 Colloid. Bredig copper; effect of po- tassium phosphate on ve- locity of particles in elec- tric fieldIV ix 59 Ser. Vol. Page Colloid-Con. Charge on, particle obtained by finding its velocity in electric field IV ix 54 Coagulating power of ions of different valencies in IV ix 59 Dialysis of Colloidal Ferric Hydroxide. By E. F. Burton IV ix 53 Duclaux formula for ferric hydroxide IV ix 53 Duclaux law of action of Electrolytes on IV ix 53 Effect of potassium phos- phate on ferric hydroxide in regard to velocity of particles in electric field.. IV ix 57 Ferric hydroxide; relation of electric charge on, to Chlo- rine content IV ix 54 Size of suspended particles in solution IV vui 435 Velocity of charged particles in Prussian blue IV ix 57 Colloquial. On Amoy, dialect. By W. H. Cumming II xi 81 Collybia; habits and On- tario habitats of C. confluens, Pers IV ix 70 C. dryophila, Bull IV ix 70 C. longipes, Bull IV ix 70 C. platyphylla, Fr IV ix 70 C. radicata, Relh IV ix 70 C. velutipes, Curt IV ix 70 Colombia, United States of, Almanac of, for 1863: re- viewed II ix 411 Colona Hubner, characters; Canadian habitats II vm 376 Colonial Advocate of York II xn 527 Colonial. Postal Information I ill 173 Progress I n 233 Colorado, petrified forest of. . II xiv 348 Colorado R. Declivity of valleys IV v 361 Colouring. Observations on, matter of flowers. By E. Fil- hol: reprint I in 192 Colour. Characteristic colour thres- hold IV v 226 Colour Comparisons in Low German poets. By A. F. Chamberlain: ab- stract IV in 43 Colour in Nature. By W. A. Sherwood Ill vn 19 114 COM COL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Colour-Con. (abstract) IV I 23 Colour in nature in re- lation TO DRAPERY. By W. A. Sherwood: abstract IV n 17 Colour mixture in photo- graphy, two methods.... IV vn 374 Composition of II n 451 Electric light and, manufacture: reprint.. I i 242 Difficulties in classifying races or tribes by Ill n 7 Harmony and Contrast of. By M. E. Chevreul: reprint I in 68 Hints to beginners in WATER-COLOURS I I 79 Maxwell's views on II i 158 On Association of, and RELATIONS OF, AND FORM in plants. By Dr. G. Dickie: reprint I in 144 On, of water. By W. Beetz: reprint II vm 42 Order of, with respect to characteristic space thres- holds IV v 241 Photography in Natural Colours. By J. S. Plaskett. IV vn 371 Sensation curves IV vn 373 Seen through Stereoscope. . Il i 314 Spatial thresholds of, AND THEIR DEPENDENCY ON CONTRAST. By W. B. Lane IV v 225 Theory of Compound, WITH REFERENCE TO MIX- TURES OF BLUE, AND YELLOW LIGHT. By J. C. Maxwell: reprint II n 60 Colour Blindness. Chromascope for II i 156 Colour Blindness in its RELATION TO RAILWAY Employees and Public. By Dr. G. Sterling Ryer- son: abstract Ill vn 20 Dangers attending Railway or Marine Signalling owing to II I 159 Laws governing II I 152 Physical causes of II I 155 Red produces to some posi- tive blackness II I 152 Researches on, and dangers of Railway and Marine Coloured Signals. By Geo. Wilson, M.D.: re- viewed II I 146 Theory regarding IV I 23 Tobacco and intoxicating liquors causes of IV I 24 Ser. Vol. Page Colpoy's Bay, Ont., geologi- cal formation IV vn 175 Colum Cille. Biography IV in 134 St. Columba or. By Rev. Neil Mac Nish IV in 131 Columbia College, N.Y. (1855) II i 174 Columbia River. Exploration on, in 1808... . Ill vi 149 Salmon IV ix 24 Spawning grounds of salmon IV ix 27 Columbine, Canadian species with habitats II xv 57 Columbus, Christopher. Characteristics of Red In- dians: ref II n 407 Columbus, Isaac, Toronto.. II xn 337 Columnaria alveolata. Discovered in Albion Tp., Ont II in 357 Ottawa River I i 221 Trenton limestone, Belle- ville II v 44 Trenton limestone, Canada. II iv 493 Ontario (pl.) II vi 510 Columns, Dene mortuary. . . IV iv 199 Colymbus, Hamilton species. II v 396 C. septentrionalis, L., Prince of Wales Sound. .. Ill v 123 C. torquatus, Brunnich, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill V 122 Comanche, Eskimo and, vocabularies,comparative III vi 320 Comandra; characters and Canadian habitats of C. livida, Richards II vi 278 C. umbellata, Nutt II vi 278 Comarians, habitation and connections II xv 282 Comarocystites. Canadian II iv 45 Discovery and description of (pl.) I n 268 Ontario II vi 515 C. punctuatus. Discovery and description of (pl.) • I ii 270 Combe Down, near Bath, notes on Latin inscriptions on coffin found at II in 223 Combe, Geo. Burns'brain capacity: ref.. II xv 201 Combs, Dene IV iv 117 Combustion. On, in Rarefied Air. By Dr. Ed. Frankland: re- print II vi 380 One cause of Atmospheric electricity I n 182 115 COM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CON Ser. Vol. Page Comets. Arago's views as to whether, sensibly affect the weather II VIII 75 Account of great, of 1858. By G. P. Bond: reviewed. II vm 57 Comet I of 1854 I n 313 Comet of 1853. By J. R. Hind: reprint I n 45 Comet of 1856 II I 314 Donati's, of 1858. By Rev. Jas. Williamson: Cana- dian observations II in 486 Donati's, of 1858, full ac- count of II vm 59 Final cause of, or of what use are they II vm 73 Is light of, its own? 11 vm 69 Magnetic influence of sun on earth and on. By Arthur Harvey IV vi 345 Magnetic storms effects on IV vi 355 New, discovered 2nd De- cember, 1853 I n 172 On certain Planetary Perturbations and on a new Perturbation on Enke's Comet. By Rev. W. E. Penny: reprint.... II ill 57 Our knowledge of comets in 1862 ...... II vm 57 Theories as to constitution of, tail II vm 65 Commensals, in Ascidians.. IV ix 116 Commerce, objects and ad- vantages II xi 99 Commercial. Chemical Research IV ix 234 Commercial Enterprise and Scientific re- search. By Prof. Airy: reprint I in 92 Commissioners, Report of British Emigration, 1853. I in 83 Commissura cerebri in- fima, Amiurus Ill n 355 C. transversa, Amiurus Ill n 355 Common Moorhen II vn 510 Common Sense, Philosophy of II i 380 Community. Village, in Modern Poli- tics. By Wm. Houston. . Ill iv 61 Comparative Anatomy, Os- munda cinnamomea IV vm 527 Compass. Whence did Scandinavi- ans OBTAIN THEIR KNOW- LEDGE OF. By Capt. Stu- part, R.N.: abstract Ill vi 44 Completaria, proper position IV v 275 Ser. Vol. Page Complexion. Complexion, Climate and Race. By J. M. Buchan III n 5 Of races due to climate Ill n 15 Composidea tridentata, Oliv I in 212,326 Composites. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species Ill n 149 Localities Canadian species II xiv 642 London species II vm 226 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia Ill iv 212 Compsothlypis americana. Observations on Ontario visitors IV m 71, 107, 108 Computation. Scale for, of areas of Irregular Figures. By Thos. Hector II in 309 Comstock. Larvae of Cynipidae: ref IV ix 363 Comte de Puisaye, Mark- ham II xiii 452 Conache. King of Uxmal IV vi 176 Of House of Cawek IV vi 176 Conanicut, Island. Coal measures Ill in 21 Geological strata Ill in 21 Conations. Nomalogy of II xi 318 Phenomenology of; third part of Phenomenal Psy- chology II xi 316 Concepcion, earthquake 1835 II ii 199 Conch shells, near Penetan- guishene II in 399 Conchifera. Characters; Canadian genera II vn 115 Generic characters and sub- divisions II xi 393 Hudson R. Group, Toronto. II iv 452 Position in Mollusca II xi 326 Toronto species II vi 328 Conchifers. Belleville species II v 45 Toronto I I 150 Conchological. Collection at Toronto Uni- versity (1858) II in 264 Conchological Relics of Red Indian Tribes of Canada West. By Prof. Daniel Wilson I ill 155 Relics illustrate extent of traffic among Indians in America II in 405 Relics of Gt. Lakes region. . II m 398 116 CON CON GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Conchological-Con. Relics of sculptured idol of ancient Indians of Amer- ica II in 397 Conchology. Some Ethnographic Phases of. By Daniel Wilson II in 377 Condercum. Note on Latin inscription on stone found at II iv 177 Roman name of Benwell; evidence II xin 141 Conditioned, Law of II xi 313 Condrodite II v 520 Condylura; Canadian lo- calities of C. cristata, Linn HI vi 89 C. longicauda (Ill.), Rich. .. Ill vi 89 C. macroura, Rich Ill vi 89 Confectionery. Remarks on the flavour- ing of: reprint I in 307 Conferva, Grenadiers pond and Toronto Island I in 202 Confervaceae, Toronto spe- cies Ill vn 270 Confervoideae, Toronto spe- cies HI vn 270 Conformiteur, for getting shape of head II ix 392 Conformity of Type, law of. HI v 171 Conic. On Axes of, in Trilinears. By J. B. Cherriman II xi 388 Conidia, Botrychium vir- ginianum (pl.) IV v 274 Conifereae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species I m 292 II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 650 London species II vm 233 Coniophora puteana, habits; Ontario habitats.. IV ix 78 Conioselinum, Fischer, Canadian localities of C. Canadense, Tor. and Gray II xv 556 Conjugatae, Toronto species. Ill vn 272 Conjunction, Blackfoot IV v 164 Conglomerates. Characters II vi 440 L. Huron I I 125 L. Superior I I 125 Long Mt., Jamaica IV v 340 Lower Huronian, L. Corri- gan IV vm 355 Lower Huronian, in L. Wendigokan region IV vm 355 Conglutin, in gluten IV vn 500 Ser. Vol. Page Congress. International Philan- thropic: reprint II vii 390 Conn. Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Centrifugal separation of milk: ref IV vn 487 Method of procuring natural starter for cultures in milk: ref IV vn 476 Milk supply of American cities contain less bac- teria than European: ref. IV vn 468 Connecticut, fossil foot- tracks of, valley II v 307 Connell, Dr. W. T. Cultures from sawdust ex- tracts IV vn 460 Connate in. Fat absorbed by intestine in fine particles as emulsion: ref IV viii 242 Conocephalites. Canadian (pl.) II vm 32 Potsdam Sandstone, Can- ada II vn 72 Conodonts, Pandirs, R. Owen's objections to II v 53 J Conopas, Peruvians II m 405 Conotrachelus I in 376 Consciousness. Classification of phenomena of II xi 305 Contradictions in Hamilton's statements of doctrine... II xi 368 Defined II n 286 Doctrine of, Sir Wm. Hamil- ton's views, criticized.... II xi 368 Evidence and authority of.. II xi 304 General nature of II xi 302 Qualitative division of labour in vision IV v 307 Special conditions of II xi 303 Trustworthiness of II I 380 Conservation of Energy. Conservation of Energy and Nature of Force. By John Galbraith II xv 491 Relation of Law of Gravitation to Prin- ciple of. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II xiv 589 Conservative, second cogna- tive faculty of mind II xi 310 Consonants. Analogy between, and Musical Instruments. M. L. Rouse: abstract. . . Ill iv 92 Most important element in tracing words in different languages IV Vi 88 117 CON PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COP Ser. Vol. Page Constantine, the Great. His laws for protection of children IV II 163 Constitutional Act. Discussed HI vi 257 Objects and purposes of... . IV vn 411 Contiguous Association, and habit discussed Ill iv 36 Continents. On Formation of. By Prof. Ben Peirce: reprint II m 69 Contopus, observations on Ontario species.. .. Ill vu 190, 192, 193 IV in 81 Contractions. Errata Recepta in II ix 147 Contradictory, metaphysi- cal view of, doctrine II I 114 Conularia trentonensis, phosphate of lime in I u 265 Conus, alleged discovery of a fossil, in drift of Ontario II ill 516 Convolvulacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 646 London species II vm 231 Convict. English, system II n 422 Irish, system II x 423 Our Convicts. By Mary Carpenter: reviewed. ... Il x 412 Cook. Anatomy of American galls: ref.... IV ix 298 Separation of larval cham- ber in Dryophanta palus- trisO. S.:ref IV ix 355 Parenchyma zone in Cyni- pidae IV ix 354 Tannin in Sawfly galls: ref.. IV ix 337 Aeriferous tissue in gall of Pontania pomum, Walsh: ref IV ix 369 Purpose of protective zone of galls: ref IV ix 356 Cook, Capt. Career in Canada during seven years'war II xiv 86 Hawaiian visits IV m 15 Cook, Prof. G. H. Subsidence of land on New Jersey Coast: re- print II ii 480 Cooke, M. C. Manual of Botanic Terms: reviewed II vu 214 Cooke's Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 375 Co-operative Credit, in India under British IV ix 90 Ser. Vol. Page Co-operative Research Work IV ix 232 Cooper's Shrew, Canadian localities Ill vi 90 Coot. Generic characters II xi 158 Hamilton species II v 393 Coote's Paradise, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 210, 375 Copan. Inscriptions found at Palen- que, Mexico, translated: ref.... IV v 53 Inscription on altar at, de- ciphered IV vi 151 Ruins of IV vi 151 Tablets translated IV vi 184 Cope. Climbing powers of Pletho- don cinereus: ref IV vm 471 Development of digits of Plethodon: ref IV vm 483 Plethodon and eggs habitat: ref IV vm 474 Plethodon cinereus: ref IV vm 469 Copepoda. American parasitic. By R. Ramsay Wiight Ill I 243 Copepod, effect of pine ex- tracts on IV vn 445 Copeland, S. Agricultures, Manufac- tures: reprint II vi 463 Copley Medal, award for 1855 II i 199 Copper. Alloys in blowpipe with Gold.... II xv 257 Lead.... II xv 258 Platinum II xv 257 Silver... II xv 257 Thallium II xv 258 Tin II xv 258 Zinc.... II xv 258 Alloys of, and zinc: ref II v 474 Amygdaloidal formations on north shore L. Superior.. Ill vn 224 Ancient, mines on Kewee- naw Peninsula.. . II I 227 Ancient, mines at Mar- quette II I 235 Ancient, mines in north Wales. . II i 228 Ancient, mines at Ontona- gan II I 229 Ancient, mines in L. Su- perior district II I 236 Barry Island IV ix 219 Bathurst Inlet vicinity IV ix 219 British Columbia ores and production IV vm 157 118 cop GENERAL INDEX cop Ser. Vol. Page Copper-Com. Causes for its appearance in Nova Scotia trap II i 43 Characteristics and Cana- dian localities of various ores II v 177, 179 Citric Acid contaminated with: reprint I ill 317 Coating iron with I i 165 Copper Bearing rocks of United States I in 36 Copper Smoke and Copper men: reprint I ill 149 Coppermine region and ad- jacent islands IV ix 221 Crystal form of Oxide of.. . II iv 494 Deposits in metamorphic region south of St. Law- rence II v 453 Dene, tower IV iv 137 Detection of minute traces of, in iron pyrites and other bodies by blowpipe II x 346 Difference in copper-bearing rocks of L. Huron and L. Superior I I 125 Discovery of, and other Indian Relics near Brockville. By Thos. Reynolds, M.D........... II i 329 Dr. Locke of Cincinnati owns rough sheet of copper with native silver obtained from ancient mine I I 132 Dog Ribs knew of, before contact with whites IV iv 136 Eastern Denes knew of.... IV iv 136 Evidence regarding its ex- tent in Coppermine region IV ix 221 Extraordinary length of piece of, wire I I 262 How procured formerly.... IV iv 137 Huron formation, age of.... I I 125 Implements of, contempor- aneous with stone imple- ments IV iv 137 Implements of, found near Brockville analyzed for comparison with L. Su- perior native copper II I 335 Indian, instruments found near Brockville. described and illustrated II I 330 Indian copper relics found near Brockville supposed to be from L. Superior district II I 334 Instruments and utensils, etc., found in mines of mound builders I I 133 Ser. Vol. Page Copper-Con. Instruments of, used by Indians I i 109 Iron coated with I i 43 Isolation of, from zinc and nickel I n 126 L. Superior II i 553 Lodes on N. shore of L. Superior I i 125 Marble Island Ill iv 198 Melville Sound vicinity... . IV ix 219 Minnesotah mine contained mass of 6 tons I I 132 Moundbuilders mined, on shores of L. Superior; reason for belief I I 132 Native, in Coppermine Country IV ix 202 Native, L. Superior district. II I 449 Native, of L. Superior; theory of production. ... II m 76 Nova Scotia I I 241 Objects in mounds in Otona- bee Tp., Ont. (pl.) IV ix 6 Ontario areas and produc- tion IV vm 157 Ores and production in Canada, 1905 IV vm 156 Ottawa Valley I II 114 Production in Britain, 1860. II vn 148 Purple, pyrites II I 187 Red oxide of, ore from Ari- zona II n 49 Report on, implements FOUND NEAR BROOKVILLE. By H. Croft II i 334 Separation from mercury... In 126 Slabs containing native Silver found in ancient mine at Colerain, Hamil- ton Co., O I I 132 Sulphur action on, in cupric solutions I I 115 Tests for I n 127 Use among prehistoric Carrier Indians IV iv 137 Use contemporaneously with stone implements. .. IV iv 137 Used by Indians of Lake Superior............... I in 157 Use in prehistoric times in MacKenzie Valley IV iv 133 Use probably ancient IV iv 138 Victoria Land IV ix 221 Copper Coinage. Estimation of, in Canada. .. I ill 341 Copper Falls Mine, wooden tool found in it I I 133 Copper, Green Carbonate of, tests; Canadian locali- ties II vi 151 119 Cop PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COP Ser. Vol. Page Copper Indians, not Dene.. IV vi 80 Copper Mines. Arizona. By James Gilbert II n 321 Description of Great Minnesota: reprint I m 266 Ireland I i 267 Newfoundland IV n 15 Yield for 1855 I m 413 Copper Mountain IV ix 215 Copper ore. Deposits in Quebec group. . II xv 382 Gaspe Peninsula II v 466 Grand Manan, Bay of Fundy; quality and work- ings II xm 236 On Occurrence of, in Is- land of Grand Manan, Bay of Fundy. By E. J. Chapman II xm 234 Quebec Group II vm 193 Copper Oxide, reduced by phosphorus I I 115 Copper pyrites, Echo Lake. . II iv 270 Copper Wire. Insulation of; by Professor Faraday: ref I m 5 Copper plates. Electrotype I m 6f Copris, species in Ontario. . I Hi 257,376 Coprinus Habits; Ontario habitats of C. atramentarius Bull (Fr.) IV ix 74 C. comatus, Fr IV ix 74 C. fimetarius, Fr IV ix 75 C. micaceus (Bull), Fr IV ix 74 Coprolites. Chemical Composition of, found at Riviere Ouelle... I n 265 Supposed origin of Apatite. Ill v 33 Coptic. Coptic Element in Lan- guages of Indo-Euro- pean Family. By Rev. John Campbell II xm 282, 403 Cretan aspirate referred to, element in language II xm 293 Definite article prefixed to many Egyptian words, transplanted to other countries unseparated. . . II xm 291 Element in Japanese II xm 403 Element in Polynesian II xm 405 Roots traced through vari- ous languages II xm 294 Coptic Article. Exhibited in transmission of root through various • languages in word Pithom II xm 416 Great importance in Com- parative Phiololgy: illus- trations II xm 410 Ser. Vol. Page Coptic Article-Com. T or Th traced through other languages II xm 405 T or Th bound up in word, thus mistaken for root itself, etymology of words lost II xm 405 Table of words showing traces of, in many lan- guages II xm 412 Coptis, Salisbury. Cana- dian localities of C. trifolia, Salisb II xv 56 Coptos, rule in Egypt II xm 530 Coptocycla I m 326 Copyright. England I in 45 Law of, Pike vs. Nicholas II xn 415 Coraciadse, generic charac- ters II ix 234 Coraco-acromial ligament, derivation in Orang IV vi 532 C oraco-brachialis. Chimpanzee IV vi 534 Mammalia IV vi 534 Orang IV vi 534 Coraco-clavicular ligament, derivation of, in Orang... IV vi 532 Coppermine Country. Bannister's, Christopher, account of IV ix 210 Browne's, Alex., account of. IV ix 210 Brown's, Alex, (surgeon), reference to Richard Norton's journey to, in 1717 IV ix 204 Capt. Carruthers'account of IV ix 211 Capt. Carruthers' reference to Richard Norton's jour- ney IV ix 204 Character and age of rocks. IV ix 218 Coppermine Country. By J. B. Tyrrell IV ix 201 Dobbs', Arthur, account of, 1744 IV ix 205 Dobbs', Arthur, account of Richard Norton's journey to it, 1717 IV ix 207 Dobbs' and Capt. C. Middleton's discussion regarding IV ix 206 Evidence regarding copper in IV ix 221 Extent of traps and associ- ated rocks in IV ix 218 Frost's account of IV ix 206 Geographical position IV ix 201 Hanbury's, David, account of IV ix 218 Hearne's, Samuel, account of finding remains of Capt. Knight and his crew IV ix 205 120 cop GENERAL INDEX cor Ser. Vol. Page Coppermine Country-Com. Hearne's, Samuel, journey of exploration to IV ix 212 Hearne's, Samuel, report on copper mines in IV ix 213 Knight's, Capt., expedition in search of, and its fate. . IV ix 204 Middleton's, Capt. Christo- pher, account in 1743.... IV xi 203 Native copper IV ix 202 Norton's, Moses, project for exploring IV ix 212 Richard Norton's search for, in 1717 IV ix 203 Routes to IV ix 201 Scroggs' account of (1722).. IV ix 206 Sir John Franklin's account IV ix 215 Sir John Richardson's ac- count IV ix 216 Stefansson's, V., account... IV ix 221 Supplies in IV ix 202 Thompson's, Ed., account of IV ix 209 Thompson's, Ed., account of (1741-42) IV ix 206 Coppermine Point, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 376 Coppermine River IV ix 202 Coral. Animal life in Coral fields. . I n 81 Bed in central basin, Ten- nessee Ill vn 76 Characteristics of, proper.. . II vi 507 Florida I n 81 Fossils, Belleville II v 45 Loraine Shales at Toronto.. I i 150 On Fossil, of Devonian Rock of Canada West. By E. Billings II iv 97 Reefs described I n 82 Reefs, Jamaica IV v 353 Region, Zetland I I 110 Region, Hebrides I I 110 Coralline Zone. British Seas I I 109 Mull of Galloway at 150 fathoms I I 110 Corbridge (Northumber- land), Notes on Greek Inscriptions on two altars found at. . . II v 290 Notes on Latin Inscription on altar found at, in 1726 II iv 175 Cordulia Leach, Characters and N. American habi- tats of C. albicincta, Hagen II vn 456 C. septentrionalis, Hagen... II vn 455 Cordulegaster obliquus, Selys, characters; N. American habitats II vn 457 Ser. Vol. Page Corean. Alphabet Ill in 168 Phonetic forms in, of Etrus- can origin Ill hi 148 Phonetic values of, charac- ters Ill in 157 Coregonus albus, Echinor- hynchus in duodenum of. II IV 442 Corella, species of British Columbia Coast C. inflata, sp. n IV ix 123 C, rugosa, sp. n IV ix 122 C. willmeriana, Herdman... IV ix 122 C. willmeriana, Ritter IV ix 122 Corethra or Chironous, L. Ontario II xin 501 Corcyra, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 251 Corinth. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 256 Silver coin from Leucas in Acarnania, a colony of, in Canadian Institute II ix 107 Zimri traces in II xv 302 Corium, Amiurus Ill u 256 Cormorant, double crested, Toronto Ill vn 198 Corn. Abnormal, Indian II u 381 Indian, used by Abenakis. . IV in 200 Cornacese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species I m 292 II xiv 294 Characters II vi 280 Hamilton species Ill u 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 641 London species II viu 226 Cornflag, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Corniferous limestone. Athyris clara (n. sp.) in, Haldimand Co II v 274 . Athyris clusia (n. sp.) in, Cayuga II v 279 Athyris maia (n. sp.) in, St. Mary's, Ont II v 278 Characteristics of Canadian II v 249 II vm 441 Distribution, in Canada.... II vm 443 Distribution in Western and Huron districts of Ontario I III 73 Economic materials of, in Canada II vm 443 Fossils in, Ontario (pl.).... II vi 254 II vm 441 Fossil corals in, Ontario.... II v 254 Fossil Corals of, of On- tario. By E. Billings. . . II iv 97 Middleton and Windham Tps., Norfolk Co II vi 296 Ontario I in 1 121 COR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE COT Ser. Vol. Page Cornus, characters and Canadian habitats of C. alternifolia II Vi 281 C. canadensis, L II vi 280 C. circinata, L'Her II vi 280 C. florida, L II vi 34 280 C. paniculata, L'Her II vi 281 C. sericea, L II vi 280 C. stolonifera, Michx II vi 280 Cornus alternifolia, host of Lasioptera corni, Felt.... IV ix 323 C. paniculata L'Her, host of Lasioptera corni Felt.... IV ix 323 Cornwall, Eng., Gaelic names in Ill ill 47 Cornwall Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 63, 376 Coronse. Around Sun or Moon; cause of I i 7 Newton discovered three at once around sun; theory. I i 7 Coronoid head, Gorilla IV vi 536 Corpuscles. Fusiform IV ii 242 Fusiform, factors operating in production IV n 247 Fusiform, fate of IV u 247 Fusiform, in Necturus IV n 228 Fusiform, origin of IV u 245 Correspondence. Correspondence between Canadian Institute and Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (of London) on making Canada known I i 14 Private, of Lieut.-Col. Coffin during rebel- lion of 1837. By H. R. Fairclough IV m 281 Corrigan, L., topography. . . IV vm 343 Corrosion, agency in forming Central Basin of Tennes- see Ill vu 90 Cortez. Account of Cholula, Mexico II v 444 Cortlandt, Ed. van. Ottawa Productions: re- print I n 112 Cortinarius, habits and On- tario habitats of C, alboviolaceus, Pers. .... IV ix 73 C. armillatus, Fr IV ix 74 C. collinitus, Fr IV ix 73 C. squamulosus, Pk IV IX 74 Corroberry II i 253 Corundum II v 517 Corundum. Industry in Canada IV vm 171 Papineau Creek, tp. Carlow IV iv 227 Ser. Vol. Page Corvus. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario species Ill vu 183 IV I 43 59 60 IV in 65, 68, 94, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105 C. Corax, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 C. splendens, Ceylon II vu 352 Corydalis, Vent, Canadian localities of C. aurea, Willd II xv 62 C. glauca, Pursh II xv 61 Corymb ed Hypericum, Canadian habitats II xv 168 Corythus, Hamilton species. II v 392 Cos, Ashchurite traces in.. .. II xiv 250 Cosens, A., M.A., Ph.D. Contribution to Mor- phology and Biology of INSECT GALLS IV IX 297 Cosines. Formulae for, and Sines of Multiple Arcs. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II vm 286 Cosmic Time. Statement of progress BEING MADE IN. By Sandford Fleming IV i 6 Universal or Cosmic Time. By Sandford Fleming with all corre- spondence on subject in possession of Canadian Institute Ill in 309 Cosmogony, of Hebrew Scriptures. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II v 59 Cosmological, argument for Being of God II I 537 Cosmology, defined II I 528 Cosmothetic Idealists II n 297 Cossus, mode of attacking trees I n 193 Coteau Canal, construction of in 1780-81 IV iv 301 Cotile riparia, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 93 Cottage Cheese. Bacteriological difference from Emmenthaler cheese IV vu 105 Schizomycetes and yeasts in IV vu 105 Cottle, Thos. J., M.D. Capture of two Birds of Unusual Occurrence in Ontario II iv 388 COCOTHRANSTES VESPER- tina. Evening Gros- beak I m 287 122 COT GENERAL INDEX CRA Ser. Vol. Page Cottle, Thos. J., M.D.-Con. Grus Americana and Grus Canadensis; are they THE SAME BIRD IN DIFFER- ENT stages of Growth? II iv 266 On Two species of Asta- cus found in Upper Canada II vm 216 Rough Notes on some Canadian Saturniae and Suggestions of USING THEIR SlLK FOR Textile Purposes I u 212 Coto. Voc described: ref IV vi 116 Cotton. Action of Citric, Tar- taric and Oxalic Acids on: reprint I m 113 Improvements in manufac- ture of I i 136 Introduction into Mexico. . IV vi 213 Production in Southern States: reprint I m 69 Cougar, Canadian localities. . HI vi 71 Cournot Augustin. Recherches sur les principes Mathematiques de la Theorie des Richesses: reviewed II ii 185 Coumar amine II i 82 Count Valerian Krasinski. Obituary II i 86 Counting. Counting and Time Reck- oning. By John Thor- burn IV v 311 Systems practised among uncivilized tribes IV v 312 Couper, Wm. Bat (Vespertilio nove- BORACENSIS) FOUND IN Toronto I n 171 COLEOPTERA COLLECTED IN Canada I m 210 256,324, 376 II i 33 Naturalists' Calendar of Toronto for 1853 April-July. . .. I u 20 Aug.-Oct I n 76 Nov.-Dec In 124 Vermes in Grasshoppers.... I m 355 Entomological collection: ref I I 122 Coursers (birds) II xi 157 Court of Quarter Sessions. Establishment of, in Ont... IV vu 418 In New England IV vn 413 Courtland, Ed. Van. Notice of an Indian Bury- ing Ground I i 160 Ser. Vol. Page Couvade custom IV vn 36 Coventry, Eng., sludge dis- posal IV n 147 Cowan, Mr. Gov. Simcoe's Indian in- terpreter, 1793 IV i 133 Trader at Matchedash Bay, 1778 IV iv 301 Cowbane, Canadian locali- ties II xv 555 Cow bird. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 190, 192 IV i 58 IV in 68, 79, 92, 94 Cow Bunting. Breeding habits II vi 130 Hamilton frequenters II vi 129 Cow blackbird, habits of Ontario visitors HI in 94 Cow-dung, paper made from I in 32 Cow-herb, Canadian locali- ties H xv 169 Cow-Parsnip. Canadian localities II xv 555 Eaten by Dene IV iv 129 Cowslip, Canadian localities. II xv 56 Cowrie shell. Currency in Orient II in 379 In mound in Otonabee Tp., Ont. (pl.) IV ix 7 Cox, W. H. Nissl granules in spinal gan- glion cells: ref IV vi 409 Coyoti, Canadian localities. . HI vi 72 Coypou, fur substitute for Beaver's II iv 366 Coz. Family of, of Ashchurite line II xiv 171 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 202 Cozens, Capt. Daniel, of Richmond Hill II xm 446 Cozumel Island, geographi- cal position IV vi 201 Crab-apple, Canadian habi- tats II xv 434 Cradles, Dene IV iv 133 Craig, John, Toronto II xu 345 Craigie, Dr. and W. List of Indigenous Plants FOUND IN NEIGHBOUR- HOOD oh Hamilton with DATES OF FINDING AND FLOWERING I II 222 Craigie, W. Meteorological Observa- tions at Hamilton, 1846- 1853 I ii 187 Crampton method, of burn- ing soft coal HI iv 85 123 CRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CRA Ser. Vol. Page Cramahe Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 69 376 Cranberry, species eaten by Dene IV iv 271 Cranes II xi 155 Crane Whooding, identical with Sandbill Crane?... . II iv 267 Cranesbill, localities Cana- dian species II xv 349 Crangonyx, Lake Ontario. .. II xm 501 Crania. Aboriginal, of America and Britain II iv 144 Adams' (Dr. Walter), classi- fication II xii 278 Agassiz'opinion of American II n 413 Ages when, most suscep- tible of distortion . . II vn 419 Allophylian '. I in 315 American, of great antiquity found in California II xv 560 American Indians II iv 144 American, comparison of measurements of various tribes II n 431 Amiurus catus', compared with other Teleostean. . . Ill n 278 Ancient Britons: reviewed.. 11 i 484 Ancient Britons; by Davis: ref II vn 437 Ancient Egyptians II vm 154 Ancient, of France 11 ix 377 Ancient Romans II n 221 Artificially compressed II I 190 Artificially compressed; practice of Flat Head Indians II I 189 Artificial distortion in II vm 146 Artificial distortion in, of ancient Briton II vn 408 Artificial distortion of Mac- rocephali Il vm 146 Artificial Occipital Flat- tening of Ancient; cor- respondence BETWEEN Jos. Barnard Davis and Daniel Wilson relat- ing to: reprint 11 vm 76 Barrie skull (pl.) II xm 125 Basque skulls II ix 377 Blackfeet, measurements... II n 423 Botocudos Ill vi 287 Brachycephalic, of Ameri- can Indians II iv 144 Brachycephalic skull found in Wiltshire (pl.) II vn 406 Britannica II xn 277 Canadian aborigines; im- portance of preservation and care required II I 515 Ser. Vol. Page Crania-Con. Catalogue of Human, in Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. By J. Aitken Meigs: re- ■ viewed II in 364 Causes of distortion in II vn 414 Causes of distortion in, of ancient Britons II vin 141 Celtic, measurements Il ix 387 Celtic (modern) measure- ments II ix 390 Characteristic, of Celts II ix 381 Characteristic, of French in Canada II ix 396 Characteristic, of Irish II ix 382 Characteristic, of Scots. ... II ix 384 Cherokee II n 419 Codford Barrow (pl.) II vn 408 Codford skull (pl.) II vn 438 II viu 141 Codford Skull; measure- ments of.... . II vni 133 Crania Britannica; delinea- tions and descriptions of skulls of early inhabitants of British Isles. By Jos. Barnard Davis and John Thurnan; reviewed II iv 142 Crania Britannica, delinea- tions and descriptions of the skulls of the early in- habitants of British Is- land. By Joseph Barnard Davis and John Turnbull: reviewed II n 443 Cubical capacity of skulls of different races II xv 201 Dante's examined II xv 204 Delaware II n 423 Description of deformed fragmentary skull, found at Jerusalem. By J. Ait- ken Meigs: reviewed. ... II iv 487 Development in, of Orang.. IV vi 508 Difference between cranial capacity of man and brutes II ix 166 Distorted Indian, found at Montreal; measurements. Il vi 415 Distortion of, among civil- ized people II vin 153 Distortion caused by natural or artificial means II vi 419 Distortion in ancient Britons II vn 443 Distortion in Peruvian, natural or artificial II vi 419 Distortions practised by American Indians II vn 440 Distortion, races practising artificial II vn 429 124 CRA GENERAL INDEX CRA Ser. Vol. Page Crania-Con. Distortion still practised in Europe II vi 424 Distortion, various means of producing II vi 422 Dolichocephalic, of Britain; questions concerning... . II vm 138 Dolichocephalic measure- ment of Indian, showing distortion II vi 414 Dolichocephalic type among primitive races of Scot- land II vn 421 Druids II vn 432 Egyptian; peculiarities of. . II vn 441 Engis skull II xv 513 Esquimaux II n 430 Eskimo, measurements. ... Ill vi 287 Ethnical forms and un- designed Artificial dis- tortion of Human Cra- nium. By Daniel Wilson. II vn 399 Evidence Yom, of Phoenician settlement in Britain. ... II vm 137 Fiji Islanders' II vm 155 Feejee Islanders'; peculiari- ties of II vn 442 Finns' II ix 398 Foetus in Peruvian mummy showing distortion II vi 420 Georgian II v 324 Greek, characteristics of.. . II vm 143 Hatters' shapes to illustrate types of II vm 144 Hint for the Formation of a Canadian collec- tion of Ancient: reprint I in 345 Huichay cave foetus II vi 421 Huron II n 425 II vn 401 Huron, measurements II xm 131 Huron type (pl.) II xm 129 Huronic type (pl.) IV ix 9 Illustrative Examples OF SOME MODIFYING ELE- MENTS AFFECTING THE Ethnic Significance of Peculiar Forms of Human Skull. By Daniel Wilson II vi 414 Illustrations of Signifi- cance of Certain An- cient British skull forms. By Daniel Wilson II vm 127 Important points to ob- serve in exhuming and transmitting I Hl 346 In ancient mounds in Bay of Quinte district II v 414 In mounds in Otonabee Tp., Ont IV ix 5 Indian cranial distortion. . . II vm 149 Ser. Vol. Page Crania Con. Indian, forms of II vn 417 Indian, of brachycephalic form II vn 406 Indian, of dolichocephalic form II vn 406 Indian skull of unusual form found near Barrie, now in Canadian Institute II vn 400 Internal capacity of un- civilized races II xv 216 Juniper Green Cist (pl.).. .. II vn 409 Juniper Green Cist contain- ing male skeleton of pre- historic man II vm 130 Kanaka skulls II vm 156 Kinaldie skull II vm 141 Lesmurdie skull II vn 411 II vm 141 Litlington Skull; measure- ments of II vm 133 LonglowCist II vn 423 Macrocephalic, at Kertch, Crimea II v 322 Malay; peculiarities of II vn 442 Measurement in mesial plane II xn 282 Meigs' (Dr. J. Aitken), clas- sification II xn 281 Menominee Il n 423 Miami, measurements II n 423 Muscles of, Amiurus catus III n 342 Neanderthal skull II ix 386 Opas Indian Mummy II vi 421 OrangOutang IV vi 508 Osteology of Amiurus Catus (pl.)...... Ill ii 270 Parieto-occipital flattening of ancient Scottish II vn 411 Pealty-cephalic II n 222 Peculiarities of American. .. II n 425 Peruvian II vn 402 II xv 220 Peruvian distortion of II vm 154 Phoenician skull from Malta in Dr. Morton's collec- tion II vm 135 Prehistoric races', from West Kennet in Wiltshire II vn 425 Race head forms and THEIR EXPRESSION BY MEASUREMENTS. By Daniel Wilson II xn 269 Roman, at York II n 222 Sandwich Islanders'; pecu- larities of II vn 442 Saxon, of seventh or eighth century II vm 133 Scandinavians' II ix 398 Scioto Mound (Ohio) skull (pl.) II ii 418 II vm 128 II xn 274 125 CRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CRE Ser. Vol. Page Crania-Con. Scioto Mound, Indian skull from Barrie, and mean Huron skull measure- ments II vn 402 Scioto Valley Mound (pl.). . II xm 127 Skull brought from Kertch, Crimea. By Daniel Wilson II v 321 Spurzheim's (Dr.), classifi- cation II xii 279 Supposed prevalence of one Cranial type throughout American Aborigines. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D ..... II n 406 Theory of one uniform cranial type pervading all Indian tribes of N. and S. America II vm 128 Three classes from ancient British graves II vm 131 Uley Chambered Barrow Skull; measurements of. . II vm 133 Crania, Measurements of British, from Barrows and Cists II vn 436 British, from Megalithic Tombs II vn 435 Chippeways II u 421 Esquimaux II n 433 Hurons II n 428 Indian II u 423 Parisian II xn 285 Peruvian and Mexican II n 418 Potawatomies II n 423 Six Nations II n 429 Skull from Kertch, Crimea. II v 328 With conformiteur II ix 392 Crania, Types of American Indian. By Dr. Morton: ref II u 409 American Indian. By Dr. Nott: ref II ii 417 Ancient British II I 486 Ancient Crania in Britain. . II ix 375 Breton II ix 400 English II ix 400 Found in ancient Britain and deductions therefrom II vm 138 French-Canadian II ix 402 In Canada II ix 392 Normans II ix 400 Scottish II ix 400 Cranial Capacity of Ancient Britons and Modern English, French and Ger- mans compared II xv 217 Different races II xv 180 Distinguished men II xv 20§ Indian Tribes, America.... II xv 224 Ser. Vol. Page Cranial Capacity of-Con. Mexicans (ancient) II xv 224 Peruvians II xv 224 Craniidae. Discinidae and, classed together II xi 393 Generic characters II m 160 Craniology. Evidence from, as to ancient races in Britain II ix 375 Hatters' tests of prevailing forms of Crania II ix 391 Uncertain criterion of eth- nologic certitude IV iv 17 Value of I in 345 Craniota.., II xv 243 Crassulacese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species II xiv 640 11 xv 549 London species II vin 225 Cratsegus, L., Canadian localities of C. coccinea, L II xv 433 C. crus-galli, L II xv 434 C. oxyacantha, L II xv 433 C. tomentosa, L II xv 434 Craterellus, habits and Ontario habitats of C. cintharellus Schw, Fr. . . IV ix 78 C. cornucopioides, Fr IV ix 78 Crataegus tomentosa, Cana- dian II vi 35 Crawford. Introduction of Maize into Mexico: ref IV vi 214 Cratonychus cinereus, Mels. Cat I m 258 Cream, bacteria in, from separator IV vn 487 Creatin, in muscle fibre IV vm 408 Creation. Dinkas of Africa's story of.. IV vi 317 Everything has, after all, a final cause II I 532 Nebular Theory of. By G. G. Pursey IV vm 451 Typical Forms and Special Ends in. By Rev. Jas. McCosh and Geo. Dickie: reviewed II I 528 Zufii, myths IV vi 317 Creator, proofs of II v 201 Credai River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 376 Credit River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 209 Credner, Rudolf. Marine shells in Great Lakes: ref IV vi 41 126 CRE GENERAL INDEX CRI Ser. Vol. Page Cree Indians. Agriculturists I n 101 Birch-bark rolls on which pictographs are made... . IV v 116 Blackfoot and Ojibway branches of Algonkin; list of words showing con- nection IV v 131 Buffalo hunt II v 193 Buffalo pound II v 193 Census about 1847 I I 198 Ceremony in connection with medicine pipe stem. II u 338 Chief Pegwis's career IV vi 292 Condition and habits in 1888 III vu 175 Confederacy IV iv 250 Dress of II v 194 Grammar and dictionary.. . Ill v 217 Happy Hunting Grounds, their idea of II iv 258 Language characteristics. . . IV vi 283 Medicine men's mode of treatment II iv 256 Method of entrapping buffalo 1... II v 193 Migrations, and conquests.. IV iv 250 Month-names IV vi 332 Northwestern Canada Ill v 216 Pipes of II n 332 Poundmaker's career IV vi 297 Quarrel with and separation from Blackfeet IV iv 250 "Shooting Thunder Bird'' superstition IV vi 308 Sun dance Ill vi 40 Creek. Description of a Mill- Dam and Bridge across A CREEK FIFTY FEET WIDE, WITH DRAWINGS I I 10 Pinewood, in 1779 IV iv 281 Twenty mile, in 1779 IV iv 279 Creek Nation. History Ill I 255 Remarkable Memorial Horn; pledge of treaty with, 1765. By Daniel Wilson HI I 255 Creelman, W. F. W. Relations between Phy- siology and Psychology (abstract) Ill v 14 Creeper (Bird). Hamilton species II v 390 II vi 16 Creeper, Brown, observa- tions on Ont. visitors. . .Ill vu 190, 196 IV i 47 V in 271 Creeper, Black and White, observations on Toronto visitors HI vu 192 IV m 107 Ser. Vol. Page Crepidotus versutus, Ph., habits; Ontario habitats. . . IV ix 73 Creuse River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 376 Cress, Canadian species with habitats II xv 63 Cretaceous. Changes accompanying close of, period II xm 276 Deposits, Canada, England, United States Ill v 161 Formation of Kansas and Nebraska II iv 318 Formation in West Indies. . IV vin 382 Glauconite deposits abun- dant in this period IV vn 547 Phosphoric acid not in rocks below, and above De- vonian IV vin 498 Osmundites Skidegatensis in IV vin 529 Planation in central Ontario IV vn 162 Crete. Ashchurite, traces in II xiv 250 Horite traces in II xm 539 Zimri traces in II xv 304 Cretan aspirate, coptic ele- ment in language referred to II xm 293 Creuzer. Greek mythology: ref II xm 156 Mythological researches: ref II xm 36 Crew's inn II xm 441 Cricetus myoides, Gapper, Canadian localities of.... Ill vi 79 Crime. Compulsory Education in. By Dr. E. A. Mere- dith: abstract Ill n 230 Crimea. Climate of: reprint I in 146 Notice of Skull brought from Kertch. By Daniel Wilson II v 321 Zimri traces in II xv 305 Crimean Bosphorus. Researches in. By Dr. D. Macpherson: reprint.... II n 120 Criminal Law, weak points in English IV vm 68 Criocephalus agrestis, Kirby I in 326 Cris (Big and Little), gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 376 Cristivomer namaycush. .. IV ix 25 Critica. Sylva, Canadensium. By Rev. John McCaul Ill i 76 Sylva, Canadensium. By W. D. Pearman Ill i 88 127 CRI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CRU Ser. Vol. Page Crinoid. Ambulacral system in II iv 44 Fossils, Belleville II v 45 Lower Silurian rocks in Canada II iv 467 Crinoida, distribution (pl.). . 11 vi 512 Crinoidea. Descriptions of new species. By Jas. Hall: reviewed... II vi 301 Toronto Il iv 452 Crocodilia II v 83 Croft, Prof. Henry H. Anomalous Production of Ozone II xm 239 Catalogue of Ontario in- sects..., I ni 212 Gas patents I i 28, 77 Manufacture of water gas. .. IV vi 17 Mineral Springs of Can- ada I i 151 Note on Oxalate of Iron II vi 18 Note on Oxalate of Man- ganese II n 30 On Action of Air on Al- kalic Arsenites II in 126 On Hydrate of Hydro- sulphuric Acid II i 126 On Iodide of Barium II x 333 On some New Salts of Cadmium and Iodides of Barium and Strontium . II i 13 Report on Copper Imple- ments FOUND NEAR Brockville II i 334 Thallium; r£sum£ of vari- ous papers on it II ix 405 A course of Practical Chem- istry : reviewed II v 203 Course of Practical Chemis- try at University of Tor- onto : reviewed II v 299 Solar eclipse of May 26th, 1854 I in 182 Croll, Dr. Alternate glaciation of each hemisphere IV vm 281 Croll's patent, for purifica- tion of coal gas I I 29 Cro-Magnon, size of brain. . II xv 194 Crookes, Wm., J. Spiller and On a method of preserv- ing SENSITIVENESS OF Collodion plates for CONSIDERABLE LENGTH OF TIME I HI 2 Crookshank, Receiver-Gener- al of U. Canada II xn 163 Crops. Annual yield of Nitrogen per acre in different II in 522 Ser. Vol. Page Cross. Arrival of Spring Birds in Toronto Ill vn 189 Notes on Winter Birds Ill vn 188 Crossbill. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill m 89 III vii 184 188 IV i 51, 57, 58, 59 IV m 69 Toronto species IV m 92 Winters in Toronto I i 170 Crossbill, Common, natural history, etc., of I n 124 Crossbows, Dene (pl.) IV iv 59 Crosby Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 376 Crosse, A. On apparently mechani- cal ACTION ACCOMPANY- ING Electric Transfer: reprint I in 113 Crystallization. Crystallization of Ery- thrite from Cobalt. By W. F. Green IV vm 443 Crows. Ceylon II vn 352 Habits in captivity IV in 94 Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 90 Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 183, 185 IV I 43, 59 IV in 65 91 92 99 Crow blackbird Ill vn 190 Observations on Ontario visitors HI m 94 III vii 190 Crow Indians. Blackfoot gestures for. .... IV v 45 Expulsion from Alberta IV iv 250 Crowfoot. Chief of Blackfoot tribe.... IV iv 252 Blackfoot chief's career.... IV vi 294 Crowfoot (plant). Around Toronto I i 207 Canadian species and locali- ties.... II xv 53 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Crowland Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 376 Croydon, sewage farm IV n 146 Crozier. St. Filan's...... II iv 431 St. Fillan Quigrich; history of II iv 437 St. Moluac, Bachul Mohr. . II iv 436 Cruciferse. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 Hamilton species Ill n 146 128 CRU CRY GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Crucifer®-Con. Localities Canadian species. II xiv 636 II xv 62 London species II vm 221 Peculiarities regarding sta- mens explained.. .- II v 339 Cruel Plant. Cruel Plant: By Arthur Harvey Ill vn 226 (abstract) IV i 11 Cruelty. Necessity of Society for Prevention of, in Tor- onto. By J. J. Kelso. ... Ill v 142 Cruikshank, Lieut.-Col. Ernest Administration of Lieut.- Gov. Simcoe, viewed in HIS OFFICIAL CORRESPON- DENCE IV ii 284 Contest for Command of Lake Erie in 1812-13... IV vi 359 Early traders and trade routes in Ontario and West, 1760-1783 IV m 253 IV iv 299 (abstract) IV in 24 Fur Trade, 1783-7 IV v 74 Joseph Brant in American Revolution IV v 243 IV vii 391 Journal of Capt. Walter Butler on a voyage ALONG NORTH SHORE L. Ontario from 8th to 16th March, 1779 IV iv 279 Memoir of Capt. Walter Butler IV iv 284 Cruikshank. Geo. Autograph II xiv 486 Crureus, Orang IV vi 555 Crustacea. Canadian II vm 25 Corniferous Limestone and Hamilton Group, Ont. . . II xiv 136 Devonian of Ont. list II xiv 136 Geological relations of II i 280 Lake Ontario II xm 499 Ontario species II vi 363 Scarboro' Cliffs II xv 399 Crustacean. Fauna of primordial zone in Europe and of Quebec Group compared II vi 287 Footprints in Argillaceous schist at Beauport I i 122 Tracks on Potsdam Sand- stone I in 252 Crustaceans. Found at Toronto I I 151 Ser. Vol. Page Crustacean-Con. New, from the Silurian Rocks of Scotland: re- print II i 482 Crymodes discicollis Lee. Agass I in 324 Crypta huntsman!, at De- parture Bay, B.C IV ix 116 Cryptobium bicolor, Giv. Mier. (Mels. Cat.), On- tario I iii1211,327 Cryptobranchus, rotation of embryo in eggs of IV vm 477 Cryptocephalus sellatus, Mels. Cat I m 259 Cryptoceras. Canadian rocks II ii 267 Occurrence of, Genus in Silurian rocks. By Prof. E. J. Chapman. ... II n 264 Cry mop hilus fulicarius, Toronto IV i 54 Cryptocrinites (Von Buch). II n 303 Cryptogams. Introduction to Crypto- gamic Botany. By Rev. M. J. Berkeley: reviewed II in 342 Knowledge concerning, in 1856 II n 53 Morphology of vascular ap- paratus IV vi 599 Polystely in IV vi 613 Siphonostelic nature of cen- tral cylinder IV vi 613 Cryptophypnus, Toronto species I m 325 Cryptopora, generic charac- ters; Ontario species II xiv 132 Crystal. Note on Stelliform, with SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Crystallization of Snow. By E. J. Chap- man II vi 1 Snow, during cold weather.. I m 232 Systems, explained II vi 3 Crystal Palace, New York. Prizes awarded at I n 205 Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Described I n 102 Geological and palaeonto- logical restorations at.... I ill 10 Great Court in : reprint. . I in 292 Crystalline limestone. Exploration of, bands in Ottawa and Argenteuill, Que. By Sir Wm. Logan. II v 452 Crystalline rocks. Theory of plastic condition in II in 204 129 CRY PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE CUN Ser. Vol. Page Crystallization. Atomic constitution and, Crystalline Form as CLASSIFICATION CHARAC- TERS in Mineralogy. By Prof. Chapman II n 435 New Form in, of Heavy Spar 11 iv 55 Crystallography. Examples of Application of Trigonometry to Crystal- lographic Calculations, for use of students. By E. J. Chapman: reviewed II v 301 Csokor, Dr. J. Demodex phylloides: ref.. .. Ill I 275 Ctenodonta. Clinton Group, Dundas.... Il xiv 144 Ottawa River 1 I 222 Ctenophorse, in Acalephae class II vi 172 Ctenicella, American repre- sentative of IV ix 140 C. lanceplaini, Lac-Duth., Canadian Atlantic Coast. IV ix 141 Cuba. Comparison of "Layton" Series of Jamaica with Matanzas of, and Lafa- yette of N. America and its age IV v 342 Comparison of Liguanea Series with Zapata of, and Lafayetteof N. America.. IV v 349 Letters from United States, and Canada. By Hon. Amelia M. Murray: re- viewed 11 i 160 Mechanical marls of IV v 342 Radiolaria from, marls IV vm 386 Radiolarian rock IV vm 385 Spanish conquest of Ill vu 261 White limestone IV vm 383 Zapata Series IV v 349 Cumberland River, gradient and drainage area of, in Central Basin of Tennes- see Ill vu 99 Cuboni. Absorption of lime solutions by leaves: ref IV vu 246 Cuckoo. Hamilton species II v 393 Habits of Ill ill 94 99 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vu 183 184 193 194 195 IV I 48 IV in 76 80 Cuckoo Flower, Canadian habitats II xv 63 Ser. Vol. Page Cucujidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Cucumber family, species yielding paper fibre II Xi 198 Cucurbitacese. Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species. 11 xv 554 Cudmore, S. A. Rural depopulation in Southern Ontario IV ix 261 Cuenot. Straw yellow crystal-like bodies in neighbourhood of nuclear membrane: ref. IV u 241 Cuirass, Dene IV iv 117, 149 Cuma tectum of Gabb, Caribean IV viii 390 Cumana, geology of IV vm 378 Cumberland, Fred, Esq. Notes of a visit to Works of Grand Trunk Rail- way I in 225 Cumberland. Geological area of Nova Scotia II xv 113 Tableland, Tennessee, ele- vation above sea level... Ill vu 82 Cumberland Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 376 Cuming, Hugh. Obituary II x 363 Cummer, Jacob, York Co.. II xm 441 Cumming, Rev. John. Megaceros occurrence in • Isle of Man: ref II vi 370 Cumming, Rev. J. G. On some recent Changes in Area of Irish Sea: reprint I in 143 Cumming, W. Henry. Marriage and Infanticide in their relation to Population in China. .. II xi 178 On Amoy Colloquial dia- lects II xi 81 Cunard, origin of formation of, company IV ill 172 Cuneiform. Cuneiform Inscriptions of Assyria and Baby- lonia. By Col. Rawlin- son; reprint I in 364 Cuniculus torquatus, Pal- las, Canadian localities.. Ill vi 82 Cunningham, D. J. Flexor brevis pollicis double headed in Orang: ref.... IV vi 548 Intrinsic muscles in human foot: ref IV vi 581 Laryngeal sacs in Chimpan- zee and Orang: ref IV vi 515 130 CUN CUV GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Cunningham, D. J.- Con. Plantar fascia in marsupials: ref IV vi 568 Plantar interossei and short flexors of thumb and little finger: ref IV vi 583 Cunningham, General. Translation of Tsurami in- scriptions found at Math- ura IV iv 269 Cunningham's Island, gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 376 Cupuliferse. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species I in 292 II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 649 London species II vm 233 Curara, blood pressure in ani- mals given IV vii 212 Curculionidae, Kicking Horse Pass species HI v 215 Curiae Canadenses, poems.. II xm 97 Curlews. Hamilton species II v 394 II vi 134 Toronto Ill vii 192 Currant, Canadian localities. II xv 435 Currency. Canadian standard; pro- posals for I I 179 Comparison between British and American I I 179 Decimal division of British currency: proposals I i 179 Difference between British and American, described. I I 178 Efforts to establish British standard of, in Canada... IV ix 241 Efforts to obtain standard, in Canada IV ix 245 History of Canadian Me- tallic. By Prof. Adam Shortt IV ix 237 On the Provincial Cur- rency. By J. B. Cherri- man I i 177 Standard in Canada I I 178 Sterling Currency of Great Britain described I I 177 United States currency de- scribed I i 178 York, in Canada IV ix 240 Currents. Arctic and Antarctic, AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH FATE OF SlR JOHN Franklin. By A. G. Findlay: reprint I ill 160 Ser. Vol. Page Currents-Con. Lake Currents. By L. J. Clark IV n 154 IV hi 275 Lake, few words on. By L. J. Clark: abstract. ... IV u 31 Oceanic Currents and THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE Central American Ca- nal. By Alex. G. Find- lay : reprint I i 248 On Surface Temperature and Great Currents of North Atlantic and Northern Ocean. By Dr. Scoresby: reprint.... I u 67 Pacific Ocean I i 248 Currents. Heating effects of secon- dary: reprint I in 113 Currie, P. W. Ancient drainage at Ni- agara Falls IV vii 7 Cursores..; II vm 463 Cursorinae, generic charac- ters II xi 157 Curves. On Linear Asymptotes in Algebraic II vm 290 On a Reduction of Curves of Second Order II vm 291 Curves. Remarks on some general PROPERTIES OF. By J. W. Martin II vm 278 Cushing, F. H. Zuni Creation Myths: ref IV vi 317, 337 Cushite, influences in Africa. II xm 166 Cushny, Dr. A. R. Effect of chloroform on heart: ref IV vn 199 Cutaneous. Skin and, sense organs of Amiurus. By Prof. R. Ramsay Wright Ill n 251 Sense organs, Amiurus Ill u 259 Cuthbertson. Gov. Simcoe's visit to, in 1793 IV I 137 Cutting, James A. Specification of Patent FOR PHOTOGRAPHING ON glass: reprint I m 339 Cuvier. Brain capacity of II xv 207 Classification of Mammalia II ix 154 Fossil bones of man of great antiquity found near Paris: ref II vi 369 Myology of Perea: ref Ill n 311 Omo-cervicalis in apes: ref. IV vi 523 Pancreas of Amiurus: ref... Ill u 417 131 CUV CYM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Cuvier-Con. Relations and origins of opercular bones: ref Ill n 290 Suborders of Insessores. ... II ix 231 Cuvierian, arrangement of mammals II v 513 Cuzco Indians, art of paint- ing among IV vi 335 Cyanid of Iodine. Employment of, in Photo- graphy: reprint I m 310 Cyanide of Palladammon- ium II in 359 Cyanides, double II i 79 Cyanite II v 522 Cyanocitta cristata, obser- vations on Ontario visi- tors Ill vn 190 IV in 68, 98 Cyanogen, action on naph- thalamine of chloride of.. II i 312 Cyanophycese. Alkaline effect on central body of cell IV vi 461 Cells dependent on condi- tions to which subjected. IV vi 452 Cell division IV vi 470 Central body of cell IV vi 459 Central body contains phos- phorus IV vi 460 Chromatin-like substance in IV vi 462 Chromatophore's character in IV vi 463 Chromatophore could not be found in IV vi 443 Chromatophore's occurrence in living cell of IV vi 456 Colourless central body in cell IV vi 444 Cytoplasm of IV vi 444 Development of heterocyst. IV vi 469 Effects of digesting granules with gastric juice IV vi 468 Effect on cells of digesting with artificial gastric juice IV vi 461 Fixed preparations of IV vi 457 Granules in IV vi 465 Hardening reagents IV vi 453 Literature IV vi 441 Living cell in IV vi 455 "Masked" iron in IV vi 454,459 "Masked" iron in granules IV vi 467 Methods of study and ma- terial employed by Macal- lum in studying structure of cell . IV vi 452 Nuclein in IV vi 445 Phosphorus detection IV vi 454 Powers of IV vm 427 Species employed by Macal- lum IV vi 453 Toronto species Ill vu 274 Ser. Vol. Page Cyanophyceae -Con. Staining reagents IV VI 454 Trabeculae in living cells of. IV vi 456 Vacuoles in IV vi 443 Cyanophycin granules, in Oscillaria, Microcoleus terrestris, Tolypothrix, Scytonema and Lyngbya. IV vi 457 Cyatheaceae II xu 364 Cyatheinae II xu 364 Cyathophyllidae II iv 120 Cyathophyllum, Ottawa R. I i 222 C. lesueuri, Canadian speci- men II v 264 C. zenkeri, Canadian speci- men (pl.) Il v 262 Cycadeae, blepharoplast IV v 276 Cychrus viduus Dej I in 324 Cyclamen, flower peculiari- ties of II v 340 Cyclasidae, Canadian II iv 273 Cyclidium glaucoma Ehrb and Margarita- ceum, characters (pl.).. Ill i 307 C. margaritaceum, charac- ters (pl.) Ill i 308 Cyclobranchiata, generic characters 11 xu 28 Cyclops quadricornis, Tor- onto tap water HI i 425 Cyclostomidae, generic char- acters II xn 34 Cyclas. Species of, Nottawasaga R. district II vi 497 Toronto species 11 vi 329 C. similis, Say. Lake Ontario II xm 505 Cyclospermeae. Researches respecting Affinities of Structure in Stems of Plants be- longing to. By M. Reg- nault: reprint II vn 219 Cyclocystoides. Cyclocystoides. By Sal- ter and Billings: ref II iv 43 Cygnus, Hamilton species. .. II v 395 Cylindr ospermum ma jus. Granules in outer zone of cell IV vi 456 Heterocyst development in. IV vi 470 " Masked " iron in IV vi 459 Types of granules in IV vi 469 Cymri. Component of Celtic stock. 11 xv 277 Migrations into Europe.... II xv 291 Origin of II xv 279 Traces in Northern Africa.. II xv 291 Cymric. Bretons part of, family HI v 77 How Celts reached Peru... . IV vn 44 Origin of Guanche IV vn 37 132 Cyn GENERAL INDEX CYS Ser. Vol. Page Cynipid galls, protective zone IV ix 356 Cynipidae. Characteristics IV ix 354 Cytology of galls IV ix 357 Enzyme secreted by larvae of IV ix 365 Feeding habits of larvae.... IV IX 362 Larvae convert starch into sugar: expts IV ix 365 Source of enzyme of larvae. . IV ix 366 Species described IV ix 339 Cynips? constricta, Steb- bins. Beginning of gall develop- ment IV ix 358 Host: anatomy (pl.) IV ix 352 Cynocephalus, pectoralis minor IV vi 532 Cynopithecinae, flexor brevis pedis IV vi 571 Cynthia. Syn. of Pyura (sens, resti.). IV ix 134 Syn. of Tethyum (sens. nov.) IV ix 135 C. castaneiformis, syn. of Boltenia villosa (Stimp- son) IV ix 134 C. coriacea, Stimpson, British Columbia Coast. . IV ix 133 C. (seu Halocynthia) echi- nata auct. americ., syn. of Boltenia hirsuta (Agassiz) IV ix 147 C. echinataplur. auct., syn. of Boltenia echinata (L.). IV ix 133 C. haustor, Stimpson, syn. of Pyura haustor, Stimp- son IV ix 134 C. placenta (Packard), syn. of Goniocarpa placenta, Packard IV ix 145 C. pyriformis alt. auct., syn. of Tethyum auran- tium IV ix 136 C. (seu Holocynthia) pyri- formis auct. americ., syn. of Tethyum pyri- forme (Rathke) subsp. americanum nov IV ix 148 C. pulchella Verrill, syn. of Goniocarpa placenta (Packard) IV ix 145 C. pyriformis, Dall., syn. of Tethyum aurantium (Pallas) IV ix 136 C. superba et deani, Ritter, syn. of Tethyum auran- tium Pallas IV ix 136 C. villosa, Stimpson, syn. of Boltenia villosa (Stimp- snnl IV IX 134 Ser. Vol. Page Cypriote. Alphabet Ill ill 168 Phoneticvaluesof,characters III in 147,158 Cyprsea aurantia, as an orna- ment II in 391 C. moneta. In currency II in 379 In mound in Otonabee tp., Ont. (pl.) IV ix 7 Cypress Vine, Canadian habi- tats II xv 61 Cypricardites (Conrad).... II vi 353 Cyprids II i 281 Cyprinidse. Canadian II iv 273 Toronto II iv 452 Cyprinoids, relation to Silu- roids Ill ii 306 Cypripedium, suitable for flower gardens IV in 130 Cypris, Lake Ontario II xm 501 Cyproids, or Bivalve Ento- mostracans II vm 26 Cyprus. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 249 Zimri traces in II xv 304 Cyrtia, generic characters.... II vi 262 C. hamiltonensis (Hall), Hamilton shales, Ont. (pl.) II vi 263 C. rostrata, Hall, corniferous limestone, Ont II vi 263 Cyrtina, generic characters. . II vi 262 Cyrtoceras, Canadian (pl.). . II vm 22 C. Ammon (n. sp.), cornifer- ous, Ont II vi 361 C. annulatum, Ottawa R... I i 222 C. belus (n. sp.), corniferous, Ont II vi 361 C. lamellosum, Ottawa R... I i 222 Cyrtoceratidae II u 265 Cyrtodonta, Canadian II iv 275 Generic characters and history II vi 353 Cyrtolites ornatus, Toronto shales I I 150 II iv 451 Cyperaceae. * Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 299,654 Hamilton species HI ii 154 London species II vm 235 Cysticerci II iv 23 Cysticercus cellulosae II iv 9 23 C. pisiformis II vn 467 Cystidea. Glyptocystites (nov. gen.) fully described (pl.) I II 218 On some new genera and SPECIES OF, FROM TrEN- ton Limestone. By E. Billings I ii 215, 250, 268 Cystidea, Ontario (pl.) II vi 514 Pleurocystites (nov. gen.) fully described I n 250 133 CYS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DAL Ser. Vol. Page Cystidea-Con. Principal genera II n 303 Species found in America... 1 n 215 Cystidea Lower Silurian Rocks of Canada. By E. Billings: ref II iv 43 Nineteen new forms of Cana- dian II iv 45 Cystidean. In chazy limestone near Montreal II n 302 Remarkable, discovered near Ottawa I n 272 Cystiphyllum (Lonsdale) in corniferous, Ont., char- acteristics of Cystiphyllum genus II iv 136 C. aggregatum (Billings), (pl.).. II iv 137 C. americanum (Edwards and Haime) II iv 139 C. cylindricum (Hall) II iv 139 C. grandis? (Billings) II iv 138 C. senecaense (Billings) (pl.) 11 iv 137 Il vi 511 C. sulcatum (Billings) Il iv 136 C. vesiculosum, Goldfuss... II xiv 139 Cystophora cristata, Erxl, Canadian localities Ill vi 79 Cystopteris II xn 367 Cythere, chemical composi- tion compared with allied fossils I ii 265 Cytheridea, fossils around Montreal II in 157 Cytolytic. Products in Diemyctyli (pl.) IV i 265 Products in pancreas of young amblystomata... IV I 266 Cytology. Cytology of Non-Nuclea- ted Organisms. By A. B. Macallum IV vi 439 Of galls IV ix 357 Cytoplasm. Beggiatoa IV vi 474 Beggiatoa, in growing cells. IV vi 477 Bibliography on IV vi 433 Chromatin, stages through which, passes in getting into (pl.) IV vi 423 Cyanophyceae IV vi 444 Fixed preparations of Micro- coleus terrestris IV vi 458 Fixed preparations of Oscil- lariae IV vi 457 Nuclear chromatin migrates to IV vi 434 Cytoplasmic origin of Nissl granules IV vi 407 Ser. Vol. Page Cytoplasm- Con. Potassium in, of kidney of frog (pl.) IV ix 392 Radicle and plumule cells gave phosphorus reaction IV vn 507 Specimens of lower orders of animals IV vi 426 "Spirilla", "Comma" and " Cocci" form in Beggiatoa IV vi 480 Structure IV vi 433 Yeast cell IV vi 483 Yeast cell; its structure. ... IV vi 491 Dabchick, llamilton species. II v 396 Dabion, Rev. Claude. Overland from Quebec to Hudson's Bay (1661).... II vni 410 Dacotah. (See also Dakotas') Comparative vocabulary of, and peninsular languages, in i 202 Subtribes I in 210 Wyandot Iroquois language affinities Ill I 197 Dade, Rev. C., M.A. Indian burying ground found in Beverly Tp. .. I i 6 Lunar Influences II xm 335,422 Notes on Cholera Sea- sons of 1832 and 1834. .. II vn 17 Remarks on Law of Storms as set forth in TRACT PUBLISHED BY Richard Budgen in 1730 II v 294 Obituary II xm 352 Daggers. Dene IV iv 63 Steel in pre-European times IV iv 142 Stone IV iv 63 Dagon. In ancient history II xiv 413 Same as Onam II xm 527 Dairy, contamination of milk from dairy utensils IV vn 491 Daisy Anemone. Daisy Anemone. By P. H. Gosse: reprint I n 87 Dakotas (See also Dacotah) Deities IV vi 275 Methods of calculation. ... IV v 312 Month names IV vi 332 Original home of Ill v 61 Time reckoning methods.. . IV v 312 Dakota-Hidatsa, Eskimo and, vocabularies, com- parative Ill vi 321 Daldinia concentrica, hab- its, Ontario habitats IV ix 80 Dale, Prof. T. Nelson. Geology of Mt. Greyloch : abstract Ill v 145 Metamorphism in Rhode Island Coal basin: ab- stract Ill in 18 134 DAL DAk GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Dale, Prof. T. Nelson-Con. New England Upper Si- lurian: abstract Ill iv 69 Dalibarda, L., Canadian localities of D. repens, L II xv 431 Dall. Eskimo migrations: ref Ill vi 274 Indian labrets: ref IV iv 170 Dall, Mrs. Historical Pictures re- touched : reviewed II v 532 Dall, Wm. H. Alaska and its Resources: reviewed II xn 480 Asiatic origin of American aborigines: ref IV v 169 Asiatic origin of ancient Americans: ref Ill v 66 Classification of Dene tribes criticized IV vi 77 Eskimo dialects in Alaska: ref Ill vi 264 List of British Columbia In- dian tribes, criticized.... Ill vii 110 Tinneh family: ref Ill i 172 Dallas. Ainos origin: ref Ill v 75 Origin of Mongolian tribes: ref Ill v 70 Dalmanites, Canadian (pl.) II vm 30 Dalson, Augustus T. Some experiments upon Coffee as a Beverage: reprint I ill 316 Dalton. Character sketch of II n 377 Daly, Dominick. Autograph letter to his suc- cessor II xiv 118 Dammara Australis, New Zealand II ii 363 Damnonia. Gaelic topography of. By Dr. Neil MacNish Ill m 43 Dampier. Flying Proas of Ladrone Is- lands: ref Ill vii 204 Dana, Jas. D. Dana's mineralogy, ninth supplement: reviewed... II vi 301 Eighth supplement to Dana's mineralogy: re- viewed II v 308 Geology in America: re- print I hi 357, 385 Glandular streaks in Paly- thoa coesia: ref IV vi 390 Manual of Geology: review- ed II vm 49 Thoughts on Species: re- print II hi 77 Ser. Vol. Page Danaea, root first shows de- velopment IV v 280 Danais, Rocky Mountain species with habitats. .. . Ill n 240 Dance. Blackfoot Sun. By Rev. John McLean Ill vi 231 Kangaroo, of Australian aborigines II i 245 Native, or Corroberry of Australian aborigines. .. . II i 253 Dancer, J. B. Cleaning and preparing Diatoms, etc., ob- tained from Soundings: reprint II vi 530 Dandeno, Jas. B. Investigation into EFFECTS OF WATER AND AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF COMMON INORGANIC SUB- STANCES ON FOLIAGE LEAVES IV VII 237 Danes'pipes II n 246 Danforth, Toronto II xm 92 Dangeard. Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 481 Daniels' Battery, electric lighting with I i 243 Danish, Coptic article in: ex- amples II xm 413 Dante. Examination of his skull. . . II xv 204 Daphniae, effect of Cedar extract on IV vn 441 Darding knife, Denes IV iv 20G Darien, Ship Canal I i 236 Daritae, original of Druids... II xv 283 Darling, Rev. W. Stewart. Nom-de-plume "Presbyter of Diocese of Toronto": with selection from his writings II xv 444 Darling Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 377 Darling's Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208 Darlington Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 377 Dartnell, Geo. H. On Duration and Expec- tation of Life in Can- ada COMPARED WITH OTHER COUNTRIES I II 191 Darwin, Chas. Origin of Species: reviewed II v 118, 367 Protrusion of lips of Orang in expression of emotions: ref IV vi 510 Darwinian theory. Agassiz's criticism of it. . . . II vm 400 Defined II ix 37 135 DAR DAW PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Darwinian theory-Con. Sir Chas. Lyell's view or criticism of it 11 vm 388 Darwinism II xn 356 Datiscine II i 193 Datolite II v 531 Datura stramonium, Tor- onto; description of I i 205 Daubree. On Origin of granite: ref... II m 205 Walchner and Daubree's analysis of mineral waters I I 152 Daucus, Toum, Canadian localities of D. carota L II xv 555 Davies. Ossian poems belong to Irish Gaels IV m 214 Davis. Report on Nautical Al- manac (American) I i 129 Davis, Dr. J. B. Brain weights of different races: ref II xv 199 Correspondence with Daniel Wilson on "Artificial occipital FLATTENING OF ANCIENT Crania": reprint II vm 76 Crania of Ancient Britons: reviewed II I 484 II vn 437 II vm 132 Cranial capacity and civili- zation: ref II xv 180 Extracts from his book Crania Britannica I in 345 Peruvian skulls: ref II xv 222 Weight of brain in different races: ref II xv 181 Davis, Jos. Barnard, and John Thurnam Crania Britannica; delinea- tions and descriptions of skulls of early inhabitants of British Isles: reviewed II u 443 II iv 142 Davidoff. Origin of hacmatoblasts in amphibian embryo: ref.. IV n 249 Davenport. Notes on Davenport Gravel Drift. By Sand- ford Fleming II vi 247 Origin of gravel drift II vi 250 Ridge, evidences of Iro- quois beach at IV vi 34 Davaugour, M. Quebec to Hudson's Bay overland (1663) II vm 411 Davalliinse II xn 365 Davy. Protaster daoulasensis: ref. IV vm 365 Ser. Vol. Page Davy, Sir Humphrey. Character sketch II u 377 Safety lamp, invention of. . II u 379 Dawkins, Prof. Boyd. Basque migrations Ill v 69 Canadian apatite"deposits in true veins: ref IV vin 499 Origin of apatites: ref IV vni 496 Origin of Eskimo: ref Ill vi 284 Dawson, G. M., Dr. Difficulties in collecting Canadian mineral statis- tics Ill v 188 Language of Nah'ane tribe: ref IV vii 526 Nahanie or Nahaunie same as Nah'ane IV vii 517 Notes on Nah'ane tribe: ref. IV vn 518 Dawson, Miss, M.B.Sc. On Anatomical charac- ters OF SUBSTANCE "IN- DIAN Soap " IV vn 1 Dawson, Sir Wm. New Fossils from coal MEASURES OF NOVA ScO- tia: abstract II v 205 Newer Pliocene Fossils of St. Lawrence Val- ley: reprint II ill 86 On some Additional Re- mains of Land Animals in Coal Measures of Nova Scotia: reprint. .. II vn 144 POST-TERTIARIES, ETC., OF Montreal: reprint II in 157 Remarks on Principles of Classification in Ani- mal Kingdom, in immedi- ate Reference to a re- cent paper by. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II x 19 Species of Meriones and found in Nova Scotia: reprint I m 388 Varieties and mode of preservation of fossils KNOWN AS sternbergiae : reprint II n 476 Aboriginal Antiquities dis- covered at Montreal: ref. II vi 415 Acadian Geology: review of II i 39 Animal life in waters of Lower Palaeozoic times in Canada: ref IV vn 160 Archaia or Studies of the Cosmogony and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures: reviewed. ... II v 59 Exploration in northwest territory of Canada (1858) II v 548 Glacial beds in Eastern Canada: ref II xv 412 136 DEL DAW GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Dawson, Sir Wm.-Con. Geology of Gaspe: reviewed II in 515 On course of Collegiate Edu- cation, adapted to circum- stances of Canada: reviewed II I 168 On Pre-carboniferous Flora of New Brunswick, Maine and Eastern Canada: reviewed II vi 486 On vegetable structures in coal: reviewed II V 305 Origin of apatites: ref IV vm 496 Supplementary Chapter to Acadian Geology: re- viewed II vi 191 Views on species II x 20 Dawson (Yukon), climate.. IV vm 291 Dead Sea, relative amounts of salts in water IV vu 559 Deadman's Island, geology. Ill iv 196 Deaf. Mary Bradley, and Blind Mute II xi 184 Dean of Lismore's Ossianic MSS IV i 217 Dearness, John, J. B. Ellis and New Species Canadian Fungi IV vi 637 Dease, Capt. Capt. Dease and warring Indians, 1787 IV v 82 De Blaquiere, Toronto II xiii 357 Decapods II i 280 Deciduata II xv 246 Dechenes (Can.) Eylais desecta (Koen) from pond near IV ix 285 Eylais triangulifera Koen, from pond near IV ix 286 Declination, magnetic, Tor- onto (1856-64) II x 114 Decrock. Striations in leaves of Pri- mulaceae: ref IV vu 316 Deecke. Etruscan letters: ref Ill v 85 Deer, Canadian species and habitats Ill vi 68 Deer-grass, Canadian locali- ties II xv 552 Deer, Great Irish. Ancient haunt of Cervus Megaceros or. By Dan- iel Wilson Ill I 207 Deforestation Effect on soil and rainfall... IV vu 6 De Freudenreich. Anaerobic bacilli in cheese: ref IV vu 109 Ripening of cheese: ref IV vu 106 Ser. Vol. Page Deinega. Chromatophore and nucleus in Oscillaria: ref IV VI 446 Deiopeia, Curt, generic char- acters II viii 373 D. bella Linn, characters, Canadian habitats II vm 373 Dekanawidah Formation of Six Nation confederacy by II xv 2 Founder of Iroquois league: origin IV VI 249 In Iroquois Book of Rites: origin of IV VI 264 De la Barre. Episodes in his administra- tion in Canada II xiii 306 Delafield. Mound-Builders and Mexi- cans connected: ref I I 107 Delandre, M. Prevention of Incrusta- tion IN STEAM BOILERS: reprint I i 24 Delaware, Ont., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 215 Delaware Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 377 Delaware, U.S., remains of palaeolithic man in II xv 562 Delawares (Indians) Belief as to origin of man... IV Vi 208 Crania II II 423 Divinities IV VI 275 Month names IV vi 332 Population in 1838, '44 and '46 I i 196 Delegenne, M. Diameters of corona? around sun as natural numbers: ref I i 7 De Legibus. Critical notes; chiefly on, of Cicero. By W. D. Pearman II xiv 503 Critical notes on: Bk. I-II,7;XI,31;XIV,40; XVI, 44; XIX, 50; XXII, 59; XXIII, 60 II xiv 503 Bk. II-IV,9; VIII, 19; VIII, 20; IX, 21; X, 26; XIII, 33; XVII, 44 II xiv 503 II-XXV, 62,63 Ill i 90 Delesse, M. Antiquity of Man : reprint II vi 376 Delisle. Crania development in Orang: ref IV vi 509 Delphinium, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of D. consolida, L II xv 57 137 DEL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DEN Ser. Vol. Page Delta rays. Alpha rays falling on polish- ed copper emit 3 rays... . IV ix 153 Delthyridae, genera of II vi 139 Delthyris duodenaria. Ontario (pl.) II vi 256 D. duodenaria (Hall), syn. Spirifera duodenaria (Hall) II vi 256 D. finibriata (Conrad) syn. Spirifera finibriata, (Con- rad) II vi 256 D. mucronatus, Hamilton group, Ont. (pl.) II vi 254 D. raricosta, syn. Spirifera raricosta II vi 258 D. undulatus, syn. Spirifera raricosta II vi 258 Deltoid, Orang IV vi 533 Deluge. Algonquin myth IV v 20 Carrier Indians myth con- cerning IV v 11 17 Deluge and Pleiades Year.. IV in 191 Deluge Myths of Cana- dian Indians. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract... Ill vn 11 Myth among Hare Indians. IV v 19 Dementia Paralytica Ill v 49 Demodex Ill i 276 D. phylloides (Csokor). D. PHYLLOIDES IN SKIN OF Canadian Swine. By R. Ramsay Wright Ill i 275 Described with plates Hl I 277 De Morny. Brain weight of II xv 209 Demosthenes. First and second speeches against Aphobus, 815, 836-38, explained Ill iv 17 Notes on De Corona, sec. 292 II xiv 54 Notes on Phil. I, § 15 Il xm 427 Denaut, M., Bishop of Que- bec. Autograph letter to Ensign Cheniquy (1803) II xiv 89 Dendragaptis canadensis, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 182, 197 IV in 98 Dendrerpeton, coal measures of Nova Scotia II vm 267 D. acadianum, Nova Scotia. II vn 145 II xv 114 Dendrodoa (Styelopsis) carnea (Agassiz)?, Can- adian Atlantic coast IV ix 146 Dendrceca of Ontario, Hab- its of D. aestiva Ill in 96 D. blackburnia Ill in 96 Ser. Vol. Page Dendrceca of Ontario, Hab- its of-Con. D. coronata Ill hi 96 D. virens Ill in 96 Dendrograptus, primordial zone, Quebec II vi 43 Dendroica, observations on Ont. species. .. Ill vn 191 192 193 195 IV I 56 IV hi 71 80 83 103 106 107,108, 109 Dendroides canadensis, Late II in 326 Dene or Western Dene. Adjectives IV i 185 Adjectives, comparative forms similar to Hebrew. IV i 185 Amputation practices IV vn 22 Animals hunted by, large ones never killed for one- self IV iv 93,95 Armour, skin IV iv 149 Armour, wooden IV iv 117 Arrow-heads IV iv 53 Arrow-heads, bone IV iv 55 Arrow-heads, how connect- ed with shaft IV iv 55 Arrow shafts IV iv 55 Arrows (pl.) Ill vn 139 Arrows IV iv 56 Arrows, how released IV iv 57 Arrows, their varieties IV iv 56 Article in, language; affinity with Hebrew IV I 183 Arts (peculiar) of Tungus and IV v 195 Aspen, its roots used against bleeding IV iv 130 Astringents, native IV iv 213 Atrium of winter lodges.... IV iv 190 Awls, bone IV iv 69 Axes of unpolished stone.. . IV iv 43 Axes partially polished IV iv 44 Axes polished IV iv 46 Axes, how used IV iv 47 Axes of iron IV iv 140 Babies, how carried IV iv 134 Bag-net fishing IV iv 91 Bags, their varieties IV iv 146 Bait of bone IV iv 72 Bark bottles IV iv 135 Bark-peelers IV iv 76 Bark vessels IV iv 120 Bear as totem IV iv 205 Bear, how skull treated.... IV iv 108 Bear, parts not eaten IV iv 107 Bear snares IV iv 99 Beartraps IV iv 95 Beaver, part not eaten IV iv 108 Beaver hunting Ill vn 131 Beaver nets IV iv 67 Beaver snaring IV iv 66 138 DEN DEN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Beaver trapping IV iv 87 Belts, weaving of IV iv 157 Berries, how treated IV iv 127 Berrybasket IV iv 122 Berry boilers IV iv 126 Berry picking and preserv- ing Ill vn 134 Bibliography of IV iv 219 Births and deaths statistics III vn 128 Bleeding, how practised.... IV iv 82 Bleeding implements IV vn 19 Bleeding practices IV vn 16 Blistering as means of cure. IV vn 21 Blue berries, how prepared. IV iv 127 Blunt arrows IV iv 57 Boilers IV iv 125 Bone baits IV iv 72 Bones of animals, how eaten IV iv 49 Bones of dead, how treated after cremation IV iv 146 Bow-points IV iv 60 Bows, how held while shoot- ing IV iv 60 Bowstrings, how made IV iv 58 Bracelets. IV iv 139 172 Brave against wild animals. IV iv 94 Breast-blankets IV iv 164 Breast plates, ceremonial.. . IV iv 167 Breech-cloth, ceremonial. . . IV iv 180 Brinton on distribution of.. IV iv 14 Brinton on, technology of. . IV iv 35 Bulbous root diggers IV iv 115 Burning as cure for sickness IV vn 20 Cambium scrapers IV iv 76 Campbell's (Prof.) compara- tive list of, words criticized IV vi 94 Campbell's (Prof.) remarks on, criticized IV VI 75 Canoes IV iv 114 Cap-holders IV iv 83 Cariboo-skins, how treated. IV iv 68 Cariboo snares IV iv 100 Carvings IV iv 199 Castoreum bottles IV iv 66 135 Cataract operations IV vn 26 Categories of Dene nouns. . IV iv 32 Ceremonial fire-bags IV iv 180 Ceremonial rites Ill vn 162 Chants Ill vn 155 Charcoal as a means of orna- mentation IV iv 170 Children Ill vn 126 Chipping, how done IV IV 65 Classification of. By Rev. Father Morice IV vn 28 Classification of, tribes. By Rev. Father A. G. Morice IV iv 75 Classification of the IV IV 30 Classification and popula- tion of all tribes IV iv 16 Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Cloaks IV iv 164 Clothing Ill vii 116, 137 Clubs, war IV iv 64 Columns, mortuary IV iv 199 Combs IV iv 117 Confession to Shaman IV iv 107 Continence, regard for IV iv 107 Copper tower IV iv 137 Cow parsnip, how eaten.... IV iv 129 Cradles IV iv 133 Cranberry, swamp and high- bush eaten by IV iv 127 Crescents in septum IV iv 167 Crossbows IV iv 59 Cuirass of skin IV iv 149 Cuirass of wood IV iv 117 Cut arrows IV iv 56 Cuticle (inner) of skins, how removed IV iv 70 Daggers of stone IV iv 63 Dances Ill vn 153 IV v 202 Darding knife IV iv 206 Dead, disposal of Ill vn 145 Death customs Ill vn 144 Deformities, treatment of. . IV vn 23 Denes of America identi- fied with Tungus of Asia. By Rev. John Campbell IV v 167 Dene Languages. By Rev. Father Morice IV I 170 Dene roots. By Rev. Father A. G. Morice IV m 145 (abstract) IV m 7 Dene Surgery. By Rev. Father A. G. Morice IV vn 15 Devils brush, its medical properties IV iv 132 Dip-nets IV iv 159 Dishes IV iv 119 Distribution of IV iv 13 Diuretics, native IV iv 131 Divided long ago into two camps IV iv 12 Divorce customs Ill vn 121 Dog collars IV iv 139 Dress IV iv 162 Dress and ornaments of Tungus and IV v 186 Dress of pubescent girls.... IV iv 165 Drills IV iv 143 Drinking tubes IV iv 82 Drums IV iv 150 Dug-outs, formerly un- known IV iv 115 Dyes IV iv 173 Ear pendants IV iv 166 Eclipses of sun and moon ceremonies HI Vii 154 Emmenagogue, native IV iv 131 139 DEN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DEN Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. 3stas and swans IV iv 104 gsronh how cooked IV iv 116 as a fish-trap IV iv 89 Ezih IV iv 53 Ethnographical status, mis- conception as to IV iv 14 Eye troubles and remedies. IV vn 27 Fat scrapers IV iv 68 Favourite dish IV v 181 Feathering of arrows, how made IV iv 56 Febrifuge, native IV iv 130 Fern root diggers IV iv 115 Fern root, how cooked IV iv 116 Finger rings IV iv 140 Fire, primitive mode of starting IV iv 114 Fire-bags, common IV iv 148 Fire-place, where situated.. IV iv 187 Fire-wood, how procured by poorer classes IV iv 47 Fish-hooks IV iv 72 Fish traps IV iv 84 Fish trays IV iv 123 Fishes, species procured by. IV iv 73 Fishing IV iv 71 Fishing with bag nets IV iv 91 Fishing with bait IV iv 72 Fishing with traps IV iv 84 Flaking, how done IV iv 65 Floats IV iv 111 Food Hl vn 128 Forts IV iv 195 Fox snares IV iv 102 Funeral ceremonies HI vn 145 Funeral customs of Tungus and IV v 193 Fur hunting HI vn 130 Gambling HI vn 154 IV v 200 Gambling sticks IV iv 77 Game sought after by IV iv 93 Games IV iv 78, 111 General characteristics of, languages IV i 176 Gentes number IV iv 203 Gorgets, unknown IV iv 35 Gouges, unknown IV iv 35 Government IV vi 81 Graphic systems of IV iv 206 Graves, monuments on... . IV iv 200 Greek analogies to IV I 187 Gunshot wounds, treatment IV vn 23 Haemorrhage, how stopped. IV iv 131 Hair, manner of wearing. . . HI vn 115 Hair scrapers, bone IV iv 69 Hair scrapers, steel IV iv 143 Hair tweezers IV iv 138 Hammers, stone IV iv 47 Head-scratchers IV iv 82 Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Heart of animals, not eaten, and by whom IV iv 107 Hernia treatment IV vn 22 Hides, how dressed IV iv 49, 69,145 History from earliest times. IV v 211 Hole-borers IV iv 143 Houses IV iv 185 Hurdles, for salmon weirs. . IV iv 85 Huts, subterranean IV iv 191 Ice-breakers IV iv 75 Ice-scoops IV iv 156 Identity with Navajo In- dians IV vi 97 Identity with Othomi criti- cized IV vi 97 Identified with Tungus of Asia: criticism of IV vi 95 Industries HI vn 136 Industries, why and how treated IV iv 6 Infanticide.; HI vn 126 Infants and how carried.... Ill vn 127 Inscriptions, Rock IV iv 206 Iron axes when first intro- duced IV iv 140 Juniper, its boughs used as febrifuge IV iv 130 Juniper, its wood used to make bows with IV iv 59 Kaennih or Cambium layer of scrub pine as food .... Ill vn 134 Kekule houses IV iv 190 'K6n IV iv 85, 186,196 K3s, their use IV iv 8~ Kettles, prehistoric bark.... IV iv Knives Ill vn 138 Knives, carving or working. IV iv 52 Knives, salmon IV iv 51 Knives, skinning IV iv 51 Labrets IV iv 170 Ladles IV iv 75 Ladles, how made IV iv 76 Land-locked salmon, how captured IV iv 74 Language compared with other Indian IV I 208 Language, expressiveness.. . IV vi 283 Language of Tungus and... IV v 204 Lhthiladinla Ill vn 139 Lichen, how eaten IV iv 130 Lily, its bulb eaten IV iv 129 Lodges, ceremonial IV iv 185 Lodges, common IV iv 188 Lodges, fishing IV iv 189 Lodges, winter IV iv 189 Lynx snares IV iv 101 Lynx traps IV iv 97 Maize not grown by IV iv 36 Marmot snares IV iv 103 Marmot skins IV IV 68 140 DEN DEN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Marmot traps IV iv 98 Marriage Ill vn 121 Marriage customs IV v 178 HI vn 118 Mas IV iv 67 Masks IV iv 118 Material of arrow and spear heads IV iv 53 Material of arrow and spear heads zealously guarded. IV iv 65 Maul, wooden IV iv 111 Means of communication while travelling IV iv 210 Measure of length IV iv 92 Medicinal herbs IV iv 130 Medicinemen Ill vn 157 Menses, observances rela- tive to IV iv 107 Mesh-sticks IV iv 158 Midwifery .' IV vn 25 Mittens IV iv 164 Mocassins, their material and use IV iv 163 Mode of reckoning relation- ship Ill vn 120 Months, their native names IV iv 106 Monuments rare IV iv 199 Moose skin scrapers IV iv 143 Morals Ill vn 117 Mortars unknown IV iv 35 Mortuary columns IV iv 199 Mounds unknown among... IV iv 35 Muskrat trapping IV iv 87 Myths Ill vn 159 Myth "Loon and Old Man" IV iv 171 Myth "Lynx feared by women" IV iv 108 Nah'ane branch of IV vn 518 Nah'ane branch of, family. IV vn 523 Name, origin IV iv 8 Names (personal) absent... IV vi 79 Nature of, territory IV iv 11 NazrwSt, a fish trap IV iv 85 Necklaces IV iv 170 Needle pouches IV iv 149 Netting IV iv 78 N<5zaz a game IV iv 112 Ni-ottsintani legend IV vi 95 Nose-pendants -> IV iv 167 Nose-rings IV iv 168 Notes on Western Denes. By Rev. A. G. Morice. . . IV iv 1 Nouns, four categories of... IV iv 32 Nouns: varieties and inflec- tions IV I 181 Nets, material IV iv 159 Observances of hunters and women IV iv 106, 165 Ochre (red) as means of ornamentation IV iv 170 Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Ornaments worn by Ill vn 115 Orthography of Indian words IV iv 34 Orthography of names of Indian tribes IV iv 30 Packing, how done IV iv 118 Packing bags of men IV iv 161 Packing bags of women.... IV iv 147 Packing chairs IV iv 118 Paddles, how used IV iv 115 Peaesta Ill vn 140 Peelers IV iv 76 Pendants IV iv 166 Pestles, stone IV iv 48 Petroglyphs IV iv 206 Philological conclusions. ... IV I 211 Philologically homogeneous. IV iv 21 Phlebotomy, bleeding prac- tices IV vn 18 Phonetics and graphic signs IV i 172 Phonetics of, language IV Vi 98 Phonetics, principles under- lying IV in 150 Phraseology IV i 206 Physical features Ill vn 114 Physical features and habits IV v 178 Physical features and habits of Tungus and IV v 175 Pictographs IV iv 206 Pipes stone IV iv 36 Plants, economic value of which is not appreciated, unnamed IV iv 127 Plants, which are eaten by. IV iv 128 Points of physical similari- ties IV iv 18 Polyandry Ill vn 123 Polygamy Ill vn 123 Pot-latches Ill vn 147 Pot-latch of comparatively recent origin IV iv 125 Pottery, unknown among. . IV iv 35 Powder pouches IV iv 148 Present condition Ill vn 165 Progressive IV iv 5 Pronouns IV I 185 Property rights Ill vn 119 Property rights of man and wife and law of inherit- ance Ill vn 126 Pubescent girls, their dress. IV iv 165 Pubescent girls, their drink- ing tribes IV iv 81 Pubescent girls, their head scratchers IV iv 82 Pubescent girls, their pecu- liar observances IV iv 107 Purgatives, native IV iv 130 Psychologically differing themselves IV iv 18 Rabbit skins, how utilized IV iv 156, 164 141 DEN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DNE Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Rabbit snares IV IV 103 Rattles IV iv 118 Rings IV iv 140, 166 Rites and ceremonies of Tungus and IV v 197 Robe, ceremonial IV iv 179 Red willow, medical proper- ties IV iv 131 Red willow used as wattle.. IV iv 84 Reglion Ill vn 157 Rock inscriptions IV iv 206 Salmon, fishing Ill vn 129 IV iv 84 Salmon, how cured IV iv 92 Salmon, how kept IV iv 49, 196 Salmon oil, how obtained... IV iv 92 Salmon pits, or cellars IV iv 197 Salmon roe, how prepared.. IV iv 197 Salmon, species caught.... IV iv 73 Salmon weirs IV iv 85 Satchets IV iv 146 Scaffoldings on banks of rivers IV iv 91 Scoops IV iv 156 Scrapers, bone for fat IV iv 68 cambium IV iv 76 hair IV iv 69 horn for fat IV iv 70 how made IV iv 50 stone IV iv 49 Sedatives, native IV iv 131 Service berry, how preserved IV iv 125 Setting of broken limbs.... IV vn 21 Shamans, head gear IV iv 181 Shields IV iv 117 Signalling in woods IV iv 210 Sinkers, rude and uncarved. IV iv 36 Skin tanning IV iv 49, 69,145 Skull crackers, stone IV iv 64 Sleeping place in Lodge.... IV iv 187 Slickstones IV iv 49 Smoking originally un- known IV iv 36 Snaring devices, details use- ful IV iv 99 Snares, bear IV iv 99 cariboo IV iv 100 fox IV iv 102 how prepared IV iv 107 marmot IV iv 103 rabbit IV iv 103 various IV iv 99 waterfowl IV iv 104 Snow-shoes, earliest model. IV iv 152 Snow shoes, how made IV iv 153 Snow-shoes, children IV iv 154 Snow-shoes, modern types. IV iv 152 Snow shovels IV iv 116 Snow walking sticks IV iv 155 Soap-berry, how prepared for eating IV iv 128 Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene- Con. Social conditions Ill vn 116 Social institutions Ill vn 142 Sore eyes, native remedy against IV iv 132 Sounds IV vi 89 Spear (pl.) Ill vn 139 Spear-heads IV iv 62 Spindles....- IV iv 114 Spokeshaves IV iv 144 Spoons IV iv 76 Sports... Ill vn 154 Spruce, its shoots used as febrifuge IV iv 130 Spruce root-weaving IV iv 134 Statistics of IV v 171 Stockings, native counter- part of IV iv 165 Story of creation IV v 201 Strings of bows, how made. IV iv 58 Strings of snares IV iv 104 Store-houses IV iv 196 Sturgeon, how caught IV iv 75 Sfinti, how cooked IV iv 116 Superstitious observances of "the hunters and the women" IV iv 106, 165 Sweat-bath in confinement cases IV vn 25 Sweat-houses IV iv 197 Sweet-flag, how eaten IV iv 129 Syllabary, complete with notes IV i 175 Syntax IV I 206 Tanning, how done. ... IV iv 49, 69,145 Target disc or wheel IV iv 112 Target shooting IV iv 113 Tattoo marks IV iv 208 Tattooing IV iv 182 Tattooing customs Ill vn 114 Tca/yaf, a bark vessel IV iv 122 Tdskai, a fishing devise.... IV iv 90 Th/mSk, how caught IV iv 159 Theskai, a fishing devise... IV iv 90 Thessaten, a fishing imple- ment IV iv 72 Throwing rods or tStquh ... IV iv 111 Time, means of reckoning... IV iv 106 Toeneza pot latches Ill vn 147 Tommy-sticks IV iv 64 Totems IV iv 186, 199 Tradition IV v 168 Trapping devises IV iv 98 Traps (pl.) IV iv 84 bear IV iv 94 lynx IV iv 97 marmot IV iv 98 small animals IV iv 96 how prepared IV iv 108 142 DEN GENERAL INDEX DEN Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Travelling formerly difficult in winter IV iv 151 Travelling, marks or signals IV iv 210 Travelling methods Ill vu 131 Trays, bark IV iv 123 Tribal names belonging to. . IV v 173 Tribal organization Ill vu 118 Tribes Ill vu 111 Tribes in 1888. IV v 172 Tribes and territory IV I 171 Tribes, classification Ill vu 113 IV vi 82 Trough-like vessels IV iv 119 Tungus and, tribes IV v 170 Tungus dialectic differences IV v 205 Tungus tribal names com- pared with those of Dene, list ..... IV v 174 Turanian shows affinity with IV I 183 Tweezers IV iv 138 Unaesthetic IV iv 36 Unknown technological ob- jects IV iv 35 Utensils, description and mode of fabrication IV iv 121 Utensils of primitive mater- ial IV iv 120 Verbs IV I 189, 195,200 Villages IV iv 184 Vocabulary common to diff- erent tribes IV in 153 Vocabulary, comparative of, Tungus and Othomi IV v 206 Vocabulary of Tungus and, words comparative IV v 205 Vowels unimportant in Dene IV iv 10 Walking sticks for winter. . IV iv 155 War and hunting imple- ments (illustrated) Ill vu 139 War and warlike implements of Tungus and IV V 190 War expedition, methods of attack IV v 191 War, how started IV iv 195 War practices Ill vu 141 Wash-tubs, bark IV iv 132 Waterfowl, how caught.... IV iv 104 Water vessels IV iv 124 Wattle IV iv 84, 186,196 We, a fish trap IV iv 89 Weasel what use made of, skin IV iv 177 Weaving IV iv 156 Weaving of spruce roots. . . IV iv 134 Wedges, bone. IV iv 75 Wedges, stone IV iv 47 Weirs, how constructed.... IV iv 84 Western Denes, their Manners and Customs. Rev. Father A. G. Morice III vu 109 Ser. Vol. Page Dene or Western Dene-Con. Whistles, ceremonial IV iv 81 Widows positions Ill vn 145 Widow satchels IV iv 146 Wigs, ceremonial IV iv 173 Wild goat skins, how treated IV iv 68 Willow-herb, how eaten.... IV iv 129 Windows, none in ancient lodges IV iv 187 Winter dress IV iv 164 Winter travelling difficult. . IV xv 151 Woman and the Lynx myth IV iv 108 Woman's position Ill vn 123 Womb displacements, treat- ment of IV vn 24 Women's dress not much different from that of men IV iv 164 Wood-peckers, what use made of their feathers.. . IV iv 177 Wound treatments IV vn 22 Dene, northern. Assimilative dispositions... IV iv 19 Separated from Southern.. . IV iv 12 Timid and not industrious. . IV iv 18 Denes Southern. Confused ideas as to ethno- graphical divisions IV iv 13 Long seperated from North- ern Denes IV iv 12 Denedindjie. Dene or IV vi 77 Improper as collective name IV iv 9 Myth of Deluge Ill vu 11 Petitot on name IV iv 9 Deniker, J. Omo-cervicalis in foetal apes: ref IV vi 528 Scansorius separate muscle in foetal gibbon: ref..... IV vi 557 Deniker and Boulart. Laryngeal pouches of Orang: ref IV vi 514 Denison, Col. John, Toronto II xm 108, 180 Denmark. Educational expenditure... IV ix 231 Mollusca shells used by aborigines of II ill 386 Density. Mean, of earth, by pendu- lum experiments II i 552 Molten substances heavier than that of solid at same temperature II ill 54 Dental formulae, Orang.... IV vi 509 Dentalium Fitness as article of orna- mentation IV iv 178 Nose-ornaments IV iv 168 Dentaria, L., Canadian localities of. D. diphylla, L II xv 62 143 DEN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DEV Ser. Vol. Page Dentaria, L., Canadian localities of-Con. D. laciniata, Muhl II xv 63 D. maxima, Nutt 11 xv 63 Denudation. Agency in forming Central Basin of Tennessee Ill vn 87 Jamaica's three base planes of ..... IV v 326 Miocene strato in Jamaica. . IV v 334 Period in West Indies IV v 333 Valleys of Ill vn 67 Departure Bay, B.C. Ascidians IV ix 117 Ascidiopsis Columbiana sp.n. IV ix 120 A. nanaimoensis sp. n IV ix 119 A. paratropa sp. n IV ix 120 Caesira apoploa sp. n IV ix 124 C. cooperi sp. n IV ix 127 Chelysoma columbianum, sp. n IV ix 124 Corella inflata, sp. n IV ix 123 C. rugosa sp. n. from IV ix 122 Goniocarpa coccocles sp. n . IV ix 132 Katatropa vancouverensis sp. n IV ix 130 Phallusiaceratodes sp.n. from IV ix 121 Depopulation. Rural, in Southern On- tario. By S. A. Cudmore IV ix 261 Deposits, stratified Between Newcastle and Port Granby, L. Ont IV vni 18 De Quervain, Fritz. Substance in Nissl granules: ref IV vi 431 Dereham Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 377 Dereskie, battle of, 1855. ... II x 65 Dermestes lardarius, Linn Canadian I ni 325 II i 35 Dermestidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 De Saussure. Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vn 497 Leaves immeresd in distilled water lose weight: ref... IV vn 259 Descartes. Theory of rainbow I I 8 Desmidiaceae. History of Infusoria includ- ing, and Diatomaceae, Bri- tish and Foreign. By An- drew Prichard: reviewed. II vn 368 Species in Toronto tap water III i 416 Desmidieae, Toronto species. Ill vn 272 Desmocerus, Ontario species I ill 212, 326 Desmodium, D. C., Cana- dian localities of. D. acuminatum, D.C II xv 357 D. canadense, D.C II xv 358 Ser. Vol. Page Desmodium, D. C., Cana- dian localities of.-Con. D. canescens, D.C II xv 358 D. cuspidatum, Tor. and Gray II xv 358 D. dillenii, Darlingl.». II xv 358 D. nudiflorum, D.C II xv 357 D. paniculatum, D.C II xv 358 D. pauciflorum, D.C Il xv 357 Desmognathus. Adaptation to terrestrial life IV vm 485 Circulatory system IV vm 488 Incubation of eggs IV vm 474 Method of attaching their eggs to stalk IV vin 475 Position of egg in cluster... IV vm 475 Desticius Juba. Legate of Gallicnus in Bri- tain, given by Latin in- scriptions II x 321 Detmer. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 244 Detmer and Moor. Lithium ascends in leaves as high as water: ref IV vn 304 Detour, gazetteer notice (1813) Il xiv 377 Detour Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 377 Detroit Fur trade 1765 IV in 266 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 377 Trade conditions during re- volutionary war IV iv 302 Trade routes from, at con- quest IV in 259 Detroit le Petit, gazetteer notice (1813) 11 xiv 377 Detroit, Little, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 377 Detroit, Petit, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 377 Detroit, Turn of Little, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 377 Devanagari, Buddhist in- scriptions interpreted by, characters IV iv 262 Deville, M. H. St. Claire. Preparation of Alumin- ium: reprint 1 Hi 361 Remarks on permeability OF HIGHLY HEATED IRON AND PLATINUM BY GASES: reprint II ix 279 Devil's Apple, Toronto I i 205 Devil's brush, medicinal pro- perties IV iv 132 Devon, North, reasons against gold deposits there being valuable I I 17 144 DEV GENERAL INDEX DIA Ser. Vol. Page Devonian. Brachiopoda of Ontario; list II xiv 130 Corals of Ontario; list II xiv 128 Erie Group of, series II vm 452 Favosites of the, of Western Ontario. By H. Alleyne Nicholson.. . . II xiv 38 Formation, central basin, Tennessee Ill vn 77 Formation, New Brunswick II xv 106 Formation, Nova Scotia. . . II xv 111 Fossils of Canada West. ... II xiv 125 Fossil sharks of. By Mr. Lennox: abstract Ill in 120 Gasteropoda of Ontario list. II xiv 135 Number of species found in Ontario II vi 363 On Fossil Corals of, Rock of Canada West. By E. Billings II iv 97 On, fossils of Canada West. By E. Billings.... II v 249 II vi 138, 253, 329 Phosphoric acid not in rock above, and below Cre- taceous IV vm 498 Plants from Gaspe II iv 316 Polyzoa of Ontario; list. ... II xiv 234 Sandstone, eastern Quebec.. I i 125 Strata in Canada II vm 440 Subdivisions of Lower II v 252 Subdivisions of Middle II v 252 Subdivisions of, strata in Canada II vm 440 Subdivisions of upper II v 252 Devonshire, Gaelic names of rivers, etc., in Ill in 44 De Vries. Red colour in plants dor- mant characteristic in protoplasm: reinstated by stimulation: ref IV ix 372 Dew. At St. Martin Isle Jesus, Que., for 1858 II iv 265 Drops on leaves late in morning are acid IV vn 260 Dew God, among primitive people IV vi 336 De Wai. Notes on Latin inscription found at Chester: ref.... II v 285 Notes on Latin inscription on altar at Corbridge (Northumberland): ref... it iv 177 Dewar, Rev. E. H., Thornhill II xm 444 Dewar, R. Arsenic and Sulphur as Metallurgical Agents IN TREATMENT OF CANA- DIAN Auriferous and Argentiferous ores ... IV i 141 Ser. Vol. Page Dewar R.-Con. Notes on history of Amalgamation Process. IV iv 357 Occurrence of gold and SILVER IN GALENA AND IRON PYRITES IV II 121 (abstract) IV 11 12 Dewsbury, Eng., sewage dis- posal IV n 146 Dextrine. Dextrine Maltose in Beer-Worts. By C. Gor- don Richardson: abstract III V 133 Dexterity. Primaeval Dexterity. By Daniel Wilson Ill in 125 Dhurmsalla, India, meteor- ite that fell there fully described II vn 194 Diabase. Diabase Dykes of Rainy Lake. By A. C. Lawson. Ill v 173 Dyke, Pipestone Lake (pl.). Ill v 180 Dyke, Rainy River; struc- ture and composition.... Ill v 179 Uralitic quartz, Rainy Lake III v 181 Diabetes, cause IV ix 278 Diable, Isle au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Dialects Influencing Nah'ane IV vn 529 Nah'ane IV vn 527 On Amoy Colloquial. By W. H. Cumming II xi 81 Dialysis. Dialysis of C olloidal Ferric Hydroxide. By E. F. Burton IV ix 53 Diamagnetic substances. Behaviour of I in 111 Prof. Faraday's expts, on... I i 192 Diamond. Artificial production of dia- mond powder I n 103 Extraordinary I n 233 Koh-i-noor. By Prof. Ten- nant: reprint I I 95 Re-cutting of Koh-i- noor. By Prof. J. Ten- nant: reprint I in 167 Diaphysis II x 201 Diarchous root, Botrychium virginianum IV v 283 Diallage. Canadian localities II vi 159 Characteristics II v 527 Rock II vi 436 Rock, Canadian II vi 436 Tests II vi 159 145 DIA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE DIL Ser. Vol. Page Dialysed Iron IV ix 54 Diastases, Tyrothrixtenuis produces IV vn 115 Diatomaceae. History of Infusoria, in- cluding Desmidiaceae and, British and Foreign. By Andrew Pritchard: re- viewed II vn 368 On Movements of. By Patrick Freeland II vi 324 Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Species in Toronto tap water Ill I 415 Various theories to account for movement of II vi 326 Diatoms. Cleaning and preparing, etc., obtained from soundings. II VI 530 Nuclei of IV vi 450 Dibdin, Thos. Frognall. Holbein's Bible' Cuts: re- viewed II iv 211 Dibranchiata. Acetabulifera or II vni 17 On Existence of, Cephalo- pods of great bulk: re- viewed II vn 122 Dicentra. Effects of strong solutions on leaves of, applied to cut end of petioles: expts. IV vn 292 Suitable for flower gardens. IV in 129 Dicentra, Berkhausen, Ca- nadian localities of. D. canadensis, DC II xv 61 D. cucullaria, DC II xv 61 D. eximia, DC II xv 61 Dichotomy. Filicineae IV vm 521 Osmunda cinnamomea IV vm 521 Dichromatic. Dichromatic phenomena Among solutions, and MEANS OF PRESERVING them. By Dr. Gladstone: reprint II n 62 Dickens, Chas. Autograph II xiv 486 Dickie, Dr. G. On Association of colour AND RELATIONS OF COLOUR AND FORM IN PLANTS: reprint I III 144 Dickie, Dr. G., Rev. Jas. McCosh and Typical Forms and special Ends in Creation: re- viewed II I 528 Dickson, Chas. R. Niels R. Finsen-His Life and Work IV vm 99 Ser. Vol. Page Dicksoniinse II xn 365 Dicotyledons, five, prevail- ing number in II in 411 Dicquemare. Observation on Acontia of Sagartiadae: ref IV vi 387 Dictyochidse, intermediate to Thalassicolla and Sponges II xv 418 Dictyonema, primordial zone, Quebec II VI 43 D. gracile, Hall, Niagara limestone, Hamilton II xiv 139 Dictyospiris Ehrenberg, Jamaica IV vm 386 Dictyostele, Osmundites skidegatensis derivation ... IV vni 526 Dicynodon tigriceps. Dicynodon Tigriceps. By Prof. Owen: reprint I in 317 Didelphia II xv 245 Didemnopsis tenerum, Verrill. Grand Manan IV ix 112 Canadian Atlantic coast.. . IV ix 138 Diegomartin Valley IV vm 142 Diemerbroeck, Isbrandus. " Resurrection Bone ref. . IV ix 45 Diemyctylus. Cytolytic products in (pl.) .IV I 265 Karyolytic products in IV I 265 Nerve cells in IV vi 426 Observations of sections of pancreas of (pl.) IV I 260 Plasmosomata migrated or extruded, in IV I 267 Parasites in pancreas of (pl.) IV I 261 Respiration IV vm 489 Thickness of epidermis IV vm 489 Zymogenesis IV I 269 D. viridescens. Cellular parasite from in- testinal epithelium IV i 248 Methods of studying struc- tures in pancreas of IV I 257 Dietary tables I n 162 Dieulafait. Origin of phosphorite: ref.. IV vm 502 Digenea, Van Ben., American HI i 54 Dighton Rock, runic epi- graphy on II ix 295 Dikelocephalus, Quebec group II vi 288 Dilatator operculi, amiurus catus HI n 318 Dilke. Account of Smithsonian Institute: reprint I m 62 Report of New York In- dustrial exhibition: reprint..... I hi 59 146 DIM GENERAL INDEX DIS Ser. Vol. Page Dimetric System in minerals II v 7 System of crystals II vi 3 Dimorphism, of Arsenic, Antimony and Zinc II vi 530 Dimyaria, order, character- istics of, and criticism of. II xi 394 Dineutes (Cyclinus) ameri- canus, Lin. Mels. Cat.. I in 257 Dinje Indians, Canada Ill v 216 Dinkas of Africa, story of creation IV vi 317 Dinobolus, Hespeler and Elora II xiv 143 D. galtensis, Billings, Hes- peler II xiv 143 Dinobryon sertularia Ehr, Toronto tap water Ill I 421 D. stipitatum, Stein, Tor- onto tap water HI I 423 Dinosauria II v 83 Diodotus IV iv 271 Diopside, artificial production of II m 205 Diorite. Dykes cutting mica schists in L. Superior district (pl.) Ill iv 121 Garnets contained in, of L. Superior Ill v 177 Grey, of Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Mottled, occurrence with apatite in Canada Ill m 297 Dioscurian mongolidse II v 323 Diorsoreaceae, Hamilton species HI n 153 DiphyphyHum (Lonsdale), generic characters II iv 133 D. archiaci (n. sp.), Hamil- ton shales, Bosanquet (pl.) II v 261 D. arundinaceum (Bil- lings), Corniferous On- tario II iv 134 D. caespitosum, Hall, Ni- agara Limestone, Thorold II xiv 139 D. stramineum (Billings), Corniferous, Ontario II iv 135 Diplax, Characters and N. American habitats of D. assimilata, Hagen II vii 454 D. charpentier II vu 453 D. intacta, Hagen II vu 453 D. rubicundula, Hagen... . II vu 454 Diplodina macrospora, E. and E IV vi 638 Diplodus, Pleuracanthus and Xenacanthus, unity of.. . II hi 158 Diplophyllum (Hall) II iv 133 Diplostoma (bulbivorum) Rich, Canadian localities III vi 85 Dipnoi II xv 244 Dipsacese, Hamilton species. HI u 149 Ser. Vol. Page Diptera. Beginning of gall develop- ment in... IV ix 360 Characteristics of galls.... IV ix 326 Cytology of galls of IV ix 358 Feeding habits of larvae of families Cecidomyidae and Trypetidse IV ix 362 Species described IV ix 316 Direct Remembrance, Law of II xi 312 Directory, Canada, for 1857- 58: reviewed II in 34 Dirichlet. Brain weight of II xv 209 Dirt Hills, geology Ill v 151 Discina forbesii, David- son, Niagara Limestone, Hamilton II xiv 142 D. tenuilamellata, Niagara limestone, Rockwood. ... II xiv 142 Discinidse. Characteristics II m 160 Craniadae and, classed to- gether II xi 393 Discoplacentalis II xv 246 Discoveries. On Accidental Discover- ies. By Henry Scadding II i 207, 220 Disease. Human evolution and human. By Prof. J. J. Mackenzie IV vm 535 Present Aspects of Germ- Theory of. By R. Ram- say Wright Ill i 344 Dishes, Dene IV iv 119 Disinfectant. Disinfectant Powers of Charcoal. By J. G. Bar- ford: reprint I in 196 Dislocations. Parian range, Trinidad (pl.) IV vm 140 Separating Trinidad and Venezuela IV vm 141 Disonycha caroliniana, Mels. Cat I in 258 Dispersion. Additional experiments ON INTERNAL, OF LIGHT. By Prof. Stokes: reprint. I n 171 Disraeli, Isaac. Pamphlet with his Auto- graph, once owned by Samuel Rogers now owned by Dr. Scadding; history of all II xiv 328 Distillation. Destructive, of Peat I i 265 Reichert's, Process for IDENTIFICATION OF BuT- terFat. By A. McGill.. HI v 39 147 DOM DIS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Distoma II iv 24 Distomum asperum n. sp. (pl.) Ill i 57 D. gracile, Diesing Ill i 60 D. heterostomum, Rud (pl.) Ill i 54 D. reticulatumn. sp. (pl.).. Ill i 58 D. variegatum Rud Ill i 59 Ditch Stone-Crop, Cana- dian localities Il xv 549 Ditrupa bed, Trinidad IV vm 143 Diuretics, Dene IV iv 131 Diver (Bird), Hamilton spe- cies II v 396 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Dividing Machine, Perreaulx 1 i 102 Dobbs, Arthur. Account of Coppermine country, 1744 IV IX 205 Account of Richard Norton's journey to Coppermine country, 1717 IV ix 207 Discussion with Capt. C. Middleton regarding Coppermine country IV IX 206 Dobson, Chas. M., M.E. Electro-Mercurial Amal- gamation of Precious Metals from Argenti- ferous and Auriferous ores: abstract HI vi 22 Dobson, G. E. Homologies of long flexor muscles of foot in mam- malia: ref IV vi 570 Mincopies of Andamans: ref. II xv 186 Dobson, T. Balaklava Tempest, and MODE OF INTERPRETING Barometrical Fluctua- tion: reprint II u 111 D'oc. Celtic, Roman and Greek TYPES STILL EXISTENT IN France. With notes on Langue. By Arthur Harvey IV n 176 Langue IV n 183 Doctrine of Contradictory, Ferrier's, Prof.,criticized. II I 114 Documents. Distribution of public, in United States I ill 45 Dodgson, C. L. Autograph ; brief comments. II XIV 607 Doedalea, habits and On- tario habitats of D. confragosa (Boten) IV ix 77 D. unicolor, Fr IV ix 77 Doel, John. Bird collection: ref I i 122 Postmaster, Toronto II xm 94 Ser. Vol. Page Dog. . Proportions of Na, K, Ca, and Mg in dog's muscles. IV vn 540 Dog Lake of Kaministiqua, (L. Superior). Native Lead from II x 406 Dog Rib Indians. Canada Ill v 216 Canoes IV v 197 Dene tribe IV iv 16 Habitat and population.... IV iv 16 Knew copper before con- tact with whites IV iv 136 Myth regarding origin of... IV v 33 Myth of Deluge Ill vn 11 Tribe Ill vn 113 Dog Salmon IV ix 52 Dogiel, A. S. Nature of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 432 Dogwood, Canadian II vi 34 Dolerite, Olivinitic. Chemical analysis of, from Montarville, Que II v 436 Dolichocephalic. Crania of Britain; questions concerning II vm 138 Cranial types in primitive races of Scotland II vn 421 Measurement of Indian cranium, showing distor- tion II vi 414 Dolichonyx, Hamilton species II v 392 D. oryzivorus, observations on Ontario specimens... . Ill in 98 HI vn 191 IV in 68, 109 Dolier. Map of his voyages in Can- ada II n 399 Dollar. Spanish, in Canada IV ix 237 Dolomites. Canadain localities II vi 155 Crystalline II vi 437 Crystalline, Canadian II vi 437 Described II vi 439 Formation of, in ocean IV vn 549 Formation of. T. Sterry Hunt's theory II iv 276 Marble Island Ill iv 198 Mode of formation II u 355 Note on origin of. By T. Sterry Hunt II iv 184 Tests II vi 155 Domenech, Abbe Em. Seven Years' Residence in Great Deserts of N. America: reviewed II vn 47 Dominica. Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 142 148 DOM GENERAL INDEX DRA Ser. Vol. Page Dominica-Con. Physical features and geo- logy of IV vu 361 Don River and Valley. Described with drawings... In 106 Erosion Ill vu 29 First bridge across II xn 172 Fossiliferous deposit IV vi 39 Fossils in inter-glacial beds. IV vi 37 Gazetteer notice (1813) ... II xiv 70, 378 History of ; IV I 241 In early history of Toronto. II xu 172 In 1800 II xn 430 Iroquois beach IV vi 34 Donati's Comet of 1858. Canadian observations on. By Rev. Jas. Wil- liamson II in 486 Full account of II vm 59 Doncaster, sewage farm IV n 146 Dongola, Dr. R. Lepsius ex- ploration of I ii 179 Doobaunt Lake and River, coppermine region. Traps and associated rocks on IV ix 218 Dorchester, Lord. Autograph letter about son's commission II xv 145 How he saved Canada in 1775-76 II xiv 79 Troubles with U. E. Loyal- ists IV vu 410 Dorchester, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 216 Dorchester Mount, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Dorchester Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Dorcus parallelus, Say I in 325 Dorian family, Horite traces in II xiii 541 Doric regions, Zimri traces in II xv 298 Dorpat, number bacteria in milk supply IV vn 468 Dorsal fin. Amiurus Catus Ill n 298 Dorsal Muscles, Amiurus Catus Ill ii 326, 336 Dorso-epitrochlearis, orang IV vi 525 Dothiorella Canadensis E. and E IV vi 637 Douce, Francis. His copy of Grases Pro- vincial Glossary with col- lection of local Proverbs and Popular Supersti- tions: now owned by Dr. Scadding; history of Douce and the Book II xiv 326 Holbein's Dance of Death: reviewed II iv 211 Ser. Vol. Page Douglas, W. A. Antagonism of Social Forces Ill v 136 Distribution of Wealth AS RELATED TO PRODUC- TION: abstract IV I 14 Ignored distinctions in economics IV VIII 305 "Land and Labour": ab- stract Ill ii 27 Rent, Criticism of Prof. Walker's work on that subject: abstract Ill iv 58 Study of Economics: ab- stract Ill vi 27 Two Values: abstract. ... IV n 7 Wealth and its Measure- ment: abstract Ill vu 7 Wages: abstract Ill in 39 Douglas Fir, area in Canada. IV vm 25 Dove, Prof. Isothermal maps I u 52 Dove. Emblem of, in mythological connections II xiv 413 Hamilton species 11 v 393 Dove, mourning, Toronto specimens IV I 53 IV in 75 Dover Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Dowling, D. B. Canadian Coal resources IV ix 99 Downes and Blunt. Sunlight effect on bac- teria: ref IV vm 102 Downy Hudsonia, Canadian localities II xv 167 Draba, L., Canadian locali- ties of D. alpina, L II xv 162 D. arabisans, Michx II xv 162 D. canadensis, Brunet II xv 162 D. caroliniana, Walt II xv 162 D. incana, L II xv 162 D. nemorosa, L II xv 162 D. verna, L II xv 162 Dracontium foetidum, Toronto I I 218 Dragon Root, Toronto I I 206 Drainage. Ancient, at Niagara Falls. By P. W. Currie. IV vu 7 Draper, John William. Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical: re- viewed II in 247 Draper, Hon. Chief Justice. Address delivered at Annual Conversazione of the Canadian In- stitute, 1853 I i 217 149 D.PA DRA PUBLICATIONS > F THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Draper, Hon. Chief Justice -Con. Presidential address, 1857 II ii 81 Presidential address, 1858 II in 97 Dreams, phenomena of Ill v 18 Dresden Codex IV vi 119 Drift. Accumulations in Canada. II ix 6 Additional Note on Oc- currence of Fresh Water Shells in upper, deposits, Ont. By E. J. Chapman II vi 497 Canadian, or Glacial For- mation proper II vm 453 Condition under which, and post glacial deposits, accumulated II vm 458 Data concerning deposits, in Ontario and full de- scription of II vi 211 Deposits, central Ontario.. IV vn 164 Deposits, Michigan II vn 77 Deposits, Ontario 1 i 114 Description of, in America (1855). I m 385 Description of, in western Ontario I m 75 Difference in time between, formation and Loraine shales at Toronto I I 149 Formation, Belleville (pl.).. II v 42 Formation in Canada II v 52 Formation Hastings Co., Ont.. II v 472 Formation near Humber, at Toronto I I 147 Importance of, or Glacial Epoch II v 52 L. Superior IV vi 60 Location and extent in Minnesota I u 79 Notes on Davenport Gravel Drift. By Sand- ford Fleming II vi 247 Observations on supposed glacial, in Labrador Peninsula, Western Canada, and South branch of Saskatche- wan. By H. Youle Hind: reprint II ix 253 Origin of, deposits in On- tario II vi 226 Plan and sections of, de- posits at south of Clarke tp., Durham Co., Ont.... IV vm 14 Skeletons of mammals found in, deposits, Ont II vi 225 Ser. Vol. Page Drift-Con. ' Some Notes on, deposits of Western Canada and on Ancient Extension of Lake Area of that Region. By E. J. Chap- man II vi 221 Thickness of, with boulders on Lake Beach at Garri- son Common, Toronto... I I 149 Driftless area, Wisconsin.... II ix 257 IV vi 59 Droscher. Branchial system of Te- leosts: ref Ill ii 421 Drosera, L., Canadian lo- calities of D. linearis, Goldie II xv 168 D. longifolia, L II xv 168 D. rotundifolia, L II xv 167 Droseraceae. Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 637 II xv 167 London species II vm 222 Drugs, manufacture in Canada IV vm 166 Druids. Daritae original of II xv 283 Remains in Brittany Ill v 78 Skulls of II vii 432 Drumlins, Hastings Co., Ont. IV vn 170 Drummond, A. T., LL.D. Archean continent: ref. . . . Ill vn 221 How PLANT LIFE IS DIS- TRIBUTED in Canada and why IV vm 23 Drummond, Dr. Laurentian strata at Fort Hill, Ont.: ref IV vn 149 Drumsnab, Toronto II xn 438 Drunkards, law in regard to. IV vm 70 Dry Coals, properties of II m 209 Dry-dance Mountain, In- dian war dances at II i 130 Dryas, L., Canadian locali- ties of D. drummondii, Hook II xv 363 D. integrifolia, Vohl Il xv 363 D. octopetala, Linn II xv 363 Dryobates pubescens, ob- servations on Ontario visitors IV m 68, 80,101,105 D. villosus, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 186 IV i 48 IV in 68, 100 Dryophanta, beginning of gall development in IV ix 360 D. palustris O.S. Cambium layer (pl.) IV ix 373 Hosts and anatomy (pl.)... IV ix 344 150 DU B GENERAL INDEX DUN Ser. Vol. Page Du Born. Amalgamating process of... IV iv 362 Du Creux, Jesuit. VoyagesinCanada(1632):ref II vn 503 Duane. Alpha rays lose power to produce secondary rays when lose charge and power to ionize: ref IV ix 153 Dubawnt Lake IV ix 19 Dublin. The Dublin Great In- dustrial Exhibition: re- print I i 253 Dublin, Ont., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 378 Dubois. Determination of age of earth by sodium in ocean criticized: ref IV vu 538 Dubois, Lac, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Ducharte. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vu 243 Duck. Eider, Toronto IV i 58 Hamilton species II V 395 Mandarin, produced at Zo- ological Gardens, London I i 18 On a hydrid. By Alfred Newton: reprint II vn 226 Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 121 Wood, Listowel, Ont IV m 66 Wood, Sparrow Lake IV m 84 Wood, Teal and Mallard, Hamilton frequenters.... II vi 135 Duck Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 378 Duck Islands. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 378 L. Ontario, 1779 IV iv 283 Duck Mts., Geology of Pemb- ina Riding and Ill v 151 Duck Pt., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 379 Duck River, drainage area of, in Central Basin Tennessee III vn 102 Duclaux. Action of Electrolytes on colloidal solutions: ref... IV ix 53 Duclaux. Cantal cheese and causes of its ripening, etc.: ref. . IV vn 103, 104 Effect of sunlight on bac- teria: ref IV vm 102 Resistance powers of Typo- thrix scaber IV vm 425 Ductless Glands. Ductless Glands of Ami- urus Catus. By T. McKenzie HI n 418 Ser. Vol. Page Dudley, Astronomical Obser- vatory II ii 64 Duelling, in Toronto of old. . II xu 515 II xiii 266 Duerden. Absence of ciliated bands in certain Actiniaria: ref... IV VI 390 Dufrenoysite, crystallization of II i 483 Duffin's Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 379 Duffin's Creek (River), ga- zetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69 Dujardinia, Carpenteria and II iv 224 Duke of Gloucester, brother of Geo. III. Autograph letter II xv 534 Dumas. Theory of substitution II i 297 Dumas and Cahours. Proteids in flour: ref IV vu 498 Dumble, J. H., C.E. Ice phenomena, from Ob- servations on Rice Lake II in 414 Some Experiments on Contraction and Ex- pansion of Ice II v 418 Dunal. Some peculiarities of leaves of Nicotiana: ref IV vn 323 Dunbar and Kister. Bacteria in centrifugal treat- ed milk: ref IV vn 487 Comparison of gravel filter- ed and unfiltered milk: ref IV vn 486 Dundas, Ont. Fossils of Clinton formation II xiv 137 Valley (pl.)... IV vn 175 Xanthium spinosum at. . . . II xv 642 Dundas County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 379 Dundas, Rt. Hon. Henry. Autograph letter on war matters II xv 533 Biography of man after whom Dundas St., Tor- onto was called II xv 625 Toronto named after II xm 92 Dundas St., Toronto. Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 216 Yonge St. and, Toronto; THE MEN AFTER WHOM THEY WERE NAMED. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 615 Dunes. Theory of formation I I 225 Dunki. Babylonian monarch IV v 95 151 DUN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE EAE Sei. Vol. Page Dunlop, Dr. Wm. Nom-de-plume " Back- woodsman"; selections from writings II xv 442 Statistical sketches of U. Canada (1832) II xv 34 Dunlop, Prof. Quichua Language: ab- stract Ill v 130 Dunn, A. R., V.C. Col. of 33rd Regiment II xm 109 Dunn family, Toronto II xm 108 Dunn, Thos. Autograph receipt II xv 533 Career in Quebec during American Revolution.... II xiv 83 Dunwich Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 379 Duplay and Hallion. Method of ascertaining blood pressure during operation under anaesthe- tics: ref IV vn 208 Dupuytren. Brain weight of II xv 209 Durand, Mr., Toronto.... 11 xm 266, 355 Durham County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 379 Durham, Lord. Autograph letter II xiv 113 Durocher. On Origin of Granite: ref. . II ill 205 Dutch. Coptic article in, examples. II xm 413 Dutchman's Breeches, Can- adian habitats II xv 61 Dutrochet. Water absorption by leaves: ref IV vn 242 Duvernoy, M. Additional muscle from crest of pubis is part of pectineus in gorilla: ref.. IV vi 554 Attachment of pectoralis minor in chimpanzee: ref. IV vi 532 Flexor longus hallucis in gorilla: ref IV vi 570 Flexor longus pollicis in gorilla: ref IV vi 539 Laryngeal pouches in gorilla: ref IV vi 514 Muscle of great toe of gorilla: ref IV vi 563 Sartorius in gorilla: ref. . .. IV vi 553 Scansorius region in gorilla: ref IV vi 557 Tibialis anticus in gorilla: ref IV vi 562 Dwarf Laurel, characters; Canadian habitats II vi 280 Dwellings, defective heating and ventilation of I Hi 6 Ser. Vol. Page Dyce, Alex. Autograph in volumes now property of Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 539 Dycotyledonous, origin of number five in circles of parts of, plants II in 317 Dyer's Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 379 Dyes, Denes IV iv 173 Dyke. Diabase, of Pipestone Lake (pl.) Ill v 180 Diabase, of Rainy Lake. By A. C. Lawson Ill v 173 Gneissic foliation and Schitose Cleavage in, AND THEIR BEARING ON ORIGIN OF rocks. By A. C. Lawson. Ill iv 115 Foliation in, in L. of Woods III iv 117 L. Superior region IV vi 49 Dynamics. On Dynamical Sequences in Kosmos. By W. J. M. Waterson: reprint I n 68 Euler's Equations of Motion. By Jas. Loudon III I 95 Dynamite. Discovery of II xiv 362 Properties II xiv 363 Dytiscidae, Kicking Horse Pass specie Ill V 213 Eagle, Hamilton species II v 388 Eagle, Bald headed. Notes on Ontario visitors... I I 169 II vi 11 HI vii 182, 185 IV i 44 IV in 84, 98, 110 Eagle, Golden. Notes on Ontario visitors. . II iv 446 II vi 13 IV i 44 Eagle Harbor, timber found in ancient cave there.... I I 133 Ear, Outang IV vi 510 Earl of Elgin (7th). Autograph letter on Euro- pean affairs (1791) II xv 536 Earland. Orbulina rock: ref IV vm 384 Planorbulina larvata: ref. . IV vm 387 Radiolarian rock, Jamaica: ref IV vm 385 Earth. Age of, determined by amount sodium in ocean . IV vn 536 Bone earth II I 487 Formation of crust by cooling IV vn 542 Increase of temperature with depth below surface. II ix 33 152 EAR GENERAL INDEX ECL Ser. Vol. Page Earth-Con. Magnetic influence of Sun on, and Comets. By Arthur Harvey IV vi 345 Mean Density of, by pen- dulum experiments II I 552 Measurement of its density. By Prof. Airey I ill 45 On supposed relations be- tween rotation of earth and gyratory movements which take place in liquid bodies under certain con- ditions II vi 526 Theory of condition of in- terior of I n 53 Earth-Boring machine. Earth Boring Machine. By Colin Mather: reprint I m 297 Working power of I ill 298 Earthenware, Eastern Town- ships possess material for its manufacture I I 240 Earthworms, part of spec- trumleastaffecting IV vm 102 Earthquake. At Sinoda, Japan, 23rd. Dec. 1854, recorded on tide gauges at San Fran- cisco I in 355 Earthquake in Eastern Canada, Feb. 8th, 1855. I m 197 Earthquake Shock of 13th March, 1853, Ont . I i 185 Felt in France, 1855 I ill 336 In California, 1856 II n 299 In Concepcion and Talca- huano, 1835 II u 199 Lake Ontario 25th April, 1854, doubtful I n 278 In San Salvador, 16th April, 1854 II I 366 Mallet's Catalogue I ii 54 Mode of measuring force of (1854): reprint I m 269 Notice of, Waves. By Prof. A. D. Bache: reprint I m 355 Shocks felt in Canada I I 185 East Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 379 East Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) ' II xiv 380 Eastern District, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 380 Eastern Coast Group, Can- adian flora IV vm 25 Eastern Denes. Dress IV iv 162 Knew copper before contact with whites IV iv 136 Eastern Townships, earthen- ware and glass materials in I I 240 Ser. Vol. Page Eberth. Figures of Ill m 277 Fusiform corpuscles: ref... IV 11 244 Liver cells of Amiurus: ref. Ill u 411 On hardening reagents for pancreas: ref IV i 273 On pancreatic nebenkerne in salamander: ref IV i 272 Ebrard, August. Opinion on genuineness of Ossian poems #... IV i 222 Ebstein. Superficial epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref. Ill ii 398 Eburacum, Roman skull derived from II ii 221 Echeneis, study of cephalic disk of Remora II xi 260 Echinodermata. Characteristics II vi 511 New genus (Cyclocystoides) of, By Salter and Bil- lings: ref II iv 43 Subdivisions II v 364 Echinida, Ontario II vi 517 Echinococci, development... II iv 37 Echinochama antiquata, Caribean IV vm 389 Echinocystis, Torr and Gray, Canadian locali- ties of E. lobata, Torr and Gray. . II xv 554 Echinoderms, British Seas.. I i no Echino-encrinites, Meyer.. II u 303 Echino-encrinites anati- formis I n 215 Echinorhynchus, duodenum of white Fish (pl.) II iv 442 Echinosphoerites, Wallen- burg 11 n 303 Echium vulgare, L., Canada II xiv 284 Echo Lake, geological and topographical survey of.. II vi 269 Eckles. Milk supply of creamery examined for bacteria.... IV vu 469 Pails to be used in milking: ref IV vn 482 Eckles and Barnes. Bacteria in centrifugal treat- ed milk: ref IV vn 488 Eclipse, Solar. Among Hindoos: reprint.. II xn 85 Appearance of moon's disc during, May 26th, 1854.. I in 184 Astronomical observations on, May 26th, 1854 I in 182 Dark shadow of moon SEEN IN AIR DURING total. Prof. Forbes: re- print I in 44 Denes ceremonies during... Ill vn 154 153 ECL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE EDU Ser. Vol. Page Eclipse, Solar-Con. Eclipse of Thales, date I I 216 Effects of I ni 179 Effects on animal and vege- table creation I in 182 Meteorological Observations at Kingston, Prescott, Toronto and Montreal during, of May 26th, 1854 I m 178 Natural Phenomena attend- ing I in 180 Observations at various stations in Ontario on, of May 26th, 1854 I ill 177 On Solar Eclipse in Her- odotus: reprint II u 128 Phenomena explained I m 180 Phenomena observed in On- tario during, May 26th, 1854 I in 177 Prof. Croft's remarks on, of May 26th, 1854 ill 182 Solar Eclipse, of May 26th,1854;instructions FOR OBSERVING I III 177 Solar Eclipse, May 26th, 1854, SUGGESTIONS TO OB- SERVERS I ii 253 Economics. Ignored distinctions in. By W. A. Douglass IV vni 305 On true aims, founda- tions, AND CLAIMS TO ATTENTION OF SCIENCE OF Political Economy. By Rev. W. Hincks II vi 20 Notes on some practi- cally interesting ques- tions IN ECONOMICAL SCIENCE BEARING ON PROSPERITY OF COUNTRIES SITUATED AS OURS IS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 96 Study of. By W. A. Doug- lass: abstract Ill vi 27 Ecors Grand, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 380 Ecors Petit, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 380 Ecpantheria (Walker), gene- ric characters: species. . . II vni 370 E. scribonica, Stoll, charac- ters; Canadian habitats. . II vni 370 Ectoderm. Sponges II xv 426 Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 392 Ectethmoids, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill ii 277 Ectopistes, Hamilton species II v 393 E. migratorius, notes on Ontario specimens IV in 67, 74,89,102 Ser. Vol. Page Edinburgh, Ont., gazetteer notice II xiv 380 Edinburgh, Scot., sewage disposal IV u 147 Edinburgh Review, No. CCV. Jan. 1858: review- ed II ni 137 Edinger. Epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref Ill u 399 Cilia in epithelium of in- testine of eel, pike, etc.: ref Ill ii 404 Peptic cells in Perea fluvia- tilis: ref HI II 400 Edkins, Dr. Turanian and Polynesian traces in America: ref. . . Ill I 23 Edmonton. Temperature peculiarities. . IV v 50 Edomites, permitted to marry with Hebrews II I 8 Edrioaster, Canadian II iv 46 Edam Cheese, from pasteur- . ized milk IV vu 116 Education. Applicability of our sys- tem to Social Con- ditions of Large Cities. By Thos. Henning II in 422 Blaikie's (J. Stuart) idea of. II i 179 British policy in India on. . . IV ix 88 Canada, Directory and Calendar for 1807-8. By Thomas Hodgins: re- viewed II n 207 Compulsory, in Crime. By Dr. E. A. Meredith: ab- stract Ill ii 230 Compulsory, in Canada.... IV ix 223 Department, Provincial Ex- hibition, Toronto, 1852. . I I 61 Development of II n 89 Female II vu 386 Higher, for Woman. By Prof. Daniel Wilson II xn 308 History of Collegiate system in Europe II I 168 In middle ages II i 169 In Scotland I m 162 In Upper Canada, 1865.... II x 85 Industrial Education in Europe, 1852 I I 110 Institutions of Toronto... . II ill 502 Journal of, Lower Canada (Que.): reviewed II vi 487 Journal of, for Upper Canada; notice of I u 43 Journal of, Quebec, 1857: reviewed II u 288 154 EDU GENERAL INDEX EGY Ser. Vol. Page Education-Con Journal of, for Quebec, Vol. HL, 1859: reviewed II v 365 Michigan system (1855). .. II i 176 Neglected children's II vn 390 On course of Collegiate, adapted to circumstances of Canada. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II i 168 On advancement of learning in Scotland. By J. Stuart Blackie: reviewed II ' I 168 On Material helps of. By Rev. W. Whewell.... I in 65 On Museums and other Classified Collections, TEMPORARY OR PERMA- NENT AS INSTRUMENTS OF, in Natural Science. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xm 1 Progress of Educational De- velopment. By H. P. Tappan: reviewed II I 168 Public school in Canada.... II I 185 Simcoe's, Elgin's and Head's efforts towards higher, in Canada II xm 463 Teaching a blind, deaf and dumb mute II xi 114 Technical, of a Mining Engineer. By Wm. Frecheville IV ix 65 Visual, as applied to geology at Crystal Palace I in 9 Edwards, M. Milne. Observations on Exist- ence of various Mol- lusks and Zoophytes at great Sea Depths: re- print II vi 518 Existence of man in Centre of France when REINDEER AND OTHER ANIMALS NOW EXTINCT there, existed: reprint. II ix 262 Edwards and Haime. Favosites Gothlandica (La- marck) II iv 100 Edwardsburgh tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 65, 380 Eggs. Egg of Epyornis: reprint.. I m 244 Collecting, for Natural His- tory purposes, notes on. . I I 175 Composition of, in Animal Series: reprint I in 301 Preservation of I I 116 Egerton, Arisaig and Porcu- pine Mts., geological dis- trict of Nova Scotia. ... . II xv 116 Ser. Vol. Page Ego. Doctrine of II u 290 Doctrine in Philosophy. ... II xn 73 Ferrier's (Prof.) view of... . II I 108 Metaphysical view of II I 120 Non-ego and ego, doctrine of II I 383 Egypt. Aegypti dynasty of Horite descent II xm 529 Ammon traced in II xiv 202 Ashchur traced through Egyptian history II xiv 182 Breed of horses in I i 199 Birthplace of ancient myth- ology II xm 157 Celt in ancient, and Babylonia. By Rev. John Campbell IV v 89 Celtic tablet found at Tell el Amarna translated, its date IV v 89, 94 Connections with Phoenicia II xm 38 Coptos rule in II xm 530 Division of empire at time of Joseph: table II xm 528 Difficulties of connecting Bible name of eldest son of Ashchur (Achuzam) with Egyptian names.... II xiv 185 Dr. Lepsius' explorations in I n 150 Ethnical identity of names in, and Palestine: line of argument used to trace connections II xiv 178 Geographical information obtained by Dr. Lepsius.. I n 267 Grecian mythical heroes, etc., come from II xm 36 Greek gods obtained from.. II xm 154 Hittite army leaders in, who were celts IV v 99 History of Jabez in II xiv 203 Home of civilization II xm 177 Horites through Shobal gave, many divinities and early rulers II xm 524 Horse introduced into, and use made of I I 156, 180 Jehaleleel son of Achuzam; evidence II xiv 187 Kingdoms in IV vi 263 List of Bible names identified with Egyptian mon-archs II xiv 206 Manahath ruler in II xm 526 Myth of Prometheus located in II xm 289 Onam ruler in II xm 527 Original home of race and migration to HI in 283 Pharaoh of Exodus iden- tified in Myth of Ado- nis. By Rev. J. Campbell II xm 33 155 EGY PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ELA Ser. Vol. Page Egypt-Con. Phoenicia and Greece inti- mately connected from very earliest times with.. II xm 36 Preliminary Account of Expedition of Dr. R. Lepsius to, Ethiopia and Sinai: reprint.. I n 153, 179,266 Reasons for believing Ash- chur father of Mestraei of II xiv 182 Scientific Results of Dr. R. Lepsius's journey to I n 266 Shepherd kings of. By John Campbell II xiv 158,219 Egypt, traces in, of. Achashtari, fourth son of Ashchur II xiv 196 Achuzam 11 xiv 185 Akencheres 11 xiv 194 Anub Il xiv 203 Archies II xiv 204 Asareel son of Jehaleleel.... 11 xiv 191 Bakkan of Stranger Kings.. II xiv 194 Coz 11 xiv 202 Hepher 11 xiv 192 Kenaz of 1 Chron. iv., 13 in, and connection with Pachna, Bakkan and Akencheres II xiv 194 Mareshah Il xiv 205 Othniel 11 xiv 194 Pachnan or Pachnas 11 xiv 194 Sephres 11 xiv 193 Temeni II xiv 195 Tiria son of Jehaleleel II xiv 191 Zereth 11 xiv 199 Zimri 11 xv 290 Ziph 11 xiv 190 Zohar or Zochar 11 xiv 200 Ziphah, daughter of Jehale- leel II xiv 191 Egyptian. Ancient, Language. By Rev. Geo. Burnfield Ill m 281 Egyptians. Archaeology of, easy to fully describe IV iv 5 Art I ii 266 Babylonian and, alliance... IV v 97 Brain volume of 11 xv 226 Celtic, and alliance IV v 97 Chronology II n 209 Chorographical information obtained by Dr. Lepsius. I n 267 Cranial distortion among ancient II vm 154 Crania; peculiarities of... . 11 vn 441 Divinities 11 xm 525 Hieroglyphics IV vi 18 Horse first domesticated by: theory I I 155 Language of HI in 285 Ser. Vol. Page Egyptians-Con. Language of, connects Ar- yan and Semitic II xm 287 Lefthanded people 11 xin 220 Mythology from monumen- tal basis I n 266 Names of persons, places, things common to Aryan and Semitic II xm 288 Permitted to marry with Hebrews II i 8 Philology's progress from Dr. Lepsius' exploration. I n 266 Races descended from II I 9 Roots traced through vari- ous languages II xm 294 Words with definite article prefixed transplanted to other countries unseper- ated II xm 291 Writing, species of Ill in 288 Ehrenberg, Prof. Ceratospyris ateuchus: ref. IV vm 385 On discovery of Micro- scopic shells in Lower Silurian: reprint I in 193 Polycistenen Mergel: ref... IV vm 386 Podocyrtis princeps: ref. . . IV vm 385 Ehrlich-Biondi. Nissl granules affinity for methyl green in, combina- tion IV VI 410 Eichwaldia, Canadian II iv 275 Eider Ducks, Toronto IV i 58 Eider, King. Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Toronto Ill vn 919 Einhof. Gluten from wheat flour: ref IV vii 497 Eisteddfoddan IV v 66 Ekogmut, territory Ill vi 265 Elaborative, fifth cognative faculty of mind Il xi 312 Elaeagnaceae. Barrie list II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 648 Elagabalus. His legate in Britain as de- termined by Latin inscrip- tions II x 317 Titles on coins, monuments, etc II in 227 Elaphrus, species in Ontario. I m 211,325 II i 33 Elaphus Canadensis Il i 387 Elater (Ampedus) species in Ontario I in 212, 325 Elateridae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill V 214 156 ELB GENERAL INDEX ELE Ser. Vol. Page Elbow Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 380 Elchingen, Duke of, cam- paign of 1815: ref HI iv 115 Elea or Velia in Lucania. Silver coins of, in Canadian Institute II ix 106 Electoral Representation. Advantages of Party Gov- ernment IV in 22 Electoral Representa- tion. By Sandford Flem- ing IV II 315 Prize of $1,000 offered by Institute for best work- able scheme IV in 21 Electric. Bain's electric clock I i 44 Electric Light and Col- our Manufacture: re- print I i 242 Experiments on velocity of currents I n 82 Mechanical action ac- companying, Transfer. By A. Crosse: reprint.... II m 113 Time-Ball in Strand I I 47 Electric Fishes. Employed therapeutically.. II m 59 On, as earliest Electric Machines employed by Mankind. By Geo. Wil- son (Edin.): reprint II in 58 Nile II in 64 Electric Light. Carbon arc regulator I i 118 Carbons, arrangement of in arc. to prevent wasting.. I u 33 New methods for its Management. By Chris- topher Binks: reprint.... I u 32 Produced from cells, and waste used for paints. ... I i 243 Electricity. Aluminium, method of pre- paring by I in 361 Atmospheric electricity phe- nomena I ii 157 Atmospherical Electri- city. By Prof. J. Lover- ing: reprint I u 155, 181 Atmospheric, St. Martins, Isle Jesus, Quebec, 1858. II in 287 1859. II v 311 Conductability of Minerals for Voltaic Electricity... I i 264 Electrical state of Atmos- phere at St. Martin, Isle Jesus in 1852 In 9 Evaporation, friction, com- bustion, causes of atmos- pheric electricity I u 182 Ser. Vol. Page Electricity-Con. Extraction of metals by battery: reprint I m 94 Formation of Brass by Galvanic Agency: re- print I m 302 Further Observations on ASSOCIATED CASES, IN Electric Induction, of Current and Static Effects. By Prof. Fara- day: reprint I m 299 Galvanic I i 264 History of atmospheric, ex- periments I ii 155 Identity of dynamic or VOLTAIC, WITH STATIC OR frictional. By Prof. Faraday: abstract I n 280 Lighting by: reprint I in 56 Motion of fluids from POSITIVE TO NEGATIVE POLE OF CLOSED GALVANIC circuit: reprint I i 142 On, of Flames of Hydro- gen and Alcohol. By M. Mateucci: reprint.... II vi 385 Velocity of Electric Current: reprint I in 244 II n 115 Voltaic I i 264 Electro-casting, time and expense involved I i 228 Electro-chemical. Deposition of Native Metals in vein Fis- sures, etc, by, Agency. By Prof. E. J. Chapman: reprint II in 75 Electro-Horticulture. Elec tro-Horticulture. By Alan Macdougall: ab- stract IV iv 240 Electro-Magnetic. Dr. Kemps', Engine I i 43 M. Marie-Davy's New, Engine. By M. Bec- querel: reprint I in 33 Electro-Magnetism, review of (1858) II iv 69 Electro-Mercurial Amalga- mation. Electro-Mercurial Am- algamation OF PRECIOUS METALS FROM ARGENTI- FEROUS and Auriferous ores. By Chas. M. Dob- son: abstract Ill vi 22 157 ELE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ELM Ser. Vol. Page Electro-plating. Electro-plating of metallic articles with white metals. Aluminium, and silicium from clay stone and sand. By G. Gore: reprint I in 15 Electro-Therapeutic. Electro-Therapeutic Ap- paratus. By Dr. A. M. Roseburgh: abstract Ill vi 14 Electro-thermotics II n 452 Electrotype. Copperplates I in 61 Novel Galvanic and, ap- paratus: reprint I ill 241 Electrotyping. Actions in the electrolytic solution I i 230 Adhesion of deposit to matrix I i 227 British Ordance survey method I I 227 On electrotyping opera- tions of U.S. Coast Sur- vey: reprint I i 226 Time and expense of electro casting I I 228 Elephant. Hunt in Ceylon II vn 352 Remains in Guadeloupe, W. Indies IV vn 361 Elephas antiquus, molars of, found in France II ix 276 E. primigenius. Bones found in Eyzies grotto, France II ix 264 Tusk of, found in France... II ix 276 Elfin pipes 11 u 246 Elgin, Lord. Autograph asking for drafts of despatches and some notes thereon II xiv 118 Elisee Reclus. Features of Windward Is- lands: ref IV vn 351 Elis, traces of Ashchurites in. II xiv 253 Elizabeth College, Guernsey II xn 229 Elizabeth Town, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 380 Elizabeth Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 65 Elk. Canadian species and habi- tats HI vi 68 Now disappearing from among Carrier Indians.. IV iv 93 Elk Bay, Corella willmeriana Herdman, from IV ix 122 Elk Ridge, central basin, Ten- nessee HI vn 73 Elk River, drainage area of, in Central Basin, Ten- nessee Ill vn 102 Ser. Vol. Page Ellet, Chas. Cause and method of de- posits at mouths of rivers: ref I ill 77 Mississippi and Ohio Rivers: reprint I n 9 Ellesmere, Earl of. Pilgrimage and other Poems: reviewed II I 302 Ellice, Rt. Hon. Ed. Nom-de-plume "Mercator" with note on writings.... Il xv 441 Elliott, H. W. Aleuts and Japanese simili- arities: ref Ill VI 279 Ellipsoidina, Caribean region IV vm 388 E. ellipsoides Seguenza, Jamaica, Italy, Fiji and Solomon Islands IV vm 388 E. subnodosa, Jamaica IV vm 388 Ellis, Dr. Aryan origin of Quichua- Aymara: ref Ill v 68 Ellis, J. B. and John Dear- ness. New Species Canadian Fungi IV vi 637 Ellis, W. Hodgson. California Borax deposit II xv 328 Milk analysis: abstract.. IV n 35 Milk Analysis and Milk Standards: abstract.... Ill vn 25 Nitro-Glycerine; its his- tory, MANUFACTURE AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION. II XIV 356 Presidential Address, 1884-85 HI in 22 Tannin in Cloves Ill iv 214 Ellis, W. H., H. Alleyne Nicholson and. On remarkable fragment of silicified wood from Rocky Mts II xiv 348 Ellis, Rev. Wm. Three visits to Madagascar, 1853-54-56: reviewed... . II iv 204 Ells. Origin of Canadian Apa- tites: ref IV vm 495 Elm. Effect of its sawdust on fish life IV vn 449 Effect of concentration of its extracts on fish life IV vn 454 Suitability for city planting IV vm 268 Suitability for large spaces near public institutions. . IV vm 264 Elm, rock and swamp, Can- adian II vi 34 Elmsley, Capt., Toronto.... II xm 355 158 ELM GENERAL INDEX END Ser. Vol. Page Elmsley, Chief Justice (2nd of U.C.). Autograph letter concerning laws and social customs.. II xiv 96 Toronto improvement II xm 260 Toronto property II xm 95 Elmsley House, Toronto.... II xn 228 Elmsley Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 380 Elocutionary. Elocutionary Drill Chart. By T. B. Browning Ill vi 181 Elodea. Ammonium carbonate solu- tion effect on IV vil 323 Collateral chorisis in sta- mens of II x 380 Elodes,Canadian localities of E. virginica, Nutt II xv 169 Eloeis guineensis Jacq, uses of II x 285 Elora, fossils of Guelph form- ation in II xiv 142 Elvins, Andrew. Outburst of sun spots in 1887: abstract Ill vi 24 Planet Jupiter and his Satellites: abstract.... IV iv 228 Satellites of Jupiter. ... IV iv 242 Sun spots during 1889: abstract IV I 21 Sunspotsand rainfall Ill V 6 Elzevir. Printing establishment II xv 587 Emberiza, Hamilton species. II v 391 Enivalis. Habits of I i 171 Toronto winter bird I I 171 Embiotoca I n 88 E. Agass I ii 89 E. caryi Agass I n 90 E. jackson, Agass I n 90 Embryo. Botrychiumvirginianum (pl.) IV v 278 Equisetaceous IV v 280 Importance in natural his- tory collecting I I 175 Isoetes echinospora IV v 280 Origin of haematoblasts in Amphibian IV n 249 Six-hooked, Anatomy, Phy- siology and density of.. . II iv 35 Embryology. Entozoa II iv 28 Nematodes II iv 38 Pine tree I I 79 Emeralds, Algiers II n 302 Emery, C. Prsepollex and praehallux in anura: ref IV vi 545 Carpal elements in larvee of amphibia: ref IV vi 545 Ser. Vol. Page Emigrants. Information for intend- ing, to Canada west: reprint I in 267 Emigration. Emigration during 1854.... I in 213 Emmenagogue, native Denes IV iv 131 Emmenthaler Cheese. Bacteriological, difference from Cottage cheese IV vn 105 Microscopical analysis and cause of its ripening IV vn 104 Ripening IV vn 119 Schizomycetes and yeasts in IV vn 105 Emmonsea, Edw. and H., distinguished from Favo- sites II xiv 39 Emotions. Attempt at New Theory of Human. By Wm. Hincks II vn 103 Empidonax, notes on On- tario specimens IV in 68,109 Emys picta, Lake Ontario .. II xm 506 Enchanters Nightshade, Canadian localities II xv 551 Enke's Comet. Motion of II vi 109 On certain Planetary Perturbation and on a new Perturbation on. By Rev. W. E. Penny: reprint II ill 57 Encrenite, shales at Toronto I I 150 Encrinurus punctatus, Ottawa R I I 222 Encyclopaedia Britannica, progress of mathematical and Physical Science, 1856 II ii 366 Endgut, Amiurus Ill n 405 Endlicher. Classification of spruce (1847) Ill vi 171 Endoceras. Canadian (pl.) II vm 21 Included in Orthoceras II iv 451 Endodermis, internal. Botrychium, Helminthos- tachys, Ophioglossum. . . IV vi 602 First appearance in Osmun- da cinnamomea IV vm 517 In plants IV vi 599 Osmunda cinnamomea IV vm 528 Endophyte, Botrychium vir- ginianum IV v 275 Endorhizal, division in plants II xi 241 Endosperm, parenchymatus, cell examined for iron.... IV vn 506 159 END PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ENG Ser. Vol. Page Endogenous, origin of num- ber "three" in circles of parts 11 in 317 Energy. Conservation of, and na- ture of Force. By John Galbraith II xv 491 On re-concentration of Me- chanical or Energy of Uni- verse. By W. J. M. Ran- kine I I 95 Engine. Dr. Kemp's Electro-Mag- netic Engine I I 43 On S.S. Ericsson's Hot- Air or Caloric Engine; DESCRIPTION, THEORY AND PERFORMANCE. By Wm. A. Norton I I 249, 271 Miniature steam engines. By T. H. Robinson IV vm 273 M. Marie Davy's new Electro-Magnetic. By M. Becquerel: reprint... I in 33 Engineering. Agricultural Engineer- ing I i 12, 39 Engineering Contributions to Canadian Journal II I 199 Engis skull II xv 513 England. Ancient beaver haunts Il iv 379 Ancient Carved Stone FOUND AT CHESTERHOLM, Northumberland. By Rev. John McCaul (pl.).. II xiv 1 Campaign of 1815. By R. E. Kingsford HI iv 150 Comparative Tabular Meteorological Obser- vations in Canada, and Russia. By W. G. Tom- kins. II iv 389 Convict system in II x 422 Discovery of Iron stone.... I m 45 Foreign nations excelling in manufacture I I 160 Gaelic names of places in.. . HI I 314 Geological separation from continent II VI 372 Goldin I I 261 Gold mining in I m 21 Horse, introduced into I I 180 Late Remarkable Weath- er in (winter of 1853- 54): reprint I u 208 Observations on Glacial Phenomena in North of. By R. Chambers: reprint I ill 143 Ser. Vol. Page England-Con. On Comparative Progress of Population of, and Scotland, as shewn by Census of 1861. By John Strang: reprint II vn 129 Precious metals of 1 in 46, 84 Real Gold Mine in: re- print I n 173 School system, re attend- ance II in 427 Social position and re- ward of Scientific merit in. By Prof. Owen: reprint I in 339 Statistics of marriages in 1851 I I 23 Universal time in Ill in 64 English. Associations of Canadian and, Maple. By Daniel Wilson I in 380 Brain capacity compared with ancient Britons.... II xv 217 Brain volume, comparative, of II xv 229 Brain weights of II xv 202 Breed of horses 1 i 201 Canadian English. By Rev. A. Constable Geikie II n 344 Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Cranial capacity large II xv 216 Cranial types of II ix 400 Foreign words (German) Anglicised II x 223 Italian words anglicised... II x 31 Novehies of Canadian II n 345 Old, Spelling and Pro- nunciation. By Wm. Houston: abstract Ill n 219 Phonetic anomalies ob- served IN SOME MODERN forms of Ancient Pro- per Names. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II vm 329 Universities versus German II i 171 Vernacularisms in II x 386 Wrong etymologies and mis- prints in II xi 45 English language.- Changes produced by con- quest in Ill vi 105 English Law. Difficulty of codifying IV vm 66 Science and. By Geo. Ken- nedy IV vm 63 Englishwoman, in America: reviewed II in 126 Engraving. Electro-Magnetic, ma- chine: reprint I m 16 160 ENG GENERAL INDEX EPI Ser. Vol. Page Engraving-Con. New process of photo- graphic, ON STEEL. By Fox Talbot: reprint I n 20 Enhydra marina, Steller, Canadian localities Ill vi 76 Enhydris lutris (Linn) Coues, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 76 Enniskillen. Notes on Present Con- dition of Oil Wells of. By Sandford Fleming II vm 246 Oil wells of II vm 446 Enoicyla. Characters and N. American habitats of E. areolata, Walker II vn 492 E. designata, Walker II vn 49 E. difficilis, Walker II vn 492 E. intercisa, Walker II vn 492 E. rambur II vn 492 Enstatite, non-pleochroic colorless rhombic pyro- xene, in dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 178 Enteromorpha used in tanks for supporting animal life I n 308 Entoderm cells, sponges.... II xv 426 Entomological. Collection of Mr. Couper of Toronto: ref I i 122 Entomological trip in Rockies. By Capt. Gam- ble Geddes Ill n 232 Entomological Curiosity: reprint I i 189 Entomological Society of Canada. Annual Meetings and Re- ports II vm 313 II ix 59, 282 II x 216, 218 II xi 129, 261, 399 Constitution and Bylaws... II xi 400 Entomologists. Meeting of, at Yorkville, Sept. 1862 to form Society II vn 525 Entomology. Vermes in Grasshoppers. By Wm. Couper I in 355 Entomostraca. Bivalve, of Canada. By T. R. Jones: ref II iv 43 Sub-divisions of II I 278 Entouhonorons II vn 507 Entozoa. Embryology of II iv 28 Experiments on Migra- tion of. By MM. A. Pou- chet and Verrier: reprint II vn 372 Habits, etc II iv 6 Ser. Vol. Page Entozoa-Con. On Transformation of. By P. J. Van Deneden: reprint II vn 467 Proglottis II iv 33 Species II iv 18 Enzymes. Characteristics IV ix 274 Method of derivation in gland cells IV n 241 Origin and properties of in cheese IV vn 118 Secreted by larvae of Cyni- pidae................... IV ix 365 Source of, in Cynipid larvae. IV ix 366 Eocene, formation West In- dies IV viii 381 Eosinophilous. Substance in nerve cells.... IV vi 409 Substance of haematoblasts derived from Chromatin and transformed finally into haemoglobin IV n 237 Eospongia II vn 73 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. III., comments on Latin Inscriptions in Britain Ill i 76 Ephemeridae, L. Ontario.. . II xm 502 Ephialtes asio and E. nudi- pes, Canadian specimens II n 220 Epicauta atrata, Fabr I in 326 Epicotyledonary. System in Gunnera scabra.. IV vi 611 Stele in Zea Mais IV vi 625 Epidermis. Cells of Amiurus Ill n 252 Thickness in Urodeles IV vm 489 Epidemic Cholera. Report on results of DIFFERENT METHODS OF TREATMENT I III 231 Epidote. Characteristics II v 525 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Epigea repens, suitable for flower gardens IV ill 128 Epigenesis II xv 233 Epigraphy. On Inscribed Sling Bul- lets. By Rev. John McCaul II ix 92 Epilobium, L., Canadian localities of E. alpinum, L II xv 552 E. angustifolium, L II xv 551 E. coloratum, Mohl II xv 552 E. latifolium, L II xv 552 E. molle, Torrey II xv 552 E. palustre, L II xv 552 E. paniculatum, Nutt II xv 552 E. tetragonum, L II xv 552 161 EQU EPI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Epindusiatae II xn 365 Epingles, les, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 380 Epiotics, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 272 Epirus, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 261 Epistemology, Prof. Ferrier. II i 106 Epitaph, Shakesperian II I 399 Epitaphs, early Christian. Christian, of first six Centuries. By Rev. John McCaul II xi 271, 351 II XII 1 Age, name and date only given II xi 276 Bibliography of works from which obtained II xi 272 Characteristic of deceased stated II xi 280 Cyclic marks of Time given on H xii 11 Ecclesiastical occupation or position in life of deceased stated II xi 359 Heathen formula in com- mencement; most re- markable II xii 19 Most ancient example of re- presentation of cross on. . II xn 3 Name and date only stated. II xi 273 Occupation of deceased stated II xn 1 Place of Burial mentioned or referred to II xn 2 Posture in prayer given on stone (pl.) II xn 24 Relationship of deceased stated II xi 284 Secular occupation or posi- tion in life of deceased stated II xi 351 To an acolyte Il xi 363 To foster father Antinio... II xi 298 Use of D.M. by Christians.. II xii 18 Epithelial cells. Covering villus of guinea pig IV viu 245 Fat in, and manner of enter- ing IV viu 242 Of intestine absorb fluids under negative osmotic pressure IV vni 253 Epithelium. Cellular Parasite from in- testinal, of Diemyctylus viridescens IV I 248 Ciliated bands of Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 393 Fat in IV vm 247 Leucocytes in IV vm 248 Nerve endings in Cutan- eous, OF TADPOLE. By A. B. Macallum: abstract... Ill m 276 Ser. Vol. Page Epithelium-Con. Glandular streak of Zoan- thus sociatus IV vi 395 Mesenterial filaments in Zo- anthus sociatus, continu- ity of, in various parts (pl.) IV vi 396 Mesenteries in Zoanthid lar- vae IV vi 399 Stomatodaeal ectoderm of Zoanthus sociatus (pl.)... IV vi 396 Superficial, of stomach of Amiurus Ill u 398 Striated border of, in guinea pig IV viu 245 Preparation of specimen of intestinal, of newt (pl.). . IV I 248 Epping Plains, Maine. Measurement of Base Line for Triangulation Survey. By A. D. Bache: reprint II m 74 Epyornis. Egg of epyornis: reprint. I in 244 Equations. Analysis of solvable, of fifth degree Ill n 118 Auxiliary biquadratic irre- ducible in solving, of fifth degree Ill n 122 Auxiliary biquadratic with quadratic sub-auxiliary in solution of, of fifth degree Ill n 121 New Proof of Existence of Roots of. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II ix 26 On Reduction of Gene- ral, of second degree in Plane Co-ordinate Geometry. By J. B. Cherriman II i 286 On Resolution of Alge- braic. By J. B. Cherri- man II v 209 Principles of Solution OF, OF HIGHER DEGREES WITH APPLICATIONS. By Geo. Paxton Young Ill n 79 Resolution of solvable, OF FIFTH DEGREE. By Geo. Paxton Young Ill n 127 Solvable irreducible, of mth degree m prime Ill n 97 Equilibrium. On Stability of Floating Bodies. By Jas. Loudon. II xm 135 Equisetacese. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 300 Central cylinder IV vi 601 162 EQU GENERAL INDEX ERO Ser. Vol. Page Equisetaceae-Con. Characters II xn 364 Hamilton species Ill n 155 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 652 London species II vm 236 Monostelic and astelic ex- amples IV vi 614 Precocious root of IV v 280 Equisetaceous, embryo IV v 280 Equisetales II xn 364 Equites of Aristophanes, v. 545: translated Ill I 170 Erdmann. Mesenterial filaments: ref. IV vi 390 Erebia, Rocky Mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 240 Eremophila alpestris, For- ster. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 89 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 119 Erethizon dorsatus, Linn, Canadian localities Ill vi 83 Ereunetes pusillus, Toronto III vn 192 Ergasilus centrarchidarum n. sp., full description with plates HI i 243 Ergot of Rye, poisonous pro- perties of I I 219 Errata Recepta. Abbreviations II ix 149 Contractions II ix 147 Foreign words anglicised... II ix 317 Letters II ix 139 Numerals II ix 144 On Errata Recepta writ- ten AND SPOKEN. By Rev. Dr. Scadding. ... II ix 137, 317 II x 31, 223, 386 II xi 45 Eric, the Norseman, Dis- covery of America 989. . . II ix 291 Ericaceae. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 295 Hamilton species Ill u 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 644 London species II vm 228 Ericson, Lief. Colonization of Greenland 999 II ix 292 Eridophyllum (Edwards and Haime), generic characters II iv 130 Eridophyllum of Cornifer- ous Ontario E. simcoense, Billings II iv 132 E. strictum (E. and H.).. II iv 133 E. verneuilanum (E. and H.) (pl.) II iv 130 Erie and Huron. Geological area II xv 15 Geology of district II xiv 584 Ser. Vol. Page Erie Clays II xv 407 Erie Fort, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 380 Erie Group, Canadian flora.. IV vm 26 Ericsson. On Ericsson's Hot Air or Caloric Engine; des- cription, THEORY AND PERFORMANCE. By Wm. A. Norton I I 249, 271 Erie-us. Nom-de-plume of Adam Hood Burwell; selections from poems II xv 450 Erigathus barbatus, Fabr, Canadian localities-. .Ill vi 78 Eriocaulonaceae, localities Canadian species II xiv 652 Eriophyes. Extent of stimulation and abnormal activity of epi- dermis IV ix 302 Host plant can originate new type of hairs under gall stimulus IV ix 303 Eriophyes sp. on host, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh (pl.) IV ix 299 Acer negundo, L. (pl.) IV ix 300 Populus grandidentata Michx (pl.) IV ix 300 Populus tremuloides Michx (pl.) IV ix 301 Prunus nigra Ait (pl.) IV ix 301 E. abnormis (Garman), on host Tilia americana, L. (pl.) IV ix 301 E. querci Garman. Acicular hair of, found in reproductive axes of host. IV ix 369 On host Quercus macrocarpa Michx (pl.) IV ix 299 E. serotinae, Bent, on host Prunus serotina, Ehrh (pl.) IV ix 302 Eriophyidae. Feeding habits of larvae of. . IV ix 361 Species IV ix 299 Ermatinger, Ed. Nom-de-plume "British Canadian"; Theology in Univ, of Tor. (1851) II xv 447 Ermine, Canadian localities. Ill vi 75 Ernest-town, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 67, 381 Erodium, L.' Her. Canadian localities of E. cicutarium, L'Her II xv 350 Erosion. Agency in forming Central Basin, Tennessee HI vn 86 163 ERO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ESK Ser. Vol. Page Erosion-Com. Central Basin of Ten- nessee; a Study in. By Wm. Kennedy Hl vn 64 Conditions of, in central Ontario IV vn 155 Date of, of central Ontario. IV vn 153 Features before and after Layton epoch in Jamaica IV v 346 Features in Jamaica IV v 325 Features since Miocene period in Jamaica: re- viewed IV v 354 L. Wendigokan region IV vm 346 Period in West Indies IV v 333 Rain as a factor in Ill vn 90 Trinidad IV VIII 141 Valleys in W. Indies IV vn 369 Valleys of Ill vn 67 Vegetation as a factor in... Ill vn 90 White Limestones of Ja- maica IV v 332 Errera. Cytoplasm in yeast cell: ref IV vi 492 Erse, Coptic article in: ex- amples II xin 413 Eruptive. Basic, L. Wendigokan re- gion IV vm 358 Rocks II vi 426 Serpentines of Tuscany. ... II vi 297 Traps north shore, L. Su- perior Ill vn 222 Erysimum, L., Canadian localities of E. cheiranthoides, L II xv 66 Erythrite. Crystallization of, from Cobalt. By W. F. Green IV vm 443 Erythrospiza, Hamilton species II v 392 Escarpments, parallelism of, in America II ix 260 Eskimo. Alaskan dialect vocabularies III vi 314 Angekok Ill vi 227 Bibliograph of origin and migration of Ill vi 267 Brain vol. of comparative. . II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 201 Carving Ill vi 216 Characteristics and customs III iv 96 Cherokee, Choctaw and, vo- cabularies, comparative. . Ill vi 322 Comanche and, vocabular- ies, comparative Ill vi 320 Comparative, and Indian Vocabularies Ill Vi 318 Ser. Vol. Page Eskimo-Con. Comparative vocabulary of different sections Ill v 58 Counting system IV v 314 Crania II n 430 Crania compared with pre- historic Ill vi 284 Cranial measurements of... II n 433 Cree and Algonkin loan words in Ill vi 276 Dakota-Hidatsa and, voca- bularies comparative.... Ill vi 321 Dialects of Alaska and Siberia Ill vi 264 Dr. Rink's classification. ... Ill vi 267 Dwellings Ill vi 213 Eskimo of Hudson's Strait. By F. F. Payne. Ill vi 213 Eskimo of Stupart Bay. By R. F. Stupart Ill iv 95 Eskimo Raceand Language -Their Origin and Re- lations. By A. F. Cham- berlain Ill vi 261 (abstract) Ill vi 8 Evidence of, skull in tracing origin Ill vi 281 Family life and homes vivid- ly described HI iv 104 Fishnet HI vi 218 Fish spear HI vi 218 Genius HI vi 216 Geographical distribution. . Ill vi 261 Grammar and dictionary... Ill v 217 Habits HI iv 103 History of Ill iv 96 Implements of chace Ill vi 218 Indian relations with Ill vi 288 Japanese similarities to. ... Ill vi 277 Language Ill vi 290 Legends of origin of white man Ill vi 283 Legends regarding their origin Ill vi 279 Mackenzie R II vn 341 Masculine wet nurses among II iv 188 Methods of procuring food.. Ill vi 214 Mongolian descent of II vn 347 Mongolians related to 111 v 59 Morals Ill vi 224 Mound Builders related to. HI vi 277 Myth of deluge Ill vn 11 Norse information about... HI vi 271 Origin II II 415 III v 57, HI vi 8 Origin of term Ill vi 267 Physical characteristics... . HI vi 221 Poetry IV VI 319 Possessions, etc Ill iv 103 Religion HI vi 226 Sports Ill iv 104 III vi 219 164 ESK GENERAL INDEX ETII Ser. Vol. Page Eskimo-Con. Time reckoning IV v 314 Tradition of men being transformed into stars... IV v 35 Tradition of origin of Euro- peans IV v 35 Traits HI vi 222 Tribal divisions Ill vi 262 Tribal nomenclature of Baffin Land HI vi 265 Turanian comparative vo- cabulary Ill vi 323 Turanian grammatical re- semblances HI vi 336 Turanian vocabulary, com- parative HI v 71 •Vocabulary Ill iv 113 III vi 294 Vocabulary by Father Peti- tot: ref HI vi 264 Vocabularies of Hudson's Strait and Cumberland Sound HI vi 317 Wailatpu, Molele and, vocabularies,comparative HI vi 319 Women, age of puberty.... Ill iv 183 Word for Europeans dis- cussed HI vi 268 Eskimo Dog. Canadian localities........ HI vi 73 Prince of Wales Sound HI v 114 Esox, heart Ill ii 420 Espa-t'a-ottines, branch of Nah'ane tribe at Fort des Liards IV vn 521 Esquimaux, see Eskimo Essa Tp., topographical fea- tures of I I 225 Essence. Artificial preparation of flavoring matters of fruits I i 17 Artificial production of essences of various fruit. . I i 10 Mode of Manufacturing Artificial Essences: reprint I u 10 Of Pineapple Oil, Bergamot Pear Oil, Apple Oil, and Artificial Oil of Bitter Almonds; manufacture of In 11 Essex County, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 381 Etaottines, branch of Nah'- ane tribe in Good Hope Mts IV vn 521 Etching. Art of. By Henry S. Howland, Jun.: abstract. Ill n 242 Etemankiaks, territory IV in 196 Ether. Calculation of density in space Ill ii 42 Ser. Vol. Page Ether-Con. Luminiferous. By J. M. Clark IV n 93 (abstract) Ill vii 15 Ethiny-u-wuk Indians, cen- sus 1847 I i 198 Ethiopia. Dr. Lepsius' exploration of, in 1842 I n 154 Horite traces in II xm 544 Preliminary Account of Expedition of Dr. R. Lepsius to Egypt, Ethi- opia and Sinai: reprint.. I ii 153 179,266 Scientific Results of Dr. R. Lepsius's journey to I n 266 Zimran traces in II xv 289 Ethiopian. Religion of II x 59 Using stone and bone wea- pons IV iv 42 Ethnan, identity of II xiv 200 Ethnography. Advances in (1854) I in 89 Importance of Philology as a criterion in IV iv 21 Misconception as to ethno- graphical status of Dene. IV iv 14 Of southern Denes IV iv 13 Some Ethnographic Pha- ses OF CONCHOLOGY, by Daniel Wilson II m 377 Ethnological. Anthropology uncertain criterion of, differences... IV iv 17 Collection Crystal Palace at Sydenham I i 47 Classification of Human Race. By Rev. Prof. Anderson: reprint II in 89 Crania of ancient Romans. II n 221 Details of trapping devises useful in '. IV v 98 Ethnical Forms and Un- designed Artificial Dis- tortions of Human Cran- ium. By Daniel Wilson... II vn 399 Huron race and its head form. By Daniel Wilson. II xm 113 Illustrative Examples of SOME MODIFYING ELE- MENTS affecting Ethnic SIGNIFICANCE OF PECU- LIAR Forms of Human Skull. By Daniel Wilson II vi 414 Lartet and Christy's re- searches ON EXISTENCE of Man in Central France when reindeer inhabited country: re- print II ix 262 165 ETII fc. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE EUG Ser. Vol. Page Ethnological-Con. Laws of consanguinity among Indians (Amer.) may be means of tracing origin II iv 225 Philology only safe criterion of, certitude IV vi 84 Sketch of Europe I u 247 Ethnology. Of Celts I ii 247 Of Mound builders I i 107 Of Oscans and Umbrians... I u 221 Of Pelasgians I u 219 Of Tyrrhenians I II 220 Position in 1857 II II 212 Pre-historic Ethnology. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract HI v 144 Race head-forms and THEIR EXPRESSION BY measurements. By Dan- iel Wilson II xii 269 Remains found in drift in France evidence of an- tiquity of man II iv 496 Review of state of, 1861.... II vi 117 Skulls of early inhabitants of British Isles II II 443 Traces of Human Arts in Drift (France): reprint . II iv 496 Ethnological, connection of ancient races II xm 167 Ethylamine, salts of II i 489 Etobicoke River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 209 Etobicoke Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 381 Etruria. Early inhabitants of I II 220 Etruria Capta. By John Campbell HI m 144 Etruscan. Alphabet HI m 168 Alphabet's origin.... Ill v 102 Basque construction in. . . . Ill ill 152 Basque origin of HI V 87 Bilingual inscriptions HI V 88 Characters in writing HI in 145 Etruscan Question. By Rev. Prof. Ferguson Ill V 84 Inscriptions in Canary Is- lands IV vn 62 Language . HI V 96 Language is syllabic. Ill V 91 Language of, Inscriptions. . Ill ill 152 Language with examples. .. I u 276 Origin., HI v 103 Phonetic values of, charac- ters HI in 156 Proper names Ill m 255 Research, brief account of. . 111 v 85 Sepulchral inscriptions HI in 162 Ser. Vol. Page Etruscan-Con. Syllabic signs Ill v 95 Turanian origin of Ill in 145 Vocabulary Ill m 244 Etsinaki IV iv 255 Eturgeon Lac, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 381 Etymologies, wrong, and misprints in English Lan- guage II xi 45 Etymon. Note on, of Ontario. By • Rev. Dr. Scadding II vn 502 Euboea, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 251 Euboea, Chaicis in. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 228 Silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 105 Euboea, Histiaea in, silver coins from, in Canadian Institute II ix 107 Eucalyptus, sugar of II i 81 Euchaetes (Harris), generic characters II vm 366 E. egle (.Drury) II vm 366 Euclid. Legendre's proof of twelfth axiom not true II v 341 Note on Euclid, Propo- sition 5, Book I. By Rev. E. K. Kendall II in 318 Relation that can be PROVED TO SUBSIST BE- TWEEN Area of plane TRIANGLE AND SUM OF Angles on Hypothesis THAT TWELFTH AXIOM IS false. By Geo. Paxton Young II V 341 Eucosma galls, moth in lar- val stage IV ix 310 Eucosma scudderiana, Cle- mens. Characteristics IV ix 312 On hosts Solidago canaden- sis, L., S. serotina var. gigantea (Gray) IV ix 310 Time of emergence of moths IV ix 310 Eucyrtidina IV vm 386 Eudamus, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill n 241 Euderces picipes, Fabr (Mels. Cat.), Ontario... I in 212,326 Euglena, nuclei of IV vi 450 E. acus, Ehreb (pl.) Ill i 308 E. viridis, division of nucleo- lus in IV vi 501 Eugubine Tables. Described and part translated I n 275 History of Ill v 220 166 EUG GENERAL INDEX EVE Ser. Vol. Page Eugubine Tables-Con. Prof. Campbell's trans- lation criticized Ill v 86 Umbrian portion interpre- ted Ill v 219 Eugyra (Bostrichobran- chus) pilularis Verrill, Canadian Atlantic coast. IV ix 144 Euler. Euler's Equations of Mo- tion. By Jas. Loudon... Ill I 95 Eumatopius stelleri, Les- son, Canadian localities.. Ill vi 77 Eunomia, M. de Gasparis, its discoverer awarded prize of Academy of Sciences, Paris I I 48 Euomphalus De Cewi, Cor- niferous, Ontario (pl.)... II vi 358 E. Conradi II vi 529 E. uniangulatus, Ottawa R. I i 221 Euonymus, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of. E. americanus, L II xv 353 E. atropurpurens, Jacq II xv 353 Eupatorium perfoliatum, L., host of Neolasioptera perfoliata, Felt IV ix 323 Eupatoria perfoliatum, L., glands in galls but not in normal tissue IV ix 368 Euphorbia helioscopia, E. Polygonifolia, E. maculata and E. hypericifolia found around Toronto; described I I 206 Euphorbiaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill II 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 648 London species II vm 232 Euphony, Blackfoot IV v 131 Euplotes charon, influence of temperature on Ill I 300 Euripides. Notes on, with translation of Iphigenia, in Aul, v. 808 and 1143 HI i 160 Phoenissae 583 II xin 427 Europe. Aryan migrations into and changes produced in lan- guage of HI vi 110 Celtic influence in South... I n 248 Cymric migrations into.... II xv 291 Early notices of Beaver in, and America. By Daniel Wilson II iv 359 Early races in. I n 248 Flora common to America and IV vm 38 Ser. Vol. Page Europe-Con. History of Collegiate System of education in II I 168 Introduction of horses into. I I 180 On Occurrence of Ameri- can Birds in. By H. Gatke: reprint II vi 459 On a Second Instance of Reproduction of Os- trich in: reprint II vi 46 Proposal to establish rail- way connection with In- dia II H 84 Remarks on Intrusion of Germanic Races on Area of Older Keltic Races of. By Daniel Wilson I ii 246 Teutonic Race's first ap- pearance in I II 248 European. Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 251 European Group, Canadian flora IV viii 27 Eurosta solidaginis, Fitch. Glands more plentiful or larger in galls than in nor- mal tissue IV ix 368 Host and anatomy (pl.).... IV ix 325 Euryalida II vi 517 Euscarians, primitive popula- tion in Europe HI vi 110 Eutaenia. Nasal gland of Muller (pl.). Ill I 393 Nasal region in. By A. B. Macallum (pl.) Ill I 390 E. sirtalis. Nasal region (pl.) Ill i 390 Organ of Jacobson (pl.).. . . Ill i 391 Euthryphro § 12, Bekker, text and translation II vn 477 Euura, species IV ix 327 E. S. gemma, Walsh. Anatomy (pl.) and hosts. . . IV ix 328 E. S. ovum, Walsh, anatomy (pl.) IV ix 329 E. serissimse, Rohwer. Host.... IV ix 328 Underscribed Sawfly Gall anatomy (pl.) IV ix 329 Evaporation. At St. Martin, Isle Jesus, 1858 II iv 265 1859..... II v 311 One cause of atmospheric electricity I n 182 Eve, F. C. Alkalies' action on nerve cells: ref IV vi 413 167 EVE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE EXP Ser. Vol. Page Eve, F. C.-Con. Chemical properties of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 406 Nissl granules, slightly dis- solved in acids: ref IV vi 413 Evening Primrose, Canadian localities II xv 553 Evermann. Salmon all die on spawning grounds: ref IV ix 31 Evidence. on Belief and, By Rev. Wm. Hincks.... II x 232 Evodinus monticola, Mels. Cat I in 258 Evolution. Human, and human dis- ease. By Prof. J. J. Mac- kenzie IV viu 535 Position of, in 1876. By R. Ramsay Wright II xv 231 Evotomys. Canadian locali- ties of E. rutilus, Pallas Ill vi 80 E. rutilus var Gapperi, Vigors Ill vi 80 Ewart, A. J. Plants tend to neutralize both acids and alkalies: ref IV vii 322 Ex. Argent, interpretation of, on pigs of lead found in Britain II vn 34 Exhibition. The Dublin Great In- dustrial Exhibition: reprint I i 253 Extract from Report of u 6th Exhibition and Fair of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics' Association: reprint.... I i 215 International of 1862 II vm 108 Irish Industrial I i 265 Paris, 1867 II xm 1 Proposal to establish de- cennial, objects etc.: re- viewed II iv 236 Provincial Exhibition, Lon- don, 1854: notice I m 43 Exhibition, Industrial, N.Y. New York Industrial Ex- hibition: reprint I in 44 Special report of Mr. Dilke on: reprint I in 60 Summary of Report by Sir Charles Lyell ; Geo- logical Section: reprint I m 35 Exhibition of 1851. Canadian exhibit of sleighs at I I 87 Canadian mineral exhibit at I i 38 Ser. Vol. Page Exhibition of 1851-Con. Extracts from lectures DELIVERED BEFORE THE Society of Arts. . I i 9,38, 135, 158 Essences of various fruits artificially produced, ex- hibited I I 10 Jury's report on Agricultural and Mineral exhibits of Canada I I 90 Logan W. E., honored with Autograph letter from H.R.H. Prince Albert for his work I I 42 Report of Juries: reviewed. I i 89 Results of I n 56 Scammony, exhibited at. . . I I 10 Exhibition, Paris or French 1855. Agriculture of. By J. Wilson, F.R.S.: reviewed II I 140 Canada at: reviewed II n 32 Canadian cereals at II I 144 Canadian Exhibits compar- ed with European II n 36 Canadian Minerals at. .. I in 241 Observations on Canadian exhibit at II n 35 Plows at II i 142 Exhibition, Provincial. Notice of, for 1852 I i 23 Provincial Agri, show for 1852, FULL DESCRIPTION.. I I 52 Existence, Absolute, Fer- rier's (Prof.) view on, criticised II i 113 Exoccipitals, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill ii 271 Exochomus 15-punctata, Oliv I in 326 Exogenous, origin of number five in circles of parts.... II m 317 Exorhizal, division in plants. II xi 241 Expeditions. Arctic Expeditions: re- print I ii 83, 111 Naval Astronomical to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849, -50, -51, -52, by Lieut. Gilliss, U.S.N.: re- viewed II ii 195 Results of Assyrian, of Col. Rawlinson: reprint I in 309 Explosions. On Boiler Explosions. By Astronomer Royal, 1863: reprint II ix 46 On Boiler explosions. By Sewell: reprint I m 145 168 EXP EYZ GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Explosions-Con. Steam-Boiler explosions. Mr. Fairbairn's, experi- ments: PROPOSED ASSOCI- ATIONS FOR THEIR PRE- VENTION I III 81 Exports, British for 1853.... I m 67 Extensa II vm 4 Extensive quantity II xi 315 Extension or space, in Psy- chology II xi 315 External Perception. Sir Wm. Hamilton's doctrine of: criticized II xu 57 Extensor brevis digitorum, Orang IV vi 563 E. brevis digitorum pedis, homologues extensor mi- nimi digiti and extensor indicis IV vi 580 E. brevis pollicis, Orang.... IV vi 543 E. carpi radialis brevior, Orang IV vi 541 E. carpi radialis longior, Orang IV vi 541 E. carpi radialis longior et brevior, homologue in foot IV vi 579 E. carpi ulnar is. Homologue in foot IV vi 579 Orang IV vi 542 E. communis digitorum, Orang IV vi 541 E. indicis. Chimpanzee IV vi 542 Gibbon IV vi 542 Gorilla IV vi 542 Homologue of extensor bre- vis digitorum pedis IV vi 580 Orang IV vi 542 Pithecia IV vi 542 E. longus digitorum, Orang IV vi 563 E. longus hallucis, Orang... IV vi 563 E. longus pollicis, Orang... IV vi 542 E. minimi digiti. Apes IV vi 542 Homologue of extensor bre- vis digitorum pedis IV vi 580 Orang IV vi 541 E. ossis metacarpi pollicis. Chimpanzee IV vi 547 Homologue in foot IV vi 579 Orang IV vi 543 Extrastelar pith, A Osmunda cinnamomea IV vm 527 Eycleshymer. Irregularity in direction of rotation in Amblystoma eggs: ref IV vm 476 Eye. Adaptation of, to dark IV v 308 Ser. Vol. Page Eye-Con. Asthenopia of II xi 24 Hypermetropia of II xi 21 Myopia of II xi 16 New Ophthalmoscope for Photographing the Posterior Internal Surface of living Eye; WITH OUTLINE OF THEORY OF ORDINARY OPHTHAL- MOSCOPE. By A. M.Rose- brugh. II ix 81 Optical consideration of.... II xi 2 Optical defects of, and THEIR TREATMENT BY SCIENTIFIC USE OF SPEC- TACLES. By A. M. Rose- brugh II xi 1 On some Phenomena pro- duced BY REFRACTIVE power of. By A. Claudit: reprint II ix 56 Optics of II ix 81 Optics of normal human.... II xi 13 Overcompensation of bright- ness of retinal image.... IV v 308 Presbyopia of II xi 27 IV vi 510 Strabismus of II xi 26 Supposed law of visible di- rection II ii 268 Eye glasses. Function of indirect vis- ion AND USE OF COLOURED AND SMOKED. By A. Kirschmann IV v 305 Eylais IV ix 281 E. desecta Koen. Full description of female (pM IV ix 283 Syn. E. extendens Koenike; E. desecta Koenike IV ix 283 E. extendens Koenike, syn. of. E. desecta Koen IV ix 283 E. falcata Koen IV ix 282 E. marshalloe Koen IV ix 286 E. triangulifera Koen IV ix 285 E. falcata Koen. Full description of female (pl.) ... IV ix 282 Syn. E. extendens Koenike; E. falcata Koenike IV ix 282 E. marshallae Koen, n. sp. Full description (pl.) IV ix 286 Syn. E. extendens Koenike. IV ix 286 E. triangulifera Koen. Full description of male (pl.) IV ix 285 Syn. E. extendens Koenike; E. triangulifera Koenike.. IV ix 285 Eyzies grotto, bones, etc., found in II ix 263 169 EZE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FAR Ser. Vol. Page Ezer, descendants and con- nections II xv 281 Ezra family connection with Ashchur II xiv 167 Faber. Origin of Pagan Idolatry: ref II xiii 152 Fabrics. Materials for Textile II i 90 Textile, methods of bleach- ing I I 135 Facialis, Amiurus HI n 369 Facility. Habit and, discussed HI iv 38 Faculae on Sun. First observations on II vm 304 Origin IV vi 353 Fagopyrum esculentum, ex- periments to test whether nutrient solution applied by spraying would sup- port life IV vn 297 Fagus ferruginea, Canadian II vi 31 F. grandifolia Ehrh, host for Eriophyes sp IV ix 299 F. sylvatica, Canadian II vi 31 Fairbairn, W. Experiments on solidifi- cation OF BODIES UNDER great pressure: reprint I ill 172 General improvements in Mechanical Science in 1852: reprint I n 72 On the increased STRENGTH OF CAST IRON, PRODUCED BY USE OF improved coke: reprint. I I 222 Results of experiments on Steam boilers I in 82 Steam as an Industrial Agent: reprint I m 315 Steam boiler explosions Experiments of. Pro- posed Association for their Prevention: re- print I in 81 Fairclough, H. R., M.A. Private correspondence of Lieut.-Col. Coffin, DURING REBELLION OF 1837 IV in 281 (abstract) IV ill 26 Fairford, Alan. Real name "John Kent"; selections from his writ- ings II xv 264 Fairies' grotto, France, ex- cavations in II ix 274 Faium, examination of I n 153 Fairy pipes II n 246 Falco, Hamilton species II V 388 Ser. Vol. Page Falco-Con. Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 195,196 IV in 67 F. columbarius. winters around Toronto I I 169 F. peregrinus, Canadian specimen II iv 447 F. sacer, Forster, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Falcon, Hamilton species.... II v 388 F. peregrine. Canadian specimen II iv 447 Hamilton frequenters II vi 13 Toronto visitor : HI vn 195 Falconidse. Character and habits II iv 448 Family of. By Rev. W. Hincks II iv 443 Generic characters II iv 446 Hamilton frequenters II vi 11 Falls, Great, gazetteer notice (1813) ... II xiv 381 Falls, Long, gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 381 Falls of Niagara, gazetteer notice (1813) .. II xiv 381 False Acacia, Canadian habi- tats II xv 356 False Flax, localities Cana- dian species II xv 163 False Ginseng, characters; Canadian habitats II vi 281 False Indigo, Canadian lo- calities II xv 360 False Loosestrife, Canadian localities II xv 553 False Mermaid, Canadian localities II xv 350 False Mitre-wort, Canadian localities II xv 549 Famines. Causes of, in India. By Rev. J. T. Sunderland.. . IV vin 213 In India; causes and British policy regarding IV ix 91 In India under native rule.. IV ix 93 Rain-failure in India as cause of IV vm 213 Fankhauser. Prothallus of Lycopodium annotinum: ref IV v 267 Fanshaw, Richard. Translation of Lusiad of Camoens. Original folio now possessed by Dr. Scadding II xiv 607 Faraday, Prof. F.R.S. Atmospheric electricity.... I II 184 Compounds in by-products of coal gas: benzine I I 78 170 FAR GENERAL INDEX FAU Ser. Vol. Page Faraday, Prof. F.R.S.-Con. Further Observations on ASSOCIATED CASES, IN Electric Induction of CURRENT AND STATIC effects: reprint I in 299 His conception of Lines of force I I 31 Identity of dynamic or VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY WITH STATIC OR FRICTION- AL: abstract I n 280 Observations on Mag- netic force: reprint.... I I 191 Note on regelation: re- print . II vi 54 Observations on para, and diamagnetic substances. . I i 192 On Oxygen: reprint I n 10 On Physical Lines of Magnetic Force: reprint I i 31 Relations of Gold to light.. II n 449 Regelation, principles in- volved II vi 63 Recommendation regarding lightning conductors I m 145 Farish, Prof. Autograph and character- istics II xiv 618 Farlow. Tracheides in Pteris cretica: ref IV v 281 Farmer. Internal endodermis in Hel- minthostachys: ref IV vi 602 Precocious development of cotyledon of Marattiaceae: ref. . . ' IV v 280 Farmer's Association. Formed in E. Oxford, Ox- ford Co I i 22 Farm Machinery, descrip- tion of portable farming produce, Mill I i 13 Farr, Mr., Toronto II xm 182 Farrar, Canon. Grammatical gender: ref. . Ill vn 216 Fat. Absorbed in intestine in fine particles as emulsion. ... IV vm 242 Absorption in intestine; ref. to bibliography IV vm 241 Absorption in intestine; Wilson's method of study IV vm 243 Absorption of fat in intestine ; by G. E. Wilson IV vm 241 Capillaries take it up IV vm 253 Distribution above and be- low nuclear zone IV vm 247 Ser. Vol. Page Fat-Con. Distribution of Fat, Chlorides, Phosphates, Potassium and Iron in Striated Muscle. By Maud L. Menten IV vm 403 How carried through ade- noid tissue IV vm 249 In parenchyma IV vm 248 In epithelium IV vm 247 In epithelial cells and man- ner of entering IV vm 242 In muscle (pl.) IV vm 406 In proximity to nuclei of muscle IV vm 403 In striated border IV vm 254 Localization of, in muscle. . IV vm 404 Passage into lacteal IV vm 252 Transfer through parenchy- ma IV vm 249 Fata Morgana, cause of I i 7 Fatigue, experiments on, of secondary Rays IV ix 162 Faulted-Basins, Jamaica.... IV v 355 Faull, J. H., B.A., Ph.D. Stele of Osmunda cinna- momea IV vm 515 Fauna. British Columbia coast... . IV ix 115 Contributions to, Cana- densis, BEING AN AC- COUNT OF ANIMALS dred- ged in L. Ontario in 1872. By H. Alleyne Nicholson II xm 490 Crustacean, of primordial zone in Europe and of Quebec group compared. II vi 287 Evidence of a glacial period IV vm 283 Manner of obtaining idea of successive faunae II vi 290 Miocene, of West Indies.... IV vm 381 Materials for, Canaden- sis. By Wm. Hincks II vn 446 On Primordial Fauna and Pt. Levi Fossils. By Jas. Hall: reprint II vi 284 On use of Faunal Lists. By Ernest E. Thompson. Ill vn 275 Quebec Group of Rocks at Pt. Levi, Que II vi 43 Remarks on, of Quebec Group of Rocks and Primordial Zone of Canada. By Sir Wm. E. Logan: reprint II vi 40 Subarctic, on coasts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick IV ix 113 Faust. Gcethe's. By Prof. L. E. Horning IV vn 135 171 FAU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FEL Ser. Vol. Page Faust-Con. Tabular comparison of three stages in which part I is known IV vii 135 Favolus. Habits and On- tario habitats of. F. canadensis Klotsch IV ix 77 F. europseus IV ix 77 Favosites (Lamarck). Clinton Group, Owen Sound II xiv 140 Favosites of Devonian Rocks of Western On- tario. By H. Alleyne Nicholson II xiv 38 Generic characters II iv 99 Generic limits of Il xiv 38 Species divided into groups. II xiv 39 Species, massive and ra- mose II xiv 40 F. basaltica (Goldfuss). Corniferous, Ontario (pl.).. II iv 106 Devonian, Ontario II xiv 43 Similar to F. Gothlandica. . II iv 103 F. cervicornis (De Blain- ville). Corniferous, Ontario (pl.). . II IV 110 F. dubia, De Blainville. Corniferous, Ontario II iv 111 Niagara limestone, Rock- wood II xiv 150 F. favosa, Goldfuss, Niagara limestone, Owen Sound. . II xiv 147 F. forbesi (Edw and Haime), Corniferous, Ontario II xiv 45 F. goldfussi II iv 103 F. gothlandica, Lamarck, characteristic. . II xiv 39 Corniferous, Ontario....... II xiv 41 Description of, by various authorities II iv 99 Devonian; corniferous, On- tario II iv 104 Hamilton Group, Bosanquet II v 260 Niagara Limestone, Rock- wood, Thorold, Owen Sound II xiv 146 Ontario (pl.) II vi 509 Ottawa R I I 222 F. gracilis, corniferous, On- tario II iv 111 F. hemispherica (Yandell and Shumard). Corniferous, Ontario (pl.).. II iv 105 11 xiv 47 Hamilton Group, Bosanquet II v 260 F. lycoperdon, Ottawa R. .. I i 222 F. multipora, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Rockwood and Thorold II xiv 149 F. niagarensis II iv 103 Ser. Vol. Page F. polymorpha, Goldfuss. Characteristics II xiv 39 Devonian, Ontario II xiv 50 Guelph Formation, Hespe- ler II xiv 142 Limestone rocks, Ontario (pl.) II iv 110 F. reticulata, corniferous, Ontario II IV 111 F. seriata, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Rockwood.. . II xiv 150 F. trosti II iv 103 F. turbinata (Billings). Canadian specimen (pl.).. . Ill v 258 Corniferous, Ontario (pl.). . II iv 109 II xiv 48 F. venusta, Hall. Hespeler and Elora II xiv 142 Niagara Limestone, Rock- wood II xiv 148 Fayalite, and Lievrite, com- pared II vii 44 Febrifuge. Native Denes IV iv 130 Spruce shoots IV iv 130 Fecundity, of Marine Vege- tation at Palaeozoic Ages. II xi 191 Feejee Islanders, pecularities of crania II vii 442 Feelings, nomology of II xi 318 Fehling, Prof. Determination of per- centage of Tannin in SUBSTANCES USED FOR tanning: reprint I in 109 Mode of manufacturing artificial essences I n 10 Feine, who were they? IV I 225 Felspar. Artificial production of. . . . II ill 205 Canadian ornamental II vm 121 Characteristics II v 521 Characters Canadian locali- ties of, rock II vi 434 Economic possibilities of lime feldspars of gneissoid rocks in Canada II in 322 Lime II v 529 Potash II vi 528 Rock in Laurentian rocks. II in 4 Felspar, chemical analysis of, from Beloeil, Que II v 435 Mt. Johnson, Que II v 435 Mt. Royal, Que II v 439 Shefford, Que II v 431 Felis canadensis, Rich, Canadian localities Ill vi 72 F. concolor, Linn. Canadian localities Ill vi 71 Occurrence in southern Que- bec Ill vii 281 172 FEL GENERAL INDEX FIC Ser. Vol. Page Felsites. Hudson's Bay HI iv 197 Female Education II vn 386 Fenestella tenuis, Hall, Clinton Group, Dundas. ... II XIV 142 F. tenuiceps, Hall II xiv 141 Fenni. Tacitus on arms of IV iv 43 Using Bone arrows IV iv 43 Fenton, John, clerk of St. James, Toronto II xu 251 Ferdinand Philip, Duke of Orleans. Autograph in volume now property of Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 540 Ferguson, of Niagara Specta- tor II xu 527 Ferguson, Rev. Prof. Etruscan Question Ill v 84 Ferment theory, of gluten formation IV vn 511 Fermentation. Butyric Acid in lactic II vi 457 Causes IV ix 273 On Occurrence of, pro- ducing INFUSORIA CAP- ABLE OF LIVING WITHOUT free Oxygen. By M. L. Pasteur: reprint II vi 456 Fernandina, Fa. Notice of Longitude of, by chronometer exchanges from Savannah, Georgia. II in 71 Fern root. Diggers; Dene IV iv 115 How cooked by Denes IV iv 116 Ferns. Attempted improvement in Arrangement of, and IN NOMENCLATURE OF THEIR SUB-DIVISIONS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xu 358 Classification of II xu 364 L. Huron district II xiv 471 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Synopsis of Canadian, and Filicoid Plants. By Geo. Lawson: reviewed II ix 348 Ferric Hydroxide. Dialysis of Colloidal. By E. F. Burton IV ix 53 Duclaux's formula for, col- loid IV ix 53 Effect of potassium phos- phate on, colloid in regard to velocity of particles in electric field IV ix 57 Relation of electric charge to chlorine content in, colloid IV ix 54 Ser. Vol. Page Ferrier, Prof. An Examination of His Theory of Knowing and Being. By Rev. G. Paxton Young II I 105 Theory of Absolute Exist- ence II I 113 Theory of contradictory doctrine II I 114 Theory of divine knowledge II I 109 Theory of Ego II I 108 Theory of Epistemology. . . II I 160 Theory of God's knowledge of Himself II i 109 Theory of Ontology II I 106 Ferro Nickel, production.... IV h 90 Ferrocyanhydric Acid, pre- paration of I ii 172 Ferruginous Thrush, habits of Ontario visitor Ill m 98 Fertilization, accidental, of Papilionaceous Plants. . . II iv 222 Fertilizers, manufacture in Canada IV vm 167 Fessenden, C. New Planimeter Ill v 27 Fewkes, Dr. Moki Indians, acquaintance with indigenous plants... IV vi 327 Fiber, Canadian localities of. F. osoyoosensis, Lord Ill vi 82 F. zibethicus, Linn Ill vi 82 Fibrin, plant, in gluten IV vn 498 Fibrine. Blood from liver does not contain II ix 178 Blood from kidneys does not contain II ix 179 Facts tending to show DAILY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF SEVERAL KILOGRAMMES OF, IN HUMAN BODY AND ALSO WHERETHISDEVELOP- MENT AND TRANSFORMA- TION TAKE PLACE. By E. Brown-Sequard: reprint . II ix 178 Liver transforms large part of II ix 182 Seat of formation of, in blood II ix 184 Fibrospongiae, reproduction. II xv 422 Fibrous Materials. Statistics of: reprint I m 63 Fibro-vascular, strands in plants IV vi 599 Fick, Dr. A. E. Adaptation of eye to dark: ref IV v 308 173 FIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FIN Ser. Vol. Page Fick, Rudolf. Arteria genu suprema in orang: ref IV vi 552 Clavicular portion of pector- alis magnus in orangs ... IV VI 530 Double insertion of pero- neus longus in orang: ref. IV VI 564 Extensor longus hallucis in orang: ref IV vi 563 Fat in cheeks of orang: ref. IV vi 512 Feet of man and apes ana- tomically alike: ref IV vi 591 Flexor accessorius in orang: ref .:■■■.■ IV VI 571 Flexor longus pollicis in Orang: ref IV vi 539 Function of adductor hallu- cis in orang: ref IV vi 574 Gluteus maximus in orang: ref....... IV vi 556 Intereossei in orang and man: ref IV vi 576 Ischio-femoral portion of bicep in orang: ref IV vi 561 Joint of first digit saddle shaped in orang: ref IV vi 587 Levator anguli scapulae, ori- gin in orang: ref IV vi 526 Muscle variation in orang: ref IV vi 592 Orang's protrusion of lips for taking food: ref IV vi 510 Peroneus parvus in orang: ref IV vi 565 Plantaris in orang: ref. . . . IV VI 567 Pronator radii teres in orang: ref IV vi 536 Scansorius in orang IV vi 557 Scansorius not climbing muscle: ref IV vi 558 Sesamoid bone in orang: ref . IV vi 543 Soleus of orang: ref IV vi 566 Thumb muscles in orang: ref IV vi 550 Fick and Wislicenus. Source of muscular power: ref II xi 251 Fidler, Peter Ill vi 143 Fidler, Rev. Isaac, Thornhill II xm 443 Fiji, Ellipsoidina in IV vm 388 Figians. Account of II xii 458 Crania of.' II vm 155 Filaments. Hexactinian; bibliography. IV vi 387 Mesenterial, in Zoanthus Sociatus (Ellis). By J. Playfair McMurrich IV vi 387 Filaria medinensis II iv 27 F. triaenucha (n. sp.), (pl.). Ill i 72 Ser. Vol. Page Filhol, E. Observations on colour- ing MATTER OF FLOWERS. I III 192 Filicales. Generic characters and species II xii 364 Siphonostelic type in IV vi 607 Young stelar system in.. .. IV vi 605 Filices. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II XIV 300 Hamilton species Ill n 155 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 653 London species II vm 236 Filicineae, dichotomy IV vm 521 Filicoid Plants, synopsis of Canadian Ferns and. By Geo. Lawson: reviewed.. II ix 348 Filter. Giavel, for cleaning milk. . . IV vn 485 Kinds and modes of action. IV vm 53 Syphon, exhibited at 1851 exhibition I I 11, 12 Filter-tap. Rodd's Registered Filter tap (pl.) I i 12 Filtol. Phosphorite beds: ref IV vm 501 Finch. Hamilton species II v 391 II vi 17 F. American Gold, habits of Ontario visitors HI III 96 F. pine, habits of Ontario visitors Ill III 89 F. purple. Notes and observations on Ontario visitors Ill in 92 III vn 188, 189 IV in 69, 78, 95, 106 Pine grosbeaks and IV I 41 Finch Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Finch's inn II xm 441 Findlay, A. G. On Arctic and Antarctic Currents, and their CONNECTION WITH FATE of Sir John Franklin: reprint I in 160 On OCEANIC CURRENTS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE Central American Canal: reprint I i 248 Fin of Amiurus catus. Anal Ill ii 301 Caudal Ill n 301 Dorsal Ill n 298 Muscles of anal Ill n 338 Muscles of caudal (pl.) .... Ill n 339 Muscles of dorsal HI n 336 Muscles of pectoral arch and III n 331 174 FIN GENERAL INDEX FIS Ser. Vol. Page Fin of Amiurus catus-Con. Muscles of pelvic Ill n 334 Pectoral arch and Ill n 301 Pelvic arch and Ill n 306 Finland, Fine Arts in I i 261 Finns. Crania of II ix 398 Magic Songs IV vi 325 Of prehistoric times II ix 397 Original home of Ill vi 282 Finsen, Niels R. Brief biography IV vin 100 Effect of light on small pox patients IV vni 106 Finsen, Niels R. His Life and Work. By Chas. R. Dickson IV vin 99 Irritant character of light upon skin and its cause.. IV vin 106 Light baths IV vin 112 Light cure for Lupus vul- garis IV vin 114 Light Institute IV vin 120 Stimulating effect of light on animals IV vni 109 Fir family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Fire. Australian Aborigines' tra- dition concerning II I 509 Dene ceremonial IV vi 114 Dene mode of starting IV iv 114 Fire Arms. Breech-loading and self- cleaning Rifles, Shot guns and pistols: re- print I hi 60 New revolving guns and Pistols: reprint I m 61 On Fire-arms. By Mr. Wilkinson: reprint I I 216 Fire-Balls I n 190 Fire Engines, Steam, ex- periments with I in 341 Fire Pink, Canadian habitats II xv 170 Fire place. Dene IV iv 187 Diagram of new I in 25 Position of. By Dr. Neil Arnott: reprint I in 38 Fire wood, Dene IV iv 47 Firolidae, generic characters. II xn 33 Fischer. Cyanophyceae's colourless central body: ref IV vi 445 Structure of Beggiatoa: ref. IV vi 474 Fischer, B. Scarlet Red solution to give best result in staining fat: ref IV vm 405 His work IV ix 271 Synthesh of pioteins: ref . . IV vm 433 Ser. Vol. Page Fish. Alimentary Canal in Ga- noid. By A B. Macal- lum: abstract Ill in 271 Artificial breeding of: lepiint I I 18 I in 65 Bacteriological examination of sawdust water in shade and sunshine for effect on IV vn 466 Conditions determining poisonous nature of saw- dust pollution in streams. IV vn 465 Cultures from sawdust ex- tracts made by Dr. W. T. Connell, effect on IV vn 460 Decaying sawdust, effect on IV vn 458 Dene instruments fot catch- ing (pl.) IV iv 72, 84, 123 Description of Intestinal Worm from Duodenum of White Fish of Cana- dian Lakes. By Beverley R. Morris II iv 442 Desert sawdust polluted streams for purer tribu- taries IV vn 465 Difference in organic matter passing into streams from farms, and forest, and effect on IV vn 461 Difference in sunlighted and shaded streams on bac- terial life and on IV vn 460 Directions for Collect- ing. By L. Agassiz: re- print I ii 91 Effects of aerating pine ex- tracts on IV vn 445 Effect of aromatic com- pound formed by bacteria on IV vn 459 Effect of discharge from pulp mills and beet sugar mills on IV vn 439 Effect of sawdust in Bonne- cherre River on IV vn 462 Effect of sawdust in experi- mental tank on IV vn 433 Effect of sawdust in experi- mental tank on, eggs. ... IV vn 436 Effect of strength of saw- dust extracts on IV vn 440 Effect of white pine extracts on IV vn 444 Effects of extracts from saw- dust placed in sun and in shade on IV VII 460 Effect of extracts from white pine, hemlock and cedar barks on IV vn 457 175 FIS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FLA Ser. Vol. Page Fish-Con. Effects of extract of cedar and pine sawdust on IV vu 441 Electric, employed thera- peutically II in 59 Electric, of Nile II m 64 Estimation of percentage pollution in Bonnecherre River and its effect on.. . IV vu 463 Extraordinary Fishes from California, con- stituting A NEW FAMILY. By L. Agassiz: reprint... I n 87 First fish hatchery 1 I 279 Fish containing living young, discovery of, and proposed names I n 87 Fish manures II iv 276 Found in mill ends in saw- dust streams IV vn 450 Instinct leads them to avoid poisonous liquid IV vn 451 Nutritive Relations in saw- dust extracts, on IV vn 461 Objections (4) to sawdust on propagation of food Fishes. By W. Landmark Norway IV vn 428 On Electric, as earl- iest ELECTRIC MACHINES EMPLOYED BY MANKIND. By Geo. Wilson (Edin.): reprint II Hi 58 Preservation of, for natural history specimens, notes 'on.... I I 173 Propagation of Food fishes By Prof. Rasch of Norway; effect of polluting streams on IV vn 428 Raa'&d (electric) II Hi 64 Rate at which white pine extract dissolved out effects IV vn 449 Razor, methods of catching II vn 359 Razor, as food II vn 360 Remy's experiments on breeding I I 279 Repeopling of Streams with, or Pisciculture; reprint I I 278 Sawdust and Fish Life. By A. P. Knight IV vn 425 Sawdust extract on, and fish eggs IV vu 436 Source of sawdust poison that affects IV vn 437 Silurian Star II Hi 158 Uhlekun, British Columbia. I m 275 II ii 17 White, Echinorhynchus in duodenum of II IV 442 Ser. Vol. Page Fish Hawk, Hamilton species II v 388 Fisher. Effect of absorption of ether vapour by leaves on plants: ref IV vn 246 Fisher, Rev. Osmond. Determination of age of earth by sodium in ocean, criticized: ref IV vn 537 Fisher, Canadian localities.. Ill vi 74 Fisheries. American rights in New- foundland fisheries I n 116 Bay of Fundy I n 117 French, in Newfoundland; history I u 116 History of North Ameri- can: reprint I n 116 Whale, in the Arctic regions I I 118 Fishery Act, 1858 IV vn 426 Fishing. Australian aborigines' me- thods II i 260 Dene methods IV iv 71 Fishing Islands, Pyrula per- versa from I in 156 Fissidens grandifrons. Niagara R II xiv 472 Owen Sound II xiv 472 Fissirostral. Families included in II ix 232 On Families properly be- longing TO, SUBORDER OF INSESSORIAL BIRDS AND REAL POSITION OF SOME WHICH HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO IT. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II ix 230 Fissured uplands, Black River escarpment, Ont... IV vn 172 Fissures, ice; cause IV ix 17 Fistulipora (M'Coy), generic characters II iv 97 F. canadensis (Billings), Devonian Corniferous or Onondaga limestone, On- tario II iv 98 Fitzgibbon, Col. Jas., Tor- onto II xiii 110 Fitzroy, Capt. Memorandum on Meteor- ology (1854) to British Govt.: reprint I m 87 Fjord and Fleischman. Centrifugal separation of milk: ref IV vu 487 Flagellata, Toronto tap water Ill i 421 F. pantostomata, Toronto tap water HI i 424 176 FLA GENERAL INDEX FLE Ser. Vol. Page Flagstones, Gaspe Peninsula II v 467 Flames. On Electricity of, of Hydrogen and Alcohol. By M. Mateucci: reprint II vi 385 Flamingo, order to which be- longs II xi 151 Flamborough Tp. gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Flat Head Indians. Artificially compress crania II I 190 Expulsion from Alberta... . IV iv 250 Location I in 273 II ii 11 Process of flattening head. . I in 273 Flathead River, Lebertia tyr- relli Koen, n. sp. in IV IX 291 Flat Islands, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 382 Flavia Augustina. Latin in- scription to, at York, Eng. II vi 235 Flavorings. Mode of manufacturing artificial essences: re- print I ii 10 Preparation of I ill 307 Flax. Action of Citric, tar- taric AND OXALIC ACIDS on, Fibres: reprint I m 113 Canadian habitats II xv 176 Cultivation of I I 88 In Ireland and its products. I I 268 New Zealand, at edge of lava streams II ii 360 New Zealand Flax: re- print I in 55 Flaxweed, Canadian locali- ties II xv 161 Flaxworks, Claussen's I n 233 Fleischman; Fjord and. Centrifugal separation of milk: ref IV vn 487 Fleming, Sir Sandford. Address on occasion of FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. . IV VI 646 Canadian Geological Sur- vey and its Director Sir Wm. E. Logan II i 238 Cosmic Time; statement OF PROGRESS BEING MADE IN IT IV I 6 Early days of Canadian Institute IV vi 1 Longitude and Time-Rec- koning; SELECTION OF PRIME MERIDIAN COMMON TO ALL NATIONS HI I 138 Ser. Vol. Page Fleming, Sir Sandford-Con. Memorandum on move- ment FOR RECKONING TIME ON SCIENTIFIC BASIS, BY WHICH GREAT- EST SIMPLICITY, ACCURACY AND UNIFORMITY WILL BE OBTAINABLE THROUGHOUT WORLD IV I 227 New Compound Rail II in 472 Notes on Davenport Gravel Drift II vi 247 Note on early days of Can- adian Institute IV vi 657 Note on early steam- boats IV in 174 Note on electoral repre- sentation IV ii 315 Note on Memorable epoch in Canadian His- tory IV vi 314 Note on ocean steam NAVIGATION IV III 165 Note on Postage Stamps . IV in 177 Notes on present condi- tions OF OIL WELLS OF Enniskillen II vm 246 Reforms in time reckoning II n 128 Report on preservation AND IMPROVEMENT OF Toronto Harbour (this was awarded second pre- mium by the commis- sioners in 1854) I in 120a Story of Steamship IV ix 107 Time Reckoning HI i 97 Toronto Harbour; its FORMATION AND PRESER- VATION (with plans) I n 105, 223 Universal or Cosmic Time Ill m 60 Universal or Cosmic Time WITH ALL CORRESPOND- . ENCE ON SUBJECT IN POS- SESSION of Canadian In- stitute HI in 309 Valley of the Nottawa- saga (with map).... i... . I I 222 Ancient shore line along L. Ontario HI vi 3 Insurance of $1000 in favour of Canadian Institute.... Ill vn 43 Insurance of his life in favour of Institute IV n 19 Iroquois beach northwest of Toronto: ref IV vi 30 Patent for a centre rail rail- way I i 93 Presentation of his portrait to Canadian Institute.... IV IV 224 Report on Toronto Harbour: reviewed I I 162 177 FLE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FLO Ser. Vol. Page Fleming, Sir Sandford-Con. Toronto Island formed by washings from Don I n 106 Transcontinental Ry. sug- gested in 1861 and cost estimated II vu 200 Flemming, W. Chromatin abundant in dividing haematoblasts: ref IV ii 236 Fixing agent for nerve cells: ref ......... IV VI 407 Flexor brevis pollicis single headed in Orang: ref.... IV vi 548 Masses in nerve cell that have peculiar affinity for nuclear stains: ref IV vi 405 Nissl granules in cord of Gadus: ref IV vi 409 Fletcher, E. T. Twenty years' Siege of Can- dia: reviewed m 327 Fletcher, Miss Alice. Love songs of Omaha In- dians IV vi 340 Fleurent. Method of preparing glu- tenin IV vu 505 Constituents of gluten: ref IV vu 500 Flexor accessorius. Anthropoids IV vi 571 Chimpanzee IV vi 571 Gorilla IV vi 571 In man and apes IV vi 588 Orang IV vi 571 Variations in man: ref IV v 572 F. brevis digitorum. Gorilla IV vi 570 Homologue of flexor sub- limis digitorum IV vi 580 Orang IV vi 569 F. brevis hallucis, Orang... IV vi 573 F. brevis minimi digiti, Orang (pl.) IV vi 549, 575 F. brevis pedis, Cynopithe- cinse IV vi 571 F. brevis pollicis, Orang (pl.) IV vi 539, 548 F. carpi radialis, Orang ... IV vi 536 F. carpi ulnaris, Orang .... IV vi 537 F. digitorum fibularis. Distribution in apes IV vi 570 Gibbon IV vi 570 Orang IV vi 568 F. digitorum tibialis. Gorilla IV vi 570 Orang IV vi 568 F. longus hallucis. And flexor tendons of four outer toes in man IV vi 570 Gorilla IV vi 570 In man and apes IV vi 588 Ser. Vol. Page F. longus pollicis. Gorilla IV vi 539 Lemurs IV vi 539 Orang IV vi 539 F. sublimis digitorum. Homologue of flexor brevis digitorum and soleus.... IV vi 580 F. sublimis digitorum vel perforatus. Orang IV vi 537, 538 F. tendons, flexor longus hallucis and, of four outer toes in man IV vi 570 Flicker, notes on habits of Ontario visitors Ill vu 201 IV m 80, 93 Flint instruments. Found with hearth stones in parts of France II ix 272 Found in Loir-et-Cher II ix 271 Found near Sacy-le-Grand. II ix 271 Floerkea, Willd, Canadian localities of. F. proserpinacoides, Willd.. II xv 350 Floor, improved floor to secure ground floors against wet, heat, etc II in 267 Floor of Scarpa's triangle Orang IV vi 554 Flora. Age of Canadian IV vm 39 Austral type on east coast L. Huron, list and distri- bution II xiv 477 Barrie, list of. By H. B. Spotton II xv 46 Boreal type on east coast of L. Huron with list II xiv 474 British Columbia, charac- teristics IV vm 36 Canadian, neighbourhood of Toronto II m 266 Canadian prairies, charac- teristics IV vm 34 Causes of some species hav- ing wide range and others not IV vm 29 Common to Europe and America IV vm 38 Evidence of glacial period. . IV vm 283 Flora Hamiltonensis. By J. M. Buchan Ill n 145 Flora Hamiltonensis, notes on Ill ii 156 Hamilton and Belleville climates compared as in- fluencing, of two places.. II xiv 287 How Plant Life is dis- tributed in Canada and' why. By A. T. Drum- mond IV vm 23 Influence of Gt. Lakes on.. II xiv 290 178 FLO GENERAL INDEX FLU Ser. Vol. Page Flora-Con. Less known Fossil Floras of Scotland. By Hugh Miller: reprint I ill 365 List of Canadian plants with localities II xiv 635 List of Indigenous Plants FOUND IN NEIGHBOUR- HOOD of Hamilton, with DATES OF FINDING AND FLOWERING. By Dr. Craigie and W Craigie . . I n 222 List of Plants collected CHIEFLY IN THE NEIGH- BOURHOOD of London, Ont. By W. Saunders... II vm 219 List of plants that do not occur at Belleville II xiv 302 Notes on, of Hamilton. By J. M. Buchan II xiv 281 On precarboniferous, of New Brunswick, Maine and Eastern Canada. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed. II vi 486 Sand area of east coast of L. Huron II xiv 473 Saskatchewan and Alberta, characteristics IV vm 35 Specimen of a, of Canada, with Preliminary Re- marks. By Wm. Hincks II vi 165, 276 Synopsis of, of Valley of St. Lawrence and Great Lakes. By John Macoun and John Gibson II xv 51, 161, 349, 429, 546 Wind as an agency in dis- tribution IV vm 28 Flora of Canada. Absence of familiar trees from eastern coast distribution, cause IV vm 32 Arctic group IV vm 27 Boreal group IV vm 26 British Columbia group.... IV vm 26 Canadian group IV vin 25 Cascade group IV vm 27 Distribution of maritime plants in interior; cause. . IV vin 31 Eastern Coast group IV vm 25 Erie group IV vm 26 European group IV vm 27 Forest group IV vm 25 General causes of distribu- tion . IV vm 27 Maritime group IV vm 25 Ontario group IV vm 26 Prairie group IV VIII 26 Rocky Mt. group IV vm 26 St. Lawrence group IV vm 26 Southern British Columbia group IV vm 26 Ser. Vol. Page Flora of Canada-Con. Special causes of distribu- tion IV vin 30 Specimen of II vi 276 Western Plains group IV vin 26 Floral display, Provincial Ex- hibition Toronto, 1852... I I 59 Florida, reefs and corals of. . I n 81 Floridian Valley (pl.) IV v 364 Floris. Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 228 Flour. Export difficulties I n 108 Gliadin and gluten probably exist as such in IV vn 513 Flour Mill. Westrup's patent Coni- cal, with plate I i 245 Flower, W. H. Difference between foot of ape and of man: ref IV vi 589 Cranial development in gor- illa: ref IV vi 508 Flowers, Prof. Eskimo and Japanese simi- larities: ref Ill vi 279 Flowers. Arrangement, etc., of circles in II x 374 Canadian Wild. By D. W. Beadle IV in 125 Methods of changing colour of I in 192 Names (various) for differ- ent classes of II ' x 375 Observations on Colour- ing Matter of. By E. Filhol: reprint I in 192 Permanent impressions on glass of: reprint. ... I m 315 Wild, for gardens; advan- tages IV in 125 Wild, suitable for flower gardens IV in 128 Flowering dogwood, charac- ters; Canadian habitats. II vi 280 Fluids. Investigation of specific heats of Elastic Fluids. By M. V. Regnault: re- print I n 133 Fluophosphates IV vm 503 Fluor-apatite. From Bedford Tp., analysis of II xiii 507 From South Crosby, analy- sis of II xin 507 Fluorescence. Stokes theory I i 82 Sulphuretted hydrogen flame produces II i 557 179 FLU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR Ser. Vol. Page Fluorine. In human bones and fossil bones IV vm 504 Tests for II u 448 Fluor spar. Canadian localities II vi 155 Conditions in which, occurs in Kamanistiquia region. Ill vu 251 Occurrence in L. Superior districts II x 410 Tests II vi 155 Flycatcher. Hamilton species II v 389 II vi 15 Notes and observations on Ontario visitors Him 92, 99 HI vn 192 193, 199 IV in 81 Flying Proas. Flying Proas of Ladrone Islands. By Capt. Stu- part, R.N Ill vn 204 Foa's fluid, modification of, for fixing nerve cells IV vi 407 Foetus, difference between human, and that of apes (pl.) IV vi 589 Foin, Point au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Fokker. Germicidal action of fresh milk: ref IV vn 480 Foliage leaves. Absorption of water by: expts IV vn 248 Bordeaux mixture's effect on IV vu 246 Effects of strong solutions applied to cut ends of petioles of: expts IV vu 292 Effects of water on: biblio- graphy IV vn 346 Investigation into EFFECTS OF WATER AND AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF SOME COMMON INORGANIC SUBSTANCES ON. By Jas. B. Dandeno IV vn 237 Specific gravity apparatus to find density of solutions in tests on (fig.) ... IV vn 239 Water absorption by; his- torical resume IV vu 241 Foliation. Gneissic, and Schistose Cleavage in Dykes and BEARING ON ORIGIN OF Archaean Rocks. By A. C. Lawson HI iv 115 Gneissic, may be developed in granitic rock Ill IV 122 Gneissic, no proof of bedding III iv 117 Ser. Vol. Page Folk Lore. Among Denes differs ac- cording to tribe IV iv 21 French-Canadian. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract IV 11 34 Plant symbolism in IV Vi 328 Plant symbolism in, of In- dians IV vi 330 Season myths IV vi 333 Fomes, habits and Ontario habitats of. F. connatus Fr IV ix 77 F. fomentarius Fr IV ix 77 F. igniarius (L.), Fr IV ix 77 F. leucophoeus, Mont IV ix 77 F. pinicola (Swartz), Fr.... IV ix 77 Fontaine-Moreau. Transmission of Motive power, new method I I 120 Food. Alimentary II vn 361 Auxiliary II vn 365 Blood as , II vn 362 Elements of: reprint I m 148 Food and its Adultera- tions: reprint I in 279 Gelatine as II vn 362 Human II vn 361 Impurities of I ni 283 Medicinal II vn 365 On Food. By E. Lankester: reviewed II vn 358 On Food of Man. By Dr. Lyon Playfair: reprint... I n 160 On nutritive value of food of Man under DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF AGE AND EMPLOYMENT. By Dr. L. Playfair I I 247 On Preservation of Food. By J. T. Brondgeest I n 107 Preservation of I n 109 Vegetable diet II vn 364 Fool's Parsley, Toronto .... I i 206 Foot. Markings on, of man (pho- tograph) IV vi 522 Markings on, of Orang (photograph) IV vi 523 Foot and "Mouth Disease, nature of IV vm 54 Footprints, human foot- prints in solid limestone.. I I 95 Foramen Centrale. Unequal Sensibility of, TO LIGHT OF DIFFERENT colours. By J. C. Max- well: reprint II U HO Foraminifer, cell division.... IV vi 497 Foraminifera. Characteristics II vi 505 Fossils, Montreal II in 157 180 FOR GENERAL INDEX FOR Ser. Vol. Page Foraminifera-Con. In limestone of Jamaica.... IV vm 383 In Lower Silurian I m 194 In pteropod Marl, Jamaica. IV vm 384 Notes on Fossil, of Trinidad as bearing on Pacific con- nections of Caribean re- gion IV vm 387 Organisms most important in forming glauconite.... IV vn 547 Receptaculites belongs to. . II iv 466 Forbes. Prof. Edward. Genus Protaster: ref IV vm 363 Natural History of the British Seas I i 109 Obituary I m 141 Shadow of moon during total eclipse I ill 45 Theory of Glaciers: re- print I in 44 Forbes, James David, D.C.L., F.R.S. Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science, 1770-1850: reviewed II u 366 Force. Centrifugal, of Planets. By John Phillips: ab- stract Ill in 122 Conservation of Energy and Nature of Force. By John Galbraith II xv 491 Lines of Force, physical properties of magnetic. By Prof. Faraday I I 31 Method of drawing theo- retical forms of Fara- day's lines of force without Calculation. By J. Clerk Maxwell: re- print II ii 62 New proof of Parallelo- gram of. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II I 357 Polyhedron of. By J. T. Graves II u 113 Proof of Poisson's Parallelo- gram of, criticized II I 299 Theory of action at a dis- tance and by contact... . II xv 494 Force, Isle de la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Forchhammer. Magnesium in ash of sea weeds: ref IV vu 550 Forcherite II vm 89 Ford. Bacteria from animals just killed: ref IV vu 478 Ford, Dr. H. A. Discovered new species of Orang I I 94 Ser. Vol. Page Foreland, North, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Foreland, South, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 382 Forest and Stream (Paper). Correspondence on effect of sawdust in streams on trout IV vn 429 Forest Group, Canadian flora IV vin 25 Forest Products Labora- tory, Madison Wis IV ix 234 Forest Reserves Act, On- tario IV vin 7 Forestry. Canada's need of trained foresters IV vin 297 Do WE NEED A, COLLEGE? By Thos. Southworth.... IV vm 297 Forestry and necessity FOR ITS PRACTICE IN Ontario. By R. W. Phipps Ill in 109 Need for Dept, in Canada and loss without it IV vin 262 Forests. Forestsand rainfall IV vin 6 Influence on rainfall and water supply Ill in 110 Influence on water supply in valley d'Aragua Vene- zuela I n 131 Rainfall of Michigan and Wisconsin influenced by destruction of IV v 40 Value of products of Cana- dian, exported in 1849, 1850 and 1851 I I 73 Foret, Isle au, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 382 Foret, Isle la, gazetteer no tice (1813) II xiv 382 Forgeries, literary, of eigh- teenth century II xn 177 Forks of Bay of Quinte, gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 382 Formic acid II i 193 Forster, Rev. Chas. Deciphering Sinaitic inscrip- tions IV vi 245 Forster, J. W. L. Artists-their educa- tional PRIVILEGES AND PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS: abstract IV iv 239 Canadian Art of To-day: abstract IV li 22 Canadian Institute's expres- sion of gratitude for gift of Sandford Fleming's portrait IV iv 225 181 FOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOS Ser. Vol. Page Forster, J. W. L.-Con. Gleanings from European Art Fields: abstract. . . IV i 35 Nineteenth Century Sacred Art: abstract... IV m 28 Forster. Wrought iron plates of... . I n 173 Forster's Shrew, Canadian localities HI vi 89 Fort Amherst, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 382 Fort Brady, Michigan, Me- teorological Observations at Feb. 1855 I in 245 Fort Constantine, meteoro- logical observations at... IV vin 291 Fort Erie, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 211 Fort George, gazetteer no- tice (1913) II xiv 211, 382 Fort Hill, Ont., geology of.. IV vn 148 Fort Hope, Ont., mean tem- perature and precipita- tion'. IV ix 151 Fort Rouille, Ont. Former name for Toronto. . II xn 169 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 209 Fort Welland, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 211 Forts, Dene IV iv 195 Fortuna Planet I i 96 Fortunatow. Motion like that of cilia in striae: ref IV vm 255 Foscolo, Ugo. Brain capacity of II xv 205 Fossil or Fossils. Additional tracks in Pots- dam Sandstone, Canada. II v 469 Agelacrinites Billingsii, Preliminary Notice of. By E. J. Chapman II v 204 Altered Rocks in Eastern Massachusetts contain... II n 49 Amount of inorganic matter in various animal bodies. II vi 502 Ampyx II vn 73 Anticosti II n 47 II in 327 Archaeocyathus, of Potsdam sandstones, Canada II vn 72 As means of obtaining idea of successive faunae II vi 290 Bathyurus, in Potsdam Sandstone, Canada II vn 72 Batrachians from coal strata of Ohio II in 261 Beatricea of Anticosti Island II m 331 Belleville II v 45 Bones, amount of animal matter present in II vi 376 Cainozoic Strata II vin 458 Ser. Vol. Page Fossil or Fossils-Con. Causes of absence of certain animals in fossiliferous de- posits II xni 379 Causes of preservation of organic remains in state. II I 186 Clinton Group II xiv 137 Conditions influencing pre- servation of II vi 501 Conocephalites in Potsdam Sandstone, Canada II vn 72 Conus, alleged discovery of, in drift of Ontario II in 516 Corniferous Canada (pl.). . II vin 441 Descriptions of new Palaeo- zoic, from Illinois and Iowa II vi 528 Descriptions of new species of Palaeozoic Fossils. By Jas. Hall: reviewed II in 153 Diagram of genera of Crus- tacea occurring in differ- ent geological epochs.... II i 281 Dr. Owen's description of new mode of drawing fossils I ii 22 Don inter-glacial beds IV vi 37 Eospongia (n. sp.) II vn 73 Esplanade cuttings, Toronto II i 74 Five types of animal organ- isms in II vi 504 Foot-tracks of Connecticut Valley .. II v 307 Foraminifera of Trinidad as bearing on Pacific connec- tions of Caribean region.. IV vin 387 Fossil fishes, R. Owen's views on II v 539 Fossil Floras of Scot- land, LESS KNOWN. By Hugh Miller: reprint... . I m 365 Fossils of Clinton, Nia- gara and Guelph For- mation of Ontario. By H. Alleyne Nicholson and Geo. J. Hinde II xiv 137 Fossil Reptiles, Coal-mea- sures, Nova Scotia II vin 267 Fossil Sharks of Devon- ian. By Mr. Lennox: ab- stract Ill in 120 Fossilized animal remains. . II vi 503 Fossilized vegetable re- mains II vi 502 Fresh water, western On- tario II xv 410 Fresh water shells from other Lake Deposits than Iroquois beach gravels.. . IV vi 39 Graptolites, American, fig- ured and described II i 388 Guelph Formation II xiv 142 182 FOS GENERAL INDEX FOS Ser. Vol. Page Fossil or Fossils-Con. Hamilton IV vi 36 Hamilton formation, On- tario (pl.) II vm 445 Horse in post pliocene of America II iv 414 Human skulls I n 172 Iowa II v 200 Iroquois Beach deposits.... IV vi 35 Irvine Ravine (Alta.) Ill v 156 "Layton" series, Jamaica.. IV v 339 Leda clay (pl.) II vm 455 Loraine shales, Huron re- gion, Ont I hi 51 Lowest, bearing rock, Lake Superior II vi 45 Lucea Bay, Jamaica IV v 341 Marine, western Ontario . . II xv 410 Marine vegetable remains, composition and descrip- tion of II ii 217 Method of collecting II v 250 Montego Bay, Jamaica. .. . IV v 341 Montreal, found around. By Prof. Dawson II m 157 Musk Ox found in Britain. . II i 307 New, from coal measures of Nova Scotia II v 205 New gigantic, bird: re- print I hi 244 Newer Pliocene, of St. Lawrence Valley. By Prof. Dawson: reprint... II m 86 Niagara formation II xiv 145 Niagara limestones, Huron region, Ont I m 51 Note on Fossils from Ottawa River. By J. W. Salter I i 221 Note on more character- istic, of Hudson River group of Toronto and environs. By J. F. Smith, Jr II iv 450 Obolella in Potsdam Sand- stone, Canada II vn 72 Oldest, found in Canada.. . I ii 54 On Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingulae and some other Shells. By E. W. Logan and T. S. Hunt... I ii 264 On, Corals of Devonian Rock of Ontario. By E. Billings II iv 97 On Devonian, of Canada West. By E. Billings. II v 249 II vi 138, 253, 329 Ser. Vol. Page Fossil or Fossils-Con. On Co-Existence of Man WITH CERTAIN EXTINCT Quadrupeds proved by fossil Bones (from vari- ous Pleistocene De- posits) BEARING INCIS- IONS MADE BY SHARP IN- STRUMENTS. By M. E. Lartet: reprint II vi 368 On Primordial Fauna and Pt. Levi Fossils. By Jas. Hall: reprint II vi 284 On some additional Re- mains of Land Animals in Coal Measures of Nova Scotia. By J. W. Dawson: reprint II vn 144 Onondaga formation in Canada II vm 438 Ophiurians, classification. . IV vm 365 Orders, and Distribution in time. By Prof. Owen: reprint II v 73 Oriskany formation, Can- ada II vm 441 Oriskany sandstone II vn 192 Palaeozoic and secondary rocks II ii 265 Permian II m 357 Primordial zone of Quebec (so-called) II vi 42 Probable Nature of sup- posed TRACKS KNOWN AS Protichnites and Climactichnites. By E. J. Chapman II xv 486 Quadrumana I m 110 Quebec Group of Rocks at Pt. Levi, Que II vi 42 Red River II v 189 Reptile in, tree in coal MEASURES OF NOVA Scotia I i 237 Rock at Toronto I I 149 Riverbeds around Belleville II v 44 Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Species of, met with in Can- adian rocks II vi 508 Strata giving same, widely removed geographically can only exceptionally be contemporaneous II xm 269 Tertiary, of Caribean IV vm 388 Three fold value of study of fossils II vi 500 Trenton Limestone in Huron district, Ont I hi 50 Toronto and vicinity IV vi 36 Windham Tp., Norfolk Co. II vi 295 "White Limestone" of Ja- maica IV v 333 183 FOS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FRA Ser. Vol. Page Fossil or Fossils-Con. Varieties and mode of preservation of, known as Sternbergite. By J. W. Dawson: reprint II H 476 Yellow limestone of Maypen IV vm 382 Fossiliferous. Clay, Interglacial, Scarboro Hts. and Humber II xv 395 Sand, Interglacial, Scarboro Hts II xv 397 Strata, description of in western Ontario I in 28 Strata in eastern America.. I I 125 Strata in N. E. America... I in 28 Foster, P. Le Neve. Boiler Explosions: reprint II ix 46 Fothergill, Chas., Toronto. II xn 348 Foucault, M. Discovery of pendulum.... I I 208 Nouvelles Experiences SUR LE MOUVEMENT DE la Terre au Moyen du Gyroscope: reprint I m 159 Foucault pendulum. Experiments at Quebec on I n 64 Second report of Liter- ary and Historical Society of Quebec on. . I n 64 Foulahs, Antiquity of HI v 74 Foulkes. Solutions kill some plants and help others: ref IV vu 247 Fowler, Prof. Species of Spruce Ill vi 173 Fownes, G., F.R.S. Elementary Chemistry: re- viewed I n 170 Fox. Arctic, of Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 113 Canadian species and their localities Ill vi 73 Dene, snares IV iv 102 Different varieties in same litter IV iv 95 Fraas. On ancient weapons: ref... IV iv 42 Fraenkel, Carl. Circumstances under which underground waters can be obtained pure: ref.... IV I 159 Fragaria, Tourn, Canadian localities of. F. vesca L II xv 431 F. virginiana Ehrhart II xv 430 France. Agriculture in; condition in 1850 II I 141 Ancient crania of II ix 377 Bauxite deposits in II vi 387 Ser. Vol. Page France-Con. Campaign of 1815. By R. E. Kingsford Ill iv 149 Celtic era in II ix 270 Celtic Roman and Greek TYPES STILL EXISTENT IN, WITH NOTES ON LANGUE D'OC. By Arthur Harvey IV n 176 Celtic traces in II xv 84 Development of stigar beet industry II vi 463 Earthquake felt in, 1855... I m 336 Elephas antiquus and E. pri- migenius; parts of their skeleton found in France II ix 276 Existence of man in cen- tre of, when Reindeer AND OTHER ANIMALS NOW EXTINCT THERE EXISTED. By M. Milne Edwards and M. De Vibraye: re print II ix 262, 270 Hearth stones with flint in- struments found in vari- ous places II ix 272 Hyaena spelaea remains in. . II ix 274 Hydrated sesquioxide of iron and alumina deposits in II vi 387 Manufacture of sugar in: reprint I m 149 Rhinoceros tichorhinus re- mains in II ix 274 Troglodytes in southwestern IV ii 181 Zimri traces in II xv 309 Frances Lake, Nah'ane tribes northern limit IV VII 521 Francis Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208, 382 Francis, Lake St., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Francois River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Franklinite, analysis of II iv 495 Franco-Canadian. Contribution to study of, dialect. By J. Squair.. Ill vi 161 Frank and Kruger. Effect of bordeaux mixture on leaves: ref IV vu 246 Frankland, Dr. Chlorides in atmosphere: ref IV vu 335 Frankland, Dr. Edward. On Combustion in Rare- fied Air: reprint II vi 380 On Source of Muscular Power II xi 248 Franklin, Benjamin. Atmospheric electricity.... I ii 182 Autograph in book II xv 534 184 FRA GENERAL INDEX FRE Ser. Vol. Page Franklin, Commodore S. R. Reckoning of Astronomical Day IV in 314 Franklin, Sir John. Account of Coppermine re- gion IV ix 215 Autograph letter to Robin- son of Canada Co II xiv 111 Brief account of his last ex- pedition IV viii 394 Brief account of voyage to discover northwest pas- sage IV viii 394 Chief Factor Macpherson's report from Esquimalt concerning I ii 84 Dr. Rais discovery of bodies of crew I hi 91 McClure's report on clues of I ii 111 Magnetic observations on his last voyage II m 57 On Arctic and Antarctic Currents and their CONNEXION WITH FATE of. By A. G. Findlay: re- print I hi 160 Probable fate I ii 21 Search for. By Capt. Peterman I I 118 Fate of: Dr. Rae's letter to Sir Geo. Simpson: reprint I hi 91 Story of a, search ex- pedition. By J. B. Tyrrell IV viii 393 Franklinite. New Jersey Zinc and. ... I i 211 Franks. Inscriptions concerning Elagabalus II n 227 Fraser, A. On Consumption of Smoke- Experiments with Juke's Patent Furnace: reprint I n 307 Fraser, Alex. C. Rational Philosophy in His- tory and in System; an Introduction to a Logical and Metaphysical Course: reviewed II ill 347 Fraser River, B.C. Periodicity of big runs of salmon IV ix 35 Spawning grounds of salmon IV ix 27 Salmon IV ix 24 Fraxineae, Canadian species. I m 292 Fraxinus americana, L. Canadian II vi 30 Host of Cecidomyia pellex O. S IV ix 321 F. pubescens, Canadian II vi 30 Ser. Vol. Page F. sambucifolia, Canadian.. II vx 30 Frazer. On varieties of totems IV iv 203 Freaks of Nature. Freaks of Nature: reprint II i 75 Frecheville, Wm. Technical Education of a Mining Engineer. ... IV ix 65 Frederick Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Frederickton, N.B., earth- quake at I i 185 Fredericksburg, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 68 Fredericksburg h Tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Freeland, Patrick. New Traversing stage for Microscope II n 277 On Movements of dia- TOMACEAJ II VI 324 Freestone, Nova Scotia I i 241 Freezing, vegetables I i 142 Freiberg process IV iv 364 French. Brain capacity compared with ancient Britons II xv 217 Characteristic of crania of, in Canada II ix 396 Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Discoveries etc. in America compared with British... II n 403 Early discoveries of, in North America. By John Langton II ii 393 Experimental Cruise of, Iron Clad Squadron: reprint II ix 186 Fisheries in Newfoundland, history I n 116 French Shore Question. By T. B. Browning: ab- stract HI vii 33 French traders in Canada conduct towards Indians IV m 252 Gender anomalies IV vi 64 Settlement north of Tor- onto 1800 II xm 451 French Canadian. Birth rate 1861 II x 11 Cranial types of II ix 402 French Canadian folk- lore. By A. F. Chamber- lain: abstract IV ii 34 French Maps, of Canada. How obtained II n 394 French River, Ont. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 383 Geological and topographi- cal survey of II iv 269 185 FUM FRE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Fresenius. Oxidation of alkaline arsen- ites II x 334 Fresh-water Seal, Canadian localities HI vi 77 Frost. Account of Coppermine Country IV ix 205 Freudenreich. Effect of temperature on bacteria in milk: ref IV vii 492 Effect of vaseline on hands when milking on number of bacteria: ref IV vii 482 Germicidal action of fresh milk: ref IV vii 480 Freudenreich, Wuthrich and Bacteria in Cow Manure from different feedings: ref IV vii 481 Friction, one cause of atmo- spheric electricity I u 182 Friedel, M. Zircon with basal planes: reprint II u 218 Friedmann, Dr State of primitive thought: ref IV vi 315 Friendly Societies, Finlai- son's report on I in 84 Frigates, Iron cased II vi 74 Fringilla Hamilton species II V 391 Species that winter in Tor- onto with notes I I 170, 171 Fritillaria meleagris, ab- normal develpoment of. . II m 315 Frobisher, Benjamin Endeavour to get congress to permit passage of tra- ders to upper country during revolutionary war IV iv 300 Fur trade 1784 IV v 75 Frog, Aborigines of Australia's tradition concerning II i 508 Frontals, Amiurus Catus (pl.) HI ii 275 Frontenac County, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Frost Mound builders identical with Nahuas: ref Ill v 62 Fruit Artificial preparations of flavoring matter of...... I i 17 Carpel in II vi 496 An attempt at an Im- proved Classification of. By Wm. Hincks.... II vi 495 Frying Pan Island, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xrv 383 Ser. Vol. Page Fuchs Brain weight of II xv 209 Stereochrome of I in 107 Fucoids Geological and geographical distribution of petroleum deposits and fucoidal re- mains II xi 194 Magnesium in sea water re- moved by IV vii 550 On, in Coal Formations. By Leo. Lesquereux: re- viewed II xi 191 Possibly caused supposed fossil tracks known as Protichnites and Climac- tichnites II xv 488 Size of II xi 192 Toronto shales contain .... I i 150 Fucus species in Brit s i Seas F. articulatus I i 109 F. canaliculatus I I 109 F. serratus I I 109 Fuegians, origin Ill v 68 Fuel Artificial, from coal refuse . I II 46 Economy of, for Steam Machinery. By Alfred Brunel C.E II i 336 For Marine Boilers I m 132 Fuel Saving and Smoke consuming Fire places. By Niel Arnott M.D. F.R.S. I in 6, 25 Fuel Saving grate descrip- tion of I in 8 Heating values of I ill 218 Smoke utilized for I i 103 Table showing cost of, on American and Canadian Rys. for 1855 II i 337 Waste in fire places I in 8 Fuerteventura, sorrocloco custom IV vii 35 Fulbrook, C. On variation in quantity OF RAIN DUE TO MOON'S POSITION IN REFERENCE TO PLANE OF EARTH'S orbit: report II m 50 Fulgur perversa, mounds in Otonabee tp. Ont. (pl.). . IV ix 4 Fulica, Hamilton species... . II v 393 F. americana, Toronto IV m 105 Fulicinee II xi 158 Fuligula, Hamilton species . . II v 395 Fulminuric, or Isocyanuric Acid II I 82 Fumaria, L., Canadian localities of. F. officiuallis L II xv 62 186 FUM GENERAL INDEX GAE Ser. Vol. Page Fumariaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 Collateral chorisis in andro- ecium of II x 380 Hamilton species Ill ii 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 636 II xv 61 London species II vm 221 Stamen peculiarities in, ex- plained II v 339 Fumitory, Canadian locali- ties II xv 61, 62 Function. Remarks on Negative In- dex OF A FUNCTION. By Rev. E. K. Kendall II vm 273 Funeral customs, Tungus and Denes IV v 193 Fungus tissue, Botrychium virginianum (pl.) IV v 273 Fungi. New Species of Canadian. By J. B. Ellis and John Dearness IV vi 637 Partial list of Canadian. By Thos. Langton IV ix 69 Furfurine, formula of II i 487 Furnace. Juke's Patent, for consump- tion of smoke I u 307 Refuse at Smelting Fur- naces: reprint I in 242 Fur trade. Detroit 1765 IV m 266 Exploration of route to Northwest in Canadian territory IV v 77 Fur Trade, 1783-7. By Capt. E. Cruikshank. ... IV v 74 Three share concern of 1781 IV v 75 Transportation troubles, 1785 IV v 80 Furs, value of, at time of con- quest IV in 262 Furst, Livius. Light skinned calves best for developing vaccine: ref IV vm 103 Fusel-oil. Perfumes obtained from. . . I I 105 Preparation of valerianic acid from I n 172 Fusiform corpuscles. Bibliography IV n 243 Described IV n 242 Factors operating in pro- duction IV ii 247 Fate of IV n 247 Origin of IV n 245 Fusion Point, variation with pressure I II 54 Ser. Vol. Page Fusus dupetithouarsi, Paci- fic representative of F. henekenii Sow IV vni 390 F. harpularius Couthoy, St. Lawrence Valley II in 86 F. henekenii Sow, Caribean and Pacific... IV vin 390 F. lamellosus. From great sea depths II vi 520 F. tornatus, Gould, St. Lawrence Valley II in 86 Gabb, Dr. W. W. Older Miocene in Santo Domingo: ref IV v 333 Gad, mining tool of mound builders (pl.) I I 133 Gadow, Hans. Arrangement of Central American land in geologi- cal times: ref IV vni 376 Incubation of Caecilians eggs: ref . IV vin 474 Gadus, Nissl granules in cord of IV vi 409 Albanic Duan IV v 302 Book of Deer IV v 300 Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Cornwall, names of places, etc Ill in 47 Devonshire rivers with, names Ill m 44 Gaelic topography of Damnonia. By Dr. Neil MacNish Ill in 43 Gaelic topography of Wales and Isle of Man. By Rev. Neil MacNish. . Ill n 181 Idioms Ill vi 238 Names IV n 108 Names of places in England III i 314 Names of places, etc., in Scilly Isles Ill in 55 Names of place in Isle of Man of, origin Ill ii 185 Names of places in Wales of, origin Ill ii 181 Origin of topographical names in Brittany Ill v 82 Peculiarities and exter- nal RELATIONS OF, LAN- GUAGE. By David Spence III vi 238 (abstract) Ill vi 45 Settlement of Scotland Ill I 318 Topographical argument IN FAVOUR OF EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH Isles by Celts who spoke. By Neil MacNish III I 310 Umbrian Tables in Ill V 220 Words in language of Brit- tanv Ill v 78 187 GAE GAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Gaelic-Con. Words relating to hearing and speaking traced through Aryan languages III vi 242 Words relating to heat and light traced through Aryan languages Ill vi 240 Words relating to water traced through Aryan languages Ill vi 241 Words similar to those in other Aryan languages... Ill vi 242 Vocabulary of Canary Is- land dialects compared with Irish Gaelic IV vn 81 Gaels. Component of Celtic stock. II xv 277 Connection between those of Scotland and Ireland shown by names of per- sons and places IV in 140 Of Wales IV v 64 Gage. Respiration in Diemyctylus: ref IV vm 489 Gage Island, gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 383 Gahnite, artificial formation of II iv 54 Gainsborough Tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 383 Galactase, ferment in cheese and milk IV vu 114 Galatia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 248 Gileadite traces in II xv 78 Zimri traces in II xv 294 Galbraith, John. Conservation of Energy and Nature of Force. . II xv 491 Galbraith and Haughton. Scientific Manuals: reviewed II v 48 Gale, Justice. Nom-de-plume "Nerva"; selections from his writ- ings II xv 339 Gales. Atlantic, 1857. By Lieut. Maury, U.S.N.: reviewed II n 280 Saxby Gale. By D. L. Hutchinson IV ix 253 Galena. Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II v 181 Conditions in which, occurs in Kamanistiquia region. Ill VII 253 Deposition of IV u 124 L. Superior district II x 408 Occurrence of gold and SILVER IN, AND IRON pyrites. By R. Dewar. IV u 121 (abstract) IV n 12 Ser. Vol. Page Galena-Con. Ottawa valley I u 114 Galeoscoptes carolinensis, observations on Ontario frequenters Ill vn 192 IV m 72, 83, 108 Galera tenera Schaeff, habits; Ontario habitats. IV IX 73 Galerita janus, Fabr (Mels. Cat.), Ontario I in 210, 325 Galette, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Galette, Riviere a la vieille, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 384 Galgacus. Defeated by Agricola; Latin inscriptions at Birrens commemorating defeat translated II in 11 Gallenule, Hamilton species. II v 393 Gallienus, Emperor. Legate in Britain as given by Latin inscription at Caerleon II x 321 Gallinago delicata, Listowel visitor IV in 66 Galline. Map of his voyages in Canada II n 399 Gallinula. Hamilton species II v 393 Toronto specimen IV in 108 G. chloropus II vn 510 G. galeata, Toronto specimen IV in 108 G. martinica II vn 510 Gallinulinae II xi 158 Galloos, les, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 384 Gallop, Point au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Galloway. Effect of bordeaux mixture on leaves: ref IV vn 246 Galloway and Woods. Effects of bordeaux mixture on growth of potatoes: ref IV vn 318 Gall-bladder, Amiurus Ill n 407 Gall, insect or Galls. Anatomy of American IV ix 298 Beginning of, development. IV ix 358 Bibliography of morphology and biology of IV ix 375 Cell proliferation induced by injecting into plant tissue water in which larvae were washed IV ix 371 Characteristics of Diptera.. IV ix 326 Contribution to morpho- logy AND BIOLOGY OF insect. By A. Cosens... IV ix 297 Colour of, causes IV ix 372 188 GAL GENERAL I DEX GAR Ser. Vol. Page Gall, insect or Galls-Con. Cytology of IV ix 357 Feeding habits of larvae of gall producers IV ix 361 Hemiptera, characteristics and effect on leaf of host. IV ix 309 Larva can change starch to sugar and thus feeds itself and: experiments IV ix 371 Origin IV ix 297 Protective zone in Cynipid. IV ix 356 Protoplasm of host endowed with property enabling it to produce fairly definitely shaped but abnormal structure IV ix 372 Gall-Producer. Changes produced in affec- ted parts of host IV ix 368 Produces hypertrophy or hyperplasia IV ix 368 Sawfly IV ix 328 Stimulates dormant charac- teristics in host IV ix 368 Gall-Producing, stimulus... IV ix 367 Galls, sawfly. Characteristics of Hymen- optera IV ix 336 Localization of Tannin- bearing tissue in IV ix 337 Ovipositing by, producers. . IV ix 338 Undescribed, on Salix humilis. Marsh IV IX 335 Galt, Chief Commissioner Canada Co. Autograph letters (two). . . II xiv 110 Brief account of his conduct of Company's affairs II xn 237 Galt. Climate Ill u 203 Fossils of Guelph formation about II xiv 142 Galton, Capt. R. E. Report on railways (Brit- ish) for 1853: reprint. . I m 103 Galvanic. Novel, and Electrotype apparatus: reprint I in 241 Galvanoglyphy I n 181 Galvanography I n 181 Galvanoplastic Process.... I n 181 Gambling. Dene IV iv 77 IV v 200 Dene, sticks IV iv 77 Gambler and Great Bear... IV iv 79 Game, sought after by Western Denes IV vi 93 Games, of Western Denes... IV iv 78, 111 Gametophyte. Botrychium virginianum (pl.) IV v 270 Ser. Vol. Page Gametophyte-Con. Gametophyte of Botry- chium Virginianum: By Edward C. Jeffrey IV v 265 Lycopodinese IV v 267 Lycopodium cernuum IV v 268 Gamgee. Denies chemical individual- ity to nuclein bodies: ref. IV it 239 Gamodesmic cylinder, in plants IV vi 600 Gananoque and Back Townships. Geological area II xv 14 Geology of II xiv 581 Gananoqui River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Ganaraska River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Ganges. Quantity of mud carried down annually: its effect on sea level I in 59 Volume of solid matter carried into Bay annually I I 280 Ganglion cells, Nissl granules in IV vi 409 Ganibeta, word used in Canary Islands IV vn 64 Gannett. Observations Accompany- ing Exhibition of Speci- men OF, LATELY OBTAINED AT Oshawa, Ont. and BELONGING TO MUSEUM of University of Tor- onto. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vn 329 University museum speci- men IV I 55 Ganocephala II v 75 Ganoidei, species that con- tain Nissl granules IV vi 425 Ganoid Fishes. Alimentary Canal in. By A. B. Macallum: abstract III in 271 Ganong. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 244 Garnets. Canadian II VI 435 Characteristics II V 523 II vi 435 Chrome, Orford Que II vi 300 Dykes, Rainy Lake Ill v 177 Garnier, Dr. J. H. New species of Meno- BRANCHUS HI V 218 Snake Poisons: abstract.. Ill v 255 189 GAK PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GAS Ser. Vol. Page Garreau. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vii 243 Corrugations and hairs over veins of leaves aid ab- sorption of water: ref.... IV vii 256 Garrison Common, "Stri- ated Pavement" in till at II xv 394 Garrison Creek, Toronto, 1800 II xn 168 Garrick, David. Autograph II xiv 493 Garrulus. Hamilton species II v 392 G. canadensis, winters around Toronto I I 169 G. cristatus, winters around Toronto I I 170 Garry, W. E. Effect of certain solutions diffusing towards a colony of infusoria: ref IV vii 328 Garry Fort, 1855 II i 137 Gas. Application of water-gas to heating machines for pre- paring and combing wool. I I 17 Gas patents. By Henry Croft, D.C.L I i 28, 77 Improved Apparatus for purifying and carbonising gas II I 313 In solution by substances in state of igneous fusion... II ix 280 Manufacture of illuminating gas from wood I I 165 On Permeability of HIGHLY-HEATED IRON BY. By M. L. Cailletet: re- print II ix 277 Pettenhofer prepared it from wood I i 78 Purifications of I u 233 Water and coal gas I I 78 Gas, Coal. Brief history of I I 28 By-products in I I 78 Croll's patent for purifying. I i 29 Discovered by Clayton.... I I 28 Laming's patent for purifying I I 29 Manufacture I x 28 Properties II in 210 Purification I I 29 Gas, natural. Brief history I I 28 Geological formation at Port Colborne as SHOWN BY DRILLING FOR. By John C. McRae HI vi 338 Gasparin, M. de. Potash replacing soda in plants: ref II vi 51 Ser. Vol. Page Gasparis, M. de. Discoverer of planet Euno- mia, awarded prize of Academy of Sciences. ... I i 48 Gaspe peninsula. Bog iron ore II v 465 Bog manganese II v 466 Building stones II v 467 Chromic iron on II v 466 Copper ore II v 466 Devonian plants II iv 316 Flagstones II v 467 Fossils II v 252, 465 Geological exploration of, 1858 II v 464 Geology of II in 515 Lime II v 468 Mill stones II v 467 Peat II v 468 Roofing slates II v 467 Shell marl II v 468 Serpentine II v 466 Tile stones II v 467 Wad II v 466 Gaspe-limestone. Formation in Quebec II xv 100 Series along Intercolonial Ry II xv 384 Gaspe-sandstone. Formation, Quebec II xv 100 Gaspe series of rocks, Quebec II xv 383 Gassiot, J. P. Heating effects of secon- dary currents: reprint. I in 113 Gasteromycetes, list of On- tario; their habits and habitats IV ix 79 Gasteropoda oi Gastero- poda. Belleville species II v 45 Canadian II iv 272 Canadian genera II vii 119 Canadian: reviewed II iv 465 Characters available for arrangement II xn 29 Characters II vii 119 Devonian Ontario, list II xiv 135 Fossils near Montreal II in 157 Generic character s II xi 189 II xn 26 Nerve cell development.... IV vi 428 Ontario species II vi 358 Orders... II xu 26 Position in Canada II vi 289 Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Toronto species I i 150 II iv 451 II vi 328 Gasteropodus trispinatus, peptic cells Ill n 401 190 GAS GENERAL INDEX GAZ Ser. Vol. Page Gaston. Origin of Romance lan- guages: ref IV ii 185 Gastrsea II xv 242 Gastric mucosa, structures occurring in, of salaman- der IV I 247 Gastrocnemius. Homologue of pronator radii teres IV vi 567 Orang IV vi 566 Gastrophysa cseruleipennis Say, (Mels. Cat.) I m 259, 326 Gastropod, see Gasteropod. Gat ch ell, J. L. An Improvement in Hy- draulic Rams: reprint.. I u 13 Gatke H. of Heligoland. On Occurrence of Ameri- can Birds in Europe: reprint II vi 459 Gaudichaud. Distilled water placed on leaf becomes alkaline: ref. IV vu 263 Gaudin, M. Method of preserving Col- lodion plates: ref I. m 3 Gaul. Celtic traces in II xv 84 Cranial capacity (.large).... II xv 216 Inquiry into Physical Characteristics of An- cient and Modern Celt of, and Britain. By Daniel Wilson II ix 369 History of ancient II ix 372 Physical characteristics of ancient II ix 373 Zimri traces in II xv 309 Gaultheria procumbens, Suitable lor flower gardens IV m 128 Gaura, L., Canadian locali- ties of. G. biennis, L II xv 551 Gauss. Brain weight of II xv 209 Gayomers, Persia II xv 283 Gazetteer. Canadas (1832). By Andrew Picken: ref II xv 34 Canada in 1839. By Chas. Fothergill II xv 36 Canadian (1846). By Wm. Henry Smith: ref II xv 38 Concise Account of N. America. By Major R. Rogers, 1765 II xv 27 Early, and Map Litera- ture of Western Can- ada. By Rev. Dr. Scad- ding II xv 23 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. First, of Upper Canada WITH ANNOTATIONS. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xiv 55 208, 305, 367, 513, 658 Geographical view of Pro- vince of Upper Canada. By M. Smith (American) (1813) II xv 29 Lovell's Dominion Direc- tory, 1871-73 II xv 38 North American and West Indian, 1759 . II xv 24 Quebec Almanac and British American Royal Calendai for 1819 II xv 29 Sketches of Canada (1833). By W. L. McKenzie: ref II xv 35 Statistical account of Can- ada, 1822 II xv 32 Statistical account of U. Canada, 1836 II xv 35 Statistical sketches of U. Canada. By Dr. Dunlop (1832)... ..... II xv 34 Topographical description and Provincial, of U. Canada, 1799 II xv 28 Topographical description of Canada, etc., 1815.... II xv 31, 32 Gazetteer. The first Ga- zetteer of Canada was published in 1799 with a second edition in 1813. It is reprinted in the Canadian Journal and contains accounts of the following places. Abino Creek II xiv 305 Abino Point II xiv 212, 305 Addington County II xiv 305 Adolphpstown II xiv 68 Adolphus Town II xiv 306 Aidborough Tp II xiv 306 Alempignon Lake II xiv 306 Alfred Tp II xiv 306 Alumetes, les II xiv 306 Alnwick Tp II xiv 306 Alured Cape II xiv 306 Ameliasbuigh Tp II xiv 306 Amherst Island II xiv 307 Amherstburgh II xiv 214, 307 Amikones, Rivei of the. ... II xiv 307 Ancastcr Tp II xiv 307 Angousoka River II xiv 307 Ann's, St. Island II xiv 307 Annequonchecom Lake. ... II xiv 307 Apostles, the Twelve II xiv 307 Appance River II xiv 307 Atokas River II xiv 308 Attica Bay II xiv 308 Attica River II xiv 308 191 GAZ GAZ PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Augusta II xiv 65 Augusta Tp II xiv 308 Bachouanan River II xiv 367 Barbue Point II xiv 367 Barbue River II xiv 367 Baril, Isles du II xiv 367 Baril, Pointe au II xiv 367 Barque, Isle de la II xiv 367 Barrier Point II xiv 367 Barton Tp II xiv 367 Bass Cove II xiv 367 Bass Island II xiv 368 Bass Islands II xiv 367 Bastard Tp II xiv 368 Batteau Island II xiv 368 Batture Grand II xiv 368 Bayham Tp II xiv 368 Bearded Island II xiv 368 Beaver Creek II xiv 368 Beaver River II xiv 368 Beauharnois Isle II xiv 368 Bedford Tp II xiv 368 Belle River II xiv 368 Bertie Tp II xiv 368 Beverly Tp II xiv 368 Biche, Marais a la II xiv 368 Binbrook Tp II xiv 369 Black Bay II xiv 369 Black Creek II xiv 369 Black River II xiv 208 Blandford Tp II xiv 369 Blenheim Tp II xiv 369 Block Tp II xiv 369 BodSt, Pointe au II xiv 369 River au II xiv 369 Bois Blanc Island II xiv 369 Bonne Chere, Riviere de la.. II xiv 369 Bowen's Creek II xiv 370 Brant's Villiage II xiv 370 Bristol II xiv 370 Burford Tp II xiv 370 Burgess Tp II xiv 370 Burlington Bay II XIV 210 Cabot's Head II xiv 370 Caistor Tp II xiv 370 Calumet, Pointe au II xiv 370 Calumet Grand II xiv 370 Caledonia Tp II xiv 370 Cambridge Tp II xiv 370 Camden East II xiv 370 Camden Tp II xiv 370 Canada II xv 25 Canada, Upper II xiv 371 Canard's River II xiv 372 Canise Island II xiv 372 Cardinal, Pointe au II xiv 372 Carleton Island II xiv 372 Caribou Island II xiv 372 Castle Point II xiv 373 Cat Island II xiv 373 Cataraqui II xiv 373 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Cataraqui, Isle de Petite.. . II xiv 373 Cataraqui Petit II xiv 373 Catfish Creek II xiv 373 Catfish Island II xiv 373 Cauchois Isle II xiv 373 Cedar Creek II xiv 373 Cedar Island II xiv 373 Celeron Isle II xiv 373 Charlottenburgh. . II xiv 373 Charlottenburg Tp II xiv 63 Charlotteville II xiv 212 Charlotteville Tp II xiv 213, 373 Charron River II xiv 373 Chasse, Riviere de la Belle. II xiv 373 Chat, Isle au II xiv 373 Chat Lake II xiv 373 Chatham II xiv 214 Chatham Tp II xiv 373 Chaudiere Falls II xiv 374 Chaudiere Lake II xiv 374 Chaudiere, Riviere & la.. .. II xiv 374 Chebontequion II xiv 374 Chenal Ecarte, Isle de II xiv 374 Chenal Ecarte River II xiv 374 Chgne, Isle du II xiv 374 Chgne, Pointe au II xiv 374 Chene, Portage du II xiv 374 ChSne, Riviere du II xiv 374 Cheveaux, Pointe du II xiv 374 Chippewa Creek II xiv 374 Claics, Lake aux II xiv 374 Clarence Tp II xiv 375 Clarke Tp II xiv 375 Clinton Tp II xiv 375 Cochon Isle au II xiv 375 Cochela Island II xiv 375 Colchester Tp . II xiv 375 Cooke's Bay II xiv 357 Coote's Paradise II xiv 210, 375 Coppermine Point II xiv 376 Cornwall Tp II xiv 63, 376 Cramahe Tp II xiv 69, 376 Credai River II xiv 376 Credit River II xiv 209, 376 Creuse River II xiv 376 Cris (Big and Little)...... II xiv 376 Crosby Tp II xiv 376 Crowland Tp II xiv 376 Cumberland Tp II xiv 376 Cunningham's Island II xiv 376 Darling Island II xiv 377 Darling's Island II xiv 208 Darlington Tp II xiv 377 Delaware II xiv 215 Delaware Tp II xiv 377 Dereham Tp II xiv 377 Detroit II xiv 377 Detroit, le Petit II xiv 377 Detroit, Little II xiv 377 Detroit, Turn of Little II xiv 377 Detour II xiv 377 192 GAZ GENERAL INDEX GAZ Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-■ Con. Detour Point II xiv 377 Diable, Isles au II xiv 378 Don River II xiv 70, 378 Dorchester II xiv 216 Dorchester Mount II xiv 378 Dorchester Tp II xiv 378 Dover Tp II xiv 378 Dyer's Island II xiv 379 Dublin II xiv 378 Dubois, Lac II xiv 378 Duck Cove II xiv 378 Duck Islands II xiv 378 Duck Point. . . II xiv 379 Duffin's Creek II xiv 379 Duffin's Creek (River) II xiv 69 Dundas County II xiv 379 Dundas Street II xiv 216 Dunwich Tp II xiv 379 Durham County II xiv 379 East Bay II xiv 379 Eastern District II xiv 380 East Lake II xiv 380 Ecors Grand II xiv 380 Ecors Petit II xiv 380 Edwardsburgh Tp II xiv 65, 380 Edinburgh II xiv 380 Elbow Island II xiv 380 Elizabeth Tp II xiv 65 Elizabeth Town II xiv 380 ElmsleyTp II xiv 380 Epingles les II xiv 380 Erie Fort II xiv 380 Ernest town II xiv 67 Ernest Tp II xiv 381 Essex County II xiv 381 Eturgeon Lac II xiv 381 Etobicoke River II xiv 209 Etobicoke Tp II xiv 381 Falls, Great II xiv 381 Falls, Long II xiv 381 Falls of Niagara II xiv 381 Fredericksburg II xiv 68 Frederick Point II xiv 383 Fredericksburgh Tp II xiv 383 French River II xiv 383 Fighting Island II xiv 381 Finch Tp II xiv 382 Foin, Point au II xiv 382 Flamborough Tp II xiv 382 Flat Islands II xiv 382 Force, Isle de la II xiv 382 Foreland, North II xiv 382 Foreland, South II xiv 382 Isle au II xiv 382 Forks of Bay of Quinte. ... II xiv 382 Fort Amherst II xiv 382 Fort Erie II xiv 211,212 Fort George II xiv 211, 382 Fort Rouille. II xiv 209 Fort Welland II xiv 211 Francis Island II xiv 208,382 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Francis, Lake St II xiv 383 Francois River II xiv 383 Frontenac County II xiv 383 Frying Pan Island II xiv 383 Gage Island II xiv 383 Gainsborough Tp II xiv 383 Galette II xiv 384 Galette, Riviere 5 la vielle.. II xiv 384 Galloas, les II xiv 384 Gallop, Point au II xiv 384 Gananoqui River II xiv 384 Ganaraska River II xiv 384 Geneter, Isle au II xiv 384 Geneva Lake II xiv 210, 384 George Lake II xiv 384 Gibraltar Point II xiv 209, 384 Glanford Tp II xiv 384 Glengary County II xiv 384 Gloucester II xiv 385 Gloucester Fort II xiv 385 Gloucester or Sturgeon Bay II xiv 208 Gloucester Tp II xiv 385 Glasgow II xiv 384 Gorgontua II xiv 385 Gosfield Tp II xiv 385 Gower Tp II xiv 385 Grand Bay II xiv 385 Grand Island II xiv 386 Grand Isle II xiv 385 Grand Marsh II xiv 385 Grand or Ottawa River.... II xiv 386 Grand River II xiv 385 Grange Isle II xiv 386 Grantham Tp II xiv 386 Grasse Bayede II xiv 386 Gravel Point II xiv 386 Graves Island. , II xiv 386 Gravois, Pointe au II xiv 386 Gravois, Riviere au II xiv 386 Great Cape II xiv 386 Green Point II xiv 387 Grenville County II xiv 387 Grey's River II xiv 387 Grimsby Tp II xiv 387 Grosse Isle II xiv 387 Grosse Isle aux Dindes. ... II xiv 387 Grosse, Isle la II xiv 387 Gull Island II xiv 387 Gwillimbury Tp II xiv 387 Haldimand Cove II xiv 513 Haldimand Point II xiv 513 Haldimand Tp II xiv 69, 513 Hallowell Tp II xiv 513 Hamilton Cove II xiv 513 Hamilton Point II xiv 513 Hamilton Tp II xiv 69, 513 Hare Island II xiv 513 Harsen's Island II xiv 513 Harwich Tp II xiv 514 Hastings County II xiv 514 Hawkesbury Tp II xiv 514 193 GAZ PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GAZ Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Hay Bay II xiv 514 Hinchinbroke Tp II xiv 514 Henry Point II xiv 514 Heibes, Pointe aux II xiv 514 Hesse II xiv 514 Hocquart Isle II xiv 515 Hog Island II xiv 214, 514 Holland's River II xiv 515 Home District, The II xiv 515 Hope's Cove II xiv 515 Hope Tp II xiv 69, 515 Horn Cape Il xiv 515 Hospital Island II xiv 515 Houghton Tp II xiv 516 Howe Island II xiv 516 Howard Tp II xiv 516 Howe Island II xiv 65 Humber River II xiv 209, 516 Humberstone Tp II xiv 516 Hungerford Tp II xiv 516 Huntingdon Tp II xiv 516 Industry Point II xiv 516 Iroquois II xv 25 Iroquois Bay II xiv 208 Iroquois, Pointe aux II xiv 516 Isle de Quinti, Nicholas Is- land II xiv 68 Ivrogue Point II xiv 516 Jervois, River au II xiv 516 Joachims, 1'Etang des II xiv 516 John's Island II xiv 517 Johnson Point II xiv 517 Johnstown II xiv 517 Johnstown, New II xiv 517 Kamanestingoyan II xiv 517 Katabokokouk II xiv 517 Kempenfelt's Bay II xiv 208, 517 Kent County II xiv 517 Kenyon Tp II xiv 63, 518 Ketche Sepee II xiv 518 Kettle River II xiv 518 Kiasan Point II xiv 518 Killikokin Point II xiv 519 King Tp II xiv 518 King's Head Inn. II xiv 210 Kingston II xiv 518 Kingston Town II xiv 67 Kingston Tp II xiv 67,519 Kitley Tp II xiv 519 Knagg's Creek II xiv 519 Lac, Pointe du II xiv 519 Lake Erie II xiv 212 Lake of the Woods II xiv 668 Lake Ontario II xiv 216 II xv 25 Lake Simcoe II xiv 208,374 Lake St. Claii II xiv 214 Lancaster Tp II xiv 63, 519 Landing, West II xiv 519 Landguard II xiv 213,519 Landsdown Tp II xiv 65, 519 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. La Trenche II xiv 520 Latitudes, Longitudes, ol Seveial Impoitant places in Canada II xiv 673 Leeds County II xiv 520 Leeds Tp II xiv 65, 520 Lenox II xiv 520 Lenox County II xiv 305, 520 Levi. Isle du Fort II xiv 520 Lincoln County II xiv 210,521 Little Bay II xiv 521 London... II xiv 215 London Tp II xiv 216, 522 Long Beach II xiv 522 Long Lakes II xiv 522 Long Point II xiv 522 Long Point Bay II xiv 212 Long Saut, isle au II xiv 522 Long Sault Rapid II xiv 64 Longueil Tp II xiv 522 Loughborough Tp II xiv 522 Louth Tp II xiv 523 Lower Landing II xiv 522 Lunenbuigh II xiv 523 Lynn River II xiv 523 Lyon's Creek II xiv 523 Maidstone Tp II xiv 523 Malahide Tp II xiv 523 Malden Tp II xiv 214 Malden Tp II xiv 523 Maligne, Grande Pointe. .. Il xiv 523 Maligne, la Petite Pointe.. II xiv 523 Mamonce II xiv 523 Manitou Islands II xiv 523 Manitoualin II xiv 523 Marais Grande II xiv 524 Marandier Point II xiv 524 Markham Tp II xiv 209, 524 Marlborough Tp II xiv 524 Marsh Creek II xiv 524 Mary's, St. Point II xiv 524 Marysburg Tp II xiv 524 Mataonaschie River II xiv 524 Matchedash II xiv 524 Matchedash Bay II xiv 208 Matilda Tp II xiv 524 Maurepas Isle II xiv 524 Michilimackinack II xiv 524 Mecklenburgh II xiv 524 Mersea Tp II xiv 524 Michipicoten Bay II xiv 526 Michipicoten Isle II xiv 526 Michipicoten River II xiv 526 Middle Island II xiv 525 Middle Sister II xiv 525 Midland District II xiv 525 Miliquean Creek II xiv 525 Milles, Isles les II xiv 525 Milles Roches, Isle au II xiv 525 Mills near Niagara II xiv 212 Minatte, Isle de II xiv 525 194 GAZ GENERAL INDEX GAZ Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Osnabruck Tp II xxv 64, 532 Oswegatchie Fort II xiv 65 Oswego II xiv 532 Oswego Creek, Great II xiv 532 Oswego Creek, Little II xiv 533 Osweigatchie, New II xiv 532 Ottawa or Grand River.... II xiv 533 Ottawa River II xiv 386 Otter's Head II xiv 533 Oubesaoutegongs Point. ... II xiv 533 Ouentarouk Lake II xiv 533 Ouse II xiv 533 Oxford II xiv 216 Oxford Tp II xiv 533, 534 Pais Plat II xiv 534 Paps, The II xiv 534 Paresseux, Portage des II xiv 534 Paterson's Creek II xiv 534 Patie Island II xiv 534 Peach Island II xiv 534 PSches, Riviere aux II xiv 534 Pelham Tp II xiv 534 Pele Point. II xiv 534 Pemetescoutiang II xiv 534 Penetanguishene II xiv 71 Penetanguishene Harbour.. II xiv 209 Perch Cove II xiv 534 Perches et Cave, Rapids de II xiv 535 Percy Tp II xiv 535 P8ie, Point au II xiv 535 Peterborough II xv 36 Peter's, St. Bay II xiv 535 Petite Isle aux d'lndes II xiv 535 Petite Nation River II xiv 66 Philipeaux Isle II xiv 535 Pic Riviere au, II xiv 535 Pickering Tp II xiv 69, 535 Pigeon Bay II xiv 535 Pilkington Island II xiv 535 Pin, Portage du II xiv 535 Pins, Pointe aux II xiv 536 Pittsburgh Tp II xiv 65, 536 Plantagenet Tp II xiv 536 Pleasant Pointe II xiv 536 Pline, Lac la II xiv 536 Pline, Riviere la II xiv 536 Pointe au II xiv 62 Point Pele II xiv 213 Portage de plein Champ.. . II xiv 536 Portage, le Grand II xiv 536 Portland Tp II xiv 536 Pottohawk Point II xiv 213, 536 Priest's Island II xiv 537 Prescott County II xiv 536 Presentation Fort II xiv 536 Presqu' isle II xiv 537 Presquisle Major II xiv 537 Presqu'isle de Quinte II xiv 537 Presse, Matouan II xiv 537 Prinde Edward Bay II xiv 537 Prince Edward County. . . II xiv 67, 537 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer- Con. Mississaga Island II xiv 525 Missisaga Point II xiv 211, 526 Mississaga River II xiv 526 Mohawk Bay II xiv 526 Mohawk Settlement II xiv 526 Mohawk Village II xiv 526 Moira River II xiv 527 Molla Shannon II xiv 527 Montagne, Poitage de II xiv 527 Montagu Tp II xiv 527 Montreal II xv 25 Montieal Isle II xiv 527 Montreal, River de II xiv 527 Moravian Village II xiv 215,527 Morgan Point II xiv 527 Morpicn Isle II xiv 527 Morpions, Isle aux II xiv 527 Mouille Pointe II xiv 527 Moulenet Isles au II xiv 528 Mountain Tp II xiv 528 Muddy Creek II xiv 528 Muddy Lake II xiv 528 Murray Tp II xiv 69, 528 Nanticoke Creek II xiv 528 Narrows, The II xiv 528 Nassau II xiv 528 Navy Hall II xiv 528 Navy Island II xiv 528 Nelson Tp II xiv 529 Nen River II xiv 70, 529 Nepean Tp II xiv 529 New River II xiv 530 Newark (Niagara Town)... II xiv 210 Newark Town II xiv 529 Newark Tp II xiv 529 Newcastle II xiv 529 Newcastle Harbour 11, xiv 69 Niagara II xiv 530 Niagara, East II xiv 530 Niagara Falls II xiv 211 Niagara, Little II xiv 530 Niagara River II xiv 211 Niagara town II xiv 210 Nicholas Island II xiv 530 Nipegon Lake II xiv 530 Norfolk County II xiv 530 Norman Marais II xiv 530 North Channel II xiv 530 North Foreland II xiv 213 Northumberland County... II xiv 531 Norwich II xiv 531 Norwich Tp II xiv 531 Nottawasaga Bay II XIV 209 Nottawasaga River II xiv 208 Oak Point II xiv 531 Ontario County II xiv 531 Ontario Fort II xiv 531 Orford Tp II xiv 531 Orphan Island II xiv 532 Orwell River II xiv 532 Osgoode Tp II xiv 532 195 GAZ PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GAZ Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer- Con. Prince William Henry's Is- land II xiv 208 Prince William's Island. .. . II xiv 537 Puces, Riviere aux II xiv 537 Quebec Province II xiv 370 Queenstown II xiv 211, 537 Quinte Bay II xiv 67, 68 Quinte, Isle de II xiv 538 Quinte Lake II xiv 538 Rabies, Isles aux II xiv 538 Rabies, Pointe aux II xiv 538 Raby Head II xiv 538 Rain Lake II xiv 538 Rainham Tp II xiv 538 Raisin Isles II xiv 538 Raisin Pointe II xiv 539 Raisins, Riviere aux II xiv 539 Raleigh Tp II xiv 539 Rapid Plat, Isle au II xiv 539 Rawdon Tp II xiv 539 Red River II xiv 539 Regis St II xiv 539 Remon Grand II xiv 539 Retreat Pointe II xiv 539 Rice Lake II xiv 539 Richmond Tp II xiv 539 Rideau, Petite Riviere II xiv 540 Rideau River Il xiv 66, 540 River St. Clair . II xiv 214 Roche, Capitaine, Portage.. II xiv 540 Rochers, Pointe aux II xiv 540 Rochester Tp II xiv 540 Rock Point II xiv 540 Rocky Island Il xiv 540 Rocky Point II xiv 540 Romney Tp II xiv 541 Rose, Portage a la II xiv 541 Rouge River II xiv 541 Roxburgh Tp II xiv 63, 541 Royal Isle II xiv 541 Runial, Pointe 5 la 11 xiv 541 Ruscom River II xiv 541 Russell Tp II xiv 541 Sables Dores, Portage aux. . II xiv 658 Sables, Riviere aux II xiv 658 Saganaskokam River II xiv 658 Salmon Creek II xiv 658 Salmon Creek, Big II xiv 658 Salmon Cieek, Great II xiv 658 Salmon Creek, Little II xiv 658 Saltfleet Tp .... II xiv 658 Sangas or St. Dusk's Point. II xiv 659 Sangas Point II xiv 659 Sandusky Island II xiv 658 Sandwich Town II xiv 214 Sandwich Tp II xiv 658 Sandy Bay II xiv 659 Sandy Bay, Great II xiv 659 Sandy Bay, Little II xiv 659 Sandy Point II xiv 659 Sandy River Il xiv 659 Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Sa u mon River II xiv 659 Saut Long II xiv 659 Savatte, Isle a la II xiv 659 Schlosser Foit II xiv 661 Scarborough Tp II xiv 69,659 Seymour Tp II xiv 69 Serpent, Le II xiv 659 Severn R II xiv 208, 660 Shanguanac II xiv 660 Shannon River II xiv 68, 660 Shawnese Tp II xiv 660 Ship Island II xiv 660 Short Point II xiv 660 Shyon Cape II xiv 660 Sidney Tp II xiv 660 Simcoe Lake II xiv 660 Sinclair River II xiv 661 Sinion Lake II xiv 661 Sister, East II xiv 661 Sister, West II xiv 661 Smith's Creek II xiv 661 Sophiasburg Tp II xiv 661 Sorcerer's Lake II xiv 661 Southwold Tp II xiv 661 St. Lawrence River II xiv 65 St. Regis II xiv 63 Sugar-loaf Hill II xiv 661 Sutherland's Creek II xiv 661 Talbot's River II xiv 661 Talon's, Poitage de II xiv 662 Tegaogen II xiv 662 Thames River Il xiv 215, 662 Thessalon Point II xiv 662 Thessalon River II xiv 662 Thompson's Island II xiv 662 ThoroldTp... II xiv 662 Thunder Bay II xiv 662 Thurlow Tp II xiv 662 Tilbury Tp II xiv 662 Tobacoke II xiv 663 Tonagayon II xiv 663 Tonagayon Bay II xiv 663 Tonianta Creek II xiv 663 Toronto Bay II xiv 663 Toronto Lake II xiv 663 Toronto River II xiv 663 Tortue, Portage de la II xiv 663 Tourtes, Isle aux II xiv 663 Tourtes, Point aux II xiv 663 Touti, Petite Isle II xiv 663 Touti River II xiv 663 Tower Point II xiv 664 Townsend Tp II xiv 664 Traverse Bay II xiv 664 Traverse Cape II xiv 664 Traverse Isle II xiv 664 Traverse Pointe II xiv 664 Traverse, Pointe a la II xiv 664 1 reverse, Riviere a la II xiv 664 Trafalgar Tp II xiv 664 Trent River II xiv 67, 664 196 GAZ GENERAL INDEX GEN Ser. Vol. Page Gazetteer-Con. Trois Chenaux Ecartes, Isle de II xiv 664 Trous Leveillier II xiv 664 Turkey Island II xiv 664 Turkey (or Fighting) Island II xiv 214 Turkey Point II xiv 213, 665 Turtle Island II xiv 665 Twelve Rivers II xiv 210 Twenty Rivers II xiv 210 Two Rivers, The II xiv 665 Urfe River II xiv 665 Uxbiidge II xiv 665 Vesey Cape II xiv 665 Vaughan Tp II xiv 665 Wabuscommong Lake II xiv 665 Wainfleet Tp II xiv 665 Walpole Tp II xiv 665 Walsingham II xiv 213 Walsingham Tp II xiv 666 Wapose Island II xiv 666 Washquarter II xiv 666 Waveney River II xiv 666 Wenitagouk II xiv 666 West Bay II xiv 666 West Bay, Great II xiv 666 West Lake II xiv 666 Western District, The II xiv 666 Westminister Tp II xiv 667 Whirlpool II xiv 212 Whitby Tp II xiv 667 Whitechurch Tp II xiv 667 Whitefish Island II xiv 667 Williamsburgh Tp II xiv 64, 667 Willoughby Tp ♦.... II xiv 667 Windham Tp II xiv 667 Winchester Tp II xiv 667 Wolfe Island II xiv 667 Wolford Tp II xiv 667 Woodhouse II xiv 212 Woodhouse Tp II xiv 668 Woods, Lake of the II xiv 668 Wye River II xiv 668 Yarmouth Tp II xiv 668 Yonge St •. II xiv 71, 668 Yonge Tp..' II xiv 65, 669 York II xiv 671 York City II xiv 70 York County II xiv 669 York Harbour II xiv 209 York Tp II xiv 69, 672 Geaster, habits and Ontario habitats of G. limbatus IV ix 79 G. triplex IV ix 79 Geckoes, Ceylon II vn 354 Geddes, Capt. Gamble. Affection of Insects for their young: abstract.. Ill in 42 Entomological trip in Rockies Ill n 232 Ser. Vol. Page Geese, Wild, notes on Toronto visitors Ill vn 190 IV hi 107 Gegenbaur, C. Fish bone classification: ref. Ill n 309 Flexor longus pollicis absent from thumb in man: ref.. IV vi 540 Palmar interossei in man: ref. IV vi 551 Relations and origins of opercular bones: ref Ill n 291 Sartorius in anthropoid apesandman: ref IV vi 553 G egenbaur and Oscar Schmidt. Carpus or tarsus of water tortoise a simple form irom which structure of foot can be determined: ref IV vi 577 Geiger and Marsden. Alpha rays reflected from substances they strike: ref IV ix 156 Geikie, Archibald. Story of a Boulder: reviewed II in 493 Geikie, Rev. A. Constable. Canadian English II n 344 Notes on Population of New England II i 245 Gela in Sicily, Copper coin from, in Canadian Insti- tute II ix 228 Gelatin, plant, in gluten.... IV vn 497 Gelatine. As food II vii 362 Exhibition of, at Exhibition of 1851 I I 9 Methods of production.... I I 9 Gelechiidae, species IV ix 309 Gander. Bibliography on origin of Grammatical Ill vn 216 Blackfoot IV v 137 French anomalies in IV vi 62 German anomalies in IV vi 62 Greek IV vi 63, 67 Iroquois IV vi 71 Languages possessing and not possessing Gram- matical Ill vn 216 Latin IV vi 63, 67 Origin and development of Grammatical. By A. F. Chamberlain Ill vn 216 Origin of. By Prof. A. J. Bell, Ph.D IV vi 61 Sanskrit IV vi 67 Genealogical. Malcolm's, Tree of Royal Family of Gt. Britain: reprint II vn 152 197 GEN GEO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Genealogy, Tungus IV v 210 Generatio equivoca II iv 7 Genessee Farmer, for Jan. 1853: reviewed I I 139 Geneter, Isle au, gazetteer notice II xiv 384 Geneva, lake, Switz, Seiches in I n 27 Geneva Lake, Ont., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 210, 384 Geniohyoideus, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 320 Genital Organs, Amiurus catus Ill n 443 Genth, Dr. Contributions to Minera- logy II vii 152 Gentianaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species HI n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 647 London species II vm 231 Genuinae II vm 3 Geodesy. First attempts to measure earth's circumference.... I I 85 Pi ogress up to 1857 II n 465 Trigonometrical Survey of arc of meridian in Gt. Britain and East Europe. I I 85 Geoghegan. Potassium in brain tissue exceeds sodium in amount: ref IV ix 402 Geographical. Advances in China and Africa (1863).... II vm 105 I nfoi mation obtained by Dr. Lepsius in Egypt.... I n 267 Geological and, distiibution of petroleum deposits and fucoidal remains: re- viewed II xi 194 Geological structure de- termines formation oi, features I ill 2 Geography. Advances in (1854) I m 89 Geography and History ot British America and other colonies of the Empire. By J. Geo. Hodgins: re- viewed II hi 47 Honduras II I 361 Lowell's Geneial: reviewed. II vi 485 Modern, for use of Schools. By Robert Anderson, Edinburgh: reviewed.... II i 464 San Salvador II I 362 Geological. Age of N. Zealand II ii 363 Ser. Vol. Page Geological-Con. Collections Crystal Palace, Sydenham I i 47 Composition of Laurentian Hills I in 97 Contemporaneity of, Strata and Doctrine of Continuity. By H. Alleyne Nicholson II xm 269 Continuity Il xm 275 Divisions of New Bruns- wick II xv 103 Divisions of Nova Scotia... II xv 109 Evidences of Antiquity of Man with remarks on Theories of Species by Variation. By Sir Chas. Lyell: reviewed II vm 378 Examination of Lake Huron Coast between Thessalon and Mississagui Rivers in 1858... ... II v 462 Exploration of Gaspe Penin- sula in 1858 II v 464 Features ot eastern America, brief I i 126 Features of Grand Manan, B. oi Fundy II xm 235 Features of Niagara and Gore districts II ' v 498 Features of Western Ontario I ill 1 Geological Connexions of Caribean region. By R. J. L. Guppy IV vm 373 Geological formation at Port Colbourne, as SHOWN BY DRILLING FOR Natural gas. By John C. McRae Ill vi 338 Geological History of L. Superior. By Dr. Robert Bell IV vi 45 Geological map of a Por- tion of Western Can- ada . I hi 21 Geographical and, distribu- tion of petroleum deposits and fucoidal remains. ... II xi 194 History of central basin of Tennessee Ill vii 82 History of Michigan II vn 76 Jamaica, basement IV v 330 Jamaica, succession and oscillations, table IV v 357 Local, Notes (Tor.). By E. J. Chapman II iv 493 Map of Western Canada (southern Ont.) and Eas- tern Michigan II ix 4 Map of Canada: note on... II I 74 New, Magazine (Geologist, London) II in 358 198 u EO GEO General index Ser. Vol. Page Geological-Con. On leading, areas of Can- ada. By E. J. Chapman. Il xv 13, 92 On, section of Industrial Exhibition at New York. By Sir Charles Lyell: reprint I in 35 Places of, Interest near Medicine Hat. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton Ill v 150 Relations of Crustacea II i 280 Relations of trilobites II i 280 Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and part of Nebraska Ter- ritory. By D. D. Owen, U.S. Geologist; extracts from: reprint II n 79, 101 Restorations at Crystal Pal- ace I in 9 Structure of Highland Rim in central basin of Ten- nessee Ill vii 75 Sub-divisions of Quebec.... II xv 92 Unity of, phenomena in PLANETARY SYSTEM OF Sun. By L. Ssemann: reprint II vi 525 Geological Formations. Burlington Beach and Hts. . II v 509 Contemporaneous, contain wholly different fessils.. . II xm 274 Give characteristic mineral waters; laws regarding... I i 152 Michigan II vii 73 Ontario in Petroleum areas. II vi 319 Geological Survey of. Bruce mines (1857) II iv 269 Country between L. Huron east of Spanish River and upper part ot Ottawa. By Murray II in 324 Echo Lake (Ont.), 1857.... II iv 269 French River, Ont., 1857... II iv 269 Magdalen R., Gaspe II iv 270 Michigan; first biennial Re- port: reviewed II vii 73 Geological Survey of Can- ada. Advice of Prof. Jas. Hall about I in 250 Canadian, and its Direc- tor sir Wm. E. Logan. By Sandford Fleming.... II I 238 Decades I and IV: reviewed II iv 465 Defects and recommenda- tions, 1854 I in 236 Economic value of I III 253 Estimated Annual cost ot... I in 237 Expenses of I in 254 Government attitude to.... II x 86 Ser. Vol. Page Geological Survey of Can- ada- Con. Logan W. E., knighted. ... II i 186 Opinions regarding value of I in 255 Practical value of I in 254 Reply of Prof. Chapman TO REPORT OF SELECT Committee on (1855)... I in 289 Repoit foi 1857: reviewed. II iv 268 Report for 1858: reviewed.. II v 451 Report fiom commenc - menttol863: reviewed.. II ix 207 Report, 1850-51: reviewed. I i 112 Report of Progress, 1852-3 I in 97 Reports for 1853-54-55-56: reviewed II in 260, 320 Report of Select Com- mittee on (1855) I in 250 Scientific truths derived from I in 252 Sketch-map of the, of On- tario II viii 457 Statement of Surveys made by W. E. Logan ... I in 253 Summary of work done up to 1855 I in 235 Geological Survey. Report of, in the state of Iowa, 1858: reviewed... II v 195 Geologist. Canadian Naturalist and. By E. Billings: reviewed. II I 164 II vi 529 "Geologist", new geological Magazine II ill 358 Geology. A Popular Exposition of MINERALS AND, OF CAN- ADA. By Prof. E. J. Chap- man II v 1, 168, 517 II vi 149, 425, 500 II vii 108 II vm 17, 111, 185, 437 II ix 1 Abridgement of descrip- tion OF BROWN COAL DE- POSIT in Brandon, Vt. Attempt to discover GEOLOGICAL AGE OF PRIN- CIPAL HEMATITE ORE beds in United States. By Edward Hitchcock, D.D.: reprint I I 139 Acadian. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed I ill 39 American. By Jas. D. Dana: ref II vm 49 Anticlinal regions of N. America I ill 27 Anticosti II n 47 Apatite region in Canada. . Ill ill 296 199 GEO GEO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Geology-Con. Barbados, W. Indies IV vn 366 Barry Islands IV IX 219 Beaches and terraces of L. Huron I I 226 Bibliography of, of Caribean area IV vm 148 Bibliography of, of West Indies IV vm 373 Broad outlines of, of Northwest of L. Su- perior. By Arthur Har- vey Ill vn 218 Canada (brief) II I 378 Canada; surface, and drift formation of Canada. By Prof. Ramsay: reviewed. II iv 318 Coal supply of Britain I in 86 Composition of earths crust as produced by cooling process IV vii 542 Coppermine region IV ix 218 Defined. By Prof. James D. Dana I m 358 Definition of II v 1 Deposition of Native Metals in Vein Fis- sures, etc., By Electro- Chemical Agency. By Prof. E. J. Chapman: re- print II in 75 Description of, of Georgian Bay and Huron Coast.. . I ill 49 Direction of Currents of Deposition and Source of Materials of older Palaeozoic Rocks. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint. II ill 88 Distribution of Gold. ... I i 17 Dr. Owen's report on. of Wisconsin; extracts from. I ii 22 Eastern or Metamorphic Basin of Canada II ix 9 Erie and Huron District.. II xiv 584 Evidence from existing lakes and rivers of com- position of primeval ocean IV vn 556 Evidence from lakes and rivers that potassium and calcium predominated in pre-Cambrian seas IV vn 555 Fort Hill, Ont IV vn 148 Fossils, oldest found in Canada I n 54 Gananoque and Back Tps. . II xiv 581 Gaspe II in 515 General changes of level of land and sea in W. Indies IV vn 368 General survey of, in 1853.. In 53 Ser. Vol. Page Geology-Con. Geology against great age attributed to archaeolog- ical remains IV iv 42 Geology and the Bible II n 202 Geology and physical char- acteristic of Anticosti Island II in 327 Geology in America. By Prof. James D. Dana: reprint I m 357, 385 Geology in Public Schools. By Jas. T. B. Ives Ill v 125 Geology of Belleville and Surrounding dis- trict. By Prof. E. J. Chapman II v 41 Geology of Gold: reprint I n 160 Geology of Lake Wendi- gokan Region. By El- wood S. Moore IV vm 341 Geology of Western Canada. By W. E. Logan I in 27 Geology of Western Canada, Western and Huron districts. By Alex. Murray I in 73 Geology of Western On-" tario. By Alex. Murray. I in 49 Graptolites Explained. By Prof. James Hall: re- print I in 356 Gold, its Distribution. By Sir R. J. Murchison: reprint I in 16 Guadeloupe Archipelago... IV vn 360 Historical references and sources of information to, of Ontario IV vn 140 History of Calcium in sea water IV vii 548 History of Great Salt Lake of Utah IV vn 557 History of Magnesium in sea water IV vn 548 History of Ocean IV vii 535 History of potassium in ocean water IV vn 545 History of sodium in sea water IV vn 547 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 200 Increased interest in I in 286 Inliers of central Ontario... IV vn 146 Interior of earth, condition of I ii 53 Iowa prairies I n 101 Keweenaw Peninsula II i 226 Kingston Mills, Ont IV vn 147 Lake Basin of Canada II ix 4 Lake Ontario dist II xiv 582 200 GEO GEO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Geology-Con. Late formations and GREAT CHANGES IN LEVEL in Jamaica. By John Spencer IV v 325 Lower Ottawa dist II xiv 580 Manitoulin Dist II xiv 585 Manual ol. By Jas. D. Dana: reviewed II vm 49 Marble Island Ill iv 196 Mauvaises Terres. By Prof. James Hall: reprint I in 357 McKenzie River.. Ill i 229 Metamorphic region oi east- ern Ontario II v 453 Mill Creek, Ont IV vn 147 Museum of Practical: re- print I hi 269 North shore of L. Huron... I i 125 North shore of L. Ontario. . II xv 390 North shore of L. Superior.. I i 125 Northwest Canada HI v 150 Notes on, of Blue Mt. ESCARPMENT, IN COLLING- WOOD Tp., Ont. By E. J. Chapman II v 304 Notes on, of Murray Bay, St. Lawrence. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II vi 301 Notes on, of Toronto. By H. Y. Hind I I 147 Notes on Geology of Townships of Windham and Middleton, Nor- folk Co., Ont. By J. De Cew II vi 24)5 Observations on, oi Burling- ton, Iowa. By Chas. White: reviewed........ II vi 301 Observations on Physical, of Western districts of Canada (Ont.). By Chas. Robb II v 497 Oceanic rocks of Jamaica... IV vni 380 On Elevations and De- pressions of Earth in N. America. By Abra- ham Gesner: reprint. ... II vn 81 On Formation of Conti- nents. By Prof. Benja- min Peirce: reprint II in 69 On Formation of Moun- tain Ranges. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint II v 542 On Physical Structure of Western District of Upper Canada. By W. E. Logan I in 1 On some of the Crystal- line limestones of North America. By T. Sterry Hunt I in 36 Ser. Vol. Page Geology-Con. Ontario (resume) IV vn 141 Ontario north of granitic ridge I I 126 Origin of Lake Basins II vni 86 Outliers evidence as to pre- sedimentary surface of Central Ontario IV vn 153 Outline of, of Ontario. By E. J. Chapman II xiv 580 Period when ridges were elevated in Central On- tario IV vn 150 Phenomena of elevation, described I n 53 Physical, of central On- tario. By A. W. G. Wilson IV vn 139 Popular. By Hugh Miller: reviewed II iv 406 Pre-historic history of Scotland. By Daniel Wilson: reprint I in 314 Prince Edward Island II xv 120 Primordial zone in Quebec . II vi 285 Progress of Geology: re- print I i 276 Progression and non-pro- gression theories I ii 54 Quebec district, showing break in formations II vi 44 Relative Dates of vari- ous Intrusive Rocks CUTTING LAURENTIAN Series in Canada. By Sir W. E. Logan II in 107 Review of progress (.1857).. II ii 472 Review of (1860) ..... II v 122 Recent deposits, Ontario... II vm 460 Red Mt., Ont. IV vn 146 Relation of History of Life to Physical History of Globe II vm 51 Report of surface geology of part of Lake Winnipeg valley II v 187 Resemblances between declivities of high pla- teau AND THOSE OF SUB- MARINE ANTILLEAN VAL- LEYS. By J. W. Spencer.. IV v 359 Rock metamorphism II ii 300 St. Lawrence Basin II ix 7 Scotland II i 74 Simple Rules for Calcu- lating THICKNESS OF inclined strata. By E. J. Chapman II v 544 Sir Charles Lyell's Elemen- tary: reviewed I in 285 201 GER GEO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Geology-Con. Sketch of, of Route of Intercolonial Ry. By Robert Bell II xv 381 Sketch of, of Hastings Co., Ont. By E. J. Chap- man: reprint II v 470 Subsidence of Land on N. Jersey Coast. By Prof. G. H. Cook: reprint,. ... II n 480 Subsidence of N. Jersey Coast II i 387 Supplementary Chapter to Acadian. By J. W. Daw- son: reviewed II vi 191 Tables for calculating thick- ness, etc., of inclined strata II vi 72 Testimony of Rocks. By Hugh Miller: reviewed. . II u 201 Theory of formation of pri- mitive molten crust of earth II in 206 Theory oi plastic condition in crystalline rocks II m 204 Thunder Bay, Dist II xn 218 Topography of pre-sedi- mentary floor of Ontario. IV vn 142 Toronto II m 502 Trinidad IV vu 365 Trinidad formations and growths (pl.) IV vm 138 Two great divisions into which Ontario and Que- bec are divided, with their characteristics I I 125 Upper Lakes Dist II xiv 585 Victoria Ry., Ont. Dist.... Ill i 261 Visual education as ap- plied to. By B. Water- house Hawkins: reprint.. I m 9 Volume of solid matters car- ried down by rivers gives period of formation of coal beds I i 280 Western and Huron dis- tricts, Ontai io I in 49 Windward Islands of West Indies. By J. W. Spencer IV vn 351 Geomorphy, application of, to drowned valleys IV v 367 Geometry. Foundations IV vm 336 Geometric Problems re- lating to Curves hav- ing DOUBLE CONTACT. By J. W. Martin II V 331 Geometrical methods, CHIEFLY IN THEORY OF THICK LENSES. By Prof. J. Loudon Ill . in 7 Ser. Vol. Page Ge ometry- Con. On a Reduction of Curves of Second Order II vin 291 On Reduction of General Equation of Second De- gree in plane Co-ordi- nate. By J. B. Cherriman II i 286 Geomys, Canadian locali- ties of G. bursarius (Shaw), Rich.. Ill vi 84 G. douglassii, Rich Ill vi 85 George IV. Autograph II xv 146 George, Henry. Scientific Aspect of, Movement. By W. Hou- ston: abstract Ill vi 33 George Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 384 Georgia, U.S., Tetradymite from II iv 325 Georgian. Aztec for ms com pared with. Ill n 168 Crania II v 324 Georgian Bay. Algonquins of, Assiki- NACK, WARRIOR OF ODAH- was. By J. C. Hamilton: abstract IV iv 232 Geological character of val- leys on, coast (map) IV vn 174 L. Huron and, coasts I in 49 Shells found near IV vi 40 Georgies B. Ill, v. 348, trans- lated with notes Ill i 91 Geothlypis, observations on Ontario species Ill vn 193 IV m 71, 72, 74 Geraniaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 638 11 xv 349 London species II vm 223 Geranium, abnormal de- velopment in II in 315 Geranium, L., Canadian localities of G. carolinianum, L II xv 349 G. maculatum, L II xv 349 G. robertianum, L II xv 349 Gorgonidae, from great sea depths II vi 520 Gregory. Absorption of water by leaves: ref. IV vn 244 Germ Theory. Present Aspects of, of Disease. By Prof. Ram- say Wright Ill I 344 202 GER GENERAL INDEX GIL Ser. Vol. Page German. Brain capacity compared with ancient Britons II xv 217 Celtic traces in II xv 86 Colour Comparisons in Low, poets. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract... IV in 43 Coptic article in: examples.. II xm 413 General anomalies and ori- gin IV vi 62 German words anglicised... II x 223 Horite traces in, mythology II xm 543 Physique of II ix 131 Universities versus English. II I 171 German Mills, Markham.. . II xm 442 Germanic. Beavers mentioned in, lan- guages II iv 360 .Connection with family of Onam II xiv 562 Equivalents of Onam family, table II xiv 567 Race, appearance in Europe I n 248 Remarks on Intrusion of, Races on Area of Older Keltic Races of Europe. By Daniel Wil- son I ii 246 Traces of Ashchurites in, peoples II xiv 266 Germany. Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 149 Experts employed by manu- facturers: numbers, 1897. IV ix 225 Sugar beet industry, de- velopment of II vi 473 Universal time in Ill m 63 Zimri traces in II xv 313 Gernhardt. Examination of freshly drawn milk tor bacteria: ref j IV vn 470 Germination, Botrychium virginianum IV v 267 Geshurite family, in Pales- tine II xiv 418 Gesture-language. Among Indians (Amer.).... IV vi 277 Gesture language of Blackfeet. By Rev. J. Maclean IV v 44 In primitive times IV vi 276 Gesner, Abraham. On Elevations and De- pressions of Earth in North America: reprint II vn 81 Geum, L., Canadian lo- calities of. G. album, Gmelin II xv 363 G. geniculatum, Michx. ... II xv 364 G. macrophyHum, Willd.. . II xv 363 G. rivale, L II xv 364 Ser. Vol. Page Geum, L., Canadian lo- calities of- Con. G. strictum, Ait II xv 364 G. triflorum, Puish II xv 364 G. vernum, Torr and Gray. II xv 364 G. virginianum, L II xv 363 Geuns. Number bacteria found in milk supply of Amster- dam: ref IV vn 468 Geysers. Cause of Phenomena ex- hibited by Geysers of Iceland. By Dr. Step- phenson Macadam: re- print I in 173 Gibb, Dr. G. D. Calcareous concretions from Buckingham, Eng.: reprint II n 216 Canadian caverns II vi 386 Gibbon. Abduction of digits of foot. IV vi 576 Biceps IV vi 561 Extensor indicis IV vi 542 Extensor minimi digiti IV vi 542 Flexor digitorum fibularis. . IV vi 570 Head arises from pectoral is major IV vi 535 Length of arm IV vi 517 Pectoralis minor, attach- ment in IV vi 532 Scansorius separate muscle in foetal IV vi 557 Supinator longus IV vi 541 Tibialis anticus IV vi 562 Thumb muscles IV vi 550 Gibbs-Thomson principle.. IV ix 396 Gibraltar Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 209, 384 Gibson, David, Willowdale.. II xm 441 Gibson, John, Macoun and. Synopsis of Flora of St. Lawrence Valley and Great Lakes II xv 51, 161,349,429, 546 Gibson, John, and John Macoun. Botany of Eastern Coast of L. Huron II xiv 467, 635 Giessen. Number bacteria in milk supply IV vn 468 Gilbert, G. K. History of Great Salt Lake ot Utah: ref IV vn 557 Old shore lines in On- tario Basin Ill vi 2 Water level of L. Iroquois. . IV vi 44 Gilbert, James. Arizona Copper Mine. ... II n 321 203 GIL GLA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Gilder. Eskimo language: ref HI vi 291 Gileadite traces in Babylonia II xv 77 Bithynia II xv 78 Chaldea : II xv 77 Cilicia II XV 78 Cappadocia II xv 78 Elamitae II xv 77 Galatia II xv 78 Gaul II xv 84 German tribes II xv 86 Greece II xv 80 India .' II xv 76 Italy II xv 80 Macedonia II xv 79 Mesopotamia II xv 77 Spain II xv 84 Syria II xv 78 Thrace II xv 79 Gileadite tribe II xv 74 Gilead. Eponyn of Celt II xv 74 Family of II xv 281 Gill. Eastern Polynesian term for God and plant symbol- ism: lef IV vi 329 Gillenia, Moench, Canadian localities of G. tiifoliata, Moench II xv 362 Gilliss, Lieut. Account of U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849-50-51-52: reviewed. II n 195 Gills. Development of, in Urodele IV vm 484 Development of, in Pletho- don IV vm 484 Ginseng, Canadian species and habitats II vi 281 Girder Boiler Plate, in Victoria Bridge II I 473 Trellis II i 474 Single Triangle II I 474 Tubular II J 474 Girnar Asoka edict at (pl.) IV tv 270 Proclamation of Askola found at, translated IV iv 266 Girod, M. Method of preserving Col- lodion plates: ref I m 3 Gitchi Naigou Chippewa chief IV vi 304 Givins, Lt.-Col., Toronto II xiii 180, 183 IV I 129 Gizeh, Dr. Lepsius' examina- tion of pyramids in 1842. I n 153 Ser. Vol. Page Glacial. Deposits in Eastern Canada II xv 412 Deposits, etc., in Ohio and neighbourhood II xv 410 Deposits in Prince Edward Island II XV 121 Deposits in Quebec II xv 97 Epoch in northern hemis- phere II v 52 Glacial and Interglacial Strata of Scarboro Hts. and other locali- ties near Toronto (ph). By Geo. Jennings Hinde. II xv 388 Great terrace of erosion in Scotland, relative DATE AND CONNECTION WITH GLACIAL PHENO- MENA. By R. Chambers: reprint I in 143 Observations on sup- posed, Drift in Labra- dor Peninsula, West- ern Canada and south BRANCH OF SASKATCHE- WAN. By Henry Youle Hind: repiint II ix 253 Origin of Gt. Lakes in America II vm 86 Origin of L. Superior IV vi 51 Origin of Swiss lakes II vm 86 Proofs of, action in Niagara district II V 507 Till sheets in central Ontario IV vu 167 Glacial Action. Eastern Ontario IV vn 171 In forming valleys. Ill vn 70 L. Superior IV vi 60 L. Superior and Winnipeg districts II ix 259 L. Ontario formed by; evi- dence II xv 396 Marble Island HI iv 200 North shore L. Superior.... HI vn 224 On rocks beneath drift in Ontario II vi 222 Ontario II xv 409 Western Ontario II xv 405 Glacial period. Alternate glaciation of each hemisphere; theory IV vm 281 Elevation of N. America previous to IV vi 46 Fauna and flora as an evi- dence of IV vm 283 Is BELIEF IN, JUSTIFIED. By Henry De Q. Sewell IV vm 279 N. America; cause IV vi 55 Ontario II xv 406 Weight of ice cause of de- pression of north-eastern part of continent IV VI 55 204 GLA GENERAL INDEX GLI Ser. Vol. Page Glaciation. North Wales I m 114 Glaciers. Action in central Ontario... IV vn 180 Action in L. Wendigokan region IV vm 360 Aar valley, Switzerland.. . . II v 53 Cause of appearance in Europe I ii 313 Glaciers of Switzerland and Noith Wales. By A. C. Ramsay: reviewed II v 51 On Cause of, Motion. By J. L. Thompson II xn 412 On Probable Former Ex- istence of Palaeozoic. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint I m 114 Switzerland and Wales, com- pared II v 55 Theory, of By Professor Forbes: abstract I in 44 Thickness of ice of anci- ent, of North Wales. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint I m 114 Gladstone, Dr. Sosp Dichromatic Pheno- mena among solutions and means of preserv- ing them: repiint II n 62 Glaisher, Jas. On recent Cold Weather and on Crystals of Snow observed during its continuance: reprint... I m 232 Scientific Balloon As- cent, 5th Sept., 1862: reprint II vn 526 Glanford Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 384 Glands. Present in some galls on host normally glandless. . IV ix 368 Present in normal tissue more plentiful or larger in galls from that tissue . IV ix 368 Glandula arenicola, Ver- rill, syn Cnemidocarpa mollis (Stimpson) IV ix 145 G. fibrosa, Stimpson, syn. Pandocia fibrosa (Stimp- son) IV ix 146 G. mollis, Traustedt, syn. Cnemidocarpa mollis (Stimpson) IV ix 145 G. mollis (Stimpson), syn. Cnemidocarpa mollis, Stimpson IV ix 145 Glandular streaks. Development in buds of Zoanthus sociatus IV vi 400 Ser. Vol. Page Glandular streaks-Con. Ectodermal origin in Mani- cina IV vi 403 In Zoanthus sociatus onto- genetically distinct from ciliated bands IV vi 401 Zoanthus sociatus (pl.).... IV vi 395 Glasgow, Ont., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Glass. Discovery of I i 207 Eastern Townships possess materials for its manufac- ture I i 240 Notes on Apparent Uni- versality of PRINCIPLE ANALOGOUS TO REGELA- TION, ON PHYSICAL NA- TURE OF GLASS, AND ON PROBABLE EXISTENCE OF WATER IN STATE CORRE- SPONDING TO THAT OF glass. By Ed. W. Bray- ley: repiint II vi 63 Novel application of I n 173 Permanent impressions of flowers on : reprint.... I in 315 Regelation in II vi 65 Glauconite. Deposited in Mesozoic, Cre- taceous, Tertiary and Palaeozoic times IV vii 547 Foraminifera most import- ant in forming IV vii 547 Localities where found IV vii 546 Mode of formation in ocean bed IV vii 546 Glaucocystis nostochine- arum. Chromatophore IV vi 442 No nucleus in IV vi 442 Glaux, flower peculiarities of. II v 340 Gleditschia, L., Canadian habitats of G. triacanthos, L II xv 361 Glegg, Major (A.D.C. to Gen. Brock). Autograph letter concerning property left to him II xiv 104 Gleicheneinae II xn 364 Glengary County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 384 Gliadin. Analyzed for iron IV vii 503 Bran contains it IV vii 514 Chemical composition IV vii 503 Constituent of gluten IV vii 497 Exists probably as such in flour IV vii 513 Form in which iron and phosphorus exists in IV vn 506 Iron in its ash IV VII 502 205 GLI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GNE Ser. Vol. Page Gliadin-Con. Not from same parent sub- stance as glutenin IV vu 514 Nuclein in IV vu 502 Obtained from flour by alcohol IV vu 512 Phosphorus in IV vu 501 Properties of IV vu 509, 514 Same as glutenin IV vu 499 Shorts contain it IV vu 514 Gliddon. Man and monkeys' remains in same geological strata in America: ref II u 413 Globigerina limestone, Ja- maica i. IV viu 383 Globular, form in minerals. . II v 9 Globulin, bran proteid IV vu 514 Gloeocapsa, cell substances in IV vi 441 Glomeruli, action in kidney. IV ix 399 Glooscap. Of Penobscots and Micmacs IV vi 275 Tradition IV m 202 Glossinia morsitans I i 189 Glossopharyngeus. Amiurus Ill ii 369 Nerve, Amiurus (pl.) Ill u 359 Glottology. On Nature of roots and words. By W. H. van der Smissen II xv 509 Gloucester, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Gloucester Fort, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Gloucester or Sturgeon Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208 Gloucester Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Glucinium, in mineral waters I I 152 Glue. Method of production I I 9 On preparation of liquid glue I i 168 Properties of liquid I I 116 Gluten. Artolin in IV vu 500 Chemistry of wheat glu- ten. By Geo. G. Na- smith ....... IV vn 497 Chemistry of wheat, biblio- graphy IV vu 516 Contains gliadin and zymom IV vu 497 Ferment theory of its for- mation IV vn 511 Formation of IV vu 515 Nuclein in IV vu 502 On, of wheat I u 312 Phosphorus in IV vu 501 Phytalbumose in IV vn 499 Ser. Vol. Page Gluten-Con. Chemical composition of. . . IV VII 505 Coagulates at 70° C IV vu 512 Fleurent's method of pre- paring IV vn 505 From gluten IV vn 499 Form in which iron and phosphorous exists in.... IV vu 506 Exists as such in flour IV vu 513 Gliadin not fiom same par- ent substance IV vn 514 Nuclein in IV vn 502 Osborne and Voorhees' me- thod of preparing IV vu 504 Properties of IV vu 505, 510 514 Gluteusmaximus, orang (pl.) IV vi 555 G. medius. Chimpanzee IV vu 557 Orang (pl.) IV vi 556 G. minimus. Chimpanzee IV vi 557 Orang (pl.) IV vi 555 Glutin, in gluten IV vu 497 Glutton, Canadian localities. Ill vi 74 Glycerine. Artificial formation of II u 306 Manufacture in Canada.... IV viu 165 Glycogen. In Yeast cell IV vi 482, 492 Solutions IV Viu 62 Glycyrrhiza, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of G. lepidota, Nutt II xv 357 Glyptocrinus decadactylus. Toronto localities II I 74 II iv 452 G. plumosus, Hall. Clinton Group, Dundas.... II xiv 141 G. ramalosus. Ottawa Valley II I 165 Possessed free movement... II iv 467 Glyptocystites (Billings). Canadian II iv 45 Characteristics II u 303 II vi 515 Discovery and description of I ii 215 G. multipora. Illustrated and fully de- scribed I ii 216 Gnatcatcher, Blue, Gray, Listowel frequenter IV m 72 Toronto frequenter IV in 108 Gnathostomata II xv 243 Gneiss. Central Ontario IV vu 147 Characters; Canadian loca- lities II vi 434 Hornblendicand micaceous, L. Supciior I I 125 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 206 GNE GENERAL INDEX GOL Ser. Vol. Page Gneiss-Con. Intrusion in schists; ex- amples from north shore of L. Superior Ill iv 119 Ridges in limestone band of Laurentian rocks II in 3 Rocks in Canada II in 323 Theory of origin Ill iv 128 Gneissic Foliation. Gneissic Foliation and Schistose Cleavage in Dykes and their bear- ing UPON ORIGIN OF Archaean rocks. By A. C. Lawson Ill iv 115 No proof of bedding Ill iv 117 May be developed in grani- tic rock Ill iv 122 Rock formations in Lake of the Woods (drawing).... Ill iv 117 Rocks in White Fish Bay (figures) Ill iv 119 Gneissoid Stiata, Canada. . II vm 115 Gnoiimcschema gallaeas- terella Kellicott. Habits IV ix 313 Host plants for IV ix 310 On hosts Solidago latiiolia, L. S. caesia var axillaris, Gray IV ix 310 G gallaesolidaginis, Riley. Habits.' , IV ix 312 On hosts Solidago cana- densis, L; S. serotina var. gigantea, Gray; S. rugosa, Mill IV ix 310 Time of emergence of moths IV ix 310 Gnathc don, deposits of Mo- bille Bay II iv 318 Gnotic Species, "Unio Cana- densis" II ii 382 Gcadby, Hemy, M.D. Parasites in Bat I in 355 Goadby, Dr., and J. Bovell, M. Passing visits to Rice Lake, Humber River, Grenadier's Pond, and Island I in 201 Goadby's Solution, for pre- serving Natural history specimens I I 174 Goat, Rocky Mt., Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Goat-sucker. Hamilton species II V 389 II vi 14 Gcd. His knowledge of Himself. Prof. Fenier's view II i 109 God, Dew IV vi 336 Ser. Vol. Page God, Nodons. Evidence of, in Britain. ... II vi 405 Goddard, Jas. Stanley. Member of commission on Indian trade at Mackinac IV iv 306 Goddess Sul. Latin inscription at Bath to II vi 401 Gcdwits (Birds). Canadian II xi 159 Hamilton species II v 394 Goebel. Sexual phase ol lycopodium inundatum: ref IV v 268 Goethe (poet). Autograph II xv 150 Faust, tabular comparison of three stages in which part I is known IV vu 135 Gcethe's Faust. By Prof. L. E. Horning IV vu 135 Goette. Origin of first two pairs of radial chambers in Scy- phomedusae: ref IV vi 402 Origin ol haematoblasts in amphibian embryo: ref.. IV n 249 Gogebic, iron range IV u 305 Goidelica IV v 300 Gold. Alleged discovery of, around Nottawasaga Bay II in 262 Alloys in blowpipe with bis- muth, copper, lead, pla- tinum, silver, thallium, tin, but not with zinc.... II xv 257 Amalgamation processes practiced up to 1800 IV iv 357 Analogy of effect of, dis- covery on prices to that of silver discovery in Mexico in 16th century II i 443 Arsenic and Sulphur as Metallurgical Agents IN TREATMENT OF CANA- DIAN Auriferous and Argentiferous Ores. By R. Dewar IV 1 141 Associated with arsenical ores in North Hastings... II xm 330 Australia diggings I I 237 Australian discovery of, re- sultant rush; and results. II I 435 Californian discovery of, rush to fields, and results II I 435 Canadian II vm 461 Cause of its depreciation in producing areas II I 439 Coins in Canada after con- quest IV ix 238 Character of, beating rocks in North Hastings, Ont.. II xm 330 Chaudiere district I I 112 207 GOL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GOM Ser. Vol. Page Gold -Con. Does it exist in Canada.... I I 255 Deposition of, in rocks IV n 123 Deposits and productions in Canada up to 1905 IV vm 161 Discoveries, causes of high prices II I 433 Discoveries and high prices. II i 431 Discoveries in Van Dieman's Land I I 23 Distribution in Canada in 1852... I I 112 Distribution of I i 17 Districts of Nova Scotia. . . II xv 110 Electro-Mercurial Amalga- mation of Precious Metals from their ores. By Chas. M. Dobson: abstract.... Ill vi 22 England I 1 261 Fields of Australia I I 23 Geology of: reprint I n 160 Gold bearing areas and for- mations in United States. I in 35 Gold Fields, Victoria, Bath- urst and Turon, Aust., 1852 I i 23 Gold in Canada I i 255 Mining on Saskatchewan. By Chas. Levey: abstract III m 267 How to tell Gold: reprint I I 245 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Influence of recent gold DISCOVERIES ON PRICES. By E. A. Meredith II i 430 Ireland I i 267 Its Distribution. By Sir Roderick Impey Murchi- son: reprint I m 16 Mining in England I m 21 Morro Velho lode in Brazil. I I 17 Native, characteristics and Canadian localities II v 176 North Devon I i 17 Norwegian amalgamation process in extracting IV iv 358 Nova Scotia II vi 529 Notes on history of Amal- gamation process. By Robert Dewar IV iv 357 Occurrence of, and sil- ver IN GALENA AND IRON pyrites. By R. Dewar... IV n 121 (abstract) IV u 12 On FORMING VESSELS OF, BY aid of Phosphorus: re- print I ii 313 Oi igin of alluvial gold I in 39 Patio process ot extracting . IV iv 359 Prices in Australia during, fever II I 435 Process of coining I m 129 Ser. Vol. Page Gold-Con. Real Gold Mine in Eng- land: reprint I n 173 Relations to light II n 449 Remarkable Belt of Auriferous Country in Marmora Tp., Ont. By E. J. Chapman II xiii 330 Repulse Bay Ill iv 199 Sources from which derived I i 17 Sulphur absorbed by it and amalgamation process re- tarded IV I 147 Testing with magnet I u 24 Tintin process in extracting IV iv 362 Ural I i 18 Veins worked in Marmora Tp., Ont II xiii 332 Washoe or pan process in extracting IV iv 364 Weighed by machinery at Bank of England I i 264 World production, 1853.... I m 41 World's supply of, since 1800 II i 439 Gold Pens. Manufacture of: reprint. 1 n 197 Gold stain, nerve cells of Apathy IV vi 417 Gold Thread, Canadian lo calities II xv 56 Golden Club, Bayfield River II xiv 478 Golden Saxifrage, Canadian localities II xv 549 Goldfinch, notes and obser- vations on habits, etc., of Ontario visitors I I 170 II v 391 III vii 181, 183, 187, 191 IV m 69, 82, 87, 96, 99 Goldfuss. Favosites Gothlandica (Lamarck): ref II iv 99 Golding Bird's battery and decomposing cell I I 16 Goldner's Process of pre- serving meat I in 280 Goldschmidt. Goniometer for measuring crystals IV vm 445 Goldwin Smith. Lamps of Fiction. Address at Scott Centenary. . . II xiii 347 Gomphina. Genera of Canadian II vn 451 N. American species II vn 457 Gomphoceratidae II n 265 II vm 19 Gomphus, characters and N. American habitats of G. colubrinus, Hagen II vn 458 G. parvulus, Selys II vn 457 208 GOM GENERAL INDEX GOR Ser. Vol. Page Gomphus, characters and N. American habitats of-Con. G. spicatus, Hagen II vn 457 Gondar, capital of Abyssinia II x 47 Goniatidae II n 266 II vm 19 Goniatites. Canadian II vm 24 New species II vi 190 Gonidec, Le. Breton language Ill v 81 Goniocarpa nov., British Columbia coast IV IX 131 G. coccodes sp. n., British Columbia coast IV ix 131 G. placenta (Packard), Can- adian Atlantic coast IV ix 145 Gonioceras anceps, Ottawa River w. I I 222 Gonnard and Adelphi. Apatite crystals: ref IV vm 509 Good. Good's Foundry, Toronto. . II xm 263 Good's Locomotive En- gine "Toronto", draw- ing OF FIRST MADE IN Canada: reprint I n 76 Goodsir, Prof. Henry. Brain weight of II xv 209 Difference between hand of man and ape: lef IV vi 519 Obituary notice II v 125 Good Hope Mts., Home of Etaottines IV vn 521 Goosander, Hamilton species II v 395 Goose. Hamilton species II v 395 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Goose Isd., B.C., Ascidiop- sis pa< alropa sp, n IV ix 120 Goose, Solan. Observations Accompany- ing Exhibition of Speci- men OF, LATELY OBTAINED at Oshawa, Ont., and BELONGING TO MUSEUM of University of Tor- onto. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vn 329 Gooseberry, Canadian locali- ties II xv 435 Goosefoot, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Gopher, Canadian localities of Grey Ill vi 87 Northern Pocket Ill vi 84 Pacific Pocket Ill vi 85 Pouched Ill vi 84 Striped Ill vi 87 Ser. Vol. Page Gordian, Emperor. Legate in Britain given by inscriptions II x 320 Gordon, Alex. The Anti- quary. Biography II xiv 14 II xv 122 Career in new world II xiv 33 Gordon, Alexander, the Antiquary. By Daniel Wilson II xiv 9 Gordon Alex., the Anti- quary. Supplementary notice. By Daniel Wil- son II xv 122 His Will II xv 142 Itineiaiium Septentrionale: reviewed II xiv 13 Gore, G..M.D. On Electro-plating of Metallic Articles with White Metals, Alumin- ium AND SlLICUM, FROM CLAYSTONE, AND SAND... I III 15 Gore, Governor, U. Canada. Autograph invitation, Lic- ense (hotel) and letter concerning current news of day II xiv 100 Reminiscences, etc., of II xm 184 Gore, geological features of, district (Ont.) II v 498 Gorge. Hypothesis of mode of, for- mation and character of floor of, Niagara IV vn 11 Niagara cuesta IV vn 173 Gorgias of Plato (505 E.), correct translation of. ... II xm 426 Gorgontua, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Gorilla. Abduction of digits of foot.. IV vi 576 Abnormity of integument of II ix 52 Coronoid head IV vi 536 Cranial development IV vi 508 Controversies concerning... II vm 104 Difference between brain of, and of man; dispute be- tween Huxley and Owen. II vm 315 Extensor indicis IV vi 542 Extensor minimi digiti IV vi 542 Flexor accessorius IV vx 571 Flexor brevis digitorum and flexor digitorum tibialis. . IV vi 570 Flexor longus hallucis IV vi 570 Flexor longus pollicis IV vi 539 Interossei IV vi 576 Laryngeal pouches IV vi 514 Opponens hallucis IV vi 573 Opponens minimi digiti.... IV vi 575 209 GOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GRA Ser. Vol. Page Gorilla-Con. Peroneus parvus IV vi 565 Sartorius IV vi 553 Scansorius not separate muscle in foetal IV vi 557 Skull compared with man's. IV vi 509 Structural differences separ- ating man from II ix 157 Subclavius IV vi 534 Thumb muscles IV vi 550 Tibialis anticus IV vi 562 Troglodytes, new species of. I i 94 Two heads of biceps IV vi 561 Goring, F., Niagara, 1779... IV iv 303 Gorrie, Wm. Description of red spruce.. . Ill vi 179 Gorrie's Wharf, Variations in lake levels for Sept, and Oct., 1853 at I ii 27, 62 Gorsedd, ceremony IV n 207 Gosahbahndahnwin II in 304 Gosfield Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Goshawk, Toronto IV in 76, 86 Goshawk, American, Can- adian specimens of II iv 447 Gospels, autograph copies of, of early date II xv 153 Goths, survivals of, and Iberians in Pyrenaean val- leys IV II 180 Gough. Notes on Latin Inscription on Bath Tablet II in 8 Gould, John, F.R.S. Monograph of Trochilidae or Humming Birds: reviewed II iv 47 Gourgaud, Gen. Campaign of 1815: ref Ill iv 150 Gourlay, Robert. Brief biography II XII 233 Statistical account of Upper Canada (1822) II xv 32 Government. Beginning of Municipal, in Ontario. By Prof. Adam Shortt IV vn* 409 Beginning of local, in On- tario IV vn 412 Government School of Mines, Eng. Position of Industrial Edu- cation in 1852 I I 110 Governor Simcoe. Canadian Institute's efforts to have his diary pub- lished IV n 6 Diary of his Journey from Humber Bay to Matchetache Bay, 1793. By Hon. Alex. Macdonell IV I 128 Ser. Vol. Page Governor Simcoe-Con. Higher education in Canada and Merton tradition.... II xm 463 Gower Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Grabau. Drainage of Ontario low- land in pre-glacial period: ref IV vri 181 Graber. Part of spectrum least affec- ting earthworms: ref.... IV viii 102 Gracilis, Orang IV vi 552 Grackle, notes on habits of Ontario species Ill in 94 III vii 195 IV m 69, 75, 81 Graduate. Nom-de-plume of Rev. Dr. McCaul: article on Uni- versity Question, 1845... II xv 445 Graham, Dr. Authenticity of Ossian poems IV iv 328 Giaham, Professoi Thos. Bakerian Lecture on Osmotic Force: ieprint. I in 12 Chemical report on burning of ship Amazon (1852)... I I 24 Elements of Chemistry: re- viewed I I 19 Regelation of glass; views on II vi 68 Elements of inorganic che- mistry: reviewed II in 488 Grakles, see Grackle. Grallatores. Distinguishing character- istics of II xi 159 Families in II xi 152 Grallatores; Waders or Stilted Birds. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 147 Proper limits of II xi ,150 Graminese. Canadian species II xiv 299, 654 Hamilton species Ill n 154 London species II vm 236 Grammar. Algonkin language and. ... Ill vi 122 Growth of language indi- cated by IV vi 282 Iroquois language and Ill vi 125 Nah'ane IV vn 531 Sahaptin or Nez-perces, and language Ill vi 114 Grammarus, L. Ontario. ... II xm 500 Grammatical Gender. Bibliography on origin of.. . Ill vii 216 Languages possessing and not possessing Ill vn 216 Origin and development of. By A. F. Chamberlain III vn 216 210 GRA GENERAL INDEX GRA Ser. Vol. Page Grammatopteris, Permian of Autun ,. ... IV vm 529 Grammitidinae II xn 365 Grand Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Grand Canon, Colorado, formation Ill vn 68 Grand Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 386 Grand Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 385 Grand Manan, Bay of Fundy. Ascidians on coasts IV ix 112 Copper ore, quality and workings II xiii 236 Elevation and depression of II vii 82 General description of II xiii 234 Geological features II xiii 235 Mineral bed II xiii 235 On occurrence of Copper Ore in. By E. J. Chap- man II xiii 234 Grand Marsh, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 385 Grand or Ottawa River, gazetteer notice (1813).. . II xiv 386 Grand River, Ont. Fossil Conus found in drift in district II m 516 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 385 On Appearance and De- cline of Malarious Disease in Valley of Lower II iv 40 Grand Trunk Ry. Co. Appendix to Prospectus: reprint I I 235 Canada Grand Trunk Railway: reprint I m 18 Description of works of.... I hi 225 Lumbering on Line of: reprint I in 46 Report for 1854: i eviewed . I ill 18 Some Notes of Visit to Works of, west of Tor- onto, 1855. By Fred. Cumberland I in 225 Statistics for 1854 I in 19 Grange, The, Toronto II xiii 103 Grange Isle, gazetteer notice tl813) II xiv 386 Granites. Character; Canadian locali- ties II vi 431 Formations in central On- tai io IV vii 146 Gneissic foliation may be developed in granitic rocks HI iv 122 Granite country on North Shore of L. Superior HI vn 224 Ser. Vol. Page Granites- Con. Granitic ridge of Canada... I I 126 Grey, Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Origin of II in 204 Polishing of, by driving Sand. By Wm. Blake: reprint I in 357 Reddish, on north shore of Lake Superior I i 125 Granitoid trachytic Rock, Chemical Analysis of, from Yamaska Mt., Que II v 432 Grant, Hon. Alex., U. Can- ada II xiii 179 Grant, Lewis, D.P.S. Survey of Newark, 1793... IV I 98 Grantham Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 386 Granules. Cyanophycese IV Vi 465 Cyanophycese, effects of di- gesting with gastric juice. IV vi 468 Masked iron in, of Cyano- phycese IV vi 467 Oscillarise, Tolypothrix, Scy- tonema and Microcoleus terrestris, have two types IV vi 465 Types in Cylindrospermum majus IV vi 469 Types in Oscillaria tener- rima IV vi 469 Yeast cell IV vi 490 Grape. Brief History of Cataw- ba: reprint I ill 220 Canadian localities II xv 351 Effect of Bordeaux mixture on IV vii 318 On employment of higher Sulphides of Calcium as means of preventing AND DESTROYING OlDIUM tuckeri or Grape Dis- ease. By Dr. Astley P. Price: reprint I II 70 Graphic systems, origin.... IV iv 206 Graphite. Buckingham Tp., Ont., analysis of II xn 265 Canadian II vm 120 Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II v 177 Industry in Canada IV vm 172 In meteoric stone II i 308 Origin in Apatite deposits. . IV vm 512 Graphisurus pusillus, Kir- by I hi 326 Grapow, Max. Palmar fascia: ref IV vi 537 Grapta, Rocky Mountain species with habitats. ... HI n 240 211 GRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GRE Ser. Vol. Page Graptodera, Canadian spe- cies., I in 326 Graptolidse, primordial zone, Quebec II vi 43 Graptolites. American, figured and de- scribed II i 388 Canadian II iv 274 Characters II vi 506 Found at Toronto I i 151 Graptolites. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint I in 356 Graptolites - American, characters with draw- ings of G. bicornis, Hall II i 390 G. bicornis (Hisinger) II iv 452 G. caduceus II i 390 G. furcatus, Hall II i 390 G. gracilis, Hall II i 390 G. laevis, Hall II i 390 G. mucronatus, Hall II i 389 G. priodon, Bionn II i 390 G. pristis (Hisinger) II iv 452 G. pristis, Hall II i 390 G. ramosus, Hall II i 390 G. Sagittarius, Portloch. ... II i 390 G. scalaris II i 390 G. ser ratulus, Hall II i 390 G. sextans, Hall II i 389 G. tenuis, Portlock II i 390 G. venosus, Hall II i 390 Graptolithus, Primordial zone, Quebec II vi 43 G. Logani (Hall), Calciferous Rocks, Canada (pl.) II vm 191 Grass. Making, into hay II in 523 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 198 Grass Finch, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 95 Grass of Parnassus, Can- adian localities II xv 547 Grasse Bayede, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 386 Giasshoppers. Vermes in. By Wm. Cou- per I in 355 Gratiolet and Alix. Abduction of digits of foot in chimpanzee: ref IV vi 577 Adductor obliquus in orang and chimpanzee: ref. . . . IV vi 574 Chimpanzee's thumb mus- cle: ref...., IV vi 540 Extensor ossis metacarpi pcllicis in chimpanzee: ref IV vi 547 Flexor accessorius in chim- panzee: ref IV vi 571 Gluteus medius and g. mini- mus in chimpanzee: ref.. IV vi 557 Ser. Vol. Page Gratiolet and Alix-Con. Laryngeal sacs in chimpan- zee: ref IV vi 515 Peroneus parvus in chim- panzee... IV vi 565 Sartorius in chimpanzee: ref IV vi 553 Gravel and Sand, stratified Post Glacial, Scarboro Hts II xv 403 Gravel Drift. Notes on Davenport Gravel Drift. By Sand- ford Fleming II vi 247 Gravel Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 386 Gravenhurst, Birds observed at IV in 65 Grave Creek Stone, inscrip- tion on, translated IV v 56 Graves, J. T. Polyhedron of Forces \ reprint II n 113 Graves Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 386 Gravity. Normal effects on blood pressure IV vn 189 Note on Guldin's Pro- perties of Centre of. By J. B. Cherriman II vm 33 Gravitation. Relation of Law of, to principle of Conserva- tion of Energy. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II xiv 589 Gravois, Pointe au, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 386 Gravois, Riviere au, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 386 Gray, Asa. Falconidae divided into seven sub-families II iv 444 How Plants Grow: reviewed II iv 145 Description of species of Spruce in editions of his works Ill vi 172 Great Angelica, Canadian localities II xv 556 Great Bear and the Gamb- ler, legend, IV iv 79 Great Bear and the Hunter. Deductions from legend.... IV iv 195 Legend IV iv 194 Great Britain. Census of, in 1851 with DESCRIPTION OF MACHIN- ERY AND PROCESSES EM- PLOYED. By E. Cheshire: reprint I n 70 212 GRE GENERAL INDEX GRE Ser. Vol. Page Great Britain-Con. Currency in, compared with American I i 179 Medical inspection of schools IV vm 195 Metal trade of I i 240 Sterling currency described I i 177 Great Cape, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 386 Great Chesters. Latin inscriptions bearing titles Parthici and Medici found at II xiv 154 Latin inscription at, giving Emperor Severus' legate in Britain II x 31S Roman name /Esica: evi- dence II xm 148 Great Dog Portage II ix 258 Great Lake Nipissing IV vi 57 Great Lakes. Synopsis of Flora of. By John Macoun and John Gibson II xv 51, 161, 349, 429, 546 Great Northern Diver, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 122 Great Tantamar Marsh, submergence of II vn 83 Great Western Railway. Canada Great Western Railway: reprint Im 19 Cost and condition, etc., 1853 I ii 204 Progress of (1852) I I 22 Report for 1852-53: re- viewed I i 257 Statistics for 1854 I in 19 Grebe. Hamilton species II v 396 II vi 136 Greece. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 251 Celtic and Gileadite traces in II xv 80 Egypt and Phoenicia inti- mately connected with, from very ancient times. . II xm 36 Heroes and great families of mythical Greek history came from Egypt II xm 36 Horite traces in II xm 539 Horse, its use in I I 180 Names of families common to both, and Phoenicia.. . II xm 37 Onite connection in II xiv 422 Primitive history of Ioni- ans. By John Campbell II xiv 395,559 Zimri traces in II xv 302 Greek. Beaver mentioned in, litera- ture II iv 360 Ser. Vol. Page Greek-Con. Celtic, Roman and, types STILL EXISTENT IN FRANCE, WITH NOTES ON LANGUE d'Oc. By Arthur Harvey. IV 11 176 Coptic articles in: examples. II xm 413 Crania; characteristics of... II vm 143 Coins (copper) in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Coins (silver) in Canadian Institute II ix 105 Dene analogies to IV I 187 Discovery of Ancient, Sculpture: reprint I in 240 Discovery of Important, Manuscripts: reprint... I m 336 Gender IV vi 63, 67 Gods derived from Egypt. . II xm 154 Inscriptions on two altars found at Corbridge II v 290 International arbitration as practised by IV vm 41 Knowledge of ancient Celts. II ix 370 Notes on Passages in Pla- tonic Dialogues II vii 478 Observations on Phile- bus of Plato. Position of Rowers in warships of ancients. By W. D Pearman Ill i 160 Slave of 15th century II i 391 Sun-baths, value of IV vm 99 Type at Marseilles IV ii 202 Greek. Translation with notes of contra Ctesiph, sec. 77 II xiv 53 Agam. V, 1618. .Ill I 170 Aristophanes, Equites V, 545 III I 170 Demosthenes de Corona, sec. 292 II xiv 54 Demosthenes, Phil. I, § 15 . II xm 427 Demosthenes' speeches against Aphobus, 815, 836-38 HI iv 17 Euripides, Iphigenia in Aul. V, 808 and 1143 Ill I 160 Euripides, Phoenissse, 583.. II xm 427 Euthyphrc, §12 (Bekker).. II vn 478 Georgias ot Plato (505 E.). . II xm 426 Homer, Iliad, B. XVIII, v, 119 HI i 161 Homer, Odyss. XII, 82. . .. II xm 426 Meno, § 29 (Bekker) II vn 484 Meno, § 20, 21 (Bekker) ... II vn 485 Phaedrus §§ 51, 52, 53 (Bekker) II vn 480 Phaedrus, §51 (Bekker).. . . II vn 482 Philebus, § 7 (Bekker) II vn 489 Philebus, § 149 (Bekker) ... II vii 491 Plato, Philebus 30. B and 42. C HI i 88 213 GRE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GR1 Ser. Vol. Page Greek. Translation with notes of-Con. Plato, Philebus 17. B, 18. B, 19. C, 20. D, 30. E, 40. E, 44. D, 46. E, 47. C Ill I 162 Plato, Repub. B. X, 615. D. Ill i 161 Plato, Repub. IX, chap. 9, 583 B Ill iv 18 Sophocles'Antigone 263 ... II xm 426 Sophocles' Antigone 250 foil, and Asschylus Sept. c. Theb. 1042 II xiv 52 Sophocles, Ajax V, 416 .... Ill I 90 Xenophon, Anab. V, vii 25. Ill I 161 Xenophon, H. G. II, I, 28.. Ill I 169 Green, W. F. Crystallization of Ery- thrite from Cobalt. ... IV vm 443 Green Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 387 Greene, Prof. J. Reay. Galbraith and Haughton's Scientific Manuals. Ex- perimental and Natural Science Series. Manual of the Animal Kingdom. Protozoa: reviewed II v 48 Manual of sub-kingdom Coelenterata: reviewed. . II vii 78 Protozoa II v 49 Greenland. Arctic current around. By Capt. Irlinger: re- print II ii 124 Colonization of, by Leif Ericson in 999 II ix 292 Relics of ancient Norse settlement in II ix 294 Greenlander. Brain volumeof,comparative II xv 228 Greenlet, Hamilton species.. II v 393 Greenough. Obituary I in 262 Greenstones. Characters; Canadian locali- ties II vi 429 Hudson's Bay HI iv 197 L. Wendigokan region IV vm 348 North shore, L. Huron I I 125 Trap, north shore of L. Su- perior I I 125 Greenstreet, F. H. Patent for coating and orna- menting zinc I I 44 Greenwich Observatory. Advantages of, as prime meridian HI I 139 Dip instrument (1856) II II 455 Equipment of I II 310 Periodic movement of Tran- sit Circle II II 455 Ser. Vol. Page Gregory, E. L. Basal cells of hairs on leaves best fitted for absorption of water: ref IV vn 316 Gregory, Dr J. W.. Bed in Barbados below oce- anic series: ref IV vxn 381 Classification of Ophiuroi- dea: ref IV vm 366 Cuban radiolarianrocks: ref. IV vm 385 Land connection between Caribean Region and North Africa and water connection to Pacific: ref. IV vm 377 Protaster brisingoides: ref. IV vm 366 Radiolaria from Cuban marls: ref IV vm 386 Grenada, Exports and Pro- ducts of (1859) II vii 141 Grenadier's Pond, Tcronto. Passing visit to. By Dr. Godly and Dr. J. Bovell I in 201 Origin of name II xn 168 Grenadines, W. Indies, ge- ology and physical fea- tures IV vii 364 Grenet, M. L. F. Exhibit of gelatine at ex- hibition of 1851 I I 9 Grenville Canal, cost and construction II x 269 Grenville County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 387 Grenville rocks IV vm 497 Grey Rabbit, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 83 Grey's River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 387 Grey Seal, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 78 Grey Wolf, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 72 Griffin, F. Junius Discovered: reviewed II I 58 Griffon. Absorption of bordeaux mix- ture by leaves sprayed with it: ref IV vii 318 Assimilating power of leaves of plants near sea and same inland IV vn 337 Effect of nutiient solutions in soil on leaves of plants: ref IV vii 322 Grimm, Jacob. Language formation and growth Ill vi 94 Origin of gender IV vi 65 Grimsby Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 387 Grimsel, description of lake. . II v 54 214 GRI GENERAL INDEX GUA Ser. Vol. Page Grissell, H. Patent for coating metals. . I I 43 Gristle II x 202 Grizzly Bear. Are there two varieties of it? IV iv 94 Canadian localities Ill vi 76 Gros Ventres. Blackfoot gestures for IV v 45 Migrations IV iv 250 Grosbeaks. Ayr, Ont Ill vn 189 Ontario, visited by large numbers in winter 1889- 90 IV i 26 Toronto IV ill 107 Grosbeak, Crimson-breast- ed, habits of Ontario visi- tors Ill in 97 Grosbeaks, Evening. Appearance in Toronto IV in 182 Appearances in United States. IV m 184 Cause of migrating IV in 184 Description I in 287 Food IV in 117 185 Habits in captivity, IV m 94 Hamilton IV m 118 Listowel IV in 69 Manitoba IV ill 118 Migration of. By J. B. Williams IV in 181 Migration IV ill 119 Report of occurrence of, in Ontario winter, 1889- 90... IV in 111 University Museum IV i 5 Grosbeak, Pine. Capture of, in Toronto.. IV I 51 Habits in captivity IV in 95 Habits of Ontario visitors. . HI in 89 Hamilton frequenters II vi 17 Hybrid of, and purple finch. IV i 41 Listowel visitor IV in 69 Observations on Toronto specimens HI vn 184, 199 IV i 52, 53, 54 Wintering in Muskoka Ill vn 191 Winteiing in Toronto I I 170 III vn 201 IV I 42, 43 Grosbeak, Rose-breasted. Habits of. . IV i 50 Listowel visitor IV in 70 Toronto visitor Ill vn 192 Grosse Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 387 Grosse Isle aux Dindes, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 387 Grosse, Isle la, gazetteei no- tice (1813) II xiv 387 Grossulaceae, London species II vm 225 Ser. Vol. Page Grote, Geo. Autograph letter on some point in his researches. .. II xiv 480 Grotenfelt Gosta. Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Ground-hog, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 88 Ground Nut. Canadian localities II xv 360 Characters; Canadian habi- tats II vi 282 Ground Robin, habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 93 Ground waters. Circumstances under which, can be obtained pure .... IV i 159 Constitution of IV I 154 Some points in Natural history of. By P. H. Bryce IV i 149 Source of IV i 149 Grouse, Hamilton species.... II v 393 G. Canada, Orillia IV m 98 G. Pallas' Sand, migrations. IV m 181 G. Ruffed. Nesting habits of IV in 78 Toronto winter bird I i 171 G. sharptailed. Sharptailed Grouse or Prairie Chicken. By Ernest E. T. Seton Ill i 405 G. spruce, Toronto winter- bird I i 171 Grubb. Telescope of four feet aper- ture I n 50 Gruinse, generic characters.. II xi 155 Grus. G. AMERICANA AND G. CANA- DENSIS; ARE THEY THE same Bird in different STAGES OF GROWTH? By T. J. Cottle II iv 266 Gruyere Cheese, nature of fatty acids in IV vn 111 Guadeloupe Archipelago, W. Indies. Elephant remains in IV vn 361 Physical features and geo- logy IV vii 360 Guanche. Basque origin of IV vn 34 Botanical names IV vn 39 Canary Islands IV vn 31 Celtic origin of IV vn 34, 53 Celtic words in IV vn 38 Crania related to Caribs of W. Indies Ill v 74 More Cymric than Gaelic.. IV vn 37 MSS IV vn 29 Peruvian words in IV vn 40 Relation to Berber IV vn 34 215 GZL4 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE GYP Ser. Vol. Page Guano, French use of it in 1854 II i 141 Guatemala. Indians II i 392 Java's ancient art resembles IV vi 117 Guayaquil, Gulf of, in geo- logical times IV vni 380 Guelph. Fossils of Guelph formation at II xiv 142 Milk supply examined for bacteria IV vu 469 Guelph Formation. Canadian II vni 215 Fossils (pl.) II vni 215 II xiv 142 Notes on Fossils of, of Ontario. By H. A. Nic- holson and Geo. J. Hinde II xiv 137 Guepinia spathulata, hab- its; Ontario habitats IV ix 79 Guernsey, Elizabeth College. II xn 229 Guiana, ancient tribes of.... Ill v 68 Guiana, British, Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 140 Guiche, division of Maya- Quiche IV vi 119 Guigniant, mythological researches: ref II xin 36 Guillemot, Hamilton species II v 396 ; G. Black, Prince cf Wales Sound Ill v 123 Guinea, examination of brain oi negro of II xv 180 Guldin's Properties. Note on. By J. B. Cherri- man II vm 33 Gulf Stream. Exploration of: reprint.. I in 42 Gull, Hamilton species II v 395 II vi 136 Notes on species frequent- ing Toronto Ill vn 188, 190 IV I 41 IV in 76, 85, 89, 90 G. Herring, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Gull Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 387 Gulo luscus (Linn), Sabine. Canadian localities Ill vi 74 Prince of Wales Sound HI v 113 Gun barrels, old horseshoe nails best material for. . . I i 103 Gun-Cotton, Report by Committee ot British As- sociation investigating some improvements in... II ix 37 Gunnera. Central cylinder IV vi 611 Fibro-vascular system IV vi 610 Ser. Vol. Page G. scabra. Epicotyledonary system.. . IV vi 611 Gunnery, problems in II ix 36 Gunprimers, Winiwarter and Gersheims patent gun- primers and composition for fire-arms I i 189 Giinsberg. Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vn 498 Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. Geological Connexions OF CARIBEAN REGION... . IV VIII 373 Growth of Trinidad IV vm 137 Gutenberg, Discoverer of Printing II xv 579 Gutta Percha. Improved material as sub- stitute I ii 171 Substitute for I in 46 Guttation drop. Calcium bicarbonate chief constituent of IV vn 262 On leaves, analysis of IV vn 261 Guysboro geological area, Nova Scotia II xv 117 Gwillimbury Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 387 Gwynne-Vaughan. Cauline central cylinder in Primula: ref IV vi 608 Theory of polystely: ref.... IV vi 608 Primitive type of stelar system in Primula obtusi- foliaand P.involucrata: ref IV vi 622 Gymnocladus, Lam., Can- adian localities, of G. canadensis, Lam II xv 361 Gymnostomum curviros- trum. Niagara R II xiv 472 Owen Sound II xiv 472 Gymnotus, electrical pro- perties ot II in 59,65 Gynoecium II vi 495 Gypo geranus, not a GraL latorial II xi 150 Gypsiferous. Deposits Ontario I i 114 Rocks in Ontario I in 1 Shale, distribution in west- ern and Huron regions of Ontario i in 73 Gypsum. Beds in Iowa I n 80 Deposits and productions in Canada II vi 161 II vni 437, IV vni 174 Distribution in Western On- tario I in 74 New York State I n 37 Nova Scotia I i 241 Tests II vi 161 216 GYR GENERAL INDEX HAG Ser. Vol. Page Gyr, Falcon, Piince of Wales Sound HI v 120 Gyrocephalus rufus (Jacq), Bref, habits; Ontario habitats IV ix 79 Gyromitra esculenta Fr., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 80 Gyroscope. Description of. By M. Foucault: repiint I in 159 Gzowski, Casimir S., Tor- onto II xin 447 Haberlandt. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 245 Habia ludoviciana. Notes on Ontario specimens III vu 192 IV I 50 IV m 70, 107 Habenaria, suitable for flower gardens IV in 130 Habit. And contiguous association discussed Ill iv 36 And facility discussed Ill iv 38 And impulsiveness discussed III iv 38 And exercise of voluntary muscular control Ill iv 43 Law of. By Alfred S. John- son Ill iv 26 Relation to moral nature... Ill iv 51 Habitancum. Ancient name of Risingham; Inscription showing this. II xu 125 Notes on Latin Inscriptions on slabs found at II iv 324 Haddon, Prof. Art of South Pacific Island ers: ref IV vi 327 Haddon and Shackleton. Function of mesenterial fila- ments in zoanthids: ref.. IV vi 391 General appearance of glan- dular streak: ret IV vi 395 Thickening of epithelium of glandular streak in Zoan- thus macgillivrayi: ref . . IV vi 396 Hades. Hades of Homer and of Virgil. By Neil Macnish II xv 646 Hadrian's legate, in Biitain. II x 310 Haeckel. Haeckel's Anthropo- genie. By R. Ramsay Wright........ II xv 231 Nature of spines in Radio- laiia: ref II xv 418 Protozoa and Metazoa di- vision of animal kingdom: ref II xv 419 Haematite deposits. Manitoba IV vm 186 Ser. Vol. Page Haematite deposits-Con. Nova Scotia IV vm 186 Ontario IV vm 186 See also Hematite. Haematoblast. Chromatin abundant in dividing (pl.) IV n 236 Derived from mesoblasts alone.. IV n 251 Eosinophil ous substance of, derived from chromatin and finally transformed into haemoglobin IV xx 237 Haemoglobin derived from chromatin of IV xx 239 Origin and growth in am- blystoma larvae IV ii 253 Origin of, in amphibian embryo IV xx 249 Reaction of chromatin of, on haematoxylin IV xx 234 Haematogen IV n 239 Haematoidine II i 311 Haematoxylin, reaction ot chromatin of haemato- blasts on IV xx 234 Haemionitidinae II xn 365 Haemoglobin. Bayerl's experiments IV xx 226 Derived from chromatin of haematoblasts IV xx 239 Derived from chromatin; proof supported by occur- rence of phosphorus in haemoglobin of blood oi goose IV xx 239 Eosinophilous substance of haematoblasts derived from chromatin and fin- ally transformed into... . IV ii 237 Method of preparing pre- parations to show IV n 225 Nuclear network contains it or chromatin? IV n 232 Origin of IV n 221 Origin of, in red discs IV n 230 Reagent which shows pre- sence ot, and of its ante- cedent IV ii 223 Staining preparations to show IV ii 225 Hagarty, Hon. Chief Jus- tice. Nom-de-plume " Zadig "; poem "Martial Music of England" II xv 454 Presidential address before Canadian Institute, Janu- ary 18th, 1862 II vii 1 Hague Tribunal, articles governing it IV vm 45 217 HAI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HAL Ser. Vol. Page Haidas, month names IV vi 332 Haidenhain. Superficial epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref. Ill n 397 Haidenhain and Peszke. Gall capillaries of Amiurus: ref Ill n 411 Hail. Coloured I i 261 Leopold von Buch's theory of origin of II vm 36 Mohr's theory of origin ot.. II vm 37 On Origin of. By Frederick Mohr: reprint II vm 35 Var ious theories of II vm 36 Vogel's theory of II vm 36 Volta's theory of II vm 36 Haileybury, Ont., mean temperature and precipi- tation IV ix 150 Haime. Structure of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 388 Haimeophyllum (Billings), generic characters II iv 139 H. ordinatum (Billings), corniferous, Ontario (pl.). II iv 139 Hair, of Carrier Indians IV iv 18,181 Hairy men. Hairy men of Yesso: re- print II x 134 Haiti Island. In tertiary and miocene times IV vm 377 Miocene fauna IV vm 381 Orthaulax inornatus, Gabb. IV vm 389 Personal Experiences in, under Pres. Legitime. By Chas. G. Y. King: abstract IV I 14 Rostelaria inornata, Gab... IV vm 389 White limestone IV vm 383 Haldimand, Lord. Autogi aph documents of American Revo- lution episodes II xiv 80 Brief biography of, when in Canada II xiv 82 Troubles with U.E. Loyal- ists IV vii 410 Haldimand County. Athyris clara in II v 275 Athyris rostrata in II v 281 Atrypa scitula in II v 278 Rhynoconella unisulcata in. II v 279 Rhynconella tethys in II v 270 Haldimand Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 Haldimand, Fort, construc- tion of, and trade at IV iv 301 Haldimand Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 Ser. Vol. Page Haldimand Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69, 513 Hale, Eliphalet, Toronto.. . II xm 260 Hale, Horatio. American Indians origin: ref Ill v 57, 61, 69 Country of Eastern Denes: ref IV iv 11 Development of Lan- guage Ill vi 92 Haleakala volcano IV in 16 Hales, Stephen. Water absorption by leaves: ref IV vii 242 Halesidota characters and Ontario habitats of Halesidota (Hubner) II vm 367 H. caryae (Harris) II vm 368 H. fulvoflava, Walker II vm 369 H. maculata (Harris) II vm 369 H. tesselaris (Sm. Abb.).... II vm 367 Half breeds. Buffalo hunting II i 129, 133 Characteristics II i 129 Notes of Sojourn Among, of Hudson Bay Co.'s Territory, Red River. By Paul Kane II I 128 Ultimate result of hybrid race II xiv 443 War methods II I 131 Halichaerus grypus, Fabr, Canadian localities Ill vi 78 Haliaetus, Hamilton species. II v 388 H. leucocephalus, notes and observations on Ontario frequenters II iv 446 III vii 182, 185 IV I 44 IV m 84, 98, 102, 103, 110 Haliburton, R. G. Identification of Norse names in America: ret... Ill vi 272 Pleiades' Year IV in 191 Halichondrida, reproduction II xv 422 Halifax, N.S. On diurnal and annual VARIATIONS OF TEMPERA- TURE AT. By G. T. King- ston II xni 26 Winter of 1760 II xv 531 Halifax currency IV ix 239 Halioma, Ehrenberg, Ja- maica IV vii i 386, 387 Haliomatina, Jamaica IV vm 387 Halisarca, reproduction .... II xv 422, 427 Hall, Capt. Basil. Autograph letter on Ameri- can papers, 1830 II xiv 107 Hall, C. B. On Vagaries of Medicine II xi 225 218 HAL HAM GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Hall, C. M., H L. Bolley and. Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Hall, Prof. Jas. Advise regarding Geologi- cal Survey of Canada.... I in 251 Canadian graptolites: ref.. II iv 274 Coal fields of Missouri and Illinois: reprint. . . I in 357 Contributions to Palaeont- ology 1858, 1859 and 1860. By: reviewed II vi 187 Contributions to Palaeont- ology: reviewed Il vi 529 Contributions to Palaeont- ology of Iowa: reviewed.. II v 551 Descriptions of New Species of Palaeozoic Fossils: reviewed II in 153 Direction of currents of deposition and source OF MATERIALS OF OLDER palaeozoic rocks: re- print II in 88 Genus Protaster: ref IV vm 363 Graptoltthus explained: reprint I in 356 Mauvaises Terres: reprint I in 357 On Primordial Fauna and Pt. Levi Fossils: reprint II vi 284 Opinion on variations in levels of the lakes I n 297 Hall, James and J. D. Whit- ney. Report of Geological Survey of state of Iowa: reviewed II v 195 Hall, T. P. Photography and Chemi- cal Action of light: abstract Ill n 220 Hallam. Autograph acknowledge- ment of lady's request for autograph II xiv 480 Halle (Ger.). Amount filth in milk supply IV vn 467 Number bacteria in milk supply IV vn 468 Hallesus, Stephens. Char- acters and N. American habitats of H. guttifer, Walker II vn 491 H. hostis, Hagen II vn 491 H. mutatus, Hagen II vn 492 Halliwell, J. O. Autograph note II xiv 487 Hallowell, Benjamin, Tor- onto II xin 187 Hallowell Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 513 Halo. Described and accounted for I i 26 Ser. Vol. Page Halo-Con. H. Y. Hind describes re- markable, on 8. 3., 1847 I i 26 Remarkable ones, described I i 26 Theory of Mariotti's and Young's I i 26 Halocynthia. Syn. of Pyura (sens, resti.). IV ix 134 Syn. Tethyum (sens, nov.). IV ix 135 H. auct. part, syn. Boltenia (sens, nov.) IV ix 133 H. igaboja, Oka, syn. Teth- yum igaboja (Oka) IV ix 136 H. okai, Ritter, syn. Teth- yum igaboja (Oka) IV ix 136 Haloragese. Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 640 II xv 550 Halorhagidacese, fibro-vas- cular system . IV vi 610 Halton, Chesters, Roman name Hunnum: evidence. II xin 145 Haly sites agglomerata, Hall, Niagara limestone, Rockwood II xiv 146 H. catenulatus. Anticosti Island II in 327 Ontario (pl.) II vi 509 Ottawa River I i 222 Owen Sound and Rockwood Niagara Limestone II xiv 146 St. John Valley, Que II iv 271 Hamamelaceae. Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 640 II xv 550 London species II vm 225 Hamamelidaceee, habitats.. II vi 279 Hamamelis, L. Canadian species with habi- tats II xv 550 Characters II vi 279 H. virginica, L. Canadian localities II vi 279 II xv 550 Characters II vi 279 Host for Hormaphis hama- melidis, Fitch IV ix 304 Host for Hamamelistes spi- nosus shimer IV ix 304 Hamamelistes spinosus, Shimer. Inhabit alternately Betula nigra L and. Hamamelis virginiana L IV ix 305 On host Hamamelis virgini- ana L. (pl.) IV ix 304 219 HAM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HAM Ser. Vol. Page Hamians, Cohort of, Latin inscription to, found in Britain II ix 218 Hamilton, A., M.A , M.D. Physiology of Lips in Speech: abstract IV iv 225 Hamilton, Governor, De- troit, 1777 IV iv 302 Hamilton, G. Results of experiments ON PRESERVATION OF fresh meat: reprint.... I in 113 Hamilton, Jas. Cleland, M.A., LL.B. Algonquins of Georgian Bay, Assikinack, war- rior of Odahwas: ab- stract IV iv 232 Famous Algonquins: Al- gic Legends IV vi 285 Great Centre; an Astro- nomical Study IV in 189 Maroons of Jamaica and Nova Scotia Ill vii 260 Mound Builders of Amer- ica: abstract Ill vn 41 Slavery in Canada IV I 102 Hamilton, Rob. Douglas, M.D. Wrote under name of "Guy Pollock", specimens of writings II xv 264 Hamilton, Sir Wm. Contradictions in his system of Philosophy pointed out by Mills II xi 368 Doctrine of External Per- ception criticized II xn 57 Doctrine of Sensitive Per- ception: reviewed II n 285 Essays on Human Mind: reviewed II n 285 Exposition of his Philosophy II xi 300 His doctrine of Conscious- ness criticized II xi 368 His statement of Philosophy of the Conditioned II xi 374 His System of Philosophy criticized II xi 367 Hypothetical Realism views ciiticized II Xii 57 Investigationson Phi enology II xi 379 Obituary of II I 396 Philosophy of, reviewed by G. Paxton Young II 1 379 Principle of Substance and Phenomenon, stated by.. II xi 375 Sir Wm. Hamilton's Phil- osophy; an Exposition and Criticism. By Rev. J. Clark Murray . . II xi 207, 300, 367 II xn 57 Ser. Vol. Page Hamilton, Sir Wm. Rowan. Obituary II x 364 Hamilton, Ont. Botanical nature ot country around II xiv 286 Chi ist's Church, design and construction II I 203 Climate Ill 11 202 Climate of, compared with Belleville as influencing Flora of places II xiv 287 English woman's opinion of, in 1857 II in 133 Evening Grosbeak at IV III 118 Flora Hamiltonensis. By J. M. Buchan Ill n 145 Fossils IV vi 36 List of Birds observed in vicinity of. By Thos. Mcllwraith II v 387 List of Indigenous Plants FOUND IN NEIGHBOUR- HOOD OF, WITH DATES OF FINDING AND FLOWERING. By Dr. Craigie and W. Craigie I n 222 In 1852 I I 31 List of Birds observed near. By Thos. Mcllwraith: re- viewed II xi 245 Mean monthly temperature III n 204 Meteorological Observa- tions at, from 1846 to 1853 I ii 187 Meteorological Register for: see under Meteorological Register. Mineral springs at I I 153 Notes on Flora of. By J. M. Buchan II xiv 281 Notices of Birds observ ed near. By Thos. Mcllwraith II vi 6, 129 St. Andrew's Church; style and construction II 1 203 Hamilton Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 Hamilton Formation Athyris chloe (n. sp.) (pl.), in shales of II V 282 Canadian II vm 444 Described I in 75 Fossil corals in, of Ontario. II IV 126 II v 253 II vi 254 II vii 444 Ontario I ill 1 Western and Huron dis- tricts of Ontario I in 75 Hamilton Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 220 HAM GENERAL INDEX HAR Ser. Vol. Page Hamilton Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 69, 513 Hamite language. Aryan element in it II xm 286 Semitic element in it II xm 286 Hammer. Chemical rays ot sun cause of sun burn: ref IV viii 103 Hammer. NewSteam II i 395 Stone, of Denes IV iv 47 Sykes' Steam, with en- graving of: reprint I u 255 Hammolekcth.descendantsof II xv 27s Hamy, Dr. E. F. Asiatic origin of American civilization: ref Ill v 66 Han bury, David. Copper in Coppermine re- gion IV ix 218 Hand. Man's, distinguishes him from Quadrumana II ix 162 Orang IV vi 518 Hane. Cranial cavity oi Cyprinus: ref Ill n 380 Hangnest, Hamilton species. II v 392 Ham's inheritance II i 5 Hanlan's Island, Toronto, origin of I I 163 Hansgirg. Cyanophyceae have neither nucleus nor chromato- phore: lef IV vi 442 Hansen. Structure of yeast cell: ref. IV vi 481 Haplodon rufus, Coues, Canadian localities Ill vi 84 Haplosporella staphylina E. and D IV vi 638 Harbour, Toronto. Improvements suggested.. . I m 43 Its Formation and Pre- servation. By Sandford Fleming I u 105 Harbour, Reports by W. Shanly, Sir R. Bonny- castle, Sandforcl Fleming and Kivas Tully with map: reviewed I I 162 Reports on Improvement and Preservation, be- ing THOSE AWARDED PRE- MIUMS by Harbour Com- missioners 1854 to Prof. Hind, Sandford Flem- ing, Kivas Tully, Hugh Richardson. Printed as a supplement following. . I m 120 Toronto Harbour. By Kivas Tully I m 68 Ser. Vol. Page Harbor Seal, Canadian localities Ill vi 77 Hardback, Canadian localities II xv 362 Hardy. Action of Electrolytes on Colloidal solutions: ref... IV ix 53 Hardy-Linder-Picton Law. IV ix 60 Hare, Julius Chas. Autograph and brief bio- graphy II xiv 625 Hare, Thos. Electoral scheme of repre- sentation IV ii 328 Hare, Canadian species and localities Ill VI 83 Hare Indians or Hareskins. Canada Ill V 216 Dene tribe, its habitat and population IV iv 16 Language influence on Nah'- ane IV vn 529 Myth concerning Deluge.. . Ill vn 12 IV V 19 Traditions regarding origin. IV v 34 Tribe (Dene) Ill vn 113 Hare Indian Dog, Canadian localities Ill vi 73 Hare Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 Hare, Polar, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 116 Harelda glacialis, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 121 Harkness, Prof. Anthracite deposits and VEGETABLE REMAINS IN Lower Silurian of South Scotland: reprint I in 114 Harlech Grits, Wales I i 248 Harlequin Duck, Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 122 Harmony. Laws of, in Psychology... . II xi 305 Origin of, in natural land- scapes II in 413 Harp Seal. Canadian localities Ill vi 78 Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 117 Harpesidse II i 285 Harpoon, Dene IV iv 71 Harporhynchus rufus, ob- servations on Ontario visi- tors Ill hi 98 IV in 72, 83, 105, 107 Harrier. Canadian specimen of, hen. II iv 448 Genei ic characters II iv 448 Hamilton species II V 388 Harrington. Origin of Canadian Apa- tites: ref IV vni 495 221 HAR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HAW Ser. Vol. Page Harris, Elijah P. Meteorites: reviewed II iv 411 Harris, J. Temperature effects on chloroform poisoning: ref. IV vn 200 Harris, Thaddeus Wm. Treatise on some Insects injurious to Vegetation: reviewed II vn 521 Harrow, Inventor of I I 111 Harrison, F. C. Bacterial Contamination OF MILK AND ITS CONTROL IV VII 467 Ripening of Cheese and role of micro-organisms IN PROCESS IV VII 103 Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Milk supply of Guelph ex- amined for bacteria IV vn 469 Harrison, Jas. Bealey, Tor- onto II xni 190 Harrison, J. P. On a Law of Temperature Depending upon Lunar Influence: reprint II in 51 Harsen's Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 513 Harshman's theory, on steam power II i 343 Hartmann, Robert. Cranium of young Orang: ref IV vi 508 Harvard College, account of Great Comet of 1858. By G. P. Bond: ieviewed. . . II vm 57 Harvard University (1855).. II i 174 Harvest, in 40 English coun- ties I in 69 Harvey, Arthur, F.R.S.C. Bone Caves, with espe- cial REFERENCE TO PRE- HISTORIC Man IV ii 116 Broad outlines of Geo- logy of Northwest of L. Superior HI vn 218 Canadian Institute prob- lems and difficulties. . IV ii 5 Celtic, Roman and Greek TYPES STILL EXISTENT IN France, with notes on Langue D'OC IV n 176 Cruel Plant Ill vn 226 (abstract) IV i 11 Magnetic influence of SUN ON EARTH AND ON Comets IV vi 345 On APPEARANCE AND DE- CLINE of Malarious Disease in valley of Lower Grand River .. . II iv 40 Pelotechthen Balanoi- des IV i 213 Ser. Vol. Page Harvey, Arthur, F.R.S.C.-Con. Principles of Insurance, WITH ESPECIAL REFER- ENCE TO SICK BENEFIT PROVISION IV VIII 73 Report as delegate to Montpelier Congress on Romance Tongues:. . IV u 188 (abstract) IV n 15 Obituary IV vin 98 Reckoning of Astronomical Day IV in 316 W. A. Douglass' paper on Two Values criticized. ... IV u 8 Harvey, Sir John. Autograph letter to Col. Givins re succession to Col. Claus, Supdt. of In- dian affairs II xiv 102 Harwich Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 514 Hastings County, Ont. Character of auriferous rock in II xni 330 Drumlins IV vn 170 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 514 Gold associated with arseni- cal ores in II xni 330 Sketch of Geology . By E. J. Chapman: reprint.. II V 470 Hastings rocks IV vin 497 Haughton, Prof. Separation of effect of sun and moon on tides: ref... II n 465 Hausmann. Brain weight of II xv 209 Hausmannite, aitificial for- mation of II vi 526 Havelocque, Mons. Language is an organism: ref Ill v 165 Hawaiian. First settlement and changes produced in Language... Ill vi 108 Origin IV in 16 Religion IV in 16 Hawaiian Island. Capt. Cook's visits........ IV in 15 Volcano of Kilauea'and. By H. Spencer Howell: abstract IV in 15 Hawk. Canadian specimens of American Sparrow, Gos- hawk and Stanley II iv 447 Generic characters II iv 447 Hamilton species II v 387, 388, 389 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 189, 195, 196 IV i 56 IV in 76, 84, 87, 89, 90, 91, 107 Wintering around Toronto . I I 169 222 HEA HAW GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Hawk, Bullet, Hamilton fre- quenter and mode ot at- tacking prey II vi 13 Hawk, Night, Hamilton fre- quenters II vi 14 Hawk, Red shouldered, different species from winter? II iv 445 Hawkins, B. Waterhouse. On visual education as applied to Geology. With Plate: reprint.... I m 9 Hawkesbury Tp., gazetteer notice <1813) II xiv 514 Hawthorn. Canadian II vi 35 Canadian localities II xv 433 Hay. Incubation of Amphiuma eggs: ref IV vm 474 Hay. Making Grass into II m 523 Hay Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 514 Hayden, Dr. F. V. Primordial Sandstone of Rocky Mts. : reprint... II vu 149 Hayem, Geo. Fusiform corpuscles: ref... IV u 243 Influence of position on pro- duction of syncope: ret.. IV vu 189 Hayoka, of Dakotas IV vi 275 Hays, Dr. Description of jaws of Mas- todon giganteus: ref I I 232 "He who sang the song of Charity." Nom-de-plume of Prof. Chapman II xv 455 Head. Muscles of, of Amiurus catus: table Ill u 350 Head, Sir Edmund. Autograph letter concerning Capital and confederation II xiv 119 Higher education in Canada and Merton tradition.... II xm 481 Head, Sir Edmund Walker, Bart. Temple of Serapis at Pozzu- oli: reviewed II in 336 Head, Sir Francis Bond. Autograph letter on current events II xiv 113 Governor of U. Canada.... IV ill 285 Health. Salubrity of towns: re- print ; I in 264 Hearne, Samuel. Account of finding remains of Capt. Knight and his crew IV ix 205 Ser. Vol. Page Hearne, Samuel-Con. Arctic exploration, 1769-72. Ill iv 202 Journey of exploration to Coppermine region IV ix 212 Physical features of North- ern Indians: ref IV v 179 Report on copper mines in Coppermine region IV ix 213 War expedition by Denes: methods ot attack IV v 191 Heart. Amiuruscatus Ill u 418 Does respiration or, stop first in chloroform poison- ing IV vii 199 Heart's ease, localities Cana- dian species II xv 165 Hearth-stones, found with flint instruments in parts of France II ix 272 Heat. Conductivity ot Hydrogen for II vi 384 Dynamic theory of I n 68 II ix 35 Dynamical theory of; general review in 1853 I n 51 Hopkins expts., on effect of pressure on temperature at which bodies solidify and theory of structure of interior of earth I I 83 Investigation of Specific Heat of Elastic Fluids. By M. V. Regnault: re- print. I ii 133 Mechanical theory of I n 133 On Calorific Relations of Hydrogen and other Gases. By Prof. Maynus: abstract II vi 383 On some Phenomena in CONNEXION WITH MOL- TEN substances. By J. Nasmyth: reprint II in 53 Problems in gas expansions requiring explanations. . . I n 134 Relation between tempera- tures and elastic forces of saturated vapours under different pressures I n 135 Report on development of, in Agitated Water. By G. Rennie: reprint... II m 53 State of knowledge of, in 1883 HI ii 37 Theory of I i 83 Thermodynamic theory ot, reviewed (1857) II n 469 Heating, defects of I m 25 Heather family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 223 HEA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HEL Ser. Vol. Page Heavy Spar. Canadian localities II vi 156 New form in Crystallization of II vi 55 Tests II vi 156 Heber, Richard. Book collector; his copy of ''Monumenta Illustrium Virorum et Elogia " and Catalogue of Jas. West's Library now owned by Dr. Scadding; history of books and Heber II xiv 328 Hebrew. Adjective comparative forms similar to Dene IV i 185 Allowed to marry with Egyptians and Edomites. II i 8 Coptic article in: examples. II xm 413 Dene article shows affinity with IV I 183 Righthandedness among. . . IT xm 215 Hebrides, coral region I i 110 Hecate Straits. Caesirahecateia sp. n. from. IV ix 125 Caesira apoploa sp. n. from.. IV ix 124 Corella rogosa sp. n. from. . IV ix 122 Hector, Thos. Scale for Computation of Areas of Irregular Figures II in 309 Hedge, Mustard, Canadian localities II xv 161 Hedysarum, Tourn., Cana- dian localities of. H. boreale, Nutt II xv 357 Heer. Atlantis Hypothesis investi- gated: ref IV vm 374 Heidenhain, M. Changeable character of outer edge of epithelium: ref IV vm 245 How fat is canied thiough adenoid tissue: ref IV vm 249 Lanthanin of nerve cells: ref IV vi 410 Heimann, E. Anothei green staining sub- stance besides nucleolus in nucleus: ref IV vi 410 Nature of nucleolus: lef. . . IV vi 416 Heinse, Johan Jacob Wil- helm. Brain capacity of II xv 206 Helah, history of II xiv 199 Held, Hans. Alkalies action on nerve cells: ref IV vi 413 Chemical properties.of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 406 „ lzJ TT z- Ser- V°L Page Held, Hans-Con. Fixing agent for nerve cells: ref IV vi 407 Nature of nucleolus: ref... IV vi 416 Nissl granules insoluble in mineral acids: ref IV vi 413 Nissl granules not digested in pepsin and hydroch- loric acid: ref IV vi 412 Helderberg, Lower, condi- tions under which formed in Tennessee Ill vn 83 Helianthemum, Tourn, Canadian habitats of. H. canadense, Michx II xv 167 Helianthus. Expts, to test whether nu- trient solution applied by spraying would support life IV vn 275 H. decapetalus, L., host for Cecidomyia bulla, Walsh. IV ix 317 H. dharicatus, L., host for Cecidomyia bulla, Walsh. IV ix 317 Heliautograph H vni 99 Helicadae, generic characters. II xn 34 Helicellinae, generic charac- ters II x 43 Helicidse. Canadian II iv 272 Generic characters II x 43 Helinaia, Hamilton species.. II v 390 Heliolites (Porites). Clinton Group, Owen Sound II xiv 140 Ottawa River I j 222 H. interstincta, Wahlen- berg, Owen Sound II xiv 146 Heliomanes bimaculatus, , Say i In 324 Hehophyllum. Characters and Ontario localities of Hehophyllum (Hall) II iv 124 H. canadense (Billings) .... II iv 125 H. cayugaense (Billings)... II iv 124 H. colligatum (Billings).... II iv 126 H. eriense (Billings) II iv 124 H. exiguum (pl.) II v 261 H. halli (Edwards and Haime) II iV 126 H. tenuiseptatum (Billings) II iv 126 Heliotropium, experiments with solutions of CaH2 (CO3)2 and Ca(OH)2 placed on leaves in drops. IV vn 312 Helix. A Proposed Classifica- tion of Genus. By A. E. Williamson II Vm 343 Divisions of toothed shells. . II vm 346 Divisions of toothless shells. II vm 343 Toronto species 11 vi 328 224 HEL GENERAL INDEX HEN Ser. Vol. Page Helix, Characters and N. American habitats of H. albolabris (Say) II vm 343, 346 H. alternata (Say) II vm 344 H. arborea (Say) II vm 345 H. chersina (Say) II vm 344 H. clausa (Say) II vm 345 H. concava (Say) II vm 344 H. diodonta (Say) II vm 346 H. egena (Say) II vm 344 H. fallax (Say) II vm 346 H. gularis (Say) II vni 346 H. harpa (Say) II vm 345 H. hortensis (Muller) II vni 343 H. hydrophila (Ingalls).... II vni 346 H. inflecta (Say) II vni 346 H. inornata (Say) II vm 345 H. labyrinthica (Say) II vm 347 H. ligera (Say) II vm 345 H. lineata (Say) II vm 347 H. minuta (Say) II vm 344 H. monodon (Rackett).... II vm 347 H. palliata (Say) II vm 346 H. perspectiva (Say) II vm 344, 345 H. porcina (Say) II vm 345 H. pulchella (Muller) II vm 345 H. striatella (Anthony).... II vm 345 H. thyioidus (Say) II vm 347 H. tridentata (Say) II vm 347 Hell divers, Hamilton fre- quenters II vi 137 Hellens. Number bacteria found IN MILK SUPPLY OF HEL- SINGFORS: ref IV vn 468 Helliwell family, Toronto... II xn 354 Helminthophila, observa- tions on Ontario species III vn 192, 193 IV m 71, 107 Helminthology. Contributions; to Ameri- can. By R. Ramsay Wright (plates) Ill i 54 Helminthostachys, internal endodermal layer in IV vi 602 Heloporafragilis, Hall, Clin- ton group, Dundas II xiv 141 Helotiacese, list of Ontario; their habits and habitats. IV ix 80 Helotium confluens, Sch- weimtz, habits: Ontario habitats IV ix 80 Helsingfors, number bacteria in miik supply IV vn 468 Helvellacese, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 80 Helvetia. Habits and On- tario habitats of H. crispa IV ix 81 H. elastica, Ball IV ix 80 H. infula IV ix 81 H. lacunosa, Afz IV ix 80 Ser. Vol. Page Hernans, Mrs. Autograph with Spanish quotation II xiv 485 Hematite. Attempt to discover geo- logical age of beds in U.S. I I 139 (See also Haematite/. H. pseudomorphs, Orillia, Ont II iti 357 Hemicosmites (Von Buch).. II n 303 Hemicrepidius mennonius, Hbst I in 325 Hemicystites, Hall. Notes on II n 304 Ottawa Valley I n 272 H. parasitica I n 215 Hemidactylium, develop- ment of digits IV viix 483 Hemiptera. Characteristics of galls and effect on leaf on which they occur IV ix 309 Eggs II iv 324 Feeding habits of larvae of families Aphididae and Psyllidae IV ix 361 Species IV ix 303 Hemlock. Canadian II vi 35 Effect of Concentration of its extracts on fish IV vn 455 Effect of extract from hem- lock bark on fish life IV vn 457 Its medicinal properties.... IV iv 132 Its sawdust's effect on fish. . IV vn 448 H. American, Toionto I I 206 H. bark, effects of concentia- tions ot its extracts on fish. IV vn 453 Hemlock Parsley, Canadian localities II xv 556 Henbane, Toronto. I i 219 Henderson, R., Toronto.... II xn 518 Henke. Chlorides in octopus muscle: ret IV vm 409 Hennepin, Father. At Niagara, 1678 IV I 71 Voyages in America (1679- 82): ref II vn 502 Hennessy, Prof. On Isothermal Lines: re- print II it 127 Henning, Thos. Applicability of our Edu- cational System to Social Conditions of Large Cities II in 422 Meteors and Falling Stars I n 188, 209 Planetoids between Mars and; Jupiter I in 206 225 HEN HES PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Henning, Thos.-Con. Remarks on Planetoids between Mars and Jupi- ter I in 206 Hennuyer, A. Tsequil, tolteque tsaa: ref.. IV vi 90 Henriques and Hansen. All fat absoibed as soap in striated border: ref IV vm 257 Henry, Alex. Visit to R. Ontonagan, Ont., in 1765: ref II i 234 Trader on L. Superior after conquest IV m 261 Henry, Prof. Acoustics as applied to public buildings: reprint II u 130 Lecture Room, Smithson- ian Institution; with drawings II in 110 Modes of testing build- ing materials: repiint.. I m 362 Report on Meteorology in connection with Agricul- ture: reviewed II in 240 Henry Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 514 Hensen's line, in muscle (pl) IV vm 405, 410 Henslow. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vii 243 Corrugations and hairs over veins of leaves aid absorp- tion of water: ref IV vii 256 Hepaticae. Canadian species II xiv 656 London species II vm 238 Hepatica, Dillen, Canadian localities of H. acutiloba, D.C II xv 52 H. triloba, Chaix II xv 52 H. triloba, phloeoterma in... IV vi 619 Hepatin IV n 239 Hepburn, David. Abduction of digits of foot in anthropoids: ref IV vi 576 Flexoi accessorius in chim- panzee: ref IV vi 571 Double origin of rectus femo- ris in anthropoids: ref.. . IV vi 555 Extensor brevis pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 543 Grooves on palm in anthro- poid apes: ref IV vi 520 Latissimo-condyloideus of orang: ref IV vi 525 Pectoralis minor attach- ment in gibbon: ref IV vi 532 Scansorius in chimpanzee, gibbon, gorilla, orang: ref. IV vi 557 Sesamoid bone in orang: ref. IV vi 543 Ser. Vol. Page Hepburn, David-Con. Ventral segments of dorsal interossei in chimpanzee: ref IV vi 551 Hepher, traces of, in Egypt.. II xiv 192 Hippocampus, Barras Island II n 364 Heptandria, seven prevailing numbers in II in 411 Heracleum, L., Canadian localities of H. lanatum, Michx II xv 555 Heracleopolis II xm 527 Heraldry, scallop shell in.... II in 388 Herb Robert, Canadian lo- calities II xv 349 Herb Yellow Root, Canadian localities II xv 57 Herbes, Pointe aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 514 Herculaneum, description of I n 241 Heredity. Chemical composition of cell organisms depends on. . . IV vii 541 Doctrine of Ill v 17 Hering. Liver cells of Amiurus: ref. Ill n 410 Hermann. Brain weight of II xv 209 Herndon. Art of painting among Mojos of Bolivia, ref IV vi 334 Hernia, Denes method of treating IV vii 22 Herons. Generic characters II xi 154 Hamilton species II v 394 II vi 135 Observations on Toronto frequenters IV m 74, 85, 98, 109 Herodotus. Account of origin of Lydians I u 220 Herring Gull, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Herschel, Sir John. Autograph letters declining invitations II xv 151 Opinion on closing Tor- onto Observatory I i 146 Reckoning of the Astro- nomical day: reprint... IV ill 311 Theory of volcanic action. . II m 207 Herschel, Sir Wm. Theory as to constitution of Comet's tail II vm 65 Hertwig, Bros. Structure of Hexactinian filaments: ref IV vi 389 Hespeler, fossils of Guelph formation at II xiv 142 Hesperis, L., Canadian lo- calities of. H. matronalis, L II xv 66 226 HES GENERAL INDEX HIN Ser. Vol. Page Hesperomys, Canadian lo- calities of H. austerus, Baird Ill vi 79 H. boylii, Baird Ill vi 79 H. leucogaster, Maxim Ill vi 79 H. leucopus, Raf Ill vi 79 H. leucopus var sonoriensis, Leconte Ill vi 79 H. michiganensis, Aud and Bach Ill vi 79 H. myoides, Baird Ill vi 79 H. cognatus n. sp II i 189 H. gracilis n. sp... II i 189 Hesse, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 514 Heterocyst. Development in Cyanophy- ceae IV vi 469 Development in Cylindro- spermum ma jus and Toly- pothrix IV vi 470 Heterocarpous, characters in plants II xi 240 Heteropoda, characters; Can- adian localities (pl.) II vu 118 Heterosiphonidee II n 265 Heuchera, L., Canadian localities of H. americana, L II xv 549 H. hispida, Pursh II xv 549 H. villosa, Michx II xv 548 Howard family, Toronto.... II xm 105 Heward, Major, Toronto. . . II xu 342 II xm 89 Hexactinellida, system of tubes in II xv 418 Hexactinise, development of mesenterial filaments.... IV vi 398 Hexactinian filaments. Literature on subject IV vi 387 Typical arrangement IV vi 390 Hexagonal. System of crystals II vi 3 System in minerals II v 7 Hexanitrite of Cobalt and sodium, shows potas- sium in muscle IV viu 412 Hexham, notes on Latin In- scription on slab, etc., found at II ix 217 II xiv 148 Hezron, descent and descen- dants II xiv 158 Hiawatha. Career IV vi 308 Origin IV vi 265 Origin of name IV VI 262 Song of. By Longfellow: re- viewed II I 48 Hibiscus, L., Canadian lo- calities of. H. moscheutos. L II xv 175 | H. trionum, L II xv 176 I Ser. Vol. Page Hickory. Canadian II vi 35 Suitability for city planting IV vm 269 Hieroglyphics. Akatzeeb, translated IV vi 194 Chichanchob inscriptions translated IV vi 187 Decipherment of, Inscrip- tions of Central Amer- ica. By Prof. J. Campbell IV vi 101 Egyptian IV vi 18 Maya, attempts to solve. . . IV vi 121 Maya, ideographic IV Vi 123 Maya. Prof. Campbell's method of reading IV vi 123 Maya Quiche; translation of Palenque tablet IV vi 143 Palenque Tablet IV vi 117 Yuctan IV vi 186 Hieronymus. Cell structure in Cyanophy- cese: ref 'IV vi 447 Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Hieronymus of Syracuse, copper coin of, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 230 Hierro, inscriptions in Canary Islands. IV vu 35 Hierro Island, prehistoric in- scriptions IV vu 58 Highholder, observations on Toronto visitors Ill vu 190, 196 IV in 93 Highland Rim. Central basin, Tennessee... Ill vu 72 Central basin, Tennessee; geological formation Ill vu 75 High Rochester, notes on Latin Inscription on Altar, etc., at II xu 123 II xiv 550 Hilbert, David. Foundations of geometry: ref , IV vm 336 Hill, Robert T. Eocene beds in Jamaica.... IV viu 382 White limestone in Cuba.. . IV viu 383 Geology of Jamaica: ref. . . IV vm 380 Hill S.W. of Copper Falls mine. Spear-head from mine I I 133 Hill and Barnard. Abdominal pressure and blood pressure: ref IV vu 195 Influence of gravity on cir- culation: ref IV vu 190 Himantopterus, Scotland... II i 482 Hinchinbroke Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 514 Hincks, Rev. Ed. Obituary II Xi 262 227 HIN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HIN Ser. Vol. Page Hincks, Sir Francis. Development of permanent currency for Canada IV ix 247 Hincks, Rev. Wm. An Inquiry into Natural LAWS WHICH REGULATE INTERCHANGE OF COM- MODITIES BETWEEN IN- DIVIDUALS and Nations AND EFFECTS OF INTER- FERENCE WITH THEM II VII 180 An Attempt at an Im- proved Classification of Fruits II vi 495 Attempt at new Theory of Human Emotions. ... II vn 103 Attempted improvement in arrangement of FERNS, AND IN NOMEN- CLATURE OF THEIR SUB- DIVISIONS II xn 358 Considerations respect- ing Anomalous Vege- table Structures II hi 311 Family of ... . II iv 443 Grallatores; Waders or Stilted Birds II xi 147 Illustrations of genus Carex II xi 398 Materials for Fauna Canadensis II vn 446 Molluscous Animals. ... II xi 319, 392 II xn 26 Natural History in its Relation to Agricul- ture I ii 207 Notes on some practi- cally INTERESTING QUES- TIONS IN ECONOMICAL SCIENCE BEARING ON PROSPERITY OF COUN- TRIES SITUATED AS OURS IS II XI 96 Observations accompany- ing Exhibition of Speci- men of "Sula Bassana" (Solan Goose or Gan- nett) LATELY OBTAINED AT Oshawa, Ont., AND BELONGING TO MUSEUM OF University of Toronto II vn 329 On Chorisis II x 371 On Families properly be- longing to Fissirostral SUBORDER OF INSF.SSORIAL Birds and real position OF SOME WHICH HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO IT. .. . II IX 230 On some questions in re- lation TO THEORY OF STRUCTURE OF PLANTS OF ORDERS AND II v 332 Ser. Vol. Page Hincks, Rev. Wm.-Con. On True Aims, Founda- tions, and Claims to Attention of Science of Political Economy II vi 20 President's Address, 1869 II xn 97 Presidential Addiess, 1870. II xn 356 Remarks on Classifica- tion of Mammalia II v 512 Remarks on Principles of Classification in ani- mal KINGDOM, IN IMMEDI- ATE REFERENCE TO A RE- CENT PAPER. By J. W. Dawson II x 19 Sensationalist Philo- sophy II iv 396 Some thoughts on CLASSIFICATION IN RELA- TION TO ORGANISED BE- INGS II XI 31 Specimen of a Flora of Canada, with Prelimi- nary Remarks II vi 165 276 Struthionid?e; extent and divisions of family WITH ITS SYSTEMATIC Position and Relations II vm 462 Thoughts on Belief and Evidence II x 232 Catalogue of Birds known to inhabit Western Can- ada (Ont.): reviewed by.. II xi 244 Obituary II xm 253 Hind, Prof. H. Youle, M.A. Glance at Political and Commercial Importance of Central British America II vm 409 Notes on geology of Tor- onto I i 147 On some Superstitions and Customs Common among Indians in Valley of Assiniboine and Sas- katchewan II iv 253 Report on Improvement and Preservation of Toronto Harbour; be- ing THAT AWARDED FIRST premium by Commission- ers, 1854 I in 120a Observations on supposed GLACIAL DRIFT IN LABRA- DOR Peninsula, West- ern Canada, and south BRANCH OF SASKATCHE- WAN: reprint II ix 253 Climate of Toronto and vicinity IV vi 16 Explorations in northwest of Canada (1858) II v 548 228 HIN GENERAL INDEX HIS Ser. Vol. Page Hind, Prof. H. Youle, M.A.-Con. Halo observed on 8, 3, 1847 I I 26 Insects and Diseases Injuri ous to wheat crop: re- viewed II n 442 Narrative of Canadian Red River Exploring Expedi- tion of 1857, and Assini- boine and Saskatchewan ones of 1858: reviewed. . II vi 175 North West Territory, Re- ports ol Progress; to- gether with a preliminary and general report on the Assiniboine and Saskat- chewan exploring expe- dition made under instruc- tions from Provincial Sec- retary, Canada: reviewed II v 187 Sketch of Overland Route to British Columbia: re- viewed II vn 200 Hind, J. R. Comet of 1853 I n 45 Discoverer of planet Irene, awarded pi ize of Academy of Sciences, Paris I I 48 Discovery of planets I n 49 New planet discovered I i 24 Hindi, extent of literature... Ill vn 4 Hinde, Geo. Jennings. Glacial and Interglacial Strata of Scarboro Hts. and other locali- ties near Toronto (pl.) II xv 38? Note on distribution of Xanthium Spinosum: Linnaeus II xv 642 Occurrence near Tor- onto OF BOULDERS BE- LONGING to Calciferous FORMATION II XV 644 Lake Ontario terraces and ridges: ref Ill vi 3 Pleistocene deposits of cen- tral Ontario: ref IV vn 165 Hinde, G. J., H. A. Nichol- son and. Notes on fossils of Clin- ton, Niagara and Guelph Formations of Ontario II xiv 137 Hindoo or Hindu. Arabic system of notation invented by IV v 317 Brain capacity of II xv 216 Brain volume of II xv 226 Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 201 Connection with Onam family II xiv 569 Ser. Vol. Page Hindoo or Hindu-Con. Eclipse among II xn 85 Mythology related to other systems II xm 158 Period in India IV IX 83 Turanian substratum of, speech IV iv 262 Women develop early Ill iv 182 Hindustani, Coptic article in: examples II xm 413 Hinduism,Horite traces in. . II xm 537 Hipochrenes, Rostelaria in- ornata Gab. compared with IV vni 389 Hippodamia, Characters and Canadian habitats of H. parenthesis, Say I in 259 326 13-punctata, Lin. Mels. Cat I in 259 326 5-signata, Kirby I in 326 Hippotheiium, post plio- cene, America II iv 416 Hippuris, L., Canadian lo- calities of. H. vulgaris, L II xv 551 Hippurite limestone, Jam- aica II v 307 Hird. Amount filth in milk supply of Washington, D.C.: ref. IV vn 467 Hirundinidae, generic charac- ters II ix 234 Hirundo, Hamilton species. . II v 389 H. erythrogastra Horreo- rum, habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 93 H. riparia, Toronto specimens II in 503 H. purpurea, Toronto speci- men II in 503 His, W. Neuroblast development criticized IV vi 421 Origin of Neuroblasts: ref.. IV vi 418 Hister, Characters, Ontario habitats of H. abbreviatus (Mels. Cat.) I in 257 H. bimaculatus, Lin I in 324 Histisea in Euboea, silver coins from, in Canadian Institute II ix 107 History. Canadian local; First Gazetteer of Upper Canada, with annota- tions. By Rev. Henry Scadding II xiv 55 208 305 367 513 658 Early Press in Toronto. ... II xn 520 526 Geography and, of British America and of other Colonies of Empire. By J. Geo. Hodgins: reviewed II ill 47 229 HIS ■ PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HOF Ser. Vol. Page History-Con. History of Canadian Insti- tute's origin I I 3 History of Celts: brief In 247 History of Settlement of Upper Canada, especially Bay Quinte. By Wm. Canniff: reviewed II xn 323 History of Toronto (brief).. I i 51 Leaves they have touch- ed; BEING A REVIEW OF Historical Autographs. By Rev. Henry Scadding. II xiv 73 315 479 597 Memorable epoch in Can- adian. By Sandford Fleming IV iv 314 Primitive history of Ioni- ans. By John Campbell II xiv 395, 559 Study of. By Proi. G. M. Wrong: abstract IV n 39 Summary oi Canadian, from time of Cartier to 1860. . . II v 537 History, Natural. Natural History of the British Seas. By Prof. E. Forbes I i 109 Histrionicus torquatus, L., Prince of Wales Sound.. . Ill v 122 Hitchcock, Ed. Abridgement of descrip- tion OF BROWN COAL DE- POSIT in Brandon, Vt., WITH AN ATTEMPT TO DE termine Geological age of principal Hematite Ore beds in United States: reprint I i 139 Hittite. Alphabet Ill in 168 Army leaders in Egypt who weie Celts IV v 99 History (brief) IV IV 263 Hittite forms from monu- ments compared with Basque, Japanese and Aztec Ill ii 179 Hittite myth occurs among American Indians HI n 172 Iroquois league descended from IV vi 264 Khitan same as Ill n 159 Lat alphabet is IV iv 265 Phonetic values of, characters HI in 157 Traces in Aztecs of Mexico. Ill n 158 Hitzig. Phoenicians, Philistines and Greeks intimately con- nected in earliest times: ref. to his lesearches II xiii 38 Hlava. Fusiform corpuscle: ref.... IV u 244 Ser. Vol. Page Hoatzin, notes on Ill vn 189 Hobday, Prof. Hydrocyanic acid as anti- dote in Chloroform pois- oning: ref IV vii 219 Hocquart Isle, gazetteer no- tice (.1755) II xiv 515 Hodder, Ed M., M.R.C.S. On poisonous plants WHICH ARE INDIGENOUS TO, OR WHICH HAVE BE- COME NATURALIZED, IN NEIGHBOURHOOD OF TOR- ONTO I I 204 218 Hodgetts, Chas. A., M.D., L.R.C.P. Medical inspection of school Children IV vm 191 Hodgins, J. George. Efforts of Education Department to estab- lish Meteorological system in Canada I in 41Q Remarks on Canadian Specimen of Proteus of Lakes II i 19 Geogiaphy and History of British America and other Colonies of Empire: re- viewed II in 47 Hodgins, Thomas. Canada Educational Direc- tory and Calendar for 1857-8: reviewed II n 207 Rutherford's Narrative- AN EPISODE IN THE PON- TIAC War 1763-An un- published MANUSCRIPT by Lieut. Rutherford of the Black Watch IV in 229 Hodgson, Rev. John. Opinion as to who built Roman wall II xm 137 Hoeven, J. van der. Handbook of Zoology; Ver- tebrate Animals: reviewed II in 347 Hofbauer. Fat taken up as emulsion in striated border: ref IV vm 257 Hoffbauer. Age of Carp can be deter- mined by concentric rings on scales: ref IV ix 37 Hoff ding. Children and savages have no sense for Nature's beauties: ref IV vi 313 Hofmeister. Gametophyte of Botrychium virginianum: ref IV V 265 Pteris aquilina: ref IV vi 606 230 HOG GENERAL INDEX HON Ser. Vol. Page Hog Island, gazetteer notice (1813) .11 xiv 214 514 Hog peanut, Canadian habi- tats II xv 360 Hogan, J. Sheridan. Prize Essay on Canada at Paris Exhibition: re- viewed I in 351 Hogg, Jas., York Mills II xin 439 Hogg. Source of motive power of diatomaceae il vi 324 Hog's Back, Rideau, Eylais marshallae Koen., from pond near IV ix 287 Holbein. Holbein's Bible Cuts. By Thos. Frognail Dibdin: reviewed II iv 211 Holbein's Dance of Death. By Francis Douce: re- viewed II iv 211 Holcaspis bassetti, Gillette, host and anatomy (pl.). . IV ix 341 H. globulus, Fitch. Host and anatomy (pl.).... IV ix 340 Inquiline larva in gall of... . IV ix 367 Holconoti, family described. I u 88 Holhun. Region IV vi 180 War god IV vi 183 Holland. On System of Forecasting Weather in. By Dr. Bujs Ballot: reprint. ... II ix 49 Holland Cheese, bacilli in... IV vn 109 Holland, Major. Autograph letter to Gov. Simcoe about latter's father II xiv 85 Holland, Major S., Holland Landing II xm 573 Holland River. Birds observed at IV in 87 88 Gazetteer notice (1790).... II xiv 515 In 1800 II xm 572 Holland. Relations and origin of oper- cular bones: ref Ill u 291 Structure of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 388 Hoile. Periderm tissue in ophio- glossacese: ref IV v 284 Holme, Pi of. Fossil horse in post-pliocene of America: ref II iv 414 Hclmes, Oliver Wendell. Britain and America; a poem II in 365 Ser. Vol. Page Holmgren, Emil. Migration of masses oi nuclear chromatin to cyto- plasm: ref IV vi 434 Helmholtz, M. Rate of Transmission of Impressions made upon Nerves: abstract I n 281 Holopea, Hall, Ottawa R... I i 221 H. gracia, Billings, Guelph. II xiv 144 Holom, region IV vi 180 Holostomata, characters; Canadian localities (pl.).. II vn 120 Holosomatous, species of British Columbia coast. . IV ix 117 Holothurida II vi 518 Holozoa clavata (Sars). Canadian Atlantic coast... IV ix 138 Distribution on Atlantic coast (Canada) IV ix 111 Homalonotus, Canadian (pl.) II vm 32 Home District, The, gazet- teer notice (1788) II xiv 515 Homer. Hades of, and of Virgil. By Neil Macnish II xv 646 Iliad, B. XVIII, V. 119, translated with notes.... Ill i 161 Odyss. XII, 82 translated with notes II xm 426 Homeiitse. Family II xv 288 In northern Africa II xv 290 Homceopathia. Treatment II xi 229 Homoeopathy II vn 366 Homoeophytes II i 530 Homophonous words, dis- tinction of, in Amoy dia- lect II xi 91 Homoptera. Characters and Canadian habitats of Homoptera Boisd II x 250 H. albo-fasciata nov. sp.. .. II x 256 H. contiacta, Walk II x 258 H. calycanthata, Smith.... II x 251 H. duplicata nov. sp II x 257 H. edusa, Drury II x 255 H. herminioides, Walk II x 258 H. involuta, Walk II x 253 H. lineosa, Walk II x 259 H. lunata, Drury II x 252 H. minerea II x 254 H. nigricans, Bethume II x 252 H. obliqua II x 258 H. saundersii, Bethume.... II x 256 Homopteridae, Guen, char- acters; N. Ameiican gen- era II x 247 Honduras, British. Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 137 231 HON PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HOR Ser. Vol. Page Honduras, British-Con. Geography of II I 361 Hone, W. Autograph letter on weather II xv 537 Honey Locust, Canadian localities II XV 361 Hong Kong. Description of city. II H 163 Description of inhabitants. II n 164 Size of city and customs ... II n 165 Honigmann. Bacteria in human milk: ref. IV vn 472 Honolulu, New Era and Argus Magazine, 1857: reviewed II ill 451 Hood fire, description of. . . . I in 26 Hooded Seal, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 79 Hooker, Sir Jos. Species of spruce Ill vi 174 Hooker, Sir Wm. Jackson. Obituary II x 364 Hooper, Lieut. W. H. H. On the Aurora: reprint.. I I 95 Hop Hornbeam, Canadian.. II vi 35 Hope, Lieut.-Col. H. Member of commission to inquire into Indian Trade of Mackinac IV iv 306 Hope Island, Metandrocarpa dermatina sp. n. from... IV ix 129 Hope River, Jamaica. Geological formation of canyon IV v 339 Geology of IV v 350 Hope Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69, 515 Hope's Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 515 Hopkins. Effect of pressure on tem- perature at which bodies solidify and theory of structure of interior of earth I I 83 On effect of pressure on Temperature of Fusion of different substan- ces: reprint I ill 159 Hops. Properties, etc., described.. I li 57 Sulphur in II I 394 Horace, Epistle I., 1, lines 13- 19 explained Ill iv 20 Horan, Rev. Mr. Testimony regarding Geo- logical Survey of Canada I in 255 Hordeic Acid II i 194 Horites. Biblical references to II xm 510 Horites. By Rev. John Campbell II xm 510 Ser. Vol. Page Horites-Con. Egypt obtained many of divinities and earliest rulers from II xm 524 From Shobal in line of Ra or Alvan came Caphtorim who invaded Palestine be- fore close of Israel's wan- derings II xni 529 Left distinct geographical traces in and about Pales- tine which find their coun- terparts in other lands... II xm 515 No obscure Troglodytes but race preeminently noble and distinguished II xni 512 One family of, appears in somewhat disguised form in book of Chronicles and furnishes connecting link with other histories II xni 517 Origin II xiv 181 Horite traces in Arabia and evidences of their greatness II xni 534 Asia Minor II xni 538 Boeotia II xni 540 Celtic mythology II xni 543 Chaldaea and evidence of their greatness II xm 534 Crete II xni 539 Dorian family II xni 541 Ethiopia II xni 544 German mythology II xni 543 Greece II xm 539 Iliyria II xm 542 India II xm 537 Italy II xm 542 Persia II xm 536 Phoenicia settled by them; evidence of their greatness II xm 533 Rhodes Island II xm 540 Hormaphis hamamelidis, Fitch. Inhabit alternately Betula nigra L. and Hamamelis virginiana L IV ix 305 On host Hamamelis virgini- ana L IV ix 304 Horn Cape, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 515 Hornbills, genetic characters II ix 233 Hornblende. Augite's relations to II in 517 Canadian II vi 435 Characters II V 526 Hornblendic gneiss, north shore, L. Superior I I 125 Hudson's Bay Schists Ill iv 197 Peculiarities of crystal's of black IV viii 510 Rock, character II vi 435 232 HOR GENERAL INDEX HOU Ser. Vol. Page Horne, R. C., Toronto II xu 520 Horner, L. Bones near Pai is caves of great antiquity: ref II vi 374 Horning, Prof. L. E. Gcethe's Faust IV vn 135 Horse. Arab horse, reason for ex- cellence I i 199 Breeds found in different parts of Europe I i 199 Condition in India I I 180 Domesticated after Ass. ... I i 155 Domesticated in Central Asia; evidence for I I 155 Domesticated in Egypt: evidence I i 155 Exhibit at Provincial Ex- hibition, Toronto, 1852.. I i 62 Extinct American II iv 414 First importation into Israel I i 156 Fossil remains of, in post pliocene periods in America? II iv 414 India's first importation.... I I 156 Indigenous to Central Asia. I I 155 Introduction and use in Arabia I I 181 Introduction into England.. I I 180 Introduction into Egypt... I i 156 Introduction into Europe... I I 180 Introduction into various countries and its use I i 180 Jews use of I I 181 Mahomet's use of I I 181 Philological evidence of domesticating it I I 157 The Horse and its Rider. By J. Bailey Turner . I I 154, 180 198 Traditions concerning I I 180 Wild horses found in Britain at Caesar's invasion I I 200 Worship of I I 180 Horse chestnut. Canadian localities II xv 353 Suitability for street plant- ing IV viu 268 Horsley. Latin Inscriptions found in Britain: ret II v 283 II vi 230 II x 98 Horse-radish, Canadian habitats II xv 62 Horse-tails. Medicinal properties of. . .. IV iv 131 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Horticulture. Electro Horticulture. By Alan Macdougall: ab- stract IV iv 240 Ser. Vol. Page Horticulture-Con. Horticultural display at Pro- vincial Exhibition, Tor- onto, 1852 I i 59 Horus, in Egyptian mytho- logy II xiii 525 Hosman, Miss, American Sculptress II I 87 Hospital, Toronto, 1800 II xu 227 Hospital Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 515 Hot Springs, New Zealand.. II n 358 Hottentots. Brain weight of II xv 201 Honduras. Geography, Topography, Climate, Population, Re- sources, etc. By E. G. Squier: reviewed II i 359 Hough, Dr. Advantages of network of meteorological observa- tions I ii 243 Houghton, Dr. Age of copper bearing rocks of L. Superior I I 125 Levels of L. Michigan, 1819- 1840.. I ii 62 Observation on variations in Levels of Gt. Lakes I n 299 Houghton, Jacob C. E. Water-works in United States I m 259 Houghton Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Hour, history of IV I 7 House Mouse, Canadian localities Ill VI 81 House Wren, Toronto speci- mens II in 503 Houses, Dene IV iv 185 Housteads, Roman name Borcovicus: evidence.... II xm 147 Houston, Wm. Canadian Institute and NIGHT OF MEETING IV II 4 Genesis and growth of Capital: abstract IV n 40 Old English Spelling and Pronunciation: abstract III n 219 Laurentian region of Ontario: abstiact IV iv 241 Legislative Work of first Parliament of Upper Canada IV i 77 Reform in spelling: ab- stract Ill iv 188 Relation between Politi- cal Science and Prac- tical Politics: abstract III vi 40 Science of English: ab- stract Ill vii 5 233 HOU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HUD Ser. Vol. Page Houston, Wm.-Con. Scientific and Pedagogic Claims of Sociology: abstract Ill v 25 Scientific aspects of Henry George Move- ment: abstract Ill vi 33 Village Community in Modern politics Ill iv 61 Houzeau, M. History of the Hour IV I 7 Hovelacque, Prof. Man acquired articulate speech in different places hence different linguistic systems: ref IV vi 276 Howard, J. G., Toronto. ... II xm 357 Howard Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Howden. Method of burning soft coal III iv 88 Howe, Dr. Teaching Laura Bridgeman a deaf, dumb and blind mute II xi 114 Howell, Henry Spencer. Volcano of Kilauea and Hawaiian Islands: ab- stract IV in 15 Howe Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 65, 516 Howland, H. S., Jun. Art of Etching: abstract... Ill n 242 Howland, O. A. Canadian Institute and Upper Canada College grounds IV n 4 Obituary IV vm 98 Howland, iron mine (Ont.). .Ill I 264 House Pass, discovery of... . HI vi 149 Huastecs, or Huastecas. Brief account of II i 375 Contests with Aztecs IV vi 178 Division of Maya-Quiche... IV vi 118 History IV vi 177 Spaniards treatment of. . .. IV vi 178 Hubbard. Habits of Plethodon orego- nensis when escaping enemies IV vm 472 Protective devices for Ple- thodon oregonensis: ref.. IV vm 469 Hubner, Prof' Translation of Latin in- scriptions found at Birdos- wald II xiv 151 Hudson Bay. Early French explorations and trips to (17 century). II vm 411 Formation of icebeigs in. .. II iv 181 Huronian rocks on north- west side Ill iv 196 Ser. Vol. Page Hudson Bay-Con. Levels in Sea and Land; changes Ill iv 200 Marble Island and North-west coast of By Robert Bell......... Ill iv 192 Voyage of exploration in 1884 in Ill iv 98 Hudson Bay Co. Condensed sketch of II vi 176 List of forts and tiading posts, with their positions given by David Thomp- son Ill vi 157 Notes on Sojourn among Half-Breeds of, Terri- tory Red River. By P. Kane II I 128 Hudson River Ship Canal: review of Reports and Estimates I i 186 Hudson River Formation. Anticosti II xv 102 Biachiopoda in, Toronto. .. II iv 451 Canadian II VIII 205 Canadian fossils (pl.) II vm 205 Characteristics of, Toronto. II iv 450 Conchifera in, Toronto. .. . II iv 452 Direction of current of, de- position II in 88 Economic materials of, of Canada II vm 207 Gasteropoda of, Toronto... II iv 451 Iowa II v 198 Middle Tennessee Ill vu 77 Mollusca of, Toronto II iv 451 New York, equivalent in Tennessee I n 138 North shore, L. Ontario. ... II xv 391 Note on the more charac- teristic fossils of, of Toronto and environs. By J. F. Smith, Jr II iv 450 Ontaiio II v.n 206 Origin of dolomites in II n 356 Quebec II vm 207 11 xv 98 Trilobites of, Toronto II iv 450 Hudson Strait. Autumn in IV v 110 Eskimo of. By F. F. Payne III vi 213 Ice conditions IV v 111 Mammals and Birds of Prince of Wales Sound. By F. F. Payne Ill v 111 Seasons. By F. F. Payne.. IV v 104 Spring at IV v 105 Summer at IV v 107 Winter at IV v 111 Hudsonia, L. Canadian lo- calities of. H. tomentosa, Nutt II xv 167 234 H UD GENERAL INDEX HUM Ser. Vol. Page Hudson's Bay Lemming. Canadain localities Ill vi 82 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 116 Huichay Cave foetus, crania of II vi 421 Huish, Capt. M. Railway Accidents; their Cause and Means of Prevention; detailing PARTICULARLY VARIOUS CONTRIVANCES WHICH ARE IN USE AND HAVE BEEN PROPOSED; WITH THE RE- GULATIONS OF SOME OF the Principal British Lines I i 8 Hull, Que., iron deposits.... IV vm 153 Human. Attempt at New Theory of, Emotions. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vii 103 Human Evolution and, disease. By Prof. J. J. Mackenzie IV vm 535 Human Body. Facts tending to show DAILY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF SEVERAL KILOGRAMMES OF FIBRINE IN, AND ALSO WHERE THIS DEVELOP- MENT AND TRANSFORMA- TION TAKE PLACE. By E. Brown Sequard: reprint.. II ix 178 Human Crania. Catalogue of, in Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia. By J. Aitken Meigs: reviewed II u 364 Human race. Antiquity of, as evidenced from remains found in France II iv 496 Classification of. By Rev. Prof. Anderson: re- print II hi 89 Reasons for believing in Biblical account of origin of I in 284 ! Unity of I in 229, 284, 302 Unity of, discussed I in 303 Various opinions on Unity of: ref I in 229 Human Skulls, fossils of.... I n 172 Humber Bay, Toronto. Diary of Gov. Simcoe's Journey from, to Mat- chetache Bay, 1793. By Hon. Alex. Macdonnell.. IV I 128 Interglacial fossiliferous clay of II xv 395 Iroquois beach at IV vi 33 Ser. Vol. Page Humber River. Gazetteer notice (1813). . II xiv 209, 516 History of IV I 241 Passing visit to. By Dr. Goadby and J. Bovell.. . . I in 201 Humberstone, Mr., York .. II xm 440 Humberstone Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Humboldt. Corn, an American grain: ref IV vi 214 Nations of America one race: ref II ii 408 Humboldt, Fred. H. Alex. Autograph II xiv 500 Humboldt, M. de. Forests influence on water supply in Valley d'Aragua Venezuela, and Steppe of Baraba, Siberia I n 132 Humboltine, tests; Canadian localities II vi 151 Hume, Jos. Autograph letter of advice to a young sailor II xiv 115 Hume. His treatise on Human Nature criticized II xi 215 Humidity. Abnormal varialions in, at Toronto (1860-62) II ix 117 Abnoimal variations of, at Tcionto with wind direc- tions II ix 118 Effect on refraction I i 7 Mean results at Toronto for 1861 II vii 98 Northwestern Canada HI i 157 St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Que., for 1858 II iv 264 St. Martin, Isle Jesus, re- sults, 1859 II v 310 Toronto results, 1859 II v 238 Toronto results, 1860 II vi 211 Humming Bird. Canadian II II 382 Family characteristics of... II ix 233 Hamilton species II v 393 Monograph of Trochilidae. By John Gould: re- viewed II iv 47 Notes on Toronto frequen- ters IV I 48 IV in 77, 108 Obvious characters for clas- sifying II iv 49 Humpback Salmon IV ix 25 Humphrey, Dr. Homologies between mus- cles of thigh and arm: ref. IV vi 555 Popliteus in leg homologue of pronator radii teres in forearm: ref IV vi 566 235 HUM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HUR Ser. Vol. Page Humphrey, Dr.-Con. Theory of Righthandedness II xm 206 Humulus lupulus I n 57 Hungerford, geology of dis- trict (pl.) II v 47 Hungerford Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Hun-nak-pet, deity IV vi 183 Hunnum, Roman name of Halton Chesters: evi- dence II xm 145 Hunt, Dr. J. On Physical and Mental Character of Negro: reprint II ix 53 Hunt, Leigh. Autograph in volume now property of Dr. Scadding II xv 538 Hunt, R. On the chemical action of solar radiations: re- print I ii 69 Hunt, T. Sterry. Canadian Chloritoid: re- print II vi 484 Classification of Saline Springs of Canada: re- print II vin 168 Note on origin of Dolo- mites II iv 184 On Formation of Mag- nesian Limestones II iv 184 On Intrusive Rocks of Montreal District. ... II v 426 On Theory of Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes. . II m 201 On theory of Types in Chemistry II vi 120 Origin and Metamorpho- sis of some sedimentary rocks II ii 355 On Some of the Crystal- line Limestones of North America: reprint I m 36 Report on Mineral Springs of Canada: re- print I in 99 Rock Metamorphism: re- print II n 300 Testimony regarding Geological Survey of Canada I in 255 Analysis of Saussurite II in 262 Apatite deposits in Canada occur in inter bedded veins: ref IV vin 500 Formation of dolomites: ref. II iv 276 Fossil discoveries around Toronto: ref I I 149 Methods of collecting mineral statistics in vari- ous countries Ill v 189 Ser. Vol. Page Hunt, T. Sterry-Con. Mineral spring water at An- caster, Ont., analysed by. I I 153 Obituary.. IV hi 21 Salts in primeval ocean: ref. IV vn 551 Vertebrate animal bones in Lower Silurian formation discovered by I I 122 Waters of St. Lawrence and Ottawa analysed II n 300 Hunt, T. S., W. E. Logan and. Chemical composition OF RECENT AND FOSSIL LINGULAE AND SOME OTHER SHELLS I II 264 Sketch of Geology of Canada: reviewed II i 378 Hunter. Interpretation of Latin in- scription on coffin found at Combe Down near Bath II m 223 Hunter, A. F., B.A. British immigration into U. Canada, 1825-37: ab- stract IV iv 229 French Relics from Vil- lage Sites of Hurons: abstract IV I 3 Military and Naval ex- ploits on Nottawasaga during WAR of 1812: ab- stract IV in 1 National Characteris- tics and Migrations of Hurons as indicated by THEIR REMAINS IN NORTH Simcoe IV in 225 (abstract) IV in 3 Site of Mission of Ste. Marie on Wye: abstract IV iv 230 Hunter, Governor II xm 566 Hunter, Lieut.-Gen. Letter permitting Ensign Cheniquy to join his regi- ment II xiv 89 Huntingdon Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Huntoh of Cachiquels. History IV Vi 125 Wars IV VI 159 Huntsman, A. G. Ascidians from coasts of Canada IV ix 111 Hupa. Conservatism of IV iv 20 Habitat and numbers IV iv 13, 16 Influence over neighboring tribes IV iv 19 Hurakan. Quiches, call Voc, messenger of IV vi 116 236 HUR GENERAL INDEX HUT Ser. Vol. Page Hurakan-Con. Wargod IV vi 181 Hurl Gate, N.Y., blasting of rocks at I i 48 Huron. Erie and, geological area ... II xv 15 Erie and, Districts, geology of II xiv 584 Ontario, Simcoe and Hui on Union Ry: condition of.. I I 144 Territory; description of soil and timber in: ref II vi 487 Huron Indians. Branch of Iroquois IV I 89 Crania II n 425 II vu 401 Cranial measurements of.. . II n 428 II xni 131 Cranial type (pl.) II xin 129 Divinity IV vi 275 Earthworks in north Simcoe IV m 226 French Relics from Vil- lage Sites of. By A. F. Hunter: abstract IV I 3 History and characteristics. II xm 118 Hurons. By D. B. Read... IV i 86 Huron Race and its head- forms. By Daniel Wilson II xm 113 Introduction of Christianity by Jesuits. ' IV I 93 Iroquois exterminated them IV I 94 Jesuit explorations II xm 120 Languages compared with Basque Ill 1 287 Mean measurements of, skulls, compared with un- usual Indian skull from Barrie and Scioto Mound skull II vu 402 National Characteristics and Migrations of, as INDICATED BY THEIR RE- MAINS in North Simcoe. By A. F. Hunter IV m 225 (abstract) IV m 3 Origin IV in 228 Ossuaries II xm 120 IV in 225, 227 Population in 1838, -44, and-46 I i 196 Probably met Cartier at Hochelaga, 1535 IV 1 87 Sepulchral rites II xm 120 Skulls; type (pl.) .. IV ix 9 Territory IV 1 86 Territory in 1615 IV m 227 Tribe in early times IV I 86 Villages where massacres took place, 1649 (Map).. IV m 225 War with Iroquois when French first came and its cause IV i 90 i Ser. Vol. Page Huron Lake. See L. Huron. Huronian Formation, etc. Arkose, L. Wawang IV vni 358 Arkose, L. Wendigokan re- gion IV vni 357 Associated intrusive rocks in Canada II vm 125 Bruce Mines, examination of, limestone II iv 269 Canada II vm 113 II ix 2 Characteristics and extent in Canada II u 440 Cupriferous, age of I I 125 Description.. II vm 123 Division of Azoic rocks of Canada into, and Laurentian. By Sir Wm. Logan II n 439 Economic Materials of, in Canada II vm 125 L. Huron and L. Temis- camung II il 441 L. Superior IV Vi 48 L. Wendigokan region IV vm 348 Lower conglomeiate, L. Wendigokan region IV vm 355 Mineral characters of II vm 123 Mineral veins of, in Canada II vm 125 Northern Ontario II xiv 586 North west of Hudson's Bay Ill iv 196 Repulse Bay Ill IV 199 Sedimentary origin of IV vu 536 Topographical distribution of, in Canada II vm 126 Hurricane. Hurricane of 18th April, 1855 (Ontario) I m 241, 261 Hurricane Island, dyke cutting mica schists in (figure) Ill iv 121 Hutcheson, Francis. Originator of Scottish School of Philosophy II Xi 211 Hutchin's, Capt. Thos. (1730-1789). Brief biography of II xiv 56 Hutchins Goose, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Hutchinson, D. L. Saxby Gale IV ix 253 Hutton. Detritus carried down by rivers and its geological effects: ret I in 78 Hutton, Prof. Maurice. Address on occasion of FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF Canadian Institute. ... IV vi 651 Classical Notes Ill iv 17 237 HUT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE HYD Ser. Vol. Page Huts, Dene IV iv 191 Huxley, Prof. Thos. H. Abductor ossis metatarsi quinti in chimpanzee: ref. IV vi 565 Anatomical be- tween foot and hand of man; ref IV vi 579 Articular surfaces in Apes: ref IV vi 587 Biceps in lower apes: ref... IV vi 561 Chin in Anthropoid Apes: ref IV vi 511 Classification of mankind.. Ill u 8 Common origin of inter- osseous group of muscles: ref IV vi 585 Dispute with Prof. Owen on differences between biains of man and of gorilla II viii 315 Double insertion of inter- ossei in anthiopoid apes: ref IV vi 551 Extensor indicis in Orang: ief IV vi 542 Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis in apes: ref IV vi 544 Fat in cheek of orang: ref.. IV vi 512 Flexor accessorius in gorilla: ref IV vi 571 Flexor digitorum fibularis in gibbon: ref IV vi 570 Flexor brevis digitorum and flexor digitorum tibialis in gorilla and orang: ref.... IV vi 570 Flexor brevis pedis in Cyno- pithecinae: ref IV vi 571 Flexor longus pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 539 Foot of orang deviates from that of man: ref IV vi 587 Gibbon's short head of biceps arises from tendon of pectoralis major: ref. . IV vi 535 His theory ot relation be- tween man and brute criticized II ix 165 Laryngeal pouches of gorilla: ref IV vi 514 Lectures on Elements of Comparative Anatomy: i eviewed II x 40 Muscles in leg and arm, homologues: ref IV vi 578 Omo-c;. vicalis in apes: ref. IV vi 527 On Origin of Species or Causes of Phenomena of Organic Nature: reviewed II vm 390 Origin of Life on Globe: theory IV vm 430 Origin of man II ix 160 Ser. Vol. Page Huxley, Prof. Thos. H -Con. Opponens hallucis in orang: ref IV vi 573 Pectoralis minor attachment in chimpanzee IV VI 532 Peroneus quinti digiti in lower apes: ref IV vi 565 Scansorius in lower apes, chimpanzee, gibbon, gor- illa, orang: ref IV vi 557 Subclavius in Gorilla: rel. . IV Vi 534 Superficial and deep exten- sormuscletoeachdigit:ref. IV vi 580 Supinator longus in gibbon: ref IV vi 541 Tibialis anticusin gibbon:ref. IV vi 562 Hyacinths in glasses II i 76 Hyaena-Den. On a, at Wookey-Hole near Wells. By W. Boyd: reprint II VII 377 Hyaenaspelaea, France II ix 274 Hyalophane, composition... II i 483 Hybrid. Anas glocitans or A. bima- culata II vn 226 Duck II vn 226 Pinicola enucleator, Carpo- dacus purpureus, notes on IV i 41 Hybridity. Perpetuated fertile II m 80 Hyde, Miss. Origin of first two pairs of radial chambers in Scy- phomedusse: ref IV vi 402 Hyderabad Commission. Report on effect of Chloro- iorm on heart: ref IV vn 199 Hydnaceae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 77 Hydnum, habits and On- tario habitats of H. adustum, Fr IV ix 78 H. albonigrum, Pk IV ix 78 H. aurantium IV ix 78 H. caput-ursi, Fr IV ix 78 H. coralloides, Scop IV ix 77 H. erinaceum, Bull IV ix 78 H. feirugineum, Fr IV ix 78 H. repandum, L IV ix 78 H. septentrionale, Fr IV ix 78 Hydra (fresh water), effect ot Cedar extract on IV vn 441 Hydrachniden. Revision of my "Norda- merikanische". By F. Koenike: translated by E. M. Walker IV ix 281 Hydraclena, L. Ontario II xm 501 Hydrastis, L. Canadian lo- calities of H. canadensis, L II xv 57 238 HYO HYD GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Hydrate. On, of Hydrosulphuric Acid. By H. Croft II i 126 Hydrated Silica II i 80 Hydraulic. On, Limes. By M. Fr. Kuhlman: reprint I in 333 Hydraulic Ram. An Improvement in. By J. L. Gatchell: reprint I n 13 Description of. J. L. Gatchell's: reprint I n 13 Hydrocarbons, synthesis of. II m 520 Hydrocharidacese. Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 651 Hydrochelidon nigra suri- namensis, Toronto Ill vn 194 IV in 76 Hydrocotyle, Tourn, Can- adian habitats of H. Americana, L II xv 554 Hydrocyanic acid. Antidote to chloroform poisoning IV VII 219 Blood piessure in dogs given, injection (tracing) IV vn 220 Hydrogen. Conductivity of, for heat... II vi 384 On Calorific Relations OF, AND OTHER GASES. By Prof. Magnus: ab- stract II vi 383 On Electricity of flames of, and Alcohol. By M. Mateucci: reprint II vi 385 Hydrography, Jamaica coast IV v 327 Hydroida, individual or colony II xv 424 Hydroids... II vi 169 Hydropathia, treatment.... II xi 230 Hydrophyllacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 646 London species II vin 230 Hydrophidse, Ceylon II vn 355 Hydrophytes, size II xi 192 Hydropsyche, characters and N. American habi- tats of Hydropsyche, Pictet II vn 498 H. alternans, Walker II vn 499 H. chlorotica, Hagen II vii 499 H. indecisa, Walker II vii 499 H. maculicornis, Walker.. . II vn 499 H. morosa, Hagen II vn 498 H. phalerata, Hagen II vn 499 Ser. Vol. Page Hydropsyche, characters and N. American habi- tats of-Con. H. scalaris, Hagen II vn 498 H. sordida, Hagen II vn 499 Hydropsychina, N. Ameri can species II vn 498 Hydropterides. Canadian species II xiv 300 Hamilton species HI n 156 Hydroptila, Characters and N. American habitats of H. albicornis, Hagen II vn 494 H. dalman II vn 494 H. tarsalis, Hagen II vn 494 H. tenebrosa, Walker II vn 494 Hydrostatics. On stability of floating bodies. By Jas. Loudon. II xm 135 Hydrosulphuric Acid. On Hydrate of. By H. Croft II i 126 Hygrometric. On Value of Factor in, Formulae. By Capt. A. Noble II i 24 Hygrophorus miniatus, Fr., habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 71 Hygroscopic, property of zeo- lites II iv 54 Hyksos, origin of word II xiv 185 Hylonomus. Footprints in Nova Scotian coal measures II vn 146 Coal measures of Nova Scotia II viii 267 Specimens secured from Nova Scotia II vn 146 Hylurgus terebrans, Oliv and H. dentatus, Say, Ontario I ill 326 Hymenomycetes, list of On- tario IV ix 69 Hymenophyllinae II xu 364 Hymenoptera. Characteristics of Cynipid® IV ix 354 Characteristics of galls of this group IV ix 336 Feeding habits of larv® of families Tenthredinid® and Cynipid® IV ix 362 Species described IV ix 327, 339 Hyohyoideus, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 320 Hyoid. Amiurus catus Ill n 288 Muscles of, arch of Amiurus catus Ill ii 320 Hyomandibular. Amiurus catus Ill n 287 239 HYO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ICE Ser. Vol. Page Hyomandibular-Con. Metapterygoid and, func- tions and development in Amiurus HI n 290 Hyopectoralis, amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 322 Hyosciamus niger, Toronto. I i 219 Hypercompa, Characters and Canadian habitats of Hypercompa, Hubn II vm 373 H. clymene, Esper II vm 376 H. confinis, Walker II vm 376 H. contigua, Walker II vm 374 H. interrupto-marginata, Beauv . II vm 377 H. lecontei, Boisd II vm 376 H. militaris, Harris II vm 375 Hypericaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 637 II xv 168 London species II vm 222 Hypericum, Canadian habitats of. H. canadense, L II xv 169 H. corymbosum, Muhl II xv 168 H. ellipticum, Hooker II xv 168 H. kalmianum, L II xv 168 H. mutilum, 1 II xv 169 H. perforatum, L II xv 168 H. pyramidatum, Ait II xv 168 H. sarothra, Michx II xv 169 Hypermetropia II xi 21 Hyperplasia, accompaniment of gall production IV ix 368 Hypersthene. Characters ' II v 527 Rock of McCulloch and Emmous I in 36 Hypertrophy, accompani- ment of gall production.. IV ix 368 Hyphse. Botrychium virginianum... IV v 273 Indian Soap IV vn 2 Hyphantria. Characters and N. American habi- tats of Hyphantria (Harris) II vm 365 H. cunea (Drury) II vm 365 H. textor (Harris) II vm 365 Hypholoma. Habits and Ontario habitats of H. appendiculatum, Bull... IV ix 74 H. incertum, Pk IV ix 74 H. sublateritium, Shseff. ... IV ix 74 Hypindusiatae II xn 365 Hypnotism. Anaemia theoryjof 111 n 65 Ser. Vol. Page Hypnotism- Con. Cerebro-Spinal Irritation and. Ill n 70 Condition of system in hypnotic state Ill n 64 Hypnotism and its pheno- mena. By P. H. Bryce. .. Ill n 62 Recent French Investiga- tions on. By Prof. R. Ramsay Wright: abstract III vi 10 Hypnum commutatum, Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Hypostoma. Asaphus Canadensi's describ- ed with drawings II iv 1 On, of Asaphus Canaden- sis AND ON A THIRD NEW species of Asaphus from Canadian Rocks. By E. J. Chapman...., II iv 1 Hypotriorchis columbarius, Canadian specimen II iv 447 Hypothetical Realism, Sir Wm. Hamilton's view on, criticized II xn 57 Hypoxylum coccineum, habits, Ontario habitats. . IV ix 80 Hyrtl, Prof. Kidney of Siluroids: ref. . . Ill n 440 " Resurrection Bone ref.. IV ix 45 Theory of Righthandedness. II xm 202 Suprarenal bodies in Silur- oids: ref HI n 437 Hysteria, theories concerning HI n 67 Hystero-epilepsy Ill n 62 Hystrix pilosus (Catesby), Rich., Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 83 I-and-Wah-wah. Career of IV vi 293 Ibbetson, Fred H. Canadian Coleoptera COLLECTION I III 325 Iberians, survivals of Goths and, in Pyrenaean valleys. IV n 180 Iberic Toltecs, Celtic ele- ment in IV vii 48 Ibises II xi 156 Ice. Action on shores when breaking up . IV ix 19 Amount of dry snow that it will support IV ix 16 Contraction and expansion of, due to temperature... II in 415 Conditions in St. Lawrence. I n 75 Expansions effects of tem- perature more noticeable than contraction II ill 419 Expansion on lakes and its effects IV ix 18 240 ICE ILL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ice-Con. Expansion shoves gravel and sand upon lake shore IV ix 18 Fissures: cause IV ix 17 Formation of icebergs AND TRANSPORTATION OF boulders by. By John Rae II iv 180 From salt water retains some salt II iv 329 Ice Action on Rice Lake Bridge. By T. C. Clarke, C.E I in 249 Ice on Canadian Lakes. By J. B. Tyrrell IV ix 13 Ice phenomena, from Ob- servations on Rice Lake. By J. H. Dumble, C.E II in 414 Manner of disappearing in Spring IV ix 19 Manner of formation on lakes IV ix 14 Measurements on its Coeffi- cient of expansion with heat II v 420 On Ground Ice or Anchor Ice in Rivers. By Prof. Jas. Thompson: reprint. . II vin 320 Of irregular fusibility II vi 62 Regelation II vi 70 Regelation of two pieces of ice in contact; theories of II vi 54 Retreat from Great Lakes. . IV vi 44 Rough, on Yukon R IV ix 15 Some Experiments on Contraction and Ex- pansion of. By J. H. Dumble II v 418 Ice, Anchor. Causes of formation II viii 321 Formation II vu 176 Notes on. By T. C. Keefer II vu 173 Raises level of St. Lawrence in Winter II VII 175 Icebergs. Boulders carried by II iv 183 Conditions necessary for for- mation II iv 181 Formation of, in Hudson's Bay region II iv 181 Formation of, in Smith's Sound II iv 182 Formation of, and trans- portation OF BOULDERS by ice. By John Rae. .. . II iv 180 Ice-breakers. Dene IV iv 75 On Victoria Bridge II i 473 Ice-scoops, Dene IV iv 156 Ser. Vol. Page Iceland. Cause of Phenomena ex- hibited by Geysers. By Dr. Stephenson Macdam: reprint I ixi 173 Icelanders, description of N. American aborigines in 1001 I i 108 Icelandic, remains of, Chris- tian woman who died 1051 found near Washing- ton: story II xii 137 , Ichthyopterygia II v 79 Icterus. Hamilton species II v 392 I. galbula, observations on Ontario frequenters Ill in 97 III vn 191 194 IV in 69, 75, 80, 81, 107, 108 I. spurius, Toronto Ill vn 184 Ideographic, Maya hierogly- phics IV vi 123 Ideomotor . i 275 Idiocy. Massachusetts II i 248 Prevalence of in New England and Massachu- setts (1855) II i 247 Idiot, brain of II xv 184 Idocrase. Characters II v 524 Peculiarities of crystals of.. II v 474 Igasurine II i 82 Igloo of Eskimo Ill iv 102 Igneous rocks. Gneissic foliation and schis- tose cleavage may be de- veloped in Ill iv 117 L. Superior IV vi 50 On Theory of, and Volca- noes. By T. Sterry Hunt II m 201 Schistose cleavage may be developed in Ill iv 126 Sedimentary origin of II m 203 Wales I i 248 Ignorance, theory of II i 114 Iguanodon, constructing a model of I in 11 Ikogmut, territory Ill vi 265 Iliad, B. XVIII V. 119 trans- lated Ill i 161 Ilkley, note on Latin Inscrip- tion found at II vi 234 II. or Ra, great god of Baby- lonia II xiii 523 Illaenidae II i 285 Illeenus. Canadian (pl.) II vm 30 Illinois. Coal fields of I in 357 Descriptions of new palaeo- zoic fossils from II vi 528 241 ILL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE IND Ser. Vol. Page Illness. Average among labour- ing classes: reprint.... I ill 84 Illyria. Horite traces in II xm 542 Zimri traces in II xv 305 Ilmenite, characteristics and Canadian localities II v 173 Ilvaite, composition of II vn 42 Imagination, defined HI v 17 Imahklimut, territory Ill vi 264 Imitaiinaki IV iv 255 Immigration. British, into U. Canada 1825-37. By A. F. Hun- ter: abstract IV iv 229 Causes of large British, into U. Canada, 1825-37 IV iv 229 Into Canada, 1855 I in 341 Impatiens, L., localities Can- adian species II xv 350 I. biflora, Walt. Host of Cecidomyia impa- tientis O.S IV ix 319 Host of Lasioptera impati- entifolia Felt IV ix 323 I. fulva, Nutt, Canadian localities II xv 350 I. pallida, Nutt. Canadian localities II xv 350 Host of Lasioptera impa- tientifolia Felt IV ix 323 Implements. Copper, contemporaneous with stone implements... IV iv 137 Stone, in use among historic nations IV iv 42 Imports, comparative state- ment of, to Canada I m 267 Impulsiveness and habit, discussed HI iv 38 Imuksenia IV iv 256 Inca. Language Ill V 130 Origin of word IV vn 47 Inclusa, characteristics and fami'ies in II xi 397 Incrustations. Cause and function of, on certain leaves IV vn 257 Chemical composition of, on leaves IV vn 258 Functions on leaves IV vn 262 On desert plants IV vn 261 Prevention of, in steam boilers I I 24 Incus, Amiurus Ill n 378 India. A STORM IN, NOR'WESTER OR hurricane: reprint I in 70 Average income of people... IV VIII 219 Ser. Vol. Page India-Con. Benefits conferred on, by Gt. Britain IV vni 233 British Educational policy.. IV ix 88 British Civil Service IV ix 87 British Medical Service.... IV ix 88 British policy during period 1750-1856..... IV ix 85 Breeds of horses in I I 200 Britain as a peacemaker in . IV vni 235 British rule in. By J. Patterson IV ix 83 Causes of Famines in. By Rev. J. T. Sunderland.. . IV vm 213 Causes of Impoverishment of People IV vni 221 Claim that, is prosperous. . . IV vm 232 Co operative Credit, policy of British IV ix 90 Destruction of native manu- factures as cause of im- poverishment IV vm 228 Drain of wealth from, to Gt. Britain, its amount... IV vm 230,231 Education in IV vm 234 Efforts towards self govern- ment IV vm 236 Famine; its causes and British policy regarding.. IV ix 91 Famines under native rule. . IV ix 93 Food in plenty even in Famine Years IV vm 216 Genealogy of ancient gods of II xiv 574 Gileadite traces in II XV 76 Government by foreigners as cause of impoverish- ment IV vm 225 Heavy taxation as a cause of impoverishment IV vm 224 Hindu rule in IV ix 83 Horite traces in II xm 537 Horses' condition in I I ISO Horse first introduced I I 156 Irrigation in IV vm 214 IV ix 92 Japan and, contrasted IV vm 235 Mahratta rule in IV ix 84 Meteorite that fell at Dhurmsalla in 1860 fully described II vn 194 Meteoric stones in II vn 193 Military expenditure as a cause of impoverishment. IV vm 227 Mode of constructing telegraphs in India: re- print I 11 6 Mohammendan rule IV ix 84 New reading of Buddhist inscriptions of. By Rev. John Campbell IV iv 261 242 IND GENERAL INDEX IND Ser. Vol. Page India-Con. On cultivation of Cin- chona in. By C. R. Markham: reprint II ix 56 Overland route from Europe II n 84 Over population as theory of cause of famine IV vm 216 People deprived of power of self protection as a cause of impoverishment IV vm 223 Poverty of people IV vm 217 Proposition to establish rail- way connection from Europe II n 84 Railways in IV vm 235 Rain-failure as cause of famine IV vm 213 Remedy for her impoverish- ment IV vm 237 Root of her trouble IV vm 237 Salt tax IV vm 224 Telegraphs electric estab- lished in I I 120 Telegraph to I in 341 True defence against Russia IV vin 228 Traces of Achshur in II xiv 237 Unrest 1906-10 period IV ix 97 Village Community in Ill iv 62 Women develop at early age III iv 182 Zimran traces in II xv 284 Indian, American. Adoption of white man into, family, ceremony IV in 238 Affinities with Asiatic tribes III I 172 African and American; CONTACT OF NEGRO AND. By A. F. Chamberlain, abstract IV n 21 African origin of South American Ill v 63 Agriculture among, in C. America II I 377 Algonquin, Wyandots, Iro- quois, Chippewas, Missis- sauguas, Eries; locations in Canada I m 209 Alphabet Ill in 168 American, in Literature. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract IV I 33 American operations against them in Revolutionary war IV vn 391 Animistic ideas of Blackfeet III v 23 Ancestor common of all tribes IV iv 251 Ancient Copper implements found near Brockville analyzed for comparison with L. Superior native Copper II i 335 Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Antiquity and origin of, relics found near Brook- ville II I 333 Architecture IV vi 110 Asiatic origin IV v 19 Asiatic origin traced by geo- graphical names; criti- cized Ill v 74 Bleeding implements (pl.).. IV vn 16 Boeothickartsandornaments IV II 101 Bceothick customs and habits IV n 100 Bceothick burial customs... IV n 100 Bceothick, of Newfound- land. By Alan Macdou- gall IV n 98 (abstract) IV n 26 Brain capacity of... . II xv 219 Brain volume comparative. 11 xv 229 Brain weight of II XV 201 British Govt, attempt to regulate sale of liquor to Indians IV in 268 Burial customs II in 401 Burial ground at Arica II X 284 Burial rites of Blackfeet.... Ill V 21 Cannabalism among IV in 232 Canadian, Govt's, mode of treating II xiv 433 Canadian, Research and Aid Society; formation of. By Rev. Ed. F. Wil- son IV i 8 Causes of continual wars among them II in 118 Causes of decline in popula- tion I I 198 Central America II I 377 Character II iv 261 Characters of their Evil Spirits and Great Spirit.. II ill 121 Charter under which they obtain lands in Canada. . IV iv 233 Chiefs, characteristics and powers II in 120 Children, manner of up- bringing II in 298 Chingalacose, chief of Chip- pewas in war of 1812 IV iv 233 Chinook Indians. By Paul Kane II II 11 Chinook, Habits, Cus- toms and Traditions of. By Paul Kane I in 273 Civilization effects on II xiv 440 CONCHOLOGICAL RELICS OF, of Ontario. By Daniel Wilson I in 155 Copper utensils not used by. I I 132 Corn as used by Abenakis.. IV ill 200 243 IND PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE IND Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Crania, distorted ones found at Montreal measured.. . II vi 415 Crania, distortion. . II vn 417 Crania of II iv 144 Crania of brachycephalic form II vn 406 Crania of dolichocephalic form II vn 406 Cranial distortions among.. II vin 149 Crees as Agriculturists I n 101 Cree, Buffalo hunt II V 192 Cree, Buffalo pound de- scribed II v 193 Cree, method of entrapping Buffalo.... ,. II v 193 Customs of tribes of Qu'Ap pelle and Assiniboine Rivers II v 190 Day and night myths IV vi 333 Discovery of Copper and other, Relics near Brockville. By Thos Reynolds M.D II I 329 Dead, disposal of I ill 156 Deluge Myths of Cana- dian. By A. F. Chamber- lain: abstract Ill vn 11 Difficulty of obtaining head measurements II II 421 Discovery of, Remains County Norfolk Ont. By Daniel Wilson II i 511 Domestic customs 1763... IV in 239 Effects of admixture of white blood II xiv 437 Eskimo relations with Ill vi 288 European origin of....... . Ill v 70 Extinction and partial ab- sorption of II i 11 Favorite dish IV v 181 Firearms distributed among, after Pontiac conspiracy. II xiv 80 Flat Head, artificially com- pressed crania II i 189 Flat Head, location of II II 11 Flatheads; origin of II vn 417 Flat-Head, process of flat- tening head described.... I in 273 Food, method of preparing 1763 IV in 239 Fortifications unknown un- til French arrived I I 108 Forts around Lake Simcoe. . II V 410 French and English relations with, before Conquest. . . II xiv 438 French traders conduct to- wards IV in 254 Gesture language IV vi 277 Government their forms of. IV iv 233 Graves on Noncon Island. . Ill vn 14 Guatemala II I 392 Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Happy Hunting Grounds, their idea of II iv 257 Hatchet knife and spear of copper found near Brock- ville; described and illus- trated II I 330 Historical and statistical in- formation respecting his- tory and prospects of Indian Tribes of United States: reviewed II ill 437 Historical value of relics... I in 168 Hudson Bay's Company's dealings and control over II xiv 434 Hybridity and Absorption in Relation to Red In- dian Race. By Daniel Wilson II xiv 432 Indian as an Artist. By Alan Macdougall IV in 42 Indian Graves of Peru: reprint I x 284 Indian Languages and literature in Mani- toba North west Ter- ritories and British Columbia. By Rev. John McLean HI v 215 Indians of Canada. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract IV I 17 Indian Remains Found in BeverlyTownship near Guelph Rd. By R v. C. Dade I I 6 Indian Remain found near Orillia Co. of Simcoe, along with relics: reprint I I 54 Indian Tribes of Canada. By Wm. Bleasdell, M.A . . I n 209 Introduction of Christianity by Jesuits IV I 93 loqua shell used as cur- rency and ornament II in 380 Jewish or Semitic origin; reasons against IV v 26 Knowledge (earliest) of. ... II n 406 Kutch-a-Kutchin II vn 344 Kyeuse II I 417 Kyeuse, customs on receipt of bad war news II i 420 Kyeuse, savagery of II I 422 Language II in 439 Language differences and formation of dialects.... IV vi 282 Languages in British Colum- bia, list Ill v 216 Laws of consanguinity of; may be means of tracing their origin II iv 225 Legal status in Canada. ... II xiv 444 244 IND GENERAL INDEX IND Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Legends concerning beaver. II iv 369 Legend concerning Israelites crossing Red Sea II ill 125 Legend of "Confusion of Tongues" II ill 125 Legend of "The Deluge" .. II ill 123 Legend of " Ki-use girls". . . II iv 189 Legends and Traditions of Odahwah. By F. Assikinack II Hi 115 Liquor traffic with, after conquest IV m 267 Lord Selkirk's dispute with, regarding land of Red River Settlement II vi 181 Lost ten tribes and II ix 306 Maize growing Indians.... IV iv 35 Marriage customs Ill iv 184 Medicine men II iv 259 Medicine pipe stem; cere- mony of in warfare II II 337 Mississauga tribe in Western Canada I ill 209 Mortuary customs of Blackfeet. By Rev. John McLean HI v 20 Mound-builders and IV iv 40 Mound-builders and not, mined at L. Superior: evidence I , I 108 Month-names IV vi 331 Mound of shells at Cannon's Point, St. Simon's Island. II m 387 Mounds; request for infor- mation concerning, by Canadian Institute I I 25 Mystic virtue of number four IV v 14 Myth occurs among Hittites HI n 172 Mythology II xm 157 Mythology connected with Asiatic Ill v 61 Nah'ane and their lan- guage. By Rev. Father Morice IV vn 517 Nanah-boozhoademi-god. . II m 123 Negro and, miscegenation effects IV ii 21 Niagara district in 16th and 17th centuries IV i 69 Northern, transportation methods in winter IV v 196 Notes on Travel among Walla-Walla Indians. By Paul Kane II I 417 Notice of an Indian Bury- ing Ground. By Ed. Van Courtland By town I I 160 Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Odahwah, Language. By F. Assikinack II in 481 II v 182 Ododams, tribes divided by these into sub-tribes or families II in 119 On some Superstitions and Customs common among, in Valley of Assiniboine and Sas- katchewan. By Henry Y. Hind II iv 253 On the Probable number of native Indian popu- lation of British Amer- ica. By Capt. J. H. Lefroy I i 193 Onam family, connection... II xiv 569 Opate, girl II i 77 Operations in American Revolutionary War IV vn 396 Origin of Ill i 16 HI v 57 Ossuaries, description of in Beverly Tp I in 156 Philology of II in 439 Picture writing among Blackfeet. By Rev. John Maclean IV v 114 Pipes II ii 235, 330 Pipes compared with Mound Builders II n 334 Pipes from ossuaries II n 326 Pipe, mouthpiece of red sandstone, and mask found near Brockville figured and described.... II i 331 Potatoes IV in 199 Pontiac's war, attack on Capt. Robson's party... IV in 230 Population in British Co- lumbia, 1820, 1847 I i 197 Population in Canada by countries I i 197 Population in Canada by tribes I i 194 Population in 1850 in United States I i 198 Prisoners of war, disposal of IV HI 231 Prisoners, treatment of. . . . IV m 231 Pyrula perversa and spirata found in, graves near Dundas II m 402 Relics found on St. Law- rence at Les Galops Rapids II i 329 Relics of prehistoric man in Europe similar to articles used by IV ii 116 245 IND PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE IND Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Relics in various sepulchres in Ontario II m 399 Religious beliefs II in 120 Remarkable Memorial Horn; pledge of treaty with Creek Nation, 1765. By Daniel Wilson.. Ill I 255 Remains and relics found near Balsam Lake. By G. E. Laidlaw: abstract.. IV u 33 Report on Copper Imple- ments FOUND NEAR Brookville. By H. Croft II i 334 Revolutionary war, objects of operations against them in IV vn 393 Sacrifices and offerings II iv 260 San Salvador Il I 376 Saugeen Peninsula surren- dered by I in 168 Scalping customs; origin... II in 303 Scioto Mound skull II vm 128 Secret societies II ill 304 Shells from Mexico (Gulf), distributed over North America II ill 396 Skeletons found near Brock- ville (ancient) II I 332 Skeleton found in Norfolk Co., Ont., fully described. II I 512 Skull of unusual form found near Barrie now in Cana- dian Institute II vn 400 Social and Warlike Cus- toms of Odahwah. By F. Assikinack II in 297 Social customs II in 120 Social organization of Blackfoot. By Rev. John Maclean IV iv 249 Spirit worship of Blackfeet. In v 23 Tahl-tan ..... IV iv 35 Theory of one uniform cranial type pervading all Indian tribes ot N. and S. America II vm 128 Theory of origin II ill 116 Tobacco appeases evil spirit IV ill 239 Tobacco offering to spirits: custom IV in 2 Tobacco, use by II n 235 Toronto district in early days IV vi 288 Traders (.early) conduct towards IV m 267 Trade, state of, and neces- sity tor legulation IV v 81 Trade with, duiing revolu- tionary war IV in 269 Trade with French, 1760... IV m 255 Ser. Vol. Page Indian, American-Con. Tiaffic carried on by, in tropical shells II in 404 Treaties, manner of making and preserving them IV vi 310 Tribes of Georgian Bay.... IV iv 232 Tribesol Northern Canada. Ill i 172 Tribes in Canada II in 48 Tribe that met Cartier IV i 87 Trouble with, over boundary and railroad surveys II xiv 452 Vocabularies, comparative Eskimo and Ill vi 318 Walla-Walla, customs on receipt of bad war-news. . II I 420 Walla-Walla, savagery of. . II I 422 Wanderings of an Artist among, of North America from Canada to Van- couver Island and Oregon, through Hudson's Bay Co.'s Territory and back again. By Paul Kane: reviewed II iv 186 War dances at Dry-Dance Mountain II I 130 Woman, age of develop- ment Ill iv 183 Youkon, burial customs of.. II vn 346 Youkon, marriage customs, etc II vn 344 Yukon, in 1860 II vn 343 Indian Chickweed, Canadian localities II xv 174 Indian Corn, abnormal II n 381 Indian Mallow, Canadian localities II xv 175 Indian Physic, Canadian localities II xv 362 Indian Soap. Fruit of Polyporus IV vn 5 Hyphae in IV vn 2 On anatomical charac- ters OF SUBSTANCE " IN- DIAN Soap". By Miss M. Dawson IV vn 1 Saponaceous substance in.. IV vn 4 Spores (pl.) IV vn 3 Staining solutions IV vn 2 Structure IV vn 1 Indian Tobacco, Toronto... I i 218 Indian Turnip, Toronto.... I i 206 Indices. Remarks on Negative In- dex OF A FUNCTION. By Rev. E. K. Kendall II vm 273 Indigenous Races. Indigenous Races of the Earth. By J. C. Nott, M.D. and Geo. R. Glid- don: reviewed II n 208 246 ind GENERAL INDEX Ins Ser. Vol. Page Indigo Bird, Hamilton II v 391 Indigo-Carmine, staining fluid IV ii 224 Individualism. Individualism from Social and historic point of view. By T. B. Brown- ing: abstract Ill vi 21 Indo-European. • Coptic elements in Lan- guages of, family. By Rev. John Campbell... II xm 282, 403 Egyptian language connects, and Semitic II xm 287 Gaelic words relating to heat and light similar to Ill vi 240 Polynesian languages con- tain, elements II xm 404 Semitic roots and, indicate same source II xm 284 Semitic races and, have common patent? II xm 162 Traces of Ashchurites in traditions of nations of, stock II xiv 233, 248 Indo-Hittite. Inscriptions in common, character (pl.) IV iv 270 Syllabary (pl.) IV iv 270 Indra, connection with Onam II xiv 570 Industrial. Accidents and Diseases INCIDENT TO, PATHOLOGY. ByT. K. Chambers, M.D.: reprint I m 29 British Industrial Univer- sity projected I i 48 Crying need of, Research in Canada. By Rev. Geo. Bryce IV ix 223 Education in Europe in 1852 I i 110 Irish Industrial Exhibi tion I i 265 Industry. Chemical Industries of Dominion. By W. R. Lang IV vm 151 Foreign nations excelling England in manufacture. I i 160 National Importance of STUDYING ABSTRACT SCI- ENCE WITH A VIEW TO THE HEALTHY PROGRESS OF IN- dustry: reprint I i 159 Problems requiring solution in natural industries of Canada IV ix 226 Use of steam in I m 315 Uses of Animals in relation to, of Man. By E. Lan- kester: reviewed II vn 358 Ser. Vol. Page Industry Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Inepoia IV iv 255 Infanticide. Marriage and, in China IN THEIR RELATION TO Population. By W. Henry Cumming II xi 178 Inferobranchiata, generic characters II xu 27 Infra-orbitals, Amiurus catus Ill n 277 Infraspinatus, orang IV vi 533 Infusoria. Characters II vi 504 Effects of temperature on.. Ill i 300 History of, including Des- midiaceae and Diatoma- cese British and Foreign. By Andrew Pritchard: re- viewed II vii 368 Larvae of Intestinal worms.. I i 18 Notes on Some Canadian. By J. Playfair McMur- rich, M.A HI i 300 Note on Preservation of SOME, WITH VIEW TO DIS- PLAY of their Cilia. By Jas. Bovell II vm 341 On occurrence of fer- mentation PRODUCING, CAPABLE OF LIVING WITH- OUT free Oxygen. By M. L. Pasteur: reprint... II vi 456 On true Sexual Reproduc- tion in. By M. Balbani: reviewed II vn 391 I. ciliata, Toronto tap water. HI i 424 Ingen-Housz. Action of plants on atmo- sphere II ix 421 Inglis, Rev. David. On Relation of Quantity to /Esthetic Sentiment II in 409 Inglefield, Capt. Arctic exploration I ii 85 Ingulikhmut, territory Ill vi 264 Ink, manufacture of I i 105 Inliers, Ontario IV vii 146 Innok, tradition of creation. . Ill vi 289 Innuit. Alaska HI vi 264 Territory HI vi 264 Tribe II xu 484 Inoceramus problematicus, Nebraska and Kansas II iv 322 Insanity. Defined HI v 45 Jurisprudence of. By D. A. O'Sullivan Ill v 44 Jurisprudence of, claimed by doctors and lawyers HI v 46 247 INS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE INS Ser. Vol. Page Insanity-Con. Prevalence of, in New Eng- land and Massachusetts (1855) II i 247 Inscriptions. Aboriginal American, in phonetic Characters. By Rev. John Campbell.. IV v 53 Akatzeeb, at Chichen-Itza. IV vi 193 Altar, at Copan, Honduras, deciphered IV vi 151 Attempts at deciphering Sinaitic IV vi 245 Buddhist in Common Indo- Hittite character (pl.)... IV iv 270 Buddhist proclamation of Asoka found at Girnar, translated IV iv 266 Buddhist Tsurami inscrip- tion found at Mathura, translated IV iv 268 Canary Island IV vn 55 Chichen-Itza, Chichanchob. IV vi 185 Cuneiform, of Assyria and Babylonia. By Col. Rawlinson: reprint...... I m 364 Decipherment of Hiero- glyphic, of Central America. By Prof. J. Campbell IV vi 101 Dene rock IV iv 206 Etruscan sepulchral Ill in 162 Greek, on two altars found at Corbridge, notes on... II v 290 La Candia, Island of Hierro IV vn 59 La Dehesaon Island of Hierro IV vn 58 Moro rock in New Mexico II ix 311 Mound-Builders, found in Iowa, translated IV v 59 Mound-Builders, found in Ohio, translated IV v 57 Mound-Builders, on Grave Creek stone in West Vir- ginia, translated IV v 56 Mound-Builders, on in- scribed rocks ol Yar- mouth, N.S., translated. . IV v 55 Mound-Builders, on North- man's Written Rock near West Newbury, Mass., translated IV v 55 New reading of Budd- hist, of India. By Rev. John Campbell IV iv 261 Ogam IV v 295 Ogam, of Wales IV v 65 On Inscribed Sling-Bul- lets. By Rev. John McCaul II ix 92 Palenque Tablet, analysis of, in light of written documents IV vi 179 Ser. Vol. Page Inscriptions-Cow. Palenque tablet, in light of historical documents IV VI 170 Port of La Caleta on Island of Hierro IV vn 59 Prehistoric, of Canary Is lands IV vn 55 Prehistoric, on Island of Canaria IV vn 57 Prehistoric on Island of Hierro IV vn 58 Principal varieties of, on Sling-Bullets II ix 93 Redoua inscription trans- lated IV vi 266 Siberian Inscriptions. By Rev. John Campbell IV n 261 (.Abstract) IV in 20 Tejeleita on Island of Hierro IV vn 59 Wady Eufrea, translated... IV vi 253 Wady Guene, translated... IV vi 255 Wady Hebran, translated. . IV vi 254 Wady Mokkateb IV vi 253 Wady Sittere, translated... IV vi 265 Inscriptions, Latin. Inscriptiones Britannije Latins: reviewed II xiv 145 Notes on, found in Bri- tain. By Rev. John McCaul II in 7, 220 II iv 173, 349 II v 283, 483 II vi 230, 395 II vn 28 11 ix 217 II x 95, 303 II xii 108 Notes (Dr. McCaul's) on Inscriptions found on gravestones, altars, etc., at Aesica (Gt. Chesters).. II x 105 Ardoch, Scot II v 483 Bath II in 8 II v 484 II vi 395 II x 106 Bath to Sul II vi 401 Benwell (North) ancient Condercum II iv 177 Birdoswald (Ambolan- na) II xiv 150 Birrens, Blatum Bul- gium II in 220 II xiv 150 Birruns, on defeat ol Galgacus by Agricola II in 11 Bremenium, High Rochester II vi 242 II xii 123 II xiv 550 248 INS INS GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Inscriptions, Latin-Con. Caerleon II vn 464 II ix 222 II xiv 154 Carvoran, Magna II ix 218 II xii 114 II xiv 154 Caernarvon II v 292 Caervoran, to Calpur- nius Agricola II x 311 Caerwent II vi 245 Chester II v 284 Chestcrholm II xn 115 Cilurnum II xiv 544 Combe Down near Bath II in 223 Corbridge (North).... II iv 175 Gt. Chester, bearing titles Parthici and Medici II xiv 154 Hexham II ix 217 II xiv 148 Ilkley II vi 234 Jar row II xn 113 Il xiv 149 Lanchester II vi 230 Lincoln II v 287 II vi 237 Lydney II v 494 Malpas (Cheshire)... . II iv 179 Maryport (Olenacum). II in 11 Netherby II xn 131 Netherhall (Cumber- land) II vi 397 Old Penrith II x 97 Piercebridge, beginning with D.M II x 96 II xiv 147 Plumpton Wall II xiv 153 Papcastle II xn 13C II xiv 552 Risingham (Habitan- cum) II iv 354 II ix 224 II x 102, 104 II xn 125 II xiv 155 Roman wall II ix 221 II xn 108, 118 Vindolana (Chester- holm) II x 98 Whitechapel, London.. II v 291 Wroxeter II iv 349 York II iv 173 II v 288 II vi 235 II ix 219 Inscriptions Latin, Notes (Dr. McCaul's) on Archaeologia p. 261. II v 485 C. Salvius Liberalis, Gover- nor of Britain according to, found at Urbisaglia... II x 309 Ser. Vol. Page Inscriptions, Latin, notes (Dr. McCaul's) on-Con. Constructions used in, on pigs of lead found in Britain II vn 28 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, Ad. n. 914. Ill i 77 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, pp. 132, 133.. Ill i 79 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, pp. 161- 163, 203, 204, six examples of "spectavit" Ill i 81 Gunston's Articles of Roman Period were not found in London: evidence II v 489 Inscriptiones Britannise La- tinae No. 97 II xiv 153 Lapidarium Septentrionale n. 446 Ill i 77 Letters " D.M." in II x 95 On metallurgical relics in Britain II vi 410 On pig of lead found at Car- thagena, Spain II vi 246 On pigs of lead found in Britain II vn 30 Roman, in Britain; McCaul's rendering of Bath, correct II m 465 Roman Governors of Britain during second, third and fourth centuries deter- mined from II x 310 Sepulchral designations in Britain II v 489 Syria, "ANN XII, P.C."... Ill i 85 To God Nodon, Nodens or Nudens II v 493 To Lamiae II x 104 To Roman legate A.D. 205, 207.. II x 314 To various governors of Britain whose title is doubtful II x 323 Translation of words D.M. in II xiv 147 Inscription Latin, notes on, giving Legate in Britain of Emperor Carcalla II x 315 Elagabalus II x 317 Gallienus II x 321 Gordian II x 320 Maximinus II x 319 Severus II x 319 Insectivora, Canadian species and localities Ill vi 88 Insecta. Charactersand subdivisions II vn 448 L. Ontario II xin 501 249 INS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE INT Ser. Vol. Page Insect. Affection of, for their young. By Capt. Gamble Geddes: abstract Ill m 42 Bibliography of morphology and biology of, galls IV ix 375 Catalogue of Ontario. By Wm. Couper I m 210 Contribution to morpho LOGY AND BIOLOGY OF, galls. By A. Cosens.... IV ix 297 Essays on. By H. Y. Hind, M.A.: reviewed II n 442 Indications of presence of, in coal measures ot Nova Scotia II vii 145 Method of preserving II vm 341 Mining Insects: reprint... I n 193 Treatise on some, injurious to Vegetation. By Thad- deus William Harris: re- viewed II vii 521 Insessores II xi 148 Insessorial Birds. On Families properly be- longing to Fissirostral Suborder of, and real POSITION OF SOME WHICH HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO it. By Rev. Wm. Hincks. II ix 230 Instincts. Appetites distinct from natural Ill iv 30 Inspiratory stridor, blood pressure of... • IV vii 214 Instinct, Darwin's theory of. II v 381 Institute. Mechanics' Institute New Hall (Toronto): reprint I n 78 Institut Canadien (Mont- real), ninth Annual Meeting I n 173 Institutions. Government aid to Scien- tific and Literary, in Upper and Lower Can- ada I in 168 Insurance. Life, in Canada IV vm 85 Lite, principles IV vm 79 Marine IV vm 77 Principles of, with espe- cial reference to sick BENEFIT PROVISION. By Arthur Harvey IV vm 73 Intercolonial Ry. Sketch of Geology of Route of. By Robert Lt.ii. Bell II xv 381 Ser. Vol. Page Intereossei. Gorilla IV vi 576 Man and orang IV vi 576 Orang IV vi 582 Interepithelial Pigment- Cells, Amiurus Ill n 255 Integrity, Laws of, in Psy- chology II xi 305 Integropallialia, suggested leading division of Lamel- libranchiata II xi 395 Intensive quantity II xi 315 Interglacial Fossiliferous clay, Humber Bay II xv 395 Fossiliferous Clay, Scar boro Hts II xv 395 Fossiliferous Sand, Scarboro Hts II xv 397 Glacial and, Strata of Scarboro Hts. and OTHER LOCALITIES NEAR Toronto (with plate). By Geo. Jennings Hinde. II xv 388 Laminated Clay and Sand, Scarboro Hts II xv 402 Supposed evidence of Ex- istence of, American Man. By Daniel Wilson. II xv 557 Interjection, Blackfoot IV v 165 Intellect, manifestations of. . Ill v 16 International Arbitration. International Arbitra- tion. By J. M. Clark, K.C. IV viii 41 Brief history of its develop- ment IV vm 41 Development between Gt. Britain and the United States IV vm 43 Greek practices IV vm 41 Hague Tribunal, articles governing it IV vm 45 Roman practices IV viii 41 Inter operculum, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 289 Interossei. Anthropoid and lower apes. IV vi 551 Chimpanzee IV vi 552 Common origin of, muscles. IV vi 585 Orang (pl.) IV vi 550, 575 Palmar portion of dorsal, relation to intermediate layer in orang (pl.) IV vi 584 Interosseus primus volaris IV vi 548 Intestine. Absorption of fat in. By G. E. Wilson IV vm 241 Absorption of fat in, biblio- graphy: ref _ IV vm 241 Absorption of fat in, Wil- son's method of study... IV vm 243 250 INT GENERAL INDEX IPI Ser. Vol. Page Intestine-Con. Fat absorbed in fine parti- cles as emulsion IV vm 242 Intestinal Worms, infusoria, larvae of I I 18 Intracellular bodies, intes- tinal epithelium of newt.. IV i 249 Intrusive Rocks. Associated, in mineral veins of Huronian Series II vm 125 Laurentian II vm 118 Mode of formation II m 206 On, of Montreal Dis- trict. By T. Sterry Hunt: reprint II v 26 Intrusae II vm 4 Intuition, Belief and II x 245 Intzij'qa hwotdtijkan IV v 24 Inquiline, stimulates tissue to abnormal activity IV ix 367 Inventions. Harrow I 1 111 Of primitive man IV vi 327 Reaping machine I 1 111 Invertor femoris, is function oi scansorius muscle IV vi 558 Invertebrate. Invertebrates that contain Nissl granules IV vi 425 Life evolution of, accelerated by increase of calcium in ocean IV vu 536 Preservation of, for natural history specimens; notes on I I 175 Iodates, crystalline form of double salts II I 394 Iodide. Barium, preparation of II I 18 Cadmio-iodide of Ammo- nium, preparation of... . II I 15 Cadmio-iodide of Barium, preparation of II I 16 Cadmio-iodide of Potassium, preparation of II I 13 Cadmio-iodide of Sodium, preparation of II I 14 Cadmio-iodide of Stron- tium, preparation of II I 16 On, of Barium. By H. Croft II x 333 On some new salts of Cadmium and the Io- dides of Barium and Strontium. By Henry Croft II I 13 Potassium, cure for snake bite HI v 257 Strontium, preparation of.. II I 18 Iodine. Absence from air one cause of goitre and cretinism... II I 557 Ser. Vol. Page Iodine-Con. Discovery of I n 202 Liebig's test for II i 487 Plates for electrotyping pre- pared with , I i 228 Staining action in yeast cells IV Vi 489 Test for II i 557 Iodo-Nitrate of Silver II i 79 Ion (.Greek), same as Onam.. II xiv 422 Iona. Early history of IV in 131 Lost MSS. of IV in 137 Origin of name IV in 133 Ionian. Babylonian connection II xiv 412 Assyrian connection II xiv 412 Onite same as II xiv 422 Primitive history of. By John Campbell II xiv 395, 559 lonichus, traces oi, in primi- tive times II xiv 402 Ionisation, experiments on polonium at very low pressures IV ix 157 Ions, coagulating power of ions of different valencies in colloidal solutions IV ix 59 loqua shell. Used as currency by Ameri- can Indians II ill 380 Value and mode of procuring II in 380 Iowa. Analyses of economic sub- stances found in II v 200 Coal measures of I II 80 Contributions to Palaeon- tology of. By Jas. Hall: reviewed.. II V 551 Descriptions of new Palaeo- zoic Fossils from II vi 528 Fossils II v 200 General Geology of State... II v 196 Geology of prairie country.. I n 101 Gypsum beds in I II 80 Hudson River Group in.... II v 198 Ironstone locations in I ii 80 Palaeontology of II v 200 Physical Geography of II v 198 Potsdam Sandstone II v 196 Report of Geological Survey of, 1858. By Jas. Hall and J. D. Whitney II v 195 Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and portion of Nebraska. By D. D. Owen, U.S. Geologist; extracts from. I n 79,101 Ipigenia, in Aul V. 808 and 1143 of Euripides: notes on HI l 160 I 251 IPO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE IRO Ser. Vol. Page Ipomsea purpurea, experi- ments to test whether nutrient solution applied by spraying would sup- port life IV vii 279 Ipukimunoawa IV iv 256 Ireland. Coal fields I i 266 Copper mines I i 267 Discovery of Ironstone in.. I in 45 Flax and its products I i 268 Gaels of Scotland and, closely connected, shown by names of persons and places IV in 140 Gold in I i 267 Iron mines I i 266 Lace industry I i 270 Lead mines I i 267 Linen manufactures I i 269 Marbles I i 268 Musical instruments I i 270 Muslin industry I i 269 Poplins and tabinets I i 269 Silver I i 267 Woollen industry I i 270 Irene, Hind awarded prize of Academy of Sciences, Paris for discovery of this planet I I 48 Iridacese. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Candaian species. II xiv 651 London species II vm 234 Iridescent, paper manufac- ture I i 105 Iridoprocne bicolor, habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 93 Iridosmine, removal from gold I in 130 Iris. Abnormal development in. . II m 318 Species yielding paper fibre. 11 xi 199 Irish. Brain capacity largest II xv 216 Connection with Onam family II xiv 562 Convict system II x 423 Cranial characteristics of... II ix 382 Irish Industrial Exhibi- tion I i 265 Irish Peat Company: re- port by Powell I m 40 Irish Submarine Tele- graph I i 33 Ossian poems belong to, Gaels IV m 214 Peat or turf I i 265 Physique of II ix 131 Ser. Vol. Page Irish-Con. Poems (old) almost same as old Welsh IV in 218 Prosody IV in 212 Satarna connects with an- cient, history through stairn IV V 98 Irish-Gaelic. Vocabulary of Canary Is- land dialects compared with IV vii 81 Irish Sea. On some recent changes in Area of. By Rev. J. G. Cumming: reprint.... II in 143 Irlinger, Capt. R.D.N. Arctic Current around Greenland: reprint. ... II n 124 Iron. Absorption by leaves of, in solution , IV vii 319 African native, working of. . II I 190 Aleuron cell analyzed for... IV vii 506 Alloys of. By Prof. F. C. Calvert: reprint I in 411 Axes of, first introduced to Denes IV iv 140 Bog ore in Ottawa Valley... I n 113 Bog ore in Gaspe Peninsula. II v 465 Carrier Indians, prehistoric, used IV iv 140 Cast, in battery or cell I I 243 Characteristics and localities of various ores in Canada. II v 171 Charcoal smelting Ill i 226 Chromatin al ways contains it IV vi 411 Chromic, in Gaspe Penin- sula II v 466 Cleveland, Yorkshire iron districts recently dis- covered I I 18 Coating iron with copper... I I 165 Coating, with zinc, tin, silver, copper or alloys of these I I 43 Crystallized specular, arti- ficial formation of II vi 526 Deposits and production in Canada, 1905 IV vm 153 Distribution of fat, chlo- rides, PHOSPHATES, PO- TASSIUM AND IRON IN STRIATED MUSCLE. By Maud L. Menten IV vm 403 Exports of British I m 197 Form in which it exists in glaidin and glutenin IV vii 506 Forster's wrought iron plates I ii 173 Geological formations in Ontario where, mines occur Ill v 187 252 IRO IRO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Iron-Con. Gliadin analyzed for IV vn 503 Gliadin ash contains IV vn 502 Gogebic, range IV ii 305 History of industry in Canada IV vm 153 Home market for, in Canada IV n 312 Hydrated sesquioxide of, and alumina, deposits in France II vi 387 Important improvement IN MANUFACTURE OF, AND OTHER METALS BY INTRODUCTION OF LIQUID purifier: reprint I ill 55 Improvement in manu- facture of. By M. August Laugel: reprint.. I ill 104 Impurities in cast-iron I i 223 Iron and other ores of Ontario. By Jas. T. B. Ives Ill v 185 Iron-cased Frigates II vi 74 Magnetic ore, artificial for- mation of II vi 526 Magnetic Oxide of, in Ottawa Valley I ii 112 Magnetite; composition of.. II iv 54 Magno-ferrite, artificial for- mation of II vi 526 Marbleized iron and stone.. I i 283 Manufacture historical sum- mary I hi 105 Martite; composition of.... II iv 54 Meteoric, contains Quartz. . II vi 526 Meteoric, where found I ii 112 Method of distinguishing monoxide of iron (FeO) from sesquioxide (Fe20s) in silicates and other com- pounds by blowpipe II x 345 Mines of Ireland I I 266 Mines of Ontario, 1887. . . . HI v 186 Muscle fibre contains (pl.).. IV vm 416 Negroes of Africa used IV iv 137 Nerve cells contain IV vi 426 Nerve cells after treatment with alkalies contain.... IV vi 414 Nissl granules contain IV vi 411 Note on Oxalate of. By H. Croft II vi 18 Note on Presence of Phosphorus in, wire. By E. J. Chapman II ix 170 Nova Scotia I i 242 Nuclei only of wheat grains contain it IV vn 508 Nucleolus contains IV vi 411 On increased strength of Cast-Iron, produced by use of Improved Coke. By W. Fairbairn: reprint. I 1 222 Ser. Vol. Page Iron-Con. On Permanent expansion of, by SUCCESSIVE heat- ings: reprint .'.... I m 94 On Permeability of high- • LY HEATED, BY GASES. By M. L. Cailletet: re- print II ix 277 Origin of carbonate of iron of coal measures II I 307 Oxides, composition of vari- ous ores II iv 54 Oxydulous or octahedral iron in Ottawa Valley... I n 112 Oxyphile nuclear substance contains IV VI 461 Preservation of, from Oxidation and decay. By Rev. N. Callan: ab- stract I in 45 Production and Consump- tion of I in 197 Production in Britain, 1860 II vn 148 Production in Canada, 1892- 1902 IV viii 188 Properties of: reprint.... I in 22 Proportional amounts in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vn 558 Possibilities of, and steel PRODUCTION IN ONTARIO. By Wm. Hamilton Mer- ritt IV ii 299 Protection from oxidation.. I m 341 Protoxides of II i 79 Railroad, durability of. By Wm. Truran I m 237 Reaction in yeast cell IV vi 489 Red, ore; composition of... II iv 54 Silicate of, in limestone beds of Lake St. John, Rama, Ont II iv 493 Sleepers I n 45 Smelting I i 135 Smelting in Ontario IV n 309 Smelting, utilization of waste products I i 135 Supply in United States.... IV n 308 Tabular statement of dura- tion of railway bars I m 240 Tinning I i 288 Titanic, in dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 180 Titaniferous, ore; composi- tion of II iv 54 Tools; how prized on Pacific coast IV iv 142 Trade in England, 1845-53. I ii 208 Trade of Marquette: L. Superior II vi 87 Trade in 1852 (British).... I i 119 Vermilion, range IV ii 307 253 IRO IRO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Iron-alum stain, for nerve cells; disadvantages IV vi 410 Iron "Masked " in Beggiatoa IV vi 475, 478 Cyanophycese IV vi 459 Granules of Cyanophyceae.. IV vi 467 Yeast cell IV vi 495 Iron Ores. Analysis of, and Anker- ites from Acadia Mines of Londonderry, N.S. By E. J. Chapman II xv 414 Analysis of, from Bedford Tp II xm 508 Analysis of, from Thunder Bay, Lake Superior II xm 509 Analysis of, from Victoria Co HI I 264 Canadian II vm 119 IV vm 186 Deposits, New Jersey IV u 299 Deposits of south and north- west shores of L. Superior IV u 301 Laurentian Rocks, Canada. II vm 115 Madoc, Marmora and Bel- mont I in 98 Magnetic, of Victoria County with Notes on Charcoal iron Smelt- ing. By W. Hamilton Merritt Ill I 261 New York I II 37 Regions and rocks in United States I in 35 Scaly, tests; Canadian locali- ties II vi 150 Specular, from Echo Lake... II iv 270 Sweden HI i 265 Iron Pyrites. Canada I n 113 Conditions in which occurs in Kamanistiquia region. Ill vu 253 Detection of minute traces of copper in, and other bodies, by blowpipe II x 346 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Occurrence of gold and SILVER IN GALENA AND. By R. Dewar IV n 121 (abstract) IV n 12 Iron Ranges. Distribution in L. Wendigo- kan region IV vm 354 L. Wendigokan region IV vm 352 Marquette IV u 303 Menominee IV n 304 Messaba IV n 307 Sand Creek, Ont IV viii 352 Still Lake, Ont IV vm 354 Sturgeon River, Ont IV vm 352 Watson Lake, Ont IV vm 355 Whitefish Lake, Ont IV vm 354 Ser. Vol. Page Iron Stone. Beds on Nankato and Le- sueur River, Iowa I n 80 Discovery in Ireland and England I in 45 Location in Iowa I n 80 Ironwood, Canadian II vi 35 Iroquois. Algonquin grammar, differ- ences from IV vi 209 Asiatic origin of Ill I 185 Characteristics II n 424 Choosing successors to Sa- chems II iv 230 Conduct and operations in American Revolutionary war IV vii 396 Confederation of Six Na- tions: traditions II x 184 Comparative table of nu- merals and common words showing differences be- tween six tribes., II xv 5 Cranial measurements of... II n 429 Dekanawidah founder of league: his origin IV vr 249 Divinity IV vi 275 Feud with Algonquin and Wyandots I m 209 Gender IV vi 71 History and characteristics. II xm 114 Hurons, branch of IV I 89 Hurons exterminated by... IV I 94 Language and grammar.... Ill vi 125 Language peculiarities HI I 185 Laws of consanguinity of... II iv 225 League, features of II iv 225 League originally Hittite league IV vi 264 Oldest written records of league of. By Rev. John Campbell IV vi 245 Origin Ill V 61 Ossuaries IV ill 227 Population in Canada in 1838, -44 and -46 I I 196 Similarity of languages used by each nation of II x 186 Sub-tribes I in 210 Tribe... Ill I 183 War with Hurons when French first came and its cause IV i 90 Objects of American opera- tions against them in Revolutionary war IV vn 393 Iroquois Basque. Comparative vocabulary... Ill 1 297 Iroquois Huron. Languages compared with Basque Ill I 287 254 ITI IRO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Iroquois, Huron-Con. Tribe believed to have met Cartier in 1535 at Hoche- laga IV I 87 Iroquois, Ont., gazetteer notice, 1778 II xv 25 Iroquois Bay, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 208 Iroquois Beach. Age and condition of, de- posits IV vi 42 Bibliography IV vi 29 Climate at time of, deposit. IV vi 42 Fossils of, deposits IV vi 35 Iroquois Beach. By Prof. A. P. Coleman IV vi 29 Iroquois shore at Toronto and vicinity, with map... IV vi 31 Iroquois, Lake, ice dam IV vi 43 Iroquois, Pointe aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Irrigation. India IV vm 214 IV ix 92 With liquid manure I I 12 Iroucan, companion of Sa vacon IV vi 116 Irpex lacteus, Fr., habits; Ontario habitats IV ix 78 Irving, Rev. Geo. Clark. Obituary II xi 200 Irving, Hon. Jacob ZEmilius II xm 572 Irving, Washington. Autograph in book II xv 534 Irvine Ravine, Alta. Fossils of HI v 156 Geology of Ill v 158 Irzapa, Celtic form of Bor- sippa IV v 95 Isbi-bana, king of Karrak... IV v 101 Ischio-femoralis, orang.... IV vi 561 Iserine, characteristics and Canadian localities II v 174 Ishchod, connections II xv 281 Ishod. Connections II xv 281 Family connections II xv 287 Isidore. Nom-de-plume of Ascher, a poet II xv 454 Isinglass. Method of obtaining I I 9 Supply of, in Canada I in 171 Islamitic Peoples, Geogra- phical knowledge of..... II iv 51 Islands. Limestone, of L. Ontario and L. Huron IV vn 176 Island of Orleans, Que., Lauzon rock on II xv 382 Isle de Quinte (Nicholas Island), gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 68 Ser. Vol. Page Isle of Man. Gaelic topography of Wales and. By Rev. Neil McNish Ill n 181 Megaceros found in II vi 370 Names ot places in, of Gae- lic origin Ill n 181 Review of Work by A. W. Moore on Surnames and Place Names of. By Rev. Neil MacNish: abstract IV n 27 Surnames and Place Names of. By Rev. Neil MacNish IV n 103 Isle Royal, ancient mines on. I i 107 Isocyanuric, or Fulminuric Acid II I 82 Isodictya, reproduction in. . . II xv 420 Isoetes echinospora, embryo IV v 280 Isomorphism, of Silica, Zir- conia, and Stannic Acid.. II iv 493 Isopod. In Ascidians IV ix 117 Marine distribution II i 280 Isotelus gigas, chemical com- position compared with allied fossils I n 265 Isothermal. Isothermal Lines. By Prof. Hennessy: reprint. . II n 127 Isothermal Map. By Prof. Dove, 1853 I il 52 Israel. Genealogies of 1 Chron. critically analyzed II xiv 159 Horse first importation to.. I I 156 Journey from Egypt con- tained in Carrier Indians Myth IV v 17 Displaced descendants of Ham and were displaced by Roman, etc II I 7 Italian. Cranial capacity of (large). . II xv 216 Coptic element in; examples II xm 413 Italian words anglicised .... II x 31 Italy. Ashchurites traces in II xiv 263 Celtic traces in II xv 82 Ellipsoidina in. IV vm 388 Horite traces in II xm 542 Languages of ancient I n 274 Onan family connections in. II xiv 559 Shammai family in II xiv 561 Universal time HI in 65 Zimri traces in II xv 306 Ithaca, Ashchurites traces in. II xiv 251 Itinerarium Septentrio- nale, Alexander Gor- don's: reviewed II xiv 13 255 ITZ JAM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Itzas, migration from Chichen-Itza IV vi 180 Ives, F. E. Three colour process in Photography: ref IV vii 381 Lantern Kromskop (pl.): ref IV vii 382 Ives, Jas. T. B. Geology in Public Schools Ill v 125 Iron and other Ores of Ontario Ill v 185 Terraces of L. Ontario basin III vi 4 Ivrogne Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 516 Ivy, American, Canadian habitats II xv 352 Iximche, Tukuches defeated at IV vi 165 Izalco Volcano II i 363 Jabez, history of, in Egypt... II xiv 203 Jacanas II xi 158 Jachath II xm 527 Jack, Edward. Abenakis of Saint John River IV m 195 (abstract) IV in 13 Jack Rabbit, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 82 Jackson, Clifton, Toronto.. II xm 433 Jackson, John Mills, Tor- onto II xm 377 Jackson, Col. J. R., F.R.G.S. On the Seiches of Lakes . I n 27 Jacques and Hay's Cabinet Dept., Provincial Exhibi- tion, Toronto, 1852 I I 68 Jada or Jadag. Athenian connection II xiv 428 Buddha connection II xiv 573 Most important family in Latin or Italian traditions II xiv 560 Traces of, in ancient history II xiv 408 Jaegar, Richardson's, Tor- onto IV i 55 Jahath II xm 527 Jahuac, Australian aborigi- nes' evil being II I 506, Jail, Toronto II xn 231 III ii 230 Jamaica. Alluvium IV v 354 Base planes of denudation. . IV v 326 Beaches IV v 353 Black Hill IV v 338 Conglomerate of Long Mt.. IV v 340 Coral reefs IV v 353 Elevation epoch IV v 334 Ellipsoidina ellipsoides Seg. IV vm 388 Ellipsoidina subnodosa.... IV vm 388 I Eocene beds IV vm 382 Epoch of elevation IV v 350 I Ser. Vol. Page J amaica Cotti Erosion features IV v 325 Erosion features since Mio- cene period reviewed... . IV v 354 Erosion of white limestones. IV v 332 Exports and Products of (1859)... II vn 136 Faulted basins IV v 355 Foraminifera in limestone.. IV vni 383 F oraminifera in pteropod marl IV vm 384 Fossils in "Layton" series.. IV v 339 Fossils in limestone of May- pen IV vm 382 Fossilsof Lucea Bay IV v 341 Fossils of Montego Bay... . IV v 341 Globigerina and radiolarian limestone IV vm 383 Geological basement of... . IV v 330 Halioma IV vm 386 Hippurite Limestone II v 307 Hydrography of coast IV v 327 Introduction of slaves into.. Ill vn 262 Late formations and GREAT CHANGES OF LEVEL in. By J. W. Spencer. ... IV v 325 Layton Formation IV v 338 Liguanea formation IV v 344, 347 Low Layton volcano IV v 338 Maroon wars Ill vn 263 Maroons of, and Nova Scotia. By J. C. Hamilton III vn 260 Miocene fauna IV vm 381 Miocene history, older; white limestones IV v 331 Mio-pliocene history IV v 334 Modern geological history.. IV v 350 Oceanic rocks of IV vm 380 Orbulina rock IV vm 383 Pleistocene epoch of Eleva- tion . IV v 344 Pleistocene history IV v 344 Polystomela craticulata.... IV vm 383 Primary and secondary val- leys and canyons IV v 344 Pteropod marl IV vm 384 Radiolaria IV vm 386 Radiolarian rock IV vm 385 Submarine plateaus adja- cent to IV v 346 Tables of geological succes- sion and oscillations in... IV v 357 Textile plants indigenous to II i 90 Topography, general IV v 325 Terraces IV v 351 Terrestrial oscillations IV v 355 White Limestones IV v 331 James' Bay, Petroleum areas III i 230 Jameson, Mrs. R. S., Tor- onto. Autograph note II xiv 486 Recollections of II xn 167 256 JAM JER GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Jameson, R. S.,Toronto. ... II xn 166 Jamestown Weed, Toronto. I i 205 Jamin, M. J. Action of transparent and metallic be dies on reflec- tion ot light II n 468 Meteor of 14th May, 1864: reprint II ix 351 Plants and the Atmo- sphere: reprint II ix 418 Jancezewski. Anatomy of Anemone: ref. . IV vi 615 Janssens. Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Janssens and Leblanc. Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 482 Janssoen, Lawrence. Discoverer of Printing II xv 578 Janthinidae, in Canada II iv 466 Janus, same as Onam, and Ion II xiv 559 Japan. Art in II I 525 Character of people and government in 1852 54... II I 524 Description of Empire II v 87 Earthquake at Simoda, 23rd Dec., 1854 I m 355 Education in (1852-4) II 1 526 General description II v 88 Gold in II v 94 Imports II v 95 Minerals of II v 94 Narrative of Expedition of American Squadron to, in 1852-54: reviewed II I 523 Notes on. By Lawrence Oliphant: reprint II v 86 Praying machine II i 529 Religion in (1852) II I 527 Vegetable productions II v 94 Japanese. American origin of HI v 73 Coptic element in II xm 403 Eskimo similarities to Ill vi 277 Hittite forms from monu- ments compared with.... HI n 179 Japanese Literature. By Tozo Ohno: abstract... . IV n 38 Japanese current, effect on British Columbia climate and distribution of plants IV vni 36 Japheth's. Descendants and character- istics II xiv 395 Inheritance II I 5 Jarrow Church, notes on Latin Inscriptions found at II xn 112 II xiv 149 Jarvis. Eriophyes sp.: ref IV ix 301 Ser. Vol. Page Jarvis, Dr. Census returns of Massachu- setts: ref II I 245 Jaivis, Stephen, Registrar of U. Canada II xn 337 Jarvis, Wm.; Secretary, Toronto II xin 82 Jasper, red, Hudson's Bay... Ill iv 198 Java. Ancient art of, and Yucatan and Guatemalo IV vi 117 Description of II n 162 Javan. Brain capacity II xv 216 Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 228 Brain weight of II xv 201 Jays. Hamilton species II v 392 Wintering in Toronto I i 169 Jay, Canada, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 184, 191 Jeans, Edwin, bookseller and bibliographer II xiv 487 Jeflersonia, Barton, Cana- dian localities of J. diphvlla, Pers II xv 59 Jeffrey, Ed. C., B.A., Ph.D. Gametophyte of Botry- CHIUM VIRGINIANUM IV V 265 Morphology of central CYLINDER IN ANGIO- SPERMS IV vi 599 Development of young stem of Equisetacese: ref IV vi 601 Stelar system in polystelic Filicales: ret IV vi 605 Jehaleleel, son of Achuzam evidence ot II xiv 187 Jelaleddin, poem on life and death IV vi 343 Jennings, H. S. Paramecia negative to strong acids and positive to weak: ref IV vn 328 Jensen. Origin and properties of enzymes found in cheese: ref IV vn 118 Jerusalem. Ash mounds of: reprint. . . I m 264 Description of deformed fragmentary skull iound at. By J. Aitken Meigs: reviewed II iv 487 Jervois, River au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 516 Jerachmeel, genealogy and descendants II xiv 397 Jerachmeelite, Region in Palestine II xiv 419 257 JER PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE J UK Ser. Vol. Page Jerachmeel, traces of, in an- cient history II xiv 398 Jesuit, missionaries in New France IV i 94 Jewel-weed, Canadian locali- ties II xv 350 Jewish, origin of Indians dis- puted IV v 26 Jews, migrations before and after Babylonish cap- tivity IV v 26 Joachims, 1'Etang des, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 516 Johannsen. Compounds in Aleuron cell: ref IV vn 514 Theory of formation of gluten: ref IV vu 511 John's Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Johnson, Alfred S., M.A. Law of Habit Ill iv 26 Johnson, Dr. Samuel. Autograph letter asking for political pamphlets II xv 147 Character sketch of II xiv 334 Johnson, Col. Trading activities 1780 IV iv 304 Johnson, Sir John. Attempts to compel traders to deal iairly with Indians IV V 74 Complained about liquor traffic with Indians and wanted fur trade regu- lated IV m 267 Mediator between Indian tribes warring in 1786.... IV v 81 Member of commission on Indian trade at Mackinac IV iv 306 Opinions regarding the Butters IV iv 286 Johnson Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Johnstown, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Johnstown, New, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Jointed Uplands, Black River escarpment, Ont.. . IV vu 172 Joly. Atmospheric pressure during earth's formation: ref.... IV vn 543 Determination of earth's age by sodium present: ref IV vu 536 Joliet. Map of his discoveries II u 400 Jones, Augustus. Survey of Yonge St. north- wards II xiii 362 Surveyor of U. Canada.... IV i 97 Ser. Vol. Page Jones, Owen. Myvyrian MSS.: ref IV v 69 Jones, Rev. Geo. Zodiacal Light: reprint... II in 70 Jones, Rev. Griffith. Work to educate Welsh in their literature IV v 66 Jones, T. Rymer, F.R.S. Bivalve Entomostraca of Canada: ref II iv 43 On Modern discoveries by Microscope: reprint. I m 64 Jones and Orton. Solutions that destroy weeds without injuring other plants IV vii 247 Jones and Roup's. Valley of elevation Ill vn 66 Jordan. Typical number of bran- chiostegal rays of ami- urus: ref Ill II 289 Jordan and Evermann. Spawning grounds of sal- mon: ref IV ix 26 Jordan's York Hotel II xn 343 Joseph, Patriarch. On Name given by Pha- raoh to. By Capt. Ormsby: abstract I u 282 Journal de 1' Instruction Publique, 1857: review- ed II ii 282 Journal of Canadian Insti- tute. Objects of I i 123 Republication of 1st volume of I m 172 Joyce, Dr. Topographical names of Isle of Man: ref Ill u 183 Juan de Fuca, North West Passage discovered 1592? IV iv 315 Judea and Moab, ethnical identity of earliest popu- lation II xiv 165 Juglandace ae. Canadian species I m 292 II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 649 London species II vm 233 Species supporting Platy- samia Cecropia Ill iv 212 Juglans cinerea (cathar - tica?), Canadian II vi 32 J. nigra, Canadian II vi 39 Jukes, J. Beetes. Evidence of co-existence of man and Megaceros in Ireland: ref Ill I 216 258 J UK GENERAL INDEX KAM Ser. Vol. Page Jukes. Patent Furnace for Con- sumption of Smoke: re- print I ii 307 Jukes-Browne and Harrison. Radiolarian ooze indicates position of Barbados in geological times: ref IV vm 376 Julein, Julie. Note on life and work of M. l'Abbe Provancher... IV iv 237 Jumping Mouse, Canadian localities Ill vi 82 Jumping Seal, Canadian localities Ill vi 79 Juncaceae. Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species Ill u 154 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 652 London species II vm 235 Junco. Habits in Captivity IV m 96 J. hiemalis, notes on habits, etc., of Ontario specimens III vn 193 IV i 51, 57 IV in 70, 89, 92, 96, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 June. Arrival ot Birds in, in Toronto HI vu 193 June-Berry, Canadian locali- ties II xv 434 Jungermannia cordifolia, Niagara and Clinton for- mations, Canada II xiv 472 Juniolus Canadensis. Nom-de-plume of Mr. Cary, of Quebec Mercury; selec- tions from writings II xv 332 Juniper. Dene uses for IV iv 59, 130 Juniper Green Cist. Containing male skeleton of prehistoric man II vm 130 With skeleton as found (pl.) II vu 409 Juniper Virginiana, Ottawa Valley I u 115 Juniperus sabina, L Ill ii 156 Junius Discovered. By F. Griffin: reviewed II I 58 Juno, temple of, excavations at, in Argos I in 240 Jupiter. Distances and rates of differ- ent satellites of, related. . IV iv 228 Fifth satellite of IV iv 228 Jupiter and his Satel- lites. By Andrew Elvins: abstract IV iv 228 Remarks on Planetoids between Mars and. By T. Henning I in 206 Ser. Vol. Page Jupiter-Con. Satellites of. By Andrew Elvins 1: abstract IV iv 242 Satellites visible to naked eye I in 215 Some Remarks on Pro- bable Present Con- dition of Planets Jupi- ter and Saturn, in re FERENCE TO TEMPERA- TURE, ETC. By Jas. Na- smyth: abstract I I 270 Jurassic. Osmundites gibbeana in ... IV vm 529 Osmundites dunlopi in, of N. Zealand IV vm 529 Jurisprudence. Jurisprudence of Insan- ity. By D. A. O'Sullivan III v 44 Justice, administration of, provided in first Parlia- ment of U. Canada IV I 80 Juvenal. Satire XIV, 281-3; trans- lated with notes Ill iv 19 Satire XIII, V. 197; trans- lated with notes Ill i 92 Juxon, Bishop. Autograph on warrant t< pay troops II xiv 320 Kafir. Brain capacity II xv 216 Time reckoning IV v 313 Kafutake IV iv 271 Kahlenberg and True. Toxic power of sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid solutions on leaves: ref IV vn 302 Kaialigmut, territory Ill vi 265 Kaina, origin of name IV iv 249 Kaiomers, in Persia II xv 283 Kaispa IV iv 255 Kamanestigoyan, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Kamanistiquia Argentite, conditions m which occurs in, belt Ill vn 249 Badger vein Ill vu 257 Beaver vein Ill vu 258 Big Bear vein Ill vn 258 Calcite, conditions in which occurs in Ill vu 251 Caribou vein. . Ill vu 258 Fluorspar, conditions in which occurs in Ill vu 251 Galena, conditions in which occurs in Ill vn 253 Iron pyrites, conditions in which occurs in Ill vu 253 259 KA M PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE KAW Ser. Vol. Page Kamanistiquia-Con. Kamanistiquia Silver bearing Belt. By H. R. Wood HI vn 245 Little Pig vein Ill vn 257 Mountain tallow in Ill vn 251 Native lead Irom II x 406 Native Silver, conditions in which occurs in, belt Ill vn 248 Ontario vein in Ill vn 258 Peerless vein Ill vn 257 Porcupine vein Ill vn 257 Quartz, conditions in which occurs in Ill vn 253 Rabbit Mountain vein Ill vn 258 Silver Creek vein Ill vn 257 Trap rocks of, manner of for- mation. . Ill vn 247 Value as silver mining dis- trict Ill vn 258 Zinc blende, conditions in which occurs in HI vn 250 Kamalit, territory... Ill vi 266 Kamienski. Epicotyledonary central cylinder in Primula auri- cula: ref IV vi 609 Kamtchatdale, Aztec traces in Ill ii 171 Kanaka. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Skulls of II vm 156 Kane, Michael, Toronto.... II xm 258 Kane, Paul. Chinook Indians II n 11 Incidents of Travel on North-West Coast Vancouver's Island, Oregon, etc., etc.: Chi- nook Indians I in 273 Notes on Sojourn among Half Breeds, Hudson's Bay Company's Terri- tory, Red River II i 128 Notes on Travel among Walla-Walla Indians. . II i 417 Formation of icebergs in Smith's Sound II iv 182 Illustrated edition of his Arctic expedition; note on II in 367 Note regarding arrangement for publishing a book on Indian Tribes of America II in 365 Obituary. II xm 66 Wanderings of an Artist among Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver Island and Oregon through Hudson's Bay Co.'s Territory and back again: reviewed... II IV 186 Kanermeut, territory HI vi 266 Ser. Vol. Page Kangaroo. Australian aborigines tra- dition concerning II i 508 Hunting II I 261 Hunts of aborigines of Australia II I 257 Kangaroo dance II I 254 Kangmaligmut, territory... HI vi 264 Kaniagmut, territory Ill vi 265 Kanibesinnoaks, territory. . IV in 196 Kansas, Cretaceous Forma- tion of II iv 318 Kansas (Indians), original home Ill v 61 Kaolin, behaviour with water at high temperatures.... II in 205 Karrak Isbi-barra, king of.. IV v 101 Karyolytic. Products in Diemyctyli (pl.)..... IV I 265 Products in pancreas of young Amblystomata.... IV I 266 Karsten. Water passage from Cari- bean to Pacific: ref IV vin 380 Kasem-Beck and Dogiel. Heart of Esox and Acipen- ser: ref Ill n 420 Kasha, Nah'ane word for McDane Creek IV vn 519 Kaska tribe. Causes of estrangement from Thalhthan tribe.... IV vn 520 Division of Nah'ane tribe.. IV vn 519 Physique of IV vn 520 Relation to other tribes... . IV vn 519 Sub-divided into Saze oo- ti-na and Ti-tsho-ti-na... IV vn 520 Kassa Kuaranya, Abyssinia (Theodore II.) II x 52 Katabokokonk, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 517 Kataraei, or Katoorah in Arabia II xv 288 Katatropa, British Colum- bia coast, characters of Katatropa nov IV ix 129 K. greeleyi (Ritter) IV ix 130 K. uclueletensis sp. n IV ix 130 K. vancouverensis sp. n.... IV ix 130 K. yakutatensis (Ritter)... IV ix 130 Katoorah, race, Arabia II xv 287 Katz. Percentage of chlorides in muscle of vertebrates and invertebrates: ref IV vm 409 Striated muscle of dog richer in potassium than sodium IV ix 402 Kaviagmut, territory Ill vi 264 Kawagmut, territory Ill vi 264 260 KA Y GENERAL INDEX KET Ser. Vol. Page Kay, Dr. Social condition and Edu- cation of People: ref. . .. II ill 426 Kcnow and Shenbeck. Blood pressure in Asphyxia: ref IV vn 212 Keane, A. H. Original home of Turanians: ref Ill vi 282 Kearsny House, Toronto. .. II xm 268 Keefer, T. C. Notes on Anchor Ice .... II vn 173 Keejak, Chas. Tebisco, Chippewa Indian IV vi 302 Keewatin. Geological system in L. Wendigokan region IV vm 346 Indian languages in: list... Ill v 215 Rocks in L. Wendigokan region IV vm 348 Keeweenaw Pt., red sand- stones of, different forma- tions at IV vi 50 Keeweenian formation, L. Superior IV vi 49 Keinath, I. K. Fat in proximity to nuclei of muscle: ref IV vm 403 Kellet, Capt. Arctic explorations I u 112 Rescue of Capt. McClure, Melville Island I n 84 Kelly, F. M. Explorations through valley of Atrato to Pacific in search of ROUTE FOR SHIP CANAL: reprint II II 126 Kelso, J. J. Necessity of Society for Prevention of Cruelty in Toronto Ill v 142 Kelvin, Lord. Life on Globe borne by Meteorites from outside solar system: ref IV vm 424 Kemble, John Philip. Autograph II xiv 493 Kemp, Dr. Electro Magnetic Engine... I l 43 Kempenfelt's Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208, 517 Kenai. Distribution of IV iv 15 Ethnographical status IV IV 15 Kenaz of 1 Chron. IV, 13. Kenza and descendants.... II xiv 167 Traces of, in Egypt and con- nection with three lines; Pachnau, Bakkan and Akencheres II xiv 194 Ser. Vol. Page Kendall, Rev. E. K. Note on Euclid, Proposi- tion 5 Book I II in 318 Remarks on Negative Index of a function. ... II vm 273 Kendrick, family, Toronto. II xm 438 Kennedy, Geo., LL.D., K.C. Science and English Law; Presidential Address, 1904 IV vm 63 Kennedy, Wm. Central Basin of Ten- nessee: a Study in Erosion Ill vn 64 Formation of Valleys: abstract Ill vn 28 Kenrick. Head-dress of larger figure on Tablet of Cross at Palenque IV vi 116 Kenrick, Rev. J. Latin inscriptions found at York, interpreted: ref... II v 289 Kent, John. Wrote under name of Alan Fairford and Sir Minimus Pigmy, selections from writings II xv 264 Kent County, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 517 Kent's Hole Cave, near Tor- quay; relics in II in 383 Kenticott. Nahawney same as Nah'ane IV vn 517 Kentucky, Coal fields II n 217 Kentucky Coffee Tree, Can- adian localities II xv 361 Kenyon Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 63, 518 Kephalony II xv 207 Kepler. Origin of comet's tail II vm 69 Keratode of Spongiadse.... II x 360 Kerner. Cynipidse larva: ref IV ix 362 Kertch (Panticapoeum), Crimea. Researches in. By Dr. D. Macpherson:reprint. . II n 120 Notice of skull brought from. By Daniel Wilson. II v 321 Kesitce, Navajo Gambling Game IV vi 323 Ketche Sepee, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 518 Ketchum, Jesse, of Toronto. II xn 232 II xm 93, 258 Kettle River, gazetteer no tice (1813) II xiv 518 Kettles. Dene bark IV iv 125 261 KET PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE KIN Ser. Vol. Page Keturah, Ancestors and de- scendants II xv 280 Keuten. Division of nucleolus in Eug- lena viridis: ref IV vi 501 Keweenaw Peninsula. Ancient copper mines on... II i 227 Physical and geological fea- tures of, and Lake II I 225 Keweenawan Formation. L. Superior Basin Ill v 173 L. Wendigokan region .. IV vm 348, 358 Keys, David R. Bibliography of Publica- tions of Canadian In- stitute IV in 317 Khitan. Comparative table of twelve, Alphabets Ill m 168 Family IV iv 264 Family, in old and new worlds Ill n 161 Hittite same as Ill n 159 Khitan Languages; Aztec AND ITS RELATIONS. By Prof. John Campbell... . HI u 158 Some Laws of Phonetic Change in, Languages. By John Campbell Ill I 282 Tribe Ill I 283 Tribe in Mexico Ill I 285 Kiasan Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 518 Kicking Horse Pass. List of Coleoptera col- lected. By Bruce Bailey III v 213 Kidney. Amount of sodium and potassium in IV ix 401 Action of surface tension on potassium in IV ix 398 Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill u 440 Fibrine not in blood from. . II ix 179 Glomeruli action IV ix 399 Leucocytes in, of frog (pl.). IV ix 393 Potassium distribution in, oi dog, rabbit, cat, pigeon and necturus IV ix 393 Secreting area of dog's, and man's IV ix 397 Special purpose of potas- sium in IV ix 400 Kidney Bean, Canadian lo- calities II xv 360 Kidston and Gwynne-Vau- ghan. Ontogeny of Osmundaceae: ref IV vm 526 Osmundaceous siphonostele derivation: ref IV vm 526 Kieff, description of Bridge over Dnieper at I m 341 Kikhtogmut, territory Ill vi 264 Ser. Vol. Page Kilauea. Volcano of, and Hawaiian Islands. By H. Spencer Howell: abstract IV m 15 Kildonan settlement, Red River II xm 90 Kilee II i 269 Killikokin Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 519 Kinaldie skull II vm 141 Kincannup Tribe, Australian Aborigines... II I 255 Kingsbury. Transference of sperm and egg-laying season of Ple- thodon cinereus IV vm 469 King's College, London, ap- pointments in I ii 172 King Salmon IV ix 24 King, Chas., G. Y. Personal Experiences in Haiti under Pres. Legi- time: abstract IV I 14 King bird. Hamilton frequenter II vi 15 Notes on Ont. frequenters. . Ill m 99 HI vii 192, 194 King Eider, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 King Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 518 King-fishers. Generic characters II ix 233 Hamilton species II v 393 Notes on Toronto frequen- ters IV in 74 III vii 190 IV I 58 IV in 74, 80 Kinglets, notes and observa- tions on Ontario species HI vii 185, 190 IV I 58 IV m 72, 97, 190 King's Head Inn, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 210 Kingsford, R. E. Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 149 Kingsford, Wm. Canadian Canals: reviewed II x 261 Kingston, Prof. G. T. Abnormal variations of some Meteorological elements at Toronto AND THEIR RELATION TO DIRECTION OF WIND II IX 109 Mean Meteorological results at Toronto, 1857 II m 192 1858 II iv 161 1859 II v 238 1860 II vi 210 1861 II vii 97 1862 II vm 238 262 KIN GENERAL INDEX KNA Ser. Vol. Page Kingston, Prof. G. T.-Con. 1863 II ix 171 1864 II x 108 Monthly absolute values of Magnetic Elements at Toronto, 1856-64.... II x 114 Monthly absolute values of Magnetic Elements at Toronto, 1841-1868.. II xn 263 On Annual and Diurnal Distribution of differ- ent Winds at Toronto. II ix 10 On Annual distribution OF TEMPERATURE AT Toronto, 1859 68 II xn 474 On changes of Barome- tric Pressure and pres- sure of Vapour that ACCOMPANY DIFFERENT winds at Toronto II xn 303 On deducing mean Tem- perature of a Month .. II in 5 On diurnal and annual VARIATIONS OF TEMPERA- TURE AT HALIFAX II XIII 26 On EMPLOYMENT OF ELEC- TRIC TELEGRAPH FOR PRE- DICTING STORMS II II 177 On Magnetic Disturb- ances at Toronto (1856- 62) II vm 157 On relative durations of different winds during RAIN OR SNOW DERIVED from Toronto observa- tions, 1853-59 II ix 240 Plan for obtaining in- formation OF STORMS AND SENDING WARNINGS. . II II 179 Remarks on Temperature Coefficients of Mag- nets II vm 280 Report of Committee of Canadian Institute to CONFER WITH Dr. RyER- son about Meteoro- logical Observations in Grammar Schools of Ontario II m 361 Kingston. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 67, 518 In 1852 I i 33 Longitude determined II iv 457 Longitude of. By James Williamson I ill 82 Meteorological Register of, see under Meteorological Register. Kingston harbour, plan (1815): ref II xv 32 Kingston Mills, Ont., geo- logy of IV vn 147 Ser. Vol. Page Kingston-on-Thames, Eng., sewage disposal. . . IV n 146 Kingston Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 67, 519 Kinnear, Richmond Hill .... II xin 448 Kinnikinik, berry eaten by Denes IV iv 128 Kinkhpagmut, territory.... Ill vi 265 Kinsin (1858) II v 87 Kipling, Edward. Story of Stewart and Ander- son's search for Franklin expedition IV vm 399 Kirby, Rev. W. W. Trip to Yukon in 1860 II VII 340 Kirkfield, Ont., Protaster whiteavesianus sp. nov. at IV vm 372 Kirkwood, Alex. Short treatise on milk weed or silk weed and Cana- dian nettle, viewed as industrial resources: re- viewed II xi 247 Kirkwood's analogy IV vi 18 Kirschmann, Prof. A., Ph.D. Function of indirect VISION AND USE OF COL- OURED AND SMOKED EYE GLASSES IV V 305 Space and its Dimensions IV vm 315 Overcompensation of bright- ness of retinal image: ref. IV v 308 Kischensky. Fat absorbed in intestine in fine particles as emulsion. IV vm 242 Kister; Dunbar and. Comparison of gravel filtered and unfiltered milk: ref.. IV VII 486 Bacteria in centrifugal trea- ted milk: ref IV vn 487 Kit Fox, Canadian localities.. Ill vi 73 Kitley Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 519 Kittiwakes, Toronto Ill vn 190 Ki-use Girls, legend of II iv 189 Klamaths, names of seasons. IV vi 331 Klaprothine. Chemical composition Il vi 368 Crystallization system in.. . II VI 365 Measurement of angles of crystals of II vi 365 On, or Lazalite of North Carolina. By E. J. Chapman II vi 363 Klein and Kirsten. Heated milk rendered suit- able for cheese making by adding calcium chloride: ref IV vn 122 Klinger, Philip, Toronto.... II xm 256 Knagg's Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 519 263 KUK K'NA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page K'naia-kho-tana, ethno- graphical status IV iv 15 Knawel, Canadian localities. II xv 174 Knife. Ancient copper, found near Brockville, described and illustrated II i 330 Dene, various IV iv 51 Dene salmon IV iv 51 Knight, A. P. Sawdust and Fish Life. .. IV vn 425 Knight, Capt. Jas. Attempt to discover north- west passage (1719) and fate....... Ill iv 201 Expedition in search of Coppermine region, and its fate IV ix 204 Knochenstiern. Bacteria in human milk: ref. IV vii 472 Number bacteria found in milk supply of Dorpat: ref IV vn 468 Knopf. Bacteria in Munich milk: ref IV vn 468 Knowing and Being. An Examination of Prof. Ferrier's Theory of. By Geo. Paxton Young. .II i 105 Knowledge. Metaphysical definition of. . II i 107 Prof. Ferrier's view of Divine II I 109 Theory of Immediate, de- fined II ii 286 Koch. Mesenterial filaments in actinians: ref IV vi 390 Koenig, Dr. Tuning forks for vowels.... Ill < vi 183 Koenike, F. (Bremen). Revision of my "Norda- MERIKANISCHE HyDRACH- niden". Translated by E. M. Walker IV ix 281 Koh-i-noor. Diamond I I 95 Re-cutting of. By Prof. J. Tennant: reprint I m 167 Kohl, J. G. Shinguakongse family: ref. . IV vi 291 Kohler. "Resurrection Bone" legend true: ref IV ix 47 Kohlmeister and Kmoch. Legend regarding Eskimo origin: ref Ill vi 280 Kolbe. New classification of organic compounds suggested.... II vi 120 Kolliker. Clavate cells in amiurus: ref. Ill u 394 Ser. Vol. Page Kootenay Indians. Month names IV vi 332 Plant symbolism in folk lore IV Vi 331 Kootanie River, Thompson's voyages on Ill vi 149 Kopagmut, territory Ill vi 264 Koran, attitude to tobacco... II n 241 Korean. Alphabet Ill in 168 Phonetic forms in, of Etrus- can origin Ill in 148 Koriaks. Cherokee-Choctaw affinity with, in customs, features and language Ill I 180 Iroquois of, stock Ill I 186 Kornegalle, or Kurunai-galle in Ceylon II vn 351 Korschelt. Formation of Chitin: ref.. . IV I 272 Formation of chitin directly dependent on nucleus: ref. IV n 241 Koster, Lawrence. Discoverer of metal types.. I I 220 Kossel. Synthesis of protein: ref.... IV vm 431 Koz family, of Ashchurite line Kragmaliveit, territory Ill vi 266 Krasinski, Count Valerian. Obituary II I 86 Krasser. Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Krause, Dr. Aurel. Eskimo migration: ref Ill VI 274 Kravanartat, territory Ill vi 266 Krikertalormeut, territory. Ill vi 266 Kroleyloreut, territory Ill vi 266 Kromskop. Described IV vn 381 Ives' Lantern (pl.) IV vn 382 Kruse. Drepanidium ranarum not in blood of tadpole: ref... IV i 264 Krukenberg. F unctions of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 388 Pancreas of amiurus: ref... Ill u 414 Kryolite, Aluminum made from II I 192 Kuagmut, territory Ill vi 264 Kublai-Khan, attitude to- wards religion IV v 27 Kuhlman, M. Fertilizing value of nitrate of soda: ref II vi 50 On Hydraulic Limes: re- print I in 333 Kukla of Vienna. Description of new Gal- vanic Batteries inven- ted by: reprint I n 165 264 KUM GENERAL INDEX LAC Ser. Vol. Page Kumbecephalic crania, British II vin 137 Kunana, J. W. McKay's name for Nah'ane tribe.. IV vii 517 Kungmudling, territory.... Ill vi 264 Kuntzai, their make and working IV iv 87 Kupungmun, territory Ill vi 264 Kurunai-galle or, Korne- galle in Ceylon II vii 351 Kuskwogmut, territory Ill vi 265 Kustenmacher. Distinctive odor from larvae of Cynipidae: ref IV ix 365 Feeding habits of larvae of Cynipidae: ref IV ix 363 Tannin in Cynipid galls: ref. IV ix 337 Kiister. Excrement of larval Pon- tania salicis produces cell division: ref IV ix 367 Gall able to extract food from nutritive zone to assist in its growth: ref.. IV ix 370 Gall produced by Pontania salicis: ref IV ix 331 Inquiline produced galls: ref IV ix 367 Kutchin Indians. Census 1847 (about) I I 198 Identical with Loucheux... IV iv 15 Language characteristics compared with Nah'ane.. IV vn 527 Language, influence on Nah'ane IV vn 529 Myth concerning origin... . IV V 34 Tribes Ill vn 109 IV vi 78 Kutch-a-Kutchin Indians, marriage and Trading cus- toms II vn 344 Kwapas, original home Ill V 61 Kyak Aleutian II xn 485 Eskimo Ill iv 101 Kyan's patent process, of preserving timber II I 559 Kyeuse Indians. Characteristics II I 417 Customs on receipt of bad war news II I 420 Savagery of II I 422 Kygarney Indians, Census 1847 I i 197 Kymry, literature Ill v 79 Labiates. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species HI n 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 646 London species II vin 229 Ser. Vol. Page Labidomera 3-maculata, Fabr I in 326 L. trimaculata (Mels. Cat.) I in 259 Laboulbene. Cell proliferation induced by injecting into plant tissue water in which larvae were washed: ref.. IV ix 371 Labour. Land and. By W. A. Doug- las: abstract Ill n 27 Laboureau, Rev. Father. Early history of Mission of St. Anne's, Penetan- guishene: abstract. .... IV in 2 Labrador. Boulders in, due to local glacial action II ix 256 Boulders on flanks of, Table- land II ix 253 Codfisheries I n 117 E levation and depression of coastline II vn 86 Notes on discoverer of GREAT FALLS OF. By David Boyle IV n 332 Observations on supposed GLACIAL DRIFT IN-PEN- INSULA. By H. Youle Hind: reprint II ix 253 Seal fisheries I n 116 Strombidae of II iv 273 Labradorite II v 529 Labret, Dene IV iv 170 Labuai), coal deposits in. . . . II vi 480 Labyrinthodontia II v 78 La Candia, inscriptions of... IV vii 59 Lace industry, Ireland I i 270 Lacertilia II v 85 Lac Gaube (Pyienean), re- lative amounts of salts in water of IV vn 559 Lac Gerardmer (Vosges), relative amount of salts in water of IV vn 559 Lachlan, Major R. Account of Extraordi- nary Sudden fall in Waters of Niagara River I in 204 On Establishment of System of Simultaneous Meteorological Obser- vations THROUGHOUT B.N.A. provinces I n 241 On formation of canal BETWEEN LAKES St. Clair and Erie I in 303, 321 On Periodical Rise and Fall of the Lakes I n 293 265 LAC LAK PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Lachlan, Major R.-Con. Report of editing Com- mittee on Supplemen- tary Remarks of (Re- port criticized) I in 409 Supplementary remarks REGARDING ESTABLISH- MENT of Provincial System of Meteoro- logical Observations. . I in 406 Laconia, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 252 Lac, Point du, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 519 La Crux, Palenque IV vi 108 Lactarius. Habits and On- tario habitats of L. deliciosus, Fr IV ix 72 L. gerardii, Pk IV ix 72 L. piperatus Scop. Fr IV ix 71 L. theiogalus, Fr IV ix 72 L. torminosus, Fr IV ix 71 L. volemus, Fr IV ix 71 Lactic acid bacteria. Cause of ripening of cheese . IV vii 113 Coagulated casein dissolved by? IV vii 121 In Canadian Cheddar cheese IV vii 128 In cheese IV vii 112 Role in ripening cheese IV vii 115 Lactic fermentation, buty- ric acid in II vi 457 Lacteal, passage of fat into.. IV vm 252 Lacuna, in British Seas I I 109 La Dehesa, inscription IV vii 58 Ladies' Parliament........ II vn 388 Ladles, Dene IV iv 175 Ladrone Islands. Flying Proas of. By Capt. Stupart R.N Ill vn 204 Lady's Mantle, Canadian localities II xv 362 Laelaps, Irvine Ravine (Alta.) Ill v 160 Laemodipods II i 280 Lafayette Series. Comparison of Liguanea Series with Zapata of Cuba and, of N. America. IV v 349 Comparison of Layton Series with Matanzas of Cuba and, of N. America and its age IV v 342 Laflamme. High angles of dip in strata in L. St. John region Que.: ref IV vn 153 Monomyaria and Dimyaria; suggested divisions of.... II Xi 394 Lagerheim. No nucleus in Glaucocystis nostochinearum: ref. . . . IV vi 442 Ser. Vol. Page Lagomys, Canadian locali- ties of L. mimimus, Lord Ill vi 83 L. princeps, Rich Ill vi 83 Lagopus rupestris, Gmelin, Pi ince of Wales Sound.... Ill v 120 Lahoutan, Baron. Baron Lahoutan. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xm 240, 304 Parentage and position. ... II xm 304 Travels in Canada (1703). . II xm 240 Laidlaw, Geo. E. Indian remains and relics FOUND IN NEIGHBORHOOD of Balsam Lake: ab- stract IV ii 33 Huron ossuaries in Victoria County: ref IV ill 228 Laing, Dr. David. Alexander Gordon the Anti- quary: ref II xv J 22 Lake or Lakes. Anchor-ice in excavation of, basins II ix 259 Calcium relatively abundant in IV vii 556 Composition of primeval ocean inferred from that of existing lakes IV vii 556 Earthquake wave noticed on I u 278 Elevation of, in Ontario.... I m 98 Estimated size of Canadian (1813) II xiv 673 Evidence from, that potas- sium and calcium pre- dominated in pre Cam- brian seas IV vii 555 Freshwater shells from other, deposits than Iro- quois beach gravels IV vi 39 Glacial origin of Swiss Lakes II vm 86 Great Salt Lake of Utah, history of IV vii 557 Ice action on shores when breaking up IV ix 19 Ice on Canadian Lakes. By J. B. Tyrrell IV ix 13 Ice phenomena from Ob- servations on Rice Lake. By J. H. Dumble. II m 414 Lake Basin of Canada II ix 3 Lake Currents. By L. J. Clark IV n 154 IV in 275 (abstract) IV u 31 IV in 41 Lake currents off Toronto water front, and their re- lation to sewage disposal. IV n 155 Marine losses on, in 1854 I m 338 266 LAK LAK GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Lake or Lakes-Con. Magnesium present to some extent in IV vu 557 North American Lakes. By Chas. Whittlesey: re- print II in 87 On Periodical Rise and Fall of. By Major Lach- lan I ii 293 On Seiches of. By Col. J. R. Jackson I u 27 Origin of, basins II VUi 8€ Potassium exceeds sodium in lakes surrounded by pre-Cambrian rock IV vu 556 Proportional amounts of Na. K. Ca. Mg. So3. Cl. Si. and Fe. in IV vu 559 Rainfall and, levels. By R. F. Stupart IV v 121 Lake Agcssiz, shells in beaches of IV vi 40 LakeAgnano I xi 261 Lake Algonquin IV vi 57 Lake Baikal, relative amounts in salts in water. IV vn 559 Lake Ccrrigan. Lower Huronian Conglome- rate IV vm 355 Topography IV vm 343 Lake Couchiching. Limestone and Marble Quarries on Shores of . 1 u 38 Lake Erie. Area of watershed IV vm 2 Average discharge IV vm 3 Bibliography of variations in heights of water in, from 1790 to 1854, with table I n 302 Climate of district Ill I) 211 Comparative table of vari- ations in level of, from 1720 to 1854 I n 302 Contest for Command of, in 1812-13. By Lieut.- Col. Ernest Cruikshank. . IV vi 359 Early trade routes from, to Ohio .".... IV in 257 Extreme fluctuations of levels IV v 43 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 212 Islands in II xiv 673 Level of mean surface above sea level and depth IV vm 2 Levels, monthly variations in, for 1852 I n 62 Navigation difficulties after conquest IV iv 309 Origin of name II vn 504 Table of levels of, at Port Colbourne from 1850 to 1852 I ii 26 Ser. Vol. Page Lake Erie-Con. Temperature of Lake Ill n 211 Vessels built on, 1760-1776. IV iv 310 L. Geneva, relative amounts in salts in water IV vn 559 L. Huron. Agricultural capabilities of country between Thessa- Ion and Mississagui Rivers II v 464 Area of watershed IV vm 2 Austral type of plants on east coast of; list and distribution II XIV 477 Azoic 'formations on north shore II n 440 Botany of Eastern Coast of. By John Gibson and John Macoun II xiv 467, 635 Chert on north shore of.... I I 125 Climate of district Ill II 206 Conglomerate cn north shore of I J 125 Difference in copper bearing rocks of L. Superior and I I 125 Flora of sand area of east coast II xiv 473 Geological examination cf, coast between Thessalon and Mississagui Rivers in 1858 II v 462 Geology of north shore I 1 125 Greenstone on north shore.. I 1 125 Islands in II xiv 673 Level of mean surface above. sea level and depth IV vin 2 Limestone on north shore. . I I 125 Lift and distribution of boreal type of Flora on east coast II xiv 474 Origin of name II vn 505 Physical geology and clima- tology of eastern shore from Botanical point of view II xiv 467 Quartz on north shore of... I I 125 Report on exploration of. By Count de Rotter- mund. reviewed II I 446 St. Lawrence and Lake Huron and Peterborough June. Ry. Lines; Report of Engineer I I 22 Sandstone, vitreous on north shore I i 125 Slates on north shore of.... I I 125 Vessels built on, 1760-77... IV iv 311 L. Huron and L. Michigan, average discharge IV vm 3 L. Iroquois, ice dam IV vi 43 L. Manitoba, geological area II xv 17 L. Matapedia, Geology of.. II xv 383 267 LAK PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LAK Ser. Vol. Page Lake Ontario-Com. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 216 Geological area II xv 14 Geological formations be- tween Presqu' isle and village of Newcastle IV vin 11 Geology of north shore.... II xv 390 Geology of, district II xiv 582 Graphical representation of elevation of beach IV vi 31 Highest and lowest water for each year 1854-93, with rain and snowfall statement IV v 38 Islands in II xiv 673 Journal of Capt. Walter Butler on voyage along NORTH SHORE OF, FROM 8th to 16th March, 1779. By Capt. Ernest Cruikshank IV iv 279 Lake levels and deforesta- tion IV vin 5 Level of mean surface above sea level and depth IV vm 2 Levels, monthly variations in, from 1846-1852 I n 62 Limestone islands of IV vii 176 Map of, 1660: ref II n 402 Maximum flow I n 129 Nature of bottom at various depths (1872) II xm 490 Old shore lines of, basin. By G. R. Gilbert Ill vi 2 Origin of Davenport Gravel ridge II vi 250 Origin of name II vii 502 Outlets in post-tertiary times IV vi 53 Rainfall and lake levels. ... IV v 124 Rain and snowfalls 1854 to 1903 and highest and low- est water in, table IV vin 3 Rainfall deficiency in basin and high level of water in lake, cause IV v 127 Ridges and Terraces of, Basin, 1837. By Thos. Roy: reprint Ill vi 2 Sea entered basin of, at one time IV vi 41 Table of levels at Port Dal- housie, from 1851 to 1852. I ii 26 Terraces and level ridges north of IV vi 29 Terraces around II xv 405 Unusual disturbance in on Jan. 9th, 1847 (earth- quake probably) I H 62 Variations in levels of I ii 25 61, 129 Vessels built on, 1759-76... IV iv 310 Ser. Vol. Page L. Michigan. Area of watershed IV vm 2 Level of mean surface above sea level and depth IV vm 2 Levels, variations in from 1819 to 1840 I ii 62 Origin of name II vii 504 Outlet in post tertiary times IV vi 53 Vessels built on, 1760-78 .. IV iv 311 L. Michigan and L. Huron, average discharge IV vin 3 L. Nipigon, geological and physical features of region IV vm 342 L. Nipissing, general features of, district II III 325 Meteorological Observa- tions. By Alexander Murray (1854) I in 146 Origin of name II hi 485 Lake of Woods. Dykes in rocks in (pl.) Ill iv 117 Gneissic foliation and schis- tose cleavage examples with figures Ill iv 117 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 214 L. Onega, relative amounts of salts in water IV vii 559 Lake Ontario. Animals obtained in dredg- ing in 1872; list and de- scription II xm 493 Area of watershed IV vm 2 Average discharge IV vin 3 Cause of dimunition of water level in 50 years from 1854 to 1903 IV vm 5 Contributions to a Fauna Canadensis, being an Account of Animals DREDGED IN, 1872. By H. Alleyne Nicholson.... II xm 490 Currents, attempts at de- termining them IV hi 278 Drift Deposits; plan and sections along shore of Clarke tp ... IV vm 14 Extraordinary fluctuations in IV v 41 Extraordinary fluctuation on Nov. 26th, 1898...... IV vm 9 Fluctuations of. By Kivas Tully IV v 37 IV vm 1 Formed by glacial action, evidence II xv 396 Forty Mile section of Pleistocene deposits north of. By Alfred W. G. Wilson IV vm 11 Gravel terraces near Tor- onto II vi 247 Gazetteer notice, 1765 II xv 25 268 LAK GENERAL INDEX LAK Ser. Vol. Page Lake Peipus, relative amounts of salts in water IV vu 559 L. St. Clair. Area of watershed IV vm 2 L. St. Clair and L. Erie. Formation of Canal be- tween. By Major R. Lachlan I m 303, 321 L. St. John Valley. Beatricea undulata in II iv 271 Halysites catenulatus in.... II iv 271 Exploration of, in 1857. ... II iv 271 Lake Simcoe. Gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 208,374 Steamboat on, 1832 II xm 574 L. Superior. Amygdaloidal trap of I i 125 Ancient Inhabitants in basin of I in 157 Ancient Miners of. By Charles Whittlesey I i 106,132 Ancient Miners of. By Daniel Wilson II i 225 Anthracite in, districts II x 410 Area of watershed IV vm 2 Argillaceous sandstone of.. I i 125 Average discharge IV vm 2 Aztecs mined copper on shore of; reason for belief. I i 132 Barytine in, districts II x 409 Broad Outlines of Geo- logy of Northwest of. By Arthur Harvey Ill vu 218 Calciferous strata of II vm 194 Cambro-Silurian of IV vi 50 Chert of I i 125 Conglomerates of I i 125 Copper of II i 553 Copper lodes of I i 125 Difference in copper-bearing rocks of L. Huron and... I i 125 Drainage system IV vi 47 Drift IV vi 60 Effect on north shore flora.. IV vm 33 Elevation of terraces of.... IV vi 56 Eruptive traps of Ill vu 222 Exploration of country be- tween, and Red River, 1858...... II iv 91 Fluorspar in, districts II x 410 Galena in, district II x 408 Geological History of. By Dr. Robert Bell IV vi 45 Geology of I i 125 Glacial action in IV vi 60 Granite country of HI vu 224 Greenstone trap of I i 125 Igneous rocks of IV vi 50 Iron ore deposits on south and northwest shores of.. IV n 301 Level of mean surface above sea level and depth IV vm 2 Ser. Vol. Page L. Superior-Con. Limestone of I i 125 Lowest fossil bearing rocks in, district II vi 45 Marcasite in, districts II x 408 Marine shells from IV vi 41 Micaceous and hornblendic gneiss on north shore of.. I i 125 Mining projects and opera- tions about 1770 IV in 263 Molybdemite, in districts. . II x 409 Nativecopper in, district... II i 449 Native Lead from Dog Lake of Kaministiqua II x 406 Natural and geological fea- tures of southern shore.. . II i 345 On some minerals from. By E. J. Chapman II x 406 Origin Ill vn 219 IV vi 51 Origin of basin IV vi 48 Origin of name II vu 505 Outlet in preglacial times... IV vi 53 Pictured Rocks on II i 347 Rainfall and lake levels.... IV v 124 Reddish granite of I i 125 Report on exploration of. By Count de Rottermund: reviewed II i 446 Rocks I i 125 Sail Rock of II i 351 Salts in water, proportional amounts in IV vu 559 Sandstone of I i 125 Sandstones, red IV vi 50 Slates of I i 125 Soil on U.S. side of I u 101 Southern Shores of. By Daniel Wilson II i 344 Syenite of I I 125 Tilting of shores IV vi 57 Trap rocks of Ill vu 245 Upper copper bearing rocks of II xiv 587 Volcanic in pre-Cambro- Silurian period IV vi 50 Volcanic overthrow of I I 125 L. Temiscamang. Slate conglomerates, etc., in Azoic rock II ii 440 L. Tschaldyr (Armenian Highlands), relative amounts of salts in water. IV vn 559 L. Warren IV vi 57 L. Wawaug, Huronian ar- kose of IV viii 358 L. Wendigokan Region, Amygdaloidal rocks IV viii 349 Arkoses IV viii 350 Banded slates IV viii 350 Basic eruptive IV viii 358 Carbonate schists IV viii 351 269 LAK PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LAN Ser. Vol. Page L. Wendigokan Region-Con. Classification of rocks in region IV vm 348 Distribution of iron ranges. IV vm 354 Geographical position and extent IV vm 341 Geology of, region. By Elwood S. Moore IV vm 341 Glacier action IV vm 360 Green schists IV vm 351 Greenstones IV vm 348 Historical geology sketch... IV vm 345 Iron ranges IV vm 352 Keweenawan formation.... IV vm 358 Lower Huronian conglo- merate.... IV vm 355 Magnetite IV vm 352 Pleistocene Period IV vm 360 Porphyrite IV vm 349 Pyrite IV vm 349 Quartz-diorites IV vm 350 Sand plains formed by glacial action IV vm 361 L. Winnipeg, surface geology of valley of II v 187 L. Winnipegosis, ice pheno- mena on IV ix 20 L. Zurich, relative amounts of salts in water IV vn 559 Lakes, Great. Area of water surface, water- shed and basin IV vm 2 Bibliography of fluctuations in levels of , I II 294 Bibliography of variations in heights of waters in, from 1790 to 1854 with tables I ii 302 Changes in elevation of nu- merous well marked beaches IV vi 55 Changes in the level of: reprint . I in 43 Geological features of, in their formation I ill 2 Glacial origin of II vm 86 Influence on Climate Ill n 195 In post-tertiary times IV vi 52 Levels of mean surface above sea level and depth IV vm 2 Maximum and minimum levels of, cause and peri- odicy I n 129 Navigation of, 1760-1782. . . IV iv 309 Origin of basins of IV vi 45 Proposal for daily register of levels of I n 244 Rivers of preglacial times traced in IV vi 47 Wind effect on level of I n 301 Variations in the Level of the Lakes I n 25, 61, 129 Ser. Vol. Page Lamellibranchiata. Asiphonida and Siphonida, suggested leading divi- sions of II xi 394 Canadian II IV 273 Canadian genera I VH 115 Characters II vn 115 Classification of II xi 394 Integropallialia and Sinu- pallialia; suggested di- vision of II xi 395 Ontario species II Vi 353 II xiv 134 Orders and families in II xi 396 Lamiae, Latin Inscriptions to II x 104 Laminarian Zone, in British Seas I i 109 Laminated Clay and Sand, Interglacial, Scarboro' Cliff II xv 402 Laming's patent, for purify- ing coal gas I i 29 Lamorandiere, F. Reminiscences of J. B. Assi- kinack IV Vi 301 Lampyridse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill V 214 Lancaster Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 63, 519 Lances, known to pre-historic Carrier Indians IV IV 149 Lanchester, notes on Latin Inscriptions found at... . II VI 230 Lacerta agilis, Nissl granules not always in IV vi 426 Lane, W. B. Spatial thresholds of Colours and their de- pendency on contrast. . IV v 225 Land. Elevation of, in Human Period: reprint I m 244 Land and Labour. By W. A. Douglas: abstract.... HI n 27 Mauvais Terres in U.S I n 45 Landa, Bishop. Circumcision among Maya- Quiche: ref IV vi 212 Hieroglyphics of Palenque tablet: ref IV vi 120 Maya's Pacumchac: ref. . . IV vi 117 Landguard, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 213, 519 Landing, West, gazetteer notice (1813) 11 xiv 519 Landmark, W. Four objections to sawdust in river on Propagation of Food Fishes: ref IV vn 428 Landsdown Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 65, 519 270 LAN GENERAL INDEX LAN Ser. Vol. Page Landscapes. Photographic landscapes on paper: reprint I I 141 Lang. Polynesia and Guiana lan- guages: ref HI v 68 Tracheides: ref IV v 281 Lang, W. R. Chemical Industries of Canada IV vm 151 Langer, C. Abductor obliquus pollicis in orang: ref IV VI 548 Cause of short neck in anthropoids: ref IV vi 511 Fingers of orang dispro- portionately short com- pared with palm, cause: ref IV vi 521 Flexor accessorius in orang: ref IV vi 571 Flexor longus pollicis in orang: ref IV vi 539 Long head of biceps in orang: ref IV vi 561 Pronator radii teres in orang: ref IV vi 536 Resemblances of ape's foot to human hand: ref IV vi 591 Quadratus femoris in orang: ref IV vi 550 Scansorius in orang IV vi 557 Short muscles of thenar and hypo-thenar eminences are interossei: ref IV vi 549 Tendon in connection with abductor hallucis in orang: ref IV vi 572 Langerie-Basse, bones, arms and implements found at. II ix 265 Langley. Glands of oesophagus of frog: ref HI n 401 Langley and Sewall. Peptic cells in Gasteropodus trispinatus: ref Ill n 401 Langton, John, M.A., M.P.P. Census of 1861 (Canada): reprint II x 1 Early discoveries of French in North America II ii 393 On a Small Capillary WA.VE NOT HITHERTO DE- SCRIBED II ii 96 Importance of Scientific Studies to Practical Men. I n 201 Langton, Thos., M.A. Partial list of Canadian Fungi IV ix 69 Ser. Vol. Page Language. Affiliation of Algonquin Languages. By John Campbell Ill i 15 Algonkin, and grammar.... Ill vi 122 Basis of classification II xm 283 Blackfoot Language. By Rev. John Maclean IV v 128 Blackfoot, characteristics.. IV vi 283 Carrier subdivisions, differ- ences IV iv 27 Changes produced by con- quest Ill vi 105 Changes produced by mi- gration .... Ill vi 107 Changes produced by migra- tions to uninhabited Is- lands (Polynesia) Ill vi 107 Children's capacity for in- venting new forms and words Ill vi 112 Cree, characteristics IV vi 283 Dene and Tungus IV v 204 Dene Language. By Rev. Father Morice IV i 170 Dene, expressiveness IV vi 283 Development of. By Horatio Hale. Ill vi 92 Dialects of America II n 414 Etruscan, with examples.. . I n 276 Grammar indicates its growth IV vi 282 Growth Ill v 167 Growth of written Ill v 92 Havelocque's theory of. . . . Ill v 165 Influences affecting IV vi 281 Iroquois, and grammar. . . . Ill vi 125 Kind of, used by primitive man II xv 516 Language and Religion. By Rev. John Maclean . . IV vi 273 Man's chief characteristic. . IV iv 21 Mohawk, characteristics. . . IV vi 283 Motive of primitive, makers II xv 515 Nah'ane tribe's character- istic sounds IV vii 527 Nah'ane tribe's IV vii 525 Odahwah Indian II v 182 Old Italian I n 274 Old Roman I ii 277 Origin of II xv 511 Peculiarities and exter- nal RELATIONS OF GAE- LIC. By David Spence.. . Ill vi 238 Practical efficiency of tonal distinctions II xi 89 Relationship of Ameri- can. By A. F. Chamber- lain . Ill v 57 Sabello-Oscan, with ex- amples . . I ii 276 Sahaptin, characteristics. . . IV VI 283 271 LAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LAT Ser. Vol. Page Language--Com. Sahaptin or Nezperces, and grammar Ill vi 114 Study of. By Chas. Hill Tout HI v 165 Theories regarding forma- tion and growth Ill vi 94 Three great classes IV vi 282 Umbrian, with examples. .. In 275 Variations of meaning in different words derived from same root or differ- ent root identical in meaning in primitive... . II xv 518 Variations of meaning in roots identical in sound in primitive II xv 517 Variations of meaning in same word in primitive .. II xv 519 Various roots or words ex- pressing same idea in primitive II xv 520 Langue D'OC. Notes on. By Arthur Har- vey IV ii 176 People speaking, described. IV n 183 Poems in IV u 197 Lanius, Hamilton species.... II v 392 L. borealis. Notes on Ontario frequen- ters HI vii 196, 198, 201 IV i 44, 51, 59, 60 IV m 70, 91, 92, 99, 105 Winters at Toronto I I 169 III vii 182, 184 IV i 59 Lankester, E. On Food: reviewed II vii 358 Uses of Animals in relation to Industry of Man: re- viewed II vii 358 Lanoye, M. de. On Rameses the Great II xiii 42 Lanthanin of Heidenhaim IV vi 410 Lapidarium Septentrionale. Comments on inscription n. 446 HI I 77 Comments on n. 943 Ill I 79 Lapidarium Septentrio- nale; nos. 942, 943, 864, 51, 150, 140, 270, 537, 551, 576, 906, 907, 725: reviewed II XIV 543 Lapland Bunting, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Lapland Longspur, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Lapp. Cranial capacity (large).... II XV 216 Laq'uyip, branch of Nah'ane tribe IV vii 521 Larrea, transverse chorisis in. II x 384 Ser. Vol. Page Larix americana, Canadian. II vx 39 Lark. Hamilton species II v 391 Notes on Ontario species... Ill in 99 III vii 189, 190, 191 IV i 58 IV m 62, 64, 69, 79, 81, 106, 107 Lark Bunting, Hamilton species II v 391 Lark, Shore. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 89 Prince of Wales Sound HI v 119 Larkspur, Canadian locali- ties II xv 57 Lartet, M. E. Antiquity of man II vi 376 On Co-Existence of Man WITH CERTAIN EXTINCT QUADRUPEDS PROVED BY FOSSIL BONES (FROM VARI- OUS Pleistocene de- posits) BEARING INCIS- SIONS MADE BY SHARP instruments: reprint. . . II vi 368 Lartet and Christy. Observations relative to EXISTENCE OF MAN IN centre of France when REINDEER AND OTHER ANIMALS NOW EXTINCT THERE existed: reprint. II ix 262 Lar us. Hamilton species II v 395 Observations on Ontario species HI vii 188, 190, 198 IV i 41 IV in 76, 85, 89, 90, 98 L. argentatus, Brunnich, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 122 Larvae. Feeding habits of, of gall producers IV ix 361 Infusoria, Larvae of Intes- tinal Worms I i 18 Laryngeal pouches. Chimpanzee, gorilla, orang and other anthropoids. . . IV vi 514 Anthropoids IV vi 513 La Salle. Expedition of; map II n 401 Lasioptera corni, Felt, hosts and anatomy (pl.) IV ix 323 L. impatientifolia, Felt, hosts and anatomy (pl.).. IV ix 323 Lat Alphabet. Discovery of meaning of. .. IV iv 262 Hittite IV iv 265 Lat inscriptions. In old Turanian syllabary.. Ill in 150 Siberian characters and.... IV iv 264 Latent Heat, vapours under various conditions. 'I n 135 272 LAT LAT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Latham, Dr. Celtic races: ref I n 248 "Varieties of Man": ref... II v 323 Lathrobium puncticollis, Kirb, Canadian II I 35 Lathyrus, L., Canadian localities of L. maritimus, Bigelow II xv 359 L. ochroleucus, Hook II xv 359 L. palustris, L II xv 360 L. venosus, Muhl II xv 359 HI ii 156 Latin. Anomaly in use of tenses of subjunctive in, in con- ditional propositions ex- plained.... II xiv 51 Beavers mentioned in, liter- ature II iv 360 Cicero I, Catil. C, VI cor- rectly interpreted II xm 427 Cicero, De Legibus II, XXV 62, 63: interpieted HI i 90 Coptic article in: examples. II xm 413 Critical notes; chiefly on De Legibus of Ci- cero. By W. D. Pear- man II xiv 503 Gender. IV vi 63, 67 Horace, Epistle 1,1, lines 13- 19: explained HI iv 20 Juvenal, Sat. XIV, 281-3, explained Ill iv 19 Juvenal, Satire XIII, V, 197: interpreted HI I 92 Lucretius II: 284-293, ex- plained HI iv 22 Luscinia, derivation of HI i 93 Livy B IX, cp. 16: trans- lated Ill I 161 Lucan, Pharsal III, V 536: translated Ill I 169 Lucretius V 753, correct in- terpretation II xm 427 Mythology II xm 156 Old Roman Language with examples I n 277 On, Pronunciation. By Jas. Loudon II xn 460 Philology of I ii 274 Propertius V, IX, 5, interpre- ted Ill I 92 Tacitus, Hist. 1, 71, ex- plained II xiv 53 Translation of examples of Umbrian Inscriptions... . I ii 275 Virgil, Georgies B HI, V. 348: interpreted HI I 91 Latin Inscriptions. Inscriptiones Britannia Latin>e: review II xiv 145 Ser. Vol. Page Latin Inscriptions-Con. Notes on Latin Inscrip- tions found in Britain. By Rev. John McCaul... II in 7, 220 II iv 173, 349 II v 283, 483 II vi 230, 395 II vn 28 II ix 217 II x 95, 303 II xii 108 Notes (Dr. McCaul's) on Inscriptions on Altars, grave stones, etc., found at Aesica (Gt. Chesters) II x 105 Ardoch, Scot II v 483 Bath II v 484 II vi 395, 401 II x 106 Benwell (Northum- berland) II iv 177 Birdoswald (Ambog- lanna) II XIV 150 Birrens (Blatum Bul- gium) II in 11,220 II xiv 150 Caerleon II vn 464 II ix 222 II xiv 154 Bremenium (High Rochester) II vi 242 II xii 123 II xiv 550 Caernarvon II v 292 Caervoran II x 311 Caerwent II vi 245 Carvoran II xii 114 II xiv 154 Carvoran, Magna... II ix 218 Chester II v 284 Chesterholm II xn 115 Cilurum II xiv 544 Combe Down near Bath II in 223 Corbridge (North- umberland) II iv 175 Gt. Chester, bearing titles Parthici and Medici II xiv 154 Hexham II ix 217 II xiv 148 Jarrow II xn 113 II xiv 149 Ilkley II vi 234 Lanchester II vi 230 Lincoln II V 287 II vi 236 Lydney II v 494 Maryport (Olena- cum) II in 11 273 LAT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LAU Ser. Vol. Page Latin Inscriptions-Con. Netherby II xu 131 Netherhall, Cumber- land II vi 397 Northumberland.... II v 283 Old Penrith II x 97 Papcastle II xu 130 II xiv 552 Piercebridge, begin- ning with D.M. II x 96 II xiv 147 Plumpton Wall.... . II xiv 153 Risingham (Habitan- cum) II iv 354 II ix 224 II x 102, 104, 314 II xu 125 II xiv 155 Roman Wall II ix 221 II xu 108, 118 Translation of words D. M. in II xiv 147 Syria-"ANN XII, P.C." Ill i 85 Vindolana (Chester- holm) II x 98 Whitechapel, London II v 291 Wroxeter II iv 349 York II ii 446 II iv 173 II v 288 II vi 235 II ix 219 Latin Inscriptions, notes (Dr. McCaul's) on Archaeologia Ailiana II v 485 C. Salvius Liberalis, Gover- nor of Britain according to, found at Urbisaglia... II x 309 Constructions used in, on pigs of lead found in Britain II vn 28 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, Ad. n. 914. Ill i 77 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, pp. 132, 133.... Ill I 79 Ephemeris Epigraphica, 1877, Vol. Ill, pp. 161, 163,203,204, six examples of "spectavit" Ill I 81 Gunston's articles of Roman Period were not found in London: evidence II v 489 Inscriptiones Britanniae La- tinae n. 97 II xiv 153 Lapidarium Septentrionale n. 446 Ill I 77 Letters " D.M." II x 95 Metallurgic relics found in Britain II vi 410 Ser. Vol. Page Latin Inscriptions, notes (Dr. McCaul's) on-Con. Pig of lead found at Cartha- gena, Spain II vi 246 Pigs of lead found in Britain II vil 28 Roman Governorsof Britain during second, third and fourth centuries deter- mined from II x 310 Roman Medicine stamp at Bath II in 8 Sepulchral designations in Britain ...... 11 v 489 Tabula honestae Missionis found at Malpas (Ches- hire) in 1812 II iv 179 To God Nodous, Nodeus or Nudeus II v 492 To god Vetires or Vitires ... II x 99 To Lamiae II x 104 To various governors of Britain whose title is doubtful II x 323 Latin Inscriptions, notes on, giving Legate in Britain of Emperor Carcalla II x 315 Elagabalus II x 317 Gallienus II x 321 Gordian II x 320 Maximinus II x 319 Severus II x 319 Latissimo-condyloideus, orang IV vi 525 Latissimus dorsi, orang.... IV vi 525 La Tranche, gazetteer notice II xiv 520 Lauracese. Canadian species I m 292 11 xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 648 London species II vm 232 Laurent, A. Chemical Method, Notation Classification and No- menclature : reviewed.... II I 295 Theory of substitution II I 297 Laurentian, Laurentian Formation, etc. Agricultural capabilities of, in Canada II vm 122 Anorthosites of II vm 115 Area of, in Canada II vm 121 Canada II vm 113 II ix 1 Characteristics and extent in Canada II II 442 Characteristics of II VIII 113 Composition of, and distri- bution of I ill 97 274 LA U LA Y GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Laurentian, Laurentian Formation, etc.-Con. Division of Azoic rocks of Canada into Huron- ian AND. By Sir Wm. Logan. II ii 439 Economic materials of, in Canada II vm 119 Economic value of materials in..... I hi 97 Gneiss ridges in limestone band of, rocks II m 3 Gneissoid strata of II vm 115 Hastings Co., Ont II v 470 Iron ores of II vm 115 L. Ontario II xv 390 Laurentian geological dis- trict II xv 16 Laurentian region of Ontario. By Wm. Hous- ton: abstract IV iv 241 Limestone band in, rocks of Canada: traced II in 1 Limestones of II vm 115 Location and description of, in Canada II m 321 Mineral characters of II vm 114 Mosses on II xiv 472 Nova Scotia II xv 109 On Probable Subdivision of, Rocks of Canada. By Sir Wm. E. Logan.... II hi 1 Ontario (Northern) II xiv 586 Origin in L. Wendigokan region IV vm 346 Quartzite bands accompany Limestone bands of, in Ontario II m 4 Quartzites of II vm 115 Quebec II xv 93 Region of St. Lawrence.... I Hi 97 Relative Dates of Vari- ous Intrusive Rocks Cutting, Series in Can- ada. By Sir W. E. Logan II m 107 Strata at Fort Hill, Ont.... IV vn 149 Structure of, in Canada.... II vm 118 Syenite intrusion in lime- stone band of II in 2 Theory of origin of Ill iv 123 Laurentide. Geology of I in 255 Laurentide geological dis- trict of Quebec II xv 92 Lauzon or Lauzun. Division of Quebec group of rocks II xv 382 Formation in Quebec II xv 99 Lava. Aquatic plants at end of, currents of Mount Eden. II n 360 Canadian II vi 427 Ser. Vol. Page Lava-Con. Character of N. Zealand Lava II ii 361 Characteristics of II vi 427 Lavega, in tertiary times. ... IV vm 377 Lavoisier. Conditions under which ani- mals can live as regards supply of air: ref IV ix 269 Law. Codification of. By T. B. Browning: abstract IV i 12, 36 Codification of, with re- ference to Contracts. By T. B. Browning: ab- stract IV ii 28 Difficulties of codifying English Law IV vm 66 In regard to diseased people or insane, etc IV vm 69 In regard to drunkards IV vm 70 Law of habit. By Alfred S. Johnson Ill iv 26 Science and English Law. By Geo. Kennedy; Presi- dential Address IV vm 63 Weak points in English, criminal IV vm 68 Lawson, A. C. Diabase Dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 173 Some sic Foliation and Schis- tose Cleavage in Dykes AND THEIR BEARING UPON PROBLEM OF ORIGIN OF Archaean Rocks Ill iv 115 Elevation of terraces on north shore of L. Superior: ref IV vi 56 Thickness of Huronian sedi- mentary deposits: ref.... IV vii 536 Lawson, Geo. Distinctive Characters of Canadian Spruces. .. Ill vi 169 Synopsis of Canadian Ferns and Filicoid Plants: re- viewed II ix 348 Lawes and Gilbert. Chlorides in Atmosphere: ref IV vii 335 Gases affecting foliage in- juriously: ref IV vn 246 Lawrie,rLieut.-Col. In chloroform poisoning res- piration stops first: ref IV vn 199 Layton, Epoch. Erosion features before and after, in Jamaica IV V 346 275 LA Y PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LEA Ser. Vol. Page Layton Series. Comparison of, with Matan- zas of Cuba and Lafayette of N. America and its age IV v 342 Fossils of, Jamaica IV v 339 Jamaica IV v 338 Lazulite Additional Note on Crys- tals of, described in July Number of Jour- nal, p. 363 II vi 455 Chemical composition of. . . II vi 368 Crystallization system in... II vi 364 Measurement of angles of crystals of II vi 365 On Klaprothine or, of North Carolina. By E. J. Chapman II vi 363 Lea. Human footprints in solid limestone: reprint I i 95 Lead Amount in silver coins II vi 301 Ancient method of refining. II vn 31 Detection of, in presence of Bismuth, by blow-pipe. . . II x 347 Deposits and production in Canada up to 1905 IV vm 159 Lead bearing rocks in United States I in 35 Lead nitrate reduced by sul- phur I i 115 Mines of Ireland I i 267 Native, occurrence in Amer- ica II x 406 Native, from near Dog Lake of Kaministiquia, L. Superior II x 406 Nova Scotia I i 241 Ore, Canadian II vm 120 Ores found in New York... I i 37 Ore, in Ottawa Valley I u 114 Production in Britain, 1860. II vii 148 Reduced by phosphorus.... I i 115 Relations of, to air and water: reprint I in 264 Separation of, from Sil- ver: reprint I in 221 Silver extracted from I i 104 Sugar of lead refuse I n 257 Lead alloys in blowpipe with Bismuth II xv 258 Copper II xv 258 Gold II xv 257 Platinum II xv 257 Silver II xv 257 Thallium II xv 258 Tin II xv 258 Lead pencil, manufacture.. . I i 104 Leaden object, in mound in Otonabee Tp., Ont IV ix 8 Ser. Vol. Tage Leather. Application of chemical science to manufacture of I I 136 Manufacture in Canada. .. . IV vm 163 Manufacture of I i 136 Leathes, J. B., M.A., F.R.S. Chemical interpretation OF VITAL PHENOMENA .... IV IX 269 Leaves, foliage. Absorb water through sur- face of petiole IV vii 252 Absorption of water by; expts IV vn 248 Basal cells of hairs on, best fitted for absorption of water IV vn 316 Bordeaux mixture absorbed by IV vn 317 Bordeaux mixture's effect on. . IV vn 246 Capability to absorb water in one surface and trans- mit to other: expt IV vn 252 Corrugations and hairs over veins aid in shedding water-, expt IV vn 256 Dew drops remaining late in morning on, are acid IV vn 260 Do plants when growing ab- sorb through leaves any alkali which is applied to surfaces IV vn 325 Does distilled water become alkaline when placed on leaves or plants IV vn 263 Effects of nutrient solution and of distilled water upon: expt IV vii 269 Effects of water on: biblio- graphy IV vn 347 Effect of solution applied to leaf surface IV vii 30S Effect of spraying with caustic solutions IV vn 325 Effects of strong solutions applied to cut ends of petioles of: expts IV vn 292 Experiments to test water absorption by detached leaves IV vn 249 Experiments to test whether nutrient solution can sup- port plant's life by apply- ing it in spray IV vn 271 Guttation drops on, analysis of IV vn 261 Immersed in distilled water lose weight IV vn 259 Incrustations on; functions. IV vn 262 Incrustations on certain, cause and function of. ... IV vn 257 276 LEG LEA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Leaves, foliage-Con. Incrustations on, chemical composition IV vn 258 Incrustations on, of desert plants IV vn 261 Investigation into EFFECTS OF WATER AND AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF COMMON INORGANIC SUB- STANCES ON FOLIAGE LEAVES. By Jas. B. Dan- deno IV vu 237 Lithium ascends in, as fast as water? IV vu 304 Reaction of distilled water after placed on: expt. ... IV vu 266 Solutions applied to leaf sur- face in drop, forms ring of crystals: explanation.... IV vn 310 Some salts kill, by osmotic action IV vn 302 Specific gravity apparatus to find density of solutions in tests on (pi.) IV vn 239 Toxic power of acids on.... IV vn 302 Water absorption by; his- torical resume IV vn 241 Lebertia IV ix 281 L. setosa Koen n. sp. Full description of female (pl.) IV ix 294 Syn. L. tau-insignita Koe- nike IV ix 294 L. tyrrelli Koen n. sp. Full description (pl.) IV ix 290 Syn. L. tau-insignita Koe- nike IV ix 290 L. wolcotti Koen n. sp. Full description (pl.) IV ix 292 Syn L. tau-insignita Koe- nike IV ix 292 Lebia vittata, Fabr, Mels. Cat I in 256 Leblanc, Janssens and. Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 482 Lechea, L. Canadian locali- ties of L. major, Michx II xv 167 L. minor, Lamarck II xv 167 L. thymifolia, Pursh II xv 167 Leclerc du Sablon. Earlier stages in develop- ment of stem of Pteris aquilma: ref IV VI 604 Seedlings of Osmunda re- galis: ref IV viii 515 Lectures. Extracts from Exhibition Lectures I i 135, 158 Leda Clay, fossils found in (pl.) II viii 455 • Ser. Vol. Page Ledyard iron mine (Ont.).. Ill i 262 Lee, Dr. Of Indian Dept II xn 153 Lee, John Ed. Illustrated Catalogue of Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon: reviewed II vn 463 Lee, Richard, F. A. S. L. Native Tribes of Poly- nesia II xn 443 Lee, Prof. Samuel. Autograph note on Temple. II xv 544 Leech. Dr. Williams (Swansea) on anatomy of II i 27 Land, of Ceylon II vn 356 Notes on Some points in Anatomy of. By Jas. Bovell (pl.) II i 27 Respiratory system II i 27 Sexual organs of II i 27 Leeds County, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 520 Leeds Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 65, 520 Leeward Islands, Exports and Products of (1859)... II vn 142 Lefroy, Gen. Sir John, K.C.M., G.F.R.S. Biography of. By His Son. IV n 1 On probable number of native Indian popula- tion of British America I i 193 Presidential Address, 1853 I i 121 Remarks on Thermome- tric Registers I i 29,75 Aims and objects of Cana- dian Institute IV vi 11 Canadian Institute's address to, on his departure IV VI 21 Obituary IV I 35 Left-handedness. Among Benjamites Ill in 127 Among Egyptians II xm 221 In primaeval times Ill in 126 Hereditary transmission of. II xm 228 Left-handedness. By Daniel Wilson II xv 465 Theory as to cause II xv 474 Legend. Algic Legends: Famous Algonquins. By Jas. Cleland Hamilton IV vi 285 Ki-use girls II iv 189 Legend of "Resurrec- tion Bone". By J. Play- fair McMurrich IV ix 45 Loon and Old Man (Denes). IV IV 171 "Lynx and the Woman" (Denes) IV iv 108 277 LEG PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LEP Ser. Vol. Page Legend-Con. "NSySRhwolluz and the Gambler" (Den&s) IV iv 216 Legendre. Examination of, Proof of Properties of parallel lines. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II i 519 His Proof of Euclid's twelfth axiom not true II v 341 Legion. Nom-de-plume of Robert Baldwin Sullivan; selec- tions from his writings... II xv 342 Legislation. Roman laws influenced by Christianity in protecting children IV n 163 Some effects of Christi- anity on. By Hon. Wm. Proudfoot IV n 25, 159 Legouis. Pancreas of Amiur us: ref.. Ill u 413 Leguminoseae. Barrie species.._ II xv 47 Canadian species with lo- calities II xiv 293 II xv 355 Hamilton species Ill ii 147 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 639 London species II vm 223 Leibnitzian Maxim, on foun- dation of Logic II x 166 Leighton. Milk supply of Montclair, N.J., examined for bac- teria IV vii 469 Leiorhynchus II vi 188 Leiotrichi division, of man- kind ........ 111 11 8 Leipzig, amount of Filth in its milk supply IV vii 467 Leitgeb. Completoria complens in prothallia of ferns: ref. .. IV v 275 Lejean, Guillaume. Theodore II and new empire of Abyssinia: reprint IIx 46, 138, 204 Lerna trilineata, Oliv (Mels. Cat.) I in 258, 326 Lemming. Canadian species and habi- tats. Ill vi 81 Migrations IV in 181 Lemming, Hudson's Bay, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 116 Lemnaceae. Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill u 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 650 London species II vm 234 Ser. Vol. Page Lemurs. Flexor longus pollicis in IV vi 539 Structural differences separ- ating them from apes and monkeys II ix 160 Lenhossek, M. Eosinophilous substance in nerve cells similar to Lanthanin of Heidehnain: ref IV vi 410 Fixing agent for nerve cells: ref IV vi 407 Nature of nucleolus: ref. . . IV vi 416 Nerve cell does not contain true nuclein or chromatin: ref IV vi 417 Nucleolus attachment to nu- clear frame work: ref.... IV vi 412 Lenni Lenape IV vi 286 Lennox. Fossil sharks of Devon- ian: abstract Ill ill 120 Lenormant. On iron in Africa: ref IV iv 137 Lenormant and Chevalier. Egyptian empire in eigh- teenth dynasty: ref II xm 38 Lenox, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 520 Lenox County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 305, 520 Lenses. Discovery of I i 220 Geometrical methods CHIEFLY IN THEORY OF THICK LENSES. By Prof. J. Loudon Ill m 7 Lentibulacese. Barrie species. II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species Ill n 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 645 London species. II vm 229 Lentinus. Habits and On- tario habitats of L. lecomtei, Fr IV ix 72 L. lepideus, Fr IV ix 72 Lenzites. Habits and On- tario habitats of L. betulina, Fr IV ix 73 L. saepiaria, Fr IV ix 73 Leontini, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute.... II ix 230 Leopard, of Ceylon II vn 350 Leopold Von Buch. Theory of origin of hail.... II vm 36 Lepadocrinites gebhardii... In 215 Lepidodendron, lower coal measures, Nova Scotia... II v 307 L. gaspeanum II iv 317 278 LEP LES GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Lepidoptera. Cytology of galls of IV ix 358 Descriptions of some species of Nocturnal, found in Canada. By « Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune. II vm 1 Feeding habits of larvae of. . IV ix 361 Galls and larval develop- ment IV ix 315 List of Diurnal, collect- ed in N.W.T. and Roc- kies, 1883 Ill ii 239 Nocturnal, found in Can- ada. By Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune II x 247 Species IV ix 309 Parthenogenesis among.... II vn 127 Lepiota. Habits and On- tario habitats of L. gracilenta, Krombh IV ix 69 L. naucinoides, Pk IV ix 69 L. naucina, Fr IV ix 69 L. procera, Scop IV ix 69 Lepidium, L. Canadian lo- calities of L. campestre, L II xv 164 L. intermedium, Gray II xv 164 L. ruderale, L II xv 164 L. virginicum, L II xv 164 Lepidosteus. Alimentary canal in Ill in 272 Pancreas of HI ill 274 Lepsius, Dr. Richard. Letters from Egypt, Ethio- pia and Sinai with Egyp- tian chronology of Israel- ites'Exodus: reviewed... I n 149 Preliminary Account of Expedition to Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai: re- print I ii 153, 179, 266 Scientific results of expedi- tion to Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai I n 266 Eugubine Tables: ref Ill v 85 Leptaena. Canadian localities II VII 112 Generic characters II vi 329 II vn 112 Ottawa R I I 222 Primordial zone, Quebec. .. II VI 42 L. alternata (Conrad). Chemical composition com- pared with allied fossils. . I ii 265 Toronto II iv 451 L. depressa II vi 336 L. filitexta, Hall, Ottawa R.. I i 221 L. rugosa II vi 336 L. sericea, Sowerby. Dundas and Hamilton II XIV 144 Toronto II IV 451 L. tenuistriata II vi 336 Ser. Vol. Page L. transversalis, Dalman. Niagara limestone, Niagara. II xiv 142 Leptocerina, N. American species II vn 494 Leptocerus Leach, Charac- ters and N. American habitats of L. dilutus, Hagen II vn 495 L. lugens, Hagen II vn 495 L. indecisus, Walker....... II vn 496 L. mentiens, Walker II vn 496 L. incertus, Walker II vn 496 L. niger II vn 495 L. submacula II vn 496 L. sepulchralis, Walker. ... II vn 495 L. variegatus, Hagen II vn 496 Leptocoelia (Hall), generic characters II vi 351 L. concava, Hall, Oriskany Sandstone and Cornifer- ous Limestone, Ont. (pl.). II vi 352 L. flabellites (Conrad), Oris- kany Sandstone, Ont. and Que. (pl.) II vi 351 L. plano-convexa, Hall, Dundas and Hamilton... II xiv 144 L. propria II vi 351 Leptura, Canadian habitats of L. biforis (Mels. Cat.) I in 258 L. canadensis, Oliv.. . Im 258, 326, 327 L. 8-notata, Say I ill 377 L. proxima I ill 327 L. rubrica, Say I ill 326 L. scalaris, Say I ill 326 II I 37 L. vagans, Oliver II I 37 Lepus, habitats L. americanus, Erxl II vi 83 L. californicus, Gray HI vi 83 L. campestris, Bach Ill vi 82 L. glacialis (Leach), Rich... HI vi 82 L. sylvaticus, Bach HI vi 83 L. timidus, Linn, var. arti- Leach HI vi 82 L. virginianus (Harlan), Rich HI vi 82 L. glacialis, Leach, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 116 L. sylvaticus, fossil remains in post pliocene of Amer- ica II iv 417 Lernaeopoda edwardsii, Olsson, full description (pl.) Ill i 246 Lesghian. Aztec forms compared with. Ill ii 166 Basque compared with Ill n 163 Caucasian language com- pared with Ill ii 164 279 LES PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LIB Ser. Vol. Page Leslie, J. P. Flexure of strata in the Broad top coal field, Penn: reprint II n 479 Lesmurdie skull II vn 411 II viii 141 Lespedeza, Michx, Cana- dian localities of L. capitata, Michx II xv 358 L. hirta, Ell II xv 358 L. repens, Torr and Gray.. II xv 358 L. violacea, Pers II xv 358 Lesquereux, Leo. On Fucoides in Coal For- mations: reviewed II xi 191 Lesseps, M. de. Ship Canal across Isth- mus of Suez: reprint.... 1 m 337 Lestes, Leach, Characters and N. American habi- tats of L. eurina, Say II vii 460 L. forcipata Rambur II vii 459 L. hamata, Hagen II vn 460 L. rectangularis, Say II vii 460 L. unguiculata, Hagen II vii 460 Lesueur. Mesenterial filaments of Zoantheae: ref IV vi 390 Lesueur River, Iowa, iron- stone beds on I n 80 Letters. Errata Recepta in II IX 139 Letters Patent of In- vention I i 184 Leucas in Acarnania. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 228 Silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 107 Leucine, pro perities of II n 306 Leuciscus, L. Ontario II xin 506 Leuckart. Mesenterial filaments solid: ref IV vi 388 Leucocytes. Agent in transferring fat to lacteal IV vm 253 In epithelium IV vin 248 In kidney of frog (pl.) IV ix 393 In Necturus IV n 228 In villus of guinea pig IV vin 246 Part taken by them in trans- fer of parenchymatous fat IV vin 250 Leucophane, composition... II i 553 Leucosolenia botryoides, contractile vesicles in en- toderm cells II xv 425 Leucosporae, list of Ontario.. IV ix 69 Leucoxene, in dykes of Rainy Lake Ill V 180 Ser. Vol. Page Leukothea, discovered by Herr. R. Luther I in 269 Levator anguli scapulae, orang (pl.) IV vi 526 L. arcus palatini, Amiurus catus Ill ii 316 L. operculi, Amiuruscatus . . Ill n 318 Levey, Chas. Gold Mining on Saskat- chewan: abstract Ill m 267 Levi, G. Another green staining sub- stance besides nucleolus in nucleus: ref IV vi 410 Nerve cells of different types of vertebrata: ref IV vi 428 Levi, Isle du Fort, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 520 Levis division of Quebec group II xv 381 Levis formation, Quebec. . . II xv 99 Lewis. Surface tension and degree of concentration in case of number of solutes and in electrolytes: ref IV lx 397 Lewis, Sir Geo. Cornwall. Autograph, with brief com- ments II xiv 605 Levy, Chas. On Capital: abstract Ill vi 29 Leydig. Sense organs: ref Ill n 259 L'Hote, M. L. Investigation of gaseous pro- ducts of nitroglycerine: ref II xiv 360 Lh'ta'tin tribe, same as Al- ta-tin IV vii 526 Lhthiladinla, Denes Ill vii 139 Lhuyd, Ed. Armorican grammar and vocabulary: ref Ill v 80 Irish habitation of England: ref IV v 65 Lhuyd and two poems IV in 218 Work as Welsh philologist. . IV v 69 Liard, River. Nah'ane territory IV vn 52o Petroleum areas in Ill I 22 oc Upper, valley inhabited by Taku branch of Nah'ane tribe IV vii 519 Libellula, new species (1856). II n 382 Libellula. Characters and N. American habitats of Libellula, Hagen II vii 455 Libellula, Linn II vii 452 L. assimilata, Uhler II vii 454 L. domitia, Drury II vii 452 L. hudsonica, Selys II vii 453 280 LIB GENERAL INDEX LIG Ser. Vol. Page Libellula. Characters and N. American habitats of-Con. L. intacta II vu 453 L. quadrimaculata, Linn. .. II vn 455 L. rubicundula, Say II vn 454 L. simplicicollis, Say II vn 454 L. trimaculata, De Greer. . II vn 455 Libellulida, synopsis of Cana- dian species II vn 452 Libellulina, synopsis of Cana- dian species II vn 452 Libertas, nom-de-plume of Peter Brown; selection from writings II xv 274 Library. Bohn's Scientific I n 19 Public, in various cities. ... I i 286 Donation to, by Mr. Bohn. I in 170 Library of Canadian In- stitute I ii 66 Library, Niagara, 1800-1820. Niagara Library, 1800- 1820. By Janet Carno- chan IV iv 336 Account of meetings IV iv 340 Account of monies spent... IV iv 345 Catalogue of Books. ...... IV iv 351 Formation and objects IV iv 337 Rules and regulations IV iv 338 Libtako, 1852 I m 265 Lichasidae II i 286 Lichen family. Dene's mode of eating IV iv 130 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Lichenes, London species. . . II viii 238 Lichina, British Seas I i 109 Liebig. Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vn 497 Source of Muscular power: ref II xi 249 L'lenissei, Inscriptions de... IV ii 266 Lievrite. Chrysotite and, compared. . II vn 44 Composition of II vn 43 Description of I m 100 Fayalite and, compared.... II vn 44 On Position of, in Mine- ral Series. By E. J. Chapman II vn 42 Life. Is life a manifestation of chemical laws IV ix 272 Lord Kelvin's theory of, on Globe IV vm 424 Origin of Life on Globe. By A. B. Macallum IV vm 423 Life insurance. In Canada IV vm 84 Ser. Vol. Page Life insurance-Con. On Duration and Expec- tation of Life in Can- ada COMPARED WITH OTHER COUNTRIES. By Geo. H. Dartnell I n 191 Principles IV vin 79 Principles of Insurance, with especial refer- ence TO SICK BENEFIT provision. By Arthur Harvey IV vm 73 Light. Additional experiments ON INTERNAL DISPERSION OF LIGHT. By Sir G. Stokes: reprint I n 171 As a stimulant IV vm 109 Boyden Premium; condi- tions of award to person who determines whether or not all rays of light travel with same velocity. II v 302 Changes produced on skin by exposure to, as seen under a microscope IV vm 105 De Saussure's experiments on absorption by air and cause of blue sky and red sunset I I 6 Effect on bacteria IV vm 102 Electric, Carbon arc regu- lator I I 118 Electric Light and Colour Manufacture: reprint I i 242 Engravings exposed to sun- light become actinic II in 164 Illuminating power of candle when burning in rarefied air II vi 381 Irritant character of, on skin IV vm 106 Is, of Comet its own II vm 69 Light baths IV vm 112 Light cure for Lupus Vul- garis IV vm 114 M. Jamin experiments SHOWING THAT TRANS- PARENT AND METALLIC BODIES BEHAVE IN SAME WAY TO POLARIZED LIGHT: reprint.. II n 468 Mathematical and Physical Theories of I I 82 Moser's Images and a new action of: reprint. . II in 163 On Atmospheric Pheno- mena of Light. By J. Bradford Cherriman I I 6, 25 Physiological action IV viii 102 Pigment cells affected by; cause IV vm 103 281 LIG PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LIM Ser. Vol. Page Light -Con. Relations of Gold to II ii 449 Review of progress, 1857... II ii 468 Zodiacal Light. By Rev. 70 Geo. Jones: reprint II in Lighthouse. Difficulties of constructing on shoal at Nantucket... I m 124 Light house on the new South Shoal, Nantuc- ket U.S. By Major Hartman Bache: reprint. I m 121 New iron II i 396 Lighting. Lighting by Electricity: reprint I in 56 Lightning. Formof, By J. Nasmyth.. . II n 63 Note on; Sir D. Brewster... I i 95 Lightning Conductor. For Chimneys I in 145 Prof. Faraday's recommen- dations for I in 145 Rods of magnetised steel best for I I 17 Lignite. Areas in Canada IV ix 101 Assaying, by blowpipe II ill 211 Composition of, at Medicine Hat. Ill v 154 Deposits at Brandon, Vt... I I 140 Deposits in New Zealand... II n 362 On Mankato R., la., and branches I n 80 Ligny, battle of Ill iv 159 Liguamea Formation. Comparison of, with Zapata of Cuba and Lafayette of N. America IV v 349 Jamaica IV v 344, 347 Ligusticum, L. Canadian localities of L. actaeifolium, Michx II xv 556 L. scoticum, L II xv 556 Liliacese. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species Ill u 153 Localities Canadian species II xiv 652 London species II viii 234 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia HI iv 211 Lillie, A., D.D. Canada. Physical Econo- mic and Social: reviewed I m 351 Lilies. Bulbs eaten by Denes. . . IV iv 129, 130 Suitable for flower gardens.. IV ill 129 Lima excavata, from 487 metres depth II vi 518 Limacidse, generic characters II xu 35 Ser. Vol. Page Limax, nerve cell develop- ment in IV vi 428 Limbatse II vm 4 Lime. Distribution of hydraulic, in western Ontario I in 74 Gapse Peninsula II v 468 In rain I n 10 Nova Scotia I i 241 Lime Feldspar II v 529 On effect of Sulphate of Lime upon vegetable Substances. By Cheva- lier Claussen: reprint.... I n 70 On Hydraulic Limes, Artificial Stones a nd DIFFERENT NOVEL APPLI- CATIONS OF SOLUBLE Alkaline Silicates. By M. Fr. Kuhlman: reprint. I in 333 Phosphate of, found in New York . I ii 37 Theory of Hydraulic Limes. I in 333 Lime Tree family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 198 Lime water. Use of, in formation of Bread: reprint I m 309 Limenitis, Rocky mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 240 Limestone. Band of, in Laurentian Rocks of Canada; traced. II m 1 Canadian Institute enquiries concerning, of Canada... I i 26 Deposits as means of tracing fossiliferous strata in N. America.. I in 28 Deposits limited in pre- Cambrian IV vii 536 Deposits of Huronian IV vii 536 Economic capabilities of, in Canada II in 322 For it on smelting at Bras d'Or Lakes, C.B IV vm 155 Forced arrangement of blocks of, in boulder clay (pl.).. II ix 257 Formation north of Belle- ville II v 47 Formations in central On- tario IV vii 146 Fossil corals of, of On- tario. By E. Billings... II iv 97 General Mechanical Structure of. By H. C. Sorby: reprint I in 411 Human footprints in solid. . I i 95 Laurentian Rocks, Canada. II vm 115 L. Huron I i 125 L. Superior I i 125 282 LIM GENERAL INDEX LIM Ser. Vol. Page Limestone-Con. Limestone and Marble Quarries on Shores of L. Couchiching I II 38 Limestone islands of L. Ontario and L. Huron. . . IV vu 176 Ontario I i 113 Origin of . II vi 439 Regions where, exists in Canada I i 26 Silicate of Iron in, beds of Lake St. John Rama, Ont II iv 493 Limestone, Bala, Wales.... I i 248 Limestone, Black River, Lituites undatus in II u 267 Limestones, Cedar, Minne- sota I ii 79 Limestone Chazy, new cystidean in, near Mon- treal II ii 302 Limestone, corniferous. Distribution in western and Huron regions of Ontario. I in 73 Fossil Corals in, Ontario... II v 254 Fossils in, Ontario II vi 254 Middleton and Windham Tps., Norfolk Co., Ont... II vi 296 Ontario I in 1 Limestone, Crystalline. Age of , in America I m 38 Canadian. II vi 437 Characteristics II vi 437 Crystalline limestone of N. America. By T. Sterry Hunt I in 36 Exploration of bands of, in Argenteuil and Ottawa in 1858 .... II v 452 Minerals in North American I in 36 Limestone, Gaspe series, Quebec II xv 384 Limestone, Globigerina, Jamaica IV vm 383 Limestone, Gypsiferous, distribution in western Ontario and Huron region I in 73 Limestone, Hippurite, Jamaica II v 307 Limestone, Lower Mag- nesian, Minnesota In 79 Limestone, Magnesian. On Formation of. By T. Sterry Hunt II iv 184 T. Sterry Hunt's theory of their formation II iv 276 Limestone, Niagara. Huron region, Ont I III 51 Niagara II v 502 North shore of L. Ontario. . II xv 391 Ontario I III 1 Ser. Vol. Page Limestone, Oolitic, formation of, by organic agencies.. II iv 324 Limestone, Radiolarian, Jamaica IV vm 383 Limestone Sub-carbonifer- ous, deposition of in vari- ous localities in World not contemporaneous though fossils are same II xni 270 Limestone, Trenton. Belleville district II v 43 Distribution on L. Huron coast (Ont.) I m 50 Collingwood Tp., Ont II v 304 Formation from Presqu'isle to village of Newcastle... IV vm 11 New York, equivalent in Tennessee I n 138 North shore, L. Ontario. ... II xv 390 On some new genera and species of Cystidea in. By E. Billings I n 215, 250,268 Limestone Upper Magne- sian, Minnesota I u 79 Limestone, white. Age of, in Jamaica IV v 332 Cuba . IV vm 383 Erosion of, in Jamaica IV v 332 Fossils of IV v 333 Haiti IV vm 383 Jamaica IV v 331 Limestone, Yellow, Jamaica IV vm 383 Limnsea, nerve cell develop- ment in..... j. IV vi 428 Toronto species II vi 328 Limnaeidse, Canadian II iv 272 Limnaeidse, generic charac- ters II xii 35 Limnea, species of, in Notta- wasaga R. district II vi 497 Limnophilina, N. American species II vu 488 Limnophilus, Leach, Char- acters and N. American habitats of L. bimaculatus, Walker.... II vu 490 L. despectus, Walker II vn 490 L. dossuarius, Say II vn 489 L. externus, Hagen II vu 489 L. hyalanus, Hagen II vu 489 L. indivisus, Walker II vu 490 L. multifarius, Walker II vn 490 L. perpusillus, Walker II vu 488 L. plaga, Walker II vu 490 L. rhombicus, Linn II vil 488 L. subguttatus, Walker... . II vu 490 Limncea, Lake Ontario II xiu 505 L. jugularis, Say, Lake Ont. II xiu 504 Limnochares, Lake Ontario. II xui 501 Limonite. Deposits, Nova Scotia IV vm 186 Deposits, Ontario IV vill 186 283 LIM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LIR Ser. Vol. Page Limosa, Hamilton species. . . II v 394 Limosinae II xi 159 Limulus, or King Crab II viij 26 Linaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xjv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species II xiv 638 II xv 176 Linaria. Abnormal development in.. II in 315 Hamilton species II v 391 Linara pin us, winters around Toronto I i 170 Lincoln (Eng.), notes on Latin Inscription on grave-stone, etc., found at II v 287 II vi 236 Lincoln County, gazetteer notice (1813) .... II xiv 210, 521 Linden, Canadian localities. . II xv 176 Lindley, Dr. John. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vu 244 Classification of Flora II vi 276 Obituary I x 428 Linder and Picton. Action of electrolytes on colloidal solutions: ref... IV ix 53 Linen manufactures, Ire- land I i 269 Lingones Cohorts, in Bri- tain ; Latin inscriptions concerning II vi 230 Lingula (Bruguiere). Canadian localities II vn 111 Chemical Composition of, found at Hawkesbury, Ont I n 264 Generic characters (pl.).... II v 266 II vn 111 On Chemical Composition of Recent and Fossil Lingulae, and some other Shells. By W. E. Logan and T. S. Hunt.. I n 264 Primordial zone, Quebec... II vi 42 Shell contains phosphate of lime I n 195 Toronto I I 151 L. acuminata, Potsdam Group, Canada (pl.) II vm 187 L. antiqua, from Potsdam Sandstone contains phos- phates I n 264 L. lamellata, Hall, Niagara limestone, Hamilton .... II XIV 142 L. ovalis, chemical composi- tion of I n 264 L. parallela, from calciferous limestone, contains phos- phates I n 264 Ser. Vol. Page L. prima, from Potsdam Sandstone contains phos- phates I ii 264 L. quadrata (Eichwald), Toronto II IV 451 Lingula flags. Wales I i 248 Lingulidae. Generic characters II in 160 Position of II xi 393 Linnaea borealis, suitable for flower gardens IV ill 128 Linnaeus. Classification of Mammalia: ref II ix 154 Linnet, Hamilton species.... II v 391 Linnet, English, Toronto specimen IV I 54 Linnet, Pine. Migration and habits of... . Ill vn 197 Winters around Toronto. . . I I 170 Linota cannabrua, Toronto IV i 54 Linum, L., Habits and Canadian habitats of L. perenne, L II xv 176 L. striatum, Walt II xv 176 L. sulcatum, Riddell II xv 176 L. usitatissimum, L II xv 176 L. virginianum, L II XV 176 Lion, Sea, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 77 Lipaus. Dishonest tribe IV iv 19 Habitat and present popu- lation IV iv 14, 16 Lippincott, Capt. Richard, Richmond Hill II xiii 446 Lippman. Process of photography in natural colours IV vu 371 Lips. Functions in speech, modify vowels, and form labial; muscles involved IV iv 225 Orang IV vi 509 Physiology of, in Speech. By A. Hamilton: abstract IV iv 225 Liquids. For preserving natural his- tory specimens I I 174 Phenomena connected WITH MOTION OF. By Prof. Tyndall I in 108 Liquorice, localities Cana- dian species II xv 357 Liriodendron. Capacity of leaf to absorb water in one surface and transmit to another: expt. IV vn 253 Localities Canadian species II xv 58 L. tulipifera, L., Canadian localities ,.... II vi 40 II xv 58 284 LIR LOB GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Liroconite, monoclinic sys- tem in II iv 326 Lismore, Dean of. Poems of Ossian II xm 395 Lissoclinum tenerum Verr, syn. of Didemnopsis tene- rum (Verrill) IV ix 138 Liston, Dr. Robert. Bruce's brain: ref II xv 204 Listowel, Ont., Birds fre- quenting IV in 66 Literature. Extent of Welsh IV v 68 Wales and its. By Rev. Neil MacNish IV v 64 Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 50th anniversary II vn 227 Literary forgeries, of 18th century II xn 177 Literary gossip II i 88 Lithium. Ascends in plant leaf at same rate as water IV vn 304 Detection of, in presence of soda by blowpipe II x 340 Method of distinguishing red flame of, from that of strontia by blowpipe... . II x 341 Litlington skull, measure- ments of II viii 133 Lithocampe Ehrenberg, Jamaica IV viii 386 Lithographers. Etching liquid for: re- print I in 147 Process of obtaining-by means of Photography. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint I ill 412 Lithornithium IV viii 386 Lithostrotion, beds in cen- tral basin, Tennessee. .. . Ill vu 76 Lithuanian. Complexion HI u 24 Coptic article in: examples. II xm 413 Lithuanic, Beavers men- tioned in, literature II iv 360 Little Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 521 Littlehales, Major E. B. Gov. Simcoe's Adjutant and first Secretary II xiv 95 Littlehales, Major, Toronto II xm 179 Little Pig vein, Kamanis- tiquia Ill VII 257 Littleton, N. H., geology of. Ill iv 69 Littoral Zone, animals and plants in, in British Seas. I I 109 Littorina littoralis, in Bri- tish Seas I i 109 L. littorea, in British Seas .. I I 109 Ser. Vol. Page L. neritoides, inhabit British Seas I i 109 L. rudis, inhabit British Seas. I i 109 Littorinidae, Canadian II iv 273 Lituites, Canadian (pl.) II vin 23 L. undatus, Black River limestone, Lorette II li 267 Live-for-ever, Canadian lo- calities II xv 550 Liver. Amiurus Ill n 406 Fibrine not in blood from. . II IX 178 Fibrine undergoes transfor- mation in; amount of... . II ix 182 Liver of Amiurus. By A. B. McCallum.. Ill II 387 Liver leaf, Canadian locali- ties II xv 52 Liverpool. Atmospheric currents at ... II n 112 Deviation of Magnetic needle at. By John Ross: reprint I ill 112 Fiftieth anniversary of, Literary and Philosophi- cal Society II vn 227 Livingston, Dr. Patron's gold medal of Royal Geographical So- ciety awarded to I in 308 Livingston, J. A. Purposes of Comets Ill vn 9 Livy, B. IX. cp. 16, transla- tion of Ill I 161 Liz ana. First colonists of Yucatan: ref IV vi 101 Lizard, Ceylon II vn 354 Lloyd. Ripening of Cheddar Cheese: ref IV vn 107 Lloyd, Rev. Humphrey. Opinion on closing Toronto Observatory I I 146 Presidential address be- fore British Associa- tion, 1857: reprint II II 462 Lobefoot, Hamilton species. . II v 394 Lobelia, suitable for flower gardens IV in 129 L. inflata, Toronto I I 218 Lobeliaceae. Barrie species II XV 48 Canadian species II xiv 295 Hamilton species Ill n 150 Localities Canadian species II xiv 644 London species II viii 228 Lobipes, Hamilton species... II v 394 Lobster. Branchial Organs of I m 204 I Lobster. By J. Bovell.... I in 203 285 LOG LOC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Locke. Essay concerning human understanding: ref II xi 212 Locke's Philosophy, and Sensationalist Doctrine... II iv 399 Sensationalism; a carrying out of his principles II iv 397 Lockhart, Clarke. Brain in man and lower orders compared: ref II xv 178 Lockhart, John. Obituary I m 167 Locomotion. Locomotion by compres- sed air: reprint I n 103 Locomotive. Bed form of boiler II I 342 Fuel economy in, methods of obtaining... II I 339 Good's Locomotive Engine "Toronto," drawing of; first made in Canada.... I u 76 Montgomery's boiler for. . . II I 341 Multitubular boilers first made, described I u 63 New railway I I 116 Supplying locomotives with water: reprint.... I in 22 Locomotor Ataxia Ill v 49 Locris, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 260 Locust Tree, Canadian spe- cies with localities II xv 356 Lodges. Dene, various IV iv 185 Tsekehne IV iv 192 Loeffter and Frosch. Cause of "Foot and Mouth Disease": ref IV vni 54 Logan, Sir Wm. E. Canadian Geological Survey .and its Direc- tor. By Sandford Flem- ing II i 238 Division of the Azoic Rocks of Canada into Huronian and Lauren- tian II II 439 Letter to Joachim Bar- rande on Primordial Zone of Canada II vi 41 On Probable Subdivision of Laurentian Rocks of Canada II in 1 On Rocks of Canada I i 124 Physical Structure of Western District of Upper Canada I in 1 Relative Dates of Vari- ous Intrusive Rocks Cutting Laurentian Series in Canada II in 107 Ser. Vol. Page Logan, Sir Wm. E.-Con. Ream rks on Fauna of Quebec Group of Rocks and Primordial Zone of Canada II vi 40 Autograph letter frcm H.R.H. Prince Albert.... I i 42 Biography of. II i 238 Canadian Institute's address to, on being knighted ... . II I 404 Canadian mineral exhibit at 1851 Exhibition arranged by I I 38 Copper deposits in meta- morphic region south of St. Lawrence II v 453 Exploration of bands of crystalline limestone in Argenteuil and Ottawa in 1858 II v 452 G eology of western Canada (Ont.) I in 27 High angles of dip of strata near Millburn, Ont.: ref. IV vn 152 Honors conferred on II n 146 Juries of 1851 Exhibition remarks about I I 90 Knighted II i 186 Report on North Shore of Lake Huron, 1848; and Ottawa district, 1845: reviewed II n 440 Statement regarding Geo- logical Survey I in 253 Surveys made in Canada up to 1855 II I 240 Testimonial to, by Mont- real II iv 147 Wallaston Medal conferred on II I 307 Logan, W. E., and T. S. Hunt. On Chemical Composi- tion of Recent and Fossil Lingulae and some other Shells I n 264 Sketch of Geology of Can- ada: reviewed II I 378 Loganite. Canadian localities II vi 161 Discovery of I I 114 Tests II vi 161 Logeman. Alpha rays falling on polish- ed copper emit 3 rays: ref. IV ix 153 Experiment on secondary rays excited by rays of polonium repeated... IV ix 154 Loggerhead, Toronto HI vn 192 Logic. Aristotelian, incomplete... II x 167 286 LOG LON GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Logic-Con. Leibmtzian maxim on foun- dation of II x 166 Scholastic, defective II x 165 Science of, constructed from mathematical theory of laws of thought II x 161 Logie, Judge. Collection of Canadian plants II xiv 281 List of Canadian Plants collected by II xiv 291 Loir-et-Cher., flint instru- ments found in Il ix 271 Lollius Urbicus. Antoninus Pius' legate in Britain II x 310 London, Eng. Charity in I I 120 Number bacteria in milk supply IV vii 468 Sewage disposal methods... IV u 143 Trafalgar Square II I 204 London and Northwestern Ry-, Accidents in 1851 and their cause I I 8 London Quarterly Review, No. CCV Jan. 1858: re- viewed II in 137 London (Ont.) District in 1813. By an American II xv 30 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 215 In 1848 II xv 271 List of Plants Collected CHIEFLY IN IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF. By W. Saunders , II vm 219 Tests on purity of water from effluent of sewage system at, Asylum IV I 166 London Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 216, 522 London, Whitechapel, Latin Inscription on grave stone found in II v 291 Londonderry, N.S. Analyses of Iron Ores and Ankerites from Acadia Mines of. By E. J. Chapman II xv 414 Long, J. Trading experiences on north of L. Superior, 1777- 91 IV iv 307 Long-eared Mouse, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 80 Long Lakes, gazetteer notice, (1813) II xiv 522 Ser. Vol. Page Long Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 522 Long Point Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 212 Long Reach, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 522 Long Sault Rapids, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 64 Long Saut, isle au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 522 Long-tailed Duck, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Long-tailed Weasel, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 75 Longfellow, H. W. Song of Hiawatha: reviewed II I 48 Longitude. Chicago, determined II iv 458 Collingwood, determined... II iv 459 Establishment of difference of, between Brussels and Greenwich by Telegraph. I u 257 Finding meridian for, work in field II iv 455 Kingston, determined II iv 457 Longitude and Time- Reckoning; selection OF PRIME MERIDIAN COM- MON TO ALL NATIONS. By Sandford Fleming Ill i 138 Longitude of Fernandina, Florida, by Chrono- meter Exchanges From Savannah, Georgia. By A. D. Bache and Charles A. Schott: reprint II ill 71 Longitude of Kingston. By Jas. Williamson I in 82 Montreal, determined II iv 456 Ottawa, determined....... II iv 460 On Employment of Tele- graph TO DETERMINE, OF some Canadian Cities. By Lieut. E. D. Ashe, R.N II iv 453 Quebec, and various others determined by Lieut. Ashe: ref II iv 277 Quebec, determined II iv 450 Three Rivers, determined. . II iv 460 Toronto, determined II iv 456 Windsor, determined II iv 459 Longlow Cist, crania in II vn 423 Longmaid, Wm. On Peat and other Vege- table Charcoal and some of its uses: reprint I ill 217 Longshanks (Birds) II xi 159 Longspur, Lapland, notes on Ontario frequenters... IV m 69, 98 Longueil Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 522 287 LOO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE LOW Ser. Vol. Page Looming, cause of I i 7 Looms of Carrier Indians (pl.) IV iv 156 Loon, Prince of Wales Sound. Ill v 122 Loon, Red-throated, Green River IV ill 90 Loosestrife, Canadian locali- ties II xv 554 Lopez, Dr. Aryan origin of Quichua- Aymara: ref Ill v 67 Lophius, formation of Nissl granules in, from nucleus. IV vi 434 Lophocampa, Harris, gene- ric characters II vm 367 Lophyropods II i 281 Lorraine Epoch, central On- tario IV vii 161 Lorraine Shales. Difference in time between them and Drift Formation at Toronto I I 149 Huron region, Ont I m 50 Thickness of different kinds on Lake Beach, Garrison Common, Toronto I I 149 Lord Durham. Lieut.-Col. Coffin's opinions concerning, as administra- tor in Canada IV in 294 Lord Elgin, Gov.-Gen. of Canada. Higher education in Canada and Merton tradition.... II xm 463 Lorimier. Trader near portage of Miami of Lakes (1765).. . IV in 266 Lota vulgaris, Capillaries re- lation to various portions of stomach Ill n 402 Lotz. Structure of haemal arches in Cyprinoids and other fishes Ill ii 297 Loucheux Indians. Canada Ill V 216 Dene HI vii 113 Dress IV iv 162 Habitat and population.... IV iv 16 Identical with Kutchin IV iv 15 Tribes IV vi 78 Loudon, Jas. Euler's Equations of Motion Ill i 95 Geometrical methods, CHIEFLY IN THEORY OF THICK LENSES Ill III 7 Notes on Mechanics II xiv 354 Notes on Relative Mo- tion Ill i 231 Notes on Statics. (Geo- metrical PROOFS OF SOME propositions) II xm 231, 546 Ser. Vol. Page Loudon, Jas.-Con. On Latin Pronunciation. II xu 460 On stability of floating bodies II XIII 135 On Trilinear Co-ordin- ates II xin 62 President's Address (1877) II xv 365 Canadian Institute's Con- gratulations to, on be- coming President of Uni- versity IV iv 224 Loudon, W. J. Decimal System of Time: abstract Ill in 118 Loughborough Tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 522 Louisburg, C. B. Geography and history. ... I i 126 Louisberg Cape Breton. By S. J. Stratford I i 126 Louth Tp., gazetteer notice (1813)..... ...... H xiv 523 .Lovage, Canadian localities. . II xv 556 Lovelace, Countess of. Obituary I I 119 Loveland and Watson. Milk supply of Middletown Conn, examined for bac- teria: ref IV vii 469 Lovell's General Geography: reviewed II vi 485 Lovell, John. The Family Herald: re- viewed II v 57 Lovering, Prof. Joseph. Atmospherical electri- city: reprint I n 155, 181 Low Layton volcano, Jamai- ca IV v 338 Lowe, E. J. Meteorology of second Quarter of 1854 at Highfield House Ob- servatory, Notting- hamshire, Eng I in 14 Singular Mortality amongst Swallow Tribe: reprint I in 388 Lowe, Rob. Autograph with brief com- ments II xiv 605 Lowe Inlet, Goniocarpa coc- codes sp. n. from IV ix 132 Lowell. Dominion Directory, 1871- 73 II xv 38 Lower Helderberg Group. Canadian II vm 439 In Tennessee Ill vn 79 Lower Landing, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 522 288 LOW LYC GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Lower Silurian Series. Canadian II vm 186 Ontario, Potsdam and Que- bec groups II vm 452 Lowit. Fusiform corpuscles: ref. . . IV II 244 Lowland Rock-Surface, cen- tral Ontario IV vii 179 Loxia, Hamilton species II v 392 L. curvirostra. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 89 Natural history, etc., of... . I u 124 Observations on Ontario frequenters IV in 69, 92, 100, 103 Winters in Toronto I i 170 L. leucoptera. Habits of Ontario frequen- ters Ill in 89 Observations on Ontario frequenters HI vn 184 IV i 51, 57, 58, 59 IV in 69, 102 Loxonema cotterana (n. sp.), corniferous, Ont. (pl.) II vi 360 Lubbock, Sir John. Co-existence of man and megaceros in Ireland: ref. HI i 219 Mistaken as to age of archae- ological finds IV iv 41 Primeval man: ref II xv 514 Lubosch, W. Biceps in man: ref IV vi 535 Lubricants. Mineral Oil as a lubri- cant for Machinery: reprint I Hi 287 Necessary properties of.... I m 287 Preparation of I in 288 Rosin oil for, for machinery. I Hi 94 Lucae, Dr. J. C. Gustav. Brain capacity of J. J. W. Heinse and Dr. C. H. Biinger: ref II xv 207 Lucan, Pharsal HI, v. 536, translated HI i 169 Lucania, Elea or Velia, in, Silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 106 Lucanidse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Lucanus dama, Thumb,... I m 211, 325 Lucea Bay, Jamaica, fossils. IV v 341 Lucern, Canadian habitats. . II xv 356 Lucina sine concubitu II n 482 Lucretius IL, 284-293: translated.... HI iv 22 V., 753: translated II xm 427 Lucule I n 5 Ludwigia, L., Canadian localities of L. alternifolia, L II xv 553 Ser. Vol. Page Ludwigia, L., Canadian localities of-Con. L. palustri, Ell II xv 553 Luk j ano w. Structures in gastric mucosa of salamander: ref IV I 247 Lumbering. Lumbering on line of Grand Trunk Railway I m 46 Lumbriculus, L. Ontario... II xm 499 Luminosity. Supposed Self-Luminosity of Planet Neptune. By Col. Baron de Rottenburg II i 424 Lumbrici, part of spectrum least affecting IV vm 102 Luminiferous. Luminiferous Ether. By J. M. Clark IV n 93 Lummi Indians, dictionary. Ill v 218 Lunar. Atmospheric tide I I 85 Magnetic variations II n 460 Supposed decennial in- equality IN, DIURNAL magnetic variation: re- print II ii 451 Volcanic Craters, of Moon; structure of. By Jas. Nasmyth: reprint I ill 114 Lundy, Jacob, Whitchurch.. II xin 566 Lunenburg, N.S., gold in... II vi 529 Lunenburgh, Ont., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 523 Lupine, Canadian localities. . II xv 355 Lupinus, Tourn, Canadian habitats of L. perennis, L II xv 355 Lupus vulgaris. Cured by Rontgen rays.... IV vm 123 Light cure for IV vm 114 Luscinia, derivation of Ill I 93 Lutra, Canadian localities of L. californica, Baird Ill vi 76 L. canadensis, Turton Ill vi 76 L. destructor, Barnston.... Ill vi 76 Luttrell, Narcissus. Autograph in volume now property of Dr. Scadding. II xv 535 Luther, R. Discovery of new asteroid planet I m 269 Luyem or Bear totem, how assumed IV iv 205 Lycsena, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill u 241 Lycian Alphabet Ill m 168 Lychnis, Tourn, Canadian localities of L. githago, Lam II xv 170 L. vespertina, Smith II xv 170 289 LYC MAC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Lycoperdaceae, list of On- tario; their habits and habitats IV ix 79 Lycoperdon, Habits and Ontario habitats of L. gemmatum, Batsch IV ix 79 L. pyriforme (Schaeff) IV ix 79 Lycopodiaceae. Barrie species II XV 50 Canadian species II xiv 300 Generic characters II xn 364 Hamilton species Ill n 156 Localities Canadian species II xiv 653 London species II vm 237 Remains in clays of Scar- boro Hts II xv 399 Lycopodiales 11 xn 364 Lycopodineae, gametophyte. IV v 267 Lycopodium annotinum, prothallus and antheridia IV V 267 L. cernuum. Antheridia and archegonia. IV v 268 L. inundatum, sexual phase of IV v 268 L. phlegmaria IV v 268 Lydians. Ethnology of I n 220 Mythology and legends. ... II xv 295 Lydia. Aschurite traces in II xiv 246 Zimri traces in II xv 294 Lydney, notes on Latin In- scriptions found at II v 494 Lyell, Sir Charles. Coal measures of Nova Scotia: reprint I i 237 Detritus carried down by Mississippi: ref I m 77 Elementary Geology; re- view of 5th edition I in 285 Geological Evidences of An- tiquity of Man, with re- marks on Theory of Species by Variation: re- viewed II vm 378 Mistaken as to age of archaeological finds IV iv 41 . On Industrial Exhibition at New York Geologi- cal Section: reprint.... I in 35 On Origin of Coal-Fields: reprint I I 279 Quantity of mud carried down by Mississippi and Ganges annually; its effect on sea level: ref I m 59 Results of Observation in France in reference TO ANTIQUITY OF HUMAN Race: reprint II iv 497 Ser. Vol. Page Lyell, Sir Charles-Con. Temple of Serapis at Poz- zuloi II in 338 Terraces and level ridges north of L. Ontario IV vi 29 Terraces of L. Ontario basin III vi 3 Transverse section of Missis- sippi channel and plains (pl.) I in 77 Lyngbia, cyanophycin in. .. . IV vi 457 Lynn River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 523 Lynx. Canadian localities Ill vi 72 Dene mode of capturing.... IV iv 97 Dene, snaresand traps IV iv 97,101 Lynx and the Woman, Dene myth IV vi 108 Lynx canadensis, Geoff, Canadian localities Ill vi 72 L. rufus, Gmel, Canadian localities Ill vi 72 Lyons Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 523 Lyrodesma, Ottawa R I i 222 L. plana (Conrad), Toronto. II iv 452 Lysimachia, flower peculari- ties of II v 340 Lys-institute IV vm 121 Lysophiurse, characteristics, families and species IV vm 366 Lythracese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species II xv 554 Lythrum. L., Canadian localities of L. alatum, Pursh II XV 554 L. salicaria, L II xv 554 Lytton, Lord. Autograph II xiv 484 Maachathites, region, Pa- lestine II xiv 419 Macadem, Dr. Stephenson. On cause of phenomena EXHIBITED BY GEYSERS of Iceland: reprint I m 173 Macao Island II n 175 Macalister, Alex. Coronoid head of pronator in gorilla: ref IV VI 536 Gastrocnemius homologue of pronator radii teres: ref.... .. IV vi 567 Omo-cer vicales in gorilla: ref IV vi 527 Opponens hallucis in gorilla: ref...... IV vi 573 Plantaris in chimpanzee: ref IV vi 567 290 MAC MAC GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Macalister, Alex.-Con. Scansorius in chimpanzee: ref. . IV vi 557 Scansorius in gorilla: ref.... IV vi 558 Soleus of chimpanzee: ref. . IV vi 566 Sucking pad in infant: ref.. IV vi 512 Macallum, A. B., F.R.S. Alimentary Canal in Gan- oid Fishes: abstract.... HI in 271 Alimentary canal, Liver, Pancreas and Air- bladder of Amiurus. ... Ill ii 387 Cell Structure and Cell content: abstract IV u 10 Contributions to Mor- phology and Physiology of Cell IV i 247 Cytology of Non-nu- CLEATED ORGANISMS IV VI 439 Nasal region in Eutae- nia (pl.) Ill i 390 Nerve endings in cutane- ous EPITHELIUM OF TAD- POLE: abstract HI m 276 Origin of Life on Globe. IV viii 423 Structure of Cell Proto- plasm: abstract IV m 44 Studies on origin of Blood Pigment: ab- stract IV ii 19 Studies on Blood of Am- phibia IV ii 221 Pal>eochemistry of Ocean IN RELATION TO ANIMAL and Vegetable proto- plasm IV vii 535 Chemical properties of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 406 Iron constant constituent of all chromatin: ref IV vi 411 "Masked" iron in Beggia- toa: ref IV vi 475 Method of determining iron and phosphorus in wheat. IV vii 506 Potassium in fibrils of un- contracted striated mus- cle: ref IV viii 404 Potassium in renal cells of frog: ref IV ix 390 Potassium in root hairs of Equisetum arvense and Spirogyra: ref IV ix 393 Proportions of sodium po- tassium and calcium in blood plasma same as in ocean water: ref IV vii 539 Reagents to show distribu- tion of potassium in plant and animal tissue: ref.... IV viii 412 Stainable granules in cen- tral body of Cyanophy- cese: ref IV vi 449 Ser. Vol. Page Macallum, A. B., F.R.S.-Con. Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Surface tensions' action in different processes of living organism: ref IV ix 396 Test for phosphorus in nerve cells: ref IV vi 411 Macallum and Menten. Distribution of Chlorides in nerve fibre: ref IV vin 409 MacAulay, Rev. Alex. Authenticity of Ossian poems IV iv 325 Macaulay, Dr., Toronto.... II xm 93, 264 Macaulay, T. B. Autograph. . . II xiv 481 Macaulay, Wm., Kingston.. II xn 249 Macaulay, Sir Jas., Chief Justice of U. Canada. .. . II xu 160 Macdonald, Col. Marshall. Salmon migration in Colum- bia (map): ref IV ix 27 Macdonnell, Hon. Alex. Diary of Gov. Simcoe's Journey from Humber Bay to Matchetache Bay, 1793 IV I 128 Election address, 1804 II xu 517 Reminiscences of II xm 104 Macdonell, Bishop, Toronto II xu 154 II xm 90 MacDougal family, Toronto II xm 438 Macdougall. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV VU 245 Macdougall, Alan. Boeothick Indians of Newfoundland IV u 98 (abstract) IV n 26 Canadian Cattle trade and Abattoirs Ill n 53 Electro - Horticulture: abstract IV iv 240 Indian as an Artist: ab- stract IV in 42 Present efficiency in Sewage Disposal: ab- stract IV i 37 Macdougall, Peter, Toronto II xn 160 Macedon, silver coins of Phillip II and III of, in Canadian Institute II IX 108 Macedonia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 262 Celtic and Gileadite traces in II xv 79 Zimri traces in II XV 297 Macfarlane, Dr. Notation for Physical units HI in 81 Macfayden. Bacteria in low tempera- tures: ref IV vin 425 291 MAC MAC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page MacGeorge, Rev. J. Wrote under name of11 Solo- mon"; selections from writings II xv 267 Macgregor, Chas. John. Abstract of Meteoro- logical Observations for 1861-62 at Strat- ford, Ont II vni 294 Meteorological Obser- vations at Stratford .. II vn 87 On Climatology of Strat- ford II xn 470 Machseracanthus sulcatus, St. Mary's, Ont Ill in 120 Machine. Earth Boring. By Colin Mather: reprint I ill 297 Electro-Magnetic En- graving: reprint I III 16 Milking IV vn 483 New dibbling, or seed drill. I n 103 Perreaulx Dividing. .... I i 102 Portable Lifting: reprint I i 37 Invention of reaping I I 111 Reaping, early models I I 39 Samuelson's patent digg- ing: reprint I I 244 Machinery. Description of a portable farming produce mill I I 13 Economy of Fuel for Steam. By Alfred Brunel II I 336 Rosin oil for lubricating. .. . I III 94 MacIntyre, Duncan Ban, Celtic poet IV in 221 Mackay. Origin of Ts'Els'ant tribe: ref IV vn 521 Mackay, Dr. Chas. John and Jonathan (poem) II in 166 Reception in United States. II in 365 MacKellar, Mrs. Mary, Celtic poetess IV in 223 Mackenzie, Prof. J. J. Human evolution and HUMAN DISEASE (PRESI- DENTIAL Address, 1908). IV vm 535 Preliminary list of collected in neigh- borhood of Toronto. .. Ill vn 270 Typhoid Bacillus in Re- lation to Drinking Water: abstract IV n 11 Ultramicroscopic organ- isms IV vm 53 Chemical properties of Nissl granules: ref IV vi 406 Nature of nucleolus: ref.... IV vi 416 Nissl granules contain iron: ref IV vi 411 Ser. Vol. Page Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Denes dress: ref IV v 188 Denes funeral customs: ref. IV v 193 Dene story of creation: ref. IV v 201 Expedition across Canada and Rocky Mts. to Paci- fic: ref IV iv 314 Nathannas same as Nah'- ane: ref IV vn 517 Weapons (war) of Slaves and Dogribs: ref IV v 191 Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon. Autograph documents II xiv 114 Dr. Strachan and II xn 530 Incidents in his career II xn 155, 232,528 Nom-de-Plume " Patrick Swift"; with selections from writings II xv 436 Sketches of Canada (1833): ref II xv 35 Mackenzie Dist. (Can.), Coal areas IV ix 101 MacKenzie Mts., Home of Na'anne tribe IV vn 521 MacKenzie valley, copper in use in, in prehistoric times IV iv 136 Mackerel, American mode of catching I n 117 Mackinac. Fur trade just after con- quest IV in 262 Trade at, at time of revolu- tion IV in 271 Trade conditions during re- volutionary war IV iv 305 Maclean, Rev. John, M.A., Ph.D. Blackfoot Confederacy: ab- stract Ill vn 17 Blackfoot Language IV v 128 Blackfoot Sun-dance. ... Ill vi 231 Gesture Language of Blackfeet IV v 44 I ND IA N LA NGUA GES ? ND LITERATURE IN MANI- TOBA, Northwest Terri- tories and British Co- lumbia Ill v 215 Language and Religion. . IV vi 273 Mortuary customs of Blackfeet Indians Ill v 20 Picture writing of Black- feet IV v 114 Social organization of Blackfoot Indian IV iv 249 Red Crow, chief of Blood Indians: ref.... IV VI 298 Maclurea, Ottawa R I i 221 M. logani II iv 466 Macnab, Capt. Alex., Tor- onto., II xiii 187, 567 292 MAC MAD GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page MacNabs, in Toronto of Old. II xn 350 MacNeill, Dr. Authenticity of Ossian poems: ref IV iv 323 MacNish, Rev. Neil. Authenticity of poems of Ossian II xiii 392 Authenticity of "Sean Dana ": abstract Ill vn 31 Celtic Prosody IV m 206 (abstract) IV in 40 Gaelic topography of Damnonia Ill in 43 Gaelic topography of Wales and Isle of Man III n 181 Hades of Homer and of Virgil II xv 646 Language and Literature of Brittany Ill v 76 Picts, the IV v 295 Present aspect of Ossia- nic Controversy IV iv 319 Review of Carvalyn Gailckagh or Manx Carols IV v 83 Review of Work by A. W. Moore on Surnames and Place-Names of Isle of Man: abstract.. IV n 27 St. Columba or Colum Cille IV in 131 Surnames and Place- Names of Isle of Man. . IV ii 103 Topographical argument IN FAVOUR OF EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH , Isles by Celts who spoke Gaelic Ill i 310 Umbria Capta Ill v 219 Wales and its Literature IV v 64 Obituary ; IV viii 98 Translation of Celtic tablet found at Tell el Amarna Egypt; its date: ref IV V 89,94 Macoun, John. Notes on Manitoba. Phy- sical Phenomena of Manitoba and N.W.T.. HI i 151 Petroleum areas in Atha- baska: ref HI i 226 Macoun, John and John Gibson. Synopsis of Flora of Val- ley of St. Lawrence and Great Lakes II xv 51, 161, 349, 429, 546 Macoun, John, John Gib- son and Botany of Eastern Coast of L. Huron II xiv 467, 635 Ser. Vol. Page Macpherson, Chief Factor Hudson Bay. Esquimault report of Frank- lin's crew I ii 84 MacPherson, Dr. D. Researches in Crimean Bosphorus, and on site of Ancient Greek city of Panticapceum (Ker- tch): reprint II n 120 MacPherson, Lachlan. Authenticity of Ossian poems: ref IV iv 325 MacPherson, Jas. Author of poems of Ossian. II xm 392 Ossian poems. By: authen- ticity IV I 216 Ossianic poems, authenti- city of IV i 217 Translator of Ossian poems; biography IV iv 319 Macrocephali. Artificial distortion in, skulls II viii 146 Characteristics II vn 429 Distortion of crania II vi 424 Macrocephalic skulls, Ker- tch, Crimea II v 322 Macronema zebratum, Hagen, characters; N. American habitats II vn 498 Macrorhamphus griseus, Toronto Ill vn 192 Macrosiphonida, character- istics and families in II xi 397 Macroura II i 280 Mactridae, Canadian II iv 273 Macula acustica, from fish (pl.) Ill ii 264 Madagascar. Dress II iv 206 Dwellings.'. II iv 204 Ouvirandra of II iv 206 People of Malay origin II iv 210 Snuff-taking II iv 205 Three Visits to, 1853-54-56. By Rev. Wm. Ellis: re- viewed II iv 204 Traveller's Tree of II iv 208 Urania speciosa of II iv 208 Water yam or lace leaf of.. II iv 206 Madder root, extraction of colouring matter from waste product I I 104 Madison, Wis. Forest Products Laboratory at IV ix 234 Milk supply examined for bacteria IV vu 469 Madler, M. Alcyone centre of gravity of solar system IV in 192 293 MAG MAD PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Madoc Tp. Magnetic Pyrites from, analyzed II xii 266 Mineral wealth of (1836).. . II xv 36 Madreporaria, ciliated bands not observed in IV vi 390 Maduran. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Magazine. Anglo-American: reviewed. I i 72 I ii 19 British Colonial: reviewed.. I i 72 Mining Magazine; notice of 1 n 43 Magdalen R. in Gaspe. Geological survey of, in (1857)..... II iv 270 Vitrina pellucida from II iv 272 Magemut, territory HI vi 265 Magic Songs, of Finns IV vi 325 Magliano, leaden tablet, inscription deciphered and translated HI in 237 Magna, Roman name of Car- voran; evidence II xm 148 Magnesia or Magnesium. Acetate of: preparation of. . II i 312 Detection of Alkalies in presence of, by blowpipe. II x 342 Evidence from existing lakes and rivers of pro- portion of, in primeval ocean IV vn 556 History of, in ocean IV vn 548 In rain I II 10 In sea water in pre-Cam- brian period IV vn 540 Lakes and rivers contain, to some extent IV vn 556 Mortars II in 333 Plasma contains relatively less than sea water IV vn 561 \ Preparation of II n 305 Proportion in living proto- plasm unknown IV VII 561 Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vn 558 Proportions in sea water and blood different IV vn 539 Relative amount in dog's muscle IV vn 540 Magnesian limestone. Formation of; T. Sterry Hunt's theory II iv 276 On Formation of. By T. Sterry Hunt II iv 184 Location in Minnesota I u 79 Magnesite. Canadian II vi 437 Mode of formation........ II n 356 Tests; Canadian localities.. II vi 155 Ser. Vol. Page Magnet. Remarks on Temperature Coefficients of. By G. T. Kingston II vin 280 Magnetic. Absolute values and Secular changes II 11 461 Aurora Borealis, disturb- ances I in 125 Casual variations II n 457 Colonial, Observatories. By Major Gen. Sabine: reprint II n 455 Declination at Toronto, 1856-64 II x 114 Deviation of, needle at Liverpool. By Sir J. Ross: reprint I m 112 Dr. Kemps Electro-Mag- netic Engine I I 43 Faraday's obseryations on para and diamagnetic substances '. ... I i 192 Horizontal Force at Tor- onto (1856-64) II x 115 Inclination at Toronto (1856-64).. II x 115 Lunar, variations II n 460 Magnetic action and sun spots II iv 233 Magnetic action of Sun. .. . II iv 232 Magnetic influence of sun on earth and Comets. By Arthur Har- vey IV vi 345 Magnetic Science yet in its infancy I I 17 Monthly absolute values of Magnetic Elements at Toronto (1841-1868). By G. T. Kingston II xii 263 Monthly absolute values of, Elements at Tor- onto (1856-64). By G. T. Kingston II x 114 Observations on, Force. By Prof. Faraday: reprint I I 191 On Amount and Frequ- ency of Magnetic Dis- turbances and of Au- rora at Pt. Barrow, on Shores of Polar Sea. By Major-General Sa- bine: reprint II in 55 On, Disturbances at Tor- onto (1856-62). By G. T. Kingston II vin 157 On Physical Lines of, force. By Prof. Fara- day: reprint I I 31 Peculiarities of, field. By Prof. Tyndall: reprint I ill 111 294 MAG MAI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Magnetic-Con. Peculiarities of, field de- monstrated... I in 111 Periodical variations II n 459 Photographic, apparatus... II I 199 Secular variation of, inclin- ation in north-eastern States II ii 66 Secular variation in de- clination in Atlantic and Gulf coast of U.S. FROM OBSERVATIONS IN 17th, 18th and 19th CENTURIES. By C. A. Schott: reprint II n 66 Supposed decennial in- equality in Lunar Di- urnal Magnetic Varia- tion: reprint II n 451 Total Force at Toronto (1856-64) II x 115 Magnetic Iron Ore. Artificial formation of II vi 526 Characteristics II v 518 Magnetic Iron Ores of Victoria County with Notes on Charcoal Iron smelting. By W. Hamilton Merritt Ill i 261 Magnetic Observatory, Tor- onto. Action regarding withdrawal of military attachment at Toronto I I 138 Government attitude to. .. II x 86 History of II ill 99 Memorial to Government to retain, at Toronto (1853) I I 145 Meteorological observations at. See Meteorological Register, Toronto Observations of Meteors at I u 39 Review of (1860) II v 113 Magnetic Pyrites, Madoc: analyzed II xu 266 Magnetic storms. Aurora and IV vi 353 Comets affected by IV vi 355 Period of rotation of sun obtained from IV vi 350 Sun spots and IV vi 347 Toronto and Pt. Barrow records of, compared .... II ill 56 Magnetism, electro-magne- tism; review of (1858)... II iv 69 Magnetism, Terrestrial. Distribution of, in United States. By Prof. Bache, and J. D. Hilgard: ab- stract II n 66 Ser. Vol. Page Magnetism, Terrestrial-Con. Effect of sun and moon on.. I in 269 General survey of, in 1853: reprint I n 51 Lieut. MacRae's observa- tions in Southern Hemis- phere II n 198 Review of progress (1852).. I i 83 Review of progress (1857).. II n 465 Sun spots and I i 192 Surveys up to 1852 I i 83 Variations in, and causes, sun being primary I i 84 Views on Origin of I n 168 Magnetite. Artificial formation of II iv 54 Composition of II iv 54 Deposits in each province of Canada IV vin 186 In dykes of Rainy Lake... . Ill V 176 L. Wendigokan region IV vin 352 Origin in apatite deposits... IV vin 512 Magno-ferrite. Artificial formation of II vi 526 Composition II iv 495 Magnolia acuminata, L., Canadian localities II xv 58 Magnolia Warbler, Toronto III vn 193 Magnoliaceae. Canadian species I in 292 II xiv 291 Hamilton species Ill n 145 Localities Canadian species II xiv 636 II xv 58 London species II vn 220 Species supporting Platysa- mia cecropia Ill iv 211 Magnus, Prof. On Calorific Relations of Hydrogen and other Gases: abstract II vi 383 Magpie Song, of Navajos.... IV vi 324 Mahalah descendants II xv 278 Mahomet, treatment of horse I I 181 Mahratta rule, India IV ix 84 Mahlemut, territory HI vi 264 Mahol, descendants II xv 278 Maidstone Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 523 Maier, H. N. Age of flat fishes determined from otoliths: ref IV IX 37 Mail, Niagara. Mail, Niagara on Lord Rosse's discoveries: re- print I n 206 Maine, U.S. Railways of: reprint I in 149 295 MAI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MAL Ser. Vol. Page Maine, U.S.-Con. Observations on Terrestrial Pulmonifera of; including Catalogue of all species of terrestrial and fluvia- tile Mollusca known to inhabit the State. By Ed. S. Morse: reviewed. . II x 42 On Pre-Carboniferous Flora of. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II vi 486 Mair, John. Influence on Scottish Philo- sophy II xi 208 Maison Carree, Nimes IV n 199 Maitland, Lady Sarah Il xn 247 Maitland, Sir Peregrine. Autograph letters while Gov. of U.C II xiv 108 Toronto reminiscences of... II xn 240 Maize. Introduction into Mexico. . IV vi 213 Not grown by Denes IV iv 36 Makadebenessi (Ottawa chief), career IV vi 299 Makarip Cove, dislocation causing it IV vm 140 Malachidse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 Malachite, tests; Canadian localities II vi 151 Malacostraca, sub-divisions of II i 278 Malahide Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 523 Malapterurus beninensis. II m 67 M. electricus II in 64 Malaria. Effect on races in infected countries IV vin 546 On Appearance and De- cline of Malarious Dis- ease in Valley of Low- er Grand River. By Arthur Harvey II iv 40 Report on prevalence of, in lower districts of Grand River, Ont HI n 216 Some factors in, problem. By Dr. P. H. Bryce Ill n 216 Malay. Brain weight of II xv 201 Malay origin of Madagascar inhabitants II IV 211 Peculiarities of, feature and character Ill i 23 Peculiarities of crania of.. . II vn 442 Malay-Polynesian. Algonquin tribes connected with Ill I 18 Belief as to origin of man... IV vi 207 Ser. Vol. Page Malay-Polynesian-Con. Comparative vocabulary with Algonquin, Ural- Altaic, Asiatic Hyper- borean and Peninsular.. . Ill i 26 Grammar, similarity to Al- gonquin Ill i 20 Languages; resemblances to Maya-Quiche and Mbaya IV vi 211 Maya, comparative vocabu- laries IV vi 232 Maya-Quiche connected with "IV vi 206 Physical likenesses to Al- gonquin Ill i 22 Malcolm. Genealogical Tree of Royal Family of Gt. Britain: reprint II vn 152 Malden Tp., gazetteer notice II xiv 214, 523 Maligne, Grande Pointe, gazetteer notice (1813).. . II xiv 523 Maligne, la Petite Pointe, Gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 523 Mallard, Hamilton frequen- ters II vi 135 Mallet. Catalogue of earthquakes. . I n 54 Mallett. Method of burning soft coal III iv 86 Malleus, Amiurus Ill n 382 Mallow. Canadian localities II xv 175 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 198 Malocystites (n.s.), Cana- dian II n 303 II iv 46 II vi 515 Malpas (Cheshire). Notes on Latin Inscription on a tabula honestse mis- sionis found at, in 1812.. II iv 179 Malpighian Corpuscles, Amiurus Ill n 433 Malta. Phoenician skull from, in Dr. Morton's collection. . II vm 135 Malte-Brun. Aborigines of America one race:, ref II n 407 Othomi language: ref IV v 207 Malthusian law Ill vi 35 Maltose. Dextrine, in Beer-Worts: By C. Gordon Richardson (abstract) Ill v 133 Malus, M. Discovery of polarization of light by reflection I i 220 Malva. Effect of strong solutions on leaves of, applied to cut end of petioles: expts.... IV vn 292 296 MAL MAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Malva, L., Canadian habi- tats of M. crispa, L II xv 175 M. moschata, L II xv 175 M. rotundifolia, L II xv 175 M. sylvestris, L II xv 175 Malvaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Collateral chorisis in II x 381 Localities Canadian species II xiv 638 II xv 175 London species II vm 222 Mammalia. Catalogue of, of Canada EXCLUSIVE OF CETACEA By J. B. Tyrrell Ill vi 66 Classification and Geogra- phical Distribution of. By Richard Owen, F.R.S., reviewed II v 58 Classification of, by Linnaeus and Cuvier II ix 154 Coracobrachialis IV vi 534 Critical note on J. B. Tyrrell's paper entit- led "Mammalia of Canada''. By E. E. Thompson Ill vii 178 Evolutionary descent of, traced II xv 245 Homologies of long flexor muscles in foot IV vi 570 List with habits of, of Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 112 Owen's Classification of.... II in 458 On certain Modern views Concerning ordinal ar- rangement OF HIGHER. By David Tucker II ix 154 Remarks on Classifica- tion of. By Rev. W. Hincks II v 512 Mammals. Bibliography of Canadian. . Ill vi 67 Classes represented in fos- sils; reasons II xm 383 Classification of. By Prof. Owen: ref II v 120 Classification of II v 513 Cuverian arrangement of... II v 513 Mammals and Birds of Prince of Wales Sound, Hudson's Strait. By F. F. Payne Ill v 111 Nissl granules in nerve cells IV vi 408 Skinning and stuffing for natural history specimens; notes on I I 173 Structure and microchem- istry of nerve cells of IV vi 408 Ser. Vol. Page Mammary glands. Degenerating cells of, throw out chromatin IV n 239 Mamouce, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 523 Mamyavye IV iv 256 Man. Age of man, absurdly exag- gerated IV iv 41 Anatomical differences be- tween foot and hand IV Vi 579 Antiquity of, as evidenced by remains found in Wookey Hole cave near Wells II vii 379 Antiquity of, from remains found near Paris II vi 375 Art of painting among pri- mitive IV vi 334 Ascent of, line of develop- ment II xv 239 Brain compared with other animals II xv 178 Difference between Brain of, and of go- rilla; DISPUTE BETWEEN Huxley and Owen: re- print II viii 315 Difference between human foetus and that of ape (pl.) IV vi 589 Difference in cranial capa- city between brutes and.. II ix 166 Existence of, in centre of France when rein- deer AND OTHER ANI- MALS NOW EXTINCT THERE, EXISTED. By M. Milne Edwards and M. de Vibraye: reprint II ix 262, 270 Extremities of, and orang compared IV vi 590 Foot and hand of, differ from those of apes IV vi 588 Geological Evidences of An- tiquity of Man, with re- marks on Theories of Species by Variation. By Sir Chas. Lyell: reviewed II vm 378 Hairy men of Yesso: re- print II x 134 Hand distinguishes him from Quadrumana II ix 162 Huxley's theory of relation between man and brute, criticized II ix 165 Interossei IV vi 576 Inventions of primitive. ... IV vi 326 Language chief character- istic of IV iv 21 Mother Nature's position to primitive IV vi 338 Nature's effect on primitive IV vi 314 297 MAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MAN Ser. Vol. Page Man-Con. On Co-Existence of, WIT.l CERTAIN EXTINCT Quadrupeds, Proved by Fossil Bones (from various Pleistocene Deposits) bearing in- cisions MADE BY SHARP Instruments. By M. E. Lartet: reprint II vi 368 On Food of Man. By Dr. Lyon Playfair: reprint. . . I n 160 On Secluded Tribes of Uncivilized Men. By David Tucker II ix 326 On Syndactylous condi- tion of Hand in, and Anthropoid Apes. By C. C. Blake: reprint II ix 52 On Nutritive food of, UNDER DIFFERENT CON- DITIONS OF AGE AND EMPLOYMENT. By Dr. L. Playfair I i 247 Origin of tendon of short flexor of little toe IV vi 571 Pars clavicularis in, corre- sponds to pars sternalis in orang IV vi 531 Pectoralis minor attach- ment in IV vi 533 Period of existence on earth II iv 80 Powers at creation IV vi 278 Primitive, acquired speech at different places; so diff- erent linguistic systems. . IV vi 276 Prof. Huxley's views on ori- gin of II ix 160 Relations of, to the lower animals II ix 156 Scansorius muscle in IV VI 559 Speculations as to original home I I 154 Stages in evloution of man from lowest animals II xv 231 Structural differences seper- ating, from gorilla and chimpanzee II ix 157 Quadrumana and; differ- ences between II ix 162 Manabosho, of Delawares and Ojibwas IV vi 275 Manaboyho legends IV iv 233 IV vi 309 Manahath, ruler in Egypt... II xm 526 Mandan, vocabulary of, lan- guage, 1797: ref Ill vi 141 Mandibular. Apparatus of Amiurus HI u 283 Muscles of Amiurus catus.. HI n 312 Tusk I i 232 Ser. Vol. Page Mandarin ducks, produced at Zoological Gardens, London I i 18 Mandible, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 285 Mandrake, Canadian habi- tats II xv 59 Maneros II xn 53 Manethonic Dynasty I n 154 Manganese. Blowpipe reaction of chro- mium and, with carbon- ate of soda II xv 252 Detection of I n 313 Detection by blowpipe of oxide of, when present in minute quantity in miner- al bodies II x 344 Method of obtaining II n 30 Nova Scotia I i 241 Ores found in New York. .. I n 37 Oxalate of. By Henry Croft II n 30 Oxalate of: formula II n 304 Preparation of II n 305 Protoxide of II i 79 Reaction of, salts on baryta in blowpipe II X 342 Separation from nickel and zinc I n 126 Sesqui salts of II i 558 Manganese, bog, in Gaspe Peninsula II v 466 M. Ochre, Thunder Bay; analyzed II xn 268 M. ore, earthy, tests; Cana- dian localities II vi 150 Mani. Dialect IV vi 202 Map of: ref IV vi 202 Manicina, ectodermal origin of glandular streaks of. . . IV vi 403 Manido or Mahnido II in 306 Manitoba. Coal areas IV ix 101 Evening Grosbeak in IV in 118 Exploration in 1858 II iv 91 Geological areas II xv 16 Indian languages in, list. ... Ill v 215 Institute of Rupert's Land founded at Fort Garry in 1862; objects of II vn 337 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Mound Builders'relics in... Ill iv 133 Notes on Manitoba. Phy- sical Phenomena of- and N.W.T. By John Macoun Ill I 151 Manitoualin, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 523 Manitou islands, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 523 298 MAN GENERAL INDEX MAR Ser. Vol. Page Manitoulin. Geological area II xv 15 Geology of II xiv 585 Origin of name II m 306 Mankind, causes of some tribes secluding them- selves from rest of II ix 327 Mankato River, Iowa, Lig- nite on I n 80 Manksman, Gaelic origin of. HI n 182 Manlius stone II ix 308 Mann, Gustav. Nature of stain in fatty materials: ref IV viii 405 Manongazida, Chippewa chief IV vi 305 Mantchus, of Tungus' origin IV v 169 Mantell, G. A., LL.D., F.R.S. Obituary I I 144 Manure. Can Soda Replace Potash As A. By M. Geo. Ville: reprint II VI 50 Fish manure II iv 276 Effect on Italian rye grass of liquid I I 111 Irrigating with liquid I I 12 Salt as a II in 523 Manufacture. Agricultural Manufac- tures. By S. Copeland: reprint II vi 463 Manufacture of Vinegar; its theory and practice. By Chas. M. Wether ill: re- viewed II vi 183 Sugar Manufacture new system: reprint I I 116 Manuscripts. Discovery of Important Greek: reprint I m 336 Manx. Gaelic origin of 111 n 183 Prosody IV m 220 Review of Carvalyn Gailckagh or, carols. By Neil MacNish IV v 83 Surnames IV ii 108 Maori. Character II xn 458 Treatment by Colonists.... II xn 458 Maps. Champlains Voyages: ref-.. II ii 398 Discoveries of Joliet: ref... II n 400 Early Gazetteer and, Literature of Western Canada. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 23 French, of Canada: ref II n 394 La Salle's expedition: ref... II n 401 L. Ontario, 1660 II n 402 Ser. Vol. Page Maps-Com. Literature of Canada II xv 41 Sketch map of Geological Formations of Ontario... II viii 451 Toronto Harbour I i 162 United Counties of Prescott and Russell: ref II vi 487 Voyages of Dolier and Gal- line: ref II ii 399 Maple. Associations of Canadian and English. By Daniel Wilson I hi 380 Beech and, areas in Can- ada IV viii 24 Canadian II vi 36 Canadian species with lo- calities II xv 353 Effect of concentration of extracts of hard, on fish.. IV vii 454 Legends concerning._ I m 380 Norway, its individuality and beauty IV viii 265 Sawdust's effect on fish.... IV vii 448 Suitability for city planting IV viii 268 Maple Knot, Nom-de-plume of Ebenezer Clemo II xv 270 Maple Leaf, nom-de-plume of Rev. Dr. McCaul; selec- tions from writings II xv 270 Maracas Waterfall, disloca- tion producing it IV viii 140 Marais, Grande, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Marasmius oreades, Fr., habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 72 Marattiacese Cotyledon, precocious development of IV v 280 Marattiinae II xn 364 Maraudier Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Marble. Canadian Marbles I in 227 Canadian II vn 217 II viii 121 Ireland I I 268 Limestone and Marble Quarries on Shores of L. Couchiching I ii 38 New York I II 38 Nova Scotia I I 241 Marble Island. Geology of Ill iv 196 Glacial action Ill iv 200 Marble Island and North west Coast of Hudson's Bay. By Dr. R. Bell. ... Ill iv 192 Minerals HI iv 198 Topography Ill iv 193 Whale fishery HI iv 194 299 MAR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MAR Ser. Vol. Page Marble Island-Con. Wreck of first expedition to attempt northwest pass- age found on Ill iv 202 Marbleized Iron and Stone I i 283 March. Arrival of Birds in Toronto in...; Ill vu 190 IV m 63 Marchal. Tobacco disease: ref IV vu 324 Marcasite. Occurrence in L. Superior district II x 408 Marcus Aurelius. His legate in Britain II x 311 Mareshah. Family of II xiv 175 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 205 Mare's Tail, Canadian locali- ties II xv 551 Marginella. In Manitoba mounds HI iv 137 In Otonabee Tp., mounds (pl.) IV ix 4 Marie. Anatomy of Ranunculaceae: ref IV vi 615 Marie-Davy, M. New Electro-Magnetic Engine of. By M. Bec- querel: reprint I ill 33 Marigold, Marsh, Canadian localities II xv 56 Marine. Analogy of Life and Func- tions in both terrestrial and, vegetable world... . II xi 192 Beginning of, meteorology. I i 86 Collection of meteorological observations made at Sea II u 467 Fecundity of, vegetation in Palaeozoic ages II xi 191 Fossils in superficial strata of Western Ontario II xv 410 Insurance IV vm 77 Marine Boilers. By J. A. Roebling: reprint I Hl 131 Marine Losses on the Lakes in 1854 I in 338 Shells, L. Superior IV vi 41 Marinesco, G. Nissl granules essential con- stituent of all nerve cells: ref IV vi 426 Maritime Group, Canadian flora IV vm 25 Mariotte. Foliage leaves absorb water: ref IV vu 242 Ser. Vol. Page Markham, A. H. Asiatic origin of Eskimo: ref Ill vi 274 Markham, C. R. On Cultivation of Cin- chona in India: reprint.. II ix 56 Markham Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 209, 524 Market square, Toronto.... II xn 156 Marl, pteropod, Jamaica . . IV vm 384 Marlatt. Pontania hyalina Norton: ref IV ix 334 Marlborough Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Marling, Alex., LL.B. Obituary IV I 33 Marls. Fresh water shell, of Ontario I I 114 Mechanical, of Cuba IV v 342 Naparima, of Trinidad IV vm 381 Sanfernando, of Trinidad.. IV vm 381 Marmolite, same as pretina- lite I I 114 Marmora Tp., Ont. Analysis of auriferous mis- pickel from II xiii 509 Arsenical pyrites from, ana- lyzed II xn 267 Geological strata of gold bearing rocks (pl.) II xiii 331 Gold associated with arseni- cal pyrites in II xiii 331 Gold veins worked II xiii 332 Remarkable belt of Auri- ferous country in. By E. J. Chapman II xiii 330 Marmot. Dene mode of capturing. . . IV iv 68, 98 Dene, snares and traps (pl.) IV iv 68, 98, 103 Dene treatment of skin.... IV iv 68 Marmot, Hoary, Canadian localities Ill vi 88 Maroons. Arrival in Nova Scotia Ill vn 260 Life in Nova Scotia Ill vu 265 Maroons of Jamaica and Nova Scotia. By J. C. Hamilton Ill vu 260 On West Coast of Africa... Ill vu 268 Origin of Ill vu 263 Wars in Jamaica Ill vu 263 Marquesah. Brain, weight of II xv 216 Marquesas, first settlement and changes produced in language of Ill vi 108 Marquette. Ancient copper mines II I 235 Iron range IV n 303 Iron Trade of; L. Superior.. II vi 87 300 MAR MAT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Marriage. Customs of Blackfoot Con- federacy IV iv 251 Effects of early, on children III iv 185 Laws of first Parliament of U. Canada IV i 84 Marriage and Infanti- cide in China in their RELATIONS TO POPULA- TION. By W. Henry Cum- ming II xi 178 Statistics of, in England in 1851 I I 23 Marrow, of bone II x 201 Mars. Remarks on Planetoids BETWEEN, AND JUPITER. By T. Henning I hi 206 Marseilles, Greek type at. . . IV n 202 History of its early settle- ment IV ii 202 Marsh Blackbird, Ontario visitors Ill m 95 Marsh Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 524 Marsh, five finger, Canadian localities II xv 431 Marsh-hawk, Canadian specimens II iv 448 Marsh Marigold, Canadian habitats II xv 56 Marsh Shrew, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 89 Marsh, St. John's-wort, Canadian localities II XV 169 1VT $5 rc Vi q 11 Certified milk: ref IV vil 493 Marshes. Description of, in Colchester I III 322 Marsileacese II xn 364 Marsupials. Generic characters II v 513 Intrinsic muscles in hand and foot IV vi 582 Plantar fascia IV vi 568 Marten, Canadian localities.. HI vi 74 Martin. Gluten properties: ref IV vu 512 Phytalbumose in gluten: ref. IV VU 498 Theory of formation of glu- ten: ref IV vu 511 Martin, J. W. Geometric Problems re- lating TO CURVES HAVING DOUBLE CONTACT II V 331 Remarks on some general properties of Curves. . II vm 278 Martin, Purple, notes on Ontario visitors HI VU 191 IV in 70, 82, 107 Martinique, W. Indies, phy- sical features and geology IV vu 363 Ser. Vol. Page Martite. Composition of II xv 54 Discovery of II in 358 Maryland Yellow-throat, Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 193 IV in 72 Maryport, Eng., notes on Latin inscription on Roman altar at, (Olena- cum): interpreted II in 11 Marysburg Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Mary's, St. Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Mascher, J. F. On taking Daguerreo- types WITHOUT CAMERA: reprint I in 300 Maskelyne, Prof. Views on regelation of glass. 11 vi 68 Mason, Prof. Otis, T. Classification of Tinneh tribes criticized Ill vn 109 Invention-origins: ref IV vi 327 Inventions of primitive man IV VI 327 Medicinal and economical plants used by California Indians: ref IV vn 15 Massachusetts. Degeneration of people in. . II i 245 Foreign and native birth and marriage statistics... II i 245 Fossils from altered rocks in eastern II n 49 Insanity and idiocy; preva- lence of II i 247 Massachusetts School of Technology for research. IV ix 233 Massassaga Point, contents of ancient mounds found at II v 411 Massissauga, Ontario variety III v 255 Massey, Gerald. Autograph sonnet II xiv 487 Mastodon. Constructing a model of. . . I m 11 Description of Dr. Warren's; of place where found and of animal I i 231 Number of teeth I i 232 Remains, Morpeth, Ont.... II hi 356 Tusks described I i 232 Mastodon giganteus. Notice of, of Dr. J. C. Warren: reprint I I 230 Notice of Bones of, found in Ontario I m 405 Mastoqpatupi IV iv 255 Matanzas of Cuba, compari- son of Layton Series with, and Lafayette of N. America and its age IV v 342 301 MAT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MAT Ser. Vol. Page Mataouaschie River, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Matchedash, gazetteer no- tice (1813) I xiv 524 Matchedash Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208 Matchetache Bay. Diary of Gov. Simcoe's Journey from Humber Bay to, 1793 IV I 128 Materia Medica. Volumetric System in. By W. B. Nesbitt Ill v 163 Materials. Modes of testing Build- ing. By Prof. Henry: re- print I hi 362 Mateucci, M. On Electricity of Flames of Hydrogen and Alco- hol: reprint II vi 385 Mathematics. Analysis of solvable equa- tions of fifth degree Ill n 118 Auxiliary biquadratic irre- ducible Ill n 122 Auxiliary biquadratic with a quadratic sub-auxiliary HI n 121 Geometric problems re- lating TO CURVES HAVING DOUBLE CONTACT. By J. W. Martin II V 331 Mathematical and Physical Theories of Light I i 82 Mathematical notes. ... II vm 290 New proof of existence OF ROOTS OF EQUATIONS. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II ix 26 Notes on relative mo- tion. By Jas. Loudon... Ill I 231 Notes on trilinears. By J. B. Cherriman II ix 249 II x 334 On a method of approxi- mating to square root of a number II vm 293 On a reduction of curves of second order II vm 291 On axes of conic in tri- linears. By J. B. Cherri- man II xi 388 On linear asymptotes in algebraic curves II vm 290 On resolution of Alge- braic equations. By J. B. Cherriman II V 209 On trilinear co-ordi- nates. By Jas. Loudon.. II xiii 62 Ser. Vol. Page Mathematics-Con. Principles of solution of EQUATIONS OF HIGHER DEGREES WITH APPLICA- TIONS. By Geo. Paxton Young Ill ii 79 Progress of, 1770-1850: re- viewed II ii 366 Recherches sur les princeps de la Theorie des Rich- esses par Augustin Cour- not: reviewed II ii 185 Relation that can be PROVED TO SUBSIST BE- TWEEN AREA OF PLANE TRIANGLE AND SUM OF ANGLES ON HYPOTHESIS that Euclid's 12th AXIOM IS false. By Geo. Paxton Young II- v 341 Remarks on negative in- dex of a function. By Rev. E. K. Kendall II vm 273 Remarks on some general PROPERTIES OF CURVES. ByJ.W. Martin II vm 278 Remarks on Prof. Boole's mathematical theory OF LAWS OF THOUGHT. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II x 161 Resolution of algebrai- cal equations (Proof OF IMPOSSIBILITY OF RE- PRESENTING INFINITE AL- GEBRAICAL FUNCTIONS, IN MOST GENERAL CASE, ROOTS OF ALGEBRAICAL EQUATIONS OF DEGREES HIGHER THAN FOURTH WITH METHODS OF FIND- ING ROOTS OF EQUATIONS OF 5TH, 6tH, ETC., DE- GREES IN CERTAIN CASES). By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II v 20, 127, 209 Resolution of solvable EQUATIONS OF FIFTH DE- GREE. B£ Geo. Paxton Young Ill ii 127 Solvable irreducible equa- tion of mth degree m prime Ill ii 97 Mather, Colin. On an Earth-boring Machine: reprint I m 297 Mather, Prof. Observations on variations in levels of the Gt. Lakes: ref I n 298 302 MAT MAY GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Mather, Prof.-Con. Transitions from fossilifer- ous limestones to white mineralized limestones: ref I in 37 Mathews, Capt., Niagara, 1778 IV iv 303 Mathews, Percy W. P., LL.D., M.R.C.S.E. Notes on early develop- ment OF ABORIGINAL WOMEN IN ALL LATITUDES III IV 181 Matilda Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 64, 524 Mathiot, Geo. On electrotyping opera- tions OF U.S. COAST sur- vey: reprint... I I 226 Mathura, translation of Tsu- rami inscription found at. IV IV 268 Matte. Conversion of nickel, into crude nickel IV u 88 Matter, metaphysical defini- tion of II I 105 Matthews, Dr. Washin tgon. Navajo Gambling Songs: ref IV vi 323 Matthiola incana, stamen peculiarities in II v 339 Mats, Tsijkolnitui IV iv 157 Maul, Dene IV iv 101 Mauna Loa. Eruption of I I 18 Mocquoweoweo crater I I 18 Volcano IV in 17 Maurepas Isle, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 524 Maurer. Position of capillaries of bucco-pharynx for respir- ation: ref IV viii 487 Mauretania, Zimri traces in. II xv 292 Mauritius, Exports and Pro- ducts of (1859) II vii 143 Maury, Lieut., U.S.N. Gales in Atlantic, 1857: re- viewed II ii 280 Salt condition of sea. ... I m 227 Mauvais-Monde, branch of Nah'ane tribe IV vii '521 Mauvaises Terres. Mauvaises Terres. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint. . I Hl 357 Mazatlan Shells, presented to University of Toronto. II in 263 Maxillae, Amiurus catus (pl.). Ill n 283 Maximum thermometer, invented by Negretti... . I i 120 Maximinus. His legate in Britain as given by Latin inscriptions. ... II x 319 Ser. Vol. Page Maxwell, J. Clerk. Colour theory II I 158 Method of drawing theo- retical forms of Fara- day's Lines of Force without calculation: reprint II II 62 On an Instrument to ILLUSTRATE PoiNSOT's Theory of Rotation: re- print II ii 110 Theory of Compound Colours with refer- ence TO MIXTURES OF BLUE AND YELLOW LIGHT: reprint II II 60 Three colour theory of vision IV vn 372 Unequal sensibility of FORAMEN CENTRALE TO LIGHT OF DIFFERENT colours: reprint II ii 110 May, arrival of Birds in Tor- onto in Ill vii 191 IV in 107 May-apple, Canadian locali- ties II xv 59 Maya. Chronicles published by Dr. Brinton IV vi 158 Dew as holy water IV vi 336 Hieroglyphics, attempts to solve IV vi 121 Hieroglyphics are ideogra- phic / IV vi 123 History of IV vi 158 Language IV vi 118 Malay-Polynesian compara- tive vocabularies IV vi 232 Month names IV vi 332 Pacumchae of IV vi 117 Tagala vocabulary IV vi 215 Time reckoning IV v 316 Mayapan, ruins IV vi 106 Maya-Quiche. Affiliation of languages and tribes IV vi 206 Aztecs of different origin than IV vi 156 Belief as to origin of man... IV VI 207 Circumcision rite IV VI 211 Connection with Tokari... . IV vi 116 Documents and material for their decipherment IV vi 118 Document "Codex Pere- sianus'' IV vi 119 Document "CodexTroano'' IV vi 119 Document "Dresden Co- dex'' IV vi 119 Grammatical differences from neighbouring lan- guages IV vi 210 Language divisions IV vi 118 303 MA Y PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE McC Ser. Vol. Page Maya-Quiche-Con. Malay-Polynesians con- nected with IV vi 206 Malay-Polynesian; facts connected with this affili- ation IV vi 212 Malay - Polynesian lan- guages; resemblances to.. IV vi 211 Origin Ill V 65 Polynesian origin shown in language and tradition... IV vi 207 Writing Ill v 66 Mayer, Brantz. Aztecs method of reckoning time: ref IV v 313 Mayer. Absorption of ammonium carbonate by leaves: ref. IV vu 246 Plant gelatin chemically un- like gelatin: ref IV vu 500 Mayer, Dr. J. R. Orang's use of limbs in rest- ing and moving: ref IV vi 518 Source of muscular power. . II xi 250 Surface tension of blood plasma lower than that of isotonic salt solution: ref IV ix 397 Mayerhoffer, Vincent Phi- lip, Thornhill and Vaug- han II xiii 445 Maynooth battery I i 243 Mayow, Dr. John. Source of muscular power: ref II xi 251 Maypen, fossils in yellow limestone of IV vm 382 Mayser. Brain of teleosts: ref Ill II 353 Mazade of Valence. Minerals found in waters of Neyrac: ref I I 152 Mazer, Legends I m 381 Mazieres. Solutions that kill some plants and not injure others: ref IV vu 247 Mbaya, growth of language. . Ill V 168 Mbaya-Abipone, grammati- cal pecularities IV vi 210 McAlpine, W. J. Report on Ship Canal from Albany to New Balti- more: reviewed I I 186 McCaul, C. C. Chinook wind: ref IV V 49 McCaul, Rev. John. Ancient Carved Stone FOUND AT CHESTERHOLM, Northumberland, Eng. (pi.) II xiv 1 Ser. Vol. Page McCaul, Rev. John-Con. Christian Epitaphs of FIRST SIX CENTURIES. . II XI 271, 351 II xn 1 Egyptian hieroglyphics. . IV vi 18 Identified Stations on Southern Roman Bar- rier in Britain II xiii 136 Notes on Latin Inscriptions found in Britain II in 7, 220 II iv 173, 349 II v 283, 483 II vi 230, 395 II vii 28 II ix 217 II x 95, 303 II xn 108 On Inscribed Sling-Bul- lets II ix 92 Presidential Address, Jan., 1863 II vm 97 Sylva Critica Canaden- sium Ill i 76 Tesserze Consulares II vm 427 Nom-de-plume "Gradu- ate"; article on Univer- sity Question, 1845 II xv 445 Nom-de-plume "Maple Leaf"; selections from writings II xv 270 Reading of Bath Latin In- scription correct II in 465 McClintock, Sir Leopold. Discovery of record of Franklin expedition: ref IV VHi 395 Exploration survey for sec- ond Atlantic cable: ref.. II vi 105 McClure, Capt. Diary of, during navigation of northwest passage: ref. I II 83 North-west passage proved to exist: ref I in 335 Search for Franklin: ref.... I n 111 M. Cosh, Rev. Jas. and Geo. Dickie. Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation: re- viewed II I 528 McCoy, Prof. Favosites gothlandica (La- marck): ref II iv 101 Reclassification of Athyris: ref II vi 138 McCoy, Prof. Law of Mortality: ab- stract II ii 71 McCulloch. On rise of wages and prices: ref II I 431 304 McD MEA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page McDonald, Col. John. Burial notice in St. Mark's register IV I 111 McDonnell. Milk supply of American cities examined for bac- teria: ref IV vii 469 McDonnell, Capt. Part in sacking of Cherry Valley, 1778 IV iv 289 McFadyen. Cause of African horse sickness: ref IV viii 56 McGee, Prof. W. J. Geographical evolution of Cuba: ref IV v 349 "Matanzas and Lafayette" Series: ref IV v 342 McGill, Toronto II xin 83 McGill, A. Notes on Reichert's Dis- tillation Process for identification of but- ter-fat HI v 39 McGill, Dr., St. Andrews, Niagara IV I 121 McGill, Jas. Discovery of new route to North-west in 1785 IV v 79 McGillivray, Duncan. Explorations in western Canada HI vi 146 Mcllwraith, Thos. List of Birds observed in vicinity of Hamilton, Ont II v 387 List of Birds observed near Hamilton, Ont.: reviewed II xi 245 Notices of Birds obser- ved near Hamilton, Ont II vi 6,129 McIntosh, John. Dene and Tungus war cus- toms: ref IV V 190 McIntosh homestead, Tor- onto II xm 264 McKay, J. W. Calls Nah'ane tribe Ku- nana: ref IV vn 517 McKay Mt., L. Superior, trap rocks of Ill vn 245 McKenzie, T. B. A. Blood-Vascular System of Amiurus catus Ill u 418 McKenzie, R. Geology of HI i 229 Petroleum areas HI I 228 McLauchlan, Alex. Poems by: reviewed II in 17 McLean, John. Discoverer of Gt. Falls of Labrador IV n 332 Ser. Vol. Page McLean, S. J., L.LD. Notes regarding Railway Regulation IV ix 61 McLean and Wright. Sleigh manufacturers; ex- hibit at 1851 Exhibition. . I i 88 McLeod, Capt. Martin, Drynoch II xm 450 McMurrich, Prof. J. Play- fair, Ph.D. Legend of "Resurrec- tion Bone" IV ix 45 Life history of Pacific salmon IV ix 23 Mesenterial filaments IN ZOANTHUS SOCIATUS (Ellis) IV vi 387 Myology of Amiurus catus Ill n 311 Osteology of Amiurus Catus (L.), Gill Ill n 270 Some Canadian Infu- soria Ill i 300 Arrangement of mesenteries in Zoanthid larvae: ref. . . IV Vi 398 General appearance of glan- dular streak: ref IV vi 395 Mesenterial filaments in Hexactiniae: ref. ....... IV vi 398 McNab, David, Toronto .... II xn 349 McNairn, Wm. Harvey, M.A. Origin of Canadian Apa- tites IV vin 495 McRae, John C. Geological formation at Port Colborne as SHOWN BY DRILLING FOR NATURAL GAS Ill VI 338 McTaggart. Observations on rise and fall of levels of the Lakes: ref I n 296 McWilliams, Dr. J. A. Blood pressure and pressure on aorta: ref IV vii 194 Condition of respiration on effects of dose of chloro- form: ref IV vii 203 Meadowlark. Habits in captivity IV HI 94 Ontario visitors HI in 99 Toronto specimens IV i 58 Wintering near Toronto.... IV I 42 Meadow Mouse, Canadian localities HI vi 80 Meadow-Parsnip, Canadian localities II xv 556 Meadow Rue, Canadian habi- tats II xv 53 Meadow Sweet, Canadian localities II xv 362 305 MEA MEE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Measures. Tables of; English, Old French and Metrical. By Arthur Wurtele: reviewed II vi 487 Meats. Methods of preserving I in 280 Preservation of I n 109 Results of experiments ON PRESERVATION OF. By G. Hamilton: abstract.. . I in 113 Mechanics. General improvements in MECHANICAL SCIENCE during 1852. By W. Fairbairn: reprint In 72 Notes on. By Jas. Loudon II xiv 354 On apparently mechani- cal ACTION ACCOMPANY- ING Electric Transfer. By A. Crosse: reprint. . . I ill 113 Problems on parallel forces. 11 xiv 354 Mechanics Institute. First in Toronto II xii 236 Mechanics' Institute (Toronto), New Hall: reprint I II 78 Mecklenburgh, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 524 Medals. Coins, and Seals, Ancient and Modern: reviewed. . II vi 192 Copley, award for 1855.... II I 199 Royal, award for 1855. .... II I 199 Wollaston, conferred on Sir W. E. Logan (1856) II I 307 Medaowin II in 304 IV vi 288 Medawahg II m 305 Median breed of horses, countries found in. I I 199 Medicago, L., Canadian lo- calities of M. lupulina, L II xv 356 M. sativa, L II xv 356 Medical. Canadian, Association II xii 209 Duration of life of, Men. By Dr. Guy: reprint. ... I II 282 On State of, Science in Ontario. By J. N. Agnew, M.D II xii 207 Ontario, Act II xii 212 Medical inspection of Schools. Brussels; first system of.... IV vm 193 Boston IV vm 198 Great Britain IV vni 195 Medical Inspection of School Children. By Chas. A. Hodgetts IV vm 191 New York IV vm 198 New York regulations IV VIII 205 Ser. Vol. Page Medical Inspection of Schools-Con. Objects and results IV vm 199 Zurich, Switz IV vm 194 Medicinal herbs, Dene IV iv 130 Medicine. On Vagaries of. By C. B. Hall II xi 225 Roman, stamps used in Bri- tain: notes on II in 8 Medicine-Dance. Blackfoot Medicine-Dance. By Rev. John McLean ... Ill vi 231 Medicine men, Dene Ill vn 157 Medicine Hat, Alta. Fossils... Ill v 155 Places of Geological In- terest near. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton Ill v 150 Section of deposits showing coal seams near Ill v 153 Medick, Canadian species with habitats II xv 356 Medicus and Scherer. Reichert's distillation pro- cess for identification of butter-fat: ref v 39 Medici, Latin inscription bearing title, found in Britain II xiv 154 Medina and Clinton For- mations. Economic materials of, in Canada II vill 210 Fossils of, in Canada (pl.).. II vm 209 In Canada II vm 208 Medina Sandstone. Formation at Niagara II v 501 Huron region, Ont I Hl 51 North shore, L. Ontario.... II xv 391 Sediments in Niagara cuesta IV vn 179 Mediterranean Sea, old world empires around its shores II I 9 Medonte, Tp., topographical features of I I 224 Medotheca porella, Niagara and Clinton formations of Canada II xiv 472 Medulla II x 201 Meek. Electoral representation: ref IV in 22 Meek, Ed. Lessons from times and TEACHINGS OF ClCERO: abstract IV iv 234 Meek, F. B. Protaster granuliferus: ref. . IV vm 364 Meek and Worthen. Protaster gregarius: ref.... IV vm 364 306 MEG MEL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Megaceros. British specimens and haunts Ill i 214 Described Ill i 222 Geographical distribution of, in Europe II vi 374 Isle of Man II vi 370 M. cervus. Ancient haunts of, or great Irish deer. By Daniel Wilson Ill I 207 M. hibernicus. Bones found in Eyzies Grotto France II ix 264 From Canal de 1'Ourcq ... . II VI 369 Megalithic, measurements of crania from British, tombs II vii 435 Megalocephalic, variations among ancient races II xv 216 Megalomus (Hall) II vi 353 M. canadensis, Hall. Hespeler, Guelph, Galt and Elora II xiv 143 Near Guelph II v 473 M. compressus, Nicholson and Hinde. Guelph formation, Hespeler (pl.) II xiv 143 Megalithic tombs, contents of II vii 430 Megambonia (Hall) II vi 353 ' Meganteris elongatus, Hall II vi 267 Megapus crassipalpis, Koen. Full description IV ix 289 Syn. Atractides ovalis Koe- nike: M. crassipalpis Koe- nike IV ix 289 M. ovalis (Koen), full de- scription IV ix 289 Megara, traces of Ashchurites in II xiv 256 Megascops asio. Observations on Ontario fre- quenters HI vii 188, 194, 197 IV i 41, 45 IV m 67, 73, 92 Megatherium, Post pliocene, Ashley River, U.S II iv 417 Meigs, Dr. J. Aitken. Cranial admeasurements: ref II xil 281 Catalogue of Human Crania in Collection of Academy of Natural Science, Phila- delphia, 1857: reviewed. II n 364 Description of deformed fragmentary skull found at Jerusalem: reviewed.. II IV 487 Skull of Huron chief: ref. . . II xiu 129 Melandrya striata, Dej (Say) I in 326, 377 Ser. Vol. Page Melandyridae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Melanerpes erythrocepha- lus, Observations on Ontario frequenters Ill vn 191 IV i 60 IV in 68, 79, 107 Melania, Toronto species.... II vi 328 M. virginica, Say, L. On- tario II xni 502 Melanochroi group, of men III n 9 Melanospermae, possibly caused supposed fossil tracks known as protich- nites II xv 487 Melanosporae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV IX 74 Melanthaceae, London species II vm 235 Melaphyre, relative date of intrusion into Laurentian series in Canada II ill 110 Melastomacese, localities Canadian species II xv 553 Melbourne. Progress of, 1853: reprint. I m 266 Meles labradoria (Sabine), Rich., Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 75 Melilot, Canadian species with localities II xv 356 Melilotus, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of M. alba, Lam II xv 356 M. officinalis, Willd II xv 356 Melinophane, composition. . II i 553 Melitsea, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill II 240 Melnikow. Capillaries relation to vari- ous portions of stomach of Lota vulgaris: ref Ill n 402 Melospiza fasciata, obser- vations on Ontario fre- quenters Ill in 90 III vii 189, 195 IV I 59 IV m 70, 74, 82, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105 M. georgiana, observations on Ontario visitors III vii 191, 195, 196 IV in 70, 97, 106, 108 Melville, Andrew. Influence on Scottish Philo- sophy II xi 208 Melville, Dr. Canadian Institute's WORK AND OBJECTS IV VI 15 307 MER MEL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Melville, first Viscount. Biography of man after whom Dundas St., Tor- onto, WAS CALLED. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 625 Melville Sound, copper in its vicinity IV ix 219 Melzer. Popliteus and pronator homologues: ref IV vi 567 Memnon IV v 96 Memory. Defined HI v 16 Second cognative faculty of mind II xi 310 Memorial, to Lieut. Bellot. .11 I 88 Memorial Horn. Notice of Remarkable, PLEDGE OF TREATY WITH Creek nation, 1765. By Daniel Wilson Ill I 255 Memythrus tricinctus, Harris, Gall producer IV ix 311 On host Populus tremuloi- des Michx IV ix 309 Time of emergence of moth. IV ix 310 Mencheres II xm 53 Meneme, Abyssinia II x 56 Menispermaceae, Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species 11 xiv 291 II xv 58 Hamilton species HI ii 145 Localities Canadian species II xiv 636 II xv 58 London species II vm 220 Menispermum, Canadian localities of M. canadense, L II xv 58 Menno, Simon, York County II xm 567 Mennonites. Village community system of Ill iv 65 York County II xm 567 Meno §§20, 21, 29 (Bekker), text and translation II vn 484 Menobranchus. New species of. By Dr. Garnier HI v 218 M. latastei, Maitland River III v 218 M. lateralis, Canadian speci- men II I 23 M. maculatus, L. Ontario. . II xm 506 Menocephalus, Quebec group II vi 288 Menocerca II xv 247 Menominee crania II n 423 Menominee, iron range.... IV n 304 Ser. Vol. Page Mensuration. Scale for computation of AREAS OF IRREGULAR figures. By Thos. Hec- tor II in 309 Menten, Maud L. Distribution of fat, CHLORIDES, PHOSPHATES, POTASSIUM, AND IRON IN STRIATED MUSCLE IV VIII 403 Mentor. Nom-de-plume of Rev. Geo. Okill Stuart: with selec- tion from his writings.... II xv 440 Mephitis, Canadian locali- ties of M. americana, var. Hud- sonica, Rich Ill vi 75 M. mephitica, Shaw Ill vi 75 M. occidentalis, Baird Ill vi 75 M. putorius, Linn HI vi 75 Mer. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 243 Mercapatam II i 81 Mercator. Nom-de-plume of Rt. Hon. Ed. Ellice: with note on writings II xv 441 Mercer. Improvements in cotton and calico manufacture by... I I 136 Mercury.' Copper seperated from I n 126 Permeability of Metals by mercury: reprint. ... I n 22 Sulphide of, behaviour of alkalic metal II I 394 Meredith, Dr. E. A. Compulsory Education in Crime: abstract Ill n 230 Influence of recent gold DISCOVERIES ON PRICES. . II I 430 Some new emendations in Shakespeare Ill i 381 Meredith, Rev. H. C. Bleeding implements of California Indians (pl.): ref IV vn 16 Merganser, Hamilton species II v 395 II vi 136 M. americanus, Mimico.... IV m 108 Mergulus alle, L., Prince of Wales Sound HI v 123 Mergus, Hamilton species... II v 395 Meridian. Finding, for Longitude wrork in field II iv 455 New, first proposed HI I 147 308 MER MET GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Meriones. Species found in Nova Scotia. By J. H. Daw- son: reprint I in 388 M. labradorius, Rich, Can- adian localities Ill vi 82 Merismopedia, granules in nodal points of proto- plasm IV vi 449 Merista, generic characters.. II vi 143 Meristella II vi 188 Merivale. Opinion as to who built Roman wall II xm 138 Merkel. Two classes of cutaneous sense organs: ref Ill n 259 Merker. Central cylinder of Gunnera macrophylla: ref IV VI 611 Mermaid-weed, Canadian localities II xv 551 Meropidae, generic characters II ix 234 Merovingian, Frank. Cranial capacity (large) of.. II xv 216 Merritt, W. Hamilton, F.G.S. Magnetic Iron ores of Victoria county with NOTES ON CHARCOAL IRON SMELTING Ill I 261 Notes on possibilities of IRON AND STEEL PRODUC- TION in Ontario IV n 299 Mersea Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 524 Merton College (Oxon.) Description of II xm 454 Its foundation and state of learning at that time. ... II xm 457 Library of II xm 454 Men from, famous in Can- ada II xm 463 Merton College and Can- ada. By Rev. Dr. Scadd- ing II xm 453 Merton, Eng., sewage farm.. IV n 146 Merula migratoria, observa- tions on Ontario visitors III vn 181,189 IV i 42, 53, 58, 59 IV m 66, 73, 83, 90, 98, 101, 103, 104, 108 Merulius aurens, Fr., hab- its; Ontario habitats IV ix 77 Mesambrianthemum cris- tallinum, soda replaced by potash in II vi 51 Mesenterial filaments. Bibliography IV vi 387 Bibliography of, in zoan- thids IV vi 403 Ser. Vol. Page Mesenterial filaments-Com. Ciliated bands ontogeneti- cally distinct from glan- dular streaks IV vi 401 Ciliated bands of Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 391 Development of, in buds of Zoanthus sociatus IV vi 400 Development of, in egg em- bryos (pl.) IV vi 398 Function in Zoanthus flos- marinus IV vi 391 Mesenterial filaments in Zoanthus sociatus (El- lis). By J. Playfair McMurrich IV vi 387 Older authors views con- cerning IV vi 388 Mesenteric arteries, amount of blood flowing through. II ix 182 Mesethmoid, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 276 Mesial plan, of cranial mea- surements II xii 282 Mesmerism, influence on patient having finger am- putated Ill vn 12 Mesoblasts, haematoblasts derived from IV n 251 Mesoderm cells, sponges.... II xv 426 Mesogloea, Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 392, 402 Mesopotamia. Gileadite traces in II xv 77 Sumerian family in II xv 286 Mesothemis, Hagen II vn 454 M. simplicicollis, Hagen, characters; N. American habitats II vn 454 Mesozoic. Glauconite abundantly for- med in this period IV vn 547 Period in Central Ontario.. IV vn 162 Secondary Fossiliferous or, Rocks not found in Canada II vm 112 Messaba iron range IV n 307 Messana, copper coins (2) from, in Canadian Insti- tute II ix 228 Messenia, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 253 Messerschmidt, D. G. Siberian explorations IV n 262 Messou IV vi 310 Mestraei, Egypt, believed to be sons of Ashchur II xiv 182 Metabolism IV ix 274 309 MET PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MET Ser. Vol. Page Metals. Deposition of Native Metals in Vein Fis- sures, etc., by Electro- Chemical Agency. By Prof. E. J. Chapman: re- print f II in 75 Electro-plating of, with WHITE METALS, ALUMIN- IUM AND SILICIUM FROM CLAY, STONE AND SAND. By G. Gore, M.D.: re- print I in 15 Extraction of. By Bat- tery: reprint I in 94 H. Grissell's, patent for coating, methods I I 43 Metals in Canada. By Jas. L. Willson and Chas. Robb: abstract II vi 486 New art of ornamenting metallic surfaces I I 165 Non-precipitation of II I 558 Precious, of England I m 46, 94 Preparation of II n 305 Product of precious me- tal THROUGHOUT WORLD in 1853 I III 41 Metallography process .... I m 31 Metallurgy. Ancient method of refining lead II vii 31 Arsenic and sulphur as METALLURGICAL AGENTS IN TREATMENT OF CANA- DIAN AURIFEROUS AND ARGENTIFEROUS ORES. By R. Dewar IV I 141 Law of, regarding melting point of alloys IV I 141 Law of spheroidal form given to small portions of alloys or metals IV I 143 Nickel IV n 81 Roman, in Britain II vi 409 Metallurgic relics. Latin Inscriptions on, in Britain II vi 410 Metamorphic. On composition and mi- croscopic STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN BASALTIC AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS. By Dr. Andrews: reprint. ... I I 168 Archean rocks of, origin: criticized Ill iv 123 Canadian, rocks II vi 433 Characteristics of, rocks... . II vi 433 Foliation of, rocks in Scotland. By Prof. E. Forbes: reprint I ill 115 Geology of, Basin of Canada II ix 9 Ser. Vol. Page Metamorphic-Con. Hills of St. Lawrence region I in 97 Mode of formation of sili- cates in, rocks II n 357 Nova Scotia, district II xv 109 Ontario, rocks I in 29 Rocks of eastern N. America of, nature I m 255 Metamorphism. In rocks II vi 451 Metamorphism in Rhode Island Coal Basin. By Prof. T. Nelson Dale: abstract Ill in 18 Rock Metamorphism. By T. Sterry Hunt: ab- stract II ii 300 Of sedimentary rocks II HI 206 Theory of, criticized Ill iv 116 Metamorphosis. Origin and, of some sedi- mentary rocks. By T. Sterry Hunt II n 355 Metandrocarpa dermatina sp. n., British Columbia Coast IV ix 128 M. taylori sp. n., British Columbia coast IV ix 129 Metaphysical. Problem of space IV vm 315 Rational Philosophy in His- tory and in System; an Introduction to a Logical and, course. By Alex. C. Fraser: reviewed II ill 347 Metapterygoid. Amiurus catus (pl.) HI n 284 Hyomandibular and, func- tions and development in Amiurus...... Ill n 290 Metazoa, species in Toronto tap water Ill I 425 Metazoa and Protozoa, Haeckel's division of ani- mal kingdom II xv 419 Metcalf, Wm. Arrival of Spring birds in Toronto Ill vn 189 Metempsychosis, Carriers and Sekanaife belief in.... Ill vn 161 Meteoroic. Chassigny, stone II vm 89 Composition of, stones II vn 151 Graphite in, stones II I 308 Meteoric Stones in India II vn 193 Quartz in, Iron II vi 526 Meteorites. American II vi 300 Chemical analysis of II IV 411 Chemical composition of. . . II v 206 Chronological list of known: ref II iv 411 310 MET GENERAL INDEX MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorites-Con. Classification of II iv 495 Classification of. By Baron von Reichenbach: abstract II v 206 Composition of some speci- mens IV ii 78 Full account of one that fell near Dhurmsalla, India.. II vn 194 Meteorites. By Elijah P. Harris: reviewed II iv 411 Quartz meteorites Ill vn 9 Theories of (various) II iv 411 Meteorological. Abnormal Variations of SOME ELEMENTS AT TOR- ONTO AND THEIR RELA- TIONS TO DIRECTION OF Wind. By G. T. Kingston II ix 109 Abstract of, observations for 1861-62 at Strat- ford, Ont. By Chas. John Macgreggor II vni 294 Comparative Tabular, Observations in Can- ada, England and Rus- sia. By W. Graeme Tom- kins II iv 389 Lesser Slave Lake, register for 1802: ref Ill vi 147 Mean results of, Observa- tions at Quebec, 1853-54. By Lieut. Noble: re- viewed I in 327 Mean Results of, Observ- ations at St. Martin, Isle Jesus. By Chas. Smallwood, M.D. For 1852 I n 7 For 1853 I n 230 Mean, results at Tor- onto, 1854. By J. B. Cherriman I in 161 Mean, Results at Tor- onto with Notes. By Prof. G. T. Kingston. For 1857 II in 192 1858 II iv 161 1859 II v 238 1860 II vi 210 1861 II vn 97 1862 II vni 238 1863 II ix 171 1864 II x 108 Meteorological condi- tions DURING PAST WIN- TER, 1889-90. By R. F. Stupart: abstract IV I 31 Natural History Society Montreal; report on St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Observatory II i 409 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological- Con. Observations at Hamil- ton from 1846 to 1853.. In 187 Observations at St. Mary's for 1859. By W. Graeme Tomkins II v 397 Observations at Toronto from 1840 to 1853: ab- stract I i 286 Observations on L. Nipis- sing, Oct. and Nov. 1854. By Alexander Murray.. . I m 146 On Establishment of Sys- tem of Simultaneous, Observations, etc., THROUGHOUT BRITISH North American Pro- vinces. By Major R. Lachlan I ii 241 Phenomenon of extraordi- nary pillar of blue light near horizon II i 198 Proposal for Stations for Canada I in 154 Records in North Western Canada about 1790: ref. . Ill vi 136 Register, Fort Brady, Michi- gan, Feb. 1855 I in 245 Registers, suggested forms of I n 245 Remarks on Canadian, ob- servations II i 91 Results at Hamilton, 1854 I hi 172 St. Mary's, Ont., Toronto, Hamilton, London, Eng., St. Petersburgh and Mos- cow, results compared for 1858 II iv 391 Saxby Gale the 4th Oct., 1869, conditions St. John. IV ix 255 Snow crystals during cold weather I in 232 Quebec Meteorological Table I m 20 Meteorological Observa- tions. Atlin, B.C IV vni 291 Dawson IV vni 291 Fort Constantine IV vni 291 Yukon Territory., IV vni 291 Meteorological Register, Hamilton. 1854, Year I hi 172 1855, Year n i 207 1856, December II n 80 1856, Year II n 80 1858, Year II iv 245 1860, Year II vi 220 1861, Year II vn 476 311 MET PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Kingston. 1854, Year II i 566 1856, January 221 February 496 March 497 April 498 May 499 Year II n 392 1857, Year II ni 532 1858, Year II iv 427 Meteorological Register, Quebec. 1853, December I n 176 1854, January 200 February 236 March 260 April 316 October I in 120 November 152 December 176 1855, January 199 February 224 March 248 April 272 May 296 June 320 July 344 August 369 September 391 October 416 November Il I 95 December 215 1856, January 216 February 325 March 326 April 504 Meteorological Register, St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Canada East. 1853, January I i 167 February 190 March 214 April 238 May 263 June 284 July I ii 23 August 48 September 74 October 152 November 128 December 175 1854, January 199 February 235 March 259 April 284 May 315 June I in 24 July 48 August 72 September 96 October 119 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Canada East-Con. 1854, November 151 December 175 Year 214 1855, January 198 F ebruary 223 March 247 April 271 May 295 June 319 July 343 August 368 September 390 October 415 November II i 94 December 212 Year 218 1856, January 213 February 323 March 322 April 414 May 415 June 501 J uly 502 August 567 September 568 October II u 77 November 78 December 158 1857, January 159 February 230 March 231 April 318 May 319 June 389 July 390 August 490 September 491 October II in 94 November 95 December 198 1858, January 199 February 278 March 279 April 374 May 375 June 470 July 471 August 529 September 530 October II iv 170 November 171 December 250 1859, January 251 February 343 March 344 April 346 May 347 J une 424 July 425 312 MET GENERAL INDEX MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Canada East-Con. 1859, August II v 103 September 104 October 106 November 107 December 246 1860, January 247 February 318 March 319 April 406 May 407 June 480 July 481 August II vi 95 September 96 October 97 November 98 December 218 1861, January 219 February 310 March 311 April 392 May 392 June 492 July 493 August 536 September 537 October II vn 94 November 96 December 170 1862, January 171 February 236 March 237 April 396 May 397 June 474 July 475 August II vin 94 September 95 Meteorological Register, Toronto. 1852, July I I 19 August 45 September 71 October 94 November 117 December 143 1853, January 166 February 191 March 213 April I I 239 May 262 June 285 July I ii 24 August 47 September 73 October 104 November. 127 December 174 Year 185 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1854, January 198 February 234 March 258 April 283 May 314 June I in 23 July 47 August 71 September 95 October 118 November 150 December 174 Year 163 1855, January 197 February 222 March 246 April 270 May 294 June 318 July 342 August 367 September 388 October 414 November II I 93 December 208 Year 220 1856, January 210 February 318 March 320 April 412 May 490 June 492 July 494 August 562 September 564 October II u 73 November 75 December 154 Year 312 1857, January 156 February 226 March 228 April 314 May 316 June 385 July 387 August 486 September 488 October II in 90 November 92 December 194 Year 192 1858, January 196 February 274 March 276 April 370 May 372 June 466 J uly 468 August 525 313 MET PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1858, September 527 October II iv 81 November 83 December 166 Year 164 1859, January 168 February 246 March 248 April 339 May 341 June 440 July 422 August 501 September II v 97 October 99 November 101 December 242 Year 238 1860, January 244 February 314 March 316 April 402 May 404 June 476 July./ 478 August 553 September 554 October II vi 91 November 93 December 214 Year 210 1861, January 216 February 306 March 308 April 388 May 390 June 488 July 490 August 532 September 534 October II vii 90 November 92 December 166 Year 97 1862, January 168 February 232 March 234 April 392 May 394 June 470 July 472 August 529 September 531 October II vm 90 November 92 December 181 Year 238 1863, January 183 February 269 March 271 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1863, April 325 May 327 June 405 July 407 August 477 September 479 October II ix 77 November 79 December 133 1864, January 135 February 213 March 215 April 285 May 287 June 365 J uly 367 August 435 September 437 October II x 77 November 79 December 157 Year 108 1865, January 159 February 219 March 221 April 299 May 301 June 367 J uly 369 August 432 September 434 October II Xi 75 November 77 December 79 Year 136 1866, January 141 February 143 March 145 April 201 May 203 June 206 J uly 265 August 267 September 269 October 345 November 347 December 349 Year 340 1867, January 407 February 409 March 411 April 413 May II xn i June iii July y August yii September ix October xi November xiii December xv 314 MET GENERAL INDEX MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1867, Year xviii 1868, January xxiii February xxv March xxvii April xxix May xxxi June xxxiii July xxxv August xxxvii September xxxix October xl November xliii December xlv Year xlvii 1869, January liii February lv March Ivii April lix May Ixi June Ixiii J uly Ixv August Ixvii September Ixix October Ixxii November Ixxiv December Ixxvi Year Ixxviii 1870, January Ixxxiii February Ixxxv March Ixxxvii April Ixxxix May II xiii xci J une xciii J uly xcv August xcvii September xcix October ci November ciii December cv Year cvii 1871, January cxiii February cxv March cxvii April cxix May cxxi June cxxiii July cxxv August cxxvii September cxxix October cxxxi November cxxxiii December cxxxv Year cxxxviii 1872, January cxlv February cxlvii March cxlix April cli May cliii June civ J uly clvii Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1872, August clix September clxi October clxi November clxiii December clxv Year clxvii 1873, January clxxiii February clxxv March clxxvii April clxxix May Ilxivclxxxi J une clxxxiii J uly clxxxv August clxxxvii September clxxxix October cxci November cxciii December cxcv Year cxcvii 1874, January cciii February ccv March ccvii April ccix May ccxi J une ccxiii J uly ccxv August... ccxvii September ccxix October ccxxi N o vember ccxxiii December,.. ccxxv Year ccxxvii 1875, January ccxxxiii February ccxxxv March ccxxxvii April ccxxxix May ccxli J une ccxliii J uly ccxlv August ccxlvii September ccxlix October ccli N ovember ccliii December II xv cclv Year cclvii 1876, January i February iii March v April vii May ix June xi J uly xiii August xv September xvii October xix November xxi December xxiii Year xxv 1877, January xxxi February xxxiii 315 MET PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MET Ser. Vol. Page Meteorological Register, Toronto-Con. 1877, March xxxv April xxxvii May xxxix June xli J uly xliii August xlv September xlvii October xlix November li December liii Year Iv Meteorology. American system I in 407 Annual distribution of TEMPERATURE AT TOR- ONTO, 1859-68. By G. T. Kingston II xn 474 Balaklava Tempest, and MODE OF INTERPRETING Barometrical Fluctua- tion. By T. Dobson: re- print II n 111 Balloon ascents in 1852.... I n 52 Capt. Fitzroy's memoran- dum on, to British Govt. (1854): reprint.... I in 87 Clearness of Atmosphere in Oroomiah, Persia. By Rev. T. D. Stoddart. . I in 215 Climatology of United States. By L. Blodget: reviewed II Hl 28 Cold days of Feb., 1855... I in 196 Contributions to, from Ob- servations taken at St. Martin, Isle Jesus. By Chas. Smallwood II iv 262 II v 308 Cost of storm warnings. ... II n 180 Diurnal and annual vari- ations OF TEMPERATURE at Halifax, N.S. By G. T. Kingston II xm 26 Editing Committee on Major Lachlan's sup- plementary REMARKS (criticized) I in 409 Efforts of Educational Department to estab- lish OBSERVATORIES. By J. George Hodgins I ill 410 Employment of electric TELEGRAPH FOR PREDICT- ING storms. By G. T. Kingston II II 177 Establishment of chair of, in University College. ... I HI 269 Gales in Atlantic, May, 1857. By Lieut. Maury, U. reviewed II n 280 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorology-Con. General, Register of Provincial Magnetical Observatory, Toronto for 1853. By Prof. Cher- riman I n 185 Hurricane of 18th April, 1855 I in 261 Isothermal Lines. By Prof. Hennessy: abstract II n 127 Late Remarkable Weath- er in England (winter, 1853-54): reprint I H 208 Marine (1854) I in 86 Marine, beginning of I I 86 I ii 52 Marine, collection of obser- vations made at sea II n 467 Meteorology of 1852 in Britain: reprint I i 210 Meteorology in connection with Agriculture. By Prof. Henry: ref II in 240 Method of determining Index Errors of Ther- mometer Scales. By W. D. C. Campbell, Quebec. II I 138 Moons'influence on weather II xin 424 Monthly mean of pressure and temperature on In- vestigator in Arctic from 1850 to 1853 I n 111 Nautical logbooks, use in... I in 86 On a Law of Temperature DEPENDING UPON LUNAR Influence. By J. P. Harrison: reprint II in 51 Observatory at St. Mar- tin, Isle Jesus, Quebec. By Chas. Smallwood; full description with drawings II in 281 Observations of Hurricane 18th April, 1855 I Hl 262 On Annual and Diurnal Distribution of differ- ent Winds at Toronto. By G. T. Kingston II ix 10 On Deducing mean Tem- perature of a Month. By G. T. Kingston II ill 5 On Climatology of Strat- ford, Ont. By C. J. Macgregor II xil 470 On Changes of Barome- tric pressure and pres- sure of Vapour that ACCOMPANY DIFFERENT winds at Toronto. By G. T. Kingston II xn 303 316 MET MET GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Meteorology-Con. On relative durations of different Winds during RAIN OR SNOW, DERIVED from Toronto Observa- tions, 1853-59. By G. T. Kingston II ix 240 On system of Forecasting Weather pursued in Holland. By Dr. Buys Ballot: reprint II ix 49 On Great Fluctuations of Temperature in Arc- tic Winter. By J. J. Murphy: reprint II vi 521 On Origin of Hail. By Frederick Mohr: reprint. II vm 35 On Variation in Quantity of Rain due to Moon's Position in reference to Plan of Earth's Or- bit. By C. Fulbrook reprint II m 50 On Winds of Western Coast of United States from Observations in CONNECTION WITH COAST Survey. By A. D. Bache: reprint II ill 72 Oroomiah, Persia, weather. I III 215 Prof. Doves isothermal maps I u 52 Provincial System of Ob- servations. By Major Lachlan I m 406 Recent advances in, By balloon ascents (1863). . . II vm 99 Report of Committee of Institute on Prof. Kingston's plan for PREDICTING STORMS II II 179 Report of Committee, to Confer with Dr. Ryerson about Meteor- ological Observations in Grammar School of Ont. By Prof. Kingston. II m 361 Remarks on Law of Storms as set forth in Tract published by Richard Budgen, in 1730. By Rev. C. Dade.. II v 294 Scientific Balloon As- cent by Glaisher 5th Sept., 1862: reprint II vu 526 Second Quarter of 1854 Highfield House Ob- servatory, Nottingham- shire, Eng. By E. J. Lowe I in 14 State of, in 1863 II ix 36 Stratford Observations for 1861. By C. J. Mac- gregor II vu 87 Ser. Vol. Page Meteorology- Con. Temperature and weather in Toronto, 1831-34 II vn 21 Value of, factor in hygro- metric formula. By Capt. Noble I in 24 Winter at Halifax, 1760. ... II xv 531 Meteors. British Association for Ad- vancement of Science, re- port on I ii 66 Meteors, Luminous, De- tails of Observations on Luminous. By Prof. Powell: reprint I m 110 Historical account of I ii 188 Meteor (Orgueil) of 14th May, 1864. By M. J. Jamin: reprint II ix 351 Meteors and Falling Stars. By T. Henning. . I ii 188,209 November, at Toronto, 1867-68 II xii 86 November 1868 II xii 174 Observations of, at the Provincial Magnetic Observatory I n 39 Theories of origin of, (1) in lunar volcanoes.... I ii 210 (2) Cosmical I n 211 Me thy lo tetrasulphuric Acid, preparation of. . . . II I 313 Metaphysics. Examination of Prof. Ferrier's theory of KNOWING AND BEING. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young. II i 105 Ferrier's (Prof.) theory. ... II I 105 Methodists, first Church of, in Toronto II xii 230 Metis, Que., geological for- mations II xv 382 Metonyms. On, or translated and Quasi-translated Per- sonal Names. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xii 35 Metopus, generic characters (pl.) Ill I 302 Metridium dianthus, ar- rangement of ciliated cells in IV vi 394 Metschnikoff. Function of mesenterial filaments: ref.- IV vi 388 Phagocytosis: ref IV vm 535 Reproduction in sponges: ref II xv 419 Mettenius. Antherozoids of Ophio- glossum pedunculosum: ref IV v 277 317 MET MIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Mettenius-Con. Dichotomy does not occur in Filicinese: ref IV vin 521 Sexual phase of Ophioglos- sum pedunculosum: ref. . IV v 266 Mexicans. Brain volume of II xv 224 Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 201 Connection with mound- builders traced I I 107 Crania; measurements. ... II n 418 Defeated by Cocyoeza IV vi 174 Devastated Zapotecapan... IV vi 173 Evil spirit (Owl) I I 107 Tradition concerning origin. IV vi 178 War with Oaxaca IV vi 183 War with Zapotecs IV vi 171 Mexico. Aborigines of Khitan origin. Ill I 285 Amalgamation processes used in IV iv 359 Ancient civilization. . Ill v 65 Civilizations of Mexico and Central America; relations of Ill v 65 Erosion effects on valleys between Esperanza and Atoyac IV v 362 History in 11th century.... IV vn 45 Maize and cotton cultiva- tion introduced IV vi 213 Moro rock in II ix 311 Native histories of IV vi 156 New History of conquest of. By Robert Alex. Wilson: reviewed ; II v 442 Othomis most ancient Tun- gusian colonists of Ameri- ca IV v 206 Time reckoning among an- cients IV v 315 Valley, descent from pla- teau to Atoyac; section. . IV v 365 Valley, descent from plateau to Monterey IV v 365 Mezereon family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Mezzofanti, Cardinal, auto- graph II xiv 502 Miami, cranial measurements of II n 423 IVIicsL* Canadian II vin 120 Canadian localities . II VI 152 Characters and Canadian localities of, slate II vi 434 Diorite dykes cutting, schists in L. Superior dis- trict (pl.).. . HI iv 121 Industry in Canada IV Vin 183 Ser. Vol. Page Mica-Con. Micaceous gneiss on north shore, L. Superior I i 125 Tests II vi 152 Michabo IV vi 310 Michaelis. Scarlet Red micro-chemical reagent: ref IV vin 242 Staining properties of Scar- let Red: ref IV vin 404 Michaux, Andre. Mistassinni Country in 1792 II ix 255 Michelinia (De Koninck), generic characters II iv 111 M. convexa (D'Orbigny). Onondaga and corniferous, Ontario (pl.) II iv 112 Ontario (pl.) II vi 509 M. favosoidea (Billings), corniferous, Ontario II IV 114 M. intermittens (Billings), corniferous, Ontario II IV 113 Michigan. Carboniferous rocks in II vn 75 Drift deposits in II vil 77 First Biennial Report of Geological Survey of: re- viewed II vn 73 Geological formations in. . . II vn 73 Geological history of II vn 76 Salt wells of II vin 267 System of education (1855). II I 176 University (1855) II I 175 Upper Silurian formations in II vn 74 Michigan, Lake. Origin of name II vn 504 Vessels built on, 1760-78.. . IV iv 311 Michigan Mouse, Canadian localities Ill vi 79 Michilimackinac. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 524 Recapture of, by Americans IV in 1 Trade routes from, at con- quest IV in 259 Michipicoten Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Michipicoten Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Michipicoten region, Wawa tuffs in IV vin 351 Michipicoten River, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Michol River, Palenque IV vi 103 Mickle, Geo., B.A. Notes on Nickel IV n 77 Micmacs. Divinities .. IV vi 275 Knowledge of Natural His- tory IV vi 327 Population in 1845 I I 196 318 MIC MIL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Microbes, conditions govern- ing existence of, in soil.. . IV I 157 Microcephaly II xv 183 Microcoleus, effect on cells of digesting with artificial gastric juice IV vi 461 M. terrestris. Central uncoloured zone in cell . IV vi 455 Cyanophycin in IV vi 457 Cytoplasm in fixed prepara- tions IV vi 459 Distribution of granules of second type in cell division IV vi 471 Two types of granules in... IV vi 465 Micro-chemistry. Digestion of Starch and Amylaceous Foods. By Philip Burnard Ayres: re- print I in 310 On structure, and de- velopment of Nerve Cells, with special re- ference to their Nu- clein Compounds. By F. H. Scott IV vi 405 Structure and, of nerve cells of mammals IV vi 408 Microciona, spermatozoids from II xv 420 Micrococcus No. 10 IV vn 475 M. varians lactis IV vn 479 M. varians lactis (Conn. 113 and 104) IV vn 475 Micro-organisms. Ripening of Cheese and role of, in process. By F. C. Harrison IV vn 103 Micropalama himantopus, Toronto Ill vn 195 IV m 84 Microscope. Limit of power in detecting organisms IV vm 60 Microscopic specimens from Rice Lake, Humber River, Grenadier's Pond and Is- land I in 201 Modern discoveries by. By T. Rymer Jones: re- print I in 64 New traversing stage for. By Patrick Free- land II ii 277 Notice of Binocular. By J. L. Riddell I i 144 Traversing stage (drawings) II n 279 Traversing stage for; first forms II n 277 Middle Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 525 Ser. Vol. Page Middle Silurian Series. Canadian . II vm 208 Niagara or Anticosti group. II vm 452 Middle Sister, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 525 Middleton, Capt. Christo- pher, F.R.S. Account of Coppermine Country. . IV ix 203 Discussion with Arthur Dobb's concerning Cop- permine Co... IV ix 206 Richard Norton's journey to Coppermine Country in 1717 by IV ix 208 Middleton Tp., Norfolk Co., Corniferous limestone in. II vi 296 Notes on Geology of. By J.DeCew II vi 295 Middletown, Conn., Milk supply examined for bac- teria IV vii 469 Midgut, Amiurus Ill n 402 Midland, iron plant at IV vm 154 Midland District, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Midwifery, Dene IV vn 25 Migration, of birds in Sep- tember from Ontario... . IV in 86 Mikasto (Blood chief) career. IV vi 298 Milbank Sound Indians, census 1847 I i 197 Mildew, remedy for II hi 520 Miles iron Mine, Ontario. . . Ill i 261 Miliquean Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Militia and Defence, pro- vided by first Parliament of U. Canada IV I 83 Military Budgets. English and French Armies BUDGETS FOR 1863-4. By Col. Sykes: abstract. II ix 54 Milk. Adoption of standard for... IV vn 494 American cities supply con- tain less bacteria than European IV vii 468 Anaerobes facultative in. . . IV vii 477 Analysis of cows milk I in 190 B. acidi lactici in IV vii 474 B. annulatum in IV vii 474 B. halofaciens in IV vii 474 Bacteria in, fore and after milk... IV vii 473 Bacteria in freshly drawn. . IV vn 470 Bacteria in gravel filtered and unfiltered milk IV vii 486 Bacteria in human milk.... IV vii 472 Bacteria, number of species in..... IV vn 474 Bacteria in udder IV vn 471 319 MIL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MIL Ser. Vol. Page Milk-Con. Bacteria in udder from blood or through teats IV vn 479 Bacterial Contamination of Milk and its Con- trol. By F. C. Harrison. IV vn 467 Bacterial contamination of. bibliography IV vii 495 Care of cows for safe milk. . IV vn 481 Certified milk IV vn 493 Characteristics of bacilli found in IV vn 476 Cleaned by gravel filter.... IV vn 485 Cleaning by centrifugal force IV vn 486 Connection between bac- teria and filth in IV vii 467 Conn's method of procuring natural starters for cul- tures in IV vii 476 Contamination from dairy utensils IV vn 491 Contamination from stable air. . IV vn 490, 491 Difficulties of transfusion into blood I in 189 Effect of temperature on bacteria IV vn 492 Experiments on bacteria in udder IV vii 473 Experiments on effect of centrifugal treatment of milk on bacteria IV vn 488 Effect of transfusion of, into blood I in 190 Effects of vaseline on hands in milking on bacteria... IV vii 482 Filth amount in supply of, various cities IV vii 467 Germicidal action of fresh milk on cholera vibrio, the typhoid bacillus and B. Shafferi IV vn 480 Injurious effects of filth and bacteria in IV vii 467 Invasion of udder by bac- teria IV vn 472 Manure (fresh) amount dis- solved in milk IV vii 467 Method of transfusing, into blood I in 189 Methods of preventing con- tamination in milking. . . IV vn 482 Milk Analysis. By Prof. Edis: abstract IV u 35 Milk Analysis and, Stan- dards. By Prof. Ellis: ab- stract HI vn 25 Milk Commission of New York: ref. . IV vn 494 Milk Commission of Phila- delphia IV vn 494 Ser. Vol. Page Milk-Con. On transfusion of milk AS PRACTISED IN CHO- LERA, at Cholera sheds, Toronto, July, 1854. By Jas. Bovell I ill 188 Preservation of I m 113 Renk's experimental data on filth in market milk IV vii 467 Results of transfusion of, into blood in cholera cases I hi 191 Sterile milk best secured by keeping first part separate IV vii 480 Storch's test in IV vii 114 Supply of many cities ex- amined for number of bacteria IV vii 468 Temperature ot, to grow bacteria in IV vii 476 Milker. Contamination of milk by. . IV vii 481 Description of IV vii 481 Milking Machine. Bacteria in milk from...... IV vn 483 Cause of Bacteria in milk from IV vn 484 Described IV vn 483 Murchland, and Thistle mechanical milker in prize contest IV vn 484 Mill Creek, Ont., geology of. IV vn 147 Milk-Vetch, Canadian lo- calities II xv 356 Milk-weed. Short treatise on, viewed as industrial resources. By Alex. Kirkwood: reviewed II xi 247 Milkwort, Canadian localities II xv 354 Mill. Contradictions in Hamil- ton's system of philo- sophy: ref II xi 368 Mill. Westrup's patent Coni- cal FLOUR MILL, WITH PLATE I I 245 Mill Brook, Plainfield, Mass., effect of sawdust on trout in IV vn 429 Mill Dam. Mill-Dam and Bridge for a Creek fifty feet wide. Description with plans I i 10 Miller, Hugh. Observations on Chelten- ham springs: ref I I 152 On less known Fossil Floras of Scotland: re- print I in 365 320 MIL GENERAL INDEX MIN Ser. Vol. Page Miller, Hugh -Con. Popular Geology: reviewed. II iv 406 Testimony of Rocks: re- viewed II n 201 Miller, Prof. Theory of rainbow verified experimentally: ref I i 8 Miller, S. A. Taeniaster elegans: ref IV vm 365 Miller and Dyer. Protaster flexuosus: ref.... IV vm 364 Mills near Niagara, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 212 Milles, Isles les, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Milles Roches, Isle au, ga- zetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Millet, M. First fish hatchery: ref.... I i 279 Millon reaction, in nerve cells IV vi 415 Millstones. Canadian II viii 121 Gaspe Peninsula II v 467 Milman, H. H. Dean. Autograph note of II xiv 345 Milner. Inquiry into decrease of Food Fishes in U.S.: ref. . IV vn 427 Milton. Autograph II xiv 494 Milton and Napoleon; re battle of Austerlitz II I 89 Mimosa pudica, influence of moon's rays on II iv 224 Mimulus jamesii, Torr., Toronto Ill n 156 Mimus carolinensis or M. felivox. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 99 Minas de Tabanco II i 368 Minatte, Isle de, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Mincopies, Andaman Is- lands. Size of brain of II xv 186 Mind. Brain as organ of. By Dr. Daniel Clark: ab- stract IV iv 227 Doctrine of II I 105 Essays on Human. By Sir Wm. Hamilton: reviewed II n 285 Functions of Ill v 15 Mind and Body. By Prof. Alex. Bain: ref Ill v 14 Mineral Oil. Lubricant for Machin- ery : reprint . I in 287 Ser. Vol. Page Mineral-springs. Ancaster I i 153 Caledonia, Ont I I 154 Charlotteville, Ont I I 153 Hamilton I i 153 Mineral Springs of Can- ada. By Henry Croft. . . I l 151 Near Brantford I i 153 Near Niagara Falls I I 153 New York I n 38 Plantagenet, Ont I I 153 Result of loss of their ma- terial in earth I i 153 Temperature of I i 152 Theory of formation I i 153 Toronto I I 153 Mineral Waters. Analyzed by Walchner and Daubree I I 152 Analysis of springs of Rip- poldsaw I I 151 Arsenic in I x 151 Canadian I in 99 Characteristics dependent on formation in which arise, laws regarding I I 152 Composition of Cheltenham Springs I I 152 Defined I I 151 Minerals. A Popular Exposition of, and Geology of Canada. By E. J. Chapman.. . . II v 1, 168, 517 II vi 149, 425, 500 II vii 108 II viii 17, 111, 185, 437 II ix 1 Analyses of some Cana- dian. By E. J. Chapman. II xn 265 Analysis of Canadian. By E. J. Chapman, Ph.D. . . II xm 507 Artificial formation of crys- tallized II iv 54 Canadian, at Paris Ex- hibition I in 241 Canadian exhibit at 1851 Exhibition I i 38 Characteristics by which, are distinguished Acid actions II v 15 Action of blowpipe. . II v 16 Aspect or Lustre... . II v 3 Chemical characters. II v 15 Colour II v 4 Dimetric or Square Prismatic System. II v 7 Form II v 5 Fusibility II v 17 Fusible, not yielding water in bulb tube. II v 523 321 MIN MIN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Minerals-Con. F usible, yielding water in bulb tube. II v 530 Hardness, Chapmans Scale II v 12 Hardness, Moh's Scale II v 11 Hexagonal system... II V 7 Infusible, yielding easily to knife.... II V 522 Irregular mixed forms, globular, or nodular II v 9 Magnetism II v 14 Monoclinic or ob- lique rhombic sys- tem II v 8 Monometric or regu- larsystem II v 7 Non-metallic aspect and will scratch glass, list of II v 517 Non-metallic aspect, hardness insuffici- ent to scratch glass, list of II vi 149 Relative malleability II V 14 Specific gravity .... II v 13 Streak II v 5 Structure II v 10 Taste II v 15 Triclinic or doubly oblique system... II v 9 Trimetric or rhom- bic system II v 8 Water-test......... II v 19 Classification of Canadian.. II V 168 Classified list of Canadian. . II vi 162 Conductability of, for vol- taic electricity I i 264 Correspondence relating TO MINERAL WEALTH OF Nova Scotia I i 241 Descriptive Catalogue of Collection of Economic Minerals of Canada and of its Crystalline Rocks, sent to London Inter- national Exhibition of 1862: reviewed II vn 215 Exhibit of Canada at 1851 Exhibition, report of Jury on ... I i 90 Exports from Canada, 1886. Ill v 244 Handbuch der Mineralche- mie. By C. F. Ram- melsburg: reviewed II V 540 How distinguished from one another ... II v 169 Index to characteristics.... II V 170 Mineral Wealth of Ottawa region: reprint I in 147 Ser. Vol. Page Minerals-Con. Mines and Mineral re- sources of America: re- print I n 36 On Position of Lievrite in, series. By E. J. Chap- man II vii 42 On some, from L. Supe- rior. By E. J. Chapman. II x 406 Physical properties of...... II v 2 Statistics, collection of, in Canada in 1887 Ill v 188 Table for Calculating Weight and Yield, per RUNNING FATHOM OF MINERAL VEINS. By E. J. Chapman II xn 478 Tabular distribution of Can- adian, with methods of de- termining II v 170 Tests for distinguishing.... II Vi 149 Theory of metallic veins. . . II I 450 Thunder Bay II vm 194 Wilsonite, location of I in 100 Mineralogy. Atomic Constitution and Crystalline Form as CLASSIFICATION CHARAC- TERS in. By Prof. Chap- man II ii 435 Contributions to Cana- dian. By H. R. Wood: abstract IV iv 226 Difficulties of classification. II n 435 Dana's, ninth supplement to: reviewed II Vi 301 Dr. Genths'contributions to II vn 152 Eighth supplement to Dana's: reviewed II V 308 Miners. Ancient miners of Lake Su- perior identified with Mound Builders I I 107 Ancient Miners of Lake Superior. By Charles Whittlesey I I 106, 132 Ancient, of Lake Su- perior. By Daniel Wil- son II i 225 Miners and their privations. I Hi 266 Mines. Accidents in, and formation of Society for prevention. I I 23 Ancient, of L. Superior, when and by whom worked II I 230 Bruce, of Ontario II vn 216 Lightening of labour in, Man-machine: reprint. . I in 266 Produce of British, for 1860: reprint II vn 147 322 MIN MIS GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Mines-Con. Mines and Mineral re- sources of America: re- print...., I ii 36 Pennsylvania anthracite mines I m 102 Mining. Ancient, in Ontonagon II i 229 Implements of ancient miners in America and North Wales similar II i 228 Improvement in Boring Operations: reprint. ... I i 216 Institute's action for ad- vancement of, Industry of Ontario IV ii 33 Report on, Industries of Canada Ill v 240 Technical Education of a, Engineer. By Wm. Frecheville IV ix 65 Mining Insects I n 193 Mink, Canadian localities.... Ill vi 75 Minnesota. Great Copper Mine of: reprint I in 266 Location of lower sand- stones, lower magnesian limestones, upper mag- nesian limestones, cedar limestones and drift.... I u 79 Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and portion of Nebraska. By D. D. Owen, U.S. Geo- logist; extracts from I ii 79,101 Minnesotah, mine, ancient. I i 132 Minores II vm 3 Mints. Milling described I in 130 Mints of United States. By Professor Wilson: re- print I hi 128 Process of coining gold, silver and copper I in 129 Miocene. Denudation of, strata in Jamaica IV v 334 Fauna of West Indies IV vm 381 Jamaica, older, history; white limestones IV v 331 Post, of Montego Bay, Jamaica IV v 340 Parian Range in, period.... IV vm 142 Miocene -Pliocene. W. Indies in, times IV vu 369 Mio-Pliocene, Jamaica, his- tory IV v 334 Miramichi Dist., Intercolo- nial Ry., geology of II xv 385 Mirage, cause of I i 7 Ser. Vol. Page Mireio, Frederic Mistral and his IV n 191 Miscellaneous Intelligence I n 312 Miscellaneous Miscellanea or Miscellaneous Intel- ligence I i 20,46, 96, 118, 144 I ii 172, 233, 280, 312 I m 21, 44, 68, 244, 269, 341 II ii 306 II in 166, 365, 462 Mishla, drink IV vi 212 Mispickel. Analysis of auriferous, from Marmora Tp II xm 509 Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II v 172 True ore of gold in Marmora Tp II xm 334 Mission. Site of, of Ste. Marie on Wye; Its possessors and PRESENT CONDITIONS. By A. F. Hunter:abstract... IV iv 230 Mississaga Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 525 Mississaga Point, gazetteer notice II xiv 211, 526 Mississaga River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Mississauga Indians. Agreement surrendering Toronto to Crown IV vi 288 Chiefs (1787-1805) IV vi 288 Condition and territory in 1813 II xm 188,268 Language almost pure Ojeb- way Ill vii 213 Language of, of Scugog. By A. F. Chamberlain... Ill vu 213 (abstract).., Ill vu 2 Location of tribe I m 209 Myth of Deluge Ill vn 12 Population in 1838, '44 and '46 , I I 196 Similar Indian languages to II m 481 Mississippi. Climatology of, valley II m 31 Declivity of valleys IV v 360 Description of river and valley I n 9 Discovery of source Ill vi 141 In post tertiary times IV vi 53 Lieut. Pike's claims to dis- covery of source Ill vi 142 Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. By Chas. Ellet: reprint In 9 Processes now going on in swamps in valleys of, ex- plain ancient coal forma- tion I i 280 323 MIS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MOL Ser. Vol. Page Mississippi-Con. Proportional amounts of salts in water IV vn 558 Quantity of mud carried down annually; its effect on sea level I m 59 Missouri. Coal fields of: reprint. . . I in 357 Mistassinni country, in 1792. By Andre Michaux II ix 255 Mistral, Frederic. F. Mistral and his Mireio... IV II 191 Mitchella repens, suitable for flower garden IV ill 128 Mitella, Tourn, Canadian localities of M. diphyIla, L II xv 549 M. nuda, L II xv 549 Mithraic emblems, ancient carved stone found at Chesterholm, Northum- berland, Eng II xiv 1 Mithras, genealogy of II xiv 568 Mitla, formerly Yopaa IV vi 170 Mitre-wort, Canadian locali- ties II xv 549 Mitrophanow. Structure of Beggiatoa: ref. IV vi 474 Mittens, Dene IV iv 164 Mniotilta, Hamilton species. II v 390 M. varia, observations on Ontario visitors Ill m 96 III vn 192 IV m 71, 107 Moab, Judea and, ethnical identity of earliest popu- lation II xiv 165 Mobile Bay, Gnathodon de- posits of II iv 318 Mocassins, Dene IV iv 163 Mock Suns. Notice of, as seen near Muskoka R. in Nov. 1861. By A. Clifford Thomson (pl.) II vu 462 Mocking Bird, Hamilton species II v 390 Mocquoweoweo, crater of Mauna Loa I I 18 Modiolopsis, Toronto speci- mens of M. anodontoides II iv 452 M. curta II iv 452 M.faba. .... II iv 452 M. modiolaris I I 150 II i 74 II iv 452 M. orthonota, Conrad, Dundas II xiv 144 Modulation HI vi 186 Moeller. Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Ser. Vol. Page Mohammedan, period in India IV ix 84 Mohawk. Alphabet II xv 5 Chiefs (John Norton) auto- graph letter to Gen. Sim- coe, 1804 II xiv 90 Comparative table of nu- merals and common words showing differences be- tween six nation confed- racy and II xv 5 Grammar II xv 8 History II x 183 Language II x 186 Language characteristics... IV vi 283 Mohawk Language. By Oronhyatekha II x 182 II xv 1 Origin of name II vn 507 IV vi 262 Outline history II xv 1 Tribe in 1770 IV v 244 Mohawk Bay, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 526 Mohawk Settlement, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Mohawk Valley. Brant's operations in, in Revolutionary war IV vn 398 British operations against, in Revolutionary war.... IV vn 399 Major Ross' raid on, in 1781 IV iv 294 Mohawk Village, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 526 Mohl. Chemical composition of in- crustations on certain leaves: ref IV vn 257 Mohr, Frederick. On Origin of Hail: reprint II vm 35 Mohs' scale of hardness, minerals II V 11 Moira River. Drift Formation (pl.) II v 42 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 527 Moeris Lake (Egypt), dis- covery of ancient site.... I II 153 Moisie River, boulders in, Valley II ix 254 Mojos Indians, art of paint- ing among IV vi 334 Mokaikinuki IV iv 255 Moki Indians, Arizona, acquaintance with indi- genous plants IV vi 327 Molanna, Curtis, Charac- ters and N. American habitats of M. cinerea, Hagen II vn 494 M. rufa (Hagen) II vn 495 324 MOL MON GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Molasses. Sugar Extracted from: reprint I n 35 Mole, Canadian localities of Common Ill vi 88 Hairy-tailed HI vi 89 Oregon Ill vi 89 Star-nosed HI vi 89 Missouri mole-mouse HI vi 79 Molgula complanata (Aid. and Hanc.), Canadian Atlantic coast IV ix 141 M. littoralis Verrill, syn. of Caesira littoralis Verrill .. IV ix 142 M. pannosa Verrill, syn. of Caesirapannosa Verrill... IV ix 142 M. papillosa Verrill, syn. of Caesira papillosa Verrill. . IV ix 139 M. retortiformis (Verrill), syn. of Caesira retorti- formi's (Verrill) IV ix 143 Molla Shannon, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 527 Mollugo verticillata, L., Canadian localities II xv 174 Mollusca. Canadian II iv 272 Cephalization in, plan of... II xi 188 Cephalopoda position among II xi 325 Characteristics and true limits of II xi 320 Classes unrepresented in fossil condition: reason... II xin 381 Classification of, based on principle of Cephaliza- tion. By Prof. Morse: re- viewed II xi 187 Classification of II xi 324 Common plan of, sub king- dom II xi 187 Conchifera's position in.... II xi 326 Dr. Ogilvie's views on II iv 283 Fresh water, shells found in Ontario Drift II vi 224 Generic characters II x 28 Hudson River Group, Tor- onto II iv 451 L. Ontario. II xm 502 Lamellibranchiate, around Montreal II in 157 Molluscous Animals. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 319, 392 II xii 26 Naiades, new species (1856) II u 382 Observations on Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, in- cluding a Catalogue of all species of terrestrial and fluviatile, known to in- habit state. By Ed. S. Morse: reviewed II x 42 Ser. Vol. Page Mollusca-Con. Post Glacial Deposits, Can- ada II vni 456 Primordial zone, Quebec. .. II vi 43 Proposed classification of genus Helix. By A. E. Williamson II vm 343 Pteropoda in II xi 325 Shells of, found on Indian sites in America II ill 387 Shells of, in Denmark in ancient sites II in 386 South America and Africa once joined as evidenced by IV vm 375 Sub Divisions of II vu 108 Toronto I I 149 Tunicata's position in II xi 326 Molluscoida, position in ani- mal kingdom II x 28 Mollusks. Observations on Exist- ence of Various, and Zoophytes at great Sea Depths. By M. Milne Edwards: reprint II vi 518 Ottawa River .. I I 222 Pteropod Marl, Jamaica. . . IV vm 385 Molothxus, Hamilton species II v 392 M. ater. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 94 Observations on Ontario visitors HI vu 190 IV I 58 IV in 68, 79, 92, 94, 102, 103, 104, 106 Molten. On some Phenomena in Connexion with, Sub- stances. By J. Nasmyth: reprint II in 53 Substances heavier than solid at same temperature II in 54 Molybdenite. Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II v 178 Occurrence in L. Superior districts II x 409 Molybdenum, in mineral waters I I 152 Monague, John. Autobiography of IV in 4 Monapostiac, enchanted is- land of Oaxacans IV vi 170 Monas lens, Toronto tap water HI I 421 Mond Nickel Process IV vm 158 Moneague beds, Jamaica... IV vm 382 Monera II xv 241 Mongol. American origin of Ill v 73 Brain weight of II XV 201 325 MON PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MON Ser. Vol. Page Mongolians. Division of human family. . II v 325 Esquimaux of, descent II vn 347 Related to Eskimo Ill v 59 Mongolidae, Dioscurian II v 323 Mongoloid group, of men.. Ill n 9 Monkeys, structural differ- ences separating them from lemurs II ix 160 Monnoir Mt., Que. Chemical analysis of felspar from... II v 435 Composition of II v 434 Monoclinic system of Crystals II vi 3 Minerals II v 8 Monoclinal Valleys Ill vn 65 Monocotyledons. Astelic types in IV vi 623 Origin of number three in circles of parts II in 317 Primitive stelar condition. . IV vi 630 Three prevailing number in. II in 411 Monodon monoceros, Linn., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 119 Monodonta limbata, from great sea depths II vi 520 Monogenea (Van Ben) Ill i 61 Monohammus, note on the species II vm 320 M. dentator, Fabr I in 324 M. scutellatus Mels. Cat... I in 212, 326 M. titillator, Fabr I in 212, 326 Monometric system of Crystals II vi 3 Minerals II v 7 Monomyaria order, charac- teristics of, and criticism of II xi 394 Monorrhina II xv 243 Monostelic. Anemone IV vi 614 Cylinder in plants IV vi 600 Equisetaceae IV vi 614 Phanerogams IV vi 614 Ranunculaceae IV vi 614 Monostoma II iv 24 Monotremata II xv 245 Monsters, double, produc- tion of II vn 519 Mont Blanc. Account of. By a Lady: abstract I in 66 Montagnais, Dene, same as. IV vi 77 Montagne, Portage de, ga- zetteer notice (1813) II xiv 527 Montagu Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 527 Montarville Mt., Que. Chemical analysis of oli- vinitic dolerite from II v 436 Composition of II v 436 Ser. Vol. Page Montclair, N.J., number bacteria in milk supply... IV vn 469 Monte Negro, King of Saxony's Botanical ex- cursion to I i 81 Montego Bay, Jamaica. Fossils IV v 341 Post Miocene formations of. IV v 340 Montgomery, Toronto II xin 84 Montgomery, Gen. Passports granted to Mont- real merchants in 1775... IV iv 299 Montgomery, Henry, M.A., Ph.D., F.E.S.A. Recent Archaeological INVESTIGATIONS IN ON- TARIO IV IX 1 Montgomery, Robert. Obituary II i 87 Montgomery, T. H. Development of limbs in Amblystoma: ref IV vm 484 Development of posterior limbs in Plethodon cine- reus: ref ... IV vm 471 Larvae of Plethodon cine- reus: ref IV vm 469 Plethodon and eggs habitat: ref IV vm 474 Montgomery's boiler, for Locomotives II i 341 Montgomery's inn II xm 436 Montgomery's Tavern II xm 436 Month Names. American Indians IV vi 331 Dene IV iv 106 Montpelier beds, Jamaica.. IV vm 382 Montpellier. Report on congress of Romance Philology at, By Arthur Harvey IV n 188 Montreal. Aboriginal antiquities dis- covered at II vi 415 Captured by Americans, 1775 II xiv 79 Census returns (1861) II x 11 Cytheridea found in II in 157 Earthquake at I i 185 Foraminifera found in II m 157 Fossils found in. By Prof. Dawson II in 157 Gasteropods found in II in 157 Gazetteer notice, 1765 II xv 25 In 1852 I i 33 Lamellibranchiate, molluscs found in II in 157 Longitude of, determined. . II iv 458 Meteorological Register for: see Meteorological Regis- ter for St. Martins. 326 MON GENERAL INDEX MOR Ser. Vol. Page Montreal-Con. Natural History Society... I i 137, 282 I in 340, 385, 411 II i 328, 408 On Intrusive Rocks of, Ite District. By T. Sterry |KHunt: reprint II v 426 Pliocene, newer and post beds II in 157 Post-Tertiaries, etc., of. By Prof. Dawson: reprint II in 157 Railway Bridge over St. Lawrence at; its loca- tion AND CONSTRUCTION. I II 76 Serpula found II ill 157 Spicula of sponge in II ill 157 Statistics of cholera vic- tims in epidemic of 1832 and 34 in . II vn 20 Testimonial to Sir Wm. E. Logan from... II iv 147 Trachytes of, district (che- mical analysis of) II v 428 Trachyte rocks of, district; occurrence of II v 429 Montreal, Isle, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 527 Montreal Mt., composition of II v 439 Montreal, River de, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 527 Montserrat, W. Indies. Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 142 Physical features and geo- logy IV vn 356 Monument. Brock, construction of, and details II I 201 Brock's, design (pl.) I I 41 Brock, designs for I I 22 To Nicoll, Scottish Poet. . . II I 87 Moodie, Col., Richmond Hill II xm 448 Moon. Appearance of disc during solar eclipse of May 26th, 1854 I in 184 Chronology of Forma- tions of. By Prof. Nichol: reprint I in 366 Dark shadow in-air dur- ing TOTAL ECLIPSE SEEN. By Prof. Forbes: reprint. I in 44 Effect on tides, separated from that of sun II n 465 Influence of moon's light upon plants II iv 223 Lunar Influences. By Rev. C. Dade II xm 335, 422 Moon on her back, super- stition II xm 337 Ser. Vol. Page Moon-Con. Occultation of Spica Vir- ginis 12th March, 1857. By Baron de Rottenburg. II n 180 On a Law of Temperature DEPENDING UPON LUNAR Influence. By J. P. Harrison II in 51 On Variation in Quantity of Rain due to Moon's Position in Reference to Plane of Earth's Orbit. By C. Fulbrook: reprint II in 50 Physical conformation and superficial phenomena of I i 82 Researches on. By Prof. Phillips: reprint II ix 55 Rotation II n 129 Saturday Moon supersti- tions .... II xiii 335 Theory regarding origin of meteors in lunar volcanoes I n 210 Weather influenced by, phases of II xm 424 Mooney, Jas. Sacred formulas of Chero- kees: ref IV vii 15 Moonseed, Canadian locali- ties II xv 58 Moore. Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Moore and Ward. Bacteria in udder: ref IV vn 472 Moore, A. W. Carvalyn Gailckagh: ref... IV v 83 Moore, Elwood S., M.A. Geology of L. Wendigo- kan Region IV vm 341 Moore, R. W. Reichert's Process for iden- tification of cocoa-nut oil as adulterant in butter- fat: ref Ill v 40 Moore, Sir John. Death of II xn 242 Moorhen, Common II vn 510 Moorundun, Australian aborigines.chief diety.... II xn 451 Moose, Canadian localities... Ill vi 68 Moose Factory, mean tem- perature and precipita- tion IV ix 151 Moose-wood, Canadian habi- tats II xv 353 Moraines, eastern boundary in Central Ontario IV vn 168 Moravian work, Labrador... Ill iv 98 Moravian Village, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 215, 527 Morchella esculenta Pers., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 80 327 MOR MOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Mordellidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Morgan. Method of fixing and har- dening Urodele eggs: ref. IV vm 475 Morgan, Lewis H. Estimate of time of arrival of Algonquins in America: ref IV vi 286 Laws of consanguinity among Iroquois; may be means of tracing their origin: ref ... II iv 225 Purposes of buildings at Palenque: ref IV vi 110 Morgan Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 527 Morice, Rev. Father, O.M.I. Classification of Denes. IV vn 28 Dene languages IV i 170 Dene roots IV in 145 (abstract) IV in 7 Dene Surgery IV vn 15 Nah'ane and their lan- guage IV vn 517 Notes on the Western Dene IV iv 1 On Classification of Dene tribes IV vi 75 Three Carrier Myths. ... IV v 1 Use and abuse of Philo- logy IV vi 84 Western Denes-their Manners and Customs. Ill vn 109 On beaver snaring IV iv 66 On varieties of Dene nouns: ref IV iv 32 On fern root cooking: ref... IV iv 116 On "cut-arrows" of the D&nes: ref IV iv 56 On head-dress of pubescent girls: ref IV iv 165 On introduction of copper among Carriers: ref IV iv 137 Morisco, Canary Islands. ... IV vn 31 Morishima. Artohn in gluten: ref IV vn 500 Glutenin preparation: ref... IV vn 505 Morlot, A. Introductory lecture of a Course on remote Antiquity: reprint II vm 249 Mormonia togata (Hagen), characters; N. American habitats II vn 494 Morozzo. Dew drops remaining on leaves late in morning are acid: ref IV vn 260 Moro rock, New Mexico, in- scriptions on II ix 311 Ser. Vol. Page Morpeth, Ont., Mastodon remains discovered at.... II in 356 Morphia, effect of hypoder- mic injections in dogs on blood pressure IV vn 199 Morphology. Contribution to, and bio- logy of Insect Galls. By A. Cosens IV ix 297 Contributions to, and Physiology of Cell. By A. B. Macallum IV I 247 Medullated fibro-vascular axis IV vi 628 Morphology of Central Cylinder in Angio- sperms. By Ed. C. Jeff- rey IV vi 599 Morphology of insect galls, bibliography IV ix 375 Morpion Isle, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 527 Morpions, Isle aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 527 Morris, Alexander. Canada and her Resources, Prize Essay, at Paris Ex- hibition: reviewed I in 351 Morris, Beverley R. Description of Intestinal Worm from Duodenum of White Fish of Cana- dian Lakes II iv 442 On power that certain WATER BIRDS POSSESS OF REMAINING partially SUBMERGED IN DEEP WATER II VII 509 Morris, Jas. H., M.A. Notes of travel in China II n 161 Morris, Rev. Dr. Rhopalocera of N. America: ref II viii 2 Morro Velho lode, Brazil, gold increases with depth in I I 17 Morse. On arrow-release: ref IV IV 57 Morse, Prof. Ed. S. Classification of Mollusca, based on Principle of Cephalization: reviewed. II xi 187 Observations on terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, in- cluding a Catalogue of all species of terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca known to inhabit State: reviewed II x 42 Mortality. Law of. By Prof. McCoy: abstract II n 71 328 MOR GENERAL INDEX MOU Ser. Vol. Page Mortars, magnesian II in 333 Mortimer, Rev. Geo., Thorn- hill II xiii 443 Morton, Dr. S. G. American brain capacities: ref; II xv 224 Crania americana: ref II n 365 Craniological investigations of I in 345 Homogeneous cranial char- acteristics of American race: ref II n 409 Mortuary. Dene, columns IV iv 199 Mortuary Customs of Blackfeet Indians. By Rev. J. McLean Ill v 20 Mosaical chronology, its accuracy not weakened by modern discovery.... IV iv 40 Mosaic Disease in Tobacco. Cause IV vm 55 Described IV vn 323 Moser. Moser's Images and a new Action of Light: reprint II in 163 Mosinos II x 134 Mosley. Auctioneer of Toronto II xn 338 Moss Campion, Canadian localities II xv 170 Moss family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Mosses. Boreal type on east coast L. Huron II xiv 475 In United States II I 189 On Laurentian strata II xiv 472 On Niagara and Clinton rocks of Canada II xiv 471 Mosquito, transmitter of yellow fever IV vm 57 Mother Nature, among pri- mitive people IV vi 338 Moths, Canadian II vm 1 Motion. Relative Motion. By Jas. Loudon Ill I 231 Motors, electric, M. Marie Davy's new I in 33 Mouat, J. Gordon. Few Canadian Climates. . Ill n 195 Mouille Pointe, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 527 Moulenet, Isles au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 528 Mound-Builders. Alphabet Ill ill 168 Antiquity of II i 232 Aztecs connected with I I 107 III ii 171 Carp river settlements II I 236 Ser. Vol. Page Mound-Builders-Con. Cause of disappearance.... II i 231 Copper and wooden tools and utensils found in, mines.. I i 133 Copper mines on Keweenaw Peninsula II i 227 Copper of 6 tons weight found in mine, description of mine I i 132 Descendants Ill v 62 Eskimo related to Ill vi 277 Estimation of date of dis- appearance I i 134 Ethnology of I i 107 Extent of, mounds Ill iv 132 Evidence that they and not Indians mined in L. Su- perior district I I 108 II I 231 Evidence that they visited mining regions of L. Su- perior rather than lived there permanently I i 134 Human skeletons found in mounds in Manitoba.... Ill iv 133 Identified with Ancient Miners in L. Superior.... I I 107 Indians succeeded, evidence I I 108 Inscriptions in Ohio and Iowa translated IV v 57 Inscriptions translated IV v 55 Methods in mining I i 133 Mound Builders in Can- ada. By C. N. Bell Ill iv 131 Mound Builders of Ame- rica. By J. C. Hamilton; abstract Ill vu 41 Mounds in Manitoba Ill iv 132 Mounds at St. Andrew's, Man Ill iv 132 Muskokis probably IV iv 40 Origin of HI in 148 III v 63 Pipes II 11 259,324 Pipes compared with In- dian II ii 334 Reason for believing that they mined copper on Shores of L. Superior.... I I 132 Relics found in Manitoba mounds HI iv 133 Serpent mounds suggestive of Fall of Man IV V 12 Theory of, disappearance... I l 107 Tools used in mining I i 133 II I 228 Tools used, similar to those found in North Wales in ancient copper mines. ... II I 228 Wooden tools found in, mines I I 133 329 MO U PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MUL Ser. Vol. Page Mounds. Age of ancient, in Bay of Quinte district II v 413 Canadian Institute's request for information concern- ing Indian I i 25 Contents of ancient, around Bay of Quinte II v 412 Locations, Bay of Quinte.. . II v 411 New York State contains many Indian I i 25 On some ancient mounds UPON SHORES OF BAY OF Quinte. By Thos. Camp- bell Wallbridge II v 409 Skeletons (human) found in ancient, in Bay of Quinte district (pl.) II v 414 Mounds in Otonabee Tp., Ont. Age of IV ix 9 Builders of IV ix 8 Copper objects (pl.) IV ix 6 Cowry shell (pl.) IV ix 7 Crania and skeletons. , IV ix 5 Described IV ix 1 Excavation results IV ix 3 Fulgur perversa (pl.) IV ix 4 Leaden object IV ix 8 Marginella apicina (pl.).... IV ix 4 Oliva literata (pl.) IV ix 3 Pottery objects (pl.) IV ix 7 Stone objects (pl.) IV ix 7 Unio IV ix 5 Mt. Albert, Gaspe, Serpen- tine in II v 466 Mt. Eden, Volcano II u 359 Mt. Greylock. Geology of. By Prof. T. Nelson Dale: abstract... Ill v 145 Mt. Johnson, Que. Chemical analysis of felspar from II v 435 Composition of II v 434 Mt. Royal, Que. Chemical analysis of felspar from II v 439 Composition of II v 439 Igneous rocks affect on fossi- liferous limestone II v 441 Mountain, Bishop. Autograph letter to Dr. Strachan in reply to latter's criticism II xiv 105 Mountain. Theories of formation. By E. Billings: reviewed.... II vi 301 Mountain Ash, Canadian localities II xv 434 Ser. Vol. Page Mountain district of Rocky Mts., geological area... . II xv 18 Mountain House at Cats- kill, Spectre of Brocken visible from I I 7 Mountain Lion, Canadian localities Ill vi 71 Mountain Ranges. On Formation of. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint II v 542 Mountain Sheep, Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Mountain tallow, Kamanist- quia region Ill vu 251 Mountain Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 528 Mouse, Canadian localities of Jumping Ill vi 82 Mountain Pocket Ill vi 84 White-footed or Deer Ill vi 79 Mouse-ear Chickweed, lo- calities Canadian species. II xv 172 Mouse tail, Canadian locali- ties II xv 56 Mouth, Orang IV vi 509 Mouth and Pharynx, fine anatomy of, in Amiurus.. Ill II 390 Movers. Phoenicians, Philistines and Greeks intimately con- nected in earliest times: ref II xiii 38 Mowatt, Rev. J. B., St. An- drews, Niagara IV I 123 Mowat, Hon. Oliver. Presidential Address at Canadian Institute, 1865. II x 81 Mucedin, in gluten IV vu 498 Mucin, constituent of gluten. IV vu 497 Mucous Canals, Amiurus (pl.) Ill ii 262 Mucus Cells, Amiurus Ill n 253 Muddy Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) '.... II xiv 528 Muddy Lake, gazetteer no- tice II xiv 528 Mulder. Plant gelatin obtained from gluten: ref IV vu 498 Mule Deer, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 69 Mull of Galloway, fauna at 150 fathoms that of coral- line zone I i 110 Muller, Johannes and Stel- ler. Pancreas of Amiurus: ref... Ill n 413 Muller, Max. Autograph and brief com- ment on II xiv 603 330 MUL GENERAL INDEX MUS Ser. Vol. Page Muller, Max-Con. Basis of classification of Languages: ref II xm 283 Language formation and growth: ref Ill vi 100 North African languages not well defined Semitic: ref.. II xm 287 Muller, Ottfried. Etruscan letters: ref HI v 85 Munich, filth and bacteria in milk supply IV vu 467 Municipal. Beginning of, govern- ment in Ontario. By Prof. Adam Shortt IV vu 409 Municipal Act of Ontario, 1793 .... IV ii 292 Municipal affairs provided for by first Parliament of U. Canada IV I 81 Munk, J. Fat absorbed in intestine in fine particles as emulsion: ref. .. IV viii 242 Organism that furnish gly- cerine radicle necessary for synthesis of neutral fat: ref IV vm 257 Munsees. Population in 1838, '44, and '46 I i 196 Munsterus. " Resurrection Bone ": ref. . IV ix 48 Murchison, Sir R. I. Appointed to Museum of Practical Geology I in 269 Biographical notice of: reprint I in 52 Explorations of I in 53 Gold, Its Distribution: reprint I ill 16 Reclassification of ancient rocks of Scotland: ref.... II vi 112 Murchisonia bellicincta, Hall, Ottawa R I i 221 M. bicincta, Ottawa R I i 221 M. bivittata, Hall, Hespeler. II xiv 144 M. gracilis. Ottawa R I i 221 Toronto II I 74 II iv 451 M. longispira, Hall, Elora.. II xiv 144 M. logani, Hall, Hespeler and Elora II xiv 144 M. sublata, Conrad, Dundas II xiv 145 M. ventricosa, Ottawa R.... I i 221 Murchland. Milking Machine in prize contest IV vn 484 Murdock. Counting and time reckon- ing among Eskimo: ref... IV v 314 Ser. Vol. Page Murexide. On the colouring of Wool by: reprint I in 17 Muricidse, Canadian II iv 273 Murphy. On a method of approximat- ing to square root of a number II vm 293 Murphy, J. J. On Great Fluctuations of Temperature in Arctic Winter: reprint. II vi 521 Murray. Calculation of annual dis- charge of sodium into ocean: ref IV vn 537 Murray, Alex. Age of Huron cupriferous formation: ref . I i 125 Geological and topographi- cal survey of French River, Echo Lake and Bruce Mines districts: reviewed II iv 269 Geological examination of Lake Huron Coast, be- tween Thessalon and Mississagui Rivers in 1858: reviewed II v 462 Geological survey of country between L. Huron and Upper Ottawa: reviewed II m 324 Geology of Western Can- ada I in 49 Geology of Western Can- ada (Western and Hur- on districts) I in 73 Investigations of lake levels of Ontario: ref I ill 98 M ETEOROLOGIC AL Ob SER- vations Oct. and Nov. 1854, L. Nipissing I m 146 Murray, Alex., Toronto.... II xm 268 Murray, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from United States, Cuba and Canada: re- viewed II I 160 Murray, Chas. Stewart, Toronto II xm 443 Murray, Rev. J. Clark. Sir Wm. Hamilton's Phil- osophy; an Exposition and Criticism. ... II xi 207, 300,367 II xii 57 Murray Tribe, Australian Aborigines II I 254 Murray Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69, 528 Mus, Canadian localities of M. decumanus, Pallas Ill vi 81 M. leucopus, Rich HI vi 79 M. musculus, Linn Ill vi 81 331 MUS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE MUS Ser. Vol. Page Muscles of Amiurus catus -Con. Of branchial arches Ill u 322 Of caudal fin (pl.) Ill u 339 Of dorsal fin Ill n 336 Of head Ill n 350 Of hyoid arch Ill n 320 Of palatine arch Ill u 316 Of pectoral arch and fin.... Ill u 331 Of pelvis and pelvic Fin . .. Ill ii 334 Of trunk Ill n 328 Opercular Ill u 318 Muscular Power. On Source of. By Ed. Frankland II Xi 248 Museum. Illustrated Catalogue of, of Antiquities at Caerleon. By John Ed. Lee: re- viewed II vn 463 On, and other classified Collections, temporary OR PERMANENT AS IN- STRUMENTS of Educa- tion in Natural Sci- ence. By Rev. Dr. Scad- ding II XIII 1 Removal of Natural History Collection from British; considerations involved.. II iv 56 Musical Instruments. Analogy between Con- sonants and Musical Instruments. By M. L. Rouse: abstract Ill iv 92 Ireland I I 270 Musicapa, Hamilton species.. II v 389 Musk Ox. Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Fossil, found in Britain. ... II I 307 Mushkodenj. Cause of conquest of, by Odahwahs II ill 307 Muskoka. Allanite found in II ix 103 Climate Ill II 199 Fungi: list IV ix 69 Winter Birds of HI vn 190 Muskokis, probably mound builders IV iv 40 Muskrat. Canadian localities Ill vi 82 Dene mode of trapping. ... IV iv 87 Muslin Industry, in Ireland. I i 269 Musophagidae, reasons for placing in sub-order Serra- tirostres II ix 235 Mustagan, Thomas. Story of Anderson and Stewart's search for Franklin expedition IV vm 399 Ser. Vol. Page Mus, Canadian localities of-Con. M. rattus, Linn Ill vi 81 M. lemmus, migrations IV in 181 Musci. Canadian species II xiv 655 London species II vm 237 Scarboro Hts II xv 399 Muscle. Appearance after treating with Scarlet Red solution IV vm 405 Bibliography of distribution of fat, chlorides, phos- phates, potassium and iron in striated IV vm 418 Chlorides in octopus muscle IV vm 409 Creatin in IV vm 408 Distribution of fat, chlo- rides, PHOSPHATES, PO- TASSIUM AND IRON IN striated. By Maud L. Menten IV vm 403 Distribution of phosphates (pl.) IV vm 414 Energy developed by burn- ing of II xi 253 Energy developed by, when consumed in body II xi 254 Fat in (pl.) IV vm 406 Fat in proximity to nuclei of IV vm 403 Hensen's line (pl.) IV vm 405, 410 Hexanitrite as test for potas- sium in IV vm 412 Intrinsic, in hand and foot. IV vi 581 Iron in, fibre (pl.) IV vm 416 Localization and distribu- tion of chlorides in IV vm 409 Localization and distribu- tion of potassium in IV vm 412 Localization of fat in IV vm 404 Produced by various foods. II xi 257 Potassium in IV vm 404 Source of, power II xi 259 Muscles of Amiurus catus Cranial HI n 345 Dorsal HI u 326 Erectors and depressors ... Ill u 339 Lateral Ill u 339 Mandibular ...... Ill u 312 Musculus hyobranchialis (pl.) ... Ill li 322 M. interarcuales obliqui dorsales Ill u 327 M. interarcuales obliqui ven- trales (pl.) Ill u 324 M. intermandibularis HI ii 315 M. leva tores branchiales.... HI u 326 M. mucosae Ill u 395 M. transversi dorsales HI ii 328 M. transversi ventrales (pl.) Ill ii 325 Of anal fin Ill n 338 332 MUS GENERAL INDEX MYT Ser. Vol. Page Mustard, Canadian species and habitats II xv 161 Mustard, Smooth Tower, Canadian habitats II xv 65 Mustard, wild, spray that will kill it without injuring grain IV vn 308 Mustela, Canadian locali- ties of M. alba, Rich HI vi 74 M. americana, Turton Ill vi 74 M. canadensis, Linn HI vi 74 M. martes, Rich HI vi 74 M. Pennanti, Erxl Ill vi 74 Mya arenaria, Gaspe, Que.. II v 465 Myacidse, Canadian II xv 273 Mycelium. Botrychium virginianum (pl.)....; IV v 274 Osmunda cinnamomea IV vxix 516 Mycena galericulata, Scop, habits and Ontario habi- tats IV ix 71 Mycetales II m 346 Mycoderma cerevisise, bud- ding IV vi 499 Mycorhiza, root of Botry- chium virginianum an endotrophic IV v 282 Myiarchus crinitus, obser- vations on Ontario fre- quenters Ill vn 192 IV in 68, 81, 109 Myiodioetes canadensis, Ontario visitors HI hi 96 Mylodoctes, Hamilton spe- cies II v 389 Myodes obensis, Brants, Canadian localities HI vi 81 M. torquatus Pallas, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 116 Mylodon harlani, in post pliocene, Ashley River, U.S II iv 417 Myology. Myology of Amiurus Catus (L.), Gill. By J. Playfair McMurrich Ill u 311 Of orang's extremities IV vi 524 Myopia. Characteristics of, and lens that counteract II xi 16 Chromic myopia II I 152 Myosurus, L. Canadian lo- calities of M. minimus, L II xv 56 Myricacese, localities Cana- dian species II xiv 649 Ser. Vol. Page Myriophyllum, Vaill, Cana- dian habitats of M. ambiguum, Nutt II xv 550 M. heterophyllum, L II xv 550 M. spicatum, L II xv 550 M. tenellum, Bigelow II xv 550 M. verticillatum, L II xv 550 Myrtacese, collateral Chorisis in II x 381 Mysia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 244 Zimri traces in II xv 295 Mysia, Assus in, copper coin from, in Canadian Insti- tute II ix 227 Mysia, Pergamus in, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 228 Mysia 15punctata, Oliv.... I in 326 Myth. Algonquin, of Deluge IV v 20 Creation myths IV VI 336 My til id®. Canadian II iv 274 In lowest order of lamelli- branchiata II xi 394 Mytilus edulis. British Seas I I 109 Gaspe, Que II v 465 Myths. Dawn ; IV Vi 334 Day and night, among In- dians (Amer.) IV vi 333 Deluge, among Hare Indians IV v 19 Dene Ill vn 159 Dew-God IV vi 336 Origin of Dog-Rib tribe.... IV v 33 Prometheus, located in Egypt II xiii 289 Three Carrier. By Rev. Father Morice IV v 1 YehlorYayhl II xii 488 Zuni Creation IV vi 317 Myth, Serpent, of Abenakies IV v 13 Blackfeet IV V 14 Ceylon IV v 15 Tusayans IV v 14 Zunis IV v 13 Myths of Carrier Indians. Burning down of a country (with comments) IV V 22 Deluge IV v 17 Made Celestial IV v 28 Man in the moon Ill vn 159 Pursued by their Mother's Head (with comments)... IV v 4 Sodom and Gomorrha IV v 24 Ya-'ke-nintil IV V 28 Myths of Denes. Great Bear and Hunter.... IV iv 195 Lynx feared by Women... . IV iv 108 333 MYT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE NAM Ser. Vol. Page Myths of Denes-Con. Loon and Old Man IV iv 171 NSySRhwolluz and the gambler IV iv 216 Woman and Lynx IV iv 108 Mythology. American Indian connection with Asiatic Ill v 62 Birthplace of Ancient re- ligions AND CIVILIZA- TION. By Rev. J. Camp- bell II xin 152 Egyptian, from monumental basis........ I ii 266 Ethnical identity of names in, and those in history; line of argument used to tracing connections of different races II xiv 179 Mystic virtue of number four in American IV v 14 Mythology of ancients II xm 156 Philology aid to IV vi 85 Myvyrian Archaeology, Wales IV v 68 Myxospongiae, reproduction. II xv 422 Naanai, Carriers word for sunset or west IV vn 517 Na"anne, Petitot's name for Nah'ane IV vn 517 Na'annes, branch of Nah'ane tribe in Mackenzie Mts. . IV vn 521 Naaye, taboo IV iv 251 Naco, town IV vi 181 Nadson. Cell structure of Cyanophy- ceae: ref IV vi 448 Naean, Nah'ane word for sun- set or west IV vn 517 Naeggerathia, lower coal measures, Nova Scotia. .. II v 307 Nagasaki in 1858 II v 88 Nageli. Structure of yeast cell: ref. IV vi 481 Naggiuk-tormeut, territory III vi 266 Nah'ane. Calendar IV vn 531 Call sunset or west "naean" IV vn 517 Characteristic sounds IV vn 527 Condition of (1902) IV vn 523 Dead, disposal of IV vn 525 Derived from Nari'an-o'tine IV vn 517 Description of, country IV vn 519 Dialects influencing IV vn 529 Different spelling of, names IV iv 31 Dwellings IV vn 524 Grammar IV vn 531 Hunting grounds north of Tse'kehne tribe IV vn 518 Kaska branch of tribe, IV vn 519 Language IV vn 525 Ser. Vol. Page N ah ' ane-Con. Language compared with Carrier and Chilcotin dia- lects IV vn 527 Language different from Tse'kehne IV vn 526 Language similar to Al-ta- tin IV vn 526 Marriage customs IV vn 524 Nah'ane and their lan- guage. By Rev. Father Morice IV vn 517 National characteristic as indicated by vocabulary. IV vn 530 Origin of tribe IV vn 523 Other names for IV vn 517 Peace customs IV vn 525 Physique of eastern section of tribe IV vn 522 Population IV vn 521 Prosperity of IV vn 525 Religion IV vn 524 Shamanism practised IV vn 524 Sociology of IV vn 520 Sub-tribes with their terri- tory IV vn 521 Thalhthan principal village of tribe IV vn 518 Tribes Ill vn 110,112 Territory IV vn 520 War customs IV vn 525 Nahanie, Campbell and Daw- son's name for Nah'ane. . IV vn 517 Nahua, origin Ill v 65 Nahuas, descendants of mound-builders? Ill V 63 Nahaunie, Campbell and Dawson's name for Nah'- ane IV vn 517 Nahawnie, same as Nah'ane. IV vn 517 Nahawney, Kenticott's name for Nah'ane IV vn 517 Nahnido or Nanido II in 306 Nahual. Diffusion of, stock at Spanish Conquest II I 377 Language similar to an In- dian tribe in San Salvador II i 376 Tribe in C. America II I 375 Nahuatl, peculiarities of. . .. Ill n 161 Naiadacese. Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 650 London species II vin 234 Naiades, new species, 1856... II ii 382 Nain village, Labrador Ill iv 98 Nakhun, region IV vi 181 Na'kwrl's, descendants of.... IV iv 31 Namollo territory Ill vi 264 334 NAN GENERAL INDEX NAT Ser. Vol. Page Nanah-boozho, Indian demi- god II in 123 Nanahbosu IV vi 310 Nanabush. Delawares and Ojibwas legends of ✓ ... IV vi 275 Legends of IV vi 310 Nankato R., Iowa, Iron Stone beds on I n 80 Nannophya bella Uhler, characters; N. American habitats II vn 452 Nantucket. Difficulties of obtaining lighthouse foundation at. I m 122 Description of lighthouse foundation I m 123 Nantucket, U.S. Lighthouse on New South Shoal. By Major Hart- man Bache I m 121 Method of placing light- house foundation I m 124 Natural Realism, in Philo- sophy II xii 57 Naparima. Marls of Trinidad IV vm 381 Pulvinulina favus Brady from, beds IV vm 387 Naphthalamine, action of Chloride of Cyanogen on. II i 312 Naphthaline, purification of Naphtha and preparation of Naphthaline I I 165 Napier. Route from Fort William to Red River (1857) II v 547 Nap io, Blackfeet IV vi 275 Napioa, common ancestor of all Indian tribes IV iv 251 Napoleon Bonaparte. Autograph II xiv 497 Battle of Austerlitz planned from Mil ton's "Paradise Lost'' II I 89 Campaign of 1815. By R. E. Kingsford Ill iv 149 Naptha. Deposits II vi 314 Purification of, and prepara- tion of naphthaline I I 165 Napthaline II i 82 Napthalizing, coal gas I i 78 Narcotics. Hops, properties, etc., of.. . I n 57 Narcotics we indulge in: reprint I ii 29, 57 Narcotic Usages and Superstitions of old and New World. By Daniel Wilson II n 233,324 Ser. Vol. Page Naren'on, Tse'kehne's word for sunset or west IV vn 517 Nare'in, Tsilkotin word for sunset or west IV vn 517 Nares, Robert. Autograph in volume now property of Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 542 Nari'an-o'tine, Nah'ane de- rived from IV vn 517 Narraganset Bay, coal measures of Ill m 20 Narrows, The, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 528 Narwhal, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 119 Nasal. Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill n 278 Nasal Gland of Muller in Eutaenia (pl.) Ill i 393 Nasal region in Eutae- nia. By A. B. Macallum (pl.) Ill I 390 Nashville group. Central basin. Tennessee... Ill vu 77 Tennessee I u 138 Nasmith, Geo. G. Chemistry of Wheat Glu- ten IV vn 497 Nasmyth, J. On some Phenomena in CONNEXION WITH MOL- TEN Substances: reprint II m 53 Some Remarks on Prob- able Present Condition of Planets Jupiter and Saturn, in reference to Temperature, etc. .. I i 270 Structure of lunar vol- canic craters: reprint. . I hi 114 Nass Indians, census, 1847.. I i 197 Nassau, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 528 Nasturtium, R. Br., Cana- dian localities of N. armoracia, Fries II xv 62 N. lacustre, Gray II xv 62 N. officinale R. Br II xv 62 N. palustre, D.C II xv 62 Natatores, generic characters II vn 333 Natchez, descendants of Mound-builders Ill v 63 Natervalinet, territory Ill vi 266 Nathannas. Branch of Nah'ane tribe in Mackenzie Mts IV vn 521 Mackenzie's name for Nah'- ane IV vn 517 Natica. Mounds of Manitoba con- tain Ill iv 137 335 NAT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE NA\ Ser. Vol. Page N. clausa, Gaspe, Que II v 465 N. groenlandica, Beck and Heron, Say, St. Law- rence Valley II in 86 Naticidse, Canadian II iv 273 Nationality. Physique of different nationalities. By Dr. Wm. H. Thompson: re- print II ix 129 Natos, Blackfeet HI vi 231 Natural Colours. Photography in. By J. S. Plaskett IV vn 371 Natural Gas, industry in Canada IV vm 179 Natural History. Canadian II in 461 Chair of, in Edinburgh Uni- versity I ill 244 Contributions to, of United States. By Louis Aggas- siz: reviewed II m 243 II vi 169 Definite numbers in nature; Wallace's objection to... II IX 236 Directions for Collect- ing, PRESERVING, AND TRANSPORTING SPECIMENS of: reprint I I 172 Natural History in its Relation to Agricul- ture. By Prof. Hincks.. I n 207 Natural History of the British Seas. By Prof. E. Forbes I I 109 Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed. II V 59 Natural History of New Zealand. By S. P. Strat- ford, M.D II ii 357 Removal of, Collection from British Museum; prin- ciples involved II iv 56 Sketches of, of Ceylon. By Sir Jas. E. Tennant: re- viewed II vn 347 Toronto II in 502 Value of, to Archaeologist.. II I 191 Natural History Society of Montreal. Correspondence with Cana- dian Institute I I 137 Meetings I i 282 I m 340, 385, 411 II i 328, 408 Report on C. Smallwood's Observatory at St. Mar- tin, Isle Jesus II I 409 Natural Realism, doctrine of II n 296 Ser. Vol. Page Natural selection, Darwin's view II v 374 Natural Theology. Outlines of, By Prof. James Bovell, M.D.: reviewed.. II v 201 Naturalist. Canadian, and Geologist. By E. Billings: reviewed. II i 164 II vi 529 Naturalist's Calendar for Toronto, 1853. By Wm. Couper I ii 20, 76, 124 On investigators of plants. . I I 80 Nature, affect on primitive man IV vi 314 Nature -Printing. Nature Printing direct from Wood. By Felix Abate: reprint I in 332 Process of, from wood I m 332 Nature Study. Primitive Nature Study. By Alex. F. Chamberlain. IV vi 313 Naucoria semiorbicularis, Bull, habits, Ontario habitats. .. IV ix 73 Nauhtlan, region IV vi 181 Nautical Almanac, Ameri- can, Davis's report on... I i 129 Nauticoke Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 528 Nautilidse II vm 19 II ii 265 Nautilus, Canadian II vm 23 Naval. Astronomical Expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849, '50, '51, '52. By Lieut. Gilliss, U.S.N.: reviewed II n 195 Progress of, architecture. By Scott Russell I in 144 Navajo. Badger Song IV vi 324 Construction of first house. IV vi 328 Early Navajos IV iv 12 Gambling songs IV vi 323 Habitat •. IV iv 13 Housesong of, sung after sunset IV vi 321 Identity with Northern Denes . IV vi 97 Long established in south of United States IV iv 12 Magpie song IV vi 324 Moro rock in, country II ix 311 Mountain chant IV vi 337 Philologically congenerous with Northern Denes.... IV iv 22 Shaman's prayer "Journey of a soul after a body "... IV vi 322 Still old fashioned IV iv 20 336 NAV GENERAL INDEX NEG Ser. Vol. Page Navigation. Annual loss by shipwreck; many wrecks could be prevented by storm warn- ings II n 177 Attempt to discover water communication through Arctic regions I m 335 Chinese boats. II n 166 Explorations through VALLEY OF ArATO TO Pacific in search of Ship Canal route. By F. M. Kelley: reprint. . . II u 126 First Steamboat crossed Atlantic from Quebec.... IV in 167 History of first attempts to cross Atlantic under steam IV in 167 Inland, from Montreal, 1784 IV v 78 Interesting experiments in steam II ii 109 Lake's system of canal steam navigation: re- viewed I I 209 Navigation of Great Lakes, 1760-1782 IV iv 309 Navigation of Spitzbergen Sea I i 118 Note on Ocean Steam. By Sandford Fleming IV in 165 St. Clair Flats and lake Navigation I m 213 Navigator Group, migra- tions from, and changes produced in language.... Ill vi 108 Navy. Experimental Cruise of French Iron Clad Squadron: reprint II ix 186 Introduction of iron clad vessels II vi 74 Navy Hall, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 528 Navy Island, Niagara R. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 528 History Ill ii 223,226 Nayades, characteristics of, and families in II xi 396 Neanderthal skull II ix 386 Neapolis in Campania, sil- ver coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 107 Nebenkerne. Pancreatic, in salamander.. IV i 272 Parasitic nature of IV I 273 Nebo, ethnology of II xiv 171 Ser. Vol. Page Nebraska. Cretaceous formation of ... II iv 318 Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and portion of Nebraska, by D. D. Owen, U.S. Geologist; extracts from: reprint I n 79, 101 Nebulae. Rossean Configuration, Great Spiral or Whirlpool, and Gt. Nebula in Orion described I n 140 Spiral I ii 206 Theories of, in 1852 I i 82 What are IV viu 453 Nebular Theory. Nebular Theory of Crea- tion. By G. G. Pursey. . . IV viu 451 Shows conditions once ex- isted favourable to forma- tion of living cell IV viu 436 Neck, orang IV vi 511 Necker, Prof. Notes on Anthelie pheno- menon observed by I I 8 Necklaces, Dene IV iv 170 Necrobeia violaceus, F I in 326 Necrodes surin amen sis, Fabr, Mels. Cat I m 256,325 Necrophila affinis II i 35 N. terminata, Kirby I in 325 II i 35 Necrophorus hallii, Kirby.. I in 325 N. melsheimeri, Kirby... II i 34 N. obscurus, Kirby II i 34 N. vetutinus, Fabr I in 325 Necturus. Nerve cells of IV vi 426 Observations on formation of yolk in ovarian ova of. IV I 270 Structure of blood corpus- cles of IV ii 228 N. lateralis. Chromatophagous and other intracellular para- sites in intestine of IV I 252 Different effects produced by staining blood of IV II 222 Studies on blood of. By A. B. Macallum IV n 221 Needle. Dene, pouches IV iv 149 Process of whitening, made of iron and steel I in 84 Negousie. Revolt against Theodore II of Abyssinia II x 144 Negretti. Maximum thermometer in- vented by I l 120 337 NEG PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE NER Ser. Vol. Page Negro. African and American; CONTACT OF, AND INDIAN. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract IV u 21 Brain capacity of II xv 216 Brain volume of, compara- tive.' II xv 228 Brain weight of. II xv 197,201 Examination of brain of, of Guinea II xv 180 Indian and, miscegenation effects IV ii 21 Introduction of slavery into America Ill vn 261 Iron in use among, of Africa IV iv 137 Negro question in United States by Hon. Amelia M. Murray II I 162 On Physical and Mental Character of. By Dr. J. Hunt: reprint... II ix 53 Slavery abolition in Nova Scotia Ill vii 260 Slaves on Ogden Islands. . . IV i 106 Negundo, Mtench Canadian localities of N. aceroides, Moench II xv 354 Negus kings, Abyssinia II x 49 Nehannees, tribes Ill vn 110 Nehawni. Pilling's name for Nah'ane. IV vn 517 Nehawney, Ross' name for Nah'ane IV vn 517 Neilson, Hugh. Recent advances in Tele- graphy and Telephony: abstract HI vi 20 Nelhgen, Denes HI vn 157 Nelson Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 529 Nelson's Atlas of World: reviewed II vm 54 Nelumbium luteum, de- velopment of young stem (pl.) IV vi 623 Nematin®, species described IV ix 327 Nematocysts, in glandular streak of Zoanthus socia- tus IV vii 397 Nematodes Ill i 72 Nematoidea. Embryology of II iv 38 Generic characters II iv 25 Nen River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 70, 529 Neolasioptera perfoliata Felt. Glands in galls and not in normal tissue IV ix 368 Host and anatomy plate... IV ix 323 Ser. Vol. Page Neomida (Oplocephala) bicornis Oliv., Canada.. II I 38 Neosorex palustris, Rich., Canadian localities Ill vi 89 Neotoma, Canadian locali- ties of N. cinerea (Ord), Baird.... Ill vi 79 N. drummondii, Rich Ill vi 79 Nepean Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 529 Nephelis in L. Ontario. N. lateralis, Say II xin 497 N. vermiformis, Nich (pl.). II xni 497 Neptune. Discovery of II vi 102 Supposed Self-Luminosity of Planet Neptune. By Col. Baron de Rottenburg II I 424 Neratius marcellus. Trajan's legate in Britain.. II x 310 Nerita littoralis, ornaments used by Britons II in 381 Nerva. Nom-de-plume of Justice Gale; selections from his writings II xv 339 Nerve. Distribution of Chlorides in, fibre IV viii 409 Nerve endings in Cutane- ous EPITHELIUM OF TAD- POLE. By A. B. Macal- lum: abstract Ill in 276 Rate of Transmission of Impressions made upon. By M. Helmholtz: ab- stract I ii 281 Nerve Cells. Alkalies action on IV vi 413 Alkalies' action on, of lower orders of animals IV vi 427 Amblystoma IV vi 426 Amblystomata, larva and adult IV vi 428 Bibliography on structure of nerve cell IV vi 424 Development of, with spe- cial reference to develop- ment of Chromatic Sub- stance of cell body IV vi 418 Diemyctylus IV vi 426 Digestion of material IV vi 423 Fixing agent IV vi 407 Fresh and after death IV vi 430 Gasteropods, development.. IV vi 428 General considerations on structure of IV vi 429 Iron in IV vi 426 Limax, development IV vi 428 Limnaea, development IV vi 428 Millon reaction IV vi 415 Necturus IV vi 426 338 NER GENERAL INDEX NEW Ser. Vol. Page Nerve Cells-Con. Nuclein compounds in IV vi 417 On structure, micro- chemistry AND DEVELOP- MENT OF, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR NUCLEIN COMPOUNDS. By F. H. Scott IV vi 405 Phosphorus in IV vi 426 Plethodon IV vi 426 Salamandra larva IV vi 426 Structure and micro-chem- istry of, of mammals. ... IV vi 408 Structure of, in other classes of animals than mammals and birds IV vi 424 Yellowish pigment in; its nature IV vi 416 Nerves of Amiurus. Branches of trigeminus group (pl.) Ill ii 366 Sixth (abducens) Ill n 356 Spinal (pl.) HI n 370 Sympathetic Ill n 372 Vagus group (pl.) Ill n 359 Nervous System of Amiurus. Central Ill n 353 Nervous system and Sense Organs of Ami- urus. By Prof. Ramsay Wright Ill ii 352 Peripheral Ill u 365 Nesaea Jurs, Canadian lo- calities of N. verticillata, K.B.K II xv 554 Nesbitt, Dr. W. B. Volumetric System in Materia Medica Ill v 163 Nessler. Burning quality of tobacco leaves affected by impreg- nating with certain sub- stances: ref IV vu 321 Nestler. Potassium carbonate in drops produced on certain leaves: ref IV vu 261 Nests. Collecting for natural his- tory purposes, notes on. . I i 175 Birds, specimens secured of Bird IV in 77 Netaitskaia IV iv 256 Netherby, notes on Latin In- scription on stone at II xu 131 Netherhall, Cumberland, notes 'on imperfect Latin Inscription on stone at.. . II vi 397 Nethinims II xiv 160 Nets. Beaver IV iv 67 Dene IV iv 159 Ser. Vol. Page Netsepoye IV iv 249 Nettle, Richard. Artificial Propagation of Salmon and Trout in Canada: abstract IV in 43 Nettle. Short treatise on, Canadian viewed as industrial re- sources. By Alex. Kirk- wood: reviewed ... II xi 247 Species giving fibre for paper II xi 198 Neumann, Dr. Carl. Eskimo migration: ref Ill vi 275 Neumann. Method of estimating phos- phorus in gluten: ref IV vii 501 Neuroblast. Chromatin's condition in, stage (pl.) IV vi 423 Chromatins fate in IV vi 419 Development IV vi 421 Origin of IV vi 418 Neuro-epithelia, Amiurus (pl.) Ill ii 264 Neuroglia cells, iron in them after treatment with alka- lies IV vi 414 Neuronia, Characters and N. American habitats of N. irrorata, Gmelin II vu 486 N. ocellifera, Walker II vu 488 N. ocelligera, Walker II vu 487 N. pardalis, Walker II vu 487 N. postica, Walker II vu 487 N. semifasciata, Say II vu 487 Neuroptera. Families of Canadian II vu 450 Generic characters II vu 484 New species of Libellula.. . II u 382 Neuroterus. Beginning of gall develop- ment in IV ix 360 Ontogenetic work on IV ix 298 N. majalis, Bassett, host; anatomy (pl.) IV ix 354 Nevis, W. Indies. Exports and Products of (1859) II vu 142 Physical features and geo- logy IV vu 356 New Baltimore. Ship Canal from Albany to; report on reviewed I I 186 Newall. Second Trial of his rail- way break: reprint I n 151 Newark (Niagara town). Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 210,529 Isaac Welds description of, in 1797 IV I 73 339 NEW PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE NEW Ser. Vol. Page Newark (Niagara Town)-Con. Meeting of first session 7>f " first Parliament of U. Canada at IV i 75 Newark in 1792. By D. B. Read, Q.C... IV i 72 Newark and its surround- ings, 1791 IV I 98 Newark Tp., gazetteer notice 1813) II xiv 529 Newberry, Dr. Glacial deposits of Ohio: ref. II xv 411 Ice wall of retreating glacier as forming northern shore of L. Ontario: ref IV Vi 30 Connection between Europe and America in geological times: ref IV vm 374 New Brunswick. Carboniferous formation... II xv 109,385 Coal areas IV ix 101 Devonian formation II xv 106 Elevation and depression of land along coast of Bay of Fundy II vu 82 Geological divisions II xv 103 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 On Pre-Carboniferous Flora of. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II vi 486 Permian formation in II I 42 Railways in (1854): reprint I in 19 Sax by Gale; 4th October, 1869. By D. L. Hutchin- son IV ix 253 Silurian formation II xv 104,105 Triassic formation II I 43 II xv 106 Newcastle, Ont., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 529 Newcastle, Roman name Pons iElii; evidence II xm 141 Newcastle Harbour, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 69 Newcomb, Prof. S. Reckoning of Astronomical Day: ref IV m 314 Newcomen's steam engine. I i 220 New England. Causes of degeneracy of people in II I 251 Insanity and idiocy; pre- valence of (1855) II i 247 Local government in IV vn 412 Notes on population of. By Rev. A. Constable Geikie II I 245 People degenerating (1856). II i 245 Ser. Vol. Page Newfoundland. American rights in, fisheries I n 116 Bibliography of Archaeo- logy of Canada and, first Contribution to. By A. F. Chamberlain... Ill vn 13 Bobothick Indians of. By Alan Macdougall IV n 98 abstract IV n 26 Coal fields IV n 14 Condition in 1883 Ill n 50 Copper Mines IV n 15 England's oldest Colony. By T. B. Browning: ab- stract Ill ii 50 French fisheries in I n 116 French Shore Question Ill vn 34 Newfoundland or Terra Primum Vista. By Rev. Philip Tocque: abstract.. IV n 14 Paradoxides novo-repertus from II iv 316 Phocas of Terre Neuve. By Rev. Philip Tocque. . IV in 303 Seal fishery of IV in 305 New Era and Argus, Hono- lulu, 1857: reviewed II in 451 New Jersey. Iron ore deposits IV n 299 New Jersey Zinc and Franklinite: reprint. .. I i 211 Submergence of land on coast II vn 81 Subsidence of land on, coast. By Prof. G. H. Cook: reprint II n 480 Subsidence of, Coast II I 387 New Jersey Tea, Canadian localities II xv 352 New Oswegatchie, memorial IV vn 417 New River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 530 Newman, Prof. Ethnology of Lydians: ref.. I n 220 Newmarket. In 1800 II xiii 568 Quaker settlement II xm 570 Newport, R. I. Round Tower of, erected by Norsemen in tenth Cen- tury; its history II ix 296 Geology of Ill in 19 Newport and Truro, geologi- cal area of Nova Scotia... II xv 112 Newt, structure found in cells of intestinal epithelium (pl.) IV I 248 Newton, Alfred. On a hybrid duck : reprint. 11 vn 226 Newton, Sir Isaac. Ideas on use of comets II vm 73 340 NEW GENERAL INDEX N/A Ser. Vol. Page Newton, Sir Isaac-Con. Memoirs of Life, Writings and Discoveries of. By Sir David Brewster: re- viewed II I 452 Theory of Colour of Water. II vm 44 Theory of rainbow I I 8 Three coronae discovered at once I I 7 Newton, Wm. A. On S. S. Ericsson's hot air or Caloric engine; DESCRIPTION, THEORY AND PERFORMANCE I I 248, 271 Newtown, battle of, when Americans defeated In- dians in 1779 IV vn 395 New York. Associated Charities HI in 103 Crystal Palace, Reservoir Square I I 69 Medical inspection of schools IV vm 198 Milk supply, number bac- teria in IV vn 469 New York Industrial Exhibition: reprint I m 44 On parallelism of lower Silurian groups of Middle Tennessee with those of. By Prof. J. M. Safford: reprint I n 138 Palaeontology of II I 386 Regulations for Medical inspection of schools IV vm 205 School system and Truancy act II in 429 Water supply I in 260 New York State. Indian mounds and in- trenchments in I I 25 Iron, Lead, Zinc, Sulphate of Barytes, Manganese, Phosphate of Lime, Gyp- sum, Coal, Precious Stones, Marbles, and Mineral and Salt Springs in I ii 37 New Zealand. Aborigines II n 364 Ampullacera shells found on deserted sites II m 387 Climate of II n 363 Coal and Botany of: ref... II xi 196 Coal deposits in.... II vi 483 Dammara australis in II ii 363 Geological age II ii 363 Lignite II n 362 Mountain regions II n 358 New Zealand flax: reprint I in 55 New Zealand flax at edge of lava streams in II n 360 Ser. Vol. Page New Zealand-Con. Notes on Natural His- tory of. By S. P. Strat- ford, M.D... II n 357 Sphceria robertia II n 364 Sulphur springs, boiling springs, etc II n 358 Vegetable caterpillar II n 364 Ney, Marshal, Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 156 Neyrac springs, analysis of waters I I 152 NSySRhwolluz and the Gambler IV iv 79 N3zaz, Dene game IV iv 112 Nez Perce Indians. Alberta Ill v 216 Language and grammar.... Ill Vi 114 Retreat and march towards Canada Ill Vi 121 Ngena, or Troglodytes gorilla discovered I I 94 Niagara. Niagara Falls. Ancient drainage at. By P. W. Currie• IV vn 7 Col. Butler and his Rangers' settlement in IV I 98 Climate Ill n 202 Earthquake at I I 185 Fort George's Lonely Sycamore. A Reminis- cence of. A poem by Janet Car nochan IV I 124 Glacial action in, district; proofs II v 507 Fur trade during revolution- ary war IV in 274 Gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 211, 530 Geological features of, Dis- trict II v 498 Gov. Simcoe's residence at, 1794... II xiv 94 Hypothesis of mode of gorge formation and character of floor of gorge IV vn 11 In 1685 ....... II xm 311 Indians of, district in 16th and 17th centuries IV I 69 Interglacial clay filling V shaped sinus in, escarp- ment II xv 409 Isaac Welds description of, 1797 .... IV I 73 Medina sandstone formation at II v 501 Mineral Springs near I I 153 Niagara limestone forma- tion at II v 502 Niagara Mail on Lord Rosse's discoveries: re- print I ii 206 341 NIA NIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Niagara. Niagara Falls-Con. Proof of retrocession of falls from Queenston Hts. to present position II v 502 Railway Suspension Bridge at I in 149 Rock formations at II v 500 Rock strata shown by bor- ings for bridge IV vn 11 Route in early days IV I 100 Superficial deposits in, dis- trict II v 507 Suspension Bridge at: re- print I hi 19 Trade conditions during revolutionary war IV iv 302 Two FRONTIER CHURCHES. By Janet Car nochan IV I 109 Whirlpool: origin IV vn 13 Quartzose sandstone forma- tion at II v 501 Niagara cuesta. Depth of excavation below crest of IV vn 179 Described IV vu 163 Gorges and valleys of IV vn 173 Niagara East, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 530 Niagara Formation. Canadian II vm 210 II ix 5 Conditions under which formed in Tennessee. ... Ill vu 83 Diagram of II vm 213 Fossils in (pl.) II vm 210 II xiv 145 In middle Tennessee Ill vn 78 Limestones of II vm 214 Notes on Fossils of, of Ontario. By H. A. Nicholson and Geo. J. Hinde II xiv 137 Traced westward II v 505 Niagara Library, 1800-1820. Account of meetings IV iv 340 Account of monies spent... IV iv 345 Catalogue of Books IV iv 351 Formation of, and objects.. IV iv 337 Niagara Library, 1800- 1820. By Janet Car no- chan IV iv 336 Rules and regulations IV iv 338 Niagara Limestone. Huron region, Ont I ill 51 Mosses growing on II xiv 471 Niagara II V 502 North shore of L. Ontario. . II xv 391 Ontario I in 1 Niagara, Little, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 530 Ser. Vol. Page Niagara River. Erosion and fracture theory of IV in 6 Extraordinary sudden fall in Waters of. By Major R. Lachlan I in 204 Factor in formation of Toronto Island IV I 239 Formation of. By W. J. Smith: abstract IV in 5 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 211 History of Ill n 223 Ice obstruction to waters (March, 1848) I in 204 Low water of March, 1848 explained I ill 204 Particulars of obstruction in March, 1848 I in 205 Suspension bridge over.... I I 46 Topography of Ill n 222 Upper Niagara R. By Henry Brock Ill n 222 Niagara (town). Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 210 Meeting of first session of first Parliament of U. Canada at IV i 75 Niagara, Town in 1792. By D. B. Read IV I 72 Niagara Tp. Settlement and original survey of. By Wm. Can- niff IV i 96 Niblack. On maize growing Indians: ref IV iv 35 Nichol, Mrs. Obituary I ill 269 Nichol, Prof. Remarks on Chronology OF F ORMATIONS OF M OON: reprint I in 366 Nicholas Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 530 Nicholson, A. Theriodesmus phylarchus from S. Africa: ref IV vi 546 Nicholson, H. Alleyne, D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Contemporaneity of Strata and Doctrine of Geological Continuity II xm 269 Contributions to Fauna Canadensis, being an Account of Animals DREDGED IN L. ONTARIO, 1872 II xm 490 Favosites of the De- vonian Rocks of West- ern Ontario II xiv 38 Imperfection of Palaeon- tological Record II xm 379 342 N/C NJS GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Nicholson, H. Alleyne, D.Sc., F.R.S.E.-Con. Palaeontology of Ontario II xiv 125 Nicholson, H. Alleyne, and W. H. Ellis. On remarkable fragment OF SILICIFIED WOOD FROM Rocky Mts II xiv 348 Nicholson, H. A. and Geo. J. Hinde. Notes on Fossils of Clin- ton, Niagara and Guelph Formations of Ontario II xiv 137 Nicholson, Otho. Folio of "Italia Illustrata" 1602, once owned by, now by Dr. Scadding II xiv 598 Nickel. Alloys IV ii 83 Arsenides, reduction of... . IV n 84 Arsenical, characteristics and Canadian localities. . II V 172 Cobalt separation from.... I n 172 Deposits and production in Canada IV vm 157 Ferro, production IV n 90 History of IV n 81 Manganese and Cobalt se- paration from I n 126 Matte, conversion into crude IV n 88 Metallurgy of IV n 81 Mineral associations IV n 80 Mineral waters contain.... I I 152 Notes on. By Geo. Mickle. IV ii 77 Ores IV ii 77 Processes for refining IV vni 158 Production in 1880 and 1888 IV ii 84 Properties, physical and chemical IV u 82 Sulphate of, water of crys- tallization II I 557 Sulphides of, reduction.... IV II 86 Speisses conversion into crude IV u 88 Nickles. Repeopling of streams WITH FISHES OR PISCICUL- TURE: reprint I I 278 Nickles. Nickles'tests for Fluorine.. II u 448 Nicoll, Scottish Poet. Monument to II I 87 Nicotiana. Effect of strong solutions on leaves of, applied to cut end of petioles: expts.... IV vu 292 Potassium nitrate and car- bonate's effect on leaf tissue IV vn 327 N.rustica II n 238 Ser. Vol. Page Niebuhr. Gael and Cymri components of Celtic stock: ref II xv 277 Niederstadt. Centrifugal separation of milk and bacteria: ref.... IV vn 487 Nighthawk, observations on Ontario visitors... Ill vn 186, 192, 195 NikSdiuai IV iv 168 Nile River. Ancylostoma duodenale in. II iv 27 Electric fish of II m 64 Proportional amounts of, salts in water IV vn 558 Nilo-Hamitic, languages.... II xiii 287 Nilotic, languages II xm 287 Nimes, France. History IV n 199 Roman remains and sur- vivals around IV n 198 Nine Bark, Canadian localities II xv 362 Nineveh. French archaeological re- searches at I I 48 Ni-ottsintani, legend IV vi 95 Nipegon Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) . II xiv 530 Niphoea, Hamilton species... II v 391 Nipigon. Geological and physical features of, region IV vni 342 Origin of diorite cappings around IV vi 49 Nipigon formation, L. Su- perior IV vi 49 Nipissing, Great Lake IV vi 57 Nipissing Lake. Origin of name II in 485 Nipissings, population, 1845. I I 196 Niscean breed of horse, countries found in I i 199 Nisqually, vocabulary Ill v 218 Nissen. Degenerating cells of mam- mary gland throw out chromatin: ref IV li 239 Nissl, Fr. Certain masses in nerve cell stain differently from others: ref IV vi 405 Nissl granules in mammals: ref IV vi 409 Nissl granules. Acids action on IV vi 413 Affinity for methyl green in Ehrlich-Biondi combina- tion IV vi 410 Alkalies effect on IV vi 413,422 Animals below mammals that contain IV vi 424 343 NIS NOM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Nissl granules-Con. Animal's own blood alters them after fixation in same way as alkalies IV vi 415 Anura that contain IV vi 425 Aves that contain IV vi 424 Cells of cord of Gadus.... IV vi 409 Chemical properties IV vi 406 Cytoplasmic origin IV vi 407 Derived from chromatin... IV vi 421 Ganoidei that contain IV vi 425 In nerve cells of mammals. IV vi 408 In spinal ganglion cells IV vi 409 Iron-alum stain improved with rubin stain IV vi 410 Iron in IV vi 411 Invertebrates that contain. IV vi 425 Lacerta agilis frequently does not contain IV vi 426 Millon reaction IV vi 415 Mode of occurrence in em- bryonic and foetal cells.. IV vi 407 Nature of IV vi 429, 435 Origin of IV vi 418 Pepsin and hydrochloric acid do not digest them.. IV vi 412 Phosphorus reaction in. . . . IV vi 411 Pisces that contain IV vi 425 Reptilia that contain IV vi 425 Salt solutions action on.... IV vi 415 Staining, of mammals IV vi 408 Substance in IV vi 431 Teleostei that contain IV vi 426 Urodela do not generally contain IV vi 426 Nithialdine II i 312 Nitrate. Fertilizing value of, of soda II vi 50 Iodo, of silver II I 79 Nitric Acid. In rain I II 9 Preparation of II I 309 N. oxide, action on anhydrous sulphuric acid II I 557 Nitrite of Amyl, result in chloroform poisoning in cases when respiration has ceased IV vn 219 Nitrogen. Annual yield of, per acre in different crops II in 522 Rain a Source of Nitro- gen in Vegetation: re- print I n 9 Nitro- Glycerine. Its history, Manufacture and Industrial Appli- cation. By W. H. Ellis.. II xiv 356 Preparation II I 82 Nitrosalicylic Acid, prepara- tion of II I 489 Nitrous Acid, formation of.. II n 306 Ser. Vol. Page Noah. Primary subdivisions of human family in his family II I 5 Nobel, A. Discovery of dynamite II xiv 362 Discovery of exploding nitro-glycerine by detona- tion II xiv 359 Noble, Capt. A., F.R.S. Meteorological Observa- tions at Quebec, 1853-54. I m 327 On Value of Factor in Hygrometric Formula. II i 24 Nocard and Roux. Cause of pleuro-pneumonia in cattle: ref IV vm 55 Noctuina Staint, characters; Canadian genera II vm 2 Nocturnal Lepidoptera, species found in North America II vm 16 Nodal pockets, Osmundaceae IV vm 528 Nodens or Nodons, god. Evidence of, in Britain... . II vi 405 Latin Inscriptions concern- ing II v 492 Nodosaria abyssorum, dad and Pacific IV vm 387 Nodular system, in minerals II v 9 Noeta, Denes Ill vn 154 Noezaz, Denes Ill vn 154 Nogwunmut, territory Ill vi 264 Noh'hanne, Richardson's name for Nah'ane IV vu 517 Nohpat, king of Uxmal IV vi 176 Nolan, Capt., proprietor of German Mills II xm 442 Nomological Psychology, second division of Philo- sophy II xi 317 Nomology of. Cognitions; first part of Nomological Psychology. II xi 317 Conations II xi 318 Feelings II xi 318 Noncon Island, Indian gra- ves Ill vn 14 Nom-de-Plume of some Canadians. "Alan Fairford" John Kent II xv 264 "Backwoodsman" Dr. Wm. Dunlop II xv 441 "British Canadian" Ed. Ermatinger II xv 447 "Canadian" Jas. Lynne Alexander II xv 450 "Claud Halcro" John Breakenridge II xv 453 "Erie-us" Adam, Hood Burwell II xv 450 344 NOR NOM GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Nom-de-Plume of some Canadians-Con. "Guy Pollock" Rob. Doug- las Hamilton II xv 263 "Graduate" Rev. Dr. Mc- Caul II xv 445 "He who sang the Song of Charity" Prof. E. J. Chapman II xv 455 " Isidore " Ascher II xv 454 "Junioslus Canadensis" Cary of Quebec Mercury. II xv 332 "Le Bon Vieux Temps" not identified II xv 341 "Legion" Robert Baldwin Sullivan II xv 342 " Libertas " Peter Brown... II xv 274 "Maple Leaf" Rev. Dr. McCaul II xv 270 "Maple Knot" Ebenezer Clemo II xv 270 "Mentor" Rev. Geo. Okill Stuart II xv 440 "Mercator" Rt. Hon. Ed. Ellice II xv 441 "Nerva" Justice Gale II xv 339 " Patrick Swift " Wm. Lyon. Mackenzie II xv 436 "Pioneer of Wilderness" Rev. Mr. Rose II xv 443 "Plinius Secundus" John Rumsey II xv 452 "Presbyter of Diocese of Toronto" Rev. W. Stew- art Darling II xv 444 "Reckoner" Rev. Dr. Strachan II xv 440 "Roseharp" Jas. M. Caw- dell II xv 449 "Scotus" David Burn II xv 446 "Sir Minimus Pigmy" John Kent II xv 266 "Solomon" Rev. J. Mac- George II xv 267 Some Canadian, identi- fied; WITH SAMPLES OF WRITINGS TO WHICH THEY ARE APPENDED. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 259,332,436 "Whistler" Mr. Somerville. II xv 273 "Wil D'Leina" Daniel Wil- son II xv 456 "Veritas" Hon. John Rich- ardson (criticism of war of 1812) II xv 333 "Zadig" Hon. Chief Justice Hagarty II xv 453 Non-Contradictory, theory of II i 114 Non-Ego. Doctrine II II 290 Doctrine of, in Philosophy.. II xn 71 Ser. Vol. Page Non-Ego-Con. Ego and, doctrine of II I 383 Metaphysical theory of... . II I 120 Non-Nucleated organisms. Cytology of. By A. B. Macallum IV Vi 439 Nootka Indians, plant sym- bolism in folk lore IV vi 331 Nordenskiold, Baron. Origin of Eskimo: ref Ill vi 283 Norfolk County. Discovery of Indian Re- mains in. By Daniel Wil- son II i 511 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 530 Norman Marais, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 530 Normans, cranial type of.... II ix 400 Norris. Norris's Railway Joint Chair: reprint I n 177 Norse. Discoveries in America. ... Ill vi 271 Discovery of America in 985 II iv 51 II ix 291 Relics of, settlement in Greenland II ix 294 Round Tower of Newport erected by, in tenth cen- tury ?...... II ix 296 Runic inscriptions of, found in Davis Strait II ix 294 Written Rock near West Newbury, Mass., inscrip- tion translated IV v 55 North American and West Indian Gazetteer, 1759. II xv 24 North British Review, No. LIV, Nov. 1857: re- viewed II in 137 North Channel, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 530 North Wales. Old Glaciers of. By A. C. Ramsay: reviewed. ..... II v 61 Northern Calla, Toronto.... I i 252 Northern Railway of Can- ada. Construction work I I 20 Opening of I I 281 North Foreland, Ont., ga- zetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 213 Northmen. Discovery of America II iv 51 Written Rock, near West Newbury, Mass., inscrip- tion translated IV v 55 Northumberland, Eng. Ancient carved stone FOUND AT CHESTERHOLM. By Rev. John McCaul (pl.) II xiv 1 345 NOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE NOV Ser. Vol. Page Northumberland County, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 531 Northumberland, Eng., notes on Latin Inscription found in II v 283 North-West Passage. Attempted 1719 ... Ill iv 201 Capt. McClure navigation of; diary of I n 83 Dobbs and Capt. Middle- ton's discussion concern- ing (1741-42) IV ix 206 Discovered 1592? IV iv 315 North-West Company. Exploration for route to Northwest through Brit- ish territory IV v 77 Extent of trade in 1780-90. . IV v 78 Small decked vessels neces- sary on the Lakes (1785) .IV V 80 Northwest Fur Co. Formation in 1783 IV iv 309 Original IV v 75 North-West Territories. David Thompson's explora- tions from 1790 to 1820.. II vi 73 Discovery of new route to, in 1785 IV v 79 Geological areas II xv 16 Lepidoptera (Diurnal) col- lected in (list) HI II 239 Norton, John (Mohawk). Autograph letter to Gen. Simcoe II xiv 90 Brief biography of........ II xiv 91 Norton, Moses. Project for exploring Cop- permine Country, 1768. . IV ix 212 Norton, Richard. Journey to Coppermine Country, 1717 IV ix 207 Search for Coppermine Country IV ix 203 Norway, beaver haunts II iv 379 Norwegian, amalgamation process in extracting gold or silver IV iv 358 Norwich, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 531 Norwich Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 531 Nose. Dene, ornaments IV iv 167 Orang IV vi 510 Nosoderma obcordatum, Kirby, Canadian II i 37 Nostoc Ill i 301 Nostoc commune, type of granule in.. 4 ., IV vi 469 Nostocacese, Toronto species HI vu 274 Ser. Vol. Page Notidobia, Stephens, Char- acters and N. American habitats of N. borealis, Hagen II vn 493 Notman, John. Manufacture of Paper. . Ill v 197 Notonecta unifasciata, eggs II iv 324 Notoxus monodon, Mels. Cat I in 259 N. monodon, Hentz, Mels. Cat I in 259,326 Notself. Doctrine of Philosophy.... II xn 71 Methaphysical view of II I 120 Nott, Dr. Skull of Kanaka of Sand- wich Islands: ref II vn 442 Types of American Crania: ref II n 417 Nott, J. C. M. and Gliddon, Geo. R. Indigenous Races of earth: reviewed II n 208 Nottawasaga. Alleged discovery of Gold around, Bay II in 262 Military and Naval ex- ploits ON, DURING WAR of 1812. By A. F. Hun- ter: abstract IV in 1 Origin of name II III 308 Pyrula perversa from I in 156 Valley of, (with map). By Sandford Fleming I I 223 Nottawasaga Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 209 Nottawasaga River. Fresh water shells in, dis- trict II vi 497 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 208 Nottawasaga Tp., topogra- phical features of I i 224 Nottawasaga Valley, geologi- cal formation of I I 226 Nouns. Blackfoot IV v 134 Dene; their varieties and in- flections IV I 181 Four categories of Dene.... IV iv 32 Nova Scotia. Abolition of slavery in Ill vn 260 Butterflies appearance very early in Spring I I 241 Coal measures of. By Sir Charles Lyell: reprint... I I 237 Coal areas II xv 114,386 IV ix 101 Copper in trap rocks; causes of II I 43 Carboniferous formations. . II xv 110, 112, 113, 116, 386 346 NOV GENERAL INDEX NUD Ser. Vol. Page Nova Scotia-Con. Correspondence relating to Mineral wealth of . I i 241 Dendrerpeton acadianum specimen in II vu 145 Dendrerpeton of coal mea- sures of II vm 267 Devonian formation II xv 111 Elevation and depression of coastline II vu 84 Fossil reptile and land shell in tree in coal measures . . I I 237 Fossil reptiles from coal measures of II vm 267 Geological divisions II xv 109 Gold districts II xv 110 Gold of . II vi 529 History of Maroons in Ill vn 265 Hylonomus of coal measures of II vm 267 Insect indications in coal measures of II vu 145 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Laurentian formation II xv 109 Marine alluvial soils in. . . . II I 39 Maroons arrival in Ill vu 260 Maroons of Jamaica and. By J. C. Hamilton Ill vu 260 Metamorphic formation.... II xv 109 New Fossils from coal mea- sures II v 205 On some additional Re- mains of Land Animals in Coal Measures of. By J. W. Dawson: reprint II vu 144 Permian formation in II I 42 Pupa vetusta in coal mea- sures of II vu 146 Railways of : abstract.... I m 19 Saxby Gale of the 4th Oct., 1869 IV ix 255 Silurian formation II xv 111,113 Solid matter in carbonifer- ous formation; estimate of I I 280 Species of Meriones and found in. By J. H. Dawson: reprint... I ill 388 Stigmaria and sigillaria in coal measures I I 237 Synopsis of carboniferous rocks of II , I 46 Triassic formation in II I 43 II xv 111 Nova Zembla, bottles I n 172 Novelty locomotive I n 64 November. Birds observed in, in Tor- onto IV in 89 Meteors, 1868 II xn 174 Meteors at Toronto, 1867, '68 II xu 86 Ser. Vol. Page Nubian, brain volume of, comparative II xv 228 Nuclear body, in yeast cell.. IV vi 493 Nuclear zone, distribution of fat above and below it... IV vm 247 Nuclei, iron present only in, of wheat grain IV vu 508 Nucleic Acid, properties of.. IV vn 508 Nuclein. Analyzed for phosphorus... IV vn 504 Chemical composition of gliadin IV vn 502 Compounds in nerve cells.. IV vx 417 Containing iron firmly bound in nuclein molecule derived from milk and yolk of hen's egg IV it 237 From gluten IV vu 502 In gliadin or glutenin IV vn 502 Iron firmly combined in, obtained from livers IV n 238 On structure micro- chemistry AND DEVELOP- MENT of Nerve Cells, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR COMPOUNDS. By F. H. Scott IV VI 405 Osborne and Campbell's method of preparing IV vn 508 Species of Oscillaria cells contains IV VI 443 Nucleobranchiata. Families II xil 33 Generic characters II xn 27 Nucleolus. Another green staining sub- stance besides, in nucleus. IV vi 410 Derived from chromatin... IV vi 421 Disappears in digestion.... IV vi 412 Division in Euglena viridis. IV vi 501 In yeast cell IV vi 482,493 Iron in IV vi 411 Iron in, after treatment with alkalies IV vi 414 Material given out by, to cytoplasm IV vi 433 Nature of IV vi 416,435 Oscillaria contain IV vi 443 Phosphorus reaction in. . . . IV vi 411 Position if retains haema- toxylin stain IV vi 434 Vacuoles in IV vi 417 Nucleus. In Cyanophycese IV vi 442 In yeast cell IV vi 482 Nucula, in pteropod marl, Jamaica IV vm 385 N. postriata (Conrad), Toronto II iv 452 Nudens, notes on Latin In- scriptions concerning god. II v 493 347 OBI NUD PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Nudibranchiata (Cuvier), generic characters II xn 26 Nugumiut, territory Ill vi 265 Nullipore, in British Seas.... I i 109 Numbers, two, three, five and seven typical numbers in vegetable kingdom II in 409 Numerals, Errata Recepta in II ix 144 Numenius, Hamilton species II v 394 Numismatics. Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern: re- viewed II vi 192 Nunatagmeut, territory.... Ill vi 266 Nunatanmiun, territory.... Ill vi 264 Nunatogmut, territory Ill vi 264 Nuphar, Smith, localities Canadian species II xv 60 N. advena, Aiton. Canadian localities II xv 60 Stelar system and phloeoter- ma (pl.) IV vi 621 N. luteum, Smith. Canadian species II xv 60 Stelar system and phloeo- terma (pl.) IV vi 621 Nurhautsuaks, territory.... IV m 196 Nushagagmut, territory.... Ill vi 265 Nussbaum. Pancreas of Amiurus: ref... Ill n 414 Peptic cells in pike: ref Ill n 401 Structures in pancreatic cells of Amphibia: ref.... IV I 253 Nuthatches. Hamilton species II v 393 Observations on Ontario species Ill vu 185,198,200,201 IV I 41, 53 IV in 72,80 Toronto winterbirds I i 171 White breasted and red breasted of Hamilton.... II vi 133 Nuvungmeut, territory HI vi 266 Nuwungmun, territory Ill vi 264 Nuwukmut, territory Ill vi 264 Nyctaea, observations on On- tario species Ill m 88 III vu 185,188,198,199,200 IV i 44, 45 IV m 67, 89, 90, 100, 106 N. nivea, Canadian specimens II u 220 II vu 522 N. scandiaca, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Nycticorax nycticorax nae- vius, observations on Ontario visitors IV m 66, 85 Nymphaea, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of N. odorata, Aiton II xv 59 N. tuberosa, Paine II xv 59 Ser. Vol. Page N. dentata, tubular stelar system IV Vi 622 N. tuberosa, development of young stem (pl.) IV vi 622 N. zanzibarensis, young stelar system IV vi 622 Nymphaeaceae. Astelic type of central cylinder IV vi 620 Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 Canadian species with habi- tats II xv 59 Hamilton species Ill u 146 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 636 London species II vm 221 Oak, Canadian, red, swamp and white II vi 36,37 Effect of concentration of, extracts on fish IV vu 455 Effect of, sawdust on fish. . IV vu 449 Most suitable tree for large spaces near public institu- tions IV vin 264 Suitability for city planting. IV vm 269 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Oak Island. Dyke cutting schists in (pl.) Ill iv 122 Oak Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 531 Oates, Capt., Toronto II xn 343 Oaxaca. Cocyoeza of IV vi 126 History IV vi 158,170 Monapostiac, enchanted island IV vi 170 Oxlahuh - Tzy contempo- raries in IV vi 179 Palenque's relations with Uxmal and, in time of Oxlahun-Pek IV vi 181 Traditions IV vi 170 Yopaa priesthood IV vi 170 Zapotec kings of IV vi 170 Oberea 3-punctata, Fabr. . I m 326 Obersteiner. Nature of nucleolus: ref ... IV vi 416 Obituary Notice of Bain, Jas. D. C. L IV vm 549 Baird, Spencer Fullerton... Ill vi 1 Ballingall, Sir Geo II I 86 Beche, Sir Henry de la I in 262 Betram, John IV vm 98 Boole, Prof II x 44 Braconnet, M I in 269 British, of 1855 II I 88 Brown, Robert II ill 365 Buchan, John Milne Ill iv 7 Butler, Col. John of Butler's Rangers IV I 116 Campbell, Rev. John IV vm 98 Count Valerian Krasinski... II I 86 348 OBI GENERAL INDEX OCE Ser. Vol. Page Obituary Notice of-Con. Countess of Lovelace I 1 119 Cuming, Hugh II x 363 Dade, Rev. Chas II xm 352 Forbes, Prof. Ed I in 141 Greenough I in 262 Hamilton, Sir Wm. Rowan. II x 364 Hamilton, Sir Wm II 1 396 Harvey, Arthur IV vm 98 Hincks, Rev. Ed II xi 262 Hincks, Rev. Wm II xm 253 Hooker, Sir Wm. Jackson. . II x 364 Howland, Oliver A IV vm 98 Hunt, Dr. T. Sterry IV in 21 Irving, Rev. Geo. Clark.... II xi 200 Kane, Paul II xm 66 Lefroy, Gen. Sir J. Henry. .IV 1 35 Lindley, Dr. John (I, 11, 1865) II x 428 Lockhart, John I in 167 MacNish, Rev. Neil IV vm 98 Mantell.G. A.,LL.D.,F.R.S. I 1 144 Marling, Alex., LL.B IV 1 33 Montgomery, Robert II 1 87 Nichol, Mrs. (nee Bronte).. I in 269 Peacock, Dr. Geo II xv 60 Plattner, Carl Friedrich.... II in 358 Provancher, Abbe IV hi 41 Reeve, Lowell II x 429 Remy Joseph I in 269 Rogers, Samuel II 1 83 Hugh Scobie I n 151 Scadding, Rev. Henry, D.D. II vn 235 Sharpe, Daniel II 1 398 Tully, Kivas IV vm 98 Walker, Sears C I 1 168 Wilson, Prof. Geo. M.D., F.R.S.E II v 62 Wilson, Jas., F.R.S.E II 1 398 Wilson, Sir Daniel IV iv 223 Von Buch I 1 240 Young, Geo. Paxton Ill vn 27 Obolella, Potsdam Sand- stone, Canada II vn 72 Obolus canadensis, Bil- lings, Trenton Limestone, Canada II iv 275 O'Brien. Compounds in aleuron cell: ref. IV vn 514 Constituents of gluten: ref.. IV vn 499 Theory of formation of gluten: ref IV vn 511 Observatories. Proposal to establish in Canada I in 133 Observatory. Canadian Institute's me- morial to Governor- General for Astrono- mical, at Quebec II n 309 Ser. Vol. Page Observatory-Con. Greenwich, equipment of... I n 311 St. Martin's, Isle Jesus. By Chas. Smallwood, Supdt. (full description with drawings) II in 281 Observatory, Toronto. Government's reply to In- stitutes memorial I i 254 History of... II m 99 Hourly corrections to reduce to true mean temp, of day I 1 77 Memorial to Government to retain, at Toronto (1853). I 1 145 Meteorological observations at, see under meteorologi- cal Register Meteors observed at.... I 11 39 Provincial Government as- sumed control I 1 282 Obsidian. Behaviour with water at high temperatures II m 205 Characters; Canadian localities II vi 427 Obturator externus and O. internus, orang IV vi 560 Occultation. Occultation of spica Vir- ginis by moon, 12th March, 1857. By Baron de Rottenburg II 11 180 Occupation. Industrial Accidents and Diseases incident to, By T. K. Chambers: reprint I in 29 Nah'ane tribe's IV vu 525 Ocean. Age of earth, determined from sodium in IV vn 536 Biological history of IV vu 536 Calcium salts in, effect on life IV vu 536 Cause of amount potassium and calcium in sea water being stationary IV vu 561 Composition of primeval.. . IV vu 542 Composition of, result of various agencies II vn 560 Dolomite formation in IV vn 549 Evidence from Lakes and rivers that potassium and calcium predominated in pre-Cambrian seas IV vu 555 First forms of life and de- velopment IV vn 553 Geological history of IV vn 535 History of calcium in IV vn 548 History of magnesium in ... IV vn 548 History of composition of ocean water IV vn 535 History of sodium in IV vn 547 349 OEG OCE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Ocean-Con. Magnesium in, in pre-Cam- brian period IV vn 540 On Oceanic Currents and THEIR INFLUENCE ON Central American Ca- nal. By Alex. G. Find- lay: reprint I i 248 of, in relation to animal and VEGETABLE PROTOPLASM. By A. B. Macallum IV vn 535 Plasma contains relatively same amount of Na, K and Ca as sea water and less Mg IV vn 561 Processes involved in form- ing first basin IV vn 543 Relation of salts in ocean to protoplasm IV vn 552 Relative proportions of ele- ments in solution not parallel to those in river discharge, reason IV vn 560 Salts in water, relative amounts of IV vn 559 Sodium deposited annually in, amounts of IV vn 537 Ocean Steamers, on St. Lawrence route I I 92 Oceanic Race. Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 201 Ochre. Canadian II vm 461 D6n6 uses of, for ornamen- tation IV iv 170 Deposits at Thorold II v 507 Manganese, Thunder Bay; analyzed II xn 268 Red and yellow, tests; Can- adian localities II vi 150 Ochrosporae. List of Ontario, their habits and Ontario habitats.... IV ix 73 Ochthedromus americanus Dej I in 325 O. transversalis Dej I m 325,376 October, migration of Birds in IV in 87 Octobothrium sagittatum, Leuck (pl.) Ill i 61 Octopus, chlorides in muscle of , IV vm 409 Oculomotorius, Amiurus... Ill n 355 Odahwah Indian. Alphabet of II in 481 Causes of their conquest of Mushkodenj II m 307 Ser. Vol. Page Odahwah Indian-Con. Customs at birth of child... II in 297 Customs on war expeditions II in 301 Errors in paper published in Canadian Journal, Nov. 1858 on, Language II v 183 Fasting customs II in 298 Grammar...;.. II in 482 II v 185 Language; parts of speech in II in 482 Language of. By F. Assi- kinack II v 182 Legends and Traditions of. By F. Assikinack.... II in 115 Legends concerning beaver. II iv 371 Marriage customs II in 300 Manido, the great spirit. . . II in 306 Odahwah Indian Lan- guage. By F. Assikinack II in 481 Parts of speech in language. II in 482 Secret societies in II in 304 Similar Indian Languages to II in 481 Social and Warlike Cus- toms of. By F. Assiki- nack II in 297 Treatment of prisoner's of war II in 303 War expedition's customs. . II III 301 Odahwah-minis, Island.... II in 307 Odahwas. Algonquins of Georgian Bay; Assikinack war- rior of. By J. C. Hamil- ton: abstract IV vi 232 Odashkwahguhmees, simi- lar Indian languages to. . II in 481 Odatshehte, in Iroquois Book of Rites; origin of. . IV vi 264 Odobaenus rosmarus, Mal- mgren, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 77 Ododams. Indian custom of II in 119 O'Donovan. Requisites of Celtic prosody: ref IV in 212 Odontophore in Mollusks; generic characters II xn 31 Odyssey XII, 82, correct translation II xin 426 (Edematin, Reinke IV vi 410 (Edemeridae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Oedicneminae, generic char- acters II xi 157 Oedogoniaceas, Toronto species Ill vn 270 Oegialites semipalmatus, Bon, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 350 CEN OLI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page (Enothera, L. Canadian localities of O. abnormal development in II m 318 O. biennis, L II xv 553 O. chrysantha, Michx II xv 553 O. fruticosa, L II xv 553 O. pumila, L II xv 553 (Esophagus. Amiurus Ill u 395 Description of, in bear... I in 203 (Ethusa cynapium, Toronto I i 206 Officinal Hedge Mustard, Canadian localities II xv 161 Ogam. Alphabet IV v 295 Ogam inscriptions IV v 65, 295 Ogata. Structure in pancreatic cells of Amphibia: ref IV I 254 Ogden Island. Negro slaves on IV 1 106 Ogilvie, Geo. Genetic Cycle in Organic Nature: reviewed II vn 515 Master-builders Plan or principles of organic archi- tecture as indicated in typical forms of animals: reviewed II iv 278 Mollusca: ref II iv 283 Oglemut, territory HI vi 265 Ogygia, Canadian (pl.) II vin 29 O'Hara, Col.Walter, Toronto II xm 187 O'Hara, Jas., Toronto II xn 334 Ohio. Description of river and valley I n 9 Fossil Batrachians from coal strata of II hi 261 Glacial deposits II xv 410 Ohio Holy Stone II xn 136 Ohio River. Mississippi and. By Chas. Ellet I n 9 Operations along, during Revolutionary War IV vii 404 Ohno, Tozo. Japanese Literature: ab- stract IV n 38 Oiceoptoma marginata, Fabr I m 325 Oidemia deglandi, Ontario.. IV m 108 Oidium lactis, in cheese.... IV vii 111 Oidium tuckeri. On employment of higher SULPHIDES OF CALCIUM AS A MEANS OF PREVENTING AND DESTROYING OlDIUM TUCKERI OR GRAPE DIS- EASE. By Dr. Astley P. Price: reprint I u 70 Ser. Vol. Page Oils. Adulteration of I ill 341 Notes on present con- dition OF OIL WELLS OF Enniskillen. By Sand- ford Fleming II vm 246 Produced from acorns I ill 341 Wells of Enniskillen II vm 446 Oille, Lucius, M.D. on Parasites II iv 4 Oj eb ways. Myth of Deluge Ill vn 12 Pictography IV v 116 Plant symbolism in folk lore ••••, IV vi 331 Similar Indian languages to. II ill 481 Ojibway. Blackfoot and Cree bran- ches of Algonkin; list of words showing connection IV v 131 Divinities IV vi 275 Grammar and dictionary.. . Ill v 216 Happy Hunting Grounds, their idea of II iv 258 L. Superior district Ill v 215 Legend of origin of man... IV vi 208 Mississagua language almost pure HI vii 213 Month names IV vi 332 Okomiut, territory Ill vi 265 Old Penrith. Latin inscription found at, giving Emperor Gordian's legate in Britain II x 320 Old man and the Loon, myth IV iv 171 Old Age Pension System, principles IV vm 87 Oleaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species HI n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 647 London species II vm 231 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia HI iv 212 Olenacum. Latin inscription on Roman altar at, interpreted II m 11 Oleni. Fossils from Quebec group. . II vi 287 Olenidse II i 286 Olenus (Peltura), holopyga. II iv 492 O. thompsoni II iv 491 O.vermontana II iv 491 Oliphant, Laurence, F.R.G.S. Notes on Japan II v 86 Oliva literata, in mounds in Otonabee Tp., Ont. (pl.). IV IX 3 351 OLI ONO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Olives, Chinook. Preparation of I in 275 II ii 19 Oliver. Absorption of acid vapours by leaves and effects: ref. IV vu 246 Olivine. Characters II v 521 In Montarville, Que II v 436 In terrestrial rocks: ref.... Ill v 176 Polysmaticstructure in: ref. Ill v 176 Olivinitic dolerite. Chemical analysis of, from Boucherville Mt., Que... II v 436 Olmecs. Celts from Canary Islands.. IV vu 53 Mexico, traced IV vu 51 Omaha Indians. Love songs among IV vi 340 Original home of Ill V 61 Omaloplia sericea, Illg., Mels. Cat I in 211,325 Omissahgees, similar Indian languages to II in 481 Omo-cervicalis in Apes IV vi 527 Chimpanzee IV vi 528 Man IV vi 528 Orang (pl.) IV vi 527 Omo hyoid muscle, orang.. IV vi 528 O'Molloy. Requisites of Celtic prosody: ref IV in 213 Omophron americanum, Mels. Cat., Ontario.... I m 211, 325 Omphalia, Habits and On- taria habitats of O. campanella, Batsch IV ix 71 O. epichysia, Pers IV ix 71 O. umbellifera, Linn IV ix 71 On, traces of, in ancient his- tory II xiv 402 Onagracese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 641 London species II vm 225 Onam. Celtic connection II xiv 562 Families in Palestine; table. II xiv 421 Genealogy and descendants. II xiv 397 Genealogical tree II xiv 411 Germanic connection II xiv 562 Gods and heroes with whom identified and places named after them; table.. II xiv 430 Hindu connection II xiv 569 Indian connection II xiv 569 Indra connected with II xiv 570 Irish connection of, in Tuatha-de-Danams II xiv 562 Ser. Vol. Page Onam-Con. Italian connection II xiv 559 Means of tracing family.... II xiv 575 Persian connection II xiv 568 Ruler in Egypt II xin 527 Same as Dagon II xin 527 Scandinavian connection... II xiv 566 Scottish connection II xiv 565 Table of Celtic and Ger- manic equivalents of, family II xiv 567 Welsh connection II xiv 564 Oncorhynchus species. O. gorbuscha IV ix 25 O. keta IV ix 25 O. kisutch IV ix 25 O. tschawytscha IV ix 24 O. nerka. Changes which undergo as they ascend river IV ix 28 Description of IV ix 24 Life history IV ix 25 Spawning IV ix 31 Spawning grounds and as- cent to them IV ix 26 One-seeded Cucumber, Canadian localities II xv 554 Oneida. Operations in, country dur- ing Revolutionary War. . IV Vii 398 Origin of name IV vi 248 Oniscidse Ill m 293 Onite connection with. Asia Minor II xiv 422 Assyria II xiv 417 Babylonia II xiv 417 Greece II xiv 422 Palestine II XIV 418 Syria II xiv 418 Thrace II xiv 422 Onondaga, N.Y. Manlius stone found in.... II IX 308 Onneyote IV vi 248 Onondaga Formation. Distribution of, in Canada. II vin 438 Economic Materials of, in Canada II vui 439 Fossils of, in Canada II vui 438 In Canada II vm 437 Onandaga Limestone. Fossil corals of, of On- tario. By E. Billings.. . II iv 97 Onondaga Salt or Gypsi- ferous Group, Canada.. II vm 437 Onondaga village, Surprise and Capture of, by Ameri- cans in Revolutionary war IV vn 393 Onondaga Indians, month names IV vi 332 Onomine II i 82 352 ONT ONT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ontario. Additional Note on Oc- currence of Fresh Water Shells in Upper Drift Deposits of. By E. J. Chapman II vi 497 Administration of law before 1791. IV vn 416 Administration of J ustice as provided by first Parlia- ment (1791) IV I 80 Alleged discovery of a fossil Conus in drift of II m 516 Annelida of, list II xiv 136 Arkose in Central IV vn 159 Arsenic deposits and pro- ductions up to 1905 IV vin 160 Asaphus megistos of Tren- ton limestone of II iv 140 Beginning of Municipal Government in. By Prof. Adam Shortt IV vn 409 Bibliography of, archaeology IV ix 11 Birds, dates of arrival in... IV ill 62 Birds, some of our Migra- tory. By Hon. G. W. Allan. Ill m 87 Black River and later Geo- logical formations in Cen- tral IV vn 160 Boundaries of, as defined by Constitutional Act, 1791. II xiv 58 Boundary between, and Quebec started from Pt. au Bodet; reason II xiv 61 Brachiopoda of; list II xiv 130 British immigration into, 1825-37. By A. F. Hun- ter: abstract IV iv 229 Cainozoic epoch in central. . IV vn 162 Capture of two Birds of Unusual Occurrence in. By T. J. Cottle II iv 388 Caves and Potholes at Rockwood. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton Ill vi 244 Causes of decline in rural population IV ix 264 Central, Lowland (Map)... IV vn 163 Clearing the land by first settlers II xn 326 Climate Ill ii 195 Coal areas IV ix 101 Coal seams in I m 2 COLEOPTERA COLLECTED IN. By Wm. Couper. I m 210,256,324,376 Columnaria alveolata in Trenton limestone of.... II iv 493 Compulsory attendance at School; Act IV vm 192 Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. CONCHOLOGICAL RELICS OF Red Indian tribes. By Daniel Wilson I in 155 Condition in 1849 and fifty years after IV vi 25 Constitutional Act, 1791, changes introduced in government of IV vn 420 Copper areas and produc- tion ; • • •. IV vin 157 Copper deposits in meta- morphic region of Eastern II v 453 Corals of: list II xiv 128 Corundum industry IV vin 171 Court of Quarter Session established IV vn 418 Crustacea of; list II xiv 136 Decline of Agricultural em- ployment due to machin- ery..... IV IX 266 Decline in population in rural districts during period 1861-1911, as given by census IV ix 263 Decline in rural population due to transfer of other employments to cities... IV ix 266 Density in rural population of, 1911 IV ix 263 Devonian Fossils of II xiv 125 Devonian Rocks of II v 249 Division of province in 1813 II xiv 61 Drift deposits I I 114 IV vn 163 Drift Deposits of; origin of. II vi 226 Drift, Some Notes on Drift Deposits of, and an Extension of Lake AREA OF THAT REGION. By E. J. Chapman II vi 221 Early traders and trade ROUTES IN, AND THE WEST, 1760-1783. By Capt. Ernest Cruikshank IV Hl 253 Earthquake Shock of 13th March, 1853 I i 185 Educational System of (1856) II in 424 Elections in 1804 II xn 518 Elevation of lakes in I m 98 Events which led to estab- lishment of Province in 1791 IV I 77 Favosites of Devonian Rocks of Western. By H. Alleyne Nicholson.... II xiv 38 First gazetteer of U. Canada, with annota- tions. By Rev. Dr. Scad- ding. ... II xiv 55,208,305,367,513,658 353 ONT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ONT Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. Forestry and necessity for its Practice in. By R. W. Phipps HI ni 109 Foresters, needed for IV vm 298 Fossiliferous strata of I in 27 Fossils obtained from Tren- ton Limestone of Peter- boro II v 204 Fresh water lake covered; theory concerning II vi 227 Fresh water shell marls in. . I I 114 Fungi; partial list. By Thos. Langton IV ix 69 Game Laws of. By G. S. Wilgress: abstract IV ill 29 Gasteropoda of; list II xiv 135 Geographical view of. By M. Smith (America) (1813): ref II xv 29 Geological features of Wes- tern I in 1 Geological formations of iron mines Ill v 187 Geological Map of a por- tion of: reprint I in 21 Geological structure deter- mines geographical fea- tures of I in 2 Geological sub-divisions (6). II xv 13 Geology, Observations on Physical Geology of. By Chas. Robb II v 497 Geology of. By W. E. Logan I in 27 Geology of Western. By Alex. Murray I in 49, 73 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 371 Glacial action in II xv 405, 409 Glacial periods II xv 406 Gov. Haldimand's method of settling refuges from U.S. after War of Inde- pendence IV vn 415 Government of, make grant to Canadian Institute and allowed it, use of Hall of Assembly I I 73 Gov. Simcoe's proclamation dividing, into 19 counties. II xiv 60 Grosbeaks (Evening), ap- pearances in IV in 182 Gypsiferous deposits I i 114 Health requirements regard- ing school attendance, 1904 IV vm 192 Helix species in II vm 343 History of Settlement of Upper Canada, especially Bay Quint&. By Wm. Canniff: reviewed II xii 323 Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. Hudson River Formation in II vm 206 Hurricane in April, 1855. .. I ill 244 Immigrations, effect, 1861.. II x 14 Immigration into, from 1840 to 1851 I II 285 Indian relics discovered in Norfolk Co. By Daniel Wilson II I 511 Indian relics near Oril- lia: reprint II I 554 Iron and other ores of: By Jas. T. B. Ives Ill v 185 Iron and steel produc- tion IN, POSSIBILITIES OF. By Wm. Hamilton Mer- ritt IV ii 299 Iron mines, 1887 Ill v 186 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Journal of Education for; notice of I n 43 Lands and Population in United States and, 1798: reprint I II 286 Land in, and immigrants arriving 1838 I n 289 Laurentian region of. By Wm. Houston IV iv 241 Legislation and Adminis- tration of first Parliament (1791) IV i 84 Legislative Work of first Parliament of Upper Canada. By Wm. Houston IV i 77 Limestone in I I 113 Loyalists demands for local government before 1791. . IV vn 416 Marriage laws of, enacted by first Parliament (1791)... IV I 84 Marriage Laws in Simcoe's time IV ii 290 Medical Act. II xn 212 Mesozoic epoch in Central. . IV vii 162 Militia and Defence pro- vided by first Parliament, 1791 IV i 83 Mineral statistics 1887 Ill v 186 Mineral statistics; difficul- ties in obtaining Ill v 186 Mississauga tribe in I m 209 Municipal act, 1793 IV n 292 Municipal affairs arranged by first Parliament in 1791 IV i 81 Natural divisions of pro- vince IV vm 461 Negotiations with United States over boundary.... IV ii 287 New species of Bitterus in.. IV m 76 Nickel deposits and produc- tion, 1905 IV vm 157 354 ONT ONT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. Notes on Fossils of Clin- ton, Niagara and Guelph Formations of, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF new species. By H. Alleyne Nicholson and Geo. J. Hinde II xiv 137 Note on New Species of Triarthrus from Utica Slate of Whitby. By J. F. Smith, Jr .. II vi 275 Number of species found in Devonian rocks of II vi 363 Note on Etymon of. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II vn 502 Observations on physical geology of. By Chas. Robb II v 497 On Devonian fossils of. By E. Billings II v 249 II vi 138,253,329 On Fossil Corals of De- vonian Rocks of. By E. Billings II iv 97 On Occurrence of Vanes- sa CaENIA in. By W. Saunders II vi 498 On Petroleum Springs of. By Chas. Robb II vi 313 On State of Medical Science in. By J. N. Agnew, M.D. II xii 207 On two species of Astacus found in. By T. J. Cottle II vm 216 Ontario, Simcoe and Huron railroad (len- gth of line): reprint.... I ill 17 Ortygometra jamaiciencis captured in II iv 389 Outline of Geology of. By E. J. Chapman II xiv 580 Palaeontology of, with BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. By H. Alleyne Nicholson II xiv 125 Parliament (first) in Tor- onto; history and person- ages II xii 150 Parliaments (first) meeting of first session at Newark. IV I 75 Petroleum industry IV vm 179 Petroleum springs in I i 114 Physical Geology of Cen- tral. By A. W. G. Wilson IV vii 139 Physical Structure of Western District. By W. E. Logan I in 1 Picus meridionalis captured in II iv 388 Poisonous snakes in Ill v 255 Polyzoa of; list II xiv 134 Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. Population movements in typical municipalities.... IV ix 262 Population of, from 1838 to 1885, assisted or unassist- ed by immigration forecast of I n 290 Pre-glacial Tonawanda River's course in IV vn 7 Primary and metamorphic rocks I in 29 Prison Reform in Ill vn 210 Railway construction up to 1852 I i 22 Recent Archaeological INVESTIGATIONS IN. By H. Montgomery IV ix 1 Religious census, 1842, '48, '52 I i 96 Remarks on surveys (Huron and Ottawa territory): reviewed II vi 487 Reminiscences of 1837 re- bellion in Toronto II xii 232 Report of Evening Gros- beak in, in winter 1889- 90 IV in 111 Rock valleys in Eastern (map) IV vii 168 Rural depopulation in Southern. By S. A. Cud- more IV ix 261 Schools (1865) II x 85 Settlers (first) II xii 324 Signs of Progress in II v 111 Silurian Series in II vm 186 Simcoe and Huron Union Ry. condition of I I 144 Simcoe's (Lieut.-Gov.) Ad- ministration viewed IN his official Correspon- dence. By Ernest Cruik- shank IV n 284 Sketch map of Geological Formation of II vm 451 Skeletons of mammals found in drift deposits.. . II vi 225 Slavery abolition act IV II 291 Slavery laws of first Parlia- ment (1793) IV I 83 Slavery in II xm 86 IV i 104 Smelting in IV ii 309 Statistical account of, 1822. II xv 32 Statistical account of, (1836) By Dr. Thos. Rolph: ref. II xv 35 Statistics of, up to 1851.... I II 285 Statistical sketches of. By Dr. Dunlop, 1832: ref.... II xv 34 Stromatocerium rugosum in Trenton limestone of.... II iv 493 355 ONT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OPH Ser. Vol. Page Ontario-Con. Table shewing distances and bearings of principal places from Toronto be- fore (1813) II xiv 217 Topographical Description and Provincial Gazetteer of, 1799 II xv 28 Utica Formation in II vm 204 Various rock formations de- scribed I in 1 Vermillion range continued into IV ii 308 Xanthium spinosum distri- bution in II xv 642 Ontario, Central. Cretaceous planation in . .. IV vu 162 Glacial till sheets IV vu 167 Ice sheet's work IV vu 180 Literature on Physical Geo- logy of IV vu 185 Lorraine epoch IV vu 161 Palaeozoic series IV vu 157 Pleistocene deposits IV vu 165 Pleistocene epoch in IV vu 162 Pleistocene history of IV vu 182 Post Carboniferous period. . IV vu 162 Recent geological history of IV vu 183 Sandstones in IV vu 158 Streams which produced pre-glacial valleys in.... IV vu 181 Ontario County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 531 Ontario Fort, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 531 Ontario Group,Canadian flora IV vm 26 Ontario, Lake, see Lake On- tario. Ontario, Northern. Climate of. By R. F. Stu- part IV ix 149 Roads and road building.. . IV vm 465 Settlement of. By Thos. Southworth IV vm 461 Ontario vein, in Kamanisti- quia Ill vu 258 Onthophagus hecate, Mels. Cat I in 257, 325 Ontogenesis II xv 232 Ontogeny. Neuroterus IV ix 298 Osmunda cinnamomea IV vm 526 Osmundaceae IV vm 526 Ontology. Berkeley's theory II I 117 Ontology of Prof. Ferrier... II i 106 Ontonagon. Ancient mining in II I 229 Ancient mining and imple- ments in II I 233 Visited in 1765 and '66 II i 234 Ser. Vol. Page Ontonogon River. Ancient mine with mass of copper of 6 tons in it.... I I 132 Ancient mines on I i 107 Oolitic limestones. Formation of, by organic agencies II iv 324 Oon, Arthur's II xiv 23 Oonktayhe, Dakotas IV vi 275 Oosphere, Botrychium vir- ginianum (pl.) IV v 278 Oot-loo-lik IV viii 396 Opal II v 521 Opalescent paper, manufac- ture I I 105 Opas, Indian mummy, dis- tortion in crania of II vi 421 Opate, Indian girl II i 77 Opercular bones. Amiurus Ill li 291 Relationsand origin; history III u 290 O. muscles, Amiurus Catus.. Ill n 318 Operculum, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 289 Ophidia II v 85 Ophidomonas jenensis, cen- tral body of cell IV vi 475 Ophileta comp acta; Salter, Calciferous formation near Toronto II xv 644 Ophio-encrinasteri®, char- acteristics and species.... IV viii 365 Ophioglossace®. Botrychium virginianum's position in IV v 287 Central cylinder in IV vi 602 Generic characters II xu 364 Relationships to other groups of Pteridophyta. . IV V 288 Secondary wood in, doubt- ful IV v 284 Ophioglossum pedunculo- sum. Antherozoids IV v 277 Sexual phase of IV v 266 Ophiogomphus colubrina, Selys, characters; N. American habitats II vu 458 Ophites, serpent worship. .. . IV v 12 Ophiura IV vm 365 Ophiurian. Classification of, fossil. By Dr. B. Sturtz: ref IV vm 365 Notes on, genus Protas- ter WITH DESCRIPTION OF new species. By Wm. A. Parks IV vm 363 Ophiurida, Ontario II vi 517 Ophiurid® II in 158 Ophiuroidea, modern classi- fication. By Dr. J. W. Gregory: ref IV vm 366 356 ORA OPH GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ophthalmoscope. New, for photographing POSTERIOR INTERNAL SURFACE OF LIVING EYE; WITH AN OUTLINE OF THEORY OF ORDINARY. By A. M. Rosebrugh.... II ix 81 Optics of II ix 90 Photographic (pl.) II ix 85 Opisthobranchita II xn 28 Opisthocoelia, sub. order.... II v 84 Opisthocomus crist at us, notes on Ill vn 189 Oplocephala-N e omida-bi- cornis, Oliv, Canadian.. II I 38 Opponens hallucis. Anthropoids and lower apes IV vi 573 Gorilla IV vi 573 Man IV vi 574 Orang IV vi 573 O. minimi digiti. Gorilla IV vi 575 Orang (pl.) IV vi 549,575 O. pollicis, orang IV vi 547 Oppert, Dr. Gustav. Chinese origin: ref Ill v 75 Optics. Of eye ; II ix 81 Of normal human eye II xi 13 Of ophthalmoscope II ix 90 On Optical properties of RECENTLY DISCOVERED salt of Quinine. By Sir Geo. Stokes: reprint I I 115 Optical considerations of eye II xi 2 Optical defects of Eye AND THEIR TREATMENT BY Scientific use of Spec- tacles. By A. M. Rose- brugh II xi 1 Oracle, paper in York II xn 525 Orang Outang. Abduction of digits of foot. . IV vi 576 Abductor hallucis IV vi 572 A. minimi digiti (pl.)...... IV vi 549, 575 A. ossis metacarpi quinti.. . IV vi 575 A. pollicis (pl.) IV vi 547 Adductor group of muscles. IV vi 585 Adductor brevis IV vi 553 A. femoris IV vi 554 A. longus IV vi 553 A. magnus IV vi 553 A. obliquus hallucis IV vi 574 A. obliquus pollicis (pl.)... IV vi 548 A. transversus hallucis IV vi 574 A. transversus pollicis IV vi 548 Anatomy of. By A. Prim- rose IV vi ■ 507 Anatomy of, bibliography. . IV vi 595 Anconeus IV vi 541 Arteria genus suprema IV vi 552 Biceps IV vi 535,560 Ser. Vol. Page Orang Outang-Con. Brachialis anticus IV vi 535 Classification of muscles of hand and foot IV vi 585 Cheek, development of fat in IV vi 512 Chin IV vi 511 Clavicular portion in IV vi 530 Coraco-acromial ligament derivation IV vi 532 Coraco brachialis IV vi 534 Coraco-clavicular ligament derivation IV vi 532 Cranium IV vi 508 Crureus IV vi 555 Deltoid IV vi 533 Dental formula IV vi 509 Development of thumb muscles IV vi 549 Dorso-epitrochlearis IV vi 525 Ears IV vi 510 Eyes IV vi 510 Extremities of, and of man compared IV vi 590 Extensor brevis digitorum.. IV vi 563 E. brevis pollicis IV vi 543 E. carpi radialis brevior.... IV vi 541 E. carpi radialis longior... . IV vi 541 E. carpi ulnaris IV vi 542 E. communis digitorom.... IV vi 541 E. indicis IV vi 542 E. longus digitorum IV vi 563 E. longus hallucis IV vi 563 E. longus pollicis IV vi 542 E. minimi digiti IV vi 541 E. ossis metacarpi pollicis. . IV vi 543 Facial muscles IV vi 510 Flexor accessorius IV vi 571 F. brevis digitorum IV vi 569 F. brevis hallucis IV vi 573 F. brevis minimi digiti (pl.). IV vi 549, 575 F. brevis pollicis (pl.) IV vi 539, 548 F. carpi radalis IV vi 536 F. carpi ulnaris '. IV vi 537 F. digitorum fibularis IV vi 568 F. digitorum tibialis IV vi 568 F. longus pollicis IV vi 539 F. profundus digitorum vel perforans IV vi 538 F. sublimis digitorum vel perforatus IV vi 537 Fingers disproportionate to palm IV vi 521 Floor of Scarpa's triangle.. . IV vi 554 Foot resembles human hand rather than foot IV vi 577 Gastrocnemius IV vi 566 Gluteus maximus (pl.) IV vi 555 G. medius (pl.) IV vi 556 G. minimus (pl.) IV vi 555 Gracilis IV vi 552 357 ORE ORA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Orang Outang-Con. Hand IV vi 518 Hind limbs IV vi 518 Infra spinatus IV vi 533 Interossei (pl.) IV vi 550, 575, 582 Ischio-femoral IV vi 561 Latissimo-condyloideus. ... IV vi 525 Latissimus dorsi IV vi 525 Laryngeal pouches IV vi 513 Length of arms IV vi 517 Levator anguli scapulae (pl.) IV vi 526 Lips and mouth IV vi 509 Literature on anatomy of.. IV vi 507 Marking on hands (photo- graph) IV vi 518 Markings on sole of foot (photographed) IV vi 523 Muscle homologies for hand and foot IV vi 586 Muscles in foot compared with those in human hand IV vi 587 Muscles in leg and arm com- pared IV vi 578 Myology of extremities.... IV vi 524 Neck IV vi 511 New species of I i 94 Nose IV vi 510 Obturator externus IV vi 560 O. internus IV vi 560 Omo-cervicalis (pl.) IV vi 527 Omo hyoid muscle IV vi 528 Opponens hallucis IV vi 573 O. minimi digiti (pl.) IV vi 549,575 O. pollicis IV vi 547 Os centrale IV vi 545 Palmaris longus IV vi 536 Pars sternalis (pl.) IV vi 530 Pars costo-abdominalis (pl.) IV vi 529 Pars sternalis corresponds with pars clavicularis in man (pl.) IV vi 531 Pars sterno-costalis (pl.)... IV vi 530 Pectineus IV vi 553 Pectoralis major IV vi 529,530 P. minor (pl.) IV vi 532 Peroneus brevis IV vi 564 P. longus IV vi 564 P. parvus IV vi 565 P. tertius IV vi 563 Plantar fascia IV vi 572 Plantaris IV vi 567 Power of wrinkling forehead IV vi 510 Popliteus IV vi 566 Pronator quadratus IV vi 540 P. radii teres IV vi 535 Psoas IV vi 554 Pyriformis IV vi 556 Quadratus femoris IV vi 560 Rectus femoris (pl.) IV vi 554 Relation of palmar portion of dorsal interossei to in- termediate layer (pl.).... IV vi 584 Ser. Vol. Page Orang Outang-Con. Rhomboideus muscle IV vi 525 Sartorius IV vi 552 Scansorius (pl.) IV vi 556 Semimembranosus IV vi 56l Semitendinosus IV vi 560 Serratus magnus IV vi 526, 533 Sesamoid bone IV vi 543 Size and features IV vi 508 Soleus IV vi 566 Sternomastoid IV vi 529 Subclavius IV vi 533 Subscapularis IV vi 533 Sucking pad IV vi 512 Supinator brevis IV vi 541 S. longus IV vi 541 Supraspinatus IV vi 533 Trapezius IV vi 524 Trapezium IV vi 587 Tensor fasciae femoris IV vi 559 Teres major IV vi 533 T. minor IV vi 533 Tibialis anticus IV vi 562 T. posticus IV vi 572 Triceps muscle, origin IV vi 534 Vastus externus (pl.) IV vi 555 V. internus IV vi 555 Orange Root, Canadian habi- tats II xv 57 Orbicula. Contains phosphate of lime I n 265 Shell contains phosphate of lime I n 195 O. lamellosa, phosphate of lime in I n 265 Orbitoides echinolampas, Trinidad strata contain- ing IV viii 142 Orbitosphenoid, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 276 Orbulina rock, Jamaica. ... IV viii 383 Orchidacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 651 London species II viii 234 Orchis, suitable for flower gardens IV in 129 O. mascula, abnormal de- velopment in II in 315 Ordnance Survey of Bri- tain, work on Figure of Earth and Tides: re- viewed II n 465 Ordonez History of Mayas and Tzeu- dals: ref IV vi 158 Oregon. Incidents of Travel in (Chinook Indians). By Paul Kane, Esq I m 273 358 ORE GENERAL INDEX ORN Ser. Vol. Page | Oregon grape, how eaten.... IV iv 129 Oregon Meadow Mouse, Canadian localities Ill vi 81 Ores. Loss of Sulphur in smelt- ing ores : reprint I n 22 Orford Nickel process IV vm 158 Orford Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 531 Organ of Jacobson, in Eu- taenia (pl.) Ill I 390 Organic life. Process of development in. . I m 69 Organic Radicals. Chlorides and Bromides of. II I 488 Physiological properties of. By Dr. Jas. Turnbull: abstract I m 113 Organic Remains, preserva- tion in fossil state, causes of II i 186 Organism. Acids in animal II I 489 On preserving balance BETWEEN ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE, IN SEA Water. By R. Waring- ton: reprint I n 308 Ultramicroscopic organ- isms. By J. J. Mackenzie IV vm 53 Orgueil. Orgueil Meteor of 14th May, 1864. By M. J. Jamin: reprint II ix 351 Origin of Life. Nebular theory shows that conditions once existed favorable to, for forma- tion of living cell . IV vm 436 Origin of Life on Globe. By A. B. Macallum IV vm 423 Panspermia theory IV vm 425 Primordial element IV vm 436 Spontaneous generation theory IV vm 428 Origin of Species. On, or Causes of Pheno- mena of Organic Na- ture. By Thos. H. Hux- ley: reviewed... II vm 390 Origin of Species. By Chas. Darwin: reviewed II V 367 Orillia. List of Birds frequenting. .. IV m 98 Observations and collec- tions of birds at IV in 75 Orinoco, in cretaceous and tertiary times IV vm 379 Oriole, Baltimore. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 97 Ser. Vol. Page Oriole, Baltimore-Con. Hamilton frequenters II vi 129 Observations on Ontario frequenters Ill vn 191, 194 IV i 26 IV ni 69, 75, 79, 108 Oriole. Hamilton species II v 392 Nesting of IV in 81 Oriole, Orchard, observed at Toronto Ill vn 184 Orion, discovery of Great Nebula in I ii 140 Oriskany Formation. Fossils found in, in Canada. II vm 441 Of Devonian Strata in Canada II vm 440 Oriskany Sandstone. Age of Oriskany Sand- stone. ByJohnDeCew. II vn 190 Direction of currents of de- position II in 88 Favosites turbinata in II v 259 Fossils in. . . . II vn 192 In Windham Tp., Norfolk Co II vi 295 Orkneys. Ancient stone dwellings in. . II in 384 Oysters used by aborigines of II in 385 Ormoceras. Canadian (pl.) II vm 20 Included in Orthoceras II iv 451 Ormoceras from Ottawa R. O. stokes I i 222 O. tenuifilum, Hall I i 222 Ormsby, Capt. On name given by Pha- raoh to Patriarch Jo- seph: abstract I n 282 Ornamental Feldspars, Canadian II vm 121 Ornamentation, new art of ornamenting metallic surfaces I I 165 Ornaments, of Australian aborigines II i 262 Ornithological. Canadian, bibliography.... IV I 60 Proceedings of, Section of Canadian Institute Ill vn 181 IV I 40 IV in 62 Titles of papers IV I 64 Ornithology. COCCOTHRAUSTES VESPER- tina. By Thomas Cottle, Esq: I in 287 Modern ornithology. By Wm. Brodie: abstract... IV II 37 359 ORO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OSA Ser. Vol. Page Orobanchacese. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species HI u 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 645 London species II vm 229 Oro Tp., topographical fea- tures of I i 224 Oronhyatekha. Mohawk language II x 182 II xv 1 Orontes, Apamea on, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 226 Orontium aquaticum, Bay- field R II xiv 478 Oroomiah Persia. Advantages of I m 216 Clearness of atmosphere in. By Rev. T. D. Stod- dard I in 215 Meteorology of I m 215 Orphan Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 532 Orpheus, Hamilton species.. II v 390 Orthaulaxinornatus, Gabb, Haiti IV vm 389 Orthidffi and Productidae, same family? II xi 393 Orthis. Characters; Canadian lo- calities (pl.) II VII 111 Primordial Zone, Quebec... II vi 42 O. biforata, Schlotheim, Niagara Limestone, Thor- old II xiv 142 O. calligramma, Dundas... II xiv 144 O. elegantula, Dalman, Dundas and Owen Sound.. II xiv 144 O. elegantula, Dalman, Niagara Limestone, Rock- wood II xiv 141 O. erratica. Chemical composition com- pared with allied fossils. I u 265 Toronto II iv 451 O. flabellulum, Sowerby, Dundas II xiv 144 O. livia, Corniferous Lime- stone, Walpole Tp. (pl.).. II v 267 O. lynx (Eichwald), Toronto II iv 452 O. occidentalis (Hall), Tor- onto II iv 452 O. pectenella, chemical com- position compared with allied fossils I u 264 O. testudinaria (Dalman), Toronto II iv 451 O. tricenaria, Conrad, Otta- wa R I i 222 O. vanuxemi, Hall, Hamil- ton Shales, Bosanquet(pL) II v 269 Ser. Vol. Page Orthite. Note on Occurrence of, in Canadian Rocks. By E. J. Chapman II ix 103 Orthisidw II m 160 Orthoceras. All straight forms of Ortho- ceratidae placed in this genus II in 331 Canadian, proper (pl.) II vm 20 Characters; Canadian spe- cies (pl.) II vm 20 Endoceras and Ormoceras included in II iv 451 Ottawa district contains O. arcuo-liratum, O. bili- neatum and O. laquea- tum, Hall I i 222 Toronto localities of O. coralliferum and O. la- mellosum II i 74 II iv 451 O. canadense II in 331 Orthoceratidse. All straight forms placed in single genus of Orthoceras II m 331 Generic characters II iv 451 Nautilidse or II vm 19 Orthoceratite, found at Tor- onto I i 150 Orthoclase. Characters II v 528 Same as Perthite 1 i 114 Orthography. Blackfoot IV v 129 Folly of changing, of his- torical name II xiv 319 Of Indian words IV iv 34 Of names of Indian tribes. . IV iv 30 Old English Spelling and Pronunciation. ByWm. Houston: abstract HI ii 219 Philology aided by IV vi 86 Roman, of Amoy colloquial dialect II xi 94 Orthosoma cylindricum, Mels. Cat., Ontario I m 212 O. unicolor, Drury I m 326 Ortygometra, Hamilton species II v 393 O. jamaiciencis, specimen captured in Ontario II iv 389 Ortyx, Hamilton species II v 393 O. virginiana, Toronto win- ter bird I i 171 Orwell River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 532 Os centrale, in man and orang... IV vi 545 Osages, original home of Ill v 61 360 OSB GENERAL INDEX OSM Ser. Vol. Page Osborne. Theory of formation of gluten: ref IV vn 511 Osborne and Campbell. Method of preparing nu- clein: ref IV vn 508 Constituents of gluten: ref.. IV vn 499 Method of preparing glute- nin: ref IV vn 504 Oscans., ethnology of I n 221 Oscar and other Poems. By Carroll Ryan: reviewed. II ill 17 Oscillaria. Chromatophore and nucleus in IV vi 446 Effect on'cells when digested with artificial gastric juice IV vi 461 Nuclein in cells of IV vi 443 Nucleolus IV vi 443 Trabeculae in; cells IV vi 456 Vacuoles in IV vi 443 O. Froehlichii, "Masked" iron in IV vi 459 O. major, nucleus IV vi 442 O. princeps. Cell substances .in I V vi 441 Central body in cell IV vi 455 O. tenerrima. Central uncoloured zone in cell IV vi 455 Types of granules in IV vi 469 Oscillarise. Cell structure IV vi 458 Cyanophycin in IV vi 457 Cytoplasm in fixed prepara- tions IV vi 457 Granules, two types in IV vi 465 Osgoode, first Chief Justice of Upper Canada. Autograph letter concerning judicial affairs at that time 1794 II xiv 93 Reminiscences of II Xm 96 Osgoode Hall, in Toronto of Old II xm 95 Osgoode Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 532 O'Shaughnessy, Dr. W. B. Telegraphs established in India by I i 120 Oshawa, Ont Observations Accompany- ing Exhibition of Speci- men of "Sala Bass ana" (Solan Goose or Gau- nett) LATELY OBTAINED AT, AND BELONGING TO Univ, of Tor. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vn 329 O'Shea, M. Hierro inscriptions: ref. ... IV vu 35 Ser. Vol. Page Osier-willow, its medical properties IV iv 131 Osmic acid, fat particles de- monstrated with IV viii 256 Osmoderma I m 327 O. eremicola Knock, Mels. Cat. and O. scaber, Beauv I m 211,325 Osmose. Experiments I in 12 Explanation of I in 12 One per cent, solutions in membrane I ill 13 Osmotic. Bakerian Lecture on, Force. By Professor Graham: reprint I ill 12 Osmotic action of certain salts kills leaves IV vn 302 Osmunda cinnamomea. Accessory strands IV vin 525 Branching IV vm 521 Cladosiphony IV vm 524 Comparative anatomy IV vm 527 First formed leaf traces.... IV vm 518 First leaf traces IV vm 516 Fungus in cortical cells and first formed secondary roots (pl.) IV vm 515 General account of develop- ment of stem IV vm 516 Internal endodermis IV vm 528 Internal endodermis first appearance IV vm 517 Internal phloem IV vm 528 Leaf arrangement IV vm 518 Leaf-gaps IV vm 521 Leaf traces may originate cladosiphonically IV vm 517 Literature of stele IV vm 533 Mycelium IV vm 516 Nodal pockets IV vm 523 Ontogeny IV vm 526 Permanent stelar pith IV vm 517 Phyllotaxy IV vm 519 Pith extrastelar IV vm 527 Protostele IV vm 516 Siphonostele derivation.... IV vm 526 Stele of. By J. H. Faull. IV vm 515 Tracheids IV vm 519 Xylem.. IV vm 516 O. regalis, development of stem IV vm 515 Osmundacese. Amphiphloic siphonostelic stage IV vm 526 Ancestral, possessed filici- nean amphiphloic sipho- nostele... i IV vm 531 Generic characters II xn 364 Nodal pockets IV vm 528 Ontogeny IV vm 526 361 OTH OSM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Osmundaceae-Con. Palaeobotany of IV vill 529 Phylogeny IV vin 525, 526 Osmundaceous, siphonostele IV vm 525 Osmundinae II xn 364 Osmundites chemnitzien- sis, from Tertiary quartz of Hungary IV vm 529 O. dunlopi. Jurassic of N. Zealand IV vin 529 Stele of IV vm 530 O. gibbeana. Jurassic IV vin 529 Stele of IV vm 530 O. skidegatensis. Acessory strands IV viji 525 Cretaceous IV vm 529 Derivation of dictyostele... IV vin 526 Internal phloem IV vin 528 Osnabruck Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 64.532 Osprey. Hamilton species II v 388 Toronto specimens IV in 90 Osprey Tp., topographical features of I I 224 Ossian. Authenticity of his poems, and how they could be handed down orally for many centuries IV iv 321 Poetry, measure of IV in 214 Scottish and Irish, contro- versy IV in 215 Scottish nationality of IV ni 216 Venerated in Highlands.... IV iv 322 Authenticity of. By Rev. Neil MacNish II xm 392 Ossian poems. Authenticity of, evidence of IV iv 328,332 Belong to Irish Gaels IV in 214 Ebrard (August) opinion on genuineness IV i 222 Effects of publication of, on literary Europe IV iv 320 John F. Campbell and Hec- tor McLean's collection of IV I 220 Metre, etc IV in 217 Publication of, after Mac- pherson's death IV rv 330 Subject matter IV I 222 Ossianic. MSS. possessed by Dean of Lismore IV I 217 Ossianic Poetry. By David Spence IV I 216 (abstract) IV i 29 Poems by Jas. Macpherson; authenticity IV I 217 Present Aspect of, Con- troversy. By Rev. Neil MacNish IV iv 319 Ser. Vol. Page Ossianic-Con. Seann Dana. By Rev. J. Smith IV i 217 Ossuaries. Huron II xm 120 IV in 225, 227 Indian, Beverly Tp I in 156 Indian, discovered near Dundas, Ont II in 401 Iroquois IV in 227 Notice of an Indian Bury- ing Ground. By Ed. Van Courtlandt, Bytown. I I 160 Osteological, evidence as to ancient races in Britain.. II ix 378 Osteology. Osteology of Amiurus catus. By J. Playfair McMurrich Ill n 270 Ostrea cochlear, from great depths in sea II Vi 519 Ostreidae, Canadian II iv 274 Ostrich. Extent and division of, family II vin 463 Of Grallatorial order or not? II Xi 150 On a Second Instance of Reproduction of, in Europe: reprint II vi 46 Ostrya virginica, Canadian. II vi 35 O'Sullivan, D. A., D.C.L. Experiments in governing Canada Ill vi 254 (abstract) Ill vi 6 Jurisprudence of Insanity III v 44 Our Federal Union: ab- stract Ill ii 29 Systematic Charity Ill in 101 Oswegatchie, Fort. Abandoned 1778 IV iv 301 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 65 Memorial IV vn 417 Osweigatchie new, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 532 Oswego. Abandoned as fur trading post, 1778 IV iv 301 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 532 Oswego Creek, Great, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 532 Oswego Creek, Little, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 533 Otekuksin IV iv 255 Othniel. Descendants II xiv 168 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 194 Othomi. Characteristics IV v 207 Entomology of IV v 209 History from earliest times. IV v 211 Identity with Denes criti- cized IV vi 97 362 OTH GENERAL INDEX OUT Ser. Vol. Page | Othomi-Con. Mexican, most ancient Tun- gusian colonists of Ame- rica IV v 206 Temples and religion IV v 208 Vocabulary, comparative, of, Dene and Tungus. .. . IV v 206 Otiorhynchidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Otocoris alpestris praticola, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vii 189 IV i 52, 54, 59, 60 IV in 62, 64, 79, 93, 98, 101, 105 Otoliths. Age of fish determined from IV ix 37 Age of sockeye salmon de- termined from IV ix 37 Otomo-no-Sino, Siberia.... IV n 273 Otonabee Tp., Ont., mounds. Age... IV ix 9 Artificial earthworks ex- amined IV ix 1 Builders of, in IV ix 8 Copper objects (pl.) IV ix 6 Cowry shell in (pl.) IV ix 7 Crania and skeletons in.... IV ix 5 Excavations of, and results. IV ix 3 Fulgur perversa in (pl.).... IV ix 4 Leaden object in IV ix 8 Marginella apicina in (pl.).. IV ix 4 Oliva literata in (pl.) IV ix 3 Pottery objects in (pl.) IV ix 7 Stone objects in (pl.) IV ix 7 Unio in IV ix 5 Ottawa. Climate Ill n 199 Longitude determined II iv 460 Ottawa and Prescott Ry., progress of I i 46 Ottawa Productions. By Ed. Van Cortlandt: re- print I ii 112 ; Temperature Ill n 199 Ottawa Country. Apatite beds in Ill in 295 i Ottawa Indians. Assikinack's (F.), career.. . IV vi 302 I Blackbird, Andrew J IV vi 299 Chiefs IV vi 299 Ottawas. Indian Language. By F. Assikinack II in 481 Legends and Traditions of. By F. Assikinack.... II in 115 Makadebenessi's Career. . . IV vi 299 Population in 1838, '44, and '46 I i 196 Social and warlike cus- toms of. By F. Assikinack II in 297 Ser. Vol. Page Ottawa River District. Bog iron ore I n 113 Cedar (red and white) I n 115 Copper I n 114 Exploration of crystalline limestone bands in, in 1858 II v 452 Fossils of I i 221 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 386, 533 Geology of Lower, district.. II xiv 580 Glyptocystites discovered. . In 215 Glyptocrinns ramulosus.... II i 165 Hemlock I n 115 Lead Ore or Galena I n 114 Logan's (Sir Wm.) report on, district, 1845 II n 440 Lower, District Geological area II xv 13 Lower Silurian fossils I i 221 Magnetic oxide of iron I n 112 Mineral Wealth of, Re- gion: reprint I in 147 Note on Fossils from Ottawa River. By J. W. Salter, F. G. S I i 221 Pine (pitch, red and white). I n 115 Plumbago I ii 114 Pottery Clay I ii 114 Salts in water, proportional amounts in IV vii 558 Spruce (balsam and black). I n 115 Territory; description of soil and timber in: ref II vi 487 Water analysed II ii 300 Woods I n 114 Otter, Canadian localities. . . Ill vi 76 Otter, Sea, Canadian localities III vi 76 Otter's Head, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 533 Otto, Dr. F. J. Manual of Detection of Poisons: reviewed II m 134 Handbuch der Anorganic Chemie: reviewed II m 489 Ottrelite of Haiiy II vi 485 Otus. Canadian specimens of O. brachyotus and O. wilsoni II n 220 Hamilton species II v 388 Oualastegouiaks, territory.. IV in 197 Oubesaoutegongs Point, gazetteer notice (1813).. . II xiv 533 Oubie of Abyssinia. Career II x 51 Struggle with Theodore for supremacy in Abyssinia. . II x 62 Ouentaronk Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 533 Ou-ka-la, Canadian localities III vi 84 Ouse, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 533 Outlier, capped by Niagara limestone in Halton Co., Ont IV vii 176 363 OUV OXI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol Page Ouvirandra, of Madagascar. II iv 206 Owen, David Dale, U.S. Geologist. Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and portion of Nebraska; EXTRACTS FROM I II 79, 101 Description of new mode of drawing fossils I n 22 Extract from his report on Geology of Wisconsin.... I n 22 Human footprints in solid limestone: reprint I I 95 Owen, Prof. Richard, F.R.S. Anatomy of anthropoid apes: ref IV vi 507 Classification and Geogra- phical Distribution of Mammalia: reviewed.... II v 58 Classificaton of Mammalia II m 458 Classification of Mammals: ref H V 120 Dispute with Prof. Huxley on difference between brains of man and of gorilla II vm 315 Function of scansorius mus- cle: ref IV vi 558 Gorilla's and man's skulls: ref IV vi 509 Myology of fish: ref HI n 311 Omo-cervicalis in apes: ref. IV vi 527 On Anthropoid Apes: re- print I in 109 On Dicynodon tigriceps: abstract . I m 317 On production of gelatines. I I 9 Orders of fossil and re- cent Reptilia, and THEIR DISTRIBUTION IN time: reprint II v 73 Palaeontology: reviewed. .. II v 538 Presidential Address be- fore British Associa- tion for Advancement of Science, 1858: reprint II iv 61 Relations and origins of opercular bones: ref Ill u 291 Scansorius in chimpanzee and orang IV vi 557 Social position and re- wards of Scientific merit in England: re- print I in 339 Views on fossil fishes II v 539 Owen Sound. Fossils of Niagara forma- tion II xiv 145 Ser. Vol. Page Owen Sound-Con. Valley of IV vrt 174 Owl. Hamilton species II V 388 Observations on Ontario species.. Ill vn 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200 IV i 41, 44, 45, 52, 56, 58 IV in 88, 89, 92, 93, 106 Wintering near Toronto.... I I 169 Owl, Snowy. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 88 Hamilton frequenters II Vi 14 On Lake Ontario shores.... II vn 522 Ova, of Salmon IV ix 32 Ovenbird, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 191 IV in 71, 83 Ovibos moschatus, Zimm, Canadian localities HI vi 70 Ovipositing. By Sawfly gall producers... IV ix 338 Two methods of IV ix 358 Ovis montana Cuv, Cana- dian localities HI vi 70 Ox. Fossil musk, found in Bri- tain II I 307 Ox WinikYub's, rebellion... IV vi 182 Oxalate. Note on, of Iron. By H. Croft II vi 18 Note on, of Manganese. By Henry Croft II n 30 Oxalate of Manganese: for- mula II n 304 Oxalidaceae, London species. II vm 222 Oxalis, L., Canadian locali- ties of O. acetosella, L II xv 350 O. corniculata, L II xv 350 O. stricta, L II xv 350 Oxbuc of Chichen-Itza... IV vi 203, 205 Oxford. Farmers Association formed in Tp. of E. Oxford I I 22 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 216 Oxford Tp., Grenville Co., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 533 Oxford Tp., Oxford Co., gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 534 Oxford University, Auto- praphs of, celebrities with notes II xiv 597 Oxidation, protection of Iron from I in 341 Oxide. Basicity of II I 193 Cobalt II i 393 Silicum II ii 305 Zinc, use as a pigment I I 16 364 OXK PAL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Oxkuzcab IV vi 202 Oxlahuh-Tzy. Career . IV vi 160 King of Cachiquel IV vi 125 Manner of accession IV vi 180 Period of reigning as given in Palenque tablet IV vi 179 Oxlahun-Pek. King of Cachiquel IV vi 125 Palenque's relations with Oaxaca andUxmal in,time IV vi 181 Oxpet's works IV vi 184 Oxygen. Manufacture on large scale. I n 10 On Oxygen. By Prof. Faraday: reprint I u 10 Oxygen in Nascent state Ozone: reprint I m 312 Ozone produced from, by electric spark I n 10 Production of, gas I n 257 Oxygenation II i 79 Oxyib. People IV vi 202 Rebellion in IV vi 201 Revolt IV vi 203 Oxyphite, of nerve cells IV vi 410 Oxyphile nuclear substance Derived from Chromatin... IV vi 421 Development in cell (pl.)... IV vi 420 Digests IV vi 412 Iron in it IV vi 411 Iron in it after treatment withalkalies. IV vi 414 Nature IV vi 435 Phosphorus reaction in... . IV vi 411 Oxytropis, DC, Canadian localities of O. campestris, DC II xv 357 O. podocarpa, Gray II xv 357 Oxyuris II iv 26 Oyster. Shells in Medicine Hat Clays III v 155 Used by aborigines in Ork- ney II hi 385 Ozomatli, king of Oaxaca. . . IV vi 171 Ozone. Anomalous Production of. By Henry H. Croft. . II xm 239 At St. Martin Isle Jesus, Que. (1858) II iv 266 Formed over crystallizing iodic acid II xm 239 Methods of producing II i 79 II iv 328 Observations on. By Prof. Rogers II ii 72 Properties of I I 17 Produced from Oxygen by electricspark I u 10 Relation to disease I m 312 Ser. Vol. Page Paalstaves II i 234 Pabahmesad II n 333 Pachnan or Pachnas, traces of in Egypt II xiv 194 Pachypsylla celtidis-mam- ma, Riley, on host Celtis occidentalis, L. (pl.) IV ix 308 Pacific Coast. Incidents of Travel on. By Paul Kane, Esq., Chinook Indians I in 273 Pacific Ocean. Area grandis in IV vm 389 Currents I I 248 Explorations through VALLEY OF AtRATO TO, IN SEARCH OF SHIP CANAL ROUTE. By F. M. Kelley: reprint . II n 126 Nodosariaabyssorumin.... IV vm 387 First overland expedition from Montreal to dis- cover, 1738 II vm 412 Pacific Salmon. Life history of. By Prof. J. Playfair McMurrich... IV ix 23 Packard. Feeding habits of Cecido- myia larvae: ref IV ix 362 Pacumchac, Mayas IV vi 117 Padus serotina, Canadian.. II vi 33 Paederus riparius, Mels. Cat , I in 257 Paget. Sectional area of Aorta: ref. II ix 181 Painted Bunting, Hamilton species II v 391 Paine's process, for preparing illuminating gas from water I i 78 Paints, byproducts of batter- ies used in giving electric light I i 243 Pais Plat, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Paix, Dr. La Crux at Palenque IV vi 108 Paiyatuma. Zuni song IV vi 339 Pakington, Sir John. Proposal for Canadian Cur- rency I I 179 Palace. Crystal Palace at Syden- ham: reprint I n 102 Crystal palace at Sydenham opened I i 47 New York Crystal Palace, Reservoir Square I I 69 Palache. Goniometer for measuring crystals: ref IV vm 445 365 PAL PAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Palaearca Hall II vi 353 Palaeaster, J. Hall II in 158 Palseobotany, Osmundaceae. IV vm 529 Palwochemistry. PaLaEOCHEMISTRY of the Ocean in relation to Animal and Vegetable Protoplasm. By A. B. Macallum IV vn 535 Palseocystites, Canadian.... II iv 46 Palaeoliths IV iv 63 Palaeolithic Man. Evidence of, in America.... II xv 559 In America II xv 558 Palseoliths. Age of, exaggerated IV iv 40 Found along with neoliths in America IV iv 63 Palaeontological. Disappearance of fossils causes break in, records: reasons .. II xm 391 Evidence concerning fossils in Quebec shales and Pri- mordial zone II vi 286 Imperfection of, Record. By H. Alleyne Nicholson. II xm 379 Sudden extinction of Ani- mals Causes breaks in, record II xm 390 Thinning out of Beds causes discontinuity of, record (pl.) II xm 388 Unrepresented time in geo- logical record causes vast gaps in, record II xm 384 Palaeontology. Anticosti rocks II m 330 At Crystal Palace I in 10 Bibliography of. of West Indies IV vm 373 Causes of absence of certain animals in fossiliferous deposits H xm 379 Contributions to, 1858,1859 and 1860. By Jas. Hall: reviewed II vi 187 Contributions to, of Iowa. By Jas. Hall II v 551 Contributions to. By Jas. Hall: reviewed II vi 529 Figures and Descriptions of Canadian Organic Re- mains; Decade III: re- viewed. II iv 42 Iowa II v 200 New York II I 386 Observations on, of Burling- ton, Iowa. By Chas. White: reviewed II vi 301 Palaeontology. By Richard Owen: reviewed II v 538 Ser. Vol. Page Palaeontology-Con. Palaeontology of Pro- vince of Ontario. By H. Alleyne Nicholson.... II xiv 125 Position of, in 1858 II iv 77 Recent advances in (1863).. II vm 103 Palaeophiuridae, characteris- tics and species IV vm 367 Palaeozoic. Descriptions of new, fossils from Illinois and Iowa. .. II vi 528 Descriptions of new species of, Fossils. By Jas. Hall: reviewed II in 153 Fecundity of marine vege- tation at, Ages II xi 191 Formation in Tennessee.... Ill vn 80 Glauconite deposits IV vn 547 Note on a New Genus of, Brachiopoda. By E. Billings II vi 148 Probable former exist- ence of, glaciers. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint.. . I in 114 Sediments how laid down in Canada? IV vn 153 Palaeozoic Rocks. Fossils found in II n 265 Canada II vm 112, 185 Central Ontario IV vn 157 Direction of Currents of Deposition and source of Materials of older. By Prof. Jas. Hall: reprint II in 88 On structure and succession of Lower, of North Wales and part of Shropshire. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint... I i 248 Scarboro'Cliff and vicinity. II xv 391 Palamedeinse, generic char- acters II xi 158 Palasterina II vi 517 Palatine, Amiurus catus (pl.) HI n 284 Palatine Arch, Amiurus Catus HI ii 316 Palato-Quadrate, apparatus of Amiurus Ill II 283 Palenque. Ancient bridge IV vi 106 Ancient Canal IV vi 106 Architecture IV vi 110 Architecture in ancient city. IV vi 105 Controversy over missing slab of Tablet of cross. . . IV vi 114 La Cruz IV vi 108 Palaces of kings IV vi 104 Palenque and its ruins IV vi 101 Relations with Oaxaca and Uxmal in time of Oxlahun- Pek IV vi 181 Roofs of temples in ancient. IV vi 109 366 PAL PAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page P&lenque-Con. Room containing Tablet of Cross IV vi 114 Tzendals of, and their art of painting IV vi 107 Uses of ancient buildings at IV vi 110 Palenque Tablet. Analysis of history of In- scriptions in light of written documents IV vi 179 Attempts to decipher hiero- glyphics IV vi 121 Decipherment of hierogly- phics IV vi 121 Has no reference to Mexi- cans IV vi 180 Hieroglyphics IV vi 117 Inscriptions in light of other historical documents. ... IV vi 156 Of the Cross IV vi 113 Prof. Campbells method of reading its hieroglyphics IV VI 123 Translation of IV vi 143 Inscriptions in light of his- torical documents IV vi 170 Palestine. Ashchurites in II xiv 269 Caphtorim came from Sho- bal in line of Ra and in- vaded, before close of Israel's wanderings II xm 529 Civilization began in south- ern? II xin 174 Horite traces in II xm 515 Horse, use of, in I i 181 Jerachmeelite region in... . II xiv 419 Maachathites' region in... . II xiv 419 Onam families in; table. .. . II xiv 421 Onite connection II xiv 418 Shur or Geshurite areas in.. II xiv 418 Southern, great centre of later dispersion than that of Babel II xm 521 Palla. Colourless central body in cells of Cyanophycese: ref. IV vi 447 Palladammonium. Cyanide of II in 359 Sulphide of II in 359 Palladium. Deposits at Sudbury IV vm 158 Double Sulphocyanides of. . II in 359 On some compounds of. . . . II in 359 Palladio-bichloride of potas- sium II in 359 Pallas, genealogy II xiv 560 Palleske. Bacteria in human milk: ref. IV vn 472 Palliser, Capt. Exploration of North West of Canada, 1857 Ill i 151 Ser. Vol. Page Palliobranchiata. Canadian II iv 274 Families of II xi 393 ' Palmar, relation of, portion of dorsal interossei to in- termediate layer in orang (pl.) IV vi 584 P. fascia IV vi 537 Palmaris longus, orang IV vi 536 Palmellaceae, Toronto species III vn 272 Palmerston, Lord. Autograph and anecdotes of II xv 146 Palms. Palms of Western Tropi- cal Africa: reprint II x 285 Palpodium aureum, devel- opment of stem IV vin 515 Paludina, Toronto species... II vi 328 P. decisa, Say, Lake Ontario. II xm 504 Paludinidse, Canadian II iv 273 Pamphila, Rocky mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 241 Pamphylia, traces of Ash- churite in II xiv 247 Pan (Greek), traces of in ancient Greece II xiv 425 Pan process, of extracting metals IV iv 364 Panax, Characters and Canadian habitats of P. quinquefolium, L II vi 281 P. trifolium, L II vi 282 Pancreas. Acipenser HI in 274 Amia HI m 274 Amiurus HI n 412 Amiurus: bibliography. ... Ill h 413 Karyolytic and Cytolytic products in, Amblysto- mata and Diemyctyli... . IV i 265 Lepidosteus HI m 274 Nebenkerne in, of dog IV i 257 Pancreas of Amiurus. By A. B. Macallum Ill n 387 Parasites in, of Diemyctyli (pl.) IV i 261 Phenomena of secretion in. . IV i 271 Potassium richer than sodium in IV ix 402 Staining power of, nucleus of IV i 269 Pancreatic. Certain structures in, cells of Amphibia IV i 253 Eberth on, nebenkerne in salamander IV i 272 Elaboration of, ferment.... IV I 274 Pander's Conodonts; objec- tions to. By R. Owen... II v 539 Pandion, Hamilton species. . II v 388« P. haliaetus carolinensis, Toronto IV m 90 367 PAN PAR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Pandocia fibrosa (Stimp- son), Canadian Atlantic coast IV ix 146 Paneiconography I n 181 Panisus cataphractus, Koen. Fifth unpaired eye absent. . IV ix 289 Syn. Thyas cataphracta, Koenike IV ix 289 Panoeolus retirugis, Fr., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 75 Panormus, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute.... II ix 229 Panspermia, theory of Origin of Life on Globe IV vm 425 Pansy, Canadian habitats. . . II xv 166 Panther, Canadian localities .III vi 71 Panticapoeum (Kertch). Researches in. By Dr. D. Macpherson: reprint. ... II n 120 Panton, Prof. J. Hoyes. Caves and Potholes of Rockwood, Ont Ill vi 244 Places of Geological Interest near Medicine Hat HI v 150 Panus, Habits and Ontario habitats of P. strigosus B. and C IV ix 73 P. stypticus, Fr IV ix 72 Papanakie, Paulet. Story of Anderson and Stewart's search for Franklin expedition IV vm 400 Papaver, L., Canadian lo- calities of P. nudicaule, L II xv 60 P. somniferum, L II xv 60 Papaveracese. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 219 Hamilton species HI u 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 636 11 xv 60 London species II vm 221 Papaw, North American, Canadian localities II xv 58 Papcastle, notes on Latin In- scriptions found at II xii 130 II xiv 552 Paper. Application of thistle to MANUFACTURE OF, LORD Berriedale's patent: reprint I HI 298 History of manufacture of.. Ill v 197 Industry in Canada IV vm 182 Iridescent and opalescent; manufacture I I 105 Manufacture of. By John Notman HI v 197 Manufacture of: reprint. I m 338 Ser. Vol. Page Paper-Con. Materials for its manufac- ture HI v 200 Materials for paper MAKING. PAPER FROM cow-dung. By Alfred Coleman: reprint I m 32, 39 Materials for making I m 44 Paper from Wood: reprint. I in 19 Paper from Wood Fibre: reprint I II 194 Plants from which, pulp can be made Ill v 200 Plants that yield fibre suit- able for, materials II xi 198 Substitutes for, materials . . II xi 197 Papermills, equipment HI v 200 Paphlagonia, Zimri traces in II xv 294 Papier glace, manufacture from, by product of slaugh- ter houses I I 104 Papier Mache, improved material as substitute for I n 171 Papilio, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill II 239 Papilionaceous Plants,acci- dental fertilization of... II iv 222 Papineau, L. Leader of, Rebellion of 1837 IV m 285 Papineau Creek, Tp., Car- low, Corundum crystals. IV iv 227 Pappus. Guldin's Properties of Cen- tre of Gravity II vm 33 Note on proposition of. By J. B. Cherriman II III 15 Pappoose-root, Canadian habitats II xv 59 Paps, The, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Papuan. Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 228 Papyrus, method of manu- facture Ill v 198 "Paradise Lost", Battle of Austerlitz planned from passage in it II I 89 Paradoxidse II i 286 Paradoxides. Canadian II vm 32 Oleni or, at Anse au Loup.. II vu 72 P. novo-repertus, New- foundland II iv 316 Paraffine. Manufacture of from Bituminous Shale: re- print I hi 17 Paraffine Products of Coal: reprint I in 66 368 PAR PAR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Parallel Lines. Examination of Legen- dies Proof of Proper- ties of. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II i 519 Parallel Rotations. Composition of. By J. B. Cherriman II n 92 Parallelogram of Forces. New Proof of. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II i 357 Poisson's proof II I 299 Paramagnetic. Prof. Faraday's on, sub- stances I i 192 Paramecia, negative to strong acids and positive to weak IV vii 328 Paramoecia, effect of cedar and pine extracts on IV vn 441 Parandra brunnea, Fabr... I m 326 Parasites. American Parasitic Cope- PODA. By R. Ramsay Wright Ill i 243 Cellular, from intestinal epithelum of Diemyctylus viridescens IV I 248 In Pancreas of Diemyctylus (pl.) IV i 261 Intracellular, in intestine of Necturus lateralis. IV i 252 Occurrence in Canada of TWO SPECIES OF PARASITIC Mites. By J. B. Tyrrell. Ill i 332 On Parasites. By Lucius Oille II iv 4 Parasites in Bat. By H. Goadby I in 355 Types of parasitic diseases. . IV vm 544 Parasphenoid, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 274 Paraxtunya. Capture of, by Oxlahuh- Tzy IV vi 162 Fort IV vi 181 Parchment. Method of manufacture. . . Ill v 199 Vegetable II iv 327 Parcimony, laws of II xi 305 Parenchyma. Fat in IV vm 248 Of villus of guinea pig IV vm 246 Transfer of fat through. ... IV vm 249 Parenchymatous endos- perm cell, examined for iron IV vn 506 Parenchymatous fat, leu- cocytes part in transfer of IV vm 250 Paresseux, Portage des, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 534 Ser. Vol. Page Paris. Canadian minerals at the Exhibition I m 241 Exhibition, 1867 II xm 1 Parian range. Dislocations in (pl.) IV vm 140 In Miocene period IV vm 142 Trinidad IV vm 137 Parisian Crania, measure- ments of II xn 285 Park. Examined milk supply of New York for bacteria: ref IV vii 469 Parkes, Vincent. Pendulum Steam Engine . I i 106 Parks, Wm. A., Ph.D. Notes on Ophiurian Genus, Protaster, with DESCRIPTION OF NEW species • IV vm 363 Iron ranges in L. Wendi- gokan region: ref IV vm 341 Parker and Jones. Planorbulina larvata: ref... IV vm 387 Parkeriaceae II xn 366 Parlatore, Prof. Species of Spruce: ref Ill VI 173 Parliament. First, Buildings in Toronto. II xn 150 Ladies Parliament II vn 388 Parlow, L. Journey to Oswego to bring away family, etc., during revolutionary war....... IV iv 301 Parnassia. Collateral chorisis in II x 381 Transverse chorisis in II x 384 Parnassia, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of P. caroliniana, Michx II xv 547 P. parviflora, OC II xv 547 P. palustris, L II xv 547 P. parviflora, central cylinder astelic IV vi 612 P. palustris, stele in inter- nodal region (pl.) IV vi 612 Parnassiaceae. London species II vm 222 Parnassius, Rocky Mt. spe- cies with habitats Ill n 239 Paroquet, young grass, of Australian species produ- ced at London Zoo I i 18 Parr, Dr. Samuel. Brief account of, and history of three of his classical tracts which Dr. Scadding possesses II xiv 331 Parrinae II xi 158 369 PAR PAT PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Parry, Rev. E. St. John. On some Points connected WITH EARLY HISTORY OF Rome I n 218,274 Parry Sound. Climate Ill n 199 Fungi; list IV ix 69 Pars clavicularis, in man corresponds to pars ster- nalis in orang IV vi 531 P. costo-abdominalis, orang (pl.) IV vi 529 P. sternalis. In orang corresponds to pars clavicularis in man (pl.) IV vi 531 Orang (pl.) IV vi 530 P. sterno-costalis, orang (pl.) .... IV vi 530 Parsnip, Canadian localities. II xv 555 Parthenogenesis. Among Lepidoptera II vn 128 On, as occurring among Silkworms: reviewed... II vn 127 Parthenogenesis of ani- mals AND PLANTS. By B. Seemann: reprint II n 481 Parthici, Latin inscription bearing title, found in Britain II xiv 154 Partridges. Hamilton species II v 393 Poisonous II vii 523 Partridge Dance Ill i 407 Partridge, spruce. Possibly Toronto winter bird I i 171 Seen at Haliburton Ill vii 197 Parus. Hamilton species II v 390 Observations on Ontario species HI in 96 IV m 72, 74, 80, 83 P. atricapillus. Toronto winter bird I I 170 Passalus cornutus, Fabr... I m 257, 325 Passamaquoddies, poetry... IV vi 342 Passenger Pigeon, Hamilton species II v 393 Passer domesticus. Food IV m 75 Habits in Captivity IV in 97 Passerella iliaca, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. HI vii 197 IV i 57 IV m 64, 65,66,70,73,88, 89,97,102,103,106 Passerina cyanea, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. Ill vii 192 IV in 70, 76, 82,109 Ser. Vol. Page Pasteur, M. L. On Occurrence of fer- MATION PRODUCING IN- FUSORIA CAPABLE OF LIV- ING WITHOUT FREE OXY- GEN: reprint II vi 456 Pasteurised milk, Cheese from IV vii 116 Pastinaca, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of P. sativa, L II xv 555 Pastor roseus, migrations... IV in 182 Pastor, rose colored, migra- tions IV in 182 Patella vulgata. Inhabits Littoral Zone in British Seas I I 109 Ornaments used by Britons. II in 381 Patellidse, Canadian II iv 273 Patent. Croll's for purifying coal gas I I 29 Gas patents. By Henry Croft, D.C.L I i 28, 29, 77 Greenstreet's (F.H.), for coating and ornamenting zinc I i 44 Grissell's, for coating metals I I 43 Laming's, for purifying coal gas I I 29 Pettenhofer's, for gas from wood I I 78 Report of Commissioner of, for 1856, U.S.: reviewed.. H in 239 Samuelson's patent dig- ging machine: reprint... L i 244 Westrup's conical flour MILL, WITH PLATE I I 245 Winiwarter and Gersheims, "Gunprimers" and Com- position for fire arms.... I I 189 Paterson's Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Pathology, Industrial. Industrial; or accidents AND DISEASES INCIDENT TO INDUSTRIAL OCCUPA- TIONS. By T. K. Cham- bers: reprint I in 29 Defined I in 29 Field of usefulness I ill 30 Means of preventing acci- dents I in 31 Patie Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 534 Patio process IV iv 359 Patria Potestas IV n 161 Patrick Swift's almanac .... II xn 235 Nom-de-plume of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie; with selections from writings.. II xv 436 Patsuikets, territory IV in 196 370 PAT PEE GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Patterson, J., M. A. British rule in India. ... IV ix 83 Paul. Grammatical gender: ref... Ill vn 216 Paulina structure II v 334 Pawnee - Loups, original home Ill v 61 Paxillus, Habits and On- tario habitats of P. altro-tomentosus (Bat- sch), Fr IV ix 74 P. involutus (Batsch), Fr... IV ix 74 Payen. Distilled water placed on leaf becomes alkaline: ref. IV vn 263 Payne, F. F. Eskimo of Hudson's Strait III vi 213 Mammals and Birds of Prince of Wales Sound Hudson's Strait Ill v 111 Seasons Hudson's Strait . IV v 104 Pavy, Dr. On Reason why Stomach is not Digested by its own secretion during Life: reprint II ix 57 Pea family, species yielding paper fibre II Xi 198 Peacock, Dr. Geo. Obituary II iv 60 Time reckoning among an- cient Mexicans IV v 315 Peacock Tavern II xm 191 Peach Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 534 Peach yellows. Institutes action to prevent spread of IV m 18,24,26 Peach Yellows. By W. R. Shaw IV n 209 (abstract) IV hi 8 Pesesta, D6ne Ill vn 140 Pealty-cephalic, crania II ii 222 Pear, Canadian localities. ... II xv 434 Pearce. Canadian Institute prob- lems and difficulties IV ii 5 Pearlwort. Localities Canadian species. II xv 173 Pearl River, description of surrounding country II n 167 Pearls. Artificial I ii 103, 282 Uses of II hi 393 Pearly Nautilus II vn 514 Pearman, W. D. Classical Notes II xm 426 II xiv 51 Critical Notes; Chiefly on De Legibus of Ci- cero II xiv 503 Ser. Vol. Page Pearman, W. D.-Con. Some observations on Philebus of Plato; position of Rowers in WARSHIPS OF ANCIENTS. . . Ill I 160 Sylva Critica Canaden- sium Ill i 88 Peat. Canadian II vm 462 Destructive distillation of.. I i 256 Formation of I m 218 Gaspe Peninsula II v 468 Irish I i 265 Irish Peat Company. By Mr. Powell: ref I m 40 On, and other Vegetable Charcoal and some of its uses. By Wm. Long- maid : I in 217 Peccary. Fossil and living, in America II iv 418 Peches, Riviere aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Pecten jacoboeus, ancient badge of pilgrimage II m 388 Pecten opercularis, from great depths in sea II vi 519 P. testae, from great sea depths II vi 519 Pectineus, Orang IV vi 553 Pectinibranchiata, generic characters II xii 27 Pectoral arch and fin. Amiurus catus Ill n 301 Muscles of, of Amiurus catus Ill ii 331 Pectoralis major. Orang IV vi 529 Orang's, muscle IV vi 530 P. minor. Attachment of, in chimpan- zee IV vi 532 Attachment of, in man.... IV vi 533 Cynocephalus IV vi 532 Insertion in Chimpanzee... IV vi 532 Orang (pl.).... IV vi 532 Pedetes capensis, prsepollex in IV vi 546 Pediastrum Boryanum, Toronto tap water Ill i 418 Pediceps, Hamilton species.. II v 396 Pedioecetes phasianellus (Baird). Pedioecetes phasianellus Baird. By Ernest E. T. Seton Ill i 405 Pee Wee. Habits of Ontario visitors.. Ill in 92 Peerless vein, Kamanistiquia III vn 257 Peet, Rev. Stephen D. Building containing Tablet of the Cross at Palenque. IV vi 113 371 PEE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PEN Ser. Vol. Page Peet, Rev. Stephen D.-Con. Mountain Chant of Navajos IV VI 337 Navajo shaman's prayer l> Journey of a soul after a body" IV vi 322 Pegwis, career IV vi 292 Peixoto, M. Ancient tribes of Brazil: ref. Ill V 68 Pekan, Canadian localities... Ill vi 74 Pelaea atropurpurea, es- carpment from Niagara Falls to Owen Sound and Colpoy's Bay II xiv 471 Pelargonium. Abnormal development in. . II in 315 Experiments with solutions of CaH2 (CO8)2 and Ca(OH)2 placed on leaves in drops IV vn 312 Pelasgians, ethnology of... . I n 219 Pele Pt., gazetteer notice (1813) Il xiv 534 Pelee Island, climate Ill u 211 Pelecanidae, generic charac- ters II vn 333 Pelethites, in ancient history II xiv 419 Pelham Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Pelicans, Ceylon II vu 354 Pelidnota punctata Linn. I m 211, 325 Pelonaia corrugata, F. and G., British Columbia coast IV ix 132 Peloria, peculiarities of II in 315 Pelotechthen balanoides. Pelotechthen balanoi- des. By Arthur Harvey.. IV I 213 Peltura holopyga (N. S.)... II iv 492 Pelvic arch and fin, Amiurus catus Ill ii 306 Pelvis, muscles of, Amiurus catus Ill ii 334 Pembina Riding and Duck Mts.; geology HI v 151 Pemetescoutiang, gazetteer notice (1813). II xiv 534 Pemphigus rhois, Fitch, on host Rhus typhina, L. (pl.)..... IV ix 306 P. vagabundus, Walsh, on host Populus deltoides, Marsh IV ix 306 Pendants, Dene IV iv 166 Pendulum. Discovery of Foucault's.... I i 208 Experiments at Quebec on Foucaults pendulum I n 64 Second Report of Liter- ary and Historical Soc- iety of Quebec on Foucault's pendulum .. I n 64 Ser. Vol. Page Pendulum-Con. Result of Astronomer Royals recent experi- ments in Harton Pit, South Shields: reprint.. I m 166 Penetanguishene. Early history of mission of St. Anne's. By Rev. Father Laboureau: ab- stract IV in 2 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 71 History II xm 577 P. Bay, geological and topo- graphical features of I I 225 P. Harbour, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 209 Penhallow, D. P. Ainos of Aryan origin: ref. . Ill v 75 Pennsylvania. Development of coal fields of I in 102 Flexure of Strata in Broad top coal field. ByJ.P. Leslie II n 479 Penn, Wm. Autograph of II xiv 120 Penny, Capt. Arctic explorations I n 85 Penny, Rev. W. E. On certain planetary perturbations, and on A NEW PERTURBATION ON enke's comet: reprint.. II m 57 Penny Cress, localities Cana- dian species II xv 163 Penny Wisdom. Penny Wisdom I i 103 Penobscot River, effect of sawdust in, on fish IV vn 427 Penobscots (Indians), di- vinities IV vi 275 Penrith, Old, notes on Latin Inscriptions found at. ... II x 97 Penrose. Apatite deposits in Canada in irregular masses: ref. . IV vm 500 Colour phosphorescence of phosphorites: ref IV vm 508 Pens. Manufacture of Gold Pens: reprint I n 197 Pension, principles of old age, system IV vm 87 Pentagoets, territory IV in 196 Pentamerus (Sowerby). Characters; Canadian locali- ties II vii 115 Generic characters II vi 269 P. aratus, Conrad. Cornifer- ous Limestone and Oris- kany Sandstone, Ont. (pl.) II vi 270 372 PEN PER GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page P. elongatus II vi 267 P. hemiplicatus, allied forms II iv 316 P. oblongus, Linn, Niagara Limestone, Thorold II xiv 141 P. occidentalis, Hall, Hes- peler, Guelph, Elora II xiv 143 Pennycuik, Laird of, and Alexander Gordon the Antiquary II xiv 16 Penthorum, Gronow Cana- dian habitats of P. sedoides, L II xv 549 Peppergrass, Canadian spe- cies and habitats II xv 164 Pepper-root, Canadian lo- calities II xv 62 Pepperwort, Canadian spe- cies and habitats II xv 164 Peptic glands. Amiurus.,..' Ill n 399 Gasteropodus trispinatus... Ill n 401 Perea fluviatilis Ill n 400 Silurus glanis Ill n 400 Peptides, syntheses of IV vm 433 Peptones. Artificial production of. . . . IV vm 434 In cheese IV vu 111 Peraneminae II xn 365 Perea flavescens, Cuvier, L. Ontario II xm 506 P. fluviatilis, peptic glands. . Ill n 400 Perception. External sensitive II xi 307 Metaphysical view of II i 120 Sir Wm. Hamilton's doc- trine of External, criti- cized II xii 57 Sir Wm. Hamilton's doc- trine of Sensitive: re- viewed II ii 285 Perch. Effect of cedar extract on. . IV vu 441 Effect of pine extracts on. . IV vu 446 Effect of maple sawdust on. IV vu 448 Effect of sawdust in experi- mental tank on IV vu 433 Effect of sawdust on eggs. . IV vu 436 Perch Cove, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 534 Perches et Cave, Rapids de, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 535 Perching birds II xi 148 Percy Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Pere, Pointe au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Peregrine Falcon, Hamilton frequenters.... II vi 13 Peresh, family connections. . II xv 287 Perfumes, from fusel-oil I I 105 Ser. Vol. Page Pergamus in Mysia, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 228 Pergande. Hormaphis hamamelidis Fitch and Hamamelistes spinosus Shimer inhabit alternately Betula nigra L. and Hamamelis vir- ginianaL.: ref IV ix 305 Perichlamydium Ehren- berg, Jamaica IV vni 386 Periclase, artificial formation of II vx 526 Pericycle, in plants IV vi 599 Periderm-tissue, Botry- chium virginianum IV v 284 Perigynose Exogens, tabular view of II vi 282 Periosteum, generates bone. II x 197 Perisoreus canadensis, ob- servations on Ontario visitors Ill vu 184 IV in 100, 191 Peristerite, same as Albite. . I i 114 Perithemis, Hagen II vu 452 Periwinkles. In ancient and modern Bri- tain II in 383 In British Seas I i 109 Permeability. On, of highly heated Iron by Gases. By M. L. Cailletet: reprint II ix 277 Permian. I Chelepteris zaleskii in, of Russia IV vni 529 Chelepteris gracilis in upper, of Russia IV vm 529 Formation Maritime Pro- vinces, Can II i 42 Grammatopteris in, of Au- tun IV vm 529 Rock in United States II HI 261 Strata in America (New Orleans) II in 357 Perognathus monticola, Baird, Canadian localities III vi 84 Peronei muscles IV vi 579 Peroneus brevis, orang IV vi 564 P. longus. In man and apes IV vi 564 Orang IV vi 564 P. parvus. Apes. . IV vi 564 Chimpanzee IV vi 565 Gorilla IV vi 565 Orang IV vi 565 P. quinti digiti, in lower apes IV vi 565 P. tertius. Function in man IV vi 563 1 Orang IV vi 563 373 PER PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PET Ser. Vol. Page Perophora annectens, Rit- ter, Ucluelet, B.C IV ix 118 Perophoridse, British Colum- bia coast IV ix 118 Perreaulx. Dividing Machine I i 102 Perrot. Negotiation with Indian tribes round Lake Michi- gan II ii 400 Perry, A. Bowen. Letter concerning Indians in North West Canada... Ill vu 175 Perry, Sir E. Voyage in Arctic regions: ref I i 118 Perry-making. On Cider and, By T. W. Booker: reprint I n 163 Persia. Clearness of Atmosphere inOroomiah. By Rev. T. D. Stoddard I m 215 Cymri in II xv 282 Horse introduced into, and use made of horse I i 180 Horite traces in II xm 536 Kaiomers or Gayomers in.. II xv 283 Traces of Ashchur in II xiv 234 Persian. Celtic connection with II xv 75 Coptic article in: examples. II xm 413 Mythology II xm 157 Onam family connection with II xiv 568 Persoon's Synopsis Plan- tarum, 1807, spruces de- scribed in: ref Ill vi 171 Perthite, same as orthoclase. I I 114 Perturbations. On certan Planetary, AND ON A NEW, ON Encke's Comet. By Rev. W. E. Penny: reprint.... II m 57 Peru. Amalgamation processes usedin IV iv 359 Cymric Celts; how they reached IV vu 44 Early history IV vu 45 Indian Graves of: reprint II x 284 Peruvian. Brain capacity of II xv 219 Brain volume of, compara- tive II xv 229 Brain weight of II xv 201 Crania II vu 402 II xv 221 Crania; measurements II u 418 Cranial distortion II viu 154 Described II xv 222 Ser. Vol. Page Peruvian-Con. Distortion in, crania natu- ral or artificial II vi 419 Golden Shroud II i 391 Peruvian words in Guanche IV vu 40 Pottery II in 258 Time reckoning IV v 314 Toltecs same as ancient.... Ill n 170 Peschel. Asiatic origin of Eskimo: ref. Ill vi 278 Pestles, Dene IV iv 48 Peters, Bishop II xm 82 Peters, Dr. Periodical Comet of thirteen years II u 65 Peter's, St., Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Peterborough. Fossils obtained in Trenton Limestone II v 204 In 1836 II xv 36 St. Lawrence and Lake Huron and Peterborough Junction Ry. Lines I I 22 Peterfield, Toronto II xm 107 Peterman, Augustus. Expedition to Central Africa: reprint I m 83 Meeting of Dr. Barth and Dr. Vogel: reprint.. I m 265 New Expedition into Cen- tral Africa: reprint.... I in 307 Peterman, Capt. On Sir John Franlkin (search for) I i 118 Theory regarding sea or land at north pole I u 125 Petiole of leaves, absorbs water through its surface. IV vu 252 Petite Isle aux d'lndes, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 535 Petite Nation River, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 66 Petitot, Father, ceremonies of Dene IV v 200 Cree name for Eskimo: ref.. Ill vi 267 Dene language IV vi 90 Eskimo vocabulary: ref.... Ill vi 264 Indian myth regarding dog men: ref IV v 34 Na'anne tribe same as Nah'ane: ref IV vu 517 On dress of Eastern Denes: ref....... IV iv 162 On prehistoric weapons: ref. IV iv 149 On copper and iron among Eastern D&n&s: ref IV iv 136 On name " D6n6-Diudjie": ref IV iv 9 Petraia cornicula, Ontario (pl.) II vi 510 P. profunda II iv 120 374 PET GENERAL INDEX PHA Ser. Vol. Page P. pygmaea, Billings, Nia- gara Limestone, Thorold. II xiv 139 Petraster. Canadian II iv 46 Characters II vi 517 Pettenhofer. Patent for gas from wood... I I 78 Petrified forest, Colorado... II xiv 348 Petrified wood, fragment from petrified forest of Colorado believed to be produced by axe II xiv 350 Petrochelidon lunifrons, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 191 IV in 70,82 Petroglyphs, Dene IV iv 206 Petroleum. Athabaska-McKenzieVal- ley localities Ill I 225 Big Island Fishery area.. . . Ill I 228 Canadian, Springs and Wells II vm 445 Composition of, oils II vi 322 Development of, springs in Ontario II vi 316 Does, originate from decom- position of marine plants? II xi 191 Geographical and geological distribution of, deposits and fucoidal remains.... II xi 194 Geological formations in which found in Ontario. . II vi 319 Industry in Canada IV vm 179 James'Bay areas Ill i 230 Liard and McKenzie River areas Ill I 228 Occurrence of, in N.W.T. of Canada with notes ON NEW LOCALITIES. By Robert Bell Ill i 225 On, Springs of Ontario. By Chas. Robb II vi 313 Origin of, Springs in On- tario: theory II vi 321 Springs in Ontario I I 114 II vi 314 What chemistry indicates as to subject whether, origi- nates from decomposition of marine plants II xi 191 Peulhs, antiquity of Ill V 74 Pewee, Wood, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 190 IV in 81 Pezizaceae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 80 Peziza scutellata, Linn, habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 80 Pezron, M. Antiquities of Nations; con- nection between Celts and Persians: ref II xv 75 Ser. Vol.JPage Pfeffer Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vii 244 Gluten not derived from aleuron layer: ref IV vii 513 Pfitzer. Medulated monostelic plants: ref IV Vi 601 Pfitzner. Supernumerary carpals in human hand: ref IV vi 545 Phacops, Canadian (pl.).... II vm 30 P. caudatus, Brongniart, Niagara Limestone, Ha- milton! II xiv 142 Phacopsidae II i 286 Phacopsians II i 284 Phagocytosis IV vm 535 Phair's Hotel, Toronto II xn 236 Phaedrus. Text of, §§51, 52, 53 (Bek- ker) with notes II vii 480 Phaederus littorarius, Giv- mon I in 327 Phaenicopterinae, true con- nection of II xi 151 Phaenicopterus, order to which belongs II xi 151 Phaenogams, morphology of vascular apparatus IV vi 599 Phaenopora ensiformis, Hall, Clinton Group, Dundas II xiv 142 Phaeocyma, Hiibn, generic characters II x 249 P. lunifera (Hiibn), charac- ters; N. American habi- tats II x 249 Phalacrocorax dilophus, Toronto Ill vn 198 Phalarope, observations on Ontario species Ill vii 184 IV I 54 IV in 76, 84 Phalaropus, observations on Ontario species Ill vn 184 IV I 54 IV in 76, 84 P. fulicarius, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Phalanx of reindeer, used as call whistle by aborigines of France II ix 265 Phaleropidae, order to which belong II xi 152 Phalloideae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats IV ix 80 Phallus Ravenelii (B. and C.), habits and Ontario habitats IV ix 80 Phallusia ceratodes, sp. n., British Columbia coast.... IV ix 121 375 PHA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PHI Ser. Vol. Page P. Savigny, British Columbia coast IV ix 121 Phallusiidae. British Columbia coast. ... IV ix 119 Species found around Van- couver Island IV ix 113 Phallusiids, specimens near Grand Mannan IV ix 112 Phallusioides nov., Cana- dian Atlantic coast IV ix 138 P. obliqua (Alder), Canadian Atlantic coast IV ix 139 Phanerogams. Monostelic and astelic ex- amples IV vi 614 New Arrangement of Pha- nerogamous plants with especial reference to rela- tive position, including their relations with Cryp- togamous. By Ben. Claske: reviewed II xi 233 Scarboro' Hts II xv 399 Pharaoh of Exodus. History II xm 39 Is Adonis of Phoenicia and Greece II xm 50 On Name given by, to Joseph. By Capt. Orms- by: reprint I n 282 Pharaoh of Exodus iden- tified in Myth of Adonis. By Rev. J. Campbell II xm 33 Pharsal of Lucan, notes on III v 536 Ill i 169 Pharyngo-clavicularis, ex- ternus, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 325 P. clavicularis internus, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill u 326 Pharynx, fine anatomy of, of Amiurus Ill n 390 Phaseolus, L., Canadian localities of P. diversifolius, Pers . II xv 360 P. helvolus, L II xv 360 Phenomenology. Of Cognitions II xi 306 Of Conations; third part of Phenomenal Psychology. II xi 316 Of feelings; second part of Phenomenal Psychology. II xi 315 Phenocrysts of plagioclase, L. Wendigokan region IV vm 356 Philanthropic. International, Congress: reprint II vn 390 Philipeaux Isle, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 535 Philistines. Earliest history of II xm 176 Ser. Vol. Page Philistines-Con. Ethnically connected with Ashchur II xiv 163 Phillips, John. Centrifugal forces of Planets: abstract Ill in 122 Phillips, Prof. Researches on Moon: re- print II ix 55 Ex Argent on Roman pigs of lead: ref II vn 32 Phillips, Dr. Thos. Of Toronto Grammar School II xn 260 Of U. Canada II xn 249 Phillipsastrea (Edwards and Haime), generic characters II iv 127 P. gigas (Dale Owen, sp.), Corniferous, Ont Il iv 128 P. verneuili (Edwards and Haime), corniferous, Ont. (pl.) II iv 127 Phintas of Agrigentum, copper coin of, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 230 Philadelphia, water supply. I m 260 Philebus of Plato. Some observations on; position of Rowers in WARSHIPS OF ANCIENTS. By W. D. Pearman Ill i 160 Notes on §7 (Bekker) II vn 489 Ndtes on 30 B Ill I 88 Notes on 42 C Ill I 89 Notes on §149 (Bekker).... II vn 491 Notes on 17 B, 18 B, 19 C, 20 D, 30 E, 40 E, 44 D, 46E, 47C Ill I 162 Philohela minor, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. IV in 66 104, 107 Philology. Classification of root words. IV vi 92 Comparative, and its results IV in 145 Great importance of Coptic article in comparative; illustrations II xm 410 Consonants and vowels; im- portance of IV vi 87 Dene languages IV I 211 Egyptian, improved by Dr. Lepsius' explorations.... I n 266 Indian (American) II III 437 Its bearing on archaeology. . IV IV 32 Importance as an ethnogra- phical criterion IV iv 21 Italian languages I n 274 Lexical and grammatical.. . IV vi 85 Mythology aided by IV vi 85 Nah'ane language IV vn 527 Only safe criterion of ethno- logical certitude IV vi 84 376 PHI PHO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Philology-Con. Orthography's importance in IV vi 86 Philological evidence of domesticating the horse. . I i 157 Report on Congress of Romance, at Montpel- lier. By Arthur Harvey. IV n 188 Use and Abuse of. By Rev. Father A. G. Morice IV vi 84 Phipps, R. W. Forestry and necessity FOR ITS PRACTICE IN Ontario Ill in 109 Philonix erinacei, Beut, host and anatomy (pl.). . IV ix 341 P. hirta, Bassett, host and, anatomy IV ix 342 P. nigra, Gillete, host and anatomy IV ix 342 Philosophical Society. Fiftieth Anniversary of Liverpool Literary and, II vil 227 Philosophy. Attempt at new theory of Human Emotions. By Wm. Hincks II vn 103 Catholic II in 349 Common Sense II i 380 Common Sense; Sir W. Hamilton's views II xn 68 Conditioned; Sir Wm. Ha- milton's view stated II xi 374 Contraditions in Hamiltons, pointed out by Mill II xi 368 Difficulties of reporting pro- gress of II ii 366 Definition of II xi 301 Division of II xi 302 Ego doctrine II xii 73 Exposition of Hamilton's System II xi 300 Francis Hutcheson origi- nator of Scottish School of II xi 211 Hamilton's System criti- cized II xi 367 Hypothetical Realism; views of Sir Wm. Hamilton criticized II xii 57 Inferential Psychology; third division of II xi 318 Locke's, and Sensationalist doctrine II iv 399 Miscellaneous philosophical processes or products... Im 61 Natural Realism in II xii 57 Nomological Psychology; second division of II xi 317 Nonego or Notself doctrine. II xii 71 Phenomenal Psychology; first division of II xi 302 Ser. Vol. Page Philosophy-Con. Principle of Substance and Phenomenon, stated by Hamilton II xi 375 Rational, in History and in System; an Introduction to a Logical and Meta- , physical Course. By Alex. C. Fraser: reviewed..... II in 347 Scottish II xi 207 Sensationalist II vn 103 Sensationalist. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II iv 396 Sir Wm. Hamilton's; an Exposition and Criti- cism. By Rev. J. Clark Murray II xi 207, 300, 367 II xii 57 Sir Wm. Hamilton's doctrine of External Perception criticized II xn 57 Sir Wm. Hamilton's, re- viewed by G. Paxton Young II i 379 Philopotamus distinctus, Walker, characters; N. American habitats II vn 500 Phlebia radiata, Fr., habits; Ontario habitats IV ix 78 Phlebotomy, Dene bleeding practices for IV vn 18 Phloem, Internal. Osmunda cinnamomea IV vin 528 Osmundites Skidegatensis. . IV vm 528 Phloeoterma. Anemone IV vi 619 Brasenia purpurea IV vi 621 Heptica IV vi 619 Internal and external IV vi 628 Layer of cortex IV vi 614 Nuphar luteum (pl.) IV vi 621 Ranunculus IV vi 616 Ranunculus acris IV vi 616 Sarracenia purpurea IV vi 619 Symplocarpus fcetidus (pl.). IV vi 624 Phlox subulata, L., Norfolk County HI ii 156 Phoca. Phocas of Terre Neuve. By Rev. Philip Tocque. . IV in 303 P. barbata (O. Fab.), New- foundland IV in 304 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 117 P. cristata IV m 304 P. foetida, Fabr. Canadian localities Ill vi 78 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 118 P. (Pagophilus) groenlan- dica, Fabr. Canadian localities HI vi 78 Newfoundland IV in 303 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 117 377 PHO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PHO Ser. Vol. Page P. vitulina, Linn. Canadian localities Ill vi 77 Newfoundland IV in 304 Phocis, traces of Ashchurites in II xiv 260 Phoebe, Toronto Ill vn 191 Phoenicia. Connections with Egypt. . . II xm 38 Egypt, Greece and, inti- mately connected from very ancient times II xm 36 Horite traces in, evidence of their nobility II xm 533 Names of families common to both, and Greece II xm 37 Traces of Ashchur in II xiv 230 Zimri traces in II xv 292 Phoenician. Cranial evidence of, settle- ment in Britain II vni 137 Skull of, from Malta in Dr. Morton's Collection II vm 135 Phoenix spinosa, uses of.... II x 286 Pholerite. Chemical composition of.. . II vn 151 Tests; Canadian localities.. II vi 161 Philiota, Habits and On- tario Habitats of P. adiposa, Fr IV ix 73 P. praecox, Pers IV ix 73 Phonetic. Anomalies observed in SOME MODERN FORMS OF Ancient Proper Names. By Rev. Dr. Scadding.. . II vm 329 Aztec characters, values of. Ill m 157 Dene IV i 172 Dene language IV vi 98 Etruscan characters, values of... Ill in 156 Phonetic value of Canary Island Characters IV vn 102 Some Laws of, Change in Khitan Languages. By John Campbell Ill i 282 Phonolite II v 427 Phoretine II i 312 Phosphate. Distribution of fat, chlo- rides, potassium, and IRON IN STRIATED MUSCLE. By Maud L. Menten. ... IV vm 403 Distribution of, in muscle (pl.) IV vm 414 Diverse forms of mineral.. IV vm 501 Manufacture for fertilizers in Canada IV vm 167 Phosphate bearing rocks in Canada Ill v 32 P. of iron. Tests; Canadian localities.. II vi 151 Ser. Vol. Page P. of Lime. Characters II v 522 Found in New York I n 37 In Lingulae and Orbicula... I n 264 Shells of Lingula and Or bi- cula contain I n 195 Phosphoric Acid. Determination of II i 559 No, in rocks below Cretace- ous and above Devonian. IV vni 498 Origin in deposits IV vni 502 Phosphorites. Colour phosphorescence in. IV vni 508 Occurrence and origin IV vm 501 Phosphor-Salt. Opalescence produced in Silicates in, in blowpipe.. II XV 250 Phosphuretted bases II i 194 Phosphorus. Aleuron cell analyzed for... IV vn 507 Amorphous; preparation of. II i 393 Cytoplasm of radicle and plumule cells gave, reac- tion IV vn 507 Detection of, in case of poisoning II i 309 Form in which, exists in gliadin and glutenin IV vn 506 Gliadin nuclein analyzed for IV vn 504 In central body of Cyano- phyceae IV vi 460 In gliadin IV vu 501 In gluten IV vn 501 In nerve cells IV vi 426 In yeast cell IV vi 496 Lead reduced by I i 115 Method of detecting in Cya- nophyceae IV vi 454 Nissl granules give, reaction IV vi 411 Note on Presence of, in Iron Wire. By E. J. Chapman II ix 170 Nucleolus gives, reaction... IV vi 411 On Forming Vessels of Gold by Aid of I u 313 Oxide of Copper reduced by I I 115 Oxyphite nuclear substance gives, reaction IV vi 411 Reaction in Beggiatoa IV vi 478 Reaction in Yeast Cell IV vi 489 Silver deposited by aid of. . I i 115 Source in wheat grain IV vu 501 Spongioplasm, intergranu- lar, gives, reaction IV vi 411 Test for, in nerve cells IV vi 411 Photographic. Light I ii 233 Magnetic apparatus II i 199 New process of, engrav- ing on steel. By Fox Talbot: reprint I n 20 378 PHY PHO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ph otographic- Con. Photographic Landscapes on paper: reprint I i 141 Processes I i 141 Photography. Dry Collodion Processes in: reprint II vni 323 Employment of Cya nid of Iodine: reprint I in 310 Method of taking positives in complementary col- ours to negative and com- bining in colour IV vn 385 Photography and Chemi- cal Action of light. By T. P. Hall: abstract Ill n 220 Photography in Natural Colours. By J. S. Plas- kett IV vn 371 Methods of colour mixture in colour IV vn 374 Obtaining Lithographs by means of. By Prof. Ram- say: reprint I in 412 On Fixing Photographic Drawings: reprint I i 246 On Chromatic Photo- printing, being a mode of printing texile fab- rics by Chemical action of LIGHT. By R. Smith: reprint I i 216 Patent by Jas. A. Cutting for photographing on glass: reprint I in 339 Perfecting of dry process... II n 453 Photographing eye of murd- ered person for evidence; first successful attempts. . II x 136 Photography of Textile Fabrics I n 172 Remarkable Photogra- phic Experiments: re- print II x 136 Stereoscope's use in II i 314 Taking Daguerreotypes without a Camera. By J. F. Mascher: reprint... I m 300 Taupenot's Process II I 195 Wax-Paper Process: re- print I ii 139 I in 34 Photoheliograph II vni 99 Photosphere. Arago's theory of I n 4 Sun's I II 5 Theory of (1852) II vni 305 Photosynthesis, on leaves... IV vn 262 Phragmoceras, Canadian (pl.) II vni 22 Ser. Vol. Page Phragmatobia (Stephens), generic characters; species II vni 371 P. assimilians, Walker II vni 371 P. rubricosa-Harris, char- acters; Canadian habitats II vni 372 Phrenology, Sir Wm. Hamil- ton's investigations on... II xi 379 Phryganea, Linn, N. Ameri- can species II vn 488 P. cinerea, Walker, charac- ters; N. American habi- tats II vn 488 Phryganea nigra, Linn, characters; habitats II vn 495 Phryganeina, N. American species II vn 486 Phryganeida (Caddis flies), Table of Sub families.... II vn 485 Phrygia. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 247 Phrygian alphabet Ill in 168 Zimri traces in II xv 294 Phyciodes, Rocky Mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 241 Phycochromacese, species in Toronto tap water Ill i 418 Phyllite, Notre Dame Mts., Que II vi 484 Phyllograptus, primordial zone, Quebec II vi 43 Phyllophaga hirticula, Mels. Cat I in 257 Phyllopods II i 281 Phyllosiphonic type IV vi 632 Phyllosticta palustris, E. and D ...... IV vi 637 Phyllotaxy, Osmunda cinna- momea IV vni 519 Phylogenesis II xv 232 Phylogeny. Of vascular plants IV vi 631 Osmundaceae IV vni 525, 526 Physa. Lake Ontario species II xm 505 Nottawasaga R. district species II vi 497 Toronto species II vi 328 P. heterostrop ha, Say, Lake Ontario II xm 505 Physalacria inflata, habits; Ontario habitats IV ix 79 Physianthus albens. P. Albens. By Arthur Har- vey HI vn 226 (abstract) IV I 11 P. Albens. By Chas. Arm- strong Ill vn 230 Physical Geography. Iowa II v 198 Physical Geography. By Mary Somerville: re- viewed I n 312 379 PHY PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PIC Ser. Vol. Page Physical Geology. Literature on, of Central Ontario IV vn 185 On Physical Structure of WESTERN DISTRICTS OF U. Canada. By W. E. Logan I in 1 Physical Geology of Cen- tral Ontario. By A. W. G. Wilson IV vn 139 Physical History, relation of History of Life to, of Globe II viu 51 Physico-theology II i 528 Physics. Heat, electricity, etc., differ- ent manifestations of energy and connection between them II n 471 Mathematical and Physical Theories of light I I 82 Notation for Physical Units. By Dr. Macfar- lane Ill in 81 Notice of Earthquake Waves. By Prof. A. D. Bache: reprint... I in 355 On motion of fluids from POSITIVE TO NEGATIVE POLE OF A CLOSED GAL- VANIC circuit: reprint.. I I 142 On the Physical Consti- tution of Sun. By M. Arago: reprint I n 4 On Physical Lines of Magnetic Force. By Prof. Farady I I 31 Progress of, 1770-1850: re- viewed II ii 366 Review of science of (1857). II n 471 Theory of Heat I I 83 Physiography, history of ocean IV vn 535 Physiological. Action of light IV vm 102 Chemistry, beginnings II in 248 Problem of Space. . IV vm 315 Physiological properties of Carbazotic Acid. By Prof. C. Calvert: reprint. I III 113 Physiological properties of some Compounds of Organic Radicals. By Dr. Jas. Turnbull: reprint I III 113 Physiology. Chemical interpretations of vital phenomena; prin- ciples underlying. ...... IV IX 270 Contributions to Mor- phology and, of Cell. By A. B. Macallum IV I 247 Ser. Vol. Page Physiology-Con. Genetic Cycle in Organic Nature. By Geo. Ogilvie: reviewed II vn 515 Human, Statistical and Dy- namical. By J. W. Dra- per: reviewed II m 247 On Source of Muscular Power. By Ed. Frank- land II xi 248 Origin of physiological rela- tion of chemical element in blood plasma IV vn 539 Physiology of Lips in Speech. By A. Hamilton: abstract IV iv 225 Relations between, and Psychology. By W. F. W. Creelman: abstract... Ill v 14 Review of (1858) II iv 72 Six-hooked embryo II iv 35 Physique of. American, Irish and German II ix 131 Different Nationalities. By Dr. Wm. H. Thomp- son: reprint II IX 129 Physocnemum brevili- neum, Say I in 324 Phytalbumose, in gluten... IV vn 499 Phytoglyphy I m 31 Phytolacca decandria, Tor- onto I i 207 Phytolaccacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 647 London species II viu 231 Phytozoa II vu 369 Pic, Riviere au, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Pica pica hudsonica, Tor- onto IV in 103 Picea. Distinctive Characters of Canadian Species. By Geo. Lawson Ill vi 169 P. nigra, Canadian Ill vi 177 P. rubra, Canadian Ill vi 178 P. alba, Canadian HI vi 174 P. abies (L.), Karst, host for Chermes abietis Choi.... IV ix 307 P. mariana (Mill), B.S.P., host fer Chermes abietis Choi IV ix 307 P. mariana (Mill), B.S.P., host for Chermes floccus, Patch IV ix 307 Picken, Andrew. Canadas (1832): ref II xv 34 380 PIC PIN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Pickering, Dr. Introduction of maize and cotton into Mexico: ref. . IV vi 213 Pickering, Bald Eagle at... . IV in 84 Pickering Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 69, 535 Pickles, impurities of I in 283 Picoides arcticus, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. Ill vn 191 IV in 68, 100 Picrocarminate, in staining Trematodes Ill i 59 Pictish Alphabet Ill in 168 Pictographs. Autobiography of Blackfeet Chief in (pl.) IV v 119 Birch bark rolls used by Crees in IV v 117 Blood Indians IV v 118 Dene IV iv 206 IV v 116 Picture writing of Blackfeet. By Rev. John Maclean IV v 114 Picton Geological area, Nova Scotia II xv 114 Picture Galleries. Novel Arrangement of: reprint I ni 265 Pictured Rocks, L. Superior II i 347 Pictures, Historical Pictures retouched. By Mrs. Dall: reviewed II v 532 Picts. As distinguished from Scots IV V 297 Picts. By Rev. Neil Mac- Nish IV v 295 Picus, Hamilton species. ... II v 393 P. meridionalis, specimen captured in Ontario II iv 388 P. pubescens, Toronto winter bird I i 171 P. villosus, Toronto winter bird I i 171 Piegan Indians. Blackfoot gestures for IV v 44 Gesture Language of IV v 44 Mortuary customs Ill v 21 Names IV iv 260 Origin of name IV iv 249 Taboo IV iv 251 Treatment of strangers. ... IV iv 260 War chiefs IV iv 254 Pierce, Prof. Benjamen. Motion of Saturn's Rings: reprint I hi 356 On Formation of Conti- nents: reprint II m 69 Pierre Shales, Irvine Ravine. Ill v 161 Ser. Vol. Page Piercebridge, notes on Latin Inscription beginning with D. M. found near II x 96 II xiv 147 Pieris, Rocky Mt. species with habitats Ill n 239 Pierre, M. J. Amount of potassium in rain water: ref IV vn 546 Piersol, H., B.A., M.B. Habits and larval state of Plethodon Cinereus Erythronotus IV viii 469 Pigeon Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Pigeon, Passenger, Toronto IV m 74, 89 Pigment. Oxide of Zinc, use as a I i 16 Part of light that affects, cells IV viii 103 Studies on origin of blood pigment. By A. B. Macallum: abstract IV n 19 Pigmentation, natures way of protecting parts from injurious action of light.. IV viii 104 Pigmy, Sir Minimus. Nom-de-plume of John Kent; selections from writings II xv 266 Pika, N. American and Cana- dian localities Ill vi 83 Pike, Lieut. Source of Mississippi dis- covered by Ill vi 142 Piksistaia IV iv 256 Piktorment, territory Ill vi 266 Pile. Screw and Pneumatic, use in constructing lighthouses. I in 121 Pileorhiza, Botrychium vir- ginianum IV v 282 Pilgrimage and other Poems. By Earl of Elles- mere: reviewed II i 302 Pilkington Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 535 Pilling. Bibliography by, gives Ne- hawni for Nah'ane: ref. . . IV vn 517 On word " Athapaskau ": ref IV iv 9 Pillory, in Market Square, Toronto II xn 157 Pimelodus atrarius, L. On- tario IT xin 506 P. catus, L. Ontario II xm 506 Piminiscotyan Landing, trading house at, 1770-80. IV iv 301 Pimmikan, manufacture of.. II i 129 Pin, Portage du, gazetteer notice (1813).. II xiv 535 381 PIT PIN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Pine. Canadian species described. II vi 37 Effect of extracts from pine on fish IV vn 444, 449, 452, 457 Embryology of a pine tree.. I I 79 Species in Ottawa valley de- scribed I ii 115 Pine Apple Oil, manufacture of I ii 11 Pine Tree, ode to II xn 433 Pine Finch. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 89 Pine Grosbeak. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 89 Hamilton species II v 392 Toronto species IV I 40 Pine-Marten, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 74 Pine Siskins, wintering at Toronto Ill vn 182 Pinewood Creek. In 1779 IV iv 281 Trading house at, 1770-80.. IV iv 301 Pinguin, textile fabrics made of II I 90 Pinicola enucleator. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 89 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 184, 191, 199,201 IV I 40, 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58 IV m 69, 95 Pinnipedia, localities Cana- dian species Ill vi 77 Pinnularia nobilis, move- ments of II vi 325 Pins, Pointe aux, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Pins and Needles. Process of Whitening THOSE MADE OF IRON AND steel: reprint I ill 84 Pinus. Canadian species described. 11 vi 37 Species in Ottawa Valley described I n 115 P. silvestris. Leaf made into wood-wool and uses of it I n 34 New uses of leaf of: re- print I ii 34 Oil fron leaf used for bath .. I u 34 Pinweed, Canadian localities. II xv 167 Pioneer of Wilderness. Nom-de-plume of Rev. Mr. Rose; selections from writings II xv 443 Piozzi, Mrs. Reminiscences of Johnson.. II xv 148 Ser. Vol. Page Pipes. Antiquity of II n 343 Celtic II n 246 Characteristics of Ancient.. II n 258 Damaras of Africa II n 340 Dene IV iv 36 Discovery of Ancient II n 234 Elfin, Fairy, Danes II n 246 History and uses of II n 237 Importance of ancient II n 259 Indian examples from ossu- aries II ii 326 Significance of medicine pipe stem in warfare II n 237 Mound Builders II n 259 Mound builders and Indian compared II n 334 Of various Indian tribes.... II n 331 Peculiarities of Mound Buil- ders II ii 324 Pipestone Lake, diabase dyke (pl.) Ill v 180 Pipilo, Hamilton species II v 391 P. erythrophthalmus. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 93 Observations on Ontario visitors HI vn 191, 199 IV m 70, 77, 80, 82, 97, 102 Pipit. Hamilton species II v 391 Port Sydney IV in 86 Pipitzahoic Acid II i 194 Pipsissewa, suitable for flower gardens IV in 128 Piranga erythromelas, ob- servations on Ont. visitors III vn 191 IV in 70, 74, 109, 110 Pisces. Species of fossil, in Ontario. II vi 363 Species that contain Nissl granules IV vi 425 Pisciculture. Repeopling of Streams with Fishes or Pisci- culture: reprint I I 278 Temperature of water for fecundation I ii 46 Pisidium abditum, Halde- mand, L. Ontario II xm 505 Pistareen, Canada IV ix 239 Pistia stratiotes, Astelic type in IV vi 623 Pitcher-plant, Canadian lo- calities II xv 60 Pith. Botrychium virginianum... IV v 284 Extrastelar, of Osmunda cinnamomea IV vm 527 Stellar, of Osmunda cinna- momea IV vm 517 Pithecanthropi II xv 247 Pithecia, Extensor indicis... IV vi 542 382 PIT PLA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Pitt, Wm. Autograph note II xiv 630 Pittsburgh. Cincinnati and, Universities Co-operative Plan of Re- search IV ix 233 Water supply of I ill 259 Pittsburgh Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 65, 536 Placentalia II xv 246 Placodus. Placodus of Agassiz. By Prof. Owen: reprint II in 157 Placoplectanum sagitta- turn, Diesing (pl.) HI i 61 Plagioclase, Rainy Lake... . Ill v 176 Planaea II xv 241 Planet. Amphitrite, discovery of. . . I u 313 Asteroid. By Prof. S. Alexander: reprint I m 356 Bellona, discovery of I u 313 Centrifugal forces of. By John Phillips: abstract HI in 122 Discovery of Leukothea.... I in 269 Eight primary, of Solar System; observations on. II i 427 Eunomia discovered by M. de Gasparis I i 48 Fortuna I i 96 Irene discovered by Hind. . I i 48 New planet II i 314 New planet discovered I i 287 New planet discovered by J. R. Hind I i 24 On certain Planetary Perturbations, and on a new Perturbs tion on Encke's Comet. By Rev. W. E. Penny: reprint. . . II m 57 Planet discovered by Marth close to Spica in Virgo.. . I n 281 Planetary discoveries up to 1857 II ii 463 Some Remarks on Prob- able Present Condition of Planet's Jupiter and Saturn, in reference to Temperature, etc. By Jas. Nasmyth: reprint... I i 270 Supposed Self-Luminosity of Planet Neptune. By Col. Baron de Rottenburg II i 424 The new. By M. Le Venier. II v 213 Unity of Geological Phe- nomena IN, PLANETARY system of Sun. By L. Saemann: reprint II vi 525 Planetesimal Theory, shows conditions once existed favourable to formation of living cell IV vm 438 Ser. Vol. Page Planetoids. Discovered up to 1854 I in 207 History of I in 206 Remarks on, between Mars and Jupiter. By T. Henning I in 206 Planimeter. Description of Sang's, with plate I ii 305 New planimeter. By C. Fessenden and Butler.... HI v 26 Sang's, or Self Acting Calculator of Surface: reprint I n 310 Planolites (Nicholson) II xiv 138 P. vulgaris (Nicholson), Clinton Group, Dundas.. II xiv 139 Planorb is. L. Ontario species II xm 502 Species of, in Nottawasaga R. district II vi 497 Toronto species II vi 328 P. parvus, Say, L. Ontario.. II xm 503 P. trivolvis. Drift deposits, Ont II vi 225 L. Ontario II xm 502 Planorbulina larvata, Trini- dad and Pacific IV vm 387 Plantain family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 198 Textile fabric made of II i 90 Plantain, Garden river, Channel of IV v 327 Plantagenet, Ont., mineral springs I i 153 Plantagenet Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Plantaginaceae. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 295 Hamilton species Ill n 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 644 London species II vm 229 Plantanaceae, Canadian spe- cies I in 292 Plantin, Christopher. Early printing house foun- ded by II xv 586 Plantar fascia. Derivation IV vi 567 Marsupials IV vi 568 Orang IV vi 572 Thylacinus IV vi 568 P. interossei IV vi 583 P. nerve, external IV vi 584 Plantaris. Anthropoids, chimpanzee, lower apes, orang IV vi 567 Plants. Accidental fertilization of Papilionaceous II iv 222 Astelic type IV vi 613 383 PLA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PLA Ser. Vol. Page Plants-Con. Carbon dioxide taken from air by II ix 419 Chemical action in. II ix 423 Devonian, from Gaspe II iv 316 Does distilled water become alkaline when placed on leaves of IV vii 263 Flower development from buds in II x 372 Food of Platysamia ce- cropia. By Wm. Brodie. Ill iv 211 Growth, etc II IX 430 How, Grow. By Asa Gray: reviewed II iv 145 How, Life is distributed in Canada and Why. By A. T. Drummond IV vm 23 Indistinct fucoids fossils from Belleville II V 45 Influence of Moon's light upon II iv 223 Influence of Solar Radi- ation ON VITAL POWERS of. By J. H. Gladstone: reprint I m 112 Instructions for collecting for natural history I I 176 Investigators of I I 80 Judge Logie's collection of Canadian II xiv 281 List of Canadian, collected by Judge Logie of Hamil- ton II xiv 291 List of Indigenous, found IN NEIGHBOURHOOD OF Hamilton with dates of FINDING AND FLOWERING. By Dr. and W. Craigie... I n 222 List of, collected chiefly in immediate neighbor- hood of London. By W. Saunders Il vm 219 List of, eaten by Western Denes IV iv 128 List of Plants not found at Belleville. . .• II xiv 302 Marine plants in blue schales at Toronto I I 150 Observations on the Leafing and Flowering of I i 182 On poisonous plants which are indigenous TO, OR WHICH HAVE BE- BECOME NATURALIZED, IN neighborhood of Tor- onto. By Ed. M. Hodder I i 204, 218 On fruiting and flower- ing of Plants I i 201 Oxygen given out by II ix 419 Ser. Vol. Page Plants-Con. Pa rthenogenesis of. By B. Seemann: reprint. ... II u 481 Plants and the Atmos- phere. By M. J. Jamin: reprint II ix 418 Pericycle IV vi 599 Phylogeny of vascular IV Vi 631 Plants and Botanists: re- print I i 79 Relations of colour and form in. By Dr. G. Dic- kie: reprint I III 144 Potash can replace Soda in. II vi 51 Respiration of II IX 422 Time when various plants flower around Toronto... I I 202 Yielding fibres suitable for paper material II Xi 198 Plasma. Origin of physiological re- lation of chemical ele- ment in blood plasma. ... IV vn 539 Proportions of magnesium in sea water and, different IV vii 539 Proportions of sodium, po- tassium and calcium in sea water and, different. . IV vii 539 Sodium, potassium, and cal- cium in, in relative propor- tion to that now in sea water; magnesium in less proportion IV vii 561 Surface tension of blood, lower than that of istonic salt solution IV ix 397 Plaskett, J. S. Photography in natural colours IV vii 371 Plasmosomata, migrated cr extruded in Amblystoma and Diemyctylus IV I 267 Plaster Industry, Canada... IV vm 172 Plaster of Paris, production in Canada, 1902 IV vm 189 Plastic, material for forming various objects I I 288 Plataleinse, generic charac- ters II xi 156 Platanacese. Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 649 London species II vm 233 Platanus occidentalis, Canadian II vi 38 Platner. Manner of derivation of enzmes in gland cells: ref. IV II 241 Structure in pancreatic cells of Amphibia: ref IV I 255 384 PLA PLE GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Plathemis, Hagen II vn 455 P. trimaculata, Hagen, characters; N. American habitats II vn 455 Platinum. Permeability of highly heat- ed, by gases II ix 279 Platinum alloys in blowpipe with Bismuth II xv 257 Copper II xv 257 Gold II xv 257 Lead II xv 257 Not with Zinc II xv 257 Silver II xv 257 Thallium II xv 257 Tin II xv 257 Zinc and Tin II xv 257 Platometer. Description of, an instru- ment FOR CALCULATING Area of figures drawn on Maps; invented. By J. Sang; with plate: re- print I ii 305 Plato. Notes on Passages in Platonic Dialogues. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young. II vn 478 Some observations on Philebus of; position of Rowers in warships OF ANCIENTS. By W. D. Pearman Ill i 160 Plato, Translation of and Notes on Gorgias of (505 E.) II xin 426 Philebus 30 B Ill i 88 Philebus 42 C Ill i 89 Philebus 17 B, 18 B, 19 C, 20 D, 30 E, 40 E, 44 D, 46E, 47C HI i 162 Republic IX, chap. 9, 583 Bill iv 18 Republic B X, 615 D Ill i 162 Platorius Nepos, Hadrian's legate in Britain II x 310 Plattner, Carl Friedrich. Obituary II in 358 Playfair. Valleys, principal and tribu- tary: ref IV vn 171 Playfair, Dr. Lyon. On Food of Man: reprint.. I i 160 On nutritive value of the food of Man under different conditions of AGE AND EMPLOYMENT. . . I I 247 On National Importance of Studying Abstract Sci- ence with a view to Heal- thy Progress of Industry: ref I I 159 Ser. Vol. Page Playter, Geo., Toronto II xm 83 Platysamia cecropia. Food Plants of. By Wm. Brodie Ill iv 211 P. niagarensis, Hall, Dun- das II xiv 145 Platyrhinse II xv 246 Plaxonema oscillans, chro- matophore in IV Vi 441 Pleasant Pointe, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Plectrophanes. Hamilton species II v 391 Plectrophanes laponicus, L., Prince of Wales Sound III v 120 P. nivalis. Habits of Ontario visitors.. Ill in 87 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 186, 196 IV I 52 IV in 69, 89, 90 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Pleiades IV m 189 Pleistocene. Bones of, period Angvilla, W. Indies IV vn 355 Deposits, central Ontario... IV vn 165 Epoch, central Ontario IV vn 162 Epoch of elevation in Ja- maica IV v 344 Forty mile section of, DEPOSITS NORTH OF L. Ontario. By Alfred W. G. Wilson IV viii 11 History, central Ontario.... IV vn 182 Jamaica, history IV v 344 Marks in L. Wendigokan region IV vin 347 On Co-Existence of Man WITH CERTAIN EXTINCT Quadrupeds, proved by fossil bones (from vari- ous, deposits) bearing incisions made by sharp Instruments. By M. E. Lartet: reprint II vi 368 Period, L. Wendigokan.... IV vm 360 Rocks in L. Wendigokan re- gion IV vm 348 Volcanic upheaval in St. Kitts, W. Indies in, time. IV vn 358 W. Indies in, times IV vn 369 Plessis, Bishop. Autograph letter to Ensign Cheniquy (1803) II xiv 90 Plethodon. Adaptation to terrestrial life IV vm 485 Bucco-pharyngeal respira- tion in IV vm 489 Development of embiyo of. IV vm 476 Development of gills in.... IV vm 484 385 PLE PLU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Plethodon-Con. Larva, body of terrestrial animal IV vm 484 Nerve cells IV vi 426 Points arising out of lung- less condition IV vm 487 Respiration IV vm 488 Rotation of embryo in eggs. IV vm 477 P. cinereus. Date at which egg-laying occurs IV vin 473 Food IV vm 470 Habitation and habits IV vm 470 Habits when escaping from enemies contrasted with those of P. oregonensis... IV vm 471 Manner of fertilization of eggs IV vm 473 Means of distinguishing sexes IV vm 473 Thickness of epidermis IV vm 489 P. cin. erythronotus. Bibliography IV vm 491 Coloration compared with P. cin. cin IV vm 469 Development of digits IV vm 483 Effects of terrestrial deve- lopment IV vm 483 Escape of larvae from egg.. IV vm 478 External appearance during development of egg IV vm 478 Habits and larval state of. By W. H. Piersol.... IV vm 469 Larva 5, 5.5, 6, 9, 9.5, 10.5, 11, 12, 16, 17.5, 20 to 25 mm. described with plates IV vm 479, 480, 481, 482 Larvae manner of living after escaping from egg IV vm 478 Number of eggs laid during one season IV vm 474 Part mother plays in incu- bation: expts IV vm 485 P. glutinosus, methods of studying structure in pancreas IV I 257 P. oregonensis. Behaviour in captivity IV vm 469 Habits when escaping ene- mies contrasted with P. cinereus IV vm 472 Incubation of eggs IV vm 474 Pleuracanthus, Diplodus, and Xenacanthus, unity of II in 158 Pleurobrachia II vi 174 Pleurococcus, methods of prolonging life of IV vm 426 Pleuroconcha, characters: Canadian localities (pl.).. II vu 116 Ser. Vol. Page Pleurocystites (Billings), Canadian II n 303 II iv 45 Characters II vi 515 Pleurocystites, Discovery and full description with drawings of Pleurocystites nov. gen.... I n 250 P. filitextus of I ii 252 P. robustus I n 252 P. squamosus I n 251 Pleuro-pneumonia, of cattle: nature IV vm 55 Pleurotomaria bilix (Con- rad), Toronto II iv 451 P. deiopeia, Billings, Hes- peler II xiv 144 P. subconica (Hall), around Toronto II iv 451 P. subconica, Toronto locali- ties II i 74 II iv 451 Pleurotus, Habits and On- tario habitats of P. dryinus, Pers IV ix 71 P. ostreatus, Jacq IV ix 71 P. petaloides, Ball IV ix 71 P. sapidus, Kalchb IV ix 71 P. serotinus, Fr IV ix 71 P. sulphureoides, Ph IV ix 71 P. ulmarius, Bull IV ix 71 Plinius Secundus. Nom-de-plume of John Rumsey; selections from poems II xv 452 Pliocene. Formation of West Indies. . IV vm 381 Jamaica, beds IV v 335 Newer and post, beds of Montreal II in 157 Newer, fossils of St. Law- rence Valley. By Prof. Dawson: reprint II m 86 Plotus anhinga II vn 509 Plough. At Paris Exhibition II I 142 Usher's Steam Plough I I 40 Plovers. Generic characters II xi 156 Hamilton species II v 394 II vi 134 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191, 199 IV in 66, 108 Plovers, Ring-necked, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 121 Plucker, Prof. Spectral Analysis: ref II ix 46 Pluie, Lac la, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 536 Pluie, Riviere la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 386 POI PL U GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Plum, Canadian species with localities II xv 361 Plumbaginacese, cause and function of incrustations upon leaves IV vn 257 Plumbago, Ottawa Valley... I n 114 Plumpton Wall, notes on Latin Inscription found at II xiv 153 Pluteus cervinus, Schaeff, habits and Ont. habitats. IV ix 73 Pneumatic Pile, for light- houses I in 121 Pneumo-thorax, double, blood pressure in animal with (tracing) IV vn 213 Podabrus tricostata, Mels. Cat I in 258 Podilymbus podiceps, Lis- towel, Ont IV in 66 Podocyrtis princeps IV vin 385 Podophyllum, L., Canadian localities of P. peltatum, L II xv 59 Poe, Edgar Allan. Lenore: reviewed II ii 105 Tales of mystery and poems: reviewed.. II ii 103 The Bells: reviewed II ii 106 Poems. Authenticity of, of Os- sian. By Rev. Neil Mac- Nish II xiii 392 Britain and America. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. . II m 365 Canadian Summer's Night. II xv 455 Crusaders Hymn before Jerusalem II xv 453 Flowers of the Forrest: early edition: reviewed II iv 312 Fort George's Lonely Sycamore. By Janet Carnochan: A reminis- cence of Niagara IV i 124 Helen of Kirkconnell: re- viewed II iv 307 John and Jonathan. By Dr. Chas. Mackay II m 164 Last, of Elizabeth B. Brow- ning: reviewed II vu 210 Lays of Scottish Cavaliers: reviewed II iv 295 Martial Music of England. . II xv 454 Oscar and other Poems. By Carroll Ryan: reviewed. II m 17 Pilgrimage and other Poems. By Earl of Ellesmere: re- viewed *11 i 302 Poems. By Alex. McLauch- lan: reviewed II m 17 Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems. By John Reade: reviewed II xu 490 Ser. Vol. Page Poems-Con. Song of Charity: reviewed. . II in 17 St. Lawrence, Saguenay and other Poems. By Charles Sangster: reviewed II in 17 Tales of Mystery and Poems. By Edgar Allan Poe: reviewed II n 103 Poetry. Canadian: reviewed II in 17 Celtic Poetry. By Neil MacNish IV ill 206 Celtic Prosody. By Rev. N. MacNish IV in 40 Japanese Poetry. By Tozo Ohno IV n 38 Of primitive peoples IV vi 339 Ossianic Poetry. By Da- vid Spence: IV i 216 abstract IV I 29 Poets. Colour Comparisons in Low German Poets. By A. F. Chamberlain IV in 43 Poinsot. Note on Poinsot's, Me- moir on Rotation. By J. B. Cherriman II vin 283 Poinsot's Theory of Rota- tion; on an instrument to illustrate. By J. Clerk Maxwell II H 110 Point au Bodet, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 62 Point Barrow. On Amount and Fre- quency of Magnetic Disturbances and of Aurora at, on shores of Polar Sea. By Major- General Sabine: reprint.. 11 in 55 Point Kewena, ancient mines on I i 107 Pt. Levi. On Primordial Fauna and Fossils. By J as. Hall: re- print II vi 284 Pt. Lewis, Lauzon rocks around II xv 382 Pt. Pele, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 213 Poirault. Internal endodermis in Bo- trychium and Ophioglos- sum: ref IV vi 602 Pith in Botrychium vir- ginianum: ref IV v 284 Poison. Manual of detection of, By Dr. F. J. Otto: reviewed. II in 134 Remedy for snake poison... Ill v 255 387 POI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE POL Ser. Vol. Page Poison-Con. Snake Poisons. By Dr. J. H. Garnier: abstract. ... Ill v 255 Taylor's Treatise on: re- viewed II iv 286, 412 Poison Ivy. Canadian habitats II xv 351 Description of Toronto specimens I I 205 Poison Oak, Canadian habi- tats II xv 351 Poison Sumach, Toronto... I i 206 Poisonous Partridges II vn 523 Poisson. His definition of matter, dis- cussed I in 64 His proof of Parallelogram of Forces II i 299 Poke (Plant), Toronto I i 207 Pokoman people IV vi 202 Polanisia, Canadian locali- ties of P. graveolens, Raf II xv 164 Polar Bear. Canadian localities HI vi 77 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 112 Polar Hare. Canadian localities Ill vi 82 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 116 Polar Regions. Theories regarding sea or land at pole I n 125 Polarization. Circular, in Cinnabar II ill 158 Discovery of, of light by reflection. By M. Malus. I i 220 Polarized light, discovery of I n 203 Polemoniacese. Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species HI n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 646 London species II vm 231 Polioptila cserulea, observa- tions on Ontario visitors.. IV in 72, 108 Political Economy. Free trade versus protection in Canada (1866) II xi 102 Imports exceeding exports of country, as they affect wealth of country II xi 97 Notes on some practi- cally INTERESTING QUES- TIONS IN ECONOMICAL SCIENCE BEARING ON PROSPERITY OF COUNTRIES SITUATED AS OURS IS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 96 On True Aims, Founda- tions and Claims to Attention of Science of. By Rev. W. Hincks.. II vi 20 Ser. Vol. Page Political Science. Relation between, and Practical Politics. By W. Houston: abstract.. . Ill vi 40 Politics. Village Community in Modern. By Wm. Hous- ton Ill iv 61 Relation between Politi- cal Science and Practi- cal. By W. Houston: ab- stract HI vi 40 Pollard, Niagara merchant, 1778 IV iv 303 Poll, lesser Red, Toronto winter bird I i 170 Pollock, Guy. Nom-de-plume of Robert Douglas Hamilton, M.D.; specimens of his writings. II xv 263 Polonium. Apparatus used to get secon- dary rays excited by alpha rays of IV ix 153 Experiments on "Fatigue" of Secondary Rays IV ix 162 Experiments on secondary rays excited by alpha rays from, with carbon electrodes at different temperatures in air, oxy- gen and hydrogen IV ix 182 Experiments on secondary radiation excited by alpha rays from, with brass electrodes at ordin- ary and liquid air temper- atures IV ix 191 Experiments shewing influ- ence of occluded gas on secondary radiation IV ix 167 Influence of occluded gas on secondary radiation ex- cited by alpha rays of... IV ix 181 Ionization experiments on, at very low pressures.... IV ix 157 Logeman's experiment re- peated on secondary rays excited by alpha rays from IV ix 154 On secondary rays excit- ed BY ALPHA RAYS FROM. By V. E. Pound, pt. I... IV ix 153 pt. II IV ix 181 Polyandry, Sekanais Ill vn 123 Polycentropus, Characters and N. American habi- tats of P. cinereus, Hagen II vu 500 P. crepuscularis, Walker. . . II vn 500 P. invarius, Walker II vn 500 Polycistenen, Mergel IV vm 386 388 POL POL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Polycystina, Thalassicollina leads from, to Spongiodge: ref II xv 418 Polyembryony Botrychium virginianum.. . IV v 282 Polygala, Tourn, Canadian habitats of II xv 354 P. fastigiata, N utt II xv 354 P. nicaruata, L II xv 354 P. nuttalii, Torrey and Gray II xv 354 P. paucifolia, Willd II xv 355 P. polygama, Walt II xv 355 P. sanguinea, L II xv 354 P. senega, L II xv 354 P. verticillata, L II xv 354 Polygalaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill u 147 Localities Candaian species. II xiv 639 II xv 354 London species II vm 223 Polygamy, Denes Ill vu 123 Polygonaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill u 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 647 London species II vm 232 Polygonatum multiflor- um, abnormal develop- ment in II in 317 Polynesia. Changes produced in langu- ages of, Islands by coloniz- ing HI vi 107 Day and night myths in. .. IV vi 334 Native Tribes of. By R. Lee II xii 443 Plant-symbolism in proverb and folk speech of IV vi 328 Term for God IV vi 329 Polynesian. Cannibalism II xii 454 Coptic element in II xm 405 Future of, race II xn 455 God Tagaloa or Tangaloa. . IV vi 116 Languages, connections with Indo. European II xm 404 Maya-Quicke connected with IV vi 206 Maya-Quicke of, origin shown in language and tradition IV vi 207 Polype form II vi 169 Polypidom, from Rice Lake (pl.) I in 201 Polypodiaceae II xn 365 Polypodiinse II xn 365 Polypodium, species found in Canada II ix 349 Ser. Vol. Page Polyporaceae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 75 Polyporus, Indian Soap a fruit of IV vii 5 P. leucophaeus, habits; On- tario habitats IV ix 77 Polyporus. Habits and Ontario habitats of P. adustus, Fr IV ix 76 P. albellus, Ph IV ix 76 P. applanatus (Pers.), Fr.. . IV ix 76 P. benzoinus IV ix 76 P. betulinus, Fr IV ix 76 P. brumalis (Pers.), Fr IV ix 76 P. distortus IV ix 76 P. elegans, Fr IV ix 75 P. fumosus, Fr IV ix 76 P. gilvus IV ix 76 P. lucidus (Leys), Fr IV ix 76 P. nidulans IV ix 76 P. picipes, Fr IV ix 75 P. pubescens IV ix 75 P. radicatus, Schw IV ix 76 P. rutilans IV ix 76 P. schweinitzii IV ix 76 P. squamosus, Fr IV ix 76 P. sulphureus, Fr IV ix 76 P. umbellatus, Fr IV ix 76 P. volvatus, Pk IV ix 76 Polysomatic, structure in Augite Ill v 175 Polystelic. Cylinder in plants IV vi 601 Type IV vi 604 Type of central cylinder; criticism of Van Tieg- hem's theory IV vi 626 Polystely. Angiosperms IV vi 613 Equisetaceae IV vi 601 Gwynne-Vaughan's theory. IV vi 608 Saxifragaceae IV vi 611 Vascular cryptogams IV vi 613 Polystictus, Habits and Ontario habitats of P. cinnabarinus, Schw IV ix 77 P. cinnamoneus, Fr IV ix 77 P. circinnatus, Fr IV ix 77 P. hirsutus, Fr IV ix 77 P. perennis, Fr IV ix 77 P. pergamenus, Fr IV ix 77 P. versicolor (L.), Fr IV ix 77 Polystomela craticulata, Jamaica IV vm 383 Polystomum oblongum n. sp., (pl.) Ill i 63 Polyzoa. Characters II xi 321 Devonian of Ontario; list... II xiv 134 Generic characters II xi 188 Ontario II xiv 131 Position in animal kingdom. II x 28 389 POL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE POP Ser. Vol. Page Polyzoinae, British Columbia coast IV ix 128 Pomacese, Canadian species. I in 292 Pomolis vulgaris, L. Ontario 11 xm 506 Pompeian. Pompeian Court at Syden- ham Palace: reprint.... I n 196 Pompeii, description of I n 240 Pond Lily, Canadian species. 11 xv 60 Pond, Peter. Russian and American trad- ing stations on Pacific, 1778: ref IV v 79 Ponkas, original home Ill v 61 Pons JElii Roman name of Newcastle, evidence II xm 141 Pontania. Gall on salix humilis, Marsh; tannin cells in IV ix 337 Species IV ix 327 Pontania, N. S., on Salix hu- milis Marsh anatomy (pl.) IV ix 333 P. desmodioides, Walsh. Host IV ix 328 Host and anatomy (pl.)... IV ix 332 Ovipositing IV ix 339 Tannin cells in IV ix 338 P. hyalina, Norton. Anatomy (pl.) IV ix 333 Host IV ix 328 Ovipositing IV ix 338 Tannin cells in IV x 338 P. lucidse Rohwer. Host and Anatomy IV ix 334 Tannin cells in IV ix 338 P. pisum, Walsh Host and anatomy (pl.).... IV ix 330 P pomum Walsh. Anatomy (pl.) IV ix 331 Excrement of larvae pro- duces cell division IV ix 367 Galls on Salix cordata Muhl shows red, a dormant colour in host IV ix 372 Gall shows aeriferous tissue which is also present in cortex of stem of host.... IV ix 369 Host IV ix 328 Ovipositing IV ix 339 Tannin containing cells.... IV ix 337 P. salicis. Excrement of larvae produ- ces cell division IV ix 367 Pontania (undescribed), on host Salix humilis Marsh. IV ix 328 Pontederiacese. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species Ill u 154 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 652 Ser. Vol. Page Pontiac War. Rutherford's Narrative an Episode in the, 1763; AN UNPUBLISHED MSS. BY Lieut. Rutherford of Black Watch. By Thos. Hodgins IV in 229 Pontoporeia affinis, Lind- strom, L. Ontario II xm 499, 501 Pontus, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 247 Pooecetes gramineus. Habits of Ontario visitors. .HI in 95 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 190, 195 IV in 69, 82, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109 Poplar. Canadian II vi 38 Suitability for city planting IV vm 270 Poplins, Irish I i 269 Popliteus, orang IV vi 566 Popul Vuh, Quiches IV vi 116 Popp and Becker. Bacteria in three different parts of milk put through seperator: ref IV vn 487 Poppy, Canadian localities.. . II xv 60 Population. Causes of decline in rural, of Ontario IV ix 264 Decline of rural, in Chin- guacousy Tp., Ont., 1861- 1911 IV ix 262 Decline in rural districts Ontario, period 1861- 1911, as given by census. IV ix 263 Decline in rural Ontario due to transfer of other em- ployments to Cities IV ix 266 Decline in rural Ontario due to machinery IV ix 266 Movement of, in typical municipalities in Ontario. IV ix 262 Movement in Toronto Tp., Ont., 1861-1911 IV ix 262 Movement of, in market gardening and fruit grow- ing townships, Ont., 1861- 1911 IV ix 262 Nah'ane tribe IV vn 522 Present density of rural, in Ontario, 1911 IV ix 263 Populus, aeriferous tissue distribution in IV ix 369 P. balsamifera, L., host for Aphid Gall (unclassified). IV ix 303 P. canadensis, Canadian.... II vi 38 P. deltoides, Marsh, host for Pemphigus vagabundus, Walsh IV ix 306 P. grandidentata, Michx, host for Eriophyes Sp.... IV ix 300 390 POP GENERAL INDEX POS Ser. Vol. Page P. tremuloides, Michx. Host for Eriophyes Sp IV ix 301 Host for Memythrus tricinc- tus, Harris IV ix 309, 311 P. tremuloides. Medicinal properties among Indians IV vn 22 Porcelain. Silvered Reflectors of I in 413 Porcupine, Canadian species and their localities Ill vi 83 Porcupine Mts., Egerton, Arisaig and, geological areas of Nova Scotia II xv 116 Porcupine Vein, Kamanis- tiquia Ill vn 257 Poria, Habits and Ontario habitats of P. ferruginosa IV ix 77 P. odora IV ix 77 Porphyrite, L. Wendigokan region IV vm 349 Porphyritic. Diorite dyke cutting mica schist in L. Superior dis- trict (pl.) Ill iv 121 Relative date of, Rock cut- ting Laurentian Series in Canada II ill 108 Porphyrosporae, list of On- tario, their habits and habitats IV ix 74 Porphyry, Hudson's Bay.... Ill iv 198 Port Credit, Bonaparte's Gulls at IV in 85 Port Colborne. Athyris clara (n. sp.) found at II v 275 Geological formation at, AS SHOWN BY DRILLING FOR natural gas. By John C. McRae Ill vi 338 Heliophyllum exiguum at. . II v 262 Streptorhyncus pandora at. II v 266 Table of levels of Lake Erie from 1850 to 1852 I n 26 Port Dalhousie, table of levels of L. Ontario from 1851 to 1852 I ii 26 Port of La Caleta, Inscrip- tions IV vn 59 Port Simpson, Ascidiopsis Columbiana sp. n. of IV ix 120 Port Stuart Indians, census, 1847 I i 197 Port Sydney. Rare birds and others ob- served at IV in 65,.78, 79, 86 Portable. Portable lifting machine: reprint I I 37 Ser. Vol. Page Portage, N.Y. High Bridge at, described with illustrations I i 68 Portage and Chemung Group, Canadian II vin 449 Portage de plein Champ, Gazetteer notice (1813). . II xiv 536 Portage group, Western On- tario I in . 1 Portage Lake, Ancient mines on I i 107 Portage, le Grand, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Portland Cement. Method of Manufacturing.. II in 334 Production in Canada, 1902 IV vi.i 189 Portland Inlet, Home of Ts' Ets'aut tribe IV vn 521 Portland Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 536 Portsmouth, Eng., sewage disposal IV n 148 Portulacaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species II xiv 637 II xv 174 London species II vm 222 P. oleracea, L., Canadian localities II xv 174 Portuguese, Coptic article in; examples II xm 413 Porzana Carolina, Listowel frequenter IV m 66 Posilipo, hill of I n 261 Possible Co-Suggestion, Law of II xi 312 Post Office, British, 1839-52. I i 96 Postal service, early Cana- dian II xii 158 Postage. Canadian, stamps; history. IV m 178 Information regarding Colonial I m 173 Note on, Stamps. By Sand- ford Fleming IV in 177 Postage stamps (Canadian), defects IV in 178 Post-Cainozoic. Deposits Quebec II xv 101 Formation Anticosti II xv 103 Post-Carboniferous, period central Ontario IV vn 162 Post Glacial Deposits. Canadian II vm 454 Mollusca of, Canada II vm 456 Stratified Sand and Gravel, Scarboro' Hts II xv 403 Post-pliocene, fossil remains of Horse in, of America?. II iv 414 391 POS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE POT Ser. Vol. Page Post Tertiary Deposits. Canadian II vm 113, 453 Economic materials of II vm 461 St. Lawrence Valley II iv 317 Post Tertiary formations, Canada II ix 209 Potash. Can Soda replace, as a Manure. By M. Geo. Ville: reprint II vi 50 Replacing soda in plants by II vi 51 Potash Feldspar II v 528 Potash, Iodide of, Snake bite cure Ill v 257 Potassium. Action of surface tension on, in kidneys IV ix 398 Amount in kidney IV ix 401 Cadmio-iodide of; prepara- tion II i 13 Distribution of fat, CHLORIDES, PHOSPHATES, AND IRON IN STRIATED muscle. By Maud L. Menten IV vm 403 Distribution of, in renal cells. By C. P. Brown.. IV ix 389 Evidence from lakes and rivers now existing of proportion in primeval ocean IV vn 556 Evidence from lake and rivers that potassium and calcium predomin- ated in pre-Cambrian seas IV vu 555 Glomeruli action and, in kidneys IV ix 399 Hexanitrite as test for, in muscle IV vm 412 History of, in sea water.... IV vn 545 In cytoplasm of kidney of frog (pl.) IV ix 392 In fibrils of uncontracted striated muscle IV vm 404 In kidney and pancreas of Necturus IV ix 394 In kidney of cat (pl.) IV ix 394 In kidney of dog (pl) IV ix 393 In kidney of frog IV ix 392 In kidney of pigeon (pl.)... IV ix 394 In kidney of rabbit (pl.)... IV ix 394 In renal cells; bibliography. IV ix 405 In striated muscle fibre IV ix 402 Lakes surrounded by pre- Cambrian rocks contain more, than sodium IV vu 556 Localization and distribu- tion of, in muscle IV vm 412 Method of demonstrating, in renal cells IV ix 390 Ser. Vol. Page Potassium-Con. Methods of eliminating from river, lake, rain and sea water IV vn 546 Plasma contains relatively same as sea water IV vn 561 Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vn 558 Proportion in blood and sea water different IV vn 539 Proportion in living proto- plasm unknown IV vn 561 Palladio-bichloride of II m 359 Relative amount in dog's muscle IV vn 540 Relative proportion in sea water not same as in river water; reason IV vn 560 Richer than sodium in stri- ated muscle, pancreas, and brain IV ix 402 Rivers draining rocky areas of pre-Cambrian origin contain more potassium than sodium IV vn 556 Sea water contains constant amount, reason IV vn 561 Special purpose in kidney.. IV ix 400 Potassium Ferro-cyanide, used in battery and waste gives blue pigment I i 243 Potassium Phosphate, effect on velocity of particles in electric field in ferric hydroxide colloid IV ix 57 Potatoes. A NEW SUBSTITUTE for: re- print I in 70 Alcohol from I i 118 Potato Disease in 1851 or '52 and its cure I i 111 Effect of bordeaux mixture on growth IV vn 318 How to Preserve Pota- toes from rot : reprint. . I i 283 Indian IV m 199 Preservation of I n 109 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Potawatomies. Cranial measurements II u 423 Population in 1838, '44, and '46 I i 196 Potentilla, L., Canadian localities of P. anserina, L II xv 430 P. argentea, L II xv 429 P. arguta, Pursh II xv 430 P. canadensis, L II xv 429 P. fruticosa, L II xv 430 P. maculata, Poir II xv 430 P. norvegica, L II xv 429 P. palustris, Scop II xv 430 392 POT PRA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Potentilla, L., Canadian localities of-Con. P. paradoxa, Nutt II xv 429 P. pennsylvanica, L II xv 429 P. tridentata, Ait II xv 430 Poterium, L., Canadian localities of P. canadense, Gray II xv 362 Potholes. Caves and, of Rockwood, Ont. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton Ill vi 244 Rockwood, formation Ill vi 250 Potlatch. Comparatively recent origin of IV iv 125 Carriers, fully described.... Ill vn 147 Dene IV iv 125 Potsdam Group. Canadian II vm 186 Climactichnites wilsoni in, of Canada (pl.) II vm 188 Economic Materials of, in Canada../ II vm 188 Fossils found in, Canada... II vm 187 Lingula acuminata in, of Canada (pl.) II vm 187 Protichnites in, of Canada (pl.) II vm 188 Silurian series II vm 186 Potsdam Sandstone. Additional fossil tracks in, of Canada '. II v 469 Archeocyathus in, Canada. II vn 72 Conocephalites in, Canada. II vn 72 Crustacean tracks on, in Canada I ill 252 Formation in Quebec II xv 95 In State of Iowa II V 196 L. Ontario II xv 390 Near Hungerford II v 47 Obolella in, Canada II vn 72 Rocky Mts II vn 149 Supposed fossil tracks in, of Eastern Ontario explained II xv 487 Potter, Dr. J. H. Blood pressure in asphyxia and chloroform: ref IV vn 213 Pottery. Clay for, in Ottawa Valley.. I ii 114 History of Ancient. By Samuel Birch: reviewed. . II m 254 Invention of Potter's Wheel II m 257 Objects of, in mounds in Otonabee Tp., Ont. (pl.). IV ix 7 Peruvian, ancient II m 258 Unknown among Western Denes IV iv 35 Pottohawk Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 213, 536 Pottowatamies, ordered to protect traders IV iv 306 Ser. Vol. Page Pouchet, A. and Verrier. Experiments on migration of Entozoa: reprint... . II vn 372 Poulpegeant II vn 123 Poultry, at Provincial Exhibi- tion, Toronto, 1852 I I 64 Pound, V. E., M.A. On secondary rays excit- ed by Alpha rays from Polonium: pt. I IV ix 153 pt. II IV ix 181 Poundmaker. (Cree chief), career IV vi 297 Powell, Chief Justice, of U. Canada. Autograph reply to Chief Justice Elmsley's letter. II xiv 97 Reminiscences of.... II xn 88,161, 244 Powell, Major, J. W. Classification of Dene tribes; ref IV v 172 Indian verbs, conjugation: ref IV i 200 Nature's affect on primitive man: ref IV vi 314 Powell, Rev. Prof. On luminous Meteors: re- print I in 110 Report to British Associa- tion on luminous meteors I n 66 Powell. Report of Irish Peat Co.: reprint I in 40 Power, Fontaine-Moreau's method of power trans- mission I I 120 Powers. On the Hupa: ref IV iv 20 Pownall, Geo. Autograph receipt II xv 532 Poznanski, Dr. Premonitory symptoms of cholera during epidemics: ref II xi 165 Pozzuoli. Dates of various changes of level in temple of Serapis at II in 339 Temple of Serapis at. By Sir Ed. Walker Head, Bart: reviewed II in 336 Was it a temple of Serapis at II in 339 What is proper age of temple of Serapis at II in 339 Practical men. Importance of Scientific Studies to Practical Men. By John Langton, M.P.P I ii 201 Praepollex rudiment IV vi 545 Praepollex theory IV vi 546 393 PRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE PRI Ser. Vol. Page Prairie. Flora of Canadian, charac- teristics IV viii 34 Geological area of central. . II xv 17 Geological area of eastern. . 11 xv 17 Geology of American, coun- try I ii 101 Prairie Chicken. Prairie Chicken or Sharp- tailed Grouse. By Er- nest E. T. Seton Ill i 405 Prairie Fox, Canadian locali- ties HI vi 73 Prairie Group, Canadian flora IV viii 26 Prairie Hare, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 82 Prairie du Chien, at time of conquest IV ill 260 Pratincoles II xi 157 Praying Machine, Japan.. . II i 529 Pre Cambro-Silurian, L. Superior in, period IV vi 50 Pre-Carboniferous Flora. On, of New Brunswick, Maine and Eastern Can- ada. By J. W. Dawson: reviewed II vi 486 Precipitation. Abi ibi, Que IV ix 152 Calvin, Ont IV ix 151 Fort Hope, Ont IV ix 151 Haileybury IV ix 150 Moose Factory, Ont IV ix 151 Preglacial. Rivers in Gt. Lakes IV vi 47 River-erosion main factor in originating Great Lake Basins IV vi 46 Tonawanda R., Canada.... IV vii 7 Valleys, streams producing them in central Ontario. . IV vii 181 Prehistoric ages, not strictly successive IV iv 137 Prehistoric Man. Bone Caves, with espe- cial reference to. By Arthur Harvey IV n 116 Cave dwellers IV u 116 Indian articles similar to relics of IV u 116 White River, Ont IV ix 152 Prehnite. Characteristics II v 530 Slate R.; analyzed II xu 267 Premaxillse, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 283 Prenanthes alba, L., host of Aulacidea nabali Brodie.. IV ix 353 P. altissima, L., host of Aula- cidea nabali Brodie IV ix 353 Ser. Vol. Page Preoperculum, Amiurus ca- tus (pl.) Ill n 289 Prepositions, Blackfoot IV v 164 Presbyopia II xi 27 Presbyter of Diocese of Toronto, nom-de-plume of Rev. W. Stewart Dar- ling; selections from writ- ings II xv 444 Prescott, Bytown and Pres- cott Ry.; progress of I i 46 Prescott County, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Pre-sedimentary. Topography of, floor of On- tario IV vii 142 Topography, of central On- tario; date of erosion pro- ducing it IV vii 153 Presentative, first cognitive faculty of mind II xi 307 Presentation Fort, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 536 Presqu'isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Presqu'isle de Quinte, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Presquisle, Major, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Press. Early history of, in Toronto II xu 520, 526 Presse Matouan, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Pressure. Effect of, on Tempera- ture OF FUSION OF DIF- FERENT SUBSTANCES. By Mr. Hopkins: reprint. . . I III 159 Monthly mean of, from 1850 to 1853 on board Investi- gator in Arctic I n 111 Raises melting point of wax. I n 168 Solidification of bodies under great: reprint. .. I in 172 Variation of fusion point with pressure I n 54 Pretinalite, same as Mar- molite I I 114 Price. Nationality of Ossian: ref. . IV m 215 Price, Dr. Astley P. On employment of higher SULPHIDES OF CALCIUM AS MEANS OF PREVENTING AND DESTROYING OIDIUM TUCKERI OR GRAPE DIS- EASE: reprint I u 70 Prices. Gold discoveries and high.. II i 430 Gold discoveries cause high. II i 433 High, in Canada in 1855. .. II I 432 394 PRI PRI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Prices-Con. Influence of recent gold DISCOVERIES ON PRICES. By E. A. Meredith II i 430 Silver discoveries in Mexico in 16th century, effect on. II i 444 Prickly Ash, Canadian locali- ties II xv 350 Priestley, action of plants on atmosphere: ref II ix 420 Priest's Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 537 Primaeval. Primaeval Dexterity. By Daniel Wilson Ill in 125 Primary rocks, Ontario I m 29 Primeval. Displacement and Extinc- tion among Primeval Races of Man. By Dan- iel Wilson II i 4 Primordial. Primordial Sandstone of Rocky Mts.: reprint.... II vn 149 On Fauna and Pt. Levi Fossils. By Jas. Hall: reprint II vi 284 Primoidial Zone. Crustacean fauna of, of Europe and of Quebec group, compared II vi 287 Fossils in so-called, of Que- bec II vi 42 In Canada II vi 40 Notes on, of Texas, with description of new fossils. II vi 528 Remarks on Fauna of Quebec Group of Rocks and, of Canada. By Sir W. E. Logan II vi 40 Primrose, A., M.B., C.M. Anatomy of Orang Ou- tang IV vi 507 Primula. Effect of strong solutions on leaves of, applied to cut end of petioles; expts. ... IV vn 292 Experiments with solutions of CaH2(CO,)2 and Ca(OH)2 placed on leaves in drops IV vn 312 Trichomes in, adapted to absorb water IV vn 256 P. auricula, epicotyledonary central cylinder IV vi 609 P. arinosa, development of young stem (pl.) IV vi 609 P. involucrata. Primitive type of stellar system in IV vi 622 Young pithless steles de- velopment IV vi 608 Ser. Vol. Page P. japonics, young pithless steles development IV vi 608 P. obtusifolia, primitive type of stellar system in IV vi 622 Primulaceae. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 295 Cauline central cylinder.... IV vi 607 Hamilton species Ill ii 150 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 645 London species II vin 229 Morphology of vascular strands IV vi 607 On some questions in re- lation TO THEORY OF STRUCTURE OF PLANTS OF Orders and. By Rev. W. Hincks II v 332 Stamens opposite petals in; theory concerning II V 340 Prince Albert, H.R.H. Presidential Address at British Association, 1859: reprint II v 63 Prince Edward Bay, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Prince Edward County, gazetteer notice (1813) . . II xiv 67, 537 Prince Edward Island. Carboniferous formations. . II xv 120 Geology II xv 120 Glacial deposits II xv 121 Submergence of coast line. . II vn 85 Prince of Orange. Autograph authorizing ap- pointment to Professor- ship II xiv 321 Prince, Prof. Effect of sawdust on fish: ref. IV vn 432 Prince of Wales Sound. Mammals and birds of, Hudson's Strait. By F. F. Payne HI v 111 Prince Rupert, Goniocarpa coccodes sp. n. from IV ix 132 Prince William Henry's Is- land, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208 Prince William's Island, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 537 Prinsep, Jas. Phonetic powers of Lat alphabet discovered: ref. IV iv 262 Printing. Anastatic printing. By S. Bateson: abstract I I 95 Austrian Imperial Print- ing Office: reprint I n 181 395 PRI PRO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Printing-Con. Catalogue of books, etc., bearing on Art of Typo- graphy exhibited at Cana- dian Institute on four hundredth anniversary of introduction of, into Eng- land II xv 601 Chemitypy process I n 181 Discovery of alloy of anti- mony and lead for, metal. I ii 202 Galvanoglyphy process. ... I n 181 Galvanography process.... I n 181 Galvanoplastic process I n 181 History of early II xv 574 Introduction into America with dates II xii 523 Origin of metal type I I 220 Paneiconography process... I n 181 Process for Printing copies of Plants, Ma- terials, Lace, etc., from Original; natural prin- ting process: reprint... I ii 307 Prototypography. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 574 Priognathus monilicornis, Randall I m 324 Prionitidae, reasons for plac- ing in sub-order Serra- tirostres II ix 235 Prison Reform. Classification as means in.. Ill vii 206 Conditional liberation Ill vii 209 County Jails first step in... Ill vii 207 Discussed II x 412 HI vii 22 Education Ill vii 209 Indeterminate Sentence... . Ill VII 208 Industrial employment as means in Ill vii 207 In Ontario Ill vn 210 In United States IV i 2 Prison Reform. By A. M. Roseburgh HI vn 206 Prisoners' Aid Associations. Ill vn 209 Religion Ill vn 209 Pritchard, Andrew. History of Infusoria, includ- ing Desmidiaceae and Diatomaceae, British and Foreign: reviewed II vn 368 Proas. Flying Proas of Ladrone Islands. By Capt. Stu- part, R.N Ill vn 204 Probabilities Some experiments in con- nection with Doctrine of. By Alfred Baker.... HI v 194 Procarpotis, characte s in plants II xi 240 Ser. Vol. Page Procolitia, Roman name of Carrawburgh; evidence. II xm 146 Procyon II i 197 Procyon, Canadian locali- ties of P. hernandezii Ill vi 76 P. otor (Linn), Storr Ill VI 76 Producta analoga II vi 336 P depressa II vi 336 Productidae and Orthidae; same family II xi 393 Proelia, sub-order II v 84 Proetidae II i 285 Progne subis, observations on Ontario visitors Ill in 93 III vii 191 IV in 70, 82, 105, 107 Proglottis of entozoa, ana- tomy of II iv 33 Promammalia II xv 245 Prometheus. Myth of, located in Egypt.. II xm 289 Pronator quadrat us, orang. IV vi 540 P. radii teres. Homologue of gastrocnemius IV vi ' 567 Orang IV vi 535 Pronoun Blackfoot IV v 148 Dene IV I 185 Prootics, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill n 273 Propeller. Boomerang I I 287 Ruthven's: reprint I n 282 Propertius notes on V. ix, 5. HI i 92 Propionic Acid II i 81 Propositions. Note on, of Pythagoras and Pappus. By J. B • Cherriman II in 15 Propylie alcohol II i 81 Prosim ae II xv 246 Prosobranchiata II xn 28 Prosody. Celtic. By Ne 1 MacNish. IV in 206 Irish IV III 212 Manx IV in 220 Prosperinaca, L., Canadian localities of P. palustris, L II xv 551 Prospectus, Canadian Insti- tute I I 4 Protamines IV vm 434 Protamniata II xv 245 Protaster. Ascribed to Asteridae IV vm 365 Brisingoides IV vm 366 Cause of forming genus with description IV vm 363 Characteristics and species. IV vm 366 396 PRO GENERAL INDEX PRO Ser. Vol. Page Protaster-Con. Notes on Ophiurian Ge- nus, WITH DESCRIPTION OF NEW SPECIES. By Wm. A. Parks IV vm 363 Tseniaster and, compared . . IV vm 363 P. daoulasensis IV vm 365 P. flexuosus (Miller and Dyer), genus to which be- longs IV vm 368 P. forbesi IV vm 364 P. granuliferus. Characteristics IV vm 364 Genus to which belongs.... IV vm 368 P. miamiensis. Characteristics IV vm 365 Genus to which belongs... . IV vm 368 P. salteri, Sowerby, characteristics IV vm 364 Genus to which belongs... . IV vm 367 P. whiteavesianus (n. sp ). Full description with plates. IV vm 368 Kirkfield, Ont IV vm 372 Protasteridse. Characteristics and species. IV vm 366 Protasterina IV vm 364 P. fimbriata, Ulrich, genus to which belongs IV vm 368 Protean bed, central basin, Tennessee HI vu 76 Proteid. Bran gives coagulable IV vu 514 In gluten IV vu 498 Iron firmly combined in, obtained from liver IV n 238 Protein. Constituents IV vm 431 Synthesis of IV vm 431 Protension II xi 314 Protensive quantity II xi 314 Proteus. Remarks on Canadian Specimen of, of the Lakes. By J. G. Hodgins II i 19 P. canadensis II i 22 Protease. Bran proteid IV vu 514 Same as gliadin IV vu 499 Prothallial tracheides IV v 281 Prothallus. Botrychium virginianum (pl.) IV v 270 Lycopodium annotinum.... IV v 267 Lycopodium cernuum IV v 268 Pre ervation of, of Botry- chium virginianum IV v 268 Protichnites. Canada II v 469 Melanospermae or Fucoids may have caused tracks known as II xv 487 Ser. Vol. Page Protichnites-Con. In Potsdam Group, Canada (pl.) II vin 188 Probable nature of sup- posed FOSSIL TRACKS KNOWN AS, AND CLIMAC- TICH NITES. By E. J. Chapman II xv 486 Protococcoideae, Toronto species.. Ill vu 271 Protoplasm. Caustic alkali effect on IV vu 327 Origin of relation of chemi- cal elements within IV vu 540 Pal.®ochemistry of Ocean IN RELATION TO ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PROTO- PLASM. By A. B. Macal- lum IV vu 535 Proportion of sodium, potas- sium, calcium and magne- sium in living, unknown IV vu 561 Relation of salts in ocean to IV vu 552 Structure of Cell Pro- toplasm. By Prof. A. B. Macallum: abstract IV in 44 Protophiurese, characteristics and species IV vui 365 Prototypography. Prototypography. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 574 Protoxides, of iron, mangan- ese and tin II i 79 Protozoa. Classes unrepresented in fossil condition: reason. . II xm 380 Corniferous, Ontario II xiv 126 De c ibed. II vi 504 II vu 370 Divisions, or classes II v 50 Galbraith and Haughton's Scientific Manuals: re- viewed II v 48 In A cidians IV ix 117 Infusoria, Sponges and Rhizopods in II vi 504 Is it a sub-kingdom? II x 21 List of Canadian Devonian. II xiv 127 Metazoa and; Haeckel's division of animal king- dom: ref II xv 419 Position of sub-kingdom of. II x 28 Prof. Green's Manual re- viewed II v 49 Species in Toronto tap water Ill i 421 Protostele, Osmunda cinna- momea IV vm 516 Proudfoot, Hon. W. Some effects of Chris- tianity on Legislation. IV ii 159 (abstract) IV u 25 397 PRO PTE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Provancher, M. l'Abbe. Note on life and works of. By Julie Julien IV iv 237 Obituary IV in 41 Species of Spruce: ref HI vi 173 Provencal, Romance language in IV n 186 Provin cial, Agricultural Association, premiums to be awarded in 1853... I I 23 Provincial Exhibition, no- tice, for 1852 I i 23 Protuberances. Arago's theory of, on Sun. . In 5 Primer-Bey, M. Celtic type of crania: ref... II ix 387 Cro-Magnon cranial capa- city: ref II xv 194 Prunocystites (E. Forbes).. II n 303 Prunus, Tourn, Canadian localities of P. americana, Mar II xv 361 P. maritima, Waug II xv 361 P. pennsylvanica, L II xv 361 P. pumila, L II xv 361 P. serotina, Ehrhart II xv 362 P. virginiana, L II xv 361 P. nigra, Ait, host for Erio- phyes sp IV ix 301 P. serotina, Ehrh, host for Eriophyes serotinae, Beut IV ix 302 Prussia. School system in, re attend- ance II in 426 Prussian Blue. Velocity of charged particles in, colloid IV ix 57 Pselaphidse II n 382 Pseudonyms. Practice and use of II xv 259 Some Canadian Noms-de- PLUME IDENTIFIED WITH SAMPLES OF WRITINGS TO WHICH ATTACHED. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 259, 332, 436 Psilophyton II iv 317 Psittacidae, number of possi- ble genera with reasons. . 11 ix 237 Psoas, orang IV vi 554 Psophinse, order to which belong II xi 151 Psorergates n. g Ill i 342 P. simplex n. g. and sp., full description of Canadian specimen (pl.) Ill i 337 Psychology. Conservative-second cogna- tive faculty of mind II xi 310 Elaborative; fifth cognative faculty II xi 312 Extension or Space II xi 315 Ser. Vol. Page Psychology-Con. Inferential; third division of Philosophy II XI 318 Intensive quantity II Xi 315 Law of Habit HI iv 28 Law of Conditioned II xi 313 Perception external or ensi- tive II xi 307 Presentative, first faculty of Cognitions II xi 307 Problem of space IV viii 315 Protensive quantity or Pro- tension II xi 314 Regulative; sixth cognative faculty II xi 313 Relations between Phy- siology and. By W. F W. Creelman: abstract... HI v 14 Representative, fourth cog- native faculty of mind.. . II xi 312 Reproductive, third cogna- tive faculty of mind 11 x 311 Self-consciousness II xi 310 Sensation in II xi 307 Psychology, Nomological. Nomology of Cognitions; fir t part of II xi 317 Nomology of Cona ions.... II xi 318 Nomology o Feelings II xi 318 Second division of Philosophy II xi 317 Psychology, Phenomenal. Consciousness II xi 302 First division of Philosophy. II XI 302 Phenomenology of Cogni- tions H xi 306 Phenomenology of Cona- tions; third part of II xi 316 Phenomenology of Feelings; second part of II xi 315 Psycornyia flavida, Hagen, characters; N. American habitats II vn 500 Psyllidse. Feeding habits of larvae of. . IV ix 361 Species IV ix 308 Ptarmigan, Rock, Prince of Wales Sound HI V 120 Pteridophyta, Ophioglossa- ceae relation to other groups of IV v 288 Pterinia carin ata, Loraine schales, Toronto I I 150 Pteris aquilina. Apogamy in IV v 281 Polystelic central cylinder (pl.) IV vi 604 Pteromys, Canadian locali- ties of P. oregonensis, Bach Ill vi 85 P. sabrinus, Rich HI vi 85 P. sabrinus, var. B. alpinus, Rich Ill vi 85 398 PTE PYR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Pterotics, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 272 Pteropod Marl. Foraminifera in, Jamaica... IV vm 384 Jamaica IV vm 384 Pteropoda. Characters; Canadian locali- ties (pl.) II vu 118 Corniferous Limestone and Hamilton Rocks, Ont.... II xiv 135 Position in animal kingdom II x 28 Position in Mollusca II xi 325 Pteropods. Belleville species II v 45 Pteropus, Ceylon II vu 34g Pterosauria II v 82 Pterygoids, Amiurus catus .. HI 11 286 Ptilodictya in Clinton group, Dundas P. crassa, Hall II xiv 142 P. punctata, Nicholson and Hinde II xiv 3 P. raripora, Hall II xiv 142 Ptolemaeus IX. Copper coin of, in Canadian Institute II ix 230 Ptolemaeus I and Berenice. Copper coin of, in Canadian Institute II ix 230 Public Amusements, of working classes . II vu 385 Public Health, Lead, Copper, or Zinc Pipes effect on.. . I 11 172 Puces, Riviere aux, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 537 Puch, war god IV vi 183 Puchtunox, war god IV vi 183 Pueblos Indians, descend- ants of mound-builders?. Ill v 64 Puff birds, generic characters II ix 233 Pulmobranchiata (De Blainville). Families II xn 34 Generic characters II xn 26 Pulmonifera (Cuvier). Characters; Canadian lo- calities II vu 121 Generic characters and sub- division II xii 26 Observations on Terrestrial, of Maine, including a Catalogue of all species of terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca known to in- habit the state. By Ed. S. Morse: reviewed II x 42 Pulp Industry. Canada IV vm 181 Effect of discharge from pulp mills on fish life.... IV vu 439 Ser. Vol. Page Pulvinulina favus, Brady, Tinidad and South Pacific specimens IV vm 387 P. menardi, Trinidad IV vm 387 Puma, Canadian localities.. . Ill vi 71 Puozzolanas, effect of sea water on I in 41 Pupa vetusta, coal measures of Nova Scotia II vu 146 Purgatives. Dene IV iv 130 Western Denes IV iv 130 Purple Finch, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 92 Purple Gallinule II vn 510 Purple Grakle, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 95 Purple Martin. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill m 94 Observations on Ontario visitors II in 503 III in 93 Purple Sandpiper, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Purkinje, Cells of, Nissl granules in IV vi 409 Purpura (Cuma), woodii, Dall, Caribean IV vm 390 P. lapillus, British Seas I i 109 Pursey, G. G. Nebular theory o-f Cre- ation IV vm 451 Purslane, Canadian localities II xv 174 Pusey, Dr., fertilizing value of nitrate of soda: ref. . . . II vi 51 Putorius, Canadian locali- ties of P. ermineus, Linn Ill vi 75 P. longicauda, Bonap Ill vi 75 P. lutreolus (Cuv), Allen.. . Ill vi 75 P. nigrescens, Aud. and Bach. Ill vi 75 P. pusillus, Aud and Bach. .Ill vi 74 P. vison, Brisson Ill vi 75 P. vulgaris, Linn Ill vi 74 Pwahgunahbeck II n 333 Pyciodes, Rocky Mountain species with habitats.... Ill u 242 Pye-Smith, Dr., theory of righthandedness II xv 474 Pygidium II i 275 Pyrameis, Rocky mountain species with habitats.... Ill n 240 Pyramid of Amenemke. . . I n 154 Pyramids of Gizeh, examin- ation of in 1842 by Dr. Lepsius I ii 153 Pyran ga, Hamilton species. . II v 392 P. rubra, habits of Ontario visitors Ill m 97 Pyrensean, survivals of Goths and Iberians in, valleys. . IV u 180 399 PYR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE QUA Ser. Vol. Page Pyrgus, Rocky mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 241 Pyriformis, orang IV vi 556 Pyrites. Dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 176 Hudson's Bay, Ascot Tp., Que., and Till Cove Mine, Newfoundland, compared III iv 198 L. Wendigokan region IV vm 349 Purple copper II i 187 Pyrites, Arsenical. From Marmora; analyzed. . Il xn 267 From Tudor, Hastings Co., analyzed II xn 266 Pyrites, Iron. Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Occurrence of gold and SILVER IN GALENA AND. By R. Dewar IV n 121 Pyrites, Magnetic, from Madoc; analyzed II xn 266 Pyroxene. Non-pleochroic, colorless rhombic in dykes of Rainy Lake Ill v 178 Rhombic, bronzite of Eng- land Ill v 178 Rock, Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Pyroxenite, occurrence with apatite in Canada Ill in 297 Pyroxyline II i 194 Pyrula consors, Sow, Cari- bean and its Pacific re- presentative IV vm 390 P. melongena, Caribean and its Pacific representative. IV vm 390 P. perversa. Ancient graves of Ontario contain II in 398 Discovered in Indian grave near Dundas, Ont II in 402 From Fishing Islands I in 156 From Nottawasaga descri- bed I ni 156 P. pyrula, Brod, conspecific with P. consors, Sow IV vm 390 P. spirata. Discovered in Indian grave near Dundas, Ont II ill 402 From Beverly ossuaries.... I in 156 Pyrula, highly prized by In- dians of America II III 406 Pyrum I in 156 P.murex I m 157 Pyrrhula enucleator, win- ters around Toronto I i 170 Pyrus, L., Canadian locali- ties of P. americana, D.C II xv 434 P. arbutifolia, L II xv 434 P. coronaria, L II xv 434 Ser. Vol. Page P. coronaria, described II vi 30 Pytergotus II i 280 Pythagoras. Note on Propositions of. by J. B. Cherriman II ill 15 Pythidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Pyura (sens, restr), British Columbia coast IV ix 134 P. auct. part, syn. Tethyum (sens, nov.) IV ix 135 Pyura haustor (Stimpson), of British Columbia coast IV ix 134 Qikab I., of House of Cawek. IV vi 158 Quadrate, Amiurus catus (pl.) Ill ii 284 Quadratic. Auxiliary biquadratic with, sub-auxiliary in equations of fifth degree Ill u 121 Quadratus femoris, orang.. IV vi 560 Quadrifidse. II vm 3 Q. extensae, families repre- sented in Canada II x 247 Quadrumana. Difference in cranial capa- city between man and. .. II ix 166 Distribution of II iv 76 Fossil I in 110 Hands in, distinguished from man II ix 162 Man and; difference between II ix 162 Quantity. On Relation of, to Aes- thetic Sentiment. By Rev. David Inglis II in 409 Quarries. Limestone and Marble, on the Shores of L. Couchiching I n 38 Quail, Toronto winter bird... I i 171 Quartz. Artificial production of... . II in 205 Characteristics II v 518 Conditions in which occurs in Kamanistiquia region. Ill vn 253 Dykes of Rainy Lake con- tain. HI v 176 Meteoric Iron contains. ... II vi 526 North shore of L. Huron . . I I 125 Semi-translucent white, of Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Uralitic, diabase in Rainy Lake Ill v 181 Quartz-diorites, L. Wendi- gokan region IV vm 350 Quartzite. Bands of, accompany Lime- stone bands of Laurentian Rock, Ont, II in 4 Canadian II vi 436 400 QUA GENERAL INDEX QUE Ser. Vol. Page Quartzite-Con. Described II vi 436 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 Laurentian Series, Canada.. II vm 115 Quartzose sandstone, for- mation at Niagara II v 501 Quatre Bras, battle HI iv 159 Quauhtenanco, defense by Tlatilolcas IV vi 172 Quauhtemalan, war with Atitlan IV vi 162 Quebec Act. Discussed Ill vi 256 Objects in passing it IV vn 409 Quebec. Almanac and British Ameri- can Royal Calendar for 1819 II xv 29 Quebec City. BeseigedbyAmericans, 1776 II xiv 79 Canadian Institute's me- morial to Governor- General for Astrono- mical Observatory at. . II ii 309 Chien d'Or inscription II ix 304 In 1852 1 1 33 Literary and Historical Society of I m 170, 195, 220, 243, 268, 327, 384 Longitude determined II iv 460 Longitude of, determined by Lieut. Ashe, R.N II iv 277 Mean results of Meteoro- logical observations 1853- 54. By Lieut. Noble I in 327 Meteorological Register for; see under Meteorological Registers. Quebec Meteorological Table I m 20 Sir Guy Carleton's defence of, in 1775-76 II xiv 79 Temperature at, from 1828- 1836 I i 77 Quebec group of rocks. Characteristics II vi 44 Crustacean fauna of prim- ordial zone of Europe and, compared II vi 287 Described II vi 44 Description of, along Inter- colonial Ry II xv 381 Economic substances of, in Canada. II vm 193 Fauna in, at Pt. Levi, Que. . II vi 43 Fossils in, at Pt. Levi, Que. . II vi 42 In Quebec II xv 99 Remarks on Fauna of, and Primordial Zone of Canada. By Sir Wm. E. Logan II vi 40 Silurian Series II vm 186 Ser. Vol. Page Quebec Province. Boundaries of, as defined by Constitutional Act, 1791. II xiv 58 Boundary between, and On- tario stared from Pt. au Bodet, reason for II xiv 62 Census returns, 1861 II x 11 Distribution of gold in Eas- tern Townships I in 97 Distribution of Trenton Group in. II vm 202 Earthquakes in I x 185 Eastern townships' condi- tion after rebellion of 1837 IV in 297 Effect of immigration on... II x 13 Felisconcolar, occurrence in III vn 281 Geological formations in. . . II xv 95 Geological sub-divisions of. II xv 92 Helix species in II vm 343 Hudson River Formation in II vm 207 Iron ore deposits IV vm 186 Journal de 1'Instruction Publique: reviewed II n 282 Journal of Education; Lower Canada: reviewed II ii 282 II v 365 II vi 487 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 370 Rebellion of 1837 as viewed by Lieut.-Col. Coffin.... IV in 284 Rebellion of 1837, causes and incidents prior to out- break IV in 286 Rebellion of 1837, skirmishes during; facts concerning. IV ill 288 Trachytic Rocks of II v 428 Water Power of. By Lieut. D. Ashe: reprint.. I in 327 Village Community system. Ill iv 66 Queen Charlotte Sound In- dians, Census, 1847 I i 197 Queen's Wharf, Toronto. Unusual fluctuations of lake levels at IV v 42 Queenstown, gazetteer no- tice II xiv 211,537 Queenston, Ont., 1795 IV i 100 Quercus, Canadian species Q. alba, Q discolor and Q. rubra described II vi 36 Q. alba, L., host of Andricus petiolicola, Bassett IV ix 348 Holcaspis globulus, Fitch... IV ix 340 Neuroterus majalis, Bassett IV ix 354 Philonix erinacei Beut IV ix 341 Philonix nigra Gillette IV ix 342 Q. coccinea Muench, host of Amphibolips confluens, Har- ris IV ix 343 I Amphibolips inanis O. S. . . IV ix 344 401 QUE RAC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Q. coccinea Muench, host of-Con. Andricus imbricariae Ash- mead IV ix 346 Andricus piger, Bassett.... IV ix 347 Cecidomyia majalis, Bass. . IV ix 320 Cynips? constricta, Stebbins IV ix 352 Dryophanta palustris O. S.. IV ix 344 Q. macro carp a, Michx, host of Andricus (undescribed).... IV ix 348 Eriophyes querci (Garman). IV ix 299 Holcaspis bassetti, Gillette. IV ix 341 Philonix hirta, Bassett IV ix 342 Q. rubra, L., host of Dryophanta palustris O. S. IV ix 344 Amphibolips inanis O. S. . . IV ix 344 Andricus singularis, Bassett IV ix 346 Cecidomyia majalis, Bass. . IV ix 320 Quetzalcoatl, worship IV v 13 Quicha Language, geogra- phical distribution Ill v 130 Quichua. Quichua Language. By Prof. Dunlop: abstract... HI v 130 Origin HI v 67 Quicha words in Welsh.... IV vu 42 Quichua-Aymara, Aryan origin of 111 v 67 Quiche Indians. History IV vi 156 History after Qikab I IV vi 168 Hurakan's messenger IV vi 116 Kingdom; history IV vi 158 Legend of man's origin.... IV vi 208 Losses to Cachiquels IV vi 159 MS. of Chichicastenago.... IV vi 157 Month names IV vi 332 Supremacy in C. America. . IV vi 205 Popol Vuh IV vi 116 Voc of IV vi 116 Quiche-Cachiquel, mon- archs and Cocyoeza IV vi 183 Quigrich. Quigrich. By Daniel Wil- son II iv 429 Virtues in II iv 438 Quinet, M. Edgar. Campaign of 1815: ref Ill iv 151 Quinine. On Optical Properties of A RECENTLY DISCOVERED salt of Quinine. By Prof. Stokes: reprint. ... I I 115 Quinnat salmon IV ix 24 Quipucamayus IV v 315 Quiscalus. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario species HI vu 190, 199 IV in 69, 75, 81, 98, 102, 103, 104, 105 Ser. Vol. Page Q. purpureus, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 95 Quinte Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 67, 68 On some ancient mounds UPON SHORES OF. By Thos. Campbell II v 409 Quinte, Isle de, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 538 Quinte Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 538 Quintilian. Language distinguishing characteristic of man: ref. IV iv 21 Raad, history and uses of. ... II in 64 Rabbit. Canadian species and their localities Ill vi 83 Colour of young different than that of parents; ques- tion II I 75 Dene, snares IV iv 103 Denes uses for, skin IV iv 156, 164 Rabbit Mountain Vein, Kamanistiquia Ill vu 258 Rabi. Process of formation of heart in Salamandra and Triton: ref IV ii 251 Rabies, Isles aux, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 538 Rabies, Pointe aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 538 Rabl-Riickhard. Brain of Teleosts: ref HI n 353 Raby Head, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 538 Raccoon, Canadian localities III vi 76 Races. Brain Weight and Size in RELATION TO RELATIVE Capacity of Races. By Daniel Wilson 11 xv 177 Complexion, Climate and, By J. M. Buchan Ill I 5 Complexion of, in various Climates HI II 11 Causes of some tribes se- cluding themselves from rest of mankind II ix 327 Displacement and Extinc- tion among PRIMEVAL, OF man. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D 11 i 4 Noah's family primary sub- divisions of Human family II I 5 On Secluded Tribes of Uncivilized men II ix 327 Rachel See, proportional amounts of salts in water. IV vu 559 402 RAC RAI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Rachitic children, muscle examined for fatty de- generation IV viii 403 Raddish, Rev. T., Toronto.. II xm 95 Radiata. Fossils in Toronto rocks.... I i 149 Morphology and nomen- clature of II vi 171 Primordial zone, Quebec... II vi 43 Position in animal kingdom. II iv 284 Radiated Animals, Polypi- fera or corals, Acalepha, Echinodermata II vi 505 Radiations. On Chemical action of Solar Radiations. By R. Hunt I ii 69 Radicals, organic, chlorides and bromides of II i 488 Radiolaria. Cuban marls IV vm 386 Haeckel's discovery of na- ture of spines II xv 418 Jamaica IV vm 386 Radiolarian. Limestone, Jamaica IV vm 383 Rock, Cuba IV vm 385 Rock, Jamaica IV vm 385 Ooze indicates position of Barbados in geological times IV vm 376 Rae, Geo. Martin. Should Privilege of Mak- ing Wills be restrict- ed: abstract Ill vi 43 Rae, Dr. John. Communications of Arctic Discovery: ref II v 124 Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin Im 91 Formation of Icebergs and Transportation of Boul- ders by Ice II iv 180 Letter to Sir George Simpson on Fate of Sir John Franklin I m 91 List of relics of Sir John Franklin I m 92 Obtained first information of Franklin expedition. . . IV vm 396 Raehlmann. Glycogen solutions: ref IV vm 62 Rafn. Norse discoveries in Ame- rica: ref. . . Ill vi 271 Raft. Construction of, to rescue passengers from sinking ships. By Lieut. D. Ashe. I m 327 Rail (birds). Hamilton species II v 394 Position among birds II xi 158 Ser. Vol. Page Rail and Water Hen Birds, order to which they belong II xi 151 Rail, Virginian, Toronto.... Ill vn 194 Railton. Analysis of nitro-glycerine . 11 xiv 356 Railway, Buffalo and Brantford. Opening of: reprint I n 205 Railway, Grand Trunk Grand Trunk Ry. Co.: reprint I i 235 I in 18 Lumbering on line of reprint I in 46 Notes of a visit to. By Fred Cumberland I in 225 Railways, Great Western. Gt. Western of Canada: reprint I n 204 I in 19 Progress of (1852) I i 22 Report for 1852-53: reviewed I i 257 Report of R. G. Benedict (chief Eng.): extracts... . I I 20 Railway, Hamilton and Toronto, report, 1852-53 I I 260 Railway, Northern or Onta- rio, Simcoe and Huron. Condition I ill 18 Construction work I I 22 Election of Board of Mana- gers I I 118 Ontario, Simcoe and Huron: reprint I in 17 Opening of: reprint I I 281 I ii 255 Report by Hugh Scobie: re- viewed I I 188 Report of Board of Directors and of Alfred Brunnel, Chief Asst. Engineer: re- viewed I I 256 Statistics of I ill 18 Railway Regulations. Canada IV ix 62 England IV ix 61 Notes regarding. By S. J. McLean IV ix 61 United States IV ix 62 Railway, St. Lawrence, L. Huron and Peter- borough Junction Lines, engineer's Report. I I 22 Railway, Toronto and Guelph. Report of Directors for 1852-53 I i 259 Report of Walter Shanley (Chief Eng.): reviewed. . I I 20 Railways. Accidents in Gt. Britain and New York I II 45 403 RAI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE RAI Ser. Vol. Page Railways-Con. Angle Railroad Wheels: reprint I ill 19 Apparatus for stopping train: reprint I ii 126 Bytown and Prescott Ry.; progress of I I 46 Capital invested in British (1853) I m 104 Colour Blindness in its RELATION TO, EMPLOYES and Public. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract... Ill vn 20 Construction of London and Birmingham Ry.; diffi- culties I ii 99 Curves and Grades on On- tario, Simcoe and Huron Ry. between Toronto and Barrie I II 18 Difficulties of early Con- struction in Gt. Britain. . I ii 99 Durability of Iron. By Wm. Truran I m 237 Flue lengths and economy of fuel II i 338 Fuel economy, methods of obtaining II I 338 Great Subterranean: re- print I hi 46 History of, up to 1863 II ix 28 Improvement of I ii 45 INAUGURATION OF THE CAL- CUTTA Ry.: reprint 1 m 240 Influence of: abstract.. . I in 147 Length of British (1853)... I ill 103 Middle rail to prevent train from running off track... I i 93 Mileage in England and United States I II 173 New Compound Rail. By Sandford Fleming II ill 473 Norris's Railway Joint Chair: reprint I n 177 Nova Scotia Railways: reprint . • I m 19 Procedure to be adopted in Transcontinental (1862).. II vn 204 Projected in Turkey I I 120 Projects in Canada (1839).. II xv 37 Railroads of Canada .... I i 99 Railway Accidents; their CAUSE AND MEANS OF prevention; detailing PARTICULARLY THE VARI- OUS CONTRIVANCES WHICH ARE IN USE AND HAVE BEEN PROPOSED; WITH THE REGULATIONS OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL Britishflines. By Capt. M. Huish I i 8 Ser. Vol. Page Railways-Con. Railway Bridge over St. Lawrence at Montreal; ITS LOCATION AND CON- STRUCTION: reprint 1 n 76 Railways in Canada:.... I in 147 Railways in New Bruns- wick: reprint: ref 1 in 19 Railways of Maine I in 149 Railways of World: re- print I n 197 Report on British (1853). By Capt. Galton: reprint. I in 103 Second Trial of Newall's, Brake: reprint I ii 151 South Wales Ry.: reprint I i 35 Statistics of, for 1851 in Eng. I i 23 Stephenson's views on, guage I n 192 Suspension bridge at Falls: reprint I in 149 Suspension bridge over Nia- gara I I 46 Table of cost of Fuel on American and Canadian, for 1855 II i 337 Telegraphing to and from, trains. By Dr. A. M. Roseburgh Ill iv 177 Traffic in Gt. Britain I i 120 Traffic in Gt. Britain and Ireland: reprint.. . I in 42 Transcontinental suggested in 1861 by Sandford Fleming and cost esti- mated II vii 200 Trunk line in Canada, nego- ciations for its construc- tion I i 22 Width of gauge; Stephen- son's views on I II 166 Rain. Ammonia in Rain, River Water and Snow: re- print I n 102 Amount of nitric acid, am- monia, chlorine, lime and magnesia in I ii 9 Coloured I i 261 On Ammonia contained in. By M. Boussingault: ab- stract I n 282 On relative durations of DIFFERENT WINDS DURING, OR SNOW, DERIVED FROM Toronto observations, 1853-59. By G. T. King- ston II ix 240 On Rising of Waters in Springs immediately be- fore Rain. By Prof. J. Brocklesby: reprint I ii 141 404 RAI RAM GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Rain-Con. On Variation in Quantity of Rain due to Moon's Position in Reference to Plane of Earth's Orbit. By C. Fulbrook: reprint II ill 50 Rain with reference to wind direction (1853-59), at Toronto II ix 241 Rain and snowfall and, highest and lowest water on L. Ontario; statement, 1854-93 IV v 38 Rain and snowfall, 1854 to 1903, and highest and low- est water in L. Ontario: table IV viii 3 Rainy days and rainfall at Toronto from 1840 to 1852 I I 88 Results of, and snowfall at Toronto, 1859 II v 239 Salts dissolved in rain water, M. Chatin's results I I 43 Source of Nitrogen in Vegetation: reprint.... In 9 Weathering agent in form- ing Central Basin of Ten- nessee HI vn 89 Rain Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 538 Rainbow. Origin first explained by Ant'onius de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalatro.. I I 8 Theory of I i 8 Rainfall. At St. Martin Isle Jesus for 1858 II iv 264 At Toronto, 1860 II vi 211 At Toronto (1861) II vu 98 At various British stations in 1852 ....... 1 1 211 Defect over L. Ontario basin usually means excess in L. Superior basin IV v 127 Forests affect, of Michi- gan and Wisconsin IV v 40 Forests affect water supply in valley d'Aragua, Vene- zuela . I n 131 In Central Basin of Ten- nessee, factor in forming Basin HI vn 95 Rainfall and forests IV viii 6 Rainfall and Lake Levels. By R. F. Stupart IV v 121 St. Martin Isle Jesus, for 1859 II v 310 Sunspots and. By Andrew Elvins HI v 6 Ser. Vol. Page Rainham Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 538 Rainy Lake. Diabase dykes examined microscopically Ill v 175 Diabase dykes of. By A. C. Lawson Ill v 173 Diabase dyke of; structure and composition Ill v 179 Trading expeditions to, about 1765 IV m 264 Raisin Isles, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 538 Raisin Pointe, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 539 Raisins, Riviere aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 539 Raleigh Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 539 Rallidse. Order to which they belong. II xi 151 Position among the birds... II xi 158 Rallinae, generic characters. II xi 158 Rallus, Hamilton species.... II v 394 R. crepitans II vn 510 R. virginianus. Can contract its body II vn 513 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 194 IV m 66 Ralph's method, preserv- ing insects II viii 341 Ram. Origin and traces of II xiv 398 Rameses, same as Thoth- mosis II xiii 41 Rammelsberg, C. F. Handbuch der Mineral- chemie: reviewed II v 540 Ramsay, Prof. A. C., F.R.S. Iroquois terrace north of Toronto: ref IV vi 30 Old Glaciers of Switzerland and North Wales: re- viewed II v 51 On Breaks in Succession of Life in British Rock: reprint II in 89 On Structure and Suc- cession of Lower Palae- ozoic Rocks of North Wales and part of Shropshire: reprint. ... I I 248 Probable former exist- ence OF PALAEOZOIC glaciers: reprint I in 114 Process for obtaining Lithographs by means of Photography : reprint I in 412 Protaster salteri: ref IV viii 364 405 RAM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE RAT Ser. Vol. Page Ramsay, Prof. A. C., F.R.S. -Con. Thickness of ice of an- cient GLACIERS OF N. Wales and glaciation of Country: reprint.... I m 114 Ramsay, E. B. Dean. Autograph letter on re- miniscences II xiv 346 Ramsay, Smith, W. Function of peroneus tertius in man: ref IV vi 563 Ramus muscles of Amiurus described. R. ad. m. adductorem man- dibulae Ill u 368 R. buccalis (pl.) Ill u 367 R. ciliaris Ill n 367 R. cutaneus palatinus Ill u 367 R. lateralis trigemini (pl.).. Ill li 366 R. mandibularis Ill II 368 R. maxillaris Ill n 368 R. ophthalmicus profundus. Ill n 366 R. ophthalmicus superficia- lis Ill ii 366 R. oticus Ill ii 366 R. palatinus Ill n 367 Rana. Ciliation of, larvae IV vm 476 Observations on formation of yolk in ovarian ova of . IV I 270 R. esculenta, tarsus with supernumerary digit IV vi 545 Rand, Rev. S. T. Micmacs' knowledge of Natural History: ref. . . . IV vi 327 Rangifer, Canadian locali- ties of R. caribou, Linn Ill vi 68 R. groenlandicus, Linn Ill vi 68 R. tarandus (Linn), Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 115 Raniceps lyellii, coal strata, Ohio II hi 261 Ranidse, catalogue of, found in United States II i 188 Ranke, H. Sucking pad in infant: ref.. IV vi 512 Rankine, W. J. Macquorn. On means of cooling air IN TROPICAL CLIMATES: reprint I n 72 On Causes of excess of the Mean Temperature OF RIVERS ABOVE THAT OF Atmosphere observed By M. Renou: abstract.. I I 96 On Re-concentration of Mechanical or Energy of Universe: abstract.. I i 95 Ransome and May's one- horse harvest cart I i 13 Ser. Vol. Page Ranunculaceae. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 Development of stem IV vi 615 Hamilton species Ill n 145 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 635 II xv 51 London species II vm 220 Monostelic and astelic ex- amples IV vi 614 Ranunculus. Effect of strong solutions on leaves of, applied to cut end of petioles: expts.... IV vn 292 Phloeoterma in IV vi 616 Ranunculus, L., Canadian localities of R. abortivus, L II xv 55 R. acris, L II xv 56 R. affinis, R. Brown II xv 54 R. aquatilis, L II xv 53 R. cymbalaria, Pursh II xv 54 R. fascicularis, Muhl II xv 55 R. flammula, L II xv 54 R. multifidus, Pursh II xv 53 R. nivalis, L II xv 54 R. pennsylvanicus, L II xv 55 R. pygmaeus, Wohl II xv 54 R. recurvatus, Poiret Il xv 55 R. repens, L II xv 55 R. rhomboideus, Goldie.... II xv 54 R. sceleratus, L II xv 55 Ranunculus, Development of young stem in R. abortivus IV vi 617 R. acris (pl.) IV vi 616 R. repens IV vi 617 R. sceleratus IV vi 617 R. rhomboideus (pl.) IV vi 618 Ranvier. Fusiform corpuscles: ref... IV n 243 Raphanus, L., Canadian localities of R. raphanistrum, L II xv 164 Raphia, uses of II x 286 Raphistoma, Ottawa R I i 221 Rapid Plat, Isle au, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 539 Rapo, N. Zealand II n 360 Rapp. Mesenterial filaments: ref. . IV vi 388 Rash, Prof. Effect of pollution of streams on propagation of food fishes: ref IV vn 428 Raspberry, Canadian species with habitats II xv 431 Rasorial birds II vm 463 Rat, Canadian species and their localities Ill vi 81 406 RED RAT GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Rathbun, Richard. Extract from report on Fisheries in contiguous waters of State of Wash- ington and British Colum- bia, giving effect of saw- dust on fish IV vu 432 Rathke. Structure of Acontia of Metridium dianthus: ref. IV vi 388 Rattles, Dene IV iv 118 Rattlesnake, examples of cures for, bites HI v 258 Ontario varieties HI v 255 Rau, Dr. Chas. Building containing Tablet of Cross at Palenque: ref. IV vi 113 Raum. Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Raven. Orillia IV m 98 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Rawdon Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 539 Raweniyo, of Huron Iroquois IV vi 275 Rawlinson, Col. Sir Henry. Identity of II or Ra, as great god of Babylonia: ref.... II xm 523 Origin of Egyptians: ref.... HI ill 284 Cuneiform Inscriptions of Assyria and Baby- lonia: reprint I in 364 Results of Assyrian ex- pedition: reprint I in 309 Ray, Lieut. Eskimo migration: ref Ill vi 274 Raynouard. Origin of Romance langu- ages: ref IV ii 185 Razor-fish. Methods of catching II vu 359 Use as food II vii 360 Read, D. B. Hurons IV i 86 Newark in 1792 IV i 72 Reade. Love song of Wabanaki In- dians IV vi 342 Reade, John. Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems: reviewed... II xn 490 Realism, Hypothetical, Sir Wm. Hamilton's view on, criticized II xn 57 Reaping Machine, invention of I i 111 Receptaculites. Affinity and family II iv 466 Ottawa River I i 222 R. occidentalis, Canadian... II iv 467 Rechah, family II xiv 175 Ser. Vol. Page Reckoner. Nom-de-plume of Rev. Dr. Strachan II xv 440 Recklinghausen, von. Fusiform corpuscles: ref.. IV n 243 Rectus femoris, Orang (pl.). IV vi 554 Recurvirostrinae, generic characters II xi 160 Red, colour blind persons take it as black II I 152 Red Bird, Hamilton species.. II v 392 Red Cedar Lake, first explor- ations of Ill vi 142 Red Crow (Blood Chief), car- eer of IV vi 298 Red Deer, Canadian localities III vi 68 Red Deer River, first explora- tion of Ill vi 145 Red-fish IV ix 24 Red Light, effect on small- pox patients IV vm 108 Red Mt., Ont., physical geo- logy of IV vii 146 Red Osier, characters; Cana- dian habitats II vi 280 Red Phalarope, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Red River. Exploration of country be- tween L. Superior and, 1858 II iv 91 Fossils collected at II v 189 Gazetteer notice (1813). ... II xiv 539 Mounds of Mound Builders on Ill iv 131 Narrative of Canadian, Ex- ploring Expedition of 1857. By H. Youle Hind: reviewed II vi 175 Notes on Sojourn among Half-Breeds, Hudson Bay Cos. Territory. By P. Kane II I 128 Salts in water, proportional amounts in IV vu 558 Selkirk Colony on brief his- tory of II vi 179 Selkirk's agreement with Indians for, territory.... IV vi 294 Trial of prisoners from, for high treason, 1818 II xiii 89 Red River Valley, Geology.. Ill v 150 Red Squirrel, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 85 Red Willow. Dene uses for IV iv 84, 131 Medical properties of IV iv 131 Red Wing blackbird, On- tario visitors Ill in 94 Red-backed Mouse, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 80 407 RED PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE REI Ser. Vol. Page Redintegration, Law of II xi 312 Redoua inscription, trans- lated IV vi 266 Redowsky, Dr. Tungus described by IV v 175 Redpolls, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 189,198 , IV I 42, 54, 57 IV in 64, 69, 95 Red-root, Canadian localities II xv 352 Redstart. Hamilton species II v 389 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 192 IV in 83, 108 Red-throated Diver, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 123 Reed. Coloration of adult Pletho- don cinereus: ref IV vm 469 Reed, Isaac. Autograph in vol. now pro- perty of Rev. Dr. Scad- ding II xv 539 Reed, Major. Yellow Fever; its cause and transmission: ref IV vm 57 Reefs. Coral reefs described I n 82 Florida 1 n 81 Rees, Indians, original home III v 61 Reeve, Lowell. Obituary II x 429 Reflectors. Silvered Porcelain Re- flectors: reprint I in 413 Refraction. Cause of, in atmosphere and mathematical expression for same I i 6 Effect on, of humidity in air I I 7 Note on Solar. By Prof. Piazzi Smyth: reprint... I in 366 On some Phenomena pro- duced BY REFRACTIVE POWER OF EYE. By A. Claudet: reprint II ix 56 Refractometer, Bernard. New Refractometer. By Prof. Bennard: reprint.. I in 112 Refuse. Refuse of smelting fur- naces: reprint I in 242 Regeczy. Superficial epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref. Ill n 398 Regelation. Faraday's views on II vi 63 In glass II vi 64 Note on. By Michael Fara- day: reprint . II vi 54 Ser. Vol. Page Regelation-Con. Notes on Apparent Uni- versality of Principle Analogous to, on Phy- sical Nature of Glass, and on Probable Exist- ence OF WATER IN STATE Corresponding to that of Glass. By Ed. W. Brayley: reprint II vi 63 Regis St., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 539 Regnault, M. Researches respecting Affinities of Structure in Stems of Plants be- longing to Cyclosper- ME£: reprint II vn 219 Regnault, M. V. Investigation of Specific Heats of Elastic Fluids: reprint I n 133 Regulative, sixth cognative faculty of mind II xi 313 Regulus. Hamilton species II v 390 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 183, 185, 190 IV i 58 IV in 72, 97, 102, 103, 104, 106 Reichert. Reichert's Distillation Process for identifica- tion of Butter fat. By A. McGill HI v 39 Distillation Process of, for identification of butter fat; experiments on var- ious processes Ill v 41 Process of, for identification of Cocoa-nut oil as adul- terant of butter fat Ill v 40 Reichert, Dr. Atropine paralyzes respira- tion: ref IV vii 232 Reid, Thos. Contributions to Scottish Philosophy II xi 218 Essays on Human Mind. By Sir Wm. Hamilton: reviewed II n 285 Reindeer. Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 115 Remains in Toronto and vicinity IV vi 38 Reinhard. Nucleus in Oscillaria major: ref IV vi 442 Reinke. Fibro-vascular system of Gunnera: ref IV vi 610 408 REI GENERAL INDEX RES Ser. Vol. Page Reinke, Friedrich. Oedematin of nerve cells: ref IV vi 410 Reinsch's arsenic test...... II iv 413 Relics. Historical value of Indian. . I in 158 Religion. Aborigines of Australia. ... II I 505 Birthplace of Ancient, and Civilization. By Rev. J. Campbell II xm 152 Language and. By Rev. John Maclean IV vi 273 Nah'ane tribe IV vn 524 Religious census of Ontario, 1842,'48,'52 I i 96 Remon, Grand, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 539 Remora. Study of Cephalic Disk of (Echeneis): reprint... II xi 260 Remy, Joseph. Experiments on breeding fish: ref I I 279 Obituary I in 269 Renal. Original Views on Renal Circulation: reprint. . . I n 146 Renal cells. Distribution of potas- sium in. By C. P. Brown. IV ix 389 Glomeruli action IV ix 399 Method of demonstrating potassium in IV ix 390 Potassium in; bibliography. IV ix 405 Renan, M. Language formation and growth: ref Ill vi 94 Renard. Olivine in Terrestrial rocks: ref Ill v 176 Rendezvous Pt., intrusive gneiss through schists (pl.) Ill vi 120 Renk. Amount of filth present in market milk: ref IV vn 467 Number bacteria found in milk supply of Halle: ref. IV vn 468 Rennet. Action on Cheese IV vn 120 Action in ripening Cheese. . IV vn 132 Rennie, G. Report on Development of Heat in Agitated Water: reprint II in 53 Renselaerite, tests; Canadian localities II vi 159 Rensselaeria (Hall) II vi 265 R. elongata, Hall II vi 267 Ser. Vol. Page Rent. A Criticism of Prof. Walker's work on that Subject. By W. A. Dou- glass: abstract Ill iv 58 Repetition, Law of II xi 312 Rephaim, connection with Anakim II xiv 169 Report. Commissioners of Public Work, for Canada, 1851; reviewed I I 90 Juries of 1851 Exhibition: reviewed I I 89 Representative, fourth cog- native faculty of mind... II xi 312 Reproduction. True Sexual, in Infu- soria. By M. Balbiana: reprint II vn 391 Reproductive, third cogni- tive faculty of mind II xi 311 Reptilia. On Orders of fossil and RECENT, AND THEIR DIS- TRIBUTION IN TIME. By Prof. Owen: reprint II v 73 R. Owen's Classification of. II v 539 Species that contain Nissl granules IV vi 425 Reptiles. Classes unrepresented by fossils: reasons II xm 382 Dicynodon Tigriceps. By Prof. Owen: reprint I in 317 Fossil, in tree in coal Mea- sures of Nova Scotia. ... I I 237 Fossil, from Coal-measures of Nova Scotia II vm 267 Preservation of, for natural history specimens, notes on . I i 173 Tracks of, in Lower Silurian I in 252 Repulse Bay. Boulders carried there by ice II iv 183 Huronian rocks Ill iv 199 Minerals Ill iv 199 Research. Co-operative-work in IV ix 232 Defined IV ix 229 Respiration. Atropine paralyzes IV vn 232 Condition of, on effect of dose of chloroform IV vn 203 Diemyctylus IV vin 489 Does heart or, stop first in chloroform poisoning.... IV vn 199 Forcible pulling forward of tongue in artificial, in chloroform poisoning .... IV vn 218 409 RES PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE REV Ser. Vol. Page Respiration-Con. Plant II ix 422 Plethodon IV vm 488 Respiratory. Exchange in man IV ix 269 Centres insensitive to lower- ing blood supply (pl.).... IV vn 205 Restigouche Dist., Inter- colonial Ry., geology of. II xv 383 Restigouche R., lower Car- boniferous rocks and Gaspe Limestone series of II xv 384 " Resurrection Bone ". Legend of. By J. Playfair McMurrich IV ix 45 Resuscitation. Methods of, in chloroform poisoning IV vn 215 Reteograptus. Generic characters II vi 188 Primordial zone, Quebec... II vi 43 Retepora asperato-striata, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Thorold II xiv 141 Retiolites, primordial Zone, Quebec II vi 43 Retreat Pointe, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 539 Retzia, generic characters.. . II vi 147 R. eugenia (n. sp.), Devo- nian rocks, Ont. (pl.).... II vi 147 Retzius, Prof. Andrews. Crania of Caribs of W. In- dies similar to Guanches of Canaries: ref Ill v 74 Reviews. Acadian Geology. By J. W. Dawson II I 39 Account of U. S. Naval As- tronomical Expedition to Southern Hemisphere, 1849-50, '51, '52. By Lieut. Gilliss, U.S.N II ii 195 Agriculture of French Ex- hibition. By J. Wilson, F.R.S. (Edin.) II i 140 Alaska and its Resources. ByWm. H. Dall .. II xn 480 Almanac of U.S. of Colombia for 1863 II ix 411 Analytical Statics; by J. Todhunter II i 63, 299 Anglo-American Magazine. I I 72 Annaler for Nordish Old- kyndighed og Historic (Annals of Northern Archaeology and History) II iv 51 Annals of Astronomical Ob- servatory of Harvard Col- lege; Account of Great Comet of 1858. By G. P. Bond II vm 57 Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Archaic, or Studies of Cos- mogony and Natural History of Hebrew Scrip- tures. By J. W. Dawson . II v 59 Ballads of Scotland II iv 295 Bookseller; a Handbook of British and Foreign Liter- ature II iV 194 Book of Nature. By F. Shoedler I n 311 Bothwell; poem in 6 pts. By W. E. Aytoun II i 541 British Colonial Magazine.. I i 72 Canada at Universal Ex- hibition of 1855 II ii 32 Canada Educational Direc- tory and Calendar, 1857-8 II ii 207 Canada Directory for 1857-58 II m 34 Canadian Agriculturist and Transactions of Board of Agriculture 1 i 139 Canadian Almanac, 1859.. . II m 509 Canadian Canals II x 261 Canadian Literary News Letter and Booksellers Advertizer; H. Ramsay, Montreal, and A. H. Armour & Co., Toronto.. I m 268 Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. By E. Billings II i 164 Canadian poetry II m 17 Catalogue of Birds known to inhabit Western Canada (Ont.). . By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 244 Catalogue of Human Crania at Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. By J. Aitken Meigs II n 364 Chemical Method, Nota- tion, Classification and Nomenclature. By A. Laurent II I 295 Chemistry Elementary. By G. Fownes, F.R.S I n 170 Classification and Geogra- phical Distribution of Mammalia. By Richard Owen, F.R.S II v 58 Classification of Mollusca based on Principle of Cephalization. By Prof. Morse II xi 187 Climatology of United States. By L. Blodget.. . II ill 28 Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern. ... II vi 192 Contributions to Natural History of United States. By L. Agassiz II in 243 II vi 169 410 REV REV GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Contributions to Palaeon- tology, 1858-1859 and 1860. By Jas. Hall II vi 187 Course of Practical Chemis- try in Toronto University. By H. Croft II v 203, 299 Crania Britannica. By J. Barnard Davis and J. Thurman II n 443 II iv 142 Darwin's "Origin of Spe- cies'' II v 367 Descriptions of New Species of Palaeozoic Fossils. By Jas. Hall II m 153 Description of deformed fragmentary skull found at Jerusalem. By J. Ait- ken Meigs II iv 487 Descriptive Catalogue of Collection of Economic Minerals of Canada and of its Crystalline Rocks; sent to London Inter- national Exhibition (1862) II vn 215 Edinburgh Review No. CCXVII, Jan. 1858 II m 137 Elementary Geology. By Sir Chas. Lyell I m 285 Elements of Inorganic Che- mistry. By Thos. Gra- ham II in 488 Englishwoman in America.. II in 129 Esquisse Geologique du Canada. Par W. E. Logan et T. S. Hunt II i 378 Essay on Insects and dis- eases injurious to wheat crop. By H. Y. Hind.... II n 442 Examples of Application of Trigonometry to Crystal- lographic Calculations, for use of students. By E. J. Chapman II v 301 Existence of Dibranchiate Cephalopods of great bulk II vn 122 Family Herald. By John Lovell II v 57 Figures and Descriptions of Canadian Organic Re- mains; Decade III II iv 42 First Biennial Report of Geological Survey of Michigan II vn 73 Flora of Canada and Course in Botany at Laval Uni- versity. By l'Abbe Ovide Brunet II ix 344 Galbraith and Haughtons Scientific Manuals II v 48 Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Gales in Atlantic. By Lieut. Maury, U.S.N II n 280 Genessee Farmer for Jan. 1853 I i 139 Genetic Cycle Jji Organic Nature. By Geo. Ogilvie. II vn 515 Geological Evidences of Antiquity of Man, with remarks on theories of Species by Variation. By Sir Chas. Lyell II vni 378 Geological Survey of Can- ada, 1850-51 I i 112 Geological Survey of Can- ada. Reports for 1853, '54,'55,'56 II in 260 Geological Survey of Can- ada; Reports for 1853, '54, '55,'56 II in 320 Geological Survey of Can- ada; Report for 1858. ... II v 451 Geological Survey of Can- ada; Report from Com- mencement to 1863 II ix 207 Geological Survey of Can- ada, Decades I and IV... II iv 465 Geological Survey of Can- ada; Report for 1857 II iv 268 Government Map of Can- ada from Red River to GulfofSt. Lawrence (1858) II v 551 Geography and History of British America and other Colonies of Empire. By J. Geo Hodgins II in 47 Hamilton and Toronto Ry. Co's report for 1852-53... I I 260 Handbuch der Mineral- chemie. Von C. F. Ram- melsberg II v 540 Handbook of Toronto Cli- mate, Geology, Natural History, Educational In- stitutions, etc II in 502 Handbook of Zoology; Ver- tebrate animals. By J. Van der Hceven II in 347 Historical and Statistical in- formation respecting His- tory and prospects of In- dian Tribes of United States II in 437 Historical Pictures re- touched. By Mrs. Dall.. II v 532 History of Ancient Pottery. By Samuel Birch II ill 254 History of Infusoria, includ- ing Desmidiaceae and Dia- tomaceae British and For- eign. By Andrew Prit- chard II vn 368 411 REV PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE REV Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Holbein's Bible Cuts. By Thos. Frognall Dibdin... II iv 211 Holbein's Dance of Death. By Francis Douce II iv 211 How Plants Grow. By Asa Gray II iv 145 Human Physiology, Statical and Dynamical. By J. W. Draper II m 247 Illustrated Catalogue of Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon. By John Ed. Lee II vn , 463 Indigenous Races of the Earth. By J. C. Nott and Geo. R. Gliddon II n 208 Inscriptiones Britanniae La- tinse II xiv 145 Introduction to Crypto- gamic Botany. By Rev. M. J. Berkeley II ill 342 Journal and Transactions of Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada No. I, Vol. 1, 1855 I in 268 Journal of Education, Que- bec, Vol. Ill, 1859 II v 365 Journal of Education; Lower Canada (Que) II vi 487 Journal of Education, Jour- nal de 1'Instruction Pub- lique, Quebec II n 282 Journal of Society of Arts and of Institutions in Union I i 164 Junius Discovered. By F. Griffin II i 58 Lake's System of Canal Steam Navigation I i 209 Last Poems of Elizabeth B. Browning II vn 210 Leaves of grass. By Walt Whitman II I 546 Lectures on Elements of Comparative Anatomy By Thos. H. Huxley II x 40 Letters from Egypt, Ethio- pia and Sinai by Dr. R. Lepsius with extracts from Egyptian Chrono- logy of Exodus of Israel- ites I ii 149 Letters from United States, Cuba and Canada. By Hon. Amelia M. Murray. II i 160 List of Birds observed near Hamilton, Ont. By Thos. Mcllwraith II xi 245 London Quarterly Review, No. CCV, Jan. 1858 II in 137 Lowell's General Geography II vi 485 Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Manual of Botanic Terms. By M. C. Cooke II vn 214 Manual of Detection of Poisons. By Dr. F. J. Otto ..... II hi 134 Manual of Geology. By Jas. D. Dana II vin 49 Manual of sub-kingdom of Coelenterata. By Jos. Reay Greene II vn 78 Map of United Counties of Prescott and Russell II Vi 487 Manufacture of Vinegar; its theory and practice. By Chas. M. Wetherill II vi 183 Master Builders' Plan or Principles of organic architecture as indicated in typical forms of ani- mals. By Geo. Ogilvie. . . II iv 278 Mathematical and Physical Science, 1770-1850; Article in Encyclopaedia Britannica II II 366 Memoirs of Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. By Sir David Brewster II I 452 Metals in Canada. By Jas. L. Willson and Chas. Robb II vi 486 Meteorites. By Elijah P. Harris II iv 411 Modern Geography for use of Schools. By Robert Anderson Edinburgh... . II i 464 Monograph of Trochilidae or Humming Birds. By John Gould II iv 47 Monograph on British Spon- giadae. By J. S. Bower- bank II x 355 Narrative of Canadian Red River Exploring Expedi- tion of 1857, and of the Assiniboine and Sas- katchewan ones of 1858. By H. Youle Hind II vi 175 Narrative of Expedition of American Squadron to Chinese Sea and Japan in ♦ 1852-53-54 II I 523 Nelson's Atlas of World.... II vin 54 New arrangement of Pha- nerogamous plants, with especial reference to rela- tive position, including their relations with Cryp- togamous. By Ben Clarke II xi 233 New Era, and Argus, Hono- lulu, 1857 II in 451 412 REV REV GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. New History of Conquest of Mexico. By Robert Alex. Wilson II v 442 New Species of Lower Silur- ian Fossils. By E. Bil- lings II vii 71 North British Review No. LIV, Nov. 1857 II in 137 Northwest Territory. By Henry Youle Hind II v 187 Notes on Central America; geography, topography, climate, etc. By E. G. Squier II I *359 Notes on Japan. By Lau- rence Oliphant II v 86 Observations on Terrestrial Pulmonifera of Maine, in- cluding catalogue of all species of terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca known to inhabit the state. By Ed. S. More II x 42 Old Glaciers of Switzerland and North Wales. By A. C. Ramsay II v 51 On advancement of learning in Scotland. By J. Stuart Blackie II I 168 On Course of Collegiate Education adapted to Cir- cumstances of British America. By J. W. Daw- son II I 168 On Food. By E. Lankester. II vn 358 On Fucoides in Coal For- mations. By Leo. Les- quereux II xi 191 On Origin of Species, or Causes of Phenomena of Organic Nature. By Thos. H. Huxley.. II vm 390 On Pre-Carboniferous Flora of New Brunswick, Maine and Eastern Canada. By J. W. Dawson II vi 486 Oscar and other Poems. By Carroll Ryan II hi 17 Otto's Handbuch der An- organischen Chemie II in 488 Our Convicts. By Mary Carpenter II x 412 Outlines of Elementary Botany, as Introductory to Local Floras. By Geo. Bentham II vn 79 Outlines of Natural Theo- logy for use of Canadian Student. By Prof. Jas. Bovell II v 201 Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Palaeontology. By Richard Owen II v 538 Parthenogenesis as occurring amongst Silkworms II vn 127 Physical Geography. By Mary Somerville I n 312 Philosophy of Sir Wm. Hamilton reviewed by G. Paxton Young II i 379 Pilgrimage and other Poems. By Earl of Ellesmere.... II I 302 Poems. By Alex. McLauch- lan II in 17 Popular Geology. By Hugh Miller II iv 406 Progress of Educational De- velopment. By H. P. Tappan II i 168 Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems. By John Reade II xn 490 Rational Philosophy in His- tory and in System; an Introduction to a Logical and Metaphysical Course. By Alex. C. Fraser II in 347 Recherches sur les principes Mathematiques de la Theorie des Richesses par A. Cournot II n 185 Remarks on Upper Canada Surveys (Huron and Ottawa Territory) II vi 487 Report of Board of Direc- tors of Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Ry. Union Co. and of Alfred Brunnel, Chief Asst. Eng I I 256 Report of Commissioners of Public Works, Canada, for 1851 . I I 90 Report of Commissioner of Patents for 1856, U.S.... II in 239 Report of Geological Survey of State of Iowa. By James Hall and J. D. Whitney... II v 195 Report of Great Western Ry. for 1852-53 I I 257 Reports of Juries of 1851 Exhibition I I 89 Report on exploration of L. Superior and Huron. By Count de Rottermund.. . II i 446 Report on Victoria Bridge. By Robert Stephenson... II I 467 Researches on Colour blindness and dangers attending Railway and Marine Coloured Signals; By Geo. Wilson, M.D.... II j 146 413 REV PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE RHA Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Romantic Scottish Ballads; their epoch and author- ship. By Robert Cham- bers II iv 468 St. Lawrence and Saguenay and other Poems. By Charles Sangster II m 17 Sandwich Islands Monthly Mag., Jan. to May, 1856. II in 451 Scobie' Canadian Almanac for 1853 1 i 89 Seven Years' Residence in Great Deserts of N. Ame- rica. By Abbe Em. Do- menech II vn 47 Ship Canal from Albany to New Baltimore; report on I I 186 Short treatise on Milkweed, or Silk-weed and Cana- dian nettle, viewed as in- dustrial resources. By Alex. Kirkwood II Xi 247 Sir Wm. Hamilton's essays on Human Mind H n 285 Sketch of Overland Route to British Columbia. By H. Youle Hind II vn 200 Sketches of Natural History of Ceylon. By Sir Jas. Emerson Tennent 11 vn 347 Smithsonian Institution, its founder, Building, Opera- tions, etc. Annual Re- ports of Regents, etc. ... II x 119 Smithsonian Institution's Report for 1856 II ni 41 Smithsonian Institute, tenth Annual Report, 1855. .... II II 39 Some points connected with recent eruption of Vesu- vius II vn 125 Song of Charity II m 17 Song of Hiawatha. By H. W. Longfellow II I 48 Story of a Boulder. By Arch. Geikie II m 493 Summary of Canadian His- tory from time of Cartier to 1860. ByJ. A. Boyd.. II v 537 Supplementary Chapter to Acadian Geology. By J. W. Dawson II VI 191 Synopsis of Canadian Ferns and Filicoid Plants. By Geo. Lawson ... II ix 348 Tablesof Measures; English, Old French and Metrical. By Arthur Wurtele II vi 487 Tales of Mystery and Poems. By Edgar Allan Poe II ii 103 Ser. Vol. Page Reviews-Con. Taylor's Treatise on Poi- son's II iv 286, 412 Temple of Serapis at Poz- zuoli. By Sir Ed. Walker Head, Bart II m 336 Testimony of Rocks. By Hugh Miller II II 201 Three Visits to Madagascar, 1853, '54, '56. By Rev. Wm. Ellis II iv 204 Toronto and Guelph Rail- way Report for 1852-53. . I I 259 Toronto Harbour I I 162 Transactions of Literary and Historical Society of Quebec I m 327 Treatise on some of Insects injurious to Vegetation. By Thaddeus Wm. Harris II vn 521 Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. By Rev. Jas. McCosh and Geo. Dickie II I 528 Uses of Animals in relation to Industry of Man. By E. Lankester II vn 358 Wanderings of an Artist among Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver Island and Oregon, through the Hud- son's Bay Co's Territory and back again. By Paul Kane II iv 186 Westminster Review No. CXXXV, Jan. 1858 II m 137 What is Technology. By Geo. Wilson, Edin II I 53 Victoria Gazette B.C. 1858. II in 451 Reville, Dr. A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru: ref HI V 65 Revolutionary War, 1776, Montreal merchants en- deavours to keep trade routes open during IV iv 300 Reynolds, Thos., M.D. Discovery of Copper and other Indian Relics near Brockville II i 329 Reynolds' Sketch Books. . . II i 399 Rhabdochromatium, nuclei in IV vi 474 Rhabdophaga batatas, Walsh, host and anatomy (pl.) IV ix 324 R. strobiloides, Walsh, host and anatomy (pl.) IV ix 325 Rhaguium, limestone, Oliv. . Im 258,326 Rhamnaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 414 RHY RHA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Rhamnaceae-Con. Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 147 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 638 II xv 352 London species II vm 223 Rhamnus, Tourn, Cana- dian habitats of R. alnifolia, L'Her II xv 352 R. cathartica, L II xv 352 Rhees, Wm. J. Account of Smithsonian In- stitution, its Founder, Building Operations, etc. II x 119 Rhegium, copper coins (3) from, in Canadian Institute II ix 228 Rheumatism root, Canadian habitats II xv 59 Rhexia, L.» Canadian habi- tats of R. virginica, L II xv 553 Rhimopoma carlolinense.. II i 189 Rhinaria schoenherri, Kirb, Canadian II I 36 Rhinoceros. Fossil bones of, from Abbe- ville, with incisions on them II vi 370 R. tichorhinus, in France... II ix 274 Rhinopora verrucosa, Hall, Clinton Group, Dundas.. II xiv 141 Rhizomolgula gigantea Re- dikorzew, syn. R. globu- laris (Pallas) IV ix 127 R. globularis (Pallas), Bri- tish Columbia coast IV ix 127 Rhizopoda. Position in animal kingdom. II iv 285 II vn 370 Toronto tap water Ill i 421 Rhizopods II vi 505 Rhode Island. Carboniferous rocks Ill m 19 Metamorphism in, Coal Basin. By Prof. T. Nel- son Dale: abstract Ill in 18 Rhodes (Island). Horite traces ijn II xm 540 Zimri traces ijn II xv 305 Rhodites, Host and Ana- tomy of R. bicolor, Harr IV ix 350 R. gracilis, Aehm IV7 ix 351 R. ignotus O. S IV ix 350 R. lenticularis, Bass (pl.) . . IV ix 349 R. multispinosus, Gillette. . IV ix 349 R. nebulosus, Bass IV ix 351 R. eglanteriae, inquiline- produced gall in IV ix 367 R. lenticularis, Bass, be- ginning of gall develop- ment in IV ix 358 Ser. Vol. Page Rhodocrinus pyriformis, possess free movement... II iv 468 Rhodonite, crystals II i 483 Rhodosporae, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 73 Rhombic system, in minerals II v 8 Rhombohedrons, logarith- mic formula for vertical axis II ii 219 Rhomboideus, muscle in orang IV vi 525 Rhopalocera, N. American: ref II vin 2 Rhopetica II x 357 Rhus, L., Canadian habi- tats of R. aromatica, Ait II xv 351 R. copallina, L II xv 351 R. glabra, L II xv 351 R. toxicodendron, L II xv 351 R. typhina, L II xv 351 R. radicans, Toronto I i 205 R. toxicodendron, Toronto.. I i 205 R. typhina, L., host for Pemphigus rhois, Fitch. . IV ix 306 R. vernix, Toronto I i 206 Rhyacophilina, Characters and N. American habi- tats of R. fuscula, Walker II vn 501 R. torva, Hagen II vn 501 Rhynchitidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Rhynchonella. Characters; Canadian local- ities (pl.) II vn 114 Rib formula in II iv 53 R. glaus-fagea, Hall II vi 271 R. laura (n. sp.), Hamilton Shales, Bosanquet (pl.). . II v 273 R. medea n. sp., Canadian specimen II v 271 R. neglecta, Hall. Dundas II xiv 144 Niagara Limestone, Thorold II xiv 141 R. psittacea II iv 317 R. tethys (n. sp.), Cornifer- ous, Haldimand County (pl.) II v 270 R. thalia (n. sp.), Cornifer- ous, near Woodstock (pl.) II v 272 R. unisulcata, Hall, Cor- niferous (pl.) II v 279 Rhynchonellidae. Canadian II iv 274 Generic characters II in 162 Spiriferidae and, same family II xi 393 Rhys, Prof. Organi inscriptions: ref.... IV v 65 415 RIB PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE RIG Ser. Vol. Page Ribes, L., Canadian habi- tats of R. cynosbati, L. II xv 435 R. floridum, L II xv 546 R. hirtellum, Michx II xv 435 R. lacustre, Poir II xv 546 R. oxyacanthoides, Linn... II xv 485 R. prostratum, L'Her Il xv 546 R. rubrum, L .. II xv 546 R. rotundifolium, Michx. .. II xv 546 Ribot. Primitive Poetry: ref IV vi 313 Ricagmabeda, goddess, notes on Latin inscription to, found at Birrens II xiv 150 Riccia sorora, Niagara and Clinton formations of Canada II xiv 472 Rice Bird, Hamilton species.. II v 392 Rice Lake. Action of Ice on Bridge at. By T. C. Clarke, C.E. I in 249 Action of Ice on Bridge at.. I in 250 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 539 Ice phenomena, from Ob- servations on. By J. H. Dumble ; . II in 414 Opinion regarding Bridge. . Im 268 Passing visit to. By Dr. Goadby and J. Bovell. .. I in 201 Richardson. Geological and physical fea- tures of Anticosti Island: reviewed II m 327 Geological exploration of Gaspe Peninsula in 1858: reviewed II v 464 Geological Survey of Mag- dalen R. in Gasp6: explor- ation of Saugenay and St. JohnLake,Que.: reviewed II iv 270 Richardson. Noh'hanne same as Nah'- ane: ref IV vn 517 Origin of term "Eskimo": ref III vi 267 Richardson, Dr. B. W. Cause of death in man and animals in Chloroform poisoning: ref . IV vn 201 Richardson, C. Gordon. Dextrine Maltose in Beer-Worts: abstract.. Ill v 133 Richardson, Hugh. Report on Preservation and Improvement of To- ronto Harbour (this was awarded third premium by Commissioners in 1854) I ill 120a Richardson, Hon. John. Nom-de-plume "Veritas": selections from his criti- cisms of war of 1812 II xv 333 Ser. Vol. Page Richardson, Sir John. Account of Coppermine re- gion IV ix 216 Geology of McKenzie R.. . Ill I 229 Petroleum areas on Atha- baska: ref Ill I 226 Richardus Corinensis. Literary masking of eigh- teenth Century. By Daniel Wilson II xn 177 Richemond, M. Desbassyus de. Deforestration affects water supply: ref I n 133 Richmond Hill, Ont., 1800. II xm 446 Richmond Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 539 Ricinus, collateral chorisis in II x 381 Riddell, J. S. Notice of a binocular Microscope I i 144 Rideau Canal, its construc- tion and cost II x 268 Rideau, Ont. Eylais falcata Koen, from pond at IV ix 283 Rideau, Petite Riviere, ga- zetteer notice (1813) II xiv 540 Rideau River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 66, 540 Ridout, Samuel. Surveyor General of U. Canada II xn 246 Riess. Histological structure of branchial system of Te- leosts: ref Ill ii 421 Rigaud Mt., Que., Composi- tion of II v 439 Righthandedness. Animals showing II xv 471 Among aborigines and sava- ges Ill in 138 Among animals II xm 197 Among Germanic ancestors. II xm 214 Among Hebrews II xm 215 Among Mexicans II xm 220 Among primitive peoples... II xm 207 Among savages II xm 196 Among Troglodytes Ill in 130 In primaeval times Ill m 126 In writing II xm 218 Is man with only excep- tional cases righthanded. II xm 193 Practised generally from re- motest times II xv 470 Primaeval Dexterity. By Daniel Wilson Ill ill 125 Righthand side of honour, etc II xm 216 Righthandedness. By Daniel Wilson II xm 193 416 RIG GENERAL INDEX RIV Ser. Vol. Page Righthandedness-Con. Theory as to cause II xv 474 Theories concerning II xm 201 Troglodytes and Aborigines of France were right- handed II xv 468 Rigid Dynamics. Note on Composition of Parallel Rotations. By J. B. Cherriman II n 92 Rings, Dene IV iv 140, 166 Rink, Dr. American origin of Eskimo: ref..... Ill vi 273 Classification of Eskimo: ref. Ill vi 266 Eskimo, origin: ref Ill v 60 Legend of Eskimo about se- curing copper from South: ref Ill vi 277 Ring Necked Plover, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Ringed Seal, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 78 Ringel. Bacteria in human milk: ref IV vn 472 Rio, Capt. Antonio del. Ruins of Palenque: ref IV vi 102 Rio Grande, Jamaica, ter- races IV v 352 Ripple marks, on Lake beach, Garrison Common, Toronto I i 150 Rippoldsau spring, analysis of its water I I 151 Risinghan Notes on Latin Inscriptions Giving ancient name as Habitancum r II xn 125 II xiv 155 On altar and slabs II iv 254 II x 104 On slab dedicated to Cara- calla II x 102 On stone and altar; former appears to be memorial of Christian II ix 224 To Roman legate in A.D. 205-207 II x 314 Rissa tridactyla, Toronto... Ill vn 190 Rissoa, Minuta of, St. Law- rence Valley II in 86 Ritson, Jos. Autograph in volume now property of Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 539 Ritter. Colour of Autodax and its larvae: ref IV vin 485 Incubation of Autodax eggs: ref IV vin 474 Respiration in Diemyctylus: ref IV vin 489 Ser. Vol. Page Ritter and Miller. Colour of Autodax and its larvae: ref IV vin 485 Incubation of Autodax eggs: ref _ IV vin 474 Moisture required for de- velopment of Autodax: ref IV vin 485 Ritthausen. On gluten: ref IV vil 500 Proteids in gluten: ref IV vn 498 Rive, Prof. A. de La. Cause of Aurora Borea- lis: reprint I in 124,164 Rivers. Calcium relatively abundant in IV vn 556 Composition of primeval ocean inferred from that of existing rivers IV vn 556 Chinese II iv 234 Cumberland; its gradient and drainage area Ill vn 99 Declivity of I i 165 Description of detritus car- ried down by I ill 79 Duck; its drainage area in Central Basin of Tennes- see Ill vn 102 Elk; its drainage Area in Central Basin, Tennessee III vn 102 Evidence from, that potas- sium and calcium pre- dominated in pre-Cam- brian seas IV vn 555 Magnesium present to some extent in IV vn 557 Mississippi and Ohio ..... In 9 On Causes of Excess of Mean Temperature of RIVERS ABOVE THAT OF Atmosphere recently OBSERVED BY M. RENOU. By W. J. M. Rankine: re- print I I 96 On Ground-Ice or Anchor Ice, in. By Prof. Jas. Thompson: reprint II vin 320 Potassium exceeds Sodium in rivers draining rocky areas of pre-Cambrian origin IV vn 556 Proportional amounts of Na, K, Ca, Mg, SOs, Cl, Si and Fe in IV vn 558 Preglacial, traced in Gt. Lakes IV Vi 47 River Credit, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 376 River St. Clair, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 214 417 RIV PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ROC Ser. Vol. Page River Water. Ammonia in Rain, and Snow: reprint I n 102 Relative proportions of ele- ments in solution not parallel to those in sea water: reason IV vu 560 Robb, Chas. C. E. Descriptive list of Prin- cipal Canadian Timber Trees II vi 28 Observations on Physical Geology of Western districts of Canada (Ont.) II v 497 On Petroleum Springs of Ontario II vi 313 Succession of ridges inland from L. Ontario: ref IV vi 30 Robb, Chas., Jos. L. Wilson and. Metal in Canada; a Manual for explorers: reviewed .. II vi 486 Robe, Dene, ceremonial IV iv 179 Robertson. Similarity of American tribes: ref II II 407 Robertson, Capt. Trade routes in Canada, 1784; exploration IV v 76 Robin. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 90 Hamilton frequenter II v 390 II vi 16 Observations on Ontario visitors HI vu 181,189 IV i 42, 53, 58, 59 IV in 73, 83, 98 Seen near Toronto in winter 1851-52 I i 260 Robin, albino. Measurements of IV in 90 Seen in Toronto HI vu 188 Robin, Ground, habits of On- tario visitors Ill in 93 Robinia, L., Canadian lo- calities of R. pseudoacacia, L II xv 356 R. viscosa, Vent II xv 356 Robinson, Sir John Beverly, Chief Justice. Autograph letter to Bishop Mountain II xiv 112 Presidential Address Canadian Institute, 1854 I ii 142 Presidential Address, 1855 I in 153 Reminiscences of II xm 95 Robinson, Joseph. On Preserving Timber from Decay II n 8 Ser. Vol. Page Robinson, Dr. Louis. Markings on foot of infant: ref IV vi 521 Robinson, T. H. MlNATURE STEAM ENGINES. IV VIII 273 Roche, A. A. Resources and Capabili- ties of Island of Anti- costi: reprint I ill 328 Roche, Capitaine Portage, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 540 Rochefoucauld - Liancourt, Duke de la. Autograph letter from, (1795) II xiv 75 Brief biography of II xiv 78 Travels in Canada in 1795. . II xiv 75 Rochers, Pointe aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 540 Rochester Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 540 Rock or Rocks. Canadian, formations II vm 111 II ix 1 Classification of II vi 425 Classification of, in accord- ance with their relative Ages II vi 451 Decomposition of, and RE-COMPOSITION OF THEIR METALLIC CONSTITUENTS By John'Calvert: reprint I m 39 Distribution of, formations around L. Huron I nl 50 Division of Azoic, of Canada II n 439 Eruptive II vi 426 Formations in America... . I m 386 Formation at Belleville. ... II v 43 Fossils from altered, in Eastern Massachusetts .. II n 49 Metamorphic II vi 433 Metamorphic, in Canada... II vi 433 North shore of L. Superior. . I I 125 On Breaks in Succession of Life in British. By Prof. A. C. Ramsay: re- print II in 89 On composition and mis- CROPIC STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN BASALTIC AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS. By Dr. Andrews: reprint.... I I 168 On Probable Subdivision of Laurentian, of Can- ada. By Sir Wm. E. Logan II in 1 On discovery of micro- scopic SHELLS IN LOWER Silurian. By Prof. Eh- renberg: reprint I m 193 418 ROC GENERAL INDEX ROM Ser. Vol. Page Rock or Rocks-Con. On intrusive, of Mont- real District. By T. SterryHunt: reprint. ... II v 426 On rocks of Canada. By W. E. Logan I I 124 On Theory of Igneous, and Volcanos. By T. Sterry Hunt II ill 2q1 Origin of, cleavage II I 552 Pictured, of L. Superior ... II I 347 Primary and Metamorphic, of Ontario I in 29 Quebec Group of II vi 44 Rock-Metamorphism. By T. Sterry Hunt II n 300 Sail, on L. Superior II i 351 Sedimentary II vi 437 Sedimentary, changes to which subjected II vi 445 Sedimentary, formation of . II vi 440 Subdivision of palaeozoic, in Scotland. By D. Page: reprint I in 115 Submarine, blasting at New York I i 48 Testimony of. By Hugh Miller: reviewed II n 201 Topographical Distribution of Huronian, in Canada.. II vm 126 Rock Cress, Canadian species and localities II xv 64 Rock Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 540 Rock Rose, localities Cana- dian species II xv 167 Rock Ptarmigan, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 120 Rock Valleys, eastern On- tario (map) IV vii 168 Rocket, first locomotive with multitubular boilers I n 63 Rocky Island, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 540 Rocky Lake, topography.... IV vm 344 Rocky Mts. Early explorations Ill vi 145 Entomological trip in. By Capt. Gamble Geddes HI n 232 Lepidoptera (Diurnal) col- lected in (list) HI n 239 List of Coleoptera col- lected by Bruce Bailey in Kicking Horse Pass, C.P.R., 1884 Ill v 213 On remarkable fragment OF SILICIFIED WOOD FROM. By H. A. Nicholson and W.H. Ellis II xiv 348 Primordial Sandstone of : reprint II vn 149 Ser. Vol. Page Rocky Mt. Goat, Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Rocky Mt. Group, Canadian flora IV vin 26 Rocky Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 540 Rockwood, Ont. Caves and Potholes at. By Prof. J. Hoyes Panton III vi 244 Caves described Ill vi 245 Caves formation Ill vi 250 Fossils of Niagara formation at.. II xiv 146 Potholes formation Ill vi 250 Rodd. Rodd's Registered filter TAP DESCRIBED I I 12 Rodentia, localities of Cana- dian species Ill vi 79 Roe, Wm., Newmarket II xm 569 Roebling, J. A., C.E. Marine Boilers: reprint. I in 131 Rogers, Jos., Toronto II xn 333 Rogers, Major Rob. Concise Account of North America, 1765: ref II xv 27 IV in 265 Rogers, Prof. Geology of Pennsylvania: ref I I 126 Ozone Observations: ab- stract II n 72 Rogers, Samuel (poet), Obituary II I 83 Rogers, Timothy, Whit- church II xm 566 Rogers, W. H. Suppressed Sawdust Report: ref IV vii 431 Rohde. Nissl granules essential con- stituent of nerve cells: ref. IV vi 426 Rohwer, S. A. Euura serissimse Rohwer, Pontania crassicornis Rohwer, P. lucidse Roh- wer: ref IV ix 327 Rollers (birds), generic char- acters II ix 234 Rolph, Dr. Thos. Reminiscences of II xm 111 Statistical account of U. Canada, 1836 ... II xv 35 Romaic. Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Roman. Antiquities at Birrenswork. II xiv 10 Celtic, and Greek types STILL EXISTENT IN France, with notes on Langue D'OC. By Arthur Harvey IV n 176 419 ROM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ROS Ser. Vol. Page Roman-Con. Cranial capacity (large).... II xv 216 Crania of ancient II u 221 Description of Monuments of, Rule in Britain: re- viewed II xiv 543 Government of Britain; general view of II x 303 Governors of Britain during first century and dates of rule II x 304 Governors of Britain during second, third and fourth centuries determined from Latin Inscriptions dis- covered in Britain... II x 310 314, 322 Identified stations on southern, barrier in Britain. By Rev. John McCaul II xni 136 Inscriptions in Britain; McCaul's rendering of Bath inscription correct.. II m 465 International arbitration as practised by IV vm 41 Laws concerning church.... IV n 167 Law giving father absolute power over his children.. IV u 161 Laws influenced by Christi- anity in protecting child- ren IV ii 163 Laws regarding slaves before and after Christianity was established IV u 173 Medicine stamps in Britain interpreted II m 8 Metallurgy in Britain II vi 409 Old, Language with exam- ples I ii 277 Provision for relief of poor before Christianity was established and after- wards IV ii 165 Remains and survivals around Nimes IV u 198 Remains at Caerleon II vu 463 Shells found on, sites in Britain II in 386 Skulls of Ancient II i 76 Sun-baths; value of IV vm 99 Roman Walls in Britain. Notes on some Latin In- scriptions found on or near II ix 221 II xii 108, 118 Who built them? II xm 136 Romance. Beavers mentioned in, lan- guages II iv 360 Origin and growth of, lan- guages IV ii 184 Ser. Vol. Page Romance-Con. Report on Congress of, Philology at Montpel- lier. By Arthur Harvey. IV u 188 Romanic Languages, origin and growth as affected by conquest Ill Vi 106 Rome. Ahban family in II xiv 562 Jadag family connection in. II xiv 560 On some Points connect- ed with Early History of. By Rev. E. St. John Parry I II 218, 274 Onam family connection in. II xiv 559 Shammai family in II xiv 561 Romney Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 541 Rondeau Harbor. Similar to Toronto IV I 245 Ronecht. Miraculous properties of... II iv 432 Ronig See, relative amounts of salts in water IV vu 559 Rontgen Rays, cure for Lu- pus vulgaris IV viii 123 Root. Botrychium virginianum (pl.) IV v 280 Root Aphis, symptoms of, in peach trees IV u 213 Roots. Nature of, and Words. By W. H. Van der Smissen II xv 509 Roofing Slates. Canadian II vu 218 Gaspe Peninsula II v 467 Rosa, Tourn, Canadian localities of R. blanda, Ait II xv 433 R. Carolina, L II xv 433 R. lucida, Ehrhardt II xv 433 R. micrantha, Smith II xv 433 R. rubiginosa, L II xv 433 R. setigera, Michx II xv 432 R. stricta, Lindl II xv 433 R. blanda Ait, Host of Rhodites bicolor, Harr IV ix 350 R. gracilis, Ashm IV ix 351 R. ignotus O.S IV ix 350 R. lenticularis, Bass IV ix 349 R. multispinosus, Gillette. . IV ix 349 R. nebulosus, Bass IV ix 351 R. Carolina, L., host of Rho- dites bicolor, Harr IV ix 350 Rosaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 293 Hamilton species Ill u 147 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 639 II xv 361 London species II vin 224 420 ROS GENERAL INDEX ROU Ser. Vol. Page Rosaceae-Con. Species supporting Platy- samia Cecropia Ill iv 211 Rose, Rev. Nom-de-plume " Pioneer of Wilderness"; selections from writings II xv 443 Rose. Canadian localities II xv 432 Medical properties IV Iv 132 Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 199 Rose Mallow, Canadian lo- calities II xv 175 Rose, Portage a la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 541 Rose-Root, Canadian habi- tats II xv 550 Rosebrugh, Dr. A. M. Duplex Telephony HI v 105 Electro-Therapeutic Ap- paratus: abstract Ill vi 14 New Ophthalmoscope for Photographing Poster- ior Internal Surface of Living Eye; with an outline of Theory of ordinary Ophthalmo- scope II ix 81 Optical defects of Eye AND THEIR TREATMENT BY SCIENTIFIC USE OF SPEC- TACLES II XI 1 Prison Reform Ill vn 206 Prison Reform in United States: abstract IV i 2 Telegraphing to and from RAILWAY TRAINS Ill IV 177 Rosebrugh, T. R. New Trigonometrical Scale: abstract Ill vn 32 Roseharp. Nom-de-plume of Jos. M. Cawdell; selections from poems II xv 449 Rosenberg. Fat absorbed in intestine in fine particles as emulsion: ref IV vm 242 Rosenthal. Fat absorbed by intestine in fine particles as emulsion: ref IV vm 242 Rosin Oil. Rosin Oil for lubricating Machinery: reprint.... I in 94 Ross, Admiral Sir John. Aurora Borealis: reprint. I i 95 I in 412 Legends regarding Eskimo origin: ref. Ill vi 280 Nehawney same as Nah'ane: ref IV vn 517 Ser. Vol. Page Ross, Sir John. On Deviation of magnetic NEEDLE PECULIAR TO Liverpool: reprint I in 112 Ross, John, Toronto II xm 105 Ross, J. McPherson. Trees and their individ- uality AND RELATION TO OUR DAILY LIFE IV VIII 261 Ross, Major. Raid on Mohawk valley 1781, by IV iv 294 Rosse, Earl of. Nebulae discovered by his Telescopes I n 140 "Niagara Mail" on, dis- coveries: reprint I n 206 Letters to, about con- tinuance of Toronto Observatory I i 146 Rosse's Telescopes, and their Revelations in the Heavens. By Rev. W. Scoresby: reprint.... I n 140 Rossean Configuration.... I n 206 Rossi, Franco, Toronto II xn 230 Rostelaria inornata, Gab, Haiti IV viii 389 R. occidentalis, Labrador coast II iv 273 Rotation. Instrument to illustrate Poinsot's Theory of. By J. Clark Maxwell: re- print II n 110 Note on Poinsot's Me- moir on. By J. B. Cherri- man II vm 283 Composition of Parallel. By J. B. Cherriman II n 92 Supposed relations between, of Earth and Gyratory movements in liquids under certain conditions. II vi 526 Rotatoria II vn 371 Rotch. Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vn 471 Rotifera II vn 371 Rottermund, Count de. Report on exploration of L. Superior and Huron: re- viewed II I 446 Rotumakana, hot springs. . II u 358 Rouge River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 541 Rougemont, Mt. Que., com- position of II v 438 Rough-Legged Buzzard, Prince of Wales Sound... Ill v 120 Rouille, Fort, Ont II xn 16g 421 ROU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE RUR Ser. Vol. Page Rouse, M. L. Analogy between con- sonants and Musical Instruments: abstract.. Ill iv 92 Number, Nature and Musical Character of vowel sounds: abstract. Ill in 58 Rousette, Ceylon II vn 348 Rousseau. Primitive poetry: ref IV vi 313 Rousseau, M. Emile. On Purification of Juice of Beet Root in manu- facture of Beet Root Sugar: reprint II vi 292 Rouville Mt., Que., Chemi- cal Analysis of felspar from II v 435 Roux. Calcareous substance on leaves furnished through roots: ref IV vn 262 Calcium bicarbonate solu- tion on leaves in early morning is same as ab- sorbed by roots: ref IV vn 259 Splenic fever organisms' powers of resistance: ref.. IV vm 425 Rowland. Number bacteria found in milk supply of London (Eng.): ref IV vn 468 Roxburgh Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 63, 541 Roy, Thos. Ridges and Terraces of On- tario Basin: ref Ill vi 2 Terraces and level ridges north of L. Ontario: ref.. IV vi 29 Royal Geographical Society. Services of Sir Roderick Murchison to I in 54 Anniversary meeting, May, 1855: reprint I in 308 Royal Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 541 Royal Medals, awards for 1855 II I 199 Royal Society. Canadian Institute and EXCHANGE OF PUBLICA- TIONS I ii 170 Royal William. First boat to cross Atlantic under steam IV ix 108 Steamboat IV ill 169 Rubiacese. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species Ill n 149 Locality Canadian species.. II xiv 642 London species II vm 226 Ser. Vol. Page Rubin stain, improves iron- alum stain of nerve cells.. IV vi 410 Rubus, Tourn., Canadian localities of R. arcticus, L II xv 431 R. canadensis, L II xv 432 R. castoreus, Fries II xv 432 R. chamaemorus, L II xv 431 R. hispidus, L. II xv 432 R. neglectus, Peck II xv 432 R. nutkanus, Mocino II xv 431 R. occidentalis, L II xv 432 R. odoratus, L II xv 431 R. strigosus, Michx II xv 432 R. triflorus, Richardson.... II xv 431 R. villosus, Ait II xv 432 Ruby, artificial formation of. II iv 54 Ruckert. Origin of blood cells in Tor- pedo embryos: ref IV ii 251 Rudolf, R. D. Observations on Blood Pressure, with special REFERENCE TO CHLORO- FORM IV vii 187 Ruge, Dr. Geo. External plantar nerve: ref. IV vi 584 Peroneal group of muscles: ref IV vi 565 Rumex sanguineus, L., London, Barrie Ill n 156 Rumford, Count Ill m 27 Rumm. Effect of bordeaux mixture on leaves: ref IV vn 246 Ruminants. Ruminants of the North- West (Canada). By Ernest E. T. Seton Ill in 113 Rumsey, John. Canadian law courts, poems II xm 96 Runial, Pointe a la, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 541 Runic Inscriptions. Dated 1051 found near Washington II xn 140 Davis Strait II ix 294 Siberia IV n 261 Runsey, John. Nom-de-plume " Plinius Secundus"; selections from writings II xv 452 Rupert's Land. Science in. By Daniel Wilson II vii 336 Rural. Cause of decline in, popula- tion of Ontario IV ix 264 Rural depopulation in southern Ontario. By S. A. Cudmore IV ix 261 422 RUS SAB GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Ruskin. Autograph with brief com- ments II xiv 604 Russell. Advantages of vaseline on hands when milking: ref. . IV vu 482 Bacteria in diary utensils: ref.... IV vu 491 Bacteria in udder milk: ref. IV vu 471 Certified milk: ref IV vu 493 Russell, Miss Elizabeth, Toronto II xn 153 II xm 435 Russel, Peter (Receiver General U.C.). Autograph receipt for Licen- ses, 1806 II xiv 100 Reminiscences of II xil 153 II xm 106 Slaves of II xm 86 Russell, Scott. Progress of Naval Ar- chitecture AND STEAM Navigation: reprint. ... I m 144 Russel and Weinzirl. Rise and fall of bac- teria in Cheddar Cheese: ref IV vu 109 Ruscom River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 541 Russell Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 541 Russia. Comparative Tabular Meteorological Obser- vations in Canada, Eng- land and. By W. G. Tomkins II iv 389 Universal time Ill m 64 Village Community Ill iv 62 Russow. Periderm tissue in Ophio- glossaceae: ref IV v 284 Russula, Habits and On- tario habitats of R. atropurpurea Pk IV ix 72 R. aurata, Fr IV ix 72 R. cyanoxantha Schoeff, Fr. IV ix 72 R. emetica, Fr IV ix 72 R. faeteus, Fr IV ix 72 R. heterophylla, Fr IV ix 72 R. roseipes (Seer), Bres. . . . IV ix 72 R. virescens Schaeff, Fr. . . . IV ix 72 Rusty Grackle, Hamilton species II v 392 Rutacese. Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 147 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 638 II xv 350 London species II vm 223 Ser. Vol. Page Rutchester. Roman name Vindobala; evidence II xm 143 Rutherford, Lieut. Ceremony adoption into Indian family, of IV m 238 Captivity among Indians. . IV ill 230 Narrative, an episode in the Pontiac war, 1763, AN UNPUBLISHED MS. by, of the Black Watch IV m 229 Ruthven's Propeller I n 282 Rutile. Artificial formation of II vi 526 Generic characters II v 520 Vanadic and Molybdic Acid in II vi 300 Rutine II iv 328 Rutter, C. Loss of weight in Spring salmon far up river: ref.. IV ix 29 Salmon spawning: ref IV ix 32 Ruttan, Sheriff. Ventilating Car of I m 69 Ruzicka, Vladislaw. Alkalies action on nerve cells: ref IV vi 413 Nature of Nucleolus: ref. .. IV vi 416 Ryan, Car roll. Oscar and other Poems: re- viewed II in 17 Ryerson, Dr. G. Sterling. Colour-Blindness in its Relation to Railway Employes and the Pub- lic: abstract Ill vu 20 Defective Vision in Pub- lic Schools of Toronto: abstract IV i 27 Influence of Alcohol AND TOBACCO ON VISION: abstract Ill vi 18 Ryerson, Dr. Educational problems: ref. II m 423 School education: ref II i 185 Saba, Banks, W. Indies, physical features and geo- logy IV vu 356 Sabassas, Census, 1847 I i 197 Sabascasing, Bay Gneissic foliation in rock forma- tion: drawing Ill iv 117 Sabello-Oscan language, examples I u 276 Sabine. American Mode of catch- ing Mackerel: reprint. I u 117 Sabine, Maj.-Gen. On periodic and non- periodic VARIATION OF TEMPERATURE AT TORON- TO, 1841-1852 I ii 14 423 SAB PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SAI Ser. Vol. Page Sabine, Maj.-Gen.-Con. Magnetic Ob- servatories: reprint.... II ii 455 Efforts in establishing ob- servatory at Toronto.... II in 101 On Amount and Frequ- ency of Magnetic Dis- turbances and of Au- rora at Pt. Barrow, on Shores of Polar Seas: reprint II in 55 Supposed decennial inequa- lity in lunar diurnal mag- netic variation II n 451 Sabine language, shows ele- ment of Celtic I ii 274 Sables, Dores, Portage aux, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 658 Sables, Riviere aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Saccharomyces, sporulation in IV vi 501 S. cerevisiae. Budding IV vi 499 Corpuscles in IV vi 493 " Masked " iron in IV vi 495 Nucleus and nucleolus with membrane in IV vi 482 S. guttulatus, budding IV vi 499 S. ludwigii. Appearances of cells in early stages of fermentation... IV vi 491 Budding IV vi 499 Corpuscle in IV vi 493 " Masked " iron in cells.... IV vi 495 Nucleus, nucleolus and membrane in IV vi 482 Peculiar structures in IV vi 496 Sacharbekoff. Number bacteria found in milk supply of St. Peters- burg: ref IV vii 468 Sachem of Iroquois, select- ing a successor II iv 230 Sachs. Absorption of salt solutions by leaves: ref IV vii 246 Compounds in outer endo- sperm layer of wheat: ref. IV vii 513 Distilled water placed on leaves becomes alkaline: ref IV vii 263 Sacramento River, Salmon IV ix 24 Sacs, on Wisconsin river at time of Conquest IV ill 260 Sacy-le-Grand, flint instru- ments found in II ix 271 Sadebeck. Dichotomy does not occur in Filicineae: ref IV vm 521 Equisetaceous embryo: ref. IV v 2S0 Ser. Vol. Page Saemann, L. Unity of Geological Phe- nomena in Planetary System of Sun: reprint.. II vi 525 Saenuris, L. Ontario II xm 499 S. canadensis, Nich, L. On- tario II xm 498 Safford, Prof. J. W. On parallelism of lower Silurian groups of Mid- dle Tennessee with those of New York: re- print I n 138 Sagadjivedsse. Career of IV vi 290 Saganaskokam River, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Sagartiadae, acontia exten- ded from IV vi 387 Sagota, King of Siberia IV n 272 Sagemehl. Antorbital bone in Amiurus: ref... Ill ii 279 Sphenotic post frontal in Amia possesses membran- ous element: ref Ill n 280 Saggathewigewam, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Sagina, L., Canadian locali- ties of S. nodosa, Fenzl II xv 173 S. procumbens, L II xv 173 Saguenay, Que. Exploration of, in 1857... . II iv 270 St. Lawrence, and other poems. By Charles Sang- ster: reviewed II in 17 Sahaptin. Language of, and grammar. Ill vi 114 Language of, characteristics IV vi 283 Retreat and march towards Canada Ill vi 121 Sail Rock, L. Superior. ..*... II i 351 St. Andrew's Church, Nia- gara, history IV I 109 St. Andrew's, Man., Mound Builder's Mounds at Ill iv 132 St. Bartholomew, W. In- dies, physical features... IV vii 354 St. Charles, Que.,skirmish at, in 1837 IV in 289 St. Clair Flats. Lake Navigation and. ... I in 213 St. Clair Lake, Islands in.... II xiv 674 St. Columba. Biography of IV in 134 IV v 299 St. Columba or Colum Cille. By Rev. Neil MacNish IV in 131 St. David's Valley, Niagara. IV vn 8 St. Denis, skirmish at, in 1837 IV in 289 424 SAI GENERAL INDEX SAI Ser. Vol. Page St. Eustache, skirmish at, in 1837. By an eye witness. IV in 291 St. Eustacia, W. Indies, physical features and geo- logy IV vn 356 St. Filan's. Crozier II iv 431 Relics, etc., of II iv 429 St. George, Quetton, Tor- onto II xii 339 St. John, N.B. Meteorological conditions during Saxby Gale, 4th Oct., 1869 IV ix 255 St. John R. Abenakis of. By Edward Jack ", IV in 195 abstract IV in 13 St. John Valley, Que., Agri- cultural possibilities II iv 271 St. John's rock formation, New Brunswick II xv 105 St. John's-wort, Canadian localities II xv 168 St. Kitts, W. Indies. Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 142 Physical features and geo- logy of IV vn 356 St. Lawrence. Canals; 1852 report I i 91 Canals: cost II x 269 Copper deposits in Meta- morphic region south of. . II v 453 First surveys of II xiv 86 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 65 Geology of, basin II ix 7 Geology of, district Inter- colonial Ry II xv 381 Indian relics found on, Canal II i 329 Newer Pliocene Fossils of, Valley. By Prof. Dawson: reprint II m 86 Post-tertiary deposits of, valley II iv 317 Post tertiary times IV vi 52 Route to Europe I I 92 St. Lawrence, Saguenay and other Poems. By Charles Sangster: reviewed II m 17 Salts in water, proportional amounts in IV vn 558 Synopsis of Flora of, Val- ley. By John Macoun and John Gibson II xv 51 161, 349, 429, 546 Upper, geological district of Quebec II xv 94 Water analysed II u 300 Winter level of, raised by anchor ice II vii 175 Ser. Vol. Page St. Lawrence-Con. Winter Phenomena in: re- print I n 75 St. Lawrence and Lake Huron and Peterbo- rough Junction Lines, Report of chief Engineer. I i 22 St. Lawrence Group, Cana- dian flora IV viii 26 St. Lucia. Exports and Products of (1859) II vii 141 Geology and physical fea- tures of IV vii 363 St. Louis, Belcher's Artesian Well in I i 237 St. Lusson, Sieur de. Quebec to Sault St. Marie (1671) II viii 411 Ste. Marie on Wye. Site of Mission of; its POSSESSORS AND PRESENT CONDITIONS. By A. F. Hunter: abstract IV iv 230 St. Mark's Church, Nia- gara, history IV I 109 St. Martin Isle Jesus. Atmospheric Electricity ob- servations (1858) II iv 266 II v 311 Aurora Borealis, 1858, 1859 II iv 265 II v 311 Contributions to Meteo- rology, from Observa- tions AT. By Chas. Smallwood II iv 262 Mean Results of Mete- orological Observa- tions for 1852. By Chas. Smallwood, M.D I n 7 For 1853 I n 230 Montreal Natural History Society's report on ob- servatory at II i 409 Meteorology of, for 1859. By Chas. Smallwood... . II v 308 Meteorological Register of; see under Meteorological Register. Observatory at. By Chas. Smallwood (full descrip- tion with drawings) II in 281 Temperature of cold days of Feb. 1855 at I in 196 St. Martin's Island, West Indies, physical features and geology of IV vn 354 St. Martin Archipelago, West Indies, physical features and geology of. IV vii 354 425 SAI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SAL Ser. Vol. Page St. Marylebone. Brain weights of patients in, Infirmary II XV 211 St. Mary 's, Ont. Athyris maia at II v 277 Machaeracanthus sulcatus at III in 121 Meteorological Observations at, for 1858 II iv 390 Meteorological Obser- vations at, for 1859. By W. Graeme Tomkins. .. . II v 396 St. Nicholas Island, L. On- tario, 1779 IV iv 282 St. Peter Lake, Que., earth- quake at I i 185 St. Petersburg. Number bacteria in milk supply IV vn 468 St. Regis, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 63 St. Rollox. Chimney of Chemical works I i 12 St. Simon's Island, bed of shells at, Cannon Pt II ill 387 St. Vincent, W. Indies. Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 141 Geology and physical fea- tures IV vn 364 Saketupiks IV iv 249 Salamander. Pancreatic Nebenkerne in. IV i 272 Stimulating effect of light on IV vm 109 Structures in gastric mucosa of IV i 247 Salamandra atra, develop- ment of gills IV vm 484 S. larva, nerve cells IV vi 426 Salamis, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 251 Salford, Eng., sewage dis- posal IV ii 146 Salicacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species I m 292 II xiv 298 Distribution of aeriferous tissue in stem of IV ix 369 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 649 London species II van 233 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia HI iv 212 Salicaceous galls, production of aeriferous tissue in, and its distribution in normal stem IV ix 369 Salicornaria farciminiodes, from great sea depths.... II vi 520 Saliferous rocks, Michigan.. II vm 267 Ser. Vol. Page Saline. Classification of, Springs of Canada. By T. Sterry Hunt: abstract II vm 168 Waters of Canada I in 99 Salix. Effect of nutrient solutions on budding; expts IV vn 339 Host of sawfly gall producers IV ix 328 S. alba, L. Canadian ' II vi 39 Host of Pontania hyalina, Norton IV ix 328 S. cordata, Muhl, gall pro- duced on, by Pontania pomum Walsh shows red, a dormant colour in IV ix 372 S. cordata, Muhl, host of. Euura S. ovum Walsh IV ix 329 Cecidomyia triticoides Walsh IV ix 322 Pontania pomum, Walsh. . IV IX 328 Rhabdophaga strobiloides, Walsh IV ix 325 S. discolor, Muhl, host of Pontania pisum, Walsh. . IV ix 328 S. humilis, Marsh, host of Euura S. = gemma, Walsh; Pontania desmodioides Walsh and Pontania (un- described) IV ix 328 Pontania n.s. (pl.) IV ix 333 Rhabdophaga batatas Walsh IV ix 324 Sawfly gall (undescribed).. IV ix 335 S. longifolia, medicinal pro- perties of, among Indians IV vu 22 S. lucida Muhl, host of Gall undescribed or Pon- tania lucidae Rohwer... . IV ix 328 Pontania lucidae Rohwer... IV ix 334 S. serissima (Bailey), Fer- naid. Excrement of larvae of saw- fly gall on, produces cell division (pl) IV ix 368 Host of Euura (undescribed) or E. serissimae Rohwer.. IV ix 328 Saliva, tobacco's influence on. 11 in 253 Salmo gairdneri IV ix 24 S.iridens IV ix 24 S.mykiss IV ix 24 S. salar IV ix 23 Salmon. Artificial propagation OF, AND TROUT IN CAN- ADA. By R. Nettle: ab- stract....' IV in 43 Catch in good year IV ix 28 Changes in digestive organs as they ascend river..... IV ix 30 426 SAL SAN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Salmon-Con. Decrease, Restoration and Preservation of, in Canada. By Rev. Wm. Agar Adamson II u 1 Dene method of catching and curing IV iv 49, 84, 92, 196 Dene mode of catching land locked IV iv 74 Denes method of fishing (illustrated) Ill vu 129 Destruction in Ontario and Quebec, and means of pre- serving II ii 6 Effect of sawdust in rivers on IV vu 427 Effect of sawdust on propa- gation of IV vu 428 Facts regarding Columbia River Salmon I m 275 Fishery regulations and diffi- culty involved IV ix 42 Habits as they reach coast and ascend rivers IV ix 26 History from time fry des- cend streams until they return IV ix 33 Life history of Pacific. By Prof. J. Playfair McMurrich IV ix 23 Loss in weight as they as- cend river IV ix 29 Song of, Fishing by Tlinkit Indians IV vi 341 Spawning grounds IV ix 26 Species of IV iv 73 Stocking streams with II u 4 Suggested methods of over- coming mill-dams II ii 3 Time fry remains on spawn- ing grounds IV ix 33 Salmon, Dog IV ix 25 Salmon, Humpback IV ix 25 Salmon, Silver IV ix 25 Salmon, Sockeye. Age determined from oto- liths IV ix 37 Catch for years 1893-1908. . IV ix 33 Depletion of supply dis- cussed IV ix 40 Do each generation return to their own identical spawning grounds IV ix 38 Life history IV ix 25 Periodicity of big runs in Fraser and not in other rivers IV ix 35 Undersized fish that return to fresh water IV ix 36 Salmon, Spring IV ix 24 Salmon Creek, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 658 Ser. Vol. Page Salmon Creek, Great, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Salmon Creek, Little, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Salmonidae. Characteristics IV ix 23 Species on American conti- nent IV ix 23 Salpingoeca fusiformis, Kent, Toronto tap water III i 423 Salsola tragus, potash can replace soda in II vi 51 Salt. Additional note on object OF, CONDITION OF SEA. By Prof. Chapman I in 227 As a manure II ill 523 Deposits and production in Canada, 1905 IV vm 152 Function of, in Sea- Water. By E. J. Chap- man II xv 329 Solvent action of, at high temperatures: re- print I in 149 Salt Condition of Sea. By Prof. Chapman I in 186 Salt Springs, New York. ... I n 38 Salt Wells, Michigan II vm 267 Salter, J. W. Genus Protaster: ref IV vm 363 Gasteropods of Canada: re- viewed II iv 465 Note on Fossils from Ottawa River I i 221 Salter and Billings. Cyclocystoides: ref II iv 43 Saltfleet Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 658 Salubrity. Salubrity of Towns: re- print I in 264 Salvelinus IV ix 25 Samoa. Migrations from, and chan- ges produced in language. Ill vi 108 Samoan belief as to origin of man IV vi 207 Samolus, flower peculiarities in II v 340 Samothrace, Ashchurite tra- ces in II xiv 248 Samuelson. Sameulson's Patent Dig- ging Machine: reprint.. I i 244 San Miguel II i 363 San Salita Bay, Embiotoca or Holconoti specimens from I ii 88 San Salvador. Coal in .. II I 368 427 SAN SAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page San Salvador-Con. Earthquake of 16th April, 1854 II i 366 Geography of II I 362 Indians \ II I 376 Notes on geography, topo- graphy, climate, popula- tion, resources, produc- tions, etc. By E. G. Squier: reviewed II I 359 Ruined city of II I 364 Silver mines of II I 368 Volcanoes in II I 363 Sanarelli. Cause of yellow fever: ref.. IV vm 57 Sanchoniatho. Phoenician History of Dead Sea region: ref II xm 523 Sand. Canadian, for moulding.... II vm 462 Interglacial fossiliferous, • Scarboro Hts II xv 397 Interglacial, and laminated clay, Scarboro Cliffs II xv 402 Launce, of Gaspe Bay II in 515 Sand plains formed by glacial lakes, L. Wendigo- kan region IV vm 361 Seperation of elements of... I in 15 Stratified, and gravel post- glacial, Scarboro Hts. ... II xv 403 Sand Creek, Ont. Iron ranges IV vm 352 Sand Grouse, Pallas', migra- tions IV in 181 Sandhill, Toronto II xin 267 Sand-hill Crane, identical with Whooding Crane?.. II iv 267 Sand Martin. Habits of Ontario visitors.. Ill ill 93 Toronto specimens II in 503 Sand-pipers. Habits of Hamilton fre- quenters II vi 134 Hamilton species II v 394 N. American species II xi 159 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191, 192, 195, 198 IV in 84, 85 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Sand Spurrey, localities Canadian species II xv 174 Sandstone. Central Ontario IV vn 158 Described II vi 438 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 North shore of L. Superior. I i 125 Primordial, of Rocky Mts.: reprint II vn 149 Rock at Toronto I I 147 Sandstone, Caradoc, Wales. I i 248 Ser. Vol. Page Sandstone, Lower, east side Upper Mississippi and North of Wisconsin River I n 79 Sandstone, Medina. Formation at Niagara II v 501 Huron region, Ont I in 51 N. shore L. Ontario II xv 391 Sandstone, Oriskany. Age of. ByJohnDeCew. II vn 190 Fossils in II vn 192 Windham Tp., Norfolk Co. II vi 295 Sandstone, Potsdam. Additional fossil tracks in, of Canada: abstract. II v 469 L. Ontario II xv 390 Sandstone, Quartzose, for- mation at Niagara II v 501 Sandstone, red, L. Superior. IV vi 50 Sandstone, Vitreous, north shore of L. Huron I i 125 Sandusky Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Sandwich Islands. Monthly Magazine, Jan. to May, 1856: reviewed.... II in 451 Notes on people and their diseases II I 556 Peculiarities of Crania in... II vn 442 Volcanic eruption in I i 18 Sandwick Town, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 214 Sandwich Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 658 Sandwort. Localities Canadian species. Il xv 170, 174 Sandy Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Sandy Bay, Great, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Sandy Bay, Little, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Sandy Hook. Cause of increase of. By Prof. Bache: reprint II n 67 Sandy Point, gazetteer no- tice (1S13) II xiv 659 Sandy River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 659 Sanfernando marls, Trini- dad IV viii 381 Sang, John. Description of Plato- meter, AN INSTRUMENT for Calculating Area OF FIGURES DRAWN ON Maps, with plate: re- print I n 305 Planimeter or Self-act- ing Calculator of Sur- faces: reprint I II 310 Sangas or St. Dusk's Point, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 659 428 SAN SAS GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Sangas Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 659 Sangster, Charles. St. Lawrence, Saguenay and other Poems: reviewed.. II in 17 Sanguinaria, Dillen, locali- ties Canadian species. ... II xv 61 S. canadensis, L. Canadian localities II xv 61 Toronto I i 207 Sanguinarine, principle in. . II i 311 Sanicula, Tourn, Cana- dian localities of S. canadensis, L II xv 555 S. marilandica, L II xv 555 Sanitation. City, and Sewage dispo- sal. By L. J. Clark Ill vu 232 City, and Sewage Prob- lems. By Levi J. Clark: abstract IV I 5 Sanitary, properties of wool I u 22 Sanskrit. Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Gaelic words relating to Water similar to Ill vi 241 Gaelic words relating to heat and light similar to.. Ill vi 240 Gender IV vi 67 Turanian influence on IV iv 262 Sanspareil locomotive I n 64 Santa Cruz, navigating know- ledge of, natives Ill vu 204 Santalacese. Canadian species II vi 278 II xiv 297 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 648 London species II vm 232 Santini. Tungus dress: ref IV v 187 Sapalili IV v 99 Saperda concolor, Memy- thrus tricinctus Harris in . galls of IV ix 311 S. puncticollis, Ibid I in 212, 326 S. tripunctata, Mels. Cat... I in 212 S. vestita I in 212, 326 Sapindaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 147 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 638 II xv 353 London species II vm 223 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia Ill iv 211 Saplel IV v 99 Saponaceous, substance in "Indian Soap".... IV vn 4 Ser. Vol. Page Saponaria, L., Canadian habitats of S. officinalis, L II xv 169 Saponification II i 195, 489 Sapphire. Artificial formation of II iv 54 Yak River IV iv 227 Saprer IV v 99 Sapsucker, Yellow-Bellied, Toronto IV I 43 IV in 62 Sarapikuka, tomb of, In- scription deciphered and translated Ill in 235 Sarcee Indians. Alberta Ill v 216 Blackfoot gestures for IV v 45 Confederacy IV iv 250 How they separated from Beavers ' IV iv 11 Migrations and conquests. . IV iv 250 Population one hundred years ago IV iv 29 Present habitat IV iv 15 Sarcode of sponges II x 361 Sarcophagus, inscribed Si- donian II i 76 Sarcoptes minor var Cati, Hering, full description of Canadian specimen (pl.) Ill i 332 Sarracenia, Tourn, Cana- dian species II xv 60 S. purpurea, L. Canadian localities II xv 60 Central cylinder and phloeo- terma IV vi 619 Sarraceniacese. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 291 Hamilton species Ill II 146 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 636 II xv 60 London species II vni 221 Sarsaparilla, Canadian spe- cies and habitats II vi 282 Sartorius. Chimpanzee IV vi 553 Gorilla IV vi 553 Orang IV vi 552 Saskatchewan. Agricultural land in II vm 420 Coal areas IV ix 101 District in 1857-58 II v 545 First exploration of South. . Ill vi 145 Flora characteristics IV vm 35 Gold Mining on, River. By Chas. Levey: abstract III in 267 In post tertiary times IV vi 52 Narrative of, Exploring Ex- pedition of 1858. By H. Youle Hind: reviewed.. . II vi 175 429 PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SAW Ser. Vol. Page Saskatchewan-Con. Observations on supposed GLACIAL DRIFT ON SOUTH By H. Youle Hind: reprint II ix 253 On some Superstitions and Customs common among Indians in Val- ley of Assiniboine and. By Henry Y. Hind II iv 253 Progress report of exploring expedition of H. Y. Hind: reviewed II v 187 Section of deposits near Medicine Hat, showing Coal seam (fig.) HI v 153 Trading expeditions of 1775 IV in 264 Sas-otine, same as saz-oo-ti- na IV vn 520 Sassafras officinale, Cana- dian II vi 38 Satarna, connected with an- cient Irish history in person of Stairn IV v 98 Satchets, Dene IV iv 146 Satureia hortensis, L., Can- ada II xiv 284 Saturn. Motion of, Rings. ' By Prof. Benjamen Pierce: reprint I in 356 Rings visible to naked eye.. I m 215 Some Remarks on Pro- bable Present Condi- tion of Planets Jupiter AND, IN REFERENCE TO Temperature, etc. By Jas. Nasmyth: reprint... I I 270 Saturnia, Description of Canadian representa- tive of S. cecropia I II 213 S. polyphemus I II 212 S. promethea I n 213 Saturniae. Canadian Saturniae- silkworms 1 in 266 Rough Notes on some Canadian, and Sugges- tions OF USING THEIR Silk for Textile Pur- poses. By Thos. Cottle, M.D I n 212 Satyrus, Rocky mountain species with habitats. ... Ill n 241 Sauer, Martin. Physical features and habits of Tungus: ref IV v 176 Tungus dress: ref IV v 187 Saugeen. Origin of name II ill 308 Saugeen Clays, Scarboro Cliff II xv 407 Ser. Vol. Page Saugeen Peninsula, Treaty recording surrender of Saugeen Peninsula by In- dians I in 168 Sault St. Marie. Canal, 1855 I in 309 Iron plant IV vm 154 Saulteaux. Brief history of II I 131 Keewatin Ill v 215 Pipes II ii 332 Saumon River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 659 Saunders, W. List of Plants collected CHIEFLY IN IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF LON- DON, Ont II vm 219 On Occurrence of Van- essa cajnia in Ontario. II vi 498 Synopsis of Canadian including some additional species LIKELY TO OCCUR IN Canada II vm 349 Saurin, J. J. Sleigh Manufacturer; ex- hibit at Exhibition of 1851 I I 87 Sauropterygia II v 79 Saururacese, localities Cana- dian species II xiv 648 Saussure, de. Absorption of light by at- mosphere and cause of blue of sky and red of sunset: ref I I 6 Saussurite. Analysis of II in 262 Composition of II iv 325 Identical with zoizite II m 262 Saut, Long, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Savacon of Caribs, identity of IV vi 611 Savagery. Persistence of, in Civiliz- ation. By David Boyle: abstract Ill iv 129 Savannah, S. S. Claims that she was first steam boat to cross At- lantic refuted IV in 170 Savatte, Isle a la, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Savery, Capt. Sa very's steam engine I I 220 Sawdust. Bacteriological examination of, water in shade and sunshine IV vn 466 Conditions that determine poisonous nature of, pol- lution in streams IV vu 465 430 SAW GENERAL INDEX SCA Ser. Vol. Page Sawdust-Con. Cultures from its extract made by Dr. W. T. Con- nell IV vn 460, 461 Decaying, effect on fish.... IV vn 458 Effect of, on fish IV vn 432 433, 436, 440, 452 Effect of, on fish eggs in ex- perimental tank IV vn 436 Effect of, in rivers on fish... IV vn 428 429, 462 Estimation of percentage pollution in Bonnechere River; effect on fish life. . IV vn 463 Extracts from, placed in sun and shade; effects on fish. IV vn 460 Effect of, on propagation of food fishes. By W. Land- wark: ref IV vn 428 Fish would desert sawdust polluted streams for tribu- taries IV vn 465 Nutritive relations in con- nection with fish life IV vn 461 Sinking of IV vn 434 Source of poison that affects fish IV vn 437 f uppressed sawdust report by Rogers IV vn 431 Rate at which white pine, extract dissolved out to effect fish IV vn 449 Sawdust and Fish Life. By A. P. Knight IV vn 425 Sawfly gall. Characteristics of Hymenop- tera IV ix 336 Localization of tannin bear- ing tissue in IV ix 337 Ovipositing by, producers. . IV ix 338 Producers on host Salix. ... IV ix 328 Undescribed, on Salix humi- lis, Marsh IV ix 335 Saw-whet, Toronto IV i 44 Saxby Gale. In New Brunswick the fourth October, 1869. ... IV ix 253 In Nova Scotia IV ix 255 Meteorological conditions at St. John during IV ix 255 Prediction of Lieut. Saxby concerning IV ix 256 Saxby Gale. By D. L. Hutchinson IV ix 253 Saxicavarugosa, Gaspe, Que. II v 465 Saxicola aenauthe, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 119 Saxifraga, L., Characters and Canadian localities of S. aizoides, L II xv 547 Ser. Vol. Page Saxifraga, L., Characters and Canadian localities of-Con. S. aizoon, Jacq I xv 547 S. caespitosa, L II xv 547 S. nivalis, L II xv 548 S. oppositifolia, L II xv 547 S. pennsylvanica, L II xv 548 S. rivularis, L II xv 548 S. sibirica, L II xv 548 S. stellaris, L II xv 548 S. tricuspidata, Retz II xv 547 S. virginiensis, Michx II xv 548 Saxifragaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 293 Cause and function of in- crustations upon leaves. . IV vn 257 Hamilton species Ill n 148 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 640 II xv 435 London species II vm 225 Polystely in IV vi 611 Species supporting Platysa- mia cecropia Ill iv 212 Saxifrage, Canadian locali- ties II xv 547 Saxon, crania of ancient II vm 133 Saxony. King of Saxony as a bota- nist I i 81 Sayce, Prof. Alphabetic characters on Cyprian monuments: ref. Ill in 147 Sayornis fusca, habits of Ontario visitors Ill in 92 S. phoebe, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 191 IV in 62, 68, 102, 103, 104, 105 Saze-oo-ti-na, sub-division of the Kaska tribe IV vn 520 Saz-oo-ti-na tribe, called also Sas-otine IV vn 520 Scadding, Rev. Dr. Henry. Canada in Bodleian II xn 370 Canada in Sculpture: ab- stract Ill v 132 Canadian local History; First Gazetteer of Upper Canada with an- notations II xiv 55,208,305, 367, 513, 658 Descriptive Catalogue of Coins, Ancient and Modern in Canadian Institute's Collection. II ix 105, 226 Early Gazetteer and Map literature of Western Canada II xv 23 431 SCA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SCA Ser. Vol. Page Scadding, Rev. Dr. Henry -Con. Lahoutan (Baron) II xni 240, 304 Leaves they have touch- ed; BEING A REVIEW OF Historical Autographs II xiv 73 315, 479, 597, II xv 145,531 Memoranda of Vesuvius and its Neighbourhood I n 237, 261 Merton College and Canada II xm 453 Note on Etymon of On- tario II vii 502 Obituary IV vn 235 On Accidental Discover- ies I i 207, 220 On Errata Recepta, writ- ten AND SPOKEN II IX 137, 317 II x 31,223,386 II xi 45 On Metonyms or trans- lated AND CUASI TRANS- LATED PERSONAL NAMES. . II XII 35 On Museums and other Classified Collections, TEMPORARY OR PERMA- NENT AS INSTRUMENTS OF EDUCATION IN NATURAL Science II xm 1 Phonetic Anomalies ob- served IN SOME MODERN forms of Ancient Pro- per Names II vin 329 Prototypography II xv 574 Some Canadian Noms-de- Plume identified with SAMPLES OF WRITINGS TO WHICH THEY ARE APPEN- DED II xv 259, 332, 436 Toronto of Old II xn 149,227, 333, 430, 514 II xii 82, 179, 256, 355, 433, 562 Yonge St. and Dundas St., Toronto, the men after WHOM THEY WERE NAMED II XV 615 Sealites, Ottawa R I i 221 Scallop shell. Ancient badge of pilgrimage II in 388 Ecclesiastical uses of II in 389 Heraldry uses of II ill 388 Scalops, Canadian localities of S. aeneus, Cassin Ill vi 89 S. aquaticus, Linn Ill vi 88 S. canadensis, Rich Ill vi 89 S. latimanus, Bach Ill vi 89 S cammony, specimen of, de- scribed I i 10 Scandinavia. Connection with Onam family II xiv 566 Ser. Vol. Page Scandinavia-Con. Zimri traces in II xv 313 Scandinavian. Beavers mentioned in, literature II iv 360 Crania II ix 398 Mythology II xill 157 Whence did, obtain their KNOWLEDGE OF COMPASS. By Capt. Stupart, R.N.: abstract Ill vi 44 Scansores, generic characters II ix 234 Scansorius. Chimpanzee IV vi 557 Development in anthro- poids IV vi 558 Function of IV vi 558 Gibbon and gorilla IV vi 557 Lower apes IV vi 558 Muscle discovered IV vi 559 Orang (pl.) IV vi 556 Representative in man IV vi 559 Scapanus, Canadian locali- ties of S. breweri, Bach Ill vi 89 S. townsendi, Bach Ill vi 89 Scapolite II v 529 Scarabaeidse, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Scarboro, Scarboro Cliff or Hts. Correlation between depos- its east from Newcastle and, section IV vm 20 Filled up glacial hollow at.. II xv 397 Fossils found II xv 399 Glacial and Interglacial Strata of, and other localities near Tor- onto (with plate). By Geo. Jennings Hinde... II xv 388 Palaeozoic rocks II xv 391 Physical features of II xv 388 Pleistocene deposits V vn 165 Region which supplied ma- terial for Toronto Penin- sula I ii 226 Succession of strata II xv 392 Scarborough Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69, 659 Scarites subterraneus, Mels. Cat I in 256 Scarlett, John, Toronto. ... II xm 191 Scarlet Re Appearance of muscle after treating with IV vm 405 Staining properties of IV vm 404 Scarlet Tanager, habits of Ontario visitors HI in 97 Scarpa's triangle, floor of, Orang IV vi 554 432 SCA GENERAL INDEX SCH Ser. Vol. Page Scarth, Rev. H. M. Discovery of coffin contain- ing Latin inscription, at Combe Down near Bath. II m 225 Latin inscription to goddess Sul: ref II vi 402 Latin inscriptions found in Britain: ref II iv 351 II x 106 cenedesmus, methods of prolonging life of IV vin 426 Schafer. Fat in epithelial cells: ref... IV viii 251 Schank, John. Autograph letter and brief biography II xiv 82 Schaumkalk, character II i 484 Schawbe, M. Periodicity of sunspots and earth's magnetism: ref.. . I I 192 Schawanoes, population in 1838, '44 and '46 I i 196 Schectac IV vi 310 Scheerer. On origin of granite: ref.... II in 205 Schenk's process, for treat- ing flax I i 88 Scherer. Gluten dissolved by gastric juice: ref IV vn 498 Scherer, Medicus and, Reichert's Distillation Process for identification of butter-fat: ref Ill v 39 Scheurlen. Bacteria in cream, skim milk and slime in separa- tor: ref IV vn 487 Schiller. Brain weight of II xv 209 Schirokich. Diastases produced by Tyrothrix tenuis: ref.... IV vu 115 Peptonizing and lactic bac- teria in milk and cheese: ref IV vn 111 Schistose. Cleavage may be developed in igneous rocks Ill iv 126 Gneissic foliation and, CLEAVAGE IN DYKES AND THEIR BEARING UPON origin of Archaean rocks. By A. C. Lawson. Ill iv 115 Structure peculiarly deve- loped in sedimentary rocks Ill iv 117 Schists. Carbonate, L. Wendigokan region IV viii 351 Ser. Vol. Page Schists-Con. Gneiss intrusion in; ex- amples from north shore of L. Superior Ill iv 119 Green, L. Wendigokan re- gion IV viii 351 Hudson's Bay Ill iv 197 chizaeinse II xn 364 „ chizocrinus nodosus, Hall, Ottawa R I i 222 Schizomycetes, in cheese... IV vn 105 Schizophyllum commune, Fr., habits and Ontario habitats IV ix 73 Schizophytae, species in Toronto tap water Ill I 418 Schizostely IV vi 627 Schleiden. Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 481 Schlier See, relative amounts of salts in water . IV vn 559 Schleroderma vulgare, Fr., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 80 Schldssing. Absorption of ammonium carbonate solutions by leaves: ref IV vn 246 Schlosser Fort, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 661 Schlosser's Island, history.. Ill n 224 Schlumberger, M. Method of colouring cloth by Alloxan: ref I in 17 Schmid-Monnard. Mucous canal's part in for- mation of pterotic in fish: ref Ill ii 280 Schmidt, Oscar. Reproduction in sponges: ref II xv 420 Schmitz. Structure of Cyanophycese: ref IV vi 441 Structure of yeast cell: ref.. IV vi 481 Schoharie settlements. Attacks on, during Revolu- tionary war IV vii 401 Scholefield, Rev. Jas. Autograph and characteris- tics II xiv 621 Schomburgk. Arrangement of lesser An- tilles into two groups: ref. IV viii 377 School. Compulsory, attendance in Ontario Act IV viii 192 English system, re attend- ance II in 427 First public, in Toronto.... II xn 338 Geology in Public. By Jos. T. B. Ives Ill v 125 433 SCI SCH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page School-Con. Prussian, system, re attend- ance II in 426 System of Scotland, re attendance II in 431 Warming and Ventilation of. By Dr. Neil Arnott: reprint I in 10' Schools, Medical inspec- tion in. Boston IV vm 198 Brussels IV vm 193 Gt. Britain IV vm 195 Medical inspection of School Children. By Chas. A. Hodgetts IV vm 191 New York IV vm 198 New York regulations IV vm 205 Objects and results IV vm 199 Zurich (Switz.) IV vm 194 Schoolcraft, H. R. On shells found in Indian graves: ref II in 402 Philology of American In- dians, criticized II ill 438 School of Mines. Position of Industrial Edu- cation in 1852 I I 110 Government, London, Eng I i 110 Schott, Charles A. and A. D. Bache. Notice of Longitude of Fernandina, Florida, by Chronometer Ex- changes from Savannah, Georgia: reprint II m 71 Schroeder. Spontaneous generation of life refuted: ref IV vm 430 Schroeder and Dusch. Spontaneous generation of life refuted: ref IV vm 430 Schulze, F. Eilhard. Flexor longus hallucis and flexor tendons of outer toes in man: ref IV vi 570 Flexor longus pollicis: ref. . IV vi 540 Peptic glands in Silurus glanis: ref Ill II 400 Reproduction in Halisarca: ref II xv 427 Reproduction in sponges: ref II xv 420 Superficial epithelium of stomach of Amiurus: ref. Ill n 397 Vacuoles in Sycandra rap- hanus: ref II xv 425 Schultz, Leopold. Examination of freshly drawn milk for bacteria: ref IV vu 470 Ser. Vol. Page Schultze, Max. Clavate cells in Amiurus: ref. Ill u 394 Schiippan. Gravel filters for cleaning milk: ref IV vu 485 Schurhofi. Eupatorium perfoliatum, L.: ref IV ix 324 Science. American Association for Advancement of Science; see American Association for advancement of Benefits of, to nations II xv 365 British Association for ad- vancement of; see British Association for Advance- ment of Ingenious application of, and its Results. . I u 168 Magnetic, yet in its infancy I I 17 National Importance of Studying Abstract Sci- ence WITH A VIEW TO the Healthy Progress of Industry: ref I i 159 Proceedings of American Association for Advance- ment of 1855 I in 355 Progress reviewed (1859)... II v 69 Progress of Physical, 1856: reviewed II u 366 Relation between, and pro- gress in other depart- ments of thought and action Ill I 363 Remuneration of I in 90 Review of, in 1858, by Presi- dent of British Associa- tion for Advancement of Science II iv 62 Science and English Law. By Geo. Kennedy IV vm 63 Science and theology, 1855. I ill 229 Science in Rupert's Land. By Daniel Wilson II vu 336 Social, Association: re- print II vu 384 General improvements in Mechanical, during 1852. By W. Fairbairn: reprint I H 72 Scientific. Commercial enterprise and, Investigation. By Prof. Airy: reprint I ill 92 Importance of, Studies to Practical Men. By John Langton, M.P.P I n 201 Scientific Intelligence. I i 16, 43, 94, 115, 139, 165, 189, 210, 237 I ii 171 434 SCI SCO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Scilly Isles, Gaelic names in topography of Ill ill 55 Scioto Mound skull, de- scribed (pl.) II vin 128 II xii 274 * II xiii 127 Measurements of, an Indian skull from Barrie and mean of Huron skulls.... II vn 402 Scioto Valley. Brachycephalia skull from.. II n 411 Crania from II n 418 Pipes discovered at Mound city II ii 234 Sciurus, Canadian locali- ties of S. carolinensis, Gmel HI vi 86 S. douglassi, Gray HI vi 85 S. fossor, Peale II vi 86 S. hudsonius, Pallas Ill vi 85 S. hudsonius, var Rich.. HI vi 85 S. leucotis, Gapper Ill vi 86 S. lysteri (Ray), Rich Ill vi 86 S. migratorius, Aud. and Bach Ill vi 86 S. niger, Rich Ill vi 86 S. quadrivittatus, Rich. . . . Ill vi 86 S. richardsoni, Bach Ill vi 85 Sciuropterus volucella, Pal- las, Canadian localities.. HI vi 85 S. volucella, var Hudsonius, Gmel, Canadian locali- ties HI vi 85 Sclater. Geographical distribution of class Aves: ref II in 459 Sclavonic. Beavers mentioned in, liter- ature II iv 360 Coptic article in; examples. II xm 413 Scleranthus, L., Canadian localities of S. annuus, L II xv 174 Sclerosperma, uses of II x 287 Scobie, Hugh. Obituary I n 151 Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Ry. Report reviewed.... I I 188 Scobie's Canadian Almanac for 1853: reviewed I I 89 Scolecida II xv 242 Scolecophagus carolinus, observations on Ontario visitors HI vn 195 IV in 69 Scolex. Development in active stage II iv 37 Development in resting stage II iv 36 Scolithus verticalis (Hall), Clinton Group, Dundas. . II xiv 138 Scollard, Maurice, Toronto. II xm 355 Ser. Vol. Page Scolopacidae, generic charac- ters II xi 158 Scolopacinse II xi 159 Scolopax, Hamilton species. . II v 394 Scolopendrium officina- rum, Owen Sound, Ont. . II xiv 471 Scolytidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Scolytus, mode of attacking trees I li 193 Scoops, Dene IV iv 156 Scoresby, Rev. Dr. Arctic regions and navi- gableness of Arctic REGION I I 118 Earl of Rosse's Tele- scopes, AND THEIR RE- VELATIONS in Sidereal Heavens: reprint I n 140 On Surface Temperature and Great Currents of North Atlantic and Northern Ocean: re- print I ii 67 Theory regarding sea or land at North pole: reprint I II 125 Inverted and erect images seen in sky; cause I I 7 Scot or Scotch. Brain capacity of II xv 217 Brain weights of II xv 202 Cranial characteristics of... II ix 384 Cranial types of II ix 400 Picts distinguished from. . . IV v 297 Scoters, White winged, Mi- mico IV in 108 Scotiaptex cinerea, observa- tions on Ontario visitors . IV in 67,92 Scotland. Agricola's march into...... II xiv 10 Ancient beaver haunts in... II iv 375 Anthracite deposits and VEGETABLE REMAINS IN lower Silurian of South Scotland By Prof. Harkness: abstract. I ill 115 Ballads of: reviewed...... II iv 295 Bronze Period I in 315 Cimbri names of places in Lowland indicating that Cimbri located there. ... HI I 317 Cranium from Juniptter Green Cist (pl.) II vn 409 Cranium of prehistoric race in Juniper Green Cist ... II vin 130 Dolichocephalic type of Crania of primitive races. II vn 421 Education in I ill 162 Gaelic early settlement .... HI I 318 435 SCO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SCR Ser. Vol. Page Scotland-Con. Gaels of, and Ireland closely connected shown by names of persons and places IV in 140 Geology of II I 74 Great Terrace of Ero- sion. Relative date and Connection with Gla- cial Phenomena. By R. Chambers: reprint I ill 143 Juniper Green Cist, with skeleton (pl.) II vil 409 Lays of Scottish Cavaliers: reviewed 11 iv 295 Lesmurdie skull II vn 411 Less known Fossil Floras of. By Hugh Miller: re- print I in 365 Metamorphic rocks, foli- ation of. By Prof. Forbes: reprint I m 115 Murchison's reclassification of ancient rocks: ref II vi 112 New Crustaceous from Silurian Rocks of: re- print II i 482 An advancement of learning in. By J. Stuart Blackie: reviewed II I 168 On Comparative Progress of Population in Eng- land AND, AS SHEWN BY Census of 1861. By John Strang: reprint II vu 129 Parieto-occipital flattening in ancient Scottish crania II vu 411 Pre-historic History of. By Daniel Wilson: re- print I ni 314 Primitive races prior to Celts in II vu 405 Recent geological discover- ies I in 315 Romantic Scottish Ballads; their epoch and author- ship. By Robert Cham- bers: reviewed II iv 468 School system, re attend- ance....' II in 431 Stone Period I m 314 Sub-division of Palaeozoic rocks I in 115 Subterranean dwellings.... 1 ill 314 Unio margaritiferus II m 394 Scotophilus, Canadian lo- calities of S. fuscus, Beauv Ill vi 91 S. noctivagans, Leconte... . Ill vi 91 Scott. Nuclei in Oscillaria and Tolypothrix: ref IV vi 443 Ser. Vol. Page Scott, Chief Justice of U.C. Autograph letters, about judicial appointments, pension and receipt for pension (1820) II Xiv 99 Reminiscences of II xn 159, 244 Scott, F. H. On structure, Micro- Chemistry AND DEVELOP- MENT OF NERVE CELLS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE to their Nuclein com- pounds IV vi 405 Scott, Sir Geo. Gilbert. Autograph with brief com- ments II xiv 606 Scott, Sir Walter. Autograph letter about his poetry II xv 148 Genius of Scott. By Daniel Wilson II xm 341 Lamps of Fiction; address by Goldwin Smith at, CENTENARY 11 XIII 347 Scottish. Connection with Onite line. II xiv 565 Nationality of Ossian IV m 216 Philosophy II xi 207 Francis Hutcheson origi- nator of school of, Philo- sophy II xi 211 Scotus. Nom-de-plume of David Burn; educational ques- tions: reviewed II xv 446 Scrapers, Dene. Cambium (pl.) IV iv 76 Material and use (pl.). . . t. IV iv 50 Moose skin (pl.) IV iv 143 Various (pl.) IV iv 49, 68 Screamers (Birds) II xi 158 Screw pile, for lighthouses . . I m 121 Screw propeller. First Canadian vessel with . I in 92 Scrofula. Described Il XI 233 Prevalence among children of early marriages Ill iv 185 Scroggs. Account of Coppermine Country, 1722: ref IV ix 206 Scrope, Poulett. Agency producing plastic condition in crystalline Rocks: ref II ill 204 Scrophulariaces. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 296, 645 Hamilton species Ill II 150 London species II vm 229 436 SCU SEA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Scugog. Language of Mississa- guas of. By A. F. Cham- berlain Ill vu 213 (abstract) HI vn 2 Scugog Island. Archaeology of. By A. F. Chamberlain: abstract... Ill vu 14 Scugog Lake, drainage affec- ted by differential uplift. IV vn 183 Sculptress, American, Miss Hosman I n 87 Sculpture. Discovery of ancient Greek: reprint I in 40 Scurvy Grass, localities Canadian species II xv 163 Scutibranchiata, generic characters II xn 27 Scyphidiainclinans, D'udk, generic characters (pl.). . Ill i 305 Scyphomedusas, origin of first pair of radial cham- bers IV vi 402 Scythians, tombs of kings... II n 121 Scytonema. Cyanophycin in IV vi 457 Effect on cells of digesting with artificial gastric juice IV vi 461 Two types of granules in.. . IV vi 465 Sea. Additional note on object of Salt Condition of. By Prof. Chapman I in 227 Deep Sea Soundings: re- print I n 103 Deep Sea Soundings in South Atlantic I i 264 Experiments of Prof. Chap- man on salt condition of I in 187 Navigableness of Spitzber- gen Sea 1 I 118 Object of salt condition of. By Prof. Chapman.. I in 186 Observations on Exist- ence of various Mol- lusks and Zoophytes at great Sea Depths. By M. Milne Edwards: reprint II vi 518 Percentage of salt in II n 485 Proportional amounts of Na, K, Ca, Mg, SO,, Cl, Si, and Fe in IV vii 559 Topographical features of, bottom. By Lieut. Berryman: reprint I ill 4 Salt condition to regulate evaporation I in 187 Saltness of. By Prof. Chapman: reprint II n 484 Sea Bear, Canadian localities III vi 77 Ser. Vol. Page Sea Duck, Hamilton species. II v 395 Sea level. Causes of change in .1 in 58 Changes in I in 57,76 Effect of detritus carried into ocean on I in 57 Methods of measuring changes in I hi 76 On changes of, effected BY EXISTING PHYSICAL Causes during stated PERIODS OF TIME. By Alfred Tylor: reprint*. ... 1 in 57, 76 Sea Lion, Canadian localities III vi 77 Sea of Aral. Relative amounts of salts in water IV vn 559 Sea Otter, Canadian localities III vi 76 Sea-Rocket, localities Cana- dian species II xv 164 Sea-snakes, Ceylon II vn 355 Sea Water. Additional note on func- tion of Salt in Sea Water. By E. J. Chap- man II xv 329 Destructive action of, on Silicates such as MORTARS, ETC. By M. Vicat: reprint I ill 41 Evaporates less rapidly than fresh water under same conditions II xv 329 On preserving Balance between Animal and Vegetable Organisms in. By R. Warnigton: reprint I n 308 Silver in II n 305 Some effects of, on air IV vn 329 Seas, British. Coralline Zone in I I 109 Fauna and flora peculiarities I i 110 Laminarian Zone in I I 109 Natural History of. By Prof. E. Forbes I I 109 Seal. Canadian species and their localities HI vi 77 Canadian localities of nor- thern fur seal Ill vi 77 Fisheries, Labrador....... . I n 117 Fisheries, Newfoundland. . . IV in 305 Great, Harp and Rough Seals of Prince of Wales Sound HI v 117 Seals, Coins, Medals and, Ancient and Modern: reviewed II vi 192 Sean, Dana. Authenticity of. By Rev. Neil MacNish: abstract.. Ill vu 31 437 SEL SEA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Seann Dana, Rev. John Smith IV i 217 Season. Seasons, Hudson's Straits. By F. F. Payne IV v 104 Seaton, Lord. Autograph letter on Nia- gara affairs II xiv 112 Seaweed family, species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Secale cornutum, Toronto. I I 219 Secondary Rays. Alpha rays lose power to produce, when lose charge and power to ionize IV ix 153 Apparatus used to get, excited by alpha rays from polonium IV ix 153 Experiments on, excited by alpha rays from polo- nium with brass electrodes at ordinary and liquid air temperatures IV ix 191 Experiments on, excited by alphaArays from polo- nium with carbon elec- trode at different temper- atures in air, oxygen and hydrogen IV ix 182 Experiments on "Fatigue" of IV ix 162 Experiments shewing influ- ence of occluded gas on.. IV ix 167 Influence of occluded gas on, excited by alpha rays from polonium IV ix 181 Longeman's experiment re- pealed on, excited by alpha rays of polonium... IV ix 154 Secondary Rays excited BY ALPHA RAYS FROM polonium. By V. E. Pound, pt. I IV ix 153 pt. II IV ix 181 Secondary Rocks, fossils of. II u 265 Secretion, phenomena of, in pancreas IV i 271 Sedatives. Dene IV iv 131 Western Denes IV iv 131 Sedges. Boreal type on east coast L. Huron II xiv 475 Species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Sedgwick, Adam. Autograph with brief bio- graphy II xiv 616 Sedgwick and Batchelder. Milk supply of Boston ex- amined for bacteria IV vn 468 Sedimentary, igneous rocks sometimes of, origin II in 203 Ser. Vol. Page Sedimentary Rocks. Changes to which subjected II VI 445 Described II VI 437 Formation of II vi 440 Metamorphism of II in 206 Mode of formation II in 206 On Origin and Metamor- phosis of some. By T. Sterry Hunt II n 355 Sediments. Consolidation of II vi 444 Sedum, Tourn, Canadian localities of S. acre, L II xv 549 S. rhodiola, D.C II xv 550 S. telephium, L II xv 550 S. ternatum, Michx II xv 550 Seelye. Circulatory system of Des- mognathus: ref IV vm 488 Seemann, B., F.L.S. Parthenogenesis of Ani- mals and Plants: re- print II ii 481 Segedunum, ancient name of Wallsend: evidence for.. . II xm 140 Seiches. Bibliography, of I n 27 Described and method of observing I n 27 Movement in Gt. Lakes.... In 304 On Seiches of Lakes. By Col. J. R. Jackson I n 27 Sericostonima II vn 493 Seikossinlarmiut, territory. Ill vi 265 Seiurus. Hamilton species II v 391 Observations on Ontario species ... Ill vn 191 IV I 46 IV in 71, 73, 76, 83, 109 Sekanais. Amputation practices IV vn 23 Houses HI vn 117 Method of disposing of, dead III vn 146 Tribe Ill vn 112 Selachia II xv 244 Selachian, Myological char- acters of head of Teleost and Ill n 341 Self, Metaphysical view of.. II I 120 Self-consciousness, in Psy- chology II xi 310 Selkirk Colony of Red River. Brief history of II vi 179 Trial of prisoners from, for high treason, 1818 II xm 89 Selkirk, Earl of. Agreement with Indians for Red River Settlement ... IV vi 294 Selkirk Treaty, pictographs of Indian Chiefs on IV v 115 438 SEL SER GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Selkirk, Yukon. Climate IV vm 292 Meteorological Observa- tions IV vin 291 Selodes, Rambur, N. Ameri- can species II vn 496 Selwyn. Origin of Canadian apa- tites: ref IV vm 495 Sem, traces of, in ancient his- tory II xiv 415 Semempses, traces of, in an- cient history II xiv 415 j Semilkameen Indians, partly descended from Tsy'koh'tin IV iv 24 Semimembranosus, Orang. IV vi 561 Semireticulati II v 189 Semitendinosus, Orang IV vi 560 Semitic. Aryan and, roots indicate same source II xm 284 Celtic nouns have many points of similarity with.. II xm 284 Egyptian language connects Aryan and II xm 287 Egyptian names of persons, places and things common to, and Aryan II xm 288 Indo-European and, races have common parent.. .. II xm 162 Races; distribution ... II I 7 Semitic element in Hamite language II xm 286 Semitic origin of Indians questioned IV v 26 Traces of Ashchurites in traditions, etc., of, and Semito-Hamitic Nations. II xiv 219 Semito-Hamitic, traces of Ashchurites in traditions, etc., of Semitic and, Na- tions II xiv 219 Semneh, Dr. R. Lepsius's exploration of I II 179 Semphucrates, traces of, in ancient history II xiv 404 Senebier. Water absorption by leaves: ref IV vn 242 Seneca Indians. American invasion of their territory in 1779 IV vn 395 Founder of tribe IV vi 266 Origin of name II vu 507 Seneca Snake-root, Cana- dian habitats II xv 354 Sensation. Belief and II x 234 Defined II n 286 In Psychology II xi 307 Ser. Vol. Page Sensationalism. David Hartley's develop- ment of it II iv 397 Locke's principles carried out in II iv 397 Sensationalist. Doctrine of, and Locke's philosophy II iv 399 Philosophy II vil 103 The Sensationalist Phil- osophy. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II iv 396 Sense Organs. Nervous System and, of Amiurus. By Prof. Ram- say Wright Ill ii 352 Skin and Cutaneous, of Amiurus. By Prof. R. Ramsay Wright Ill ii 251 Special, of Amiurus Ill n 372 Sensitive Plant, susceptible to moonlight II iv 223 Sensitive perception. Doctrine of II I 383 Sir Wm. Hamilton's doc- trine of: reviewed II n 285 Sensitometer, Abney IV vn 380 Senta's Monarchy IV v 98 Sentiment. On Relation of Quantity to By Rev. David Inglis II in 409 Sephres, traces of, in Egypt. . II xiv 193 Sepulchral. Etruscan, inscriptions Ill m 162 September, observations on birds in Toronto in IV m 85, 186 Sequachee, valley of eleva- tion HI vn 66 Serapis, temple of. At Pozzuoli. By Sir Ed. Walker Head, Bart: re- viewed II in 336 Serapis. Dates of various changes of level in II in 339 Was it a temple of II in 339 What is proper age of II in 339 Serica vespertina, Schonh.. I in 325 Serpent Myth. Abenakies IV v 13 American Indian's, and fall of Man IV v 10 Blackfeet IV v 14 Ceylon IV v 14 Tusayans IV v 14 Zunis IV v 13 Serpent, Le, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 659 Serpentinae II vin 4 439 SER SHA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Serpentine. America (east) I in 37 Canadian II vi 436 Canadian localities II vi 159 Described II vi 430 Eruptive, of Tuscany...... II vi 297 Gaspe Peninsula II v 466 Tests II vi 159 True nature and origin of, in Quebec I in 255 Serpula fossils, Montreal,. . II in 157 Serpulae, from great sea depths II vi 520 Serratirostres. Generic characters II ix 234 Musophagidae Coliidae Buce- rotidae Prionitidae and Trogonidae sub-orders of; reasons for II ix 235 Serratusmagnus, Orang... IV vi 526,533 Service Berry, Canadian lo- calities II xv 434 Sesamoid bone. Anthropoids IV vi 544 Orang IV vi 543 Sesostris, same as Achashtari II xiv 196 Sesiidae, species IV ix 309 Seth, patriarch, legends and true history of II xiv 196 Setodes. Characters andN. American hab tats of S. albida, Walker II vu 497 S. exquisita, Walker II vn 496 S. immobilis, Hagen II vn 497 S. injusta, Hagen II vn 497 S. nivea (Hagen) II vn 497 S. resurgens, Walker II vn 497 S. foetidus, Toronto I i 218 Seton, Ernest E. T. Ruminants of North- West (Canada) Ill in 113 Wood Buffalo Ill in 114 Setophaga ruticilla, obser- vations on Ontario visi- tors Ill vn 192 IV in 72, 83, 108 Severn, M., Severn's Brew- ery, Toronto II xin 360 Severn, R., Ont., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 208, 660 Severus, Emperor Alexan- der. His legate in Britain as de- termined by inscriptions. II x 319 Sewage. Consideration of, sche- mes. By L. J. Clark IV n 143 (abstract) IV n 30 Farms IV n 146 Sewage Problems in Tor- onto. By Levi J. Clark: abstract Ill vn 36 Ser. Vol. Page Sewage-Con. Tests of purity of effluent of London Asylum system. . IV i 166 Sewage Disposal. By using fertilizing matter. IV I 5 City Sanitation and. By L. J. Clark Ill vn 232 (abstract) IV I 5 Defects of, systems IV n 151 Methods adopted by many cities in England IV n 145 Present efficiency in. By Allan Macdougall: ab- stract IV I 37 Scheme of, for Toronto similar to that used where tidesexist IV n 149 Sludge in London, Eng IV n 143 Toronto, effect on water supply Ill vn 240 Various systems Ill vn 233 Seward and Ford. Osmundaceous siphonostele derivation: ref IV vin 526 Seedlings of Todea hymeno- phylloides: ref IV vm 515 Sewell, Mr. On Boiler Explosions: reprint I III 145 Sewell, Henry De. Q. Is BELIEF IN GLACIAL PERIOD JUSTIFIED IV VIII 279 Sewellel, Canadian localities. Ill vi 84 Seymour Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 69 Shafferi Bacillus, action of freshly drawn milk on. . . IV vn 480 Shakspeare. Autograph II xiv 487 Colossal Monument to: reprint I in 64 Shaksperian Epitaph II i 399 Some corrections to passages in Tempest, Henry IV, Richard II, Much Ado... Ill I 382 Some New emendations in. By E. A. Meredith. . Ill I 381 Shakespeare and Norris' staining fluid IV n 224 Shales. Apatite veins deposited in previously formed crevi- ces: ref IV vm 500 Cause of no phosphoric acid below Cretaceous and above Devonian: ref. . . . IV vm 498 Black, in central basin of Tennessee Ill vn 77 Gypsiferous, distribution in Western and Huron re- gions of Ontario I in 73 440 SHA SHE GENERALflNDEX Ser. Vol. Page Shales-Con. Loraine, in Huron region of Ontario I m 50 Marine plants in blue, at Toronto I i 150 Medina, north shore L. On- tario II xv 391 Quebec, and Georgia, Ver- mont shales in same relative position II vi 286 Utica, north shore L. On- tario II xv 391 Shamans. Dene......... IV iv 107, 181 Of primitive tribes IV vi 321 Practices among Denes. ... Ill vu 157 Shamanism in Nah'ane tribe IV vu 524 Shammai. Family in Italy and Rome.. II xiv 561 Traces of, in ancient Greece II xiv 427 Traces of, in ancient history II xiv 415 Shanguanac, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 660 Shank, Col. David, Toronto. II xm 181 Shanley, Walter. Report of Toronto and Guelph Ry.: reviewed... I i 20 Report on Toronto Harbour: reviewed I i 162 Shannon River, Ont., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 68, 660 Fossil, of Devonian. By Mr. Lennox: abstract.. . Ill ill 120 Sharon, dates of arrival of Birds at IV in 62 Sharp's patent primer ATTACHED TO SHOT-GUN: reprint I m 61 Sharp-nosed Meadow Mouse, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 81 Sharpe, Daniel. Obituary II i 398 Sharpskins, Toronto Ill vu 195 Shaw, Major-General, Tor- onto II xm 183 Shaw, Dr. W. R. Peach Yellows IV n 209 (abstract) IV ill 8 Shawanese, operations in, country during Revolu- tionary war IV vu 402 Shawnese Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 660 Shawinigan Falls, Que., Aluminum industry at IV vm 159 Sheaffe, Gen. Autograph letter introduc- ing Capt. Hall to Col. Givins II xiv 107 Sheath-bills II xi 157 Ser. Vol. Page Sheep, Mountain, Canadian localities Ill vi 70 Shelf ord Mt., Que., chemi- cal analysis of feldspar specimens from II v 431 I Shells. Additional Note on Oc- currence OF FRESH- WATER, in upper Drift Deposits of Ont II vi 497 Bed of, at St. Simon's Island at Cannon's Pt., Ga II in 387 Conchiological, found near Penetanguishene II ill 399 Cowry, in mound in Otona- bee Tp., Ont. (pl.) IV IX 7 Discovery of Microsco- pic, in lower Silurian Rocks. By Prof. Ehren- berg: reprint I in 193 Distribution of, found in Gulf of Mexico, in North America by Indians II in 396 Economic uses of, by primi- tive people II in 391 Found among ancient relics and sepulchral remains in Tennessee II ill 397 Found at Skara, Orkney in stone dwellings II ill 385 Found on Roman sites in Britain II m 386 Freshwater, from other Lake Deposits, than Iro- quois beach gravels IV vi 39 Fresh water, in Nottawa- saga R. district II vi 497 Marine, L. Superior IV vi 41 Modern uses of II ill 394 Note on Land and Fresh Water, collected in- environs of Toronto. By A. E. Williamson. ... II vi 327 Ornaments of, used by Britons II m 381 Scallop, in heraldry II in 389 Used as currency II in 379 Shell Marl. Canadian II vm 462 Fresh water, in Ontario. ... I i 114 In Gaspe Peninsula II v 468 Shem's inheritance II i 5 Shepard, Harvey, Toronto.. II xm 95 Shepard, Prof. C. U. Meteorite from South Af- rica: ref I ii 189 Shephard's inn II xm 440 Shepherd's Purse, localities Canadian species II xv 163 Sherwood. Date of finding Plethodon eggs: ref IV vm 473 441 SHE SHU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Sherwood-Con. Date on which Plethodon cinereus eggs were found: ref IV viii 469 Sherwood, W. A. Colour in Nature in re- lation to drapery: ab- stract IV ii 17 Colour in Nature: ab- stract Ill vn 19 IV i 23 Colour in Nature: abstract IV i 23 Hindrances to American Art: abstract IV iv 235 Spirit of National Art: abstract IV ill 9 Sheth, legends and history... II xiv 196 Shibata, king in Siberia IV u 274 Shilling, York, in Canada... IV ix 240 Shinguakongse, career of... IV vi 289 Shingwauk, Augustin, career of IV vi 292 Ships. Estimation of friction and other resistance to be overcome I I 274 Greatest, ancient and modern I u 173 Power to produce high velocity I I 274 Raft to rescue passengers from sinking ship. By Lieut. R. Asne I m 327 Zinc applied to, building I n 313 See also steamships Ship Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 660 Shipping, Canadian I I 166 I in 45 Shiwokugmut, territory.... Ill vi 264 Shobal. Ancestor of gods of Auritae II xm 525 Caphtorim came from, in line of Ra and invaded Palestine before close of Israel's wanderings II xm 529 Descendants of II xiv 397 Egypt obtained many di- vinities and earliest rulers from, family II xm 524 Family and descendants of. II xm 522 Shomburgk. Barbadian fossil fauna: ref. IV vm 382 Shooting-Stars, historical account of I n 209 Shore and Gaskell. Blood pressure of dog when going under Chloroform: ref IV vn 201 Cross circulation experi- ments: ref IV vn 203 Ser. Vol. Page Shore Lark. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 89 Observations on Ontario visitors IV I 52, 54, 59, 60 IV in 93, 98 Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 119 Short, Dr. Style of roof in temples at Palenque IV vi 109 Short Point, gazetteer notice (1813)........... II xiv 660 Shorts, gliadin exists in IV vn 514 Shortt, Prof. Adam. Beginning of Municipal Government in Ontario IV vn 409 History of Canadian Me- tallic Currency IV ix 237 Shoshonees. Expulsion from Alberta... . IV iv 250 Show. Provincial Agricultural, FOR 1852, FULL DESCRIP- TION I i 52 Showt'l, Canadian localities. Ill vi 84 Shrew, Canadian localities of Cooper's Shrew Ill vi 90 Forster's Shrew Ill vi 89 Marsh Shrew Ill vi 89 Thompson's Shrew Ill vi 89 Shrike. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario species.. Ill vn 184, 192, 196, 198, 201 IV i 51, 60 IV in 70,91,92,99 Shrike, American (Butcher Bird). Hamilton frequenter II vi 133 Winters around Toronto. .. I I 169 Shropshire. On Structure and Suc- cession of Lower Pa- laeozoic Rocks of North Wales and part of Shropshire. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint.. I i 248 Shroud, Peruvian Golden. . . II i 391 Shrubby, Bitter-sweet, Canadian localities II xv 352 Shumard, B. F. Primordial Zone of Texas with description of new fossils: ref II vi 528 Shuniah, silver location II xu 219 Shur, family in Palestine.... II xiv 418 Shushwap Indians. Former relations with Tsij- koh'tin IV iv 23 Month names IV vi 332 442 SHU SIL GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Shutt, Frank T., M.A. Anatomy of Wood-Louse: abstract Ill in 293 Canadian Apatite Ill v 30 Shyon Cape, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 660 Sialia. Hamilton species II v 390 S. sialis. Habits of Ontario visitors. .Ill in 91 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vu 189,198 IV 1 56,59 IV in 73, 74, 83, 97, 101,102, 103, 104,'105 Siamang, laryngeal pouches. IV vi 515 Siberia. Runic inscriptions of IV 11 261 Siberian. Alphabet Ill in 168 Archaeological exploration. IV 11 262 Characters and Lat Alpha- bet IV iv 264 Characters, phonetic values of IV 11 267 Inscriptions and Characters IV n 264 Inscriptions; free transla- tions of IV 11 271 Mounds..... IV 11 263 Siberian Inscriptions. By Rev. John Campbell IV n 261 (abstract) IV in 20 Siborne. Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 151 Sicily, Copper coin in Cana- dian Institute from Agathocles of Sicily II ix 230 Centoripa II ix 227 Cephaloedium II ix 227 Gela II ix 228 Tauromenium II ix 229 Tyndaris II ix 229 Sickle-pod, Canadian habi- tats II xv 64, 161 Siculo-Punic, Copper coin from, in Canadian Insti- tute II ix 229 Sicyon, Ashchurite traces in. II xiv 256 Sicyos, L., Canadian habi- tats of S. angulatus, L II xv 554 Side-saddle Flower, Cana- dian habitats II xv 60 Sidney Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 660 Sidonian, inscribed, sarcop- hagus II 1 76 Siemens method of burning soft coal Ill iv 89 Sierra Leone, Maroons in... Ill vu 268 Sigillaria, Nova Scotia coal measures I 1 237 Ser. Vol. Page Sigillarise. Fossils in, from Nova Scotia II v 205 In Nova Scotia coal I i 280 II v 305 Siksinokaia IV iv 255 Siksikauo tribe, origin of name IV iv 249 Siksinaksi..., IV iv 255 Silene, transverse chorisis in petals of II x 383 Silene, L., Canadian locali- ties of S. acaulis, L 4 II xv 170 S. antirrhina, L II xv 170 S. armeria, L II xv 170 S. inflata, Smith II xv 169 S. noctiflora, L II xv 170 S. virginica, L II xv 170 Silica. Difficulties of purifying... . II 1 310 Hydrated II 1 80 Isomorphism of II iv 493 On, and some of its Appli- cations to Arts. By Rev. J. Barlow: reprint. . I m 106 Silicates. Behaviour with water at high temperatures II in 205 Method of distinguishing monoxide of iron (FeO) from sesquioxide (Fe20s) in, and other compounds by blowpipe II x 345 Mode of formation of, in stratified rocks II n 357 Opalescence produced by, in phosphor-salt in blow-pipe II xv 250 Silicatisation I in 334 Siliceous group, central basin, Tennessee Ill vu 76 Silicified wood. Fragment from Colorado forest believed to be pro- duced by an axe II xiv 350 On remarkable fragment of, from Rocky Mts. By H. A. Nicholson and W. H. Ellis II xiv 348 Silicium. Deposition of, by elec- trotypeprocess: reprint I n 281 Electro-plating with I ill 15 Graphite modification of... II 1 394 Oxide of II 11 305 Preparation of II 1 310 Silicon, proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vu 558 Silicious rock, origin II in 202 Silicious slates. L. Huron II II 441 L. Temiscamang II n 440 443 SIL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SIL Ser. Vol. Page Silk. Notes on some Canadian Saturnine and sugges- tions ON POSSIBILITY of USING THEIR, FOR TEXTILE PURPOSE. By Thos. Cottle I II 212 Silk-Weed. Short treatise on, viewed as industrial resources. By Alex. Kirkwood: re- viewed Il xi 247 Silk Worms. Canadian Saturnine I in 266 On Parthenogenesis as oc- curring amongst: review- ed Il vn 127 Sillery division, Quebec group of rocks II xv 382 Silpha insequalis, Fabr. ... I m 325 Silurian, Silurian strata. Anticosti II xv 102 Calceola in upper, rocks of Tennessee II v 307 Canada II vm 185 Description I I 147 Eastern Quebec I I 125 Massachusetts and New Hampshire Ill iv 69 New Crustaceans from, Rocks of Scotland: re- print II i 482 North of granitic ridge in Ontario I I 126 Nova Scotia II xv 113 Occurrence of Genus Cryptoceras in. By Prof. Chapman II ii 264 Ontario Group II vm 186 Potsdam Group II vm 186 Quebec II xv 96 Quebec Group II vm 186 Silurian rock of Ontario con- tain iron ores Ill v 187 Star-Fishes II in 158 System of America I in 36 Tennessee; condition of country when laid down. Ill vn 82 Silurian, Lower. Asteridae of, Rocks in Can- ada. By E. Billings: ref.. II iv 43 Canadian formation con- taining bones of verte- brate animals I i 122 Coprolites in I n 264 Crinoids of, in Canada II iv 467 Cystideae of, of Canada. By E. Billings: ref II iv 43 Description of, in Western Ontario I in 1 Ser. Vol. Page Silurian, Lower-Con. Discovery of Microscopic shells in. By Prof. Ehrenberg: reprint I in 193 Formation in Canada II v 472 Fossils from, of Ottawa River I I 221 New Species of, Fossils. By E. Billings: reviewed... . II vn 71 On parallelism of, groups of middle Tennessee WITH THOSE OF NEW York. By Prof. J. M. Safford: reprint I n 138 Toronto I I 147 Tracks of Reptile in, in Canada I in 252 Silurian (Pre-), formation in New Brunswick II xv 105 Silurian Society of Ottawa, objects of I in 286 Silurian Upper. Discription of, in Western Ontario I in 1 Fossils of, in Ottawa River district I I 222 New England upper Si- lurian. By T. Nelson Dale: abstract Ill iv 69 Michigan.... II vn 74 New Brunswick II xv 104 Nova Scotia II xv 111 Tennessee Ill vn 79 Siluroids, compared with Cyprinoids Ill n 306 Silurus glanis, peptic glands in Ill n 400 Silver. Alloys in blowpipe with Bismuth, Copper, Gold, Lead, Platinum, Thallium, Tin II xv 257 Amalgamation processes em- ployed in extracting; his- tory of IV iv 358 Amounts of Lead in, coins.. II vi 301 Analysis of ore from Thun- der Bay district II xn 224 Arsenic and Sulphur as Metallurgical Agents IN TREATMENT OF CANA- DIAN Auriferous and Argentiferous Ores. By R. Dewar IV I 141 Characteristics and Cana- dian localities of various ores II v 177 Cazo process in extracting.. IV iv 361 Chemical properties of II I 558 Coating iron or other metal with, or with Alloy of Ag and Cu I I 43 444 SIL SIM GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Silver-Con. Conditions in which native, occurs in Kamanistiquia belt. Ill vu 248 Coins in Canada after con- quest IV ix 238 Deposits and production in Canada up to 1905 IV vm 159 Deposition of, in rocks IV u 123 Discovery in Mexico in 16th century; effect on prices.. II i 444 Electro-Mercurial Amal- gamation of PRECIOUS METALS FROM THEIR ORES. By Chas. M. Dobson: abstract Ill vi 22 Extraction from lead I I 104 Hudson's Bay HI iv 197 In Sea Water II n 305 Ireland I I 267 Iodo-nitrate of II I 79 Kamanistiquia, bearing belt. By H. R. Wood.... Ill vu 245 Kamanistiquia valuable, mining region Ill vu 258 Loss due to cupellation.... II I 394 Mines of San Salvador II I 368 Norwegian amalgamation process in extracting IV iv 358 Notes on, Locations of Thunder Bay. By E. J. Chapman (plate p. 265). . II xn 218 Obtaining of pure II i 487 Occurrence of gold and, in galena and iron pyri- tes. By R. Dewar IV n 121 (abstract) IV n 12 Patio process of extracting. IV iv 359 Process of coining I m 129 Production in Britain, 1860 II vu 148 Reduction of, by phosphorus I I 115 Repulse Bay Ill iv 199 Separation of, from Lead: reprint I m 221 Shuniah, location Thunder Bay II xn 219 Thunder Bay, Mining Co. . II xn 222 Tintin process in extracting IV iv 362 Trowbridge's, location Thunder Bay, II xn 221 Use of, in place of speculum metal I ill 22 Washoe or Pan process in extracting IV iv 364 Wood's, location Thunder Bay II xn 223 World production, 1853.... I ill 41 Veins of Kamanistiquia re- gion Ill vu 247 Silver Creek Vein, in Ka- manistiquia Ill vu 257 Ser. Vol. Page Silver Glance. Conditions in which, occurs in Kamanistiquia belt. .. Ill vn 249 Thunder Bay; analyzed... . II xn 266 Silver, Black Sulphide of, conditions in which occurs in Kamanistiquia belt. . . Ill vu 249 Silver Salmon IV ix 25 Silver-weed, Canadian lo- calities II xv 430 Silvering, Liebig's method.. . II i 487 Simcoe, Capt. Brief biography of II xiv 85 Simcoe, Gov. of Canada. Administration of, viewed IN HIS OFFICIAL CORRE- SPONDENCE. By Ernest Cruikshank IV n 284 Attitude towards self government in Ontario... IV vu 420 Diary of his Journey from Humber Bay to Matchetache Bay, 1793 IV i 128 Higher education in Canada and Merton traditions. . . II xm 463 Proclamation dividing Up- per Canada into 19 coun- ties II xiv 60 Residence at Niagara, 1794. II xiv 94 Toronto made Capital IV vi 289 Troubles with U.E. Loyal- ists IV vu 410 Simcoe. Ontario, and Huron Union Ry., condition of I I 144 Simcoe Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 660 Simcoe, North. Huron earthworks in IV m 226 National Characteristics AND MIGRATIONS OF Hurons as indicated by their remains in. By A. F. Hunter IV ill 225 Simeon, Chas. Autographs II xv 153, 543 Autograph and character- istics II xiv 622 Simia Satyrus. See Orang Outang. Simoda, 1858 II v 91 Simpson. Brain weight of II xv 209 Simpson, Sir Geo. Dr. Rae's letter to, on Fate of Sir John Frank- lin I in 91 Simpson, Dr. J. Y. Medicine stamps used by Romans in Britain: ref. . II m 8 445 SIN SKU PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Sinai, Peninsula of. Dr. R. Lepsius exploration of, and location of Sinai. . In 180 Preliminary Account of Expedition of Dr. R. Lepsius to Egypt, Ethio- pia and I ii 153, 179, 266 Scientific Results of Dr. R. Lepsius'journey to I u 266 Sinaitic inscriptions, at- tempts at deciphering... IV vi 245 Sinclair, Capt. Lieut. Gov. Mackinac, 1781 IV iv 305 Sinclair, Sir John. Ossian poems authentic: ref. IV iv 331 Sinclair River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 661 Sinilacese. London species II vm 234 Sines. Formulae for Cosines and, of Multiple arcs. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young. II vm 286 Sinion Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 661 Sinupallialia, suggested lead- ing division of Lamelli- branchiata II xi 395 Siouan, Catawba language connected with Ill vi 26 Sioux. Blackfoot gestures for IV v 44 Comparative vocabulary of, and Peninsulai languages III i 202 Manitoba HI v 215 Mode of putting prisoners to death II iv 256 Original home of Ill v 61 Pipes II ii 331 Settlement in Canada IV vi 293 War with United States, 1866 IV vi 292 Wyandot-Iroquois language affinities HI I 197 Vocabularies and'grammar. Ill v 216 Siphonese, Toronto species. . Ill vn 271 Siphonida. Subdivisions of II vu 116 Suggested leading division of Lamellibranchiata II xi 394 Siphonostele. Osmundaceae IV vm 525, 531 Of Osmunda cinnamomea derivation IV vm 526 Of Todea hymeno-phylloi- des derivation IV vm 526 Siphonostelic central cylin- der in Cryptogams and Angiosperms IV vi 613 Type in Filicales: ref IV vi 607 Type of central cylinder. . . IV vi 627 Siphonostoma II i 281 Ser. Vol. Page Siskin. Migration and Habits of III vn 197 Toronto Ill vn 189 Siskin Pine, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 190 IV I 57 IV in 69 Sister, East, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 661 Sister, West, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 661 Sisymbrium, L. Canadian localities of S. canescens, Nutt II xv 161 S. officinale, Scopoli II xv 161 S. sophia, L II xv 161 Sitta. Hamilton species II v 393 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 198, 201 IV I 41, 53 IV HI 72, 80, 103 S. canadensis, Toronto Win- ter bird I I 171 Siurus ncevius, Bodd, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Six Nations Indians, see Iroquois Skalholt Saga, history of.... II xn 137 Skara, Orkney,. Shells found in ancient stone dwellings in II in 385 Skat-kwan tribe, Yukon dis- trict..... IV vn 518 Skeena Indians, Census, 1847 I I 197 Skene. Four ancient books of Wales: ref IV v 69 Skeletons. Found in ancient mounds in Bay of Quinte district (pl.) II v 414 Indian, of great antiquity found near Brockville. . . II I 332 Skeletonizing, notes on I I 175 Skenidium II vi 188 Skin. Characters of, of Amiurus. . Ill n 257 Skin and cutaneous sense organs of Amiurus. By Prof. R. Ramsay Wright. Ill II 251 Skua, parasitic, Toronto... IV i 54 Skull crackers, Den& IV iv 64 Skulls. Ancient Roman II I 76 Description of deformed fragmentary, found at Jerusalem. By J. Aitken Meigs: reviewed II iv 487 Fossil, human I u 172 Skunk. Canadian localities. .Ill vi 75 446 SKU SMI GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Skunk Cabbage, Toronto... I i 218 Skunk, Little striped, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 75 Sky. Arch seen in I l 240 Slag. Uses of. By Dr. Smith.... I in 242 Novel application of: reprint I ill 94 Robinson's patent for: re- print I in 94 Slates. Animikie, of Thunder Bay. . IV I 214 Argillaceous, Hudson's Bay HI iv 197 Banded, of L. Wendigokan: region IV vm 350 Conglomerates, of L. Huron II n 441 Conglomerates, of L. Temis- camang II ii 440 Kamanistiquia region Ill vn 247 L. Huron I I 125 L. Superior I I 125 Mica, characters; Canadian localities II vi 434 Note on New Species of Triarthrus from Utica, of Whitby, Ont. By J. F. Smith, Jr II vi 275 Roofing, in Canada II vn 218 Roofing, in Gaspe Peninsula II v 467 Wurtemberg I I 103 Utica, in Huron region, Ontario I m 50 Slate River, prehnite from, analyzed II xn 267 Slave. Greek, of 15th century II I 391 Notices of sale of, in Canada IV I 105 On Ogden Island IV I 106 Roman laws concerning, be- fore and after Christianity was introduced IV n 173 Slaves (Indians). Habitat and numbers IV iv 16 Tribe (Dene) HI vn 113 Canada Ill v 216 Slave Lake, Lesser, early ex- ploration of HI vi 147 Slavery. Abolition of, in Ontario. ... IV n 291 Bibliography of, in Canada. IV I 108 British legislation on Colo- nial IV I 103 Chinook Indians trade in. . . II n 20 In Canada during French rule IV I 102 Maritime Provinces IV I 106 Ontario II xm 86 Laws of first Parliament of U. Canada on IV I 83 Slavery in Canada. By J. C. Hamilton. IV I 102 Upper Canada IV i 104 Ser. Vol. Page Sleighs. Sleighs and the Sleighing Season I i 87, 88 Slickstones, Dene IV iv 49 Sling-Bullets. Inscriptions on, as aid in studying history of place when found II ix 95 On Inscribed. By Rev. John McCaul II ix 92 Principal varieties of inscrip- tions on II ix 93 Slime cells, Amiurus Ill n 392 Sludge disposal, London, Eng IV ii 143 Small, Chas., Toronto II xn 344 Small, John. Duel with J. White of Toronto II xn 515 Smallwood, Chas. Contributions to Mete- orology, from Obser- vations at St. Martin Isle Jesus, Que II iv 262 Mean results of mete- orological OBSERVA- TIONS at St. Martin Isle Jesus, Can. E I n 7 Mean results of meteoro- logical OBSERVATIONS for 1853 at St. Martin Isle Jesus, Canada East I n 230 Meteorology of St. Martin Isle Jesus for 1859 II v 308 Observatory at St. Mar- tin, Isle Jesus; full description with draw- ings II m 281 Montreal Natural History Society's report on his observatory at St. Martin II I 409 Smallpox. Effect of light on scarring. . IV vm 106 Treatment in ancient times by keeping in room with red light only IV vm 108 Smaragdite, identical with vanadiferous bronzite ... II in 262 Smelting. Iron I I 135 Refuse of, furnaces: re- print I in 242 Smilacese. Barrie species II xv 50 Canadian species II xiv 299 Hamilton species Ill n 153 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 652 Smith, Capt. S., Toronto. . . II xm 182 Smith, Col., Toronto II xm 104 447 SMI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SMI Ser. Vol. Page Smith, Chittenden and. Gluten casein from gluten: ref IV vn 499 Smith. Analysis of rain-water in northern Europe: ref.... IV vn 337 Smith C. Roach. Inscription on pig of lead to Britannicus: ref II vn 38 Notes on Latin inscriptions found in Britain II m 221 II v 291 Restoration of imperfect Latin inscriptions: ref... II vi 397 Smith, Col. F. Autograph II xv 533 Smith, Col. Samuel. Autograph (1820) II xiv 108 Smith, David Wm. Brief biography of, Sur- veyor Gen. of U. Canada. II xiv 55 Election addresses, 1804. . . II xii 517 Instructions to early sur- veyors in Upper Canada. II xiv 56 Map of his property at Niagara: ref IV I 101 Notes and first Gazetteer of Upper Canada II xiv 55 Surveyor General of U. Canada II xii 516 Smith, E. F. History of Yellows in fruit: ref .'. IV ii 209 Smith. Goldwin. Lamps of Fiction. Address at Scott centenary .... II xin 347 Smith, H. M. Effect of sawdust on fish: ref IV vn 431 Smith, Hugh M. and Snell, M. M. Effect of debris on fish: ref. IV vn 429 Smith, J. F. Note on more Character- istic fossils of Hudson River Group of Tor- onto and environs II iv 450 Note on new species of Triarthrus from Utica slate of Whitby, Ont. . II vi 275 Smith, J. Lorrain. Reaction between fat and dye due to formation of soap: ref IV vm 408 Smith, J. S. Asteroids: ref I ill 208 Smith, Larratt, Richmond Hill II xin 448 Smith, M. Geographical view of U. Canada, 1813 II xv 29 Ser. Vol. Page Smith, R. On chromatic photo-print- ing, being a mode of print- ing textile fabrics by chemical action of light. . I I 216 Smith, R. Angus. Absorption of aqueous solu- tions by leaves, and effect of fumes from chemical work on plants: ref IV vn 245 Rotation of embryo of Cryp- tobranchus: ref IV vm 477 Yellow spots and marginal stains upon leaves of plants: ref IV vxx 315 Smith, Rev. Dr. John. Author of Sean Dana on Ossian poems IV xv 322 Seann Dana IV x 217 Smith, Sydney, Canon of St. Pauls. Autograph letter about tithes II xxv 343 Smith, Wm. Henry. Canadian Gazetteer (1846). II xv 38 Smith, W. J. Formation of Niagara River: abstract IV m 5 Smith's Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 661 Smith's Sound, formation of icebergs in II IV 182 Smoke. Consumption of : reprint.. I m 148,313 Evil effects of coal I in 6 On Consumption of, Ex- periments with Juke's Patent Furnace. By A. Fraser: reprint I II 307 Prevention of, in steam vessels: reprint I in 317 Smoke-Consuming and Fuel Saving Fire Place. By Niel Arnott I in 6,25 Smoke Consuming Grate (pl.) I Hi 7 Utilizing for heating pur- poses I I 103 Smithsonian Institute. Account of. By Mr. Dicke: reprint I ni 62 Account of, its Founder, building operations, etc., Annual Reports of Re- gents: reviewed II x 119 Arrangements for extension, and publication of Mete- orological observations.. II n 44 Biography of founder II x 119 448 SMI SNO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Smithsonian Institute-Cora. Directions for collecting PRESERVING AND TRANS- PORTING Specimens of Natural History: re- print I i 172 Establishments and objects (primary) II in 42 First buildings destroyed by fire; loss suffered II x 128 Foundation and origin II n 40 Lecture Hall of, and its acoustic properties II n 139 Lecture Room at. By Prof. Henry; with draw- ings II in 110 Letter on. By Professor Agassiz I in 216 Object of I in 216 Origin and history of...... I in 217 Plans for extending library. II n 45 Plans for usefulness of mu- seum II n 45 Position after fire in 1863.. . II x 131 Powers of regents of II in 43 Report for 1856: reviewed. . II in 41 Secretary's Report, 1855.. . II ii 44 Subjects of lectures II n 45 i Tenth Annual Report for 1855: reviewed II n 39 Smyth, Prof. Autographs and character- istics II xiv 620 Smyth, Prof. Piazzi. Solar Refraction: reprint I in 366 Snails, pond. Effect of Cedar extracts on IV vn 442 Snake bird II vn 509 Snakes. American poisonous Ill v 255 Casting their skin II xm 555 On habits of a small, in Captivity. By E. J. Chapman II xm 551 Remedy for, poison HI v 255 Sea, Ceylon II vn 355 Snake Poisons. By Dr. J. H. Garnier, Abstract HI v 255 Snakeroot, Canadian locali- ties II xv 58 Snares. Various, of Denes fully des- cribed (pl). IV iv 99 Snell Merwin Marie, Smith H. M. and: Effect of debris in rivers on fish: ref IV vn 429 Snider family, Toronto. ... II xm 437 Snipes. Hamilton species II v 394 Position in Grallatorial families II xi 158 Ser. Vol. Page Snipe, Red-Breasted, Tor- onto Ill vn 192 Snohomish Indians, voca- bulary Ill v 218 Snow. Ammonia in Rain, River water and I n 102 Amount that ice will sup- port without sinking. .. . IV ix 16 Coloured snow I I 261 Note on stelliform cry- stals WITH SPECIAL RE- FERENCE TO CRYSTALLIZ- ATION OF. ByE. J. Chap- man II vi 1 On recent Cold Weather and on Crystals of, ob- served DURING ITS CON- TINUANCE. By Jas. Glaisher I in 232 On relative durations OF DIFFERENT WINDS DUR- ING RAIN OR, DERIVED from Toronto Obser- vations 1853-59. By G. T. Kingston II ix 240 Snowfall, Rain and, and highest and lowest water on L. On- tario 1854r-93-statement IV v 38 Rain and, and highest and lowest water in L. Ontario 1854-1903: table IV vm 3 St. Martin Isle Jesus Que. for 1858 II iv 265 St. Matrin Isle, Jesus, Que. for 1859 II v 311 Snowfall and snowy days at Toronto from 1840-1852. I I 88 Toronto 1860 II vi 211 Snow Bird. Hamilton species II v 391 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 186, 196 IV i 52 IV in 70, 89 Snow Bunting. Habits of Ontario visitors. HI in 87 Listowel visitor IV in 69 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Toronto winter bird I I 171 Snow-flake Bird, Hamilton species II v 391 Snow Goose, Specimen pro- cured at Hamilton II vi 135 Snowdon, Old, Ont. Iron Mine Ill i 262 Snowshoes. Denes IV iv 151 Formerly practically un- known among Carriers.. IV iv 151 Various, of Denes IV iv 152 449 SNO SOD PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Snow shovels, Dene IV iv 116 Snow walking sticks, Dene IV iv 155 Snowy Goose, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 121 Snowy Owl. Habits of Ontario visitors III in 88 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Snuff. Madagascar, taking II iv 205 Soap. Manufacture in Canada.... IV vui 165 of, improved by chemistry I I 137 On Soap as a means of Art. By Ferguson Bran- son: reprint I u 281 Soap berry. Dene method of preparing, for eating IV iv 128 Eaten by Dent's IV iv 128 Soapstone. Description of: reprint. I in 46 Soapwort, Canadian locali- ties II xv 169 Sobrero, M. Ascagne. Discovery of Nitro-Gly- cerine: ref II xiv 356 Social. Antagonism of, forces. By W. A. Douglas Ill v 136 Applicability of our Edu- cational System To, Condition of Large Cities. By Thos. Hen- ning II in 422 Social Science Associa- tion: reprint Il vu 384 Society. Fiftieth Anniversary of Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society. ... II vu 227 Literary and Historical, of Quebec I in 117,141,170, 195 220 243 Montreal Natural History I i 164, 282 Report upon Friendly Societies I m 84 Review of Journal of Soc. of Arts and Allied Institu- tions I i 164 Work of, of Actuaries. . I ill 88 Society of Arts, Manufac- tures and Commerce, Centennial of: reprint... I in 16 Correspondence with Canadian Institute on making Canada better known I i 14 Letter to Canadian In- stitute on Trade I i 112 Sociological Circular, issued by Canadian Institute 1888 Ill vi 62 Ser. Vol. Page Sociology. Of Nah'ane tribe IV vn 520 Scientific and Pedagogic claims of. By W. Hous- toun: abstract Ill v 25 Sockeye Salmon. Age determined from oto- liths IV ix 37 Catch for years 1893-1908. IV ix 33 Changes in digestive organs in spawning season. . . IV ix 30 Condition in sea and river. IV ix 28 Depletion of supply discus- sed IV ix 40 Described IV ix 24 Do each generation return to their own identical spawning grounds IV ix 38 Life history IV ix 25 Periodicity of big runs in Fraser IV ix 35 Spawning IV ix 31 Time fry remain on spawn- ing grounds IV ix 33 Soda. Can, Replace Potash as a Manure. By M. Geo. Ville: reprint II vi 50 Detection of Lithia in pre- sence of, by blowpipe II x 340 Sulphate of, preparation of II i 311 Potash replacing, in plant II vi 51 Soda, Nitrate of, fertilizing value of, Il vi 50 Soda Feldspar II v 529 Sodium. Amount in kidney IV ix 401 Annual deposit in ocean.... IV vn 537 Cadmio-bromide of; prepar- ation of II I 17 Cadmio-iodide of; prepara- tion of II i 14 Evidence from lakes and rivers now existing of pro- portion in primeval ocean. IV vu 556 History of, in sea-water. IV vu 547 Less abundant than potas- sium in striated muscle, pancreas, and brain... IV ix 402 Plasma contains relatively same as sea water.. . . IV vu 561 Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vu 558 Proportions in blood and sea water different IV vu 539 Proportion in living proto- plasm unknown IV vu 561 Relative amount in dog's muscle IV vu 540 Relative proportion in sea water not same as in river discharge: reason IV vu 560 450 SOP SOD GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Sodium Chloride. Deposits and production in Canada 1905 IV vm 152 Sodom and Gomorrha, burning of, probably re- ferred to in Carrier In- dians' myth IV v 24 Soils, Marine alluvial in Nova Scotia II i 39 Sokowakiakis, territory.... IV in 196 Solanacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species II xiv 647 London species II vm 231 Solan Goose. Observations Accompany- ing Exhibition of Speci- men OF, LATELY OBTAIN- ED AT Oshawa, Ont., and BELONGING TO MUSEUM of University of Tor- onto. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vn 329 Solar. Note on, Refraction. By Prof. Piazzi Smyth: re- print I in 366 Solar eclipse, July 18th, 1860, expedition to Lab- rador to observe II vi 103 Solar erythema, cause IV vm 103 Solar Radiation. Influence on vital pow- ers of plants. By J. H. Gladstone: reprint I in 112 On Chemical Action of, By R. Hunt: reprint. I n 69 Solenidae, Canadian II iv 273 Solen maximus. Food value II vn 360 Methods of catching II vn 359 Solenozopheria vaccinii Ashmead, hosts: anatomy IV ix 353 Soleus. Homologue of flexor sub- limis digitorum IV vi 580 Orang IV vi 566 Solidago cassia var axillaris Gray. Galls on IV ix 313 Host for Gnorimoschema gallaeasterella Kellicot.. IV ix 310 S. canadensis L. Galls and glands on IV ix 312 S. canadensis L., host for Eucosma scudderiana Cle- mens IV ix 310 Eurosta solidaginis Fitch. IV ix 325 Gnorimoschema gallaesoli- daginis Riley IV ix 310 Ser. Vol. Page S. latifolia. Galls on IV ix 313 Host for Gnorimoschema gallaeasterella Kellicot.. IV ix 310 S. rugosa Mill, host for Gnor- imoschema gallaesolida- ginis Riley IV ix 310 Solidago serotina var gi- gantea Gray host for... Eucosma scudderiana Cle- mens IV ix 310 Gnorimoschema gallaesoli- daginis Riley IV ix 310 Solidification, of Bodies un- der great pressure.... I in 172 Sollitt. Composition and figur- ing OF SPECULA FOR RE- FLECTING telescopes: re- print I n 67 Solms, Graf zu, Secondary wood in Ophio- glossacese: ret IV v 284 Solomon. Nom-de-plume of Rev. J. MacGeorge: selections from writings II xv 267 Solomon Islands, Ellipsoi- dina in IV vm 388 Solomon's Seal, abnormal development in II in 317 Solutrian, implements IV iv 63 Somateria, observations on Toronto species IV I 58 IV in 90 S. spectabilis, Leach, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Sombrero Island, West In- dies, physical features and geology of IV vn 353 Somerville. Nom-de-plume "Whistler": selections from writings II xv 273 Somerville Mary. Physical Geography: re- viewed I n 312 Somnambulism Ill vi 11 Somnambulistic. Condition of system in, state. . . Ill ii 72 Song. Song of Salmon Fish- ing. By Tlinkit Indian IV vi 341 Song Sparrow. Habits of Ontario visitors III in 90 Sopeithes IV iv 271 Sopithis IV iv 271 Sophiasburgh Tp. Gazetteer Notice (1813) II xiv 661 Sophocles, Notes on Ajax, v 416 HI i 90 Antigone, 263 II xin 426 Antigone 250 foil, and Aes- chylus Sept c. Theb. 1042. II xiv 52 451 SOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SPA Ser. Vol. Page Sorauer. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 245 Sorby, H. C., F.G.S. General Mechanical STRUCTURES OF LIME- STONE: reprint I m 411 Sorcerer's Lake, Gazetteer Notice (1813) II xiv 661 Sorex. Canadian localities of S. belli, Dobson Ill vi 90 S. forsteri, Rich Ill vi 89 S. pachyurus, Baird HI Vi 90 S. personatus Geoff Ill vi 90 S. platyrhinus, De Kay.... Ill vi 90 S. sphagnicola, Cones HI vi 90 S. suckleyi, Baird Ill vi 90 S. thompsoni, Baird Ill vi 89 S. trowbridgii, Baird Ill vi 89 S. vagrans (Cooper) Baird. Canadian locali- ties HI vi 89 Sorrocloco, custom IV vn 35 Soufriere volcano, St. Vin- cent, W. Indies IV vn 364 Sound. On Effect of wind on In- tensity of. By Prof. G. G. Stokes: reprint II m 51 Soundings, deep-sea, in South Atlantic I I 264 Sour Springs, near Brantford I i 153 South America. Dislocations and upheavals that separated Trinidad from IV vm 379 South Crosby, analysis of fluor apatite from. ... II xm 507 South Joggins, N. S. Coal measures examined. By Sir Wm. Logan: ref II i 240 Process of coal formation at I I 280 South Pacific Islanders, de- corative art among... IV vi 327 Southern British Columbia group, Canadian flora. IV vm 26 Southey. Autograph of II xiv 482 Southwold earthworks, re- mains in IV vi 288 South wold Tp. gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 661 Southworth, Thos. Do WE NEED A FORESTRY F F College IV vm 297 [ Forests and rainfall: ref. IV vm 6 Settlement of Northern Ontario IV vm 461 Ser. Vol. Page Soxhlet. Connection between bacter- ia and dirt in milk: ref... IV vii 467 Space. Has in first line a qualitative character IV vm 322 Is continuous IV vm 329 Is relative IV vm 319 Simple or complex nature of IV vm 332 Space and its Dimensions: By Prof. A. Kirschmann.. IV vm 315 Spadina Ave., origin II xn 165 Spadina House, Toronto. II xn 165 Spain. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 265 Celtic traces in II xv 84 Zimri traces in II xv 310 Spaniards. Cruelties practised on na- tives of West Indies by.. Ill vii 260 Huastecs treatment by. . IV Vi 178 Conquest of Cuba by Ill vn 261 Spanish. Coptic article in: examples II xm 413 Critical examination of, DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO Canary Islands, sub- mitted to writer by Senor Don Juan Beth- encourt Alfonso, of Tenerife. By Prof. J. Campbell IV vn 29 Spanish dollar, chief medium of exchange in Canada after conquest IV ix 237 Spanish River, Jamaica, geology of IV v 339 Sparrow. Habits of different species in captivity IV in 96 Habits and observations on Ontario species Ill in 90, 92, 98 III vn 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 197 IV i 57, 59 IV m 62, 63, 64, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 96, 97, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110. Hamilton species II v 391 Sparrow, Tree, Toronto winter bird I i 171 Spathularia. Habits and Ontario habitats of S. flavida Pers IV ix 81 S. velutipes, C. and T IV ix 81 Spatial threshold of colour. Characteristic colour thres- hold IV v 226 Spatial thresholds of COLOURS AND THEIR DE- PENDENCY ON CONTRAST. By W. B. Lane IV v 225 452 SPA SPH GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Spatterdock, Canadian local- ities II xv 60 Spawning. Artificial and Natural, com- pared experimentally I in 65 Grounds of salmon IV ix 26 Process in salmon IV ix 32 Salmon spawning IV ix 31 Spear. Ancient copper, found near Brockville II I 330 Dene Ill vn 139 Spear-Heads, Dene IV iv 62 Spear Pt., dyke cutting mica schists at Ill iv 121 Species. Defined II in 78 II v 116 Dr. Dawson's views on. . .. II x 20 Permanency of II in 79 Thoughts on. By Jas. D. Dana: reprint II in 77 Variations of II in 82 Variations under domestic- ation II v 371 Specific gravity. Apparatus to find density of solutions in tests on foli- age leaves IV vn 239 Determining minerals by... II v 13 Specific heat of Gases and vapours under various conditions I n 135 Various gases (volume and weight), by Regnault.... I n 136 Spectacles. Optical defects of eye AND THEIR TREATMENT BY SCIENTIFIC USE OF. By A. M. Roseburgh. ... II xi 1 Spectavit, notes on six ex- amples of, in Latin In- scriptions found in Britain III i 83 Spectral analysis. By Prof. Plucker II ix 46 Spectre of Brocken. Cause of, and examples .... I i 7 Seen at Mountain House at Catskill I i 7 Spectroscope. Aurora and: reprint II xn 320 Specula. On THE COMPOSITION AND Figuring of, for re- flectingtelescopes. By Mr. Solitt: reprint In 67 Speculum metal, silver can be used in place of I in 22 Spectrum analysis, recent advances in (1863) II vm 102 Ser. Vol. Page Speech. Function of lips in, modify vowels and form labials; muscles involved IV iv 225 Physiology of Lips in. By A. Hamilton: abstract... IV iv 225 Speisses, nickel, conversion into crude nickel IV 11 88 Spelerpes, adaptation to ter- restrial life IV viii 485 Spelling, reform in Ill iv 188 Spence, David Ossianic Poetry IV i 216 abstract IV i 29 Peculiarities and exter- nal RELATIONS OF GAELIC Language: Ill vi 238 abstract Ill vi 45 Spencer, Capt. H. T. Levels of L. Ontario 1846- 52: table I n 62 Spencer, J. W., M.A., Ph.D. Late formations and GREAT CHANGES OF LEVEL in Jamaica IV v 325 Resemblances between DECLIVITIES OF HIGH PLA- TEAU AND THOSE OF SUB- MARINE ANTILLEAN VAL- LEYS IV V 359 Windward Islands of West Indies IV vn 351 Dundas (Ont.) valley: ref IV vn 175 Niagara cuesta from Dun- das Valley to Georgian Bay: ref IV vn 173 Spencer and Gilbert. Area and general character of Iroquois beaches: ref. IV vi 31 Spergula, L. Canadian localities of S. arvensis, L II xv 174 Spergularia, Pers, Canad- ian localities of S. media, Presl II xv 174 S. rubra, Presl II xv 174 S. salina, Presl II xv 174 Spermatozoids. From Microciona II xv 420 In Sycandra compressa.. II xv 420 Spermophile, Grey-headed, Canadian localities Ill vi 87 Spermophilus. Canadian localities of S. franklini, Sabine Ill vi 87 S. townsendi, Bach Ill vi 87 S. tridecemlineatus, Mit- chill Ill vi 87 S. richardsoni (Sabine) Rich III vi 87 ' Sphaeriaceae, list of Ontario; their habits and habitats.. IV ix 80 Sphene II v 525 453 SPH PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SPO Ser. Vol. Page Sphenotics, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill n 274 Spheroidal. On, state of bodies. By Arthur H. Church: re- print I in 11 Isolation of, bodies I in 11 Sphenophorus pertinax Mels. Cat I in 258 Sphingina, N. American: ref: II vm 2 Sphceria sicudes, or Rober- tia, N. Zealand II ii 364 Sphygmoscope. New sphygmoscope. By Dr. S. Scott Alison: ab- stract , II n 453 Sphyranura Osleri nov. gen. et spec., (pl.) HI i 66 Sphyrapicus varius, obser- vations on Ontario visi- tors IV I 43 IV in 62, 68, 102 Spicula of sponges. Described II x 358 Montreal II ill 157 Spike Horn, Buck II I 188 Spikenard, characters; Can- adian habitats II vi 282 Spiller, John and Wm. Crookes. On a method for preser- ving sensitiveness of COLLODION PLATES FOR A CONSIDERABLE TIME.... I III 2 Spilosoma-Stephens. Char- acters and Canadian habitats of S. acrea (Drury) II vm 363 S. collaris (Fitch) II vin 363 j S. Isabella (Abb. and Sm.) II vm 364 S. virginica (Fabr) II vm 362 Spindles, Dene IV iv 114 Spinal Column, of Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill ii 294 Spinal cord. Amiurus Ill n 364 Effect of division of, on blood pressure IV vn 196 Spinal Nerves, Amuirus (pl.) Ill n 370 Spindle-tree, Canadian localities II xv 353 Spinel ' < ... II v 518 Spinus, observations on On- tario species... HI vn 182, 183, 189, 190, 191, 197 IV i 41, 57 IV in 69,82, 87, 99,100,104,106,109 , S. tristis, habits in captivity. IV in 96 Ser. Vol. Page Spiraea, L. Canadian local- ities of S. opulifolia, L II xv 362 S. salicifolia, L II xv 362 S. tomentosa, L II xv 362 Spirifer. Characters: Canadian local- ities (pl.) II vn 112 Rib formula in II iv 53 Spirifera, Sowerby. Dis- tinguished from Athyris. II Vi 139 Generic characters II vi 253 Spirifera in Devonian of Ontario S. duodenaria Hall (pl.).. II vi 256 S. fimbriata (pl.) II vi 257 S. gregaria (Clapp) (pl.). II vi 261 S. mucronata (Conrad) (pl.) II vi 254 S. parryana, Hall (pl.)... II vi 262 S. niagarensis, Hall II xiv 142 S. raricosta (pl.) II vi 258 S. sculptilis, Hall II vi 262 S. submucronatus II vi 255 S. varicosa, Hall II vi 255 Spiriferidae. Athyris separated from Terebratula and placed with , II vi -188 Generic characters II in 161 Rhynchonellidae and, same family II xi 393 Spirigera, characters: Can- adian localities (pl.)... II vn 113 S. concentrica (Bronn, sp.) corniferous limestones and Hamilton shales, Ont. (pl.) II vi 145 S. spiriferoides, Hall II vi 145 Spirogyra, action of strong solutions applied on sur- face of leaves of IV vn 313 Spirorbis sinistrorsu, Montague, St. Lawrence Valley II ill 87 Spitzbergen Sea, navigable- ness of I i 118 Spix. Mesenterial filament: ref. IV vi 388 Spiza, Hamilton species... II v 391 Spizella. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 92 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 189,190,191,193 IV in 63, 70, 75, 82, 89, 102,103,104, 105,106,107 Spleen. Amiurus Catus Ill n 432 Anguilla Ill n 432 Spondylidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 214 454 SPO GENERAL INDEX SQU Ser. Vol. Page Sponges. Characters II vi 505 Entoderm and mesoderm cells ; II xv 426 Flesh II xv 426 Interstitial canals and cavi- ties in II x 362 Keratode of II x 360 Reproduction in II x 363 Sarcode of II x 361 Spicula of II x 358 Spongiadae. Alimentary region II xv 425 Anatomy of II x 356 Anatomy and Physiology of. II vu 468 Dictyochidae intermediate between Thalassicolla and II xv 418 Ectoderm, entoderm and mesoderm cells in II xv 426 Flesh... II xv 426 Interstitial canals and cavi- ties in II x 362 Keratode of II x 360 Monograph of British. By J. S. Bowerbank: review- ed II x 355 Reasons for making them class by themselves... II x 356 Reproduction II x 363 Reproduction organs II xv 419 Sarcode of II x 361 Spicula of sponges II x 358 Systematic position of. By R. Ramsay Wright II xv 417 Thalassicollina leads from Polycystina to II xv 418 Spongioplasm, intergran- ular, phosphorus reaction in IV vi 411 Spontaneous generation of life IV vm 428 Spokeshaves, Dene IV iv 144 Spoons, Dene IV iv 76 Spores. Formation of, in yeast cell IV vi 483 Indian soap (pl.) IV vu 3 Sporophyte Apical cells of, in Botry- chium virginianum IV v 282 Sports, Dene's Ill vu 154 Sporulation. Corpuscle's action in yeast cell IV vi 500 Saccharomyces IV vi 501 Yeast cell IV vi 486, 498 Spotton, H. B., M.A. List of plants collected at Barrie II xv 46 Spring (season), Hudson's Strait IV v 105 Spring-beauty, localities Canadian species II xv 175 Ser. Vol. Page Spring Cress, Canadian localities II xv 63 Spring Clotbur, Canada. II xiv 284 Spring Garden, Water works of I in 260 Spring Salmon IV ix 24 Springs. Classification of saline springs of Canada. By T. Sterry Hunt: abstract II vm 168 Hot and sulphur, of New Zealand II n 358 Mineral, of Canada. By Henry Croft I i 151 Mineral and salt, in New York I ii 38 On rising of Waters in, IMMEDIATELY BEFORE Rain. By Prof. J. Brock- lesby: reprint I n 141 Spruce. Canadian black Ill vi 177 Distinctive characters of Canadian. By Geo. Lawson Ill vi 169 Dene weaving of, roots... IV iv 134 Dr. Asa Gray's description and classification Ill vi 172 Effect of concentration of, extracts on fish IV vu 456 Endlicher's classification (1847) Ill vi 171 Gorrie's description of red spruce HI vi 179 Hemlock, black and balsam, in Ottawa valley I n 115 I Persoon's synopsis Plant- arum's description of (1807) ....... 111 VI 171 Prof. Beck's classification (1833) Ill vi 172 Red spruce Ill vi 178 Shoots of, used as febrifuge by Denes IV iv 130 Used as febrifuge by Denes IV iv 130 Weaving of, root IV iv 134 White, of Canada HI vi 174 Spruce Partridge, wintering in Grey County Ill vu 182 Spurge, sun, knot-grass, spotted and oval-leaved spurges Toronto I I 206 Spurrey, Canadian localities II xv 174 Spurzheim. Brain weight of II xv 209 Crania classification II xu 279 Spyridina IV vm 386 Squair, Prof. J. Contribution to study of Franco-Canadian Dia- lect Ill vi 161 455 SQU PUBLICATIONS OF THE ANADIAN INSTITUTE STA Ser. Vol. Page Squair, Prof. J.-Con. Canadian Institute difficul- ties IV n 5 Square-flipper, Canadian localities Ill vi 78 Squier, E. G. Axe or adze in mound in Ross county, Ohio: ref.. I i 133 Notes on Central America, chiefly Honduras and San Salvador; geography, to- pography, climate, popu- lation, etc.: reviewed.. II i 359 Indian mounds and in- trenchments: ref I i 25 Squier and Davis. American crania: ref.... II n 418 Squirrel. Canadian local- ities of Black HI vi 86 California Grey Ill vi 86 Corn II xv 61 Grey Ill vi 86 Northern Flying Ill vi 85 Red Ill vi 85 Striped Ill vi 86 Staff-tree, Canadian localities II xv 352 Stafsfurtite, properties II i 553 Stagmatophora, larval stage IV ix 311 Stagmatophora ceanothi- ella Cosens Described (pl.) IV ix 314 Gall-producing stimulus.... IV ix 367 Host plants of IV ix 310 Time of emergence of moth IV ix 310 Stahl. Corrugations and hairs over veins in leaves aid in shedding water: ref... IV vn 256 Stairn. Satarna connected with an- cient Irish history through IV v 98 Stamps. Canadian postage, defects IV in 178 Canadian postage stamp; history IV m 178 Note on Postage Stamp. By Sandford Fleming. IV m 177 Roman medicine stamps in Britain: interpreted II in 8 Standard. Standards of length and weight: reprint I n 97 Stanley, Dr. Arthur Penrhyn Autograph and brief com- ments on II xiv 602 Stanley, Hon. Wm., Owen, Ancient copper mines in North Wales: ref II i 228 Stanleya, structure II v 337 Stannic Acid, isomorphism of II iv 493 Ser. Vol. Page Stannius. Branchial system in Teleosts: ref Ill u 421 Myology of fish: ref. . . Ill n 311 Thyroid gland in Ganoids and Teleosts: ref Ill n 434 Stanno-plumbate. STANNO-PLUMBATE IRON. By Rev. N. Callan: abstract. I ill 45 Stanton, Robert, Toronto II xm 106 Stanwix Fort, in American Revolutionary war... IV vn 398, 401 Staphylea, L. Canadian habitats of S. trifolia, L II xv 353 Staphylinus chrysocepha- lus I in 327 S. cingulatus, Mels. Cat. .. I m 211, 326 S. excelans, Erich I in 327 S. villosus, Gio Mier I m 211,326 S. vulpinus, Erich I m 211, 326 Star-Fishes, Silurian II in 158 Stars. Historical account of shooting stars 1 n 209 Identity with sun I n 6 Meteors and Falling stars. By T. Henning I n 188, 209 On, Chromatoscope. By A. Claudet: reprint... II ix 48 Report of shooting stars. By M. Coulvier Gravier I I 143 Theories of origin of falling stars: 1. in lunar volcanoes.. I n 210 2. cosmical I n 211 Variable, new II I 196 Starch. Micro-chemistry of dig- estion of, By Philip Burnard Ayres: reprint I in 310 Separated from flour by centrifugal action I i 11 Starling. Hamilton species II v 392 Starvation Cove IV vm 396 Starwort, northern, Cana- dian localities II xv 172 Stassfurthite, analysis of II iv 495 Staten Island Ry., first test of device for telegraphing to and from railway trains. Ill iv 177 Statia Island, W. Indies, physical features and geo- logy IV vn 357 Statics. Analytical. By J. Tod- hunter: reviewed II i 63 Notes on. By Jas. Loudon (Geometrical proofs of some propositions).. . II xm 231, 546 456 STA STE GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Statics-Con. Analytical. By J. Tod- hunter: reviewed II I 299 Statistical account of U. Canada. 1822. By R. Gourlay II xv 32 1832. By Dr. Dunlop II xv 34 1836. By Dr. Thos. Rolph. II xv 35 Statistics. British America in 1852. ... I in 43 Coal, copper, etc I m 83 Duration of life among medical men. By Dr. Guy: reprint I u 282 Fibrous material I in 63 Foreign and native births and marriages in Masa- chussetts II i 245 Marriages in England, in 1851 I i 23 Railway, 1851 in England I i 23 Science of I ill 88 Upper Canada to 1851.... I u 285 Statyra-Arthromacra- aenea, Say.; Canadian.. II i 38 Staurolite. Artificial formation of... II iv 54 Characters II v 520 Composition of II Vi 527 II vm 89 Steam. AS AN INDUSTRIAL AGENT: reprint I ill 315 Expansive force of: reprint I in 149 Steam Engine. Discovery, or invention of, I I 220 By T. H. Robinson IV vm 273 Pendulum steam engine. By Vincent Parke I i 106 Steam Hammer. New II i 395 Sykes' (pl.) reprint I u 255 Steam Machinery. Economy of|fuel£for, By Alfred Brunel II I 336 Steam Navigation. Interesting experiments in. II u 109 On progress of. By Scott Russell: reprint I ill 144 Steam plough, description of first I i 13 Steamboat or steamship. "Accommodation" first built on St. Lawrence.... IV in 175 Advance since first boat crossed Atlantic IV ix 108 Ser. Vol. Page Steamboat or Steamship- Con. Canadian Institute's action to have memoria tablet to Royal William, first ocean, erected IV iv 231 Cylindrical paddles for... I i 116 First efforts to propel boats by steam IV ix 107 First ones that crossed At- lantic IV ix 108 First successful, built.... IV in 175 History of first attempts to cross Atlantic under steam IV in 167 New iron screw-propeller, Canadian I m 92 Note on early. By Sand- ford Fleming IV in 174 Royal William of 1831 IV in 169 Story of. By Sir Sand- ford Fleming IV ix 107 Stearone II i 82 Stedman. At Niagara 1778 IV iv 305 Steel. Canadian IV vm 156 Composition and formation of II I 74 Steel daggers of, in pre- European times IV iv 142 Improvement in manu- facture of. By M. August Laugel: reprint I in 104 New process of photo- graphic ENGRAVING ON steel. By Fox Talbot: reprint I n 20 Possibilities of iron and, PRODUCTION IN ONTARIO. By Wm. Hamilton Merritt IV n 299 Production in Canada 1892- 1902 IV vm 188 Tempering of : reprint I in 312 ; Steeple Bush, Canadian loca- lities II xv 362 Stefansson, V. Copper in Coppermine re- gion and adjacent islands: ref IV ix 221 Stegman, John, Toronto II xm 260, 364 Stegomyia fasciata, trans- mitter of yellow fever.... IV vm 57 Steinhaus. Staining power of nucleus of pancreatic cell in Diemy- ctylus: ref IV i 269 Structure in pancreatic cells of Amphibia: ref IV i 256 Stekene Indians, census 1847 I i 197 457 STE PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE STE Ser. Vol. Page Stelar. Primitive, conditions in monocotyledons IV vi 630 Pith, Osmunda cinnamonea IV vm 517 System of Cryptogams and Phaenogams IV vi 599 Stele. In plants IV vi 600 Stele of Osmunda cinna- monea. By J. H. Faull.. IV vm 515 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, Breeding places IV m 82 Stellaria, L. Canadian localities of S. borealis, Bigelow II xv 172 S. crassifolia, Ehrh II xv 172 S. gracilis, Richardson II xv 172 S. humifusa, Rottboell II xv 172 S. longifolia, Muhl II xv 171 S. longipes, Goldie II xv 171 S. media, Smith II xv 171 S. uliginosa, Murr II xv 172 Stellarite, Nova Scotia II xv 116 Stelliform, system of crystals II vi 4 Stenaster II vi 517 Stenaster Canadian II iv 46 Stenberg. Cause of yellow fever: ref. IV vm 57 Stenopora Fibrosa, Ontario (pl.) II vi 509 Stenurus divaricata Say I in 211, 325 S. luridaLinn I in 211,325 Stephen, Isl., Agnesia sep- tentrionalis, n. sp. of.. IV ix 118 Stephens. Akatzeeb building and in- scription at Chicken-Itza: ref IV vi 193 Chichanchob containing Yucatan hieroglyphics: ref IV vi 185 Navajos'songs: ref IV vi 321 Tablet of Cross at Palenque: ref IV vi 115 Temples in ancient Palen- que: ref IV vi 108 Stephens, Thomas Researches in Welsh litera- ture: ref IV v 70 Stephens. Literature of Kymry Ill v 79 Stephenson, Robert, M.P. Address of Canadian Institute to, on visit- ing Toronto; reply and dinner I n 42, 43 Biography of. . I n 40, 63, 99, 166, 192 Donation of books to Library of Institute.. I in 20 Locomotives constructed ... I n 99 Obituary notice II v 124 Ser. Vol. Page Stephenson, Robert, M.P. -Con. Report on Victoria Bridge, Montreal I n 291 Report on Victoria Bridge: reviewed II I 467 Views on width of railway gauge I n 165, 192 Steppe, Prairie, Northwest Canada Ill v 151 Stercorarius parasiticus, Toronto IV i 54, 55 Stereoscope. Colors seen through II i 314 Improved stereoscope. By M. A. Claudet: re- print II ii 113 Stereoscopic. Some, phenomena. By M. Dove: abstract I m 197 Stereochrome of Fuchs.... I m 107 Stereum. Habits and On- tario habitats of S. rufum IV ix 79 S. rugosum, Fr IV ix 79 S. sericeum, Schw IV ix 78 S. spadiceum, Fr IV ix 78 S. tabacinum IV ix 79 S. versicolor, Fr IV ix 78 Sterigma tomentosum, structure of stamens in II v 338 Sterna. Hamilton species II v 395 Observations on Ontario species Ill vu 192, 194 IV in 74, 76, 108 S. hirundo, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 122 Sternella magna, habits in captivity IV ill 94 Sternbergiae. Varieties and preserva- tion OF FOSSILS KNOWN as. By W. J. Dawson: reprint II n 476 Sternomastoid, orang IV vi 529 Stevenson, Dr. John Influence on Scottish Philosophy II xi 211 Stevenson, Mrs. Cultivation of corn by Zunis: ref IV vi 339 Mind and thought of primi- tive people IV vi 315 Stewart, Bishop Autograph letter about church affairs II xiv 113 Stewart, Chas. Jas. Second bishop of Quebec... II xu 248 Stewart, G. A. Levels of L. Ontario 1853. . In 27, 62 Stewart, Dr. Okit, Kingston II xn 248 458 STI STR GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Stibamyle II i 312 Stiboethyle II i 194 Stickeen River, Nah'ane tribe on IV vn 519 Stickine Valley, Kunana and Tlinkeet tribes in IV vn 517 Stigmaria. Are roots of trees I i 237 Roots in coal in Nova Scotia I i 280 Still L., Ont., iron range... IV vm 354 Stilpnomelane, identical with chalcodite II in 262 Stilted Birds. Grallatores; waders or By Rev. Wm. Hincks.... II xi 147 True characteristics and limits of II xi 150 Strassfurt salt beds, origin of IV vn 548 Steatite, tests; Canadian localities II vi 158 Stoddard, Rev. T. D. Clearness of atmosphere in Oroomiah, Persia... I in 215 Stokes, Sir G. Additional experiments ON INTERNAL DISPER- SION OF LIGHT: abstract.. I n 171 On effect of wind on In- tensity of Sound: re- print II in 51 On optical properties of A RECENTLY DISCOVERED salt of quinine: reprint I i 115 Theory of fluorescence: ref. I I 82 Stoklasa. Dried pancreas of pig con- tains more potassium than sodium: ref IV ix 402 Stomach. Amiurus Ill n 396 On reason why, is not DIGESTED BY ITS OWN SECRETION DURING LIFE. By Dr. Pavy II ix 57 Stomatodaeal ectoderm, in Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 396 Stomatodaeum, Zoanthus sociatus (pl.) IV vi 391 Stomatopods II i 280 Stone or Stones. Action of alkaline silicates on artificial I in 333 Ancient carved, found at Chesterholm, North- umberland, Eng. By Rev. John McCaul (pl.). II xiv 1 Bronze-age contemporan- eous with, age IV iv 137 Building, in Gaspe Pennin- sula II v 467 Daggers of IV iv 63 Ser. Vol. Page Stone or Stones-Con. Harmonizing shades of sili- cified I in 334 Implements of, contempor- aneous with copper imple- ments IV iv 137 Implements of, in use among historical nations IV iv 42 Marbleized iron and stone. I i 283 Mill, in Gaspe Penninsula II v 467 Objects of, in mounds in Otonabee Tp, Ont. (pl.). IV ix 7 Precious, New York I n 38 Process of colouring I in 334 Separation of elements of... I in 15 Stone period in Europe. I n 214 Stone period in Scotland.. . I in 314 Stone Chat, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 119 Stone-crop, Canadian locali- ties II xv 549 Stones River group (of rocks), Tennessee I ii 138 Stony Indians, language in Manitoba Ill v 215 Storch. Storch's test for milk heated over 80° c IV vn 114 Storks.. II xi 154 Storksbill, localities Cana- dian species II xv 350 Storms. Remarks on law of STORMS AS SET FORTH IN TRACT PUBLISHED BY RIC- HARD Budgen in 1730. By Rev. C. Dade II v 294 Storm of 20th, May 1729, at Bexhill, Sussex II v 295 Strabismus II xi 26 Strachan, Dr. Autograph letter to Bishop Mountain criticizing latter's action II xiv 105 Nom-de-plume "Reckoner" II xv 440 Reminiscences of II xn 249 St. James Church, Toronto II xn 249 W. Lyon Mackenzie, and II xu 530 Strahlenberg. Siberian exploration: ref. IV n 262 Strang, John On comparative progress OF POPULATION OF ENG- LAND and Scotland as SHOWN BY CENSUS OF 1861 reprint II vn 129 Strangaliafugax, Fabr. I m 258,326,327 S. quagga, Germ I in 326 S. subliamata, Mels. Cat... I in 324 S. zebrata, Mels. Cat I m 258 Straparollus canadensis (n. sp.), Corniferous, Ont.. II vi 359 459 STR STR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Strap arollus hippolyta, Billings, Hespeler II xiv 144 Strasburger. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 245 Phloeoterma layer of cortex: ref IV vi 614 Structure of yeast cell: ref. . IV vi 481 Strata. Simple rules for calcu- lating THICKNESS OF IN- CLINED. By E. J. Chap- man: reprint II v 544 Tables for calculating thick- ness, etc., of inclined. II vi 72 Stratford, S. J. Louisburg Cape breton. . 1 i 126 Stratford, S. P., M.D. Notes on the Natural History of New Zealand II n 357 Stratford, Ont. On climatology of. By C. J. Macgregor II xn 470 Meteorological obser- vations 1861. By C. J. Macgregor II vn 87 Abstract of meteorolo- gical OBSERVATIONS FOR 1861-62 at. By Chas. John Macgregor II vm 294 Stratified. Deposits between Newcastle and Port Granby, L. Ont. IV vm 18 Sand and gravel, Post Glacial, Scarboro' Hts.. II xv 403 Strawberry, Canadian locali- ties II xv 430 Strawberry Bush, Canadian localities Il xv 353 Streams. Influence of agricul- ture ON CLIMATE IN LES- SENING, ETC.: reprint... I n 131 Streng, Dr. Origin of igneous rocks: ref. II m 203 Strepsilas, Hamilton species II v 394 Streptolasma, Ottawa R.... I i 222 Streptorhyncus pandora (n. sp.) Townsend, Port Colborne and Woodstock, (pl.) II v 267 Streptophiurse, Bell, char- acteristics and species. IV vm 367 Striated Border. Fat in IV vm 254 Of epithelium of guinea pig. IV vm 245 Striated Muscle. Distribution of fat, CHLORIDES, PHOSPHATES, POTASSIUM AND IRON IN. By Maud L. Menten. IV vm 403 Ser. Vol. Page Striated Muscle-Con. Phosphates in (pl.) IV vm 415 Potassium in (pl.) IV ix 402, 412 Potassium richer than sodium in, of dog.... IV IX 402 Striated Pavement, in till Garrison common II xv 394 Striatopora Hall, generic characters II v 253 S. flexuosa, Hall, Niagara Limestone of Thorold.. II xiv 151 S. formosa, n. sp., Corni- ferous, near Woodstock. . II v 254 S. linneana, (n. sp.) Shales Hamilton group II v 253 Stricklandia, Billings. Distinguished from Penta- merus II vi 267 Generic characters (pl.).. II vi 265 S. elongata (Vanuxem), Devonian, Ont. (pl.).. II vi 269 Strigidae, subfamilies of Canadian II n 219 Striginae, Canadian speci- mens II ii 220 Strix, S. nebulosa, S. nyctea and S. virginiana winter around Toronto I i 169 S. flammea, Canadian specimens II n 220 S. nyctea Linn, L. Ontario shores II vn 522 Strobila, development II iv 38 Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Berk, habits: Ontario habitats IV ix 75 Stromatocerium rugosum, Lower Silurian, Ont. (pl.). . II vi 508 Ottawa River I i 221 Trenton limestone, Belle- ville II v 44 Trenton limestone, Canada. II iv 493 Stromatopora concentrica Elora, Guelph, Hespeler, Galt II xiv 142 S. hindei Nicholson, Nia- gara Limestone and Clin- ton beds, Owen Sound. II xiv 140, 146 S. ostiolata, Nicholson, Guelph Formation. Guelph II xiv 142 S. striatella, D'Orbigny. Niagara Limestone Thorold II xiv 145 Ottawa R I I 222 Strombi, American Indians traffic in II ill 406 Strombidse, Labrador coast II iv 273 Strombodes striatus, Milne Edwards, Ottawa R... I i 222 Strombus amplus Brander, congeneric with Roste- laria inornata Gab IV vm 389 460 STR STY GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Strontia. Detection of Baryta in presence of, by blowpipe. II x 343 Method of distinguishing red flame of Lithia from that of, by blowpipe II x 341 Strontia, Sulphate of, tests; Canadian localities II vi 157 Strontium. Cadmio-iodide of, prepara- tion of II I 16 Iodide of, preparation of... II I 18 On some new salts of Cad- mium and Iodides of Barium and Strontium. By Henry Croft II I 13 Stropheodonta (Hall), gen- eric characters (pl.) II vi 332 Strophomena. Compared with genera of Brachiopoda II vi 330 Generic characters (pl.).... II in 161 II vi 329 II vn 112 Niagara Limestone, Thorold II xiv 141 Number of species found in United States and On- tario II vi 335 Ottawa R I i 222 Scars upon II vi 331 Strophomena in Ontario. S. alternata II vi 334 S. ampla (pl.)... II vi 334, 345, 348 S. crenristria (Conrad) II vi 343 S. demissa (Conrad) (pl.) II vi 334, 341 S. depressa II vi 336 S. filitexta II vi 334 S. fragilis.(Hall) II vi 343 S. inaequistriata (pl.) II vi 334 338, 340 S. lepida (Hall) u vi 344 S. magniventra (Hall). II vi 348, 349 S. patersoni, Hall (pl.) II vi 340 S. planoconvexa II vi 334 S. perplana (Conrad) II vi 343 S. pluristriata II vi 343 S. rhomboidalis Wahlen- burg (pl.) II vi 336,337 II xiv 141,144 S. rugosa II vi 336 S. sub-plana, Conrad II xiv 141 Stropharia semiglobata, Batsch, habits: Ontario habitats IV ix 74 Strychnine, preparation of.. II n 449 Stryx, see Strix. Struthionidse. Family II vm 464 Proper classification of II xi 150 Ser. Vol. Page Struthionidse-Con. Struthionidse: the ex- tent AND DIVISIONS OF Family with its System- atic Position and Re- lations. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II vm 462 Struve, Otto. Opinion regarding reckon- ing of astronomical day . IV m 312 Stuart, Dr., Home District School, Toronto II xu 338 Stuart, Rev. Geo. Okill. Nom-de-plume "Mentor"; selections from writings. . 11 xv 440 Studies. Importance of scientific, TO PRACTICAL MEN. By John Langton: reprint.. . I n 201 Stukeley, Dr. Biography II xu 178 Brief sketch of II xiv 23 Stupart, R. F. Climate of Alberta IV v 49 Climate of Northern On- tario IV ix 149 Climate of Yukon Terri- tory IV vm 291 Eskimo of Stupart Bay. .Ill iv 95 Meteorological condi- tions DURING PAST WIN- TER (1889-90): abstract. . IV i 31 Rainfall and Lake Levels IV v 121 Rainfall and L. Ontario levels: ref IV vm 8 Stupart, Capt., R.N. "Flying Proas" of Ladrone Islands HI vn 204 Whence did Scandina- vians obtain their KNOWLEDGE OF COMPASS: abstract Ill vi 44 Sturgeon, how caught by Denes IV iv 75 Sturgeon Bay, early history II xm 576 Sturgeon River. Iron ranges IV vm 352 Topography IV vm 342 Sturgis. Lower leaves of tobacco plant become spotted if plant lacks water: ref. ... IV vii 324 Sturnella, Hamilton species. II v 392 S. magna, observations on Ontario visitors, etc Ill in 99 HI vii 190, 191 IV i 42, 58 IV in 69, 79, 81, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 Styela auct, part. Syn. goniocarpa, nov IV ix 131 Syn. katatropa, nov IV ix 129 461 STY PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE SUL Ser. Vol. Page Styela of British Columbia coast Styela (sens, resti.) IV ix 131 S. gibbsii (Stimpson) IV ix 131 S. joannae (Herdman) IV ix 133 S. montereyensis (Dall).... IV ix 131 S. stimpsoni, Ritter IV ix 133 Styelidae. Species British Columbia coast IV ix 128 Species Vancouver coast... IV ix 114 Styelids, species from Cana- dian Atlantic coast IV ix 112 Styelinse, British Columbia coast IV ix 129 Stylonychia justulata, In- fluence of temperature on III i 300 Sturtz, Dr. B. Classification of fossil Op- hiurians IV vm 365 Stiirtzura, previous names for members of this genus IV vm 367 Sub-Carboniferous Lime- stone, deposition of, in various localities in world not contemporaneous though fossils are same.. II xm 270 Subclavius, Gorilla IV vi 534 Orang IV vi 533 Sublimate, detection of An- timony in tube, by blow- pipe II x 348 Submarine. Irish Submarine Tele- graph I i 33 Submucosa, Amiurus Ill n 395 Suboperculum, Amiurus Catus HI ii 290 Subscapularis, Orang IV vi 533 Subsilurian, Azoic rocks in Canada Il ii 43S Substitution, theory of, Dumas and Laurent's views on II i 297 Subulites ventricosa, Hall, Guelph Formation. Hes- peler II xiv 144 Succinea, Toronto species. . . II vi 328 Sucking pad in Infants IV vi 512 Orang IV vi 512 Sudbury. Nickel deposits and pro- ductions 1905 IV vm 157 Palladium deposits IV vm 158 Sunderland, Rev. J. T., M.A. Causes of Famines in In- dia IV vm 213 Suez. Ship Canal across Isth- mus: reprint I in 337 Ser. Vol. Page Sugar. Development of beet root industry II vi 463 Development of, beet in- dustry on continent II vi 473 Development of, beet in- dustry in Britain II vi 470 Formation of II in 521 Impurities of I ill 283 Industry in Canada IV vui 174 Manufacture of; ex- tracted from Molasses: reprint I u 35 Manufacture of, in France: reprint I m 149 New System of Manu- facturing: reprint I i 116 On Purification of Juice of Beet Root in manu- facture of beet Root Sugar: reprint II vi 292 Production from beet roots Canada 1901-1904 IV vm 190 Useful by-product from beet root I I 105 Sugar of Eucalyptus II i 81 Sugar Ornament. Dangers of, in food I in 284 Sugar-loaf Hill, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 661 Sula, generic characters II vn 330 Sula, Bassana. Observations accompany- ing EXHIBITION OF SPECI- MEN OF, LATELY OBTAINED AT Oshawa, Ont. AND BELONGING TO MUSEUM of Univ, of Toronto. By Rev. Wm. Hincks.... II vn 329 University Museum speci- men IV i 55 Sul, Goddess, notes on Latin inscription at Bath to.... II vi 401 Sullivan, Maj or-Gen. Operations against Indians in Revolutionary war.... IV vn 392 Sullivan, Robert Baldwin. Nom-de-plume "Legion"; selections from his writings II xv 342 Sulphate of Ammonia, manufacture in Canada.. IV vm 167 S. of Baryta. Canadian II vm 121 Canadian localities II vi 156 Nova Scotia I I 241 Substitute for white lead... II iv 328 Tests II vi 156 S. of Lime. On effect of Sulphate of Lime upon Vegetable Substances. By Cheva- lier Claussen: reprint-. I ii 70 462 SUL SUN GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Sulphate of Nickel, water of crystallization II I 557 S. of Soda, preparation of.. II i 311 S. of Strontia, tests; Cana- dian localities II vi 157 Sulphide of Molybdenum, Canadian II vm 120 S. of Nickel, reduction of.... IV n 86 S. of Palladammonium.... II in 359 Sulphocyanide, double, of palladium II m 359 Sulphur. Absorption of, by gold and its effects in retarding amalgamation IV I 147 Action of, on copper in cupric solutions I i 115 Arsenic and, as metal- lurgical AGENTS IN TREATMENT OF CANADIAN Auriferous and Argen- tiferous Ores. By R. Dewar IV I 141 Estimation of, in coal by blowpipe analysis II in 218 Extraction of I ill 21 In hops II I 394 Lead reduced from nitrate by its aid I i 115 Loss OF, IN SMELTING ORES: reprint I ii 22 i Soft II I 487 Sulphur Springs, New Zea- land II ii 358 Sulphur trioxide. Proportional amount in large rivers, lakes and seas IV vn 558 Sulphuric Acid. Manufacture in Canada. . . IV vm 163 On purification of II in 359 Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Compound with water ob- tained by Wohler: ref... . II i 126 Flame produces fluorescence II i 557 Sumach, Canadian localities II xv 351 Sumatra. Tobacco leaf "spot" IV vn 320 Sumatran. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Sumerian. Family connections II xv 286 i Family in Assyria and Meso- potamia II xv 286 Origin IV iv 263 Summer. Birds collected in, at Toronto IV in 90 Hudson's Strait IV v 107 Monthly temperature means for Canadian and Euro- pean summers Ill n 215 1 Ser. Vol. Page Summer Savory, Canada... II xiv 284 Sumukena >..... IV iv 249 Sumukegtuqkunema IV iv 249 Sun. Arago's argument that it possesses an atmosphere.. I n 5 Arago's theory of protu- berances and photosphere In 5 Archelaus' conjecture of nature of I n 6 De. Saussure's experiments on absorption by air of radiation of, and cause of blue of sky and red of sun- set: ref I i 6 Eclipse of, in Herodotus. .. . II n 128 Effect on terrestrial mag- netism I ni 269 Effect on tides separated from that of moon II n 465 Faculae; first observations on II vni 304 Identity with stars I n 6 Magnetic action of II iv 232 Magnetic Influence of, ON EARTH AND COMETS. By Arthur Harvey IV vi 345 Mock Suns observed in Eng- land I i 261 Notice of Mock, as seen NEAR MuSKOKA R. IN Nov. 1861. By A. Clif- ford Thomson (pl.) II vn 462 Our Knowledge of, (1852) By M. Arago: reprint.... II vm 298 On Physical Constitution of Sun. By M. Arago: reprint In 4 Our knowledge of II ix 34 Period of rotation obtained from magnetic storms.. . IV vi 350 Photosphere; theory of (1852) II vm 305 Primary cause of terrestrial magnetism variations.... I i 84 Prominence belts in IV vi 350 Sun drawing water; explan- ation of phenomena I I 7 Thermic effect of rays of, By Mrs. Eunice Foote. . . II n 72 Unity of Geological Phe- nomena in Planetary System of. By L. Sae- mann: reprint II vi 525 Sun-baths. Aborigines IV vm 99 Greeks and Romans IV vm 99 Sunburn, cause IV vm 103, 105 Sun-Dance. Blackfoot sun-dance. By Rev. John McLean Ill vi 231 Crees HI vi 40 Sun-Lodge, Blackfoot Ill vi 231 463 SWE SUN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Sunda, straits of II n 161 Sundew, Canadian localities. II xv 167 Sun drops, Canadian habitats II xv 553 Sunset, cause of colouring at I i 6 Sunspots. Magnetic action and II iv 232 Magnetic storms and IV vi 347 Magnetism and I i 192 Numbers of (1826-48) I i 142 Outburst of Sun Spots in 1887. By Andrew Elvins: abstract Ill vi 24 Rainfall and IV I 32 Rainfall and. By Andrew Elvins Ill v 6 Sun Spots during 1889. By Andrew Elvins: ab- stract IV I 21 Sunspots observed at Toronto in Jan., Feb., Mar., 1858. By Col. Baron de Rottenburg.... II m 293 Weather and IV I 32 Sun Tavern II xm 263 Sunti, how cooked by Denes IV iv 116 Superior, Lake, (see also L. Superior.) Islands in II xiv 674 Origin of name II vu 505 Trading experiences on north shore 1777-91 IV iv 307 Superphosphate, fertilizing value HI v 37 Superstitions. Dene IV iv 106, 165 Narcotic usages and, of Old and New World. By Daniel Wilson.. . II n 233, 324 Supinator brevis, Orang.... IV vi 541 S. longus, Gibbon IV vi 541 Orang IV vi 541 Supraoccipital, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill ii 271 Supraspinatus, Orang IV vi 533 Suprarenal Bodies, Amiurus Catus Ill ii 437 Surface Tension. Action on potassium in kid- neys IV ix 398 Action in different processes of living organism IV ix 396 Action in kidney cells IV ix 396 Of blood plasma lower than that of isotonic salt solu- tion IV ix 397 Surface Tension and degree of concentration in case of number of solutes IV ix 397 Surgery. Dene Surgery. By Rev. Father A. G. Morice..... IV vn 15 Ser. Vol. Page Surnames. Classes of, in Europe IV n 107 Manx IV n 108 Surnames and place names of Isle of Man. By Rev. Neil MacNish.. IV n 103 Surnia. Hamilton species II v 388 S. ulula caparoch, observa- tions on Toronto visitors III vn 184, 191 IV I 45 Surninae, Canadian speci- mens II ii 220 Survey. Annual Report of Supt., of Coast Survey U.S., for 1851: extracts from I ii 81 Notes on measurement of base for triangulation sur- vey of eastern section of coast of United States on Epping Plains, Maine... II ill 74 Suspension Bridges, Niagara, compared with Victoria Bridge II I 479 Over Dnieper at Kieff I in 341 Sutherland's Creek, gazet- teer notice (1815) II xiv 661 Sutton. Derivation of plantar fascia: ref IV vi 567 Swainson. Methods adopted in classi- fication of Birds II vn 333 Swallows. Generic characters II ix 234 Habits of Ontario visitors.. Ill in 93 Hamilton species II v 389 II vi 14 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191 IV in 62, 70, 75, 82, 85, 86, 106, 107 Singular Mortality among. By Mr. E. J. Lowe I m 388 Swallows, swift or chimney, habits of Ontario visitors II vi 15 III in 93 Swamp blackbird, Ontario visitors Ill in 94 Swamp loosestrife, Cana- dian localities II xv 554 Swamp sparrow, Hamilton species II v 391 Swan. Hamilton species II v 395 Swan, American, specimen procured at Hamilton... II vi 135 Sweden, iron ores of Ill i 265 Swedenborg Emanuel. Views on the nebulae I n 206 Sweet brier, Canadian locali- ties II xv 432 464 5WE GENERAL INDEX SYR Ser. Vol. Page Sweet clover, Canadian spe- cies with localities II xv 356 Sweet flag, how eaten by Denes IV iv 129 Sweet rocket, Canadian localities II xv 66 Swine. Demodex Phylloides (Csokor) in skin of Canadian. By R. Ram- say Wright HI i 275 Switzerland, Lakes. Glacial origin of Lakes in II vm 86 Old Glaciers of. By A. C. Ramsay: reviewed II v 51 Sycamore, Canadian II vi 38 Sycandra compressa, sper- matozoids in II xv 420 S. raphanus, vacuoles in.... II xv 425 Sydenham, Lord. Autograph letters on cur- rent events II xiv 116 Sydenham. Crystal Palace at: re- print I ii 102 Great Court in Crystal Palace at. reprint I in 292 Opening of New Crystal Palace at I i 47 Pompeian court at: reprint I u 196 Sydney, C. B., iron plant at. . IV vm 155 Syenite. Characters, Canadian local- ities II vi 432 Intrusion in limestone band of Laurentian Rocks in Wentworth Co., Ont.... II in 2 Lake Superior I i 125 Relative date of, rock cut- ting Laurentian series in Canada Il hi 107 Syke. Sykes' Steam Hammer withengraving: reprint I n 255 Syllabary. Ancient Turanian HI in 147 Asoka proclamations IV iv 270 Dene, complete with notes. IV i 175 Indo Hittite (pl. II).... IV iv 270 Syllabism, history of Ill v 94 Syllogism II x 170 Sylva. Sylva critica: Canaden- sium. By Rev. John Mc- Caul HI i 76 Sylva Critica Canaden- sium. By W. D. Pearman III i 88 Sylvania Canadensis, ob- servations on Ontario visitors HI vn 192, 199 IV in 72 Sylvicolidae, Ontario visitors HI in 96 Ser. Vol. Page Sylvia maritima, Hamilton frequenters II vi 16 Sylvicola, Hamilton species. II v 389 Symbiotic filaments, Botry- chium virginianum IV v 274 Sympathetic nervous sys- tem, Amiurus Ill n 372 Symphoriocarpus vulgaris, Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia Ill iv 213 Symplectic, Amiurus Catus. HI n 288 Symplocarpus foetidus, fibro-vascular bundles and phloeoterma (pl.).. IV vi 624 Symington, Johnson Sucking pad in infant: ref. . IV VI 512 Synamcebium II xv 241 Synaptomys cooperi, Baird, Canadian localities HI vi 81 Synclinal Valleys Ill vn 65 Syndactylous. On, condition of Hand in Man and Anthro- poid Apes. By C. C. Blake: reprint II ix 52 Syntax. Amoy colloquial II xi 93 Dene IV I 206 Syncope, influence of position on production of IV vu 189 Synthesis of Hydrocarbons II in 520 Peptides IV vin 433 Proteins IV vin 431 Urea IV ix 271 Syracuse. Copper coins (4) from, in Canadian Institute II ix 229 Silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 108 Syracuse, Hieronymus of Copper coin of, in Canadian Institute II ix 230 Syria. Celtic traces in II xv 78 Gileadite traces in II xv 78 Onite connection II xiv 418 Syringopora (Harmodites), Ottawa R I I 222 Syringopora (Goldfuss), generic characters II iv 115 Syringopora of Ontario. S. cleviana II vi 117 S. hisingeri (Billings) (pl.) II IV 116 S. laxata (Billings) II iv 118 S. maclurei (Billings) II v 258 S. nobilis, Billings II iv 118 S. perelegans (Billings) (pl.) II IV 117 S. retiformis, Billings II xiv 139 S. tubiporoides (pl.) II IV 115 II vi 510 S. verneuilli II iv 117 465 SYR TAM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Taeniaster. Canadian II iv 46 Generic characters II vi 517 Protaster and, genera com- pared IV vm 363 T. cylindricus. Generic characters IV VIII 364 Genus to which belongs. . .. IV vm 371 T. elegans. Generic characters IV vin 365 True Protaster IV vm 368 T. spinosus IV vm 364 Taeniopora, Hamilton Rocks Ont II xiv 133 Taenitidinae II xn 365 Tagalas. Belief as to origin of man. . . IV vi 207 Intermediate god between Maya-Quichesand Tokasi IV vi 116 Maya vocabularies IV vi 215 Polynesian god IV vi 116 Tagish Lake, Meteorological observations on IV vm 291 Tahiti. First migration to, and changes produced in lan- guage HI vi 108 Tahl-tau. Callbreath on, Indian... IV iv 35 Name of body of water, not a tribe IV vi 77 Taine, M. Language of children used to explain origin of general terms Ill vi 132 Takhe/ne, wrong readings of name IV iv 30 Takooshkanshkan, Dako- tas IV vi 275 Taku, branch of Nah'ame tribe in Taku Valley. IV vn 519 Talbot Fox. New process of photo- graphic ENGRAVING ON steel: reprint.... I n 20 Talbot's River, gazetteer notice (1813). '. II xiv 661 Talc. Tests; Canadian localities. . II vi 158 Talc slate, Canadian II vi 435 Talcahuano, earthquake 1835 II ii 199 Tallon Lake, Amygdaloidal rocks at IV vm 349 Talons, Portage de, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Tamanaca language, growth of Ill v 168 Tamarack, Canadian II vi 39 Ser. Vol. Page S. tubiporoides (Billings), changed to S. maclurei II v 258 Syrniinae, sub-family de- scribed II ii 220 Syrnium. Hamilton species . II v 388 Observations on Ontario species Hl vn 197, 198, 199 IV i 44, 52 IV m 67, 92 S. cinereum, Canadian spe- cimen II ii 220 S. nebulosum, Canadian specimen II n 220 Syphilis, transmission to lower animals.. . IV vm 537 Syphon Filter, description of one at 1851 Exhibition .. . I I 11,12 Syrrhaptes paradoxus, migrations IV m 181 Szczawinska, W. Nissl granules in foetal se- lachians: ref IV vi 407 Tabinets, Irish I i 269 Table-Moving. Report on Table-Mov- ing: reprint I I 275 Taboo. Blackfoot confederacy IV iv 251 Na&ye IV iv 251 Tabular Spar.....' II v 528 Tachycineta bicolor, ob- servations on Ontario visitors HI vu 191 IV in 62, 70, 82, 102, 106 Tache, Dr. Exploration of Huron burial grounds II xm 120 Tachhydrite, composition.. II i 553 Tacitus, Notes on Hist. 1, 71 II xiv 53 On arms of Fenni IV iv 43 Taddei. Gluten separated into glia- din and zymon: ref IV vu 497 Tadoussac. Memorials of early history of America in II ix 304 Tadpole. Effect of cedar extract on . . IV vu 443 Nerve endings in cut- aneous EPITHELIUM OF TADPOLE. By A. B. Macallum: abstract HI m 276 Stimulating effect of light on IV vm 109 Taeniae II iv 20 Taenia coenurus II vu 467 T. dispar Goeze HI i 71 T. mediocanellata II vu 468 T. serrata, experiments on II vu 373, 467 T. solium II iv 22 466 TAM TEA GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Tamias. Canadian local- ities of T. asiaticus, Gmel Ill vi 86 T. borealis, Coves Ill vi 86 T. lateralis, Say Ill vi 87 T. lysteri HI vi 86 T. quadrivittatus, Say... Ill vi 86 T. striatus (Linn) Ill vi 86 T. townsendi, Bach Ill vi 86 Tammuz, is Adonis II xm 55 Tanager, Scarlet, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. Ill vn 191 IV in 70, 74, 109 Tangaloa, Polynesian god. . . IV vi 116 Tangier, N.S., gold in II vi 529 Tangl. No nucleus in Plectonema Oscillans: ref IV vi 441 Tangum breed of horses, countries found in I I 199 Tannian breed of horses, countries found in I I 199 Tannin. Cells in Tenthredinidse IV ix 337 Determination of percentage of, in substances used for tanning. By Prof. Fehling I ill 108 In Allspices Ill iv 214 In Cloves. By W. Hodg- son Ellis Ill iv 214 Localization of, bearing tis- sue in sawfly galls IV ix 337 Properties of II n 448 Tanning, Dene method IV iv 49, 69, 145 Tansley. Osmundaceous siphonos- tele derivation: ref IV viii 526 Tansuche, region IV vi 181 Tansy Mustard, Canadian localities II xv 161 Tantalinae II xi 156 Tantalium. In mineral waters I i 152 Properties of II n 448 Tape worms II i 189 Tapirus americanus Fossil remains of, in post. pliocene of America II iv 417 Tappan, H. P. Progress of Educational De- velopment: reviewed II I 168 Tardigrada. Position in animal kingdom II vil 371 Toronto tap water Ill I 425 Tare, Canadian localities. ... II xv 358 Tareormint, territory Ill vi 266 Tarkhun-dara IV v 96 Taronhiawagon, Huron- Iroquois IV vi 275 Tarpan breed of horses, Best stock I I 201 Countries found in I i 199 Ser. Vol. Page Tarsus. Homologous bones of, re- ferred to those of water tortoise IV vi 578 Tartaric Acid. Substitutes for Citric AND, AND THEIR SALTS.. I III 221 Tasmania, coal deposits in. . II vi 481 Tasmanian Aborigines. Brain weight of II xv 201 Origin and cause of extinc- tion II xii 443 Tatanium bromide: prepar- ation II i 393 Tatars, physical features compared with Chinese. . IV v 177 Tatler, Hamilton species .... II v 394 Tattoo marks, Dene IV iv 208 Tattooing. Denes IV iv 182 Dene, customs Ill vn 114 Taupenot's, process, in photography II i 195 Taurine II i 312 Tauromenium in Sicily. Copper coin from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 229 Tawny Lemming, Canadian localities '.. Ill vi 81 Taxation. Of land values HI vi 34 Theory of II u 191 Taxelh tribe Ill vn 112 Taxidea americana, Schreb. Canadian localities HI vi 75 Tayac, instruments made by man in, deposits II ix 271 Taylor, Sir Henry Autograph letter re Oxford men II xiv 483 Taylor. Treatise on Poisons: re- viewed II iv 286, 412 Tchissahkiwin II in 304 Tchukchi, territory Ill vi 264 Tcitco'tinneh, occasional name for Thalhthan IV vn 518 Tea. Chinese method of scenting: reprint I m 312 Impurities of I in 281 Process of coloring I m 281 Teal, Hamilton frequenters. . II vi 135 Teal, Blue-winged, Toronto IV in 108 Teale. Mesenterial filaments: ref. . IV VI 388 Teall. Augite of North England: ref Ill v 176 Rhombic pyroxene bronzite: ref Ill v 178 467 TEA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TEM Ser. Vol. Page Teanum Sidicinum, Copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 229 Technical. Technical Education of a Mining Engineer. By Wm. Frecheville.... IV ix 65 Technical training and pros- perity of country IV ix 227 Technology. Massachusetts School of, Research IV ix 233 What is. By Geo. Wilson (Edin.): reviewed II I 53 Tectibranchiata, generic characters II xn 27 Teeth, Mastodon's number. . I I 232 Tegaogen, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Tehuantepec. History and geography.... IV vi 158 Recapture from Mexicans.. IV vi 171 Tejeleita inscription IV vn 59 Tekoa II xiv 160 Tel el Amarna Egypt. Celtic tablet found there translated; its date IV v 89, 94 Telegraph. Air telegraph, Canadian invention Ill iv 179 Atlantic, first cable II in 462 Canadian companies I in 341 Difficulties in laying first submarine lines I I 33 Electric, for predicting storms. By G. T. King- ston II ii 177 In India I I 120 Inventions for sending mes- sages secretly I n 172 Irish Submarine I i 33 Mode of Construction in India: reprint.. I u 6 New effect of magnetic.... I n 233 Observation on, line between Europe and America. By L. Turn- bull I hi 4 On Employment of, to DETERMINE LONGITUDE of some Canadian Cities. By E. D. Ashe, Lieut., R. N II iv 453 Present state and progress of telegraph lines Jj in Canada, 2,437 miles of wire, by Aug, 1832 I i 21 Progress of electric I I 72 I ii 22 Stations favorably situated for storm warning pur- poses in Canada II u 180 Ser. Vol. Page Telegraph-Con. Telegraphic Cable, descrip- tion of, from Calais to Dover I ni 44 To India I in 31 Submarine, without wires: reprint I in 70 Telegraphing to and from RAILWAY TRAINS. By Dr. A. M. Rosebrugh Ill iv 177 Telegraphy. Recent advances in, and Telephony. By Hugh Neilson: abstract.. Ill vi 20 Teleology II i 528 Teleosts. Branchial system Ill n 421 Myological characters of head of, and Selachian... Ill n 341 Teleostean Crania, compar- ed with Amiurus Catus. . Ill n 278 Teleostei, species that con- tain Nissl granules IV vi 426 Telephoridee, Kicking Horse Pass species HI v 214 Telephony. Duplex. By Dr. Rose- brugh Ill v 105 Recent advances in Te- legraphy and. By Hugh Neilson: abstract. . Ill vi 20 Telescope. American, for Ann Arbor... II i 314 Earl of Rosse's, and their Revelations in the Heavens. By Rev. W. Scoresby: reprint I n 140 Great, on Wandsworth Common I I 72 On composition and Fig- uring OF SPECULA FOR REFLECTING. By Mr. Sollitt: reprint I n 66 Teller. Properties of gliadin: ref... IV vn 499 Tellinidse, Canadian II iv 273 Tellina grcenlandica, Gaspe Quebec II v 465 Telluric bismuth, composi- tion II iv 325 Tellurium ore, discovery of. I i 189 Temagami reserve IV vm 301 Temeni II xiv 161 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 195 Temperate. Character of skin and com- plexion produced by dry, climate HI n 20 Character of skin and com- plexion produced by moist, climate HI n 19 468 TEM TEM GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Temperature. Abnormal variations in, at Toronto (1854-62)........ II ix 111 Abnormal variations in, at Toronto according to directionof wind (1854-62) II ix 112 Ancaster, C. W. (1835-1845) I I 77 Calgary, peculiarities IV v 50 Causes of great fluctuations in, in Arctic winter II vi 524 Comparative readings of black bulb, unblacked bulb and ordinary ther- mometers I ii 22 Composition of earth's crust as produced by cooling... IV vu 542 Correct exposure of ther- mometers for air temper- ature I i 76 Edmonton, peculiarities.... IV v 50 Effect of Pressure on, By Mr. Hopkins: reprint I in 159 Effect of, on bacteria in milk ... IV vu 492 Extremes of daily, in Ontario III u 198 Electrotyping requires suit- able I i 229 Factor in promoting ero- sion Ill vu 92 Hourly corrections to reduce to true mean at Toronto. I i 77 Ice, expansion and contrac- tion by II in 415 Isothermal maps of, Prof. Dove I ii 52 Mean annual range at To- ronto and chief European cities I ii 15 Mean daily range at Toronto from 1841-1852. I n 16 Method of obtaining mean temperature at Toronto from 1841-1852 I n 16 Monthly mean of, from 1850 to 1853 on board Investigator in Arctic.... I u 111 Nashville, Tennessee, ex- treme temperatures from 1871-87 Ill vu 93 Northwestern Canada Ill i 154 Objects in keeping record of air temperature I I 30 Of earth with depth below surface II ix 33 Of mineral springs I I 152 Of surface of globe I I 86 On a Law of, depending upon Lunar Influence. By J. P. Harrison: reprint II ill 51 On Annual Distribution of, at Toronto 1859-68. By. G. T. Kingston II xu 474 Ser. Vol. Page Temperature-Con. On Deducing mean, of a month. By G. T. Kingston II in 5 ON DIURNAL AND ANNUAL VARIATIONS OF, AT HALI- FAX, N.S. By G. T. Kingston II xm 26 'On Great Fluctuations of, in Arctic Winter. By J. J. Murphy II vi 521 On causes of excess of MEAN, OF RIVERS ABOVE THAT OF AIR RECENTLY OBSERVED BY M. RENON. By W. J. M. Rankine: reprint I i 96 On periodic and non-per- iodic variations of, at Toronto from 1841 to 1852. By Col. E. Sabine I u 14 On surface temperature and Great Currents of North Atlantic and Northern Ocean. By Rev. Dr. Scoresby: re- print I ii 67 On, at Toronto II u 453 Pressure raises melting point of wax I ii 168 Quebec 1828-36 i i 77 Remarkable Low, at Isle Jesus in Dec. 1854 I m 171 Remarkable, At Toronto July 1854; hottest on record I in 46 Toronto 1859 II V 238 Remarks on, coefficients OF MAGNETS. By G. T. Kingston II vm 280 Remarks on thermometric registers I I 29, 75 St. Martin, Isle Jesus, Que. II iv 263 St. Martin, Isle Jesus (1859) II v 309 Some Remarks on Proba- ble Present Condition of Planets Jupiter and Saturn in reference to, etc. By Jas. Nasmyth: reprint I I 270 Toronto 1831-34 II vu 21 Toronto, mean results 1860 II vi 210 Toronto 1864 II x 108 Variation of fusion point with pressure I u 54 Yearly mean from 1841 to 1852 Toronto I ii 17 Yukon IV vm 293 Temperature, means Abitibi, Que IV IX 152 Calvin, Ont IV ix 151 Fort Hope, Ont IV ix 151 Haileybury, Ont IV ix 150 469 TEM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TER Ser. Vol. Page Temperature, means - Con. Hamilton Ill n 204 Moose Factory, Ont IV ix 151 Toronto (1861) II vn 97 Toronto (1863) II ix 171 White River IV ix 152 Windsor Ill n 210 Tempest, Wm. On abortive treatment of Cholera and special TREATMENT OF ITS SEVER- AL STAGES II XI 163 Temple of Ammon, Dr. R. Lepsius' exploration of.. I n 180 Temple of Juno, excavations at, Argos I in 240 Templeton, Apatite mines in III v 36 Tencoa town IV vi 181 Tene tribes, classification ... Ill vn 113 Tenebrio molitor, Linn . .1. I in 326 Tenebrionidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 215 Tenebroscope II ix 49 Tenedos, Ashchurite traces in II xiv 249 Teneriffe, Island Prehistoric inscriptions.... IV vn 55 Virgin of Candelaria IV vn 55 Tennant, Prof. On Koh-i-Noor diamond: reprint I i 95 On Re-cutting of Koh-i- Noor diamond: reprint.. I in 167 Tennant, Sir Jas. Emerson. Sketches of Natural History of Ceylon: reviewed II vn 347 Tennessee. Ancient relics and sepul- chral remains in II in 397 Calceola in upper Silurian rocks of II v 307 Coalfields in, formation of. HI vn 84 Hudson River group in. .. . Ill vn 77 Lower Helderberg for- mation in Ill vn 79 Niagara formation in Ill vn 78 On parallelism of lower Silurian groups of Mid- dle Tennessee with those of New York. By J. M. Safford: reprint I n 138 Palaeozoic formation HI vn 80 Stones River and Nashville group of rocks in I n 138 Trenton limestone mixed with other groups I n 138 Upper Silurian formation. . HI vn 79 Tennessee, Central basin of Agents at work in formation of HI vn 86 Black shale in HI vn 77 Ser. Vol. Page Tennessee, Central basin of -Con. Central Basin of Tennes- see; a study of Erosion. By Wm. Kennedy Ill vn 64 Coral bed in ' Ill vn 76 Devonian formation in Ill vn 77 Drainage of, agency in pro- ducing basin Ill vn 99 Geological history of Ill vn 82 Great central basin des- cribed Ill vn 71 Lithostrotion bed in Ill vn 76 Lower Carboniferous in.... Ill vn 76 Nashville group in Ill vn 77 Protean bed in Ill vn 76 Rainfall in, factor in form- ing basin Ill vn 95 Siliceous group in Ill vn 76 Trenton formation in Ill vn 77 Tennyson, Alfred Autograph acknowledge- ment of volume II xiv 484 Bust of II i 206 Tensor fasciae femoris, Orang IV vi 559 Tentaculifera II vm 17 Tentaculites distans, Hall, rare in Clinton group, Dundas II xiv 144 T. neglectus (Nicholson and Hinde) Clinton Group, Dundas II xiv 145 Tenthredinidae. Feeding habits of larvae... . IV ix 362 Tannin bearing tissue in galls of IV ix 337 Species described IV ix 327 Teutonic. Appearance in Europe of, race I u 248 Remarks on intrusion of GERMANIC RACES ON AREA of older Celtic races of Europe. By Daniel Wilson I ii 246 Tenuirostres, peculiarities of II xi 161 Teotzapotlan, Cocyoeza of. IV vi 171 Terebratella. Characters II vi 188 Ottawa R. I i 222 Trinidad strata containing. IV vm 142 T. concentrica II vi 145 Terebratulidae II m 162 II xi 394 Teredo navalis, examples of wooden structures des- troyed by Ill vi 17 Teres major, Orang IV vi 533 Teres minor, Orang IV vi 533 470 TER GENERAL INDEX TET Ser. Vol. Page Tern. Hamilton species II v 395 II vi 136 Observations on Ontario species HI vu 192, 194 IV in 74, 76, 108 Tern, common, Prince of Wales Sound Ill V 122 Terrace. Davenport gravel II vi 247 Jamaica IV v 351 Huron I I 226 L. Ontario II xv 405 Penetanguishene Bay I I 225 Rio Grande, Jamaica IV v 352 Terraces and Beaches, north western Ontario and Manitoba II ix 258 Terrains diluviens. Evidences of man's existence in, period II vi 375 Territory, North West, David Thompson's ex- plorations from 1790 to 1820 II vi 73 Terrestrial. Analogy of Life and Func- , tions in both, and Marine Vegetable World II xi 192 Terrestrial Magnetism. Effect of Sun and Moon on I m 269 General survey of, in 1853. . I u 51 Knowledge of, (1852) I i 83 Meteor's motion determined by I ii 168 Review of progress (1857).. II u 465 Review of work of observa- tories 1860 II v 112 Surveys up to 1852 I i 83 Variations in, and causes, sun being primary I I 84 i Views on Origin of: re- print I ii 168 Terrestrial Oscillations, Jamaica IV v 355 Tertiary. Fossils of Caribbean IV vm 388 Glauconite deposits in IV vn 547 Post Tertiaries, etc., of Montreal. By Prof. Dawson: reprint II m 157 Trinidad in, period IV vm 142 Tertiary formation. Brandon Vermont I i 140 Toronto I i 147 Tertiary, quartz, of Hun- gary, Osmundites Chem- nitziensis in IV vm 529 Tessalon, selected as site for fort 1784 IV v 76 Ser. Vol. Page Tessau, M. de Observations on Aurora Borealis: ref I in 125 Tesserae Consulares. Tesserae Consulares. By Rev. John McCaul... II vin 427 Testut, L. Extensor brevis pollicis in apes: ref IV vi 543 Extensor Indicis in man: ref IV vi 542 Flexor longus pollicis in man and apes: ref IV vi 540 Laryngeal pouch in man: ref IV vi 516 Opponens hallucis in man: ref... IV vi 574 Pectoralis major muscle composed of four portions ref... IV vi 530 Scansorius representative in man: ref IV vi 559 Testudinata: Ref II in 245 Tetes de Boule, population in 1845.' I I 196 Tethyidae species. British Columbia coast.... IV ix 133 Departure Bay, B.C IV ix 114 Tethyids, species from Cana- dian Atlantic coast IV ix 112 Tethyum of British Colum- bia Coast. Tethyum (sens, nov.) IV ix 135 T. aurantium (Pallas) IV ix 136 T. igaboja (Oka) IV ix 136 T. pyriforme IV ix 136 T. arenicolum Hartmeyer, syn. Cnemidocarpa mol- lis (Stimpson) IV ix 145 T. papillosum Gunner, type species IV ix 135 T. pyriforme (Rathke), subsp. americanum nov. Canadian Atlantic coast IV ix 148 Tetrao, Hamilton species. ... II v 393 Tetrabranchiata, or Tentaculifera II vm 17 Tetracaulodon I i 233 Tetradidemnum albidum Verrill. Canadian Atlantic coast... IV ix 138 Distribution on Atlantic coast, Canada IV ix 111 Tetradium, primordial zone Quebec II vi 43 Tetradymite, from Georgia, composition of II iv 325 Tetrao canadensis, Toronto winter bird I I 171 T. umbellus, Toronto winter bird I I 171 Tetraopes tornator Fabr. I m 212, 326 471 TEX PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE THE Ser. Vol. Page Texas, primordial zone of, with description of new fossils II vi 528 Textile Fabrics. Materials for II i 90 Methods of bleaching I i 135 Plantain, penguin for II I 90 Photography of I n 172 Tha/ than Indians, weavers of mountain goat wool... IV iv 35 Thackeray. Autograph letter giving stern rebuff II xv 538 Thahltan or Thahlthan, name of body of water, not a tribe IV vi 77 Thalamencephalon, Amiu- rus Ill n 354 Thalassarctos mar it im us, Linn., Canadian local- ities Ill vi 77 Thalassicolla, Dictyochidae intermediate to, and sponges II xv 418 Thalassicollina, leads from Polycystina to Spongia- dae:ref II xv 418 Thalassiotiochus telegrap- hic us, from great sea depths II vi 520 Thalictrum, Tourn Cana- dian Localities of T. alpinum, L II xv 53 T. anemonoides, Mich II xv 53 T. cornuti, L II xv 53 T. dioicum, L II xv 53 Thales, date of eclipse of.... I i 216 Thalh-than tribe. Called sometimes Tcitco'- tinneh IV vn 518 Causes of estrangement from Kaska tribe IV vu 520 Village of Nah'ame tribe... IV vn 518 Thallium. Blow pipe reactions II xv 249 Resume of various papers etc., describing. By H. Croft II ix 405 Thallium alloys in blow- pipe with Copper II xv 258 Lead II xv 258 Gold II xv 257 Platinum II xv 257 Silver II xv 257 Tin II xv 258 Thames River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 215, 662 Thammuz, same as Tammuz II xm 55 Thamn ograptus. Generic characters II vi 188 Primordial zone, Quebec... II Vi 43 Ser. Vol. Page Thanaos. Rocky mountain species with habitats.... Ill n 241 Thanatop hilus caudatus, Say Mels. Cat Im 256,325 Thaneroclerus sanguineus, Say I in 376 Thanhoffer. Cilia in epithelium of intes- tines of frog: ref Ill it 404 Thaspium, Nutt, Canadian Localities of T. aurem, Nutt II xv 556 T. barbinode, Nutt II xv 556 T. trifoliatum, Gray II xv 556 The'tscelrwoes, Carriers prac- tice Ill vii 154 Thebes, Dr. R. Lepsius's ex- ploration of I ii 154, 179 Thebes in Bceotia, silver coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 108 Thecideae II m 162 Thecodontia II v 83 Thecla, Rocky mountain species with habitats Ill n 241 Theistic position II i 537 Thelephora, Habits and Ontario habitats of T. intybacea IV ix 78 T. schweinitzii IV ix 78 Thelephoraceae. List of Ontario, their habits and habitats IV ix 78 Theodore II. of Abyssinia. Biography II x 208 Birth and early life II x 52 Crusade against Turks. ... II x 66 Government II x 69 Religious reforms in Abys- sinia by II x 72 Struggle with Negousie. ... II x 144 Struggle with Oubie for supremacy in Abyssinia.. II x 62 Theodore II. and new Empire of Abyssinia: reprint II x 46, 138, 204 Theology. Outlines of natural, for use of Canadian students. By Jas. Bovell, M.D.: re- viewed II v 201 Science and (1885) I m 229 Theory of Equations. On a method of approximat- ing to Square Root of a number II vm 293 Theory of Sensitive Percep- tion II i 383 Therapeutics. Electric Fishes employed Therapeutically II in 59 Electro, apparatus. By Dr. A. M. Roseburgh: ab.. Ill vi 14 472 THE THO GENERAL INDEX Ser. Vol. Page Theriodesmus phylarchus, praepollex rudiment in|. . . IV vi 546 Thermic. Thermic effect [of Sun's Rays. By Mrs. Eunice Foote: abstract II u 72 Thermoelectricity II n 452 Thermodynamics, review of progress in (1857) II u 469 Thermogenic. Thermogenic apparatus: reprint I m 412 Thermography. Explanation of process I m 32 Thermography. By Felix Abate: reprint I in 31 Thermometers. Determination of zero points I i 75 Exposure for correct air temperatures I i 76 Maximum, invented by Negretti I I 120 Method of determining Index Errors of, Scales. By W. O. C. Campbell, Quebec. . II i 138 Objects in keeping record of air temperature I I 30 Requisites of a standard, for meteorological purposes.. I I 30 Remarks on Thermome- tric Registers. By Capt. J.H. Lefroy I i 29,75 Thermotics. Some thoughts on. By J. M. Clark Ill n 36 Thespiae in Boeotia, copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 229 Thessalian, horsemen I i 157 Thessalon Point, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Thessalon River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Thessaly. Ashchurite traces in II xiv 261 Zimri traces in II xv 297 Thilenius, G. Human carpus in embryos: ref IV vi 545 Praepollex rudiment in The- riodesmus phylarchus: ref. IV vi 546 Thimbleberry, Canadian habitats II xv 432 Thirlwall, Connop. Autograph note II xv 544 Thirteen Dogs, king of Cachi- quels IV vi 125 Thistle. Species yielding paper fibre. II xi 198 Use in manufacture of paper, Lord Berriedale's oatent. I III 298 Ser. Vol. Page Thistle mechanical milker, in prize contest IV vn 484 Thlaspi, Tourn, Canadian localities of T. alpestre, L II xv 163 T. arvense, L II xv 163 Thlinkets II xn 488 Thomas, Prof. Cyrus. Hieroglyphics of Palenque Tablet: ref IV vi 117 Moundbuilders: ref IV iv 39 Thomomys, Canadian lo- calities of T. talpoides, Rich Ill vi 84 T. talpoides var. bulbivorus, Rich Ill vi 85 Thompson, David. Brief biography Ill vi 135 Brief Narrative of Jour- neys of, in North-Wes- tern America. By J. B. Tyrrell Ill vi 135 Columbia R. explored to its mouth Ill vi 154 Early traditions concerning beavers: ref II iv, 368 Explorations of Red Deer and S. Saskatchewan R.. Ill vi 145 Explorations in Rocky Mts. Ill vi 145 List of Forts and Trading Posts with their positions belonging to H. B. Co. given by Ill vi 157 Mississippi's source dis- covered Ill vi 141 Overland voyage connecting waters of Red River and Mississippi and then to L. Superior Ill vi 141 Thirty years' exploration's from 1790 II vi 73 Thompson, Ed. (surgeon on Furnace), account of Coppermine country IV ix 206 Thompson, Ernest S. Critical note on J. B. Tyrrell's paper en- titled Catalogue of Mammalia of Canada. . Ill vn 178 On USE of faunal lists. .. Ill VII 275 Reply to, critical note. By J. B. Tyrrell Ill vn 281 Reply to J. B. Tyrrell's note Ill VII 285 Thompson, Jos. L. On Cause of Glacier Motion II xu 412 Thompson, Prof. Jas. On Ground-Ice or Anchor Ice in Rivers: reprint.. II vm 320 473 THO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE THU Ser. Vol. Page Thompson, Prof. Jas.-Con. Regelation of two pieces of ice in contact due to pres- sure: ref II vi 54 Thompson, Samuel. Carlton gravel ridge: ref. . . IV vi 38 Thompson, Dr. Wm. H. Physique of different Nationalities: reprint.. II ix 129 Thompson's Island, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Thompson's Shrew, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 89 Thomson, A. Clifford. Notice of Mock Suns as SEEN NEAR MUSKOKA R. in Nov., 1861 (pl) II vn 462 Thomson, J. C. E. Vortex waterwheel .... I 1 86 Thomson, J. S. Age of some of cod family determined by scales: ref. IV ix 37 Thomson, Prof. W. Bakerian lecture on electro- thermotics: reviewed.... II 11 452 Thomsonite II v 531 Thorn, Canadian species with localities II xv 433 Thorburn, John L. L. D. Counting and Time reck- oning IV v 311 Thorell. Ciliated cells in Metridium dianthus: ref IV vi 394 Structure of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 388 Thorn Apple, Toronto I 1 205 Thornhill, Ont., in 1800.... II xm 444 Thorold. Fossils in Niagara formation about II xiv 146 Ochre deposits at II v 507 Water lime deposits at II v 507 Thorold Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Thorpe, Judge, Toronto.... II xm 184 Thothmoses, same as Rame- ses II xm 41 Thought. Remarks on Prof. Boole's MATHEMATICAL THEORY of Laws of, By Rev. Geo.Paxton Young II x 161 Thrace. Celtic and Gileodite traces in II xv 79 Onite connection in II xiv 422 Traces of Ashchurites in . . . II xiv 262 Zimri traces in II xv 297 Thrale, Mrs. History of two of her copies of annotated books which Dr. Scadding possesses... II xiv 335 Ser. Vol. Page Thrasher, observations on Ontario species IV in 72, 83 Three Rivers, longitude de- termined II iv 460 Thrush. Habits of Ontario species... Ill in 98 Hamilton species II v 390 II vi 16 Observations on Ontario species HI vn 184, 190, 192, 199 IV 1 46 IV in 62,71,72,73,76,83 Thrush, Red-breasted, Tor- onto in winter I 11 19 Thrush, Water, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 120 Thuja occidentalis, Canadian II vi 33 Ottawa Valley I 11 116 Thumb muscles, Orang.... IV vi 549 Thunbergia alata. Effect on, of absorbing iron through leaves IV vu 319 Experiments to test whether nutrient solution applied by spraying would sup- port its life IV vn 271 Thunder Bay. Analysis of iron ore from. .. II xm 509 Animikie slates IV 1 214 Economic minerals found at II viu 194 Gazetteer notice (1813)... . II xiv 662 Geology (general) of II xn 218 Manganese ochre analyzed. II xu 268 Notes on Silver Loca- tions of Thunder Bay (pl. p. 265) II xn 218 Silver Glance of, analyzed. . II xn 266 Thunder Bay Silver Mining Co II xn 222 Thunderbolt, (Indian chief), Career IV vi 293 Thunderstorms, Toronto, 1859 II v 239 Thurlow Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 662 Thurnan, Dr. John. Extracts from his book Crania Britannica I in 345 Notes on Latin inscription found at York: ref II iv 174 Theory of cranial distortion: ref II vni 131 Thurnam, John M. A., J. B. Davis and Crania Britannica: reviewed II n 443 474 THU GENERAL INDEX TIM Ser. Vol. Page Thurnam, John, Jos. Bar- nard Davis and Crania Britannica; delinea- tions and descriptions of skulls of early inhabitants of Britain: reviewed II iv 142 Thyas cataphracta Koe- nike, syn. Panisus cata- phractus Koen IV ix 289 T. stolli Koen. Description of male (pl.)... IV ix 288 Syn. Tstolli Koenike IV ix 288 Thylacinus, plantar fascia in IV vi 568 Thymeleaceae. Barrie species II xv 49 Hamilton species Ill n 152 Localities Canadian species. 11 xiv 648 London species II vm 232 Thymelicus, Rocky Mt. species with habitats... . Ill n 241 Thymus Gland, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill n 435 Thyroid Gland, Amiurus Catus (pl.) Ill n 434 Thyroida, Ontario (pl.) II vi 516 Tiarella, L., Canadian lo- calities of T. cordifolia, L II xv 549 Tibialis anticus. Chimpanzee IV vi 562 Gibbon IV vi 562 Gorilla IV vi 562 Man IV vi 579 Orang IV vi 562 T. posticus, orang IV vi 572 Tick-Trefoil, localities Cana- dian species.. . II xv 357 Tides. Approximate cotidal lines of Diurnal and Semi-Diur- nal, of coast of U.S. on Gulf of Mexico II u 68 Note on Cause of. By E. J. Chapman II xiv 279 Observations made around Irish coasts, 1851 II n 465 On Heights of, of Atlan- tic Coast of U.S., from Observations in Coast Survey. By A. D. Bache: reprint II in 73 Present state of knowledge, 1852 ; I i 85 Progress made in Coast Sur- vey in prediction tables for tides of U.S. By A. D. Bache II n 70 Separation of effects of sun and moon on II n 465 Tidorese. Brain capacity of II xv 216 Ser. Vol. Page Tiedemann. Brain weight of II xv 209 Tigreen, supremacy in Abys- sinia II x 47 Tihteo'tinne tribe, called also Ti-tsho-ti-na IV vn 520 Tilbury Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 662 Tile stones, Gaspe Peninsula II v 467 Tilia, L. Canadian species with habi- tats II xv 176 Capability of leaf to absorb water in one surface and transmit to other: expt. . IV vn 253 T. americana, L. Canadian II vi 31 Canadian localities II xv 176 Host for Eriophyes abnor- mis (Garman) IV ix 301 Tiliacese. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species I in 292 II xiv 292 Hamilton species HI n 146 Localities Canadian species II xiv 638 II xv 176 London species II vm 222 Till or Boulder Clay, Scar- boro Hts II xv 393, 401, 403 Till sheets, Clarke Tp., Dur- ham Co., Ont IV vm 14, 17 Timber. Descriptive list of prin- cipal Canadian, trees. By Chas. Robb, C.E II vi 28 Destruction of, trees in Canada II vi 29 Dr. Boucherie's process of preserving, from decay... II n 8 Kyan's process of preserving II i 559 Mound builders used, in mines I i 133 Preservation of. By Jo- seph Robinson II n 8 Preservation of II i 559 Tomkins (Wm. G.) patent process for preservation of II i 559 Timbuctoo. Dr. Barth's Arrival at: reprint I n 256 Time. Adoption of standard, in United States Ill m 61 Ancient and modern reckon- ing of HI i 107 Anomalies met with Ill i 99 Cosmopolitan and local, illustrations Ill i 115 Counting and, reckoning. By John Thorburn IV v 311 475 TIM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TIN Ser. Vol. Pa e Time-Cow. Decimal System of. ByW. J. Loudon: abstract Ill in 118 Dene mode of reckoning. . . IV iv 106 Difficulties and inconveni- ences Ill I 98 Electric, Ball in Strand.... I i 47 Greenwich prime meridian, advantages of Ill i 139 History of the Hour IV i 7 Hour meridian distinguish- ed IV n 136 Hour zones IV n 138 International congresses on universal time Ill in 65 Local, traced around world with map Ill i 102 Longitude and, reckoning SELECTION OF PRIME MERIDIAN COMMON TO ALL nations. By Sandford Fleming Ill i 138 Memorandum on move- ment FOR RECKONING TIME ON SCIENTIFIC BASIS, BY WHICH GREATEST POS- SIBLE DEGREE OF SIM- PLICITY, ACCURACY AND UNIFORMITY WILL BE OB- TAINED THROUGHOUT world. By Sandford Fleming • IV I 227 Natural and artificial di- visions HI i 105 New first Meridian HI i 147 Petitions to Parliament con- cerning standard IV I 10 Principles of cosmic, ex- plained Ill in 75 Reforms in, reckoning. By Sandford Fleming.... IV II 128 Reckoning among ancients. IV n 129 Reckoning among primitive people IV vi 331 Reckoning among various uncivilized tribes IV v 313 Reckoning by "hour meri- dians" IV I 228 Simultaneous, in different parts HI i 130 Standards for British Pos- sessions IV I 234 Standards for various coun- tries on Universal Time principle IV i 236 Table illustrating different systems Ill i 126 Time-Reckoning. By Sand- ford Fleming HI i 97 Twenty-four hour notation. IV I 230 Twenty-four hour system. . IV ii 140 Uniform, reckoning scheme. Ill I 112 Ser. Vol. Page Time-Con. Uniform, reckoning scheme application to daily life. . Ill I 128 Universal, in Canada IV I 232 Universal or Cosmic. By Sandford Fleming Ill in 60 Universal or Cosmic. By Sandford Fleming with ALL CORRESPONDENCE ON SUBJECT IN POSSESSION OF Canadian Institute.... Ill m 309 Universal; views of Euro- pean countries Ill m 63 Washington Conference re- sults IV I 227 Timofeew, D. Chromophilous substances in embryo of chick: ref... IV vi 407 Nature of nucleolus: ref.... IV vi 416 Tin. In mineral waters I I 152 Iron coated with, or with tin and lead I I 43 Notes on Tin: reprint.... I n 118 Production in Britain, 1860. II vn 148 Protoxide of II I 79 Tin alloys in blowpipe with Bismuth II xv 258 Copper II xv 258 Gold II xv 257 Lead II xv 258 Platinum II xv 257 Platinum and zinc II xv 257 Silver II xv 257 Thallium II xv 258 Tineidae, species IV ix 309 Tinne Indians, Canada Ill v 216 Tinneh. Classification of Ill vn 109 Comparative vocabulary of, and Tungus languages... Ill I 190 Tribe in Northern Canada. . Ill i 172 Tribes affinity with Tun- gusians of Siberia and Northern China Ill i 172 Tungus affinity with, in customs and features.... Ill t 175 Turanian character of lan- guage exhibited in gram- mar Ill i 174 Tinne Tinneh, inappropriate as a generic term for Denes IV iv 8 Tinodes tivida, Hagen, characters, N. American habitats II vn 501 Tinstone II v 522 Tintamane, W. Indies, phy- sical features and geology IV vn 355 Tintin process IV iv 362 Tinnunculus sparverius, Canadian specimens II iv 447 476 TIP GENERAL INDEX TOL Ser. Vol. Page Tipenhauer. White limestone in Haiti: ref IV viii 383 Tiria son of Jehaleleel, traces of, in Egypt II xiv 191 Tit, Hamilton species II v 390 Titanic Acid, action of Bary- ta on, in blowpipe II x 343 Titanic iron, in dykes Rainy Lake Ill v 180 Titanium, in mineral waters. I I 152 Titlark, Listowel frequenter. IV ill 72 Titmouse, blackcapped, Toronto winter bird I I 170 Ti-tsho-ti-na tribe. Called also Tihtco'tinne.... IV vu 520 Subdivision of Kaska tribe. IV vu 520 Tlacalecalatl I i 107 Tlascalan, Mexico, at time of conquest II v 443 Tlatilolcas. Defence of Quauhtenanco by IV vi 172 Tlhinket, Nah'ane tribe partly derived from them IV vu 523 Tlin-akehi IV v 35 Tlingit, why so named IV iv 10 Tlinkeet tribe, in Stickine Valley IV vn 517 Tlinkit Indians. Salmon Fishing Songs IV vi 341 Toad-flax, abnormal develop- ment in II in 315 Tobacco. Ancient uses of II u 239 Brief history of I II 29 Burning quality affected by impregnating leaf with certain substances IV vu 322 "Calico" disease IV vu 323 Cause of mosaic disease in, plant IV viii 55 Chemical constituents of... I u 31 Countries where grown.... I u 29 Damaras' method of smok- ing II ii 340 Effects of I ii 30 Effect of spraying, with a caustic solution IV vu 326 Green II u 238 History of II u 234 Influence on saliva II in 253 Influence of, and Alco- hol on Vision. By Dr. G. S. Ryerson: abstract.. HI vi 18 Koran's attitude to II u 241 Methods of use II u 255 Mosaic Disease IV vu 323 "Mottled Head" disease.. . IV vu 323 Narcotic Usages and Super- stitions of the Old and New Worlds. By Daniel Wilson II ii 233, 324 Ser. Vol. Page Tobacco-Con. Originally unknown among Denes ... IV iv 36 Poem on, 1672.. II n 342 Production and consump- tion in 1840 and 1850... I u 30 " Spot " cause in, leaf IV vn 320 Spotted leaf produced by spraying with alkaline substances IV vn 325 Tobacco. By Dr. Bruce: reprint II n 343 Use among the ancients.... II n 250 Use among Damaras of Africa II u 339 World wide use of I n 29 Tobacoke, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tobago, exports and products of (1859) II vu 141 Tockill, god of Maya-Quiches IV VI 116 Tocque, Rev. Philip. Newfoundland or Terra Primum Vista : abstract. IV n 14 Phocas of Terre Neuve.. IV in 303 Todea frazeri, development of stem IV viii 515 T. hymenophylloides. Development of stem IV viii 515 Siphonostele derivation.... IV viii 526 Sporadically marked inter- nal endodermis IV viii 528 Todhunter, J. Analytical Statics: reviewed II i 63, 299 Toeneza, pot-latches in his honour Ill vn 147 Tohil, god of Maya-Quiches. . IV vi 116 Tokari. Maya-Quiches connection with IV vi 116 Traces through various na- tions IV vi 253 TS'ko, a Carrier game IV iv 112 Tolmie and Dawson's map, differing from actual limits of Carriers territory IV iv 26 Toltecs. Amalgamation process of extracting metals pro- bably known to IV iv 360 Brain volume of II xv 223 Celtic element in Iberic Toltecs IV vn 48 Celts from Canary Islands.. IV vn 53 Peruvians same as Ill n 170 Tolypothrix. Cyanophycin in IV vi 457 Effect on cells of digesting with artificial gastric juice IV vi 461 Granules, two types in IV vi 465 Heterocyst development in IV vi 470 " Masked " iron in IV vi 459 Nucleus in .......... IV vi 441, 443 477 TOM PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TOR Ser. Vol. Page Tomahawk, Australian aborigine's. . II I 271 Tomicus calligraphus and T. pini (Mels. Cat.).... I m 258 Tomkins, W. Graeme. Comparative Tabular Meteorological Obser- vations in Canada, Eng- land and Russia II iv 389 Meteorological Observa- tions at St. Mary's for 1859 ; II v 396 Wood preservation, patent process II I 560 Tonga Island. First migration to, and changes produced in lan- guage Ill vi 108 Tonagayon, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tonagayon Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tonawanda R., course of pre- glacial, in Canada IV vn 7 Tongeraro. Volcano II n 358 Tonianta Creek, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tonti, Petite Isle, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tonti River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tooth, canine, of Troglo- dytes gorilla I in 109 Topaz II v 522 Topek, unaleet II xn 484 Topography. As means of tracing early inhabitants of country... Ill i 313 Chili II ii 198 Jamaica IV v 325 Nipigon and Wendigokan region IV vin 342 Pre-sedimentary floor of Ontario.... IV vn 142 Topographical Argument IN FAVOUR OF EARLY SETTLEMENT OF BRITISH Isles by Celts who spoke Gaelic. By Neil MacNish Ill I 310 Toronto. Abnormal variations of SOME METEOROLOGICAL ELEMENTS AT, AND THEIR RELATION TO DIRECTION of wind. By G. T. King- ston II ix 109 Age of rocks around city... I I 147 ALG/E collected in neigh- bourhood of. By J. J. Mackenzie, B.A Ill vn 270 Ser. Vol. Page Toronto-Con. Animalculae found in ponds around; list II vin 342 Auroral Arch of 9th April, 1863 II vin 319 Auroras at, 1860 II vi 211 Board of Works, 7th report reviewed I I 188 Brachiopoda around II iv 451 Brief history of I I 51 City sanitation and sew- age disposal. By L. J. Clark Ill vii 232 Climate Ill n 201 Coldest winters IV vi 16 Conchifera around II iv 452 Conchifera species II iv 329 Conditions of, in 1832 and 1834 II vii 18 Criminal statistics of II in 434 Currents in Lake produced by winds; effect on water supply IV n 155 Customs, etc., about 1800. . II xn 155 David Wm. Smith's instruc- tions re extending boun- daries of York II xiv 56 Effect of gales on water level I n 25 Fossils in rocks at I i 149 II I 74 IV vi 36 Founding of city II in 504 Fungi: list IV ix 69 Gasteropods around II iv 451 II vi 328 General Meteorological Register of Prov. Mag- netical Observatory for 1853. By Prof. Cherriman I n 185 Glacial and Interglacial Strata of Scarboro Hts. AND OTHER LOCALITIES near (pl.). By Geo. Jennings Hinde II xv 388 Gov. Simcoe makes, Capital IV vi 289 Handbook of: Climate, Geo- logy, Natural History, Educational Institutions, Courts of Law, Municipal arrangements, etc.: re- viewed II in 502 Hudson River Group around; characteristics of II iv 450 In 1852 I i 33 In 1765 II xv 27 In 1779 IV iv 280 In 1813, by an American... II xv 31 Indians around, in early days IV vi 288 Iroquois shore at, with map. IV vi 31 Jail II xii 231 478 TOR GENERAL INDEX TOR Ser. Vol. Page Toronto-Con. Lahontan's (Baron) refer- ences to, in 1687, 1688... II xm 250 Lake Currents. By L. J. Clark IV ill 275 abstract «. IV in 41 Lake currents, attempts at locating them before lay- ing trunk sewer IV in 275 Longitude determined II iv 456 Mechanics' Institute New Hall: reprint I n 78 Meteorological Observations 1840- abstract I I 286 Meteorological (mean) results, 1854. By J. B. Cherriman I in 161 Meteorological results (mean) at. By Prof. Kingston, 1855 II i 221 1856 II ii 312 1857 II in 192 1858 II iv 161 1859 II v 238 1860 II vi 210 1861 II vii 97 1862 II vm 238 1863 II ix 171 1864 II x 108 Migratory birds observed in IV in 65 Mineral springs around.... I i 153 Mississauga agreement sur- rendering, to Crown IV vi 288 Mollusca around II iv 451 Monthly absolute values of Magnetic Elements at. By G. T. Kingston, 1856-1864 II x 114 1841- II xii 263 Notes of a visit to Grand Trunk Works I in 225 Notes on Geology of. By H. Y. Hind I i 147 Note on Land and Fresh Water Shells collected in environs of Toronto. By A. E. Williamson.. . II vi 327 Note on the more charac- teristic fossils of Hud- son River Group of, and environs. By J. F. Smith, Jr II iv 450 Observations on Cholera Seasons of 1832 and 1834in. By Rev. C. Dade II vii 17 Occurrence in, of Boul- ders BELONGING TO CAL- CIFEROUS FORMATION. By Geo. Jennings Hinde. ... II xv 644 On Annual distribution of TEMPERATURE AT, 1859-68. By G. T. Kingston II xii 474 Ser. Vol. Page Toronto-Con. On Annual and Diurnal Distribution of Differ- ent Winds at. By G. T. Kingston II ix 10 On Changes of Barome- tric Pressure and Pres- sure of Vapour that ACCOMPANY DIFFERENT winds at. By G. T. King- ston II xii 303 On land-birds wintering IN NEIGHBOURHOOD OF. By G. W. Allan I i 169 On Magnetic Disturb- ances at (1856-62). By G. T. Kingston II vm 157 On periodic and non-peri- odic VARIATIONS OF TEM- PERATURE AT, FROM 1841 to 1852. By Col. E. Sabine I n 14 On poisonous plants WHICH ARE INDIGENOUS TO, OR WHICH HAVE BE- COME NATURALIZED, IN NEIGHBOURHOOD OF. By Ed. M. Hodder I i 204, 218 On relative durations of DIFFERENT WINDS DURING RAIN OR SNOW, DERIVED FROM, OBSERVATIONS (1853-59). By G. T. Kingston II ix 240 Order and thickness of rocks on Lake Beach at Garri- son Common I i 149 Origin of name II xm 563 Origin of name York for.. . II xiv 85 Pleistocene deposits IV vn 165 Provincial Government as- sumed control of Observa- tory I i 282 Provincial Observatory, Governments reply to Institutes memorial about I i 254 Railway termini and Pleasure Grounds I i 233 Rainfall and snowfall and number of days on which fell from 1840-1852: table I I 88 Rare birds observed at Ill vii 181, 184, 194 Reindeer remains in vicinity IV vi 38 Ripple marks on beach at Garrison Common I i 150 School statistics from 1844- 1857 II m 425 Sewage contamination of water supply Ill vii 240 479 TOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TOR Ser. Vol. Page Toronto-Con. Sewage disposal by scheme similar to that used where tides exist IV n 149 Sewage disposal, gravity system with flushing tanks Ill vii 236 Sewage disposal; methods proposed Ill vii 233 Sewage Problem in. By Levi J. Clark: abstract... Ill vii 36 Social state (1857) II m 506 Society for Prevention of Cruelty, necessity for. ByJ. J. Kelso HI v 142 Statistics of cholera victims in epidemic of 1832 and 1834 in II vii 20 Sunspots observed in, in Jan., Feb., Mar., 1858. By Col. Baron de Rotten- burg II in 293 Table showing distances and bearings of principal places from, before 1813. II xiv 217 Temperature 1831-34 II vii 21 Temperature, 1856 II u 453 Temperature (1863) II ix 171 Temperature (mean), 1864. II x 108 Temperature of (1854-62); abnormal variations in... II ix 111 Toronto Northern Railroad. I I 118 Transfusion of milk in, cholera sheds, July, 1854 I in 188 Water front suggestions.... I i 233 Waterfront in 1800 II xn 152 Yonge St. and Dundas St., the men after whom they were named. By Rev. Dr. Scadding... II xv 615 York becomes City of II vii 24 Toronto Athenaeum. The Canadian Institute and; basis of union. ... I ii 195 Toronto Bay. Character of bottom (1872) II xiii 491 Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 663 Table of levels of height of water in Bay in 1852.... I u 27 Toronto Harbour. Its formation and pre- servation WITH PLANS. By Sandford Fleming.... In 105, 223 Its preservation, by Groy- nes, Piers or Breakwater. I n 228 Plans of Kivas Tully. ... I m 68 Plan (1815): ref II xv 32 Rondeau harbour similar to IV I 245 Report of Corporation Committee on I u 195 Ser. Vol. Page Toronto Harbour-Con. Reports on Improvement and Preservation, be- ing REPORTS AWARDED PREMIUMS BY HARBOUR Commissioners 1854 to Prof. Hind, Sandford Fleming, Kivas Tully, Hugh Richardson I m 120a Review of papers on, by W. Shanley, 1853; Sir R. Bonycastle, 1843; Sand- ford Fleming, 1850, 1851; Kivas Tully, 1853 (map). I I 162 Toronto Harbour I in 43 Toronto Island. Formation of. By L. J. Clark IV i 239 Abstract IV I 37 Formed by action of waves (drawings) I n 223 Niagara River factor in its formation IV I 239 Origin of Hanlan's Island. . I i 162 Passing visit to. By Dr. Goadby and J. Bo veil, M.D I in 201 Sir Richard Bonnycastle's opinion of its origin I n 105 Storms, cause of formation of IV I 242 Surveys of, from 1796 to 1850, showing its growth. 1 n 227 Theories regarding its for- mation I n 106 Toronto Lake, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 663 Toronto Observatory. History of II in 99 Memorial to Government to retain it (1853) I I 145 Meteorological observations, see under Meteorological Registers. Hourly corrections to reduce temperature to true mean temperature of day I I 77 Toronto of old. Toronto of Old. By Rev. Dr. Scadding .... II xn 149, 227, 333, 430, 514 II xiii 82, 179, 256, 355, 433, 562 Toronto of Old, The streets and various places of interest are given here: persons mentioned are given under the per- sons names. Ashbridge's Bay II xn 171 Berkeley St. to Power and Trinity II xu 345 480 TOR GENERAL INDEX TOR Ser. Vol. Page Toronto of Old-Con. Big Bend to Castle Frank Brook II xn 434 Brock St. to old French Fort II xn 166 Capture in war of 1812 II xn 168 Castle Frank II xn 435 Cemetery. . II xm 358 Commissarial store house, 1792-1813 . II xn 162 Court House, memories.. . . II xm 84 Defences in war of 1812. ... II xn 163 District Grammar School, reminiscences, etc II xn 253 Don bridge and across it... II xn 351 Don River troubles II xn 172 Don Street to Bridge II xn 349 Don Valley from Bridge on Kingston Rd. to Tyler's. II xn 430 Drumsnab II xn 438 Duelling in • II xn 515 II xm 266 Dundas St II xm 92 Emigration from United States in 1799 II xm 565 Fire of 1849 II xn 333 First plans II xn 154 First public school II xn 338 Fort, 1800 II xn 169 Front St. from Market- place to Brock St II xn 158 Fur trading and traders.... II xn 333 Garrison to Don II xn 169 Governor Gore's adminis- tration II xm 184 Governors, recollections of. II xm 566 Harbour II xm 256 History of Early Press.... II xn 520, 526 Hospital II xn 227 Island II xn 171 Justice and Jails, 1811-35. . II xn 231 King St. digression south- wards at Church St. Market Lane II xn 236 King St. digression into Duke Street II xn 336 King St. digression north- ward at Church St. Old District Grammar School II xn 253 King Street from Caroline to Berkeley Street II xn 343 King Street from Church Street to George Street... II xn 333 King Street from George Street to Caroline Street. II xn 338 King Street from John Street to Yonge II xn 227 King Street from Yonge Street to Church Street. . II xn 231 King Street, St. James' Church II xn 244 MacNabs II xn 350 Market place characters... II xn 334 Ser. Vol. Page Toronto of Old-Con. Mayerhoffer, Vincent Philip II xin 445 Methodist's first church.. . II xn 230 Mississaguas Indians, 1813 II xin 188, 268 Montgomery's Tavern II xin 436 Museum of Natural and Civil history; first at- tempts to establish II xn 348 Newspapers; first estab- lished in II xn 526 Ode to a pine tree II xn 433 Osgoode Hall II xin 95 Palace Street to Market- place II xn 149 Parliament Buildings; first. II xn 150 Pillory in Market Square... II xn 157 Plan of, in 1800 II xn 164 Political campaigns II xn 516 Postal services II xn 158 Power and Trinity Streets to Don Street II xn 346 Presentation of set of colours to militia battalion, 1822. II xn 227 Price of provisions during war of 1812 II xn 157 Prince of Wales landing place in 1860 II xin 103 Quaker settlements II xin 566, 568 Queen Street from Asylum westward II xin 186 Queen Street from Brock Street and Spadina Ave. to Bathurst Street II xin 110 Queen Street, College Avenue and Park II xin 99 Queen Street College Avenue to John Street II xin 103 Queen Street digression southward at Bay Street. II xm 93 Queen Street digression at Caroline Street II xn 520, 526 Queen Street from Don Bridge to Parliament Street II xn 514 Queen Street from Bathurst Street to Asylum II xm 181 Queen Street from Brock Street to Bathurst Street II xm 179 Queen Street from George Street to Yonge Street. . . II xm 82 Queen Street, John Street to Brock Avenue and Spadina Avenue II xm 106 Queen Street from Parlia- ment to George Street... II xn 516 Queen Street, Teraulay Street to Osgoode Hall.. . II xm 95 Queen Street from Yonge Street to Teraulay Street. II xm 92 Queen Street, York Street. . II xm 97 Reminiscences of 1837 re- bellion II xn 232 481 TOR PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TOW Ser. Vol. Page Toronto of Old-Con. Russel, Hon. Peter II xni 106 St. James' Church, memor- ies; personages, etc II xn 239 Scenes in war of 1812 II xni 435 Spadina Avenue II xn 165 Stage coaches from II xn 158 Street conditions II xm 361 Surveys to north II xni 362 The Ford and Mills II xn 438 Theatre, first in II xn 236 Tyler's to Big Bend II xn 431 University; laying of corner stone II xm 99 Upper Canada College, foundation of II xn 228 Yonge Street from Bay to Queen Street II xm 256 Yonge Street from Bond's Lake to Summit of Ridges II xm 450, 562 Yonge Street from Carlton Street to Yorkville II xm 265, 355 Yonge Street, condition of.. II xni 361 Yonge Street digression to Newmarket and Sharon. . II xm 568 Yonge Street from Hogg's Hollow to Thornhill II xm 440 Yonge Street from Holland River to Penetanguishene II xni 575 Yonge Street from New Market Road to lower landing on Holland River II xni 572 Yonge Street from Rich- mond Hill to Bond's Lake II xni 448 Yonge Street from Second Concession to Third Con- cession Road II xni 377, 433 Yonge Street from Summit to Ridges of Newmarket Road II xm 565 Yonge Street from Third Concession Road to Hogg's Hollow ... II xni 434 Yonge Street from Thornhill to Richmond Hill II xni 445 Yonge Street from Queen Street to Carlton II xni 260 Yonge Street from Yorkville to Second' Concession Road (Deer Park) II xni 357 Toronto River, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 663 Toronto Tp., Ont., move- ment of population in, 1861-1911 IV ix 262 Toronto, University of Aims and purposes, 1855... II i 181 Appointments I I 261 Chairs of Engineering, Agri- culture, and Veterinary Science in (1855) II I 178 Ser. Vol. Page Toronto, University of-Con. Difficulties II I 183 In 1848 II xv 272 Medical faculty II I 179 Torbane-Hill, Mineral, character II I 484 Torpedo Fish. Electric uses of II in 59 Uses in medicine II ill 61 Torquemada. Quetzalcoatl worship: ref. .IV v 13 Homologous bones of carpus and tarsus referred to those of water tortoise... IV vi 578 South America and Africa once joined as evidenced by, fossils IV vin 375 Tortricidae, species IV ix 309 Tortue, Portage de la, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Torula, in Canadian Cheddar cheese IV vn 130 Tosorontio Tp., topographi- cal features of I I 225 Totaninae. II xi 159 Totanus. Hamilton species II v 394 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191 IV m 62, 66, 85, 108 Totems. D6n£ ... IViv 186, 199 Fraser on varieties of: ref.. . IV iv 203 Totunies, contradictory read- ings of, name IV iv 13 Touch-me-not, Canadian species with habitats. ... II xv 350 Tour. Notes of a short tour from Montreal to Port- land and the White Mountains: reprint. .. . I n 58 Tourmaline. Composition of. . II vin 89 Varieties II V 521, 524 Tourtes, Isle aux, gazetteer notice (1813) 11 xiv 663 Tourtes, Point aux, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 663 Tout, Chas. Hill. Study of Language HI v 165 Tower Point, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 664 Towhee. Habits of Ontario visitors;. Ill in 93 Observations on Ontario visitors HI vn 191, 199 IV in 70, 77, 80, 82, 97 Towns, salubrity of I III 264 Townsend Tp. notice (1813).... II xiv 664 482 TOW GENERAL INDEX TRA Ser. Vol. Page Townsend Tp.-Con. Streptorhyncus pandora (n. sp.) II v 266 Townsend's Meadow Mouse, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 80 Trabeculae. In living cells of Oscillaria. . IV vi 456 In Oscillaria princeps IV vi 455 Tracheides. Accompaniment of apogamy IV V 281 Botrychium virginianum contain, in region of decay IV v 281 Tracheids, Osmunda cinna- momea IV viii 519 Tracheotomy, effect on blood pressure (tracing) IV vu 217 Trachypora (Edwards and Haime), generic charac- ters II v 254 T. elegantula (n. sp.) Bosan- quet, Ont. (pl.) II v 255 Trachytes. Canadian localities II vi 428 Characters II V 427 II vi 428 Chemical analysis of, from Montreal district II v 428 Chemical analysis of, from Browne Mt II v 430 Chemical analysis of, from Shefford Mt., Que II v 431 Occurrence in Montreal dis- trict II v 429 Trachytic Rock, Quebec.... II v 428 Trachypteris fulvoguttata, Harris Im 257, 325 Trade. An Inquiry into Natural LAWS WHICH REGULATE INTERCHANGE OF COMMO- DITIES BETWEEN INDI- VIDUALS AND NATIONS, AND EFFECTS OF IN- TERFERENCE WITH THEM. By Rev. Wm. Hincks.... II vu 180 Early traders and trade routes in Ontario and the west, 1760-1783. By Capt. Ernest Cruik- shank IV in 253 IV iv 299 Iron, in 1852 (British) I I 119 Routes in Ontario, 1760.... IV ill 254 Traders, early. Character and methods of.. IV in 272 Chevalier Louis (1775) IV in 266 Conditions during revolu- tion IV in 270 Detroit neighbourhood Lori- mier family, 1765 IV in 266 Ser. Vol. Page Traders, early-Con. Early traders and trade routes 1760-1782. By Capt. Ernest Cruikshank IV in 253 IV iv 299 L. Superior, Henry, Alex- ander, 1809 IV m 261 L. Superior and west, Fro- bisher, Bros. (1769) IV m 264 L. Superior and west, Maj. Robert Rogers (1765).... IV in 265 L. Superior and west, Jona- than Carver (1766) IV in 265 Revolutionary war's effect on IV iv 299 Traditions, Australian abori- gines II xii 452 Trafalgar Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 664 Trafalgar Square, London.. II i 204 Traffic. Railroad, in Great Brit- ain and Ireland: reprint I in 42 Tragosoma harrisii Lee. ... I in 376 Traill. Discoverer of scansorius muscle IV vi 559 Trajan's legate i*n Britain.. II x 310 Transfusion. As practised in ancient times I in 188 Results of milk, into blood in cholera cases I in 191 With milk, 1854 I ill 189 Transportation, of natural history specimens, notes on I I 174 Trap or Trap rocks. Characters; Canadian locali- ties II vi 429 Kamanistiquia region, man- ner of formation Ill vii 247 McKay Mt Ill VII 245 Trap soils, L. Superior, Ame- rican side. I n 101 Traps. Various, of Denes fully de- scribed IV iv 84 Trapping devices, details useful to ethnologist IV iv 98 Trapezium. Chimpanzee IV vi 587 Orang IV vi 587 Trapezius. Amiurus Catus Ill n 331 Orang IV vi 524 Travel. Notes of-in China. By James H. Morris, M.A... II II 161 Traveller's Joy, Canadian localities II xv 51 483 TRA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TRI Ser. Vol. Page Traverse, Gazetteer notice (1813) of Traverse Bay II xiv 664 Traverse Cape II xiv 664 Traverse Isle II xiv 664 Traverse Pointe II xiv 664 Traverse, Pointe a la II xiv 664 Traverse, Riviere a la II xiv 664 Treaty. Recording surrender of Saugeen Peninsula by Indians I m 168 H'l'AAfl Age of II m 518 Descriptive list of prin- cipal Canadian timber. By Chas. Robb, C.E II vi 28 Legends concerning I in 381 Most suitable for large spaces near public institu- tions IV vm 264 Trees and their individu- ality and relation to our daily life. By J. McPherson Ross IV vm 261 Tree Sparrow. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 92 Trefoil, Canadian species with localities *.. II xv 355 Trematocrinus II v 551 Trematoda II iv 24 Trematodes, American Ill i 54 Trematodiscus II vi 528 Trematopora ostiolata, Hall, Niagara limestone, Niagara River II xiv 141 Tremella, Habits and On- tario habitats of T. frondosa, Fr IV ix 79 T. mycetophila, Pk IV ix 79 Tremellacese, list of Ontario, their habits and habitats. IV ix 79 Tremellodon gelatinosum, Pers, habits; Ontario habitats IV ix 79 Tremenheere, Hugh Sey- mour. Extracts from notes on Public Subjects, Cana- da in 1852 I i 32 Trent River. Gazetteer notice (1813). .. II xiv 67, 664 Trenton Formation or Group. Canadian II xm 196 Central basin, Tennessee... Ill vn 77 Distribution of, in Quebec. . II vm 202 Fossils found in (pl.) II vm 197 Limestones of, in Canada.. II vm 201 Protaster whiteavesianus sp. nov. in IV vm 372 Quebec II xv 95 Ser. Vol. Page Trenton Limestone. Asaphus halli from, of Peterborough fully de- scribed with drawings... . II in 235 Asaphus megistos of, of Ontario II iv 140 Belleville district II v 42 Collingwood Tp., Ont II v 304 Columnaria alveolata in, of Canada II iv 493 Distribution on L. Huron coast (Ont.) I in 50 Formation from Presqu' Isle to village of Newcastle... IV vm 11 Fossils obtained from II v 204 Middle Tennessee mixed with other groups I n 138 North shore L. Ontario.... II xv 390 IV vii 180 On some new genera and species of Cystidea in By E. Billings In 215, 250, 268 Stromatocerium rugosum in, of Canada II iv 493 Trenton limestone of New York, equivalent in Ten- nessee I ii 138 Trinculeus concentricus of, Quebec II in 514 Trenton sub-division, fossils found in (pl.) II vm 198 Treub. Endophyte of Lycopodium cernuum: ref IV v 275 Lycopodium phlegmaria: ref IV v 268 Paraphyses in Lycopodium phlegmaria: ref IV v 276 Polyembryony in Lycopo- dium cernuum: ref IV v 282 Prothallium of Lycopodium cernuum: ref IV v 268 Treviranus. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 242 Chemical composition of in- crustations on certain leaves: ref IV vn 257 Triangulation Survey. Notes on measurement of BASE FOR, OF EASTERN Section of Coast of United States, on Ep- ping Plains, Me. By A. D. Bache: reprint II in 74 Triarchous, root, Botry- chium virginianum IV V 283 Triarthrus. Note on a new species of, from Utica slate of Whitby, Ont. By J. F. Smith, Jr II vi 275 484 TRI GENERAL INDEX TRI, Ser. Vol. Page Triassic formation. Maritime Provinces II I 43 New Brunswick II xv 106 Nova Scotia II xv 111 Triarthrus. Canadian (pl.) II viii 32 T. beckii, occurrence of.... II in 358 T. canadensis (pl.) II vi 275 Tribasic acids, origin II vi 124 Triceps muscle, origin in Orang IV vi 534 Trichas, Hamilton species... II v 390 Trichecus rosmarus. Described IV in 304 Prince of Wales Sound HI v 117 Trichius piger Mels. Cat... I in 257 T. rotundicollis, Kirby.... I in 325 Trichocephalus dispar II iv 26 Tricholoma, Habits and Ontario habitats of T. album, Schaeff IV ix 69 T. personatum, Fr IV ix 69 Trichomes. Adaptation of, in Primula to absorption of water... IV vn 256 In galls different from normal type found in re- productive axes of host. . IV ix 369 Triclinic system of Crystals II vi 3 Minerals II v 9 Tridacna and Chana, must be in same order II xi 394 Trifldse II viii 3 Trifolium, L. Canadian localities of T. agrarium, L II xv 355 T. arvense, L II txv 355 T. hybridum, Alsick II xv 355 T. pratense, L II xv 355 T. procumbens, L II xv 355 T. reflexum, L '... II xv 355 T. repens, L II xv 355 Trigeminus group. Amiurus (pl.) .... HI n 356 Branches of, in Amiurus (pl.) HI n 366 Trigonarthris proxima, Say I m 258, 326 Trigonidae. Toronto II iv 452 Trigonometry. Formulae for Cosines and Sines of Multiple arcs. By Rev. Geo. Paxton Young II viii 286 New trigonometrical scale. By T. R. Rose- brugh: abstract HI vn 32 Trilinears. Notes on. By J. B. Cherri- man II ix 249 II x 334 Ser. Vol. Page Trilinears-Con. On Axes of Conic in. By J. B. Cherriman II xi 388 On Trilinear Co-ordi- nates. By Jas. Loudon.. II xm 62 Trilliums, suitable for flower gardens IV in 128 Trilobites. Affinities II i 276 American, some new speci- mens II iv 316 Belleville species II v 46 Cambrian beds contain.... IV vn 536 Classification II i 281 General characters II i 272 II viii 26 Geological relations II i 280 Habits II i 276 Inhabitants of littoral or of deep sea zones II i 278 Never found in coal strata. . II vi 501 New American. By Prof. Jas. Hall II iv 491 On some new, from Cana- dian Rocks. By E. J. Chapman II m 230 Primordial zone, Quebec... II vi 43 Quebec shales similar to those in Georgia, Ver- <mont II vi 286 Review of; their charac- ter AND CLASSIFICATION. By E. J. Chapman II i 271 Structural characters of caudal shield II I 275 Structural characters of head II i 272 Structural characters of thorax II I 274 Subdivisions II I 280 Toronto II iv 450 Trimerella acuminata, Billings, Hespeler II xiv 143 T. grandis, Billings, Hes- peler II xiv 143 Trimetric system of Crystals II vi 3 Minerals II v 8 Tringa. Hamilton species II v 394 Observations on Ontario species HI vn 192, 195, 198 IV in 66, 85 T. bonapartii, Schlegel, Prince of Wales Sound... HI v 121 T. maritima, Brunn, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 121 Tringinse II xi 159 Trinidad. Area patricia Sow IV viii 389 Caribean formation IV viii 139 485 TRI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TRU Ser. Vol. Page Trinidad-Con. Dislocations in Parian range (pl.) IV vni 140 Dislocation that separated it from Venezuela IV vni 141 Dislocations occurring in... IV vin 379 Exports and Products of (1859) II vn 139 Erosion effects IV vni 141 Fossil foraminifera of, as bearing on connections of Caribean region IV vni 387 Geology and physical fea- tures IV vn 365 Geological development.... IV vin 137 Growth of. By R. J. Lech- mere Guppy IV vin 137 Miocene period in IV vni 142 Nodosaria abysorum IV vin 387 Parian range of rocks in.... IV vin 137 Planorbulina larvata IV vin 387 Pulvinulina favus, Brady... IV vin 387 Sanfernando or Naparima marls IV vin 381 Soil of northern division.... IV vin 143 Submerged valleys IV vin 141 Tertiary period IV vin 142 Upheavals and dislocations that separated it from South America IV vni 379 Valleys before separation from Venezuela and after. IV vin 143 Valley formations IV vni 140 Trinity College. Installation of Chancellor.. I I 260 Trinucleidae II i 285 Trinucleus concentricus, Trenton limestone near Montmorenci Falls, Que. (pl.) II hi 514 Trinucleus (pl.) II vni 28 Trionyx, Irvine Ravine (Alta.) Ill v 160 Triphylline, analysis of II iv 495 Trippier. Arsenic in mineral waters first detected by I I 151 Triton, ciliation of, larvae.... IV vni 476 Troano. Maya M.S IV vi 117, 119 Trochi in British seas I i 109 Trocholitidae II n 265 Trochlearis, Amiurus Ill n 356 Trochilidae. Generic characters II ix 233 Monograph of, or Humming Birds. By John Gould: reviewed II iv 47 Trochilus. Canadian species II n 382 Hamilton species II v 393 Ser. Vol. Page Trochilus-Con. T. colubris, observations on Ontario visitors IV I 48 IV in 68, 77, 108 Trogia crispa Fr., habits and Ontario habitats.... IV ix 73 Troglodytes. Brain of II xv 194 Evidence of righthanded- ness among Ill in 130 In southwestern France.... IV n 181 Indian articles similar to relics of IV n 117 May not have been cave dwellers IV n 120 Righthanded II xv 468 Troglodytes gorilla. Canine tooth of I in 109 New species of I i 94 Troglodytes (Birds). Hamilton species II v 390 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 191, 195 IV in 72, 83, 86, 99, 102, 104 T. domestica, Toronto speci- mens II in 503 Trogonidae. Generic characters II ix 232 Reasons for placing in sub- order Serratirastres II ix 235 Trcgositidae, Kicking Horse Pass species Ill v 213 Trois Chenaux Ecartes, Isle de, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 664 Troost, Dr. Gerard. Ancient relics, etc., found in Tennessee: ref II in 396 Tropical, climate. Character of skin and com- plexion produced by moist and dry Ill n 20 Report on means of cool- ing air in. By W. J. Macquorn Rankine: re- print I n 72 Trous Leveiller. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 664 Trout. Artificial propagation of Salmon and, in Canada. By R. Nettle: abstract.. IV in 43 Correspondence in Forest and Stream on effect of sawdust in streams on... IV vn 429 Cut throat or Rocky Mt... IV ix 24 Rainbow IV ix 24 Steel head IV ix 24 Trowbridge, silver location. II xu 221 True Mustard, localities Canadian species II xv 161 486 TRU GENERAL INDEX TUD Ser. Vol. Page Trunk Line of railway in Canada. Negotiations for its con- struction I i 22 Truran, Wm. On Durability of Rail- road Iron: reprint I in 237 Truancy Act, New England States II in 428 Truro. Newport and, geological area of Nova Scotia II xv 112 Trumpeter Birds, order to which they belong II xi 151 Tryngites subruficollis, Toronto Ill vn 195 Tryon, Gov. of N. York. Autograph letters concern- ing personal and public affairs II xiv 121 Trypetidae. Feeding habits of larvae.... IV ix 362 Species described IV ix 317 Tsatens tribe Ill vn 112 Tschuakak, vocabulary HI vi 312 Tschudi, Dr. Distortion in ancient Peru- vian crania natural or artificial II vi 419 Tse'kehne. Beard, how trimmed IV iv 139 Beaver Indians branch of. . IV iv 11 Bone scrapers IV iv 70 Bows of IV iv 58 Call sunset or west naren'on IV vn 517 Drums IV iv 150 Gambling sticks IV iv 78 Honest IV iv 19 How, hunted cariboo in olden times IV iv 100 How, trim their beard IV iv 139 Lodges IV iv 192 Month names IV vi 331 Nah'ane tribe north of it. . . IV vu 518 Names of months IV iv 106 Scaffolding of IV iv 197 Language characteristics compared with Nah'ane.. IV vu 527 Language different from Nah'ane IV vu 526 Occupation and social orga- nization IV vu 524 Physical characteristics.... IV iv 17 Population IV iv 16 Provision stores IV iv 197 Snow shoes IV iv 154 Sociologically considered... IV iv 28 Spoons IV iv 76 Subdivisions IV iv 28 Tribe Ill vu 111, 112 Utensils IV iv 120 Tsequil, prehistoric race IV vi 90 Ser. Vol. Page Ts'Ets'aut. Branch of Nah'ane tribe on Portland inlet IV vn 521 Origin of tribe IV vil 521 Tsetse fly I i 189 Tsilkoh'tin. Bone scrapers IV iv 70 Cradles IV iv 133 Dene tribe IV vi 77 Dress IV iv 164 Drums IV iv 151 Fish harpoons IV iv 71 Gambling sticks IV iv 78 Habitat and subdivisions... IV iv 22 How, carry their babies.... IV iv 134 Mats of IV iv 157 Method of weaving........ IV iv 156 Physical characteristics.... IV iv 18 Population IV iv 16 Semilkameen partly descen- ded from IV iv 24 Shushwap Indians relations with IV iv 23 Sociologically considered... IV iv 28 Store houses IV iv 197 Vessels IV iv 134 Tshapojir, tattoo customs of. IV v 177 Tshermak. Polysomatic character of Olivine: ref HI v 176 Tsimpsian. Language influenced Nah'- ane IV vil 529 Tribe not offshoot of Dene. • HI vn 111 Tsochar IV v 213 Tsurami. Date of reign IV iv 271 Inscriptions on stone found at Mathura translated.. . IV iv 268 Tuatha-de-Danans, Irish family connected with Onam II xiv 562 Tubercula acustica, Amiu- rus HI ii 354 Tuberculosis, some features explained by evolutionary hypotheses IV vm 541 Tubulibranchiata, generic characters II xu 27 Tucker, David. On certain modern views CONCERNING ORDINAL AR- RANGEMENT OF HIGHER Mammalia II ix 154 On secluded Tribes of Uncivilized men II ix 326 Tucker, E. S. Host plants for Stagmato- phora ceanothiella Cosens: ref IV ix 310 Tudor, Hastings Co., Arseni- cal pyrites from, analyzed II xu 266 487 TUK PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE TUR Ser. Vol. Page Tukuches. Defeatat Iximche IV vi 165 Quarrel with Akahales and results IV vi 163 Tukudh, in Canada Ill v 216 Tulip, abnormal development in II in 317 Tulip, checkered, abnormal development of II in 315 Tulip tree, Canadian locali- ties II xv 58 Tully, Kivas C. E. Address on occasion of fiftieth anniversary of Canadian Institute IV vi 654 Fluctuations of L. On- tario IV v 37 IV viii 1 Memoir on 50th anniver- sary of Canadian In- stitute *. IV vi 25 Report on Preservation and Improvement of Toronto Harbour (this was awarded third pre- mium by commissioners in 1854) I in 120a Letter on Toronto Harbour reviewed I I 162 Obituary IV vm 98 Tungsten. In mineral waters I i 152 Metal prepared II i 393 Tungus. Arts (peculiar) of, and Denes IV v 195 Comparative vocabulary of, and Tinneh Languages. Ill I 190 Dress and ornaments of, and Denes IV v 186 Dene and, tribes IV v 170 Dene dialectic differences IV v 205 Denes identified with, of Asia: criticism of IV vi 95 Denes of America iden- tified with, of Asia: By Rev. John Campbell IV v 167 Dene tribal names compared with those of, list IV v 174 Funeral customs of, and Denes IV v 193 Gambling IV v 200 Genealogy IV v 210 History from earliest times. IV V 211 Language of, and Denes IV v 204 Mantchus of, origin IV v 169 Marriage customs IV v 176 Othomis of Mexico, most ancient Tungusian colon- ists of America IV v 206 Physical features and habits of, and Dene IV v 175 Ser. Vol. Page Tungus-Cow. Rites and ceremonies of, and Denes IV v 197 Stock ' IV v 167 Tattoo customs IV v 177 Territory IV V 170 Tinneh affinity with in cus- toms and features. ... Ill i 175 Tribes in 1616 A.D IV v 170 War and warlike imple- ments of, and Denes. IV v 190 Vocabulary, comparative of, Dene and Othomi. IV v 206 Vocabulary of, and Dene words, comparative IV v 205 Tungusians of Siberia and Northern China, affinity with Tinneh tribe Ill I 172 Tunicata. Position in animal kingdom II X 28 Position in Mollusca II xi 326 Sub-classes of II xi 393 Tunxic Region IV vi 181 Tunxicob region IV vi 181 Turanian. Ancient, syllabary Ill in 147 Comparative table of twelve Khitan alphabets Ill in 168 Cursive, writing whence originate? IV iv 265 Dene shows affinity with... IV i 183 Early culture IV iv 263 Eskimo, comparative voca- bulary Ill vi 323 Eskimo, grammatical re- semblances Ill vi 336 Etruscan of, origin Ill in 145 Eskimo, vocabulary, com- parative Ill v 71 Hindu speech of, origin IV iv 262 Language peculiarities Ill v 101 Lat alphabet is IV iv 265 Lat inscriptions in, sylla- bary Ill in 150 Original home of Ill vi 282 Sanskrit influenced by IV iv 262 Syllabary deciphered from Aztec characters Ill in 149 Tinneh language exhibits, character in grammar. Ill i 174 Traces of Ashchurites among, peoples II xiv 267 Yenisei inscriptions in, syllabary Ill in 149 Turbinidae, Canadian II iv 273 Turbinella. Uses and value II in 403 Uses of, in India I in 157 T. sinistrorsal, uses of in China I in 157 Turbinolidae, species of, from great sea depths II vi 520 488 TUR GENERAL INDEX TYP Ser. Vol. Page Turbo tritorquatus, McCoy Ottawa R I i 222 T. trochleatus, Ottawa R I i 222 Turdetani IV vn 48 Turdus. Habits of Ontario species. . Ill m 90, 99 Hamilton species... II v 390 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 184, 190, 192, 199 IV I 56 IV in 62, 72, 73, 83, 102, 107 Turf, Irish I i 265 Turkey in Europe, railway projects in I i 120 Turkey (or Fighting) Island, gazetteer notice.... II xiv 214, 664 Turkey Point, gazetteer notice 1813 II xiv 213, 665 Turk's Islands, exports and products of (1859) II vn 139 Turner, J. Bailey The Horse and its Rider I i 154, 180, 198 Turner, Sir Wm. Flexor accessorius variation in man: ref IV vi 572 Flexor longus hallucis and flexor tendons of four outer toes in man: ref. IV vi 570 Flexor longus pollicis: ref... IV vi 539 Lines in palm of hand, growth and purpose: ref. IV vi 520 Origin of tendon of short flexor of little toe in man: ref IV vi 571 Turner's Flux, uselessness of, to detect boracic acid in blow-pipe II xv 255 Turnbull, Dr. Jas. Physiological properties OF SOME COMPOUNDS OF organic radicals: ab- stract I in 113 Turnbull, L., M.D. Observations on a Tele- graph Line between Europe and America.. I in 4 Turnstone, Hamilton species II v 394 Turnstones (birds) II xi 157 Turquand Bernard, Toronto II xm 179 Turrell. Improved traversing stage of microscope by II n 278 Turritella. Ottawa River I I 221 St. Lawrence Valley II m 86 Turritellidse, Canadian II iv 273 Tursac,instruments made by man in, deposits II ix 271 Turtle Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Tusayan, serpent myth of IV v 14 Ser. Vol. Page Tuscany, eruptive serpentines of II vi 297 Tuscarora Sour Spring near Brantford I i 153 Tusks. Mandibular I i 232 Mastadon's, described.... I i 232 Tuyormiyat, territory Ill vi 266 Tuzpan, Mexicans destroyed at IV vi 181 Tweezers, Dene IV iv 138 Twelve Flint Knives, king of Cachiquels IV vi 125 Twelve Rivers, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 210 Twin-leaf, Canadian locali- ties II xv 59 Twenty mile Creek, in 1779 IV iv 279 Twenty Rivers, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 210 Two Creeks, formation ' of Harbor recommended at I m 306 Two Rivers, The, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Tylor, Alfred, F.G.S. Changes of sea-level EFFECTED BY EXISTING PHYSICAL CAUSES DURING STATED PERIODS OF TIME: reprint I m 57, 76 Tyler, Jos., Toronto II xn 431 Tylor, M exican phonetic writing: ref Ill v 66 Tyndall, Prof. Ice of irregular fusibility: ref II vi 62 Peculiarities of magne- tic fields: reprint... I in 111 Phenomena connected WITH MOTION OF LIQUIDS: ref I III 108 Tyndaris in Sicily, Copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 229 Typha augustifolia, New Zealand II ii 360 Typhacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 298 Hamilton species Ill u 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 650 London species II vm 233 Typhoid. Action of freshly drawn milk on, bacillus IV vn 480 Manner in which infectious diseases evolved illustra- ted by, fever IV vm 543 Typhoid bacillus in re- lation TO DRINKING water. By J. J. Mac- kenzie: abstract IV u 11 489 TYP PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE UMB Ser. Vol. Page Typology II i 528 Typothrix scaber, resistance powers of IV vm 425 Tyrannus carolinensis, Ontario visitors Ill m 99 T. tyrannus, observations on Ontario visitors... HI vn 192, 194 IV in 68, 81 Tyrrell, J. B., F.G.S. Brief Narrative of Journeys of David Thompson in North- Western America... Ill vi 135 Catalogue of Mammalia of Canada exclusive of Cetacea Ill vi 66 Coppermine Country... IV ix 201 Critical note on paper BY, ENTITLED MAMMALIA of Canada: By E. E. Thompson HI vn 178 Ice on Canadian Lakes. IV ix 13 Occurrence in Canada of TWO SPECIES OF PARA- SITIC mites HI i 332 Reply to Ernest E. Thomp- son's CRITICAL NOTE Ill VII 281 Reply to note by. Ernest E. Thompson.. Ill VII 285 Story of a Franklin SEARCH EXPEDITION IV VIII 393 Ancient beaches of Winni- peg basin IV vi 56 Tyrrhenians, ethnology of... I n 220 Tyrothrix. Cantal Cheese IV vn 105 Character and variability of species IV vn 108 T. tenuis, diastases pro- duced by IV vn 115 Tyson, Ed. Chimpanzee anatomy: ref. . IV vi 507 Resemblance of ape's foot to human hand: ref IV vi 591 Tzapotecapan, history and geography IV VI 158 Tzendals of Chiapas, history IV vi 158 Tzendals of Palenque, art of painting among IV vi 107 Tzentals, month names... IV vi 332 Uacthanob IV vi 184 Ucluelet, B.C. Ascidians at IV ix 114 Ascidiopsis Columbiana, sp. n., of IV ix 120 Ascidiopsis paratropa, sp. n. from IV ix 120 Caesira apoploa, sp. n IV ix 124 Caesira pacifica, sp. n IV IX 126 Corella rugosa, sp. n IV IX 122 Ser. Vol. Page Ucluelet, B.C-Con. Katatropa vancouverensis, sp. n., and K. uclueletensis, sp. n., from IV ix 130 Udders, bacteria in, from blood or through teats IV vn 479 Uhl. Connection between bacter- ia and dirt in milk: ref.. . IV vn 467 Number bacteria found in milk supply of Giessen: ref IV vn 468 Uhlekun fish. Description of 1 in 275 Indian method of catching, and use made of II n 17 Ulam Buryas, Babylonian monarch II XV 74 Ulexite, composition II I 484 Uley Chambered Barrow Skull, measurement of II vm 133 Ulmaceae, Canadian species I m 292 Ulmus americana, Cana- dian II vi 34 U. racemosa, Thomas. Canadian II vi 34 St. Thomas Ill u 156 Ulotrichi, division of man- kind Ill ii 8 Ulrich, E. O. Protasterina: ref IV vm 364 Ultramicroscopic Organ- isms. Nature IV vm 58 Ultramicroscopic organ- isms. By J. J. Mackenzie IV vm 53 Ulula, Hamilton species II v 388 U. cinerea, observations on Ontario visitors Ill vn 184 IV I 44, 53, 58 Ulva latissima, used in tanks for supporting animal life I u 308 Umbellales, Canadian species II vi 279 Umbelliferae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 294 Hamilton species HI n 148 Localities Canadian species II xiv 641 II xv 554 London species II vm 225 Umbria. Celtic influence in I n 248 Land of Cymri II xv 306 Umbria Capta. By Rev. N. MacNish Ill v 219 Umbrian. Celtic element in, language. I n 274 Ethnology of I n 221 Examples of, langauge with Latin translation I n 275 490 UMB GENERAL INDEX UNI Ser. Vol. Page Umbrian-Con. History Ill v 235 Origin HI v 220 Umbrian tables in Gaelic... HI v 220 Umkwa Indians, habitat. . . IV iv 16 Unalaskans territory Ill vi 265 Unaleet tribe II xn 484 Unaligmut territory Ill vi 265 Unare Hiatus IV vm 379 Unearned Increment, Henry George's views on HI vi 33 Ungava. Boat voyage to, from Stu- part Bay. By R. F. Stupart HI iv 110 Ungulata, Canadian species with habitats Ill vi 68 Unio. In mounds in Otonabee Tp.,Ont IV ix 5 L. Ontario II xm 506 New species, 1856 II u 382 Species of, in Nottawasaga River district II vi 497 Toronto species II vi 329 U. canadiensis II u 382 U. complanatus, Solander, L. Ontario II xm 506 U. crassidens, Lamarck, L. Ontario II xm 505 U. margaritiferus, Scotland. II in 394 U. ochraceus, Say, L. On- tario II xm 506 Unionidae, Canadian II iv 273 United Empire Loyalists, settlements IV I 78 United States. Anthracite Coal in: reprint I m 102 Bats found in, catalogue of species II I 189 Book Trade in I u 257 Chinese Yam, not success in II in 242 Climatology of. By L. Blodget: reviewed II in 28 Climatological divisions in. II in 30 Coal formations in I in 35 Contributions to Natural History of. By L. Agassiz: reviewed II in 243 II vi 169 Copper bearing rocks I ill 36 Currency described I i 178 Currency in, compared with sterling I i 179 Debt I i 120 Distances between cities in: reprint I ill 148 Free school system and Truancy Act II ill 428 Gold bearing areas and for- mations I in 35 Ser. Vol. Page United States- Con. Hematite ore beds in, at- tempt to discover geo- logical age of I I 139 Historical and Statistical in- formation respecting His- tory and prospects of In- dian Tribes of: reviewed. II in 437 Iron ore regions and rocks.. I in 35 Iron supply IV n 308 Lands and Population in, and Upper Canada, 1798 I n 286 Lead bearing rocks I in 35 Letters from, Cuba and Canada. By Hon. Amelia M. Murray: reviewed... II i 160 Metallic wealth of I ill 45 Mints of. By Prof. Wilson: reprint I in 128 Negro question II I 162 Notes on Measurement of Base for Primary Triangulation of East- ern Section of Coast of United States, on Epp- ing Plains, Me. By A. D. Bache: reprint II in 74 On Heights of Tides of Atlantic Coast of, from Observations in Coast Survey. By A. D. Bache: reprint II in 73 On Population of, from 1630 to 1798: reprint.. .. In 286 On Territory of, from 1796 to 1834: reprint. . . In 287 On Value of Lands in, from 1796 to 1834 I n 288 On Winds of Western- Coast OF, FROM OBSERVA- TIONS IN CONNECTION with Coast Survey. By A. D. Bache: reprint.... II in 72 Permian rocks in II in 261 Permian Strata in (New Orleans) II in 357 Progress of Coast Survey. . II n 66 Ranidae found in; catalogue of II I 188 Standard time adopted in. . HI in 61 Universal time in HI in 69 Waterworks in. By Jacob Houghton, C.E I in 259 Vespertilio found in, cata- logue of species II I 189 University. American II I 173 British Industrial, projected I I 48 English versus German. ... II I 171 Degrees for women in Eng- land II vii 386 Functions of II I 178 491 UNI PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE UTI Ser. Vol. Page University College, London, notices concerning I ill 293 University of Toronto. Appointments I I 261 Foundation of II xm 487 In early days, laying of cornerstone II xm 99 Question in 1845 II xv 446 Unna. Chemical rays of sun cause of sunburn: ref IV VIII 103 Unungun territory Ill vi 265 Upis ceramboides Linn ... I m 259, 326 Uplands, Jointed and Fis- sured, Black River es- carpment, Ont IV vn 172 Upper Canada, see Ontario. Upper Canada College, foun- dations II xii 228 Upper Canada Gazette, first paper in Canada II xn 520 Upper copper-bearing rocks, L. Superior II xiv 587 Upper Lakes. Geological area II xv 15 Geology of, district II xiv 585 Upper Silurian Series. Canadian II vm 437 Grand River Group II vm 452 Ural, gold deposits I i 18 Ural Altaic, comparative vo- cabulary of, Malay-Poly- nesian, Asiatic-Hyper- borean, Peninsular and Algonquin HI i 26 Uralitic quartz diabase, Rainy Lake Ill v 177, 181 Urania speciosa, Madagascar II iv 208 Uranite, trimetric system of crystallization in II iv 326 Uranium, process of obtain- ing metal II i 311 Uran-Ochre, tests; Canadian localities Il vi 151 Urbisaglia. C. Salvius Liberalis, Gover- nor of Britain shown by Latin Inscription found at II x 309 Ure, G. P., editor Family Herald II v 57 Urea, synthesis of IV ix 271 Urfe River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Uria, Hamilton species II v 396 U. grylle, L., Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 123 Urinator lumme, observa- tions on Ontario visitors. HI vn 198 IV in 90, 105 Ser. Vol. Page Urioconium (Wroxeter), Latin Inscriptions on grave stones found at.... II iv 349 Urodela. Nissl granules generally ab- sent IV vi 426 Transformation and diffu- sion of Chromatin in.... IV vi 427 Urodele. Date at which egg-laying occurs IV viii 473 Development of gills IV viii 484 Habits IV viii 471 Incubation of eggs IV viii 474 Mucous spheres surrounding eggs IV viii 475 Number of eggs laid in one season by female IV viii 474 Uro-Genital System. Amiurus Catus Ill n 440 Blood-Vascular System, DUCTLESS GLANDS AND, of Amiurus Catus. By T. McKenzie Ill n 418 Uroplata rosea, Mels. Cat.. I m 258 Urotrichus gibbsi, Baird, Canadian localities Ill vi 89 Ursus, Canadian localities of U. americanus, Pallas Ill vi 77 U. arctos, Rich Ill vi 76 U. ferox, Rich Ill vi 76 U. horribilis, Ord Ill vi 76 U. maritimus, Linn, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 112 Urticacese. Barrie species II xv 49 Canadian species II xiv 297 Hamilton species HI n 152 Localities Canadian species II xiv 649 London species II vm 232 Species supporting Platy- samia cecropia....' HI iv 212 Usher's steam plough I i 40 Utah Salt Lake, relative amounts of salts in water. IV vn 559 Utica Formation. Canadian II vm 203 Fossils of, in Canada (pl.). . II vm 203 Ontario II vm 204 Quebec II xv 95 Utica Shale, north shore L. Ontario II xv 391 IV vn 180 Utica Slate. Collingwood Tp., Ont II v 304 Huron region, Ont I in 50 Note on new species of Triarthrus from Whit- by, Ont. By J. F. Smith, Jr II vi 275 492 UTE GENERAL INDEX VAN Ser. Vol. Page Utensils. Dene IV iv 121 Primitive material used in, made by Dene IV iv 120 Utkutcikialin-meut terri- tory Ill vi 266 Utricularia, ammonium car- bonate solution effect on. IV vn 323 Uxab, people IV vi 202 Uxbridge, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Uxmal. Geographical position IV vi 201 Kings IV vi 176 Palenque's relation with Oaxaca and, in time of Oxlahun-Pek IV vi 181 Vaccaria, Medik, Canadian localities of V. vulgaris, Medik II xv 169 Vaccinium, V. canadense Kalm and V. pennsyl- vanicum Lan, hosts of Solenozopheria vaccinii, Ashmead IV ix 353 Vacuoles in Cyanophyceae IV vi 443 Nerve cells after treatment with Alkalies IV vi 413 Nucleolus IV vi 417 Oscillaria IV vi 443 Yeast Cell IV vi 490 Vacuolation, Yeast cell IV vi 497 Vagus, Amiurus Ill n 369 Vagus group, Amiurus (pl.). Ill n 359 Vaku of Cachiquels IV vi 116 Valerianaceae, Barrie species II xv 48 Valerianic Acid, from fusel oil I n 172 Valley. Beaver River (pl.) IV vn 175 Classification Ill vn 65 Dundas, Ont. (pl.) IV vn 175 Elevation of Ill vn 65 Erosion or denudation of. . Ill vn 67 Formation Ill vn 64 Formation of. By Wm. Kennedy: abstract Ill vn 28 Formation in Trinidad IV vm 140 Georgian Bay Coast IV vn 175 Jones and Roup's, of eleva- tion Ill vn 66 Niagara Cuesta IV vn 173 Owen Sound, Ont IV vn 174 Rock, in eastern Ontario... IV vn 168 Sequachee, of elevation.... Ill vn 66 Valleys of Trinidad before and after separation from Venezuela IV vm 143 Valloninse, generic charac- ters II x 43 Ser. Vol. Page Values. Relation between quantity wealth and (Chart) IV vm 308 Two values. By W. A. Douglas: abstract IV u 7 Theory of _ IV vm 307 Valvata, Toronto species. ... II vi 328 V. sincera Say, L. Ontario.. II xm 503 V. tricarinata Say, L. On- tario II xin 503 Valve. For preventing steam-boiler explosions I i 24 Uses of chimney valve I m 25 Van Beneden. Arrangement of mesenteries in Zoanthids larvse: ref. . . IV vi 398 Diplectanum aetjuans: ref.. Ill i 66 Van Denbrugh. Behaviour in captivity of female Plethodon ore- gonensis with her eggs: ref IV vm 469 Incubation of Plethodon oregonensis eggs: ref. . . . IV vm 474 Van der Smissen, Prof. W. H. Nature of Roots and Words II xv 509 Presidential address, 1886-87 Ill v 2 Van Dieman's Land. Gold discoveries in I i 23 Origin of native tribes II xn 444 Van Gehuchten, A. Nuclein condensed into nucleolus: ref IV vi 417 Van Hise. Lowest rock in which graphite is found: ref..., IV vm 512 Van Rensselaer. Operations in Mohawk Val- ley in Revolutionary war. IV vii 400 Van Tieghem, Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 244 Cauline axis of Aroids: ref. . IV vi 624 Central cylinder of Gunnera: ref IV vi 611 Liquid on plants in early morning contains Calcium bicarbonate: ref IV vn 259 Morphology of fibro-vascu- lar strands: ref IV vi 599 Origin of central cylinder in plants: ref IV vi 604 Osmundaceous siphonostele: ref IV vm 525 Pith in Botrychium virgini- anum: ref IV v 284 Vanadiferous Bronzite, Smaragdite identical with II in 262 493 VAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE VER Ser. Vol. Page Vanadinite. Analysis of II n 49 Form of crystals II I 553 Vancouver Island. Ascidians on coast of IV ix 113 Incidents of Travel on. By Paul Kane, Esq. (Chinook Indians) I in 273 Vanessa, Rocky mountain species with habitats... . Ill n 240 Vanessa csenia. On Occurrence of, in On- tario. By W. Saunders.. II vi 498 Vanir, legends II xiv 567 Vanuxemia, generic charac- ters (pl.) II vi 356 V. tomkinsi (n. sp.), Cor- niferous, Ontario (pl.).. II vi 357 Vapours saturated, relation between temperatures and elastic forces of, under different pressures I n 135 Variability (in species) II vm 394 Variegatse II vm 3 Varley, Cornelius. Microscope with lever stage movement: ref II n 277 Varty Lake, Ont., geology of IV vn 147 Varying Hare, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 83 Vas, Friedrich. Nissl granules in foetal rab- bits: ref IV vi 407 Vascular plants, phylogeny of IV vi 631 Vastus externus, Orang (pl.) IV vi 555 V. internus, Orang IV vi 555 Vaucheriacese, Toronto species Ill vn 271 Vaughan Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 665 Veddahs, Ceylon II ix 334 Vegetable. Analogy of Life and Func- tions in both Terrestrial and Marine, World II xi 192 Considerations respect- ing Anomalous, struc- tures. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II in 311 Diet II vn 364 Freezing of I I 142 Parchment II iv 327 On effect of sulphate of LIME UPON, SUBSTANCES. By Chevalier Claussen: reprint I II 70 Vegetation. Agent of erosion in forming Central Basin of Tennes- see Ill vn 90 Anticosti Island II in 328 Ser. Vol. Page Vegetation-Con. Fecundity of marine, in palaeozoic ages II xi 191 Rain, a source of nitro- gen in: reprint I II 9 Treatise on some insects in- jurious to. By Thaddeus Wm. Harris: reviewed... II vn 521 Velia or Elea in Lucania, silver coins from, in Cana- dian Institute II ix 106 Vella pseudo-cytisus, struc- ture of stamens in II v 338 Vellum, manufacture Ill v 199 Velvet-leaf, Canadian habi- tats II xv 175 Venation, in determining plants II xi 241 Venezuela. Depression which resembles one in Haiti IV viii 378 Dislocation that separated Trinidad from IV vm 141 Effect of deforestation on water supply in valley d'Aragua in I u 131 Venous System, Amiurus catus HI ii 428 Ventilation. Defects of I m 25 Importance of I in 25 Notes on II xv 645 Warming and ventilation of schools. By Neil Arnott I ill 101 Ventilating Car, of Sheriff Ruttan I in 69 Ventricles of Morgagni IV vi 516 Venus, shape of, determined by naked eye I in 215 Vera Pax, towns in IV vi 181 Veranderie M. de la. Overland expedition from Quebec, 1738, to discover Pacific Ocean II vm 412 Veratrine II i 82 Verbenacese. Barrie species II xv 48 Canadian species II xiv 296 Hamilton species Ill n 151 Localities Canadian species. II xiv 645 Verbs, Dene IV i 189 Veritas. Nom-de-plume of Hon. J. Richardson; selections from his criticisms of war of 1812 II xv 333 Vermes. Toronto tap water Ill i 425 Vermes in Grasshoppers. By Wm. Couper I ill 355 494 VER GENERAL INDEX VIC Ser. Vol. Page Vermilion. Antimonial II I 311 Vermillion iron range IV u 307 Verongia, reproduction II xv 422 Verrier, Mm. A. Pouchet and Experiments on migration of Entozoa II vu 372 Verrier, Le. Discovery of Neptune II vi 102 New Planet II v 213 Verrill. Glandular streaks in Paly- thoa ccesia: ref IV vi 390 Vertebrata. Articulata and; points of agreement and difference. II iv 281 Classes unrepresented in fossil condition; reason... II xm 382 L. Ontario II xm 506 Preservation of, for natural history specimens; notes on I I 175 Vertebrate animal bones, discovered by Sterry Hunt in Lower Silurian, Canada I i 122 Vertebrate life, result of in- crease of Calcium in ocean IV vu 536 Vertebrated animals, re- mains in Canadian rocks. II vm 33 Vesalius. " Resurrection Bone ": ref.. IV ix 48 Vesey Cape, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Vesicaria, Lam., Canadian localities of V. arctica, Richardson II xv 163 Vespertilio, catalogue of spe- cies found in United States II i 189 Vespertilio, Canadian lo- calities of V. lucifugus, Leconte Ill vi 91 V. noveboracensis II in 503 V. pruinosus, Rich Ill VI 91 V. subulatus, Say Ill vi 91 V. noveboracensis, Canadian specimen of I u 171 Vestiges of Creation, theory II v 374 Vesuvius. Description of, and sur- rounding country, with methods of travelling in 1853 I ii 237 Description of Eruption: reprint I in 293 Disturbances accompany- ing Eruption: reprint. . I in 293 Elevation of district sur- rounding, in eruption in 1794 II vu 125 Eruption of: reprint I in 293 Ser. Vol. Page Vesuvius-Con. Eruption of 1861, gases given out II vu 126 Flames observed in, due to combustion of gas given off by lava in cooling. ... II ix 280 Intervals between different eruptions of, since A.D. 79 I n 263 Memoranda of, and its NEIGHBOURHOOD. By Rev. H. Scadding In 237, 261 On some points connected WITH RECENT ERUPTION of: reviewed II vu 125 Vetlenacese, London species. II vm 229 Vetches. Canadian localities II xv 358 Influence of moon's rays on. II iv 223 Vetchling, localities Cana- dian species II xv 359 Vetires. Latin inscriptions to god, in Britain II x 99 Vetter. Myology of head and arches of some fish: ref Ill u 311 Vibraye, M. de. Some new proofs of Exist- ence OF MAN IN CENTRE of France when certain ANIMALS EXISTED THERE which do not now; re- print II ix 270 Vibrionidae II vi 457 Vicat, M. Result of some recent INVESTIGATIONS ON DE- STRUCTIVE ACTION WHICH Sea Water exerts on Silicates as mortars, CEMENTS AND PUOZZO- lanas: reprint I in 41 Vicia, Tourn, Canadian localities of V. americana, Muhl II xv 359 V. caroliniana, Walt....... II xv 359 V. cracca, L II xv 359 V. hirsuta, Koch '. II xv 359 V. sativa, L II xv 358 V. tetrasperma, L II xv 359 Vicramaditya IV iv 272 Victoria, Queen. Autograph II xiv 631 Victoria, Australia. Gold fields, 1852 I i 23 Victoria Bridge, Montreal. Material in II I 468 Report on. By Robert Stephenson: reviewed... II i 467 495 VIC PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE VIS Ser. Vol. Page Victoria Bridge, Montreal -Con. Victoria Bridge: reprint. I m 69 Victoria Bridge with PLAN, DESCRIPTION AND Robert Stephenson's Report I n 290 Victoria Co., Ont. Iron ores and charcoal smelting in HI i 266 Magnetic Iron Ores of. By W. Hamilton Merritt. Ill i 261 Victoria Gazette, B.C., 1858: reviewed II in 451 Victoria Iron Mine Ontario III i 263 Victoria Land, copper in.... IV ix 221 Victoria Ry., Ont., geology of district HI i 261 Village Community. Bibliography of Ill iv 62 Canadian examples 111 iv 65 Origin of 111 iv 62 Quebec examples Ill iv 66 Russian system Ill iv 62 Survivals of customs HI iv 64 Village Community in Modern Politics. By Wm. Houston Ill iv 61 Ville, M. Geo. Can Soda replace potash as A manure: reprint. . . II vi 50 Villus. Leucocytes in, of guinea pig IV vm 246 Parenchyma of, of guinea pig IV vm 246 Structure in guinea pig IV vm 245 Viloula Indians, British Columbia HI v 218 Vindobala, Roman name of Rutchester; evidence... . II xm 143 Vindolana. Notes on Latin Inscription found at II x 98 Roman name of Chester- holm: evidence II xm 147 Vines. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 244 Vine family, species yielding paper fibre... II xi 199 Vinegar. Manufacture of, its theory and practice. By Chas. M. Wetherill: reviewed.. II vi 183 Viola, Canadian localities of V. blanda, Willd II xv 165 V. canadensis, L II xv 166 V. canina, L II xv 166 V. cucullata, Aiton II xv 165 V. lanceolata, L II xv 165 V. palustris, L II xv 165 Ser. Vol. Page Viola-Con. V. primulaefolia, L II xv 165 V. pubescens, Aiton II xv 166 V. renifolia, Gray II xv 165 V. rostrata, Pursh II xv 166 V. sagittata, Aiton II xv 166 V. selkirkii, Pursh II xv 165 V. striata, Alton II xv 166 V. tricolor, L II xv 166 V. striata, Ait., Hamilton... Ill it 156 Vipers bugloss, in Canada... II xiv 284 Viradesthi, goddess, notes on Latin inscriptions to, found at Birrens II XIV 150 Violacese. Barrie species II xv 46 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species Ill n 146 Localities Canadian species II xiv 637 II xv 165 London species II vm 221 Violets. Localities Canadian species II xv 165 Suitable for flower gardens. IV in 129 Vireo. Hamilton species II v 392 Observations on Ontario species Ill vu 191, 195, 196 IV I 55 IV HI 71, 83, 84, 109 Virgil. Hades of Homer and of. By Neil Macnish II xv 646 Notes on Georgies B. Ill, v. 348 HI I 91 Virginia, local government system before Revolution IV vn 414 Virginia Deer, Canadian lo- calities HI vi 69 Virgin Islands, exports and products of (1859) II vn 142 Virgin of Candelaria IV vn 55 Virginian Creeper, Canadian localities II xv 352 Virginian Rail II vn 513 Virgin's Bower, Canadian localities II xv 51 Virgo, variable star near II i 198 Virgulina, Trinidad IV vm 387 Vision. Brewster's experiments on.. II n 269 Brewster's law analyzed.. . II n 269 Brewster's supposed law of Visible Direction. By Rev. G. Paxton Young II n 268 Brewster's theory criticized II n 271, 273 Defective, in Public Schools of Toronto. By Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson: abstract IV I 27 496 VIS GENERAL INDEX VOL Ser. Vol. Page Vision-Con. Extent to which receiv- ed THEORY REQUIRES US TO REGARD EYE AS A Camera Obscura. By George Wilson: reprint... I in 347 Function of indirect, and use of coloured and smoked eye glasses. By A. Kirschmann IV v 305 Indirect versus direct IV v 305 Influence of tobacco and alcohol on. By G. S. Ryerson: abstract Ill vi 18 Laws in monocular II n 268 Theory of I in 248 Young-Helmholtz three colour theory of IV vn 372 Visual education. Visual education as ap- plied to Geology. By Hawkins B. Waterhouse: reprint I in 9 Vitaceae. Barrie species II xv 47 Canadian species II xiv 292 Hamilton species HI n 147 Localities Canadian species II xiv 638 II xv 351 London species II vm 223 Vital phenomena. Chemical interpretation of. By J. B. Leathes... . IV ix 269 Vitires, notes on Latin In- scriptions to god, in Britain II x 99 Vitis, Tourn, Canadian habitats of. V. cordifolia, Michx II xv 351 Vitreous Alkaliferous sub- stances, behaviour with water at high tempera- tures II in 205 Vitrina pellucida, Magdalen R II iv 272 Vitrininse, generic characters II x 44 Vittariinse II xn 365 Vitulina II vi 188 Vivianite, tests; Canadian localities II vi 151 Viviparous Aphides. Researches on Develop- ment of. By Dr. W. J. Burnett: reprint I n 136 Voc of Quiches IV vi 116 Vocabulary. Alaskan dialects HI vi 314 Algonquin, Malay-Poly- nesian Ural-Altaic, Asiatic Hyperborean and Penin- sular Ill i 26 Ser. Vol. Page V ocabulary-Con. Canary Island dialects com- pared with Irish-Gaelic, Welsh and Basque IV vii 81 Comparative, of Dacotah and Peninsular Languages III I 202 Comparative, of Cherokee- Choctaw and Peninsular languages Ill i 192 Comparative, of Tungus and Tinneh Language Ill i 190 Comparative, of Wyandot- Iroquois and Peninsular languages Ill I 194 Eskimo. Ill iv 113 III vi 294 Eskimo and Indian com- parative Ill vi 318 Eskimo-Turanian Ill v 71 Eskimo-Turanian compara- tive. ..' ,.... Ill vi 323 Etruscan Ill in 244 Malay-Polynesian and Maya, comparative IV vi 232 Tschuakak Ill vi 312 Tungus and Dene compara- tive IV v 205 Tungus, Dene and Othomi comparative IV v 206 Vocal Language. On, of Lama Bridgeman. By Daniel Wilson II xi 113 Vogel, Dr. Explorations in Africa: reprint I ill 387 Meeting of Dr. Barth and. By Augustus Peter- man: reprint I ill 265 Vogel, F. Theory of origin of hail. ... II vui 36 Vogt, Dr. Carl. Cranial capacity of races: ref II xv 179 Diplectanum aequans: ref. . Ill I 66 Voigtite. Composition II I 484 Origin of name. II I 553 Volatile bases II i 82 Volcanic. Eruption in Sandwich Is- lands I I 18 Eruption of Mauna Loa.... I I 18 L. Superior in pre-Cambro- Silurian IV vi 50 Newly formed, Island in Caspian Sea: reprint... II vn 147 Overthrow on north shore of L. Superior I I 125 Rocks in L. Wendigokan region IV vui 345 497 VOL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE VO w Ser. Vol. Page Volcanic-Con. Structure of Lunar, Craters,. By Jos. Na- smyth: reprint I III 114 Upheaval in St. Kitts, W. Indies, in Pleistocene period IV vii 358 Volcanoes. Appearance of lava currents of Mount Eden, N. Z.... II n 359 Appearance of lava streams in N. Zealand II n 360 Flames observed in, often due to combustion of gas given off by lava in cool- ing II ix 280 Izalco II i 363 Mount Eden II n 358 On Theory of Igneous Rocks and. By T. Sterry Hunt: reprint. ... II III 201 Quill on Statia, W. Indies.. IV vu 357 Rangatoto, N. Z., activity of II ii 362 San Miguel II I 363 San Salvador II i 363 Theory of volcanic action. . II in 207 Tongeraro, N. Z II n 358 Volcano of Kilanea and Hawaiian Islands. By Henry Spencer Howell: abstract IV in 15 Volition, growth Ill v 15 Volkens. Calcium bicarbonate chief constituent of guttation drop: ref IV vn 262 Chemical composition of in- crustations on some leaves: ref IV vn 257 Volknerite, composition II i 484 Volta. Theory of origin of hail.... II vm 36 Volumetric. Volumetric System in Materia Medica. By Dr. W. B. Nesbitt HI v 163 Voluta junonia, found at depth of 130 metres II vi 518 Volvaria bombycina, Schseff, habits and On- tario habitats IV ix 73 Volvata, species of, in Notta- wasaga R. district II vi 497 Volvocacese, Toronto species III vu 271 Vomer, Amiurus Catus (pl.). HI n 277 Von Basch. Fat carried through adenoid tissue in channels: ref.... IV vm 249 Von Bibra. Constituents of gluten: ref.. IV vn 498 Ser. Vol. Page Von Buch, Leopold. Cystidea: ref I n 215 Cystidea totally destitute of arms: ref I n 269 Obituary I I 240 Von Clausewitz. Campaign of 1815: ref Ill iv 151 Von Damitz. Campaign of 1815: ref Ill iv 151 Von Freudenreich. Milk in udder free from bacteria: ref IV vn 471 Von Heider. General appearance of glan- dular streak: ref IV vi 395 General structure of mesen- terial filaments: ref IV vi 394 Mesenterial filaments: ref. . IV vi 389 Structure of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 391 Thickening of epithelium of glandular streak in Zo- anthus Chierchiae: ref.... IV vi 396 Von Ihering, Rudolf. Origin of gender: ref IV vi 70 Von Kraatz-Kaschlau and Wohler. Colouring matter in crystal- line minerals to a greater or less extent organic: ref. IV vm 508 Von Mohl, Hugo. Absorption of water by leaves: ref IV vn 243 Von Thanhofer. Action of striae in duodenum of winter frogs whose nerve roots been severed: ref IV vm 254 Von Wittich, Dr. Colour contrast results IV v 229 Voorhees, Osborne and. Constituents of gluten: ref. IV vn 499 Method of preparing glu- tenin: ref IV vn 504 Vortex. Vortex Water Wheel. By J. Thomson, C.E.: re- print I i 86 Vorticellse. Effect of cedar extract on, in streams IV vn 442 Effect of pure extracts on... IV vn 446 V. microstoma, Eherh (pl.). Ill i 308 Votan. Founder of Palenque IV vi 103 Vowel. Number, Nature and Musical Character of, Sounds. By Martin L. Rouse: abstract Ill m 58 Production in speaking. ... Ill vi 182 Unimportant in Dene IV iv 10 498 VRO GENERAL INDEX WAL Ser. Vol. Page Vrolik, W. Absence of canal for orbital muscles of Amiurus Catus: ref Ill ii 278 Vrolik. Coraco brachialis in Chim- panzee: ref IV vi 535 Fish bone classification: ref. Ill n 309 Laryngeal pouches of chim- panzee: ref IV vi 513 Omo-cervicalis in apes: ref. IV vi 527 Os centrale in Orang: ref. .. IV vi 545 Sesamoid bone in tendon of muscle: ref IV vi 544 Vuch, war god IV vi 183 Vulpes, Canadian localities of V. argentatus Ill vi 73 V. decussatus Ill vi 73 V. fuliginosus Ill vi 73 V. fulvus Ill vi 73 V. lagopus, Linn Ill vi 73 V. macrourus, Baird Ill vi 73 V. velox, Say Ill vi 73 V. vulgaris, Fleming Ill vi 73 V. lagopus, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 113 Vyse, Col. Pyramid directions deter- mined by stars IV in 193 Waahoo, Canadian habitats. II xv 353 Wabanaki Indians, love song of IV vi 342 Wabuscommong Lake, ga- zetteer notice (1813) II xiv 665 Wad, Gaspe Peninsula II v 466 Waddy, Australian aborigines use of II xii 448 Waders. Grallatores, or Stilted Birds. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II Xi 147 Hamilton frequenters II vi 134 True characteristics and limits of II xi 150 Wadsworth. Diorites of L. Superior con- tain garnets: ref Ill v 177 Polysmatic structure in Oli- vine: ref Ill v 176 Wady, Translation with notes of inscriptions from Wady Eufrea IV vi 253 Wady Guene IV vi 255 Wady Hebran IV vi 254 Wady Mokkateb IV vi 254, 257 Wady Sittere IV vi 265 Wagener. Teeth on hooks of Dacty- logyrus monenteron: ref.. Ill i 68 Ser. Vol. Page Wager. Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Wages. Wages. By W. A. Douglas: abstract Ill in 39 Wagite, chemical analysis of. II VII 151 Wagstaffe, W. W. Flexor longus pollicis ana- molies: ref IV vi 540 Wahbahoog II m 304 Wahbahnoowin II m 304 IV vi 288 WailakiIndians, habitat.... IV iv 16 Wailatpu-Molele, Eskimo and, vocabularies, com- parative Ill vi 319 Wainfleet Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 665 Waitz. Dialects of Alaska Eskimo: ref Ill vi 264 Walbaum O. Muscle of rachitic children examined for fatty de- generation: ref IV vin 403 Walchen See, proportional amounts of salts in water. IV vn 559 Walchner and Daubree. Analysis of mineral waters by I i 152 Walcott. North America during Cam- brian time: ref IV vn 154 Waldsteinia, Willd, Cana- dian localities of W. fragarioides, Tratt II xv 364 Wales. Solutions kill some plants and help others: ref IV vn 247 Wales. Ancient copper mines con- tain similar tools to those of Mound builders II i 228 Celtic settlement of IV v 64 Celts in IV n 206 Condition of people after Roman withdrawal IV v 68 Four ancient books of IV v 69 Gaelic topography of, and Isle of Man. By Rev. Neil McNish Ill n 181 Literature, extent of IV v 68 Myvyrian Archaeology... . IV v 68 Names of places in, of Gaelic origin... Ill n 181 Ogam inscriptions IV v 65 On Structure and Suc- cession of Lower ozic Rocks of North, AND PART OF SHROPSHIRE. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint I I 248 South Wales Ry. : reprint. I i 35 499 WAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE WAR Ser. Vol. Page Wales-Con. Thickness of ice of an- cient GLACIERS OF NORTH, AND GLACIATION of COUNTRY. By Prof. Ramsay: reprint I in 114 Wales and its Literature. By Neil MacNish IV v 64 Zimri traces in II xv 310 Walker, Sir Edmund. Presidential address on fiftieth anniversary of Canadian Institute IV vi 642 Walker, Sear C. Experiments on velocity of electric currents I n 82 Obituary I i 168 Walker, Prof. Rent; a criticism of his theory. By W. A. Doug- lass: abstract Ill iv 58 Wall Cress, Canadian species and localities II xv 64 Wallace, Alfred R. Malay features and charac- ters: ref Ill i 23 Objections to theory of "Definite numbers in Nature" II ix 236 Size of brain in relation to intelligence of savage races: ref II xv 187 Walla-Walla Indians. Character and customs.... II i 418 Country II i 418 Customs on receipt of bad war news II i 420 Notes on Travel among. By Paul Kane II i 417 Savagery of II i 422 Wallbridge, Thos. Camp- bell. On some Ancient Mounds UPON SHORES OF BAY OF Quinte II v 409 Wallich, Dr. Animal life in the sea; depth to which extends: ref.... II vi 107 Dictyochidse intermediate to Thalassicolla and sponges: ref II xv 418 Wallsend, Roman name Sege- dunum; evidence for. . .. II xm 140 Walmsley, John, Toronto.. II xm 434 Walnut, black, Canadian. .. II vi 39 Walnut Area, Canada IV vm 24 Walpole, Horace. Copy of Hesperides of Fer- rarius owned by him now owned by Dr. Scadding; history of Book II xiv 323 Ser. Vol. Page Walpole Tp. Gazetteer notice (1813).... II xiv 665 Orthis Livia in II v 267 Walrus. Canadian localities Ill Vi 77 Described IV ill 304 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 117 Walsh. Cecidomyia triticoides, Walsh: ref IV ix 322 Euura S. gemma, Walsh: ref. IV ix 328 Euura S. ovum, Walsh: ref. IV ix 329 Feeding habits of larvae of Diptera: ref IV ix 362 Pontania desmodioides, Walsh: ref IV ix 332 Pontania pisum, Walsh: ref. IV ix 330 Pontania pomum, Walsh: ref IV ix 331 Walsingham, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 213 Walsingham Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 Walther. Fish bone classification... . Ill n 309 Wamera II i 269 Wamitikgoshe II m 307 Wapanachki IV vi 286 Wapiti Ill vi 69 Wapose Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 Wappattoo, vegetable used by Chinooks I in 275 War of 1812. British advantage owing to control of L. Erie by fleet. IV vi 362 Comparative statement of both squadrons at battle on L. Erie IV vi 378 Condition of British vessels on L. Erie at time of naval action IV vi 377 Contest for Command of L. Erie in 1812-13. By Lt.-Col. Ernest Cruikshank IV vi 359 Naval conditions on Lakes previous to war IV vi 359 Preparations to improve fleets on Lakes by both parties IV vi 360 Warbler, Mourning, Listowel visitor IV in 72 Warblers. Hamilton species II v 389 Observations on Ontario species Ill m 96 III vii 191, 192, 193, 195 IV i 56 IV in 71, 72, 74, 75, 80, 83, 107, 108, 109 Ward. Discovery of B. fluorescens liquefaciens in udders.... IV Vii 477 500 WAR GENERAL INDEX WAT Ser. Vol. Page Ward, Moore and. Bacteria in udder: ref IV vu 472 Warington R. On Preserving Balance between Animal and Vegetable Organisms in Sea Water: reprint.. I n 308 Warren, Dr. J. C. Notice of Mastodon Gi- ganteus of: reprint. .. . I i 230 Warrington, W. B. Yellowish pigment in nerve cells: ref IV vi 416 Warsaw. Number bacteria in milk supply IV vu 468 Washburn, Mrs., Toronto.. II xm 111 Washington, Geo. Autograph letter on inci- dents during War of Independence II xiv 123 Washington, D. C. Amount filth in milk supply IV vu 467 Washoe process IV iv 364 Washquarter, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 666 Wasserman. Immunity of milk of im- mune animals: ref IV vu 480 Water. Absorption by foliage leaves: expts. IV vu 248 Absorption by leaves; his- torical resume IV vu 241 Arago's theory of colour of. II vm 45 Biological study of tap water in School of Science, Toronto. By Geo. A. Acheson Ill i 413 Circumstances under which ground, can be obtained pure IV i 159 Condensation before first ocean basin formed IV vu 543 Constitution of ground water IV i 154 Desmidiacese species in Toronto tap water Ill i 416 Diatomacese species in Tor- onto tap water Ill i 415 Investigation into EFFECTS OF, AND AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF SOME OF COMMON INORGANIC SUB- STANCES ON FOLIAGE LEAVES. By Jas. B. Dan- deno IV vu 237 Metazoa species in Toronto tap water Ill i 425 Newton's theory of colour of II vm 44 Ser. Vol. Page Water-Con. Notes on apparent uni- versality OF PRINCIPLE ANALOGOUS TO REGELA- ION, ON PHYSICAL NA- TURE OF GLASS AND ON PROBABLE EXISTENCE OF WATER IN STATE CORRE- SPONDING TO THAT OF glass. By Ed. W. Bray- ley: reprint II vi 63 On Colour of. By W. Beetz: reprint II vm 42 Phycochromacese species in Toronto tap water Ill i 418 Protozoa species in Toronto tap water Ill i 421 Report on Development of Heat in Agitated. By G. Rennie: reprint... II m 53 Schizophytse species in Tor- onto tap water Ill i 418 Source of Ground water.... IV i 149 Some Points in Natural History of Ground Waters. By P. H. Bryce IV i 149 Tests of purity of, in Arte- sian wells in Berlin (Ger.) IV I 160 Tests on purity of, from effluent of sewage system London Asylum IV i 166 Test of purity in kettle wells in Berlin (Ger.).... IV i 164 Typhoid Bacillus in re- lation TO DRINKING water. By J. J. Mac- kenzie: abstract IV ii 11 Water Colour. Hints to the beginner. .. I i 79 Water-Cress, Canadian spe- cies and localities II xv 62,65 Waterfowl, how caught in China IV iv 105 Water-gas. Application of, for heating machines for preparing and combing wool I i 17 Coal gas and I i 78 Water glass, uses of I m 107 Waterhens II xi 158 Water Lily, Canadian locali- ties II xv 59 Waterlime deposits, Thorold II v 507 Water-milfoil, Canadian localities II xv 550 Water nymph, Canadian species and localities II xv 59 Water Penny-Wort, Cana- dian localities II xv 554 Water power. Water power of Quebec. By Lieut. D. Ashe I m 327 501 WAD PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE WED Ser. Vol. Page Water supply. Affected by deforestation. . I n 131 Importance of, in Cho- lera: reprint I III 264 Water Thrush, Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 120 Water-wheel. Large water wheel: re- print I in 149 Vortex water wheel. By J. Thomson: reprint. ... I I 86 Waterworks. Description of, at Fair mount I in 260 Waterworks in United States. By Jacob Hough- ton, C.E I in 259 Water vessels, Dene IV iv 124 Waterloo. Battle of Ill iv 169 Episodes in battle of II xn 243 Waterson, W. J. M. On Dynamical Sequences in Kosmos: reprint I n 68 Watson. Salmon of Lake Champlain and its tributaries, effect of sawdust on: ref IV vn 428 Watson, Loveland and. Examined milk supply of Middletown, Conn., and Madison, Wis., for bac- teria IV vn 469 Watson, J. J. W. Inventor of battery to give electric light and paints as a by product I I 243 Watson, Warren. Controversy over missing slab of Tablet of Cross. . . IV vi 217 Watson Lake, Ont. Iron range IV vm 355 Topography IV vm 344 Wattle, used by Dene.. IV iv 84, 186, 196 Watt's process, for treating flax I I 88 Waub-Ojeeg. Battle Song of IV vi 306 Chippewa chief IV vi 305 Waveney River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 Wawa tuffs, Michipicoten region IV vm 351 Wax-Paper. Photography-Wax-Paper process: reprint I n 139 Process in photography.... I III 34 Waxwing. Hamilton species II v 393 Observations on Ontario species Ill vn 201 IV I 40,53 IV in 70,98,99 Ser. Vol. Page Wax-Wing, Bohemian, Habits of Ontario visitors III in 89 Wax-Wing, European, Tor- onto winter bird I i 171 Wax-work, Canadian locali- ties II xv 352 Way, Albert. Inscription to Britannicus on pigs of lead in Britain: at ref II vn 38 Roman Inscriptions on metallurgic relics found in Britain: ref II vi 410 Weal Tribe, Australian Abo- rigines II I 254 Wealth. Distribution of, as re- lated TO PRODUCTION. By W. A. Douglass: ab- stract IV i 14 Metallic, of United States: ref I in 45 Political and Social: re- print I in 32 Relationship between quan- tity, and value (Chart).. IV viii 308 Wealth and its Measure- ment. By W. A. Doug- lass: abstract Ill vn 7 Weapons. Ancient. By Fraas: ref.... IV iv 42 Australian aborigines' II I 269 Stone and Bone, used by Ethiopians IV iv 42 Weasel. Canadian localities Ill vi 74 Dene's use of its skin IV iv 177 Weather. Late Remarkable Wea- ther in England (win- ter, 1853-54): reprint... I u 208 On recent cold, and Crystals of Snow ob- served DURING ITS CON- TINUANCE. By Jas. Glai- sher I in 232 Snow crystals during cold. . I in 232 Weaving. Dene IV iv 134, 156 Dene, of spruce roots IV iv 134 Webber. Antherozoids of Cycadese: ref IV v 276 Weber. Pancreas of Amiurus: ref... Ill n 413 Webster, Daniel. Brain weight of II xv 209 Wedding. Action of light on cows fed on buckwheat: ref IV vm 103 502 WED GENERAL INDEX WES Ser. Vol. Page Wedges. Dene bone IV iv 75 Dene stone IV iv 47 Weed, Jamestown weed around Toronto I i 205 Weekes, of Toronto. Election in 1804 II xn 516 Reminiscences II xni 85 Weidel. Andricus corticis, Hart: ref. IV ix 322 Elements of protective zone of galls IV ix 357 Enclosing of larva by tissues of host: ref IV ix 359 Ferments produced by lar- vae of Cynipidae: ref IV ix 366 Ontogenetic work on neu- roterus: ref IV ix 298 Weight. Standards of Length and: reprint I n 97 Weigmann. Bacilli in Holland Cheese: ref IV vn 109 R61e of lactic acid bacteria in ripening of cheese IV vn 115 Weirs, Dene method of con- structing IV iv 84 Weld, Isaac. Niagara or Newark in 1795- 97 IV I 73 Observations on rise and fall of levels of Gt. Lakes: ref. I n 294 Weldon. Suprarenal bodies in Amiu- rus: ref HI n 439 Welland Canal. History up to 1865 II x 270 Report on (1852) I I 91 Wellington, Duke of. Autograph letter to Sir Robert Peel on public affairs II xiv 347 Campaign of 1815 Ill iv 149 Well, Artesian, deepest in world I in 70 Tests of purity of water in, in Berlin (Ger.) IV i 160 Wells Frozen. Description and Theory of. By Prof. Agassiz: reprint I in 355 Wells, kettle, tests of purity of water in, in Berlin (Ger.) IV I 165 Wellbeloved. Latin inscription on coffin at York translated: ref II iv 173 Welsh. America colonized by, in 1170; tradition II I 228 Cimbri, origin of HI n 187 Ser. Vol. Page Welsh-Con. Connection with Onam family II xiv 564 Coptic article in; examples. II xni 413 Eisteddfoddan IV v 66 Poems almost same as old Irish poems IV in 218 Relation to Guanche IV vn 37 Translation (first) of Bible into.. IV v 73 Words in Quicha IV vn 42 Vocabulary of Canary Island dialects compared with. . IV vn 81 Wenckebach. Origin of Haematoblasts in Amphibian Embryo: ref. IV n 250 Wendigokan. Geology of Lake, region. By Elwood S. Moore.... IV vm 341 Wendigokan. See L. Wen- digokan. Wenitagouk, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 666 Wernerite II v 529 Wesaketchak IV vi 310 Wesley, John. Autograph letter II xv 542 West Bay, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 West Bay, Great, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 West Indian and North American Gazetteer, 1759 II xv 24 West Indies. Basin between St. Croix and St. Thomas, 15,000 ft. deep; peculiarities of. . . . IV vn 369 Bibliography of Geology and Palseontology IV vm 373 British, Colonies in 1859: reprint II vn 136 Denudation period in IV v 333 Elevation epoch in IV v 335 Erosion valleys in IV vn 369 General changes of level of land and sea in IV vn 368 Geological connections of Caribean region. By R. J. Lechmere Guppy. . IV vm 373 Late formations and GREAT CHANGES OF LEVEL in Jamaica. By J. W. Spencer.. IV v 325 Pliocene, Miocene and Eo- cene formations in IV vm 381 Spaniards' cruelties to na- tives of Ill vn 261 Windward Islands of. By J. W. Spencer IV vn 351 West Kennet, Crania II vn 425 503 WES PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE WHI Ser. Vol. Page West Lake, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 666 Western Denes. See Denes. Western District, The, gazetteer notice (1813)... II xiv 666 Western Plains group, Can- adian flora IV vm 26 Westminster Review, No. CXXXV, Jan. 1858: re- viewed II in 137 Westminster Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 Westrup's Patent Coni- cal Flour Mill, with Plate I i 245 Wetherill, Chas. M. Manufacture of Vinegar; its theory and practice: re- viewed H vi 183 Some experiments upon COFFEE AS A BEVERAGE: reprint I HI 316 Weyl and Bischoff . Theory of formation of glu- ten: ref IV vn 511 Weymouth, Reid. Epithelial cells of intestine absorb fluids under nega- tive osmotic pressure: ref. IV vm 253 Whale. Fisheries in the Arctic re- gions I I 118 Whale fishery at Marble Island HI iv 194 Whale Right, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 118 Whale, White, Prince of Wales Sound HI v 119 Wheat. Aleuron layer of IV vn 513 Canadian export of, from 1838-52 I ii 21 Chemistry of, gluten. By Geo. G. Nasmith IV vn 497 Chemistry of, gluten; biblio- graphy IV vn 516 Methods of storing.. ....... I II 107 Insects and Diseases injuri- ous to, crop. By H. Y. Hind, M .A.: reviewed.. . II n 442 Milling of I ii 108 Milling properties of Cana- dian I ii 108 On Gluten of I II 312 On proximate principles of bran of I II 313 Origin I I Hl Phosphorus in IV VII 501 Soda cannot replace potash in II vi 53 Transportation of I ii 108 Wheat from Asgilops: re- print I in 308 Ser. Vol. Page Wheel. Large water wheel: re- print I in 149 Whewell, Prof. Asteroids: ref I in 208 Autograph with brief bio- graphy II xiv 611 Brain weight of II xv 209 On material helps of Edu- cation I in 65 Whip-poor-Will. Hamilton species II v 389 II vi 14 Observations on Ontario visitors Ill vii 191 IV in 89, 107 Whirlpool. Gazetteer notice (1813)... . II xiv 212 Niagara: origin IV vn 13 Whiskey Jack, Toronto I i 169 Whistles, Dene ceremonial. . IV iv 81 Whistler. Nom-de-plume of Mr. Somerville; selections from writings II xv 273 Whitby, Ont. Note on New species of Triarthrus from Utica slate of. By J. F. Smith, Jr II vi 275 Whitby Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 667 White, Alfred. Traversing stage microscope II n 277 White, J. Duel with John Small, Toronto II xn 515 White Bear, Canadian lo- calities Ill vi 77 White-Bellied Swallow, habits of Ontario visitors. Ill in 93 Whitechurch Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 White Fish Bay, intrusions of gneiss in schists (pl.). . HI IV 119 Whitefish Island, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 WThitefish Lake, Ont., iron range of IV vin 354 White Fox, Canadian localities III vi 73 "Whitehead, Col. M. F., Port Hope II xiii 84 White Horse, Yukon. Climate IV vm 291 Meteorological observations IV vm 291 Whitehouse, O. W. Law of Squares. Is it applicable or not to TRANSMISSION OF SIGNALS IN SUBMARINE CIRCUITS: reprint II II 113 504 WHI GENERAL INDEX WIL Ser. Vol. Page White Mountains. Notes of short tour from Montreal to Portland and White Mountains: reprint I n 58 White Mustard, Canadian localities II xv 161 White pine area, Canada... IV vm 24 White River, Ont., mean temperature and precipi- tation IV ix 152 White rumped Sandpiper, Prince of Wales Sound. .. Ill v 121 White spruce area, Canada. IV vm 25 White wolf, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 72 White wood. Canadian II vi 40 Canadian localities II xv 58 Whiting Col. Periodical rise and fall of Gt. Lakes: ref I u 295 Whitlow grass, localities Canadian species II xv 162 Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass: reviewed.. II I 546 Whitney, Prof. Basque origin of American languages: ref Ill v 69 Grammatical gender: ref. . . Ill vu 216 Human skull and other re- mains of great antiquity found in California: ref. . II xv 560 Whitty, Dr. On Silurian Anthracite of Cavan I in 173 Whittlesey, Col. Chas. Ancient Miners of Lake Superior I i 106, 132 Levels of L. Erie, 1852 I u 62 North American Lakes: reprint II in 87 Observations on variations in Levels of Gt. Lakes... In 298 Whitwell, Richard. Robin wintering in Toronto I I 260 Whooping Crane, identical with Sandhill Crane II iv 267 Widmark. Chemical rays of sun cause of sun burn: ref IV vm 103 Rays that cause sun burn: ref IV vm 105 Widmer, Dr., in early days of Toronto II xn 153 Widow, position among Denes III vu 145 Wieler and Hartleb, effects of hydrochloric acid on assimilation of plants: ref. IV vn 246 Wigate, John. Coppermine country: ref... IV ix 208 Wigs. Dene ceremonial IV iv 173 Ser. Vol. Page Wil D'Leina. Nom-de-plume of Daniel Wilson; selections from poems II xv 456 Wilberforce, Bishop. Autographs and brief com- ments on II xiv 601 Wild Animals. Destruction of, and MEANS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN FOR THEIR PRESER- VATION. By J. B. Wil- liams: abstract Ill iv 142 Wild Balsam Apple, Cana- dian localities II xv 554 Wild-Cat, Canadian localities III vi 72 Wild Ginger, Canadian habi- tats and characters II vi 278 Wild Mustard, Canadian lo- calities II xv 161 Wild Radish, localities Cana- dian species II xv 164 Wilde, Sir W. R. Contemporaneity of man and Megaceros in Ireland: ref. Ill I 219 Wilder. Development of Desmog- nathus: ref IV viii 485 Widder, Commissioner. Canada West, Informa- tion FOR INTENDING Emigrants I in 267 Widder, Fred, of Canada Co. Autograph letter concerning railway enterprises II xiv 111 Incubation of Desmogna- thus eggs: ref IV vm 474 Method of attaching Des- mognathus eggs to stock: ref IV vm 475 Plethodon cinereus: ref.... IV vm 469 Plethodon and eggs habitat: ref IV vm 474 Wildman, Mr. Experimental Observa- tions ON AN ELECTRIC cable: reprint I in 366 Wilgress, G. S., B.A. Game Laws of Ontario: abstract IV in 29 Wilkinson. On "Fire Arms": reprint. I i 216 Wilkinson, Sir Gardner. Emblem of dove in its mythological connections: ref II xiv 413 Origin of Caphtorim II xm 531 Will. Organism that furnish gly- cerine radicle necessary for synthesis of neutral fat: ref IV vm 257 505 WIL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE WIL Ser. Vol. Page Willcocks, Wm., Toronto... II xm 112 Wille. Nucleus in Tolypothrix la- nata: ref IV Vi 441 Willem Functions of mesenterial filaments: ref IV vi 388 Function of epithelium of glandular streak: ref.... IV vi 396 William III (of Orange). Excerpts from folio showing medals, etc., in his honour II xiv 321 Williams, J. B. Arrival of Spring Birds in Toronto HI vn 189 Birds recently added to Museum IV i 11 Destruction of wild ANIMALS AND MEANS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN FOR their preservation: ab- stract HI iv 142 Migration of evening Grosbeak in 1890 IV in 181 Williamsburgh Tp., gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 64, 667 Williamson, A. E. A PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION of Genus Helix II vm 343 Note on Land and Fresh Water Shells collect- ed IN ENVIRONS OF TOR- ONTO II vi 327 Williamson, Rev. Jas. Donati's Comet of 1858; Canadian observations on II in 486 Longitude of Kingston. . I in 82 Willis, Lady Mary, Toronto. II xn 237 Willoughby Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 Willow. Effects of water and nutrient solutions upon developing buds of, twigs: expts IV vn 339 Species yielding paper fibre II xi 199 Willow-Herb. Canadian localities II xv 551 Dene method of eating IV iv 129 Willow, white, Canadian. . . II vi 39 Willson, David, Newmarket. II xm 570 Willson, David, Toronto.... II xn 234 Willson, Jas. L. and Chas. Robb. Metals in Canada: reviewed II vi 486 Wilson. American birds: ref II vi 8 Wilson, Dr. A. Hydrocyanic acid as anti- dote in chloroform poison- ing: ref IV vn 219 Ser. Vol. Page Wilson, Alfred W. G. Forty mile section of PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS north of L. Ontario. .. IV vm 11 Physical Geology of On- tario IV vii 139 Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta. History of his copy of Luther's Commentary on Second Psalm which Dr. Scadding possesses II xiv 342 Wilson, Dr. Chas. History and distribution of beaver: ref II iv 361 Wilson, Sir Daniel. Alexander Gordon, the Antiquary II xiv 9 Alexander Gordon, the ■ Antiquary; supplemen- tary notice II xv 122 American Literary for- geries II xii 134 An Ancient haunt of Cervus Megaceros or great Irish deer HI i 207 Ancient Miners of Lake Superior II i 225 Brain Weight and size in RELATION TO RELATIVE CAPACITY OF RACES II XV 177 Correspondence with Jas. Barnard Davis on "Ar- tificial OCCIPITAL FLAT- TENING of Ancient Crania II vm 76 Discovery of Indian Re- mains, Norfolk Co., Ont. II i 511 Displacement and Extinc- tion AMONG PRIMEVAL RACES OF MAN II I 4 Early notices of Beaver in Europe and America. II iv 359 Ethnical Forms and Un- designed Artificial Distortions of Human Cranium II vn 399 Genius of Scott; address given at Scott Centen- ary II xiii 341 Higher Education for Woman II xn 308 Historical Footprints in America II ix 289 Huron Race and its Head Forms II xm 113 Hybridity and Absorption IN RELATION TO RED IN- DIAN RACE II xiv 432 Illustrations of Signifi- cance of Certain An- cient British Skull Forms II vm 127 506 WIL GENERAL INDEX WIL Ser. Vol. Page Wilson, Sir Daniel-Con. Illustrative Examples of SOME MODIFYING ELE- MENTS AFFECTING ETHNIC SIGNIFICANCE OF PECU- LIAR Forms of Human Skull II vi 414 Inquiry into Physical Characteristics of An- cient and Modern Celt of Gaul and Britain.. . II ix 369 Lefthandedness II xv 465 Narcotic Usages and Superstitions of the Old and New World. .. II ii 233, 324 Notice of Remarkable Memorial horn; pledge OF TREATY WITH CREEK Nation, 1765 Ill I 255 Notice of Skull brought from Kertch, Crimea . . II v 321 Observations suggested by Specimens of a class of Conchological Re- lics of Red Indian Tribes of Canada West I in 155 On Vocal Language of Laura Bridgeman II xi 113 Presidential Address for 1861 II vi 101 President's Address Cana- dian Institute, 1860.... II v 109 Primeval Dexterity HI in 125 Quigrich II iv 429 Race Head-forms and their Expression by Measurements II xn 269 Remarks on Intrusion of Germanic Races on Area of Older Keltic Races of Europe I n 246 Remarks on some Coin- cidences between Pri- mitive Antiquities of Old and New World. .. In 213 Richard Corinensis; a LITERARY MASKING OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. . . II XII 177 Righthandedness. II xm 193 Science in Rupert's Land II vn 336 Some Associations of Can- adian and English Maple I in 380 Some Ethnographic Pha- ses of Conchology II in 377 Southern Shores of Lake Superior II i 344 Supposed evidence of ex- istence of Inter-Gla- cial American Man. ... II xv 557 Ser. Vol. Page Wilson, Sir Daniel-Con. Supposed prevalence of one Cranial Type THROUGHOUT AMERICAN Aborigines v II n 406 Interpretation of Latin in- scription on altar at Birrens II in 220 Nom-de-plume Wil D'Leina; with selections from poems II xv 456 Obituary IV iv 223 Wilson, Dr. Discovery of Wilsonite by.. I in 100 Wilson, E. B. Mesenterial filaments in Al- cyonaria: ref IV Vi 398 Wilson, Rev. Ed. F. Formation of a Society TO BE CALLED "CANADIAN Indian Research and Aid Society" IV i 8 Wilson, G. E., M.B. Absorption of fat in INTESTINE IV VIII 241 Wilson, Prof. George, Edin. On Electric Fishes as earliest Electrical Machines employed by Mankind: reprint II in 58 On extent to which re- ceived Theory of Vision REQUIRES US TO REGARD Eye as Camera Obscura : reprint I in 347 Appointed Director of In- dustrial Museum of Scot- land I in 269 Obituary notice II v 62,126 Researches on Colour-blind- ness and dangers of Rail- way and Marine Coloured Signals: reviewed II l 146 What is Technology: re- viewed II I 53 Wilson, H. V. Ectodermal origin of glan- dular streaks of Manicina: ref IV vi 403 Wilson, Jas., F.R.S.E. Obituary II I 398 Wilson, John, F.R.S. Agriculture of French Exhibition: reviewed... II I 140 Wilson, Prof. Mints of United States: reprint I in 128 Wilson, Rob. Alex. New History of Conquest of Mexico: reviewed II v 442 Wilson, Stillwell, Toronto.. II xm 433 507 WIN WIL PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE Ser. Vol. Page Wilsonite. Analysis of I in 100 Characteristics II v 531 Winchell, A. Batrachoides nidificans: ref. IV I 213 Winchester Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 Wind. Abnormal variations in Temperature at Toronto (1854-62) according to direction of II ix 112 Abnormal variation of baro- metric pressure at Tor- onto according to direc- tion of II ix 115 Abnormal variations in hu- midity at Toronto with, direction II ix 118 Abnormal variations in Cloudiness at Toronto (1853-59) with, direction. II ix 119 Annual distribution of different winds with re- spect to duration at Toronto (1854-59) II ix 13 Atmospheric Currents at Liverpool II H 112 Chinook IV v 51 Direction and rainfall (1853- 59) Toronto II ix 241 Diurnal distribution of diff- erent winds with respect to duration at Toronto (1854-59)... . II ix 15 Flora distribution through agency of IV vm 28 Mean velocities of, different hours at Toronto from 1854 to 1859........... II ix 12 Mean velocities of, in differ- ent directions (1854-59) at Toronto II ix 13 On abnormal variations of some of meteorological elements at Toronto and their relations to direction of wind. By G. T. King- ston II IX 109 On Annual and Diurnal Distribution of differ- ent, at Toronto. By G. T. Kingston II ix 10 On changes of barometric PRESSURE AND PRESSURE OF VAPOUR THAT ACCOM- PANY DIFFERENT, AT Toronto. By G. T. King- ston II xii 303 On Effect of, on Inten- sity of Sound. By Prof. G. G. Stokes: reprint.... II hi 51 Ser. Vol. Page Wind-Con. On, of Western Coast of United States from Ob- servations IN CONNEC- TION with Coast Survey. By A. D. Bache II III 72 On relative durations of different, during rain OR SNOW, DERIVED FROM Toronto Observations, 1853-59. By G. T. King- ston II ix 240 Resultant directions of, in different hours at Toronto from 1854 to 1859 II ix 11 Resultant and mean, veloci- ties in different months from 1854 to 1859 at Toronto II ix 11 Resultant directions in different months from 1854 to 1859 at Toronto. II ix 11 Results at Toronto II v 238 St. Martin Isle Jesus, results for 1858 II iv 265 St. Martin Isle Jesus, results for 1859 II v 311 Toronto results for 1860. . . II vi 211 Windflower, Canadian locali- ties II xv 51 Windham Tp., Norfolk Co. Corniferous Limestone in... II vi 296 Fossils found in II vi 295 Gazetteer notice (1813)... . II xiv 667 Notes on Geology of. By J. DeCew .. II vi 295 Oriskany Sandstone in II vi 295 Windsor. Climate Ill n 208 Longitude determined II iv 459 Mean monthly temperature III ii 210 Windward Islands. Cloud bursts on IV vn 357 General changes of level of land and sea IV vn 368 History of, and how to reach them IV vn 351 Windward Islands of West Indies. By J. W. Spencer IV vn 351 Wines. Treatment of Foreign Wines: reprint I n 7 Winkler, W. Character of Tyrothrix: ref. IV vn 108 Origin of gender IV vi 71 Winnebagoes. Original home Ill v 61 Pipes II ii 332 508 WIN GENERAL INDEX woo Ser. Vol. Page Winnipeg basin. Ancient beaches in IV vi 56 In post tertiary times IV vi 52 Winslow, Dr. C. F. Human skull of great an- tiquity found in California by II xv 560 Winter. At Halifax, 1760 II xv 531 Birds seen at Toronto in. .. HI vn 198 Hudson's Strait IV v 111 Report of Evening Gros- beak in Ontario in, 1889-90 IV in 111 Winter Phenomena in St. Lawrence: reprint I n 75 Wintergreen, suitable for flower gardens IV in 128 Wire, extraordinary length of single piece of copper wire I I 262 Wisconsin. Driftless area in II ix 257 IV vi 59 Extracts from Dr. Owen's report on geology of I n 22 Report of Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and portion of Nebraska. By D. D. Owen, U.S. Geologist; extracts from. . I n 79, 101 Wisdom. Penny Wisdom I i 103 Wislicenus, Fick and. Source of muscular power: ref II xi 251 Witch-hazel. Canadian localities II vi 279 II xv 550 Characters II vi 279 Witherite, blowpipe reactions of II in 517 Wittlin. Character of Tyrothrix: ref. IV vn 109 Wittram, M. Chromosphere in 1896 eclipse: ref IV vi 346 Wixipecocha, prophet of Oaxacans IV vi 170 Wiyatao, head of Yopaa. ... IV vi 170 Wohler. Compound of H2S and H2O; obtained: ref II 1 126 Synthesis of urea IV ix 271 Wolf. Canadian localities HI vi 72 Prince of Wales Sound HI v 112 Wolfe Island gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 667 Wolff, Jos. Autograph letter on himself II xv 544 Wolfe's Cove, Toronto II xn 168 Ser. Vol. Page Wolford Tp., gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 667 Wolfram. Analysis of Canadian II v 303 Drawing of Canadian speci- men II i 308 Specimen found near Orillia II i 74 Tantalic Acid in II vi 300 Wollaston. Character sketch of II n 377 Wollaston Medal, conferred on Sir W. E. Logan (1856) II i 307 Wollaston Medals, awards for 1858 II in 163 Wollastonite. Artificial production of II in 205 Canadian II vi 435 Characters II v 528 II vi 435 Wolverene. Canadian localities Ill vi 74 Prince of Wales Sound Ill v 113 Women. Notes on early develop- ment of Aboriginal, in All Latitudes. By Percy W. P. Mathews Ill IV 181 University degrees for, in England II vn 386 Wood, Alexander, Toronto.. II xn 339 Wood, Prof. Alphonso. Species of Spruce Ill vi 173 Wood, Capt. Northeast passage in Arctic Ocean; voyage of discov- ery, 1676 I i 118 Wood, Prof. Comparative study of mus- culature of man and lower animals: ref IV vi 592 Wood, H. R. Contributions to Canadian Mineralogy: abstract.... IV iv 226 Wood, Dr. H. C. Effect of chloroform on respiration and circulation of dog: ref IV vn 200 Wood, Herbert R. Kamanistiquia Silver bear- ing belt Ill vn 245 Wood, J. Coracobrachialis in Mam- malia: ref IV vi 534 Pectoralis minor attach- ments in man: ref IV vi 533 Wood and Cerna. Atropine strengthens re- spiration: ref IV vn 227 509 WOO PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE WOR Ser. Vol. Page Wood. Classification of differ- ent VARIETIES OF CANA- DIAN (list) I in 292 Wood. Direct Nature-printing from. By Felix Abate: reprint I in 332 In Arctic I n 111 Woods. List of, of N. America I i 74 Manufacture of illuminating gas from I i 165 Paper from : reprint I in 19 Wood alcohol, manufacture in Canada IV vm 164 Wood Buffalo. Wood Buffalo. By E. E. T. Seton Ill in 114 Wood Fibre. Paper from : reprint I n 194 Wood Hare, Canadian loca- lities Ill vi 83 Woods, Lake of the, gazet- teer notice (1813) II xiv 668 Wood Rat, Bushy-tailed, Canadian localities Ill vi 79 Wood's silver location II xn 223 Wood silicified. Fragment from Colorado petrified forest believed to be produced by axe... II xiv 350 On remarkable fragment of, from Rocky Mts. By H. A. Nicholson and W. H. Ellis. II xiv 348 Wood Wagtail, Hamilton species II v 391 Woods and Carter. Respiratory centres very insensitive to lowering of blood supply: ref IV vn 204 Woodbine, Canadian habitats II xv 352 Woodchuck, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 88 Woodcock II xi 159 Woodcock, American, Tor- onto IV in 107 Woodhouse, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 212 Woodhouse Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 668 Woodland Caribou, Cana- dian localities Ill vi 68 Wood-Louse. Anatomy of. By Frank T. Shutt: abstract Ill in 293 Woodpeckers. Dene's use of IV iv 177 Dene use of feathers IV iv 177 Hamilton species II v 393 Ser. Vol. Page W oodpeckers-Con. Observations on Ontario species Ill in 99 III vii 186, 191, 193, 201 IV i 48, 60 IV in 79, 80, 107 Toronto winter birds I i 171 Woodpecker, little Geor- gian, specimen captured in Ontario II iv 388 Woodpeckers (Red Headed and Arctic three toed), Hamilton frequenters.... II vi 133 Wood-sorrel, Canadian lo- calities II xv 350 Woodstock. Rhynocouella Thalia of Corniferous II v 272 Streptorphyncus Pandora.. II v 266 Wood-thrush. Hamilton frequenters II vi 16 Ontario visitors Ill in 99 Toronto • Ill vn 184 IV I 56 Wood-warblers, Hamilton frequenters II vi 15 Wood-warbler, Cape May, Hamilton frequenters.... II vi 16 Woodward, S. P. Mollusca indicate connec- tion between South Amer- ica and Africa: ref IV vm 375 Wood-wool, from pinus sil- vestris I n 34 Wookey-Hole Cave. Description of, and relics, bones, etc., in II vn 378 On Hyaena-Den at. By W. Boyd: reprint II vn 377 Wool. ' Colouring by Murexide: reprint I in 17 Sanitary properties of I n 22 Water gas used to heat machines for preparing and combing I I 17 Wood, from pinus silvestris. I n 34 Woollen Industry, Ireland.. I I 270 Wooster, Gen. Passports to Montreal mer- chants refused, 1776 IV iv 299 Worcester, Marquis of, steam engine of I i 220 Words. Nature of Roots and Words. By W. H. Van der Smissen II xv 509 Wordsworth, Christopher. Autograph and brief com- ments II xiv 614 510 WOR GENERAL INDEX XAN Ser. Vol. Page Wordsworth, W. Autograph letter about his poems II xiv 481 Working Classes, public amusements of II vn 385 Worm. Description of Intesti- nal, from Duodenum of White Fish of Canadian Lakes. By Beverley R. Morris II iv 442 Effect of cedar extracts on. IV vu 443 Tape z II i 189 Worm-seed Mustard, Cana- dian localities II xv 66 Worts, Wm., Toronto II xu 346 Wren. Hamilton species II v 390 II vi 16 Observations on Ontario species HI vn 191, 195 IV in 72, 83, 86, 99 Wright. Calpurnius Agricola, legate in Britain: ref II x 311 Ex argent on Roman pigs of lead: ref II vn 34 Imperfect Latin inscriptions completed: ref II vi 398 Latin inscription on monu- ment at Wroxeter: ref... II iv 350 Wright, Ramsay, Prof. American Parasitic Cope- poda HI i 243 Contributions to Ameri- can Helminthology (pl.) Ill i 54 Demodex Phylloides (Csokor) in skin of Canadian Swine Ill i 275 Haeckel's Anthropogenie II xv 231 Nervous system and sense organs of Amiurus HI II 352 Present Aspects of Germ. Theory of Disease HI i 344 Recent French investig- ations on Hypnotism: abstract HI vi 10 Skinand Cutaneous Sense organs of Amiurus HI n 251 Systematic position of Spongiadjs II xv 417 Wright, Dr. Thos. Protasters ascribed to As- teridae: ref IV vm 365 Wright, McLean and. Sleigh manufacturers; ex- hibit at 1851 Exhibition.. I i 88 Wrong, Prof. G. M. Study of History: abstract IV n 39 Ser. Vol. Page Wroxeter, notes on Latin In- scriptions on grave stones found at, ancient Urio- conium II iv 349 Wukubatz. King of Cachiquels IV vi 125 Wars IV vi 159 Wurzburg. Number bacteria in milk supply IV vix 468 Wurtz, Ad. New classification of organic compounds suggested... . II vi 121 Wurm See. Proportional amounts of salts in water IV vu 559 Wurtele, Arthur. Tables of Measures: English, Old French and Metrical: reviewed II vi 487 Wurtemberg slates I i 103 Wuthrich and Freuden- reich. Bacteria in cow manure from different feedings: ref IV vu 481 Wyandot Iroquois. Cherokee-Choctaw language similarities with Ill i 183 Comparative vocabulary of, and Peninsular language. Ill I 194 Dacotah language affinities. Ill i 197 Dialects peculiarities of.... Ill I 183 Wyandots. Location of tribe I m 209 Original home of Ill v 61 Population in 1838, 1844 and 1846 I I 196 Tribe Ill I 182 Wye. Site of Mission of Ste. Marie on. Its posses- sors AND PRESENT CON- DITION. By A. F. Hunter: abstract IV iv 230 Wye Island, preservation of old fort on IV in 4 Wye River, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 668 Wyman, Prof. Jeffrey. Variation of internal capa- city of skull with different means of measuring it: ref II xv 182 Xahila, Don Francisco Er- nandez Arana. Author of Zecpan Atitlan. . IV vi 158 Xanthium spinosum, Linn. Dundas, Ont II xv 642 In Canada II xiv 284 Note on Distribution of, By Geo. Jennings Hinde II xv 642 511 XAN PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE YEN Ser. Vol. Page Xanthochroic group, of men III n 9 Xenacanthus, Diplodus and Pleuracanthus, unity of.. II in 158 Xenophon. Translation of Anab. V, vii, 25 HI i 161 Translation of, H. G., II, i, 28 Ill i 169 Xiphosures II i 280 Xylaria polymorpha, Grev., habits; Ontario habitats. IV ix 80 Xylem, Osmunda cinnamo- mea IV vin 516 Xyloryctes satyrus, Mels. Cat I in 257 Yak R., sapphire from IV iv 227 Yakatzil, ruins IV vi 201 Ya-'ke-nintil IV v 28 Yale University, 1855 II i 174 Yam, Chinese, introduction into United States not success II in 242 Yam, Water, Madagascar... II iv 206 Yamaska Mt., Que. Chemical Analysis of gran- toid trachytic rock from. II v 432 Composition of rocks II v 432 Yang-tse-Keang, voyage on, 1858 II iv 234 Yarmouth, N.S. Mound-Builders inscrip- tions on inscribed rocks of, translated IV v 55 Yarmouth Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 668 Yarrow, Dr. Tree burial among nations of Antiquity: ref. IV v 194 Yates. Ex argent on Roman pigs of lead: ref II vii 32 Yavipei IV v 171 Yayhl, myths II xn 488 Ychal of Holom's, career... IV vi 161 Yeast Cell. Budding and sporulation in IV vi 498 Chromatin in IV vi 486, 494 Chromatin-holding struc- tures in IV vi 492 Cytoplasm IV vi 483 Cytoplasm's structure IV vi 491 Digestion in artificial gastric juice IV vi 495 Fixing reagents IV vi 488 Formation of spores IV vi 483 General cell structure IV vi 490 Glycogen IV vi 483, 492 Granules in IV vi 490 Granules in nucleus IV vi 485 Iron reaction IV vi 489 Literature on IV vi 481 Macallum's method of study IV vi 488 Ser. Vol. Page Yeast Cell-Con. " Masked " iron in IV VI Nuclear body IV Vi • Nucleus, homogenous and without membrane IV vi 482 Nucleus in spores IV vi 482 Nucleus not present in IV vi 487 Nucleolus in IV vi 493 Phosphorus in IV vi 496 Phosphorus reaction IV vi 489 Species studied by Macal- lum IV vi 488 Sporulation in IV vi 486 Staining action of iodine in. IV vi 489 Staining reagents IV vi 489 Vacuolation in IV vi 497 Vacuoles in IV vi 490 Yeasts. In Canadian Cheddar Cheese IV vn 129 In cheese IV vn 105 Yehl, myth concerning II xn 488 Yellows in fruit. Bacilli of described IV n 215 Course and progress of dis- ease IV ii 212 History of IV u 209 Signs or symptoms of IV n 211 Symptoms in man from eat- ing fruit IV II 213 Treatment IV u 220 Yellows, Peach. Institute's action to prevent, spreading IV m 18, 24, 26 Peach Yellows. By W. R. Shaw IV II 209 abstract IV m 8 Yellow-haired Porcupine, Canadian localities Ill vi 83 Yellow-leg, Greater, Tor- onto Ill vii 191 IV in 62 Yellow-leg, Lesser, Toronto IV m 85 Yellow fever. Bacillus icterogens cause of. IV viii 57 Cause and transmission.... IV vm 56 Transmitted by mosquito. . IV vm 57 Yellow-knives. A Dene tribe IV iv 16 Acquainted with copper in prehistoric times IV iv 136 Habitat and population.... IV iv 16 Not Dene IV vi 80 Tribe Ill vn 113 Yellow Rocket, Canadian localities II xv 65 Yellow Weed, Canadian lo- calities II xv 56 Yenisei. Inscriptions in, of Turanian syllabary HI m 149 512 YEN GENERAL INDEX YPS Ser. Vol. Page Yenisei-Con. ' rounds in IV n 263 .iseian IV n 263 1 so. 'Hairy men of: reprint. .. . II x 134 Yokchi Cayub, suppresses Oxyib IV vi 204 Yonge, Sir Geo. Biography of man after whom Yonge St., Tor- onto WAS CALLED. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 616 Yonge St., Toronto. Bond's Lake to summit of ridges II xm 450,562 Condition, 1846 II xm 447 Gazetteer notice (1813) ... II xiv 71, 668 Opening northward from Carlton St II xm 261 Richmond Hill to Bond's Lake in 1800 II xm 448 Summit to ridges of New- market Road II xm 565 Yonge St. and Dundas St., Toronto, the men AFTER WHOM THEY WERE named. By Rev. Dr. Scadding II xv 615 Yonge Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 65, 669 Yopaa. Priesthood of Oaxacans.... IV vi 170 Temples sacked by Mexi- cans IV vi 173 York, (Eng.) notes on Latin inscription found on al- tars, etc., at II ii 446 II iv 173 II v 288 II vi 235 II ix 219 York City, gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 70, 671 York County, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 669 York Currency, in Canada.. IV ix 240 York Harbour, gazetteer no- tice (1813) II xiv 209 York Hotel II xn 343 York shilling. In Canada IV ix 240 Value of I i 179 York Tp., gazetteer notice (1813) II xiv 69, 672 Young. Newton's three coronae ex- plained: ref: I i 7 Young, A. H. Intrinsic muscles in foot and hand of marsupials: ref.. IV vi 582 Ser. Vol. Page Young, Geo. Paxton. An Examination of Prof. Ferrier's Theory of Knowing and Being. ... II i 105 Examination of Legen- dre's Proof of Proper- ties of Parallel Lines. II i 519 Formula for cosines and sines of Multiple Arcs II vm 286 New proof of existence OF ROOTS OF EQUATIONS. . II IX 26 New proof of Parallelo- gram of Forces II i 357 Notes on passages in Platonic Dialogues .... II vn 478 On Sir David Brewster's SUPPOSED LAW OF VISIBLE DIRECTION II II 268 Principles of solution of EQUATIONS OF HIGHER DEGREES WITH APPLICA- TIONS Ill H 79 Relation of Law of Gravitation to Prin- ciple of Conservation of Energy II xiv 589 Relation which can be PROVED TO SUBSIST BE- TWEEN AREA OF PLANE TRIANGLE AND SUM OF ANGLES, ON HYPOTHESIS that Euclid's twelfth Axiom is false II v 341 Remarks on Prof. Boole's Mathematical Theory of Laws of Thought. .. II x 161 Resolution of Algebrai- cal Equations (Proof of impossibility of repre- senting in finite Algebrai- cal functions, in most general case, roots of al- gebraical equations of degrees higher than fourth with methods of finding roots of equations of 5th, 6th, etc., degrees in cer- tain cases) II v 20, 127, 209 Obituary Ill vu 27 Resolution of solvable equa- tions of fifth degree Ill ii 127 Young-Helmholtz. Three colour theory of vision IV vu 372 Young, Thomas. Character sketch II n 378 Youkon or Yukon. Indians of, in 1860 II vu 343 Youkon Indians, burial cus- toms II vu 346 Ypsia, Guen, generic charac- ters II x 259 513 YPS PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ZIE Ser. Vol. Page Ypsia airoginosa Guen, characters II x 259 Y. undularis Drury, charac- ters II x 260 Yttrium, in mineral waters. . I I 152 Yucatan. Ancient architecture IV vi 111 Arch IV vi 110 Chichanchob containing, hieroglyphics IV vi 185 First colonists IV vi 101 Hieroglyphics IV vi 186 Invasion by Ah-Witzil IV vi 177 Java's ancient art resembles IV vi 117 Yuit territory Ill vi 264 Yukon. Coal areas IV ix 101 Gold deposits and produc- tion up to 1904 IV vin 162 In (1866) II xii 486 Rough ice on, river: ex- amples IV ix 15 Climate of, Territory. By R. F. Stupart IV vin 291 W. W. Kirby's trip to, in 1860 II vii 340 Yuta-skai, fish trap IV iv 86 Yuttoere, of Carrier Indians. Ill vn 157 Zaachilla, king of Oaxaca... IV vi 171 Zaachilla-Yoho. History IV vi 158, 171 Zacharias. Central body of cells of Cyanophycese: ref IV vi 451 Nucleus in Cyanophyceae: ref IV vi 442 Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Zacynthus (Zante), copper coin from, in Canadian Institute II ix 230 Zadig. Nom-de-plume of Hon. Chief Justice Hagarty; poem Martial Music of England II xv 453 Zaleski. Proteids containing iron firmly combined, obtained from livers: ref IV n 238 Zalewski. Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Zambesi Falls, erosion effects on IV in 6 Zamelodia ludoviciana. Habits of Ontario visitors. . Ill in 97 Zanthoxylum, Colden, Canadian localities of Z. americanum, Mill II xv 350 Zapata Series of Cuba. Comparison of Liguanea Series with, and Lafeyette of N. America IV v 349 Ser. Vol. Page Zaphrentis (Rafinesque), generic characters II iv 119 Z. (Caninia) bilateralis, Hall, Niagara Limestone, Owen Sound, Niagara River II xiv 139 Z. cornicula (Edwards and Haime), Canadian specimen II v 264 Z. gigantea (Lesueur), Cor- niferous, Ontario II iv 121 Z. prolifica, Canadian speci- men II V 264 Z. prolifica (Billings). Corniferous, Ontario (pl.). . II iv 121 II vi 510 Z. roemeri, Edw. and H., Niagara Limestone, Owen Sound II xiv 139 Z. stokesi, Edw. and Haime. Clinton Group, Owen Sound. II xiv 140 Niagara Limestone, Owen Sound II xiv 139 Z. spatiosa (Billings), Onon- daga and Corniferous, Ontario II iv 123 Zapotecapan, devastated by Mexicans IV vi 173 Zapotec. Kings of Oaxaca IV vi 170 War with Mexico IV vi 171 Zapus Hudsonius (Zimm) Coves, Canadian locali- ties Ill vi 82 Zawarykin. Fat carried through adenoid tissue by means of leu- cocytes: ref IV vin 249 Zea Mais, epicotyledonary stele in IV vi 625 Zecpan Atitlan, Cachiquel MS IV vi 157 Zenaidura macroura, ob- servations on Ontario visitors IV I 53 IV m 67, 75 Zenetti. Osmundaceous siphono- stele: ref IV vin 525 Zeolites, hygroscopic pro- perty of II iv 54 Zereth, traces of, in Egypt. . . II xiv 199 Zetlands, Coral region of.... I I 110 Zeuss. Celtic prosody: ref IV in 208 Old Welsh poems almost same as old Irish poems: ref IV in 218 Ziegler. Origin of hsematoblasts in amphibian embryo: ref.. IV n 250 514 ZIM GENERAL INDEX ZOA Ser. Vol. Page Zim, description of I i 189 Zimmerman. Effect of Bordeaux mixture on leaves: ref IV vn 246 Structure of Yeast Cell: ref. IV vi 481 Zimran. In Buddhist mythology.... II xv 285 In India II xv 284 In Persia. .. II xv 282 Origin of II xv 279 Traces in Chaldea II xv 286 Zimri. Ancestors II xv 279 Traced through Asia and Europe; table II xv 315 Zimri traces in Arabia II xv 287 Arcadia II xv 303 Argos II xv 300 Armenia II xv 293 Attica II xv 300 Africa, northern II xv 291 Bithynia II xv 294 Britain II xv 311 Caria II xv 294 Corinth II xv 302 Crete II xv 304 Crimea II xv 305 Cyprus II xv 304 Doric regions II xv 298 Egypt II xv 290 Ethiopia II xv 289 France II xv 309 Galatia II xv 294 Gaul II xv 309 Germany II xv 313 Greece II xv 302 Illyria II xv 305 Italy II xv 306 Lydia II xv 294 Macedonia II xv 297 Mauretania II xv 292 Mysia..... II xv 294 Paphlagonia II xv 294 Phoenicia II xv 292 Phrygia II xv 294 Rhodes... II xv 305 Scandinavia II xv 313 Spain II xv 310 Thessaly II xv 297 Thrace II xv 297 Umbria II xv 306 Wales II xv 310 Zinc. > Alloys of copper and II v 474 Alloys in blowpipe with copper, gold, tin, but not with platinum II xv 257 Applied to ship building. . . In 313 Coating, with a metallic alloy I I 43 Coating iron with I I 43 Ser. Vol. Page Zinc-Con. Coating and ornamenting with I i 44 Detection of Cadmium in presence of, with blowpipe II xv 252 Dimorphism of II vi 530 In Nova Scotia I i 241 Manganese and Cobalt se- peration from I n 126 New Jersey Zinc and Franklinite I i 211 Ores found in New York... I n 37 Oxide use as a pigment I I 16 Zinc, iron coated with zinc or other metal, coated with a metallic alloy.... I I 43 Zinc salt prevents drying of collodion plates I in 3 Zinc Blende. Canadian localities II vi 158 Characteristics and Cana- dian localities II v 181 Conditions in which occurs in Kamanistiquia region. Ill vn 250 Tests II vi 158 Zinc nitrate, for preserva- tion of collodion plates... I in 3 Zinc paint. Manufacture of I I 212 Uses of I I 212 Ziphah daughter of Jehale- leel, traces of, in Egypt.. II xiv 191 Ziph. Descent and descendants. . II xiv 164 Traces of, in Egypt II xiv 190 Zircon. Artificial formation of II iv 54 Characters II v 519 Crystals with basal planes. II n 218 In dykes of Rainy Lake.... Ill v 184 Zirconia, isomorphism of.... II iv 493 Zirconium, in mineral waters I I 152 Zoantharia rugosa II iv 120 Zoantheae, mesenterial fila- ments in IV vi 390 Zoanthids. Bibliography of mesenterial filaments IV vi 403 Development of mesenterial filaments in egg embryos (pl.) IV vi 398 Zoanthus chierchiae, func- tion of epithelium of glan- dular streak IV vi 396 Z. flos marinus. Epithelium of glandular streak IV vi 395 Function of mesenterial fila- ments IV vi 391 Z. macgillivrayi, function of epithelium of glandular streak IV vi 396 515 ZOA PUBLICATIONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE ZYM Ser. Vol. Page Zoanthus nymphaeus, function of epithelium of glandular streak IV vi 396 Z. sociatus. Ciliated bands of mesen- terial filaments (pl.) IV vi 391 Continuity of epithelium in various parts of mesen- terial filaments (pl.) IV vi 396 Continuity of median streak with glandular streak in mesenterial filaments.... IV vi 398 Development of glandular streaks in buds IV vi 400 Development of mesenterial filaments in buds IV vi 400 Ectoderm (pl.) IV vi 392 Epithelium of ciliated bands (pl.). IV vi 393 Epithelium of ciliated bands IV vi 394 Epithelium of glandular streak IV vi 395 Glandular streak (pl.) IV vi 395 Mesenterial filaments in. By J. Playfair McMur- rich IV vi 387 Mesoglcea (pl.) IV vi 392 Stomatodaeal ectoderm (pl.) IV vi 396 Stomatodaeum (pl.) IV vi 391 Zochar or Zohar, traces of, in Egypt II xiv 200 Zodiacal. Aurora and, Light: reprint I u 38 Zodiacal Light. By Rev. Geo. Jones: reprint.... II m 70 Zohar, traces of, in Egypt.. . II xiv 200 Zoizite, saussurite identical with II in 262 Zonoplacentalia II xv 246 Zonotrichia, observations on Ontario species Ill m 98 III vn 191, 195, 196 IV in 62, 69, 70, 87, 96, 102, 106, 107, 109, 110 Zoology. Bathymetrical distribution of British marine animals. I I 109 Fauna peculiarities of Brit- ish Seas I I 110 Handbook of; vertebrate animals. By J. Van der Hoeven: reviewed II in 347 Ser. Vol. Page Zoology-Con. Master-builders' Plan or principles of organic archi- tecture as indicated in typical forms of animals. By Geo. Ogilvie: review- ed II iv 278 Methods adopted in classifi- cation of zoological sub- jects II vii 331 Principles adopted in classi- fication II xi 41 Review of (1858) II iv 70 Some thoughts on classi- fication IN RELATION TO ORGANISED BEINGS. By Rev. Wm. Hincks II xi 31 Zoology I i 18 Zoological. Classification II iv 279 Zoological Gardens, Lon- don, grass paroquet of Australian species pro- duced at, also Mandarian ducks I i 18 Zoophyta, of Ontario II v 251 Zoophytes. In British Seas I i 110 Observations > on Exist- ence of Various Mol- lusks AND, AT GREAT SEA Depths. By M. Milne Edwards: reprint II vi 518 Zostera, in British Seas I I 109 Zuckerkandl. Sesamoid bone in man: ref. IV vi 544 Zukal. Central colourless body in cells of Cyanophyceae: ref. IV vi 446 Zuni Indians. Creation myths IV vi 336 Cultivation of corn IV vi 339 Mind and thought IV vi 315 Paiyatuma's song IV vi 339 Serpent myth IV v 13 Zurich, medical inspection of schools in IV vm 194 Zygnemese, Toronto species. Ill vn 272 Zygophyllaceae, transverse chorisis in II x 384 Zymogenesis, Amblystomata IV i 269 Zymogen, formation IV n 241 Zymogenesis, in Diemycty- lus IV i 269 Zymon, constituent of gluten IV vn 497 516 Appendix. Index of Proceedings of Canadian Institute New Series Vol. I and II, 1897-1904. Titles of papers only given. Index of Authors. Vol. Page Abbott, Albert H., B.A. Recent Views on Colour .... I 107 Bain, James, Jr. International Scientific Catalogue II 27 President's address II 96 Public Libraries in Canada I 95 Bain, J. Watson, B.A.Sc. Convenient Resistance for Elec- trolytic Analysis II 91 Occurrence of Gold in some Rocks in Western Ontario.... II 39 Bell, A. J., Ph.D. Constructions with Refert and Interest I 69 Bensley, R. R., B.A., M.B. Histology and Physiology of Gastric Glands I 11 Blue, Archibald, Esq. Colonel Mahlon Burwell, Land Surveyor II 41 Corundum in Ontario II 15 Notes on Skulls taken from Pre- historic Fort in Kent County II 93 Campbell, Rev. John, LL.D. Origin of Salishan Tribes of British Columbia and Wash- ington I 39 Chadwick, E. M., Esq. Indian character I 79 Dearness, J., J. B. Ellis and. New species of Canadian Fungi. I 89 Denison, Napier, Esq. Great Lakes as Sensitive Baro- meter I 55 Origin of Ocean Tidal Secondary Undulations I 134 Secondary Undulations of Tide Gauges I 28 Ellis, J. B. and J. Dearness. New species of Canadian Fungi. I 89 Ellis, W. H., M.A., and W. Lawson, B.A.Sc. Chemical Notes on Sudbury Coal I 67 Elvins, Andrew, Esq. Cause of Accumulation of Mag- netic Storms when Earth is near Equinoxes II 123 Great Sun Spot of September and October, 1898 II 35 Sun Spots and Weather Cycles.. II 115 Vol. Page Gibson, Thomas W., Esq. Moss Litter I 51 Glass, Rev. E. B., B.A. Cree Language I 104 Haliburton, R. G., Q.C., F.R.G.S. Dwarf Domestic Animals of Pygmies I 3 Indian Ghosts and Conch Feasts I 81 Hamilton, J. C., M.A., LL.B. Panis-Canadian Indian Slavery. I 19 Pleiades as Hesperides. Isle of Blest, or Place of Future Bliss II 125 Pleiades in Legends. Greek Drama and Orientation II 121 Harvey, Arthur, Esq. Auroral Phenomena, Sun Spots and Magnetism II 129 Interior Therapy, a Case of Leaf- Curl.... II 127 Recent Views Respecting Con- stitution of Sun II 103 Jeffrey, Edward C., B.A. Gametophyte of Botrychium vir- ginianum I 8 Lawson, W., B.A.Sc., W. H. Ellis, M.A., and. Chemical Notes on Sudbury Coal I 67 MaCallum, A.B., M.D., Ph.D. Extract from Presidential address I 1 Prehistoric Monuments of Brit- tany II 11 Mackenzie, J. J., B.A. Rabies in Ontario I 72 MacNish, Rev. Neil, LL.D. General History of Celts I 112 Recent Contributions to Gaelic and Manx literatures I 74 Maughan, John, Jr., Esq. Rare Birds taken at Toronto.... I 2 Mickle, G. R., Esq., B.A. Mineralogical Notes on Sudbury Coal I 64 Miller, Willet G., M.A. Notes on Prospecting for Corun- dum II 25 Some Basic Dyke and Volcanic Rocks I 85 Miller, W. Lash, Ph.D., and T. R. Rosebrugh, B.A. Vapor Tensions of Liquid Mix- tures I 87 List of Authors-Continued. Vol. Page Penck, Albert, Esq. Illecillewaet Glacier in Selkirks. II 57 Observations made on a Tour in Canada.... II 61 Primrose, A., M.B. Anatomy of Orang-Outang I 119 Rosebrugh, T. R., B.A., W. Lash Miller, Ph.D., and Vapor Tensions of Liquid Mix- tures I 87 Scadding, Rev. Henry, D.D. Some Lapsed Names in Cana- dian Local Nomenclature.... I 33 Scoble, Lt.-Col. T. C. Our Northern Outlet I 17 Vol. Page Scott, Wm., B.A. Notes on Scirpus debilis and Scirpus smithii I 73 Spencer, Dr. J. W. Niagara as a Timepiece I 101 Stupart, R. F., Esq. Seismological Observations at Toronto 1 109 Toronto Magnetic Observatory. II 31 Walker, B. E., F.G.S. Canadian Surveys and Museums (President's Address) II 75 President's address II 1 Willison, J. S., Esq. Transportation Question I 122