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The National Library of Medicine has adhered to the policy of comprehensive indexing of the biomedical literature in Index Medicus in order to provide a means of access to the large volume of material published in 2400 journals in 38 languages. In recent years, it has been proposed that the National Library of Medicine provide a more se- lective publication which would permit access to the literature of immediate interest to medical prac- titioners. In response to this need, the National Library of Medicine offers this specimen fasciculus of an Abridged Index Medicus. This issue contains 3,667 citations representing one month's input into MEDLARS from 200 journals (99 percent of which are in the English language). The journal titles have been selected for their interest and applicability to the practice of medicine and the allied pro- fessions. The method and depth of indexing of this selected literature is identical to that of Index Medicus. The size of the issue is arbitrary, since MEDLARS has the capability of generating indexes of various frequencies and characters. This specimen fasciculus is presented for evaluation by the medical profession. If it is deter- mined that such a publication would represent a desirable service to the profession, regular publi- cation of the abridgement would follow. The Library therefore solicits the comments and suggestions of the medical profession on the usefulness of this proposed publication. Martin M. Cummings, MJD. Director, National Library of Medicine National Library of Medicine Bethesda, Maryland 20014 December, 1964 y ABDOMEN Bone formation in abdominal scars after xiphoidectomy. Watklns GL Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:731-4, Oct M A cough-belt to prevent and treat postoperative pulmonary complications- Barlow D Lancet 2:736, 3 Oct 64 Deformities produced by operations on the rabbit fetus. Spencer DM, et al. Surg Forum 15:441-2, 1964 ABNORMALITIES, DRUG-INDUCED The ototoxicity of chloroquine phosphate. Hart CW, et al. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:407-12, Oct 64 Ocular defects in thalidomide babies. Cullen JF. Brit 9 Ophthal 48:151-3, Mar 64 Effects of thalidomide on pregnancy in the rabbit. Hay MF. 9 Reprod Fertil 8:59-76, Aug 64 Discoloration of primary dentition after maternal tetracycline ingestion in pregnancy. Swallow JN. Lancet 2:611-2, 19 Sep 64 Teratogenesis: effects of substituted purines and the influence of 4-hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine in the rat. Bragonier JR, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116;685-8, Jul 64 4RSCFSS Autoradiographic investigations of 14-C-labeUed ^^v/iioo thalidomide and glutethimide in pregnant mice. Unusual complication of a chalazion. Chadwick AJ. ■u sion chemotherapy for abdominal malignancies. Koransky W, et al. Brit 9 Ophthal 47:364, Jun 63 Methodology and preliminary report. Nora PF, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:512-6, Jun 64 Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital ABDOMINAL INJURIES Complications of the Noble procedure. Wilson ND- Amer 9 Surg 108:264-9, Aug 64 Traumatic injuries to the biliary system in children. Hartman SW, et al. Amer 9 Surg 108:150-6, Aug 64 A technlc for operative correction of pancreatic fistula. Antila LE. 9 tat CoU Surg 42:379-81, Oct 64 ABDOMINAL NEOPLASMS Urinary oestrogen excretion in threatened abortion. Hahnel R, et al. 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:599-603, Aug 64 ABORTION, VETERINARY Pneumonitis with alveolar-capillary block in a cattle rancher exposed to epizootic bovine abortion. Barnes MG, et al. New Eng 9 Med 271:981-5, 5 Nov 64 ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE The role of folic acid in pregnancy; with particular reference to anaemia, abruption and abortion. Hibbard BM. 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:529-42, Aug 64 Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:735-40, Oct 64 Anuria due to uric acid crystaUuria: an unusual c m plication of therapy in the reticuloses. Conolly ME et al. Brit , cancer 18:247-51 Jun 64 ABQ FACTORS Bo itary metastatic orbital tumour due to sympathetic neuroblastoma. Sivaramasubramaniam P. Influence of sex and ABO blood group on the normal Brit 9 Ophthal 47:312-3, May 63 lymphocyte transfer test. Moorhead JF, et al. The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of tumours in Brit Med 9 5417:1111-3, 31 Oct 64 c hildren. Pearson D. 9 Clin Path 17:4234, Jul 64 The metabolism and excretion of Co57 tetraphenylporphinesulfonate in cancer patients. Winkelman J, et al. I Nuel Med 5:462-70, Jun 64 Internal fluid shifts secondary to intraperitoneal nitrogen mustard- Brown FE, et al. Surg Forum 15:386-7, 1964 ABORTION ABDOMINAL WALL Serum folic acid activity and vaginal bleeding in early Qpn enital aplasia of the abdominal muscles with pregnancy. Martin JD, et al. urogenital malformations. Andren L, et al. 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:400-3, Jun 64 Acta Radiol [Diagn] (Stockholm) 2:298-304, Jul 64 The role of folic acid in pregnancy; with particular Expiratory activity of the abdominal muscles in man reference to anaemia, abruption and abortion. Effects of Cel44 administered to pregnant rats. McFee AF. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:712-5, Jul 64 Blood-group frequencies and astrocytomata. Garcia JH, et al. 9 Neurosurg 20:397-9, May 63 [Influence of the ABO blood group system on the occurrence of hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by Rh incompatibility] Boss! E. Helv Paediat Acta 19:34-41, Jun 64 (Ger) Case 54-1964. New Eng 9 Med 271:1107-14, 5 Nov 64 ABSORPTION Absorption of human rib cartilage grafts transplanted to rabbits after preservation by different methods. Kruger E. Brit 9 Plast Surg 17:254-64, Jul 64 ACANTHOCHEILONEMA The heparinized capillary tube as an epidemiologic tool. II. Concentration of blood parasites by centrifugation. Worth RM. Amer 9 Hyg 80:70-4, Jul 64 ACCELERATION The vestibular Coriolis reaction. Fernandez C, et al. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:469-72, Oct 64 Hibbard BM. 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:529-42, Aug 64 id ring general anesthesia. Freund F, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:693-7, Jul 64 ABNORMALITIES Absence of one umbilical artery. Analysis of 60 cases w ith emphasis on associated developmental aberrations- Seki M, et al. Arch Path (Chicago) 78:446-53, Oct 64 Congenital biliary atresia. Barclay S Aust New Zeal 9 Surg 34:24-6, Aug 64 Congenital anomalies of the cystic duct. Rabinovitch J, et dk 9 tat CoU Surg 42:372-8, Oct 64 Causes of perinatal death in Uganda Africans, with ABORTION, THREATENED p s ecial reference to congenital malformations. Dodge OG, et al- 9 Pedlat 65:267-9, Aug 64 Serum folic acid activity and vaginal bleeding in early Coji enital malformations and maternal diabetes. Dunn pregnancy. Martin JD, et al. PM. Lancet 2:644-5, 19 Sep 64 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:400-3, Jun 64 ABORTION, HABITUAL The incompetent cervix: a survey of survivors. Goldstein PJ, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:752-6, May 64 ABORTION, THERAPEUTIC Rubella and termination of pregnancy. Brit Med 9 5416:1075-6, 24 Oct 64 ACCIDENT PREVENTION A modern medical program for the small plant. Its contribution to safety. Sutter RA. tadustr Med Surg 33:560-3, Aug 64 Fractures of the shaft of the femur resulting from automobile accidents. Kulowski J. 9 tat CoU Surg 42:412-20, Oct 64 ACCIDENTS Occurrence of poisoning by pesticides. Hayes WJ Jr. Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:621-5, Nov 64 Accidental poisoning in children. Sweetnam WP. Brit Med 9 5418:1199-200, 7 Nov 64 Hazards to health: the motor scooter. Frank ED. New Eng 9 Med 271:836, 15 Oct 64 The organization of a provincial accident center in the south-western region. Durbin FC. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:485-92, Jun 64 S-l ACCIDENTS, AVIATION ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS ACCIDENTS, AVIATION The vestibular Coriolis reaction. Fernandez C, et al. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:469-72, Oct 64 ACCIDENTS, INDUSTRIAL Epidemiology of disability after work Injuries. Abramson JH, et al. Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:572-80, Nov 64 Epidemiology of disabling work injuries in Israel. Mann KJ, et al Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:505-13, Oct 64 Grease-gun injury. Smith MG. Brit Med 9 5414:918-20, 10 Oct 64 Grease-gun Injury. PhUipson J A. Brit Med J 5418:1197, 7 Nov 64 ACETYLCHOLINE Effect of hypothermia on excitation and propagation in the isolated atrium. Torres JC, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:199-202, Jul 64 Drug action on pulmonary circulation of unanesthetized dogs. Rudolph AM, et al. states. Schumer W et a Amer 9 Physiol 206:1201-6, Jun 64 Hypoglycaemic coma ud hyperkalaemic acidosis due Mechanism and significance of endotoxin-induced to alcohol intoxication. Vinke B sensitization to acetylcholine in rabbits. Hildebrand Trop Geogr Med 16115-9 Jun 64 GJ, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1213-6, Jun 64 Analysis of vascular responses In the spleen. Boatman APTrkftQIC rtl a DDTir DL, et al. Amer 9 Physiol 207:155-61, Jul 64 A^«*J»1&, LUAB*, 1H, Abolition of autoregulation of renal blood flow by Alcohol hypoglycemia. Effects of ethanol on plasma. 3. concentration in patients. Grantham JJ, et a " 8urg Forum 15:81-2, 1964 . llar Relatlonship between acidosis and ven„t.riC« iLu fibrillation. Gerst PH.etal.Surg Forum 15:242-3, l"V Physiologic and metabolic effects of vasodilators on tne microcirculation of the dog omentum in »°w now .»»!«. o_».----~ _. . gurg Forum 15:«o-o, 'w ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC acetylcholine. Nahmod VE, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:123-7, Jul 64 Isolated perfused bovine liver: responses to common vasoactive drugs. Condon RE, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:602-8, Oct 64 Cholinergic mechanism in subcortical mirror focus and effects of topical application of gamma-aminobutyric acid and acetylcholine. Guerrero-Figueroa R, et al. Epilepsia (Anut) 5:140-55, Jun 64 Studies on some cardiac effect of taurine. Welty JD, et al. 9 Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:110-5, Apr 64 [Acetylcholine and histamine bronchial spasm in Heat reactions of Caucasians in temperate, in hot, dry, neurodermatitis and control subjects] Gottesfeld F. F na • res of the shaft of the femur resulting from automobile accidents. Kulowski J 9 tat CoU Surg 42:412-20, Oct 64 ACCLIMATIZATION and in hot, humid climates. Wyndham CH, et al 9 Appl Physiol 19:607-12, Jul 64 Physiological reactions to cold of men in the Antarctic. W ndham CH, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:593-7, Jul 64 Heat reactions of Caucasians and Bantu in South Africa. yv ndham CH, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:598-606, Jul 64 Physiological reactions of Caucasian and Bantu males in ■u te exposure to cold. Wyndham CH, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:583-92, Jul 64 ACCOMMODATION, OCULAR The miotic life. Brit 9 Ophthal 48:354-6, Jul 64 ACETAMINOPHEN tat Arch Allerg 24:Suppl:52-3, 1964 (Ger) ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE Polarographic determination—cholinesterase activity. Fiserova-Bergerova V. Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:438-44, Oct 64 Cholinesterases, monoamine oxidases, and phosphorylase in the iris muscles. Niemi M, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:548-53, Oct 64 ACHIEVEMENT Academic and emotional problems of college women low-effort and high-effort syndromes. Flory MD, et al. Psychiatry 27:290-4, Aug 64 Glucose, ketones, and free fatty acids in "Juvenile" diabetics: a model for "nonketotic diabetic acidosis"? Arky RA, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:501-7, Oct 64 The phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes obtained from patients with diabetes mellitus. Bybee JD, et al. J Lab Clin Med 64:1-13, Jul 64 Diabetic acidosis secondary to steroid therapy. Blereau RP, et al. New Eng 9 Med 271:836, 15 Oct 64 ACIDOSIS, RENAL TUBULAR Some observations of renal tubular acidosis-a family study. Seedat YK. S Afr Med J 38:606-10, 15 Aug 64 Analgesic abuse and the kidney-a commentary. JAMA 190:238-9, 19 Sep 64 ACETATES Ribonucleotide and amino acid transfer from soluble RNA to microsomes from normal and neoplastic tiss e. Bloemendal H, et al. Cancer Res 24:994-7, Jul 64 Effect of Salmonella gallinarum on certain Krebs cycle intermediates of domestic fowl. Freeman BM, et al. 9 Bact 88:93-5, Jul 64 Mitochondrial stimulation of fatty acid biosynthesis. Bhaduri AM, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1357-63, May 64 Etyzn e-bound intermediates in the biosynthesis of mevalonic and palmitic aicds.Brodie JD, et al. AdD PHOSPHATASE 9 Biol Chem 239:1346-56, May 64 The conversion of glutamate carbon to fatty acid Histochemistry of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes in c arbon via citrate. I. The influence of glucose in lactating rat mammary gland slices. Madsen J, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1305-9, May 64 Effect of 22,25-diazacholestanol on synthesis of cholesterol by rat liver homogenates. Dvornik D, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:537-9, Jun 64 In vivo inhibition of lipogenesis by biotin deficiency. Donaldson WE. ACID-BASE EQUILIBRIUM Metabolic changes of the blood and respiratory gas of hamsters cooled to their freezing point by the sealed jar technique. Huggins CE, et al. Dis Chest 46:42-5, Jul 64 Body fluids and electrolytes after prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass. Brinsfield D, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:566-70, Jul 64 Circulatory and acid-base changes during operations for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Burton GW, et al. Lancet 2:782-5, 10 Oct 64 ACNE Study of antibody levels to Corynebacterium acnes. In the serum of patients with acne vulgaris, using bacterial agglutination, agar gel immunodiffusion, and immunofluorescence techniques. Puhvel SM, et al. Arch Derm (Chicago) 90:421-7, Oct 64 Sulfamethoxazole therapy in pustular acne. Orentreich N, et al. Cut Ther Res 6:377-80, May 64 Value of comedo extraction in treatment of acne vulgaris. Lowney ED, et al. JAMA 189:1000-2, 28 Sep 64 ACONITE Influence of autonomic blockade on aconitine induced pulmonary edema. Wood CD, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:809-11, Jul 64 ACOUSTIC NERVE Direct stimulation of auditory nerve fibers. Lawrence M. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:367-8, Oct 64 Further observations on the pathology of presbycusis. Schuknecht HF. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:369-82, Oct 64 Electrical stimulation of eight cranial nerve. Doyle JH, et al. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:388-91, Oct 64 Hearing degeneration in Shaker-1 mouse. Correlation of physiological observations with behavioral responses and with cochlear anatomy. Mikaelian DO, et al. Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:418-30, Oct 64 Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:662-4, Jul 64 ACETAZOLAMIDE Avoidance of side-reactions and loss of drug efficacy during long-term administration of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors by concomitant supplemental electrolyte administration. Draeger J, et al. Brit 9 Ophthal 47:457-68, Aug 63 Evaluation of sustained-release acetazolamide. Mestre C, et al. Brit 9 Ophthal 47:31-5, Jan 63 Phospholine iodide (217M1) (ecothiophate iodide) in the treatment of glaucoma. Lloyd JP. Brit 9 Ophthal 47:469-84, Aug 63 ACETOACETATES Enzyme-bound intermediates in the biosynthesis of m evalonic and palmitic aicds. Brodie JD, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1346-56, May 64 ACETOBACTER Valine-isoleucine metabolism in Acetobacter experimental skin carcinoma of the mouse. Auerbach WM. Cancer Res 24:937-46, Jul 64 Effect of EDTA on leakage of proteins from slices of ACRIDINFS normal rat liver and DAB-induced hepatoma. Kalant «^"w^^ H, et al. Cancer Ret 24:570-81, May 64 Tyrosinase inheritance in Streptomyces scabies. II. Biochemical biopsy evaluation of the epiphysial Induction of tyrosinase deficiency by acridine dyes. mechanism in a patient with vitamin D-reslstant Gregory KF, et al. 9 Bact 87:1287-94, Jun 64 rickets. Kuhlman RE, et al. Elimination of penicillin resistance of Staphylococcus 1 Lab Clin Med 64:14-20, Jul 64 aureus by treatment with acriflavine. Hashimoto H, Variations in the enzyme histochemistry of the et al. 9 Bact 88:261-2, Jul 64 placenta. Curzen P. 9 Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:388-99, Jun 64 Experimental hydronephrosis: morphologic and enzymatic studies on renal tubules in ureteric obstruction and recovery in the rat. 1. Alkaline and acid phosphatases. Kissane JM, et al. Lab Invest 13:539-46, Jun 64 ACIDOSIS Stop-flow analysis of the influence of pC02 on renal tubular transport of K and H. Ramsay AG. Amer 9 Physiol 206:1355-60, Jun 64 Acidosis and blood epinephrine levels in hemorrhagic hypotension. Darby TD, et al. Amer 9 Physiol 206:1281-4, Jun 64 Respiratory gas studies with ether convulsion. Waun J, et al. Anesthesiology 25:580-1, Jul-Aug 64 Clotting time of heparinized blood- Influence of acidosis. Hardaway RM, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:701-5, Oct 64 Foetal acidosis. Derom R. Lancet 2:757, 3 Oct 64 Tyrosinase inheritance in Streptomyces scabies. II- Induction of tyrosinase deficiency by acridine dyes. Gregory KF, et al. 9 Bact 87:1287-94, Jun 64 ACROMEGALY Survival of endogenous human growth hormone in plasma. Click SM, et al. J Clin Endocr 24:501-5, Jun 64 Insulin response to glucose loading in acromegaly. Cerasi E, et al. Lancet 2:769-71, 10 Oct 64 ACRYLIC RESINS An experimental evaluation of the effect of a plastic adhesive, methyl 2-cyanoacrylate, on neural tissue. Kline DG, et al. 9 Neurosurg 20:647-54, Aug 63 ACTINOMYCIN Metabolism of nucleolar ribonucleic acid after partial hepatectomy. Tsukada K, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1564-8, May 64 ■ boxydans and the inhibition of growth by valine. Experience with the minicoil artificial kidney. Jones Induced synthesis of hepatic uridine diphosphate ES, et al. Lancet 2:758-9, 3 Oct 64 glucose-glycogen glucosyltransferase after Isolated analdosteronism. I. Clinical entity, with administration of insulin to aUoxan-diabetic rats manifestations of persistent hyperkalemia, periodic Steiner DF, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1292-8 May 64 paralysis, salt-losing tendency, and acidosis. Posner Infectious pulmonary disease in patients receiving JB, et al. Metabolism 13:513-21, Jun 64 immunosuppressive therapy for organ The physiological diagnosis of acid-base disturbances transplantation. Hill Rb Jr, et al of blood. Fink BR. Proe Roy Soc Med 57:693-6, Aug 64 New Eng 9 Med 271:1021-7, 12 Nov 64 Effect of low molecular weight dextrans and fibrinolysins on hemorrhagic shock. Schlueter TM, et al. Surg Forum 15:32-4, 1964 Kerwar SS, et al. 9 Bact 88:179-86, Jul 64 ACETRIZOIC ACID The relative toxicity of angiographic contrast media. Foster JH, et al Vase Dis 1:8-20, Jan 64 A ladiographic evaluation of angiographic contrast media. Twigg HL, et al. Vase Dis 1:54-7, Jan 64 [Studies on the suitability of triiodized roentgen ontrast media for cerebral angiography] Alexander K, et al Angiologica (Basel) 1:213-26, 1964 (Ger) Measurement of intracellular hydrogen ion S-2 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS ADNEXA UTERI ACTINOMYCOSIS A: tinomycotic lesions In the chorlo-allantoic membrane of the chick embryo. Pegrum GD. 9 Path Bact 88:323-7, Jul 64 ACUTE RENAL FAILURE Acute renal failure due to tubular necrosis, Immediate prognosis and complications. Lunding M, et al. Acta Med Scand 176:103-19, Jul 64 Use of a modified minicoil for continuous dialysis. B a kmore DJ, et al. Brit Med 9 5413:847-50, 3 Oct 64 Haemodynamlcs and oxygen consumption of the kidney in post-ischaemic renal failure. Ballnt P, et al. CUn Sci 26:471-7, Jun 64 Mineral analysis of the fourth lumbar vertebra in health and renal failure. Kaye M. 9 CUn Invest 43:1367-71, Jul 64 Experience with the minicoil artificial kidney. Jones ES, et al. Lancet 2:758-9, 3 Oct 64 Acute renal changes after oral cholecystography. Doherty P. Lancet 2:816, 10 Oct 64 Drip infusion pyelography. Indications and applications In urologlc roentgen diagnosis. Schencker B. Radiology 83:12-21, Jul 64 Successful treatment of crush and amputation shock following prolonged periods of ischemia. Mehl RL, et m\ Surg Forum 15:1-3, 1964 Direct and Indirect measurement of renal blood flow in the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. Isla F, et al. Surg Forum 15:492-4, 1964 ACYLTRANSFERASES Studies on a chollnesterase of Pseudomonas flu orescens. 3. Acetyltransferase activity. Fitch WM. 9 Biol Chem 239:1328-34, May 64 ADAMS-STOKES SYNDROME Observations In patients with implanted pacemaker. 3. Frequency of ventricular tachycardia as cause of Adams-Stokes attacks and rate of pacing required for its prevention. Dressier W. Amer Heart 9 68:19-24, Jul 64 ADAPTATION, OCULAR Determination of fixation In the dark-adapted eye by means of fundus photography. Siegel IM, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:670-1, Nov 64 ADAPTATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL Muscle excitability in experimental crossed nerve anastomosis in the rat. Koczoclk-Przedpelska J. Amer 9 Phys Med 43:146-56, Aug 64 Electrocardiograms of marathon runners in 1962 Commonwealth games. Smith WG, et al. Brit Heart 9 28:469-76, Jul 64 [Adaptation of the nomads of the Western Sahara to sa t water. A scientific mission to Cape Yubl] Paque C Presse Med 72:2417-20, 3 Oct 64 (Fr) ADAPTATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL The miotic life. Brit 9 Ophthal 48:354-6, Jul 64 The biology of aggression. Barnett SA. Lancet 2:803-7, 10 Oct 64 experimental hemorrhagic shock. Sharma GP, et al. Surg Forum 15:27-9, 1964 ADENOCARCINOMA Survival rate in obstructing carcinoma of colon. Loefler I, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:716-8, Oct 64 Malignant salivary gland tumours of the nasal sinuses and exophthalmos. Mortada A. Brit 9 Ophthal 47:279-84, May 63 Combination therapy with cyclophosphamide and zymosan on a spontaneous mammary cancer In mice. Martin DS, et al. Cancer Res 24:852-4, May 64 Preoperative irradiation in the treatment of patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus and of some other sites. Nakayama K CUn Radiol 15:232-41, Jul 64 Significance of carcinoma cells In the blood relative to surgery of pulmonary carcinoma. Hayata Y, et al. Dis Chest 46:51-60, Jul 64 Carcinoma of the thyroid in myxoedema. Sclare G, et al. 9 CUn Path 17:438-43, Jul 64 ADENOCARCINOMA, PAPILLARY Tumors of the small bowel. Schmutzer KJ, et al. Amer 9 Surg 108:270-6, Aug 64 ADENOLYMPHOMA The genesis of adenolymphoma. Azzopardi JG, et al. 9 Path Bact 88:213-8, Jul 64 experimental hemorrhagic shock. Sharma GP, et al. Surg Forum 15:27-9, 1964 ADENOVIRUS Thermal and pH stability of adenovirus types 12,14, and 18. Rafajko RR, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:683-5, Jul 64 ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS Dosages of various trivalent and monovalent adenovirus vaccines in the prophlaxls of acute respiratory illness. Stille WT, et al. Amer 9 Hyg 80:121-34, Jul 64 Adenovirus infection as an aetlologlcal factor in intussusception of infants and young children. Potter CW. 9 Path Bact 88:263-74, Jul 64 Carcinoma of bladder: cobalt therapy. Goodman GB, et al. J Urol 92:30-6, Jul 64 Characteristics of human adenovirus type 12 Induced hamster tumor cells In tissue culture. Kitamura I, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:563-8, Jul 64 ADHESIONS Complications of the Noble procedure. Wilson ND. Amer 9 Surg 108:264-9, Aug 64 Conjunctival pockets. Ayoub S Brit 9 Ophthal 47:126, Feb 63 ADENINE Metabolic antagonism between an azo dye and riboflavin: effect of 3'-methyl-4-monomethylamlnoazobenzene on mu tants of Neurospora crassa. Salzberg DA. Cancer Res 24:619-25, May 64 Radloautographlc evaluation of freeze-thaw buffers using nucleic acid- and glyclne-related synthetic systems In vitro. Woolfrey BF. Lab Invest 13:581-6, Jun 64 Teratogenesls: effects of substituted purines and the Influence of 4-hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine in the rat. Bragonier JR, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:685-8, Jul 64 ADENINE NUCLEOTIDES Mechanism of platelet plug formation and role of adenosine diphosphate. Spaet TH, et al. Amer 9 Physiol 206:1267-74, Jun 64 Laevadosin for muscular dystrophy. Thomson WH Brit Med 9 5417:1135-6, 31 Oct 64 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotlde-speciflc isocltrlc dehydrogenase. A possible regulatory protein. Sanwal BD, et al. 9 Biol Chem 239:1597-603, May 64 Enzymes and drug sensitivity. Drug and enzyme interactions In porphyrias. Rlmlngton C. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:511-4, Jun 64 Effect of Na+ and K+ on the adenylate kinase of human erythrocytes. Askarl A, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:751-3, Jul 64 Protective effect of adenosine triphosphate In ADENOMA Tumors of the small bowel. Schmutzer KJ, et al. Amer 1 Surg 108:270-6, Aug 64 Surgical consideration in the management of ulcerogenic tumors of the pancreas and duodenum. Oberhelman HA Jr, et al. Amer 9 Surg 108:132-41, Aug 64 Management of the parathyroid crisis. Henley RB. Amer 9 Surg 108:183-90, Aug 64 Some questions about adenomatous polyps. Ryan P. Auit New Zeal 9 Surg 34:59-61, Aug 64 Parathyroid scanning with selenlum-75 labelled methionine. DIGiulino W, et al. 9 Nucl Med 5:417-27, Jun 84 [Differential diagnosis of tumors in the area of the sella turcica] Marguth F. Deutsch Med Wschr 89:1838-45, 25 Sep 64 (Ger) ADENOMA, CHROMOPHOBE Angloid streaks in pituitary tumour. Wright JC. Brit 9 Ophthal 48:402-3, Jul 64 Results of surgical treatment of pituitary adenoma. The factor of the excessively enlarged sella. Svien HJ, et al. 9 Neurosurg 20:669-74, Aug 63 Relative diagnostic value of air study and angiography in suprasellar masses. Bakay L, et al. 9 Neurosurg 20:729-39, Sep 63 [Pregnancy after hypophysectomy and treatment with human pituitary gonadotropin] Bettendorf G, et al. Deutsch Med Wschr 89:1952-7, 9 Oct 64 (Ger) ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATASE Histochemistry of hydrolytlc and oxidative enzymes in experimental skin carcinoma of the mouse. Auerbach WM. Cancer Res 24:937-46, Jul 64 Biochemical changes in progressive muscular dystropy. II. Phosphorus metabolism in normal, nutritional and hereditary dystrophic muscles, livers and brains of animals. Sarkar NK, et al. 9 Nutr 83:193-201, Jul 64 Influence of hypothermia and anoxia upon the biochemistry of heart muscle. Passanti GT, et al. Surg Forum 15:210-2, 1964 ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE Laevadosin for muscular dystrophy. Thomson WH. Brit Med 9 5417:1135-6, 31 Oct 64 Ribonucleotide and amino acid transfer from soluble RNA to microsomes from normal and neoplastic ADIPOSE TISSUE Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue In normal and abnormal subjects. Herrernan AG. Amer 9 Clin Nutr 15:5-10, Jul 64 The body composition of obese subjects. Studies of the effect of weight loss on the fat and lean body mass. Christian JE, et al. Amer J Clin Nutr 15:20-8, Jul 64 Studies with cultured brown adipose tissue. II. Influence of low temperature on rabies virus Infection in bat brown fat. Allen R, et al. Amer 9 Hyg 80:25-32, Jul 64 Studies with cultured brown adipose tissue. I. Persistence of rabies virus in bat brown fat. Allen R, et al. Amer 9 Hyg 80:11-24, Jul 64 Preservation of volatile anesthetics in blood and tissue. Lowe HJ. Anesthesiology 25:566-8, Jul-Aug 64 Influence of physical activity on a treadmill on the metabolism of adipose tissue in rats. PafYzkova J, et al. Brit 9 Nutr 18:325-32, 1964 3-methylcholanthrene concentration and clearance In some adipose tissues in mice. Hoshino K, et al. Cancer Res 24:648-51, May 64 Enzyme patterns in human tissues. I. Methods for the determination of glycolytic enzymes. Shonk CE, et al. Cancer Res 24:709-21, May 64 Enzyme patterns In human tissues. II. Glycolytic enzyme patterns in nonmalignant human tissues. Shonk CE, et al. Cancer Res 24:722-31, May 64 Effects of hypophysectomy and diet on lipogenesls in adipose tissue. Goodman HM. Endocrinology 75:140-2, Jul 64 Effect of exercise on free fatty acid levels in the pigeon. George JC, et al. 9 Appl Physiol 19:619-22, Jul 64 Effects of feeding frequency on metabolism, rate and efficiency of gain and on carcass quality of pigs. 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J Lab CUn Med 64:89-98, Jul 64 Amniotic fluid analysis as an aid to the ante-partum diagnosis of haemolytic disease. Stewart AG, et aL J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:604-8, Aug 64 [Our present practice of amniotic fluid puncture in the treatment of erythroblastosis caused by isoimmunization] Mayer M, et aL Presse Med 72:2369-72, 3 Oct 64 (Fr) BIOCHEMISTRY Biophysics and biochemistry education for research in pathology. Carter JR. Lab Invest 13:613-8, Jun 64 BIOFLAVONOIDS Quercetin inhibition of specific histidine decarboxylase. Smyth RD, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:593-6, Jul 64 BIOLOGICAL ASSAY A microbiological method for assessing the nutritional value of proteins. 3. Further studies on the measurement of available amino acids. Ford JE. Brit J Nutr 18:449-60, 1964 Estimation of the number of infectious bacterial or viral particles by the dilution method. Seligman SJ, et al. J Bact 88:31-6, Jul 64 Use of Arthrobacter terregens for bioassay of mycobactin. Reich CV, et al. J Bact 87:1317-20, Jun 64 Estimation of the number of infectious bacterial or viral particles by the dilution method. Seligman SJ, et al. J Bact 88:31-6, Jul 64 BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS A gastric inhibitory substance from dog antral juice. Semb LS, et al. Surg Forum 15:319-21, 1964 BIOPHYSICS Biophysics and biochemistry education for research in pathology. Carter JR. Lab Invest 13:613-8, Jun 64 BIOPSY New instrument for brain biopsy. Hallac I, et al. J Neurosurg 20:529-30, Jun 63 Evaluation of a testicular biopsy technique in the rabbit. McFee AF, et aL J Reprod Fertil 8:141-4, Aug 64 Electrocautery in percutaneous Uver biopsy. Edlich RF, et al. JAMA 190:68-9, 5 Oct 64 Modification of Menghini Uver biopsy needle. Salem SN. Lancet 2:794, 10 Oct 64 Jejunal perforation with the Crosby capsule. Clarke SW. Lancet 2:727-8, 3 Oct 64 Finger biopsy forceps. Shipman JJ. Lancet 2:844, 17 Oct 64 BIOTIN In vivo inhibition of lipogenesis by biotin deficiency. Donaldson WE. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:662-4, Jul 64 BIRD DISEASES Field and laboratory studies on eastern encephalitis in S-17 BIRD DISEASES ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS « arm- and cold-blooded vertebrates. Hayes RO, et al. Amer J Trop Med 13:595-606, Jul 64 Psittacosis complement-fixing antibodies In sera from fauna of the Great Salt Lake Desert of Utah. Sidwell RW, et al. Amer J Trop Med 13:591-4, Jul 64 BIRTH CONTROL Family planning In London teaching hospitals. Philipp EE Brit Med J 5417:1132, 31 Oct 64 Biological aspects of social problems. Lancet 2:856-8, 17 Oct 64 Changing attitudes toward the Massachusetts birth-control law. Dorsey JL. New Eng J Med 271:823-7, 15 Oct 64 BIRTH INJURY Traumatic separation of the upper femoral epiphysis as an obstetrical lesion. Mortens J, et al. Acta Orthop Scand 34:238-50, 1964 The vacuum extractor-experimental demonstration of distortion of the foetal skull. Awon MP. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:634-6, Aug 64 BIRTH WEIGHT The incompetent cervix: a survey of survivors. Goldstein PJ, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:752-6, May 64 BISHYDROXYCOUMARIN Hereditary transmission of exceptional resistance to coumarln anticoagulant drugs. The first reported kindred. O'ReUly RA, et al. New Eng J Med 271:809-15, 15 Oct 64 BLADDER Na transport by isolated turtle bladder during anaeroblosis and exposure to KCN. Klahr S, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1333-9, Jun 64 In vivo elution of tryptophan metabolites and other aromatic nitrogen compounds from cholesterol pellets Implanted Into mouse bladders. Bryan GT, et al. Cancer Res 24:586-95, May 84 Indirect cystometrography. Varughese G. J Neurosurg 20:655-9, Aug 63 Determination of organ volumes by scintillation scanning. Spencer RP. J Nucl Med 5:444-52, Jun 84 Experimental evaluation of tissue adhesives in urogenital surgery. Yoho AV, et al. J Urol 92:58-9, Jul 64 Pressure telemeter: a method of measuring Intravesical pressure without tubes, wires, or catheters. Gleason DM, et al. Surg Forum 15:502-3, 1964 BLADDER CALCULI The carcinogenic and co-carcinogenic effects of paraffin wax pellets and glass beads in the mouse bladder. Ball JK, et al. Brit J Urol 38:225-37, Jun 64 BLADDER DISEASES An Ulustrated classification of the proliferative and neoplastic changes in mouse bladder epithelium in response to prolonged Irritation. Roe FJ. Brit J Urol 36:238-53, Jun 64 Acute inversion of the urinary bladder in labour. Sutherland JC, et al. Brit Med J 5415:991-2, 17 Oct 64 Urethral obstruction in chUdren. Bladder neck hypertrophy in childhood. Corner B. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:727-30, Aug 64 Drip Infusion pyelography. Indications and applications In urologic roentgen diagnosis. Schencker B. Radiology 83:12-21, Jul 64 BLADDER NECK OBSTRUCTION Pituitary diabetes Insipidus associated with progressive urinary tract dUatatlon. Wheeler JS, et al. J Urol 92:64-7, Jul 64 Urethral obstruction in chUdren. Bladder neck hypertrophy In chUdhood. Corner B. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:727-30, Aug 64 Treatment of urethral obstruction in chUdren. MUler A. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:730-2, Aug 64 BLADDER NEOPLASMS Chlornaphazln (Erysan) may Induce cancer of the urinary bladder. Videbaek A. Acta Med Scand 176:45-50, Jul 64 Paget's disease of the vulva associated with an unusual bladder tumour. Kay JM, et al. Brit J Cancer 18:233-7, Jun 64 Tryptophan-nicotinic acid metabolism In patients with tumours of the bladder and kidney. Allfano A, et al. Brit J Cancer 18:386-9, Jun 64 An Ulustrated classification of the proliferative and neoplastic changes In mouse bladder epithelium In response to prolonged Irritation. Roe FJ. Brit J Urol 36:238-53, Jun 64 The clinical course of 234 neoplasms of the bladder In north-east Scotland. Mills KL. Brit J Urol 36:204-10, Jun 64 Adenomatous polyp of bowel following ureterocollc anastomosis. A case report and review of the literature. Glllman JC. Brit J Urol 36:264-70, Jun 64 Incidence of mouse bladder tumors following implantation of paraffin pellets containing certain tryptophan metabolites. Bryan GT, et al. Cancer Res 24:582-5, May 64 In vivo elution of tryptophan metabolites and other aromatic nitrogen compounds from cholesterol pellets Implanted Into mouse bladders. Bryan GT, et al. Cancer Res 24:586-95, May 64 Mouse bladder carcinogenicity of certain tryptophan metabolites and other aromatic nitrogen compounds suspended in cholesterol. Bryan GT, et al. Cancer Res 24:596-602, May 64 Studies of the antigens of human tumors. I. Demonstration of a soluble specific antigen in HeLa cells and some human tumors. McKenna JM, et al. Cancer Res 24:754-62, May 64 Method of urinary diversion which preserves continence: description of surgical technique and postoperative electrolyte study. Lelter E, et al. J Urol 92:37-41, Jul 64 Carcinoma of bladder: cobalt therapy. Goodman GB, et al. J Urol 92:30-6, Jul 64 In vitro labeling and autoradiography of exfoliated cells In carcinoma of the human bladder. Connolly JG, et al. Surg Forum 15:489-90, 1964 BLADDER, NEUROGENIC Further experience with the radio transmitter receiver unit for the neurogenic bladder. Bradley WE, et al. J Neurosurg 20:953-60, Nov 83 BLAST INJURY Production of clinical forms of head Injury in the dog. Bouzarth WF, et al. Surg Forum 15:421-3, 1964 BLASTOMYCES The effect of sea water and sodium chloride on the growth of fungi pathogenic to man. DzawachiszwlU N, et al. J Invest Derm 43:103-9, Aug 64 BLASTOMYCOSIS The clinical usefulness of fungal serologic testing. Mays EE, et al. Dis Chest 46:205-10, Aug 64 Masquerade graft technique for simultaneous reconstruction of upper and lower eyelids in patients with blastomycosis, amyloidosis or other chronic septic destructive lesions. Snyder GB, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg 34:163-8, Aug 64 BLINDNESS Bilateral carotlco-cavernous flstulae. Hypopituitarism from bilateral carotid ligation for surgical cure. Jamieson KG. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:1-10, Aug 64 Visual prognosis of proliferating diabetic retinopathy. Beetham WP. Brit J Ophthal 47:611-9, Oct 83 Blindness in mongolism (Down's syndrome). Cullen JF. Brit J Ophthal 47:331-3, Jun 63 Hereditary glaucoma occurrence in five generations of an Edinburgh family. Cromble AL, et al. Brit J Ophthal 48:143-7, Mar 64 Optic neuritis in measles. Srlvastava SP, et al. Brit J Ophthal 47:180-1, Mar 63 The electro-encephalogram in blind children. Jeavons PM. Brit J Ophthal 48:83-101, Feb 64 PapUloedema, optic atrophy, and blindness due to emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Freedman BJ. Brit J Ophthal 47:290-4, May 63 PapUlltis complicated by central retinal artery occlusion. Abrams JD. Brit J Ophthal 47:53, Jan 83 Retinal artery embolism: a complication of carotid endarterectomy. ShUlito J Jr, et al. J Neurosurg 20:718-20, Aug 63 The electroencephalogram in visually handicapped chUdren. Akiyama Y, et al. J Pediat 65:233-42, Aug 64 BLOOD Diuretic therapy. II. Pharmacology of mercurial diuretics. DeGraff AC, et al. Amer Heart J 68:131-3, Jul 64 FaUure to demonstrate vasopressor material in salt hypertensive rats. Kolettky 8, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:152-4, Jul 64 RNA synthesis In cultures of normal human peripheral blood. Epstein LB, et al. Blood 24:69-75, Jul 64 Rate of sickling of red ceUs during deoxygenatlon of blood from persons with various sickling disorders. Charache S, et al. Blood 24:25-48, Jul 64 The significance of iron turnover In the control of Iron absorption. Welntraub LR, et al. Blood 24:19-24, Jul 64 Enzyme patterns In human tissues. II. Glycolytic enzyme patterns In """^"•"^i.SL1 May^M Shonk CE. et al Cancer R«■ 2€£ Walker 256 Tissue glycoproteins in rats bearing carcinoma. Macbeth RA, et. ai. Cancer Res 24:614-8. May «4 and reafln ,„ The relationship of gamma-1A gloDuun »•■ cord sera. Allansmlth M, et ai. EfJfecAt?"off Sotf' o" hVP^to ic rnn,tol on electrolyte balance and on osmolarlty of serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Wise BL. J Neurosurg 20:961-7, Nov W Inhibition of insulin degradation by fractions of non-diabetic sera. Frelnkel N, et al. Lancet 2:848-7, 19 Sep 64 A Upid-mobiUzlng substance In the serum of pregnant women, of probable placental origin. Bleicher SJ, et al. MetaboUsm 13:588-6, Jun 64 Distribution of ceslum-137 after chronic exposure In dogs and mice. Furchner JE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Blol Med 116:375-8, Jun 64 Function of the ex-vivo pig Uver perfused with human blood. Liem DS, et al. Surg Forum 15:90-1, 1964 [Tumor ceUs in the blood stream] Schmahl D. Deutsch Med Wschr 89:1849-50, 25 Sep 64 (Ger) BLOOD ACID PHOSPHATASE Leucocyte enzymes in Down's syndrome. Mellman WJ, et al. Lancet 2:874-5, 20 Sep 64 BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE The effect of intermittent administration of alpha-naphthyl isothiocyanate to rats. Moran E, et al. Amer J Path 44:947-60, Jun 64 Inhibition of tritlated thymidine Incorporation Into DNA by alkaline phosphatase preparations. Rubinl JR, et al. Cancer Res 24:600-61, May 64 Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on hepatic Inflow occlusion. Jacobsen DS, et al. Surg Forum 15:198-200, 1964 Enzymatic detection of the hidden primary neoplasm. Arlen M. Surg Forum 15:352-3, 1964 BLOOD CELL COUNT 5-Hydroxytryptamlne (serotonin) In acute hypotensive shock. Swank RL, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:215-22, Jul 64 BLOOD CELLS Synthesis of ribonucleic acid in rabbit blood cells In vivo. DeBelUs RH, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1329-37, Jul 64 Effect of mononuclear blood ceUs from multiple sclerosis patients on neurogUa in tissue culture. Berg O, et al. J Neuropath Exp Neurol 23:550-9, Jul 64 Electron-microscope observations on the phagocytosis of neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes by macrophages. Brewer DB. J Path Bact 88:307-9, Jul 84 Effect of surgery of hematopoietic nucleated cells In the blood of cancer patients. Romsdahl MM, et al. Surg Forum 15:346-8, 1964 BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Determination of iron In serum using solvent extraction. Forman DT. Amer J CUn Path 42:103-8, Jul 64 Clinico-EEG correlation with arterial and Jugular venous biochemical studies In acute neurological disorder. Flscher-WilUams M, et al. Brain 87:281-306, Jun 64 A semimicro modification of the Karr urea determination method using the Somogyi serum filtrate. Ryland ME. CUn Chem 10:406-11, May 64 An automated method for the determination of serum bilirubin. Golub M. CUn Chem 10:399-405, May 64 Analyses on heat-coagulated blood and serum. II. The determination of serum Inorganic phosphate. London M, et al. CUn Chem 10:417-23, May 84 A method for determination of magnesium in serum and urine. Sky-Peck HH. CUn Chem 10:391-8, May 64 A "^method for PreParing a plasma ultraflltrate: distributions of 5 electrolytes. Ames A 3d, et al. ' "*» c«" Med 64:168-76, Jul 64 Abedslde method of blood-glucose estimation. Cohen »L, et al. Lancet 2:883-4, 24 Oct 64 hi^i?.! enzy™e-»triP method for estimating blood-sugar. Rennle ID, et al. Lancet 2:884-6, 24 Oct 64 BLOOD CHOLESTEROL Influence of diet on blood serum Uplds in oregnant ESS"J^CUn'Nur11 ^S^ Hansen Al'Tal Amer * CUn Nutr 15*11.9 Jul ha Effect of controlled breakfast «A „!». \ . triglycerides. SchllUng FJ et a? Cholestfro1 and Amer J CUn Nutr 151-4' J..1 £* The effect of lntermitt™.*' 11 . 8 alpha-naphthylto^^t'E?**™™ °f iATVh P'th «:»«.0rJunO8a4t8MOranE'etal Lipids of human platelets and their action on the blood S-18 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS BLOOD LIPIDS coagulation process. Woodside EE, et al. Blood 24:76-91, Jul 64 The relationship between diet, plasma lipid composition and aortic atherosis in rabbits. Moore JH, et al Brit J Nutr 18:431-48, 1964 A rapid method for cholesterol determination with a single reagent. Zurkowski P. CUn Chem 10:451-3, May 64 Effect of physical activity upon cholesterol synthesis in the rat liver. Aleksandrow D, et al. J Atheroscler Res 4:351-5, Jul-Aug 64 Effect of adrenaline on serum lipid stability in rabbits. WUkens JA, et al. J Atheroscler Res 4:346-50, Jul-Aug 64 Effect of adrenaline on aortic structure and serum cholesterol in Macaca radiata. Jagannathan SN, et al. J Atheroscler Res 4:335-45, Jul-Aug 64 A study of the hypocholesterolemic activity of the ethyl esters of the polyunsaturated fatty acids of cod liver oU in the rat. Kahn SG. J Nutr 83:262-6, Jul 64 Serum lipid pattern in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Konttlnen A, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:453-8, Jun 64 Serum-lipid levels In a BrazUian Indian population. Pazzanese D, et al. Lancet 2:615-7, 19 Sep 64 Reduction of serum lipids following portacaval transposition in diabetic dogs. Waddell WR, et al. MetaboUsm 13:562-71, Jun 64 Effects of medium- and long-chain saturated triglycerides on blood and liver cholesterol of chickens and rats. Fisher H, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:278-80, Jun 64 Hypocholesterolemic effect of an androsterone analogue. Ranney RE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:596-9, Jul 64 Effect of hyocholic acid on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in the mouse. Beher WT, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:442-5, Jun 64 Influence of high dietary sodium chloride on aortic ruptures in turkeys induced by diethylstUbestrol. Simpson CF, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:334-6, Jun 64 [Diabetes meUitus with normal blood sugar, hypokalemia and low serum cholesterol] S Afr Med J 38:700-4, 29 Aug 64 (Af) BLOOD CIRCULATION Myocardial blood flow after experimental pulmonary embolism in the intact dog. Guzman SV, et al. Amer Heart J 68:66-70, Jul 64 Studies on intramedullary pressure and blood flow in bone. Shaw NE. Amer Heart J 68:134-5, Jul 64 Genesis of Korotkoff sounds. Chungcharoen D. Amer J Physiol 207:190-4, Jul 64 Effect of hydrogen ion changes on vascular resistance in isolated artery segments. Carrier O Jr, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:168-72, Jul 64 Differential effects of heat on splenic and renal vascular beds. GUlenwater JY, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:133-6, Jul 64 Vascular manifestations of extensive thermal skin injury in rat mesentery. Horn L, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:137-43, Jul 64 Immediate responses of collateral vessels to abrupt arterial occlusion. Roy AJ, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1299-303, Jun 64 Hemodynamic responses to induced tachycardia in methylene blue-treated dogs. Afonso S, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1279-80, Jun 64 Venous oxygenation and circulatory responses to oxygen inhalation in acute anemia. Murray JF. Amer J Physiol 207:228-34, Jul 64 Abolition of autoregulation of renal blood flow by acetylcholine. Nahmod VE, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:123-7, Jul 64 Microcirculatory studies in man by high resolution vital microscopy. Branemark PI, et al. Angiology 15:329-32, Aug 64 Microangiographic visualization of blood distribution in intact and regenerated rat adrenals before and during cold stress. Kolthoff NJ, et al. Angiology 15:344-9, Aug 64 Functional hemodynamics of the colon. Geber WF. Angiology 15:366-70, Aug 64 The haemodynamic implications of the bisferiens pulse. Ikram H, et al. Brit Heart J 26:452-9, Jul 64 Electrocardiograms of marathon runners in 1962 Commonwealth games. Smith WG, et al. Brit Heart J 26:469-76, Jul 64 Guanethidine and methyldopa: a haemodynamic study. Chamberlain DA, et al. Brit Heart J 26:528-36, Jul 64 Tooth pulp tissue pressure and hydraulic permeabUity. Brown AC, et al. Circ Res 15:42-50, Jul 64 Control of renin secretion. Skinner SL, et al. Circ Res 15:64-76, Jul 64 Measurement of myocardial blood flow in animals and man by selective injection of radioactive inert gas into the coronary arteries. Ross RS, et al. Circ Res 15:28-41, Jul 64 Production of chronic elevation of left ventricular end diastolic pressure in dogs: hemodynamic and renal studies. Friedberg CK, et al. Circ Res 15:1-10, Jul 64 Hemodynamics of the Master two-step test in hypertension and healed myocardial infarction. Makous N, et al. Circulation 30:77-85, Jul 64 Hemodynamic events during the development of cyanosis and heart failure in a patient with large ventricular septal defect. Bliss HA, et al. Circulation 30:101-5, Jul 64 Cardiopulmonary dynamics in patients with anastomosis of the superior vena cava to the right pulmonary artery. Canent RV Jr, et al. Circulation 30:47-54, Jul 64 Mitral ball-valve prosthesis. Dynamic and clinical evaluation. Kezdi P, et al. Circulation 30:55-66, Jul 64 Systemic and regional hemodynamic alterations in toxemia. Assail NS, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:53-62, Aug 64 Haemodynamlcs and oxygen consumption of the kidney in post-lschaemic renal faUure. Balint P, et al. CUn Sci 26:471-7, Jun 64 Effect of drug infusion on the systemic and splanchnic circulation. I. Bradykinln infusion in normal subjects. Feruglio FS, et al. CUn Sci 26:487-91, Jun 64 Assessment of portal and hepatic hemodynamics after side-to-slde portacaval shunt in patients with cirrhosis. Redeker AG, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1464-71, Jul 64 Force-velocity relations in the intact dog heart. Levine HJ, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1383-96, Jul 64 Hemodynamic effects of tyramine. Harakal C, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:89-96, Apr 64 Hemodynamic effects of pressor agents in septic and myocardial infarction shock. Smulyan H, et al. JAMA 190:188-94, 19 Sep 64 Relief of high left-atrial pressure in left-ventricular failure. Case RB, et al. Lancet 2:841-2, 17 Oct 64 Circulatory and respiratory studies in myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock. MacKenzie GJ, et al. Lancet 2:825-32, 17 Oct 64 Blood and bones. Lancet 2:740-1, 3 Oct 64 Hemodynamic effects of blood transfusion in chronic anemia. Duke M, et al. New Eng J Med 271:975-80, 5 Nov 64 Current developments In ophthalmology. Fluorescein studies of the choroidal circulation. HiU DW, et al. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:500-2, Jun 64 Roentgenographic clues to the cardiac hemodynamics of aortic stenosis. Rockoff SD, et al. Radiology 83:58-62, Jul 64 Efficacy of left heart bypass in the treatment of acute heart failure. Chappie JC, et al. Surg Forum 15:262-3, 1964 Hemodynamic effects of pitressin infusion during gastroesophageal hemorrhage. Coomaraswamy RP, et al. Surg Forum 15:116-8, 1964 Vascular effects of heparin. Abramson DI, et al. Vase Dis 1:180-5, Jul 64 [Clinico-experimental studies on the collateral arterial circulation of extremities] Kappert A. Angiologica (Basel) 1:227-38, 1964 (Ger) BLOOD CIRCULATION TIME A theory for the quantification of transcapiUary exchange by tracer-dUution curves. Martin P, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:162-8, Jul 64 Ophthalmic arterial pressure and flow during extracorporeal perfusion of carotid of dogs and monkeys. Mahaley MS Jr, et al. J Neurosurg 20:1080-4, Dec 63 BLOOD COAGULATION Mechanism of platelet plug formation and role of adenosine diphosphate. Spaet TH, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1267-74, Jun 64 Clotting time of heparinized blood. Influence of acidosis. Hardaway RM, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:701-5, Oct 64 Lipids of human platelets and their action on the blood coagulation process. Woodside EE, et al. Blood 24:76-91, Jul 64 Effect of various surface active agents on heparin binding and clot formation on graphite surfaces. Whiffen JD, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:314-7, Jun 64 In vitro studies of direct current coagulation. Reardon JJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:235-7, 1964 BLOOD COAGULATION DISORDERS Vitamin-K deficiency in early pregnancy. Bailey P. Brit Med J 5418:1199, 7 Nov 64 [Fatal accident after an intravenous injection of congo red] Horstensmeyer O. Deutsch Med Wschr 89:1845-8, 25 Sep 64 (Ger) BLOOD COAGULATION TESTS Rheologic approach to thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Dintenfass L. Angiology 15:333-43, Aug 64 Clotting time of heparinized blood. Influence of acidosis. Hardaway RM, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:701-5, Oct 64 Quantitative assay of the fibrinolytic system in open heart surgery. Kevy SV, et al. Surg Forum 15:282-3, 1964 BLOOD DONORS Selection of blood donors. Orrahood MD. New Eng J Med 271:799-800, 8 Oct 64 BLOOD FLOW VELOCITY Arterial hematocrit and separation of cells and plasma in the dog kidney. Chinard FP, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:128-32, Jul 64 Relationship of blood flow in the kidney to the homograft reaction. Conn R, et al. Amer J Surg 108:245-9, Aug 64 Functional hemodynamics of the colon. Geber WF. Angiology 15:366-70, Aug 64 Control of renin secretion. Skinner SL, et al. Circ Ret 15:64-76, Jul 64 Measurement of blood flow in the femoral artery in man at rest and during exercise by local thermodilution. Ganz V, et al. Circulation 30:86-9, Jul 64 Measurement of muscle blood flow in the human forearm with radioactive krypton and xenon. Holzman GB, et al. Circulation 30:27-34, Jul 64 Electromagnetic measurement of internal jugular venous flow in the monkey; effect of epilepsy and other procedures. Meyer JS, et al. J Neurosurg 21:524-39, Jul 64 Quantitative measurement of cephalic blood flow in the monkey. Symon L, et al. J Neurosurg 20:199-218, Mar 63 Carotid blood flow in Paget's disease of the skuU. A study with electromagnetic flowmeter. Ojemann RG, et al. J Neurosurg 20:471-3, Jun 63 Peripheral resistance in regulation of blood flow through stenotic vessels. Schemm GW, et al. Surg Forum 15:405-6, 1964 BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS CUnico-EEG correlation with arterial and jugular venous biochemical studies in acute neurological disorder. Fischer-Williams M, et al. Brain 87:281-306, Jun 64 Blood-gas transfer, hemolysis, and diffusing capacity in a bubble tonometer. Ravin MB, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:784-90, Jul 64 Alveolar carbon dioxide equiUbria in breath-holding experiments. Barth DS, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:755-9, Jul 64 Circulatory and respiratory studies in myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock. MacKenzie GJ, et al. Lancet 2:825-32, 17 Oct 64 MetaboUc responses to various vasoactive and cardiotonic agents in hypovolemia. Unal M, et al. Surg Forum 15:25-7, 1964 Carbon dioxide effect on cerebral oxygenation at increased atmospheric pressures. Pinto D, et al. Surg Forum 15:411-2, 1964 BLOOD GROUP INCOMPATIBILITY The nature of late reactions following intradermal injection of heterologous anti-tissue sera. Krakower CA, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:301-6, Jun 64 BLOOD GROUPS Heterogeneity of the inherited group-spedfic component of human serum. Beam AG, et al. J Exp Med 120:83-91, 1 Jul 64 Role of the red blood ceU antigens in homograft rejection. Jacobson E Jr, et al. Surg Forum 15:138-9, 1964 [Antibodies of the GM serum system during chronic evolutive polyarthritis] Jacqueline F, et al. Presse Med 72:2205-8, 19 Sep 64 (Fr) BLOOD LIPIDS Influence of diet on blood serum Upids in pregnant women and newborn infants. Hansen AE, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:11-9, Jul 64 Effect of controUed breakfast on serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Schilling FJ, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:1-4, Jul 64 Lipids of human platelets and their action on the blood coagulation process. Woodside EE, et al. Blood 24:76-91, Jul 64 The relationship between diet, plasma Upid composition and aortic atherosis in rabbits. Moore JH, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:431-48, 1964 Effect of exercise on free fatty acid levels in the pigeon. George JC, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:619-22, Jul 64 Effed of adrenaline on serum Upid stability in rabbits. Wilkens JA, et al. J Atheroscler Res 4:346-50, Jul-Aug 64 The role of serum in acanthocyte autohemolysis and membrane Upid composition. Ways P, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1322-8, Jul 64 Serum and aortic Upids in rabbits fed cholesterol and S-19 BLOOD LIPIDS ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS linolelc acid stereoisomers. Welgensberg BI et al J Nutr 83:314-24, Aug 64 Serum lipid pattern in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Konttinen A, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:453-8, Jun 64 Effects of dietary fats on plasma-lipid levels. Furnass SB Lancet 2:689-90, 20 Sep 64 Serum-llpld levels In a Brazilian Indian population. Pazzanese D, et al. Lancet 2:615-7, 19 Sep 64 A lipld-mobUlzlng substance in the serum of pregnant women, of probable placental origin. Bleicher SJ, et al. MetaboUsm 13:583-6, Jun 64 Reduction of serum lipids following portacaval transposition in diabetic dogs. Waddell WR, et al. MetaboUsm 13:562-71, Jun 64 Effect of dietary protein level and cholesterol supplementation prior to acute starvation on serum and liver lipids in the rat. Mendez J. MetaboUsm 13:669-74, Jul 64 Carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy. V. The interrelations of glucose, insulin and free fatty acids in late pregnancy and post partum. Bleicher SJ, et al. New Eng J Med 271:866-72, 22 Oct 64 Lipolytic activity in the blood after lipase ingestion. Tidwell HC, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:720-3, Jul 64 Influence of high dietary sodium chloride on aortic ruptures in turkeys induced by diethylstilbestrol. Simpson CF, et al. Pt*c Soc Exp Biol Med 116:334-6, Jun 64 Alterations in plasma free fatty acids during extracorporeal circulation. Jacks ML, et al. Surg Forum 15:279-81, 19*4 [On the degradation of plasma lipids in preserved blood] Elmendorff H von, et al. Blut 10:61-7, Mar 64 (Ger) BLOOD PHOSPHATES Relationship of maximal tubular phosphate reabsorption to fUtration rate in the dog. Hellman D, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:89-96, Jul 64 Analyses on heat-coagulated blood and serum. II. The determination of serum inorganic phosphate. London M, et al. CUn Chem 10:417-23, May 64 Maintenance of phosphonucleotides in platelets suspended in plasma. Rossi EC, et al. J Lab CUn Med 64:42-50, Jul 64 BLOOD PLATELETS Insulin and epinephrine effects on platelet histamine release in a plasma-free system. Tidball ME. Amer J Physiol 207:177-80, Jul 64 5-Hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) in acute hypotensive shock. Swank RL, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:215-22, Jul 64 Activation of the blood fibrinolytic enzyme system by platelets. Reid WO, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1255-61, Jun 64 Thrombocytosis associated with malignant disease. Levin J, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:497-500, Oct 64 Lipids of human platelets and their action on the blood coagulation process. Woodside EE, et al. Blood 24:76-91, Jul 64 Maintenance of phosphonucleotides in platelets suspended in plasma. Rossi EC, et al. J Lab CUn Med 64:42-50, Jul 64 Low in-vivo adhesive-platelet count in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. Muckle TJ. Lancet 2:880-2, 24 Oct 64 Behaviour of blood-platelets in multiple sclerosis. Some observations with a possible bearing on pathogenesis. Field EJ, et al. Lancet 2:876-9, 24 Oct 64 BLOOD PRESERVATION Initial clinical experiences with liquid nitrogen preserved blood, employing PVP as a protective additive. Richards V, et al. Amer J Surg 108:313-22, Aug 64 [On the degradation of plasma lipids in preserved blood] Elmendorff H von, et al. Blut 10:61-7, Mar 64 (Ger) BLOOD PRESSURE The effect of carotid occlusion and central vagal stimulation on the free fatty acids of plasma and the blood pressure in the dog. Froberg S, et al Acta Med Scand 176:65-71, Jul 64 Study of hemodynamic factors which alter the sequence of the second heart sound. Boyle J 3d, et al. Amer Heart J 68:91-7, Jul 64 Effects of several cardiovascular drugs on various phases of circulatory dynamics. Aldinger EE. Amer Heart J 68:55-65, Jul 64 Studies on intramedullary pressure and blood flow in bone Shaw NE. Amer Heart J 68:134-5, Jul 64 Reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction due to stimulation of the aortic body by nicotine. Stern S, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1189-95, Jun 64 PulsatUe pressures in the microcirculation of frog's mesentery. Wiederhielm CA, et al Amer J Physiol 207:173-6, Jul 64 Quantitative assay and disappearance rate of circulating renin. Schaechtelin G, et al Amer J Physiol 206:1361-4, Jun 64 Control of aldosterone secretion by change of body potassium in normal man. Gann DS, et al Amer J Physiol 207:104-8, Jul 64 Analysis of vascular responses in the spleen. Boatman DL, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:155-61, Jul 64 Abolition of autoregulation of renal blood flow by acetylcholine. Nahmod VE, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:123-7, Jul 64 Functional hemodynamics of the colon. Geber WF. Angiology 15:366-70, Aug 64 Episcleral venous pressure in tonography. Leith AB. Brit J Ophthal 47:271-8, May 63 Effects of chronic excess salt ingestion. Vascular reactivity in two strains of rats with opposite genetic susceptibility to experimental hypertension. Dahl LK, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:11-22, Aug 64 Systemic and regional hemodynamic alterations In toxemia. Assali NS, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:53-62, Aug 64 Effect of drug infusion on the systemic and splanchnic circulation. I. Bradykinin infusion in normal subjects. Feruglio FS, et al. CUn Sd 26:487-91, Jun 64 Effect of drug infusion on the systemic and splanchnic circulation. 2. Octapressin infusion in normal and cirrhotic subjects. Feruglio FS, et al. CUn Sd 26:493-8, Jun 64 Electroencephalographic and circulatory responses to megimide in normal subjects. SeUden U, et al. Electroenceph CUn Neurophysiol 17:11-6, Jul 64 Assessment of portal and hepatic hemodynamics after side-to-side portacaval shunt in patients with cirrhosis. Redeker AG, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1464-71, Jul 64 Effects of guanethidine, reserpine, and methyldopa on reflex venous and arterial constriction in man. Mason DT, et al. J CUn Divest 43:1449-63, Jul 64 Sustained hypertension in dogs following chronic administration of ganglionic blocking agents. Pardo EG, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:124-30, Apr 64 A study of the mechanisms of the modifying actions of cocaine, ephedrine and imipramine on the cardiovascular response to norepinephrine and epinephrine. Eble JN. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:76-82, Apr 64 Hemodynamic effects of tyramine. Harakal C, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:89-96, Apr 64 Some cardiovascular actions of benzquinamide. Scriabine A, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:131-7, Apr 64 Changes of blood elements and the circulatory system in climbing. II. Sumiyoshi K, et al. Jap Circ J 28:661-8, Sep 64 Changes of blood elements and the circulatory system in climbing. 3. Sumiyoshi K, et al. Jap Circ J 28:669-75, Sep 64 Circulatory and acid-base changes during operations for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Burton GW, et al. Lancet 2:782-5, 10 Oct 64 Circulatory reflexes in patients with cerebrovascular disease. AppenzeUer O, et al. New Eng J Med 271:820-3, 15 Oct 64 Effect of blood volume changes on renin-like activity in blood. Ziegler M, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:774-8, Jul 64 Inotropic activity of a series of amino acids. Gatgounis J, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:430-4, Jun 64 Influence of high dietary sodium chloride on aortic ruptures in turkeys induced by diethylstilbestrol. Simpson CF, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:334-6, Jun 64 Metabolic responses to various vasoactive and cardiotonic agents in hypovolemia. Unal M, et al. Surg Forum 15:25-7, 1964 A comparison of the physiologic effects of angiotensin with other vasoconstrictors. Rea VE, et al. Surg Forum 15:17-8, 1964 Hemodynamic effects of pitressin infusion during gastroesophageal hemorrhage. Coomaraswamy RP, et al. Surg Forum 15:116-8, 1964 Hemodynamic effects of low viscosity dextran in surgical shock. Carey JS, et al. Surg Forum 15:22-4, 1964 BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION The blood pressure in myxoedema coma. Bellau AR. Brit J CUn Pract 18:387-93, Jul 64 Variation in arterial pressure throughout the day and night. Richardson DW, et al. CUn Sci 26:445-60, Jun 64 Observations on the mortality of 270 treated and 199 untreated retinal grade I and II hypertensive patients foUowed in aU instances for five years. (With special reference to the basal blood pressure, and to the presence of absence of certain hypertensive disabUities at the onset). Smirk FH. New Zeal Med J 63:413-43, Jul 64 Vectorcardiographic and ventricular pressure studies in utero and after birth using a special surgical technique. Idriss FS, et al. Surg Forum 15:389-91, 1964 A new and aerate method for ineasurlng^capJUary fragiUty. Karpman HL, et al. Vase «i» BLOOD PROTEIN DISORDERS Incubation hemoiysis and red ceU metaboUsm in acanthocytosis. Simon ER, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1311-21, Jul 64 The role of serum in acanthocyte autohemolysis and membrane Upid composition. Ways r», et al. J CUn Divest 43:1322-8, Jul 64 The overproduction of immunoglobuUns. Martin NM Proc Roy Soc Med 57:752-5, Aug 64 BLOOD PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS Studies on the serum proteins. VI. Recent advances In cUnical interpretation of electrophoretic fractionations. Sunderman FW Jr. Amer J CUn Path 42:1-21, Jul 64 What is the albumin level? A comparison of methods for albumin determination. Fessel WJ, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:547-50, Oct 64 Increased globulin fractionation by an improved vertical gel electrophoretic technique. Lorber A. J Lab CUn Med 64:133-44, Jul 64 Electrophoretic patterns from x-irradiated blood serums. Luzzio AJ. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:769-74, Jul 64 BLOOD PROTEINS Serum protein turnover in experimental hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Kekki M. Acta Endocr (Kobenhavn) 46:Suppl 91:1-137, 1964 Cardiac and peripheral failure in hemorrhagic shock in the dog. Rothe CF, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:203-14, Jul 64 Control of aldosterone secretion by change of body potassium in normal man. Gann DS, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:104-8, Jul 64 The loss of protein in human and canine hepatic bile. Hardwicke J, et al. CUn Sd 26:509-17, Jun 64 Specific binding of an I-131-labeled ragweed pollen fraction by sera of untreated ragweed-sensitive humans. Lidd D, et al. J AUerg 35:289-305, Jul-Aug 64 Nonspecific effects of Uver extract-adjuvant injection in guinea pigs. A morphologic and immunologic study. Soergel KH, et al. J Lab CUn Med 64:51-9, Jul 64 Changes of blood elements and the circulatory system in climbing. II. Sumiyoshi K, et al. Jap Circ J 28:661-8, Sep 64 Reduction of gamma globuUn with long-acting thyroid-stimulating activity. Dorrington KJ, et al. Lancet 2:889-91, 24 Oct 64 The plasma InsuUn "inhibitor" and immunopreclpitation assay. Kuzuya T, et al. MetaboUsm 13:493-5, Jun 64 Protein bound human growth hormone. CoUipp PJ, et al. MetaboUsm 13:532-8, Jun 64 Influence of high dietary sodium chloride on aortic ruptures in turkeys induced by diethylstilbestrol. Simpson CF, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:334-6, Jun 64 Synthesis of plasma protein fractions in burned patients. Kukral JC, et al. Surg Forum 15:43-5, 1964 BLOOD SEDIMENTATION Rheologic approach to thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Dintenfass L. Angiology 15:333-43, Aug 64 Effect of castration in man upon blood sedimentation rate, hematocrit and hemoglobin. Hamilton JB, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:506-11, Jun 64 BLOOD SPECIMEN COLLECTION The heparinized capillary tube as an epidemiologic tool. I. SyphiUs and Salmonella serologic screening. Worth RM. Amer J Hyg 80:62-9, Jul 64 BLOOD SUGAR Alcohol hypoglycemia. Effects of ethanol on plasma. 3. Glucose, ketones, and free fatty acids in "juvenile" diabetics: a model for "nonketotic diabetic acidosis"? Arky RA, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:501-7, Oct 64 Direct automated determination of glucose by a glucose oxidase-peroxidase system. GetcheU G, et al. CUn Chem 10:540-8, Jun 64 Semiautomatic determination of serum glucose and urea using a new three-channel pipetting machine. Sobolewski G. CUn Chem 10:563-7 Jun 64 Action of insulin upon blood glucose levels of fasted hypophysectomized, depancreatized and normal chickens. Koike TI, et al. normal Endocrinology 74:944-8, Jun 64 Induced synthesis of hepatic uridine diphosnhate glucose-glycogen Hucosyltransferase after administration of insuUn tn jiu... -.• \T [. Steiner DF et al Jln7», ^. aUoxal»-diabetic rats. Sterner D*, et al. J Biol Chem 239:1292-8, May 64 S-20 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS bone and bones BLOOD VESSELS Alteration of vascular responses to endotoxin by adrenergic blockade. Brake CM, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:149-51, Jul 64 Analysis of vascular responses In the spleen. Boatman DL, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:155-61, Jul 64 Effect of hydrogen Ion changes on vascular resistance In Isolated artery segments. Carrier O Jr, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:168-72, Jul 64 A note on the cutaneous arterial vessels of some primates. Baccaredda-Boy A. Angiologica (Basel) 1:209-12, 1964 Peripheral vasoconstriction Induced by emotional stress In rats. Solomon GF, et al. Anglology 15:382-5, Aug 64 Vasculature of the cat eye. Wong VG, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:351-8, Sep 64 Effects of chronic excess salt Ingestion. Vascular reactivity In two strains of rats with opposite genetic susceptibility to experimental hypertension. Dahl LK, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:11-22, Aug 64 Simplified technique for chronic catheterization of blood vessels. Herd JA, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:791-2, Jul 64 Hyperbaric oxygen and corneal neovascularisation. Henkind P. Lancet 2:836-8, 17 Oct 64 Vascular destruction and revascularization In severe thermal Injuries. Order SE, et al. Surg Forum 15:37-9, 1964 [Significance of anlsotropy and nonhomogenous factors In the determination of vascular elasticity II] Hardung V. Angiologica (Basel) 1:185-96, 1964 (Ger) L-leuclne sensitivity and glucose tolerance In normal subjects. Becker FO, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:554-9, Jun 64 Changes of blood elements and the circulatory system in climbing. II. Sumiyoshi K, et al. Jap Circ J 28:661-8, Sep 64 A rapid enzyme-strip method for estimating blood-sugar. Rennle ID, et al. Lancet 2:884-8, 24 Oct 84 Abedside method of blood-glucose estimation. Cohen SL, et al. Lancet 2:883-4, 24 Oct 64 An intestinal hormone affecting glucose disposal In man. Dupre J. Lancet 2:672-3, 20 Sep 64 The growth-hormone-dependent sulphatlon factor In serum of untreated diabetics. Yde H Lancet 2:625-6, 19 Sep 64 Carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy. V. The Interrelations of glucose, insulin and free fatty acids in late pregnancy and post partum. Bleicher SJ, et al New Eng J Med 271:866-72, 22 Oct 64 Metabolic responses to various vasoactive and cardiotonic agents In hypovolemia. Unal M, et al. Surg Forum 15:25-7, 1964 [Diabetes mellltus with normal blood sugar, hypokalemia and low serum cholesterol] S Afr Med J 38:700-4, 29 Aug 84 (Af) BLOOD TRANSFUSION Cardiac and peripheral faUure in hemorrhagic shock In the dog. Rothe CF, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:203-14, Jul 64 The metabolism of erythropoietin in patients with anemia due to deficient erythropoiesis. Rosse WF, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1348-54, Jul 64 Thrombocytopenia and megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy. Jenkins GC, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:609-14, Aug 64 Intensive plasma therapy in the hemophilias. Roberts HR, et al. JAMA 190:546-8, 9 Nov 64 Hip disarticulation in a patient with hemophilia. Management with fibrinogen rich In factor 8. Albright J A, et al. JAMA 190:548-50, 9 Nov 64 Circulatory and acid-base changes during operations for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Burton GW, et al. Lancet 2:782-5, 10 Oct 64 Hemodynamic effects of blood transfusion In chronic anemia. Duke M, et al. New Eng J Med 271:975-80, 5 Nov 64 Selection of blood donors. Orrahood MD. New Eng J Med 271:799-800, 8 Oct 64 Pooled human plasma as a volume expander. HUlman RS. New Eng J Med 271:1027-32, 12 Nov 64 Post-transfusion anicteric hepatitis. Hampers CL, et al. New Eng J Med 271:749-54, 8 Oct 64 Effect of whole blood on the survival time of skin homografts in rabbits. Colberg JE, et al. Surg Forum 15:139-41, 1964 Changes In Intracardiac pressures with overtransf usion of normal dogs. Yu SC, et al. Surg Forum 15:283-5, 1964 Blood viscosity alteration following hemorrhage and after volume restitution with saline, plasma, dextrans, or shed blood. Hoyt RK, et al. Surg Forum 15:34-5, 1964 [Acute hemolytic anemia due to naphthalene Inhalation in 2 premature infants and 1 full-term Infant] Irle U. Deutsch Med Wschr 89:1798-800, 18 Sep 64 (Ger) BLOOD VESSEL PROSTHESIS The "subclavian steal" syndrome. Clinical and roentgenological observations In 8 cases. Kyllonen KE, et al. Ann Chlr Gynaec Fenn 53:305-14, 1964 Repair of small arteries with contact cement and teflon graft. Khodadad G, et al. J Neurosurg 21:552-60, Jul 64 Femoral aneurysms. Review of surgical management. Pappas G, et al. JAMA 190:489-93, 9 Nov 64 Venous replacement with synthetic graft covered with canine pseudointima. Inokuchi K, et al. Lancet 2:700, 20 Sep 64 Iliofemoral occlusive disease associated with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. Harrison TS, et al. New Eng J Med 271:985-9, 5 Nov 64 Arterial replacement by autogenous connective tissue tubes formed In polyurethane sponge. Matsumoto PJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:72-3, 1964 [Revascularization operations on the large neck vessels] Dupas M. Presse Med 72:2325-30, 26 Sep 84 (Fr) BLOOD VESSEL TRANSPLANTATION BODY COMPOSITION BLOOD VISCOSITY Rheologlc approach to thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Dlntenfass L. Anglology 15:333-43, Aug 64 Rate of sickling of red cells during deoxygenatlon of blood from persons with various sickling disorders. Charache S, et al. Blood 24:25-48, Jul 64 Blood viscosity alteration following hemorrhage and after volume restitution with saline, plasma, dextrans, or shed blood. Hoyt RK, et al. Surg Forum 15:34-5, 1964 Hemodynamic effects of low viscosity dextran in surgical shock. Carey JS, et al. Surg Forum 15:22-4, 1964 [On a side-effect of cardiac glycosides on the viscosity of the blood] Muller HE. Blut 10:56-60, Mar 64 (Ger) BLOOD VOLUME Control of aldosterone secretion by change of body potassium in normal man. Gann DS, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:104-8, Jul 64 Normal blood volumes in the horse. Marcilese NA, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:223-7, Jul 64 Changes in red cell mass after pelvic fracture. Zeldman H, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:596-601, Oct 64 Actual and predicted-normal red-cell and plasma volumes In primary and secondary polycythaemia. Hume R, et al. CUn Sci 26:499-508, Jun 64 Blood volume changes in patients with burns treated with either colloid or saline solutions. Davies JW. CUn Sd 26:429-43, Jun 64 Effects of chlorothiazide on working capacity of normal subjects. Danzinger RG, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:636-8, Jul 64 Circulatory and acid-base changes during operations for abdominal aortic aneurysm. Burton GW, et al. Lancet 2:782-5, 10 Oct 84 Pooled human plasma as a volume expander. Hillman RS. New Eng J Med 271:1027-32, 12 Nov 64 Effect of blood volume changes on renln-like activity in blood. Zlegler M, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:774-8, Jul 64 Effects of minimal blood volume changes on renal blood flow. King TC, et al. Surg Forum 15:494-6, 1964 Changes in intracardiac pressures with overtransfuslon of normal dogs. Yu SC, et al. Surg Forum 15:283-5, 1964 BLOODLETTING The significance of iron turnover in the control of Iron absorption. Weintraub LR, et al. Blood 24:19-24, Jul 64 Priapism: case report and review of mechanism. Boerema WJ. Med J Aust 2:340-1, 29 Aug 64 Femoral aneurysms. Review of surgical management. Pappas G, et al. JAMA 190:489-93, 9 Nov 64 Venous replacement with synthetic graft covered with canine pseudointima. Inokuchi K, et al. Lancet 2:700, 20 Sep 64 Iliofemoral occlusive disease associated with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. Harrison TS, et al. New Eng J Med 271:985-9, 5 Nov 64 [Revascularization operations on the large neck vessels] Dupas M. Presse Med 72:2325-30, 26 Sep 64 (Fr) The body composition of obese subjects. Studies of the effect of weight loss on the fat and lean body mass. Christian JE, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:20-8, Jul 64 The total weight of mineral in the human infant. Garrow JS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:409-12, 1984 A hydraulic scale for ln-bed weighing of patients. Roe CF, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:820-2, Jul 64 Influence of body composition on adrenal function in obesity. Prezio JA, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:481-5, Jun 64 Mineral utilization in the rat. 3. Effects of calcium, phosphorus, lactose and source of protein in zinc-deflclent and In zinc-adequate diets. Forbes RM. J Nutr 83:225-33, Jul 84 Correlation between total exchangeable potassium and resting energy expenditure. Lister J, et al. Surg Forum 15:83-4, 1964 BODY FLUIDS Total body water in farm animals. Hansard SL. Amer J Physiol 206:1369-72, Jun 64 Human ciliated epitheUal cells In nasal secretions. Morphologic and histochemical aspects. Bryan WT, et al. Ann Otol 73:474-87, Jun 64 Gas chromatographic determination of lower alcohols In biologic samples. Lyons H, et al. CUn Chem 10:429-32, May 64 BODY HEIGHT Heights and weights of white nursery-school children n Pretoria. Prinsloo JG. S Afr Med J 38:601-6,15 Aug 64 BODY TEMPERATURE Electrocardiographic changes in accidental hypothermia. Ree MJ. Brit Heart J 26:586-71, Jul 64 The blood pressure In myxoedema coma. Bellau AR. Brit J CUn Pract 18:387-93, Jul 64 Application of thermography to the problem of placental localization: preliminary communication. Young RJ. Brit Med J 5415:978-81, 17 Oct 64 Autonomic changes during paroxysmal EEG activity. Johnson LC, et al. Electroenceph CUn Neurophysiol 17:25-35, Jul 64 Alveolar capillary temperature compared with aortic and bronchial wedge temperatures. Edwards AW. J Appl Physiol 19:760-4, Jul 84 A new technlc for the demonstration of skin temperature patterns. Crissey JT, et al. J Invest Derm 43:89-91, Aug 64 BODY TEMPERATURE REGULATION Behavioral thermoregulation in response to local cooling of the rat brain. Satinoff E. Amer J Physiol 206:1389-94, Jun 64 Physiological reactions to cold of men In the Antarctic. Wyndham CH, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:593-7, Jul 64 Heat reactions of Caucasians in temperate, in hot, dry, and In hot, humid cUmates. Wyndham CH, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:607-12, Jul 64 Physiological reactions of Caucasian and Bantu males in acute exposure to cold. Wyndham CH, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:583-92, Jul 64 Heat reactions of Caucasians and Bantu in South Africa. Wyndham CH, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:598-606, Jul 64 BODY WEIGHT Control of aldosterone secretion by change of body potassium in normal man. Gann DS, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:104-8, Jul 64 The intake of milk and the retention of Its constituents while the newborn rabbit doubles its weight. Davies JS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:385-92, 1964 A hydrauUc scale for in-bed weighing of patients. Roe CF, et al. J Appl Phytlol 19:820-2, Jul 84 Mineral utilization in the rat. 3. Effects of calcium, phosphorus, lactose and source of protein in zinc-deficient and in zinc-adequate diets. Forbes RM. J Nutr 83:225-33, Jul 64 MetaboUsm of 4,7,10,13,18-docosapentaenoic acid in the essential fatty acid-deficient rat. Verdino B, et al. J Nutr 83:234-8, Jul 64 Effects of feeding frequency on metaboUsm, rate and efficiency of gain and on carcass quaUty of pigs. Friend DW, et al. J Nutr 83:251-6, Jul 64 Heights and weights of white nursery-school children n Pretoria. Prinsloo JG. S Afr Med J 38:601-6, 15 Aug 64 BONE AND BONES Studies on Intramedullary pressure and blood flow In bone. Shaw NE. Amer Heart J 68:134-5, Jul 64 Severe undernutrition in growing and adult animals. 12. The extremities of the long bones in pigs. Pratt CW, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:393-408, 1964 The total weight of mineral in the human infant. Garrow JS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:409-12, 1964 Blood and bones. Lancet 2:740-1, 3 Oct 64 Distribution of cesium-137 after chronic exposure in dogs and mice. Furchner JE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:375-8, Jun 64 Effect of dietary magnesium and fluoride on citric acid content of chick bones. Griffith FD, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:622-3, Jul 64 The physiology of the extension of the fingers. Tubiana R, et al. Surg CUn N Amer 44:909-18, Aug 64 Effect of acidic polysaccharides on bone uptake of radioactive strontium and calcium. Paul TM, et al. Surg Forum 15:66-7, 1964 Micro-analysis of bone by laser microprobe. Lithwick NH, et al. Surg Forum 15:439-41, 1964 S-21 BONE CYST ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS BONE CYST Dysf ibroplasla, dyschondroplasla and dysosteoplasla of bone Edling Np. Acta Radiol [Dlagn] (Stockholm) 2:283-8, Jul 64 BONE DEVELOPMENT Effect of venous stasis on long bone growth In the dog. Keck SW, et al. Surg Forum 15:443-4, 1964 BONE DISEASES Dysflbroplasia, dyschondroplasla and dysosteoplasla of bone. Edling NP. Acta Radiol [Dlagn] (Stockholm) 2:283-8, Jul 64 Changes in bone associated with cyanotic congenital cardiac disease. Nice CM Jr, et al. Amer Heart J 68:25-31, Jul 64 Blood and bones. Lancet 2:740-1, 3 Oct 64 Aspects of orbital disease. Some rare tumors of the orbit. Lambert V. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:737-8, Aug 64 BONE MARROW Studies on intramedullary pressure and blood flow in bone Shaw NE. Amer Heart J 68:134-5, Jul 64 Lymphatic drainage of bone marrow. Fuller KM, et al. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:11-4, Aug 64 Effect of riboflavine deficiency on bone marrow function and protein metabolism in baboons. Preliminary report. Foy H, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:307-18, 1964 Inhibition of tritiated thymidine incorporation into DNA by alkaline phosphatase preparations. Rubini JR, et al. Cancer Res 24:655-61, May 64 Distribution of cesium-137 after chronic exposure in dogs and mice. Furchner JE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:375-8, Jun 64 Radiation effects on ceU cycle dynamics. 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Int Arch AUerg 24:Suppl:56-7, 1964 (Ger) DIETARY CARBOHYDRATES The food purchases of elderly women living alone: a statistical inconsistency and its investigation. Piatt BS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:413-29, 1964 The relationship between diet, plasma lipid composition and aortic atherosis in rabbits. Moore JH, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:431-48, 1964 The influence of levels of protein and starch in rations of sheep on the utUization of protein. Tagari H, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:333-56, 1964 Diet and dental disease. Brit Med J 5415:964, 17 Oct 64 Notes on ecologic malnutrition in the New Guinea Highlands. Jelliffe DB, et al. CUn Pediat (Phila) 3:432-8, Jul 64 Effects of hypophysectomy and diet on lipogenesis in adipose tissue. Goodman HM. Endocrinology 75:140-2, Jul 64 Effect of dietary carbohydrate and glucokinase and mannokinase activities of various rat tissues. Abraham S, et al. J Nutr 83:273-88, Jul 64 The role of serotonin in the digestive process. Edynak E, et al. Surg Forum 15:301-3, 1964 DIETARY FATS Influence of diet on blood serum lipids in pregnant women and newborn infants. Hansen AE, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:11-9, Jul 64 Effect of controlled breakfast on serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Schilling FJ, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:1-4, Jul 64 The relationship between diet, plasma lipid composition and aortic atherosis in rabbits. Moore JH, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:431-48, 1964 The food purchases of elderly women living alone: a statistical inconsistency and its investigation. Piatt BS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:413-29, 1964 Nutritional effects of autoxidized fats in animal diets. Beef fat in the diet of rats. Lea CH, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:369-84, 1964 To-day's drugs. Agents for lowering serum cholesterol. Brit Med J 5418:1181-3, 7 Nov 64 Effects of hypophysectomy and diet on lipogenesis in adipose tissue. Goodman HM. Endocrinology 75:140-2, Jul 64 Cardiovascular disease in the Masai. Mann GV, et al. 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Surg Forum 15:287-8, 1964 DIETARY PROTEINS Influence of diet on blood serum Upids in pregnant women and newborn infants. Hansen AE, et al. Amer J CUn Nutr 15:11-9, Jul 64 Studies of the growth-promoting activity for chicks of fish solubles. Harrison GF, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:461-6, 1964 The food purchases of elderly women Uving alone: a statistical inconsistency and its investigation. Piatt BS, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:413-29, 1964 A microbiological method for assessing the nutritional value of proteins. 3. Further studies on the measurement of available amino acids. Ford JE. Brit J Nutr 18:449-60, 1964 Nitrogen balance studies with the milk-fed lamb. 3. Effect of different nitrogen intakes on growth and nitrogen balance. Walker DM, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:295-306, 1964 The influence of levels of protein and starch in rations of sheep on the utiUzation of protein. Tagari H, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:333-56, 1964 Effects of hypophysectomy and diet on lipogenesis in adipose tissue. Goodman HM. Endocrinology 75:140-2, Jul 64 Thyroxine and antithyrotoxic effects in the chick. Westerfeld WW, et al. J Nutr 83:325-31, Aug 64 An antithyrotoxic assay based upon the response of rat Uver alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. Richert DA, et al. J Nutr 83:332-42, Aug 64 Urolithiasis in the rat. IV. Influence of amino acid supplements on the occurrence of citrate calculi. Van Reen R, et al. J Nutr 83:358-64, Aug 64 All-vegetable protein mixtures for human feeding. XV. Studies in dogs on the absorption of gassypol from cottonseed flour-containing vegetable protein mixtures. Bressani R, et al. J Nutr 83:209-17, Jul 64 Effect of protein intake on the ribonucleic acid of Uver ceU sap. Munro HN, et al. J Nutr 83:186-92, Jul 64 Mineral utiUzation in the rat. 3. Effects of calcium, phosphorus, lactose and source of protein in zinc-deficient and in zinc-adequate diets. Forbes RM. 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Practitioner 193:5-13, Jul 64 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS HYPOPITUITARISM The choice of hypotensive agents. Palmer KN. Practitioner 193:43-9, Jul 64 Hypertension and the kidney. Peart WS. Practitioner 193:14-26, Jul 64 Cesarean section in the eclamptic patient on antihypertensive therapy: A review of fourteen cases. Alexander JA, et al. Southern Med J 57:1282-7, Nov 64 [Clinical trial of a hypotensive drug: 3,4-dihydroxy-d-l-phenylalanine or Methyldopa] MUliez P, et al. Prette Med 72:2519-20, 17 Oct 64 (Fr) HYPERTENSION, MALIGNANT A case of hypertension with ischaemlc kidney demonstrated at the Postgraduate Medical School of London. Brit Med J 5414:923-6, 10 Oct 64 Effect of bUateral nephrectomy and kidney transplantation on hypertension In man. Kolff WJ, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:23-35, Aug 64 Malignant hypertension. Harington M. Practitioner 193:35-42, Jul 64 The choice of hypotensive agents. Palmer KN. 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Southern Med J 57:1273-7, Nov 64 Role of oxygen in development of pulmonary hypertension. Liddle HV. Surg Forum 15:186-8, 1964 HYPERTENSION, RENAL Quantitative assay and disappearance rate of circulating renin. Schaechtelin G, et al. Amer 3 Physiol 206:1361-4, Jun 64 Failure to demonstrate vasopressor material in salt hypertensive rats. Koletsky S, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:152-4, Jul 64 Bilateral renal artery stenosis with aldosteronism. Blagg CR, et al. Brit J Radiol 37:554-7, Jul 64 Renal ischaemia due to thrombosis of renal artery resulting from metastases from primary carcinoma of the bronchus. Jennings RC, et al. Brit Med J 5416:1053-4, 24 Oct 64 A case of hypertension with ischaemic kidney demonstrated at the Postgraduate Medical School of London. Brit Med J 5414:923-6, 10 Oct 64 Effect of bUateral nephrectomy and kidney transplantation on hypertension in man. Kolff WJ, et al. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:23-35, Aug 64 Variation in arterial pressure throughout the day and night. 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Surg Forum 15:79-80, 1964 Influence of thyroxine on the ribosomal synthesis of collagen. Malt RA, et al. Surg Forum 15:54-5, 1964 [Exploration of the hypophyso-thyroid couple by the use of an imidazole derivative. Apropos of 25 personal cases] Bricaire H, et al. Presse Med 72:2505-10, 17 Oct 64 (Fr) [The AchiUes reflexogram In thyroid disorders and in electrolyte metebolism disorders] Kissel P, et al. Prette Med 72:2201-4, 19 Sep 64 (Fr) HYPERTONIC SOLUTIONS Effects of infusion of hypertonic mannitol on electrolyte balance and on osmolarlty of serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Wise BL. 3 Neurosurg 20:961-7, Nov 63 HYPERTROPHY Persistent axial or sciatic artery of the lower limb in association with hemihypertrophy. Wright FW. CUn Radiol 15:291-2, Jul 64 Tissue oxygen tension in pedicle flaps, local hypertrophy, and thermal burns. PoUock WJ, et al. 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New Eng J Med 271:785-7, 8 Oct 64 Insulinoma with symptoms for thirty years. Black KO, et al. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:675-6, Aug 64 Gastric secretory response to insulin hypoglycemia. Davis RA, et al. Surg Formm 15:312-3, 1964 Hypoglycemic coma and hyperkalaemic acidosis due to alcohol intoxication. Vinke B. Trop Geogr Med 16:115-9, Jun 64 HYPOKALEMIA The relation between hypopotassaemia and alkalosis during administration of polythiazide and chlorthalidone. Rooth G, et al. Acta Med Scand 176:51-7, Jul 64 Geophagia with iron deficiency and hypokalemia. Cachexia africana. Mengel CE, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:470-4, Oct 64 A new effective diuretlc-Lasix. Stokes W. Brit Med J 5414:910-4, 10 Oct 64 Pancreatic adenoma with intractable diarrhea, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Brown CH, et al. JAMA 190:30-4, 5 Oct 64 Hypokalemic paralysis induced by amphotericin B. McChesney JA, et al. JAMA 189:1029-31, 28 Sep 64 Hypokalemic nephropathy of vomiting. GaUoway NC, et al. 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Ree MJ. Brit Heart J 26:566-71, Jul 64 Hypothermia. A clue to hypoglycemia. Kedes LH, et al. New Eng J Med 271:785-7, 8 Oct 64 HYPOTHERMIA, INDUCED Effect of hypothermia on excitation and propagation in the isolated atrium. Torres JC, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:199-202, Jul 64 Behavioral thermoregulation in response to local cooling of the rat brain. Satinoff E. Amer J Physiol 206:1389-94, Jun 64 Differential effects of heat on splenic and renal vascular beds. GiUenwater JY, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:133-6, Jul 64 Tissue glycogen fractions of the hypothermic rat, hamster, and turtle. Platner WS, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:42-6, Jul 64 Intravascular hemolysis foUowing urea administration during hypothermia. Ravin MB, et al. Anesthesiology 25:576-80, Jul-Aug 64 Electroretinogram and cortical evoked potentials under hypothermia. Wolin LR, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:521-4, Oct 64 Tolerance of dogs to deep hypothermia. ControUed and maintained with a pump oxygenator. Lesage MA, et al. 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Rubeiz MT, et al. Surg Forum 15:461-3, 1964 Oxygen consumption during total perfusion with dUuted blood at normal and hypothermic temperatures. Ikeda S, et al. Surg Forum 15:212-3, 1964 Profound selective cerebral hypothermia in dogs by naso-oral perfusion and head immersion. Brown HW, et al. Surg Forum 15:413-5, 1964 Prolonged circulatory arrest with preferential cerebral hypothermia and resuscitation by external cardiac massage. Wolfson SK Jr, et al. Surg Forum 15:415-7, 1964 Correlation of edema formation, hemoconcentration, and mortality in experimental burns treated with hypothermia. Manson AD, et al. Surg Forum 15:469-71, 1964 HYPOTHYROIDISM Diagnostic value of 131-1 in thyroid disorders. A study of 649 patients. Dyrbye MO, et al. Acta Med Scaad 176:91-101, Jul 64 Fatty acid composition of adipose tissue in normal and abnormal subjects. Herrernan AG. Amer J Cba Nutr 15:5-10, Jul 64 The effect of hypothyroidism on the larynx of the rat. An explanation for hoarseness associated with hypothyroidism ia the human. Ritter FN. Ann Otol 73:4*4-16, Jun 64 Electrocardiographic changes In hypothyroidism Adams CW. Dis Chett 46:87-8 Jul 64 Influence of hypothyroidism and chorionic gonadotrophin on ovarian coUagen In the rat. Adams WC, et al. Endocrinology 75:138-9, Jul 64 The cardiovascular system in thyroid malfunction. Mead J. J Amer Geriat Soc 12:776-86, Aug M Cushing's syndrome with "normal" replacement dose of cortisone In pituitary hypothyroidism. Parfltt AM J CUn Endocr 24:560-2, Jun 64 Carbon-14 studies of energy metaboUsm in various thyroid states. Gordon ES, et al. MetaboUsm 13:591-608, Jul 64 Rising Incidence of hypothyroidism after radioactive-iodine therapy in thyrotoxicosis. Dunn JT, et al. New Eng J Med 271:1037-42, 12 Nov 64 Influence of thyroxine on the ribosomal synthesis of coUagen. Malt RA, et al. 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Surg Forum 15:289-91, 19** Simplified technique of ileocolostomy. Shrum RC, et al Surg Forum 15:299-301, 1964 S-70 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS infant, newborn, 1UAC ARTERY Aneurysm of a persistent primitive sciatic artery. Joffe N. CUn Radiol 15:286-90, Jul 64 persistent axial or sciatic artery of the lower limb In association with hemihypertrophy. Wright FW. CUn Radiol 15:291-2, Jul 64 niofemoral occlusive disease associated with aneurysms of the abdominal aorta. Harrison TS, et al. New Eng J Med 271:985-9, 5 Nov 64 Peripheral angiography: a clinical evaluation. Rose S. Vase Dit 1:64-76, Jan 64 A congenital anomaly of the aorto-illac bifurcation. Haeften FF van. Vase Dit 1:109-12, Mar 64 Arteriovenous fistula between the common Ulac artery and vein. Areskog NH, et al. Vase Dit 1:113-8, Mar 64 ILIAC VEIN Effect of venous stasis on long bone growth In the dog. Keck SW, et al. Surg Forum 15:443-4, 1964 Massive venous occlusion of the lower extremity. Vasko JS, et al. Surg Forum 15:233-5, 1964 Arteriovenous fistula between the common Ulac artery and vein. Areskog NH, et al. Vase Dit 1:113-8, Mar 64 ILIUM Coexisting hyperparathyroidism and Paget's disease. Martin MM, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:482-6, Oct 64 ILLEGITIMACY Adoptions. Ross RA. New Eng J Med 271:784-5, 8 Oct 64 IMIDAZOLES The metabolism of hlstidine. VI. Histidinemia and imidazolepyruvic aciduria. Baldridge RC, et al. J Biol Chem 239:1557-9, May 64 [Exploration of the hypophyso-thyroid couple by the use of an imidazole derivative. Apropos of 25 personal cases] Bricaire H, et al. Prette Med 72:2505-10, 17 Oct 64 (Fr) IMIDES The characterization of modified human hemoglobin. I. Reaction with iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide. Guidotti G, et al. J Biol Chem 239:1474-84, May 64 IMIPRAMINE An evaluation of imipramine in enuresis. Treff ert DA. Amer J Psychiat 121:178-9, Aug 64 Fatal hyperpyrexia with phenelzine and imipramine. Stanley B, et al. 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Brit J Cancer 18:285-98, Jun 64 Multiple vaccinia of the eyelids. Ogg AJ. Brit J Ophthal 47:123-5, Feb 63 Serological analyses of cellular slime-mold development. I. Changes in antigenic activity during cell aggreation. Sonneborn DR, et al. 3 Bact 87:1321-9, Jun 64 Characterization by immunofluorescence of an ACTH-like substance in nonpitultary tumors from patients with hyperadrenocorticism. Jarett L, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:543-9, Jun 64 The sedimentation properties of the skin-sensitizing antibodies of ragweed-sensitive patients. Andersen BR, et al. J Exp Med 120:31-43, 1 Jul 64 The passive transfer of acquired resistance to Listeria monocytogenes. Miki K, et al. 3 Exp Med 120:93-103, 1 Jul 64 Immunological removal of circulating I-131-labeled rabbit antibody to rat fibrinogen in normal and tumor-bearing rats. Spar IL, et al. J Nucl Med 5:428-43, Jun 64 Antigenic characteristics of spermatozoa from bulls, rams and boars. II. Sperm agglutinins in normal and Immune sera. Matousek J. 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J Neurosurg 20:428-34, May 63 Carcinoma of bladder: cobalt therapy. Goodman GB, et al. J Urol 92:30-6, Jul 64 Radioactive phosphorus treatment of bone-metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Smart JG. Lancet 2:882-3, 24 Oct 64 Combined therapy in malignant disease. Lancet 2:797-9, 10 Oct 64 The treatment of carcinoma of the body of the uterus. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:467-78, Jun 64 Lymphomas: relationship between dosage and recurrence. Jacobs ML, et al. Radiology 83:106-7, Jul 64 Therapeutic considerations in tumors affecting the central nervous system: ependymomas. Phillips TL, et al. Radiology 83:98-105, Jul 64 Whalen JP: Role of catecholamine excretion in diagnosis and treatment of neuroblastoma: report of two cases. Voorhess ML. Radiology 83:92-7, Jul 64 Tumoricidal factor in laser radiation. Minton JP, et al. 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Surg Forum 15:135-7, 1964 PREDNISONE, THERAPEUTIC Poststerold panniculitis. Report of a case and review of the literature. Roenlgk HH Jr, et al. Arch Derm (Chicago) 90:387-91, Oct 64 Recurrent nephrotic syndrome. Shearn MA, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:525-9, Oct 64 Treatment of herpes zoster with high doses of prednisone. Elliott FA. Lancet 2:610-1, 19 Sep 64 Severe flushing reactions responsive to steroids in patients with bronchial carcinoid. SJoerdsma A, et al. Lancet 2:791-2, 10 Oct 64 Infectious pulmonary disease In patients receiving Immunosuppressive therapy for organ transplantation. Hill RB Jr, et al. New Eng J Med 271:1021-7, 12 Nov 64 PREDNISONE TOXICOLOGY Diabetic acidosis secondary to steroid therapy. Blereau RP, et al. New Eng J Med 271:836, 15 Oct 64 PREGNANCY Effect of pregnancy and of the menstrual cycle on hypoparathyroidism. Graham WP 3d, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:512-6, Jun 64 The physiology of the human round ligament. Mahran M, et al. 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A report of 38 cases in a West African community. Longo LD. Obstet Gynec 23:768-73, May 64 Obstetrics in adolescents: a controlled study of deliveries by mothers 15 years of age and under. Hulka JF, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:678-85, May 64 Biosynthesis of estrogens In pregnancy: precursor role of plasma dehydroisoandrosterone. Warren JC, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:689-98, May 64 Response to lettuce in a patient with megaloblastic anaemia associated with pregnancy. Baumslag N, et al- 8 Afr Med J 38:611-3, 15 Aug 64 PREGNANCY, ABDOMINAL Application of thermography to the problem of placental localization: preliminary communication. Young RJ. Brit Med J 5415:978-81, 17 Oct 84 Abdominal pregnancy: Pitfall and paradox. Barnett RV, et al. Southern Med J 57:1288-93, Nov 64 PREGNANCY, ANIMAL Mouse cytomegalovirus Infection. 3. Attempts to produce Intrauterine Infections. Medearis DN Jr. Amer J Hyg 80:113-20, Jul 64 Effect of pregnancy on spontaneous leukaemia in mice. Lemonde P. Brlt J Cancer 18:317-21, Jun 64 Growth of rats from normal dams restricted In diet in previous pregnancies. Chow BF J Nutr 83:289-92, Aug 64 Some pituitary-ovarian relationships In the perlparturient cow. Labhsetwar AP, et al. J Reprod Fertil 8:85-90, Aug 64 Effects of thalidomide on pregnancy in the rabbit. Hay MF. J Reprod Fertil 8:59-76, Aug 64 PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS Lead poisoning during pregnancy. Fetal tolerance of calcium dlsodlum edetate. Angle CR, et al. Amer J Dis Child 108:436-9, Oct 64 Spinal cord compression due to vertebral angiomas during pregnancy. Nelson DA. Arch Neurol (Chicago) 11:408-13, Oct 64 The risk of mental subnormallty and cerebral palsy. Illlngworth RS CUn Pedlat (Phila) 3:439-42, Jul 64 A comparison between vaginal cytology and urinary hormone excretion during pregnancy. MacRae DJ, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brlt Comm 71:586-98, Aug 64 Cancer In pregnancy. Cade S. J Obstet Gynaec Brlt Comm 71:341-8, Jun 64 Naegele pelvis. A study of 17 cases. Chan DP, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brlt Comm 71:464-8, Jun 64 A teratoma of the placenta. Fox H, et al. J Path Bact 88:137-40, Jul 64 Neonatal tetany secondary to maternal hyperparathyroidism. Mlzrahl A, et al. JAMA 190:155-6, 12 Oct 64 Pheochromocytoma In the mesosigmoid following term delivery Wulsln JH. JAMA 190:242-4, 19 Sep 64 Production of the generalized Shwartzman reaction In pregnant rats by Intravenous Infusion of thrombin. Margaretten W, et al. Lab Invest 13:552-9, Jun 64 Uterine rupture. A 30-year survey. Donnelly JP, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:774-7, May 64 Spontaneous rupture of the liver during pregnancy. A report of 2 cases. Yen SS. Obstet Gynec 23:783-7, May 64 Spontaneous pneumothorax at term. Report of a case. Jonas G. Obstet Gynec 23:799-801, May 64 Polyneuritis of pregnancy effectively managed with dllantin. Report of a case. Wolnisty C. Obstet Gynec 23:802-3, May 64 Arrhenoblastoma. Review of the literature and report of a case. Fontana AL, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:730-4, May 64 Deformities produced by operations on the rabbit fetus. Spencer DM, et al. Surg Forum 15:441-2, 1964 Uterine reimplantation in dogs. Hamernlk RJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:383-5, 1964 PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS, CARDIOVASCULAR Pathological anatomy of acute hypertension of pregnancy. McCartney CP. Circulation 30:Suppl 2:37-42, Aug 64 Myocardial Infarction in pregnancy. Case report. Bedford JR. J Obstet Gynaec Brlt Comm 71:459-60, Jun 64 The Inferior vena cavogram in pregnancy. Radiological aspects. Samuel E. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:702-4, Aug 64 Clinical Implications of inferior vena caval occlusion In pregnancy. Kerr MG. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:705-6, Aug 64 Inferior vena cava caval occlusion in late pregnancy. Scott DB. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:705, Aug 64 [Delivery in a patient with artificial pacemaker in the heart] Biichner C, et al. 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Ann Chir Gynaec Fenn 53:377-82, 1964 Rubella and termination of pregnancy. Brlt Med J 5416:1075-6, 24 Oct 84 Vlrologlc assistance In the management of German measles In pregnancy. Plotkln SA. JAMA 190:265-8, 26 Oct 64 Failure of erythromycin estolate therapy In In utero syphilis. South MA, et al. JAMA 190:70-1, 5 Oct 64 Rubella during pregnancy. Kampmeier RH. Southern Med J 57:1380-1, Nov 64 [Staphylococci In the newborn nursery] Klenltz M, et al. DeuUch Med Wschr 89:1744-51, 11 Sep 64 (Ger) PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC Combined Intra- and extrauterine pregnancy. Report of a case. George WD, et al. Obstet Gynec 23:778-9, May 64 Ectopic pregnancy: an Increasing social disease? Zelenlk JS. Obstet Gynec 23:810-2, May 64 PREGNANCY IN DIABETES Congenital malformations and maternal diabetes. Dunn PM. Lancet 2:644-5, 19 Sep 64 Review of management of pregnancy complicated by diabetes and altered carbohydrate metaboUsm. Pedowltz P, et al. 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Obstet Gynec 23:783-7, May 64 Cesarean section In the eclamptic patient on antihypertensive therapy: A review of fourteen cases. Alexander JA, et al. Southern Med J 57:1282-7, Nov 64 PREGNANEDIOL The urinary excretion of pregnanedlol and pregnanetriol In the polycystic ovary (Steln-Leventhal) syndrome. Lanthler A, et al. Acta Endocr (Kobenhavn) 46:245-55, Jun 64 Urinary steroid patterns and loss of salt In congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Mattox VR, et al. 3 CUn Endocr 24:517-27, Jun 64 A comparison between vaginal cytology and urinary hormone excretion during pregnancy. MacRae DJ, et al. J Obstet Gynaec Brit Comm 71:586-98, Aug 64 S-lll PREJUDICE ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS PREJUDICE Discrimination against Negroes In hospitels. Seham M New Eng J Med 271:940-3, 29 Oct 64 A comment on the segregated learning situation as an insulating device for the Negro chUd. 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J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:110-5, Apr 64 PROCHLORPERAZINE Tracer studies on a transplanteble hamster melanoma. Potts AM. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:359-64, Sep 64 Phenothiazines in the treatment of newly admitted stete hospitel patients: global comparison of eight compounds in terms of an outcome index. Michaux MH, et al. Curr Ther Res 6:331-9, May 64 An apparently irreversible syndrome of abnormal movements foUowing phenothiazine medication. Hunter R, et al. Proc Ray Soc Med 57:758-62, Aug 64 PROCTOLOGY [Preliminary clinical trials of Ro 4-61-61 in gastroenterology and proctology] Pradel E. Presse Med 72:2113-4, 29 Aug 64 (Fr) PROGESTATIONAL HORMONES Biologic effects of melengestrol acetate. Duncan GW, et al Fertil Steril 15:416-32, Jul-Aug 64 Clinical, morphological and biochemical studies on a malignant testicular tumor. Engel FL, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:528-42, Jun 64 Varieties of adrenal hyperplasia in chUdren. Barratt TM, et al. 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Brit J Ophthal 47:129-37, Mar 63 Effects of steroids upon the weight, protein and nucleic acid concentration of the preputial glands of the female rat. Freeman JJ, et al. Endocrinology 74:990-3, Jun 64 Metebolism of 4-14C-progesterone by human fetal testis and ovaries. Bloch E. Endocrinology 74:833-45, Jun 64 Changes in glycoproteins in serum, urine and aqueous humor after gonadectomy or sex hormone injections in rats. Houssay AB, et al. Endocrinology 74:825-32, Jun 64 Some biological properties of synthetic 18-hydroxytestosterone. Kagawa CM, et al. Endocrinology 74:999-1000, Jun 64 Conversion of progesterone-4-I4C to 18-hydroxycorticosterone and aldosterone by mouse adrenals in vitro. Raman PB, et al. Endocrinology 74:865-9, Jun 64 Toxicity of progesterone to mouse fetuses. PetreUi EA, et al. Endocrinology 75:145-6, Jul 64 Effect of progesterone and oxytocin on the pituitery-ovarian relationship in heifers. Labhsetwar AP, et al. J Reprod Fertil 8:77-83, Aug 64 Seasonal changes in the occurrence of oestrus following progesterone suppression of ovarian function in the merino ewe. Lamond DR. J Reprod Fertil 8:101-14, Aug 64 Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis. Cure by oophorectomy. SheUey WB, et al. JAMA 190:35-8, 5 Oct 64 PROLACTIN In vitro studies on mouse mammary gland response to hormonal treatment. Ranadive KJ, et al. Brit J Cancer 18:308-11, Jun 64 Differential responsiveness to hormones of C3H and A mouse mammary tissues in organ culture. Rivera EM. Endocrinology 74:853-64, Jun 64 Observations concerning the hypothalamic control of pituitery luteotrophin secretion in the rat. Flament-Durand J, etal. Endocrinology 75:22-6, Jul 64 Mammary tumor induction by estrogen or anterior pituitery hormones in ovariectomized rats given 7, 12-dimethyl-l, 2-benzanthracene. Talwalker PK, et al. 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Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:467-71, Jun 64 PROSTATE Effect of castration and testosterone on protein biosynthesis in guinea pig tissue preparations. Kochakian CD. AcU Endocr (Kobenhavn) 46:Suppl 92:1-16, 1964 The effect of methylcholanthrene on rat prostate glands grown in natural and semi-defined medium. Lasnitzki I. Cancer Res 24:973-82, Jul 64 PROSTATECTOMY Late results of transurethral prostatectomy. Holtgrewe HL, et al. J Urol 92:51-5, Jul 64 Response to mannitol under conditions simulating irrigant infusion during transurethral resection. Jones WR, et al. Surg Forum 15:483-5, 1964 PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY The value of seromucoid estimation in the management of prostatic disease. Cameron E, et al. Brit J Urol 36:257-60, Jun 64 PROSTATIC NEOPLASMS The value of seromucoid estimation in the management of prostatic disease. Cameron E, et al. Brit J Urol 36:257-60, Jun 64 Studies of the antigens of human tumors. I. Demonstration of a soluble specific antigen in HeLa cells and some human tumors. McKenna JM, et al. Cancer Res 24:754-62, May 64 Characterization by immunofluorescence of an ACTH-Uke substance in nonpituitery tumors from patients with hyperadrenocorticism. Jarett h, et al. J CUn Endocr 24:543-9, Jun 64 Radioactive phosphorus treatment of bone-metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Smart JG. Lancet 2:882-3, 24 Oct 64 Plasma testosterone levels in patients with prostatic carcinoma. Kent JR, et al. Surg Forum 15:485-6, 1964 Alterations in serum lactic dehydrogenase and its isozymes in patients with prostatic carcinoma after hormonal therapy. Prout GR Jr, et al. Surg Forum 15:486-8, 1964 PROSTATITIS A new medication for reUef of urinary symptoms: a preUminary report. SpineUi AN, et al. J Amer Geriat Soc 12:771-5, Aug 64 PROSTHESIS A new stapedectomy prosthesis. Schuknecht HF Arch Otolaryng (Chicago) 80:474, Oct 64 Femoral-head prostheses. A review of three hundred and fifty-six operations and their results. Anderson LD, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer ] 46:1049-65, Jul 64 Acute fracture of the femoral neck: internal fixation or prosthesis? Boyd HB, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 46:1066-8, Jul 64 FoUow-up notes on articles previously pubUshed in the Journal. Cineplasty-ten years later. Brav EA, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 46:1137-8, Jul 64 Efficacy of left heart bypass in the treatment of acute heart failure. Chappie JC, et al. Surg Forum 15:262-3, 1964 Experimental replacement of the common bile duct Sherman RT, et al. Surg Forum 15:371-3, 1964 Non-suture thrombus resistant vascular anastomosis rings for organ transplantetion. Whiffen JD, et al. Surg Forum 15:218-9, 1964 Permanently implanted, plastic, auxiUary left ventricle. Nose Y, et al. Surg Forum 15:269-71, 1964 PROTEIN-BOUND IODINE TEST Diagnostic value of 131-1 in thyroid disorders. A study of 649 patients. Dyrbye MO, et al. AcU Med Scand 176:91-101, Jul 64 Further report on protein-bound iodine in patients S-112 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS psychoses, alcoholic receiving perphenazine. Oltman JE, et al Amer 3 Psychiat 121:176-8, Aug 64 The effect of thyroxine and triiodothyronine treatment on the resin upteke of I-131-thyroxine and triiodothyronine Levy RP, et al. MeUboUsm 13:557-61, Jun 64 Protein bound iodine in the thyroid vein of man. Nora pF, et al. Surg Forum 15:79-80, 1964 PROTEIN DEFICIENCY Studies on the hemolytic nature of protein-deficiency anemia in the rat. Delmonte L, et al. Blood 24:49-68, Jul 64 The effects of tumor growth, nutritional stress, and inflammation on serum complement levels in the rat. Weimer HE, et al. Cancer Res 24:847-54, Jun 64 Notes on ecologic malnutrition In the New Guinea Highlands. Jelliffe DB, et al. CUn Pediat (Phila) 3:432-8, Jul 64 Effect of protein intake on the ribonucleic acid of liver cell sap. Munro HN, et al. 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Brit J Cancer 18:354-67, Jun 64 The uptake of fluorescent labeUed proteins by normal and tumour tissues in vivo. Easty GC. Brit J Cancer 18:368-77, Jun 64 The influence of levels of protein and starch in rations of sheep on the utUization of protein. Tagari H, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:333-56, 1964 Effect of riboflavine deficiency on bone marrow function and protein metebolism in baboons. Preliminary report. Foy H, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:307-18, 1964 Nitrogen balance studies with the mUk-fed lamb. 3. Effect of different nitrogen intakes on growth and nitrogen balance. Walker DM, et al. Brit J Nutr 18:295-306, 1964 Effects of steroids upon the weight, protein and nucleic acid concentration of the preputial glands of the female rat. Freeman JJ, et al. Endocrinology 74:990-3, Jun 64 Cortisol effects on the uterine response to estrogen. Nicolette JA, et al. Endocrinology 74:955-9, Jun 64 Separation of the effects of growth hormone on muscle amino acid transport and protein synthesis. Kostyo JL. Endocrinology 75:113-9, Jul 64 Effects of thiouracU and of thyroidectomy of liver protein metabolism. Yatvin MB, et al. Endocrinology 74:878-84, Jun 64 Effects of aspartate on growth and on the synthesis of alpha-amylase in Pseudomonas saccharophUa. Eisenstadt JM, et al. J Bact 87:1355-63, Jun 64 The conversion of glutemate carbon to fatty acid carbon via citrate. I. The influence of glucose in lactating rat mammary gland slices. Madsen J, et al. J Biol Chem 239:1305-9, May 64 Urea cycle adaptations in intact and adrenalectomized rats. Freedland RA. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:692-6, Jul 64 Quantitative effects of alkyl benzene sulfonate (ABS) on KB cells in tissue culture. Benarde MA, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:781-4, Jul 64 Excretion of 1- and 3-methylhistidine by human subjects after oral administration of L-histidine. Block WD, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:736-8, Jul 64 Caproic acid analogues to prolong survival of skin homografts. Cramer LM, et al. 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Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:649-53, Nov (4 RADIOACTIVITY Human exposure to external background radiation. A population survey in northern New England. Segall A, et al. Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:492-9, Oct 64 RADIOAUTOGRAPHY Biological disposition of some antimonyl antibilbarzial drugs: sodium antimony-2,3-meso-dimercapto-succinate (Astibanl in animals infected with Schistosoma mansoni Browne HG, et al. Amer J Trop Med 13:558-71, Jul H [*erntin and hemosiderin] Wohler F DeuUch Med Wschr 89:1801-9, 18 Sep 64 (Ger) RADIOGRAPHY Tnnl™ ni°i """Part diagnosis in roentgen^ Unnerus CE. Ann Chir Gynaec Fenn 53 34^76, 1»H Neurosurgical classic. X. wflLns RH J Neurosurg 20:721-7, Aug m ^de'Sr^ 'T^0" *»* ***** Of diag*OStiC departments. Leman RM »**«•-— Radiography 30:167-75, Jm M The Odelca one hundred milUmeter camera a* iH* S-116 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS REFRIGERATION fUm-changer: Its application to angiography. Davidson KC, et al. Radiology 83:80-5, Jul 64 RADIOISOTOPE SCANNING Isotope nephrography with 131-1 "hippuran". I. Technique and experience In various medical renal diseases. Krogsgaard AR, et al. AcU Med Scand 176:17-29, Jul 64 Isotope nephrography with 131-1 "hippuran". II. Experience in arterial hypertension with a particular view to renal artery stenosis. Frlls T, et al. AcU Med Scand 176:31-43, Jul 84 Comparison of coincidence counting and focusing collimators with various Isotopes In brain tumour detection. Matthews CM. Brlt 3 Radiol 37:531-43, Jul 64 Radioactive Iodine and surgery of the thyroid. Frledell MT. J Amer Geriat Soc 12:737-48, Aug 64 Parathyroid scanning with selenlum-75 labelled methionine. DlGlullno W, et al. J Nucl Med 5:417-27, Jun 64 Immunological removal of circulating I-131-labeled rabbit antibody to rat fibrinogen in normal and tumor-bearing rats. Spar IL, et al. J Nucl Med 5:428-43, Jun 64 Determination of organ volumes by scintillation scanning. Spencer RP. J Nucl Med 5:444-52, Jun 64 Clinical trial of modified gamma camera for thyroid scanning. Thomson JA, et al. Lancet 2:714-8, 3 Oct 64 RADIOISOTOPE TELETHERAPY Results of radiation dosimetry In telecobalt and roentgen therapy. VoutUainen A, et al Ann Chlr Gynaec Fenn 53:357-63, 1964 Automation of radiation treatment planning. IV. Derivation of a mathematical expression for the per cent depth dose surface of cobalt 60 beams and visualisation of multiple field dose distributions Sterling TD, et al. Brit J Radiol 37:544-50, Jul 64 Treatment of post-crlcold carcinoma by combined lntravavitary and external Irradiation. Dalby JE. CUn Radiol 15:251-5, Jul 64 Lung changes following cobalt teletherapy for carcinoma of the breast. PapavasUiou C, et al. CUn Radiol 15:242-5, Jul 64 Treatment of post-crlcold carcinoma by combined intracavitary and external Irradiation. Dalby JE. CUn Radiol 15:251-5, Jul 64 Carcinoma of bladder: cobalt therapy. 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Radiology 83:98-105, Jul 64 RADIUM Implantation Irradiation of epitheUomata of the eyelids and adjacent areas. McAuley FD. Brit J Ophthal 47:257-65, May 63 Treatment of post-crlcold carcinoma by combined lntravavitary and external Irradiation. Dalby JE CUn Radiol 15:251-5, Jul 64 Treatment of post-crlcold carcinoma by combined Intracavitary and external Irradiation. Dalby JE CUn Radiol 15:251-5, Jul 64 Dermatologlc care of the painful foot. Montgomery RM. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 46:1129-36, Jul 64 The treatment of carcinoma of the body of the uterus. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:467-78, Jun 64 [Clinical evaluation of the proteo-anaboUc activity of 1-methyl-delta androstenolone In patients with malignant neoplasms during actinotherapy] Pipino G Minerva Med 55:2413-7, 18 Aug 64 (it) RADIUS Reconstruction of congenital aplasia of radial component. Entin MA. Surg CUn N Amer 44:1091-105, Aug 64 RADIUS FRACTURES Treatment of non-union of fractures of the long bones by the two-plate method. Murray WR, et al. 3 Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 48:1027-48, Jul 64 RADON Implantation irradiation of epitheUomata of the eyelids and adjacent areas. McAuley FD. Brit J Ophthal 47:257-65, May 63 RATS Laboratory studies with wild rodents and viruses native to Trinidad. I. Studies on the behavior of cocal virus. Jonkers AH, et al. Amer J Trop Med 13:613-9, Jul 64 [The Importance of the baboon, hamster and sand rat In experimentel pathology] Ravlna A. Presse Med 72:2243-4, 19 Sep 64 (Fr) RAUWOLFIA The choice of hypotensive agents. Palmer KN. Practitioner 193:43-9, Jul 64 RAYNAUD'S DISEASE Cutaneous manifestetions of systemic lupus erythematosus. Tuffanelll DL, et al. Arch Derm (Chicago) 90:377-86, Oct 64 Occupational Raynaud's. II. Further studies of this disorder in uranium mine workers. Ashe WF, et al. Arch Environ Health (Chicago) 9:425-33, Oct 64 Discoid lupus erythematosus eruption with digital arterial occlusion. Gold SC. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:516, Jun 64 RECEPTORS, NEURAL Reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction due to stimulation of the aortic body by nicotine. Stern S, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1189-95, Jun 64 Venous oxygenation and circulatory responses to oxygen Inhalation In acute anemia. Murray JF. Amer J Physiol 207:228-34, Jul 64 Action of noradrenaline. Koch-Weser J. Brlt Med J 5416:1072-3, 24 Oct 64 Control of renin secretion. Skinner SL, et al. Circ Res 15:64-76, Jul 84 Further observations of trigeminal antidromic potentials: possible physiological function of sensory antidromic potentials. Alvarez-Carregal E, et al. J Neurosurg 20:277-88, Apr 63 Mechanisms of adrenal cortical activation by hypotension. Gann DS, et al. Surg Forum 15:8-10,1964 Regulation of aldosterone secretion by an hepatic receptor. Orloff MJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:74-6, 1964 [Muscle tonus. Physiological and physlopathologlcal aspects. I. The physiologist in relation to muscle tonus] Mamo H, et al. Presse Med 72:2107-12 contd, 29 Aug 84 (Fr) RECTAL NEOPLASMS FluorouracU colon-rectum adjuvant chemotherapy. Nadler SH, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:592-5, Oct 64 Fibrosarcoma of the rectum. Russell 18, et al. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:27-31, Aug 64 Pre-operatlve irradiation in the treatment of patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus and of some other sites. Nakayama K. CUn Radiol 15:232-41, Jul 64 Cancer risk In ulcerative colitis. Aylett S. Lancet 2:820, 10 Oct 64 The cancer risk In ulcerative coUtls. MacDougaU IP. Lancet 2:655-8, 20 Sep 64 RECTAL PROLAPSE Anal Incontinence. Caldwell KP, et al. Lancet 2:761-2, 3 Oct 64 RECTUM Some questions about adenomatous polyps. Ryan P. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:59-61, Aug 64 The obscure case of bleeding per rectum. Lane D. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:36-42, Aug 64 Rectal cyst. Wilson E. Aust New Zeal J Surg 34:32-5, Aug 84 Urinary excretion of prednisolone after Intrarectal therapy in ulcerative coUtls. Wood WA, et al. Brlt Med J 5416:1045-6, 24 Oct 84 Finger biopsy forceps. Shipman JJ. Lancet 2:844, 17 Oct 64 RED NUCLEUS Stimulation of Forel's field during stereotaxic operations in the human brain. Spiegel EA, et al. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 16:537-48, Jun 64 REFLEX Reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction due td stimulation of the aortic body by nicotine. Stern S, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1189-95, Jun 64 Blascovicz operation in a case of Marcus Gunn phenomenon. Malik SR, et al. Brit J Ophthal 48:173-5, Mar 84 Expiratory activity of the abdominal muscles in man during general anesthesia. Freund F, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:693-7, Jul 84 Effects of guanethldlne, reserpine, and methyldopa on reflex venous and arterial constriction in man. Mason DT, et al. J CUn Invest 43:1449-83, Jul 64 Thalamic inhibition of the myotatic reflex In man. Ward AA Jr, et al. J Neurosurg 20:1033-9, Dec 63 Further observations of trigeminal antidromic potentials: possible physiological function of sensory antidromic potentials. Alvarez-Carregal E, et al. J Neurosurg 20:277-88, Apr 63 Use of hlndllmb reflexes of the chronic spinal dog for comparing analgesics. Martin WR, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:8-11, Apr 64 Circulatory reflexes in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Appenzeller O, et al. New Eng J Med 271:820-3, 15 Oct 64 The nature and management of spasticity. The pathophysiology of spasticity. Rushworth G. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:715-20, Aug 64 [Muscle tonus. Physiological and physlopathologlcal aspects. I. The physiologist in relation to muscle tonus] Mamo H, et al. Presse Med 72:2107-12 contd, 29 Aug 64 (Fr) [The Achilles reflexogram in thyroid disorders and In electrolyte metaboUsm disorders] Kissel P, et al. Presse Med 72:2201-4, 19 Sep 64 (Fr) REFLEX, ABNORMAL Congenital trigeminal anaesthesia. Hewson EG. Brlt J Ophthal 47:308-11, May 83 REFLEX, CONDITIONED Conditioning factors in stroboscoplc-induced seizures. Forster FM, et al. Epilepsia (Amst) 5:156-65, Jun 64 REFLEX, TENDON Prolapsed calcified thoracic Intervertebral disc. Taylor TK, et al. J Path Bact 88:153-7, Jul 64 REFRACTIVE ERRORS Correction of ametropia with intracorneal lenses. An experimental study. Belau PG, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:541-7, Oct 64 Refraction anomalies In Tanganyikan children. Johnstone WW, et al. Brlt J Ophthal 47:95-108, Feb 63 REFRIGERATION Influence of calcium Ions and freezing upon the conversion of cholesterol-7-alpha-3H to cortlcosterone-3H by homogenate of rat adrenal. Hall PF, et al. Endocrinology 75:135-7, Jul 64 Preservation of cell cultures by freezing In Uquld nitrogen vapor. Greene AE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:482-7, Jun 64 New freeze-protecting compounds and their screening. Halasz NA, et al. Surg Forum 15:214-5, 1964 S-117 REGENERATION ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS REGENERATION Nerve regeneration In replanted canine limbs. Mayer RF, et al Amer J Physiol 206:1415-21, Jun 64 Return of neural responses after autotransplantetion of the heart WUlman VL. et al Amer J Physiol 207:187-9, Jul 64 Electrophysiological study of regenerating peripheral nerve Relationship of size of fibers and rate of growth Jenkins DW, et al. J Neurosurg 20:344-7. Apr 63 The Influence of age on the uptake of 35S-sulphate and SH-thymtdtne by the mesenteric arteries of rats with regenerating adrenal glands. Crane WA, et al. J Path Bact 88:291-301, Jul 64 Experimentel peripheral nerve repair tubulation. Braun RM. Surg Forum 15:452-4, 1964 Upteke of tritiated proline in regenerating tendon. Lindsay WK, et al. Surg Forum 15:459-61, 1964 REHABILITATION Total medical treatment: report of a five-year study. Meyer J, et al Amer J Psychiat 121:129-35, Aug 64 Profitable employment of the handicapped. Burr HB. Industr Med Surg 33:575-9, Aug 64 [The responsibility of the physician for rehabUltetion of handicapped patlenU] Llndemann K. DeuUch Med Wschr 89:1934-8, 9 Oct 64 (Ger) REIMPLANTATION Nerve regeneration In replanted canine limbs. Mayer RF, et al. Amer J Physiol 206:1415-21, Jun 64 Return of ne»ral responses after autotransplantetion of the heart. WUlman VL, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:187-9, Jul 64 Replacing limbs. Brit Med J 5413:832-3, 3 Oct 64 Uterine reimplantation in dogs. Hamernlk RJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:383-5, 1964 Physiologic studies of the baboon living on only the relmplanted lung. HaglLn JJ, et al. Surg Forum 15:175-6, 1964 Survival of dogs after bUateral reimplantation of the lungs. Lempert N, et al. Surg Forum 15:179-81, 1964 Functional and pathologic changes In the relmplanted lung. Amlrana MT, et al. Surg Forum 15:177-9, 1964 Reimplantation of the dog lung with survival after contralateral pneumonectomy. Duvoisin GE, et al. Surg Forum 15:173-5, 1964 REINFORCEMENT (PSYCHOLOGY) Neurohumors in hypothalamic substrates of reward. Olds J, et al. Amer J Physiol 207:242-54, Jul 64 Vitemin B 6 deficiency and the Initial acquisition of behavior. Sloane HN Jr, et al. J Nutr 83:379-84, Aug 64 Effects of amphetamine, chlorpromazine, pentobarbital, and ethanol on operant response duration. Weiss B, et al. 3 Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:17-23, Apr 64 REITER*S DISEASE Hemolytic complement In synovial fluid. Pekln TJ Jr, et al. J CUn Divest 43:1372-82, Jul 64 Gross hematuria as a presenting manifestation of Reiter's syndrome In a woman. Crocco JA, et al. J Urol 92:45-6, Jul 64 RELAXIN Hormonal Influence in simple glaucoma. A preliminary report. Paterson GD, et al. Brit J Ophthal 47:129-37, Mar 63 RELIGION AND MEDICINE "What shall the doctor's image be"? Abbott E. Brit Med J 5416:1062-3, 24 Oct 64 Changing attitudes toward the Massachusetts birth-control law. Dorsey JL. New Bag J Med 271:823-7, 15 Oct 64 RENAL ARTERY Study of renal vessels by microdissection in human transplantetion. Dannady EM, et al. Brit Med J 5415:976-8, 17 Oct 64 Renal arteriography. Sutton D. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:661-4, Aug 64 Effect of renal arterial Infusion of albumin on saline diuresis In the dog. Eariey LE. Proc Soc Exp Blol Med 116:262-5, Jun 64 Diuresis foUowing administration of the antidiuretic hormone. Boba A, et al. Surg Forum 15:20-1, 1964 Hepatic anoxia and stimulation of hepatic nerves on renal hemodynamics and function. Hori M, et al. Surg Forum 15:108-9, 1964 Factors Influencing renal blood flow during isolated perfusion. Belzer FO, et al. Surg Forum 15:222-4,1964 A comparison of the physiologic effects of angiotensin with other vasoconstrictors. Rea VE, et al. Surg Forum 15:17-8, 1S44 RENAL ARTERY OBSTRUCTION Isotope nephrography with 131-1 "hippuran". II. Experience In arterial hypertension with a particular view to renal artery stenosis. Frils T, et al. 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Brlt J Ophthal 47:149-52, Mar 63 Further experience with intracapsular cataract extraction by appUcation of low temperature. Krwawicz T. Brit J Ophthal 47:36-8, Jan 63 Experimental cataract section. A preUminary report. Pattison GN. Brit J Ophthal 47:237-41, Apr 63 "Bird-beak" ophthalmic forceps. Dobree JH. Brit J Ophthal 48:53, Jan 64 Muscle clamp for use in recession of the inferior obUque. Nutt AB, et al. Brit J Ophthal 48:54, Jan 64 A dissector for ptosis surgery. Dalgleish R. Brit J Ophthal 48:56, Jan 64 A saline Injection stripper for varicose veins. Lee M. Brit Med J 5414:939, 10 Oct 64 An evaluation of automatic suture with UKL-60 and UKL-40 devices by pulmonary resection. Goldman A. Dis Chest 46:29-36, Jul 64 Treatment of non-union of fractures of the long bones by the two-plate method. Murray WR, et al. J Bone Joint Surg [Amer] 46:1027-48, Jul 64 New type of tube for tracheotomy with inflatable cuff and inner cannula. Jackson FE. J Neurosurg 20:809, Sep 63 CompUcations in the use of temporary intracranial arterial cUp. Alexander E Jr, et al. J Neurosurg 20:810-1, Sep 63 Burr-hole buttons for fixation of craniotomy bone. Todd EM, et al. J Neurosurg 20:448-9, May 63 Dural instrument. Baldwin M. J Neurosurg 20:447, May 63 Technique of arterial puncture. A new needle-cannula for arteriography. New PF, et al. J Neurosurg 20:390-6, May 63 New instrument for brain biopsy. HaUac I, et al. J Neurosurg 20:529-30, Jun 63 A nuclear needle for use in neurosurgery. Mullan S, et al. J Neurosurg 20:940-7, Nov 63 A dissector-clamp. Johnson HD. Lancet 2:737, 3 Oct 64 Finger biopsy forceps. Shipman JJ. Lancet 2:844, 17 Oct 64 SURGICAL MESH The proper use of stainless steel mesh in inguinal hernia repair. Ashley P. J Dit CoU Surg 42:367-71, Oct 64 Improved conservative treatment of exomphalos. Dorogi J. Lancet 2:888-9, 24 Oct 64 Gradual closure of aortopulmonary septal defects. Reis RL, et al. Surg Forum 15:266-7, 1964 Use of coUagen cloth for repair of tissue defects. McBride CM, et al. Surg Forum 15:70-1, 1964 SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION Staphylococcal wound infection compUcating orthopaedic operations. Raf L. AcU Orthop Scand 34:289-98, 1964 Bacterial endophthalmitis after cataract extraction. A study of 22 infections in 20,000 operations. AUen HF, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:454-62, Oct 64 Bacterial infections in the heart. An experimentel study on the influence of silk and synthetic sutures. Niguidula FN, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:669-76, Oct 64 Wound infections: inoculum versus medium. Zimmerman JM, et al. Surg Forum 15:62-4, 1964 Relationship of skin carriage to postoperative staphylococcal wound infection. Cole WR, et al. Surg Forum 15:52-4, 1964 Reduction of surgical wound infection by tape closure. Carpendale MT. Surg Forum 15:58-60, 1964 SURVIVAL Valve of fluid and electrolyte supplements in subarctic survival situations. Rogers TA, et al. J Appl Physiol 19:580-2, Jul 64 SUTURE TECHNICS Keratoplasty. A method using track sutures and the operating microscope. Sanders N. Brit J Ophthal 47:149-52, Mar 63 The "string syndrome" seen as a complication of Amiga's cerclage suture. Manson N. Brit J Ophthal 48:70-4, Feb 64 Cataract extraction with optimum wound closure. Giardini A, et al. Brit J Ophthal 48:133-8, Mar 64 Evolution of plastic material in the surgery of retinal detachment. Rycroft P. Brit J Ophthal 48:121-32, Mar 64 Pre-placed versus post-placed corneo-scleral sutures in cataract surgery. Singh D. Brit J Ophthal 47:116-22, Feb 63 Transposition of the lateral slips of the aponeurosis in treatment of long-standing "boutonniere deformity" of the fingers. Matev I. Brit J Plast Surg 17:281-6, Jul 64 An evaluation of automatic suture with UKL-60 and S-131 suture technics ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS UKL-40 devices by pulmonary resection. Goldman A. Dis Chest 46:29-36, Jul 84 The Interlocking slip knot. Lucid ML. Plast Reconstr Surf 34:200-1, Aug 64 Is serosa-to-serosa approximation necessary In intestinal anastomosis? Healey JE Jr, et al. Surg Forum 15:297-9, 1964 Reduction of surgical wound Infection by tape closure. Carpendale MT Surg Forum 15:58-60, 1964 SUTURES Removal of corneoscleral sutures: new technique. Shukla BR, et al. Arch Ophthal (Chicago) 72:646-6, Nov 84 Bacterial Infections In the heart. An experimentel study on the Influence of sUk and synthetic sutures. Nlguldula FN, et al. Arch Surg (Chicago) 89:669-76, Oct 84 The properties of catgut sutures sterilized by heat, ethylene oxide and electron beams. Thoennes LA. J Int Coll Surg 42:382-6, Oct 84 SusceptlbUlty of vascular sutures to Infection in experimentel bacteremia. Gonzalez LL, et al. Surg Forum 15:68-9, 1964 [Tissue reactions to contect with nonresorbable suture threads. (Comparative experimentel study)] Courbler R, et al. Presse Med 72:2233-4, 19 Sep 64 (Fr) SV40 VIRUS Ultrafiltration of simian viruses. 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J Reprod Fertil 8:5-11, Aug 64 SWINE DISEASES Porcine contagious pleuropneumonia. 3. Interrelationship of HemophUus pleuropneumonlae to other species of Hemophilus: nutritional, metabolic, transformation, and electron microscopy studies. White DC, et al. J Exp Med 120:1-12, 1 Jul 64 SYMBOLISM On death and death symbolism: the Hiroshima disaster. Lifton RJ psychiatry 27:191-210, Aug 64 SYMPATHECTOMY The modification of digitalis Intoxication by excluding adrenergic Influences on the heart. ErliJ D, et al. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 144:97-103, Apr 64 Immunological sympathectomy and CC1-4 hepatotoxlclty. Larson RE, et al. Proc Soc Exp Blol Med 116:557-60, Jul 64 Removal of the carotid body for asthma and emphysema. Phillips JR. Southern Med J 57:1278-81, Nov 64 Pulmonary vascular responses to hypoxia and their modification by pharmacologic sympathectomy. McLaughlin JS, et al. 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Surg Forum 15:400-2, 1964 TELEVISION Conditioning factors in stroboscopic-lnduced seizures. Forster FM, et al. EpUepsia (Amst) 5:156-65, Jun 64 A physical assessment of the Cinelex electro-optical image intensifier In television fluoroscopy. Hay GA. Radiology 83:86-91, Jul 64 TEMPERATURE Studies with cultured brown adipose tissue. II. Influence of low temperature on rabies virus infection in bat brown fat. Allen R, et al. Amer J Hyg 80:25-32, Jul 64 Transmy oca r dial temperature gradient in dog and man: relation to the polarity of the T wave of the electrocardiogram. Reynolds EW Jr, et al. Circ Res 15:11-9, Jul 64 TEMPORAL ARTERITIS Temporal arteritis; a rarity in the young adult. Bethlenfalvay NC, et al. Arch Intern Med (Chicago) 114:487-9, Oct 64 Temporal arteritis. Whitfield AG, et al. Brit J Ophthal 47:555-66, Sep 63 TEMPORAL BONE Tomography in atresia of the external auditory meatus. James JA, et al. 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FoUow-up study of 69 cases. Perttela Y. Ann Chir Gynaec Fenn 53:349-56, 1964 Monorchia with seminoma in a cryptorchid. An unusual case of tumour of testis. Sahi RP, et al. Brit J Urol 36:222-4, Jun 64 Malignant lymphoma of the testis. Gowing NF Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:85-94, Jun 64 The pathology of testicular tumours. Miscellaneous tumours of mainly epitheUal type. Brown NJ. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:70-7, Jun 64 Paratesticular tumours of connective tissue and muscle. Gowing NF, et al. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:78-84, Jun 64 Lnterstitial-ceU tumour. Collins DH, et al. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:62-9, Jun 64 Inflammatory lesions simulating malignancy. Morgan AD. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:95-102, Jun 64 Seminoma. Thackray AC. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl: 12-27, Jun 64 Hormone investigations in cases of testicular tumour. Symington T, et al. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl: 103-6, Jun 64 Classification and frequency of testicular tumours. CoUins DH, et al. Brit J Urol 36:Suppl:l-ll, Jun 64 Combined tumour. Pugh RC, et al. 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Michaux MH, et al. Curr Ther Res 6:331-9, May 64 Specific value of drugs in psychiatric illness. Ostow M. JAMA 190:557-8, 9 Nov 64 An apparently irreversible syndrome of abnormal movements foUowing phenothiazine medication. Hunter R, et al. Proc Roy Soc Med 57:758-62, Aug 64 THIOSULFATES Effect on kidney SS504 uptake of compounds related to S04 transport and meteboUsm. Deyrup IJ. Amer J Physiol 207:84-8, Jul 64 Mercuric cyanide poisoning and its treatment in dogs. Rose CL, et al. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 116:371-3, Jun 64 THIO-TEPA The combined thiotepa and testosterone treatment of cancer of the breast. Brown IS, et al. Brit J Cancer 18:238-46, Jun 64 Experimental chemotherapy studies. V. The collateral sensitivity to alkylating agents of several antimetaboUte-resistant ascites tumors in mice Rutman RJ. Cancer Res 24:634-8, May 64 Influence of alkylating agents on kidney erythropoietin production. Fisher JW, et al. 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Brit J Ophthal 47:334-8, Jun 63 Absorption of human rib cartilage grafts transplanted to rabbits after preservation by different methods. Kriiger E. Brit J Plast Surg 17:254-64, Jul 64 Radioautographic evaluation of freeze-thaw buffers using nucleic acid- and glycine-related synthetic systems in vitro. Woolfrey BF. Lab Divest 13:581-6, Jun 64 New freeze-protecting compounds and their screening. Halasz NA, et aL Surg Forum 15:214-5, 1964 Cold preservation of Uver for homotransplantation. Brown H, et al. Surg Forum 15:215-7, 1964 Influence of mannitol Infusion upon extracorporeal renal storage. Hoffman A, et al. Surg Forum 15:500-1, 1964 Frozen skin autografts protected by dimethyl sulfoxide. Barlyn LW, et al. Surg Forum 15:475-7,1964 Cryotolerance of superoxygenated human skin explants. Barner HB, et al. Surg Forum 15:477-8,1964 TISSUE CULTURE Studies with cultured brown adipose tissue. II. Influence of low temperature on rabies virus Infection in bat brown fat. AUen R, et al. 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Southam CM, et aL J Bact 88:187-99, Jul 64 Plaque assay procedure for Colorado tick fever virus Deig EF, et al. J Bact 88:43-7, Jul 64 Isolation of bovine parainfluenza-3 virus in chick embryos. MarshaU RG. J Bact 88:267-8, Jul 64 Plaque assay for psittacosis virus in monolayers of chick embryo fibroblasts. Piraino F, et al J Bad 87:1503-11, Jun 64 Isolation of bovine parainfluenza-3 virus in chick embryos. MarshaU RG. J Bact 88:267-8, Jul 64 Plaque assay procedure for Colorado tick fever virus Deig EF, et al. J Bact 88:43-7, Jul 64 Virus biographies. I. Growth of West Nile and Guaroa viruses in tissue culture. Southam CM, et aL J Bact 88:187-99, Jul 64 S-136 ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS TOXOPLASMOSIS Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide synthesis In ascites cells In vitro. Dietrich LS, et al. J Biol Chem 239:1653-5, May 64 Evidence for the presence of substances toxic for HeLa cells in the serum and in the dialysis fluid of patients with glomerulonephritis. 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