92 STATURES. organizations) was decidedly greater than that of the recruits who subsequently enlisted, and it is therefore a source of much regret that so large a proportion of our material is afforded by the latter only. The successive " counts " for different States indicate a decided tendency to diminution of the average stature as the war went on ; and it is doubtless owing to this fact that the mean stat- ures afforded by the present investigation, which comprises all those volunteers whose statures were recorded, range much higher than those given in the excellent report1 of Dr. Baxter, Chief Med- ical Officer of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau, inasmuch as these latter are deduced from the statistics of less than 350 000 soldiers, all of whom were recruits, substitutes, or drafted men. The regulations prescribe that the heights be taken with a meas- uring rod, while the men are without clothing. There is doubtless some difference in the average results obtained by different exam- ining surgeons, but these must vanish from the mean of measure- ments by so many different officers. The most appropriate distri- bution of the soldiers according to nativities was a question of some difficulty, since it was necessary to decide upon the mode of distribution, before the relative numbers were known. The following eighteen classes were adopted, and although this division might with advantage be somewhat modified in the light of our present knowledge, it has, to preserve uniformity, been retained for all the statistics of the Commission. A. The six New England States. B. New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. C. Ohio and Indiana. D. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. E. Slave States, not including F and G2. F. Kentucky and Tennessee. Gr Free States west of the Mississippi. G2. Slave States west of the Mississippi. H. British America, exclusive of Canada. I. Canada. J. England. K. Scotland. L. Ireland. M. France, Belgium, and Switzerland. N. Germany. O. • Scandinavia. P. Spain, Portugal, and Spanish America. Q. Miscellaneous. 1 Pages 698, 699.