[United States Navy Training Film. Nonclassified. Copyright 1945 by Hugh Harman Productions, Inc.] [Commandments for Health] [Use Your Head] [McGillicuddy is peeling potatoes in the galley when he realizes he needs to use the head and waves his hand] McGillicuddy: Hey, Sarge! Sarge: Ok, McGillicuddy. When you gotta go, you gotta - hey look out, Mac! [McGillicuddy runs out the door and into a tree with a sign] [7th Commandment] "Thou shalt not use any spots except chosen ones for deposition of your excrement." "Thou shalt not urinate in thy brother's tent or street else he regard thee as a dog and treat thee accordingly." In other words, that means: use your head! Avoid contaminating any area which could result in dysentery for your entire unit! Uh, I gotta use the toilet. [Head] [Keep a lookout] [for a Jap] [when you go-] [to take a cra-] [Burna Shave] [ Cawls away and doesn't follow the signs] Hey, stupid! Can't you read? [Reaches a chair with a hole in it with an umbrella over it] [Stacks of paper are piled next to the chair] Well, look at that. McGillicuddy's private one-holer. What a lay-up. Sun shade, library, toilet tissue, beautiful view, even gardenias, and a hell of a good home for dysentery germs! [Reading a comic strip] Haha, what a dope. Yeah. What a dope. [Finishes and leaves the head while a fly overhead lands on the umbrella and rings a triangle] Fly: Come and get it! [A swarm of flies fly towards the head] [Returns to the galley and smoke is coming out of the galley's chimney] [The fly smells the smoke and rings the triangle again] Fly: Oh, dessert! [Swarm of flies fly toward and into the galley's chimney] [Flies are sliding down potatoes, walking on pies, eating cheese, and touching all the food] [Soldiers are eating the contaminated food in the mess hall] [All the soldiers in the Mess Hall run towards the head and behind them are all the officers] And now, because of one man's carelessness, a whole unit is flat on its back! [Soldiers are in beds labeled 'Diarrhoea'] Radio: We're Tokyo calling! We're Tokyo calling! Japanese man: We'sa good news! We discovered we have in the South Pacific, Yankee Marine, who help our Japanese war effort. Japanese man: This'a Yankee, all the time make honorable bowel movement in wrong location! All his buddy Yankee get dysentery! Japanese Man: Woo, make weak like pussycat! This honorable Yankee a'name, uh, McGillicuddy! Soldiers: McGillicuddy!? [Soldiers are angry] Yeah, McGillicuddy. Go get'em boys! [A soldier on an excavator for the Decontamination Squad spots McGillicuddy on his private head reading comics] Hahaha, what a dope. [Excavator scoops McGillicuddy and his head off the ground] [Excavator dumps McGillicuddy in the head that he was supposed to use] McGillicuddy, you made your bed - now lie in it! [The End. MN 2808 g. 1945]