$£''-#;>' ->,4 % Jin £$& is*"*-*' *v* U;vA 5i»j^5';^ " V-1 •"*- • *#; >Xv NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland A BRIEF NARRATIVE OF EIGHT YEARS' SUFFERING CAUSED BY VACCINATION. -----:o:----- Copy of a Letter to the Governor of the State of Massachusetts, U.S.A. -----:o:----- TO HIS EXCELLENCY BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. SIR,—Twenty thousand dollars could not compensate B. F. Weston for the sufferings he has already endured through Vaccination. The undersigned, citizens of this State, respectfully pray that an injunction on the law of Compulsory Vaccination be granted, or that the Statutes relating thereto be repealed. [2] B. F. Weston, the son of young and healthy parents, Was vaccinated in four places on his left arm when nine weeks old. The operation was reported " successful," and as the Doctor found the child perfectly healthy, he filled thirty quills with virus, and took one scab from the arm. Spells of slight pain followed, and in time the vaccine sores healed. Until three years of age nothing serious appeared, but from January 1876 until the present date, August 1883, no pen can describe his sufferings. In January, 1876, his vaccinated arm became red, swollen, hard, and very painful. His doctor could afford no relief. The swelling extended to the throat, the left and right cheeks, and the right foot. He could lie only on his back, and so intense was the pain that he became unconscious ; his death being daily expected by the doctor. This torture continued for three months. The left arm was then lanced and discharged a pint of pus. The swelling in the foot burst shortly after, but he was unable to wear a shoe from January till August, and has ever since been compelled to wear a larger one on the affected foot. An open running sore has existed in the arm from the time it was lanced, from which, at intervals, fragments of bone have continued to escape, the last and ninth piece having come away on July 20th of this year. Blessed with a good constitution and receiving every care from kind parents, with medical attention, change [3] of air, &c, the little fellow rallied and went to school at six years of age, able only to attend a small part of the time owing to frequent and severe pains in the bones lasting for weeks at a time, his bones feeling as if they were on fire ; sometimes the pains would attack the bowels, right arm, or thigh. About two years ago dropsy set in but by the continual use of herbal remedies he has greatly improved. He is now at the age when Compulsory Re-vaccination is demanded. Must it be done ? Oh ! Governor Butler, be a Solomon for us, in your own State, order that the child be divided and grant an injunction on this inhuman law. Compulsory Vaccination has forced upon women and mothers compulsory investigation. If the terrible experience of Benjamin Franklin Weston 1 annot make it manifest what Vaccination really is, we call upon God to give us more ghastly evidence. It is women who are to blame for not resorting to sanitation. Wash and be clean, and resist the forcing of living or dead corruption into the blood of children. U] We the undersigned parents and grandparents, do depos that every word of the above is true, yet the menta sufferings we have all endured can never be told. {Signed,) HOMER BARTLETT WESTON, Fathe SARAH JANE HOLMES WESTON, Mothe, HIRAM HOLMES, Grandfather. JANE HOLMES, Grandmother. ( Witness,) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN WESTON, Boston, Mass. U.S.A. Sept. 1883. NLM020912269