TEXT BOOK MEDICAL STUDENTS OF JEFFERSON COLLEGE, ATTENDING THE LECTURES OF THE »->> PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND BOTANY. THIRD SESSION, 1827-8. I OUTLINES Of LECTURES OS MATERIA MEDICA AND BOTANY, DEUYERED IN JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEOE PHILADELPHIA. BY WILLIAM P. C. BARTON, M. D. YOLUME I. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY JOSEPH G. AUNER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 333 MARKET STREET. X. TOWN, PRINTER. 1827. 5 . v. i £|fl« 133 Errhines or Ster- ) nutatories, $ Their medical use, 134 XX CONTENTS. 162 Page. Outlines ofTherapeutic Lectures on Escarotics, - 1^8 ......,.................................................Expectorants, - 141 linemata, - 156 Inhalations, - - 160 Medical use of Inhalations, Issues, - - J 64 Litiiontriptics, £167 Antilithics, 5 *78 Amilithic Practice, :82 Narcotics, - - 185 Refrigerants, - 190 Topical Refrigerants, 192 Kubifacients, - 194 Sedatives, - 196 Setons, - - 197 Sialogogues, - 199 Salivant Masticatories, 200 Tonics, - - 202 Recapitulation - 204 Classification of meO dicaments inlieu of > 206 Murray's, j Classification of ad-") ventitiousremedies I _,_ not medicaments, [ Section 1st. J Ditto Section 2d. ' 214 Ditto Section 3d. 216 Restorative Dietetics, 217 Detail of propor- tions of articles of Materia Med.from the animal vegeta- ble and mineral kingdoms, _, Toxic61ogy, - 219 Incompatibles, 220 V218 SYNOPSIS OF A COURSE OF LECTURES ON MATERIA MEDICA AND BOTANY. Preliminary lectures discussive of as much of the history of the subject, as may be essential to the elucidation of the course; and showing the intimate connexion of the principles of Botany with the Materia Medica—The proofs of this connexion deduced from the steps of discovery of the vege- table medicines, following the tracts of botanical researches ; and the confusion in the vegetable ar- ticles without the perspicuous and discriminative language of Botany, &c. &c. The subject divided into, A. Materia Medica proper. B. Moral regimen as a therapeutic agent. C. The influence of such physical causes as may be therapeutically applied. D. Such as may be resorted to as prophylactics. E. Restorative dietetics. F. Toxicology. G. Botany. A. Includes introductory discussions on the means of ascertaining the virtues of remedies: A 8 the action of medicines on the body, and the mode of their operating,—the application of the prin- ciples of medical chemistry and medical bota- ny. The natural history, systematic classifica- tion, botanical and chemical characters and pro perties, synonymes, demonstrative elucidations, medicinal properties and effects,—of all the articles legitimately recognised as medicines of repute and efficacy. Their doses, pharmaceutic preparations, peculiarities of operation in idiosyncratic consti- tutions: their therapeutic application sustained by copious practical illustrations. The articles are considered under a divisional scheme, less extend- ed and more simple than the usual division by writers on the subject. The classes are expung- ed, because it is believed they cannot be claimed as comprising articles of such specific effects as each class itself would imply and require. B. Comprises a philosophic investigation of the vast assemblage of neglected moral remedies, or restoratives, acting on the physical constitution through the intervention of the moral attributes of man. A scrutiny of the influence and effects of the passions and emotions and of religious and po- litical temperance, in curing, or aiding in the cure of diseases. The necessity of a study of these, in their varied inflections towards and transmutations into other passions and emotions of greater or less ^sanative effect, in order to be possessed of the ju- dicious command of their remediate powers. The 9 influence of temperance and intemperance of what- ever kind, vices, habits, and necessary occupations of life, on the general system, leading to a con- sideration of the n;anner in which these, or most of them, may usefully be enlisted as therapeutic agents. Illustrations and proofs adduced from savage and civilized life, from the histories of mil- itary campaigns, naval enterprises, and the pa* cine attitude of national, sectional and municipal governments. The sanative effect of certain public and private amusements considered in therapeutic view. The genial influence of music, on valetudina- rian constitutions, considered: the invigorating and curative power of its practical exercise illus- trated and proved. The like influence of the higher spheres of belle-letter exercises, on the dis- ordered systems of the talented and gifted, inves- tigated. The tonic and curative power of cer- tain oral and vocal practices, proved by practical illustrations and facts. In a word, an attempt made to prove that the physician too often resorts to the materia medica, proper, for his medicaments, instead of drawing largely on those kinder and more grateful, and equally curative remedies, which a reflective scrutiny of the moral condition of his patient, and his susceptibility of moral in- fluence, would place at his disposal. C. Under this section two surveys are taken of physical causes: a. in relation to their influence on the moral disposition of man, thus indirectly or 10 remotely acting with sanative and curative effect, on the disordered corporeal system, b. In refer- ence to their direct agency by palpable influence, on the diseased constitution. In the subsection a their approximation to moral influences is pointed out. These causes are the changes of the seasons, the transient conditions arid vicissitudes of the weather, and their vexatious discomfitures; custo- mary and therefore unnoticed exposure to heat, cold, moisture, and electric aridity of the air, operating imperceptibly, on sensitive constitutions through the associative mental powers, or through the dis- sociative freaks of capricious minds on the temper and disposition of the individual, and consequent- ly on his corporeal frame. They are to be found also in the same customary and unnoticed expo- sure to varying temperatures in apartments at home or abroad, during the hours of business, plea- sure or pastime: all modified by the sex and age of the patient, by his nativity to the soil, or his foreign birth and usages, and in the latter case by his greater or less approach to entire acclama- tion; finally, in every instance qualified by the tran- quil state of mind usually accompanying compe- tency of the necessaries of life. These indirect physical causes, affect chiefly the constitutional temperaments of keen-passioned and intellectual subjects; the phlegmatic and unlearned, escape their influence. As they manifestly exert no incon- siderable controul over the performance of visceral 11 functions, they may, by a close attention to their peculiar influence, be brought to operate remediatc- ly, according to circumstances attending, and the peculiarities and propensities of the individual un- der care or advice. Like poisons, which under ri- gid and experienced controul, are the best medi- cines, these indirect physical causes, can be thera- peutically directed or applied. The subsection b grasps at all those direct physi- cal influences to which the healthiest frame is in some degree subjected, but which especially direct their energy to the weak points of the constitution, and creeping stealthily, but surely, into the in- most recesses of the animal frame, exert cither an energetic sanative agency, or a pernicious and fatal influence, according as they are received on guard, or unwarily surprise. The therapeutic application of these direct physical causes, pre- supposes the indispensable knowledge in the phy- sician, of their noxious, as well as salubrious ef- fects, and the multitudinous changes rung upon the full-toned system, by the endless vascillations of their perpetual moving spring and power. Such knowledge the discussions on these points, aim at communicating to the student. The outlines of these great and physical agents may be drawn briefly by enumerating, 1st, And most essential, exercise; £d, Diet; 3d, Dress; A 2 12 4th, Bodily evacuations; 5th, Natural rest; 6th, Celibacy and marriage. The first is considered as a Herculean remedy, and is noticed in all its different kinds, under the effect of change of scene, location, time, and cli- mate;—sometimes necessarily affected and modifi- ed or altered in salubrious efficacy, even by a change of existence under a form of government more genial to the political temperament and views of the individual. In the division of exercise, the different kinds of gestation are considered in refer- ence to their peculiar efficacy ;—sea and land jour- neys, gymnastic exercises, and the manly sports, bodily labour as exercise, and the playing on musical instruments which require exertion, with the same view. The second is diet; its sufficiency, inordinancy and regularity in the time of repletion considered —its liquid and solid proportions. The third physical agent is dress: its necessary, but neglected aptitude to clime, season, and vicissi- tudes of weather, therapeutically inquired into. Connected with it,and consentaneous with its effect, personal cleanliness, by ablution, and different kinds of bathing, swimming as uniting ablution and exer- cise. Dress here considered as participating also in a moral influence, thus healthfully aiding its phy- sical agency. Its restorative and invigorating effect on the system through the medium of the taste and 13 the fancy noticed ; also its peculiar influence on the chronic complaints of children and young persons. An attention to this subject proved to be impor- tant from the records of naval and military disci- pline, and by practical illustrations, derived from the lower and highest orders of society. The fourth view extends to the curative powers of regularity in obeying or coaxing the natural di- gestion and evacuations of the body ; by overcom- ing torpor, or sluggish action of the chylopoitic viscera, shewn to act curatively by the associative actions of the mind ; and conversely, injuriously and perniciously, by indulging in the dissociative actions ; or discomposing and distractive passions, emotions, propensities and occupations. The effect of sea voyages and land travelling, in promoting or retarding these associative and dissociative actions influencing the body. The effect of bodily purifi- cation and dress as adjuvants to the therapeutic agency of regular alvine and cystal evacuations. In short, the combined effect of physical and moral causes in relation to the point considered, and proved to go hand in hand. The fifth, insists on the curative efficacy of judi- cious quietude of body, and respite from mental and corporeal labour; and the quantum of healthy sleep, to be measured as a medicine, by a scale graduated to the peculiarities of the system, and existing condition of the patient. An endeavour made to shew, that, with this, as other physical causes, 14 neglect of, and familiarity with its influence, have passed by its curative powers, to get the more readily to the absolute medicaments of the materia medica. The sixth, enquires into the diseases prejudiced or benefited by celibacy and marriage. The tem- perament of the individual necessary to be circum- spectly scrutinized, before either can be pronoun- ced as a remedy for valetudinarian debility or disorder, or for paroxysmal acute disease. The country, clime, government and laws, and above all, the individuals predisposition to hereditary mental or bodily taint, necessary to be well known, to justify a strenuous recommendation against the will of the patient, to either of these remedies. In a word, the moral temperament, education, and habits of the patient, greatly affort the curative powers of celibacy and matrimony, in such di- seases or disorders as they are supposed to cure or restore. D. This section comprises as much of causes noticed under C, as can be used to guard against the attacks of endemial or epidemic diseases. The stimuli which act on the irritative actions: prophy- lactic diet, and beverages; dress, gestation, gym- nastic exercises, bathing, balsamic odours, etc. etc. E. Most writers and teachers have divided the materia medica into two main divisions: aliments and medicines; the first embracing things 'icnomi- nated nutrients, having the power of nourishing the 15 system and supplying its solids and fluids with their requisite pabulum. It is not difficult to see the in- convenience of this division. Many of the articles of diet, as tea and coffee, are, strictly speaking, sub- jects of the class nutrientia, yet they possess deci- ded medicinal and even narcotic powers. Aliments have been considered, in reference to their easy or difficult digestion ; or, as they are called to supply solid or fluid parts of the system; or, as they fur- nish a large or small quantity of nourishment. In either of these views the arrangement of such nutrient articles under the subject which profess- edly treats of the medicinal articles, is objectiona- ble. Hence E, comprises a history of those dietetic substances, only, natural or artificial, which are peculiarly suited to the restoration of convalescents; and thus stand midway between aliments and medicines. The peculiarity of their effects pointed out; the necessity of understanding the culinary processes used for preparing them for use, insisted on. In short, as much of the cssen tial part of nutrients treated of, as physicians ought to know, or at least, as students can be sup- posed to acquire. F. Comprises a history of poisons, with a de- velopment of their effects on the animal functions. The symptoms produced by them, when peculiar or specifically induced, considered. An enquiry into the existence of antidotes, considered as agents endued with specific power to counteract the nox- lb „ms effects of poisons, and by that specific agency to reinstate the perverted or injured functions in their physiological regularity. An attempt made to reduce the reputed antidotal remedies, to a lim- ited number, capable, under various combinations and circumstances, of opposing temporary sus- pension to the dangerous inroads of poisons, until they can be removed altogether, by mechanical or medicinal means. A unity of proximate princi- ples proved to exist in many of the plants termed poisonous ; and a similar unity shewn in those reputed as the antidotes. ' G. This section embraces as much of the prin- ciples of terminology and classification, natural and artificial, as is deemed subsidiary to the im- mediate acquaintance of the student with Materia Medica ; in other words, the principles and details of Medical Botany, so set forth, that an amalga- mation of them with the details of materia medica proper, so natural and useful, will be found easy to the student. A. Subsection * —-means used to ascertain the medicinal virtues of substances. 1. Chemical examination, how far to be relied on, when most fallible, and the sources of this fal- lacy. The utility of chemical analysis assailed by the celebrated Mariotte more than a century and a quarter ago, on the ground of the existence of the same principles in medicinal and poisonous plants ; affected also by the experiments of the Abbe Fon- tana on the venom of the viper and gum arabic, which yielded the same chemical results. The de- ception of those views, their inapplicableness to the point discussed. The present mode of investiga- ting by chemical analysis, highly useful, develop- ing the proximate principles of plants. To chem- istry is owing the pharmaceutical adaptation of menstruums of appropriate powers, in solving the virtues of medicines and conveying them into the system by adjuvant vehicles. 2. Botanical affinity is that similitude found to subsist, between vegetables that are distinct from lb each other, in the parts of their fructification. 1 he analogical structure of plants to each other has given rise to adjudging the possession of analogous virtues. These affinities most to be relied on in the natural families of plants, in which not only the out- line characteristic of features, is preserved through- out the various genera grouped under these natu- ral families, but, a coincidence of anatomical struc- ture and physiological office observed, throughout; a similarity in the peculiar juices, of the secretory vessels, and sometimes even the geographical range of habitation, indicative of analogy. Botanical affinity considered under these extended views, is to be relied on ; the exceptions rare and anomal- ous. The different natural orders, or natural families, which are pervaded, throughout, with the most stri- king physiognomouical and anatomical similitude, noticed ; and an enquiry into Decandolle'sopinions on the deduction to be made in reference to their medical virtues, from these data. These enqui- ries predicated on our actual experience of coinci- dence in certain orders or families, and the medi- cinal virtues of all the species of the genera per- taining to those families. They are pursued also with the intent to aid the student in prosecuting the analysis of the American Materia Medica. 3. The sensible qualities of the substances em- ployed, have likewise been a fruitful criterion for adjudging the medicinal virtues. Fallacious in the extreme, in many instances, yet in a majority leading to judicious results and investigations. 4. The absurd doctrine of signatures, now to- tally disused. Definition of the doctrine of signatures or resem- bling tokens, and illustrations of it. The history of this doctrine, in the writings of Porta, an ita' 19 ian botanist, who flourished in the sixteenth ceri tory. The vestiges of its hallucinative dogmas still before us, in the names of many officinal and other plants ; for example: Dentaria, tooth-wort— Pulmonaria, lung-wort—Euphrasia, eye-bright— Hepatica, liver-wort, &c. &c. Evidences of a taint of this doctrine perceivable in the latin work of Schoepf, as late as 1787 ; as well as in many anonymous publications of physicians, on the virtues of vegetable medicines. An enquiry into the causes which have retarded the investigations of medicines, generally. A particular enquiry into the causes which have retarded the investigation of the Materia Medica, of the United States. Sv.bseclion /3. An attempt to point out the confusion which has arisen in the Materia Medica from the ne- f;lect of synonymes; and the caprice of authors, n prefering one name to another, without add- ing and perpetuating the synonmyn by which the article he designated was known to others. The depreciation of medicines of value, in the es- timation of practioners, traced often to this source ; and to the inevitable substitution of one article for another, owing to confusion of names. . Subsection y. General considerations on the constitutional moral and physical causes, and modes of Hv- B 20 ing, which modify the established doses of med- icines, in numerous instances. The necessity insisted on, of being alive to all those qualify- ing and exasperating influences, in order fairly to obtain the medicinal value of any substance of the Materia Medica. Subsection o. The alphabetical order used in preference to the common method of teaching and writing on the Materia Medica. Reasons of this preference detailed from the following outlines:— A long course of study of the Materials of the sci- ence, has fully brought to my view the endless ano- malies, paradoxical assumptions, and contradictory results, arising from any attempt to classify the articles termed Materia Medica, by any of the com- monly adopted systems. * Bcerhaave arranged the numerous Medicaments according to the order of his botanical system. Lin- naeus followed the order of his sexual system throughout his Materia Medica. The injudicious na- ture of these arrangements proved, by an exposition of the discordant materials brought together. Dr. Murray in his Apparatus Medccaminum, followed the order of botanical affinity. Instances of hetero- geneous articles brought together under this sys- tem, by illustrations from all the orders. The arrangement of Cullen, that one, which of all the attempts at scientific classification, is the most highly wrought, and carefully digested, pro- duces perpetual discordancies of theory and prac- tice : of data and results ; of assumed discipline and insubordinate irruptionslnto the ranks of division— al in a word, they produce a distracting embarass- ment in the students' mind and memory ; and, un- less he be wary indeed, will taint his practical views, with ill-digested and perverted ideas of the power of the remedies he is to use. The revised system of Cullen by the late Professor Barton, considered, and shewn to be obnoxious to the obr jections presented by the first outline. A consideration of Dr. Young's sectional division into chemical, \ ital, and insensible agents: and sub- sectional classification into those causing perma- nent, partial and transient action ; and those that primarily, and secondarily diminish action or sen- sation ; and finally, those which are absolute speci- fics. The utter incompetency of this apparently suffi- cient and certainly beautiful arrangement, to meet all the exigencies of the distracting materials it is intended to group and generalize, fully shewn by illustration. The terse and comprehensive, and also beautiful, because brief system of Darwin, inquired into ; and its like inaptitude to grasp at all the projecting angles and irregularities of the code of medicaments, proved. The classification of Dr. Murray into general and local stimulants; chemical remedies ; mechan- ical remedies ; with the subscctional division of the general stimulants into diffusable and permanent, seems at the first view, to be as nearly unexception- able as any scheme of classification which could be devised. It doubtless, is so, taking into view the present state of medical science. It has been adopted, by a late writer* on the elements of Therapeutics and Materia Medica. The order has been disadvantageously perverted, though * Dr. Chapman. ■22 The principles of Murray's classification are^pir* sued, with the exception of an insulated position for mercury. It is evident that the author of that work, is not satisfied with the existing systems of classification ; and intimates in the preface of the first edition, that the plan proposed by Dr. Bibb, in 1801,* of arranging medicines en the principle of their affinities to the several systems of the body, xs much more natural ; and if opportunity is even offered him, he will attempt to establish that sys- tem. Bibb's system is predicated on the arrange- ment of a system by Dr. Rush—his proposition is objectionable; more so than Dr. Murray's—rea- sons detailed in the lectures. Dr. Granville's arrangement has been adopted by Dr. Eberle in his Elements. In a word, as none of the pub- lished systems meet my views, for correctness and truth, it only remains for me to notice one, long since discarded, which I shall endeavour to revive in these lectures. Newman and Lewis proposed an alphabetical ar- rangement. This, with some variation relating to rlie different parts of the plant, was adopted by Alston and Vogel. It is likewise used in Dispen- satories, and in Paris' admirable work, the Phar- macologia. I adopt the simple arrangement of the alphabet in these lectures. 1 discard all the sys- tems of classification just noticed ; hut, after treat- ing fully of every article under its proper lit- eral head, shall reduce the whole by tabular dispo- sition, according to the most prominent properties they evince, to the system of Murray, of general and local stimulants, chemical and mechanical remedies. The object of lectures is to inform the student oi the history, virtue and effects of medicines. The * See his printed Inaugural Thesis, Ua. ofPemuof that yea:. 23 method which enables him to acquire these points of knowledge with the least distraction, and the most certainty ; is, without doubt, the proper me- thod. Eleven years habit of teaching the Materia Medica, has assured me of the total inutility of the common methods of arrangement in teaching; and the never-ending perplexities encountered by the student, owing to the repeated returns of the same article into the lecturers discourse, for some vir- tue or effect possessed by it, besides that for which it had already been classed and treated of. The pupil tires and is perplexed, the teacher flags at perceiving the weariness and confusion of his tyro, and mutual embarrassment ensues. The alphabetical method is, to speak without figure, as clear as A. B. C; never burthens the students memory by a repetition of any call on it by the same articles ; and encourages him by a reflection on the fact, that when the teacher leaves the discussion of any ar- ticle of the course, he is done with it. When he de- sires to refresh his memory by his notes, they too have a unity of subject in consonance with the singleness of his teachers discourse. Stibsection £ The preceding objections are not to the terms used to designate the properties or operation of medicines, as emetics, tonics, &c. but to the feasi- bility, consistently with fitness and utility in teach- ing, of arranging the medicaments of the Materia Medica, under classes designating such emetic, to- nic or other effect, when in fact the substances so classified, are endued with manifold effects, re- B 2 24 quiring their insertion in like manner in other classes. In order to the clear understanding of the termi- nology of the science of Materia Medica, (for terminology it may with propriety be termed:) I. shall enter at once into a therapeutic general lec- ture on each of the classes designated by this ter- minology. The.e therapeutic lectures properly precede the alp abetical disposition and consid- eration of the medicaments themselves. Subsection s. GENERAL STIMULANTS. An enquiry into the nature and effect of a stimulant; the grounds on which it is so denominated ; the phy- siological subserviency to its impulses, and perma- nent or transient susceptibility of its impressions. In how far a stimulant impulse may be considered within the compass of the healthy performance of functions —when the approach of stimulant impulse to dan- gerous or fatal disproportion to the powers of life commences—how this point of jeopardy is guarded or entrenched by habits, idiosyncracy, or neutrali- zed by counter stimulants applied to less danger- ous parts of the system. Subsection $. LOCAL STIMULANTS. A consideration of what they are ; in what they may legitimately be distinguished from stimulants of 25 a general character; the circumstances which may- convert the one into the other considered The pe- riod of life, the state of the system, the sex and occupation or habits of the patient, which all to- gether conspire, or separately tend to modify or change, the impetus, force, and permanence of local stimulants. The danger of employing them without refer- ence to these circumstances. The necessity of a knowledge of the principles of elementary and medical chemistry, in order to lead to a knowledge of the incompatible substan- ces improper to be administered with the chemi- cal remedies as refrigerants, antacids, lithontriptics and escarotics. The utility and importance of a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the viscera, to un- derstand the art of prescribing the mechanical remedies with propriety and effect. INT.] 2ti OUTLINES OF THE GENERAL THERAPEUTIC LECTURES. ANTACIDS. Remedies endued with the chemical neutralizing power of correcting the undue, if not morbid pre- sence of gastric acidity. They act healthfully by producing an innoxious compound within the living system, which takes place of the morbid cause of disorder, existing from the presence of a hurtful agent. Their action is chemical, and, owing to the same principles of neutralizing union inherent in their comminglement out of the body. A disen- gagement of carbonic gas from the stomach, occurs by the use of any carbonated alkali, as an antacid ; and the neutral salt produced in consequence of the administration of any antacid, is purgative or oth- erwise, according to the agent employed; highly ne- cessary to advert to this fact, in the use of remedies of this power;—since gastric acid disorder, is ac- companied by the two opposite states of the bow els: wasting laxity, and flatulent, painful constipation. In the latter case lime used for its antacid property, as is common inform of lime-water, would aggra- vate perhaps, and certainly not remove the evil— while the neutral salt produced by exhibiting mag- nesia, would purge, and vice versa. Whether gastric acidity be induced by a perverted secretion of the stomach itself, thus preventing the healthy effect of the bile in digestion, or by an acetous fer- mentation carried on in the stomach and bowels from the unfitness of the patients diet to his assim- ilative powers; the constitutional diseases, and distressing disorders and irregularities of the di- 27 [ant- gestive system are numerous, perplexing, and ob- stinate in the extreme. These affections in adults, and particularly infants, noticed in detail; the gouty taint a fruitful concomitant, if not cause of it: the kidneys involved in this form of gastric acidity, and the urine always changed from its healthy proportions of constituent principles; this is never or rarely, the case in infantile gastric acidity. The reasons pointed out. These reme- dies indicated in chlorosis, in combination with medicines of emmenagogue power. In cardial- gia, should be united with tonics. The effect of sed- entary habits, and the depressing passions, as envy, hatred, malice, &c. in engendering the gastric acidity. The total inefficacy of antacid medicines, in chronic cases depending on moral causes. The effective power of remedies of antacid virtue, most conspicuous in recent, or acute cases. The efficacy of antacid diet considered ; its compara- tive utility with antacid medicaments contrasted. The bearing of the Broussaisan doctrines of ente- ritis, gastro-enteritis, &c. on the antacid practice, whether by diet or medicines, enquired into. The danger of this system, shewn, in the treatment it leads to in gastric acid disease and disorders. ANT.] ^8 ANTISPASMODICS. These are substances capable of arresting and subduing undue muscular actions, called spasm— in the excess of inordinancy, termed convulsion; and of assuaging pain, not by the mere production of bo- dily quietude, but yet unaccompanied by that high state of insensibility induced by substances of nar- cotic power. I am of opinion that all the remedies usually denominated antispasmodics, do more or less induce mental insensibility, or rather apathy. Their operation in allaying pain differs from that of narcotics, which, more certainly have this effect, -—by involving the sensorium in a less degree. The effect of musk, galbanura, assafcetida, castor, am- monia, saffron, cajeput oil, valerian, &c. &c. in controling muscular spasm, has always appeared to be accompanied by some transient insensibility ; nor can I well conceive of a substance of unequivo- cal antispasmodic virtue, commanding the actions of muscles but through the same channel from which they derive the moving spring of their healthy action. Exemplifications of the narcotic effect of all antispasmodic substances given. The remedies under consideration, are not singly that set char- acterized by the virtues of musk, assafcetida, &c. but comprise a vast assemblage of other medica- ments, whieh have an equally powerful effect in controling the associative actions of the mind and body, but which are arranged by those who classify the articles of the Materia Medica, under othei classes. These are narcotics, tonics, diaphoretics. ^ Tanx* emetics, cathartics, diuretics, &c. &c. from all of uluch, articles endued with the power of anlispas cond'LT of7 "V .^ I™"' aCC0,'di»S ^ disordered F ,nd.,vl*ua.1 system spasmodically disordered. Excessive irritability from watchful- ness, the angry passions, the sudden abstraction of a customary stimulus as in mania a potu, &c may produce spasm, wounds, and irritation in in- fante, from indigestible food, dentition, worms? &c. and irtW an,d St °CCUrS in ^Mic babh and m delicate females, attended, if not induced by a state of extreme debility or want of tone in the general system. In these different states of the sys- tern the remedy which is to cure the spasm, and must therefore be considered an antispasmodic, must vary,—it may be a simple tonic, or an astrin- gent tonic, a cathartic, an anthlementic, a diaphor- etic, an emetic, blood-letting, the cold bath, bran- dy, a narcotic, as opium or camphor, or moral discipline, and mental castigation and reform. 1 he subject pursued in detail, shewing eventuallv the inutility of classifying the articles of the science, which so intermingle with each other, their respective properties. An enquiry into the circumstances which contra- indicatc the absolute antispasmodic substances in cases where spasmodic disease or derange- ment exists. The difference between tonic'ami clonic spasm. A glance at the "spasm of the extreme cuticular vessels," the foundation of Cullens Theory of Fever, and his remedies and rationale of their operation. A designation of the diseases in which the narcotics, as antispasmodics, arc preferable to any other. ANT.] 30 ANTHELMINTICS. Various parts of the human body form a domi- tflium for different parasitic animals, but they chiefly infest the stomach and bowels. The an- cients were well acquainted with the worms infest- ing our bodies, and both, Hippocrates and Galen have written concerning them. In modern times, this subject has been more noticed and the habits of the intestinal and stomach worms and the disorders these parasitic pests produce have constituted fruitful sources of investigation ; indeed, there seems nothing further to be developed as far as regards the characteristic traits of the different kinds, or as far as concerns their manners, though there still exists and probably ever will, a confu- sion of the symptoms of worms and those of other diseases. As regards the animalcule, &c. few are settled in the opinion relative to the cause of ex- istence, or necessity or use of these parasites, or whether they be entirely peculiar to and form a necessary part of our bodies, or arc wholly extra- neous to it. There is much reason to infer the truth of both these latter positions. Of those para- sites which appear naturally to belong to us, may be instanced, millions of animalcule, or organised molecules, observed in some of our fluids. Ob- servations on the mesenteric blood, and s, masculi- num, &c. The animalcule alluded to, are always present, only die with us, and if they do not, and it is not ascertained that they do, aid in the perform-'- ancc of any function, they still may be said to be 31 [ART: congeners. The extraneous parasites are the lar- vae of different lepidopterous insects, beetles, flics, butterflies, gad-flies and others, infecting intes- tines, nares &c. &c. Inquiries into the manner of their introduction, whether by food or otherwise: cases detailed of those whose mode of life exposes them to these larve: hair worm of Laplanders, from marshy water, &c. &c. These larve not so common to human species but every where infect- ing horses, sheep and other cattle, and those chief- ly who attend on them. To the head of extraneous parasites may be added the Guinea worm which insinuates itself into the flesh of the human body. A third kind of parasites infests our bodies, which in all its varieties has attracted much attention with physicians, because of the annoying and even fatal disease they produce—intestinal and stomach worms. For their destruction, various are the medicaments of reputed power: as these have been supposed endued with a specific noxious property, they have been denominated anthelmintics. An en- quiry whether there be any such specific property inherent in any of the remedies usually employed, or whether they do not act by their common evac- uant property, and in many instances by the in- vigorating effect of their bitter tonic quality. Different opinions are entertained respecting the pristine formation within our bodies, or extraneous origin from without, of these parasites. Perhaps both opinions are correct, the reasons why. As the different anthelmintic medicines possess very different powers, (according to the commonly re- ceived opinions of practitioners,) in disgorging or destroying the different kinds of worms, it is highly requisite that all the genera and species, with the concomitant morbid derangement they induce, -should be well known by students, that they may C ANT.] 32 be the better prepared to hear of the articles sup- posed to be suited to the expulsion or destruction of each; and that they may know when to apply either of the numerous remedies reputed to pos- sess anthelmintic virtues. These considerations are the more interesting to the student, and require the more of his attention, from the fact, that not- withstanding all the attention which has been paid to this subject, by enlightened men, it is a melan- cholly truth, that but little of certainty has resulted beyond the clear exposition of the natural history of these animals. We still know, comparatively with the laborious investigations on the subject, hut little of the general pathology of worms: little of the symptoms thry immediately excite. What is known the student should possess himselt of thoroughly. Before detailing the heads of these points of discussion, it is necessary to know that the intestinal canal is infested by five different kinds of worms. 1. The Lumbricus teres, or round worm: Re- sembles the common earth worm, but presents many discrepancies of structure, is from 8 to 15 inches long, infesting chiefly the jejunum and il- eum, is sometimes erratic, proceeding to the sto- mach, throat and mouth, mostly in pairs, not un- frequently thirty or forty have been found togeth- er, and rarely solitary. Affect the system under 15, most generally under 8 years, and rarely adults. 2 and 3. The tenia, or tape-worm, so called from its resemblance to tape ; is very long, from 20 to 30 feet, and cases much longer have been reported: in- fests the upper part of the intestines of children and adults, feeding on chyle. Sometimes solitary, gen- erally imagined to be always so. not strictly true. Dr. Nitret mentions a woman who discharged 18. JThe detached joints of one kind resemble gourd 13 [ant- seed, and hence called vermes cucurbitinus, each joint incorrectly supposed to be endued with in- dependant life. It is the first of two kinds and called the broad tape worm, (taenia lata and Bo- thriocephalus latus.) occasionally ending in two processes one larger than the other, most general- ly in one. Its head resembles that of the second species, called tenia solium, or long tape-worm. The. immense length of the tape-worms, (Roerhaave saw one 30 ells long, and Brera mentions one in the cabinet of the University of Pavia more than 230 feet long,) together' with their tcnariousness of po- sition, renders it extremely difficult to dislodge them entire. When their partial extrusion from the body takes place, the residual articulations speedily increase, and reproduce all the distres- sing symptoms, peculiar to their presence. Not- withstanding their usual tenacity of lodgement, they sometimes are spontaneously discharged, ei- ther partially or entire, by stools, from persons who had not previously experienced any premoni- tory signs of their existence. Instances mentioned of their having dropped from a person, by any ex- ertion in walking. The gourd-seed tenia is read- ily known from the other by having a small aper- ture (osculas, little mouths) on the centre or mid- dle of the flatened surface and only on one side, this species seldom parts with its joints, but the other does very frequently. The joint of the gourd-seed worm are easily separated irom each other when the animal is alive, each joint thus separated has the power of retaining life a consid- erable time. Tape worm infects the smaller in- testines chiefly, and it sometimes occupies so large a space of the jejunum as to give the sensation to the patient of a ball rolling about, when he turns in bed. They however sometimes get into the AKT.j o4 stomach ; the case of a Dutch peasant is recorded by Van Doevern, who vomited 40 ells of tape worm. Emetics sometimes thus dislodge them by the mouth. These horrible animals are more com- mon in some countries than others: in Switzerland, Russia and Germany are frequent, more than in Britain and the United States. They not only infest very young children but according to records, have been found in the alimentary ca- nal of the fetus in utcro. The 4th species of parasitic worm, is the as- caiis vermicularis, or thread-worms:—these are about half an inch in length, of a yellowish white colour, and remarkable quick and agile in their movements. They domiciliate in the mucus and thin feces of the colon and rectum, chiefly the latter—feeding most likely, on the mucus. They are occasionally erratic, having been found in the vagina, and about the thighs. The 5th species of parasitic worm is the trichuris, or Tricocephalus dispar, long thread-worm. It is a spiral worm, from an inch to an inch and a quarter or two inches in length, marked exter- nally by numerous transverse annulatcd lines:— one part of the body terminates in a slender hair- like coil, the other end in a spiral convolution ending in a broad obtuse hook, which has been compared to the pistil of liliaceous flowers. From this extremity the animal puts forth a tube invested in a sheath.; it is formed generally in the cecum or ileum. The disorders which arise from these worms, are numerous ; and in infancy, not seldom fatal. The similarity of the symptoms they produce, to those of teething, is striking—not always easy to distin- guish between the one and the other ; also to those of dyspepsia, from which they are in like manner. 35 [ant. with difficulty distinguished. Children troubled with any of the species, complain of a gnaw- ing, uneasy sensation at the stomach, which eating appeases. The appetite is capricious—in- ordinate—sometimes voracious ; belly hard, tumid ■—morbid vigilance, hiccup, disturbed sleep, grind- ing of the teeth, starting from sleep with terror and screaming, head-ache, vertigo, convulsions, feverishness. thirst, foul tongue, bad taste in the mouth, foetid breath, nausea, constipated bowels and tenesmus, or looseness, with filmy threads and mu- cus, puffed upper 1 ip. These are the chief symptoms induced in children ; but there are often anomalous signs of the presence of these pests, as squinting, slow emaciation, sallow or livid countenance, pro- truded eyes, inflamed tarsi picking the nose from the sympathetic irritation of the lining membrane; he- morrahagesfrom the lungs, the brain, the uterus and the nostrils ; a short, dry, sympathetic cough, or pains in the breast, without corresponding affection in respiration ; unhealthy urine, and all the symp- toms of chronic hydrocephalus. Indeed, it is often quite impossible to distinguish between ihe symptoms of this cerebral disease and those of worms, and there is little doubt, that one is often treated for the other ; and that the consti- tutional disturbance produced by worms is so va- rious and extended, that much obscurity must ever attend the treatment* Ascarides produce chiefly local disturbance: a heat and constant itchingabout the anus, which is teasing and intolerable in the extreme. Bowel affections are occasionally pro- duced by them, such as slimy stools, tenesmus and cutting pains: vertiginous head-ache, itching of nostrils, convulsive cough and dyspeptic disease are more rare concomitants:---all exasperated towards evening. Brera, is of opinion that t}n the stomach and intestines primarily, and thence are conveyed by some of the operative influences of the living system, quickly to the solids and fluids. Hunter and Darwin's recently purloined doctrines of sympathy a very convenient rationale, though near half a century old. Woodhouse's, Seguin's, and Dr. John M. Walk- er's (Viit.) experiments relative to the astringent principle, noticed:— For the opinion of the first, see his edition of Chaptall's Chemistry. ^Cultivation deprives many plants of a part of their astringent principle. Ac- cording to Hatchet, a factitious astringency may be produced by treating various vegetables with nitric 47" [AST. acid. Method of detecting this principle in plants: by application to mouth, and by effects on living animal body, by solution of copperas, &c. Cullen's opinion relative to the degree of corrugation induced in the mouth, as a criterion of the intensity of the astringent power in the sub- stance used. The astringent principle resides in cortex and liber of most oaks and peruvian barks: in the liber of many trees and shrubs, the cortex of which possessee little or none of it; in the roots of numerous plants, as the ratanhy root, alum root, tormentil, rose tree, geranium maculatum, &c. In the wood of many trees, as logwood ; in the leaves of many plants, as shumach, common green tea, &c; in the excressences which form the nidus of insects, as oak-apple, aleppo-galls, &c. in the latter it ex- ists united with a peculiar acid which has received the name of gallic acid. This was once supposed to be the astringent principle ; not correct; galls do not contain more of this acid principle than other astringent vegetables: Higgins' experiments shew that some species of shumach contain more than other vegetables, yet analised. Chemical proper- ties of gallic acid. MEDICAL USE OF ASTRINGENTS. Of the use of astringents in diseases:—best given in substance, when the stomach will bear that form —otherwise, should be given in the pharmaceutical liquid preparations. Astringency is fixed in sub- stances containing it; of course the absence of volatility in this property, renders it nugatory to employ the distilled waters of astringent medicines. Watery and spirituous menstrua take up the astringency of substances, subjected to their action; D 2 ASl'.j 48 Cullen imagined a partial decomposition in case.- of decoction, and hence prefered infusion. Dr. JVlorveau suggested ether as a solvent for astrin- gency, as best adapted to convey that principle most* readily into the system. Astringents long used in intermittents. The most effective remedies for these affections, are characterized by more or less astringency. The best are those containing as- tringency and bitterness combined. Astringents used in weakness from whatever cause—often in- juriously. In certian dropsies, generally with benefit, where there is no great degree of febrile action. The late Professor Barton advocated their use, even where fever was present; a practice, according to my own experience of doubtful pro- priety, never having seen good effects from it. The efficacy of astringents is chiefly evidenced in the cure of the profluvie. They are used to check serous evacuations from the bowels, fluor albus, gonorrhoea and gleet, and the excessive discharges of other organs. It is supposed by many that they do this, rather by their tonic property than their immediate astringent virtue. Their power in checking hemorrhages from the lungs nose, stomach, bowels and uterus, while it is undeniable, presents one of the most difficult subjects for medical ratiocination, which occurs in the whole science of Materia Medica, and the modus operandi of its subjects. Their exhibition not safe, without close attention to the state of the circulation; indeed with regard to hemorrhages, astringents arc absolute and relative. A very dif- ferent substance as an astringent is required to check that bleeding, called active accompanied with a tonic contractile power of the arteries, and that called passive which happens during an atonic or relaxed condition of the same vessels. 49 [AST. Cases in which blood-letting must precede the use of astringents. Applied externally in hemorrha- ges, astringents are called styptics. These are numerous, of ancient date, and some of them pow- erful and effective. Astringents were formerly much used in dysen- tery, in which disease their efficacy has been stren- uously opposed by Cullen and others. They are inadmissible in this disease as it occurs in a variable and intemperate climate: under a tropical sun, they are useful, and proper in the second- ary stage, and under an intermitting type of fever, particularly the astringent tonics. These remedies have been much used at antili- thics and certainly some of the class, though not those which are most conspicuously intense in their astringency, are serviceable in calculous af- fections, as the uva ursi. The most ancient employment of astringents, was most probably as a cure for intermtttent fe- vers: those of the purest kind, do not appear so well calculated for this purpose, as those connect- ed with bitterness. Cullens' opinion respecting the efficacy of the salts of iron, as astringents, in that debilitated condition of the system, preceding dropsy, considered. This practice at variance with the later received pathology of that disease as taught by Rush and supported more recently by Ayre. The practice of exhibiting mineral as- tringents in solution, by injection, to check inor- dinate evacuations of the urethra, nearly obsolete, reasons why dangerous. Vegetable astringents given in pyrosis, colliquative sweats of consump- tion, and the wasting sweats of autumnal fevers, with benefit. Metallic astringent collyria, as of lead zinc and copper, used in certain kinds of op* thalraia with benefit; often injudiciously resorted AST.] 50 to, at too early a period of the disease. The ef- ficacy of a certain vegetable astringent pith, in the same affections. Solutions of acetate of lead, used in phlegmonous inflamation ; in erysipelas, its effects. Vegetable and mineral astringents use- ful in scurvy. Different modes of application in which I have found them serviceable in that dis- ease, at sea, and on laud. Have also been ad- vantageously used in the neuroses, as tetanus, cho- rea, epilepsy, asthma, pertussis : for these diseases cinchona, misletoe, bistort, the salts of ii on. cop- per, zinc and tin, have been prefered ; not so useful as the narcotic stimulants in these affec- tions. In plethoric epilepsy, certainly hurtful; in hysteria the mineral astringents useful, acting as antispasmodics in subduing clonic spasm. Of doubtful effii acy in asthma, unless in lax female habits, where it occurs as a symptom of hysteria. In that case, as in anginose affections from other causes, as gout, &c. they are serviceable, and my experience warrants the assertion. Their effica- cy in hooping-cough, cannot be supported, unless invigorating exercise in cold air. be considered as acting by its astringing influence. In cutaneous diseases, astringents have long been favourite remedies, internally and externally exhibited:—as the itch, scald-head, psoriasis, and other leprous affections. They succeed where every thing else has failed. In these and in other affections, they enhance the power of mercurial medicines. Kino ointment, in psoriasis ; mer- curial ointment with powdered kino. Astringents have been used in rickets; if any are serviceable, the metallic astringents should be used ; in scrofu- la, astringent bitters used ; atonic state of lym- phatic system, often relieved by them. Powdered vegetable astringents always are the bases of 51 [AST. quack remedies for cancers and cancerous ulcers—■ how used. In hemorrhoids, galls in form of ointment useful; other astringents answer the same purpose; in indolent ulcers, and the ulcers from burns, astringent vegetable infusions, as washes, important; astringent gargles, their use, efficacy and danger; of alum in diebetes; Dr. Gregory's notice of its effect in that disease. Selle, Meade and Dover, recommended this astrin- gent as a cure for it. Summary of the comparative efficacy of mineral, metallic, and vegetable astrin- gents, for the diseases glanced at in the foregoing notes. General remarks on the whole class, with notice of other and secondary effects. Astringents have been said by Darwin, under his class sorbentia, to create costiveness ; not al- ways correct. Galls purge ; alum purges; and hark purges. Effects of astringent infusions in striking a black colour with iron ; catechu an ex- ception, not containing any thing but pure tannin uncombined with gallic acid. Native astringents in the United States, numerous ; and some pecu- liar in their operation, and important articles of the Materia Medica. CAT. J #2 CATHARTICS. Substances which promote or increase the natu^ ral peristaltic action of the intestines : or, exhibi- ted in their established dose, induce that excess of alvine evacuation called purging. They have been divided into laxatives, which are characterised by a very mild evacuation of the contents of the bow- els ; and purgatives, which in addition to this evacuating effect, stimulate the exhalents of the intestines, and cause a considerable influx of fluids from them, which are continued for some time to be passed per amim. They likewise communicate a stimulant and rousing impulse to the v\hole sys- tem. Those which cause all these effects in the highest degree of intensity, are again sub-classed, as drastic purgatives. The laxatives may be said to be local stimulants —the purgatives general stimulants; and the drastic purgatives, general and vehement stimu- lants. The laxatives in reference to their power and effect in promoting thf general health, are tran- sient stimulants ; the simple purgatives, impulsive and more continued stimulants: the drastic pur- gatives, persistent stimulants. They are all suited to peculiar states of the healthy and disordered constitution. The importance of these remedies requires no comment. Promoting and insuring that intestinal regularity and functional perform- ance of an important set of organs, without which health cannot exist, they at once are the great key to unlock all the irregularities of the body, and 53 [cat. by a timely expurgation of their prejudicial pre- sence in the physiological system, to restore its jeo- pardized healthy action, and avert, or even remove disease. Purgatives not only increase serous and mucous discharges from the exhalent vessels of the inner coat of the intestines, and the excretory ducts of their mucous glands, but they vehemently stimulate the adjacent viscera to a healthy action, as the liver and pancreas. Of the different reme- dies calculated to produce each of these several effects, more than others of the same class. Of the peculiar effect of saline purgatives, formerly called hydrogogues; of the mineral, of the mechanical, of the dietetic laxatives. Of those stimulating parti- cular sections of the whole intestinal tube, as aloes, colocynth, gamboge, scammony, rroton oil, colchi- cum, hellebore, &c. of the peculiarity of operation in jalap, in the mercurial purgatives, in the nar- cotic purgatives, in the purgative effect of antimo- nials; of emmenagogue purgatives, their peculi- arity. Dr. Hamilton's opinion canvassed, "That the different species of purgative medicines do not possess distinct powers over the different species of matter to be evacuated." Of Paris' opinion that the ancient division of this class into hydragogues, cholagogues, &c. ought to be revived. Of the in- utility and inconvenience of repeating for any length of time, what have been called the astrin- gent or tonic purgatives: as rhubarb. Of the ad- vantages in a medical point of view, of changing from one article of this class to another, in cases where permanent or long continued purging may be deemed requisite. Of the mistaken drastic effect of some purgatives: as aloes Of their contra-indication in pregnancy, and the opinions on this point, of distinguished practitioners of midwifery. CAT.] 54 Effect of purges during the menstrual flux ; cau- tion necessary to be observed at this time. Effect of drastic purges in cases of great debility of the bowels; will induce marasmus, if too often re- peated, and render the bowels morbidly irritable and liable to be operated on by a cause inadequate to move them in good health. Cathartic medi- cines may be variously combined to attain a union of the peculiar efficacy of each ingredient of the combination ; advantages to be obtained by a knowledge of this part of the subject. Purges produce sleep ever in maniacs. They raise the pulse under certain circumstances. Hux- ham says he found them to do so in the Devonshire colic : Sir Wm. Fordyce made the same observa- tion in most, putrid fevers ; Dr. Rush likewise ob- served this:—Notice of his locked-up excitement. Produce hilarity of mind by removing collections of feces from the intestines; constipation always creates despondency and gloom. An enquiry whether cathartics are taken into the course of the circulation? Many articles of diet purge; and as their nutrient property is undoubtedly taken up, there seems reason to infer that the cathartic property may. Rhubarb most evidently taken into the circulation ; its colouring matter pervades the urine; there is no proof that this colouring matter is distinct from its purgative, the whole root containing it abundantly. A reason in favour of the absorption, derived from the effect of pur- gatives taken by nursing women, on the bowels of infants at the breast. They also effect the urine, both by augmenting its flow and altering its com- position. The general diuretic effect of purges, noticed.' Purges applied to open and running issues, often operate cathartically on the person thus subjected 55 [cat. lo their application. Effect of aloes and castor oil applied to the belly of children and adults, noticed. Hellebore said always to purge, if ap- plied to an issue. Query. Is the quantity of a cathartic thus absorbed, granting that it is ab- sorbed, sufficient to purge? C. P. Berger gives an instance of a man purged by smelling a medi- cine. I have known an officer puked by mention- ing ipecacuanha, to which he had an aversion; both accounted for by association. Persons under the operation of cathartics are readily injured by cold and exercise ; reasons why. Dr. Gregory lays much stress on this fact. Perhaps in the treatment of certain fevers, where cool air is an important remedy in itself, an equal degree of in- jury cannot be apprehended from exposure to its influence during the operation of cathartics. Ef- fect of cold affusions, in evacuating the bowels, as in colica pictonum, and other affections with tor- pid action of the intestines The nitro-muriatic bath to the legs, purges. Walking barefoot on a cold pavement or marble, and enemata of cold water, have removed consti- pation. Some persons from idiosyncracy particu- larly liable to be purged by getting wet feet. Dif- ferent constitutional susceptibilities of intestinal action, require very diverse doses of cathartics. Many females are readily purged by one or two grains of assafoetida, and powerfully by a small quantity of molasses, or rye mush, or an egg, or shell-fish, as lobster and crabs; others again are scarcely assailable in this effect, by the most drastic medicines. Seamen and persons at sea re- quire larger doses of the same medicines than other persons. Pregnancy renders the operation of ca- thartic medicines more difficult. Climate influ- ences the susceptibility of the bowels to be acted CAT.] 56 on by cathartics. Doses requisite in the tropics and in high northern latitudes. Large doses used by army and navy surgeons of the East Indies. Different methods of employing cathartics, as in the suppository, substance, tincture, infusion, in- jections. Injecting fumes of certain narcotics as cathartics ; attended with danger. Diseases in which these different forms are resor- ted to. Effect ofepispastics, as aids to purging in obstinate constipation ; either over the belly, or remote from it; even on the extremities. Of ileus. Effect of gestation of certain kinds in resisting the operation of cathartics. Sea-voyages. Equitation to those unaccustomed to it, first induces costivc- ness; when habitual keeps the belly open. Effects of equitation observed in the dragoon recruits under my care, in the beginning of the war. Hyper-ca- tharsis, in what kind of temperaments most likely to occur. Previous blood-letting enhances the activity of purgatives, and these latter promote the action of diuretics. How and under what cir- cumstances they do this. Purgatives diminish the action of the sanguif- erous system, remove torpor in its operations, and restore its balance of power ; they determine the circulation from the head to the extremities. The two-fold manner in which this is effected, noticed. They promote the absorption of fluids, from in- ternal cavaties. In like manner produced by a two-fold operation. How they excite absorption in cases of dropsical effusion. They increase the portal circulation. 5? [cat. OF THE DISEASES IN WHICH PURGING IS NECES- SARY OR USEFUL. This is a fruitful topic ; the practice of purging for disease as ancient as the earliest efforts toward medical aid. Even animals are guided by instinct to the purgative grasses and plants. Instances given. Purgatives essential in all inflammatory diseases, in their incipient stage at least. They are truly antiphlogistic remedies. In the diseases called neuroses; particularly chorea, and hysteria, and in some cases of epi- lepsy. In chlorosis, and those disorders generally which occur during, or accompany puberty of both sexes. Eminently useful and curative in typhus fever; in scartatina. In both of which the axio- matic observation of Dr. Hamilton is of golden weight: "I beg to caution against the common association of purging, with the use of purgative medicines." Of their effect in obviating or remov- ing the dropsical effusions which occur in the last stage of scarlatina. Of purgatives in marasmus, occasioned by worms, effectual : when from impov- erished diet, of doubtful use. In hematemesis, when supposed reasonably, to be a vicarious he- morrhage. In all cases of hysteria, requisite. Io dysentery, important, being continued. In exanthematous diseases, highly essential. In puerperal fever and common peritoneal in- flamation, the bowels are torpid ; require brisk purgatives, especially in the commencement. The Broussaisan doctrines oppose this practice. Of the particular kind of purgatives, useful in acute rheumatism ; and the necessity of adhering to a certain kind in gout. Hydrocephalus internus, in addition to early and copious blood-letting, re- quires early and vehement purgatives; of less ac- CAT.J 58 count in the advanced stage of the disease. Reasons for attacking the bowels in this direful malady, deduced from the symptoms, supposed causes, and post-mortem examinations. In apoplexy, useful. In palsy, when useful. In gutta sercna. their ef- fect. Of the use of purgatives in surgical practice. In hyprocondriasis, indispensable. This disorder in females, accompanied by hysteria, already no- ticed as requiring cathartics, as rhubarb and as- safoetida united. In the treatment of all dropsies, cathartics in union with other medicines of dif- ferent virtues, as diuretic, tonic and astringent, &c. indispensible. In a word, without purgatives there are few serious diseases, involving the vis- ceral functions, and in any degree impairing or suppressing them, which can be judiciously treated. The necessity instilled, of the student becoming thoroughly acquainted with the peculi- arities of operation, in all the different subjects of this class. General rules necessary to be ob- served in the administration of cathartics of what- ever description. 59 JDEM- DEMULCENTS. Substances capable of protecting the sensible surfaces of the body from the action of acrid ex- traneous matter presented to them from without, or engendered by disease within the system. This they do mechanically, for the most part, by in- viscating the acridity of the irritating cause, by reason of their mucilaginous or oleaginous nature. The whole of the subjects of this class, are refera- ble to two sections; mucilages and expressed or bland oils. I have noticed the class in pure cour- tesy to preceding writers and teachers. It is per- haps the most objectionable group of the whole system of medicamental classification, not to say absurd. It is quite impossible for me to conceive any semblance of reason for grouping under a distinct class, a number of substances, which present in the very outset, an opposing barrier to their just retention under such a class—for, beyond the palpable mechanical effect of the bland sub- stances, as acacia gum. in allaying the irritation of the partially inflamed glottis and trachea, in cough, and the exasperated inflammation of cynanche tra- chealis, I know of no substance which, consistent- ly with any correct notions of physiology, can be recognised as demulcents. What demulcent pro- perty, or in other words, what iuvisiating in- fluence can flaxseed tea, taken for gonorrhoea, ex- ert, on the inflamed and discharging surface of the urethra? Will it be said the bland mucilage and oil of this article, which is more a nutritive beve E 2 DEM.] 60 rage, than a medicament, can be presented to the diseased urethra after traversing the circuitous track of the circulatory, absorbent, digestive or secreting vessels, or perhaps the whole of them, in its pristine state of viscidity? Surely such an idea is not tenable. True it is, as Dr. Murray has observed, the secreting vessels do some times render substances which have been thus digested, absorbed, and acted on by the secretory viscus, in this state of pristine character; and it cannot be doubted from the evidences given in the urine of this fact, that the kidnies especially do this: but the subjects they select for this preservation of individuality of property, are widely different in nature from the bland oils and gums. It is when very active substances, characterized by the inten- sity and persistance of their distinguishing property is presented to their secretory office. And for the most part it is the colouring matter, or odoriferous, or saline quality, that mainly appears unchanged in the secretion of the urine. The same observation is applicable to the excrementitious evacuations, after certain active or strongly marked aliments or medicines have been taken into the stomach ; and also to the transpiratory office of the skin. I am aware indeed, that when gum-arabic has been given in considerable quantity to infants and child- ren, as is frequently done, the gummy nature of the article is detected in the discharges per anum ; a circumstance which has led Dr. Paris to a very incorrect pronunciation of the insusceptibility of pure gum (ununited he says with the bitter princi- ple!) to yield to the assimilative functions: and he misquotes in corroboration of this remark the asser- tion of a late author,* that " it frequently passes through the bowels, very little changed, as I have * Dr. Chapman. 61 [dem. witnessed a " thousand times." In justice to the author thus materially misquoted, on a point too, I think, of practical importance, I here correct Dr. Paris, by refering him to the different editions of the ''Therapeutics" for the substitution of •• an hundred times," instead of a «• thousand9* which lessens the strength of his corroboration on the authority quoted, ten percent: or, in other words his position on the authority assumed, is ten fold less important than he imagined. And even his authority admits the nutritive (and consequently easily assimilated quality) of the article in ques- tion, by quoting Hasselquists report in its favour. I am the more desirous to remove this error sup- ported by such alarming round numbers by Dr. Paris, from my total discredit of the correctness of any opinion, from whatever source emanating, which impugns the nutrienyiature of this invalu- able substance, in the treatment of certain bowel complaints of children emaciated by a long con- tinuance of an enervating complaint. The truth is, gum-arabic is never thus passed wholly unassimi- lated. even in diseased constitutions—much, less in those of a healthy condition ; but it is natural to suppose, that in the impaired if not depraved con- dition of the digestive functions, in those cases in which it has generally been directed as aliment, that some portion of it, over what might be equal to the demands of the system thus suffering under weakened digestive powers, should be excrementi- tiously passed. I have seen this often myself, from the use of what I supposed to be gum-arabic, but which was probably sophisticated: but, neverthe- less, a due and sufficient quantity has, in such cases, been taken up and appropriated to supporting the sinking powers of life. That this has been the case in numerous instances under my own care, OEM.j 62 some very strikingly verifying this supporting power, was proved, because for weeks at a time, the little patients received no other aliment u'/mf- erer: and yet the disease mended, and the consti- tutional powers were reinstated, during the free use of the gum, and during the very time I ob- served the diapers to be stiff when dry, from the gummy nature of the stools. But, even in these cases I have been disposed to believe that the ar- ticle was not pure, but adulterated during its pul- verization, by a resembling gum, very difficult of digestion, and far less, if at all capable, of support- ing the powers <>f life by its nutritive quality— gum-senegal. A strong predilection in early life, unaffected by subsequent experience, in favour of the soothing and healing nature, and nutritive qual- ity of gum acacia, has led me to many experiments and much satisfaction with it: nor am 1 disposed at this time to admit that the genuine gum is surpassed in susceptibility of digestion, where the bowels are affected, and much emaciation exists, by any article in the whole Materia Medica. Lind tells us, that with the negroes along the banks of the Niger, it is almost their only food; and that the Moors live entirely on it when their crops of rice and millet fail. These are examples of nu- merous reports in favour of the nutritive property of the gum in question, which will be detailed when treating of the article. Fordyce has said that the nutrient principle of vegetables resides in their mucilage and gum. The nutritive property of sugar and oil is admitted; and the salubrious ef- fect of acid in diet, also acknowledged. Where then are we to look for a nutrient, if gum-arabic, which is not a simple substance, but contains a gum. an oil, a mucilage, a sugar and an acid, does not yield such?—With respect to the demul- 63 [dem. cent property of gum-arabic, I am not prepared to speak so confidently, but subscribe to the pithy remarks of Cullen on this head. He disclaims a belief in the power of its " correcting the acrimo- ny that occasions coughing," and its supposed power of " reaching the urinary passages, and there to cover any acrimony prevailing in the urine," and that " gum-arabic as an internal de- mulcent, can be of no service beyond the alimen- tary canal"-and that from " innumerable trials, he never observed the effects of gum-arabic in the mass of blood, or in the excretions derived from it." And he further remarks, that in ardor urine he has been often disappointed in its effects and had " found that two pounds of water or watery liquors, added to the drink, would be of more service than four ounces of gum-arabic taken without such addition." The demulcents then are fairly resol- ved, I think, into this nothingness ; and their repu- ted efficacy in diarrhoea, dysentery, calculus and gonorrhoea, stands a baseless fabric of misconcep- tion and error, In short, the class itself, is, as I have advanced in the outset of these observations, if not an absurd at least a very unnecessary one; and the subjects it comprises, as, (besides those already discussed,) liquorice, isinglass, spermaceti and wax, may be disposed of under the head of expectorants. The other gums and mucilages, and the amylaceous fecule, as starch, tapioca, sago, salep, arrow-root, wheat-flour, together with olive oil, under the section, of restorative dietetics. Flaxseed, slippery elm bark, althee flowers, mallows, almonds. &c. &c. under the class of Diluents. Without better grounds, than it ap- pears to me exist at present, the class should be expunged, and in my tabular distribution of medi- caments, I shall so modify Murrays arrangement, DEM.] 64 as to meet this disposition. In the mean while these hints will enable you to understand and ap- preciate the views and practice of medical writers, who think and practice in obedience to the be- lief in demulcent remedies. 65 [dIa- DIAPHORETICS. Medicines which augment the natural transpi- ration of the skin. They are divided into two sections, according to the moderate or high grade of their action, called diaphoretics and sudorijics. Those which excite the skin so slowly, that its per- spirable fluid may be evaporated by its contact with the air. and thus rendered insensible to observa- tion, except by the soft state of the surface, or by very close inspection, are refered to the first sec- tion. Those which produce that copious fluid discharge, which we call sweat, are disposed of under the second. The only difference hich ap- pears to exist between these substances, is in their mode of acting on the exhalents of the skin. The same emunctories are liberated by both; but in the caseof sweating, visibly and excessively. Thcreare many methods of exciting the skin, which may all be comprised under three heads, physical, mechan- ical and medical. 1st. By external and mechanical means. 2d. By internal agents which increase the velocity of the general circulation, and thereby ex- cite the action of all the parts of the body. 3d. By internal medicines which do not dothis but enter the circulation, and thus reach the cuticular vessels; or merely stimulate some one, two, or more of the vis- cera, with which the skin sympathises, as forexam- ple, by a draught of cold water taken suddenly into the stomach, when the system is at par in its healthy excitement. For if it is otherwise the skin is not DIA.J 60 reached by its impulse, but general injury, or local disorder will ensue. As for example, when cold water is drank largely, by a person over- heated, in which case the powers of life are sub- dued, and death or infinite injury will result. Among the first means of exciting the skin may be ranked exercise in all its various kinds; unu- sual bodily labour, the flesh-brush, or other fric- tions ; flagellation, stimulating lotions applied, cold affusion, the warm and cold bath, new flan- nel, increased quantity of clothing, external heat. All these will be affected in the promptness and extent of their action, by the state of the atmos- phere, in reference to its aridity or humidity. Among the second means may be ranked, the carbonate of ammonia, guiacum, and the like ; al- cohol, and all the different wines and malt liquors, together with other fermented beverages contain- ing spirit, as cider, &c Among the third means may be placed, all the saline diaphoretics and mercurial preparations, sulphur, some of the balsams, nauseating doses of the emetic medicines, especially ipecacuanha and the antimonial salts preparations and phar- maceutical compounds, &c. it is questionable whether the subjects of these last two sections are much influenced by atmospheric influence. Cer- tainly they do not obey its power, in any thing like the same degree as do the means ranged under the first section. They, however, require the obser- vance of certain cautions and rules, when admin- istered with a medical view. The main features of these, are derived from a know ledge of the fact, that a very elevated state of the skin, (when it is 102 or 108 degrees of Far.) an energetic sanguif- erous excitement, indicated by a full, hard, and bounding pulse, a purging state of the bowels, 67 [dia, (in febrile systems) and the patient being dressed and out of bed, are adverse to any artificial ex- citement of the skin, by the means grouped under the second and third heads of the preceding sec- tional arrangement of diaphoretics. It is there- fore obvious, that whatever shall, under the ex- isting circumstances, tend to obviate these oppo- sing or discouraging influences, will be proper to be done, in order to ensure the cutaneous transpi- ration to the extent desired. It is frequently im- possible to open the skin, until the arterial excite- ment be reduced by venesection, or previous and equivalent purging. And if these do not reduce the high temperature of the skin, it would be idle to attempt sweating, by internal medicines or ex- ternal heat, the latter tending only to increase a temperature of the superficies already too exalted. Cold affusions only, will here effect it. My expe- rience with the ardent fever of a warm climate, attended with an excessively dry and hot skin, enables me to speak confidently on this point. • OF THE MEDICAl USE OF DIAPHORETICS. Health we know, consists in the due perform- ance of all the functions of the body. I assume therefore, as an undeniable truth, that whichsoever of these is disturbed, is productive of disease or disorder, which will be proportionable to the de- gree of interruption which has occurred. It need hardly he observed, that as the whole exterior sur- face is designed to perform a transpiratory func- tion, the skin, from its very extent and exposure to those vicissitudes and natural causes whieh can aid, support, lessen, check, and altogether extin- F 1>1A.J 66 guish the peculiar secretion thus thrown off in a state of heakh, must be peculiarly liable to meet with injurious impediments to its executive office. Suppressed perspiration is therefore a fruitful cause of disease, and what we familiarly call, taking cold, is often the effect of this restraint on the cutaneous function. When it occurs, the balance of circulatory and secerning regularity is deranged or destroyed, and the disorder or disease super- vening, is not entirely removed, until the unbal- anced actions of the body, are reinstated in their due efficiency. Nearly all the acute diseases, are attended with a disordered state of the skin, for the reasons already given. Hence the use of those remedies and means which experience has taught us are calculated to achieve so important a resto- ration of healthy action, has been coeval with the earliest practice of medicine. The common-sense view of the subject, has met the reasoning and observing faculties of mankind generally: and in consequence, sweating medicines have ever been among the most popular and general remedies in domestic practice. They have certainly from this cause, been injudiciously applied, and doubtless, often dangerously. The records of medicine which shew the transitions of practice, according to the prevailing theories and dogmas of the day, prove, that this abuse of diaphoretics has not been con- fined to the unlearned and the vulgar. Unfortu- nately the members of the profession of medicine in the days of Van Helmot, took a conspicuous stand in this ill-judged misuse of a set of reme- dies which we justly esteem, under proper regu- lation, invaluable. The diseases to which they arc applicable are various: and are both acute and chronic. Their efficacy is conspicuous in dysen- tery, and some other bowel affections; in acute rheumatism after the inflammatory stage has been 69 [UIA, smartly assailed by bleeding and other depletion. In gout they are of dubious efficacy, except under circumstances of great constriction of the skin, when I have known them, if of the lenient kind, productive of decided benefit. In the phlegmasie, they are dangerous often, and always hurtful, if early resorted to, and before a previous system of requisite depletion: aggravating the sufferings of the patient and causing tedious convalescence, if they do not induce worse Consequences. Judi- ciously interposed in reference to time and pre- vious treatment, they arc beneficial. In remittent and continued fevers, diaphoretics always, and rarely sudorifes, afford important curative aid. Many have reported favourably of their efficacy in yellow fever. My experience with that disease in a climate to which it is endemical, as well as in some cases in our own, does not enable me to sus- tain these records. Neither can I, from the views of the pathology of the disease which I entertain, think, that they can be fairly estimated as very important remedies in this disease. I am aware, however, that critical sweats have happily termi- nated its course: and I am also disposed to be- lieve that cases do occur, in which, contrary to the usual issue, they may be particularly required. But, the stomach, the chief seat of this disease, is too vehemently attacked, to be generally ac- cessible by the circuitous rout, or sympathet- ic accordance even, of the remote cuticular surface. Not so in typhus fever; I would say ship or jail fever. Much experience with this disease, in the navy and army service, early convinced me of the necessity of vigilantly looking to the skin, and regarding its irregular and perverted actions, with great attention. Here there is no cure, until its softness and function is restored. I cannot, DIA.] ?0 however, consider ship fever, as precisely identic cal with the typhus of Armstrong. I have ithe alms-house of this city, and in private pactice met with and treated, the fever that author so admirably describes : but on ship-board, anil at the lazeretto, and in fever wards established undei my care for the reception of army recruits during our war, I have alone met with the typhus grav.or of Cullen, or ship, jail, or camp fever. In these sit- uations I have repeatedly used and profited by diaphoretics. In the disease of Armstrong 1 have depended more on early blood-letting and long continued purgative medicines in small doses. The skin returned to its duty after, or during the use of these means. Plague has been universally treated by diapho- retic remedies; yet Cheuot deprecates, and De Mer- tens, who wrote of the plague of Moscow, of 1771, omits to mention these as remedies. We fortunate- ly know nothing of the disease. In diabetes, a di- sease I have never treated, and only twice seen, cases have been reported of their curative effect; but these appear to be insulated. Many authors speak favourably of them in dropsy ; to me there appears so much more obvious a path to pursue, in attempts to cure this disease, that I shall dis- miss this part of the subject by the remark, that, though diaphoretics may occasionally be useful, here, it will be more by accidental propriety, than a general necessity attendant on the disease. For my own part, I have never attached impor- tance to their use in this disease, general or local. In syphilitic rheumatism and syphiloid disease, in mercurial disease, and in siphylis, diaphoretics form a part of the general practice of our time. The details of this subject will be entered on fully in these lectures, under the head of the particular 7* [DIA. diaphoretics used. In perverse and unrelenting affections of the skin, diaphoretics are indispen- sable. In cholera infantum I cannot but remark, there is too much latitude assumed, in the recom- mendation of even mechanical diaphoretics, with- out designating the two very opposite conditions of the skin attendant on this affection. I have had my share of experience with this frightful malady. I dread it, yet seek it, wherever I can have an op- portunity of observing its career, from my fixed opinion, that it is little understood, comparatively with the attention it has elicited and most seri- ously claims: and still less happily treated. I have, it is true, seen numerous cases in which a restoration of the healthy functions of thi skin, was simultaneous with a happy change in the pa- tients danger. But I have also seen innumerable cases in which the skin was morbidly open; ra- pidly transuding a cold and clammy secretion, while in every other symptom, an exact accord- ance was observed, with those cases, in which constriction, heat, and dryness of the surface pre- vailed: and conditions of the skin, intermediate between these extremes have not unfrequently presented themselves in cases the most alarming and fatal. I would not be understood to deter you from adventitious means of protecting the skin in this disease, from pertinacious morbid action, but simply to guard you against trusting impli- citly, or even with confidence, to diaphoretics of whatever kind. The intelligence and experience of the medical attendant, can alone, afford the proper information on this point. Indeed this remark is equally applicable to the numerous con- tradictory testimonies with reference to the use of diaphoretics in some of the affections already spe- DIA.] 72 cified: and in many others which will be hinted at in the course of these lectures. To conclude, diaphoretics, though doubtless much misused, are among the important remedies in the treatment of most of the diseases of our every day practice. 73 fanS. DILUENTS. Watery liquors which increase the fluidity of the blood, and render several of the secreted and excreted fluids less viscid. Water, as has been correctly remarked by Dr. Murray, is the only proper diluent: but different substances are added, not to enhance its properties, but to render it agree- able or demulcent. The different mineral waters natural or artificial; toast and water slightly acidu- lated with vinegar, currant or guava jelly, tama- rinds, barberry, dewberry, blackberry and rasp- berry jams ; weak lemonade, apple-water, orange w ater ; barley and rice water, so weak as to be simply clouded by the barley, grain, or rice meal; and numerous similar preparations which vary acr cording to the facility of procuring, and popular predilection for, certain acid and acidulous fruits —are all diluents. It need not be remarked that they all contain principles of nutriment; and are hence peculiarly important in practice where, from the inflammatory nature of the disease, it is impor- tant to avoid the stimulus of solid nourishment. Na- ture indicates the propriety of administering these articles, and in a state of coldness too, in all febrile diseases, which are attended generally with excess- ive thirst. It is supposed they act beneficially by dilu- ting the chyme and the chyle, and also the bile in the intestines, by which dilution it is rendered Icssacrh DIL.] 74 monious. However this be, it is indubitable that diluents are important aids in the cure of many febrile complaints, and should never be lost sight of by the practitioner. When given warm, they aid in a striking manner, the salutary operation of other remedies, as diuretics and diaphoretics. They are useful in all urinary disorders, relieving ardor urine of gonorrhea, and the pain of strangury. When this affection occurs in consequence of in- flamed bladder, it is obvious they are well calcula- ted to promote the healthy restoration of the part, by obtunding that acridity of the urine increased to an intolerable degree by the general febrile ex- citement of the system, in which the kidnies sym- pathise. Formerly great errors prevailed in ref- erence to the propriety of giving cold drinks in fevers, of whatever kind: but in our day the ra- tional observance o£ the calls of nature, in a dis- eased state of the system, has secured to many a thirsting patient, suffering from the exacerbation of an ardent fever, that salubrious and grateful medi- cine a glass of cool water ; and physicians are no longer incredulously listened to when they accede to a patients request for this beverage, by stating to the attendants, that it is a proper and requisite pabulum for his feverish system wasting from the devastating inroads of a burning fire within. Who that has ever felt the assuaging effect of this reme- dy, under such circumstances, would deny it to his patient? The only modification of diluents, in the treatment of febrile diseases, necessary to be observed by the practitioner, is in reference to the quantity given at one time,, where the stomach is irritable, and might endure a little, but would re- ject much, of any fluid, unless exhibited at frequent intervals: and also to avoid giving them cold, when the skin is open, In this state of the body, if it be 75 [dil. desirable, from the previous dryness and heat of the skin to keep it free, diluents should be given tepid: and, if we desire to keep up the diaphoretic action, they should be given warm. The use of co- pious draughts of warm water in promoting the operation of an emetic, is well known: and in- deed, by distension alone, with this fluid, vomi- ting may often be very serviceably excited and kept up until the quiescence of the stomach under the last draught, indicates that all is well. More of this subject in another and more proper place. In short, diluents are important remedies: and the practice of that great physician so keenly sat- irized in Gil Bias, under the name of Dr. San- grado, and who cured all diseases by bleeding and warm water, was not justly obnoxious, at least in my opinion, to the severity of the satire. The dil- uents here noticed constitute the class of attenu- antia, or attenuant remedies, of Culien: and. dis- posed in some rank or other, they will be found to occupy a stand, in all systems of classification. Cullen has refered to his class however, articles which I cannot deem true diluents; he first sets down water, and then follow (with some qualifying remarks of his own, sustained by the experiments of Sir John Pringle,) alkaline medicaments, neu- tral salts, (with his opinion of doubtful claim,) soap, sugar, honey, liquorice and the dried saccharine fruits. The last four are properly referable to demulcents, and thither I discharge them. DIU.] 76 DIURETICS. Medicines which increase or promote the action of the urinary organs. They do this by various occult modes of operating, and are character- ised by much uncertainty. The precise course by which the impulse of these remedies or agents, reach the kidnies, so as to establish there au increased excitement of their secerning function, is by no means clearly ascertained: and it seems questionable from the very nature of the subject, whether it ever can be satisfactorily resolved. Speculation, grounded on close observation of their physiological and curative effects, has not been wanting. Much ingenuity and talent has been expended on the jarring and irreconcileablc facts involved in the agency of these medicines; and still much of what is generally received as established truth, in reference to the manner of operating, remains, if not absolutely conjectural, at least far from independent of disputation. The different original opinions promulgated by publi- cation and taught in schools on this point, may be reduced to:— 1st. That which supposes that diuretics enter by absorption into the course of the circulation, where after a time they are applied to the kidnies, which are thus, by their agency, stimulated to in- creased action. This was the idea of Cullen, taught in his lectures, and maintained in his work. 77 [diu. 2d. That which supposes their action indepen- dent of absorption, and ascribable to a sympa- thetic action either upon the lymphatics and upon the kidnies, or upon both ; the primary impulse being given to the stomach. This was the idea of the late Professor Barton, and always taught by hiin in his lectures on the Materia Medica, for twenty years. He extended it to the generality of diuretics, and opposed the theory of Cullen. Yet, though he did not admit the absorption of canthar- ides, digitalis, squill, &c. &c. he believed that some few of the class might be thus taken into the circulation, as rhubarb and madder: and always admitd d that some of the saline particles of the neutral diuretic salts, might, and in all probability were, taken into the blood-vessels by the lacteals. Dr. Chapman has adopted the theory of Dr. Barton; taught it in his lectures on Materia Medi- ca, and it appears in his publication on therapeu- tics ; discarding as Dr. Barton.did, Cullen's theo- ry of their absorption with preservation of their individuality of diuretic power, into the blood ves- sels. Dr Chapman's intrenchment of this theo- ry however, by the bulwark of moral and physical causes, operating as diuretic agents, appears to me not only futile and unphilosophical, but unrequired by any inherent imbecility of the theory itself. The operation of moral and physical causes on the corporeal functions, bears no analogy to the med- icamental stimulus of extraneous substances intro- duced into the system. The emotion of horror and disgust at the sight of a dissected cadaver or a cancerous ulcer or a surgical operation, on sensorial sensibility as yet unreconciled to such objects, which is a moral influence—and a crowded and overheated apartment which is a physical one —both occasionally act on the physiological system diu.] 78 so as to produce a sickened stomach and vomiting, in which all the phenomena occur pertaining to the inverted act of the stomach by an emetic intro- duced into it. Yet it would not surely be correct to reason on the modus operandi of medicamental emetics introduced into the system, operating in whatever way, by their material presence, from any effect which horror or disgust or foul air evinces, on the disturbed sensorial function, involving sickness and vomiting in the instances given. The vomiting under these circumstances, is effected by an immaterial agent inscrutably called into action by an untouched, or distant material object of disgust, or a partially poisonous inhalation of the lungs. The third opinion relative to the operative man- ner of diuretics, is a participatory junction of the two preceding. It supposes that some diuretics operate after the first mentioned manner, and others after the second mode. Many support this two-fold theory. Dr. Eberle has adopted it in his elements of therapeutics and Materia Medica. This joint opinion maintains still less unity of ac- tion. It supposes 1st. That some diuretics act primarily on the urinary organs, in two ways, a by stimulating the secreting vessels of the kidnies, by contact, while the substances themselves are unsusceptible of decomposition in transitu, b By thus stimula- ting the renal vessels, undergoing decomposition in transitu. 2d. c That others act primarily on the absor- bents, and secondarily on the kidnies. 3d. That others again act primarily on the sto- mach and first passages, and secondarily on the absorbents, which is effected in three different modes of action, d By diminishing arterial action 79 [diw. and increasing that of absorption. cBy increasing the tone of the body in general, and that of the absorbents in particular. / By producing cathar- sis, and thereby increasing the action of the exha- lents directly and that of the absorbents indirectly. It will readily be perceived, that this fourth sup- position of the mode of action pertaining to diu- retics, embraces the three first theories. And in truth though still, (from anomalous effects which occasionally are presented by the operation of this class of remedies irreconcilable to it,) liable to objections—it is by far the best digested theory. It'seems to meet, too, more than either of the others, the physiology involved in the operation of this mysterious class of remedies. For these reasons I adopt it, and shall pursue the arrangement of the different diuretics predicated on it by Dr. "Paris, To a therefore will be refered, potass, nitrate of potass, oil of turpentine, juniper, (berries and its spirit gin) cantharides and the like. To 6 acetate of potass, super tartarateof potass, squill, colchicum, balsam copaiva. tops of Spanish broom, (spartium). To c mercury. To d digitalis, tobac- co and the like. To e the bitter tonics, &c. &c. To/elaterium, jalap and the like. Of the simultaneous exhibition of acidulated dil- uents with diuretics, to ensure and promote their action. Of the circumstances and condition of the system which retard diuresis, or prevent it alto- gether from following the exhibition of its medi- ical agents—as the state of the skin, the bowels, the blood vessels, the weather, clothing, &c. &c. Rules for giving these remedies. G DIU.] 80 OF THE MEDICAI USE OF DIURETICS*. These remedies are important in many diseases, but chiefly in all the varieties of dropsy: diluent drinks necessary aids here. They are employed beneficially in all diseases of the urinary organs, nephritis, gout, sometimes in rheumatism. Com- bined with sudorifics they have been said to be very serviceable in pulmonary diseases. Used in ulcers of the legs attended by oedema, in scurvy, elephantiasis. SI [eme. EMETICS. .Agents capable of inverting the natural action of the stomach, so as to cause an ejection of its con- tents by the mouth. This is their primary effect, and there are cer- tain emetic substances, the operation of which ceases by producing it. Their secondary effects, chiefly observed to fol- low what I would call searching emetics, are: 1. The inverted or upward peristaltic action of the duodenum and even the upper portion of the je- junum, by which their contents are thrown into the stomach, and thence by its continued inverted action ejected by the mouth. 2. The impulse conveyed to the gall bladder, and biliary ducts, by -which their contained bile is directed into the duodenum, thence to the stomach and upward and outward as before. Their proximate effects, are:— 1st. An abatement of the force of the general cir- culation, and a restoration of equilibrium to its im- pulses. 2d. A consentaneous relaxation of the cuticular vessels, by which the skin is opened to a diaphor- etic action. 3d. A relaxation, owing to the impulsive action of the respiratory organs, of the turgid and in- flamed vessels of the exterior surface of the bron- chia and trachea, by which expectoration of their contained healthy or morbidly increased mucous secretion supervenes. Their proximate consecutive effects, are:— 1st. An increased downward peristaltic action of the intestines, which is produced by some emetics in a greater degree than by others. BME.] *2 2d. Temporary languor of the physical and moral svstem. 3d. Profound sleep, and subsequent healthy re- action—transient, or more or less permanent, in proportion to the intensity of the existing diseased actions for which the remedy has been prescribed. Their remote consecutive effects, are:— 1st. An increased circulation in the liver, owing to the general impulse given to the abdominal vis- cera. 2d. Invigorated pow ers of digestion, (unless the emetics have been too often repeated.) Their durable consecutive effects are:— 1st. A resuscitated energy of the previously de- pressed mental faculties, "(unless much morbid cerebral excitement had prevailed.) 2d. A Beneficial change in the moral constitu- tion of the individual, perceived in a greater or less degree, in proportion as his temperament should be choleric or billions, or phlegmatic. The iras- cible becoming less peevish and ireful, the man of phlegm less heavy and churlish. To recapitulate: I have arranged the effects of emetics into 1. Their primary, 2. Their secondary, 3. Their Proximate 4. Their proximate consecutive, 5. Their remote consecutive, 6„ Their durable consecutive. All of these, however, have reference in point of time, from the first vomiting act, to a few days or a week, or at farthest two weeks. After thi*. the curative and healthy impulses of the act of full vomiting may be supposed to have passed away and the system to have returned to its usual rou- tine of susceptibilities of ordinary health, dis- 83 [eme. order or disease. These effects too are drawn from the action of full vomiting on a system rather disordered than diseased: and, in so far as the fourth extends, may be considered faithful even in diseased as well as disordered systems which may require one repetition or more of the remedy. The fifth can only refer to systems slightly disordered, or to valetudinarian constitutions, in which cases the emetics require to be now and then repeated. Having thus given a definition of emetics, by a detail of their effects, I proceed to state that it is a numerous aggregation of agents, acting by mul- tifarious peculiarities, and should, in my opinion, be disciplined. For want of a better division I shall separate these vomiting agents into three classes, and each class into sections. The first two classes and section-d, of the third class, em- brace those agents employed medically, in acute, and such chronic diseases as are usually deemed tractable. The residue of the third class embraces those agents resorted to in obdurate chronic dis- eases, and never in acute disorders. Class 1.—Those which act primarily and idio- pathically on the stomach, compri- sing three sections. § a.—Such as produce this effect inde- pendently of nauseous taste or fla- vour, or the stimulus of over-disten- sion from quantity, or unusual tem- perature. § 6.—Such as produce this effect inde- pendently of nauseous taste or fla- vour, but by the stimulus of over-dis- tension from quantity and unusual temperature. § c—Such as produce this effect by G 2 EME.] 84 uniting a nauseous taste or flavour, with the stimulus of distension from quantity and unusual temperature. Class 2.—Those which act secondarily or sym- pathetically on the stomach, by con- tinuous or direct sympathetic impulse from parts connected by structure and office with it, as the seat of pri- mary impulse. The subjects of this class are me- chanical agents used to induce vomiting by the stimulus of irritation to the fauces and gullet. Class 5.—Those which act secondarily or sym- pathetically on the stomach, by re- verse sympathetic impulse from the brain or nervous system, as the seat of primary impulse: § d—Such as produce this effect medi- cally, being substances termed med- icaments ; or articles of luxury, acting on the physiological system unaccustomed to their stimulus; and ceasing to invert the action of the stomach when reconciled to it by habit. § c—Such as produce this effect physi- cally, being natural agents acting on the physiological system unaccus- tomed to their stimulus; and ceasing to invert the action of the stomach when reconciled to it by habit. § f—Such as produce this effect physi- cally, being artificial agents acting on the physiological system unaccus- tomed to their stimulus; and ceasing to invert the action of the stomach when reconciled to it by habit. 85 [eme. I have not proposed this division of the class of emetics, from any desire to offer something entirely new, which it is,but because an attentive considera- tion of the immense number of important agents usually thrown into one group under the head of emetics, has led me to believe a philosophical view of their various effects and modes of action, would lead the student to a more extended regard of their inestimable use, than if they are, as is always done, grouped according to the unity of their physiologi- cal effect. It presents their powers to his mind in such various lights and shades, so disposed, that the mind's eye can rest on that distance or object of the entire picture, which may suit his contempla- tive and reflective powers, in times of need. For he will assuredly find, in the course of his prac- tice, ample occasion to be well versed in all the varieties of this important assemblage to adopt some one or more of them to the exigencies and peculiarities of the subjects for their operation. The physician who confines his ideas of emetics to the simple effect of tartar emetic or ipecacuanha is but rudely versed in the philosophy of his pro- fession ; and I will go farther, is but slenderly stocked with requisite knowledge of one of the leading and effective parts of his art. This sub- ject will be extensively canvassed in the lectures. In the mean while it may suffice to give examples of the different classes and sections of emetics, first proposed. Class 1. § a—Tartar emetic, sulphate of copper and the like. $ b—Warm water and the like. § c—Weak infusion of mustard, horse- radish, chammomile flowers, car- EME.] 86 duous benedictus, strong infusion of green tea, boneset and the like. Class 2. The probang, and finger, to the gullet: feathers and straws to the fauces. Class 3. § d—I. Narcotics, as opium 2nd tobacco taken as snuff, as a mas- ticatory, or inhaled by smoke. § e—Overheated apartments and the like; violent running. § /—Super-abundant clothing unap- propriate to the season or weath- er ; the warm pediluvium and warm bath ; sailing, swimming, riding backward in a carriage, whirling and the like. The stomach is not only sickened and propelled to vomiting by emetics, but there arc moral impul- ses which produce the same effects on the physio- logical system, by acting impetuously on the mental sensibility, and thence by reverse sympathetic action physically on the stomach. For example: sudden gushes of the depressing passions ; distress- ing intelligence; sudden disappointment of long ex- pected good; judicial sentence of death, or reprieve; sudden injury done to those we love, beyond the mind's impulse of probable controul or relief, with- in our power. The sight of disgusting and repul- sing objects ; as cadavera and dissections, &c. &c. The last observations are made here simply to call to the student's mind, that there are suscepti- bilities of inverted action in the stomach, in some persons, far greater than in others ; and generally, those liable to be thus morally affected, are, from their mawkish sensibility easily acted on, by any of the preceding classes of emetic agents. 87 [eme. Having thus stated the effects of emetics and the susceptibilities of the system to an inverted ac- tion of the stomach, I proceed to consider by what dissociated or perverted train of actions, the im- pulse is achieved: of what in other words has been called, and most incorrectly and unphiloso- phically, the mechanism of vomiting. Different opinions are entertained on this subject, by physi- ologists. Whatever difference of opinion how ever may have existed or may still exist, in relation to the catenated actions necessary to produce vomi- ting, most writers seem to admit that it is a com- plicated process. Among those who have main- tained the unity of action, is Majendie, who attrib- utes it altogether to the agency of the brain, and regards the stomach as a passive instrument in the act, directed mechanically to its inverted pro- pulsive effort, by the abdominal muscles stimula- ted to a peculiar action by the seusoriutn. His experiments as detailed in his memoir to the Royal Institute of Fiance in 1812, noticed. Dr. Paris appears to lean to this assumption of sensorial in- fluence, to explain thif act; but by reasoning which I cannot deem valid. He observes that wounds and contusions of the head, of such vio- lence as to suspend sensorial energy ; and profound inebriation, which has, for a time a similar effect, —both render the stomach inaccessible by the arti- ficial stimulus of emetics however vigorously used. But that in incipient intoxication, and under circumstances of less violent wounds or contu- sions of the same part, the " irritability of the stomach is less paralysed, and vomiting under such circumstances is excited by the slightest causes.'' I assume it as a fact grounded on my own observation of numerous cases of vio- lent wounds, and forcible contusions of the EME.] 88 head, that the shock to the system is universal. They do not produce a singleness of paralysed con- dition in any one organ. The brain, the nervous system, the catenated actions of respiration, the stomach, the bowels, the cutaneous sensibility, the voluntary and involuntary muscles, even the action of the heart and arteries.—all participate in the concussive injury, at least for a time, which is of longer duration, or shorter continuance, in pro- portion to the degree of intensity of the violent inju- ry. Is it therefore to be argued, because, in this condition of the whole system, the stomach obeys not the artificial presence of an unusual stimulus as of the emetic with which }t may be forcibly gorged, that it does not evidence its retrocessive action, because that action depends on the brain, which, in these cases is palsied? The stomach in its actions, doubtless sympathises with the harmo- nious equipoise of all the parts of the general whole; and certainly does sympathise especially with the brain ; but when all these parts are thus invaded by a concussive injury, how can its qui- *sertoe under tire presence*of an emetic, be refered, singly, to the injurious invasion of the cerebral and nervous functions? This is assuming what fact will not warrant; and does not prove that vomiting depends on the brain. I apprehend a similar universality of dissociated, or sus- pended actions, takes place in profound drunk- enness. The paralysing influence of the nar- cotic spirit, not only places the healthy func- tions in suspension or temporary paralysis, but it does so universally. And if. from any idiosycracy, the brain should partake less of this paralysis on its powers of reasoning, than in its ability to con- troul or direct the voluntary muscles, as is not unfrequently the case—the stomach is in such cases 89 [eme. equally insensible to the stimulus of an emetic, as theenhtto? ,IOSS °f SP.,,SOria, P°wer accompanies the obtunded or paralyzed corporeal functions. This could not be the case, if Dr. Paris' position were true. Neither can I see reason toadm™ that in case of incip.ent intoxication, or slighter wounds, or contusions of the head, the stomach is in a state of such increased excitabilitv, that vomiting under such circumstances is excited bv the slightest causes." Who has not observed spontaneous vomiting to occur frequently in cases ol excessive intoxication? And who does not know- that vomiting, accompanying, or soon following a wound or contusion of the head, affords an indi- cation of the great violence done to the brain, and trom which indeed an unfavourable augury is gen- erally, ami seldom incorrectly derived"? Dr Chirac also conceived the stomach, to be a passive instrument under controul of the abdo- minal muscles and diaphragm in the process under notice, as much so as aglyster-bagunder pressure of the hand of the operator, in throwing the con- tents into the rectum. Some French writers de- clare the abdominal muscles unrequired to effect vomiting ; and that the contents of the stomach can be discharged after their action is taken away. Rosenstein and Schuize believe the stomach to be universally active, but that the diaphragm by its compression of that viscus, causes puking. Mr. Haighton's experiments noticed. He believed from them that the diaphragm and abdominal mus- cles are essential and effective ^ but that these un- aided by the stomach itself as an active agent, cannot induce the action. Both are therefore, in his opinion required to operate in unison. Dr. Brian Robin- son's and Cullen's theories noticed. Mr. John Hunter's sympathetic theory of the effect of vomit- eme.] 98 ing in hernia humeral is, stated. Opinion of Dar- win respecting the cause of vomiting. Experiments and opinions of M. Maingault. Professor Portal, M. Bourdon, on the same subject. In short, the physiology involved in this mysterious but natural, though not customary action o! the stomach, must from the very occult nature of the process, be chiefly speculative. The phenomena are visible enough ; the cause or causes of them involved in much obscurity ; and. though well devised, and judiciously conducted experiments have been in- stituted by ingenious and qualified physiologists, to elucidate this process, still its ultimate results are all that are indisputably known. A more useful subject of enquiry to the student, will be found in the study of the phenomena, effects, ir- regularities, and therapeutic application of the agents usually employed to effect the important susceptibility of the stomach to be evacuated of its contents ; and of the general system to be cura- tively or beneficially approached by thatevacuation, through effects produced by it. To a discussion of these points I shall therefore pass on, after noticing some miscellaneous facts embraced in the general view. The function of vomiting, is natural to man and various brute animals. Birds vomit, particularly the camiverous birds of prey. Fishes vomit, and some amphibia. Of the mam alia, the horse cannot vomit or be artificially made to do so. The reasons for this deduced from his anatomical structure ; vomiting sometimes dangerous ; in what kind of systems and temperaments to be cautiously resort- ed to. In what diseases dangerous. Rupture of the oesophagus has been produced by it; instances given. Comparative ease of the operation to 91 [eme. infancy, adolescence and age; phenomena of vomiting described.—Of sea-sickness. This may be a proper place to take some notice of nausea maritima, or sea-sickness ; an affection attended with much vomiting at times. Having drawn up some account of the phenomena of this affection when at sea, I subjoin them here from my notes to Gregory on Climate. It will enable you, should you enter on practice without having experienced or witnessed this affection, to know in what cases sea-sickness may be resort- ed to as a therapeutic agent. " When a person goes to sea for the first time, he is commonly affected immediately upon his coming into blue water, as sailors term it, w ith slight gid- diness of the head and a sense of tightness across the forehead; considerable and distressing nausea; a sense of motion in the stomach, and soon after violent, copious and convulsive vomiting. These effects generally continue for a few days, during which time they are most aggravated by an up- right position of the body below decks, and less severe while inhaling the free air on deck, and in an horizontal position of the body when below. The nausea is always painfully increased by the odour of cooked meats ; and especially by the dis- agreeable and peculiar smell of the bilge water pumped up at a regular hour, every evening. The odour from this putrid water is so nauseous and subtle, that it insinuates itself into all parts of the vessel: and while its power on the surrounding air is at its height, it equally affects with disagreeable feelings, the veteran seaman and the tyro in sail- ing, producing on the latter however, infallably, the most violent and convulsive puking. The mo- tion of a vessel through the water is vehement, II EME.] 92 rapid, sometimes irregular, and in turbulent weather, much interrupted by sudden lurches. That a violent commotion is communicated to the system by these combined motions mustt seem evident to every one, but the peculiar effects and operation of it upon the mind and body of the person who may be the subject of it, can only be thoroughly known by those who have experienced it in their own persons. It must seem clear how- ever, to every reflecting mind, that as this motion of the vessel is constant, though in a greater or less degree, a person at sea must be sensible of some permanent effect on the system, liable to to augmentation and diminution in proportion as the weather is calm or turbulent. This accord- ingly is the case, and there are few persons who are not affected by costiveness, not only imme- diately after going to sea, but in some degree sub- ject to it all the time they continue there. This effect I believe to be in no way dependant on. or in consequence of the peculiar aliment that is gen- erally eaten at sea, but owing solely to the contin- ual impulse communicated to the stomach and intestines by the rolling, tossing about and pitching of the vessel. 1 infer this from the fact, that this costiveness exists in a greater degree, in persons sailing in small vessels, of which the motion is short, quick, and pitching, than in larger vessels, as in frigates, where it is long and less often re- peated in a given time. Now though the more violent affection of the stomach for the most part goes off after four or five days, or at farthest in a week or ten days, there is nevertheless a certain kind of affection of that organ, and which indeed is in a degree communicated to the system gener- ally, that comes on during every heavy blow. A sensation is felt when the ship lurches or pitches 93 [eme. forward as if one was falling, and upon the ri- sing of the vessel upon the waves again, as if one was raised with it. This sensation, which is felt in the greatest degree when there is a cross or head sea, or when the ship, going before the wind, lurches from side to side, communicates to the abdominal muscles a convulsive and sudden action, so that the whole contents of the abdomen are com- pressed and expanded alternately with the rising and falling of the ship. This compression conse- quently operates on the diaphragm, forcing that muscle upwards in the same violent and convul- sive manner, so that the viscera of the thorax are also sensibly compressed and expanded with the lurching and righting of the vessel. T. he?,f C«CCt? as I have before remarked, are produced with every new turbulence of the sea; and as they are totally independent of the nausea and sickness before mentioned, may be considered as the more per- manent effects of sailing. One other effect of the vessel's motion, is the constant and novel action of the muscles of the body, principally those of the lower extremities, to preserve an equipoise and prevent falling The centre of gravity constantly altering as respects locality, a continual and cor- responding action of the muscles, to preserve an equilibrium, is of course necessary; and this continual action of the muscles, novel, sudden and energetic, is the most permanent of the effects of sailing. It is the exercise arising from this action of the muscles, that brings such invigora- tion to the debilitated patient, and this action never ceases to be necessary during the slightest motion of the sea, except in a horizontal position of the body, and even then, in blowing weather one is frequently awakened from sleep by an in- voluntary exertion to avoid being thrown from the berth. I have uniformly observed that those per- EME.j 94 sons who were slightly affected, or affected not at all, with vomiting, or nausea, suffered excessively from an affection of the mind, and frequently from acute pain in the head, which was always con- siderably aggravated by the violent pitching of the ship. Such are the effects of sailing upon the system as I have observed them, both in small vessels as packets, sloops of war, and in larger ones as frigates. I have never witnessed but three very distressing cases of sea-sickness, one a land- man on board of the frigate United States, in whom great emaciation, loss of appetite, and a habitual convulsive retching, which continued after the ship came to anchor: and the other two, which were on board of the Essex, are particu- larly mentioned in my " Treatise on Marine Hos- pitals, &c." p. 153. " The exercise of sailing is not only performed in a fine healthy and pure air, but it is constant in itself. The veteran seaman has the same con- tinual action of nearly all the muscles of the body, perpetually exerting its salutary effects on the system, as the young sailor is subject to. But the mind loses in the first instance, by the influence of habit, its consciousness of this continued exer- tion of the muscles. In the latter case the exer- cise and consequences of sailing, are so novel and positive, that the mind dwells on them with more attention, until time and habit produce also on the new sailor, the same unconsciousness of the perpetual exertions of the body to preserve its pro- per position, and to prevent falling prostrate with every pitch of the vessel. The same unconscious- ness of the operations of the mind and the synchro- nous action of the muscles of the body, takes place in many of,our common actions, which from long practice are so adroitly performed that we frequently are inclined to believe them, and they 95 [eme. ordinarily appear to others, to be involuntary: Thus for example the successive rapid and almost imperceptible movements of the fingers, and the syncronous actions of the muscles of the tongue, mouth and lips, in playing on the German flute, seem after long practice, to be independent of any act of the mind, since we are inclined to think it cannot produce such vehement and rapid opera- tions. Yet here, each movement of the fingers and every action of the muscles before mentioned, are the effect of a distinct and vivid act of voli- tion." " This continual exercise of the muscles then when a ship is under sail, and which I have be- fore remarked is in some measure performed even during sleep, is one of the most salutary effects of sailing. By means then of this gentle and regular exercise, the circulation of the blood is vigorously promoted through every part of the body, produ- cing so healthy an action in the minute vessels of the surface, that a uniform and copious perspira- tion is effected. This is carried off as fast as it is exhaled from the surface of the body, by the change of atmosphere and the perpetual succes- sion of its stimulating effects on the skin. Hence it is that there is always so intense and impatient an appetite felt at sea ; for the food taken into the system after undergoing the customary alterations, speedily pass off, that is, the liquid portion of it, by perspiration." MEDICAL USE OF EMETICS. Probably among the earliest remedies, from an observance of the beneficial effects of spontaneous H 2 EME.] 96 vomiting. Savage nations well acquainted with these. Of the prejudices against emetics. Im- portant remedies in febrile diseases in which their use is of ancient date. Preparatory to the bark and quinine now much used: reasons why ; of their use as nauseatives and diophoretics, in inter- mittent and remittent fevers. Indicated or contra- indicated according to the character of the climate, and state of the season. An enquiry whether emetics may be safely used in cerebral dis- eases? or disorders with cerebral determina- tion? Of their use in epilepsy ; also in apoplexy. Supposed injurious in hydrocephalus. Useful in dysentery; ipecacuanha preferable to antimonials as recommended by Sir George Baker and others, or vitriol commended by Mosely. Of their use in diarrhea; in cholera infantum. Of Richter, Franks and other German author's recommendation of these remedies in diabetes. They are employed in acute rheumatism; in what manner they can do good here, stated. In regular inflammatory gout; their efficacy doubted. Scudamore opposes their use, except under certain circumstances detailed. Of the emetic powers of eau medicinale; how much of its good effect in gout depends on this property. Of the curative powers of emetics in sick-head-ache. Serviceable in gutta serena and inveterate cases of opthalmia. Dr. Sanders', Dr. Robert Dawson's experience in opthalmia. Sir Wm. Adams used them in opthalmia of Egypt. How they promote absorption. Have been used in dropsies; anasarca and ascites, especially. Of diuretic emetics in these diseases. Of Lieutaud's prescription in hydrothorax. Benefits from emet- ics in jaundice and obstructed biliary ducts. Of their efficacy in exanthematous diseases. Are indispensible in croup ; but never to be depended on to the exclusion of bleeding, except in slight 97 [eme. cases. Of their effect in combination with other remedies in cynanche maligna necessary; often re- peated, in hooping-cough. Of their effect in typhus pneumonia. Of Dr. Armstrong's and Dr. Potter's experience with emetics in typhus. Of their efficacy in hcemoptisis; of Dr. Cullen's distrust of them in that hemorrhage. Of emetics in asthma. Have been much used in consumption. Imitations of sea-sickness by certain emetic treatment; nu- gatory ; reasons why. Emetics useful in forming stage of phthisis pulmonalis. In certain cases of palsy, emetics have been much used. Of the dry- vomit ; its peculiarities. Dr. Herberden's opinion, that in hemiplegia we should in no instance excite vomiting by strong medicines; he thought them useful by appeasing nausea, and removing offensive substances from the stomach. The French phy- sicians are very partial to the exhibition of these remedies in this disease, and place great depend- ance on them. M. Serres and M. Lerminier used solution of tartar emetic in large quantities of water. The use of emetics in hemiplegia not common in Britain. Of the efficacy of these remedies, in that disease there are numerous writers who advocate, and as many who condemn them. Sydenham, Forthergill, Pitcaim, Kirkland, Selle, Crowfoot, Catherwood, Burserius, Quarin, and Sir Gilbert Blane, and in fact numerous other authors of less note, have advocated their employment; while others contend they are injurious and dangerous, among whom are Cullen, Langslow, Cheyne, For- estus and many others. Of the detumescence of scrophulous tumors by emetics and sea-sickness. Of Mr. John Hunter's treatment of hernia humo- ralis by emetics. Of the cutaneous diseases in which these remedies have been used beneficially. Of their application as anthelmcntics, in cases of erratic worms; of their application as emnaena- EME.] 98 gogues. Very important remedies in maniacal and morose hyteria. Of the application of emetics in cases of strangulated hernia ; and obdurate luxations. Of emetics in mania, h>pocondriasis, and in puerperal mania. Of Dr. Joseph Klapp's treatment of mania a potu. by emetics. An en- quiry into its comparative efficacy with the narcot- ic treatment. Dr. Klapp's opinion, that narcotics are inadmissible except in cases of complete ex- haustion or hyper-catharsis, from the operation of emetics acting on the bowels. Others advocate opiates after the vomiting. Remarks on the differ- ence of treatment of this disease by physicians. Of the importance of emetics to relieve infantile indigestion ; ipecacuanha the best. These reme- dies prevent and relieve convulsions depending on this cause. Equally necessary to relieve the stomach of a surfeit. Of their efficacy in gastric debility, owing to excess of acid, followed by antacids and mild pure bitters, like calumha. Even in obstinate constipation are salutary, and of ancient application. Stoll. Sims, Sumeire, Deplace, Dr. Hosack, and other authors highly commend them in torpor of the alimentary canal. Emetics have been recommended to prevent con- stitutional injury arising from the bites of venom- ous serpents. Sprengel's account of cases of the bites of Italian vipers, cured by these remedies. In conclusion: the varied employment of the ar- ticles and agents of this class, constitutes an im- portant and essential part of the curative art of medicine ; and they are the most active and indis- pensible agents in Toxicology. A notice of the peculiarities of operating, pertaining to the differ- ent emetics; the importance of the student inform- ing himself on these points. Finally: of pumping the stomach ; the different instruments and apparatus for this purpose. The 99 [eme. cases in which it may be preferable to awaiting the operation even of the most impetuous emetics. Of the mode of using the apparatus, and the absolute necessity of being well acquainted with the mode of using them, and of adroitness in the operation* EMM.] 100 EMMENAGOGUES. Medicines and agents which excite and promote the menstrual evacuation ; it is supposed they are capable of effecting this, when that flux is retained or suppressed. This class is still retained by writers on medicaments, notwithstanding the ac- knowledged faithlessness of the restorative agency of the articles in the disordered function of the ute- rus, for removing which they have been supposed specifically appropriate. Among those who most de- precated the idea of such specific action, was Cullen. He has unequivocally expressed his doubts of the ex- istence, in any medicine then known, of a peculiari- ty of action tending to affect that organ in any es- pecial manner. The older writers, however, have swelled their books with long lists of articles under this appellation. When we advert to the variety of causes which have an agency in the retention of the menses at a period of life w hen they ought, in the natural course of physiological action, to appear ; or, when having, in due time made their appearance, have become morbidly suppressed ; when we reflect how widely discre- pant from any thing like unity, these causes em- brace ; and that they are as frequently moral as physical and morbid,—we cannot surely, without great circumspection and hesitancy, admit that material agents of a medical nature, are adequate to remove the evil, from whatever source originat- ing ; or lessen its prejudicial influence on the gen 101 [EMM. eral system. Much less forward should we be to admit that they do this, even when they effect it, by any specific agency. Our reluctance to admit the reality of such powers in material substances, is justified by the experience of any one whose op- portunities of practice with them, have been fre- quent, with aim at their usually accredited power, in cases at all difficult, perplexing or obdurate. It requires but an ordinary share of observation to de- tect the fallacy of any remediate expectation found- ed on an idea of specific agency or determination of effect on the uterus. At least this remark may very safely be extended to nine tenths of the substances and agents employed as emmenagogues. The ac- tion of even the remaining tenth part, is not so strikingly and unequivocally marked by such un- erring and peculiar action, as to demand for them the epithet of specific agents. I am borne out in these observations by the majority of practition- ers of ten years standing. My own conviction of their truth, together with my belief in the fruitful production of uterine derangements by pure moral causes more than physical, has fixed my belief in the irrationality of retaining as a separate class of remedies, numerous substances, which, if they act as the name of the class requires they should,—do so, by collateral and devious influences, from which, as a seat of action.,the uterus is, in as many instances remote, as adjacent or contiguous. The class under notice has, for these reasons, always appeared to me untenable, and egregiously at va- riance w ith any of that persistency or certainty of action in its subjects, called for by its name and the assumed principle of foundation. It is no new observation, that under the head of general stimu- lants or tonics, and cathartics affecting the pelvic portion, of the bowels, all emmenagogues may be EMM.] 102 arrayed. Murray has suggested this long ago, but has still serv ilely pursued the previous track of others, in retaining the class. I shall venture to modify his arrangement by disposing of emmen- agogues in a manner hereafter to be seen. In the mean while let me observe, it is no inconsiderable corroboration of the propriety of this expurgation of the unstable class, that the only medicine which beyond all disputation or denial, does exert an im- pulsive, sudden and specific action on the uterus, is destitute of the power, or at least very rarely evinc es it, of sanatively reinstating the uterine evac- uation, when retained or suppressed by any cause independent of conception or pregnancy. If these substances which are conjectured to act specifically on the uterus, did impel or promote its secreted redundant fluid, by such specific controul of its actions, where should we so naturally look for an efficient remedy in all cases whether of retention or suppression; whether of mild or exasperated cha- racter,—as to Ergot, which in a manner so plain, in a degree of force so vehement, in a time so short as to preclude any idea of circulatory absorption and hence secondary agency, proves its specific ac- tion on the uterus? Will it be said that it cannot act as an emmenagogue, because the excessive velocity and force of its action, excite a constrict- ing spasm on the already rigid mouths of the ute- rine disgorging vessels? The very intensity of its action would enable us to graduate its dose to the degree of obduracy of the disturbance. It is we know, no kind of qualifying reason against admitting the emetic power of tartarized antimony, that in an undue quantity it paralizesthe stomach, and kills the subject by its noxious presence, like arsenic or other corroding poisons. 103 [emm; That constitutional preparatory treatment is requisite to ensure the action of what are termed emmenagogues, is known by every practitioner who has attended to the subject; and it seems as ne- cessary in using those of activity as any other. I am sustained in this by a distinguished author, whose opinion bears with peculiar force on this point, because he speaks of emmenagogues as agents of specific virtue. Speaking of the effect of gua- iucum in restoring suppressed catamenia, and of its want* of success in the hands of some of his brother practitioners, Dr. Dewees states that they had neglected to " place the system in a proper situation for its use," by the treatment he pursues ; remarking that he ««almost always reduces the pulse lower than for madder or cantharides; this he observes, " is easily effected, by the loss of a little more blood than in the other cases ; purging more freely, and insisting on a low diet for a few days."* The doctor in many other passages, shews that these general remedies are habitually used by him preparatory to what he believes the specific emmenagogue, chosen for the particular case. I cannot however, but view the latter as one of the train of general remedies employed, suited by its peculiar stimulant energy, to rouse the whole system, and by this means its parts. Of the latter the uterus is one, participating in the general healthy restoration. This view by no means can weaken our confidence in the vol. tr. of guaiacum, so strenuously recommended, or, in any other medicine of similar effect. But merely adjusts what it is impossible for me to help believing, a misnomer of the commended remedy, which may mislead less experienced practitioners * Dewees on the Diseases of Females, Phila. 1826. p. 79. I EMM.] 104 than the author, to depend solely on its specific power. This indeed, appears to have been the fact in reference to this very article, with which others have failed to do what has been effected under management of Dr. Dewees. and 1 may here add, in some few instances under my own, simply because they "neglected to prepare the \ system," in other words, merely because they al- lowed to guaiacum a specific virtue it does not possess. In order to form a correct estimate of the mode of operating pertaining to these remedies, it is ^ proper to notice the sympathizing morbid de- rangement, mental and physical, which attends j catamenial suppression or retention, the re- moving which must ever precede or follow a rein- stated functional regularity of the uterus. It is not denied, that though a state of general debility attends this irregularity of uterine function, that numerous cases occur in which a condition of the system the very opposite exists—a plethoric state of the blood-vessels, and rigid tone of the general system. This however, does not give rise to a cor- responding vigour of bodily health But on the con- trary, a concealed and enervating tendency to feeble • action', lurks under this deceptive full toned habit, and shews itself on the slightest bodily exertion. * However different then to appearance these oppo- site attending conditions of uterine derangement may be; and however different the method of cure most certainly is, I assume it as undeniable that the mental and nervous system is deeply < involved in both. Hysteria in all its protean forms assails both. Mental despondency accom- - * panies both. In short, all those numberless moni- tions, which too faithfully announce that a general * invasion of health has been accomplished, by the 105 [emm. disturbed and broken up condition of this central garrison—this regulating spring, of all female \ igour. And it is but too ev ident, that unless it be timely regained and intrenched, a total loss of health and even a forfeiture of female destiny to propagate the species, will be inevitable. When the importance to the female of a restored regu- larity is considered : when the variety of morbid symtoms arising from that irregularity is taken into view, it is evident, that general or constitu- tional remedies, are for the most part, those which alone are adequate to cure a train of constitutional morbid affections, notwithstanding the single seat of original disorder. The true emmenagogues will consequently be found to be, as the case may be of lax or sthenic habit, or other condition of the system may require—the following: 1. Simple tonics particularly some metallic salts, as iron, with or without aromatics, bitter tonics ; 2. drastic cathartics with or without aromatics; 3. frequent emetics, succeeded by some of the prece- ding; 4. blood-letting; 5. even stimulating diuretics, as cantharides and balsam copaiva; 6. and best of all, according to the experience of one of the most distinguished accoucheurs and experienced practi- tioners of this country,* vol. tr: gum guaiacum. 7. Also ptisans of some of the verticillate, as penny-royal, dittany, balm, horehound, marjoram, the mints, rosemary. Some of the tetradynamie, as mustard-seed, infusion of horseradish, &c. 8. Many of the antispasmodics, as the fetid * ««I have for nearly seven and thirty years, almost daily used this medicine, in suppressed catamenia; and more espe- cially in those of long standing, without its haying failed in any case proper for its use—more cannot be said of a medi- JOewees on the Diseases of Female*, Phila. 1826. p. 80. EMM.] 106 gums, assafcetida, galbanum, sagapenum ; castor, and other articles of this class as our native symplocarpus fetida, &c. 9. Some sialagogues, as mercury, either used as an alterative to ef- fect ptyalisim, or as a cathartic ; 10. some of the asperifolie. as madder; 11. of thecorymbifere, as tansey and boneset; 12. of the bulbose, as saffron ; 13.of the stimulating expectorants, as senega, snake root; 14. some of the con i fere, as savin, infusion of cedar berries, &c. 15. Many essential oils, as of rue, cajeput, cloves, cinnamon, sassafras, penny- royal, &c. 16. some stimulating dietetic beverages, strong coffee, weak spirit of juniper, and infusion of the berries. These constitute the medical means. Then follow the physical, as exercise of different kinds, gestation, equitation and exer- citation in invigorating amusements as dancing, jumping the rope, &c. Then mechanical remedies, as flesh-brush, frictions, ligatures sto the thighs, &c. Then local stimulating remedies, as sem- icupium of salt water, the warm, simple or medicated pediluvium; general tepid, warm, and cold bathing, vapour bath, sea-bathing, fomentations to the pubes; temperate and regulated diet. Then fol- low moral means. These are overlooked in too many cases, which have their original uterine disturbance altogether induced by intemperate indulgence of the depressing passions as jealousy, envy, hatred, revenge ; of depressing emotions as grief, 'disappointment in marriage, love, or ex- cessive ambition of whatever kind. These may and often do affect the talented, the high-minded, and in society the respectable and elevated female ; but a train of baser passions and emotions controuls and taints the uterine system of the lower orders, unrestrained for the most part by decency or education. These are lust and its consecutive indulgence, intemperance in the pleasures of 107 [emm. venus, lascivious practices of a criminal and unnatural kind ; impetuous and unrestrained gusts of rage, jealousy and revenge ;* reckless sur- render to immoderate eating and drinking. In short the whole moral system, in its unchastened aberrations, and licentious indulgences, is not unfrequently a cause of retention and suppression of the catamenia, as well as productive often, of dysmenorrhea, and menorrhagia. When this mo- ral inordinancy is the morbid agent, in cases under our care, in vain will we seek material medica- ments to effect the cure, without at the same time, using the restraining influence of moral castiga- tion and reform, by our own advice or the influ- ence of friends. I am aware that it is only the educated female whose mind is to be reached by these representations of the cause of her malady: but even the abandoned and profligate do some- times surrender their vices at the shrine of health. It is our duty to aid such in their return to a less vicious life. From the preceding view of the causes of uterine derangement and the various means of palliation and cure, for palliation is not unfrequently all we can effect ; it is plain, that as I have advanced in the outset, they act by any thing but a specific force directed to the uterus, and it is equally clear and conclusive, that there is no just or even rational foundation for the existence or retention of such a class as emmenagogues. Such at least is my view, and such my reasons for it. As it is my duty to teach what 1 believe, I therefore instruct the student to dissociate from his mind in the study of medicaments, that unphilosophical and misleading class. He will find it thrown out of Murray's * These also produce menorrhagia. I 2 EMM.] 108 arrangement at the end of the section A of these lectures. It may be proper here the better to understand the force of the preceding outlines, to state, that the disgorging office of the uterus, expels a fluid which was formerly deemed a simple evacuation of redundant blood from a plethoric viscus, obeying the vicissitudes of lunar influences, venereal desires, concoctive fermentation, &c. &c. Among the distinguished writers who deemed this discharge a periodical hemorrhage of a plethoric viscus was Cullen. The opinion which refers to the uterus a glandular office, and esteems the catamenia as the secreted product of that secerning function, and as a fluid of unique properties, is now entertained by many physiologists. The originat- ing of this theory has been refered severally to Bordieu, Sanders and Mr. John Hunter. Dr. Craven's, inaugural dissertation published in Edinburgh in 1778, which I have not seen, is said to contain it. It is found in Bordieu's " Traites des Glandcs," and Allen in his synopsis medicine, develops it, as the theory of an author not named by him. But it is an opinion of much earlier date, than the period at which either of the authors just named, wrote or published. It is clearly promul- gated in the work of Rammazini as early as 1770, and he speaks of it as nothing new, and without claiming to himself the fact of having originated it. Dr. Dewees, who contends for the existence of a mucous lining of the uterus, with the power of performing what mucous membranes do perform elsewhere, does not believe that the catamenia are " a mere exudation from the internal surface of the uterus, constituting a species of hemorrhage," but to be a " genuine secretion," from that membrane. He believes the change wrought upon the coagula- 103 [emm. ting lymph of blood from the common mass deter- mined to this part, by which alteration it is deprived of its susceptibility of coagulation, is ow ing to " some peculiar mode of arterial action," similar to the alteration which takes place in the blood from the presence in the system of scurvy, yellow fever and small pox, &c. or death from a blow on the stomach. Hence he infers that as "the same effect" (the eradicating of coagulating susceptibility) " is produced by the uterine arteries during the menstrual process, this process may, with much propriety, be termed a secretory pro- cess." Without at this moment stating my own views of the menstrual blood, (for blood I still believe it) in reference to the secretory process by which it is supposed to be engendered, I beg here to deprecate this mode of reasoning on the cause of a physiological healthy and natural function, by unnatural (or morbid) physiological results, which owe their institution to an extraneous cause inimi- cal to healthy function,—to a cause absolutely morbid, as the effects which follow that cause. It appears to me a mode of false reasoning, for its data have no relevancy to the point at issue ; however correct the inference from the insulated facts pertaining to the diseased condition spoken of, may be. That small pox, scurvy, yellow fever and a blow on the belly, are followed by an anomalous, and surely a morbid change in the co- agulating property of the blood, proves certainly that diseased action can have that effect: but I apprehend can never prove, that, because a similar unsusceptibility to coagulate pertains to menstrual blood, it is hence a secretion. Such an inference would lead, and pursuing it does lead, to refering a morbid acting power in the vessels of the uterus, similar to the morbid acting power of scurvy, &c. EMM.] 110 But this conclusion inevitably tends to a point the farthest from Dr. Dewees' opinion in relation to the flux in question—that it is a morbid process. In truth I cannot help thinking, that, the undenied fact of material differences between common and menstrual blood in their component parts, to- gether with the fact that no vicarious hemorr- hage is a suecedaneum for the catamenial flux, has led to inferences beyond the necessity or merits of the case. That this process is not a hemorrhago of common blood I believe: but, that it is a genu- ine secretion does not appear to me made out, either by the facts or arguments adduced to support that notion. Farther—more of a secreting office is as- signed to the uterus, as the opinion of Mr. Hunter, than appears to me belongs to that opinion. In an extract from his lectures which he fur- nished to be published in Johnson's Midwifery, he has asserted clearly his doubt of the identity of catamenial and venous or arterial blood: but from his own words it does not appear to me, by any means certain, that he deemed the catamenial discharge, an absolute secretion of the uterus; but rather as a superabundant flow of pure blood (which he deemed possessed of vitality) derived from the common source "changed, separated, or thrown off, from the common mass, by an action of the vessels of the uterus, in a process similar to secre- tion, by which action the blood" (the common blood in plethoric presence in the uterus) " having lost its vital principle, does not coagulate." It does appear to me, that this theory of Mr. Hun- ter is misapprehended by those who appear only to have glanced at it, and incorrectly suppose he admitted that the uterus was a gland in Mo. But that anatomical glandular structure, which is seen in other parts of the system, is entirely wanting in this. And it is no proof that its comparative ill [emm. destitution of a congeries of vessels which consti- tutes all true glandular structures, should not for- bid our considering it a true secreting viscus, that " a few vessels,* creeping through the coats of the stomach, can secrete the gastric liquor." It is purely conjectural, in what manner the gastric liquor is secreted; and surely no one ever called the stomach a true gland, simply because a pecu- liar fluid generated by some occult process of the system, is found in it and essential to its appro- priate office. The supposed analogy derived from the asserted absence of glandular structure in ve- getables, which secrete nevertheless, gums, oil, &c. by the same writer,f is totally nugatory. The assertion betrays a want of acquaintance w ith the anatomical structure and physiology of vegetables, which should have been known before such analo- gical illustration was enlisted. The existence in vegetables of absolute glandular structure, ana- tomically analogous to glands in the animal system, is not a matter of surmise, but visible, plain, demon- strable. Nay more, the execretory ducts of these glands, and patulous extremeties of their vessels, by which in numerous instances, their gums, re- sins, narcotic juices, poisonous secretions, &c. are thrown out to the surface of the leaves, stems, nectaries and other parts of plants, are easily traced, by slight adventitious scrutiny, and brought fairly to view. The fistulous opening in the hairs of nettles, at the base of each of which is a gland secreting a pungent and irritating fluid; the patulous openings in the leaves of the cistus creticus, which throw out from the glands with which they are continuous, the common labdanum * Dr. Chapman, Therapeutics, Emmenagogues. f Dr. Chapman, ibid. ibid. EMM.] 112 of the Materia Medica; the same structure in glaucous plants which covers them with a resi- nous secretion: a similar structure in the leaves of the myrica cerifera, or wax bearing mvrtle, by which they are covered with a green ceratious deposition ; but above all, thestucture of the necta- ries of all plants, particularly in the strobiles of common hops, which throw out at the base of the squame, a secreted narcotic bitter resin, called by Dr. A. W. Ives lupulin ; and the nectaries of the melianthus major, which contain, as a fluid is contained in a cup, half a dram or more of honey— are a few instances of thousands which might be adduced, to shew that the glandular structure not only exists in vegetables, but that it is, by its ex- cretory ducts and other circumstances, a structure anatomically similar to animal glands. The verisimilitude is palpable. Indeed, it is not only upon the irrelevancy and insufficiency of this sup- posed analogy of simple structure in the uterus and in vegetables which secrete acids, mucilages, gums, resis oils, &c. that I believe too much of a glandular office is assigned to the uterus, in the production of the catamenia. There is really no sufficient foundation in the anatomy of the part, for ascribing so much of its function, to the elimina- tion of a species of blood, different it is true in many essential points, from common blood, but nevertheless sufficiently resembling it, to have eluded the observation of many men of distinguish- ed acumen and knowledge. The truth seems to me to lie midway between these two extremes, where indeed that penetrating physiologist, Mr. Hunter, saw it. And the kind of change effected by the agency of the uterus in common blood determined to it in a super-abundant quantity, and in periodical rc£<«larity, by some inscrutable neces- 113 [emm. sity of the female oeconomy, may probably be, as Mr. Hunter called it. by a process similar to that of a gland, but neither requiring, nor indeed receiving that degreee of refined secretion from common blood, which true glands perform. It is admitting as much as the peculiarities of the cata- menial blood require, and as the anatomical struc- ture of the orjan from which it is disgorged, permits. It is admitting rather more than for my own part I am willing to admit, while I have be- fore my mind's eye, the general plethoric state of the female constitution, immediately preceding this evacuation. In short, I must confess Cul- len's opinion is not without some strong claims ; and, if I do not yield absolute acquiescence in it, it is because my mind leans to a participatory union of some of the points of it, with some part of the idea of Hunter. The liability of the uterus to glandular diseases as scirrhus and cancer, is no proof as Dr. Chap- man infers it to be, that it is, or ought to be considered a gland: since the stomach, which is none, is liable to the same affections. The con- volutions of its large and thin coated arteries, may more reasonably be accounted for by the des- tined necessity of distension of the whole organ in pregnancy, and of its parts of course, than by assigning to this structure a glandular office; nature would provide by this structure of the blood vessels a facility for such distension. The rigid- ity and narrowness of the veins by which the blood '•returns with difficulty," is also accounted for by the evident necessity of a considerable presence of blood in the viscus, to supply its demand during pregnancy ; and since that state is not always pre- sent, in the same individual, and not at all in the EMM.] 114 life of many, the exit of the influx is provided for, by the catamenial flow. To sum up the peculiarities of catamenial blood, for blood I deem it, I would observe that it differs in colour, in odour, in its refusing to coagulate, (but gratuitously) in its destitution of fibrin—all which indicate the loss of its "vitality," as Mr. John Hunter would say. \ 115 [emo- EMOLLIENTS. Mechanical remedies which soften and lubri- cate the skin, and thence extend their relaxing quality to the continuous and adjacent teguments, vascular and nervous structure. Their agency is, when of a watery kind, promoted by a heat above 62 of Farenheit, and under that exaltation which would cause the sensation of pain. The same ob- servation applies to bland watery mixtures as milk and water, flaxseed tea. barley water, and similar articles. But it is doubtful whether ad- ditional heat be requisite to ensure or enhance the emollient effect of oils or oleaginous substances or mixtures. Emollients may be water of the raised temperatures mentioned, or in a state of vapour, or even in a state of reduced temperature applied by dropping or pouring it from a distance, by what the French term douche. The pumping of cold water on an inflamed and rigid or sprain- ed joint has the same effect of softening the part, by the additional power of velocity, by which the parts are mechanically excited to a more healthy and equable action. Cullen's explanation of this mode of applying water as an emollient, appears to me incorrect; and the insufficiency of his theory of emollients generally, to explain the action of mild cataplasms and fomentations, is plain. His theory stated. Dr. Paris attributes the tendency of these " to the relaxing effects of heat and moisture on the extreme vessels of the surface, propagated by contiguous sympathy to the deeper seated organs*" emo.J 110 Emollients may also be the preparations in which heat and moisture are so combined with a watery, or a watery and an oleaginous fluid, as to keep up the action each separately evinces when applied to the skin, for a considerable time. Such preparations are the common poultice of bread and milk which contains a portion of olive oil or simi- lar substance—of flaxseed meal, of slippery elm bark, of chammomile flowers soaked in water, and similar preparations. It has been observed, that both heat and moistdre applied to the skin, have an emollient effect of greater or less degree, according to the long duration or short continu- ance of time they are so applied. It is for this reason we observe a peculiar emollient result from poultices. In case of applying heat, by means of cloths rung out of boiling water, and fomentations of watery fluids of a less exalted temperature, but little benefit is derived from them, for the same rea- son, unless they be perseveringly applied long at one * time. Cullen remarks, "we can hardly everfind the continuance of an hour less than sufficient." Em- ollients may also be the application of certain fat oils in an unctuous state, as common goose grease, bears grease, hogs lard, suet or the fat of sheep M as prepared for candles. These are ready domes- tic applications, and are frequently applied by ^ frictions, which add, as I have already observed in reference to the douche, an additional mechani- ^ cal agent. Olive oil is one of the commonest em- ollient applications. The operation of some of the preceding sub- stances to excoriated surfaces, may be explained in the same manner. They also operate by their * bland mucilaginous quality, in alraying the force of phlegmonous and erysipelatous affections. The curative and alleviative power of this class is far 117 [emo. from inconsiderable in numerous affections ; but particularly those of chronic articular and mus- cular rheumatism, contusions, burns, and the like. And the emollient poultice is essential in the prac- tice of surgery. EPI.] , its EPISPASTICS*. External applications which inflame the skin, and cause an effusion of serum under the cuticle. This serous deposition is contained in large vesi- cles, which consist of the cuticle raised above the true skin, and separated from it by the contained fluid. It is liberated either by the spontaneous rupture of these vesications, or by puncture. The discharge from the inflamed and denuded surface then becomes, in a short time after, puriform. The common blistering fly produces, thus exter- nally applied to the cuticle, a train of effects which may be considered the type of the oper- ation of these agents. Every one knows that these effects are what in common parle is termed a blister. The immediate action of cantharides applied to the cuticle, is evidently by their stimu- lant influence on the cutaneous blood vessels, ex- citing them to increased energy and thus producing cutaneous inflammation. Serous effusion by the exhalent extremities of these vessels, is a natural consequence of this. In so far, the effect of a blis- ter is stimulating. The subsequent conversion of the serous discharge to a puriform one, is the next natural effort of the diseased surface, to resolve itself, and restore healthy action. The puriform discharge continues a short or a longer time, ac- cording in some measure to the condition of the individual system, but chiefly in consequence of the nature of the dressings applied. If they be of 119 [epi a soothing and healing nature, twenty-four hours after the blister is first dressed, will usually bring about its cessation: and if of a nature approaching to that of the agent first used to vesicate, as fly- ointment or savin-ointment, the puriform discharge/ is established, and continues to be thrown off in sufficient quantity to reduce somewhat, the general tone of the system. In this case the blister be- comes an artificial external drain on the body, and is termed a perpetual blister ; and it now ceases to be a stimulant. In this state a blister is analogous in its effects, to setons and issues, which are the proper artificial drains, chiefly differing by their insertion into teguments and muscles, and by their draining from a more circumscribed ex- tent. Here then are two opposite consequences of a blister—consequences generally within our con- trol, and rendering the remedy of two-fold use. It fortunately happens, that where the drain of a perpetual or (to disuse the improper term for one more appropriate) a continued blister, is conceived useful or efficacious, the first stimulating impulse of the application can do no harm. And in cases where the first impulse alone is required, we pos- sess the means of checking its commutation into the drain, by a course already pointed out. In this view of epispastics it must be clear to you, that they are important agents in medical and surgical practice. They have immemorially been much used, from ancient experience of their efficacy in numerous diseases and disorders of the visceral system, and for many local affections of the mus- cular and articular frame. In certain fevers of low type however, the wasted sensibility of the cutaneous system, renders it untangible by their power, great and certain as that power is, under common circumstances of morbid action. And it K 2 EPI.] 120 happens that these fevers are often curable or fatal, according as we can excite the skin or may be frustrated in our efforts to do this. Flies being inadequate to rouse the system through the skin, as already stated, a very important augmentation of their vesicating quality was some years ago de- vised by my friend Dr. Hartshorne of this city; by which, intensity of stimulating action and what is equally desirable in the peculiar cases alluded to, a more sudden development of its effect, is secured to the practitioner. His improvement consists in boiling Spanish flies in the oil of tur- pentine ; and from much experience with the decoction, I am prepared to invite your atten- tion to it as one of the most important, useful and desired improvements in pharmacy which has been made for a long time. The energy of its action meets the close danger of the case. Whatever value there may be attributed, and it is universally conceived to be great, to the rousing action of flies, that value is enhanced to our utmost wishes, by the intensity and celerity of action pertaining to the decoction of cantharides in turpentine. The channel through which the sanative agency of blisters is imparted to the general system, in fevers and other diseases involving general dis- turbance of the frame ; the manner in which their curative agency is exerted in the local pains of in- flammatory diseases as peripneumony ; and in remov ing swellings of the body over the regions of particular viscera which are among the sequele of protracted intermittents ; and their beneficial operation on articular rigidity and watery deposi- tions, arising from chronic rheumatism or injuries, —have all been fruitful sources of inquiry and dis- cussion. Much diversity of opinion has been de- 121 [epi. veloped on these points ; and yet we are not much enlightened by the investigation. All that seems to be clearly ascertained in relation to these re- medies, is. fortunately, what chiefly concerns us; their practical uses. Experience has funished ample knowledge on this point ; and we may, without any materi.il interference with a just appreciation of their real efficacy in various affections, leave the unsettled points of modus operandi, to the ingenious-dispu- tatious. But. that you may not be uninformed on the leading traits of these varied and vascillating opinions, I shall briefly enumerate the chief of them:— Cullen, in conformity with the key-note of his theory of fever, believed they relaxed spasm of the cuticular vessels: thus helping the cure by re- moving the cause, and consecutively inducing their well known diaphoretic effect; and in spas- modic affections, performing the part of antispas- modics. Many of the older writers conceived that much of their beneficial operation was attri- butable to the serous evacuation they induce, while the skin is in a state of vesication. And as it has been sometimes observed that the establishment of puriform discharge gave the first indication of benefit, it has been surmised, that additional strength was added by that fact, to the idea of their depleting quality. By some it has been sup- posed that blisters operate in removing local pain, by creating a new action in an outward part: thus abstrating the force of morbid excitement concen- trated within, and inviting it to a less injurious seat of action, leaving the internal diseased action by that much the weaker, and consequently iu the way of a spedier return to equalized healthy action. This opinion embraces a wider range. It extends epi.j 122 to the belief that diseased excitement may be re- moved by causing a new and different excitement, though it may be even a morbid or at least an natu- ral one, in the same part. And in this way, those who entertain it, would account for the good effects of blisters in assuaging erysipelatous inflamma- tion: while others attribute this effect to their causing a direct evacuation of serum from the in- flamed vessels morbidly excited in that species of disease. The efficacy of these remedies in remov- ing pain from the side when applied to it, in pleu- risy, has been attributed to an increased determi- nation to the surface, and in so doing, deriving morbid excitement from the pleura. Anciently they were supposed to convey out of the system. by their serous and puriform discharge, that morbific matter, or acrimony, which, according to the prevailing doctrines of the day, were the causes of disease within the body. As blisters had been observed to produce strangury: and as the internal use of cantharides is often character- ized by the same effect, it has been believed that their active principle is absorbed, taken into the course of the circulation, and by the change it effects in the blood, induces the healthful stimula- tion to the general system, which has been observ- ed often to follow their application. Many more hypothetical solutions of the mode of acting on the diseased system, have been suggested to ac- count for their curative, or alleviating effects. They have therefore been deemed stimulants act- ing by their rousing energy ; evacuants, by their depleting power; counter-stimulants, or irritants, by exciting new action to smother the old ; revul- sives, by their determining morbid action to the surface ; antispasmodics by their relaxing cuta- neous spasm; cordials, in other words tonics, be- 125 [EPI. cause they invigorate the nervous system in those miserable beings crushed by " a preponderance of mental or corporeal infirmity or weakness;"* men- tal exhilarating agents, because the celebrated Dunning, a barrister of the London bar was fool enough to put a blister on his breast when called " on great occasions to make the finest display of his powers, forensic and parlimentary, and found it to elevate his mind."f!!! Scavengers because they rake up and sweep out of the system acrimony or morbific stuff! Herculean combatant remedies, by sending their little acrimonious particles through the pores of the skin into the blood, to battle-the- watch with the acrimonious particles of morbific matters they may meet with there, and to drive them vi-et armis out!! or more pacific and seductive, but equally efficacious powers, which genteelly knock. at the door (the skin) and 'invite,' 'solicit,' or'draw' to it, the morbid destroyers within, and thus shew them the way to clear themselves!!! They have been all this—" every thing by starts but nothing long," and yet they are, in sooth, after all—mere blisters. The preceding sketch is a melancholly picture of the waste of intellect and study, with- out one light, one shadow of true keeping with the original design. Nothing resulting to fix the mind on a more varied or extended employment of these agents. That they are useful, and possess important qualities of a curative nature, experi- ence has from an early date taught the practitioner. How they are so I cannot tell. I might indeed beguile you with some new hypothesis, as wise— likely to be current as long—as useful practically, —and predicated on facts as solitary and insulated as some if not all of the preceding. But what • Dr. Chapman, Therapeutics, Epispastics, f Dr. Chapman, Hid. i^d, EPI.] 124 would it avail ? What do those speculations avail ? I can in my conscience only teach you that epi- spastics raise blisters, and blisters are serviceable, as experience has instructed, in certain diseases and affections which will be enumerated briefly here, and more in detail in the lectures. 1 will forego this duty a moment to offer you a quotation from the philosophic, erudite and tasteful Darwin, who refers the class to his secernentia. " But a blister acts with more permanent and certain effect by stimulating a part of the skin, and thence affecting the whole of it, and of the sto- mach by association, and thence removes the most obstinate heartburns and vomitings. From this the principal use of blisters is understood, which is to invigorate the exertions of the arterial and lymphatic vessels of the skin, producing an in- crease of insensible perspiration, and of cutaneous absorption ; and to increase the action of the sto- mach, and the consequent power of digestion ; and thence by sympathy to excite all the other irritative motions: hence they relieve pains of the cold kind, which originate from defect of motion ; not from their introducing a greater pain, as some have imagined, but by stimulating the torpid vessels into their usual action ; and thence increasing the action and consequent warmth of the whole skin, and of all the parts which are associated with it." If there is a theory of the operation of blisters on the diseased and healthy animal system to which I can subscribe, it is the foregoing. Like a jewel- ed watch, the pivot of its ' wheel within a wheel,' turns on that lustrous doctrine of healthy and mor- bid physiology—sympathy. It is a harmonious con- sent of associated actions, voluntary and involunta- ry in health: and sympathising acquiescence in dis- ordered function, or associated action. Brown's and Cullen's theories, in Europe, and the " morbid ex- 125 [epi. citement" of Rush, in this country, caused it to slumber in the schools; but I am happy t< say it has been revived, adopted and implicitly followed, in the prelections of a distinguished teacher of medi- cine in our sister school. That he is entitled to the credit of being a proselyte of Darwin and Hunter, is abundantly shewn in his therapeutic disquisitions, and in such of his practical lectures as I have had the pleasure to hear. On the subject of blisters, dis- coursing on their general action and their effect of occasioning strangury, he chimes with Darwin, as I have just observed, I am inclined to do, remark- ing, " May we not then account for it (the produc- tion of strangury) on the principle of extended action through the medium of sympathy? Can- tharides are universally allowed to be one of the ar- ticles of materia medica, which most conspicuously display their affinity to the urinary organs. Ap- plied in the form of a blister to the surface of the body, they excite a local impression, which by vir- tue of the consent of parts, is propagated in the mode I have just mentioned. This, at least, is the solution of the difficulty which accords best with my medical creed, and I think, too, with the existing state of our medical intelligence.* THE MEDICAL USE OF BLISTERS. They are beneficial in febrile diseases when ap- plied at the * blistering point* as Rush called it, in their course. This point pre-supposes the use of bleeding and evacuants which are particularly necessary in fevers of high action and local pain. * Dr. Chapman, Therapeutics—Epispastics. EPI.j 126 Blisters have been opposed in thesefeversby many practitioners, among the most conspicuous is For- dyce. In intermittents they often display signal re- lief, and pave the way for bark, which, without their previous use, is unavailing. They remove local pain, shorten the disease, and resolve congestions of the spleen, liver, and other viscera. In continued fevers, their use is problematical : and at all events great circumspection is required to interpose them between high action and approaching collapse. It has been observed by Percival, and my own ex- tensive experience with fevers of a warm climate, sustains his position, that in fevers attended with a general disposition to inflammation, without partial or local affection greater in one part than another, blisters always act injuriously ; but that in cases of local inflammation with general febrile action, they are always useful. The efficacy of these remedies in pleurisy is universally known. In this acute disease, they should be defered, for the most part, until depletion has been used ; yet cases do occur in which they maybe applied much earlier. There is indeed no reason why bleeding should not be practiced after their application and before the proper period arrives at which they are to be removed. Hydrothorax is said to follow blist- ering the chest before blood-letting ; a fact men- tioned by Armstrong. Some have recommended the application of blisters in pneumonic disease to the extremeties, or between the shoulders, in pre- ference to the chest. I have often used them in both ways, but give decided preference to the chest in inflammation of the pleura, and to the space between the shoulder blades, in congestive states of the lungs. In phthisis they may be often requisite, placed on the breast. In inflammatory affections of the trachea, and larynx, and of the 12" [EPI. tonsils, they are important remedies. In croup they are not so serviceable as turpentine. I need not observe that they succeed general and topical blood-letting in the three first affections. But I have never seen any reason to refrain from the simultaneous rubefacient effect of turpentine with bleeding, in croup. Hepatitis in its acute or chronic state, is another disease in which these ap- plications are beneficial. I have seen much bene- fit from them in the acute form after the use of the blue pill. In hydrocephalus they appear to me never to have any good effects, applied as they usually are to the scalp, in its last stages. It is a common practice ; it is, to say the least of it an unnecessary one. If they ever do good in this affection which I am much inclined, from what I have seen, to doubt; it is when early applied, after the most copious blood-letting. My experi- ence with this disease, has not encouraged me to place much dependence upon them, even in the acute stage. If it ever be an idiopathic inflamma- tion of the brain, which causes effusion or at least the symptoms of it, as developed in hydrocephalus, it is one not likely to be reached, by any remedy hut general and topical blood-letting. And on the other hand, when it is a symptomatic affection of bowel irritation or disorder accompanying denti- tion as it is nine times out of ten, blisters are more likely to do good to the surface covering the abdo- men. This leads me to remark that they are in no affection more important, than in gastritis and enteritis, after energetic depletion of the sanguiferous system. In dysentery they have immemorially been applied either to the abdomen or extremities. They often sooth the painful distress of the bowels, when applied to the belly at the very time the patient endures the most EPI.] 128 excruciating tormina. For this purpose the ex- perience of the East is in favour of nitric acid, rather than flies. Their power of inducing sleep here, I have often observed conspicuous, after opium had failed to produce it. Occasionally it does happen that the extremities afford the best sites for their operation, and there I have often applied them beneficially. These have chiefly been chronic cases. It is not uncommon to find them recommended in cholera-morbus. Here I prefer to them, stimulating pungent aromatics. Applied to the wrists and ankles they check diarrhea. In chronic rheumatism; and after the high action has been subdued in acute inflammatory cases, tliry are important remedies, as the experience of every practitioner can attest. But in gout I am not able to say as much. In my own practice they have done no good here ; but very high authority is not wanting, in favour of their efficacy. It is however declared that in misplaced arthritic ac- tion, they are serviceable on the part affected. In phrenitis, they are important, applied to the head ; in apoplexy to the spine and extremities, in delirium of low fevers, to the nape of the neck and often to the whole scalp. In the early stage of mania, and with circumspection, they do good, but when the disease is somewhat chronic they are unavailing though often perseveringly used to the head. In chronic insanity I have seen them much employed by Dr. Rush, while I was resi- dent physician of the Pennsylvania Hospital; but I never could consider them in any other light than prejudicial. I have often been surprised to observe how manifestly hurtful they were, and how frequently nearly as bad, in cases of mania, often aggravating the symptoms, even after free bleeding always directed by Dr. Rush. In hyste- 129 [epi. rical and morose mania from contumacious temper, combined with uterine disorder, I have applied them to the sacrum, in the hospital, with benefit in some cases. In palsy and gutta serena they are applied to the forehead over the supra-or- bital nerve ; and in chronic cases of opthalmia applied and kept open behind the ears, they are universally acknowledged beneficial. In spasm, or convulsions, from irritation induced by difficult dentition, they are very important aids to the cure. They may be applied to the spine or the temples or behind the ears. In the latter situation they have the effect of re-establishing the sponta- neous puriform evacuation on the cessation of which spasm or convulsion have appeared. In eruptive fe- vers they are often beneficial and needful. In small- pox when respiration is impeded by the swelling of the fauces, they should be placed on the neck. They are often useful and necessary in measles: Dr. Armstrong's caution noticed. Blisters re- peated in succession to the parts near an inflamed organ, are pi°re useful than a single one kept running. In some hemorrhages, after venesection, they restrain the bleeding, as in epistaxis, applied to the nape of the neck and in hemoptisis to the chest. In epilepsy and tetanus they are common- ly used, and high authority is found to sustain the importance of using them in these affections; they have been applied to the neck, spine and head. Incontinence of urine is relieved by their operation on the sacrum; and applied to the same place they have been found to act in producing a return of suppressed catamenia and in cases of retension. Dr. Joseph Klapp particularly recommends them here. They have removed obstinate cutaneous affections. Dr. Physick proposed them to check the advance of inflammation along a vein, in- EPI.] 130 flamed by bleeding or other cause. He likewise first extensively applied them to arrest mortifica- tion, though Remer had previously observed that they appear to possess the power of arresting that process. They are used to resolve buboes and other glandular tumors, as in the mamme and testes. In affections of the ear, they give relief placed behind it. In dropsies though much used they appear of doubtful propriety, except in hydrothorax. To the throat in scarlatina they are applied with good effect. To conclude these outlines of their effica- cy in medical practice it may be observed, that for numerous anomalous affections, attended with deep seated pains or external swellings, in sys- tems but little constitutionally disordered, they are our only resorts after cupping and leaching; and followed by rubefacients or stimulating linaments, they seldom fail. There is no practitioner of a few years standing, who does not use them in numerous irregular affections, besides the diseases already specified, in his daily practice. It is true, they are often prescribed without benefit in such, but it is also true, that they rarely do any injury under direction of a thoughtful and skilful practitioner. My brother has used the turpentine decoction of flies, instead of blisters, in erysipelas affecting worn out constitutions, where general low action prevailed, which would render the ap- plication of a common blister troublesome and pernicious. Caries of the bones and joints, or a disposition to it, is cured by repeated blistering. Blisters have been applied with this view, to disease of the hip joint, and to white swellings: under their applica- tion the enlargements subside, crepitus between the bones which is owing to the abraded cartilages, ceases to be felt under their operation; and under 131 [epi. a series of vesicating applications, the joint is re- stored to its freedom and anchylosis prevented. Numerous other surgical benefits are obtained from these remedies, which I need not here detail. They are contra-indicated" by idiosyncracies, which render them productive of great distress, by painful strangury, great constitutional irrita- tion, heat of body, insatiable thirst, spasm and convulsions. In peculiarly sensitive tempera- ments, the strangury is excruciating, and termi- nates in bloody urine, particularly when the blisters are applied contiguous to the urinary organs ; to parts recently shaved ; and if kept on an undue time after the vesication is raised. They are also contra- indicated in cases of great debility, with tendency to mortification: as low stages of petechial fever, in which I have in the army recruit service, seen gangrene and other distressing occurrences hap- pen, from their use under my own direction. In confluent small-pox, malignant measles, and other similar diseases, they have proved very trouble- some to heal, and have even produced gangrene of the part. To relieve strangury it has been proposed to unite camphor with the blister orannoint the part to which it is to be applied with camphorated oil. But there are many instances in which camphor itself has induced strangury. Uva-ursi simulta- neously administered with the application of the blister, was strongly recommended by the late Dr. Barton, to obviate this distressing affection. It certainly is a practice which often prevents the evil, yet it must be remembered there are cases in which blisters may be proper, while the pro- phvlactic is inadmissable. Diluent drinks have been often prescribed with this view: such as milk L 2 epi.] 132 and water, barley-water, gum arabic water, mu- cilaginous fluids as decoction of mallows, infusions of slippery elm-bark, flaxseed tea, &c. or some diuretic ptisans: as water-melon seed tea, parsley root tea; tea of carrot-seeds, scabious and the like. Incases which admit of delay, the head should be shaved six, eight or ten hours before the appli- cation of the vesicatory, and the chance of strang- ury may be further lessened, by removal of the blister after it has risen, washing the part with some bland fluid as milk and water or oleaginous ointment and reapplying it. This may in partic- ular cases, be done even in an hour or two, when it has acted as a rubefacient, and in instances of excessive pain, it may be altogether removed at this time and an emollient poultice substituted. Twelve hours is the time usually allotted for the continuance of blisters on any part of the body except the head, on which they are allowed to re- main double that time. I really think there are numerous cases in which all the beneficial effects of the vesicating stimulus may be obtained in six* or eight hours, particularly on the sensitive cuti- cle of infants and young persons. To me it ap- pears that when the former have continued a half an hour to complain by word or action, of the pain, a further continuance of it may be saved by a removal of the cause. Notwithstanding this how- ever, it does sometimes happen, that both with children and adults, a time exceeding that already specified, as the usual period of their application must be allowed, to obtain all the benefit desired. To know when this is proper must be the result of observation of the case under immediate treatment. 133 [err. ERRHINES, OR STERNUTATORIES. Substances which snuffed up the nostrils, stim- ulate the pituitary membrane, establishing a dis- charge from it when suppressed, and increasing it when it exists. By contiguous sympathy, the stimulating im- pulse thus given to the schneiderian membrane, is extended more or less vigorously to the vicinal parts. Cullen has gone so far as to assert that the effect of errhines extends not only to the ves- sels of the neighbouring muscles, by which rheu- matic congestions are removed and odontalgic irritation allayed, but even supposes it may extend to the whole of the branches of the external carotid. To this he refers their known power, in some in- stances, of curing head-aches, pains of the ear and opthalmias. But further, he thinks it " pro- bable that they may operate more or less on the whole vessels of the head, as even a branch of the internal carotid passes into the nose." Errhines create for the most part, sneezing; but this is by no means a constant effect, even in such instances as are characterized by the renewed or increased mucous discharge. Many however believe, that to the convulsive catenated actions of sneezing, which involve the muscles of the face, throat, tongue, and respiration, is equally owing the salutary effect of these remedies, as to the increase in the mucous or sero-mucous defluxion. ERR.] 134 The sera-mucous discbarge and the sneezing are not the only immediate effects of errhines. When snuffed high up the nose, they stimulate, the excretory duct of the lachrymal sack, and not only cause a defluxion from it, but by continuous sympathy propagated to the gland itself from the duct thus excited, an increased secretion of tears is the result. And this accounts for their abundant discharge in many cases of sneezing artificially excited ; and to this effect is also doubtless to be attributed, the benefit resulting to the affections of the eyes, from the application of sternutatories. The resemblance of errhines to sialagogues no- ticed. OF THE MEDICAL USE OF ERRHINES. The employment of these remedies, is now nearly obsolete. Formerly they were much used in various affections, among which may be partic- ularly mentioned some varieties of gutta serena, as that described by Sauvages under the name of amaurosis plethorica, affecting sometimes, females labouring under retained or suppressed catamenia er pregnancy. Instances stated of the cure of gutta serena by these remedies, and tlie authorities on which they are related. They can be of no service when the paralysis of the optic nerve is owing to organic derangement or disease, as tumors pressing upon it. &c. Transitory amaurosis some- times exists in combination w ith head-aches arising from deranged digestive function—it is said 1o have been cured by errhines. Deafness arising from a peculiar affection of the eustachian tube, has been relieved by errhines. They have been said to 135 [err. cure or greatly relieve hemicrania: and have been said to prevent apoplexy and palsy. The danger of suppressing an artificial drain from the nose by habitual use of snuff in apoplectic habits discussed. Illustrations given. Boyles report of absorption of cataract by euphorbium, a powerful errhine, stated. The efficacy of these remedies in opthal- mia, stated. Sneezing as a critical occurrence in fevers and hydrocephalus, noticed ; said to be favourable. This effect occurred in ten thousand men of Xenophon's army on the Euxine sea, on their recovery from the deleterious effects of poi- sonous honey. Mercurial errhines as turpeth min- eral, used in polypus. Sneezing occasionally dangerous, producing local turgescence of the blood-vessels, particularly of the head, and some- times of the chest. Their danger is supposed to have given rise to the benediction on sneezing, pe- culiar to the inhabitants of some countries. Ne- cessary to advert to the fact of their occasional injurious tendency, in prescribing them for what- ever purpose. Medicated snuffs noticed; their cephalic efficacy depends on a mercurial errhine generally, and often on the union with common tobacco, of powerful sternutatories as euphorbium, asarabacca, arum or cuckow-pint. The latter used by Loesecke in gutta serena with efficacy. The medicines just mentioned, with the vapour of spirit of sal-ammoniac, white hellebore, marjo- ram, lavender, orris-root, horse-chesnut, hedera terrestris and betony, are the chief subjects of this class. We have several indigenous plants which possess the same errhine property, as helenium, autumnale or sneeze-weed, sanguinaria canadensis, &c. Warm water snuffed up the nose acts as an errhine. The juice of common beet applied in the same way is slightly errhine. The snuffing of ERR.] 136 the vapour of ether, with laudanum, has also been much used. It acts by stimulating the schneiderian membrane as the preceding articles do. In some instances of annual periodical ca- tarrh attended with obstinate suppression of the nasal secretion, I have known it beneficial. It is a favourite prescription in such cases with Dr. Physick. The cases related. " Mr. Reddelin of Weimer, has recently com- municated to the Royal Society of Gottingen through Professor Blumenbach the following suc- cessful treatment of croup after the usual reme- dies had been tried without effect. The patient a female aged 19, who on the third day after being seized with croup was unable to swallow, had began to rattle in the throat and seemed to be rapidly approaching her dissolution. Dr. R. insinuated by means of a quill a mixture of Span- ish snuff and morocco* into her nostrils, and after repeating this mixture a second time it excited sneezing and vomiting. They occasioned the dis- charge of two long membranous cylinders from the trachea, upon which the rattling immediately ceased and the patient was rescued from suffoca- tion."! To conclude: thedefluxion produced by errhines is commonly evanescent; yet it does continue often for several hours, and occasionally the established secretion continues in augmented quantity for several days. It is obvious, from the preceding remarks, that the power of err- hines is local, though it was maintained by the late Dr. Barton, that errhines taken into the stomach did occasionally produce the same effect, * The root of adonis autumnalis. t Med. Chir. Review, Vol. 1, 137 ERR.] in a few hours, as when topically used: an opinion in which I see no good reason to acquiesce. The facts on which he founded his belief on this point stated. The medical application of these remedies, is circumscribed to a few affections, and those of a local or insulated character. Still cases may, and indeed I know they do occur, for I have met with them,in w hich errhines may advantageously be used with palliative if not curative effect. They arc however, as I have remarked in the outset, nearly obsolete. In other words they are out of fashion, as indeed are many more important remedies, which have been pushed away from sight and use, by that rage for panaceas, that mania for quacks — engendered, fomented, and unhappily for science and the dignity and usefulness of tlie profession sus- tained—by the mania of some of its own distin- guished members!!! esc] 138 ESCAROTICS. Substances and agents which erode, destroy, or decompose, the solid fibre of the living body: ap- plied to the skin they erode it, and to ulcers or denuded muscles, or teguements, they remove the surface. They act: 1. By their natural properties as the heated iron and moxa in which case they are called actual cauteries: or, 2. By their chemical causticity, as the concentra- ted mineral acids, fused potash, the salts of metals formed with acids, as nitrate of silver, the muriate of antimony, (or butter of antimony,) the nitric oxide of quick-silver (or red precipitate,) the oxy- muriate of the same, (or corrosive sublimate,) the ammoniated sub-muriate of the same, (or white precipitate.) The sulphate of copper (or blue vitri- ol:) the subacetate of copper (or erugo;) the arseni- iius acid, (or white oxyde of arsenic;) the dried sulphate of alumine,—all of which have been called the potential cauteries or caustics: or; 3. By the eroding causticity of their essential oil, as savin or the concentrated essential oil of cloves. The whole assemblage have been called caustics, cauteries, erodents and escharotics. They have by some been divided into eroding escharotics and caustic escharotics. a division grounded on the less or greater intensity of their destructive power. The application of these substances is always attended with some pain, occasionally of an exas- 139 [esc; peratcd nature. It is however of short duration, leaving a sympathising inflammatory action in the contiguous and adjacent parts, which is greater or less in proportion to the liberal or sparing appli- cation of the caustic, and often some irritation of the whole system. Though the mineral acids are excellent escharotics. they are seldom used, on ac- count of their fluidity, which renders it difficult to restrain their eroding action within the bounds de- sired. The dry grains of red precipitate answer the purpose very well, but the power of that sub- stance is lessened by its union with an unctuous body, as is common. The lunar caustic is suffi- ciently manageable, and more frequently empjoy- od than the common caustic, or fused potash, which is more destructive. The butter of antimony, which is the most intense caustic known, is liable to the same objection as the fluid escharotics, not being in a solid form. The burned alum is weak- est of all the escharotics. and may be suited to cases not requiring a great eroding power. The moxa is of ancient date, and its use has been re- vived of late years by many French surgeons— To Baron Larey chiefly, is to be attributed this restored surgical remedy. The purposes to which escharotics are applied, are for the most part surgical. They arc employed to remove excressencies. establish healthy action in ulcers, remove fungous granulations and thereby convert an ulcerated surface into a simple sore. Also for establishing issues in various parts of the body ; for exciting the fractured ends of ho:ies which are indisposed to form callous, and thereby promote union; and finally, by timid practitioners (at least in most instances) to open buboes and as- sesses. M ESC.] 140 Dr. Paris remarks " the operation of these bodies may, in general, be considered chemical ; for ha- ving destroyed the life of the part to which they are applied, they cause, as if by a species of result- ing affinity, the elements of the animal matter to enter into a new state of combination ; this is well exemplified in the action of caustic potass, where the nascent elements thus disengaged by the de- composition of the animal substances, reunite in proportions to generate an oily matter, which may be observed to form a film over the ulcerated surface, while the excess of nitrogen and hydro- gen constitute the ammonia, which is disengaged during the action of the caustic : and may be rendered sensible by inverting over the surface a small jar moistened with muriatic acid, when fumes of muriate of ammonia, become visible." A solution of lunar caustic has lately been re- commended to be applied to the lining membrane of the upper part of the trachea in croup, to sepa- rate the inflammatory membranous product which is thrown out by the vessels in exasperated cases of that fell disease. And also to be applied to the eruptions of small pox to prevent deforming cicatrization: (41 [EXP, EXPECTORANTS, A mongrel and ill-defined class of remedies, the effect of which every one perceives, but no one can satisfactorily account for. I believe the only true expectorants are emetics. Stimulating diaphor- etics often promote expectoration ; but their more certain and constant effect is on the skin, hence they are properly located already. Many anti- spasmodics, as assaTetida, ammoniacum,musk, &c. facilitate expectoration. Yet they have a more decided and constant character. Should we, for this adventitious and by no means constant effect, refer them to the present class? Some narcot- ics, camphor for example, are expectorants; but tliis property in the example given (and others,) is subsidiary to a paramount operation on the brain and nervous system, which has caused it properly to be placed with the deleterious class, and not with the present. All the natural family of allia- cee, facilitate expectoration, as onions and garlic for example. They are, in common with the tribe of bulbous rooted plants, as the squill, diuretic, --more decidedly so, in many instances, than they are expectorant. Shall we retain a class to re- ceive them for an effect not always produced, while they have stronger claims to the position, already allotted to them? The whole tribe of terebinthi- nate, and fragrant balsams, as copaiva, tolu, peru, elemi, &c. facilitate expectoration • they are general stimulants, diuretics and diaphoretics, EXP.] H3 more constantly than-expectorants Blood-letting facilitates expectoration. A blister will do the same. The diffusible general stimulant, carbonate of ammonia, acts in this way ; so do many of the acrid stimulants, as mezereon, indian turnip, senega snake root. Yet they have other effects more con- spicuous, more steadily developed. Mucilages and oleaginous decoctions are placed with expectorants. They reach the kidnies and skin quite as surely as the bronchia and cells of the lungs. In short, not to give more examples of the inosculating effects of tlie subjects of this hybrid class, I would observe, that it is one of very obscure and unstead- fast character, embracing medicines which often fail in producing the effect of promoting and fa- cilitating expectoration; often do this, when ef- fected, by a secondary or even more remote effect, the primary one being that of a general stimulant involving the lungs and its appendages as a part of the whole thus incited to increased action. These observations bear on the name, and on the definitions of the class, usually given by au- thors. They will tend to shew what I have been inculcating in these lectures, that classification is, beyond a few aggregations, useless, ineffective of the object for which it is designed, and misleading to the student and young practitioner. As I am not however opposed to the employment of the articles arranged by writers under this class, but on the contrary know them to be useful in practice, though still very second-rate remedies, I shall sketch the outlines of what is thought of their mode of operating, and their efficacy; guarding you against receiving them as agents of any specific tendency to affect the lungs and bronchia. There are no remedies of such effect. Whatever effect they evince upon the respiratory organs and func- 1*43 [EXP. tions, I believe to be by the two fold operation 1. through the general circulation, by which they incite other organs and tissues besides the lungs, bronchia and mucous lining in an equal if not greater degree, and, 2. by the catenated chain of sympathetic actions. Cullen defines expectorants thus: "These are medicines which facilitate the bringing up the con- tents of the cavity of the lungs. This however must always be done by more or less of coughing ; but as we do not know, or at least I do not know, of any internal medicines for exciting this, I have confined my definition of expectorants to be those which render the contents of the bronchia to be more easily brought up." He seems to have thought that there are medicines which can cxpede the secretion of mucus in the bronchia, though they have not come to our knowledge. Since he has assumed as postulates, that expectoration cannot be performed but by coughing, and that we have no medicines known to induce this effect when in- ternally administered, and also that we are not able by internal medicaments to augment the quantity or change the quality of the natural, or morbid contents of the bronchia, how does he account for the operation of expectorants? Dis- carding the assertion of Senac, that mucus exists in the mass of blood, he infers, and every rational view of the subject will, I think, justify any one in according with him, that the class of medicines, termed by some, attenuants, cannot operate in diluting a morbid viscosity of that mucus in the circulating blood and fluids, which has never been proved to exist in them. Reasoning in the same manner with reference to expectorants, he did not believe that any of them could operate in lessening the viscosity of the mucus, poured out of the mu~ M 2 EXP.] 144 cous follicles of the bronchia and cells of the lungs, by being taken into the circulation. And since these remedies can have, for these reasons, no power to attenuate the viscidity of the mucus, through the rout of sanguineous circulation, they could still less act in this way, in increasing the quantity of that mucus, it not being there present to act upon, and the tissues which secrete it being too remote to be supposed susceptible of being reached in this manner. Since the diseases in which expectorants, by common consent of opinion and practice, are required, are those marked by a deficiency of the mucus naturally exuding from the lining tissue of the lungs and bronchia, or a morbid increase in its due quantity and often with a conjunctive augmentation of adhering tenacity to the secreting surface with increase in its viscidity— it is plain he could attach no curative effect to the operation of expectorants. He does not doubt that the articles under this name, may diminish the determination of excited action to the lungs and its appendages, and thereby lessen the morbid ac- cumulation of their secretion which may have been produced by that action, or rather prevent further accresion to the viscid increased mass al- ready clogging their cells and passages. But he believed they effected this, by determining to the surface of the body that local excitement which caused the mischief. That they might readily do this cannot be doubted by any one who has ob- served or reflected on the sympathetic actions of the respiratory organs and the skin. He therefore believed they acted, not as expectorants, in the usual acceptation of that term, but as diaphoretics. He also supposed an explanation of their effects, and the only probable one he could offer, was •* that by increasing the secretion of the liquid that is to 145 [exp. afford a mucus, this, as poured from the arteries into the follicles, being always a thin fluid, it may dilute the fluid in the follicles, and may make it to be poured out from these in a less viscid state, and may therefore be rendered more easy to be brought up by coughing, that is, to be more free- ly expectorated"—yet he does not ascribe any part of the coughing to the agency of the rem- edy, but deems it solely the natural effort of the lungs to disgorge their oppressive fluid. We are thus brought to his theory of the operation of ex- pectorants. And it is evidently a theory at direct variance with many of the definitions of the class by authors, and with the meaning assigned to it in the common parle of the profession, it is in- deed, rather than a theory to account for what he believes, one to render some attempt at a probable explanation of the belief of others. For his own part he circumscribes the operation of these reme- dies within a very narrow, but in my opinion a very proper sphere of action—simply, that " they facilitate the bringing up the contents of the cavi- ty of the lungs." After this concession to his opinion, you need not be told, I do not believe in the specific agency of expectorants, or that I do believe the chief of them act beneficially by a course widely remote from primary action on the lungs; by a course passing over numerous chords of sympathetic catenation, the vibrations of which, thus excited, are first and most sensibly perceived in other parts of the body than the lungs, which however they reach before their oscillations have ceased. Dr. Paris, notwithstanding he does not believe in the specific agency of expectorants, has attached too much importance to the class, by an analysis of the various modes by which ultimate- ly they act upon the lungs: an analysis which BXP.] 146 proves how little they are entitled to be considered as any thing more than general stimulants—nar- cotic stimulants—antispasmodic stimulants—emet- ic stimulants—cathartic stimulants—in a word, any other kind of stimulants than such as are endued with a peculiar and direct operation on the lungs and their appendages. Dr. Paris could not have laboured more successfully to eradicate from our lists of medicines, the ill devised class under notice, than by this analysis of these varied modes of operating, and the exposition he has given of these devious routs, in his classification. It bears with so much confirmatory argument on my own views, that it is subjoined to aid me in es- tablishing the object of the foregoing observations. A CLASSIFICATION OF EXPECTORANTS ACCORDING TO THEIR SCPPOSED MOI1ES OF OFKHAT10N. CL: I—MEDICINES WHICH INCREASE PULMONARY EXHALATION, AND THEREBY DILUTE THE MUCUS IN THE FOLLICLES OF THE LUNGS. a. By removing constriction ol the Pulmonary Exhalent vessels. JVa-useants. b. By stimulating these vessels by the actual contact of a medicinal substance. Allium. Fatid Gums. Scilla ? The different Balsams. CL: IT.—MF.DTCTNES WHICH DIMINISH THE INORDI- NATE FLOW OF FLUID INTO THE LUNGS, AND RENDER THE EXPECTORATION OF THE REMAIN- DER MORE EASY. a. By removing the debility of the Exhalents. Sulphate of Zinc. Bitter Tonice. %. By increasing the power of the Absorbents. Digitalis. JVicotiana. c. By determining to the skin by gentle diaphoresis. Tartarixed Antimony. tf. By exciting serous discharges from the bowels. Saline Pvrgutivet. 147 [exp. CL; HI.--MEDICINES WHICH OPERATE MECHANI- CALLY IN PROMOTING THE REJECTION OF AC- CUMULATED MUCUS. a. By stimulating the muscles of respiration. Ammonia. b. By exciting Vomiting, and thereby compressing the thoracic viscera. Emetics. In reference to the first of the classes just enu- merated, which embraces medicines that increase pulmonary exhalation, by removing constriction from the exhalent vessels of the lungs, he as- sumes, tiiat in pneumonia, asthma, and other diseases of the pulmonary system, the spasmodic constriction of the exhalents of the lungs, retards the exudation of the usual and necessary quantity of lubricating fluid poured out by them in a state of health. This is all true ; at least the effect is certain, however he may account for it. But how does he propose to relieve the pulmonary system, of this perverted course of its healthy actions? Is it by remedies of local impulse, which, by that impulse liberate the embargoed gregations of mu- cous clots, and set them adrift in the passages of the lungs, there to excite coughing which causes their expulsion? No. Is it by attenuating the viscidity of these same clots, within the mucous follicles, by the same kind of local action, thus bringing them to such a state of fluidity as will enable them to pass the patulous and constricted mouths of these follicles into the pulmonary pass- ages, that they may gain egress as above? No. Is it not by suggesting for relief, the exhibition of certain general stimulants operating on the gene- ral system first, and afterwards on the lungs as a part, by the relaxation of indirect debility—which decidedly convey by the first impression, an im- EXP.] 148 pulsive excitement to many other parts of the sys- tem, besides the pulmonary organs, and generally indeed, in a much greater degree? Is it not by nauseants? What are they? The most stimulat- ing emetics in small and divided doses. Why then call them expectorants, seeing expectoration when induced by them at all, is only one of a series of effects—one link of a catenated chain of associ- ated irritative actions? In regard to his second section of the same class, which comprises medicines suited to stimu- late the pulmonary exhalents by the actual contact of their medicinal principle, I cannot but say there is much gratuitous foundation. The instance of garlic given by him, of a substance taken into the circulation, and evincing a peculiar determination to the lungs, is an unlucky one. It is true that the volatile and penetrating odour of this root is per- ceptible in the breath, and that this is also per- ceived as sensibly if it have been externally applied to the soles of the feet, as when internally taken. This proves the subtle and diffusible nature of its odoriferous principle whatever that may be: and further. proves the readiness with which the circulating fluids of the body convey through their devious course, and by their mysterious operation —volatile odours ; but to my satisfaction it does not prove, that the medicinal property has a peculiar predilection for the lungs. If the alliaceous odour of the breath evidences this predilection, as it is as- sumed, it does—if that be the criterion of its expec- torant effect (to use common parle) why does not this effect supervene to the application of garlic to the soles of the feet? It is a disagreeable medicine to most persons, intolerable to many, and in some idiosyncracies, a dangerous one, inducing convul- sions and cerebral hebetude. Why do we not in 149 [est. such cases, nay, in all cases, of catarrhal engorge- ment without fever, or with little fever, cause ex- pectoration by applying it to the soles of the feet? •Will it operate on the lungs as an expectorant thus used? I answer from knowledge of the fact, that it will not. Who ever said it would? Yet it un- questionably ought to do so, if its peculiar effect on the lungs, (I do not deny that it has a strong ulterior effect on them) was owing to a peculiar determination to these organs, evinced by the odour of the breath—which is not only Dr. Paris* posi- tion, but one every-day avered by medical men. This is not the only instance of gratuitous reason- ing in Dr. Paris" observations on this section. He says. "Such substances (as the alliacere) may stimulate the exhalent vessels through which they pass, and by this stimulus the secretion may he increased, and the mucus contained in the fol- licles diluted, so as to be poured out in a less viscid form, and consequently in a state to be more easily brought up by expectoration.*" And suppose I say this may all not be so— are there not as many- facts to inTrench this averment, as physiology furnishes to sustain his gratuitous position. It is after all, begging the question, and no fair deduc- tions can be made from reasoning so faulty. What are the medicines besides garlic, which he pro- poses as expectorants in this section? Squill, the balsams, the foetid gums. The first an active emetic, a more certain diuretic than most of its congeners in the class of diuretics; the second em- bracing an extensive tribe of natural vegetable secretions, all powerfully stimulant to the general system ; the third active antispasmodics, involving the lungs as a part of that integrity of living mat- ter over which they exercise a tranquilizing con- trol, by the peculiarity of their inciting action on EXP.] 150 the sympathetic harmonies of the body. Should these then be dubed by the sword and word of a classifying monarch, as he was who first devised the class—mere knights of a local domain, while they inherit incontestable claim to an extended sovereignty over the whole range of living animal space! Let us pass on to the second class of Dr. Paris* scheme: Section a, embraces medicines which di- minish the inordinate flow of fluid into the lungs, by removing what 1 deem is most incorrectly con- ceived the cause of this undue flow,—the debility of the exhalents. Debility, if it he one cause, is clearly not the only, nor the most frequent cause of this excessive secretion of mucus. Who that has seen the sudden accession of tracheal inflam- mation in adults, supervening to exposure to damp and coldness with very wet feet, in our spring or autumn: in which the patient is first apprised of his being sick by starting from his sleep with a sudden ejection of a deal of viscid mucus from his throat to prevent immediate suffocation, will refer this to a debility of the exhalents? If any one do assign such a cause, let him look to the treatment for the conviction of his error: copious blood- letting, emetics pushed so as to prostrate the sys- tem, open the skin, relax the entire bodily vigour ; saline cathartics which establish, after a few hours the reduction of inflammation by these debilitating agents, by draining from the bowels and the kid- nies. If debility be not the cause of augmented mucous secretion in this instance, it does no more clearly appear to me to be so, in what is railed humoral asthma, and the catarrh of old people. There is indeed not a balanced action be- tween the excreting and secreting power of the lungs and trachea in these affections. The former 151 [exp. remaining in usual activity, the latter in aug- mented force. To this increased action in the secretory vessels of the mucous tissue I would refer the effect of an increased flow of the mucus: and not to any debility in these exhalents as they are called. The effort of nature, (the contemned. but the rational belief in the vis medicatrix naturse, leads me to use this language,) evinces a necessity to rid the surcharged passages, of this secretion, in the tussis senilis, or the cough of old people. Dr. Paris observes "if this excess be restrained by strengthening the tone of the system generally, or by astringing these vessels in particular, the ex- pectoration of the remainder will be rendered much more easy." The effect here implied is the true one supervening to tonics or astringents: but I apprehend the cause cannot be, by any local action they exert in rousing the debilitated secret- ing tissues, for that debility does not, in my opinion exist—but by equalizing the excitement of the general system, thus invigorated by tonics and astringents: and consequently removing the undue local excitement prevailing in the mucous tissue. This inference is more conformable with the known operation of tonics and astringents. By this reasoning I am brought to conclude, as al- ready advanced, that the increased flow of mucus in the catarrh of old people, in humoral asthma, and similar affections afflicting persons debilitated from age or disease, is owing to an increased energy in the secreting vessels, and not to debil- ity. And that the inconvenience arising from this excessive engorgement depends on an inadequacy in the excreting energies of the parts involved, to meet the super-abundant flow. No more happens here than to the kidnies and urinary organs, in persons as they advance in age. The increased EXP.] 152 secretion of urine, owing to a deficient action in advanced life, of the discharging function of the skin, causes perpetual micturition. We cannot allow that the increased urine is produced by a debility of the secreting powers of the kidnies, but by its increased action from the cause already men- tioned. The inadequacy of the urinary organs to retain this as long as in earlier life when more general vigour pervaded the system, may indeed be owing to a debility of their excreting function ; and in like manner, as with the lungs, tonics and astringents would here bring about a balanced action between secretion and excretion. The sul- phate of zinc, indicated by Dr. Paris, as particu- larly efficacious in restoring the " debility of the exhalents," is atonic and a certain one under pro- per management. WThat has been said therefore above, of tonics and astringents generally, is equally applicable to this medicine. Section b of the second class refers to medicines which have the power of increasing the action of the absorbents, under the belief that the "mucous inundation may not depend upon any fault in the exhalents, but upon a torpid state of the pulmo- nary absorbents." These are digitalis and to- bacco? two narcotics of somewhat diverse power of acting on the system. Here I am happy to agree with Dr. Paris as to the cause of the evil: but with what propriety can the remedies he desig- nates for it, be denominated expectorants? Section c of the same class comprises medicines which determine to the skin by gentle diaphoresis; and their action in relieving the lungs by restor- ing that checked cutaneous discharge, on the pau- city of total suppression of which, the lungs are engorged by performing, in common with the kid- nies, the serous exhalations which should have 153 [ex$. been conveyed out of the body by the torpid or inactive emunctories of the surface. The whole of Dr. Paris* reasoning on this point, is unan- swerably true, and the " well regulated doses of the compound powder of ipecacuan," which he says, "frequently furnish the oppressed asth- matic with a valuable resource," I know from ex- perience do have that remediate effect. But for this reason is this compound medicine, or are the ingredients of which it is composed, to be called expectorants? Is not this action, manifestly, by restoring the sympathetic concert of function, now dissociated, between the skin, the lungs and the kidnies, to their healthy routine of action? Do they not do this, palpably, by opening the arid skin? And what are medicines which do this but diaphoretics. Diaphoresis is the primary and evident effect of the medicine specified and its like: liberation of congestive serous or mucous engorge- ment of the lungs and its appendages, the ulterior consecutive effect. Section d of the same class is predicated on the same principle as the preceding section, embracing such medicines as excite serous discharges from the bowels, as saline cathartics. They relieve the lungs on the same principle, and avowedly, are not expectorants by any other effect than one involved in the general return they produce, of regular, healthy and equalized action in the gen- eral system. Why then call them so? We are thus led to class third comprising me- dicines which operate mechanically, and the first section a, points to those which impart vigour to the respiratory muscles engaged in the act of ex- pectoration. It is grounded on a fact universally admitted, that the act of expectoration is chiefly voluntary. We all know this, and an effort to EXP. J i54 ::ough or screatus, when excited by the stimulus of mucus so to do: or an effort to restrain either action under pressure of the same stimulus, will prove it instantly. It is supposed that when the voluntary effort is made and is found impractica- ble to any efficient extent, the difficulty is tiwing to a state of extreme debility of the muscles neces- sary to the act—and to patients exhausted by tuber- culous cough or ulcerated vomicas, which tire by perpetual efforts to expectorate, great distress is often produced by this inability to rid the lungs of the still oppressive load. It is in such cases a sti- mulant like ammonia is supposed by Dr. Paris, to act mechanically, in promoting a rejection of the accumulated mucus. 1 refer the effect here to* an evanescent tone communicated to the general sys- tem by the diffusible stimulant, and not to any mechanical action on the respiratory muscles. The latter mode of accounting for an evident fact, is, I think, quite unphilosophical. The word mechani- cal, if in any other than a figurative way used, is inappropriate and calculated to mislead. Shall ihe powerful, diffusible, volatile stimulant, marked by the intensity of its action, and its known power to pervade in a few moments the whole system—be called an expectorant, simply because increased, though transitory tone, is communicated to the mus- cles concerned in expectoration, (now worn down with effort and fatigue,) in the sweep of its general stimulating sway? Here then, is no expectorant, but by an impulse common to the parts of the whole, by which excitability is renewed. Section & of this class leads us to the starting point of this canvass of Dr. Paris' classification— emetics. They are, truly, expectorants ; they cause coughing and screatus, by which the present con- tained fluids of the lungs and trachea are vio- lently ejected or expectorated. The concussion of 155 [ExP. the thoracic viscera during their operation, causes an increased excitement of all the processes of secre- tion and excretion, pertaining to them, which does not cease with the cessation of their operation. A healthy equipoise of action is kept up for days, weeks, nay often months ; and in their effects may be recognised a union of mechanical, with physio- logical action. As a corollary to the preceding observations, I state, that with the exception of the class of emetics, and some inhalations I know of no such remedies as expectorants. Neither can I conceive of any pro- pr iety in retaining such a class, when it has been shewn how little legitimate claim it possesses to the tenure it has heretofore held in all treatises on materia medica. While this opinion is ventured, however, it is proper that it should be stated, that it is on the ground not only of the absolute vari- ance between the mode of action of the medicines arrayed in the class, and the course they should take in producing their effects, were they in any es- pecial manner directed to the lungs so as to perform what their name requires they should do ; but also, because the designating these remedies by a name which characterizes only one of their several effects on the system, is calculated to mislead the student and young practitioner. There is no dif- ficulty in disposing of the remedies in question, if classification must be had, in places more fit for their reception, according to their primary action; while their secondary influence on the lungs need not be lost sight of on this account, Opposed as I am to treat of the materia medica by any of the common schemes of classification, these latter remarks are intended to meet the objections of those, in reference to the individual class under notice, who persist in the propriety and usefulness' N 2 EXP.] 156 of these systematic arrangements. To conclude, the whole view of the subject, in the light here presented, is calculated, I should think, to afford another additional, and by no means inconsequent argument, in favour of alphabetical disposition of medical agents, by which every article may be noticed for all its effects, at one discussion of its merits, under its appropriate letter. The medical use of expectorants is chiefly re- stricted to catarrh, pneumonic disease and asthma ; whatever other use they may be supposed capable of serving, must have appeared fully developed in the course of the preceding canvass of the theo- retical views of authors on the subject of their mode of operating on the lungs. In the exhibition of these, for any of the diseases to which they are supposed remediate, an observance of such direc- tions to the patient or his attendants is to be in- forced, as may promote the diaphoresis, the reduc- tion of spasm, the narcotic influence on the ner- vous, or the stimulant excitement of the lymphatic systems, or whatever other primary effect, by the consecutive operation of which, the lungs are reached. Every proceeding which may retard or interfere in any manner with these, will be found, if not positively prejudicial, at least calculated to render the medicines ineffectual of the indication, or productive of a loss of time and unnecessary subjection of the patient to useless medicines. ENEMATA. These are watery fluids, oily, or mucilaginous substances, thrown by mechanical force into the bowels, through the anus. Their chief operation 157 [exp. is on the rectum, and they rarely can be made to pass the sigmoid flexure of the colon. They may be divided into Class 1. Aqueous clysters. 2. Oily clysters. 3. Mucilaginous clysters. 4. Mixed clysters. 5. Medicated clysters. 6. Aeriform clysters. The first may be either tepid, cold, or iced water ; operating chiefly by the stimulus of mechanical distension and temperature. The second may be melted butter, washed lard, or goose-grease—alone or commingled with tepid water. The third may be flax-seed tea, starch, arrow- root, barley-water, decoction of mallows, slip- pery elm-bark, okra, and similar lubricating mucilages. The fourth may be molasses and water, with olive oil or grease—weak mutton broth, soap-suds, or a mixture of any of class third with class se- cond. The fifth are class 3d, with the mucilages dense, or diluted, with the addition of laudanum, aloes, assafoetida, infusion of colocynth, castor oil; or 6ennatea, oil of turpentine suspended in yolk of egg and mucilage of gum-arabic, infusion of to- bacco, solutions of saline cathartics, rhubarb tea, and indeed any other liquid preparation of a ca- thartic, lime-water, &c. &c. Sixth, fumes of tobacco, and other narcotic herbs. For administering the first five classes, common clyster or injecting pipes, of different sizes ac- cording to the age of the patient, or bladders with an injecting pipe tied to the mouth, or caoutchouc EXP.] 158 bottles, are used according to convenience. For the last class a particular apparatus has been de- vised. The distress, prostration and near danger and death which have resulted from the clyster of tobacco in the form of class 5th or 6th, have caused Mr. Earle to propose as a substitute for either, when the peculiar effect of tobacco is want- ed, suppositories of that plant which can be re- moved on accession of any undesired effect. Enemata act by distension, by the physical ef- fect of their temperature, or specific stimulus of their medicating ingredient on the bowels ; or by all combined, together with an impulsive stroke on the chain of sympathies involved in alvine se- cretions and dejections. When highly medicated with medicinal irritants, they have been accused of inducing spasmodic constriction, instead of evacuant action, thus bolting the door already shut. I have known them to do this under my own eye. In such cases I have attributed the mischief to undue proportion of the prescribed drug, by carelessness, inattention to the directions of the physician, or ignorance of the nurse or friends. This induces me to observe, that a pre- scription should always be written for a medicated clyster, unless in the simple one of laudanum, pre- scribed among intelligent and cautious people. Or, the medical attendant should mix it himself and direct its exhibition. Simple aqueous clysters have been efficacious in removing a spasmodic state of the bowels, so as to overcome ileus. The mixed clysters are those most used in medical and domes- tic practice. In the former they are used to hasten the slow operation of cathartics, or to evacuate the bowels when the irritable state of the stomach causes it to reject medicines. In the later they are chiefly used as substitutes for cathartics. The 159 [EXP. anodyne clysters are much used by physicians, but the truly medicated injections are not as often em- ployed in this as in other countries, particularly France. The free operation of a clyster is attend- ed with most of the general effects following lax- ative medicines. The impulsive energy given by purgatives to the whole system however, can never be. obtained by even active medicated clys- ters, as of aloes, castor oil, colocynth. But for this very reason they do not produce the immediate prostration often induced by purgatives, and hence they may be frequently repeated within a few hours or during a day. Every practitioner will ac- knowledge the importance of these remedies, either as absolute or adventitious curative agents—and every practitioner will also confess, that it is much easier to know the precise condition of a particu- lar patient's system and disease which may render them appropriate with either view, than to point out any general rules in the abstract, which may suggest their propriety and efficacy in the treat- ment of diseases. For this reason I shall not here enter into a discussion of this point, but, in the lectures shall endeavour by familiar illustra- tion and remarks to say as much as I am able, to lead you to devote as much attention to this class of remedies, as its, importance demands. With these remarks I dismiss the subject, refering you for the formulae of proportions and measurement graduated to ages, to the lectures. INH.] 160 INHALATIONS. These are the vapours of heated, simple, or medicated fluids—of certain aetherial medicines— of fragrant and stimulating balsams, gums and resins—the vapour of fused nitre—and the fumes of narcotic drugs. The emollient and medicinal principles of some of these, and the volatile stimu- lus of others, are conveyed to an immediate contact with the bronchia and cells of the lungs, by the voluntary augmentation of the force of the respiratory efforts, through the deep inspirations of which the subtle vapourable principle is drawn into every part of the cellular structure of the lungs; or, admitted less freely, by directing the vapour towards the mouth and nose, during ordinary breathing. When diaphoresis is desired as an effect of these inhalations, the ordinary or forced respiration is performed under a cover which envelops the head and the vapourable remedy. A common tea or coffee pot, containing the heated fluid, is often used—the patient inhaling the va- pour by the spout. Several kinds of apparatus have been devised expressly to administer these aeriform remedies, among which, the best is that contrived by Dr. Mudge, who wrote on catarrh, which he proposed to cure by these remedies. It is called " Mudge's Inhaler." Heated bricks are also used to vaporize watery fluids. When resins, balsams, or odoriferous gums and substances of a similar nature are used, 161 [INH. they are placed in a heated iron vessel, on a com- mon fire shovel heated, and the vapour arising du- ring liquefaction is taken in by holding the head over the vessel or utensil employed. The simple inhalations are, aqueous vapour, that arising from vinegar, or vinegar and water. The medicated aqueous inhalations, are decoc- tions of medicinal herbs, chiefly of the verticillatse and corymbiferse, of chammomile flowers with a little ether added, and of some bitter, astringent plants. The vapour of hot decoctions of some roots is also used ; I have administered senega in this way, with advantage. The aetherial inhalations are, the spontaneous volatilization of sulphuric and nitrous ether and oil of wine, weak dilutions of aqua ammonia, common spirit of hartshorne, the volatile refined vinegars of the shops, and similar volatile medi- cines. The vapour of fragrant and stimulating balsams, are, the fumes obtained from gum elemi, camphor, benzoin, s to rax, olibanum, labdanum, common white rosin, burgundy pitch, hemlock gum, and the terebinthinate exudations or concretes of the coniferse, as tar. The vapour of nitre, sulphur, and quicksilver, are obtained by heating to the point of volatilization. The fumes of tobacco by the pipe, or burning the dried leaves or segars in a close room, by per- sons not addicted to the habitual stimulus of the plant as a luxury. The fumes of stramonium root, of the flowers gnaphajium margaritaceum, or common life everlasting, and various other ve- getable products, have also been medically used. IN H.J 162 MEDICAL USE OF INHALATIONS. These remedies are in many instances true ex- pectorants, acting as mechanical irritants, by immediate contact with the lining tissue of the lungs and passages unaccustomed to their pe- culiar action. Hence coughing, which is essential to expectoration, is excited, and brings up the in- creased secretion which follows the application of a local stimulant to the tissue it pertains to— and by this increased local excitement, a more vigorous effort is induced in the parts naturally concerned in the act of expectoration, by which the tenacious mucus already secreted and engorg- ing the lungs, is thrown off. The steam of hot water is efficacious in reliev- ing the distress of paroxysms of asthma, and in inflamed tonsils and trachea ; several other inhala- tion of class 1st. are also serviceable in the same affections. Tar vapours are useful in catarrh and phthisis, and more especially in chronic bronchitis. They cannot be employed however in acute inflam- matory affections of the lungs, without injury. The inhalation of tar fumes has also been benefi- cial in hooping cough, according to the experience of Mr Wansbrough, of Fulham in England, and also in his hands, other affections attended with difficult respiration. Vomiting as well as cough- ing was induced in some children by them. Dr. Crichton, of Russia, published in 1813 an account of some experiments made with the vapour of boiling tar in the cure of pulmonary consumption. Several patients were cured by those inhalations. He restricts their use to that stage in which cough and hectic are most exasperated, observing that if they are persisted in after these are subdued, that practice would produce a teasing dry cough 103 [iNH. and reuder the common air distressing to the pa- tient. Dr. Rush attached much importance to these inhalations in consumption. I however am disposed to view them, from my own experience of their effects under the direction of Dr. Rush, on patients in my care in the Pennsylvania Hospital in 1809, and from my own repeated trials of them since in public and private practice, rather as pal- liative than curative agents in this disease. In the former light I deem them important and beneficial. Dr. Mudge has spoken of some cures of consump- tion, by the fumes of common resin. The cases are insulated. Nitrous vapours have been reported to be efficacious in hooping cough. Mr. Patter- son attests their efticacy. Stramonium roots cut up and smoked in a pipe, were about 12 or 15 years since very much used, in asthma. The accounts of the efticacy of this kind of inhalation, are va- rious and contradictory. I have extensively pre- scribed them in the alms house of this city, in such cases ; and in some instances with great benefit, in some with less, in some without any positive ef- fect, and in more with inconvenience to the patient. Dr. Eberle mentions that he has never prescribed them with the slightest benefit. I cannot help at- tributing this to the mode of administration ; and I shall therefore point out, in detail, in the lec- tures, the proper plan. Tlie respiration of oxygen, hydrogen and ni- trogen gasses, during the rage of pneumatic medicine, were all reputed curative and palliative. Some well attested cases of both effects are to be found in Beddoes' work on this subject, but the dif- ficulty of employing them in ordinary practice will ever prevent their use. As prophylactics, different fumigations and in- halatious have been used. These will be detailed in the lectures. O ISS.] 164 ISSUES. These are peas, waxed-sponge, or wax-taper, introduced into an incision made into the teguments in the neck, spine, arms, legs, thighs, side and other parts of the body, by the irritation of which suppu- ration is produced and continued as long as the ex- traneous substance used, is kept there ; or they may be made by applying a small round blister the size of atwenty-five cent piece, or a dollar, and when the cuticle is removed, applying lunar or what is bet- ter common caustic, until a slough is produced, and the denuded surface kept running by an irri- tating ointment. The first are common, the lat- ter caustic issues. Thus established the sup- puration becomes a drain which may be continued for any length of time, by daily removing, in the common issue the inserted irritant, wash- ing the wound with soap and water and rein- serting the pea, &c.; and, in the caustic issue, by similar ablution and varying the nature of the irritating dressing. These remedies are of ancient date. The caustic issues were much used by the Greek and Roman practitioners, and their writers have commended them in gout, sciatica, chronic diseases of the pulmonary organs, the liver, spleen, epilepsy. They have, at this day, lost none of their ancient repute, but stand prominently, among the useful remedies and palliatives, of the same affections for which they were esteemed of old, and 165 [189. for many others, in which the experience of mod- ern practitioners has found them serviceable. They are surgical as well as medical remedies. Hence we find them used with efficacy in scrophulous af- fections of the joints, particularly those of the hips: by some along the spine in some place contigu- ous to diseased verterbrse. They are also used for gutta serena ; incipient cataract. Their medical application is for various opthalmic affections, deaf- ness, chronic rheumatism ; rigidity and obstinate inflammation of the joints from this cause ; to the back near the sacrum, for what is called sci- atica; to the same place, for nymphomania; to the spine for epilepsy and palsy ; to the back of the neck for tetanus, in which Dr. Hartshorne of this city has been successful in several cases by these means ; to the same site for chorea, in which I can, from experience, attest their efficacy ; to the side for chronic enlargements of the liver and in protracted pneumonic disease threatening phthisis; to the neck for vertigo, bemicrania, hebetude and habitual somnolency in phlegmatic constitutions ; as succedanei for long continued eruptions sud- denly suppressed, by reason of which the general health has become impaired—and for habitual hemorrhoidal flux, the spontaneous cessation of which has been followed by a similar state of gen- eral indisposition or disorder. Dr. Rogers has employed them with success to prevent habitual abortion and in leucorrhoea and menorrhagia. Numerous other affections of an anomalous charac- ter accompanied with deep seated pain, from occult causes, are relieved by the salutary agency of these drains. The caustic issue is, in general, prefered to the pea-issue, in fleshy parts; the latter being mostly used near the part affected, in articular derangement or disease* I have had a great deal lss.J 166 of experience with the former, which I much pre- fer, on many accounts, to the common issue. On the whole I recommend them to your notice, as valuable, and, rather too much neglected, curative agents in general practice. Like the miscellane- ous employment of epispastics, the varied affections which indicate their propriety to the reflecting physician, must be the result of experience and thought in the course of his practice, rather than the result of any definite rules for their establish- ment, suggested from the lecturer's desk. 167 [lit. LITHONTRIPTICS. Medicines supposed to be endued with the power of dissolving urinary calculi. This is the prince of bad classes. It is an absurd and misleading ag- gregation of medicines according to a virtue they have not in a sin3le well attested instance, been proved to possess, when taken into the mouth or injected into the bladder by the urethra. On the other hand, numerous instances are on record of cases of stone treated by them, and followed by a cessation of some portion or the whole of the irritating symptoms of its presence—which caused them to be pronounced solvents, since the calculus could not he felt by the sound ; and yet death and dissection have brought to light the existence of these bodies, encysted In the cases relieved by Mrs. Stephens, who received a parlimentary re- compense for her asserted cure of the stone, a similar envelopment of the calculi were found, plainly proving that her vaunted remedy was in- capable of dissolving them. As it has been dis- covered by chemists that certain substances in a state of such weak solution as to be taken into the mouth and held there, without any ill consequence, and even swallowed with impunity, are yet capa- ble of dissolving different urinary calculi out of the bladder—it has even of late years been Con- tended that these substances, or if not these, that some substances might be found, which could, taken by the mouth or injected directly into the O 2 LlT.j 168 bladder, produce a similar chemical solution. No fact however, has come to light, which in any degree favours the possibility of such destruction by such means. The utmost that can. even judg- ing from the reports of those who lean to the ad- mission of such virtues in medicines, be with truth or reason admitted, is, that, what are called lithontriptics, may wear away the projecting asperities of some species of calculi, and by ren- dering them more smooth, may by this effect, ren- der them less tormenting. Messrs. Prevost and Dumas* have attempted to solve the stone, while * "A fusible human calculus was submitted to the action of a galvanic pile, of 120 plates, for the space of twelve hours. The calculus was placed in a vessel of pure water. 'I he platin- um wires which served for poles, touched the opposite sides of the calculus. During the action of the battery the bases and phosphoric acid came to their respective poles recnmbined, and the salt thus formed, precipitated to the bottom of the ves- sel in the from of a fine powder. Before the experiment, the calculus weighed 92 grains—after it 80 grains. The galvan- ism was continued till the end of sixteen hours., when the cal- culus presented only a friable mass, which was easily reduced into small crystalline bodies by the slightest pressure. «' The result of this experiment naturally led to another, still more curious. A calculus was fixed on a sound, between two platinum conductors, and the apparatus introduced into the bladder of a dog, by means of an incision in the urethra under the pubic arch. The bladder was injected with warm water, which was prevented from returning. A battery of 135 plates wis then brought to act on the wires. The animal was, at tirst restless, but soon became quiet, and supported the action of the pile during an hour. The apparatus was cautiously withdrawn, and the calculus showed evident marks of decom- position. The experiment was then renewed and continued six days, one hour in the morning and one in the evening. By this time the calculus had become so friable that the experi- ment was obliged to be discontinued. It had lost in weight proportionately to the other calculus. The animal was now killed in order to examine the state of the bladder. Nothing remarkable could be discovered in this organ. "Our authors hope that means will be found out to apply the galvanic action to those calculi in the human bladder which are 169 [lit. in the bladder of the living body, by the action of the galvanic fluid, with results no more encour- aging than those which have followed the internal exhibition of medicinal agents with this view. Those who favor the idea of lithic solvents argue, that they are feasible remedies, because chemistry has possessed us of a solvent for nearly every species of calculus out of the body—that some of these solvents are found in the bladder in a state little if at all chemically or materially changed from the state in which they were taken into the stomach. Now of what avail are these facts, against the omnipotent one that the supposed sol- vents, under all these advantageous chemical and physiological circumstances, have never yet dis- solved a single stone in the bladder of the living body? As to the 'direct communication* between the stomach and the bladder, by some rout inde- pendant of the circulation—notwithstanding Sir Everard Home's ingenious experiments on the dog, its existence is purely gratuitous. He closed the pyloric extremity of "the previously evacuated sto- mach of this animal by ligature, and afterwards introduced fluids into it tinctured by rhubarb. He detected the colouring matter of this drug in the urine in thirty minutes after. What does this prove? That the colouring matter of rhubarb gets into the urine of a dog by some other chan- nel than through the pylorus—no more. It might as well be said, that because garlic applied to the soles of the feet, discovers its odour in the breath, that there was a * direct communication" between the skin of the feet and the lungs. Many are the composed of saline principles-but they are aware that it would be quite useless to hope for any beneficial result in ca- ses where the calculus consists wholly or principally of uric acid " Med. and Chir. Rev. New Series.—Vol. I.p. 223. LIT.] 170 inscrutable processes of the living animal system, imaginable or inconceivable, by which this, to us occult process, might be accomplished, without the aid of any direct short cut from the stomach to the bladder. Whatever communication may be there, other than what the eager and gifted eye and adroit knife Of the anatomist have brought to light---must he minute indeed. But if it were possible to be. and were as large as the Thames tunnel, what would that avail? Is it that it shall permit a passage, scot-free of toll or mulct or diminution, of stone-sol vents on their way to the bladder to break up and root out the lithic pest? Does Dr. Chapman, who enlists this argument to sustain his position that "enough is ascertained, in relation to lithontriptics, to war- rant us to persevere in our trials, as well with those which we already have, as with new sub- stances,"* forget what he has himself noticed, two pages preceding, "that these solvents have been injected directly into the bladder through the urethra,"* where «♦ it is contended thev ought to act on the stone and gradually dissolve ft;" and that '« he does not perceive why they should not. though the few attempts which have been made, afford us little encouragement ?" As to his insinuation, that the want of success in these experimcnts'might "be owing to their not having been conducted with all the care which the case requires,'* and his assertion that " to succeed in such experiments, much skill and perseverance is demanded.'* I think it may verv fairly be said, that neither is justified by' fact nor probability. I here is no difficulty in throwing by forcible in- jection, these solutions of lithic solvents into the bladder—but allowing that there was, surely * Therapeutics—Lithonthriptics—or Antilithies. 171 [lit. when they once got there, no matter in how bung- ling a manner the operation may have been per- formed, that bungling would not deteriorate the chemical properties of the injected fluid. When there, it ought to act on the stone, if it were en- dued with a power on it in the living bladder, similar to that it has been proved to possess out of it. As to any want of perseverence in these trials, neither the character nor zeal of the experimenters renders them liable to such an imputation. They were disheartened because of their failure, and their zeal was extinguished because sufficient trials rendered it nugatory. But this incapacity for accomplishing what they are prescribed to effect, of the supposed lithontriptics, is not the only diffi- culty presented to the admission of such a class of remedies. Not only are innumerable instances authentically related of their total inefficiency, but well attested facts are not wanting of the rapid accresion to the calculus, during the use of lithon- triptics. Sir Everard Home mentions the most striking examples of the latter fact. One patient took alkaline medicine as a solvent for four or five years, and at his death three hundred and fifty light spongy calculi of different sizes, nearly filled the bladder; another had an increase of the symp- toms after taking mild and caustic soda for some months, and was obliged to submit to an opera- tion, which brought forth a calculus " which was surrounded with a coat of triple phosphate one tenth of an inch thick, the rest being a mixture of uric acid and phosphate." De Haen's case of palliation and final obliteration of all the symptoms of stone, after taking near 3 fourths of a ton of lime- water, near 3 fourths of a ton fmilk, and 17 lbs. Ve- netian soap, in the short space of seven months!!! —while the calculus still answered to the sound, LIT.j 172 •ught to give lithontriptics their quietus.' No one, however captious, or vituperative, would surely accuse the practitioner or the patient in this in- stance, with a want of perseverence J One can- not but hesitate to whom to award the greatest praise—the Doctor for his faith and pertinarious- ness in opinion, or the patient for his submission and fortitude. To conclude this subject, on which I have already spent more words than it is worth ; Cullen did not believe in these remedies, and pro- vided no class for their reception. His comment- ator, the late Dr. Barton, added the class Antili* thica, but discarded from his lectures the idea of a veritable lithontriptic—he taught no such doctrine as the possibility of retaining.such an absurd class. Dr. Paris says "after all, however, the solvent pow- er of lithontriptic remedies must be very limited, and in advanced cases we can never expect to pro- cure more than palliation." Dr. Eberle observes in his work on medicines *' it is very questionable whether we possess any remedies capable of dis- solving calculi existing in the urinary organs. The attempt at removing calculous concretions by remedies of this kind having hitherto, proved abor- tive, is a fact which sufficiently warrants the scep- ticism which prevails on this subject." Even Dr. Chapman who upholds these remedies by various remarks to that effect in his discourse on the class, in finishing the subject observes " notwithstanding all I have said, I shall not absolutely insist on the solvent powers of any substance, with which we are at present acquainted." I have already fully set forth my own opinion on the suject, and thinking it high time to cease the perpetuation of a useless and misleading class, instruct you, as far as my influence may be thought worthy to ex- tend, that you throw the class with reference to the 178 [lit. reputed effects of the medicines it embraces, entire- ly out of your studies. I now proceed to a consid- eration of antilithics, which in their prophylactic effects are an useful set of remedies—first remark- ing that the class of lithontriptics has been no- ticed at all, purely that I might endeavour to re- move erroneous impressions you might imbibe concerning it. from the works of Materia Medica which may fall in your hands. antilithics. These are prophylactics. They are such med- icinal and dietetic agents, as tend to correct a pre- disposition to form calculus, thus preventing lithic conrretions. It is supposed they exert a still more extended effect, in arresting further accre- sion to calculus already formed by subduing the diatheses which begun and increased it. It is possible, that these medicines and regimen, may avert the deposition of calculous materials suspend- ed in the urine, where a nucleus has not been al- ready formed : but the facile increase of calculus, when that nucleus unfortunately has been estab- lished, seems to render it very questionable wheth- er the calculous taint in the digestive system can be so entirely obliterated, as to cause the urine to pass over and remain for some time in contact with the surface of the existing concretion, as to leave it without obeying its strong affinities for its ho- mogenous materials, by depositing some augment- ing particles. There appears to me a wide dif- ference between allowing antilithic remedies and diet a prophylactic power, when calculus shall not have commenced by even a minute nucleus, and lit.] 174 conceding the same preventive virtue in similar medicines and regimen, when the inviting cause of deposition has actually taken its unwelcome po- sition in the bladder. In the former case a single difficulty is to be met, the latter two are opposed. Antilithics may be equal to overcome the first, and be justly esteemed important remedies, though they are ineffectually applied to, in order to combat the second. For these reasons, and because it seems to me that an unfounded depreciation of val- uable remedies and agents, is the natural conse- quence in the opinion of a majority of practitioners of an exaggerated attribution of powers, beyond what they"really possess—I would restrict the defi- nition of antilithics, to the terms of the first two sentences of this chapter. Before entering further into the discussion of this subject, it may be. pro- per to observe, that, without a cotemporaneous and conjunctive observance of what I would call antilithic regimen, mere medicamental antilithics cannot avail much. This remark will be found of staunch value, when we review the whole field of moral, physical and dietetic causes, which conspire to generate and perpetuate lithic predisposition. These will be noticed in the course of the following outlines of a very difficult and I think in the pre- vailing chemico-medical aspect of it, a very ab- struse subject. The important and instructive bearing of chemical researches and results, on the pathology and therapeutics of diseases, is in no instance so conspicuously shewn, as in refer- ence to calculous taint, but I much fear, like all novel and high-wrought theories, the chemico- medical treatment of this taint, is pushed some- what beyond the line which separates reason from misguided zeal, if not infatuation. The in- evitable consequence of transcending this limit to rational inference and -treatment predicted on the 175 [lit. I'hr,ltf°.fdAe,nist,T'7in be' a total rep^iation of the who e theory and practice,carrying with it, in one condemning sweep, the judicious and the over- strained practice involved in the present theory of lithic disorders. In medicine, as in prize-fighting, we should courageously and fairly, come up to the chalk: a step beyond, or even half ovefit. is, in both instances, unfair and a fault, casting suspi- cion and distrust upon all subsequent movements. I cannot but think the chalk has been overstened by some writers, and gifted writers too, on this interesting subject. That you may not, by imbi< bing these tenets, to their full and prejudicial ex- tent, compromit your future talents, industry and usefulness in the same involution of over-heated zeal, which threatens to raze the existing chemico- medical doctrine of calculus and its generative taint—I shall proceed to an exposition of the princi- ples on which it is grounded and the pathology and practice to which it points ; and then endeav- our to shew my sense of that part of it which is true and feasible, and that which appears gratui- tous and impracticable. The whole, doctrine and its consecutive practice, is appreciable by ordinary intelligence ; and nothing more than sceptical at- tention is required to understand its merits and defects—its good and its evil tendency. A know ledge of the constituent principles of the urine, is the foundation of rational antilithic prac- tice. Without understanding these principles, which chemistry lias brought to light, the prac- titioner would treat the lithic taint) empirically. I proceed therefore, to call your attention to this subject, as one greatly enlightened by the industry and acumen of those medical chemists, who have devoted so much time with so much success, to this difficult subject. I need scarcely observe, that LIT.] 176 the urine is not a simple fluid, but the most heterogeneous of all the animal fluid products. It possesses certain characteristics in its healthy state; and very quick and manifest alterations are made in these, by those morbid states of the sys- tem which affect the whole digestive process. Yet this visible change is not always produced by such a state of the system as gives us notice of its ex- isting disorder. Not unfrequently we have no notice, from our feelings, of the existence of any morbid action, although it may have been sufficient to modify the relative proportions of the constitu- ent principles of the urine. Berzelius analysed the urine, and the following are his results: ANIMAL PRINCIPLES. Water.........933-00 Urea.........30-10 Lithic Acid.......• 1-0 Pure Lactic Acid, Lactate of Ammonia, and Animal Matters not separable from these . . . 17-14 Mucus of the Bladder...... -3~2 ALKALINE AND EARTHY SALTS. Sulphate of Potass.......3-71 -------of Soda ...... 316 Phosphate of Soda . . . . ' . . . 2-94 --------of Ammonia . . . • • 1-65 Muriate of Soda.......4-45 ■ ■ of A"mmonia ...... 1-50 Earthy Phosphates with a trace of Fluate of Lime . 1-0 Silex......... -03 1U00.00 Besides these principles of healthy urine, Dr. Prout observes that in different diseases it may contain Albumen, Fibrin, and the red particles of the blood ; Nitric acid ; various acids, which are found to be modifii ations of the Lithic: Oxalic acid ; Benzoic acid : Carbonic acid ; Xanthic ox- ide* Cystic oxide; Sugar* Bile; and Pus. 177 [liu. Urea is peculiar to the urine: is produced by the action of the kidnies on the blood. Dr. Prout suggests that they get it from the albuminous matter. Lithic or uric acid, is not found in the blood, but is always present in healthy urine. Majendie thinks it is obtained from the azote of ali- mentary substances. Dr. Prout thinks it is always in combination with ammonia, (lithate of ammonia) from which acids, even carbonic, separate it in the form of a red powder. Erythic acid is a peculiar acid so named by M. Brugnatelli, obtained by treating pure lithic acid with diluted nitric acid, applying a moder- ate heat. It is in transparent colourless crys- tals. Purpuric acid ; this is obtained from the the Ery- thic acid crystals, treated by Prout, while in a state of boiling hot solution, with pure ammo- nia, which produces crystals of purpurate of ammonia. These heated by potass and sulphu- ric acid, yield pure purpuric acid in a yellowish powder. The phosphoric acid and its compounds are active agents in the production of calculi. This acid often exists in a free state in the urine. In healthy urine it is in union with soda and ammo- monia, and partly with lime and magnesia; these last being retained in solution by excess of acid. Dr. Prout, divides the mechanical deposites from the urine, in three classes: 1. Pulverulent, or Amorphous sediments. 2. Chrystalline sediments (called gravel.) 3. Solid concretions, (or calculi formed by con- cretion of class 2.) LIT.] 178 The first of these classes cannot enter ;nto the view of a discussion of antilithics—against the the formation of the second and third class, these antilithics are calculated prophylactically to be useful. The urinary calculi, according to the chemists, contain in their composition the following bodies: 1. Lithic acid. 2. Phosphate of lime. 3. Ammoniaco—magnesian phosphate. 4. Oxalate of lime. 5. Cystic oxide. 6. Xanthic oxide, to which may be super-added, the animal in- gredient which cements the whole together. There are two taints of the digestive system: the 'lithic acid, and the phosphatic taint. It is need- less to observe that neither of these is healthy. True health, in reference to the digestive process, consists, in as far as the urine is concerned, not in the absence of an excess of the principles of either lithic acid, or phosphatic elements, from that fluid—but in the absence of ability to hold these excesses in such a state of solution, that they shall freely pass out of the body. When such sus- pending power is, by any very deranged action of the healthy digestion, taken away, deposition then takes place: and a clot of blood, the result of previous inflammation of the part; or indeed any foreign or morbid body, however small at first, presents a nucleus of this deposition. Herein con-r sists the mischief. A continuance in the system of the perverted actions which have thus laid the foundation of concretion, of whatever kind, under either taint—allows perpetual, though very gradu- al accresion, until large or small calculi are en- 179 [lit. gendered. If therefore there be any remedies of a medical kind, or any system of diet, which, by their united effects, can have a tendency to keep down the excess of calculous principles below the depositing point; or, which, that having once been transcended and deposition on a nucleus having taken place—are calculated to protect the digestive function from further perverted action; then the first small concretion may be spontanea ously broken up by the returned healthy action, and passed away—and the remedies and the regimen producing these effects, may truly be entitled anti- lithics. It may here be asked, what light chemistry has thrown on the proper application of these anti- lithics? It is by affording us data in the examina- tion of the urine, on which to decide as to the presence of one or the other taint, or, as it is commonly called diathesis. How can such an ex- amination or analysis of the urine do this? It is by development of the existence of the excess which is called lithic acid diathesis, or that of the phos- phatic. And of what use is it to know which of these is prevalent? It is by directing us to use that set of antilithic remedies suited to remove or moderate the one prevailing; for they require two very different kinds of remedies ; and that which would cure or moderate the lithic acid taint, would increase the phosphatic, and vice versa. In other words, some varieties of calculous prin- ciples in the mine will be liable to be affected by acids, and other calculous principles by alkalies. The medicines therefore prescribed as antilithics, w ill cause a cessation of morbid action in the kid- nies, or increase that already existing, according to the just adaption of the remedy to the prevailing taint, or the improper selection of one ill-suited to remove it. Dr. Mavcet has observed, that P 2 LIT.] 180 " whenever the lithic acid predominates, the alka- lies are the appropriate remedies, but that when the calcareous or magnesian salts prevail, the acids are to be resorted to"—a remark which pre- supposes the recent urine to have been examined, its sediments scrutinized, and. if necessary to confirm our knowledge derived from such scrutiny, an actual analysis of these sediments, by chemical tests. It is here that the chemico-medical pathology becomes so deeply interesting ; here that judicious treatment becomes so materially dependant on the enlightened view of urinary disordered function, presented to the profession by the labours of Prout, Marcet, Brande, Wilson Philip, Wollastson, Ma- jendie, and others. In what condition of the system does the lithic- generating process originate ; and what practical deductions can be made from knowing that condi- tion? It is obvious that the chain of actions, which binds all the relative individual processes of the body conspiring to make the entire digestive pro- cess as it is called, must every link be sensible to the contiguous and continuous morbid impulses, the effect of which is to pervert in an especial and perceivable manner, the fluid it is destined to se- crete, though less important aberrations from healthy action are induced in other functions. Whatever course of diet, dress, habits, or whatev- er moral causes may, by the individual effect of either, or the collective operation of the whole, tend to derange, impair or destroy the healthy functions of the stomach and intestines, the liver and the skin, must, in consequence of the catena- tion of the functional actions of all these, with the kidnies, be a cause of lithic disease. And this will be the case in a greater or less degree, in proportion to the presence in, or absence from 181 [lit. the system, of an original predisposition from hereditary, constitutional or accidental taint, to lithic disorder. Accordingly we find, that dys- pepsia is the proximate cause of lithia; and the causes of dyspepsix whether moral, physical or accidental, are the remote causes of the same mor- bid state of the system. And whatever hereditary predisposition may exist, to dyspepsia, as in per- sons deriving arthritic taint from their parents, that predisposition will be found especially sub- ject to lithia. Hence gouty persons, whose diges- tive process, in early life, is not so entirely impair- ed by the irruptions of frequent attacks of irregu- lar gout: and who for that reason escape the early promotion of lithic disease, unless they have been addicted to intemperance and great irregularity of habits—are nevertheless, in more advanced age, very subject to lithic productions: because dyspep- sia then supervenes to the frequent arthritic par- oxysms which inevitably make their unwelcome appearance at that climacteric. The practical inference deduced from these facts, is, to di- rect our curative intention by constitutional gen- eral remedies, calculated to restore the lost, rouse the torpid, or reinstate the perverted functions of the stomach. And this we are to do, while we simultaneously administer antilithic remedies, on the principles already mentioned—suited to remove altogether, or suspend, the further production of lithic urine, by their peculiar local determination to the kidnies. We are thus brohght to the con- clusion, that antilithics, as prophylactic and palli- ating remedies, are not empirically used ; but are administered on principles of correct pathology, chemical fitness, and philosophic intention. As such I invite your attention to them; but do so at the same time that I urge a devotion to study of lit.] 182 the chemico-medical investigations of the authors already mentioned ; and, above all, to study quite as closely, the approximating traits in these works, to speculation somewhat too refined to be without danger of error—to practical directions somewhat too highly wrought out of overstrained chemical results, to be easMy and profitably enlisted in our ordinary practice. This, I trust wholesome caution, is not intended to convey any detraction from the value, either of the investigations or prac- tice predicated on them, to the importance of both of which I have clearly testified in the preceding outlines. Nothing can be more true, than the leading principles of physiognomonical deduction made by Lavater, in his treatise on a subject phi- losophically handled by none but himself: yet nothing can be more absurd, unfounded and fine- spun, than some of his decisions in favour, and predictions against intellect—founded on a thread drawn to fragility by too many turns of the wheel, and too extended a walk from the spindle on which it is wound. The warpofthechemico-physiologico- medical doctrines of lithia, like the principles of physiognomy in Lavater, consists of th;v*ads well disposed, and of woof fitly adjusted in the loom: but the filling has been too fine and too injudiciously interwoven, to render the texture of the fabric durable. outlines of antilithic practice. Dr. Wilson Philip has made the following de- ductions of the effects of diet, in generating lithia. '• 1.—That acid and acescent matters, tend to in- crease the deposition of lithic acid from the urine, and to prevent that of the phosphates. 183 [LIT. 2.__That diet composed of a large proportion of. animal food tends to lessen the deposition of lithic acid, and to increase that of the phosphates. 3.__That every thing which promotes the action of the skin, tends to prevent the deposition of lithic acid, and to occasion that of the phosphates. 4___That dyspepsia tends to increase the deposition of the lithic acid, and to lessen that of the phos- phates, both by producing acidity in the primav vise and bv rendering the skin inactive. 5.—That indolence has the same tendency both by inducing dyspepsia and by lessening the activity of the skin, in proportion as it impairs the vigour of the circulation. 6.__That an acid passes by insensible as well as sensible perspiration." Since these effects of diet embrace the two pre- valent taints of lithia, it is plainly the duty of the practitioner to enquire minutely into the errors of repletion, which have had the effect of disordering or violating wholly, the process of healthy chyh- fication. It is equally his duty to enforce rigidly, such amendment in the unwholesome ingesta, as may be calculated to restore the healthy func- tions, on the morbid aberrations of which, lithia depends. But he must not stop here. The moral causes already hinted at, are actively prejudicial. Excessive mental exertion or excitement, griet, anxiety, nervous irritation induced by intemperate indulgence of passions—all exert a ruinous action on the digestive functions, and it has been shewn, consequently, in the production of lithia. Physi- cal causes, as irregular repletion, interposed with protracted fasting ; or any other irregular alter- nations of excess and deficiency, take their part in the morbid conditions favourable to lithial de- positions. Mechanical irritants, as injuries done LIT.l 184 to the back by over-straining, blows, falls> and the like, have, in systems characterized »v Pred.sposi tion to the affections under notice, the ettt.it oi exciting causes, both by causing an establishment of some of the nuclei, of calculus, engendered by local violence, and by inducing morbid action in thekidnies. On the alert to discover some or a of the preceding causes, the physician is l»ep»r™ with some prospect of success to meet them by curative or palliative directions and remedies. Among the latter, the chief alkaline are magnesia and magnesian salts; and the alkalies, fixed and volatile ; the vegetable and mineral acids, car- bonic acid ; the alliace* ; some astringent diuret- ics ; certain resinous narcotics; many bitter ton- ics ; all of which will be designated for their particular effects, in the second volume of these outlines. 185 [nar. NARCOTICS: CALLED ALSO SEDATIVES; ANODYNES; HYPNOTICS; SOPORIFICS. Substances endued with intense power on the general, but especially on the nervous system and sensorium, inducing a primary vivid, hut evan- escent excitement: and a secondary depression below the point consistent with customary action of the cerebral functions, and vital powers, and hence inducing sleep, insensibility and torpor. These primary and secondary effects are perceiva- ble in all narcotics, properly so called, but they evince no determinate relation as pertaining to each individual substance. The same narcotic at one time producing but slight primary effect, with intense secondary action: while at another the pri- mary effect is the most vivid, and the secondary is disproportionately inconsequent If particular narcoties evince this discrepant strength of their first and second effects, at different times on the same person, they discover a still greater varia- tion in relative consequences, administered to dif- ferent individuals. There is no class of remedies which is so materially affected by peculiarities of constitution, not to say idiosyncratic** ; by acci- dental circumstances: by moral and physica ex- citement, as the one under notice. And I may assure y hirh can arise, in the present instance, from no other. There are two advantages arising from the introduction of this class: the removing from the company of mercury, the imbecile mimics of their power, which have no claim to real consanguinity—and the provision 201 [SIA. of a suitable place for the reception of those out- casts of the sialogogue family. They are entitled to this attention, even in a practical point of view, because they are, without doubt, useful palliatives if not remedies. I shall enter more fully into this subject, in the proper stage of the course of lectures, and with these outlines dismiss the subject, first enumerating some of the pungent acrimonious sub- stances which I believe are properly located in this class, as examples, viz. Pyrethrum ; Mezereum; Tobacco ; Horse-Radish ; Senega snake root; In- dian turnip, &c. &c. TON.} 202 TONICS. Substances which give strength to the system. They do this chiefly by their continued exhibition. I confine this definition to absolute tonics—or those endued with the tonic power inherent in them, and evinced under any proper circumstances for their use. I shall not consider here, such reme- dies and means, as, in themselves, are any thing else than tonics, but which by their operation on the system under certain circumstances, produce indirectly an invigorating effect—in other words give tone to the system. They, relatively to the con- dition of the body for which they have been applied, act eventually as absolute tonics do—but it would create confusion of terms and ideas, and be sub- versive of the unity of the subject to notice any such as tonics. It is far from settled into any thing like a uniform belief, in what ways tonics do act. It is in truth, after all which has been advanced on the subject by Gregory, Cullen, Dar- win, Barton, Blanc, Paris and a host more—pure- ly speculative, whether they operate by the bitter principle, the astringent principle, a specific de- termination on the muscular fibres, &c. &c. I shall enter fully into a consideration of the differ- ent theories which have been proposed on this sub- ject, in the lectures—in the mean while I may simp- ly state in these outlines, that, there is no class of remedies or means, the effect of which is so palpable, so generally understood and appreciated, 203 [TOff. •while the rationale of that effect is so hypothetical. It is enough to distract the tyro, to attempt to propound the contradictory opinions on this point: and it is more than enough to divert his attention from the main feature of the class—the therapeutic application of these remedies. I shall endeavour by familiar illustration to fix your attention on this point, when treating of the various medica- ments which belong to the head of these remarks. For the present I have only to observe that tonics are forbidden in all states of the system involving undue arterial action—and the instances are so few, in which a deviation from this rule may be proper, that they may profitably be passed bye, until your experience at the bed side, shall give you those lights to direct a safe aberration, which mere abstract reasoning or discourse can never af- ford. . This may be a proper place to recapitulate the sectional division of positive tonics, which I have already proposed page 39 of these outlines, viz. ]. Simple tonics. 2. Bitter tonics. 3. Astringent tonics. 4. Aromatic tonics yielding essential oil. 5. Warm tonics, or those possessing aroma, but ' yielding no essential oil; or if any, not com- municating the whole of its effects to the sys- tem, as when exhibited in the native state of existence in the substance itself. I shall fill up these outlines, by a full exposition of all the substances pertaining properly, in my estimation, to each of those sections-ami I shal do this the more carefully, because I believe and shall endeavour to shew, that important practical inferences are deducible from this disposition— The extent of the class; the variety in the promi- R 2 TON.] 204 nent principles of its subjects, and the diverse mode9 of their primary effect on the system, though all leading to the same ulterior issue, are facts which impress the necessity of this course, strongly on my reflection. Having thus sketched the outlines of the thera- peutic part of our course, so far as actual medica- ments are in question, I proceed to review what has been said in the foregoing pages, by recapitula- tion—and finishing the subject by outlines of ther- aputic agents not medicaments. RECAPITULATION Of the classes proposed in these outlines to be re- tained ; and a scheme of those additional thera- peutic agents, not properly medicaments, but which form a very necessary part of curative means, and should never be lost sight of by the reflecting and philosophic physician. 1. Antacids. 2. Antispasmodics. 3. Anthelmintics? (of doubtful claims.) 4. Aromatics. 5. Astringents. 6. Cathartics. 7. Diaphoretics. 8. Diluents. 9. Diuretics. 10. Emetics. 11. Emollients. 12. Epispastics. 13. Errhines, or Sternutatories. 14. Escarotics* 205 15. Antilithics. 16. Narcotics. 17. Pastulating irritants. 18. Rubifacients. 19. Sedatives. 20. Sialagogues (internal.) 21. Salivant Masticatories. 22. Tonics. 23. Toipcal refrigerants. It will be perceived I have lessened the number of classes in Murray's arrangement by four as- semblages. His is the simplest arrangement, and contains fewer classes than any systematic classifi- cation, except Darwin's, with the principles of which I cannot accord. I have added five classes: Aromatics—Sedatives,—Salivant Masticatories,— Topical refrigerants—and Pustulating irritants. I have expunged, Expectorants—Refrigerants.— Emmenagogues and Demulcents; and 1 have assu- med the class of Antilithics in lieu of Lithontrip- tics. With this modification of twenty-three instead of twenty-two classes. I leave the subject of clas- sification of medicaments to proceed to notice what 1 shall denominate " Adventitious therapeu- tic agents, not medicaments;" in the proper sense of the word, and to this assemblage I deem pro- per to refer Emollients, Epispastics, Escarotics and Demulcents, of Murray's scheme—modifying this latter class, into Local Demulcents. This will reduce the twenty-three classes retained and proposed—to fifteen of true medicaments. The following scheme will exhibit the points of the recapitulation, and the anticipatory view of the adventitious remedies. 206 CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS. {Proposed by W. P. C. B. in lieu of Murray's scheme.) A—GENERAL STIMULANTS. Sialogogues (Mercury and its salts only.) a. Diffusible, j Narcotics. (_ Antispasmodics. f Aromatics. b. Permanent. < Tonics. L Astringents. B—LOCAL STIMULANTS. Emetics. Cathartics. Diuretics. Diaphoretics. Anthelmintics? C—GENERAL SEDATIVES. (Hydrocyanic acid, as the type; including therefore every thing acting like it on the system.) D—CHEMICAL REMEDIES. Antacids. Antilithics. E — MECHANICAL REMEDIES. Diluents. 207 t CLASSIFICATION ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, OF ADVENTITIOUS REMEDIES NOT MEDICAMENT^. (Proposed by W. P. C. B.J Section 1st, Belonging to division (A.) of Synopsis beginning these outlines*. 1. Acupuncturation or Acupuncture, Topical resolvent stimulant agents* f Topical stimulants involving gen- 2. Affusions. | e*ral action bv sympathy. a. By velocity with ordinary tem- perature of water. b. By velocity with ordinary tem- perature and paucity of fluid in a partial stream. c. By velocity with reduced temper- perature and quantity of fluid. d. By either of the above with the addition of nitro-muriatic acid ; vinegar; ether; &c. &c. in which case they are medicated. 3. Baths: f External stimulants of •{ secondary general Simple and Medicated. L effect. a. Cold. 6. Tepid. c. Hot. 208 4. Cataplasms, 1 (called also Poultices. J Topical stimulants or emollients, according to the natureof the sub- stances of which they are composed. Their secondary effect is to- nic, revulsive, relax- ing, or promotive of suppurative action ac- cording to their nature. 5. Cols, . In form of ice or currents of air. a. Topically or partially applied. 6. Generally applied. Internally and externally, applied; when externally are refriger- ant impulses, of secondary gen- eral tonic effect ; when inter- nally, as by swallowing ice, iced waters, or by introducing ice into the uterus for hemorr- hage—topical astringents. ti. Douche. a. By fluids. b. By vapour. Topical stimulants of secondary general relaxing effects—may be so managed as to induce a se- condary roborant effect. 209 7. Electricity. Vivid general stimulant locally applied to the uninsulated bo- dy, or generally, by insulation on a non-conducting substance. 8. Embrocations. . Topical, resolvent and relaxing stimulants. 9. Emollients. „c . Topical stimulants, of seconda- ry relaxing effects. 10. Enemata. a. Aqueous. "1 b. Oily. I c. Mucilaginous. ! civstcrs. d. Mixed. [ e. Medicated. f. triform. J . Topical evacuant stimulants. 11. Epispastics. . Topical vesicating stimulants. l« Errhines or Sternutatato.ies. I,., .ckkhi* Topira| sero-mucus evacuant stimulants. ,S. Escarotics. .fal dc8tr|ictive stimulants, including actual, cautery and moxa. ,4. F»ME"TATI<,^0.)ical resolve„t stimulants eio 15. Frictions. a. Dry. 6. Wet. Topical, diaphoretic or sudo- rific stimulants. When dry, by hand-rubbing, with or without a woollen glove, by flannel, by the flesh-brush, and the like. When wet, by the same means, uni- ting astimulant or lubricating fluid, with the mechanical effect of rub- bing. 46. Galvanism. Vivid general stimulant topi- cally applied. 17. Inhalations. Topical expectorant stimulants. 18. Issues. 19. Liniments. 20. Lotions. Topical draining stimulants. Topical lubricating stimulants. Topical refrigerant stimulants* 21. Local Demulcents. Topical obtunding remedies. 22. Pediluvium. *) Cor foot-bath.) J a. Warm simple. b. Warm medicated. c. Cold simple. d. Cold medicated. Also other partial baths. Topical, diaphoretic and revul- sive stimulants. 211 24. Percussion. Including shamooing, thumbing, knead- ing, &c. 25. Pressure. By bandages and ligatures. Topical revulsive stimulants. 26. Pustulating irritants. Topical stimulants, acting like epispastics, but more vehem- ently. 27. Rubifacients. a. By medicamental irritants, exter- nally applied. b. By dry-cupping. Topical cutaneous stimulants, acting by exciting slight super- ficial inflammation in the ves- sels of the skin and contiguous parts. ■»8. Semicupium. External diaphoretic and re- vulsive agents. 29. Setons. 30. Sinapisms. Topical draining stimulants, like issues. Topical irritating stimulants, acting secondarily as revul- sives. 31. Sponging. a. .With cold fluids. 6. With hot fluids. c. With alcoholic fluids. d. With medicated fluids. Topical, relaxing and diaphor- s etic agents, acting by a stimu- 212 lant effect; and uniting the ef- fect of No. 11 with the peculiar effect of the fluid employed. 32. Sanguineous Evacuants. General Depletives, operating by a primary and secondary effect towards the same issue. The abstraction of blood from the body is a therapeutic mean of the highest importance. It is accomplished by different operations of an arti- ficial or natural kind ; and according as these are so conducted as to affect the general system prima- rily, by immediately evacuating the blood from vessels directly in the course of circulation ; or secondarily by liberating it from superficial ves- sels remotely connected with the circulation: blood-letting is called general or topical. Sanguineous evacuants may be thus classed: 1. Blood-letting by venesection. 2. . ----hy arteriotomy. by slackening the ligature of the umbilical chord, or by severing it by scis- sors or scalpel, before the ligature has been ap- plied. ------by cupping and the scarifi- cator. ------by scarification with the lancet. {Natural opera- tion artificially used. The first and fourth and sixth means are those ordinarily resorted to. The second is sometimes > 4. 5. 6. 213 necessary. The fifth is employed by surgeons for liberating the inflamed and torpid vessels of the adnata, and other purposes; and the third may save life, in the new born, in certain engorged conditions of the fetal circulation, arising from causes involved in parturition. The efficacy of blood-letting generally, in the cure of diseases, will be the subject of a par- ticular discussion in the lectures; and the pecu- liar cases requiring the different means of produ- cing this evacuation, will be stated. 32. Suppositories. a. Simple. b. Medicated. Topical evacuant stimulants, acting when medicated, by the united effect of local irritation of the sphincter ani and the specific determination of the cathartic employed in the med- ication, to the rectum, and through it on the bowels ; when simple, acting as local irri- tants on the sphincter ani. 33. Swimming. Uniting exercise with bathing. 34. Topical Retrigerants. Chemical remedies inducing coldness by evaporation. 35. Vapour Baths. a. Simple. b. Medicated. External stimulant Dirphoret- ics acting by a secondary effect on the general system. 214 ADVENTITIOUS REMEDIES NOT MEDICAMENTS. Section 2d, Belonging to division (C.) of Synopsis at the beginning oi these outlines. 1. EXERCISE. a. Rocking in a rocking-chair, walking in a room, under or without exposure to fresh air. b. Walking abroad. c. Swinging. d. Sailing in rivers or small waters. *» e. Sailing at sea. /. Gestation for a few miles in an easy close carriage, open carriage, in a stage or rough vehicle, by journies in the same. g. Equitation, journies by this conveyance. h. Gyration. i. Dancing the rope, dancing un- der the exhiliration of music. k. battle-dorc. 2. Manly Sports. a. Hunting, shooting. b. Playing at cricket, tennis, nine-pins, quoits, ball and the like. 215 3. Athletic Exercices. a. Fencing. b. Personal defence by stuffed gloves. c. Dum-bells. d. Labour, as exercise. 4. Gymnastics.* Gymnastic Dress; prophylactic agents in their exercises, as the truss. a. Running. b. Leaping. c. Leaping by the pole. d. Climbing the ladder. the rope-ladder. the pole. the rope. * The gymnastic exercises are now more important as thera- peutic agents, since establishments are in operation in Europe and this country, for performing them There is one in Boston; and one in this city under the supenntendance of Mr. Wdhiun Fuller, a gentleman every way qualified to conduct it with ad- vantage and propriety. The gymnastic exercises are not only manly and invigorating, but they can be practised in bad weath- er under shelter—and when exercise by riding, walking, &c. would be impracticable. Another advantage they afford, is variety ; each exercise calling into action a different set ot muscles. There is a regular gradation of the exertion required —and the least active and violent feats should first be tried, and in succession, those calling for greater activity and energ). I do not know that the truss has ever constituted a part of the pre- cautionary preparations for their violent exercises—I think however, that a gymnasium should be furnished with several double trusses, to be worn by those of lax habit, during the ex- ercise of leaping and vaulting, at least; and perhaps during those, of running and climbing. The invigoration induced by practice, will 8-ifficiently protect the body from rupture, and {hen the precautionary truss may be laid aside. Bel.evmg as I do that many chronic diseases originate from a want ot sutti- cient exercise, I can recommend the gymnasium, as affording the best prophylactic exercises, particularly in the winter sea- son, which can be had. There are cases in which its therapeu- tic effect, would be beneficial. S 2 216 e. Vaulting. / Darting the javelin. g. Exercise on the bars. 1. Horizontal bar. 2. Parallel bar. h. Hauling the rope. ADVENTITIOUS "REMEDIES NOT MEDICAMENTS. Section 3d, Belonging to division (B) of Synopsis beginning these outlines. They are exciting agents, operating therapeuti- cally on the mind and body—through moral agency. 1. Public Amusements. Social intercourse with friends; the theatre; equestrianism; miscellaneous sights, or as the French term them * spec- tacles*—The peculiar moral effect of tragedies, comedies, operas,farces and pantomim- ic exhibitions enquired into. '>.. EXERCISE OF THE LuNOS. a. Reading Aloud. b. Declaiming. c. Singing. d. Practice on musical instru- ments—all uniting a moral influence with a physical ex- ercise. ai7 Section 4th, Prophylactic agents belonging to division (D) of the Synopsis beginning these outlines. a. Natural agents. b. B-.dily evacuations. c. Natural rest, d. Celibacy. c. Marriage. Section 5th, Belonging to the same division (D). Moral agents unaccompanied by bodily exercise. a. The exhilarating emotions and enlivening passions. (The details, and illustrations in the lectures.) b. Rarely, but sometimes, the depressing passions. (Details and illustrations in the lectures.) RESTORATIVE DIETETICS. Belonging to division (E) of the Synopsis preceding these ° outlines. This division I substitute in place of tlie materia alimentaria which Cullen, Darwin, Barton and o^r writers have considered a part of Materia Medica; under the head E in the synopsis, the outlini of this subject are given ; I therefore have only to enumerate the individual subs ances in the lecture, and endeavour to point out their peculiar properties and effects in relation to each other; and 218 then proceed to notice briefly those of the remedies belonging to Materia Medica proper, not medi- caments—which have not been already sketched in the preceding outlines. Detail of the relative portions of the articles of Materia Medica from the vegetable, mineral and ari'ual kingdoms. The Pharmacopia of the United States contains in its two lists 292 simple medicinal articles—of these 236 are Vegetable.—Botany. 44 — Mineral.—Mineralogy. 5 — Animal. 1 2 — From the sea. > Zoology. 5— Insect tribe.—Entomology.} The Materia Medica of Cullen (a standard work) contains under different heads or classes, 480 articles and compounds—of these 510 are Vegetable.—Botany. 29 — Mineral.—Mineralogy. 89 — Animal ~) r* i 2 — Insect tribe.—Entomology. $ *00l°gy- Dyckman's edition of the Edinburg Dispensatory contains under its various heads, 2088 articles and com- pounds—of these 1372 are Vegetable.—Botany. 619— Mineral.—Mineralogy. 41 — Animal. ~) 17 — From the sea. y Zoology. 39— Insect tribe.—Entomology.} Thatcher's Dispensatory contains 1037 articles and compounds under its various heads—of these 668 are Vegetable.—Botany. 332 — Mineral.—Mineralogy. 15 — Animal. 8 — From the sea. I Zoology. 14 t- Insect tribe—Entomology. J £19 Eberle's Elements of Materia Medica, and Thera- peutics, contains under its various heads, 342 articles and compounds—of these 211 are Vegetable.—-Botany. 120 — Mineral.—Mineralogy. 6 —. Animal. •> „ , 5 — Insect tribe—Entomology. 5 *^00i0^* Chapman's Elements of Materia Medica, and Ther- apeutics contains under its different heads, 198 articles and compounds—of these 108 are. Vegetable.—Botany. 81 — Mineral.—Mineralogy. 3 — Animal. •■> „ , 6 — Insect tribe— Entomology. 5 AooloSy' Having sketched the outlines of the divisions A. B. C. D. E. I have yet to notice the next di- vision, viz: TOXICOLOGY. Belonging to division (F) of the Synopsis preceding these outlines. This is the history of the substances and agents, effects, and curative, neutralizing, resisting, or ex- pelling means of poisons—I shall divide the subject into: a. Natural and chemical history of poison. b. Incompatible substances, with poisons. c. Effects. d. Symtomatology, by which those effects are known. e. Antidotes, 220 INCOMPATIBLES. As pertaining to Toxicology which cannot he studied without a knowledge of the incompatible substances of the Materia Medica, I subjoin an alphabetical exposition of these, according to their English names. The following pages of incom- patibles are the bases of toxicological practice: besides which they contain what it is essential the student should know, to enable him to write con- sistent, prescriptions, the ingredients of which may, by avoiding incompatible substances, be co-opera- tive, and not antagonizing, neutralizing or decom- posing. It will be expected that candidates for a degree will be well.prepared on the subject of in- compatibles. Acetate of Lead, (sugar of lead) Plumbi Acetas, ii incompatible with Sulphuric Acid. Muriatic Acid. Carbonic Acid. Citric Acid. Tartaric Acid. Potass. Soda. Ammonia. Muriate of Soda. Liquor Ammoniae Acetatis. Lime Water. Carbonate of Lime. Sulphate of Lime. Solution of Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Hard Water, usually. 221 Acetated Liquor of Ammonia, 'Ammonias Acetatis Liquor, is incompatible with Acids. Potass. Soda. Subcarbonate of potass. Subcarbonate of Soda. Lime Water. Magnesia. Sulphate of Magnesia. Oxymuriate of Mercury. Sulphate of Iron. ---------Copper, and ---------Zinc. ■Nitrate of silver. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. Super-acetate of Lead. Acetate of Potash, Potasae Acetas, is incompatible with Sulphuric, Muriatic, and Nitric Acids. , Sulphate of Soda, and ----------Magnesia. Most Metallic Salts. Most Earthy Salts. Most Acids. Most Acidulous Salts- Lime Water. Muriate of Lime. Salts of Lead. Salts of Silver. 222 Ammoniated Copper, Cuprum Ammoniatum, is in- compatible with Acids. Pofass. Soda. Lime Water. Angustura Bark, Cuspariae Cortex, is incompati- ble with Tartar Emetic. Muriate of Mercury. Nitrate of Silver. Sulphate of Iron. _______.---Copper. Acetate and super-acetate of Lead. Pure Potass. Infusion of Galls. ----------Yellow Cinchona. Aromatic Confection, Confectio Aromatica is in- compatible with Acids of all kinds. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, Spiritus Ammonite Aromaticus, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Earthy Salts. Lime Water. Metallic Salts. Ammoniated Iron, Ferrum Ammoniatum, is incom- patible with Alkalies. Alkaline Carbonates. Lime Water. Astringent Vegetable bodies. 223 %/Erugo, Vinegar converts it into a soluble acetate, and ought not therefore to be employed as an anti- dote to its poison—Sugar exercises a chemical action on it by which its solubility in the human stomach is diminished, and is therefore a speci- fic against its deleterious consequences. Balsam Copseiva, is incompatible with Sulphuric Acid. Nitric Acid. Berries of Capsicum, Capsici flacca?,are incompat- ible with Corrosive Sublimate. Acetate of Lead. Nitrate of Silver. Sulphate of Iron. ■----------Zinc. ---------—Copper. The Carbonates of Alkalies. Calomel, Hydrargyri Submurias, is incompatible with Potass. Soda. Ammonia. Alkaline Carbonates Hydrosulphurets Lime Water. Iron. Lead. Copper. T 224 Calumba Root, Calumbz Radix, is>compatibU with Acetate of Lead. Super-acetate of Lead. Infusion of Galls. Camphor Mixture, Mistura Camphorae, is incom- patible with Camphor. Sulphate of Magnesia. Several Saline Bodies. All which separate the camphor from the water. Carbonate of Magnesia, Magnesise Carbonas, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Alkalies. Neutral Salts. Cream of Tartar. Nitrate of Silver. ----- —-- Mercury. Corrosive Sublimate. Super-acetate of Lead. Fixed Alkalies and their Carbonates. Lime Water. Carbonate of Soda, Sodae Carbonas, is incompati- ble with The same as those of Sodee Subcarbonas. Carbonate of Potash, Potassae Carbonas, is in- compatible with The same substances as Potassee Subearb. except Sulphate of Magnesia. Calomel, unless heated. £25 Chammomile Tea, Infusum Anthemidis, is incom- patible with Salts of Iron. ------Mercury. ------Silver. ------ Lead. Isinglass. Infusion of Cinchona Citric Acid, Acidum Cilricum, incompatible with Nitric and Sulphuric Acids. Alkaline Solutions. ■-------Sulphates. --------Carbonates. ------— Tartrates. Soaps. Earthy Carbonates. Acetates, particularly of Mercury and Lead. Metallic Carbonates. Golds Muriatis Liquor. Same as with Calcis Murias. Cinchona, is incompatible with Sulphate of Zinc. Nitrate of Silver. Tartar Emetic. Common Sublimate. Salts of Iron. Solution of Arsenic. Clove Tea, Infusum Caryophyllorum, is incompatr ible with Lime Water. Solutions of the Preparations of Iron. Ditto of Zinc. Ditto of Lead, Ditto of Silver. Ditto of Antimony. 226 Cochineal, Coccus, is incompatible with Acetate of Lead. Sulphates of Zinc and Iron. Colchicum, Acids and oxygenating substances render the vi- nous infusion drastic—alkalies render it mild by increasing its solubility in the stomach. Colocynth, is incompatible with Acetate and Super-acetate of Lead. Sulphate of Iron. Nitrate of Silver. Fixed Alkalies. Compound mixture of Iron, Mistura Ferri Com- positum, is incompatible with Acids and acidulous Salts which dissolve the Pro- to-carbonate of Iron. Vegetable Astringents. Compound Decoction of Aloes, Decoctum Aloes Compositum, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Earthy Salts. Metallic Salts. All substances which are decomposed by, or which decompose Subcarbonate of Potass. Compound Infusion of Senna, Infusum Sennas Compositum, is incompatible with Strong Acids. Lime Water. Most metallic Salts. 227 Compound Infusion of Roses, Infusum Rosas Com- positum. is incompatible with Alkalies. Earths and all substances which combine with Sul- phuric Acid, or are acted upon by small quanti- ties of it. Acetate of Lead. Sulphate of Iron. Compound Infusion of Gentian. Infum Gentianas Comp. is incompatible with Solution of Acetate of Lead. ---------Sulphate of Iron. Compound Infusion of Flaxseed, Infusum Lini Compositum is incompatible with. Alcohol. Preparations of Lead. ------------- Iron. Most metallic Salts. Muriated tincture of Iron. Compound camphorated liniment, Linimentum camphorae comp. is incompatible with Acids. Water. Compound Infusion of Catechu, Infusum Catechu Compositum, is incompatible with Sulphate of Iron. Tartar Emetic. White Vitriol. Corrosive Sublimate. Strong Acids. Solution of Isinglass. Infusion of Cinchona. T 2 228 Compound Infusion of Horse Radish, Infusum Ar* moraciae Comp. is incompatible with Alkaline Carbonates. Salts of Silver. ------Mercury. Infusion of Galls. i- Cinchona. Corrosive Sublimate, Hydrargyri Oxymurias, is incompatible with Potass. Soda. Ammonia. Carbonate of Potass. ----------Soda. ----------Ammonia. Sulphuret of Potass. All Hydrosulphurets. Soap. Lime Water. Many Metals. Tartarized Antimony. Nitrate of Silver. Acetates of Lead. Infusion of Bitter Vegetables. ------—- Astringent Vegetables. Mortass of glass, as earthen ware, should be used for dispersing medicines containing this salt. Dandelion root, Radix Taraxaci, is incompatible with Corrosive Sublimate, Sulphate of Iron. Human Caustic. Super-acetate of Lead Inlu&ion of Galls. 229 Decoction of Qince Seed, Decoctum Cydonise, is incompatible with Acids. Alcohol. Most metallic Salts. Decoction of Oak Bark, Decoctum Quercus, is in- compatible with Alkaline Solutions. Mo!«t metallic Salts. Solutions of Isinglass. Decoction of Yellow Bark. Decoction of Sarsaparilla, Decoctum Sarsaparillae, is incompatible with Lime Water. Acetate of Lead. Decoction of Slippery Elm, Decoctum Ulmi, is incompatible with Alcohol. Tinctures in any considerable quantities. Dried Alum, Alumen Exsiccatum, is incompatible with Alkalies. Carbonates of Alkalies Tartrate of Potass. Lime. Lime Water. Magnesia. Carbonate of Magnesia. Acetate of Lead. 250 Epsom Salt. Magnesise Sulphas, is inqprnpatible witn Potass. Soda. Ammonia. Subcarbonate of Potass. --------------Isoda. Lime Water. Muriate of Lime. Acetate of Lead. Extract of Opium, Extractum Opii. Carbonate of Potass. Muriate of Mercury. Sulphate of Zinc. ----------Copper. Acetate of Lead. Nitrate of Silver. Solution of Astringent Vegetables. Extract of Poppies, Extractum Papaveris, is in compatible with The same as Extract of Opium. Flowers of Zinc, Zinci Oxydum, is incompatible with. Acids. Acidulous Salts, Alkalies. Foetid Spirit of Ammonia, Spiritus Ammonise Foz- tidus, is incompatible with The same as in Spirit. Ammonise. Arom, 231 Fowlers Solution, Liquor Arsenicalis, is incompati- ble with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Lime Water. Muriate of Lime. Sulphate of Magnesia. Alum. Sulphate of Iron. Muriate of Lime. Nitrate of Silver. Sulphate of Copper. Sulphuretted Hydrogen and its compounds. Decoction of Cinchona. Henbane leaves, Hyosyamus Foliae, is incompati- ble with Super-acetate of Lead. Nitrate of Silver. Sulphate of Iron. Hemlock Leaves, Conii Folia, Its vower is greatly diminished by vegetable acidsj hence vinegar is the best antidote for its poison. Infusion of Quassia, is incompatible with Lunar Caustic. Super-acetate of Lead. Infusion of Orange Peal, Infusum Aurantu, is incompatible with Super-acetate of Lead. Sulphate of Iron. Lime Water Infusion of Cinchona. 232 Infusion of Calumba, Infusum Calumbae, is incom- patible with Lime Water. Acetates of Lead. Oxymuriate of Mercury. Infusion of Cascarilla Bark, Infusum Cascarillas, is incompatible with The same as with Infusum Caryophyllorum and Infusion of Galls. Infusion of Angustura Bark, Infusum Cusparify is incompatible with Infusion of Catechu and Galls. Solutions of the Salts of most Metals. Infusion of Simaruba Bark, Infusum Sj/marubaey is incompatible with Decoction of Galls. Infusion of Catechu. Alkaline Carbonates. Lime Water. Salts of Lead. ------ Silver. ------ Mercury. Ififusion of Digitalis, Infusum Digitalis, is incom- patible with Solutions of the Salts of Iron. Probably those of most other Metals. Ipecacuhanha root and powder of it, are incompat- ible with AH vegetable astringents as Infusion of Galls, &c. Vegetable acids, particularly the acetic, weaken its powers. By exposure to air and light it is deteriorated, and long exposed, becomes inert 23S Kino, is incompatible with The Mineral Acids. Alkalies and their Carbonates- Isinglass. Acetate of Lead. Nitrate of Silver. Tartar Emetic. Super-acetate of Lead. Sulphate of Iron. Muriate of Mercury. Decoction of Galls. In fact all those substances which decompose tannin. -Laudanum, Tinctura Opii, is incompatible with Potass, and its Subcarbonate. Soda, and its Subcarbonate. Ammonia and its Subcarbonate. Most metallic Salts. Infusion of Galls. The solution of opium in water is precipitated by pure ammonia ; fixed alkaline carbonates; solu- tions of corrosive sublimate, lunar caustic? ace- tate and super-acetate of lead ; sulphate of cop- per zinc and iron, infusion of galls and cinchona. Lime Water, Liquor Calds, is incompatible with All Alkaline and Metallic Salts. Borates. Tartrates. Citrates. Acids. Sulphur. Spirituous Preparations. Infusion of Orarige Peal. -------—-Calumba. ______. Cinchona. ------—Rhubarb. i-----------Senna. 234 And all other astringent vegetables, carbonic acid throws down a carbonate of lime. Lime, Calx, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Alkaline Carbonates. Ammoniacal Salts. Borates. Metallic Salts. Astringent Vegetable Infusions. Liquor ferri Alkalina, is incompatible with Water. Vegetable Infusions and Decoctions. Pure Acids. Alcohol. Alkalies. Liquor of Subacetate of Lead, Plumbi Subacetatis Liquor, is incompatible with Same as Plumbi Acetas. Liquor of Ammonia, Ammoniae Liquor, is incom- patible with All Acids Alum, Metallic Salts, in fact with Saline Solutions of most Earths and Metals, ex- cept Barytes or Lime. Liquor of Potash, Potassae Liquor, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Subcarbonate of Ammonia Acetate of Ammonia. Muriate of Ammonia. 2S5 Preparations of Earths and Metals held in Solu- tion by Acids. Calomel. Corrosive Sublimate. Liquor of Subcarbonate of Potass, Potassae Sub- carbonatis Liquor, is incompatible with The same as with Potassae subcarb. Logwood, Hasmatoxyli lignum, is incompatible with Mineral Acids. Acetic Acid. Solutions of Alum. Sulphate of Iron. ----------Copper, Tartar Emetic. Acetate of Lead. Magnesia, is incompatible with The same substances as Magnesia? Subcarb. except Lime Water. Mallows, Malva, is incompatible with Liquor Plumbi acetatis and the other salts of lead. Mercury with Chalk, Hydrargyrum cum Creta, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth, is incompatible with Sulphate of Iron and Copper. Super-acetate of Lead ; they precipitate the muci^ lage. 236 Mucilage of Gum Arabic, (Acadae Gummi,J is incompatible with Strong acids and Alcohol. Sulphuric Ether. Compound spirit of Sulphuric Ether. Tincture of Muriated Iron. Sub-acetate of Lead. (Super-acetate of Lead if an alkaline salt be pre- sent.) Volatile Alkali. Lunar Caustic. And some Metallic Salts. Muriatic Acid, Acidum Muriaticum, is incompati- ble with Alkalies. Tartrate of Potass. Sulphuret of Potass. Most Earths. —— Oxides. ----Carbonates of the incompatible oxides. Tartarized Antimony. Tartrate of Iron. Nitrate of Silver. Solution of Subacetate of Lead. Muriated Tincture of Iron, Ferri Muriatis Tinc- tura, is incompatible with Alkalies. Carbonates of Alkalies Lime Water. Carbonate of Lime. Magnesia. Carbonate of Magnesia. Astringent Vegetable bodies.. Solution of Gum Arabic, 237 Muriate of Ammonia, Ammoniae Murias, is incom- patible with Nitric Acid, Sulphuric Acid. Lime. Potass and its Carbonate. Carbonate of Soda. Muriate of Lime, Calcis Murias, is incompatible with Sulphuric Acid. Sulphates. Potass. Soda. Carbonate of Potass. -----------Soda. —----- Ammonia. Musk Mixture, Mistura Moschi, is incompatible with Mineral Acids. Corrosive Sublimate. Sulphate of Iron. Lunar Caustic. Infusion of Yellow Cinchona. Nitric Acid, Acidum Nitricum, is incompatible with Alkalies. Carbonates of Alkalies. Acetates of Alkalies. Earths. Essential Oils, Compound Spt. of Lavender, if there be much added. Metals, except Platina and Gold. Oxides. Sulphate of Iron. 238 Solution of Acetate of Lead. Sulphurets. Charcoal. Phosphorus. Sugar. Alcohol and spirits. Nitrate of Silver, Argenti Mtras, is incompatible with Almost all Spring and River Water. Potass. Soda. Carbonate of Potass. Carbonate of Soda. Soaps. Lime Water. Sulphuric Acid,"! Muriatic Acid, Vand salts containing these Acids: Tartaric Acid, J Carbonate of Ammonia. Liquor Arsenicalis. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Hydrosulphurets. Astringent Vegetable Infusions. Pomegranate Root, Granati Cortex, is incompat- ible with Sulphate of Iron. Potassae Sulphuretum, is incompatible with Acids which combine with Potass and expel Sul- phuretted Hydrogen Gas. Solution of most of the Metals. Prepared Chalk, Creta Preparata, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. 239 Precipitated Sulphuret of Antimony, Antimonii Sul- phuretum praedpitation, is incompatible with All acids and acidulous salts they increase its em- etics properties. Red Oxide of Mercury, Hydrargyri Oxydum Rti- brum, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Red Precipitate, Hydragyri Nitrice* Oxydum, is incompatible with The same as with Hydrargyri Oxydum Rubrum. Resin and Wood of Guaiacum, is incompatible with The Mineral Acids. Rhubarb Tea, Infusum Rhei is incompatible with The stronger Acids. Metallic Solutions. Some astringent Infusions, As cusparia, catechu, cinchona, Galls, &c Salix, is incompatible with Solution of Isinglass. Alkaline Carbonates. Lime Water. Sulphate of Iron. U 2 240 Soap is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Alum. Muriate of Lime. Sulphate of Magnesia. Metallic Salt*. Astringent Vegetables. Hard Water. Spiritus Camphorse, Tinctura Camphorae, is in- compatible with W'ater which precipitates it. Spiritus Ammoniae Sucdnatvs, with Acid-.. Acidulous Salts. Earthy Salts. Metallic Salts. Spirit of Ammoniated Camphor, Spiritus Ammo- niae Camphorae is incompatible with Water. Spirit of Nitrous Ether, Spiritus JEtheris Nitrid, is incompatible with Sulphate of Iron. Tincture of Guaiacum. Tincture of Camphor. Squill Root, is incompatible with Lime Water. Alkaline Carbonates. Lunar Caustics. Acetate of Lead. 241 Subcarbonate of Soda, Sodae Subcarbonas, is in- compatible with Acids Acidulous Salts. Muriate of Ammonia. Earthy arid Metallic Salts. Lime Water. Subcarbonate of Potash, Potassse Subcarbonas is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Muriate of Ammonia. Acetate of Ammonia. Lime Water. Muriate of Lime. Sulphate of Magnesia. Alum. Tartarized Antimony. Nitrate of Silver. Ammoniated Copper. Ammoniated Iron. Tincture of Ammoniated Iron. Tincture <>f Muriated Iron. Sulphate of Zinc. Calomel. Corrosive Sublimate. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. Subcarbonate of Magnesia, Magnesia* SubcarbQ' nas, is incompatible with Acids. Acidulous Salts. Muriate of Ammonia- Lime Water. Metallic Salts. 242 Subcarbonate of Iron, Ferri Subcarbonas, is in- compatible with Ands. Acidulous Salts. Subcarbonate of Ammonia, Ammonias Subcarbonas, is incompatible with All Acidulous Salts. Acids. Potass. Soda. Subcarbonate of Soda. ______________Potass. Supersulphate of Potass. Supertartrate of Potass. Lime. . - Water. Solution of Muriate of Lime. Magnesia. Sulphate of Magnesia. Alum. Solutions of Iron, except of Tartarized Iron. Sulphate of Iron. .---------Zinc. Acetate, Sub-muriate and Oxymuriate of Mer- cury. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. Superacetate of Lead. Sulphate of Potash, Potassas Sulphas, is incompat- ible with Tartaric Acid. Barytes Water. Muriate of Barytes. Muriate of Lime. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. 243 Sulphate of Soda, Sodae Sulphas, is incompatible with Subcarbonate of Potass. Solution of Barytes. Barytic Salts. Muriate of Lime. Nitrate of Silver. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. Sulphate of Magnesia, Magnesise Sulphas, is in- compatible with Muriate of Ammonia. Barytes. Lime. Nitrate of Silver. - Lime. Sub-acetate of Lead. Super-acetate of Lead. Fixed alkalies and their carbonates, lime-water; these precipitate from it magnesia and the car- bonate of magnesia. The volatile alkali forms with it a triple compound precipitating at the same time, a portion of magnesia. Sulphuric Acid, Acidum Sulphuricum is incompati- ble with Alkalies. Alkaline Carbonates. Some Earths. Some Earthy Carbonates; Solution of Muriate of Lime. Barytic Salts. Most Metals. ---- Oxides of Metals. Solution of Acetate of Lead. 244 Sulphate of Copper, Cupri sulphas, is incompatible with Alkalies and their Carbonates. Earths and their Carbonates. Acetate of Ammonia. Muriate of Lime. Acetate and Super-acetate of Lead. Sub-borate of Soda. (Borax.) Tartrate of Potass. Nitrate of Silver. Corrosive Sublimate. Acetate of Iron, All astringent vegetable tinctures and infusions. Sulphate of Iron, Ferri Sulphas, is incompatible with Potass. Soda. Ammonia. Carbonate of Potass. Carbonate of Soda. Barytes. Salts of Barytes, and ------Strootia. Strontia. Lime Water. Muriate of Lime. Soaps. Nitrate of Silver. Acetates of Lead. Astringent Vegetable bodies. Super-sulphate of Potash, Potassas Supersulphas, is incompatible with Alka'ies. Ea.ths. Cat Donates of Earths. Most Metals. ---- Oxides. 245 Tamarinds, Tamarinda Pulpa. is incompatible with Tartrites and Acetates of Potass and Soda. The resinous Cathartics. Infusion of Senna. Tartar Emetic, Antimonium Tartarizatum, its so- lution is incompatible with Alkalies. Alkaline Carbonates. Some Earths. Lime Water. Muriat:; of Lime. Some Metals. - Oxides of Metals. Acetates of Lead. Infusions of Cinch jna. ——------ Rhubarb. ■----------Catechu. Tartarized Soda, Soda Tartari%ata, is incompati- ble with Most Acids. Most Acidulous Salts, except Supertartrate of Potass. Barytic Salts. Salts of Lime. Acetate of Lead. Subacetate of Lead. Tartaric Acid, Acidum Tartaricum, is incompati ble with Alkalies. Carbonates of Alkalies. Salts of Potass. Most Earths. ----Carbonates of Earths Salts of Lime. -— -— Lead. S46 Tincture of Guaiacum, Tinctura Guaiaci, and Volatile T incture of Guaiacum, Tinctura Guaiad Ammon: are incompatible with Oxvmuiiatic Acid. Nitrous Acid. Spirit of Nitious Ether. Tincture of Ammoniated Iron, Ferri Ammoniati Tinctura, is incompatible with The same as with Ferrum Ammoniatum. Tormentil Root, Radix Tormentillae, is incompati- ble with Solution of Isinglass. Salts of Iron. Alkalies. Alkaline Earths. Valerian Root, is incompatible with The Salts of Iron. Wine of Iron, Vinum Ferri, is incompatible with The same as Ferri Muriatis Tinctura. White Vitriol, Zind Sulphas, is incompatible with Alkalies. Alkaline Carbonates. Lime Water. Hydrosulphurets. Astringent vegetable Infusions. END OF VOL. I.