OUTLINES IN Anatomy, Physiology, AND HYGIENE. BY J. C. ARMENTROUT, Instructor in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, in the lowa City Academy. lOWA CITY, IOWA: Published by the Author. 1881. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by J. C. ARME«TKOET, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. l&rpublican .Steam anh Bfnherg, JEoiua ttitj), JEotna. PREFACE. My only excuse for the publication of this little work, is the earnest request of many of my pupils, to whom I have presented, in the class-room, this system of instruction, and the desire to render my own work lighter, yet more effective, in the future. The work has been prepared under many inconveniences, and with many interruptions. For this we ask the allowance of the critic. With a few slight modifications, these Outlines are printed just as pupils copied them from the blackboard. They are not Topic Lists prepared to accompany any particular text-books, but are a simple classification and systematic arrangement of the subjects of which text-books of the kind treat; hence they are equally applicable to any text-book, thus causing a variety of books to be an advantage, rather than an obstacle,—a fact to which all who have taught by this method will testify. Enough subject matter has been given, however, so that a clear and practical knowledge of these important sciences may be obtained. I am indebted to Dr. J. R. Townsend, a practicing dentist of lowa City, for the short dissertation on the Teeth/ also to Dr. Gf. O. Morgridge, of Muscatine, for valuable assistance in preparing the outline on the Eye. The objects of instruction in the school-room are to lead pupils to acquire habits of self-reliance in study, and the Preface. ability to use text-books as means of self-culture; also to arouse a spirit of investigation, to develop in the pupil a power to separate things important from things unimportant, and to arrange the result of all work in systematic and logical order. If the presentation of this little work will assist my fellow teachers in reaching these ends, and create a greater thirst for knowledge and a higher idea of the work in which we are employed, then I will have realized my purpose. J. C. Armentrout. lowa City, lowa. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. 1. Assign short lessons. 2. Preface the lesson of the preceding day with a few remarks upon each part of the outline assigned, and cite the parts of the text-book in which the required information can be found. 3. Require a pupil to write upon the board, from mem- ory, the portion of the outline discussed, and allow the class to criticize his work. 4. Assign a member of the class an important question, the answer of which he is to determine and report at next recitation. Let the question be one that you desire to im- press upon the minds of the class. The teacher may supple- ment the answer given by whatever is needed to a correct and a complete understanding of it. 5. Assign different pupils different parts of the outline from which to report. These reports may be given as review lessons, and the class should be allowed to criticize the work done. 6. Each day review the preceding lesson. ERRATUM. Page 30, fourth paragraph, second line, read “right,” in- stead of “left,” side. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Physiology, ....... 9 CHAPTER 11. Bones, ....... .11 Skeleton, ...... ,13 Articulations, . . . . . . 14 CHAPTER HI, CHAPTER IV. Muscles, . . . . . . . 27 CHAPTER V. Food, 19 CHAPTER VI. Digestion, ••..... 22 CHAPTER VII. Absorption, ...... .33 CHAPTER VIII. Blood, 36 Circulation, ....... 49 CHAPTER IX. Contents. CHAPTER X. Arteries, . . . . . . . 45 Capillaries, ....... 46 Veins, ........ 47 CHAPTER XI. Respiration, . . , . . , 49 Animal or Vital Heat, . . . . . 67 CHAPTER XII. Nervous System, ...... 59 Spinal Cord, . . . . . . 62 Brain, ........ 64 Sleep, 68 CHAPTER XIII. Sight or Vision, ...... 72 CHAPTER XIV. Ear, 82 CHAPTER XV. Olfaction, ....... 87 Taste, 88 CHAPTER XVI. Secretion and Excretion, . . , . 90 Kidneys, ........ 95 Glossary, . . . . , . . 99 Index, ........ 11l Q-yTLIiV^ IN Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. CHAPTER I. PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology- Definition. Natural Divisions Animal Human. Comparative. Vegetable. Definition. Physiology is the study of the work, mo- tions, operations, or acts of the different parts of organized bodies, either animal or vegetable. An organic body is one made up or composed of organs, or it is one which has been produced by life. An inorganic hody is one not composed of organs, or one which has not been produced by life. All the parts of an organized hody are mutually dependent, while each part of a mineral exists for itself. Physiology is naturally divided into two parts, viz., Ani- mal and Vegetable. Vegetables are nourished by absorbing and assimilating food by the external surface; the surface is greatly increased by leaves and roots. Both animals and vegetables require oxygen for their support the former, however, exhale carbonic acid and retain some oxygen; the latter yielding the oxygen retain the carbon. Animals re- ceive their nourishment through a mouth, into an internal digestive or alimentary canal. 10 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The absorbents of animals are distributed along the walls of a digestive.cavity, while of plants they are external. Animal Physiology is divided into Human and Compara- tive. While Human Physiology treats of the phenomena presented by man, Comparative Physiology treats of those presented by the lower animals. Human Physiology, because of its connection with disease and its alleviation and cure, is of more importance to us than comparative physiology, yet a good understanding of the structure and work of the various organs of the lower animals is essential to our physiological knowledge of the human body. Many of the vital phenomena are common to all animals, and an acquaintance with these assists us in properly under- standing the special physiology of the human body. Many experiments and observations can be made only upon the lower animals. To Human Physiology belong certain vital phenomena which take place in the hum,an body. First, those that are me- chanical in their nature; as the action of the elastic ligaments, the play of the articulating surfaces of bones upon each other, and the movements of the heart. Those of a chemical nature take place in the interior of the body, as the formation of the tissues of the body from the elements of the food, fibrine, albumen, etc. The nervous phenomena are such as belong to the nervous system, and are peculiar to it. They bring the animal body into relation with the external-world, and preserve it from external dangers, by means of sensation, movement, consciousness, and volition.— Dalton. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 11 CHAPTER 11. BONES. Definition. Structure. Color. Composition— Animal or Organic Matter, Mineral or Inorganic Matter. Bones— Marrow. Coverings. Long. Irregular. Divisions, according to form— Blood-vessels. The Bones are the organs of support of the animal frame. Structure hard, opaque, and possessing a certain degree of toughness and elasticity. Nerves. In a section of bone, two kinds of tissue will be found,— one, dense and compact in texture; the other, like lattice-work, hence called cancellous. In a long hone, the shaft is composed of the dense and com- pact tissue, while the extremities are composed mainly of the cancellated structure. Color.—In a fresh state, pinkish-white externally, and a deep red internally. Composition.— The animal or organic constituent forms about one-third; the mineral or inorganic, about two-thirds. The animal matter is composed of gelatine and blood-vessels; the principal part of the mineral matter is made up of phos- phate and carbonate of lime. There seems to be a difference in the amount of the two constituents of bone at different periods of life. In childhood, the animal matter predominates; the bones are flexible, easily bent, and a fracture is not so common as Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 12 later in life. If a fracture does occur, however, the bones more readily knit together, and union quickly follows. In old age, the mineral matter is in the ascendancy; the bones lose their toughness and elasticity, become more brittle, fractures readily occur, and are less liable to make a speedy and favorable union. Coverings.— Periosteum, medullary membrane, or endos- teum (sometimes called internal periosteum). The periosteum adheres closely to the surface of the bones, except at the articulating extremities, and where tendons or ligaments are attached directly to the bone. The medullary or cylindrical caned, found in the bones of the limbs, is lined by the endosteum, a highly vascular areolar membrane. Marrow.—A fatty, oleaginous substance, of a yellow color, in adult long bones; while, in young bones, it is a transparent reddish fluid. Bones are divided, according to form, into long, short, fiat, and irregular. A long bone consists of a shaft and two articulating extrem- ities. The shaft is a hollow cylinder, the walls of which con- sist of dense, compact tissue. The extremities are somewhat expanded, for the purpose of articulation and giving greater surface for muscular attachment. The long bones are hu- merus., radius, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula, metacarpal and metatarsal, phalanges, and clavicle. Short hones are found where but slight and limited motion is required, and yet great strength is needed. They are the ca/rpus and tarsus. Flat bones are intended for the protection of certain parts, or to form broad surfaces for muscular attachment. These bones are composed of three layers, which, in the cranial bones, are known as the tables of the skull. These tables are known as the outer, thick and tough; the inner, thinner, denser, and more brittle; and the middle, cancellous (called also the diploe). The occipital, parietal, fronted, ribs, nased, lachrymal, vomer, scap'ulos, sternum and ossa-innominata are the flat bones. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 13 The irregular hones are the vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, tem- poral, sphenoid, ethmoid, superior and inferior maxillary, palate, turbinated, and hyoid. Blood-vessels of bone are very numerous. Nerves are distributed freely to the periosteum, SKELETON. Frontal. Two Temporal. Two Parietal. Occipital. Ethmoid. Sphenoid. Definition. Cranium, 8 bones —- Head or Skull - Two Malar or Cheek bones. Two Lachrymal, Two Palate. Two Turbinated. Two Nasal. Two Superior Maxillary. Inferior Maxillary. Vomer. Face, 14 bones Spinal Column, or Vertebrae Seven Cervical. Twelve Dorsal. Five Lumbar. Natural Divisions. Thorax Seven True. Three False. Two Floating. Skeleton. Ribs —- Trunk— Sternum or Breast-bone. Os-Hyoid. Two Ossa-Innominata or name- less bones. Sacrum. Coccyx. Pelvis— Shoulder Clavicle. Scapula. Extremities. Upper—-< Arm —Humerus. Fore Arm Radius. Ulna. Wrist —Carpus, eight in number. Hand Metacarpus. Phalanges. Femur, or thigh bone. Tibia, or shin bone. Patella, or knee pan. Fibula, or small bone of the leg. Tarsus, or instep bones seven in number. Metatarsus five in number. Phalanges fourteen in number, Lower— 14 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Skeleton (“dried up”)—ls the bony frame work of an animal, designed for the support of the soft parts, and which sustains, by its physical solidity, the other organs. It also gives its general form or resemblance to the entire body. Kinds of Skeletons.—Natural Skeleton.—One in which the bones are connected and held together by their own ligaments. Artificial Skeleton.— One held together by wires or plates of silver, etc. Endo or JVeuro Skeleton.— One situated inside of the body, surrounding and protecting nervous matter. Found in verte- brate animals. Exo or Dermo Skeleton (the skin).—The outward covering of many animals, such as the lobster, tortoise, crocodile, etc. The teacher should give the name, situation, and a brief description of each bone of the Skeleton. CHAPTER 111. ARTICULATIONS OR JOINTS. Structures which enter into composition of a Joint—■< Bone. Cartilage, Fibro-cartilage. Ligament. Synovial membrane. Articulations ob Joints. Sutura ■ Harmonia. Coronal. Sagittal. Lambdoidal. Squamous. Synarthrosis Classes —■< Gomphosis. Amphiarthrosis. Arthrodia. Enarthrosis. Ginglymus. Diarthrosis Motions of Joints Gliding. Angular. Circumduction. Rotation. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 15 By an Articulation or Joint is meant the fastening or joining together of the various hones of the skeleton. Bone is the principal element entering into the composition of a joint. Cartilage.— Description.— Firm, opaque, of a pearly- white or bluish-white color. In some varieties it is yellow, highly elastic, and readily yields to pressure. Of cartilage there are two varieties,—that which constitutes the original frame work of the body, known as temporary, which, in time, becomes ossified throughout the greater part of its extent. The permanent is that which remains unossified during the whole of life. Where this cartilage forms thin incrustations over the joint-surfaces of bones, it is known as articular/ it also becomes a part of the solid framework of the body,— as the costal cartilage. The yellow or reticular variety of cartilage is arranged in the form of plates or lamellae of greater or less extent. Found in the external ear, nose, eyelids, eustachian tube, larynx, and windpipe. Ligaments are found in nearly all the movable articula- tions. Function.—To connect together the articular extremities of bones. Composition.— Mainly of bundles of white fibrous tissue, placed parallel with one another. Properties.—Ligament presents a white, shining, silvery aspect. It is pliant, flexible, strong, tough, and inextensile. Some ligaments consist of yellow elastic tissue, as the liga- menta subflava. Synovial membrane is thin, delicate, composed of white inelastic fibrous tissue, with a few elastic fibers, and lines the inner surface of the joint cavity. Synovia. Colorless, or of a pale yellowish tinge. It is viscid, like the white of an egg, and is a secretion of the syno- 16 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. vial membrane, being -found in the joint cavity, intended for lubrication of the joint. The Synarthroses are immovable joints, and are found be- tween the bones of the skull. Sutura (a seam). The sutura harmonia is found in the articulation between the two superior maxillary bones. Coronal suture is between the frontal and parietal bones. The sagittal suture is between the parietal bones, and its projecting articular processes are tooth-like in form. Lambdoidal suture between the occipital and parietal bones. Squamous or scale-like suture between the temporal and parietal bones. A Gomphosis articulation is one where a conical process is inserted into a socket; as the teeth, in the alveolar processes. Motions of Joints.—The simplest kind of motion that can take place in a joint is the gliding movement. It is common to all movable joints. Angular movement, takes place in four directions,— for- ward and backward, constituting flection and extension / or inward and outward, constituting adduction and abduction. Found in the hip and shoulder. [Definitions of the difficult words used in the diagram of Articula- tions will be found in the Glossary, at the close of this work.] Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 17 CHAPTER IV. MUSCLES. Definition. Situation. Formation. Kinds of Muscular Tissue— Voluntary or animal life. Involuntary or organic life. Fasciculi. Primitive fibrile. Color. Elasticity. Contractility or Irritability. Sensibility. Muscles Properties— Divisions according to the arrangement of their fibers Fusiform. Radiate. Orbicular or Sphincter. Penniform. Bipenuiform. Perimysium. Blood-vessels. How muscles are named. The Muscles are the moving organs of the animal frame, and constitute what is known as the lean meat of the body. In a man, well proportioned, this system equals about two- fifths of the weight of the body. Situation.—Around the bones in the limbs investing and defending them. In the trunk, they are spread out to inclose cavities and constitute a defensive wall. F'o'rmation —Of bundles of reddish fibers. These bundles are inclosed in a delicate web of areolar tissue and consist of numerous smaller bundles, which are made up of primitive fasciculi. The primitive fasciculi consist of a number of fila- ments inclosed in a tubular sheath called the sarcolcmma. The voluntary or muscles of animal life are striped, and are under the control of the will. The involuntary or unstriped muscles of organic life are those not under the control of the will. They form sheets or membranes in the walls of hollow organs, and by contracting simply modify the capacity of the cavities which they enclose. 18 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The primitive fibrils of the voluntary muscles are marked by transverse striae. These striae are also found in some of the involuntary muscles, but are not so distinct. Color.—The voluntary muscular tissue is of a deep red color, while that of the involuntary muscle is paler and not so characteristic. The property of irritability, under normal conditions, is always present during life, and persists for a certain period after death. A muscle detached from the living body continues for a time to respond, by contraction to proper stimulus. By the sensibility of muscles imparted to them by the nerves, we are enabled to appreciate the power of resistance, immobility, and elasticity of substances with which we come in contact. An orbicular or sphincter muscle is circular in outline, serving to contract the aperture to which it is attached. Ex- amples : Orbicularis pal-pe-bra-rum and sphincter oris. The muscles are abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. Muscles are named—l, from their situation, as the tibialis o/nticus/ 2, from their direction, as the rectus abdominis/ 3, from their uses, as flexors, extensors, etc.; 4, from their shape, as the deltoid ; 5, from the number of divisions, as the biceps and triceps, which are fusiform muscles; 6, from their points of attachment, as the sterno-cleido-mastoid. An Aponeurosis is an expansion of a tendon, or tendons, into a fibrous membrane. Fascia (a bandage).— Found in all parts of the body, beneath the integument investing the muscular tissue. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 19 CHAPTER V. FOOD. Definition. Definition. Oxygen. Water. Chloride of Sodium. Phosphate of Lime. Carbonate of Lime. Divisions. Inorganic— Examples Definition. 1, From animal kingdon. 2, From vegetable kingdom. — Divisions. Nitrogenous Food. N on-nitrogenous. Examples— 1, Albumen, Fibrine, Muscullne, 2, Gluten and Legumine. [etc. 3, Sugars, Fats, and Starch. Sensations which demand the ingestion of food Hunger. Thirst. Respiratory Sense. Amount required per day. Amount of excretions per day. Under the name of Aliment or of Food are included all articles containing elements in a form, enabling them to be used for the nourishment of the body. This may be done by the elements becoming a part of the organism, by merely assist- ing the process of nutrition, or by rendering disassimilation less speedy. Oxygen is a transparent, colorless, odorless, and tasteless 'gas, forming about twenty per cent of the atmosphere, and by union with hydrogen forming water. Its rapid combina- tion with bodies produces combustion; if this action takes place slowly, it is termed oxidation. It serves to support life, and is heavier than atmospheric air. Water.—One of the most important and most abundant proximate principles of the organism, found in every tissue and part, without exception, introduced with all kinds of food. 20 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. It constitutes, by weight, four-fifths of the vegetable kingdom, and three-fourths of the animal kingdom. Properties.—When pure, colorless, odorless, and nearly tasteless. ‘ ‘ Pure water does not exist in nature. ”—Flint. It may be rendered pure by distillation. Solvent Powers.—One pound of cold water will dissolve two pounds of sugar, two ounces of common salt, two and one- half ounces of alum, or eight grains of lime. Function of Water in the System.— In the blood it acts as a solvent for the salts and excrementitious matters. It gives to cartilage its elasticity, to tendons their pliability, and in hones it is necessary to their peculiar power of resistance. Amount required per day, about four and a half pounds. Chlor ide of Sodium—where fmmd. —By mining, by evapo rating the water of salt springs; found also in sea water, which contains about four ounces in every gallon of water. Exists in animal bodies. Excites the secretion of the digestive fluids. An adult consumes about four and a half ounces per week. Phosphate of Lime is found in all the solids and fluids of the body. It is the principal constituent of bone, where it exists in the proportion of about five hundred parts to the thousand. Starch.—A non-nitrogenous principle, not crystallizable, is contained in abundance in a great number of vegetables. It is also found in the cereals (wheat, rye, corn, barley, rice, and oats), in leguminous plants (beans, peas, etc.), and in the sweet potato. It is most abundant in rice, which contains, after desiccation, about eighty-eight parts to the hundred. Starch is converted into sugar by boiling with dilute acid, by contact with certain animal and vegetable juices, and by the process of nutrition and digestion. Sugar, is converted into other substances by fermentatioyi. Fats— Varieties.— Oleine, margarine, and stearine,’ derived from both animal and vegetable sources. All are insoluble in water, but readily soluble in ether. Outlines in Anatomy, Phyisology, and Hygiene. 21 In the 'adipose tissue of the animal body the oils are found most abundantly. Hunger.—A sensation which induces the ingestion of nutri- tive principles. Situation.—A want of the general system. The appetite is modified by occupation, age, sex, climate, alcohol, tobacco, etc. Thirst.—A special sensation which induces the ingestion of water. It can only be effectually relieved by fluids enter- ing the circulation. Modificatio7is.— Occupation, febrile diseases, etc. The Respiratory Sense is the want felt by the system which induces the respiratory movements. [This sense will be discussed under the head of “Respiration.”] The length of time that life continues after complete de- privation of food and drink is very variable. In general terms, death occurs after from seven to ten days of total absti- nence from food. The amount of food required per day is greatly modified by habit, climate, the condition of the muscular system, age, sex, etc. Bearing in mind these facts, it may be stated that the adult male requires about seven pounds of ingesta a day. The Excretions thrown off, consisting of urea, carbonic acid, water, salts, etc,, amount to about seven pounds per day. The chemical results of change of tissue are modified by ex- ercise. [A remarkable case of long deprivation of food is reported at the close of the chapter on Digestion.] 22 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. CHAPTER VI. DIGESTION. Definition, Situation. Description. Boundaries. Lining membrane. Gums. Mouth Temporary. Permanent Incisors. Cuspids. Bicuspids. Molars, Teeth Divisions of a Tooth Crown. Neck. Fang. Organs Structure. Digestion. Tongue. Salivary Glands Parotid. Submaxillary, Sublingual. Pharynx, (Esophagus. ( Duodenum Jejunum. ( Ileum. Stomach. Small Intestines Csecum. Ileo-csecal Valve. Ascending Colon. Transverse Colon. Descending Colon, Sigmoid Flexure. Rectum. Liver. Large Pancreas. Description. Specific gravity. How produced. Amount per day. Saliva— Juices of Digestion Gastric. Pancreatic. Bile. Intestinal. Notice the same points as in Saliva. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 23 Digestion.— It is the process that the food undergoes in the alimentary canal, which reduces it to a form in which it can be absorbed and taken up by the blood-vessels. Organs.— The Mouth.—At commencement of the alimen- tary canal, below the cavity of the nose. It is nearly an oval- shaped cavity, in which mastication takes place. Boundaries.—ln front, by the lips; laterally, by the cheeks and the ramus of the lower jaw; above, by the hard palate, below, by the tongue, and by the mucous membrane lining the floor of the mouth; behind, by the soft palate and fauces. The mucous membrane lining the mouth is of a rose-pink tinge. At the free margin of the lips, it is continuous with the integument. Beneath this membrane and the sphincter oris, round the orifice of the mouth, are situated the labial glands. The buccal glands are placed between the mucous membrane and buccinator muscle. Gums.— Composed of a dense, fibrous tissue, surrounding the necks of the teeth. The Teeth.—An intelligent understanding of the teeth, both as to their anatomical and physiological relation to the human system, and a diligent care of the same, would save a vast amount of suffering. Serving as they do to properly prepare our food for digestion, give expression and symmetry to the features, proper articulation in speaking, their care and preservation becomes of the utmost importance. A word, then, as regards their structure, growth, cause of disease, and a few suggestions relative to their preservation, cannot fail, if heeded, to result in good. The table below will indicate the period of eruption, and also the number of both first and second sets: First or Deciduous Set (20 in number). NO. MONTH. Central Incisors 4 7th. Lateral Incisors 4 Bth. First Molar 4 13th. Canine --j Tee*\ ~ \ 4 16th. I Stomach Teeth, ) Second Molar 4 24th. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Second ok Permanent Set (32 in number.) NO. YEAR. Anterior First Molar 4 6th. Central Incisors 4 7th. Lateral Incisors ~. 4 Bth. Bicuspids 8 9th to 10th. Canine i Eye Teeth’ I 4 11th. Uamne stomach Teeth, ) Second Molar 4 12th. Third Molar (Wisdom) 4 17th to 25th. ( Crown. ( Enamel. Divisions of a Tooth—- Neck. Structure Dentine. ( Fang. ( Oementum. The crown is the portion above the gum. The neck, is embraced by the gum, and the -fangs occupy the alveolar sockets. The largest portion of each tooth is composed of dentine. The crown is covered by enamel, the hardest struct- ure in the body. Investing the dentine of the roots, is a thin layer of true bone, named cementum, crusta retrosa, or corti- cal substance. The lower teeth generally erupt a short time before the upper. Upon the proper treatment of the teeth, during first and second dentition, very largely depend the beauty and symmetry of the dental arch. Very much depends upon the diet during the eruptive period, as also per- fect cleanliness of the mouth and teeth. It is of the utmost importance to see to the timely removal of a deciduous tooth, which may be impeding the growth of a permanent one, and very often it is of equal importance to preserve by filling, until the proper age for replacement by the permanent tooth. The wisdom teeth frequently give much pain during eruption, for want of room. They are early attacked with decay, in which event extraction is advisable. The Tongue is a muscular sensitive organ, situated in the floor of the mouth. It serves many purposes, assisting in the prehension, mastication, and swallowing of food, being also an organ of taste, touch, and speech. The framum linguae (bridle of the tongue) is a fold of the mucous membrane lin- ing the mouth at the under surface of the tongue. Children are said to be tongue-tied when the framum is very short, or continued too far forward toward the tip of the tongue. Its Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. upper surface is covered with minute prominences, called papillae, which are arranged in lines. The muscles of the tongue are the genio-hyo-glossus, hyo- glossus, stylo-glossus, and lingualis. The f unction of the tongue, in mastication, is to prevent the escape of the solid food from between the teeth, and by its constant movement to roll the food over and over, passing it at times from one side to the other, so that it may undergo thorough trituration. After mastication has been completed, the mouth is closed, and the tongue, with the bolus of food behind it, is pressed from before backward against the roof of the mouth. By this movement, the food is passed back- ward to the isthmus of the fauces. In man, the tongue is attached at its base, and along the mesial line on the under surface, while its apex is free and movable. In the frog, the tongue is rooted in front, and and free behind It is very extensile, covered with a slimy, viscid mucus, and is used in procuring food. It is thrown forward with great rapidity, thus enabling the frog to seize its prey, which is quickly swallowed, without mastication. The Salivary Glands are the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual. These glands communicate with the mouth, and pour their secretions into its cavity. The Parotid Gland is situated in front of and below the external ear. It is the largest of the salivary glands, and weighs from half an ounce to an ounce. Its fluid passes into the buccal cavity through Stand's duct, which is about two and a half inches in length, and opens by a small orifice opposite the second molar tooth in the upper jaw. This duct is about the size of a crow’s-quill. The Submaxillary Gland is situated below the inferior maxillary bone, in the anterior part of the submaxillary triangle of the neck. It is smaller than the parotid, but its minute structure is the same. Its excretory duct, called Wharton’s, is about two inches in length, and opens beneath the tongue in a small papilla by the side of the framum. 26 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The Sublingual Glands are situated under the tongue, be- neath the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth, and on either side of the fraenum. They are the smallest of the salivary glands. Here we find a number of excretory ducts, from eight to twelve in number, which open into the mouth by the side of the fraenum. Saliva.—A thick, glairy, and generally frothy and turbid, fluid. Specific gravity, from 1002 to 1007. Composition.—Water, 995.16; epithelium, 1.62; organic matter, 1.34; chloride of sodium, chloride of potassium, etc. The secretions of the various salivary glands are all transparent, yet the mixed saliva, as it comes from the buccal cavity, is a grayish, viscid, mucus, containing a number of leucocytes and epithelial scales. These characters are given to it on account of the secretions of the labial, buccal, and lingual glands, which form a constant and essential part of the mixed saliva. During sleep, the discharge of fluid into the mouth is much diminished. Upon the introduction of food, the quantity of saliva is enormously increased. The sight, odor, and, at times, even the thought, of agreeable articles, will produce a notable increase in the flow of saliva. Amount per day, about two and a half pounds. The quantity of saliva must necessarily be subject to great vari- ations, and it should be remembered, however, with refer- ence to this and the other digestive secretions, that this im- mense quantity of fluid is at no one time removed from the blood, but is reabsorbed nearly as fast as secreted, and in a normal condition none of it is discharged from the organism. Functions.—First, to moisten the food, and to assist in mastication and deglutition. Second, to convert starch into sugar; though this is done in ordinary digestion only to a limited degree. The saliva has also a remarkable tendency to entangle bubbles of air in the alimentary mass. The abundant secretion of the parotid glands becomes most com- pletely incorporated with the food during mastication, while Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. the secretions from the submaxillary and sublingual glands, being more viscid and less in quantity than the parotid secre- tions, have a tendency to form a glairy coating on the ex- terior of the alimentary mass, thus facilitating deglutition. Pharynx.—Placed behind the mouth and larynx, and extends from the under surface of the skull to the fifth cer- vical vertebra. It is a musculo-membranous sac, in form somewhat conical, the apex downward and the base upward, and about four and a half inches in length. At the upper part of the anterior wall of the pharynx, just behind the uvula, are two large apertures—the posterior naves,—while the eustachian t übes open, one at each side, of the upper part of the pharynx. Coats.—The mucous coat, which is continuous with that lining the eustachian tubes, nares, mouth, and ' larynx; the muscular coat; and the fibrous coat, which is placed be- tween the mucous and muscular layers. (Esophagus. Reaches from the pharynx to the stomach, or from opposite the fifth cervical vertebra to the tenth dorsal vertebra, and in the adult is about nine inches in length. Coats.—The oesophagus has an external or muscular and an internal or mucous coat. The mucous coat is connected to the muscular by fibrous tissue, and may bo termed a third coat. The muscular coat is composed of two layers of muscular fibers, an external longitudinal and an internal circular layer. The longitudinal fibers shorten the tube, while the circular fibers, by a progressive peristaltic con- traction from above downward, propel the food into the stomach. Stomach.— In man, the most dilated portion of the alimentary canal, and is somewhat conical or pear-shaped. It is situated in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, with its greater or splenic end toward the left side of the body. It is held in its position by folds of the peritoneum and by 28 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. the oesophagus. When empty, it is flattened, and its op- posite walls in contact. Length—When moderately distended, about twelve inches; its widest diameter, about five inches. Capacity, about five pints. The orifices or openings of the stomach are two in number, —the oesophageal or cardiac, communicating with the oesoph- agus, and the pyloric, communicating with the duodenum. Coats.—l, Serous—Derived from the peritoneum. 2, Muscular—Consisting of three sets of fibers [a) longitudi- nal, {h) circular, (c) oblique. 3, Cellular—Connects the mucous and muscular coat. 4, Mucous—Thick, surface smooth, soft and velvety; color, during adult life, a pale straw or ash-gray. In the mucous coat are found the gastric or peptic glands. Mucous glands are also found in the lining membrane, which, during the intervals of digestion, constantly cover it with a thin, transparent, viscid mucus. On the introduction of food into the stomach, the lining membrane changes its appear- ance from a pale to a distinctly red color, drops of gastric juice begin to appear in various parts, and gradually increase in size, until the fluid may be seen trickling down the sides in small streams. Gastric Juice.—Clear, a faint yellowish or amber tint, almost colorless, with a sour taste and odor. Specific gravity, 1005 to 1009. Composition.—Water, 975.00; mineral matters, about five percent; organic or “ferment,” also called pepsin, about 17.00; free acid, about 3.00, Amount secreted per day, about fourteen pounds. Function.—Digests the albuminoid substances. Duration of Stomach Digestion.— It is now understood that the stomach is not the most important organ of diges- tion. Comparatively few articles are completely dissolved in the stomach, so that less interest is attached to the length of Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 29 time required for the action of the gastric juice upon different articles of food than formerly. While the time varies in different individuals, and is modified by the kind and quantity of food taken, conditions of the nervous system, exercise, etc., yet the average duration of food in the stomach after an ordinary meal may be said to be from two to four hours. Vomiting.—This act, as a rule, is preceded by nausea, also by an increase in the flow of the saliva. It is not an action of the stomach, but of the muscles of the abdominal cavity. While the action takes place, the cardiac orifice is dilated, and the contents of the stomach pressed upon by the contraction of the abdominal walls in an expiratory effort. These acts cause the contents of the stomach to be ejected through the oesophagus and the mouth. The most important division of the digestive system is the Small Intestine. It extends from the pyloric extremity of the stomach to the ileo-ccecal valve, and is held to the spinal column by the mesentery, a double fold of the peritoneum. In this part of the alimentary canal the food is converted into chyle, and is mixed with the bile, pancreatic juice, and the intestional secretions. The length of the intestine, in situ, is from fifteen to twenty feet; its diameter is about one and a quarter inches. The Duodenum, so called from the fact that it is about the length of twelve finger breadths, is from eight to ten inches in length. The Jejunum, usually found empty after death, includes the upper two-fifths of the rest of the small intestine; the remaining three-fifths, called the Ileum (to twist), forms numer- ous, coils or convolutions. Coats of Small Intestine.— Serous, muscular, and mucous. The serous coat is derived from the peritoneum. The muscular coat consists of two layers of fibers,—an external or longitudinal and an internal or circular, both of which are concerned in the peristaltic movement of the intestine. 30 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The mucous coat is highly vascular, soft and velvety in appearance, and its color, during digestion, is a vivid red. It is folded upon itself,—the folds called the vmmlm conni- ventes. We find in it also the glands of Brunner, or duodenal racemose glands; follicles of Lieherkuhn, or intestinal tubules/ the intestinal villi, solitary glands, and agminated glands or Beyer’s patches. Intestinal Juice. Colorless and glassy in appearance, viscid, with an alkaline reaction. Secreted by the follicles of Lieberkuhn and the glands of Brunner. Function.— Converts starch into sugar and aids the gen- eral process of digestion as it takes place. Liver.—The largest gland in the body. Situated princi- pally on the left side of the body, in the abdominal cavity, close to the diaphragm. Weight.—From three to four pounds, or fifty to sixty ounces avoirdupois. Diameter.—Transverse, from ten to twelve inches; antero- posterior, from six to seven inches. Structure.—The substance of the liver is made up of lobules, of a somewhat ovoid or rounded form, and about one-twenty-fifth of an inch in diameter. Between the lobules, in the inter-lobular spaces are found blood-vessels, nerves, and ramifications of the hepatic duct, all enclosed in a fibrous sheath. Functions of the Liver.— The secretion of bile and the formation of sugar. The vessels distributed in the liver are—the portal vein, the hepatic artery, and the hepatic duct—which enter at the transverse fissure. The vessels coming from the liver are the hepatic veins, which originate in the lobules. The hepatic duct is formed by the union of two ducts, one from the right and the other from the left lobe of the liver. It is about an inch and a quarter in length, and joins with the cystic duct. The common duct is about three inches in length, of the size of a goose-quill, and enters the duodenum. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 31 The Gall-Bladder.—An ovoid or pear-shaped sac, the reservoir for the bile. Length, about four inches; breadth, about one inch at its widest portion. Capacity, from eight to ten drachms. Held in its position by the peritoneum. It communicates with the common bile duct by the cystic duct, which is about an inch in length. Bile.—Somewhat viscid, the color varying according to the species of animal from which it is taken. It is also varia- ble within the limits of health of the same animal. In man it has a dark, golden-brown color. It is usually dark green in the carnivora, and greenish yellow in the hcrbivora. Specific gravity of human bile is about 1018. It has an ex- cessively bitter taste, and a soap-like foam when shaken in a test tube. Coloring Matter.—Bilirubin or biliverdine. Amount per day, about two and a half pounds. The discharge is continuous, but very much increased during digestion. Function.—While the function of the bile in digestion is essential to life, very little is known of its mode of action. In cases where the bile is kept out of the duodenum of the inferior animals, there is in the processes of digestion and absorption a most serious interference, and a rapid loss of strength. Emaciation, and finally inanition, follow, when there is a persistence in the exclusion of bile from the system. Pancreas.—A glandular organ, situated transversely in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. It is narrow and flattened in shape, with an enlarged thick portion,— called the head— a body, and a pointed extremity. The head is at- tached to the duodenum. Length, from six to eight inches; greatest breadth, about an inch and a half; weight, from four to five ounces. Pancreatic Juice.—A clear, colorless, somewhat viscid Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. fluid, with a specific gravity of 1008 to 1010. The most im- portant ingredient is the organic matter or pancreatine. Amount per day, about one and three-fourths pounds. Function.—Digests the fats and converts starch into sugar. The following remarkable case of abstinence from food is reported by Drs. Cowperthwaite & Caldwell, of lowa City; “ Miss Hattie Deuell, a resident of lowa City, aged fifty-two years, ate her last meal Wednesday noon, February 23d, 1881. She died on the afternoon of April 11th, not having tasted food for a little more than forty-seven days. Clear water was freely drank during the whole period. Insanity was the cause of her fast. The autopsy revealed thickening, congestion, and minute perforations of the dura mater on the vertex over the longitudinal sinus. Albumen-like clots were found in the arachnoidean space, and softening of a spot as large as a walnut in the right half of the posterior lobe of the brain. Extensive adhesions of the pleurae existed, as also did hepatization in different portions of both lungs. Another item worthy of notice, though not necessarily associated with the dementia or the fast, was the peculiar shape of her stomach. It presented two clearly-defined large pouches, of nearly equal size; the one at the pyloric end being somewhat larger than that usually called the greater pouch.” During the whole period of starvation above reported, there was no muscular exertion, and water was freely taken, which circumstances have an important influence in prolonging life. For several years prior to the commencement of Miss Deuell’s fast, she had been confined to her bed, and on one occasion had deprived herself of aliment for a period of three weeks. It is stated that death from starvation usually occurs after a loss of four-tenths of the weight of the body. Hence, when a man weighing one hundred and fifty pounds, has, by abstinence from food, reduced his weight to ninety pounds, death occurs. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 33 CHAPTER VII. ABSORPTION. Definition. Processes Endosmosis. Exosmosis. Imbibition. Blood-vessels. Villi. Lacteals. Receptaculum-chyli. Thoracic duct. Lymphatic Glands. Absorption Organs Fluids Lymph. Chyle. Causes of the movements of Lymph and Chyle. Absorption is the process by which the digested materials are taken into the blood. Endosmosis and exosmosis, liquid diffusion, or osmotic action, are properties of animals and vegetable membranes. If water and alcohol, two liquids which are capable of mix- ing with each, other, be separated by an animal membrane, the one liquid being suspended in a bladder in the other, the liquid in the bladder will pass through the bladder into the other, giving exosmosis, or the liquid without will pass into the bladder giving endosmosis. Both actions will take place at the same time. Plants absorb carbonic acid gas principally through the stomata of their leaves, and both by the upper and under surface of the leaf. They also derive nourishment from their roots, absorption taking place most rapidly at the extremities of their fibrils. The latter pro- cess may be termed capillary attraction or endosmosis. The phenomena of endosmosis and exosmosis are due to the attrac- tion that different liquids have for each other, and for the membrane separating them. 34 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Imbibition is a property common to all animal structures, by which the membrane itself is capable of taking up a cer- tain portion of the liquid, and may be considered the starting point of absorption. All solutions are not imbibed by the tissues with the same degree of activity. The Villi are the active agents of absorption. They are conical vascular eminences, thickly set over the whole inter- nal surface of the lining membrane of the small intestine. On the external surface of a vilus is found a layer of epithelial cells, then a plexus of blood-vessels, and in the central part of the vilus, originating by a blind extremity, is the com- mencement of the lacteal tube. The Lacteals are the lymphatics of the small intestines, and pass through several sets of lymphatic or mesenteric glands on their way to the receptaculum-chyli. They absorb the fatty matters from the intestinal canal. The fluid they contain, during the intervals of digestion, and also that found in the thoracic duct at this time, is ordinary lymph; but, during digestion, certain nutritive principles are taken up by these vessels, and their contents are known as chyle. This is a white, opaque, milky fluid, with a specific gravity less than that of the blood. When it is removed from these vessels, it speedily undergoes coagulation. The Receptaculum-chyli is situated upon the front of the body of the second lumbar vertebra, and is simply a dilata- tion of the lower end of the thoracic duct. The Thoracic Duct extends from the second lumbar verte- bra to the root of the neck. Through the first part of its course, it lies irt front of the bodies of the vertebrae; but opposite the fourth dorsal it inclines toward the left side, and ascends behind the arch of the aorta to the left side of the oesophagus. Opposite the upper border of the seventh cervical vertebra, it curves downward, forming an arch terminating in the left subclavian vein, near its angle of junction with the internal jugular. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 35 The great majority of the lymphatic vessels empty into the thoracic duct. Its walls are exceedingly delicate; the diam- eter of the vessel is about that of a goose-quill. Near its termination is a pair of semilunar valves, which effectually prevent the entrance of blood from the venous system. The Right Lymphatic Duct is a short trunk, about an inch in length. It carries the lymph from the right side of the head and neck, right trunk, right upper extremity, and empties it into the right subclavian vein at its point of junc- tion with the right internal jugular vein. Lymphatic Vessels are so delicate, and their coats so transparent, that the fluid they contain is readily seen through them. Lymphatic Glands are small, flattened, oval bodies, vary- ing in size from a bean to a pin-head. The lymphatic vessels pass through these glands on their way to the great lymphatic trunks. Those vessels which enter the gland are known as rasa afferentia, and those leaving the gland as rasa efferentia. In its interior, the gland is soft and pulpy. Causes of the Movements of Lymph and Chyle.—l, Influ- ence of the forces of endosraosis and transudation. 2, Influ- ence of the contractile walls of the vessels. 3, Influence of pressure from surrounding parts. 4, Influence of the move- ments of respiration,—Flint. 36 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. CHAPTER VIII. BLOOD. Definition. Quantity. , ' Opacity. Odor. Taste. Specific Gravity. Color. Temperature. General Characters Water. Fibrine. Albumen. Fatty Matter. Chloride of Sodium. Chloride of Potassium. Phosphate of Lime. Carbonate of Lime. Blood Plasma, or Li- quor sanguinis— Composition— Globules or Corpuscles— Red. White or Leucocytes. Coagulation Causes. Divisions of Coagulated Blood. Benefits. The Blood is a circulating, nutritive fluid, and the most abundant and complex of the animal fluids. Quantity.—lt is a difficult matter to estimate, with abso- lute precision, the amount of blood in the human body; but as the result of various experiments given by Flint and Dal- ton, the weight of the blood, in proportion to the entire weight of the body, is as one to eight. In the body of a healthy man, weighing one hundred and thirty-five pounds, would be found, therefore, on an average, fifteen pounds of blood. General Characters.—The blood, while circulating in its normal condition in the vessels, is an opaque fluid, consisting of elements having different refractive powers. Odor.—Faint, but characteristic. By adding to a speci- Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 37 men of blood a few drops of sulphuric acid, the odor peculiar to the animal from which the blood is taken is brought out and becomes very marked. Taste.—On account of a small portion of chloride of sodium found in its composition, the blood has a faintly saline taste. Specific Gravity.— Defibrinated, from 1052 to 1057 (Robin). Different conditions of digestion have much to do with the variations of its density. Color.—Varies from a brilliant scarlet to a dark purple, and is due to the corpuscles contained in it. The coloring matter of the red corpuscles is termed haemaglobine. In the arteries the blood is usually red; in the veins generally dark blue,—the principal exception being the pulmonary circula- tion. Temperature.—The normal temperature is generally given as from ninety-eight to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, although it varies considerably in different parts of the body. Benard found the highest temperature of the blood in the hepatic veins, where it ranged from one hundred and one to one hundred and seven degrees Fahrenheit. Globules or Corpuscles—red.—Constitute a little less than one-half of the mass of blood. They give the blood its red color and its opacity. They are circular, biconcave, flattened disks, with edges thicker than the center. They have the property of elasticity, so that if their form is changed by pressure they immediately resume it again when the pressure is removed. Diameter—Of human globule, about one-thirty-five-hun- dredth of an inch; of the horse, one-four-thousandth; pig, one - forty - two - hundredth; cat, one - four - thousandth; dog, one-forty-one-hundred-and-fiftieth. Number of globules in a cubic millimeter, about four million. Function.—The presence of the red corpuscles enables the blood to absorb from ten to thirteen times as much oxygen as an equal bulk of water. The tissues of the body are con- 38 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. stantly absorbing oxygen and giving off carbonic acid. A very important function of the red corpuscles is to carry oxygen to all the tissues. This is their principal work, although, to some extent, they take up carbonic acid, which takes the place of the oxygen after the blood has been brought by the capillaries into contact with the tissues. White Corpuscles or Leucocytes.—Found also in lymph, chyle, pus, etc. Are much larger than the red corpuscles. Irregular in form. Have a tendency to adhere to the walls of blood-vessels, moving along slowly, sometimes remaining entirely stationary. Their number, as compared to the red, is as one to four hundred. Diameter, about one-twenty-five-hundredth of an inch. Function, not understood. Coagulation is the thickening of the blood into a jelly-like mass. Causes.—But little is known as to the cause of the coagu- lation of the blood. Coming directly in contact with the atmosphere, the blood coagulates, but it will also coagulate in a vacuum. It coagulates if there is a stoppage of circula- tion; but when removed from the body, and violently agitated, or if artificial circulation is kept up, it still coagu- lates. Lowering of the temperature is said to cause coagulation; and yet, if sufficiently lowered, it prevents it. Circumstances which favor exposure of the blood to the air seem to hasten coagulation; hence, the blood flowing slowly from a small orifice coagulates more rapidly than when it comes in a full stream from a large orifice. If placed in a shallow vessel, it coagulates much more rapidly than when placed in a deep vessel. If the sides of the vessel are un- even or rough, it coagulates more rapidly than if they are smooth or polished. If the blood be allowed to flow on a cloth or a bundle of twigs, it coagulates almost instantane- ously. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 39 Divisions of Coagulated Blood. First-Clot, containing- ] corpuscles. Second—Serum—Containing all which, do not belong to the clot. Benefits.—It arrests hemorrhage, and thereby often saves life. The blood cannot coagulate while the normal circulation is maintained, and while it is undergoing the constant changes which are necessary to the healthy nutrition of the body. The teacher may obtain a specimen of blood from a slaughter-house, and placing it in a glass goblet, allow it to coagulate into a jelly-like mass. It can then be turned upon a plate and cut into halves. The external surface of the clot will be a dark color, while on its interior it will be a bright red, becoming darker by contact with atmospheric air. To show the fibrine, take a portion of the clot and whip it with a bunch of twigs, when the fibrine will adhere to the twigs in the form of white shreds. This is a simple process, and will enable the pupil to get a good idea of coagulated blood. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Tendinous Apparatus—Chordae Tendinae. Muscular Apparatus—Carnae Columnae. Superior cava. Inferior cava. Coronary. Auriculo-ventricular. Pulmonary Artery. Auriculo-ventricular. Aortic. Auriculo-ventricular. Four Pulmonary. Auriculo-ventricular. Tricuspid. Semi-lunar. Mitral. Semi-lunar, Tendinous Apparatus. Muscular Apparatus. V alve—Coronary. Openings Openings Valves— ■ Openings Valves— • Auricle—Openings— CHAPTER IX. CIRCULATION. Auricle Ventricle Ventricle Definition. Coats or Tunics. Forces of Arterial Circulation, < Male. ( Female. 'Eight Chamber- Left Chamber Weight Length. Diameter. Shape. Description Situation. Divisions Coverings. Movements. Arteries Capillaries. Veins. Sounds. Pulmonic. Systemic. Heart Vessels Definition, Divisions Organs CUMULATION. Out Zincs in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 41 Circulation was discovered by Harvey, in 1616. Definition.—It is the continuous circuit of the blood through the blood-vessels to the entire system, and is the means of transportation of the elements necessary for the con- struction of the tissues. In the puhnonic or lesser circulation the blood passes from the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, and returns through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle of the heart. In the systemic or greater circulation the blood passes from the left ventricle to the aorta; from thence to all parts of the system, through the arteries and capillaries, collected by the veins, and by them returned to the right auricle of the heart. The Heart is a hollow muscle, and the great central organ of circulation. From it there is a constant flow to all the tissues and organs of the body, and a constant return of the blood to it after passing through these parts. The weight of the heart in the male is from ton to twelve ounces, and in the female from eight to ten ounces. In pro- portion to the weight of the body in the male as 1 to 169, and in the female as 1 to 149. Shape.—The heart is pear-shaped or in the form of a cone, with the apex pointing downward and forward, the base or larger end pointing upward and backward and to the right. Length, about five inches. Diameter, about four inches. The under surface is flattened, and rests upon the tendi- nous portion of the diaphragm. The upper side is rounded and convex. Situation.—ln the thoracic cavity, the base about the median line, and the apex at the fifth intercostal space, about two inches to the left of the sternum. Divisions.—The partition between the two chambers of the heart is called the septum. In man the heart is double,— the chambers on the one side arc entirely distinct, and sep- Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, ITygicnc. arated from those on the other. The action, however, of the two sides is simultaneous. At the same time that the blood is sent from the right side to the lungs, it is also sent from the left side to the system. In the outline, the openings of the chambers of the heart are given. If the pupil becomes familiar with the names of the veins which enter the auricles, and of the arteries which originate at the ventricles, it is an easy matter to remember the names of the openings of the differ- ent cavities. All orifices into the heart, and all communications between chambers, are guarded by valves, except where the venae cav® and the pulmonary veins enter the auricles. The valves of the heart are so arranged that the current of blood is always in one direction. Tricuspid Valve.— Situation —At right auriculo-ventri- cular opening. Shape.—lt has three points, being composed of three segments or triangular-shaped curtains. These curtains are attached at the base around the opening, while the free borders are attached to the chordae tendine®. These, in their turn, are attached to the column® came®, which are the rounded muscular columns projecting from nearly the whole of the inner surface of the ventricle. Mitral Valve.—This is sometimes called the bicuspid valve. It is situated at the left auriculo-ventricular opening. In structure and arrangement it presents no difference from the tricuspid valve; but, as its name implies, it has two cur- tains instead of three. The Aortic Semilunar Valves are situated at the opening of the aorta. They somewhat resemble a half-moon or cres- cent, and are attached around the opening of the aorta. They arc strong, membranous pouches, with their concavity opening toward the aorta. During the contraction of the aorta, their free margins meet in the center, and prevent the regurgitation of the blood. The Pulmonic Semilunar Valves.—ln structure similar Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 43 to those of the aorta, are situated at the opening of the pulmonary artery, during the contraction of which they oppose the regurgitation of the blood into the right ventricle. Action of the Mitral and Tricuspid Valves.— The auricu- lar systole, which, when completed, distends the ventricles to their utmost capacity, is immediately followed by the systole of the ventricles. During the passage of the blood through the auriculo-ventricular openings, the valves are open, and at the first part of this action they hug closely the walls of the heart, thus offering no obstruction to the free passage of the blood from the auricle to the ventricle; but, as this action is completed, and the ventricles entirely dilated, the valves are floated out, and by the systole of the ventricles are closed, so that no regurgitation can take place toward the auricles. Coverings.—The heart is enveloped in a fibrous membrane called the pericardium. Like all other serous membranes, it is a shut sac. It is attached above to the great vessels, about two inches above their origin from the base of the heart. It is lubricated by a drachm or two of fluid, which serves to facilitate the movements of the heart, within the pericardium. The lining membrane of the heart is termed the endocardium. Movements.—Diastole or dilitation, which is mostly a pas- sive act, and systole or contraction an active movement. A revolution of the heart is the filling and emptying of all of its cavities including the period of repose. Sounds.—The first sound is exactly simultaneous with the beating of the apex of the heart against the walls of the chest. It is long, low, dull, and booming in tone. It has three elements,—-first, a valvular clement caused by the clos- ing of the mitral and tricuspid valves; second, a muscular element, which is due to the heart as a muscle; third, the beating of the apex of the heart against the walls of the chest. The second sound is high, quick, and sharp in tone. It occurs during the ventricular diastole of the heart. It has 44 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. but one element, which is purely valvular, caused by the closing of the aortic and the pulmonary semilunar valves. A careful study of the following diagram will assist the student in understanding the heart’s sounds, and their relations to the diastole and systole of the heart. There are eight abnormal sounds of the heart. A mitral and tricuspid, regurgitant, which would occur during the ventricular systole. The mitral and tricuspid direct may occupy the entire time from B to A with the greatest intensity during auricular systole. Pulmonary and aortic regurgitant occur during the second sound—usurp its place. Pulmonary and aortic direct occur during ventricular systole. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 45 CHAPTER X. ARTERIES. Ascending Part Right Coronary. Left Coronary. R. 0. Carotid. E. Subclavian. Innominate Arch - Transverse Part Left Carotid. Left Subclavian. Descending Part. Aokta— Thoracic Aorta. Abdominal. The Aorta arises at the upper part of the left ventricle of the heart. From its origin it passes upward for a short dis- tance, then arches backward to the left side, descends on the left side of the vertebral column, passes through the aortic opening in the diaphragm, and in the abdominal cavity op- posite the fourth lumbar vertebra divides into the right and left common iliac arteries. The common iliacs are about two inches m length, and divide into two branches—the internal and external iliac arteries—supplying blood to the walls of the abdomen, the pelvis, and lower extremities. From the arch of the aorta are given off, first, the right and left coronary arteries, which convey blood to the substance of the heart. The next branch of the aorta is the innominate, which divides into the right subclavian and right common carotid. The subclavian supplies blood to the upper extremity, and the carotid is distributed to the neck and head, supplying not only the muscular tissue, but also the inner surface of the sensorium and the brain. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The Arteries are cylindrical tubes, or tubular vessels, which convey the blood from both ventricles of the heart to every part of the body. They are strong, highly elastic, and dense in structure. When empty they preserve their cylin- drical form. The arteries have three coats or tunics Internal serous or epithelial coat, middle fibrous or circular coat, and an external cellular coat. When an artery is cut, the blood flows from it in intermit- tent jets, caused by the pulsations of the heart. The wave- like movement of the blood in the arteries is termed the pulse. Causes of the Circulation in the Arteries.— The primary cause of the motion of the blood in the arteries is the con- traction (vis a tergo) of the heart. The Elasticity of the Arteries have much to do with the flow of blood through them. The aorta, being elastic, is distended during the ventricular systole, and then reacts, after the distending force ceases, and compresses its fluid contents. The aortic semilunar valves instantly close, which renders regurgitation with the heart impossible. The influ- ence, then, can only be exerted onward toward the capillaries. The arteries are also contractile, which is another force of the circulation of the blood through these vessels. The small vessels, by virtue of this power, regulate the distribution of the blood. • CAPILLARIES. The Capillaries are connecting links between the arteries and veins, being continuous with the terminal ramifications of the arteries on the one hand, and with the commencing rootlets of the veins on the other. They have but a single coat or tunic, which is a continuation of the inner coat of the arteries. Their average diameter in the human is about ono- three-thousandth of an inch. They are smallest in the ner- Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 47 vous and muscular tissue, where they are from one-six-thou- sandth to one-four-thousandth of an inch in diameter. The capillaries form a true plexus of vessels branching and inosculating in every direction. Their function is to bring the blood into intimate contact with the substance of the tissues, so that its fluid portions slowly transude through the walls of the vessels, and arc absorbed by the tissues in such proportion as is requisite for their nourishment. VEINS. After the blood has been brought into contact with the tissues by the capillary system, it is then collected by the Veins and carried to the auricle of the heart. The Pah nonary Veins, four in number, return the blood from the lungs to the left auricle. They carry arterial in- stead of venous blood. They are destitute of valves. Systemic Veins return the blood from the body generally, to the right auricle of the heart. The Portal Vein, found in the abdominal cavity, conveys the blood from the abdominal viscera to the liver. This may be called the portal venous system. The superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, and splenic veins unite to form one large trunk called the vena portae, which enters the liver, and ramifying its substance, emerges from that organ by the hepatic veins, three in number, which enter the inferior vena cava,—this vessel terminating in the right auricle of the heart. Superficial or Cutaneous Veins.—These veins return the blood from the integument and superficial structures. They pass inward, and terminate in the deep veins. Deep Veins.—Situated among the deeper structures of the body, convey the blood from the capillaries of the deep structures. 48 Outlives in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The veins have three coats—an internal homogeneous mem- which is continuous with the single coat of the capil- laries; a middle fibrous coat, and an external coat. The ex- ternal coat is composed of white fibrous tissue. The Valves of the Veins are little membranous folds, or reduplications of the middle and inner coats, semilunar in form, similar to the aortic and pulmonary valves. Usually they are arranged in pairs; sometimes, however, they are found in groups of three, and, occasionally, but one is found at a place. Function.—The great function of the valves is to prevent a reflux of the blood toward the capillary system. When circulation is arrested, from any cause, in the veins, the valves offer an obstruction, which tends to force the blood onward toward the heart. The following named veins have no valves; Vena? cavte, hepatic, portal, pulmonary, and common iliac. Valves are also absent in the very small veins. The great motor power which is the consequent of the constant and steady flow of the blood through the veins, is the contraction of the heart. Muscular Contraction is one of the principal causes of venous circulation. In order that this be a force to assist the flow of blood through the veins, two things are essential— the contraction must be intermittent, and there must be no possibility of a retrograde movement. The action of the thorax in respiration exerts a suction force operating on the veins in the immediate neighborhood of the chest. The blood makes the entire circuit of the body in about twenty-three seconds. After death, the arteries are found empty, and all the blood in the body accumulates in the venous system and the capillaries. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 49 CHAPTER XI. RESPIRATION. Definition Larynx Vocal Cords. Cartilages Thyroid. Cricoid. Arytenoid. Epiglottis. Trachea. Bronchi. Bronchial Tubes. Definition. Situation. , r>- if? Left* Organs Divisions - Weight. ’ Color. Lungs - Tissue. Structure External Serous Coat. Sub-serous Areolar Tissue. Pulmonary Substance. Respiration. Pleurae Pleura Pulmonalis. Pleura Costalis. Auxiliary Organs. Movements Inspiration. Expiration. Kinds of Respiration Abdominal. Thoracic. Volumes of Air Residual. Reserve. Tidal. Gomplemental. Changes in the Air during Respiration. Changes in the Blood during Respiration. Definition.—Respiration is the act by which the various tissues receive and appropriate oxygen, and by which the venous blood is arterialized and renovated. Organs.—Larynx, the organ of the voice, situated at upper and fore part of the neck, between the trachea and base of the tongue. It is somewhat conical in form, with the base or broad extremity above. 50 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The Vocal Cords extend across the superior opening of larynx from before backward. The superior or false vocal cords arc not concerned in the production of the voice. The inferior or true vocal cords are attached anteriorly at the middle of the thyroid cartilage, posteriorly to the movable arytenoid cartilages. The true vocal cords are composed largely of elastic fibers, and are covered by a delicate, thin, and closely adherent mucous membrane. The opening be- tween the vocal cords is called the rirna glottidis. Cartilages. Thyroid (a shield)—Consists of two lateral portions united in front, forming a projection which is quite prominent above, and called the ■ pornum Adami, or Adam’s apple. The posterior borders terminate above in the superior cornua, and below in the inferior cornua. Cricoid Cartilage, resembling, a signet ring. It is thicker and stronger than the thyroid cartilage, being placed below it, and is narrow in front and broad behind. Arytenoid Cartilages are so called from their resemblance to the mouth of a pitcher, and are situated on the posterior- part of the larynx, at the upper border of the cricoid carti- lage. Epiglottis.— A leaf-shaped organ, composed of yellowish fibro-cartilagc. It is placed behind the tongue, being attached to the anterior portion of the larynx. During ordinary respiration, the epiglottis projects upward, its free extremity curving toward the base of the tongue. During the occur- rence of deglutition, when, for the time, respiration is inter- rupted, the epiglottis is carried backward, completely closing the opening of the larynx. Trachea or Air-Tube.—A cartilaginous and membranous cylindrical tube. It extends from the fifth cervical vertebra to opposite the third dorsal, the length being about four and a half inches, and the diameter from three-quarters of an inch to an inch. The cartilagineous rings, which extend about two-thirds around its cylinder, are from fifteen to twenty in number, and leave an imperfect space behind, Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 51 which is filled up with fibrous tissue. In the chest the trachea divides into the right and left bronchi. The right bronchus is about an inch in length, and is made up of from six to eight cartilages. The left bronchus is about two inches in length, and contains from nine to twelve cartilages. The primitive bronchi, after penetrating the lungs, break up into numerous ramifications called the bronchial tubes. The Avails of the trachea and bronchial tubes are lined with a mucous membrane, in which are found numerous mucous glands. This lining membrane is smooth, covered by ciliated epithelium,—the cilia always moving from within outward. The Lungs are the chief organs of respiration, and are placed one in each lateral half of the thoracic cavity. They are separated by the heart and the mediastinum. Each lung is conical in shape, with the apex upward, and extending about an inch above the first rib; the base is broad, somewhat concave, and rests upon the diaphragm. The weight of both right and left lung is about forty-two ounces, the right being about tAvo ounces heavier than the left. The right lung has throe lobes, and is larger and broader than the left; the left lung has tAvo lobes, and is narrower and longer that the right. The Color of the Lang, at birth, is of a pinkish-white; in adult life it is mottled in patches of a dark slate color, and the surface is smooth and shining. The Tissue of the Lung is of a light, porous, spongy tex- ture. It is highly elastic and floats in water. If a portion of lung substance be taken between the fingers, and pressed upon, a crackling or rattling sound is produced, on account of the cells being broken up, and the air contained in them escaping. The External Goat invests the entire lung, and is thin and transparent. It is derived from the pleura. The Sab-serous Areolar Tissue is somewhat elastic, in- Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 52 vesting the entire surface of the lung, and is found extending inward between the lobes. The Parenchyma or Pulmonary Substance of the lung, is made up of lobules, varying in size. In each lobule is found one of the ramifications of the bronchial tube, with its accom- paning air cells. The air cells are about one-seventy-fifths of an inch in diameter, and are separated from each other by a thin septa. They open into the spaces or air sacs between the cell walls. The spaces communicate with the lobules, and the lobules with the bronchial tubes. All these ramifica- tions of the bronchi are lined with a thin, delicate, mucous membrane. Pleura. —An exceedingly delicate serous membrane, which completely encloses each lung as far as its root, where it is reflected upon the inner surface of the thorax. This is called the plura. It is divided into two layers,—the pleura puhnonalis, which is the portion next to the surface of the lung, and is also called the visceral layer; the second layer is the pleura costalis, or parietal layer, and lines the inner surface of the chest. Between these two layers is found a cavity or space, which is termed the cavity of the pleura. The pleura* of the lungs are separated from each other by a fold or duplicating of the pleura of each lung. This septum completely divides the cavity of the thorax into two parts,— the rijht half containing the right pleural sac, and the left half the left pleural sac. These two sacs do not communi- cate with each other. In the cavity of the pleura is found a serous fluid, which serves to lubricate the inner surface of the membrane, and gives to it a smooth and polished appear- ance. The Auxiliary Organs of Respiration, in man, are the diaphragm and ribs and intercostal, sub-costal, and abdominal muscles. The Diaphragm is a musculo-fibrous partition, in form of a vaulted arch or dome, between the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It is concave below and convex above. In an ordi- nary respiration, the diaphragm descends, approximating to Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 53 a plane; in its downward movement it pushes before it the viscera of the abdominal cavity, thereby causing a protrusion of the abdomen. The diaphragm is supplied by the phrenic nerve, which arises from the third and fourth cervical nerves, receiving a communicating branch from the fifth. From this o O # origin it descends to the root of the neck, passes through the chest, penetrates the diaphragm, and is distributed to its under surface. The section of this nerve almost completely paralyzes this muscle. As the ribs are elevated by the action of the muscles, the thoracic cavity is enlarged. The seven true ribs are attached to the vertebne behind, and, by the intervention of the costal cartilages, to the sternum in front. From their origin they pass outward, forward, and downward, and as they are elevated and become more nearly horizontal, they push for- ward the lower end of the sternum, thereby increasing the antero-posterior diameter of the thoracic cavity. Movements of Respiration.— Inspiration is the act by which the lungs are filled with air, and is effected by the descent of the diaphragm and the elevation of the ribs. An ordinary Expiration is a simple and nearly a passive process, by which the air is expelled from the lungs. Surrounding the air cells of the lungs are found a great many elastic fibers, which give to the lung tissue a great degree of elasticity. The lungs are encased in an air-tight cavity. If they are removed, they immediately collapse, becoming many times smaller than the cavity in which they are contained. The walls of the thoracic cavity are also very elastic. After the muscles concerned in inspiration have ceased their action, the elasticity of the costal cartilages and the tonicity of the muscles will restore the chest to its passive dimensions. Expiration, then, depends upon the passive influence of the elasticity of the lungs and thoracic walls, also upon the action of certain muscles, by which the ribs are depressed, and the dimensions of the chest are diminished. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Kinds of Respiration.—ln children under three years of age, respiration is chiefly carried on by the diaphragm, and is termed the abdominal type of respiration. At a variable period after this age, a difference in the kinds of respiration in the sexes begins to show itself. In the male, the abdominal type is predominant, and continues through life. In the female, the thoracic typo predominates. This distinction in the sexes becomes apparent at about the age of maturity. Different writers have designated different stages in the life of man. Perhaps the most usual division is the five periods, as follows:— 1. Infancy, extending to about the seventh year, or to the second dentition. 2. Childhood, extending from the seventh to the four teenth or fifteenth year. 3. Adolescence, or Youth,, reaching, in males, from about the age of fifteen to twenty-five; in females from thirteen to twenty-one. 4, Adult Age, or Manhood, extending from the close of youth to about the fiftieth year. 5. Old Age, which includes the declining portion of life. Volumes of Air.—The lungs, together with the heart, great blood-vessels, and other organs, completely fill the cavity of the chest. By the contraction of certain muscles, the cavity of the thorax is enlarged. This causes the pres- sure of the air to be greater on the outside than on the inside, consequently the air rushes through the trachea into the lungs, until the pressure on the outside is equal to the pres- sure on the inside. A respiration includes both the inspiratory and expiratory act. The amount of air changed at an ordinary expiration and inspiration is call the tided or e/rdinory breathing air. During a forced expiration, a certain amount of air is expelled over and above that of an ordinary expiration; this Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, rmc/ Hygiene. 55 is the reserve or supplemental air. But, after a forced expiration, a considerable quantity of air (the residual air) still remains in the lungs. It is because the lungs, in a natural condition, are partly distended, and that they are placed in the air-tight chest, that this amount of air cannot lie expelled. If, by a puncture of the chest-walls or diaphragm air is introduced into the pleural chamber, the chest ceases to be air-tight, and the air thus admitted causes a partial collapse of the lungs, and forces out a considerable portion of the residual air through the windpipe. There is also an excess over the ordinary breathing air (the complemental air) which may be introduced by a forcible inspiration. In a healthy adult male, the residual and the reserve air each amount to about one hundred cubic inches, the tidal air to twenty cubic inches, and the complemental air to one hundred and ten cubic inches. This makes the lung capacity amount to three hundred and thirty cubic inches. Deducting the residual air, gives the extreme or vital breathing capacity. The frequency of the respirations vary according to age, sex, muscular exercise, condition of the nervous system, etc., the average number, however, as determined from the most numerous and convincing collection of facts, is from eighteen to twenty-four per minute. There seems to be a relation of the respiratory acts to the pulse, which in health is quite con- stant. This proportion, as a rule, is ope respiratory act to every four pulsations of the heart. During sleep, the num- ber of respiratory acts is diminished. Composition of the Atmospheric Air.—ln all climates, in the darkness, as well as in the sunlight, everywhere about us, existing all over the earth’s surface, is found a mechanical mixture of oxygen and nitrogen in just the proportion to enable it to sustain life. In this mechanical mixture, the oxygen forms about twenty-one parts and the nitrogen about seventy-nine parts. It is a question of great physiological interest to determine the quantity of oxygen which is removed from the air by the process of respiration. The air, when 56 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. taken into the system, contains about twenty-one parts of oxygen to the hundred; when it is exhaled, it contains only about sixteen parts to the hundred. This would make the volumn of oxygen absorbed in the lungs live per cent, or one-twentieth of the volume of air inspired. If the number of respirations per minute be eighteen, and the ordinary breathing air be twenty cubic inches for each respiratory act, then eighteen cubic inches of oxygen are consumed in one minute, which represent three hundred and sixty cubic inches of pure air. Continuing our calculations, we find, that, in twenty-four hours, fifteen cubic feet of oxygen are consumed, representing three hundred cubic feet of pure air. In cases of ventilation, or the regulation of the supply of oxygen for churches, school-houses, hospitals, or wherever many persons are assembled, these facts are of inestimable value. Besides the loss of oxygen during respiration, there is also a marked elevation in the temperature of the air after it has passed through the lungs. While the air in the respiratory act has given up oxygen it has gained in carbonic acid, so that the expired air contains about four per cent more carbonic acid than the inspired air. This amount, however, is greatly modified by age and sex, activity or repose of the digestive system, form of diet, sleep, muscular activity, etc. The expired air contains watery vapor, which is derived from the entire surface traversed in respiration. Changes of the Blood in Respiration. —As the blood is passing from the arteries to the veins, its color changes from a bright red to a dark purple. This change is due to the physiological decomposition of the tissues. In the lungs its color changes again to a bright red, which is due to the action of the air. While the blood is coming in contact with the tissues, it gives up its oxygen, and becomes impregnated with carbonic acid; it also loses some of its important consti- tuents,—hence venous blood is not so rich in organic and most inorganic elements. Arterial blood contains a larger propor- tion of corpuscles and is more coagulable than venous blood. Otitimes in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 57 The Respiratory Sense.—Breathing, under ordinary con- ditions, takes place without our knowledge; but if there is an interruption in the respiratory process, there immediately follows a distressing sense of suffocation. It has been demonstrated, that, if the want of air felt by the system bo effectually supplied, the respiratory movements will not take place. The respiratory sense operates upon the respiratory nervous center, and gives rise to the involuntary movements of respiration. Recent experiments lead to the conclusion that the sense of want of air is due primarily to a deficiency of oxyginated blood in the medulla oblongata. The respiratory acts will still take place if all the encephalic centers, except the medulla oblongata, arc destroyed. VITAL OR ANIMAL HEAT. Limit of Variation in Norm at., Temperature oe Man. In the axilla, the maximum temperature is about 99.5 degrees; the minimum about 97.7 degrees. Under the tongue, about 98 degrees. Variations in Different Parts of the Body. Aorta, 98% to 105% degrees. Portal Vein, 100.04 to 106.34 degrees. Hepatic Vein, 99.86 to 107 degrees. Average temperature of body, from 98 to 100 degrees. Variations at Different Periods of Life, During Infancy, 1 to 2 degrees more than in adult life. During Adult Life, 98 to 100 degrees. During Old Age, about one-half degree below adult life. Diurnau Variations in the Temperature of the Body. Periods of maximum j rM‘ Minimum, always at night. 58 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. During the periods of digestion, there is a slight increase in the temperature of the body. Under all conditions of climate the general heat of the body is equalized. By Animal Heat is meant the persistent and uniform elevation of temperature. The absence of this heat is an indication of death. So important is this to the animal econ- omy, that but slight variation from the normal temperature is possible without producing serious derangement. Alcohol seems always to produce a fall in temperature.—Foster. The use of alcohol does not enable men to endure a very low tem- perature for a great length of time.—Flint. Dr. Hays, a scientific Arctic explorer, says: “While fresh animal food, and especially fat, is absolutely essential to the inhabitants and travelers in Arctic countries, alcohol is, in almost any shape, not only completely useless, but positively injurious.” Exercise, as in fast walking or riding, produces a constant elevation in the general temperature, amounting to between one and two degrees. This elevation, according to Flint, is produced in the muscular tissue itself. That the heat of the body is regulated by the perspiration is proven by the fact, that, if the skin is covered by an impenetrable coating, death occurs in a very short time. Such a coating covers up the pores of the skin, so that its function is suppressed, followed by a lowering of the animal temperature. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 59 Cerebro-spinal or Nerves of Animal Life. Sympathetic or Nerves of Organic Life. Cervical, Dorsal. Lumbar. Sacral. Coccygeal. Special Sense. Motion. General Sensibility. ' Mode of origin. Divisions fH d I a I o.S:-i ' Cranial Spinal CHAPTER XII. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerve Cells. Nerve Fibers. Divisions of a Single Nerve General divisions of Nerves Divisions of Nerves according to place of origin Brain. Spinal Cord. Anatomical divisions of Nervous Tissue Definition. Cerebrospinal Center or Axis Plexus. Nerves Ganglia. Purpose. Organs Nervous System. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. Purpose of the Nervous System.—To produce the harmo- nious action of the different organs of the body. Nerve Cells.—Parts capable of generating nerve force. Nerve Fibers act only as conductors. Nerves are round, flattened cords, connecting the cerebro- spinal center with the ganglia and the various textures of the body, and by which sensation, volition, or vital influence is conveyed to and from the sensorium. General Divisions.— Cerebro-Spinal or Nerves of Ani- mal Life.—Distributed to the organs of the senses, the skin, and the active organs of locomotion—the muscles. Sympathetic or Nerves of Organic Life.— Distributed chiefly to the viscera and blood-vessels. Each nerve is com- posed of motor and sentient fibers. The motor fibers convey stimulus from within outward; the sentient fibers, from with- out inward. Parts or a Single Nerve.—The Axis-Cylinder exists in all the nerves, and is the central, thread-like portion, the diameter of which is about one-half or one-third that of the tube in which it is contained. The Myeline is the medullary substance filling the tube and surrounding the central band. It is a transparent, semi- fluid, and homogeneous medulla. The Neurilemma is the tubular sheath surrounding the axis-cylinder and myeline. A Plexus or Netwo'rk is the communication or intertwining and intercrossing of nerves. Cranial Nerves, so called because they take their origin in the brain and pass out from the cranial cavity. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 61 Anatomical and Physiological Classification of the Cranial Nerves, Special Sense. First Pair—Olfactory; the special nerve of smell. Second Pair—Optic; the special nerve of sight. o-i -p • j Auditory or Portio Mollis; the soft root of the * '( Seventh, and the special nerve of hearing. Nerves of Motion. Third Pair - Motor Ocnli Communis; a nerve of motion of the I eyeball. Fourth Pair Patheticus; motor nerve. Sixth Pair—Abducens. Seventh Pair Facial orPortio Dura; hard root of the Seventh, I and sometimes called the nerve of expression. Ninth Pair—Hypoglossal; motor nerve of the tongue. Nerves of General Sensibility. Fifth Pair Trifacial; general sensibility of the face. Eighth Pair— Glosso-pharyngeal, Pneumogastric and Spinal " ‘ I Accessory; three mixed nerves. Spinal Nerves.—There are thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves,—eight cervical, twelve dorsal, five lumbar, five sacral, and one coccygeal. Each spinal nerve takes its origin from the spinal cord by two roots,—an anterior (motor) and a posterior (sensory) root. Upon each posterior root is de- veloped a ganglion of an oval form. Just beyond this gang- lion the two roots unite in a single mixed nerve, and leave the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen. The nerve thus formed divides into two branches,—anterior and posterior,—both containing motor and sensory filaments. That part of the body in front of the spine, including the limbs, is supplied by the anterior branches. These are larger than the posterior branches, each nerve is connected by a slender filament to the sympathetic. The anterior branches in the cervical, lumbar, and sacral regions form plexuses prior to their distribution. The posterior branches are distributed to the muscles and integument behind the spine. All the cerebro-spinal nerves anastomose with the sym- pathetic. The Sympathetic System consists of ganglia and nerves. 62 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The ganglia are arranged in the form of a double chain, on either side of the spinal column, running parallel with one another until they reach the sacrum, when they converge and communicate together in front of the coccyx through the ganglion impar. The sympathetic filaments are generally distributed to mucous membranes, to the fibers of the involuntary muscular tissues, and particularly to the muscular coat of the arteries. The general process of nutrition is influenced by the sym- pathetic. It also seems to have a controlling power over the secretions. A Ganglion is an enlargement or a knot in the course of a nerve, composed of the vesicular neurinc, distinct from the brain and spinal cord. SPINAL COED. Situation. Dura Mater. Arachnoid. Pia Mater. Membranes or Tunics Sub-Arachnoid Space. Cerebro-Spinal Fluid. Spinal Ookd Length. Weight. Fissures. Columns. Structure. Function. The Spinal Cord is situated in the spinal canal, and is continuous with the brain. It is cylindrical in form, and does not fill the canal in which it is contained. Membranes.—- Dura Mater.—A loose covering or sheath which surrounds the cord, and is not adherent to the bones. This membrane is attached to the margin of the foramen magnum, and is continuous with the dura mater of the brain. It consists of white fibrous tissue, and is sparingly supplied with blood-vessels. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 63 Arachnoid.—A thin, delicate, serous membrane. Consists of a parietal, or outer, and a visceral, or inner, layer. It invests the outer surface of the cord, and is reflected upon the inner surface of the dura mater. Pia Mater.—A delicate vascular membrane, continuous with the pia mater of the brain. The Sul)-Arachnoid Space is situated between the inner layer of the arachnoid and the pia mater. In this space is contained the cerebrospinal fluid, which is perfectly trans- parent, colorless, and free from viscidity. If this fluid is evacuated, it is speedily reproduced. Length. The spinal cord is from eighteen to twenty inches in length, commencing at the foramen magnum and extending to the first lumbar vertebra. Its weight is about an ounce and a half. The cord terminates below the first lumbar vertebra with a slender gray filament which is called the filum terminate. Fissures.—The Anterior Median Fissure is wider but not as deep as the posterior, and penetrates the anterior portion of the cord for about one-third of its thickness. The Posterior Median Fissure is deeper than the anterior, and extends into the cord to about one-half of its depth. These fissures divide the cord into two lateral halves. Each half of the cord is divided into an anterior, lateral, and pos- terior column; the lateral column is included between the origin of the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves. Structure.—The spinal cord consists of gray and white nervous matter. The white substance constitutes the greater part, and is situated externally. The gray substance occupies the center, and is in the form of two crescents, their convex surfaces connected by the gray commissure. The spinal cord conveys to and from the brain efferent and afferent impulses, and is the means of communication 64 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. between the body and the sensorium. It is also a gang- lionic center, and is capable of receiving and transmitting impressions. It is, therefore, the center of pure reflex action. BEAIN. Membranes Dura Mater. Arachnoid. Pia Mater. Sub-Arachnoid Space. Cerebro-Spinal Fluid. Pi;ain on Encephalon Weight. ’ Situation. Weight. Description. Composition, Function. Cerebrum Cerebellum. Divisions Pons Yarolii. Medulla Oblongata. Olfactory Ganglion. Optic Lobes. The Dura Mater is a dense, fibrous membrane. It lines the interior of the skull, and is intimately adherent to the inner surface of the cranial bones. It is composed of two layers, which at certain situations become separated and form the venous sinuses. This membrane also sends pro- longations or processes inward, for the support and protection of different parts of the brain. One of these descends vertic- ally in the longitudinal fissure between the two hemispheres of the cerebrum, and is called, from its shape, the falx cerebri. Another is formed between the cerebrum and cerebellum, and is known as the tentorium cerehelli. At the border of the foramen magnum the dura mater is closely attached to the bone. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 65 The Arachnoid Membrane is a delicate serous coat. Like other serous membranes it is a shut sac, and consists of a parietal and a visceral layer. This membrane does not follow the convolutions and fissures of the brain, but merely covers their surfaces. Between it and the pi a mater is found the sub-arachnoid space. This space contains the cerebro-spinal fluid. The chief use of this fluid, as far as known, is to afford protection to the nerve centers, and by equalizing the pressure in the varying condition of the blood-vessels, to serve as protection to the cerebro-spinal axis. Pia Mater.—A vascular membrane, consisting of a minute plexus of blood-vessels. It invests the entire surface of the brain, dipping down between the convolutions and laminae. Weight of the Brain, in the male, average, about 49| ounces; female, average, 44 ounces. Up to the sixth or seventh year, the weight of the brain increases rapidly—after this period more slowly, until about the fortieth year, when it reaches it maximum. The human brain is heavier than that of any of the lower animals, except the elephant and the whale. The brain of the former sometimes approximates nine or ten pounds, and of the latter about five pounds. Divisions.—Cerebrum.—Situated in the upper and anterior portion of the cranial cavity, occupying the anterior and middle fossie of the base of the skull. It is separated from the cerebellum by the tentorium. It constitutes about four- fifths of the encephalic mass. Its upper surface is ovoidal in form, broader behind than in front. This surface is covered by tortuous eminences or convolutions, separated by the sulci or furrows, depressions of various depths,—generally about one inch. The cerebrum is divided by the longitudinal fissure into right and left hemispheres or lateral halves. The sides of the longitudinal fissure form the inner surfaces of the cerebrum. The 1 ;wo hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum, which is a broad, transverse commissure of white matter. 66 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The dura mater does not dip down between the convolutions of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is composed of gray and white matter. The Gray Matter, or cortical substance, is situated externally, follows the convolutions, and is from one-twelfth to one- eighth of an inch in depth. This layer of gray matter in each of the principal divisions of the brain is continuous, there being no anatomical division between its different parts. It also follows the cerebral surfaces of the great longitudinal fissure throughout its entire length. The gray matter is composed of a mass of nerve cells, and hence is capable of generating nerve force. The White Matter is situated internally, and is made up of fibers or nervous filaments, running nearly parallel with each other. The function of the Nerve Fibers is to transmit or con- duct impressions which are to be received by a nervous center or a ganglion. This center may again send out im- pulses by the nerve fibers which are conducted to distant organs. Function of the Cerebrum. There can lie no intelligence without brain-substance, hence destruction of brain-substance produces loss of intellectual power. The cerebral hemispheres preside over the intellectual faculties, of memory, judgment, reason, etc.,—i. e., they are the instruments through which these faculties act, or manifest themselves. If these instru- ments be imperfect in structure or be injured by disease or in any manner whatever, the operations of the intellectual faculties must be correspondingly impaired. Cerebellum {or little brain).—Situated at the posterior part of the cranial cavity beneath the posterior lobes of the cere- brum. Its weight is from five to seven ounces. It is oblong and flattened from above downward. The surface of the cerebel- lum is traversed by numerous curved furrows or sulci, vary- in depth at different parts. The gray matter of the cerebel- lum is somewhat darker than that of the cerebrum, and is Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. situated externally. In proportion to its size the cerebellum contains a much larger quantity of gray matter than the cerebrum. Its function is the power of associating or co- ordinating the different voluntary movements. If, from a pigeon, the cerebellum be removed, all power of assuming or retaining any natural position is gone. His actions, which are voluntary in character, are altogether irregular and confused. In the human subject, any sudden injury inflicted upon the cerebellum is immediately followed by a disturbance of the co-ordinating power. The Pons Varolii (Bridge of Yarolius) is situated above the medulla and between the hemispheres of the cerebellum. It is a band of union of the different parts of the brain, con- necting the cerebrum above, the medulla below, and the cerebellum behind. This ganglion is connected with the functions of sensation and voluntary motion. The Medulla Oblongata is the upper and expanded part of the spinal cord, resting on the basilar groove of the oc- cipital bone, and extends from the upper border of the atlas to the lower border of the pons. It is pyramidal in form, with its broad extremity upward. Length, about one and one-fourth inches; breadth, three- fourths of an inch at widest part; thickness, one-half inch. At the middle and posterior portions of the medulla is found the nucleus of gray matter, called the nucleus of the jynewmogastric, from which the pneumogastric nerve takes its origin. So essential is this part of the brain to the preserva- tion of life, that it has received the name of the vital knot, and destruction of it is immediately followed by death. The medulla serves as a conductor of sensory impressions and of motor stimulus to and from the brain. It also pre- sides over the functions of respiration. The Olfactory Ganglion is situated at the side of the crista galli, on the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. It 68 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. is oblong, of a gray color, and soft in texture. It is composed of a grayish-white substance. From its under surface are given off from fifteen to twenty nervous filaments, which pass through the ethmoidal foramen and are distributed to the mucous membrane of the nose. The Optic Lobes, or Tubercula Qaadrigemina, are situated at the base of the cerebrum, immediately behind the third ventricle. They consist of four small rounded eminences, placed in pairs,—the two in front being largest, and of a grayish color externally. All the lobes contain gray nervous matter in the interior. The Optic Nerves take their principal origin in the optic lobes. SLEEP. Sleep may be defined as that state of the body in which the functions of sensation and volition are suspended, and the operations of the mind, if not at perfect rest, are disconnected with external objects. Although there is a modification in the vital functions, the two most important muscular acts, viz., those concerned in circulation and respiration, are never entirely interrupted. All animals possessing a well-developed nervous system, must, time after time, obtain that rest which brings a renewal of the vital force expended by the activities of the mind or the body. It is evident that a study of this condition is important, when we remember that about one- third of our lives is spent in sleep. Anything causing an excessive expenditure of the so-called nerve force, such as continued and severe mental exertion, or long and vigorous muscular effort, makes sleep an imperative necessity. When the nervous system is not over-excited, sleep follows moderate effort as a natural consequence, and it is the only real brain rest. No torture is more severe nor more refined than long- continued deprivation of sleep. Physicians recognize sleep- lessness as one of the most important predisposing causes of Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 69 certain brain diseases. As a rule, we sleep loss in summer than in winter. Sleep is preceded by certain well-known phenomena; first, a feeling of drowsiness is experienced, and also an indisposi- tion to mental or physical exertion; the muscular system becomes relaxed, the eyelids close, wo no longer appreciate the ordinary impressions of sound, and pass into a dreamless condition, in which all knowledge of our existence is lost. No active mental exercise should be indulged in just before retiring to rest. Let the hour of retiring be preceded by something which does not require the expenditure of severe mental force, as some light reading, some inno- cent game, or pleasant conversation. If possible, before retiring, banish all thought of the arduous labors of the day, and the obstacles which may have presented themselves, thus inviting a natural and healthy cessation of the activity of mind and body. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. TABLE OF CRANIAL NERVES. Name. Origin. Foramen Trans- mitted. Branches. Distribution. Remarks. 1st— Olfactory. Inferior and internal portion of the an- terior lobe of the cerebrum. Corpus Striatum. Island of Reil. Ethmoidal. From the Oifac- factory Bulb, about twenty in number. Mucous mem- brane of the nose. Gray matter in in- terior—Soft and pulpy. 2d — Optic. Optic thalami. Tubercula Quadri- gemina. Optic. None, Retina. Perforated by the arteria centralis retinas. 3d — Motor Oculi Communis. Crus Cerebri. Yalve of Yieussens. Sphenoidal fissure. Superior. Inferior. All the muscles of the eye-ball, except the Ex- ternal Rectus, and Superior Oblique. 4th — Patheticus or Trochlear. Floor of fourth Ventricle. Yalve of Yieussens. Sphenoidal fissure. A recurrent. Superior Oblique Muscle. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 5th — -Trifacial. Lateral portion of the Pons Yarolii, Lateral tract of the Medulla, just be- hind the olivary body. Gasserian ganglion. 1st division thro’ Sphenoidal fis- sure. 2d division thro’ Foramen R o - tundum. 3d division thro’ Foramen Ovale. Ophthalmic. Superior Maxil- lary. Inferior Maxilla- ry. The great sensi- tive nerve of the face. 6th — -Abducens. Posterior part of the Medulla. Floor of fourth Ven- tricle. Sphenoidal fissure. None. External Rectus muscle. " Auditory. Floor of fourth Ven- tricle. Meatus Audito- rius Internus. Cochlear. Vestibular. The parts of the internal ear. Destitute of Neu- rilemma. 7th — Facial. Floor of fourth Ven- tricle ; also lower border of the Pons Varolii. Stylo-mastoid. Numerous. Muscles of ex- pression of face; also Platysma and Buccinator. Glosso- pharynges A nucleus of gray matter at lower part of floor of the fourth Ventricle. Jugular. Carotid, pharyn- geal, muscular tonsilar, lingual. Pharynx, fauces, tonsil, and tongue A nerve of sensa- tion, of motion, and of special sense. 8th—< Pneumo- gastric. Lower part of floor fourth Ventricle. J ugular. See outline. Organs of Voice and Respiration. Pharynx, (Esoph- agus, # Stomach. Composed of mo- tor and sensitive fibers. - Spinal accessory. Lower half of the Medulla Oblongata. Upper two-thirds of the cervical portion of the Spinal Cord. Jugular. Internal or Anas- tomotic, External or Mus- cular. Muscles of the Neck. The internal branch communi- cates with the Pneumogastric. 72 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. CHAPTER XIII. SIGHT OR VISION. ' Situation. Dimensions. Definition. Coats or Tunics— Sclerotic and Cornea. Choroid and Ciliary Processes. Eetitva. Hyaloid Membrane. Ball or Globe Iris. Capsule. Canal of Petit. Sight or Vision. Ciliary Muscle. 'Eye—- Eefracting Media or Humors Aqueous. Crystalline Lens. Vitreous. Levator Palpelme Muscle. Organs. Adjusting [ Machinery— Superior Bectus. Inferior Bectus. Internal Bectus. External Bectus. -Straight Muscles.- Superior Oblique. Inferior Oblique. | Orbital Arch. Brows. Lids, Lashes. Conjunctiva. Lachrymal Apparatus Tears. Protecting Organs - Lachrymal Gland. Puncta Laclirymalia.' Canaliculi. Lachrymal Sac. [Nasal Duct. Hypermetropic. Myopic. Emmetropic. Types of Eyes Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 73 Definition.—Vision is the faculty by which we perceive the form and outline of things. f Organs.—The Eyes are only the instruments of seeing. They receive the impressions which, by the optic nerves, are conveyed to the perceptive center—the optic lobes of the brain—where the true seat of vision lies. The Ball or Globe of the Eye is situated in the cavity of the orbit, resting upon a cushion of fat. The Orbit is pyramidal in shape, the apex directed in- ward, the base directed outward, and corresponding to the free margin. It is about one and four-fifths inches deep. At its posterior and inner part is the optic foramen, through which pass the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. Dimensions of the Eyeball.—Antero- posterior diameter, about one inch; transverse diameter, about eleven lines or eleven-twelfths of an inch. At the central part of the cornea is situated the anterior pole; directly opposite, and at the back part of the eyeball, is the posterior pole. A line passing from one pole to the other is the axis of the eye. The equator of the eye passes vertically through the central portion, and divides the eye into the anterior and posterior hemispheres. Coats orr Tunics.—The external covering of the eye con- sists of the sclerotic and cornea. The sclerotic is composed of white fibrous tissue; it is dense, firm, unyielding, and thicker behind than in front. It occupies the posterior five- sixths of the globe of the eye, and serves to maintain its globular shape. Color.—Externally, the sclerotic is smooth and white; internally, it is stained brown, and grooved by the ciliary nerves. The sclerotic is pierced at its posterior part, and a little to the nasal side, by the optic nerve; its anterior part is connected to the cornea, and is in intimate relation to the conjunctiva. This coat is sparingly supplied with nerves and blood. Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, cm<7 Hygiene. The Cornea occupies the anterior fifth of the eyeball. It is clear, transparent, firm, and resisting. It is convex in front and concave behind. Blood-vessels do not pass into the cornea, but form loops in the most peripheral portion. On account of the transparency of the nerves, they are found all over the cornea, and thus render it very sensitive, so that a slight scratch on it will cause great pain. The Choroid, together with the ciliary processes, form the second coat of the eye. It occupies the posterior five- sixths of the eyeball, and is distinguished from the other coats by its dark color. It is very vascular, and is perfo- rated posteriorly by the optic nerve. In this coat are found a number of irregular cells, containing a pigment varying from a brown to a jet-black color. This gives to this coat its char- acteristic dark drown or chocolate color. The pigment is darker and more abundant in the negroes and colored races than in blonde persons. It is almost entirely wanting in the albinos. The choroid coat makes a dark chamber of the eye, and absorbs the unnecessary rays of light, thus aiding in perfect vision. The Iris has received its name from the varied color it presents in different individuals. It is a membranous, circu- lar-shaped, contractile curtain, suspended in the aqueous humor of the eye, and divides the portion in front of the crystalline lens into two parts,—the one is called the anterior chamber, and is in front of the iris; the other, the posterior chamber, and is behind the iris. The aqueous humor passes readily from one chamber to the other. Color.—The anterior surface is variously colored in differ- ent individuals; the posterior surface is a deep purple, and covered with pigmentary cells. The diameter of the iris is about half an inch; its perfo- ration in the center, the pupil, is from one-eighth to one-sixth of an inch in diameter. The function of the iris is to regulate the amount of light that enters the eye during the act of vision, and to shut off Outlines, in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 75 the rays of light going through the periphery of the lens. The amount of light entering the eye, and the sensitiveness of the retina, causes the pupil to dilate or contract. This action is plainly seen by placing the hand over the eye and shutting out the light, then suddenly admitting it again, when the mobility of the iris is plainly discernible. The iris differs in color according to the quantity of pigment it con- tains. if the pigment accumulates in spots, it gives to the iris a dotted appearance. In albinos it is entirely wanting. The iris is plentifully supplied with blood-vessels. Ciliary Processes.—-Formed by the plaiting or folding inward of the middle and internal layer of the anterior por- tion of the choroid. They form a regular circle of plaits or folds, usually about seventy in number, and are of two kinds,—large and small. The large are about one-tenth of an inch in length, and constitute about two-thirds of the entire number. Between the larger folds are found the smaller kind, which make up the remaining one-third. The Ciliary Muscle is the muscle of accommodation or tensor of the choroid. It is about one-eighth of an inch in width, and surrounds the anterior margin and outer surface of the choroid. The Retina is the third coat of the eye, and is a delicate, nervous membrane. It is clear and transparent in life, but becomes opaque and wrinkled after death. Upon this coat the objects of vision are made, and a little to the outer or temporal side of the optic disc is the seat of the most acute vision, called the fovea centralis. The retina is very sensi- tive to light, and, if pressed upon, the sensation of flashes of light is produced. The Optic Nerve penetrates the retina a little within and below the antero-posterior axis of the globe. The Hyaloid Membrane is extremely delicate and trans- parent, enveloping the vitreous humor of the eye. In front it is continuous with the suspensory ligament of the lens. 76 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The Capsule of the Lens is a thin, transparent sac, contain- ing the crystalline lens. Refracting Media or Humors.—The Crystalline Lens is situated immediately behind the pupil, in front of the vitreous body. It is transparent, exceedingly elastic, color- less, and firm in texture. In shape it is double-convex, the greater convexity being on its posterior surface. Dimensions.—Antero-posterior diameter, about one-fourth of an inch; transverse diameter, one-third of an inch. The lens is composed of layers of fibers which form the outer or delicate softer portion, and, later in life, the nucleus, which becomes apparent at about the fortieth year. The function of the lens is to bring the rays of light passing through it to a focus upon the retina, thus producing distinct perception of form and outline. Surrounding the border of the lens is the Canal of Petit, formed by the separation of the two layers of the suspensory ligament. This canal is triangular in form, and is about one tenth of an inch wide. The Aqueous Humor is situated in the aqueous chamber of the eye, which is bounded in front by the cornea, and poste- riorly by the crystalline lens and its capsule. This fluid is clear, perfectly colorless, with a specific gravity of about 1005, and is chiefly composed of water. It is a secretion of the membranes surrounding the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, and if, from any cause, it escapes from its cavity, it is speedily reproduced. Its removal renders the eye sensitive to light, and obstructs perfect vision. If, dur- ing this period, it receives proper treatment, normal vision is again restored. The Vitreous. LLumor occupies the posterior two-thirds of the globe, and is a clear, transparent, gelatinous substance, being enveloped by the hyaloid membrane, which presents a cup-shaped depression in front to receive the lens. The Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 77 specific gravity of this humor is about 1005. It is not sup- plied with blood-vessels and nerves, but receives its nutrition from the ciliary body and retina. This humor is not affected by heat or alcohol. The acetate of lead will cause it to coagulate. Adjusting Machinery.-—The Levator Palpebrce Muscle arises in front of the optic foramen, and is inserted by a broad expansion into the upper eyelid. It is thin, flat, trian- gular in shape, and at its origin is narrow and tendinous, becoming broad and fleshy as it passes forward. This mus- cle, when it contracts, raises the upper eyelid. The Superior Pectus arises from the upper margin of the optic foramen, and is inserted in the sclerotic coat at its upper surface, about three-quarters of an inch from the margin of the cornea. The action of this muscle, when contracting alone, is to turn the eye upward. The Inferior, Internal, and External Recti Muscles arise from round the circumference of the optic foramen, and are inserted in the sclerotic coat in a manner similar to the superior rectus. These muscles, acting singly, turn the eye either downward, inward, or outward, as their names imply. The Superior Oblique Muscle arises just above the inner margin of the optic foramen, and passes forward to the inner angle of the orbit; here it terminates in a rounded tendon, which passes through a ring or pulley, formed by fibro-carti- laginous tissue attached to a depression in the bone at the upper and inner portion of the orbital cavity. The tendon then passes backward and outward, under the superior rectus, and is inserted into the sclerotic coat, midway between the margin of the cornea and entrance of the optic nerve, and between the superior and external recti. The Inferior Oblique Muscle is situated near the anterior margin of the orbit. It arises from the inner corner of the eye, external to the lachrymal groove. From this origin it 78 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. passes outward and backward, beneath the inferior rectus, and between the eyeball and the external rectus, and is inserted in the sclerotic coat between the superior and external rectus. The action of the oblique muscles is to rotate the eyeball on its antero-posterior axis. Protecting Organs.—The Orbital Arch surrounds the cavity of the orbit, forming its upper and lower boundary, anti affords considerable protection to the eye, owing to the sharpness and prominence of the bone. The Eyebrows are situated upon the superciliary ridge which forms the upper border of the orbit. These short, stiff hairs serve to shade the eye from excessive light, and prevent the perspiration from running from the forehead upon the lids. The Eyelids, two in number, are covered by integument, which is here very thin, and are lined by the conjunctiva. The lids are of the greatest importance in the protection of the eyeball. When the upper and lower lids approximate, they close the orbit, preventing any sudden blow or force from injuring the eyeball. At the borders of the lids are the Eyelashes or Cilia—short, stiff, curved hairs. These are arranged in two or more rows, and are curved from the eyeball. They protect the surface of the conjunctiva from dust and other foreign matter. The Palpebral Fissures are the openings between the free margins of the lids. The upper lid is larger than the lower. Between the skin and the mucous membrane of the eyelids are found the Tarsal Cartilages, of dense, hard, fibrous tissue. They are small and elongated, and extend from the edges of the lids toward the margin of the orbit. The one in the upper lid is semi-lunar in form, with its convexity upward. These cartilages serve to give the lids their proper shape. Along the free edge of the upper lid, near its inner margin, may be seen a row of tine dot-like openings, which are the excretory ducts of the Meibomian glands. They secrete an Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. 79 oily fluid, which smears the edges of the lids and prevents the overflow of the tears. The Conjunctiva is a mucous membrane, lining both the upper and lower lids, and covering the anterior portion of the eyeball. At the inner circumference of the lids this membrane is reflected forward to the eyelids, forming a fold of transmission. The conjunctiva is well supplied with blood-vessels, very sensitive and easily irritated, especially near the free margin of the lid, where the nerves terminate in great abundance. The (Rands of the Conjunctiva arc numerous, and their secretion serves to moisten the eye to a greater extent than the tears. The conjunctiva is continuous with the mucous membrane of the nose, by the lining of the lachrymal canals. Lachrymal Apparatus.—The Lachrymal Gland is situ- ated in a shallow depression in the roof of the orbit at its outer portion. It is ovoid, flattened, and in shape and size resembles a small almond. The secretion of this gland—the tears —is a thin, watery fluid, perfectly clear and colorless, of a saltish taste, and is distributed over the globe by the movements of the lids and of the eyeball. The secretion is constant, but may be increased by various circumstances. The excess of this secretion passes toward the inner canthus of the eye, enters the lachrymal sac through the canaliculi and lachrymal duct, and is conveyed into the nose by the nasal duct. During sleep the amount of the secretion is much diminished. The tears pass from the lachrymal gland through seven small ducts to the upper portion of the upper lid, where the ducts open into the conjunctival sac. The Puncta Lachrymalia are the minute orifices opening into the canaliculi. The Canaliculi arc little canals, two in number, which convey the tears into the lachrymal sac. 80 Outlines in Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene. The upper and dilated extremity of the nasal duct is termed the Lachrymal Sac. Above, it is rounded in form, and, below, continuous with the nasal duct. The Nasal Duct is about three-fourths of an inch in length, and extends from the lachrymal sac to the inferior meatus of the nose. Both the lachrymal sac and the nasal duct are lined with a mucuous membrane. Types of Eyes.—A Hypermetropic or Long-Sighted Eye is one in which the focal distance of the refracting media is longer than the axis of the eye. Such a condition of the eye is termed hypermetropia, and there is no clear vision at any distance except by the exercise of accommodation. A Myopic or Short-Sighted Eye is one where the focal distance of the refracting media is less than the axis of the eye. Such a condition is known as myopia. The far point of the myopic eye is at some finite distance, as two feet or three feet; the near point is nearer than in the normal eye. In the Emmetropic or Normal Eye, the focal distance of the refracting media, is the same as the visual axis of the eye,—i.