Index Medicus War Supplement A Classified Record of Literature on Military Medicine and Surgery 1914-1917 FIELDING H. GARRISON, M. D., FRANK J. STOCKMAN, M. D.. Editors PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, D. C. Index Medicns WAR SUPPLEMENT, 1914-1917 TABLE OF CONTENTS Military Hygiene 1 Bacteriological Service 2 Barracks, Camps, and Cantonments 3 Extra-Cantonment Zones 3 Sanitary Organization 3 Bathing Facilities 4 Disinfection 4 Laundries and Drying-Cabinets .... 5 Disposal of Sewage and Offal 5 Latrines and Incinerators 5 Water Supply 6 Hot-Water Supply 7 Field Kitchens 7 Food Supply 8 Use of Alcohol 9 Personal Hygiene of Troops 10 Clothing 10 Feet and Foot-Gear 10 Protective Devices 10 Ear Protectors 11 Eye Protectors 11 Gas Defense 11 Helmets 11 Physical Training 11 Sanitary Tactics, Map-Reading 12 Sanitation of the Battlefield 12 Disposal of Dead 12 Trench Hygiene 13 Fatigue and Blood Pressure 13 Insects and Vermin 13 Flies 14 Lice 14 Mosquitoes 16 Rats 16 Page Malingering 39 Self-Inflicted Wounds 40 Care of Wounded 41 Classification of Wounded 42 Evacuation and Transport 42 Ambulance Service 44 Ambulances 45 Stretchers 45 Hospital Trains 47 Hospital Ships 47 First Aid 48 Dogs 48 Splints 49 Women in Military Medicine 49 War Relief 49 Red Cross .... 50 Order of St. John 51 Trench Diseases 51 Frostbite and Trench-Foot 51 Rat-Bite Fever 55 Trench Fever 55 Troop Diseases 56 Specific Infectious Diseases 57 Bacillus Carriers 58 Epidemics 58 Preventive Inoculation 59 Anomalous Fevers 59 Five-Day Fever [Volhynian] 59 Anthrax 59 Cerebrospinal Meningitis 60 Cholera 61 Dengue 61 Diphtheria til Dysentery 62 Erysipelas .63 Influenza 63 Leprosy 63 Measles .63 Parotitis 63 Plague 63 Pneumonia 64 Scarlatina 64 Smallpox and Vaccination 64 Tetanus 64 Tuberculosis 64 Typhoid Fever 67 Paratyphoid Infection 69 Preventive Inoculation Against Typhoid Fever 70 Typhus Fever 71 Venereal Diseases 72 Gonorrhosa 75 Syphilis 75 Parasitic Diseases 76 Filariasis 76 Hookworm Disease 76 Kala-Azar 76 Malarial Fever 76 Relapsing Fever 77 Diathetic (Deficiency) Diseases 77 Diabetes 77 (Edema 78 Rheumatic Affections 78 Diseases of the Ductless Glands 78 Diseases of the Thyroid Gland 78 Diseases of the Circulatory System 78 Diseases of the Heart . . 79 Diseases of the Digestive System 81 Uleero-Membranous Stomatitis 82 Dilatation of the Abdomen 82 Diseases of the Stomach 82 Diseases of the Intestines 82 Appendicitis 82 Diarrhoeal Diseases 82 Page Military Medicine 1° History 77 Museums 18 Personal Memoirs and Experiences 18 Dardanelles and Mediterranean Campaign . . 20 Mesopotamia Campaign 20 Serbian Front 21 Records and Statistics 21 Administration and Organization 22 Medical Reserve Corps 25 Preparedness, National Defense 25 Equipment and Materiel 26 Beds 27 Hospitals 27 Auxiliary Hospitals 28 Base Hospitals 2° Convalescent Hospitals 30 Dressing Stations 30 Evacuation Hospitals 30 Field Hospitals 31 General Hospitals 32 Isolation Hospitals 32 Mobile Hospitals 33 Open-Air Hospitals 33 Special Hospitals 33 _lnstruction and Training Camps 33 Examination of Recruits 34 Defectives and Delinquents 35 Mental Tests 36 Psychology of Combatants 36 Aviation and Aviators 37 Ethics and Jurisprudence 37 Autopsies 38 Diagnosis of Death 38 Discharge and Invalidism 38 Pensions and Insurance . . . . . . . 39 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Diseases of the Liver 83 Jaundice 83 Infectious Jaundice 83 Toxic Jaundice 84 Picric Acid Jaundice 84 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System .... 85 Diseases of the Kidneys 85 Incontinence of Urine 86 Diseases of the Locomotor System 87 Diseases of the Nervous System 87 Diseases of the Brain 88 Aphasia and Amnesia 88 Epilepsy 88 Hysteria 89 Insanity 89 Meningitis 92 Muscular Dystrophies 92 Neuralgia . 92 Neurasthenia 92 Neuritis 93 Neuroses 93 Paralysis 96 Shell-Shock 96 Camptocormy 99 Concussion Blindness 99 Deafness, Aphonia and Mutism from Shell- Shock 99 Spasm and Tremor 100 Syphilis of the Nervous System 100 Diseases of the Respiratory System 100 Gas Poisoning 100 Tear Shells 103 Diseases of the Skin 103 Diseases of the Scalp 104 Scabies 104 Toxic Dermatitis 104 Therapeutics . . . . 105 Pharmacology, Materia Medica 105 Page Localization and Extraction of Projectiles . . 147 Localization and Extraction of Projectiles— Methods and Instruments 148 Localization by Compass 150 Localization by Electromagnet 151 Localization by Roentgen Rays 152 Wounds by Artillery Arms 156 Wounds by Small-Calibre Projectiles .... 157 Wounds by Explosive (Dum-Dum) Projectiles . 158 Wounds by Torpedoes 159 Multiple Wounds 159 Wounds of the Vascular System 159 Aneurism and Hsematoma 160 Wounds of the Aorta 161 Wounds of the Brachial Artery 162 Wounds of the Carotid Arteries and Jugular Veins 162 Wounds of the Femoral Vessels 162 Wounds of the Popliteal Vessels 162 Wounds of the Subclavian Artery 163 Wounds of the Nervous System 163 Wounds of Nerves 163 Wounds of Cranial Nerves [and Branches] . . 165 Wounds of Peripheral Nerves 166 Wounds of the Brachial Plexus 169 Wounds of the Median, Radial and Ulnar Nerves 169 Wounds of the Sciatic and Popliteal Nerves . 170 Traumatic Paralysis 170 Trophia and Vasomotor Disorders .... 171 Wounds of the Spine and Spinal Cord . . .172 Wounds of the Head 175 Wounds of the Brain 181 Tangential and Gutter Wounds 183 Wounds of the Cranial Sinuses 184 Cranioplasty 184 Wounds of the Pace and Jaws 185 Wounds of the Mouth, (Esophagus and Salivary Glands 190 Wounds of the Neck 190 Wounds of the Chest 191 Wounds of the Heart and Pericardium . . . 194 Wounds of the Lungs 196 Wounds of the Mediastinum 198 Wounds of the Shoulder Girdle 199 Thoraco-Abdominal Wounds 199 _ Wounds of the Diaphragm 200 Wounds of the Abdomen 200 Wounds of the Stomach and Intestines . . . 205 Faecal Fistula; 206 Hernia 206 Wounds of the Rectum 206 Wounds of the Liver 206 Wounds of the Spleen 207 Wounds of the Pelvis and Pelvic Organs . . . 207 Wounds of the Buttocks 207 Wounds of the Genito-Urinary Organs .... 207 Wounds of the Bladder 208 Wounds of the Kidney and Ureter .... 208 Wounds of the Penis and, Urethra .... 209 Urinary Fistula: 209 Wounds of the Extremities 209 Fractures 211 Bone Fistulae 215 Wounds of the Upper Extremity 215 Fractures of the Humerus 215 Wounds of the Forearm 216 Wounds of the Hand 217 Wounds of the Lower Extremity 217 Fractures of the Femur 218 Fractures of the Leg 220 Wounds of the Foot 221 Wounds of Joints 221 Wounds of the Elbow-Joint 223 Wounds of the Hip-Joint 223 Wounds of the Knee-Joint 224 Wounds of the Shoulder-Joint 226 Amputations 226 Artificial Limbs 227 Orthopaedic Surgery 228 Crippled and Disabled Soldiers 229 Equinism 229 Reconstruction, Reeducation, and Rehabilita- tion 230 Reeducation of Blind, Deaf, and Mutes . . 234 Ophthalmology 235 Sympathetic Ophthalmia 236 Trachoma 236 Vision . 236 Astigmatism 236 Blindness . 236 Page Military Surgery 105 Personal Memoirs and Experiences .... 109 Antiseptic and Aseptic Surgery 110 Plastic Surgery 11l Radiology 11l Surgical Anaesthesia 113 Surgical Instruments and Materiel 113 Surgical Ambulances and Theatres . . . .114 Transfusion 114 Tumors 114 Wounds 114 Arrow Wounds 116 Bayonet Wounds 116 Burns 117 Cicatrization of Wounds 117 Adherent Cicatrices and Contractures . . . 118 Foreign Matter 118 Haemorrhage 119 Migration of Projectiles 119 Retention of Projectiles . 119 Chemical Poisoning by Projectiles .... 120 Wound Infection and Bacteriology of Wounds . 120 Wound Infection—Prevention 121 Wound Infection—Treatment 122 Wound Infection—Treatment by Antiseptics . . 123 Wound Infection—Treatment by Eusol (Carrel- Dakin) 126 Wound Infection—Treatment, by Oxygen . . 128 Wound Infection—Treatment by Sera and Vaccines 128 Anaerobic Infection 128 Gas Infection and Malignant (Edema . . .129 Gas Infection—Bacteriology 131 Gas Infection—Diagnosis 132 Gas Infection—Preventive and Therapeutic Inoculation 132 Gas Infection—’Treatment 133 Traumatic Tetanus 134 Diphtheritic Infection 136 Mycotic Infection 136 Wound-Shock 136 Wound-Treatment 136 Drainage and Irrigation 140 Dressings 140 Saline Dressings 141 Electrotherapy 142 Excision and Suture 142 Hydrotherapy, Olimatotherapy 144 Phototherapy, Radiotherapy 144 Physiotherapy, Mechanotherapy 145 Massage 147 Index Medicus. V Functional Disorders 237 Disorders Following Cranio-Cerebral Wounds . 237 Hemeralopia 238 Surgery of the Eye and Orbit 238 Wounds of the Eye . 238 Indirect Injuries of the Eye 240 Wounds of the Orbit 240 Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 241 Otology 241 Audition 242 Deafness 242 Diseases of the Ear 242 Inflammation of the Middle Ear .... 242 Wounds of the Auditory Apparatus .... 243 Indirect Injuries of the Auditory Apparatus . 243 Wounds of the Mastoid Process 244 Rhinology 244 Wounds of the Nose and Sinuses .... 244 Laryngology 245 Disorders of Speech 245 Mutism 245 Paralysis of the Larynx 245 Wounds of the Larynx, Pharynx, Trachea and Bronchi 245 Naval Medicine and Hygiene 246 Submarines 249 Page Dentistry 249 Nursing 250 Pharmacy . 201 Yeterinary Medicine 251 Glanders .... 251 European War 252 Relation of War to Science . . . . . • • 252 Relation of War to Medicine . . . . • 252 Relation of War to Medical Education . . 253 Etfect of War upon Civil Population . . . .253 Air Raids 254 Dietetics 254 Food Economics 254 War Bread 256 Infant and Child Welfare 257 Occupations 258 Aeroplane Workers . . ~ 258 Munition Workers 258 WTomen War Workers 259 Prisoners 259 Sexual Instinct 260 Prostitution 260 Rape 260 Page Index Medicus. MILITARY HYGIENE. Bispham (W. N.) Health of the new army. Clinique, Chicago, 1917, xxxviii, 408-411. Also: J. Am. Inst. Homcep., Cleveland, 1917- 18, x, 250-253. Brettner. Der Kriegssanitatsdienst in Berlin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1665-1667. Brinke (N.) [The hygiene of troops during mobilization in the field.] Alim. sven. lakar- tidn., Stockholm, 1916, xiii, 1089-1123. Camp (The) Greenleaf School of Military Hy- giene. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1794. Ashburn (Percy M.) The elements of mili- tary hygiene, especially arranged for officers and men of the line. 2. ed. Bost. & N. Y. [1915], Houghton, Mifflin Co., 359 p., B°. Delflni (Charles- Jean-Hippolyte). Contribu- tion a 1’ etude de 1’ hygiene des troupes en campagnes. Bordeaux, 1917, 47 p., B°, * No. 11. Elkington (H. P. G. ) Notes on military san- itation. Lond. [1915], St. John Ambu- lance Ass., 104 p., 16°. Ford (Joseph Herbert). Elements of field hy- giene and sanitation. Phila., 1917, P. Blakis- ton’s Son & Co., 225 p., 12°. Great Britain. War Office. Manual of ele- mentary military hygiene, 1912. Lond., 1914, W. Clowes & Son, 97 p., B°. . Local Government Board. Circulars and papers relating to the co-operation of civil and military authorities in sanitary matters. Lond., 1915, 15 p., fol. Havard (Valery). Manual of military hygiene for the military service of the United States. 3. ed. N. Y., 1917, W. Wood & Co., 809 p., B°. Jones (George Ellis). Hygiene and war. Wash., 1917, Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace. 207 p., B°. Laurency (Maurice-fimile). Pratiques d’hy- giene en campagne. Bordeaux, 1916, 47 p., B°, * No. 53. Lelean (Percy Samuel). Sanitation in war; with an introduction by Sir A. Keogh. Lond., 1915, J. & A. Churchill, 278 p., front., B°. . The same. 2. ed. Lond., 1917, J. &A. Churchill, 343 p., B°. Macy (Frederick S.) The care of troops (for line officers). N. Y., 1917, G. U. Harvey, 176 p., 12°. Moores (Samuel Guise). British Red Cross Society: Hygiene and sanitation manual No. 4. Lond. [etc.], 1914, Cassell & Co., 202 p., 12°. Peyronnet de Lafonvielle (Gabriel Clement Adhemar). Essai sur la defense sanitaire des troupes en campagne. Bordeaux, 1915, Y. Cadoret, 86 p., B°, * No. 2. Tassy (R. J. J.) Hygiene d’ un bataillon de chasseurs en campagne. Bordeaux, 1916, 56 p., B°, * No. 24. Tedder (Edward Bright). Sanitation for medi- cal officers. Phila. &N. Y., 1917, Lea & Febi- ger, 211 p., 12°. Capogrossi (A.) Igiene e profilassi delle truppe in campagna, con riguardo speciale al colera, all’ ileo-tifo eal dermotifo. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez prat., 672-678. Couillard (E.) L’hygiene de la guerre. Bull, med. de Quebec, 1915-16, xvii, 153-167. Derby {Earl). The health of the army. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1914-15, xxxv, 277- 286. Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xlii, Dieudonne (A.) Kriegshygieue. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1859. Evatt (G. J. H.) Short service for the English soldier in India. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiii, 627-646. Filippini (A.) Gli insegnamenti igienici della guerra. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1917, xxviii, 181- 184. Foy (G.) Health in the United States Army. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, ciii, 292. Fiirth. Hygienische Streiflichter aus West- flandern. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1916, xx, 41-45. Goldscheider. Ueber die Uraschen des gfinstigen Gesundheitszustandes unserer Truppen im Winterfeldzuge. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 161-175. Goodwin (T. H.) Sanitation in war. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 377-387, 1 port. Gorgas (W. C.) Health problems of the Army. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 937-939. Grossheim. Kriegssanitatsdienst im Heimatge- biet. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 659-665. Hauser. Lehren des Weltkrieges fur unser Armeesanitatswesen. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 1441-1461. Health of armies in peace and war. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 517. Health of the French troops in Salonica. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 403. Herranz (C.) Sanidad militar en Portugal. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1915, 3. s., v, 333- 343. Acuna (P. I.) Importancia de la zona de estapas del punto de vista sanitario militar. Sem- ana m6d., Buenos Aires, 1916, xxiii, pt. 2, 438-442. Aievoli (E.) Insegnamenti sanitari della guerra. Incurabili, Napoli, 1916, xxxi, 153- 163. Ainsworth (R. B.) Sanitation in war. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 353 358. Ballin (G.) Kriegssanitatsdienst. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 332. Bartolone (G.) Proposte per il servizio sani- tario campale. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 932-935. Hesse (E.) Die Hygiene im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 154-157. Hillenberg. Hygienische Beobachtungen bei der Sanierung von L. (Russisch Polen) nebst ein- igen Erfahrungen fiber das Yorkommen von Cholera und Pocken daselbst. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1915, xxviii, 409-421. Kenwood (H. R.) The hygienic lessons of the war. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 1083-1085. King (W. C.) Military sanitation. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 871. Kirchenberger (S.) Der Sanitatsdienst im Felde. Militararzt, Wien, 1916, 1, 34-41. 1 2 Index Medicus [War Supp. Kuhn (P.) & Mollers (B.) Hygienische Erfah- rungen im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 417 ; 476 ; 499 ; 506 ; 525 ; 556. McCulloch (C. C.) jr. Military hygiene. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 946-952. Also: Re- print. Marett (P. J.) Sanitation in war. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 359-366. Matiguon (J. J.) Quelques pcrsonnalities repre- sentatives de 1’ hygiene militaire americaine. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 513. Maus (B. M.) Military hygiene. Ref. Handb. Med. Sc., N, Y., 3. ed., 1915, v, 402-425, 1 pi. Mendes (E.) B’igiene dell’esercito in cam- pagna. Attualith med., Milano, 1914, iii, 717- 726. Mendes (G.) Insegnamenti della guerra sui servizi sanitari campali. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 5-13. Mitchiner (P. H.) Some hints on military hy- giene in the field. St. Thomas’ Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1914, xxiv, 241-247. Morowitz (B. F.) The military quarantine sta- tions of Hungary. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 852-854. Munson (E. B.) Field sanitation of the future. (Ed.) Mil. Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 1917, xl, 310. Newcomb (W. H.) Some military lessons of the war. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 324-327. Nikolic (Dj. J.) [The Serbian military sanita- tion during the last wars.] Srpski arh. za celok. lek., Beograd. 1914, xx, 196-247. [Dis- cussion] : 261-276. Peyronuet de Lafouvielle (G.) Perfectionne- ment adopter dans la defense sanitaire des troupes combattantes. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 85-51. Pike (E. B.) Field sanitation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 330-348. Pontauo. Bo stato sanitario delle truppe in alta montagna. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1142. Potono (J.) Ba sanidad militar en el actual conflicto europeo. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1914, 3. s., iv, 509-516. Rosenau (M. J.) Military hygiene. In his Preventive medicine and hygiene, 3. ed. N. Y„ 1917, 1177-1296. Ross (Sir R.) Government and civil and mili- tary sanitation in the tropics. J. State Med., Bond., 1915. xxiii, 97-106. Satre (A.) Hygiene pratique de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 825-827. Saville (T.) Military sanitation in the present war. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii. 527-547. Secchieri (A.) B’ igiene militare nella presente guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 625-630. Sergeois (E.) Gesundheitskommissionen im 632-634. Simpson (W. J.) The need of an organized application of tropical hygiene to prevent ex- cessive wastage from disease in our armies in the east. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Bond., 1916, xix, 273-275. Soucek (A.) Zur Hygiene im Felde. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 279. Souttar (H. S.) Voluntary field hospitals and military hygiene. Med. Mag., Bond., 1915, xxiv, 290-294. Tuflier (T.) Practical problems from the view- point of a field inspector. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xx, 713-715. Vaughan (V. C.) Modern military hygiene and camp sanitation. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1915, 3. s., xxxvii, 188-200. Walls (C. B.) The messing and hygiene of a national guard regiment on a railroad trip of 6000 miles. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 4448. Wiener (E.) Zur Pronhylaxe im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1629; 1656; 1915, xxviii, 25 ; 55 ; 137 ; 259 ; 281. Winslow (C. E. A.) Health in war and peace. South. Hosp. Rec., Atlanta, 1917, iv, 170-172. Wirgin (G.) [Hygienic studies in the theatre of war, August-September, 1915.] Tidsskr. i mil. Hiilsov., Stockholm, 1915, xl, 243-286. Wolff (T.) Die Yerpflegung unseres Heeres im JBelde. Hygiene, Berk, 1914, iv, 297-306. X. Bemerkungen iiber den Sanitiitsdienst im Karst- und Kiistengebiete. Militiirarzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 425-428. BACTERIOLOGICAL SERVICE, Glynn (Ernest E.) Microbes and the war, with comments on the national neglect of natural science. Liverp. & Bond., 1916, C. Tinling & Co., 53 p., B°. Arzt (B.) Das bakteriologische Eisenbahnla- boratorium der bsterreichischen Gesellschaft vom Roten Kreuz. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1335. Avrorolf (P. P.) [Construction and activity of bacteriological laboratories at the front.] Sibirsk. Vrach., Tomsk, 1916, iii, 3-5. Basten (J.) Ueber bakteriologische Arbeiten in der Front. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixn, 531. Cayrel. Utilisation de 1’ acetylene pour chauffage des 6tudes des laboratoires de bactgriologie, en campagne ou aux colonies. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 349. Davis (D. J.) Bacteriology and the war. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, y, 385-399. Dean (H. R.), Adamson (R. S.) [et ah] A bacteriological examination of convalescents from the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxviii, 428-460. ’ Delepine (S.) A simple portable refrigerating box and its use as a temporary incubator in military work. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 718. Herringhani (Sir W. P.) Bacteriology at the front. Ibid., 1917, i, 832. Martial (R.) Be laboratoire et le medecin mili- taire; maniere de faire les prelevements et de les expedier. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 161-191. Nobecourt (P.) & Peyre (E.) Resultats des hemocultures pratiquees chez 128 malades du service des contagieux de F. . . . Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1521-1530. Picque (R.) Necessaire de microscopie de cam- pagne du medecin-major Rubenthaler. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1931-1936. Remlinger (P.) Un milieu nutritif de guerre. Be bouillon d’ escargots. Compt. rend. Soc. de bioh, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 1109-1110. Russell (F. F.) Baboratories in the Army. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 717. Uhlenhuth. In Biichsen konservierte Bakteri- ennahrboden fur den Feldgebrauch. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 279. Woodhead (G. S.) The president’s address, on some of the microbiological problems of the present war. J. Roy. Micr. Soc., Bond., 1915, pt. 3, 205-226. Military Hygiene. 3 BARRACKS, CAMPS, AND CANTONMENTS. Kenwood (H. B.) Health in the camp, a talk to soldiers. Bond., 1915, H. K. Lewis & Co., 63 p., 16°. Le Roch (Armand-Alfred-Joseph-Marie). Con- siderations sur 1’ hygiene des cantonnements du front. Bordeaux, 1917, 60 p., B°, * No. 19. Moor (C. G.) Army sanitation at a base camp. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, n. s., cii, 515- 518. Nussbauin (H. C. ) Der Barackenbau vom tech- nischen und sanitaren Standpunkte. Ztschr. f. off. Gsudhtspflg. Wien u. Berk, 1915, iii, 7-17. Bertarelli (E.) Igiene e profilassi nelle cas- erne. Morgagni. Milano, 1916, Iviii, pt. 2, 33-37. Also: Riv. d’ig. e san, pubb., Par- ma, 1917, xxviii, 393-398. Bordas (F.) Assainissement des cantonnements et des champs de bataille. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 779. Bonrdiniere (J.) Hygiene du cantonnement; 1’ utilisation de la grande cagnat et de la feuillee a tranchee courte. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 93-97. Control (The) of camp diseases. Hospital, Lond., 1915, lix, 181. Cumston (C. G.) Camp hygiene at the front. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 1129-1132. Dunworth (J.) Camp sanitation. San. Rec., Lond., 1911, liv, 111; 161; 177. Evans (W. A.) [Military hygiene of canton- ments in relation to their environments.] Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 907-921. Fitzgerald (J. G.) & McCullough (J. W. S.) Sanitation in some Canadian barracks and camps. Ibid., 655-663. Forrest (T.) Sanitation of camps (sand and water). Brit. M. J., Loud., 1915, i, 161. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 190-193. Fort (P. T.) Medical experiences at a mobiliza- tion camp. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1916- 17. xxiii, 65-68. Frank (J.) The Illinois Camp of Mobiliza- tion, Springfield, June 19 to August 7, 1916, Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl. 680-698. Gallieni. Circulaire de M. le Ministere de la Pagliani (L.) La industria Selenit ele sue costruzioni di baraccamenti trasportabili. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1917, xiii, Ji- ll. Powers (T. E.) Sanitation, heating & ventila- tion at the front. J. Am. Soc. Heat. & Yen til. Bngin., N. Y., 1917-18, xxiv, 113-121. Pugh (W. S.) & Jansen (R.) Temporary barracks at City Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.. a preliminary sanitary survey. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1917, xi, 179-197. Salford (A. H.) A note on camp sanitation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 229. Simpson (C. E.) A large concentration camp in its relation to a civilian community. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 806-812. Stalker (W. S.) Some features of sanitation in semi-permanent camps. Pub. Health, Lond., 1915, xxix, 52-58, 1 pk Stumpf. Die Lagerstatten in den Sanitiitsun- terstiinden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1505. Thomas (J. L.) Healthy camps. The need for early and continuous vigilance. Brit. M. J. Lond., 1911, ii, 596. Ward (G.) A suggested form of organization of convalescent camps. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 519-525. Webb-Johnson (C.) Common ailments in camp ; their significance and prevention. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1911, ii, 385. White (A.) Sanitation in billets and camps. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 11; 95. . Notes on camp sanitation. Ibid., 1093. guerre relative aux cantonnements et aux camps d’ instruction. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1163-1168. Gorgas (W. C.) Medical inspection of Camp Wheeler. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1917, n. s., xlivi, 558. Huntington (P. W.) Camp sanitation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 1170. Johnson (B.) What some communities of the West and Southwest have done for the pro- tection of morals and health of soldiers and sailors. Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 187—503. Karaffa-Korbntt (K. V.) & Mastitski (G. S.) [Sanitation of halting places at the end of a march.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, 121-431. Kenwood (H. R.) Camp sanitation. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1915, xxvi, 116-423. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 390-395. Lebedeff (M. I.) [Barracks.] Yoyenno-Med. J., St. Petersb., 1914., ccxxxix, med.-spec, pt., 211-219. Lewis (W. F.) & Miller (R. B.) Recent de- velopments in camp sanitation. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 199-510, 3 pk Louste. Surveillance de 1’ hygiene des casernes, camps et cantonnements. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixvii, 221-231. Love (W. A.) Camp sanitation and the train- ing of sanitary troops. N. Ork M. & S. J., 1916- Ixix, 833-812. McCullough (J. W. S.) Sanitation of a Can- adian military camp. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 513-516. Mauer (W. J.) Ventilation of army barracks. J. Am. Soc. Heat. & Yen til. Engin., N. Y., 1917- xxiv, 23-13. Extra-Cantonment Zones. Extra-cantonment zone regulations and legisla- tion. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxiii, 1251; 1505 ; 1812 ; 1953 ; 2079 ; 2119. Fosdick (R. B.) Extra cantonment zones. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 718-720. Zones of safety; Texas cantonment cities made safe for health and decency. Survey, Social, Charit., Civic, N. Y., 1917, xxxviii, 319. SANITARY ORGANIZATION. Mason (Charles Field). A complete handbook for the sanitary troops of the U. S. Army and Navy, and National Guard and Naval Militia. 1. ed. N. Y„ 1917, Wm. Wood & Co., 513 p.. B°. Solano (E. John). Camps, billets, cooking, ceremonial; sanitation, organization, routine, guard duties, inspection, bivouacs. Written by an officer of the regular army and edited by E. John Solano. Lond., 1915, John Mur- ray, 232 p., 12°. Materiel and Personnel.) (Imperial army series.) United States. Army Service School. Lectures on military sanitation and management of the sanitary service. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1917, 209 p., 12°. Alt (H. L.) Providing sanitary facilities for soldiers. Metal Worker [etc.], N. Y., 1916, Ixxxvi, 165. 4 Index Medicus [War Supp. Anishkoff (N. I.) [Construction of army sanitary trains.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr.. 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 602-613. Armand-Delille. Les iquipies d’ hygiene a Seddul-Bahr et a Salonique. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 997-1007. Beltzer (H.) Trains sanitaires a creation instantanee. Gaz. mid. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvl, 73-75. Bispham (W. N.) Sanitary service with Na- tional Guard troops. Mil. Surgeon, 1917, xli, 43-62. Comfort (C. W.) jr. Instruction of the enlisted sanitary personnel of the organized militia. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 492-501. Bastes (G. L.) A sanitary section at the front. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 228-233. Henderson (P. H.) Report on transportable shower-bath as used in . . . Division. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 698-701. Ignatyeff (S. I.) [Tent-bath.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 504- 506. Levi della Ylda (M.) Progetto di una baracca smontabile e trasportabile per bagni a doccia e lavanderia. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 779-788, 1 pi. McCulloch (C. C.) jr. Bathing facilities and habits of the soldiers and officers of the army. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 572-581. Maier (G.) Brauseeinrichtung im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1575. Pfahl (P.) Ein Brausebad hinter der Schiitzen- linie. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1915, xxxviii, 258. Rauch (R.) Transportable Badeanstalten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 527. Rozoff. [Construction of baths and disinfect- ing chambers in the war theatre.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1916, ccxlv, med.-spec. pt., 114-118. Goddard (C. E.) The duties of a sanitary sec- tion in the field. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1916, i, 215. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 432. Grant (O.) Formation of sanitary units for military service. South. Hosp. Rec., Atlanta, 1917, iv, 149-151. Hess (L. T.) Deficiency of sanitary units of the organized militia. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 400-404. Jullien. Les formations sanitaires dans la Schade (H. J. M.) [An inexpensive transport- able bath for use in the field.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 223-226. Stranz (M.) Badeerinrichtung fiir grossere Truppenmengen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 532. Yitoux (G.) Les bains-douches aux armies en campagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 584-600. guerre actuelle. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 65-74. Karaffa-Korbutt (K. V.) [One of the problems of the sanitary-hygienic and disinfection de- tachments.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt. 55-62. McCulloch (C. C.) jr. Field sanitary orders. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1345. Muller (P. T.) IJeber die Aufgaben und die Tatigkeit von Assanierungskolonnen bei der Armee im Felde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., von Winter (J.) Die Feldbadegarnitur der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft vom Roten Kreuz. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 825. 1916, xxix, 1381-1383. Schwarzkopf (E.) Die Division-Sanitiits-An- stalten im Felde. Militilrarzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 465-470. Sviontetski (I. O.) [Supplying first-aid detach- ments with sanitary pronerty.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1916, ccxlv, med.-spec. pt., 300-322. Wolf (M.) Badeeinrichtungen fiir grossere Truppenmengen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 623. Disinfection. Allhoff. Fahrbarer Desinfektionsapparat bei einem Feldlazarett im Osten. Deutsche mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 247-250. Arzt (L.) & Hoffmann (R.) Die ne'ue Desin- fektionsanlage und Dampfwascherei in der Festung Krakau. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 826; 849. Bordas _(F.) Nouveau dispositif pour la dis- infection des effets d’ habillement. Progres med., Par., 1914, 3. s., xxx, 376. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915. clx, 80-82. . Disinfection des trains sanitaires dans le camp retranchi de Paris. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 727-740. Chassevant (A.) Note sur une fosse h disin- fection improvisie en campagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 52-55. Chauchard. De 1’ utilisation des cuisines roul- antes comme appareils a douches et disin- fection par la vapeur dans les services de 1’ avant et les corps de troupes. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 113-115. Dobbertin. Behelfsmassiger Desinfektionsap- parat fiir Feldlazarette. Deutsche med. Wch- nschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1430. Ebert (F. A.) Fahrbare Desinfektionsapparate im Kriege. Gesundh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1915, xxxviii, 87-89. . Die neue Desinfektionsanlage der Fes- tung Krakau. Ihid., 182—185. Friedenthal (H.) Ueber Massendesinfektion im Felde mit Hilfe von Heissdampflokomobilen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 281. Fiirst. Ein improvisierter Desinfektionsap- parat fiir den Feldlazarettbetrieb. Ihid., 462. Gaillard. Disinfection en campagne. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 588-593. Ullrich (J. H.) Sanitary troops, state and federal. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 540-548. Yitoux (G.) Les formations sanitaires auto- mobiles. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 958- 976. . Un nouveau type de voiture sanitaire selon les indications de Mme Macaigne. Ihid., 1916, xxxviii, 239-247. Waterman (P.) Some problems in the detail of routine sanitary service. Mil. Surgeon, Chi- cago, 1914, xxxv, 211; 227. Bathing Facilities. Barbarin (V. I.) [Baths in frontal positions.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.- spec. pt., 435-489. Brink (V. A.) [Portable bath of the 20th sanitary hygienic detachment of the 18th army corps.] Ihid., 440—449. Buschan. Badegelegenheit im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1400-1402. Flemming. Der Badeomnibus der Etappen- Sanitiits- Kraftwagen- Abteilung einer Armee. Ihid., 1072. Goode (H. N.) A brief account of the method of providing baths for the British soldiers in the field. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 363-371. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 422-424. . Field bath houses. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 714-720. Military Hygiene. 5 Gaivoronski (I. I.) [Steam chamber in field disinfection.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1913, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 260-267. Galaine (C.) & Houlbert (C.) Sur le self- diffuseur a anhydride sulfureux pour la disin- fection et la deratisation des tranchees, des cales de navires et des locaux habites. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par,, 1916, clxii, 363—365. Gaud (F.) Nouvelle forme d’emploi du formol pour la disinfection aux armies. Ihid., 361- 363. Glukoff (K. T.) [Description of the Young- Buyvid disinfection chamber, with the modifi- cation, erected in the 48th artillery brigade.] Yoyenno-Med. J.. St. Petersb., 1914, ccxxxix, med.-spec. pt., 250-258. Grassberger (R.) Ueber Desinfektion. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 416; 449; 483. Kloomann (L.) Ueber ein fiir den Felddienst bequemes Yerfahreu der Schwefeldesinfektion. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aertze, Basel, 1915, xlv, 1198. “Newman” (The) portable disinfector. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 659. Rousseau (E.) Projet de formation sanitaire automobile pour la disinfection rapide des vetements des soldats. Paris mid.. 1915-16, Ilyin (I. P.) [lmproved economic drying cabi- net for linen.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii. med.-spec. pt., 327-335. Mackinnon (J.) Arrangement for heating dry- ing room from incinerator. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxxix, 329-331, 1 diagr. Disposal of Sewage and Offal. Appalx. Sur la recuperation des dichets et issues de centres d’ abat des armies. J. de pharm. et ehim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiv, 326-330. Ellis (G. W.) Devices for the disposal of waste water in camps. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 604—610. Also: Pub. Health. Loud.. 1917, xxx, 211-214. Frye (C. G.) The purification of sewage from camps. Pub. Health, Lond., 1915, xxix, 59- 63. Phalen (J. M.) United States army methods of disposal of camp refuse. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 481—484. Seelhorst. Vorschlag zur allgemeinen Einfiihr- ung verdeckter Mullgruben. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 337. Smith (A. W.) The construction and working of the Royal Military Camp sewage disposal works at Ripon. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1915-16, xxxvii, 17-24. xvii, 519. . Etude documentaire sur le poste cen- tral de sterilisation dans les formations sani- taires des armies. Arch, de mid. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917. Ixviii, 711-725. Russ (Y. K.) Eine neue Improvisation eines Dampfdesinfektionsapparates fiir die Truppen im Felde. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 337- 341. Sampietro (G.) La disinfezione al campo. Ann. d’ ig., Roma. 1916, xxvi, 598-603. Shapsheff (K. N.) [Vacuum paraformalin chamber of the military railway sanitary disin- fection detachments.] Voyenno-Med. J., Pet- rogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 428-472. Simonovich (S. L.) [V. M. Kahashkes’s port- able disinfection chamber.] Ihid., ccxliv, med.- spec. pt.. 268-270. Stephen (G. N.) A giant disinfector. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 821. Stiassny (S.) Ein improvisierter Desinfektor zum Gebrauche im Felde. Militararzt, Wien, Latrines and Incinerators. Bonnette. Le peril fecal et urinaire du front. Feuillees profondes et abris amovibles; cabi- nets pliants et urinoirs improvises. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 501-504. Bne. La feuillee-fosse; systeme hygienique de collectionnement et d’ evacuation des excre- ments. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 635-641. Croner (F.) Die Beseitigung und Desinfek- tion der Abfallstoffe im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 46. Dewberry (E. B.) A design for a brick destruc- tor for the incineration of excreta and refuse from camps and temporary hospitals. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 706-709. Fremantle (F. E.) The ground-level latrine. Med. Officer, Lond., 1916, xv, 71. Gatt (J. E. H.) Tissue-paper latrine recepta- cles for use in the field. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 629. Grynfeltt. Obturateur automatique de fortune pour fosses d’ aisances en campagne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, ixvi, 397-400. 1915, xlix, 233. Thierry (H.) Exposd et critique des stations de disinfection de Vienne et de Munich a la veille de la guerre ; la fievre typhoide a Vienne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 545-561. Bhlenlmth (P.) & Olbrich. Improvisation von Dampfdesinfektionsapparaten und Entlaus- ungsanstalten im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 447-452. Holt. A new type of incinerator. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 241- 244. Laundries and Drying-Cabinets. See, also, Hot-Water Supply. Kantorowlcz (L.) Transportables Feldklosett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1205. Lande (P.) La destruction des matieres usees et des ordures menageres pendant la guerre; leur incineration en campagne. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 95. Lucas (D. R.) A straddle trench cover. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 644-648, 1 pk Mackenzie (K. P.) A suggested latrine system for the use of troops in the field, on L. or C., and at the base. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 767-770. Mackinnon (J.) A simnle form of incinerator. Ihid., 1917, xxviii, 377—379. Macpherson (W. G.) A system of latrine con- struction for disposal of latrine contents by individual incineration. Ihid., 1915, xxvi, 398-404. Marquez. Incineration des ordures menageres de Clichy pendant la guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 34-39. Braun. Eine Wascheinrichtung mit fliessendem Wasser im Kriegsgefangenenlager zu Volocz. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1915, xxviii, 450-454. Dewberry (E. B.) A sanitary laundry on the lines of communication. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 814-821. Ford (J. H.) Bath, disinfection trains and field laundries of the Austro-Hungarian Army. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 388-392, 5 pk Friedberger (E.) Beschreibung einer Korps- Feldwascherei, Entlausungs- und Badeanstalt auf dem westliehen Kriegsschauplatze. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskr., Leipz., 1916, Ixxxi, 1-14, 2 pk Giitig (C.) Einfache Improvisation an dem Waschapparat im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1378. 6 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Messerli (F.) Les latrines de campagne dans differentes armees. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 1038-1042. Montgomery (W. C.) Management of trench latrines in semi-permanent camps. Mil. Sur- geon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 193-195.. Moxey (P.) & Scott-Williamson (G.) Com- bined incinerator and water heater. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 385. Muirhead (W. A.) A criticism on the use of “ dry ” urinals in standing camps. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps,. Bond., 1914, xxiii, 523- 525. Brncre {S.) Sterilisation par le soldat lui-meme de 1’ eau qui’ il doit boire. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvi, 945-948. Bury (A.) Titrage volumetrique rapide des extraits de Javel employes pour la sterilisation de F eau en campagne. 11. Titrage rapide d’ une eau oxygenee. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1917, 7. s., xv, 189-193. Catlioire & Bru. Etude sur la javelisation des eaux de boisson en campagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 673-686. Cayrel, Massy [et ah] Contribution h F etude des precedes de javellisation des eaux en cam- pagne. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 149-183. Murison (C. C.) The collection and disposal of human excreta in standing camps on field ser- vice. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 346. Pierson (R. H.) Batrines and Idtchen incinera- tors. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 162- 168, 2 pi. Sharp (A. D.) New latrine for use in camps. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxv, 349. Comte. Sterilisation par javellisation des eaux potables destinees aux troupes. Hid., 51. Croner (F.) Trinkwassersterilisation im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1734. D’Aage (C.) Bes voitures d’eau potable. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 55-62. Depuratore d’ acqua del R. Esercito Italiano. Descrizione delF apparecchio. Riv. di ingeg. sanit. [etc.], Milano, 1917, xiii, 19-22. Siebert. Ueber Feldaborte. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 311. Trinca (A. J.) An incinerator for burning human feces and other camp refuse. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 98. Yachez. Remarques sur F installation des feuil- lees dans les cantonnements et les tranchees. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 74-88. Ditthorn (F.) Die Trinkwasserversorgung des Heeres im Felde. Hygiene, Berk, 1914, iv, 277-280. Dollfuss (G.) Bes eaux alimentaires sur la ligne de feu. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 277-288. Williams (E. J.) A sanitary box latrine. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxix, 117-120. Dopter (C.) L’ epuration de F eau en campagne. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 302-306. Also: Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1914, 4. s., xxii, 257-268. Drost (J.) Ueber Entgiftung bleihaltigen Beit- ungswassers durch das Berkefeld-Filter. Ges- undh.-Ingenieur, Miinchen, 1915, xxxviii, 37- 43. Water Supply. Daguin (Arthur), fitude bacWriologique des eaux d’ un secteur lorrain en 1914-1915. Nancy, 1915, Berger-Bevrault, 145 p., B°, * No. 39. (Sterilization and Purification). Fourneau (E.) & Bemeland. Sur un dispositif pratique et leger pour la filtration et la sterili- sation des eaux en campagne. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 552. Fiirth. Die Wasserversorgung Antwerpens wah- rend der Belagerung der Stadt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2396. . Die Triukwasserverhaltnisse, im west- flandrischen Kustengebiet. Ibid., 1915, Ixii, 841-843. Daniel (G. A. P.) De la sterilisation des eaux pour les armees en campagne. Montpellier, 1916, B°, * No. 9. Great Britain. War office. Water clarifier and sterilizer for pack-carriage. Bond., 1914, 3 p., 12°. Sterilization (The) of water for military pur- poses in encampments and in the field. N. Y., 1917, Wallace & Tiernan Co., 19 p., 4°. Gaillard. Analyse rapide des eaux en campagne. Rev. scient, Par., 1915, i, 489-493. • Analyse toxicologique rapide des eaux en campagne. Ibid., 554-560. . Epuration des eaux de boisson en cam- pagne. Ibid., 1916, i, 165-175. Galway (W. R.) On sterilization of water for drinking purposes in the field by means of chemicals. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 329-342. Arbinet (E.) Ba javellisation des eaux en cam- pagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 98- 104. Benoist (M.) Contribution a F essai toxicolo- gique rapide des eaux de boisson en campagne. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1917, 7. s., xv, 149-158. Binet (B.) Appareil pratique pour filtrer et steriliser F eau en campagne. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii (annexes), 255; 258. Bisserle (H.) Bpuration des eaux d’alimenta- tion par les precedes chimiques. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 56-72. Bolten (D.) Drinkwateronderzoek te velde. Mik-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 306-313. Garret. Methode pour rendre pratique F gpura- tion chimique de F eau dans le regiment en marche. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 67-73. Gaskell (A.) Water supply on active service; some difficulties in Gallipoli. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 482-485. Gener (E.) Die Trinkwasserversorgung im Felde. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xviii, 141-143. Gotbe (F.) Ueber das Rheinsche Verfahren zur Trinkwassersterilisation im Felde. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Beipz., 1915, Ixxix, 521-524. . Over de zuivering van drinkwater to velde. Ibid., 427. Bordas (F.) & Brocq. B’ alimentation en eau des armees en campagne. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiii, 57-59. Bornand (M.) Be controle des ea\ix potables dans les armees en campagne. Mitt. a. d. Geb. d. Bebensmittelunt. u. Hyg., Bern, 1916, vii, 383-389. Grixoni (G.) Per la rapida potabilizzazione dell’ acqua in campagna. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 161-188. Brown (R. S .C. ) Apparatus for the purifica- tion of water for troops. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1915-16, iii, 614-618. Hanpt. Die Beschaffung von keimfreiem Ober- fiachenwasser im Felde mittels des Chlordes- infektionsverfahrens. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 405- Military Hygiene. 7 Hehir (P.) Remarks on water-supplies of troops in India. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1914, xlix, 337-340. Heise (G. W.) Analisis del agua en el campo. Actas, mem. y comun. de la 3. Asembl. reg. de med. y farm, de Pilipinas, Manila, 1917, 529-533. Jennings (E.) Water supply in the field. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect. XX, Nav. & Mil. Med., pt. 2, 33-43. Kamenski (D. A.) [Chlorine tablets for water disinfection in the soldiers’ flasks.] Voyenno- Med. J.. Petrogr., 1915, eexliv, med.-spec. pt., 283-285. Kisskalt (K.) Schnelluntersuchungen und pro- visorische Verbesserungen von Brunnen im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 213. Kruse (W.) Zur Entkeimung von Trinkwasser im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1157. Kflhl (H.) Die Desinfektion des Wassers im Felde. Deutsche Vrtlischr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1915, xlvii, 38-43. Also: Med. Reform, Berl., 1914, xx, 319-321. Lelean (P. S.) Bacteriological examination of waters in the field. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 292-319. Lenioine (G. H.) & Crosson-Duplessis. Une installation urbaine de distribution d’ eau dans les tranchees. Paris med., 1916, vi, 377-379. Lista (H. F.) El agua de bebida en nuestras grandes unidades de combate. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 435—438. Lyster (W. J.) Sterilization of drinking water by calcium hypochlorite in the field. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 222—228. -. Present status of artificially treated drinking water in the field. Ibid., 1917, xl, 401-409, 5 pi. Martel (E.-A.) Sur la contamination des eaux souterraines par suite de la guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 680-683. . La guerre et F eau potable ; contamina- tion des eaux souterraines; inhumations et exhumations dans les champs de bataille; assainissement des regions devastees; sauve- garde des eaux potables. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 449-490. Martin (F.) Essai toxicologique des eaux d’ ali- mentation dans les laboratoires de campagne (Marche systematique pour la diagnose rapide des principaux poisons mineraux et or- ganiques). J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1917, 7, s., xvi, 205; 235. Mazzucchi (C. D.) Esterilizacidn quimica del agua para las tropas campana. Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 22-30. Melville (C. H.) Water supply on the march. J. State M., Lond., 1916, xxiv, 65-70. Nasmith (G. G.) A mobile filter of large capac- ity suggested for use in the British army. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 324-328. Note du Ministere de F Interieur d’ Italie (Direc- tion generale de la salubritd publique) sur F epuration des eaux potables au moyen du chlorure de chaux. Bull, de F Office internat. d’ hyg. Pub., Par., 1917, ix, 591-602. Ottolenghi (D.) Ricerche sperimentali sulla purificazione dell’ acqua per le truppe col cloruro di calce. Igiene mod., Genova, 1916, ix, 1-18. Penan (H.) Sterilisation collective et indi- viduelle de F eau en campagne. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1915, 7. s., xii, 123-132. —. Sterilisation des eaux en campagne; nouvelle methode de javellisation ; composition chimique des solutions d’ hypochlorite de sodium prgparees par double decomposition, conditions de stability de ces solutions. Ibid., 1916, 7. s., xiii. 377-385. Rhein (M.) Eiu neues Verfahren zur chemi- sehen Trinkwassersterilisation im Felde. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskrankh., Leipz., 1914, Ixxviii, 562-570. Bolland. Sur un precede pratique de sterili- sation et d’ utilisation des eaux pollutes en campagne. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1915, 7. s., xii, 179-182. Rnata (G.) Un nuovo depuratore d’acqua per 1’ esercito. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 528- 533. Satre (A.) L’ eau de boisson aux armees. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii, suppl., No. 9, 73. Scala (A.) La potabilizzazione delle acque sul campo. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 176- 195. von Schenrlen. Erfahrungen an den Wasserver- sorgungen in Polen. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 543. Serger (H.) Merkblatt fiber Wasserversorgung im Felde, besonders fiir Truppenilrzte. Ibid.. 1069. Stransz (H.) Yersuche iiber Trinkwasserster- ilisation. (Ein Beitrag zur Bekiimpfung der epidemischen Darmkrankheiten im Felde.) Med. Klin., Berk, 1915. xi, 536-538. Strell (M.) Ueber ein einfaches, kolloidchemi- sches Verfahren zur Entkeimung vom Ober- flilchenwasser mit Beziehung auf die Trink- wasserversorgung im Felde. (Vorlaufige Mit- teilung.) Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1158. Triibsbach (P.) Beitrag zur Wasserversorgung der Truppen im Felde. (Entkeimung des IVas- sers auf chemischem Wege.) Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 653. V. (G.) Les voitures-filtres du touring-club de France pour F armee. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 953-957. Vila (A.) L’eau potable au front. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1917, 7. s., xv, 277-282. Water purification in the field. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917. i, 688. Wesenberg (G.) Die Trinkwassersterilisation mit Chlorkalk im Felde. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1915. xxv, 273-286. Woodhead (G. S.) Sterilization of water sup- plies for troops on active service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 494. Also: Lancet, Loud., 1914, ii, 736-738. Hot-Water Supply. Metier (A.) Mein Warmwasser-Apparat im Kriege. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 633. See, also, Laundries. Robertson (W.) The “flash boiler” as a field equipment. Edinb. M. J., 1916, xvi, 285-289. Truby (A. E.) An efficient method of heating water in camps of some permanency. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 317-319. Field Kitchens. Bell (V. A.) The field kitchen at a casualty clearing station. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 584-592. Field (A) kitchen which serves three hot meals a day to two thousand men. Scient. Am., N. Y„ 1917, cxvii, 273. Grellert (M.) Einiges aus dem Gebiete der Kochanlagen im Felde. Ztschr. f. Kranken- anst., Leipz., 1915, xi, 119-126. Kroner & Peyer. Eine behelfsmassig herge- stellte Kochkiste fiir den Gebrauch im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2327. 8 Index Medicus [War Supp. Rho (Filippo). L’alimentazione del soldato di terra e di mare in pace e in guerra. Milano, 1915, Rava & Cie. 40 p., 12°. (Problem! sanitari di guerra, XVII.) Food-Supply. Gautier (A.) Dans la ration actuelle du soldat en carapagne, il faut dimiuuer la viande et aug- meuter les legumes et levin. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 5-13. . Sur la ration du soldat en temps de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 159-167. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 65-70. Grandjean-Hirter (E.) Ein Beitrag zur Kriegs- diatetik. Zur Feldration des Schweizer Solda- ten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 677-680. Grixoni (G.) Nuove ricerche sulle conserve ali- mentari dell’ esercito. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 3-22. Jnckenack (A.) Liebesgaben auf dem Lebens- mittelmarkte. [Nahrungs- uud Genussmit- tel fur Soldaten.] Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1915, xxix, 241-246. Kling (A.) & Copaux (H.) Les conserves de viande du camp retranche de Paris. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 717-719. Kling (A.) & Hinard (G.) Les conserves de viande dans 1’ alimentation des armees en cam- pagne. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 397-402. Labbe (M.) L’ alimentation des troupes en cam- pagne. Paris med., 1916, vi, 458-464. Lebeaupin (A.) Viande a soldats. Chron. m6d., Par., 1917, xxiv, 231. Lodian (L.) The inner man of armies; some of the foods of high concentration on which battles are fought. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1917, cvii, 409. Maurel (E.) Principes qui paraissent devoir regir 1’ alimentation de nos troupes pendant la periode d’ instruction et en campague. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 850-880. . De 1’ introduction des boltes-repas dans le regime alimentaire des troupes se battant en rase campagne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 254-259. . Indications pratiques sur 1’ alimenta- tion de nos troupes pendant leur instruction et en campagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 156-190. Mouriquaiid (G.) La dietetique sur le front, role de “ 1’ aliment frais ” dans la nutrition des legumes et des fruits pour nos soldats. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 243-253. . L’ alimentation aux armies. Lyon mdd., 1915, cxxiv, 313-324. von Noorden (C.) Ueber die Bekommlichkeit der Kriegsgebiicke und die Herstellung reinen Weizengebacks fur Kranke. Ztschr. f. Krank- enanst., Leipz., 1915, xi, 152. Peyer (W.) Winke fur die Ernahrung im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xlii, 634. Piettre (M.) Sur 1’ alimentation des armdes en campagne. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 355-358. Provision (The) of meals for soldiers’ families in France. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1138. Pngliese (A.) L’ alimentazione del nostro sold- ato in guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano 1915, xxxvi, 1315—1320. . Gruppo per propagande mediche nella guerra; 1’ alimentazione del nostro soldato in guerra. Pensiero med., Milano, 1915, v, 609- 614. United States. War Dept., Quartermaster Gen- eral’s Office. Manual for army bakers, 1916. Wash., 1917, 123 p., 12°. . Manual for army cooks, 1916. N. Y., (1917), Military Pub. Co., 246 p., B°. . Extracts from manual for army cooks. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 116 p., B°. Alimentation (L’) des troupes. (Proces-ver- bal de la stance du 8 novembre 1917 de la Delegation permanente de la commission san- itaire des Pays Allies.) Bull. Offiice internal, d’ hyg. pub., Par., 1917, ix, 1529-1565. Badcock (Miss L. M.) Army biscuit recipes. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1914, xxiii, 448-450. Baglioni (S.) L’alimentazione del soldato e gli studi giapponesi sulla razione dei militari. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 298—309. . L’ alimentazione delle truppe di terre italiane. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1917, xxvii, 487- 502. Balland. Sur les conserves de viande destindes aux armees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 641. Basset (J.) Les conserves des armees en cam- pagne. Ibid., 1915, clx, 375-378. Belli (C. M.) La razione alimentare delle navi- asilo Caracciolo e Scilla. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 354-376. . 11 vitto del marinaio in confronto con le vedute odierne sull’ igiene e fisiologia dell’ alimentazione. Ibid., 1917, ii, 867-885. . La riforma della razione del marinaio occasionata dalle condizioni di guerra. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1917, xxvii, 503-509. Beveridge (W. W. O.) Some essential factors in the construction of field service and expedi- tionary rations. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiii, 377-396. Bardet (C.) fitablissement de la ration ali- mentaire normale. Bull. gen. de thdrap. [etc.], Par., 1916-17, clxix, 636; 678. Braimvell (W.) The coffee ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 491. Brunacci (B.) Osservazioni e proposte concern- enti lo stabilimento militare per la produzione di came in conserva di Seanzano (Foligno) e su un nuovo metodo per la preparazione dei brodi di came. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 97-113, 2 pi. Casali (P.) & Pulle (P.) II pane del soldato in trincea. Ibid., 1916, Ixiv, 500-503. Chick (Harriette) & Hume (B. Margaret). The distribution among foodstuffs (especially those suitable for the rationing of armies) of the substances required for the prevention of (a) beriberi and (b) scurvy. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 121-159. Cohnheim (O.) Die Ernahrung des Soldaten im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1785. Dage (R.) Les conserves de legumes dans 1’ ali- mentation de 1’ armee. Caduc4e, Par., 1916, xvi, 20. Dragotti (G.) L’alimentazione del soldato. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1375- 1377. Emergency (The) ration. Mil. Surg.. Wash., 1917, xl, 730-732. Fanntleroy (P. C.) Mess efficiency. Ibid., 1915, xxxvi, 234-240. Fitch (W. E.) Rations for boys’ military train- ing camps. Ibid., 1917, xl, 518-530. Also: Pediatries, N. Y., 1917, xxix, 102-116. Rho (F.) L’ alimentazione del soldato di terra e di mare in pace e in guerra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, 666-701. . La riforma della razione alimentare del soldato e 1’ economia nazionale. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1917, xxvii, 477-487. Rivero (P. G.) Comprimidos alimenticios para el enfermo en campaua. Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 365-377. Military Hygiene. 9 Schwalbe (J.) Kriegsernahrung. Deutsche mod. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 164-169. Titaraines in the soldiers’ rations. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 904. Wahl. Ueber Yoghurtbereitung im Felde. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 48-51. Wolff (T.) Die Lebens- und Futtermittelver- sorgung unseres Kriegsheeres. Natur, Leipz., 1915-16, vii, 41; 63; 78. K. (E.) Alkohol und Armee. Internal. Mon- atschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alkoholismus [etc.], Basel, 1915, xxv, 368-380. Kirk (Sir J.) Alcoholism and child welfare in war time. Brit. J. Inebr., Lond.„ 1916-17, xiv, 141—156. Landouzy (L.) Levin, dans la ration du soldat, moyen de lutte centre 1’ alcoolisme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s.. Ixxiv, 53-56. Letulle. Sur la distribution dans 1’ armee d’ une notice sur les dangers de 1’ alcoolisme. Ibid., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 54. [Discussion] : 93-101. von Mattanovich (E. E.) Kamerad Alkohol? Alkoholfrage, Berk, 1915, xi, 307-317. Mann (A.) Militar und Alkohol. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien u. Leipz., 1914, iii, Suppl., 2-8. Use of Alcohol. Pinot (Jean). L’union sacree contre F alco- olisme. Paris, 1916, E. Flammarion, 12°. Maurevert (Georges). L’alcool_ contre la France. Paris, 1915, Semeuse, 352 p., 12°. Reinach (Joseph). Les Ms anti-alcooliques et la guerre. Conference faite ala Ligue fran- gaise de F enseignement, le vendredi, 23 avril 1915. Paris, 1915, G. Roy, 32 p., B°. Mans (L. M.) The effects of alcohol on the effi- ciency of military men. Med. Times, N. Y., 1916, xliv, 41-43. Melville (C. H.) The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 529. Mercier (C. A.), Horsley (V.) & Smith (H. L.) The rum ration. Ibid., 574-576. Mercier (C. A.), Hare (F.) [et ah] The rum ration. Ibid., 489-491. Messer (A.) Ueber die Stellung der Presse zur Alkoholfrage wiihrend der Kriegszeit. Alko- holfrage. Berk. 1914-15, n. F.. xi, 142-150. Millard (C. K.) & Horsley (Sir V.) The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 620. Murray (M.) Alcohol and the war. Brit. J. Inebr., Lond.. 1915-16, xiii, 93-99. Newton (J.) The war and the drink problem; the action of Russia. Ibid., 1915, xii, 161-169. Oldfield (J.) & Mercier (C. A.) The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 399. Romer. Alkoholismus und Krieg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1354. Astley (J. W.) The use of alcohol on the battle- field and elsewhere. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1168. Ballet (G.) L’ introduction du vin et des bois- sons hygieniques dans la ration normale du soldat. [Rapport.] Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 145. [Discussion] : 207- 215. Baruch (S.) Alcohol in peace and war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xvi, 981-985. Bischoff. Alkohol und militiirisehe Leistungs- fiihigkeit. Alkoholfrage, Berk, 1913-14, n. F., x, 295-307. Bonne & Klein-Flottbek. Zur Frage des Alko- hols im Felde und im Lazarett. Ibid., 1915, xi, 322-326. Brunzlow (C. O.) Ueber den Alkohol im Felde. Ibid., 28-31. Brunton (Sir L.) Professor Edward Parks on a spirit ration. Lancet. Lond., 1915, i, 511. Collier (W.), Woodman (E. M.) [et ak] The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915., i, 447- 449. Collins (W. J.) War measures against inebri- ety. Brit. J. Inebr., Lond., 1916, xiv, 41-45. Cooper (J. W. A.) & Mercier (C. A.) The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 270- 272. Baum (A.) Bekiimpfung des Alkoholismus zur Kriegszeit. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 996-1003. Bick. Alkoholfrage und Marine. Alkoholfrage, Berk, 1913-14, n. F„ x, 289-294. Elster (A.) Alcohol in war. Scient. Am. Suppl.. N. Y„ 1916, Ixxxi, 179. Flaig. Bedeutsame Massnahmen von Militar- und Zivilbehorden mit Bezug auf den Alkohol wahrend des Krieges. Alkoholfrage, Berk, 1914-15, n. F., xi, 131; 230; 343. Harford (C. F.) Alcohol and the war. Brit. J. Surg., Lond., 1914, ii, 1120. Hercod (R.) Das russische Alkoholverbot. Internat. Monatschr. z. Erforsch. d. Alko- holismus [etc.], Basel, 1915, xxv, 277-291. Hoppe-Seyler. Ueber die Veranderungen an den inneren Organen, besonders an den Yerdau- ungs- und Circulationsorganen infolge von chronischem Alkoholismus und ihren Einfluss auf die Felddienstfiihigkeit. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 719-722. Horsley (Sir V.) On the alleged responsi- bility of the medical profession for the reintro- duction of the rum ration into the British , army. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1915, i, 203-206. Horsley (V.) & Dutton (T.) The rum ration. Ibid., 359. Johnson (Sir H. H.) Alcohol and imperial effi- ciency. Brit J. Inebr., Lond., 1915-16, xiii, 90-92. Rosenstock. Welche Aufgaben fallen den Behor- den zu fur den Kampf gegen die Alkoholschii- den in der Kriegzeit? (Auf welchem Rechts- boden und in welchem Umfange bewegen sie sich?) Alkoholfrage, Berl., 1914-15, n. F., xi, 204-209. Schbck (S.) Antialkoholunterricht fur das Mili- tar. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien u. Leipz., 1914. iii, Suppl., 8-13. Schwalbe (J.) Alkohol im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1988. Simonin (J.) L’ armement anti-alcoolique dans F armee frangaise. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 520-525. Simpson (R.) The rum ration. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1915, i, 316. Smith (H. L.) The use of alcohol on the battle- field. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 916. Specht. Wie werden die besonderen Schwierig- keiten persbnlicher, sachlicher und finanzieller Art, welche der Trinkerfiirsorge in der Kriegs- zeit entgegenstehen. iiberwunden? Alkohol- frage, Berk, 1914-15, n. F., xi, 120-130. Steingiitter (W.) Erziehung zur Abstinenz bei der Armee. Oesterr, San.-Wes., Wien u. Leipz., 1914, iii, Suppl., 13-20. Stnbbe. Aus Vereinen, Kriegsarbeit des Kieler Bezirksvereins g. d. M. g. G. Alkoholfrage, Berk, 1914-15, n. F., xi, 371-374. Trommershansen. Die antialkoholischen Mass- nahmen der deutschen Militar- und Zivilbe- horden wiihrend des Krieges in ihrer Bedeut- ung fur Gegenwart und Zukunft. Ibid., 154; 193. Tidal (E.) La ration de vin du coldat frangais dans ses rapports avec F alcoolisme. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 784- 791. [Discussion] : Ixxiv, 50-52. . L’ introduction du vin et des boissons hygien iques dans la ration normale du soldat. Ibid., Ixxiv, 145-147. 10 Index Medicus [War Supp. Toss (G.) Vom russisclien Alkoholverbot. Alko- holfrage, Berk, 1914-15, n. F., xi, 220-224. “ Michelaines ” for the soldiers. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1634. Miller (R. B.) The new field belt for medical officers. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 658-660, 1 pi. von Schrotter (H.) Ueber einen zweckmassi- gen Schnitt der Soldatenhose. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 499-502. PERSONAL HYGIENE OF TROOPS. Coleman (Algernon). Le soldat americain en Prance. Chicago, 1917, Univ. of Chicago Press, 126 p., 12°. Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Synopsis of three lectures on the first field dressing, hygiene, and sanitation. To be deliv- ered by medical officers to officers and men undergoing training. (Bond.), 1917, 2 p., 12°. Macquarrie (Hector). How to live at the front. Lond. & Phila., 1917, J. B. Lippincott Co., 269 p., B°. Terry (Marshall Orlando). The soldier’s med- ical friend. Norwood, Mass., 1917, Plimpton Press, 101 p., 12°. See, also, Use of Alcohol; Trench Hygiene. Feet and Foot-Gear, Munson (Edward Lyman). The soldier’s foot and the military shoe. Menasha, Wis., 1917, G. Banta Publ. Co., 147 p., B°. Webb-Johnson (Cecil). The soldier’s manual of foot care and foot wear. Lond., 1916, Dry- den Publ. Co., 64 p., 12°. Anderson (A. R. S.) Prevention and treat- ment of chafe by boots. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1018. Broca (P.) Deviations du pied en chirurgie de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 513-529. Corbusier (H. D.) Extracts from a report on observations and experiments with the sol- dier’s foot at the Plattsburg Camp for busi- ness men. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 518-526, 6 pi. . The soldier’s foot. Am. Med., Burling- ton. Yt., 1917, xxiii, 328-344. . The soldier’s foot; an important feat- ure of an effective army. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1917, cxvii, 98. Estor (E.) Le pied-bot de guerre. Montpel. med., 1917, n. s., xxxix, 539-541. Flat foot as a disability for military service. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 426. Hasebroek (K.) Der atavistische Spannungs- fuss als Ursache von Fussbeschwerden und Felddienstuntuchtigkeit. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 997. Johnson (C. W.) The soldiers’ feet and foot- gear. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 702-705; 748-750. Binet (L.) Proceddes pratiques permettant d’ assurer la proprete du corps et des vete- ments dans les regiments du front. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiv, 200—208. Also: Paris m&k, 1915-16, xvii, 314-317 bis. Blanchard (R.) A propos des notices d’hygiene destindes aux soldats de notre armee. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 596-599. Conseils au soldat pour sa santA Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 97—110. Dutton (A. S.) Beards in warfare. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 520. Goodwin (T. H.) Preservation of the health of the soldier on the western front. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 940- 943. Lesser (F.) Praktische Winke zur Yerhutung und Bekiimpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten und von Ungeziefer im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2424-2426. Lonste. Surveillance des effectifs incorpores. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil, Par., 1917, Ixvii, 231-235. Rush (B.) Directions for preserving the health of soldiers. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, 1915, i, 435-439. Sabella (P.) I benefizi della vita di guerra sidle condizioni di salute dei soldati. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxiii, sez. prat., 1028-1031. Sandwith (F. M.) The health of the soldier. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 592; 616. Seaman (G. E.) Personal hygiene for soldiers. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1917—18, xvi, 22—25. Seymour (Gertrude). The health of soldier and citizen. I. Europe. Survey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxix, 227-232. Jones (A. S.) Making the feet for military service. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 219- 230. Jones (R.) The soldier’s foot and the treatment of common deformities of the foot. Part I. Flat-foot; Part 11. Claw-foot; Part 111. Ham- mer-toe. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 709; 749; 782. Key-Aberg (H.) [Some remarks on the subject of military shoes.] Tidskr. i. mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1917, xlii, 31-39. Muller (G.) Die Fussgeschwulst der Soldaten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1560. Schanz (A.) Ueber Marscherkrankungen der Fiisse. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 450-465. Schede (F.) & Hacker (W.) Die Fusspflege im Heere. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1375-1377. Taylor (J. M.) Repair of “ flat-foot.” “ broken arch,” or “ rheumatism of the feet,” especially in recruits. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 872-874. Clothing. Crenze (P.) Manteau et sac impermeables de confection facile et peu couteuse. Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 5. Grenfell (W. T.) Notes on clothing against cold. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 86. Lauzat. La couverture de troupes ; son emploi comme vetement et sac de couchage. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 17-21. . A propos de la demicouverture de troupe employee comme vetement et sac de couchage. Ibid., 118. Le Roy (G.-A.) Sur I’impermeabilisation des draps et tissus militaires. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 602-604. McCulloch (C. C.) The first uniform of army surgeons. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 731 733. Maves (W. A.) Origin of khaki uniform. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1915, cxii, 309. Yan Horn (J. H.) Footwear. Infantry J., Wash., 1917, xiv, 262. Protective Devices. Bonnette (P.) Protection metallique du coeur des soldats. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, (annexe), 338. Delorme (E.) Protection thoraco-abdominale des combattants. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 206-213. Military Hygiene 11 Filderman & Bonnette. Protection metallique du cceur des soldats. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxxii, 369^-371. Menu & Bonnette. Protection du coeur par un miroir metallique et un paquet de pansement. Progres m6d., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 381. Keynier (P.) Sur I’opportunity d’envoyer a M. le Ministre de la Guerre une communica- tion de M. Delorme, concernant la protection thoraco-abdominale des combattants. Bull. Acad, de m€d., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 292- 294. Barras (L.) La protection par le casque; a 1’ occasion d’ un cas de commotion cerebrale grave. Rev. internat. de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii, 57-59. Bonnette (P.) Le casque des tranchges. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, annexes, 362-367. ■— —. Effets dynamiques des projectiles de guerre sur les casques des tranchees. Bull, mgd., Par., 1916, xxx, 445-448. Broquet & Roulland. Un cas de protection du crane par le casque; plaie du cuir chevelu par balle de mitrailleuse. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 524. Chapuis. Une epreuve de 1’ efficacite de la pro- tection du casque Adrian. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 212-215. French (The) life-saving helmet, which has greatly reduced the number of head wounds. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1916, Ixxi, 4. Le Dentu & Devraigne. Protection du crane centre les blessures de guerre par la calotte metallique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s.. Ixxiii, 643-648. Matignon (J.) De 1’ utility du casque Bourguig- notte. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 62. Pic. Un cas remarquable de protection crani- enne par le casque. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 259-261. Helmets. Ear Protectors. Abercrombie (P. H.) Ear defenders. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 990. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 565. Hardier. La protection des oreilles centre les detonations; presentation d’ un protecteur. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 22. BogdauolT-BerezoTski (M. V.) [lnfluence of artillery fire upon the ear, and protective measures for that organ.] Morsk. Vrach., S.- Peterb., 1914, 143-16,3. Borrett (G. G.) Protection of hearing. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 361. Gianturco (E.) Cera rammollita per la protez- ione dell’ orecchio nei combattimenti navali. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 101-103. Guild (S. R.) War deafness and its prevention ; a critical review. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1916-17, ii, 849-861. . War deafness and its prevention ; a report of tests upon eight preventives. Hid., 1917-18. iii, 226-237. Jacques. Un antiphone simple et efficace. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 459. Luzzati (A.) Sui tappi antifonici adottati dalla R. Marina per la protezione dell’ orecchio negli spari delle artiglierie. Ann. de med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 86-88. Prevention of gun deafness. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917. i, 404. Rho (F.) La protezione dell’ orecchio contro le deflagrazioni delle granate. Ann, di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 658A560. Rogers (F. A.) Plastic ear plugs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915. i, 160. Ross (A.) Gun deafness and its prevention. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 668. Taylor (J. S.) French ear protectors. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 766-768. Yeraiu. Obturateurs d’ oreille a chambre de dgtente. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 459. Yerain (L.) & Yerain (M.) Note sur les ob- turateurs d’ oreilles 3. chambre de detente. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 111-112. . Potherat (E.) La valeur protectrice du casque. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 857-864. Potherat (E.), Baudet [et ah] La valeur pro- tectrice du casque. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1611-1618. Rossines. Observations d’ un cas de protection du crane par le casque d’ infanterie. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 125-127. Roussy (B.) R6le protecteur du casque metal- lique de guerre. Bull. Acad, de mgd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 282-285. Also: Presse med.. Par., 1916, xxiv. 122. Sollier (P.) L’ efficacite de protection du casque d’ infanterie- Paris mgd., 1915-16, xx, 593. Also: Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 328. Somers (L. N. U.) The trench helmet. Med. Times, Lond-, 1916, xliv, 495. Souques (A.) Valeur protectrice du casque. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 559-564. Brunton (Sir Thomas Lauder). Collected papers on physical and military training. Lond., 1887-1915, B°. A collection of 33 papers with special title-page, bound together by the author*. PHYSICAL TRAINING. Eye Protectors. Campbell (M. V.) Rapid training of recruits. N. Y., 1917, Stokes, 199 p., 12°. Great Britain. War Office. Manual of physi- cal training. (Report 1908 with amendments to Ist December, 1914.) Lond., 1914, Har- rison & Sons, 275 p., B°. . Elementary anatomy and physiology for those studying physical training. Lond., 1915, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 55 p., B°. McArthur (John C.) What a company officer should know. N. Y., 1917, G. U. Harvey, 106 p., 12°. Upton (C. F.) The British manna] of physical training. Lond., 1917, T. W. Laurie, 91 p., B°. Angelucci (A.) La protezione degli occhi dei soldati e la rieducazione dei ciechi di guerra. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1916, xxiii, 177-205. Cruise (R. R.) Protection of the eye in war- fare. Brit. J. Ophth., Lond., 1917, i, 489- 492. Bi Giuseppe (T.) La protezione degli occhi nella linea di fuoco, come si pratica nell’ esercito nemico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 213. Gorash (V. A.) [Certain forms of self-defense from a surgical viewpoint; protective specta- cles.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 7, 66-68. "errien (F.) & Cousin (G.) Prophylaxie des blessures du globe oculaire. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914-15, xxxiv, 811-817. Also: Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 534-536. Arthur (W. H.) The advantages of military training for younv men and the physical cul- tural value of the preparedness movement. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1916, 3. s., xxxviii, 195- 205. [Discussion] ; 210-213. Also: Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 1-9. Gas Defense. Bee, Gas poisoning, etc. (suh voce Diseases of the Respiratory System.) 12 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Boyer (J.) The scientist and the athlete, the physiological laboratory of the French Mili- tary School at Joinville. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, Ixxix, 292. Bramwell (J. C.) Notes on marching. Med. Chron., Manchester, 1915-16, Ixi, 1-9. Brooks (H.) The physical and mental advanta- ges to be derived from a short period of com- pulsory military training in the United States. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt. & N. Y., 1915, x, 707-709. Also: Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y., 1915, xxi, 594-597. Clark (J. T.) Free physical training for re- jected recruits. Physical Training, N. Y., 1917-18, xv, 18-20. Cutler (F. J.) The surgical disabilities of troops in training- Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 559-568. D’ Ovidio (R.) Entrenamiento del soldado. Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 105- 129. Enklaar (W. F.) De training van onze infan- terie. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 34-46. de Fleury (M.) Un moyen de deiassement pour les troupes en marche. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, 3. s., Ixxii, 442. General outline of activities carried on in the Military Training Camp established by the State Military Training Commission at Peeks- kill, New York, this past summer. [1917.] Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Springfield, Mass., 1917, xxii, 432-440. Granjux. La faillite de 1’ instruction sur T apti- tude physique au service militaire. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 849-853. McKenzie (R. T.) The physical training of the New British armies. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Springfield, Mass., 1915, xx, 545-551. Lee (F. H.) Physical versus military training. Ibid., 1917, xxii, 305-308. Lelean. The soldier under marching conditions. Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 108-111. Parkes (C. H.) A two-days’ bivouac march at Fort Beniamin Harrison, Indiana. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1179. Pescher (J.) Posologie et graduation de 1’ exer- cice dans 1’ entraiuement respiratoire. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 552-554. Pick (B.) Some observations on cadets’ train- ing. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 454-464. Small (W. S.) Military drill in the high school in the interest of health. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1916, xiii, 624—627. Staley (S. C.) Association physical training in the Army training camps. Physical Training, N. Y., 1917, 1917-18, xv, 2-7. Stelz. Uebungsgerate im Reservelazarett Sie- gen. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1915, xl, 105-107. Warbasse (J. P.) Military conscription of youth: its hygienic complications. Med. Rev. of Rev. N. Y., 1917, xxiii, 318-323. Wobus (R. E.) Experiences at a military train- ing camp. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1916, xiii, 265-269. Herrmann (V-) Die osterreichisch-italienischen Grenzgebiete in sanitatstaktischer Beziehung. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 209-218. Munson (E. L.) Staff cooperation in respect to sanitary utilities. (Edit.) Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 435^37. Peyronnet de Lafonvielle (G.) Comment doit s’ exercer la tactique sanitaire en dehors des corps de troupe. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 274—287. Reno (W. W.) Military sketching and map reading. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1254-1257. Thrap-Meyer. [Directions for medico-military tactical exercises.] Norsk. Tidsskr. f. Mil.- Med., Kristiania, 1914, xviii, 153-179. Turck (R. C.) Sanitary field problems on mini- ature terrain. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 649-657, 4. pi. SANITATION OF THE BATTLEFIELD. Bordas (F.) & Bruere (S.) Contribution h I’- 6tude des phenomenes de la putrefaction, as- sainissement des champs de bataille. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 740-747. Brisac. Mesures d’ hygiene 9. prescrire dans les regions qui ont ete le theatre des operations de guerre. Ibid., 227-244. Doizy. Conference sur les necessity de 1’ hy- giene dans les lieux de combat et d’ occupa- tion. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, 100-107. Harvey. Les necessites de 1’ hygiene dans les lieux de combat et d’ occupation. Ibid., 100. Romeyn (J. A.) De hygiene van het slagveld. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 142-162. Rossi (B.) La difesa sanitaria militaire in zona di guerra. Atti d. Soc. lomb. di sc., med. e biol., Milano, 1915-16, v, 11-40. Roubaud (B.) Destruction des mouches et disin- fection des cadavres dans la zone des combats. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 692- 694. Thierry (H.) L’assainissement du champ de bataille. Gaz. mid. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 49- 51. Barrier (G.) L’incineration en temps de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de th6rap., Par., 1915, xxix, 417-419. Barrier (G.) & Salomon (G.) La cremation des cadavres sur les champs de bataille. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 545-558. Blanchard (R.) La destruction des cadavres en temps de guerre ; mode operatoire des Japonais en Mandchourie. Ibid., 564-575, 1 pi. Bonne. Eine billige und leichtherzustellende Schutzmaske fiir Leichentrager im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 670. Bosredon. Les inhumations aux armees. 1° Ce qu’ dies devaient etre; 2° ce qu’ dies sont; 8° ce qu’elles devraient htre. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 561-581. Creteur. La pratique de la cremation des cada- vres sur les champs de bataille de S4dan en 1871. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 558- 563. Grober. Zur Feuerbestattung im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1781. Pagliani (L.) La distruzione dei cadaveri sui campi di battaglia. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1915, xi, 183-185. Yiry (H.) L’incineration en temps de guerre dans la zone de 1’ avant. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 458. Disposal of Dead. SANITARY TACTICS, MAP-READING. Boyd (Charles T.) Criticisms upon solutions of map problems given out at the Army School of the line. Menasha, Wis. [1915], G. Banta, 288 p., B°. Munson (Edward Lyman). The principles of sanitary tactics. Menasha, Wis., 1917, G. Banta Publ. Co., 305 p., B°. Wallenstorfer (Norbert) & Szarewski (Marian). Sanitiltstaktisches Handbuch. Wien, 1914, J. Safdr. 170 p., 12°. Military Hygiene. 13 TRENCH HYGIENE. Menard (P.) La pression artericlle et le pouls ehez le soldat dans les tranchees. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 301-304. Also: J. de med. et chir. pract., Par., 1917, Ixxxviii, 89-94. de la Prade. Rapport de la tension avec 1’ ago et la resistance des soldats au front. Paris mM., 1917, xxiii, 44. Sherwood-Dunn (B.) War fatigue. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 899—901. War fatigue. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 21. Harden (Yincent-Marie-Lmile). Contribution h T etude de 1’ etat sanitaire des troupes dans la guerre de tranchees. Montpellier, 1915, B°, * No. 3. Clouet (Henri-Marie-Joseph). Contribution a 1’ etude de 1’ hygiene du soldat dans la guerre de tranchees. Bordeaux, 1916, 42 p., B°, * No. 4. Moss (James Alfred). Trench warfare. Men- asha, Wis., 1917, Banta Pub., 274 p., 12°. Smith (J. S.) Trench warfare; a manual for officers and men. N. Y., 1917, Dutton, 160 p., 12°. See, also, Trench Diseases. Insects and Terrain. (Jenevray (Jacques-fidouard-Marie). La faune de la tranchie. Bordeaux, 1917, 48 p., B°, * No. 7. Lefroy (H. M.) Measures for avoidance and extermination of flies, mosquitoes, lice, and other vermin. 2. ed. Calcutta, 1916, Thacker & Co., 17 p., B°. Shipley (A. E.) The minor horrors of war. 3. ed. Lond., 1916, Smith, Elder & Co., 207 p., 12°. See, also, Disinfection. Baruch (S.) Devices for sanitation of trenches. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1694. Bertarelli (E.) L’igiene che si pud fare e non si pud fare in trincea. Gazz. med- sicil., Ca- tania, 1916, xix, 433-438. Also: Med. prat., Napoli, 1916, i, 416-419. Binet ((L.) L’hygiene aux tranches. Bull, gdn. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1916, Ixxv, 259- 281. Camp sanitation in trench warfare; by a mili- tary observer. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 703-710. Chavigny (P.) La vie d’ une tranchee. Rev. gdn. d. sc-, pures et appliq., Par., 1917, xxviii, 200- 207.* Feichtmeyer. Die Hygiene in den Deckungen im Stellungskriege. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 14. Goodwin (T. H.) Disposition of excreta in the trenches. N. York M. J. etc., 1917, evi, 558. Hannemann (K.) Zur Hygiene des Stellungs- krieges. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1745; 1781; 1834. Hesse (E.) Die Hygiene im Stellungskriege. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz., 1915, xxxvi, 225-240. Keefer (F. R.) The sanitary problems of trench warfare. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 616-622. McCulloch (C. C.) jr. Sanitation in the trenches. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 81; 183. Moisseney. Considerations sur 1’ organisation du Service de sante dans les tranchees de cam- pagne pendant 1’ hiver 1915-1916. Ann. d’ hyg.. Par., 1916, 4. s., xxvi, 299-313. Pause (E.) Schiitzengraben im Bellum galli- cum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1317. Roudani (V.) Stazione di disinfezione e bagni su treno attrezzato. Riv. di ingegner. san. Torino, 1917, xiii, 185-189. Balikoff (I.) [Removal of insects.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 126—128 Bishopp (F. C.) & Wood (H. P.) Preliminary experiments with sodium fluoride and other insecticides against biting and sucking lice. Psyche, Boston, 1917, xxiv, 187-189. Brooke (G. E.) Contact insecticides. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 571. Copeman (S. M.) Note on a successful method for the extermination of vermin infesting troops. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 247. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 273. Cross (E. J.) & Lefroy (H. M.) Extermination of vermin infesting troops. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 317. Entomology at Salonica. Hid., 1916, ii, 696. Herxheimer (K.) & Nathan (E.) Zur Pro- phylaxe und Vertreibung des Ungeziefers im Felde. Therap. Monatsh., Berl., 1915, xxix, 87-92. . Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Bekampfung des Ungeziefers im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 831. Srotkoff (S. F.) [On insect removal.] Voy- enno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 286-291. Lehmann (E.) Zur Insektenpulverwertbestim- mung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 766. Letnlle (M.) & Bordas. La disinfection ento- mo-parasitaire. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 245-256. Martsinovski (Ye. I.) [Diseases transmitted from insects to men, and the struggle with them.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1914-15, li, 89-93. Moore (L.) Vermin in the trenches. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 529. Pirusski (V. S.) [On the struggle with insects on the march.] Sibirsk. Yrach., Tomsk, 1915, ii, 50. Principaux (Les) insectes qui peuvent affecter la santd de 1’ homme ou des animaux dans les operations militaires. Bull. Office internal, d’ hyg. pub., Par., 1917, ix, 324-350. Rahe (F.) tleber vergleichende Versuche mit Ungeziefermitteln. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berk, 1915, xliv, 270; 340. Schlesinger (L.) Die Ungezieferbekampfung in einem Krigsgefangenenlager. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 562. Arterial pressure in the trenches. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 775. Hunt (J. R.) Exhaustion pseudoparesis; a fatigue syndrome simulating early paresis, developing under intensive military training. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, Ixx, 11-14. Belong (M.) Quelques formes de la fatigue a 1’ avant. Paris med., 1917, xix, 66-68. Le Tanneur. De 1’ emploi du vanadium chez les fatigues de la guerre comme reconstituant. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 188. Mallet (R.) Etats de fatigue. Presse m§d., Par., 1917, xxv, 325. Mayerhofer (E.) Ueber das Muskelphanomen der Soldaten im Felde, das ist die mechanische Uebererregbarkeit der quergestreiften Musku- latur als Symptom der Erschbpfung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 63. Fatigue and Blood Pressure. 14 Index Medicus [War Supp. Shipley (A. E.) Insects and war. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 527; 568; 614; 662; 705; 750; 784 ; 830: 1915, i, 105. • —. Health and insect life in war and peace. Chem. News, Bond., 1917, cxv, 273. Also: J. State Med., Bond, 1917, xxv, 353-369. Terslnys (J.) Ueber die Verbreitung von Sen- cben durcb Insekten im Kriege. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Beipz., 1915, xxxvi, 17-28. Williamson (M. J.) A description of the cyan- ide process for the extermination of bugs. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiii, 623-626. Bacot (W. R.) The louse problem. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, ciii, 205-208. Bertarelli (E.) La lotta contro la pediculosi. Morgagni, Milano, 1915, Ivii, pt. 2, 577-585. Blaschko (A.) Zur Bekiimpfuug der Lause- plage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 228. Blumberg. Ueber Massenentlausung und Desin- fektion von Gefangenenlagern durch Lokomo- bilen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 837-839. Bohlmann (R.) Imprilgnierte Schutzringe ge- gen Ungeziefer, ein neues Mittel und Verfahren zur Bekampfung der Lauseplage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1206. Boyd (M. F.) The de-lousing measures of the Santa F6 Railway system. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 667-671. Brauer (A.) Ueber die Unzulanglichkeit der bisherigen Entlausungsverfahren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 561. Brack (F. J.) Zur Lausebekampfung mittels Cinok Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1240. Cohen (H.) Vitality of lice. Nature, Lond., 1917, c, 66. Corsini (A.) I corredini antipediculari. Ann. d’ig., Roma, 1917, xxvii, 364-372. Curscluuann (F.) Zur Vertilgung der Lause im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 891. Delta (C. G.) Sur la destruction des poux dans les epidemics de typhus exanthematique. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 175. . Dreuw. Die Bekampfung der Lausekrankheit. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xviii, 240-242. . Phthiriophobie. Allg. med. Centr. Ztg., Berk, 1915, Ixxxiv, 167. Eckert (E.) Ein neues Entlausungsverfahren. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxvii, 419: 918- 920. Eckes. Zur Vertilgung der Kleiderlause. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 731. Einige Verfahren zur Vertilgung von Kleider- liiusen. (Zusammengestellt im Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt des Deutschen Reiches.) Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 153-155. Eysell (A.) Ein einfaches Vorbeugungsmittel gegen Verlausung und ihre Folgen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, ixii, 351; 564. Also: Arch. f. Schiffs-u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 170; 238. Fasal (H.) Zur Pedikulosisfrage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 225-227. Felix (A.) Zur Methodik der Liiusevertilgung durch Diimpfe chemischer Agentien. Ibid., 647. Fiebiger (J.) Ueber Kleiderlause und die Uebertragung von Krankheiten durch Arthro- poden. Ibid., 645-647. Fillppini (A.) Tossicita della benzina usata quale pediculicida. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 268. Flnsser (E.) Zur Lausefrage, insbesondere iiber das Carbolineum als Entlausungsmittek Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 420. Frankel (S.) neues, sehr wirksames Mittel gegen die Kleiderlaus (Methylphenyl- atheri. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 313; 374. Frickhinger (H. W.) Ein Beitrag zur Beseiti- gung der Lauseplage. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspfig., Brnschwg., 1915, xlvii, 266- 276. Friedmann (A.) Beitrag zur Bekampfung der Kleiderlause in Kleidern. Centralbl. f. Bak- teriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915-16, Ixxvii, Grig., 320-338. Furer (E.) Zur Frage der Lausevertilgung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 452. Abolition (The) of flies in camps, billets and hospitals. Circular memorandum No. 8, Director General, Medical Services, British Forces in the Field. Bond., 1917, Army Print. & Stat. Serv., 16 p., 12°. Flies. Atkinson (E. B.) The fly pest in Gallipoli. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 147-152. Balfonr (A.) Fly-traps for camps, hospital pre- cincts and trench areas. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvii, 61-72. Kane (E. OTN.) Flies and field surgery. In- ternal. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 146-149. Kathariner (B.) Die Bekiimpfung der Fliegen und ihrer Brut auf dem Schlachtfeld. Mtin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1002. Kirschner (M.) Zur Bekampfung der Fliegen- plage. Ibid., 869. Legendre (J.) Ba question des mouches sur le front. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 55-64. Yolkmann (J.) Zur Bekampfung der Fliegen- plage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 869. Lice. See, also, Trench Fever; Typhus Fever; Relapsing Fever. Blanchard (R.) La lutte centre les poux. Paris, 1915, 8 p., B°. Bull. No. 3, Ligue Sanitaire Frangaise. Cummings (Bruce F.) The louse and its rela- tion to disease, its life-history and habits and how to deal with it. Lond., 1915, British Museum, 16 p., B°. (British Museum (Nat- ural History) Econ. Ser., No. 2.) Adier-Herzmark (Jenny). Fleckfieberfalle und Entlausungsmethoden. Militiirarzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 257-262. Alessandrini (G.) Ipidocchi ed i mezzi per dis- truggerli. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 92- 108. All ho IT. Zur Desinfektion infektioser Kleider- stoffe und zur Entlausung im Felde. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berk, 1915, xliv, 244-247. Axenfeld (T.) Ist die Naphthalinabwehr der Liiuseplage fiir das Sehorgan bedenklich? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 398. Also: Klin. Monatsbk f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1915, n. F., xix, 517-520. Bacot (A. W.) The temperature necessary for the destruction of lice and their eggs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 167. . Notes on pediculus humanus (vesti- menti) and pediculus capitis. Ibid., 788. . The use of insecticides against lice. Ibid., ii, 447-A5O. . A simple means of ascertaining if a sterilizing hut is hot enough to destroy lice and nits in clothing or blankets. Ibid., 1917, ii, 151. . A contribution to the bionomics of Pedic- ulus humanus (vestimenti) and Pediculus capitis. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 228-258. Military Hygiene. 15 Fnrno (A.) La lotta contro la pediculosi fra le truppe in guerra. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1917, xxvii, 141-157. Galewsky. Zur Behandlung und Prophylaxe der Kleiderlause. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 285. . Vorschlage zur Bntlausung von Ge- fangenenlagern. Ibid., 652. Galli-Yalerio (B.) Erfahrungen liber den Schutz gegen den Lausestich. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915, Ixxvii, Grig., 262-264. Glingar (A.) Ueber die Befreiung der Trup- pen von Kleiderlausen. Der Eisenbahnzug als Desinfektionszug. Wien. med. Wchn- schr.. 1915, Ixv. 424. Grixoni (G.) La difesa contro i pidocchi. Attualita med., Milano, 1916, v, 460-474. Grosz (S.) Bekampfung der Lauseplage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 307-309. Grubbs (S B.) Destroying lice on typhus fever suspects. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1916, xxxi, 2918-2923, 1 pi. Guiart (J.) Le danger des poux. Paris m6d., 1913-14-15, xv, 442-445. Gunn (J. A.) A note on the prevention of pedic- ulosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 579. Hall (H. C.) The louse problem. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1071-1075. Hartmann (A.) Die Bekampfung der Kleider- lause durch trockne Hitze. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1079. Hase (A.) Die Biologic der Kleiderlaus. Yer- handl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1916, 127-191. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 759. . Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Liiuse- plage. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena, 1. Abt., 1916, Ixxvii, 153-163. Heidenreich (L. L.) [Saving the soldier from being eaten up by lice in the war.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 131. von Herff (O.) Zur Yertilgung der Liiuse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 457. Heusner (H. L.) Bemerkungen zur Bekamp- fung der Lauseplage. Ibid., 1743. . Heymann (B.) Die Bekampfung der Kleider- lause. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 253. Also: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 289-293. Kindle (E.) Notes on the biology of Pediculus humanus. Parasitology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 259—265. Hbnck. Die Bekampfung der _ Kleiderlause. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 368. Hoffmann (E.) Zur Bekampfung der Liiuse- plage und Verhiitung der Geschlechtskrank- heiten. Dermat. Ztschr., Berl., 1910, xxn, 217—223. Hornstein (F.) Ueber Cinol als Lausebe- kiimpfungsmittel. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 767. Izar (G.) Sulla profilassi del pediculus homi- nis. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 241-259. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 253-255. Kinloch (J. P.) An investigation of the best methods of destroying lice and other body vermin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 1038— 1043. Kirstein. Die Bekampfung der Lauseplage. Prakt. Desinfekt., Berl., 1915, Hft. 5, 49-52. Kisskalt (K.) Die Bekampfung der Liiuse- plage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 154. ■— . Zur mikroskopischen Anatomie von Ped. vestimentorum. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915-16, Ixxvii, Grig., 338, 1 pi. Kisskalt (K.) & Friedmann (A.) Die Bekamp- fung der Lauseplage. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 397. Kuhn (E.) Die Entfernung von Kleiderlausen durch Schwefeldiimpfe. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 456. Kulka (W.) Ein neues Mittel zur Liiusevertil- gung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 630. . Zur Methodik der Lausevertilgung durch Trichlorathylen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxviii, 989. Labbe (H.) Destruction des poux et traite- ment des phthiriases. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 615-618. Labbe (H.) & Wahl (M.) Recherches sur 1’ in- toxication des insectes du genre pediculus par les vapeurs de differents corps miner- aux ou organiques. J. de physiol, et de path, gen., Par., 1914-15, xvi, 872-888. . Les poux, destruction precedes divers et leur mode d’action. Paris mdd., 1915- 16, xvii, 456-461. Legendre (J.) Destruction des poux de corps par le cresyl et le brossage. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1915, viii, 280-283. —. Sur la biologic et la destruction des poux. Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 956 963. . Sur un nouveau mode d’ elevage de Pediculus vestimenti. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 203. Legroux (R.) Sur la destruction des poux. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1915, viii, 470- 473. Lentz (F.) Ueber Naphthalinentlausung und ihre Methode. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1550. von Lobaczewski (R.) Zur Frage der Entlaus- ung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 373. Lbhe. Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung von Mitteln zur Bekampfung der Liiuseplage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 552. Louse (The) problem. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 421. Machold (B.) Lausofan. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 645. Marschalko (T.) [Pediculosis, its importance and struggle with it in the war.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1915, lix, 193—195. . Die Bekampfung der Lauseplage im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 316. Mathilde & Grassberger (R.) Ein laussicheres Uebergewand. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 234-236. Meltzer (O.) Die Bekampfung der Lauseplage im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 532. Montgomery (D. W.) Pediculosis pubis. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1916, xli, 231-235. Nnttall (G. H. F.) Studies on Pediculus. I. The copulatory apparatus and the process of copulation in Pediculus humanus. Parasi- tology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 293-324, 2 pi. Nicolas (J.) & Massia (G.) Pediculose pubi- enne par poux de t§te. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par,. 1916-17, 5. s., vi, 40-42. Nocht (B.) & Halberkann (J.) Beitriige zur Lausefrage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 626. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1060. Parker (R.) The treatment of scabies and pediculosis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 275. Peacock (A. D.) The louse problem at the western front. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 31-60. 16 Index Medicus [War Supp. Pick (A.) Ueber eine einfache Methode der Anwendung von Heissluft zur Entlausung von Kleidungsstiicken. Wien. klin. Wchnscbr., 1915, xxviii, 607. Pinkus (F.) Die Lauseplage. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 239-241. Pozzato (P.) Dei mezzi di distruzione dei pedi- coli nella lotta contro il tifo petecchiale. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1916, 2. s., iv, 606-612. Also: Riv. d’ig. e san. pubb., Parma, 1917, xxviii, 52; 73. Pressburger (R.) Die Bekampfung der Kleid- erlause dureb trockne Hitze. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 673. von Prowazek (S.) Bemerkungen iiber die Biologie und Bekampfung der Kleiderlaus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 67. Rabe (F.) Zur Bekampfung der Lauseplage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 347. Bagg (M.) Ueber die Yernichtung der Kleider- laus. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 172-179. Bapcbevski (I. F.) [Results of the experiments of the application of chemicals for the exter- mination of clothes lice.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 74-80. Rischbieter. Einfacher und billiger Entlaus- ungsapparat mit iiberhitztem Dampf zur Ver- wendung an der Fx-ont. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1916, Ixiii, 302. Rose (A.) Lice; the plague of the armies in the field; do they convey infection? Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1915, Iviii, 216. Schlesinger. Entlausung durch Heissluft. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1588. Schultze (E.) Die Laus in der Kulturgeschich- te. Hyg. Rundschau, Berk, 1915, xxv. 869- 882. Seel (E.) Ueber Mittel und Wege zur voll- stilndigen Entlausung. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1464. Seiffert. Ein Entlausungs- und Entseuchungs- apparat am Kranken- und Lazarettzuge. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 763. Shipley (A. E.) Insects and war: lice. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 497-499. Sikora (H.) Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit: “ Zur Bekampfung der Kleiderlause ” von Dr. A. Zucker. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena, 1. Abt., 1916, Ixxvii, 163-164. Simon (A.) Contre les poux. Bull. d. sc. pharm., Par., 1916, xxiii, 116-117. Soueges (R.) & Rondeau du Noyer (M.) Les poux; le mal qu’ ils nous causent; comment les combattre. Bulk d. sc. pharmacok, Par., 1917, xxiv, 187; 224; 303. von Stubenrauch & Zucker. Zur Yerhiitung der Verlausung von Verbanden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 29. Sulima-Samnilo (A. F.) & Ebert (B. P.) [On the destruction of lice.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 203-212. Swellengrebel (N. H.) Quelques remarques sur la fagon de combattre le pou des vete- ments. Arch, neerk d. sc. exactes [etc.], La Haye, 1916, s. 3. 8., iii, 1-31, 1 pk Swoboda (N.) Zur Frage der Lausebekamp- fung. (11. Einfiihrung offizineller Lause- schutzmittek) Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 920-922. Teske (H.) Die Bekampfung der Lauseplage, insbesondere mit Behelfsdampfdesinfektions- apparaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 346. Trappe. Ein sehr altes und einfaches, aber sehr wirksames Verfahren zur Bekampfung der Lauseplage im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1256. Lago (H. A.) Eine leicht herstellbare Entlaus- ungsanlage zur Abtotung der Kleiderlause durch iiberhitzten Dampf. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 240. Yersluys (J.) Ueber Lause und Kriegsseuchen, Natur, Leipz., 1914-15, vi, 253-255. Yrijheid (J. A.) Pediculi en pediculosis. Med. Weekbk, Amst., 1915-16, xxii, 545; 557; 569. Waterston (J.) A new Afidcan louse (Poly- plax calva n. sp.) from Cricotomys. Para- sitology, Cambridge, 1917, ix, 199-202. Widmann (E.) Zur Frage der Uebertragung von Bakterien durch Lause. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1336-1338. Wiener. Zur Frage der Lebensdauer der Kleid- erlaus. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1402. Wulker (G.) Zur Frage der Lausebekamp- fung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 628-630. Zabel. Entlausungsversuehe und ihre Ergeb- nisse. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1915, xxviii, 473; 505. Zupnik (L.) Zur Frage der Lausevertilgung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 371-373. . Ueber Ziichtungsversuche von Lausen aus Nissen. Ibid., 564. Zusammenstellung einiger Verfahren zur Ver- tilgung von Kleiderlausen. Deutsche Krank- enpfig.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xviii, 163-166. Mosquitoes. Given (D. H. C.) The campaign against mos- quitoes on board H. M. S. “ Cadmus.” J. State Med., Lond., 1916, xxiv, 47—51. Ross (J. A. P.) Mosquito nets for active sei’- vice. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 347. Shipley (A. E.) Insects and wax-. X. The mosquito (Anopheles maeulipennis). Brit M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 105. See, also, Rat-bite Fever. Eats. Cayrel (A.) La destruction des rats dans les tranchees, resultats d’une premiere campagne de deratisation dans un secteur de corps d’armee. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 50-68. Cayrel (A.) & Lesbre. R6sultats d’une cam- pagne de destruction des rats dans une secteur de corps d’armde sur le front. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 370. Danysz (J.) Remarques h propos de la com- munication de MM. A. Cayrel et Lesbre : resul- tats d’une campagne de destruction des rats dans un secteur de corps d’armge sur le front. Hid., 470. Dubois (R.) Pour d£truire les rats des tran- ches. Ibid. 4-7. Kessler. Rattenbekampfung an der Front wiih- rend des Stellungskrieges. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1470. Loir (A.) & Legangueux. La destruction des rats dans les tranchees. Paris med., 1916, xix, suppl., pp. 1-11. MILITARY MEDICINE. Fi'iedlander. Medizin und Krieg. Wiesbaden, 1916; J. F. Bergmann., 48 p., B°. Goodwin (Thomas H. J. C.) Notes for ax’my medical officers; with an introductory note by William C. Gorgas. Pbila., 1918, Lea & Febiger, 112 p., 12°. Mendes (G.) Manuale di medicina e chirux-gia di guerra. Roma, 1915, 266 p., 16°. Military Medicine 17 Militarmedizin und arztliche Kriegswissen- schaft. Vortrage gehalten auf der 85. Ver- sammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Wien vom 21. bis 28. September, 1913. brsg. von Z. R., von Juchnowicz-Hordyh ski und E. Glaser. Wien & Leipz., 1914, J. Safar. 544 p., B°. Squire (J. Edward). Medical bints for the use of medical officers temporarily employed with troops. Lond., 1915, N. Y., 1916, Oxford Press, 128 p., 12°. Beckzeh. Die Kriegsliteratur aus dem Gebiet der inneren Medizin. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 61; 141; 161; 194. . Brgebnisse der bisherigen Kriegser- fahrungen auf dem Gebiete der inneren Med- izin. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1450 ; 1518; 1549 ; 1570 ; 1916, xlii, 66; 107. . Krieg und innere Medizin. Schmidt’s Jahrb., Bonn, 1916, cccxxiii, 65-79. Russell (M. W.) The military function of an army medical service. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 134-146. Schneider. Role efface du m6decin dans un 6tat-major. Caducee, Pan, 1917, xvii, 119. Taylor (J. M.) The triple alliance in military medicine. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 595-599. Also: J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Easton, Pa.. 1917, vi. 1050-1053. Terriberry (W. S.) The civilian practitioner and his relations to the military service. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 351. Yaller (A.) & Fremont (J. P.) La mfidecine et la guerre. Bull. m6d. de Quebec, 1915-16, xvii, 203-212. Whitelaw (T. H.) [Efficient medical service in the war.] Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 961-968. Williams (L. R.) Medical problems of the war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 1080. Wilson (J. C.) The physician in war. Jef- fersonian, Phila., 1915-16, xvi, 1-6. Aczel (K.) Kriegsmedizin und medizinisches Rettungswesen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 389-392. Adam. Service de sante en campagne. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 25-31. Bolduan (C.) Medical science in the service of war; wonderful improvements in methods of saving life. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1914, cxi, 382. Boschi (G.) Per una “ medicina di guerra ” come speciality. Gior. de med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 410-416. Carrel (A.) Science has perfected the art of killing—why not saving? Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xx, 710. Casali (P.) & Pulld (F.) L’ abolizione della mollettiera nelle truppe di battaglia. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 93-97. Chamberlain (W. P.) Syllabus of lectures on military medicine. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi. 607-611. Coe (H. C.) The Wellcome First Prize Essay, 1916. Mil. Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 1917, xl, 317-339. Engelbach (W.) Military medicine. Missis- sippi Valley M. J., Louisville, 1917, xxiv, 350-355. Gates (G. U.) The medical man and the soldier. Internal. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 116. Goldscheider. Aufgabe und Probleme der in- neren Medizin im Kriege. Berk, klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 1130; 1157; 1352; [Discus- sion] 1242-1246. Gorgas (W. C.) What the war has taught us in regard to medicine and surgery. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1916, n. s., xi, 17-19. Heimanovich (A. I.) [Local problems of the surgeon, orthopedist, and the neuropathologist in the present war; the regions and limits of their collaboration.] Sovrem. Psikhiat., Mosk., 1916, x, 274-282. Jablons (B.) Medicine and surgery in modern warfare. N. York M. J., 1916, civ, 549-553. Kief berg (F.) [Some details relating to the subject of military medicine.] Hygiea, Stock- holm, 1915, Ixxvii, 1409-1447. Martin (E.) Textbooks dealing with the ad- vance of medicine and surgery during the war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 388. Mayo (C. H.) War and the doctor. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 1081. Milner. Aerztliche Unterweisung der Mann- schaften fur den Krieg. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2426. Moody (C. S.) The medical man in military service. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1917, xvi, 223-226. Morton (D.) The importance of the nonsur- gical work of the Army Medical Officer. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis, 1917, xiv, 393- 395. Munson (E. L.) Specialization by medical offi- cers. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 718-721. Myrdacz. Militararztliche Neujahrsbetracht- ung. Militararzt, Wien, 1916, 1, 1-3. Rauch (R.) Arzt und Technik im Felde. Ibid., 9-20. HISTORY. Aragon (Henry). Les guerres dans I’antiquite et la guerre moderne. Perpignan, 1916, J. Comet, 356 p., B°. Reinhard (Felix). Geschichte des Heeres- sanitiitswesens, insbesonders Deutschlands. Jena, 1917, 76 p., B°. Wood (Leonard). Our military history ; its facts and fallacies. Chic., 1916, Reilly & Britton, 240 p., 12°. Achievement of the Medical Corps of the United States Army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1324. Ashe (H. P.) Larrey, the originator of the rapid evacuation of the wounded. Ibid., Ixix, 1375. Berillon. Les ambulancieres dans I’antiquite. Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 7-9. Billard (M.) Les scandales des certificats de reforme sous le Premier Empire. Chrou. med., Par., 1915, xxii, 355-361. Bonnette (P.) Previsions hygieniques en cam- pagne; instruction relative k la salubrite des camps a la sante et a la conservation des mili- tates en 1793. Progres med., Par., 1914, 3. s., xxx, 319. Chamberlain (W. P.) History of military medi- cine and its contributions to science. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 479-486. Corsini (A.) Military and naval medical men in Roman and Medieval times. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 589-594. French military surgery a hundred years ago. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 630. Haberling (W.) Kriegsverwundetenfiirsorge vor hundert Jahren. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 564. . Verbandplatze und Kriegslazarette im Altertum. Ibid., 1576-1578. Hamilton (Alice). War surgery of yesterday. Woman’s M. J. Cincin., 1914, xxiv, 253. Hanauer (W.) Historisches zur Kriegsmedi- zin in Frankfurt a. M. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 1073; 1116. Historical (A) military medical exhibition. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 1075. 18 Index Medians [War Supp. Howell (H. A. L.) The story of the army sur- geon and the care of the sick and wounded in the British Army, from 1715 to 1748. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxii, 320; 455. Jeanselme (E.) De la lev6e en masse au temps des Wisigoths: insoumis et deserteurs; re- formes legitimes; reformes frauduleuses. Paris med., 1917, suppk, xxii, 310. Keen (W. W.) The contrast between the sur- gery of the Givil War and that of the present war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 817-824. King (H. D.) Baron Larrey, the French army surgeon. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1106. Kohler (A.) Kriegschirurgische Lesefriichte aus alter Zeit. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berk, 1914, cv, 779-788. L. (P.) Die Geschichte der Kriegschirurgie. Med. Bk, Wien, 1915, xxxvii, 100-104. Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 104-108. McCulloch (C. C.) jr. The coat of arms of the Medical Corps. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 137-148. —. The scientific and administrative achievement of the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, iv, 410-427. Also: Reprint. Marcy (H. O.) The surgical service of the Civil War, then and now; the progress of fifty years. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass., Phila., 1914, xxvii, 138-156. Medical (A) history of the war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 770. Moore (N.) Exhibition of books illustrating the history of military hygiene. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914-15, viii, Sect. Hist. Med., 45-48. Parker (G.) The foundation of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society, and the history of military medicine in England. Bristol M.- Chir. J., 1915, xxxiii, 129-149. Puchkovski (A. M.) [Medical aid to militiamen before the regular army was established in Russia.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 1-23. Sandwith (F. M.) Continental wars of the nineteenth century. Hospital, Lond., 1914- 15, Ivii, 375. Schayer (I.) The military salute. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 730. Schwalbe (J.) Beitriige zur Geschichte des Weltkrieges. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 626; 654; 683. Shippen (W.) Text of William Shippen’s first draft of a plan for the organization of the military hospital during the revolution. Ann. Med. Hist., N. Y., 1917-18, i, 174-176, 1 pk Colin (Paul-Pierre-Jean). Quatre mois de campagne en 1914, etat sanitaire d’un batail- lon. Bordeaux, 1915, A. Destout Alne & Cie., 46 p., B°, *No. 13. Fanntleroy (Archibald M.) Report on the medi- co-military aspects of the European wax’, from obseiwations taken behind the allied armies in Fi-ance. Wash., D. C., 1915, Gov. Print. Off., 158 p., pi., B°. Finzi (Kate John). Eighteen months in the war zone. Bond., 1916, Cassell & Co., 282 p., B°. Hahn (Gei’hard). Totentanz 1914-15. Aus dem Skizzenbuch eines Peldarztes. Beipz., 1915, J. A. Barth., 96 p., B°. Palmer (Mabel). Bife-saving in war time. Bond., 1916, C. A. Pearson, 128 p., B°. Plenz (Paul Gerhard). Kriegsbrief eines Peld- arztes der Armee Hindenbux-g. Gotha, 1916, F. A. Perthes, 88 p., B°. Ronerts (W. Adolphe). Pierrot wounded. Chicago, 1917, (Brothei-s of the Book,) 12°. Thurstan (Violetta). Field hospital and flying column; being the journal of an English nurs- ing sister in Belgium and Russia. N. Y., 1915, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 190 p., 12°. Vivian (E. Charles). With the Royal Ai’my Medical Corps (R. A. M. C.) at the front. Bond, [etc.], 1914, Hodder & Stoughton, 180’ p., 8° Yollbrecht (Hans) & Wieting-Pascha (Julius). Kriegsarztliche Erfahrungen. Bexd., 1914, G. Fischer, 496 p., 9 pi., 4°. Aleman (O.) [Report of a study tour of Ger- many, January and February 1917.] Tidskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1917, xlii, 105-136. Baehr (G.) Medical experience in Southeast- ern Europe. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 350. Blumentlial (A.) An der Ostfront in Polen. IY. Feldpostbrief. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1835-1837. Cavenee (E. L.) Experiences in the war zone. J. Am. Inst. Homoeop., Chicago, 1915-16, viii, 907—912. Chase (C.) Notes on service in the French Army Medical Corps. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, Ixvi, 1-12. Cheerer (D.) _ Experiences of the Harvard unit with the British expeditionary force. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soe., Manchester, 1916, cxxv, 66-77. Christenson (A. H.) [Observations and im- pressions from a hygienic study tour of Ger- many and Austria. Northern Prance and Belgium, 1915.] Tidskr. i mil. Hiilsov., Stockholm, 1917, xlii, 8-16. Collins (Sir W. J.) Notes and reflections from the front. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 935. Cree (G.) Medical narrative of the arrange- ments of the First Division at the Battle of the Aisne. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 201-220. Cruchet (R.) Un journal medical des tranchees. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xlv, 32. Cumston (C. G.) Medical notes from the front. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 223-225. Cushing (H.) With the British medical corps in France. Yale Rev., N. Haven, 1916, v, 523-539. Delorme (E.) Des enseignements de la guerre germanique sur le front frangais (aoilt 1914- aoht 1916). Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 163; 233. Erlacher (P. Erfahrungen am bsterreichisch- russischen Kriegsschauplatz. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2452. Fanntleroy (A. M.) Medical aspects of the European war. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt., 1916, xxvi, 188. Army (The) medical collection of war speci- mens at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 531- 534. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 620. F. (L.) Le musee du Val-de-Grace. Restaura- tion maxillo-fac., Par., 1917, 420-425, 11 fig. French (The) army medical museum. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 819. War (The) Museum at the College of Surgeons. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1633- 1635. War-Time (A) pathological museum. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 19. Museums. PERSONAL MEMOIRS AND EXPERIENCES. Bertron (Antoine-Laurent-iclie-Jules). Souve- nirs medicaux de la campagne des fusiliers marins (aoht 1914, novembre 1915). Bor- deaux, 1917, 76 p., B°, * No. 18. Military Medicine. 19 Looks (E. Y. R.) Impressions and experiences with the Royal Army Corps in France. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914-16, i, 153-155. Forbes (R. D.) War experiences in England and France. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1917, xvi, 194; 227. (Hertz (K. G.) [lmpressions from a study tour to Vienna and the Isonzo front, April-June, 1915. Tidsskr. i mil. halsov., Stockholm, 1916, ii, 87-136. Gbtzl (A.) Beobachtungen eines Internisten auf dem nbrdlichen Kriegsschauplatze. Oesterr. San.- Wes., Wien, 1914, xxvi, 1315—1320. Gonzalez-Deleito (F.) Ensenanzas medico- militares de la actual campana. Rev. valenc. de cien mdd., Valencia, 1916, xviii, 4. Goodwin (T. H.) Medical service in the Brit- ish area on the western front. Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1916-17, xxvi, 451- 453. . Some medical aspects of the war. N. York, M. J., [etc.], 1917, cvi, 367. Grimm. Brief aus Marienbad. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 103-106. Guedel (A. E.) Medico-military experiences. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxxi, 247 ; 294. Hnehner. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen eines Truppenarztes. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 1375; 1411. Hazlett (T. L.) Experiences with the Russian Army of the Caucasus in Northern Persia. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 445-449, 2 pi. Holmboe (W.) [A picture of Berlin in war- time.] Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristi- ania, 1914, xxxiv, 1036-1043. Hornbogen (A. W.) A review of medicine and surgery with especial reference to the Euro- pean war. J. Mich. M. Soc., Grand Rapids, 1916, xv, 415-424. Hudston (R.) Medical aspects of the present European war. Denver M. Times [etc.], 1914-15, xxxiv, 377-385. Jahr (Ein) arztlicher Kriegseindriicke in Mos- kau. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1629. Loew (H. K.) A summary of medico-military facts developed by experiences on European battle fronts. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 5-10. McClintic (Eleanor S.) With the Russians in Persia. Am. J. Nursing, Balt., 1917-18, xviii, 34; 102. Madelung (O.) Kriegsarztliche Erfahrungen in England und Erankreich. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 283 ; 315; 355; 388. Medical lessons of the war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 900. Medical notes from the Salonica force. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 839-841. Medical service with the Rainbow Division. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 747-754. Milligan (E. T. C.) Medical experiences in the war zone. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, 201-203. Moffat (H. A.) Some personal experiences in the German South-West Africa campaign. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 110-113. Moll (A.) Unsere Aerzte auf dem westlichen Kriegsschauplatze. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 261; 289 ; 320 ; 348 ; 409. Mosher (Eliza M.) Medical war notes. Wo- man’s M. J., Cincin., 1917, xxvii, 244. Miinzer (A.) Kriegsskizzen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1914, li, 1827, Niesser (E.) Feldpostbrief von einer Kriegs- lazarettabteilung im Osten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1808. Nydegger (J. A.) Some recent medical obser- vations in the European war zone. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 318-320. Ortenau. Eindriicke vom Kriegs- und Land- sturmersatzgesehaft. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 1138. Osier (Sir W.) Medical notes on England at war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, Ixiii, 2303; 1915, Ixiv, 679; 1512; 2001. . Medical notes on England at war. West Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1915, ix, 59- 65. de Jassy (F.) L’oeuvre medicale frangaise en Roumanie : I’hopital frangais de Jassy. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 461-467. Jojot (C.) Apergu medical sur la campagne du Cameroun de 1914-1916. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 584-591 . Kean (J. R.) Lessons of the great war. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 311—320. Klaussner. Kriegsbrief aus der Kriegslazaret- tabteilung des 1. bayer. Armeekorps. Miin- cheu. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1956; 2325; t 2357. Kbrte (W.) Brief aus dem Felde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1927. Kramer. Mitteilungen aus arztlicher Tatigkeit im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 664-667. Krieg (E.) Erlebnisse eines Feldarztes. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 53-58. Kronfeld (R.) Helden ohne Waffe. Wien, med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixvi, 43-48. Kruger-Franke. Ueber truppenarztliche Erfah- rungen in der Schlacht. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Hi, 7-9. Fangfeldt (E.) [A tour of Germany and Aus- tria.] Norsk. Tidsskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristi- ania, 1916, xx, 1-17. Fanz (O.) Oorlogsindrukken. Nederl. Tij- dschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, i, 409^122. Faval (E.) Apres quinze mois de guerre. Bull, med., Par., 1915, xxix, 3-6. Fee (R. I.) Medical aspects of the war. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 137-139. Padovani (E.) Note e osservazioni dalle zone di guerra. Rassegna di studi psichiat., Siena, 1915, v, 342-346. Penfteld (W. G.) War experiences of an American medical student in Italy. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 684. Plotz (H.) Medical experiences in the Balkans. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 351. Popoff (G. L.) [The war and medicine in the province of Yakutsk.] Sibirsk. Vrach., Tomsk, 1915, ii, 282; 295. Potpeschnigg (K.) Vom galizischen Kriegs- schauplatze. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 136-139. Powell (C.) A consideration of a few of the many lessons in medicine and surgery taught by the present European war. Colorado Med., Denver, 1916, xiii, 143-146. R. (M.) Notas medicas de la guerra europea. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1914, xiii, 694-702. Rapmuud. Eindriicke aus Nordfrankreich. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1915, xxviii, 97-110. Robinson (F. H.) Medical aspects of the Euro- pean war. Forum, N. Y., 1915, liii, 698-708. Radis-Jicinsky (J.) Letter from the Balkans. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 741. Sager (X.) Letters from the firing-line; the care of the wounded. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1914, cxi, 510-514. Satre (A.) Les legons de la grande guerre. Rev. internal, de med. et de chir., Par., 1914-16, xxv, suppl., p. iii-vi. Schloesser. Kriegsbriefe aus der Kriegslazarett- abteilung. 1. Bayr. Armeekorps. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2080. 20 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Schmidt (O.) Erfahrungen eines Sanitats- kompagnie-Chefarztes im russischen Feldzug. Ibid., 1916, Ixiii, 35. Schuller (A.) Kriegskasuistische Mitteilungen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 323-326. Schultzen. Kriegsiirztliches aus Feld und Heimat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1441. Seidl (C.) Algunas inform a qoes medico-eirur- gicas da guera europea. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan., 1915, xxix, 57-61. Shively (H. B.) Some war time experiences in the north of France. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt., & N. Y., n. s., x, 271-280. Simon. Beobachtungen vom westlichen Kriegs- schauplatze. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Beipz., 1915, cxxxii, 574-580. Smith (A. B.) Some notes from the battle front in northern Prance. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 581-583. Spelman (J. D.) Medico-military notes from the Belgian war zone. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 7-21. Springthorpe (J. W.) Twelve months’ services at the front. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 355-360. Stadler (E.) Erfahrungen eines Truppenarztes. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 121-124. Thomalla (C.) Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2150. Tobin (R. F.) A memoir of the late Bieuteu- ant-Colonel Charles Dalton, R. A. M. C. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 64- 94. von Tschermah (A.) Aerztlich-organisatorische Eindriicke an der osterreichisch-ungarischen und an der deutschen Ostfront. Wien. klin. W'chuschr., 1916, xxix, 245. Vischer (A. B.) & Ryhiner (P.) Kriegsarzt- liche Beobachtungen. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel., 1915, xlv, 417-429. Watts (H.) Some experiences in the war. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 321-326. Wehrlin (K.) Militararztliche Studienreise nach Innsbruck. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 354-367. Weygandt (W.) Yon einer Automobilfahrt zum westlichen Kriegsschauplatz. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2266. Wheeler (W. I. deC.) Impressions during a short period of active service with the Royal Army Medical Corps. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubk, 1917, xxxv, 12-23. Wild. Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen an der Front. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 214-219. Winter (A) in the Boos salient: some experien- ces of a temporary lieutenant, R. A. M. C. Caledonian M. J.. Glasg., 1914-17, x, 316; 322; 368. X. Notes et impressions sur la mddecine dans les tranchees. J. de mdd. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 55-58. Zwar (B. T.) Remarks on war experience. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 361. Celles (R.) Aux Dardanelles. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xxxvi, 66-69. Corbin (J.) Experiences with the A. A. M. C. at Gallipoli. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 111-114. Dudgeon (B. S.) Personal experiences on the Gallipoli Peninsula and in the Eastern Medi- terranean while a member of the War Office Committee for Epidemic Diseases and sanita- tion. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, 101-118. Hamilton (Sir I.) Operations in the Darda- nelles, the difficulties of the Medical Service. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 482. Madden (F. C.) Some notes on the treatment of Turkish wounded from the Suez Canal. Bancet, Bond., 1916, i, 613-617. Morley (J.) Surgery on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 461-463. Ross (J. N. Macß.) Medical impressions of the Gallipoli campaign from a batallion medical officer’s standpoint. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv.. Bond., 1916, ii, 313-324. Sarrailhe (A.) & Clunet (J.) “Camp jaun- dice ” and the paratyphoid epidemic at the Dardanelles. Bancet, Bond., 1916, i, 664- 668. Tourneix. Cinq mois de chirurgie de guerre, sur la presqu’ lie de Gallipoli. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii. 174- 177. Great Britain. Mesopotamia Commission. Re- port of the commission appointed by act of Parliament to enquire into the operations of war in Mesopotamia. Lond., 1917, J. Harri- son & Sons, 188 p., fok Mesopotamia Campaign. Allan (R. M.) Experience in Mesopotamia Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 523-525. Barber (C. H.) Surgery at the siege of Kut. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 441-444 Barber (C H.) & Doyle (E. E.) Surgical survey or the casualties in Mesopotamia. < Ibid., 1915, 1, 81-84, 5 pi. Coombs (C. F.) Medicine and surgery in Meso- POtamia. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1916, xxxiv, 136-144. Gill (C. A.) Casualties in the Persian Gulf. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 203, 1 pi. India and Mesopotamia. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 17. Lessons of the Mesopotamia tragedy. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 287. Medical (The) breakdown in the Mesopotamia expedition. Ibid., 301. Mesopotamia (The) Commission. Brit. M J, Bond., 1917, i, 875 ; ii, 24; 48; 83. Mesopotamia (The) report. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 880, ii, 90. Also: Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 17. Surgery at the siege of Kut. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 237. Turner (G. G.) Surgical work in Mesopotamia. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1916, xvi, 111-113. . Medical and surgical notes from Meso- potamia. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 33; 75. Voice (A) from the dead. [Failure of the medical arrangements in the campaign in Mesopotamia.] Ibid., 1916, ii, 261. Willcox (W. H.) Rations in relation to dis- ease in Mesopotamia. Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 677. Dardanelles and Mediterranean Campaign, Great Britain. Army Medical Department. Memoranda on some medical diseases in the Mediterranean war area, with some sanitary notes. Lond., 1916, 135 p., B°. Archibald (R. G.), Hadfield (G.), Logan (W.) & Campbell (W.) Reports of the M. &H. laboratories dealing with the diseases affect- ing the troops in the Dardanelles. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 695-724. Military Medicine 21 Serbian Front. See, also, Red Cross. Bodart (Gaston) & Kellogg (Vernon Lyman). Losses of life in modern wars. Austria-Hun- gary ; France. Military selection and race deterioration. Oxford, 1916, Clarendon Press, 225 p., B°. RECORDS AND STATISTICS. Askew (Alice) & Askew (Claude). The stricken land; Serbia as we saw it. N. Y., 1916, Dodd, Mead Co, 362 p., B°. Matthews (Mrs Caroline). Experiences of a woman doctor in Serbia. Lond., 1916, Mills & Boon, 250 p., B°. Stanley (Monica M.) My diary in Serbia, April 1, 1915, to Nov. 1, 1915. Lond., 1916, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co, 128 p., B°. Adami (J. G.) Medical records of the war. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1116. American medical casualties in France. Boston M. & S. J., 1917. clxxvii, 709-712. Anderson (C. J.) The ratio killed to wounded in the present European war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 41. Balestra (D.) Note relative to some sanitary statistical data of the present Italo-German war. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 760-766. Brinke (N.) [Morbidity rate of our army with reference to reduction.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1916, Ixxviii, 481—510. Casualties in the Medical Corps of the British Army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 45. Casualties in the medical services. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914-17, passim. Chamberlain (W. P.) Demography in so far as it relates to the vital statistics of armies. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 583; 1917, xl, 37; 204 ; 303. Chaplin (A.) The rate of mortality in the British Army 100 years ago. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Sect. Hist. Med., 89-99. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 203-211. Death toll of the war. Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1917, xxvi. 249. Dural (P.) Statistique operatoire d’un secteur chirugical (Xe region, secteur Fougeres-Gran- ville-Dinard), du ler janvier 1915 au ler mars 1916. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 893-898. Erikson (E. V.) [Suicides in the army.] Voy- enno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 336-348. Garrison (F. H.) The statistical lessons of the Crimean War. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 457-473. . The statistics of the Austro-Prussian (“7 weeks”) war, 1866, as a measure of sanitary efficiency in campaign. Ibid., 711- 717. Health of the German army and navy. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 660. losifolf (G. M.) [Statistics of the wounds dur- ing the first year of war with Germany.] Sibirsk. Yrach, Tomsk, 1916, iii, 15; 23; 8 tab. & 5 diag. Kochetkoff (Y. N.) [Morbidity per 1000 men in the army and navy.] Morsk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, 378. Le Fur (R.) Quatorze mois de chirurgie de guerre k I’hdpital auxiliaire 117; statistique des blessures et des operations. Paris chir- urg., 1916, vii, 600-612. Le Jemtel. Sur une statistique de 1000 opera- tions de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2465-2467. Leriche (R.) Statistiques op6ratoires inte- grates d’un service de chirurgie de I’arriere au moment d’une offensive. Lyon chir., 1916, xiii, 193-212. Lotka (A. J.) War the destroyer, the chances of death in battle and from other causes. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1914, cxi, 375-391. Military-medical statistics from Russia. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xei, 772. Nixon (J. W.) War and national vital statis- tics with special reference to the Franco- Prussian war. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Lond., 1916, Ixxix, 41&-444. Barrie (H. G.) A surgeon in Serbia. China M. J., Shanghai, 1916, xxx, 320-333. Berry (J.) The work of the Royal Free Hospital Unit in Serbia. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 875-878. Bicknell (E. P.) Recent help for Serbians and Albanians. Am. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1916, xi, 115. . Doctors courageous ; Serbia, the battle- ground not only of the Balkan armies but of physicians and nurses. Survey, 1916, xxxvii, 6-14. Butler (E. F.) Experiences in Serbia during the war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 918. . Resume of war service in Belgrade, Serbia. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 352-358. Chaix. Notes medicates a propos de mon so.iour en Serbie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 231-233. Also: Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 568-575. Chesney (Lillian M.) Recollections of surgical work in Serbia. Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xcix, 274-287. Donnelly (J. F.) A Red Cross surgeon in Ser- bia. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxvii, 785. Hanson (Miss H. B.) Serbia as seen by a Red Cross worker. Woman’s M. J., Toledo, 1916, xxvi, 88-93. Hirschfeld (L.) Aus meinen Erlebnissen als Hygieniker in Serbien. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 513-531. Hutchinson (Margaret W.) The Scottish Wo- men’s Hospital in Serbia. Glasgow M. J., 1915, Ixxxiii, 433-437. Jolley (W. A.) Experiences in Serbia. Colo- rado M. J., Denver, 1916, xiii, 49-55. Also: Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 120-133, 10 pi. Latham (Frances E.) In the Serbian retreat. Nurse, Jamestown, N. Y., 1916, iv, 178—182. McMillan (J. F.) Sickness in Serbia. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, c, 61. Morrison (J. T. J.) Experiences in Serbia, 1914-15. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1915-16, xxxix, 10-26. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1039- 1045. !*• (K. H.) Anglo-Serbian hospital unit. Mag. Lond. (Roy. Free Hosp.) School of Wo- men, 1915, x, 63-71. Berrigault (J.) En campagne avec I’arntee serbe (notes d’un medecin frangais). Paris med., 1917, xx, suppl., No. 8, pp. 1-111. Sinvmonds (Emily). With the Serbian refugees. Am. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1916, xi, 117- 123. Strong (R. P.) Work of the Serbian Sanitary Commission. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 259-262. Tayler-Jones (Louise). Experiences in Serbia. Wash. M. Ann., 1916, xv, 98-103. 22 Index Medicus [War Supp. Ottolenghi (S.) La scheda biografica clinica riassuntiva del soldato ferito o infermo in guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 787-790. Pluyette (E.) & Bertin (J.) Statistique opdra- toire du lcr service de chirurgie fi la concep- tion pendant I’annde 1916. Marseille mdd., 1916-17, liii, 331-342. Proportion of recoveries among wounded. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 935; 1916. i, 356. Prozoroff (L.) [Suicide among military men.] Med Obozr., Mosk., 1914, Ixxxi, 865-883. _ Remlinger (P.) Les maladies mixtes hybrides ou metisses (maladies proportionnees de Torti) en mddecine d’armee. Paris mdd., 1916, vi, 550-554. Schuster. Einiges iiber die Yerluste unseres letzten Krieges. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1763. Sheen (A. W.) The case recording of wounds in war. Clin. J., Lond., 1916, xlv, 109-111. South-West (The) African campaign; summary of medical statistics. Med. J. S. Africa, Johan- nesb., 1915, x, 203-205. Stutzin & Diesing. Statistisches iiber 222 kriegschirurgische Eingriffe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 190. del Yecchio (E.) Statistica a relazione sani- taria del II reparto chirurgico. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 46-87. Vital statistics of the army a century ago. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, ii, 439. Vlasoff (Ya. P.) [Registration of the sick in quarters.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec, pt., 132—152. Wilde (A. G.) Army medical records. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 591—598. • . Army Medical Department. Field ser- vice manual, 1914. Army Medical Service (Expeditionary Force). Lond., 1914, Govt. Print., 106 p., B°. Moss (James Alfred). Army paperwork, a practical working guide in army administra- tion. Menasha, Wis., 1917, G. Banta Pub. Co., 377 p., 12°. Mury (fimile-Alexis). Organisation medicale d’un bataillon pendant la campagne 1914- 1916. Bordeaux, 1916, 46 p., B°, * No. 28. Ponsan (Rene-Auguste-Marie-Alexandre). Le service de sante du bataillon au combat dans la guerre de tranchees. Bordeaux, 1916, 43 p., B°, * No. 33. Prussia. Kriegsministerium. Medizinalabteilung. Anlage XII und XIII der Kriegssanitatsord- nung mit Anhang ; Inhaltsverzeichnisse, Pack- ordnungen. Ausgabe 1914. Berl., 1914, E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 243 p., B°. Susbielle-Benedin (Emile-Leopold). Essai sur I’organisation du service medical regimentaire d’infanterie pendant le combat. Bordeaux, 1916, 64 p., B°, * No. 16. Troussaint (A. F. C.) La direction du service de sante en campagne. 5. ed. Paris, 1915, B°. United States Army. Manual for the Medical department, United States Army, 1916. Wash., 1916, Gov. Print. Off., 395 p., B°. . Extracts from Army Regulations for newly commissioned officers. By Major J. A. Moss. Menasha, Wis., 1917, G. Banta Pub. Co., 196 p., B°. Adam. Das deutsche, osterreichische franzos- isehe, russische und englische Militarsanitats- wesen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1914, xl, 1692; 1716; 1964; 1990; 2012; 2040. Affectation des officiers du service de sant6 aux armees et h l’int6rieur. Arch, de m§d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 555-558. Albonze. La liaison du service de sante en campagne dans les rormations de I’avant. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 33-42. Army (The) medical service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 527. Army surgeons and military commanders. Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1916, clxxv, 620. Bayly (H. W.) Battalion sanitary standing orders. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 930-932. Bazin. Notes sur le fonctionnement du service de sante it I’avant. Rev. gen. de din. et de thCrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 540-542. Beille (L.) Devoirs et obligations du corps medical. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xxxviii, 35-39. Bianchi (G. B.) La 29a divisione zona del monte S. Michele nell’ autunno-inverno 1915- 1916; note di igiene castrense e di servizio sanitario in guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 484-501. Birmingham (H. P.) Coordination of the medi- cal departments of the Army and Navy in campaign. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 377-380. Blech (G. M.) German sanitary organization. Ihid., 1915, xxxvii, 123-130. Blumenthal (W.) Der truppenarztliche Dienst bei der Kavalleriedivision. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 352. Bradley (C. R. S.) Reflections on the Army Medical Service in campaign. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 177-186. Bresgen. Die franzosische Kriegssanitatsaus- riistung. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1914, xliii, 663-676. Beggs (S. T.) Notes on corps duties for officers joining the Royal Army Medical Corps. Lond., 1916, Gale & Polden, 12 p., S°. Canada. Department of Militia and Defence. Regulations for the Canadian medical service, 1914. Ottawa, 1915, Govt. Print. Bureau, 62 p., B°. . Instructions for dealing with casualties and non-effectives generally of the Canadian overseas military forces. Ottawa, 1917, 39 p., fok France. Commission superieure consultative du Service de santd. Rapport de M. Joseph Rein- ach. Par., 1915, 67 p., 12°. . Reglement sur le service de santede I’armde S. I’interieur. Medeles. Paris, 1916, H. C. Lavauzelle, 644 p., B°. Great Britain. War office. Field service pocket- book. 1914. (Reprinted, with amendments.) Lond., 1916, 290 p., 16°. . Field service regulations. Part 11. An addendum for the guidance of troops operating in France and Belgium. Lond., 1917., 12 p., 16°. . The King’s regulations and orders for the Army. 1912. Reprinted with amend- ments published in army orders up to Ist August, 1914. Lond., 1916. Harrison & Sons, 574 p., B°. . General instructions for guidance in dealing with British warrant officers, N. C. O’s. and men (Regulars, Territorial Force and Colonial Contingents) who have returned sick and wounded from Expeditionary Forces, or become ill while on short leave from overseas, etc. Lond., 1917, H. M. Stationery Off., 141 p., B°. . D. At. S. instructions. Lond., 1917, Taylor, Garnett, Evans & Co., 55 p., 12°. ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION. Military Medicine 23 Brettner, Levy (W.) & Fx-oehlich (E.) Der Kriegssanitatsdienst in Berlin. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1665; 1698; 1761; 1786. Brunzlow. Der deutsche Pfadfinderbund und die Sanitatsoffiziere. Deutsche mil.-a.rztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1914, xliii, 568-575. Bryett (L. T. F.) Sanitary organization of the Territorial Force. Med. Mag., Bond., 1914, xxiii, 521-533. Buttar (C.) The organization of the medical profession for war service. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1915, n. s., c, 557-559. C. (A.) Les mddecins espagnols an front fran- gais. Chron. m£d., Par., 1917, xxiv, 367. Canadian (The) Army Medical Service under the search-light. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1916, xxxix, 187-194. Canadian (The) Army Medical Service, report of the Board of Inquiry. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 151-165. Carles (P.) L’organisation sanitaire du corps expgditionnaire de Salonique. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 229-236. Carpenter (D. N.) The medical department of the advance base brigade. Mil. Surgeon, Chi- cago, 1915, xxxvi, 140-148. . The Army and Navy Medical Depart- ment in joint campaign. Hid., 1916, xxxviii, 381-390. Changes in the German army medical service. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 437. Cheyron. Be service de sante d’un bataillon aux combats offensifs de 1917. Caducde, Par., 1917, xvii, 73-75. Church (J. R.) Notes on the organization of the French sanitary service. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 531-548. Commentaires sur la nouvelle circulaire du Sous- Secrdtaire d’dtat au service de santd. Bull, mdd.. Par., 1916, xxx, 566-568. Connell (K.) Observations on sanitary organi- zations and surgery in Prance and the central empires. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 62-68. Consiglio (P.) La medicina sociale nell’esercito. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1914, Ixii, 321. Consulting (A) staff for the Medical Depart- ment. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 484-486, 2 diag. Bebrieu. Organisation du service de santd en Afrique occidental frangaise. Ann. d’hyg., et de med. colon., Par., 1914, xvii, 349—360. Beleito (F. G.) Los servicios de sanidad militar en Francia y Alemania durante la actual cam- j>ana. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1915, v, 93- Bercle (C. U.) The French Sanitary Service. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 917-922. • . Prance and the great war. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 706. Bistrlbution (The) of medical officers in the Expeditionary Force. Hospital, Bond., 1915, lix, 11. Bonnelly (L. C.) The service de sante, French army, or the care of the French wounded. J. Mich. M. Soc., Grand Rapids, 1916, xv, 490. Ebert (R. G.) Some medical department prob- lems of overseas garrisons. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 111-119. Effect (The) of rank on the duties and respon- sibilities of the medical officer. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1788. Fanoli (G.) I servizi sanitari e I’assistenza ai feriti di guerra in Italia. Attualita med., Mi- lano, 1917, vi, 325; 365. Eauntleroy (A. M.) Military organization and equipment in the present war. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 34-61, 15 pi. Ferrero (L.) Norme per gli ufficiali medici durante la campagna. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 345-362. Ford (J. H.) The sanitary service of the Aus- tro-Hungarian army in campaign. Mil. Sur geon, 1917, xl, 645—665. . General administrative methods, _ sani- tary precautions and evacuation service in the Austro-Hungarian army. Hid., xli, 1-31, 8 pi. Fotheringham (J. T.) The Canadian Army Medical Service. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1917-18, li, 116-125. Also: Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1917, xlii, 459-464. Also: Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 471-474. France. Ministere de la guerre. Direction gdn- drale du service de sante du groupe des armees d’opdrations. Rapport sur les modifications a apporter h la composition et tl I’amenagement des trains sanitaires (17 ddcembre 1914). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 556-560. . Projet de modifications il apporter au Service de santd de I’avant (12 janvier 1915). Hid., 565-569. . Ministere de la guerre. Sous-secrdtar- iat d’dtat du service de santd. Organisation et fonctionnement du service de santd militaire; rapports et instructions de la direction gdn- drale du service de santd du groupe des armdes d’ operations. Instruction sur 1’ hygiene gen- drale des troupes. Hid., 1916, Ixv, 613-618. Fraser (L. T.) Sanitary organization of the territorial force. Pub. Health, Bond., 1913- 14, xxvii, 360-367. Freeman (G. F.) [Medico-military tasks of the Army, Navy and medical profession at large.] Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 632-634. French (The) army medical service; recruit- ment, organization, and work. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 627. Frew (J. W.) Duties of medical officers at the front. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1917-18, xvi, 25-27. Gasperini (U.) B’organisation du service sani- taire dans I’armde italienne. Paris mdd., 1916, xviii, 215-219. German medical militarv activities. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 1044.' Giving the medical officer the rank to which he is entitled. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 292-294. Goodwin (T. H.) Medical service in the British area on the western front. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 119-120. . The organization and administration of the British army with especial reference to the medical services. Mil. Surgeon, 1917, xli, 32-42. . The retreat from Mons. Hid., 169-178. . Address before the War College on co- ordination. Hid., 341—356. . The work of the Medical Corps of the British Army. Mississippi Valley M. J., Louisville. 1917, xxiv, 382-389. . The Army medical service. N. York M. J. [etc.] 1917, cvi, 1. . The medical service in the British Army. Hid., 101-103. . Co-operation of British and American Medical Corps. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chi- cago, 1917, xxv, 705. Granjux. B’administration du service de santd envisagde d’apres I’esprit bureaucratique et I’esprit mddical. Caducde, Par., 1917, xvii. 120-122. . Les P. C. N. des classes 14 et 15 et la loi Mourier. J. de mdd. et chir. prat., Par., 1917, Ixxxviii, 433-436. . _ La situation militaire des docteurs en medecine appartenant au service auxiliaire. Hid., 673-675. . Pour les mddecins du service auxiliaire. Hid., 834-836. 24 Index Medicus. [War Supp.. Grego (E.) Come funzionano alcuni servizi sanitari in Francia. (Insegnamenti che se ne possono trarre.) Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1410-1415. Hauser. Lehren des Weltkrieges ffir unser Armeesanitatswesen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1473. Hawthorne (H. L.) Medical and Sanitary De- partment of the Japanese Army. Mil. Sur- geon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 549-560. Heald (C. B.) The medical care of lines of communication at home. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 753. Heiser (V. G.) Italian medical activities in the war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvii, 124. Holzhauer. Organisation der Armee mit beson- derer Berficksichtigung der Organisation des Sanitatskorps. Heeressanitatsdienst: im Op- erationsgebiet, bei der Etappe, im Heimatsge- biet. Ztschr. f. arztk Portbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 515-521. Inglis (T.) Duties of a regimental medical offi- cer. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1916, xv, 203-211. Italian (The) Medical Service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 284. Jump (H. D.) Medical needs and conditions of the National Army. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 466-468. K. Der Krieg mit Russian!. Das russische Feldsanitatswesen. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 313-317. Kahane (M.) Vorschliige zur Organisation der spezialarztlichen Dienstleistung in Kriegs- zeiten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1262. Kelley (S. W.) Signs of French maps and high- ways. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1818. Kohler (A.) Die Organisation des Peldsanitats- dienstes. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1441; 1466. Laforet (C.) Le mddecin de bataillon. Mercure de France, Par., 1916, cxii, 224-236. Le Tanneur. Quelques reflexions sur le role militaire du medecin-chef. Caducde, Par., 1916, xvi, 23 ; 145. Lord Northcliffe on the Medical Corps of the army, J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1331. McLean (A. L.) The work of a regimental medi- cal officer in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, iii, 47-49. Mayo (C. H.) Medical service in the United States Army. St. Paul M. J., 1917, xix, 351- 353. Medical arrangements of the British expedition- ary force. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 639-642, ii, 616. Medical (The) service of the Australian im* perial Force. Ihid., ii, 581. Medical (The) services on the Somme. Ihid., 1916, ii, 397. Medicine in the spring offensive. Ihid., 1917, ii, 94. Mendes (G.) Un centro sanatoriale militare nella Riviera Ligure. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1155-1157. Miller (R. B.) The new manual for the Medi- cal Department. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 300-319. Mostyn (S. G.) Collaboration between the mili- tary and sanitary authorities. Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 148-155. Munson (E. L.) The proper functions of the medical department in relation to General Staff work. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 643-655. NGcessite du retour fi I’appellation des medecins par le grade. Caducde, Par., 1917, xvii, 133. Notes on British military medical arrangements. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 294 ; 369. d’Oeisnitz. L’adaptation organique des territori- aux a la guerre actuelle. Bull, et mem. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1935- 1944. Owen (W. O.) Relation of the Army Medical Corps and the Medical Reserve Corps to the Medical Corps of the organized militia. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 523-539. Pancrazio (P.) Come si puo costituire un lo- cale d’isolamento in zona di guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 533-537. ———. SulT organizzazione dei servizi di un locale d’ isolamento in zona di guerra. Ihid., 594-599. Parker (J. F.) The English Army Medical Corps. Med. Times, N. Y., 1914, xlii, 309. Pech (J.) Le service de santd aux armdes. Bull, mdd., Par., 1915, xxix, 68; 82; 1916, xxx, 93; 104; 149 ; 157. Pothier (O. L.) Medical units in the field. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1916-17, Ixix, 825-832. R. A. M. C. nomenclature. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1917, xvi, 38. R. (L.) Medecins rentre dans le rang. Chron. mdd., Par., 1917, xxiv, 250. Rallo (A.) Uno sguardo all’organizzazione ed al funzionamento del servizio sanitario militare di Dakar. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 168-176. Rapmund. Pragen fiber Gebfihrnisse der zum Kriegsdienst einberufenen oder sonst militar- arztlich tatigen Medizinalbeamten. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1914, xxvii, 740-749. Ravarit (G.) Medecins rentres dans le rang. Chron. med., Par., 1917, xxiv, 350. Raymond (H. I.) & Wolfe (E. P.) Duties of medical supply officers and their methods. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 1; 15; 398. Reinach (J.) Le Service de sante militaire, ameliorations et perfectionnements fi apporter sur le territoire national et aux armees; rap- port. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiii, 185- 232. Reno (W. W.) The Medical Department of the United States Army. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 317 ; 363 ; 411; 557. Reorganization of the Medical Corps on a self- governing basis. [France.] J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1999. Report of Lord Charnwood on criticisms of the Medical Service of the British Expeditionary Forces in Prance. Ihid., Ixix, 738. Ricciardi (A.) II dovere dell’ufficiale medico nei servizo territoriali. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1917, xxiii, 226-229. Rich (E. W.) A guide to facilitate the estab- lishment and administration of the medical group of ports of embarkation in time of war or of threatened hostilities involving oversea operations. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 393- dll. Rossi (B.) I servizi sanitari della Francia e della Germania nella guerra attuale. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1915, 2. s., iii, 300-314. Royal (The) Army Medical Corps. How mat- ters stand to-day. Hospital, Lond., 1916, lx, 508-511; 1917, Ixii, 458-461. Royal (The) Army Medical Corps and its work. Brit. M. J., 1917, ii, 217; 254. Schleinzer (J.) Ueber unsere feldarztliche Tatigkeit bei der 4. Armee. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 778; 802. Schneider. L’autonomie effective du Service de Sante. Caducde, Par., 1917, xvii, 61-63. Schonefeld. Heeresdienst der Aerzte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1942. Schuster. Aus der Organisation des Sanitats- dienstes im Kriege. Ihid., 1785; 1821; 1843. Military Medicine. 25 Schwartz (A.) Le service de sante de “ I’avant ” son mode de fonctionnement au corps colonial. Presse med., Par., 1915 (annexe), xxiii, 115- 117. - Strauss (M.) Der Sanitatsdienst in der fran- zosischen Armee. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 846. Surgeon (The) General’s Office. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 1083; 1133; 1178; 1228. Terriberry (W. S.) The medical service in the organized militia. Ibid., 1916, ciii, 398. Thooris (A.) Service de sante dans une divi- sion de chasseurs. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 520-534. Torkel. Der Arzt beim Ersatz-Bataillon. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1131-1133. von Tschermak (A.) Aerztlich-organisatorische Eindriicke an der osterreichisch-ungarischen und an der deutschen Ostfront. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916. xxix, 245. linage (F. O.) Evolution of the sanitary ser- vice in the National Guard and some defects in its administration. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 31—38. Werner. Sanitatsmannschaften und zweijahrige Dienstzeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1914, xliii, 705-711. What the civilian doctor called to active service with the army should know. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixvi, 425 ; 508 ; 571. Wilcox (R. W.) The medical corps in peace and war. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 1-4. Woodhead (G. S.) Co-operation between civil health officers and military authorities. Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 99-107. Work (The) of the Army Medical Service in the recent Flanders actions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 666. X. 2. Le service de santd aux armdes. Examen de conscience apres dix-huit mois de guerre. Bull, mdd., Par., 1916, xxx, 197. . Le service de sante regimentaire. Ibid., 221-224. Snyder (W. H.) Proposed plan for a Reserve Surgical Corps of the regular Army. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1916, xii, 95-97. Thompson (L.) A plan for creating an adequate medical reserve for the army. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 558-561. Wilcox (H. B.) Drafting physicians. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 934. Ashford (M.) The American doctor and pre- paredness. Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1917, xxvi, 247-249. Also: N. York M. J. (etc.), 1917, cv, 679. Baldwin (S. C.) The medical profession and the war. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1917, xvi, 291-294. Banister (W. B.) The medical mechanism for war in the IT. S. Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1916, xxix, 407-449. Bay on (H.) The importance of medical prepara- tion for war emergencies. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 243. Bevans (J. L.) Medical preparedness. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama, Montgomery, 1917, 196-202. Billings (W. S.) The United States Public Health Service, its functions and its value as a preparedness asset. Mil. Surgeon, 1917, xli, 100-115. Bloodgood (J. C.) What the civil surgeon can do for military surgery in times of peace. South. M. J., Nashville, 1915, viii, 950-957. . The duty of the medical man in the present crisis. Maryland M. J., Balt., 1917, lx, 164-166. Also: South. Clinic, Richmond, 1917, xl, 304-307. . Medical preparedness in the great drive for democracy. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 746-752. Also: West. M. Rev., Omaha, 1917, xxii, 541-550. Bine (R.) Sanitary preparedness. South. M. J., Nashville, 1916, ix, 8-11. Borden (W. C.) Suggestions for correlating the medical schools of the country with the mili- tary, naval and public health services of the United States. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 561-566. Codman (C. A. E.) Medical needs and condi- tions of the National Army. Long Island M. J., Brooklyn, 1917, xi, 461-466. Council of National Defense. Medical prepared- ness. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1917, x, 147-150. Eve (D.) The world’s war: our duty in the present crisis. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 911-917. Also: South. Pract., Nash- ville, 1918, xl, 7-20. Feilcbenfeld (L.) Die Kriegsbereitschaft der Aerzte. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1438; 1458. Fisher (H. C.) Preparedness of the Medical Department for war. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 123-130. Gardner (Nellie E.) Mobilization of Columbia University, New York City. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 771. Garrison (F. H.) Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, M. D. (1844-1916) :an apostle of prepared- ness. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 369-377, 1 port. Goldwater (S. S.) The committee on hospital and medical facilities of the mayor’s com- mittee for national defense. N. York M. J., [etc.], 1917, cvi. 126. Gorgas (W. C.) The surgeons’ response to the nation’s call. Surg., Gynee. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 703. Information regarding the correlated activities of the Council of National Defense, and the Advisory Commission, the Medical Depart- Preparedness, National Defense. Medical Reserve Corps. Sutherland (S. J.) The reserve officers’ hand- book. Bost., 1917, Houghton Mifflin, 289 p., 12°. Arnold (H. D.) The Medical Officer’s Reserve Corps. Rhode Island M. J., Providence, 1917, i, 205-208. Blech (G. M.) Is the volunteer medical officer of to-day a soldier? Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 418-427. . A real medical reserve corps. laid., xxxvii, 442-446. Coe (H. C.) A final plea for the inactive Medi- cal Reserve Corps. Hid., 1914, xxxv, 542 545 ~— . The inactive Medical Reserve Corps in war. Ibid., 1916, xxxix, 244-252. Cross (C.) First month’s service. Medical Re- serve Corps. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1772. Hays (H.) The Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, N. Y., 1916, ii, 43-48. Letters of an M. M. R. C. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 331; 371. Phalen (J. M.) Medical Reserve Corps, United States Army. Chicago M. Recorder, 1916, xxxviii, 74-89. Shaw (H. L. K.) Drafting the medical profes- sion. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1193. Index Medicus. [War Supp. ments of Government, and the Committee of American Physicians for Medical Prepared- ness. West Ya. M. J., Huntington, 1916-17, xi, 400-405. Kean (J. II.) Doctors, preparedness and the lied Cross. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 466- 468. Keenan (G. F.) Our medico-military responsi- bility. Soutwest. Med., El Paso, 1917, i, 12- 18. Keller (W. S.) Military medicine or medical preparedness. Lancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxv, 381—383. Keogh (Sir A.) Need of the army for more medical men. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 611. Kreider (G. N.) Military preparedness from a surgical standpoint. Illinois M. J., Chicago, 1916, xxx, 1-5. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 111-114. La Garde (L. A.) Relation of the civilian physi- cian to national preparedness. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 237-243. . The “ surgeon ” and military prepared- ness. Ibid., 1917, xl, 511-513. La Garde (L. AC, Eaton (W. E.) & Rucker (W. C.) Symposium; How the medical ser- vices of the Government may best cooperate in times of war ; Army ; Navy ; Public Health Service. Ibid., xli, 552-577. Le Chatelier (H.) Le Conseil national de recherches aux £tats-Unis. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 559-562. Little (J. W.) Medical preparedness for na- tional defense. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1916, xxxvi, 671-674. McGuire (S.) Medical military preparedness in Virginia. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1917-18, xxii, 372. Martin (P.) The Council of National Defense. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 733-736. Matas (R.) What Tulane has done for the country in times of war. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1917, Ixx, 90-94. Also: South. M. J., Bir- mingham, 1917, x, 605-607. Medical preparedness and the army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixvi, 575. Medical preparedness ; information regarding the correlated activities of the Council of National Defense and the Advisory Commission, the Medical Departments of Government and the Committee of American Physicians for Medi- cal Preparedness. Rhode Island M. J., Provi- dence, 1917, i, 119—123. Medico-military preparedness. J. Florida M. Ass., Jacksonville, 1915, ii, 177. Mitchell (C. W.) The physician’s duty in the Kent crisis. Bull. IJniv. Maryland School ~ Balt., 1917, ii, 1-7. Morison (A.) Mobilization of the profession. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, ciii, 321. Munson (E. L.) Military preparedness from the medical standpoint. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxix, 447-450. Need of American physicians in the war. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 784-786. Neumann. Die Verwendung des nicht dienst- pflichtigen Zivilarztes im Dienste der Armee; sein personliches Verbaltnis und Ratschlage fiir seine Ausriistung. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1914, xi, 521-523. Noble (R. E.) The Medical Corps of the army as a career. Chicago M. Recorder, 1917, xxxix, 198-203. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixiii, 955-957. . The relation of the medical profession to medical preparedness. South. M. J., Bir- mingh., 1917, x, 91-95. . Needs of the medical service. Ibid., 922-925. Owen (W. O.) How may you assist the Medical Department of the United States Army ? Bos- ton M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 259. . The proper organization of the medical profession of the nation at war, with moving pictures. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 926-932. Page (H.) Civil physicians and national de- fense. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 385-394. Patou (S.) Mobilizing the brains of the nation. Mental Hyg., Concord, N. H., 1917, i, 334- 344. Peterson (R.) The duty of the medical pro- fession of Michigan in the present national crisis. J. Mich. M. Soc., Grand Rapids, 1917, xvi, 252-258. Raiment (P. C.) Mobilisation of the profes- sion ; views of the non-panel doctors. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, ciii, 285. Seydel (O.) Hollands Aerzte und der Weltkrieg. Ileutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berh, 1915, xli, 563. Seymour (Gertrude). Medicine mobilized. Sur- vey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxviii, 87-90. Sherman (H. M.) Medical military matters in California. Calif. State J. M., San Frau., 1917, xv, 423. Simpson (F. F.) Medical preparedness for na- tional defense. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 951-955. Spafford (F. A.) Medical preparedness. Jour- nal-Lancet, Minneap., 1917, xxxvii, 599-605. Supply (The) of medical men for the army. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 35. Terriberry (W. S.) Past and prospective medi- co-military failure. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt. & N. Y„ 1916, n. s., xi, 253-255. Vaughan (V. C.) The responsibilities of the medical profession in this war. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 651-658. Wadhams (S. H.) The civilian physician’s part in the scheme of preparedness. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxx, 152-155. Welch (W. H.) Medical problems of the war. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Balt., 1917, n. s., xxviii, 154-158. White (J. S.) Remarks on military prepared- ness. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1917, xxxvii, 297-300. Wilkins (R.) Medical preparedness. N. Hamp- shire M. Soc., Manchester, 1917, cxxvi, 221- 232. Woodhead (G. S.) How civil health officers can give assistance to the military authorities in time of mobilisation or of war. Pub. Health, Lond., 1915, xxviii, 135-147. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIEL. See, also, Sanitary Organization: Ambulance Service, etc. Great Britain. War Office. Regulations for the equipment of the army. Part 2, section v: Royal Army Medical Corps (regular armyj, War Office, 1914. Lond., 1914, Harrison & Sons, 14 p., B°. Nomenclature generale du 13 aofit 1899 du materiel du Service de santd, mise a jour au 6 novembre 1915. Paris [1915], H. Charles-Lavauzelle, 512 p., B°. Brown (G. H.) A field electric lamp. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxvi, 446- 450. Boes (J.) & Weyland (H.) Ueber Aluminium- lagerungen und ihre Brauchbarkeit fiir Feld- fiaschen und Kochgeschirre. Ztschr. f. Un- tersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berk, 1915, xxx, 300-305. Military Medicine 27 Ekeroth (C.) [The equipment of the medical department of the French army.] Tidsskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1915, xl, 15-27. Khotsyanoff (L. K.) [Part taken by physicians in army commissions for inspection of supply stores.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 349-354. Medical supplies for the army. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 797. Miller (R. B.) Proposed equipment for the Hospital Corps soldier. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 421-127, 7 pi. Schneider. Les magasins d’ approvisionnement du Service de Sante. Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 65. Wirgin (G.) [Some observations concerning the sanitary equipment, etc., of the German army.] Tidsskr. i mil. halsov., Stockholm, 1916, xli, 1-16. Zantl, Fine praktische Feldbeleuchtung. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 733. Bloss (E.) Die Bereitstellung von Heilstiitten zur Aufnahme verwundeter Krieger. Heil- anstalt, Leipz., 1914, ix, 287-289. Bordier (H.) tin moyen tres simple d’electri- sation pour hopitaux militaires. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 659. Bryson (R.) Field and base hospitals. Indian Rev., Madras, 1914, xv, 856-856 c. Calderoli (G.) Sei mesi in un lazaretto di guerra. Riv. d’ig. e san. pubb., Parma, 1917, xxviii, 317-325. Chavasse. Note au sujet de Fhopitalisation des blesses inevacuables. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1306. Corwin (R. W.) In French hospitals. J. Sociol. Med., Easton, Pa., 1917, xviii, 97-99. Czerny (V.) Aus Verwundetenlazaretten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1718. Dawson (J. B.) Experiences in a British mili- tary hospital. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 479-485. Deneke (T.) Kriegsvorbereitungen in den Krankenhausern. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz., 1914, x, 545-551. Eaton (R. M.) Experiences in a French mili- tary hospital. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1917, xvii, 137-139. Flint (J. M.) The organization and problems of a war hospital. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 405, 4 pi.; 507, 3 pi. Gerber. Beobachtungen aus dem Kriegslazarett, Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1305. Goryushin (M. A.) [Life of a lazaretto hospi- tal for wounded.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1915, li, 1108- 1113. •. [Activity of the Zemstvo Lazaretto for wounded.] Ihid., 1916, lii, pt. 2, 54-58. Meeker (H.) Zur Fliegenplage in den Lazaret- ten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 730. Biellpach (W.) Lazarettdisziplin als Heilfaktor. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1207-1211. Hornsby (J. A.) Hospital organization under the War Department. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 88. Janies (S. P.) Sanitary problems in hospitals for Indian troops in England. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1915, xxvi, 405-411. Kane (B. O’N.) Impressions of the work in the European military hospitals. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 599-603. Knoll (W.) Aus einem Lazarett. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz, Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 865-887. Kocher (T.) Eindriicke ana deutschen Kriegs- lazaretten. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 449-479. Konovaloff (P. N.) [Restoration of hospital property lost by military necessity in the theatre of war.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, eexlii, med.-spec. pt., 223-232. Langwill (H. G.) Military and civil hospital practice, a comparison. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, ci. 53-55. Louart (G.) & Fiessinger (N.) Ce que nous avons vu au centre hospitaller de C. . . . Rev. g&n. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 26; 43. M’llroy. The work of a unit of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals in France, Serbia, and Salonica. Glasgow M. J., 1917, Ixxxviii, 277- 287. Making (The) of a military hospital; how the transportation at Cardiff was effected. Hos- pital, Lond., 1914-15, Ivii, 151. Marcovigi (G.) Cenni sulla requisizione dei local! occorrenti alia spedalizzazione dei mili- tari in tempo di guerra. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1915, xi, 210; 222. Beds. Bergengriin (P.) Papierlaubmatrazen uud Papierbettdecken. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 1742. Bonnette. Lits de guerre improvises, demonta- hles. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 406. Fiirst (T.) Ein neues Feldbett fiir Yerwundete. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1033. Huntemueller. Ein neues Feldbett fiir Heereszwecke. Ibid., 1916, Ixiii, 1780. Jeaun equin. Lit de campagne facile a con- struire, a monter, a demonter. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 391-394. Kirsch, Ueber Herstellung einer einfachen Behelfsbettstelle. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1915, Ixii, 1551. Koehler. Zusammenlegbare FeldbettsteUe. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 339. Kutten (D.) Ueber ein neues Universalbett zum Yerbandwechsel an liegenden Patienten nach Professor Dr. W. Lcpkowski. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix. 218—220. Lauhenherg (K.) Einc FeldbettsteUe. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1486. dn Mont. Ein Feldbett. Ibid., 1915, xfi, 1372. Perret. Lit difmontable pour grands blessfes. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 862-864. Yieser. Eine neue zerlegbare FeldbettsteUe. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 589. Bell (F. McKelvey). The first Canadians in France, the chronicle of a military hospital in the war zone. N. Y., 1917, Doran, 308 p., B°. Cator (Dorothy). In a French military hospital. Lond., 1915, Longmans, Green & Co., 105 p., 12°. Carillon. L’hopital de Senlis pendant I’occupa- tion allemande du 2 au 10 septembre, 1914. Senlis, 1915, E. Vignon fils., 18 p., B°. France. Ministere de la Guerre. Instruction gdndrale sur I’hospitalisation et les decisions consdeutives au traitement des militaires et ouvriers indigenes. Paris, 1906, L’Emancipa- trice, 70 p., B°. Letters from a French hospital. Bost., 1917, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 96 p., 12°. Masson (Frdderie). Discours ft I’hdpitak (Hdtel Thiers, Institut de France.) Par., 1916, Blond & Gay, 12°. HOSPITALS. Army (The) hospitals of fifty years ago. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1792. 28 Index Medicus [War Supp. . Un ospedale militare di guerra Ihid., 1917, xiii, 145; 153; 161; 169-174. Also: Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1917, 3. s., v, 88-95. Morton (Rosalie S.) American women’s hospi- tals organized by War Service Committee of the Medical Women’s National Association. Woman’s M. J., 1917, xxvii, 136-139. Roux (G.) Hopitaux et stations sanitaires. Montpel. med., 1916, xxxix, 257-261. Salmon (T. W.) The use of institutions for the insane as military hospitals. Mental Hyg., Concord, N. H., 1917, i, 354-363. Shtshegolkoff. [The Turkish military hospital . and the private (Turkish and Greek) hospi- tals in Smyrna.] Morsk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, 121-127. Steffelaar (M.) Inrichting en bedrijf van een groot barakkenhospitaal gedurende den oorlog. Ziekenhuis, Amst, 1917, viii, 65-74. Strauss (H.) Krankenhausverpflegung und Krieg. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz., 1915, xi, 97-100. Taylor (Josephine). Post hospitals of the United States Artillery Service. Nurse, James- town, N. Y., 1915, iii, 187-196. Thomson (D. G.) A descriptive record of the conversion of a county asylum into a war hos- pital for sick and wounded soldiers in 1915. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1916, Ixii, 109-135. Treston (H. L.) Some experiences in a depot hospital. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 413-415. Vincent (W.) Use of asylums as military hos- pitals. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1916., Ixii, 174- 178. Voggenberger (F.) Lazarette im Krieg. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz., 1915, xi, 25-31. Waterhouse {Sir H. F.) Notes from the Anglo- Russian hospitals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 441—44t>. Whiteford (C. H.) Notes from a military hospi- tal. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1916, xxiii, 137. Wiener. Spitalsverpflegung im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 869-872. Pascaud & Lagane. Installation et fonctionne- ment du service de prophylaxie de I’hOpital complfimeutaire No. 36 de Breuil-le-Sec (Oise). Hid., 1915, xxxvii, 360-372. Schneider, Les cadres des hSpitaux auxiliaires. Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 147. . La chefferie des hopitaux auxiliaires. lUd., 167-169. Tournade (A.) Organisation et fonctionnement de I’ hopital temporaire No. 13 (de Verdun). Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 315-355. Cator (Dorothy). In a French military hos- pital. N. Y., 1915, Longmans, Green & Co., 106 p., 12°. Depage (A.) Ambulance de “ I’Ocean.” Paris, 1917, Masson et Cie., 300 p., B°. Gordon (Hampden) & Tindall (M. G.) Our hospital Anzac British Canadian. N. Y., 1916, John Lane, B°. Peterson {Sir William). A Canadian hospital in France. [Montreal], 1916, 12 p., B°. Base Hospitals. Acker (R. B.) Observations by a junior sur- geon of the John B. Murphy Hospital Unit, serving with the British Expeditionary Force, France. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xii, 295- 315, 20 pi. American (The) medical units. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 691. American Red Cross base hospitals. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 22-27. Australian Base Hospitals. No. 9. Base Hos- pital, Tasmania. Austral. Nurses J., Sydney, 1916, xiv, 7. Base hospitals ordered abroad. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1486. Bayou (H.) The requirements of base hos- pitals. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 242. Berggren (S.) [lmpressions and experiences in the Swedish hospital at Vienna.] Tidsskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1916, xli, 32-41. Bourne (A. W.) A visit to the Carrel Hospital, France. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1917, xxiii, 54. Bousquet. LTne visite a 1’ ambulance Ocean dirigee par le professeur Depage (de Brux- elles), a la Panne Belgique. Presse m£d.. Par., 1917, xxv, 326. Bryan (O. W. G.) Surgical experience in a base hospital in France. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1915, xxi, 98-101. Bryant (H. W.) Some notes taken whilst on active service with the No. 1. Australian Sta- tionary Hospital. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914-16, i, 257-265. Colston (J. A. C.) Personal experiences at the Red Cross Hospitals at Pau, France. Mary- land M. J., Balt., 1916, lix, 14-21. Crile (G. W.) The unit plan of organization of the Medical Reserve Corps of the U. S. for service in base hospitals. Surg., Gynec- & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 68. . The work of the American units in France. Ibid., 1917, xxv, 709-712. . Notes on Base Hospital No. 4, U. S. Army, on active service. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 206. Crile (G. W.), Rowland (Amy) [et al.] A composite report of the throe months’ service of the Bakeside unit at the American Ambu- lance. Cleveland M. J., 1915, xiv. 421-440. Cushing (H.) The Harvard Unit at the Ameri- can Ambulance in Neuilly, Paris. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 801-803. Amiaud (Jeanne-Emma-Clementine.) L’hopi- tal auxiliaire No. 28 (Loges magonniques). Bordeaux, 1915, A. Destout Aine & Cie., 53 p., B°, * No. 23. Dufourg (Jean-Michel-Marie-Roger). HOpital auxiliaire No. 20 de Notre-Dame de Lorette de la de secours aux blesses, Bordeaux. Bordeaux, 1916, 83 p., B°, * No. 10. Auxiliary Hospitals. Beyer (H. G.) A short story of my experiences at the Red Cross Auxiliary Naval Hospital of Hamburg, Germany, during the first eight months of the present war. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 134—145, 6 pi. Also: U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 465-476. . On some of Professor Lexer’s work at the Red Cross Auxiliary Naval Hospital, Ved- del-Hamburg, Germany, 1914-15. Johns Hop- kins Hosp. Bull., Balt., 1916, xxvi, 267-270. Duke of Connaught’s Auxiliary Hospital, Bray, for Irish sailors and soldiers who have lost a limb. Hospital, Lond., 1917, Ixiii, 12. Landouzy (L.) Hdpital auxiliare de ITnstitut n° 265. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 536-539. Gourde! (J.) Amenagement d’un hopital tem- poraire par des moyens de fortune. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 686-689. Guinard (L.) Notes et remarques sur les vingt- huit premiers mois de fonctionnement de I’hdpital complementaire des sanatoriums de Bligny. Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 354- 398. Military Medicine Deakin (J. E. F.) Some experiences with the No. 2 Australian stationary hospital. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, 76-79. Deltenre (A.) The Anglo-Belgian hospital at Rouen. Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 53-72, 6 pi. Donaldson (M.) Some experiences and tips from a base hospital. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1916, xxiii, 110. Faure (J.-L. ) B’ambulance de I’Ocdan “Ba Panne.” Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, annexes, 225-227. Finley (F. G.) Medical work at a base hospi- tal in France. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 692-694. Flint (J. M.) Experiences in a base hospital in France. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 432. Gessner (H. B.) The organization of a base hospital. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1916-17, Ixix, 842-850. Gibson (C. L.) The Belgian Red Cross hospi- tals of Dr. Depage. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxvii, 692; Ixxxviii, 506. Gilmour (W. IB) Notes on a visit to the mili- tary hospitals at the base in France and some hospitals in Paris. Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1916, xxxvii, 561-567. Grant (J. F.) A visit to No. 1 Military Hos- pital, Tokyo, Japan. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1914, xxiii, 533-535. Gravirovski (N. P.) [A page from the report of the surgical ward of the Lemberg Military Hospital.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 24-39. Greenough (R. B.) Report of Harvard Uni- versity service at the American ambulance, Lyc6e Pasteur, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 735-740. . The American Hospital of Paris. Ibid., 954-956. Hamilton (E. A.) Experiences in a German reserve hospital under the auspices of the American Red Cross. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 502-506. Hirschman (L. J.) News of base hospitals in France. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1881-1883. Horne (G.) With the Australian voluntary hos- pital in France. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 479-484. J. (B.) The American Hospital at Paris. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 462-466. K. (K.) & H. (M. E.) Experiences in the American Ambulance Hospital, Neuilly, France. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1915, xv, 549-554. Lazaret No. 2. v Pavlovskie. [Lazaret No. 2 in Pavlovsk, named after Her Imperial High- ness, Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikiyevna of the Pavlovsk Board.] Vestnik Tsar- skoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 4, 79-84. Louvard (G.) Notes sur un stage destruction a V Ambulance de 1’ Ocean. Monde mdd., Par., 1917. xxvi, 425-434. Malloch (T. A.) Hospital experiences in France. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1915, v, 155-165. Mandel (M.) Medical impressions in a base hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 637. Max (H. D.) Some notes and conclusions on work at the Beau Rivage Hospital, Cannes. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 363-367. Nodine (A. M.) Hopital frangais de New York, Hbpital No. 32 Bis, Passe par Vernon (Yvonne), France. Dominion Dent. J.. To- ronto, 1917. xxix. 105—109. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1077-1079. Notes from a base hospital in France. Edinb. M. J., 1915., xv, 305-308. Organization of the American Base Hospital units. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 742. Organization of Base Hospital No. 41, Uni- versity of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. South. Hosp. Rec., Atlanta, 1917, iv, 136- 138. Osgood (R. B.) The Harvard unit at the American Ambulance in Paris. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 727. Petrogradski Hospital No. 1 Krasnavo Kresta. [Petrograd Hospital No. 1 of the Red Cross, named after Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Fyodorovna in the Polytechnic Insti- tute of Emperor Peter the Great. Review of its work and report for fifteen months. (Oc- tober 5, 1914, to December 31, 1915).] Vest- nik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii. No. 3, 30-80, port.; No. 6, 52-113. Pettavel (C. A.) Kriegschirurgische Erfah- rungen aus einem Rotkreuzspital in Lyon. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 321; 367. Ramsay (Mabel L.) & Stoney (Florence A.) Anglo-French Hospital, No. 2, Chateau Tour- laville, Cherbourg. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 966—969. Rand (R. F.) Base hospital work in France. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1915, x, 123- 125. Rankin (W.) Work at a base hospital, impres- sions after six months as a surgical specialist. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 371-373. Simmons (C. C.) A report of a service with the first Harvard surgical unit serving at a British base hospital, with the end-results of the cases one year later. Bost. M. & S. J., 1917, elxxvii, 1-9, 2 pi. Snively (H. H.) Base hospital work in Rus- sia. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 623- 638, 6 pi. Snyder (C. R.) The administration of a base hospital. Southwest. Med., El Paso, 1917, i, No. 8, 9—12. South (The) African Ambulance Hospital at Cannes. Lancet, Bond., 1915, i, 1207. Spier (J. R.) Work in the base hospitals. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 275- 282. Suchanek (E.) & Joachimsthal (K.) Das osterreichisch Rot-Kreuz-Spital in Sofia Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 258-262. Surgery in a German base hospital. Brit. M J . Bond., 1917, i, 522. Swan (J. M.) The enrollment of base hospi- tals by the American Red Cross. Med. & Surg., St. Louis, 1917, i, 19-24. Tsarskoselsk! No. 50 lazaret, [Hospital No. 50 of Tsarskoye Selo of her Majesty’s Uhlan Regi- ment of the Guards.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 7, 69-104. \ ignier, Coulomb & Jean. Contribution h I’etude de la chirurgie de guerre, d’apres les observations de blesses du C. E. O. trait6s h I’hbpital maritime permanent de Sidi-Abdal- lah. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, 5; 81; 161; 251. Visit (A) to some of the military hospitals of Paris and Boulogne. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 479-491. Whitman (J. D.) The administration of an army base hospital. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 877. Young (W.) Some notes on cases and treat- ment at base hospitals. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1916, xv, 194-202. 30 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Convalescent Hospitals. battle of Kalishani-Kameu.] Yoyenuo-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 129- 140. Fiolle (J.) Bes postes chirurgicaux avancds et la chirurgie de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 76-78. Fiolle (J.) & Fiolle (P.) Be poste chirurgical avance. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, liii, 302- 319. Ford (J. H.) First-aid and dressing stations in battle in the Austro-Hungarian army. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 179-185, 6 pi. Gruber (G. B.) Vom Beichtverwundetenplatze der 3. bayer. Inf.-Division bei Berg in Bothrin- gen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 203; 233. Hardouin. Quelques reflexions a propos du fonctionnement des postes chirurgicaux du V® corps d’ arm6e, pendant une offensive r6cente. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1162-1165. Holzbach (E.) Vom Truppenverbandplatz. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 386-388. Jones (P. B.) General rules governing dress- ing stations, with suggestions for changes in equipment. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 522-530. Kirn. Der Hauptverbandplatz. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Bandesver., Stuttg., 1914, Ixxxiv, 713. Picqne (R.) Postes chirurgicaux avancds. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 612; 1463. Pilzer. Ueber Krankenhaltstationen, ihre Auf- gaben und zweckentsprechenden Einrichtun- gen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1369- 1372. Richter (A.) Erfahrungen vom Hilfsplatz eines Infanterieregiments. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 417-A23. Schliep (B.) Kriegschirurgische Arbeit auf dem Hauptverbandplatz. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1796. Schoenwerth. Die Anordnung der Verband- platze im Feld. Ihid., 1797. Ward (G. R.) A dressing station in France. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 880-883. Applin (Arthur). The nursing home. Lond., 1916, Mills & Boon, 307 p., 12°. Berthelemy (H.) De I’hospitalisation des r6- Bes hSpitaux oil sont recueillis des indigents rdformds No. 2 doivent-ils supporter definitivement les frais occasionn6s par ces malades? Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1916, xxxvii, 557-571. France, instruction sur le fonctionnement des depots de malades convalescents et blesses I4gers (17 decembre 1914). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 560-564. [Hospital and asylum of Her Majesty Queen Olga Konstantinovna for crippled soldiers.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 8, 46-61. Khvorofl (V. Y.) [Medical report of the san- itarium for wounded soldiers at Bake Shiro.] Sibirsk. Vrach., Tomsk, 1915, ii, 358-360. MacGregor (R. D.) Notes on the Indian Con- valescent Home, New Milton, Hampshire. West Bond., M. J., 1915, xx, 95-100. Mayet (B.) B’HOpital depot de convalescents Bayard No. 30 a Grenoble; installation et fonctionnement; 6tude statistique des 30,000 premieres sorties. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, ixv, 201-232. Pech (J.) Bes depots de convalescents. Bull, mdd., Par., 1916, xxx, 198. Rouquette. Ba recuperation des blesses dans une formation de triage. Ihid., 185-187. —. Sur I’installation et le fonctionnement de 1’ hQpital-ddpot de convalescence Faucher. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 206-232. Treves (Sir F.) The “ Star and Garter,” Richmond; a permanent home for paralyzed and disabled sailors and soldiers. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 146-148. Urbach (J.) Soldaten-Genesungsheime. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1339. Dressing Stations. AngE (Pierre-Marie-Joseph). De Futility des abris pour blesses dans la zone de combat. Bordeaux, 1916, 28 p., B°, * No. 14. C r u c he t (Lucien-Xavier-Jean-Frangois-Pros- per.) La chirurgie d’extreme urgence au poste de secours chirurgical. Bordeaux, 1916, 42 p., B°, * No. 26. Labeylies (Ignace-Auguste). Contribution h I’etude du poste chirurgical avancE (P. C. A.) ; sa construction, sa fonctionnement. Bor- deaux, 1916, 47 p., 3 ch., B°, * No. 34. Marquand (Gustave-filisEe). Le poste de se- eours regimentaire dans la guerre actuelle. Bordeaux, 1916, 66 p., B°, * No. 37. Evacuation Hospitals. (Including Casualty Clearing Stations, B. E. F.) See, also, Classification of Wounded. Bergasse (G.) Quelques remarques sur six mois de fonctionnement d’un hopital d’evacuation. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 125-127. Bonnenfant (M.) Les hbpitaux d’ Evacuation modernes. Etude synthdtique. Monde mdd., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 200-213. Bowlby (Sir A.) The work of the “clearing hospital ” during the past six weeks. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 1053. Cantlie (J.) A visit to the casualty clearing stations and hospitals at the front. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Bond., 1916, xix, 203 ; 229. Crawford (H. De B.) The surgical work of a casualty clearing station in France. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, cliv, 466-469. Evacuation hospitals in the Argonne. Bancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 1217. Goodwin (T. H.) The casualty clearing sta- tions. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 636. Johnstone (E. K.) From “over the top” to the “C. C. S.” Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 694-702, 5 pi. MacCallan (A. F.) Turkish clearing hospital. Ophthalmoscope, Bond., 1915, xiii, 235. Alksne (Ya. O.) [Problems of the principal dressing stations.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Pet- rogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 165-189. Binet (L.) L’organisation et le fonctionne- ment d’un poste de secours rEgimentaire. Paris mEd., 1915-16, xvii, 489-492. Cheyron. Du fonctionnement d’un poste de secours dans un secteur d’attaque. J. de mEd. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 68-71. Costantini (H.) De la chirurgie dans les postes chirurgicaux avancEs. Paris mEd., 1916, vi, 575-577. Cumston (C. G.) A surgical post on the firing line. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 604. Dibailoff (S. I.) [Work of the frontal dress- ing station of the Second Rifle Regiment of the Life Guards of Tsarskoye Selo during the Military Medicine 31 McLean (A. L.) The rise of a casualty clear- ing station. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 221-223. . The work of a casualty-clearing sta- tion. Hid., 309-312. Martin (A. A.) Surgical notes from a tempo- rary clearing hospital at the front. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 145-151. Position (The) of casualty clearing stations. Hid., ii, 834-836. Purdy (J. R.) Organization for evacuation of sick and wounded. N. Zealand M. J., Wel- lington. 1914-15, xiii, 253-261. Speed (K.) Present status of surgery at casu- alty clearing stations. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixix, 1343-1345. Stacy (H. S.) No. 2 Australian Casualty Clearing Station in France. Med. J. Aus- tralia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 175; 1917, ii, 437; 457, 2 pk Walker (K. M.) Factors in field ambulance work which would help the work in casualty clearing stations. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 146. Hendley (F. W.) & Spelman (J. D.) The field-hospital; its composition, disposition and duties in combat. Ihid., xxxv, 333-341. Kaposi (H.) Ueber die Etablierungen desk. und k. Feldspitales Nr. f. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 28-31. Kayser (P.) Erfahrungen des Feldlazarett 6 des VI. Armee-Korps. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 398; 434; 469. Kirstein (F.) Unsere Arbeit im Feldlazarett. Ihid., 1914, xl, 1989 ; 2011. Kollar (K.) [Experience from a field hospital.] Budapesti orv. ujsftg, 1915, xiii, 161-164. Krotkoff (S. P.) [Portable furnishings of a field hospital.] Voyenno-med. J., Petrogr., 1915. ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 101-109. Liebert. Aerztliche Tatigkeit und Erfahrungen beim Feldlazarett. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 508-511. Lennhoff (R.) In the field hospitals. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, Ixiii, 2253. Mandry (G.) Des Feldlazarett. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1914, Ixxxiv, 653-655. . Feldlazaretterfahrungen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Endresultate. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii, (Kriegschir. Hefte VIL 37-42. Markoff. [Review of the activity of the com- posite Minsk field hospital for 1914 (from Oc- tober 1 to December 31, inclusive).] Yoyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 40-59. Peltesohu (S.) Zur Technik des Gipsverbandes im Feldlazarett. JJeutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1222. Pick (W.) Ein halbes Jahr bei einem Feld- spital. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 933; 961. Pike (W. W.) Regimental medical aid in trench warfare. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 233-238. Poutano (T.) L’ospedaletto da campo da 50 letti. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 946-948. von Reitz. Der Dienstbetrieb bei einem Peld- lazarett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1828-1830. Renard (E. I.) [Economy of troop lazarettos.] Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1914, ccxl, med.- spec. pt., 481-485. Rendu (A.) Sept mois de chirurgie dans un hopital du front. Lyon med., 1915, cxxiv, 227 ; 282. Reno (W. W.) A proposed method of pitching the field hospital. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 229-233. . Laying out a field hospital. Ihid., 1916, xxxix, 156-161. • Pitching and striking a field hospital in record time. Ihid., 1916, xxxix, 527-530, '4 pi. . Pitching and striking the United States Army field hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1421-1427. . The field hospital. N. York M. J., 1917, evi, 171-174. Shipacheff (V. G.) [Equipment of sanitary transports from movable field hospitals.] Voy- enno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 421-427. Smith (W. H.) New ward tent for field hos- pitals ; its advantages as observed at Field Hospital No. 3, Texas City; method of clos- ing in tent for winter months. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 333-338. Sonntag (E.) Erfahrungen im Feldlazarett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1372; 1407. Dearmer (Mabel). Letters from a field hospi- tal. Lond. &N. Y., 1916, Macmillan Co., 188 p.. 12°. Morin (Albert-Paul-Alexandre). Les infirm- eries regimentaires dans la guerre de stationne- ment. Bordeaux, 1916, 42 p., B°, * No. 51. Thurstan (Violetta.) Field hospital and fly- ing column; being the journal of an English nursing sister in Belgium and Russia. Lond. & N. Y., 1915, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 191 p., B°. Field Hospitals. Albrecht (H.) Die erstmalige Einrichtung unseres Feldlazarettes. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1914, Ixi, 2081-2083. Allhoff. Ueber behelfsmassigen Ofenbau in einem Feldlazarett in Nordrussland. Deutsche med. Wchnscbr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 168. Avsitidlyski (S. I.) [Economy of troop laz- arettos.] Voyenno-Med. J., St. Petersb., 1914, ccxl, med.-spec. pt., 486-495. Barrenscheen (H. K.) Unsere bisherigen Ein- driicke und Erfahrungen im k. U.k. Peldspital Nr. . Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 59-62. Beavis (J. H. )& Souttar (H. S.) A field hos- pital in Belgium. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 64-67. Beestow (J. L.) A field ambulance with the fourth infantry brigade in Gallipoli. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 497-499. Bruckner (G.) Herrichten von Bettlagerstellen und Heizungsanlage im Feldlazarett. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 404. Burkard (O.) Aus dem Felde 1914. Bericht liber die erste Etablierung desk. U.k. Feld- spitales J. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 81-83. Burke (E. T.) A rapid method of erecting shelters for wounded in a field ambulance. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915. xxiv, 588-591. E. (C. T.) Experiences in a German field hos- pital. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxiii, 32. Eaton (R. M.) Surgery in field hospital service. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 319- 322. Foxworthy (F. W.) Field hospital tour of duty, Sparta, Wisconsin. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 238-243. Ooldthwaite (R. H.) Methods of handling field hospital equipment. Ihid., 1914, xxxv, 321- 327, 1 plan. Index Medicus [War Supp. Soucek (A.) Unsere Erfahrungen bei der Etab- lierung des Feldspitales 5-10 S. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 878. Strauss (M.) Chirurgische Erfahrungen aus dem Feldlazarett. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1759-1763. Tungendreich (R.) Aus dem Leben eines Feld- lazaretts. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1916. Turck (R. C.) Model field hospital. Mil. Sur- geon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 5-17. Yayssicre (E.) Fonctionnement d’un service de chirurgie dans un hopital de I’avant. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 504-510. Yieser. Yorbauten an den Krankenzelten. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 590. Yoggenberger (F.) Die Bntwicklung des Feld- lazarettwesens. Deutsche, mik-arztk Ztschr., Berk, 1915, xliv, 321-332. Wik (W.) Lagerstatten im Felde. Mlinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 301. Williams (A. W.) Renort of the surgical ser- vice at Field Hospital Company No. 3, Texas City, Texas. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 535-541. Wolf (W.) Erfahrungen allgemeiner Art aus einem Feldlazarett des westlichen Kriegsschau- platzes. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1104. Home (The) hospitals and the war. 3rd Nor- thern General Hospital (T. F.), Sheffield. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 854-856. Hotz (G.) Aerztliche Erfahrungen aus einem deutschen Reservelazarett. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aertze, Basel, 1915, xlv, 14; 1419. Kane (L. B.) A note on the Citadel Hospital, Cairo. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 281-287. Kitchener (The) Indian Hospital, Brighton. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 612-614. Lady Hardinge (The) hospital for Indian sol- diers, Brockenhurst. Ibid., 438. MacLaurin (C.) From a London war hospital. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, iii, 393. Melinski (F.) Verwundetenaufnahme im k. u. k. Reservespital Nr. 1, Wien, Stiftskaserne. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 169-171. Michaelis (L.) Erfahrungen aus einem Hei- matslazarett fiir innere Erkrankungen. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 248-250. Military hospitals in India. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 591-593. Moeller (F. W.) Some experiences in the Brit- ish hospitals during six months’ service there in nineteen hundred fifteen. Chicago M. Re- corder, 1916, xxxviii, 504-508. Owen (E.) Epsom and Ewell War Hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1007-1009. Pussep (L. M.) [Clinical report of the N. I. Pirogoff Local Military Hospital of Petrograd for six months of its operation, February 6 to August 6, 19154 Obozr. Psikhiat., Nevrok [etc.], Petrogr., 1914-15, xix, 475; 497, 2 pk Queen’s (The) Hospital. Frognal, Sidcup. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 687-689. Richardson (J. B.) A visit to Haslar, 1916. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 329-339. Rockefeller (The) War Hospital. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917. cvi, 268-270. Scheen (H.) [The German reserve hospitals. Report of a tour of Germany, November 16 to December 5, 1915.] Norsk. Tidsskr. f. Mik- Med., Kristiania, 1916, xx, 18-31. Schloffer (H.) Aus Prager Verwundeten-Spit- alern. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1914, xxxix, 555-560. Steimann. Reservelazarette und vorhandene Krankenbetten. Mlinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1987. Stelz. Das Reserve-Lazarett in Siegcn. Ge- sundheit. Leipz., 1914, xxxix, 576-578. Stewart (H. J.) Personal experiences and clinical observations with the Third Australian General Hospital, Lemos & Egypt. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 393-399. Thorburn (W.) The 2nd Western General Hos- pital. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 471-505. Walter (The) Reed United States Army Hospi- tal, Washington, D. C. Mod. Hosn., St. Louis, 1915, iv. 81-85. War hospitals in Devon. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 336-338. Wilcox (Constance). A New Zealand military hospital in England. Nurse, Jamestown, 1916, iv. 307-309. Wood (F. C.) Columbia War Hospital. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 112-115. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 75-78. Z, (A.) Die Wiener Kriegsspitaler. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 236-239. General Hospitals. American (An) hospital in London. [St. Kath- erine’s Lodge.] Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1917, n. s., xlvi, 406. Army and. Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1916, vii, 459-562. Barling (G.) The first Southern General Hos- pital. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 505-509. . Surgical experiences at the Ist South- ern General Hospital, Birmingham. Brit. M. J„ Lond., 1915, i, 190-192, 2 pi. Bath (The) ward at the Ist Eastern General Hospital, Cambridge. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1916, xxiii, 90-92. Bettman (R. B.) The reception of a convoy of wounded at our Austrian Reserve Hospital. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917, xxiv, 791- 794. Branson (W. P. S.) The Duchess of West- minster’s Hospital. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1915-16, xxiii, 2-4. Butler (C.) The Rockefeller Institute War Demonstration Hospital. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 73-80. Clark (S. P.) The mobilization and early career of No. 3 General Hospital, British Expedition- ary Force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 512-519. Edinburgh War Hospital, Bangour. Arch. Radiol. & Electrother., Lond., 1916, xxi, 122- 126. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1916, xvi, 178- 192. Elder (J. M.) Notes from the McGill General Hospital in France. Canad. M. Ass. J., To- ronto, 1916, vi, 493-498. Forbes (A. M.) Number one Canadian Gen- eral Hospital as a part of the Canadian medi- cal organization in France. Ibid., 295—299. Groves (E. H.) On the work of a military gen- eral hospital in Egypt. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1916, xxxiv, 11-21. Hans (H.) Technisches und Therapeutisches aus dem Reservelazarett zu Limburg a. d. Lahn. Eine zwanglose Zusammenstellung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1820. Heymann (E.) Kriegsehirurgie im Heimatlaz- arett. Ibid., 1488 ; 1508 ; 1534. Dujarric de la Riviere. HSpital de campagne pour contagieux. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 234-241. Fischer (L.) Die geringsten Anforderungen an ein kleines Isolierspitak Amtsarzt., Leipz., 1914, vi, 265-270. Isolation Hospitals. Military Medicine 33 Joslin (R. K.) Contagious hospitals. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1918, xii, 21-26. Mazzetti (L.) Gl’ ospedali contumaciali in zona di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 331-350. of the United States Army and Navy and of the United States Army, in peace and war. Ibid., 1917, xl, 123-155. Bloodgood (J. C.) The Tobyhanna Camp. Ibid., 1915, xxxvii, 117-122. Camps of instruction for medical officers. Ibid., 1917, xl, 722-729. Coe (H. C.) The medico-military camp at Plattsburg, 1916, Ibid., 1916, xxxix, 545. Demmer (F.) Kriegschirurgischer Fortbildungs- kurs, gehalten fur Trunnenarzte. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 185-198. Doe (J.) Life in a medical officers’ training camp. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 841- 846. Dyer (I.) Instruction in military medicine. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Ork, 1915-16, iii, 423-425. Earp (S. E.) A resumd of things concerning the Medical Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Beniamin Harrison. Buffalo M. J., 1917, Ixxiii, 55-57. Ferreri (G.) L’lScole de campagne il San Giorgio Nogaro. Paris mfkk, 1916-17, xxii, suppk, i-v. Fort (At) Benjamin Harrison. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 209-214. Fort (At) Oglethorpe. Ibid., 468-471. Fort (At) Riley. Ibid., 902-906. Frescoln (L. D.) Preparing the Medical Re- serve Corps of the Army. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 146-149. Hays (H.) The camp of instruction for officers of the Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Med. Times, N. Y., 1915, xliii, 263-266. Moore (A. H.) The Medical Officer’s Training Camp at Port Oglethorpe, Ga. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxxi, 248. Morris (Sir H.) An address combining medical with military and military with medical edu- cation and mingling music with both. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 635-643. News of the training camps; experiences of a rookie on his first day at Fort Benjamin Har- rison, Indiana. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 830. Paalzow. Orientierungskurs fur freiwillige Kriegsarzte. Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 514. Paasche (A.) Bericht fiber den Orientierungs- kurs ffir freiwillige Kriegsarzte. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1914, Iv, 385-392. Sajous (C. E. de M.) An instruction corps for Medical Reserve Officers and cadets; a practi- cal test. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1918, cvii, 599-603. Schanffler (W. G.) Report of Medical Service School, New Jersey. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 531-534. Schwab (M.) Orientierungskurse ffir freiwillige Kriegsarzte in Berlin. Deutsche med. Presse, Berk, 1914, xviii, 133; 141; 146. Also: Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1914, xxxix, 562- 568. Sforza (N.) La scuola medica da campa di S. Giorgio di Nogaro. Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vii, 61-67. Also: Riv. ospedak, Roma, 1916, vi, 167-183. Shockley (M. A. W.) The correspondence course for officers of the Medical Reserve Corps. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 64-67. Truesdale (P. E.) Military medicine; a means to perpetuate its teaching in Massachusetts. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 825-834. Tusini. Relazione complessiva sul funziona- mento dei corsi di medicina e chirurgica in zona di guerra. Med. nuova, Roma, 1917, viii, 91; 103. Also: Riv. ospedak, Roma, 1917, vii, 1-16. Mobile Hospitals. Bannard (W.) A motor hospital; the latest French military vehicle. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1914, Ixxviii, 188. Doisy & Marcille. Un hopital chirurgical mobile. Son role. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 219-224. Bunu (B. S.) Ambulance hospitals on the battle line. Am, J. Clin. M., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 183-188. Owen (W. O.) Origin of the flying hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1289. Rossi (B.) Gli ospedali chirurgici mobili di Milano. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 290- 304. Sencert (L.) & Sieur (H.) Sur I’organisation et le fonctionnement technique d’une ambu- lance chirurgicale de corps d’armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1915, Ixiv, 356-417. Solaro (G.) L’Ospedale chirurgico mobile Citth di Milano al campo. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1916, 2. s„ iv, 455-466. Shipley (A. E.) The open-air treatment of the wounded. 2. ed. Bond., 1915, Hudson & Kearns, 24 p., B°. Open-Air Hospitals. Boobbyer (P.) Open air hospitals in war time. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 870. Dutton (T.) Open-air hospitals in war time. Med. Times, Lond., 1914, xlii, 728. Military (A) open-air hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 1015. Sayer (Ettie). Open-air treatment for wounded soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1495. Sanndby (R.) Open-air hospitals in war-time. Brit.'M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 493. Also: Hos- pital, Lond., 1914-15. Ivi, 673. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 759-761. . An open-air military hospital; the Ist Eastern Military Hospital (T. F.), Cambridge. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 942. Special Hospitals. Dans. Die Militiirlungenheilstatte Juditten (Ostpr.) Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1916, xxvi, 423-436. _ __ . Necessity de crder des etablissements speciaux destines aux invalides nerveux. Rev. neurok, Par., 1916, xxiii, 593-594. Special hospitals for officers. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii. 1155-1157. WoJlenberg (R.) Lazarettbeschaftigung und Militarnervenheilstatte. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 757-760. INSTRUCTION AND TRAINING CAMPS. Medical Training Camp, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., August 1917: Page on page of Page’s com- mand. Chattanooga, 1917, 76 p., B°._ Rian of military instruction of the Clinical Club of Albany, N. Y. Albany, 1917, 52 p., B°. Arthur (W. H.) Post graduate instruction at the Army Medical School. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 146-150. Ashford (M.) The most practicable plan for the organization, training and utilization of the medical officers of the medical reserve corps 34 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Wilkinson (M. R.) Training in camp life. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1917-18, xvi, 130. Williamson (C. S.) Medical officers made in three months. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xlv, 316. Work (The) of the University of London Offi- cers’ Training Corps (Medical Unit). St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1913-14, xxi, 195-197. Francine (A. P.). Price (J. W.) & Trudeau (F. B.) Cardiovascular lesions and tubercu- losis ; methods and results of examinations by the cardiovascular and tuberculosis commis- sion at the Second Plattsburg Training Camp for Reserve Officers. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 2110-2115. Frazer (T.) An abstract of U. S. Army Regu- lations governing examination of recruits. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 678. Goddard (C. H.) A study of about 2000 phy- sical examinations of officers and applicants for commissions made at the Army Medical School. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 578- 588. Grande (C.) Osservazioni di dermostereogra- fismo in soldati. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1915, s. 4, vii, 640-648. Grillicre (A.) La taille des consents de la Haute-Yienne de la classe 1910. Bull, et mem. Soc. d’anthron. de Par., 1915, 6. s., vi, 67-72. Gurvicli (P. L.) [Weighing of enlisted men.] Morsk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, 633-638. Hamilton (J. M.) Physical examination of drafted men. Vermont Medicine, Rutland, 1917, ii, 285-289. Hofhcimer (J. A.) An analysis of the recent physical examinations for a local exemption board. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 275-278. Hughes (B.) Some points on the examination of recruits of the Territorial Force and their early training. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 496. Jacobs (J.) & Horner (W. D.) Recruiting observations. Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1917, xv, 391. Kaminer (A.) & Silva Mello (A.) Erfahrun- gen bei der Untersuchung von Kriegsfreiwil- ligen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915. xli, 192-195. Koning (J. W.) [Statistics of the medical ex- aminations of military registrants by the first examining board in Overijssel, 1914.] Mik- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 251- 260. Mabbott (J. M.) Comment on exemption boards. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 318-321. Medical (The) examination of recruits. J. Am. M. Ass. Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 301. Messerli (F.) Reeherches sur I’aptitude phys- ique au service militaire et sur la resistance individuelle des recrues. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 264-270. Noack (Y.) Militardiensttauglichkeit und Berufstiitigkeit, soziale Stellung und Wohn- weise in Oesterreich-Ungarn, insbesondere in Wien. Arch. f. soz. Hyg. u. Demog., Leipz., 1914, x, 77-128. Note (A) on the German recruiting system. J. Applied Psychol.v Worcester, 1917, i, 382. Orr (H. D.) Examination of reex-uits for the army and militia. Am. J. Pub. Health, Con- cord, N. H., 1917, vii, 485^88. Osier (Sir W.) War wastage: a note of warn- ing to examiners of recruits. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 290. Passler. Die chronischen Infektionen im Bereiche der Mundhohle (Tonsillen, Zahne, Nebenhohlen) und der Krieg, insbesondere ihre Bedeutung fur die Wehrfahigkeit und fur die Beurteilung von Rentenanspriichen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915. lii, 778. Also: Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1915, Ivi, 361; 419. Pembrey (M. S.) Tall versus short men for the army. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1915-16, xxxvi, 105-113. Also: Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., ! Lond., 1915, xxix, 119. See, also, Aviation ; Malingering ; Tuberculosis; Diseases of the Heart; Vision; Audition. EXAMINATION OF RECRUITS. Canada. Physical standards and instructions for the medical examination of recruits for the Canadian Expeditionary Force and for the active militia of Canada 1917. Ottawa, 1917, J. de L. Tache, 12 p., B°. Dumas (Paul-Pierre). La classe 1916 ft la cas- erne Bernadette ft Pau. Bordeaux, 1916, 58 p., 5 ch., B°, * No. 45. France. Ministere de la Guerre. Recrutement de 1’ arm6e. Aptitude physique au service militaire. Par., 1916, H. Oharles-Lavauzelle, 72 p„ B°. Great Britain. War Office. Instructions for the physical examination of recruits August 1, 1914. Lond., 1914, 16 p., B°. . Notes on the medical examination of recruits for the guidance of examining medi- cal officers. Lond., 1915, 3 p., 12°, . Registration and recruiting. Lond., 1916, H. M. Stationery Office, 141 p., B°. Beilin de Coteau. Le coefficient de robusticitb des jeunes classes. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3 s., xxxii, 399. Berger (M. A.) [Certain conclusions from the lists of recruits of the 1914 draft of the port of Vladivostok.] Morsk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, 420-437. Boigey. Remarques sur la taille exigee pour les diffbrentes armes. Soc. de nffid. mil. franc. Bull., Par., 1914, viii, 427-432. Bostick (J. B.) Notes on recruiting. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 340. Breccia (G.) Di alcuni accertamenti di idoneitft a servizio di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1130-1137. Brownlee (C. Y.) General medical examina- tion of recruits. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 232. Calling (The) up of medical men of military age. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 655. Christian. Felddienstfahigkeit, Garnisondienst- fahigkeit und Dienstunbrauchbarkeit. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 665—668. Classification (A) for medical recruiting. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 867. Cordner (R. H. L.) The medical examination of a unit on mobilization. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 213-216. Cosgrove (S. A.) Some lessons of the 1916 mobilisation. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark, 1917, xiv, 104-108. Crum (W. H.) The size of a sanitary soldier. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 311-316. Davis (H.) The medical classification of re- cruits. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 899. Drontschilow (K.) Die Korpergrbsse der bul- garischen Rekruten und ihre Verteilung in den einzelnen Distrikten. Arch. f. Anthrop,, Brnschwg., 1914-15, xiii, 337-341. Farenholt (A.) A plea for greater care in the performance of duty of medical officers at recruiting stations. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1917, xi, 318-325. Military Medicine 35 Pexa (Y.) [Statistics of the military con- scripts recruited from the Bohemian Sokol (gymnastic) associations, as a proof of the favorable influence of gymnastics upon fitness for military service.] Casop. lek. cesk., v Braze, 1914, liii, 1110. Physique (The) of recruits. Nature, Lond., 1917, c, 109. Pollatschek (R.) Leitpunkte zur arztlichen Beurteilung der Wachdiensttauglichkeit. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1221. Prins (C. J.) [Classification of recruits.] Mil.- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 193- 202. P. Le nouveau reglement d’aptitude physique au service militaire. Progres nffid., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 231. Rho (P.) H problema delle riforme e della idoneita al servizio militare. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 455-460. Schoufelder (T.) [Examination of recruits of the rifle-corps, before and after training (with a note by H. Daae).] Norsk. Tidsskr. f. Mil.- Med., Kristiania, 1915, xix, 1-20. Smith (S. C.) An analysis of Government cardiovascular examinations; as conducted at the Base Hospital, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixx, (11l- Old. Tromhetta (E.) Ancors sul reclutamento di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 796-802. Tropical residents as soldiers. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1915, xviii, 260. Tsiplyayeff (K. I.) [Review of the physical development of the Yolsk corps of cadets.] Yestnik Obshtsh, Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1916, lii, 855-877. Tuckerman(J. E.) Some impressions gained in examining imder the selective draft plan. Ohio M. J., Columbus, 1917, xii, 601. Ylasoff (Ya. P.) [Alterations in the average height among the recruits drafted into the army, according to data of the first recruiting district of the County of Sienno, Government of Mohilev.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 213-222. Webber (H. W.) Recruiting notes. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 403. Willcox (C.) Physical examination of large bodies of men. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 411-422. Willett (E.) A note on the medical classifica- tion of recruits. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1916-17, xxiv, 52. Winiiett (F.) Notes on the examination of re- cruits for active service. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1915, xlix, 155. Woodbury (F. T.) Recruiting for the military service. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 17- 23. Also: Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917, xv, 307-315. Also: Proc. M. Ass. Isthmian Canal Zone, 1916, Mount Hope, 1917, ix, 97-114. Yatsuta (K. Z.) [Anthropometric study of en- listed men.] Yoyenno-med. J., St. Petersb., 1914, ccxl, med.-spec. pt., 381-389. Autonini (G.) La questione della epurazione dall’ esercito dei criminali, anomali, ed in- disciplinati. Arch, di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxxviii, 17-25. Binet-Sangle. Un grand degenerg en conseil de guerre. Rapport sur 1’ etat mental de 1’ in- culpe. Arch, d’ anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1914, xxix, 508-512. de Boer (J.) Desertie en vagabondage. Mil.- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 149- 167. Briand (M.) Les toximanes et la mobilisation. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 751. Brunk (F.) Ueber angeborene Thoraxmissbild- ung und Felddienstfahigkeit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1406. Clarke (L. B.) Active service and the unfit. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxiii, 66-68. Consiglio (P.) La delinquenza militare in guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 201-212. . I militari anormali in guerra. Riv. di antrop., Roma, 1915-16, xx, No. 6, 3-16. Far well (W. G.) Border-line cases at the re- cruiting office. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 346-348, 17 pi; 584, 9 pi. Fergus (J.) Rejections among recruits; some statistics. Glasgow M. J., 1915, Ixxxiii, 21-33. Fiske (C. N.) Refection of accepted recruits. IT. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 427. Funaioli (G.) II criminaloide nell’ esercito. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1914, Ixii, 797-820. Gruner. Krampfadern und Diensttauglichkeit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 462. Kenyon (E. L.) The stammerer and army ser- vice. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 664. King (E.) The military delinquent. Mil. Sur- geon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 571—578. . The use of habit-forming drugs (co- caine, opium and its derivatives) by enlisted men. A report based on the work done at the United States Disciplinary Barracks. Ibid., 1916, xxxix, 273; 380. Lattes (L.) Gli omosessuali nell’esercito. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 63-73. Madia (E.) L’indisciplina morbosa; nezzi per prevenirla e combatterla. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1914, xx, 565-600. Nordman (C.) & Bonhomme (J.) De I’utilisa- tion des indisciplines en temps de guerre. Ann. m6d.-psychol., Par., 1916—17, 10. s., vii, 490- 493. [Discussion] : 519; 525. Also: Progres nffid., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 7G-72. Oliver (Sir T.) Some physical defects met with in the raising of an army. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 848. Placido (C.) Delinquenza militare in pace ed in guerra. Ann. di manic, prov. di Perugia (1915),1917, ix, 25-47. Quayle (J. H.) Reclamation of the rejected candidate for the Army. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 415-417. . Reclamation of men rejected by the draft and its relation to life insurance. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Pres., N. Y., 1917, 152-162. Question (The) of passing army unfits for the tropics. J. Trop. M. etc., Lond., 1916, xix, 25 ; 263; 275. Thieuie (L.) Kriegsdiensttauglichkeit ehemali- ger Lungenheilstattenpfleglinge. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 366. Waite (H.) Medically unfit. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 120-125. Zeri (A.) Le infermita ele imperfezioni fisiche quali causa di inability al servizio militare nell’ armata italiana fra gli inscritti di leva delle classi dall’ anno 1883 al 1892. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 433-446. Great Britain. Army Council instruction. No. 620 of 1916. Medical examination of drafts for overseas. Cases of hernia. Lond., 1916, 1 p., B°. . Army Council instruction. No. 867 of 1916. Men suffering from hernia, varicose veins and varicocele. Lond., 1916, 1 p., B°. Defectives and Delinquents. 36 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hall (G. S.) Practical relation between psy- chology and the war. J. Applied Psychol., Worcester, 1917, i, 9-16. Also: J. Hered, Wash., 1917, viii, 442-447. Loreta (U.) Per I’applicazione di esami psico- logici nell’ esercito. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xvii, sez. prat., 1298-1300. Psychological examinations at the Army can- tonments. School & Soc., N. Y, 1917, vi, 494. Report of committee on clinical methods and standardization of examinations; to the psy- chiatrists and neurologists assigned to special duty in the military camps of the United States Government. Boston M. &S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 233-236. Richter. Die Frage der Dienstfahigkeit und Zurechnungsfahigkeit der erethischen Form des angeborenen Schwachsinns. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berk, 1915, xliv, 13-25. Savage (Sir G. H.) Mental disabilities for war service. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1916, Ixii, 653- 657. Schier (A. R.) The feeble-minded from a mili- tary standpoint; suggested examination for their early detection. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash, 1914, viii, 247-258, 1 pi. . A further study of mental tests in the examination of recruits. Hid., 1917, xi, 325- 333. Sheehan (R.) Service use of intelligence tests. Ibid., 1915, ix, 194-200. . Exclusion of the mentally unfit from the military services. Ibid., 1916, x, 213-249, 12 pi. Wilmanns. Dienstbrauchbarkeit der Psycho- pathen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1916, Ixiii, 1558. Wright (W. K.) Psychology and the war. Psy- chol. Bull, Princeton, N. J. & Lancaster, Pa, 1917, xiv, 388-391. Yerkes (R. M.) The relation of psychology to military activities. Mental Hyg, Concord. N. H, 1917, i, 371-376. —•. Psychology and national service. Sci- ence, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa, 1917, xlvi, 101- 103. Mental Tests. Consiglio (P.) Le anomalie del carattere del militari in guerra. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1916, xlii, 131-172. Cygielstrejch (A.) La psychologic de la pa- nique pendant la guerre. Ann. mdd.-psychol., Par., 1916, lxxiii, 172-192. Dubois de Saujon. Sur I’angoisse de guerre. Bull. g6n. de thdrap, Par., 1915-16, clxviii, 821-828. Estbve. La nostalgic des militaires. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 122. Ferrari (G. C.) Osservazioni psicologiche sui feriti della nostra guerra. Riv. di psicol. applic., Bologna, 1915, xi, 161-186. . Varieta e variazioni del coraggio lu guerra. Riv. di psicol., Bologna, 1916, xii, 119-126. . II morale del soldato italiano in campo. Riv. di psicol., Bologna, 1916, xii, 184-217. Fuchs (W.) Kriegspsychologisches. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr, 1916, Ixiii, 566. Giachettl (C.) I caratteri ela guerra. Riv. di psicol., Bologna, 1916, xii, 301-316. Goddard (H. H.) The place of intelligence in modern warfare. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 283-289. Hamilton (A. M.) Psychopathology of the war. Med. Rec, N. Y, 1915, Ixxxvii, 110. Haury (M.) Les retentissements psycho-organ- iques de la vie de guerre et les soins h donuer aux blessds. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 458. Heiner (R. G.) Mental and physical activity with reference to nutrition and blood pressure. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 378-385. Huot (L.) & Yoivenel (P.) L’anxiyty prdcdd- ant I’assaut. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 245. Lahy (J.-M.) Sur la psycho-physiologie du soldat mitrailleur. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1916, clxiii, 33-35. Laurent (O.) La susceptibility morbide des grands blesses. Rev. gen. de din. et de thyrap. Par., 1915, xxix, 822. Mallet (R.) fitats confusionnels et anxieux chez le combattant. Ann. myd.-psychol., Par., 1917, viii, 10. s., 27-35. Mind (The) of the soldier. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 188. Moll (A.) Psychopathologische Erfahrungen vom westlichen Kriegsschauplatz. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 261; 305. Miinzer (A.) Die Psyche des Verwundeten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 234. Neumann (K. E.) Psychologische Beobachtun- gen im Felde. Neurol. CentralbL, Leipz., 1914, xxxiii, 1243-1245. Pactet & Bonhomme. Deux observations de peur invincible chez des combattants. Ann. med.- psychol, Par., 1917, viii, 375-384. de la Prade. Rapports de la tension avec I’hge et la resistance des soldats au front. Presse myd., Par., 1917, xxv, 326. Pre-traumatic oblivion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 445. Renon (L.) L’ angoisse de guerre et son traite- ment. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 115. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de thyrap, Par., 1916, xxx, 41-43. S. (C.) Quelques ryflexions sur I’influence morale des mydecins dans les rygiments. J. de med. et de chir. prat, Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 81- 90. Sarfatti (G.) La psicologia militare. Psiche, Firenze, 1915, iv, 113-137. Schultz (J. H.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber Feindschaftsgefilhle im Kriege. Neurol. Oen- tralbl., Leipz., 1915, xxxiv, 373-378. Psychology of Combatants. Dessoir (M.) Kriegspsychologische Betrachtun- gen. Leipz, 1916, S. Hirzel, 47 p, B°. Achilles (P. S.) & Achilles (Edith M.) Esti- mates of the military value of certain character qualities. J. Applied Psychol, Worcester, 1917, i, 305-316. Antonini (G.) Sulle forme mentali in militari di ritorno dalla fronte. Gazz. med. sicil, Catania, 1917, xx, 121-128. , Armstrong-Jones (Sir R.) Mental states and the war ; in particular the psychological effects of fear. St. Barth. Hosp. J, Lond, 1916-17, xxiv, 95; 103. . The psychology of fear and the effects of panic fear in war time. Med. Press & Circ, Lond, 1917, ciii, 271. Also: Tr. M. Soc, Lond, 1917, xl, 120-154. Bianchi (V.) L’anima del soldato sul campo di battaglia. Riv. di psicol, Bologna, 1916, xii, 166-183. Bird (C.) From home to the charge: a psy- chological study of the soldier. Am. J. Psy- chol, Worcester, 1917, xxviii, 315-348. Casali (P.) & Pulle (F.) La stanchezza men- tale delle vedette nelle linee del fuoco. Gior. di med. mil, Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 504-521. Also: Riv. di psicol, Bologna, 1916, xii, 161-165. Military Medicine 37 Shaw (T. C.) Clinical lecture on the psychologi- cal influences affecting war. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 488—492. Sommer. Krieg und Seelenleben. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1441; 1481. Variot (G.) Influence du siege des blessures de guerre sur l’6tat moral des combattants. Bull, et mem. Soc. d’anthrop. de Par., 1914, 6. s., v, 300-393. Voivenel (P.) Quelques ouvrages de psychologie sur la guerre. Ann. med.-psychok, Par., 1917, viii, 10. s., 145-165. zione militare. Ely. di psicol., Bologna, 1917, xiii, 157-190, 4 pi. . Sulla composizione del sangue degli aviatori. 8011. d. Ist. sieroterap. milanese. 1917, i, 105-110. Gradenigo. Ricerche psicofisiologiche sui can- didati al pilofaggio d’ aviazione militare. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, Ixvi, 3-7. Greene (R. N.) Some aero-medical observa- tions. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 589- 597. Guggenheim (L. K.) Aviation and otology. In- terstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917, xxiv, 865-867. Halhen. Die Augen der Luftfahrer. Jahrb. d. wissensch. Gesellsch. f. Flugtechnik, Berl., 1914, ii, 158-168. Holloway (T. B.) Aviator’s dazzling. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1916, 3. s., xxxviii, 380. Also: Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1917, xxvi, 208. Jones (I. H.) The ear and aviation. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1607-1609. Also: Yolta Rev., Wash., 1917, xix, 710-715. Knott (J.) Aviator’s sickness. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, ci, 519. Koschei (E.) Welche Anforderungen miissen an die Gesundheit der Fiihrer von Luftfahr- zeugen gestellt werden? Jahrb. d. wissensch Gesellsch. f. Flugtechnik, Berl., 1914, ii, 143. Lacroix (P.) Les reactions de I’oreille chez les aviateurs pendant les vols. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 94-97. McWalter (J. C.) The sense of projection in flying officers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 672. Schoppler (H.) Ueber den Fliegertod. Deut- sche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 265- 270. Schnrmeier (H. L.) Observations on the physi- cal effects of flying. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 584-586. Small (C. P.) The visual requirements of mili- tary aviators. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, 1917, xxvi, 325—328. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixviii, 841-843. . Equilibrium tests for aviation recruits. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1078. Stivers (C. G.) Testing the aviation candidate. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles, 1917, xxxii, 169-172. Yorhe & Rocher (L.) Osteome des aviateurs. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 174. Also: Rev. g6n. de din. et de thdap., Par., 1916, xxx, 248. Wells (H. Y.) The flying service, from a medi- cal point of view. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 55-60. Also: Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxii, 331. —•. Some aeroplane injuries and diseases, with notes on the aviation service. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 65-71. Dumas (A.) Les accidents d’ aviation. Par., 1914, 244 p., B°. Graharae-Mhite (C.) & Harper (H.) Aircraft in the great war. Lond., 1915, 346 p., B°. Page (Victor Wilfred). Glossary of aviation terms. N. Y., 1917, N. W. Henley Publ. Co., 94 p., B°. Waterman (Waldo Deane). Nomenclature for aeronautics. Berkeley, Cal., 1917, Lederer, Street & Zeus Co., 31 p., 12°. AYIATION AND AVIATORS. Altitude and the aviator. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixviii, 1986. Anderson (H. G.) Some medical aspects of aviation; a lecture for pupils at air stations. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 328- 331. Auditory affections in airmen. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 10. Auricular disturbances of military aviators. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 1098. Aviator’s sickness. Ibid., 1916, Ixxxix, 1093. Babcock (H. L.) Some observations on the Barany tests as applied to aviators. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 840-843. Belli (C. M.) Requisiti fisici e psichici per il servizio di pilota aereo nella R. marina. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1914, ii, 352-362. Binet (L.) Le mal des aviateurs et la selection des pilotes militaires. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Paris, 1917, xxviii, 540-545. Blaauw (E.) Visual requirements of military aviators. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1205. Also: Ophth. Rec., Chicago, 1917, xxvi, 323. Boyer (J.) Selecting aviators; psycho-motive examination of candidates for the French ser- vice. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1916, cxv, 6. Bozzi (F. ) Contribute alia fisiologia dell’ avia- zione. Gior. di med. mil., 1917, Ixv, 653-656. Camus (J.) & Nepper. Temps des reactions psy- cho-motrices des candidats a I’aviation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, „ 106. Castex (A.) Troubles auriculaires chez les aviateurs militaires. Rev. gen. de din. et de thgrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 36-38. Chamberlin (W. B.) Medical examination and the aviation corps. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 545-548. Connor (C. H.) The special physical exami- nation of aviators for the United States Army. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 29-32. Cottle (G. P.) Naval aviation personnel. Ibid., 1916, xxxix, 353-360. Berry (G.) Le syndrome mal des aviateurs (etude experimcntale de la tension arterielle). Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 65-67. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, ci, 395-398. *n>lle (J.) L’ avion sanitaire. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv (suppk), 721-723. Genielli (A.) Sull’applieazione dei metodi psico-fisici all’ esame dei candidati all’ avia- Duco (Alexandre J.) & Blum (E.) Guide pratique du medecin dans les expertises medi- co-legales militaires. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 234 p., B°. ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE. Besold (G.) Aus der Gutachtertatigkeit des Arztes bei Ersatztruppenteilen. Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 36. Hover! (P.) Di alcune question! medico-legali in rapporto alia guerra; nevrosi. Riv. crit. in materia di infortuni [etc.], Roma, 1916, v, 33-35. . Paralisi da ferita e paralisi da malat- tia. Ibid., 161-163. Brewitt (F. R.) Das Recht und die Pflicht zu operativen Eingriffen an Heerespflichtigeu in 38 Index Medicus [War Snpp. Kriegszeiten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 500. Chavigny (P.) Psychiatric et mddecine Idgale aux armdeS. Paris mdd., 1915-16, xvii, 184- 189. . Expertise medico-legale des plaies par armes 1 feu, carabines de petit calibre. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s._, xxvi, 345-356. . De 1’ identification des individus par- ticulierement en temps de guerre. Hid., 1917, 4. s., xxviii, 32-40. Engelen. Beurteilung der Persuasion. (Unter Bezugnahme auf die Kriegsneurosen und Un- fallneurosen.) Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl., 1915, xxi, 157; 171. Granjux. Le secret medical dans Farmee. J. de mdd. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 641- 644. Grasset (J.) Le droit, pour le blessd, de refuser des interventions ou operations reconnues necessaires pour le diagnostic ou le traitement. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 718-720. Haberling. Die Entwicklung des militararzt- lichen Zeugniswesens. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1456-1458. Imbert (L.) Accidents du travail et blessures de guerre; une nouvelle loi. Presse mdd., Par., 1917, xxv, 591. Janicot (J.) La question du refus par les militaires de traitements ou operations recon- nus necessaires; ses diverses dtapes. Bull, mdd., Par., 1916, xxx, 448-451. Kaestner (P.) Soldat und Operation im Kriege. Mtinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1916, Ixiii, 123. Kastan (M.) Forensisch-psychiatrische Beo- bachtungen an Angehorigen des Feldheeres. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 734-737. Leppmann. Psychiatrische und nervenarztliche Sachverstandigentatigkeit im Kriege. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 143. Lieske (H.) Aerztliche Rechtsfragen zur Kriegszeit. Ibid., 1914, li, 1766-1769. Pietrzikowski (E.) Kriegsverletzte und Er- werbsfiihigkeit. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 167-170. Pisano (G.) Note di medicina legale militare. Riv. di med. leg., Pisa, 1917, vii, 105-114. Porot. Les bases de Fexpertise mentale dans les bataillons d’ Afrique et les groupes spe- ciaux en temps de guerre. (Aptitude au ser- vice et responsabilitd militaire.) Caducde, Par., 1916, xvi, 85-87. Eaymondaud (H.) Le ndoplasme au point de vue mddico-ldgal militaire. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxvi, 294-299. Key. Le secret professionnel pour les mddecins militaires. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 897- 902. Reynier. Chloroformisation obligatoire dans le service militaire pour le diagnostic ou la thdrapeutique sans operation sanglante. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 682-690. Reckzeh. Die gutachtliche Tatigkeit des Kriegs- arztes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 2062; 2091. Selvi (G.) Dell’ interpretazione dell’ art. 6 della legge per gli invalidi di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 657-663. Terra-Abrami (G.) Sui criteri di idoneita al servizio di guerra dei militari di truppa in alcuni casi speciali d’ indole chirurgica. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 513-527. Weimann (P.) Zur Prage des operativen Ein- griffes bei Heeresangehorigen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 874. Andrews (F. W.) The work of British path- ology in relation to the war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 829-832. Aschoff (L.) Zur Frage der Kriegsprosekturen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 274-280. Lucksch (F.) Die Feldprosektur. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 451. Miloslavich (E.) Die Feldprosektur. Ibid., 343-345. Monckeberg (J. G.) Pathologisch-anatomische Beobachtungen aus Reservelazaretten. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 61-64. Yomela (S.) [Pathological findings in the autopsies of 60 soldiers in the Yiuohrady dis- secting room, since the beginning of the war.] L6k. rozhledy, Praha, 1915, xxii, 119-132. Autopsies. Diagnosis of Death. d’ Halluin (M.) Le diagnostic immddiat de la mort en temps de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 623. Also, transl.: Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1915, 9. s., iii, 295. Massini (L. O.) Diagnosi di morte apparente o reale ed inumazione di soldati deceduti sul campo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1915, xxxvi, 354-356. Satre (A.) Le diagnostic de la mort sur la ligne de feu. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, annexes, 545-547. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, n. s., ciii, 162-164. Discharge and Invalidism, France. Ministere de la Guerre. Guide-bareme des invaliditds. Par., 1915, H. Charles-Lavau- zelle, 84 p., B°. Yallee. La mesure des impotences par la methode ergographique. Paris, 1916, J. B. Bailliere & fils, 140 p., B°. Binet. Mensuration et representation des impo- tences. Paris med., 1917, xxiii, 46-49. Biondx (C.) Causa, concausa ed occasione in tema di lesioni ed infermita provenienti dal servizio militare. Riv. di med. leg., Pisa, 1916, vi, 144-152. Broca (A.) L’appreciation du degre d’invali- dit6 apres les blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 298. Caldine. Singulier cas de rdforme. Chron. mdd., Par., 1916, xxiii, 89. Camus (J.) L’ Evaluation des incapacity fonc- tionnelles. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 289- 297. Camus (J.) & Riche (O.) Un centre special pour examen et traitement compldmentaire des blessds rdformds. Paris mdd., 1916-17, xxi, 320—323. Claude (H.) De Fevaluation des incapacity dans les attitudes yicieuses sans rapport avec des lesions organiques appreciables. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 300-305. Cololian. La methode de mensuration des im- potences. Ibid., 314—319. Forgue, Yillaret (M.) & Pieron. Yoeu con- cernant la rdforme des trdpands. Montpel. med., 1916, n. s., xxxix, 416-417. Gottschalk. Singuliers cas de rdforme (xxiii, 22, 89). Chron. med., Par., 1916, xxiii, 215- 221. Granjux. De F dtat antdrieur dans F apprecia- tion de F invaliditd des militaires. Paris med., 1915-16, xx, 591. Jolly (P.) Ueber die Dienstfahigkeit und Rent- enfrage bei nervenkrauken Soldaten. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1714-1719. Military Medicine 39 Earat. L’ electro-diagnostic et le radiodiagnostic du dossier de reforme. I. L’ electro-diagnostic du dossier de reforme. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi. 311-314. Mairet & Pidron. De quelques problemes pos£s par la neuro-psychiatrie de guerre an point de vue des rgformes. (Paralysies gfingrales, crises d’ gpilepsie apparues on aggravees, acces de somnambulisme, accidents apres vaccinations antitypboidiques.) Montpel. m6d., 1916, n. s., xxxix, 387-402. Meige (H.) Reformes, incapacites, _ gratifica- tions dans les tremblements, les tics et les spasmes. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 758- 763. Sibut & Tastevin. De la mesure de quelques invalidites des membres. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1916, xxvi, 357-365. Tillaret. istude critique sur les propositions de reforme, les evaluations d’inyalidite et les decisions concernant les militaires atteints de lesions ou troubles du systeme nerveux. Mont- pel. xnfkk, 1916, n. s., xxxix, 372-386. Audibert (V.) La simulation dans I’armee. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 103-106. Benassi (G.) Malattie vere e malattie simu- late in rapporto al servizio militare. Qua- derni di med. leg., Milano, 1917, i, 196; 217-252. Bilancioni (G.) Di un metodo sicuro per svelare la simulazione della sordith bilaterale. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 516-524. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 743-745. Blum (E.) De la simulation; dude des qualites que doit posseder le medecin mili- taire expert. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1916, ii, 124; 129. . La dissimulation. Ibid., 1917, xxxviii, 57; 67. . De la simulation; la carotte. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 274-280. Blum (E.) & Dimier (G.) De la simulation; ses causes, son traitement. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. d. Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 76; 84; 93. Busacchi (A.) Edemi pseudo-traumatici della mano. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1917, 9. s., v, 345-355. Chalier (A.) & Chalier (J.) Des phlegmons provoqud chez les soldats. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1914-16, xxv, 277-281. Chavigny. Maladies provoqu6es ou simul6es en temps de guerre (phlegmons et icteres). Paris med., 1916, xviii, 150-153. . Les maladies rares et le diagnostic de la simulation; un cas de tic de la marche. Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 45-49. Collie {Sir J.) Tests for simulated defective vision or for blindness of one eye. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 806- 812. . Malingering : examination of the upper extremities. Ibid., xxvii, 85—91. . La simulazione dei dolori di schiena. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1917, xxiv, 129- 132. Condorelli-Francaviglia (M.) Congiuntivite catarrhale acuta in un militare, provocata mediante 1’ uso di semi di ricino. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 735-739. Daccb (E.) Autolesioni cutanee nei militari. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1917, lii, 340; 370. Dal Collo (M. E.) Contribute casistico alle dermatosi simulate di guerra. Quaderni di med. leg., Milano, 1917, i, 24419. Detecting the pretense of deafness ; tests adopted in France to reveal the tricks of slackers. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1917, Ixxxiii, 372. Di Pietro (S.) Pneumotoracecurativo o pneu- motorace praticato a scopo di simulazione per esenzione dal servizio militare? Ann. di din. med., Palermo, 1916, vii, 43-63. Dumoz (A. G.) The simuation of disease; drugs, chemicals, and septic materials used therefor. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1887-1892. Emerson (E. B.) Mental states responsible for malingering. Med, Press, Lond., 1917, n. s., civ, 433-436. Engelen & Rangette. Nachweis yon Simulation durch das Assoziations-Experiment. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berk, 1916, xxii, 37-40. Faure (J. L.) Sur les tumeurs provoquges par 1’ huile camphree. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 525. de Flines (E. W.) Doofheid, simulatie en dis- simulate. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 124-133. Forgues. Maladies simulates. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 132. Glieboff (D. A.) [Malingering by recruits.] Sibirsk. Yrach., Tomsk, 1915, ii, 49; 62. Pensions and Insurance. Chavigny. Les pensions aux blesses et aux in- valides de la guerre. Paris m€d., 1915—16, xvii, 526-533. Clerk (O. D.) The war risk in fraternal in- surance. Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1917, xxvi, 457-4163. Dercle. Pensions de retraite et gratifications de rgforme. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 323- 327. English (E. H.) War and after-war super- vision of insurance. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Pres., N. Y., 1917, 143-150. Eossataro (E.) L’adattamento funzionale degli arti traumatissati in rapporto alia nostra legge pension! Ed il modo di ottenerlo. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 5-37. Garnaud. Comment constituer un dossier en vue d’ une pension ; d’ une gratification d’ une rdforme No. 1 sans gratification. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 457-460. Government insurance for United States soldiers and sailors. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 300-304. Grosset. Le dossier medical du pensionnd. Mar- seille med., 1916-17, liii, 741-749. Hanauer. Sozialversicherung und Krieg. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1012. Ide (G. E.) Governmental war insurance and war taxation. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Pres., N. Y., 1917, 62-72. Eaquerriere (A.) Pensions de retraites et rg- form€s No. 1. Presse mdd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 156. Eoi relevant le taux des pensions militaires pour infirmites en cas de cecite absolu ou d’ am- putation de deux membres. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1917, xxxviii, 403. Eittenhouse (E. E.) The relationship of life insurance to national physical preparedness. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Pres., N. Y., 1916, 51-65. Williams (B.) Pensions. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, 89-129, 3 pi. Malingering. Collie (Sir J.) Malingering and feigned sick- ness. N. Y., 1917, Longmans, 680 p., B°. Jones (A. B.) & Llewellyn (Llewellyn J.) Malingering, or the simulation of disease, Lond., 1917, W. Heinemann, 730 p., 5 pi., B°, Asearelli (A.) Una nuova forma di autolesione (noduli sclerotic! sottocutanei da iniezione di sostanze inassorbibili). Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1407-1410. 40 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Gradenigo (G.) Esagerazione e simulazione della sordita nei militari. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 139-147. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, Ixxix, 208-213. Hollande, Lepeytre & Gat 6 (J.) Simulation d’ albuminurie par injection intravesicale d’ ovalbumine. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 194 ; 248. Horsfall (W. N.) Malingering in the services. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, iii, 54. Jacob (O.) Tumeurs consdcutives a I’injection d’ huile camphree preparee avec de 1’ huile de vaseline. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 371; 487. Jourdan. Un cas d’ cedeme provoque du membre infdrieur. Montpel. med., 1916, xxxix, 446- 449. Helper (G. F.) Pretended blindness and deaf- ness and their detection. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne, 1917, x, 422-426. Laval (E.) Des abces par injection de petrole. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 2378-2382. Also: Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 94-96. Lerda (G.) Contributo alia conoscenza delle suppurazioni da benzina. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 586-590. Liebl. Ein charakteristisches kiinstlich erzeug- tes Geschwiir. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1305. Lamsden (T.) The psychology of malingering and functional neuroses in peace and war. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 860-862. McKellar (H. R.) Malingering. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 293-299. Malingering. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii. 117. Malingering in the army. Monde med., Paris, 1916, Eng. ed., xxvi, 147. Marage. Les surdi-mutites vraies et simulees consecutives a des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 651-654. Miliau. Les Eruptions provoqudes. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 343-351. Natalelli & Roger (H.) Erythemes de la face provoques pour simuler un drysipele. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 547. Oudet (L.) Deux epreuves pratiques pour depistcr les simulateurs de surdite. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 515. Overbeck-Wright (A. W.) A case of malinger- ing. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 334. Raft'aele (R.) Considerazioni su una centuria di casi di patomimia cutanea [durante un anno dell’ attuale campagna, 1915-16.] Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1916, li, 415-420. Roger (H.) Simulation des oreillons. Rev. g6n. de din. et de th6rap., Par., 1916, xxx, 80. . Les pseudo-drysipeles de la face pro- voques. Marseille med., 1916-17, liii, 785- 800. Rottenstein. Les phlegmons provoques. Mar- seille med., 1916-17, liii, 801-807. Savariand. A propos des phlegmons provoques par les injections de petrole. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 2364. Serog. Zwei Falle von krankhafter Selbstbe- zichtigung der Simulation. Med. Klin., BerL, 1916, xii, 1100-1102. Serr, Biron & Brette. Tentative de fraude an moyen de 1’ ovoalbumine [simulation de I'albuminuric]. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 935-939. Sicard (J.-A.) Psycho-nevroses de guerre. Simulateurs de creation et simulateurs de fixa- tion, simulateurs sourds-muets. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 423-428. Simple (A) method of detecting simulated deaf- ness. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 369. Tanfllyeif (P. I.) [Paraffin tumors, produced with a view of avoiding military service.] Prakt. Yrach., S.-Peterb., 1914, xiii, 105; 120. Townsend (R. O.) Two cases for comment. (I.) Malingering or true neurosis. (II.) Malingering or hysteria. Practitoner, Lond., 1917, xcix, 88-91. Tsimkin. [Experimental psychology in the na- ture of an objective means in the diagnosis of malingering.] Psikhiat. Gaz., S.-Peterb., 1914, i, 240-242. Tsiplyayeff (P. I.) [Simulation of fever, and measuring of the temperature in cadets.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1916, lii, 1277-1284. Tests for the detection of malingering among _ soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 80. Yitaut (L.) Un cas d’ oedeme de striction. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 551. Ylasoff (Ya. P.) [Cases of artificial phlegmons caused by injections of kerosene.] Yoyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 63-73. Zoroastroff (A. V.) [Malingering with a view to avoiding military service.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, 473-475. Self-Inflicted Wounds. Ascarelli (A.) Le autolesioni nella vita mili- tare. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 697; 725. Bilancioni (6.) Sulle autolesioni dell’orecchio. Arch, di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 310-313. 6Hindi (C.) Le lesioni da pliu’itraumatismi contusivi (autocontusioni). Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 926-933. Bonnette (P.) Difficultes du diagnostic des mutilations volontaires. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii (annex), 153-155. Caliceti (P.) Quali sono linora le piu carat- teristiche e le piu frequenti lesioni provacate dell’ orecchio. 8011. d. mal. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1917, xxxv, 121-127. Chavigny (P.) £tude mddico-legale sur les multilations volontaires par coup de feu. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 390-396. Also: Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiv, 5-21. doit-on le dire? Paris mdd., 1915-16, xvii, 384-387. Dombrowsky (E.) Yerlagerung des Hodens unter die Haut der Inguinalregion als eine Art der Selbstverstiimmelung. Deutsche mil.- arztl, Ztschr., BerL, 1914, xliii, 712. Dyakonoff (P. P.) [Cases of self-inflicted in- jury to avoid military service.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1916, lii, 1080-1082. Gfradenigo (G.) Autolesioni dell’orecchio nei militari. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 118-121. una lesione caratteristica di alcune di queste. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 385-397. Also: Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 272; 281. Hagedorn. Abnorme _ Selbstbeschadigungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir,, Leipz., 1916, cxxxvii, 125-132. Hosemann. _ Zur Begutachtung von Schussver- letzungen im Kriege. (Selbstverstiimmelung ?) Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xxi, 62-64. Ipsen (C.) Zur Beurteilung von Selbstbe- schiidigungen dutch Handfeuerwaffen. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1379. Popoff (N. F.) [Rare case of self-injury to avoid military service.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 288-292. Military Medicine, 41 Sokolovski (K. K.) [Recognition of artificial injuries to the teeth.] Ibid., 1916, ccxlv, med.- spec. pt., 207-221. Sviontetski (I. O.) [X-shaped wounds of the palm, a sign of self-inflicted injury.] Ibid., 1915, eexlii, med.-spec. pt., 450-454. Timofleyeif (S. L.) [Contractures of the fin- gers and toes in those who injuz-e themselves to avoid military service.] Ibid., eexlii, med.- spec. pt., 27-42. among recruits under observation; according to data of the Kiyev military hospital for 1911.] Ibid., eexliii, 591-630. Torrigiani (C. A.) Autolesioni auricolari con gravissime eomplicanze (da acidi e alcali caustici). Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 105-107. Bun to n (C. L. W.) Wounded treated at the Royal Naval Hospital, Shotley. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 15-24. Care (The) of wounded soldiers. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1917, n. s., xlvi, 448-450. Charles (Sir R. H.) The management of the British wounded in Fz-ance. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii. 847. Balia Yedova (R.) L’ assistenza ai mutilati della guerra. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 478-483. Dalton (F. J. A.) The conditions in general organization and treatment of wounded. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 1-6. Derby (R.) The care and treatment of the wounded in the European war. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 693-695. Dor. Le repartition des blesses dans une region de 1’ intgrieur. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 460._ von Eiselsberg (A.) Yerwundetenfiirsorge im Kriege. Wien. klin. Wschnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1395 ; 1439. Also, transl.: South. Hosp. Rec., Atlanta, 1916, i, 4-8, 36-40. Ekeroth (0.) [Some experiences on the care of the wounded in the field during the world war.] Tidsskr. i mil. Hiilsov., Stockholm, 1916, xli, 197-206. Fiolle (J.) Note sur le traitement des blesses dans les ambulances de 1’ avant. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 89. Frank (J.) The fate of our wounded in the next war. Chicago M. Recorder, 1915, xxxvii, 563; 640; 726: 1916, xxxviii, 20. Also: Reprint. Friedheim. Wie sorgt die Armee fur ihre Ver- wundeten und Kranken. Rote Kreuz., Berk, 1914, xxxii, 585. Gradenwitz (A.) An exposition of military sanitation, showing how the sick and wounded are cared for in this war. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y„ 1915, Ixxix, 316. Grandselve (P.) Pour combattre les anemies et hater la convalescence des blesses. Gaz. med. de Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 241. Grossi (V.) I feriti curati nell’ospedale di riserva al Policiinico nel reparto del prof. R. Alessandri, dall’ agosto 1915 all’ aprile 1916. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1076; 1107; 1126. Horsley (V.) Care of the wounded. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 813. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1116. Jones (C. G.) [The therapeutic treatment of the Canadian wounded while in England.] Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 105-108. Latham (Prances E.) Caring for the wounded in Montenegro. Nurse, Jamestown, N. Y., _ 1917,_ vii, 202-206. Lindqvist (S.)_ [Some experiences on the care of wounded in Germany.] Upsala Lakaref. forh., 1915-16, n. F., xxi, 592-608. Makins (G. H.) Further notes upon the wounded in the present campaign. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1005-1007. Marine (D.) Certain reflections on the problems of the wounded man in war. Cleveland M. J., 1915, xiv, 598-601. Marion (G.) Voiture pour le traitement des blesses, systeme Deuain. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xli, 67. Morgan (O. G.) The wounded in Namur. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 471-473. Murison (O. S.) “Walking” cases. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 23. Oast (S. P.) Notes on the treatment of wounded at the American ambulance, Neuilly sur Seine, France. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond, 1916, xxi, 421-424. CARE OF WOUNDED. Adam (C.) Die Behandlung von Kriegsver- letzungen und Kriegskrankheiten in den Heimatlazaretten. I. Teil, Siebzehen Vor- triige von Axhausen, Bier [et ah], Jena, 1915, G. Fischer, 285 p„ B°. Calthrop (Dion Clayton). The wounded French soldier. Lond. [1916], St. Catherine Press, 36 p., 12°. Creswick (Paul), Pond (G. Stanley) & Ashton (P. H.) Kent’s care for the wounded. Lond., N. Y., 1915, Hodder & Stoughton, 212 p., 12°. Focherini (A.) I soccorsi ai militari feriti e ammalati in guerra dall’ antichita alia fine del secolo XVIII. Carpi Emilia, 1916, 112 p., B°. Frank (Jacob). The fate of our wounded in the next war. Chicago, 1916, 50 p., B°. Germany. Ausstellung fur Verwundeten- und Krankenfiirsorge, Reichstagsgebaude, Berlin 1914. Berl. & Leipz., 1914, J. J. Weber, 111 p„ 12°. Korte (W.) Ueber die Versorgung unserer Verwundeten im Felde. Berk, 1915, Hirsch- wald, 43 p., B°. Sicre (Camille). Pour nos blesses. Metiers pouvant facilement gtre exercSs par les vic- times de la guerre. 3. ed. Paris, 1916, Beresniak & fils, 64 p., B°. Wiest (Anna). Lazarettarbeiten. Anleitung fur die Beschaftigung Kranker und Genes- ender. Stuttg., 1915, F. Enke, 116 p., B°. See, also, Wound-Treatment. Allardice (W. C.) The wounded as we see them at home. Bi’it. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 501-503. , , Augspach (A. A.) [Problems of the treatment of wounded in the hospitals at the rear.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 234-236. Ax ford (W. G.) Wounded treated at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 31—34. Rayon (H.) The task of medical aid to the wounded in war. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 241. du Bois-Reymond (R.) Zur Verwundetenfiir- sorge. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 650; 1154. Also: Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 308. Brandenburg (K.) Ueber die Versorgung der Verwundeten und Erkrankten im Kriege. Die Einrichtung der Militarlazarette im Opera- tionsgebiete. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1377- „ 1379. Brend (W. A.) With the wounded at Ostend. Nineteenth Cent., Lond., 1914, 1159—1166. Bryan (R. C.) Personal observations of the care of the wounded in the great European war. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxxi, 214- 216. Index Medians. [War Supp. Paterson (H. J.) The treatment of the wounded in the present war. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 178-187. Perego (Y.) Sgombero dei feriti e degli amma- lati in guerra. Atti d. Soc. lomb. di sc. med. e. biol., Milano, 1914-15, iv, 235-270. Power (D.) The wounded in the war; some surgical lessons. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1084. Quack (N. O.) Indrukken over de verpleging der gewoude en zieke militairen in Oostenrijk. Ziekenhuis, Amst., 1915, vi, 69-73. Eyan (J. P.) Aid to the wounded; past and present. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914-16, i, 177-184. Schlacht (P.) Fiirsorge fiir die in Gross-Berlin ankommenden verwundeten und kranken Krie- ger. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1916, xiii, 65-72. Wilson (A.) Notes on 150 cases of wounded French, Belgians and Germans. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 806-808. Winn (D. F.) Statistical report of five hun- dred and seventy cases treated in the Ameri- can Red Cross Hospital at Kiev, Russia. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 56-63. Also: Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1915-16, Ixii, 373- 388. Wounded (The) from the Passchendaele actions. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 534. Wounded treated at the Royal Naval Hospital, Plymouth. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 35-39. Sonchard (Louis-Angel-Alcide). Organisation de la releve et de 1’ evacuation des blesses dans un secteur de premiere ligne. Bordeaux, 1916, 33 p., B°, * No. 29. Automobile transport of the wounded. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 412-414. Baillie (G.) Reception of wounded when on active service. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 579-581. Barot. Sur 1’ evacuation des blesses de pre- miere ligne. Arch. med. d’ Angers, 1916, xx, 9-15. Bayou (H.) The removal of wounded from the battlefield to base hospital. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 251-255. Beatson (Sir G.) The comforts and feeding of the wounded during transit, a review of the supply organization. Hospital, Lond., 1915, Iviii, 53—55. Blanchard (R.) Le transport des blesses en aeroplane. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 53-55. Bois (L.) Chirurgie de guerre. Souleve- blessE k 1’ usage des formations sanitaires. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 763-772. Bonnette. Transport des blesses en montagne. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 625. van Busterveld (W. J. M.) [The arrangement of a closed freight car for the transport of wounded.] Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 205-209. Cane (L. B.) The transport of wounded from Gallipoli. St. Baz’th. Hosp. J., Lond., 1914- 15, xxii, 152. Chapellier (E.) Evacuation des blessEs au com- bat ; service de 1’ avant. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiv, 321-379. Chavasse. Extrait d’ une instruction technique sur les Evacuations (en date du 13 novembre 1914). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1303-1306. Emerson (H. H. A.) The collection and evacua- tion of sick and wounded in the territorial force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 187-200. Falre (A. W.) Organizing a voluntary aid de- tachment, the last link in the transport service. Hospital, Lond., 1915, Iviii, 61. Fairrie (S. H.) The transport of wounded in war. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 563—568. Falkner (P. H.) A canvas sling for loading wounded from barges and boats into hospital transports. Ibid., 1915, xxv, 345-349. Fenwick (C.) Devices for moving patients. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 462. Feuille (B.) Evacuation des blessEs de guerre; trains sanitaires. Rev. scient., Par., 1914, ii, 193-198. Fischer (G.) Le service du sante et la guerre de tranchees (de la ligne du feu 1 1’ ambulance ou k 1’ hopital d’ evacuation) ; impressions d’ un mEdecin d’ infanterie. Arch, de mEd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 532-550. •Ford (J. H.) What the _ European war has taught us in transportation and handling of the injured. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 752-757, diagr. Foxworthy (F. W.) Progress in war transpor- tation ; the motor ambulance, the motor hos- pital and surgery. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 420-426. Goodwin (T. H.) The collection and evacuation of sick and wounded from front to base. Mil. Surgeon, 1917, xl, 609-619. Also: South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 744-746. Graux (L.) Ambulance notes. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 61. Classification of Wounded. See, also, Evacuation Hospitals. Georges & Wolfromm. Hopitaux d’ evacuation et blesses inevacuahles; quelques donnEes de 1’ Experience sur le triage des blessEs; gravitE comparEe des hlessures en fonction de leur siEge; gravitE relativement ElevEe des bles- sures du membre infErieur. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, No. 2, 61-66. Gracie (P.) An efficient method of determining by charts the classification of wounded and the material and time required for their trans- port. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Loud., 1914, xxiii, 171-176, 5 ch. Heitz-Boyer. De 1’ Evacuation et de la rEparti- tion des blessEs. Bull, et mEm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1671-1700. Javal (A.) Le billet d’hopital. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxv, annexes, 42. Jellinek (S.) Eine neue Methode zur Verein- heitlichung und Beschleunigung des militar- arztlichen Dienstes in den Sanitatsanstalten. Der stetige Sanitatszettel mit abreissbaren Kontrollblattchen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 28-32. Latarjet (A.) Le fonctionnement d’ une ambu- lance de triage du 25 au 30 septembre. Lyon chir., 1916. xiii, 167-173. Marlow (F. W.) Medical problems involved in the classification, treatment and final disposi- tion of invalided soldiers. Canad, Pract. & Rev., Toronto, 1916, xli, 422-429. Mignon (A.) De 1’ ambulance de triage. Paris mEd., 1916, xviii, 453—455. Oppel (V. A.) [Principles of assorting the wounded from a medical viewpoint in the theatre of war.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 151-164. Evacuation and Transport. See, also, Evacuation Hospitals. Grossheim. Der Yerwundetentransport bei der Armee. Berk, 1915, 44 p., B°. Pruss (V. A.) [The Medical Department on the battle-field.] St. Peterb., 1914, 64 p., B°. Military Medicine 43 Uros (E. L.) The transportation of the wounded. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, „ 1-7. Harding (N. E.) Adaptation of a railway porter’s truck for the carriage of wounded. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, t 53. Hartmann (H.) L’ Evacuation des blessEs. Rev. gEn. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1915, xxvi, 233-238. Heddaens. Ueber einen Handgriff zum Heben Schwerkranker und Verwundeter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 195. ton Hovel. Verwundetenbefdrderung auf den Fdrderbahnen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., _ 1916, Ixiii, 1575. Kedrolf (P.) [Evacuation of wounded and sick soldiers to the rear of the army and role of the medical commissions in the selection of soldiers into battalions and detachments of convales- cents.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 835 ; 859 ; 907; 930. Hondoleon (E.) The transport of the wounded in the war. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 892r-894.- Herman. Der Abtransport Verwundeter vom Leipziger Hauptbahnhof. Ztschr. f. Samari- ter- u. Rettungsw., Leipz., 1914, xx, 158. Kouindjy (P.) La mobilisation mEthodique chez les blessEs de guerre. Gaz. mEd. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 57-60. Carrey, the originator of rapid evacuation of the wounded. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1084. Lee (R. I.) A sketch of the organization for the care and transportation of the sick and wounded in the British Expeditionary forces in France. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 192-195. Uennboff (G.) Anweisung an Aerzte und Kran- kenpfleger bei Transporten von Verwundeten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 170. Macalister (C. J.) The history of ambulance in warfare. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1915, xxxv, 79—94. alacphail (A.) The Cavendish lecture on a day’s work. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 979-984. AZso; West Lond. M. J., 1917, xxii, 99-117. Marion (G.) Nos Evacuations de blessEs, un progres k rEaliser. Presse mEd. Par., 1915, xxiii (annexe), 11. Meller (A.) Ueber die Mitwirkung des Deutsch- Ordens-Verwundeten-Spitals Nr. 4 beim Ab- schube der Verwundeten in Przeworsk. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 109-112. Mendes (E.) II trasporto dei feriti nella guerra in montagna. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. 1095. Mennella (A.) Trasporto di feriti in alta mon- tagna ; nefriti in trincea; ittero infettivo. Polia med., Napoli, 1917, iii, 97-103 ; 329- . 340; 365-373. Mille. PrEsentation d’ un appareil pour le trans- port des blessEs dans les boyaux. Bull, et mEm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, _ 2019-2021. •®toyens a employer pour faciliter 1’ enlevement et le transport des blessEs dans les tranchEes. Arch, de mEd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 94. yon Natly (I.) Transportimprovisationen im Sanitatshilfsdienste. Militiirarzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 409-416. . Handschlitten fur den Verwundeten- transport aus der Gefechtslinie. Ibid., 1915, xlix, 57-59. lartos (A.) Improvisierter Verwundetentrans- Port auf Feldbahnen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, t xii, 45. "lahl (F.) Transportbehelfe im Gebirgskriege. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1513. Railhead (From) to base hospital on an ambu- lance train. Edinb. M. J., 1916, xvi, 213- 215. Reverchon, Rouvillois [et al.] L’ evacuation des blesses du crane. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1531-1544. Romeyn (D.) [The transport of wounded by railway lorry.] Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 261-264. Rucker. Der “ Hosengriff.” Die Hose des Yer- letzten als Behelfstrage im Schiitzengraben. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1741. Saunders (B.) Preparatory treatment for transportation of the injured. South. M. J., Nashville, 1916, ix, 542-546. Schilling. Wie wiirde sich der Sanitatsdienst in der Schlacht bei Laon am 9. und 10. Milrz 1814 mit unseren heutige-n Hilfsmitteln abge- spielt haben? Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 126-139. Schleinzer (J.) Zur Frage des Verwunde- tenzuschubes von der Front. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1447. von Schrdtter (H.) Zur Technik des Urn- lagerns Verwundeter und Kranker. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 452—454. Stigler (R.) Vorschlage zum Verwundeten- transport im Gebirgskriege. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 749. Sundberg (H.) [The transport of invalids through Sweden in the fall of 1915.] Tidsskr. i mil. hiilsov., Stockholm, 1916, ii, 136-154. Temoin. A propos de la chirurgie de guerre dans les hopitaux de 1’ arriere et du service d’ Evacu- ation des blessEs. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, 3. s., Ixxii, 218-224. Also: J. de mEd. et chir. prat., Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 652^656. Ten days at Verdun; the story of an American ambulance driver. Am. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1916, xi, 335-338. Teynac (A.) Sur tin cas d’ asphyxie multiple et compliquEe observE sur le front. Contribu- tion a 1’ hygiene des transports militaires auto- mobiles. J. de mEd. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 107-111. Thipthorp (W. H.) The evacuation of serious cases in mountain warfare. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 349. Tintner (F.) Wie bleibt der Verwundete trotz Operation und Verbandwechsels auf derselben Trage vom Gefechtsfeld bis ins Hinterland. Wien. klin. Wchnschr.. 1915, xxviii, 446-448. . Zur Frage des Yerwundetentransportes in der vorderen Linie. IMd., 1211-1216. Toussaint (H.) A propos des Evacuations. Bull, et mEm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2619. [Transport of wounded.] Reddingwezen, Rot- terdam, 1915, iv, 91-93. Transportation and care of the wounded at the front. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 442- 444. Transportation (The) of the sick and wounded from the front. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1145. Trindler (F. H.) A new method of carrying a patient, with one or two bearers, without litter. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1914, xxxv, 243-245. Tullidge (E. K.) Transportation of the wounded on the Austro-Russian front. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxix, 772-774. Urbach (J.) Umlagerung Verwundeter ohne Abheben von der Feldtrage. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 502. Yelel (E.) Zur Evakuierung des Feldheeres. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2263. Yerweij Mejan (M.) De aankomst van een ziekentransport in Chrudin (Bohemen). No- sokomos, Amst., 1915, xv, 262-264. Way (The) home of the wounded man. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 850-852. Index Medicus. [War Supp. What is done for the wounded; how they are collected at the front and transferred to the permanent hospital. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxi, 196. Wieting. Ueber den ersten Transport Verwun- deter und seine Yorbereitung. Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1916, Ixiii, 1365-1369. Wolffensperger (W. P.) Teupken’s “De motor- boot als vervoermiddel van den militair ge- neeskundigen dienst.” Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1915, xix, 7-33. Work (The) of the R. A. M. O. in war, evacua- tion difficulties; the triumph of the motor ambulance. Hospital, Lond., 1914-15, Ivii, 307. Zieglwallner (F.) Ueber die Beforderung von Verwundeten im Schiitzengraben. Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1915, Ixii, 1663. Zimmermann (F.) Die Haftpflicht der Eisen- bahnen. Ztschr. f. Bahn u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsungen, 1915, x, 165-179. Bruist (H. M.) Ambulance work at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 642. Carpanetti. Rapport sommaire sur le fonction- nement d’ une ambulance divisionnaire du 6 mars au 17 juillet 1915. Arch, de nffid. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 455—471. Chaix (A.) & Sanglier-Lamarck (L. H.) L’ ambulance de la division combinge au cours de la guerre germano-austro-bulgaro-serbe de 1915. Ibid., 1916, Ixv, 891-915. Chittick (A. G.) Two non-military tours of duty of Indiana Ambulance Company No. 1. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 433-435. dree (G.) A single divisional field ambulance. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 220-235. Decourt (F.) Une nuit d’ambulance. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, suppl., p. dccxxxvii-dccxl. Delestre. Le methode Menciere dans les ambu- lances et les hopitaux de la zone des stapes. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 133. Evolution (The) of stretcher-bearing in this war. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., New- castle, 1915-17, xvii, 35-40. Hopwood (L. L.) An ambulance company in garrison, on the march, in camp, in the field, with an analysis of its equipment. Mil. Sur- geon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 105-137. . Duties of ambulance companies. Ibid., xxxvii, 224-237. Inflrnueres (Les) dans les ambulances. Bull, gen. de th6rap. [etc.], Par., 1916-17, elxix, 820-824. Jepson (W. B.) Bearer work on the Somme. Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xcix, 255-259. Jones (E. C.) Transportation of ambulance companies. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 429-437. Keogh (G. T.) With the American Ambulance in France. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1917, xii, 208 ; 247; 319. Klein (F.) La guerre; vue d’une ambulance. Rev, d. deux mondes, Par., 1914, 6. per., xxiii, 427-443. Lucien-Cfraux. Impressions d ambulance. Gaz. med. de Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 237. Macluve (A.) Stretcher-bearing. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 825. Martin (A.) A propos du fonctionnement in- tensif d’ une ambulance chirurgicale de lre ligne et du rble d’ un poste chirurgical avanc€. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 235-244. Mans (G.) L’ambulance russe aux armees frangaises. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 492- 494.' Metcalfe (F.) A Red Cross “ Plattsburg ” : the U. S. Army Ambulance Corps’ Camp at Allentown, Pa. Red Cross Mae., Wash., 1917, xii, 430-436. Murison (O. O.) Position of a bearer division or subdivision during a rear-guard action. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 393. Pauchet (V.) Mat6riel chirurgical de 1’ ambu- lance de corps d’ armee. Gaz. nffid. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 28. Picque (R.) Evolution de I’organisation et du fonctionnement d’ une ambulance de 1’ avant. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1733-1767. Reinhold (C. H.) With an Indian field ambu- lance in Flanders. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxix, 96-100. Roiueyn (D.) Hoe men in Belgie tracht te voorzien in de behoefte aan buiten bet Leger gevormde helpers van den geneeskundigen dienst (ambulanciers-brancardiers) voor oor- logstid. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 129-141. Rouhier. I. Note h propos du traitement des grands intransportables en 6tat de shock American Ambulance in France. Field Service. Friends of France; the Field Service of the American Ambulance, described by its mem- bers. Bost., 1916, Houghton, Mifflin, 311 p., B°. Baixe (Gabriel-Jules-Louis). L’ambulance No. 1 de la brigade des fusiliers-marins et son fonctionnement. Bordeaux, 1917, 87 p., B°, * No. 8. Bayle (Gabriel-Jean-Baptiste-Joseph). Con- siderations sur I’organisation d’un groupe de brancardiers divisionnaires pendant les pre- miers mois de la guerre (1914). Bordeaux, 1917, 33 p., B°, * No. 9. Buswell (Leslie). With the American ambu- lance field service in France. 2. ed. [Bost., Houghton Mifflin Co.], 1916, 171 p., B°. . Ambulance No. 10, personal letters from the front. Bost. &N. Y., 1916, Hough- ton, Mifflin Co., 177 p., B°. Dupuy (Georges M.) The stretcher bearer. Lond. & N. Y., 1915, Oxford Press, 149 p., 12°. Fabry (Antoine Celestin Etienne), fitude sur F organisation et le fonctionnement des groupes de brancardiers pendant la guerre actuelle. Bordeaux, 1915, Y. Cadoret, 51 p., B°, * No. 15. Klein (Felix). La guerre vue d’une ambu- lance. 5. ed. Paris, 1916, A. Colin, 284 p., 12°. L. (R. A.) Letters of a Canadian stretcher bearer. Bost., 1917, Little Brown, 294 p., 12°. Ambulance Service. Allen (W. H.) The ambulance company. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1067-1070. Also: Southwest. Med., El Paso, 1917, i, No. 8, 13- 18. Ambulance (The) services of the warring na- tions. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt. & N. Y., 1915, x, 775. Ashford (M.) A proposed motor ambulance company. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 300-306. Barnett (H. N.) The work of a cavalry field ambulance. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1915, xxiii, 30. BarthMemy. Be fonctionnement des ambu- lances dans les services de 1’ avant. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 493-500. Begg (O. M.) Field ambulance work at Anzac. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 806. Bell (P. C.) Notes on special work in a field ambulance. Canad. M. Ass. J., Montreal, 1916, vi, 1091-1094. Bonnette (P.) Organisation des ambulances de guerre. Presse mdd., Par., 1914, xxii, 601-603. Military Medicine 45 (pseudo-shockes hemorragiques). 11. Fonc- tionnement des ambulances du groupement de Sermoise pendant 1’ offensive du 23 octobre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2169-2179. [Discussion] : 2179-2183. Rouvillain. Comment doit fonctionner une ambulance. Gaz. med. de Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 239. Spaight (H. W.) Notes on bearer work at the front. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvii, 288- 291. Stephen (G. N.) The work of field ambu- lances. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxvi, 405-410. Stewart (L. F.) The ambulance of the Ameri- can hospital of Paris as seen by a surgeon. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1916-17, xx, 427-441. Thorn (S.) Notes, experiences and suggestions on the automobile ambulance service of a modern army in the field. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 415-444, 7 pi. Training men for the United States Ambulance Corps. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 456- 462. Vergnes. Observations sur le role hygienique des brancardiers regimentaires. Bull. m£d., Par., 1916, xxx, 245. Walshe (S. J. A. H.) Six months with the bearer division of a field ambulance at the front. Lancet. Lond., 1915, i, 1194—1196. Watt (W. L.) The field ambulance and its or- ganization. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916. vi, 811-816. Jones (P. L.) Motor ambulances and person- nel. Ibid., 1917, xi, 572-575. Lalesque (J.) Une ambulance de grands blesses h Verdun. J. de m6d. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 83-87. Lange (F.) & Trumpp (J.) Die Beforderung von Verwundeten auf Lastautos. Miincheu. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2359. Leslie (R. W. D.) & Child (G. A.) Improve- ments in motor ambulance construction. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 598-601. Motor-ambulance (The) in modern warfare. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 500. Nelson (K.) An army motor ambulance. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 151-168. Olle, Genevrier (J.) & Masselot. Installation de fortune d’ une ambulance d’ infanterie. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. xxv, 289-298. Pereira (F.) Los automoviles sanitarios del ejgrcito espanol. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1915, v, 157-165. Rainsden (E. M.) Some notes on the work done by a field ambulance in France. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 371-373. Raoult-Desloaigchamps. Sur 1’ utilisation des ambulances. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 84. Weiss (A.) Adaptierung landesublicher Fuhr- werke als Blessiertenwagen (mit spezieller Beriicksichtigung des kroatisch-bosnischen leichten Wagens). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1149; 1182. Ambulances. Ambulance automobile. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 130-132. Ambulance light railway trolleys. Brit. M. J., x Lond., 1917, i, 522. ten Bokkel Hnnnink (J. A.) Auto freight- ambulance. Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 265-271. Boyden (P. H.) Note on a new ambulance sling. J. Roy. Nav. M. Surv. Lond., 1916, ii, 105-107. Buist (H. M.) Motor ambulances in war service. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 544—546; 1915, i, 42-45. Challiol (E.) Sur I’utilisation des ambulances. Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, suppl., p. 111. Czerkis (M. W.) Der Feldchirurgen-Kraft- wagen F. Ch. k. der Oesterreichisehen Gesell- schaft vom Roten Kreuze. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 484-488. Bunker (F.) Elektro-Kraftwagen im Dienste grosser Verwundeten-Transporte. Rote Kreuz, Berk, 1915, xxxiii, 172. Electrical (An) motor ambulance car. Lancet, _ Lond., 1915, ii, 21. Eeuillade (H.) & Blechmann (G.) Du r£- chauffement des grands blesses dans les am- bulances de I’avant; pro jet de “cellule chauffante.” Paris med., 1917, xxiii, 58. Clemming. Die Beforderung von Verwundeten auf Lastautos. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 765. . Ergebnisse der Beforderung Verwun- derter auf Lastkraftwagen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1292. Lrebelnik (G.) [Supplying the army with vehicles for transporting wounded.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1916, ccxlv, med.-spec. pt., 119-127. Hendley (F. W.) Auto-truck couplings for escort wagons. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 321-324. . The trailmobile ambulance. Lancet- Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxv. 145-147. Johnson (H. H.) The trailer ambulance. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 54—57, 1 pk Aubrey (G. K.) Stretchers for the wounded in the trenches. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1488. . The need for a short form of stretcher for use in the trenches. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiii, 617-619. B. (E.) Le barelle sanitarie in Francia. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1916, xii, 163-166. Bar. Eine Schleifenbahre zum Verwundeten- transport im Hochgebirge. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 392-394. Barthelemy. Brancard articul6 pour le trans- port des blesses dans les tranches et les boyaux. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 487. Bate (A. L.) Trestle for supporting field stretcher. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 554-556. Beds and stretchers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 499. Bergengriin (P.) Federnde Unterlager zum Transport Verwundeter. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 109. Beyne. Brancard d’ evacuation. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 429. ten Bokkel Hninink (J. A.) De “ kruiswagen ” brancard. Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 215. -. De eenwielbrancards van de Lochem- sche transportcolonne. Ibid., 1917, vi, 55-57. Britneff (V.) [First-aid two-wheeler.] Vo- yenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.- spec. pt., 596-601. Brun. Brancard a toile amovible et inter- changeable permettant le transport facile des grands blesses. Arch, de m£d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 394-397. Chastanet. Note sur la transformation pratique d’ un brancard en table a pansements. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1354. Close (B.) A mono-wheel stretcher carrier. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 525-531. Colt (G. H.) Stretchers for the wounded in the trenches. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 202-207. Stretchers. Index Medicus, [War Supp. 46 Cooper (H.) An easily improved stretcher-cot. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 351- 353. Dnthoit (R.) Un nouveau train de roues porte- brancard pour blesses. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 381-383. Duvau. Appareil porte-brancards. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914, Ixiv, 89-93. E. (W. J. M.) Stretchers for the wounded in trenches. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 46. Eybert. Note sur le brancard de tranchees. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 472-485. F. (J. V.) A new frame to carry stretchers in trains or in wagons. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 554. Finch (E.) A portable “bed-rest” stretcher. Ibid., 1915, xxv, 135-137. Fleischer (F. C.) [A new bicycle stretcher.] Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1917, vi, 109-114. Flemming. Eine neue federnde Lagerungsvor- richtung fiir Krankentragen auf Fahrzeugen aller Art. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1230. de Fourmestraux (J.) Note sur un chariot porte-brancard permettant 1’ Evacuation dans les tranchees. Arch, de mEd. et i)harm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 582. Garipuy. Brancard dEmontable pour mobilisa- tion des grands blessEs couchEs. Paris mEd., 1915-16, xvii, 501-503. Garlipp. Kuhl’ sche Tragebankchen und Trage- gestelle. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 301. Hamann (H.) Eine Yerbesserung an der be- helfsmassigen Trage. Ibid., 219. Haran (J. A.) Has a monowheel stretcher car- riage possibilities? J. Trop. M. [etc.], Loud., 1915, xviii, 183. von Hase (P.) Federnde Tragbahre fiir Bauern- wagen und Sanitatsautomobile. Deutsche mik-arztk Ztschr., Berk, 1914, xliii. 561-568. . Gebirgs-Tragbahre. Ibid., 1915, xliv, 336-338. van der Heyde (R. J.) [A two-wheeled and one-wheeled stretcher in use by the Alkmaar transport-column.] Reddingwezen, Rotter- dam, 1916, v, 14—19. Ingenious (An) stretcher for use in the trenches. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 415. Kennon (R.) A trench cycle stretcher. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 252. Kiehl (W. J. L.) Stretchers of straw for the Dutch army. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1915, cxii, 175. Korbsch. Rollbare Krankentrage. Deutsche mik-arztk Ztschr., Berk, 1914, xliii, 714. Kranss (H.) Eine Feldtrage. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 17. Kurtzahn. Schiitzengrabentrage. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 1551. Kutna (S.) Einwandfrei desinlizierbare Trag- bahren und Feldbetten. Militararzt, Wien, 1916, i, 81-86. Lange (F.) & Trumpp (J.) Die Hiingematten- Tragbahre. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2392. Lefrou (G.) Brancard a. bras articulEs pour le transport des blessEs dans les tranchEes. Progres mEd., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 159. Lonicer. Die Kufentrage, eine neue Verwunde- tentrage fiir den Schiitzengraben. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 779. McClellan (O. L.) A serviceable stretcher. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1914-15, x, 201. Macfadyen (D.) A form of folding trestle for conversion of a stretcher into an improvised bed. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 58-61. McGrigor (D. B.) Improved method of carry- ing a wounded man by a single bearer. Ibid., 1914, xxiii, 446-448. Manning (W. J.) A shockless horse litter for transportation of the wounded. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1914, Ixiii, 1476. Matignon (J.-J.) Brancard-gouttiere immobi- lisateur pour le transport des grands blessEs dans les tranchees. Presse mEd., Par., 1915, xxiii, “annexes,” 385-387. Also: CaducEe, Par., 1916, xvi, 102. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 131-133. Menard. Brancard de trainage. CaducEe, Par., 1916, xvi, 116. Muller (W.) Eine neue “ Universal-Feldtrage ” zur Beforderung Schwerverwundeter. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegs- cliir. Hefte III), 307-311. Also: Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 482-484. von Natly (I.) Improvisierte Feldtragen fiir das berittene Sanitatshilfspersonak Militar- arzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 496-498. Neurdenburg (D.) Een opvouwbare veldbran- card. Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 148-151. New (A) folding stretcher. Lancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 928. Partos (A.) Ein Tragbahrengestell fiir die Yerwundetenpflege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1132. Plontz. Sur un brancard de tranchEes. Bull. med., Par., 1916, xxx, 306. Poucel (J.) Le brancard chauffant. Presse med., Par.. 1916, xxiv, annexe, 113. Reh. Eine Feldtrage. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1914, Ixi, ISJBS; 2194. Rehm. Le brancard-souleveur. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3, s., xxxi, 87. Reno (W. W.) The wheel litter travois. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 175-192. Roper. Eine neue Yerwundetentrage. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 300. Rentier (A.) Brancard-hamac de tranchees; appareils auto-extenseurs d’ evacuation pour fracture du membre inferieur et du membre superieur du Dr. Louis Senlecq, ancien in- terne des hopitaux k Paris, aide-major de lre classe. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 650-653. Schenk (A. L.) [The transport of wheel- stretchers across the moat at Fort Ruigen- hoek.] Mil. geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1914, xviii, 227. Schlotterhausen. Eine neue Schiitzengraben- trage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1343. SchoMer. Die Yelobahre zum Transport von Verwundeten. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1914-15, xiv, 60-65. von Schrotter (H.) Zur Konstruktion der Feldtrage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 877. Stirling (R. J.). Stirling’s webbing stretcher; a stretcher designed to facilitate the carriage of wounded from narrow trenches. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 496- 504. Stretcher (A) for trench use. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 682. Stretcher for trench use. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1915, cxii, 366. Truslow (N.) Stretcher hammock and stretcher chair invented by the Comtesse de Chaumont Quitry. Ibid., cxiii, 342. Yelde (G.) Die Krankentrage 1913. Verbf- fentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berk, 1914, Heft, 60, 1-50. Withers (C. H.) A new pattern stretcher. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 278-280. Military Medicine Witzenhansen. Eine neue Verwundeten- (Kran- ken-) Trage. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1474. von Walzel (P.) Zur Frage der operativen Tatigkeit und des Verbandwechsels auf Spit- alsztigen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 262-266. Roussel-Lepine (Jose). Une ambulance de gare; croquis des premieres jours de guerre (aofit 1914). Paris, 1916, Libr. Plon., 194 P-, B°. Hospital Trains. Hospital Ships. Aspinall (A.) The transport of sick and wounded on ordinary troop-ships. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 95. Barling1 (S.) Notes on the transference of the sick and wounded from overseas by ambulance ships. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 455-459. Blackwell (E. M.) An ambulance motor boat for hospital ships. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 637-639, 1 pi. Bostrom (C. G.) [Some reminiscences and im- pressions on the transport of sick and wounded by sea 1915.] Tidsskr. i mil. Halsov., Stock- holm, 1915, xl, 207-229. Brustein (S. A.) [First hospital ship on the Volga.] Yestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, 5-40, 1 pi. Chitty (H.) A hospital ship in the Mediter- ranean. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 529—531. Ciauri (R.) Sulle stazioni militari marittime. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 502-512. Colliiigwood (G. T.) Notes on the work of a naval hospital ship at the Dardanelles. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 315-321; 1916, ii, 200. Collins (W. E.) New Zealand Hospital Ship Maheno. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1916, xv, 59-66. Craig (G.) A short account of the hospital ship Karoola. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 447-458. Eaton (W. E.) Conversion of yachts into am- bulance boats. Mod. Hosp., St. Bouis, 1917, ix, 81-86. Elder (A. V.) A note on hospital ships and their functions. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 443-448. Elliott (J. S.) Notes from H. M. H. S. “Ma- heno.” N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1916, xv, 191-193. Fawcett (W.) The world’s first hospital ship. Nurse, Jamestown, N. Y., 1916, v, 191—194. Carton (W. M.) Organization and station bills of the U. S. Naval hospital ship “ Solace.” TJ. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, viii, 624-645. Cradenwitz (A.) Floating hospitals of Europe. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1915, cxiii, 298. Holcomb (R. C.) Hospital ships. Ref. Handb. Med. Sc., N. Y., 3. ed., 1915, v, 311-328, 1 pi. Hole (K. H.) Some experiences in a hospital carrier. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 159-165. Hospital ships for the Tigris. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 819. Lomas (E. C.) Medicine and the sea affair. Hospital ships. Ihid., 542-545. Louvard (G.) Bes ambulances flottantes. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxviii, 307-319. Nishi (I.) Hospital ships and the transport of wounded. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med., 1913, Bond., 1914, Sect, xx, Nav. & Mil. Med., pt 2 17-32. V ’ Overseas (The) transport of wounded; life and procedure on a hospital ship. Hospital, Bond., 1915, Iviii, 57. Pannett (0. A.) The medical aspects of modern warfare, with special reference to the use of hospital ships. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol. 1914-15, ii, 459-471. Pontano (T.) Una visita ad una delle nostre navi-ospedale. Policlinico, Roma, sez. prat., 1917, xxiv, 35-36. Abderhalden (E.) Die Einrichtung der beiden Vereinslazarettzfige O I und Y I der Stadt Halle. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1777; 1805. Cane (B. B.) An Egyptian hospital train. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1914—15, xxii, 104- 105. Christian. Die Organisation der Bazarettziige. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkasseniirzte, Mels- ungen, 1915, x, 25-32. Deneke (T.) Ueber Bazarettziige und Bazarett- zugfahrten. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Beipz., 1915, xi, 145; 169. Elder (A. V.) Notes on ambulance trains and description of naval train No. 1. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 68-76. . A simple method of transporting cot cases by ambulance train. Ibid., 331-336. Fiorani (B.) Sul funzionamento dei treni ospe- dale. Igiene mod., Genova, 1917, ix, 33—40. Giese. Ueber Reinigung der Bazarettziige bei der Binienkommandantur X Stettin. Mtin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1274. Gradenwitz (A.) A model hospital train; de- scribing the completeness of the Bavarian State hospital train. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1916, cxiv, 664. Grinnell (A. G.) New Army train for the Mexican border. Mod. Hosp., St. Bouis, 1916, vii, 378-381. Hackliinder. Bericht fiber die erste Fahrt des Vereinslazarettzuges B. I. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 378. Hautefort. Projet d’ un train chirurgical annexe de 1’ hopital d’ Evacuation fonctionnant a une gare origine d’ Etape. Bulk et mEm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 888-892. Heitz-Boyer. Role et importance chirurgicale des trains sanitaires. Ibid., 286; 412. Herzfeld. Die Bazarettziige des Heeres. _Arch. f. Rettungswes. [etc.], Berk, 1914—15, iii, 218-224. Jones (P. B.) A hospital train de luxe. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 389-391, 2 pk Kirchner. Aerztliche Erlebnisse im Bazarett- zug. Aerztk Rundschau, Miinchen, 1915, xxv, 65-69. Martell (P.) Deutsche Bazarettziige. Wien, klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 260 ; 272. Merkel (Irma). A German hospital train. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1916, xvi, 397-403. Neumann (A.) Einige Spitalszugserfahrungen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 289-292. Prins (C. J.) & van Gezondh (O.) _ Nog iets over de inrichting van gewonden-treinen. Red' dingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 289-293. Schneidt & Seitzinger. Yierzehn tausend Kilo- meter mit dem bayer. Hilfslazarettzug Nr. 2. (Erfahrungen und praktische Winke.) Mfin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 312-314. Sieveking. Mit dem Vereinslazarettzug C 1 Hamburg nach dem Balkan. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 294; 391; 455. Stielow (P.) Ueber eine sichere und einfache Art, das Beladen von Bazarettzfigen zu regeln und zu fiberwachen. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1916, Ixiii, 146. 48 Index Medians. [War Supp. Raison (T. W.) How can the hospital ship best serve the needs of the fleet? Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 405-412. Reah (H.) A record of work in the R. N. Hospital Ship “ Soudan,” from February, 1915, to December, 1915. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 208-210. Robson (A. W. M.) An improved method of lifting patients on to hospital ships from barges and boats. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 10. Rodd (M. L. B.) Report on the transport and treatment of wounded in the hospital ship “ Plassy.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 42-48. Rodd (M. L. B.) & Heaney (F. S.) Note on the first naval wounded transported from the Dardanelles in the R. N. hospital ship “ Plassy.” Ibid., 1916, ii, 88-90. S. (J. S.) A short voyage on a hospital ship. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, ciii, 211. Straeten (R. J.) The use of hospital ships in time of war. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 565-570. Warren (L.) Observations on infectious cases treated in the R. N. Hospital ship “ Agadir.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 221- 225. Withers (C. H.) Apparatus for the unloading of sick from hospital ships, etc. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 280, 6 fig. . National standards for first aid. Penn. M. J., 1917, xx, 666-670. Delaney (M. D.) First aid. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxix, 332-336. Dombrovski (E. I.) [Possibility of affording first aid in flying machines.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ecxliii, med.-spec. pt., 255- 258. Fauntleroy (P. C.) Suggestions for field emer- gency case. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 138. Fisher (H. E.) First aid system. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1916, xxiii, 901-903. Green (G. W.) First aid in dirty wounds. Rail- way Surg. J., Chicago, 1914-15, xxi, 411-413. Grossheim. Unterricht in der ersten Hilfe bei Militarpersonen. Arch. f. Rettungswes. [etc.], Berk, 1916, iii, 283-294. Hartmann (H.) Les premiers soins a donner aux blesses et leur mode d’ evacuation. Rev. g6n. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1915, xxvi, 171-175. Hopkins (C. W.) First aid to the injured. In- ternat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxx, 138-148. Mendelson (A. L.) [Medical aid to sick and wounded soldiers in the sanatoria and health resorts of the Petrograd Provincial Commit- tee of the Union of Cities of All Russia.] Yestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 6, 5-18; No. 8, 26-36. Montenoresi (V.) Pronto soccorso chirurgico avanzato. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1405-1407. Morin (H. G.) La releve des blesses en pre- miere ligne. (Service de sante du bataillon d’infanterie au combat.) J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1917, xlvii, 71-76. Plummer (S. C.) First aid instruction and first aid standardization. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1916-17. xxiii, 241-248. Rice (W. E.) First aid and care of the in- jured. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 252—254. Rncker (W. C.) The relation of the United States Public Health Service to first aid. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 639-642. ———. First aid work. Railway Surg. J., Chicago, 1917, xxiii, 366. Sklifosovski (P. T.) [Conclusion concerning O. M. Kholbek’s article, “ First aid in the war,” and his “ Obligatory rules in the treat- ment of wounds at first-aid stations.”] Yo- yenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.- spec. pt., 233-241. Smith (H. H.) An endeavor to improve upon the first aid tag now in use in the United States Army. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 438-440. Tinter & Rosner. Zur ersten Hilfe im Kriege und im Frieden. Wien. Idin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 965. Zabludovski (A.) [Certain data on furnishing aid to the wounded in the theatre of war.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 760; 785. First Aid. See, also, Dressing Stations. Anglade (Jean). Des premiers soins donngs aux blesses dans la guerre actuelle. Bor- deaux, 1916, 19 p., B°, * No. 7. Bajla (Eugenio). I primi soccorsi; manuale pratico di soccorsi d’ urgenza. Milano, 1914, W. Marucelli & Co., 352 p., B°. Burnham (Athel Campbell). A text-book of first aid and emergency treatment. Phila. & N. Y., 1917, Lea & Febiger, 307 p., B°. Galliano (Carlo). Soccorsi d’urgenza. 8. ed. riveduta a cura del Badino. Milano, 1915, U. Hoepli, 476 p., B°. Carrell (John Maclean). An index of first aid ; a vade-mecum for the ambulance worker and all interested in the subject of first aid to the injured. Lond., 1915, J. Bale, Sons & Daniels- son, 144 p., 12°. Eliason (Eldridge Lyon). First aid in emer- gencies. Phila. & Lond., 1916, J. B. Lippin- cott Co., 215 p., 12°. Hastings (Somerville). First aid for the trenches. Lond., 1916, J. Murray [N. Y., 1917, G. U. Harvey], 63 p„ 12°. Morrow (Albert Sidney). The immediate care of the injured. 3. ed. Phila., 1918, W. B. Saunders, 356 p., B°. Sable (Daniel Edwin). Vest pocket first aid and safety first. 3. ed. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1915, National First Aid Publ. Co., 104 p., 16°. Wood (R. C.) The soldier’s first aid. N. Y., 1917, Macmillan, 93 p., 12°. Blackwood. Treatment of wounds from fire trench to field ambulance. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 230-240. Bloodgood (J. C.) First aid conference. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Richmond, 1915, xxi, 183-190. Jager (T. F.) Scout, Red Cross and army dogs. Rochester, N. Y., 1917, Arrow Print. Co., 83 p., B°. Ambulance dogs. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917. i, 96. Bemelmans (E.) Roode-Kruis honden. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1915, ii, 2553- 2566. . American First Aid Conference. Mary- land M. J., Bait., 1916, lix, 45-47. . The objects of the first aid conference. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 44-49. . First aid to the injured. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 121-124. Granjux. Nos chiens sanitaires. Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 105-107. Hachet-Souplet (P.) Notes psychologiques sur les chiens de guerre. J. de psychol. norm, et Military Medicine 49 path., Par., 1914, xi, 433-441. . Le dressage des chiens de guerre. Rev. scient.. Par., 1915, i, 303-306. Jones (B. C.) Military dogs. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 39J>-400. Tatschner (R.) Improvisation von Draht- schienen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 423. Tubby (A. H.) Malleable iron splints. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvii, 97. Yulpius. Die Lyraschiene fur den Arm. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1133. Wilson (G. E.) A universal arm-splint. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, i, 953. Splints. United States Army, Board for standardizing certain Medical Department supplies. Man- ual of splints and appliances for the treat- ment of bone and joint injuries, supplied by the American Red Cross. Lond., 1917, 11. Frowde; Hodder & Stoughton, 215 p., 12°. . Manual of splints and appliances for the Medical Department of the United States Army. N. Y., 1917, Oxford Univ. Press, 218 p., 12°. See, also, Fractures. “ Mademoiselle Miss.” Letters from an Ameri- can girl serving with the rank of Lieutenant in a French army hospital at the front. Bost., 1916, W. A. Butterfield, 114 p., 12°. WOMEN IN MILITARY MEDICINE. Hanson (Helen B.) Women doctors with the army in the field. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1915, xxxiii, 88-94. Irens (Mary H. F.) The part played by British medical women in the war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 203-208. Macy (Mary S.) American medical women and the world war. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 322-328. . Available means of organization for national service among medical women of the United States. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 681-683. Mosher (Eliza M.) War work of the American medical women. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med., 1917-18, Ixiv, 221-227. Also: Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 782-784. Also: Mary- land M. J., 1917, lx, 289-293. . War work for women physicians and surgeons. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 392-394. Stiassny (S.) Die Stellung der Frau im Feld- sanitiitsdienst. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1164. Audion. Appareils platres nouveaux pour grands blesses. Travail du service des ap- pareils platres de 1’ Hbpital d’ evacuation X. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 273-284. Deguy (M.) Les appareils en platre arme dans la chirurgie de guerre. Paris med., 1916, xviii, „ 44-49. Faltin (R.) [Card-board splints for the upper extremity; a contribution to military sur- gery.] Finska lak.-sallsk. handl., Helsingfors, 1916, Iviii, 363-393. Feldmann (E.) Stiitzverbande fur die Extremi- taten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 373-375. Gurevich (N. A.) [Glycerine-plaster-of-Paris immovable bandages (splints), their prepara- tion beforehand and application in time of war.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 25-28. Hepper (J. E.) A modification of Nevelle’s back splint. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 341. Hiibler (F.) Ueber Stiitzverbande im Felde. Miinchen, med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1169. Matignon (J. J.) Notes sur des appareils de fortune, de fabrication extemporanee, pour contention et immobilisation des membres, en campagne. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 876-888. Miihring (P.) Eine Schiene fiir den Kriegsge- brauch. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916 Ixiii, 144. Most (A.) Die Gipsschiene im Dienste der Kriegschirurgie. Hid., 1914, Ixi, 2361. Page (C. M.) A simple system of skeleton splinting. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 845 848. Partos (A.) Eine neue Kriegsschiene. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 611-613. Pelser (A.) Unsere Schienenverbande im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 791-795. Posenblith. Une atelle plombo-caoutchoutee, semi-rigide, extensible, pour le traitement des fractures. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 503-505. Pozen (L. A.) [l. Field foot splint. 2. Field stretcher-splints.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 29-33. Selye (H.) Drahtschiene zur raschen Exten- sions-Immobilisierung komplizierter Ober- und Vorderarmbriiche. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 454. *mitt. Ueber die Verwendung von Stiitzap- Paraten bei Kriegsverletzten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 299. “peed (S.) The Bradford frame in the treat- ment of buttock and hip injuries of war. N. York M. J., 1917, cvi, 168. Abed (Georges), fitude statistique et medicale sur les refugies a Bordeaux (20 aoflt-31 de- cembre 1916). Bordeaux, 1917, 59 p., B°, * No. 10. Association generale des medecins de France. Caisse d’ assistance medicale de guerre et “ Se- cours de guerre a la famille medicale ” reunis. La caisse d’ assistance medicale de guerre; son fonctionnement; son but. [Paris, 1916, Paul Dupont.] 48 p., B°. Commission (The) for Relief in Belgium. First annual report November Ist, 1914, to October 31st, 1915. Part I. Provisioning department. Lond., 1915, 165 p., map, fol. Donald-Sniith (Helen). War distress and war help, short catalogue of the leading war help societies. Lond., 1916, John Murray, 38 p., 16°. Wolfe (S. Herbert). Care of dependents of en- listed men in Canada. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 56 p., B°. WAR RELIEF. Brisac (J.) Services d’ assistance et oeuvres de guerre. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1916, xxxvii, 65-95. Courbon (P.) De 1’ inegalitg d’interet du pub- lic pour les blesses et pour les malades de la guerre. Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1917, 10. s., viii, 83-87. Dubief (H.) & Thoinot (L.) Les asiles pa- risiens pour rgfugies de guerre. Ann. d’ byg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiii, 249-269. Granjux. Le secours de guerre a la famille medicale. J. de m6d. et chir. prat., Par,, 1915, Ixxxvi, 491-495. 50 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hossack (J.) Suggestions for those interested in war depots at home. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1915, ii, 87-89. Kean (J. R.) Europe’s lesson in war relief. Am. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1916, xi, 111- 113. Lucas (W. P.) General health conditions in Belgium after two years of relief work by the Commission for Relief in Belgium. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 27-32. Norgand (j.) L’aide sociale aux populations des- territoires reconquis (Rapport). Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1917, xxxviii, 371-383. Rodiet (A.) L’assistance aux “sans famille ” invalides de la guerre. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 117-120. Stone (Ruth F.) Cleveland’s role in medical war relief. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 259- 271. X. L’ organisation du controle des oeuvres charitables de guerre. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1916, xxxvii, 464-468. Vandercook {Mrs. Margaret O. B.) The lied Cross girls on the French firing line. Phila., 1916, John C. Winston Co., 261 p., B°. Anderson (Lyda W.) Experiences of unit K at Vienna, Austria. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1916, xvi, 426-432. Baer (A.) Die Kriegerheilstatte Wienerwald des Patriotischen Hilfvereines vom Roteu Kreuze fiir Niederosterreich bei Pernitz. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1652—1654. Baker (G. F.) jr. Impressions of the American Red Cross Commission to Italy. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1918, xiii, 39-44. Beasley (S. O.) Another viewpoint of our Red Cross work in Serbia. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 634; 1917, xl, 45, 1 pi. Billings (P.) The work of the American Red Cross Mission to Russia. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1687—1694. Boardnian (Mabel T.) The patriotic and hu- mane service of the Red Cross nurse. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 503-507. Bnrgar (D. G.) In Glewitz. Unit I, American Red Cross at work. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1915, xv,1093-1099. Connor (C. H.) The relation of the surgeon to the American Red Cross. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 371-374. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 948-951. Desfosses (P.) La Croix-Rouge americaine. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 521- 525. Dunham (Theodora). Letter’s of a war worker. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1917, xii, 286-295. Fleischer (F. C.) De reorganisatie van het Nederlandsche Roode Kruis. Groene en h. witte Kruis. Makkum, 1917, xiii, 53-65. Ford (0. S.) Red Cross problems in time of war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 1099- 1107. Gibson (H. D.) The organization of the Red Cross. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1917, xii, 485-487, 1 port., 1 map. great volunteer organization is doing here and abroad. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1917, cxvii, 420. Goldschmidt (W.) & Hanasiewicz (O.) Be- richt an das Oesterreichische Rote Kreuz iiber unsere Tatigkeit im Balkankriege. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 297 ; 317. Johnson (F. R.) The Red Cross and relief in civilian communities. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 803-805. Kean (J. R.) The new r6le of the American Red Cross. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 539-544. Kellogg (P. U.) Four months in France; an interpretation of the American Red Cross. Survey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxix, 181; 282. Kingston (C. A. F.) & Pinto (A. L.) British Red Cross and ambulance societies. Indian Rev., Madras, 1914, xv, 756-758, 2 pi. Klrchenherger. Dem Andenken Henri Dunants. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 329-331. Large (H. L.) History of the origin of the Red Cross. South M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 813-817. Lingmont (W.) Examen-veldoefening van het Comite Meppel van het Ned. Roode Kruis. Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1915, iv, 209-213. Marchmann (O. M.) First aid to the injured; with particular reference to the American Red Cross. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 680-685. Minnegerode (Lucy). The Red Cross; experi- ences of Unit C (Red Cross) at Kief, Russia. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1915, xvi, 220-226. Red Cross. American Red Cross. The work in Europe of the American Red Cross. Wash., 1917, Am- erican Red Cross, 68 p., B°. . The work of the American Red Cross. Wash., 1917, Amer. Red Cross, 144 p., B°. Barker (Harley Granville). The Red Cross in France. N. Y., 1916, G. H. Doran Co., 186 p., B°. Berry (James). The story of a Red Cross unit in Serbia. Lond., 1916, J. & A. Churchill, 307 p., B°. Boardnian (Mabel Thorp). Under the Red Cross flag at home and abroad, with a fore- word by W. Wilson, President. Phila. & Lond., 1915, J. B. Lippincott Co., 333 p., B°. British Red Cross Society. Note book with diagrams for use during attendance at Red Cross courses of first aid. Lond., 1914, H. Frowde [etc.], 4 p., 4°. Deacon (J. Byron). Disasters and the Ameri- can Red Cross in disaster relief. N. Y., 1917, Russell Sage Foundation, 230 p., B°. Duplessis de Pouzilhac (Paul). Les mouettes aux Croix Rouges; contes medicaux de guerre. Paris, 1916, A. Maloine et fils, 193 p., B°. Geneva Convention, August 22, 1864. The Geneva Convention of 1906 for the ameliora- tion of the condition of the wounded in armies in the field. Wash., 1916, Carnegie Endow, for Internat. Peace, 21 p., B°. Hamilton (Robert W.) Belinda of the Red Cross. N. Y., 1917, Sully & Kleinteich, 346 p., B°. Heredero (A.) La dama de la Cruz roja en la guerra. Madrid, 1915, 224 p., B°. Livingston (St. C.) & Steen-Hansen (I.) Un- der three flags; with the Red Cross in Bel- gium, France and Serbia. Lond., 1916, B°. Red Cross and Iron Cross, by a doctor in France. Bond., 1916, John Murray. [N. Y., E. P. Dut- ton.] 157 p., 12°. Schneider (P.) Staat und Rotes Kreuz. Berl., 1914, 236 p., B°. Sturzenegger (C.) Henri Dunant, Begriinder des internationalen Roten Kreuzes und der Genferconvention. Zurich, 1914, 32 p., B°. Toiand (Edward D.) The aftermath of battle; with the Red Cross in France; with a preface by Owen Wister. N. Y., 1916, Macmillan Co., 192 p., 15 pi., B°. Vivian (E. Charles) & Williams (J. E. Hod- der). The way of the Red Cross. Lond. & N. Y., 1915, Hodder & Stoughton. [N. Y„ G. H. Doran.] 289 p., B°. Military Medicine 51 Newton (P.) With the Red Cross in Russia. Hosp. News, Wash., 1914-15, iii, 15-18. Neyman (C. A.) Some experiences in the Ger- man Red Cross. Mental Hyg., Concord, N. H., 1917, i, 392-396. von Olshausen (T.) Die Stellung des Sani- tatspersonals nach dem Genfer Abkommen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 225. der Schwesterntracht. Hid., 251. Opitz. Das Rote Kreuz im Kriege. Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1915, xxviii, 253-268. Origin (The) and development of the Red Cross. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 589 ; 633 ; 673; 721; 760; 798; 882; 923; 977; 1030; 1966; 1104. Patterson (R. W.) The American National Red Cross in first aid and accident prevention. Maryland M. J., Balt., 1916, lix, 131-145. Primo (II) Istituto climatico militare della Croce Rossa inaugurate a Bergeggi. Attua- lita med., Milano, 1917, vi, 29-30. Pslemlan (J. D.) TVith the American Red Cross in Belgium. Bancet-Clinic, Cincin., 1916, cxv, 51-57. Pullman (R. W.) Mobilizing the Red Cross forces. Survey, N. Y., 1914, xxxii, 566-569. Red (The) Cross. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 721-725. Red Cross Hospitals organized. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 989. Red Cross units. Calif. State J. M.. San Frau., 1917, xv, 334-336. Red Cross work in India. Red Cross, Bond., 1916, iii, 128-131. Regulations of the National Committee on Red Cross Medical Service. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1916, Ixvi, 1997. Report of the Committee on Red Cross Medical Work. Ibid., 1917, Ixviii. 1761-1766. Ressel & Friedmann. Die Tatigkeit der Eisen- bahn-Abteilungen vom Roten Kreuz im Kriege. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassenarzte, Melsun- gen, 1915, x, 60-65. Richter (M.) Die freiwillige Sanitatspflege im Kriege. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 377- 385. Robert (D. R.) An American surgeon with the French Red Cross. N. York M, J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 318-322. Romeyn (D.) Gedachten over den militairen geneeskundigen dienst en het Roode Kruis in het algemeen, in tijd van oorlog. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 90-95. Riickbllck (K.) Die Tatigkeit der Oester- reichischen Gesellschaft vom Roten Kreuze seit Kriegsbeginn. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 569-572. Smithe (P. A.) With the American Red Cross in Vienna. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 301-305. Solbrig. Organisation und _ Beistungen des “ Roten Kreuzes ” im jetzigen Kriege, be- sonders in Ostpreussen. med. Wschnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 440- 443. Velduijzen (W. F.) [Notes on the report of the Commission for the reorganization of the Netherlands Red Cross Society.] _ Mil.- geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 374- 382. Wadsworth (E.) The American Red Cross. Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago, 1917, xliv, 59-63. Ward (E. St. J.) The American Red Cross at work in Turkey. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Bake, 1916, ii, 86-89. Wegner. Zur Vorgeschichte des Genfer Neu- tralitatsabkommens. (Ein Ruhmesblatt fur England und Frankreich.) Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 176. Wilson (A.) Red Cross work in France. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 813. Order of St. John Fincham (H. W.) The Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and its grand priory of England. Bond., [1915], W. H. & B. Collingridge, 120 p., B°. Grand (The) Priory of the Order of the Hospi- tal of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Ambulance Department. The St. John Am- bulance Association. Annual report of the Indian Branch for the year ending 30th Sept., 1915. Calcutta, 1916, Supt. Govt. Print. India, 90 p., 44 pi., fol. Blackham (R. J.) The Indian Saint John ambulance and the European war. Mil. Sur- geon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 21-24. Moses (O. St. J.) The St. John Ambulance Association; a brief historical sketch. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 362-364. Order (The) of St. John of Jerusalem. Bancet, Bond., 1914, ii, 1319. Watson (C. M.) The Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. West Bond. M. J., Bond., 1915, 249-259. TRENCH DISEASES. Bathurst (B. W.) Trench shin. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 893. Bernard (B.) A propos du mal des tranchees. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 169-172. Chambers (G.) Trench shin an infectious fibrositis. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 752-755. Comrie (J. D.) The treatment of “trench rheumatism ” and allied conditions by col- loidal sulphur. Ibid., 991-993. German (A) view of trench leg. Med. Rec., N. Y„ 1917, xcii, 547. McWalter (J. C.) Belgium back or trench back. Med. Times, Bond., 1916, xliv, 65. Maclean (I. C.) Trench shin. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 855. Pritzi (O.) Ueber Schmerzen in den Beinen, besonders im Unterschenkel, bei im Felde stehenden Soldaten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 294. Raymond (Y.) Btude sur la maladie des tranchees. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 475-484. See, also, Diseases of the Kidneys. Trench shin. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 609. Great Britain. War Office. Prevention of chilled feet and frostbite. Bond. [1917], War Office, 1 p., 4°. Rontin (Jacques-Joseph). Considerations sur les gelures des membres inferieurs dans 1’ armees. Bordeaux, 1915, Y. Cadoret, 75 p., B°, * No. 18. Sonnenhurg (E.) & Tschmarke (P.) Die Yer- brennungen und die Erfrierungen. Stuttg., 1915, F. Enke, B°. Vogel (Edgar-Alfred). Contribution al’ 6tude de froidures de tranchees. Bordeaux, 1916, 41 p., B°, * No. 23. Frostbite and Trench-Foot. Alglave (M.) Du traitement des gelures par le pansement a 1’ huile gomenolge et de la ndces- site de pratiquer 1’ injection de serum anti- tetanique dans le cas de gelures profondes. 52 Index Medicus. [War Supp. (Rapp, de Arron.) Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 381; 530; 592; 640. Aperlo (G.) Del congelamento da trincea con speciale riguardo alia profilassi ed alia cura ; rivista sintetica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 481-485. Authelain (H.) Frozen feet, or trench foot so called. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 1176; 1225. Ballliet (A.) Prophylaxie des macerations et gelures des pieds. Progres m6d., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 69. Bamberger (J.) Kalksalze gegen Erfrierung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1492. Baur. Note sur la prophylaxie des accidents causes par le froid (froideurs). Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, suppl., p. cxlviii. Beck (S.) Die Behandlung der schweren For- men von Erfrierungen. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 63. Bell (F. McK.) Effects of wet and cold: trench-foot. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 289-294. Benard & Blum (P.) Le pied de stase des tranchees. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 321-323. Blackman (J. G.) Trench foot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 818. Borchard (A.) Das Eintreten von Frostgan- griln der Fiisse in frostfreier Zeit. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 1-3. . Beitrag zur Geschichte der Frostgan- griin. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, xliii, 142. Brocq (L.) Le traitement des “froidures des tranchees ” par la methode biokinetique de ' Jaquet. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 119-123. Bruce (Sir D.) The importance of the early prophylactic injection of antitetanic serum in “ trench foot.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, 48. Bundschuh (E.) Leber die Behandlung der Erfrierungen von Fingern und Zehen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 416. Burk (W.) Zur Pathologic, Prophyfaxe und Behandlung der Erfrierungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1430-1432. Burkard (O.) Spatkomplikationeu nach Er- frierungen. Miiuchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 789. Casali (P.) & Pulle (F.) Le lesioni da con- gelamento e un mezzo per prevenirle. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 105; 194. de Casteras (R.) & Murard (J.) Pathogenic et traitement des pieds gel6s. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 485-489. Castex (A.) Les gelures aux pieds dans les tranchees. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 250. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de thdap., Par., 1915, xxix, 136. Cavazzani (A.) Sulla cura dei geloni. Gazz. med. di Roma, 1917, xliii, 58. Cavazzuti (F.) & Taparelli (A.) Note sulla cura delle congelazioni ai piedi. 8011. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena, 1916, xviii, 19-31. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 54—60. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxiii, 213. Carina (G.) Intorno alle congelazioni dei piedi e specialmente alia gangrena dei piedi da freddo. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1916, 9. s., iv, 39-60. . Nota sulle alteraziqni istologiche dei vasi nelle congelazioni. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. chir., 164—173. Cavini (O.) I piede congelati nei soldati di trincea. Morgagni, Milano, 1916, Iviii, pt. 1, 53-66. Cecchetelli (T.) Note pratiche sulla clinica e la cura delie congelazioni. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 174. Charcot (J. B.) Centre le froid, conseils pra- tiques sur la protection des soldats en cam- pagne d’ hiver. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 113-127. Chaurin (E.) La forme grave du pied des tranchees. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 317- 319. Chenal (A.) Pglegrin (J.) & Ruffier (J.) Sur le traitement des gelures des pieds par les bains d’ air ehaud. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 576-579. Also: Groupe- ment med.-chir. de la 5. region [etc.], Or- leans, 1917, 133-141. Cherubini (L.) Sui congelamenti degli arti. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 81-97. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 41-49. Chiari (R.) Ueber das Auftreten von Oedemen an den unteren Extremitaten infolge Kalteeiu- wirkung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1039-1041. Chiasserini (A.) Osservazioni sulla cura delle congelazioni gravi dei piedi. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. chir., 157-163. Congelazioni (Le) dei soldati e la loro cura. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1915, Ixxiv, 265- 268. Cooper (G.) Note on the treatment of “ trench feet.” J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lend., 1917, xxviii, 495. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 164. Cottet (J.) Note sur les troubles objectifs de la sensibilite cutanee dans 1’ acrotrophodynie parestMsique des tranches (gelure des pieds), formes latentes de cette affection. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1810-1815. Also: Paris med., 1917, xix, 222- 227. —•. A propos de cas recents de pieds gel6s. Presse m6d.,. Par., 1916, xxiv, 558. . Syndrome d’ acro-paresthesie a frigore et gelures des pieds. Ibid., 1917, xxv, 517. Courcoux (A.) Traitement des gelures par la methode biokinesique de L. Jacquet. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 19. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xeix, 438. Darier (J.) & Civatte (A.) Les pretendus “ pieds geles ” ou les froideurs des tranchees. Bull, et mem. Soc. inM. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 79-87. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 94-97. Darricau (P.) Chirurgie conservatrice dans les cas de pieds gelds. Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 125. Davis (W. C.) The treatment of painful “ frost-bite.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 545. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 676. Debat (F.) Traitement des gelures par la mdthode biokinetique de L. Jacquet. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 51-54. . Contribution a 1’ etude dtiologique des froidures. Ibid., 473-475. . Les froidures des tranchees. Paris med., 1916, vi, 361—370. Deldpine (S.) Some of the effects of exposure to wet cold and their prevention. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 888—892. . Prevention of frostbites. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 271; 463. . Contribution to the study of the cause and prevention of “ trench-foot,” so-called. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxix, 173; 217. . Frigorism. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, ci, 586-590. Delorme (E.) Chirurgie de guerre; sur les gelures. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 182-186. Military Medicine. 53 Dobson (R. T.) Notes on trench foot. Brit. M. J., 1917, ii, 717. Donnelly (L. C.) Trench foot. Detroit M. J., 1916, xvi, 287. Dragotti (G.) II piede da trincea. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 172. Dubois. Contribution a 1’ etude de 1’ affection dite pieds de tranchees. Groupement med.- chir. de la 5. region [etc.], Orleans, 1917, 119-128. Diinner (L.) Einiges iiber Erfrierung und deren Behandlung. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1915, Ivi, 65-68. Duschkow-Kessiakoff (C.) Ichthyol-Yaselin bei Erfrierung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1378. von Eiselsberg. Zur Behandlung der Erfrier- ungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 625-628. Ellis (E. S.) Nitro-glycerine in trench feet. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i. 513. Ertl (J.) [Surgical treatment of frost bitten extremities.] Gydgyfiszat, Budapest, 1915, Iv, 28. Estor (E.) Rapport sur les gelures. Montpel. mdd., 1917, xxxix, 819-835. Ewart (W.) The treatment of trench feet by the subcutaneous injection of oxygen. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 702. Ewart (W.) & Ewart (C.) A trench foot- warmer. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 103. Fearnsides (E. G.) Frost-bite. Brit. J. Der- mat., Lond., 1915, xxvii, 33-51. Fernet. Centre le froid aux mains et aux pieds. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, 3. s., Ixxii, 216. Ferraro (D.) Congelazioni e loro effetti nei combattenti. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1917, xxiii, 58-59. de Fleury (M.) Vingt-quatre observations de gelure des extrdmites inferieures. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 334—338. Fillassier (T.) Traitement des pieds geles. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 31. de Fossey (A. M.) & Merle (P.) Le pied des tranchees. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 101-110. Friedrich (P. L.) Praktische Erfahrungen zur Verhiitung und Behandlung der Brfrierungen im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 129. “ Frost-bite ” or trench-foot. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 812. Galli (G.) Intorno al trattamento delle per- frigerazioni di natura circolatoria. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 4-6. Gamberini (C.) Gangrena dei piedi da con- gelazione. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1916, 9. s., iv, 25-38. Also: Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vii, 37-42. Gardini (O.) Dei congelamenti. Med. nuova, Roma, 1917, viii, 51; 61. Gaucher. Chirurgie de guerre; gelure des pieds. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 219. Gay (M.) Per la difesa economica del soldato contro il freddo. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 6. Ghirlanda (E.) L’iperemia attiva nella cura dei congelamenti. Attualitil med., Milano, 1916, v, 101-111. Also: Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vii, 73-78. Also: Osp. maggiore, Mi- lano, 1916, 2. s„ iv, 12-17. . Grave caso di congelamento curato con iperemia attiva. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1916, 2. s., iv, 717-720. ~ . L’ iperemia attiva nella cura dei con- gelamenti. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1917, xxviii, 162-176. Gillett (A. S.) The treatment of trench feet. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 870. Glasewald (H.) Wasserdichte Fussbekleidung und Erfrienmgen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 473. Glover (J.) Pieds geles et troubles vasomoteurs traites par la digitaline. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1914, clxviii, 275-277. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 327-329. Grangee (F. M.) Gelures des pieds, traitement par 1’ air chaud. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 380-382. Gray (A. G.) The pathology of trench frost- bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 779. Haydon (A. D.) Remarks on the conditions known as trench foot. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 181-191. Hecht (Y.) Zur Pathologic und Therapie der Erfrierungsgangran. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1487-1492. Heitz (J.) & De Jong (S.) Des signes de nevrite dans les gelures de pieds. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 172-174. Hughes (B.) The causes and prevention of trench-foot. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 712- 714. Imbert (L.) Les gelures et la gangrene de congelation. Presse mfid., Par., 1915, xxiii, 19. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 439. Ingal (I. M.) [Conservative treatment of in- cipient gangrene and treatment of ancient frost-bites.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis, 1914-15, li, 52-58. Isnardi (L.) Contribute alia cura delle con- gelazioni ; aria calda, demolizioni ecouomiche, iniezioni antitetaniehe ripetute. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 233. Jeauneney (G.) Oscillometre et lesions yascu- laires dans les gangrenes par obliteration et les gangrenes des pieds gelds. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mdd. de Boi’deaux, 1917, xxxviii, 139. . Le pied des tranchees; conduite h tenir au point de vue militaire. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1917, xlvii, 123-126. Jocelyn (R. H.) Frost-bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 627. Kirmisson (E.) Note sur huit cas de gelures graves observees dans ces derniers mois. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1685-1687. Lake (N. C.) Report upon an investigation into the effects of cold upon the body. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, ii, 557-562. Late complications of trench foot. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 754. Lawson (C. B.) Frost-bite. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 703-705. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 45-48. Lebar. Notes cliniques et pathogeniques sur les gelures. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 215-219. Leonhardt (A.) Eine neue Behandlungs- methode der Erfrierungsgangran. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 516. von Lepkowski (V.) & Briinauer (S. R.) Zur Therapie der Erfrierungen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1877-1883. Longin (L.-A.) Contribution al’ etude des soi- disant faits de gelure des pieds. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1914-15, 5. s., v, 595- 612. Longo (C.) Brevi consideraziqni pratiche sulle congelazioni ai piedi con speciale riguardo alle lesioni di prime e secondo grado. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 116. Longridge (C. N.) A note on the causation of trench foot. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 652-654. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 62. 54 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Loughnane (F. McG.) A note on “frost-bite.” Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 803-806. Luker (S. G.) A case of trench-foot in the absence of frost. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915- 16, iii, 682-684. Lumiere (A.) & Astier (E.) Tetanos et _ gelures. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 37. di Luzenberger (A.) Sul massaggio relluo (centrifugo) nelle congelazioni. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 429-431. Lyonnet. Gelure des pieds et albuminurie. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 204. Me Walter '(J. C.) Flanders foot. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 488. Marsh (E. H.) Frost bite, with a report of three cases in an unusual situation. Med. Times, N. Y., 1916. xliv, 158. de Massary (E.) Le premier pied gehi de 1’ automne 1915. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 1032. Matronola (G.) Alcuni casi di congelazione trattati con 1’ ambrina. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. chir., 248-253. Maupetit. Traitement des nevrites des pieds geles par les injections sous-cutanees d’ air. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 98-100. Mayo-Robson (A. W.) Frost-bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 117-119. Melchior (E.) Ueber Erfrierungen im Kriege und ihre Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1858-1862. Montuori (A.) & Pollitzer (R.) Su di alcuni mezzi chimici di difesa contro il freddo. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1916, xxi, 225: 280; 297. Mouchat (A.) Les gelures des pieds. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 398-400. Moynihan (B.) Frost-bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 401. Miller (C.) Some observations on 376 cases of “ frost-bite.” Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 801- 803. Munroe (H. E.) The character and treatment of frost-bite. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 926. Natier (M.) Ozsena and asphyxiating gases. Therap. Rec., Louisville, 1917, xiii, 197-201. Negus (V. E.) A method of treating the slighter cases of trench feet and allied affec- tions. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 117-119. Neri (V.) L’importanza del sistema vaso- motorio nella genesi del congelamento. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 1406-1409. Orticoni (A.) Prophylaxie des gelures aux pieds. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 376-379. Osier (W.) Cold-bite+muscle-inertia=trench foot. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1368. Page (C. M.) Frost-bite in the present war. Ibid., 1915, i, 590-592. Parisot (J.) & Simonin (P.) fitude sur les gelures consficutives au s6jour prolonge dans les tranches. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 322-327. Pere & Boye. Main de tranchees [gelures des mains]. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s„ xliii, 1483-1485. Piedallu (A.) Emploi des corps gras pour ffviter les gelures. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 142. Piero (O.) & Felice (P.) Sulle lesioni da con- gelamento e sui mezzi per prevenirle. Lavoro, Milaho, 1916, viii, 369-378. Plaschkes (S.) Neigung verletzter Gliedmassen zu Erfrierungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 5. Pontano (T.) Sulla profilassi delle congela- zioni. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 49-51. Pope (C.) Frost bite and trauma. Med. Fort- nightly, St. Louis, 1917, xlix, 69-71. Pophyllat. Polynevrite apres gelure. Groupe- ment med.-chir. de la 5. region [etc.], Orleans, 1917, 130-133. Popovicx (L.) Zur Behandlung der Erfrier- ungen. Med. BL, Wien, 1915, xxxvii, 99. Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 103. Powell (R. D.) The prevention of frost bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 253. Pranter (V.) Ueber die Behandlung schwerer Erfrierungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 266-268. Prevention of trench-foot (local frigorism). Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1304. Pribram (E.) Zur Prophylaxe und Therapie der Erfrierungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1638; 1915, xxviii, 37. Quenu. Pieds de tranchees. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 367-372. Rabbi (C.) Profilassi e cura delle congelazioni per mezzo del catrame. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 146-155. Rathery (F.) & Bauzil (L.) Traitement des “ gelures des pieds ” et des brfflures. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 249. Raymond (V.) & Parisot (J.) fffiologie, prophylaxie et therapeutique de 1’ affection dite gelure des pieds. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 694-696. , . Sur le pied de tranchee (gelure des pieds). Ihid., 1917, clxiv, 200-203. , . fitude sur le pied de tranchee (gelure des pieds). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hsp. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 327-361. , . Traitement du pied de tranchee. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 238-241. Reynolds (R. J.) Methods employed in the X-ray department of a military hospital, with a few notes on one or two cases of interest, and on the treatment of trench foot adopted there. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxxix, 323—328. Riehl. Bemerkungen iiber Erfrierung. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 294-298. Rousseau (R.) Deux observations anatomiques [pieds geles]. Arch. med. d’ Angers, 1915, xix, 22-24. Roussy (G.) & Leroux (R.) Les troubles nevropathiques tardifs consecutifs aux pieds geles (fausses nevrites). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 947-955. Sabella (P.) Combattiamo i danni del freddo fra i nostri soldati in montagna. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxiii, sez. prat., 1138-1142. Sainton (P.) Le pied des tranches. Rev. gdn. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, i, 142-168. Salvatore (S.) Sulle congelazioni e loro tratta- mento con le acque termali. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 897-900. von Sarbo (A.) Ueber pseudospastische Parese mit Tremor (Fiirstner-Nonne) als Folge von Durchniissung, Erfrierung, Durch- kaltung. (Versuch einer pathogenetischen Erklarung.) Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1072—1074. Saviozzi (V.) _ Le congelazioni degli arti. (Contribute di 4 osservazioni del HI grado.) Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, 571-580. Schillinger (J.) Zur Behandlung der Con- gelatio. Med. BL, Wien, 1915, xxxvii, 51. Also: Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1915, xxix, 55. Secchieri (A.) _ La termo-foto-cromo terapia delle congelazioni di 3° grado nei soldati. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 1349- 1352. Selvi (G.) Norme igieniche contro il pericolo del freddo. Lavoro, Milano, 1915, viii, 257- 259. Military Medicine. 55 Serph (P.) Engelure, goutte et alcaptone sudorale. Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 12. Sharpe (W. C.) Trench frost-bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 674. Sherwood-Dunn (B.) Trench foot. Med. Rec., .N. Y., 1917, xci, 1143-1146. Sicard (J. A.) Gelure des pieds. Bull, et m§m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 61-69. Smith (J. L.), Ritchie (J.) & Dawson (J.) Clinical and experimental observations on the pathology of trench frostbite. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1915-16, xx, 159-190, 4 pi. Sottan (B.) Trench feet. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 664-668. Spieler (F.) Zum Verbandmaterial bei Erfrier- ungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 103. Stiassny (S.) Zur Prophylaxe der Erfrierun- gen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 497-499. Stiefler (G.) Klinischer Beitrag zur Schadi- gung der peripheren Nerven bei den Erfrier- ungen infolge Durchnassung. Neurol. Cen- tralbl. Leipz., 1915, xxxiv, 882-888. Swan (R. H. J.) So-called “ frost-bite.” Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914—15, viii, Clin. Sect., 41-46, 1 pi. . Trench-foot or so-called “ frost-bite.” Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 46-51. Tanton (J.) Deux cas d’ amputation des pieds pour gelures. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s„ xli, 2273-2276. Tassone (U.) Contribute alio studio dei piedi da trincea. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 811—816. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. chir., 254-264. Tenioin. Les pieds geles dans 1’ armee. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 155- 160. Also: Gaz. m€d. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 20. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 15-20. Tixier (L.) Notes urologiques sur les malades atteints de gelures profondes des extremity inf4rieures. Bull. Acad, de m€d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 634. Tizzoni (G.) & De Angelis (G.) Ricerehe microscopiche sui congelati; contribute alia patogenesi della congelazione. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 5-28, 1 pi. Trench foot. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 547. Trench foot: by a military observer. Mil. Sur- geon, Wash., 1917, xli, 598-609. Trench frost-bite. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 933 Trench frost-bite. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916. Ixvi, 512. Tullidge (E. K.) Frozen limbs and their treat- ment in the present war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 11-14. Turner (P.) The treatment of trench feet and allied conditions by Bier’s method of passive hypersemia. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 638—640. Turrell (W. J.) The electrical treatment of trench-foot and frost-bite. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 52-61. Tariot (G.) Quelques remarques sur les “ pieds geles ” des soldats. Bull, et mdn. Soc. med. d. hsp. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 77-79. Terdelet (L.) Gelures et tetanos. Bull, et mem. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, (1915-16), 1917, 132. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 182. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 265. Tidoni (G.) Appunti sui disturb! di innerva- zione nei congelamenti. Quaderni di psichiat., Genova, 1917, iv, 52-56. Tincent (H.) Tetanos et froidure des pieds. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 492-495. Ylttorio (B.) Considerazioni sul congelamento delle estremita degli arti. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1339. Yolk (R.) & Stiefler (G.) Ueber Erfrierungen. (Yorlilufige Mitteilungen.) Wien. kliu. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 116-119. Wagner (K.) Behandlung der Erfrierungen. Hid., 1385. Wainwright (L.) Frost-bite. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 297. Waller (W.) & Rideal (E. K.) Report on “ trench foot.” J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 635—641. Waltlier (C.) Amputation economique tardive ala suite de gelure du pied. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 2184. Watson (C. G.) & Myers (C. S.) Trench “ frost-bite ” ; some observations on cases ad- mitted to the Duchess of Westminster’s war hospital. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 413-417. Weldenfeld (S.) & Pulay (E.) Beitrag zur Pathologie der Erfrierung. (Vorlaufige Mit- teilung.) Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 349. Wittek (A.) Zur Behandlung der Erfrierungen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 416. Yawger (N. S.) Condition in hand resembling frost-bite. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1916, xliv, 146. Zeller (A.) Ueber gefassparalytische Kiilte- gangran. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 65. Zuckerkandl (O.) Ueber Erfrierungen im Pelde. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte V), 594-607. . Zur Behandlung der Erfrierungen im Felde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 3-5. Rat-Bite Fever. Cavina (G.) Un caso di soddku in un soldato. Morgagni, Milano e Napoli, 1917, lix, 258- 264. Fievez (J.) Un cas de sodoku (septicemic eruptive par morsure de rat) observe dans la zone des arm6es. Paris med., 1916. vi, 388- 390. Roger (H.) Erytheme toxi-infectieux et septi- cemic legere par morsure de rat des tranchees ; un cas de sodoku fruste. Marseille med., 1916-17, liii, 321-330. Beanchant. Fievre des tranchdes. Presse med.. Par., 1916, xxiv, 493. Berry (J. A.) Trench fever and its differential diagnosis. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxxi, 325. Birks (A. H.), Thornley (R. T.) & Fawcus (R. A.) Septicaemia due to micrococcus tetra- genus as a cause of pyrexia at the front. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1917, x, 1-6. Boidin (L.) Fievre des tranchees. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1977-1980. Byam (W.), Dimond (L.) [et al.] The rela- tion of trench fever to other conditions. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, ii, 406. Clair. Fievre des tranchdes. Rev. gen. de din. et de th6rap., Par., 1916, xxx, 746. Coombs (C. F.) The recurrent type of “ trench ” fever in Mesopotamia. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 183. Costello (J. M. A.) Trench fever; mainly its clinical manifestations. Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xcviii, 456-466. Davies (F. C.) & Weldon (R. P.) A prelimi- nary contribution on “P. U. O. (trench fever).” Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 183. Trench Fever. 56 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Dinioud (L.) Trench fever, or P. U. 0., asso- ciated with the presence of a haemogregarine. Lancet, Lend., 1917, ii, 382-384. Dobell (C.) The “ haemogregarine ”of trench fcvoi* 1 hid 4731 Dyke (S. C.) Trench pyrexias. Hid., 1916, ii, 767. O’Connell (M. D.) Trench fever. Ibid., 1915, ii, 1368. . Atmospheric conditions in relation to trench fever. Ibid., 1916, ii, 767. Pappenheimer (A. M.) The etiology of trench fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 568. Pappenheimer (A. M.), Yermilye (H. N.) & Mueller (J. H.) On the etiology of trench fever; a preliminary communication. Ibid., 474-476. Patterson (S. W.) Preliminary note on spiro- chrntes occurring in the urine of cases of “ P. U. O.” J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 503-506. Problems of trench fever. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 596. Henaux (E.) Corps en demi-lune, dans le sang d’ un malade atteint de fievre des tranchees. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 404. Robinson (H.) So-called “ trench fever.” Lan- cet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1214. Rutherford (W. J.) Trench fever; the field mole a possible origin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 386. Sanguinetti (A.) Alcuni casi di febbre delle trincee. Gior, di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 50-62. Sherwood-Dunn (B.) Trench fever. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 155-159. Trench fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 245. Trench fever: a diagnostic dumping ground? Hospital, Lond., 1915-16, lix, 525. Yoivenal (P.) & Martin (P.) A propos du pied de tranchde. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 212-214. Wright (T. S.) Some notes on trench fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 136-138. Gabbi (U.) Febbre da trincea. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1916, xix, 558-562. Graham (J. H. P.) Rat-borne fever. [Trench fever.] Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 364. Grieveson (E. R.) Some observations on trench fever. Ibid., 84-86. Henry (H.) The “ haemogregarine ” of trench fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 739. Herringham (W. P.) On trench fever and its allies. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1916, ix, 429- 436. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 833. Hort (E. O.) Trench fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 291. Houston (T.) The relation of the enterococcus to “ trench fever ” and allied conditions. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, ii, 632-637. Hughes (B.) Trench pyrexias; their preven- tion and treatment. Ibid., 474. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 596-600. Hunt (G. H.) & McNee (J. W.) Further ob- servations on “ trench fever,” a relapsing fever occurring with the British troops in France. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1916, ix, 442-449. Hunt (G. H.) & Rankin (A. C.) Intermittent fever of obscure origin, occurring among British soldiers in France, the so-called “ trench fever.” Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1133- 1136. Hurst (A. F.) Trench fever: a relapsing fever occurring among the British troops in France and Salonica. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 207-219. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 671-675. . Trench fevers. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxx, 317-327. lies (A. J. H.) Treatment of painful shins, following trench fever, by electro-therapeutical methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 484. Le Sourd. A propos de la communication du Dr. Dubois, sur 1’ origine mycosique du mal des trancMes. Groupement med.-chir. de la 5. region [etc.], Orleans, 1917, 128. Loughnan (W. F. M.) Notes on pyrexia of un- certain origin. West Lond. M. J., 1917, xxii, 65-71. Low (G. C.) The “haemogregarine” of trench fever. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 473. McCrea (H. M.) Trench fever; is this condi- tion a spirochsetosis. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 796. MacGregor (R. D.) A case of “trench fever” contracted in England. Brit. Med. J., Lond., 1917, i, 221. McNee (J. W.), Renshaw (A.) & Brunt (E. H.) Trench fever; a relapsing fever occur- ring with the British forces in France. Ibid., 1916, i, 225-234. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 490-524. Mandel (M.) Trench fever ; preliminary report. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 725. Mitchell (D. A.) Pyrexia of uncertain origin (P. U. O.) seen in Malta during the war. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 316-325. Morichau-Beauchant (R.) Fievre des tranchees. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 463-467. Muir (J.) Remarks on “pyrexia” or “trench fever.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 641-645. Naukivell (A. T.) & Sundell (O. E.) On the presence of a spirochaete in the urine in cases of trench fever. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 672 TROOP DISEASES. Hurst (Arthur F.) Medical diseases of the war. Lond., 1917, Arnold, 151 p., B°. Baecker (H.) Die Behandlung funktioueller Erkrankungen auf der Abteilung Nonne. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1766. Etiology (The) of some obscure war diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 391. Evans (W. F.) Minor ailments; their impor- tance in warfare. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1915, cxl, 260-266. His (W.) Krankheiten, mit denen wahrend des Krieges zu rechnen ist. Med. Klin., BerL, 1914, x, 1461; 1481. Matthes (M.) Ueber _ einige wahrend des Feldzugs vielleicht wichtige innere Krank- heiten. Ibid., 1527—1531. Michaelis (L.) Erfahrungen aus einem Hei- matslazarett fur innere Erkrankungen. 11. Die im Felde entstandenen inneren Erkrank- ungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & BerL, 1916, xlii, 284. Mosse (M.) Nichtinfektidse innere Krank- heiten im Krieg und Frieden. Ibid., 63-66. Neisser (A.) Ueber die bisherigen inneren Er- krankuugen bei den Truppen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 139. Schuster. Die Marschkrankheiten, ihre Entste- hung, Yerhiitung und Behandlung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1885-1887. Symonds (C. P.) Some diseases which have become common among soldiers in this country. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxi, 84-87. Troop diseases. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, Military Medicine 57 SPECIFIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. fiellenuaun. Typhusschutzimpfung; Tetanus- behandlung. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2453. filing (C.) [The campaign against contagious diseases in France during the war.] Hygiea, Stockholm, 1916, Ixxviii, 303-848. Legendre (J.) Sur I’existence dans la Somme du Phlebotomus papatasii Scop. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 25. Lehndorff (A.) Erfahrungen iiber Infektions- krankheiten im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1117-1120. Lemoine (G. H.) & Devin. La methode de Milne et la propagation des maladies conta- gieuses. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 201. Also: Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 320- 324. Leroy (E.) La pathologic contagieuse d’une agglomeration de 50,000 hommes aux armees- Rev. g6n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 695 ; 708. . Utilization de la methode de Milne aux armies dans F isolement et le traitement des maladies contagieuses. Ibid., 1917, xxxi, 378-380. Letulle. Rapport sur la distribution dans F armee de notices relatives a la prophylaxie des maladies evitables. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 531-535. [Discus- sion] : 672-680. Lubarsch (O.) Zur Pathologic der Kriegs- Infektionskrankheiten. Jahresk. f. iirztl. Fortbild., Miinchen, 1916, vii, 67-74. Marotta (A.) La profilassi delle piil comuni malattie infettive in guerra. Folia med., Napoli, 1915, i, 624-632. Mayer (M.) Die Moglichkeit des Auftretens exotischer (besonders tropischer) Krankheiten wahrend des Krieges. Miinchen. med. Wchn- sehr., 1915, Ixii, 64-66. Munk (F.) Die Behandlung der akuten Infek- tionskrankheiten (Kriegserfahrungen). Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1291; 1344. Nobecourt (P.) & Peyre (E.) Resultats des s6ro-diagnostics pratiques dans le service des contagieux de F Bull, et mem. Soc, med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1639-1651. Pluyette & Rouslacroix. Actinomycose chez un soldat de F Arm6e d’ Orient. Marseille med., 1916-17, liii, 683-686. Returns showing the incidence of infectious diseases in enemies’ countries during 1915- 16. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1916- 17, iv, 620-625. Rist (E.) Acute contagious diseases in the French Army. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 981-987. Sacquepee (B.) Les infections obsidionales; fievre intermittente, xneningite terminale; presence d’ un agent pathogene special. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xii, 656-659. . Sandwith (F. M.) The Chadwick lectures on war and disease. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 195. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 52^57. Schiitz. Ueber den Einfluss des Krieges auf die Verbreitung der Maul- und Klauenseuche. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 94. Smith (L. L.) The diseases of war: their pre- vention, control and treatment. (The hand- ling of infectious diseases in the field.) Calif. State J. M., San Fran., 1917, xv, 487-491. Spread (The) of infection as a war measure. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 285. Yaropayeff (P.) [Report of the activity of the contagious diseases barracks in Kirsanoff, Government of Tambor, for five months, August to December 31, 1915.] Prakt. Vrach. Petrogr., 1916, xv, 290—293. Prance. Ministere de la Guerre. Notions pratiques sur quelques maladies infectieuses. Paris, 1917, Impr. Typographique, 46 p., 12°. McMillan (John Furse). Infectious diseases in Serbia. Lond., 1915, Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 16 p„ 12°. Osier (Sir William). Bacilli and bullets. N. Y., 1914, Oxford Univ., 8 p., 12°. Also, in: Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 569. Also: Med. Mag., Lond., 1914, xxiii, 580-583. Vincent (H.) & Muratet (L.) Les dysenteries. Le choldra. Le typhus exanthematique. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 184 p., 12°. Archibold (R. G.) Notes on the case of No. 7560, Sergeant C. S., Ist Battalion, the Suf- folk Regiment. [Mycosis.] J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 185-189, 2 pi. Balzer. Sur la distribution al’ armee de notices relatives a la prophylaxie des maladies evita- bles. Bull, Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 497. Batailler. Contribution al’ etude de la prophy- laxie des maladies contagieuses dans les depots des corps de troupe. Montpel. m6d., 1916, xxxix, 2-10. Bertarelli (E.) Norme di profilassi verso le malattie infettive durante la guerra. Riv. d’ ig. san. pubb., Torino, 1915, xxvi, 536-540. Biggs (G. S.) War diseases; typhus fever, enteric fever, dysentery, cholera. Practitioner, Lond., 1914, xciii, 803-818. Boigey (M.) Note sur la marche des maladies contagieuses dans un corps d’ armee sur le front en 1915. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 62-64. Borne. Hygiene du soldat permissionnaire a Paris, prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 133-136. Brandenburg (K.) Verhiitung der übertragba- ren Krankheiten im Heere. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1399-1401. Christian. Feststellung der Typhus- und Cho- leradiagnose im Peldlaboratorium. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1938. Bopter (C.) Les maladies infectieuses dans 1’ armee plus particulierement en temps de fuerre. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1914, 4. s., xxii, 53-363. Also: Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 286-290. Eichhorst (H.) Mit welchen Infektionskrank- heiten haben wir wahrend des Feldzugs zu rechnen? Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1559. Elorand (A.) Une annee au service des con- tagieux du Val-de-Grace. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 981-985. Glynn (E.) Dysentery and enteric from the Eastern Mediterranean. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1916, xxxvi, 135-142. Grundmann. Meine Kriegserfahrungen iiber Infektionskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 1092; 1110; 1137. Honl (I.) [Contagion in the army.] L6k. rozhledy, Praha, 1914, xxi, 577-579. Huntington (P. W.) Transmissible diseases in war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, civ, 62-64. Hurley (J. R.) The influence of the European war upon the spread of the infections of dis- ease with especial reference to its effect upon disease conditions in the United States. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 443-479. Karalfa-fiorbutt (K. Y.) [Struggle with in- fectious diseases in the army under conditions of the present campaign.] Vestnik Tsarsko- selsk. Ralona, Petrogr., 1916, ii. No. 3, 13-27, 3 diag.; No. 4, 33-58; No. 7, 54-65: No. 8, 5-25; No. 9, 12-32; No. 10, 5-38, 1 diag.; No. 11, 45-54; 1917, iii, No. 1, 5-32. 58 Index Medicus [War Supp. Vaughan (Y. C.) Measles and pneumonia in our camps. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917-18, iii, 248-257. Heilbronn. Eine eigenartige Truppenepidemie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 938. Belly (K.) Pathologische und epidemiologische Kriegsbeobachtungen. Ibid., 1916, Ixiii, 98. Hiller (A.) Ueber Kriegsseuchen und ihre Be- kampfung. Allg. med. Oentr.-Ztg., Berl., 1914, Ixxxiii, 417. . Ueber Kriegsseuchen. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Beipz., 1914, iii, 274-277. Holler. Zur Diagnose und Therapie der derzeit vorherrschenden Kriegsseuchen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 211. Hueppe (F.) Ueber Entstehung und Ausbreit- ung der Kriegsseuchen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 145 ; 186. Joannovics (G.) Ueber Kriegsseuchen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1661; 1687 ; 1708 ; 1734 ; 1763. Also: Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 142; 200. Kirchner. Verhiitung und Bekampfung von Kriegsseuchen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 553-563. Kisskalt (K.) Das jahreszeitliche Auftreten der Kriegsseuchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 579-582. Leschke (E.) Erfahrungen iiber die Behand- lung der Kriegsseuchen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 634-641. Lunn (K.) [Epidemics in the barracks of Fred- eriksholm canal, 1912.] Hosp.-Tid., Kdbenh., 1914, 5. R„ vii, 1345-1355. Martinet (A.) Comment dviter les 6pid6mies en campagne; conseils pratiques aux soldats et aux populations. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 666-669. Megele. Seuchenbekampfung im Kriege. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 67. Menzer, Ueber die Kriegsseuchen und die Be- deutung der Kontaktinfektion. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 1226; 1256; 1279 ; 1302. Mollers (B.) Die Kriegsseuchen im Weltkrieg. Ibid., 1916, liii, 185-187. Nobel (E.) Kriegsbakteriologische Betracht- ungen in ihrer Beziehung zur Bekampfung der Kriegsseuchen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 149-152. Nocht. Die Bekampfung der Kriegsseuchen im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2077; 2119. Bauch (R.) Seuchenerfahrungen und Seuch- entherapie im Feldzuge 1914. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1912. Razous (P.) Ba prophylaxie des dpidOnies en temps de guerre. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 335-338. Reisinger (G.) Zur Epidemiologie der Kriegs- seuchen. Flecktyphus, Blattern, Cholera, Ruckfalltyphus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 69-72. Richter. Die Bekampfung der Kriegsseuchen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 342-346. Also: Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 3-5. Rosenfeld (F.) Ueber Kriegsseuchen. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Bandesver., Stuttg., 1914, Ixxxiv, 689; 701. Rosenthal (F.) Zur Seuchenprophylaxe. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2019. Schmid (M.) Die Bekampfung der Kriegs- seuchen im Hinterlande, insbesondere in der Stadt Klagenfurt. Aerztl. Standesztg. [etc.], Wien u. Beipz., 1915, xix, 27-29. Schmidt (P.) Ueber die Verhiitung und Be- kiimpfung von Kriegsseuchen. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Beipz., 1914, xxxv, 937-945. Siccardi (P. D.) Sindromi emorragiche ad in- sorgenza epidemica tra le truppe operand. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 1605- 1609. Bacillus Carriers. Broers (0. W.) Het onderzoek naar bacilleu- dragers. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 242-250. Carrieu. Les bacillaires dans 1’ arm6e. Montpel. m£d., 1916, n. s., xxxix, 311-315. Hort (E. O.) The carrier problem at home in time of war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 892- 895. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 515-524. Epidemics. Prinzing (Frederick). Epidemics resulting from wars. N. Y., 1916, Oxford Univ., 4°. Welter (Friedrich). Die Entstehungsursachen der Kriegsseuchen, ihre Verhiitung und Be- kampfung auf Grund der Kriegserfahrungen von 1870-71. Ein epidemiologischer Kom- mentar zu dem Kriegssanitatsbericht iiber “ Typhbse Erkrankungen und Ruhr bei den deutschen Heeren 1870-71 ” unter Beriick- sichtigung der Seuchenbewegung in den Krieg- en des 19. Jahrhunderts. Miinchen, 1914, J. F. Behmann, 233 p., fol. Aronson (H.) Bakteriologische Erfahruugen iiber Kriegsseuchen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1281; 1318. Aust. Seuchenschutz im Kriege. Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg., Berl., 1915, xxi, 13-17. Bertarelli (E.) Le epidemic della guerra. Morgagni, Milano, 1915, Ivii, pt. 2, 17-24. Also: Riv. d’ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1915, xxvi, 105-113. Bonjean (E.) Repression de la publicite trom- peuse et des produits concernant les maladies gpidemiques et transmissibles. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1225-1235. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, No. 276, suppl., p. 111. Bradenburg (K.) Seuchengefahr im Biwak und in der Ortsunterkunft. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1444. Copeman (S. M.) The prevention and arrest of certain epidemic diseases in war time. J. State Med., Bond., 1917, xxv, 103-116. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, ciii, 228-231. Current epidemics in the Central Empires. Ban- cet, Bond., 1917, ii, 464. Daniels (C. W.) Epidemic disease in war time. Ibid., 1914, ii, 916. Denete. Seuchenbekampfung im Kriege. Ztschr f. Med.-Beamte, Berl., 1915, xxviii, 537-552, 1 ch. Diinner (B.) Ueber die Kriegsseuchen. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1914, Iv, 409-420. am Ende (P.) Wie schiitzen sich die Gemeinden gegen Kriegsseuchen? Deutsche med. Presse, Berl., 1914, xviii, 169-172. . Fiirsorge der Gemeinden gegen Seuchen im Kriege. Hygiene, Berl., 1914, iv, 253-256. Also: Hyg. Rundschau, Berl., 1914, xxiv, 1113-1118. Also: Zentralbl. f. innere Med., , Beipz., 1915, xxxvi, 293-298. Etienne (G.) Une epidemic militaire de myg- lites aigues. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 153-155. Fliigge (C.) Desinfektion bei Kriegsseuchen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 713- 718. Friedentlial (H.) Kriegsseuchenbekampfung durch klinische antiseptische Massnahmeu. Berl, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1937. Military Medicine 59 Sinnhuber (F.) Die Bekampfung der Kriegs- seuchen durch Schutzimpfung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 637-640. Stein (W.) Krieg und Seuchengefahr. Med. Reform, Berk, 1914, xx, 317. Sticker (G.) Typhus und Ruhr als Feld- und Bagerseuchen. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen- Hyg., Beipz., 1915, xix, 129-136. Tersluys (J.) Ueber die Yerbreitung von Seuchen durch Insekten im Kriege. Kor-81. d. allg. arztk Ver. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1915, xliv, 107-112. Waldemar. Kriegsseuchen und ihre Bekampf- ung. Hygiene, Berk, 1914, iv, 256-260. Walko (K.) Weiterer Beitrag zu den Mischin- fekjtionen mit epidemischen Krankheiten im Kriege. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 215- von Wassermann (A.) Ueber Seuchenbe- kampfung im Kriege. Ztschr. f. arztk Fort- bild., Jena, 1914, xi, 532-541. neichselbaum (A.) Vortrage iiber Epidemi- ologic, Aetiologie und Prophylaxe der Seuchen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berk, 1914, xxi, 1001-1006. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixiv, 2179-2187. bei der Truppe von J. Moldovan. Wiirzb., 1915, 37 p., B°. Blake (G. A.) Probable causes of fever in the Waziristan Field Force. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 393, 1 ch. Blum (P.) & Voisin (R.) La fievre des armees en campagne. Fievre de surmenage et de toxi- infection alimentaire. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxviii, 257 : 327. Chambers (G.) Continued fevers of obscure origin occurring among the soldiers of the British forces in Greece. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvii, 627-635. Drake-Brockman (R. E.) On an epidemic of African tic fever among the troops in British Somaliland. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Bond., 1914-15, viii, 201-211. Byke (S. C.) Fifty cases of pyrexia occurring among men at the front. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1916, xxii, 17-19. Hill (R. A. P.) Diagnosis of fevers among the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 504-506. Hort (E. C.) Fever and war. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 815. Jochmann. Fleckfieber und Riickfallfieber als Kriegsseuchen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild, Jena, 1915, xii, 8-12. Landmann (G.) Ueber das gehiiufte Auftreten einer ins Gebiet der sogen. Febris ephemera gehorigen Krankheit bei den Truppen des Ostheeres. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 835. Lunkevich (M. V.) [Role of parasitic insects in the etiology of typhus and relapsing fevers, and measures of struggle with them in the army.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 259-272. McWalter (J. C.) A note on Salonika fever. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1916, cii, 122. Moorhead (T. G.) Fevers amongst the troops V^Egypt- Tr- Roy- Acad- M- Ireland, Dubk, 1917, xxxv, 119-141. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1917, cxliv, 1-21. Nicolle (C.) & Conseil (E.) Necessity de mesures 9. prendre pour preserver nos armees en campagne du typhus exanthematique et du typhus recurrent. Bulk Acad, de med.. Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 37-39. Pietroforte (V.) Un’epidemia di febbricola in- termittente tropicale (low intermittent non- malarial fever degli Inglesi) nell’ equipaggio della R. nave Piemonte di stazione nel Mar Rosso. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 5—26. Preventive Inoculation. See, also, Cholera; Preventive Inoculation Against Typhoid Fever. Bujwid (O.) Die Erzeugung der Impfstoffe und Massenimpfungen in Krakau gegen Chol- era und Typhus in der Zeit des Krieges 1914- 15. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915., xi, 1421-1423. Castellani (A.) Enteric and cholera inocula- tions with mixed vaccine. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 814. ; . Further researches on combined vac- cines. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Bond., 1914, xvii, 325-333. . Combined vaccinations. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 406-416. Castellani (A.) & Mendelson (R. W.) Note on the tetravaccine: typhoid, paratyphoid A, paratyphoid B and cholera. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 711-713. ,f . II tetravaccino: tifoide + paratifoide A + paratifoide B + colera im- piegato nelle truppe serbe. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 289-294. Hon} (I.) [lmmunization against the epidemic diseases of the war.] Casop. lek. desk., v Praze, 1915, liv, 585; 617; 654. Biidke (H.) Ueber die Schutzimpfung bei Kriegsseuchen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1611-1614. Note de 1’ Administration sanitaire d’ Italic sur les revaccinations antityphoidiques et anti- choleriques. Bulk de 1’ Office internal, d’ hyg. pub., Par., 1917, ix, 433-439. Porcelli-Titone (F.) Sul valore immunizzante del tetravaccino Castellani: tifo+paratifo A + paratifo B+colera. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 421-424. Preventive immunization in the war. Mulford Dig., Phila., 1915-16, iii, 1-5. Wayson (N. E.) Prophylactic use of vaccines in the great war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 267-274. Febbre quintana alia fronte tedesco-francese. Gazz d osp., Miiano, 1917, xxxviii, 857-859. Pari (G. A.) Febbre quintana o volinica. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 849. Scheube (E.) Zwei Falle von Fiinftagefieber Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1712* Thornier (W.) Zur Kenntnis des Fiinftage- nebers. (Febris quintana, Febris wolhynica ) IMd., 1775. Five-Day Fever [Volhynian]. Anthrax. Couteaud & Maille. Septicemie charbonneuse par plaie de guerre. Gaz. med. de Par 1915 Ixxxvi, 14. ’ Richter (P.) Der Milzbrand als Kriegsseuche Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1884-1886 Roger (H.) Quelques cas de charbon aux arnffies consdcutifs au port de chapes en peau de mouton. Marseille med.. 1916-17 liii 459; 481. ’ ’ mi’ Anomalous Fevers. See, also, Rat-Bite Fever; Trench Fever. Brauer (L.) Die Erkennung und Verhiitung des Flektyphus und Riickfallfiebers. Nebst Vorschriften zur Bekampfung der Lauseplage 60 Index Medicus [War Supp. Dellerm (Jacques-fimile). Relation sur quelques cas de meningite cerebrospinale epidemique. Bordeaux, 1916, 58 p., B°, * No. 54. Foster (Michael) & Gaskell (J. F.) Cerebro- spinal fever. Cambridge, 1916, University Press, 232 p., B°. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Memorandum on cerebro-spinal fever. Lond., 1915, 4 p., fol. . Reports on cerebro-spinal fever. Lond., 1916, H. M. Stationery Off., 183 p„ B°. Rep. Loc. Gov. Bd. Pub. Health, No. 110. Great Britain National Health Insurance Joint Committee. Report of the special advisory committee upon bacteriological studies of cere- brospinal fever during the epidemic of 1915. Lond., 1916 (Govt. Print.), 64 p., B°. . Medical Research Committee. Bacte- riological studies in the pathology and preven- tive control of cerebro-spinal fever among the forces during 1915 and 1916. Lond., 1917, His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 111 p., B°. - War Office. Memorandum on cerebro- spinal fever among troops. (Lond., 1917), 4 p., 4°. Cerebrospinal Meningitis. nosis and control. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 504-515. Dopter. La meningite cerebro-spinale dans la zone des armees, pendant la guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1918, 3. s., Ixxix, 169-171. Dunham (E. K.) Report on meningitis “car- riers ” and “ contacts ” at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, June 4 to 11, 1917. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 648. Epidemic meningitis and the army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1554. Flack (M.) Report on cerebro-spinal fever in the London District, December, 1915, to July, 1916. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 113-145. Gordon (M. H.) Preliminary observations on disinfection of the nasopharynx of meningo- coccus carriers by means of air saturated with a solution of disinfectant. Ibid., 1916, xxvii, 92-96. Gore (T. L.) & Keilty (R. A.) Epidemic cere- brospinal meningitis; report of the first case at the Concentration Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 643- 646. Gradenigo (G.) Sui caratteri della sorditl da meningite cerebro-spinale epidemica nei riguardi della medicina militare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1915, 4. s., xxi, 348- 353. Greenwood (M.) The outbreak of cerebrospinal fever at Salisbury in 1914-15. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Epidemiol., 44-60. Grober. Genickstarre in einer benachbarten Armee. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1024. Higgins (T. S.) Cerebro-spinal fever, an an- alysis of the St. Pancras cases in the epi- demic of 1915. Pub. Health, Lond., 1916, xxix, 193-197. Jochmann. Uebertragbare Genickstarre als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 759-766. Nesbitt (G. E.) Remarks on the recent out- break of cerebro-spinal meningitis in the Dub- lin military district. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ire- land, Dubl., 1915, xxxiii, 408-417. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1915, cxxxix, 321-329. . A note on the distribution of cases of cerebrospinal fever in a military camp. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl., 1916, xxxiv, 221-223. Also: Dublin J. M. Sc., 1916, 3. s., cxli, 318-320. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, clii, 469. Neveu-Lemaire. Observations relatives aux cas de meningite cerdbro-spinal meningocoques, traitds a 1’ hopital civil militarist de Dun- kerque a Rosendael (Nord) pendant 1’ annte 1915. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 536-538. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 445-447. Nobecourt (P.) & Peyre. Les meningites ctrt- bro-spinales tpidemiques observees dans le service des contagieux de F en 1915- 1916. Bull, et mtm. Soc. mtd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl. 2135-2142. Osier (Sir W.) Remarks on cerebro-spinal fever in camps and barracks. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915. i, 189. Osier (Sir W.), Rolleston (H. D.) [et al.] Treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 1-18. Presslie (A.) & Lindsay (W. E.) On the cases of cerebro-spinal fever treated at the isolation camp casualty clearing station. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1916, ix, 437-441. Reece (R. J.) Notes on the prevalence of cere- brospinal fever among the civil population of England and Wales during the last four months of the year 1914 and the first six Bassett-Smith (P. W.), Lynch (G. R.) & Mangham (S.) An investigation of the car- rier problem in the prevention of cerebro- spinal fever, with results of examination of over 11,000 non-contacts (December, 1916, to July, 1917). J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond.. 1917, iii, 428-438. Boigey, Courcoux & Galluchon. Notes sur les mdningites cerebrospinales soignees pendant une periode de vingt mois dans 1’ ambulance de contagieux de F Bull, et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1917, 2296- 2303. Brown (W. S.) Some observations on cerebro- spinal fever in the military camps and country hospitals of New South Wales, Med. J. Aus- tralia, Sydney, 1916, ii, 487-489. Capitan. Quelques remarques sur les cas de meningite cerebro-spinale observes dans le service des contagieux de 1’ hopital militaire Bdgin. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 489-497. Cerebrospinal meningitis and mobilization. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 197. Chalmers (A. J.) & O’Farrell (W. R.) Pre- liminary remarks upon epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis as seen in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond., 1915-16, xix, 101; 117, 2 pi. Champtaloup (S. T.) Meningococcal carriers : observations on the incidence of carriers in the military and civil population, Otago, N. Z., during August and September, 1915. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 279-281. Champtaloup (S. T.) & Bowie (J. T.) Cerebro- spinal meningitis at Trentham Military Camp. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1915, xiv, 169-177. Colebrook (L.) & Tanner (H. H.) Meningo- coccus carriers. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 76-88. Compton (A.) Report on cerebrospinal menin- gitis occurring in the Dorset military area (extending from Christchurch to Taunton) during the period March to July, 1915. Ibid., 1915, xxv, 546-570. Crossonini (E.) Sulla diagnosi batteriologica della meningite cerebrospinale fra le truppe combattenti. Igiene mod., Genova, 1917, x, 231-239. Camming (H. S.) The present status of cere- brospinal fever with special reference to diag-1 Military Medicine 61 months of the year 1915; together with a short account of the appearance of the disease and of its distribution among troops in the British Isles during the same period and of the mili- tary administrative measure adopted to deal with prevalence of the disease. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxiv, 555-568. Holleston (H. D.) Report on cerebro-spinal fever in the Royal Navy (August, 1914- August, 1915). J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 373-407. ■ . Cases of cerebrospinal fever in the Royal Navy ; August 1, 1915, to July 31, 1916. Ibid., 1917, iii, 1-18. Also: Lancet, Bond., 1917, i, 54-57. —y . The treatment of cerebro-spinal fever in the Royal Navy. Lancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 909. Sacqnepee, Burnet & Weissenbach. Remarques sur les meningites aigues chez les troupes en campagne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 103-105. linaclie (L.) M6ningite cerebro-spinale par contagion d’ un militaire, Rev. gdn. de clin. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 384. Wilson (W. J.), Puree (R. B.) & Darling (G.) Certain points observed with regard to cerebro- spinal fever in the Belfast military district. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 900-904. Karaifa-Korbutt (K. V.) & Opochinski (K. K.) [Freeing potable water from the cholera vibrio under war-time conditions.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, 96-107. Kaupp (J.) Ueber den Wert der Cholera- schutzimpfung im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 376-380. Lentz. Die Cholera als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 753-759. Levi della Vida (M.) Aleune osservazioni di profilassi anticolerica in un ospedale militare contumaciale. Ann. d’ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 631-641. Neumann (R. O.) Ueber die Cholerabekampf- ung in Rumiinien. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen u. Berl., 1915, Ixxxiv, 1-53, 3 pi. Ottolenghi (D.) La preparazione del vaccino anticolerico per le truppe. Igiene mod., Genova, 1915, viii, 323-332. Petrovitch. Sur les bons effets de la bactdrio- thdrapie spdcifique dans le choldra, au cours de la campagne de Serbie. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 185-188. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 70. Rosenthal (W.) & Werz (E.) Vibrionentriiger im deutschen Heere. Miinchen. med. Wchu- schr., 1915, Ixii, 382-384. Russ (V. K.) Die Cholera am siidlichen Kriegs- schauplatze. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 605-632. Simpson (W. J. R.) War and cholera. Lan- cet, Lond., 1915, i, 741-746. Verdelet (L.) Sur la vaccination anticho- Idrique 9, la 7® section des ehemins de fer de campagne. J. de mdd. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 155. Weisskopf (A.) Ueber eine Choleraepidemie in M. im Dezember 1914 bis Januar 1915. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 385. Cholera. Adler (O.) Die Behandlung der Cholera asia- tica im Felde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 123-128. Charles {Sir R. H.) The war and cholera. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Bond., 1914—15, viii, 139-165. Hetre (L.) Ueber die Bekiimpfung der Cho- leraepidemie im provisorischen Kriegsgefang- enenlager zu K.-s. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., _ 1915, xxviii, 1097. di Donna (A.) Oontributo alia diagnosi bat- teriologica del colera e alia organizzazione del servizio in guerra. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1917, xx, 7-11. Copter (C.) La prevention du cholera par les vaccinations antichoMriques; les maladies in- fectieuses dans 1’ armee. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 169-173. Also: [Abstr.] : Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 264. . Prophylaxie du cholera dans les armees en campagne. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 197-199. Epstein (E.) Vorschlage auf Grund bakteri- ologischer Erfahrungen anlasslich der Ohole- rafalle in Wien im Herbste 1914. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 918-925. Olas (E.) Cholera im Frontbereiche. Einige Randglossen zur Prophylaxe. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 46-50. Hartoch (O.) Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Stand der Prophylaxis und der Behandlung der Cholera mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Verhaltnisse im Kriege. Therap. Monatsh., , Berl., 1914, xxviii, 737-748. Hibbert (J. C.) Cholera belts. Lancet, Bond., 1914, ii, 872. Hoffmann. Schutz des Heeres gegen Cholera. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 695. Hoffmann (W.) Schutz des Heeres gegen Cholera. Yerhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1916, 17-49. Honl (I.) & Semerad (J.) Cholera in the army. Bek. rozhledy, Praha, 1914, xxi, 593-600. Izar (G.) Sui diversi vaccini anticolerici in uso nell’ esercito. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1917, Ixxi, 96-102. Armand-Delille. Note sur les principaux carac- teres de la dengue mediterraneenne, observde aux Dardanelles et en Macedoine. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hOp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1709-1714. Sarrailhe (A.), Armand-Delille (P.) & Richet fils (C.) Note sur T dpiddmie de fievre de trois jours (dengue d’ Orient) observde aux Dardanelles sur les troupes du corps expddi- tionnaire d’ Orient. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 317-322. Also: Rev. d’ hyg.. Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1007-1012. Dengue. See, also, Diphtheritic Infection (Page 136). Letinois. La diphterie propagee par les mili- taires. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 815. McMillan (J. F.) Diphtheria in Serbia. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 349. Martial (R.) Etude d’ une epidemic importante de porteurs de germes de diphterie. Evolu- tion, prophylaxie, consequences au point de vue militaire. Rev. de hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 1007-1023. Nobecourt (B.) & Peyre (E.) Angines diph- teriques ehez les soldats du front. Bull, et mem. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 538-545. Orticoni (A.) La diphterie et la sdrotherapie antidiphterique chez les troupes en campagne IMd., 1916, 3. s., xl, 328-336. Also: Arch! de m§d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi. 526. Zingher (A.) The interpretation of the Schick reaction in recruits for the National Armv Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 878. Diphtheria. 62 Index Medicus [War Supp. Dysentery. Foucar (F. H.) Bacillary dysentery, recent epidemic at Fort Shatter, H. T., from the laboratory aspect. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 534-538. Fuchs (A.) & Bouchet (H.) Une petite Epi- dEmie d’ amibiase sur le front. Presse mEd., Par., 1917, xxv, 455. Gahhi (U.) Dissenteria amebica, note epi- demiologiche, cliniche e profilattiche. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, xxii, Suppl., 1-24, 1 pi. _ Gasbarrini (A.) Diarrea dissenteriforme e dis- senteria negli eserciti. Morgagni, Milano, 1917, lix, pt. 2, 657-665. Gunson (E. B.) Cardiac symptoms following dysentery among soldiers. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 146. Izar (G.) Diarrea e dissenteria nelle armate in campagne con speciale riguardo alia terapia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 1257-1265. Jepps (Margaret W.) & Meakins (J. C.) De- tection and treatment with emetine bismuth iodide of amoebic dysentery carriers among cases of irritable heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 645-648. Koch (J.) Zur Epidemiologic und Bekampfung der Ruhrerkrankungen im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 183-188. Laubry (C.) & Marre (B.) Syndrome enter- itiques chroniques et aptitude militaire. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 537-539. Ledingham (J. C. G.) & Wenyon (O. M.) Dysentery at Gallipoli. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 29. Lentz. Ueber Dysenterie als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 722- 727. Leroy (E.) Le traitement de la dysenterie de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de thErap., Par., 1916, xxx, 777-779. Lesieur (C.), Pellagot (F.) & Jacquet (P.) Sur une epidemic de dysenterie bacillaire (epidemic de camp). Arch, de med. et phann. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 903—910. Loygue (G.) & Haguenau (J.) Sur une Epi- demic de dysenterie bacillaire observee dans la region de la Somme. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 421-424. MacAdam (W.) & Keelan (R.) The problem of the amoebic dysentery carrier in India and Mesopotamia; an investigation based on the protozoological findings in the stools of over 2000 men chiefly of the Mesopotamian field force. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta, 1917- 18, v, 239-272, 1 table. McCulloch (C. C.) The prevention of dysentery in army camps. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1918, xciii, 487-491. Magner (W.) Dysentery at Gallipoli. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 539. Marek (V.) [Dysentery in the army.] LEk. rozhledy, Praha, 1914, xxi, 600-604. Mattel (O.) Syndromes choleriformes et in- suffisance rEnale dans la dysenterie amibienne chez les soldats en campagne. Bull, et mem. Soc. mEd. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 366- 377. Mouriquand (G.) & Deglos. L’avenir militaire des dysentEriques; les functions digestives chez les dysentEriques bacillaires et amibiens; troubles immEdiats et tardifs. Ibid., 22-29. Nobecourt (P.) Dysenteries bacillaires et diar- rhEes chez des prisonniers de guerre. Ibid., 764-769. Payan & Richet (C.) Un cas de dysenterie balantidienne observE en France. Ibid., 96 103. Also; Marseille mEd., 1917, n. s., 300- 309. Balfour (Andrew). Notes on the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. [Bond., 1916], 8 p., 12°. Erfahrungen liber die Ruhr bei den deutschen Truppen (Beratungen des Warschauer Kon- gresses). Berliner Tageblatt, May 12, 1916. Great Britain. National Health Insurance Joint Committee. Medical Research Com- mittee. Reports upon investigations in the United Kingdom of dysentery cases received from the Eastern Mediterranean. 4 v., Bond., 1917, H. M. Stationery Off., B°. . War Office. Memorandum on treat- ment of amoebic dysentery carriers. Bond., 1917, 2 p., 4°. Aubert (P.) Amibiase a F armEe d’Orient. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 611-629. Bahr (P.) Dysentery at Gallipoli. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 401. Balfour (A.) Notes on the treatment of diar- rhoea and dysentery issued by the advisory committee for the prevention of epidemic dis- eases in the Mediterranean expeditionary force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxv, 473-481. Barratt (J. O. W.) A search for dysentery carriers among soldiers coming from Gallipoli and Egypt. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 617- 619. Bartlett (G. B.) Pathology of dysentery in the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915. Quart. J. Med., Oxford, 1916-17, x, 185-244, 9 pi. Bertillon (G.) Une EpidEmie de dysenterie hemorragique dans un escadron de dragons. Ann, de F Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1916, xxx, 141- 144. Bonnel (F.), Joltrain (E.) & Taufiieb (R.) A propos d’ une petite epidemic de dysenterie bacillaire observee dans la zone des armies pendant F EtE 1915. Bull, et mem. Soc. mEd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 589-599. Broscli. Ueber die Kriegsbrauchbarkeit einer neuen Methode der Ruhrbehandlung. Wien, med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 633-635. Collin (B.) Notes sur une Epidemic de dysen- teric dans un cantonnement de la Somme (septembre 1916). Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 442-445. Craig (C. F.) The occurrence of endamebic dysentery in the troops serving in the El Paso District from July, 1916, to December, 1916. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., D. C., 1917, xl, 286; 423. Delille (A.), Paisseau & Bemaire. Note sur une Epidemic de dysenterie bacillaire h F armEe d’ Orient. Bull, et mem. Soc. mEd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1302-1308. Dopter (C.) Ba dysenterie bacillaire dans les armies en campagne. Paris med., 1913-14-15, xv, 510-512. Falta (W.) & Kohn (Harriette). Zur Frage der Yariabilitat von Dyseuteriestammen der galizisch-russischen Epidemic (Herbst 1914). Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 583-589. Fiessinger (N.) & Beroy (E.) Contribution a F etude d’ une EpidEmie de dysenterie dans la Somme (juillet-octobre 1916). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2030- 2069. Fletcher (W.) Report upon the bacteriological examination of one thousand soldiers conva- lescent from diseases of the dysentery and enteric group. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxix, 545; 1918, xxx, 51. Military Medicine 63 Plehn (A.) Zur Behandlung der akuten (dysen- terischen) Darmentziindungen im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1707. Havant (P.) & Krolunitsky (G.) Les 6tats dysentfiriformes et les dysenteries au cours de la guerre. Rev. gen. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, i, 101-122. Hemlinger (P.) & Dumas (J.) Sur une 4pi- demie de dysenterie bacillaire observes dans 1’ Argonne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 254-257. , . La dysenterie de F Argonne ; 6tude bacteriologique. Ann. de F Inst. Pas- teur, Par., 1915, xxix, 498-519. Hudis-Jicinsky (J.) Dysentery in Serbia. N. York M. J., 1916, civ, 495-497. Humpel (T.) Die Dysenterieerkrankungen der Kriegsverwundeten im allgemeinen Kranken- haus Barmbeck. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 180-182. Also: Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz., 1915, xl, 186-188. Sacqu6pee, Brunet & Weissenbach. Bact£ri- ologie des cas de dysenterie et de diarrhge observes dans la IVe arm£e. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 521. Schlesinger (H.) Dysenterische Polyneuritis bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 383-385. Schmidt (A.) Prophylaxe und Therapie der Ruhr im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1917. Seligmann (E.) Zur Bakteriologie der Ruhr im Kriege. Hid., 1915, Ixii, 1768: 1916, Ixiii, 68. Miinzker (F.) Abortivbehandlung von Wund- uud Gesicbtsrotlauf. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 457. Erysipelas. Influenza. Gratzer (A.) Ueber eine Erkrankung _ des Schiitzengrabens. [lnfluenza polonica.] Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 295. Hoffmann (W.) Ueber eine Influenzaepidemie bei einem Infanteriebataillon im Engadin. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 366-372. Leprosy. Bowie (J. T.) A case of leprosy in a trooper of the Ist (N. Z.) expeditionary force (ex Samoa). N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1916, xv, 41-44. Blaschko (A.) Kann uns die Lepra in den russischen Ostseeprovinzen gefahrlich werden? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 676. Delepine (S.) Case of suspected leprosy at the prisoners of war camp, Handforth. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 576-579. Jeanselme (E.) Note sur la frequence de la lepre parmi les recrues coloniales. Bulk Soc. path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 685^687. Jol train. Lepre 1 forme mixte chez un tirail- leur senggalais. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 459. Soldin (M.) Zur Klinik der Kriegsruhr. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 62-65. . Zur Behandlung der Kriegsruhr. Therap. Monatsh., Berk, 1915, xxix, 145-147. Symonds (C. P.) Some diseases which have become common among soldiers in this country. I.' Amoebiasis. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxx, 407-AlO. Thomson (D.) & Mackie (T. J.) Clinical and laboratory researches on dysentery in Egypt, with some remarks on sanitation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 403- 426. Thomson (D.) & Thomson (J. G.) Proto- zoological researches, including investigations of the sand in Egypt, undertaken to elucidate the mode of spread of amoebic dysentery and the flagellate diarrhoeas: with conclusions re- garding the sanitary measures necessary to prevent these diseases. Hid., 1916, xxvu, 1— 30, 4 pk Tribondeau & Fichet. R6sultats de F analyse bacteriologique des selles dans 217 _ cas de dysenterie provenant du corps expdditionnaire d’Orient (C. E. O.). Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 317. , . Note sur les dysenteries des Dardanelles. Ann. de F Inst. Pasteur, Par., Muir (J. R.) An outbreak of measles in H. M. S. “ Tiger.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 118-120. Munson (E. L.) An epidemiological study of an outbreak of measles, Camp Wilson, San An- tonio, Texas. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 666; xli, 63, 2 ch.; 257, 8 ch. Riggs (C. E.) Observations upon the epidemi- ology of an outbreak of measles at the Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1915, ix, 547-556. Measles. Parotitis. de Massary (E.) & Tockmann. Statistique por- tant sur 243 militaires atteintes d’ oreillons, soign6s h F hopital Andral; frequence des orchites et des reactions meningges. Bulk et m6m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1035-1040. Moser (H.) & Arnstein (A.) An der Front angestellte Beobachtungen liber das endem- ische Auftreten von Mumps bei alteren Soldaten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr,, 1915, xxviii, 648. Moszkowicz (L.) Beobachtung einer sympath- ischen Parotitis nach Schussverletzung. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 125-127. Weigert. Epidemic d’ oreillons au 13e regiment de chasseurs h cheval, de fevrier h juin 1915. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 165. 1916, xxx, 357-362. Yan Poole (G. M.) An epidemic of dysentery at Fort Shatter, Hawaii, with three cases of the Hiss-Russell or “ Y ” bacillus infection. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 525—530. Wenyon (C. M.) & O’Connor (F. W.) An in- quiry into some problems affecting the spread and incidence of intestinal protozoal infections of British troops and natives in Egypt, with special reference to the carrier question, diag- nosis and treatment of amoebic dysentery, and au account of three new human intestinal pro- tozoa. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 1; 34; 151; 346, Ipk ; 461; 557 ; 686. Plague. Neufeld. Die Pest als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 12-20. Yarovoi (K. I.) [Plague epidemic in the Cau- casus and measures for its rapid suppression.] Yestnik Obshtsh. Yet., Petrogr., 1915, xxvii, 238-244. 64 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Jeandeau (P.-A.-D.) Contribution k V etude de la pneumonie chez le tirailleur senegalais. Bordeaux, 1916, 46 p., B°, * No. 51. Templier (Henri-Btienne). Observations eti- ologiques, cliniques, pronostiques et therapeu- tiques sur la pneumonie des noirs de 1’ Afrique occidentale frangaise au camp du corneau. Bordeaux, 1917, 42 p., B°, * No. 31. Yieron (Bucien-Beon-Marie-Stephan). Quelques reflexions sur la pneumonie des troupes noires et son traitement. Bordeaux, 1917, 35 p., B°, * No. 15. Pneumonia. Byers (J. R.) Fighting tuberculosis. Ottawa, 1916, Mil. Hosp. Comm., 24 p., 12°. Palmer (George Thomas). The tuberculosis war problem. Chicago, 1917, Illinois Tuberc. Ass., 12 p., B°. Steinberg (Sarah). Quelques cas de tubercu- lose de guerre a evolution rapide, Montpel- lier, 1916, B°, * No. 4. Tuberculosis. Acland (T. D.), Moore (Sir J.) [et al.] The tuberculosis movement under war and after war conditions. Brit. J. Tuberc., Lond., 1917, xi, 1-12. Aldersholl (H.) Over den invloed van den oorlog op de tuberculose. Mil.-geneesk. Tijd- schr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 134-145. Allbutt (Sir C.), Boobyer (P.) [et al.] Sym- posium : Tuberculosis among combatants and war-workers. Brit. J. Tuberc., Lond., 1917, xi, 42-50. Arsuffi (F.) Come in Francia sono assistiti i militari riformati per tuberculosi. Attualitil med., Milano, 1916, v, 434-439. Baldwin (E. R.) Latent tuberculosis: its im- portance in military preparation. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 410-418. Barber (G. H.) The early diagnosis of tuber- culosis as it relates to the service and to the naval hospital at Las Animas, Colo. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 9-19. Benjamin (P. L.) Tuberculosis and the war. Journal-Lancet, Minneap., 1917, xxxvii, 442. Bernard (L.) L’assistance aux anciens mili- taires tuberculeux; comite central; comites departementaux. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 268- 272. Bernard (L.) & Mantoux (C.) Traumatismes de guerre et tuberculose pulmonaire. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s.. xli, 683-688. Bernstein (A.) A note on tuberculous soldiers. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1917, xv, 46. Biggs (H. M.) Tuberculosis in Prance. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1917, vii, 606-611. . A war tuberculosis program for the nation. Am. Rev. Tuberc., Balt., 1917, i, 257- 266. Bliimel. Die Fehldiagnose Lungentuberkulose bei Beurteilung der Felddienstfahigkeit. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 884. Boudreau (L.) Tuberculose de guerre et ... . iode. J. de nffid. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 129-132. Bourgeois (L.) La guerre et la lutte antituber- culeuse. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 241. Bourgeois (L.) & Letulle. Pour les militaires tuberculeux Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 577-611. Brion (A.) Lungentuberkulose und Krieg. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1915, xii, 54-60. Brown (P. K.) Tuberculosis in the army. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 134. Burnand (R.) Phtisie caseeuse guerie par un pneumothorax artificiel; neuf mois de service dans un bataillon alpin ; blessures; trepana- tion ; pas de pulmonaire. Paris med., 1916- xxi, 168-170. Bushnell (G. E.) Examination of troops for tuberculosis. Boston M. &S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 236. . , . The diagnosis of tuberculosis in the military service. Am. Rev. of Tuberc., Balt., 1917- i, 325-352. Also: Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 620-644. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 971-981. ■. What constitutes a diagnosis of tuber- culosis sufficient for rejection from the army? J. Outdoor Life, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 361-363. Arneth. Beobachtungen bei krupposer Pneu- monic im Felde; Influenzapneumonieen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berk, 1915, Ixxxii, 27- 60. Carnot &de Kerdrek Sur une epidemic de pneu- mococcies observee chez des annamites. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 935-947. Comnies (C.) Traitement de la pneumonic chez les tirailleurs annamites par les injections in- tra-veineuses d’ or colloidal. Bulk Soc. de path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 275-282. Koelensmid (A. J. A.) De croupeuze pneu- monic bij soldaten. Mil-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 261-268. Nichols (H. J.) The lobar pneumonia problem in the army from the viewpont of the recent differentiation of types of pneumococci. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 149-161. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 219-223. Kosenthal (F.) Zur Behandlung der fibrinosen Pneumonie im Felde im Friihstadium. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1915, Ivi, 181-187. Scarlatina. Bamond (F.) & Ohambos (G.) Ba scarlatine h la IVe armee : le rhumatisme et 1’ ictere scar- latins. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 529. Smallpox and Vaccination. Great Britain. War Ofiice. Memorandum on the diagnosis of small-pox. Bond., 1916, 3 p., 4°. Breger. Die Bedeutung des Impfgesetzes fiir den gegenwartigen Krieg. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1362-1364. Dage (R.) La vaccination antivariolique est utile surtout chez les soldats ages. Par., 1916, xvi, 20. Lindeman (F.) Militser revakcination. Norsk, Tidsskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristiania, 1915, xix, 21-23. Friedberger. Die Pocken als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 33- 44. Bajat. La vaccination et la r£vaccination anti- varioliques h Vichy en aoht-novembre 1914. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 77-80. Bemund. Bericht iiber den Verlauf der Militar- Impfungen anliisslich der Pockenfalle in der Kaserne Aarau. Zu Handen des eidgenbs- sischen Oberfeldarztes. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1914, xlii, 1508-1517. Tatarelli (L.) La pratica delle vaccinazioni neir esercito. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1460. Tetanus, See, Traumatic Tetanus suh voce Wound In- fection. Military Medicine 65 . Tuberculosis in the Army. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 933-938. Calot (F.) Les tuberculoses osseuses et articu- laires dans 1’ armtie; nficessite et moyens de les reconnaitre des le debut. Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 91-93. . Les tuberculoses externes de 1’ armee. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 561; 611. . Dix mille soldats ont des tuberculoses externes; comment ils sont soignes; com- ment ils devraient 1’ etre. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 161-169. Camescasse (J.) La tuberculose; faut de guerre. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 699-708. Cantani (A.) Sull’ impiego delle reazioni tuber- coliniche nei centri militari di accertamento diagnostico. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 868-876. Chauveau (A.) La misere physiologique et la tuberculose dans les armies en campagne. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 693-698. Crichton-Browne (Sir J.) Tuberculosis and war. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, 144—146. Crossley (L.) The phthisical soldier at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 576. Diagnosis (The) of tuberculosis in recruits. Boston M. &. S. J., 1917, olxxvii, 160. Delhenn & Kindberg (L.) Role et rgsultat de la radiologic dans le diagnostic de la tubercu- lose pulmonaire chez les soldats; le fonctionne- ment d’ un service de triage aux armees. J. de radiol. et d’ electrol., Par., 1916-17, ii, 572-577. Denechau. De la tuberculose pleuro-pulmonaire chez les soldats atteints de traumatisme thor- acique; quatre faits certains avec confirma- tion bacteriologique, quatre autres vraisem- blables non demontres bacteriologiquement; difficultes inherentes a ce diagnostic. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. de hsp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1284-1294. Dietl (K.) Zur Frage Krieg und Tuberkulose. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 915—917. Dublin (L. I.) & Jacobs (P. P.) Tuberculosis as a war problem. J. Outdoor Life, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 364-367. Dumarest (F.) & Yigng (A.) De F hospitalisa- tion temporaire et economique des tuberculeux de guerre. Paris m6d., 1916, xviii, 75—83. E flier. Der Krieg und die Tuberkulose. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 161-167. Elliott (J. H.) Lessons from Canada’s war experiences with tuberculosis. Am. Rev. Tuberc., Balt., 1917, i, 267-279. Ellis (H. A.) Tuberculosis and the war. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, i, 854. Fagiuoli (A.) La lotta contro la tubercolosi nell’ esercito durante la guerra. Tubercolosi, Pavia, 1916, viii, 59-66. . Tubercolosi in guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 438-442. . La profilassi antitubercolare in zona di guerra. Dati forniti dal reparto di osserva- zione della 111 Armata. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 883-891. Feistmantel (R. C.) & Kentzler (J.) Zur Frage der Unterbringung und Versorgung un- serer tuberkulosen Krieger. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 951. Pine (M. J.) The standard for exemption of tuberculous recruits from the National Army. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 988. Fishberg (M.) Tuberculosis and war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1791-1796. Franz (K.) Das Heer im allgemeinen Kampfe gegen die Tuberkulose. Errichtung hygien- ischer Wandermuseen fur einzelne Korps. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 257-262. G. La protection des militaires tuberculeux et de leurs enfants. Caducee, Par., 1917, xyii, 35. Gebbie (N.) The phthisical soldier at the front. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1915, i, 488. Gotzl (A.) Krieg und Tuberkulosebekampfung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 87. Goldscheider. Aufgaben und Probleme der in- neren Medizin im Kriege. [Lungentuberku- lose.] Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxy, 36-41. Granjux. Les militaires r6form6s No. 2 pour tuberculose et leurs enfants. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 859. . Protection des enfants des soldats r£- form6s pour tuberculose. Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 157-159. Grau (H.) Krieg und Lungentuberkulose. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 351- 366. Grenet (H.) Utility de la radioscopie pour la selection rapide des tuberculeux aux armies. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 84-86. Guinon (L.) Le medecin dans I’assistance aux tuberculeux reformes. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 41-44. Hamant (H.) A propos des militaires tubercu- leux. Rev. gen. de din. et de th6rap., Par., 1916, xxx, 311. Harries (E. H. R.) The problem of the tuber- culous soldier. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 939. Hartley (P. H. S.) Tuberculosis in its relation to the war. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, i, 254-264. Hauser. Tuberkulose und Militarversicherung. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 887-889. Helm. Piinf Tafeln fiber die Tuberkulose im deutschen Heere und in der deutschen Marine. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiii, 417-A2l. . Massnahmen der Heeresverwaltung auf dem Gebiete der Tuberkulosebekampfung wahrend des Krieges. 76id., xxiv, 1-6. Honnorat (A.) La tuberculose dans Farmge. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1914-15, xxxvi, 121- 125. Incidence (The) of tuberculosis among soldiers. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1266. J. La tuberculose de guerre ala Society medi- cale des hSpitaux. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 465-470. Jolly (C.) Sur I’hospitalisation des militaires tuberculeux. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 87-92. Kayserling (A.) Die Fiirsorge fur die vom Militar entlassenen Lungenkranken im Rah- men der Kriegsbeschadigtenfursorge. Deutsche med. Presse, Berk, 1915, xix, 77. Kerr (H.) The influence of war conditions upon the death rate from consumption. Med. Offi- cer, Lond., 1917, xviii, 145. Kirch (A.) Zur militararztlichen Beurteilung der Lungentuberkulose. Wien. klin. Wchn- sehr., 1916, xxix, 1189. Klebs (A. C.) Tuberculosis and military or- ganization. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 439-459. Also: Reprint. Knopf (S. A.) What the American soldier now fighting in France should know about tuber- culosis. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917, xxiv, 1069-1078. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 751-756. Also: Woman’s M. J., Cincin., 1917, xxvii, 233—239. . Constructive suggestions toward the control of tuberculosis in times of peace and in times of war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1181-1185. Kollarits (J.) Krieg und Tuberkulose. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1233. 66 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Kraemer (C.) Richtlinien der Kriegstuberku- losebehandlung. Ztscbr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 178-196. Kuss (G.) La guerre et la lutte antitubercu- leuse. Rev. sclent., Par., 1915, i, 228-241. L. (R.) Pour les officiers de complement tuber- culeux, Progres mid., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 89-91. Labbee (H.) L’ assistance et Education des tuberculeux de la guerre; les stations sani- taires du Ministere de 1’ intirieur. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 86^-92. Landouzy (L.) La guerre et la reforme du soldat tuberculeux. J. de med. et cbir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 495-499. Also: Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 209-226. . La guerre et la tuberculose. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 59-64. . La guerre et 1’ assistance aux blessis de la tuberculose. Rev. sclent., Par., 1916, liv, 1. sem., 97-109. Lanzenberg (A.) Des tuberculeux et de leur situation militaire. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 268-270. Laubry (C.) & Marre (L.) Sur I’aptitude au service militaire des tuberculeux pleuro-pulmo- naire. Paris med., 1917, xxiii, 62-66. Leon-Kindberg (M.) Quelques considerations sur le triage des tuberculeux aux armies. Marseille med., 1916-17, liii, 894-905. Lion-Kindberg (M.) & Delberm (A.) Sur le triage des tuberculeux aux armees. Presse mid., Par., 1917, xxv, 645-647. Leschke (E.) Die Tuberkulose im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 363- 366. Leslie (R, M.) Tuberculosis and the war. Brit. J. Tuberculosis, Lond., 1915, ix, 71-77. Leuret (E.) A propos des militaires tubercu- leux. J. de mid. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 161-163. Liebe (G.) Krieg und Tuberkulose. Tubercu- losis, Berk, 1915, xiv, 161-167. Also; Miin- chen, med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2429. . Die Tuberkulose der Kriegsgefang- enen. (Mit Nebenbemerkungen liber die Tuberkulose in unserem Heere.) Ztscbr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 367-370. . Eigene Truppenteile fur Tuberkulose und Sehwache. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1548. Link (R.) Einnahme von NaCl, ein Mittel zur Verminderung der Schweissbildung bei Phthisikern und auf Miirschen und zur Yer- hiitung von Magenstorungen bei Anstreng- ungen und Hitze. Ibid., 1915, Ixii, 1214. Lister (T. D.) The tuberculosis problem in war times. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 147; 169. Lopez (J. A.) El reconocimiento de conscriptos y la tuberculosis pulmonar. Semana mid., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 560-575. Lotz (O.) Tuberculosis and the draft examina- tions. Wisconsin M. J., Milwaukee, 1917- 18, xvi, 197-200. Macfle {J. D.) The phthisical soldier at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 620. McSweeny (E. S.) War and tuberculosis. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Orange, 1917, xiv, 457- 462. Maragliano (E.) Tubercolosi considerata pre- cisamente in rapporto alia medicina militare. Cron. d. din. med. di Genova, 1917, xxiii, 209-224. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1089-1095. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 559-572. . La diagnosi delle tubercolosi nei mili- tari. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 749- 752. Matson (R. C.) What we may learn from the French war-tuberculosis problem. Northwest Med., Seattle, 1917, xvi, 355-360. Mayer (A.) Tuberkulose und Krieg. Tubercu- losis, Berk, 1915, xiv, 215-224. . Die Bekampfung der Tuberkulose in Belgien. Ztscbr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 176. Mayer (L.) Organisation de 1’ assistance aux tuberculeux de 1’ armie reformes ou en in- stance de reforme. Rev. prat, d’ hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1916. xi, 50-56. Mears (Isabella). The phthisical soldier at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 785. Meissen (E.) Die Tuberkulose im franzdsischen Heere. Ztscbr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiii, 422-439. . Die Tuberkulose in der englischen Marine und Armee sowie in den englischen und franzdsischen Kolonien. Ibid., xxiv, 7-32. . Die Versorgung der Kriegstuberku- Idsen im schweizerischen Heer, nebst Bemerk- ungen iiber die Entstehung tuberkuldser Er- krankung. Ibid., 1916, xxvi, 249-263. Mendes (G.) Guerra e tubercolosi. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 587-591. Mesurenr. L’ isolement et le traitement des militaires reformes tuberculeux a Paris. Bulk Acad, de mid., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 768- 770. Minor (C. L.) The war in its effects upon the development of tuberculosis. South. M. J., Birmingham, Ala., 1918, xi, 25-29. Monckeberg (J. G.) Tuberkulosebefunde bei Obduktionen von Kombattanten. Ztscbr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 33-38. Morichau-Bean chant (R.) Les tuberculoses respiratoires et la guerre. Progres med.. Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 233-236. Mosny (E.) Le traumatisme et la tuberculose. Bulk et mim. Soc. mid. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1062-1081. Moussons (A.) Du rdle que pourrait jouer le service militaire dans la lutte antitubercu- leuse. Bulk et mim. Soc. de mid. et cbir. de Bordeaux (1915-16), 1917, 76-90. [Discus- sion] : 111—113. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mid. de Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 81; 91. Newsholme (A.) The relations of tuberculosis to war conditions, with remarks on some as- pects of the administrative control of tuber- culosis. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 591-595. Nobecourt (P.) & Peyre (E.) Des poussees evolutives de tuberculose chez les soldats du front. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hOp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1003-1009. , . Sur quelques formes cliniques de tuberculose chez les soldats du front. 1 bid 1917, 3. s., xli, 201-210. Oliver (Sir T.) The phthisical soldier at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 375. Organisation (L’) de la lutte centre la tubercu- lose en France pendant la guerre. Bulk de T Office internat. d’ hyg. pub., Par., 1917, ix. 1215-1226. Osier (Sir W.) The tuberculous soldier. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, ii, 220. Ott (C.) Assistance antituberculeuse dans les campagnes et services dipartementaux de disinfection. Rev. prat, d’ hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1917, xii, 194-206. Palmer (G. T.) Tuberculosis and war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 59. . The United States tuberculosis war problem. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 185- 187. Petrovitch. La tuberculose pulmonaire chez les refugies serbes en Prance. Bulk Acad, de mid., Par,, 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 649-653. Military Medicine. 67 Pijnappel (M. W.) Die Tuberkulose in der Niederliindischen Armee. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiii, 440. Babnow. Kommunale Fiirsorge fiir Tuberkulose wahrend des Krieges. Deutsche med. Presse, Berk, 1916, xx, 19. Baschofszky (W.) Die Tuberkulose im Heere und ihre Behandlung. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 281. Bavaud, Dumontier [et al.] L’ hospitalisation des reformds tuberculeux a Paris. Rev. (l’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 193-217. Benon (L.) Le pain de guerre dit “ national ” et la tuberculose. Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 577-579. ' . La defense sociale centre la tuberculose pendant la guerre. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 64-68. Bho (p.) Impressionismo e realita nei rapporti fra guerra e tubercolosi. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 602-637. Bieder (H.) Lungenschiisse und Lungentu- berkulose. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1673-1676. Bist (E.) The problem of pulmonary tubercu- losis. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 659-668. Boepke (O.) Tuberkulose und Krieg; Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berk, 1915, xxviii, 225-238. —— . Tuberkulose und Kriegsteilnehmer, Hid., 313-338. Bomanelli (G.) Le malattie tubercolari latenti delle vie aeree esplose durante il servizio mili- tare. Cron. d. din. med. di Genova, 1917, xxiii, 72-86. Bonzoni (G.) Per la profilassi antitubercolare nelF esercito. Tuberculosi, Pavia, 1916, viii, 75-79. . Le malattie tubercolari in rapporto al servizio militare con speciale riguardo alio state attuale di guerra. Attualita med., Mi- lano, 1917, vi, 409-423. Also: Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 396; 404-406. —— . II reparto di accertamento diagnostico centre della organizzazione militare profilat- tica antitubercolare. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917,1 xv, 844-860. Boux (G.) Les tuberculeux dans 1’ armde. Montpek med., 1916, xxxix, 218-237. Sajet (B. H.) De tuberculosesterfte in Neder- land in den mobilisatietijd. Nederk Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 1860-1873. Sajous (C. E. de M.) The internal secretions as related to tuberculosis in civil and military practice. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 389-395. Sarda (G.) A propos des militaires tuberculeux et des ameliorations que commande leur situ- ation actuelle. Montpek med., 1916, xxxix, 261-268. Scharl (P.) [lnfluence of military service upon tuberculosis in peace and war.] Orvosi hetik, Budapest, 1915, lix, 141; 161. Schramm (F.) Kriegsverletzungen und Tuber- kulose. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 292- 295. Schroder (G.) Betrachtungen fiber die Tuber- kulose im Heere zur Zeit des Krieges. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz., 1915, xxiv, 337-350. * . Aus dem Genesungsheim vom Roten Kreuz. “ Neue Heilanstalt, Schomberg bei Wildbad.” Die Tuberkulose im Heere zur Zeit des Krieges. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztk Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 273- 277. Urgent (E.) La tuberculose chez les soldats kla suite des traumatismes du thorax. Bulk et m6m. Soc. mdd. d. hQp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1048-1062. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 539-553. Sergent (E.) & Delamare (G.) Les enseigne- ments cliniques d’ un centre de triage de mili- taires suspects de tuberculose. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 329-334. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 861- 870. Sergent (E.) & Dolannau (G.) Les enseigne- ments cliniques d’ un centre de triage de mili- taires suspects de tuberculose. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 40-47. Sforza (N.) Pensiamo ai ferita della tuberco- losi. Riv. ospedak, Roma, 1916, vi, 750-771. Sienr & Bernard (L.) Note sur les mesures prises dans le camp retranche de Paris pour le depistage, F isolement et F elimination de F armee des tuberculeux militaires. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxv, 21-23. Signorelli (A.) La tubercolosi considerata come malattia dipendente dalle fatiche e dai disagi della guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 877-883. Sindico (G.) Controversie cliniche sulla tuber- colosi. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 1036-1042. Soiumerfeld (T.) Die Bekampfung der Tuber- kulose wahrend des Krieges. Hygiene, Berk, 1914, iv, 263-267. Staehelin (R.) Tuberkulose und Militarver- sicherung. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 705-722. Sutherland (H.) Tuberculosis in the Royal Navy in relation to early diagnosis. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 464-476. . Tuberculosis and the war. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1146. Sutherland (H. G.) Tuberculosis in Great Britain at war. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., & N. Y„ 1917, n. s., xii, 91-98. . Tuberculosis and the fighting forces of America. Hid., 305-307. Tachau (H.) Tuberkuloseliteratur im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1552-1554. Thomas (J. L.) Segregation of consumptive soldiers and others. Brit. M. J.. Lond., 1916, i, 292. Thompson (E.) Tuberculosis. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1915, ix, 253-258, 4 pi. Tuberculosis in the army. Bost. M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 19. Tuberculosis and the French army. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, 1917, n. s., xlvi, 10. Yillemin & Kelsch. La tuberculose dans F armee. Paris m6d., 1916, xix, suppk, p. i-iv. Tires. La guerre et la tuberculose. Montpek med., 1916, xxxix, 298-311. Webb (G. B.) Tuberculosis and the army. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917-18, iii, 137- 139. Weinberger (M.) Gesichtspunkte zur Beur- teilung der Lungeutuberkulose bei Kriegs- teilnehmern. Wien, klin, Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 793-795. Woodhead (G. S.) & Yarrier-Jones (P. C.) The tuberculous soldier. Brit. J. Tuberc., Lond., 1917, xi, 99-106. Also: J. Outdoor Life, N. Y., 1917, xiv, 289-293. Great Britain. Medical Research Committee. Memorandum on the diagnosis of typhoid and paratyphoid infections. Lond., 1915, 1 p., fol. Jonffroy (P.) Contribution a F 6tude bact£- riologique des affections typhoi’des et para- typhoides au cours de la campagne 1914-1915. Nancy, 1916, Berger-Levrault, 94 p., B°, *. Typhoid Fever. 68 Index Medicus [War Supp. Yincent (H.) & Muratet (L.) La fievre typhoide et les fievres paratyphoides. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Gins (H. A.) & Seligmann (E.) Zur Bakteri- ologie des Typhus im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 409. Glynn (E.) The use of a standard agglutina- tion technique in the army. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 877. Glynn (E.) & Lowe (E. C.) Observations on the serum reaction of three hundred unselected cases of enteric from the eastern Mediter- ranean with the Oxford standard agglutinable cultures. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 663-690. Goldscheider. Ueber Typhusbekampfung im Felde, speziell beim Stellungskampf. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 537-542. ———. Ueber die diatetische und physikalische Behandlung des Typhus im Felde. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 34-48. Goodall (E. W.) The war and typhoid fever. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 998. Grober. Besonderheiten in Yerlauf und Be- handlung des Typhus im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 281-284. Harvey (D.) The causation and prevention of enteric fever in military service, with special reference to the importance of the carrier, being an account of work done at Naini Tal Enteric Depot, 1908-11. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 491; xxv, 94; 193. von Hecker & Hirsch (C.) Erfahrungen und Gedanken iiber Typhus und Typhusbehand- lung im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1039-1046. Herrnheiser (G.) Ueber Eigentilmlichkeiten des Abdominaltyphus im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 965-968. Hirsch (O.) Ueber atypische Verlaufsformen des Typhus im Felde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 781-786. Iselin. Yaleur du drainage pelvien par une in- cision sus-pubienne employe comme mode de traitement de la perforation intestinale d’ origine typhoidique, d’ apres une sdrie de 10 cas observes dans un hdpital temporaire de la zone des armies. Presse m6d., Par,, 1915, xxiii, 300-302. Joetten (K. W.) Typhusbekampfung im Felde durch ein einfaches Verfahren zur Handedesin- fektion. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1388. Jouve-Balmelle (G.) Considerations sur la fievre typhoide retirees d’ une pratique de 18 mois dans le service des typhoidiques de 1’ hopital militaire de Marseille. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, L 49-157. Justi (K.) Ueber den Typhus der Kriegsteil- nehmer. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 345-357. Klemperer (F.), Oettinger (W.) & Rosenthal (F.) Zur Diagnostik und Therapie des Typhus im Felde. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1915, Ivi, 161-176. Krehl (L.) Ueber Abdominaltyphus im Kriege. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1916, 192-206. Lebrun & Portier. Sur la presence de micro- coques dans le sang des typhoidiques prove- nant du front. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 440-442. M. (A.) La fievre typhoide dans 1’ armee alle- mande. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 733. Martin (O. J.) & Upjohn (W. G. D.) The distribution of typhoid and paratyphoid in- fection amongst enteric fevers at Mudros, October to December, 1915. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 583-595. Mouriquand (G.) Note sur les complications pulmonaires observees au cours de 1’ epiddmie de typhoides et d’ etats typhoides de 1’ hiver Ascoli (M.) Tifo di guerra e tifo dei vaccinati. Riforma med., Napoli, 1915, xxxi, 645-647. . Sulla cura della febbre tifoide in cam- pagna. Ihid., 729 ; 757. Beaujeu & Ehringer. Remarques cliniques sur une dpidemie d’ allure paratyphoide observ4e h 1’ ambulance 148 du XXXI0 Corps d’ Armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 497-504. Bech. A propos d’ une 6pidemie de fievre typhoide dans la zone des armees. Taux de morbidity et de mortality. Bull. m€d., Par., 1916, xxx, 305. Bijl (J. P.) [Systematic typhoid fever investi- gations in the Netherlands by the Army Medi- cal Service.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haar- lem, 1917, xxi, 314-334. Boinet. Fievre typhoide chez des Senggalais. Marseille med., 1918, Iv, 68-70. Boral (H.) Ueber Kriegstyphus. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 452; 479. Brunon (R.) La fievre typhoide dans un hopi- tal auxiliaire. Caduc£e, Par., 1915, xv, 43. Carles (J.) La fievre typhoide du combattant. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 65-68. Castaigne (J.) L’organisation d’un service antityphique dans les hopitaux militaires de Vichy. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, 3. s., Ixxii, 457-459. Castellan! (A.) Nota sulle infezioni tifiche, paratifiche, paratifosimili e miste nell zona adriatico-balcanica, Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 453-461. Childs (C.) Prevention of typhoid in home camp. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 810; 1087. Chuprin (I. S.) [Bacillus carriers and their significance in the origin of typhoid fever epidemics among troops.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 110- 131. Colard (A.) Quelle est, en temps de guerre la meilleure prophylaxie de la fievre typhoide? Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 213-215. Craig (J. W.) The origin of enteric and para- typhoid fevers at Gallipoli and Lemnos in 1915. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 364. Cumston (C. G.) The typhoid hospital at Vichy. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 1037. Ha Fano (C.) Igiene e profilassi in guerra del tifo addominale. Attualitl med., Milano, 1917, vi, 217-228. Faichnie (N.) The recent decline of enterica amongst British troops in India. J. State Med., Lond., 1915, xxiii, 262; 296. Flusser (E.) Ueber Psychosen beim Kriegs- typhus. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1448-1456. Fromme. Typhusbekampfung im VII. R. K. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 241-244. Frugoni (C.) Appunti pratici intorno al tifo di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 229-233. Galeotti (G.) & Bruno (P.) Ricerche diag- nostiche ed epidemiologiche compiute su 1007 casi d’ infezioni tifoidee nella .... armata. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1917, Ixxi, 129-135. Gay. Un traitement pratique de la fievre typhoide aux armees. Presse m6d., Par., 1915, xxiii, 67-69. Gay (F. P.) Memorandum as to the means of preventing and treating typhoid fever, par- ticularly in armies, under the condition of war. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917, ii, 719-721. Military Medicine 69 1914-1915 a 1’ hopital temporaire Landre- mont Blandau h Nancy. Lyon med., 1915, cxxiv, 217-227. Monton (J. M. C.) Buiktyphus en wereldkrijg; een overzicht. Med. Weekbh, Amst., 1915-16, xxii, 341; 353. Miilhens. Zur Typhusdiagnose im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 891. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 435. Olmer (D.) & Yoisin (R.) La pression artdri- elle au cours des fievres typhoides eberthi- ennes et paratyphiques de 1’ epidemic de guerre 1915, Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1265-1282. Orticoni (A.) & Meuille (P.) Diagnostic pre- coce de la fievre typhoide dans les formations sanitaires de 1’ avant. Presse mM., Par., 1915, xxiii, 6. Osier (Sir W.) The war and typhoid fever. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1914-15, viii. 45-74. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 909-913. Pentimalli (F.) Infezioni tifiche e paratifiche nella fronte di Gorizia. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1917, Ixxi, 103-112, 1 map. Rhein (M.) Zur Typhusdiagnose im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2355. . Zur Typhusdiagnose im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 674. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 765. Rohmer. Zur Frage der Typhusernahrung im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 790. S. Typhoid fever in the western arena of war. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 499. Sabrazes (J.) Paratyphoide A et noma chez un Annamite ; vulnerability rdnale des Annamites typhiques et paratyphiques. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xxxviii, 146. Sacquepee. Evolution gendrale des fievres con- tinues (fievre typhoide, paratyphoide, etc.) dans la IYe armee. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 317. Saj-tory (A.), Spillmann (L.) & Lasseur (P.) Contribution h 1’ £tude de certains etats typhoides pendant la campagne 1914-15. Bull. Acad, de m£d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 430-432. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 263-265. Seige (M.) Typhuspsychosen im Felde. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1915, xxxiv, 291-296. Snijders (E. P.) Over febris typhoidea naar aanleiding van de mededeelingen van het oorlogsterrein. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1916, ii, 933-946. Sommerfeld (T.) Der Typhus in Kriegszeiten. Hygiene, Berl., 1914, iv, 284-286. Staehelin (R.) Ueber einige Typhusfiille aus dem Militardienst. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 193-201. Stokes (A.) & Clarke (C.) A short account of the search for typhoid carriers among eight hundred convalescents. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 461-470. Summons (W.) Report on the enterica cases at the first Australian General Hospital at Heliopolis. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1916, i, 375-377. Tahora. Die Typhusbehandlung im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 425- 427. Uhlenhuth, Olbrich & Messerschmidt. Typhus- verbreitung und Typhusbekampfung im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 149-158. Voisin (R. ) Ltats typhoides chez des evacu£s du front pour blessures de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 227-232. Also: Rev. internal, de mdd. et de chir., Par., 1914-16, xxv, 229-231. Vos (I. H. J.) & von Hoogenhuyze (O. J. C.) [Systematic typhoid fever investigations in the Netherlands by the Army Medical Service.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 349-360. Wagner (K.) Zur Typhusfrage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 616A518. von Wassermann (A.) Typhus abdominalis als Kriegsseuche. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 65-76. Wolff. [Systematic typhoid fever investigations in the Netherlands by the Army Medical Service.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 335-348. Paratyphoid Infection. Mallie (Henri). Les infections paratyphiques ; bacille paratyphique A, bacille paratyphique B, bacilles des intoxications carnges (type Aertrycke et type Gaertner). Paris, 1916, Vigot freres, 95 p., B°. Rathery (F.), Ambard (L.) [et ah] Les fievres paratyphoides B a 1’ hopital mixte de Zuydcoote, de ddcembre 1914 h fevrier 1916. Paris, 1916, F. Alcan, 248 p., B°. Azzi (A.) Su di alcune specie anormali di bacilli del paratifo isolate da soldati infermi nella zona di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 645-647. Berry (O. W.) Paratyphoid fever as observed during an epidemic in the 14th N. Y. Infantry while on United States service at the Mexican Border, 1916. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 135-140. Coutts (E. N.) Paratyphoid in the army at the Dardanelles. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 97-112. Epidemic (An) of paratyphoid A in a German regiment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 169. Krumwiede (C.) jr. Fecal examinations of a regiment infected with Bacillus paratyphosus A, with special reference to normal carriers. J. Infect Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 141-144. Lehmann (E.) Paratyphus Aim Felde. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 97. Marotta (A.) L’ infezione da paratifo nell’ at- tuale guerra. Folia med., Napoli, 1917, iii, 322-326; 341-346; 359-364. Mayerhofer (E.) & Jilek (G.) Zur Klinik und Diagnose des Paratyphus A im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1077-1081. Merklen (P.) & Trotain. Statistique des para- typhoides hdmoculturdes pendant cinq mois a 1’ hdpital F .... O ... . Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 515-517. Miilhens. Epidemiologische Bemerkungen liber Vorkommen von Paratyphus A im Orient und auf dem Balkan. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1496. Oesterlin (EL) Erkrankungen an Paratyphus A in Galizien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 256. von Reus (A.) & Schiller (W.) Ueber eine abgeschlossene Paratyphusepidemie bei einer Kompagnie. Militiirarzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 433-442. Sarrailhe (A.) & Clunet (J.) La jaunisse des camps et 1’ epidemic de paratyphoide des Dar- danelles. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 45-60. Wadsworth (A. B.) Laboratory service in an epidemic of para-typhoid fever among the troops. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1917, xvii, 506-508. 70 Index Medicus. [War Snpp. France. Ministere de la Guerre. Instruction sur la vaccination contre les infections ty- phoide et paratyphoides. Par., 1917, 11 p., B°. Great Britain. War Office. Precautions after anti-typhoid inoculation. Lond., 1914, 1 p., fol. —. Anti-typhoid inoculation. Lond., 1916, 4 p., 12°. Preventive Inoculation Against Typhoid Fever. Ennes (G.) Immunisagao systematica das nossas tropas expedicionarias contra a febre typhoide. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1914, xxxii, 405. Fleming (A.) Typhoid inoculation in the forces. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 85- 90. Fulle (G. B. 0.) Le vaccinazioni antitifiche negli eserciti. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1915, Ixix, 537-572. Galeotti (G.) Relazione delle ricerche com- piute sull’ ethcacia protilattica delle vaccina- zioni antitifiche e sulle epidemie di tifo e paratifo fra truppe combattenti. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1917, Ixxvi, 103. Gasperini (U.) Sulla opportunity di estendere la vaccinazione delle nostre truppe anche contro i paratifi A e B. Fracastoro, Verona, 1915, xi, 185: 1916, xii, 3. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1915, xxxi, 1405-1408. Goldscheider & Kroner (K.) Ueber den Ein- fluss der Typhusschutzimpfungen auf die Typhuserkrankungen bei der .... Armee im Herbst und Winter 1914-15. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 933; 968; 1001. Hints on antityphoid inoculation of troops. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 865. Instructions sur les vaccinations centre les in- fections typhoides et paratyphoides. (Circu- late de Sous-Secretaire d’ fitat du Service de sante militaire en date du 10 septembre, 1916.) Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 1039-1052. Javal (A.) La vaccination anti-typhoidique du V® corps d’ armee en campagne. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxix, 255-266. Jolley (W. A.) Inoculation against typhoid fever in the National Guard of Colorado. Colorado Med., Denver, 1914, xi, 431-435. Konrich. Die Typhusschutzimpfung in der franzosischen Armee. Deutsche mil.-iirztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 201-208. Khvorostanski (M. A.) [Experience of anti- typhoid inoculations en masse in the rear of the active army.] Kharkov. M. J., 1916, xxi, 81-89. Klodnitshi (N. F.) [Observations on the anti- typhoid vaccinations in the active army.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.- spec. pt., 271-282. Lamington, Sandwith (F. M.) & Paget (S.) Antityphoid inoculation in war time. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 767. leishman (W. B.) Antityphoid inoculation in war-time. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 818. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 516. Lyster (W.) Vaccination against typhoid in the United States army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1915, Ixv, 510-512. Machinski (N. P.) [Anti-typhoid vaccine, pre- pared and sent out by the Laboratory of the Army-Medical Scientific Committee from April 2, 1914, to June 2, 1915.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliii, med.-spec. pt., 280-282. Mackie (T. J.) & Wiltshire (H. G.) The diagnostic interpretation of the agglutination test in typhoid and paratyphoid infections occurring among typhoid vaccinated troops. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxxix, Nicholson (M. A.) The effect of typhoid in- oculations on endemic goitre at the Lawrence Military Asylum, Sanawar, Punjab. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 275-277. Porter (G. D.) Antityphoid inoculation in soldiers. Hosp. World, Toronto, 1916, ix, 102- 104. Also: Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii,3l2. Protective (The) inoculation of troops. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 483. Results of antityphoid vaccination in the French army. Hid., 1916, i, 27. Allen (J. H.) The administrative technique of antityphoid inoculations. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 710-714. Ameuille (P.) & Brule (M.) La vaccination antityphique de 1’ armee. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 338-337. Antityphoid inoculation; the report of the War Office antityphoid committee. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 597-599. Armand-Delille (P.), Paisseau (G.) & Lemaire (H.) Role de la vaccination antityphoidique et antiparatyphoidique dans la disparition presque complete des affections typhoides et paratyphoides a 1’ arm6e d’ Orient. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 854-857. Bassett-Smith (P. W.) The prevalence of typhoid and the result of antityphoid inocula- tions during the first year of the war. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 37-41. . The incidence of typhoid fever and the results of anti-typhoid inoculation during the second year of the war, October, 1915, to Octo- ber, 1916. Ibid., iii, 30-32. Bousquet (H.) La vaccination antityphoidique dans le territoire du gouvernement militaire de Belfort. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 699. Brown (J. J. G.) & Caird (F. M.) Antityphoid inoculation in war time. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 718. Chantemesse. Rgsultats de la vaccination anti- typhoidique dans la marine frangaise. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 140-142. Che cosa ha fatto la R. Marina per F obbliga- torith della vaccinazione antitifica. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1914, ii, 543-553. Chevalot. Vaccinations antityphoidiques dans un camp de prisonniers civils. Caducde, Par., 1916, xvi, 47. Conte, Sestini & Trocello. Sulle reazioni clin- iche e sierologiche per vari tipi di vaccino anti- tifico e antiparatifico sperimentali nella R. Marina. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 23—49. Coppinger (O. J.) & Gibson (H. G.) Inocula- tion of man with mixed vaccines containing Bacillus typhosus, B. paratyphosus A and B. paratyphosus B, with regard to the reaction produced and the antibody formation. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 581-596. Courmont (J.) Resultats de la vaccination anti-6berthienne dans la XIV® region. Lyon m6d., 1915, cxxiv, 338-340. Duge (R.) La vaccination antityphoidique de la classe 17. Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 21. Dakeyne (D. I.) Observations on some of the agglutination reactions of the blood of soldiers inoculated against typhoid fever. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 540-542. Deicke (O.) Typhusschutzimpfungen im Kriege. Monatsbl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1914, xxxvii, 105-113. Diinner (L.) Die Bedeutung der Widal ’schen Reaktion bei typhusgeimpften Soldateh. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 59. Eliminating disease from the casualty list; the manufacture of typhoid vaccine by the French service. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1917, cxvii, 159. Military Medicine 71 Rho (F.) Primi risultati della vaccinazione antitifica obbligatoria nella Regia Marina. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 579-586. Russ (V. K.) Erfahrungen iiber die Typhus- schutzimpfung bei der Armee im Felde. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1018-1045. Sergent (E.) & Negre (L.) Les vaccinations mixtes anti-typhoidiques et antiparatyphoi- diques dans T armee de 1’ Afrique du Nord. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1068-1071. Share of vaccination against typhoid and para- typhoid in the disappearance of these diseases in the Macedonian campaign. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1731. Tacchetti (G.) I primi risultati della vaccina- zione antitifica nei militari della R. Marina in Taranto. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 660-662. Totski (V. M.) [Vaccination for typhoid fever in the .... reserve battalion.] Kharkov. M. J., 1915, xx, 396-403. Verax (A.) Les vaccinations antityphiques et paratyphiques en temps de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 31-43. Verdelet (L.) Traumatisme et vaccination antityphoidique. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 29. Vincent (H.) Resultats de la vaccination anti- typhoidique aux armees pendant la guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 440-444. Walls (C. B.) Antityphoid inoculation of the National Guard. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 523-525. Yagisawa (M.) La vaccination antityphique dans 1’ arm6e japonaise. Paris med., 1916, vi, 490-492. Yates (H. B.) & Rhea (L. J.) Prophylactic in- oculation against typhoid fever in the fourth militia division area of Canada. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1915, v, 481—488. Zajicek (O.) Die Schutzimpfung gegen Typhus und die mit ihr in der amerikanischen Armee erzielten Erfolge. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 421—124. Butler (E. F.) Experiences in Serbia during the war, with special reference to the typhus epidemic of 1915. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1917, xvii, 139-144. Caldwell (B. W.) The epidemic of typhus ex- anthematicus in the Balkans and in the prison camps of Europe. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, v 1916, Ixvi, 326-331. Cancik (J.) Das Korkommen der Weil-Felix- schen Reaktion bei Fleckfieber vom Balkan- kriegsschauplatz. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1552. Chesney (Lilian Mary). Typhus work in Serbia. Practitioner, Bond., 1916, xcvi, 542- 550. Davy (P. C. T.) & Brown (A. J.) Clinical aspects of typhus fever; observations of some 2000 cases in a prison camp in Germany. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 737-741. Delearde & d’ Halluin. A propos d’ une 6pi- dfimie de typhus exanthematique observ4e en Allemagne (d’avril a juin 1915). Bull, et m6m. Soc. m6d. d. hbp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 320-328. Also: Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 310-320. Di Pace (I.) II tifo esantematico (etiologia, profilassi. cura). Folia med., Napoli. 1917, iii. 510 ; 525 ; 556 ; 609 ; 629; 656 ; 706 ; 727 ; 774; 793; 814. Foulerton (A. G. R.) On typhus fever. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxix, 224-228. 6. (G. H. F.) The typhus epidemic, a Balkan Florence Nightingale. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1915, xxix, 431-436. Gamalieya (N. F.) [Prophylactic means against typhus fever.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 5, 5-43. Gaston (P.) L’ epidemic de typhus exanthe- matique S, Belgrade. Rev. de m6d., Par., 1914-15, xxxiv, 559-578, 1 pi. . Be typhus exanthematique en Serbie. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 543—549. Klava (I.) Typhus exanthematicus [in the army]. Bek. rozhledy, Praha, 1914, xxi, 580- 593. Howell (B. W.) Typhus in Serbia. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 813. —•. The typhus fever epidemic in Serbia, 1915. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1915-16, xxiii, 52-54. Also: St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Bond., 1915, li, 39-44. Jeanneret-Minkine. Typhus exanthematicus und recurrens im gegenwartigen Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1474. . Be typhus exanthematique en Serbie. Paris m§d., 1915-16, xvii, 461-463. Kaup (J.) Zur Frage des Flecktyphus auf dem galizischen Kriegsschauplatze. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 217-221. Laveran (A.) Au sujet de la prophylaxie du typhus dans les armees en campagne. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 640. Letulle (M.) Mesures prophylactiques contre le typhus dans le camp retranche de Paris. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 20-25. Lipschiitz (B.) Zur Kenntnis der Klinik des Flecktyphus nach Beobachtungen an den Przemysler Epidemic im Frlihjahr 1915. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 856-860. Maitland (T. G.) Notes on the typhus epidemic in Serbia, 1915. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 283-285. Mense (C.) Zur Frage der Bekampfung des Fleckriebers und der Lause. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1915, xix, 172-176. Merewether (E. R. A.) A report on the late medical conditions in Serbia, with special reference to the typhus fever epidemic. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 58-64. Typhus Fever. See, also, Lice. Great Britain. Report by the government com- mittee on the treatment by the enemy of British prisoners of war, regarding the con- ditions obtaining at Wittenberg Camp during the typhus epidemic of 1915. Lond., 1916, (Govt. Press), 9 p., 4°. Plotz (Harry), Olitsky (Peter K.) & Baehr (George). The etiology of typhus exanthe- maticus. Chicago, 1915, Jour. Infect. Dis., 70 p., 1 pi., B°, Adler-Herzmark (Jenny). Fleckfieberfalle und EntlausungsmethOden. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 257-262. Arneth. Ueber Fleckfieber und Entlausung. Berl. klin. W’chnschr., 1916, liii, 1187-1191. Bertarelli (E.) La profilassi del tifo esante- matico e la lotta contro la pediculOsi. Riy. d’ ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1915, xxvi, 241-245. Beyer (H. G.) On the etiology of typhus fever and louse extermination, from the view point of the sanitarian. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 483-491, 2 pi. Blanc (G.) Recherches sur le typhus exanthd- matique poursuivies au laboratoire de Nich d’ avril a octobre 1915. Bull. Soc. de path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 311-325. Blanc (J.) Contribution al’ €tude clinique du typhus exanthematique; sa prophylaxie dans la guerre actuelle. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 5-28. 72 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Michaud. Fievre exanthematique (typhus des armees). Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1914. xxxiv, 554-556. Muller (O.) Ueber Fleckfieber. Nach eigenen Beobachtungen in Gefangenenlagern. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1230; 1261; 1285. _ Neukirch (P.) & Zlocisti (T.) Epidemiologische und klinische Erfahrungen bei Fleckfieber in Ostanatolien. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, Yieting (E.) Eine kleine Fleckfieberepidemie unter russischen Bandeseinwohnern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1444. Welter (F.) Ueber den Flecktyphus als Kriegs- seuche. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Prophylaxe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 807; 851. ;—. Ueber das Auftreten von Flecktyphus- epidemien in Truppen- und Gefangenenlagern. Ibid., 1045-1048. 256—259. Nicolle (C.) & Conseil (E.) N£cessitd des mesures a prendre pour preserver nos armies en campagne du typhus exanthfimatique et du typhus recurrent. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 18-20. Also: Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 18. , . Nos connaissances sur 1’ eti- ologie du typhus exanthematique et de la fievre recurr(>nte ; leur application a la prevention de ces maladies en particulier dans nos armies en campagne. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 172-208. Petrovitch. Considerations epidgmiologiques et cliniques sur 1’ epidemic de typhus exanthema- tique au cours de la guerre actuelle en Serbie. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 849-864. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 206-209. Poiudecker (H.) Zur Diagnose des Fleck- fiebers im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 176. Potel (R.) Observations cliniques et etio- logiques sur les cas de typhus soign6s a 1’ hbpital permanent de la marine de Sidi- Abdallah; action du serum anti-exanthe- matique. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, civ, 14. Rehberg. Die Fleckfieberepidemie im Kriegsge- fangenenlager Bangensalza. Ztschr. f. Med.- Beamte, Berk, 1915, xxviii, 345-357. da Rocha-Lima (H.) Beobachtungen bei Fleck- typhuslausen. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen- Hyg., Beipz., 1916, xx, 17-31, 1 pi. Rondke. Die Fleckfieberepidemie im Gorlitzer Kriegsgefangenenlazarett. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1152-1155. Rudis-Jicinsky (J.) Typhus in Serbia. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 1011: cii, 1175-1177. Sandwith (F. M.) Two Gresham lectures on typhus. Clin. J., Lond., 1916, xiv, 45-53. Schlesies (E.) Eine Fleckfieberepidemie in einem Gefangenenlazarett. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, liii, 184. Scholz (W.) Zur Frage der Fleckfieberverbrei- tung durch Lause. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz, 1915, lii, 57-59. Shirokoroff (I. I.) [On the struggle with typhus fever in the army.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 1139-1141. Skutetzky (A.) Die Flecktyphusepidemie im k. U.k. Kriegsgefangenenlager in Marchtrenk, Ob-Oesterr., im Jahre 1915. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 887-891. Spat (W.) Zur Frage des Flecktyphus auf dem galizischen Kriegsschauplatze. Ibid., 1103; 1348. Timset. Le typhus au camp de prisonniers de Cassel. Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 90. Topley (W. W. C.) A report on a bacteri- ological investigation of typhus fever during the Serbian epidemic of 1915. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxv, 215-228. Tullidge (E. K.) Fleck typhus; the scourge of the eastern war theatre. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 1167-1169. Typhus in the Wittenberg camp. Pub. Health, Bond., 1915-16, xxix, 179. Typhus (The) epidemic at Gardelegen. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 623. Dreuw (W. H.) Haut- und Geschlechtskrank- heiten im Kriege und im Frieden. Berk, 1915, 209 p., B°. Exuer (M. J.) Friend or enemy? To the men of the Army and Navy. [Social hygiene.] N. Y., 1916, N. Y. Social Hygiene Soc., 35 p., 12°. Great Britain. Suggestions to medical officers regarding the carrying out of the early treat- ment of recently contracted urethritis and syphilis. Bond., 1916, 1 p., 4°. May (Otto). The prevention of venereal dis- eases in the Army. N. Y., 1916, Amer. Social Hyg. Assoc., 10 p., B°. United States. Surgeon General’s Office. The venereal diseases. Chicago, 1917, Amer. Med. Assoc., 100 12°. Yenereal Diseases. Circulars issued by the Local Government Board on the 13th July, 1916, to (1) Councils of counties and county boroughs; (2) Governing bodies of hospitals, and (3) Boards of guardians; regulations made by the Local Gorvernment Board on the 12th July, 1916, and memorandum by the medical officer of the Local Government Board on the organization of medical meas- ures. Lond., 1916, H. M. Stationery Off., 34 p., B°. Yenereal Diseases. Balzer (F.) Prophylaxie et traitement des maladies veneriennes en temps de guerre. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 401-403. Also: Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1057-1067. . La prophylaxie antiveneriennes par les administrations civiles et militaires. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 10-12. Belli (C. M.) La profilassi antivenerea nell’ armata vista dall’ ospedale. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 410—416. Bendig (P.) Die Bedeutung der Geschlechts- krankheiten fur den Krieg mit Berucksichtig- ung des wiirttembergischen XIII. Armee- korps. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztk Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 189-192. Blaschko (A.) Die Bekampfung der Ge- schlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1816—1818. Also, transl.: Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 529-534. . Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 593—598. Blumenfeld (A.) Ueber Haut- und Geschlechts- krankheiten im Kriege. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1914, Ixiv, 2471—2476. Braden (G. W.) Moral standards and the prevalence of the venereal diseases. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 988. Brandweiner. Zur Frage der Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1125-1127. Bremener (M. M.) [On the struggle with venereal diseases and organization of the treat- ment of venereal patients in the army.] Vo- yenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, eexlii, med.- spec. pt„ 507-518, Military Medicine. 73 Rrinitzer (B.) Haut- und Geschlechtskrank- heiten bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915. xi, 482. Bromberg (R.) [Cutaneous and venereal dis- eases in military and mobilization camps.] Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1916, xx, 241-259. Bruck (C.) Zur Bekiimpfung der Geschlechts- krankheiten im Felde. Milnchen. med. Wchn- Gaucher. Les maladies veneriennes pendant la guerre & 1’ hopital militaire Villemin et dans ses annexes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 352-360. Also: Ann. d. mal. vengr., Par., 1916, xi, 193-202. Gaudy (J.) Les maladies veneriennes h 1’ ar- mee. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1917, Ixx, 509-514. Gennerich. Zur Behandlung der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 553-556. Gluck (A.) Ueber die Bekampfung der Ge- schlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Militiirarzt, Wien, 1915, Ixix, 408-413. Goldberg (B.) Krieg und Geschlechtskrank- heiten. Prakt. Arzt, Leipz., 1915, Iv, 187-194. Also: Repert. d. prakt. Med., Berk, 1915, xii, 227-234. Goodwin (T. H.) The problem of dealing with venereal diseases in Great Britain. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1536. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 988. Gongerot (H.) Yfineriologie et dermatologie depuis la guerre (aotit 1914-octobre 1916). Rev. gen. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, 455-508, 4 pi. Grajewski (L.) Treating venereal diseases and syphilis by the French and English. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1917, xxi, 424. Granjux. La prophylaxie des maladies v6nd- riennes dans 1’ armee. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor., Bull., Par., 1914 and 1917, xvii, 1-8. [Discussion] : 8-11. Halberstaedter (L.) Die Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten bei der Truppe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1248-1250. Heller (J.) Einige klinische Beobachtungen an geschlechtskranken Soldaten. Dermat. Ztschr., Berk, 1916, xxiii, 65-79. Instructions sur le traitement et la prophylaxie des maladies v6n6riennes. (Circulaire du Sous-Seeretaire d’ fitat du Service de santd militaire, en date du 25 septembre, 1916.) Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 1053—1064. Jadassohn (J.) Prophylaxe und Behandlung der venerischen Krankheiten im mobilisierteu und im Kriegsheer. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 353-366. Johnson (P. B.) The venereal disease problem in the army. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1917, lii, 726-737. Jolivet (L.) Comment se sont contamines cent veneriens traites dans la zone des armees. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1916-17, 5. s., vi, 126-130. Klausner (E.) Krieg und Geschlechtskrank- heiten. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 92- 94. von Krzysztalowicz (F.) Zur Frage der Vor- beugung der venerischen Erkrankungen in der Armee. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 89-92. Lenzmann. Die Bedeutung und Behandlung der Geschlechtskrankheiten im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 233-235. Lesser. Bedeutung und Verhiitung der Ge- schlechtskrankheiten im Felde. Berk kliu. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1775. Also: Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 718-722. Lyster (W.) Venereal disease and the new army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix. 1257-1259. Marschalko (T.) [The war and venereal dis- eases.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1915, lix, 347; 365; 381. Martin (F.) Social hygiene and the war. Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, in, 605-627, 1 port. May (O.) The prevention of venereal diseases in the army. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 482-490. schr., 1915, Ixii, 136. Buschke (A.) Die Bekampfung der Geschlechts- krankheiten im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wcbn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1888; 2207. Campaign (The) against venereal disease in Germany. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 296. Oarle. Trois mois de fonctionnement d’ un service de dermatologic et de venereologic dans une ambulance d’ arm6e. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 865-890. ~~—; . La prophylaxie des maladies v£ne- riennes aux armees. Ann. d. mak ven., Par., . 1916, xi, 536-551. Oavallini (E.) L’ efficacia della profilassi anti- venerea e le ulcere molli. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1914, ii, 365-367. bhotzen (M.) Die Fortbewegung der N Ge- schlechtskrankheiten in der Festung Breslau wiihrend des ersten Kriegsjahres. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 305-308. Olark (J. B.) Sexual infections in cantonments and camps; a follow-up system for their care and control. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 2182. bole (H. N.) The prophylaxis of venereal dis- ease in the army. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 601-608. bottle (G. F.) Venereal disease aboard ship. IT. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1915, ix, 571-577. Bacco (E.) Relazione sulle malattie veneree e la loro profilassi nell’ esercito. Gior. di med. mil. Roma, 1917. Ixv, 340-347. Be Napoli (F.) Dermosifilografia di guerra e sua importanza militare e sociale. Gior. itak _ d. mak ven., Milano, 1917, Iviii, 161; 225; 297. Breuw (W. H.) Prophylaxe der Geschlechts- krankheiten im Heere. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, Ixxxiv, 69-71. Liche (H.) Einiges zur Verhiitung und Be- kandlung der Geschlechtskrankheiten im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk. 1915, xi, 664-666. bxner (M. J.) Friend or enemy? To the men of the army and navy. Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1916, .ii, 481-499. * trench (E. G.) The treatment of venereal diseases in the army. Practitioner, Lond., ,1916, xcvi, 452-461. linger (E.) Die Verbreitung der Geschlechts- krankheiten durch den Krieg und deren Be- kampfung. Wien. klin. Rundschau, 1916, xxx, 44; 81. " . Die Geschlechtskrankheiten und der Krieg. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1444—1448. Also, transl.: Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 534-537. Blesch. Die Ausbreitung der Geschlechtskrank- heiten im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 230. ~~— . Ueber die Bekampfung der Geschlechts- krankheiten im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 214. foster (J. H.) Social hygiene in the army dur- ing war time. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 65-67. bouquet (O.) L’influence de la guerre actuelle sur les affections cutanees et veneriennes. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 187. Galewsky. Die Bedeutung der Geschlechts- krankheit im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 751. Index Medicus [War Supp. Mendel (K.) Zur Prophylaxe der Geschlechts- krankheiten im Felde. Mit Erwiderung von A. Buschke. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 105. Mouton (J. M. C.) Oorlog en geslachtziekten. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1915, xix, 217-226. Mndd (L. C.) Some experiences with venereal diseases at Schofield Barracks. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 608-615. Neisser (A.) Yenerische Krankheiten bei den im Felde stehenden Truppen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1661. . Krieg, Prostitution und Geschlechts- krankheiten. Ibid., 1915, xli, 61. Also, transl.: Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 537-541. . War and venereal diseases. Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 542-545. Ortali (O.) Considerazioni pratiche sulk ordi- namento dei servizii celtici in zona di guerra. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, xxiii, 347- 352. Serra (S.) Circa le modalita della profilassi antivenerea resa obbligatoria nella R. Marina. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 310—313. Snow (W. F.) Social diseases in the army as affected by the soldier’s environment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1537. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 989-991. . Social hygiene and the war. Soe. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 417-450, 2 ports., 1 pi. . The control of venereal diseases. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 720-722. Steinheimer. Beratungsstelle fur Geschlechts- kranke. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1560. Stern (C.) Die Behandlung geschlechtskranker Soldaten im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 471-473. Thompson (B.) Army Dental Corps work in reference to venereal disease. Med. J. Aus- tralia, Sydney, 1917, i, 485. Tonssaint (H.) Reveil du microbisme latent, syphilitique et gonococcique au cours du traite- ment des plaies par armes a feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 2056-2060. Also: Ann. d. mal. vener., Par., 1916, xi, 14-19. Teuton. Geschlechtsleben und Geschlechts- krankheiten in den Heeren, im Kriege und Frieden. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 3; 33; 56; 79. Pasini (A.) Ci 6 che si fa nella sede del HI corpo d’ armata per la profilassi delle malattie veneree. Gior. itak d. mal. ven., Milano, 1915, 1, 357-368. Pautrier. Sur 1’ organisation gdnerale des hopi- taux militaires de vendriens et des services- annexes. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1916-17, vi, 233-256. Perrin (L.) Organisation et fonctionnement du centre de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie de la XVe region. Marseille med. 1916, liii, 100-106. Piccartli (G.) Le malattie sessuali ela guerra. Riv. d’ ig. e san. pubb., Torino, 1916, xxvii, 160; 175; 197; 223. Pinkuss (F.) W. v. G. (Warnung vor Ge- schlechtskrankheiten.) Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1401-1403. Prophylaxis of venereal disease in the Austral- asian forces. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 529. Riggs (C. E.) The prevention of venereal dis- eases at the Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1917, xi, 1-15. Also: Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1917, iii, 299-312. Russell (F. F.) Social diseases in the army. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1537. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 989. Sachs (O.) Vorschliige betreffend die Beklimpf- ung der venerischen und einiger parasitarer Hauterkrankungen im Heere. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1640. . Kurze Notiz zu den Vorschlagen, be- treffend die Bekampfung der venerischen _ Er- krankungen unmittelbar nach dem Kriege. Ibid., 1915, xxviii, 950. SHiapira (S.) Der Krieg und die GeschlecHts- krankheiten; deren strafrechtliche Bekampf- ung. Ibid., 1916, xxix, 918-920. Scharff (P.) Zur Prophylaxe und Therapie der Geschlechtskrankheiten im Felde. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1816-1818. Schlft'uiann (J.) Zur Frage der Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 57-59. Schonheimer (H.) Die Behandlung geschlechts- kranker Kriegsteilnehmer und ihre Honorier- ung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1232. Scholtz (W.) Verbreitung, Bekampfung und Behandlung der Haut- und Geschlechtskrank- heiten im Kriege. Ibid., 1915, xli, 728-730. Seymour (Gertrude). Health of soldier and civilian. 11. Venereal disease abroad. Survey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxix, 363-367. Sberna (S.) Sui centri venereologic! militari e sulla profilassi contro le malattie celtiche nell’ esercito. Riv. ospedak, Roma, 1917, vii, 246-257. . Krieg und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Hid., 482; 523. Tullidge (E. K.) Venereal diseases in the European armies. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 49-53. . The war and venereal diseases. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 505-507. Yedel. Mesures de prophylaxie prises ou a prendre centre les maladies dans les corps de troupe et dans les 6tablissements militaires relevant des divers services de 1’ arm£e. Montpel. med., 1916, n. s., xxxix, 316-331. Venereal disease in the Austrian Army. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 300. Venereal (The) diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixix, 907 ; 1004 ; 1080; 1169 ; 1259; 1347. Venereal diseases in peace and war. Lancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 562-564. Venereal diseases in the war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 64. Venereal prophylaxis in the French Army; venereal diseases and their treatment in the Army. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 991- 993. War, prostitution, and venereal disease ; the posi- tion in Germany. Lancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 567-569. Wilson (Helen). Venereal disease in the army. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 531. Wolharst (A. L.) A plan for the prevention of venereal disease in our military forces. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 725-727. Also: Med. Insur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1917, xxvi, 389-391. Wolff. Geschlechtskrankheiten im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 180. . Die Verbreitung der Geschlechtskrank- heiten im Heere und ihre Verhiitung. Mitt, d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekampf. d. Ge- schlechtskr., Leipz., 1915, xiii, 2-7. Zieler (K.) Zur Behandlung von Geschlechts- krankheiten bei den im Felde stehenden Trup- pen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 10-12. Military Medicine 75 Bizard (L.) & Blum (P.) Sur les traitements de 1’ orchidpididymite aigue blennorragique applicables particulierement aux armees. Ann. d. mal. vdn., Par., 1916, xi, 645-663. Bizard (L.), Delcamp (J.) & Bralez (J.) La blennorragie et ses principales complications chez les militaires hospitalisds pendant le premier sdmestre de la guerre. Ihid., 1915, x. 65-74. Carle. Traitement de 1’ urdtrite blennorragique aux armees. Paris mdd., 1916, vi, 442-445. . Quelques details pratiques sur le traite- ment de la blennorragie aigue aux armees. Progres mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 242. Giordano (M.) Sopra I’uso dell’electrargol per la cura rapida dell’ epididimite blenorragica nell’ ambiente militare. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 27—33. . Moyen de traitement rapide de I’dpidi- dymite blennorragique dans 1’ armde, par 1’ dlectrargol. Bull. gdn. de thdrap. [etc.], Par., 1917, clxix, 441—446. Huber-Pestalozzi (G.) Ueber die Gonorrhoe- Behandlung in der Etappensanitatsanstalt Solothurn. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 593-605. Treatment (The) of gonorrhea in the field. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 197. Gonorrhoea. Fildes (P.) & Budding (J. S.) The early diagnosis of syphilis in the navy. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 171-189. Fraenkel (H.) Syphilis und Dienstunfahigkeit. Med. Reform [etc.], Berl., 1915, xxiii, 111. Gaucher. Militaire reforme pour lesion in- curable ; gomme syphilitique de la jambe guerie, apres la rdforme, dans le service de la clinique (fiche 46.078). Ann. d. mal. vdn,, Par., 1917, xii, 524. . Commission superieure consultative du service de sante militaire; rapport sur les mesures a prendre centre les progres de la syphilis. Ihid., 513-523. . Soldat en permission de sept jours avec une syphilis primaire et secondaire md- connue par deux mddecins militaires. Ihid., 528. Gaucher & Bizard. Statistique des syphilis con- traetdes par les militaires depuis la mobilisa- tion et traitdes dans le service de clinique de 1’ hopital Saint-Louis. Ihid., xi, 129-152. •, . La syphilis apres deux ans de guerre. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 575-583. Also: Ann. d. mal. vdn., Par., 1917, xii, 1-9. Also: Paris med., 1917, xix, 54-57. Gougerot (H.) & Clara. Ulcdrations syphi- loides compliquant ou non des plaies de guerre. Ann. d. mal. vdn., Par., 1916, xi, 715; 1917, xii, 17. Guerin (A.) Dans quelle mesure employer le 914 pour le traitement de la syphilis aux armees. Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 326-328. Hoppe-Seyler (G.) Die syphilitischen Erkrank- ungen der Bauch- und der Circulationsorgane (besonders der Leber und der Aorta) und ihr Eiufluss auf die Felddienstfahigkeit. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1727-1729. Kraus (A.) Beitrag zur Luestherapie im Felde. Militararzt, Wien, 1916, 1, 129. Landouzy (L.) La syphilis, avant la guerre, mdconnaissance de son extreme frdquence. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 434-444. See, also, Syphilis of the Nervous System. Thibifcrge (C.) La syphilis et 1’ arm6e. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Tedder (Edward B.) The prevalence of syphilis in the army. Wash., 1915, Gov. Print. Off. 110 p., 4 pi., B°. Syphilis. U. S. War Dept. S. G. O. Bull. No. 8. Alderson (P. F.) The treatment of syphilis afloat. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 302-310. Audry (O.) Note sur la diffusion de la syphilis dans la region toulousaine pendant deux anndes de guerre. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par., 1916-17, vi, 419^21. Bernheim (A.) Du traitement intensif de la syphilis dans les formations sanitaires. Ann. d. mal. vdn., Par., 1914-15, x, 605-610. Blechmann (G.) Deux recettes pour faciliter le traitement antisyphilitique en campagne. Paris mdd., 1916, vi, 453. Bodin (E.) Prophylaxie et traitement de la syphilis aux armees. Ihid., 434-d3B. Bogart (G. H.) Syphilis, the greatest war menace. West. M. Times, Denver, 1917-18, xxxvii, 238-241. Church (J. R.) Ehrlich’s arsenic in the treat- ment of syphilis in the military service. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 44-55. Cole (H. N.) Treatment of syphilis in the army. Cleveland M. J., 1917, xvi, 662-666. Cottle (G. F.) The damage of syphilis to the navy. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 414-421. . The syphilis record. Ihid., 1917, xi, 2l-28. Balimier & Debat. Traitement des accidents syphilitiques chez les combattants, par les cures arsdno-mercurielles surintensives et breves. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3.5., Ixxiv, 90-93. Budding (J. S.) Syphilis in the navy. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 229-247. Budley (S. F.) An experience of galyl at Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 59. Estdve. Traitement des syphilis de guerre. Gaz. mdd. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 114. Lane (J. E.) The war and syphilis. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 724. Leredde. Organisation de la lutte centre la syphilis a la pdriode initiale, dans 1’ armde au Maroe. Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 130-134. Levy (G.) Syphilis mdconnue chez un militaire. avant son depart en permission. Ann. d. mal. vdn., Par., 1917, xii, 527. McGrigor (H. J.) Experiences in the treatment of syphilis in the Army, with special reference to the administration of “ 606 ” in concen- trated solutions. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond., 1915-16, ix, 161-186, 2 pi. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xevi, 462-481. Muuger (C. B.) A Wassermann survey on 500 apprentice seamen. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 642-646. Smith (L. L.) Syphilis as a cause of mental disease in the military service. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 447; 561. Sourdel (M.) L’influence de la syphilis chez quelques blesses de guerre. Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 295. Toussaint (H.) Reveil et localisation de la syphilis osseuse a la suite des coups de feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 477-482. Yiry (H.) La syphilis et la guerre. Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 161. von Zeissl (M.) Die Syphilisbehandlung zur Kriegszeit, und was soli nach Friedensschluss geschehen. die Ziyilbevolkerung vor der Infek- tion durch venerisch krank Heimkehrende zu schiitzen. Berl. klin. Wdmschr., 1916, liii, 36. 76 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Alessandrini (G.) Diseases due to animal parasites in armies on the field of battle. Univ. M. Rec., Lond., 1915, viii, 177-190. Borini (A.) La teniasi nei soldati. Policlinico, Roma, sez. prat., 1917, xxiv, 91-94. Galli-Valerio. The present war and the spread of parasitic diseases in men and animals. Yet. J., Lond., 1917, Ixxiii, 102-107. Knobel (J. B.) Yaws in the military hospital at Keetmanshoop, S. M. A. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1916, xiv, 151-153. Pettit (A.) Sur un spirochete, observe chez des malades a F Hopital maritime de F Orient. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 774-778. Roche (W.) Intestinal protozoa in Salonica war area. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 386-388. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 297. Salomon & Neveu (R.) Hemoptysies para- sitaires chez les soldats indigenes d’ Extreme- Orient ; le paragonimus westermanni. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 388-394. Sangiorgi (G.) Osservazioni sulle feci dei soldati occorsi negli ospedali militari terri- toriali di Venezia. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s., xxii, pt. 2, 177-181. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 278-281. Also: Riv. d’ ig. e san. pubb., Parma, 1916, xxvii, 193-197. Wenyon (C. M.) Another human coccidium from the Mediterranean war area. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1404. . The protozoological findings in five hundred and fifty-six cases of intestinal dis- order from the Eastern Mediterranean war area. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 445-460. PARASITIC DISEASES. Abrami (P.) Le paludisme primaire en Mace- doine et son traitement. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 500-519. Also: Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 161-164. Andruzzi (A.) Le forme parassitarie mala- riche predominanti fra le truppe sul fronte albanese. 2. Sulla colorazione dei plasmodii malarici e sulle forme parassitarie prevalenti fra le truppe al fronte macedone. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 568-572. Apicella (G.) Sul problema della malaria nell’ esercito. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1216. Armand-Delille (P.) Remarques sur les aspects parasitologiques du paludisme contracts en Macedoine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 202. Armand-Delille (P.), Paisseau (G.) & Lemaire (H.) Le paludisme de premiere invasion observd en Macedoine pendant Fete 1916. Bull, et mem. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1569-1582. Also [Abstr.] : Bull, mdd., Par., 1916, xxx, 509-511. , , . Note sur les caracteres de la bileuse hemoglobinurique observee chez les paludeens de F armde d’ Orient. Bull, et xn4m. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 773-778. Brule & Jolivet (L.) Cinq cas de paludisme autochtone apparus simultanement dans une ferme beige; traitement du paludisme par le novarsenobenzol. Ibid., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2304- 2310; Cesa-Bianchi (D.) Osservazioni sulla malaria nelle truppe combattenti. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 752-755. Christy (C.) Notes on malaria for officers and men. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 485. Cookson (H. A.) & Allen (T. S.) Case of ter- tian malaria contracted in Prance, combined with transposition of abdominal and thoracic viscera. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 493-495. Bible (J. H.) Transmission of malaria in northern Prance. Ibid., 1915, xxv, 577-579. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 701. Dudgeon (L. S.) & Clarke (C.) A contribution to the microscopical histology of malaria, as occurring in the Salonika force in 1916, and a comparison of these findings with certain clinical phenomena. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 153-156. Etienne (G.) Sur la reviviscence d’anciens foyers paludiques en Prance. Progres med., Par., 1916, xxxi, 183. Falconer (A. W.) & Anderson (A. G.) Clinical types of subtertian malaria, as seen in Sa- lonika in September, October and November, 1916. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 607-610. Garcia (P. J.J El paludismo en el ejercito du- rante el ano 1915. Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1917, xxiv, 29-34. Gill (C. A.) The prevention of malaria in war, with special reference to the Indian Army. J, Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 439-456. Gozzi (C.) Osservazioni su alcuni casi di malaria contratta in Albania. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d’ ig., Milano, 1916, xxxviii, 243-249. Grail. Malaria des armees en campagne. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 283 ; xxviii, 129. Hebir (P.) Prevention of malaria in the troops of our Indian Empire. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1914, xlix, 305—309. Hoffman (P. L.) Malaria as a factor in mili- tary efficiency. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 676-678. Jeanselme (E.) Cas de paludisme autochtone contracts en France au contact des troupes indigenes. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1916, ix, 693-694. Bockhorn. Filaria bei russischen Kriegsge- fangenen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1354. Rodenwaldt (E.) Bemerkung zu dem Artikel von Dr. M. Bockhorn, fiber bisher unbekannte Eilariabefunde bei gefangenen Russen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1212. Filariasis, Hookworm infection among recruits. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 758. Lane (C.) The hookworm and the war loan. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 161-164. Siler (J. F.) & Cole (C. L.) The prevalence of hookworm disease in the Fourth Texas Infantry, First Mississippi Infantry and First Alabama Cavalry regiments. Mil. Surgeon, 1917, xli, 77-99. Stiles (O. W.) Certain military aspects of hookworm disease. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1299—1301. Hookworm Disease. Brodie (F.) & Yorke (W.) A case of kala- azar in the Mediterranean expeditionary force. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 91-97. Ward (G. R.) Kala-azar in soldiery returning from Malta. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 16. Kala-Azar. Miguet (Fr4d6ric). Sur le paludisme de Mace- doine. Bordeaux, 1917, 40 p., 80, * No. 33. Malarial Fever. Military Medicine 77 ~ . Du groupement en colonies agricoles des soldats paludeens, momentan6ment inaptes. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 21-24. Koltes (F. X.) Prevention of malaria in the field. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 640-642. Laveran (A.) La prophylaxie du paludisme dans 1’ armde d’ Orient. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 450-455. Feenhardt & Tixier (L.) Le traitement du paludisme au centre special de la 3® region. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 424-426. FGger (L.) & Mouriquand (G.) Sur la reparti- tion des stations d’ anopheles dans_ le secteur medical Grenoble-Gap-Briangon; indications prophylactiques qui en decoulent. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hOp. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 16-22. tegroux (R.) Presentation du materiel de prophylaxie anti-paludique destine a 1’ armee d’ Orient. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 421-427. MacCormac (H.) Malaria contracted in the trenches. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 906. Malloizel. Le paludisme d’ Orient peut se con- tractor en France; un cas de malaria a para- sites crescentiformes contractee il Yannes. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 168-174. Manaud (A.) Traitement des paludeens de 1’ Armee d’ Orient en Prance. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 599-601. Maragliano (E.) La malaria dal punto di vista clinico e in rapporto alia medicina militare. Cron. d. din. med. di Genova, 1916, xxii, 13- !5. Marchoux (E.) Le paludisme de Salonique. Traitement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, Ixxviii, 3. s., 112-114. Also: Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 484-487. Martyn (G. J. K.) Malaria in men returned from France. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 473. Moreau (L.) Paludisme et blessures de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, civ, 321-325. . Paludisme et traumatisme chez les blesses de 1’ armee d’ Orient. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 48-50. Also: Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 404-423. Morris (L. M.) Malaria in H. M. Ships “ Her- mione ” and “ Bristol,” at Tampico, with special reference to methods of screening. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 42-50. Netter (L.) Sur le danger du paludisme en France. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 686-690. better (L.) & Guilhem (J.) Remarques sur le paludisme au Maroc. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 911-930. Bende (N.) II problema della cura dei_ soldati malarici. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 679—682. '— . Sulla cura dei soldati malarici. Ibid., 763. . Le ipodermoclisi di dosi generose di chinino in soluzione fisiologica adrenalinizzata, quale metodo elettivo di cura della malaria nei combattenti. Ibid., 1329-1333. Bollock (C. E.) Notes on the incidence of malaria among European troops in the Sierra Leone command, with special reference to the effect of mobilization. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 118-120. Mankin (A. O.) Simple tertian malaria in French Flanders. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1079. Mathery (F.) & Michel (R.) Le paludisme dans un coin de Flanders. Paris mdd., 1917, xxi, 394-402. Reid (J. McG. H.) & Humphrys (H. E.) Ma- laria contracted in Flanders. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 603. Roubaud (E.) Gas de paludisme autochtone contracts dans 1’ Aisne. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 171. Stadelmann. Die Malaria in Berlin und der Krieg. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1379. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1730. Timpano (P.) La malaria fra i nostri soldati. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1461. Tlnti (A.) La malaria presso le truppe com- battenti. Riv. med., Milano, 1917, xxv, 1-A. Yisbecq. Une mission militaire antipaludique Paris mdd., 1917, xxii, 463-465. Wurtz (P.) Paludisme de Macddoine, etude clinique. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 257-270. Also, transl.: Monde m6d. [Engl, ed.], Par., 1917, xxvii, 193-205. Yakimoff (V. L.) & Shokhor (N. I.) [Malaria among troops in Turkestan.] Russk. Yrach., S.-Peterb., 1914, xiii, 984. Zuccarelli. Le paludisme en Corse et les palu- ddens de 1’ armde d’ Orient. Rev. gen. de din. et de thgrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 631. Relapsing Fever. See, also, Typhus Fever. Armand-Delille (P.), Gassin & Lemaire (H.) Les principaux caracteres de la fievre r6cur- rente observee a 1’ armee d’ Orient. Bull, et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 778-780. Danila (P.) Fievre r6currente h Bucarest. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 458-460. Duchamp (C.-J.) La fievre recurrente des Serbes. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 372. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 10-12. Hagler (F.) Relapsing fever. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 36-43, 2 pi. Knack (A. V.) Ueber eine neue, dem Riick- fallfieber ahnliche Kriegskrankheit. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 446, Portocalis. Sur 1’ dpiddmie de fievre rdcurrente observde rdcemment en Macddoine. Bull, et mdm. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 780-783. Rudis-Jicinsky (J.) Relapsing fever in Serbia. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 643-645. DIATHETIC (DEFICIENCY) DISEASES. Gfabbi (U.) Sulla porpora reumatica scorbuti- forme nelle truppe e negli operai militarizzati alia fronte. Malaria [etc.], Roma, 1917, viii, 124-152. von Noorden (0.) Stoffwechselkrankheiten. Mil.-iirztl. Sachverst.-Tatigk., Jena, 1917, ii, 116-139. Prevention (The) of beri-beri and scurvy in war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 661. Rolleston (H. D.) A case of self-induced scurvy. J.Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 517. Zlocisti (T.) Die kriegschirurgische Bedeutung des Skorbuts. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 562-591. Diabetes. Claude (H.) & Lhermitte (J.) La glycosurie dans les Idsions traumatiques du cerveau. Bull, et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 789-795. Berrien (E.) Les glycuries au point de vue militaire. Montpel. mdd., 1917, n. s., xxxix, 550-554. 78 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Diabete (II) ela guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 601-603. Gottstein (A.) & Umber (F.) Diabetes und Krieg. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1309-1311. JHeeblatt (F.) Diabetes insipidus nach Schadelverletzungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 915-919. Konjetzny (G. E.) & Weiland (W.) Glykosurie und Diabetes bei chirurgischen Erkrankungen. I. Frakturen und Glykosurie. Mitt. a. d. Grenzeb. d. Med. u. Ohir., Jena, 1915, xxviii, 860-891. Ron Noorden (C.) Ueber die Beeinflussung des Diabetes mellitus durch den Krieg. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 991-994. Rathery (F.) La glycosurie traumatique chez les blesses de guerre. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 356-359. Also: Paris med., 1917, xx, 312-317. Buedlger. Die Behandlung des Diabetes melli- tus im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 533. Sergent (E.) Importance de la notion d’insuf- fisance surrgnale et du role de 1’ opotherapie surrenale en mMecine et en chirurgie d’ armee. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 268-271. Also: J. de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 694-700. Diseases of the Thyroid Gland. See, also, Diseases of the Heart. Berard (L.) La maladie de Basedow et la guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 428-430. Caro. Bedeutung und Yerbreitung der Thyreose im Heere. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1009-1011. Dannehl. Militardienst und Thyreotoxie. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 41-60. Findlay (G. M.) Hyperthyroidism as occur- ring in sailors. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 205-209. Kahane (M.) Ueber Hyperthyreoidismus vom Standpunkte der Kriegsmedizin. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 148-153. Bothacker (A.) Einige Falle von Hyperthy- reoidismus, darunter drei von akutem Base- dow bei Kriegsteilnehmern, zur Stiitze der neurogenen Entstehung dieser Krankheit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 99-101. (Edema. Jurgens. Besteht ein Zusammenhang der Oedemkrankheit in den Kriegsgefangenenla- gern mit Infektionskrankheiten? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 210-213. Mantelli (C.) Contribute alia cura degli edemi cronici consecutivi a traumatism! di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 591-594. Outbreaks of oedema in Germany. Lancet, Lend., 1917, ii, 248. Rumpel (T.) Zur Aetiologie der Oedemkrank- heiten in russischen Gefangenenlagern. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1021-1023. “ War oedema.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 560. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. du Castel (J.) L’hypertension pr6- coce dans les corps de troupe. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 63- 67. Galli (G.) Die Krankheiten der Kreislaufor- gane und der Krieg. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 621-624. Groher. Die Krankheiten der Kreislauforgane und der Krieg. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2388-2390. Hoffmann (A.) Die Beurteilung von Kreislauf- storungen im Felde. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Miinchen, 1915, 2. Heft, 3-7. . Die Beurteilung von Erkrankungen und Yerletzungen der Kreislauforgane. Mil.- arztl. Sachverst.-Tiitigk., Jena, 1917, ii, 61- 92. Lewis (T.) Osservazioni sopra soldati rinviati all’ ospedale sofferenti di sintomi comune- mente riferti al sistema cardio-vascolare. La sindrome dello sforzo. Malat. d. cuore, Roma, 1916-17, i, 421-432. Monckeberg (J. G.) Ueber die Atherosklerose der Kombattanten (nach Obduktionsbefun- den). Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh. [etc.], Dresd. u. Wien, 1915, vii, 7-10. . Zur Frage der Atherosklerose im mili- tardienstpflichtigen Alter. Ibid., 1916, viii, 2-11. Moss (L.) Some auditory blood pressure ob- servations in H. M. S. “ Paris.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 477-484. Moutier (A.) Les troubles de la circulation artdrielle en rapport avec les circonstances de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 355. Muller (O.) Rigide Arterien, Tropfenherz und Kriegsdienst. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1365-1370. Pletneff (D. D.) [Observations on the phe- nomena of insufficiency of cardiovascular action in connection with the war.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 1160-1167. Reckzeh (P.) Der unregelmiissige Puls. Be- merkungen zu seiner kriegsarztlichen Beurteil- ung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1096-1099. Rheumatic Affections. Brunton (L.) Lice and rheumatism amongst soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 298. Comment combattre les atteintes rhumatis- males chez les hommes en campagne. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 7. Freund (E.) Die rheumatischen Erkrankungeu im Krieg. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 316-319. Guerrieri (P.) & Lelong (M.) Quelques ob- servations de rhumatisme des tranches. Paris m£d., 1915—16, xvii, 387. Llewellyn (L. J.) Rheumatism and the dis- abled soldier. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, civ, 348-350. Matyds (M.) Ueber Kriegsrheumatismus. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 259. NobGcourt (P.) & Peyre. Endocardites et peri- cardites aigues rhumatismales chez les soldats du front. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 233-254. Schmidt (A.) Ueber die rheumatischen Er- krankungen im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1755. . Strasser (A.) Ueber rheumatische Affektionen im Felde und fiber Tornisterdruckneuralgien. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 310-314, DISEASES OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. Kohnstamm (O.) Anti-Thyreqidin und Hypo- physin in der Kriegs-Medizin (Begriff der Dyshormonie). Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1915, Ivi, 328-331. Loeper (M.) & Oppenheim (R.) Les glandes surr6nales en pathologic de guerre. Rev. g6n. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, 1, 123-141. Military Medicine 79 Romberg (E.) Beobachtungen bei Herz- und Gefasskrankheiten wahrend der Kriegszeit. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 619. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 673—676. Aannutelli (F.) Un’epidemia di porpora in- fettiva con manifestazioni emorragico-scorbu- ticbe tra le truppe combattenti. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 873-879. Cotton (T.) A note on the “irritable heart” of soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 722. Cotton (T.), Lewis (T.) & Thiele (F. H.) The “ irritable heart ” of soldiers. Ibid., 780. Cotton (T.), Rapport (D. L.) & Lewis (T.) After effects of exercise on pulse rate and systolic blood pressure in cases of “ irritable heart.” Heart, Lond., 1916-17, vi, 269-284. Cnrschmann (H.) Zur Diagnose nervoser, insbesondere thyreogener Herzbeschwerden Heeresangehoriger mittels der Adrenalin- Augenprobe und der Lymphocytenauszahlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 253-256. Devoto (L.) II cuore stance nei militari poco alienati. Lavoro, Milano, 1915, viii, 138-147. Also: Med. nuova, Roma, 1915, vi, 156-160. Dietlen. Zur Frage der akuten Herzerweiter- ung bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiiii, 248--251. Dimond (L.) The bacteriological examination of the blood in cases of irritable heart. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 210. Drummond (D.) The differentiation of heart murmurs in soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 804 : 1917, i, 276. Edel (A.) Beitrag zur Entstehung und Yer- hiitung von Herzklappenfehlern bei Soldaten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 319. . Herzkranke Soldaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 30. Ehret (H.) Zur Kenntnis der Herzschadig- ungen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 689-692. . Zur Kenntnis der akzidentellen Herzge- rausche bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Ibid., 1365. Erdelyi (P.) Zur Frage der Beurteilung von Herzaffektionen in Etappenspitalern. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1175—1177. Ewart (W.) The soldier’s heart and the strained heart. Brit. M. J,, Lond., 1916, i, 218. Fiessinger (C.) Les maladies du coeur aux armies. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, 3. s., Ixxii, 443-447. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 5. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Ciyc., Lond., 1915, n. s., xeix, 161. Fischer (M.) Herzbefunde bei Verwundeten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 141. Fisher (T.) The differentiation of heart mur- murs in soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 919 : 1917, i, 80. —. Soldier’s heart. Ibid., 1917, i, 588. Fowler (J. K.) Auscultation of the heart of the recruit. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 744. Freeman (G. F.) The normal heart in the navy. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 353-381. Fried (H.) Herzbefund bei wahrend des Stel- lungskrieges eingelieferten Soldaten. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 905. Furbringer. Zur Wiirdigung der Herzstorungen der Kriegsteilnehmer. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 905-906. Functional cardiac disorders in soldiers. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 202. Gfalli (G.) Le malattie del cuore e dei vasi in tempo di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 828-832. . Alcuni punti special! nell’ etiologia e trattamento del cuore dei soldato. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1917, xx, 13-19. . Dell’ insufficienza mitralica funzionale nei soldati. Malat. d. cuore, Roma, 1917, i, 111-117. . Sull utilizzazione dei militari cardi- opazienzi in tempo di guerra. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 441-442. •. II cardiopalmo nei soldati. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 378-381. Diseases of the Heart. Great Britain, Army Medical Department. The significance of abnormal signs in tbe re- cruit’s heart. Bond., 1915, 2 p., fob . National Health Insurance Joint Com- mittee. Medical Research Committee. Re- port upon soldiers returned as cases of “ disordered action of tbe heart ” (D. A. H.) or “valvular disease of the heart” (V. D. H.). [By Thomas Lewis.] Bond., 1917, 71 p., B°. Abrahams (A.) The cardiac disabilities of soldiers on active service. Lancet, Lend., 1916, ii, 206. . “ Soldier’s heart.” Ibid., 1917, i, 442- 445. . Soldier’s heart; a misleading term applied indiscriminately to a variety of symp- toms. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1917, Ixxxiv, 166. Adolph (F.) Zur Beurteilung der Kriegsver- wendungsfahigkeit unserer Herzkranken. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1479- 1482. Aubertin (C.) Sujets atteints d’insuffisance aortique ayant fait campagne sans accidents. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. de hop. de Par., 1914, 3. s., xxxviii, 397—399. . La recuperation des faux cardiaques. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 92. ' . Les cardiaques du front en 1917. Ibid., 1917, xxv, 451-453. Barr (J.) “The soldier’s heart” and its rela- tion to thyroidism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 544 ; 739. Also: Am. Med., Burlington, Vt. & N. Y., 1916, xxii, 615-624. ■ . The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 899: ii, 128; 242. Barringer (T. B.) jr. “Disordered action of the heart ” in British soldiers. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1726. Bensande (R.) & Monod {Mme. Robert). In- suffisance aortique par rupture valvulaire, chez un soldat ayant requ, au cours d’un corps h corps, un coup de crosse sur la region precordiale. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 484-489. Bloch (E.) Herzaffektionen und Kriegsstrapa- zen. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1916, xxiii, 89-96. Bouquet (H.) Trois cas de bradycardie chez des blesses ou des malades de guerre. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1915-16, clxviii, 818-821. Brandenburg (K.) Die akute Ueberanstreng- ung des Herzens im Felde. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1468-1471. Briscoe (Grace). The leucocytes in cases of irritable heart. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 832- 837. Campbell (H.) The “soldier’s heart” and its relation to thyroidism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 605. Ceconi (A.) Le nevrosi di cuore e la guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 473; 502. Coombs (C.) Cardiac diseases and disorders in warfare. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1915, xxxiii, 149-156. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, ci, 400-402. Index Medicus. [War Supp. 80 . Besioni valvolari del cuore nell’ esercito. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 5684573. Garrod (W. E.) A variety of war heart which calls for treatment by complete rest. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 985. Garry (T. G.) The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 275. Gerhardt. Ueber Herzerkrankungen im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 287.- Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 318. Godlewski (H.) De I’importance du traite- ment precoce des crises de tachycardie dans la mddecine aux armies. Presse m6d., Par., 1914, xxii, 723. Goodall (J. S.) The soldier’s heart. Med. Press & Oirc., Bond., 1917, civ, 136-140. Also: Middlesex Hosp. J., Bond., 1917, xx, 64-76. Goodhart (J. F.) The soldier’s heart and the strained heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 184. Gordon (W.) Murmurs in the recruit’s heart. Ibid., 1916, i, 433. Groedel (F.) Zur Rontgenuntersuchung des Herzens bei fraglicher Militartauglichkeit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1781- 1783. Heller (R.) Herzstorungen in Kriegsdienst. Das Uebermiidungsherz. Wien. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixv, 1202-1210. Herz (M.) Ueber die Begutachtung des Her- zens im Kriege. Ibid., 1916, Ixvi, 159. Howell (A.) War heart. Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 63. Jarlov (E.) [Cardiac symptoms in soldiers.] Ugeskr. f. Bseger, Kobenh., 1917, Ixxix, 1904- 1908. Josue (O.) Souffles cardiaques, aptitude mili- taire. Paris mdd., 1916, vi, 379-382. Kaufmann (R.) Ueber Haufigkeit und Art der Herzschadigungen bei riickkehrenden Front- Soldaten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1033; 1076. „ , Kisch (H.) Bemerkungen über Knegs-Herzbe- schwerden. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, . The soldiers heart. Ibid., 1916, i, 117-119. Also: Glasgow M. J., 1916, Ixxxvi, 193-214. Mackenzie (J.), Wilson (R. M.) [et ah] Dis- cussion on the soldier’s heart. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect., 27-60. Macleod (K.) The soldier’s “irritable heart.” Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 218. Magnus-Levy (A.) Ueber leichte Herzverander- ungen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 28. Mariaui (P.) II cuore del soldato. Malat. d. cuore, Roma, 1917, i, 101-110. Martinet (A.) L’ aptitude militaire des cardi- aques. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 360- 363. . Guerre et nevroses cardiaques. Ibid., 433-435. Matozzi Scafa (G.) Cardiopalmo. Folia med., Napoli, 1917, iii, 497-505. Meahins (J. C.) & Gunson (E. B.) The pulse rate after a simple test exercise in cases of “ irritable heart.” Heart, Bond., 1916-17, vi, 285-292. , . The occurrence of hyperalgesia in the “ irritable heart of soldiers.” Ibid., 343-353. Meakins (J. C.), Parkinson (J.) [et ah] A memorandum upon heart affections in soldiers, with special reference to prognosis of “ irrita- ble heart.” Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 418- 420. Merkel (P.) Ueber Herzstdrungen im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 695. Michell (R.) The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 909. . The soldier’s heart and the strained heart. Ibid., 1916, i, 396. Mirtl (C.) Beitrag zum Kapitel Herzbefunde bei Yerwundeten und krank vom Pelddienst Heimkehrenden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 384. Molndr (B.) Ueber eine wichtige Fehlerquelle bei der Herzuntersuchung der Soldaten. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 563. Morison (A.) The recruit’s heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 636. . Soldier’s heart. Bancet, Bond., 1916, i, 316. . Aortic incompetence, digitalis, and the war-worthy heart. Ibid., 1916, ii, 248. Miinter. Ueber Herzveranderungen bei Sol- daten. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 270-272. Nobecourt & Peyre (E.) Endocardites et peri- cardites aigues chez les soldats du front. Bull, et m6m. Soc. med. d. hsp. de Par., 1916, 3. s„ xl, 2021-2029. Oldfield (J.) The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 665. Orr (T. S. A.) The diagnosis of functional heart disease in the recruit. Ibid., 1916, i, 218. Pal. Ein Fall von traumatischer Aortenin- suffizienz und voriibergehende Aortendehnung nach Schussverletzung. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1914, xxvii, 1649. Paolucci (A.) Appunti clinici sul cuore da strapazzo. Malat. d. cuore, Roma, 1917, i, 129-133. Parkinson (J.) An inquiry into the cardiac disabilities of soldiers on active service. Ban- cet, Bond., 1916, ii, 133-138. •. The pulse rate on standing and on slight exertion in healthy men and in cases of “ soldier’s heart.” Heart, Bond., 1916-17, vi, 317-320. . Digitalis in soldiers with cardiac symp- toms and a frequent pulse. Ibid., 321-336. 176. .. . . _ . Korach (S.) Ueber Herzstorungen bei Kriegs- teilnehmern. Berl. klin. M chnschr., 1915, In, Laubry (C.) Bes cardiopathies valvulaires et le sejour au front. Paris mdd., 1917, xxn, 436_493_ Laubry (6.) & Bidy (P.) Bes variations du rythme cardiaque et de la tension artenelle dans I’orthostatisme, I’effort et la fatigue ; leur valeur au point de vue de 1’ aptitude mih- taire. Arch. d. mal. du cceur [etc.], Par,, 1917, x, 49-65. Leclercq (A.) B’ examen d’ un cceur au conseil de revision. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 26-28. T , Lewis (T.) Soldier’s heart. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 510. Lewis (T.), Cotton (T.) [et ah] Breathless- ness in soldiers suffering from irritable heart. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 517-519. Levton (O.) The examination of the soldier’s heart. Bancet, Bond., 1916, i, 294. Lian (C.) Bes troubles cardiaques aux armees (utilite de I’organisation de centres de cardi- nloe-ie) Bull, et m6m. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de PaR 1916, 3. s., xl, 1582-1600. . Bes palpitations par hypertension art&rielle aux armees. Presse m§d., Par., 1916, xxiv, 228. , , . Maase (O.) & Zondek (H.) Herzebefunde bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1915, Ixxxi, 391-409. Also [abstr.] ; Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 366. _ , . Mackenzie {Sir J.) The recruit’s heart, a mem- orandum for medical examiners. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 563; 807. Military Medicine 81 Parkinson (J.) & Drury (A. N.) The P-R in- terval before and after exercise in cases of soldier’s heart. Ibid., 337-342. Parkinson (J.) & Koefod (H.) The immediate effect of cigarette smoking on healthy men and on cases of “ soldier’s heart.” Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 232-236. Pende (N.) Sulle sindromi di debolezza nervosa funzionale del cuore nei militari. Riv. crit. di din. med., Firenze, 1917, xviii, 365 ; 373 ; 385 ; 397; 409-412. Pletnew (D.) Considerations sur les_ pheno- menes d’ insuffisance cardio-vasculaire qui apparaissent sous 1’ influence de la guerre. Arch. d. mal. du coeur [etc.], Par., 1916, ix, 333—342. Poynton (F. J.) & Barr (T.) The “irritable heart ” of soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 746. Ramoino (G. B.) Le nevrosi cardiache ela loro valutazione nel reclutamento militare. Cron, d. din. med. di Genova, 1917, xxiii, 145-153. Also: Malat. d. cuore, Roma, 1917, i, 118-125. Report of soldiers returned as cases of “ Dis- ordered action of the heart” (D. A. H.) or “Valvular disease of the heart” (V. D. H.). J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 231. Rudolf (R. D.) Auscultation of the heart of the recruits. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 361. . The irritable heart of soldiers (soldier’s heart). Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 796-810. Scarishrick (W.) Cardiac disease in soldiers and recruits. Brit. M, J., Lond., 1917, i, 254-256. Schlesinger (E.) Die Herzkrankheiten und Herzstbrungen der Soldaten im Felde. Miin- chen. med. W’chnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1442-1445. Schmidt (R.) Ueber Herzbeschwerden bei Kriegsteilnehmern imd fiber konstitutionelle Gesichtspunkte bei der Beurteilung derselben. Mea. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 443-447. Schott. Beobachtungen iiber Herzaffektionen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 677-679. Schwarz (E.) Herzerkrankungen bei Kriegs- teilnehmern. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1915, xxxiii, 199; 239. Seeuwen (H. J.) The heart and active service; treatment of convalescent soldiers at Heaton Park. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixvii, 804-806. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 432. Selig (A.) Das Herz unter dem Einflusse der Kriegsstrapazen. Prag. med. Wchnschr.. 1915. xl, 177. Smith (J. S. K.) The soldier’s heart and its relation to thyroidism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 672. “Soldier’s heart” (The) and the “effort syn- drome.” Ibid., 1917, i, 459. Soldier’s (The) heart. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 859. Stawell (R. R.) The recruit’s heart and soldier’s heart. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1917, Ixxxii, 31-44. Stephens (G. A.) “ Military carditis.” Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 662. Stoney (Florence A.) On the connexion be- tween “ soldier’s heart ” and hyperthyroidism. Ibid., 1916, i, 777-780. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916. i, 706. Thorne (L. T.) The differentiation of heart murmurs in soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 843. Thorne (W. B.) The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 292. Also: Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 551-554. . The differentiation of the heart mur- murs in soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 353. Trenpel (G.) Kriegsarztliche Herzfragen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 356-359. Trotter (R. H.) Soldier’s heart. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 267. Tnllidge (T. K.) The heart of the recruit and the soldier. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 24-28. Tyson (W. J.) The soldier’s heart. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 496. Yaqnez (H.) & Donzelot (E.) L’aptitude fonctionnelle cardiaque du soldat. Ann. de med., Par., 1917, iv, 377-390. , -———. L’ hypertrophie cardiaque et 1’ aptitude au service militaire. Paris mdd., 1917, xxi, 502-504. Vanghan (Y. C.) Disordered action of the heart among soldiers. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917-18, iii, 134-137. von den Yelden (R.) Feldarztliche Herzfragen. Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh. [etc.], Dresd. u. Wien, 1915, vii, 1-6. Yigevani (G.) Le cardiopatie dei soldati in rapporto ai servizi di guerra. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1917, 2. s., v, 273-286. Yollmer. Ueber leichte Herzveranderungen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 236. . Zur Beurteilung von Herzbeschwerden und Herzbefunden an der Front. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 241-244. Weil (E. P.) Revue de cardiologic de guerre. Rev. g6n. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, i, 83-97. Wenckebach (K. F.) Ueber Herzerkrankungen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1916, 50-82. West (S.) “Soldier’s heart.” Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 661. Wilson (R. McN.) The irritable heart of soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 119. Wyard (S.) Valvular disease of the heart in army recruits and soldiers proposed for in- validing. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvii, 377-388. Wybauw. Le cceur du soldat. Arch. mdd. beiges, Brux., 1917, ixx, 714-731. Zuccola (P.) Sul cuore del soldato. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 457-458. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Le Noir (P.) & Delort (M.) Interrogatoire des militaires atteints de maladies de 1’ appareil digestif. Paris m£d., 1917, xxii, 469-472. Passler. Die chronischen Infektionen im Be- reiche der Mundhbhle und der Krieg, insbe- sondere ihre Bedeutung fur die Wehrfahigkeit und fur die Beurteilung von Rentenan- spriichen. Therap, d. Gegenw., Berl,, 1915, Ivi, 361; 419. Prins (G. A.) Nerveuze dyspepsie hi] soldaten. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 405-409. Ramoino (P.) Osservazioni sui disturbi da alimentazione nel soldato in guerra; impor- tanza del fattore avitaminico. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 616-620. Schmidt (A.) Nachbehandlung von Kriegser- krankungen des Magen-Darmkanals und des Bauchfells. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 257-261. yy. Die militararztliche Sachverstandigen- tatigkeit (Ersatzwesen und Versorgung) auf dem Gebiete der Erkrankungen und Verletz- ungen des Verdauungstraktus. Mil.-arztl. Sachverst.-Tatigk., Jena, 1917, ii, 93-115, Schuller (L.) Ueber die militarische Dienst- verwendungsfahigkeit der Magen- und Darm- leidenden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1249- 1252. Schiitz (E.) Ueber die militarische Konstatier- ung bei Magen-Darmkranken. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 167. 82 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Strauss (H.) Einfliisse des Krieges auf Ver- dauungskrankheiten. Jahresk. f. jirztl. Fort- bad., Miinchen, 1915, S Heft., 3-9. Also: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1916, xiii, 8-14. Zweig (W.) Die militararztliche Konstatierung von Magen- und Darmkrankheiten. Wien, klin. Wchnsehr., 1915, xxviii, 1373-1376. Diseases of the Intestines. See, also, Dysentery. Lanbry (C.) & Marre (B.) Syndromes enteri- tiques chroniques et aptitude militaire. Groupement med.-chir. de la 5. rdgion [etc.], Orleans, 1917, 106-119. Beeper & Beroy (P.) Bes sequelles rectales de certaines enterocolites de 1’ arm6e. Progres m6d., Par., 1914, 3. s., xxx, 377-380. Mendes (E.) Enteriti non specifiche fra i soldati in guerra. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1915, v, 369-373. Neuhauer. Die Behandlung beginnender Darm- krankheiten im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 1765. Rosenthal (G.) ficorce d’orange dans I’hy- giene intestinale du soldat. Bull. gen. de thdrap. [etc.], Par., 1914, clxviii, 515. Strasburger (J.) Akute Darmerkrankungen im Feld und ihre Behandlung, insbesondere mit Suprarenin. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1147- 1151. Ulcero-Membranons Stomatitis. Bonty (R. J. C.) Vincent’s angina among the troops in France. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 685. Bowman (F. B.) Ulcero-membranous stoma- titis and gingivitis among troops; its cause and treatment (preliminary report). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, Med. Sect., 51-60. gingivitis among troops on active service. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 373. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 669-673. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1917, xxxviii, war suppl., 53-56. Brodzki. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des kausalen Zusammenhanges zwischen Angina und Ge- lenkrheumatismus und deren mogliche Folgen auf die Wehrfahigkeit. Berl. klin. Wchnsehr., 1916 liii 429 131. Campbell (A. R.) & Dyas (A. D.) Epidemic ulceromembranous stomatitis (Vincent’s an- gina) affecting troops. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixviii, 1596-1598. de Gfroot (H.) Stomatitis ulcero-membranosa, en angina Plaut-Vincent. Mil.-geneesk. Tijd- schr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 208-214. Johnson (E. E.) Ulcero-membranous stomatitis occurring among the troops. Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1917, xxxviii, 44-47. Mackenzie (D.) Trench throat. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, cliv, 409. Mendleson (B.) Acute infective stomatitis amongst troops. Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1916, xxxvii, 568. Wells (F. M.) Trench mouth [ulcerative stoma- titis]. Dental Reg., Oincin., 1917, Ixxi, 470- 478. Ulcero-membranous stomatitis and Appendicitis. Pflaumer (E.) Blinddarmentziindung im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1915, xlii, 634. Rouhier. Appendicite ala guerre. Appendicite et fievre typhoide. (Rapp, de Walther.) Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1846-1850. Stalkartt (W. H. S.) Appendicitis in the Royal Navy: appendicectomy at sea. J. Roy. Nav._ M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 85-87. Toussaint (H.) A propos de I’inaptitude au service militaire de 1’ appendicite chronique. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 663-666. Walther (O.) Appendicite chronique apres plaie par balle de la fosse iliaque. Hid., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1866. Williams (A. W.) Appendicitis under field service conditions ; a report of fifty-two opera- tions. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915, ci, 14. Woods (S. H.) Practical experience of appen- dicectomy at sea. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv.. Bond., 1916, ii, 82-85. Willis (H. H.) Vincent’s angina in Biverpool camp. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 373. Diarrhoeal Diseases. DenGchau (D.) & Mattrais (H.) Bes gros ventres de la guerre; leur mecanisme, leur pathogenic reelle. Bull, et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hQp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2142-2148. , Bes gros ventres de la guerre, leur pathogenic, les erreurs qu’ ils entrainent. Ann. de med., Par., 1917, iv, 147-164. Pisani (S.) II grosso addome di guerra. Riv. crit. di din. med., Firenze, 1917, xviii, 390; 403 ; 412; 421, 5 pi. Ventre (Be) du soldat. (Conseils pratiques.) Gaz. med. de Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 239. Dilatation of the Abdomen. Blanc (J.) L’ entgro-colite infectieuse aigue des tranchdes. Rev. gen. de din. et de theran.. Par., 1917, xxxi, 628 ; 643. Cheyron. Les ententes dysenteriformes saison- nieres (estivales) des troupes en campagne ; leur traitement curatif et prophylactique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 9-13. Fuld (E.) Ueber die Behandlung der Durch- fiille im Felde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr 1914 li, 1818. ’ ’ Gasbarrini (A.) Sull’ etiologia di alcune diarree dissenteriformi fra le truppe combattenti. Polichn., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. med., 429- 441. Haims (A.) La diarrhde des campagnes. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 408-412. Hatiegan (J.) Ueber Kriegsdiarrhoen mit be- sonderer Rxicksicht auf den gastrogenen Ur- sprung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1003-1009. Ismail (A.) Cases of diarrhoea from Gallipoli. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 920. Jeandidier (A.) & Ameuille (P.) Sur cer- taines formes d’ enterocolites aigues observees depuis le debut de la campagne de 1914. Bull, et mem. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1914, 3. s., xxxviii, 384-395. See, also, Dysentery. Diseases of the Stomach. Fischmann (A.) Diagnostik und Therapie magenkranker Militarpersonen. Wien. klin. Wchnsehr., 1916, xxix, 181; 213. Frankl (T.) Ueber die im Felde vorkommenden Magenerkrankungen, ihre Behandlung und militararztliche Begutachtung. Ibid., 1543- 1545. McDowall (C.) Functional gastric disturbance in the soldier. J. Ment. Sc. Bond., 1917, Ixiii, 76-88. Neumann (H.) Systematische Anwendung des Schlauches zur Feststellung von Mageukrank- heiten durch den Truppenarzt. Deutsche med. Wchnsehr., Beipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1468. Military Medicine. 83 Kiesler. Die Enteritis als Feldzugserkrankung. Wien. ined. Wehnschr., 1915, Ixv, 869. krasheninnikoff (L. I.) [Prophylaxis of gastro- enteritis en masse in the army.] Voyenno- Med. J., St. Petersb., 1914, ccxl, med.-spec. pt., 70-78. Lassabliere. Nouveau traitement des entdrites des tranchees par le lait condense dans I’ eau de riz. Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 279-282. Matthes. Behandlung der im Peldzuge aufge- tretenen Diarrhden. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 126. Hathery (F.) & Bisch (L.) Abces du foie et diarrhee des tranchees. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 388. Havant (P.) Comment utiliser la poudre de charbon de bois dans le traitement et la prophylaxie de la diarrhee des troupes en cam- pagne. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 101. Henilinger (P.) & Dumas (J.) La diarrhee dite “ des tranchdes.” Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 490^499. Schroeder (H.) & Umnus (O.) Ueber» bakteri- ologische Erfahrungen bei Untersuchungen an Durminfektionen leidender Soldaten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 637-639. Steiner. Die Behandlung der nichtinfektidsen Diarrhoe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Peldzuges. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berk, 1914, Ixxxiii, 413. Cesa-Bianchi (D.) Ittero infettivo da campo e spirochetosi itteroemorragica. Attualita med., Milano, 1917, vi, 285-304. Ddnechau. Ictere infectieux, ndphrites, menin- gites h spirochetes. La spirochetose ictdro- hdmorragique en France. Arch. med. d’ An- gers, 1917, xxi, 39-46. Di Guglielmo (G.) Spirochetosi emorragiche. Folia med., Napoli, 1917, iii, 809-814. Gamier (M.) Les formes sdveres de I’ictere infectieux (d’ apres des observations recueillies aux armdes pendant k hiver 1915-16). Bulk et mdm. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 691-709. Gunson (E. B.) & Gunn (J. W. O.) On epi- demic of jaundice occurring at Alexandria. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1294. Hurst (A. F.) Infective jaundice at Gallipoli, Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 527. Jaundice at Alexandria. Hid., 1916, i, 320. Leporini (F.) Breve riflessione clinica sulk it- tero infettivo endemo-epidemico comparso tra le nostre truppe combattenti. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 288. Leslie (R. M.) Infective jaundice in France. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 649. Martin (C. J.) Concerning the pathology and etiology of the infectious jaundice common at the Dardanelles, 1915. Hid., 445-447. Martin (L.) & Pettit (A.) Trois cas de spiro- chdtose ictdro-hdmorragique en France. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 247-253. Also; Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 665-667. Moreschi (C.) & Carpi (U.) Osservazioni chniche e sperimentali sugli itteri nelle truppe combattenti. Gior. d. r. Soc. itak d’ ig., Mi- lano, 1916, xxxviii, 250-258. Also; Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1256-1259. Moritz (S.) Epidemic jaundice in war time. Bnt. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 602. Nicola (B.) L’ ittero epidemico al campo. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1918, Ixvi, 44-50. Paisseau (G.) £tude clinique sur un ictere dpiddmique observe au corps expeditionnaire des Dardanelles. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 69-66. Pende (N.) & Baglioni (G. B.) Ittero cas- trense e malaria, con un contribute alk istolo- gia patologia delk ittero infettivo grave Folia med., Napoli, 1917, iii, 761-785. Puglisi-Allegra (S.) Contribute alia cono- scenza delk ittero infettivo della zona di guerra. Malaria [etc.], Roma, 1917, viii, 113- 118. Sarrailhe (A.) & Clunet (J.) La jaunisse des camps et k epidemie de paratyphoide des Dardanelles. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 563-567. Stokes (A.) & Ryle (J. A.) A note on Weil’s disease (spirochsetosis ictero-hsemorrhagica) as it has occurred in the army in Flanders. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 413-417. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 286-299. Stokes (A.), Ryle (J. A.) & Tytler (W. H.) Weil’s disease (spirochsetosis icterohsemor- rhagica) in British army in Flanders. Lan- cet, Lond., 1917, i, 142-153. Yasilevski (A. L.) [Epidemic icterus of war time in general, with description of an epi- demic of catarrhal icterus in Chita during 1915.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med. Petrogr., 1916, lii, 1294-1314. Willcox (W. H.) The epidemic jaundice of campaigns. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 297- 300. Buday (K.) Endemisch auftretende Leberab- szesse bei Yerwundeten, verursacht durch einen anaeroben Bacillus. Centralbl. f. Bakte- riol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915-16, Ixxvii, Orig., 453-469. Baulds (A. G.) Liver abscess amongst our soldiers. Glasgow M. J., 1916, Ixxxvi, 337- 340. Brail (C.) Amibiase hepatique h 1’ armee d’Orient (formes frustes). Bulk Soc. path, exot., Par., 1917, x, 17-22. Loeper (M.) & Verpy (G.) L’epreuve de la glycdmie adrenalinique chez les soldats sus- pects d’ affections hepatiques. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 730 736. Bathery (F.) & Bisch (L.) Abces du foie et diarrhee des tranchees. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 297-299. Diseases of the Liver. Jaundice, Breat Britain. War Office. Jaundice. (Lond., 1915), 8 p., 12°. Collie (Sir J.) Jaundice and malingering. Bir- mingham M. Rev., 1916, Ixxx, 93. Bal Collo-Bonaretti. Ricerche su casi di itte- rizia a nei soldati. 8011. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1917, 2. s., x, 34-36. Bimbert. Notes cliniques sur 289 cas d’ ictere observes dans une ambulance. Progres med., Par., 1916, xxxi, 192. Infectious Jaundice. Bompiani (G.) & lovene (A.) Contribute alio studio dell’ ittero epidemico tra le truppe ope- rand. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 955-962. Chambers (G.) An outbreak of infectious jaun- dice occurring among the soldiers of the British forces. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 108-112. (Spirochsetosis icterohsemorrhagica.) 84 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hamilton (Alice). Toxic jaundice in munition workers: a review. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 263-274. Somme. L’ ictere toxique des ouvriers des usines de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 243. Spillsbnry (B. A.) An outbreak of toxic jaun- dice of a new type amongst aeroplane workers : its pathological aspect. Tr. M. Soc. Bond., 1914-15, xxxviii, 139-144. Stewart (M. J.) Toxic jaundice in munition workers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 153-155. Thursfleld (H.) Note upon a case of jaundice from trinitrotoluol poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 619. Toxic jaundice in munition workers and troops. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 155-158. Willcox (W. H.) An outbreak of toxic jaundice of a new type amongst aeroplane workers; its clinical and toxicological aspect. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1914-15, xxxviii, 129-139. Also: Lan- cet, Lond., 1915, i, 544-547. Also: St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxi, 50-54. Toxic Jaundice. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiii, 177-190. Guillaumin (C. O.) Sur des icteres consEcutifs a 1’ ingestion d’ acide picrique ; contribution aux precedes de recherches de celui-ci dans les milieux organiques. J. de pharm. et de china., Par., 1915, 7. s., xii, 145-152. Hollande. Rapport sur un cas d’ ictere par in- gestion d’ acide picrique. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 554. Lasausse (E.) Conditions a rEaliser pour carac- tEriser les icteres par absorption d’ acide picrique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 512-514. . Diagnostic des icteres provoquEs par absorption d’ acide picrique. Bull. d. sc. • pharmacol., Par., 1915, Ixxii, 327-331. —-. Caracterisation des icterus d’ origine picrique; Etat de la question. Hid., 1916, xxiii, 33-35. Le Mithouard (A.) Notes sur la recherche de 1’ acide picrique dans les urines des malades atteints d’ icteres picriquE. Paris med., 1915- 16, xvii, 475-477. Malmejac. Jaunisse picrique et ictere. Presse mEd., Par., 1917, xxv, 104. Marie (P.-L. ) L’intoxication picrique et les icteres picriques. Ann. de med., Par., 1917, iv, 85-107. Masnata (G.) L’ ittero procurato da ingestione di acido picrico (ittero picrico; falso ittero). Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 701- 711. Murat (M.) & Durand (J.) Sur I’Elimination de 1’ acide picrique par les urines. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiii, 18- 23. Paleani (O.) Sulla diagnosi urologica degli itteri da ingestione di acido picrico. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 711. Pecker (H.) Sur F Elimination et la caractEri- sation de 1’ acide picrique dans les urines. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii. 728. . Ltude chimique de 1’ intoxication pic- rique (mode d’ Elimination, caractErisation et dosage des dErivEs picriques dans 1’ urine). Arch, de mEd. et pharm. mil., Par,, 1916 Ixv 713-724. Pognan & Sauton (B.) Des icteres provoquEs par absorption d’ acide picrique; recherche de la simulation par 1’ analyse des urines et du sang. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par 1915 7. s., xii, 350-352. ' ’ Rozier (F.) Sur une rEaction tres sensible et spEcifique des urines picriques. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol., Par., 1917, xxiv, 81. Tixier (L.) La recherche de I’acide picrique dans les cas d icteres simulEs. Ihid 155- 159. Tixier (L.) & Bernard (A.) Nouveau procEdE pour la recherche de 1’ acide picrique dans le sang des icteres simulEs. Progres mEd Par 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 218-220. Wahl (M.) Production expErimentale et diag- nostic de 1 ictere par absorption d’ acide pic- rique. Presse mEd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 289. West (F. O.) A study of the urines of picric acid workers. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 171-173. • Th® manufacture of picric acid from the medical standpoint. J. Indust. & Engiu. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1917, ix, 303-305. Ydrac. Note sur la recherche de 1* acide pic- rique par la formation d’ isopurpurate de potasse. Application asa dEtermination dans 1’ urine. Bull. d. sc. pharm., Par., 1916, xxiii, 158-160. Picric Acid Jaundice. Fontaine (Georges). Contribution al’ Etude du faux ictere causE par 1’ acide picrique. Mont- pellier, 1915, 51 p., B°, * No. 18. Barbe. A propos d’ un cas d’ ictere picriquE. Arch, de mEd. et pharm. nav., Par., 1916, cii, 234-236. Barral (E.) Acide picrique et simulation. Compt. rend, Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 453. Barthe (L.) & FrEdoux (M.) Sur les urines picriquEes. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiii, 369-372. Baur (J.) &Le Mitouard (A.) Note sur la recherche de F acide picrique dans les urines et le sang, et sur son Elimination. Bull, et mem. Soc. mEd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 254- 261. Brule (M.), Javillier (M.) & Baeckeroot (B.) Sur la pathogEnie des icteres picriques. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 388-391. —, , . PathogEnie, diagnostic chimique et caracteres urologiques des icteres par ingestion d’ acide picrique. Presse mEd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 429-431. Also: Bull. d. sc. pharm., Par., 1916, xxiii, 129-141. Castaigne & Desmoulieres. REaction pratique pour deceler 1’ acide picrique dans le sErum des malades atteints d’ ictere. Bull. Acad, de mEd., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 339-342. Castets (M. J.) Sur une nouvelle rEaction de F acide picrique et ses applications, J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiii, 46- 49. Di Donna (A.) La ricerca delF acido picrico negli itteri procurati. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1917, xxiii, 207-200. Forni (G.) Contribute alia conoscenza dell’av- velenamento acuto da acido picrico ed in par- ticolare delle alterazioni renali consecutive. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1915, vi, 787—792. GrElot (P.) Sur la coexistence de F acide pic- rique et de F acide picramique dans F urine des pseudo-ictEriques. Bull. d. sc. pharm., Par., 1916, xxiii, 65-67. Grimhert (L.) Sur la recherche des dErivEs picriques dans les urines. Bull. Acad, de mEd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 167-178. Also: Military Medicine 85 DISEASES OF THE GENITO-UEINAEY SYSTEM. Bradford (Sir J. R.) Nephritis in the British troops in Flanders. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 445-459. Brown (W. L.) Report on fifty-eight cases of acute nephritis occurring in soldiers of the ex- peditionary force, investigated at St. Barth- olomew’s Hospital for the medical research committee. Ibid., 1915, xxv, 75-93. . Trench nephritis. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 397. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 391-395. Also: Med. Press & Oirc.,' Lond., 1916, clii, 169. Brown (W. L.) & Osier (Sir W.) [et al.] Dis- cussion on trench nephritis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Med. & Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect., p. i-xl. Bull (S. A.) The etiology of so-called trench nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 454. Carrieu. Les nephrites de gnerre. Moutpek med., Montpellier, 1917, xxxix, 687-696. Cavazzani (E.) II rene del soldato italiano nella guerra 1915-16. Morgagni, Milano, 1916, Iviii, pt. 1, 291-296. Chandler (F. G.) Trench warfare and renal function. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 537. Chiari (R.) Sammelbericht fiber das Yorkom- men von Nephritiden bei einer Armee im Felde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1271-1273. Ciovini (M.) Nefriti cloruremiche, in guerra. Capsule surrenali e midollo osseo nella nefrite acuta. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 321- 324. Blum (V.) Kriegserfahrungen fiber Erkalt- ungskrankheiten der Harnorgane. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 8-12. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1253-1257. Le Fur (R.) Retention d’urine depuis quatre mois chez un soldat de 34 ans sans Idsions prostatiques; taille hypogastrique et dilata- tion du col vdsical; guerison de la retention. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 239-242. Legueu (F.) Battlefield urology; urinary and vesical psychoses in the fighting line. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 11. Lohnstein (H.) Die deutsche Urologie im Welt- kriege. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. u. Leipz., 1915, ix, 167 ; 214; 376: 1916, x, 97. Loumean. Prdcoce hypertrophic prostatique cliniquement revelee par un mois et demi de sejour dans les tranchees chez un militaire de trente-quatre ans. Bull, et mem. Soc. de m6d. et chir. de Bordeaux (1915—16), 1917, 51—53. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. m6d. de Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 55. Also: J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1916, xlvi, 97. Oppenheimer (R.) Urologische Erkrankungen im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 905- 910. Oraison & Ertzbischoff. Considerations cliniques et militaires sur la tuberculose genito-urinaire chez le soldat pendant la guerre. Montpek mdd., 1917, n. s., xxxix, 510-524. See, also, Venereal Diseases. Clarke (J. M.) Observations on trench neph- ritis ; its later stages and treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 239-242. Clarke (R. G.) Notes on a fatal case of acute nephritis occurring in the Expeditionary Force. Ibid., 1916, i, 386. Davies (F. C.) & Weldon (R. P.) A contribu- tion to the study of “ war nephritis.” Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 118-120. Devote (L.) Sulle nefriti acute nelle truppe combattenti. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 257 ; 264. Dixon (H. B. F.) Albuminuria in the trenches. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 951-953. Dunn (J. S.) & McNee (J. W.) A contribution to the study of war nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 745-751, 3 pk Eustachio (L.) Circa 2 casi di nefrite di guerra senza edemi complicati ad uremia. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 699-701; 712-720. Evans (J. J.) Fundus lesion in cases of war nephritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1917, Ixxxii, 1-4. Also: Brit. J. Ophth., Lond., 1917, i, 481-484. Franco (P. M.) Le nefriti acute delle truppe in campagna. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1916, Ixx, 129—131. Gabbi (U.) Nefrite acuta epidemica. (Nefrite da trincea.) Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 1072. Gaud (M.) & Mauriac (P.) Les nephrites aigues des troupes en campagne. Paris med., 1916, vi, 383-388. Geigel. Kriegsverwendbarkeit der Nieren- kranken. Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1671. Gilbert. istude sur les cas d’ albuminuries observes dans une ambulance d’ etapes. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 22. Giroux (L.) & Quirin. Sur les nephrites des troupes en campagne. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hOp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2327-2338. Giugni (F.) Sulle nefriti acute delle truppe operand (nefrite da trincea). Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, 977-986. Hirscli. Nierenentztindungen im Felde. Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1916, 338-412. Diseases of the Kidneys. (Including Trench Nephritis.) Great Britain. National Health Insurance. Medical Research Committee. _ Publications upon trench nephritis. Analysis and bibli- ography. Lond., 1917, 22 p., B°. Abercrombie (R. G.) Acute renal disease amongst the troops in France; a clinical note based on 95 cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 531. Albu (A.) & Schlesinger (E.) Ueber Nierener- krankungen bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 130—132. Ameuille (P.) Du role de 1’ infection dans les nephrites de guerre. Ann. de med., Par., 1915- 16, iii, 298-322. ■ . Les nephrites aigues azotemiques des troupes en campagne. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 489-491. . Les nephrites de guerre. Rev. gdn. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, 559-601. Ameuille (P.) & MacLeod (J. W.) Le fonc- tionnement renal chez les troupes en cam- pagne et ses rapports avec les nephrites de guerre. Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 108-105. Ameuille (P.) & Tixier (L.) La tension arte- rielle dans les nephrites de guerre. Bulk et mdm. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2285-2294. Auld (A. G.) An investigation of trench ne- phritis by means of phenolsulphonephthalein. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 414-416. Bartolotti (C.) Malattie emorragipare e lesioni renali in zona di operazione. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 879-884. Beber (M.) Albuminurie bei gesunden Solda- ten. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1915, xlv, 1141. Boulangier. Les nephrites et albuminuries de guerre relevent-elles d’ un agent specifique. Paris med., 1917, xx, 327. 86 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hirschstein. Zur Entstehung der Nierener- krankungen im Felde. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1045. His. Die Nierenentziindungen. Mil.-B.rztl. Sach- verst.-Tatigk., Jena, 1917, ii, 194-214. Hogarth (B. W.) Report on cases of albu- minuria amongst British troops in France. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 372-381. Kayser (0.) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Kriegsnephritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1043-1045. Knack. Ueber Morbus Brightii im Kriege. Ibid., 294. Laubry (0.) & Marre (L.) Organisation et fonctionnement d’ un service de nephrites dans un centre de secteur medical. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 885- 902. Liles (O.) Ueber Aetiologie, Yerlauf und Be- handlung der sogenannten Kriegsnephritis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1177- 1179. Rostoski & Pantaenius. Ueber akute Nephritis bei einer Armce im Osten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1505; 1543. Rudolf (R. D.) War nephritis. Canad. M. Ass. J„ Toronto, 1917, vii, 289-297. Salomon (M.) & Neveu (R.) Nephrites de guerre h spirochetes. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 272-274. Saundby (R.) The so-called “new disease” (streptococcal nephritis). Brit. M. J., Loud., 1915, ii, 160. Sundell (C. E.) & Nankivell (A. T.) War nephritis. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 414-418. Schneider (C.) Nierentuberkulose bei Feld- zugssoldaten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1627. Schwarz (E.) Bemerkungen zur Kriegsne- phritis. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien, 1916, xxxiv, 1-4; 49-53. Shepherd (W. M.) & Nye (L. J. J.) Trench nephritis. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 514-517. Silvestri (T.) Della nefrite nei combattenti. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, 986-989. Sorel (E.) Evolution et pronostic des nephrites aigues des troupes en eampagne. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 518-520. Teissier (J.) A propos des nephrites de guerre (albuminurie des tranchees). Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 806-811. Thornley (R. L.) Note on an organism present in the blood of patients suffering from “ trench nephritis.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916. ii, 836. Tremolieres (F.) & Caussade (L.) fitiologie, evolution et pronostic des nephrites aigues de guerre. Ann. de mdd., Par., 1917, iv, 73-84. Trench nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 278. Ullmann (B.) Ueber die in diesem Kriege beo- bachtete neue Form akuter Nephritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1046-1049. Wagner (K.) Zur Frage der Kriegsnephritis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1180- 1182. Wallis (R. L. M.) An investigation of acute nephritis; the so-called “ trench nephritis.” J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 259—290. War nephritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 251; 1917, ii, 766. Weinberg (J.) Einiges liber Kriegsnephritis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1179. Macht (D. I.) A referat on trench nephritis. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond. 1917- 18, xxii, 240. McLeod (J. W.) & Ameuille (P.) The effect of trench warfare on renal function. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 468-472. McWalter (J. C.) A note on “epidemic ne- phritis.” Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 261. . Trench nephritis. Ihid., 1917, civ, 492. Magnus-Alsleben (E.) Ueber die Nephritis im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1774. Also, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 128. Maillet (M.) Notes h propos de la ndphrite hdmaturique chez les troupes en eampagne. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi. 582; 598. Massy & Richet (C.) L’ albuminurie parmi les troupes du corps expeditionnaire d’ Orient. Paris med., 1917, xix, 47. Mattel (C.) fhude de la constante d’ Ambard, dans 1’ insuffisance renale avec troubles gas- tro-intestinaux chez les soldats en eampagne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 426. Moore (R. F.) The incidence of renal retinitis in soldiers suffering from epidemic nephritis. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1348-1350. Moret. Ndphrites de guerre dans 1’ armee beige. Arch. med. beiges, Par., 1917, Ixx, 1035- 1048. Nobeconrt & Peyre. Albuminurie et nephrites observees a 1’ armee dans un service de con- tagieux. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 22. Oliver (Sir T.) On war nephritis and some circumstances incidental thereto. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii. 755-757. Passler. Kriegsnephritis. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1630. Parisot (J.) & Ameuille (P.) Les nephrites aigues cryptogenetiques observees chez les troupes en eampagne. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 516-519. , -. Recherches sur 1’ dtiologie des nephrites aigues de guerre. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916—17, Ixvi, 545. Pick (F.) Akute Nierenentzundung im Kriege. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 173. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 116. Porges (O.) Erfahrungen fiber akute Nieren- entziindungen im Kriege. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxix, 558. Porges (O.) & Strisower (R.) Ueber Marsch- hamoglobinurie. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1914, cxvii, 13-25. Raw (N.) Trench nephritis; a record of five cases. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 468. Incontinence of Urine. Bohme (F.) _ Enuresis und ahnliche Blasen- storungen im Felde. Munchen. med. Wehn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 726—728. Fuchs (A.) & Gross (S.) Incontinentia vesi- cse und Enuresis nocturna bei Soldaten. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1668. Also: Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1483-1486. Legnen (P.) De I’incontinence d’urine et des psychoses vdsicales chez les combattants. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 314. Also: Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 177. Lipschiitz (B.) Ueber sogennante Blasen- schwache bei Soldaten (nach Beobachtungen in der Festung Przemysl). Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxviii, 948. Passler. Enuresis beim Heere. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1631. Saner (W.) Enuresis und Hypnose im Felde. Ibid., 102. Ullmann (K.) Ueber Enuresis militarium. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 628; 1193; 1240; 1273; 1305. Military Medicine 87 Uteau & Richardot (E.) Appareil pour depis- ter la simulation dans 1’ incontinence nocturne d’ urine. Paris med., 19164L7. xxi, 233-235. von Dziembowski (C.) sr. Die Vagotonic. eine Kriegskrankheit. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1915, Ivi, 405-413. Ferrand (J.) Reflexions medico-chirurgicales snr la pratique neurologique en temps de guerre. J. de radiol. et d’ electro!., Par., 1914- 15, i, 629-639. (H.) Centre neurologique de la 3e region (2® seeteur; Lvreux). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 657-661. Frbderstrdm (H.) [Neurological impressions (May 1916) from a travel report to the chief of the naval medical department.] Tidskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1917, xlii, 137-149. Gaupp (R.) Die Dienstbrauchbarkeit der Epi- leptiker und Psychopathen. Mik-arztk Sach- verst.-Tatigk., Jena, 1917, i, 115-139. Grasset. Les maladies de guerre du systeme nerveux et les conseils de reforme. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 1. Grasset & Yillaret (M.) Centre neurologique de la 16® region (Montpellier). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 711-720. Greenlees (T. D.) The war; impressions: neuro- and psychological. Caledon. M. J., Glasg., 1915-16, x, 183-187. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, n. s., ci, 101-103. Gnillain (G.) Centre neurologique de la Yl® armde. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 733- 736. Heimanovich (A. I.) [Neurology of the war, and general pathology of the nervous system.] Sovrem. Psikhiat., Mosk., 1916, x, 200-210. Hertz (A. E.) Nerves and the war. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxix, 335-339. Hesnard (A.) Centre annexe de physiotherapie et de neurologie de la 18® region (Rochefort). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 723-726. Jolly (P.) Erfahrungen auf der Nervensta- tion eines Reserve-Lazaretts. Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1915, cccxxii, 141-147. Larat (J.) & Lehmann (P.) Traitement elec- trique simplifie des accidents nerveux con- secutifs aux blessures de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 35. Lewandowsky (M.) Erfahrungen liber die Behandlung nervenverlctzter und nerven- kranker Soldaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1565-1567. Lortat-Jacob. Centre neurologique de la 13® region (Yichy). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 686-693. Mairet. Centre neuro-psychiatrique de la 16® region (Montpellier). Ibid., 720-723. Mairet (A.) & Pieron (H.) De quelques prob- lemes posds par la neuro-psychiatrie de guerre au point de _ vue des deformes; paralysies generales; crises d’epilepsie apparues ou ag- grayees; acces de somnambulisme, accidents apres vaccination antityphoidique. Ibid., 1917, xxiv, 89-98. Marburg (O.) Die Neurologie im Kriege. Jahrsek, f. arztl. Fortbild., Miinchen, 1915, 5. Heft., 3-14. Marie (P.), Meige (H.) [et al.] Service neu- rologique militarise de la Salpetriere. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 616-638. Mayer (C.) Kriegsneurologische Erfahrungen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1017-1022. Medea (E.) Neurologia di guerra. Atti d. Soc. lomb. di sc. med. e biok, Milano, 1915—16, v, 49-60. . Malattie nervose e malattie mentali in rapporto alia guerra. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1915, 2. s., iii, 399-408. Modene (G.) L’ organizzazione dei centri neu- rologici in Francia. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1916-17, xlii, 344-355. DISEASES OF THE LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM. Burckhardt (H.) & Landois (F.) Erfahrun- gen liber die Behandlung infizierter Gelenke im Kriege. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 723. Querner (E.) Ueber eine bei Soldaten auf- tretende Periostitis tibialis. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 761. Stephan (R.) Kritische Beitrage zur Prage des Ostitis bei Kriegsteilnehmern. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1473-1476. Yerdelet. Arthrites suppurees de guerre. J. de mdd. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 244. Weintraud. Ueber Gelenkkrankheiten im Kriege. Ztschr. f. arztl. Portbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 293-300. DISEASES OF THE NERYOUS SYSTEM. See, also, Wounds of the Nervous System. Ash (Edwin Lancelot). Nerve in war-time. Lond. [1914], Mills & Boon, 126 p„ B°. Zimmern (Adolphe) & Perol (P.) Electrodi- agnostic de guerre; clinique, conseil de rd- forme technique et interpretation. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 162 p., B°. Babinoff (Ya. K.) [Characteristics of diseases of the nervous system during the present war.] Morsk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, 503- 514. Babinski (J.) & Froment (J.) Service de neurologie militarisd de la Pitid. Rev. neurol., Par., 1917, xxiii, 638-645. Barker (L. F.) War and the nervous system. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1916, xliv, 1-10. Benon (R.) La guerre et les pensions pour maladies mentales et nerveuses. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 320—323. Bobbie (L.) Per una pifl giusta e pifl utile collaborazione fra nevrologia e chirurgia di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez, prat., 492. Briggs (L. V.) A plea for more psychiatrists and neurologists for war service. Proc. Alien- ists & Neurol. Am., Chicago, 1917, vi, 31. Bruns (L.) Kriegsneurologische Beobacht- ungen und Betrachtungen. Neurol. Centralbk, Leipz., 1915, xxxiv, 12-15. Carlill (H.) The ankle-jerks of a ship’s com- pany. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 38-43. Cheyrou. 15tats asthdniques al’ extreme avant. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 378- 380. Chiray. Centre neurologique de la 10® rdgion (Rennes). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 672-686. Claude (H.) Centre neurologique de la 8® rdgion (Bourges). Ibid., 661-669. Cluzet (J.) Sur I’dlectrodiagnostic de guerre. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 246-249. D’Abundo. Reparto neuropatologico militariz- zato della clinica delle malattie nervose e men- tal! della R. University di Catania. Riv. itak di neuropatol. [etc.], Catania, 1917, x, 22- 24. Dejerine (J.), Andre-Thomas [et Service neurologique militarisd de la Salpetriere (clin- ique des maladies du systeme nerveux). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 603—615. Dumolard, Courjon & Regnard. Centre neuro- psychiatrique de la . . . . ® armee (fipinal). Ibid., 747-749. 88 Index Medicus [War Supp. Morselli (A.) Sui fenomeni fisio-patologici da emozione massime in rapporto alia neurologia di guerra. Quaderni di psichiat., Genova, 1916, iii, 206-214. Negro (C.) Annotazioni di neurologia di guerra. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s., xxii, 377-389. Oppenheim (H.) Zur Kriegsneurologie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1853-1856. . Ergebnisse der kriegsneurologischen Forschung. Hid., 1915, lii, 1154-1157. Bemerkungen zur Kriegsneurologie. I lid., 1916, liii, 122. . Die Frage der Dienstbrauchbarkeit, Dienstbeschadigung und Yersorgung bei or- ganischen Nervenkrankheiten und Nervenver- letzungen. Mil.-arztl. Sachverst.-Tatigk., Jena, 1917, i, 175-193. Pende (N.) Simpaticopatie di guerra. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1917, xxii, 518-522. Pighini (G.) II servizio neuro-psichiatrico nella zona di guerra. Ann. di manic, prov. di Perugia (1915), 1917, ix, 49-55. Porot & Gutmann (R. A.) Centre neurologique de la 19e region (Alger). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 726-733. Poyet (G.) & Lallemant (U.) Recherche du rt- flexe cochleopalpebral par la methode graph- ique. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 754-762. Rohde (M.) Neurologische Betrachtungen eines Truppenarztes im Feld. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., Berk, 1915, xxix, 379- 415. Roussy (G.) Centre neurologique d’ armte. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 743—747. Roussy (G.) & Levine {Mile.) Un cas de syringomyelic h dtbut dans les tranchees. Hid., 1914-15, xxii, 587-589. Samuel. Neurologische Beobachtungen bei den Truppen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 140. van Schelven (T.) Ervaringen als neuroloog aan de ambulance in Oostenrijk-Hongarije. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1917, i, 1621-1622. Seiffer (W.) Kortikale Sensibilitatsstbrungen von spinosegmentalem Typus. Kritisches Re- ferat aus der Kriegsneurologie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 252-255. Sicard (J.-A.) Centre neurologique de la 15e region (Marseille). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 701-711. Sigg (E.) Im Nervenlazarett. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 129-147. Sollier (P.) La neurologic de guerre; de- cisions prises aux trois reunions des chefs- des centres neurologiques. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 339—344. ———. Centre neurologie de la 14e region (Lyon). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 694- 698. Souques (A.) Service de neurologie militarist de 1’ hospice Paul-Brousse. Hid., 646-649. Sztanojevits (L.) Neurologisches wahrend des Feldzuges. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1155. Thomas (J. J.) Types of neurological cases seen at a base hospital. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1916, xliv, 495-502. Tobias (E.) Ergebnisse der bisherigen Kriegs- erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete des Nerven- systems. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 109 ; 139. Tincent (C.) Centre neurologique de la 9e region (Tours). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 670-672. Willems & Albert. La ponction lombaire en chirurgie de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1780-1784. Witry. Le centre neurologique et psychiat- rique de la forteresse de Metz en 1914. Ann. med.-psychok, Par., 1917, viii, 10. s., 96-101. Wollenberg (R.) Nervose Brkrankungen bei Kriegsteilnebmern. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1914, Ixi, 2181-2183. . Weitere Brfahrungen mit der Heilbe- schaftigung nervenkranker Soldaten. Deutsche __ med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 6. X. La neurologie de guerre. Presse m6 • Apoplexie tardive consecutive a une commotion par eclatement d’ obus sans plaie exterieure. Ibid., 1473-1474. . Les troubles des reactions pupillaires dans les commotions par eclatement de gros projectiles sans plaie exterieure. Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1917, Ixxviii, 158-159. Also: Ann. de mdd., Par., 1917, iv, 503-515. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 559. Guillain (G.), Barrd (J.-A.) & Strohl (A.) Etude graphique des reflexes tendineux abolis 3,1’ examen clinique dans un cas de commotion Paralysis. See, Traumatic Paralysis (sub voce Wounds of Peripheral Nerves) Shell-Shock. Eder (Montague D.) War-shock; the psycho- neuroses in war psychology and treatment. Lond., 1917, W. Heinemann, 154 p., B°. Smith (G. Elliot) & Pear (T. H.) Shell shock and its lessons. N. Y., 1917, Longmans, 146 p., 12°. Agnus (A.) Le claquement de la balle et de 1’ obus. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 358-363. Arinstein (L. S.) [Neuro-pathological observa- tions on those suffering from wind contusion.] Psikhiat. Gaz., Petrogr., 1915, ii, 85-88. Ballet (G.) &de Fursac (J. R.) Les psychoses commotionnelles (psychoses par commotion nerveuse ou choc emotif). Paris med., 1916, vi, 2-8. Baudisson & Marie (A.) Sur la spondylother- apie des troubles astheniques et vasomoteurs post-traumatiques ou commotionnels. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 479. Bonhoelfer. Erfahrungen aus dem Kriege iiber die Aetiologie psychopathischer Zustiinde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1557. Bonhomme. Un cas de puerilisme mental post- commotionnek Ann. med.-psychok, Par., 1917. viii, 384-390. Bonola (F.) La sindrome commozionale da scoppio di projettile. Bulk d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1917, 9. s., v, 282-288. Also: Gaza, med. lomb., Milano, 1917, Ixxiv, 189-192. Brovchinski (A. Y.) [Case of nervous symptom complex due to wind contusion.] Psikhiat. Gaz., Petrogr., 1916, 237-240. Butt (A. P.) Destruction of the spinal cord by molecular vibration. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xx, 486. Cases of neurasthenia and mental shock. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 368. Cestan, Descomps & Sauvage. Les troubles d’ equilibre dans les commotions crhniennes. Paris med., 1916, vi, 519-525. Charon (R.). & Halbcrstadt (G.) Les troubles psychiques des commotionnes. Ibid., 1917, xxiii, 23-32. , ———. Puerilisme mental au cours d’ une psychosq post-commotionnelle. Rev. neurok, Par., 1916, xxiii, 316-319. Chavigny (D.) Les explosions du champ de bataille; leur role et leur mecanisme patho- genes. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 5-25. Military Medicine 97 par eclatement d’ ohus sans plaie exterieure. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 313-315. Haddon (J.) Shell-shock; its cause and proper treatment by diet. Med. Press, Lond., 1917, n. s., civ, 409-411. Hakkehush (V. M.) [What is caused by wind contusion : neurosis, or organic injury of the nervous system?] Sovrem. Psikhiat., Mosk., 1915, ix, 389^05. . [Nervous diseases in connection with wind contusion.] Ibid., 1916, x, 226-249. Harrower (H. R.) Shell shock and the inter- nal secretions; with suggestions as to treat- ment. Prescriber, Edinb., 1916, x, 203-209. Harwood (T. E.) Shell shock. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 698. Heitz (J.) Cinq cas de paraplegic organique consecutive a des eclatements d’ obus sans plaie exterieure. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 78-85. Leriche (R.) Des lesions c6rebrales et medul- laires produites par 1’ explosion a faible dis- tance des obus de gros calibre. Lyon chir., 1914-15, xii, 343-350. Liebault (G.) Les troubles de la parole et les commotions de guerre. Rev. gen. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17. i, 245-269. Loeper (M.) & Yerpy (G.) La repercussion glandulaire et humorale des commotions. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1610-1615. , . Les troubles vasculaires et hematiques de la commotion. Compt. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 831-833. McLaughlin (J.) Loss of speech and shell- shock. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 212. Macmahon (C.) Shell shock stammering and other affections of voice and speech. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 192- 201. McWalter (J. C.) A note on commotio cerebri, or shell shock. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, clii, 332. Mairet (A.) & Durante (G.) Contribution a 1’ etude experimental du syndrome commo- tionnel. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 902- 915. Mairet (A.) & Pieron (H.) Le syndrome com- motionnel. Hid., 345. , . Le syndrome 6motionnel; sa diff£renciation du syndrome commotionnel. Hid., 581-599. Also: Ann. mdd.-psychol., Par., 1917, viii, 10. s„ 183-206. Mairet (A.),Pi6ron (H.) & Bouzansky {Mine.) De 1’ existence d’un “ syndrome commotiou- nel,” dans les traumatismes de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 654- 661. Hill (L.) Death from high explosives with- out wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 665. Jones (W. E.) A case of shell shock. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1914-16, i, 203. Jouhert (C.) Note sur un cas de paraplegic organique consecutive 9 la deflagration d’ un obus de gros calibre sans plaie exterieure. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 444. Jumentie. Deux cas d’h6miatrophie linguale associde 9 d’ autres paralysies des nerfs cr9- niens et rachidiens chez des commotionnes. Montpel. m6d.. 1917. xxxix, 1006-1009. Karpins (I. P.) Ueber Erkrankungen nach Granatexplosionen. Wien. klin. Wehnschr., 1915, xxviii, 145—148. Kennedy (F.) Some clinical observations on battle shock. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxix, 388. Khoroshko (V. K.) [Mental disturbances fol- lowing physical and mental shock in the war; traumatic psychoses in the active army.] Psikhiat. Gaz., Petrogr., 1916, iii, 3-10. Laignel-Lavastine & Courbon (P.) Troubles de la marche cons6cutifs aux emotions et com- motions de la guerre. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 194-203. -. Stereotypes de la marche, de 1’ atti- tude et de la mimique avec representation mentale professionnelle de 1’ ouie consecutives aux emotions du champ de bataille. _ Ann. med.-psychol., Par., 1916—17, 10. s., vii, 498 505. , . Syndrome psychasthenique consecutif aux emotions de guerre. Hid., 1917, viii, 391-401. [Discussion] ; 401-403. , . Ltats seconds cataleptiformes post-confusionnels par emotion-choc de guerre.. Hid., 411-422. lupine (J.) La commotion des centres ner- veux par explosion (considerations patho- geniques et cliniques). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 9-11. Also: Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 181. Leri (A.) Sur les pseudo-commotions ou con- tusions medullaires d’ origine fonctionnelle. Rev. neurol., Par., 1914, xxii, 433—436. . Les commotions des centres nerveux par edatement d’ obus. Rev. gen. de path, de guerre, Par., 1916-17, i, 161L-212. . Hemorragie de 1’ epicone mddullaire par commotion (edatement d’ obus a proxi- mitd). Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 2. semes., 133-135. Leri (A.) & Schaeffer (H.) Un cas de lesion bulbo-medullaire par commotion dile 9 un edatement d’ obus; hematobulbie probable, survie avec syndrome bulbaire complexe. Hid., 1917, xxiv, 1-8. , , , Des variations du “ syndrome commotionnel ” suivant la nature des traumatismes, et de son unite. Ibid., 690-700. , , . Le “ syndrome com- motionnel,” au point de vue du m6canisme pathogenique et de F evolution. Ibid., 710- 716. Mallet (R.) Troubles d’origine emotive chez le combattant. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 48. Mann (L.) Ueber Granatexplosionsstorungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1916, Ivi, 340-345. Also: Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 963. Mayer (A. G.) On the non-existence of ner- vous shell-shock in fishes and marine inver- tebrates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., Balt., 1917, iii, 597. Milian (D.) Battle hypnosis. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 486-488. Milligan (B. T. C.) A method of treatment of “ shell shock.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 73. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 272. Milligan (W.) Treatment of “shell shock.” Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 242. Morselli (A.) Sugli stati confusionali psichici da guerra. Quaderni di psichiat., Genova, 1917, iv, 45-52. ———■. Sopra le sindromi emotive di guerra. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1917, xxii, 329- 336. Mott (F. W.) The effects of high explosives upon the central nervous system. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1915-16, xxxix, 157-226, 11 pi. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 331; 545. . The Chadwick Lectures on mental hygiene and shell shock during and after the war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 39-42. . The microscopic examination of the brains of two men dead of commotio cerebri (shell shock) without visible external injury. Ibid., 612-615, 1 pi. 98 Index Medicus. [War Snpp. . Mental hygiene in shell shock, during and after the war. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1917, Ixiii, 467^88. Mott (F. W.), McDougall (W.) [et aI.J Spe- cial discussion on shell shock without visible . Ueber die (lurch Granat- und Schrap- nell-Explosionen entstandenen Zustandsbilder. ibid., 608-616. Schmidt (W.) Die psychischen und nervosen Folgezustande nach Granatexplosionen und Minenverschfittungen. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neu- rol. u. Psychiat., Berl., 1915, xxix, 514-542. Schultz (J. H.) & Meyer (R.) Zur klinischen Analyse der Granatschockwirkung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 230-233. Segaloff (T. Ye.) [Nature of contusions caused by artillery fire. Morbus decompressionis.] Sovrem. Psikhiat., Mosk., 1915, ix, 103: 263 : 405. . [On wind contusions.] Ibid., 1916, x, 8-19. Sforza (N.) Le sindromi nervose di commo- zione da scoppio di granata. Med. nuova, Roma, 1916, vii, 6-10. Shell explosions and the special senses. Lan- _ cet, Bond., 1915, i, 663. Sicard (J. A.) A propos du proces-verbal et de la communication de MM. Souques, Mege- vand et Donnet sur F examen du liquide cd- phalo-rachidien (seance du 29 octobre 1915) au cours des commotions par vent d’ explosif. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hsp. de Par., 1915, 3. s'., xxxix, 1034. Sicard (J. A.), Roger (H.) & Rimbaud (L.) Syncinesie d’ effort; reactions syncinetiques par choc du liquide rachidien sur le faisceau pyramidal ddgenere. Ibid., 1917, 3. s., xli, 619-622. Smith (G, E.) Shock and the soldier. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 813; 853. Smith (G. E.) & Pear (T. H.) Shell-shock and its lessons. Nature, Bond., 1917, c, 64- 66. Smyly (C. P.) Shell-shock. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1917, cxliii, 247-257. Sollier (P.) Un cas de canitie par commo- tion et emotion. Lyon med., 1916, cxxv, 329. Sollier (P.) & Chartier (M.) La commotion par explosifs et ses consequences sur le sys- teme nerveux. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii 406-414. Souques, Megevand (J.) & Donnet (Y.) Im- portance de F analyse precoce du liquide c& phalo-rachidien pour le diagnostique des syn- dromes c6rebro-medullaires dtis au “ vent de F explosif.” Bull et mem. Soc. med. d hon de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 917-926. Southard (E. E.) The effects of high explosives upon the central nervous system; a review of Mott’s Lettsomian Lectures, 1916, and G. Elliot Smith’s “ Shell shock and its lessons.’’ Mental Hyg., Concord, N. H., 1917, i, 397- 405. Stevenson (W. F.) A note on “wind contu- sions” in war. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii. 338. . Note on the cause of death due to high- explosive shells in unwounded men. Ibid., 450. Sukhanoif (S: A.) Encephalo-myelopathia aero-traumatica s. neuropathia e contusione aeria. [lnfluence of wind contusion on the central nervous systemI.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 1010-1013. Thomas (J. L.) Death from high explosives without wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 599. Tombleson (J. B.) A series of military cases treated by hypnotic suggestion. Lancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 707-709. Tnlloch (A. B.) Shell shock. Ibid., 1915, ii, 575. Turlais. Yent d’ obus. Arch. med. d’ Angers, 1915, xix, 113-117. signs of injury. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, Psychiat. & Neurol. Sect., i-xliv. Myers (C. S.) A contribution to the study of shell shock, being an account of three cases of loss of memory, vision, smell and taste, ad mitted into the Duchess of Westminster’s War Hospital, Le Touquet. Lancet, Bond., 1915, i, 316-320. . Contributions to the study of shell shock; being an account of certain disorders of cutaneous sensibility. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 782-797. . Contributions to the study of shell shock, being an account of certain cases treated by hypnosis. Ibid.. 642-655. Also: Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 65-69. Pitres (A.) & Marchand (L.) Quelques ob- servations de syndromes commotionnels simu- lant des affections organiques du systeme ner- veux central (mfiningite, paralysie generale, lesions cdr6belleuses, sclerose en plaques, tabes). Rev. neurok, Par., 1916, xxiii, 298- 311. Prince (M.) The preventing of so-called “ shell shock.” J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 726. Purser (F. C.) Shell-shock. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubk, 1917, xxxv, 227-240. Also; Dublin J. M. Sc., 1917, cxliv, 201-212. Havant (P.) £tudes sur quelques manifesta- tions nerveuses determines par le “ vent de 1’ explosif.” Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 717-720. . Bes blessures indirectes du systeme nerveux determinees par le “ vent de 1’ ex- plosif.” Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 313- 315. Roger (H.) Le choc nerveux. Presse mdd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 513-516. Ronssy (G.) Accidents nerveux produits 5. distance par eclatement d’ obus. Rev. neurok, Par., 1914, xxii, 216. Ronssy (G.) & Boisseau (J.) 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II mutismo funzionale da scoppio di granata e quello degli isterici; loro cura con F eterizzazione. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1917, xxii, 9-31. Fazio (P.) La cura del mutismo psicoisterico dei militari combattenti. Med. prat., Napoli, 1916, i, 371-873. Ferrari (G. C.) Brevi note su disturb! funzio- nale della loquela e dell’ udito in rapporto con fatti di guerra. Riv. di psicol., Bologna, 1917, xiii, 205-217. Fraser (J. S.) Hysterical deafness in soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 872. Gino (S.) & Stefano (B.) Mutismo isterico consecutivo a scoppio di granata in soggetto istero-epilettico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 308-310. Goria (C.) Alcune considerazioni attorno al mutismo psichico nei militari, alia sua genesi emozionale e commozionale. Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 725; 756. Gradenigo (G.) Mutismo, afonia, sordith nei militari; di origine psichica, da cause organ- iche; simulazioni e criteri differenziali obiet- tivi. 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Riv. crit. di din. med., Firenze, 1917, xviii, 352. Joltrain (E.) Camptocormie et paraplegic consecutive h un ensevelissement par eclate- ment d’ obus; considerations sur F action du choc emotif. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. „ de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 431-436. Harie (P.), Meige (H.) & Behague. Neces- site d’ un examen neurologique des plicatures dorsaux (camptocormiques). Rev. neurol., Par., 19.17, xxiv, 129. Hosanolf-Saloff (Mme.) Considerations gen- erates sur la camptocormie. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Par., 1916-17, xxviii, 28-33, 5 pi. Sicard (J. A.) Spondylites par “ obusite ”ou “ vent d’ obus ”; attitudes vertebrates antal- giques. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1914, 3. s., xxxix, 582-586. Souques (A.) Reformes, incapacites, gratifica- tions dans la camptocormie. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 757-758. Crouzon (O.) Cecite temporaire provoquee par F eclatement d’ obus h proximite. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., , xxxviii. 57-59. 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Also: Gaz. m4d. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 9-11. Binet (A.) Utilisation habituelle des caiques radioscopiques en chirurgie de guerre. Pro- gres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 205-207. Boidi-Trotti (G.) II servizio radiologico _in guerra; un tipo di automobile radiologico. Radiol, med., Torino, 1916, iii, 96-102. Boyer (J.) La fabrication des ampoules radio- logiques durant la guerre. Rev. gdn. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., xxvi, 712—718. Ghilardncci (F.) &De Luca (U.) Alcune es- perienze sull’ apparecchio portatile radiologico sanita militare. Hid., 992. Gouin (J.) Utility des laboratoires de rayons X a bord des navires-hOpitaux. J. de radiol. et d’ electrol., Par., 1914-15, i, 565-568. Guilleminot (H.) Resu-ltats de dix-neuf mois d’ experience sur la radiologie de guerre. Hid., 1916, ii, 225-234. Haenisch (F.) Eine selbstandige, transport- able Feldrontgenanlage fur interne und chir- urgische Untersuchungen nach Prof. L. Brauer und Dr. F. Llaenisch, Hamburg. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. 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II est logique de faire de la radioscopie dans les ambulances de 1’ avant. - Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par 1915 xxix, 506. Mayo-Robson (A. W.) Radioscopy with the S 3rd 1 rench army. Lancet, Lond., 1914, i, 906- yuo, ig Melville (S._) The King George Military Hos- pital ; radiographic department. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Electro-therap. - Sect., 47-54. 1 Neinirovsky (A.) Stereoscope S, commande in- . dependante et chassis 9, escamotage. Arch d electric, med., 1916, xxiv, 350-357. Opitz (V ) Rontgen-Apparate fiir Kriegslazar- ette. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz, 1916 xii, 97-102. Pantoli (F.) Alcune osservazioni pratiche sul tema dei servizi radiologici da campo. Radiol med., Torino, 1915, ii, 124-126. Pasteau (O.) Les drains opaques pour la radio- graphie en chirurgie de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 509. Perussia (F.) Servizi radiologici da campo. feoc. lomb di sc. med. e biol., Milano, XY: 93-99. Also: Radiol, med., Tor- ino, 1915, u, 21-25. - . La prima automobile radiologica ital- mna. Pensiero med., Milano, 1915, v 449- 279-285 *°' IladioL med-’ Torino, 1915, ii, Pirie (A. H.) The organization of the X-ray department of a general hospital in France. Arch. Radiol. & Electrother., Lond 1915-16 xx, 332-335. ’ ’ Pontano. I servizi radiologici in guerra Poli- din., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1059. Reynolds (R. J.) Methods employed in the X-ray department in a military hospital, with a few notes on one or two cases of interest and on the treatment of trench-foot adopted there r?^l[iTner’ Lorid- 1916, xcvii, 73-79, 2 pk Kno (h.) I grandi ed i piccoli apparecchi radio- ingl xlxiig223-a29SAIIn‘ di med' nav” Roma’ Richards (GrE X-ray reports. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix. 221-224 * -Kossi (A.) Ancora suli’uso del cartoncino racaografaco in radiologia di guerra. 801 l d Soc. med. di Parma, 1916, 2. s., ix, 14. Rndis-Jicinsky (J.) The surgical value of the A-ray; what we learn in our work in Serbia N. York M L [etc.], 1917, cv, 115-119 rseioy (J. u.) X-rays, their uses and dangers in medicine, in science, in commerce, in war Hosp. News, Wash., 1914-15, iii, 5-14 Serena (M.) Un trocoscopio da campo. Radiol med., Torino, 1914, i, 406-408. . L’ apparecchio portatile radiologico della sanita militare; caratteristiche della sua potenzialita. Policlin., Roma, 1915 xxii W7 ml: Also: RadioL med" To,l'ino- Sgobbo (F. P.) Necessita di provvedere util- mente al servizio rbntgenologico nell’ esercito e specialmente in guerra. Gior. internaz fT sc med., Napoli, 1915, n. s., xxxvii, 405-418 Also: Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1915, xxvi, 138- Sul funzionamento del servizio roent- genologic© in guerra e sulla necessita di ben regolare questo servizio anche fuori la zona diguerra. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli 1915, n s., xxxvn. 769-774. Also- Idrol e climat , Firenze, 1915, xxvi, 341-347M A ha- Radiol, med., Torino, 1915, ii, 349-354 ' Ancora sul servizio radiologico" in |“;7 IdroL e climat., Firenze, 1915, xxvk . La rontgenologia in guerra ed il suo Sh4TlW2°22. di med' nav” Roma’ 1916’ - —. I grandi ed i piccoli apparecchi radio- il7L7virirotll8drol' e Fi— “oeM: Jsif'i ifrars “ ™ L- Strauss_ (O.) Ueber Rontgenuntersuchungen in Garnisonlazaretten. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Zt- schr., Berk, 1914, xliii, 575-586. vW'’rreFeibeiin^s Feldrontgenwesen, Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1471-1473. Military Surgery. 113 Swoboda (N.) Bemerkungen zum Rontgenbe- triebe in Verwundetenspitalern. Wien. klin. Wchnsehr., 1915, xxviii, 619. Trabacchi (G. C.) Apparecchi radiologici tras- portabili funzionanti con gruppi elettrogeni. Policlin., Roma, 1917. xxiv, sez. prat., 586-588. Also: Radiol, med., Torino, 1917, iv, 82-85. Tullidge (E. K.) X-ray pictures of war in- juries. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 579, 6 pi. Voiture (Ba) radiologique Riverre-Drault. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii (annexe), 75-78. Weil (A.) Ba radiostereoscopie en chirurgie de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 354. Were (H.) Rontgenologisch onderzoek, een on- ontbeerlijk diagnostisch hulpmiddel in de ongevals- en oorlogsoogheelkunde. Mil.-ge- neesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 269-287. Wiesinger. Rdntgenbilder von neurologischem und chirurgischem Interesse. Deutsche med. Wchnsehr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 723. Wilimowski (M.) & Melchior (E.) Ueber Rdntgendarstellung von Schusskanalen, kriegs- chirurgischen Fistelgangen und Abseesshoh- len vermittels Jodipin. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, dii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 334-353. Kuhn. Feld- und Lazarettapparat fur Bokal- anasthesie in Massenanwendung. Deutsche med. Wchnsehr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1887. Leplat. Rachianesthesie et chirurgie de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de theran., Par., 1917, xxxi, 437—440. McCardle (W. J.) A method of anaesthetizing soldiers. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 508. Marshall (G.) The administration of anaes- thetics at the Front. Ihid., 722-725. . Anaesthetics at a Casualty Clearing Station. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1916- 17, x, Sect. Ansesth.. 17-38. Moirond (P.) & Vignes (H.) B’anesthesie en chirurgie de guerre. Rev. g£n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 554. Oppel (Y. A.) [General anaesthesia in the hos- pitals of the front and rear of the theatre of war.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, 'xiv, 1033-1036. Pagniez (B. A.) Consideraciones sobre anes- tesia en cirugia de guerra. Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 416-423. Quenn (J.) B’anesthesie locale en chirurgie d’ ambulance particulierement en chirurgie cranienne. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 229- 233. Regnault (J.) Du choix de I’anesthesie en chirurgie de guerre. (B’ anesthesie double, les anesthesies partielles.) Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916. xxx, 217-221. Also, transl.: Semana med., Buenos Aires, 1916, xxiii, 614-619. Schmid (H. H.) Ueber Beitungsanasthesie im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1916, Ixiii, 1677. X-ray work in war, developments in practical applications as now used in the field and in hospitals. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, Ixxix, 120. Ziv (M. Y.) [Application of the X-ray on the battle-field.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, 66-77. Desplas (Bernard). Anesthesie ala stovaine en chirurgie de guerre. Paris, 1917, Masson et Cie., 56 p., B°. SURGICAL ANAESTHESIA. Silk (J. F. W.) Anaesthetics in military hos- pitals. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 618. Yignes. Note sur 1’ anesthesie en chirurgie de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 479. Also: Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, suppl., p. dcxvii-dcxix. Waller (A. D.) Apparatus for chloroform an- aesthesia in military practice. Bancet, Bond., 1916, i, 1003. Wepfer (A.) Die intravenose Isopral-Aether- narkose in der Kriegschirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1915, xcvii (Kriegschir. Hefte II), 1-6. Wilkins (A. G.) The choice of anaesthetic at a military hospital. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 493. Anaesthetics in military surgery ; nitrous oxide and oxygen. Hospital, Bond., 1917, Ixiii, 93. Baruch (D.) Anesthesie et chirurgie de guerre. Arch. med. beiges, Par., 1917, Ixx, 928—935. Bonreau (M.) Bes anesthesies generates au chlorure d’ ethyle en chirurgie de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 296. Boyle (H. E. G.) The use of nitrous oxide and oxygen with rebreathing in military surgery. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 653-655. Also: Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 667—669. Brown (J.) Anaesthetics in military hospitals. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 710. Campbell (J.) The choice of anaesthetic for a military hospital. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 624. Carles (J.) & Charrier (A.) B’anesthesie generate au chlorure d’ ethyle et la chirurgie de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1914-15, 3. s., xxx, 478-480. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 49. Corfteld (C.) Six months’ anaesthetic experi- ence at a C. C. S. on the Somme. Practitioner, Yevropin (A. K.) [Bocal and general anaes- thesia in surgical operations in the acting army.] Novoye v Med., Petrogr., 1916, x, 241; 297. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIEL. Axhansen. Unser Feldoperationstisch. Miin- chen. med. Wchnsehr., 1915, Ixii, 281. Boerner (E.) Verbesserter Feldoperations- tisch nach Axhausen. Ihid., 969. Burckhardt. Kriegskatgut. Ihid., 1916, Ixiii, 1747. Bond., 1917, xeix, 251-254. Desplas (B.) Anesthesie rachidienne dans une ambulance fixe du front. Bulk med., Par., 1916, xxx, 356-358. Also, transl.: Prensa med. Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1916—17, iii, 190; 201. Hirsch (C. T. W.) The choice of anaesthetic for a military hospital. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 657. Hosemann. Der Chlorathylrausch in der Kriegschirurgie. Munch en. med. Wchnsehr., 1916, Ixiii, 584. Jeanneney (G.) B’anesthesie generale en chirurgie de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 261. Clement. Tourniquet metallique pour 1’ hemos- tase provisoire. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 565. Eversmann (J.) Transportabler Yerbands-und Operations-Bahrentisch. Miinchen. med. Wchnsehr., 1915, Ixii, 1274. Frank (J.) Paper utensils in war surgery. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvii, 29-31. Gerson (K.) Sterilisierung und sterile Auf- bewahrung chirurgischer Instrumente im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 2114. Jeger (E.) Einige kriegschirurgische Improvi- sationen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1915, xcvii (Kriegschir. Hefte II), 549-552. 114 Index Me dims. [War Supp. Loewe (O.) Ein Feldoperationstisch. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1235. Rowlands (R. P.) The use of the tourniquet: a plea for its more thorough use in peace and war. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1916, xxx, 155. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1013. Thomas (J. L.) The forceps tourniquet in military surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 482. Ward. (G.) The tourniquet in war. Hid., 1915, ii, 161. Tullidge (E. K.) The motor operating field theater. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 535-538. Archibald (E. A.) A note upon the employ- ment of blood transfusion in war surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 429-431. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 636-644. Eloesser. Ueber die Anwendung der Bluttiber- tragung in der Kriegschirurgie. Mtinchen. .med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 21. Fischer (H.) Zur Prage der Bluttransfusion im Kriege. Hid., 475. Primrose (A.) & Ryerson (E. S.) The direct transfusion of blood; its value in haemor- rhage and shock in the treatment of the wounded in war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 384-386. Also: Canad. J. M. & S., Tor- onto, 1916, xxxix, 125-133. Robbins (E.) Blood donors in war surarerv Med. Rec., N. Y„ 1917, xci, 807. Robertson (L. B.) The transfusion of whole blood; a suggestion for its more frequent em- war surgery. Brit. M. J., Lond., Robertson (L. B.) & Watson (C. G.) Fur- ther observations on the results of blood trans- fusion in war surgery; with special reference to the results in primary hemorrhage; with a note by Col. C. Gordon Watson. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1918, Ixvii, 1-13. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 679-683. TRANSFUSION. Abadie. £:tude d’ une automobile chirurgicale pour operations au voisinage du front. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii (annexe), 35-37. Ambulanze (Le) chirurgiche d’armata dell’ esercito italiano. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1917, xiii, 49; 57; 65. Bensted-Smith (W. F.) Mechanical aids in a field operating theatre. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 151. Bichelonne (H.) & Mouriquand (E.) Ambu- lances chirurgicales proches du front des ar- mees. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 551-567. Colt (G. H.) A motor operating theatre. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 642. Cowell (E. M.) The Wallace-Cowell theatre trailer. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 70&-722. Dujarric de la Riviisre (R.) Pavilion op£ra- toire pour hopital de campagne. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 543. Hallopeau (H.) Fonctionnement d’un service chirurgical mobile et deplacable sur le front des armees. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 283-286. Also: Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii (annexe), 43-48. Irk (Y. C.) Zur Frage eines Operationswa- gens auf einem Spitalzuge. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1303. Karltreu (A. R. B.) Ueber die Notwendig- keit von Operationswagen fur Spitalsziige. Hid., 1430. Latariet (A.) L’ambulance chirurgicale im- mobilis€e pres du front. Paris mdd., 1915-16, xvii, 112-116. Marcovigi (G.) Descrizione della tenda-bar- acca con pavimento smontabile dell’ ambu- lanza chirurgica mobile di armata. Riv. di ingegner. san., Torino, 1917, xiii, 72-76. Maupetit (G.) A propos des chir- urgicales automobiles. Rev. gen. de din. et de thdap., Par., 1915, xxix, 618-620. Mignon (A.) Une salle d’operation sur le front. Paris mdd., 1915-16, xvii, 182-184. Monod (R.) Une ambulance chirurgicale au- tomobile. I hid., 1916-17, xxi, 101-106. Motor (A) operating theatre. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 129; 776. Petit de la Yilleon. Organisation d’ une salle d’ operation, destinee h la chirurgie osseuse et hl’ extraction des corps strangers. Bull, et mdn. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1541. Picque (R.) . Description de la voiture de chir- urgie, modele 1899, transformee en toire h sterilisation (type ambulance 3/18). Hid.. 1915, n. s.. xii, 1792-1803. Rostoviseff (M. I.) [Surgical aid during the present war and a plan for movable operating theatres.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 409-416. Rouvillois (H.) Note sur I’utilisation des locaux techniques des ambulances chirurgi- cales automobiles. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xii, 1452-1455. Solovyoff (N.) [Movable operating room.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.- Surgical Ambulances and Theatres. TUMORS. Barach (F.) Lipome im Kriege. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 62. von Hansemann. Beeinflusst der Krieg die Entstehung oder das Wachstum von Ge- schwiilsten? Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xiii, 265. Also: Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 278. Melchior (E.) Handriickenkarzinom auf der Narbe einer alten Schussverletzung. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 371. de Quervain. Auslbsung von Sarkombildung durch Granatsplitterverwundung. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi. 1017— 1024. ’ WOUNDS. Hotz (G.) Kriegsverwundungen. Freib. i 8., 1916, J. Springer, 80 p., B°. La Garde (Louis Anatole). Gunshot injuries 2. ed. N. Y„ 1916, W. Wood & Co., 469 p., B°. Alessandri (R.) Ancora sulle ferite d’ arma da fuoco dell’ addome in guerra (secondo chirurgi italiani, francesi e tedeschi) ; la cura delle ferite di guerra della regione mascellofac- ciale. Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv 886- 895. Alkan. Zur Auffindung von Schwerveletzungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 896. Bach (W.) Gunshot wounds. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917, xv, 323-325. Barnsby (H.) Resultats obtenus en 45 jours dans un centre chirurgical avanc4 (thorax ouverts, hemorragies graves, polvbless&s, shocks, abdomens en particulier). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2123-2139. [Discussion] : 2139. Bashford (E. F._) Investigation of the histo- logy of the. tissues, _ immediate and remote from the point of injury, in gunshot wounds of the liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, blood- vessels, subcutaneous tissue and aponeurosis, and muscles. Brit. J. Surg., Brist., 1917, iv. spec, pt., 378-381. 433-453. Military Surgery. 115 Bosch Mir (M.) Consideraciones sobre las heridas por arma de fuego. Bok mens. d. Col. de mdd. de Gerona, 1915, xx, 60; 74. Bowlby (Sir A.) The Bradshaw lecture on wounds in war. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915- 16, iii, 451-474. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 913-921, 1 pk Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1385-1398. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 125-152. Brown (H. E.) Notes on cases of head, ab- dominal, and joint injuries. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1082. von Bruns (P.) Ueber Schusswaffen und Schusswunden im gegenwartigen Kriege. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcvi (Kriegschir. Hefte I), 1-6. Casalis. Notes on war wounds in Prance. South African M. Rec., Cape Town, 1915, xiii, 271. Cassirer. Ueber Kombination funktioneller und organischer Symptome bei Kriegsverletz- ungen. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 292. Cauteiro (G.) Brevi considerazioni sulla na- tura di alcune ferite riportate in guerra. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 1128-1130. Chalier (A.) & (R.) Les grandes blessures de- guerre; gtude sur 1500 cas traites dans une ambulance chirurgicale de 1’ avant. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, li, 210; 737: lii, 179. Chavigny (P.) Les tatouages des plaies d’en- trge par coup de feu. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 193. Churchman (J. W.) A group of injuries in modern warfare. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 113-118. Clarke (J.) Three cases of gunshot injury received during the early stages of the battle of the Aisne; operated on. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1914, n. s., xcviii, 496. Connor (F. P.) & Mowat (H.) Some notes on gunshot and other wounds. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915-16. iii, 135-141. B. (R.) Blessures de guerre singulieres. Chron. med., Par., 1917, xxiv, 251. Dastre (A.) Les plaies de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1074—1089. Delorme (E.) Blessures de guerre; conseils aux chirurgiens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 394-399. Also,' transl.: Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 196—202. . Des blessures produites par 1’ arme- ment frangais, par les gros projectiles, leurs gclats et leurs balles, par les balles des fusils d’ infanterie. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 634-641. . De la decalcification consecutive aux traumatismes de guerre. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 1-54, 13 pk Also: Bulk Acad, de mgd., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 577-585. Dezarnaulds (P.) Des plaies de guerre par armes a feu. Varietes. Evolution. Traite- ment. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 164- 178. Ducellier. Sur le diagnostic differentiel entre les traces d’ enfumage dries h la poudre dans les coups de feu tirgs h bout portant et les taches bleuhtres du plomb h 1’ gtat pulveru- lent. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 262-264. Also: Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 59-61. Dufour (H.) Signe d’Argyll-Robertson uni- lateral consecutif a une blessure de guerre. Rev. neurok, Par., 1917, xxiv, 130. Eccles (W. McA.) A clinical lecture on gun- shot wounds. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1914-15, xxii, 69-76. Also: Clin. J., Lond., 1915, xliv. 57; 65. Edwards (F. S.) Three cases of gunshot wounds. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1914, Farago (K.) [Rare cases of war injuries.] Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1915, lix, 338; 354. Faulds (A. G.) Some frightful wounds of war. Glasgow M. J., 1917, Ixxxvii, 144-152. Fiessinger (N. La defense leucocytaire dans la plaie de guerre. Arch, de mgd. expgr. et d’ anat. path., Par., 1916, xxvii, 270-300. Fiessinger (N.) & Montaz (R.) Contribution a 1’ gtude des exsudats de la plaie de guerre. I. Les premieres heures. Compt.-rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 495-497. , . 11. La periode de detersion (10e heure- 10e jour). Ibid., 497-499. Gaston. Les pyodermites et le maquillage des blessures de guerre. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 983-985. Gautrelet (J.) Le reflexe oculo-cardiaque ehez les blesses de guerre. Presse mgd., Par., 1917, xxv, 443. Glass (E.) Zur Diagnose komplizierter Schuss- verletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 401. Goebel. Die Yerwundungen des Weltkrieges. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1915, i, 233-238. Govaerts (P.) Quelques enseignements cli- niques fournis par 1’ examen du sang apres les blessures. Presse mgd., Par., 1917, xxv, ISO- -182. Guiranden (T.) Blessures de guerre singu- liere. Chron. m4d., Par., 1917, xxiv, 59. Hartmann (H.) Note sur les plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1914. 3. s., Ixxii, 339-342. . Blessures de guerre. Rev. scient., Par., 1914, ii, 209-212. Herzfeld (J.) Schussverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 31. Ihrig (L.) [Character of wound secretions after gunshot wounds.] Budapesti orv. ujs4g, 1915, xiii, 153. Jnmon. Deux cas de plaies pgnetrantes par gclat d’ obus et par shrapnell mgconnus; gugrison. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 558. Kelly (R. E.) [Gunshot injuries of the ner- vous and vascular systems.] Liverpool M.- Chir. J„ 1915, xxxv, 123-131. Kenyeres (B.) [New investigations of gun- shot wounds.] Gyogyfiszat, Budapest, 1915, Iv, 304-308, 2 pk on 1 1. Klaveness (E.) Wounds in war. St. Paul M. J., 1915, xvii, 411-422. Kolb (K.) Ueber die ersten Kriegsverletzungen im Vereinslazarett Schwenningen a. N. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2148. Krecke (A.) Die ersten Kriegsverletzungen im Reservelazarett B in Miinchen. Ibid., 1948- 1952. Kiill. Ein merkwiirdiger Geschossbefund. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1364. La Garde (L. A.) Gunshot wounds. Ref. Handb. M. Sc., N. Y., 1914, 3. ed., iv, 792- 839. —. Gunshot wounds in the present war. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, Internat. Abstr. Surg., 465^:72. Liang (H. S.) Two interesting cases of bullet wound. Nat. M. J. China, Shanghai, 1916, ii, 18. Lorcher. Diagnosenstellung bei Kriegsverletz- ungen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1737. Looser (E.) Kriegsverletzungen der Gefasse und Nerven. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 1411-1438. Liiko (B.) [Experience with field injuries.] Budapest! ory. ujsftg, 1915, xiii, 105; 113; 122. n. s., xcviii, 544. 116 Index Medicus [War Supp. MacLennan (A.) Types of bullet wounds ob- served in No. 3 Scottish General Hospital, Stobhill. Glasgow M. J., 1915, Ixxxiii, 104- 115. Sheen (A. W.) The case-recording of wounds in war. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 396-401. Sheild (A. M.) Some practical observations on the injuries of war. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 932 ; 967 ; 1003. Stassen (M.) & Yoncken (J.) Les blessures latentes des paquets vasculo-nerveux dans une formation de 1’ avant. Paris med., 1916, vi, 540-543. Steinthal. Vorstellung von Kriegsverwundeten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1414. Stern (K.) Zwei Kriegsverletzungen. Mfin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1101. Terra-Ahrami (G.) Circa la questione degli esiti dei traumatismi di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 114-119. Also: Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 160-162. Thiemann. Kriegsverletzungen. Kor.-81. d. allg. arztl. Yer. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1915, xliv, 37-43. Yincent (B.) & Greenough (R. B.) Gun-shot wounds of the soft parts. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 153-158. Wanietschek. Schussverletzungen im Kriege. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 82-85. Weichselhaum (A.) Pathologisch-anatomische Demonstration von Schussverletzungen. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 133-135. Whiteford (C. H.) An unusual form of projec- tile. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxy, 573. Williams (E. J.) Gunshot wounds of the present war. Canad. M. Ass. J., Montreal, 1916, vi, 1057;-1062. Winkler. Zwei merkwtirdige Schussverletzun- gen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rbntgenstrahlen, Hamb., 1915, xxiii, 181. Wolff (H. J.) Schussverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915 xii 1204. ’ ’ Making (G. H.) A note upon the wounds of the present campaign. Lancet, Lond., 1914. ii, 905-907. . Note on the wounds observed during tnree weeks’ fighting in Flanders. Hid. Marcus. Seltene Yerwundung bei Fliegerbe- schiessung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 2127. Melchior (E.) Zur Kasuistik der Yerwund- ungen durch indirekte Projektile. Berl, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1956. Mills (L.) Wounds received in battle, surgical and general observations made during recent service in Austria. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, Ixiv, 1224-1226. Monsarrat (K. W.) Notes on bullet and shell wounds in the First Western General Hospi- tal. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1915, xxxv, 113- 123. Morowitz (B. F.) Wounds caused by modern projectiles. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 183. Neupert. Schussverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 29. Norris (D. C.) Some typical wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 727-729. Nott (A. H.) Gunshot wounds in the Bengal Stationary Hospital, Amara, 1915-16. In- dian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 154-161. Oppel (V. A.) [Complications and sequel® of gun-shot wounds. [ Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 4, 5-32. Parry (L. A.) Notes and comments on some cases of wounded men from the front. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxix, 5-7. Peacock (W. B.) Deflection of bullet by coins. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 511. Policard (A.) Les phdnomenes de proteolyse dans les plaies de guerre. Lyon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 647-659. . L’ examen cytologique des plaies de guerre, sa valeur pratique. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 421-424. Policard (A.) & Phelip (A.) Les premiers stades de 1’ Evolution des lesions dans les bles- sures par projectiles de guerre; consequences pratiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 15-18. , . Etude histologique des pre- miers stades de 1’ evolution des blessures par projectiles de guerre. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 472. Preminger (W.) Nierenfunktionsprfifungen bei Kriegsverwundeten. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 136-139. Proust (R.) Considerations sur quelques plaies de guerre apres dix-huit mois de campagne. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 1270-1274. Woollatt (P. C.) Notes on three interesting gunshot wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916 i 1261. ’ ’ Wounds in modern warfare. [Edit 1 N York M. J. [etc.], 1914, c, 330. Arrow Wounds. Brettner. Eigenartige Waffen aus Feindesland. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 171- 173. Coenen. Der Pfeil als Fliegerwaffe. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1745. Foveau de Courmelles (F.) Fleche incendiaire allemande. Caduc6e, Par., 1916, vi 23 Griinbanm (R.) Tddliche Verletzung durch Fliegerpfeil Mfinchea. med. Wchnschr.. 1914, Ixi, 2151. Grutzner. Ueber eine Fliegerpfeilverletzung. Hid., 1915, Ixii, 209; 390. S Koetzle. Die Pfahlungsverletzungen in der Armee. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr Berl 1915, xliv, 3-12. ’ ’ Yolkmann (J.) Kriegschirurgische Erfahr- ungen fiber Pfeile als Wurfgeschosse. Mfin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1952. Also, transl.: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 991. Richard (C.) Military surgery, with special consideration of gunshot injuries. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynec. Ass., Phila., 1914, xxvii, 166- 186. . Military gunshot wounds. N. York State J. M„ N. Y., 1916, xvi, 10S-112. Also: Texas M. News, Dallas, 1915-16, xxv, 344- 441. Bayonet Wounds. Riche (P.) A propos des blessures de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1110-1114. Schonfeld (A.) Schussverletzungen. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 353-359. Schuster. Demonstration von Kriegsverletz- ungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1916, Ivi, 697-699. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Brin. Plaie par baionnette de 1’ origine de la femorale. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 2042-2044. Hayward (J. D.) Bayonet wound of buttock; lung punctured; surgical emphysema. Lancet, Lond., 1917. ii, 199. Heidler (H. H.) Ueber Bajonettstich-Yerletz- ungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix. lii, 165. 1109-1112. Military Surgery. 117 Herrenschneider (K.) Zur Frage der Behand- lung von Bajonettstichverletzungen der Lunge. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 560. Herzog. Bajonettstichverletzung des Herzens. Ih id., 1018. Hetfleld (W. B.) Bayonet wound of the ab- domen. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 516. Hinterstoisser (H.) Stichverletzungen des Zwerchfells durch das Seitengewehr. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 864. Makins (G. H.) Bayonet wound in the hand. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915M6, iii, 503. Rhiud (S. D.) Bayonet wounds of the chest; a remarkable case of tenacity of life. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, ii, 477. Haworth (E. B.) The treatment of burns and granulating surfaces with paraffin-film pre- parations. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 558-560. Hull (A. J.) The treatment of burns by paraf- fin. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 37; ii, 788. Hunt (H.) The practical use of ambrine in the treatment of burns. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 296-301, 4 pi. Hurd (E.) The paraffin treatment of burns. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 855. Leech (P. N.) “Ambrine” and paraffin films. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1497. Magnus (G.) Ueber Verbrennungen durch das Geschoss. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1172- 1174. Burns. Masnata (G.) Paraffina ed ambrina nella cura delle piaghe. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. chir., 233—247. Mumey (N.) Paraffin treatment for burns. J. Arkansas M. Soc., Little Rock, 1917, xiv, 36-38. (Including Treatment by Ambrine.) Sonnenhurg (E.) & Tschmarke (P.) Die Ver- brennungen und die Erfrierungeu. Stuttg., 1915, F. Enke, B°. Neue deutsche Chir., v. 17. Paraffin treatment of burns. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Easton, 1917, vi, 359. Paraffine and ambrine treatment of wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 578. Parasporo (A.) Sulla cura delle ustioni e con- gelazioni; ambrina, paraffina e catrame vege- tale. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 912. Aiello (G.) Ambrina e paraffina. Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1917, xx, 315. Alglave (P.) Le pansement des brulures par le taffetas-chiffon associe a 1’ huile gomenolee. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 339. “Ambrine” (The) treatment of burns. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 415. Also: Med. In- sur. & Health Conserv., Dallas, 1917, xxvi, 263. Barthe de Sandfort. Keritherapy ; a new me- thod of thermal treatment by means of the paraffins. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 556; 580. ■ . Traitement des bnllures par la me- thode du Dr. Barthe de Sandfort; instruc- tions pratiques pour F application de F am- brine. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixvi, 187—190. Also Reprint. Behney (C. A.) A paraffin wax treatment for burns. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 312. Bickle (L. W.) The treatment of burns and scalds. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1915, i, 258. Parker (C. A.) The treatment of burns with special reference to the prevention of defor- mities. Surg. Clin. Chicago, 1917, i, 635- 642. Pfulb. Conference faite par M. le Dr. Barthe de Sandfort aux medecins envoyes pour faire un stage dans le service de F ambrine. Pro- gres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 61-65. Postenipski (P.) L’ ambrina e la paraffina nelle loro varie applicazioni come sostanze protettive asettiche e cicatrizzanti. Riv. os- pedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 90-93. Raoul. Le traitement des brulures graves par F ambrine. Mdd. prat., Par., 1916, xxiii, 16— 21, 2 pi. Ravogli (A.) The value of skin grafting in the treatment of burns. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917. Sollmann (T) Developments in the paraffin treatment of burns and other open wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1799- 1801. Bunton (C. L. W.) Clinical note on war burns. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 473. Chassevant. Diapasme cero-rfisineux pour le traitement des plaies et des brfilures._ Bull, gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1918, clxix, 856. [Discussion] : 858. Cox (O. H.) Paraffine treatment of burns. •I. Mich. M. Soc., Grand Rapids, 1917, xvi, 344-347. Dressing (The) of burns with paraffin wax. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 271. Emerson (M. L.) Wax paraffin film in the treatment of burns. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 274. Eabiani (G.) Qualche considerazione a pro- posito dell’ ambrina. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917. xxxiii, 542-545. Faure-Fremiet & Pfulb. Ltude clinique et histo- logique de la cicatrisation des brfilures sous les pansements isolants h base de paraffine. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1918, Ixxviii, 809- 811. Sittings (F. C. B.) Treatment of burns and scalds. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 326-328. Goebel. Yerbrennung durch Leuchtkugel. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 14. Goodnow (Minnie). The ambrine treatment of burns. Trained Nurse (etc.), N. Y., 1917, Convenient devices for melting paraffin for burns. Ibid., 1895—1896. Stephens (H. E. R.) An electric heater for the ambrine spray. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 488. Stewart (Douglas H.) Liquid paraffin dress- ings. Med. Rec., N. Y„ 1917, xci, 1087-1089. Thorne (W. B.) The conservative treatment of scalds and burns. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 246. Yaughan (V. C.) The paraffin wax, or closed, method of treatment of burns. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1916-17, ii, 920-922. Wakeley (C. P. G.) The treatment of war burns. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 156-162. Wax (The) dressing of burns. Interstate M. J., St. Louis, 1917, xxiv, 327. Willan (R. J.) The local treatment of burns on a naval hospital ship. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 318-320. Cicatrization of Wounds. Bolognesi (G.) Granulations bonnes et mau- vaises; recherches histopathologiques. Arch, de med. exp£r. et d’ anat. path., Par., 1917, Iviii, 272-274. xxvii, 393-400. 118 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Carrel (A.) & Hartmann (Alice). Cicatriza- tion of wounds. I. The relation between the size of a wound and the rate of its cicatriza- tion. J. Exper. M., Balt., 1916, xxiv, 429- 450. Le Fur (R.) Autoplastie par la methode itali- enne pour une volumineuse cicatrice de la face palmaire de la main avec retraction prononcee de 1’ apon§vrose palmaire et nevrite tres douloureuse: bon resultat fonc- tionnel. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 516-520. Leo (G.) Retraction de F annulaire de medius par brides cicatricielles palmaires longitudi- nales, suite de plaies de guerre infectees. Ibid., 1916. vii, 268-270. Leri (A.) & Roger (E.) Sur quelques varietes de contractures post-traumatiques et sur leur traitement. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 884-894. Marie (P.) Roussy (G.) Sur la possibility de prAvenir la formation des esearres dans les traumatismes de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 602-609. Qnemi (E.) Greffe italienne pour une retrac- tion de F avant-bras consecutive a une plaie septique et profonde du pli du coude. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1700. Hartmann (Alice). Les lois de la cicatrisation des plaies. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1917, xxviii, 246-249. Jaubert de Beanjeu (A.) Sur la courbe de cicatrisation des plaies. J. de physiol, et de path, gen., Par., 1917, xvii, 72-74. Lecomte du Noily (P. L.) Du role relatif de la surface et du p6rimetre dans le phenomena de cicatrisation des plaies en surface et de la formule qui les interprete. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 63. . Cicatrization of wounds. 11. Mathe- matical expression of the curve representing cicatrization. J. Exper. M., Balt., 1916, xxiv, 451-470. Moiroud (P.) & Yignes (H.) A propos de la production des bourgeons et de F epiderme dans les plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 608-611. Policard (A.) & Desplas (B.) Sur le mecan- isme histologique du comblement des plaies chez F homme. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 126-128. Riviere (J. A.) De la cicatrisation des plaies de guerre et des trajets fistuleux au moyeh des effluves de haute frequence. Gaz. m4d. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 140. Yignes (PI.) L’6pidermisation des plaies de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 348. Elzzo-Leonti (C.) Traumi di guerra e con- tratture. Riv. ital. di neuropat. (etc.), Ca- tania, 1917, x, 297-316, 2 pi. Sicard & Dambrin. Acrocontracture de la main droite consecutive a une blessure de F avant- bras par eclat d’ obus, traitee avec succes par F ethyiisarion du nerf median et du nerf cubi- tal h la partie moyenne du bras. Marseille m£d., 1918, Iv, 65. Toussaint (H.) Liberation par fibrolysine des jeunes cicatrices consecutives aux blessures de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1648-1651. Yerdelct (L.) Un cas de retraction musculaire ischemique de Yolkmann a la suite de plaie de guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 50. Brown (W. L.) & Brown (C. P.) Ancient gunshot wound of forearm with extensive scar formation and contractions. Southwest. Med., El Paso, 1917, i, 49-56. Burke (N. H. M.) The treatment of the scars of war. Arch. Radiol. & Electrother., Lond., 1915- xx, 419. Cliiray & Bourguignon (G.) Traitement des contractures chez les blesses porteurs de cica- trices adherentes par F action combinee de F ionisation d’ iodure de potassium et de la mobilisation forcee. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 1482-1486. Coryllos (P.) & Pecker (R.) _S4miologie et traitement des troubles fonctionnels dfis it la striction des troncs nerveux par du tissu cicatriciel dans les plaies de guerre. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 41—44. Deutsch (A.) Zirkumskripte Narbenschmer- zen bei Durchschussen von Hand und Fuss. (Hilfsmittel zur Brmoglichung der gewerb- lichen Arbeit trotz der Schmerzen.) Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 950. Brevon. Les traitements des adMrences cica- tricielles. J. de radiol. et d’ electrol., Par., 1916- ii, 475-478. Ducoste (M.) Note sur les contractures dans la pathologic nerveuse de guerre. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mfid. de Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 25. Dnvernay (L.) _ Des contractures post-trau- matiques en chirurgie de guerre. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 429-437. Fraikin. La pratique de la physioth4rapie de guerre; traitement des cicatrices adhgrentes. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 132-134. Adherent Cicatrices and Contractures. Terrier (H.) De la retraction fibreuse des muscles, des tendons et des aponevroses con- sticutives aux plaies de guerre. Montpel. mgd.. 1917, n. s., xxxix, 531-539. . La pathogenie des retractions fibreuses des muscles, des tendons et des apo- nevroses cons6cutives aux plaies de guerre. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 631-644. Walther (C.) Impotence de la main par con- tracture hyst4rique a la suite d’ une plaie par balle de F avant-bras gauche. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli. 1301- 1304. . Resultats de reparation de cica- trice fessiere et d’ eventration lombaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s.! xlii, 1797. . Resultat fonctionnel d’ une excision de cicatrice fessiere et d’ une cicatrice lom- baire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir de Par 1916, n. s., xlii, 1863. . Resection d’ une cicatrice de F avant bras pour gene fonctionnelle du pouce, de F index et du m6dius. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1862. . Contracture d’ ordre reflexe, ala suite d’ un traumatisme de la main. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2611-2613. Williams (A. W.) The use of filtered X-rays for the relief of fibrous bands and adhesions resulting from bullet wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 754. Gnillain (G.) & Barre (A.) Les contractures dans la pathologie nerveuse de guerre. Bull, et m&n. Soc. mdd. d. hsp. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 67-69. Foreign Matter. Edington (G; H.) Traumatic implantation of epidermis in track of gunshot wound. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 12. Macleod (N.) Preliminary note on X-ray de- tection of the presence of cloth in wounds. Hid., 1917, ii, 791. Lahorde (Mme. A.) Action du radium sur les cicatrices vicieuses resultant des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 146-148. Military Surgery. 119 Policard (A.) & Desplas (B.) Les corps Gran- gers microscopiques toleres dans les plaies; reactions qu’ ils provoqnent dans les tissus. Compt. rend. Soe. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 175-177. , . A propos de la mise en evi- dence des corps Grangers microscopiques dans leh plaies de guerre; utilisation de la lumiere polarisee. Ibid., 248. , . TolGance du tissu de bour- geonnement des plaies de guerre en voie de cicatrisation pour des corps Grangers de di- mensions microscopiques; mecanisme du mi- crobisme latent de certaines cicatrices cuta- nees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 249-252. Power (D’ A.) Gold coins carried into the back by a shell fragment. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914—15, ii, 510. Speed (K.) Prompt removal of foreign bodies in gunshot wounds; arguments in favor. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1079. Will an (R. J.) A preliminary note on pieces of clothing embedded in war wounds. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, ii, 901. Schloessmann. Ueber Spatblutungen nach Schussverletzungen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcvi (Kriegschir. Hefte I), 129-143. Secondary hemorrhage in war wounds. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi. 755. Shepherd (W. M.) Treatment of secondary haemorrhage from the buttock by ligature of the internal iliac artery. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 718. Sveutsitski (V. A.) [Secondary hemorrhages following gun-shot wounds.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt. 331- 358. Thlery (P.) Des hGnorragies secondaires dans les plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1222; 1254; 1283; 1319. Werner. Gummischwammkompressiou gegen Schussblutungen. Mtinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1925. Wiewiorowski. Die Blutstillung auf dem Schlachtfelde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 289-292. . Zur Behandlung der kriegschirurgi- schen Blutung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 129-131. Haemorrhage. €hasseriaux (Jean-FrGiGic-Ren6). Au sujet de quelques cas d’ hemorragies secondaries dans les plaies de guerre. Bordeaux, 1917, 49 p„ B°, *No. 13. Pons (J.) Les hGnorragies secondaires con- secutives aux blessures de guerre; leur traite- ment. Montpellier, 1916, 39 p., B°, *No. 26. Migration of Projectiles. Dominici (M.) Capriccioso decorso di un proiet- tile. Clin, chir., Milano, 1915, xxiii, 1201. Eckstein (L.) Zur Aetiologie der Ortsveran- derung der Projektile bei Steckschiissen. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1916, 1, 135. Gregory (H. L.) Another wandering shrap- nel ball. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 482. Lyle (H. H. M.) Migration of a shell frag- ment from the right femoral vein to the right ventricle of the heart; generalized gas bacillus infection. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, Ixiv, 734. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 539. Migration of projectiles in the blood stream. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 395. Noccioli (G.) Su di un caso di embolia della arteria iliaca esterna per proiettile a proba- bile penetrazione per il cuore. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 549. O’Neill (C. S.) Fragment of shell in the ar- terial circulation. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 719. Brunzel (H. F.) Ueber unsere Erfahrungen bei Spatblutungen und Aneurysmen nach Schussverletzungen. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, cxxxvi, 474-487. Estor. Traitement des hemorragies secondaires. Montpel. mGk, 1916, xxxix, 154-157. _ Georgii. Die Stauungsbinde in der Kriegschir- urgie. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1914, Ixxxiv, 589. Gnibal (P.) Le traitement des hGnorragies secondaires. Montpel. med., 1916, xxxix, 199- 205. Hesse (W.) Fibrolysin in der Kriegschirurgie und seine Gefahren nebst einem Anhang iiber die Fibrolysinanaphylaxis. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berk, 1916, cviii, 72-94. Morriss (W. H.) Secondary hemorrhage in military surgery. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 131-138. Morton (C. A.) A lecture on the treatment of secondary haemorrhage, with special reference to gunshot wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 213-216. Muller (P.) Ueber Nachblutungen in der Kriegschirurgie. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte YI), 262-283. Peraire (M.) HGnorragie secondaire dans une plaie de guerre; ligature de 1’ artere axil- lair e : guGison. Paris chir., 1915, vii, 118- 120. . Nouvelle observation d’ hemorragie secondaire dans une plaie de guerre; ligature ; guGison. Ihid., 129-131. Revel. La prophylaxie des hGnorragies secon- daires par F exploration systematique, d’ emblee et directe des gros troncs vascu- laires. Presse med., 1917, xxv, 694. Reynes (H.) De 1’ amidon stGulise comme hGnostatique local en chirurgie de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1914-15, 3. s., xxx, 498. Riedel. Ueber aseptisches Fieber nach Bluter- guss in die Bauchhbhle. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, xliii, 681-683. Sacco (R.) Emostasia provvisoria nelle ferite in prima linea di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1458-1460. Pezzi (C.) Migration d’ un projectile h travers la veine cave inferieure jusque dans 1’ oreil- lette droite. Arch. d. mal. du coeur (etc.), Par., 1917, x, 285-292. Turk (N.) Zur Aetiologie der Ortsveriin derung der Projektile bei Steckschiissen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 375-377. Retention of Projectiles. Flesch (M.) Ueber Steckschiisse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegs- chir. Hefte III), 400^11. Guilleininot & Dogny. Sur la tolGance des projectiles par 1’ organisme. J. de radiol. et d’ Gectrok, Par., 1916, ii, 389-394. Lecene (P.) & Frouin (A.) Recherches ex- pGimentales sur le mecanisme de 1’ enkyste- ment des corps Grangers et du microbisme latent. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 789-800. Lipp (H.) Ueber basophile Granulation im Blute von Schrapnellkugeltragern. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 97. Pick (F.) Dem Yerletzten nicht bewusste Projectile im Korper. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 1063. 120 Index Medicus [War Supp. Rossi (A.) Sulla tolleranza del! organismo ai xnoderni proiettili di guerra. Radiol, med., Torino, 1917, iv, 221-239. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 597. Salomon. Diskussion fiber das Problem des Steckschusses. Berk klin. Wchnscbr., 1915, lii, 1335. Wright (Sir Almroth E.) Wound infections. Lond., 1915, University of London Press, 98 p., 12°. Ackerley (R.) The bacterial infections of pro- jectile wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 992. Bazin. Note sur un precede rapide de diagnos- tic bacteriologique des plaies de guerre et sur ses applications a leur traitement. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 1024- 1026. . Die militararztliche Bedeutung der Steckschiisse. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1916, xiii, 76. Schmidt (H.) Das moderne Verfahren bei Steckschiissen. Berk klin. Wchnscbr., 1916, liii, 1385-1389. . Note sur un precede permettant d’eval- uer les proprides bactericides du pus des plaies de guerre et sur renseignements qu’ on en peut tirer pour leur pronostie et leur traitement. Ibid., 1917, Ixxx, 30. Blaqne (G.) L’examen bacteriologique des plaies de guerre. Bulk d. sc. pharmacok, Par., 1917, xxiv, 291-295. Bose (A. N.) Septic shell wounds. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 415. Broca. L’ infection des plaies de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 193-195. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, n. s., cii, 380. Camera (U.) A proposito della profilassi delle infezioni delle ferite e della cura delle ferite infette. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 387-389. Schnitter. Zur Prage der basophilen Granu- lation im Blut von Schrapnellkugeltragern. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 282. Schonfeld (A.) Echte und unechte Steck- schiisse. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 153- 158. Carles (P.) Plaies phosphorus et essence de t6r6benthine. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux, 1915, xxxvi, 37. Also: Gaz. m6d. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 55. Clague (T. M.) & Watson (A. J.) Experiments on the solubility of plain lead and antimonial lead [with reference to retention of shrapnel in the body]. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 757. Chemical Poisoning by Projectiles. Carnot (R.) Les infections des blessures de guerre; leurs origines et leur prophylaxie. Rev. scient., Par., 1916, i, 232-241. Cayrel (A.) La flore microbienne des blessures de guerre; son ensemencement, sa nature, son evolution. Paris chir., 1916, viii, 81-104. Centanni (E.) Sulla immunita contro le in- fezioni delle ferite. Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 421—440. Davis (G. G.) Roentgen-ray diagnosis of gas and pus infections as complications of wounds with deeply buried bullets or shell fragments. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 635-637. von Demeter (G.) Ueber den Nachweis des Bleies in Schusswunden. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1914, 1, 303. . Ueber den Nachweis des Bleies in Schusswunden. Yrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berk, 1915, 1, 174-192. Dennig (A.) Ueber das chemische Verhalten der Bleigeschosse im menschlichen Korper. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 33. Disselhorst. Bleivergiftung nach Steckgeschos- sen. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1916, Ixiii, 1394. Henri (Y.) Sur la possibility d’ entrainement de phosphore dans les plaie produites par les projectiles d’artillerie allemande. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 82. Also; Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 34. Douglas (S. R.), Fleming (A.) & Colebrook (L.) Studies in wound infections: on the question of bacterial symbiosis in wound in- fection. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 604-607. Doyen & Yamanouchi. La flore bacterienne des plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1914, Ixxvi, 503; 512-516. Dudgeon (L. S.), Gardner (A. D.) & Bawtree (F.) On the bacterial flora of wounds pro- duced during the present war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 1222-1225. Fiessinger (N.) & Goubalt (A.)_ Bacilles aero- bics sporules dans les plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1917, Ixxx, 492. Lewin (L.) Die toxische Rolle des in Blei- geschossen enthaltenen Arsens. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1916, Ixiii, 1649. . Die Gefahr der Vergiftung durch ganze Oder zersplitterte im Korper lagernde Ge- sehosse. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 31—34. Loeper & Verpy (G.) Existe-t-il une intoxi- cation saturnine par les projectiles en plomb retenus dans 1’ organisme. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 86L-866. Also: Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 81. MacLeod (D. J. E.) [Danger of lead poison- ing an indication for operative removal of projectiles.] Mil. Geneesk. Tijdschr., Haar- lem, 1914, xviii, 212-217. Neu (J.) Ueber das chemische Verhalten von Bieigeschossen im menschlichen Korper. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 433; 445. Tolkmann (J.) Zur chemischen Binwirkung von Geschossfiillungen auf Wunden. Ibid., 225. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 664. Fiessinger (N.), Moiroud (P.) [et ak] fitude sur les pus en chirurgie de guerre par la de la pyoculture de Pierre Delbet. Rev. gen. de din. et de thgrap., Par., 1916, xxx, suppk, p. cclxi. Fiessinger (N.) & Rokeach. Contribution a 1’ etude des exsudats de la plaie de guerre. 111. La suppuration et la pyoculture. Compt.- rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 500. Franco (P. M.) La piocultura. Studium, Napoli, 1916, ix, 33-35. Frouin (A.) Sur le microbisme latent des plaies et du tissu cicatriciel des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 752-755. Gfoadby (K. W.) The natural history of septic wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 89-96, 1 pk . Bacteriology of septic war wounds. J. Roy. Mier. Soc., Lond., 1917, 269-278, 4 pk Govaerts (P.) Proc6de d’etude de la topogra- phic microbienne, dans les plaies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1917, Ixxx, 606. Wound-Infection and Bacteriology of Wounds. Burghard (F. F.), Leishman (Sir W. B.) [et ak] Memorandum on the treatment of the bacterial infections of projectile wounds. Lond., 1916, 10 p„ 12°. Military Surgery. 121 Infected wounds. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 779. Jochmann (G.) Wundinfektionskrankheiten. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 617-649. Also: Kor.-81. d. allg. arztl. Yer. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1915, xliv, 97-107. Jongis (R.) La flore microbienne des plaies de guerre. Med. prat., Par., 1916, xxiii, 22- 25. Just (T. H.) Notes on the bacteriology of wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiii, 595-599. Katzenstein (M.) Die Beriicksichtigung der ruhenden Infektion be! der Operation Kriegs- beschiidigter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1536-1538. Kellock (T. H.) & Harrison (C. R.) A note on the occurrence of “ blue pus ” in septic wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 605. La Garde (L. A.) Infection of gunshot wounds. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1915, xxi, Internat. Abstr., 241-244. . Bacterial flora of infected gunshot wounds. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 1-6. Lecfene (P.) & Frouin (A.) Nouvelles recher- ches demontrant la reality du microbisme latent dans les plaies de guerre cicatrisees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, elxii, 722-724. Legrand & Dupont (R.) fltude de 37 bless&s par la pyoculture; quelques cas de pyoculture. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 14-21. Lesn6 (E.) & Phocas. Presence de microor- ganismes vivants et virulents a la surface de projectiles inclus dans des tissus cicatrises. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 174. Schepelmann (E.) Trauma unci Wundinfek- tionskrankheiten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 454-456. Sheen (A. W.) A case of war wound infec- tion by an anthracoid bacillus; the wound being caused by a shattered trigger-guard. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 1292. Stewart (M. J.) A study of the coliform or- ganisms infecting the wounds of war. J. Hyg., Cambridge, 1917, xvi, 291-316. Swan (R. H. J.) & Goadby (K.) On the re- crudescence of local sepsis in completely healed wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 741. Taylor (K.) Tissue fragments and wound in- fection. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, Ixiv, 641- 644. Theron. Sur un cas •de microbisme latent. Montpel. med., 1916, n. s., xxxix, 346-350. Tissier (H.) Recherches sur la flore bactgri- enne des plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 337-339. . Recherches sur la flore bacterienne des plaies de guerre. Ann. de 1’ Inst. Pas- teur, Par., 1916, xxx, 681-690: 1917, xxxi, 161-171. Vincent (H.) Sur I’infection des plaies par le bacille pyocyanique, leurs causes et leur traitement. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 748-751. Weinberg & Seguin (P.) Bacillus sporogenes des plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 1028-1031. Whiteford (C. H.) Blue pus as an omen of recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 297. Wound Infection—Prevention. Levaditi (C.) & Debrez (L.) Sur F origine cu- tan6e des streptocoques adaptes dans les plaies de guerre. Ibid., 1917, clxv, 444-446. Levy (L.) & Plisson (L.) Considerations sur quelques complications infectieuses des bles- sures de guerre. Lyon chirurg., 1914-15, xii, 602-617. Mackworth (N. W.) Septic wounds affecting English and Indian troops; a comparison. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 180. Most. Zur Frage der rezidivierenden und ruh- enden Infektion bei Kriegsverletzungen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1161—1163. Ortb. Bemerkungen zur Pathologic der Wund- infektionskrankheiten. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild.. Jena, 1914, xi, 655-658. Pavlovski (A. D.) [Suppurative surgical in- fectious diseases in gunshot wounds and their etiology. Second national war, 1914-15.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 1083; 1107; 1136; 1167; 1177. Picqu6 (L.) Du role de projectile dans F in- fection des plaies (eclats d’ obus, balle de shrapnell). Bulk et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s„ xl, 1219-1222. Policard (A.) Associations microbiennes dans les plaies de guerre en voie de cicatrisation. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 273. Acheson (M. K.) Carbolic acid dissolved in paraffin oil as means of preventing sepsis in gunshot wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 381-385. Barbary (F.) Mise en etat de defense de F or- ganisms infecte; methode nouvelle ; actions antihemolytique et antitoxique; applications pratique aux grands blessfis de guerre. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 221- 223. Bertarelli (E.) Le disinfezioni degli indu- menti dei feriti e la profilassi di guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 1057. Carnot (P.) Le rQle des vetements dans F in- fection des blessures de guerre. Essais de prophylaxie par “ antiseptisation ” de ces vetements. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 896-903. Cornet. La blessure intra-musculaire par eclat d’ obus ; chambre d’ attrition septique ; n6ces- site d’ un debridement preventif et immediat, avec sterilisation de la blessure dans les ambu- lances de F avant. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 730; 747; 762; 778. Davies (Mary). L’antiseptisation des vete- ments militaires comme moyen prophylac- tique de F infection des plaies de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 903-912. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 603-605. De Sarlo (E.) Sulla profilassi delle infezioni chirurgiche nelle ferite d’ arme da fuoco delle estremita. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 321-330. Gelinsky (E.) Betrachtungen fiber die Wirk- ung unserer Verbandmittel in ihrer Bezie- hung zur Infektionsbekampfung. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 712-715. Kummell. Wundinfektion, insbesondere Wund- starrkrampf und Gasbrand (Yerhiitung durch primare Wundversorgung). Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xevi (Kriegschir. Hefte I), 421-453. Also [Abstr.] ; Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 570. Policard (A.), Desplas (B.) & Phelip (A.) Recherches biologiques sur les plaies de guerre, la flore microbienne et ses rapports avec F Evolution clinique et les caracteres de la blessure. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, elxii, 181-183. Prat (A.) Sur la septicitd des eclats d’obus dans les blessures cicatrisees. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 622-624. Sartory (A.) & Lasseur (P.) fitude d’un bacille nouveau provenant d’ un pus de bles- sure par obus. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 68. 122 Index Medians [War Supp. Sumner (F. W.) Prevention and treatment of septic wounds in warfare. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1914, xlix, 433-436. Yincent (H.) Les plaies de guerre et la prophylaxie des infections chirurgicales. Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 136-151. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat.. Par., 1917, Ixxxviii, 171-176. Also: Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 65-67. . La disinfection des plaies de guerre et la prophylaxie des infections chez les blessis. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 129-137. Also, transl.: Monde med., Eng. ed., Par., 1917, xxvii, 129-136. >lBlll6ll (V.) Suppression de la suppuration dans quelques plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 110-112. Cyriax (E. F.) The mechano-therapeutics of septic warfare wounds. Med. Press & Circ., Lond.. 1915, n. s., xcix, 291-294. Davy (W. B.) On the dressing of septic gun- shot wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 475. Donaldson (M.) Immediate massage of septic limbs. Hid., 1914, ii, 1274. Donaldson (M.), Alment (E.) & Wright (A. J.) A plea for ignoring “laudable pus” in the treatment of septic wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii. 286-289. Doyen (E.) & Yamanouchi. La flore bac- terienne et le traitement des plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 228-231. Doyen (E.), Yamanouchi & Raphaelides. Traite- ment des plaies infectees. Ibid., 335'. Duggan (C. W.) Treatment of septic gunshot wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 150. Dyas (F. G.) Open treatment of infected wounds. Surg. Clin. Chicago, Phila., 1917, i, 441-448. Eastman (J. R.) Treatment of infected gun- shot wounds. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chi- cago, 1917, xxiv, 108-111. Foulerton (A. G. R.) A consideration of some elementary principles involved in the treat- ment of soil-contaminated wounds. Lancet. Lond., 1915, i, 484-490. Funke. Ueber die Behandlung gangrilnoser und phlegmondser Wunden mit dem ktinst- lichen Magensaft nach Prof. Freund. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 298-301. Gaultier (R.) R&sultats de quelques observa- tions de laboratoire clinique faites dans une ambulance de 1’ avant sur le traitement abor- tif de 1’ infection des plaies de guerre. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 43-49. Gray (H. M. W.) General treatment of in- fected gunshot wounds from a clinical point of view. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 1-7. Hahn (O.) Ein kleiner Beitrag zur Behand- lung infizierter Wunden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1001. Hamm (A.) Asepsis Oder Antisepsis bei frischer Wundinfektion? Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, c (Kriegschir. Hefte IV), 12-18. Hercher (F.) Zuckerbehandlung eiternder und verunreinigter Wunden. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1916, Ixiii, 333. Isnardi (L.) Cura delle ferite settiche di guerra coll’ astensionismo. Gior. d. r. Ac- cad. di med. di Torino, 1915, 4. s., xxi,'4so: 1916, 4. s., xxii, pt. 2, 3. . Cura delle ferite di guerra settiche senza drenaggio. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1915, 4. s., xxi, Also: Pensiero med., Milano, 1916, vi, 13-16. Also: Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1161- 1164. Wound Infection—Treatment. Wright (Sir Almroth E.) Memorandum on the treatment of infected wounds by physio- logical methods. (Lond., 1916), 26 p., 16°. Adamson (H. G.) The treatment of septic war wounds. Lancet, Lond., .1916, ii, 658. Anderson (Louisa G.) The treatment of in- fected suppurating war wounds. Ibid., 447. Andreoli (I.) La frequenza delle medicature e i metodi di cura nelle ferite di guerra sup- purate. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 945. Andrleu (I.) Comment traiter les plaies sup- purantes causees par les projectiles de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 328—334. Aperlo-Sclavo (G.) Sulla cura delle ferite da guerra settiche senza drenaggio del Prof. L. Isnardi. Pensiero med., Milano, 1915, v, 653-655. Bandorf. Beitrage zur Behandlung von infizierten (Schuss-) Wunden und zur raschen Ueberhautung grosser Defekte. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2226. Berard (L.) & Lumiere (A.) Quelques preceptes elementaires relatifs au traitement des plaies de guerre suppurees. Rev. de chir., Par., 1914-15, xlix, 445-457. Bode. Behandlung schwer inficierter Wunden mit Salzsaure-Pepsinlosung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 406-409. Boycott (A. E.) The treatment of septic war wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 623. Bronner. Traitement des plaies infectees et des trajets suppurants. Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 31. Burghard (F. F.), Leishman (Sir W. B.) [et al.] Memorandum on the treatment of the bacterial infections of projectile wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 735-738. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 873-876. Burk (W.) Die Behandlung infizierter Weich- teilwunden. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 325- 328. Leriche (R.) La sterilisation operatoire sans antiseptique des blessures de guerre recentes cliniquement infectees. Lyon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 676-684. Martyn (H. L.) Some illustrative cases of the treatment of septic wounds in a base hos- pital. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 340-345. Mencifcre (L.) L’ embaumement des plaies sep- tiques dans les grands des mem- bres. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 365-367. . L’ embaumement des plaies septiques dans les grands delabrements des membres, blessures par balle ou schrapnell, eclats d’ obus. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 38. Also, transl.: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i,‘269-271. Morgan (W. P.) The treatment of wound infec- tions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915- 16, ix, Path. Sect., 8-22. Carrel (A.) Treatment of infected wounds. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 816. Carrel (A.), Dakin [et al.] Traitement abortif de 1’ infection des plaies. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 361-868. Also: Rev. d’hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1016- 1024. Chaput (A.) Traitement des plaies de guerre infectdes ou douteuses. Paris med., 1916, vi, 259-263. Cooper (P. R.) Some remarks on the treat- ment of infected war wounds, with special reference to the use of antiseptics, warmth, and fresh air. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvii, 80-84. Military Surgery. 123 Morison (R.) The treatment of infected sup- purating war wounds. Brit. J. Surg., Bris- tol, 1916-17, iv, 659-678. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 268-272. . Remarks on the treatment of in- . The question as to how septic war wounds should be treated. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 503-513. fected, especially war wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 503-509. Mosse. Ueber die Behandlung langer, infizier- ter Schusskanale. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1915, Ivi, 464. Mosti (R.) Le infezioni delle ferite di guerra e loro cura. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 513-518. Muller (W.) Eine “neue” Behandlungsme- thode schwerinficierter Wunden, ohne Wat- tegebrauch. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 135-139, 4 pi. Munch (W.) Eine einfache, wirksame Be- handlungsmethode bei infizierten Wunden. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 900. Ney (K. W.) The influence of the present war on the treatment of infected wounds. N. Orl. M. & S. J., 1917, Ixx, 2027. O’Conor (J.) The treatment of wound infec- tion. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 755. Pauchet (V.) Traitement des plaies infectees. Rev. gin. de din. et de thirap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 225-228. Peyer (H.) Ueber Wund-Behandlung und Wund-Infektion im Kriege. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 649. Possin (B.) Frei-, Luft- und Lichtbehandlung infizierter Wunden. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, cxxxvii, 267-297. Ratynski. Sur un traitement des plaies infec- ties. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 499-502. Riedel. Kein Tampon in eiternde Schusswun- den. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 15—17. Ruggi (G.) Intorno alia cura delle ferite set- tiche. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1916, 9, s., iv, 254-268. Schiassi (B.) II nuovo trattamento biolo- gico ” delle infezioni acute ehirurgiche degli arti con speciale riguardo alle ferite infette di guerra. Bull. d. sc. med., Bologna, 1916, Ixxxvii, 221-233. Silvestrini (L.) Sul trattamento delle ferite settiche. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 73-77. . Ancora sul trattamento delle ferite in- fette. Ibid., 1333—1337. Stretti (G. B.) Sul trattamento delle ferite settiche. (Riposta al dott. Luigi Silves- trini.) Ibid., 372-378. Taylor (K.) Wound infection and treatment. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt., 1916, xxvi, 188. Wound Infection—Treatment by Antiseptics. Brown (T. F.) The use of picric acid in war surgery. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 433. Caine (Paul-Louis). De la valeur et de 1’ em- ploi des antiseptiques pour le traitement des plaies de guerre. Bordeaux, 1916, 50 p., B°, *No. 18. Alderson (G. G.) Treatment of septic wounds with glycerine and ichthyol. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 763. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 749. Anderson (Louisa G.), Chambers (Helen) & Lacey (Margaret). Treatment of septic wounds with special reference to the use of salicylic acid; notes based on cases at the military hospital, Endell Street. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1119. , , . The treatment of septic wounds with bismuth-iodoform-paraffin paste. Ibid., 1917, i, 331-333. Antiseptics and leucocytes in wounds. Brit. M. J.,_ Lond.,. 1917, i, 164. Antiseptics and the treatment of infected wounds. Nature, Lond., 1917, xcix, 265. Aperlo (G.) Note pratiche per i disinfettori e gli infermieri dei riparti infettivi in guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1177; 1206. Anregan. Traitement des blessures de guerre graves et compliquees par 1’ iode colloidal electro-chimique. Caducde, Par., 1915, xv, 116-118. Barbarin (P.) La disinfection des plaies de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 93-95. Bashford (E. B.), Hartley (J. N. J.) & Mor- rison (J. T.) A study of fifty cases treated by flavine. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 849- 853. Bassett-Smith (P. W.) Salicylic acid in wounds infected with virulent anaerobic or- ganism. Ibid., 1915, i, 418. Beatson (G. T.) The use of antiseptics in in- fected wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1214. Bismuth and iodoform paste in gunshot wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 264. Bond (C. J.) Remarks on the application of strong antiseptics to infected and non-infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 405. . On the influence of antiseptics on the activities of leucocytes and on the healing of wounds. Ibid., 1916, i, 777-782. —. Acriflavine paste as a dressing for infected wounds. Ibid., 1917, ii, 6. Bouquet (H.) Quelques nouvelles notions sur la disinfection des plaies de guerre. Bull, gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1915-16, clxviii, 656. Treatment (The) of infected war wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 286. Treatment (The) of septic wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 959. Turner (P.) & Richardson (G.) The treat- ment of wounds infected with Bacillus pyo- cyaneus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 421- 423. Brisard & Imbert. Resultats obtenus dans le traitement des plaies suppurantes de guerre par le chlorure de chaux et le sulfate de mag- nesie; technique de ce traitement. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 910-914. Browning (C. H.) The antiseptic “flavine” (acriflavine). Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 927. . The physiological and antiseptic action of flavine. Ibid., ii, 436. . The germicidal power of flavine. Ibid., ii, 621. . The measure of the potency of anti- septics ; their therapeutic value in wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 177. . Research on the antiseptic properties of “ flavine ” compounds. Ibid., 824. Uffoltz. Le traitement abortif de F infection des plaies; ses premieres applications h la ehirurgie d’ armie. Arch, de mid. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 1-50. Wright (Sir A. E.) Wound infections and their treatment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 629; 679; 717. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 957; 1009; 1063. . Memorandum on the treatment of in- fected wounds by physiological methods. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 793-797. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1916, xxxvii, [War Suppl.], 407. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1203-1207. 124 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Browning (C. H.), Gulbranson (R.) [et al.]. Flavine and brilliant green, powerful anti- septics with low tonicity to the tissues; their use in the treatment of infected wounds. Ibid., 73; 78. Browning (C. H.), Gulbranson (R.) & Thorn- ton (L. H. D.) The antiseptic properties of acriflavine and proflavine, and brilliant green ; with special reference to suitability for wound therapy. Ibid., ii, 70-75. Brownng (C. H.) & Ligat (D.) The use of flavine antiseptics in wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 766-768. Caird (F. M.) An address on the principles of wound treatment as established by Lister and the subsequent modifications in treat- ment. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 872-874. Capell (W. L.) Treatment of wounds with io- dine vapour, with special reference to gun- shot and bayonet wounds. Prescriber, Edinb., 1915, ix, 235. Capell (W. L.) & Rommel (J. C.) The treat- ment of wounds with the fumes of iodine, with special reference to deep wounds. Clin. J., Lond., 1915, xliv, 399. Carrel (A.) & Hartmann (A.) Cicatrization of wounds. VIII. Sterilization of wounds with chloramine-T. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1917, xxi, 1917, 95-118. Carslaw (R. B.) Notes on the use of flavine in the treatment of infected gunshot wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 488-493. Cazin & Krongold (Mile S.) Sur 1’ emploi me- thodique des antiseptiques, bas€ sur 1’ exa- men bacteriologique du pus, dans le traite- ment des plaies infectges. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 89-91. , . L’ emploi de 1’ eau de Javel du commerce dans le traitement des plaies iufectees. Ibid., 1917, clxv, 569—572. Also: Paris chir., 1917, ix, 299-404, 1 pi. Chambers (Helen) & Goldsmith (J. N.) The bacteriological and chemical action of bis- muth-iodoform-paraffin paste. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 333-335. Cheatle (G. L.) Antiseptics in war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 1006. Cheinisse (L.) Les enfumages iodes dans les plaies de guerre. Montpel. med., 1916, xxxix, 158. Cole (A. F.) Brilliant green as an antiseptic. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 165. Colledge (L.) & Drummond (H.) On the treatment of recent gunshot wounds with bis- muth-iodoform-paraffin paste. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 49-51. , . A report on the treatment of a series of recently inflicted war wounds with “ proflavine.” Hid., 676. Cooke (A. D. S.) Garlic juice in wound treat- ment. Med. Press & Circ., 1915, n. s., c, 465. Cooper (P. R.) Carbolic acid in the immediate treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 398. Cooper (P. R.), Stephens (G. A.) [et al.] Antisepsis and asepsis in war. Ibid., 1914, ii, 860. Cuneo (B.) & Rolland (P.) Sur 1’ emploi de la collobiase d’ or (or colloidal) dans le traite- ment des blessures de guerre infectees. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 775-783. Dakin (H. D.), Cohen (J. B.) [et. al.] The antiseptic action of substances of the chlora- mine group. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1916, Ixxxix, s. 8., 232-251. Dakin (H. D.), Cohen (J. B.) & Kenyon (J.) Studies in antiseptics. 11. On chloramine; its preparation, properties, and use. Brit. M. J.. Bond., 1916, i, 160-162. Dakin (H. D.) & Dunham (E. K.) The re- lative germicidal efficiency of antiseptics of the chlorine group and acrifiavine and other dyes. Ibid., 1917, ii, 640-645. Dakin (H. D.), Lee (W. E.) [et al.] A report of the use of dichloramin-T (toluene para- sulphondichloramin) in the treatment of in- fected wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 27-30. Daman (T. W. A.) The use of glycerine and ichthyol in the treatment of septic wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 646. Danysz (J.) Traitement des plaies de guerre par les solutions de nitrate d’ argent a 1 pour 200,000 H. 500,000. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 107-110. Danfresne (M.) Cicatrization of wounds. VII. The use of chloramine-T paste for the sterili- zation of wounds. J. Exper. M., N. Y., 1917, xxvi, 91-93. Delbet (P.) Actions de certains antiseptiques sur le pus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 92-110. Also; Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 36-38. . L’or colloidal dans le traitement des infections chirurgicales. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 640-654. Delbet (P.) & Thiery (P.) Disinfection des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1264-1267. Drenw. Wundantisepsis unmittelbar nach der Kriegsverletzung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 562. Drummond (H.) & McNee (J. W.) On the treatment of a series of recently inflicted war wounds with flavine. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 640-643. Duggan (C. W.) Report on nine cases of sep- tic wounds treated by equal parts of ichthyol and glycerine. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxvi, 450-454. . Ichthyol and ichthyol and glycerine in surgical conditions with a reference to other methods of treatment of gunshot wounds. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 346-348. Duret (P. ) Traitement des plaies de guerre par un liquide ft. action en rneme temps germicide et cytophylactique. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 23-25. Duschkow-Kessiakoff (C.) Pix liquida zur Be- han dlung infizierter Wunden. Miinchen med Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1067. Elkington (F. V.) Proflavine in septic wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 860. Emery (W. D’ E.) A standard method of test- ing antiseptics for wounds, with some results. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 817-819. Feldman (I.) & Walton (A. J.) Observations on the antiseptic treatment of wounds. Ibid.. ii, 1043-1048. Ferraro (D.) Studio sulle moderne polveri iodiche, nella loro applicazione alia ehirurgia di |uerra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, Fiessinger, Moiroud [et. al.] Action des anti- septiques et plus specialement des hypochlor- ites alcalins sur les leucocytes du pus et les albumines constitutuees des plaies de guerre. Ann. de med., Par., 1916, iii, 133-155. Filders (P.), Rajchman (L. W.) & Cheatle (G. L.) A new antiseptic mixture for the treatment of gunshot wounds and general Dakin (H. D.) Au sujet de 1’ emploi de cer- taines substances antiseptiques dans le traite- ment des plaies infectees. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 377-379. . On the oxidation of amino-acids and of related substances with chloramine-T. Biochem. J., Cambridge, 1917, xi, 79-95. Military Surgery. 125 surgical application. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 165-170. Fleming (A.) The physiological and antisep- tic action of flavine; with some observations on the testing of antiseptics. Ibid., 1917, ii, 341-345. Friedmann (Ida). Zur Wasserstoffsuperoxyd- behandlung infizierter Wunden. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berk, 1915, xxii, 335. Gershenfeld (L.) The antiseptics and the war. Am. J. Pharm., Phila, 1917, Ixxxix, 487-496. Gianturco (E.) Sul mezzo migliore per ovviare aIF alterazione della tintura di iodio da usarsi in chirurgia di guerra. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, ii, 56^62. Giardini (O.) Action of antiseptics in war surgery and especially Giannetasio’s chlorosol. West. M. Times, Denver, 1917-18, xxxviii, 101. Gilbert (L. E.) The application of strong an- tiseptics to infected and non-infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond.. 1915, i, 950. Harrison (L. W.) The treatment of anaerobe- infected wounds with lactic acid. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 1 -A. Henlin (V.) Colloidal iodine in the treatment of wounds. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix, 85. Hewlett (R. T.) The germicidal power of fla- vine. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 727. Ingram (W. J. S.) Treatment of septic wounds by silver nitrate. Practitioner, Lond., 1915, xcv, 832. James (Y. C.) Notes on the use of flavine as an antiseptic in Colonel Pilcher’s wards in the Queen Alexandra military hospital. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 392-395. Jones (R. W. H.) Brilliant green as an epi- thelial stimulant. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 455. Keilty (R. A.) & Packer (J. E.) Experimental studies of various antiseptic substances for use in treatment of wounds, based on the work of Sir W. Watson Cheyne. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1915, Ixiv, 2123—2125. Kidd (J. A. C.) Wound disinfectants. Dub- lin J. M. Sc., 1916, clxi, 261-267. Knoll (W.) Jodiperol, ein Mittel zur Bekamp- fung der Wundinfektion. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, xxix, 1492-1495. . Ueber die Behandlung inficierter Kriegsverletzungen mit Jod und Sauerstoff in statu nascendi: Jodiperol. Beitr. z. klin. Chir.. Tubing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte V), 421—435. Le Grand (P.) De F auto-sterilisation des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917. n. s., xliii, 1308-1314. Lemaire (L.) L’ emploi du charbon iod6 dans le traitement des plaies infecties. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 52. Leroy. Risultats obtenus par la disinfection precoce et systematique des plaies de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 474. Ligat (D.) Flavine and brilliant green in the treatment of infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Martin (E.), Dunham (E. K.) [et al.] Sym- posium on the antiseptic treatment of wounds. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 830. Millet. L’ iode dans 1’ armie. Gaz. mid. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 69. Mincliin (W. C.) Garlic juice in the treatment of suppurating wounds. Med. Press & Giro., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 419. Morestin (H.) De F emploi du formol dans le traitement des plaies tres septiques et des gan- grenes gazeuses. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 740-747. Morgan (W. P.) The measure of the potency of antiseptics—their therapeutic value in wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 210. Morison (A. E.) & Tulloch (W. J.) The treat- ment of septic wounds in war by magnesium sulphate solution. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915-16, iii, 276-279. AZso; J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 375-398, 2 pi. Also: Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1916, lix, 14- 17. Morton (C. A.) The treatment of wound infec- tions by antiseptics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 778. Nelson (J. J. H.) “ Chlorine water ” as a dressing. I bid., 821. O’ Conor (J.) Antiseptic treatment of infected wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 253. Page (C. M.), Woodman (E. M.) [et al.] An- tiseptics in war. Brit. J. Surg., Lond., 1914, ii, 1118-1120. Philipowicz (J.) Kritische Betrachtungen fiber den Wert der Antiseptika und anderer Wundmittel in der Kriegschirurgie. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1366-1368. Fillet. Les plaies de guerre et la mithode anti- septique. J. de mid. et chir. prat., Par., 1917, Ixxxviii, 85—89. Pinard (A.) Quelques observations relatives au traitement des plaies par la solution du pro- fesseur Pierre Delbet. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 577-581. Popoff. [Coleol in field surgery.] Voyenno- Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 195. Pozzi (S.) Teinture d’ iode instantanie pour le soldat. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1264. . Traitement des plaies de guerre. De F antisepsie. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 2388-2396. Qnenu (E.) Du traitement des plaies de guerre. De F antisepsie. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 2278-2294. Rocher (H. L.) La sterilisation par le formol en chirurgie de guerre. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mid. de Bordeaux, 1917, xxxviii, 108. Rogers {Sir L.) Permanganates in sloughing and tetanus-infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond,, 1914, ii, 1055. Sabouraud (R.) Des eczimas artificiels dur- ables causes, autour des plaies de guerre, par F abus des antiseptiques. Presse mid., Par., 1916, xxiv, 65. Schiassi. La chimiatria antisettica ed il tratta- mento delle ferite infette. Gazz. d. osp., Mil- ano, 1917, xxxviii, 433. Schutze (H.) lodine and sodium hypochlorite as wound disinfectants. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 921. de Sejour (D.) De F emploi des solutions tiri- benthinies dans le traitement des plaies con- tuses infecties et gangrineuses. Bulk et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 750- 756. Also: J. de mid. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 346-348. Seymour (L. W.) The treatment of dysentery, wounds, etc., by a combination of internal antiseptics. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 115. Lond., 1917, i, 78. . Lbblowitz (J.) Behandlung eitriger und jauch- ender Wunden mit schwachen Silbernitrat- losungen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1268 1270. Lorin (H.) Le prix du temps en chirurgie de guerre et la disinfection hative des plaies; par la mithode du Professeur Vincent. Presse mid. Par., 1917, xxv, 251-253. Lumiire (A.) Sur F emploi de F iodure d ami- don dans le traitement des plaies infecties. Gompt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 376. 126 Index Medicus [War Supp. Steindler (O.) Die Wundantisepsis im Felde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Was- serstoffsuperoxyds. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1125; 1168. Sweet (J. E.) Dakin’s “ dichloramine-T ”in the treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 249. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1076-1078. Also: Am. J. Clin. Med., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 798-800. Taylor (K.) The use of quinine hydrochloride solution as a dressing for infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 923. Tirelli (B.) Antisepsi delle piaghe e delle fer- ite infette. Clin, chir., Milano, 1915, xxiii, 1443-1447. Carrel-Dakin (The) treatment of wounds; re- port of special committee appointed by the Director-General of the British Army Medical Services. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1881. Cherubini (B.) B’Ospedale Carrel 1 Com- piegne e il trattamento delle ferite in guerra. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 222-225. Cheyne (Sir W. W.) A trip to the Dardanelles with the view of testing the value of hypo- chlorite of soda in the treatment of wounds in war. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 137-146. Clermont. Traitement des plaies par la me- thode de Carrel. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 180. Clinical report on the application of eusol. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 416-444. Dakin (H.-D.) The treatment of infected wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1994. Dakin (H.-D.) & Carlisle (H. G.) Report on the use of sodium hypochlorite prepared by the electrolysis of sea water for disinfecting and antiseptic purposes on H. M. S. “ Aqui- tania.” J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 209-227. Dalton (F. J. A.) Sodium hypochlorite in the treatment of septic wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond,, 1916, i, 126-128. Also; Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1916, xxxvii, 102-104. Delbet (P.) A propos des liqueurs de Babar- raque et de Dakin. Bull, et mffin. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1984; 2060; 2158; 2190; 2364. . Pyoculture et liqueur de Dakin. Hid., 1916, xlii, 234-243. Desfosses (P.) Be traitement des plaies in- (mdthode Carrel). Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 537-539. Also, transl.: Treat- ment of infected wounds by the Carrel me- thod. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, cliv, 447-450. Dimond (B.) & McQueen (R.) The Carrel- Dakin treatment and a method for its appli- cation on an extensive scale. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 387. Duggan (C. W.) Eusol and other methods of wound treatment. Hid., 1916, ii, 74. Dupuy de Frenelle. B’ action antiseptique constante obtenu par la methode Carrel dans le traitement des plaies de guerre. Rev. g6n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 362- 365. . Ba cura delle ferite di guerra ed il metodo Carrel. Med. prat., Napoli, 1917, ii, 3-11. Tuflier (T.) De la disinfection pricoce des plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 314-317. Also: Gaz. mid. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 76-78. Tulloch (W. J.) Experimental investigation of magnesium sulphate solution [in treatment of infected gunshot wounds]. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1916, lix, 17-19. zur Yerth (M.) Ueber den Wert der Desin- fection des Operationsfeldes, zugleich ein Bei- trag zur Behandlung von Yerwundungen, ins- besondere von Kriegsverwundungen. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1297-1302. Yincent (H.) Sur la prophylaxie de 1’ infection des plaies de guerre; itude comparie de divers agents antiseptiques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 153-156. Walker (E. H.) Treatment of wounds with bismuth iodoform paraffin paste. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 80. Webb (C. H. S.) A note on the value of bril- liant green as an antiseptic. Hid., i, 870. Wound Infection—Treatment by Eusol (Carrel-I)akin). See, also, Gas Infection—Treatment. Carrel (Alexis) & Dehelly (G.) Be traitement des plaies infectees. Par., 1917, Masson & Cie., 177 p., B°. , . The treatment of infected wounds. Transl. by H. Child. N. Y., 1917, B°. Dumas (J.) & Carrel (Anne). Pratique de 1’ irrigation des plaies dans la methode du Dr. Carrel. Paris, 1917, A. Maloine & fils, 30 p., 12°. Great Britain. War Office. Memorandum on the Carrel-Dakin treatment of wounds. Bond., 1917, 8 p., 4 pl„ B°. Albee (F. H.) & Pittenger (P. S.) Simplifica- tion of the Carrel-Dakin method of wound sterilization in military and civil practice. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt., 1917, xxiii, 389-401. Arthur (W. H.) Carrel’s method of wound ster- ilisation. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 489- 498. Fraser (J.) & Bates (H. J.) The surgical and antiseptic values of hypochlorous acid (eusol). J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvii, 79-84, 1 pi. Also: Edinb. M. J., 1916, xvi, 172-177, 1 pi. Giannettasio (N.) Asepsi ed antisepsi in chir- urgia di guerra. (Sull’ acido ipocloroso quale moderno antisettico.) Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 676; 705; 728. Gibson (C. B.) The Carrel method of treating wounds. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, Ixvi, 262- 279. Gilmour (C. H.) Daufresne’s latest improve- ment of Dakin’s solution. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1917, xlii, 35-40. Griffith (I.) The Dakin or Carrel-Dakin solu- tion. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 497-500. Automatic (An) nurse for Carrel-Dakin fluid. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 769. Barling (G.) The Carrel treatment of wounds. Brit. J. Surg.. Bristol, 1917, v, 116-125. Bash ford (E. F.) Sterilization by Dakin’s solu- tion and the occurrence of secondary hemor- rhage. Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 595-597. Bevan (A. D.) The Carrel-Dakin treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1727. Bloodgood (J. C.) The Carrel-Dakin treat- ment ; a reply to Dr. Bevan. Hid., 2061. Carrel (A.) Traitement abortif de 1’ infection des plaies. Presse m€d., Par., 1915, xxiii, 397. . Carrel-Dakin solution. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 84-88. Carrel-Dakin treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 597-599. Gulllautuin (C. O.) & Vienne (G.) fitude du mecanisme d’ action des hypochlorites em- ployes en irrigations continues dans le traite- ment des blessures de guerre. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 51-58. Military Surgery. 127 Guillot & Woimant (H.) Application de la methode de Carrel aux formations de 1’ ar- riere. Rev. de chir., Par., 1917, lii, 1-20. Hirschberg (O.) Zur Wundbehandlung mit Dakinscher Bosung. Physiologische Antisep- sis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Beipz. u. Berk. 1916, xlii, 1581. Hornns (G.) & Perrin (P.) Traitement des plaies de guerre par la methode Carrel. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 637-667. , • Cent vingt-et-un blesses traites dans une ambulance, par la methode de Car- rel. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par.. 1916. xlii, 1209-1218. Kedroff (P. I.) [Antiseptic solutions of hypo- chlorous acid, applied by the surgeons on the French and English fronts, in the treatment of gun-shot wounds.] Kharkov. M. 1916, xxii, 81-92. Loison. Mgthode de Carrel ala portee de tous et reduite asa plus simple expression. Rev. internal, de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii, 78-80. Loewy (G.) Carrel’s method of treatment of infected wounds. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 798-802. Lumiere (A.) Action des hypochlorites sur le pus. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 365-367. Lyle (H. H. M.) Disinfection of war wounds by the Carrel method as carried out in an ambulance at the front. Med. Rec., N. Y.. 1916, xc, 791. McCormack (A. T.) [The Carrel-Dakin treat- ment] ; a reply to Dr. Bevan. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 2062. Mac Lean (A.) & Stephens (H. E. R.) A year’s experience of eusol as a general antiseptic in H. M. S. “ Bion.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 163-170. Methode (Ba) de Carrel dans les plaies de guerre. J. de m6d. et de chir., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 469-482. Miles (A.) Some observations on the use of hypochlorous acid (eusol) in gunshot wounds. .Edinb. M. J., 1916, n. s„ xvi, 100-105. Mitchell (W.) Hypochlorite solutions in the treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 434. de Nancrede (C. B. G.) Some remarks and clinical reports on the use of Dakin’s solution. Tr. Clin. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, 1916, vii, 99-102. Newman (E. A. R.) Hypochlorous acid as an antiseptic in wounds. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1916, li, 128-130. Note sur la preparation de la solution d’ hypo- chlorite de soude (liqueur de Babarraque) boriquee selon la formule de H.-D. Dakin. J. de pharm. et chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiv, 263. dn Nony (B.) Appareil automatique pour F ir- rigation des plaies par la solution de Dakin (methode Carrel). Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 325. Perret (M.) Resultats obtenus par F emploi de la methode Carrel en chirurgie de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 414-419. Pozzi (S.) A propos des liqueurs de Labarraque et de Dakin. Bull, et into. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 2158-2160. . Pyoculture et liqueur de Dakin. Hid., 1916, xlii, 254-265. . Sur un memoire de M. Uffoltz concern- ant la rgunion secondaire des plaies de guerre par premiere intention dans les formations sanitaires de F avant (methode Carrel). Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 335- 346. Preparation de la solution d’ hypochlorite de Dakin. Arch. med. d’ Angers, 1917, xxi, 17- 19. Report to the Director-General Medical Ser- vices on our recent visit to France to study the Carrel-Dakin treatment of wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxix, 616-628. Holland (P.) Appareil improvise pour F irri- gation sous pression intermittente des plaies, par la methode de Carrel. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 627. Rosengarten (F.) Simplified method for the preparation of Carrel-Dakin solution. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1075. Rowe (R. M.) A note on the Carrel-Dakin- Daufresne treatment. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 387. Schlesinger (E. G.) The Carrel-Dakin method of treating infected wounds based on a report submitted to the Director-General Medical Department of the Navy. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 275-293. Sherman. The value of hypochlorite solutions for the treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 621. Sherman (W. O’N.) The abortive treatment of wound infection; Carrel’s method, Dakin’s solution. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 185-192. . The Carrel method of wound sterili- zation. Penn. M. J., 1917, xx, 643-658. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxiv, 255-274. Sherwood-Dunn (B.) Treatment of infected wounds (Carrel method). Am. Med., Bur- lington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 522-529. Smith (J. B.) The composition of eusol. Ban- cet, Bond., 1916, i, 1058. Smith (J. B.) & Rettie (T.) The amount of free hypochlorous acid in eusol. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i. 740. Smith (J. B.), Ritchie (J.) & Rettie (T.) On a convenient method of preparing eusol. Ibid., 1917, ii, 386. Swain (J.) The prevention of sepsis in war wounds, with special reference to the Carrel- Dakin method. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1917, xxxv, 68-80. Stephens (H. E. R.) The use of hypochlorous acid as an antiseptic in the Naval Medical Service. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington, 1915, xiv, 296—298. Timm (J. K.) Carrel-Dakin solution. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 396-401. Also: J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Easton, Pa., 1917, vi, 458-461. Pierucci (G.) Ba cura delle ferite di guerra con F antisettico Carrel-Dakin. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 49. Pittenger (P. S.) An improved apparatus for applying Carrel-Dakin solution or hypertonic salt solution according to the method of Wright, Tanner and Matson. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 500-511. Powell (N. A.) An improved formula for the preparation of Dakin’s solution. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1917, xli, 7. Torraca (B.) Alcune osservazioni sulla cura delle ferite settiche da arma da fuoco con la soluzione di ipoclorito. Clin, chir., Milano, 1917, xxv, 46-68. Uffoltz. Ba methode Carrel; traitement abor- tif de F infection des plaies; sa technique, ses consequences pratiques, ses resultats. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 848- 859. W. (H. G.) The Carrel-Dakin method of wound sterilization. Colorado Med., Denver, 1917, xiv, 96. Index Medicus [War Supp. Welch (W. H.) The Carrel-Dakin treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1994. Wilkie (D. P. D.) Intermittent instillation of eusol in the treatment of infected wounds. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 294. Wi’ight (Sir A. E.) A lecture on the treat- ment of war wounds; supplemented by addi- tional matter relating to antiseptics and the method of Carrel. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 939-949. Lignieres (J.) Le traitement des plaies par le serum de cheval, quelques considerations sur son action et son mode d’ emploi. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 522-525. Poclion (G.) L’ emploi d’ un vaccin polyvalent dans les infections et principalement dans les plaies de guerre. Presse mdd., Par., 1917, xxv, 668. Sarkisov (K. S.) [Application of Leclainche and Vallee opsolysin, a new serum for dress- ing wounds.] Trudi i Protok. Imp. Kav- kazsk. Med. Ob., Tiflis, 1915-16, lii, 80-83. Stradiotti (G.) & Ollino (G.) Contribute alia auto-vaccinoterapia delle ferite in guerra. Riv. crit. di din. med., Firenze, 1917, xviii, 357-360. Swan (J. H. J.) A note on the value of vaccine therapy in the treatment of septic, gunshot wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 859. Tidy (H. L.) The treatment of wounded by vaccines. Hid., 1915, ii, 326-328. Baum (H. L.) Ortizonpulver in der Behand- lung schwerer Schusswunden. Miinchen. med. Wehnschr., 1915, Ixii, 761. Bordas (F.) L’oxygene ozonisd dans le traite- ment des plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 886-888. Also: J. de pharm. et de chirm, Par., 1916, 7. s., xiv, 140. Wound Infection—Treatment by Oxygen. Pichler (R.) Wasserstoffsuperoxydsalbe zur Behandlung der Kriegsverwundeten. Miin- chen. med. Wehnschr., 1915, Ixii, 385. Reverchon (H.-L.), Yignat & Yaucher. Sterili- sation precoce des plaies de guerre par F air ou F oxygene chaud. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 425-428. Siegel (E.) Ueber Nachbehandlung von Kriegs- verletzungen mit Ortizon. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 465. Bier. Anaerobe Wundinfektion (abgesehen von Wundstarrkrampf). Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tu- bing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte V), 271- 335. Anaerobic Infection. Costa (S.) & Troisier (J.) Action hemolytique de certaines bacteries anagrobies des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 354. , . Sur un groupe de bacteries an- aerobies des blessures de guerre intermediate entre le B. perfringens et le vibrion septique. Ibid., 430-433. Douglas (S. R.), Fleming (A.) & Colebrook (L.) Studies in wound infections; on the growth of anaerobic bacilli in fluid media under apparently aerobic conditions. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 530-532. Gnrd (F. B.) Potassium permanganate in the treatment of anaerobic infection of wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxix, 202-205. Hatch (W. K.) Gas gangrene and tetanus. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 545. Henry (H.) An investigation of the cultural re- actions of certain anaerobes found in wounds. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1916-17, xxi, 344-385, 11 pi. Influence (The) of dressings on the anaerobic flora of wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 421. Kummell. Wundinfektion, insbesondere Wund- starrkrampf und Gasbrand (Verhiitung durch primiire Wundversorgung). Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1915, xevi, 421-453. Also [Abstr.] : Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1915, lii, 565. Marquis (E.) Les infections anaerobies des plaies de guerre. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 65-87. Metz (L.) Tetanus en gasgangraen, twee ge- vaarlijke wondbesmettingen in den oorlog. Nosokomos, Amst, 1915, xv, 259-261. Robertson (M.) Notes upon certain anaerobes isolated from wounds. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1915-16, xx, 327-349. Simonds (J. P.) Recherches sur la presence de spores de bacterie anadrobies dans les uni- formes militaires (armee beige). Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 100. Stokes (A.) A note on some cases of blood infection by an anaerobic organism secondary to wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 379-381. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 746. . A note on some cases of blood infection by an anaerobic organism secondary to wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 361. Wound Infection—Treatment by Sera and Yaccines. Bassuet (M.) Contribution a F etude du traite- ment serique spgcifique des plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 503-505. Cazin (M.) Traitement des plaies infectees par le serum de Leclainche et Vallee. Paris med., 1916, vi, 262-264. Danysz (J.) Essais de chimiotherapie et vac- cinotherapie dans le traitement des_ _plaies de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 121. Delbet (P.) Quelques observations de plaies de guerre traitges par F auto-vaccin iode total de Weinberg et Seguin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 22-25. . Traitement de quelques plaies de guerre infectees par F auto-vaccin iode total de Weinberg et Seguin. Paris chir., 1916, viii, 119-150. de Fleury (M. ] Le traitement des plaies in- fectees par le serum specifique de Vallee-Le- clainche. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915. 3. s., Ixxiii, 548-551. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 39. Gibson (H. G.) Some notes on the use of sensi- tised streptococcal vaccine in infected gun- shot wounds, and a report on a case in which it was used. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 593-599. Goadby (K.) An inquiry into the natural his- tory of septic wounds. Section 11. Vaccine therapy. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 585-595. Lanfranchi (A.) & Finzi (G.) _ Sulla prepara- zione e sulle propriety del siero antipiogeno polivalente (con applicazione al tratta- mento delle ferite infette). Ann. d’ ig., Roma, 1916, xxvi, 6-21. Leclainche (E.) & Vallde (H.) Traitement serique specifique des plaies. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1804- 1846. Also, transl.: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1916, xxix, 283-290. , . Le traitement serique speci- fique des plaies et des infections consecutives. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 187-189. Military Surgery. 129 Gas Infection and Malignant (Edema. De Sarlo (E.) Su di un caso di ferita infetta d’ arma da fuoco al braccio sinistro, compli- cata da cangrena simmetrica dei piedi. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 617-621. Deslongchamps (R.) et traitement de la gangrene gazeuse. Gaz. mdd. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 37. Dudgeon (L. S.) Gas gangrene. Lancet, Loud., 1914, ii, 1384. Dnhamel. Ueber Gaspblegmone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1126-1130. Dumas (R.) Consideration clinique sur la gan- grene gazeuse. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 102-106. Elliott (T. R.) & Henry (H.) Infection of hsemothorax by anaerobic gas-producing ba- cilli. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 448-153. Eloesser (L.) Notes from a German military hospital, with observations on gas phlegmons. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1915, Ixv, 2001-2005. Emery (W. D’E.) Some factors in the path- ology of gas-gangrene. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 948-954, 1 pi. Fauntleroy (A. M.) Gas bacillus infection Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, Ixiii, 1-23, 2 pi. Fessler (A.) Die Gaspblegmone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1025-1027. . Weitere Erfahrungen iiber die Gas- phlegmone. Ibid., 1581. Fieri (P.) Tj infezione gassosa delle ferite di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 508-510. Guermonprez (Frangois-J.-O.) Gangrene gaz- euse pendant la guerre 1914-16. 2 ed., 4v. Paris, 1916, J. Rousset, B°. Achille (F.) Sulla rapiditl di sviluppo della cangrena gassosa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 193-195. Aperlo (G.) Gangrena gassosa. Pensiero med., Milano, 1915, v, 533-536. Baggio (G.) Di certe ferite facilmente esposte alle infezioni cangrenose per le lesioni vasali che le accompagnano. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 669-672. Bartoli (F. ) L’infezione gasosa delle ferite di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 1493. Bashford (E. F.) General pathology of acute bacillary gangrene arising in gunshot injuries of muscle. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916-17, iv, 562-596. Bell (F. M.) Malignant cedema. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1916, vi, 882-885. BiugoW. Gasbazillensepsis. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 191. Bowlby (Sir A. A.) & Rowland (S.) A report on gas gangrene. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 514-517. Also: Brit. M. J,, Lond., 1914, ii, 913. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1265. Broca. Les phlegmons gangreheux. Rev. g6n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 273- 275. Bull (C. G.) & Pritchett (Ida_W.) Bacillus welchii infection and intoxication. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1815. Butler. Gaseous cellulitis, bullet wound of the right leg and comminuted fracture of the tibia and the fibula. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915- iii, 500. Camera (IT.) L’ infezione gasosa delle ferite; studio clinico, anatomopatologico e terapeutico. Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, 260-305. Campora (G.) Sulla gangrena gassosa. Osser- vazioni e studio clinico. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 674-679. Canelli (A. F.) II flemmone gangrenoso. Path- ologica, Genova, 1916-17, ix, 241-243. Carina (G.) Osservazioni sopra 20 easi di gan- grena gazosa. Morgagni, Milano, 1916, Iviii, pt. 1, 142-160. Cernic (M.) Gasphlegmonen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1034-1037. Chalier (A.) Gas gangrene. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1915, cxl, 358; 437. . Diagnostic et traitement de la gan- grene gazeuse. Progres mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 41. . Donndes statistiques tirees de 108 cas de gangrenes gazeuses vraies. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 390. Coeneu (H.) Ein Ruckblick auf 20 Monate feldarztlicher Tatigkeit, mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung der Gaspblegmone. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte YI), 397-A63, 2 pk Conradi (H.) & Bieling (R.) Zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Gasbrands. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 133; 178. Costa (S.) & Troisier (J.) Syndrome mortel d’ cedeme gazeux, dans une blessure provo- qu6e par le bacille neigeux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 352. Deguy. Sur les infections putrides avec em- bolies gangreneuscs multiples. Paris mdd., 1916- xxi, 62-64. Denk (W.) & von Walzel (P.) Die Gasphleg- mone im Kriege. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 221-225. Derganz (F.) Der Gasbrand. Ibid., 7-10. Fraenkel (E.) Ueber Gasgangran. Munchep. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2217. . Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen Prof. Dr. G. Pommers zu meiner Arbeit liber malig- nes Oedem. Centralb. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], 1. Abt., Jena, 1915—16, Ixxvii, Orig., 367. . Kritisches iiber Gasgangran. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 476—480. . Ueber malignes Oedem. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1405. . Ueber Gasbrand. Hid., 1533-1535. Franke. Ueber einige Falle von Gasphleg- moneu. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2218. Franz (R.) Ueber den Einfluss der Witterung auf die Gasbrandinfektion der Kriegswunden. Ibid., 1916, Ixiii, 1830-1832. Friind (H.) Kriegschirurgische Erfahrungen bei Gasgangran. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xciii (Kriegschir. Hefte HI), 447-476. Gas gangrene. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 1119. Gaudier (H.), Fiessinger (N.) & Montaz (R.) Importance du terrain dans le determinisme des grands accidents infectieux par les anadro- bies et en particulier par le Bacillus perfrin- gens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 851—853. Gross (G.) Gangrene gazeuse (Documents statistiques). Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 586-591. . A propos de 134 cas de gangrene gaz- euse. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 636-646. Guermonprez (F.) La fdtidite de la gangrene gazeuse. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 667-669. . Ou en est la question de la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 1916, xxx, 30-32. Hagemann. Ueber Gaspblegmone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 178. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 263. Hartley (J. N. J.) Metastatic gas gangrene; five cases, with recovery in three. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 481. Hau (V.) ficlats d’obus et gangrene gazeuse; blessures du crane et de 1’ abdomen. Lyon med., 1916, exxv, 3-7. 130 Index Medians. [War Supp. Heidler (H. H.) Gefassschuss und Gasbrand. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 254-256. . Unsere Erfahrungen iiber den Gas- brand. Ibid., 1522-1527. Heitz-Boyer. Hdmatome et gangrene gazeuse. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 394. Also: Progres med., Par., 1916, xxxi, 181. Hixon. The gas bacillus in a brain injury. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 905. Hopkes. Ueber Gasbrand. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1917, cxl, 1-35. Hull (A. J.) White gangrene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 756. . The gangrene of war; gaseous cellu- litis or emphysematous gangrene. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 144-146. Impallomeni (G.) Gangrena gassosa e flem- mone cangrenoso. Clin, chir., Milano, 1916, xxiv, 252-259, 3 pk Iveus (M. H. F.) A clinical study of anaerobic wound infection, with an analysis of 107 cases of gas gangrene. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, n. s., ciii, 12. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 872. Judd (J. R.) Observations on gas-bacillus in- fection in Prance. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 113-125. Rausch. Ueber die Gasphlegmone. Beitr. z. klin. Chir. Tubing., 1916, xcvii (Kriegschir. Hefte II), 7-31. Kolaczek (H.) Ueber larviert verlaufenden Gasbrand bei Schussverletzungen. Ibid., ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 202-210. Lapeyre (N.) Les complications gazeuses des plaies de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 431-433. Lardennois (G.) & Baumel (J.) Les infections malignes des plaies de guerre par microbes anaerobies: les processus tumefiants, gangrd- neux et gazeux. Ibid., 506-509. , . Les infections gangreneuses des plaies de guerre par germes anadrobies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 616-618. Lavroff (Y. V.) & Fyodoroff (V. K.) [Devel- opment of gases in the vascular system in gaseous gangrene.] Novoye v Med., Pet- rogr., 1916, x, 954-956. Lemaitre. Gangrene gazeuse. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 308. Leo (G.) De la gangrene gazeuse. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 577-590. Levy, Cotte & Latarjet. Un cas de septicemic k bacillus perfringens compliquant une bles- sure de guerre. Paris mdd., 1915-16, xvii, 311-313. Oliva (C.) La gangrena gassosa delle ferite di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 172; 202; 233; 256. Ombr6danne (L.) L’infection gangreneuse des plaies de guerre. Paris mdd., 1913-14, xv, 360; 374. Opokin (A. A.) [Clinical symptoms and opera- tive treatment of gaseous gangrene.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1916, xv, 2-7. Page (C. M.) Gangrene in war. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914. ii, 386-388. Payr (E.) Ueber Gasphlegmonen im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 57. Penhallow (D. P.) Latent gas bacillus in- fection in a healed bullet wound. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 866. Peraire (M.) Gangrene gazeuse du membre superieur droit, suite de fracture compliqu6e du cubitus; guerison. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 254. Planner (W.) Zur Frage der sogenannten Gasphlegmone. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1100-1102. Picque. Frequence et prophylaxie de la gan- grene gazeuse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xlv, 12. Pier! (G.) La cangrena d’ospedale (infezione cangrenosa delle ferite da guerra). Riv. os- pedal., Roma, 1915, v, 312-322. . Gangrena gazosa consecutiva alia legatura dell’ arteria principale dell’ arto. Ibid., 1917, vii, 76-80. Prat. Sur le symptome: la rigiditd gangreneuse. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 474-477. Ranft (G.) Zur Frage der Metastasenbildung bei Gasgangran. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1682. Riberol. Formes cliniques et traitement de 50 cas de gangrene gazeuse. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xlv, 11. Ritter. Ueber Gasbrand. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 47-72. Rocchi (G.) Sulla gangrena gassosa. Ri- forma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 387. Rnbsamen (W.) Zur Prophylaxe und Thera- pie der Gasphlegmone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1468. Sackur. Die Gasphlegmone bei Kriegsver- wundeten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1022; 1046. Sacquepee (E.) Sur la gangrene gazeuse; deux modalitds essentielles: la septicemie gazeuse et 1’ oedeme gazeux malin. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 433-437. . Sur la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 965- 967. . Une modalite de la gangrene gazeuse; de 1’ cedeme gazeux malin. Bulk et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1132- 1137. McNee (J. W.) & Dunn (J. S.) The method of spread of gas gangrene into living muscle. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 727-729. Marqnardt. Zwei Falle von Gasphlegmone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 142. Martin. Gaseous cellulitis of the thigh, with large subcutaneous gas bubbles. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915-16, iii, 498. Martyn (H. L.) Notes on a case of acute em- physematous gangrene of the arm following shrapnel wound; amputation at the shoulder joint; extension of gangrene to the flaps; re- covery. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 377-379. Matti (H.) Der Gasbrand. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 43-46. Mullally (G. T.) & McNee (J. W.) A case of gas gangrene exhibiting unusual proofs of a blood infection. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 763—765. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 478. Nuthall (A. W.) Localized traumatic or direct gangrene. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1917, v, 175. . Recherches sur la gangrene gazeuse des plaies de guerre. Presse m6d., Par., 1916, xxiv, 194-196. Seeflsch (G.) Die Gasphlegmone im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 256-258. Sehrt (E.) Ueber Gasbrand. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1056; 1081. du Sejour (D.) Contribution h I’etude de la septicemie gazeuse. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 325-333. Seller (H.) Zur Aetiologie der Gasphlegmone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1189. Steinbriick. Rauschbrand und Gasbrand. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1660. Military Surgery. 131 Steinhardt-Harde (Edna). Communication preliminaire sur la gangrene gazeuse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 18-20. Suchanek (E.) Die Kriegsphlegmone. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1505-1508. Swan (R. H. J.), Jones (I.) & McNee (J. W.) The occurrence of acute emphysematous gan- grene (malignant oedema) in wounds received in the war. Bancet, Bond., 1914, ii, 1161. Tanslni (I.) Sulle gangrene. Policlin., Roma. 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 609-614. Tavernier (B.) Quelques observations d’in- fections gazeuses (gangrenes gazeuses ; phleg- mons gazeux; pleuresies gazeuses). By on chir., 1914-15, xii, 431-437. Taylor (K.) Note on a case of self-inoculation with the Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. Ban- cet, Bond., 1915, ii, 977. . Factors responsible for gaseous gan- grene. I hid., 1916, i, 123-125. . Two fatal cases of metastatic gas gan- grene. Ibid., 1916, ii, 1057. Also, transl.: Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 353-356. Tietze (A.) & Korbsch. Ueber Gasphlegmone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berl.. 1914, xl, 2004-2006. , . Zum Kapitel der Gasphleg- mone. Ibid., 1915, xli, 340. Tincent (H.) & Stodel (G.) Influence du trau- matisme sur la gangrene experimentale et sur le reveil de cette infection. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc.. Par., 1917, clxiv, 870-872. Wallace (C. S.) Gas gangrene as seen at the casualty clearing stations. Brit. M. J., Bond, 1916, ii, 381-384. . Gas gangrene as seen at the casualty clearing stations. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxviii, 528-538. Weinberg (M.) Recherches sur la gangrene gazeuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 325-328. . Bacteriological and experimental re- searches on gas gangrene. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, Occas. Beet., 121- 144. Bull (C. G.) Gangrene gazeuse. Toxin e spe- cifique et antitoxine. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 957. [Discussion] ; 958. Bull (C. G.) & Pritchett (Ida W.) Identity of the toxins of different strains of Bacillus welchii and factors influencing their produc- tion in vitro. J. Exper. M., Balt., 1917, xxvi, 867-883. Conradi (H.) & Bieling (R.) Zur Aetiologie und Pathogenese des Gasbrands. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 178. Costa (S.) & Troisier (J.) Sur 1’ association frdquente du pneumocoque et du B. perfrin- gens dans les blessures de guerre, notam- ment dans le syndrome “ gangrene gazeuse.” Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 283. Dean (H. R.) & Mouat (T. B.) The bacteria of gangrenous wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvi, 189; 349. Also: Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 77-83. De Angelis (G.) Sulla flora batterica della gangrena gassosa. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1915, xxxvii, 246. . Relazione sopra ricerche batterio- logiche riguardanti la flora batterica della gangrena gassosa. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 189-193. DeKruif (P. H.), Adams (T. W.) & Ireland (P. M.) The toxin of Bacillus welchii. I. Toxin production by various strains. J. In- fect. Dis., Chicago, 1917, xxi, 580-587. DeKruif (P. H.) & Bollman (J. B.) The tox- in of Bacillus welchii. 11. The mechanism of infection with B. welchii. Ibid., 588-590. Duperie (R.) Recherches bacteriologiques et hematologiques sur quelques cas de gan- grene gazeuse. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xxxvi, 89-93. Also: J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xlv, 12. Fiessinger (N.) Ba biologic de la gangrene gazeuse. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 20; 38. Fleming (A.) Some notes on the bacteriology of gas gangrene. Bancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 376- 378. . Gas gangrene in the present war. Glasgow M. J., 1916, Ixxxv, 241-258, 6 pi. Weinberg (M.) & Seguin (P.) Deux eas de gangrene gazeuse consecutifs a la ligature des gros vaisseaux. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 736. , . Recherches sur la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 744-748. , . Formes pseudograves d’ in- fections gazeuses. Ibid., 1916, Ixxix, 116— 119. , . Reproduction experimentale des formes putrides de la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 1136-1140. , . Contribution al’ etiologie de la gangrene gazeuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 449-451. , . Etudes sur la gangrene gaz- euse. Ann. de F Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1917, xxxi, 442-481. Zindel (L.) Worauf berubt der Unterscbied in der Mortalitat des Gasbrandes im Frieden und im Krieg? Miinchen. med. Wcbnscbr., 1916, Ixiii, 1678-1680. ■ . Die neueren Arbeiten liber Gaspbleg- mone. Beitr. z. klin. Cbir., Tubing., 1917, cv (Kriegscbir. Hefte VII), 257-292. Job (E.) & Roux (E.) Etude sur F dtiologie et la pathogenic de la gangrene gazeuse. J. de chir., Par., 1917-18, xiv, 233-246. tegros (G. V.) Un cas de gangrene gazeuse; association de B. perfringens et de B. cedd- matiens. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 101. Leo (G.) Un cas de gangrene gazeuse a vi- brion septique avec septiedmie streptocoque. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 511-516. Levy, Fourcade & Bollack. Sur la frequence du Bacillus perfringens dans les plaies de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii. 284—286. Marwedel & Wehrsig. Ueber Gasbrand durch anaerobe Streptokokken. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1023-1025. Nacciarone (A.) Flemmone e gangrena gas- sosa. Contribute batteriologico e clinico. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 772-781; 790-798. Orticoni (A.) Sur la presence du Bacillus perfringens et d’ un bacille pyogene dans les plaies gazeuses de chirurgie de guerre. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 126-128. Reverchon (H. B.) & Yaucher (E.) Con- stance et prdcocitd de la presence du bacille “ perfringens ” dans les lesions de gangrene et d’ infection gazeuse consdcutives aux plaies par projectiles d’ artillerie. Ibid., 145-149. Sacquepde (E.) Be bacille de F oedeme gaz- eux malin. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 316-318. Bloodgood (J. C.) Gas-bacillus infection; sur- gical bacteriology. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1916, xxxiv, 122-127. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 182-184. Gas Infection—Bacteriology. Index Medicus [War Supp. . Le bacille de 1’ oedeme gazeux malin ; deuxieme note; les proprietes toxiques. Hid., 540. . Le bacille de 1’ oedeme gazeux malin; troisieme note; 1’ action pathogene. Hid., 588-593. ———■. A propos d’une note de M. Weinberg et P. Sdguin, intitulee: Le B. cedematiens et la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 547-550. . Sur le bacille de 1’ oedeme gazeux malin. Ibid., 1916, Ixxix, 115. . Ltude sur la gangrene gazeuse; le bacille de 1’ oedeme gazeux malin. Ann. de 1’ Inst. Pasteur, Par., 1916, xxx, 76-108. Sartory (A.) & Spillmann (I.) Sur la bac- teriologie de la gangrene gazeuse. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 210. Simonds (J. P.) Studies on bacillus welchii with special reference to gas gangrene. J. Exper. M., Balt., 1917, xxv, 819-836. Smith (J. F.) The bacteria of gangrenous wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 184. Steinhardt-Harde (Edna). Gangrene gazeuse a B. perfringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 134. Stewart (Mary W.) & West (R.) Study of a strain of B. welchii isolated in France to- gether with some notes on gastric ulcers. J. Immunol., Balt., 1916, i, 189-199. Taylor (K.) Observations on the pathology and bacteriology of gas gangrene. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1916, xx, 384-394, 4 pi. Yauclier (F.) Le B. mdematiens dans un cas de gangrene gazeuse. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 251-253. Weinberg (M.) Un cas de gangrene gazeuse a vibrion septique. Ibid., 1915, Ixxviii, 141- 143. Ledoux-Lebard (R.) Le diagnostic radiolo- gique de la gangrene gazeuse. J. de radiol. et d’ electrol., Par., 1916, ii, 241. Martens (M.) Gasphlegmonen im Rdntgen- bild. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 761, 1 pi. Milner (C. E. H.) A case of acute emphyse- matous gangrene simulating a large second- ary hemorrhage. Lancet, Loud., 1915, ii, 230. Morgan (J. D.) & Vilvandre (G.) The X-ray diagnosis of gas in the tissues. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1917, i, 8, 1 pi. Morison (J. M. W.) Gas in the tissues. Arch. Radiol. & Electrother., Lond., 1915, xx, 222- 231. Piero (G.) & Yeronesi (A.) Diagnosi radio- grafica delle infezioni gazose. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 73-78. Savill (Agnes). X-ray appearance in gas gan- grene. Arch. Radiol. & Electroth., Bond., 1916-17, xxi, 201-212. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, n. s., cii, 404-406. Yeronesi (A.) La radiografia della gangrena gassosa. Fracastoro, Verona, 1916, xii, 7. Wallace (C.) The color changes seen in skin and muscle in gas gangrene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 725, 4 pi. Gas Infection—Preventive and Therapeutic Inoculation. Antitoxin for gas gangrene. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 41. Bull (C. G.) Antitoxin for gaseous gangrene. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 821-823. Dupont (R.) & Billaudet. Gangrene gazeuse du membre inferieur gauche. Amputation. Injection de sdrum de Leclainch et Vallee. Guerison. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2793-2797. Fiessinger (N.) Serotherapie et autovaccino- thdrapie antigangreneuse. Presse mdd., Par., 1917, xxv, 106. Nedrigalloff (V. I.) [Vaccination in gaseous gangrene.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 848-850. Pritchett (I. W.) Specific preventive and cura- tive therapy, with special reference to gaseous gangrene. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, v, 310-316. Protective inoculation against gas gangrene. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 64. Rosenthal (G.) A propos de traitement des blessures de guerre; necessity d’ une medica- tion speciiique contre le bacille perfringens. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1914, clxviii, 516. . A propos du Wright vaccin antiper- fringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 365. Yancher (E.) Essais de serotherapie preven- tive antigangreneuse. Ibid., 1917, Ixxx, 955 957. Yincent (H.) Nouyelles _ remarques sur la prophylaxie de 1’ infection des plaies de guerre et specialement de la gangrene gazeuse. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 180. Weinberg (M.) Premiers essais de vaccino- thdrapie des infections gazeuses, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1914, Ixxvii, 543- 546. Weinberg (M.) & Seguin (P.) Du serum anti-oedematiens. Hid., 1915, Ixxviii, 552- 554. <—, 7- Btude sur la gangrene gazeuse." B. ceddmatiens et sdrum anti-oedematiens. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 365-368. . Sur la bacteriologie de la gangrene gazeuse. Hid., 286-288. Weinberg (M.) & Seguin (P.) Notes bactdr- iologiques sur les infections gazeuses. Ibid., 274-279. , . Le B. cedematiens et la gan- grene gazeuse. Ibid., 507-512. , ————•. Reponse a M. Sacqu§p6e. [Le bacille de 1’ cedeme gazeux malin.] Hid., 550. • , . Un vibrion septique h aspect atypique en gelose profonde; frequence de 1’ aspect “ coeur jaune ” chez divers anaero- bies de la flore de la gangrene gazeuse. Ibid., 738-740. Wright (Sir A. E.) Conditions which govern the growth of the bacillus of “ gas gangrene ” in artificial culture media, in the blood fluids in vitro, and in the dead and living organism. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 1-9. Gas Infection—Diagnosis. Berry (H. M.) The recognition of gas within the tissues. Arch. Radiol. & Electroth., Lond., 1916-17, xxi, 213-220. Black (H.) The detection of gas in the tissues by X-rays. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 9. Dbhner (B.) Gasphlegmone im Rdntgenbild. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1305. Fiorini (M.) Infezioni gasose e_ reperti ront- genografici. Radiol, med., Torino, 1917, iv, 202. Lardennois (G.) & Pech. Les aspects radio- graphique des infections gangreneuses des plaies de guerre et des gangrenes gazeuses en particulier. J. de radiol. et d’ electrol., Par., 1916-17, ii, 545, 1 pi. Lardennois (A.), Pech (P.) & Baumel (J.) Btude des infections gangreneuses des plaies de guerre au moyen de la radiographic. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 768. , . Essais de serotherapie de la gangrene gazeuse chez 1’ homme. Hid., clxv, 199-201. Military Surgery. 133 Gas Infection—Treatment. iques, du traitement et des r6sultats obtenus dans une ambulance de premiere ligne. Presse mdd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 2-4. von Gaza. Die operative Bebandlung der Gas- phlegmone in ibrem progredienten Stadium. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 426-446. Gironi (U.) Sul trattamento delle infezioni gazose. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 142- 147. Armknecht (W.) Beitrag zum Wesen und zur Therapie der Gasphlegmone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 452. Artificial hyperasmia in gas gangrene. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 594. Bocker (W.) Die Bebandlung der Gasphleg- mone im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 329-331. Borchers (E.) Yorsicht bei der Sauerstoffbe- handlung der Gasphlegmone. I. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1338-1341. Busch. Zur Diagnose und Therapie der Gas- phlegmone. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 2090. Chalier (A.) La gangrene gazeuse, dude elin- ique et thdapeutique basee sur 45 observa- tions personnelles. Gaz. d. h6p., Par., 1915, Ixxxviii, 3-12. Also, transl.: Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1608-1611. Chaput (H.) Gangrene septique profonde de la cuisse consecutive a un coup de feu en seton des parties molles; vastes debridements; epluchage; resection dendue des muscles; exposition de la plaie a 1’ air et h la lumiere electrique; pansement sec; guerison avec de petites cicatrices et de bonnes fonctions. Bulk et rndm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xiiii, 48. Belanglade (E.) & Gatellier (J.) Gangrenes gazeuses et infections gangreneuses; leur traitement dans une ambulance de premiere ligne. I hid., 1915, n. s., xli, 683-696. Benk (W.) Alkali therapie bei foudroyantem Gasbrand. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, xiiii, 796. Bodieu (D.) Gangrene gazeuse de 1’ avant-bras avec propagation au bras et a k epaule arrgtee par les injections d’ oxygene gazeux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 240. Bomiuici (M.) Contribute al trattamento delle infezioni gangrenose e gassose. Clin, chir., Milano. 1915. xxiii, 1626-1628. Piessinger (N.) fitude biologique de deux plaies gangrdieuses traitees_ par la methode de Carrel. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 95. Piessinger (N.) & Moiroux (P.) fitude biol- ogique de deux plaies gangreneuses traitees par la methode Carrel-Dakin. Paris med., „ 1916-17, xxi, 242-248. Pievez (J.) Sur la gangrene gazeuse_ et son traitement. Paris mdk, 1916, xviii, 220- 224. Prankau (C. H. S), Drummond (H.) & Neli- gan (G. E.) The successful conservative treatment of early gas gangrene in limbs by the resection of infected muscles. Brit. M. J., „ Lond., 1917, i, 729-732. Prankenthal (L.) Luftembolie nach subku- taner Sauerstoffapplikation bei Gasgangriln. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 663. Franz. Zum Wesen und zur Bebandlung der Gasphlegmone. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1023-1026. Fraser (J.) The value of hypochlorous acid in the treatment of cases of gas gangrene. Brit. _ M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 525-529. Fraser (J.) & Bates (H. J.) The treatment of acute toxaemia secondary to gas gangrene by the intravenous injection of a solution of hypochlorous acid. Ibid., 1916, i, 83-86. Grunert (E.) Zur Bebandlung der Kriegs- phlegmone mit Perubalsam. Ueber Gipsver- biinde und die konservativen Bestrebungen in der Kriegschirurgie. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 243. Haycraft (J. B.) On the treatment of acute emphysematous gangrene during the present war; experiences in a clearing hospital. Lan- cet, Lond., 1915, i, 592-595. Kathariner (L.) Zur Therapie des Gasbrandes. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 495. Lacapfcre (G.) & Lenormant (C.) A propos du traitement des gangrenes par 1’ arsfino- benzol. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 25-27. Lawson (C. B.) & Whitehouse (H. B.) The treatment of acute emphysematous gangrene. (Preliminary communication.) Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1914-15, ii, 444-448. , . JL lit; LI OclLlllOll L Ui LUJULC CUP physematous gangrene. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 473-478. Also: Birmingh. M. Rev., 1915, Ixxviii, 67-74. Legros (G. Y.) Le traitement de la gangrene gazeuse dans les ambulances anglaises; notes de guerre. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 20. Lemaitre (R.) Gangrene gazeuse; les formes cliniques de 1’ infection gazeuse des plaies de guerre et leur traitement. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1915, xlv, 11. . Des formes cliniques de 1’ infection gazeuse des plaies de guerre et de leur traite- ment. Paris chir., 1916, viii, 159-176. Leotta (N.) Sulla cura delle gangrene settiche. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 825- 836. The treatment of acute em- Marchak. Gangrenes gazeuses. Statistique de 14 cas. trails par injection d’ ether et panse- ment al’ ether. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 846-849. Marconi (V.) Contribute clinico e terapeutico sulla gangrena gassosa osservata nella cam- pagna italo-austriaco. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 781-791. Mauclaire (P.) Incisions ddmi-circonfdrenti- elles anterieure et postdieure pour limiter les phlegmons et gangrene gazeux. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1616. Menciere. La phdolisation dans la gangrene gazeuse. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 254-256. Nahmmacher. Zur Bebandlung der Gasphleg- mone. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 223. Puglisi (S.) Sul trattamento delle gravi in- fezioni chirurgiche con speciale riguardo alia gangrena gassosa. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 385. Quenu (£:.) Traitement des plaies de guerre gangreneuses par le debridement et la sterilisation h I’air chaud. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl, 1116; 1214. [Discussion] : 1131-1142. . Traitement des plaies gangreneuses (par projectiles de guerre). Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 108-120. Also: Rev. gdn. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 56. Havant (P.) Traitement des blessures gangreneuses par les_ injections intravein- euses et les applications locales d’arsdo- benzol. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 712. Further observations on the j • A Ui LUv;! UUoCi VuLIURo vJJ tiiL treatment of gas gangrene by the intravenous injection of hypochlorous acid (eusol). Hid., 1916, ii, 172-174. Preund (E.) Ueber Bebandlung gangrilnoser Wunden mit kiinstlichem Magensaft. Mlin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 56. Gatellier (J.) Gangrenes gazeuses et infec- tions gangrdieuses; dude des formes clin- 134 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Revel. De la gangrene gazeuse; etude clinique et therapeutique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1716-1723. Riche. A propos du traitement des gan- grenes gazeuses par I’insufflation d’oxygene. Hid., 674-682. Schloessmann. Ueber die offene, austrocknende Wundbehandlung bei Gasinfektion insbeson- dere bei Gasgangran. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1653-1655. Schmid (H. H.) Zur Behandlung der Gas- phlegmone. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 556-559. Senechal (M.) Btude histologique sur un cas de gangrene gazeuse au debut; considerations th6rapeutiques. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 137-139. Simonds (J. P.) A propos de I’emploi du sucre, dans le traitement des plaies infectees par le Bacillus perfringens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 906-908. Strauss (M.) Die Behandlung der Gasgangran im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1842. Sudeck. Die Behandlung der Gasphlegmone mit Sauerstoffeinblasung. Ihid., 1704. Taylor (K.) The use of quinine in the treat- ment of experimental gaseous gangrene; with notes on the value of quinine hydrochloride as a general antiseptic. Bancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 538-540. Also: Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, Ixxx, 242. . Gas gangrene—its course and treat- ment. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1916, xxxiv, 128-136. Also: Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull. Balt., 1916, xxvi, 297-299. . Ba gangrene gazeuse; evolution et traitement. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 838-847. Tiengo (G.) Contribute alia cura di gangrena gassosa. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 494-498. Toussaint (H.) Traitement des plaies gan- greneuses par le debridement. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 6. Also, transl.: Med. Press & Cire., Bond., 1915, n. s., xeix, 366. Tnllidge (E. K.) Gas gangrene; its im- portance and its treatment during the pres- ent war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 983- 985. antitetanic serum and the local treatment of the wound. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 339. Achard. Traitement de 24 cas de tdtanos chez des blessds militaires; rapport sur une note presente de Boquel. Arch. med. d’Angers, 1915, xix, 7-12. Auboyer (R.) Tgtanos chronique k rechute causd par la persistance d’un projectile dans la blessure. Paris med., 1913-14-15, xv, 462. Bacri. Traitement prScoce du tetanos dans les hbpitaux militaires en temps de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixiii, 381-383. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 342. Barling (G.) Remarks on delayed tetanus. Three cases, in one of which gangrene de- veloped 73 days after a wound. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 337-339. Bruce (Sir D.) Analysis of cases of tetanus treated in home military hospitals, from August, 1914, to August, 1915. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 593-596. Also: Bancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 901-904. Also: J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxv, 534-545. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Bond., 1916, xxxvii (War suppl.), 391. . Cases of tetanus treated in home mili- tary hospitals, from August Ist, 1915, to July 31st, 1916. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 929- 932. . An analysis of cases of tetanus treated in home military hospitals. Ihid., 1917, i, 986-989. . Fourth analysis of cases of tetanus treated in home military hospitals during part of October, November, and part of De- cember, 1916. Ihid., 1917, ii, 411^14. . Fifth analysis of cases of tetanus treated in home military hospitals. Ihid., 925-928. Canestro (C.) B’ infezione tetanica in feriti antitetanizzati. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 409-412. Caprioli (N.) II tetano negli eserciti in guerra. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1915, n. s., xxxvii, 1064-1076. Caziu (M.) De la necessity d’ augmenter la dose initiale de s6rum antitetanique dans les cas de plaies vastes ou multiples. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 244-246. Chavasse (P.) Statistique des cas de tetanos observds dans la zone __ des armees du ler novembre 1915 au ler fevrier, 1917. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1249-1264. Chiari (O.) Beitrag zur Prognose und Ther- apie des Wundstarrkrampfes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 61. Chiray (M.) & Roger (E.) Un second cas de spasme myoclonique intermittent provocable et localise, consecutif au tetanos et frappant le membre atteint par la blessure. Rev. neurol.. Par., 1916, xxiii, 526-528. Colston (J. A. C.) Tetanus following gunshot wounds. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt., 1916, xxvi, 294-297. Cornwell (B. H.) War tetanus. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 773-777. Davis (G. G.) & Hilton (J. J.) Trench-foot tetanus. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixvi, 1916. Tan Emden (A.) Traitement de la gangrene gazeuse. Rev. m6d. de la Suisse Rom., Ge- neve, 1915, xxxv, 36.. Vennin (H.) Notes sur le traitement de la gan- grene gazeuse par Finsufflation massive d’oxygene dans les tissus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 566-581. Yiguat. Substitution de Foxygene chaud a Fair chaud pour la sterilisation des plaies gan- greneuses. Ihid., 1006. . Traitement des plaies gangreneuses, par Foxygene chaud. Bull, et mdm. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxviii, 19. Wilms. Falle von Gasphlegmonen. Dauer- stauung nach dem Sehrtschen Verfahren. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr.. 1916, Ixiii, 1558. Courtois-Sufflt. Bes formes anormales du tetanos. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Dutertre (Bmile). Be tetanos et son traite- ment en Allemagne (1914-1915). Paris, 1915, A. Maloine & fils, 222 p., B°. Proux (Charles-Rene). Contribution a F6tude du traitement du tetanos. Modification du Traumatic Tetanus. Donati (M.) Considerazioni su alcune non comuni manifestazioni dell’ infezione tetanica in feriti di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 741. Embleton (D.) Discussion on tetanus, with special reference to A) prophylaxis, B) serum treatment of established tetanus, dosage, and method of administration. Tr. M. Soc. Bond., 1914-15, xxxviii, 77-87. proc§d€ de Bacelli par la methode du de Montille et C.-R. Proux. Bordeaux, 1916, 29 p., B°, *No. 13. Abercrombie (R. G.) The treatment of tetanus, with special reference to the use of Military Surgery. 135 Eunike (K. W.) Ueber Tetanus nach Schuss- verletzungen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2147. Falk (A.) Einige Beobachtungen bei Behand- lung von Tetanus Yerwundeter mit subku- tanen Magnesiuminjektionen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1909. Genouville. Note sur la sgrothdrapie du tetanos en cas de blessures et d’injection de serum anterieures. Precautions anaphylac- tiques. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 206. Goadby (K. W.) A report on the injection of antitetanus serum in tetanus cases. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1915, xxvi, 431- 439. Goldscheider. Klinische Beobachtungen iiber Tetanus in Felde. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 229; 268. Greenwood (M.) A statistical note on an analysis of cases of tetanus in the British Expeditionary Force. Lancet, Bond., 1917, i, 687. Grundmann. Meine Beobachtungen iiber Tetanus im Frieden und im Felde. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, Hi, 180. Happel. Zur Lehre vom Wundstarrkrampf. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1030. Hinterstoisser (H.) Ueber die Behandlung des Wundstarrkrampfes. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 175—178. ten Horn (C.) Behandeling van tetanus, ervar- ing uit den oorlog. Nederk Tiidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst, 1916, ii, 1306-1310. Jakobsthal (E.) Zur Vorheugung des Starrkrampfes im Heere. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2079. Kirmisson (E.) Tetanos tardif, survenant plus de trois mois apres la blessure, a propos de Textraction d’un corps stranger intra- osseux. Rev. g6n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 606. Klieneberger (O.) Klinische Erfahrungen iiber Tetanus auf dem westlichen Kriegs- schauplatz. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, hi, 842-844. Kreuter. Bericht iiber 31 Tetanusfalle nach Kriegsverletzungen, einheitlich intraspinal und intravenos mit Serum behandelt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2250 Madelung. Ueber Tetanus bei Kriegsverwunde- ten. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1914, Ixi, 2441-2443. Also: Strassb. med. Ztg., 1914, xi, 141-145. Marie (P.), Foix & B6vy (Mile.) Spasme myoclonique intermittent, proyocable et lo- calise au tetanos et freappant le membre atteint par la blessure. Rev. neurok. Par., 1916, xxiii, 2. semes., 115-117. Memorandum on tetanus, by the War Office Committee on the study of tetanus. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii, 647-649. Merieux. De Taction sur les plaies tdtaniques du serum antitetanique desseche, additionne de sous-gallate de bismuth. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 199-201. Montais. Sur quelques cas de tetanos localise ala region blessee; tetanos medullaire. Ann. de Tlnst. Pasteur, Par., 1915, xxix, 369-378. Muller (E.) Einige Ratschlage fur die Be- handlung des Wundstarrkrampfes. Mtinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2257-2259. Mullally (G. T.) A case of tetanus-like spasm localised to the wounded limb. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 867. Penliallow (D. P.) A case of tetanus occurring in a soldier two months after being wounded. Ibid., 464. Phocas & Rabaud. Tetanos tardif ayant en- traind des deformations des membres. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 368- 370. Pribram (H.) Ueber Kriegstetanus. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 101-103. . Der Tetanus in den Kriegsjahren 1914 bis 1915. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 1094; 1124. Pringsheim (J.) Ueber den Wundstarrkrampf. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1190; 1213; 1241. Prosknrin (V. Ye). [Preventive anti-tetanic serotherapy for tetanus in the wounded.] Russk.. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 947-950. Rebard. Les cas de tetanos observes dans les formations sanitaires de Cannes d’aoht, 1914, a novembre, 1915. Gaz. nffid. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 94. Roger (H.) Traitement du tetanos (d* apres les enseignements de cette guerre). Mar- seille med., 1916-17, liii, 374; 397. 2257. Kiihne. Ueber 11 Falle von Wundstarrkrampf. Monatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1914, xxi, . Tdtauos post-sdrique precoce localisd au membre blesse; gudrison clinique; mort par septicdmie avec pdritonite purulente silencieuse a enterocoques. Hid., 415. . Quelques considerations sur un tetanos strictement localise au membre blessd, mort de pdritonite purulente insidieuse & en- terocoque. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 157-160. . Le tetanos consecutif aux pieds gelds. Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 177-179. Scheen (H.) [Results of prophylactic injec- tion of tetanus antitoxin.] Norsk. Tidsskr. f. Mil.-Med., Kristiania, 1916, xx, 105-112. Schneider (E. R.) Le tdtanos consdcutif aux lesions oculaires. Ann. d’ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 395-410. Siemon. Kurze Mitteilung liber Wund- starrkramplfalle und ihre Behandlung im Reservelazarett Munster i. W. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2322. Sieur. Note relative a Fapparition du tetanos chez les blesses de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 55-57. Sormani (G.) Ricercbe sperimentali sulla cura preventiva del tetano nei feriti in guerra. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1915, Ixxii, 145- 147. 382—384 Kimmell. ’ Die Erfolge der Schutzimpfung gegen Wundstarrkrampf. Berk klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, liii, 414-417. Eeishman (Sir W. B.) & Smallman (A. B.) An analysis of recent cases of tetanus in the British expeditionary force, with special reference to their treatment by antitoxin. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, 295-327. Also: Lancet, Bond., 1917, i, 131-139. Eeriche (R.) Deux cas mortels tetams tardif post-operatoire chez des blesses ayant refill une injection preventive de serum long- temps auparavant. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 1039-1041. Lotheissen. Zwei Falle von geheiltem Tetanus nach Schussverletzungen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxviii, 1173. Eumibre (A.) Sur la presence du bacille du tetanos a la surface des projectiles inclus dans les plaies cicatrisees. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 378-380. Eumiere (A.) & Astier (E.) Tetanos et gelures. Ibid., 719-721. McGlannan (A.) The prophylaxis and treat- ment of tetanus. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 52-58. 136 Index Medicus [War Snpp. . Ricerche sperimentali sulla cura pre- ventiva del tetano nei feriti in guerra. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d’ ig., Milano, 1917, xxxix, 1-12. Spera (F. S.) Contribute alia casistica_ del tetano osservato nel conflitto italo-austriaco. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 841- 845. Mraton (A. A.) Severe tetanoid spasm limited to the wounded limb. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 212-220. Tetanus in home military hospitals. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 736. Tetanus in military hospitals. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1371. Tetanus in war, value of the serum treatment. Hospital, Lond., 1915, lix, 40. Teutschlaender (O.) Tetanusinfektion und Abort! vbehandlung des Wundstarrkrampfs. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 582-585. Tullidge (E. K.) Tetanus; a surgical compli- cation in the present war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1916, ciii, 1022-1024. Ternoni (G.) Relazione su casi di tetano osservati nei primi mesi di guerra (giugno- settembre 1915) con alcune indicazioui pratiche per la cura di questa malattia. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1915, Ixiii, 893-945, 2 pi. ———. Seconda relazione sui casi di tetano osservati (settembre 1915-gennaio 1916) con ulteriori indicazioni pratiche per la cura della malattia. Ihid., 1916, Ixiv, 260-277. >—-. Sul tetano recidivante da ferite di euerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 55-957. Walther (C.) L’etiologie et la prophylaxie du tdtanos chez les blesses de guerre. J. de mdd. et chir. prat., Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 656-659. Also: Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 642. Young (J. B.) Tetanus: lessons gleaned from the war, modern research, and private prac- tice. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1916, 26. s., ii, 30-36. Harris (W.) Nerve injuries and shock. Lond., 1915, 128 p., B°. Blechmann (G.), Barnsby (H.) [et ah] L’ etude de T 6tat de shock dans une ambu- lance de 1’ avant; deductions therapeutiques. Paris m6d., 1917, xxi, 255. Cannon (W. B.) Traumatic shock and gas in- fection and effects of treatment. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 774-778. Fowler (G.) Gunshot wounds; peculiar symp- toms of shock. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1915, 1, 204. Gasquet (P.) Du shock traumatique chez les blesses de guerre. J. de m£d. et chir. prat., Par., 1917, Ixxxviii, 641-649. Lambert (J.) Shock, haemorrhage, and the selection of cases for immediate operation. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 19-22. McLean (W. S.) Observations upon shock, with particular reference to the condition as seen in war surgery. Ann. Surg., Phila., 1917, Ixvi, 280-289. Muirhead (I. B.) Shock and the soldier. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1021. Porter (W. T.) Shock at the front. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxv, 854-858. —. Further observations on shock at the front. Ibid., 1917, clxxvii, 327-328. . Shock; observations at the front. N. York M. J., [etc.], 1917, evi, 894. . Shock at the front. The search. The clue. Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 1917, exx, 834; 1918, exxi, 110; 273. . Observations sur le choc traumatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 164-167. Preval. Dispositif pour le traitement, aux trancMes, du choc nerveux chez les grands blesses. Rev. g£n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 457—462. Roger (H.) Le choc nerveux. Rev. de med., Par., 1916-17, xxv, 422-460. Souligoux, Fredet & Qu6nu. Sur le shock traumatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2216-2218. Thomas (J. L.) Peripheral shock and its cen- tral effects. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 44. Yoncken (J.) Shock et embolie graisseuse. Arch. m6d. beiges, Par., 1917, Ixx, 1152r- -1158. Diphtheritic Infection. Fitzgerald (J. G.) & Robertson (D. E.) Re- port of an outbreak of diphtheritic wound in- fection among returned soldiers. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 791-793. Levy (S. K.) Wound diphtheria. Am. J. Surg., N. Y„ 1917, xxxi, 193-196. Pavlovski (A. D.) [Presence and import of the bac. pyogenes albus diphtheroides (pseudo- diphthericus) in suppurative processes in gunshot wounds.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 727-730. See, also, Wound-Infection—Treatment. Wound-Treatment. Dupuy de Frenelle (Paul). Techniques des operations et pansements des plaies de guerre. Paris, 1916, Memento Dupuy, 432 p., B°. Great Britain. War Office. Memorandum on the treatment of injuries in war based on the experience of the present campaign, July, 1915. Lond., 1915, Harrison & Sons [etc.], 130 p., 12°. . Surgical treatment of war wounds in the medical units of the third army British Expeditionary Force with special reference to casualty clearing stations. [Lond.], 1917, [Brit. Med. Ass.], 80 p., 12°. Keen (William Williams). The treatment of war wounds. Phila. & Lond., 1917, W. B. Saunders Co., 169 p., B°. Marion (Georges). Indications generates du traitement des plaies de guerre suivies de quelques medications h Fusage des blesses. Paris, 1916, A. Maloine & fils, 194 p., B°. . The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1917, A. Maloine et fils, 231 p., B°. Power (D’Arcy). Wounds in war; their treat- ment and results. Lond. &N. Y., 1915, Ox- ford IJniv., 108 p., 16°. Antoine (E.) De F infection par mycoses dans les plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1300—1304. Also: Monde m£d., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 294- 299. Also, transl.: Monde m£d., Eng. ed., Par., 1917, xxvii, 230-236. Gout (H.) La sporotrichose et les plaies de guerre. Montpel. med., 1917, xxxix, 474. Rouyer (E.) & Pellissier (J.) Contributions ft l’6tude de certaines mycoses de blessures de fuerre et de leurs traitements. Ann. de ITnst. ’asteur, Par., 1915, xxix, 551-555. Also: Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 307-309. Mycotic Infection. Wound-Shock. Great Britain. National Health Insurance. Medical Research Committee. Memorandum upon surgical shock and some allied condi- tions. Lond., 1917, 9 p., B°. Military Surgery. 137 Abell (I.) Rdsumd of the improvements in the treatment of wounds during the present war. Kentucky M. J., Bowling Green, 1917, xv, 264-273. Alessandri (R.) Sulla cura delle ferite da proiettili di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 305-321. . Seguito della discussione sulla cura delle ferite di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 556. Anderson (C. M.), Cooper (P. R.) [et al.] The treatment of wounds in the present war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 949. Angerer (A.) Wundversorgung bei den Ange- kommenen gleich nach der Ankunft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 2054. von Angerer (O.) Ueber die Behandlung der Schusswunden im allgemeinen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1793-1796. Bandaline (J.) & de Poliakoff (J.) Les douches d’ air chaud dans le traitement des plaies de guerre. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 551. Barnsby (H.) Traitement des plaies de guerre a 1’ avant (plaies fraiches des parties molles). Ibid., 1916, xxiv, 525; 558. Also: Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 475. Bassnet (M.) Sur le traitement des plaies de guerre anciennes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 138—141. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 14. Bazy (L.) Note sur le traitement des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1939—1946. Blind. Bis wann diirfen und sollen Kriegs- beschiidigte behandelt werden? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 953. Cbeyne (Sir W. W.) Remarks on the treat- ment of wounds in war. Brit. M. J., Lend., 1914, ii, 865-871. . Discussion on the treatment of wounds in war. Tr. M. Soc. Bond., 1914—15, xxxviii, 34-76. . The Hunterian oration on the treat- ment of wounds in war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 419-430, 2 pi. Also: J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond., 1914, xxvii, 304- 323. . On the treatment of wounds in war. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1915-16, iii, 427-450. . Sir Almroth Wright’s lecture on the treatment of wounds in war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 961. . Observations on the_ treatment of wounds in war. Ibid., 1915, ii, 213—219. . The treatment of wounds in war. Ibid., 671. . On the treatment of wounds sus- tained in warfare. Am. Med. Burlington, Yt., 1917, xxiii, 289-297. Cheyne (Sir W. W.), Power (D’A.) [et al.] Synopsis of a discussion on the treatment of wounds. Med. Mag., Lond., 1914, xxiii, 678- 687. Cooper (P. R.) The treatment of wounds in the present war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 1047. Cope (V. Z.) Fashions in wound treatment. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxii, 42-47. Crile (G. W.) The use of electric light and hypochlorous acid in the treatment of wounds. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 486^188. Curschmann (F.) Aerztliche . Filrsorgesprech- stunden fiir Kriegsbeschildigte. Zentralbl. f. Gewerbehyg., Berk, 1916, iv, 19-21. Deguy (M.) Medicaments et blessures de guerre. Paris m6d., 1916, vi, 264-271. Delbet (P.) fitude sur la therapeutique des plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 678. Delorme (E.) Considerations generales sur le traitement des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1914, clix, 543-550. Also: Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 650-652. Also: Rev. sclent., Par., 1914, ii, 164-168. Demmler (A.) Sur le traitement des plaies de guerre. Progres nted., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 303-305. Also: Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 159-161. Desjardins (A. U.) Wounds in war and meth- ods of treatment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917. Ixviii, 18-24. Dixon (R. G.) & Bates (H. T.) Treatment of wounds by a solution of soap in the Casualty Clearing station. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 789. Donati (M.) Indicazioni, tecnica e risultati dell’ intervento chirurgico precoce nelle ferite di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 384. Dupuy de Frenelle. A propos du traitement des plaies de guerre. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 235-242. Duret (P.) Tbgrapeutique des plaies de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de tMrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 170-172. Duval (P.) Note sur le traitement des plaies de guerre des parties molles a 1 ... . armee. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1739-1754. von Eiselsberg (F.) Zur Wundbehandlung in Kriegszeiten. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 165; 193. Bonjean (E.) fitude de 1’ action du savon appliqud au traitement des plaies de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 111-125. Bowlby (Sir A. A.) The treatment of wounds in war. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1427-1430. Braun. Ueber offene Wundbehandlung und eine Behandlungsschiene fiir die untere Ex- tremitat. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1402-1405. . Die offene Wundbehandlung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 13-46. . Ueber aseptische und offene Wund- behandlung im Feldlazarett. Ibid., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 69-91. Brown (W. L.) What the European war has taught us in the treatment of wounds. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 809—811. Brim (H.) Ueber Wundbehandlung und Im- mobilisation im Kriege. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1915, cxxxiii, 593-616. von Bruns • (P.) Zur Wundbehandlung im Kriege. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1915. xcvii (Kriegschir. Hefte II), 189-195 ; 1916, xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), I—l 2. Bryan (R. C.) The surgical care of wounds in the European war. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Richmond, 1916, xxi, 417-421. Carrel (A.) Principles of the treatment of wounds. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 789- 791. Cetto (M.) Eine halboffene physikalische Wundbehandlung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte Y), 455-489. Cbapnt (H.) A propos du traitement des plaies de guerre. Bulk et mfim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 656. Chavasse. Traitement des plaies par armes il feu. J. de med. et chir, prat., Par., 1914, Ixxxv, 644-649. 138 Index Medicus. [War Supp. F. (N.) Nouveau traitement des plaies de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 365. Falkner. Erfahrungen fiber die Nachbehand- lung von Schussverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 239. Fehling (H.) Ueber Wundbehandlung bei Kriegsverletzten. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tu- bing., 1916, c (Kriegschir. Hefte IV), 1-11. Fibich (R.) Ueber die Therapie der Bauch- und Kopfschfisse in der Nahe der Kampffront mit Beriicksichtigung der Transportverhalt- nisse. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1285; 1317; 1349. Fleming (A.) Fashions in wound treatment; a reply. St. Mary’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxii, 60-63. Franco (P. M.) Medieamenti e ferite di guerra. Studium, Napoli, 1916, ix, 97-100. Galloway (A. R.), Schofield (G.) [et ak] The treatment of wounds in the present war. Brit. M. J Lond., 1914, ii, 900-902. Gaudier (H.) A propos du traitement des plaies de guerre rdcentes. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 2463-2465. . A propos du traitement des plaies de guerre. Hid., 1917, n. s., xliii, 195; 401. Gener (E.) Die Schussverletzungen im Kriege und ihre Behandlung. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., Berk, 1914, xvii, 253-257. Gley (E.) & Loewy (R.) Emploi du liquide de Ringer-Locke dans le traitement des plaies de guerre. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 250-254. Golyanitski (I. A.) [Varnishing the skin as a method of treating gun-shot and other wounds of war-time.] Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 89-90. Graser (E.) & Kirschner (M.) Einige wichtige Grundsatze zur Behandlung der Schusswun- den. Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1923. Kennedy (E. G.) The treatment of wounds in war. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 465—167. Klein. Nachdenkliches zum Weltkrieg. Die Wundarznei. Arch. f. phys. diatet. Therap., Frankf. a. 0., 1915, xvii, 105; 130. Kohler (A.) Die Wundbehandlung im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1658; 1684. Kranss (F.) Zur Wundbehandlung. Hid., 1848. Kroh (F.) Die primar verschmutzte Schuss- wunde muss radikal angefasst werden. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 592-616. Kriiger. Ueber offene Wundbehandlung. Hid., xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 382-399. Lauenstein (C.) Zur Frage der kriegschirur- gischen Wundbehandlung. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1915, xlii, 457-460. Laurence. Les idees actuelles sur le traitement des blessures de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 602; 619. Ledderhose (G.) Sparsame und beschleunigte Wundbehandlung im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1911. —. Allgemeine Regeln der Kriegswunden- behandlung. Hid., 1926. Leri die (R.) De I’asepsis pure et des moyens physiques dans le traitement des plaies de guerre h leurs differents stades; chimiothgr- apie ou physiotherapie ? Lyon chir., 1916, xiii, 65-106. Leucocyte (The) count as a guide to treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 465. Liotta (D.) Gli zuccheri nelle ferite. Arch, di farmacol. sper., Roma, 1917, xxiii, 236-244. Loewy (R.) Du traitement des plaies a Fair libre, les corbeilles caoutchoutees. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 681. MacAulilfe (L.) D§graissage de la pgripMrie des plaies de guerre, par le tetra-chlorure de carbone. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 180. MacLaurin (C.) War surgery at the front. 11. The treatment of wounds. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 351-353. MacLeod (J. A.) Wound technic. Buffalo M. J., 1915-16, Ixxi, 505-509. Makins (Sir G. H.) The treatment of gun- shot wounds in the present campaign. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 860. Mantoux (C.) Pour rdchauffer les blessds; le bain d’air chaud. Rev. gdn. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 234-236. Marquis (E.) Les injections de vaseline para- finee dans les trajets fistuleux et les grands delabrements des blessures de guerre. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 2278-2281. . Traitement actuel des plaies de guerre. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 384-403. Martin (J.) Les mdthodes actuelles de traite- ment des plaies de guerre; resultats de 1’ em- ploi de la methode de Vincent. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 388-392. Martin (W.) Lessons taught in the present war in the treatment of gunshot wounds. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 962. Martinotti (L.) _ La terapia delle piaghe cutanee colla crisoidina. Bulk d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1917, 9. s., v, 357-371. Also: Clin, chir., Milano, 1917, xxv, 69-78. Maupetit (G.) Le traitement des blessures de guerre dans les ambulances de I’avant. Rev. gen. de din. et de thgrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 342-344. Medea (E.) I feriti al lavoro nei padiglioni dell’ Ospedale maggiore. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1917, 3. s., v, 45—48. Meyer (E.) Bemerkungen zur Wundbehand- lung mit Zucker. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 69. Gray (H. M. W.) The use of liquid paraffin in the treatment of war wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 509. Gregoire (R.) Contribution au traitement des plaies de guerre. Paris med., 1917, xix, 75-78. Haenel. Ueber Wundbehandlung im Kriege. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 485- 487. Hamilton (J. O.) The surgical treatment of wounds on a bacteriological basis. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxv, 325- 332. Hammer (F.) Ueber Wundbehandlung. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztk Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 21-25. Hantefort. Traitement des plaies anfractueuses par projectiles de guerre. (Rap. de H. Hart- mann.) Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2352-2353. Heilung (Die) der sanitaren Kriegsschaden. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 912-915. Huggins (G. M.) Some points in the treat- ment of modern gunshot wounds. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb., 1915-16, xi, 75-78. Immediate (The) treatment of wounds in war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 236. Israel (W.) Zur Behandlung der Granatver- letzungen. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 570-572. Jeffrey (A. B.) Treatment of war wounds and sepsis. J. Kansas M. Soc., Topeka, 1917, xvii, 265-274. Jerusalem (M.) & Martin (H.) Zur Behand- lung grosser Wundhohlen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 269. Kaufman. Les plaies de guerre et la nature medicatrice. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1916, xcii, 285-301. Military Surgery. 139 Purvis (W. P.) The treatment of gunshot wounds. Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 7-12. van Roojen (P. H.) Nieuwere inzichten om- trent wondbehandeling te velde. Mil-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917,* xxi, 233-241. Russell (R. H.) Notes on the treatment of wounds in war. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1915, i, 207-209. Rydygier (L. R.) Ueber Wundbehandlung in den Kriegsspitalern. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 665—672. Saint (C. F. M.) The principles of treatment and their application to wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 367-369. Santoro d’Emidio (A.) La medicatura delle ferite di guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 580-582. Schaechter (M.) Meine Erfahrungen iiber die Wundbehandlung des Krieges. Militar- arzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 225; 241. Schede. Ueber offene Wundbehandlung. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1915, cxxxiii, 617-630. Schlofler (H.) Ueber einzelne Fragen bei der Behandlung von Kriegsverwundeten. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 41—45. Schwartz (A.) Traitement des plaies des par- ties molles dans les ambulances de 1’ avant. Paris nted., 1916, xviii, 546-550. Seeiisch (G.) Zur Frage der offenen Wundbe- handlung im Kriege. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tu- bing., 1916, c (Kriegschir. Hefte IV), 19-31. Sehrt (E.) Die Stauungsbehandlung schwerer Granat- und Schrapnellverletzungen. Mlin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1260-1264. Sencert (L.) De quelques considerations ge- nerates sur te traitement des plaies de guerre; I’asepsie dans la chirurgie de I’avant. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1948-1963. Mimier (H.) Traitement des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2642-2644. Morgan (W. P.) The treatment of war wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 98. Morton (C. A.) The treatment of wounds. Ibid., 1915, ii, 305-307. Moynihan (Sir B.) An address on the treat- ment of gunshot wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 333-337. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 571-573. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, clii, 211-214. . Gunshot wounds and their treat- ment. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1538-1540. Also: Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii. 829. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 583-584, 1 port. Munroe (H. E.) Remarks on the character and treatment of wounds in war. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1915, v, 962-967. Nelson (W. E.) Open air treatment for wounds; a simple and inexpensive form of open-air ward, as used at the V. A. D. Hos- pital, Henly-in-Arden. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 102—105. Ney (K. W.) Surgical notes on wounds of war. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt., 1917, xxiii, 384- 389. Nicoll (J. H.) lodine in skin wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 814. Nimier. A propos du premier traitement des blessures de guerre. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2076. Novaro (F. G.) Criteri direttivi della medica- zione moderna delle ferite con applicazione alia cura delle ferite di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 383. Offerhaus (H. K.) Eenige mededeelingen omtrent schotverwondingen in den oorlog en hare behandeling. Nosokomos, Amst., 1915, xv, 125; 149. Okinezyc (J.) Les indications immediates des plaies de guerre rdcentes. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 263-272. Patellani (S.) & Colombino (S.) La batterio- terapia lattica nelle ferite di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 648. Also: Mor- gagni, Milano, 1916, Iviii, pt. 1, 310-314. Patynski (M.) Treatment with soap of wounds received on the battlefield. Med. Press & Sire., Lond., 1917, civ, 122—124. Pauchet (V.) Traitement dps plaies de guerre. Gaz. nted. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 6. Picque (R.) Principes gmteraux du traitement imntediat des plaies de guerre dans une ambu- lance de I’avant. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 460-485. Pisano (G.) Su la possibility di interventi immediati sul campo, nelle ferite di guerra,_ e risultati ottenuti. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez, prat., 537-544. Postempski (P.) Considerazioni e massime sulla cura delle ferite del torace, dell’ addome e delle fratture esposte degli arti, desunte dai casi curati negli ospedali di Roma. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 581-593. . Come potrebbe essere eseguita la prima medicatura nelle ferite di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 289-293. Potherat (E.) A propos du proces-verbal. Traitement des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2322- 2326. . A propos de I’emploi de I’asepsie dans te traitement des blessures de guerre. Ibid., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1072-1085. Sencchal (M.) Traitement general des plaies des parties molles; I’asepsie; antiseptiques usuels; thermo-cautere; drainage des plaies. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 83-87. Shaw-MacKenzie (J. A.) The treatment of wounds in war. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 97-99. . Further observations on the treatment of wounds in war. Ibid., 190. . The treatment of wounds in war. Ibid., 581-584. Sibley (W. K.) The treatment of bullet and other wounds by ionization. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis, 1915, xix, 137. Sillvol (J.) Du traitement des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 492. Snow (W. B.) The value of physical measures for the treatment of wounds and traumatic injuries in the war. Am. J. Blectroth. & Radiol., N. Y„ 1917, xxxv, 468-473. Soubeyran. Le traitement des plaies de guerre. Paris nted., 1915-16, xvii, 482-487. Souttar (H. S.) Treatment of wounds in war. Practitioner, Lond., 1915, xcv, 476-488, 1 pi. Stalkartt (W. H. S.) Notes on various solu- tions used in the treatment of wounds. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 216-218. Strauss (M.) Zur Therapie der Granatsplitter- verletzungen im Felde. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 563. Stutzin. Einige praktische Winke zur Behand- lung von Schussverletzungen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1881. Taylor (K.) Comparison of methods of treat- ing wounds. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 381. Power (D’A.) The treatment of wounds in war. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y., 1916, xxx, 133-138. Pozzi. Sur te traitement des plaies de guerre des parties molles. Bull, et ntem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1804-1806. 140 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Thiem (C.) Unfallheilkunde und Kriegsheil- kunde. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild., Miinchen, 1915, 9. Heft, 15-31. Tissot (J.) Observations on the treatment of wounds in war. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 742-744. * Treatment (The) of war wounds. Nature, Lpnd., 1917, xcix, 514; 534. Treiber. Ueber Wundbehandlung bei Kriegs- verletzungen. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 65-69. Tuffler (T.) Traitement des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2452-2458. . A propos du traitement des plaies de guerre. /bid., 2911-2912. Yalude (E.) Des operations inopportunes sur les blesses de guerre. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 283. von Walzel (P.) Zur Frage der offenen Wund- behandlung speziell bei Granatverletzung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 1099- 1104. Watson (C. G.) The treatment of wounds in war. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 43. Wilson (A.) 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Recherches critiques 9 propos de la methode du traitement des plaies par- ies solutions hypertoniques (mithode de A. Wright). Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1916, Ixxix, 471-474. Shorten (J. A.) Continuous irrigation of wounds in the field. Indian M. Gaz., Cal- cutta, 1916. li, 131-133. Sneyd (G. C.) Irrigation and suction drainage for treatment of certain war wounds. Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 194. Wright (Sir A. E.) Memorandum on the em- ployment of bandages for the irrigation of wound-surfaces with therapeutic solutions and the draining of wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, ii, 564-567. Also: Bancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 879-883. Dressings. British War Relief Association. How to make surgical dressings. N. Y., 1917 (The author), 20 p., B°. Dupuy de Frenelle (P.) Technique des operations et pansements des plaies de guerre. Paris, 1916, B°. Drainage and Irrigation. See, also, Wound Infection—Treatment by Eusok Abadie (J.) De quelques appareils platris armis permettant les pansements. Presse mid., Par., 1915, xxiii, 435. Alglave (P.) Le taffetas-chiffon appliqui au pansement des brhlures et des plaies cutanees. I bid., 75. Brnglocher. Verbandstoffersatz. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2294. Brunner (F.) Scharpie als Yerbandmaterial. lUd., 2117. Cathcart (C. W.) Cheap absorbent dressings for the wounded. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 137-139. Chalier (A.) & Benoist (F.) Le pansement- chassis. Progres .mid., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 436. Champeaux (M.) Le coton “au charbon ” dans le pansement des plaies. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 233. Copeland (G. G.) Protection of sterilized dressings for shipping. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1915, Ixv, 1550. Creignou. Choix d’un pansement de guerre dans les formations de I’avant et les hopitaux d’ evacuation. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 226-228. Dernier, fitude clinique sur le pansement des plaies basee sur 943 observations. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1723-1729. Duchesne (G. Note sur 1’ emploi d’une mix- ture olio-ithirie pour panser les plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 45L—453. Eisner (E.) Ueber Heftpflasterverbande zur Beschleunigung der Heilung von Schuss- wunden. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1915, cxxxiii, 83-93. Fonzes-Diacon & Astruc (A.) Pansement de guerre h I’huile raissant solubilise. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1915, 7. s., xi, 123- 125. Antoine (E.) Irrigation des plaies de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de th6rap., Par., 1916, xxx, 636-638. Canestro (C.) Cura delle grandi ferite settiche mediante irrigazione con drenaggio capillare. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1257- 1264. Destot. Appareil d’irrigation ft chasse inter- mittente automatique pour la disinfection rapide des plaies. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 303. Egidi (G.) Le irrigazioni antisettiche nel trattamento delle ferite di guerra. Riv. os- pedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 669-680. Fraser (J.) & Stuck! (S. D.) An automatic intermittent wound irrigator. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 618. Goormaghtigh. Traitement des plaies de guerre par la methode physiologique de Wright. Arch. mid. beiges, Brux., 1917, Ixx, 225-235. Grimberg (A.) L’aspiration continue dans les plaies infectees. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 253 255. Leroux (R.) Comment on peut rialiser fa- cilement la pyo-aspiration et I’instillation con- tinues et sumultanees des plaies de guerre. Presse mid., Par., 1916, xxiv, annexes, 66-70. McClendon (J. F.) _ The relation of physical chemistry to the irrigation of wounds. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917, ii, SOS- -812. Moreau (L.) Le drainage filiforme en chirur- gie de guerre. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 609-612. Nimier. Tube repartiteur de liquide pour le traitement des plaies de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 860. Novikoff (V. N.) Drainage of wounds. Russk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 828. Military Surgery. 141 Frank (H.) Ueher die “ leichte Hand” und andere Hilfen beim Yerbinden und im Verkehr mit Verletzten. Arch. f. Ret- tungswes. [etc.], Berl., 1916, iii, 300—312. Franke (F.) Ueber Sparsamkeit beim Ge- brauch der Verbandstoffe. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1914, xli, 1633—1635. Gallant (A. E.) Castor oil; an aseptic dressing on the field of battle. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 430-432. Hochenegg. Die Charpie als Yerbandmittel. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 345-347. Infrequent postoperative dressings at the front. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 839. Jottkowitz (P.) Zur Technik der Gipsver- bande im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 402. Kelemen (G.) Ueber Tierkohlebehandlung bei Truppen in der Front. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1378. Korach (S.) Der Torfmoosverband in der Kriegschirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 315. Lacey (T. W.) A dresser’s experience. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1914, ii, 729. Loeper, Barbarin & Verpy. Utilisation de I’agar-agar dans le pansement des plaies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 660-662. Sumner (Irene K.) How dressings are done at the front. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1914-15, xv, 823-829. Tarantino (S.) Sulla sterilizzazione della garza in pacchetti ravvolti da carta pergamen- ata. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 570-573. Topfer (H.) Der transportable Streckverband. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 219. Tweedy (J.) On the use of solution of quinine as a dressing for infected wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 11. Unna (P.) jr. Verbandmittel insbesondere Heftpflaster (Leukoplast) im Felde. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1778. Vincent (H.) Sur la pansement prophylactique des plaies, au poste de secours. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1612- 1626. . Le premier pansement sur le champ de bataille et au poste de secours. Arch. nted. beiges, Par., 1917, Ixx, 897-909. Tulpius (O.) Ueber das Yerbinden unserer Kriegsverwundeten. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1196. Weiss (H.) Die Bardella-Binde bei Granat- schusswunden. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1379. Mercier-Bellevue. Examen comparatif de trois proc6d§s de pansement de plaies de guerre. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 378-380. Miller (J. J.) Oil of turpentine for first dress- ing of wounds. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 706. Mouchet (A.) & Loudenot (P.) Le fixol, mode de pansement antiseptique tres #eono- mique. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixvii, 97-100. Munch (W.) Die Yerwendung von Tierkohle, Ton- und Chlorkalkpulver beim ersten Ver- bande im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 642. Nimier. Du pansement. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2011. Oberst. Zur Technik des ersten Wundverbandes im Felde. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2320. Pauchet & Sourdat. La gaze au trioxymethy- lene en chirurgie de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1914, Ixxii, 266. Percival (A. S.) The physics of a surgical dressing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 290. Pbppelmann. Ersatz fiir baumwollene Ver- bandstoffe. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 2008. Ratynski. Une note sur le traitement des plaies de guerre par le pansement au savon. Bq]l. et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2475- 2479. Also: Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 540. Rochard & Stern. Les echarpOs. Presse med., Par., 1916. xxiv, 172. Schelenz (H.) Kohle und Zucker zu Ver- bandzwecken. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz., 1914, cxxxii, 178-183. Schlichtegroll. Der Idealverband bei der Sanitatskompagnie. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1916, Ixiii, 303. Schnaibel (A.) Consideraciones sobre el paquete de curacion individual. Rev. san. mil., Buenos Aires, 1915, xiv, 379-387. Silhol (J.) Le kapok, objet de pansement. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2042. Solms (E.) Der Bahrenverband. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1917, civ (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 702-729. Steinthal. Pellidolsalbe zur Epithelisierung schwerer Kriegsverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 621. Whitehouse (H. B.) The treatment of gun- shot and shell wounds, with special reference to carbolised glucose as a dressing. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1915, Ixxvii, 161-167. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 850. Williger. Seid sparsam mit den baumwollenen Verbandstoffen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2118. Wolff (H.) Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung von Harzldsungen fur Verbiinde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 36-38. Saline Dressings. Fontaine (J.) De 1’ emploi du sdrum physi- ologique dans le traitement des plaies de guerre. Montpellier, 1916, B°, *No. 18. Abadie. Note sur un mode de traitement immediat des plaies de guerre par les solu- tions concentrees de sel marin. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1050- 1056. Ball (W. G.) The “salt pack ” method of treating infected wounds. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1916-17, xxiv, 3-5. Chevassu (M.) Le pansement rare post- operatoire & 1’ avant, et en particulier le pansement au sdrum physiologique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1517-1519. Clark (W. A.) The saline treatment of in- fected wounds on the western front. Mil. Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 1917, xl, 278 285, 1 pi. Cruet (P.) & Rousseau (E.) Sur un solute physiologique chlore pour le traitement des plaies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 641-643. . Etude chimique et bacteriologique du serum chlore (traitement des plaies de guerre). Bull. d. sc. pharm., Par., 1916, xxiii, 271-276. Dakin (H. D.) Sur certaines substances chlordes antiseptiques propres au traitement des plaies. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 150-153. Fleury (M.) L’abus des antiseptiques et les pansements & I’eau de mer. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 65^72. 142 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Gillett (H. T.) Hypertonic saline and bac- terial growth in wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1270. Guillaume-Louis (P.) Note sur le traitement des plaies de guerre par le chlorure de mag- nesium. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 496-508. Guyot (R.) L’eau de mer isotonique ozonisee pour le pansement des plaies de guerre. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1916, 7. s., xiv, 41; 201. Guyot (R.) & Roques (C.-M.) L’ eau de mer isotonique ozonisde pour le pansement des plaies de guerre; un nouvel ozoneur. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1916, Ixxix, 289. Also: Arch, d’electric. mdd., Bordeaux, 1916, xxvi, 225-231. Hull (A. J.) The treatment of gunshot wounds by packing with salt sacs. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 246- 258, 5 pi. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1077. Also: Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1916, xxx, 195-197. Laquerriere (A.) filectromScanotherapie dans les suites de blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 431^36. Larat. Considerations sur I’electrodiagnostic de guerre. Ibid., 191(1-17, xxi, 215-220. Liebesny (P.) Ueber monopolare Anwendung von Spannungsstromen zur Therapie schlechtheilender Kriegsverletzungen. Mili- tararzt. Wien, 1915, xlix, 139-142. Negro (C.) Sull’ elettrizzazione diretta dei troncbi nervosi, durante un atto operatorio, nei feriti di guerra, col metodo delle correnti faradiche unipolari. Gazz. med. lomb., Mila- no, 1917, Ixxvi, 100-102. Also: Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s., xxii, 470-476. Nogier (T.) Quelques conseils sur le reglage, la distribution et I’application du courant dlectrique dans le traitement des blesses. Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 129. Sayer (E.) The organization of electrotherapy in military hospitals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Electro-Therap. Sect., 39- 46. Seeuwen (H. J.) Treatment of the wounded by means of electricity. Arch. Radiol. & Electrother., Lond., 1917, xxii, 136-138. Stein (A. E.) Die Anwendung der Diathermic bei der Behandlung der Kriegsverletzungen und der Kriegskrankheiten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 408-412. Turrell (W. J.) Electrotherapy at a base hospital. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 229-231. . The electrical treatment of the wounded. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 1005-1008. Also: Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 215-221. Turrell (W. J.), Stewart (G.) [et al.] The electi’ical treatment of the wounded. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Electroth., 37-62. Zanietowski (J.) Die moderne Elektromedizin in der Kriegstherapie. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxviii, 805; 838. Kemp (W. R.) Saline solution as a dressing. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 822. Marchak. Traitement des plaies de guerre par le chlorure de magnesium et leur suture secondaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2620-2628. . Traitement des plaies de guerre par le chlorure de magnesium. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 210. Morison (A. E.) Magnesium sulphate in the treatment of gunshot wounds. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 642. Moynihan (B.) Hypertonic treatment of wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 950. Roberts (J. E. H.) & Statham (R. S. S.) On the salt pack treatment of infected gunshot wounds. Ibid., 1916, ii, 282-286. Also: Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1916, xxxvii, war suppl., 293. Electrotherapy. Albert-Weil (E.) Ce que Ton ne doit pas ig- norer en electrotherapie de guerre. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 126-133. Ash (E. L.) The uses of some electrical methods in war injuries. Am. J. Electro- therap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 233. A Isor Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xcviii, 155- 158. Bordier (H.) Dispositif simplifie pour I’elec- trisation des blesses. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 131. Burke (N. H. M.) Electrotherapy in military hospitals. I. Horton (County of London) War Hospital, Epsom. Arch. Radiol. & Elec- trother., Lond., 1917, xxii, 131-135. Cooper (D. N.) Electrolysis in open suppurat- ing wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 874. Electrotherapeutist (The) in the war. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 422-424. Fuchs (S.) Einrichtung zu gleichzeitiger elek- trischer (speziell galvanischer) Behandlung mehrerer Yerwundeter. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, xxix, 1050. Genevoix (O.) Considerations sur I’utilisatiou du courant sinusoidal alternatif dans I’dec- trothgrapie de guerre. Paris med., 1916, vi, 482^86. Excision and Suture. Marsan (Pierre-Bertrand). De la suture sec- ondaire dans les plaies larges. Bordeaux, 1916, 46 p., B°, *No. 8. Barnsby (H.) Traitement des plaies de guerre h I’avant par la suture primitive (plaies fraiches des parties molles) ; indications et contre-indications. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 335-338. Bazin. Quelques observations de sterilisation et de suture de plaies infectees chez le lapin et le cobaye. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 564-566. Boulay (H.) Traitement des plaies des parties molles par projectiles de guerre ; suture primi- tive ou suture secondaire precoee? Rev. in- ternat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii, 113. Camera (U.) Sulla sutura tardiva delle ferite ; a px’oposito di un interessante caso di chir- urgia di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 578-586. Carrel (A.), Dehelly & Dumas. Fermeture secondaire des plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, deemed., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 32-40. Chalier (A.) De la suture primitive des plaies de guerre et de leur traitement aseptique. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 21—26. . L’ operation maxima d’ emblee avec suture primitive; indications operatoires primitives dans les blessures de guerre obser- vees au stade preinfectieux. Progx’es med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 179-182. Grace (J. J.) A note on the electrical treat- ment of disabilities due to wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 812. Granger (F. B.) War time uses of electricity. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 474-478. Kinney _(V. C.) The formation, equipment and administration of an electi’o-therapeutic unit for work abroad. Ibid., 460-467. Military Surgery. 143 Chaput (H.) La suture h distance et la suture iversante comme moyen de drainage des plaies aseptiques et des plaies infecties. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 975-982. -. Sur la suture primitive des plaies de guerre. Hid., 2044-2048. Cuneo (B.) Disinfection et riunion immidiate ou pricoce des plaies ricentes. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 225-234. Debeyre & Tissier (H.) Fermeture secondaire des plaies. Hid., 1917, n. s., xliii, 676. Dehelly (G.) Disinfection et fermeture rapides des blessures de guerre; risultats. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 505-508. Dehelly (G.) & Dumas. Stirilisation et fer- meture des plaies de guerre (Riunion secon- daire par premiere intention). Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xliii, 1219-1232. Also; Presse mid., Par., 1916, xxiv, 203-205. Delorme (E.) A propos de la fermeture secon- daire des plaies de guerre. Bull. Acad, de mid., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 397-403. Demoulin (A.), Chaput (H.) & Tuffier. Sur la suture primitive et secondaire dans les plaies de guerre. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 658-669. Depage (A.) Du controle bactiriologique comme indication de la suture des plaies de guerre. Hid., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1987-1992. Derache. Sur la suture primitive des plaies par projectiles de guerre. Hid., 1917, n. s., xliii, 632—636. Desplas (B.) Recherches sur la suture sec- ondaire de plaies de guerre. Lyon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 660—671. Dezarnaulds (P.) Sur le traitement des plaies de guerre par armes h feu en particulier sur la suture primitive de ces plaies. Presse m6d., Par., 1917, xxv, 242. Dupont (R.) Contribution a I’etude du traite- ment desi plaies de guerre par 1’ excision avec ou sans sutures. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 832-836. Dupont (R.) & Billaudet. Note sur la suture primitive et secondaire des plaies de guerre. Presse m6d., Par., 1916, xxiv, 557. Ferrari (F.) & Delotte (A.) Ltude compara- tive des methodes antiseptique et aseptique dans le traitement des plaies de guerre. Leur suture secondaire. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixviii, 858-884. Foisy (E.) Reunion primitive et reunion sec- ondaire dans les plaies de guerre. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 385-401. Also: Rev. gdn. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 265-269. Gaudier (H.) Traitement des plaies des parties molles par I’excision precoce de tous les tissus attrits, suivie de suture. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 337- 340. Gross (G.) Toute plaie de guerre qui ne con- tient pas de streptocoque doit etre suturee. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 466-469. . Indications des sutures primitives et seeondaires des plaies de guerre d’apres les donnees de la bactdriologie. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1498- 1516. . Sutures des plaies de guerre. Hid., 1898. Gross (G.), Tissier (H.) [et al.] La suture primitive des plaies de guerre. 76id., 1806- 1822. Guillaume-Louis (P.) Des reunions dans les plaies de guerre. Hid., 250-262. Hey (W. H.) A method of early closure of recent gunshot wounds. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, ii, 445-447. Kroh (F.) Excision of wounds. Hid., 1917, i, 307. Lemaitre (R.) La disinfection opiratoire im- mediate et la suture primitive des plaies de guerre. Arch, de mid. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 474. McWilliams (C. A.) Memorandum on the technique of the suture of war wounds. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 944. Marquis, Descazals [et al.] La suture des plaies en piriode d’ attaque. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2281-2286. Mauclaire. A propos de la riunion primitive et de la riunion secondaire des plaies de guerre. Hid., 489-492. Menciere. Sutures seeondaires, sutures primi- tive associies a un procidi de pansement de guerre. Rev. gin. de din. et de thirap., Par., 1916, xxx, 271. Milligan (E. T. C.) The early treatment of projectile wounds by excision of the damaged tissues. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 1081. Nimier. Sur la riunion des plaies par coup de feu. Bull, et mim. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xiii, 353-355. Peuhallow (D. P.) Secondary sutures of gun- shot wounds as an economic factor in war surgery. Mil. Surgeon, Washington, D. C., 1917, xl, 274-277, 7 pi. Phillips (J.) On the closure of war wounds in home hospitals. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 528- 530. Picque (R.), Auvray & Gaudier. Sutures primitives des plaies. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1733-1739. Picot (G.) & Michel (R.) La suture des plaies de guerre guidee par 1’ examen bactdriologique qualitatif de leur flore microbienne. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 665-667. Policard (A.) & Desplas (B.) Recherches sur la suture secondaire des plaies de guerre. Lyon chir., 1916, xiii, 43-64. Potherat (G.) Reunions primitives et reunions seeondaires des plaies de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2225-2228. Gaudier (H.) & Hamant. Sur la suture primi- tive des plaies de guerre. Ibid., 95. Gaudier (H.) & Montaz (R.) Le parage de la plaie de guerre par I’exdsion large des tissus attrits. Ibid., 641-644. , . De la suture primitive im- mediate des plaies de guerre. Lyon chir., 1916, xiii, 685-697. Gray (H. M. W.) Treatment of gunshot wounds by excision and primary suture. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 551-554. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii. 317. Pozzi (S.) Suture primitive des plaies. Hid., 2013-2019. Pozzi (S.), Walther (C.) [et al.] Sutures primitives des plaies. Hid., 1590-1603. Primary excision and suture of gunshot wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 161. Ranzi (E.) Zur Frage der primaren Okklusion der Schusswunde durch Naht. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 555. Tahuteau (G. G.) Excision of wounds. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps., Lond., 1915, xxiv, 585- 588. Gregoire & Mondor. Des sutures primitives dans les plaies de guerre. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 2802-2803. Talude (E.) Des operations inopportunes sur les blesses de guerre. Ann. d’ ocul.. Par, 1914, clii, 340-342. 144 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Yerhaeghe (E.) & Louart (G.) Sutures sec- ondaires des plaies de guerre, traitees par la methode de Carrel. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 830. , -————. A propos de la suture sec- ondaire des plaies de guerre desinfect6es avec reunion “ per primam.” Hid., 1916, xxx, 199. BerL, 1916, Ixxxv, 25. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 259. Lcewy (R.) De la balneation continue dans le traitement des plaies de guerre; la poche-baig- noire. Paris chir., 1915, vii, 8-12. Nobel-Oleinikova (M. L.) [Our experience m treating 137 wounded and sick with Elton mud.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1916, xv, 60- 62. Pisani (S.) Per una maggiore utilizzazione delle nostre stazioni termali ed idroterapiche, a beneficio dei malati di guerra. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1916, xxv, 314-325. Porges (M.) Resultate der Badebehandlung von Kriegsverwundeten und Erkrankten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 526. Sellier (J.) A propos du traitement hydro- mineral des malades et blesses de guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 112-114. Silvestrini (D.) Le diversity del trattamento e la cura del bagno caldo prolungato nelle ferite d’ arma da fuoco agli ospedali da campo e a quelli territoriali. Gazz. internaz. di med., Napoli, 1916, xix, 255; 267. Staehelin (R.) Die Klimatotherapie als Heil- faktor fur die im Kriege Yerwundeten und Erkrankten. Mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Hdhenklimas. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1915, xii, 549-553. Steiner (M.) Das Ozetbad, insbesondere das Ozet-Solbad in der Kriegskrankenpflege. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, Ixxxiv, 183. Strauss (H.) Die Balneotherapie als Heil- faktor bei Kriegsverletzungen und Erkrank- ungen. Ztschr. f. arztl., Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 581-586. Also [Abstr.] : Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 561. W asseriuann (M.) Das Ozetbad im Kriegs- lazarett. Reichs-Yled.-Anz., Leipz., 1915, xl, 286. Hydrotherapy, Climatotherapy. Notes on hydrological treatment for wounded and invalid soldiers and sailors, with a list of the British spas and health resorts and the disorders which they benefit. Bond., 1915, Adlard & Son, 20 p., B°. Ausset (G.) A propos de F utilisation des sta- tions thermales par les blesses et malades militaires. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1915-17, Iviii, 232. Bardet. La cure thermale des blesses et des malades de notre armee. Bull. g6n. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1914, clxviii, 194-198. Blanc (L.) Treatment of wounded soldiers by the thermal waters of Aix-les-Bains, Savoy. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 174-176. Boyer (E.) De F utilisation, pendant F hiver, de quelques stations thermales pour le traite- ment des militaires blesses ou malades. Rev. de med., Par., 1914-15, xxxiv, 751-759. Cazeneuve. La cure thermale des' blesses de la guerre; rapport fait au nom de la commission de F armee au senat. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiv, 92-96. Dansset (H.) & Leulier (M.) Hydrotherapie et blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 170-175. Durand-Pardel (R.) La cure hydromingrale des traumatismes de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 585-588. Fox (R. F.) The value of medical baths for invalid soldiers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1914—15, viii, Balneol. [etc.], Sect., 47—60. . Baths for wounded soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 206-208. . The eau courante hyper-thermal bath, used for gunshot and other injuries of the limbs at the Hopital Compltimentaire at the Grand Palais, Paris. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxvi, 462—464. . Model hydrotherapeutic installation for soldiers, with ground plan. /hid., 1916, xxvi, 660-664. G. (V.) L’utilisation des stations thermales par les blesses et malades militaires. Gaz. d. eaux, Par., 1915-17, Ivii, 208-210. Garrigou (F.) Comment proceder administra- tivement pour appliquer d’ une maniere cor- recte, scientifique et utile, les eaux thermo- mintirales aux blesses et aux malades de guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 54. Glax. Die Thalassotherapie als Heilfaktor bei Kriegsverletzungen und Erkrankungen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 553-558. Hinsdale (G.) Hydrology in military practice. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, xc, 751-754. . Hydrotherapeutics in the war. N. York M. J., [etc.], 1917, cvi, 893. Kisch (E. H.) Marienbad als Kriegskurort. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 44. Krieg. Heber die Wirkung des Thermalwassers bei frischen Schussverletzungen im Vereins- lazarett Lalidesbad. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 244. Kiittner (O.) Anwendung von Biidern zur Heilung von eiternden Schussverletzungen und deren Folgen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, xliii, 164. Also: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Phototherapy, Radiotherapy. Rollier (A.) Sonnen- und Luftbehandlung niehttuberkuloser chirurgischer Affektionen mit Einschluss der Kriegsverletzungen. Tu- bingen, 1916, H. Laupp, 35 p., B°. Barcat. Du role de la radium-therapie dans hopitaux militaires. Arch, d’ Electric, med., Bordeaux, 1916, xxvi, 248—252. . Radiumthfirapie des blessures de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1916, 3. s., xxxi, 73-75. . Un an de radiumthgrapie militaire. Paris chir., 1917, ix, 89-101. Benoit (C.) & Heilbronner (A.) Sur le traite- ment des plaies de guerre par F action com- binee des radiations visibles et ultra violettes. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 572-574. Bogdanik (J.) Die kunstliche Hohensonne in der Kriegschirurgie. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Berl., 1915, xxii, 249-253. Breiger. Die Behandlung von Wunden unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung von Kriegsver- letzungen mit kunstlichem Licht und die hierfiir in Betracht kommenden Apparate. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 188; 1228. Cameron (W. H.) Radium in French military surgery. Penn. M. J., Athens, 1915—16, xix, 906-908. Cazin (M.) De F heliothgrapie totale dans le traitement des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 741-743. Chaput. Traitement des plaies infectees, gan- greneuses ou torpides par la lumiere elec- trique. Pi’esse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 606. Degrais (P.) & Bellot (A.) Contribution du radium au traitement des sgquelles de bles- sures de guerre. Hid., 1917, xxv, 253-255. Military Surgery. 145 Dentschlander (C.) Sonnenbehandlung im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1247. Pourest. L’ heliotherapie h F Hbpital militaire du Belvedere, h Tunis. Caducle, Par., 1917, xvii, 134-136. Gfrangee. Heliotherapie des blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 558—565. Guilleminot. Dosimetrie en X-radiotherapie dans les services de Farmee. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 462-465. Jauhert (L.) L’ heliotherapie dans les blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14-15, xv, 459- 462. Kelil (H.) Ueber die Beh'andlung inficierter Wunden, besonders mit der kiinstlichen Hohensonne, im Feldlazarett. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 378-405. Kovdcs (J.) [Treatment of wounds in the war, especially on the effect of ultra-violet rays.] Orvosi hetik, Budapest, 1915, lix, 130. Kromayer. Rontgen- und Lichtbehandlung zur Heilung von Schussverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1957. Laborde (A.) Action du rayonnement du ra- dium sur les blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1916, vi, 555-559. Leriche (R.) De la sterilisation par le soleil des plaies infectees. Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1063—1072. Leriche (R.) & Policard (A.) A propos du mecanisme de F action bienfaisante de la lu- miere sur les plaies. Compt. rend. Soc. de biok, Par., 1917, Ixxx, 945—947. Magrassi (A.) L’ elioterapia nei feriti in guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 387. Mayer (A.) Ueber die Behandlung eiternder Wunden mit kiinstlicher Hohensonne. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 208-211. Menzies (J. A.) The treatment of septic wounds with the Simpson light. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 508. . . Miramond de Laroquette. Action biotique de la lumiere solaire, cure solaire des blesses en hiver. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Thedering. Die kiinstliche Hohensonne im Dienste des Kriegslazaretts. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2390. Yallot (J.) Sur une installation permettant d’ appliquer F heliotherapie intensive, en hiver, aux blesses et aux convalescents mili- taires. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 486-488. Yidal (B.) L’heliotherapie dans les hdpitaux militaires. Caducec, Par., 1917, xvii, 22. Wagner (K.) Einige Indikationsgebiete fur die Anwendung der kiinstlichen Hohensonne im Kriege. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, Ixxxiv, 29 ; 33; 37. Fox (R. Fortescue). Physical remedies for disabled soldiers. Bond., 1917, Bailliere, 287 p., B°. Hecht (Victor). Leitfaden der physikalisch- therapeutischen Nachbehandlung Kriegsver- wundeter (Massage, Heilgymnastik, Apparat- behandlung, Thermo-, Hydro- und Elektro- therapie) fiir Aerzte, Studierende und arzt- liches Hilfspersonal. Wien & Leipz., 1916, W. Braumiiller, B°. Konindjy (P.) La kin6sitherapie de guerre. La mobilisation methodique [etc.]. Paris, 1916, A. Maloine & fils, 392 p., B°. Ochsner (Edward H.) Physical exercises for invalids and convalescents. St. Louis, 1917, C. V. Mosby Co., 54 p., B°. Privat (J.) La mecanotherapie de guerre. Paris, 1915, A. Maloine, 77 p., B°. Soiueii (H.) Memento de mecanotherapie; application de la mecanotherapie au traite- ment des blessures de guerre. Paris, 1916, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 87 p., B°. Wieting. Leitsiitze der funktionellen Nach- behandlung kriegschirurgischer Schiiden. Leipz., 1915, 43 p„ B°. Physiotherapy, Mech anotherapy. Albert-Weil (E.) PhysiotMrapie et blesses de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 405-407. Alsberg (A.) Einfaehe Apparate zur Behand- lung Kriegsbeschadigter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1573 1575. Ixxiv, 519—522. Morhardt (P. E.) Cure de soleil et chirurgie de guerre. Paris med., 1915—16, xvii, 315 317. Nagelsclimidt (F.) Licht, Radium, Elektro- rythmik, Diathermic zur Nachbehandlung von Kriegsverletzungen und Kriegskrankheiten des Bewegungsapparates. Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 300—305. Nagy (A.) Lichtbehandlung von Kriegsverletz- ungen. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 366. Pappas & Cremieu. Premiers resultats du traitement des plaies atones par les gas ra- dioaetif naturels. Montpek med., 1917, xxxix, 1013-1017. Eechou. La radiotherapie des blessures de guerre. J. de radiol. et d’ electro!., Par., 1916- 17, ii, 557-563. Snow (W. B.) The use of radiant light and heat in the treatment of war wounds. Am. J. Surg., N. Y., 1917, xxxi, 242-246. Sorel (R.) Asepsie; bains de soleil; cure d’air. Rev. gen. de din. et de thffrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 490-492. . Sur les blessures de guerre et la cure solaire. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clx, 610-612. Spinelli (M.) L’ actinoterapia nelle lesioni di guerra. Actinoterapia, Napoli, 1915, i, 65- 102. Amieux. Mecanotherapie precoce active et passive pour blesses couches et suivant les indications de la mobilisation manuelle. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 427-433. Bannard (W.) The mechanics of conva- lescence, methods of hastening the cure of German wounded soldiers. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1915, cxii, 404. Bergonie (J.) De la sup6riorit6 du travail agdcole medicalement prescrit et surveilie sur la therapeutique physique des hOpitaux dans le traitement des sSquelles de blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 567-570. Brousses (J.) Une mecanotherapie de fortune a F hdpital complementaire No. 31 de Toulouse. Arch, de m€d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 177-185. Brustein (S, A.) [Organization of physio- therapeutic aid to sick and wounded sol- diers.] Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Ralona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 2, 22-28. von Bnrk. Die Arbeit auf der medico-mechan- ischen Station des Festungshauptlazaretts Ulm und ihre bisherigen Erfolge. Med. Cor.- Bk d. wiirttemb. arztk Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 325. Cololian. La mecanotherapie de guerre avec des appareils de fortune. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 155; 658. Strauss. Strahlentherapie im Kriege. Med Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1432-1434. 146 Index Medicus [War Snpp. Ebel (S.) Einige Bemerkungen iiber physikal- ische Therapie der Kriegskrankheiten. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 182-190. Flint (J. M.) Simple mechanotherapeutic ap- paratus for military hospitals. Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1916, xxiii, 228-233. Fodor (J.) Physikalische Heilmethoden in der Yerwundetenfiirsorge und Organisation dieses arztlichen Hilfsdienstes. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 425-427. Fox (R. F.) Report of Committee of Councils; a “ combined physical treatment.” Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, Balneol. [etc.] Sect., 45-47. . Demonstration of the mensuration ap- paratus in use at the Red Cross Clinic for the physical treatment of officers, Great Port- land Street, London, W. Ibid., 1916-17, x, 63-68. Aerztl. Rundschau, Miinchen, 1915, xxv, 25-27. Lachaud. Rapport sur la mdcanothdrapie. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914—15, Ixiv, 642-657. Laquenr (A.) Ueber die Anwendung der Hydro- und Mechanotherapie bei Kriegs- kranken und Verwundeten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1490. . Die Nachbehandlung der Kriegsver- letzungen des Bewegungsapparates mit Badern, Wiirmeanwendungen und Elek- trizitat. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 142-146. . Ueber die Anwendung der physikali- schen Therapie bei verwundeten und erkrankten Kriegern. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet._ Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix. 53-59. Laquerriere (A.) & Petre. La physiotherapie preventive dans les blessures de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 349- 352. Fox (R. F.) & McClure (J. C.) A new com- bined physical treatment for wounded and disabled soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 311. Gordon (W.) Some observations on the treat- ment of disabled soldiers by the physico- therapeutic methods now being used in Paris. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Balneol. [etc.] Sect., 48-52. . The importance of physio-therapy in the reduction of war-disablement. Clin. J., Lond., 1917, Ixvi, 255-258. . Combined physical methods at Sid- mouth. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1917, civ, 28-30. Leullier, Pascal [et al.] M6canoth6rapie de guerre, appareils de mecanotherapie pour le traitement des raideurs articulaires, suites de blessures de guerre. Ibid., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 25-29. McKenzie (R. T.) The treatment of conva- lescent soldiers by physical means. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Surg. Sect., 31-70. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 215-218. . The treatment of nerve, muscle, and joint injuries in soldiers by physical means. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 19i7, vii, 1057- 1068. Manonvrier (L.) Sur la mesures des restau- rations motrices et musculaires chez les blesses convalescents. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1915, Ixxviii, 239-241. de Marneffe (A.) La physiothdrapie et la gym- nastique medicale. Confer, interalliee p. l‘6tude de la profess*., Rapp., Par., 1917, 27-51. Pescher (J.) L’entrainement respiratoire par la methode spiroscopique; ses applications aux maladies et aux blessds. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 536-538. Physical treatment for disabled soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 691-694. Piuali (R.) La terapia fisica nella traumato- logia e nella medicina di guerra. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1916, xxv, 190-195. Also: Polielin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 999- 1001. Gordon (W.), Quiserne [et al.] Discussion on the treatment by physical methods of medical disabilities induced by war. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Balneol., 1-44. Gordon (W.), Sunderland (S.) [et al.] Physi- cal treatment for disabled soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 348. Grias (A.) La mecanotherapie chez les blessds de guerre. Arch. mdd. d’Angers, 1916, xx, 37-47. Gnilleminot (H.) Sur la cure agricole em- ployee comme moyen physiotherapique de traitement. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 97-101. Haslebacher. Die physikalischen Heilmethoden in unserem Armeesanitatsdienst. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 1033—1038. Hirtz (E. J.) Indications pratiques de la mecanotherapie chez les blesses de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 426-431. Jellinek (S.) Ueber medico-mechanische Kriegsimprovisationen. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, xxix, 1047-1050. Jnngmann (E.) Funktionelle Therapie mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Kriegsbe- schadigtenbehandlung. Monatsschr., f. Un- fallheilk., Leipz., 1915, xxii, 166-173. Kahane (M.) Ueber.die Anwendung der physi- kalischen Heilmethoden bei Kriegskrank- heiten. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 540- 547. Privat (J.) La mdcanothdrapie de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 411-416. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 219; 234; 250; 266. Radike (R.) Leibesiibungen fur Kriegsver- letzte. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 1140. Reviere (J.-A.) La physicotherapie et les blesses de la guerre. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 30. . Physical therapeutics in war. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y., 1917, xxxv, 455-460. Keith (A.) The anatomical and physiological principles underlying the treatment of ip- juries to muscles, bones and joints. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 711; 785; 824; 858: 1918, i, 14. Kirchberg (F.) Physikalische Heilmethoden im Reservelazarett bei der Behandlung der Kriegsverletzungen. Deutsche Krankenpflg.- Ztg., Berk, 1915, xviii, 181-184. . Die Aufgaben der medicomechanischen Nachbehandlung der Kriegsverletzungen und ihre Durchfuhrbarkeit. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 328. Kriiche (A.) Zur medico-mechanischen Nach- behandlung der verwundeten Krieger. Riedl (F.) Heilgerate filr Folgen nach Kriegs- verletzungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1165; 1199. [Discussion] : 1290. Romer (F.) Mechano-therapy at the Cory don War Hospital. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 578-585. Sandoz (F.) La mecanotherapie des raideurs articulaires consecutives aux blessures de guerre. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 408-420. Serena (M.) La terapia fisica negli esiti delle ferite. Polielin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1265-1268. Military Surgery. 147 Somen (H.) Les moyens de fortune en mecano- therapie. Paris med., 1913-14, xv, 436-439. • . La mobilisation, application au traite- ment des blessures de guerre. Ihid., 1915-16, xvii, 306-311. Statement and recommendations on physical treatment for disabled soldiers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Balneok, 73-77. von Tabora (D.) Ueber die Errichtung von Uebungsabteilungen fur Lazarettrekonvales- zenten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 609. Yinaj (G. S.) La terapia fisica in tempo di fuerra. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1917, xxviii, 0—45. Also: Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 184-188. Wachtcr (A.) Ueber physikalisch-mechanische Nachbehandlung im orthopadischen Institute der chirurgischen Klinik in Innsbruck. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 503. Wieting. Leitsatze der funktionellen Nachbe- handlung kriegschirurgischer Schaden. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz., 1915, n. F., No. 715/16 (Chir. No. 193/94), 123-165. . Localisation et extraction des pro- jectiles. Ihid., 1916, xviii, 129-135. Aldridge (N. E.) Localization of bullets and metallic foreign bodies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 70. Arcelin (F.) Localisation anatomique des projectiles de guerre. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 188-151. Aubourg. Indication de direction et de pro- fondeur pour faciliter la recherche des corps etrangers. Rev. gen. de din. et de tMrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 527. Also: Progres m6d., Par., 1914-15, 3. s., xxx (suppk), 591. Bailleul (L. C.) Localisation d’un projectile dans le corps humain. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 171-174. Balboni (A.) I criteri di opportunity di inter- vento per 1’ estrazione dei proiettili. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1165. Berard (L.) & Wullyamoz. Quand et comment faut-il extraire les projectiles de guerre? Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 404-409. Binet (A.) Quelques indications pour I’extrac- tion des projectiles. Paris med., 1917, xix, 206-209. Blake (G. G.) Further notes on localisation. J. Rontg. Soc., Lond., 1916, xii, 22-24, 1 pi. Braham (N.) Localization of foreign bodies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 333. Charbonnel. Extraction tardive des projectiles du thorax et de la ceinture pelvienne. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 147-155. Constant (C. F.) The localisation and extrac- tion of bullets. Lancet, Lond., 1915, i, 148. Contremoulins (G.) La localisation des corps Strangers chez les blessSs de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 251-264. Massage. Somen (H.) Memento du massage. Applica- tion du massage au traitement des blessures de guerre. Paris, 1916, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 96 p., B°. Ash (E. L.) Massage and medical electricity in the after-treatment of convalescent soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 165. Bergonie (J.) Sur une nouvelle mSthode de traitement physique des sSquelles de blessures: le massage pulsatoire pneumatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, elxi, 395-397. Pornaseri (C.) La doccia-massaggio, sua azione e sue indicazioni. Idrol. e climat., Firenze, 1917, xxviii, 278; 314. Gordon (W.) Massage and medical electricity in the after-treatment of convalescent sol- diers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 841. Greenwood (A.) Massage in the after-treat- ment of wounded. Ihid., 1915, ii, 888. Kouindjy. Le massage m6thodique chez les blesses de guerre. Presse mdk, Par., 1914, xxii, 610. Lambert (Florence B.) Massage and medical electricity in the after-treatment of _ conva- lescent soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 788— 790. Mennell (J. B.) Massage in the after-treat- ment of the wounded. Ihid., 1915, ii, 755- Davidson (Sir J. M.) & Mummery (P. L.) Fragment of shell embedded in the internal popliteal nerve, illustrating the value of ac- curate localization. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 719. Dererre (H.) Determination des profondeurs des corps Strangers par lecture directe. Presse mSd., Par., 1917, xxv, 277. Don (A.) Should all bullets and pieces of shell be removed? Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, i, 698. Druner (H.) Lagebestimmung von Geschossen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii _ (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 682-094. Eisenlohr. Fremdkorperlokalisation oder Tie- fenbestimmung? Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1226-1228. Flint (J. M.) Localization and extraction of projectiles and shell fragments. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila., 1916, xxxiv, 26-68. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1916, Ixiv, 151-183, 2 pi. Fraser (C. L.) Removal of bullets from wounds. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 75. Prund (H.) Fremdkorper und Fremdkorper- bestimmung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 354-372. Gambler. La localisation et 1’ extraction des projectiles dans les hopitaux d’ evacuation de I’avant au cours des demieres offensives. Arch, d’ electric, med., Bordeaux, 1917, xxvii, 441-455. 757. . , , „ Pariset. Le massage chirurgical, mdhode d en- seignement rapide ft 1’ usage des infirmiers militaires. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxm, 97- 100. , Priest (E.) Massage in the after-treatment of the wounded. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 1052. Somen (H.) La pratique du massage, applica- tions au traitement des blessures de guerre. Paris mdk, 1915-16, xvii, 7; 97. Localization and Extraction of Projectiles. Ombredanne & Ledoux-Lebard (B.) Localisa- tion et extraction des projectiles. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Garel (J.) De la recherche des projectiles de guerre dans le corps humain. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 36. Gonllioud. De 1’ extraction de quelques projec- tiles (cerveau, noumon, tete humfirale), Lyon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 583-589. Also: Lyon mfid., 1916, exxv, 128. Guiibaud (G.) De 1’ extraction des projectiles. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 342-344. Albers-Schonberg. Beitrag zur Proiektil- diagnose. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk. 1915. xli, 1477-1481. Albert-Well (E.) Sur la localisation des pro- jectiles en chirurgie de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 85-89. 148 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Hagedorn (O.) Steckschiisse und ihre Lage- bestimmung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, xcviii (Kriegschir. Hefte III), 546- 554. Henrard. La localisation des corps etrangers. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1917, 4. s., Ixx, 135-147. Houzel (G.) Le reperage immediat des pro- jectiles de guerre. Paris m6d., 1916, xviii, 448-450. Keppich (J.) Ueher Entfernung von Geschos- sen. Zentralhl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1916, xliii, 401-403. Kbstlin. Kugellagextension. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1379. Kiittner. Fremdkorperschicksal und Fremd- korperbestimmung. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tithing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte V), 13- 58. Lausdown (R. G. P.) Removal of bullets and other metallic foreign bodies. Bristol M. Chir. J., 1915, xxxiii, 157-162. Laurent (O.) La localisation et 1’ extraction des projectiles. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s„ Ixxiv, 264-266. Lebon, Recherche et extraction des balles et Sencert (L.) &Le Grand (J.) De I’extraction primitive des projectiles de guerre. Lyon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 537-564. Sliaxby (J. H.) Localization of foreign bodies. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 434. Yiallet (C). La question de la localisation des projectiles de guerre portee sur le terrain clinique. J. de radiol. et d’ dlectrol., Par., 1916, ii, 402-405. Weski, Ueber die anatomische Rekonstruktion der Geschosslage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 1335. Wilkins (W. A.) The localization of foreign bodies. Am. J. Roentgenol., N. Y., 1917, n. s., iv, 343-350, 4 pi. Also: Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 373-376. Localization and Extraction of Projectiles— Methods and Instruments. Albert-Well (E.)_ La localisation et I’extrac- tion des projectiles de guerre par les appareils electriques. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 157- 161. . Une methode simple de localisation des projectiles. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, n. s„ Ixxvii, 212-215. Radollc (A.) Le reperage des projectiles; la methode d’ Haret-Keating-Hart modifide par le precede de la fiche. Paris med., 1917, xxiii, 173-175. Barclay (A. E.) Preliminary note on a new method of bullet extraction. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915—16, ix, Electro-Therap. Sect., 75-91. Also: Arch. Radiol. & Elec- trother., Lond., 1915-16, xx, 359-368. ■. Further note on a new method of bul- let extraction. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Electroth., 103. Barclay (A. E.),Hampson [et ah] Discussion on new methods for localisation of foreign bodies, lltid., 1914—15, viii, Electro-Therap. Sect., 19-34. Barozzi. Une methode de localisation des pro- jectiles. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 113-115. Basse (C.) Quelques remarques sur les locali- sations geometriques. Arch, d’ electric, med., Bordeaux, 1917, xxvii, 59-69. de la Baume Pluvinel (A.) Sur I’emploi de la balance d’ induction de Hughes pour la recherche des projectiles dans le corps des blesses. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 402. Beclere. Nouveaux instruments de guidage inecanique du chirurgien au cours de 1’ extrac- tion des projectiles. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 135—138 Belot (J.) & Fraudet (H.) Precedes de reperage des projectiles. J. de radiol. et d’ dectrol., Par., i 916, ii, 1-18. Berdyayeff (A. F.) [Determination of the po- sition of foreign bodies; description of an apparatus.] Voyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, eexliii, med.-spec. pt, 363-383. Bertin-Sans (H.) & Suquet (L.) Les diverses methodes de localisation des projectiles dans 1’ organisme. Montpel. med., 1917, n. s., xxxix, 451-469. Bocciardo (D.) Un facile metodo di localizza- zione dei proiettili; applicazione huova di principi vecchi. Policlin., 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 921-923. Bonneau (R.) Proced4 pratique de localisation des projectiles. Rev. gen. de din. et de thgrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 129-131. Bowen (D. R.) Bullet localizer. Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg., 1915, xvii, 222. Also: Ann. Surg., Phila., 1915, Ixi, 376. Bradbury (S.) A simple method of localizing bullets. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1915, i, 40. eclats metalliques Indus dans les tissus. Progres m4d., Par., 1915, 3. s., xxx, 465- 474. Le Fagnays. Note sur un appareil de localisa- tion de projectiles. J. de radiol. et d’ clcctrol., Par., 1914-15, i, 711. Lindsay (W. S.) A method for localisation of bullets. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 631. Mackworth (N. W.) Two photographs of bul- lets extracted from Sepoys in France and Mesopotamia. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1916, li, 420, 1 pi. Maffl. I criteri di opportunity di intervento per la estrazione dei proiettili. Gazz. inter- naz. di med., Napoli, 1917, xx, 622. Marcenac. Localisation et extraction des pro- jectiles de guerre. Rec. de m6d. vet., Par., 1917, xciii, 498-508, 5 fig. Mario (P. C.) La localizzazione dei proiettili di guerra nei tessuti. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1916, xxxvii, 1395-1400. Marion (G.) Localisation des corps 6trangers. Bull, et m6m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 830. Mercade (S.) L’ extraction des projectiles de guerre. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 697- 736. Morin. Sur la recherche des projectiles. Arch, d’ 61ectric. med., Bordeaux, 1915, xxv, 137- 139. Ombredanne (L.) A propos de I’ablation des projectiles. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 785. Overend (W.) On the localization of bullets and shrapnel. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1242- 1245. Pauchet (Y.) Extraction immediate des pro- jectiles. Rev. g6n. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 724. Peraire (M.) Cinq cas d’ablation de pro- jectiles dont 1’ un intra-pulmonaire et 1’ autre intra-cerebral apres localisation. Paris chir- urg., 1916, vii, 470-478. Pliocas. Sur la recherche des projectiles dans les tissus. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 854-856. Reckon (G.) L’ extraction des projectiles sur le front. Paris m£d., 1916, xviii, 562-567. Robineau (L.) Sur la localisation des pro- jectiles de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1651-1659. Scbwenk (C.) Das Aufsuchen und die Entfer- nung von Geschossen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. BerL, 1915, xli, 1333. Military Surgery. 149 di Castelvccchio (C. B.) In tema di localiz- zazioni geometriche. Radiol, med., Torino, 1917, iv, 6-13. Charlier (A.) Le repereur Marion-Danion. J. de! radiol. et d’ electro!., Par., 1914-15, i, 674. Cheron (A.) Nouvelle methode d’extraction des projectiles & 1’ aide du guidage optique. Ibid., 1916-17, ii, 621-624. Colardeau (E.) MSthode de localisation exacte des projectiles dans le corps des blesses. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 683. Crymhle (P. T.) Anatomical localization of a metallic foreign body and reconstruction of its track. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916, iv, 234-258. Driiner. Ueber den Stereoplanigraphen un Plaie du genou droit par eclat d’ obus avec destruction du condyle interne du f6mur; rfisultats eloignes de la reparation spontanee. Bull, et mem. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1367—1370. Zumaglini (A.) Ginocchio articolato a scatto in metallo fuso e suodo sferico, nei movimenti del piede per mutilati. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1916, 4. s., xxii, 430-440, 11 pi. Wounds of the Shoulder-Joint colazione del ginocchio. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 810-813. Rhenter (J.) Note sur une extraction tardive de projectile dans la region du genou. Byon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 645. Riedel. Ueber die subkutane Katgut-Patel- larnaht im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2385-2388. Robinson (W.) Extraction of a shrapnel bul- let from the knee-joint through a vertical in- cision. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1915, i, 417. Roueche. Hygromas prerotuliens par trauma- tismes de guerre. Arch, de m6d. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 471. Rouvillois (H.) Traitement des plaies articu- laires du genou. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 205-250. Rouvillois, Basset [et aI.J Sur le traitement des plaies articulaires du genou. Ibid., 1603- 1612. Santi (P.) Quelques observations de plaies articulaires du genou traitees dans une ambu- lance de 1’ avant. Byon chir., 1916, xiii, 153- 162. Sbrozzi (M.) Sulle ferite d’ arma da fuoco dell’ articolazione del ginocchio. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1917, vii, 201-213. Schloil'er (H.) Zur Behandlung eiternder Knieschiisse. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1119-1125. See, Wounds of the Shoulder Girdle (sub voce Wounds of the Chest). Bouteiller (Marie-Sophie-Rosalie-Julie). De la resection dans les membres broyes par plaies de guerre. (Ba resection preferable al’ ampu- tation.) Bordeaux, 1916, 53 p., B°, * No. 46. Ritschl (A.) Amputationen und Ersatzglieder an den unteren Gliedmassen. Stuttg., 1915, 58 p., B°. Rosset-Bressand (Marc-fimile). Bes amputa- tions de cuisse dans les services de 1’ avant. Bordeaux, 1917, 44 p., B°, * No. 36. Amputations. Albrecht. Ueber die Indikationen der Amputa- tion im Kriege. Nach einem feldiirztlichen Yortrage. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1653-1665. . Zur Technik und Indikation der Ampu- tation im Felde. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 155. Broca (A.) De la perte d’un membre et in- firmites assimilSes. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 513; 548. Chavannaz (G.) Statistique des amputations de cuisse dans une ambulance divisionnaire. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, u.s., xlii, 1652-1658. Besgouttes (B.) & Perrin (E.) Bes moignons des amputations faites al’ avant. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 4. Didier (R.) Un retracteur metallique a ampu- tations pour les ambulances de 1’ avant. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 200. Fieux. Contribution kl’ etude des resultats de 1’ amputation en chirurgie de guerre et plus specialement de 1’ amputation a moignon suture. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 63-68. Fievez (J.) Faut-il fermer les moignons d’ am- putation de guerre. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 433-435. Fitzinaurice-Kelly (M.) Amputations in war. surgery. Bancet, Bond., 1915, i, 15. Hanausek (J.) [Mechanical gymnastic treat- ment of soldiers mutilated by amputation, so as to obtain useful stumps.] Casop. 16k. £esk., v Praze, 1915, liv, 901. Hans (H.) Zur Technik der sekundaren Haut- lappenplastik bei Kriegsamputierten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1290-1292. Schwartz (A.) Traitement des plaies du genou dans les ambulances du front. Paris med., 1917, xix, 257-259. Sencert (B.) Be traitement des plaies du genou al’ avant. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1964-1976. Speed (K.) Gunshot wounds of the knee joint; casualty clearing station and base hospital observations on eighty-five consecutive in- stances, with a new method of draining the knee joint. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1918, Ixx, 9iB-923. Stern. Quatre-vingt-dix et un cas de plaies penetrantes et 1’ articulation du genou. Bull, et m£m. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1687-1689. Stern & Mornard. Rotulectomie pour plaie articulaire du genou; bon resultat fonctionnel. Ibid., 1689-1693. Tavernier (B.) Indications et valeur de 1’ ar- throtomie dans les plaies du genou par 6clat d’ obus. Byon chirurg., 1916, xiii, 616-632. Military Surgery. 227 Laval (E.) De F amputation en campagne. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 293-296. Leo (G.) Oontre-indications et indications des amputations en chirurgie de guerre. Paris chirurg., 1916, vii, 229-235. Lerda (G.) Sulla tecnica delle amputazioni per lesioni traumatiche. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di Torino, 1917, 4. s., xxiii, 41-81. Also: Policlin., sez. cbir., Roma, 1917, xxiv, 310- 312 ;m 313-331. Marquis (E.) Ba reduction au maximum de F amputation extemporande des membres dans une ambulance de F avant. Bull, et mdm. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 502-509. • Centre F abus des amputations de cuisse dans les plaies articulaires du genou. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 52. Matti (H.) Zur Amputationstechnik bei Kriegs- verletzungen. Miinehen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 896. Merckle. IJeber Amputationstechnik im Felde. Ibid., 1914, Ixi, 2296. . Zur Amputationstechnik bei Kriegs- verletzten. Ibid., 1915, Ixii, 1306. Monprofit (M.) Instrumentation moderne pour les amputations des membres; ressort mdtal- lique pour F hdmostase et retracteurs mdtal- liques. Arch, de mdd. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1916, Ixv, 161-199. van Moorsel (A. C. M.) Amputaties in tijd van oorlog. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 301-307. Morestin (H.) Desarticulation interscapulo- tboracique pour plaie de guerre. Bull, et mem. Sop. de cbir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 227-231. Mosti (R.) Sulla tecnica della amputazione della coscia in chirurgia di guerra; metodo a lembi od a sezione piana? Gazz. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 321-323. Monchet (A.) Des amputations du membre in- ferieur en chirurgie de guerre. Paris med.. 1917, xxii, 529. Mummery (P. B.) Some facts concerning am- putation with reference to the present war. Brit. M. J.. Bond., 1915, i, 962-964. Parnell (R. J. G.) Notes on 13 cases of ampu- tation through the thigh at the Royal Naval Hospital, Malta. J. Roy. Nav. M, Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 340-345. Panchet (V.) & Sourdat (P.) B’ amputation dite “en saucisson ” (procedd Celse). Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xli, 1216; 1295: 1915, n. s., xli, 43; 801; 861; 1071; 1169. Pellegrini (A.) Ba trazione elastica nella plastica incruenta delle parti molli dei mon- coni di amputazione e delle larghe ferite. Pen- siero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 217-222. Perrin, Bes amputations a F ambulance de pre- miere ligne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 535-541. Putti (V.) Plastiche e protesi cinematiche. Cbir. d. org. di movimento, Bologna, 1917, i, 419-492, 79 fig. Rentier (A.) Technique pour les amputations secondaires tardives dans les blessures de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 566-569. . Technique pour les amputations secon- daires tardives chez les blessds de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1164-1168. Savariaud. Considerations sur les amputations pour plaies de guerre; plaidoyer en faveur de la methode a lambeaux. Ibid., 1455-1464. Sebilean (P.) Btat anatomique de deux cuisses amputees pour blessure de guerre. Ibid., 45; 246. Seeflsch (G.) Grundsatzliches zur Frage der Amputationen im Felde und der Nachbehand- lung Amputierter. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 446-449. Tiifflcr (T.) B’etat fonctionnel des moiguons des amputes de guerre en 1914-1915. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 329- 364. Yiilker (F.) Indikation der Amputation in der Kriegschirurgie. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1202. Also: Strassb. med. Ztg., 1915, xii, 139-141. Watson (C. G.) Amputations at base hospitals in France. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 479. Wright (G. A.) Amputation and re-amputa- tion. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1917, xxviii, 259-266. Artificial Limbs. Broca (Aug.) Ba prothese des membres en chirurgie de guerre. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Marks (G. E.) Manual of artificial limbs. N. Y., 1917, B°. Yanghetti (Giuliano). Yitalizzazione delle mem- bra artificiali. Milano, 1916, U. Hoepli, 282 p„ 12°. von Aberle (R. R.) Kunstliche Gliedmassen fur Kriegsverwundete. Ztschr. f. ortbop. Cbir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 584-610. Amar (J.) Observations sur la prothese du membre inferieur. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 241-243. Bandet. Be premier appareil de 1’ ampute. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, Ixvii. 245-247, 1 pi. Bazy (B.) Sur I’utilisation du centre pour la fabrication en serie des appareils de prothese. Bull, et mem. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 2072. Bizarro (A. H.) Temporary “ pilons.” Ban- cet, Bond., 1917, i, 954. Boreau. Bras de travail et mains de travail pour amputes. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 88-127. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de cbir. de Par., 1916, n. s., xlii, 1409-1418. Boureau. Mains de travail pour amputds. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 92-96. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de tberap., Par., 1916, xxx, 443-445. Boyer (J.) New types of artificial arms for victims of the war. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1916, cxv, 207. Bollinger (J.) Die Konstruktion kiinstlicber Glieder, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stiitzpunkte und der Suspension uud die Prothesenfabrik des Koniglich-ungarischen Amtes fur Kriegsinvalide. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1240; 1271. Diicroquet. Btude critique des appareils de prothese frangais pour amputations de jambes. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 17—20. Falcone (R.) A proposito della protesi prov- visoria nei mutilati di guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 616. Froelich. Bras de secours pour mutiles des membres superieurs. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 78-83. Garrison (F. H.) Prosthetic appliances in war- time (historical resume). Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 507-509. Gazzotti (B. G.) Per la tecnica della protesi provvisoria. Riv. ospedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 494. Hollander. Ueber die historische Entwicklung kunstlicher Gliedmassen. Berk klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, liii, 355. Little (E. M.) Notes on artificial limbs for sailors and soldiers. Am. J. Ortbop. Surg., Bosk, 1917, xv, 596-602. Molinery (R.) Ba prothese de guerre, son his- toire a travers les siecles. Chron. med.. Par.. 1916, xxiii, 163—167. 228 Index Medicus [War Supp. Natzler (A.) Ktinstliche Arbeits- oder Luxus- glieder? Ein Beitrag ziir Frage des Ersatzes der Arbeitskraft teilweise oder ganz ver- lorener Anne. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1914-15, xiv, 98-108, 2 pi. Pelicelli (E.) La necessita ed utilita della protest provvisoria nei mutilati di guerra. 8011. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1917, 2. s., x. 20-24. Pierre-RoMn. Note sur la prothese fonctiou- nelle des mcmbres, avee presentation d’ ap- pareils portds par les blesses. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 587-591. Potschke (II.) Eine wichtige Erfindung fiir einarmige, arm- und handverletzte Kriegsin- validen. Monatschr. f, Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1916, xxiii, 15. Putti (Y.) La protest provvisoria. Riv. os- pedal., Roma, 1916, vi, 486-494. Reichard. Die Magdeburger Ausstellung von Ersatzgliedern fiir Kriegsbeschadigte. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 170. Rieder. Ueber Kunstglieder fiir Kriegsbe- schadigte. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 81. Ricifel (H.) & Gourdon (J.) Les appareils de prothese. Confbr. interalliee p. 1’ btude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 53-84. Rouquette. Bequilles et appareils de prothese. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 51-54. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1915, xxix, 794-796. Blind. Die Verbindung yon Chirurgie und Orthopadie als erste Tragerin sozialer Kriegs- verletztenfiirsorge. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 937. Brackett (E. G.) Department for Military Orthopedics. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 572. . Orthopedic surgery. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 731-733. Bum (A.) Die orthopiidische Chirurgie im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1561. Bussiere (F.) Sur k organisation d’ une centre orthopedique pour nos grands blesses. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1916, xix, 417-426. Calot. L’ orthopedie indispensable de guerre (fractures, raideurs, impotences, etc.). Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 369; 385 ; 403 ; 419; 437 ; 454 ; 469 : 484. Central (The) military orthopaedic hospital and school in Vienna. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 55-57. D’ Agostino (A.) Prolusione al corso pratico di ortopedia applicato alia chirurgia di guerra. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1915, n. s., xxxvii, 503—510. Deutschlamler (C.) Orthopadie und Feldla- zarett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1730-1734. Dronsart (E.) Le perfectionnement des ap- pareils orthopediques pour la reeducation pro- fessionnelle. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 39-50. Fiske (E. W.) The role of orthopedic surgery in early treatment of injured and wounded. Mil. Surgeon, Wash.. 1916, xxxix, 497-506. Goldthwait (J. E.) The place of orthopedic surgery in the treatment of the war casualties. lUd., 1917, xli, 450-456. Also: Am. J. Or- thop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv, 679-686. Helblng (C.) Die Aufgaben der Orthopadie im Kriege. Jahresk. f. arztk Fortbikk, Miinchen, 1914, 12, Heft, 32-35. Heymann (A.) Apparate zur Kriegsorthopadie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1204; 1447. Hohmann (G.), Lange (F.) & Schede (F.) Kriegsorthopadie in der Heimat. Ibid., 1916, Ixiii, 169; 219. Hug (O. A.) Orthopadische Improvisationen fiir Kriegsverletzte. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 657-673. Hughes (M. O’G.) Some of the limitations of military orthopaedic surgery. Med. J. Aus- tralia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 451. Jones (Sir R.) Orthopaedic surgery in its re- lation to the war. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 119-123. Also: Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, i, 50-59. Judet (H.) La chirurgie orthopedique et le traitement des difformites des membres con- secutiyes aux plaies de guerre. Marseille med., 1916, Im, 65-72. Keith (A.) Lectures on the anatomical and physiological principles underlying the treat- ment of injuries to muscles, bones and joints. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 711-713. Also: Med. Press, Lond., 1917, civ, 412; 428 • 449; 468; 488. Lange (F.) Die Orthopadie im Kriege. Miinch- en. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1826 ; 2112; 2155. ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY. Calot (Frangois). Orthopedie de guerre; ap- pareils, fractures, etc. Paris, 1916, A. Ma- loine et fils, B°. . The same. 2. ed., Paris, 1917, B°. Jones (Sir Robert). Notes on military ortho- paedics. Bond., N. Y., etc., 1917, Cassell & Co., 132 p„ B°. Lange (F.) & Trumpp (J.) Taschenbuch des Feldarztes. 3. Tk Knegs-Orthopadie. Miin- chen, 1915, 189 p., B°. Organization and methods of the Military Orthopaedic Hospital, Shepherd’s Bush, London, W. 12. Lond., 1917, St. Clements Press, 48 p., 12°. Silberstein (A.), Maier-Bode (Fr.) [et ak] Ergebnisse der Kriegsinvalidenfiirsorge im konigl. orthopiidischen Reservelazarett Niirn- berg. Wurzburg, 1916, C. Kabitsch, 161 P„ B°. Spitzy & Hartwich. Orthopadische Behandlung Kriegsverwundeter. Berk & Wien, 1915, Ur- ban & Schwarzenberg, 214 p., B°. Aitkeu (D. McC.) Orthopaedic methods in military surgery. Tr. M. Soc. Lond., 1917, xl, 27-40, 4pk Also: Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 10-16, 4 pk Albee (F. H.) The function of the military orthopedic hospital. N.* York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 2-4. America’s contributions; the American ortho- pedic unit. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 779. Bailleul (L. C.) Le service central de chir- urgie orthopedique de la zone oueste de la XXe rdgion (centre de Troyes). Arch, de mbd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 186- 194. Bernhard (L. I.) Business organization of the workshops connected with the Royal Ortho- pedic Reserve Hospital at Niirnberg. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 197-200. Bibergeil (E.) Kasuistische Beitrage zur or- thopadischen Nachbehandlung Kriegsver- letzter. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 518-527. . Orthopadische Erfahrungen aus dem Felde. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 333. —-. Kriegsorthopadie. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 381^18. Lester (Fanny B.) An artist’s work in war orthopedics. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 92-95. Levy (L.) Kriegsgemasse Orthopadie der Ex- tremitaten. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 436-439. Military Surgery. Mackenzie (W. C.) Military orthopsedic hospi- tals. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 669-678. Marcus. Betrachtungen iiber die orthopadische Fiirsorge fur die Kriegsverletzungen. Monat- schr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1914, xxi, 375-381. Mayer (L.) The organization and aims of the orthopedic reconstruction hospital. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 78-85, 5 pk . The military orthopedic reconstruction hospital. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1523-1524. Military orthopaedics and the American unit. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 772. Milner. Zur orthopadischen Nachbehandlung der Kriegsverletzten. Miinchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 798. Mouchet (A.) La chirurgie orthopedique de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 261-265. Muller (G.) Kriegsorthopadische Betrachtun- gen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 277. Muskat. Die orthopadische Nachbehandlung von Kriegsverletzungen und die militarisch- erseits hierfiir getroffenen Massnahmen. Strassb. med. Ztg.. 1915, xii, 97-102. Osgood (R. B.) Orthopedic problems presented by the European war. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1916, 26. s., ii, 277-287. . Orthopedic surgery in war time. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1916, Ixvii, 418-421. . Orthopaedic work in a war hospital. Boston M. & S. J., 1916, clxxiv, 109—127. P. (W. G.) British military orthopedic hospi- tals. Ibid., clxxv, 250. Ritschl (A.) Orthopadisches in der Yerwunde- tenbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 124; 159. . Aus kriegschirurgisch-orthopadischen Erfahrungen einer 6 monatigen Tatigkeit im Freiburger Garnisonlazarett und der ortho- padischen TJniversitatsklinik nebst Anweisun- gen zur Anfertigung einfacher und billiger Bewegungsapparate. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 466-489. Robert (A. E.) Appareils 3. immobilisation en osier confectionnes par des soldats frangais internes en Valais (Suisse). Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 140. Rocher (H.-L.) La chirurgie orthopedique et les blessds de guerre. Gaz. hebd. cl. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1915, xxxvi, 105; 113. Romano (C.) L’ortopedia nella guerra; con- ferenza. Gazz. med. sicik, Catania, 1916, xix, 529-533. Scharif (A.) Mitteilungen iiber kriegschirur- gische Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Ortho- pildie und Extremitatenchirurgie. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 434-449. Scheuermann (H.) [War orthopedics and care of war invalids; notes from a trip to Ger- many.] Bibliot. f. Laeger, Kjdbenh., 1916, cviii, 347; 371. Silbcrstein (A.) The Royal Orthopedic Re- serve Hospital at Niirnberg, Germany. Am. > J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 188-191. Silver (D.) The function of orthopedic surgery in the present war. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost., 1917, xv, 509-511. Spitzy (H.) Organisation und Aufbau des orthopadischen Spitales und der Invaliden- schulen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 409- 413. Med., 1914-15, xv, 149-165. Also, transl.: Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 192- 196. Vulplus (O.) Kriegsorthopadisches. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 785; 819; 848; 881. Orthopadie und Kriegskruppelfiirsorge in Baden, Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 562-565. Crippled and Disabled Soldiers. Klasen (P.) Gutgemeinte Worte an unsere hilfsbediirftigen, verstiimmelten und ver- kriippelten Krieger und deren Freunde. 2. Aufl. Neunkirchen (Saar), 1915, Neun- kirch. Ztg., 10 p., B°. Bier. Prophylaxe des Kriegskriippeltums vom chirurgischen Standpunkte. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 161-164. Broca. Les bequillards. Rev. gen. de din. et de thdrap., Par., 1916, xxx, 385-388. Brown (T. F.) Disabilities of the war. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 411. Gordon (W.), Sunderland (S.) & Fox (R. F.) Report on the reduction of crippling from wounds. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915- lb, ix, Balneol. [etc.], Sect., 53-55. Kdlliker (T.) & Rosenfeld (L.) Kriegsin- validenfiirsorge im Felde. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chip., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 566-568. Lange (F.) Prophylaxe des Kriegskriippeltums vom orthopadischen Standpunkte. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 225-234. Primrose (A.) Disabilities, including injuries, caused by bullets, shrapnel, high explosives, etc., as illustrated by cases examined before a medical board at Canadian Headquarters, Shorncliffe, England. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1915, v, 853-866. Also: Canad. J. M, & S., Toronto, 1915, xxxviii, 122; 195. Reed (E. H.) End results of the various disa- bilities of the returned soldier. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 208-212. Ritschl (A.) Zwolf Gebote zur Yerhiitung des Kriippeltums bei unseren Kriegsverwundeten. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 162. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 132. Rubinow (1. M.) Compensation for invalids of the war. Survey, N. Y., 1917, xxxviii, 541- 544. Snijders (T. J. H.) [The care of war in- valids.] Mik-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 82-89. Sumegi (J.) [Treatment of invalided soldiers.] Gyogyaszat. Budapest, 1915, Iv, 66-68. War cripples in Austria and Germany. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 244-250. Wohrizek (T.) Zur Behandlung der Inval- iditat. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 232- 234. Audion (P.) Notes sur F equinisme consecutif aux blessures de guerre. Paris chirurg., 1916, viii, 265-276. . Notes sur le traitement preventif et 1’ importance de 1’ equinisme chez les blesses de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 292- 294. Lance. Sur F equinisme consecutif aux plaies de guerre. Ibid., 1917, xxv, 635-638. Leo (G.) & Kauffmann (R.) De F equinisme consecutif aux blessures de guerre. Paris chirurg., 1916, viii, 339—343, Pozzi (S.) Appareil orthopedique contre le pied-bot 4quin paralytique, consecutif aux Equinism. Spitzy (H.) & Hartwich (A.) Orthopadische Behandlung der unverwundeten Mannschaft. Ibid., 1915, xi, 866. Strackler (O.) Die orthopadischen Behelfe des Wiener kriegsorthopadischen Spitales. Beit]-, z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ciii (Kriegschir. Hefte VI), 653-663. Valentin (B.) Die Werkstiitten im Kgk orthopadischen Reserve-Lazarett Niirnberg, Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Index Medicus. [War Supp. blessures du nerf sciatique. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 1878. Quenu (E.) & Menard. Influence de 1’ dquin- isme provoque [chaussures a hauls talons) sur la physiologie de la station debout et de la marche. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 634-648. Nove-Josserand & Chatin. Conference sur la reeducation professionnelle des mutiles. Lyon, 1917, A. Key, 24 p„ B°. Pierrot. Le reeducation des mutiles. [n. p.], 1916, Clermont-Ferrand, 12 p., 12°. Provision (The) of employment for members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force on their return to Canada and the re-education of those who are unable to follow their previous occupations because of disability. Ottawa, 1915, Govt. Print., 53 p., B°. Rothband (The) employment scheme for sailors and soldiers disabled in the war. Bond., [1917], 51 p., B°. Scheme for finding employment for disabled soldiers and sailors. Manchester & Bond., 1917, J. Heywood, 72 p., 4°. Silberstein (Adolf). Kriegsinvalidenfiirsorge und staatliche Unfallfilrsorge. Wiirzb., 1915, 35 p., 8°; Sippel (Fritz). Wie verhelfen wir den Kriegs- verstiimmelten durch Ersatzglieder wieder zur Arbeitsfahigkeit und zum Eintritt in das biirgerliche Berufsleben? Stuttg.,l9l6, J. F. Steinkopf, 55 p., B°. Union des colonies etrangeres en France eu faveur des victimes de la guerre. Paris, 1917, Berger-Leyrault, 38 p., 12°. Upham (Elizabeth C.) Desirability of voca- tional education and direction for disabled soldiers. Madison, Wis., 1917, Univ. of Wisconsin, 20 p., 12°. Reconstruction, Reeducation, and Rehabilitation. Amar (Jules). La prothese et le travail des mutiles. Paris, 1916, H. Dunod &E. Pinat, 27 p., B°. . La reeducation professionnelle des mutiles de guerre. Paris, 1917, P. Renouard, 33 p., B°. Barton (George E.) Re-education. N. Y., 1917, Houghton Mifflin, 131 p., 12°. Bergonie (J.) Le travail agricole des blesses d 1’ hopital de Martillac. Bordeaux, 1917, Gounouilhou, 27 p., B°. Biesalski (Konrad). Kriegskriippelfiirsorge. Leipz. & Hamb., 1915, L. Voss, 44 p., B°. . Die ethische und wirtschaftliche Be- deutung der Kriegskriippelfiirsorge. Leipz. & Hamb., 1915, L. Yoss, 23 p., B°. Bittard (A. L.) Les ecoles de blesses. Paris, 1916, F. Alcan, 279 p., B°. Blind. Grundziige der arztlichen Kriegsbe- schiidigtenfiirsorge. Leipz., 1916, B. Konegen, 77 p„ B°. Bonrillon. Comment reeduquer nos invalides de la guerre; assistance aux estropies et aux mutilds en Danemark, Suede et Norvege. Paris & Nancy, 1916, Berger-Levrault, 188 p., B°. Carle (M.) Les dcoles professionnelles de , blessds k Lyon. Par., 1915, 132 p., B°. Ecole Nationale professionnelle d’ agriculture & de laiterie d’ Aurillac (Cantal). Section speciale de reeducation agricole des mutiles de la guerre. Aurillac, 1916, Cantal Repub- licain, 15 p., 12°. France. Ministere de 1’ Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Reeducation professionnelle des mutiles. Melun, 1917, Impr. Administra- tive, 46 p., B°. Great Britain. Local Government Board. Alleman. Quand doit commence!- la reeducation professionnelle? Que doit-elle comprendre? Formation intellectuelle et formation mau- uelle? Confer, interalliee p. I’etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 113-131. Amar (J.) La reeducation professionnelle des blesses et des mutiles de la guerre. J. de physiol, et de path, gen., Par., 1914-15, xvi, 821-871. . Principes de reeducation profession- nelle. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc. Par., 1915, clx, 559-562. . Technique d’ education sensitive pour amputds' et aveugles. Ibid., 1916, clxiii, 335- 338. Report of the committee upon the provision of employment for sailors and soldiers dis- abled in the war. Bond., 1915, 8 p., fol. . Parliament. Departmental committee on land settlement for sailors and soldiers. Final report. Bond., 1916, H. M. Stationery Off., 30; 39 p., fol. Guilbert (Charles) & Maucurier (G.) Guide de reeducation physique en groupe. Methode de gymnastique reeducative pour les blesses militaires. Par., 1916, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 128 p„ 12°. Hutt (Cecil William). The future of the dis- abled soldier. Bond., 1917, Bale Sons & Danielson, 199 p., B°. Institution (The) of Electrical Engineers. Courses at the Northampton Polytechnic In- stitute, London, E. C., for training disabled sailors and soldiers as electrical sub-station attendants. Bond., 1916, 6 p., B°. Kohler (A.) Die staatliche Kriegsinvalidenfiir- sorge. Leipz., 1916, G. Thieme, B°. McMnrtrie (Douglas C.) A list of British or- ganizations for cripples. N. Y., 1917, The Author, 4 p., B°. Mitchell (Robert). What can be done to train disabled sailors and soldiers in technical in- stitutions. Bolton, Eng., 1916, Gledsdale, 18 p„ B°. Norman (Sir Henry). The treatment and training of disabled and discharged soldiers in France. Report for the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George. Bond., 1917, H. M. Stationery Off., 36 p., fol. Education sensitive et appareils de prothese; les resultats. Ibid., 401-404. . La reeducation des blessds et mutiles de la guerre. Rev. sclent., Par., 1916, i, 363- 367. . Organization of vocational training for war cripples. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1916, iii, 176-183, 12 pi. Also: Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 31- 42, 7 pi. . The care of the wounded in France; methods and instruments for aiding men who have lost hands or arms. Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y„ 1916, Ixxxii, 348-350. Andre-Thomas. _ L’ aptitude des trepanes au service militaire et au travail. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 306-310. Bailey (P.) Care of disabled returned soldiers. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1917, lx, 608-615. Also: Mental Hyg., Concord, N. H., 1917, i, 345-353, 1 diagr. Baratoux Methodes de reeducation audi- tive employees chez les mutiles de guerre. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 139-143. Barron (N.) Physical training with especial reference to the training of convalescents. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxvii, 460-476. Barthez. La protection permanente des mu- tiles et estropies : societes mutuelles, societies cooperatives, organisation officielle, institu- tions privees. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude Military Surgery. 231 de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 313- 334. Bell (J. A.), Gardner (J.) [et al.] Discharged disabled soldiers and sailors. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 465-A67. Biesalski (K.) Die Stellung des Arztes in der Kriegskriippelfursorge. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fort- bild., Jena, 1915, xii, 353-359. . Hilfsmittel und Aussichten der Kriegs- kruppelfursorge. Ztschr. f. Kruppelfursorge, Hamb. u. Leipz., 1915, viii, 133-142. Bittard (A.-L.) Documentation et propaganda. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess.. Rapp., Par., 1917, 379-387. Blind. Ueber Kriegskriippelfursorge. Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1915, lii, 755-757. Bolt (E. A.) The rehabilitation of wounded Canadian soldiers. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 212; 292; 365. Borne. De la readaptation et de la reeducation au travail des blesses et des mutiles de la guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 293-298. . De la reeducation et de la readaptation au travail des blesses et des mutiles de la guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 81; 159; 372. . De 1’ assistance et de la readaptation des malades de la guerre. Ibid., 833-849. . Propagande. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 389-395. Bouquet (H.) La reeducation des mutiles de la guerre. Bull. gen. de therap. [etc.], Par., 1916. Ixxxv. 156-181; 193-213. Bourrillon. Les methodes de reeducation pro- fessionnelle des amputes. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 487-490. . The vocational re-education of dis- abled soldiers. Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 77-89. Boydcn (P. H.) Disablement in the Royal Navy; a note on the re-education and reem- ployment of crippled sailors. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, i, 230. Brackenbury (H. B.) Discharged disabled soldiers and sailors. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 437. Brancher & Girard (H.) Placement des in- valides dans 1’ agriculture. Confer, inter- allide p. 1’ 6tude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par.. 1917, 227-234. Brandt (Lillian). The Inter-Allied Conference on war cripples. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917. v, 111-118. van Breeman (J.) Kriegskriippelfursorge. Nosokomos, Amst., 1916, xvi, 733-739. Brereton {Mrs. M. A. C.) Provision for British crippled soldiers and sailors at Queen Mary's Convalescent Auxiliary Hospitals, Roehamp- ton, and Queen Mary’s Workshops Pavilion Military Hospital, Brighton. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 124-132. Broca (A.) & Ducroquet. Quelques principes de reeducation des mutiles. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, annexes, 138-142. Brock (L. G.) The re-education of the disabled. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 19-36. Burci (E.) Assistenza, rieducazione e patro- nato dei soldati divenuti invalidi per ferite in guerra. Sperimentali, Firenze, 1916, Ixx, 159- 171. Burkhardt. Der Lazarettunterricht fur Kriegs- verstiimmelte in Freiburg i. Br. Heilanstalt, Leipz., 1915, x, 17-19. Burkard (O.) Ueber die Schulung Kriegsin- valider. Wien. klin. Wehnschr., 1916, xxix, 99-103. Burt (0. L.) Educative convalescence for crippled soldiers at the Heritage Craft Schools, Chailey, Sussex, England. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y„ 1917, v, 161-164, 4 pi. Camus (J.) Le corps de reeducation physique du Grand Palais. (Depot de physiotherapie.) Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 365-410, 2 pi. . Reeducations fonctionnelle et profes- sionnelle. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 470-478. . Les ecoles de reeducation profession- nelle de 1’ Union des colonies etrangeres. Ibid., 504-509. . Placement et reeducation des grands infirmes par lesions des centres nerveux. Ihid., 1917, xxiii, 1-5. . Les grands infirmes par troubles des centres nerveux. Confer. interalli6e p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 361- 366. Carle. Vocational schools for war cripples in Prance. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 165-170. Cestau. Dalous & Descomps (P.) Le travail rural. Paris med., 1917, xxi, 486-492. Chaiicrin. La reeducation professionnelle agri- cole des mutiles de la guerre dans les etablisse- ments dependant du Ministere de 1’ Agricul- ture. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 205-206. Chevallier. Installation et resultats du service de reeducation physique et de massage au can- tonnement de Villetaneuse occupe par le N® regiment de zouaves. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 411—433. Craig (A. T.) Lord Roberts Memorial Work- shops for disabled soldiers and sailors. Re- called to Life, Lond., 1917, i, 289-294. Dam (C.) L’orientation professionnelle et la readaptation ouvriere des estropies a la suite de blessures de guerre. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1917, Ixx, 493-508. Darwin (L.), Harris (P.) [et al.] The dis- abled sailor and soldier and the future of our race. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1917, ix, I—l 7. Danssat. L’ assistance aux invalides et mutiles de la guerre (appareillage, reeducation profes- fessionnelle, placement). Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916, Ixv, 733—759. David-Weill (Mme.) Rapport general sur I’or- ganisation et le fonctionnement des 6coles de reeducation professionnelle pour les invalides. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 159-182. Deeharme (P.) Le retour ala terre des mu- til6s et reformes de la guerre. Ibid., 235-237. Dejerine (Mme.) Reeducation fonctionnelle des grands invalides nerveux. Ibid., 368-370. Dennis (J. S.) Provision for crippled soldiers by the Military Hospitals Commission of Canada. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 177. Devine (E. T.) The Red Cross Institute for crippled soldiers and sailors. Ibid., 109. Disabled (The) Canadian soldier. Recalled to Life. Lond., 1917, i, 280-284. Dischargeable (The) disabled soldier. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii. 495. Dobell (W. M.) Organization of the training of the disabled in the war. Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 13-28. Dollinger (J.) Die Prothesenwerkstatten der Fursorge-Kommission fur amputierte und verkriippelte Soldaten. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 103-105. ■. [What shall we do with war invalids?] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1915, lix, 73-76. Also, transl.: Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 25-28. Dominicus. Berufsberatungsstelle fur Yerwun- dete. Strassb. med. Ztg., 1915, xii, 51-54. Donoghue (F. D.) Restoring the injured em- ployee to work. Proc. Internal. Ass. Indust. Accid. Bds., 1916, Wash., 1917, iii, 212-220. Index Medians [War Supp. guerre. *Presse mdd., Par., 1915, xxiii, 139- 141. Honhon. La reeducation apres la guerre des hommes qui n’ ont pu profiler de la reeduca- tion profegsionnelle pendant les hostility. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 303-307. How France returns her soldiers to civilian life. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 305-310. Hoyer. War cripples at the Agricultural Train- ing Institution, Goss-Tarpen, near Graudenz, Germany. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 175. Hugonet. Soins speciaux a donner aux grands invalides du systeme nerveux. Confer, in- teralliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 366-368. Hutt (C. W.) Observations on the future of the crippled sailor and soldier. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 629-632. . Education of the left hand of disabled sailors and soldiers. Hid., 1917, i, 553. Imbert (A.) Le travail professionnel agent de la reeducation physique. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 85-90. Imbert (L.) II faut surveiller la reeducation de la marche chez blesses du membre inferieur. Presse med., Par.. 1917, xxv, 405. loteyko (Josefa). L’usage de la main gauche chez les mutiles. Rev. scient., Par., 1916, ii, 494-499. Jacquetty (G.) & Bergonie (J.) Le travail agricole medicalement present et surveille comme traitement des sequelles de blessures de guerre. Arch, d’ electric, med., Bordeaux, 1917, xxvii, 297-317. Jarrott (T. L.) The problem of the disabled soldier. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 226-243. Kellogg (P. U.) The battle-ground for wounded men. Hid., 137-165. Keogh (Sir A.) The treatment of the disabled ; a memorandum. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, 5-24, 2 pi. . Rapport. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 897- 433. Kidner (E. B.) The vocational re-education of the disabled soldier. Am. Med., Burling- ton, Vt, 1917, xxiii, 405-408. Kidner (F. C.) Notes on the care of the crip- pled soldier in England. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixix, 1167. Koufndjy (P.) La reeducation chez les blesses de la guerre et le rOle de la suppleance. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 105- 108. . La reeducation des mouvements chez les blessds de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 298-302. . La reeducation fouctionnelle par le travail. Hid., 1917, xx, 263-266. Larat (J.) & Billiard (A.) Llectricite medicale et reeducation professionnelle. Hid., 344- 347. Laquer (B.) Die Berufswahl der kriegsbe- schildigten OfHziere. Med. Klin., Berl., 1916, xii, 431. Lauwick (M.) The Belgian military institute for trade training of the war cripple. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, 179-187. Lawson (A.) Demonstrations illustrating the principles of the re-education of the wounded. Tr. M. Soc., Lond., 1917, xl, 73-94. Lewis (W. H.), Williams (J. P.) [et al.] Dis- charged disabled soldiers and sailors. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 498-500. de Lisi (L.) Su di un semplice metodo di riedu- cazione motoria; eccitazione faradica, ritmata Duvernoy. Les mutiles dans les usines de guerre. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ dtude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 271-289. yon Eberts (E. M.) Functional reeducation and vocational training of soldiers disabled in war. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 193-200. Exner (W.) Ueber die technisehe Invaliden- fiirsorge. Wien. med. Wcbnscbr., 1915, Ixv, 913-918. Fagnot (F.) & Raflin (N.) Sur le placement des invalides de la guerre dans 1’ Industrie et le commerce. Confer, interallide p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 239- 269. Ferrannini (L.) La rieducazione professional degli invalid! della guerra. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 347-349. Fischer (M.) Die Erwerbsfiirsorge fur Kriegs- invalide an unsern Heil- und Pfiegeanstalten. Psychiat.-neurol. Wcbnscbr., Halle a. S., 1914-15, xvi, 420-423. Fontane (E.) La responsabilitd des oeuvres de reeducation des mutiles de guerre au point de vue des accidents. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 496. French (The) system of dealing with disabled soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, ii, 492. Froment (J.) Des appareils de prothese fonc- tionnelle pour blesses nerveux. Rapport pre- sente au Congres interallies de reeducation .... pour 1’ etude de la prothese nerveux. Rev. neurol., Par., 1917, xxiv, 574-581. Galeazzi (R.) Le moderne providenze social! per i mutilati in guerra. Atti. d. Soc. lomb. di sc. med. e biol., Milano, 1914-15, iv, 180- 206. . Nuovi apparecchi per la rieducazione funzionale dei mutilati. Arch, di ortop., Milano, 1916-17, xxxiii, 120-130. Gilbreth (F. B.) The problem of the crippled soldier; what shall be done with him after the war? Scient. Am. Suppl., N. Y., 1915, Ixxx, 402. . The problem of the crippled soldier; how to put him on the pay roll. Hid., 1917, Ixxxiii, 260. Gilbreth (F. B.) & Gilbreth (Lillian M.) The conservation of the world’s teeth; a new oc- cupation for crippled soldiers. Trained Nurse [etc.], N. Y., 1917, lix, 5-11. Goldstein (K.) Uebungsschulen fur Hirnver- letzte. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Orthop., Berl., 1916, x, 4-7. Gosset (H.) Traitement des impotences con- seeutives aux blessures de guerre par la reedu- cation psychomotrice. Progres med., Par,, 1916, 3. s. Grassmann. Die volkswirtsehaftliche Bedeu- tung der Nachbehandlung Kriegsverletzter. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2340. Griiflth-Boscawen (Sir A.) Inter-allied con- ference at Paris on the treatment and train- ing of disabled soldiers. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, 43-49, 1 pi. Griinberg (J.) Eine Yorrichtung zum Schrei- ben mit Hilfe des Gebisses bei Yerlust bzw. Lahmung der Arme. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii. 431-433. Hannan (T.) Technical schools for maimed soldiers: L’ £:cole Joffre at Lyons. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, I—l 2. Hefmanovieh (A. I.) [lnstitutes of functional reestablishment.] Kharkov. M. J., 1916, xxii, 243-252. Helys (M.) The re-education and placement of war cripples. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 168-178. Hirtz (E. J.) Le traitement des impotences fonctionnelles consecutives aux blessures de Military Surgery. 233 con metronome interruttore, durante il movi- mento. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 1340-1342. McClure (J. C.) Conference interallied pour F etude de la reeducation professionnelle et des questions qui interessent les invalides de la guerre, Grand-Palais, Paris, May 8-12, 1917. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x. Sect. Balneol., 81-96. McMurtrie (D. C.) Measures for the care of war cripples in Germany; plans for economic rehabilitation. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1915, ii, 129-138. . Pi'ovision for war cripples in Germany. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxviii, 184-187. Also: Mil. Hosp. Com. Canada, Spec. Bull., Ottawa, 1916, 93-98. . An industrial school for crippled soldiers at Lyons, France. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1916, ii, 156-158. -. Training for crippled boys and crippled soldiers; illustrations from the day’s work at the Heritage School of Arts and Crafts, Chailey, Sussex, England. Ibid., 1917, iii, 169, 12 pi. . Industrial training for war cripples. Illustrations of education work in Prance and Germany. Ibid., iv, 16, 8 pi. . The war cripples. Ibid., v, 86-94. . The Canadian publicity campaign in the interest of crippled soldiers, their re-edu- cation and employment. Ibid., 149-160. . Current notes on the organization of after-care for war cripples in Germany. Ibid., v, 171-174. . Crutches into plowshares ; a lesson for the United States in the reconstruction of Canadian war cripples. Survey, N. Y., 1917. xxxix, 105-110. . The future of the crippled soldier. Columbia Alumni News, N. Y., 1917-18, ix, 313-318. Marage. Douze mois de reeducation auditive dans 1’ armde; resultats de 250 cas. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, Ixxvi, 318-320. Marie (A.) & Rodiet (A.) La loi relative a la reeducation des mutiles de la guerre et le placement familial des invalides mentaux et des grands infirmes par troubles des centres nerveux. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 269—271. Marlow (F. W.) Relations of the medical service of Canada to the problem of invalided soldiers. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1917, xli, 161-170. Massacre. Isolement et reeducation des blesses de guerre dits “ fonctionnels.” Paris med., 1917, xxiii, 38-41. Meeting the problem of the returned disabled soldier in Canada. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 311-313. Meisner. Kriegsinvalidenflirsorge. Aerztl. Sach- verst.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xxi, 195-198. Melocchi (P.) Importanza dei centri fisiatrici di rieducazione funzionale per gli invalidi di guerra. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 282. Mutiles de guerre victimes d’ accidents du tra- vail. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxviii, 49-52. Myers (D. B.) Treatment and training of the disabled at Queen Mary’s Convalescent Aux- iliary Hospitals, Roeharapton. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y.. 1917, v, 133-136. Nash (E. H.) Education of the left hand of disabled sailors and soldiers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 964. Nepper (H.) & Vallde (0.) Reeducation pro- fessionnelle et traitement des impotences. Paris med., 1916, xviii, 501-504. Nove-Josserand & Bouget. Reeducation fonc- tionnelle des amputes du membre sup6rieur. Ibid., 479-485. Nyns (A.) La reeducation professionnelle d’ apres les varietes d’ impotence. Ibid., 493- 496. Oliver (Sir T.) The Joseph and Jane Cowen Home for the training of disabled sailors and soldiers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Recalled to Life, Lond.. 1917, i, 285-288. Osier (Sir W.) The problem of the crippled. Ibid., 265. de Paeuw (L.) L’orientation professionnelle. Confer, iuteralliee p. 1’ etude de la reMuc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 91-111. ■— . Intdrets economiques et sociaux des in- valides. Ibid., 291—301. Paris (The) Conference on the war cripple. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 776-778; ii, 93-95. Pearson (Sir C. A.) The re-education and training of disabled combatants. J. State Med., Loud., 1917, xxv, 333-350. Pech (J.) La reeducation des mutiles. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 224. Perrin. Reeducation professionnelle des mu- tiles de guerre. Paris med.. 1916-17, xxi, 96-98. . Pour les agriculteurs mutiles de la guerre. Ibid., 1917, xx, suppl., No. 11, p. i-v. Piccinini (P.) Per 1’ assistenza medico-legale per gi’ invalidi della guerra. Pensiero med., Milano, 1917, vii, 324-326. Privet & Belot. Conception nouvelle des ap- pareils de reeducation. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 584. Problem (The) of the surgical treatment of disabled men. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 658. Reconstruction Base Hospital No. 1. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 853. Reconstruction hospitals and orthopedic sur- gery. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa., 1917, n. s., xlvi, 305. Reeducation professionnelle des grands infirmes par lesions des centres nerveux. Confer, in- terallied p. 1’ etude de la redduc. profess., Rapp. Par., 1917, 371-377. Regnier (P.) De la reeducation fonctionnelle des blesses. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 668-696. . Organisation scientifique de la reeduca- tion professionnelle des mutiles. Rev. scient., Par., 1916, ii, 458-460. . Rapport general sur la reeducation agricole des mutiles et blessds de guerre. Confer, interalliee p. 1’ etude de la rgeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 183-205. Report of the Disabled Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Committee, Local Government Board of Great Britain. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 212-225. Returned soldiers and the medical profession. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 343- 355. Moores (H. E.) Farm sanatoria for disabled men; a plan to provide for such British war cripples as may be adapted to agricultural work. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 143-145. Moreau-Defarges. Reeducation motrice chez les blesses par les exercices, sports et jeux de plein air. Paris med., 1917, xix, 241-243. Mosny (E.) La reeducation professionnelle et la rgadaptation au travail des estropies et des mutißs de la guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 458-472. Also: Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiii, 317-339. Also: Rev scient., Par., 1915, i, 582-588. Ricordeau. Hospitalisation des reformes No. 2. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1916, xix, 412-416. 234 Index Medicus [War Supp. Riedinger (J.) Ueber Kriegs-Kriippelfiirsorge mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Prothe- senfrage. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb., 1914-15, xiv, 132-188. Riedl (F.) Behelfe fiir Folgen von Kriegsver- letzungen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 742—746. Rietfel (H.) & Ripert (A.) Les adjuvants meeaniques de reapprentissage. I°. Appareils orthopediques. 2°. Bras de travail. 3°._Ou- tillage special pour 1’ occupation des invalides. Confer, p. 1’ etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 133-157. Roshem (J.) Le main-d’ oeuvre national apres la guerre. Paris med., 1917, xx, suppl., No. 11, p. i-v, 254-258. Royle (N. D.) The neuro-muscular re-educa- tion of the soldier. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 453-456. Scammel (E. H.) Disabled soldiers. Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago, 1917, xliv, 55-58. Wardle (G. J.) The Labour Party and the disabled. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, i, 232. Wieting. Leitsatze der funktionellen Nachbe- handlung kriegsohirurgischer Schaden. Sammi. klin. Vortr., Leipz., n. F.. 1915, Chirurgie Nr. 193-194, 123-165. Williams (B.) Care of crippled and blinded soldiers in Great Britain. Am. J. Care Crip- ples, N. Y., 1917, v, 95-108. Work in France and Germany [for the care of disabled soldiers]. Recalled to Life, Lond., 1917, 180-186, 3 pi. Wullstein. Die arztliche und soziale Yersorgung Schwerkriegsbeschadigter und die Tiitigkeit in den Werkstattlazaretten und den Verwunde- tenschulen. Med. Klin., Berk, 1916, xii, 226. Amis (Les) des soldats aveugles. Rapport moral, assemblee generale ordinaire tenue le 15 avril, 1916. Paris, 1916, Soc. G6n. d’ Im- pression, 17 p., 12°. Report of St. Dunstan’s Hostel for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors for the year ending March 31st, 1917. Lond., 1917, 16 p., B°. Silex (P.) Neue Wege in der Kriegsblindenfiir- sorge. 2. Aufl. Berk, 1916, S. Karger, B°. Reeducation of Blind, Deaf, and Mutes. Schlee (H.) Die Kriegskruppelfiirsorge. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg., 1915, xxxv, 503-513. Scholl. Praktische Kriegsinvalidenfiirsorge. Mtinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 41; 83. Shairp (L. V.) The re-education of disabled soldiers. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 201-211. Silberstein (A.) Kriegsinvalidenfiirsorge. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1915, xv, Hft. 6, 119-130. . Kriegsinvalidenfiirsorge und staatliche Unfallfiirsorge. Ibid., 135-148. Smitt (W. E.) Ueber Nachbehandlung der im Kriege verwundeten Heeresangehorigen. Miinchen med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 349. Sollier (P.) M6canotlterapie et reeducation motrice au point de vue psychophysiologique et moral. Paris med., 1917, xx, 246-249. Sollier (P.) & Ohartier (M.) La reeducation motrice individuelle, collective et mutuelle dans les impotences de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 209-211. Spitzy (H.) Die Nachbehandlung der Kriegs- verwundeten. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 125-131. Stassen. La reeducation professionnelle des mutiles de guerre. Arch. med. beiges, Brux., 1917, Ixx, 236-241. Stein (Gertrude R.) An employment bureau for cripples. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 185-188. Strauss (M.) Die chirurgische Nachbehand- lung der Kriegsverletzten. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 29—33. Sudeh (R.) An employment bureau for crip- pled soldiers. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, iv, 269-275. Table for armless soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 583. Thiem. Kriegsbeschildigtenfiirsorge. Mouatschr. f. Unfallheilk., Leipz., 1915, xxii, 135-139. Thornely (M. H.) Some notes from the study of the after-treatment of war injuries and dis- abilities. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 1-A. Todd (J. L.) The French system for return to civilian life of crippled and discharged sol- diers. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 5-77. Berruyer. Surdite de guerre; reeducation de 1’ ouie. Caducee, Par., 1917, xvii, 17-21. Bordley (J.) Plans of the U. S. Government for the soldiers blinded in battle. Outlook for Blind, Bosk, 1917, xi, 54-58. Cantonnet (A.) Procecte fort simple de corres- pondance entre F aveugle et le voyant (typh- lographie en caracteres usuels). Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 453-458. Castex (A.) La reeducation des sourds de guerre. (Presentation de militaires reedu- ques.) Ibid., 817. Chavanne (F.) Les sourds, leur placement, leurs intergts economiques et sociaux. Confer, interalliee p. F etude de la reeduc. profess., Rapp., Par., 1917, 349-359. Dronot (E.) Pour les sourds de la guerre; reeducation auditive, lecture sur les levres, orthophonie. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 363- 367. . La reeducation des sourds de la guerre. Ibid., 1917, i, 269-272. Electrical work for the blind. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1918, x, 63-66. Feilchenfeld (W.) & Bauer. Kriegsblinden- Fxirsorge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1324. Frbschels (B.) Uebungsschulen fiir Gehirn- kruppek (Sprachkranke und andere Gehirn- verletzte.) Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 913. Ginestons (E.) Le soldat aveugle; la reedu- cation de F ecriture par la tablette Verdon. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 176. Ginestons (B.) & Dominique (C.) La premiere education du soldat aveugle. Ibid., 201. Hartmann (F.) Uebungsschulen fiir Gehiru- kriippek (Sprachkranke und andere Ge- hirnverletzte.) Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 769. Kriiekniann (E.) Ueber Kriegsblindenfiirsorge. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 725 ; 763 ; 788. Kuh (R.) Blinde Soldaten als Masseure. Miin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1217. Lambert (C.) Methode d’ecriture et de lecture facilement accessible aux aveugles et aux voyants, mais_ specialement utilisable par les aveugles mutiles prives de leurs mains ou . The re-training of disabled men. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 380-384. To disabled soldiers and sailors : a few notes on the advantages of training for your future career. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y., 1917, v, 139-142. Yan Roy (R.) La reeducation professionnelle des mutiles. Arch. nted. beiges. Par., 1917, Ixx, 1133-1138. Ophthalmology 235 avant-bras, grace a un appareil electrique de lecture automatique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 744-746. Lannois (M.) & Chavanne (F.) La surdite de guerre bilaterale totale; reeducation auditive ou lecture sur les levres (pratique de la XIYe region). Bull.Acad. de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 150-158. Lortat-Jacob (L.) & Buvat (J. B.) Sur un .precede de guerison des sourds-muets par commotion. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. h6p. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl. 169-176. Marage. La reeducation des surdites consecu- tives a des blessures de guerre. Bull, de 1’ Inst. gdn. psyehol.. Par., 1916, xv, 5-21. Also: Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par., 1915-16, 10 s., viii, 40-54. Merle & Scbaidler. Ausbildung und Berufs- tiltigkeit der Kriegsblinden. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 468. Monprofit. L’ education des aveugles par bles- sures de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 649-656. Ranjard. Sur les cent premiers cas de surdite traites par la methode de Marage au centre de reeducation auditive de la 8e region. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxiii, 243-245. Hospital. B. E. F.. France. Ophth. Rec., Chi- cago, 1917, xxvi, 536-539. Dor (L.) Fonctionnement d’ une clinique privee d’ ophtalmologie de 20 lits pendant 17 inois de guerre. Clin, opht., Par., 1915-16, xxi, 259- 263: Duvcrger. Deux mois d’ ophtalmologie d’ ur- gence dans un hopital d’ evacuation. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1917, cliv, 585-607. Feilchenfeld (H.) Die augenarztliche Tatig- keit im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 1459-1461. Genet (L.) L’ophtalmologie sur le front. Lyon chirurg., 1914-15, xii, 674-699. Ginestous (E.) Les ophtalmologistes d’armee. Arch. med. d’ Angers, 1915, xix, 49-56. . Y oiture automobile optometrique. Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 221. Greenwood (A.) Ophthalmoscopic work in a British base hospital. Ophthalmoscope, Loud., 1916, xiv, 409^11. . Ophthalmoscopic work in the British base hospitals. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc., Phila., 1916. xiv, 529-533. Grelault. Infection des voies lacrymales en oculistique de guerre. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 71-74. Also, transl.: Monde med. [Engl, ed.], Par., 1917, xxvii, 71-74. Groenoinv. Augenerkrankungen im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1840. von Grosz (E.) Zehn Ratschlilge fur Aerzto zur Behandlung von Augenerkrankungen im Kriegsdienst. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 932. . Augenverletzungen, Augenkrankheiten und Erblinduugen im Kriege. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1217-1223. Jessop (W. 11. H.) Some ophthalmic lessons of the war. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1916, xxxvi, 1-9. Also: St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond., 1916, xxiii, 99-101. de la Sizeranne (M.) Soldats aveugles et sourds. Rev. scient., Par., 1917, i, 643-646. Terrien (F.) Remarques sur la reeducation des aveugles. Paris med.. 1916, xviii, 490- 493. Uhthoff (W.) Ueber Kriegsblinde und Kriegs- blinden-Flirsorge. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 78-81. Levied' (Manoh). Considerations cliuiques sur le centre militaire ophtalmologique de Mont- pellier (aofit 1914-juin 1915). Montpellier, 1915, 44 p., B°, *No. 21. von Szily (A.) Atlas der Kriegsaugenheil- kunde, sammt begleitendem Text. Sammlung der kriegsophthalmologischen Beobachtungeu und Erfahrungen aus der TJniversitats-Augen- klinik in Freiburg i Br. Mit einem Begleit- wort von Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Th. Axenfeld, Stuttgart, 1916, F. Enke, 194 p., B°. OPHTHALMOLOGY, . Quelques legons ophtalmologiques de la guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 193-198. Jousset (X.) La pratique ophtalmologique a 1’ avant. Gaz. med. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 23. Lacroix (A.) Notes sur le fonctionnement d’ un service ophtalmologique dans les ambulances de 1’ avant. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 482-498. Angelucci (A.) Sul problema dell’ enucleazione immediata; la rieducazione dei soldati semi- ciecchi; il tracoma nelT esercito. Appunti di oculista in un biennio di Clinica Militarizzata. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1917, xxiv, 159-17*2. Ask (F.) [The army’s need of ophthalmolo- gists. with a favorable proposition.] Tidsskr. i mil. Halsov., Stockholm, 1916, xli, 169- 177. de Lapersonne (F.) Projet d’organization des soins ophtalmologiques dans la zone des armees. Ibid., 452-454. Lowenstein (A.) Augenarztliche Beobach- tungen aus einem Notreservespital der sfid- westliehen Front. Milnchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1772. . Augenarztliche Beobachtungen aus der vorderen Reihe der Feldsanitatsanstalten. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1915, xl, 259-261. Paderstein. Zur augenarztliehen Yersorgung der Truppen. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berl., 1915, xliv, 333—335. Pollnow. Die bisherige Tatigkeit auf der von ihm geleiteten Augenstation Dreikronenloge vom Festungs-Hilfslazarett 11. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 961. Axenfeld (T.) Kriegsophthalmologische und organisatorische Erfahrungen. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1914, 276-282. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1779-1781. Bock (E.j Augenarztliches aus dem Kriege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1841-1850. Bondi (M.) Bericht der Augenabteilung (111. Abteilung) fiber das erste Kriegsjahr. Wchn- schr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1915-16, xix, 37 ; 41. Bnti (G.) Modificazioni all’ elenco delle in- fermita oculari inabilitanti. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1917, xxiv. 141-157. Cirincione (G.) Necessity di modificare il servizio oculistico nell’ esercito. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 757-761. Derby (G. S.) Ophthalmic notes from Base Hospital No. 5, U. S. Army, No. 11 General Ranch (R.) Ophthalmologische Fehlgriffe im Felde. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 113. Rochon-Dnvigneand (A.) La reforme ophtal- mologique. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1917, cliv, 1-11. Rotter (E.) Merkblatter fiir Feldunterarzte. VIII. Augenheilkunde im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 140. Ronre. Ophtalmiques a recupdrer. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 158-162. Index Medicus [War Snpp. Spiro. Augenarztliche Beobachtungen aus dem Felde. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1915, xxxix, t,49-56. Teulßres. La gene fonctionnelle de 1’ aphakie chez les blessds de guerre; son evaluation. Clin, opht., Par., 1917, xxii, 31-36. Uhthoff (W.) Kriegsophthalmologische Erfahr- ungen und Betrachtungen. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, liii, 5-9. Tisser (B. P.) [Ophthalmological experiences in war.] Mil. geneesk. Tijdschr., Utrecht, 1916, xx, 140-150. Watzold. Beurteilung der Dienstbeschadigungs- frage. Erwerbsunfahigkeit und Verstumme- lung bei Erkrankungen und Verletzungen des Anges. Mil.-arztl. Sachverst.-Tiitigk., Jena, 1917, i, 276-320. Walker (S.) The relation of the ophthalmolo- gist to military surgery. Ophth. Rec., Chi- cago, 1917, xxvi, 229-232. Weekers (L.) Organisation du service d’oph- talmologie h 1’ armee. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1917, cliv, 569-585. Wessely (K.) Augenarztliche Erfahrungen im Felde. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamtgeb. d. prakt. Med., 1915, xv, Heft. 9, 167-184, 1 pi. Zade. Ueber Augenerkrankungen im Felde. Praktische Winke und Erfahrungen. Mun- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 750; 800. Ginestous (e. ) L’ indice visuel d’aptitude au service militaire. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 718-724. . L’ aptitude visuelle du service militaire. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 432-434. Also: Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med., Bor- deaux, 1915, xxxvi, 18-20. . L’ acuitd visuelle professionnelle du soldat. Caducee, Par., 1917. xvii. 122-124. . La projection visuelle et la precision du tir. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii. 15-17. Harford (C. F.) Visual neuroses of miners in their relation to military service. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, i, 340-342. . Statistics of defective vision obtained at a recruiting medical board. Ibid., 1917, ii, 149. Henker (O.) Zur Beurteilung der Schiess- brillen. Ztschr, f. ophth. Optik. [etc.], Berl., 1914-15, ii, 65-69. ' Maddox (E. E.) Sight-testing for the army, Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, xcix, 641. O’Connor (R.) The relation of the eyes to rifle shooting. Ophthalmol., Seattle, 1915, xi, 745- 769, 1 pi. Paterson (J. V.) & Traquair (H. M.) Army standards of vision. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 537. > —7 . The visual standards used in the medical examination of recruits in the British army and continental armies. Lan- cet, Lond., 1916, i, 954. Wallace (W.) Methods of examining the vision of recruits and soldiers with special reference to assumed and real defects. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvi, 471-489. Weigelin (S.) Ueber die Hiiufigkeit der Bril- leutrager beim Feldheere. Med. Cor.-81. d. wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 179. Santos Fernandez (J.) La afakia y el servicio militar. Cron, med.-quir. de la Habana, 1916, xlii, 297-300. Schanz (F.) Schiessbrillen. Mlinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2191. Spectacled soldiers. Boston M. & S. J., 1915, clxxiii, 217. Elschnig (A.) Umfrage iiber die sympathische Ophthalmic im Zusammenhange mit den Kriegsverletzungen des Auges. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 360; 387; 423. Weekers (L.) Les enseignements de la guerre au sujet de 1’ ophthalmic sympathique. Ann. d’ocul., Par., 1917, cliv, Also .-Arch, med. beiges, Brux., 1917, Ixx, 193-206. SYMPATHETIC OPHTHALMIA. TRACHOMA. Alaimo (L.) II tracoma nell’esercito. Poli- clin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1191-1193. McMullen (J.) Trachoma and the army; the dangers incident to enlisting recruits affected with the disease. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1101-1104. Tenner (A. S.) Trachoma a civic as well as a military problem. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 227. Ginestous (E.) L’ armee franqaise perd 20000 >astigmates. Caducee, Par., 1915, xv, 99. Lagrange (F.) De la correction de 1’ astigma- tisme envisagee au point de vue du service militaire. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914, xxxiv, Also: Rev. de therap. med.-chir.. Par., 1914, Ixxxi, 433^46. Weekers (L.) Les astigmates d F armee. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 1-6. Astigmatism, See, also, Aviators. VISION. Great Britain. Army Council instruction. No. 211 of 1917. Standard of vision for general service. Lond., 1917, 1 p., B°. Blindness. Angelucci (A.) Considerazioni sulle infermitd ed imperfezioni oculari che sono causa di in- ability assoluta o temporanea al servizio mili- tate a tenore del R. Decreto 23 aprile 1914. N. 435. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1917, xxiv, 1-20. Anbineau (E.) Valeur de I’ceil aphake au point de vue militaire. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 65-68. Bourgeois (A.) Les conditions nouvelles de F aptitude visuelle au service militaire. Ca ducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 45-47. Bradbnrne (A. A.) The admission of men with glasses into the army. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1915. i. 888. Clarke (E.) Sight testing for the army. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., xcix. 576. —-. Eyesight and the war. Ibid., 1916, cii, 72-74. Also: Nature, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 552- 555. See, also, Reeducation of Blind, etc. Dickson (R. M.) Amblyopia and invaliding. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1914, xxiii, 209-212. Kolnbovski (Y. N.) [The blind and the war.] Vestnik. Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 11, 5-44. Mell (A.) Ueber Kriegsblinde. Eos, Wien, 1915, xi, 161-183. Moore (A. E.) Temporary blindness from a penetrating bullet wound of the occipital lobe. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 385. Ormond (A. W.) Short notes on thirty cases of soldiers blinded during the present war, 1914-15. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1915, xxix, 221-225. Schmidt-Rimpler (H.) Kriegsblinde. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1915, iv, 61-69. Ophthalmology. 237 Uhthoff. Augenarztliche Erfahrungen und Be- trachtungen fiber Kriegsblinde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. fieri., 1916, xlii, 468. Hegner (C. A.) Ueber seltene Formen von hemianopiscben Gesichtsfeldstorungen nach Schussverletzungen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Au- genh., Stuttg., 1915, Iv, 642-652. Holmes (G.) Disturbances of vision by cerebral lesions. Med. Press, Lond., 1917, civ, 490-492. Jessop (W. H.) On the papilloedema in gun- shot injuries of the vault of the skull. Oph- thalmoscope, Lond., 1915, xiii, 592-595. Katz (R. A.) [lnjuries of the organ of vision in gunshot wounds of the head.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 399; 515; 611; 701; 829 ; 1043 ; 1190. Kohlmeyer. Hemianopsia duplex, Kopfschuss. fieri, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 332. Functional Disorders. Evans (J. J.) Some experiences of ocular troubles in soldiers. Midland M. J., Birmingh., 1915, xiv, 81-84. Hurst (A. F.) Spiral fields of vision in hys- teria, malingering and neurasthenia. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 768. Meyer-Steineg (T.) Die Berufsstorung seh- schwach gewordener Krieger und ihre Ab- hulfe. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1915-16, xix, 33-35. Eochon-Duvigneaud. Spasme de F accommoda- tion, determinant une myopie forte et per- manente, simulant une amblyopie, chez un jeune soldat. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 17-19. Also: Rev. neurol., Par., 1914-15, xxii, 1305-1308. Russeff (K.) Zwei Falle von Lahmung des Halssympathicus mit Augenerscheinungen bei Kriegsverletzungen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berk, 1915, xxxiii, 291-310. Stock (W.) Wie kann man schwachsichtig gewordenen Soldaten das Lesen wieder er- moglichen? Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 964. Marie (P.) & Chatelin (C.) Les troubles visuels dus aux lesions des voies optiques in- tracfirebrales et de la sphere visuelle corticale dans les blessures du crane par coup de feu. Rev. neurol., Par., 1914-15, xxii, 882-925. , . Les troubles visuels dus aux lesions des voies optiques intracerebrales dans les blessures de 1’ encdphale par coup de feu. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 535-543. , . Scotomes paramaculaires he- mianopsiques par lesion occipitale et scotome maculaire par lesion retinienne unilaterale chez le meme bless 6. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 2. semes., 112-115. Meyerhof (M.) Beitrag zur unteren Hemian- opsie nach Schadelschuss. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Angenh., Stuttg., 1916, Ivi, 62-65. Morax (Y.) L’ hemianopsie par contusion du crane. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 112- 121. Disorders Following Cranio-Cerebral Wounds. Poppelreuter (Walter). Die psychischen Schadigungen durch Kopfschuss im Kriege 1914-16. fiand I. Die Storungen der niederen und hoheren Sehleistungen durch Verletzun- gen des Occipitalhirns. Leipz., 1917, L. Voss, B°. . Projectiles intra-craniens multiples ayant donne lieu a plusieurs syndromes ocu- laires ; hemianopsie homonyme, keratite neuro- paralytique, paralysie des dextrogyres. Ibid., 1917, cliv, 300-307. von Mutscheubaclier (T.) Sehstorungeu bei Schadelverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 1471-1473. Axenfeld (T.) Hemianopische Gesichtsfeld- storungen nach Schadelschiissen. Klin. Mo- natsbk f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1915, n. F., xx, 126-143. Heauvieux. Les troubles visuels dans les bles- sures par coup de feu de la sphere visuelle corticale ou des radiations optiques. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 410, 1 pk, 458, 1 pk ; 560 ; 617. Beck (O.) Schadelschuss mit Cochlearerscheiu- ungen und Augenmuskellahmungen. Mo- natschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berk u. Wien, 1915, xlix, 428-430. Cantonnet (A.) La stase papillaire chez les blesses du crane. Paris med., 1917, xx, 286. Oehmig. Ein Fall von rechtsseitiger homony- mer Hemianopsie nach Granatsplitterverletz- ung am Hinterkopf. Ibid., 1915, xli, 239. Rosenmeyer. Fall von transitorischer Rinden- blindheit durch Verletzung am Hinterhaupt. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 18. vou Szily (A.) Zur Kenntnis der Augenhinter- grunds-Veranderungen nach Schadelverwund- ungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Terrien (F.) & Yinsonneau. Hemianopsie par blessures de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914-15, xxxiv, 785-801. Cerise (L.) Traumatismes de guerre. Deux cas d’ hemianopsie double avec conservation de la vision maculaire. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, v, 297-301. Coutela. Des troubles visuels par commotion crhnienne; des troubles visuels d’ ordre com- motionnel par traumatisme cranien. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 539-556. Delorme (E.) Sur la frequence des troubles des organes des sens, et en particulier de la vision dans les blessures de la tSte par les projectiles. Bulk Acad, de med. Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 297-402. Frenkel (H.) Sur un cas de scotome _ para- maculaire avec abaissement de F acuitd visuelle par blessure de la region occipitale. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 218-226. Gerstmann (J.) Ein Fall von Schussverletzung des rechten Os occipitale mit homonymer He- mianopsie der gleichen Seite. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1750. Ginestons (E.) & Bernard (P.) Hemianopsie inferieure par blessure de guerre. Paris m6d., 1915-16, xvii, 349-352. , . Note compldmentaire sur les hemianopsies par blessures de guerre. Hid., 1916, v, 286-287. Uhthoff (W.) Beitriige zu. den hemianopiscben Gesicbtsfeldstoruugen nach Schadelschiissen, besonders solchen im Bereich des Hinter- hauptes. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1915, n. F., xx, 104-125. Yelter (E.) Ltude clinique de cinq cas d’he- mianopsie par blessure de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 151-167. Villaret (M.) & Rives (A.) L’hemianopsie bilaterale homonyme en quadrant seul reliquat de blessures graves du lobe occipital. Paris m6d., 1916, vi, 20—23. Waddy (R. G.) A case of destruction of cortical visual centres by a rifle bullet. Ophthalmo- scope, Lond., 1915, xiii, 175-179. Yealland (L. R.) Case of gunshot wound in- volving visual centre, with visual disorienta- tion. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Ophthalmol. Sect., 97-100. 238 Index Medicus [War Supp. Anharet. L’ hemeralopie des tranchees. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 552. Best (F.) Ueber Nachtblindheit im Pelde. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 1121- 1124. Beiittenmiiller. Ueber Nachtblindheit im Felde. Hemeralopia. Levy (W.) Osteoplastischcr Ersatz des In- fraorbitalrandes nach Kriegsverletzungen. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz., 1915, xlii, 489-493. Magitot. La refection des paupieres et de la cavitd orbitaire appliquee aux blessures de guerre cicatrisees. Clin, opht., Par., 1915-16, xxi, 360-364. Morax (Y.) L’ operation de la cataracte chez les blessds militaires. Ann. d’ ocuh, Par., 1914, clii, 343. Morestin (H.) Reconstitution de 1’ os malaire et du rebord orbitaire par transplantation cartilagineuse. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, xlii, 1306-1310. . Reconstitution de 1’ os malaire et de la Ibid., 1207. . . Birch-Hirschfeld. Ueber Nachtblindheit im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnscbr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1306. Braunschweig. Kurze-Mitteilung fiber die epi- demische Hemeralopie im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 308—310. Frenkel (H.) L’ hdmeralopie chez les mobilises de 1’ int6rieur. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 577-579. Landolt (M.) Les troubles de la vision noc- turne chez les soldats. Ibid., 580-605. Meyerhof (M.) Nachtblindheit als Kriegs- krankheit. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz., 1916, xl, 2—6. Also, transl.: Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis, 1916, xxxiii, 139-143. Paul. Beobachtungen iiber Nachtblindheit im Pelde. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 1548-1550. Bauch (R.) Ursacho und Folge der vermin- derten Dunkelanpassung im Felde [ambula- torische Nachtblindheit]. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, xxix, 1268-1271. True (H.) L’ hemeralopie dans 1’ armee. Mont- pel. med., 1916, xxxix, 269-273. Weekers (L.) La cecitd nocturne chez les sol- dats (hemeralopie). Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 361-364. Wietfeldt. Avitaminose als Ursache der Nacht- blindheit im Felde. Bcmerkung zu “ Beobacht- ungen iiber Nachtblindheit im Felde ” von Dr. Paul. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 1743. moitie externe du contour orbitaire par trans- plantation cartilagineuse. Ibid., 1314. . Reconstitution de 1’ os malaire et du contour orbitaire par transplantation carti- lagineuse. Ibid., 2003-2009. -. Deux cas de reconstitution de 1’ os malaire et du contour orbitaire a. 1’ aide de transplants cartilagineux. Ibid., 1700-1707. Rollet. Prothese orbito-palpebrale en cire et caoutchouc chez les blesses de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 134-138. Rosenhauch (E.) Ophthalmologisch-kriegschir- urgische Erfahrungen. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 342-347. Sachse (B.) Ueber eine neue Methode zerschos- sene und verunstaltete Augenhohlen zu dehnen und zu formen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1815-1817. de Saint-Martin. De la chirurgie oculaire dans les ambulances de 1’ avant au cours de la pre- miere ann6e de la guerre (aoht 1914-iuillet 1915). Ann. d’ ocuk, Par., 1916, cliii, 7-22. Sonrdille. Prothese oculaire chez les blesses de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, v, 356- 362. Steindorff (K.) Die Kriegschirurgie des Sehor- gans. Berl. klin. Wchnscbr., 1914, li, 1787- 1789. SURGERY OF THE EYE AND ORBIT. Terrien (F.) Traumatismes de guerre. Repara- tion des lesions conjonctivales et palpebrales par blessures de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, v, 350-355. Greenwood (Allen). Military ophthalmic sur- gery. Phila. & N. Y., 1917, Lea & Febiger, 115 p., 12°. WOUNDS OF THE EYE. Angelucci (A.) Sulle enucleazioni degli occhi feriti in guerra e la rieducazione dei soldati semiciechi. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 573-576. Bernheimer. Ueber Lid- und Bindehautplastik bei Kriegsverletzungen der Augen. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 719. Bichon (A.) Quelques observations de chirurgie oculaire de guerre. Arch. m§d. d’ Angers, 1917, xxi, 46-50. Carlotti & Bailleul (L. C.) Implantation dans la cavity orbitaire d’ un fragment de cartilage costal pour obtenir un support mobile de piece artificielle. Ann. d’ ocuk, Par., 1914-15, clii, 401-411. Deutschmann (R.) Ueber Enukleation und Exenteration verletzter Augen im Felde. Mttn- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1488. Feilchenfeld (H.) The work of the ophthalmic surgeon in war. Ophthalmoscope, Bond., 1916, xiv, 601-606. Garsonnin. La prothese oculaire. Chron. med., Par., 1917, xxiv, 184, 1 fig. GrMneaux (P.) L’enucleation dans les trau- matismes oculaires observes au cours_ de_ la campagne; ses indications et contre-indica- tions. Rev. internat. de med. et de chir., Par., 1914-16, xxv, 295-297. Igersheimer (J.) Ueber operative Erfahr- ungen bei Kriegsverletzungen des Auges. Klin. Monatsbk f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1915, n. F., xix, 585-601. See, also, Eye Protectors. Duthil (Jean-Marie-Louis). Des lesions d’ ebranlement et de contact du globe ocu- laire dans les traumatismes de guerre. Bor- deaux, 1917, 44 p., B°, *No. 21. Adam (C.) Augenverletzungen im Kriege und ihre Behandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1914, x, 1705; 1732; 1756; 1786; 1817; 1915, xi, 32; 67. Angelucci (A.) L’occhio dei soldati, dalla visita d’ idoneita alle malattie e ferite di guerra. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1917, xxiv, 113-140. . Qualche appunto sullo state psichico dei feriti in guerra agli occhi. Giro, di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 997—1002. Bahr (C.) Ratschliige fiir die erste Wund- behandlung bei Augenverletzungen im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 696. Bernheimer (S.) Beitriige zu den Kriegsver- wundungen des Auges. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1914, xxvii, 1481. Birch-Hirschfeld (A.) Einige bemerkenswerte Falle von Augenverletzungen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berk, 1915, xxxiv, 71-77. . Ueber Kriegsschadigungen des Auges und augenarztliche Yersorgung der Truppen. Ibid., 266-279. Also [Abstr.] : Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 960. Ophthalmology 239 . Ueber einen Fall von Papillenzerreis- sung (lurch. Schnssverletzung. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berk, 1915, xxxiv, 289-291. ■ . Zerreissung der Papille durch Ge- wehrscbuss. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 273. Bourdier (P.) Sclerectomie par blessure de guerre avee integrity de la vision. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 239-241. . Plaies pendtrantes du globe oculaire; leur traitement al’ armee. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 494—497. Also: Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 522. Also: Progres mdd., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 149: 160; 166; 173. Brunetihre & Amabric. Hdmorragie grave con- secutive a une plaie etendue de la scldrotique. Suture de la plaie sclerale; guerison fonc- tionnelle. Clin, opht., Par., 1917, xxii, 267- 272. Elschnig. Kriegsverletzungen des Auges. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 553-556. Fleischer (B.) Ueber die bisher beobachteten Kriegsverletzungen der Augen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 98. Ginestous (E.) Recherches statistiques sur 1’ dtiologie generate des blessures oculaires de guerre. Progres mdd., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 195-197. Gremeaux (P.) Lesions oculaires consdcutives al’ action des gaz lacrymogenes. Hid., 1916, Griffith (A. D.) Injuries of the eye and orbit. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1916, xxvii, 3. s., xxxi, 157. 771-782. Grignolo (F.) Contribute alio studio delle lesioni traumatiche oculari in guerra. Emi- anopsia omonima da ferita nella regione cor- tieale. Gior. d. r. Aecad. di med. di Torino, 1916, Ixxix, 214-225. von Grdsz (E.), Zehn Ratschlage fur Aerzte zur Behandlung von Augenverletzungen und Augenerkrankungen im Kriegsdienst. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 105. Guglianetti (L.) Sui traumatism! di guerra del bulbo oculare, con particolare riguardo alle alterazioni indirette delle membrane pro- fonde. Arch, di ottal., Napoli, 1916, xxiii, 1; 57; 121. Handmauu. Ueber Augenverletzungen durch Bleispritzer von aufschlagenden Infanteriege- schossen. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berk, 1915, xxxiv, 81-88. Harry (P. A.) Treatment of eye injuries in soldiers. Prescribe!', Edinb., 1916, x, 103. Hertel (E.) Ueber Yerletzungen des Seh- organes im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 2025-2027. Also: Strassb. med. Ztg., 1914, xi, 130-135. von Hess (C.) Ueber die wichtigsten Augenver- letzungen im Krieg und ihre erste Behandlung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1607. Jessop (W. H. H.) Discussion on ophthalmic injuries in warfare. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. King- dom, Lond., 1914-15, xxxv, 1-68. Katz (R. A.) [Field surgery of the eye, bor- derline of ophthalmology and surgery.] Vest- nik Tsarskoselsk. Raiona, Petrogr., 1916, ii, No. 12, 9-12; 1917, iii, No. 1, 33-51. Knapp (P.) Kriegsschadigungen der Sehor- gane. Cor.-Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1916, xlvi, 1185-1201. Kruckmann (E.) Ueber Augenverletzungen im Kriege. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 348. . Ueber Kriegsverletzungen des Auges. Ztschr. f. arztk Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 545- 549. -. Ueber Augenverletzungen und liber Diensttauglichkeit. Mik-arztk Sachverst.- Tatigk., Jena, 1917, i, 233-275. de Lapersonne (F.) Blessures de guerre orbito- oculaires. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914, xxxiv, 493-501. . Indications opdratoires dans les bles- sures de guerre orbito-oculaires. Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 41-44. . Blessures de guerre; plaies de 1’ ceil par petits dclats. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, xxxv, 129. . Indications dans le traitement des corps Strangers intra-oculaires par blessures de guerre. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1918, 3. s., Ixxix, 134—137. Mcßeynolds (J. O.) Gunshot injuries of the eyeball. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth, 1916-17, xii, 28-30. Magitot (A.) Les plaies oculaires en chirurgie de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil.. Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 497-499. . Les plaies de 1’ ceil en pratique de guerre. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1917, xxxi, 657. Caillaud. Un cas d’ exophtalmie pulsatile double par blessure de guerre. Action de la ligature des carotides internes. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916-17, xxxv, 746-753. Campbell (J. A.) Perforating gunshot wounds of the eye. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., Lan- caster, Pa., 1917, xxiii, 689-698. Cantonnet (A.) Blessures de guerre. Arch, d’opht.. Par., 1914, xxxiv, 582; 651; 693. Cassimatls. Des blessures oculaires de guerre. Clin, opht., Par., 1916, xxi, 29-31. Contela (C.) Des incapacites permanentes d’ origine oculaire et de leur indemnisation au point de vue militaire. Arch, d’ opht.. Par., 1916, xxxv, 17-32. Cosmettatos (G. F.) Blessures des yeux par des bombes 8, main pendant la guerre. Clin, opht., Par., 1914, xx, 639-642. . Yerletzungen der Augen wahrend des Krieges durch indirekte Geschosse. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1915, Ixxviii, 29-34. . Augenverletzungen durch Artilleriege- schosse. Hid., 39-43. ■ . Yerletzungen der Augen durch Gewehr- kugelschiisse wahrend des Krieges. Hid., 129-139. Cramer _(E.) Ueber die vollige Ausreissung (Avulsio) des Augapfels mit alien Muskeln durch Gewehrschuss. Munchen. med. Wchn- schr., 1915, Ixii, 456. Cunningham (J. F.) Notes on some war wounds of the eye and orbit. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1916, xiv, 412—419. Also: Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond., 1916, xxxvi, 147- 167. Cousin (G.) De quelques formes prdcoces de reactions sympathiques a la suite des bles- sures de guerre. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916, v, 362-374. Dantrelle. Lesions maculaires dans les bles- sures de guerre. Hid., 1914-15, xxxiv, 745- 759, 1 pi. . De quelques cas de stase papillaire consecutive a des blessures de guerre. Ibid., 1916, xxxv, 167-174. Darier (A.) Blessures oculaires de guerre. Clin, opht., Par., 1914, xx, 642-650. Also: Bull. Acad, de mdd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 455. Also: J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 304-309. Also; Gaz. mdd. de Par., 1915, Ixxxvi, 48. Also: Clinique, Mon- treal, 1915-16, n. s., vi, 63-68. Denti (F.) Lesioni dell’occhio in guerra. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1916, Ixxv, 183-185. Di Giuseppe (T.) Lesioni oculari sulla linea del fuoco. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 577-579. Dnverger. La resection du segment anterieur comme traitement d’ urgence des plaies de guerre du globe. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916- 17, xxxv, 705-720. Index Medicus [War Snpp, Manolescu (D. N.) [Eye-wounds in the war.] Spitalul, Bucuresci, 1915, xxxv, 21-35. Monbrun (A.) Alterations du grand sympa- thique dans les blessures de guerre de 1’ ceil et de 1’ orbite. Arch, d’ opbt., Par., 1916, xxxv, 144-151. Monbrun (A.) & Athanassio-Benisty (Mine.) Syndrome sympathique (troubles douloureux, vaso-moteurs et secretaires) dans certaines blessures de guerre de 1’ ceil. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 906-910. Morax ( V.) Conseils pour le traitement d’ur- gence des plaies de guerre interessant les yeux. Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 599. . Notes sur le pronostic et la technique de 1’ extraction des eclats magnetiques intra- oculaires. Ann. d’ ocub, Par., 1916, cliii, 456- 463. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 277. Schreiber (L.) Beurteilung der Kriegsverletz- ungen des Sehorgans. Miinchen. med. Wcbn- scbr., 1915, Ixii, 1620-1623. Sbimkin (N. I.) [Eye injuries in the pi’esent war; based on 238 personal cases, and 341 cases of the Principal Eye Clinic of the Uni- versity of Kiyev.] Vestnik Oftalmol., Mosk., _ 1916, xxxiii, 77; 105. Silex. Ueher yerletzungen des Sehorgans und liber Kriegshlindenfiirsorge. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, liii, 439. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1916, Ixiii, 571. Stack (E. H. E.) Gunshot injuries to the eyes. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1915, xxxiii, 198-206. Stock. Kriegsverletzungen der Augen. Deutsche med. Wchnscbr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 843. Terrien (F.) Les blessures de guerre orbito- oculaires. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 338-349. Valois (G.) & Rouveix. Les borgnes de la guerre. Ann. d’ ocul., Par., 1916, cliii, 519- 529. ■ . Glaucome secondaire aux blessures du globe avec dclats intra-oculaires. Ibid., 1917, cliv, 11-24. Morax (V.) & Moreau (F.) Ltiologie des bles- sures oculaires par projectiles de guerre. Ibid., 1916, cliii, 321-332. Moreau. Traitement precoce des plaies oculaires et palpebrales de guerre. Clin, opht., Par., 1915-16, xxi, 364-375. Oehmig. Schwere Augenverletzungen. Deutsche med. Wchnscbr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 390. Ohlemann. Ueher einige Schusswunden der Augen. Wchnscbr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1913-14, xvii, 65. . Die Augenverwundungen im Kriege und ihre Rentenbewertung. Wchnscbr. f. Therapie u. Hyg. d. Auges, Dresd., 1915-16, xix, 97-99. Oleyuick (Rosa). Ueher die in der Augensta- tion des Festungshilfslazaretts I Konigsberg i. Pr. beobachteten Augenverletzungen wiihrend der ersten sieben Kriegsmonate. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berk, 1915, xxxiv, 301-310. Oloif. Ueher Kriegsschildigungeu des Auges. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 275- 277. Yelhagen. Eine sehr wichtige Kriegsverletzung der Augen. Miinchen. med. Wchnscbr., 1915, Ixii, 310. Walker (S.) jr. Ophthalmic injuries and treat- ment in the present war. Ophthalmology, Seattle, 1916, xii, 478. Bielschowsky (A.) Ueher Sehstorungen im Kriege ohne objektiven Augenbefund. Miin- chen. med. Wchnscbr., 1914, Ixi, 2443-2445. Bourgeois (A.) Traumatismes graves de I’ceil par blessures de guerre, sans lesions immd- diatement apparentes. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914-15, xxxiv, 766-769. Durand. Traumatisme de la conjonctive deter- mine par 1’ eclatement des gros projectiles de guerre. Rev. internal, de med. et de chir., Par., 1917, xxviii, 104. Frenkel (H.) Sur le plissement en cercles de la retine par contusion du segment posterieur (lesions de la retine par vent du boulet). Ann. d’ ocuk, Par., 1917, cliv, 24-33. Oinestous (E.) Lesions chorio-retiniennes par blessures de guerre sans alteration apparente du globe. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xxxvii, 164 ; 171. Lagrange. Des desordres oculaires mddiats ou indirects par les armes 1 feu. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914, xxxiv, 657-667, 2pk Also: Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiii, 591- 601. Indirect Injuries of the Eye. Ormond (A. W.) Injuries to the eye in war- fare. Ophth. Rev., Lond., 1915, xxxiv, 225- 239. . Ophthalmic injuries of warfare. Prac- titioner, Loud., 1916, xcvi, 491-500. Petit (P.) Suites eloignees des plaies du globe dans les blessures de guerre et notammeut con- sequences tardives des corps etrangers intra- oculaires ignores. Ann. d’ ocuk, Par., 1916, cliii, 273-283. Deux _pas de brQlures oculaires graves par liquide caustique (hlessure de guerre). Ibid., 472-475. Popolf (V.) [Ophthalmological notes: Pour gun-shot wounds of the eyes, out of 7500 wounded, Russians and prisoners.] Vestnik Oftalmol., Mosk., 1915, xxxii, 451. Possek (R.) Ueher Kriegsverletzungen des Auges. Wien. klin. Wchnscbr., 1915, xxviii, 387-389. Ranch (R.) Indirekte Kriegsschadigungen des Sehorganes, Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 295-297. Terrien (F.) De quelques troubles visuels con- secutifs a V eclatement des obus; lesions medi- ates fi, distance, et troubles sans lesions. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1914, xxxiv, 633-650. Wilson (S. A. K.) An address on concussion injuries of the visual apparatus in warfare of central origin. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 1-5. Zorab (A.) “ Concussion rupture ”in warfare ; a warning. Ophthalmoscope, Lond., 1915, xiii, 597. Rollet (E.) & Mangini (L.) Lesions des membranes profondes de r ceil par blessures de guerre avec integrity du globe. Lyon chir., 1914-15, xii, 397-402, 4 pk Also: Clin, opht., Par., 1916, xxi, 69-74, 4 pk Rollet & Velter (E.) Lesions chorio-retiniennes par blessures de guerre; d’ apres 343 observa- tions personnelles. Arch, d’ opht., Par., 1916- 17, xxxv, 385-396, 1 pk Sager (W.) Zwei seltene Schrotschussverletz- ungen des Auges. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Konturschiisse des Auges und der Sehnervenverletzungeu. Ztschr. f. Au- genh., Berk, 1915, xxxiii, 36-55. Salzer (F.) Schussverletzungen in der Augen- gegend. Berk klin. Wchnscbr., 1915, lii, 225. Wounds of the Orbit- Lagrange (Felix). Les fractures de I’orbite par blessures de guerre. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Bonrgain & Donnot. Plaie de 1’ angle interne de 1’ orbite, par cartouche frangaise. [Rapp, de Tuffier.] Bulk et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1915, n. s., xli, 815-818. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 241 Case of an unusually large bit of shell removed from the right orbit. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1916, xxx. 377, 1 pi. Gutmann (A.) Ueber Querschlager bei Augen- hohlen-Gesichtshohlenschtissen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1036- 1038. Julliard (C.) Destruction de tout le rebord externe de 1’ orbite. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 907. Koenig (E.) & Lafage. Troubles oculaires con- secutifs a un hematome de 1’ orbite par bles- sure de guerre. Rev. neurol., Par., 1914, xxii, 409-411. Lagrange. Des desordres de 1’ appareil visuel dans les traumatismes_ de 1’ orbite par armes a, feu, avec conservation du globe oculaire; leur pathologie. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 771-781. . Les desordres de la vision dans les traumatisme de F orbite par armes h feu. Gaz. med. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 106. Plocher (R.) Ueber orbitale Steckschiisse, ihre Symptomatologie, Prognose und Therapie. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg., 1916, Ivi, 27-61. Gradenigo (G.) Malattie dell’ orecchio, naso_, faringe e laringe nei militari. Arch. ital. di otol. (etc.), Torino, 1916, xxvii, 525-540. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1916, Ixiv, 888-900. Grazzi (Y.) Le esenzioni dal servizio militare sotto il rapporto della oto-rino-laringologia. 8011. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1916, xxxiv, 1-13. Harty (J. P.) Experiences of an ear, nose and throat specialist at one of the bases. Bristol M.-Chir. J., 1916, xxxiv, 39-49, 2 pi. Hug. Kriegschirurgische Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen an den Ohren und obern Luft- wegen Internierter. Cor.-81. f. Schweiz. Aerzte. Basel, 1917, xlvii, 1205-1207. Lubet-Barbon. InconvEnients et dangers des Evacuations des blessEs ou malades oto-rhino- laryngologiques d’ un centre sur un autre, sauf cas speciaux et exceptionnels. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.]. Par., 1916, i, 369. Moure (E. J.) Guide ou vade-mecum de 1’ oto- rhino-laryngologiste en temps de guerre. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 700-717. . B’ oto-rhino-laryngologie en temps de guerre. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1914- 15, ii, 281-284. . Considerations cliniques sur F otorhino- laryngologic en temps de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915. 3. s., Ixxiii, 244-247. O’Malley (,T. F.) Warfare neuroses of the throat and ear. Lancet, Bond., 1916, i, 1080- 1082. 801 l (G. W.) Bullet wound of orbit. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1914-15, viii, Ophthal- mol. Sect.. 94. Shimkin (N. I.) [Gun shot injuries of the orbit and its contents in the war.] Vestnik Oftalmol., Mosk., 1916, xxxiii, 155-218, 5 pi. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY. Onodi (A.) [Rhinological and laryngological cases from the battle front.] Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1915, lix, 167 ; 237 ; 251; 482. Also, transl.: Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen-. Kehlkopf- heilk., Leipz., 1916, xcviii, 244-260. de Parrel (G.) Centre d’ oto-rhino-laryngologie de F avant. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1915, xxix, 826-828. Putelli (F.) L’ otorinolaringologia ele infer- mita esimenti dal servizio militare. Arch, ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 26-32. Also: Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 664- 667. Thost. Schiisse Oder Yerletzungen an Hals- organen. Nase und an Ohren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 963. Cannyt (Jacques Georges). Considerations cliniques sur F oto-rhino-laryngologie en temps de guerre (ler septembre 1914 au ler Jan- vier, 1915). Bordeaux, 1915, A. Destout Aine & Cie., 125 p., B°, * No. 7. Ramsay'(Andrew Maitland), Grant (J. Dun- das) [et al.] Injuries of the eyes, nose, throat and ears. Bond., 1915, Oxford Press, 160 p., 12°. Alexander (G.) Gewehrkugeldurchschuss des Kopfes (linkes Ohr—rechte Nasenbffnung). Linksseitige Innenohraffektion mit bedeuten- der Herabsetzung der Horscharfe und period- isch auftretenden Reizerscheinungen von Seiten des statischen Labyrinths. Mund- sperre. Heilung der labyrintharen Reizer- scheinungen und der Mundsperre. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1915, xlix, 499. Hardier. Questions otologiques; mesure de F acuitE auditive des blessEs ou malades; les sourds de la guerre; aptitude militaire des otorrhEiques. Arch, de mEd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 500. Also: Presse med., Par., 1916. xxiv, 521. Giro (C.) Note di otoiatria militare. Arch, ital. di otol [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 481- 484. Foy (R.) Btude et applications des mouve- ments rEactionnels en otologie de guerre. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 342- 349. OTOLOGY. Berruyer. Notes de pratique oto-rhino-laryn- gologique en temps de guerre. CaducEe, Par., 1916, xvi. 97-99. Brindel. Utilisation des compEtences oto-rhino- laryngologiques dans la zone des armees. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1916, i, 370-373. Caldera (C.) Contribute casuistico alia trau- matologia otorinolaringoiatrica di guerra. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 194-198. Castellan! (L.) Osservazioni oto-rino-laringol- ogiche di guerra. Ibid., 1917, xxviii, 44; 86; 129. Friedrich (E. P.) Die ohrenarztlichen Aufga- ben im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1912-1914. Gradenigo (G.) SulF esperimento di Valsalva specialmente nei riguardi di medicina militare. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med di Torino, 1916, 4. s., xxiii, 489-501. . La sorte degli otorroici nei nostro esercito. Ibid., 1917, 4. s., xxiii, 365-371. Also: Gior. di med. mil., 1917, ixv, 647-652. Kbnig. Als Ohrenarzt bei einer Sanitatskom- pagnie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 774-776. Marriage (H. J.) War injuries and neuroses of otological interest. J. Laryngol., Bond., 1917, xxxii, 186. De Carli (D.) A proposito delle imperfezioni ed infermita riguardanti F orecchio, il naso e la gola, causa di invalidity assoluta o tem- poranea al servizio militare. Gior. di med. mil., 1917, Ixv, 668-670. Denker (A.) Ueber Kriegsverletzungen am Ohr, den oberen Luftwegen und den Grenzgebieten. Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh., Leipz., 1915, xcviii, 1-32. Finder (G.) Hals- und Nasenerkrankungen im Kriege. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 335-337. Index Medicus rWar Supp. Pogany (E.) Kriegsverletzungen des Ohres und Ohrenleiden. Pest med.-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1915, li, 75. Lermoyez (M.) La surditE de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1915, xxiii, 57-59. Also, transl.: Rev. valenc. de cien. mEd., Valencia, 1915, xvii, 181-184. Mcßride (P.) War deafnesses. Lancet, Lend., 1917, ii, 658; 836. Marage. Classement des soldats sourds d’ apres leur degrE d’ audition. Compt. rend Acad. d. sc., Par., 1916, clxii, 801-804. . La durEe des surditEs de guerre. Ibid., 1917, clxiv, 693-695. . La tension artErielle chez les sourds de la guerre. Ibid., 416-418. —. Le traitement des surdites de guerre. Progres mEd., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 155. . Les surdites de guerre; leur mesure, leur traitement. Rev. scient., Par., 1917, i, 100-108. Maupetit (R.) L’ assourdisseur en otologie de guerre. Rev. de laryngoi. [etc.], Par., 1916, i, 379-382. de Parrel (G.) Surdite de guerre et xnethode orale. Ibid., 401-423. Prenant & Oastex (A.) Recherches expEri- mentales et histologiques sur la commotion des labyrinthes (surdites de guerre). Paris med., 1917, xix, 197-201. Kanjard (R.) Les surdites par obusite. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 195- 198. Audition. Brunetti (F.) L’organo uditivo durante le guerra. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 1049-1054. Legrand (M.-A.) L’examen de I’audition de la parole chez les militaires. CaducEe, Par., 1916. xvi, 51. Love (K.) Hearing in the army. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Bond., 1916, xxyii, 649- 651. Moure, Lannois & Hautant. Moyen d’ Etablir 1’ acuite auditive des blesses ou malades at- teints d’ affection des oreilles; necessity de 1’ Etablissement d’ une feuille auditive; ap- pareils en registreurs automatiques. Rev. de laryngoi. [etc.], Par., 1916. xxxv, 357-367. Moui’e (E. J.) & Pietri (P.) L’ organe de 1’ audition pendant la guerre. Ibid., 1917, xxxviii, 153; 185. Deafness. See, also, Deafness, etc., from Shell-Shock; Malingering; Re-education of Blind, etc. Bourgeois (H.) & Sourdille. Otites et surdites de guerre. Paris, 1917, Masson & Cie., 12°. Bruck (F.) Enter welchen Yoraussetzungen macht auch eine noch geringfiigige Schwer- horigkeit fur sich allein schon untauglich zum Kriegsdienst? Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 2294. Castex (A.) SurditEs de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 547. Escat (E.) Classement des surdites en degres; mEthode pratique d’ Evaluation de 1’ acuite auditive en vue de 1’ aptitude au service mili- taire. Rev. de laryngoi. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 409-426. Foy (R.) Examen des surdites de guerre; pro- cEdEs nouveaux d’ acouraetrie. Presse mEd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 595-597. Gault. Sur 1’ utilisation du rEflexe cochlEo- orbiculaire (ou cochlEo-palpEbral) chez les sourds de guerre. Rev. de laryngoi. [etc.], Par., 1916, i, 367-369. Got (A.) Quelques remarques sur la surditE de guerre par lEsion de 1’ oreille interne. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. mEd. de Bordeaux, 1915, xxxvi, 50-52. Also: Rev. de laryngoi. [etc.], Par., 1916, i, 1-8. Also, transl.: J. Laryngoi., Lond., 1916,_ xxxi, 374-380. Haenlein, Fiirsorge fur ertaubte und schwer- horige Krieger. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 607. •. Contribution a 1’ Etude du diagnostic de la surdite de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 289-291. . SymptSmes et diagnostic des surditEs par obusite. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 279- 283. Scott (S.) Histological preparations of the labyrinths and tympana of a soldier suffering from deafness due to a bullet wound of the vertex of the skull. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Otol. Sect., 28-31. War deafness. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 476. Yearsley (M.) An air raid case [deafness]. J. Laryngoi., Lond., 1917, xxxii, 273. Diseases of the Ear. Baldenweck. Conduite a suivre sur le front pour le traitement des affections de 1’ oreille. Rev. gEn. de din. et de thErap., Par., 1915, xxix, 800. Heine. Behandlung beginnender Ohrerkrank- ungen im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1795. Kiinunel (W.) Ohrenerkrankungen im Felde. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1914. Molinie (J.) Les otopathies et la guerre. Presse mEd., Par., 1916, xxiv, 525. . Les otopathies de guerre. Arch, de mEd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1916-17, Ixvi, 499. Moure (E.-J.) & Pietri (P.) L’organe de 1’ audition pendant la guerre. 1. Labyrinth- isme, examen fonctionnek Ibid., 1916, Ixv, 809-837. Passow (A.) Hbrstorungen und Ohrenleiden. Mik-arztk Sachverst. Tatigk., Jena, 1917, ii, 1-15. Schlittler (E.). Ueber die Erkrankungen des Gehdrorgans in der schweizer ArmEe. Cor.- Bk f. Schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1917, xlvii, 721; 757; 776. Hurst (A. F.) & Peters (E. A.) War deaf- nesses. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 622. Ihhotson (W.) Some practical points in ex- amination, diagnosis and treatment of certain forms of deafness. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, ii, 304-315. Jobson (T. B.) Normal gun-deafness. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 566. Kathariner (L.) Ueber die Behandlung der traumatischen Taubheit. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1558. Lannois & Chavanne. Des surditEs totales par Eclatement d’ obus. Bulk Acad, de mEd., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxviii, 105-108. , . Le pronostic des surditEs de guerre (d’ apres 1000 cas). Lyon mEd., 1915, cxxv, 35-40. , . Le pronostic des surditEs de guerre. Ibid., 1916, cxxv, 209. Lautier. Le traitement des surditEs de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 419-421. Inflammation of the Middle Ear. Baldenweck (L.) Comment trailer les otites aux armEes. Rev. gEn. de din. et de thErap., Par., 1916, xxx, 283-285. Biehl. Chronische Mittelohreiterung und Kriegsdiensttauglichkeit. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1916, xxix, 997-999. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 243 Bobone (T.) Come si devono curate le otiti alia fronte. 8011. d. mal. d. orecchio, d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1916, xxxiv, 109-112. de Cigna (V.) Otitiei e servizio militare in guerra. Gior. d. med. mil., Roma, 1918, Ixvi, 39^4. Imhofer (R.) Chronische Mittelohreiterung und Kriegsdiensttauglichkeit. Militararzt. Wien, 1915, xlix, 385-389. Royet (G.) Otites de guerre; de 1’ otite moyenne Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 516-519. Also: Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 59-61. Trible (G. B.) Suppurative otitis media, and its complications from a military standpoint. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 509-514. Hofer (I.) Ueber Kriegsverletzungen des Ohres. Wien. klin. Wcbnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1225- 1227. Khoronzhitski (B. I.) [lnjuries of the audi- tory apparatus in battle.] Russk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, xiv, 779-782. Klestadt (W.) Ueber Anzeige und Art der ersten Behandlung von Ohrschussverletzungen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1499- 1501. Krebs (G.) Ohrbeschadigungen im Pelde. Ibid., 1915. Ixii, 347-349. Luzzati (A.) Contributo alia traumatologia di guerra dell’ orecchio. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 541-550. Also: Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1917, xxiii, 38-44. Malan (A.) Traumatologia di guerra: rottura del timpano e frattura del manico del martello da scoppio di granata. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 78. Peyser (A.) Gehdrverletzungen im Stellungs- kriege und ihre Behandlung beim Truppenteil. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 40-43. Shuter (R. E.) Notes on war injuries of the ear. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, ii, 267-270. Wounds of the Auditory Apparatus. Alagna (6.) Contributo alia casuistica delle paralisi del facciale consecutive a trauma sull’ orecchio. Cesalpino, Arezzo, 1916, xii, 111- 113. Alexander (G.) Schrapnellflillkugeldurchschuss des Schadels mit Metallsplittem im aufsteig- enden Unterkieferaste. Splitterfraktur des Paukenbeines und eitrige Entziindung des Mittelohres und des ausseren Gehdrganges mit Stenose desselben. Mundsperre. Radikal- operation. Plastik. Heilung. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berk & Wien, 1915, xlix, 498. ■ —. Schrapnellfiillkugeldurchschuss des Schadels mit direkter Verletzung des kndcher- nen ausseren Gehdrganges. Rechtseitige sub- akute eitrige Mittelohrentziindung mit eitriger Mastoiditis. Rechtseitige Taubheit und Uner- regbarkeit des rechten statischen Labyrinths. Linkes Ohr normal. Fast vollstandige Zer- stdrung des rechten Paukenbeines infolge der Schussverletzung. Radikaloperation mit plas- tischer Deekung des Frakturdefekts. Heilung. Ibid., 500. . Die Klinik und operative Entfernung von Projektilen in Fallen von Steckschiissen der Ohrgegend und des Gesichtesschadels. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 38-42. Weil (J.) Yerletzungen des Gehoi’organs durch Schusswaffen. Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 2055. . Ueber Kriegsschiidigungen der Ohren. Med. Cor.-Bk d. wiirttemb. arztk Landesver., Stuttg., 1916, Ixxxvi, 11-13. Also [Abstr.] : Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1661. Welty (C. F.) Gun-shot wound of the ear with report of two cases. Cailf. State J. M., San Fran., 1915, xiii, 119. Zange (J.) Organische Schadigungen des nervdsen Ohrapparates im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1091-1093. Alexander (G.) Traumatische Durchldcherung beider Trommelfelle mit fast vollstandiger Zerreissung des linken Trommelfells infolge von Granatexplosion in 3 Schritt Entfernung. Leichtgradige traumatische Erkrankung des linken inneren Ohres. Meningealer Tumor. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.]. Berk & Wien, 1915, xlix, 501. Berranger. Perforations du tympan par dd- placement d 5 air. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 511-515. Bourgeois (H.) Hdmorragie tardive de 1’ oreille interne consecutive a une deflagration. Bulk et mem. Soc. mdd. d. hop. de Par., 1916, 3. s., xl, 2294-2296. Also: Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, 94. Cheatle (A. H.) The treatment of injury of the membrana tympani due to bursting shells. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 252. Closier. Lesions et accidents auriculaires par explosion de bombes ou d’ obus. Arch. mdd. d’ Angers, 1915, xix, 149; 165. Delaconr. Notes et memoires originaux; les ruptures du tympan par commotion. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, 241- 245. Indirect Injuries of the Auditory Apparatus. Beck (O.) Wirkung einer Nahschussverletzung des Ohres. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berk u. Wien, 1915, xlix, 428; 442. Cannyt (G.) Les blessures des oreilles en temps de guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916. xlvi, 101-107. Ferrer! (G.) Traumi di guerra dell’orecchio. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1089; 1126. Fraser (J. S.) & Fraser (J.) The morbid anatomy of war injuries of the ear. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Otok, 56-124. . War injuries of the ear. Edinb. M. J., 1917, n. s., xviii, 107-119. . War injuries of the ear; a resume of recent literature. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngok, Chicago, 1917, xi, 108-122. Friedlaender (W.) Die Schadigungen des Ge- hororgans durch Schusswirkung. Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh., Leipz., 1915, xcviii, 158-214. (R.) Schadigung des inneren Ohres durch Kopfverletzungen vom militararztlichen Standpunkte. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 250. Lehmann (E.) Yerletzungen des Gehororgans mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Detona- tionswirkung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. & Berk, 1916, xiii, 133. Goldmann (R.) Kopfverletzungen im Felde vom Standpunkte des Otologen. Med. Klin Berk, 1914, x, 1708. . Streifschuss am Hinterkopf mit beider- seitiger fortschreitender Acusticusdegeneration und Reaktionsbewegungen nach der weniger betroifenen Seite. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berk & Wien, 1915, xlix, 505. Grivot (M.) Appareil auditif et traumatisme de guerre. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 359- 365. Haymann (L.) Ueber Schussverletzungen des Ohres. Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Leipz., 1915, xiii, 127; 159 ; 187; 219; 243, 244 Index Medicus. [War Supp. . Schadigung des inneren Ohres durch Kopfverletzungen vom militararztlichen Stand- punkte. Militarzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 250. Hoffmann (R.) Detonationslabyrinthosen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1269. Montier (F.) Recherches sur les troubles laby- rinthiques chez les commotionnes et blesses du crane. Rev. neurol., Par., 1916, xxiii, 2. semes., 9-15. Poyet. Otites traumatiques par deflagration. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 175. Roussy (G.) & Boisseau (J.) Deux cas de pseudo-commotion labyrinthique par eclate- ment d’ obus a distance (commotion labyrin- thique perseveree, simulee ou suggestionnee). Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1917, 3. s., xli, 671-676. Saupiqnet (A.) Lesions de 1’ oreille moyenne par commotion aerienne. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 550-555. Schlesinger (E.) Ueber Schadigungen des inneren Ohres durch Geschosswirkung. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 533-535. Wicart. Les mutilations de F organe auditif par les detonations; leurs veritables causes; moyens pratiques de les eviter. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 204-206. . Les mutilations de 1’ organe auditif par les detonations; comment peut-on les guerir? Ibid., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 51-54. Wilson (J. G.) The effects of high explosives on the ear. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 353- 355. Friihwald. Yier Palle von Schussverletzung der Stirnhohle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1174. Gloaguen. Trois observations de blessures des sinus de la face. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1915-16, cii, 461-464. Guisez & Oudot. Les sinusites de la face par projectiles de guerre. Presse med., Par., 1916, xxiv, 129-132. Mayrhofer (B.) Seltener Befund nacb Schuss- verletzungen der Oberkieferhohle. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 833. Morestln (H.) Plaie isolee du sinus frontal par coup de feu. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1914, n. s., xl,. 1183-1193. . Extraction d’ un eclat d’ obus inclus dans le corps du sphenoide. Ihid., 1915, n. s., xli, 1727. . Mutilations nasales par projectiles de guerre; quatre cas de destruction de la partie superieure du nez, traites par la rbinoplastie selon la methode indienne avec addition de tuteurs cartilagineaux. Ibid., 2465-2478. . Destruction de la racine du nez. Operations plastiques et greffe cartilagineuse. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 862—865. . Reconstitution par la greffe italienne de la pointe du nez, emportee par un eclat d’obus. Ibid., 1180-1184. . Mutilation du nez par blessure de guerre. Autoplastic par la methode indienne. Ibid., 1184-1187. . Injury to the ear from high explosives. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc., 1917, xiv, 239-255. Zwaardemaker (H.) Perforatio membranae tympani uit militairgeneeskundig oogpuut. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 29-33. . Difformitd du nez consecutive a une blessure de guerre. Destruction du squelette osseux et d’ une grande etendue des parties molles. Reconstitution de F organe a F aide d’ un lambeau frontal avec tuteur cartilagi- neux. Ibid., 1246-1250. •. Quelques details sur la technique de la rbinoplastie dans la mutilation la plus com- mune du nez par blessure de guerre. Ibid., 1298-1306. Wounds of the Mastoid Process. Souchet (Jean). Blessures de guerre de la mastoi'de (campagne de 1914-1915-1916- 1917). Bordeaux, 1917, 104 p„ B°, * No. 24. . Mutilation du nez par blessure de guerre; rbinoplastie. Ibid., 1767-1771. Clay (J. Y. F.) Bullet wound of the mastoid process. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol., 1916, xxii, 1008-1010. Goldsmith (P.) Case of bullet entering below right mastoid and emerging at left orbit. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Laryngol. Sect., 1. . Mutilation de la racine du nez; de- struction partielle de la paupiere inferieure droite; double perforation mettant en com- munication de cbaque cote du nez les fosses nasales avec F exterieur; autoplastic en lorgn- on 9, F aide d’ un lambeau frontal bifide avec tuteur cartilagineaux. Ibid., 1917, n. s., xliii, 875-882. RHINOLOGY. Moriondo (M.) Trauma del naso da scoppio di granata; corpo straniero incuneato nella parte alta del naso. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 280. Sebileau (P.) & Caboche (H.) Refection de F auvent nasal sur les mutiles de guerre. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 680-683. Seidel (O.) Ueber Verletzungen der Nase und ihre Nebenhohlen im Kriege und ihre Be- handlung. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 825. Seifert (O.) Grosser Granatsplitter im Nasen- rachenraum. Ztschr. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], Wurzb., 1916, viii, 1-4, 1 pi. Sieur & Rouvillois. Blessures des fosses nasales et leurs cavitds annexes par projectiles de guerre. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1914- 15, ii, 145-152. Thomson (Sir S.) War injury of the nose to show the result of treatment for stenosis caused by a bullet wound. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1916-17, x, Sect. Laryngol., 21. . War injury of the nose to show result of treatment for external disfigurement and stenosis caused by shrapnel wound. Ihid., 22-24. Albert. Beitrag zur Behandlung der Stirnhoh- lenschilsse. Ztschr. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], Wurzb., 1916, viii, 5—17, 6 pi. Beck (O.) Pall von Steckschuss [der Keilbein- hohle]. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. u. Wien, 1915, xlix, 443. Berruyer. Les sinusites maxillaires trauma- tiques par blessures de guerre. Caducee, Par., 1916, xvi, 71-73. Canuyt (G.) Les blessures du nez, des fosses nasales et des cavites accessoires en temps de guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 3-76. . Les sinusites maxillaires de la guerre 1914-16. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1916, i, 25-32. Carter (W. W.) Perforating wound of the frontal sinus resulting in meningitis and death; report of a case. Laryngoscope, St. Louis, 1916, xxvi, 979. Deuker. Die chirurgische Behandlung der Ne- benhdhleneiterungen nach Kriegsverletzungen. Munchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 820-823. Ferreri (G.) Lesioni del naso e cavita acces- sorie in guerra. Policlin.. Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 1333 ; 1365; 1401. Wounds of the Nose and Sinuses. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 245 Torrini (U. L.) Contribute alia casuistica delle lesioni clei seni perinasali nei feriti in guerra. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1917, xxviii, 193; 257. Walther (C.) Extraction d’un eclat d’ obus dans la partie postdrieure de la masse laterale droite de 1’ ethmoide. Arch, d’ dlectric. mdd., Bordeaux, 1916, xxvi, 113-115. Also: Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1916, 823-826. Wilson (W. F.) Bullet wound on the nose. J. Laryngol., Bond., 1916, n. s., xxxi, 18. Zimmermann (A.) Erfahrungen liber Schuss- verletzungen der Nase und ihrer Nebenhdhlen. Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen-, Kehlkopfheilk., Leipz., 1916, xcviii, 283-319. Paralysis of the Larynx. Blassig (G.) Beitrag zur funktionellen Stimm- bandlahmung im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 835. Bottger (K.) Beitrag zur funktionellen Stimmbandlahmung im Felde. Ihid., 1070. Collet. Paralysie du recurrent par balle. Lyon med., 1915, cxxiv, 188-193. McKenzie (D.) Paralysis of left vocal cord from bullet wound of neck. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix. Laryngol. Sect., 20. Pape (H.) Funktionelle Stimmbandlahmung im Felde. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 385. Rose (F. A.) Paralysis of the right vocal cord resulting from a bullet wound. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Laryngol. Sect. 36. LARYNGOLOGY. Barth (E.) IJeber organische und funktionelle Kehlkopfstorungen bei Kriegsverletzten. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii. 120. Ferreri (G.) Flogosi laringee pih comuni nella vita castrense. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat.. 165-172. Glas (E.) Laryngologisches vom Yerbandplatze. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. u. Wien, 1915, xlix, 99-101. Jackson (C.) Endoscopy and the war. Laryn- goscope, St. Louis, 1916, xxvi, 992. Wounds of the Larynx, Pharynx, Trachea and Bronchi. Alhert-Weil (E.) Adenopathies tracheobron- chiques et projectiles de guerre. Paris med., 1916, xviii. 93. Allenbach (E.) Kriegsverletzungen des Kehl- kopfes. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii. 1594. . Ueber Kriegsverletzungen des Kehl- kopfs nach Erfahrungen dieses Krieges. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916. Ixiii, 1464- 1466. See, also, Deafness, etc., from Shell-Shock. Disorders of Speech. Bleyl. Zur Kasuistik der Schussverletzungen des Kehlkopfs. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb., 1915, Ixxiii, 22-27, 2 pi. . Zwei weitere Kehlkopfschussverletz- ungen. Ihid., 1916, Ixxiv, 63. Boehler (L.) Gunshot wounds of the larynx, report from the battlefield in Russian Poland. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1915, xxi, 275-277. . Kehlkopfschiisse. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 828. Caldera (C.) Traumatologia laringoiatrica di guerra. Arch, ital di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 363-366. Canuyt (G.) Les blessures de guerre du larynx et de la trachee. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1916, xlvi, 93-96. Chiari (H.) Extraktion einer Rundkugel aus dem linken Hauptbronchus mittelst der oberen Bronchoskopie ein Jahr nach ihrem Ein- dringen von der rechten Schulter aus. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien, 1915, xlix, 577-583, 2 pi. Coulet (G.) Plaie en sdton du larynx par balle ; phlegmon du larynx. Paralysie rdcurrentielle. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 322-324. Courtois-Sufflt & Giroux (R. ) Mort subite d’ un soldat atteint d’ une blessure au larynx apres enlevement d’ une eanule h traehdotomie. Paris mdd., 1916-17, xxi, 227-229. Davis (E. D.) Case of laryngeal stenosis fol- lowing a bayonet wound treated by intuba- tion. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915, viii, Laryngol. Sect., 120. Ferreri (G.) Alcune considerazioni sulle le- sioni e sui traumi della laringe e della tra- chea in guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1916, xxiii, sez. prat., 101-105. . Corpi estranei delle vie aeree in guerra. Ihid., 293-297. - . Importanza della laringostomia nelle ferite del laringe. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 643. Gerber. Ueber Schussverletzungen der oberen Luftwege und benachbarter Teile. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl., 1915, xxix, 331- 346, 8 pi. Also: Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 757. Frdschels (E.) Kriegssprachstorung. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 717. . Ueber Kriegssprachstorungen. Mili- tararzt. Wien, 1915, xlix, 73-80. . Eine spracharztliche Kriegsabteilung. Med. Klin.. Berl., 1915, xi, 1377. Gutzmann (H.) Stimra- und Sprachstorungen im Kriege und ihre Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 154-158. Liebanlt (G.) Aphonie de guerre et laryngite tuberculeuse. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1916, xxxvii, 458-464. Liebanlt (G.) & Coissard (E.) Les aphonies pendant la guerre; notre traitement redduca- teur. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par., 1917, xxxviii, 49 ; 81. Milligan (W.) A note on treatment of “func- tional aphonia ” in soldiers from the front. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Laryngol. Sect., 83-85. Potter (C.) Case of aphonia in a soldier. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond., 1915-16, ix, Laryngol. Sect., 90-92. Tompkins (E.) Stammering in connection with military service. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y., 1917, 638-640. Mutism. See, also, Deafness, etc., from Shell-Shock; Re-education of Blind, etc. Gualino (L.) Ancora dei mutismi bellici. Qua- derni di psiehiat., Genova, 1917, v, 257-264. Marage. Traitement de la mutitd consecutive it des blessures de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad, d. sc., Par.. 1915, clxi, 600-602. Muck (O.) Heilungen von Stimmver- lust im Kriege. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1466. Roncoroni (L.) Quattro casi di mutismo di guerra. 8011. d. Soc. med. di Parma, 1915, 2. s., viii, 114-117. Also: Gazz. med. sicil., Catania, 1916, xix, 97-99. Tnmiati (C.) La guarigione sollecita del mutismo di guerra col metodo del Lombard. Med. nuova, Roma, 1917, viii, 223-225. Index Medians. [War Supp. Grange (C. D.) Shrapnel bullet in the larynx; removed by thyrotomy. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1916-17, iv, 602. Gnisez. Les plaies de guerre laryngo-tracheales. Paris mid., 1915-16, xvii, 352-359. ._ La laryngoscopie directe, la trachi- oscopie et 1’ cesophagoscopie au service des blesses de guerre de notre spicialite. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxv, 152-154. Also: Gaz. mid. de Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 19. Hill (W.) Tracheal obstruction due to long latent cervical abscess following wound by shrapnel fragment. Proc. Boy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915, viii, Laryngol. Sect., 124. Hoffmann (R.) Yerletzung des Nervus recur- rens. Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 35. Hope (C. W. M.) Bullet wound of pharynx, etc. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1914-15, viii, Laryngol. Sect., 69. Jones (H. B.) Case of gunshot wound of the neck; injury to larynx, resulting in formation of' web. Ibid., 71. Killian. Kehlkopfschfisse. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1916, ci (Kriegschir. Hefte V), 224- 232. Verth, E. Bentmann, E. Dirksen und R. Huge. 2 Bde. Jena, 1914, B°. Heiner (Robert Graham). Physiology, first aid and naval hygiene. Annapolis, Md., 1916, XL S. Naval Inst., 139 p., 12°. Rlio (Filippo). Illustrazione di alcuni oggetti del materiale sanitario della R. Marina. Roma, 1915, Officina poligrafica italiana, 54 p., B°. United States Navy. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Handy book for the Hospital Corps, United States Navy. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 386 p., 12°. . Manual for the Medical Department of the United States Navy. Wash., 1917, 412 p., B°. Aievoli (E.) Insegnamenti sanitarii tratti dall’ attuale guerra. Incurabili, Napoli, 1915, xxx, 193-203. Ash (W. M.) & Wakeley (C. P. G.) A report on the casualties from the Jutland coast action received at Royal Naval Hospital, South Queensferry. Lancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 56-58. Awguestowsky (N. I.) L’ assistance aux blesses dans la guerre navale moderne. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, 142-155. Axford (W. G.) & Cheatle (G. L.) Medicine and the sea affair. Surgery. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 535. Harford (J. L.) How to run a sick bay. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 353-360. Bassett-Smith (P. W.) The improvement in the health of the Royal Navy during the last ten years. J. State Med., Bond., 1915, xxiii, 257-261. Bassett-Smith (P. W.) & Rolleston (H. D.) Medicine and the sea affair. Medicine and clinical pathology. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 533-535. Bcadnell (0. M.) A buoyant jacket for the prevention of death from submersion. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 337-341. Bean (A. C.) Action stations in time of war (in a battleship of the King Edward VII class). Ibid., 80-82. Beaton (T.) Some observations on mental con- ditions as observed amongst the ship’s com- pany of a battleship in war-time. Ibid., 447- 473. (D. G. P.) The battle of Jutland. Univ. Durham Coll. Med. Gaz., Newcastle, 1916-17, xvii, 57-60. Bell (W. H.) Slop chute and garbage bin for battleships. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 67, 1 pi. Belli (O. M.) La profilassi navale del tifo esantematico, febbre gialla, peste, colera, tifo addominale, scorbuto e beri-beri, alia luce delle nuove dottrine. Ann. di med. nav., Roma. 1916, ii, 522-567. •. Depurazione dell’ acqua potabile sulle navi. Ozonizzazione o bollitura? Ibid , 1917, ii, 839-847. Kbrner (O.) Weitere Erfahrungen fiber Kriegs- verletzungen des Kehlkopfs und des Nervus vagus. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Wiesb., 1915, Ixxii, 125-132. . Beobachtungen fiber Schussverletzun- gen des Kehlkopfs. 3. Reihe. Ibid.. Ixxiii, 27- 32. Koller. Schussverletzungen des Larynx. Wien, med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 86. Lannois, Sargnon & Dauriac. Traitement des stenoses chroniques graves du larynx par trau- matismes de guerre. Lyon mid., 1916, cxxv, 275. LuMnski (M.) Ein Fall von Steckschuss im Kehlkopf. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1916, xlii, 105. Milligan (W.) A note on treatment of gun- shot injuries of the larynx where “ webbing ” of the vocal cords has taken place. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Bond., 1915-16, ix, Laryngol. Sect., 85-87. Moriondo (M.) Ferita di pallottola da fucile attraversante la laringe. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.], Torino, 1916, xxvii, 367. Monchet (A.) Plaie du pharynx par balle; fracture de la 4e vertebre cervicale; meningite suppuree; mort. Bull, et mem. Soc. de chir. de Par., 1917, n. s., xliii, 1411-1413. Moure (E.-J.) & Canuyt (G.) Les plaies de guerre du larynx et de la trachee. Rev. de chir., Par., 1916, xxxv, 1-82. Nadoleczny. Ueber Schussverletzungen des Kehlkopfs. Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 826-828. Panzer (B.) Ein Pall von Kehlkopfschuss. Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 446. Yallette (P.) Plaie de la trachee consecutive h une blessure par balle de Mauser; trache- otomie d’ urgence. Lyon chirurg., 1914-15, xii, 784. . La ration des matelots et les reformes qu’elle a comportees en Italie en raison des conditions de la guerre. Bull, de 1’ Office in- ternat. d’ hyg. pub., Par., 1917, ix, 603-608. Blackwood (N. J.) The advisability and practi- cability of specialists in the medical corps of the navy. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 149-153. Blackwood (N. J.) & Bell (W. H.) A greater field of activity for medical officers of navy yards. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 249-268. Bonain. Appareil formogene a grand debit pour la disinfection en surface des navires et des locaux de grandes dimensions. Arch, de mid. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, 119-124. NATAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE. Braisted (W. S.) The Navy as a special field for medical work. Wash., 1916, Govt. Print. Off., 32 p., B°. Godillon (Paul-Yictor). Hygiene navale fi bord du torpilleur d’ escadre “ Temeraire ” pendant la campagne de guerre 1914-1915-1916. Bor- deaux, 1916, 71 p., B°, * No. 58. Handhuch de Gesundheitspflege an Bord von Kriegschiffen. Herausgegeben von M. zur Naval Medicine and Hygiene. 247 Bond (R. St. G. S.) The use of spray baths on board. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 361-363. Braisted (W. C.) Emergency hospital construc- tion for the tl. S. Navy. Mod. Hosp., St. Bouis, 1917, ix, 87. . The surgeons of the Navy. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 712-714. . The Navy and its health problems. Am. J. Public Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 928-933. Brooke (G. E.) Asphyxia from defective ship- board ventilation. Bancet, Bond., 1916, ii, 18. Brooks (F. H.) Notes on marine recruiting. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 335-340. Bruno (G.) Quattro casi di colpo di calore sulla R. nave “S. Oaboto.” Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 654. Bunton (C. B. W.) Dressing stations in large ships, and the surgical work possible during and after an action. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 149-155. Calver (G. W.) Organization of the Naval Medical Corps, Sixth Naval District. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 497- 504, 5 pi. Candiotti. B’ air du cuirass 6 moderne au point de vue baeteriologique. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, ciii, 282; 357. Carpenter (D. N.) A greater field of activity for the fleet surgeon. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 13G-145. . Smoke and powder gases in naval war- fare. Ibid., xxxix, 461-473. . The training camp, Naval Reserve Force, Second Naval District. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 475-479. Carr (C. J.) Some cases treated by “modified ray ” method suitable for ships at sea. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 343-346. Colborne (W. J.) Arrangements for dealing with the wounded on board ship. Ibid., 1915, i, 76-80. . Hints for medical officers of the Royal Navy. Ibid., 1916, ii, 219; 353. Columbia University College of Pharmacy and the Hospital Corps of the regular Navy. Columbia Alumni News, N. Y., 1917-18, ix, Ehret. Ueber Kollaps nach Seegefechten. Mtin- chen. med. Wchnsehr., 1914, Ixi, 2301-2304. Elliott (M. S.) The presenf system of recruit- ing for the U. S. Navy and Marine corps. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 10-16. Farenliolt (A.) Preparations of the Naval Medical Department for battle. Ibid., 1916, xxxviii, 281-285. Farwell (W. G.) Civil hospitals and other aids to the recruiting surgeons. IT. S. Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 580-583, 1 pi. Fiorito (G.) Consumo, carico e scarico dei medicinal! di bordo. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, i, 78-77. First (The) naval hospital unit. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 702-704. Foy (G.) The Wenyngton Seaman’s Hospital. Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1917, ciii, 352. Fraser (J.) Treatment of wounds received in naval actions. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 437-442. Freeman (G. F.) Syllabus of lectures on naval medicine and hygiene. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvi, 611. . First-aid dressings on battleships. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 495- 501, 2 pi. Gatewood (J. D.) Naval hygiene. Ref. Handb. M. Sc., N. Y„ 1916, vi, 632-654. Ginestons (E.) B’aptitude visuelle au service de la marine. Caducde, Par., 1916, xvi, 130. Goodwin (E. St. G. S.) On the contamination of drinking water in ships’ pipes. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 349-352. Grayson (C. T.) The doctor’s work for naval preparedness. South. M. J., Birmingham, 1917, x, 6-12. Grnbbs (S. E.) Ventilation after fumigation; artificial ventilation of ships after fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1757-1761, 2 pi. Haenlein. Sanitatsdienst auf Kriegsschiffeu beim Seegefecht. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1445. Heiser (V. G.) Hygiene and sanitation on ocean vessels. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 455-460. Hewitt (A. J.) Report on the casualties in the action between the “ Pegasus ” and the “ Kd- nigsberg.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 143-154. Hewitt (D. W.) The treatment of wounded in naval warfare. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1914, ii, 357-359. Hill R.) Medicine and the sea affair. The service afloat. Ibid., 1917, i, 539-542. Hoffmann. Ein kurzer Ueberblick fiber das Marine-Sanitatswesen. Deutsche med. Wcbn- schr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1819-1821. . Einiges aus dem Marine-Sanitatswesen. Deutsche med. Wchnsehr., Beipz. u. Berk, 1914, xl, 1819; 1915, xli, 8; 44; 67. Holcomb (R. C.) First aid in the navy. Mary- land M. J., Balt., 1916, lix, 8-14. —. The atmosphere and its relation to the human mechanism with special reference to naval service. U. States Nav. M. Bulk, Wash., 1916, x, 430-465. . The medical corps of the navy; the navy needs more medical officers. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 481-485. . The navy, and its relation to the medi- cal profession in time of war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1095—1100. Holmes (S. J. M.) The treatment and disposal of the wounded in a light cruiser during the Battle of Jutland. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 426-436. Home (W. E.) Crew accommodation in stand- ard ships. Bancet, Bond., 1917, ii, 217. 215. Costello (C. A.) The principal defects found in persons examined for service in the United States Navy. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H„ 1917, vii, 489^192. Crandall (R. P.) The United States Naval Medical Supply Depot. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 337-342. Creel (R. H.) Fumigation by cyanide gas. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxix, 282-287. • . Rodent destruction on ships; a report on the relative efficiency of fumigants as de- termined by subsequent intensive trapping over a period of one year. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1445-1450. Darby (B.) Report on the wounded in the action between the “ Sidney ” and the “ Bur- den.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 227-238. Dudley (S. F.) Iron bacteria in ships’ tanks. Ibid., 1915, ii, 215. N „ . Dunn (H. A.) & Waldner (P. J.) Messing arrangements in the United States Naval Hospital, Philadelphia. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 428. Eaton (W. E.) The pjesent status of the Hos- pital Corps. Ibid., 556—565. ■. The' hospital steward; concerning his a unifications, personal, educational, and pro- fessional. Ibid., 1916, x, 269-277. . The reorganization of the hospital corps. Ibid., 654-658. 248 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hopkins (W. K.) The naval action off Heligo- land. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1914-15, xxii, 113; 129. Also: J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 25-30. Intrito (R.) Un primo esperimento pratico per la riforma della razione alimentare del ma- rinaio. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 629-653. Navy identification tags; how unidentified dead and wounded are to be made a thing of the past. Seient. Am., N. Y., 1917, cxvii, 413. Oman (C. M.) The sphere of activities of medical officers aboard ship. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 39-43. —•. The naval medical service. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 989. Pannenborg (A. E.) Die Gefahr der Bazillen- trager und Dauerausscheider an Bord. Arch, f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Beipz., 1915, xix, 7; 33. Parker (E. G.) Keeping in touch with cases transferred from the ship. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 362. Parnell (R. J. G.) The vital importance of efficient training of naval ratings in first aid. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 440- 446. Johnson (B. W.) Naval medical service. Ref. Handb. M. Sc., N. Y., 1916, vi, 654-660. Jones (J. H.) Diseases incident upon seamen, and their prevention. J. Roy. San. Inst., Bond., 1915, xxxvi, 124-131. Kelly (J. C.) Treatment of the wounded on board H. M. S. “ Tiger ” during the naval action of January 24th. Bancet, Bond., 1915, i, 962. Kerr (W. M.) A dental fountain for the crew’s use. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 666. Knapp (M. H.) A scuttle ventilator. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 205-207. Lane (J. D.) The physical examination of naval recruits. West. M. Times, Denver, 1917, xxxvii, 15. Levick (G. M.) Exercise on hoard ship in war time. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 352. McCullough (F. E.) The best training for the hospital corps for the fleet. Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 25-30. . The training of a navy hospital corps man. Ibid., Wash., 1916, xxxix, 31-35. McCullough (F. E.) & Kaufman (J., B.) The training school for the Hospital Corps of the Navy. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, viii, 555-561. Mac Lean (A.) & Stephens (H. E. R.) Surgical experiences in the Battle of Jutland. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1916, ii, 421-425. Macleod (G. E.) A galvanized iron cupboard for first-aid dressings as a permanent fitting in turrets and casemates. Ibid., 1915, i, 351. Manchester (J. D.) How can a full comple- ment of qualified physicians for the Medical Corps of the Navy be best achieved and main- tained? Mil. Surgeon, Chicago, 1915, xxxvi, 428-432. Porter (Sir J.) Medicine and the sea affair. Account of land medical transport arrange- ments of the navy. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 545-548. Price (H. P.) Some notes on surgery on a destroyer. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Bond., 1914, xxviii, 433. Ragozin (N. N.) [Diseases among the officers and enlisted men of the fleet.] Morsk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, 87-97. Ransdell (R. C.) Humidity-regulating device on a modern battleship. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1914, viii, 284-286. 1 pi. . The United States Naval Hospital and Medical School. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 817-821. Rho (P.) Nuovi mezzi di offesa nella guerra attuale e spedienti per difendersene. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 540-549. . I servizi sanitari nella guerra navale. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1915, 2. s., iii, 6484663. Also: Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1915, i, 473- 517. Richards (T. W.) Studies pertaining to light on shipboard. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 19; 277, 2 pi. Roberts (N.), Robertson (G. E.) & Beddoe (A. E.) Fumigation of the U. S. S. Tennes- see by the cyanid method. Ibid., 296-300. Rodd (M. B. B.) Six emergency cases at the Royal Marine Infirmary,, Deal. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 337-342. Rbmer (R.) Redding van gewonden op zee. Reddingwezen, Rotterdam, 1916, v, 141-146. Rolleston (H. D.) Naval medicine in the great war. Hospital, Bond., 1917, Ixi, 403. Also: Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 255-259. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Bond., 1917, xl, 95-119. Ross (J. N. M.) With a Royal Marine Bat- talion in Prance. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1917, iii, 465-471. Rossiter (P. S.) Sanitary notes from the United States Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Cal. U. S. Nav. Med. Bull., Wash., 1916, x, 764-766. Saner (J. G.) _ The naval medical committee and wounds in war; a criticism. Bancet, Bond., 1915, i, 1225-1227. Markl. Die Ernahrung des Seemannes. Arch, f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Beipz., 1914, xviii, 583-605. Martin (j.) A short experience of 20 per cent carbolic paste for the routine surgical work of a ship. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 322. May (A. W.) The Medical Department of the Royal Navy. Brit. J. Surg., Bristol, 1917, v, 1-7. May (Sir A.), Bassett-Smith (P. W.) [et al.] Medicine and the sea affair. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i. 533-548. Medical (The) department of the Navy in the war. Bancet, Bond., 1917, i, 267. Melder (I. I.) [Sailing of the cruiser “ Ros- siya ”; report for 1914.] Morsk. Yrach., Petrogr., 1915, 472-481. Morton (Rosalie S.) With the French fleet of mercv. Red Cross Mag., Wash., 1917, xii, 327-334. Mourron. Note sur un dispositif pratique per- mettant le lavage corporel des equipage a bord des batiments de la flotte. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, civ, 221—229. Muir (J. R.) The North Sea action of Janu- ary 24. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 155-158. . Hints for the use of medical officers in Silvestrini (B.) Ba teoria ela pratica della chirurgia di guerra sulla nave ospedale “ Re d’ Italia.” Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1914, ii, 182; 373. Simmons (F. E.) A new messing system for naval hospitals. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1915, ix, 426-428, 1 pi. Simpson (W. J.) Progress of hygiene in the navy and its effect on the health of the sail- ors. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 300-314. action. Ibid., 405-420. Monday (R. C.) Medicine and the sea affair. Hygiene. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1917, i, 537-539. Naval medicine in the great war. Ibid., 224- 226. Smith (C. B.) An unusual case of severe in- jury at sea. [Fall from the masthead. ] Ibid., 1916, ii, 104. Dentistry 249 Surgical practice in naval warfare. Med. J. Australia, Sydney, 1917, i, 554. Sykes (W. S.) Some experiences of a surgeon probationer. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1917, iii, 332-336. Taylor (J. S.) Apparatus for removal of sick and wounded on shipboard. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash.. 1917, xi, 371. Trlble (G. P.) Comparative hearing require- ments in foreign and American navies. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xl, 33-36. zur Yerth (M.) Seekriegschirurgie und kriegschirurgische Dogmen. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1857 ; 1890. . Sanitatsmerkblatt fur das Yerhalten im Seegefecht. IMd., 1987. . Beitsatze fur die erste Behandlung von Seekriegsverletzungen. Ibid., 2189. . Die Seekriegsverletzung. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1916, xiii, 14-17. Weber. Die Organisation des Marine-Sanitas- wesens und die Verwundetenversorung an Bord. I hid., 1915, xii, 76-85. Wehberg (H.) Das Sanitatsrecht im See- kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 318. Willan (R. J.) Surgical technique on board the Royal Naval Hospital ship “ Drina.” J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Bond., 1915, i, 412-430. Williams (H.) Insanitary conditions on ship board. J. Roy. San. Inst., Bond., 1915, xxxvi, 118—123. Yablonski (Ye. K.) [Protective glasses for fleet personnel.] Morsk. Vrach., Petrogr.. 1915, 54-67. Yushkevich (B. A.) [Extract from the list of patients in the Ashur-Ade Naval Hospital and in the Astrabad naval station for March, 1916. Ibid., 1916, 191. Alapin (I. I.) [Dental aid for positions.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.- spec. pt., 450-454. Archer (G. J. S.) Mouth hygiene in the army. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 250. d’ Argent (J.) L’ oeuvre des dentistes frangais pendant la guerre europdenne de 1914 .... 19. Union med. du Canada, Mon- treal, 1916, xlv, 493-520. Also, transl.: Brit. J. Dent. Sc., Bond., 1916, lix, 725-738. Armitage (E. B.) Army dental treatment. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1917, xxxviii, 505-508. Arrigo (P.) Le cure dentarie ai militari in zona di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 1187-1189. Baker (A. W. W.) The duty of the dental profession to the state in relation to the war. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1915, cxxxix, 17—25. Barber (R.) System in handling dental pa- tients aboard ship. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917, xi, 515-519. Bernheiiu (J. R.) Oral hygiene in the army. J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind., 1917, iv, 499-503. Boak (S. D.) Militia dental surgeons. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1914, Ivi, 1351. Boyer (J.) Automobile dental shop of the French Army. Scient. Am., N. Y., 1916, cxiv, 446. Chiavaro (A.) L’odontoiatria nell’ esercito e nella marina in tempo di guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1915, xxii, sez. prat., 925 ; 957. —. L’ odontoiatria po’trebbe ridare all’ es- ercito phi di centomila uomini, ora riformati o dichiarati inabili alle fatiche di guerra. Ibid., 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 311-314. ; . Sull’ opportunity di non considerare piu come causa di riforma dal servizio mili- tare la mancanza o la carie estesa dei denti. Ibid., 485. —. Cure odontoiatriche prestate nella R. clinica di odontoiatria e prostesi dentaria ai soldati ricoverati al Policlinico Umberto I. Ann. d. odontologia, Roma, 1917, ii, 391- 398. Cress (W. W.) Effects of submarine duty on personnel. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xl, 699- 709. French (G. R. W.) Diving operations in con- nection with the salvage of the U. 8. S. “ F- 4.” U. States Nav. M. Bull.,- AVash., 1916, x, 74-96, 6 pi. Giordano (M.) Poisoning by arseniuretted hydrogen on submarines. Ibid., 1917, xi, 342-346. SUBMARINES. Cocker (W. L.) Dental treatment under service conditions. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1916-17, xxxviii, 81-83. . Dental treatment in the army. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 147-150. Halsey (W. H.) The submarine, its casualties in peace and war. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 50-55. McDowell (R. W.) Diseases incident to sub- marine duty. U. States Nav. M. Bull., Wash., 1917. xi, 44-50. Marantonio (R.) Meccanismi di ventilazione e di ricambio dell’ aria respirabile sulla nave sommergibile Balilla. Ann. di med. nav., Roma, 1916, ii, 22-45. Conly (T. W.) Dental preparedness. Pacific M. J., San Fran., 1917, lx, 347-352. Bai ’cissac (M.) Notes sur la prothese dentaire d’ armee; dentiers a dents d’ aluminium. Odontologie, Par., 1916, liv, 197-202. Demarqnette (J. C.) La s6nilit6 des tissus dentaires chez nos soldats. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 553. Dieck. Die Aufgaben des Zahnarztes im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr.. Leipz. u. Berk. 1914, xl, 1841-1843. Donald (H.) The dental education of the troops. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1917, xxxviii, 47. Sampietro Galligo (J.) Higiene y patologia del submarine. Clin, mod., Zaragoza, 1915, xiv, 210; 225. Eloesser (L.) Pathology of war surgery with reference to its relation to diseases of the mouth. J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind., 1917, iv, 1104-1114. DENTISTRY. Feiler (Erich). Der Zahnarzt im Felde. Berk, 1916, H. Meusser, B°. Fanntleroy (A. M.) Some of the cases dental surgeons treat in the European war. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1916, xxxvi, 242-245. Feiler (E.) Die Versorgung des Feldheeres mit zahnarztlicher Hilfe. Med. Klin., Berl 1915, xi, 301. Finn (B. S.) The dental unit on active service. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1917, xxxviii, 33-40, 2 pk Fletcher (E. E.) The naval dental service. Ibid., 1914, xxxv, 1160-1167. Act of Congress relating to Army Dental Service, according equal status as between Medical and Dental Corps. Public No. 86, 65th Congress. [H. R. 4897.] Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1917, lix, 1169. Adloff. Die zahnilrztliche Filrsorge im Felde. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1915, xxxiii, 371-377. 250 Index Medicus. [War Supp. Prison (L.) La stomatologie pendant la guerre. Paris med., 1917, xx, 190-200. Gahinet (Y.) & Houpert (P.) Les stomatolo- gistes d’ armee; leur recrutement; leur role medico-chirurgical et medico-legal. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1916, 4. s., xxv, 65-87. Gardner (S. M.) Dental surgery on board. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 26. Gaumerais. Ponctionnement rationnel du . A dentist’s help at the Italian front. Dental Rev., Chicago, 1917, xxxi, 31-35. Prins (C. J.) Tandheelkundige hulp in bet leger. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem, 1915, xix, 1-6. Qnintarello (L.) L’odontoiatria nella nostra R. Marina. Ann. d. odontologia, Roma, 1917, ii, 145-149. Robinson (E.) Report on the work done by the British Red Cross Dental Surgeons. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1916-17, xxxviii. 137—141. Seccombe (W.) Dentistry in the Canadian militia. Dental Cosmos, Phila., 1917, lix, 153 158. service de stomatologie aux armies. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 310-312 bis. Go. Gegenwartiger Stand der zahniirztlichen Fiirsorge im Kriege. Munchen. med. Wchu- schr., 1915, Ixii, 712. Grenier. Organisation d’ un service dentaire dans un regiment d’ infanterie. Paris med., 1916, vi, 577-579. Hagey (J. W.) Canadian army dental corps in France. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto. 1917, xxix, 111-114. Harrison (H.) A dental surgeon in Russia. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1917, xxxviii, 585-589. Hayes (G. B.) Experiences in the American Ambulances at Neuilly. Brit. J. Dent. Sc., Lond., 1916, lix, 372. . Presentation de maladies de 1’ am- bulance americaine. Odontologie, Par., 1916, liv, 253-256. Hecht (O.) Ueber die Bedeutung der zahniirzt- lichen Ambulatorien fur die Armee im Felde. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 97-100. Helliwell (J. P.) Army dental treatment In war time. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1917, xxviii, 395-397. Henning (J.) Ein mobiles zahnarztliches Feld- ambulatorium an der Front. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 449-452. Herrick (M. T.) Dental service in the army. Dental Summary, Toledo, 1917, xxxvii, 397- 403. Speakman (W. C.) War dentistry. Mil. Surg., Wash., 1917, xli, 479-483, 2 pi. Stewart (J. A.) The work of the C. A. D. C. in England. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1917, xxix, 209-211. Turner (J. G.) The dental needs of the soldier. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt., 1917, xxiii, 297- 301. Yilla (E.) Importanza della odontoiatria e degli odontoiatri nell’ esercito. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1917, xxxviii, 366-368. Villain (G.) Le necessity des soins dentaires dans I’armee ; quinze mois d’ experience. Odon- tologie, Par., 1916, liv, 97-100. Weaver (S. M.) Standardized motor dental car and equipment. J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Hunting- ton, Ind., 1918, v, 3-19. With the French Red Cross Dental Ambulances. Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxxi, 186. Woode (J. A.) Dental treatment of the British prisoners of war interned in Switzerland. Brit. Dent. J.. Lond., 1917, xxxviii, 401-408. Wright (W. W.) Work of the Canadian army dental corps. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1916, xxviii, 375-379. . Dentistry in the army in Canada. J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind., 1917, iv, 764-774. Hopkins (S. A.) Dental cases amongst soldiers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 268. Ingalls (R. E.) The Army Dental Corps. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1915, xxi, 421^125. Janicot (E.) Le service stomatologique am- bulant aux armees. Bull, med., Par., 1916, xxx, 368. Krause. Bcitrag zur Zahnbehandlung der Mannschaften. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr.. _ Berk, 1914, xliii, 657. Kraus (M.) Der Zahnarzt im Kriege. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1914. xxvii, 1379-1384. Kronfeld (R.) Ein Jahr Feldzahnarzt. Mili- tararzt, Wien, 1915, i, 59-69. Lowenstein (B.) Der Zahnarzt bei der kiimpf- enden Truppe. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Berk, 1915, xliv, 121-126. Loos. Militarzahnpflege. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz., 1915, xxxiii, 201-241, 1 ch. McElhinney (M, G.) The Canadian army- dental _ corps from a civilian standpoint. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto, 1916, xxviii, 371-374. Yevropin (A. K.) [Dentistry in the active army.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxliv, med.-spec. pt., 116-125. Zhdan-Pushkin (N. S.) [Pskov divisional dental cabinet; report from November 14, 1913; to January 1, 1915.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, ccxlii, med.-spec. pt., 365-382. Zilz (J.) Mobile zahnarztliche Feldambula- torien. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien, 1915, xxxi, 33-35. . Die zahnarztliche Tlitigkeit im Kriege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 350-352. NURSING. Bundy (Elizabeth Roxana). Surgical nursing in war. Phila., 1917, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., 192 p„ 12°. Barton (E. 0.) Hints to V. A. D. members in hospitals. Lond., 1915, Macmillan & Co., 40 p„ 12°. Colombel (Mme. Emmanuel). Journal d’uue infirmiere d’ Arras, aoht-septembre-octobre, 1914. Paris, 1916, Bloud & Gay, 164 p., B°. Diary of a nursing sister on the western front 1914-15. Edinb. & Lond., 1915, Wm. Black- wood & Sons, 307 p., B°. Eydoux-Demians (M.) Notes d’une infirmiere. Par., 1915, 16°. . In a French hospital: notes of a nurse ; translated by B. Yeomans. N. Y., 1915, Duf- tield & Co., 180 p., 12°. Goodnow (Minnie). War nursing. Phila. & Lond., 1917, W. B. Saunders, 172 p., 12° . McDongall (Grace). A nurse at the war. N. Y., 1917, Mcßride, 209 p., 12°. Oxford (M. N.) Nursing in war time. 2 ed. Lond. [1915], Methuen & Co., 126 p., B°. Malony (F. C.) Dental conditions among state troops on the border. Dental Summary, To- ledo, 1917. xxxvii, 344-346. Martinier (P.) & Roy (M.) La prothese den- taire dans la chirurgie de guerre. Odontologie. Par., 1914, ii, 106-110. Also: Presse med., Par., 1914, xxii, 646. Morris (C. H.) Dental conditions in the Navy. J. Allied Dent. Soc., N. Y., 1917, xii, 476-480. Nodine (A. M.) Behind the lines of Verdun. Dental Digest, N. Y., 1917, xxiii, 549-557. Pedley (F. N.) Our army’s teeth. Lancet, Lond., 1914, ii, 1430. Perna (A.) Gli edentati nell’esercite. Poli- clin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 445-447. Piperno (A.) Malattie dentarie e profilassi orale nei militari. Policlinico, Roma, sez. prat., 1917, xxiv, 183. Veterinary Medicine. Adam. Die franzosische Kriegskrankenpflege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk. 1914, xl, 1621-1623. Campani (A.) Sull’ assistenza ospitaliera civile durante la guerra. Policlin., Roma, 1917, xxiv, sez. prat., 521-527. Chibnall (Hilda P.) Nursing. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond., 1916, ii, 27-29. Corning (J. L.) The nurse in peace and in war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1916, Ixxxix, 811. Cross (Catherine). A nurse’s story of the hospi- tal life with the British expeditionary force in France. Clinique, Chicago, 1916, xxxvii, 386- 388. Ericson (Eleanor M.) A visiting nurse’s ex- perience in the war zone. Am. J. Nursing, Phila., 1914, xv, 114-121. Eydonx-Demians. Notes d’ une infirmiere [sur la guerre]. Correspondant, Par., 1914, Ixvi, 511-531. Femmes (Les) dans les hdpitaux militaires italiennes. Chron. m6d., Par., 1917, xxiv, 233. Berber. Ueber offentliche und Kriegskranken- pflege einst und jetzt. Rote Kreuz., BerL, 1914, xxxii, 556; 586. Fitzgerald (Alice). To nurses preparing for active service. Am. J. Nursing, Rochester, N. Y., 1917-18, xviii, 188-191. Fromaget (O.) De I’utilisation de la femme comme infirmiere en temps de guerre. Qualites et devoirs de 1’ infirmiere. J. de med. de Bor- deaux, 1916, xlvi, 123-126. Gener (E.) Die Krankenpflege im Kriege. Deutsche Krankenpflg.-Ztg., BerL, 1914, xvii, 350-354. Holzhauer. Die freiwillige Krankenpflege und ihre Yerwendung im Kriege. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 523-526. McCracken (Elizabeth). The effect of the war on the nursing situation abroad. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis. 1917, ix, 439-441. Riese. Ueber die richtige Verwendungsstelle der Krankenschwestern und Pflegerinnen im Kriege. Med. Klin., BerL, 1915, xi, 8. Robinson (Caroline _ E.) Work done by the American nurses in Paris in 1914. Am. J. Nursing, Rochester, N. Y., 1917—18, xviii, 298- 302, 2 pi. Schwalbe (J.) Aus der Organisation der weib- lichen Kriegskrankenpflege. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1915, i, 361; iii, 63. Strachan (G. I.) The training of recruits for nursing orderlies. Hospital, Lond., 1917, Ixiii, 247. Waugh (W. F.) Army pharmacists. South. Clinic, Richmond, 1917, xl, 293-297. Wimxner (C. P.) The war and pharmacy. Am. J. Pharm.. Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 442-448. Miessuer (Hermann). Epizootics and their control during war. Chicago, 1917, Amer. Veterinary Publ. Co., 215 p., B°. VETERINARY MEDICINE. Bringard, Typhose adynamique et anthniante observee sur les chevaux americains regus par le corps de troupe depuis la guerre. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1916, xcii, 340-346. Cliatelain (P.) S6rum-osmose; traitement des plaies par le s6rum sanguin obtenu par osmose. Ibid., 393-397. de Civriaux. Trois articles sur 1’ organisation du service veterinaire aux armees. Ibid.r 1917, xciii, 202-205. Eherlein (R.) Beobachtungen im Felde- Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1914-15r xxvi, 109-132. G. (S.) Veterinari e veterinaria in guerra. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, 1917, Ixvi, 761- 766. Gunther (G.) Wie eine russische Veterinar- Feldapotheke aussieht. Deutsche tierilrztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1915, xxiii, 270-273. Mensa (A.) Delle pih frequenti lesioni oculari negli equidi in guerra. N. Ercolani, Pisa. 1916, xxi, 65; 81. Moussu (G.) Le troupeau bovin frangais apres une annee de guerre. Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1914-15, xci, 750-759. Nicolas (E.) Des conditions d’ un bon abreuvc- ment et des caraeteristiques auxquelles devraient repondre les abreuvoirs installes dans la zone des armees. Ibid., 1916, xcii, 395-402. Peroi (G.) Moyen de contribuer ala guerison rapide de la fourbure aigue en evitant la fourbure chronique chez les chevaux de 1’ armee. Bull. Soc. centr. de med. vet., Par., 1916, Ixix, 62-65. Schwarzkopf (O.) The changed status of the horse in war. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., N. Y., 1916, xlix, 59-70. Sokolowsky (A.) Der Einfluss des Krieges auf die Tierwelt. Med. Klin., BerL, 1915, xi, 1080-1082. Tarasoff (S. I.) [Disinfection in the struggle with contagious diseases of horses in the army.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Vet., Petrogr., 1916, xxviii, 612-617. Thomassen (C.) De militair veterinaire dieust en de Conventie van Geneve. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr.. Haarlem, 1917, xxi, 204—207. Wenger (H.) Neues aus der Kriegschirurgie. Monatsh. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg., 1914-15, xxvi, 460-473. Work (The) of the Army Veterinary Service. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 882. PHARMACY. Beringer (G. M.) Pharmaceutical service in the French Army. Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 514-526. Also: J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Easton. Pa., 1917, vi, 967-975. Juillet (A.) Un service pharmaceutique dans une ambulance de 1’ avant. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol.. Par.. 1916, xxiii, 204-212. Landa (G. R.) The military pharmacist in Spain. Am. Druggist, N. Y., 1917, Ixv, No. 7, 25-27. Military (The) pharmacist in France. Ibid.. No. 8, 25-28. Pharmaceutical (A) Corps for the Army. Ibid., 373-376. Pharmaceutical Corps in the Medical Depart- ment of the United States Army. [Bill and brief.] Am. J. Pharm., Phila., 1917, Ixxxix, 460-474. Poucher (W. A.) The French military phar- macist. Pharm. J., Lond., 1916, xc, 311—313. Toraude (L.-G.). Le service de repression des fraudes a 1’ armee; les pharmaciens auxili- aires; un mot au sujet de 1’ impot sur le revenu. Bull. d. sc. pharmacol., Par., 1916, xxiii, suppl., 2-5. GLANDERS. Miessner (H.) Zur Rotzbekampfung im Felde. Deutsche tierarztl. Wchnschr., Hannov., 1915, xxiii, 251-254. Pfeiler (W.) Ein Vorschlag zur Beklimpfung der Rotzkrankheit im Felde durch Im- munisierung. BerL tierarztl. Wchnschr, 1915, xxxi, 325-328. Schubert (B.) Zum Pfeilerschen Vorschlage der Rotzbekampfung im Felde durch Im- munisierung. Ibid.. 351. Tarasoff (S. I.) [Diagnosis of glanders in the army.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Vet., Petrogr. 1916, xxviii, 572-582. 252 Index Medicus [War Supp. EUROPEAN WAR. Trombetta (E.) Etica di guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixy, 619-638. Ward (R. DeC.) The weather and the war. J. Mil. Serv. Inst. IT. S., Governor’s Island, N. Y. H„ 1917, Ixi, 43-50. Crile (George Washington). A mechanistic view of war and peace; ed. by Amy F. Row- land. N. Y., 1915, Macmillan Co., 116 p., pi., 12°. Ellis (Havelock). Essays in war-time; fur- ther studies in the task of social hygiene. Bost., 1917, Houghton Mifflin, 257 p., B°. Le Ron (Gustave). The psychology of the great war. N. Y., 1916, Macmillan Co., 471 p„ B°. Loewenfeld (L.) Ueber den National-Char- akter der Franzosen uud dessen krankhafte RELATION OF WAR TO SCIENCE. Osier (Sir William). Science and war. Ox- ford, 1915, Clarendon Press, 40 p., B°. Poulton (E. B.) Science and the great war. Oxford, 1915, Clarendon Press, 47 p., B°. Auswiichse (Die Psychopathia gallica) in ihren Beziehungen zum Weltkrieg. Wiesb., 1914, 55 p„ B°. . Musste er kommen? Der Weltkrieg. seine Ursachen und Folgen im Bichte des Kausalitatsgesetzes. Wiesbaden, 1916, J. F. Bergmann, 76 p., B°. Steffen (G. F.) Krig och Kultur. Socialpsy- kologiska dokumenter och iakttagelser fran varldskriget 1914. Stockh., 1914, 305 p., B°. Trotter (W.) Instincts of the herd in peace and war. Bond., 1916, T. F. Unwin, 213 p., B°. Yrba (J.) [The world war and Slavism.] v. Praze, 1914, 420 p., B°. Burgess (G. K.) Applications of science to war- fare in France. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, v, 289-297. Fleming (J. A.) Science in the war and after the war. Nature, Bond., 1915, xcvi, 180-185. Osier (Sir W.) An address on science and war. Lancet, Bond., 1915, ii, 795-801. Rabaud (E.) La biologie et la guerre. Rev. scient., Par., 1916, ii, 709-714. Znamenski (N. M.) [Medical science and the war.] Sibirsk. Yrach, Tomsk, 1916. iii, 278; 293. Relation of War to Medicine Great Britain, National Health Insurance Joint Committee. Medical Research Committee. In- terim report on the work in connection with the war at present undertaken by the Medical Research Committee. Bond., 1915, Harrison & Sons, 6 p., B°. See, also, Preparedness. Baar (V.) Klima und Konstitution im Kriege. Militararzt, Wien, 1915, xlix, 502-504. Bergson (H.) La signification de la guerre. Bull, de 1’ Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1915, xv, 21-30. Crile (G. W.) A mechanistic view of war. Med. Standard, Chicago, 1915, xxxviii, 284- 288. Aikins (W. H. B.) The medical profession and the war. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto, 1915, xxxviii, 157-162. Barrett (C. W.) The constructive sides of war, with some phases of its relation to the medical profession. Mississippi Valley M. J., Louis- ville, 1917, xxiv, 337-343. Benedict (A. L.) War depletion of the Amer- ican medical profession. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 690-692. Benson (C. M.) The effect of the war on the medical profession. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1916, cxli, 85-95. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Bond., 1916, n. s., ci. 97-100. Ewing (J.) The influence of war on medical science. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 249. Ferrari (G. C.) Documenti di guerra. Riv. di psicol. applic., Bologna, 1915, xi, 390—399. . Saggio di interpretazione psicologica dei metodi tedeschi di guerra. Ibid., 1916, xii, 68-100. Goldscheider (K.) Krieg und Wille. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. & Leipz,, 1916, xli, 278-300. Goodwin (T. H.) The general aspects of the war. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1917, xli, 669-673. Gordon (T. E.) The great European war. Dub- lin J. M. Sc., 1915, cxxxix, 25-33. Herringham (Sir W.) Remarks arising out of the present crisis. St. Barth. Hosp. J., Bond., 1913-14, xxi, 192. Herve (G.) Superstitions populaires suisses, concernant les armes, le tir, la guerre, les blessures. Rev. anthrop., Par.-, 1916, xxvi, 350-365. Ferrannini (L.) II dopo guerra per i medici. Riforma med., Napoli, 1917, xxxiii, 365. Fischer (J.) Der Krieg und die Wiener Aerzte- schaft. Ein Riickblick auf vergangene Tage. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, xxvii, 1538- 1540. Howard (W. L.) The psychology of war; why peoples and nations .fight. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1915. ci, 15-18. Hyslop (T. B.) The psychology of warfare. West Bond. M. J., 1917, xxii, 2-12. Kronfeld (E. M.) Volksmedizinischer Aber- glaube im Kriege. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 111; 161; 404. Ladanie (P. L.) Psychologic militariste et pan- germanique: les causes prochaines et imme- diates des atrocites ; une page d’ anthropologic criminelle. Arch, d’ anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par., 1914, xxix, 849-894. Marett (R. R.) War and savagery. Folk-lore, Bond., 1915, xxvi, 10-27. Moynihan (Sir B.) England and the great war. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., Chicago, 1917, xxv, 707-709. Fraenkel (A.) Der Krieg und die Aerzte. Zur Jahreswende 1915-16. Ibid., 1916, xxix, 1-3. Granjux, Defense de la clientele des confreres mobilises. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par., 1916, Ixxxvii, 7—ll. Grant (J. A.) The medical profession and the militia. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1914, iv, 757-765. Janeway (T. O.) War and medicine. Johns Hopkins Alumni Mag., Balt., 1917, v, 215- 233. Also Reprint. K, (M.) Die Betiitigung der in Berlin zurilck- gebliebenen Aerzte wahrend des Krieges. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1914, Ixi, 1862. Kranss (J.) The effects of the war and clinical research. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xlv, 298- 300. Patrick (G. T. W.) The psychology of war. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxvii, 155-168. Phillips (D. E.) The psychology of war. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1916, iii, 569-578. Roth (E.) Kriegsgefahr und Psyche. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berk, 1915, xxi, 1-3. Kirchner (M.) Aerztliche Friedenstiitigkeit im Kriege. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1674 1676. European War. 253 . Der Krieg und die Aerzte. Hid., 1915, lii, 1-3. Le Fur (R.) La guerre et les interets profes sionnels du corps medical. Bull, med., Par., 1915, xxix, 58-60. v Mamlock (G.) Kriegsleistungen der deutschen Aerzteschaft. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl, 1940. . Aerztliches Standesleben im Kriege. Ibid., 1916, xlii, 170; 199; 1357. Military Service Bill. The position of medical practitioners. Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 1087. Mayo (C. H.) War’s influence on medicine. J. Am. M. Ass.. Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1673- 1677. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cv, 1057-1061. Sheahan (D. A.) Position of the British medi- cal profession after the war. Brit. M. J., Loud., 1916, ii, 476. . War and criminal anthropology. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off.. 40 p., B°. Mitchell (Peter Chalmers). Evolution and the war. N. Y., 1915, E. P. Dutton Co., 130 p., 12°. Apert (E.) La conservation de la race. Monde med., Par., 1916-17, xxvi, 4-13. Also, transl.: Monde med., Eng. ed., Par., 1917, xxvii, I—lo. Baumann (L. E.) Mental hygiene and the great war. Hahneman. Month., Phila., 1917, lii, 719-725. Hechmann. Reconstruction des villes et des villages dfitruits. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 344-352. Bernard (L. L.) War and the democratic state. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago, 1916, xxii, 193-202. Relation of War to Medical Education. Boag (H.) Human capital and the cost of the war. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Lond., 1916, Ixxix, 7-17. Boas (I.) TJeber Kriegskrankheiten der Zivilbe- volkemng. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1396. Bouluois (H. P.) Municipal war economics and the maintenance of the standard of sani- Ciechauowski. Die medizinischen Fakultaten in Galizien wahrend des Krieges. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 53 ; 498; 537. Clement-Simon. Une ecole de medecine impro- vise dans la zone de guerre en Italie. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par.. 1916, Ixxxvii, 651 - 654. Devoto (L.) Due potenze ; medicina e scuola nella guerra nazionale. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1915, xxxvi, 1239-1244. Funiat (L.) Les etudiants de Bordeaux et la guerre. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 206-211. Granjux. Les dtudiants en medecine mobilises. I. Leur affectation et leur emploi dans 1’ armee. 11. Leur scolarite. Paris med., 1916-17, xxi, 81-83. . Les etudiants en medecine mobilises et tation. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1916, xxxvii, 92-104. Brisac (M. J.) La sante publique en France pendant la guerre. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, 4. s., xxiii, 339-358. Buschan. Krieg und Anthropologic. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 773. Carver (T. N.) The probable effect of the European War upon the redistribution of population. Scientia, Bologna, 1917, xxi, 144-151. Chambers (T. G.) Eugenics and the war. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1914-15, vi, 271-290. Cliauffard. La guerre et la sante de la race. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 1-17. Also: Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 18-25. Copeland (E. B.) War selection in the Philip- pines. Scient. Month., N. Y„ 1916, iii, 151- 154. la loi Mourier. Ibid., 1917, suppk, xxii, 302- 304. Hough (T.) First year medical students and the draft. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 933. Medical students and conscription. Ibid., 141. Schwalbe (J.) Die arztlichen Not- und Kriegs- priifungen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 1403. Shortage (The) of medical students. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 428. Walker (Jane). How is medicine as a profes- sion for women affected by the war? Prac- titioner, Lond., 1915, xcv, 288—292. Willey (Florence E.) An address on war and the medical education of women. Lancet, Lond., 1915, ii, 802-805. Wood (F. C.) Medical schools in war. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 126. Crile (G. W.) The vivisection of a nation. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1915, n. s., c, 10. Also: Surg., Gynec. & Obst, Chicago, 1915, xx, 708-710. Darwin (L.) Eugenics during and after the war. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1915—16, vii, 91-106. . On the statistical enquiries needed after the war in connection with eugenics. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Lond., 1916, Ixxix, 159- 188. Davies (D. S.) & McKenzie. (L. S.) The co- ordination of military and civil sanitary serv- ices in war time. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1915, xxxvi, 352-361. EFFECT OF WAR UPON CIYIL POPULATION. Berot-Berger. L’ hygiene en periode de guerre et les soins pour tous. Par., 1915, 16°. von Hoffmann (Geza). Krieg und Rassenhy- giene. Miinchen, 1916, J. F. Lehmann, B°. Hrdlicka (Ales). Suggestions relating to the new National Army by the Anthropology Committee of the National Research Council. [Wash., 1917], 4 p„ B°. Jordan (David Starr). War and the breed; the relation of war to the downfall of na- tions. Bosk, 1915, Beacon Press, 265 p., 12°. La Motte (Ellen N.) The backwash of war ; the human wreckage of the battlefield as witnessed by an American Hospital nurse. N. Y. & Lond., 1916, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 194 p., B°. Mac Donald (Arthur). Prevention of war, in- cluding anthropology and war, insanity of war and choosing between peace and war. Wash., 1917 (Govt. Print. Off.), 7 p., B°. Eccles (W. M.) Personal habits in relation to public health in time of war. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 214-218. Glottstein (A.) Die Sterblichkeit in Berlin wahrend des ersten Kriegshalbjahrs. Deut- sche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 740. . Krieg und Gesundheitsfiirsorge. Ibid., 1237; 1281. Hanauer. Der Krieg und die Krankeuver- sorgung der Zivilbevolkerung. Deutsche Yertljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1915, xlvii, 255-265. Hcckel (E.) Les enseignements de la guerre actuelle au point de vue colonial; 1’ enseigne- ment de la medecine coloniale, son double but, son role colonisateur dans le present et 1’ avenir, son orientation nouvelle. Rev. scient., Par., 1914, ii, 212-215. 254 Index Medicus [War Supp. Hope (B. W.) Civil sanitation and the war. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1916, xxxvi, 1-12. Howard (W. L.) War as a home-maker. Med. Times, N. Y„ 1915. xliii, 76-79. Howerth (I. W.) War and the survival of the fittest. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1916, ii, 488-497. Hntter (S.) Population and war. Mil. Hist. & Econ., Cambridge, 1917, ii, 385-391. Jacobson (A. C.) The effects of war on a nation. Med. Times, N. Y., 1915, xliii, 146. Jaffe (K.) Deutsche Sozialmedizin und Hygiene wahrend des Krieges. Jahresk. f. arztl. Fortbild., Miinchen, 1915, 9. Heft, 3-14. Thomson (J. A.) Eugenics and war. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y.. 1915, Ixxxvi, 417-427. Also: West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg, 1915, ix, 260- 274. Trask (J. W.) The work of the United States Public Health Service in relation to the pres- ent war. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 987-994. Trelat (G.) Renovation sanitaire dans la cite d’ apres-guerre. Rev. d’ hvg.. Par., 1916, xxxviii. 686-698. Walsh (J. J.) The effects of war on a nation. Med. Times, N. Y., 1915, xliii, 144. War and population. J. Trop. Med. [etc.], Lond., 1917, xx, 238. War (The) program of the United States Pub- lic Health Service. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 292. Ward (R. DeC.) Immigration and the war. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1916, ii, 438-452. Wheatley (J.) The maintenance of the standard of municipal sanitation during the continuance of war conditions. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1916, xxxvii, 105-116. Wicksell (K.) La guerre, la paix et I’ac- croissement de la population. Scientia, Bologna, 1916, xix, 457-466. Word (R. DeC.) Immigration after the war. J. Hered., Wash., 1917, viii, 147-152. Jordan (D. S.) War selection in Western Europe. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1915, Ixxxvii, 143-154. Kellogg (V. L.) The bionomics of war; race modification by military selection. Soc. Hyg., Balt., 1914-15, i. 44-52. Lafosse, La vie du Bureau d’ hygiene d’ An- gers au cours de la premiere annee de la guerre. Rev. prat, d’hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1914-15, x, 434-441. Martial (R.) & Cavaillon. Conditions particu- lieres imposdes par la guerre ff la prophylaxie dans les milieux militaires et civils. Montpel. med., 1917, n. s., xxxix, 731-738. Morris R. T.) Individualism and decadence. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila., 1916, 3. s., xxxviii, 206-213. Air-Kaids. Mosny. La guerre et 1’ hygiene scolaire. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, 113-121. Nouvelle (La) reglementation concernment la sante publique en temps de guerre. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1914, 4. s., xxii, 288-291. O’Farrell (H. H.) War and the stature of the population. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1917, ix, 218-222. Patellani (S.) Eugenetica e guerra. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1915, viii. 177-244. Rolleston (H. D.) The influence of war on disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1916, xcvi, 35-45. Air raid psychology. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 55. First aid in air raids. Jhid., 501. Dietetics, Hoas (I.) Das Ernahrungsproblem fur Kranke wahrend der Kriegszeit. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 1250-1252. Falta (W.) Krankenernahrung wahrend des Krieges. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Jxv, 949-957. Oiani (P.) & Samarani (F.) Breve nota sull’ uso del latte negli ospedali militari. Mor- gagni, Milano, 1917, lix, pt. 2, 129-135. Hochhaus. Die Kriegsernahrung des Gesundcn nnd Kranken. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1914-15, xxxiii, 327-337. Holt (H. M.) Rough notes on diets in use at the Croydon War Hospital for injuries to the jaws, Norbury, N. W. Brit. Dent. J., Lond., 1916. xxxvii, war suppl., 361-365. Ram (B.) The rationing of patients. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1917, lii, 394. Stranss (H.) Kriegsernahrung und Kranken- diat. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 93. Saleeby (C. W.) Imperial health and the dysgenics of war. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 307-316. Salmon (J.) & Bailloeuil (C.) Le bureau d’ hygiene et les circonscriptions sanitaires de Saint-Omer pendant la premiere annee de guerre. Rev. prat, d’hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1916, xi, 98-102. Sandwith (F. M.) War and disease. 111. The Great European war. Hospital, Lond., 1914- 15, Ivii, 417. Schmidt. Bauliche Sicherheitsmassregeln wahr- end des Krieges. Gesundheit, Leipz., 1914, xxxix, 521-525. Food Economics. Schmidt (A.) Praktische Aufgaben der Rassenhygiene nach dem Kriege. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1915, iii, 301-318. Stolzing (J.) Rasse und Weltkrieg. Polit.- anthrop. Monatschr., Berl., 1915-16, xiv, 15; 80. Stransky (E.) Krieg und Bevolkerung. Wien, klin. Wchnschr., 1916, xxix, 555-558. Striimpell (A.) Korperliche und sittliche Kraft im Kriege. Deutsche Rundschau, Berl., 1914, xli, 267-273. Stuart (.J.) Marriage and war. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1917, ix, 53. Textes et documents officiels relatifs h 1’ hygiene publique parus pendant la premiere annee de la guerre (juillet 1914-aofft 1915). Rev. prat, d’hyg. municip. [etc.], Par., 1914-15, x,_ 339-384. Theilhaber (F. A.) Das Geburtenproblem und der Krieg. Ztschr. f. Sexualwissensch., Bonn, 1915-16, ii, 194-200. Arnold (J.) Ueber Ernahrungsfragen im Kriege. Wiesbaden, 1916, J. F. Bergmann, 32 p., B°. George (Florence A.) Economical dishes for wartime. Birmingh., 1916, Cornish Bros., 48 p., B°. Haberlandt (G.) Ueber Pflanzenkost im Krieg und Frieden. Leipz., 1916, Teubner, B°. Hall (George W.) Food in war time. Lond., 1916, G. Bell & Sons, 48 p., 12°. Handy (Amy L.) War food, practical and economical methods of keeping vegetables, fruits and meats. Bost., 1917, Houghton Mifflin, 84 p., 12°. Kellogg (Vernon Lyman). The food problem. N. Y., 1917, Macmillan Co., 213 p., B°. Kirk (Alice Gitchell). Practical food economy. Bost., 1917, Little, Brown, 251 p., 12°. Miles (Hallie Eustace). Economy in war time or health without meat. 2. ed. Lond., 1915, Methuen & Co., 141 p., 12°. European War. 255 National Emergency Food Garden Commission. Manual for home storage, pickling, fermenta- tion and salting vegetables. Wash., 1917, 11 p., B°. O’Brien (Charles). Food preparedness for the United States. Bost., 1917, Little, Brown Co., 129 pt 12°. Eew (Robert Henry). Food supplies in war time. N. Y., 1915, Oxford Univ., 19 p., 12°. Schumacher (H.) Deutsche Yolksernahrung und Volksernahrungspolitik im Kriege. Berk, 1915, 100 p., B°. United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin No. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. Wash., 1915, Gov. Print. Off., 129 p., B°. Washington. State College, Pullman. Library. Pood economy for the housewife. Pullman, Wash., 1917, The Library, 34 p., B°. Winckel (M.) Kriegsbuch der Yolksernahrung. Miinchen, 1915, 95 p., B°. von Fiirth (O. R.) Ueber die Ernahrung der heranwachsenden Jugend zu Kriegs- und Friedenszeiten. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 842-851. Gillet (Lucy H.) The relation of food eco- nomics to the nutritive value of the diet. Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago, 1917, xliv, 227-231. Cfohde (G.) Lehrkursus fiir Redner iiber Volks- ernahrung im Kriege. Ztschr. f. Schulgesund- heitspflege, Hamb., 1915. xxviii, 111-128. Corokholf (D. Ye.) [lnsuring the Moscow pop- ulation by regions with food, fodder and fuel.] Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., Petrogr., 1916. lii, pt. 2, 173-185. Cfriglio (G.) II problema della came in Italia prima, durante e dopo la guerra. Gior. di med. vet., Torino, 1917, Ixvi, 25-35. Hammarsten (O.) [The problem of food-supply in Germany during the war.] Upsala Lakaref. Porh., 1914-15, n. F., xx, suppk, 1-21. Haswell (E. S.) The present food problem. N. York State J. M., N. Y., 1917, xvii, 384- 387. Heine. Yersorgung der Bevolkerung mit ani- malischen Nahrungsmitteln wahrend des Krieges. Deutsche tierarztk Wchnschr., Hannov., 1914, xxii, 561. Hess (A. F.) Duty of physicians in urging economy of food-stuffs. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixviii, 1279. Hoag (J. C.) The economic condition of Ger- many in relation to the present war. Chicago M. Recorder, 1915, xxxvii, 79-87. Hoover (H. C.) Food conservation and the war. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 922-927. Hopkins (F. G.) On the choice of food in war time. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 193- 202. Kammerer (P.) Krieg und Kultur als Ernahr- ungsfrage. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 701-712. Kitchen (J. M. W.) Variation in the character of the food supply as affected by the war. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xcii, 20. Kuczynski (R.) & Zuntz (N.) Deutschlands Nahrungs- und Futtermittek Allg. statist. Arch., Tithing., 1915. ix, 107-188. Langstein (L.) Die Yolksernahrung im Kriege in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Diatetik des Kindes. Therap. Monatsh., Berk, 1915, xxix, 244-248. Lapicque (L.) Sur le taux de blutage et le rendement alimentaire du ble. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 413-415. Lommel. Ueber den Einfluss des Krieges auf den Ernahrungszustand der Bevolkerung in Jena. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1916, liii, 293. Lusk (G.) Economy in diet. Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago, 1917, xliv, 231-240. . Pood in war time. Scient. Month., N. Y., 1917, v, 298-309. Macleod (J. J. R.) The principles involved in the economic readjustment of dietaries. J. Lab. & Clin. M., St. Louis, 1917, ii, 743-760. Mason (J. W.) Food inspection; standard of purity of food supply in war-time, and the utilisation of condemned stores. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1916, xxxvii, 33-47. Maurel (E.) De la crise de nos corps gras ; ses causes et des moyens d’y remedier. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1916, xxxviii, 642-672. . Besoins de la Prance en azotes, ques- tion de la viande. Bulk Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 42-48. . De F insuffisance des productions ali- mentaires en Allemagne, ses causes, ses con- sequences. Ibid., 314; 393. Meltzer. Die Brotnot unserer Zeit. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1914, xviii, 577-586. Albu (A.) Ueber Massenernahrung in Kriegs- zeiten. Hygiene, Berk, 1914, iv, 260-263. Alsberg (C. L.) Current food problems. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 986. Balland. Le soja dans F alimentation frangaise. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 300-302. Barnard (H. E.) New ideas in food control. Am. J. Pub. Health, Concord, N. H., 1917, vii, 960. Bassler (A.) Pood conservation. N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, cvi, 1109-1115. Bertarelli (E.) La presupposta carenza ali- mentare tedesca e il problema alimentare della Germania. Riv. d’ig. e san. pubb., Parma, 1917, xxviii, 25-28. Bougert. Der Weltkrieg und die Fleischver- sorgung Deutschlands. Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg., Berk, 1914-15, xxv, 163-169. Brandenburg (K.) Ernahrung in der Kriegs- zeit. Med. Klin., Berk, 1914, x, 1824-1826. Campbell (H.) Food economics in relation to the war. Lancet, Lond., 191(5, i, 686; 742; 792. Carcano (L.) Ancora sulla deficienza della came ed intorno ad un consigliabile surrogate. Attualita med., Milano, 1917, vi, 27. Carte (Sur la) de pain et sa necessity. Bulk Acad, de med. Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 419 ; 436. Chalmers (A. K.) Economy in food during war. Lancet, Lend., 1915, ii, 561-564. Cluss (A.) Getrocknete Bierhefe als Nahrungs- und Futtermittek Militararzt, Wien, 1914, xlviii, 362-366. . Beitrage zu der praktischen Yerwend- ung der Trockenhefe als Nahrungs- und Fut- termittek Ibid., 461-466. Durig (A.) Die Yolksernahrung wahrend des Krieges. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii, 250-269. Ehrmann (R.) Zur Ernahrung wahrend des Krieges. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diatet. Therap., Leipz., 1915, xix, 65-74. Eltzbacher (P.), Heyl (H.) [et ak] Ernahr- ung in der Kriegszeit. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg., 1915, xlvii, 87- 102. Ewald (O. A.) Ernahrung, Nahrungsbediirfnis und Nahrungsversorgung im Frieden und im Krieg. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1914, iv, 171-183. Feiler (K.) Die Vorziige des Saccharins vor dem Zucker im Kriege. Militararzt, Wien. 1915, xlix, 263-266. Ferguson (M.) The family budgets and die- taries of forty laboring class families in Glas- gow in war time. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1917, xxxvii, pt. ii, 117-136. 256 Index Medicus [War Supp. Monti (E.) See come e possibile utilizzare il sangue e le vinacce per 1’ alimentazione umana. Attualita med., Milano, 1917, vi, 331-337. Waller (A. D.) The fat supply of Germany. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1916, clxi, 227-239. War diet and metabolism. J. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago, 1917, Ixix. 1173. Wegener (J. A.) & Teller (G. L.) Conserva- tion of food. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis, 1917, ix, 218. von Noorden. Hygienische Betrachtungen iiber Yolksernahrung im Kriege. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz., 1915, ii, 64-83. Also: Med. Cor.-81. d. wilrttemb. arztl. Landesver., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxxv, 149—151. . Bemerkungen iiber Ersatzmittel der gebrauchlichen Nahrungseiweisse insbesond- ere iiber Blut. Therap. Monatsh., Berk, 1915, xxix, 384-390. O’Brien (C.) War diet by prescription. Med. Times, N. Y., 1917, xlv. 283. Oppenheimer (C.) Die Anpassung der deut- schen Yolksernahrung an die Kriegslage. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 25; 52. Panzer (T.) Die Fiitterung unserer Haustiere im Krieg in ihren Beziehungen zur Ernahr- ung des Menschen. Wien. med. Wchnschr.. 1916, Ixvi. 153-159. Paton (D. N.) Pood in war time. Med. Mag., Lond., 1915, xxiv. 439-441. . Feeding a nation. Chem. News, Lond., 1917, cxvi, 40. Pembrey (M. S.) The restricted supply of food, its relation to health and efficiency. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917. i, 605-607. Also: Guy’s Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1917, xxxi, 168- 174. Also: J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond., 1911, xxxviii, 57-70. . The question of economy in food. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 732. Rosenfeld (G.) Krieg und Ernahrung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii. 315-318. Kubner. Die Yolksernahrung im Kriege. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl.. 1914, xl, 1801-1806. Also: Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1914, xi, 745-753. . Der Staat und die Yolksernahrung. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1914, xl. 1945-1948. . TJeber fleischarme Ernahrung auf dem Lande. Hyg. Rundschau. Berl., 1915, xxv. 345-349. Woodbury (R. M.) Statistics of the food sup- ply in Germany. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Best., 1916, xv, 93-109. Zuntz (N.) Einfluss des Kriegs auf Ernahr- ung und Gesundheit des deutschen Volkes. Med. Klin., Berl., 1915, xi, 1176; 1204. War Bread. Halland. Sur quelques essais de panification eu vue de la continuity de la guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxiv, 712-714. . Sur les alterations du pain de guerre. Ihid., 990-992. Bell (R.) “War bread.” Med. Times, Lond., 1917, xlv, 244-246. Berthelot (D.) Sur I’addition de la farina de mais a la farine de ble. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, n. s., Ixxvii, 207. Bertrand (G.) Sur la digestibility du pain et la meilleure utilisation du froment. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 438-440. Blanchard (R.) A propos du pain complet. a M. le professeur Gilbert, directeur du Paris medical. Paris med., 1917, xxii, suppl., 267. Capltan. Sur le pain actuel. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 335-348. Cummins (G. D.) Potato bread. Brit. Food J., Lond., 1917, xix, 185. Becker. Die Yerdaulichkeit der Kriegsbrote. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 709. Bubois (R.) Sur le pain de guerre (pain de- chlorure-calcique). Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1917, Ixxx, 818-820. Effect (The) of war bread on health. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 485. von Fellenberg (T.) Versuche zur Bestim- mung von Kartoffeln in Kartoft'elbrot. Mitt, a. d. Geb. d. Lebensmittelunt. u. Hyg., Bern, 1917, viii, 203-211. Friedenthal (H.) Ueber Strohmehl und seine Verwendung fiir Backzwecke. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 496. Gautier (A.) Comment compenser le deficit actuel de froment panifiable? Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 573-578. Gerber (E.) Ueber Ei-Ersatzmittel. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1916, xxxi, 45-54. Hadwen (W. R.) “War bread,” from a health and economic standpoint. Med. Times, Lond., 1917, xlv, 216. Rubow (V.) Ernseringsproblemer i Tyskland under Krigen. Hosp.-Tid., Keffienh., 1915, 5. R., viii, 137-145. Salkowski (E.) Ueber die Verwendung des Blutes der Schlachttiere als Nahrungsmittel. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii, 597-599. Saxon (G. J.) Some food facts for war-time consideration, luternat. Clin., Phila., 1917, 27, s., iv, 265—274, 1 chart. Schiavelli (A.) Lo state dell’allevamento bovino e le razze bovine allevate in Italia in rapporto all’ economia nazionale. N. Erco- lani, Pisa, 1915, xx, 215; 273; 289; 306; 321; 337; 353; 369. Schmidt (A.) Yolksernahrung und Diiltetik in Kriegszeiten. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl., 1915, Ivi, 81-85. Sternberg (W.) Krieg und Kiiche. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl., 1915, Ixxxiv, 77-79. Taylor (A. E.) Pood supply in war time. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1576. Also; Med. Rec., N. Y., 1917, xci, 1077- 1080. Also: N. York M. J. [etc.], 1917, evi, 574-577. Hutchison (R.) The effects of war bread on health. Practitioner, Lond., 1917, xeix, 501- 506. Kerp (W.), Schroder (F.) & Pfyl (B.) Chem- ische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung des Strohmehls als Putter- und Nahrungsmittel. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1915, 1, 232- 263, 6 pi. Lapicque & Legendre. Amelioration du pain de guerre par neutralisation des ferments du son. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1917, clxv, 316-319. Thiess. Organisation der Yolksernahrung im dritten Kriegsjahr. Deutsche med., Wchn- schr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1916, xlii, 1497. Also: Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1916, Ixiii, 1700. Legendre. La question du pain. Le pain frangais. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1917, xlvii, 755-766. -. La question du pain ; le pain frangais. Presse med., Par., 1917, xxv, 589-591. Lingelsheim (A.) Der Nachweis von Kartof- felzusatz im Kriegsbrot. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl., 1915, xxix, 361-368. Thompson (W. H.) The daily food ration of Great Britain. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 238. Yerworn (M.) Blockbrot (Blut-Eiweissbrot). Kor.-81. d. allg. arztl Y"er. v. Thiiringen, Jena, 1915, xliv, 112-117. European War. Maurel (E) Necessity d’utiliser les cereales coloniales pour remedier a F insufßsance de notre froment. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxviii, 89-95. . Les succedanes du froment devant F hygiene national. Hid., 77-80. . Considerations pratiques relatives a F utilisation du riz pour suppleer le froment. Ibid., 152-157. . La carte de pain, son utilite, sa fixa- tion. Ibid., 419-425. yon Noorden (C.) Ueber Verdauungsbeschwer- den nach dem Genuss von Kriegsbrot und ihre Behandlung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii. 349. . Ueber die Bekommlichkeit der Kriegs- gebache und die Herstelluug reinen Weizen- gebiicks fur Kranke. Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi.267. Pugllese (A.) La valeur alimentaire des divers types de pain. Rev. gen. d. sc. pures et appliq., Par., 1915, xxvi, 612-617. Raab (O.) Zur Frage des Brotersatzes. Mtin- chen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 912. Buhner, Finger & Juckenack. Yerwendung von Kartoffelbrot bei der Gefangenenernahrung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berk, 1915, xlix, 95-99. Baum (M.) Die Kriegswochenhilfe. Ztscbr. f. Sauglingsffirsorge, Leipz., 1914—15, viii, 245- 253. Bourgeois (L.) La guerre et la defense de F en- fant. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 89. Calabrese (R.) Pro nascituri e pro neonati durante la guerra pel dopo guerra. Nipiolo- gia, Napoli, 1916, ii, 159-166. Chaveau. La guerre et la defense de F enfant. Rev. scient., Par., 1915, i, 49. Boleris. Sur la proposition de voeux relatifs a la protection materuelle et infantile dans les usines de guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 3. s., Ixxvi, 116; 1917, Ixxvii, 185. . La protection maternelle et infantile dans les usines de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 277-301. Eckert (H.) Ueber Sauglingsffirsorge in Un- teroffizierfamilien. Aus dienstlichen Berich- ten im Auftrage des Kriegsministeriums, Medi- zinal-Abteilung. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.- San.-Wes., Berl.. 1914, Heft. 61, 1-32. Epstein (A.) Der Krieg und die Stillpflicht der Frau. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien, 1915, xxvii. 193—205. Fort (A.) Pupilles de I’assistance et orphelins de la guerre. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1917, xxviii, 366-370. Meeker (R.) Sauglingsfiirsorge in Miinchen wahrend des Krieges. 81. f. Sauglingsfiir- sorge, Miinchen, 1915, vi, 253-307. Isidori (T.) La protezione dell’ infanzia du- rante la guerra. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1915, xvii, 253—258. Klnmker. Kriegsunterstiitzung und uneheliche Kinder. N. Generation, Berl., 1915, xi, 78-83. Lesage (A.) L’ enfant de 1’ ouvriere d’ usine et la mortality infantile. Paris med., 1917, xix, 97-101. . L’ enfant de 1’ ouvriere d’ usine. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1917, xxxviii, 24-33. . La maternitd ouvriere de Levallois- Salowski (E.) Ueber die Deckung des-Eiweiss- bedarfes im Kriege. Berk klin. Wchnschr., 1915, lii. 284-288. Schaffer (F.) Gutachten fiber die Yerwendung frischer (gediimpfter oder roher) Kartoffeln bei der Brotbereitung. Mitt. a. d. Geb. d. Lebensmittelunt. u. Hyg., Bern. 1917, viii, 212-217. Schwalbe (J.) Verhandlungen fiber die Be- kommlichkeit der Kriegsbackwaren. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berk, 1915, xli, 408-419. Sprlggs (E. I.) & Weir (A. B.) The digesti- bility of bread made from two parts of wheat and one part of oats, barley, maize or rye. Lancet, Lond.. 1917. ii, 724-726. Waetzoldt (G. A.) Ueber das Brot in Kriegs- zeiten. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berk, 1915, Ivi, 305-311. Perret et de Neuilly. Ihid., 521-528. Loir (L.) & Legangneux (H.) L’ enfance au Havre pendant la guerre. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii. 303-305. Mesnrenr (G.) Les enfants assistes de la Seine pendant la guerre. Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1914-15, xxxvi, 219-238. Nascher (I. L.) War babies. Am. Med., Burlington, Yt. & N. Y„ 1915, x, 623-628. Pinard (A.) La protection de 1’ enfance pen- dant la premiere annee de guerre dans le camp retranche de Paris. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 343-361. . De la protection de 1’ enfance pendant les cinq premiers mois de guerre dans le camp retranche de Paris. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1915, xxxvii, 335-358. . De la protection de 1’ enfance pendant la deuxieme annee de guerre dans le camp retranche de Paris. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1916, 8. s., Ixxvi, 540-570. Also: Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 76-106. Also: Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 5-36. . De la protection de 1’ enfance pendant la troisieme annde de guerre dans le camp retranche de Paris. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 705-748. von Pirqnet (C.) Ernahrung des Kindes wahrend des Krieges. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixv, 1169-1172. Rietschel (H.) Die Gefahrdung der Siiuglinge durch Hitze und Kriegszustand und die ent- sprechenden Gegenmassnahmen. Ztschr. f. arztl. Fortbild., Jena, 1915, xii, 449-456. Rosenthal (J.) Krieg und Mutterschutz. N. Generation, Berl., 1915, xi, 54-61. Save the children. Report on the physical wel- fare of mothers and children in England and Wales. Eugenics Rev., Lond., 1917, ix, 109- 116. Weill (E.) & Mouriquand (G.) A propos du pain de guerre; donnees experimentales sur la valeur alimentaire du mais; mais et pel- lagre. Bulk Acad, de mdd., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 569. , . L’ orge dans le pain de guerre, (recherches experimentales sur la valeur ali- mentaire de Forge). Ibid., 824-826. , . Recherches sur la carence ali- mentaire a propos de la question du pain de guerre. Bulk et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. de Par., 1915, 3. s., xxxix, 1145-1155. > . A propos du pain de guerre; recherches experimentales sur la valeur ali- mentaire du mais; ses rapports avec la pel- la^ Progres med., Par., 1917, 3. s., xxxii, (Including Maternity Insurance.) See, also, Rape. Infant and Child Welfare. Gfrojahn (A.) Der Wehrbeitrag der deutschen Frau. Zeitgemiisse Betrachtungen fiber Krieg und Geburtenrtiekgang. Bonn, 1915, A. Mar- cus & E. Weber, 28 p., B°. Palmer (Mrs. Mabel). Life-saving in war- time, a campaign handbook; with an intro- duction by Rt. Hon. A. H. D. Acland. Lond., 1916, C. A. Pearson, 128 p., B°. Altschnl (T.) Krieg und Jugendftirsorge. Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Leipz. u. Hamb., 1915, xxviii, 49-59. 258 Index Medicus [War Supp. Seiffert (G.) Krieg und Siiuglingssterblichkeit. 81. f. Sauglingsfiirsorge, Miinchen, 1915, vi, 313-319. Walter (Henriette Rose). Munition workers in England and France. N. Y., 1917, Russell Sage Foundation, 48 p., B°. Strauss (P.) Sur la protection de 1’ enfance, pendant la deuxieme annee de guerre, dans le camp retranche de Paris. Bull. Acad, de m6d., Par., 1917, 3. s., Ixxvii, 26-42. Also: Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1917, xxxviii, 1-9. . La protection maternelle et infantile dans les usines de guerre. Rev. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, xxxix, 81-92. Towne (A. W.) France adopts her war orphans. Survey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxix, 7-9. Yitoux (G.) La protection des femmes enceintes et des nourzlssons a Paris, pendant la guerre. Arch. mens, d’ obst. et de gynec., Par., 1915, iv, 439-445. Albaugh (R. P.) Health protection in indus- tries manufacturing war materials. Ohio Pub. Health J.. Columbus, 1917, viii, 300-302. Collis (E. L.) The protection of the health of munition workers; with special reference to the work of the Health of Munition Workers Committee. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 203—213. Also: Chem. News, Lond., 1917, cxv, 141. Danger (The) to munition workers from tri- nitrotoluene. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1353. Hamilton (Alice). Dangers other than acci- dents in the manufacture of explosives. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem., Easton, Pa., 1916, viii, 1064-1067. . Industrial poisons encountered in the manufacture of explosives. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 1445-1451. . Trinitrotoluene poisoning. Med. & Surg., St. Louis, 1917, i, 761-766. Harrington (T. F.) Tri-nitro-toluene poisoning in Massachusetts. Boston M. & S. J., 1917, clxxvii, 838-840. Health of munition workers. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, 847; ii, 49. Health (The) of munition workers. Lancet, Lond., 1917, i, 692 ; 785. Health and welfare of munition workers outside the factory. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 291. Livingstone-Learmonth (Agnes) & Cunningham (Barbara M.) Observations on the effects of tri-nitrotoluene on women workers. Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 261-264. Occupations, Bargeron (L.) L’ hygiene dans la reconstruc- tion des usines apres la guerre. Ann. d’ hyg., Par., 1917, 4. s., xxvii, 213; xxviii, 57. Clark (W. I.) The protection of the health of the worker in war. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917,1 xix, 1124-1129. Oliver (Sir T.) The hygiene of occupation in war time. J. State Med., Lond., 1917, xxv, 225—237. Also: Med. Press & Oirc., Lond., 1917, ciii, 322; 346. Pacli (H.) Der Krieg und die ungarische Ar- beiterversicherung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 709-711. Aeroplane Workers. Barlow (F.) Dope poisoning. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, clii, 471. Dangers of the airplane industry from a hygienic standpoint. Month. Rev. U. S. Bur. Labor Statist., Wash., 1917, v, 284. Hamilton (Alice). Industrial poisoning in air- craft manufacture. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 2037-2039. . Dope poisoning; a new industrial hazard in the making of airplane wings. Sur- vey, N. Y., 1917-18, xxxix, 168. Koelsch (F.) Gewerbliche Yergiftungen durch Zelluloidlacke in der Flugzeugindustrie. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 1567- 1569. See, also, Toxic Jaundice. McCullough (J. W. S.) Hours of work in re- lation to efficiency and output of munition workers. Am. Med., Burlington, Vt., 1917, xxiii, 402. Me Walter (J. C.) The prophylaxis of trinitro- toluene poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1915, ii, 944. Martland (H. S.) Tri-nitro-toluene poisoning. Proc. N. York Path. Soc., 1916, xvi, 129-135. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 835-837. Lee (W. E.) A fatal case of dope poisoning. [Tetrachlorethane.] Lancet, Lond., 1916, i, 24. Moore (B.) On T. N. T. poisoning, with a re- quest for information from medical officers at the front. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, ii, 164. . A urinary test for T. N. T. illness and the early diagnosis of cases suffering from T. N. T. absorption. [Trinitrotoluene.] Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, cii, 537- 539. See, also, Toxic Jaundice; Picric Acid Jaundice. Munition Workers. Great Britain. Canteen Committee of the Cen- tral Control Board. Feeding the munition worker. Lond., 1916, H. M. Stationery, 29 p., B°. . Ministry of Munitions. Health of munition workers committee. [Memoranda and Interim report.] Lond., 1916-17, fol. Hewes (Amy) & Walter (H. R.) Women as munition workers, a study of conditions in Bridgeport, Conn. Munition workers in Eng- land and France. N. Y., 1917, R. Sage Found., 158 p., B°. Lalannc (Georges-Laurent-Charles). Contribu- tion il 1’ etude des accidents de travail dans les usines de guerre. Bordeaux, 1917, 39 p., B°, *. United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hours, fatigue and health in British munition factories, reprints of the memoranda of the British Health of Munition Workers Committee. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 147 p., B°. . Welfare work in British munition factories. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 66 P-, B°. Oppenheim (M.) Hautschadigungen in Muni- tionsfabriken mit besonderer Beriicksich- tigung der Quecksilberwirkung. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1273-1278. Oertel (H.) The anatomical findings in tri- nitrotoluene poisoning. Canad. M. Ass. J., Toronto, 1917, vii, 281. Panton (P. N.) The effect of trinitrotoluene upon the blood. Lancet, Lond., 1917, ii, 77-82. Prevention of T. N. T. poisoning. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1917, i, 399. Rice (A.) Munition-plant poisons. Am. J. Pub. Health, N. Y„ 1917, vii, 273-278. Schereschewsky (J. W.) Trinitrotoluol: prac- tical points in its safe handling. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1917, xxxii, 1919-1926. Smith (W. G.) High explosives: T. N. T., its toxic action in munition workers, detection in urine (with experiments). Dublin J. M. Sc., 1917, cxliv, 246; 289. European War. 259 . High explosives, T. N. T.; its toxic action in munition workers. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland. Dubl., 1917, xxxv, 194-204. Strakhovich (I. Y.) [Explosives and their toxic action.] Morsk. Vrach., Petrogr., 1915, 265; 310. Trinitrotoluene poisoning. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1916, ii. 842-844. Also: Lancet, Lond., 1916, ii, 1026-1030. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, cii, 534-537. Also: J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixviii, 459. . (T. N. T.) poisoning among muni- tion workers. Ibid., 2041. . Nature of the material, toxic symp- toms, preventive measures and treatment. Scient. Am. Suppl., 1917, Ixxxiii, 58-60. Olivier. Onze mois de captivite dans les hSpi- taux allemands. Paris, 1916, Librairie Cha- pelot, B°. Poisson (H.) Guerre 1914-1915: des medecins prisonniers de guerre des allemands; com- ment its furent traites; ce qu’ ils virent. Montpellier, 1915, B°, * No. 2. Roger (Noelle). Le passage des evacues a travers la Suisse. I. Geneve. 11. Schaff- house, Zurich. Paris, 1916, Attinger freres, B°. Albertin. Rapport sur 1’ dtat des blesses franqais mutilds rapatries d’ Allemagne. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Par., 1914-15, Ixiv, 233-242. Berione (G.) Gli ufficiali medici italiani in un campo di prigionieri in Austria. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 789-795, 1 pi. Breton (E.) Organisation et fonctionnement du service medical dans un camp de prison- niers en Allemagne (janvier-juillet (1915]. Paris med., 1915-16, xvii, 547-557. Brettner. Kriegsgefangenenlazarett Alexand- rinenstrasse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1914, li, 1698. Women War Workers. Great Britain, War Office. Woman’s war work. Lond., 1916, H. M. Stationery Off., 93 p., B°. Gribble (F. H.) Women in war. N. Y., 1917, Dutton, 350 p., B°. Hewes (Amy) & Walter (Henriette R.) Women as munition makers. N. Y., 1917, Russell Sage Foundation, 163 p., 12°. Stone (Gilbert). Women war workers. Lond., 1917, Harrap, 320 p., B°. Warwick (Frances Evelyn). A woman and the war. Lond., 1916, Chapman & Hall, 255 p., B°. See, also, Infant and Child Welfare. Caldwell (B. W.) European prison camps. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxviii, 245-262. Esser (J. F. S.) Heilung eines aus russischer Kriegsgefangenschaft ausgetauschten Inval- iden. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing., 1917, cv (Kriegschir. Hefte VII), 564-566. Finckh (E.) Mitteilungen aus franzbsischer Gefangenschaft und insbesondere aus einem franzbsischen Reservelazarett. Miinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1915, Ixii, 353-355. Flenrent (E.) A propos du pain destine aiix prisonniers de guerre. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1915, clxi, 55. . Sur une procedd de conservation du pain destine particulierement aux prison- niers de guerre. Ibid., 1916, clxiii, 135. Fricke. Erlebnisse und Eindrucke eines kriegs- gefangenen Schiffsarztes. Berl. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, lii, 507. Also: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli, 661. German prison camps. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1916, i, 420-422. Guillaume (A. C.) L’ etat de santd des prison- niers et le regime hygieno-alimentaire dans les camps d’ Allemagne. Rev. scient., Par., 1916, ii, 619-624. Hospitalisation of interned sick and wounded prisoners of war in Switzerland. Mil. Surgeon, Wash., 1916, xxxix, 575-581. Joyeux (C.) & Dalle (M.) Note sur I’etar sanitaire dans un camp de prisonniers en Allemagne. Bull. Soc. path, exot., Par., 1915, viii, 547-553. McWalter (J. B.) The hygiene of prisoners of war. Pub. Health, Lond., 1916-17, xxx, 5-7. Apert (E.) Le travail feminin dans les usines de guerre et la depopulation. Nourrisson, Par., 1917. v, 153-164. Duclot. Quelques considerations sur le travail des femmes dans les etablissements de la marine. Arch, de med. et pharm. nav., Par., 1917, civ, 5-11. Guerre (La) et le travail feminin; la profes- sion d’ infirmiere en France. Rev. philan- thropy Par., 1916, xxxvii, 225-247. Hewes (Amy). Women as munition workers, a study of conditions in Bridgeport. Survey, Social, Charit., Civic, N. Y., 1916-17, xxxvii. 379-385. Hirschfeld (M.) Frauen als Soldaten im Welt- kriege. Jahrb. f. sex. Zwischenstufen, Leipz., 1915, xv, 36; 95; 120. Kane (E. O’N.) Women in railway service as viewed from a surgical standpoint, pertinent to the present world war. Internal. J. Surg., N. Y„ 1917, 362-364. Strauss (P.) Le travail feminin dans les usines de guerre. Rev. philanthropy Par., 1917, xxxviii. 113-121. United States, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment of women and juveniles in Great Britain during the war.. Reprints of the memoranda of the British Health of Munition Workers Com- mittee. Wash., 1917, Govt. Print. Off., 121 p., B°. Eibadeau-Dumas. Dans un camp de prison- niers en Allemagne. Paris med., 1916, vi, 475-481. Schdppler (H.) Ueber Gefangenenverpflegung in Regensburg Ao, 1704. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1915, 1, 247-250. Schwalbe (J.) Die Festhaltung gefangeuer Militararzte. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Berl., 1915, xli. 742. : -. Gefangenenbehandlung. Ibid., 1526- 1528. Prisoners. Cohen (Israel). The Ruhleben prison camp. N. Y., 1917, Dodd, Mead, 251, p., B°. France. Le regime des prisonniers de guerre en France _et en Allemagne au regard des conventions internationales 1914—1916. Paris, 1916, Impr. Nationale, 100 p., B°. . Ministere de la Guerre. Inspection generale des prisonniers de guerre. Resume des instructions sur F organisation du service des prisonniers de guerre. 2 ed. Paris, 1917, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, 98 p., B°. McCarthy (D. J.) The prisoner of war in Germany. N. Y., 1917, Moffat Yard, 344 p„ B°. Seiltert (G.) Hygieniscbe Erfahrungen bei Kriegsgefangenen. Miinchen. med. Wchu- schr., 1915, Ixii, 35; 68; 1460. Strisower (R.) Meine Erlebnisse in russischer Gefangenschaft und auf der Flucht aus Turkestan. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1915, xxviii, 1114-1117. Index Medicus. [War Snpp. Strong (G. V.) The administration of militai-y justice at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. J. Am. Inst. .... Criminol., Chicago, 1917—18, viii, 420^127. Taylor (A. E.) The diet of prisoners of war- in Germany. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1917, Ixix, 1575-1582. Thompson (H. N.) An account of my cap- ture and my experiences in Germany. J. Boy. Army Med. Corps, Lond., 1915, xxiv, 121-136. 1917, xiii, 465-468. Also: Med. Press & Circ., Lend., 1917, civ, 45. See, also, Venereal Diseases Prostitution. Bellini (A.) La vigilanza del meretricio. uel territorio del corpo d’ armata di Milano. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano, 1917, lii, 7-23. Butte (L.) The medical supervision of prosti- tution in Paris during the war. Am. J. Urol., N. Y., 1917, xiii, 547-550. Fonss (A. L.) Prostitutionen under Krig. Ugeskr. f. Lseger, Kobenh., 1917, Ixxix, 1479; 1521. Haberling (W.) Das Dirnenwesen in den Heeren und seine Bekiimpfung. Ztschr. f. Bekiimpf. d. Geschlechtskrankh.. Leipz., 1914, xv, 63; 103; 143; 169; 312; 323. Yisclier (A. L.) The internment of sick pris- oners of war in Switzerland. St. Barth. Hosp. J.. Lond., 1916, xxiii, 111. Wiener. Die Kriegsgefangennahme vom hygi- enischen Standpunkt. Wien. klin. Wchn- schr., 1915, xxviii, 359. Zvyagintseff (G. G.) [Prisoner for two and a half months in hospital institutions in Germany.] Yoyenno-Med. J., Petrogr., 1915, eexlii, med.-spec. pt., 242-258. Rape. Boas (K.) Sexualpathologisches aus dem europaischen Weltkriege 1914-15. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist., Leipz., 1915, Ixiv, 64-98. Bnrchard (E.) Sexuelle Fragen zur Kriegszeit. Ztschr. f. Sexuaiwissensch., Bonn, 1914-15, i, 373-380. Coban (E.) I problemi sessuali della guerra; matrimoni di guerra; naseite illegitime; aborto legalizzato. Clin, ostet., Roma, 1915, xvii, 258—264. l)e Napoli (F.) Guerra e problemi sessuali. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1915, 9. s., iii, 257-278. Also: Riforma med., Napoli, 1916, xxxii, 255-263. Me Walter (J. C.) An experiment in enforced continence. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1916, n. s., cii. 363. Stocker (Helene). Geschlechtspsychologie und Krieg. N. Generation, Berk, 1915, xi, 286- 300. Sexual Instinct. Bar (P.) Des mesures prises par le gouverne- ment frangais pour assurer le_ secret de leur accouchement aux femmes violees par les soldats allemands et la protection aux enfants congus dans ces viols. Arch. mens, d’obst. et de gynec., Par., 1915, 177-184. Benthin (W.) Ueber kriminelle Fruchtab- treibung. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse in Ostpreussen. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg., 1915, Ixxvii, 572-640. Bossi (L. M.) In difesa delle donne belghe e francesi violentate dai soldati tedeschi; una grave questione d’ eugenetica e di giustizia. Ginecol. mod., Genova, 1915, viii, 90—97. Dubois (R.) L’ignominie allemande. (Dix observations obstetricales du temps de guerre.) Ann. d. mal. ven., Par., 1916, xi, 449-459. Henrot (H.) Le viol de guerre et la protec- tion de 1’ enfange. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1915, 3. s., Ixxiv, 452—455. Herrgott (A.) La femme outragee victime de la guerre. Ann. de gynec. et d’ obst., Par., 1915, 2. s„ xi, 494-500. von Oishausen. Zuliissigkeit der Abtfeibung von Kriegskindern? Med. Klin., Berk, 1915, xi, 1251. Tonton. Sexualpadagogik im Frieden und Krankheitsverhiitung im Kriege. Ztschr. f. Sexuaiwissensch., Bonn, 1915-16, ii, 89-96. Trombetta (E.) L’ instinto sessuale e la guerra. Gior. di med. mil., Roma, 1917, Ixv, 535-546. Rabaud (E.) A propos des viols allemands. Ann. de gynec. et d’ obst., Par., 1915, 2. s., xi, 509-512. -. L’impregnation maternelle, h propos des viols allemands. Rev. sclent., Par., 1915, k 199-201. Yiry (H.) L’instinct genesique et la guerre actuelle. Rev. gen. de din. et de therap., Par., 1916, xxx, 355-357. . Army psychology; the sexual in- stinct and the war. Am. J. Urok, N. Y.,