ilN !^'f; : ■ ' ■■'' IIli 'itili l^;':-,v- • ■ ' iH'iì f^rnViMi-: <'.;-,.. ■■■:■ ^feràlHJi:;: ■■!•;:■ ■■•■ S«vBfXVWHX/P*1^^^^--^ ;i^'iT:/-> >>-' • ' - • - ->:.-'■> H$$jÌ<#;;^#'^ Pili liÌi!'»W: ^ji:- :•:•• - ^^S^il^l: ■;;■;■:■■■•.. «#^: ■-=!'■ -■«-»■ i> >«>';<*<'?• ,!!'> ■''■■ «Wi|i:i:i:i';•■■/:: '■ ■ ■. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IX THE INDEX-C ATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEONtJENERALS OFFICE, UNITED 8TATES AJiAlV, FROM VOLUME I TO VOLUME XVI, INCLUSIVE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1895. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE HVDEX-CATAL.OGUE. EXPLAN ATIONS : The abbreviations are prepared as far as possible in accordance with the following principles : 1. To follow the exact order of the words of the title. 2. To make them as brief as is consistent with clearness to those who are familiar with medicai literature. 3. To follow strictly the orthographical usages of each language. This disposes of the question of capitalization. 4. To attain uniformity. Some exceptions to this last mie have been found expedient. An abbreviation which is quite intelligible in the body of a title is not always suitable as the first word, and the context may make an abbreviation sufficiently clear in a long title which in a short one would appear obscure. The convenience of the reader is regarded as of more importance than a rigid adherence to uniformity. The following minor details, with the list of single-letter abbreviations, will assist in the comprehension of the scheme : The article with which a title commences is omitted. Prepositions as well as articles are entirely omitted in English titles, and in other languages when their elisiou would not lead to obscurity. The place of publication is not added when it forms an integrai part of the title; in such cases it is given without abbreviation, except in instances of Constant recur- rence, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc., which are condensed into Lond., Par., Beri., etc, on ali occasions. Nor is it added to the titles of Transactious or Journals the plaees of publication of which have been chauged from time to time, as the references in each instance furnish the locality. The reader seeking explanation of an abbreviated title will find it under its first word (article excluded) in its alphabetical place in the list. -fo^ÀO 2- [2] Two exceptions have been made to the rule of strict adherence to the order of the title : La Lancette francaise, gazette des hópitaux, and Jahrbiicher der in- und auslàndischen gesammtcn Medici», are everywhere known as the Gazette des hópitaux and Schmid fs- Jahrbiicher, and have been abbreviated under the latter titles. SINGLE-LETTER a. aan, alla, auf, aus, aux, etc. b. bei. d. das, degli, dei, del, della, der, des, det, die, din, etc. E. East. e. ein, eine, einer. F. Folge. f. fòr, for, fra, fur. g. gorod (city), gorodskoi (of the city). h. net. J. Jahr, Jahres, Jahreszahl, Jornal, Journal. k. kaiserlich, kòniglich, koninklijke. k. k. kaiserlich kòniglich. 1. las, les, los, etc. M. Medicai, Medicine, Medico, etc. m. mit. N. North. n. neue, neueste, new, nouveau, nuova, nya, etc. ABBREVIATIONS. n. F. neue Folge. [n. p., n. d.] no place, no date. o. och, oder, over. p. par, pel, per, pour, pri. Q. Quarterly. R. Eaekke, Eeeks. r. real, reale. S. Surgery, Surgical. s. seinem, series; e. g., 1. s., 2. s.„ n. s., new series. t. tegen, ter, till, tot. u. und. ii. iiber. v. van, vid, von, voor, vor! v. p. various plaees. v. s. various sizes. W. West. z. zu, zur. A. Abeille, Brux. Abeille méd., Montreal. Abeille méd., Par. ] Abeja méd., Barcel. Aberdeen Lancet. Abhandl. u. Beob. d. aerztl. Ge- sellsch. zu Munster. Abhandl. u. Beob. v. einer Ge- sellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb. Abeille (L'). Revne medicale et scientifique, ou choix d'articles puisés dans les journaux de médecine francais et étran»ers Bruxelles, v. 1-4, 1834. roy. 8°. [In Jan., 1835, uuited with : Observateur (L') medicai, forming: Aun. de méd. belge, Brux.] Abeille (L') medicale. Journal de l'Écolede médecine et de chirur- gie de Montreal, de l'hópital Hótel-Dieu, de la Materni té «te. Pélagie et des dispensaires. Montreal, v. 1-3; no 1 v 4 Jan., 1*79, to Jan.; 1832. 8°. Abeille (L') medicale. Revne des journaux et des ouvra«»es de médecine, de chirurgie, [etc.]. Paris, v. 1-52, 1844-95.° 4°. Abeille (1/) medicale, ou journal analytique de médecine et de sciences accessoires, par une société [etc.]. [Was title of v. 10- 13 of: J. aual. de méd., Par.] Abeja (La) mèdica. Revista de los diarios de medicina, ciruoia farmacia, ciencias fisicas y naturales; trabajos académicos'. Repertorio completo de terapèutica, higiene, obstetricia, medi- cina legai, toxicologia, veterinaria, variedades ; bibliografia Barcelona. 2. s. v. 1-6, 1847-52. 8°. ^Nov^iSlTo^" Aberde6n- N°S- X-3' v- ^ APr- Ja^ Abhandluugen und Beobachtungen der aerztlichen Gesellschaft zu Munster. v. 1, ld2*J. s :. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen aus der Arzneygelahrtheit von einer Gesellschaft von Aerzten in Hamburg, v. 1 1776. 8°. [3] Abhandl. u. Ber. d. k. zool. u. anthrop.-ethn. Mus. zu Dresd., Beri. Abhandl. d. k. k. med.-chir. Jo- sephs-Acad. zu Wien. Abhandl. d. math.-naturw. CI. d. k. bòhm. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Frag. ■Z^ Abhandl. d. math.-phys. CI. d. k. sàchs. Gesellsch. d.Wissensch. Abhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle. Abhandl. d. naturh. Gesellsch. zu Niirnb. Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Phil.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manchester. Abstr. papers Roy. Soc. Lond. Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond. Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond. Abhandlungen und Berichte des konigl. zoologischen und anthro- pologiNch-ethnographischen Museums zu Dresdeu. Hrsg. init Unterstiitznng der Generaldirectiou der kóuiglichen Sarnmlun- gen fiir Kuust und Wisseuschaft von Dr. A. B. Mever. 1886-7 to 181)2-3. Berlin. 1.-87-94. fol. Abhandluugeu der kais. konigl. medicinisch-chirurgischen Jo- sephs-Academie zu Wien. Wien. v. 2, 1801. 41-. Abhandlungen der matheinatisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der konigl. bòhmischen Gesellsehaft der Wissenschaften. Po- jednani tfidy mathematicko-piirodovèdecké kraìovské èeské spolecnosti nauk. Prag. 6. F., v. 2-12, 1869 to 1883-4; 7. F., v. 1-4, 1883-6 to 1890-1. 4°. Abhandluugeu der matliematisch-physischen Classe der konigl. siichsischeu Gesellsehaft der Wissenschafteu. Leipzig. No. 2, v. 14, 1887. 8C. Abhandlungen dernaturforschenden Gesellsehaft zu Halle. Origi- nalaufsiitze aus dem Gebiete der gesannnten Xaturwissenschaf- ten. Halle, v. 11-18, 1869-92. 4:. Abhaudlungen der naturhistorischen Gesellsehaft zu Niirnberg. v. 3-4, 1866-8. 8°. Abhandluugen der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlan- geu. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1, 1810. 4°, Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. Abtheilung fiir Naturwissensehaften und Medicin, 1861; 1862; 1867-73. Breslau. 8°. Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. Philosophisch-historische Abtheilung, 1861; 1862; 1864; 1866 to 1873-4. Breslau. 8°. Abstracts of some of the Medicai and Surgical Cases treated at the General Hospital for Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manches- ter, during the years 18*1-3. Manchester, ò v., 1882-6. 8°. Abstracts of the papers communieated to the Rovai Society of London. 1-43-54. London, v.5-6,1851-4. 8°. [Coutiuuation of : Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond., and continued as : Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.] Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Trausactions of the Royal Society of London. 1800-30; 1837-43. London. v. 1-4, 1832 43. 8°. [Continued as: Abstr. papers Roy. Soc. Lond.] Abstract of the Transactious of the Hunterian Society, session 1887-8, with The Report, and a list of officerà and members. Society instituted February, 1819. London. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Academia Caesarea Leopoldino Carolina natura enriosorurn. [See Acad. nat curios. ephem. Also: Acta Acad. nat. curios. Also: Anserl. med.-chir.- . . . Abhandl. d. ìom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf., Niirnb. Also: Mise. Acad. nat. curios., Francof. Also: Mise. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. Also: Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios. Also:-Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat. curios.] Academia Cffis. reg. Josephina medico-chirurgica Vindobonensis. [See Abhandl. d. k. k. med.-chir. Josephs-Acad. zu Wien. Also : Acta Acad. Cses. reg. Joseph, med.-chir. Viudob. Also : Actes Acad. e. r. Josephine uiéd.-chir. de Vienne, Montpel. Also: Diss. med.-chir.-prat., estr. d. Atti d. r. i. Accad. Giosset'tina, Vienna.] Academia de ciencias inédicas de Vitoria. [See Rev. méd. vaoco- uavarra, Vitoria.] Academia electoralis Moguntina scientiarum utilium quae Erfor- dite est. [See Acta Acad. elector. Moguut. se. util. qua; Erfor- dia? est.] Academia de Esculapio, Madrid. [See Eco de la med., Madrid.] Academia Gcettingensis. [See Collect. diss. med. in Acad. Gcet- ting.] Academia imperiai de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. [See Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan. Also: Relat. d. trab. . . . Acad. imp. de med. do Rio de Jan. Also: Rev. med. fluminense . . . Acad. imp. de med. do Rio de Jan.] Academia y laboratorio de ciencias raédicas de Cataluna. [See An. Acad. y lab. de cien. méd. de Cataluna, Barcel.] w Acad. d. belles-lettres, etc, de La Rochelle. Acad. nat. curios. ephem. Academia libre de medicina de Lima. [See Boi. Acad. de med. de Lima. Also: Monitor méd., Lima.] Academia de medicina de Buenos Ayres. [See An. Acad. de med. de Buenos Ayres.] Academia de medicina y cirugia. [See Compilador méd., Barcel.] Academia de medicina, cirugia y farmacia de Jaen. [See Boi. de med. y cirug. de Jaen.] Academia de medicina de Madrid. [See Siglo méd., Madrid.] Academia de medicina de Medelliu. [See An. Acad. de med. de Medelliu.] Academia de medicina de Mégico. [See Periód. Acad. de med. de Mégico.] Academia de medicina de Mexico. [See Gac. méd., Mexico.] Academia de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. [See Ann. Acad. de med. do Rio de Jan.] Academia médico-farmacéuticade Barcelona. [See Acta de la ses. pub. inaug. que la Acad. méd.-farm. de Barcelona celebrò . . . 1882. Also: Lucici, méd.-farm., Barcel. Also: Enciclopedia, Barcel.] Academia médico-farmacéutica de Cartagena. [See Union de 1. cieu. méd., Cartagena.] Academia médico-farmacéutica escolar. [See Gènio méd.-ouir.. Madrid.] l ' Academia médico-quirurgica de Canarias. [See Salud, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.] Academia médico-quirurgica espanola. [See An. de cien. méd., Madrid. Also: Boi. otic. Acad. méd.-quir. espan., Madrid.] Academia médico-quirurgica Jerezana. [See Rev. de med. v ciruff pràct., Madrid.] s Academia nacional de ciencias exactas, existente en laUniversidad de Cordoba. [See Acta Acad. nac. de cien. exact., Buenos Aires. Also: Boi. Acad. nac. de cien. exact., Cordoba.] Academia nacional de medicina de Mexico. [See Gac méd Mexico.] "' Academia quirùrgica matritense. [See Espana méd., Madrid Also: Iberia méd., Madrid.] Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. [See Mem. Acad. r. d. se de Lisb.] Academia Rheno-Trajectina. [See Ann. Acad. Kheno-Traject.] Académie des belles-lettres, sciences et arts de La Rochelle Sé- ances publiques de 1872-7. La Rochelle. 6 uos., 1873-8. 8°. AcademiiB Caesareo-Leopoldinae natura enriosornm ephemerides si ve observationum medico-physicaruin à celeberrimis viristum medicis, tum aliiseruditis in Germania et extra eam commuui- iriaj i-vi. Cura appendice. Francofurti et Lip- 4°. [With cent, iii the sise, 1712; Noribergse, 1715-17. 3 v. word "Carolina?" is added to title.] Académie e. r. Josephine médico-chirurgicale de Vienne [See Actes Acad. e. r. Josephine méd.-chir. de Vienne, Montp'el.] Académie imperiale de médecine. Paris. [See Bull Acid *a méd., Par. Also: Mém. Acad. de méd., Par.] Académie imperiale et royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles. [See Mém. Acad. imp. et roy. d. se. de Brux 4hn ■ Mém. . . . Acad. imp. et roy. d. se. de Brux.] ' *u' Académie imperiale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Diinn [See Mém. Acad. d. se. de Dijon.] -«-"jou. Académie imperiale des sciences de St.-Pétersboure r M* langes biol. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.-Pétersb. Aho-Tùf™ Acad. imp. d. se. de St.-Pétersb. Se. polit., hist et'nhiln' Also: Mém. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.-Pétersb. Se m'ath n ,™ et nat. Also: Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k Àkaft Wi" seusch. in Petersb., Riga.] kac1, d' Wl8' Académie de La Rochelle. Rochelle.] [See Bull. Soc. de méd. et chir. de La [5] Acad. roy. d. se. de Bordeaux. Séance pub. Acad. d. se. de Montpel. Mém. de la sect. de méd. Acad. d. se de Montpel. Mém. de la sect. d. se. Académie nationale de médecine. Paris. [See Bull. Acad. de méd., Par. Also: Mém. Acad. de méd., Par. J Académie roy ale de chirurgie. Paris. [See Mém. Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Also: Mém. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Also: Meni. Roy. Acad. Snrg. at Paris, Loud. Also: Obs. surg. dis. head and neck. Select. Meni. Roy. Acad. Surg. of France, Lond] Académie royale de médecine. Paris. [See Bull. Acad. de méd., Par. Also: Mém. Acad. de méd., Par.] Académie royale de médecine de Belgique. [See Bull. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Also : Compt.-rend. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Also : Mém. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Also: Mém. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Also: Mém. couron. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux.] Académie royale de Prusse. [See Mém. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon.] Académie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, de Bordeaux. Séance publique du 26 aoùt 1820. Bordeaux. 1 v., 1820. 8 ;. Académie royale des scieuces, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Bel- gique. [See Annuaire Acad. roy. d. se. de Belg., Brux. Also : Bull. Acad. roy. d. se. de Belg., Brux.] Académie royale des sciences [de Paris]. [See Hist. Acad. roy. d. se. [de Paris], Amst. ] Académie des sciences. Paris. [See Compt.-rend. Acad. d. se, Par.] Académie des sciences de Cracovie. [See Bull, internat. Acad. d. se. de Cracovie.] Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France. [See Mém. Acad. d. se. de l'Iust. de France, Par.] Académie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. Mémoires de la section de médecine. Montpellier, v. 1-4, 1849-71 ; fase. 1 and 3, v. 5, 1877 and 1880-1 ; v. 6, 1886-92. 4°. Académie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. Mémoires de la section des sciences. Montpellier. Fase. 2-3, v. 6 ; v. 7 ; fase. 1-4, v. 8, 1865-75 ; fase. 2, v. 10,1881 ; fase. 2, 3, v. 11, 1892. 4°. Académie de Stanislas. [See Mém. Acad. de Stanislas, Nancy.] Academy of Medicine in Irelaud. [See Tr. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl.j Academy of Naturai Sciences of Philadelphia. [See Proc. Acad. Nat. Se, Phila.] Academy of Science of St. Louis. [See Tr. Acad. Se. St. Louis.] Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. [See Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist. di Milano.] Accademia Gioeuia di scienze naturali in Catania. [See Atti d. Accad. Gioeuia di se. nat. in Catania, Catania.] Accademia medica di Roma. [See Atti Accad. med. di Roma.] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. [See Estr. di meni. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Also: Mem. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Also: Princip. mem. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara- Also: Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Also: Resic. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara.] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli. [See Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli.] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Perugia. [See Atti e rendic. d- Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia.] Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. [See Sperimentale. Comu- nicaz. e riv., Firenze.] Accademia Pontaniaua. [See Rendic. Accad. Poutaniaua, Napoli. ] Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. [See Mem. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologua. Also: Rendic. Accad. d. se.. d. Ist. di Bologna.] Accademia delle scienze mediche e naturali in Ferrara. [See Atti Accad. d. se. med. e nat. in Ferrara. Also: Mem. Accad. d. se. med. e nat. iu Ferrara.] [fi] Acta Acad. Ca?s. reg. Joseph. med.-chir. Vihdob. Acta Acad. elector. Mogunt. se. util. quae Erfordiae est. Acta Acad. nac. de cien. exact., Buenos Aires. Acta Acad. nat. curios. Acta Helvet., Basileae. Acta Inst. clin. caes. Univ. Vil- nensis, Lipsise. Acta med. Berolin. Acta med. Hafn. Acta med. et phil. Hafn. Acta med. Suecic, Holmiae. „ Acta phil.-med. Soc. Acad. (Has- siacse). Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn. Acta de la ses. pub. inaug. que la Acad. méd.-farm. de Barce- lona celebrò . . . 1882. Acta Soc. med. Havn. Actas . . . Cong. ginec. espaù., Madrid. Actas . . . Cong. méd. espaù., Madrid. Actas d. Cong. méd. internac. de Sevilla. Actas . . . Cong. region. de cien. méd. Actes Acad. e. r. Josephine méd.- chir. de Vienne, Montpel. Actes du Comité méd. d. Bouches-du-Rhòne, Marseille. Actes Cong. internat. d'anthrop. crim.. Rome. Actes Cong. méd. de France, Par. Accademia delle scienze di Siena detta de' fisiocritici. [See Atti d. Accad. d. se. di Siena.] Acht Aer/.tckanmiern Bayerus. [See Sitz.-Protok. d. acht Aerzte- kam. Bayerus, Miinchen.] Acta Academùe Cies. reg. Josephine medico-chirurgicie \ indo- bonensis. v. 1, 1788. 4°. Acta Academia? electoralis Moguntina? scieutiarnm utilirim quae Erfordia? est, Erfordhe et Gotha}, v. 1-2, 1757-61. 12°. [v. 2 published at Erfurt.] Acta de la Academia nacional de ciencias exactas, existente en la Universidad de Cordoba. Buenos Aires, v. 1 ; pts. 1-2, v. 3, 1875-8. ibi. Acta physico-medica Academia1 Ca?sarea? natura? curiosorum ex- hibentia ephenierides, sive observationes, historias et experi- nienta a celeberrimis Germani» et externarum regiouum viris habita et communicata siugulari studio collecta. Norimberga;. v. 1-10, 1727-54. 4°. Acta Helvet ica physico-mathematico-botanico-medica. Basilea?. v. 1-8, 1751-77. 4°. Acta Instituti clinici cassare»? Universitatis Vilneusis. Auctore Josepho Frank. Annus primns, sccundus, tertius, quartus, quintus et sextus. Lipsia?. 1808-12. 8C. Acta medicorum Berolinensium, in incrementum artis etscientia- rum collecta et digesta. Beroliui. v. 1-10 (decade 1, 1717-22) ; v. 1-10 (decade 2, 1723-9) ; v. 1 (decade 3, 1731), 1717-31. 12 !. [v. 2-3, decade 1, are 2. ed.] Acta medica Hafniensia. Prodromuspravertens continuata Acta medica Hafuiensia, quae per cleineutissima regia auspicia, ad veneranda majorum exenipla, in sincera incrementa quarum- cumque scientiaruni, qua? ulto modo forum medicum spectant quotannis a Collegii medici regii membris, ex suis et sociis alio- rum operis publici juris fiunt. Hafuia? et Lipsia?, v. 1, 1775. 4°. [n. ed.] Acta medica et philosophica Hafniensia [by] Thomas Bartholinus. 5 v., 1671-9. Hafnia?. 1673-80. 4°. Acta medicorum Suecicorum. Holmiae. v. 1, 1783. 12°. Aera philosophico-medica Societatis Academia? scientiarum prin- cipalis (Hassiaca?). Francofurti et Lipsiae. v. 1, 1771. 4°. Acta regiae Societatis medica? Havniensis. Havnise. v. 1-7, 1783-1829. 8°. [v. 4 wanted.] Acta de la sesion pùblica inaugurai que la Academia médico-far- macéutica de Barcelona celebrò el dia 19 de Enero de 1882. Barcelona. 1 v., 1882. 8°. Acta Societatis medieae Havniensis. Havnise. v. 1-2, 1777-9. 8°. [See, also, Soc. med. Havn. collect.] Actas de las sesiones del Congreso ginecològico espanol celebrado en Madrid en Mayo de 1888. Madrid. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Actas de las sesiones del Congreso mèdico espanol celebrado en Madrid, Setiembre de 1864. Madrid. 1865. 8°. Actas del Congreso mèdico internacional de Sevilla. 1882. Se- villa. 1 v., 1882. 8°. Actas de las sesiones del Congreso regional de ciencias médicas, celebrado en Càaiz, 1879. Caaiz, 1880. 8°. [Date on cover: 1882.] Actes de l'Académie e. r. Josephine médico-chirurgicale de Vienne. Trad. du latin par J. Escudé. Montpellier, v. 1, 1792. 8°. ActeS'du Comité médicaldes Bouches-du-Rhòne. Marseille. v. 1, 1851-3; v. 2, Jan., 1854, to June, 1856; nos. 1-24, 35-38 v 4 Jan., 1860, to Dee., 1862; v. 5-18, 1863, to 1879-80; v. 20, 1881-2! 8°. [Running title, v. 6, 1866, et seq., was: Ree. d. actes du Comité méd. d. Bouches-du-Rhòne, Marseille.] Actes dn premier Congrès international d'anthropologie crimi- nelle. Biologie et sociologie. (Rome, novembre 1885.) Turin Rome, Florence. 1 v., 1886-7. 8°. Actes du Congrès medicai de France. de médecine. Paris, v. 1, 1846. 8 Session de 1645. Section m Actes Cong. pénitent. internat. de Rome. Actes Soc. de méd. de Brux. Actes Soc. méd. d. hóp. de Far. Actes Soc. de méd. - prat. de Montpel. Actes Soc. scient. du Chili, San- tiago. Acts & Res. Gen. Assemb. Geor- gia, Atlanta. Actualité méd., Far. Addr. . . . sect. surg. & anat. 45. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Prag. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezirks- Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Findel-Anst. in Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Gebar- u. Findelh. zu Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. n. ò. Landes-Fin- del-Anst. in Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. off. Bezirks-Kran- kenh. in Sechshaus, Wien. Aerztl. Ber. d. Priv.-Heilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder, Wien. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb. Actes du Cougrès pénitentiaire internatioual de Rome. Novem- bre 1883. Rome. v. 1-3, 1887-9. H. Actes de la Société helvétique des sciences naturelles. [See Ver- handl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch.] Actes de la Société de médecine de Bruxelles, v. 1-4,1806-12. 8°. Actes de la Société medicale des hópitaux de Paris. 1.-6. fase, 1850-64. 8°. [Reprint from: Ardi. géu. de méd., Par.] Actesde laSocié'é de médecine-pratique de Montpellier, contenant les travanx historiques de cette société ; et les mémoires des prix adjugés par elle; tirés des registres de eette société. Aunées 1804-6, v. 1. Montpellier, 1>U7. 4 . Actes de la Société scientifique du Chili. Fondée par un groupe de Francai». Santiago. v. 2; livr. 1-3, v. 3; livr. 1, 3, 4, v. 4, 1892-4. roy. 8 . Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed at the regular Jan. session, 1875. [Atlanta.] 1 v., 1875. 8°. Actualité (L') medicale. Sciences médicales et intérèts profes- siounels^ Paris, v. 1-7, 1889-95. eJ. Addresses, papers and discnssions in the section on surgery and auatomy at the forty tifth animai meeting of the American Medicai Associatiou.held at San Francisco, Gal., June 5-8, 1894. Chicago. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Aerztekammer und Aerztevereine der Provinz Brandenburg und des Stadtkreises Berlin. [See Beri, iirztl. Cor.-BI. Also : Cor.-Bl. d. Aerztekam. u. d. Aerztever. d. Prov. Brandeub., etc, Beri.] Aerztekammern Bayerns. [See Sitz.-Protok. d. acht Aerztekam. Bayerns, Miincheu.] Aerztliche Berichte des kais. konigl. allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Prag von deu Jahren 1875-93. Prag, 1877-93. 8 . Aerztliche Bezirksvereine in Berlin. [See Beri, iirztl. Cor.-Bl.] Aerztliche Gesellsehaft zu Munster. [See Abhandl. u. Beob. d. arztl. Gesellsch. zu Munster.] Aerztliche Kreis- uud Bezirks-Vereine im Kònigreich Sachseu. [See Cor.-Bl. [after 1880: Kor.-Bl.] d. iirztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks- Ver. ini Kònigr. Sachs., Leipz.] Aerztliche und pharmaceutische Kreis-Vereine ini Kònigreich Sachseu. [SeCor.-Bl. d. iirztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Kònigr. Sachs., Leipz.] Aerztliche Vereine der Rheinproviuz. [See Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rheiu-Prov., Bonn.] Aerztliche Vereine in Wien. [See Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien.] Aerztlieher Bericht des k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Wien, fiir die Jahre 1849; 1854-91. 8°. k. Bezirks-KrankenhausesWieden. Vom Solar-Jahre 1854; 1855. Wien, 1856-7. 8° & 4~. Aerztlieher Bericht der k. k. Findel-Anstalt in Wien vom Solar- Jahre 1865; 1866. Wien. 2 v., 1866-7. 8°. Aerztlieher Bericht des k. k. Gebar- und Findelhauses zu Wien, vom Solar-Jahre 1856; 1858; 1860; 1863. Wien. 4 v., 1838- 64. 8J. Aerztlieher Bericht des k. k. Krankenhauses Wieden. Vom Solar- Jahre 1856--7. Wien, 1858-9. 4-. Aerztlieher Bericht der n. ò. Landes-Findel-Anstalt in Wien vom Solar-Jahre l?67. Wien. 1 v., Ie69. 8^-. Aerztliche Beriehte des òffentlichen Bezirks-Krankenhauses in Sechshaus fiir die Jahre 18*1 und 1883. Ini Auftrage des Cura- toriums hrsg. durch die Direction der Anstalt. Wien, 1882-4. 8°. Aerztlieher Bericht der Privat-Heilanstalt des Dr. Albin Eder, von den Jahren 1868-89. Wien, 1869-90. ?\ Aerztlieher Bezirksverein in Erlangen. [See Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Bezirksver. in Erlaug., Miincheu.] Aerztlieher Central-Anzeiger. Hamburg, v. 4-10, 18-9-93. fol. [Continuatiou, after No. 37, Sept.10,1888, v. 3, of: Aerztl. Centr.- Anz. f. Deutschl., Hamb.] [8] Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz. f. Deutschl. Hamb. Aerztl. Cor. -Bl. f. Bòhmen, Prag. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen. Aerztl. Lit.-Bl., Wien. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karls- ruhe. Aerztl. Fract., Hamb. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl. JEsculaap, Amst. JGsculap. Reg., Phila. .ZEsculapian, N. Y. Aeskulap, Leipz. Aetiol. u. semiol. J. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Giessen u. Darmst. Agulha med., Lisb. Akad. Hosp. d. Univ. Giessen. Akusherka, Bransk. v./-7, 18jf 95. fol. Aerztlieher Central-Anzeiger. Wien. Aerztlieher Central-Anzeiger fiir Deutsehland. Organ fiir die wirthachaftlichen und materiellen Interesseu des practisclien Arztes. Hamburg, v. 3, 1888. fol. [Continued as: Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb.] Aerztliches Corre.spondenzblatt fiir Bòhmen. Organ des Vereines deutscher Aerate in Prag. Prag. v. 1-3, 1873-5. roy. 8 . [Continued as: Prag. med. Wehnschr.J Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt. Organ fiir Bayern's staatliche und Munchen. v. 1-32,1854-85. 4°. [Con- tinued as: Miincheu. med. Wchuschr.] Aerztliches Literaturblatt. Beilage zur Allgemeinen Wiener medizinischen Zeituug. Wien, 1863-7. fol. Aerztlieher Lokalverein zu Nuruberg. [SeeSitz.-Protok. d. iirztl. Lokalver. zu Niirnb., Miiuchen.] Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. Karlsruhe. v. 12-49, 1858- 95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Mitth. d. badisch. iirztl. Ver., Karls- ruhe.] Aerztliche (Der) Practiker. Beiblatt fiir die Abonnenten des "Aerztlichen Ceutral-Anzeigers". Hamburg, v. 1-8, 1888-95. 4°. [Supplement to : Aerztl. Centr.-Anz. f. Deutschl., Hamb.] Aerztliche Rundschau. Wochenschrift fiir die gesamten Interes- seu der Heilkunde. Miincheu. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 4°. [See Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bre- [See Mag. d. ausi. Lit. d. ges. Aerztlieher Verein zu Bremeu. misch. Aerate, Bremen.] Aerztlieher Verein zu Hamburg. Heilk., etc, Hamb.] Aerztlieher Verein zu Miiuchen. [See Festschr. d. iirztl. Ver. Miincheu, etc. Also: Jahrb. d. iirztl. Ver. zu Munchen. Also: Sitzungsb. d. iirztl. Ver. Miiuchen.] Aerztlieher Verein des Regierungsbezirks Arnsberg. [See Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt. Lebens, Wiesb.] Aerztliches Vereiusblatt fiir Deutsehland. Organ des deutschen Aerate vereiusbuudes. Dresden. v. 1-23, 1872-94. 4°. [After 1876, published at Leipzig.] jEsculaap ; een vaderlandsch tijdschrift voor theoretische en prak- tische bijdrageu, in het gebied der genees-, heel- en verloskun- dige wetenschappen. Amsterdam. Jaarg. 1-2, 1834-6. 8°. yEsculapian (The) Register. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1824. 8°. ^Esculapian (The). A monthlv journal of medicine and surgery. New York. 'Nos. 1-3, Jan. -Mar., 1884. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Med. Gaz.,N, Y.] Aeskulap. Eine Zeitschrift, der Vervollkommnung der Heilkunde in alien ihren Zweigen gewidmet, insonderheit fiir ausiibende Aerzte und Wundàrzte, hrsg. von C. H. Dzondi. Leipzig. Nos 1, 2, v. 1, 1821-2. 8°. Aetiologisches und semiologisches Journal fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshtilfe. Hrsg. von Joh. Friedrich Siegesmund Pose- witz. Giessen u. Darmstadt, v. 2, 1802. 8°. [Continuation of: J. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Herboru u. Hadamar.] Agulha medica. Lisboa. Nos. 1-22, Sept. 17, 1855, to Aug. 1, 1856. 4°. s ' Akademija Umiej^tnosci w Krakowie. [See Pam. Akad. Umiej. w Kraków. Also: Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.-przyr. Akad". Umiej. w Kraków. Also: Sprawoz. Kom. fizyogr. e. k. Towarz nauk. kraków., Kraków. Also: Zbiór. wiad. do autrop. Akad. Umiej. w Kraków.] Akademische (Das) Hospital der Universitat Giessen in dem Jahre 1848, von Dr. A. Wernher. Giessen. 1 v., 1849. 8°. Akusherka. v. 1-6. Bransk, 1890-2; Odessa, 1893-5. v. 1-5, 1890-5. 4°. Akushersko-ginekologicheskoe Obshestvo v Kieve. [See Protok. zasaid. akush.-ginek. Obsh. v. Kieve.] Akushersko-ginekologicheskoe Obshestvo v Moskvie. [SeeTrudi akush.-ginek. Obsh. v Mosk.] [9] Alabama M. & S. Age, Anniston. Alabama M. & S. J., Birmingh. Albany J. Neurol. Albany M. Ann. Alger méd. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis. Allamorvos, Budapest. Allg. Arch. d. Gsndhtspol., Han- nov. Allg. balneol. Ztg., Neuwied. Allg. Cholera-Ztg., Leipz. Allg. deutsche Hebam.-Ztg., Beri. Allg. homòop. Ztg., Leipz. Allg. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneiw. Gotting. Allg. med. Ann. Allg. med. Ann., Altenb. Akushersko-ginekologicheskoe Obshestvo v S.-Peterburge. [See J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Petersb. ] Alabama (The) Medicai and Surgical Age. A monthly journal of medicai aud surgical seience. Anniston. v. 1-7, 1889-95. 8-. Alabama (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Birmingham, Ala. v. 1-2, 1-^86-7. 8°. Albany Institute. [See Tr. Albany Inst.] Albany Journal of Neurology, devoted to physiology, phrenology, medicine, and the philosophy of niesinerism. No. 1, v. 1, July, 1843. 8-, Albany Medicai Annals: A journal of the Medicai Societv of the Countyof Albany. Albany, N. Y. v. 6-16,1885-95. 8G^ [Con- tinuatiou of : Med. Ann., Albany.] Albrecht von Graefe's Archiv fiir Ophthalmologio. [See Arch. f. Ophth., Beri.] Alger medicai, v. 1-16, 1873-88. 4°. [Want no. 10, v. 3.] Alienist (The) aud Nenrologist; a quarterly journal of scientific, clinieal, and forensic psychiatry and neurology. St. Louis, v. 1-16, 1880-95. 8°. Allahabad Medicai Society. [See Proc. Allahabad M. Soc] Allamorvos. Mellékletul a Gyógyàszat folyoirathoz. [ State medicine; a companion to Gyógyfiszat (containiug officiai in- structious, etc.).] Budapest, 1869-94. 8°. Allgemeiner iirztlicher Verein zu Kiel. [See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. Ver. baltisch. Aerate.] Allgemeiner iirztlicher Verein von Thiiringeu. [See Cor.-Bl. d. allg. iirztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar.] Allgemeiues Archiv der Gesundheitspolizey. Hannover, v. 1,. 1805-6. 8-. Allgemeine balneologische Zeitung. Monatsschrift fiir Balneo- logie, Hydrologie und Klimatologie. Neuwied. v. 1-3, 1867- 70. 8D. [v. 3, 1869-70, published iu Prag. Continuatiou of : Arch. f. Balneol., Neuwied, and continued as: Jahrb. f. Bal- neol., etc, Wien.] Allgemeine Cholera-Zeitung. Mittheilnngen des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsteu iiber die asiatisehe Cholera. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1831-2. [Continued as : Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir. Kliu., Leipz.] Allgemeiue deutsche Hebammen - Zeitung. Berlin, v. 2-10, 1887-95. 4°. Allgemeine homòopathische Zeitung. Leipzig, v. 1-129, 1832- 94. 4<->. Allgemeine schweizerische Gesellsehaft fiir die gesammten Natur- wisseuschaften. [See Ann. d. allg. schweiz. Gesellsch. f. d. ges. Natui\v., Beni.] Allgemeitìer mecklenburgischer Aerzteverein. [See Beitr. meck- lenb. Aerate z. Lehre v. d. Echiuococcen-Krankh., Stuttg. Also : Cor.-Bl. [with no. 151, May 18, 1893: Kor.-Bl.] d. allg. mecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock.] Allgemeines Kraukenhaus in Hamburg. [See Ann. d. chir. Abth. d. allg. Kraukeuh. in Hamb.] Allgemeines Magazin fiir die Wundarzneiwisseuschaft. Gòt- tingeu. [Title of v. 3 of : Mag. f. d. AVundarzueiw., Gotting.] Allgemeine medizinische Annalen des neunzehnten Jahrhuuderts. Altenburg. 32 v., 1801-30. 4°. [1801-16 at Altenb. ; 1817-19, Altenb. & Leipz. ; 1820-30, Leipz. Continuatiou of the follow- ing, and continued as : Allg. med. Ztg., Altenb. In years 1811- 15 published iu two parts : Annalen der Heilkunde aud An- nalen der Heilkunst, respectively.] Allgemeine medizinische Annaleu des Jahrs 1800; ala Fort- setzung der mediziuischen Natioualzeitung fiir Deutsehland. und als Eiuleitung zu den Allgemeinen mediziuischen Annalen des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Altenburg. v. 1, 1800. 4°. [Contin- uatiou of : Med. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutschl., Alteub., aud continued as the preceding.] [10] Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Beri. Allg. med. Ztg., Altenb. Allg. med.-chir. Monatschr., etc, Brlang. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien. Allg. Repert. d. ges. deutsch. med.-chir. Jour., Leipz. Allg. statist. Arch., Tiibing. Allg. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Anthrop., [etc]. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. Allg. Ztg. f. Chir. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Brn- schwg. Allg. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol., Br- lang. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc, Beri. Alm. f. Aerzte u. Nichtàrzte, Jena. Alm. d. "Movimento med.-chir.", Napoli. Alumno méd., Madrid. Allgemeine medicinische Central-Zeitung. Berlin. v. 11-64, 1842-95. fol. [A continuatiou of: Beri. med. Centr.-Ztg.] Allgemeine medizinische Zeitung mit Beiiicksichtigung des Neue- sten und Interessantesteu der allgemeinen Naturkunde. Alten- burg. Nos. 1-4, 1831. 4°. [A continuatiou of: Allg. med. Ann.] Allgemeine medieinisch-chirurgische Monatsschrift, fiir Wund- iirzte des Civil-und Militiirstaudes. Erlangeu. v. 1, 1840. 8°. Allgemeine militiir-iiratliche Zeitung. ( Beilage zur Wiener medi- zinischen Presse.) Wien. v. 6-16, 1865-75. 4°. [Continua- tiou of : Mil.-arztl. Ztg., Wien.] Allgemeines Repertorium der gesammten deutschen medizinisch- chirurgischen Journalistik. Leipzig, v. 1-21, 1827-47. 8° & 4°. [In 1845-7, title: Neues Repertorium [etc].] Allgemeines statistisches Archiv. Tiibingen. v. 1-3, 1890-4. 8°. Allgemeine Yersaminlungen der deutschen Gesellsehaft fiir An- thropologie, Etimologie und Urgeschichte. 4.-6., 1873-5. V. p., 1874-5. 4°. Allgemeine Wiener medizinische Zeitung. v. 1-40,1856-95. fol. [v. 1-2 is 2. ed., published iu 1860. Ztschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Wien, nierged in this journal after Aug. 25, 1868. J Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Chirurgie, innere Heilkunde und ihre Hulfswissenschaften. v. 1-3, 1841-3. Erlangen, 1841; Miiu- chen, 1841-2; Augsburg, 1843. Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Militair-Aerzte. Zur Fòrderung und Ausbildung des niilitair-iirztlichen Standes, zur Besprechung seiner Interessen uud zur gegeuseitigen Mittheilung aus der dienstlichen Praxis. Braunschweig. v. 1-6, 1843-8. 4°. Allgemeine Zeitsehrift fiir Epidemiologie. Erlaugen. v. 1-2, 1874-5. roy. 8°. Allgemeine Zeitsehrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisch-gericht- liche Medichi. Berlin, v. 1-51, 1844-95. 8-. Almanach fiir Aerzte und Nichtiirzte. Hrsg. von Christ. Gottfr. Gruner. 1782,1783,1785,1790,1791, 1792,1794,1796. Jena. 8°. Almanacco del " Movimento medico-chirurgico" per gli anni 1876 e 1877 : biografico, storico, pratico. Napoli, v. 1-2, 1876-7. 12°. Altalànos magyarorszàg gyògyszerészegylet szakugyeinek kozlò- nye. (General Magyar Rharmaceuticai Assoc.) iSee Gjógjnze- részihetil., Budapest.] Alumna? Association of the Woman's Medicai College of Pennsyl- vania. [See Rep. Proc. Alumna? Ass. Woman's M. Coli. Penu., Phila.] Alumnal Association of the Medicai College of Ohio. [See Proc. Alumual Ass. Med. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Alumni Association of the College of Pharmacy of th6 City of New York. [See Rep. Alumni Ass. Coli. Pharin., N. Y.] Alumni Association of the Medicai College of Ohio. [See Proc. Alumni Ass. M. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Alumni Association of Rush Medicai College. [See Corpuscle Chicago.] Alumni Association of the Woman's Hospital iu the State of New York. [See Tr. Alumni Ass. Woman's Hosp., N. Y.] Alumni and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pennsyl- vania. [See Univ. M. Mag., Phila.] Alumno (El) mèdico. Periodico cientifico, decenario. Orbano oficial del Ateneo médico-escolar. Madrid, v. 1-2 (nos 1-36) Oct. 8, 1880, to Apr. 28, 1882. 4J. ' ;' Ambnlatorische Klinik zu Halle. zu Halle.] Ambulatorium und Privatklinikfiir Ohren-, Nasen- uud Halsleiden von Dr. Stetter. [See Arb. a. d. Ambulat. f. Ohren- Nasen- u Halsleiden v. Dr. Sietter, Kònigsb. i. Pr.] American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [See Mem. Am. Acad Arts & Se, Cambridge. Also: Proc. Am. Acad Arts & Se Bost.] '' [See Jahrb. d. ambulat. Klin. [11] Am. Analyst, N. Y. Am. Ann. Deaf, Wash. Am. Ann. Deaf & Dumb. Am. Anthrop., Wash. Am. Antiq. & Orient. J., Men- don, IH. Am. Architect, Bost. Am. Chem. J., Balt. Am. Chemist. Am. Clin. Lect., N. Y. Am. Cycl. Pract. M., Phila. Am. Drug. Circ. & Chem. Gaz., N. Y. Am. Druggist, N. Y. £ /^/Am. Eclect. M. Rev., N. Y Am. Elect.-Clin. Ree, Chicago. Am. Gas Light J., N. Y. American Academy of Medicine. [See Bull. Am. Acad. M., [East- on, Pa.]. ] American Analyst. A popular semi-nionthly review devoted to industriai progress, sanitation, and the cheuiistry of commercial produets. New York. N. s., v. 2-10, 1886-94. 4°. American Annals of the Deaf, Washington, D. C. v. 31-41, 1886- 95. 8'. [Continuatiou, after 1885, of: Am. Ann. Deaf & Dumb.] American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb. Conducted by the in- structors of the American Asvlum. Hartford, v. 1-30, 1847- 85. 8^. [1847-61, Hartford; 1868-85, Washington, D. C. Continued as: Am. Aun. Deaf, Wash.] American (The) Anthropologist. Published under the auspices of the Anthropologieal Society of Washington. Washington, D. C. v. 1-8, 1888-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Tr. Anthrop. Soc. Wash.] American (The) Autiquarian and Orientai Journal. Mendon, 111. No. 5, v. 11, Sept,, 1889. 8-. American (The) Architect and Building News. A weekly journal of coustructive and decorative arts. Boston, v. 1-2, 1876-7 ; v. 9-20, 1881-6. fol. American Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Se] American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. [See Proc. Am. Ass. Cure Inebr. Also: Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford, Couu.] American Association of Instructors of the Blind. [See Proc. Am. Ass. Iustr. of Blind, Bost. Also: Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of Blind, Indianap.] American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. [See Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynec, Phila.] American Association of Social Science. [See J. Social Se, N. Y.] American Chemical Journal. Baltimore, v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8°. American Chemical Society. [See J. Am. Chem. Soc, N. Y. Also : Proc. Am. Chem. Soc, N. Y.] American (The) Chemist. A monthly journal of theoretical, analytical, and technical chemistry. A contiuuatiou of the American reprint of the Chemical News, London. New York, 1870-72 and 1873-4 ; Philadelphia, 1873-4 ; v. 1-7, July, 1870, to March, 1877. 4°. American Climatological Association. [See Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. ] American Clinical Lectures (A series of ). New York. v. 1-3, 1875-8. 8C. American Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine and Surgery : a digest of medicai literature. By Isaac Hays. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1834-6. 8°. American Deutal Association. [See Tr. Am. Dent. Ass.] American Dermatological Association. [See Tr. Ani. Dermat. Ass., N. Y.] American (The) Druggists' Circular and Chemical Gazette. A practical journal of chemistry [etc]. New York. v. 1-9,1857- 65. fol. [Continued, iu 1866, as: Drug. Circ & Chem. Gaz., N. Y.] American Druggist. (New Remedies.) An illustrated monthly journal of pharmacy, chemistry, aud materia medica. New York. v. 13-26, 1884-95. fol. [Continuatiou of: New Reme- dies, N. Y.] American (The) Eclectic Medicai Review. New York. v. 1-8, Juue, 1866, to Sept., 1872. 8°. [Continued as: N. York M. Rev.] American (The) Electro-Clinical Record. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1885. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Curreut, Chicago.] American Ethnological Society. [See Tr. Am. Ethn. Soc, N. Y.] American (The ) Gas Light Journal and Chemical Repertory. New York. v. 10-13, 1868-70. fol. [12] Am. Gynaec. &. Obst. J., N. Y. Am. Gynec. J., Toledo. Am. Homceop. Am. Homceop. Obs., Detroit. Am. Homceop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc. Am. J. Dent. Se, Balt. Am. J. Electrol. & Neurol., N.Y. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. Am. J. Homceop. Mat. M., Phila. Am. J. Insan.. TJtica, N. Y. Am. J. M. Se, Phila. Am. J. Micr., N. Y. Am. J. Neurol. & Psychiat., N. Y. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. Am. J. Ophth., N. Y. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis. Am. J. Otol., N. Y. Am. J. Pharm., Phila. Am. J. Psychol. Am J. Se., N. Haven. American (The) Gviuecological and Obstetrical Jonrual. (For- merly N. Y. Journal of Gvmeeology and Obstetrics.) New- York, v. 5-6, 1894-5. 8^ . [Continuatimi, in no. 3, v. 5, ot : N. York J. Gyna'c. &. Obst.] American (The) Gynecological Journal. Formerly the Journal of Gynecology. A monthly journal of gynecology, obstetrics, aud abdominal surgery. Toledo, Ohio. v. 1-3, 1891-3. 8°. [Continuatiou, in no. 7, v. 1, Oct., 1891, of: J. Gynec, Toledo.] American Gynecological Society. [See Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc] American (The) Honiceopath. New York & Philadelphia ; New York. [Title of v. 4-10, 1879-84, of the following:] American (The) Homceopathist. A monthly journal of medicai, surgical, and sanitary scicnce. New York & Chicago, 1877-8; New York & Philadelphia, 1879-81 ; New York, 1882-95. v. 1- 21, 1877-95. 8°. [For v. 4-10, 1879-84, see the preceding.] American Homceopathic Observer. A monthly journal devoted to the interest» of homeeopathic phvsicians. Detroit, Mieli, v. 1-6, 1864-9. 8°. [Continued as : Ani. Obs., Detroit.] American Homceopathic Ophthalniological and Otological Society. SeSvSion 1878. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8°. [See, also: Tr. Am. Ho- mceop. Ophth. & Otol. Soc] American Institute of Homceopathy. [See Tr. Am. Inst. Homceop. Also: Tr. Internat. Homceop. Cong., Phila. Also: Tr.World's Cong. Homceop. Phys. & Surg., Phila. Also: Tr. World's Ho- mceop. Conv., Phila.] American (The) Journal of Dentai Science. New York, 1839-44; Baltimore. 1844-50; Baltimore & Philadelphia, 1850-60; Balti- more, 1867-95. Baltimore, v. 1-10, June, 1839, to July, 1850; 2. s.,.v. 1-10, Oct., 1850, to Dee, 1860; 3. s., v. 1-28, May, 1867, to Apr., 1895. 8°. [Suspended from 1860-7.] American (The) Journal of Electrology and Neurology. New York. [Homceop.] v. 1, 1879-80. 8°. [Continued as: Med.- Chir. Quart., N. Y.] American (The) Jourual of Homceopathy. New York. v. 1-9, 1846-54. 8°. [No. 1, v. 1, title: New York (The) Jourual ot Homceopathy.] American (The) Journal of Homceopathic Materia Medica. Phila- delphia. v. 1-9, 1867-76. 8°. [After Aug., 1876, merged in: Hahnemau. Month., Phila.] American (The) Journal of Insanity. Utica, N. Y. v. 1-51, 1844-95. 8°. American (The) Journal of the Medicai Sciences. Philadelphia. v. 1-26, 1827-40; n. s., v. 1-109, 1841-95. [Continuatiou of: Phila. J. M. & Phys. Se Feb., 1828, Phila. Month. J. M. & S., and in July, 1829, Am. M. Recorder, Phila., merged in this journal.] American (The) Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science. New York. v. 1-5; uos. 1-8, v. 6, Dee, 1875, to A'ig., 1881. 8°. American (The) Journal of Neurology and Psychiatrv. New York. v. 1-3, 1882-5. 8°. American (The) Journal of Obstetrics aud Diseasesof Woman and Children. New York. v. 1-30, 1868-95. 8°. American Journal of Ophthalmologv. New York. nos. 1, 2, v. 2, 1864. 8°. 1, 1862-3; American (The) Journal of Ophthalmology. St. Louis, v. 1-12 1884-95. 8°. American (The) Journal of Otology. A quarterly journal of physiological acoustics aud aural surgery. New York. v. 1-4 1879-82. 8°. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. Published by authority oi the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia 2s In X~\8A 1835~525 3- 8-> v- !-lH, 1853-70; 4. s., v. 1-25, 1871-95'. 8°. [Continuatiou of: J. Phila. Coli. Pharm.] American (The) Journal of Psychologv. Baltimore, 1887-8; Worcester, 1888-9 to 1893-5. v. 1-6, 1887-8 to 1893-5. 8°. American Journal of Science. New Haven. 3. s., v. 19-49,1880- 95. &\ [Continuatiou of: Am. J. Se. oc Arts. N. Haven.] [13] Am. J. Se & Arts, N. Haven. Am. J. Surg. & Gynaee, Kansas City. Am. J. Syph. & Dermat., N. Y. Am. Lancet, Detroit. Am. Lancet, N. Y. Am. Lancet, Phila. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, N. Y. Am. M. Compend, Toledo. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y. Am. M. Gaz. & J. Health, N. Y. Am. M. Intellig., Phila. Am. M. J., Cincin. Am. M. J., St. Louis. Am. M. Libr. & Intellig., Phila. Am. M. Month., N. Y. Am. M. Month. & N. Y. Rev. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y. Am. M. Recorder, Phila. American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, Conn. v. 46-50, l>43-5; 2. s., v. 1-50, 1846-70; 3. s., v. 1-18, 1871-9. 8°. [Continued, Jan. 1, 1880, as: Am. J. Se, N. Haven.] American Journal of Surgery and Gynsecology. Kansas City. v. 3-5, 1892-5. 8°. [Title on coveirs : American Surgery aud Gyna?cology.] American (The) Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. Devoted to tbeconsideratiou and treatment of venereal and skin diseases. New York. v. 1-5, 1870-74. 8°. American (The) Lancet. A monthly exponent of rational medi- cine. Detroit. N. s. [3.], v. 10-19,1886-95. 4°. [Continuatimi of: Detroit Lancet.] American (The) Lancet; late Medicai Inquirer. By an associa- tion of phvsiciaus and surgeons. v. 2, July to Dee, 1830; n. s., nos. 1-4, v. 1, Jan. 29 to Feb. 26, 1831. [Contiuuation of : N. York M. Inquirer.] New York. 8°. American (The) Lancet. Philadelphia. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Feb. 23 to May 29, 1833. 8°. American Laryngological Association. [See Tr. Am. Iust. Ho- rnoeop. ] American Library Association. [See Library J., N. Y.] American Medicai Association. [See Addr. . . . sect. surg. «fcanat. 45. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Also : J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Also: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.] American (The) Medicai Bi-Weekly. Louisville. v. 6-11, 1877-9. 8°. [Continuatiou of Ani. M. Weekly, Louisville, and con- tinued as: Am. M. Bi-Weekly, N. Y. After Oct. 11, 1879, sus- pended until Jan. 1, 1881.] American Medicai Bi-Weekly. New York. v. 12-13, 1881. 8°. [Continuatiou of : Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville, and continued as: Ani. M. Weekly, N. Y.] American Medicai College (Faculty of the). [See Am. M. J., Cincin.] American (The) Medicai Compend. A monthly review of medi- cine and the allied sciences. Toledo, O. v. 11, 1895. [Coutinuation, iu 1895, of: Toledo M. Compend.] American Medicai Gazette. New York. [Title of v. 9-12, 1858- 61, of: N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health.] American (The) Medicai Gazette and Journal of Health. New York. [Title of v. 6-8,1855-7, of: N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health.] American (The) Medicai Intelligencer. A concentrated record of medicai scieuce aud literature. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1*37-41 ; n. s., v. 1, 1841-2. 8°. [Continuatiou of : Ani. M. Libr. Si In- tellig., Phila., and continued as: Med. News & Libr., Phila.] Americau (The) Medicai Journal. Couducted by the Faculty of the American Medicai College. Cincinnati, v. 1, Sept., 1856, to Aug., 1S57. 8°. [Continuatiou of: American (The) Medi- cai and Surgical Journal. In Sept., 1857, merged in: Coli. J. M. Se, Cincin.] American (The) Medicai Journal. [Eclectie] St. Louis, v. 1- 23, 1873-95. 8°. American (The) Medicai Library and Intelligencer. A concen- trated record of medicai science aud literature. Philadelphia. Speeiinen-sheet. Nov., 1836. [Continued as: Ani. M. Intellig., Phila.] American (The) Medicai Monthly. New York. v. 1-18, 1854-62. s1. [In July, 1860, Buffalo M. J. merged in this journal. See, also, the following:] American (The) Medicai Monthly and New York Review. New York. [Title of v. 14-15 of the preceding.] American (The) Medicai and Philosophical Register; or annals of medicine, naturai history, agriculture, aud the arts. New York, v. 1-4, 1810-14. o'-'. American (The) Medicai Recorder. Philadelphia. v. 1-15, 1818- 29. 8°. [v. 7-12, title: Med. Recorder, etc, Phila. After no. 2, v. 15, merged iu: Am. J. M. Se, Phila.] [14] Am. M. Rev., Phila. Am. M. Rev. & Index, Anna, IU. Am. M. Times, N. Y. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville. Am. M. Weekly, N. Y. A.m. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y. Am. Month. Micr. J £ _ 2^Am. Naturalist. Am. Obs., Detroit. Am. Ophth. Monog., Cincin. Am. Fract., Louisville. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. Am. Psychol. J., Cincin. Am. Psychol. J., N. Y. Am. Psychol. J., Phila. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. American (The) Medicai Review and Journal of Originai and Se- lected Papers iu Medicine and Surgerv. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 2-3, 1825-6, of: Med. Rev. & AÌialect. J., Phila.] American (The) Medicai Review and Index. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of scientific and practical medicine. Anna, 111. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1878. 8°. American (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Cincinnati, Ohio. Nos. 3-12, v. 7, March to Dee, 1855; nos. 1-2, v. 8, Feb., 1856. 8~. [Title of nos. 1-2, v. 7, was: Syracuse (The) Med- icai and Surgical Jourual. In Sept., 1856, continued as: Am. M. J., Cincin.] American (The) Medicai Times. Being a weekly series [in con- tinuatiou] of the N. York J. M. New York. v. 1-9, 1860-64. 4°. [In July, 1860, the N. York M. Press merged in this jourual. ] American (The) Medicai Weekly. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-5, 1874-6. 8°. [For continuatiou, see Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville] American (The) Medicai Weekly. New York. v. 14-16, 1882-3. 8C. [Continuatiou of : Am. M. Bi-Weekly, N. Y. In Jan., 1883, merged in: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y.] American Medico-Psychological Association. [Late Association of Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane.] [See Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass.] American Medico-Surgical Bnlletin. A journal of practice and science. New York. v. 6-8, 1893-5. 8°. [Contiuuation, in no. 5, v. 6, 1893, of: Merck's Bull., N. Y.] American (The) Monthly Microscopical Journal. New York, 1880- 82; Boston, 1883; Washington, 1884-95. v. 1-16, 1880-95. 8°. American (The) Naturalist. A popular illustrated magazine of naturai history. v. 1-23, 1867-89. 8°. [In 1867-75, at Salem; 1876-7, Boston; 1878-89, Philadelphia.] American Neurological Association. [See Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass.] American Observer. A monthly journal devoted to the dissemi- uatiou of homceopathy, " the medicine of experience". Detroit, Mich. v. 7-21, 1870-85. 8°. [Continuationof: Am. Homceop. Obs., Detroit.] American Ophthalmological Monographs. Cincinnati, v. 1,1890- 91. 8 -. American Ophthalmological Society. [See Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc] American Orthopedic Association. [See Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass.] American Otolqgical Society. [See Tr. Am. Otol. Soc] American Pediatrie Society. [See Tr. Am. Pediat Soc, [Phila.].] American Pharmaceutical Association. [See Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass.] American Philosophical Society. [See Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila. Also: Tv. Ani. Phil. Soc, Phila.] American (The) Practitioner. Formerly Western Journal of Med- icine. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Louisville Ky. v. 1-32, 1870-85. 8°. [Continuatiou of : West. J. M.| Indianap. In Jan., 1886, united with: Louisville M. News, formiug : Ani. Pract. & News, Louisville.] American (The) Practitioner and News. Louisville, Ky. v. 1- 19, 1886-95. 8°. [Formed by the union of : Am. Pract., Louis- ville, with: Louisville M. News.] American Psychological Association. [See Proc. Am. Psychol Ass,, N. Y.] American (The) Psychological Journal. Devoted chiefly to the elucidation of mental pathology and the medicai jurisprudence of iusanity. Cincinnati, x. 1, 1853. 8C. American (The) Psychological Journal. New York. fTitle 0f v 3, 1875-6, of: Psychol. & Med.-Leg. J., N. Y.] American (The) Psychological Journal. Issued by the National Association for the Protection of the Insane and Prevention of Iusanity. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8°. American Public Health Association. Reporte and papers pre v. 1-18 (1873-92), 1875-93. «ented at the meetings of the [15] Am. Q. Micr. J., N. Y. Am. Specialist, Phila. Am. Syst. Dent., Phila. Am. Therapist, N. Y. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y. Ammin. san., Montegiorgio. Amtl. Beibl. z. deutsch. mil.- arztl. Ztschr., Beri. Amtl. Bekanntm. betr. d. Vete- rinàrw. im Grossherz. Baden, Karlsruhe. Amtl. Ber. ti. d. internat. thier- àrzt.l. Versamml. zu Hamb., Stuttg. Amtl. Ber. ti. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. 2. internat. Cong. v. Thieràrzten, Wien. Amtl. Med.-Ber. d. Kantons Zti- rich, Winterthur. An. Acad. y lab. de cien. méd. de Cataluna, Barcel. An. Acad. de med. de Buenos Ayres. Ali. Acad. de med. de Medellfn. An. asist. pub., Buenos Aires. An. Asoc. Circ. méd. argent., Buenos Aires. American (The) Quarterly Microscopical Journal, containing the transactionsof the New York Microscopical Society. New York. v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. American Soiiety of Civil Engiueers. [See Tr. Am. Soc. Civil Eugiu., N. Y.] American Society of Microscopists. [See Proc. Ani. Soc. Micr.] American Society for Psychical Research. [See Proc. Am. Soc. l'sych. Research. Bost.] American (The) Specialist. A journal of medicai and surgical science. Philadelphia. v. 2; no. 1, v. 3, 1881-2. 8°. [Con- tinuatiou of: Specialist *fc Intellig., Phila., and continued bv: Med. Reg., Phila.] American Statistical Association. [See Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost. ] American Surgery and Gyna?cology. [Title ou covers of: Am. J. Surg. & Gyna?e, Kansas City.] American Surgical Association. [See Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., Phila.] American (The) System of Dentistry. Iu treatisea by various authors. Edited by Wilbur F. Litch. 3 v. Philadelphia, 1886. 8-. American (The) Therapist. A monthly record of modera thera- peutics, with practical snggestions relating to the cliuical ap- plications of drugs. New York. v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8-. American Veterinary Review. Published by the United States Veterinary Medicai Association. New York. v. 1-18, 1-77-95. 8°. Amministrazione (L') sanitaria. Manuale per medici provinciali, ufficiali sanitari comunali, sindaci, medici condotti, veterinari, farmacisti, levatrici. Raccolta quindicinale di leggi, decreti, regolamenti, circolari, pareri del Consiglio di Stato, [etc.]. Montegiorgio. v. 1, 1891. fol. Amtliehes Beiblatt zur deutschen niilitairarztliehen Zeitsehrift. Berlin, v. 1-24, 1872-95. 8°. Amtliche Bekanntmachungen betreffeud das Veteriniirwesen im Grossherzogthum Baden. Karlsruhe. v.9,1880. 8C. [Suppl. to: Thieriirztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe.] Amtlicher Bericht iiber die internationale thieràrztliche Versamm- luug zu Hamburg ani 14.-18. Juli 1863. Stuttgart. 1 v., 1864. 4°. [Continued as: Amtl. Ber. ii. d. 2. interuat. Cong. v. Thier- àrzten, Wien.] Amtliche Berichte iiber die Versanimlungeu deutscher Naturfor- scher und Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1828-47 (7.-25.); 1849 (27.); 1852 (29.); 1854-60 (31.-35.); 1862-5 (37.-40.); 1877 (50.); 1878 (51.); 1883(56.). v. p. \z. Amtliche Lebensmittel-Untersuchungs-Anstalt und chemische Versuchsstatiou zu Wiesbaden. [See Mitth. a. d. amtl. Le- bensin.-Uutersuch.-Aust. . . . zu Wiesb., Beri.] Amtlicher Bericht iiber den zweiten interuationalen Congress von Thieriirzten zu Wien am 21.-27. August 1865. Wien. 1 v., 1-65. 4°. [Continuatiou of : Amtl. Ber. u. d. internat. thieriirztl. Ver- samml. zu Hamb., Stuttg.] Amtlicher Medizinalbericht des Kantons Ziirich iiber die Jahre 1877-1879. Winterthur. 1 v., 18-U. 8°. Anales de la Academia y laboratorio de ciencias médicas de Cata- luna. Barcelona. Nos. 1-6, 1878. 8°. Anales de la Academia de medicina de Bueuos Ayres. No. 1, Au- gust, 1823. 4°. Anales de la Academia de medicina de Medelliu. [Repùblica de Colombia. Departamento de Autioquia.] Medelliu. v. 1-6, 1887-8 to 1894-5. 8°. Anales de la asistencia pùbblica. Buenos Aires. Nos. 4, 6-8, ano 1, Feb. 15 to June 15, 1KJ1 ; nos. 1,3-9, ano 1, tomo 2, July 15, 1891, to March 15, 1892. 8°. [Consolidated with: An. d. Dep. nac. de big., Buenos Aires, formiug : An. de big. pub., Buenos Aires.] Anales de la Asociacion Circulo mèdico argentino. Buenos Aires. v. 1-2, 1877-9. 8°. [Continued as: An. d. Ciré méd. argent., Buenos Aires.] [16] An. Asoc. Larrey, Mexico. An. de cien. méd., Madrid. An. d. Circ. méd. argent., Buenos Aires. An. de ciruj., Madrid. An. d. Dep. nac. de hig., Buenos Aires. An. de hig. pób., Buenos Aires. An. d. Inst. méd. de emulac, Madrid. An. d. Inst. méd. nac, Mexico. An. de med, cirug. y farm., Ma- drid. An. med. homeop., Madrid. An. d. Mus. nac. de Mexico. An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediat., Madrid. An. de obst., ginep. y pediat., Madrid. An. oftal., Madrid. An. de otol. y laringol., Alcalà de Henares. An. r. Acad. de cien. méd. ... de la Habana. An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid. An. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. An. Soc. espan. de hidrol. méd . Madrid. ' An. Soc. fisiol. escolar, Madrid. Anales de la Asociaeion Larrey. Mexico, v. 1-2, 1875-6. 4°. [Suspended after Dee, 1876.]' Anales de ciencias mèdicas. Revista nacional y extranjera de medicina, cirnjia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid, v. 1-7,1876-9. 8°. [After March 10, 1876, additional subtitle: "Organo ofìcial de la Academia médico-quirurgica espafiola.] Anales del Circulo mèdico argentino. Buenos Aires, v. 3-17,1879- 94. 8°. [Continuatiou of: An. Asoc. Circ. méd. argent., Buenos Aires.] Anales de cirnjia. Revista mensual. Madrid, v. 1-3, Feb., 1882, to July, 1884. 8°. Anales del Departamento nacional de higiene. Buenos Aires. Nos. 2-5, 7, 9-11, ano 1, Feb. to Nov., 1891 ; nos. 2, 3, 5-10, ano 3, Aprii to Dee, 1893; nos. 38 aud 39, Oct. 16 and 24, ano 4, 1894. roy. 8°. [In 1892 Consolidated with: An. asist. pub., Buenos Aires, forming: An. de hig. ptib., Buenos Aires. In Aprii, 1893 (no. 2), coutinued uuder originai title.] Anales de higiene publica y medicina legai. Organo del Departa- mento nacional de higiene y de la administracion sanitaria y asistencia ptiblica. Buenos Aires. Nos. 2, 4-12, ano 1, 1892; no. 1, ano 2, March, 1893. roy. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: An. asist. pub., Buenos Aires, and: An. d. Dep. nac. de big., Buenos Aires, aud succeeded in Aprii, 1893, as no. 2, ano 3. of thelatter.] ' ' Anales del Insti luto mèdico de emulacion. Periodico mensual de medicina, cirnjia, farmacia, y sus ciencias auxiliares. Desde Settembre de 1842 a" Octubre de 1843. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1842-3. —----. The sanie. Periodico semanai de medicina, cinigia v farmacia. Madrid. Afios de 1843 y 1844. Primera serie nos 1-60, Nov. 9, 1843 to Dee 26, 1844. 1 v. fol. Anales del Institnto mèdico nacional. Mexico, v. 1, 1894. fol [Continuatiou of : Estudio, Mexico.] Anales de medicina, cirugia y farmacia. Segunda època de El Especialista. Madrid. Nos. 1-6, ano 2, Nov. 10 to Dee 31 1860 [Continuatiou of: Especialista, Madrid.] fol. Anales de la medicina homeopàtica. Publicados por la Sociedad Halmemanniana matritense. Madrid. 2. s., v. 1-6 1851-7 8° [Continuatiou of : Boi. otìe Soc. Hahneman. matritense, Madrid' and continued as: Criterio méd., Madrid.] Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico. Mexico fol. v. 1-4, 1877-87. Anales de obstetricia, ginecopatia y pediatria. Organo de la So- ciedad ginecològica espafiola. Madrid, v. 3-15, 1883-95 8° [Continuation of: An. de obst., ginep. y pediat., Madrid.' The subtitle is dropped after v. 7, 18o7.] Anales de obstetricia, ginepatia y pediatria. Continnacion de los Anales de la Sociedad ginecològica espafiola" y òrgano ofìcial de la rnisma. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1881-2. 8°. [Continuatiou of : An. hoc. gmee espan., Madrid, and continued as: An. de obst gmecopat. y pediat., Madrid.] ' Anales de oftalmologia. Revista especial de enfermedades de los ojos Madrid, v 17-18, 1894-5. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1,94, of: Andalucia méd., Cordoba.] Ani883-7de go0l°gfa y laring°l°gfe. Alcató de Henares. v. 1-5, ASo ir ìa real A°ad?mia de ciencias mèdicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Rovista cientifica. Habana. v. 1-31, 1864-95? A°5le8gd3e la real Acara;f;;f zu Breslau. v. 1, 1814-15. 8°. università! Annales du laboratoire de l'hospice national des Quinze-Vin t Recherches sur l'anatomie et l'histologi? normales nt «.fi i giques de l'ceil. Paris. Fase 1, v. 1, 1888. fol. Pa™olo- Annales de littérature medicale étrangère. Gand. v. 1-19 i«nr 14, 8^. [21] £ » *£- Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y. Ann. M. & S., Lond. Ann. M. Soc. County Albany. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du la- rynx [etc], Par. Ann. d. mal. d. org. génito-urin., Par. Ann. d. mal. de la peau [etc], Par. Ann. Med., Edinb. Ann. de méd. belge, Brux. Ann. méd. belges, Brux. Ann. de méd. et chir. Brux. de Ann. méd. de la Fiandre occid., Roulers. Ann. de la méd. physiol., Par. Ann. di med. pubb., Roma. Ann. de méd. scient. et prat. Par. Ann. di med. stran., Milano. Ann. de méd. vét., Brux. Ann. med.-chir., Roma. Ann. d. med.-chir. clin. Inst. zu Gotting. Ann. méd.-chir. frane, et étrang., Par. Annals of the Lyceum of Naturai History of New York. v. 1-4, 1823-48. 8C. Annals (The) of Medicine and Surgery, or records of the occurring improvements and diseoveries in medicine and surgery, and the immediately conuected arts and sciences. London. v. 1-2, 1816-17. 8\ Annals of the Medicai Society of the County of Albany, 1806-51. With biographical sketches of decensed niembers, bv Svlvester D. Willard. Albany. v. 1, 1864. 8-. [Forv. 2, see:' Tr. M. Soc. County Albany. For v. 3, see : Med. Ann., Albany.] Annales des maladies de l'oreille et du larynx (otoscopie, laryngo- scopie, rhinoscopie). Paris. v. 1-8, 1875-82. 8~. [In v. 3, 1877, the words "et des organes connexes" were added to title. Continued in v. 9, 18-3, as: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille du larynx, etc, Par.] Annales des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx, du nez et du pha- rynx, Paris. [Title, iu 1885, of: Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille, du larynx, etc, Par.] Annales des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx et des organes con- nexes. Paris, v. 9-21, 1883-95. 8°. [Title, after 1-^2, of : Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par. Title after 1884: Annales des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx, du nez et du pha- rynx, Paris.] Annales des maladies des organes génito-urinaires. Paris, v. I- 13, 1882-95. 8°. Annales des maladies de la peau et de la syphilis. Paris, v. 1- 4,1843-52. rov. 8-\ [Suspended from Jnlv, 1845, till Oct., 1850.] Annals of Medicine, exhibiting a concise view of the la test and most important diseoveries iu medicine and medicai philosophy. Edinburgh. Lustrimi 1, v. 1-5, 1'96-1800; lustrimi 2, v. 1-3, 1801-4. 8v. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of : Med. Comment.] Annales de médecine belge et étraugère. Bruxelles. [L'Abeille, et l'Observateur medicai, rénnis. ] v. 1-72,1835-52. roy. 8°. Annales médicales belges. Journal special de maladies de l'encé- phale et du système nerveux, de maladies nientales, de médecine legale, de toxicologie et d'hygiène. Bruxelles, v. 2, 1843. 4°. [Continuatiou, after no. 15, v. 2,1843, of: Anu. méd.-lég. belges, Brux.] Annales de médeei ne et dechirur«;ie, publièes par le Cercle d'études médicales de Bruxelles. 1889-92. Bruxelles, v. 1-4, 1890-3. 8°. Annales médicales de la Fiandre occideutale. Roulers. v. 5-10, 1851-60. 8°. [Prior to 1-51, title was: Ann. Soc méd. d'óiuu- lat. de la Fiandre occid., Roulers.] Annales de la médecine physiologique. Paris, v. 1-26, 1822-34. 8°. [In 1835, merged in: J. hebd. d. progr. d. se et inst. méd., Par.] Annali di medicina pubblica, igiene e idrologia medica. [Title of: Aun. di med. pubb., Roma, in 1874-5, v. 9-10.] Annali di medicina pubblica, di medicina e farmacia teorico-pra- tiche: giornale medico di Roma. Roma. v. 7-10, 1872-5. 8°. [v. 9-10, 1874-5, title: Annali di medicina pubblica, igiene e idrologia medica. Organo della Società 78-95. 8-. [v. 2 not published.] Annales de la Société d'hydrologie medicale de Paris. Comptes- rendus des séanees. Paris, v. 1-40, 1854-95. 8°. Annales de la Société imperiale de médecine de Lyon. [Title of 2. s., v. 4-17, 1856-69, of : Ann. Soc. de méd. de Lyon.] Annales de la Société de médecine d'Anvers. v. 1-57, 1840-95, 8°. [In IMO. published at Bruxelles.] Annales de la Société medicale de rariondissemeiit de Neufchà- teau. Nancy, 1874; Neufchàteau, 1877-9. Années 1-4 (1874-7), lh74-9. 8°. Annales de la Société medicale d'émulation de la Fiandre occi- dentale, établie à Roulers. Années 2-4, 1-48-50, 3 v. -°. [In 1851, title became: Ann. méd. de la Fiandre occid., Roulers.] Annales de la Société de médecine de Gand. v. 1-72,1835-93. 8°. Anuales de la Société de médecine de Liége. v. 1-5,1-47-54. 8 . Annales de la Société de médecine de Lyon. 2. s., v. 1-29, 1849- 81. Lyon, 1851--J. 8C. [2. s., v. 1,'l849, title: Annales de la Société nationale de médecine de Lyon. 2. s., v. 4-17, 1856-69, title: Annales de la Société imperiale de médecine de Lyon.] Annales de la Société de médecine pratique de la province d'An- vers, établie à Willebroeck. Boom et Malines. 3. année, 1844- 5; 4.-13. années, 1846-55. 8J. Annales de la Société de médecine de Saint-Etienne et de laLoire; ou comptes-rendus de ses travaux. Contenant lea procès-ver- baux de ses séanees aitisi que les notes ou mémoires lus dans ces séanees. Saint-Etienne, v. 1-8, 1857-83. 8J. Annales de la Société médico-chirurgicale de Bruges, v. 1-25, 1-40-64; Jan., 1865. 6°. [Want June to Dee., 1864.] Annales de la Société médico-chirurgicale de I. 3; v. 4-6, 1-65-7: v. 11-34, 1874-95. 8C. v. 1-2, 1862- Aunales de la Société de médecine-pratique de Montpellier, ou Recueil de dissertations [etc.]. [Title of v. 2-12, 1803-8, of: J. de méil., chir. et pharm., Montpel.] Annales de la Société nationale de médecine de Lyon. [Title of 2. s., v. 1, 1849, of : Auu. Soc. de méd. de Lyon.] Annales de la Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1-3, 1892-3 to 1894-5. 8°. [Run- ning title ou the covers of the publication: J. de méd., chir. et pharniaeol. Annales, Brux.] Annales de la Société des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bru- xelles. Anuée L-36-42. 8°. Aunales de la Société de sciences naturelles de Bruges, v. 1-2 (1839-41), 1840-1. 8°. [Pages 81-?8, inclusive, of v. 1, want- Annalen der Staatsarzueikunde. Hrsg. von P. J. Schneider [etal. ] unter Mitwirkung der in- und au.slàndischen Mitglieder des Vereins grosslierzoglieh-badischer Medizinal-Beainten zur Fòr- derung der Staatsarzueikunde. Tiibingen, 1-36-8: Freiburg, 1839-46. v. 1-11, 18:56-46. *°. [Title of v. 1, 1836, was: Ann. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Tiibing. In 1816 united with : Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz., fonuing : Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Bi\] Aunalen der Staatsarzneykuude. Hrsg. von J. D. Metzger. Ziil- lichau. v. 1, 1790-1. 12-. [24] Ann. d. stadt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen. Ann. State Confer. Charities & Corrections, Madison, Wis. Ann. di statist., Roma. Ann. Surg., St. Louis. Ann. de thérap., Par. Ann. de thérap. méd.-chir., Par. Ann. & Tr. Brit. Homceop. Soc, Lond. Ann. d. univ. de Belg., Brux. Ann. de l'Univ. de Brux. Pac. de méd. Ann. d. Univ. libera di Perugia. Fac di med. e chir. Ann. univ. di med., Milano. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Mi- lano. Annalist, N. Y. Année méd., Caen. 1 Annuaire Acad. roy. d. se de ' Belg., Brux. Annuaire méd.-chir. d. hóp. de Par. Annuaire de la pharm. frane, et étrang., Par. Annuaire de la syph. et mal. de la peau, Par. Annuaire de thérap., Par. Annual J. 111. Dent. Soc. Annual Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond. Annuario d. r. Univ. di Pavia. Annalen der stàdtischeu allgemeinen Krankenhauser zu Mun- chen. Im Verein mit den Aerzten dieser Anstalten hrsg. von Prof. Dr. von Ziemssen. Miinehen. v. 1-6, 1878-94. 8 . Annual State Confereuce of Charities and Corrections held at Madison, Wis.. February 28 to March 3, 1893, under theauspices of the Wisconsin State Board of Control of Cliantable/Reiorm- atory aud Penai Iustitutions. Madison, Wis. 1 v., 1894. 8 . Annali di statistica. Roma. No. 88, 1877; 2. 8., v. 6, 9-24,1879- 81: 3. s., v. 1-16, 1882-5; 4. s., v. 1-7, 1885-8. 8°. Annales suisses des sciences médicales. [See Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. Schweiz, Basel u. Leipz.] Annals of Surgery. A monthly review of surgical scieuce and practice. St, Louis, 1885-91; Philadelphia, 1892-5. v. 1-21, 1885-95. 8°. Annales de thérapeutique medicale et chirurgicale et de toxicolo- gie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1843-9. 8°. Annales de thérapeutique médico-chirurgicales. Paris, v. 5-6, 1889-90. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1889, of: Ann. méd.-chir. frane et étrang., Par.] Aunals aud Transactious of the British Homceopathic Society, and of the Londou Homceopathic Hospital. London, v. 1-11, 1860-89. 8°. Annales des uuiversités de Belgique. Bruxelles. Années 1843-6 (1844-7). roy. 8°. Annales de l'Université de Bruxelles. Faculté de médecine. Bruxelles, v. 1-3, 1880-2; fase 1, v. 4, 1883. 8°. Annali dell' Università libera di Perugia, v. 1-2, 1885-7. Fa- coltà di medicina e chirurgia. Perugia. 1886-7. roy. 8°. Annali dell' Università libera di Perugia. Facoltà medico-chirur- gica. Perugia. [Title, iu 1886-7, anno 2, et seq., of : Ann. d. Univ. libera di Perugia. Fac. di med. e chir.] Annali universali di medicina, compilati dal dottore Annibale Omodei. Milano, v. 1-230, 1817-74. 8°. [Want pp. 161-176 (no. 26, v. 9), Feb., 1819. Continuatiou of: Ann. di med. stran., Milano, and continued as the following:] Annali universali di medicina e chirurgia. Milano, v. 231-286, 1875-88. 8°. [See the preceding for v. 1-230, 1817-74.] Annalist (The) ; a record of practical medicine, iu the city of New York. v. 1-3, 1846-9. 8°. Annalium physico-medicorum oder Geschichte der Natur und Kunst. [Additional title of: Sanimi, v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch., etc, Leipz.] Année (L') medicale. Journal de la Société de médecine de Caen et du Calvados. Caen. Années 1-4, 1876-9; nos. 1-2, v. 5, Dee, 1879, to Jan., 1880; v. 8-9, Jan., 1883, to Juue, 1884. -#°. Annuaire de PAcadémie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, pour 1865-87. Bruxelles. 23 v. 12°. Annuaire médico-chirurgical des hópitaux et hospices civils de Paris, ou recueil de mémoires et observations, par les médeciua etchirurgiensdecesétablissemens. Paris, v. 1,1819. 4U & fol. Annuaire de la pharmacie francaise et étrangère. 1875. Paris. v. 1,1876. 12°. [Continuatiou of: Annuaire pharmaceutique.] Annuaire de la syphilis et des maladies de la peau. Paris, v. 1. 1858. 8°. ' Annuaire de thérapeutique, de matière medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie de 1841-81, 1886. Paris, v. 1-41, 46, 1841-86. Annual (The) Journal of the Illinois State Dentai Society. Trans- actious, animai sessions, 6.-14 , 1870-8; 16.-21. 1880-5* V n 1870-85. 8°. [See, also, Tr. Illinois Dent. Soc] ' l '' Annual Reports, etc. [See Reports, etc] Annual Reports on Diseases of the Chest, under the direction of Horace Dobell. London, v. 1-3 (1874-7), 1875-8 TAfter v 9 1876, title: Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond.] L ' ' Annuario della r. Università di Pavia. Anno scolastico 1883-4 Pavia. 1 v., 1884. 8°. [25] tft.- •'' Anomalo, Napoli. Anst. d. Stadt Beri. f. d. off. Gsndhtspflg. [etc] Anst.-Ber. d. Heil-u. Pflegeanst. Pfullingen . . . , Tiibing. Anthrop. Rev., Lond. Anthrop. Samml. d. anat. Inst. d. Univ. Bresl., Brnschwg. Anthropologie, Par. Antihomòop. Arch., Hamb. / y vT > Anuario see de cien. fis. y nat. d it. rv»^'r Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. App. Ital. J. Ven. Se Skin Dis., Milan. App. Rep. Com. Scient. Inq. Cholera-Epid. 1854. Arb. a. d. Ambulat. f. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Halsleiden v. Dr. Stetter, Kònigsb. i. Pr. Arb. a. d. bacteriol. Inst. d. techn. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe. Arb. a. d. Bern. path. Inst., Wiirzb. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Beri. Arb. a. d. chir. Univ.-Poliklin. zu Leipz. Arb. a. d. erst. med. Klin. zu Beri. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat.. .. Inst. zu Tiibing., Brnschwg. Arb. a. d. hyg. Inst. zu Gotting. Leipz. [See J. Anthrop. Soc. Bom- [See J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. Anomalo (L'). Gazzettino antropologico, psichiatrico, medico- legale, con pagina di letteratura dei folli ed appendice varia del medico generico. Napoli, v. 1-6, 18-9-95. 8°. Anstalten (Die) der Stadt Berlin fiir die offeutliche Gesundheits- pflege und fiir den natnrwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Fest- schrift dargeboten den Mitgliedern der 59. Versammlung deutscher Xatnrforscher und Aerzte von den stàdtischen Belior- den. Berlin. 1 v., 1886. 8°. Anstalts-Bericlit der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Pfullingen fiir psy- chisch Kranke. 3., Oct, 1, 1883, to Aprii 1, 1-89. Tiibiugeu. 1 v., 1889. 4°. Anthropological and Ethnological Societies of London. [.St e Proc Anthrop. & Ethn. Soc. Lond.] Anthropological (The) Review. v. 1-8,1863-70. 8C. [Continued as: J. Anthrop., Lond.] Anthropological Society of Bombay. bay.] Authropological Society of London. Also: Meni. Anthrop. Soc. Lond.] Anthropological Society of Washington. [See Ani. Anthrop., Wash. Also : Saturdav Lect., Wash. Also: Tr. Anthrop. Soc. Wash.] Anthropologische Gesellsehaft iu Wien. [See Festschr. z. Begriis- sung . . . d. Deutsch. n. Wien. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien [also, in Innsbruck], Wien. Also: Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien.] Anthropologische (Die) Sammlung des anatomischen Instituts der Uuiversitiit Breslau. Bearbeitet von G. Wieger, ini Soinmer 1-84. [No. xii of : Die authropologischen Sammlungen Deutsch- lands. Suppl. to : Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg., 1885, xv.] [Braunschweig, 1-85.] 1 v. 43. Anthropologischer Verein in Schleswig-Holstein. [See Mitth. d. anthrop. Ver. in Sclilesw.-IIolst., Kiel.] Anthropologie (L'). Paraissaut tous les deux mois. Paris, v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. Antihomoopatisches Archiv; eine Zeitsehrift in zwanglosen Hef- ten. Hamburg, v. 1-3, 1834-8. i» . Anuario de la seccion de ciencias fisicas y naturales del Liceo de Matanzas. Matanzas. v. 1, 1866. 8 -'. Anzeiger der k. k. Gesellsehaft der Aerzte iu Wien. 1871-88. 8°. [A supplemeut to: Med. Jahrb., Wien.] Appeudix to the Italiau Jouma'. of Venereal and Skin Diseases, compiled and directed by G. B. Soresina. Milau. 1876. 12°. Appeudix to Report of the Committee for Scient. Iuquiries in relation to the Cholera-Epidemic of 1854. 8C. Loudon, 1855. Arbeiteu aus dem Ambnlatorium und der Privatklinik fiir Ohren-, Nasen- und Halsleiden vou Dr. Stetter. Konigsberg i. Pr. lift. 1, 1893. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem bacteriologischen Institut der technischeu Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe. Hft. 1, v. 1, 1894. 8°.. Arbeiten aus dem Berner pathologischeu Institut. Wiirzburg. v. 1 (1871-2), 1873. .-T. Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Kliuikder koniglichenUuiversitàt Berlin. Hrsg. von Ernst vou Bergmauu. Berlin. 1.-5. Theil, 1*86-91. 8°. Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Universitàts-Poliklinik zu Leipzig. Hrsg. von Benno Schuiidt. Leipzig. Hft. 1-2, ls-^-'.U. .-■>. Arbeiten aus der ersten niedicinischeu Klinik zu Berlin. Berlin. v. 1-2, 1890-1. 8-. '^.^ j , .-■ .1 Arbeiteu auf dem Gebiete der pathologischeu Anatomie und Bac- teriologie aus dem pathologisch-anatomischeu Institut zu Tii- biugeu. Braunschweig. v. 1; Hft, 1, v. 2, 1*91-3. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem hygienischen Institut zu Gottingen. Jabres- berieht l8e4-5. Erste Abtheilung. Leipzig. 1 v., Icc6. 8°. [26] Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Physiol. d. Centralnervensyst. an d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien. Arb. u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin. zu Wien. Arb. a. d. k. Frauenklin. in Dresd., Leipz. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Beri. Arb. a. d. K.- u. K.-Friedrich- Kinderkrankenh. in Beri., Stuttg. Arb. a. d. Kieler physiol. Inst. Arb. a. d. med. Klin. zu Leipz. Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. in Gotting., Beri. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Marb., Jena. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Mun- chen, Stuttg. Arb. a. d. pharmacol. Lab. zu Moskau. Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst. zu Dor- pat, Stuttg. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz. Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Wiirzb. Hochsch. Arb. a. d. spee physiol. Abth. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Beri. Arb. a. d. zool. Inst. d. Univ. Wien. Arb. a. d. zool.-zootom. Inst. in Wiirzb., Wiesb. Arch. f. d. allg. Heilk., Beri. Arch. Am. M. & S., Macon. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz. Arch. di anat. norm. e patol. Firenze. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Arbeiten aus dem Institut fiir Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnervensystenis an der Wiener Universitiit. Hrsg. von Heinrich Obers'teiner. Leipzig u. Wien. 1 v., 1892. 8°. Arbeiten und Jahresbericht der k. k. ersten chirurgischen Uni- versitiits-Klinik zu Wien, Sehuljahr 1888. Wien. 1 v., 1889. Arbeiten aus der koniglichen Frauenklinik iu Dresden, Leipzig. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8-. A ,. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesiindbeitsamte. Berlin, v. 1-11, 1885-95. 4C. ♦ Arbeiten aus dem Kaiser- und Kaiserin-Friedrich-Kinderkran- kenhause in Berlin. Festschrift Herrn Rudolf Virchow zum 70. Gebnrtstage 13. October 1891 gewidmet von Dr. Adolf Baginsky. [Repr.from: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.] Stuttgart. 2 v., 1891-3. 8-. Arbeiten aus dem Kieler physiologischen Inatitute 1868. Kiel. 1 v., 1869. 8C. Arbeiten auader medicinischen Klifiik zu Leipzig. Leipzig. 1893. 8°. lv., Arbeiten aus (lem medicinisch-klinischen Iustitute der k. Ludwig- Maximilians-Universitàt zu Miincheu. Hrsg.von H. v. Zieinssen und Jos. Bauer. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1884-93. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischeu Institut in Gottingen. Herrn Prof. Rudolf Virchow zur Feier seines fiinfzigjàhrigen Doctor- Jubilàuins ani 21. October 1893 gewidmet von Prof. Job. Orth. Berlin. 1 v., 1893. 8C. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Marburg. v. 1, 1893. 8~. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischeu Institut zu Miiuchen. gart. 1 x., 1886. 8C. [Continuatiou of: Mitth. a. d. Inst, zu Munchen, Stuttg.] Jena. Stutt- path. Arbeiten aus dem pharmacologischen Laboratorium zu Moskau. v. 1, 187(5. 8°. Arbeiten des pharmakologischen Institutes zu Dorpat. Stutt- gart, v. 1-8, 1888-92. 8°. Arbeiten aus der physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig, v 1-11 (186(5-76), 1867-77. 8°. Arbeiteu aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Wiirzburger Hochschule. 1.-4. Lfg., 1872-8. 8°. Arbeiten aus der speciell physiologischen Abtheilung des physio- logischen Instituts der Universitiit Berlin, geleitet von Hu 8~. [Contiuuàtion of: Deutsches Ardi. f. d. Ph'vsioi Hille aud continued as : Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch Med ] [27] Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. ■wis- sensch. Med. Arch. f. animai. Nahrungsmit- telk., Wiesb. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par. Arch. de l'anthrop. crim., Par. Arch. per 1' antrop., Firenze. Arch. de l'art d. accouch., Strasb. Arch. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir., Roma. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb. Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh. Arch. f. Balneol., Neuwied. Arch. belges de méd. mil., Brux. Arch. belges de thérap., Mons. Arch. de biol., Gand. Arch. f. Chem. u. Meteor., Niirnb. Arch. Cincin. Coli. M. & S- Arch. de la cirug., Barcel. Arehiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie Leipzig. 8°. [Con- tinuatiou, in 1877, of: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., and issued in two parta with the respective titles: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., and: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., which see. In 1877, Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Leipz., uniteci with the anatomical part of this journal.] Arehiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medichi. Leipzig. 43 v., 1834-76. 8°. [In 1834-58 at Berlin ; 1859-76, Leipz. Contiuuàtion of : Arch. f. Auat. u. Physiol., Leipz., and continued as: Arehiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, Leipzig, issued in two parts with titles: Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwck- lngsgesch., Leipz., and: Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz.] Arehiv fiir animalische Nahrungsmittelknnde. (Fortsetznng der Zeitsehrift fiir Fleischbeschau, etc.) Wiesbaden. v. 4-8, 1888- 93. roy. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Ztschr. f. Fleischbeschau.] Arehiv fiir Anthropologie. Zeitsehrift fiir Naturgeschichte und Urgeschichte des Menschen. Braunschweig. v. 1-22, 1866-94. 4°. Arcliives d'anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie et de psycho- logie normale et pathologique. Lyon ; Paris, v. 8-10, 1893-5. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1893, of the following:] Arcliives de l'anthropologie criminelle et des sciences péuales. Médecine legale, jtidiciaire. Statistique criminelle. Législa- tiou et droit. Paris, v. 1-7, 1886-92. 8°. [Continued as the preceding. ] Archivio per 1' antropologia e la etnologia. Organo della Società italiana di antropologia e di etnologia. Firenze, v. 1, 1871; v. 3-24, 1873-94. 8°. [Waut v. 2, 1872.] Archives de l'art des aecouchemens, considéré sous ses rapports auatomique, physiologique et pathologique. Recueillies dans la littérature étrangère. Strasbourg, v. 1-2, an IX-X(1801-2). 8°. Archivio ed atti della Società italiana di chirurgia. 1.-8. ses- sions, 188-2-3 to 1891. Roma, 1882[-4] to 1892. 8°. [Want 4. session. 5., 1888, published at Napoli. The words "Archivio ed" are omitted from title-pago of v. 1.] Arehiv fiir Augenheilkunde. Wiesbaden. v. 8-30, 1879-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of the ophthalmological part of: Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh.] Arehiv fiir Augen- und Ohrenheilkunde. Hrsg. in deutscher und euglischer Sprache von H. Knapp in New York und S. Moos in Heidelberg. Carlsruhe, 1869-74; Wiesbaden, 1874-8. v. 1-7, 1869-78. 8. [Continued as: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb. and Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb., as separate publicatious. See, also, Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Arehiv fiir Balueologie. Neuwied. v. 1-4, 1862-7. 8°. [Con- tinuatiou of : Balneol. Ztg., Wetzlar, and continued as: Allg. balueol. Ztg., Neuwied.] Archives belges de médecine militaire. Journal des sciences médicales, pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires. Bruxelles. v. 3-30, 1849-62. 8J. [Continuatiou of: Ardi, de méd. mil., Brux., and continued as: Arch. méd. belges, Brux.] Archives belges de thérapeutique. Revue mensuelle des médica- tions. Mons. v. 1-3, 1874-7. 8°. Archives de biologie. Publièes par Édouard Van Beneden et Cliailc Van Bambeke. Gand, Leipzig et Paris, v. 1-13,1*81 )- 94. 8°. [After v. 6: Gand & Leipz.] Arehiv biologieheskich nauk izdavaemyi imp. Institutom experi- nieutalnoi meditsiuy v S.-Peterburge. [.See Arch. de se. biol., St.-Pétersb.] Arehiv fiir Chemie und Meteorologie. Niirnberg. v. 1-9, 1830- 5. 8~'. [Continuatiou of: Arch. f. d. ges. Naturi., Niirub.] Archivio di chirurgia pratica di F. Palasciano. [Was running title, from 1871, of : Arch. di meni, ed osserv. di chir. prat,, Napoli.] Archives of the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. Cincinnati, v. 1, 1893. 8°. [Repr. from: Cincin. M. J.] Arcbivo de la cirugia. Periodico semanal. Barcelona. 1877. 8-'. 1, [2S] Arch. clin. de Bordeaux. Arch. clin. ital., Roma. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Arch. Comp. M. & S., N. Y. Arch. Dent., St. Louis. Arch. Dermat. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetz- geb. u. off. Gsndhtspfig.,Brlang. Arch. d'électric méd.,Bordeaux. Arch. Electrol. & Neurol., N. Y. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharma- kol., Leipz. Arch. di farm. e terap., Pa- lermo. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena. Arch. gemeinniitz. phys. u. med. Kenntn., Ziirich. Arch. gén. d'hydrol. [etc], Par. Arch. gén. de méd., Par. Arch. v. Geneesk., Amst. Arch. gerichtl.-med. v. d. Kò- nigr. Hannov., Celle. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Arch. f. d. ges. Naturi., Niirnb. Archives cliniques de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. Paris. v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8 ;. Archivio clinico italiano. Giornale di inedieina echirurgia pratica per i medici condotti. Roma. v. 10-15, 1880-5. 4> . [Con- tinuation of: Progresso medico, which is not in this library.] Archives of Clinical Surgery. A monthly periodical devoted to surgery in ali its special departments. New York. v. 1; nos. 1-5, v. 2, July, 1876, to Aug., 1877. S-. [After no. 5, v. 2, Aug., 1-77 Hosp. Gaz.,N. Y., was merged in this jourual, and title became: Hosp. Gaz. A- Arch. Cliu. Surg.,N. Y.] Archives (The) of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. A quar- terly journal of the anatomy, pathology, and therapeutics of the lower animala. New York. v. 1, 1880. 8°. [Continued, iu 1881, as: J. Comp. M. & S.] Archives (The) of Dentistry, snccessor to The Missouri Dentai Jourual. A monthly record of dentai science and art. St. Louis, v. 1-7, 1884-90. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of : Missouri Dent. J. In Nov., 1884, N. Eng. J. Dent., Springfield, Mass., merged in this journal.] Archives of Dermatology : a qnarterlv journal of skin and vene- real diseases. New York, 1874-8, Ì881-2; Philadelphia, 1879- 80. v. 1-8, 1874-82. 8°. Arehiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Prag. v. 1-5, 1869-73 8°. [Continued as: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat,, Wien.] Arehiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien. v. 21-30 1889- 95 8°. [Continuatiou, iu 1889, of: Vrtljschr. f. Dermat Wien.] ' Arehiv der deutschen Gesellsehaft fiir Psychiatrie und ^erichtliche Psychologie. Neuwied und Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1858-66 • no 1 «• ^ !S«n' V: V°; ,v- 2_10' 8°- [Nothing published in 1H07- 8; in 1869, uniteci with: Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f Psv- chiat, etc and became title of v. 16-17, 1869-70, of that iour- nal. Nothing published in 1871.] J Arehiv der deutschen Medicinal-Gesetzgebung und offentlichen Gesiindheitsplìege fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Erlan- gen. Jahrg. 1-3, 1857-9. 1 v. fol. Archives d'électricité medicale expérimentales et cliniques Bor- deaux. Pana. v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. Archivea of Electrology and Neurology: a "journal of electro- tiierapeuties and nervona diaeasea. New York. v. 1-2, 1874- AvbÌVl894-?ntW-CkelUnS8meclianÌk dei* 0rganisme». Leipzig. Arehiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Leip- zig, v. 1-35, 1873-95. 8°. L Archivio di farmacologia e terapeutica. Palermo, v. 1-2 1893- ArKh7^/UTVdi^?eb;lrt8hUI!rfe'Frauenzimmer- uud «eugebohmer ^^K^hvtev. Hrag. v. J. C. Stark. Jena v. 1-6 Jena"] [Continued as: N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., etc.; Arehiv gemeinniitziger physischer und medizinischer Kenntnisse Zum Besten des Ziircheriachen Seminarinm geachicktei Land- T787 óT. 80 Sg- V°" J°h- HeÌUrÌch Rahu- zSS v lÌ, Archives générales d'hydrologie, de climatologie et de balnéothé rapie. Paris, v. 2-6, 1891-5. 8°. oaineotne- Archives générales de médecine. Paris. 1. 8. Y ion 189o .*>. 2. s. v. 1-15, 1833-7; 3. s., v. 1-15, 1838-42; 4 I" y i iPtfi' 52; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1853-62; 6. s., v 1-30 1863-77 '■ y ' \8Ì\~ 1878-93; 8. s., v. 1-3, 1894-5. 8°. A»^~77, 7. s., v. 1-32, Archief voor Geueeskunde. Amsterdam. v 1-5 is„ , Q„ [In Aug., 1846, merged in : Nederl. Lancet, Utrecht,] Arehiv gerichtlich-medicinischer, vor den Assisen dp« ir- • • , Hannover verhandelter Falle. Celle, v 1 l85i_V °gògreicn8 Arehiv fiir die gesammte Mediciii. Jena. v. 1-10, 1840-9 so Arehiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre. Nurnber. [Continued, July, LVóo, as: Arch. et jour. de la méd. homceop., Par.] Archivio medico italiauo. Periodico mensile. Torino v 1-9 1882-3. 8 \ ' » [31] Arch. de méd. mil., Brux. Arch. de méd. nav., Par. Arch. de méd. et pharm. mil., Par. Arch. d. med. Poi., Leipz. Arch. méd. de Strasb. Arch. med. valenc, Valencia. Arch. di. med. vet., Milano. Arch. di mem. ed osserv. di chir. prat., Napoli. Arch. mens. de méd. et chir. prat., Brux. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bonn. Arch. do mus. nac. do Rio de Jan. Arch. néerl. d. se exactes [etc]. Arch. de neurol., Par. Arch. de obst. y ginec, Madrid. Arch. f. òff.Gsndhtspflg.jStrassb. Arch. f. Ohrenh. Arch. d'opht., Par Arch. f. Ophth. Arch. Ophth., N. Y. Arch. d ophth., Par. Arch. ophth. de Lisb. Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y. Arch. di ortop., Milano. Archives de médecine militaire. Journal des sciences médicales,, pharmaceutiquea et vétérinaires. Bruxelles, v. 1-2, 1-4S. 8\ [Continued aa: Arch. belges de méd. mil., Brux.] Arcliives de médecine navale. Paria, v. 1-63, lf-64-95. - . Archivea de médecine et de pharmacie militaires, publièes par ordre du Ministre de la guerre. Paris, v. 1-25, 1383-95. 8'-. [Continuation of: Ree. de mém. de méd. . . . mil., Par.] Arehiv der inedizinischen Polizey und der gemeiuniitzigen Arznei- kunde. Leipzig, v. 1-6, 178:5-7. 8°. [After v. 3, the word "Polizey" changed to "Polizei". Continued in 1789 as: Beytr. z. Arch. d. med. Poi., Leipz.] Archives médicales de Strasbourg, v. 1-3, 1835-6. 8 . Archivos (Los) de la inedieina valenciana. Periodico basado en la experieucia tìsiológica v clinica v en el animismo ortodoxo. Valencia, v. 1, 18*1-2. 4 . Archivio di medicina veterinaria. Giornale bimestrale della regia Scuola superiore di medicina veterinaria di Milano. Anni 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. Archivio di memorie ed osservazioni di chirurgia pratica, su la clinica chirurgica, le conseguenze terapeutiche della neutralità dei feriti in guerra, l'igiene degli ospedali, la vaccinazione ani- male, 1' eterizzazione ed altri argomenti. Napoli, v. 1-16,1866- 81. 8°. [Running title, from 1871: Archivio di chirurgia pratica di F. Palaseiano. ] Archives mensuelles de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Bru- xelles, v. 1, 1886-7. 8\ [Continued, in v. 2, as: Arch. de méd. et chir. prat., Brux.] Arehiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomie. Bonn. v. 1-41. 1865-95. 8°. [In v. 44 the words "und Eutwicklungsgeschichte" were added to title.] Archivos do museu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. v. 1-2 (1876-7), 1876-9; pts. 1-2, v. 3, 1878; v. 4-7, 1878-87. roy. 8J. Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Pu- blièes par la Société hollandaise des sciences à Harleni. La Haye. v. 1-27,1866-94. 8°. [In 1866-75 published at La Haye ; after 1875 at Harleui.] Archives de neurologie. Revue trimestrielle des maladies ner- veuses et mentales. Paris, v. 1-2*, 1880-94. 8°. Archivos de obstetricia y de ginecologia. Coutinuaeión de los "Anales de obstetricia, ginecologia ypediatria" y de los "Aua- les de la Sociedad giuecológica espafiola". òrgano ofìcial de la niisnia. Madrid, v. 12, 1888. 8°. fCalled "continuatiou" of: An. de obst., ginecopat. y pediat.. Madrid.] Arehiv fiir offentliche Gesundheits-Pflege iu Elsass-Lothringen. Strassburg. v. 1-16, 1876-95. 8-. Arehiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Wiirzburg; Leipzig, v. 1-38, 1864- 95. 8C. [After 1873 published at Leipzig.] Archives d'ophtalmologie, publièes par F. Panas, E. Laudolt et P. Poucet. Paris, v. 1-15, 1880-95. 8°. Arehiv fiir Ophthalmologie. Hrsg. von Dr. Albrecht von Graefe. Berlin; Leipzig, v. 1-41, 1854-95. 8°. [Siuce 2. Abth., v. 33, 1887, published at Leipzig.] Archives of Ophthalmology. New York. v. ?-24, 1879-95. 8-\ [Continuation of the ophthalmological part of: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Archives d'ophthalniologie, compreuant les travaux les plus im- portants sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, la pathologie, l'hygiène et la thérapeutique de l'appareil de la vision. Paris, v. 1-6, 1853-6. 8°. Archivo ophthalmotherapico de Lisboa. Lisboa, v. 2-8, 1881-7. 8°. Archives (The) of Ophthalmology and Otology. Edited and pub- lished siiiiultaneously iu English and Gernian. New York. v. 1-7, 1-69-79. -^. [Continued as: Arch. Ophth., N. V., and: Arch. Otol., N. Y., as separate publications. See, also, Arch. f. Augen- u. Ohrenh.] Archivio di ortopedia. Milano, v. 1-11, 1884-94. 8. [32] Arch. Otol., N. Y. Arch. di ottal., Palermo. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc], Beri. Arch. f. d. Path. u. Thérap. Hamm. Arch. di patol. inf, Napoli. Arch. Pediat. Arch. d. Pharm. Arch. f. Pharm., Kj^benh. Arch. f. Pharm., Kj^benh. Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz. Arch. f. physiol. Heilk., Stuttg. Arch. de physiol. norm. et path. Par. Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Wien. Arch. de physiol.,thérap. et hyg., Par. Arch. de la Policlin., Habana. Arch. d. prakt. Heilk., Bresl. Arch. f. prakt. Med. u. Klin., Beri. ' Arch. prov. de chir., Par. Arch. psichiat. [etc], Charkov. Arch. di psichiat. [etc], Torino. Arch. f. Psychiat., Beri. Arch. f. Psychol., Heidelb Archives of Otology. New York. v. 8-24, 1879-95. 8°. [Con- tinuation of the'otological part of: Arch. Ophth. A Otol., N. Y.] Archivio di oftalmologia, Giornale mensile. Palermo, v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. Arehiv fiir pathologische Anatomie uud Physiologie, und fiir kli- nische Medichi. Hrsg. von Rud. Virchow und B. Reinhardt. Berlin, v. 1-139, 1847-95. 8°. Arehiv fiir die Pathologie und Therapie. Hamm. v. 1, 1851-5. 8~. infantile. Periodico bimestrale. Napoli. [Continued as: Arch. ital. di pediat., Na- Archivio di patolog v. 1-6, ÌS^'Ò-*. 8- poli.] Archives (The) of Pediatrics. A monthly journal devoted to the diseaaea of infanta aud children. Jersey City, N. J., 1884; Philadelphia, 1884-91; New York, 1892-5. v. 1-12,1884-95. 8°. Arehiv der Pharmacie. Eine Zeitsehrift des Apotheker-Vereins in Norddeutschland. Hannover, 1839-67; Halle, 1868-87; Ber- lin, 1888-95; 2. Reihe, v. 17-150, 1839-72; 3. Reihe, v. 1-33, 1872-95. Arehiv for Pharmaci. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-3, 1844-6. 8°. [Con- tinued as the following:] Arehiv for Pharmaci og technisk Chemi, med deres Grundviden- akaber. Kj0benhavn. v. 4-50, 1847-93. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Arehiv fur die Phyaiologie. Von D. Job. Christ. Reil. Halle. v. 1-12, 1795-1815. 8°. [Continued as : Deutachea Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle.] Arehiv fur Phyaiologie. (Physiolog. Abthlg. des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologie.) Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-18, 1877-94. 8 . Arehiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Stuttgart. Jahrg. 1-15, 1842-56, 14 v. ; n. F., v. 1-3, 1857-9. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz.] Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. Paris, v 1-5 1868-73; 2. a., v. 1-10, 1874-82; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1883-7; 4. a., v! 1-2, 1888; 5. a., v. 1-7, 1889-95. 8°. [Continuation of: J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par.] Arehiv fiir physiologische und pathologiache Chemie und Mikro- skopie in ihrer Auwenduugauf die praktiache Medicin. Unter Mitwirkuug mehrerer Gelehrten dea In- und Aualandea, ala lortsetznng der von Simon in Berlin gegriindeteu Zeitsehrift hrsg. und redigirtvou Joh. Florian Heller. Wien. 1844-7- u F. 1852-4. 6 v. 8°. [A continuation of: Beitr. z. physiol. u" path. Chem. u. Mikr., Beri. Suspended from 1847-52.] Archives de physiologie, de thérapeutique et d'hvgiène, sous la direction de M. Bouchardat. Paris. 2v., 1854. ' 8°. Archivos de la Policlinica. Habana. v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8°. Arehiv der praktischen Heilkunde fiir Schlesien uud Sudpreus- S 8°g" V°U D' ZadÌg UUd D" Fliese- Bresla'i. v. 1, 1799- Archiv fiir praktische Mediziu und Klinik Berliu of v. 10-20, 1807-11, of: Arch. f. med. Erfahr.] [Was title Archives provinciales de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8° Arehiv paichiatriineurologii i sudebuoi psichopatologii. v. 1- 25. Charkov, 1893-4; Varahava, 1895. v. 1-24, 1883-94. 8*. Archivio di psichiatria, antropologia criminale e acienze penali per servire a lo studio dell' uomo alienato e delinquente To°ino e Roma, v 1-15,1880-94. 8°. [After 1880 title became: Arcnb ™ ^psichiatria, scienze penali ed antropologia criminale, AT868-94rP80CllÌatrÌe "nd Nerveukran^eiten. Berlin. v. 1-26, AlSÌV ?l P«ycliologie, fìir Aerzte und Juristen. Heidelberg Hfte. 1-3, Jahrg. 1834. «o. [Continuation of: Ma" f 2' ftpfycS'ErSnS' ^^ "* ~ntìM* fi" ^ «"• [33] Arch. f. rat. Stàdteentwàsse- rung, Beri. Arch. d. Riforma med., Napoli. Arch. roum. de méd. et chir., Par. Arch. de se biol., St.-Pétersb. Arch. per le se med., Torino. Arch. d. se phys. et nat.,Genève. Arch. Se & Tr. Orleans Co. Soc, Newport, Vt. Arch. Scient. & Pract. M. & S. Arch. d. Scuola d' anat. patol., Firenze. Arch. slaves de biol., Par. Arch. de la Soc. estud. clin. de la Habana. Arch. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist., Tiibing. Arch. d. Staatsarznk., Beri. Arch. sudebnoi med., St. Pe- tersb. Arch. Surg., Lond. Arch. f. Syph. u. Hautkr., Beri. Arch. f. d. Theor. d. Heilk., Niirnb. Arch. de tocol., Par. Arch. de tocol. et de gynéc, Par. Arch. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Pòrd. d. wissensch. Heilk., Gotting. Arch. d. Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz. Arch. vét., Par. Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Beri. Arehiv fiir rationelle Stadteentwasserung. 91. 8-. Berlin, v. 1-2,1884- Archivio della Riforma medica. Pubblicazione trimestrale con rassegna completa del movimento delle scienze mediche in Italia (giornali, accademie, opere e monografie speciali). Napoli, v. 1-2, 1889-90. 8°. Archives roumaines de médecine et de chirur~ 7 Bibliot. méd.-castr. espan., Ma- drid. Bibliot. vrach., Moskva. Biblioth. f. d. Chir., Gotting. Biblioth. d. deutsch. Med. u. Chir., Wiirzb. Biblioth. homceop., Par. Biblioth. f. Kinderarzte, Wien. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kjjàbenh. Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kj^benh. Biblioth. méd., Brux. Biblioth. med., Cassel. ' 1 "y^'lj... r Biblioth. méd., Par. Biblioth. du méd.-prat., Par. Biblioth. d. phil. chim., Par. -~- 1 / Biblioth. f. Phys., Med. ogCEko- U " noni., Kjóbenh. i_L~ ^ o •^Biblioth. d. prakt. Heilk. \* Bidr. t. Sveriges off. Statist., Stockholm. Bijdr. t. geneesk. Staatsreg-, Amst. Bijdr. t. theor. en pract. ge- neesk., Amst. Biogr. Skizzen verstorb. Bre- misch. Aerzte, Bremen. Biblioteca fisica d' Europa, ossia raccolta di osservazioni sopra la tìsica, matematica, chimica, atoria naturale, medicina ed arti, di L. Brugnatelli. Pavia, v. 1-20, 1788-91. 8?. [Continued as: Gior. fìs.-med., Pavia.] Biblioteca médico-qastrense espafiola. Madrid, v. 1-8, 1-51-2. 8-. Biblioteka vracha. [The library of the physician.] Moskva. v. 1, 1894. 8°. Bibliothek fur die Chirurgie. Hrsg. von C. J. M. Langenbeck. Gòttingeu. v. 1-4, 1805-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Chir. Biblioth., Gotting., and continued as: N. Biblioth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Haunov.] Bibliothek der deutschen Medicin und Chirurgie. Wiirzburg. Jahrg. 1-5, 1828-32. 15 v. 8°. [Want pt. 2, Erguzngsbd., 1831, aud ali after 1832.] Bibliothèque homoeopathique. Par une société de médeeins. Paris, v. 1-20, 1868-90. 8°. [In 1870, v. 3, "publiée parla Société Hahneiuanuieune federative".] Bibliotheke fiir Kinderarzte Wien. v. 1, 1792. 8°. Bibliothek for La?ger, udgivet af Directionen for det Classenske Literaturselskap. Ki0beuhavn. v. 1-4, 1809-13. 12°. [Con- tiuued as: Nyt Biblioth. f. La?ger, Ki0beuh.] Bibliothek for La?ger. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-30, 1821-39; 2. R., v. 1-15, 1839-46; 3. R., v. 1-11, 1847 to June, 1852; 4. R., v. 1-16, July, 1852, to June, 1860; 5. R., v. 1-20, July, 1860, to June, 1870; 6. R., v. 1-19, Jan., 1871-89; 7. R., v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8-"•'. [Con- tinuation of: Nyt Biblioth. f. La?ger, Ki0benh. Want v. 21, 5. R. (July to Oct., 1870); also ali prior to 1821. In 1828, Hygtea, Kj0benh., united with this journal.] Bibliothèque medicale, nationale et étrangère, publiée par une société de médeeins belges. Bruxelles, v. 1-15, 1824-8. 8°. [Iu 1829, united with: Hygie, Par., formiug: Hygie, Brux.] Bibliotheca medica. Hrsg. von. G. Born, K. Fliigge [et al.]. Cassel. 1893-4. fol. [Published in six divisions: A., Anat. B., Physiol. C, Path. anat., etc. D'., Int. med. D''., Dermat. & syph. E., Surg.] Bibliothèque medicale, ou recueil périodique d'extraits des meil- leurs ouvrages de médecine et de chirurgie. Par une société de médeeins. Paris, v. 1-78, 1803-22. 8~. [Continued as: N. biblioth. méd., Par.] Bibliothèque du médeciu-praticien, ou résumé general de tousles ouvrages de cliilique medicale et chirurgicale, detoutesles mo- nographies, de tons les mémoires de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques anciena et modernea. Par une société de médeeins, sous la direction du Dr. Fabre Paris. 15 v., 1843-51. 8°. Bibliothèque des philosophes chiiuiques. [Recueillie par Guil. Salmou.] Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée . . . par M. J[ean] M[augiu] d[e] R[iebebourg]. Paris. 3 v., 1741. 12 . Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og (Ekonomie. KjObenhavn. [Title of: Phys., oeconom. og med.-chir. Biblioth., Kj0benh., from 1798-1800.] Bibliothek der praktischen Heilkunde. Hrsg. von C. W. Hufe- land. Jena; Berlin, v. 1-86, 1799-1843. 8°. [The first two years ouly published at Jena.] Bidrag èill Sveriges officiela Statistik. K Helso- och Sjukvàrden. I. Sundhets-Collegii Underdauiga Beràttelae. 1.-32. àret, 1861- 93. Stockholm, 1864-94. 4-. Biennial Reporta, etc. [See Reports, etc] Bijdragen tot geueeskuudige Staatsregeliug. Amsterdam, v. 1- 3, 1842-5. 8°. Bijdragen tot theoretische en practische geueeskuude, nitgegeven door het genootschap, ouder de zinspreuk: Arti salutifera? te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1810. 8'-. Biographische Skizzen verstorbeuer Bremischer Aerzte und Natur- forscher. Eiue Festgabe fur die 22. Versammluug deutscher Naturforscher uud Aerzte zu Bremen vom àrztlichen Verein zu Bremen. Bremen. 1 v., 1844. 8J. [46] Biol. Centralbl. Biol. Fòren. Fòrhandl. Ver- handl. d. biol. Ver. in Stock- holm. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm. Birmingh. M. Rev. Bistoury, Elmira, N. Y. Bisturi, Toledo. BI. f. gerichtl. Anthrop. BI. f. Gsndhtspflg., Ztirich. BI. f. Heilwissensch., Munchen. $ BI. f. klin. Hydrotherap., Wien. BI. f. Med.-Gesetzgeb. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. BI. f. Mil.-Hyg., Wien. BI. f. Psychiat., Erlang. BI. f. Reform d. San.-Wes., Wien. BI. f. Staatsarznk., Wien. BI. f. Taubst.-Bild., Beri. BI. f. wissensch. Balneol., Wien. Blindenfreund, Dtiren. Boerhaave. Trjdschr. [etc]. Birm medicai Biological Laboratories of the Owens College. [See Stud. BioL Lab. Owens Coli., Manchester.] Biological Laboratorv of the Johns Hopkins University. Balti- more. [See Meni. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt.] Biological Society of Washington. [See Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. AlsZ: Saturday Lect., Wash.] Biologisches Centralblatt. Erlangen ; Leipzig, v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8°. [After v. 10, 1890, published at Leipzig.] Biologiska Foreningens Forhandlingar. Verhandlungen des bio- loUtmUatÌOU' ÌU 1892' °f ! B°U" d' prÌV- mauic' drenti Bollettino del manicomio provinciale di Ferrara. Ferrara, v i-42, 1874-yo. 4°. Bollettino medico della Svizzera italiana. Giornale ufficiale della Società medica della Svizzera italiana. Bellinzona. Nos 1-2 v. 5, Jan. to Aprii, 1889. 8°. ' BftntitÌnn^TdÌC-"-CllÌrrrirgÌC?- 0rgauo del1' Ospedale coloniale italiano di Tunisi. Tunisi, v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. Bollettino mensile della Società medico-chirurgica camerinese PlKSi «V< * ! T» U2> V- 2' Dec" 1882>to J'^e MB84 8°'. [The word "mensile" is omitted ontitle-page] ^TTn^i^S-r861 di zrlo»ia ed anatomia comparata della r Università di Tonuo. Torino, v. 1-9, 1886-94. «o, ' Bollettino di oculistica. Firenze, v. 1-2, 1878-80 8" TTn «« 3, v. 2, Nov., 1879, title changed to the following:] ' L ' [49] Boll, d' ocul., Firenze. Boll. d. Osp. ... di Fermo. Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto. Boll. d. Poliambul. di Milano. Boll. d. priv. manie Fleurent, Napoli. 5 T > / Bo11-d-r Accad- med. di Genova. T" Boll. d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Boll. d. r. manie di Alessandria. Boll, scient., Pavia. Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. se med. n. r. Accad.d. fisiocrit.di Siena. Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. se med. in Siena. Boll.d.Soe fiorent.d'ig., Firenze. Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo. Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. d. prov. di Reg- gio Calabria. Boll. d. Soc. ital. d. micr., Aci- reale. Boll. d. Soc. med. prov. di Ber- gamo. Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia, Milano. Boll. d. Soc. di nat. in Napoli. Boll. d. Soc. rom. per gli stud. zool., Roma. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb. Bordeaux méd. Boston J. Chem. Bollettino d' oculistica. Firenze, v. 3-17, 1880-95. 8° & fol. [For v. 1 and 2, see the preceding.] Bollettino dell' Ospedale civile-militare e del manicomio provin- ciale di Fermo. Pubblicazione bimestrale. Fermo, v. 1,1880. 4°. Bollettino dell' Ospedale di S. Casa di Loreto. Monitore medico marchigiano. Loreto, v. 1-2, 1887-8 to 1889. 8°. [Title of no. 1 reads : Bollettino trimestrale, etc. The snb-title : Moni- tore, etc, appeared first in no. 3. Continued ae: Monitore med. marchigiano, Loreto.] Bollettino della Poliambulanza di Milano. Milano, v. 1-7,1888- 94. 8°. Bollettino del privato manicomio Fleurent a Capodichino in Na- poli, v. 1-17, 1875-91. 8°. [Want nos. 1, 4, 7, v. 1, 1875. Running title, iu 1879, and subsequently, was: Boll. d. manie. priv. Fleurent, Napoli. Continued, iu 1892, as : Boll. d. manie Fleurent, e riv. di paichiat.] Bollettino della r. Accademia medica di Genova. Genova, v. 2, 1886; v. 4-8, 1889-90 to 1893. 8°. [Continuation of: Rendic sonim. d. r. Accad. d. se med. di Genova.] Bollettino della r. Accademia medico-chirurgica di Napoli, fondata nel 1818. Napoli, v. 1-3, 1889-91. 8°. [Consolidated, Jan., 1892, with: Resoc. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli, forming: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli.] Bollettino del regio manicomio di Alessandria, v. 1-5, 1880-5. 4°. [Continued as: Cron. d. r. manie di Alessandria.] Bollettino scientifico. Pavia. Anni 7-16, 1885-94. 8°. Bollettino della sezione dei cultori delle scienze mediche nella r. Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. Siena, v. 5-6, 1887-8. 8°. [Was running title of: R. Accademia dei fisiocritici in Siena. Bollettino [etc]. Ou title-pages the name of the Academy precedes the Bulletin. Continuation, silice Jan., 1867, of: Boll. d. Soc. tra i cult. d. se med. in Siena. After 1888, merged in: Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena.] Bollettino della Società tra i cultori delle scienze mediche in Siena. Siena, v. 1-4,1883-6. 8C. [Continued as: Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. se med. n. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena.] Bollettino della Società fiorentina d' igiene. Firenze, v. 1-4, 1885-8. 8°. [Continuedas: Gior.d. Soc. fiorent.d'ig.,Firenze.] Palermo. 1-4, Bollettino della Società d' igiene di Palermo. 1886-9. 8°. Bollettino della Società d'igiene della provincia di Reggio Cala- bria. Reggio Calabria, v. 1, 1890. 4U. Bollettino della Società italiana dei microscopisti. Acireale, v. 1, 1889-91. 8°. Bollettino della Società medica provinciale di Bergamo. Bergamo. v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica camerinese. [See Boll. meus. d. Soc. med.-chir. camerinese, Camerino.] Bollettino della Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia. Numero unico, 1887. 8°. Bollettino della Società di naturalisti in Napoli. Napoli. 1889-91. 8°. Bollettino della Società romana per gli studi zoologici. v. 1-3, 1892-4. 8°. Bolnitschnaya gazeta Botkina. St. Petersburg. v. 1-5, 1890-4. 4°. Bordeaux (Le) medicai, v. 1-7, 1872 to July 30, 1878. 4°. [Con- tinuation of: Union méd. de la Gironde, Bordeaux. Aug. 3, 1878, united with: Gaz. méd. de Bordeaux,forming: J. de méd. de Bordeaux.] Boston City Hospital. [See Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.] Boston Journal of Chemistry. Devoted to chemistry as applied to medicine, agriculture, and the arts. Boston, v. 1-16, 1866- 82. 4°. [Title of v. 1, 1866-7, was: Boston Jourual of Chem- istry and Pharmacy.] Milano. v. 3-5, Roma. [50] Boston J. Phil. &. Arts. Boston M. Intellig. Boston M. & S. J. Bot. Ztg. Bowdoiu Se Rev., Brunswick, Me. Brain, Lond. Brazil. Biogr. Ann. [Macedo], Rio de Jan. Brazil-med., Rio de Jan. Breslau. àrztl. Ztschr. Bristol M.-Chir. J. Brit. Ann. Med., Pharm. [etc], Lond. Brit. & For. M. Rev., Lond. Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara. Brit. Gynaec. J., Lond. Brit. J. Dent. Se, Lond. Brit. J. Dermat., Lond. Boston (The) Journal of Philosophy and the Arts, iutended to cx- hibit a view of the progress of discovery in naturai philosophy, meehanics, chemistry, geology aud miueralogy, naturai history, comparative anatoniy and physiology, geography, statistica, aud the fine aud useful arts. Boston, v. 1-3, 1823-6. 8°. Boston (The) Medicai Intelligencer; containing extracts from foreign and American journals, [etc.]. v. 1-5, 1823-8. 4° &. 8°. [United with : N. Eug. M. Rev. & J., Bost., forming: Bos- ton M. «fc S. J. The title-page of v. 1 is : Medicai (The) Intel- ligencer.] Boston (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal, v. 1-132, 1858-95. 8°. [Formed by union of: Boston M. Intellig., with: N. Eng. M. Rev. & J., Bost.] Boston Society for Medicai Improvement. [<9ee Extr. Ree. Bost. Soc. M. Improve.] Botanico-Medicai (The) Recorder. Columbus, Ohio, 1837-41 ; Cin- cinnati, 1841-52. v. 6-17, Oct., 1837, to Aug. 15, 1852. 8°. [Title of v. 1-5, 1832-7, was: Thomsoniau (The) Recorder, Co- lumbus. Contiuuedas: Physio-Med. Recorder, Cincin.] Botanische Zeitung. Berlin; Leipzig, v. 9-35, 1851-77. 4°. [In 1856-77, published in Leipsie] Bowdoin (The) Scientifìc Review. A fortnightly journal. Bruns- wick, Me. v. 1-2, 1870-2. 8°. Brain: A journal of neurology. London, v. 1-17, 1878-94. 8°. Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Biographical Anuual [Macedo], 1676. 8°. 3v., Brazil-medico (O). Revista semanai de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro. Annos 1-9, 1887-95. fol. [Aunolin2v.] Breslauer àrztliche Zeitsehrift. Breslau. v. 1-11, 1879-89. 4°. Breslauer medizinische Sektion (Sektion der schlesischen Gesell- sehaft fiir vaterlàndische Kultur). [See Veruandl. d. Breslau. med. Sekt. (Sekt. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult.), Bresl.] Brighton Health Congress. [See Tr. Brighton Health Cong.. Lond.] Bristol (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal. A journal of the medi- cai sciences for the West of Eugland and South Wales. Pub- lished under the auspices of the Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. Bristol, v. 1-12, 1883-94. 8°. Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Society. [SeeBristol M.-Chir. J. Also: Tr. Bristol M.-Chir. Soc] British Annals of Medicine, Pharmacy, Vital Statistics, and Gen- eral Science London, v. 1 ; nos. 1-12, v. 2, Jan. 6 to Sent. 22, 1837. 8J. f British Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Se, Lond.] British Dentai Association. [See J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond Also •■ Month. Rev. Dent. Surg., Lond.] British (The) and Foreign Medicai Review, or quarterly journal of practical medicine aud surgery. London, v. 1-26, 1836-47. 8°. [In Jan., 1848, Consolidated with: Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond ' forming: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] British (The) and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, or quar- terly journal of practical medicine and surgery. London, v. 1-60, 1848-77. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of : Brit. Se For' M. Rev., Lond., with: Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] British Guiana (The) Medicai Annual, and Hospital Reports Demerara. 5 v., 1890-4. 8°. [Continuation of: Georgetown Hosp. Rep., Demerara.] b BritÌ8.h £^be) ^"«^o^cal Journal: being the Journal of the British Gyna?cological Society. London, v. 1-10,1885-95. 8-. British Gyna?cological Society. [See Brit. Gyna?e J., Lond. ] BrQ-Ì8h8 7/ 'l. U Bull. Acad. roy. d. se de Belg., j ' ' Brux. Bull. Am. Acad. M., [Easton, Pa.]. Bull, de l'arsenal méd.-chir., Par. Bull. Ass. scient. algér., Alger. Bull. Chem. Soc. Wash. Bull, clin., Par. Bull. clin. nat. opht. de l'hosp. d. Quinze-Vingts, Par. Bull. d. Com. spec. d'ig. d. muni- cip. di Roma. Bull. d. Comit. med. cremonese, Cremona. Bull, de l'École de méd. de Par. Bull. d. eidsgenòs. San.-Kom. Luzern. Bull. Fac. de méd. de Par. Bull. gén. de thérap. [etc], Par. Bull. Harv. M. Sch. Ass., Bost. Bull, de l'Inst. internat. de sta- tista Rome. Bull, de l'intend. [etc], Par. Bull, internat. Acad. d. se. de Cracovie. Bull, internat. d. soc. de la Croix- Rouge, Genève. Bull, internat. d. soc. de secours aux mil. blessés, Genève. Bull. M. Se, Phila. Bull. M. Soc. "Woman's M. Coli. Balt. Bull, méd., Par. Bulletin de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique. Bru- xelles, v. 1-16, 1841-57; 2. s., v. 1-9, 1857-60; 3. s., v. 1-20, 1667-86; 4. s., v. 1-9, 1687-95. 8'-'. Bulletins de l'Académie royale des sciences dea lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. 2 v., 1863-4 ; 2. s., v. iy- 50, 1865-80; 3. s., v. 1-25, 1881-93. 8°. Bulletin of the American Academy of Mediciue. [Easton, Pa.] 1891-5. 8\ Bulletin de l'arsenal médico-chirurgical. Recueil illustre des applications et des procédés mécaniques récemment introduits dans la pratique. Paris. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, May, 1863, to March, 1664. 8°. Bulletin de l'Association scientifique algérienne. Alger. Jau. to March, 1880. 8°. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Washington. Nos. 1-6, 1884-6 to 1890-1. Washington, 1886-91. 8°. Bulletin clinique; snivi d'une revue analytique des sciences médi- cales. Paris, v. 1-2, May, 1835, to Aprii, 1837. 8°. Bulletin de la clinique nationale ophtalmologique de l'hospice dea Quinze-Vingts. Paris, v. 1-6, 1883-8. 8°. Bulletin démographique et sanitaire suisse. [See San.-demog. Wchubull. d. Sehweiz, Bern.] Bullettino della Commissione speciale d' igiene del municipio di Roma. Roma. v. 1-11, 1880-90. 8°. Bullettino del Comitato medico cremonese. Cremona, v. 1-8, 18«l-8. 4° A 8°. [Continued, in fase 3, v. 8, 1888, as : Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona.] Bulletin de l'École de médecine de Paris et de la société établie dans son sein. v. 1-6 (an XIII (1805-6)—1810). Paris, 1805-10. 8°. [See, also, J. de méd., chir., pharm., etc, Par.] Bulletin der eiclsgenossischen Sanitàtskonimission. Luzeru. Nos. 1-13, 1831-3. 8°. Bulletins de la Faculté de médecine de Paris, et de la Société établie dans son sein. v. 1-7 (années 1-16), an XIII [1804 (5)-1821]. 8°. Bulletin general de thérapeutique medicale et chirurgicale. Paris, v. 1-128, 1831-95. 8°. Bulletin of the Harvard Medicai School Association. Boston. Nos. 1-5, 1891-3. 8C. Bulletin de l'Institut international de statistique. Rome. v. 1- 6, 1886-92. roy. 8-. Bulletin de l'intendance et des services administratifs de l'armée de terre. Recueil de documents officiels conceruant les fonc- tionuaires de l'intendance et les offìciers d'administration dea bureaux de l'intendance, des hópitaux, des subsistances et de l'habillement et du campement militaires. Paris. Nos. 1-523, 1656-95. 8C. [In May, 1890, Rev. scient. d. méd. d. années, Par., merged in this journal.] Bulletin internatioual de l'Académie des sciences de Cracovie. Comptes rendus des séanees. Cracovie. 1889-95. 8°. Bulletin international des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge. Publié par le comité international. Genève, v. 17-26, 1886-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull, internat. d. soc. de secours aux mil. blessés, Genève.] ' Bulletin international des sociétés de secours aux militaires blessés. Publié par le comité international de la Croix-Rouge. Genève, v. 1-16, 1869-85. 8°. [In 1886, title became : Bull. internat. d. soc. de la Croix-Rouge, Genève.] Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore. [Running title, after 1890, of: Johns Hopkina Hoap. Bull., Balt.] Bulletin (The) of Medicai Science. Philadelphia. N. s. [2.], v. 1-4,1843-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Eclectic (The) Journal of Medicine, Philadelphia.] Bulletin of Medicai Society of Woman's Medicai College of Balti- more. Baltimore. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1894-5. 4°. Bulletùi (Le) medicai. Paris, v. 1-9, 1887-95. fol. [53] Bull. méd. de l'Aisne, St.-Quen- tin. Bull. méd. belge, Brux. Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona. Bull. méd. du nord, Lille. Bull. méd. du nord, Lille. Bull. méd. et pharm., Par. Bull, de la méd. et pharm. mil., Par. Bull. méd. d. Vosges. Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y. Bull, et mém. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. de chir. de Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. frane, d'opht., Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. frane, d'otol. et laryngol., Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. méd. d. hóp. de Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. obst. et gy- néc. de Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. d'ophtal. . . . de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux & Par. Bull, et mém. Soc. de salub. pub. de Liége. Bull, et mém. Soc. de thérap., Par. Bull. meus. de la clin. ophth., Par. Bull. N.York Acad. M. Bulletin medicai de l'Aisne, publié par la Société de médecine dn département de l'Aisne. 2. s., années 1680-1; 1682-3; 1884-5. Saint-Quentin. 1883-7. 8°. Bulletin medicai belge. Jourual de médecine, de chirurgie et des sciences accessoires. Bruxelles, v. 1-8, 1834-41. 8J. [Want no. 5, v. 1, May, 1834.] Bullettino medico cremonese. Organo del comitato locale del- l' Associazioue medica italiana. Cremona, v. 6-13, 1866-93. 8-. [Title adopted in fase 3 (May to June), v. 8, 1868, of : Bull. d. Comit. med. cremonese, Cremona. Continued as: Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona.] Bulletin medicai du nord. Publio par la Société centrale de mé- decine du départemeut du nord. Lille. 2. s., v. 13-34, 1873- 95. 8^. [Title of 1. s., and v. 1-12, 2. s., 1646-72, was: Bulle- tin medicai du nord de la France] Bulletin medicai du nord de la France. Publié par le Cercle me- dicai de Lille. Lille, v. 1-8,1846-53; 2. s., v. 1-12,1860-72. 8°. [After no. 3, 1846, "publié par la Société centrale de médecine du département du nord". In 1873, v. 13, 2. s., title became: Bulletin medicai du nord.] Bulletin (Le) medicai et pharmaceutique. Revue mensuelle des progrès de la médecine et de la pharmacie en France et àl'étran- ger. Paris, v. 3-8, 1871-6. 6C. [Want nos. for Dee, 1873, Sept., 1874, and Dee, 1875; Aprii, June, and Dee, 1876.] Bulletin de la médeciue et de la pharmacie militaires. Recueil de tous le3 documents officiels relatifs à la médecine et à la pharmacie militaires. Paris. Noa. 1-292, Nov., 1852-82. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, du serv. de sante mil., Par.] Bulletin medicai des Vosges. Organe de l'Association de prévo- yance et de l'Asaociation svndicale des médeeins des Vosges. Rambervillers, 1886-92; Épinal, July, 1892-5. v. 1-9, 1886-7 to 1893-5. 8°. Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society of New York. New York. v. 1, Nov., 1878, to June, 1879; Aug., 1879, to March, 1880; nos. 1-8, v. 4, Nov,, 1880, to Dee, 1881. 6C. [In Aug., 1870, to March, 1880, continued in: Physician & Pharmac, N. Y., with separate pagination.] Bulletin et mémoires de la Société centrale de médecine vc"téri- naire. Paris. N. s., v. 1-6, 1883-6. 8°. [Continuation of : Mém. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par., and continued as: Bull. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par.] Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de chirurgie de Paris. N. s., v. 1-21, lo75-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par.] Bulletins et mémoires de la Société francaise d'ophtalmologie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1883-8; v. 8-9, 1890-1; v. 12. 1894. 8°. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société francaise d'otologie et de laryngologie. Paris. Fase 1-2, v. 1, 1883; fase 1, v. 2, 1885. 8°. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de médecine pratique de Paris, foudée en 1808. [Running title, in 1888, of : Bull. Soc. de méd. prat. de Par. ] Bulletins et mémoires de la Société medicale des hópitaux de Paris. 2. a., v. 1-20, 1864-83; 3. a., v. 1-12, 1864-95. 8\ Bulletina etomémoires de la Société obstétricale et gynécologique de Paris, v. l-[ 11], 1885-95. Paris. 1866-95. 8-. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'ophtalmologie, de laryngolo- gie, d'otologie et de rhinologie de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest. No. 1-4, v. 1, 1892-3. Bordeaux & Paris, 1893. 8°. Bulletin et mémoirea de la Société de aalubrité publique et d'hy- giène de la province de Liége. Liége. v. 1-2, 1803-4. 8°. Bulletina et mémoirea de la Société de thérapeutique. Paria. v. 1-5, 1867-73; 2. s., v. 1-21, 1874-94. 8°. Bulletin mensuel de la clinique ophthalmologique du Docteur Ba- dai. Paria, v. 1, 1677. 8°. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, v. 1-4,1860-7'. New York, 1862-72. 8°. [54] Bull, d'ocul. de Toulouse. Bull. off. d. lois . . . qui régissent l'armée dans ses rap. avec le serv. de sante, Par. Bull. Pharm., Detroit. Bull, de pharm., Par. Bull, de pharm. de Lyon. Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash. Bull. Proc. Nat. Inst. Promot. Se, Wash. Bull. Psychol. Sect. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. Bull. d. se méd., Par. Bull. d. se med. di Bologna. Bull, scient. dép. du nord [etc], Par. I Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Par. Bull, du serv. de sante mil., Par. Bull. Soc. anat. de Nantes, Par. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par. Bull. Soc. d'anat. et physiol. . . . de Bordeaux. Bull. Soc. anat.-clin. de Lille. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Bor- deaux. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux. Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Lyon. Bulletin of the New York Pathological Society for ita /orty-first vea. New York. 2. s., v. 1, 1$1. 8-. [Was mnuing t.tleof v. 4 of : Tr. N. York Patii. Soc^ Bulletin (Le) d'oculistique de Toulouse. Toulouse. Nos. 1-2, v. 2., Jan. to Aprii, 1889. 8°. Bulletin officici des lois, decreta et règlementsqui régissent l'armée dans ses rapporta avec le servire de sauté. [Partie supplcnien- tiireaux- Archives de médecine et de pharmacie militaires.] Paris, v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8°. Bulletin (The) of Pharmacy. A monthly exponent of pbarma- ceutical progress aud news. Detroit, Mieli v. -»-9, 1891-o. 4^. [Continuatiou of: Druggists' (The) Bulletin, Detroit.] Bulletin de pharmacie. Paris, x. 1-6, 1809-14. 8°. [v.6,1814, title: Bulletiu de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Con- tinued as: J. de pharm., Par.] Bulletin de pharmacie de Lyon. Organo des Sociétés pharma- ceutiques de Lvon et de l'Est. Lyon. v. 3-17, 1881-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Bull. Soc. pharm. de Lyon [etc.].] Bulletin de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Paris. [Title of v. 6, 1814, of : Bull, de pharm., Par.] Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. Wash- ington, v. 1-11, 1871-91. 8°. Bulletin of the Proceedings of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. Established at Washington in 1840. 1.-2., 1840-2; 4., 1845-6; n. s., v. 1, nos. 1-2, 1855-6. Wash- ington, 1843-56. 8°. Bulletin of the Psychological Section of the Medico-Legal Society. New York. v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Bullettino della reale Accademia medica di Roma. Roma. v. 6- 19 1880 to 1892-4. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Atti Accad. med. di Roma.] Bulletin des sciences médicales, redige par M. de Fermon. Troisième section du Bulletin uuiversel des sciences et de l'in- dustrie, publié sous la direction de M. Le Bon de Fernssae Paris, v. 1-26, 1824-31. 8°. [Want v. 23, 1830.] Bullettino delle scienze mediche, pubblicato per cura della Società medico-chirurgica di Bologna, v. 1-12, 1829-35; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1836-41; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1842-53; 4. s., v. 1-24, 1854-65; 5. s., v. 1-24, 1866-77; ti. s., v. 1-24, 1878-89; 7. s., v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. Bulletin scientifique du département du uord et des pays voisins (Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Aisue, Ardennes, Belgique), paraisaant tous les moia. 2.8., v. 1-10, 1878-87. Lille, 1878-9; Paria, 1880-7. 8°. [Title of 1. s., v. 1-9, was: Bulletiu scientifique, historique et littéraire du département du nord, aud which is not in this library. Continued as: Bull, scient. de la France et de la Belg., Brux.] Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 3. s., v. 1-3, 1888-90; 4. s., v. 1-4,1891-3. 8°. [Continuation of : Bull, scient. dép. du nord [etc], Par.] Bulletin du service de sante militaire. Recueil de tous les docu- nients ofhciels relatifs au service de sante de l'armée. Paris. Nos. 293-427, v. 31-44, 1882-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. de la méd. et pharm. mil., Par.] Bulletins de la Société anatomiqne de Nantes, v. 1-8, 1876-84; v. 12, 1888. Paris, 1879-90. 8C. v. 1-67,1826-92. 6°. Bulletin de la Société anatomiqne de Paris. [v. 1-9, 1826-34, is 2. ed.] Bulletins de la Société d'anatomie et de physiologie normales et pathologiques de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, v. 4, 1883. 8°. Bulletins de la Société anatomo-clinique de Lille. Lille, v. 1-2, 1886-7. 8~. Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Bordeaux et du Sud- Ouest. Bordeaux. Fase 1, v. 1, 1684. 8J. Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Bruxelles, v. 1-12, 1862-3 to 1893-4. 8:. Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Lyon, fondée le 10 fé- vrier 1>81. Lyon. v. 1-5, 1881-6. 8 . [55] Bull. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. Bull. Soc. belge de micr., Brux. Bull. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par. Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par. Bull. Soc. clin. de Par. Bull. Soc. d'ethnog., Par. Bull. Soc. frane, de dermat. et syph., Par. Bull. Soc. imp. d. nat. deMoscou. Bull. Soc. imp. zool. d'acclimat., Par. Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma. Bull. Soc. de méd. d'Angers. Bull. Soc. de méd. d'Anvers. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Besancon. Bull. Soc. méd. de Chambéry. Bull. Soc. méd. de Charleroi. Bull. Soc. de méd. et chir. de La Rochelle. Bull. Soc. méd. d'émulat. de Par. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Gand. Bull. Soc. méd. du Haut-Rhin, Strasb. Bull. Soc. méd. homoeop. de France, Par. Bull. Soc. méd. d. hóp. de Par. Bull. Soc. de méd. de La Ro- chelle. Bull. Soc. de méd. ment. de Belg., Gand. Bull. Soc. d. méd. et nat. de Jassy. Bull. Soc. méd. du Panthéon de Par. Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, v. 1-6, 1860-5; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1866-77 ; 3. s., v. 1-12, 1878-89 ; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. Bulletin de la Société belge de microscopie. Procès-verbaux des séanees. Bruxelles, v. 1-21, 1874-95. 6\ Bulletin de la Société centrale de médecine vétérinaire. Paris. N. s., v. 7-10, 1-87-92. 8-. [Continuation of: Bull, et mém. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par.] Bulletin de la Société de chirurgie de Paris, v. 1-10, 1848-59; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1860-71; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1872-4. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. de chir. de Par. See, also, Bulletin de la So- ciété imperiale de chirurgie de Paris.] Bulletin de la Société clinique de Paris, v. 1-10, 1877-88. 8°. Paria. 2. s., nos. 2-12, v. Bulletiu de la Société d'ethnographie. 1, 1887. 8-. Bulletin de la'Société francaise de dermatologie et de syphiligra- phie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8-. Bulletiu de la Société imperiale de chirurgie de Paris. [Title for yeara 1865-70 of: Bull. Soc. de chir. de Par.] Bulletin de la Société imperiale dea naturaliatea de Moscon. v. 36-38, 1663-5; nos. 3-4, v. 40, 1867; v. 41-62, 1868-87; n. s., v. 1-8, 1887-04. 8°. Bulletin de la Société imperiale zoologique d'acclimatation. Pa- ris, v. 1-9, 1854-62; pp. 385-816, v. 10, 1863; 2. s., v. 1, 1864; v. 5, 1868; v. 7, 1870; v. 9, 1872. 8°. [The word "imperiale" does not appear on title-page of v. 1.] Bullettino della Società Lancisiana degli, ospedali di Roma. Roma. v. 1-5, 1880-1 to 1885. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine d'Angers. Année 1, 1841-2; année 3, 1843-4; u. s., année 1. 1864; années 3-6, 1866-9; u. s., années 1-18, 1873-90. 8C. Bulletin de la Société de médecine d'Anvers. Auvers. 1887-95. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine de Besancon. 2. s., no. 3, an- nées 1868-72. Besancon, 1673. 8°. Bulletin de la Société medicale de Chambéry. No. 4, 1859-74; no. 5, 1875-7. 8D. [Continuation of : Compt.-rend. Soc. méd. de Chambéry.] Bulletin de la Société medicale de Charleroi. Charleroi. v. 12- 16, 1891-5. 8 . Académie de La Rochelle. Section de médecine. Bulletin de la Société de médecine et de chirurgie de La Rochelle. Nos. 2-7, 1873 to 1888-90. 8°. [The society became the section of medi- cine of the academy in 1871.] Bulletins de la Société medicale d'émulation de Paris. N. s., v. 1 ; fase 1-5, v. 2, 1863-74. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine de Gand. v. 1-60, 1835-93. 8°. Bulletin de la Société medicale du Haut-Rhin. Strasbourg. Fase 2-4, v. 2, 1861-4. 8°. Bulletin de la Société medicale homeeopathique de France. Paris. x. 1-30, 1860-89. 8°. [Continuation of : J. Soc. gallic. de méd. homceop., Par.] Bulletin de la Société medicale des hópitaux de Paris. Paris* v. 1-5, 1819-52 to 1861-3. 8°. [Reprint from : Union méd., Par.] Bulletin de la Société de médecine de La Rochelle. No. 1, année 1840. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine mentale de Belgique. Gand et Leipzig. No. 1-51, 1873-88. 8°. Bulletin de la Société des médeeins et naturalistes de Jassy. Buletinul Soeietatei de medici si naturalisti din Iasi. Jassy. v. 1-8, 1887-94. roy. 8°. [Roumanian and French text.] Bulletin de la Société medicale du Panthéon de Paris. ses travaux de l'année 1661. Paris, 1865. 8°. Extrait de [56] Bull. Soc. de méd. de Par. Bull. Soc. de méd. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne. Limoges. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Poitiers. Bull. Soc. de méd. prat. de Par. Bull. Soc. de méd. pub., Par. Bull. Soc. méd. de Reims. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Rouen. Bull. Soc. de méd. de la Sarthe, Le Mans. Bull. Soc. méd. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Toulouse. Bull. Soc. méd. de l'Yonne, Auxerre. Bull. Soc. méd.-prat. de Par. Bull. Soc. neuchàt. p. l'avance. d. se sociales. Bull. Soc. odont. de Belg., Brux. Bull. pharm. de Bordeaux. Bull. Soc. pharm. de Lyon [etc.]. Bull. Soc. philomat. de Par. Bull. Soc. de psychol. physiol., Par. Bull. Soc. roy. de méd. pub. de Belg., Brux. Bull. Soc. roy. de pharm., Brux. Bull. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. Bull. Soc. d. se . . . d'Alger. Bull. Soc. d. se méd. du gr.- duché de Luxemb. Bull. Soc. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. Bull. Soc. d. se nat. de Neuchà- tel. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. se nat., Lausanne. Bulletin de la Société de médeciue do Paris. Paris, v. 1, 1865. Bulletin de la Société de médeciue et de pharmacie de la Haute- Vienne. Limoges. 2 v., 1855; l8tH. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médeciue de Poitiers. Nos. 1-30, 1835-64. 8°. [Want no. 4, 1840; no. 10, 1845; no. 18, 1851; nos. 25 aud 26, 1856-7.] Bulletin de la Société de médecine pratique de Paris. Fondée en 1808. Années 1862-9 ; 1875-84; 1668-92. [Running title in 1888 was: Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de médecine pratique de Paris. ] Bulletin de la Société de médecine publique et d'hygiène profes- sionnelle. Paris, v. 1-6, 1877-83. 8°. Bulletins de la Société medicale de Reims. Nos. 1-15, 1865-76. 8~. Bulletiu de la Société de médecine de Rouen. (Pour faire suite à l'Union méd. de la Seine-Iuf'érieure.) 2. s., v. 1-7, 1887-93. Rouen. 16,-8-94. 8°. [Continuation of: Union méd. de la Seiiie-Inf, Rouen.] Bulletin de la Société de médecine du département de la Sarthe. Années 1851-2 ; 1870-83. Lo Mans. 9 nos., 1852-84. 8°. Bulletin de la Société medicale de la Suisse Romande. Lausanne. v. 2-14, 1868-80. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. méd. de la Suisse Rom., Genève] Bulletin de la Société de médecine de Toulouse. Toulouse. v. 1-2, 1891-2. 8°. Bulletin de la Société medicale de l'Yonne. Auxerre. v. 1-33 1860-92. 8~. Bulletin dea travaux de la Société inédico-pratique de Paris. Nos. 2-4, 1830-1; no. 12, 18C3 ; nos. 19-22,1835; 1836; nos. 28-43, 1840-7; 1848-62; 1868-72; 1878-82; 1883; n. s., v. 1-2, 1884-5 to 1886. Paris, 1833-86. 8°. Bulletin de la Société neuchàteloise pour l'avaucement des sciences sociales. Neuchàtel. v. 1-2, 1867-77. 8°. Bulletin de la Société odontologique de Belgique. Bruxelles. Nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1869. 8~>. Bulletin des travaux de la Société de pharmacie de Bordeaux. v. 1-34, 1860-94. 6°. Bulletin des travaux des Sociétés pharmaceutiques de Lyon, du Rhòne et de l'Est. Lyon. v. 1-2, 1879-80. 8C. [Continued as: Bull, de pharm. de Lyon.] Bulletin de la Société philomatique de Paris. Fondée en 1788 7. s., v. 1-12, 1876-7 to 1887-8 ; 8. s., v. 1-6, 1888-9 to 1894-5. 8°. Bulletins de la Société de psychologie physiologique. Paris v. 1, 1885 (1886). 8C. Bulletiu de la Société royale de médeciue publique du royaunie de Belgique. Bruxelles. Fase 1-7 (Dee, 1877, to Oct.,'l879): 18/7-9; fase 1-6, v. 2, tome 1, 1881, and fase 1, v. 5, 1887. 8° [Fase 1 is 2. ed.] Bulletin de la Société royale de pharmacie. Bruxelles v 19 1875; no. 2, v. 30, 1886; no. 1, v. 32, 1888. 8°. Bulletins des séanees de la Société rovaio des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Auuées 1-66-76. 6°. [Title after 1665, of: Bull. Soc. d. ac méd. et nat. de Brux.] Bulletin de la Société dea aciences physiques, naturelles et clinia- tologiques d'Alger. x. 1-14, 1864-77. 8°. Bulletin de la Société des sciences médicales du graud-duché de ^T^^rA^n^ieS5',1*7' 1863' 1SW-1870'le71' Bulletins des séanees de la Société des sciences médicales et na- turelles de Bruxelles. Années 1840, 1841, 1842, 1861-5 8° [After 1865, title: Bull. Soc. roy. d. se. méd. et nat. de Brux.] Bulletin de la Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchàtel v 1 x^s^^r^82'v- 3>i853; v- 4-i5>i^-« to «& B"1!<\tÌ^ole la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Nos 51- o2,1863-4; nos. 54-115, v. 9-30, 1866-94. Lausanne, 1865-94.' 8°. [57] Bull, spée du serv. de sante et de l'hyg. pub„, Brux. Bull. U. S. Fish Com., Wash. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Ter., Wash. Bull. Univ. Calif., Oakland. Bull, vet., Napoli. Bulletin special du service de aanté et de l'hygiène publique. Bruxellea, 1893-4. 8°. Bulletin of the United Statea Fish Commission. v. 1-12, 1881-92. 83. Washington. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Sur- vey of the Territories. Washington. Nos. 1-4, 5, 6, 2. a. ; nos. 1-3, v. 2 ; no. 2, v. 3 ; nos. 1,2, 4, v. 4 ; nos. 1-3, v. 6, 1875-81. 8°. Bulletin of the University of California. Oakland, Cai. Nos. 1-21, 25-31, 34 aud 36, Oct., 1874, to Juue, 1681. 6-'. Bullettino veterinario. Giornale mensile dedicato ai progressi della medicina, chirurgia ed anatomia patologica veterinaria. Napoli, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Bureau of Animai Industry. [Sie Rep. Bureau Animai Iudust., Wash.] Bureau of Education. [See Circ. Bureau Educat., Wash.] Bureau of Ethnology. [See Rep. Bureau Ethuol., Wash.] Bureau federai de statistique. [See Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Bern.] Bureau des inspecteurs d'asiles, prisons, etc, Canada. [See Rap. Bureau d. insp. d'asiles, prisous, etc, Canada, Ottawa.] Bureau of Mediciue and Surgery. [See Rep. Chief Bureau M. & S. . . . Navy, Wash.] c. Calcutta J. M. Calif. Homceop., San Fran. Calif. M. Gaz., San Fran. Calif. M. J. Calif. M. Times, San Fran. Calif. State M. J., Sacramento. Campania med., Caserta. Canad. J. M. Se, Toronto. Canad. M. Times, Kingston. Canad. Pharm. J., Toronto. Ca?sarea Academia [Vilnensis] medico-chirurgica. [.See Collect. med.-chir., Vilna?.] Ca?sarea Universitas Charcovieusis. [See Ann. schola? clin. chir. Ca?s. Univ. Charcovieusis.] Calcutta (The) Journal of Mediciue : a monthly record of the medicai and auxiliary sciences. [Homceopathic] Calcutta. v. 1-8, 1868-77. 8°. Calcutta Medicai and Physical Society. [See Quart. J. Calcutta M. A Phys. Sue] Calcutta Medicai Society. [See Tr. Calcutta M. Soc] California (The) Homceopath. A bi-monthly journal, devoted to the interests of homceopathy on the Pacific coast. San Fran- cisco, v. 1-10, 1882-92. A- Se 8°. California (Tbe) Medicai Gazette: a monthly journal of medicai and surgical science. San Francisco, v. 1-2, 1868-70. 4u. California Medicai Jourual. A monthly devoted to the advance- ment of medicine, surgery and the collateral sciences. Oak- land, 1860-7 ; San Francisco, 1888-95. v. 1-16, 1880-95. b°. California (The) Medicai Times. A quarterly jourual of medicine and surgery. San Francisco. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, July, 1877, to Jan., 1878. * 8 -. California (The) State Medicai Jourual. Sacramento, v. 1,1856- 7. 8°. Campania (La) medica. Caserta, v. 2-3, 1872-4. 8°. Canadian Institute, Toronto. [See Proc. Canad. Inst., Toronto. Also: Tr. Canad. Inst., Toronto.] Cauadiau (The) Journal of Medicai Science. A monthly journal of British and foreign medicai science, criticism, and news. Toronto, v. 1-7, 1876-82. 8°. [Continued as: Canad. Pract., Toronto.] Canadian (The) Medicai Times. A weekly journal of medicai science, news, and politics. Kingston. Nos. 1-26, v. 1, 1873. fol. Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal. Published under the auspices of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Society. Toronto, v. 1-27, 1866-94 ; nos. 1-2, Aug. and Sept., v. 28, 1894. 8°. Canadian Pharmaceutical Society. [See Canad. Pharm. J., To- ronto.] [58] Canad. Pract., Toronto. Canad. Ree Se, Montreal. Canada Health J. Canada Health J., Lond., Ont. Canada Lancet, Montreal. Canada Lancet, Toronto. Canada M. J., Montreal. Canada M. J., Montreal. Canada M. Ree, Montreal. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal. Care . . . feeble-minded. Inter- nat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Caridad en la guerra, Madrid. Carolina J. M., Charleston. Cases & Obs. M. Soc. N.-Haven County. Caulk's Dent. Ann., Camden, Del. Cauterets-méd., Par. Censeur méd., Par. Centen---Pairfield Co. M. Ass., [Danbury, Conn.]. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. Canadian (The)Practitioner. Formerly "The Canadian Journal of Medicai Science". Toronto, v. 8-20, 18-3-95. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Canad. J. M. Se, Toronto.] Canadian (The) Record of Science, including the Proeeedings of the Naturai History Society of Montreal, and replaciug The Canadian Naturalist. Montreal, v. 2, 1867. 8U. Canada (The) Health Journal. Toronto; Ottawa. [Was title of: San. Jour.. Toronto, in Sept., 1860, to Mav, 1883; Sept., 1886, to June, 188-<, and in 1690 and 1891. Title, after June, 1-88, and in 1880, was: Health Journal.] Canada (The) Health Journal. London, Ontario. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1870. 8°. Canada (The) Lancet. Montreal. Nos. 1-22, v. 1, 1863-4. 4°. Canada (The) Lancet. A monthly journal of medicai and surgi- cal acieuce. Toronto, v. 3-27, 1870-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Dominion M. J., Toronto.] Canada Medicai Aasociation. [See Tr. Canada M. Ass.] Canada (The) Medicai Journal and Monthly Record of Medicai and Surgical Science. Montreal, v. 1, 1852-3. 8°. Canada (The) Medicai Journal and Monthly Record of Medicai and Surgical Science. Montreal, v. 1-8, 1864-72. 8°. Canada (Tbe) Medicai Record. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Montreal, v. 1-23, 1872-95. 8~. Canada (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Montreal, v. 1-16, 1872-88. 8°. [Continued as: Montreal M. J.] Caustatt's Jahresbericht. Erlangen. [See Jahresb. ii. d. Fort- sehr. d. ges. Med., Erlang.] Care and training of the feeble-minded. Being a report of the eighth aection of the International Congress of Charities, Cor- rection aud Pbilanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. Baltimore & London. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Caridad (La) en la guerra. Boletin ofìcial de la Asamblea espa- nola de la Cruz Roja. Asociacion iuternacional para socorro à heridos en campana de tierra y mar y en luchas civiles. Ma- drid. Nos. 106-129, anos x-xi, 1879-81). 4°. Carlsberg Laboratoriet. [See Medd. f. Carlsberg Lab., Kj0benh.] Carolina (The) Journal of Medicine, Science, and Agriculture Charleston, S. C. v. 1, 1825; n. s., nos. 1-2, v. 1* March tò May, 1626. 8°. Carolinischea medico-chirurgisches Institut in Stockholm (Phv- siologisches Laboratorium). [See Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Carolin. med.-chir. Inst. in Stockholm.] C;ises andObservations; by the Medicai Society of New-Haven County, in the State of Connecticut. New-Haven. 1788. 8°. Caucasus Medicai Society. Obsh., Tifìis.] Caulk's Dentai Annua!. Devoted to the collection and diasemi- nation of atatistics relating to the busineas aud practice of dentistry. Camden, Delaware 1883-4 ; 1886-7. 2 v. 8°. Cauteretsmiédical. Journal des maladies chroniques. Paris. Censeur (Le) medicai journal de littérature, de philosophie et de b.bliographie médicales, frangaiaea et étrangères. Paris v. 1,1834. 8 . [Want pp. 17-28, 45-72 Jan • 153-10* 17^ ito Jut!]277-284' 30,3-3'°' 3Ì9-35°' ^Pril ;'38T-392,5May;' liCÌ^ Centennial celebration of the Fairfield County Medicai Aaaocia- tion, Connecticut. 1792-1892. [Reprint fromN Vn? m Month., Danbury, Conn., 1891-2, J^vi/Cy, (&£]*! £ Central Sanitary Bureau of the Home Department of the Imperiai ^^.^^3 [*■ ReP'^»tr. San. Bureau Hon, Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Geaundheitspflege. Organ des nieder- heimach^n Vere.ns fiir ofrentliche Geauiidheitapflege Bo , . •;;?»ffc0,„ f -a [Co»tinuationof: Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein Ver. f. off. Gsndhtapflg., Koln.] [-See Protok. zaaaid. Kavkazsk. med. [59] Centralbl. f. allg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. u. Para- sitenk., Jena. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz. Centralbl. f. d.ges.Therap.,Wien. Centralbl. f. Gynàk., Leipz. Centralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz. Centralbl. f. klin. Med. Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz. Centralbl. f. d. med.'Wissensch., Beri. Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz. Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psy- chiat., Coblenz & Leipz. Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir., Bern. Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir. u.Mech., Bern. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. u. Wien. Centralbl. f. prakt. Augenh., Leipz. Centralbl. f. Thiermed., Stuttg. Centralbl. f. Vet.-Wissensch. Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. gerichtl. u. poi. Med.-Wes., Ansbach. Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. Staats- arznk. Centr.-Bl., f. d. . . . Aerzte Oest.- Ungarn's, Wien. Centr.-Bl. f. chir. u. orthop. Medi., Beri. Centralblatt fiir allgemeine Pathologie und pathologische Ana- tomie. Jena. v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde. Jena. v. 1- 17, 1867-95. 8-"-. [In v. 1 the word "Bakteriologie" is spelled "Bacteriologie". In 1895, published in two parts: 1895, xvii, 1. Abt. : Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie und tierische Parasitenkunde, and 1895, i, 2. Abt.: Allgemeine, landwirt- schaftlicb-technologische Bakteriologie, Gàrungsphysiologie und Pflanzenpathologie. ] Centralblatt fur Chirurgie. Leipzig, v. 1-22, 1874-95. 8°. Centralblatt fùr die gesammte Therapie. Wien. v. 1-13, 1883- 95. 8°. Centralblatt fiir Gynàkologie. Leipzig, v. 1-19, 1877-95. 8°. Centralblatt fiir innere Medicin. Leipzig, v. 15-16, 1894-5. 8°. [Continuation, in 1894, of: Centralo, f. klin. Med.] Centralblatt fiir kliniache Medicin. Bonn; Leipzig, v. 1-14, 1860-93. 8'-'•. [After June, 1682, published in Leipsic Con- tiuued as: Centralbl. f. iunere Med., Leipz.] Centralblatt fiir die Krankheiten der Harn- und Sexual-Organe. Leipzig, v. 5-6, 1894-5. 8°. [Continuation, in .1894, of : In- ternat. Centralbl. f. d. Physiol. u. Path. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Hamb. u. Leipz.] Centralblatt fiir die mediciniachen Wisseuachaften. Berlin. v. 1-33, 1863-95. 8C. Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychopathologie. Leipzig, v. 1-12, 1878-89. 8°. [Continua- tion of : Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc, and con- tinued as: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat., Coblenz & Leipz.] Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie. Internatio- nale Monatsschrift fiir die gesammte Neurologie in Wiaaenachaft und Praxis mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Degeneratious- Anthropologie. Coblenz & Leipzig. N. F., v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. [Continuation, iu Aprii, 1890, of : Centralbl. f. Nervenh., Leipz.] Ceutralblatt fiir orthopàdische Chirurgie. Beilage zur: Illns- trirten Monatsschrift der àrztlichen Polytechnik. Beni. v. 1- 4, 1884-7. 8°. [Continued as: Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir. u. Medi., Pern.] Centralblatt fiir orthopàdische Chirurgie und Mechanik. Beilage zur: Illustrirten Monatsschrift der iirztlichen Polytechnik. Bern. v. 5-7, 1888-94. 8J. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. orthop. Chir., Bern.] Centralblatt fiir Physiologie. Unter Mitwirkuug der physiolo- gischen Gesellsehaft zu Berlin hrsg. von S. Exuer uud j. Gad. Leipzig und Wien. v. 1-8, 1887-95. 8 \ Centralblatt fiir praktische Augenheilkunde. Leipzig, v. 1-19, 1877-95. 8°. Centralblatt fìir Thiermediciu. Stuttgart, v. 1, 1884. 8-. Centralblatt fiir Veterinàrwissenschaften. NeueFolgeder Falke'- schen thieràrztlichen Jahrbiicher. Jena; Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1882-6. 8°. [Nos. 1-16, v. 1, published in Jena. Continuation of: Thieràrztl. Jahrb.] Centralarchiv fiir das gesammte gerichtliche und polizeiliche Medicinalwesen. Ansbach. [Title of v. 5-6, 1848-9, of the fol- lowing:] Central-Archiv fiir die gesammte Staatsarzueikunde. Regens- burg, 1844; Ansbach. 1845-9. v. 1-6, 1844-9. 8-. [See pre- ceding for title of v. 5-6.] Central-Blatt, Organ fiir die Gesammtinteressen der praktischen Aerzte Oesterreich-Ungarn's. Wien. v. 1, 1891. 4°. Central-Blatt fiir chirurgische und orthopàdische Mechanik. Organ des Universal-Vereines der Verfertiger chiruigiscber Instrumente, orthopa?discher Apparate und Bandageu. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-7 (v. 1-2), 1885-94. roy. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Rothe (Das) Kreuz, Berlin.] Central verein dentscher Zahnàrzte. [See Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz. Also: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh.] Centralverein fiir Naturheilkunde in Sachsen. [See Org. d. Cen- tralver. f. Naturheilk. in Sachs., Chemnitz.] [60] Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh., Beri. Ceylon M. J., Colombo. Charité-Ann., Beri. Charleston M. J. & Rev. Charleston M. J. & Rev. Charlotte [N. C] M. J. Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Chem. Gaz., Lond. Chem. News, Lond. Chem.-pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Chiba Igakukwai Zashi. ^Chicago Clin. Rev. Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis. Chicago M. Exam. Chicago M. Gaz. Chicago M. J. [For v. 1-2, see South. J. M. & Pharm., New series. Central-Zeitung fiir Kinderheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1877-9. 4°. [Continued as: Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg.] Centro mèdico de Zaragoza, [See Clin. escolar, Zaragoza.] Centro médico-farmacéutico Castellonense. [See Union méd., Castellou.] Cerele des dentistes [de Paris]. [See Odontologie, Par.] Cerele d'études médicales de Bruxelles. [See Ann. de méd. et chir. ... de Brux.] Cerele medicai de Lille [See Bull. méd. du nord, Lille. ] Ces. Król. Towarzystwo naukowego krakowskiego. [See Przegl. lek., Kraków. Also: Rocznik Ces. Król. Towarz. nauk. kraków., Kraków.] Ceylou (The) Medicai Journal. Colombo, v. 1, Aug., 1887, to May, 1888. 4Ù. Charité-Annalen. Berlin, v. 1-19 (1874 to 1892-3), 1676-94. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Am. d. Char.-Krankenh. . . . zu Beri.] Charité-Krankenhaus, etc. [See Ann. d. Char.-Kraukenh. . . . zu Beri. Also: Charité-Ann., Beri.] Charleston (The) Medicai Jourual and Review. Charleston 3-15, 1848-60. 8 Charleston.] Charleston (The) Medicai Journal aud Review Charleston, v. 1-4, 1873-7. 8°. Charlotte (The) Medicai Journal. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Charlotte, N. C. v. 1-6, 1892-5. 8-. Chemische Centralstelle fiir óffentliche Gesundheitspflege in Dresden. [See Jahresb. d. chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. in Dresd.] Chemiachea Central-Blatt. Repertorium fiir reine, pharmaceuti- ache, physiologische uud technische Chemie. Leipzi"- 2 F v. 1-14, 1856-69; 3. F., v. 1-19, 1870--8: 4. F., Jahrg. I-i (l;j'v )' 1889-9.). . S-. [Continuation of: Pharm. Centr.-BI., Leipz' After 1881 published also at Hamburg.] Chemical (The) Gazette. London, v. 1-17, 1842-59. 8°. [After Dee 15, 1859, incoiporated with: Chem. News, Lond.] Chemical (The) News and Journal of Physical Science. London y. 1-71, Dee 10, 1859-95. 4°. [With no. 1, v. 1, Chem. Gaz.,' Lond., was meorporated with this journal.] Chemical Society of London. [See J. Chem. Soc, Lond.] Chemical Society of AVashington. [See Bull. Chem. Soc. Wash.] Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipzitr 8 TTitle in 1850-5, of: Pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz.] ' ' Chester County Medicai Society. ter, Pa.] Chiba Igakukwai Zashi. [Journal of the Medicai Society of Chiba,] Chiba. Nos. 11-21, 1893-4. 8°. Chicago (The) Clinical Review. A journal of practical medicine and surgery. Chicago, v. 1-4, 1892-3 to 1894-5. 8°. Chicago College of Pharmacy. [See Pharmacist, Chicago. ] Chicago Gynecological Society. [See Tr. Chicago Gynec. Soc, Chicago (The) Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. v 1-2 18/4-5. 8°. [Continued aa: J. Nerv. A Ment. Dia.] Chicago (The) Medicai Examiner. A monthly journal devoted to the educational scientifie, and practical iut'erests of the medicai Cmcagc]- 7A-12'im-7L 8°- [Continued aa: Med. Exam , Chicago Medicai Gazette. Nos. 1-10, v. 1 1880 as: Chicago M. Rev.] ' Chicago (The) Medicai Journal. A monthly record of medicine surgery, and collateral sciences. v. 15-31 ; nos. 1-7 v 32 1858-1 t^' a ' [.---r nrstl4nvols-> see Northwest. M. & S. J., Chicago £,à"g-\fi';,'J,l,"ltedwith: Med- Exam., Chicago,'formhfg Chicago M. J. & Exam.] &* [See Med. Reporter, W. Ches- 8°. [Continued [61] Chicago M. J. & Exam. Chicago M. Ree. Chicago M. Recorder. Chicago M. Rev. Chicago M. Times. China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shanghai. China M. Miss. J., Shanghai. -7^- ** t—Chir. Biblioth., Gotting. Chir. Klin. zu Bresl., Beri. Chir. Klin. im k. Juliushosp. zu , Wiirzb. Chir. Laitop., Mosk. Chir. Vestnik, St. Petersb. Chiron, Niirnb. Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tokio. Chron. méd., Par. Chuo Ijishuho, Tokio. Chicago (The) Medicai Journal and Examiner. Nos. 8-12, v. 32, Aug. to Dee, 1875; v. 33-58, 1676-K). 6-. [Formed by con- solidation of: Chicago M. J., with: Med. Exam., Chicago.] Chicago (The) Medicai Record. Journal of the Chicago Medicai Society. Chicago. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1891. 8-. [Continued as: Chicago M. Recorder.] Chicago (The) Medicai Recorder. Journal of the Chicago Medi- cai Society. Chicago, v. 1-8,1891-5. 8°. [Continuation of : Chicago M. Ree] Chicago Medicai Review. A journal of medicine, surgery. and the allied sciences. Chicago, v. 1-6; uos. 1-2, v. 7, 1*860-3. 8°. [Nos. 1-10, v. 1, title: Chicago M. Gaz. Continued, Feb., 1883, as : Weekly M. Rev. ] Chicago Medicai Society. [See Chicago M. Ree Also: Chicago M. Recorder. Also: Path. Tr. Chicago M. Soc] Chicago (The) Medicai Times. A monthly journal devoted to the iuterests of eclectic medicine and surgery. v. 1-27, 1809-95. 8°. China. Imperiai Maritime Customs. Medicai Reports. Pub- lished by order of the Inspector-Generalof Customs. Shanghai. Nos. 14-42, 1877-91. 4°. [For nos. 1-13, 1871-7, see Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai.] China (The) Medicai Missiouary Journal. Shanghai, v. 1-8, 1887-94. 8°. Chiua-Medico-Chirurgical-Society. [See Tr. China-Med.-Chir.- Soc, Victoria.] Chirurgische Bibliothek von August Gottlieb Richter. Gottingen unti Gotha, v. 1-15, 1771-96. 8°. [Continued as: Biblioth. f. d. Chir., Gotting. v. 3-15 published in Gottingen only.] Chirurgische Klinik in Greifswald. [See Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin. iu Greifswald, Wien u. Leipz.] Chirurgische Klinik an der hohen Schule zu Wien. [See Ann. d. chir. Klin. an d. bob. Schule zu Wien.] Chirurgische Kliuik zu Kiel. [See Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin. zu Kiel. ] Chirurgische Klinik der koniglichen Universitiit Berlin. [See Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Beri.] Chirurgische Kliuik zu Tubingen. [Ses Mitth. a. d. chir. Kliu. zu Tiibiug.] Cliirurgische Klinik der Universitàt Greifswald. [See Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald.] Chirurgische Universitàts-Poliklinik zu Leipzig. [See Arb. a. d. chir. Univ.-Poliklin. zu Leipz.] Chirurgischen (Aus der) Klinik zu Breslau. Berlin, 1875. 8°. [Reprint from : Arch. f. klin. Chir., Beri., 1875, xviii.] Chirurgisches Cliuicum auf der Universitàt zu Erlangen. [See Ann. d. chir. Clin. a. d. Univ. zu Erlang.] Chirurgische Kliuik im konigl. Juliushospitale zu Wiirzburg vom 15. Juli 1877 bis 28. Aprii 1878. Beitràge zur praktischen Chi- rurgie vou Dr. Riediuger. Wiirzburg. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Chirurgicheskaja Laitopis. 5, 1891-5. 8-. Chirurgicheskiv Vestnik. Ejemiesjachniv journal. St. Peters- burg. v. 1-Ì0, 1865-94. 8°. Chiron. Eine der theoretische 11, praktischen, literarischen und historiachen Bearbeituug der Chirurgie gewidmete Zeitsehrift. Nurnberg und Sulzbach v. 1-3, 1805-13. 8°. [See, also, Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach.] Chiugai Iji Shinpo. [Medicai news, domestic and foreign.] Tokio, v. 1-15, 1880-94. 8°. Chronique (La) medicale Revue bi-mensuelle de médecine scien- tifique, littéraire et anecdotique. Paris. No. 1, année 1, Dee 15, 1894; année 2, 1695. 8:. Chuo Ijishuho. [Central weekly medicai bulletins.] Tokio. Nos. 53-70, 1892-3. fol. [Surgical Annals.] Moskva. v. 1- [6-_>] Ciencia méd.-escol., Barcel. Cincin. J. Health. Cincin. J. M. Cincin. Lancet & Clinic. Cincin. Lancet & Obs. Cincin. Lancet-Clinic. Cincin. M. Advance. Cincin. M. & Dent. J. Cincin. M. J. Cincin. M. News. Cincin. M. News. Cincin. M. Obs. Cincin. M. Recorder. Cincin. M. Repert. Cincin. M. & S. News. Circ. Bureau Educat.. Wash. Ciencia (La) médico-escolastica. Revista especnlativay pràctica de inedieina, farmacia y ciencias uaturales. Barcelona, v. 1, 18-9. 8°. Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery. [See Arch. Cincin. Coli. M. & S.] Cincinnati (The) Journal of Health, devoted to instructions iu anatomy and physiology and the means of preserving health. Cincinnati. Nos. 1-3, v. 1,1844. 8 . [Continued as: J. Health, Cincin.] Cincinnati (The) Journal of Medicine. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 1, 1866; nos. 1-6, v. 2, Jan. to Juue, 1867. [After no. 6, v. 2, title: West. J. M., Indianap.] Cincinnati (The) Laucet and Clinic. A weekly journal of medi- ciue and surgery. Cincinnati. N. s., v. 1-15, July, 1878-85. 6 -'. [Formed by consolidation of: Clinic, Cincin., witb : Cin- cin. Lancet & Obs. In 1886, title became: Cincin. Laucet- Cliuic] Cincinnati (The) Lancet and Observer. v. 1-21, 1858 to July, 1878. 8-\ [Formed by consolidation of: Cincin. M. Obs., with: West. Laucet, Cincin. After June, 1860, united with : Cleveland M. Gaz., each journal retaining its mime and place of publica- tion, the contents being identical. After Sept., 1875, Indiana J. M., Indianap., also united with it. After July, 1878, united with: Clinic, Cincin., forming: Cincin. Lancet À Clinic] Cincinnati (The) Lancet-Clinic. A weekly journal of medicine and aurgery. Cincinnati. N. a., v. 16-34, 1886-95. 8°. [Con- tiuuàtion of: Cinciu. Lancet & Clinic] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Advance. Cincinnati, Ohio. [Homceo- pathic] v. 1-8, 1873-80. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Advance.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai and Dentai Journal. Cincinnati, v. 1-3, 1885-7. 8°. [After 1887, continued as: Cincin. M. J.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Gazette. Cincinnati. [Said to have comnieuced Jan., 1877, and at dose of v. 3 was united with: Physio-Med. Recorder, Cincin., forming: Cincinnati (The) Med- icai Gazette &. Recorder.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Gazette and Recorder. Cincinnati. v. 44-45, 1880-1. 8°. [Formed by union of : Physio-Med. Re- corder, Cinciu., with : Cincinnati (The) Medicai Gazette. Con- tinued as: Cincin. M. Recorder.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Journal. Cincinnati, v. 4-10, 1888-95. 8°. [Continuation, after Dee. (no. 3, v. 3), 1887, of : Cincin. M. & Dent. J.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai News. Devoted to the dissemination of truth. v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v. 2, Aug. 15, 1858, to Nov. 15, 1859. fol. [Continued as : Cincin. M. & S. News.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai News. v. 1-20, 1872-91. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Cincin. M. Repert.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Observer. v. 1-2,1856-7. 8C. [In Jan., 1858, united with: West. Lancet, Cincin., forming: Cincin. Laucet & Obs.] Cincinnati Medicai Recorder. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 51, March to Dee, 1883; no. 1, v. 52, Jan. 1, 1884. [Continuatiou of : Cin- cinnati (The) Medicai Gazette and Recorder, and continued as: Healthside (The), Cincinnati.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai Repertory. v. 1-4, 1868-71. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Cincin. M. News.] Cincinnati (The) Medicai and Surgical News. v. 1-4, 1860-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Cincin. M. News.] Cincinnati Society of Naturai History. [See J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist.] Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education. Washing- ton, D.C. March aud Nov., 1872; nos. 1-5, 1873; nos 1-3 1874- nos. 1-8, 1875; no. 1, 1879; nos. 1, 6, aud 7, 1880: nos 12 4^' 1881 ; nos. 1-3, 5, 6, 1882. 8-. ' ' ' ' ' Circnlo mèdico argentino. [See An. d. Circ. méd. argent., Buenos [63] Cirillo, Aversa. Cirillo, Napoli. Ciudad-Bolivar méd. /j[ Civil Eng. & Archit. J., Lond. Cleveland Health J. Cleveland M. Gaz. Cleveland M. Gaz. Climatologist, Phila. Clin. chir., Milano. Clin. chir. (Mazzoni), Roma. Clin. chir. di Siena. Clin. escolar, Zaragoza. Clin. d. hóp., Par. Clin. d. hóp. d. enfants, Par. Clin. J., Lond. Clin. Lect. . . . by German au- thors, Lond. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp. Clin. méd. de la Charité. Le- cons et mém., Par. Clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa (Fedeli). Clin. mod., Firenze. Circulo medico di Palermo. [See Boll. d. Circ. med. di Palermo, Palermo. ] Cirillo (II). (Continuazione della Salute campana.) Rivista mensile di medicina e scienze affini. Aversa. v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Cirillo (II). Giornale di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini. Na- poli. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1878. 8°. City of Yonkers. [See Rep. City of Yonkers, N. Y.] Ciudad-Bolivar mèdico. Periodico rnédico-quiriirgico. Ciudad- Bolivar. Nos. 3-7, v. 1, Aug., 1888, to March 31, 1889. fol. & 8C. Civil (The) Engineer aud Architect's Journal, Scientific aud Rail- way Gazette. London, v. 1-20, 1837-57. 4°. Clase médico-farmacéutica de la provincia de Tarragoua. [See Med. contemp., Reus. ] Clasaensk Literaturselskab. [See Biblioth. f. La?ger, Kj0benh. Also: Nyt Biblioth. f. La?ger, Ki0Oenh.] Cleveland (The) Health Journal. A monthly, devoted to mental and physical culture. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Cleveland (The) Medicai Gazette : a monthly jourual for the ad- vancement and review of the medicai sciences. v. 1-3,1859-61. 8 . [After June, 1860, Consolidated with : Cincin. Lancet & Obs., but retaining name and place of publication, with iden- tical conteuts. ] Cleveland (The) Medicai Gazette. A monthly journal of medi- cine aud surgery. Cleveland, Ohio. v. 1-10, Nov., 18-5, to 1895. 8°. Climatologist (The). A monthly journal of medicine, devoted to the relation of cimiate, minerai aprings, diet, preventive medi- cine, race, occupation, life iusurauce, and sauitarv science to disease. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1891-2. 8°. Clinica (La) chirurgica. Periodico mensile. Milano, v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Clinica chirurgica propedeutica dell' Università di Perugia. [See Communicaz. d. clin. chir. ... ci. Univ. di Perugia.] Clinica (Di) chirurgia nella r. Università di Roma. Costanzo Mazzoni. Auni 2-10, 1874-84. 5 v. 6C. Clinica chirurgica di Siena diretta dal prof. dott. G. F. Novaro. Rendiconto dal gennaio al luglio 1866 redatto dali' aiuto dott. Vittorio Remedi. Siena. 1 v., 1887. 8°. Clinica (La) escolar, òrgano del Centro mèdico de Zaragoza. Zaragoza. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1882. fol. Clinica medica di Firenze. [See Studi ed oss. int. ai mal. nella Cliu. med. di Firenze. ] Clinique (La) des hópitaux et de la ville. Paris, v. 1-4, 1827-9.. 4°. [Continued as: Clinique, Par.] Clinique (La) des hópitaux des enfants, et revue rétrospective - médico-chirurgicale et hygiénique. Paris, v. 1-3,1841-4; nos. 1-5, 7, v. 4, Aprii, 1841, to Oct., 1844. 8°. [Suspended during 1843.] Clinical (The) Journal. A weekly record of clinical medicine aud surgerv, with their special branches. London, v. 1-5, 1892-5. 8* Clinical lectures ou subjects conuected with medicine, surgery, and obstetrics, by various German authors. Selected by per- mission from the "series published by Richard Volkmann. Lon- don. 2 v., 1876-7. 8-. Clinical lectures and reports by the medicai and surgical staff of the London Hospital. London. 4 v., 1864-8. 8°. Clinique medicale de la Charité. fesseur Potain [et al.]. Paris. Lecons et mémoires par le pro- 1 v., 1894. 8°. Clinica medica della r. Università di Pisa (1877-8). Studii ed; osservazioni del prof. Fedele Fedeli. 8°. Clinica (La) moderna. Repertorio delle cliniche italiane. Fi- renze, v. 1, 1-95. fol. [64] Clin. navarra. Pamplona. Clin. News, Phila. Clin. notes [etc], Phila. Clin. omiop., Padova. Clin. Reg., Knoxville. Clin. Rep. Rotunda Lying - in Hosp., Dubl. Clin. Reporter, St. Louis. Clin. Rev., Cleveland. Clin. sketches, Lond. Clin. therm. de Bagnères-de-Bi- gorre. Clin. vet., Milano. Clin. di Vienna, Napoli. Clinic, Cincin. Clinica, Bucuresci. Clinica, Granada. Clinica, Madrid. Clinica, Napoli. Clinica, Zaragoza. Clinica de Màlaga. Clinica navarra. Revista qnincenal de medicina, cirnjia, farma- ciay ciencias auxiliares. Taniplona. v. 1-5, 1884-8. 4. Clinical (The ) News. A national weekly journal of clinical med- icine, snrgerv, and gyna?cology. Philadelphia. Nos. 6-13, v. 1-2, 1880-1. "8-. Clinical notes on the locai treatment of disease; a record of prac- tical therapeutics. Philadelphia. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Oct., 1865, to Jan., 1886. 8-1. Clinica omiopatica. Periodico medico mensile. Padova, v. 1- 8, 1671-9. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed. In July, 1879, no. 7, v. 8, be- came 4 .] Cliuical (The) Register. A monthly journal, devoted to practi- cal medicine and surgerv, new preparations [etc.]. Knoxville, Tenn. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Jan. to Aug., 1890. 8°. Clinical Report of the Rotunda Lyiug-in Hospital, for the years 1869-75. Dublin. 1.-7., 1870-76. 8°. Clinical (The) Reporter. A journal of homceopathic medicine aud surgery. Edited by the Faculty of the Homceopathic Medicai College of Missouri. St. Louis/Mo. v. 1-7, 1888-94. 8. Clinical (The) Review. [Homceopathic] A monthly journal of medicine aud surgery. Cleveland, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1885-7. 8 . Clinical Society of the Hahnemann Hospital of Chicago. [See Clinique, Chicago.] Clinical Society of London. [See Rep. Clin. Soc. Lond. . . . in- fectious dis. Suppl. Voi. xxv. Trans. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond.] Clinical Society of the New York Post-Graduate Medicai School and Hospital. [See Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post-Grad. M. School &, Hosp., N. Y.] Clinical sketches illustrative of practical medicine and surgery. Londou. v. 1, 1895. 4C. Clinique thermale de Baguères-de-Bigorre. v. 1-2, 1878-9. 8°. Cliniche universitarie. [See Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Palermo.] Clinica (La) veterinaria. Rivista di medicina e chirurgia pratica degli auiniali domestici. Milano, v. 1-19, 1878-89. 8C. Clinica di Vienila. Monografìe su tutto il campo della medicina pratica diretta dal prof, dottor G. Schuitzler. Versione italiana del dottor Vincenzo Meyer. [Transl. of: Wiener Klinik.] Na- poli, v. 1-4, Jan., 1884-7. 8°. Clinic (The). Cincinnati, v. 1-14, 1871 to June 30, 1878. 4°. [After June 30, 1878, uuited with: Cincin. Lancet Se Obs., form- ing: Cincin. Lancet & Clinic] Clinica. Revista medicala bi-mensuala. Bucuresci. v. 1-3,1890- 2. 4°. Clinica (La). Èco de la clase escolar mèdica. Granada. v. 1-2 (anos 1-3), 1885-7. fol. & 8°. Clinica (La). Periodico de medicina y ciencias auxiliares. Ma- drid. 2. època, anos 1-3, 1864-6. 8°. Clinica (La). Gazzetta di ospedali e rivista di medicina e chirur- gia pratica nazionale e straniera. Napoli. Nos. 3-12. v. 1, Ang. 20 to Dee. 31, 1874; v. 2-3, 1875-6. v. 1-2, 4°; v. 3, 8~. [v. 3, 1876, title as follows:] Clinica (La). Giornale di medicina e chirurgia pratica e di scienze affini. [Title of v. 3, 1876, of the preceding.] Clinica (La). Semanario de medicina, cirugia y farmacia. Zara- goza. v. 1-9, 1877-85. fol. Clinica (La) de Màlaga. Revista de medicina y cirugia pràcticas. Organo ofìcial del Colegio mèdico de Màlaga. Màlaga, v. 1-4 1880-3. 8=. e fa i Clinica medica di Genova. [See Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova.] Clinica oculistica della r. Università di Napoli. [See Ist. di clin. ocnl. d. r. Univ. di Napoli, Pavia. Also: Lavori d clin. ocul. d. r. Univ. di Napoli.] [65] Clinique, Brux. Clinique, Chicago. Clinique, Par. Codex med. Phila. Coimbra med. Coli & Clin. Ree. Phila. Coli. J. M. Se, Cincin. Coli. san. piacentino, Piacenza. Collect. acad. d. mém. [etc.]. Clinico-Pathological Society of Washington, D. C. [See Proc Clin.-Path. Soc. Wash., Phila. Also: Tr. Clin.-Path. Soc. WTash.] Clinique (La). Organo officiel des hópitaux de Bruxelles. Bru- xelles, v. 1-9, 1887-95. 8°. Clinique (The). A monthly abstract of the clinics aud of the pro- eeedings of the Clinical Society of the Hahnemann Hospital of Chicago. Chicago, v. 1-16, 1880-95. 8°. Clinique (La). Annales de médecine nniverselle, par une société de médeeins francais et étrangers. Paris, v. 1-3, 1829-30. 4~. [Continuation of : Clin. d. bop., Par. In 1831, united with: Gaz. méd. de Par.] Codex medicus Philadelphia?. A monthly journal of medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. Còlner stàdtisches BUrger-Hospital. [See Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Thàtigk. im Colner stadt. Biirger-Hoap.] Coimbra medica. (Reviata quinzeual de medicina e cirugia.) Coimbra. v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8°. Colegio de farmacéuticoa de Barcelona. [See Boi. Col. de fami. de Barcel. Also: Boi. profes. anejo à El Laboratorio, Barcel. Also: Laboratorio, Barcel.] Colegio de farmacéuticoa de Madrid. [See Restaurador farm., Barcel.] Colegio mèdico de Màlaga. [See Clinica de Màlaga.] Colegio médico-farmacéutico. Palma de Mallorca. [See Rev. balear de cien. méd., Palma de Mallorca. Also: Rev. balear de med., farm. y vet., Palma de Mallorca.] Colegio médico-farmacéutico navarro. [See Región méd.-farm. vasco-navarra, Pamplona.] Colegio médico-quirurgico. Lérida. [See Boi. clin. de Lérida.] College of American Mediciue and Surgery (Faculty of the). [See Arch. Am. M. & S., Macon.] College (The) and Clinical Record. A monthly medicai jourual, couducted especially in the interest of the graduates and stu- dents of Jefferson Medicai College. Philadelphia. v. 1-16, 1860-95. 8°. College (The) Journal of Medicai Science. Established by the Faculty of the Eclectic Medicai Institute. Cincinnati, v. 1-4, 1856-9/ 8°. [In Jan., 1857, Worcester J. M., in Sept., 1857, Ani. M. J., Cincin., merged in this jourual. Continued as: J. Ratiou. Med., Cinciu. v. 2-4 conducted by the Faculty of the Eclectic College of Medicine] Collège libre de médecine de Paris. [See Synthèse méd., Par.] College of Physicians of Philadelphia. [SeeTr. Coli. Phys. Phila.] College of Physiciaus aud Surgeous, Baltimore. [SeeBalt. Phys. & Surg.] College of Physiciaus aud Surgeons, Columbia College, N. Y. [See Stud. Dep. Path. Coli. Phya. Se Surg., Columbia Coli., N. Y.] College of Phyaiciana aud Surgeons, Columbia College, N. Y. (Pathological laboratory of the). [See Stud. path. lab. Coli. Phys. Se Surg., Columbia Coli., N. Y.] Collegiosanitario piacentino. Conferenzeacientifico-praticheaulle fermentazioni, sulle malattie infettive in generale, sulla febbre puerperale, sull' importanza della cura chirurgica negli essudati pleuritici, sulla galvano-caustica termica, sopra un caso d' ernia strozzata, tenute nell' inverno 1877-8. Piacenza, 1878. 8°. College of Science, Imperiai University, Japan. [See J. Coli. Se, Imp. Univ., Japau, Tòkyo.] Collection académique, composée des mémoires, actes, ou journaux des plus célèbres académies et sociétéslittéraires étrangères, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages périodiques, des traités particu- liera, et des pièees fugitives les plus rares conceruant l'histoire natiirelle et la botauique, la physique expérimeutelle et la chyniie, la médecine et l'anatomie, tradititsen francois et mis en ordrepar une société de gens de lettres. Dijou et Paris. 13 v., 1755-79. 4°. [v. 1-3, 1755, Dijon et Auxerre; v. 4-7, 1757-66, Dijon et Paris; v. 8-12, 1770-4, Paris; v. 13, 1779, Paris et Liége] [66] Collect. acad. d. mém. [etc.]. Partie frane., Par. et Liége. Collect. diss. med. in Acad. Gcetting. Collect. Invest. Ree, Lond. Collect. Mass. Hist. Soc, Bost. Collect. med.-chir., Vilnse. Collect. med.-phys., Amst. Collez. ital. di lett. s. med., Mi- lano. Colorado Climat., Denver. Colorado M. J., Denver. Columbus M. J. Columbus Rev. M. & S. Comment. clin. d. mal. cutan. e gen.-urin., Siena. Comment. clin. d. mal. d. org. gen.-urin., Pisa. Comment. clin. di Pisa. Comment. di med. e chir., Mi- lano. Comment. d. n. Arznk., Tiibing. Commitment. . . insane. Inter- nat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Collection académique, composée des mémoires, actes ou journaux des plus eélèbres aeadéniies et sociétés littéraires [etc.]. Partie francoise. Paris et Liége. 1770-87. 4°. Collectionum dissertationum medicarum in Academia Gtt'ttingensi habitarum tom. i. et ii. Go?tting;e. ji x., 1790-5. 4 . Collective (The) Investigation Record, containing the reporta of the Collective Investigation Connnittee of the British Medicai Association. London, v. 1-4, 18-3-8. 8C &■ fol. Colleetions of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, v. 9 (1804), 1857. 8 . Collectanea medico-chirurgica. Ca?sarea? Academia? medico-chi- rurgica? cura et impensis edita. Vilna?, v. 1, 1838. 4°. Collectanea medico-physica, oft Hollands Jaar-Register der genees- en natuurkuudige aanmerkingen van gautsch Europa, etc., be- ginnende inet het Jaar 1680. [Also for 1681-8.] Door Steph. Blankaart. Amsterdam. 1680-8. 8°. Collezione italiana di letture sulla medicina, diretta dal dott. Giulio Bizzozero. Milano, v. 1-7, 1881-94. 8°. Colorado (The) Climatologist. Denver. Colorado, v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. [Running title: The Colorado Climatologist and Denver Medicai News.] Colorado Medicai Journal. A monthly journal of scientific and practical medicine. Denver. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1882. 8°. Colorado State Medicai Society. [See Tr. Colorado M. Soc] Colorado Territorial Medicai Society. [See Tr. ColoradoTerritor. M. Soc] Columbia College, N. Y. (Pathological laboratory of the College of Physicians and Surgeons). [See Stud. path. lab. Coli. Phys. & Surg., Columbia Coli., N. Y.] Columbus Medicai Journal. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-14, 1882-95. 8°. [Snccessor to : Ohio M. J., Columbus.] Columbus (The) Review of Medicine aud Surgery. Nos 1-5. v. 1, 1860-1. 6°. Combined Anstralasian branches of the Britiah Medicai Aasocia- tion. [See Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney.] Comision de mediciua legai é higiene publica de la real Academia de ciencias mèdicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. [See Trab. Coni, de med. leg. è hig. pub. de la r. Acad. de cien. méd. ... de la Habana.] Comitato medico cremonese. [See Bull. d. Comit. med. cre- monese, Cremona. Also: Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona.] Comité medicai des Bouches-du-Rhóne. [See Actes du Comité méd. d. Bouches-du-Rhóne, Marseille.] Commentario clinico delle malattie cutanee e geuito-uriuarie Siena. 2. s., v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Commentario clinico delle malattie degli organi eenito-urinari Pisa. v. 1, 1884. 8°. Commentario clinico di Pisa. Pisa. v. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. Commentarii di medicina e chirurgia. 1874. 8°. [Want no. 2.] Conimelitarien der neuern Arzneykunde. 1793-1800. 8~. Milano. Nos. 1, 3, v. 1, Tiibingen. v. 1-6, actorum ccl annorum. [See Festskr. f. Path.- [See Bull. Commentationes varia? in memoriam Edidit Universitas Helsiugforaiensis. anat. Inst., Helsingfora.] Commiasione speciale d'igiene del municipio di Roma d. Com. spec. d'ig. d. municip. di Roma.] Commissioner of Education [U. S.]. [See Rep. Coni. Educat. Wash.] ' Commiaaioner of Labor [U. S.]. [See Rep. Com. Labor, Waah.] Commitment, detention, care, and treatment of the insane. Be- ìug a report of the fourth aection of the International Congres* of Charities, Correction, and Philanthropy, Chicago, June 1893. Baltimore & London. 1 v., 1894. 8°. ^o''^111"5» [67] Communicat. M. Soc. Connect., N. Haven. Communicat. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence. Compend. M. Se, Phila. Compilador méd., Barcel. Compt.-rend. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Compt. rend. Acad. d. se, Par. Compt. rend. de l'admin. d. hosp. civ. de Bordeaux. Compt. rend. Cong. dent. inter- nat., Par. Compt.-rend. Cong. internat. contre l'abus d. boissons al- cool., Gravenh. Compt. rend. Cong. internat. d homceop. Compt. rend. Cong. internat. de statist. Compt. rend. Cong. scient. in- ternat. d. catholiques, Par., sect. Compt.-rend. Cons. centr. d'hyg. pub. d'Ille-et-Vilaine, Rennes. Compt.-rend. Cons. d'hyg. pub. de risère, Grenoble. Compt.-rend. Cons. d'hyg. du Puy-de-Dòme, Clermont-Per- rand. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par. Compt.-rend. Soc. imp. de méd. de Bordeaux. Compt.-rend. Soc.méd. de Cham- béry. Compt. rend. Soc. de méd. et chir. prat. de Montpel. Compt.-rend. Soc. méd. de Cler- mont-Ferrand. Compt. rend. Soc. méd. de Ge- nève. Compt.-rend. Soc. de méd. de Lyon. Communicationa of the Medicai Society of Connecticut. New Haven. No. 1, 1810. 8°. Communicationa of the Rhode laland Medicai Society, with an appeudix containing the proceedinga of the society. Provi- dence. v. 1, 1859-77; pt. 1-2, v. 2, 1877-9. 8C. [Continued as: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Providence.] Compeudium of Medicai Scieuce. Philadelphia. Pts. 1-30, 1868-82. 8°. Compilador (El) mèdico. òrgano ofìcial de la Academia de medicina y cirugia, y eco de los hospitales civiles y militares de Barcelona, v. 1-5, 1865-9. 8°. [Continued as: Iudepend. méd., Barcel.] Compte-rendu des travaux de l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique. 1841-6; 1854-5. Bruxelles. 6'nos., 1643-56. 8°. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séanees de l'Académie des , sciences. Paris, v. 1-22, 24, 29, 30, 34-39, 62-63, 66, 70-120, 183; -95. 4°. Compte rendu de l'administration des hospices civils de Bordeaux pour l'exerciee 1863-5; 1867-71; 1873-84. Arrèté par la Coni- miaaion adiniui8trative. Bordeaux, 1864-85. 4°. Comptes rendus du premier Congrès deutaire internatioual, tenu à Paris à l'occasiou de l'Exposition universelle de 18-9, sous le patronage de M. le ministre dn commerce, de la Société d'odontologie de Paris et de la Société odontologique de France. Paris. 1 v., 1691. 8-\ Compte-rendu du Congrès international contre l'abus des boissons alcooliques. Gravenhage. 1 v., 1893. 8°. Comptes rendus du Cougrès international d'homeeopathie (procès- verbaux et mémoirea) tenu à Paria, au Palaia du Trocadéro les 21, 2-2 et 23 aout 1889. Paris. 1 v., 1889. 8°. [Date ou cover: 1890.] Compte reudu de la deuxième sessi in du Congrès international de statistique, réuui à Paris les 10, 12, 13, 14 et 15 septembre 1855. Paris, 1856. 4°. Compte rendu du Cougrès scientifique international des catholi- ques, tenu à Paris du ler au 6 avril 1891. Paris. 8 sections, 1691. 6°. Compte-rendu des travaux du Conseil centrai d'hygiène publique et de salubrité du département d'Ille-et-Vilaine pendant les aunées 1877-8, rédigés et niis en ordre par M. Louveau. Ren- nes. 1880. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux des Conseils d'hygiène publique et de salubrité du département de l'Isère pendant les aunées 1869 à 1876. Grenoble. 1875-9. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux des Conseils d'hygiène et de salubrité publiques du département du Puy-de-Dóme. 1873-8; 1881; 1882; 1885; 1886; 1890. Clermont-Ferrand. 1874-91. 8°. Comptes rendus des séanees et mémoires de la Société de biologie. Paris, v. 1-5; 2. s., v. 1-5; 3. s., v. 1-5; 4. s., v. 1-5; 5. s., v. 1-5; 6. s., v. 1-5; 7. s., v. 1-5; 8. s., v. 1-5; 9. s., v. 1-5; 10.s., v. 1-3, 1849-95. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société imperiale de médecine de Bordeaux. Pour l'anuée 1868. 71. auuée. Bordeaux, 1869. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société medicale de Chambéry, pendant les années 1848-58. Chambéry. 3 nos., 1851-9. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Soc. méd. de Chambéry.] Comptes rendus des séanees de la Société de médecine et de chi- rurgie pratiques de Montpellier. 1883-4. Montpellier, 1885. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société medicale de Clermont- Ferrand. 16. année, 1872; 22. année, 1878. Clermont-Ferrand, 1873-9. 8°. Compte rendu des travaux de la Société medicale de Genève pen- dant les aunées 1856 et 1861. Genève. 1656-62. 8-. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société de médeciue de Lyon, de- puis le mois de juillet 1818, jusqu'au mois de septembre 1820; juillet 1826 à aoùt 1828; janvier 1833 à juillet 1836. Lyon, 1818- 38. 8C. [68] Compt. rend. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. Compt. rend. Soc. de méd. prat., Par. Compt.-rend. Soc. méd. duprem. arrond. de Par. Compt. rend. Soc. de méd. ... de Toulouse. Compt.-rend. Soc. philomat. de Par. Compt. rend. Soc. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. Comunicaz. batteriol., Napoli. Comunicaz. d. clin. chir. . . . d. Univ. di Perugia. Concours méd., Par. Condotta chir. e osp. di S. Cris- tofano in Montepulciano, Pra- to. Condotta med.-chir. ital., Tre- viglio. Confed States M. & S. J., Rich- mond. Confer. cient. d. Cuerpo de san. de la Armada, San Fernando. Confér. internat. d. soc. de se- cours aux blessés mil., Par. Confér. internat. de statist. 1878, Par., 1880. Confer. Nat. "Water Supply [etc], Lond. Cong. aun. de méd. ment. C.-r. Cong. brazil. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Jan. Cong. p. l'étude de la tubercu- lose, Par. Cong. frane, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par. Cong. gén. d'hyg. de Brux. Cong. d'hyg. pub., Brux. Compte rendu des travaux de la Société de médecine de Nancy. 1. année, 1642-3; aunées 1866-7 to 1870-1. 8 . [Continued as: Meni. Soc. de méd. de Nancy.] Compte rendu des travaux de la Société de médeciue pratique, pendant les aunées 1627-8. Paris, 1829. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Société medicale du premier ar- roudissenient de Paris, pendant les années 1848-50. Paris. 8 . Compte rendu des travaux de la Société de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Toulouse. 1853-4 ; 1871-2 ; 1874-5 ; 1877-8 to 1-86 ; 1890; 1891. Toulouse, 1854-91. 8°. Compte-rendu sommaire des séanees de la Société philomathiqne de Paris. Paris. Nos. 1-4, 6-8, 11-19, 1893; nos. 1-10, 1894-5. 8°. Compte rendu des travaux de la Société des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Aunées 1826, 1832. 8°. Comunicazioni batteriologiche. Lavori dei signori A. Cautani, E. De Blasi, [et al.]. Auno 1, 1886. Napoli, 1887. 8~. Coniuuicazioni della clinica chirurgica propedeutica dell' Uni- versità di Perugia diretta dal prof. Erasmo De Paoli. Perugia lv, 1801. 8°. Concours (Le) medicai. Journal de médeciue et de chirurgie. Paris, x. 1-17, 1879-95. 8°. Condotta chirurgica e ospedale di San Cristofano in Montepulci- ano. Rendiconto sommario di alcuni atti operativi e cure chi- rurgiche pel dott. Ezio Mariotti. Prato. 1 v., 1886. 8C. Condotta (La) medico-chirurgica italiana; medicina e chirurgia. Organo degli interessi scientifico-professiouali dei medici con- dotti d' Italia. Treviglio. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, Jan. to Feb., 1883. 8°. Confederate States (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Rich- mond, v. 1; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1864-5. 4°. Conference of Charities held in connection with the general meet- ing of the American Social Science Association. [.See Proc. Confer. Char., Bost.] Conferencias cientifìcas del Cuerpo de sanidad de la Armada. Coleccion de memorias leidas en las mismas, que por acuerdo de la juuta superior facultativa y econòmica del Cuerpo, bau aido declaradaa dignas de menciou houoritìca. Publicala el "Bole- tiu de medicina naval". San Fernando, v. 1, 1882[-9]. 8°. Conférenees internationales des sociétés de secours aux blessés militaires des années de terre et de mer tenues à Paris en 1867. Paris. 2 v., 1867. 8°. Conférenees internationales de statistique, tenues à Paris les 22, 23 et 24 juillet 1878. No. 7 de la sèrie Paris. 1880. 8°. Conference (Animai) on National Water Supply, Sewage, and Health, held the 15th and 16th May, 1879. London. 1879. 8°. Conference aanitaire internationale ouverte à Vienne le ler juillet 1874. [See Proc-verb. Confér. aau. internat., Vieuue.] Congrèa aunuela de médecine mentale. Comptea-rendua des séanees et mémoires. V. p. v. 1-3 (1890-2), 1891-3. 8°. Cougrès dentai re international. [See Compt. rend. Cong. dent. internat., Par.] Congresso brazileiro de medicina e cirurgia do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro. 1.-2., 1889 to 1-90-2. 8°. [In second Congresa the words "do Rio de Janeiro" are omitted from title.] Congrès pour l'étude de la tuberculose chez l'homme et chez les animaux. Comptes-rendus et mémoires. 1888-93. Paris, v. 1-3, 1889-94. 8C. Congrès fraucais de chirurgie. Procès-verbaux, mémoires et dis- cussions. Paris, v. 1-7, 1885-93. 8°. [Continued as : Assoe frane, de chir. Proc-verb. [etc], Par.] Congrès general d'hygiène de Bruxelles. Session de 1852. Compte- rendu des séauces.—Texte desrésolutious votées. Appendice.— Plans. 1 v., 1852. 8°. Congrès d'hygiène publique. Session de 1851. Compte rendu des séanees ; texte des resolutions votées ; pièces à l'appui Bruxelles. 1 v., 1851. 8°. [69] Cong. internat. d. accidents du travail, Par. Cong. internat. d'anthrop. Cong. internat. de bienfaisanee. Cong. internat. de démog. 1878, Par., 1879. Cong. internat. de «dermat. et de syph. C. r., Par. Cong. internat. de l'enseigne- ment, Brux. Cong. internat. p. l'étude d. ques- tions rei. à l'alcoolisme 1878, Par., 1879. Cong. internat. d'hydrol. et de climatol. C. r., Par. Cong. internat. d'hyg., Brux. Cong. internat. d'hyg. 1878, Par., 1880. Cong. internat. d'hyg. et de dé- mog. C. r. Cong. internat. de l'hypuot. ex- per. et thérap., Par. laryngol. C.-r., Milan. Cong. internat. de méd. d. colo- nies, Amst. Cong. internat. de méd. lég., Par. Cong. internat. de méd. ment. 1878, Par., 1880. Cong. internat. de méd. ment. C.~r., Par. Cong. internat. de méd. vét. C. r., Par. Cong. internat. de météor. 1878, Par., 1879. Cong. internat. d'otol. C.-r., Bàie. Cong. internat. d'otol. et de la- ryngol. C. r., Par. Cong. internat. périod. d. se méd. C.-r. sect. de chir., Co- penh. Cong. internat. de psychol. phy- siol. C. r., Par. Congrès international des accidents du travail. Tome premier: Rapports présentéa sur la demando du comité d'organisatiou par MM. N. Droz, Toqué, [etal.]. Tome second: Comptes ren- dila des séanees et visitea du Cougrèa. 1889. Paris, v. 1-2, 1889-90. 8°. Congrès international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie pré-hia- toriqnea. Compte rendu des seaaiona 2-9, 1867-80. V. p., 1868-84. 8°. Cougrèa international d'anthropologie criminelle. Biologie et sociologie. [See Actea Cong. internat. d'anthrop. crim., Rome. ] Congrès international de bienfaisanee. Sesaiona : 1° de 1856 (à Bruxellea), 2 v. ; 2° de 1857 (à Francfort-aur-le-Mein ), 2 v. Bruxellea; Fraucfort-s.-M. 4 v., 1857-8. 8C. Congrès internatioual contre l'abus des boissons alcooliques. [See Compt.-rend. du Cong. internat. contre l'abus d. boissons alcool., Gravenh.] Congrès international de démographie, tenu à Paris, les 5, 6, 7, 8 et 9 juillet 1878. No. 4 de la sèrie. Paria. 1879. 8°. Congrès international de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie tenu à Paris en 1889. Comptes rendus. Paris. 1 v., 1890. 8°. Congrès international de l'enseignement, Bruxelles, 1880. Rap- ports prélimlnuires. Bruxelles. 1 v., 1880. 8°. Congrès iuternational pour l'étude des questiona relatives à l'al- coolisme, tenu à Paris du 13 au 16 aoùt 1878. No. 16 de la sèrie. Paris. 1879. 8°. Congrès international d'homeeopathie. internat. d'homeeop.] [See Compt. rend. Cong. Compte Congrès iuternational d'hydrologie et de climatologie rendu 1886-9. Paris. 2 v., 1887-90. 8°. Congrès international d'hygiène, de sauvetage et d'écouomie so- ciale, Bruxelles, 1876. Paria et Bruxelles. 2 v., 1677. 6-. Congrès international d'hygiène, tenu à Paris du ler au 10 aoùt 1878. No. 10 de la sèrie. Paris. 2 v., 1680. 8°. Cougrès international d'hygiène et de démographie. Comptes rendus et mémoires. 4., 1882, Genève ; 5., 1884, La Haye. V. p. 4 v., 1883-5. 8°. Congrès iuternational de l'hypuotisme expérimentalet thérapeu- tique. Comptes rendus. Paris, v. 1, 1890. 8°. lre session, Milan, sep- 1 v., 1882. 8°. Congrès international de laryngologie. tembre 1880. Compte-rendu. Milan. Congrès internatioual de médeeins des colouies, Amsterdam, sep- tembre, 1883. Compte-rendu. Amsterdam. 1 v., 1884. 8 '-'. Cougrès international de médecine legale, tenu aux Tuileries, les 12, 13 et 14 aoùt 1878. No. 14 de la sèrie. Paris. 1879. e3. Congrès internatioual de médecine mentale, tenu à Paris du 5 au 10 aoùt 1678. No. Il de la sèrie. Paris. 1 v., 1-80. 8°. Congrès international de médecine mentale, tenu à Paris du 5 au 10 aoùt 1889. Comptes rendus. Paris. 1 v., 1890. 8°. [Date on cover: 1891.] Congrès international de médeciue vétérinaire. Compte rendu. Paris. 5. (1^69), 1600. 8~. Congrès iuternational de meteorologie, temi à Paris du 24 au 28 aoùt 1878. No. 20 de la sèrie. Paris. 1 v., 1879. 6C. Congrès iuternational d'otologie. Comptes-rendus et mémoires. 3. [session]. Bàie. 1885. 6°. [For 1. session, see: Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y. For 2. session, see: Cong. périod. internat. d'otol. C.-r., Trieste.] Congrès international d'otologie et de laryngologie, tenu à Paris du 16 au 21 septembre 1889. Comptes rendus et mémoires. Paris. 1 v., 1880. 8°. Congrès internatioual périodique des sciences médicales. 8. session, Copeuhague, 1684. Compte-rendu des travaux de la section de chirurgie. Copeuhague. 1885. 8°. Congrès international de psychologie physiologique. Première session. Paris, 1890. Compte rendu présente par la Société de psychologie physiologique de Paris. Paris, v. 1, 1890. 8-. [70] Cong. internat. d. se anthrop. 1878, Par., 1880. Cong. internat. sur le serv. méd. d. armées en campagne 1878, Par., 1879. Cong. méd. de France. Cong. d. méd. grecs. C.-r., Con- stant. Cong. méd. internat. de Par. Cong. méd. region. de Cuba, Habana. Cong. méd. de toutes les nations. Cong. périod. internat. de gynéc. et d'obst. C.-r. Cong. périod. internat. d'ophth. C.-r. Cong. périod. internat. d'otol. C.-r., Trieste. Cong. périod. internat. d. se méd. C.-r. Cong. san. am. de Lima. Cong. univ. p. l'amèlioration du sort d. aveugles et d. sourds- muets, Par. Congrès international des sciences authropologiqucs, tenu à Paria du 16 au 21 aoftt 1676. No. 17 de la sèrie. Paris, 18J0. 8-'. Cono-rèa international sur le service medicai des armées en cam- pagne, tenu à Paris les 12, 13 et 14 aoùt 1878. No. 15 de la sèrie. Paris, 1870. 8°. Congrès iuternational de atatistique. [See Compt. rend. Cong. interuat. de atatiat.] Congrès medicai de France. 1.-4. sesaions, 1863-72. Paris. 4 v., '.863-73. 8°. [Title of 1. aeasion : Congrès nédico-ehirurgical le France. See, also, Actea Cong. méd. de France, Par.] Cougrèa dea médeeins grecs, tenu à Athènes au mois d'avril 1882. Compte-rendu sommaire des séanees. Constautinople. 1., 1883. roy. 8°. Congrès medicai international de Paris. [1. session.] Aoùt 1867. Paris. 1 v., 1868. 8°. [See, also, Cong. périod. internat. d. se méd. C.-r. Also: Cong. méd. de toutes les nations.] Congreso mèdico regional de la isla de Cuba. Habana. 1., 1^90. 8°. Congrès medicai de toutes les nations. Deuxième session de 1869, à Florence. Bologne. 1 v., 1870. 8°. [See, also, Cong. méd. internat. de Par. Also: Cong. périod. internat. d. se méd. C.-r.] Congrès médico-chirurgical de France. [See Cong. méd. de France] Cougrès d'ophthalmologie de Bruxelles. [See Cong. périod. internat. d'ophth. C.-r.] Congrès»pénitentiaire international de Rome. [See Actes Cong. pénitent. internat. de Rome.] Congrès périodique international de gynécologie et d'obstétrique. Comptes-rendus. 1. session, 1892. Bruxelles. 1 v., 1894. 8°. Congrès périodique international d'ophthalmologie. Compte- rendu, comprenant les procès-verbaux des séanees, les mémoires lus ou dépoaés, etc. 1.-4. sessions, 1857-72; 6. seaaiou, 1880. Paria, 1858-73. Milan, 1881. 8°. [Title of 1. session was: Congrès d'ophthalmologie de Bruxelles. See, also, Périod. internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb. Also: Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong.] Cougrèa périodique interuational d'otologie. Compte-rendu, com- prenant lea proeèa-verbaux dea aéaucea, les mémoires lus ou dé- posés, etc, rédigés, traduits et mis en ordre par E. Morpurgo. 2. session, Milan, 1880. Trieste. 1 v., 1882. 8°. [See, also, Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y. Also : Cong. in- ternat. d'otol. C.-r., Bàie.] Congrès périodique international dessciencea médicalea. 3. seasion, Vienne, Compte-rendu réaunié, 1 v., 1873; 4. aession, Bruxellea, Compte-rendu, 1 v., 1875; 5. aeasion, Genève, Compte-rendu et mémoires, 1 v., 1877 ; 6. session, Amsterdam, Compte-rendu, 2 v., 1879; 8. session, Copeuhague, Compte-rendu, 4 v., 1884. V. p., 1876-86. [See, also, Cong. méd. de toutes les nations. Also: Tr. Interuat. M. Coug. Also: Verhandl. d. x. internat. med. Cong., Beri. Also: Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz., Roma.] Congrès scientifique international des catholiques. [See Compt. remi. Cong. scient. interuat. d. catholiques, Par., sect.] Congreso sanitario americano de Lima, reunido en el ano de 1888. Lima (Perù). 1 v., 1889. roy. 8C. Congrès universel pour l'amèlioration du sort des aveugles et des sourds-muets, tenu à Paris, du 23 au 30 septembre 1H78 Paris 1 v., 1879. 8°. Congreso ginecologico espanol. [See Actas . . . C'oiu espan., Madrid. ] Congreso mèdico espanol. [See Actaa . . . Cono-. Madrid.] Congreso medico internacional de Sevilla. méd. interuac. de Sevilla.] Congreso mèdico pan-americano. [See Rev. méd • N. Y.] Congreao regional de cienciaa médicaa, celebrado en Cadi/ Actas . . . Cong. region. de cien. méd.] ginec méd. espan., [See Actas d. Cong. quir. anier., [See [71] Cons. centr. d'hyg. pub. . St.-Étienne. C.-r. de Cons. sup. d'hyg. pub. Brux. Rap., Conservatore d. salute, Napoli. Consulta, Càdiz. Contemp. Rev., Lond. Continental & Brit. M. Rev., Lond. Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. [See Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. A Surg., N. Haven.] Congress bayerischer Aerzte. [See Verhandl. d. Cong. bayer. Aerzte zu Miiuchen.] Congresa fiir innere Medicin. [See Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wieab. ] Congressi di medicina interna. [See Lavori d. Cong. di med. int., Milano.] Congresso della Associazione medica italiana. [See Atti Cong. d. Ass. med. ital.] Congreaao farmaceutico italiano. [See Atti d. Cong. farm. ital.] Congreaao internazionale di beneficenza di Milano. [See Atti d. Cong. internaz. di benefic. di Milano.] Congresao medico internazionale. [See Atti d. xi Cong. med. in- ternaz., Roma.] Congresso nazionale d' idrologia e di climatologia di Bologna. [See Atti d. Cong. naz. d' idrol. e climat., Torino.] Congresso pediatrico italiano. [See Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital.] Congresso della Società italiana di laringologia, d' otologia e di rinologia. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc], Connecticut Academy of Arts and Scieuces. [See Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts & Se, N. Haven.] Connecticut Eclectic Medicai Association. [See Tr. Counect. Eclect. M. Ass., Bridgeport.] Connecticut State Medicai Society. [See Communicat. M. Soc. Connect., N. Haven. Also: Proc Connect. M. Soc] Conseil centrai d'hygiène publique et de salubrité de Saint-Etienne. Compte-rendu des travaux des Conseils d'hygiène publique et de salubrité du département de laLoire pendant les années 1887 et 1890. Saint-Etienne. 1889-91. 8e\ Conseil centrai d'hygiène et de salubrité du département de l'Oise. [See Rap. trav. Cous. centr. d'hyg. de l'Oise, Beauvais.] Conseil centrai de salubrité publique de Bruxelles. [See Ann. du Cons. centr. de salub. pub. de Brux.] Conaeil d'hygiène publique et de aalubrité du département du Rhóne. [See Hyg. de Lyon. C. r. Coua. d'hyg. pub. du Rhóne, Lyon.] Conseil de salubrité publique de la province de Liége. [See Ann. du Cou8. de 8alub. pub. de Liége.] Conseils d'hygiène publique et de salubrité du département de la •Loire. [See Cons. centr. d'hyg. pub. . . . de St.-Étienne. C.-r.] Conseils d'hygiène publique et de salubrité du département de Tarn-et-Garonne. [See Rap. gén. trav. Cons. d'hyg. [etc] dép. de Tain-et-Garoime, Montauban.] Conseils d'hygiène et de salubrité publiques du département du Puy-de-Dóine. [See Compt. rend. Cons. d'hyg. dn Puy-de- Dóine, Clennont-Ferraud.] Conseil aupérieur d'hygiène publique. Rapporta adressées à MM. les ministres de l'intérieur et de la juatice. Bruxelles, v. 4, 1867-73 ; fase 1, v. 5, 1874-6. 8°. Couservatoire des arts et métiers. [See Ann. du Conserv. d. arts et métiers, Par.] Couservatoire imperiai des arts et métiers. [See Ann. du Conserv. d. arts et métiers, Par.] Conservatore (II) della salute. Repertorio popolare dell' igiene e della medicina preventiva. Napoli, v. 1-3, 1872-5. 12° & 8°. Consiglio di sanità di Napoli. [See Gazz. di med. pubb., Napoli. Also: Gior. di cliu., terap. e med. pubb., Napoli.] Consulta (La). Revista mensual de medicina, cirnjia y ciencias auxiliares. Càdiz. v. 1-2, 1882-3. 8°. Contemporary (The) Review. London. 3 nos., 1876-9. roy. 8°. Continental (The) and British Medicai Review, or monthly thera- peutical journal. London. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, March to Dee, 1837. ,--\ [72] Contrib. N. Am. Ethnol., "Wash. Conversaz. med. . . . Policlin. gen. di Torino, Milano. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Bern. Apoth., Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte im Gross- herz. Meckl.-Strel., Neustre- litz. Cor.-Bl. d. Aerztekam. u. d. Aerztever. d. Prov. Brandenb. [etc], Beri. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Kreis- u. Be- zirks-Ver. im Kònigr. Sachs., Leipz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis- Ver. im Kònigr. Sachs., Leipz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rhein- Prov., Bonn. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenb. Aerz- tever., Rostock. Cor.-Bl. d. Beri, arztl. Bezirks- Ver. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc]. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat. [etc]. Cor.-Bl. f. d. mittelrhein. Aerzte, Darmst. Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. zu Riga. Coutributions to North American Ethnology. Washington, v. 1_7, 1877-90. 4-. Convention of American Instructors of the Blind. [See Proc. Am. Aaa. Iuatr. of Blind, Bost. Also: Proc. Convent. Ani. Iustr. of Blind, Indianap.] Convention of Physicians of Ohio. [See Proc. Convent. Phys. Ohio, Cincin. Also: Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Conversazioni mediche tenute nel Policlinico generale dì Torino. Milano. 1. s., nos. 1-2, 1892. 8°. Cork County and City Medicai and Surgical Society. [See Tr. Cork M. & S. Soc, Dubl.] Corpo sanitario dell' armata italiaua. [See Gior. di med. mil.] Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Beni. [Title of v. 2, 1851, of: Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth.] Correspondeuzblatt fiir die Aerzte und Apotheker des Grossherzog- thums Oldenburg. v. 1-3, 1860-5. 8°. Correspondenzblatt fiir die Aerzte im Grossherzogthum Mecklen- burg-Strelitz. Neustrelitz. Nos. 1-10, Jahrg. 1860. 4°. Correspondeuzblatt der Aerztekammer und der Aerztevereine der Provinz Brandenburg und des Stadtkreises Berlin (friiher: Ber- liner àrztliches Correapoudenzblatt). Berlin, v. 6-10,1888-92. 8°. [Continuation of aud continued as: Beri, àrztl. Cor.-Bl.] Correspondenzblatt der àrztlichen Kreis-und Bezirks-Vereine im Kònigreich Sachsen. Leipzig, v. 25-29, July, 1878, to Dee, 18,-0. 4°. [Continuation of: Cor.-Bl. d. àrztl. u. pharm. Kreis-Ver. im Kònigr., Sachs., Leipz. In v. 30, 1881, title changedto: Kor.-Bl. [etc], which see] Correspondeuzblatt der àrztlichen und pharmaceutischen Kreis- Vereine im Kònigreich Sachsen. Leipzig, v. 1-24, 1866 to June. 1878. 4°. [Continued aa:,Cor.-Bl. d. àrztl. Kreis- u. Bezirks- Ver. im Kònigr. Sachs., Leipz.] Correspondenzblatt der àrztlichen Vereine in Rheinland, West- phalen und Lothringen. [Title of nos. 13-18, 24-29, of the fol- lowing:] Correspondenzblatt der àrztlichen Vereine der Rheiu-Provinz Borni. Nos. 1-18, 1867-76; nos. 24-29, 1879-82. 8°. [For title of nos. 13-18, 24-29, see the preceding.] Correspondenz-Blàtter des allgemeinen àrztlichen Vereins von Thiiringen. Weimar, 1872; Leipzig, 1873-9; Weimar, 1860-95. v. 1-24, 1872-95. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatt des allgemeinen mecklenbnrgischen Aerzte- vereius. Rostock. Nos. 1-100 (v. 1), June 23, 1877, to May 27, 1887 ; nos. 101-150 (v. 2), June 24, 1887, to Aprii 13, 1893. [Want uoa. 23 and 25, in 1879-80. With no. 151, May 18, 1893. con- tinued as: Kor.-Bl. [etc].] Correspondeuz - Blatt der Berliner àrztlichen Bezirks-Vereine. Organ des Central-Ausschussea. Berlin. Nos. 1-7, v. 1 I8e3 8G. [Continued aa: Beri, àrztl. Cor.-Bl.] Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellsehaft fur Anthropologie, Etimologie uud Urgeschichte. Braunschweig; Munchen. 1871- 94. 4°. [Issued with: Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg. After 1876 published in' Munich.] Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellsehaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie. Neuwied, 1854, 1856-70, 1876-7; Berlin, 18.>.>; Neuwied und Leipzig,',1872-5. Jahrg 1-23 1854- V't» 4°u-\8°;t [WÌth v' 16' ltì,i9' Arcb- (L ^utscli. Geaéllach. i. Isychiat., Neuwied, united with this journal, aud the title ?■• Vo16_,l7' 1?m~70' was: Arehiv der deutschen Gesellsehaft tur Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologie verbunden mit dem Correspondenz-Blatte. Nothing publiahed iu 1871 Con tiuued iu 1870 as: Centralbl. f. Nervenh.] Correspondenzblatt fiir die mittelrheinischen Aerzte. Organ fur Epidemiologie und offentliche Gesundheitsptìeire' Da frustarli- und Leipzig y. 1-2, 1866-8. 8°. [Continue* as :Zachr f Epidemie!., Darmst.] ^iscnr. i. Corre.spondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Rio-i 1869, 1-70. 8°. ° 1867, [73] Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Kòln. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte im Reg.- Bez. Merseburg, Anhalt. Cor.-Bl. d.Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Pòrd. d. -wissensch. Heilk. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnàrzte, Beri. Corpuscle, Chicago. Correio med. de Lisb. Correo méd. castellano, Sala- manca. Corresp. méd., Madrid. Corresp. méd. de Paris para Bo- livie [etc], Par. Corriere san., Milano. Country Doctor, Arcot, Tenn. Country Pract., Beverly, N. J. Courrier méd., Par. Criterio méd., Madrid. Croix rouge, Brux. Crón. cient.. Barcel. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova. Crón. espec. méd.-quir., Càdiz. Crón. de 1. hosp., Madrid. Cron. d. manie di Ancona. Correspondenz-Blatt des niederrheinischen Vereins fiir òffentliche Gesuudheitspflege. Kòln. v. 1-10, 1871-61. 4C. [Continued as: Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtapflg., Bonn.] Correapondenz-Blatt fiir schweizer Aerzte. Bern, 1871; Basel,. 1872-95. v. 1-25, 1871-95. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatt des Vereins der Aerzte ini Reg.-Bez. Merse- burg und dem Herzogthum Anhalt. Anhalt. Nos. 1-3, May to Oct., b-80. 8C. Correspondenz-Blatt des Vereins analytischer Chemiker. Magde- burg. [Continued as: Repert. d. anal. Chem., Leipz.] Correspondenzblatt des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Fòrderung der wisseuschaftlichen Heilkunde. Hannover; Oldenburg; Marburg. Nos. 1-65, v. 1, 1853-63. 8°. Correspondenzblatt des Vereins naasau'scher Aerzte, fiir die Jahre 1856-62, 1867. Weilburg. 8 v. roy. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatt fiir Zahnàrzte. Ein vierteljàhrlicher Berichb iiber die neuesten Erfalimngen und Ertìndungen der Zahnheil- kunde uud Zahntechuik. Berlin, v. 1, 1871-2; v. 10-23, 1881- 94. 8°. Corpuscle (The). The officiai organ of the Alumni Association of Rush Medicai College. Chicago, 111. v. 1-2, 1890-3. 4C. Correio (0) medico de Liaboa: publicacào quinzenal de medicina^ cirurgia e pharmacia. Lisboa, v. 1-24, 1871-95. 4J. Correo medico castellano. Revista mensual de medicina, cinigia, farmacia y ciencias auxiliares. Salamanca, v. 1-8, 1884-91. 6". Correspondencia (La) mèdica; sauidad civil, fuerza de un pensa- miento. Periodico dedicado à las clases mèdicas de Espana. Madrid, v. 1-30, 1866-95. 4°. [Want nos. 1-20 (ali prior to Jauuary 8, 1867).] Correspondencia medicai de Paria para Bolivie, Bréail, [and other portious of South and North America, etc.]. Paris, v. 1-2, 1873-4. fol. Corriere sanitario. Milano, v. 4-6, 1893- fol. Country (The) Doctor. A weekly journal of medicine and aurgery.. Arcot, Tenn. v. 1-3, 1890-2. 4°. Country (The) Practitioner; or, New Jeraey Journal of Medicai and Surgical Practice. Beverly, N. J. v. 1-2; uoa. 1-3, v. 3, 1870-81. 8°. Courrier (Le) medicai et la Réforme medicale. Paris, v. 16-45,. 1868-95. 4°. [Formed by the union, Aprii 4, 1868, of : Réforme (La) medicale, with: Courrier (Le) medicai. Title of nos. 1-13,. v. 18, is: Courrier (Le) medicai.] Criterio (El) mèdico, òrgano ofìcial de la Sociedad Halineman- niana matritense. Madrid. 3. a., v. 1-31, 1860-90. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Au. med. homeop., Madrid.] Croix (La) rouge. Annales de l'ceuvre internationale de la Croix rouge et des sociétés huniauitaires similaires: revue d'hygiène militane, publique et privée. Bruxelles, v. 3-16, 1873-81. 8°. Crònica cientifìca. Revista internacioual de ciencias. Barce- lona, v. 4-5, 1881-2. 8°. Cronaca della clinica medica di Genova. Genova, v. 1-2,1892-4. Ciónica de especialidades médico-quiriirgicas. Organo de la sección provincial de Càdiz de la Sociedad espanda de higiene.. Reviata mensual, continuacion de la Crònica oftalniológica y de la Gaceta de higiene y climatologia. Càdiz. v. 1-3,1^84-6. 8C. [Formed Jan., 18J4, by the union of: Cròn. oftal., Càdiz,. with: Gac. de hig. y climat., Càdiz.] Crònica (La) de los hospitales. Periodico ofìcial de la Facultad de medicina, cirugia y farmacia del General de Madrid. Madrid. v. 1-6, 1853-8. 8°. [Merged in: Espana méd., Madrid.] Cronaca del manicomio di Ancoua. Ancona. Anni ,1-5, Aug.,. 1888, to March, 1894. fol. [Continuatiou of : Cron. d. manie. Anconitano.] [74] Cron. d. manie. Anconitano. Cron. d. manie di Pavia in Vo- ghera, Voghera. Cron. d. manie di Siena. Cron. d. manie di Teramo. Crón. méd., Lima. Crón. méd., Valencia. Crón. méd.-quir. de la Habana. Cron. mens. d. manie di Como. Crón. oftal., Càdiz. Cron. d. r. manie di Alessandria. Cron. d. r. manie d. Ambrogiana, Firenze. tUursalon, Wien. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shanghai. Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. (Todd), Lond. Cycl. Obst. & Gynec, N. Y. Cycl. Pract. M.(Tweedie), Phila. •Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y. Cycl. Pract. M. (Ziemssen), N. Y. (Suppl.). Czasopismo towarz., Lwow. Cronaca del manicomio Anconitano. Pubblicazione mensile. An- cona, v. 1-15, 1874-88. 4C. [Continued as: Cron. d. manie di Ancona.] Cronaca del manicomio provinciale di Pavia in Voghera, Vo- ghera, v. 3-14, 1883-94. fol. Cronaca del manicomio di Siena. Pubblicazione bimestrale. Siena, v. 1-20, 1675-94. 4 \ Cronaca del manicomio di Teramo. Teramo, v. 1-2, 1893-4. 4°. Crònica (La) mèdica, òrgano de la Sociedad "Union Fernan- diua". Lima. v. 1-12, 1864-95. 8°. Crònica (La) mèdica. Revista quinconal de medicina y cirnjia pràcticas. Valencia, v. 1-17, 1878-94. 8°. [Progreso ginee, Valencia, merged in this journal, in Jan., 1890.] Crònica médico-quirurgica de la Habana. Revista mensual de medicina, cinigia, farmacia y ciencias auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-21, 1875-95. 8°. Cronaca mensile del manicomio provinciale di Como. Como. v. 1-3; no. 1, v. 4, Jan., 1884, to March, 1887. 4°. Crònica (La) oftalmológica. òrgano ofìcial del Instituto oftàl- mico de Madrid y de la clinica oftalmológica de Càdiz. Càdiz. v. 3, 4. 6-13, 1873-83. 8°. [In Jan., 1884, united with: Gac. de big. y'climat., Càdiz, forming: Crón. espec. méd.-quir., Càdiz.] Crouaca del regio manicomio di Alessandria. Alessandria, v. 6- 16, 1885-95. 4°. [Continuatiou of: Boll. d. r. manie di Ales- sandria.] Cronaca del regio manicomio giudiziario dell' Ambrogiana (Mon- telupo Fiorentino). Firenze, v. 1, 1893-4. 8°. Cuerpo cientifìco de alumnos internos de la Facultad de medicina de Barcelona. [See Eco de 1. clin., Barcel.] Cuerpo mèdico farmacèutico mexicano. [See Voz de Hipócrates, Mexico. ] Cuerpo mèdico mexicano. [See Independ. méd., Mexico.] Cuerpo médico-farmacéutico è industriai de Michoacan. [See Monitor méd.-farm., Morelia.] Cuerpo médico-municipal [de Barcelona]. [See Gac. san. de Barcel. ] Cuerpo de sanidad de la Armada. [See Confer. cient. d. Cuerpo de san. de la Armada, San Fernando.] Cultori delle scienze mediche nella r. Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. [See Boll. d. sez. d. cult. d. se med. n. r. Accad. d. fisio- crit. di Siena.] Cursalon (Der). Zeitsehrift fiir Balneologie, Klimatologie und Hydrotherapie. Wien. v. 10-11, 1876-7. fol. Customs Gazette. Medicai Reports forwarded by the surgeons to the customs at the treaty porta in China. Shanghai. Nos. 1-13, 1871-^7. 4°. [Continued as: China. Imp. Customs. Med. Rep., Shaughai.] Cyclopa?dia (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. Edited by Robert B. Todd. London. 4 v. in 5, aud suppl. voi. 6 v., 1835-59. Cyclop.edia of Obstetrics and Gynecology. New York. 12 v., 1887. 6°. Cyclopa?dia (The) of Practical Medicine ; comprising treatises on the nature and treatment of diseases, materia medica, and thera- peutics, medicai jurisprudence, etc. Edited by Forbes, Tweedie, [et al.]. Revised by Robley Dunglison. Philadelphia. 4 v., 1845. 8°. Cyelopiedia of the Practice of Medicine. Edited by H. von Ziems- sen. Transl. by R. H. Fitz, C. P. Putnam, [et al.]. A. H. Buck, editor of American ed. New York. v. 1-19, 1874-80. 8°. Supplement to Ziemssen's Cyclopa?diaof the Practice of Medicine. Edited by George L. Peabody. New York. 1861. 8°. Czasopismo towarzystwa aptekarskiego. [Chronicle of the Apoth- ecaries'Association.] Lwow. (Lemberg). v. 5-34,1876-95. 8-, [75] lì. Dainippon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi, Tokio. Dakota M. Brief, Mitchell. Daniel's Texas M. J., Austin. Dauphiné méd., Grenoble. Décadas de med. ycirug. pract., Madrid. Décadas méd.-quir., Madrid. Décadas méd.-quir. y farm., Ma- drid. Denkschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Heilwissensch., Beri. Denkschr. z. Peier ihres 50jahr. Besteh. hrsg. v. d. schles. Ge- sellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Denkschr. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. [etc]. Denkschr. d. med.-chir. Gesell- sch. d. Kantons Ziirich. Denkschr. d. vaterl. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte u. Naturf. Schwa- bens, Tiibing. Denkschr. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Par. Denmark, med. organ., hyg. & demog., Copenh. Dentai Adv., Buffalo. Dentai Cosmos, Phila. Dentai Headlight, Nashville. Dentai Jairus, Sacramento. Dentai Luminary, Macon. Dentai Office & Lab., Phila. Madrid. [Title of v. 1-20, 1821-8. 8°. [See [Title of Dainippon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi. [Record of the Japanese Private-Sauitary Association.] Tokio. Nos. 104, 105, 116-129, 1892-4. 12°. Dakota (The) Medicai Brief. A monthly journal of medicine and the allied sciences. Officiai organ of tlie Dakota Medicai So- ciety [since uo. 3, v. 1]. Mitchell, Dakota, v. 1, 1886-7. 8°. Dakota Medicai Society. [See Dakota M. Brief, Mitchell.] Daniel's Texas Medicai Journal. Austin, v. 1-8, 1885-93. 8°. [Continued as: Texas M. J., Austin.] Dauphiné (Le) medicai. Journal de la Société de médeciue et de pharmacie de l'Isère. Grenoble, v. 13-19,1889-95. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : J. Soc. de méd. et pharm. de l'Isère, Grenoble] Davenport Academy of Naturai Sciences. [See Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Se] Décadas de medicina y cirugia pràcticas. 5-20, 1822-8, of the following :] Décadas médico-quirurgicas. Madrid. preceding ; also the following :] Décadaa médico-quimrgicas y farmacèuticas. Madrid. v. 2-4, 1821, of the preceding.] Delaware County Medicai Society. [See Med. Reporter, W. Ches- ter, Pa.] Denkschriften des deutschen Vereins fiir Heilwissenschaft. Ber- lin, v. 1-3, 1845-7. 4°. Denkschrift zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjàhrigen Bestehens herausge- geben von der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fiir vaterlàndische Kul- tur. Breslau. 1 v., 1853. 4°. Denkschrift der Gesellsehaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Dres- den znr Feier ihres fiinfzigjàhrigen Bestehens; zugleich als Festgabe fiir die Mitglieder der 42. Versammlung deutscher Natnrforscher uud Aerzte am 19. September 1868. Dresden. 1 v., 1868. 4°. Denkschrift der mediciuisch-chirurgisehen Gesellsehaft des Kan- tons Ziirich. Zur Feier des fiiufzigsten Stiftungstages, den 7. Mai 1860. Ziirich, 1860. 4°. Denkschriften der vaterlàndiechen Geaellschaft der Aerzte und Naturforscher Schwabens. Tiibingen. v. 1, 1805. 8°. Denkschrift dea Vereiua deutscher Aerzte in Paris. Zur Feier des zehnjàhrigen Stiftungsfestes, von der Redactions-Commission. Paris, 1854. 4°. Denmark, its medicai organization, hygiene -and demography. Published with subvention of the Danish governtnent. Pre- eented to the aeventh International Congreaa of Hygiene and Deniography, London, 1891. Copenhagen. 1 v., 1891. 8°. Dentai Academy of Tokio. [See Shika Kenkukwai Geppo, Tokio.] Dentai (The) Advertiser. Buffalo, v. 1-22, 1869-91. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Dentai Pract. & Adv., Buffalo.] Dentai (The) Cosmos. A monthly record of dentai science. Philadelphia. v. 1-37, 1859-95. 8°. Dentai (The) Headlight. A quarterly paper devoted to the in- tereatsof the dentai profesaion. Nashville, v. 1-15,1880-94. 8°. Dentai (The) Jairus. A monthly journal of dentai science. Sac- ramento, Cai. v. 1-3; no. 1, v. 4; nos.1-2, v. 5, 1880 to March, 1684. 8\ Dentai (The) Luminary. A quarterly journal devoted to the in- terests of the dentai profession. Macon, Ga. v. 1-14, 1879-93. fol. Dentai (The) Office and Laboratory. A journal of dentai intelti- o-enee. Philadelphia. v. 1-5, March, 1868, to Nov., 1872; 2. a., v. 1-10. Aprii, 1877, to Oct., 1886. 3. s., v. 1-9, 1887-05. 4C A 8J. [Continuation of: Dentai (The) Quarterly, Philadel- phia. After Nov., 1872, suspended uutil Aprii, 1877.] [76] Dentai Pract.. Phila. Dentai Pract & Adv., Buffalo. Dentai Ree, Lond. Dentai Reg., Cincin. Dentai Rev., Chicago. Denver M. Times. Dep. Agrie Contag. dis. dom. animals, Wash. Dép. d. Bouches - du - Rhóne. Cons. d'hyg. Compt.-rend. d. trav., Marseille. Dép. de l'Eure. Rap. du Cons. centr. d'hyg. [etc], Évreux. Dép. de la Haute-Vienne. Rap. Cons. d'hyg. [etc], Limoges. Dép. du Loiret. Rap. Cons. d'hyg. pub., Orléans. Dép. de la Seine-Inf. Cons. centr. d'hyg. [ etc. ] Trav., Rouen. Dentai (The) Practitioner. A monthly journal of dentai science. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1883-6. 8 . Dentai (The) Practitioner and Advertiser. Buffalo, v. 23-26, 1892-5. 6°. [Continuation of: Dentai Adv., Buffalo.] Dentai (The) Record : a monthly journal of dentai science, art, and literature. Devoted to the interests of the professimi. London, v. 1-15, 1861-95. 8°. Dentai (The) Register. A monthly journal of dentistry, devoted to the interests of the profession. Cincinnati, v. 20-40, 1806- 95. 8\ [Title ofv. 1-19, 1847-65, waa: Dentai (The) Register of the West, Cincinnati.] Dentai (The) Register of the West. Cincinnati, Ohio. [Title of v. 1-19, Oct., 1847, to Dee, 1865, of the preceding.] Dentai (The) Review. Devoted to the advancement of dentai science. Chicago, v. 1-9, 1886-7 to 1895. 8°. Dentai Society of the State of New York. [See Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y.] Denver (The) Medicai Times. A monthly journal of medicai, surgical, and obstetrical science. Denver, Colorado, v. 2-14, 1883-95. 8\ [Continuatiou of: Rocky Mountain M. Times, Denver.] Departamento nacional de higiene [de Buenos Aires]. [See An. d. Dep. nac. de big., Buenos Aires.] Departamento uacional de higiene y de la administracion sani- taria y asiatencià publica.. Buenoa Airea. [See An. de hig. pub., Buenos Aires.] Department of Agriculture. Contagioua diseases of domesti- cateli animals. Investigations by Department of Agriculture. Washington. 1 v., 1883. 8°. Département des Bouches-du-Rhóne Conseils d'hygiène et de salubrité. Comptes-rendus des travaux. Aoùt 1840 à jnin 1848; juillet 1848 à juillet 1851 ; 1" juillet 1851 au 31 aoùt 1853; ler juillet 1853 au 31 aoùt 1855; 1" aoùt 1855 au 31 aoùt 1859; 31 aoùt 1859 au 31 décembre 1872 (published in 1875); 31 aoùt 1850 au 31 décembre 1875 (v. 9, 1876); v. 10, 1876-8 (1879); v. 11- 13,1879-81(1881-2). 11 v. Marseille, 1848-82. 8°. [Aug., 1840, to June, 1848, sub-title : Conaeil de salubrité du départe- ment des Bouches-du-Rhóne. Compte-rendu des travaux. July, 184-*, to July, 1851, sub-title: Rapport general des tra- vaux des Conseils d'hygiène et do salnbrité, etc. July 1, 1851, to Aug. 31, 1853, sub-title: Rapport du Conseil centrai . . . aur lea travaux des Conseils d'hygiène et de salubrité, etc. July 1, 1853, to Aug. 31, 1859, sub title: Rapport general des travaux des Conseils d'hygiène et de salubrité, etc. Aug. 31, 1859, to Dee 31, 1872, sub-title: Conseil d'hygièue et de salu- brité. Compte-rendu des travaux. Jan. 1, 1873, to Dee. 31, 1875, sub-title: Compte-rendu des travaux . . . Conseil centrai. 1876 to 1881, v. 10-13, sub-title : Conseils d'hygiène et de salu- brité. Comptea-rendua dea travaux.] Département de l'Eure. Rapporta du Conseil centrai d'hygiène publique et de salubrité et travaux des Conseils d'arroudiase- nient pendant les années 1852-78. Évreux, 1853-79. 8J. [Re- ports since 1864 (published in 1865) are paged cousecutively.] Département de la Haute-Vienne. Rapport general sur les tra- vaux des Couseils d'hygiène publique et de salubrité pendant les années 1849-87, présente . . . par M. J.-B.-A. Barny. Li- moges. v. 1-11, 1840-87 (1856-89). 8°. Département du Loiret. Rapport general sur les travaux des Conseils d'hygièue publique et de salubrité du département, pendant les années 1858,1850, 1861-85 inclusivemeut. Orléans, 1859-86. 8-. Department of Pathology of University College, London. [See Rep. Dep. Path. Univ. Coli., Lond.] Département de la Seine-Inférieure Conseil centrai d'hygiène publique et de salubrité. Travaux du Conseil centrai pendant les années 1859-64; 16(59-75; 1879; 1883-8; 1891-3. Rouen, 1860-94. 8°. [Continuation of : Rap. gén. trav. Cons. centr. d'hyg. de la Seiue-Iuf., Rouen.] [™] Dép. d. Vosges. Trav. Cons. centr. d'hyg. pub., Epinal. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. u. Leipz. Dermat. Ztschr., Beri. Descr. Cat. . . . Mus. Roy. Coli. Surg. Edinb. Detroit Clinic. Detroit Emerg. Hosp. Rep. Detroit Lancet. Detroit M. J. Detroit Rev. Med. & Pharm. Deutsch-Am. Apoth.-Ztg., N.Y. Deutsch - Am. med. Ztg., St. Louis. Département des Vosges. Travaux du Conseil centrai d'hygiène publique et de salubrité pendant les années 1881-2, 1884-5,1889. Epinal, 1882-90. 8°. Dermatologische Klinik des'koniglichen Charité-Krankenhauses zu Berlin. [See Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char.-Krau- kenh. zu Beri.] Dermatologische Studien. Hrsg. von P. G.Unna. Hamburg und Leipzig. Hft. 1-18, 1886-94. 8°. [Supplemeut to : Mouatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb.] Denuatologiache Zeitachrift. Berliu. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. Deacriptive catalogne of the anatomical aud pathological apeci- mena in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edin- burgh. By Charles W. Cathcart. Edinburgh, v.l. The skele- ton and organs of motiou. 1893. 8°. Detroit (The) Clinic. A weekly exponent of clinical medicine and aurgery. Detroit, Mich. v. 1, 1862. 8°. [United with: Michigan M. News, Detroit, forming : Med. Age, Detroit.] Detroit Emergency Hospital Reports. Detroit, Mich. v. 1-5, 1890-4. sm. 4°. Detroit (The) Laucet. A monthly exponent of rational medicine. Detroit. N.s.,v. 1-9,1878-85. 8C. [Continuation of: Detroit M. J., and continued as : Am. Lancet, Detroit.] Detroit (The) Medicai Journal. Published under the auspices of the Detroit Medicai and Library Association. Detroit. N. s., v. 1, 1877. 8°. [A consolidation of: Penina. J. M., Detroit, with: Detroit Rev. Med. Se Pharm., and continued as: Detroit Lancet. ] Detroit Medicai and Library Association. [See Detroit M. J. Also: Proc. Detroit M. Se Libr. Ass. Also: Tr. Detroit M. & Libr. Ass.] Detroit (The) Review of Medicine and Pharmacy. Detroit, v. 1-11, 1866-76. 8°. [After Dee, 1876, united with: Pemns. J. M., Detroit, forming : Detroit M. J.] Dentsch-Amerikanische Apotheker-Zeitung. New York. v. 1-15, 1860-95. fol. Deutsch-Americanische medicinische Zeitung. St. Louis, Mo. No. 2, v. 1, Aprii, 1694. 8°. Deutsche anthropologische Gesellsehaft. [See Mitgl. d. deutsch. anthrop. Gesellsch., Frankf. a. M.] Deutsche dermatologische Gesellsehaft. [-See Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch., Wien.] Deutsche Gesellachaft fur augewaudte Chemie. [See Ztachr. f. aug. Chemie, Beri.] Deutsche Gesellachaft fiir Authropologie, Etimologie uud Urge- schichte [See Allg. Versamml. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. i. An- throp. rete]. Also : Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.]'.] Deutsche Gesellsehaft fur Chirurgie. Berlin [See Ber. ti. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir., Leipz. Also: Ver- handl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir.] Deutsche Gesellsehaft fiir Gynàkologie. [See Featschr. z. Feier d 50 Jubil. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak. m Beri., Wien. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Gynak., Leipz.] Deutsche Gesellsehaft fur Natur- und Vólkerkifnde Ostasiens. [See Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat,- u. Vòlkerk. Ostasiens, Yokahama. ] Deutsche Gesellsehaft fùr óffentliche Gesundheitspflege zu Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. deutsch. Geaellach. f. off. Gandhtapflg. zu Beri.] Deutsche Gesellsehaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psycholo- cie [See Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied. liso- Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat. [etc.]. Also: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat. u. gerichtl. Psychol., Neuwied.] Deutsche Gy.nàkologen. [See Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Gynàk. iu Muiiehen, Leipz.] Deutsche Irrenarzte. [See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutsch. Irren- arzte.] [78] Deutsche Klinik. Beri. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Beri. Deutsche mil.-arztl. Ztschr., Beri. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz. Deutsche thieràrztl. "Wchnschr., Karlsruhe. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. xxxiv. Pestschr. . . . C. Thiersch [etc], Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Nervenh., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leipz. Deutsche Klinik. Zeitung fiir Beobachtungen aus deutschen Klinikeu und Krankenhàusern. Berlin, 1849-73; Stuttgart, 1-71-5. v. 1-27, 1849-75. fol. Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Mit Beriicksichtigungder òffeiitlichen Gesundheitspflege und derluteressen des iirzf lichen Staudes. Berlin; Leipzig und Berlin, v. 1-21, 1875-95. 4°. [Siuce Jan. 1, 1-87, published at Leipsic and Berlin.] Deutsche Mediziual-Zeitung. Wochenschrift fiir Medizinalgesetz- gebung, medizinische Praxis und Literatur. Berlin, v. 2-16, 1881-95. 4°. [Continuatiou of: Med.-Gesetzgeb., Beri.] Deutsche militairàrztliche Zeitsehrift. Berlin, v. 1-24, 1872-95. Deutsche Monatsschrift fiir Zalmheilkunde. Organ des Central- Vereins deutscher Zahnàrzte Leipzig, v. 1-13, 1883-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh.] Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Festschr. f. d. Ver- samml. deutach. Naturf. u. Aerzte, [Straasb.]. Also: Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte.] Deutsche odontologische Gesellsehaft. [See Verhandl. d. deutsch. odont. Gesellsch., Beri.] Deutsche thieràrztliche Wochenschrift. Karlsruhe. v. 1-3,1893- 5. 4C. Deutsche Vereine zur Pflege im Felde verwundeter und erkrank- ter Krieger. [See Kriegerheil, Beri.] Deutsche Vereinigung in Amerika graduirter Doctoren der Zakn- heilkuude. [SeeJ. f. Zahnh., Bresl.] Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offentliche Gesundheitspflege. Braunschweig. v. 1-27, 1869-95. 8°. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilknnde. Organ des Cen- tral- Vereiuea deutscher Zahnàrzte. Wien, 1861-7; Niirnberg, 1868-72; Leipzig, 1873-82. v. 1-22, 1861-82. 8°. [Continued as: Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz.] Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir Chirurgie. Leipzig, v. 1-40, 1872-95. 8°. Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir Chirurgie. 34. Band. Festschrift Herrn Professor Dr. C. Thiersch . . . gewidmet. Leipzig. 1 v., 1892. Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir Nervenheilkunde. Leipzig, v. 1-6. 1891-5. tìS. Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir praktische Medizin. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1874-8. 4°. ibi Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, mit vorziiglieber Berucksicktigung der Strafrechtspflege in Deutsehland uud Oesterreich. Erlangen. N. F., v. 1-29, 1853-72. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br.] Deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir Thiermedicin und vergleichende Patho- logie Leipzig, v. 1-21, 1875-95. 8°. DeutscherAerztevereinsbund. [SeeAerztl.Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl.] Deutscher àrztlicher Verein zu St. Petersburg. [See N. Abhandl. d. deutsch. àrztl. Ver. zu St. Petersb.] Deutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Medicin, Chirurgie uud Geburts- hiilfe [See Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Medicin, Chi- rurgie und Geburtshiilfe] Deutscher Verein fur Heilwissenschaft. Berlin. [See Denkschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Heilwissensch., Beri.] Deutscher Verein fiir medicinische Statistik. [See Wchnbl. f. med. Statisi, u. Epidemiol., Beri.] Deutscher Verein fiir Medizinal-Statistik. [See Beitr. z. Med.-Sta- tist., Stuttg.] Deutscher Verein gegen den Missbrauch geistiger Getrànke. [See Wissensch. Beitr. z. Kampf gegen d. Alkoholismus, Bonn.] [79] Deutscher Ver. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. Ber. [etc], Brnschwg. Deutsches Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. med. Geog., Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med. lv. Festschr. . . . F. A. von Zenker [etc], Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. Deutsches Wchnbl. f. Gsndhts- pflg. u. Rettungsw., Beri. Diatet. Arzt, Dresd. Diagn. Lex. f. prakt. Aerzte, Wien u. Leipz. Diario méd., Madrid. Diario méd.-farm., Madrid. Diario d. osp. di San Benedetto in Pesaro. Diario d. San Benedetto in Pe- saro. Dict. d. dict. de méd., Par. Dict. d. dict. de méd. (Suppl.), Par. Dict. encycl. d. se méd., Par. Dict. d. études méd. prat., Par. Dict. de méd., Par. Dict. de méd. et chir. prat., Par. Dict. d. se méd., Par. Dictamen, Madrid. *—Dietet. Gaz., N. Y. Dietet. Se Hyg. Gaz., N. Y. Dinamico, Napoli. Disc. Phila. Co. M. Soc. Deutscher Verein fiir óffentliche Gesundheitspflege Berichte des Ausschnsses iiber die 1.-17. Versammlung dea Deutschen Vereins fùr óffentliche Gesundheitspflege, 1873-91. Braunschweig. 17 nos., 1-73-92. 8°. [Tbe words ''dea Auaschusses" do not ap- pear on first "Bericht".] Deutscher Verein fiir volksverstàndliche Gesundheitspflege und fiir Naturheilkunde. [See Ztschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. volksverst. Gsndhtspflg. u. f. Naturheilk., Beri.] Deutsches Arehiv fiir Geschichte der Medicin und medicinische Geographie. Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1878-85. 8°. Deutsches Arehiv fiir klinische Medicin. Leipzig, v. 1-54,1865- 95. 8-. 55. Band. Festschrift . zurVollendnug seines 1 v., 1895. 6°. Deutsches Arehiv fiir klinische Medicin. Herrn Professor Dr. F. A. von Zenker . 70. Lebensjahres gewidmet. Leipzig. Deutschea Arehiv fiir die Phyaiologie. Halle und Berlin, v. 1-8, 1815-23. 8°. [Continuation of": [Reil'a] Arch. f. d. Physiol.,. Halle, and continued as: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.] Deutsches patiiologisch-anatomisches Institut [iu Prag]. [See Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Prag, Beri.] Deutsches Wochenblatt fiir Gesundheitapflege uud Rettungswe- seu. Berlin, v. 1-2, Nov. 15, 1883, to Sept. 26, 1885. 4°. Diàtetische (Der) Arzt. Zeitsehrift fiir populàre Heilwissenscbaft. Dresden. No. 1, v. 1, Jan., 1875. fol. Diagnostisches Lexikon fiir praktische Aerzte. Wien und Leip- zig, v. 1-4, 1803-4. 8°. Diario (El) mèdico. Periodico cientifico y de noticias. Madrid. v. 1, 1881-2. fol. Diario (El) médico-farmacéutico. Defenaor de loa intereses de la clase mèdica, farmacèutica y veterinaria. Madrid, v. 1-4, 1884-7. fol. Diario dell' ospizio di San Benedetto in Pesaro, v. 1-9,1872-80. fol. [Continued as: Diario d. San Benedetto in Pesaro.] Diano del San Benedetto in Pesaro, v. 10-23,1881-94. fol. [Con- tinuation of: Diario d. osp. d. San Benedetto in Pesaro.] Dictionnaire des dictionnaires de médecine. Par une société de médeeins, sous la direction du dr. Fabre. Paria. 9v., 1840-51. 8-. [v. 9 constitutes the fulknving:] Snpplément au Dictionnaire dea dictionnaires de médecine. Pa- ria. 1 v., 1851. 8~. [See, also, the preceding.] Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales. 1. s., 36 v. ; 2. s., 27 v. ; 3. s., 18 v. ; 4. s., 16 v.; 5. s., 3 v. Paris. 100 v., 1864-89. 8°. Dictionnaire des études médicales pratiques. Paris. 4 v., 1838- 9. 8°. Dictionnaire de médecine, ou répertoire general des sciences médicales conaidérées sous le rapport théorique et pratique. 2. ed. Paris. 30 v., 1832-45. 8°. Dictionnaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratique. Paris. 15 v., 1829-36. , 8°. . Dictionnaire des sciences médicales. Paris. 60 v., 1812-22. 8°. Dictamen (El). Periodico decenai de medicina y farmacia. Madrid, v. 1-5, 1884-8. 4°. Dietetic (The) Gazette. A journal of phyaiological medicine. New York. N. s., v. 1, 1888. roy. 8°. [Continuation, iu 1886, of: Journal of Reconstructives, New York, and continued, in 1892, as: Dietet. & Hyg. Gaz., N. Y.] Dietetic (The) and Hygienic Gazette. A monthly journal of physiological medicine. New York. v. 8-11, 1892-5. roy. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1892, of : Dietet. Gaz., N. Y. J Dinamico (II). Giornale medico omiopatico. Napoli. Disp. 1- 5, v. 3, 18e0. 8°. Discussions before the Philadelphia Couuty Medicai Society, at the couversational meetings, from October, 1861, to March,, 1862. Philadelphia, 1863. roy. 6°. [80] Discours et lec. prononcés à l'ouvert. d. cours de l'Univ. de Lausanne. Dispens. celtico gov. di Napoli. Resoe statist. Diss. d' argomento med.-clin. [etc], Padova. Diss. med.-chir.-prat., estr. d. Atti d. r. i. Accad. Giosseffina, Vienna. Diss. memb. Roy. M. Soc, Edinb. Dixie Doct., Atlanta. Dnevnik Kazan. Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Univ. Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. e; Kazani. Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. univ. Dnevnik 4. siezda russk. vrach., Moskva. Doctor, Lond. Doctor, Lond. Documents addressed to the Com. Council, Brooklyn. Dominion Dent. J., Toronto. Dominion M. J., Toronto. Dominion M. Month., Toronto. Dominion San. J., Ottawa. Dorpat. med. Ztschr. Drug. Bull., Detroit. Drug. Circ. & Chem. Gaz., N. Y. Dublin Hosp. Gaz. Dublin BLosp. Rep. Discours et lecons prononcés a l'ouverture dea coura du lor semes- tre de lTuiversité de Lausanne. Ottobre 1600. Lausanne. 1 v., 1691. 4°. V. Dispensario celtico governativo di Napoli. Resoconto sta- tistico degl' infermi curati nell' anno 1-92 ed osservazioni sperimentali pel dott. Donato Greco. Napoli. 1 v., 1893. 8 \ Dissertazioni inaugurali d' argomento medico-clinico pubblicate nell' i. r. Università di Padova nel corso degl' anni scolastici 1817-18, 1819-20, 1820-21. Padova, 1821. 8°. Disaertazioni medico-chirurgico-pratiche, eatratte dagli Atti della r. i. Accademia Gioaseftìna, e tradotte dal dr. Luigi Careno, coli' aggiunta di alcune note. Vienna. 1 v., 1790. 8°. Dissertationa by eminent members of the Rovai Medicai Society. Edinburgh. 1 v., 1892. 8-. Dixie (The) Doctor. A medicai journal for the busy phyaician. Atlanta, v. 1-2, 1690-1. 8C. Dnevnik Kazanakago Obaheatva vrachei pri imp. univeraitete. [Bulletiua of the Kazan Society of Phvsicans of the Imperiai University.] Kazan. 1880-8. '8°. Dnevnik Obshestva vrachei g Kazani. [Bulletins of the Society of Physicians of Kazan.] Nos. 1-14, 1*72; nos. 1-7, 10-14, 17, 18, 20,' 25-30, 1873; noa. 1-20, 1874. 8°. Dnevnik Obshestva vrachei pri imperatorskom Kazanskom uni- versitete. [Bulletina of the Society of Physicians at the Im- periai University of Kazan.] Kazan, 1889-94. 8°. Dnevnik iv-go siezda russkieh vrachei v pamjat N. I. Pi rogo va. [Bulletins of 4. sesaiou of Russian phyaicians in meinorv of N. I. Pirogoff.] Moskva, 1891. 8°. Doctor (The) : A medicai penny magazine, adapted for the use of clergvinen, heads of families, nurses, etc. London, v. 1-5, 1832-7. 4°. Doctor (The). A monthly review of British and foreign medicai practice and literature. London, v. 1-8, 1871-8. 4°. Doctoren-Collegium der medicinischen Facultàt iu Wien. [See Jahresb. ti. d. wissensch. Leistung. d. Doct.-Coll. d. med. Fac. in AVien. Also: Oesterr. Ztachr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien.] Documents addreaaed to the Common Council during the years 1877-83. [Reports for 1876-82.] Brooklvn. 7 v., 1677-83. 8°. Dominion Dentai Journal. Toronto, v. 1-7, 1889-95. 8°. Dominion (The) Medicai Journal. A monthly record of medicai and surgical science, devoted to Canadian and foreign medi- cine, literature, and news, and the independent organ of the profession in these provinces. Toronto, v. 1-2, 1868-70. 8°. [Continued as: Canada Laucet, Toronto.] Dominion Medicai Monthly. Toronto, v. 1-4, 1893-5. 8C. Dominion (The) Sanitary Jourual, devoted to the public health aud kiudred sciences. Ottawa. [Was title of: San. J., To- ronto, from Oct., 1883, to July, 1885.] Dorpater medicinische Zeitsehrift. Hrsg. vou der Dorpater medi- cinischen Gesellsehaft. Dorpat. v. 1-6, 1870-7. 8°. Drake Academy of Medicine. ville] [See Tr. Drake Acad. M., Evans- Druggists' (The) Bulletin. A monthly exponent of pharmaceu- tical progress and news. Detroit, v. 1-4,1887-90. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Bull. Pharm., Detroit.] Druggists' (The) Circular and Chemical Gazette. A practical journal of chemistry, [etc.]. New York. v. 10-38, 1866-94. fol. [Continuation of : Am. Drug. Circ. & Chem. Gaz., N. Y.] Dublin (The) Hospital Gazette: a journal for the cultivation and nuprovement of practical medicine aud surgery. Dublin v \'2,' 1,tiÌÌi."6; J!- 8v v' 1_7> 1854-60. roy. 8°/ [Want nò. for July, 184o. Continued as: Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl.] Dublin (The) Hospital Reports, and Communications in medicine and surgery. Dublin. v. 1-5, 1818-30. 8°. [81] Dublin J. M. & Chem. Se Dublin J. M. Se Dublin M. & Phys. Essays. Dublin M. Press. Dublin M. Press & Circ Dublin M. Tr. Dublin Q. J. M. Se Duodecim, Helsinki. Dwutygodnik med. pub., Kra- ków. Dublin (The) Journal of Medicai and Chemical Science; exhibit- ing a comprehensive view of the latest diseoveries in medi- cine, surgery, chemistry, and the collateral aciences. Dublin. v. 1-28, 1832-45. 8°. [Want uoa. 48, 49 (Jan., March, 1840). Continued aa: Dublin Q. J. M. Se v. 9-28, title as follows:] Dubliu (The) Journal of Medicai Science (New series) [3.], v. 53-99, 1872-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Dublin Q. J. M. Se. Also title for v. 9-28 of tbe preceding. In 1875, Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl., merged iu this journal.] Dublin (The) Medicai and Physical Essays, comprising disserta- tiona and detaila on medicine and surgery, with their collateral branches of scieuce. Dublin. v. 1, 1807. 8°. Dublin (The) Medicai Press: a weekly journal of medicine and medicai affaire. Dublin. v. 1-42; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1839-65. 4^. [In 1865, title: Med. Press, Dubl. In Jan., 1866, united with: Med. Ciré, Lond., forming: Med. Press & Ciré] Dublin Medicai Press and Circular. [Title of : Med. Press & Circ. [Lond.], in v. 1, Jan. to June, 1866.] Dublin Medicai Transaetiona, a series of papers by inembers of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Dublin. N. s., pt. 1, v. 1, 1830. 8°. Dublin Obstetrical Society. [See Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc] Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicai Science; consisting of originai Communications, reviews, retrospeets, and reports, in- cluding the latest diseoveries in medicine, surgery, and the col- lateral sciences. Dublin. N. s. [2.], v. 1-52, 1846-71. 8°. [Continuatiou of : Dubliu J. M. Se Chem. Se, and continued as: Dublin J. M. Se] Dunaburgskoye mediciuakoye Obaheatvo. [See Protok. zaaaid. Dunaburg. med. Obah.] Duodecim. Kirjoitukaia lààketieteen ja lààkàrintoiminnan alo- ilta. [Duodecim. Journal of medicine and of medico-legal opinions.] Helsinki, v. 4-10, 1886-94. 8°. Dwutygodnik medycyny publicznéj. Organ Towarzystwa lekarzy galicyjskick. [Bi-weekly medicai journal; organ of Galician Medicai Society.] Krakowie v. 1-4, 1877-80. 8-. E. E. Tennessee Ree M. & S. Knoxville. Eastern M. J., Worcester. Ebd. clin. di Bologna. Écho méd., Neuchàt. Écho méd., Toulouse. Écho d. soc. et ass. vét. de France, Lyon. Écho du Val-de-Gràce. [6] Eaat Tenneaaee Medicai Society. [See the following:] Eaat Tennessee (The) Record of Mediciue and Surgery. Published under the auspices of the East Tennessee Medicai Society. Knox- ville, Tenn. v. 1, 1852-3. 8°. [After May, 1853, merged in: South. J. M. Se Phys. Se;, Knoxville, Temi.] Eastern Medicai Journal. Worcester, Mass. v. 2-7,1883 to Sept., 1*87. 8°. [Title of v. 1, and nos. 1-7 of v. 2, was: Maine M. J., Lewiston.] Ebdomadario (L') clinico di Bologna. Anni 1862-4. fol. [Con- tinued as: Riv. clin. di Bologna.] Écho (L') medicai. Jourual suisse et étranger des sciences médi- cales, pharmaceutiques et vétériuaires. Organo des sociétés médicales de Genève, de Neuchàtel et du canton de Vaud. Neuchàtel (en Suisse). v. 1-5, 1857-61. 8°. Écho (L') medicai. Revue des journaux mèdicaux francais et étrangers. Toulouse. v. 1-2, 1885-6 ; 2. s., v. 2-9, 1888-95. 8J. [Waut v. 1, 2. s., 1887.] Écho (L') des sociétés et associatious vétériuaires de France. Lyou. v. 1-13, 1879-91. 8C. Écho (L') du Val-de-Gràce. Journal des médeeins militaires. Val-de-Gràce. Nos. 1-24, March 26 to Oct. 13, 1848; 2. s., nos. 1-24, Oct. 20. 1848, to Aprii 1, 1849. 2 v. fol. [After Dee. 24, 1848, title: Écho (L').] Eckhart! (C.) [See Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol. (Eckhard), Giessen. [82] Eclect. M. Advocate, N. Y. Eclect. M. J., Cincin. Eclect. Repert., Phila. Eclect. Rev., N. Y. Eco de 1. clin., Barcel. Eco d. clin., Napoli. Eco de la med., Madrid. Eco d. osp., Napoli. École de méd., Par. École prat. d. hautes études. Lab. d'histol. du Coli, de France. Trav., Par. Edinb. Clin. & Path. J. Edinb. Health Soc Health Lect. Edinb. Hosp. Rep. Eclectic College of Medicine (Faeult.v of the), Cincinnati. [See Coli. J. M. Se, Cincin.] Eclectic (Tbe) Journal of Medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1836- 40. 8-. [Continued as : Bull. M. Se, Phila,] Eclectic (The) Medicai Advocate. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the kindred sciences. New York. v. 1, lr-84. 8°. [Med. Tribune, N. Y., merged in this journal. Continued asr Med. Advocate, N. Y.] Eclectic Medicai Institute (Faculty of the), Cincinnati. [See ColL J. M. Se, Cincin.] Eclectic (The) Medicai Journal. Cincinnati, v. 8-55, 1840-05. 8 ;. [Continuation of: West. M. Refonner, Worthington, Ohio.} Eclectic (The) Medicai Journal. Indianapolis, v. 1, 1883. 8°. LContinued as: Iudiaua (The) Eclectic Medicai Journal, In- dianapolis.] Eclectic (The) Medicai Journal aud Organ of the Georgia Eclec- tic Medicai College. Atlanta. [Running title of v. 1, 1679-80, of: Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta.] Eclectic Medicai Society of the State of New York. [See Tr. Eclect, M. Soc. N. Y., Albany.] Eclectic (The) Repertory aud Analytical Review, Medicai aud Philosophical. Philadelphia. v. 1-10, 1811-20: n. a., noa. 3-4 v. 1, 1821. 8°. [Continued aa: J. For. M. Se Se Ut.', Phila.] Eclectic (The) Review. A monthly journal devoted to eclectic medicine aud surgery. New York. v. 1-2, 1800-1. roy. 8°. Eco (El) de laa cliuicaa. òrgano ofìcial del Cuerpo cientifico de alumnos internos de la Facultad de medicina de Barcelona. Barcelona. Nos. 2-6, v. 1, Feb. to May, 1886. 8°. Eco (L') delle cliniche. Napoli, v. 1-2, 1886-7. 8°. Eco (El) de la medicina. Periodico de la Academia de Esculapio Madrid, v. 1, Oct. 5, 1848, to Dee 30, 1849. 4°. Eco (L') degli oapedali. Giornale pratico di scienze mediche. Napoli. Noa. 1-6, v. 1, Jan. to June, 1883. bc. [Continuation of: Propugnatore med., Ferrara.] Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris. [See Rev. mens. de l'École d'an- throp. de Par.] Ecole dentaire libre de Paris. [See Odontologie, Par.] Ecole (L') de médecine Journal des cours et des cliniques. Paris Nos. 1-198, 1874-8. 8°. École de médecine et de chirurgie de Montreal. Montreal.] École de médecine [de Grenoble]. [See Ann. del'enseien sud de Grenoble.] r* École de médecine de Paris. [See Séance pub. de l'École de méd de Par. [etc.].] École de médeciue de Paris et de la Société établie dans son sein. [See Bull, de l'École de méd. de Par. Also: J. de méd chir pharm., etc, Par.] '' '' École de plein exercice de médecine et de pharmacie de Marseille [See Ann. de l'École ... de méd. et pharm. de Marseille, Par.] Ecole pratique des hautes études. Laboratoire d'histologie du Collège de 1 rance. Travaux des anuées 1874-88. Paris, v. 1-12, École royale de médecine de Bordeaux. [See Séance pub. de l'École roy. de méd. de Bordeaux [etc.].] EdjnburgMThe)Clinical and Pathological Journal. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Health Society. Health lectures for the people. 1 -11 s., Ise0-1 to Ie00-1. Edinburgh. 1881-91. 12°. Edinburgh Hospital Reports. Published under the supervision of the editonal committee of the Royal Infinnarv RovaT^ pital for Sick Children, and Roy al* Maternity^àndTmneon" Memonal Hospital. Edinburgh, v. 1-2, 18934. 8°. p80U [See Abeille méd., [83] Edinb. J. M. Se Edinb. M. J. Edinb. M. & S. J. Edinb. Med. Miss. Soc. Quart. paper. Edinb. Month. J. M. Se Edinb. N. Phil. J. Edinb. Phil. J. Edinb. Rev. [Am. ed.], N. Y. Edinb. Vet. Rev. Effem. d. se med., Milano. Einldngsschr. z. Feier d. 25jahr. Besteh. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Eira. Eisei Ryobyoshi, Tokio. Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med.", St. Petersb. Ejened. klin. gaz., St. Petersb. Ejened. Obozr. med. bibliot., St. Petersb. Électrothérapie, Par. Embetsberattelse, Stockholm. Edinburgh (The) Journal of Medicai Science, exhibiting a com- pend ious view of the progressive improvemeuts and diseoveries occurring in practical medicine, practical surgery, midwifery, anatomy (human, comparative, niorbid), physiology (human, comparative), pathology (human, comparative), chemistry, pharmacy, botauy, materia medica, aud medicai jurisprudence. Edinburgh, v. 1-3, 1826-7. 8°. Edinburgh (The) Medicai Journal : combining the Monthly Jour- nal of Medicine with the Edinburgh Medicai and Surgical Jour- nal. Edinburgh, v. 1-40, 1855-95. 8°. [See, also, the follow- ing:] Edinburgh (Tbe) Medicai and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveriea in medicine, surgery, and pharmaev. Edinburgh. 82 v., 1805-55. 8°. [v. 1 is2. ed. In July, 1*55, united with: Month. J. M. Se, Lond. & Edinb., forming the preceding.] Edinburgh Medicai Missiouary Society. Quarterly paper. Edin- burgh. Nos. 13-14, v. 3; nos. 4-6, 8-13, 15, 16, v. 4; nos. 1-6, 9-12, v. 5, 1682-90. 8°. Edinburgh (The) Monthly Journal of Medicai Science. [Is run- ning title of nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan. to Aug., 1841, of : Lond. &. Edinb. Month. J. M. Se, Edinb.] Edinburgh (The) New Philosophical Journal. Edinburgh, v. 1-48, Aprii, 1826-50; n. s., no. 2, v. 4, Oct., 1856. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Edinb. Phil. J.] Edinburgh Obstetrical Society. [See Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc] Edinburgh ( The ) Philosophical Journal, v. 1-14, June, 1819, to Aprii, 182(5. Edinburgh. 8°. [Continued as: Edinb. N. Phil. J.] Edinburgh (The) Review. [Am. ed.] New York. v. 133-150. 1871-9. 8°. Edinburgh Veterinary Review and Annals of Comparative Pa- thology. Ediuburgh. v. 1-6, 1858-64. 8°. Effemeridi delle scienze mediche. Milano, v. 1-15; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1836-41. 8°. [Medicina (La) misontologica, etc, waa an ap- peudix to thia journal.] Eidgenòssisches Polytechnikum, Ziirich. [See Featachr. z. Feier d. . . . Karl Wilhelm v. Nàgeli u. Albert v. Kòlliker [etc], Zii- rich.] Eidsgenoasische Sanitàtskommission. [See Bull. d. eidsgenos. San.-Kom., Luzern.] Einladungsschrift zur Feier des funfundzwanzigjàhrigen Beste- hens der Gesellsehaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig am 21. Aprii 1879. Leipzig. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Eira. Tidskrift for Helso- och Sjukvàrd. Goteborg, 1877-87; Stockholm, 1888-94. v. 1-18, 1877-94. 8°. Eisei Ryobyoshi. [Sanitary Record.] Tokio. Nos. 37-57, 1893- 4. 8°. Ejenedielnik journala " Prakticheskaja Meditsina". [Weekly editiou of the Journal "Practical Medicine".] St. Petersburg. v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. Ejenedielnaja klinicheskaja gazeta. [Weekly clinical gazette.] St. Petersburg. v. 1-9, 1C81-9. 8°. Ejenedelnoe Obozrenie meditsinskii biblioteki. Ejenedelnaja gazeta, posvjatshennaja vsem otrasljam meditsini, gigieni i vrachebnaja bita. [Weekly review of medicai literature.] St. Petersburg. v. 1, 1885. 8°. Ekateriuoslavskoye meditsinskoye Obshestvo. [See Zapiski Eka- terinosl. med. Óbsk.] Électrothérapie (L>). Journal d'électricité medicale. Paris, v. 1-7, 1888-94. 8°. Elisha Mitchell Scientifìc Society. [See J. Elisha Mitchell Se Soc, Raleigh.] Embetsberattelse foràret 1870-77, af Dr. C. G. Gràhs, forste stads- làkare i Stockholm. [Officiai report.. .] Stockholm. 1871-8. 4°. [84] Emulacion, Mérida. Encéphale, Par. Encicl. méd.-farm., Barcel. Enciclopedia, Barcel. Enciclopedia, Habana. Encycl. Brit., 9. ed., Bost. Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ash- hurst), Par. Engin., Lond. Engin. & Build. Ree, N. Y. Engin. Mag., N. Y. Enquètes et doc relat. à l'en- seign. sup. Méd. et pharm., Par. Ensayo méd., Caracas. Ephem. d. Heilk., Bamb. ,E(ptjU. eraìp. vyie.iv. Ephem. Mat. Med., Brooklyn. Éphém. méd. de Montpel. Epidemiol. Listok, St. Petersb. Epit. Med., N. Y. Ercolani, Modena. Ergnzngshft. z. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien u. Leipz. Ergnzngshft. z. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. Embryologiachea Institut der k. k. Universitiit in Wien. [See Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inat. d. k. k. Univ. iu Wien.] Emulacion (La). Periodico de la Sociedad médico-farmacéutica de Mérida, Mérida (de Yucatan). v. 1-3; nos. 1-5, v. 4, Jan., 1873, to July, 1881. 8 \ [Waut no. 12, v. 3 (Aug., 1878).] Encéphale (L'). Journal des maladies nientales et uerveuses. Paris, v. 1-9, 1681-9. 8-\ Enciclopedia médico-farmacéutica. Revista cientiflca y profesio- nal. Òrgano ofìcial de la Academia médico-farmacéutica de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 1-10, 1877-86. 4°. Enciclopedia (La). Reviata de medicina, farmacia y cienciaa auxiliares. òrgano ofìcial de la Academia médico-farmacéutica de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 1-7, 1688-94. 8°. Enciclopedia (La). Revista mensual de medicina, farmacia, agri- cultura y cienciaa fiaico-quimicas y uaturales. Habana. Nos. 7-8, v. 1, Aug. to Sept., 1885. 8°. Encycloptedia Britannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. 9. ed. Boston, v. 1-24, 5 suppl. v., 1875- 89. 4°. Eucyclopédie internationale de chirurgie. Publiée sous la direc- tion du docteur John Ashhurat. Ouvrage précède d'une intro- duction par L. Goaselin. Paria, v. 1-7, 1883-8. roy. 8°. [See, also, Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Aahhurst), N. Y.] Engineering: An illustrated weekly journal. London, v. 1-44, 1866-87. fol. Engineering (The) and Building Record and the Sanitary Engi- neer. New York. Nos. 19-26, v. 16; v. 17-31,1887-95. fol. [Con- tinuatiou, after no. 18, v. 16, 1887, of: San. Engin., N. Y.] Engineering (The) Magazine. New York. v. 6-7, 1893-4. 8°. Enquètes et documents relatifsà l'enseignement supérieur. xxviii. Médecine et pharmacie, projets de lois. Paris. 3 v., 1888-94. 8°. Ensavo(El) mèdico. Caracas. Nos. 1-49 (anos 1-2), Aug. 1, 1883, to Àug. 1, 1685. 4°. [Waut nos. 33-36, 39-42.] Ephemeriden der Heilkunde. Bamberg und Wiirzburg. a*. 1-8, 1811-14. 8°. Ephenierides Academia? Caesarea? Leopoldino-Carolina? natura? curiosorum. [«See Acad. nat. curioa. ephem.] 'Ep/uffùg rije èraipiac T7jc vyieivTJc. 'Ev 'Adivate. Noa. 1, 2, 4, v. 1, 18*3. 8°. Ephenieria (An) of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Therapeutics and Collateral Information. Brooklyu, N. Y. v. 1-4, 1882-94. 8°. Éphémérides médicales de Montpellier, v. 1-9, 1826-8. 8°. [Continued as: Méinor. d. hóp. du midi, Par.] Epidemiological Society of London. [See Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond.] Epideiniologicheskii Listok. (Prilojeniek journalu : Arch. sudeb- noi med. i obtchestvennoi gigieni.) lzdauie Meditsiuskago Departamenta. St. Petersburg. [Epidemiological Journal, a companion to: Arch. sudebnoi med.] St. Petersburg. 23 nos., Jan., 1870, to Nov., 1871. 8°. Epitome (The) of Mediciue. A monthly retrospect of progress in ali brauchesof medicine and surgery. (A continuation of the Medicai Analectic and of Towusend's Epitome of Medicine.) New York. v. 8-11, 1891-4. 8°. Ercolani (L'). Periodico di medicina veterinaria. Modena, v 1-4, 1886-91. 8°. Ergànzungshefte zum Arehiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien u. Leipzig. Hefte 1-2, 1891 ; Hefte 1-2, 1892; Hefte 1-2, 1893. 8°. ' Ergànzungshefte zum Centralblatt fdr allgemeine Gesundheits- pflege. Bonn. v. 1-3, 1883-5 to 1890. 8°. Erate chirurgische Klinik des Hofrathes Professor Albert in Wien. [See Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Klin. d. Prof. Albert in Wien.] E iste medicinische Kliuik zu Berlin. [See Arb. a. d. erst med Klin. zu Beri.] [85] Escholiaste med., Lisb. Escuela méd., Caracas. Escuela de med., Mexico. Esculape, Par. Esculapio, Napoli. Esculapio napol., Napoli. Espana méd., Madrid. Espana méd., Madrid. Especialista, Madrid. Especialista méd.-farm., Barcel. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb. Estimulo, Habana. Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Estr. d. mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Estudio, Mexico. Estudio, Puebla. Ethn. J., Lond. Escholiaate (0) medico. Jornal dos facultativos niilitares. Lis- boa. Pt. of v. 4 (June, 1852, to Dee, 1853); v. 5-19, 1854-68. 4 '->. [Waut, also, no. 135, Aug. 15, 1860.] Escuela mèdica. Periodico médico-quirurgica. Caracas, v. 1-2, 1-74-6; 2. època, nos. 1-12. v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. [Suspended after July, 1876, until Sept., 1878. With 1878, aub-title became : Revista quincenal de las ciencias mèdicas, fisicaa e hiatoria naturai. (Òrgano de la Sociedad "Eacuela mèdica".)] Eacuela (La) de medicina. Periodico cientifico, dedicado à las ciencias mèdicas. Organo de la escuela de este nombre. Mexico, v. 1-8, 1879-86. 4°. Escuela de medicina de Bogotà. [See Gac. méd., Bogotà.] Escuela nacional de medicina de Mexico. [SeeMonog. mexicanas de mat. méd., Mexico.] Esculape (L'). Journal dea spécialités médico-chirurgicales. Pa- ris, v. 1-3, 1839-41. fol. [Ang. 2, 1840, Gaz. d. méd.-prat., Par., uniteci with this journal.] Eaculapio (L'). Giornale delle acienze fisico-mediche. Napoli. v. 1-27, 1827-49. 8°. [Want ali prior to March, 1827, being Giornale medico napolitano; also pp. 208-225 iu v. 16, 1834. See, also, the following:] Esculapio napolitano; giornale di medicina, chirurgia e farmacia. Napoli. [Title of v. 9-27 of the preceding.] von Esmarch (Friedrich). [See Festschr. z. Feier . . . Fr. von Eamarch, Kiel u. Leipz.] Eapaiia (La) mèdica. Periodico ofìcial de la Academia quirurgica matritense. Madrid, v. 1-11, 1856-66. fol. [Continuation of: Porvenir, Madrid, v. 3, title: Espana (La) mèdica y Crò- nica de los hospitales. In Jan., 1859, Crón. de 1. hosp., Madrid, and July 7, 1859: Iberia méd., Madrid, merged in thia journal, and title became: Eapaiia (La) mèdica, Iberia mèdica y Crò- nica de los hospitalea.] Espana (La) mèdica. Medicina, cirugia, farmacia, terapèutica dosimètrica. Madrid, v. 1-2, March 15, 1684, to March 30, 1885. 8?. Espana (La) mèdica, Iberia mèdica y Crònica de los hospitales. Madrid. [Was title of v. 4-11, 1859-66, of : Espana méd., Ma- drid.] Especialista (El). Rovista quincenal de sifiliografia, oftalmolo- gia, afecciones de la piel y del aparato génito-urinario. Madrid. v. 1-2, 1859-60. fol. [Continued as: An. de med., cirug. y farm., Madrid.] Especialista (El) médico-farmacéutico. Revista especial de cli- nica mèdica. Barcelona. Nos. 1-6, anos 1-4, 1886-9. 8C. Essays and observations physical and literary ; read before the Philosophical Society in Edinburgh, v. 1-2, 1754-6; v. 3,1771. 8C. Estimulo (El). Periodico cientifico dedicado à los estudiantes de la real Uuiversidad literaria de la Habana. Habana. v. 1-2, 1861-3. 8G. Estratto di alcune memorie scientifiche lette nelle ordinarie adu- nanze dell' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, nel corso degli anni 1836-9. Bologna. 1 v., 1840. 8°. Estratto delle principali memorie lette nelle ordinarie adunanze dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, negli anni 1853-5. Ferrara. 1 v., 1858. 8°. Eatndio (El). Semanario de cienciaa mèdicas. òrgano del Insti- tuto mèdico nacional. Mexico, v. 1-4, 1889-93. fol. [Con- tinued as: An. d. Inst. méd. nac, Mexico.] Estudio (El). Publicacion mensual de los trabajos leidos ante la Sociedad médico-farmacéutica de Puebla. Puebla. Anos 1-2, Jan., 1875, to July, 1876. 4°. Ethnological (The) Journal. A monthly magazine of ethnology, phrenolo <_/ Gac méd. catal., Barcel. Gac méd. de Cataluna, Barcel. Gac. de med. y farm., Monte vi dee Gac. méd. de Granada. Gac. méd. de la Habana. Gac. méd. de Lima. Gac méd. de Mexico. Gac. méd. d. Norte, Bilbao. Gac. méd. de Sevilla. Gac. méd.-mil., Mexico. Gac méd.-vet., Madrid. •Gac de oftal., otol. y laringol., Madrid. Gaceta cientifica de Venezuela. Revista quincenal destinada à la propagacion y aplicacion pràctica de loa conociinientos. Caracas. v. 1-2, June 1, 1877, to Dee 22, 1878 ; nos. 1-9, v. 4, Feb. 15 to June 15, 1881. 4°. [Want nos. 33, 37, v. 2 ; v. 3 entire.] Gaceta de las enfermedades de los órganos génito-urinarios. Madrid, v. 1, Dee, 1887-8. 8°. Gaceta de higiene y climatologia. Càdiz. v. 1-3, 1880-2. 8°. [In Jan., 1884, united with : Crón. oftal., Càdiz, forming : Crón. espee méd.-quir., Càdiz.] Gaceta de los hospitales. Revista quincenal de medicina y cirujia pràcticas. Valencia, v. 1-3, 1882-4. 8°. Gaceta del hospital militar. Periodico cientifico menaual desti- nado à contribuir à la formacion de la estadistica mèdica na- cional, con especialidad en el ramo militar. Guadalajara (Mexico), v. 1, 1685-6. 4°. Gaceta mèdica, òrgano de la Escuela de medicina de Bogotà. Bogotà. v. 1-2, 1865-6 to 1866-7. fol. Gaceta (La) mèdica. Revista de medicina y cirugia. Lima. v. 1-4, 1875-8; nos. 9-10, v. 5,1879. fol. & 8°. [Continuation of: Gac. méd. de Lima. Subtitle in v. 2: Revista semanal [etc] ; in v. 3-4 : Revista mensual [etc].] Gaceta mèdica. Repertorio de los progresos de la medicina, cini- gia, farmacia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid, v. 1-9, 1845-53. fol. [In Jan., 1854, united with: Boi. de med., cirug. y fami., Madrid, forming: Siglo méd., Madrid.] Gaceta mèdica. Periodico de la Academia de medicina de Me- xico. Mexico. v. 7-32, 1872-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Gac. méd. de Mexico. In no. 14 (Aug. 12), v. 22,1887, sub-title : Periodico de la Academia nacional de medicina de Mexico.] Gaceta mèdica de Càdiz. Periodico quincenal ilnstrado, de medicina, cirujia y farmacia. Càdiz. v. 2, 1894. 4°. Gaceta mèdica catalana. Revista quincenal. Barcelona, v. 4- 18, 1881-95. 8°. [Continuation of : Gac. méd. de Cataluna, Barcel.] Gaceta mèdica de Cataluna. Barcelona, v. 1-3, 1878-80. 8°. [Continued as: Gac. méd. catal., Barcel.] Gaceta (La) de medicina y farmacia. Publicacion mensual. Moutevideo. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Oct. to Dee, 1881. roy. 8°. Gaceta mèdica de Granada. Revista quincenal. Granada. v. 1- 13, 1683-94. 8°. Gaceta mèdica de la Habana. Periodico de ciencias mèdicas y sus auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-3, 1879-81. 4°. Gaceta mèdica de Lima. Organo ofìcial de la Sociedad de medi- cina. Lima. Nos. 1-274, Aug. 15, 1856, to June 15, 1868. fol. [Want no. 7, Nov. 15, 1856. Continued, iu 1875, as: Gac. méd., Lima.] Gaceta mèdica de Mexico. Periodico de la seccion mèdica de la Comiaion cientifica. Mexico, v. 1-6, 1864-71. 8°. [In v. 2 aub-title: Periodico de la Sociedad de medicina de Mexico. Continued as: Gac. méd., Mexico.] Gaceta mèdica del Norte. Revista quincenal de medicina, cirnjia v farmacia dedicada à la defensa de intereses profesionales. Bilbao, v. 1, 1895. fol. Gaceta mèdica de Sevilla. Periodico semanal. Sevilla. v. 1-5, 1879-83. sm. fol. Gaceta médico-militar. Mexico. No. 8, Aprii 15, 1890. 8°. Gaceta mèdico-veterinaria. Periodico semanal consagrado à la propagacion de loa couocimientoa de la medicina veterinaria, y à la defensa de los derechos del profesorado espanol. Madrid. v. 3-17, 1880-94. 8°. Gaceta de oftalmologia, otologia y laringologia. sual. Madrid, v. 1-3, 1886-8. 8°. Revista men- [92] Gac san. de Barcel. Gac. de san. mil., Madrid. Gaillards M. J., N. Y. raAr/vòi, AQìjvai. Galicia méd., La Coruna. Galvani. Galveston M. J. Galveston M. J. Galveston & Texas M. J. Gavan. Pokrov. Rodil. Prioute, St. Petersb. Gaz. d. eaux, Par. Gaz. frane, de méd. et pharm., Par. Gaz. de gynéc, Par. Gaz. hebd. de méd., Par. Gaz. hebd. d. se méd. de Bor- deaux. Gaz. hebd. d. se méd. de Mont- pel. Gaz. d. hóp., Par. Gaz. d. hóp. de l'Empire Otto- man, Constant. Gaz. d. hóp. de Toulouse. Gaz. d. hosp., Rio de Jan. Gaz. d. hosp. mil., Lisb. Gaz. lek., Warszawa. Gaz. méd. de l'Algerie, Alger. Gaz. med. da Bahia. (ìaceta sanitaria de Barcelona. Revista cientilica mensual. Òr- gano del Cuerpo niédico-uiunicipal. Barcelona, v. 1-6, 1888- 94. 8J. Gaceta (La) de sanidad militar, periodico cientilìco y oficial del cuerpo de sanidad del ejército espanol. Madrid, v. 1-11,1875- 85. 8°. Gaillard's Medicai Journal. (Formerly the Richmond aud Louia- ville Medicai Journal.) New York. Noa. 5-6, v. 2»; v. 29-60, Nov., 1879-95. 8°. [Continuation, after no. 4, v. 28, 1679, of : Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville. In Jan., 1883, Am. M. Weekly, N. Y., merged in this journal.] Talrjvòc, ìarpinóv ovyypappa. 'Adijvai. 25 v. 1879-95. 8°. [Two volumes per year. ] Galicia mèdica. Revista quincenal de medicina y farmacia de Galicia y Astùriaa. La Coruna. Noa. 1-7, v. 1, 1886. 8°. Galvani (II). Giornale di elettro-, idro- ed aero-terapia. Ur- bino, 1873; Bologna, 1874-5. v. 1-3, 1873-5. 8°. Galveston Medicai Journal. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1880. 8°. [See, also, the following:] Galveston (The) Medicai Journal: a monthly record of medicai science. Galveston, Tex. v. 1-5, 1866-71. 8°. [Want pp. *5- 68 in no. 2, v. 5. Resuined publication again in 1880 as the pre- ceding. Title of no. 1, v. 3, was: Texas (The) Medicai Jourual. See, also, the following:] Galveston (The) ami Texas Medicai Journal. [Title of nos. 2-4, v. 3, of the preceding.] Gavanskii Pokrovskii Rodilnii Prioute. Otchete o dvijenii rodov ac 7. Sept. 1876 g pò 1. Maja 1878 g. Dr. med. E. Lebedeff. [Labor caaes at the Pokrov Lying-in Asylum.] St. Peteraburg. v. 1, 1879. 8°. Gazette dea eaux. Revue hebdomadaire Eaux minérales, hy- drotherapie, bains de nier, climatologie. Paris, v. 17-28, 1874- 85. 1°. Gazette (La) francaise de médecine et de pharmacie. Paris. v. 2-7, 1886-91. roy. 8° & 8°. Gazette de gynécologie. Journal mensuel des maladies médico- chirurgicales des femmes. Paris, v. 1-10,1885-95. 8°. Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie. Bulletin de l'eiiseignement medicai, publié sous les auspices du miniatère de l'iuatructioh publique. Paris, v. 1-42, 1853-95. 4°. [v. 2 commenced Jan., 1855. Suspended from Sept. 30, 1870, to Feb. 3, 1671.] Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences médicales de Bordeaux. Bor- deaux, v. 1-16, 1880-95. 4°. Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences médicales de Montpellier. Montpellier, v. 1-13, 1879-91. 4°. [United with: Moutpel. méd., forming: N. Montpel. méd.] Gazette des hópitaux civils et militaires (La Lancette francaise). [See Lancette (La) francaise.] Gazette des hópitaux civils et militaires de l'Empire Ottoman. Constautinople. v. 1-2,1887-90. 4C. [Arabie andFrenchtext.] Gazette des hópitaux de Toulouse. Journal hebdomadaire. Tou- louse. Années 1-9,1887-95. 4°. Gazeta dos hospitaes. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, 1883. 8°. Gazeta dos hospitaes militares. Publicada sob os auspicios do miuisterio da guerra. Lisboa, v. 1-8, 1877-84. 4°. Gazeta lekarska. Pismo tygodniowe poawi^cone wszystkim gale,- ziom umieje,tuoaci lekarakich, farmacyi i weterynaryi. [Medicai Gazette ; a weekly periodical,devoted to ali branches of medicai, pharmaceutical, and veterinary sciences. ] Warszawa. v. 1-29, 1866-60; 2. s., v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8° & 4°. Gazette medicale de l'Algerie. Alger. v. 1-40, 1856-95. 4°. Gazeta medica da Bahia. Bahia, v. 1-4, 1866-70 ; whole nos 121-123, 125, 127, 131-135, v. 6, Aug. 15, 1872, to March 15, 1873; 2. a., v. 1-7, 1876-83; 3. s., v. 1-7, 1883-90; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1890-5. 4C A ì-. [93] Gaz. méd. belge, Brux. Gaz. méd. de Bordeaux. Gaz. med. brazil., Rio de Jan. Gaz. méd. de Liége. Gaz. med. de Lisb. Gaz. méd. de Lyon. Gaz. méd. de Montpel. Gaz. méd. de Montreal. Gaz. méd. de Nantes. Gaz. méd. d'Orient, Constant. Gaz. méd. de Par. Gaz. méd. de Picardie, Amiens. Gaz. méd. de Strasb. Gaz. méd.-chir. de Toulouse. Gaz. d. méd.-prat., Par. Gaz. obst., Par. Gaz. obst. et gynéc. de Par. Gaz. obst. de Par. Gaz. obst. de Par. Gaz. d'ophth., Par. Gaz. de sante, Par. Gaz. de sante, Ziirich. Gazz. d. clin., Napoli. Gazz. clin. di elettroter., Pa- lermo. Gazette medicale belge, journal hebdomadaire de littèrature, de critique et de nouvelles médicales. Bruxelles, v. 1-7, 1843-9. fol. [In 1850, merged iu: Presse méd. belge, Brux.] Gazette medicale de Bordeaux. Recueil scientifique du Sud-Ouest. Bordeaux, v. 1-7,1872 to Aug. 1,1878. 8°. [Aug. 3,1878, uuited with: Bordeaux méd., forming: J. de méd. de Bordeaux.] Gazeta medica brazileira. Revista quinzenal de medicina, cirnrgia e pharmacologia. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, March to Aug., 1882. 8°. Gazette medicale de Liége. Liége. v. 1-7, 1888-95. 8°. Gazeta medica de Lisboa. Lisboa, v. 1-2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 21-29, Feb. 1, 1853, to June 13, 1863. fol. & 8°. Gazette medicale de Lyon. v. 1-20, 1849-68. 4°. [In Jan., 1869, united with: J. de méd. de Lyon, forming: Lyon méd.] Gazette medicale de Montpellier. Montpellier, v. 1-8, 1840-8. fol. Se 4°. Gazette (La) medicale de Montreal. Revue mensuelle de méde- cine, de chirurgie et dea sciences accessoires. Montreal, x. 1- 6, 1887-92. 8°. Gazette medicale de Nantes. Journal des intérèts scientifiques et professionnels de l'ouest. Nantes, v. 1-13, 1882-95. 4°. Gazette medicale d'Orient. Publiée par la Société imperiale de médeciue de Constantiuople. v. 1-37, 1657-94. 4C. Gazette medicale de Paris ; journal de médecine et dea aciencea accessoires. Paris, v. 1-3, 1830-2 ; 2. s., v. 1-13, 1833-45 ; 3. s., v. 1-26, 1846-71; 4. s., v. 1-6, 1872-7; 5. s., v. 7, 1878; 6. s., v. 1-5, 1^79-83; 7. s., v. 1-8, 1884-91 ; 8. s., v. 1-2,1892-3; 9.S., v. 1-2, 1894-5. 4°. [Continuation of: Gaz. de sante, Par. Jan. 1, 1631, Clinique, Par., united with this journal.] Gazette medicale de Picardie. Organe officiel de la Société medi- cale d'Amiens. Amiens. v. 1-13,1883-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Soc. méd. d'Amiens. Bull.] Gazette medicale de Strasbourg. Fondée par une société de méde- eins et de pharmaciens. Strasbourg, v. 1-54, 1841-95. I3. Gazette médico-chirurgicale de Toulouse. v. 5-25, 1873-93. 4°. Gazette des niédecins-praticiena. Paria, v. 1-2, 1839-40. 4° Se fol. [United in 1840 with: Eaculape, Par.] Gazette obstètricale. Paris. [Was title of nos. 5-24, v. 5,- and v. 6-9, March, 1876, to Dee, 1880, of : Gaz. obst. de Par.] Gazette obstètricale et gynécologique de Paris. [Was title of nos. 1-4, v. 5, Jan. to Feb., 1876, of : Gaz. obst. de Par.] Gazette obstètricale de Paris. Journal de l'art des accouchements, des maladies des fentnies et des enfants. Paris, v. 1-9, Aug. 1, 1872, to Dee, 1880. 8°. [In Aprii, 1874, no. 7, v. 3, Gazette de Jonliu was united with this journal, aud title became: Gazette obstètricale de Paris et Gazette de Jonliu réunis. In Jau. to Feb., 1876, nos. 1-4, v. 5, title was: Gaz. obst. et gynéc. de Par. After Feb., 1876, no. 4, v. 5, title was: Gaz. obst., Par.] Gazette obstètricale de Paris et Gazette de Joulin réunies. [Was title of noa 7-24, v. 3, aud v. 4, Aprii, 1874, to Dee, 1875, of : Gazette obstètricale de Paris.] Gazette d'ophthalmologie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1879-84. 8°. Gazette de sauté, contenant les nouvelles découvertes sur les mo- yens de se bien porter, et de guérir quand on est malade. Pa- ris. Années 1773-80. 4 v. 4°. [In 1830, continued aa: Gaz. méd. de Par.] Gazette de sante: oder gemeinniitziges medicinisches Magazin fur Leser aus alien Stàudeu uud zum Besten einer Privat-Au- stalt fiir arme Krauke. Hrsg. von Job. Heiur. Rahn. Ziirich. 1., 3. Jahrg., 1782-4. 8U. [Want 2. Jahrg.] Gazzetta delle cliniche. (Organo degli istituti scientifici. ) Na- poli, v. 1-3, 1690-2. 8°. Gazzetta clinica di elettroterapea. Palermo, v. 1-4, 1883-6. 8-. pJ4] Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Pa- lermo. Gazz. d. clin. di Torino. Gazz. d. frenocomio di Reggio. Gazz. d. manie d. prov. di Mi- lano in Mombello. Gazz. med., Milano. Gazz. med. cremonese, Cremona. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tose, Fi- renze. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Civita- nova-Marche. Gazz. med. di Milano. Gazz. med. d' oltremonti, Vene- zia. Gazz. med. di Pavia. Gazz. di med. pubb., Napoli. Gazz. med. d. Puglie, B? Gazz. med. di Roma. Gazz. med. di Torino. Gazz. med. di Torino. Gazz. med.-vet. Gazzetta clinica dello spedale civico di Palermo; organo delle cliniche universitarie. Palermo, v. 1-11; nos. 1-3, v. 12, 1809- 60. 4C A 6°. [Want nos. 1-4, 7, 9, 10, v. 1, 1869; no. 1, v. 2; nos. 7-12, v. 6; nos. 4-12. v. 9; nos. 7-12, v. 10.] Gazzetta delle cliniche di Torino, v. 21-24. 1685-6. 6\ [Con- tinuatiou of: Osservatore, Torino. United with: Gazz. med. di Torino, forming: Osservatore, Torino.] Gazzetta del frenocomio di Reggio. Reggio-Emilia. Anni 1-7, 1875-sl. 8°. [v. 1-2 issued with: Riv. sper. di freniat., Reg- gio-Emilia.] Gazzetta del manicomio della provincia di Milano in Mombello. Mombello. v. 1-15, 1880-94. fol. Gazzetta medica. Milano. [Title of v. 1, 1842, of : Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica cremonese. Organo del Comitato medico cremo- nese. Cremona, v. 14, 1894. 8°. [Continuation, in Jan., 1694, of: Bull. med. cremonese, Cremona.] Gazzetta medica italiana federativa lombardia. Milano. [Run- ning title of 3. a., v. 1-2, July 15, 1850, to Aug. 4, 1851, of: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica italiana federativa toacana. Firenze. 2. s., v. 1-4, 1850-54; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1855-7. 4°. [Continuation of: It Progresso, which is not in this library; aud continued iu 10. yearas: Lo Sperimentalo, Firenze] Gazzetta medica italiana lombardia. Milano, v. 1,1642; v. 2-6, 1843-7; 2. s., v. 1-3, 1848 to Feb. 25, 1850; 3. s., v. 1-6, March 4, 1850-5; anni 15-20 (4. s., v. 1-6), 1856-61; anni 21-27 (5. s., v. 1-6), 1862-7; v. 28 (6. a., x. 1-6), 1868-73; v. 34 (7. s., v. 1-5), 1874-8; 8. s., v. 1-9, 1879-87; 9. s., v. 1, 1888. 4°. [v. 1, 1842, title was: Gazz. med., Milano, v. 2-6, 1843-7, title waa: Gazz. med. di Milano. 2. a., v. 1-3, 1848 to Feb. 25, 1850, title waa: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Continued, in 1889, as: Gazz. med. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica italiana, provincie venete. Padova, v. 1-27, 1858-84. 4°. [In Jau., 1885, merged in: Riv. veneta di se med., Venezia.] Gazzetta medica lombarda. Milano. [Title of 2. s., v. 1-3, 1848 to Feb. 25, 1850, of: Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica lombarda. Milano, v. 48-54, 1889-95. 4°. [Continuation, in 1869, of : Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica delle Marche. Civitauova-Marehe. v. 1-2 1891-2. 8°. Gazzetta medica di Milano. [Title of v. 2-6, 1843-7. of : Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano.] Gazzetta medica d' oltremonti. Venezia. [Title of the numbers composing v. 1 of : Gior. di med., Venezia.] Gazzetta medica di Pavia. Giornale bimeusile redatto per cura della presidenza della Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia Pavia, v. 1-2, 1892-3. 8°. Gazzetta di medicina pubblica. Organo ufficiale per gli atti del Consiglio di sanità di Napoli. Napoli, v. 4-18, 1873-87. 8°. [Continued, in 1888, as : Gior. di clin., thérap. e med. pubb " Napoli.] Gazzetta medica delle Puglie di Ettore D' Urso. Bari. v. 5 1874. 8°. [Waut ali prior, being: Gazzetta medica di Bari.] Gazzetta medica di Roma. 'Roma. v. 1-21, 1875-95. 4°. Gazzetta medica di Torino. Giornale di medicina, chirurgia e scienze affini, indirizzato ai progressi della scienza e dell' arte medica. Torino, v. 35-37, 1884-6. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Indipendente, Toriuo. In Jan., 1887, united with: Gazz. d. clin. di Torino, forming: Osservatore, Torino.] Gazzetta medica di Torino. Giornale di medicina e chirurgia indirizzato ai progressi della scienza e dell' arte medica To- rino, v. 42-46, 1-91-5. 8°. [Formed by consolidation, in 1891, of : Osservatore, Toriuo, aud Policlin., Torino.] Gazzetta medico-veterinaria; dedicata ai progressi della medi- cina e della chirurgia degli animali domestici. Milano Wl-5- Napoli, 1876-8. v. 1-6, 1871-8. 8-. [Want nos. 5-6, 'l875 ] ' [95] Gazz. napol. di psichiat. Gazz. d. osp., Genova. Gazz. d. osp., Milano. Gazz. sicula, Palermo. Gazz. tose d. se med.-fis., Fi- renze. Gdnkschr. z. BròfTn. d. Vesalia- num, Leipz. Gem. deutsche Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Weimar. Gen. exerc Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. med.-Coli., Koblenz. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. Med.- u. San.- Wes. im Rgrngsbz. Osnabriick. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. off. Gsndhtsw. im Rgrngsbz. Kònigsb. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.- u. Med.- Wes. im Rgrngsbz. Liegnitz. Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.-Verwalt. im Kònigr. Bayern, Munchen. Genees-, heel-, . . . Verhandel. v. h. k.-nederl. Inst. v. We- tensch [etc], Amst. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep. Geneesk. Bijdr. Geneesk. Bijdr., Harlingen. Geneesk. BI. u. Klin. en Lab. v. de prakt., Haarlem. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel. Geneesk. Mag. Geneesk Mengeling., Amst. Geneesk. Tijdschr. [etc], Rot- terd. Gazzetta napolitana di psichiatria, medicina legale, malattie ner- vose. Napoli. Nos. 1-13, v. 1, 1880-1. 4°. Gazzetta degli ospedali. Giornale di scienze mediche. Genova. v. 8, 1865. 8-. Gazzetta degli ospitali. Milano, v. 1-16, 1660-95. 8° Se 4°. [In v. 3, 1882, sub-title : Officiale per la pubblicazione degli atti del Consiglio degli istituti ospitalieri di Milano. In 1894, title : Gazzetta degli ospedali.] Gazzetta sicula, dedicata alle malattie del cerpo e della mente, di- retta e compilata da Bernardo Salemi-Pace. Palermo, v. 1-2 July, 1876, to Juue, 1877. 8°. [Continued as: Pisani, Palermo. ] Gazzetta toscana delle scienze medico-fisiche Firenze, v. 1-6, 9-10, Feb. 15, 1843, to Dee 16, 1852. 4°. Geburtshilflich-gynàkologische Kliuik zu Tubingeu. [/See Mitt. a. d. geburtsh.-gyuàk. Klin. zu Tiibing.] Geburtshulflich-gyuaekologische Gesellsehaft in Wien. [See Si- tzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien.] Gedenkschrift zur Eroffnung des Vesaliauum, der neu errichteten Anstalt fiir Anatomie und Phyaiologie iu Basel. 28. Mai 1885. Leipzig, 1665. 8°. Gemeiusame deutsche Zeitsehrift fiir Geburtskunde. Weimar, v. 1-7,1826-32. 6°. [Continued as: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Beri.] General exerciaea of the Iuternational Congreaa of Charities, Cor- rection and Philanthropy, Chicago, Juue, 1893, together with list of officers and inembers, programme, and rules. Baltimore and London. 1 v., 1894. 8°. General-Berichte des konigl. rheinischen Mediciual-Collegii. Ko- blenz. 16 v., 1830-45. 8-\ Generalbericht iiber das Medicinal- und Sauitàts-Wesen im Landdrostei- bezw. Regierungabezirk Osnabriick wàhrend der Jahre 1883-1884-1885. Osnabriick. 1 v., 1888. 8C. General-Bericht iiber das óffentliche Gesundheitsweaen im Re- gieruugsbezirk Konigsberg fiir die Jahre 1875-91. 1.-5. K6- nigsberg i. Pr. 1680-94. 8°. General-Bericht iiber das Sauitàts- uud Medicinal-Wesen im Re- gierunga-Bezirke Liegnitz mit besonderer Berucksichtigungder Jahre 1883-8. Liegnitz. 2 v., 1886-90. 8°. General-Bericht iiber die Sanitàts-Verwaltung im Konigreiche Bayern. Ini Auftrage des k. b. Staatsuiinisteriums des Innern aus anitlichen Quellen bearbeitet von Cari Friedrich Majer . . . Munchen. v. 1-23, 1857-91 (1868-93). 8°. Genees-, heel-, vroed-, schei- en natuurkundige Verhandelìngen der eerste klasse van het kouinklijk-nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, letterkunde en schooneknnsten, te Amsterdam. 4 v., 1824-7. 4°. Geneeskuudig Archief voor de Zeemacht. Nieuwediep. v. 1-4, 1872-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh.] Geneeskundig Genootschap, onder de zinspreuk: Servandis civi- bus. [See Handel. v. h. geneesk. Genootsch., Amst.] Door C. Pruys van der Hoeven [et al.]. 8°. [v. 2-3, published at Rotterdam. ] Maandschrift onder redactie van J. H. L. Borgerhoff Mulder. Harlingen [Se Amsterdam]. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1877. 8°. Geneeskundige Bladen uit Kliniek en Laboratorium voor de prak- tijk. Haarlem, v. 1, 1894. 8°. Geneeskundige Courant voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Tiel. v. 1-49, 1847-95. fol. Geneeskundig Magazijn. Delft, 1801; Hage, 1802-3; Leyden, 1803-15. v. 1-5, 1801-15. 8°. Geneeskundige Me n gel in gen. Uitgegeven van wegen het Genoot- schap Arti salutifera? te Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1818-24. 8U. Geneeskundig Tijdschrift, of verzameling van ontleed-, heel-, aftzeny-en natuurkundige waaruemingen en nieuwe ontdek-. kingen. Rotterdam, v. 1-4, 1767-70. 8-. Geneeakundige Bijdragen. Delft. v. 1-3, 1825-30. Geneeakundige Bijdragen. Menno Huiziima en W. [9fi] Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh. Geneesk. Verhandel. a. de k. Sweed. Acad. (Sandifort), Lei- den. Genio méd.-quir., Madrid. Gen. - San. - Ber. v. Schlesien, Bresl. Gen. - San. - Ber. v. Westfalen, Munster. Georgetown Hosp. Rep., Deme- rara. Georgia Blister & Critic, Atlanta. Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta. de Zee- Geneeakundig Tijdsehrift voor Nederlandach Indie; lutgegeven door de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geiieeskundige \\_eten- schappen in Nederlandach Indie. Batavia. v. b-21, 1?n»J-M. 8°. [Continuation of: Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord.«1. ge- neesk Wetenack. in Nederl. Indie, Batav. \\ aut pp. 21..-248, v. 7, 1659; pp. 155-230, v. 18, 1878.] Geneeskundig Tijdsehrift voor de Zeemagt. 's Gravenhagen. 1-9, 1862-71. 8°. [Continued as: Geneesk. Arch. " macht, Nieuwediep.] Geneeskundige Verhandelìngen aan de kon. Sweedsche Académie niede"-edeeTd, en door dezelve van het jaar 1739 tot op deezen tyd bekeud gemaakt. Uit derzelver werken by een verzameld, vertaald en uitgegeeven, door J. B. Sandifort. Leiden. 4 v., 1775-8. 8-\ General Assembly of the State of Georgia. [See Acts & res. Gen. Assemb. Georgia, Atlanta.] General Hospital for Sick Children, Pendlebury, Manchester. [See Abstr. M. & S. Cases Gen. Hosp. Sick Children, Pendle- bury, Manchester.] General Medicai Council. London. [See Min. Gen. Council M. Educai., Lond.] General Practitioners' Alliance. [.See Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Also: Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond.] Gènio (El) médico-quirurgico. Periodico de ciencias mèdicas con- sagrado al progreso de las mismas y bienestar de los profesores. Òrgano oficial de los escolares niédieos. Ateneo de alumnos in- tenios y Academia médico-farmacéutica escolar. Madrid, v. 14-33, Ì868-87. fol. [Want v. 1-13; Jan. to July 7, 1868; v. 14; v. 20, 1874. Iu Jan., 1888, merged in: Siglo méd., Madrid.] General Sauitàts-Bericht von Schlesien. Hrsg. von dem konig- lichen Medicinal-Collegio zu Breslau, 1831-4. Breslau. 4 v., 1833-7. 8°. General-Sanitats-Bericht von Weatfalen, auf daa Jahr 1838. Hrsg. von dem koniglichen Mediziual-Collegium zu Miinater. Mun- ster. 1 v., 1840. 8°. Genootschap Arti salutifera? te Amsterdam. [See Geneesk. Meu- geliug., Amst.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heelkunde te Amster- dam. [«See Prijsverh. Geuootach. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amat. Also : Verhandel. v. li. Geuootach. t. Bevord. d. Geneea- en Heelk. te Amst.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amat. Also: Ver- handel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Geuees- en Heelkuude te Amsterdam. [«See Maandbl. v. Natuurwetei.seh. . . . v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. v. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. Also : Werk. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst.] Genootschap, onder de zinspreuk : Arti salutifera? te Amsterdam. [«See Bijdr. t. theor. en pract. geneesk., Amst.] Georg-Augusts-Universitàt. [«See Nadir, v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wisseusch. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Gotting.] Georgetown (The) Hospital Reports for 1887. Demerara. 1 v., 1688. 8°. [Continued as: Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara.] Atlanta, v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, [«See Georgia Eclect. M. J., Georgia (The) Blister and Critic. 1854-5. 8G. Georgia Eclectic Medicai College. Atlanta. ] Georgia (The) Eclectic Medicai Journal ; devoted to liberal medi- ciue, hygiene, and aauitary acience. Atlanta, v. 1-16, 1879-95. 8°. [Running title of v. 1 ia: Eclectic (The) Medicai Journal, and Organ of the Georgia Eclectic Medicai College; running title of x. 2 is: Eclectic (The) Medicai Journal ; title of nos. 3- 12, v. 3, and noa. 1-6, v. 4, ia: Georgia & Tenn. Eclect. M. J., Atlanta.]. Georgia Medicai Aaaociation. Ti. Georgia M. Ass.] [«See Proc. Georgia M. Ass. Also: [97] Georgia M. Companion, Atlanta. Georgia M. & S. Encycl., San- ders ville. Georgia & Tenn. Eclect. M. J., Atlanta. German-Am. M. J., St. Louis. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Chir. u. Med. d. prakt. Lebens, "Wiesb. Ges. Beitr. z. Path. u. Physiol., Beri. Ges. klin. Arb., Jena. Ges.-Ber. ii. d. San.- u. Med. Wes. in Beri. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. . . . Cari Gustav Carus . . . Doct.-Jubil. [71 Georgia (The) Medicai Companion: a monthly adviser, devoted to the science of medicine and surgery. Atlanta, v. 1-2, 1871- 2. 8\ [Continued as: South. M. Ree, Atlanta.] Georgia (The) Medicai and Surgical Encyclopa?dia. Sandersville. v. 1, 1860. 8°. Georgia (The) and Tennessee Eclectic Medicai Journal. Atlanta. [Title of nos. 3-12, v. 3, and nos. 1-6, v. 4, of: Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta.] German-American (The) Medicai Journal. A monthly journal for German physicians and surgeons in the U. S. and Canada. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1, 1894. 8°. [Inside title: Deutsch-amerikani- scbe medizinische Zeitung. Monatsschrift fiir deutsche Aerzte und Chirurgen iu Amerika.] Gesammelte Beitràge aus dem Gebiete der Chirurgie und Medizin des praktischen Lebens. Festschrift zur Feier des fiinfund- zwauzigjàhrigen Jubilàums des àrztlichen Vereines des Regie- rungsbezirksArnsberg. Hrsg. vondenMitgliedern. Wiesbaden. 1 v., 1893. 8U. Gesammelte Beitràge zur Pathologie und Physiologie von Dr. L. Traube. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1871-8. 8°. Gesammelte klinische Arbeiten. Hrsg. von M. J. Rossbach, in Verbindung mit E. Sehrwald. Jena. 1 v., 1890. 8°. [Re- printed from medicai periodicals and occasionai publications.] Gesammtbericht iiber das Sanitàts- und Medicinalwesen in der Stadt Berlin. Mit einem Anhaug betreffend die Stadt Char- lotteuburg. Berlin. 1.-6. (1879-91), 1882-93. 4° & 8°. Gesellsehaft der Aerzte des Kantons Ziirich. [«See BI. f. Gsndhta- pflg., Ziirich. Also: Schweiz. BI. f. Gaudhtsptlg., Ziirich.] Gesellachaft von Aerzten in Hamburg. [.See Abhandl. u. Beob. vou einer Geaellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb.] Gesellsehaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaflen zu Marburg. [See Schrift. d. Gesellach. z. Befòrd. d. gea. Naturw. zu Marb. Also: Sitzungab. d. Geaellsch. z. Betoni, d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb.] Gesellachaft fur Experimental-Paychologiezn Berlin. [«See Schrift. d. Geaellsch. f. Exper.-Psychol. zu Beri., Leipz.] Gesellsehaft fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin. [See Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Beri. Also: Mitth. a. d. Sitz.-Protok. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh., Beri. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Beri.] Geaellachaft fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynàkologie zu Berlin. [«See Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Jubil. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk. iu Beri., Wien. Also: Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk., Stuttg.] Gesellsehaft fiir Geburtahiilfe zu Leipzig. [«See Einldngsschr. z. Feier d. 25jàhr. Besteh. d. Gesellach. f. Geburtah. zu Leipz. Also: Mitth. . . . d. Geaellach. f. Geburtah. zu Leipz.] Geaellachaft fiir Gynaekologie in Berlin. [«See Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Fraueukr., Stuttg.] Gesellachaft fiir Gynàkologie in Miincheu. [orter. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Evansville, Ind., 1880; Chicago, IH., 1881. v. 1- 2, Jan., 1880,' to Juue, 1881. 8°. [Continued as: West. M. Reiiorter, Chicago.] Indiana State Dentai Association. [See Tr. Indiana Dent. Ass., Indianap.] Indiana State Medicai Convention. [See Proc Indiana M. Con- veut., Indianai?.] Indiana State Medicai Society. [See Proc. Indiana M. Soc. Also : Tr. Indiana M. Soc. ] Indipendente (L'). Pubblicazione periodica su la medicina e la chirurgia pratica, le scienze affini e gli interessi professionali del corpo medico (continuazione della Gazzetta medica di To- rino). Toriuo. v. 25-34, 1874-83. 8°. [1874 is 25. year of whole series. In 1878, sub-title became: Gazzetta medica di Torino. In 1884, continued as: Gazz. med. di Toriuo.] Industriai Education Association. [See Monog. Indust. Educat, Ass., N. Y.] Ingegneria (L') sanitaria. Rivista mensile tecnico-igienica illus- trata. Toriuo. v. 1-5, 1890-5. fol. Ingrassia. Giornale di medicina e chirurgia. Organo della reale Accademia medica di Palermo. Palermo, v. 1, 1885. 8°. Inspector of asylums, prisons and public charities for the prov- ince of Ontario. [See Rep. Insp. asyl., prisons [etc], prov. On- tario, Toronto.] Institut fiir Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems an der Wiener Universitàt. [See Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Physiol. d. Centralnervensyst. an d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien.] Institut fiir experimentelle Pharmakologie der Universitàt Wiirz- burg. [See Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb.] Institut imperiai de médecine expérimentale à St.-Pétersbourg. [See Arch. de se biol., St.-Pétersb.] Institut international de statistique. [See Bull, de l'Inst. inter- nat. de statist., Rome.] Institut Pasteur. Paris. [See Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur, Par.] Institut fiir Physiologie und Histologie in Graz. [SeeUnto-such. a. d. Inst. f. Physiol. u. Histol. in Graz, Leipz.] [110] Inst. de chir., Bucuresci. Inst. Civ. Eng. Abstr. papers in for. Trans. & Périod., Lond. Inst. san. en Italie, Milan. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S., Mel- bourne. Internat. Arch. f. Etimo?., Lei- den. Internat. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. R. Virchow . . ., Beri. Internat. Centralbl. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc], Beri. Internat. Centralbl. f. d. Physiol. u. Path. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Hamb. u. Leipz. Internai. Clin., Phila. Internat. Cong. f. Hyg. u. Demog. Arb., Wien. Institut rovai grand-ducal de Lnxembonrg. Section dea scxr.ces naturelles. [See Pub. de l'Inst. roy. gr.-ducal de Luxemb.] Institute of Actuaries. [See Aaaurance Mag., Lond. Also: J. Iuat. Actuaries [etc], Lond.] Institute of the Hahnemann Medicai College, Philadelphia, Pa. [See Med. Inst., Phila.] Institutul de chirurgie. Bucuresci. v. 1-2, 1890-1 to 1891-2. 8°. Abstracts of Papers in foreign Transactions and Periodicals. Ex- cerpt Minntes of Proeeedings of the Institutiou of Civil Engi- ueers. London. 4 nos., 1882-4. 8°. Institutions (Les) sanitaires en Italie. [Reale Società italiana d'igiene.] Milan. 1 v., 1885. 8°. Instituto hidroteràpico barcelones. [See Boi. de hidroterap., Barcel.] Instituto mèdico de emulacion. [See An. d. Inst. méd. de emulae, Madrid.] Instituto mèdico nacional [de Mexico]. [See An. d. Inst. méd. nac, Mexico. Also: Estudio, Mexico.] Instituto mèdico valenciauo. [See Boi. Inst. méd. valenc, Va- lencia.] Instituto oftàlmico de Madrid y de la clinica oftalmológica de Càdiz. [See Crón. oftal., Càdiz.] Institutuni clinicum ca;aarea? Univeraitatia Vilnensis. [See Acta Inst. clin. ca?s. Univ. Vilnensis, Lipsia?.] Institutnra medico-clinicum Wirceburgense. [See Ann. Inst. rned.- clin., Wirceburg.] Intercolouial Medicai Congress of Australasia. Trausactions of second sesaion, held in Melbourne, Victoria, January, 1889. Melbourne, lv., 1889. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. Intercolon. M. Cong. Auatralaa., Adelaide.] Intercolouial Quarterly Journal of Medicine aud Surgery. Mel- bourne, v. 1, 1,894. 8°. Interkantonale Vereinigung der achweiz. Schutzaufsichtsvereine. [See Verhandl. d. schweiz. Ver. f. Straf- u. Gefànguissw. [etc].] Internationales Arehiv fiir Ethuographie. Leiden, [Paris, Lon- don, Leipzig], v. 1-8, 1888-95. fol. Internationale Beitràge zur wissenachaftlichen Medicin. Feat- achrift, Rudolf Virchow gewidmet zur Vollendung aeinea 70. Lebenajahrea. Berlin. 3 v., 1891. roy. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fiir Laryngologie, Rhinologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. Berlin, v. 1-11, 1884-95. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fiir die Physiologie und Pathologie der Harn- und Sexual-Organe. Hamburg und Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1889-93. 8°. [v. 4 published in Leipzig. Continued, in 1894, as: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., Leipz.] International Clinics: A quarterly of clinica! lectures on medi- cine, surgery, gyna?cology, pediatrics, neurology, dermatology, laryngology, ophthalmology, aud otology, by professors and lecturers iu the leadiug medicai colleges of the Uuited States, Great Britain, and Canada. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1891-2 ; 2. 8., v. 1-4, 1892; v. 1-4, 1893; v. 1-4, 1894. 8°. International Congress of Anthropology. [See Mem. Internat. Cong. Anthrop., Chicago.] International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. [See Care . . . feeble-minded. Internat. Cong. Cbar. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Also: Commitment ... in- sane. Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Also: Gen. exere Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. & Lond. Also : Hosp., dispens. & nursing. Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. Se Lond. Also: Organ. char. . . . Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. Se Lond. Also: Prevent. . . . crime. Internat. Cone. Char rete 1 Balt. Se Lond.] h • L -Ji International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. [See Tr vii. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Se Demog., Lond.] Internationaler Congress fur Hygiene und Demoeranhie Arbei- ten. vi., 1887. Wien. 3 v., 1887. 8°. l [ili] Internat. Cong. Prehist. Ar- chseol., Lond. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & Phila. Internat. dermat. Cong. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl., Wien u. Leipz. Internat. Encycl. Surg. (Ash- hurst), N. Y. Internat. Health Exh. Confer., Lond. Internat. Health Exh. Weekly Exh. Ree, Lond. Internat. homòop. Presse, Leipz. Internat. J. M. & S., N. Y. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y. Internat. J. Surg. & Antisept., N.Y. Internat. klin. Rundschau, Wien. Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania. Internat. M. Mag., Phila. Internat. M. & S. Synopsis, St. Louis. International Cougreas of Prehistoric Arclueology : Transactions of the third session which opeued at Norwich on the 20th August and closed iu London on the 2~tl August, 1868: containing the pax>ers read at the Congress, with illustrations chiefly contri- buted by the authors, and an abstract of the discussions. 3. sesaion, 1,-68. Loudou. 1869. 8°. [See, also, Cong. interuat. d* anthrop.] International (The) Dentai Journal. Succeasor to the Independent Practitioner. A monthly periodical devoted to dentai and orai science. New York City aud Philadelphia. v. 10-16, 1889-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Indexiend. Pract.] Internationaler derniatologiacher Congress, abgehalten in Wien im Jahre 1892. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen. Wien u. Leipzig. 1893. 6-. International (The) Encyclopa?dia of Surgery. A aystematic treatise on the theory and x»ractice of surgery by authora of various nations. Edited by John Ashhurst, jr., M. D. New York. v. 1-6,1881-6. roy. 8 . [See, also, Encycl. internat. de chir. (Ashhurst), Par.] International Habnemannian Association. [See Proc. Internai. Hahneman. Asa., Ann Arbor, Mich.] International Health Exhibition. Conference8. London. Noa. 1-13, 1,-84. 8°. International Health Exhibition, London, 1884. The Weekly Ex- hibition Record, being a suxiplement of " The Sanitary Record ", the organ of the National Health Society. London. Nos. 1-13, v. 1, May 10 to Aug. 4, 1884. 8°. Interuational Homceopathic Congreas. [See Tr. Internat. Homceop. Cong., Phila.] International Homceopathic Convention. [See Tr. Internat. Ho- mceop. Convent.] Internationale homóopathische Presse. Leipzig, v. 1-10, 1872- 7. 8°. International (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Published weekly. New York. Nos. 1-15, v. 1, Jan. 8 to Aprii 30, 1881. 8°. [Continuation of: Iuternat. S. Ree, N. Y.] International (The) Journal of Microscopy A- Naturai Science: the journal of the Postai Microaeopical and WesleyNaturalists' Societies. London. [Running title, after 1890, of : J. Micr. & Nat. Se, Lond.] Internatioual (The) Journal of Surgery. New York. v. 2-8, 1889-95. 4°. [Continuation, in Jan., 1889, of : Internat. J. Surg. Se Autisept., N. Y.] Internatioual Journal of Surgery and Antiseptics. Devoted ex-. clusively to surgery and Listerism. New York. v. 1, 1888. 4°. [Continued, in Jan., Ie89, as: Internat. J. Surg., N. Y.] International Medicai Congress, 7. session, held in London ; 9. session, in Washington. [See Tr. Iuternat. M. Cong.] Internatioual Medicai Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. [See Tr.. Iuternat. M. Cong.] Internationale klinische Rundachau. Centralblatt fiir die ge- aammte praktiache Heilkunde, sowie fiir die Gesammtinteressen des àrztlichen Standes. Wien. v. 1-8, 1867-94. fol. [Con- tinued as: Wien. klin. Rundschau.] Internatioual Medicai Congress. Report by Collective Investiga- tion Committee of the Norwegian Medicai Association. Chris- tiania. 1 v., 1887. 8-. Internationaler medicinischer Congress, Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. X. internat. med. Cong., Beri.] Internationaler medicinischer Congress, Berlin (8. Abtheilung des x.). [See Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. 8. Abth. d. x. internat. [med.] Kong., Leipz.] International Medicai Magazine. A monthly, devoted to medicai; aud surgical sciente. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8-\ International (The) Medicai and Surgical Synopsis. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1, 1667-8. 8°. [Continued, in Nov., 1668, as: Med.. Chips, St. Louis.] [112] Internat. med.-phot. Monatschr., Leipz. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Internat. Ree Char. & Correc- tion, N. Y. & Lond. Internat. Rev., N. Y. Internat. S. Ree, N. Y. Investigateur. J. de l'Inst. hist., Par. lowa Catlin. lowa M. J., Keokuk. lowa State M. Reporter, Des Moines. Ipnotismo, Firenze. Ippocratico. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl. Irish M. J., Dubl. International Ophthalmological Congress. [See Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Lond.] International Otological Society. New York. [See Rep. Cong. Internat. Otol. Soc. 1876, N. Y.] Internatioual Statistical Congress. [See Rep. Proc. Internat. Statist. Cong.] Internationale medizinisch-photographische Monataachrift. Leip- zig, v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Anatomie und Histologie. Ber- lin; Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1884-6. 8°. [Also issued under title: Monthly Internatioual Journal of Anatomy and Histology. In 1886 at Leipzig. Continued as: Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz.] Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig, v. 4-12, 1887-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol.] Internationaler Ophthalmologen-Congress. [SeePériod. internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb.] International (The) Record of Charities and Correction. New York A- London, v. 1-3, 1686-8. 4°. Iuternational (The) Review. New York. v. 6-13, 1879-82. 8°. International (The) Surgical Record. A weekly journal. New York. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, July 1 to Sept. 22,1880. 8°. [Continued as: Internat. J. M. & S., N. Y.] Internationale thieràrztliche Versammlung zu Hamburg. [See Amtl. Ber. ii. d. internat. thieràrztl. Versamml. zu Hamb., Stuttg.] Internationaler Congress vou Thieràrzten zu Wien. [See Amtl. Ber. ii. d. 2. iuternat. Cong. v. Thieràrzten, Wien.] Internationaler Kongress fiir Ferienkolonien und verwandte Bestrebungeu der Kinderhygiene. [See Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. . . . d. Kinderhyg., Hamb. u. Leipz.] Internationaler Verein gegen Verunreinignng der Flitsse, des Bo- dens und der Luft. [See Gesundheit, Elberfeld. Also: Ver- handl. d. internat. Ver. gegen Verunreinig. d. Fliisse [etc.].] Investigateur (L'). Journal de l'Institut historique. Paris. 2. s., v. 1-7, 1841-7. 8°. [Coutinuation of: J. de l'Inst. hist., Par.] lowa (The) Catlin : a journal of medicine and surgery. Published monthly. No. 1, v. 1, Osceola; no. 2, v. 1, Davenport, 1878. 6°. lowa and Illinois Central District Medicai Association. [See J. lowa & 111. Centr. Dist. M. Ass.] lowa (The) Medicai Journal. Couducted by the faculty of the medicai department of the lowa University. Keokuk. v. 1-5, 1853-69. 8°. lowa State Medicai and Chirurgical Society. [See Proc. lowa M. Se Chir. Soc. Also: Tr. lowa M. & chir. Soc] lowa (The) State Medicai Reporter : a monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Edited expressly for the medicai professiou of lowa. Des Moines, lowa. v. 1-4, 1883-8. 8°. lowa State Medicai Society. med., Des Moines.] [See Tr. lowa M. Soc. Also: Vis Ipnotismo (L'). Rivista psicologica clinica, sperimentale, medico- legale, mensile. Psicofisiologia, suggestione, malattie mentali e nervose, criminalogia, elettroterapia. Organo de la Società medico-psicologica italiana. Firenze. v. 4-5, 1893-4. 4°. [Continuation, in 1893, of : Magnetismo ed ipnotismo, Firenze.] Ippocratico (L'). Giornale di medicina e chirnrcia. Fano. 1862-71; Forlì, 1872. [Title of 3. s., v. 1-12, 1862-72, of: Rac- coglitore med., Forlì.] Irish Hospital Gazette A journal for the cultivation and n Dubli — Hosp. Gaz. July 1, 1875, merged in: Dublin J. M. Se] Dublin. [Title, after 1869, of: J provemeut of practical medicine and surgery. Dublin v 1-3 1873-5. roy. 8°. [A continuation of: Dublin Hosp. Gaz. Oli Irish (The) Medicai Journal. Irish M. Asa., Dubl.] [113] Irrenfreund, Heilbr. Ist. di clin. ocul. d. Napoli, Pavia. r. Univ. di Ital. med.-chir. Biblioth., Leipz. Italie méd.-chir., Naples. Items Interest. Dent. Indep. Irrenfreund (Der). Eine psychiatrische Monatsschrift. Heil- bronn. v. 6-36, 1864-95. 8J. [Title of v. 1-5: Irrenfreund (Der). Eine Volksschrift iiber Ine uud Irrenanstalten [etc.]. Paderborn und Neuwied.] Istituto di clinica chirurgica propedeutica della r. Università di Padova. [See Rendic. d. Ist. di clin. chir. . . . Univ. di Padova, Feltre. ] Istituto di clinica medica della r. Università di Genova. [See Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Genova.] Istituto di clinica oculistica della r. Università di Napoli, anno scolastico 1867-8. Pavia. 1 v., 1889. 8°. [Reprintfrom: Ann. d. ottal., Pavia, 1889, xviii. For v. 3, see: Lavori d. clin. ocul. di r. Univ. di Napoli.] Istituto d' igiene sperimentale dell' Università di Roma. [See Ann. d. Ist. d'ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma.] Istituto Nicolai. [See Gior. d. Ist. Nicolai, Milano.] Italia medica. [See Salute : Italia med., Genova.] Italienische medicinisch-chirurgische Bibliothek, oder Ueber- setzungen uud Ausziige aus den neuern Schriften italienischer Aerzte und Wundàrzte. Leipzig. v. 1-2, 1793-9. 8°. [No. 1, v. 1, is new editiou, 1799.] Italie (L') médico-chirurgicale. Périodique-revue dea sciences médico-chirurgicales en Italie. Nax>les. v. 1, 1693-4. roy. 8°. Items of Interest. The Dentai Independent. Vinelaud, N. J., 1879-81; Philadelphia, 1881-90. Nos. 2-4, 6, v. 1; nos. 2, 3, v. 2; nos. 3-5, 11, 12, v. 3; nos. 1, 2, 7, v. 4, Aug., 1879, to July, 1882 ; v. 5-11, 1883-9 ; nos. 1-3, v. 12, 1890. 6°. J. J. d'accouch;, Liége. J. akush. i jensk. boliez., St. Pe- tersb. J. Am. Chem. Soc, N. Y. J. Am. Ethnol. & Archaeol., Bost. & N. Y. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. J. Am. M. & S., Atlanta. J. anal. de méd., Par. J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc], Par. J. Anthrop., Lond. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond. [8] Journal d'accouchements: Écho de la Maternité de Liége, publié par N. Charles. Liége. v. 1-16, 1880-95. 4°. [In 1884, v. 5, title became: Journal d'accouchements et revue de médeciue et de chirurgie x>ratiques.] Journal akusherstva i jenskich boliezuei ; organ Akushersko- Ginekologicheskago Obshestva v S.-Peterburge. [Journal of Obstetrics and Diseasea of Women ; organ of the Obstetrico- G.ymecological Society in St. Petersburg.] v. 1-6, 1887-94. 8°. Journal of the American Chemical Society. New York. v. 1-14, 1879-92. 8C. Journal (A) of American Ethnology and Archa?ology. Boston aud New York. v. 1-2, 1891-2. H'J. Journal (The) of the American Medicai Association. Chicago. v. 1-24, 1883-95. 4°. [Contiuuàtion of: Tr. Am. M. Ass., Phila.] Journal (The) of American Medicine and Surgery. A monthly journal devoted to medicine aud surgery. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1, 1882. 8°. Journal analytique de médecine et de sciences accesaoires, conte- nant l'analyse exacte de tous les journaux qui paraissent chaque mois à Paris [etc.]. Paris, v. 1-13, Oct., 1827, to Dee, 1830. 8°. [In Jan., 1830, v. 10, title became: Abeille (L') medicale, ou jourual analytique [etc.].] Journal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. London, v. 1-29, 1866-95. 8°. [v. 1 published at London and Cambridge; v. 2-11, Cambridge and London ; v. 12-19, London and Cambridge; v. 20-29, London. Edinburgh.] Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie norniales et patholo- giques de l'homme et des animaux. Paris, v, 1-31,1864-95. 8^. Journal of Anthropology. London, v. 1, 1870-1. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Anthrop. Rev., Lond.; in 1671 uuitedwith: J. Ethn. Soc. Lond., forming the following:] Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London, v. 1-24, 1871-95. 8C. [Formed by consol- idation of the preceding with: J. Ethn. Soc. Lond.] [114] X J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay. J. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock. J. Balneol. & Diet., N. Y. J. Balneol. & M. Clippings, N. Y. J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond. J. Brit. & For. Health Resorts, Lond. J. Brit. Ophth., Lond. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. J. de chim. méd. [etc], Par. J. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Beri. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Beri. J. de chir. (Desault), Par. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. ge- richtl. Arznk., Jena. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par. J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. J. clin. s. 1. difformités [etc], Par. J. de clin. et de thérap. inf., Par. J. Coli. Se, Imp. Univ., Japan, Tòkyo. J. Comp. M. & S. Journal (Tbe) of the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bom- bay, v. 1-3, 1666-9 to 1890. 8C. Journal of the Anthro|iological Society of London, v. 1-8, 1863- 71. 8 . [Issued with: Anthrop. Rev., Lond.] Journal (The) of the Arkansas Medicai Society. Little Rock. v. :^\ 1892-5. s-'. [Continuation, in no. 1,'v. 3, July, 1892, of : J. M. Soe. Arkansas, Little Rock.] of Balneology and Dietary. New York. v. 4-7, [Continuatiou of: J. Balneol. A M. Clippings, Jourual (Tln 1690-93. e N. Y] Journal of Balneology and Medicai Clippings, devoted to the dis- semination of infonnation concerning tbe tberapeutic vaine of naturai minerai si>riugs. New York. Nos. 5-7, v. 2, Ajiiil to Dee, 1888: nos. 3-6, v. 3, June to Dee, 1889. 8'-". [Continua- tion, in no. 5, v. 2. of : Medicai Clijipings and New Chemicals,. Philadeljihia, and continued as: J. Balneol. & Diet., N. Y.] Journal (The) of the British Dentai Association. A monthly review of dentai surgery. London, v. 2-16, 1881-95. 8\ [Continuatiou of: Monih. Rev. Dent. Surg., Lond.] Journal of British and Foreign Health Resorts. A monthly rec- ord of baths, cimiate, aud hygiene. London, v. 1-3, 1889-92. roy. 8° A fol. [The words "and hygiene" change to "sjia news, and spa gossip," in 1890.] Journal (The) of British Ophthalmology and Quarterly Report of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. London. No. 1, v. 1, Oct 1864. 8°. Journal (The) of the Chemical Society of London, v. 15-67, 1862- 95. 8'-'. [Coutinuation of: Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. After 1870, title was: Journal (The; of the Chemical Society.] Journal de chimie medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicolo»ie. Pa- ris, v. 1-10, 1825-34; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1835-44; 3. s., v. 1-10,1845- 54; 4. a., v. 1-6,1855-60; aunées 47-50,1873, to Marcii, 1876. 8°. [After March, 1876, united with : Repert. de pharm., Par., and title became: Répertoire de pharmacie et Journal de chimie medicale réuuis. ] Journal fur die Chirurgie, Arzneykunde und Geburtshiilfe von Christian Ludwig Mursinua. Berlin, v. 1,1-00-1; v. 5,1815- 20. 8-\ [Full title of v. 5 is: N. Jour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Beri.] Jourual der Chirurgie und Augen-Heilkunde, hrsg. von C. F. Graefe uud Ph. von Walther. Berlin, v. 1-39, 1820-50. 8■-'.. Journal de chirurgie. Par M. Desault. Paris, v. 1-4,1791-2. 8°. Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshiilfe und gerichtliche Arzney- kunde. Hrsg. von J.Chr.Loder. Jena. v. 1-4,1797-1806. 8°. Journal de chirurgie. Par M. Malgaigne. Paris, v. 1-4, 1843- 6. 8°. [In 1647, united with: J. de méd., Par., forming: Rev. niéd.-chir. de Par.] Journal (The) of the Cincinnati Society of Naturai History. Cincinnati, v. 1-17, 1878-94. 8C. Journal clinique sur les difformités dont le corps humain est suaceptible à toutes lea éx>oques de la vie (lre partie) ; et aur la mécaniqneet lea inatrumeus employés par la chirurgie en France et à l'étranger (2me partie). ParC.-A. Maisonabe. Paris. Nos 1-8, July, 1825-8. ,--. [Title of no. 1, July, 1625, is: Journal clinique. Recueil d'observatious [etc.]. Nos. 2-8 each con- taiu two parts, with distiuct paginatiou, viz: Journal clinique sur les difformités [etc], aud: Mécanique (De la) et des in- strumena [etc.].] Journal de cliuique et de thérapeutique infantiles. Paris, v. 1-3, 1893-5. roy. 6°. Journal of the College of Science, Imperiai University, Japan. lòkyó, Japan. v. 1-7, 1866-94. 4-. Journal (The) of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. A quar- terly journal of the auatomy, pathology. and therapeutics of tbe lower animala New York, 1881-6; New York A Philadelphia, T ì Pliilatlelphia 1888-9. v. 2-10.1-81-9. - . [Continuation of: Arch. Comp. M. Se S., N. Y., and continued as : J. Comp. M. Se \ et. Arch.] r [115] J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch. J. Comp. Neurol. J. Comp. Path. & Thérap., Ed- inb. & Lond. J. compi, du dict. d. se méd., Par. J. compi, d. se méd., Par. J. d. conn. méd. prat., Par. J. d. conn. méd.-chir.. Par. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y. J. Cutan. M., Lond. J. Cutan. & Ven. Dis., N. Y. J. Dietet. J. Electrother., N. Y. J. Elisha Mitchell Se Soc, Ra- leigh. J. d. Erfind. [etc], Gotha. T. Ethn. Soc. Lond. J. For. M. Se & Lit., Phila. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila. J. du gal van., de vace, etc, Par. J. f. Gasbeleucht. u. Wasserver- Borg., Munchen u. Leipz. Jonrnal (The) of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives. Philadelphia, 1890; New York, 1891-5. v. 11-16, 1*890-5. 8°. [Continuatiou of: J. Comp. M. A S.] Journal (Tbe) of Comparative Neurology. A quarterly periodical devoted to the comparative study of the nervous system. Cin- cinnati, 1891; Granville, Ohio, 1892-5. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Journal (Tbe) of Comparative Pathology and Theraxieutics. Edin- burgh ami London, v. 1-7, 1-88-94.' 8°. Journal eompléiiientaire du dictionnaire des sciences médicales. Paris, v. 1-44, 1818-32. 8°. [With v. 37, title chauged to the following:] Journal coniplémentaire dea sciences médicales. Recueil encyclo- pédique de médeciue, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, contenant la clinique médico-cbirurgicale des hópitaux de Paris, avec un ex- trait de tous les journaux de médecine qui paraissenten France et à l'étranger. Paris. [Title of v. 37-44, 1630-2, of the pre- ceding.] Journal des counaissances médicales pratiques et de pharmaco- logie Paris, v. l-[63], 1833-95. 8°. [In 1879, became 4°. Title of v. 1, 1833-4, was: Journal dea connaiaaances médicales pratiques. Title of v. 12, 1844-5, was : Journal des connais- sauces médicales x>ratiques, pathologie et thérapeutique, bulle- tiu de pharmacie et mémorial thérapeutique. Running title in v. 23, 1655-6, was: Jourual dea connaissances médicales et phar- maceutiques. After Sept. 20,1870, anspendeduntil July, 1871.] Journal des connaissances médico-chirurgicales. Paris. Années 1-20, 1633-52. 37 v. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de thérap. méd.-chir., Tar.] Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseasea. New York. v. 5-13, 1887-yó. 8C. [Continuation of: J. Cutan. Se Ven. Dis., N. Y.] Jonrnal of Cutaneous Medicine and Diseases of the Skin. A quarterly record of dermatological science. London, v. 1-4, 1867-71. 8°. Journal of Cutaneous aud Venereal Diaeases. New York. v. 1-4, 1862-6. 8°. [Contiuued as: J. Cutan. Se Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y-] Journal (The) of Dietetics. Publiahed quarterly. Devoted to iuveatigationa into tbe physiology and i>athology of digestiou and nutrition, and the relations of regimen to practical medi- cine. Cleveland, 1887 ; Fremout, Ohio, 1888. v. 1-3,1887-9. 8°. Journal (The) of Electro-Therax>entica. New York. v. 8-13, 1890-5. 4°. [Continuation of: Medicai (The) Library, New York.] Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scieutifìc Society. Raleigh, N. C. v. 1-6, 1883-90. 8-. Journal der Erfìndungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Na- tur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Gotha, v. 1-11, 1792-1809. 8. [v. 7-11, 1798-1809, additional title: Neues Journal, ete Con- tinued as: N. Jour. d. Erfind. [ete], Gotha.] Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. London, v. 3-4, 1854-6. N. s., v. 1-2, Aprii, 1869, to Jan., 1871. 8°. [Waut v. 1-2, 1844-53. In 1871, united with: J. Anthrop., Lond., forming: J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.] Jourual (The) of Foreign Medicai Science and Literature. Being a continuation of the Eclectic Repertory. Quarterly. Phila- delphia. v. 1-4, 1821-4. 8°. [v. 1 and nos. 1-2, v."2, 1821-2, were also called v. 11, 12 of : Eclect. Repert., Phila.] Jonrnal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania; devoted to the mechanic arts, manufactures, general science, aud the recording of American and other patented inventions. Philadelphia. N. s. [2.], v. 1-26, 1828-40; 3. s., v. 1-139, 1841- 95. 8°. [For 1. s., v. 1-4, 182(5-7, see Franklin J., Phila.] Journal du galvanisme, de vaccine, etc Paris, v. 1-2, an XI- XII [1803]. 8C. Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und verwaudte Beleuchtungsarten sowie fiir Wasserveraorgung. Organ dea deutachen Vereins von Gaa- und Waaserfachmànnern. Miincheu und Leipzig, v. 30-32,1867-9. 81-. [Title on coversi Schilliug's Journal, ete] [11G] J. f. Geburtsh. J. f. Geburtsh., Frank, u. Leipz. J. gén. de méd., chir. et pharm., Par. J. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. J. Gynaec. Soc. Bost. J. Gynec, Toledo. J. Health, Cincin. J. Health, Phila. J. hebd. de méd., Par J. hebd. d. progr. d. se et inst. méd., Par. J. Hosp. Ass., Lond. J. Hydrotherap., Lond. J. Hyg., N. Y. J. d'hyg., Par. J. Inst. Actuaries, Lond. J. de l'Inst. hist., Par. J. lowa & 111. Centr. Dist. M. Ass. J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl. J. f. Kinderkr. J. Laryngol., Lond. J. Leprosy Invest. Com., Lond. J. M. Se, Fort "Wayne. Journal fiir Geburtahiilfe, Fraueuzimmer- und Kinder-krankhei- ten. Frankfurt ani Main, 1613-33; Leipzig, 1634-8. v. 1-17, 1813-38. 8°. [Continuation of: Lucina. In 1838, united with: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Beri.] Jonrnal fiir Geburtahelfer. Frankfurt und Leipzig, v. 1-2, 17-7- 8. 8°. Journal general de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou re- cueil périodique de la Société de médecine de Paria, v. 15-111, an XI [1802]-l-30. 8°. [Continuation of: Ree périod. Soc. de méd. de Par., and succeeded by: Tr. méd., Par.] Journal fiir Gesundheitspflege. Populàre Zeitsehrift fur sani tare Iuteressen. Wien. v. 5-8, 1881-4. 4\ [Continuation of: J. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien.] Journal (The) of theGyna?cological Society of Boston. A monthly jourual devoted to the advancement of the knowledge of the diseases of women. Boston, v. 1-7, 1869-72. 8°. [Publica- tion resumed in 1889, as: Tr. Gyna?e Soc. Bost., n. s., v. L] Journal (The) of Gynecology. A monthly journal of gynecology, obstetrics, and abdominal surgery. Toledo, Ohio. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, Aprii to Sept., 1891. 8C. [Continued as: Am. Gynec J., Toledo. ] Journal of Health. Cincinnati. N. s., v. 1, 1644-5. 6°. [Con- tinuation of: Cincin. J. Health.] Journal (The) of Health. Couducted by an association of physi- cians. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, Sept, 9, 1829, to Aug., 1833. Journal hebdomadaire de médecine. Paris, v. 1-8, 1828-30. 8°. [Iu Oct., 1830, united with: J. univ. d. se méd., Par., forming: J. univ. et hebd. de méd et chir. prat., Par.] Jourual hebdomadaire des progrès des sciences et institutions médi- cales. Paris, v. 1-12,1834-6. 8°. [Continuation of: J. univ. et hebd. de méd. et chir. prat., Par., aud continued as: Presse méd., Par. In 1835, Ann. de ia méd. physiol.,.Par., merged in this journal.] Journal of the Hospitala Aasociation. London, v. 1-3, 1884-7. 8J. Journal (The) of Hydrotherapeutics: Spas and Health Resorts. London. No. 1, v. 1, Aprii, 1887. 8°. Journal (The) of Hygiene and Herald of Health. New York. v. 43-45, 1893-5. 8°. [Continuation, in 1893, of: Herald of Health, N. Y.] Journal d'hygiène. Climatologie, eaux minérales, stations hiver- nales et maritimes, epidemiologie. Bulletin des conseils d'hy- giène et de salubrité. Paria, v. 1-19, 1875-94. 4C. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries aud Assurance Magazine. London, v. 14-31, Oct., 1867-95. 8°. [Title of v. 1-13 waa: Aaaurance Mag., Lond. The worda "and Assurance Magazine" were omitted from title after Oct., 1885.] Jourual de l'Institut historique. Paris, v. 1-12, 1834-40. 8°. [Continued as: Investigateur. J. de l'Inst. hist., Par.] Journal of lowa and Illinoia Central Diatrict Medicai Aasociation. Davenport, lowa, Se Rock laland, 111. v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v. 2, July, 1878, to Oct., 1879. 8C. Jourual of the Irish Medicai Association. Dublin. Nos. 1-6, 8-49, 113, 116, 1867-70. 4~. [A supplement to: Med. Press & Ciré, Lond. After 1869, title: Irish M. J., Dubl.] Journal fiir Kiuderkrankheiten. Berlin; Erlangen. v. 1-59, 1843-72. 8J. [v. 1-10, 1843-8, Berlin; v. 11-59, 1848-72, Er- langen.] Journal (The) of Laryngology and Rhinojogy. An analytical record of current literature relatiug to the throat and uose Loudou. v. 1-9, 1687-95. 8°. Journal of the Leprosy Investigation Committee. Loudou v 1 1600-1. 8:. ' Journal of the Medicai Sciences. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 13-14 1893-4. 8°. [Continuation, in 1893, of: J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne] [117] J. M. Soc. Arkansas, Little Rock. J. du magnét., Par. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. J. Mat. Med., New Lebanon, N. Y. J. de méd., Brux. J. de méd., Brux. J. de méd., Par. J. de méd. de Bordeaux. J. de méd. de Bordeaux. J. med. chim. i farm., St. Pe- tersb. J. f. Med. og Chir., Kjobenh. J. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Herborn u. Hadamar. J. de méd., chir. et pharm., Montpel. J. de méd., chir., pharm., etc, Par. J. de méd., chir., pharm., ete, Par. J. de méd., chir. et pharm. mil., Par. J. de méd., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse. J. de méd., chir. et pharmacol., Brux. J. de méd. et chir. prat., Par. J. de méd. et chir. de Toulouse. Journal (The) of the State Medicai Society of Arkansas. Little Rock. v. 1-2, 1890-2. 8°. [Continued, July, 1892, as: J. Arkanaaa M. Soc, Little Rock.] Journal du magnétisme. Paris, v. 1-14, 1-45-55; nos. 15-19, v. 22; nos. 1-7, v. 23, Jan., 1882, to Oct., 1685. 8°. Journal des maladies cutanées et sypkilitiques. Paris, v. 1-7, 1889-90 to 1895. 8°. Journal (The) of Materia Medica. A monthly journal devoted to materia medica, pharmacy, chemistry, and new remediea. New Lebanon, N. Y. N. s., v. 1-32, 1859-95. 8°. Journal de médeciue, publié par la Société des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1-2. 1829-30. n°. [After I83u, suspended uutil 1*43. In 1844, title became: J. de méd., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.] Jourual de médeciue; publié par la Société dea aciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bruxellea. [Title of v. 1, 1843, of: J. de méd., chir. et pharmacol., Brux.] Journal de médecine. Rédaeteur cu chef, M. Beau. Paria, v. 1- 4, 1843-6. 8". [In 1847, united with: J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., forming: Rev. méd.-chir. de Par.] Journal de médecine de Bordeaux, v. 6-13, 1850-5: 2. a., v. 1-8, 1-56-63. 8°. [Continuation of : Journal de la Société royale de médecine de Bordeaux (not in this library), which waa a con- tinuation of: Journal de médecine pratique, ou recueil, ete] Journal de médecine de Bordeaux (Bordeaux medicai et Gazette medicale réunia). Bordeaux, v. rt-2», 1878-05. 4°. [Formed by the union of: Bordeaux méd. with: Gaz. méd. de Bordeaux.] Journal nieditainskoi chimii i farmataii. St. Petersburg. v. 1-2, 1802-4. 4-. Journal for Medicin og Chirurgie. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-9,1633-5. 8°. Journal fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe. Hrag. von Job. Friedrich Siegeamund Posewitz. Herborn u. Hadamar. v. 1, 1799-1800. 8°. [Continued as: Aetiol. u. semini. J. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Giessen u. Darmst.] Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou Annales de la Société de médecine-pratique de Montpellier. Montpellier. v. 1-38, an XI [1803]-1815. [For v. 2-12, 1803-8, see Ann. Soc de méd.-prat. de Montpel. For v. 13-17, 1804-8, see Hist. Soc de méd.-prat. de Montpel. For v. 18-20, 1808-12, see Ann. clin., Montpel. For v. 30-38, 1813-15, see Ann. clin., Montpel. For 2. s., see: Aun. clin. Soc. de méd.-prat. de Montpel.] Journal do médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Paris, v. 1-95, 1754-93. 12°. [v. 1-7 were published as: Ree périod. d'obs. de méd., chir. et pharm., Par. ; of tbese, v. 1-3 are reprinted with title: Journal de médecine, etc. 2. ed. Continued as the following:] Journal de médeciue, chirurgie, xiharmacie, etc. Par les eitoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer. Paris, v. 1-40, 1801-17. \2~ Si 8 . [Continuation of the preceding, and succeededby : N. jour. de méd., chir., pharm., ete, Par. v. 9 et seq., 1805-10, couitaiu: Bull, de l'École de méd. de Par.] Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires. Paris. [Title of v. 1-2, 1815-16, of: Ree de mém. de méd. . . . mil., Par.] Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie de Toulouse. [Title of 2. aud 3. s., 1849-67, of: J. de méd. et chir. de Tou- louse ] Jourual de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologie ; publié I>ar la Société des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles, Anuéea 1-53, 1843-95. 8°. [Title of v. 1, 1843, waa : J. de méd., Brux. See, also, J. de méd., Brux., 1829-30.] Journal de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques. A. l'usage des mé- deeins praticiens. Par Lucas-Chaiuxiiouuière. Paris, v. 1-66, 1830-95. 8°. [v. Iis2. ed.] Journal de médeciue et de chirurgie de Toulouse. v. 8-9, Aug., 1844, to July, 1846; u. s. [2.], v. 2-7, 1650-5; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1856- 60. 6>. [Title of 2. aud 3. s., 1849-67, was: J. de méd., chir. et pharm. de Toulouse] [118] J. Med. Coli. Ohio, Cincin. J. med. i hig., KharkofT. J. de méd. de Lyon. J. de méd. de Lyon. J. méd. de la Mayenne, Lavai. J. de méd. ment., Par. J. de méd. mil., Par. J. de méd. de la Néerl., La Haye. J. de méd. de l'ouest, Nantes. J. de méd. de Par. J. de med. e pharm., Par J. de méd. et pharm. de l'Al- gerie, Alger. J. méd. quot., Par. J. Med. Se Se, Portland J. Med. Soc. Maine, J. de méd. vét. mil., Par. J. de méd. vét. et zootech., Lyon. J. Ment. Se, Lond. J. Micr. & Nat. Se, Lond. J. de microg., Pai'. J. mil. off. Journal of the Medicai College of Ohio. A monthly journal of medicai science. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 1-2. 1800-1. 4°. [Con- tinued, Jan., 1892, as: Ohio M. J., Cincin.] Journal meditsiuy i higieny. KharkofT. v. 1, 1894. 8^. Journal de médecine de Lveutique et legai, toutes les questiona relativès à la folie, aux névroses convulsivea et mix défectuositéa intellectuelles et morales, à l'usage des médeeins praticiens, des étndiants en médecine, des jnrisconsultes, des admiuiatrateura, et des persouues qui se conaacrent à l'enseigne- ment, x>:ir M. Delasiauve. Paris, v. 1-10, 1861-70. 8°. Journal de médecine militaire Publié par ordre du roi, fait et redige par M. de Home. Paris, v. 1-7, 1782-8. 8°. [See, also, J. Pract. M., S. & Pharm., N. Y.] Journal medicai de la Néerlande, publié par une société de méde- eins. La Haye. v. 1, 1841. 8<-'. Journal de médecine de l'ouest. Publié par la section de méde- cine de la Société académique de Nautes. v. 1-23, 1867--9. 8°. [Continuation of: J. de la aect. de méd. Soc. acad. Loire- Inf., Nantes.] Journal de médecine de Paria. Revue generale de la prease me- dicale francaise et étrangère. Paria, v. 1-15, 1881-8; 2. a., v. 1-7, 1880-05. 8-'. Jornal de medicina e pharmacia. Pariz. v. 1-2, 1886-7. 4°. [Continuation of: Rev. de med., Par. Title of noa. 1-3, v. 1, was: J. de med. e de pharm., Par.] Journal de médecine et de pharmacie de l'Algerie. Alger. v. 1- 15, 1876-90. 8°. Journal de médecine de Quebec. [See Quebec M. J.] Journal (Le) medicai quotidien. Paris, v. 1-7, 188:5-9. 4°. Journal of Medicine and Science. The officiai organ of the Maine Academy of Medicine. Portland, Maine, v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. Journal (The) of the Medicai Society of the State of Maine. Hai- lowell. No. 1, v. 1, 1834. 8 . Journal de médecine vétérinaire militaire. Paris, v. 1-14, 1862- 77. 6J. Journal de médecine vétérinaire et de zootechnie. Lyon. 3. s., v. 1-20, 1876-95. 8J. [Title of 1. and 2. s. was: Journal de médeciue vétérinaire.] Journal (The) of Mental Science. Published by authority of the Aaaociation of Medicai Officerà of Aayluiii8 and Hospitals for the Insane. London, v. 4-41, 1857-05. 8°. [Continuation of: Asylum J. Ment. Se., Lond. v. 11, 1865-6, and subsequently, published by authority of the Medico-Psychological Associa- tion.] Journal (The) of Micro.scopy and Naturai Science: the journal of the Postai Microscopical Society. London, v. 3-6, 1884-7; n. s., v. 1-3, 1888-90; 3. s., v. l-5,'lr91-5. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Postai Micr. Soc, Lond. In 1890, sub-title: the journal of the Postai Microscopical Society, aud the Wesley Naturalista' Society. After 1690, ruuning title becarue: International (The) Journal of Mieroscopy Se Naturai Science [etc].] Journal de micrographie. Hiatologie humaine et comx>arée.—Ana- tomie vegetale.—Botanique.—Zoologie.—Axijilications diverses du mieroscope.—Ox>tique speciale, ete, etc. Revue menaiielle des travaux francais et étrangers. Paris, v. 1-16, 1877-92. Jonrnal militaire officiel. Versailles.] Paris. 2\ v., 1872-7. 8°. [In 1874, at [119] J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y. H. J. Morb. Anat., Lond. J. Morphol., Bost. J. N. E. Virg. M. Soc, Warren- ton. J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass. J. N. York Micr. Soc. J. Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Fort Wayne. J. f. naturgem. Gsndhtspflg. u. Heilk. J. d. Naturw. u. Med., Frankf. a. M. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis. J. Nihonbashi Ku San. Ass., Tokio. J. dlya normal. i patol. gistolo- gii, St. Petersb. J. d'obs. de méd., chir. et pharm., Calais. J. d'ocul. et chir., Par. J. d'ocul. du nord de la France, Lille. J. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien. J. d. off. de sante de Saint-Do- mingue, au Cap. J. d'ophth., Par. J. Ophth., Otol., & Laryngol., N. J. Orifìc. Surg., Chicago. J. Path. & Bacteriol., Edinb. & Lond. J. de pharm. J. de pharm., Par. Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States. Governor's Island, N. Y. H. Nos. 1-2, 8 (v. 1-2), 1879-62; v. 14, 1893. 8-. Journal of Morbid Anatomy, Ophthalmic Medicine and Pharma- i ceutical Analysis; with Medico-Botanical Transactions, com- \ inimicateli by the Medico-Botanical Society of London. Part 1, v. 1, 1828. 8°. Journal of Morphology. Boston, v. 1-10, 1887-95. 8°. Journal (The) of the N[orth] E[ast] V[irgini]a Medicai Society. Warrenton, Va. v. 1, 1888. 8°. Jonrnal of the New England Water Works Association. West Newton, Mass., 1886-7; New Bedford, 1887-91; New London, Conn., 1891-3. v. 1-7, 1886-7 to 1892-3. 6°. Journal of the New-York Microscopical Society. New York. v. 1-11, 1685-95. 8°. Journal (The) of the National Association of Railway Surgeons. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of railway surgery. Fort Wayne, Ind. Nos. 4-8, v. 8, Aug. to Dee, 1888; v. 9-12, 1889-92. 8°. [Title of v. 1-7, and nos. 1-3, v. 8, was: Fort Wayne J. M. Se Continued as: J. M. Se, Fort Wayne.] Jonrnal fiir naturgeinàsse Gesundheitspfleiìe und Heilkunde. Còtken, 1853-4; Berlin, 1855. v. 1-3, 1653-5. 6°. Journal der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin. Hrsg. von F. J. Schelver. Frankfurt a. M. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1810. 8°. Journal (The) of Nervous aud Meutal Diseaae Chicago, 1676-80 ; New York, 1881-94. N. a., v. 1-22, 1876-95. 8°. [Continuation of : Chicago J. Nerv. Se Meut. Dia.] Journal of the Nihonbaahi Ku Sanitary Aaaociation. Tokio. Nos. 8-18,1893-4. 12°. [Japanese text'.] Journal dlya normalnoi i patologicheskoi gistologii i klinicheakoi miditsini. St. Petersburg. v. 3-4, 1871 ; v. 10, 1876. 8°. Journal d'observations de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie, cora- mencé le lcr janvier 1763, et continue jusqu'à la fin de décembre 1786, par le Sieur Denis. Calais. 1 v. [1786?] 8°. Journal d'oculistique et de chirurgie. Paris. Années 1-19, 1873- 91. 8°. [Two years to a voi.] v, 1-5, 1889- Jouruard'oculistique du nord de la France. Lille. 90 to 1603-4. 8C. Journal fur óffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Populàre Zeitsehrift fiir sani tare Iuteressen. Wien. v. 4, 1860. 4°. [Want v. 1-3. Continued as: J. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien.] Journal des offìciers de sauté de Saint-Domingue. au Cap. No. 1, an XI [1803]. 8°. Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [See Ophth. Hosp. Rexi., Lond.] Journal d'ophthalmologie. Recueil pratique de médecine et de chirurgie oculaires. Paris, v. 1, 1872. roy. 8°. [For 2. s., see Ree d'ophth., Par.] Jonrnal (The) of Ophthalmology, Otology, & Laryngology. New York. v. 1-7, lo89-95. 8J. Journal of Orifìcial Surgery. Chicago, v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8°. Edinburgh. Journal (The) of Pathology and Bacteriology. London, v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8°. Journal de pharmacie d'Anvers. [Running title of the follow- ing:] Journal de pharmacie Publié par la Société de pharmacie d'Anvers. Bruxelles, v. 31-45, 1875-89. 8°. [Running title is: Journal de pharmacie d'Anvers. After 1876, published at Anvers. ] Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Paris. 2. s., v. 1-27, 1815-41. 8J. [Continuation of: Bull, de pharm., Par. In v. 8-27, title, also, "et Bulletiu de la Société de pharmacie de Paris". Continued as the following:] [120] J. de pharm. et chim., Par. J. d. Pharm. v. Elsass-Lothrin- gen, Strassb. J. de pharm. e se access, de Lisb. J. de pharmacol., Brux. J. f. Pharmakod., Toxik. u. Thé- rap. J. Phila. Coli. Pharm. J. Physiol. J. de physiol. expér., Par. J. de physiol. expér., Par. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Par. J. Postai Micr. Soc, Lond J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk. J. d. pract. Heilk., Beri. J. Pract. M., ©. & Pharm., N. Y. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney. Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, contenant une revue de tous lea travaux publiéa en Franco et à l'étranger, sur les sciences physiques, naturelles, médicales et iudustrielles, ainsi que le bulletiu des travaux de la Société de pharmacie de Paris. Paris. 3. s., v. 1-46, 184.M54; 4. s., v. 1-30, 1865-79; 5. a., v. 1-30, 1880-94; 6. a., v. 1, 1895. 8-. [For 1. s., v. 1-6. 1809-14, see Bull, de x>harm., Par. For 2. s., v. 1-27, 1815-41, see the preceding.] Journal der Pharmacie von Elsaas-Lothringen. Straasburg. y. 15-22, 1868-94. 8C. [Continuatiou, in 1888, of: Journal de pharmacie d'Alsace-Lorraiue, Strasbourg.] Jornal de pharniacia e scieneias accessorias de Liaboa. Lisboa. Aunos 1-38, 1848-85. 8°. [Every four years a new serica be- gins; 2. s. begau in 1652; 10. a. in 1-84.] Journal de pharmacologie. Publié x>ar la Société royale dea sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles, v. "2-47, 1846-91. 6-. [Want v. 1, 1645.] Journal fur Pharmakodynamik, Toxikologie und Therapie in physiologiseher, klinischer uud forensischer Beziehuug. Ber- lin, 1856-7; Halle, 1856-60. v. 1-2, 185(!-60. 8°. Journal of the Philadelx>hia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, v. 1, Dee, 1825; May, 1626; Sept,', Nov., 1827. 8°. [Preliminary nos. of the following:] Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. v. 1-6,1829-35. 8°. [See, also, the preceding. Continued, after March, 1635, as : Am. J. Pharm., Phila.] Journal (The) of Physiology. London and Cambridge; Cam- bridge, v. 1-17,1876-94. 8°. [Ali after v. 2 published at Cam- bridge.] Journal de physiologie expérimentale. Paris. [Title of v. 1, 1821, of the following:] Journal de physiologie expérimentale et pathologique. Par F. Magendie. v. 1-10; nos. 1-2, v. 11, Jan., 1821, to Aprii, 1831. Paria. 8°. [Title of v. 1 waa: Journal de phyaiologie expéri- mentale.] Journal de la phyaiologie de l'homme et des animaux. Paris. v. 1-6, 1858-63. 8°. [Followed, in 1868, by : Arch. de physiol. nomi, et path., Par.] Jonrnal (The) of the Postai Microscopical Society: a miscellany of naturai aud microscopical science. London, v. 1-2, 1882-3. [Continued as: J. Micr. Se Nat. Se, Lond.] Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Hrsg. von C. W. Hufeland. Jena, 1795-9; Jena uud Berlin, 1799-1808 ; Berlin, 1809-44. v. 1-98 and 8 supplementary parts, 1795-1*44. 8°. [In v. 8, 1799, et seq., additioual title was: Neues Journal, etc. Title of v. 11-98, 1801-44, aa followa:] Journal der practischen Heilkunde. Berlin. [Title of v. 11-98 1801-44, of the preceding. Additioual title: Neues Journal' ete] Journal (A) of the Practice of Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy, in the military hospitals of France Published by order of the King. Reviewed and digested by M. de Home, under the in- spection of the Royal Society, 'fransi, from the French [J. de méd. mil., Par.] by Josex>h Browne New York. No Ivi [1783 or 1790?]. 8°. ' Jonrnal fiir praktiache Chemie. Hrsg. von Otto Linné Erdmann und Franz Wilhelm Schweigger-Seidel. Leipzig. v. 1-30, 1834-43. 8°. [Continuation of : J. f. techn. u. okonom. Chem., Leipz.] Journal fiir praktische Chemie. manu Kolbe Leipzig. N. F., Hrsg. und redigirt von Her- r. 5-51, 1872-95. 8°. Journal of the Proeeedings of a Convention of Physicians of Ohio. 1835. [See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Journal of the Proeeedings of the Medicai Convention of Ohio. 1838-9. [ÓVeProc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Jourual and Proeeedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, v. 10-27, 1870-93. 8°. [121] J. d. progr. d. se méd., Par. J. Psychol. M., Lond. J. Psychol. M., Lond. J. Psychol. M., N. Y. J. Pub. Health, Lond. J. Pub. Health & San. Rev., Lond. J. Pub. Health Soc. Calcutta. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond. J. Ration. M., Cincin. J. Respir. Org., N. Y. J. Roy. Agric Soc. Eng., Lond. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond. J. russk. fiz.-chim. Obsh., St. Pe- tersb. J. russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija, St. Petersb. J. d. sages-femmes, Par. J. San. Inst., Lond. J. de la sante pub., Par. J. Se, Lond. J. Se 8z Arts, Lond. J. Se & Arts [ Am. ed. ], N. Y. Journal des progrès des aciences et institutions médicales en Europe, en Aniérique, etc. . . . Par une association de médeeins. Paris, v. 1-18, 1827-9; 2. s., v. 1-3, 1830. 8°. Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine aud Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Winslow. London, v. 1-13, 1848-60. 8°. [Coutinued as: Med. Critic Se Psychol. J., Lond.] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine aud Mental Pathology. Edited by Lyttleton S. Forbes Winslow. London. N. s., v.. 1-8, 1875-82. 8°. [Continuatiou of : Med. Critic & Psychol. J., Lond.] Jonrnal (The) of Psychological Medicine A quarterly review of diseases of the nervoua aystem, medicai jurisprudence, and anthropology. New York' v. 4-6, 1870-2. 8^. [Continua- tion of : Quart. J. Psychol. M., N. Y. In July, 1874, publica- tion resumed as whole no. 23, n. s., no. 1, v. 1, title: Psychol. &Med.-Leg. J., N. Y.] Journal of Public Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Im- provemeut. Published under the sauctiou of the Metropolitan Health-of-Towns'Association. London, v. 1-2,1847-9. roy. ec. Journal (The) of Public Health and Sanitary Review. London. Edited by Benj. W. Richardson. v. 1-4, 1855-9. 8°. [v. 3-4, title: Sau. Rev., Lond. The Transactions of the Epidemiologi- cal Society of London for years 1855-8 are published with this journal.] Journal of the Public Health Society for Calcutta aud its suburbs. Calcutta, v. 1-4, 1885-8. 8°. Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopical Club. London, v. 1-6, 1868-81; 2. s., v. 1-4, 1682-94. 8°. Jourual (The) ofRatioual Medicine. Cincinnati, v. 1-3,1860-2. 8°. [Continuation of: Coli. J. M. Se, Cincin.] Journal of the Respiratory Organs. New York. v. 1-2, 1889-90.. 8°. Journal (The) of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. London, v. 1-18, 1840-57 ; 2. s., v. 16, 1880. 8b. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society; containing its trans- actious and proeeedings, with other microscopical informatiou. (Bi-monthly.) London, v. 1-3, 1878-80; 2. s., 1881-95. 83. [ar un groupe de professeiirs de la Faeulté libre de médecine et de pharmacie. Lille. 1678-95. 8°. [In 1887 et seq , 2 x. annually.] Jornal das scieucias mèdicas de Liaboa. [Title of v. 1-2, 18,-;r>, of: J. Soc. d. se med. de Lisb.] Journal des aciences médicales de Louvaiu. v. 1-6, 1876-81. 8 \ [Followedby: Rev. méd., Louvain.] Journal des seiencea médicales de Montx>ellier. y. 1-2, 1834. 8°. Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. Edinburgh and London. (Quarterly.) N. s., nos. 43-46, Ì874-5; nos. 55-56, 1878. 8°. Journal de la section de médecine de la Société académique du département de la Loire-Inférieure. Nantes, v. 1-11, 1825-35; n. s., v. 1-27, 1636-62; 3. s., v. 1-4, 1863-6. 8°. [Continued as: J. de méd. de l'ouest, Nantes.] Journal of the Society of Arts. London, v. 28-43, 1879-95. 8°. Journal de la Société gallicane de médecine hoinceopathique. Pa- ris, v. 1-8, 1850-7; 2. s., v. 1-4, 1857-60. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Soe. méd. homceop. de France, Par.] Journal de la Société de médecine de Lyon. [Title of v. 2 (com- posed of 6 nos.) of: Ree. d. actes Soc. de sante de Lyon.] Journal de la Société medicale de la Nouvelle-Orléans. v. 1, 1839. Jonrnal de la Société medicale de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Nos. 1-4, 6-12, v. 1, July, 1859-60; nos. 1-8, v. 2, ls60-l. 8°. Journal de la Société de médecine et de pharmacie de la Haute- Vienne. Limoges. v. 1-15, 1876-91. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. méd. de Limoges, aud continued as: Limousin méd., Li- moges.] Journal de la Société de médecine et de pharmacie de l'Isère. Grenoble v. 1-12, 1876-88. 8°. [Continued as: Dauphiné méd., Grenoble.] Journal de la Société de médecine-pratique de Montpellier, v. 1- 16, 1840-8. 8-. Jornal da Sociedade pharmaceutica lusitana. Lisboa, v. 1-5, [1837]-49; 2. s., v. 1, 1850; 7. s., v. 2-5, 1876-9; 8. s., v. 1-5, 1880-4; 9. s., v. 1-5, 1885-9; 10. s., v. 1, 1890. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed, published in 1845, title: Jornal da Sociedade pharmaceu- tica de Lisboa.] Jurnalul Societatii sciiutelor medicale din Bucuresci. Anul 1-2, 1879-80. 8°. Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias mèdicas de Lisboa. 1835 to July, 1846; 2. s., v. 1-55, July, 1847-91. 8°. title: J. d. se med. de Lisb.] Bucuresci. v. 1-24, [v. 1-2, Journal de la Société de statistique de Paris. 1892-5. 8°. Paris, v. 33-36, Journal of Social Science: containing the Transactions of the American Asaociation. New York and Boston. Nos. 1-16, Aug., 1869, to Dee, 1882. 8°. Journal (The) of Speculative Philosophy. 1, Oct., 1884. 8°. New York. No. 4, v. Journal (The) of State Medicine. The officiai quarterly journal of the Britiah Institute of Public Health. London, v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8°. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, v. 1-49, 1638-86. 8°. [Continued as: J. Roy. Statist. Soe, Lond.] Journal de statistique suisse. Bern.] [See Ztschr. f. schweiz. Statist., Journal of Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Atlanta, Ga. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1893. 8°. Journal fiir technische und òkouomische Chemie. Leipzig, v. 1- 18, 1828-33. 8J. [Contiuued as: J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz.] Journal de thérapeutique. Paris, v. 1-10, 1874-83. 8°. Jourual of the Trenton Naturai History Society. v. 1, 1886-7. 8°. Trenton, N. J. [123] J, univ. et hebd. de méd. et chir. prat., Par. J. univ. d. se méd., Par. J. f. Zahnh., Bresl. Jaarb. v. de k. Akad. v. Weten- sch., Amst. Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Munchen. Jahrb. d. ambulat. Klin. zu Halle. Jahrb. f. Anthrop., Leipz. Jahrb. f. Balneol. [ete], Wien. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. See- bader, Beri. Jahrb. d. Geiàngnissk. [etc]. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst., Leipz. Jahrb.d.Heilq. Deutschl., Wiesb. Jahrb. d. k. Akad. gemeinniitz. Wissensch. zu Erfurt. Jahrb. f. Kinderh. Jahrb. f. d. Lebens-Magnet., Leipz. Jahrb. d. Med. als Wissensch., Tiibing. Jahrb. d. Med.-Verwalt. in Elsass-Lothringen, Strassb. Jahrb. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Wien. Jahrb. d. nassau. Ver. f. Naturk., Wiesb. Jahrb. f. Nat.-Oekonom. u. Sta- tist., Jena. Jahrb. d. Naturw., Freib. i. B. Jahrb. d. phil. - med. Gesellsch zu Wiirzb. Jahrb. f. Physiol. u. Path. d. erst. Kindesalt., Prag. Journal uuiversel et hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions médicales. Paris, v. 1-13, 1830- 3. 8°. [Formed by the union of : J. univ. d. se méd., Par., with: J. hebd. de méd., Par., aud continued as: J. hebd. d. progr. d. se et inst. méd., Par.] Journal universel dea sciences médicales. Paris, v. 1-56, 1816- 30. 8°. [In Oct., 1830, united with: J. hebd. de méd., Par., forming: J. univ. et hebd. de méd. et chir. prat., Par.] Journal fiir Zahnheilkunde. Vereins-Organ der deutschen Ver- einigung in Amerika graduirter Doctoren der Zahnheilkunde. Breslau, 1887-90; Berlin, 1890-4. v. 1-8, 1887-94. fol. Jaarboek van de koniuklijke Akademie van wetenschapiien, ge- vestigd te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. 1866-93. 8°. Jahrbiicher des àrztlichen Vereins zu Munchen. v. 1-4, 1835-42. 8°. Jahrbiicher der ambulatorischen Kliuik zu Halle, v. 1,1820 ; v. 2, 1824. 6°. Jahrbiicher fiir Anthropologie und zur Pathologie und Theraxiie des Irrseyns. Leipzig, v. 1, 1830. 8°. [ Continuation of : Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop., Leipz.] Jahrbuch fiir Balneologie, Hydrologie und Klimatologie. Wien. v. 1-10, 1871-80. 8°. [Continuation of: Allg. balneol. Ztg., Neuwied. ] Jahrbiicher fiir Deutschlands Heilqnellen und Seebàder. Berlin. v. 1-5, 1836-40. 8°. Jahrbiicher der Gefàngnisskunde uud Besaerungaanatalten. Frankfurt a. M., 1842-4; Darmatadt, 1844-6. v. 1-9, 1842-6. 8°. Jahrbuch der geaammten Staataarzneikunde. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1835-40. 8°. [Continuation of : Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Beri.] Jahrbiicher der Hamburgiachen Staatskrankenaustalten. Hrsg. von den Aerzten dieser Anstalten unter Redaction von Prof. Dr. Alfred Kast. 1.-3. Jahrg., 1889-92. Leipzig. 1890-4. 8°. Jahrbiicher der Heilqnellen Deutschlands, insbesondere des Tau- nus. Wiesbaden. v. 1-2, 1821-2. 8°. Jahrbiicher der iu- und auslàndischen gesammteu Medicin. [See Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz.] Jahrbiicher der koniglicheu Akademie gemeinniitziger Wissen- schafteu zu Erfurt. Erfurt. N. F., v. 16, 1890. 8°. Jahrbuch fiir Kinderbeilkunde und physiache Erziehung. Wien, 1857-66; Leipzig, 1867-79. v. 1-8, 1857-66; n. F., v. 1-39,1867- 95. 8°. Jahrbiicher fiir den Lebena-Magnetiamus oder neues Asklàpieion. Allgemeines Zeitblatt fiir die gesammte Heilkunde nach den Grundsàtzeii des Mesnierismus. Leipzig. v. 1-5, 1818-23. 8°. Jahrbiicher der Mediciu als Wissenschaft. Tiibingen. v. 1-3, 1805-8. 8°. Jahrbuch der Medicinal-Verwaltnng in Elsass-Lothringen. Strass- burg. v. 1-7, 1868-94. 8°. Jahrbuch fiir Militar-Aerzte. Wien. v. 3-5, 1867-9; v. 7, 1872- /. 13-29, 1876-94. 12°. Jahrbiicher des nassauischen Vereins fiir Naturkunde Wies- baden. v. 15-22, 1860-8; v. 25-30J 1871-7. 8°. Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik. Jena. 3 s v. 3-9, 1892-5. 8°. Jahrbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Freiburg im Breiseau v 2-9, 1860-7 to 1893-4. 8°. Jahrbiicher der philosophisch-medicinischen Gesellsehaft zu Wiirz- burg. v. 1, 1828. 8°. [Want ali subsequent, being: Neue Jahr- biicher, ete] Jahrbuch fùr Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters. Prag. v. 1,1868. 8°. [Continuedas: Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien.] [124] Jahrb. f. pract. Aerzte, Beri. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tiibing. Jahrb. f. Psychiat. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. Jahresb. d. chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsndhtspflg. in Dresd. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Abth. d. Spit. zu Basel. Jahresb. d. chir. Klin. d. Prof. v. Dumreicher, Wien. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Klin. d. Univ. Greifswald. Jahresb. li. d. chir. Thàtigk. im Collier stadt. Biirger-Hosp. Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Klin. d. Prof. Albert in Wien. Jahresb. ii. d. erste Krippe zu Beri. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. in- u. ausi. Med., Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. Med., Erlang. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Phar- macog. [etc], Gotting. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. phys. Wissensch. v. Berzelius, Tii- bing. Jahresb. d. Frankf. Ver. f. Geog. u. Statist. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. Jahresb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Jahresb. d. k. Centr.-Thierarz- nei-Schule in Munchen, Leipz. Jahresb. d. k. thierarztl. Hoch- sch. in Munchen, Leipz. Jahrbuch fiir practische Aerzte. (Fortsetznng von Graevell's Noti- zen.) Berlin, v. 1-25, 1877-8 to 1692. 8\ [Continuation of: Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte [ete], Beri.] Jahrbiicher fiir praktische Heilkunde. Tubingeu. v. 1, 1815. 8°. Jahrbiicher fiir Psychiatrie. (Neue Folge dea psychiatrischen Oen- tralblattes.) Wien; Leipzig und Wien. 1865-6 to 1894-5. v. 1- 13,1879-95. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of: Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien.] Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikuude. Frankfurt ani Maiu. v. 1-11, 1808-19. 8°. Jahrbiicher der teutschen Medicin und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Besten aus der auslàndischou medicinischen Lite- ratnr. Niirnberg. v. 1-3, 1813. 8°. [Want no. 2, v. 2. Con- tinued, iu 1819, as: N. Jahrb. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Jahrbuch der Wiener k. k. Kranken-Anstalten. Wien und Leip- zig, v. 1 (1892), 1893. roy. 8-. Jabresbericht der chemischen Centralstelle fiir óffentliche Oesuiid- heitsx>flege in Dresden. 1.-17., 1871-87. Dresden. 1872-86. roy. 8°. Jabresbericht iiber die chirurgische Abtheilung des Spitals zu Basel. 1870-93. Basel. 1871-94. 8°. Jabresbericht der chirurgischen Klinik des Prof, vou Dumreicher in Wien. Schuljahr 1869-70. Von J. Hofmokl und E. Albert. Wien. lv., 1871. 8°. [Continued as: Jahresb. d. erst. chir. Klin. d. Prof. Albert iu Wien.] Jahres-Bericht iiber die chirurgische Klinik der Universitàt Greifs- wald wàhrend des Etatsjahres 1888-9 uud 1889-90. Greifswald. 2 v., 1890-2. 8". Jahres-Bericht iiber die chirurgische Thàtigkeit im Collier stiidti- scheu Biirger-Hospitale, wàhrend des Jahres 1875. Colu. lv. 6°. Jabresbericht der ersten chirurgischen Klinik des Hofrathes Pro- fessor Albert in Wien. Schuljahr 1887. Verfasstvon Dr. Julius Hochenegg. WTien und Leipzig. 1 v., 1689. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Jahresb. d. chir. Klin. d.Prof. v. Dumreicher, Wien.] Jahres-Bericht iiber die erste Krippe (Sàuglings-Asyl) zu Berlin, nebst einem Auhange iiber die Gesuudheitaxillege der Sàuglinge, von Dr. J. Albu. 4., 1872. Berlin. 1673. 8'-'. Jahreaberichte iiber die Fortacbritte der Anatomie und Phyaiolo- gie. Leipzig, v. 1-20,1872-93. 8°. [Continuation of : Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie uud Physiologie.] Jabreabericht iiber die Fortacbritte der gesanimten in- und auslàu- dischen Medicin, im Vereine mit . . . hrsg. von Alexauder Goe- schen. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1642-4. roy. 8 . Jabresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der gesamniten Medicin in alien Làndern, ini Vereine mit mehreren Gelehrten hrag. von C. Canstatt. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-25, 1841-65. 56 v. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Jahresb. ii. d. Leiatung. . . . d. ges. Med., Beri.] Jabresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Pharmacognosie, Pharma- cie uud Toxicologie. [Neue Folge des mit Ende 1865 abge- schloaaenen Canstatt'schen pharmaceutiachen Jahreaberichta.] Gottingen. v. 1-24, 1866-89. 8~. Jabreabericht iiber die Fortacbritte der phyaischen Wiaaenacbaften von Jacob Berzelius. Eingereicht au die achwedische Akademie der Wiaaenacbaften den 31. Màrz 1829, etc. Aus dem Schwedi- schen iiberaetzt. Tubingeu. v. 1-28, 1822-49. 8°. Jahreaberichte dea Frankfurter Vereins fiir Geographie und Sta- tistik. 35., 1870-1; 36., 1871-2; 50., 1885-6. Frankfurt a. M. 1871-87. 8D. Jahresberichte der Gesellsehaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Dres- den. Dresden. 1848-93. 8°. Jahresbericht der koniglich-bohmischen Gesellsehaft der Wissen- schaften iu Prag. Prag. 1876-90. 8-, Jahresberichte der k. Central-Thierarznei-Schule in Munchen. 1.-13., 1876-9 to 1888-9. Leipzig. 1880-9. 8°. Jahresbericht der k. thieràrztlichen Hochschule in Miiuchen 1889-90 to 1890-1. Leipzig. 1891-2. 6". [125] C Jahresb. d. k. Thierarzneisch. zu Hannov. Jahresb. d. kurmàrk. Hulfsver. f. Geisteskr., Neustadt-Ebers- walde. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll. . . . im Kònigr. Sachsen. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. ... in d. Anat. u. Physiol., Beri. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . ges. Med., Beri. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. in d. Kriegsh., 1860-65, Wiirzb. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Beri. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. Ophth., Tiibing. Jahresb. d. Marnili. Ver. f. Na- turk. Jahresb. ii. d. med. Abth. d. Spit. zu Basel. Jahresb. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Emden. Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Pas- sau. Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Jahresb. d. Stadt-Phys.. . . Prag. Jahresb. d. stadt. Krankenanst. zu Elberfeld. Jahresb. ii. d. Stralauer Stadt- schule, Beri. Jahresb. d. techn. Ver. v. N. York. Jahresb. d. Untersuch.-Station d. hyg. Inst. d. k. Ludwig- Max.-Univ. Munchen. Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Erdkunde, Metz. Jahresb. d.Ver. Kosmos v. Phila. Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Naturk. zu Mannh. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. Jahreaberichte der koniglichen Thierarzneiachule zu Hannover. 1.-2., 1868-9; 4.-17., 1871-85. Hannover. 1869-85. 8°. Jabreabericht des knnnàrkischen Hiilfsvereins fur Geiateakranke iiber daa Jahr 1874. 2. Aufì. Neuatadt-Eberawalde 1875. 8C. Jahresbericht des Landes-Medicinal-Collegium iiber das Medici- nalwesen im Kònigreich Sachseu. 1.-25., 1867-93. Dresden; Leipzig. 1669-94. 8°. [1874, vi (1876), et seq., published in Leipzig.] Jahresbericht iiber die Leistnngen und Fortschritte in der Ana- tomie und Physiologie. Hrsg. von Rud. Virchow uud Aug. Hirsch. Berichte fùr die Jahre 1873-4; 1877-8 to 1893. Berlin, 1874-94. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber dio Leistuugeu und Fortschritte der gesamm- teu Medicin. (Fortsetzung von Caustatt's Jahresbericht. ) Un- ter Mitwirkuug . . . hrsg. von Rud. Virchow und Aug. Hirsch. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-28, 1866-94. roy. 6°. [Continuation of: Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. Med., Erlang.] Jahresbericht iiber die Leistnngen in der Kriegsheilkunde im Jahre 1860-5. Wiirzburg. 8°. Jabreabericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Ge- biete des Militair-Sanitàtsweaens. Jahrg. 1-19, 1873-93. Ber- lin. 1874-94. roy. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistnngen und Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologie. Tubiugen. Jahrg. 1-24 (1870-93), 1872-94. 6-\ Jahresbericht dea Maunheimer Vereiua fur Naturkunde. Mann- heim. 32.-50., 1866-84 (1866-85). 8°. [Continued aa: Jahresb. d. Ver. f. Naturk. zu Mannh.] Jahresbericht iiber die medicinische Abtheilung des Spitals zu Basel. 1869-76. Basel. 1670-7. 8°. Jahresbericht der naturforschenden Gesellsehaft in Emden. v. 52 (1866); v. 54-68, 1868-82; v. 71 (1885-6); v. 78 (1892-3). Em- den. 1867-93. 8°. Jahresbericht des naturhistorischen Vereins in Passau. 1.-9., 1857-70: 1858-71. 8 . [Continued as: Ber. d. naturh. Ver. in Passau.' Want 3., 1859 (1860).] Jahresberichte der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fiir vaterlàndische Kultur. Breslau. v. 36-71,1858-93. 8°. Jahresberichte des Stadt-Physikates iiber die Gesundheitsver- hàltnisse der konigl. Hauptstadt Prag. 5.-6., 1886-7. Prag. 1889-90. 8°. Jalires-Berichte der stàdtischen Krauken-Anstalten zu Elberfeld. Elberfeld. v. 1, 1864 (1665). 8°. Jahres-Bericht iiber die Stralauer Stadtschule fiir das Schuljahr 1858-9. Berlin. 1859. 4~. Jahresbericht des technischen Vereins von New York, fur das (I.) Vereinsjahr 1880-1. New York. 1882. 8=. Jahresberichte der Untersuchungs-Station des hygienischen Insti- tuts der k. Ludwig-Maxiniilians-Universitàt Miiuchen. Hrsg. von E. Egger. 1.-4., 1880-3. Miiuchen. 1882-5. 6°. Jahresbericht des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. v. 1-5, 1863-6. Graz. 1865-77. 8°. [Continued as : Sitzungsb. d.Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz.] Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Metz. Metz. 1879-85 ; v. 10-12, 1687-8 to 1889-90 : 8-. [Wautv. 5, 1882.] 2-8, v. 14, 1891-2 ; v. 16,1893-4! Jahres-Bericht des Vereins Kosmos vou Philadelphia, Pa., fiir das Vereinsjahr 1883-4. Hrsg. vou dem wissenschaftlichen Comité. Philadelphia. 1 v., 1861. 8C. Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zuMannheim . . . nebst wissenschaftlichen Beitràgen und Mitgliederverzeichnissen. Mannheini. 52.-60., 1685-93 (1889-94). 8°. [Continuatiou of : Jahresb. d. Mannh. Ver. f. Naturk.] Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltnng desMenicinalwesens, dieKran- keuaustalteu und die offentlichen Gesundheitsverhàltnisse der freien Stadt Frankfurt betreffend. Hrsg. von dem àrztlichen Verein. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1-37,1857-93(1859-94). roy. 8°. [126] Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med. Wes.. d. off. Krankenanst. . . , Ziirich. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. San.- Wes. d. Kantons St. Gallen, St. Gallen. Jahresb. ii. d. Wirksamk. d. Augen-Heil-Anst. f. Arme in Posen. Jahresb. ii. d. -wissensch. Leis- tung. d. Doct.-Coll. d. med. Fac. in Wien. Jahresh. d.Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. in Wiirttemb., Stuttg. Jamaica Phys. J., Kingston. Janus, Bresl. Janus, Gotha. Japan Weekly Mail, Yokohama. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol. u. Med., Jena. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Balt. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. biol. lab., Balt. Johns Hopkins Univ. Ciré, Balt. Jubilee Voi. Statist. Soc, Lond. Jabreabericht iiber die Verwaltuug des Medicina! wesens, die oll'ent- licheu Krankeuanstalten uud den allgemeinen Gesundheitszu- stand des Kantons Ziirich in den Jahren 1852-69, nebst Mitthei- 1 im gen aus der Praxis der Aerzte und Thieràrzte, erstattet vou der Direction der Medicinalangelegenbeiten. Ziirich, 1853-70. 6\ [A continuatiou of : Ber. d. Gsndlitarath. ... in Ziirich.] Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltuug des Sanitàtaweaena und den allgemeiuen Gesundheitsznstand des Kanton's 6t. Gallen in den Jahren 1674-8; 1880; 1681. St. Gallen. 1875-82. 8-. Jahres-Beriehte iiber die Wirksamkeit der Augeu-Heil-Anstalt fiir Arme in Posen, St. Martin No. 6. 1.-8., 1677-8 to 1885; 10.-12., 1887-9. Posen. 1879-90. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die wisseuschaftlichen Leistungen des Docto- ren-Collejjiums der mediziuischen Facultàt iu Wien. Nos. 1-6, 1850-6. Wien. 1851-6. 8°. Jahreshefre dea Vereina fiir vnterlàndische Naturkunde in Wiirt- temberg. Stuttgart, v. 1-44, 1845-88. 8°. Jamaica (The) Phyaical Journal. Kingston, v. 1, Jan. to June, 1834. Also: Aprii, May, June, Sei>t., Oct., Nov., Dee, 1835; March, Aprii, July, Aug., 1836. 8°. Janus. Zeitsehrift fiir Geschichte und Literatur der Medicin. Breslau. v. 1-3, 1846-8. 8 . [Publication resumed as the fol- lowing:] Janus. Central-Magaziu fiir Geschichte undLiteràrgeschichte der Medicin, àrztliche Biographik, Epidemiographik, niedicinische Geographie und Statiatik. Gotha. v. 1-2, 1851-3. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding.] Japan (The) Weekly Mail: a review of Japanese commerce, poli- tica, literature, and art. Yokohama, v. 20-22, Aug. 5, 1693, to Nov. 17, 1894. fol. Japaneae Private-Sanitary Association. [See Dainippon Shiritsu Eiseikwai Zashi, Tokio.] Jefferson Medicai Association. [See Med. Bull., Phila.] Jefferson Medicai College. [See Coli. Se Clin. Ree, Phila.] Jenaische Annalen fiir Physiologie und Medicin. Jena. v. 1-2, 1849-51. 8C. Jenaische Gesellsehaft fiir Medicin und Naturwissenachaft. [See Sitzungab. d. Jenaiach. Gesellsch. f. Med. u. Naturw.] Jenaische Zeitsehrift fiir Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Hrsg. von der medicinisch-natnrwissenschaftlichen Gesellsehaft zu Jena. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1664-73. 8°. [Continued as the fol- lowing:] Jenaische Zeitsehrift fiir Naturwissenschaft. Hrsg. von der me- dicinisch-naturwisaenschaftlicheu Gesellsehaft zu Jena. Jena. v. 6-28, 1874-94. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding. v. 8 et sei], also called u. s., v. 1, ete] Jenner'sches Kinderspital in Bern. [See Klin. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Kinderh. . . . d. Jenuer'ack. Kindersp. in Bern. Also: Med. Ber. ii. d. Thàtigk. d. Jenner'sch. Kindersp. in Bern.] Johus Hopkins (The) Hospital Bulletin. Baltimore, v. 1-6, 1889-95. 4°. [Running title, after 1890, is: Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital.] Johns Hopkins (The) Hospital Reports. Baltimore, v. 1-4,1890- 4. roy. 8°. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Studies from the biologi- cai laboratory. Baltimore. Nos. 1-5, 1879-93. 8°. Johns Hopkins University Circulars. 95. 4°. Baltimore, v. 1-14, 1877- [See Med. & Surg. Joplin College of Physicians and Surgeons. Herald, Joplin, Mo.] Joplin (The) Hospital Clinic. Joplin, Mo. No. 5, v. 2, July, 1886. 4°. [Continuation of: Med. Se Surg. Herald, Joplin, Mo.] Jubilee Volume of the Statistical Society [of London!. London. 1 v., 1885. 8°. Julius-Hospital zu Wiirzburg. [See Aun. d. klin. Anst. in d. Julius-Hosp. zu Wiirzb.] [127] Julins-Maximiliana-Univeraitàt zu Wiirzburg. [See Festschr. z. Feier d. 300jàhr. Beateli, d. Juliua-Maximiliaua-Univ. zu Wiirzb., Baael.] Jundendo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko, Jundendo Ijikenku Kwai Hoko. [Reports of the Society of Med- Tokio. ical Researches.] Tokio. Nos. 141-164, 1892-4. 8°. Jurado méd.-farm., Madrid. Jurado (El) médico-farmacéutico. Revista semanal de medicina, cirujia y farmacia. (Eco imparcial de la ciencia y de los inte- reses profesionales.) Madrid, v. 1-8, Aprii 7, 1880-7. 4°. K. Kaiser- und Kaiseriu-Friedrich-Kiiiderkrankenhaus in Berlin. [See Arb. a. d. K.- u. K.-Friedrich-Kiuderkrankenh. in Beri., Stuttg.] Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Matbematisch-natur- wissenschaftliche Classe. Wien. [See Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wisaenach., Wien.] Kaiserliche Universitàt Dorpat (Pharmakologisches Institut). [See Hist. Stud. a. d. pharmakol. Iust. d. k. Univ. Dorpat, Halle a. S.] Kaiserliches deutsches Geaundheitaamt. [See Veroffentl. d. k. deutach. Gsndbtsaintes,.Berl.] Kaiserliches Gesundheitaamt. [See Arb. a. d. k. Gandhtaamte, Peri. Also: Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsanites, Beri.] Kaiaerlich-japaniache Uuiversitiit (Medicinische Facultàt). [See Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio.] K[aiserlich] k[6nigliche] erste chirurgische Universitàts-Klinik zu Wien. [Ste Arb, u. Jahresb. d. k. k. erst. chir. Univ.-Klin. zu Wien.] K[ai8erlich] k[6nigliche] Findel-Anstalt in Wien. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Fiudel-Anst. iu Wien.] Kaiserlich-koniglicbe Geaellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. [See Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte in Wieu. Also : Med. Jahrb., Wien. Also: Verhandl. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. Also: Wien. klin. Wchnschr. Also: Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien.] Kaiserlich-kihiigliche Krankeuanatalt Rudolph-Stiftung in Wien. [See Ber. d. k. k. Krankenanat. Rudolph-Stiftung iu Wieu.] Kais[erlich] konigl[iche] medicinisch-chirnrgische Josephs-Aca- demie zu Wien. [See Abhandl. d. k. k. med.-chir. Josephs- Acad. zu Wien.] K[aiserlich] k[òniglicher] oberster Sanitàtsrath. [See Oesterr. San,-Wes., Wien.] Kaiserlich-konigliches allgemeines Krankenhaus zu Prag. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Prag. Also: Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Prag, Beri.] Kaiserlich-konigliches allgemeines Krankenhaus zu Wien. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien.] Kaiserlich-konigliches Bezirks-Krankenhaus Wieden. [SeeAerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Bezirks-Krankenk. Wieden, Wien. K[aÌ8erlich] k[onigliches] Gebàr- und Findelhaus zuWien. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Gebàr- u. Fiudelh. zu Wien.] Kaiserlich-konigliches Krankenhaus Wieden. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. Krankenh. Wieden, Wien. Also: Ber. d. k. k. Kran- kenh. Wieden, Wien.] Kaiser-Wilheims-Universitat Strassburg. [See Stiftungsf. d K - Wilh.-Univ. Strassb.] Kouiglichen (Der) rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitàt Bonn zur Feier ihres fiinfzigjàhrigen Jubilàums am 3. August 1868 die uiederrheinische Gesellsehaft fur Natur- und Heil- kunde. Bonn. 1 v., 1868. 4°. Kònigliche (Die) Universitàts-Frauenklinik in Munchen in den Jahren 1884-90. Berichte uud Studien hrsg. von F. von Winckel. Leipzig. 1 v., 1892. 8°. K. rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms- Univ. Bonn z. Feier ihres 50- jàhr. Jubil., Bonn. K. Univ.-Frauenklin. in Miin- chen. Ber. . . ., Leipz. [128] K. Vetensk. Acad. n. Handl., Stockholm. Kal. u. statist. Jahrb. f. d. Kònigr. Sachs., Dresd. Kanesawa Igakkwai Zashi. Kansas City M. Index. Kansas City M. J. Kansas City M. Ree Kansas City M. & S. Rev. Kansas City Rev. Se & Indust. Kansas M. Cat., Fort Scott. Kansas M. Index, Fort Scott. Kansas M. J. Kansas M. J., Topeka. Kansas & Missouri Valley M. Index, Fort Scott. Kentucky M. Recorder, Louis- ville. Keystone M. J. Kongl. Vetenakaps Acadeniiens nya Handlingar. Stockholm. v. 1-17, 1760-00. 8 \ Kalender und statistiaebes Jahrbuch fiir das Kònigreich Sachsen . . . auf die Jahre 1671-93. Hrsg. vonistatiatischen Bureau des konigl. sàchs. Ministeriuni des Innern. Dresden. 1671-93. 8^. [Journal of the Medicai Society of Nos. 36-44, v. 5-6, 1893-4. 8G. Kanesawa Igakkwai Zashi Kanesawa.] Kanesawa. Kansas City (The) Medicai Index. Devoted to medicine and surgery. Kanaaa City, Mo. v. 6-16, 1885-95. 8C. [Con- tinuation of: Med. Index, Kanaaa City.] Kanaas City, Mo. v. l-,">, A monthly journal of niedi- v. 1-12, 1864-95. roy. 8°. Kansas City (The) Medicai Journal. 1671-5. 8°. Kansas City (The) Medicai Record. cine aud surgery. Kanaaa City. Kanaaa City (The) Medicai and Surgical Review. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1, 1860. 8°. Kansaa City (The) Review of Science and Industry. Kansas City, Mo. v. 2-9, 1878-85. 8°. [Continuation of: West. Rev. Se. A Indust., Kansas City.] Kansas (The) Medicai Catalogne. Fort Scott, Kansas. v. 1-4 1890-3. 8^. [Continued, in 1894, as: West. M. J., Fort Scott.] Kansas (The) Medicai Iudex. A monthly journal, devoted to medicine, surgery, and allied sciences. Fort Scott, Kansas. v. 1-3, 1880-2. 8°. [United with: Missouri Valley M. J., St. Joseph, forming: Kansaa Se Miaaouri Valley M. Index, Fort Scott.] Kanaaa (The) Medicai Journal. Topeka. v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8:. [La Cygne, March to July, 1864.] Kansas Medicai Journal. Topeka, Kansas, v. 1-7, 1889-95. 8°. Kansas and Missouri Valley Medicai Index. Fort Scott, Kansas, and St. Joseph, Mo. v. 4; no. 1, v. 5, Jan., 1883, to Jan., 1884. 8°. [Formed by the union of: Kanaas M. Index, Fort Scott, with: Missouri Valley M. J., St. Joseph. In Feb., 1884, united with: N. Med. Era & San., Kansas City, forming: Med. Index, Kansas City.] Kansas State Medicai Society. [See Proc. Kansas M. Soe] Karolinska mediko-kirurgiska Institut ìoStockholm. [See Skr. til. Univ. i Kj0benh. v. d. Fyrahuudra-Ars-Fest af Karol. med.- kir. Inst. i Stockholm.] Kavkazskoye medicheskoye Obshestvo. [See Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. Also: Protok. zasaid. Kavkàzsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis.] Kayserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften in Petersburg. [See Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Petersb.. Riga.] Kazanakiy Veterinarniy Institut. Inst.] [#eeUcken. zapiski Kazan. Vet. [See Dnev- [See Trudi Kazau. Kazanakoe Obahestvo vrachei pri imp. Univeraitete nik Kazan. Obah. vrach. pri imp. Uuiv.] Kazanakoe voyenno-sanitarnoe Obahestvo. voyenuo-san. Obsh.] Kentucky Medicai Recorder. Louisville. Nos. 1-10, v. 3, n. s., Sept., 1853, to June, 1854. 8°. [Continuation of : Transvlv' M. J.] J Kentucky State Medicai Society. Also: Tr. Kentucky M. Soe] Keynote of Homceopathy. Kansas City, Mo [Continued as: Med. Arena, Kansas City.] Keystone (The) Medicai Jonrnal. Devoted to practical medicine sanitary science, hygiene, and physical culture. Franklin! 1881; runkhaunock, Pa., 1882-3. v. 1; nos. 1-8, v. 2 Auìt 1881, to Aug., 1883. 8°. ' 8"' [See Proc Kentucky M. Soc. v. 1, 1892. 8°. Kieler physiologisches Institut. Iust.] Kievskoe Obshestvo Estestvoispytatelei Obsh. Estestvo., Kieff.] [See Arb. a. d. Kieler physiol. [See Zapiski Kievsk. [129] Kinder-Arzt. King's Coli., Lond. Physiol. Lab. Kin-Le I-Letzu, Yedo. Kjo'benh. med. Selsk. Forh. Kl. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Emden. Klin. Aarbog, Kristiania. Klin. Ann. d. herzogl. med.-chir. Krankenanst. in Jena. Klin. Beitr. z. Gynàk., Bresl. Klin. u. exper. Stud. . . . Lab. v. Basch, Beri. Klin. Jahrb., Beri. Klin. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Kinderh. . . . d. Jenner'sch. Kindersp. in Bern. Klin. Mitth. v. d. med. Abth. d. Allg. Krankenh. in Hamb. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. Klin. sbornik hosp. terap. klin. imp. Varshav. Univ. Klin. sbornik . . . klin. Imp. Var- shav. Univ. Klin. Stud. a. d. hydriat. Abth. d. allg. Poliklin. in Wien, Leipz. u. Wien. Klin. voordr. en akad. lessen o. geneesk., Rotterd. Klin. Zeit- u. Streitfragen, Wien. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle. Kliniek, Utrecht. Kinder-Arzt (Der). Zeitsehrift fiir Kinderheilknnde. Berlin u. Neuwied, 1890-1; Leipzig, 1892-5. v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. King's College, London. Physiological Laboratory. CoUected papers. No. 1. [n. p.,1893.] 8°. [Composed of reprints and cnttings. For private circulation.] Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn. [See Rep. Kings Co. Hosp., Brooklyn.] Kin-Le I-Letzu. [The Modem Medicai News. Edited by Stuart Eldridge, M. D. Japauese text,] Yedo. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1874. 8-'. Kj0benhavnske (Det) medicinske Selskabs Forhandlinger i 1888- 9. Kj0benhavn. 1 v., 1889. 8°. Kleine Schrifteu der naturforschenden Gesellsehaft zu Emden. 1872-9. 8°. Klinisk Aarbog. Meddelelser fra Rigshospitalet og F0dselaatiftel- sen i Kristiania. Kristiania. v. 1, 1864. 8°. Klinische Annalen der herzoglicheu medizinisch-chirurgischen Krankenanstalt iu Jena. Jeua. 1. Stiick, 1805. 8C. Klinische Beitràge zur Gynàkologie 8-. Breslau. v. 1, 1862-5. [9] Klinisck-chirurgisches Inatitut auf der Universitàt zu Breslau. [See Aun. d. klin.-chir. Inst. a. d. Univ. zu Bresl.] Klinische und experimentelle Studien. Aus dem Laboratorium von Prof. v. Basch. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1891-2. 8°. Klinisches Institut an der kaiserlichen Universitàt zu Wilna. [-See Ann. d. klin. Inst. an d. k. Univ. zu Wilna, Beri.] Klinisches Jahrbuch. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1889-94. 8°. Klinische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Kinderheilkunde von Prof. Dr. R. Demme. 25.-28. medicinischer Bericht Iiber dieThàtigkeit des Jenner'scheuKinderspitales in Beni ini Laufe der Jahre 1887-90. Beru. 1888-91. 8°. Klinische Mittheilungen von der medicinischen Abtheilung des Allgemeinen Krankenhauses in Hamburg aus dem Jahre 1858 bis 1863. Hamburg. 5 nos. 8°. Klinische Monatsblàtter fiir Augenheilkunde. v. 1-33, 1863-95. 6:~. [Want v. 3, 1865. Published at different periods at Erlan- gen, Stuttgart, Rostock, Cassel, aud Stuttgart.] Klinicheskii sbornik hospitalnoi terapevticheskii kliniki impera- torakago Varshavskago Universiteta. Nablyudeuija i izliedo- vauija. Pod redaktsiei L. V. Poneva. [Clinical collection of the hospital therapentical clinic of the imperiai University of Warsaw. Observations and researches. Edited by L. V. Po- poff] Varshava. 1 v , 1890. 8°. Klinicheskii sbornik. Nablyudenija i zamietki gospitalnoi tera- pevticheskoi kliniki imperatorskago Varshavskago universiteta. Pod redaktsiei L. V. Popova. Varshava. 1885. 8°. Klinische Schule an der Entbindungsanstalt zu Wiirzburg. [See Ann. d. klin. Schule an d. Entbind.-Anst. zu Wiirzb., Leipz.] Klinische Studien aus der hydriatischen Abtheilung der allge- meinen Polikliuik in Wieu. Leipzig und Wien. v. 1, 1887. 8°. Klinische voordrachten en akademische lessen over geneeskunde. Rotterdam. Nos. 2-4, 1869-70. 8°. Klinische Zeit- und Streitfragen. Wien. v. 1-9, 1887-95. 8°. Klinische Zeitsehrift fiir Chirurgie und Augenheilkunde. Halle. v. 1, 1836-7. 8°. Kliniek. Tijdsehrift voor wetenschappelijke geneeskunde Utrecht, v. 1-4, 1644-9. 8°. von Kolliker (Albert). [See Fest-Schr., Albert v. Kolliker, Leipz.] Koniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen. [See Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Miinchen. [Also: Sitzungsb. d. math. phys. CI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. zu Miinchen.] [130] Kòniglich-bohmische Geaellachaft der Wiasenachaften in Prag. [Ste Abhandl. d. math.-naturw. CI. d. k. bòhm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Also: Jahresb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Also: Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellach. d. Wissensch., Prag.] Kòniglich klinisches Institut ani St. Jakobahospitale in Leipzig. [.See Ano. d. k. klin. lnat. ani St. Jakobahosp. in Leipz.] K6nigl[ich] preussfiachea] Medicinal-Collegium der Provinz Sachaen. [See Auaz. a. d. Med.-Ber. d. k. preuss. Med.-Coli. d. Prov. Sachsen, Magdeb.] Kòniglich xireussiachea statistiaebes Bureau. [See Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureau, Perl.] Kòniglich rheiuisehes Medicinal-Collegium. [See Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coli., Koblenz.] Kòniglich aachaiache Gesellachaft der Wiaaenaehaften. [See Ab- handl. d. niath.-phys. CI. d. k. aàchs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch.] Kòniglich sachsischer Militair-Sanitàta-Dienat. [See Veroffentl. a. d. k. sàchs. Mil. San.-Dienst, Beri.] Koniglieh-siielisiacbea Entbindunga-Institut in Dresden. [See- Ber. . . . a. d. k.-sàcha. Entbind.-Iust. in Dresd., Leipz.] Koniglich-sachsisehes statistisches Bureau. [See Ztschr. d. k.- siichs. statist. Bureau, Dresd.] Konigliche Académie der Wiaaenacbaften zu Berlin. [ See Phys.. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Beri., Gotha.] Konigliche Akademie gemeinniitziger Wisaenachaften zu Erfurt. [«See Jahrb. d. k. Akad. gemeinniitz. Wiaaensch. zu Erfurt.] K[onigliche] Central-Thierarznei-Schule in Miinchen. [«See Jahresb. d. k. Centr.-Thierarznei-Sch. in Munchen, Leipz.] Kònigl[iche] chirurgische Klinik zu Breslau. [See Mitth. a. d. * k. chir. Klin. zu Breal., Leipz.] Konigliche Frauenklinik in Dreaden. [«See Arb. a. d. k. Frauen- klin. in Dresd., Leipz.] Konigliche Gesellsehaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. [See Nadir, v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg-Ang.-Univ., Gotting. Also : Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Math.- phya. Kb, Gotting. J Kon[igliche gynàkolfogiache] Universitari Klinik zu Konigsberg iu Preussen. [See Ber. ii. d. Ereign. in d. k. gynàk. Uuiv.-Klin. zu Konigsb.] Konigliche Ludwig-Maxiniiliana-Uni versi tàt zu Munchen (Me- (licinisch-klinisches Institut der . . . ). [ «See Arb. a. d. med.-kliu. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximiliana-Univ. zu Miinchen, Leipz.] Konigliche thieràrztliche Hochaehule in Munchen. [hysiol. Fac. méd. de Par.] [«See Thérap. expér. Trav. Laboratoire del'Univeraité de Liége. du lab. de l'Univ. de Liége, Par.] Laboratoria obahei patologii pri imp. Varahavakom Univeraitete [«See Arch. lab. obah. x>atol. p. imp. Varahav. Univ.] Laboratorio (El). Reviata de farmacia y cienciaa acceaoriaa. Organo oficial del Colegio de farmacéuticoa de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 5-6, 1880-1. 8°. [ Contiuuàtion of: Boi. Col. de farm. de Barcel.] Laboratory of Hygiene, Sauitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. [«See Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mich. Also: Mod. Med. & Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mich.] Laboratory of Phyaiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scientifìc School of Yale College. [See Stud. Lab. Physiol. Chem., N. Haven.] Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. [«See Rep. Lab. Roy. Coli. Phys. Edinb.] Lsegevideuskabelige Faknltet ved Kj0benhavns Universitet. [See Festskr. . . . d. lsegevidensk. Fak. v. Kj0benh. Univ., Kj0beuh.] [133] Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk. Lancet, Lond. Lancet, Tiel. Lanceta, Barcel. Lancette belge, Brux Languedoc méd., Toulouse. Lavori accad. d. r. Ist. d'incorag. a. se nat. ... di Napoli. Lavori d. clin. ocul. d. r. Univ. di Napoli. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int., Mi- lano. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Genova. Leavenworth M. Herald. Leavenworth M. Herald. Lecciones clin. [etc], Sevilla. Lect. Si. addr. farmers' inst. Ohio, Columbus. Lect. pub. health, Dubl. Leeward Islanda M. J., Lond. Laitopise khirnrgicheskago Obshestva v Moskvai. [Annals of the Surgical Society ofMoscow.] v. 1, 1873-5; nos. 10-18, v. 4, 1881 ; noa. 1-5, 8-9, v. 5, 1882 ; v. 6-11,1663-6 to 1891-2. roy. 8°. Lancaater City and County Medicai Society. [«See Quart. Tr. Lancaater City Se Co. M. Soc] Lancet (The). A journal of Britiah and foreign medicai aud chemical acience, criticism, literature aud news. London. 148 v. Oct. 5, 1623-95. 8- & 4°. Lancet (Het). Maandschrift voor practische genees-, heel- en verloskunde Tiel. v. 1-8, 1860-7; n. s., v. 1-16, 1868-83. 8°. Lanceta (La), òrgano oficial de la Union de cirujanos, minis- trantea y x>racticantes de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 1-3, Nov. 15, 1883-5. 4°. Lancette (La) bel»; xelles. v. 1-4, P Journal de médecine et d'hygiène. ,-80. 8°. Bru- Lancette (La) francaise: gazette des hópitaux civils et militaires. Paris, v. 1-68, 1628-95. 4C & fol. [See Gaz. d. bop., Par. See, also, Introductory remarks, in relation to this title.'] Landes-Mediciual-Collegium im Kònigreich Sachsen. [«See Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll. . . . im Kònigr. Sachsen.] Languedoc (Le) medicai. Revue trimestrielle des maladies du svstème nerveux et de l'appareil digestif. Toulouse. v. 3-4, 1893-4. 6-'. Laryngological Society of London. [See Proc. Laryngol. Soc Lond.] Lavori (De') accademici del r. Istituto d' incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali economiche e tecnologiche di Najioli. 6 nos., 1869-79. Napoli. 1870-60. 4~. Lavori della clinica oculiatica della r. Università di Napoli. Na- poli, v. 3, 1891-3. 6°. [For v. 1, see Ist. di clin. ocul. d. r, Univ. di Naxioli, Pavia.] Lavori dei Congressi di medicina interna. Primo congresso tenuto in Roma nell' ottobre 1886. Pubblicazione fatta per mandato del comitato ordinatore dal prof. Edoardo Maragliauo. Milano. v. 1-5, 1860-93. 8J. Lavori dell' Istituto di clinica medica della r. Università di Ge- nova, diretto dal prof. E. Maragliauo. Anno scolastico 1886-7. Genova. 1888. 8°. Leavenworth (The) Medicai Herald. A monthly minor of the medicai sciences. Leavenworth, Kansas, v. 1-3, 1867-70. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Leavenworth (The) Medicai Herald and Journal of Pharmacy. Leavenworth, Kansas, v. 4-5, 1870-2. 8°. [Continuation of the x>receding, and succeeded by: Med. Herald, Leavenworth.] Lecciones clinicas y noticias mèdicas, las primeras traducidas di- rectamente del inglés y las aegundaa tomadas de la prensa mèdica de Espaha, Francia, Inglaterra, Alemanni, Estados Unidos de America é Italia por D. Ramon de la Sota y Laatra. Sevilla. v. 1-3, 1879-81. 8^. Lechebuitza russkich vrachei v g. Voroneje [See Otchet o zasaid. lecheb. russk. vrach. v Voroneje.] Lectures and addreaaes delivered at farmers' institutes held in differeut counties of Ohio, during wiuter of 1880-7, under the joint auspices of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, the Ohio State University, the State Grange, the State Horticuìtural «So- ciety, and the various county societies and locai organizations, together with papers by Profs. Weber and Lord. Publiahed by the Ohio State Board of Agriculture. Columbus. 1887. 8°. Lectures ou public health [by Stokes, Reynolds, and others], in the lecture-hall of the Royal Dublin Society. Dubliu. 1 v., 1874. 6:. Leeward Islanda Brauch of the British Medicai Association. [«See Leeward Islanda M. J., Loud.] Leeward Islanda (The) Medicai Journal. Being the Proeeedings of the Leeward Islanda Brauch of the Britiah Medicai Associa- tion, 1691. London, v. 1, 1891. e°. [134] Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa. Leistung. u. Fortschr. d. Med. in Deutschl. Lek. domowy, Chicago. Lend a hand, Bost. Lens, Chicago. Leonard's Illust. M. J., Detroit. Leucocyte, Detroit. Levatrice cond., Roma. Levatrice mod., Napoli. L'Homme, Par. Library J., N. Y. Liguria med., Genova. Limousin méd., Limoges. Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Beri. Liverpool Health of Towns' Ad- voc Liverpool M. Gaz., Lond. Liverpool M. & S. Rep. Lehigh Valley Medicai Association. [See Lehigh Valley M. Mag., Easton, Pa.' Also: Tr. Lehigh Valley M. Ass.] Lehigh Valley Medicai Magazine. The journal of the Lehigh Valley Medicai Asaociation. Easton, Pa. v. 1-6, 1889-05. 8°. Leistungen (Die) und Fortschritte der Medizin in Deutsehland. Berlin, 1633-5; Leipzig, 1836-7. v. 1-5, 1832-6. 6 . [Continued as: Jahrbuch fiir die Leistungen der gesammtcn Heilkunde, Leipzig.] Lekarz domowy. Pismo poswie.cone dia uzytkti domowego. Wychodzi co diva tygodnie. [House physician. Periodical de- voted to domestic treatment.] Chicago, 111. v. 1, 1886-7. Lend a hand. A record of progress. Boston, x. 11, 1893-4. 8°. Lens (The); a quarterly journal of microacopy, and the allied naturai sciences; with the transactious of the State Microscopi- cai Society of Illinois. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1872-3. 8°. Leonard's Illustrated Medicai Journal. Devoted to medicine, surgery, and pharmacy. Detroit. N. s., v. 1-16, 1880-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Advauce, Detroit.] Leprosy Investigation Committee [See J. Leprosy Invest. Coni., Lond. ] Leucocyte (The). Published by the students of the Detroit Col- lege of Medicine. The officiai organ of the alumni. Detroit. v. 1. 1894-5. 8°. Levatrice (La) condotta. Roma. v. 1-3, 1891-4. 8°. Levatrice (La) moderna. Rassegna d' ostetricia e ginecologia per i medici pratici e le levatrici. Organo ufficiale dell' Associazione italiana delle levatrici con sede iu Milano. Napoli, v. 1,1892. 8°. L'Homme. Journal illustre des sciences anthropologiques. Paris. v. 1-4, 18/1-7. 8°. Library (The) Journal. Officiai journal of the American Library Association. New York. v. 1-20, 1876-95. 4°. Library of Practical Medicine. Philadelphia. [See Svat. Pract. M. (Tweedie), Phila.] Liguria (La) medica. Giornale di acienze mediche e naturali. Genova, v. 1-15, 1856-70. 8°. [In 1871,united with: Filiatre- sebezio, Napoli, forming: N. Liguria med., Genova.] Limousin (Le) medicai. Journal de la Société de médecine et de pharmacie de la Haute-Vienne. Limoges. v. 15-19, 1891-5. 8°. [Continuation, in no. 3, v. 15, of : J. Soc. de méd. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges.] Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. [«See Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Liverp. ] Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. [See Meni. Lit. &. Phil. Soc. Manchester. Also: Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Man- chester.] Litterarische Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Berlin, v. 1- 24,1825-32. 6°. [Continued as : Wissensch. Ann. d. sres. Heilk., Beri.] fo Little Rock and Pulaski County Medicai Association. [See Tr. Little Rock& Pulaski Co. M. Ass.] Liverpool (The) Health of Towns' Advocate, published under the sanctiou of the Committee of the Liverpool Health of Towns' Association. Liverpool. Nos. 1-19, 1845-7. 8°. [See also J Pub. Health, Lond.] ' " Liverpool Health of Towns' Association. of Towns' Advoc] [«See Liverpool Health Liverpool (The) Medicai Gazette; or, monthly journal of medi- cine and the collateral sciences. London, v. 1, 1833. 6. Liverx>ool Medicai Institution. [See Liverpool M.-Chir. J.] Liverpool (The) Medicai and Surgical Reports. London, y. 1-5 1867-71. 6°. [In 1873, united with : Manchester M. Se S. Rep ' forming: Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep.] [135] Liverpool Se Manchester M. & S. Rep. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. Livre jubil. publié par la Soc. de méd. de Gand [etc], Gand. Locai Gov. Chron., Lond. Loire méd., St.-Etienne. Lond., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Se Lond. Hosp. Rep. Lond. J. M. Lond. M. Exam. Lond. M. Gaz. Lond. M. J. Lond. M. & Phys. J. Lond. M. Ree Lond. M. Recorder. Lond. M. Reposit. Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. Liverpool (The) and Manchester Medicai and Surgical Reports. Manchester; Liverpool. v. 1-6, 1873-8. 8°. [Formed by con- solidation of: Liverpool M. & S. Rep. with: Manchester'M. & S. Rep. In July, 1881, continued as: Liverpool M.-Chir. J.] Liverpool (The) Medico-Chirurgical Jonrnal, a record of practical medicine and surgery. Liverpool. v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3,1857-9. 8°. Liverpool (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal, iucluding the Pro- eeedings of the Liverpool Medicai Institution. Liverpool. v. 1-15,1881-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Liverpool & Manchester M. Se S. Rep.] Livre jubilaire publié par la Société de médecine de Gand à l'oc- casiou du cinquantième anniversaire de sa fondation. Gand. 1884. 8°. [v. 63 de la sèrie des Annales.] Locai (The) Government Chronicle and Knight's Officiai Adver- tiser. London. Nos. 734-1360, 1881-92. fol. Loire (La) medicale Organe officiel de la Société de médecine de St.-Etienne et de la Loire. Saint-Etienne, v. 1-14, 1882-95. 8°. London (The), Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. London. 3. s., v. 36-37, 1850; 4. s., v. 1- 18, 1851-9; v. 29-46, 1865-73. 8°. London (The) and Edinburgh Monthly Jourual of Medicai Science. Edinburgh, v. 1-20, 1841-55. 8J. [Nos. 1-8, v. 1, Jan. to Aug., 1841, title: Edinb. Mouth. J. M. Se; v. 5-19, 1845-54, title: Month. J. M. Se, Lond. & Edinb. In July, 1846, North. J. M., Edinb., merged in this journal. In v. 20, title: Month. J. M., Lond. In July, 1855, united with: Edinb. M. & S. J., formine: Edinb. M. J.] London (The) Hospital. [«SeeClin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp.] London Hospital. The reports of the medicai and surgical regis- trare for 1875. Loudou. 8°. London Journal of Medicine. A monthly record of the medicai sciences. London. Nos. 1-46, forming v. 1-4 (bound in 8 v.), 1849-52. 8°. [Incorporated with new weekly series of: Prov. M. & S. J., Lond., forming: Assoe M. J., Lond.] London Medicai Examiner. Monthly review aud statistical journal of practical medicine. London, v. 1 ; nos. 1-11, v. 2 1850-2. 8°. London (The) Medicai Gazette; a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral seiencea. London. v. 1-48, 1827-51. 8°. [In 1852, united with: Med. Timea, Lond., forming: Med. Times Se Gaz., Lond.] London (The) Medicai Journal. By a society of physicians. Lon- don, v. 1-11, 1781-90. 8°. [See Med. Facts Se Obs., Lond., for continuation.] London (The) Medicai and Physical Journal. London, v. 33- 55, Jan., 1815, to June, 1826; n. s., v. 1-14, July, 1826, to June, 1833. 8°. [Want Dee, 1830 (in v. 9, n. s.); aìso, pp. 145-152, v. 14, n. s. (Feb., 1833). Continuation of: Med. Se Phys. J., Lond.] London (The) Medicai Record. A review of the progress of med- icine, surgery, obstetrics aud the allied sciences. v. 1-15,1873- 67. 8°. [Title of nos. 1-6, v. 1, was : Medicai (The) Record, London. Continued as: Lond. M. Recorder.] London (The) Medicai Recorder. A monthly review of the prog- ress of the medicai sciences at home and abroad. London. N. s., v. 1-4, 1888-91. 8°. [Continuation, in 1888, of: Lond! M. Ree] London (The) Medicai Repository. Monthly journal and review. v. 2-20, 1814-^3; n. s., v. 1-3, Jan., 1824, to June, 1825; n. s. [3.], v. 1-6, July, 1825, to June, 1828. 8°. [Continuation of: Lond. M., S., Se Pharm. Reposit., and continued as: Lond. M. Se S. J.] London (The) Medicai Review. London 2, of : Lond. M. Rev. & Mag.] London (The) Medicai Review. [Quarterly.] London 1808-12. 8-, [Title ofv. 7-8, 1801- v. 1-5, [136] Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag. Lond. M. Si S. J. Lond. M., S., Se Pharm. Reposit. Lond. Physiol. J. Lond. Student. Louisville J. M. & S. Louisville M. Gaz. Louisville M. J. Louisville M. Month. Louisville M. News. Louisville M. Reporter, Hender- son. Louisville Rev. Lucania med., Potenza. Lucina. Lucine frane., Par. Lyon méd. London (The) Medicai Review: or monthly journal of medicai and aurgical science v. 1-3, July, 1860, to June, 18(53. 8^. [Title of v. 1, 1860-1, was: London (The) Medicai Review.] London (The) Medicai Review aud Magazine, by a .society of physicians and aurgeons. London, v. 1-8, 1790-1802. 8 . [v. 7-8, title: Lond. M. Rev.] London (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a view of the improveinents and diacoveries in the various branches of medicai science. v. 1-2; nos. 1-3, v. 3, July, 1628, to Sept., 1829; [n. s.], v. 1-5, 6, 6», 7, 7Q, 8-10, 12, Feb. 5, 1832, to Dee 16, 1837. 8°. [Continuation of: Lond. M. Rejiosit. ] London (The) Medicai, Surgical, and Pharmaceutical Reposi tory, Monthly Journal and Review. v. 1, 1814. 8°. [Continued as: Lond. M. Reposit.] London (The) Physiological Journal; or monthly record of ob- servations on animai and vegetable anatomy aud })hysiology, chiefly made bv the aid of the microscope. London. Nos. 1-5 (Oct., 1843, to Feb., 1844), v. 1, 1843-4. 8°. London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination. [«See Vace Iuq., Lond.] London (The) Student. London. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1868. 8°. Loomis Laboratory of the Medicai Department of the University of the City of New York. [See Research. Loomia Lab. . . . Uuiv. City'N. York.] Louiaiana State Medicai Aasociation. [«See Proc. Louisiana M. Ass.] Louisiana State Medicai Society. [«See Tr. Louisiana M. Soe] Louisville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Nos. 1-2, v. 1,1838. 8°. [In Jan., 1840, revived, and Consolidated with : West. J. M. & Phys. Se, Ciucili., forming: West. J. M. Se S., Louisville] Louisville (The) Medicai Gazette. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1859. 8°. Louisville Medicai Journal. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1860. 8°. Louisville Medicai Monthly. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-2, 1694-5. 8°. Louisville (The) Medicai News; a weekly journal of mediciue and surgery. Louisville. v. 1-20, 1876-85. 8°. [Iu Jan., 1886, uuitedwith: Am. Pract., Louisville, forming: Ani. Pract. Se News, Louiaville. ] Louisville (The) Medicai Reporter; a weekly journal. Hender- aon, Ky. No. 1, v. 1, 1874. 8°. Louisville (The) Review. A bi-monthly journal of practical med- icine and surgery. Ed. by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardsou. v. 1, 1656. 8°. [Continuation of: West. J. M. & S., Louis- ville. In Jan., 1857, united Avith: Med. Exam., Phila., form- ing: N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila.] Lucania (La) medica. Giornale degl' interessi scientifici e pro- fessionali della clasae medico-lucana. Potenza, v. 1-2, 1873-4. 8°. Lucina. Eine Zeitsehrift zur Vervollkommnung der Entbindnngs- kunst. Leipzig, 1802-8; Marburg, 1809-11. v. 1-6, 1802-11. 8°. [Contiuued as: J. f. Geburtsh.] Lucine francaise, ou Recueil d'observations médicales, chirnrgi- cales, pharmaceutiques, historiques, critiques et littéraires, relati ves à la scieuce des accouchemeus. Par le docteur Sa- combe. Paris, v. 1-3, an XI-XIII [1803-5]. 8°. Ludwig (Cari). [«See Beitr. z. Physiol., Marb. Also: Beitr. z Physiol. Cari Ludwig z. s. 70. Geburtst., [ete], Leipz. Also: Fuufzigj. Doct.-Jubelf. d. . . . Cari Ludwig, Marb.] Ludwiga-Spital Charlottenhilfe in Stuttgart. [«See Ber. ii. d. Be- trieb d. Ludwigs-.Spit. Charlottenhilfe in Stuttg.] Lyceum of Naturai History of New York. T«See Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y.] L * Lyon medicai : Gazette medicale, et Jourual de médeciue, réunis. Organe offieiel de la Société de médecine et de la Société des sciences médicales. Lyon. v. 1-78, 1869-95. 8-. [Formedby union of: Gaz. méd. de Lyon with: J. de méd. de Lyon.] [137J M. Maandbl. v. Natuurwetensch. . . . v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. v. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. Maandbl. v. de Ver. t. de kwak- zalv., Leeuwarden. Maandbl. t. de vervalsch. v. le- vensm. [etc], Amst. Maanedsbl. udg. af Foren. imod Lovbesk. f. Usaedelighed, Kj<0- benh. McCaskey's [clin. stud., Fort Wayne. Madras J. M. Se Madras Month. J. M. Se Madras Q. J. M. Se Madras Q. M. J. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz. Mag. d. ausi. Lit. d. ges. Heilk. [etc], Hamb. Mag. f. Geburtsh. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Beri. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk., Sten- dal. Mag.' f. d. ges. Heilk., Beri. Mag. f. d. ges. Thierh., Beri. Mag. f. d. n. Entdeck. in d. ges. Naturk., Beri. Mag. f. d. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Altona. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Maandblad voor Natuurwetenschappen, nitgegeven door de sec- tie voor natiiurwetenschaiipeu van het Genootschap ter Bevor- dering van Natuur-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, v. 1-15, 1870-1 to 1888-9. 8°. Maandblad van de Vereeniging tegen de kwakzalverij. Leeu- warden. v. 4-14, 1884-94. fol. Maandblad tegen de vervalsching van levensmiddelen en han- delsartikelen, tevens gewijd aan hygiénische en iudustrieele- belaugen. Amsterdam, v. 1-11, 1884-95. sui. fol. Maanedsblad udgivet af Forening imod Lovbeskyttelse for Usae- delighed. Den britiske og almindelige Fédérations danske Afdeling. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-3, 1879-82. 8C. Maatschappij ter bevordering der veeartsenijkunde in Nederland. [See Tijdschr.. v. veeartseuijk. en veeteelt, Amst.] McCaskey's clinical studies. Published quarterly. From the clinical notes of G. W. McCaskey. Fort Wayne, Indiana, v. 1,1892-3. 8°. [Continued, Dee, 1893, as: Fort Wayne M. Mag.] McDowell Medicai Society. Evansville, Ind. [«See Tr. McDowell M. Soc, Evansville] Madras Government Lyiug-in Hospital. [«See Med. Rep. Madras Gov. Lying-iu Hosp.] Madras (The) Journal of Medicai Science. Conducted exclu- sively by subordinates of the Madras medicai service Madras. v. 1-3; noa. 1-2, v. 4, Oct., 1851, to Dee, 1854. 8°. Madras (The) Monthly Journal of Medicai Science. Madras. v. 1-7, 1870-3. 8C. [Continuation of the following:] Madras (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicai Science. Madras. v. 1-12, July, 1860, to March, 1868; 2. a., v. 1, 1868-9. 8°. [Contftiued as the x>recedmg.] Madras (The) Quarterly Medicai Journal. Madras, v. 1-6,1839- 44. 8°. Magazin vor Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1775-8. 8°. [Continued aa: N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz.] Magazin der auslàndischen Literatur der gesammten Heilkunde und Arbeiten des àrztlichen Vereina zu Hamburg, y. 1-30, 1821-35. 8°. [Want v. 25, 1833. Continued aa: Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb.] Magazin fiir Geburtshelfer. St. 1: Leipzig; St. 2: Frankfurt und Leipzig, v. 1, 1794. 8°. Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1831-2. 8°. [Continued as: Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leix>z.] Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medizinische Poli- zei. Stendal. v. 1-2, 1762-4. 8°. [Continued aa: N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Poi., Stendal.] Magazin fiir die gesammte Heilkunde mit besonderer Rucksicht auf das Militair-Sanitàts-Wesen ini kòniglich-preussischen Staate. Berlin, v. 1-66, 1816-48.- 8°. Magazin fiir die gesammte Thierheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-40,1835- 74. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Beri.] Magazin fiir die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammteu Na- turkunde. [Gesellsehaft naturforscheuder Freundezu Berlin.] Berlin, v. 1-5, 1807-11. 4°. Magazin fiir die x>athologische Anatomie und Physiologie. Al- tona. Hft. 1, 1796. 8°. Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelen- kuutìe. Wiirzburg. v. 1-10, 1829-33. 8C. [After 1832, v. 8- 10, title: N. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Continued, in 1834, as: Arch. f. Psychol., Heidelb.] Magazin fiir Physiologie uud Medizin. Frankfurt a. M. [Addi-. tional title of v. 8-10, 1803-9, of: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . .. Heilk., Frankf. a. M.] [138] Mag. f. physiol. u. klin. Arz- nmttll. u. Toxikol., Leipz. Mag. f. spec. Thérap. u. Klin., Jena. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Mag. f. d. techn. Heilk. [etc], Ulm. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. Med., Frankf. a. M. Mag. f. d. Wundarznciw., Got- ting. -Magy. orv. és term.-vizsg., Pest. Maine M. J., Lewiston. Maine M. & S. Reporter, Port- land. Manchester M. & S. Rep. Manicomio, Nocera. -Manicomio mod., Nocera. Magazin fiir physiologische und klinische Arzneimitlellebre und Toxikologie vou J. Frank. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1845-54. 8°. Magazin fiir specielle Thera]iie und Klinik, nach den Grnndaiitzen der Kiregungstheorie. Jena. v. 1-2, 1802-6. 8°. [v. 2, title as follows :] Magazin fiir specielle Therapie, Klinik und .staatsarzueikunde. [Title of v. 2 of preceding.] Magazin fiir die Staatsarzueikunde. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1842-6. - . [In 1-47, united with : Ann. d. Staatsarznk., forming: Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br.] Magazin fiir die technisehe Heilkunde, óffentliche Arzneywissen- schaft und medizinische Gesetzgebung. Hrsg. von Gottlieb von Ebrbart, dem jiiugern. Ulm. [v. 1],1805. 8°. Magazin zur Vervollkommnung der theoretischen und praktischen Heilkunde Frankfurt am Main. v. 1-10, 1799-1809. 8-\ [Title of v. 6-10, 1801-9, was: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. Med., Frankf. a. M. v. 8-10, 1803-9, title, also: Magazin fiir Physio- logie und Medizin, Frankf. a. M.] Magazin zur Vervollkommnung der Medizin. Frankfurt a. M. [Title of v. 6-10, 1801-9, of: Mag. z. Vervollk. d. . . . Heilk., Frankf. a. M.] Magazin fiir die Wundarzneiwissenschaft. Gottingen. v. 1-3, 1797-1603. 8°. [v. 3, title : Allg. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneiw., Gotting.] Magyar (A) orvosok és természetvizsgàlók . . . tòrténeti vàzlata és muukàlatai. [Proeeedings of meetings and memoirs of Hungarian physicians and naturalista.] 1., 1841. 8°. 8., 1647 (publiahed in 1863); 13., 1868; 15., 1871; 17., 1874. Pest. 1841-75. 4J. Mahoning County Medicai Association. [barmacy for x>hysiciaua and druggists. Wilson, N. C, 1873-4; St. Louis, Mo., 1875-95. v. 1-23, July, 1873-05. 8°. [Want Nov., 1873, to Dee, 1875.] Medicinischer Briefwechsel, von einer Gesellachaft Aerzte heraus- gegebeu. Halle. Pta. 1-2, 1785-6. 8°. Medicai (The) Bulletin. A journal of medicine and aurgery: Bal- timore, v. 1-2, 1866-70. fol. [In Jan., 1871, united with: Balt. M. J., forming: Balt. M. J. & Bull.] Medicai (The) Bulletiu. A bi-monthly journal for physicians and students. [Edited and published by the Jefferson Medicai Aaao- ciation.] Philadelphia. v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8°. [Sub-title in v. 2 : A monthly journal of medicine and aurgery. ] Medicai (The) Cali. A quarterly jourual, devoted to the wants of the busy doctor. Quincy, 111. v. 1-7, 1881-8. 8°. Medicina (La) castellana. Revista quincenal de medicina, ciru- jia, farmacia y cieucias auxiliares. Valladolid. v. 1-4, 1886- 9. 8°. Medicai Century. An international journal of homeopathic medi- cine, surgery, and collateral sciences. Chicago, v. 1, 1893. roy. 8°. Medicai Chips. St. Louis, Mo. Nos. 1-4, v. 2, Nov., 1888, to Feb., 1889. 8°. [Coutinuation, in Nov., 1888, of: Internat. M. Se S. Synopsis, St. Louis, and continued, in Nov., 1869, as: St. Louis CÌin. Phys. & Surg.] Medicai and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. [See Maryland M. & S. J., Balt. Also: Proc. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland. Also : Tr. M. & Chir. Fac. Maryland.] Medicinische und chirurgische Berlinische wochentliche Nachrich- ten von D. Samuel Schaarschmidt, nebst einer Vorrede von D. Friedrich Hoffmanuus. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1738-40 (1742). 4C. Medicai (The) Chronicle. A monthly jourual for the practitioner. Baltimore, v. 1-3, Aug., 1882, to July, 1885. 8°. [Merged in: Phila. M. Times.] Medicai (The) Chronicle A monthly record of the progress of the medicai sciences. Manchester, v. 1-19, 1884-94 ; n. s., v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. Medicai (The) Chronicle ; or Montreal monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Montreal, v. 1-6, 1853-9. 8°. Medicinische Chronik. Wieu. v. 1-3, 1793-4. 8°. Medicina (La) cientifica basada en la fisiologia y en la experimen- tación clinica. Mexico, v, 1-6, 1888-93. 4°. Medicai (The) Circular. A journal of practical medicine, surgery, and therapeutics. Loudou. [A uew series, in Jan., 1864, of : Med. Ciré, Lond.] Medicai (The) Circular. A weekly journal and retrospect of med- icai progress. London. [Title of v. 14-19 of the following:] [142] Med. Circ, Lond. Méd. y ciruj. centro-am., Guate- mala. Med. Classics, N. Y. Med. Comment. Med. communale, Seregno. Med. Communicat., Lond. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Med. Compend. Med. contemp., Lisb. Med. contemp., Madrid. Med. contemp., Milano. Med. contemp., Napoli. Méd. contemp., Par. Med. contemp., Reus. Med. Convers.-Bl., Hildburgh. Med. Cor.-Bl. bayer. Aerzte, Erlang. Med. Cor.-Bl. rhein. u. westfal. Aerzte, Bonn. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wiirttemb. àrztl. Ver., Stuttg. Medicai (The) Circular and General Medicai Advertiser; a register of the aavinga aud doings of the medicai xirofesaion. London. v. 1-27, Ì852-65. 8° A 4^. [With v. 14, title changed to the preceding; withv. 20, tothat of the following; with v. 24, Jan., 1864, a new series coinineneed, title: Medicai (The) Circular. A journal of practical mediciue, surgery, and therapeutics. In Jan., 1866, consolidated with: Dublin M. Press, formiug: Med. Press A: Circ, Lond.] Medicai (The) Circular aud Journal of Practical Medicine ami Sur- gery. London. [Title of v. 20-23 of the preceding.] Medico (El) y cirujano centro-americano. Publicacion mensual de medicina, cirujia y los ramos colaterales. Guatemala, v. 1-2, 1880-1. 4°. Medicai Classica. New York. v. 1-3, 1887-9. 4°. Medicai College of Ohio. [.See J. Med. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Medicai Commentariea, for the year[a] 1780[-95], exhibiting a concise view of the lateat aud inoat inixiortant diacoveries iu medicine aud medicai philosophy. CoUected and published by Andrew Duucan. London; Edinburgh. v. 7-10, Londou, 178:5-6; Decade second, v. 1-10, Edinburgh, 1787-95. 8°. [v. 7 and 8 are 2. ed. Continuation of : Med. & Phil. Comment., Loud., and continued aa: Aun. Med., Ediub.] Medicina (La.) communale. Giornale popolare di scienze mediche applicate al x>rosperameuto fiaico-intellettuale-morale delle mol- titudini. Organo del comitato medico del circondario di Monza. Seregno. v. 1-3, 1863-5; v. 12-22, 1673-83. 6°. Medicai Couiniunicationa [of the Society for Promoting Medicai Knowledge]. London, v. 1-2, 1764-90. 8°. Medicai Communicationa of the Maasachusetts Medicai Society. Boston, v. 1, 1790-1808; v. 2, 1809-13; v. 3, 1822; v. 4, 18"Ì»; v. 5-15, 1836-92; noa. 1, 2, v. 16, 1893-4. 8°. Medicai (The) Compend. A monthly journal of practical medi- cine. Attica; Toledo, Ohio. v. 1-5, 1884-90. 8°. [Continued as: Toledo M. Compend. Suspended from March, 1886, uutil December, 1888.] Medicai Congress in Athens. [«See ll/;a/cr. 'Lvvóàov 'E'/.Ar/vuv ìarpùv, ' A-df/vrioiv. ] Medicina (A) contemporanea; hebdoinadario portuguez de scien- ciaa mèdicas. Lisboa, v. 1-13, 1883-95. 4°. Medicina (La) contemporànea. Reviata quincenal de medicina, cinigia y partoa. Madrid, v. 1 ; nos. 25-28, v. 2, Jan., 1884, to Feb. 25, 1885. 8°. Medicina (La) contemporanea; nuova rivista italiana e atrauiera. Milano, v. 1-4, 1876-9. 8°. [In Jan., 1880, merged in: Speri- mentale, Firenze] Medicina (La) contemporanea. Giornale periodico meusile di scienza e pratica medico-chirurgica. Napoli, v. 1-5, 1884-8. 8 '. Médecine (La) contemporaine. ris. v. 16-36, 1874-95. 8°. Medicina (La) contemporànea. Revista mèdica de Reus. òrgano de la clase médico-farmacéutica de la provincia de Tarragoua. Reus. v. 1-4, 1887-90. 8°. Journal de l'hydrothérapie. Pa- Medical Convention of Ohio. Convent. Ohio.] 1841, 1842, 1850. [«See Proc. M. Hildburghausen. v. 1-3, Medicinischea Conversationsblatt. 1830-2. 4°. Mediciuisches Correspondenz-Blatt bayerischer Aerzte. Erlan- gen. v. 1-11, 1840-50. 6°. Mediciuisches Correspondenzblatt rheinischer und westfàlischer Aerzte. Bonn. v. 1-4, 1842-5. 4°. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt des wurttembergischen àrztli- chen Vereins. Stuttgart, v. 1-65, 1832-95. 4°. [In 1883 the word "Vereins" became "Landesvereins".] [143] Med. Counselor. Med. Counselor, Columbus, Med. Critic & Psychol. J.,Lond. Med. Current, Chicago. Med. Denkwrdgktn., Beri. Méd. dosimét., Par. Méd. éclairée, Par. Med. Eclect., N. Y. Med. Enquirer, Liverp. Med. Ephem. v. Beri. Med. Era, Chicago. Med. Essays, Bureau M. & S. U. S. Navy, Wash. Med. Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb. Med. Exam., Chicago. Med. Exam., Lond. Med. Exam., N. Y. Med. Exam., Phila. Med. Facts & Obs., Lond. Medicai (The) Counselor. [A nionthly journal devoted to thebest interests of homoeopathy.] Chicago, 1879-82; Grand Rapida, 1862-5; Ann Arbor, Mich.,1886-9. v. 1-14, 1879-89. 8°. [Title of v. 6-7, 1681-3: Weekly M. Counselor. Title of v. 11-14, 1886- 9: Medicai (The) Counselor and Michigan Journal of Homce- opathy, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Medicai (The) Counselor: a weekly gazette of the medicai and physical sciences. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-2,1855-6. 8°. [Week- ly Medicai Gazette was running title in v. 1 of this journal.] Medicai (The) Critic and Psychological Journal. Edited by Forbea Winslow. London, v. Ì.-3, 1861-3. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Psychol. M., Lond. Continued as: J. Psychol. M., Loud.] Medicai (The) Current. A monthly review of mediciue, surgery, and midwifery. Chicago, v. 3-11,1886-95. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Ani. Eleet.-Cliu. Ree, Chicago. Medicai Department of the Uuiversity of the City of New York. [«See Research. Loomia Lab. . . . Univ. City N. York.] Medici iliache Deukwiirdigkeitenaua der Vergangenheit und Gegeu-. wart; fiir praktiache Aerzte in mouatlichen Lieferuugen hrsg. vou Dr. Albert Sachs. Berlin, v. 1, 1834. 8°. Médecine (La) dosimétrique devant les gens du monde. Journal bi-meusuel illustre. Paris, v. 1-3, 1883-5. 4°. Médeciue (La) éclairée par les sciences physiques, ou journal des. découvertea relatives aux différentes parties de l'art de guérir. Paris, v. 1-4, 1791-2. 8°. Medicai (The) Eclectic; devoted to reformed medicine, general science, and literature. New York. v. 1-9,1673-82. 8°. [Title, iu 1878-82, was: New York (The) Medicai Eclectic] Medicai (The) Enquirer: a nionthly journal and review. Organ of the National Medicai Aasociation for the abolition of the State regulation of x>rostitution. Liverpool. v. 1-4, 1875-81. 4°. [Want no. 9, v. 4 ; v. 4 is also called new series, aud it became quarterly.] Medicinische Ephemeriden von Berlin, v. 1, 1799-1800. 12°. Medicai (The) Era. A monthly journal of medicine Chicago. v. 1-10, 1863-92. roy. 8°. Medicai Essays: coinpiled from reports to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgerv bv Medicai Officers of the U. S. Navy. Washing- ton, v. 1, 1872. 8°. Medicai Essays and Observations. Revised and published by a society in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, v. 1-5, 1733-44. 8°. Medicai (The) Examiner. A semi-monthly journal of medicai science, devoted to the educational, scientific, and practical interests of the medicai profession. Chicago, v. 13-16,1872-5. 4°. [Continuation of: Chicago M. Exam. In Sept., 1875, united with: Chicago M. J., forming: Chicago M. J. Se Exam.] Medicai (The) Examiner. London, v. 1-4, 1876 to Sept. 12, 1878. 4°. Medicai (The) Examiner. A journal for medicai practitioners, 'y' in their relations as examiners for the Army, the Navy, the civile >^ service, life insurauce, accident insurauce, masonic i usurali ce,. i> railroads, x^olice and lire departments, pensions, etc. New<^ York. v. 4-5, 1894-5. 4°. Medicai (The) Examiner. Philadelphia. v. 1-7, 1838-44 ; n. s., v. 1-12, 1845-56. roy. 8- & 8°. [Want no. 23, v. 7, Nov. 16, 1844. In Jan., 1857,united with : Louisville Rev., forming: N. Ani. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila. «See, also, the two following:] Medicai (The) Examiner and Record of Medicai Science. Phila- delphia. [Title of v. 7, aud n. s., v. 1-12, of the preceding.] Medicai (The) Examiner and Retrospect of the Medicai Sciences. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 5-6 of: Med. Exam., Phila.] Medicai Facts and Observations. A sequel to The London Medi- cai Journal. London, v. 1-8, 1791-1800. 8°. Medicai Faculty of Toronto. [See Post-grad. course leet. M. Fac. Toronto.] Mediciniache Facultàt der kaiaerlich-japauischen Univeraitàt.. [See Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio.] [144] Méd. d. ferments [etc], Par. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis. Med. Free Press, Indianap. Med. Gaz., N. Y. Med. Gaz., N.Y. Med. Herald, Leavenworth. Med. Herald, Louisville. Med. Herald, St. Joseph. Med. Hist. Meath Hosp., Dubl. Méd. hypoderm.,Sceaux(Seine). Med. Indep., Detroit. Med. Index, Kansas City. Méd. inf., Par. Med. Inst. Phila. Med. Invest., Chicago. Med. J., Chemnitz. Med. J. v. Baldinger, Gotting. Med. J. N. Car. Medicinische Facultàt zu Marburg. [See Beitr. z. Physiol., Marb. Also: Fiinfzigj. Doct.-Jubelf. d. . . . Cari Ludwig, Marb.] Medicinische Facultàt Wiirzburg. [See Festschr. z. 3. Sacular- feier . . . d. med. Fac. Wiirzb., Leipz.] Médecine (La) des ferments. Journal trimestriel. Traitement par l'acide phénique et ses composés. Paris. 1874-88. 4° A 8°. Medicai (The) Fortnightly. Saint Louis, U. S. A. v. 1-7,1892-5. 8°. Medicai (The) Free Press. A monthly of medicine, science, and health. Indianapolis, v. 8-12, 1890-4. 8°. [Continuatiou of : Indiana (The) Eclectic Medicai Journal, Indianapolis.] Medicai (The) Gazette. A weekly review of practical medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. New York. v. 1-6; nos. 1-6, v. 7; 1867-71. 4°. Medicai (The) Gazette. (Formerly Hospital Gazette.) A weekly journal of medicine, surgerv, and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 7-10, 1880-3. [Title of v. 6, March to Dee, 1879, was: Hosp. Gaz., N. Y. Continued as: -resent time; including biographical sketches of the surgeous aud physicians who served on its staff; with the uames of apprentices, resi- dent pupils, clinical clerka, and prizemen; also ali students who studied at the hospital, from the year 1838. By Lambert Hepenstal Ormsby. Dublin. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Médecine (La) hypodermique. Antisepsie medicale au moyen des injections sous-cutanées. Sceaux (Seine). v. 1-8, 1888-95. 6°. Medicai (The) Independent. A monthly review of medicine and surgery, and journal of microscopical science. Detroit. [Title of nos. 2-6, v. 2, and nos. 1-3, v. 3, of the following:] Medicai (The) Independent and Monthly Review of Medicine and Surgery. Detroit, v. 1-3,1856-8. 8°. [In Aprii, 1858, united with: Peuins. J. M., Detroit, forming: Penins. & Indep. M. J., Detroit. See, also, the preceding.] Medicai (The) Index. Successor [in no. 2 (Feb.)] to the "Kansas and Missouri Valley Medicai Index" and "The New Medicai Era aud Sanitarian". Kansas City, Mo. v. 5, 1884. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Kansas City M. Index.] Médecine (La) infantile. Revue pratique des maladies des en- fants. Paris, v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8J. Medicai (The) Institute of Philadelphia, A monthly journal of homceopathy. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1886-8. 8°. [In Oct., 1888, title: Medicai (The) Institute of the Hahnemann Medicai College, Philadelphia, Pa.] Medicai (The) Intelligencer. [«See v. 1 of : Boston M. Iutellig.] Medicai (The) Investigator. A monthly journal of medicine and collateral sciences. [Homceopathic] Chicago. Nos. 1-9 v 2, 1861; n. s., v. 1-11, 1863-74. 4» & 8°. [In 1875, united with: U. States M. Se S. J., Chicago, forming: U. States M. Invest., Chicago.] Medicinisches Journal Iiber allerhand in die Arzneywissenscbaft undderenAusiibungeinschlagendeMaterien. Chemnitz. Theil 1-5, 1767-70. 8°. Mediciuisches Journal von E. G. Baldinger. Gottingen. v. 1 1784-96. 8J. [Continued as: N. med. u. phys. J., Marb.] -9, Medicai (The) Journal of North Carolina. Published under the auspices of the State Medicai Society. Edenton, 1858-60- Ral- 1-3», 3b, Aug., 1858, to Nov., 1861. 8~. eigh, 1861. [145] Med. J. v. Tode, Kopenh. Med. Jahrb., "Wien. Med. Jahrb., Wien. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth. Nas- sau, Wiesb. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. osterr. Staa- tes, Wien. Med. Jahrb.... v. Teplitz-Schòn- au, Leipz. Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls- Hosp. in St. Petersb. Med. Lit. f. pract. Aerzte, Leipz. Med. Mag., Bost. Med. Mag., Lond. Med. Mirror, Lond. Med. Mirror, St. Louis. Med. Miss. Soc in China, Lond. Méd. mod., Par. Med. Monatschr., N. Y. Med. Museum, Lond. Med. Nat.-Ztg. f. Deutschl., Al- tenb. Med. Neuigk., Erlang. [10] Medicinisches Jonrnal von D. Johann Clemens Tode. Kopenha- gen und Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1793-1804. 8°. [v. 3-5, 1798-1804, title: Med.-chir. J., Kopenh.] Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Zeitsehrift der k. k. Gesellsehaft der Aerzte in Wien. v. 1-20, 1861-70. 8°. [Continuation of: Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien, and continued as the following:] Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Hrsg. von der k. k. Gesellsehaft der Aerzte. Wien. v. 1-15, 1871-85; n. F., v. 1-3, 188(5-8. 8°. [Continuation of the jireceding.] Medicinische Jahrbiicher fiir das Herzogthnm Nassau. Wiesba- den. Hft. 1-23, 1843-66. 10 v. 8°. Medicinische Jahrbiicher des kaiserl. konigl. osterreichischen Staates. Hrsg. von den Directoren und Professoren dea Stu- diums der Heilkunde, an der Universitàt zu Wien. v. 1-6, 1811-21; n. F., v. 1-3, 1822-6; n. F., v. 1-57, 1829-48. 66 v. 8°. [In 1829, Beob. u. Abhandl. . . . v. osterr. Aerzten, Wien, merged iu this journal. «See, also, Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wieu.] Medicinische Klinik zu Konigsberg i. Pr. [See Mitth. a. d. med. Klin. zu Kouigsb., Leipz.] Medicinische Klinik zu Leipzig. [«See Arb. a. d. med. Klin. zu Leipz.] Medicinische Klinik vou . . . Dr. Mosler. [See Ausz. a. d. Kran- kengeseh. . . . d. med. Klin. v. Dr. Mosler, Greifswald.] Medicinische Klinik zu Wiirzburg. [«See Mitth. a. d. med. Klin. zu Wiirzb., Wiesb.] Medicinisches Jahrbuch der Thermalquellen von Teplitz-Schonau in Bòhmen. Leipzig. Jahrg. 18Ó5. Der ganzen Reihe 4. Hft. 8>. Medicinischer Jabreabericht vom Peter-Paula-Hospitale in St. Petersburg fiir die Jahre 1840 uud 1841, von H. Thielmann. St. Petersburg. 1843. 8U. Medicinische Literatur fiir practische Aerzte. Leipzig. Theil 1-12, 1781-7. 8°. Medicai (The) Magazine. Boston, v. 1-3, 1832-5. 8°. Medicai (The) Magaziue. A monthly review of medicine, sur- gery and allied sciences. London, v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8 \ Medicai (The) Mirror. A monthly magazine of current medicai literature and news. London, v. 1-7, 1864-70. 8° & 4°. Medicai Mirror. A monthly reflex of the profession and its prog- ress. St. Louis, v. 1-6, Ì890-5. 8°. Medicai (The) Missionary Society in China, Avith minutes of i>ro- ceediugs, officers, etc. Also, an appendix, containing a brief account of an ophthalmic institution at Macao for the years 1827-32. London. 1839. 8°. [«See, also, Rep. Med. Miss. Soc. in China.] Médecine (La) moderne. Journal de thérapeutique, de méde- cine, de chirurgie, d'accouchements et de pharmacologie. Pa- ris, v. 1-6, 1889-95. 4°. , Medicinische Monatsachrift. Organ fùr practiache Aerzte in Nord-America. New York. v. 1-2, 1889-90. 8°. [Continua- tion of: N. Yorker med. Presse, and continued, in 1891, as: N. Yorker med. Monatschr.] Medicai (The) Museum: ora repository of cases, experiments, re- searches, and discoveriea, collected at home and abroad. By gentlemen of the faculty. London, v. 1-3, 1763-4. 8°. Medizinische National-Zeitung fiir Deutsehland uud die mit selbigem zunàchst verbundenen Staaten. Altenburg. v. 1-2, 1798-9. 4°. [Continued as: Allg. med. Ann., Altenb.] Medicinische Neuigkeiten ; ein Intelligenzblatt fur praktische Aerzte. Hrsg. von Dr. Kastner. Erlangen. v. 1-45, 1851-95. roy. 8J. [See, also, the following:] Medicinische Neuigkeiteu fdr praktische Aerzte. Wochentliche Mittheilungen vou wissenschaftlichen Neuigkeiteu und allem Interessauten aus dem Gebiete der àrztlichen Welt. Erlan- gen. [Title of a new series, in 1870, of the preceding.] [146] Med. News, Lond. Med. News, Phila. Med. News Se Abstr., Phila. Med. News Se Libr., Phila. Med. Novosti, St. Petersb. Med. Obozr., Mosk. Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. med. konfer. v Mosk.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Moskov. med. Obsh.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. ^Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk.) Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med. Obsh. v Mosk.) Med. Obs. Soc. Phys. Lond. Med. otchet Imp. S.-Peterb. Vosp. Doma. Med. otchet rodovsp. zaved. Imp. Moskov. Vosp. Doma. Med. otchet S.-Peterb. rodovsp. zaved. Med. Se Phil. Comment., Lond. Med. 8i Phys. J., Lond, Medicai News. A weekly journal of the medicai sciences. Lou- dou. v. 1-4, Oct. 28.'ls8l, to Aug. 31, 1—3. f . [Xos. 1-13, v. 1, title was: Medicai (The) News A Collegiate Herald, Lon- don.] Medicai (The) News. A weekly medicai journal. Philadelphia. v. 40-66, 1882-0,"). rov. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. News A Abstr., Phila.] Medicai (The) News «and Abstract. (A consolidation of the " Medi- cai News aud Libraiv'' and the "Monthly Abstract of Medicai Science''.) Philadelphia, v. 38-39, 1880-1. 8 . [Continua- tion of: Med. News A Libr., Phila., and continued aa: Med. News, Phila.] Medicai News and Collegiate Herald. London. [Title of nos.. 1-13, v. 1, of: Med. News, Lond.] Medicai News and Library. Philadelphia. v. 1-37, 1843-70. 8°.. [Continuation of : Ani. M. Intellig., Phila. In Jan., 1880, Month. Abstr. M. !^c, Phila., united with this journal, forming: Med. News A Abstr., Phila.] Meditsinskiya Novosti. Gazeta dlja vrachei, veteriuarov i far- matsevtov. St. Peteraburg. v. 1-2, l884-f>. fol. Meditsinskoye Obozrainie; ejeniaisjachniy journal. [Medicai Re- view; nionthly journal.] Moskva. v. 3-43, 1875-95. 8°. Izvlecheiiie iz protokolov zasaidanie meditsinskich konferentsii pri Staro-Ekateriuiuskom otdailenii bolnitsi dlja ckernorabo- cbich v Moskve, za 1878 g. Moscow. 1879. 8 . [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate paginatiou.] ProtokoliMoskovskago meditsinskago Obshestva, Moscow. Oct. 4, 1875, to Dee. 11," 1879. 8°. [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., and has separate paginatiou.] Protok oli zasaidani Obshestva rnaakich vrachei v Moskve. Nov. 23, 1878, to Dee. 11, 1879. Moscow. 1870-80. 8-. [Published with: Med. Obozr., Mosk., aud has separate pagiuation.] Protokoli phiziko-meditsinskago Obshestva v Moskvie, sostoja- shago pri Imp. Moskovskom Universitete. Moscow. Jan. 31, 1877, to Dee 3, 1879. 8C. [Published with: Med. Obozr.,. Mosk., aud haa separate paginatiou.] Medicai Obaervationa and Inquiries by a Society of Physicians in London, v. 1-6, 1757-84. 8°. Meditsinskii otchet Iniper. S.-Peterburgskago Vosp it atei n ago. Doma. [Medicai report of the Imperiai St, Petersburg Found- ling Hospital.] 1868; 1872-7; 1879-83. St. Petersburg, 1870- 85. 8°. Meditsinskii otchet rodovapomogatelinago zavedeuija Imperatora- kago Moskovskago Vospitatelinago Doma za 1875 i 1877 godi. Soatavlennii Dr. F. K. Gugenberger. [Medicai report of the Lyiug-in Institution of the Imperiai Moscow Fouudling Hos- pital.] Moskva, 1876-8. 8°. Meditsinskii otehet S.-Peterburgskago rodovapomogatelnago zavedeuija, viedomstva nchrejdenii imperatritai Marii za 1877- 80; 188(5-8; 1890-1 g. [Medicai report of the St. Petersburg Lying-iu Institution.] St. Petersburg, 1883-92. 8°. Medicai and Philosophical Commeutaries. Bya society of physi- ciaus in Edinburgh. London, v. 1-6, 1774-9. 8°. [v. 1-3 are 2. ed.; v. 2-5, "by a society in Edinburgh". Continued as: Med. Comment.] Medicai (The) and Pbiloaophical Regiater. Philadelphia. [See Phila. M. Muaeum.] Medicai (Tbe) and Physical Journal, containing the earliest infor- niation on subjecta of medicine, surgery, pharmacy, chemistry, and naturai history, and a criticai aualysis of ali new books in thoae departmenta of literature. London, v. 1-32, 1700-1-14. 8-. [Continued aa: Lond. M. & Phya. J.j Medicai and Physical Recorder. [Waa running title of: Balt. M. & Phys. Recorder.] Medicai and Physical Society of Bengal. [.See Tr. M. A Phys. Soc. Bengal, Calcutta.] Medicai and Physical Society of Bombay. [«See Tr. M. & Phys. Soc Bombay.] [147] Med. Pioneer, Lond. Med. pop., Barcel. Med. Post Anhang: Curorte- Rev., Wien. Med. pract., Madrid. Med. Press, Dubl. Med. Press & Circ. Med. Press West. N. York, Buf- falo. Med. prevent., Napoli. Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, St. Petersb. Med. Progress, Louisville. Med. Pub. Harv. M. Sch., [Bost.]. Med. Q. Rev., Lond. Med. Ree, Calcutta. Med. Ree, N. Y. Med. Ree Austral., Melbourne. Med. Ree Private M. Ass., Lond. Med. Recorder, Memphis. Med. Recorder [ete], Phila. Med. Reform, Beri. Med. Reform, Beri. Med. Reformbl., Leipz. Medicai and Physical Society of Calcutta. [«See Proc. M. Se Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Also ; Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta,] Medicai (The) Pioneer. The officiai organ of the British Medicai Temporanee Association. London, v. 1-3, 1892-5. 8°. Medicina (La) popular. Re vista de medicina, ginecologia y pe- diatria. Barcelona, v. 2-4, 1800-2. fol. [Continued in no. 16, ano v, June 10, 1892, as: Arch. degiuee y x>ediat., Barcel.] Medicinische Post Anhang: Curorte-Revue. Wien. v. 2-3, 1894-5. fol. Medicina (La) pràctica. (Periodico bisemaual de ciencias mèdi- cas.) Madrid, v. 1-2, 1888-90. 8°. [Coutinued as: Progreso méd.-farm., Madrid.] [Title, in 1865, of: Dublin M. Medical (The) Press. Dublin. Press.] Medicai (The) Press and Circular, being the iucorporation of the jouruaìs hitherto known as [Dublin] Medicai Press and Med- icai Circular, London. A weekly jourual of medicine and med- icai affairs. Dublin, 1866-8; London, 1866-05. v. 1-59, 1866- 95. 4°. [v. 1, Jan. to June, 1866, title: Dublin M. Press & Circ. Ou Dee 4, 1867, J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl., was issued as a supplenient to this journal.] Medicai (The) Press of Western New York. Buffalo, N. Y. v. 1- 3, 1885-8. 8°. Medicina (La) preventiva. Gazzetta mensile di igiene clinica e terapia, con riguardo speciale al compito del "prevenire". Na- poli. Anni 8-9, v. 5-6, 1891-2. 8C. [Contiuuàtion of : Preven- tiva, Napoli, and continued aa: N. scuola med. napol.] Meditsinakiya pribavleniya k niorskomu sborniku, izdavaemiya pod nablyudeniem Flota General-Stab-Doktora. [Medicai sup- pleinent to Naval Magazine. Monthly jourual isaued by the Surgeon-General of the Navy.] St. Peteraburg. 1861-6; 1868- 73; 1875-6; 1878; 1882-94. '6°. Medicai (The) Progreas. A monthly magazine for students and practitioners of medicine. Louisville. v. 4-11, 1890-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Progress, Louisville] Medicai Publications. Harvard Medicai School. [Boston.] 2v., 1887-90. 8°. Medicai Quarterly Review. 1835. 8°. Loudou. v. 1-3, Oct., 1833, to Jan., Medicai (The) Record. A journal of the allied sciences of medi- cine, surgery, obstetrica, and sanitation. Calcutta. Noa. 1-11, v. 1, 1890. 8°. [Coutiuued aa: Indian M. Ree, Calcutta.] Medicai (The) Record. London. [Title of nos. 1-6, v. 1, of: Lond. M. Ree] Medicai (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of medicine and surgery. New York. v. 1-47, 1866-95. 4°. [Became weekly in 1875.] Medicai (The) Record of Australia. Melbourne v. 1-3, 1861-3. 4°. [After v. 3, suspended till Feb. 27, 1875, when no. 1, v. 4, was issued, title: Melbourne M. Ree] Medieal Records and Researches, selected from the papers of a Private Medicai Association. London. 1. pt., 288 pp. 1798. 8-". Medicai (The) Recorder. Memphis. [Title of v. 1, 1852-3, of: Memphis M. Recorder.] Medicai (The) Recorder of Originai Papers aud Intelligence in Medicine aud Surgery. Philadelphia. [Title of v. 7-12, 1824- 9, of: Am. M. Recorder, Phila.] Medicinische (Die) Reform. Eine Wochenschrift, erschienen vom 10. Juli 1848 bis zum 29. Juni 1849. Berlin. 1846-9. 4°. Medicinische Reform. Organ fiir die gesamraten wirthschaftlichen uud socialen Interessen der Aerzte Deutschlands. Officielles Publications-Organ des Vereins der freigewahlten Kasseuiirzte zu Berlin. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1893-4. 4°. Medicinisches Reformblatt fiir Sachsen. Leipzig. 50. 4°. v. 1-3, 1848- [148] Med. Reg., Phila. Med. Reg., Phila. Med. Reg. & Adv., Anna, 111. Med.Reg. N. York [etc]. Med. Rep. [ete], Madras. Med. Rep. Madras Gov. Lying- in Hosp. Med. Reporter, Calcutta. Med. Reporter, W. Chester, Pa. Med. Reposit., N. Y. Med. Repr., Lond. Med. Rev., Indianap. Med. Rev., N. Ori. Med. Rev., St. Louis, Med. Rev. Se Analect. J., Phila. Med. Rev. f. Balneol., Wien. Med. Rev. f. int. Med.u. Thérap., Wien. Med. rural, Madrid. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. Med. Sbornik Varshav. Ujazd. voyenn. hosp., Varshava. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg. Medicai (The) Register. A record of the literature of medicine aud the allied sciences. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1862-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Specialist, Phila.] Medieal (The) Register. A weekly jourual of medicine and sur- gery. Philadelphia, v. 1-5, 1887-9. roy. 8-\ [May 4, 1889, consolidateti with: Phila. M. Times, forming: Times A Reg.] Medicai (The) Register and Advertiser: a quarterly journal of scientitìc and practical medicine. Anna, 111. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1875. 8°. Medicai (The) Register of New York, New Jersey and Connecti- cut, for the year conimencing June 1, 1891. Published under the supervisiou of the New-York Medico-Historical Society. New York. v. 1-19, 21-26, 28-29, 1862-3 to 1891-2. 12°. Medicai reports selected by the Medicai Board from the records of their office and published under the sanction of Government. Madras. 2 v., 1850: 1855. 8°. Medicai (Annual) Reports of the Madras Government Lying-in Hoapital for the years 1876-7 to 1880. Madras. 1877-81. 8° & fol. Medicai (The) Reporter. A record of medicine, surgery, public health and of general medicai intelligence Calcutta, v. 1-5, 1892-5. 4°. Medicai (The) Reporter. A quarterly journal, published under the direction of the Chester and Delaware County Medicai So- cieties. West Chester, Pa. v. 1-3, 1853-6. 8°. Medicai (The) Repository. New York. v. 1-23, 1797-1824. 8°. [See, also, the two following:] Medicai (The) Rexiository of Originai Essays and Intelligence relative to Physic, Surgery, Chemistry and Naturai History. New York. [Title of v. 16^-23 of the preceding.] Medicai (The) R(pository and Review of American Publications on Medicine, Surgery, and the Auxiliary Brancheaof Philoaophy. New York. [Title of v. 4-15 of: Med. Reposit., N. Y.] Medicai Reprints. American, foreign, and colonial. London. v. 1-5, 1800-5. fol. Medieal (The) Review, Indianapolis, v. 1-4, 1673-6. 8°. Medicai Review according to the dosimetrie method of Dr. Ad. Burggraeve. With notes of the latest scientitìc diacoveries. Published monthly by authority of the Doaimetric Iuatitute of Paria. New Orleaua. v. 1-3, 1882-4. 8°. Medicai Review. A weekly retrospect of medicine and surgery. St, Louis, v. 25-31, 1892-5. roy. 8°. [Continuation, in 1892, of : Weekly M. Rev.] Medicai (The) Review and Analectic Journal. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1824-6. 8°. [v. 2-3, title: Am. M. Rev., Phila.] Medicinische Revue fiir Balneologie, Hydro- und Meehano-Thera- pie, Diiitetik und Hygiene, nebst Beiblatt: "Curorte-Zeitung". Unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Kliniker, praktisclier Aerzte und Mitgliedern der balneologischen Geaellachaft redigili von Dr. A. Kàllay in Karlsbad. Wien. v. 1, lh90. fol. [Con- tinued, in 1801, aa: Med. Rev. f. int. Med. u. Thérap., Wien.] Medicinische Revue fiir interne Medicin und Therapie. Organ der praktischen Aerzte. Wien. v. 2, 1891. fol. [Continua- tion, in no. 5, 1891, of: Med. Rev. f. Balneol., Wien.] Medicina (La) rural. Periodico de medicina, farmacia y veterina- ria, dedicado a la defenaa de loa intcreaes cientifìcos y profeaio- nales de los profesoresde partido. Madrid, v. 1-3, Dee 5,1881, to Nov. 25, 1884. fol. & 8:. Meditsinskiy Sbornik; isdavaemii Kavkazskim meditsinskim Ob- shestvom. [Medicai Magazine] Tiflis. Nos. 1-56, 1866-94. 6°. [In 1872, the word "Imperatorskim" is added to title, be- fore "Kavkazskim".] Meditsinskiy Sbornik Varshavskago Ujazdovskago voyennago hospilalia. [ Medicai Magazine of ithe Warsaw Ujàzdovski Military Hospital.] Varshava. v. 1-7, 1888-94. 8°.- Medicai Sentinel. Portland, Oregon, v: 1-3, 189:3-5. 8°. [Con- tinuation, iu Nov., 1593, of: Pacific M. Ree, Portland, Oreg.] [149] Medicai Society of Arkansas. [See J. M. Soc. Arkansaa, Little Rock. ] Medicai Society of Chiba. [See Chiba Igakukwai Zaahi.] Medicai Society of Connecticut. [See Communicat. M..Soe Con- nect., N. Haven. Medicai Society of the County of Albany. [See Albany M. Ann. Also: Ann. M. Soe County Albany. Also: Med. Ann., Al- bauy. Also: Tr. M. Soc. County Albany. ] Medicai Society of the County of Kings. Brooklyn, N. Y. [«See Brooklyn M. J. Also: Proc M. Soc. County Kinga, Brooklyu. Aho : Tr. M. Soe. County Kinga, Brooklyn.] Medicai Society of Delaware. [See Proc. M. Soc. Delaware, Mil- ford.] Medicai Society of the Diatrict of Columbia. [See Tr. M. Soe Diat. Columb.] Medicai Society of Fukui. [«See Fukui Ken Igakkwai Za^hi.] Medicai Society of Hokkaito. [See Hokkaito Iji Kodankwai Geppo.] Medicai Society of Hokuetsu. [See Hokuetau Ikwai Kwaiho, Tokio.] Medicai Society of Kaneaawa.. [See Kanesawa Igakkwai Zashi.] Medicai Society of Kasan. [See Dnevnik Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Also: Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Kazani. Also: Trudi Obsh. vrach. g Kazani. Also: Zapiski Obsh. vrach. g Kazani.] Medieal Society of King'a College London. [See Tr. M. Soe King'a Coli., Lond.] Medicai Society of London. [«See Mem. M. Soc, Lond. Also : Proc. M. Soc. Lond. Also: Tr. M. Soe Lond.] Medicai Society of New Haven County, in the State of Connect- icut. [See Caaes A Obs. M. Soc. N--Haven County.] Medicai Society of Ogata Hospital. [See Ogata Bioyen Ijikwai, Tokio.] Medicai Society of Okayama. [See Okayama Igakukwai Zashi.] Medicai Society of the State of California. [See Pacific M. A S. J., San Fran. Also: Proc. M. Soc. Calif. Also: Tr. M. Soc, Calif] Medieal Society of the State of Georgia. [See Proc. M. Soc. Georgia. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Georgia.] Medicai Society of the Srate of Kansas. [«See Tr. M. Soe Kanaaa.] Medicai Society of the State of Maine. [See J. Med. Soc. Maine] Medicai Society of the State of New Jeraey. [See N. Jersey M. Rex>orter, Burlington. Also: Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey.] Medicai Society of the State of New York. [SeeTr. M. Soe N. Y.] Medicai Society of the State of North Carolina, [See Med. J. N. Car. Also: Proc. M. Soe N. Car. Also: Tr. M. Soc. N. Car.] Medicai Society of the State of Oregon. .[^eProc.M. Soe Oregon.] Medicai Society of the State of Pennsylvania. [See Tr. M. Soc. Penn] Medieal Society of the State of Virginia. [See Proc. M. Soc. Virg. Also: Stethoacope, Richmond. Also: Tr. M. Soc. Virg.] Medicai Society of the State of Washington. [See Tr. M. Soe. Washington.] Medicai Society of the State of West Virginia. [See Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.] Medicai Society of the State of Wisconsin. [See Proc. M. Soc. Wisconsin.] Medicai Society of Tenneaaee. [«See Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee] Medicai Society of Tokujima. [See Tokujima Igakkwai Zashi.] Medicai Society of Victoria. [See Austral. M. J., Melbourne] [150] Med. Siles. Sat., Wratisl. Med. Spectator, Lond. Med. Standard, Chicago. Med. Student, N. Y. Med. Summary. Med. Se Surg. Herald, Joplin, Mo. Med. Se Surg. Month., Memphis. Med. & Surg. Obs., Jackson, Tenn. Med. Se Surg. Pioneer, Kansas City. Med. & Surg. Reg., N. Y. Med. Se Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp. Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost. Med. Se Surg. Rep. Cook Co. Hosp., Chicago. Med. Se Surg. Reporter. Med. Si Surg. Reporter. Med. & Surg. Rev. [Australas.], Melbourne. Med. Temper. J., Lond. Med. Tidn., Stockholm. Med. Times, Lond. Med. Times, Phila. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Medicai Society of Washington Territory. [.Ve Proc. M. Soc. Wash. Ter.] * Medicai Society of Woman's Medicai College of Baltimore. [See Bull. M. Soe Woman's M. Coli. Balt.] Medicorum Silesiacoruin Satyrae, quaa varias obaervatiohes, casus, experimenta, tentaniina ex omui medicina? ambitu jietita exhi- bent. Wiatislavke et Lipsia-. Spec. 1-6, 1736. 8°. Medicai (The) Spectator. London, v. 1-2, 1791 to Feb. 23, 1793. Medicai (The) Standard. Chicago, v. 1-17, 1887-95. 8°. Medicai (The) Student. A monthly journal of college doings in medicine and the collateral sciences. New York. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Oct. to Dee, 1883. 4C. Medicai (The) Summary. A nionthly journal of practical medi- cine. Lansdale, Pa., 1879-86; Philadelphia, 1886-95. v. 1-17, 1879-05. 8°. Medicai (The) and Surgical Herald. A monthly journal of prac- tical anatomy, surgery, and dentistry. Organ of the Joplin College of Physicians and Surgeons. Joplin, Mo. v. 1; nos. 1-3, v. 2, Jan., 1883, to Jan., 1886. 8°. [Continued as: Joplin (The) Hospital Clinic] Medicai (The) and Surgical Monthly. Memphia, Tenn. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1866. 8-. Medicai (The) and Surgical Observer. Jackson, Tenn. v. 1, 1602-3; no. 1, x. 2, Jan., 1894. 8°. Medicai (The) and Surgical Pioneer. A monthly record of medi- cine aud surgery. Kansas City, Mo. Nos.'l, 2, v. 1, 1866. Medicai (The) aud Surgical Register. Cousisting chiefly of cases iu the New York Hospital. New York. v. 1, 1818-20. 8 . Medicai and Surgical Rexiorts of the Boston City Hospital. Bos- tou. 1. and 2. a.. 1870 aud 1877. 8°. [Continued as: Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost.] Medicai aud Surgical Reports of the City Hospital of the City of Boston. Boston. 3.-5. s., 1882-94. 8°. [Continuation, in 1889, of: Med. A Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.] Medicai and Surgical Reports of the Cook County Hospital, Chi- cago, III., for the six mouths ending July 1, 1890. Chicago. 2 v., 1890-1. 8°. Medicai (The) and Surgical Reporter. Burlington, N. J.; Phila- delphia. v. 9-11, 1856-8. 8°. [For v. 1-8, see: N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burlington, v. 11, 1658, published at Philadelphia.] Medicai (The) and Surgical Reporter. A weekly journal. Phila- delphia. v. 1-72, 1858-95. 8°. Medicai (The) aud Surgical Review. [Australaaian. ] Melbourne. v. 1-2; nos. 1-1(5, v. 3, March, 1863, to Nov. 1. 1865. 2. s., v. 1; nos. 1-7, v. 2, Oct,, 1873, to Aprii, 1875. v. 1, 8-; v. 2 et seq., 4C. [Wai.t no. 12, v. 3, Sept. 1, 1865.] Medicai (The) Temperance Journal. Published quarterly for the National Temx>erance League London, v. 1-21,1869-91. 8°. Medicinsk Tidning. Stockholm. Nos. 1-20, y. 1, 1816-19. 4. Medicai (The) Times. A journal of English and foreign medi- cine and miscellanyof medicai affaire. London, v. 1-21 Sept 28, 1839, to June 29,1850 ; n. a., v. 1-3, July, 1850-1. 4 . [Jan. 3, 1852, united with: Lond. M. Gaz., forming: Med. Times A Gaz., Lond.] Medicai (The) Times. A semi-monthly journal of medicai and surgical science. Philadelphia. v. 1, Oet. 1, 1,^70, to Sept 15 1871. 8°. [Continued aa: Phila. M. Times.] Medicai (The) Times and Gazette. A journal of medicai science, literature, criticism, and news. London. 66 v., 1*52-85 \- [Formed by consolidation of: Med. Times, Lond.', with: Lond M. Gaz.] Medicai (The) Times and Hospital Gazette. The journal of the General Practitioners' Alliance. London, v. 21-23 1.-03-5 4 . [Continuation of: Hosp. Gaz., Lond.] [151] Med. Tr. Roy. Coli. Phys. Lond. Med. Tribune, N. Y. Med. Truth, N. Y. Med. Union, N. Y. Med. Unterh.-Biblioth., Leipz. Med. Vestnik, St. Petersb. Med. Visitor, Chicago. Med. Waif, Lafayette, Ind. Med. Wander-Vortr., Beri. Med. Wchnbl., Frankf. a. M. Med. Week, Par. Med. Weekbl., Amst. Med. World, Bost. Med. World, N. Y. Med. World, Phila. Med. Ztg., Beri. Med. Ztg., Dayton. Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Pe- tersb. Med.-chem. Untersuch. a. d. Lab. . . . zu Tiibing., Beri. Med.-chir. Aufs. [etc], Altenb. Med.-chir. Biblioth., Copenh. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. Med.-chir. Cor.-Bl. f. Deutsch- Am. Aerzte, Buffalo. Medicai Transactions, published by the Royal College of Phyai- ciana of London. 6 v., 1785-1820. 8°. Medicai (The) Tribune. A nionthly journal, devoted to medi- cine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 1-6, 1678-84; v. 6-11,1890-5. 8-. [Merged in: Eclect. M. Advo- cate, N. Y. ; v. 6, 1884, consisted of six nnnibers, Jan. to June; in March, 1890, revived as v. 6, of : Med. Tribune, N. Y. A nionthly magazine.] Medicai Truth. Devoted to reformed medicine aud general sci- enee. New York. v. 1 ; no. 2, v. 2, Aprii, 1883, to May, 1884. 6°. Medicai (The) Union. A monthly jonrnal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 1-2, 1873-4. 8°. [Consolidated with: N. York J. Homceop., forming: Homceoxi. Times, N. Y.] Medicinische Unterhaltungs-Bibliothek, oder Collectiv-Blatter von heitereni und ernstein Colorite fiir alte und junge Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-10, 1838-43. 8°. Medicinischer Verein zu Greifswald. [«See Verhandl. d. med. Ver. zu Greifswald, Leipz.] Meditainakiy Vestnik ; eshtshenedelnaya gazeta. St. Petersburg. v. 1, 1861 ; v. 3-9, 1863-9 ; v. 16-19, Ì876-9. 4°. Medicai (The) Visitor, and Directory of Homceopathic Physiciaus. Chicago, v. 1-11, 1885-95. 8C. [In v. 3, 1887, title: Medicai (The) Visitor.] Medicai (The) Waif. A practical monthly medicai journal, de- voted to diseases of children, womeu, rectum and anus. La- fayette, Iud. v. 1-2, 1887-9. 6°. Medicinische Wander-Vortràge. Berlin. Hft. 1-41, 1888-94. 8°. Medicinisches Wochenblatt fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte und Apothe- ker. Frankfurt ani Maiu. v. 1-6, 1780-5; v. 10, 1789; and July 3, 1790, to Dee 28, 1793. 12°. Medicai (The) Week. Paris, v. 1-3,1893-5. fol. [English edi- tion of : Seniaine méd., Par.] Medisch Weekblad voor Noord- en Zuid-Nederland, gewijd aan de practische genees-, heel- en verloskunde. Amsterdam. 1 v., 1894. 4°. Medicai (The) World. A journal of uuiversal medicai science. Boston, v. 1-2, 1856-7. 4C. Medicai (The) World. A monthly journal of American and foreign medicai, physiological, surgical, aud cheniical literature, criti- ciam, and uewa. New York. v. 1, 1871-2. 8°. Medicai World. Philadelphia. v. 1-13, 1883-95. 8C. Medicinische Zeitung. Hrsg. von dem Verein fiir Heilkunde in Premaseli. Berlin, v. 1-26, 1832-57; n. F., v. 1-3, 1858-60. fol. [Continued as: Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Beri.] Medicinal Zeitung. Zeitsehrift fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, Juue, 1889, to Aprii, 1890. 8°. Medicinische Zeitung Russlands. St. Petersburg. v. 1, 1^44- v 3-17, 1846-60. 4°. [Followed, iu July, 1861, by: St, Petersb. med. Ztschr.] Medicinisch-chemische Untersuclmngen aus dem Laboratorium fiir angewandte Chemie zu Tubingeu. Berlin. Hft. 1-4, 1 v., 186(5-71. 8-. Medicinisch-chirurgische Aufsàtze, Krankengeschichten und Nach- richten. Altenburg. v. 1, 1791. 12°. [Continuation of: Ta- scheub. f. deutsche Wuudiirzte, Altenb. Want v. 2 and 3.] Medicinisch-chirurgische Bibliothek von Johann Clemeii3 Tode. Copenhagen, v. 1-10, 1775-87. 8°. Medicin isch-chirurgisches Centralblatt. Organ der praktischen Aerzte. Wien. v. 11-30, 1876-95. 4°. [With supplementi Medicinisch-chirurgische Journal-Revue.] Medicinisch-chirurgisches Correspondenz-Blatt fiir Deutsch-Ame- rikanische Aerzte. Buffalo, N. Y. v. 1-2, 1883-4. roy. 8°. [152] Med.-chir. J., Kopenh. Med.-Chir. J., Lond. Med.-Chir. J. Se Rev., Lond. Med.-chir. Monatshefte, Erlang. Med.-Chir. Quart., N. Y. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond. Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wien. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. Med.-chir. Ztg. Med.-chir. Ztschr. f. Landàrzte u. Chir., Munchen. Medd. f. Carlsberg Lab., Kj0- benh. Médecin. Par. Médecin clin., Par. Médecin prat., Par. Med.-Gesetzgeb., Beri. Med.-Gesetzgeb., Beri. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Medieinisch-ebirurgisches Journal. Kopenhagen und Leipzig. [Title for v. 3-5, 1798-1804, of: Med. J. v. Tode, Koxienh.] Medico-Botanical Society of London. [.See J. Morb. Anat., Lond.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal: or quarterly register of medi- cai and surgical science: including niemoirs of naval and mili- tarv medicine, Loudou. v. 1-2, 1818-20. 8°. [A new serica of: Med.-Chir. J. A Rev., Lond., and continued as: Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Journal and Review. London, v. 1-5, 1816-18. 8°. [For continuatiou, aee the preceding.] Medicinisch - chirurgische Monatshefte. Kritisches Sammel- journal fiir x>raktische Heilkunde. Erlangen. v. 1-15, 1857-64. 6°. [Continuatiou of: N. med.-chir. Ztg.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Quarterly. New York. v. 1 ; no. 1, v. 2, Oct., 1880, to Oct., 1881. 8°. [Continuation of: Ani. J. Eleetrol. A. Neurol., N. Y.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review. London. N. s., v. 1-47,1624- 47. 8°. [A new series of : Med.-Chir. Rev., Lond. In Jan., 1848, consolidated with: Brit, A For.M. Rev., Lond., formiug: Brit. & For. M.-Chir. Rev., Lond.] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review and Journal of Medicai Science. (Quarterly.) (Auul.v tieni series.) London, v. 1-4, 1820-4. 8°. [Continuation of: Med.-Chir. J., Lond. Continued in 1824 as the preceding, aud iu Jan., 1827, as the following:] Medico-Chirurgical (The) Review and Journal of Practical Medi- cine. London. [A new series, in Jan., 1827, of the preceding.] Medizinisch-chirurgische Rundschau. Monatsschrift fiir die ge- sanimte praktische Heilkunde des In- nnd Anslandes. [Als Beilage zur Wiener Medizinal-Halle] Wien. v. 3-35, 1862-94. 8■-. [For v. 1-2, 1860-1, aee Rev. d. Wien. Med.-Halle] Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. [«See Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb.] Medico-Chirurgical Tranaactiona. Published by the Royal Medi- cai aud Chirnrgical Society of London, v. 1-77, 1809-94. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung. Salzburg, 1790-1820; Inns- bruck, 1821-42; Miinchen, 1843-56. 260 v., 1790-1*56. 8°. [A new series, in 1*40: N. med.-chir. Ztg. In 1857 continued as: Med.-chir. Monatshefte, Erlang.] Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitsehrift fiir Landàrzte und Chirnrgen. Miinchen. v. 2-3, 1832-5. -D. [Continuation of : Ztschr. d. prakt. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Miinchen.] Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. TJdgivne ved Laborato- riets Bestyrelse. 1.-4. Hft., v. 1, 1876-62; 1.-3. Hft., v. 2, 1-83- 4. Kj0benhavu. 1882-4. 8°. [Danish and Freuch text,] Médecin (Le). Moniteur de la sante publique. Paris, v. 1-14, 1875-88. fol. [Aug. 4, 1878, sub-title became: Moniteur de la policlinique; after Aug.9, 1685, sub-title: Moniteur de l'hygiène publique. ] Médecin (Le) clinicien. Répertoire de thérapeutique médico-chi- rurgicale et de gynécologie. Paris, v. 1-2,18*5-6. 8°. [Con- tinuatiou of: Médecin prat., Par.] Médecin (Le) praticien. Répertoire de thérapeutique médico- chirurgicale. Paria, v. 1-6, 1880-5. 8°. [Continuedaa: Mé- decin clin., Par.] Medicinal-Geaetzgebung. Zeitsehrift fiir Medicinal-, Veterinar- und Gesundheitspolizei ini Deutschen Reiehe und in seinen Ein- zelstaaten. Berlin. v. 5-6, 1879-80. 4°. [Continued aa: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Beri.] Medicinal-Gesetzgebung. Berlin. 1883-6. 4°. [Suppleraent to: Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Beri.] Medico-Legal (The) Journal. (Published under the auspices of the Medico-Legal Society of New York.) New York. v. 1-12, 1883-95. 8>. Medico-Legal Society of New York. [«See Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y. Also: Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Also: Papers Med.-Leg. Soc N. Y. Also: Physician A Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y. Aho: Prize eaaays contrib. Med.-Leg. Soe., N. Y.] [153] Med.-Leg. Stud., N. Y. Med.-padagog. Monatschr., Beri. Med.-pedagog. Vestnik, St. Pe- tersb. Med.-polit: BI., Niirnb. Med.-topog. Sbornik, St. Pe- tersb. Med.-Ztg., Tokio. Medicina e la chir., Roma. Medicine, Detroit. Medico di casa, Milano. Medico prat. contemp., Napoli. Medico vet., Torino. Medikus, Budapest. Meditsina, St. Petersb. Medico-Legal Society of New York (Psychological section of the). [See Bull. Psychol. Sect. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y.] Medico-Legal Studiea, by Clark Bell. New York. v. 1-3, 1889- 93. 8C. Mediziniach-padagogiache Monatsschrift fiir die gesammte Sprach- heilkunde mit Einschluss der Hygiene der Lautsprache. Berlin. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Mediko-pedagogicheski Veatnik. Izdanie vrachebuo-vospitatel- nago zavedeuija. St. Petersburg. v. 1-3, 1885-7. 8°. Medicinisch-politische Blàtter, oder Mittheilungeu fiir die Refor- nien ini Medicinal-Wesen. Niirnberg. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, 1848. 8°. Medico-Psychological Association [of London]. [«See J. Ment. Se., Lond.] Mediko-toxiographicheskii Sbornik. Izdanie meditsinskago de- partainenta. St. Petersburg. v. 1-2, 1870-1. roy. 8-. Medicinal-Zeitung. [Semi-monthly.] Tokio. Nos. 335-337; 339- 341; 343-364; 366-371; 378-390, 1890-3. 8°. [Japanese text.] Medicina (La) e la chirurgia. Riviata aettimanale Roma. v. 1-3, 1880-2. 4°. Medicina (La) miaontologica: opera periodica del dott. F. G. Geromini, in appendice alle Effemeridi mediche del dott. G. B. Fautonetti. Milano. Anno primo, 1840. 8°. [An appendix to: Etfem. d. se med., Milano.] Medicinal-Abtheilung des kòniglich x>reussischen Kriegsministe- riums. [«See Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Beri.] Mediciue. A nionthly journal of medicine and surgery. Detroit, Mich. No. 1, v. 1, Aprii, 1895. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgische Gesellsehaft des Kantons Ziirich. [See Denkschr. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantons Ziirich. Also: Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich. Also: Verhandl. d. med.-chir. Gesellsch. d. Kantons Ziirich.] Medicinisch-chirurgisches clinisches Institut zu Gottiugeu. [«See Ann. d. med.-chir. clin. Inat. zu Gotting.] Mediciniach-kliniachea Institut der k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni- versitiit zu Munchen. [«See Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. zu Munchen, Leixiz.] Mediciiiiach-naturwiaaeiiachaftliche Gesellsehaft zu Jena. [«See Jeuaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz. Also: Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena.] Medicinske Undervisnings- og Examensvaìsen og af Medicinal- forholdenes adiniuistrative Ordning i Danmark, Sverige og Norge. [«See Kort. Fremst. afd. med. UudervÌ8n. og Examenav. . . . i Danmark, Sverige og Norge, Kj0benh.] Medico (II) di casa. Giornale di igiene e medicina popolare. Milano, v. 1-9, 1873-81. 8°. [Continuation of: Igea, Milano.] Medico (11) jiratico contemporaneo. Pubblicazione periodica. mensuale indirizzata al progresao della ieratica medica e chi- rurgica. Napoli, v. 1-2, 1885-90. 8°. Medico (II) veterinario ; giornale teorico-pratico della Regia Scuola. di medicina veterinaria di Torino. 2. s-, v. 2-6,1861-5; 3. s., v. 1, 2, 6, 1866-7, 1871; 4. a., v. 1-6, 1872-7; 5. s., v. 1-6, 1878-83; 6. s., v. l-[6] (whole v. 36), 1884-9. 8°.' [Continued, in 1890, as: Mod. zooiatro, Torino.] Medikus az orvosi oktatàs kózlónye (A "Gyógyàszat" mellé- klete.) [Medicus, organ of medicai information. (Supplement to: Gyógyàszat.)] Budapest, v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. Meditsina. Gazeta dlja prakticheskich vrachei. [Mediciue. Ga- zette for x>racticiug physicians.] St. Petersburg. v. 1-6, 1689- 94. 4C. Meditsinskia konferentsii pri Staro-Ekaterininskomotdelenii bol- nitsi dlya chornorabochikh v Moskve. [«See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. med. konfer. v Mosk.).] Meditsinskii Departament. [«See Arch. vet. nauk, St. Petersb. Also: Veatnik obsh. big., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Peterab.. Also: Vestnik sudeb. med. [ete], St. Petersb.] [154] Mediziner. Beri. Medycyna, Warszawa. Mejdunar. Klin., St. Petersb. , Mélanges biol. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.-Pétersb. Mélanges de chir. étrang., Ge- nève. Melbourne M. Ree. MéAióóa tòùv A^rjv&v. Mém. Acad. imp. et roy. d. se. de Brux. Mem. . . . Acad. imp. et roy. d. se. de Brux. Mém. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.- Pétersb. Se. math., phys. et nat. Mém. Acad. imp. d. se. de St.- Pétersb. Se. polit., hist. et philol. Mém. Acad. de méd., Par. t Mem. Acad. r. d. se. de Lisb. CI. de se. math., phys. e nat. Mém. Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Mém. Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Mém. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Mém. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon. Mém. Acad. d. se. de Dijon. Mém. Acad. d. se. de l'Inst. de France, Par. Mém. Acad. de Stanislas, Nancy. Mediziner (Der). Berliner Woebenblatt fiir iirztl iebe Neuigkeiten. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1646-8. fol. [Want nos. 27-52, v. 3 (.1 uh to Dee. 1648).] Medycyna. Czasopismo tygódniowe dia lekarzy praktycznych. [Medicine. Weeklv ebronicler of practical medicine.] War- szawa. v. 1-23, 1873-95. 8°. Mejdunaroduaja Klinika. Ejenieajachnii journal, sobranie origi- nalnich i perevodnich lektsii i staici. [International Clinic. Monthly journal, devoted to originai and tranalated lectures aud cases.] St. Petersburg. v. 3-9, 1884-90. 8°. Mélanges biologiques tiréa du Bulletin de l'Académie imx>ériale dea sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. v. 1-12, 1849-88, livr. 1-3, v. 13, 1891-4. 8 ■-'. Mélanges de chirurgie étrangère, par une société de ehirurgiens de Genève, conqiosée de J.-P. Maunoir, [et al.]. Genève. 2 v., 1824-5. 8°. Melbourne Medicai Record, v. 4-7, 1875-7. 4°. [For v. 1-3, see Med. Ree Austral., Melbourne.] yi,r/,tooa ('H) tùv 'A-Iìtjvùv, ai/}-}pa/itia irepioómòv ÈKÓióopevov àna!; tov /xr/vóc. 'Ev ' AOt/vaic. v. 1-2, 1864-5. 8°. [ Continuatiou of : 'larpiKtj Mé/.ioaa, 'Adì/vai.'] Mémoirea de l'Académie imperiale de médecine. Paris. [Title of v. 17-29, 1853-70, of: Meni. Acad. de méd., Par.] Mémoires de l'Académie imperiale et royale des sciences et belles- lettres de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1-5, 1777-88. 4°. Mémoires de l'Académie imx>ériale dea aciencea, arta et belles- lettres de Dijon. [«See Mém. Acad. d. se de Dijon.] Mémoires sur les questiona propoaéea par l'Académie imperiale et royale dea aciencea et belles-lettres de Bruxelles, qui ont reni- porte les prix en 177[1-]*. Bruxelles. 2 v., 177[2-]9. 4°. Mémoires de l'Académie imperiale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Seiencea niathématiques, vihyaiques et naturelles. 6. s., livr. 1- 2, v. 1, 1830. 4 . Mémoires de l'Académie imperiale des seiencea de St.-Péterabourg. Sciences x>olitiques, histoire et philologie. 6. 8., livr. 1-2, v. 1, 1*30. 4 . Mémoires de l'Académie de médecine. Paris, v. 1-35, 1828-66. 4°. [v. 1-13, 1828-47, title: Mémoires de l'Académie royale de médeciue v. 14-16, 1839-52, title: Mémoirea de l'Académie nationale de médecine. v. 17-29, 1853 to 1869-70, title: Mé- moirea de l'Académie imperiale de médeciue] Mémoirea de l'Académie nationale de médecine. Paria. [Title of v. 14-16, 1649-52, of : Mém. Acad. de méd., Par.] Memoriaa da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa. Clasae de aci- enciaa mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. Lisboa. N. e., v. 1-6, 1854-81. 4 . Mémoires de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. Paris. 5 v., 1743- 74. 4°. t Mémoriea de l'Académie royale de chirurgie, précède* d'une ana- lyse de cea mémoires par M. Marjolin, suivis de trois mémoires inédits. Paria, v. 1-3, 1838. 8Ò. Mémoirea de l'Académie royale de médeciue. Paris. [Title of v. 1-13, 1828-47, of: Meni. Àcad. de méd., Par.] Mémoirea de l'Académie rovaio de médeciue de Belgique. Bru- xelles, v. 1-4; fase. 1, v. 5, 1848-69. 4°. Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Prusse. Concernant l'anatomie, la physiologie, la physique, l'hiatoire natnrelle, labotanique, la mineralogie, ete. Avignon et Paris. 9 v. in 10, 1768-74. 12 . Mémoirea de l'Académie imperiale dea sciences, arts et belles- lettres de Dijon. 2. s., v. 3-Ki, 1854-70 ; 3. s., v. 1, 1871-:>; v. 4, 1877 ; v. 7-9, 1**1-2 to 1885-6. 8°. [In v. 16, the word 'riuix>é- riale" dropxied.] Mémoires de l'Académie dea sciences de l'Institut de France Paris, v. 24, 1*54; v. 35, 1866. 4 . Mémoires de l'Académie de Stanialaa. 1860-76. Nancy 17 v 1861-77. e-. ->• [155] Mem. Accad. med.-chir. di Fer- rara. Mem. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologna. Mem. Accad. d. se. med. e nat. in Ferrara. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Se Se. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt. Mém. et bull. Soc. de méd. et chir. de Bordeaux. Mém. et bull. Soc. méd.-chir. d. hóp. de Bordeaux. Mém. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se. méd. de Lyon. Mém. d. concours . . . Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Mém. Fac. de méd. de Far. Mem. d. Heilk., Staatsarzneiw. u. Thierh., Ziillichau. Mem. Internat. Cong. Anthrop., Chicago. Mem. Lit. Se Phil. Soc. Man- chester. Mem. M. Soc. Lond. Mem. Manchester Lit. Se Phil. Soc, Lond. Mem. Nat. Acad. Se, Wash. Mém. et obs. Soc. de méd. d'Anvers. Mém. d'ophtalmom., Par. Mém. . . . pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Mem. Se Proc. Manchester Lit. Se Phil. Soc. Memorie dell' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, Ferrara, [Fase 1-2, v. 66], 1892-3. 8°. [Continued as: Mem. Accad. d. se med. e nat. in Ferrara.] Memorie dell' Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. Bologna. 2. s., v. 7-10, 1868-70; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1871-9; 4. s., v. 1-5,1880-3. 4°. [Continued, in 1884, as: Meni. r. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologna.] Memorie della Accademia delle scienze mediche e naturali in Fer- rara. Ferrara. Fase 3-4, v. 66, 1893; faae 1, v. 67, 1894. 8C. [Continuation of : Mem. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara, and con- tinued aa: Atti Accad. d. se med. e nat. in Ferrara,] Memoirs of the American Academy of Arta and Sciences, v. 1-4, 1783-1818; n. a., v. 1-9, 1833-73; pt, 1, v. 10, 1868. Boston, 1785- 93; Cambridge, 1809-46; Cambridge and Boston, 1848-73. 4°. Memoira of the Anthropological Society of London. London. v. 1-3, 1863-9. 8°. Memoirs from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Selected morphological monographs. I. [Reprint from: Phil. Tr., Lond., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., and Rep. scient. results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger.] Balti- more. 1 v., 1887. 4°. Mémoirea et bulletins de la Société de médecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. Années 1872-94. 8°. [Continuation of the fol- lowing:] Mémoires et bulletins de la Société médico-chirurgicale des hópi- taux et hosx>ices de Bordeaux. Paria et Bordeaux, v. 1-6, 1866-71. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Mémoirea et comptes-rendus de la Société des sciences médicales de Lyon. 1861-65. Lyon. v. 1-25, 1862-86. 8°. Mémoires des concours et des savants étrangers, pubbés par l'Aca- démie royale de médeciue de Belgique. Bruxelles, v. 1-8 ; 1847-88. 4°. Mémoires couronnés et autrea mémoirea publiéa par l'Académie rovale de médeciue de Belgique. Bruxellea. v. 1-13, 1870-94. 8°. Mémoires de la Faeulté de médecine de Paris, et de la Société établie dans aon aeiu. Paria. 1 v., 1812. 4°. Memorabilien der Heilkunde, Staatsarzneiwissenschaft undThier- heilkuust. Hrsg. vou J. J. Kausch. Ziillichau. v. 1-3, 1813- 19. 8°. Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology. Chicago. 1 v., 1894. 8-\ Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Warrington, v. 1-3, 1785-90; Manchester, 3. s., v. 1-6, 1862- 79. 8°. [Continued as: Mem. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc, Lond.] Memoirs of the Medicai Society of London. Instituted in the year 1773. Londou. 6 v., 1787-1805. 8°. Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. London. 3. s., v. 7-10, 1882-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester; and consolidated with: Proc. Mancheater Lit. Se Phil. Soc, forming: Mem. & Proc. Mau- cheater Lit. Se Phil. Soe] Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. 1886. Washington. 1866-86. 4°. v. 1-3, 1864-5 to Mémoires et observatious de la Société de médecine d'Anvers. v. 1, 1836. 8°. Mémoires d'ophtalmométrie, annotés et précédés d'une introduc- tion par E. Javal. Paris, lv., 1890. 8°. [Date ou cover: 1891.] Mémoires aur les sujets proposés pour les prix de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. Paris. Nouv. ed., avec notes. 5 v., 1819. 8°. Memoirs and Proeeedings of the Manchester Literary & Philo- sophical Society. Manchester. 4. s., v. 1-9, 1888-95. 8J. [Consolidation of: Meni. Manchester Lit. Se Phil. Soe, Lond., with: Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soe] [156] Mem. r. Acad. méd. de Madrid. Mem. r. Acad. de med. de Ma- drid. Mem. . . . r. Acad. de med. de Madrid. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Ge- nova. Mem. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma. Mem. r. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologna. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di se. e lett. CI. di lett. e se. mor. e polit., Milano. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di se. e lett. CI. di se. matemat. e nat., Mi- lano. Mem. r. Ist. Veneto di se, lett. ed arti. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg. at Paris, Lond. Mém. Soc. d'agric. . . . d'Orlé- ans. Mem. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. Mém. Soc d'anthrop. de Par. Mém. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par. Mém. Soc. de chir. de Par. Mém. Soc. ethnol.j Par. Mém. Soc. de méd. d'Anvers. Mém. Soc. méd. d'émulat. de Lyon, Par. et Lyon. Mém. Soc. méd. d'émulat. de Par. Mem. d. Soc. med. di emulaz. di Genova. Mém. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. Mém. Soc. méd. d'obs., Par. Mém. Soc. de méd. de Par. Mém. Soc. de méd. de Strasb. Memorias de la real Academia mèdica de Madrid. Madrid, v. 1, 1797. 4C. [Continued in v. 2, 1862, as: Meni. r. Acad. de med. de Madrid. ] Memorias de la real Academia de medicina de Madrid. Madrid. v. 2. 1862; pt. 1, v. 3, 1*70; v. 4, 1*77. 4 . [For v. 1, 1797, see Meni. r. Acad. méd. de Madrid.] Memorias iiremiadas por la real Academia de medicina de Madrid, en los concursos anuales abiertos por la niiaina en el ano de 1859. Madrid, v. 1, 1860. 4°. [Date on cover: 1870.] Memorie della reale Accademia medica di Genova. Anno 1*87. Genova. 1 v., 1868. 8-, Memorie della reale Accademia medica di Roma. Roma. No. 1, v. 1,1882. 4°. [Continued as: Atti d. r. Accad. med.di Roma.] Memorie della r. Accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna.. Bologna. 4. s., v. 6-10, 18*4-9; 5. s.,v. 1-3, 1690-3. 4. [Con- tinuation, in 1?84, of : Meni. Accad. d. se d. Ist. di Bologna.] Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere Classe di lettere e scienze morali e politiche Milano, v. 10-12(3. s., v. 1-3), 1865-7 to 1871-3. 4°. Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di scieuze matematiche e naturali. Milauo. v. 10-16 (3. s., v. 1-7), 1865-7 to 1886-91. 4°. Memorie del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Ve- nezia. Pt. 2-3, v. 14 ; v. 15 ; pt. 2, v. 16 ; v. 17-24, 1869-91. 4°. Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery at Paris. Being a col- lection of observations and experiments, made by the most emiueut surgeons of France, aud others ; and containing a great variety of very extraordinary casca in the principal brancheaof the art. Transl. from the originai by George Neale. London. 3 v., 1759. 12°. Mémoires de la Société d'agriculture, sciences, belles-lettres et arts d'Orléans. 2. s., no. 4, v. 11; nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 12; nos. 1, 2, 4, v. 13; v. 14-19; uos. 1, 2, v. 20; nos. 1-4, v. 21; noa. 1-4, v. 22; nos. 1-4, v. 23; nos. 1-4, v. 24; nos. 1-2, v. 25,'1868-84. 8°. Memorias leidas eu la Sociedad anatòmica espafiola. Madrid. Anos académicos de 1872-3 to 1875-6. 4 v. 8°. [Want y>v>. 65- 68, v. 1.] Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, v. 1-3, 1860-72; 2. s., v. 1-2, 1873-82. 8°. Mémoires de la Société centrale de médecine vétérinaire. Paris. v. 12, 1882 ; 2. s., v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8°. [Contiuued aa: Bull, et mém. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par.] Mémoirea de la Société de chirurgie de Paria. 4°. Mémoirea de la Société ethnologique. 1845. 8-. Paria. . 1-7, 1847-74. 1, 1841; v. 2, Mémoires de la Société imperiale des sciences naturelles de Cher- bourg. [Title of v. 2-15 of: Mém. Soc. d. se nat. deCherbourg.] Mémoires de la Société de médecine d'Anvers. 1 no., 1838-9. 4°. Mémoires de la Société medicale d'émulatìon de Lyon. Paris et Lyon. v. 1, 1842. 8°. Mémoires de la Société medicale d'émulatìon de Paris, v. 1-9, 1796-1826. 6-. Memorie della Società medica di emulazione di Genova. Genova. v. 1-3, iu 6 v., 1801-4. 8°. Mémoires de la Société de médecine de Nancy. Années 1871-2 to 1892-3. 8'-. [Continuation of: Compt. rend. Soc. de méd. de Nancy.] Mémoires de la Société medicale d'observation. Paris, v. 1-3, 1837-56. 8-. Mémoires de la Société de médecine de Paris, séante à l'Hótel-de- Ville. Paris. 1 v., 1817. 8°. Mémoires de la Société de médecine de Strasbourg, v 1850-86. 8°. 1-25, [157] Mem.Soc. med.-chir. di Bologna. Mem. Soc. méd.-farm. de Toluca. Mém. . . . Soc. philomat. [etc], Par. Mém. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Genève. Mém. Soc. d. se. méd. de Lille. Mém. Soc. d. se. nat. de Cher- bourg. Mém. Soc. d. se. nat. et méd. de Seine-et-Oise, Versailles. Mém. Soc. d. se. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Mém. Soc. vét. du Calvados et de la Manche, Bayeux. Mém. de thérap. appliq., Par. Mémor. d. hóp. du midi, Par. Memor. d. med. contemp., Vene- zia. Memor. de san. d. ejército [etc], Madrid. Memorabilien, Heilbr. Memphis J. M. Se. Memphis M. Month. Memphis M. Recorder Merck'sBuIL, N. Y. Mercredi méd., Par. Mercurio d. se med., Livorno. Michigan M. News, Detroit. Mémoires de la Société nationale des sciences naturelles de Cher- bourg. [Title of v. 16-21 of : Mém. Soc. d. se nat. de Cher- bourg.] Memorie della Società medico-chirurgica di Bologna, 2. s., v. 1-5, 1836-57 ; fase 2-7, v. 6, 1*02-77 ; fase 1-4, v. 7, 1*71-7 ; fase 1, v. 6, 1*75. Bologna. 1838-77. 4°. Memorias de la Sociedad médico-farmacéutica de Toluca. uoa. 1-2, v. 2, Sept. 16,1*75, to Oct, 15,1876. Toluca. 1875- • 1; 4°. Mémoirea publiéa par la Société philomatique à l'oceasion du cente- naire do sa fondation 1788-1888. Paris. 1 v., 1888. 4°. Mémoires de la Société de xihysique et d'histoire naturelle de Ge- nève. Genève, v. 19-22; pt. 1, v. 23, 1867-73; pt. 1, v. 28, 1882-3. 4~. Mémoires de la Société dea sciences médicales de Lille. Lille. 1 v., 1882. 8:. Mémoires de la Société des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. Cher- bourg et Paris, v. 1-23, 1853-80; v. 25 (1885), 1887. 8°. [Ti- tle of v. 2-15: Mémoires de la Société imperiale, etc. ; v. 16-21 : Mémoires de la Société nationale, ete] Mémoires de la Société des sciences naturelles et médicales de Seine-et-Oise de 1874 à 1882. Versailles, v. 12, 1883. 8-. Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux, v. 5-8, 1867-72; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1873-83; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1884-90; 4. s., v. 1-4, 1891-4. 8°. Mémoires de la Société vétérinaire des départementa du Calvadr a et de la Manche. Bayeux. No. 4, annéea iii-vi (1833-6), 1836; no. 5, année viii (1637), lr39; no. 6, année ix (1838), 1840; no. 9, aunée xiii (1841-2), 1843. 8-. Mémoires de thérapeutique appliquée. Paris. 6e année (1866), 1867. 8°. Mémorial des hófùtaux dn midi et de la clinique de Montx>ellier. Paris, v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3, 1829-31. 4°. [Continuation of: Éphém. méd. de Montpel. In 1831, merged iu: Rev. méd. frane et étrang., Par.] Memoriale della medicina contemporanea. Opera periodica men- sile. Venezia, v. 7-13, 1842-5. 8C. [In July, 1850, united with: Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, forming: Gior. veueto di se med., Venezia.] Mémorial de sanidad del ejército y armada. Madrid. Anos 1-2, 1858-60. 8'-. Memorabilien aus der Praxis. Heilbronu. v. 1-39, 1856-95. fol. & 8-. [After v. 2 the words "aus der Praxis" were dnmped troni title.] Mempbis (Tbe) Journal of the Medicai Sciences. Memx>his, Tenn. v. 1-4, 1889-93. 8-. Memphis Medicai College. [See Memphis M. Recorder.] Memphis Medicai Monthly; or, Mississippi Valley Medicai Monthly. Memphis, v. 8-15, 1888-95. 8-. [Title, after Jau- uary, 1886, of: Mississixmi Valley M. Month., Meinyihis.] Menqihis (The) Medicai Recorder. Published bi-monthly by the Memphis Medicai College. Memphis, Tenu. v. 1-6,1852-8. ti-. [Title of v. 1, 1852-3, was: Med. Recorder, Memphis.] Merck's Bulletiu. A periodical record of new diseoveries, intro- duction, or applications of medicinal ckeniicals. New York. v. 1-6, 1886-93. 8°. [Continued, in no. 5, v. 6, 1893, aa: Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y.] Mercredi (Le) medicai. Journal du praticieu et de l'étudiant, publié par la Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chiruro-ie. Paria, v. 1-6, 1890-5. 4C. Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Livorno, v. 1-10, 1823-8. 8:. [Continued as: N. Mercurio d. se med., Livorno.] Metropolitan Health-of-Towus' Asaociation. [See J. Pub. Health, Loud.] Michigau Medicai Association. [ticians' Circular.] Microscopie (The) Journal and Structural Record for 1841-2. London, v. 1-2. 8C. Microscoi>ical (Tbe) News, and Northern Microsc(qtist. An illus- trateli journal of x>ractical mieroscopy. London, v. 3-4,188:5-4. 8C. [For title of v. 1-2,1881-2, see : North. Mieroscopist, Lond.] Microscope (The) and ita relation to medicine and pharmacy. Ann Arbor, Mich.; Detroit, 1887-8; Trenton, N. J., 1889-92; Washington, D. C, 1892-5. v. 1-12, 1881-92; n. s., v. 1-3, 1693-5. 8C. [In 1884, title: Microscope (The).] Microscopical Society of London. [See Quart. J. Micr. Se, Loud.] (The) Hospital. Reports of the Medicai, Surgical, and Pathological Registrara for tbe years 1869-76: 1878-93. Lon- don. 1870-94. 8~. Midi (Le) medicai. Journal de médecine et de pharmacie de Tou- louae. Toulouse. v. 1-3, 1*92-4. 4C. Midland (The) Medicai Miscellany. A monthly magazine of medi- cine and materia medica. Leicester, v. 1-4, 1882-5. 4J. [Con- tinued as : Prov. M. J., Leicester.] Midland (The) Medicai aud Surgical Reporter, and Topographical and Statistical Journal. Quarterly. Worcester, v. 1-3, 1828- 32. 8-. Midland (Tbe) Quarterly Journal of the Medicai Sciences. Bir- mingham, v. 1; nos. 1-3, v. 2, May, 1857, to July, 1858. 8°. Militiiriirztliche Zeitung. (Beilage zur Wiener Medizinal-Halle) Wien. Jahrg. 1862-4. 4°. [After 1864, title: Allg. mil.-iirztl. Ztg., Wien (Beilage zur Wiener medizinischen Presse).] Militaerarzt (Der). (Beilage zur Wiener mediziuischen Wochen- schrift.) Wien. v. 1-29, 1867-95. 4°. Militar-LebrschmiedezuBerlin. [SeeZtachr. f. Veterinari?., Beri.] Militajr-medioinskeSelskab. Kristiania. [See Forh. i d. mil.-med. Selsk., Kristiania.] Militar-Rosaarztschule [zu Berlin]. [See Ztschr. f. Veteriniirk., Beri.] Militar - statistisches Jahrbuch fur die Jahre 1860-2; 1690-3. Wien. 1884-5; 1891-4. 4°. Militair-Wocheublatt. Berlin, v. 57-62, 1672-7. 4°. Military Service Inatitution of the United States. [See J. Mil. Serv. Inst. U. S., Governor's laland, N. Y. H.] Milk-acarlatina: Reporta to the Locai Government Board. Lon- don. Noa. i-ii ( 1886 to 188(5-7), 1886-8. 8°. [Iu no. ri, the worda "and diphtheria" are added to title] Milwaukee Medicai Journal. Milwaukee, y. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. Minutea of the General Council of Medicai Education and Regis- tratimi of the United Kingdom; of the Executive Committee ; and of the Brauch Council. v. 1-11,1858-74 ; v. 13-19, 1876-82; v. 23, 1886; v. 25-27, 1*86-90. London, 1863-90. 8 \ Mind. A quarterly review of paychology and philosonhv. don and Edinburgh, v. 1-16; n. s., v. 1-4, 1876-95. 8 Lon- Minnesota M. J., Minneap. Ministero di agricoltura, industria, e commercio. Ministero di agrie [etc], Roma.] [See Ann. d. Minnesota Medicai Journal. A quarterly journal of medicine, surgery and the collateral aciencea. Minneapolis. No 13 v 17, Jan., 1889. roy. 8-, ' [159] Minnesota M. Mirror, Cambridge City. Minnesota M. Month., Minneap. Mise. Acad. nat. curios., Fran- cof. Mise. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. Mise. med.-chir.-farm., Pisa. Mise phys.-med.-math., ErfTurt. Mississippi M. Month., Meri- dian. Mississippi Valley M. Month., Memphis. Missouri Clin. Ree, St. Louis. Missouri Dent. J. Missouri M. Se S. J., St. Louis. Missouri Valley M. J., St. Jo- seph. Mitgl. d. deutsch. anthrop. Ge- sellsch., Frankf. a. M. Mitt. a. d.geburtsh.-gynàk. Klin. zu Tiibing. Mitt. a. d. Klin. u. Poliklin. f. Haut- u. ven. Geschlechts- kra-nkh. v. Prof, van Haren Noman zu Amst., Haarlem. Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien. Mitth. a. d. amtl. Lebensm.-Un- tersuch.-Anst. . . . zu Wiesb., Beri. Minnesota Medicai Mirror. A nionthly journal of the progress made iu medicine, surgery and pharmacy. Cambridge City. v. 1-4, 1881-5. 8°. Minnesota (The) Medicai Monthly. A journal devoted to the interests of homceopathy and its practitioners in the Northwest. Minneapolis, Minn. v. 1-3, 1886-8. 8°. Minnesota State Homceopathic Institute. [See Tr. Minnesota Homceop. Inst., Minneap.] Minnesota State Medicai Society. [See Tr. Minnesota M. Soc] Miscellanea curiosa medico-jihysica Academia? natune curiosorum, sive epheuieridum medico-physiearuni Gerniauicaruni annus quartus etquintus, anni 1673 et 1674, continensceleberrimorum virorum timi inedicorum tum aliorum eruditorum in Germania et extra eam observationes mèdicas xihysicas chyniicas. Fran- cofurti et Lipsia?, 1676. 4°. Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica Academise Ca±sarese Leopol- diuo-Carolinse naturai curiosorum. Lix>si;e. 9 v. 1670-1705. 4:. Miscellanee medico-chirurgico-farmaceutiche raccolte in Pisa nel 1844. Pisa. v. 2, 1844. 8°. Miscellanea x^bysico-medico-matheinatica, oder, angenehme, cu- rieuse und niitzliche Nachrichteii von physical- und medicini- schen, anch dahin gehòrigen Kunst- und Literatur-Geschichten, welche iu den Winter- und Fruhlings-Monaten dea Jahrea 1727 [bia zu (leu Sommer- uud Herbat-Monateu dea Jahrea 1729], in Tentschland uud andern Reichen sich zugetragen haben, oder bekannt worden sind. Erffurt. 5 v., 1731-2. 4°. [Coutin- uation of: Sanimi, v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch.] Mississippi (The) Medicai Monthly. A journal devoted to jirac- tical medicine and surgerv. Meridian, Miss. v. 1-3, 1891-5. 8°. [No. 1, v. 3, is Sept., 1893; no. 9is Dee, 1894; nos. 10 and 11 are Jan. and Feb., 1895.] Mississippi State Medicai Association. [See Tr. Mississippi M. Ass.] Mississippi Valley Medicai Monthly. Memphis, v. 1-7; no. 1, v. 8, Jan., 1881, to Jan., 1888. 8°. [Continuation of: Arkansaa M. Month., Little Rock, and continued aa: Memphis M. Month.] Misaouri Clinical Record; a monthly journal of medicine and aur- gery. St. Louis, v. 1, 1874-5. 8°. [Continued as: St. Louis Clin. Ree] Misaouri (The) Dentai «Journal ; a monthly record of medicai science, devoted to the apeeialty of dentistry. St. Louis, 1869 to March, 1883; Kanaaa City, Aprii to Dee, 1883. y. 1-15, 1869-83. 8C. [Coutiuued as: Arch. Dent., St, Louis.] Misaouri Iuatitnte of Homceopathy. [See Proc. Missouri Inst. Homceop., St. Louis.] Misaouri (The) Medicai and Surgical Jourual. Saint Louis, v. 1-4, 1845-8. 8J. [In Sept., 1848, merged iu: St. Louis M. &,. S.J.] Missouri (The) Valley Medicai Journal. A mouthly jonrnal of mediciue, surgery, and the collateral sciences. St. Joseph, Mo. v. 1, 1882. 8°. [United with: Kanaaa M. Index, Fort Scott, forming: Kanaas Se Missouri Valley M. Index, Fort Scott.] Mitgliedern (Den) der deutschen authropologiacheu Gesellsehaft gewidmet bei Gelegenheit der xiii. Jahresversammlung. Frankfurt a, M. lv., 1882. 4°. Mitteilungen aus der geburtahilflich-gynakologiscken Klinik zu Tubingeu. Hft, 1-2, v. 1, 1884-5. 8°. Mitteilungen ans der Klinik und Polikliuik fiir Haut- und veneri- sclie Geschlechtskrankheiten von Prof. Dr. D. van Haren No- mali zu Amsterdam. Haarlem. 1 v., 1889. 8°, Mittheilungen des aerztlichen Vereines in Wien. 8C 3,1874-5. Mittheilungen ans der amtlichen Lebensmittel-Untersuchungs- Anstalt und cheniisichen Versuchsstatiou zu Wiesbaden, iiber die gescbaftliche uud wissenschaftliche Thatigkeit in dem Be- triebsjahre 1883-4. Hrsg. von C. Schmitt. Berlin. 1 v., 1885. 8°. [160] Mitth. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien. Mitth. d. anthrop. Ver. in Schlesw.-Holst., Kiel. Mitth. d. badisch. àrztl. Ver., Karlsruhe. Mitth. a. d. chir. Abth. d. Beri. stadt. Krankenh. im Frie- drichshain. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin. in Greifs- wald, Wien u. Leipz. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin. zu Kiel. Mitth. a. d. chir. Klin. zu Tiibing. Mitth. a. d. chir.-orthop. Privat- klin. . . . Hoffà zu Wiirzb., Munchen. Mitth. a. d. dermat. Klin. d. k. Char. Krankenh. zu Beri. Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Yokohama. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. ges. Heilk., Hamb. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Heilk., Leipz. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med. [etc]. Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz. Mitth. . . . d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Mitth. d. Gesellsch. f. Physiok. in Bòhmen zu Prag. Mitth. a. d. k. chir. Klin. zu Bresl., Leipz. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Beri. Mitth. a. d. k. TJniv.-Augenklin. zu Miinchen. Mitth. a. d. k. zool. Mus. zu Dresd. . Mitth. a. Klin. u. med. Inst. d. s Schweiz, Basel u. Leipz. Mittheilungen der anthropologischcn Gesellsehaft in Wien. v. 1-24, 1871-94. 8 A- 4C. MittheilHiigen des anthropologischen Vereins in Schleswig-Hol- stein. Kiel. 1.-5. Hft., 1888-92. 8°. Mittheilungen des badischen àrztlichen Vereins. Karlsruhe. y. 1-11, 1847-57. S-. [Continued as: Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe] Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Abtheilung des Berliner stadtisehen Kraukeuhauses im Friedrichshain. Leipzig. 1 v. 1878. 8°. Mittheilungen ansder chirurgischen Klinik in Greifswald. [1882- 3.] Hrsg. vou Prof. Dr. P. Vogt, Wieu uud Leipzig. 1 v., I*c4. 8-'. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Kiel. Hrsg. von Friedrich von Esmarch. Kiel. 1 v., 1883-8. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Tiibingen. Hrsg. von Paul Bruma. Tiibingen. v. 1, 188[3]-4. 8°. [Continued aa: Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tiibing.] Mittheilungen aua der chirurgiach-orthopadiachen Privatklinik des Privatdocenten Dr. A. Hofta zu Wiirzburg. Hrsg. von Dr. Albert Hoffa. Miinchen. 2 v., 1889-94. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der dermatologiachen Klinik des koniglichen Charité-Kraiikenhausea zu Berlin. Berlin. 1 v., 1887-8. 8°. Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellsehaft fiir Natur- und Vòlker- knnde Ostasiens. Yokohama, v. 1-5, 1873-6 to 1889-92; lift 1, v. 6, 1893. 4°. Mittheilungen aus dem embryologischen Institute der k. k. Uni- versitiit in Wien von Dr. S. L. Schenk. Wien. v. 1, 2; n. F., Hft. 1-5, 1877-92. 8\ Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammteu Heilkunde. Hrsg. von einer medicinisch-chirnrgischeu Gesellsehaft in Hamburg. v. 1-2, 1830-3. 8°. Mittheilungen ans dem Gebiete der Heilkunde. Leipzig, v. 1, 1845. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie und Phar- macie; in Verbiudung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten undPhar- maceuten der Herzogthumer Schleswig und Holstein, hrsg. von C. H. Pfaff. Kiel. v. 1-9, 1832-43. 8°. [v. 3-9, published at Altoua. v. 3-5, 1835-8, title, alao: Prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a, d. Geb. d. Med. [etc], Altona; v. 6-9, 1838-43, title, also: Pfaffa prakt. u. krit, Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., Altona.] Mittheilungen der Gesellsehaft fìirGeburtshùlfezu Leipzig. 1872, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1880, issi, 1882. Leipzig. 1873-83- 8°. [Reprint from : Arch. f. Gynaek., Beri ; Deutsche med. Wchn- schr., Beri.; Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz. In 1879 the word "zu" changed to "in".] Mittheilungen uber die Thatigkeit und die Verhandlungen der Gesellsehaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig, im 12. Jahre ihres Bestehens (1866) 1867. 8°. [Reprint from : Monatschr. f. Ge- burtsk. u. Frauenkr., Leipz., 1867, xxx.] Mittheilungen der Gesellsehaft fiir Physiokratie in Bòhmen zu Prag. Prag. 1. Hft., 1892. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der konigl. chirurgischen Klinik zu Breslau. Hrsg. vou H. Fischer. Leipzig. 1 v., 1880. 8°. [Reprint from: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz.] Mittheilungen aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Berlin v. 1, 1881; v. 2, 1884. fol. Mittheilungen aus der kgl. Universitats-Augenklinikzu Miinchen. Munchen und Leipzig, v. 1, 1882. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem k. zoologischen Museum zu Dresden. Hrsg. mit Unterstiitzuug der Generaldirection der koniglicheu Sammlungen fiir Kuust und Wisseuschaft von Dr. A. B Mever Dresden. Hft. 2, 1877. fol. ' ù ' Mittheilungen aus Kliuiken und medieiniachen Inatituten der Schweiz. Annalea snisaes des sciences médicales. Basel und Leipzig. 1.-2. R., 1893-4. 8°. [Articles have continued aud separate pagiuation.] [161] Mitth. a. d. Konigsb. physiol. Lab. Mitth. a. d. Konigsb. Univ.-Au- genklin., Beri. Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ., Tokio. Mitth. a. d. med. Klin. zu Ko- nigsb., Leipz. Mitth. a. d. med. Klin. zu Wiirzb., Wiesb. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bern. Mitth. a. d. ophth. Klin. in Tiibing. Mitth. a. d. Osterl: [etc], zu Al- tenb. Mitth. a. d. path. Inst. zu Miin- chen, Stuttg. Mitth. a. d. pharm. Inst. u. Lab. f. ang. Chem. d. Univ. Erlan- gen, Munchen. Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Caro- lili, med.-chir. Inst. in Stock- holm. Mitth. a. d. Sitz.-Protok. d. Gesellsch. [f. Geburtsh. in Beri.]. Mitth. a. d. St. Petersb. Augen Heilanst. Mitth. d. statist. Bur. d. Stadt Chemnitz. Mitth. a. d. thierarztl. Praxis im preuss. Staate, Beri. Mitth. a. d. Tiibing: Poliklin. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. Mitth. d. Ver. nassau. Aerzte, Weilburg. Mitth. d. Ver. nordl. d. Elbe [etc], Kiel. Mitth. a. d. Ver. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg. d. Stadt Niirnb. Mitth. f. d.Ver. Schlesw. Holst. Aerzte, Kiel. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll. Mitth. d. wiirttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg. Mitth. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, Leipz. [H] Mittheilungen aus dem Konigsberger physiologischen Laborato- rium. Konigsberg. 1 v., 1878. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der Konigsberger Universitiits-Augenklinik 1877-9, von Prof. Dr. J. Jacobson, unter Mitwirkuug von Treitel und Borbe Berlin. 1 v., 1880. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Facultàt der kaiserlich- japauischen Universitàt. Tokio, v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3, 1887-94. 4°. Mittheilungen aus der medicinischen Kliuik zu Konigsberg i. Pr. Hrsg. vou B. Naunyn. Leix>zig. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Mittheiluugen aus der medicinischen Klinik zu Wiirzburg. Wies- baden. v. 1, 1885. 8°. Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellsehaft in Bern aus den Jahren 1868-94. Nos. 654-1334. Bern, 1869-94. 8°. Mittheilungen aus der ophthalmiatrischen Klinik in Tiibingen. Tubiugen. Hft. 1-3, v. 1; Hft. 1-2, v. 2. 1880-5. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande. Gemeinschaftlich hrsg. vom Gewerbe-Vereine, von der naturforschenden Gesellsehaft und dem bienenwirthschaftlichen Vereine zu Altenburg. Nos. 1-2, v. 18, 1867. 83. Mittheilungen aus dem pathologischen Inatitute zu Miincheu. Stuttgart. 1 v., 1878. 8°. [Coutinued, iu 1866, aa: Arb. a. d. path. Iuat. zu Miincheu, Stuttg.] Mittheilungen aua dem pharmaceutiachen Inatitute uud Labora- torium fiir augewandte Chemie der Universitiit Erlangen von A. Hilger. Miiuchen. 1.-3. Hft., 1889-90. 8 . Mittheilungen vom physiologischen Laboratorium des Carolini- achen niedico-chirurgischen Instituts iu Stockholm. Hrsg.vou dir. Lovéu. Stockholm. Hft. 1-3, 1*82-4. 8°. [Supplement to: Kongliga Svenska vetenskaps akademieus handlingar, v. 6, uo. 22 ; v. 7, no. 6 ; v. 8, no. 8.] Mittheilungen aua den Sitzunga-Protokollen der Gesellachaft [fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin]. 1869-75. Berlin, 1869-75. 8°. [Bouud with: Beitr. z. Geburtah. u. Gyniik., Beri., v. 1-4.] Mittheilungen aua der St. Petersburger Augen-Heilanstalt. St. Petersburg. Hft. 1, 2, 4, 1887-93. 8°. Mittheilungen des statistischen Bureaus der Stadt Chemnitz. Chemnitz. Hfte 1-7, 1873-85. 4°. Mittheilungen aus der thieràrztlichen Praxis im preussischen Staate. N. F., v. 1-8, 1874-82. Berlin, 1876-83. 8°. [Supple- ment to : Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Beri.] Mittheilungen aus der Tiibinger Poliklinik. Hrsg. von Theodor von Jiirgensen. Stuttgart; Leipzig. 1.-2. Hft., 1886-92. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich. Wien. v. 1-13, 1875-87. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. v. 12-32, 1874-5 to 1895. 8°. [Continuation of : Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz.] Mi ttbeilungen des Vereins nassau'scher Aerzte an seine Mitglieder. Weilburg, 1851-5. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins nordlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung naturw issensebaftlieher Kenntnisse. Kiel. Hft. 1-9, 1857-68. 4° & 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Verein fiir óffentliche Gesundheitspflege der Stadt Nurnberg. Niirnberg. Hft. 2.-13., 1879-90. 8°. Mittheilungeu fiir den Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. Kiel. Hft, 1-12, 1866-92; n. F., Hft. 1-2, 1892-3. 8°. Mittheilungen des Wiener medicinischen Doctoren-Collegiums. Wieu. v. 1-21,1874-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. jirakt. Heilk., Wien.] Mittheilungen des wiirttembergischen aerztlichen Vereins. Stutt- gart, v. 1, 1833-4. 8°. Mittheiliiugen aus der zoologischen Station zu Neapel ; zugleich ein Reoertorium fur Mittelmeerkunde. Leipzig. Hft. 1-2, v. 1, 1878-9. 8C. [162] Mod. med., Torino. Mod. Med. Se Bacteriol. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich. Mod. Med. Se Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mich. Mod. zooiatro, Torino. Monatl. Mitth. a.d.Gesamintgeb. d. Naturw. Monatsb. zu d. gerichtl.-u. san.- pol. Med.-Beamten, Tokio. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist. u. off. Gsndhtspflg., Beri. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Beri. Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Beri. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Beri. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen. Monatschr. . . . d. San. - Poi., Beri. Monatschr. d. Ver. deutsch. Zahnk. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. u. Leipz. Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierh., Stuttg. Monde pharm., Par. Monist, Chicago. Monit. d. hòp., Par. Monit. d. se méd. et pharm., Par. Moderna (La) medicina, Torino. v. 1-7, Aprii, 1878-87. 8°. [No. 1, v. 1, Aprii, 1878, is repriuted iu 1880.] Modem Medicine and Bacteriological Review. Bulletin of the Sanitarinm Hospital and Laboratory of Hygiene Battle Creek, Mich. v. 3-4, 1894-5. 8°. [Continuation, in Jan., 1894, of: Mod. Med. & Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mich.J Modem Mediciue and Bacteriological World. Bulletin of the Laboratory of Hygiene, Sanitari uni, Battle Creek, Mich. Bat- tle Creek, Mieli, v. 2, 1*93. 8°. [Continuation of: Baeteriob World, Battle Creek, Mich., and continued as: Mod. Med. Se Bacteriol. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich.] Moderno (II) zooiatro. Rasaegna di medicina veterinaria e di zootecnia. Torino, v. 1-3, 1890-2. 8°. [Contiuuàtion, in, 1890, of : Medico vet., Torino.] Mouatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Natura wisaenachaften. Orgau des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Regierungsbezirks Frankfurt. Berlin, v. 4-6, 1886-9. 8°. [Nos. 1-7, v. 4, published at Frankfurt a. O. Continued ass Helios, Beri.] Monata-Bericht zu den gerichtlich- und sauitatspolizeilicheu Medi- cinalbeamteu. Tokio. Nos. 9-11, 1893. 8°. [Japanese text.] Monatsblatt fiir medicinische Statistik und óffentliche Gesund- heitspflege. Beilage zu Goschen's Deutscher Klinik. Berlin. 1856-75. fol. Monatsblatt fiir óffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Hrsg. von dem Verein fur óffentliche Gesundheitsx>flege im Herzogthum Braun- schweig. v. 1-18, 1878-95. 8°. Mouatsachrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynaekologie. Berlin. v.. 1, 1895. 6°. Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. Berlin. v. 1-34,1853-69. 8°. [Continuatiou of: N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk.„ Beri., and continued as: Arch. f. Gynaek., Beri.] Monatsschrift fiir Medicin, Augenheilkunde und Chirurgie. Leip- zig, v. 1-3, 1838-40. 8°. [Continuation of: Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb.] Mouatsachrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde Berlin, v. 1-29, 1867-95. fol. & 8°. [After 1875, the words "sowie fiir Nasen-, Rachen-, Kehlkopf- uud Luftiohren-Krankheiten" added to title.] Monatsschrift fiir praktische Wasserheilkunde unii physikalische Heilmethoden. Miinchen. v. 1-2, 1884-5. 8°. Monatsschrift fiir exacte Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sani» tiits-Polizei. Hrsg. von Louis Pappenheim. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1859-62. 8°. [Nos. 4-12, v. 2, appear, also, under title: Beitr. . . . d. San.-Poi., Beri.] Monatsschrift des Vereins deutscher Zahnkunstler. (Vereins- Organ.) Hrsg. vom Verein deutacher Zahnkiinatler. Dreaden, 1883-8; Leipzig, 1889-94. v. 3-14, 1883-94. 8°. [Continua- tiou of: Vrtljschr. d. Ver. deutsch. Zahuk., Dresd.] Monatshefte fur praktische Dermatologie. Hamburg und Leip- zig, v. 1-20, 1862-95. 8°. Monatshefte fiir praktische Thierheilkunde Stuttgart, v. 1-6, 1889-95. 8°. Monde (Le) pharmaceutique. Jourual des intérèts scientifìqnes et pratiques, nioraux et professionnels dn corps pharmaceu- tique. Paris, v. 4-26, 1874-95. 4°. [In Jan., 1877, the words "et medicai" added to titìe] Monist (The). A quarterly magazine of philoaophy, religion, acience, and sociology. Chicago, v. 1-5, 1890-5. 8°. Moniteur (Le) dea hópitaux. Journal des progrès de la médecine et de la chirurgie pratiques. Paris, v. 1-9, aud nos. 1-42, v. 10, 1853-62. 4°. [Suspeuded by decree of court, Aug. 11,1859; continued Aug. 23, 1859, as the following, forming a second series of the periodical, v. 7 being compoaed, in part, of v. 1, 2. a.] Moniteur (Le) dea aciencea médicales et pharmaceutiques. Paris. [See the preceding, v. 7, Aug. 23, 1859, et seq.] [163] Monit. scient., Par. Monit. thérap., Far. Moniteur. J. de méd. [etc], Par. Monitor méd., Lima. Monitor méd.-farm., Morella. Monitor de la salud, Barcel. Monitore d. med., Roma. Monitore med. marchigiano, Lo- reto. Monitore med.-chir., Ariccia. Monitore thérap., Napoli. Monitore zool. ital. Monog. Indust. Educat. Ass., N. Y. Monog. mexicanas de mat. méd., Mexico. Month. Abstr. M. Se, Phila. Month. Arch. M. Se, Lond. Month. Homceop. Rev., Lond. Month. J. M., Lond. Month. J. M. Lit. Month. J. M. Se, Lond. & Edinb. Moniteur (Le) scientifique Journal des sciences pures et appli- quées; compte-rendu des académies et aociétés savantes et revue des progrès accomplis dans les seiencea mathématiques, physi- ques et naturelles; travaux publiés à l'étranger; revue des in- ventions nouvelles et industrie manufacturière des arts chimi- ques; journal mensuel fonde et dirige par le Dr. Quesneville Paris. 1. s., v. 1-5, 1857-63; 2. s., v. 1-7,1864-70; 3. s., v. 1-16, 1871-86; 4. s., v. 1-6, 1887-92. roy. 8°. Moniteur (Le) thérapeutique. Recueil mensuel dea médications nouvellea. Paris, v. 1-22, 1873-95. 8°. Moniteur (Le). Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de théra- peutique. Paris, v. 1-2 (nos. 1-45), March 1, 1876, to June 1, 1877. 8°. Monitor (El) mèdico, òrgano de los intereses cientifìcos y pro- feaionalea del cuerpo mèdico. Publicado bajo la }irotección de la Academia libre de medicina de Lima. Lima. v. 1-10, 1885- 95. sm. fol. Monitor (El) médico-farmacéutico é industriai. Periodico desti- nado 6, promover los intereses morales, cientifìcos y materiales del Cuerpo médico-farmacéutico é industriai deMichoacau ylos particulares de la casa Atanasio Mier que lo publica. Morelia, Mexico, v. 1, 1887. 4°. Monitor (El) de la salud. Revista quincenal de higiene publica y de higiene y medicina domésticas, con sección especial dedi- cada à los ninos euf ermos y à los enfermos de pecho. Barcelona. v. 1-5, 1880-4. 4°. [Supplement to: Encicl. méd.-farm., Barcel. ] Monitore dei medici. Roma. v. 1-5, 1890-4. fol. Monitore medico marchigiano. Bollettino dell' Associazione me- dica marchigiana. Loreto. Nos. 9-12, Oct., 1889, to Julv,^. 3, , 1890. 8°. [Continuation, in fase 9, Oct., 1889 (anno àsijN1'- Boll. d. Osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, Loreto.] Monitore (II) medico-chirurgico. Giornale dei medici comunali. Ariccia. Nos. 1-12, v. 1, 1884. 8°. Monitore (II) terapeutico. Raccolta mensile di rimedi nuovi e ricette. Napoli, v. 1-10, 1884-95. 8°. Monitore zoologico italiano. (Pubblicazioni italiane di zoologia, anatomia, embriologia.) Siena; Firenze, v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. [After 1890, publiahed in Florence. ] Monographa of the Induatrial Education Associatiou. New York. v. 1, 1888. 8J. Monografias mexicanas de materia mèdica. Colección de tésis inaugurales y de concurso de la Escuela nacional de medicina de Mexico. Acopiadas y reproducidas por "El Estudio ". Mexico. 1 v., 1890. 4°. Monthly (The) Abstract of Medicai Science : a digest of the prog- ress of medicine aud the collateral sciences; being a supple- ment to the Medicai News and Library. Philadelphia. v. 1-6, 1874-9. 8°. [In Jan., 1880, united with: Med. News & Libr., Phila., forming: Med. News & Abstr., Phila.] Monthly (The) Archives of the Medicai Sciences. London; Liver- pool. v. 1, 1834. 8°. Monthly (The) Homceopathic Review. 95. 8°. London, v. 1-39, 1856- Mouthly International Journal of Anatomy and Histology. Ber- lin. [/See Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Beri.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine. London. [Title of v. 20, 1855, of: Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Se, Edinb.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medicai Literature, and American Medi- cai Student's Gazette. Boston; Lowell. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1632. 8°. [With no. 2, title changed by dropping ali after the word "Literature", and inserting "and the Litera- ture of Science ", aud published at Lowell. ] Monthly (The) Journal of Medicai Science. London and Edin- burgh. [Title of v. 5-19, 1845-54, of : Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Se In 1846, North. J. M., Ebinb., merged in this journal. In July, 1855, united with: Edinb. M. & S. J., forming Edinb. M. J.] [164] Month. J. Se, Lond. Month. J. South. 111. M. Ass., Cairo. Month. M. News, Louisville. Month. Micr. J., Lond. Month. Retrosp. M. Se, Edinb. Month. Rev. Dent. Surg., Lond. Month. Rev. M. Se Pharm., Phila. Month. San. Ree, Columbus. Month. Stethoscopè & M. Re- porter, Richmond. Montpel. méd. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Path.Rep. Montreal Gen. Hosp. Rep. Montreal M. Gaz. Montreal M. J. Morgagni. Morphol. Arb., Jena. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz. Moskov. med. Gaz. Moskov. vratcheb. J. Moskov. vratcheb. Vestnik. Mouvement hyg., Brux. Mouvement méd., Par. Monthly (The) Journal of Science, [etc]. [Rnuning title of 3.8., nos. 2-12, v. 1, 1879, of: J. Se A Ann. Biol., Lond.] Monthly Journal of the Southern Illinois Medicai Association. Cairo, 111. v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8 . Monthly (The) Medicai News. Louisville, Ky. v. 2-3, 1860. 8°. [Continuation of: Semi-Month. M. News, Louisville] Monthly (The) Microscoxiical Journal. Transactious of the Royal Microscopical Society, and record of histological research at home aud abroad. London, v. 1-18, 1869-77. 8°. [Followed, in 1878, by: J. Roy. Micr. Soe, Lond.] Monthly Retroapect of the Medicai Sciences. Edinburgh, v. 1-2, Feb., 1848, to Dee, 1849. 8-. Monthly (The) Review of Dentai Surgery; being the journal of the Britiah Dentai Association. London, v. 1, Jan. to Dee, 1880. 8J. [Continued as: J. Brit. Deut. Ass., Lond.] Monthly Review of Medicine and Pharmacy. Philadelphia. v. 2-5, 1879-82. 4°. [Continuatiou of: Phila. Druggist & Chem- ist.] Monthly (The) Sanitary Record. The officiai xmblicatiou of the Ohio State Board of Health. Columbus, O. v. 1-7, 1888-94. 8°. [Followed by: Ohio San. Bull., Columbus.] Monthly (The) Stethoscopè aud Medicai Rexiorter. Richmond, Va. v. 1-2, 1*56-7. 6-\ Montpellier medicai. Journal mensuel de médecine. Montpel- lier, v. 1-50, 1858-83; 2. a., v. 1-17, 1883-91. 8°. [United with: Gaz. hebd. d. se méd. de Montpel., forming: N. Mont- pel. méd.] Montreal General Hospital. Pathological Report for the year endingMayl, 1877. Montreal, v. 1, 1878. 8°. Montreal General Hospital Reports, clinical and pathological, by tbe medicai staff; edited by William Oaler. Montreal, v. 1, 1880. 8°. Montreal (The) Medicai Gazette; being a nionthly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. Montreal, v. 1, 1844-5. 8°. Montreal (The) Medicai Journal. A review of medicine, surgery aud obstetrics, and chronicle of hospital practice. Montreal. v. 17-23, July, 1868, to 1895. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Canada M. & S. J., Montreal.] Morgagni (II). Opera periodica di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli, 1857-85; Milano, 1886-95. v. 1-37, 1857-95. 8C. [Nothing published in 1859 or 1861.] Morphologische Arbeiten. Hrsg. von Gustav Schwalbe. Jena. v. 1-3; Hft. 1-2, v. 4, 1891-4. 8°. Morpbologiachea Jahrbuch. Eine Zeitsehrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Leipzig, y. 1-22, 1875-95. 8°. Moskovskaya meditainakaya Gazeta; izdavaemaya Obshestvom rusakich vrachei. Moakva. 1866-8; 1876-8. 6 v. 4U. [See Med. Obozr., Mosk. [See Trudi Mosk. Moskovakoye meditsinskoye Obshestvo (Protok. Moskov. med. Obah.).] Moakovskoye psichologicheakoye Obshestvo I>sichol. Obsh., Moskva,] Moskovskoye venerologicheskoye i dermatologicheskoye Ob- shestvo. [See Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh.] Moskovakiy vratchebniy Jurnal; izdavayemii A. Poluminiiu. Moakva. 5 v., 1854-8. 8. Moskovakiy vratchebniy Vestnik; izdavayemii sostoiashtehim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete, fìzikomeditsiuskim Obshestvom. Moskva. v. 1-3, 1873-6. 4U. Mouvement (Le) hygiénique. Revue d'hygiène publique et nri- vée. Bruxelles, v. 1-11, 1884-95. 6°. Mouvement (Le) medicai. Annales de l'hydrothérapie scienti- fique. (La sauté publique et l'association medicale.) Paris. v. 4-17; noa. 1-13, v. 18. Jan. 7, 1866, to March 27, 1880. 8° & 4 . [Continued as: Reveil méd., Par.] [165] Movimento, Napoli. Munchen. med. Wchnschr. Mus. di zool. d, nova. r. Univ. di Ge- Museum d. Heilk., Ziirich. Movimento (II) medico-chirurgico. Napoli, v. 1-14, 1669-82. 4° Se 8°. [1879 is also called 2. s., v. 1, aud became 8°. Continued as: Movimento (II). Giornale di medicina e chirurgia.] Miiuchener anthropologische Gesellsehaft. [See Verhandl. d. Munchen. anthrop. Gesellach.] Miiuchener Geaellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Etimologie und Urge- schichte. [See Beitr. z. Authrop. u. Urgesch. Bayerns, Mun- chen.] Miiuchener medicinische Wochenschrift. (Friiher Aerztliches In- telligenz-Blatt.) Miinchen. v. 33-42,1886-95. fol. [Continu- ation of: Aerztl. Iut.-Bl., Miinchen.] Musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata della r. Università di Genova. Genova. Nos. 1-15, 1892-3. 8°. Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della r. Università di Torino. [See Boll. d. mus. di zool. ed anat. comp. d. r. Univ. di Torino.] Museo nacional de Mexico. [See An. d. Mus. nac. de Mexico.] Mnseu nacional do Rio de Janeiro. [*See Arch. do mus. nac. do Rio de Jan.] Museum der Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der helvetischen Gesellsehaft correspondireuder Aerzte und Wundàrzte Ziirich. x. 1-4, 1792-7. 8°. Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Descr. Cat. . . . Mus. Roy. Coli. Surg. Edinb.] [See ]¥. N. Albany M. Herald. N. Am. Arch. M. Se S. Se, Balt. N. Am. Homceop. J., N. Y. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. N. Am. M. Reporter, N. Y. N. Am. M. & S. J, Phila. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila. N. Am. Pract., Chicago. N. Am. Rev., N. Y. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Ge- neesk., Zwolle. N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh. [ete], Jena N. Arch. f. med. Erfahr., Beri. Neue Abhandlungen des deutschen àrztlichen ATereins zu St. Pe- teraburg. [See Verni. Abhandl. . . . v. einer Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb., 7. Sanimi.] New Albany (The) Medicai Herald. New Albany, Ind. v. 13-15, 1893-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Herald, Louisville] North American Archives of Medicai and Surgical Science. Bal- timore, v. 1-2, 1834-5. 8°. [Continuation of : Balt. M. -Se S. J. A Rev.] North American (The) Homceopathic Journal: a quarterly maga- zine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. New York. v. 1, 1851. 8 . [Continued as the following:] North American (The) Journal of Homceopathy. New York. v. 2-18, 1852-70; n. s., v. 1-15, 1870-85; 3. s., v.1-10, 1885-95. 8-, [Continuation of the preceding. Susx>euded after Nov., 1853, nntil Aug., 1856. After Nov., 1861, U. States J. Homceop., N. Y., merged in this journal.] North American (The) Medicai Reporter. New York. v. 1, 1858- 9. 8°. North American Medicai and Surgical Journal. Philadelphia. v. 1-12, 1826-31. 8°. North American (The) Medico-Chirurgical Review. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Riehardson. Philadelphia. v. 1-5, 1857-61. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Med. Exam., Phila., with: Louisville Rev.] North American (The) Practitioner. The journal of the Post- Graduate Medicai School of Chicago. Chicago, v. 1-7, 1889- 95. 8-. Noith American (The) Review. New York. 8°. Nieuw Archief voor biunen- en buitenlandsche Geneeskunde in haren geheeleu omvang, door Dr.I. van Deen. Zwolle. v. 1-4, 1846-51. 8°. Neues Arehiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinder- krankbciten mit Hiuaicht auf die Physiologie, Diàtetik uud Chi- rurgie. Jena. v. 1, 1798-1800. 8C. [Continuation of: Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena.] Neues Arehiv fiir medizinische Erfahrung. 7-10, 1605-7, of: Arch. f. med. Erfahr.] Berlin. [Title ofv. [166] N. Arch. d'obst. et de gynéc, Par. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte. Leipz. N. Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Arzeneiw., Beri. N. Biblioth. f. d. Chir. u. Ophth., Hannov. N. biblioth. méd., Par. N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Geb. d. Heilk. . . . d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. N. cimento, Pisa. N. Denkwrdgktn. f. Aerzte u. Geburtsh., Gotting. N. dict. de méd. et chir. prat., Par. N. dict. prat. de méd. . . . vét., Par. N. Eng. J. Dent., Springfield, Mass. N. Eng. J. M. Se S., Bost. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost. N. Eng. M. Month. N. Eng. M. Rev. Se J., Bost. N. Eng. Q. J. M. Se S., Bost. N. Folge d. Gsndhts. Ztg., Wien. N. gior. internaz. d. se med., Napoli. N. Hampshire J. M. Nouvelles Archives d'obstétrique et de gynécologie. Paris, v. 1- 10, 1889-95. 8-. Neues Arehiv der praktischen Arzneykunst fiir Aerzte, Wundàrzte und Apotheker, von verschiedenen Verfassern, hrsg. vou P. F. Th. Meckel. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1789-90. 8°. Neue Beitràge zur Natur- und Arznei-Wissenschaft. Hrsg. von C. G. Selle. Berlin. 1.-2. Theil, 1762-3. 6 . Neue Bibliothek fiir die Chirurgie uud Ophthalniologie Hrsg. von C. J. M. Langenbeck. Hannover, v. 1-4, 1815-28. 8°. [Continuation of: Biblioth. f. d. Chir., Gotting.] Nouvelle bibliothèque medicale, augmentée d'un recueil de méde- cine vétérinaire, et bulletin de l'Athenée de médecine de Paris. Paris. Années 1-7, 1823-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Biblioth. méd., Par.] Neue Breslauer Sammlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde, hrsg. von der medicinischen Section der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fur vaterlàudische Kultur. Breslau. 1 v., 1829. 8°. Nuovo (II) cimento. Giornale fondato per la fisica e la chimica da C. Matteucci e R. Piria, continuato per la fìaica eaperinien- tale e matematica da E. Betti e R. Felici. Pisa. 3. s., v. 21-36, 1667-94. 8°. Neue Denkwiìrdigkeiten fiir Aerzte und Gebnrtshelfer von F. B. Oaiander. Gottingen. v. 1, 1797. 8°. [Continuation of: Denkwiirdigkeiten fiir die Heilkunde und Geburtshiilfe, (iòt- tingen.] Nouveau dictionnaire de médecine et de chirurgie pratiquea. Re- dige par Bernutz, Bceckel, Anger, Bailly, [el a/.]. Paria, v. 1-27, 1864-79. 8°. Nouveau dictionnaire pratique de médecine, de chirurgie et d'hy- giène vétériuaires, publié, avec la collaboration d'une société de professeurs vétériuaires et de vétériuaires xiraticiena, par MM. H. Bouly et Reynal. Paris, v. 1-10 [Abatage-Jarret], 1856-74. 8C. New England (The) Botauic, Medicai and Surgical Journal. Wor- cester, Mass. v. 1-5, 1847-51. 8 \ [Continuation of: New England (The) Medicai Eclectic and Guide to Health, Worces- ter, and continued aa: Worcester J. M.] New England (The) Jourual of Dentistry and Allied Sciences. Springfield, Mass. v. 1-3, 1882-4. 8°. [Iu Nov., 1684, merged iu: Arch. Dent., St. Louis.] New England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the col- lateral branches of science. Boston, v, 1-15, 1812-26. 8°. [Continued as: N. Eng. M. Rev. A J., Bost.] New England (The) Medicai Eclectic and Guide to Health. Wor- cester, Mass. v. 1, 1846; no. 1, v. 2, 1847. 8°. [Continued as: New England (The) Botauic Medicai & Surgical Jourual, Wor- cester.] New England (The) Medicai Gazette. A monthly journal of homceopathic medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Boston, v. 1-30, 1866-95. 8°. New England Medicai Monthly. Newtown, Sandy Hook, Bridge- port, Danbury, Conn. v. 1-14, 1881-2 to 1895. 8°. New England (The) Medicai Review and Journal. Boston, v. 1, 1827. 8°. [Continuation of: N. Eng. J.M. & S., Bost. United with: Boston M. Intellig., forming: Boaton M. & S. J.] New England (Tbe) Quarterly Journal of Mediciue and Surgery. Boston, v. 1, 1842-3. 8°. New England Water Works Association. [See J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass.] Neue Folge der Gesundheits-Zeitung. Wien. v. 1, 4, 1637,1840. 8°. [Continuation of: Pop. osterr. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wieu.] Nuovo giornale internazionale delle scienze mediche, inteso ad informare i medici esercenti dei progresai della medicina. N poli. v. 1, 1877-8. 8°. [Continued as: Scuola med. napol.1 New Hampshire (The) Journal of Medicine. Manchester, 1856-8. v. 1-6, 1850-8. 8°. poi.] Concord, 1850-5; New Hampahire Medicai Society. [See Tr, N. Hampshire M. Soe] [167] N. Heilk. N. iconog. de la Salpètrière, Par. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir. N. Jahrb. f. d. Turnkunst, Dresd. N. Jersey Eclect. M. Se S. J., Newark. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burling- ton. N. Jour. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Beri. N. Jour. d. Erfind. [ete], Gotha. N. Jour. méd., Par. N. Jour. de méd., chir., pharm. ete, Par. N. Liguria med., Genova. N. lit. Nachr. f. Aerzte [ete], Halle in Sachs. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz. N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Poi., Stendal. N. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Neue (Die) Heilkunst. Familienblatt zur Befordernng der Volks- wohlfahrt, insbeaondere durch die arzneilose und operations- lose Heilweise und die naturgemàsse Gesundheitspflege. Leip- zig, v. 1-2, 1889-90; Berlin, v. 3-4, 1891-2. 4°. Nouvelle iconographie de la Saljiètrière, clinique des maladies du système nerveux. Paris, v. 1-8, 1888-95. 8°. Neue Jahrbiicher der teutschen Medicin uud Chirurgie. Mit Zu- gabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der medicinisch- chirurgischen Literatur des Auslandes. Bonn, 1819-21; Elber- feld, 1822-3; Hamm, 1824-7. v. 1-12 and 2 suppl. vola., 1819-27. 8°. [Continuation of : Jahrb. d. teutacb. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb., 1813. v. 1-7, 1819-23, alao under title: Rhein. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Bonn. v. 8-12, 1824-7, alao under title: Rhein.-West- phàl. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Hamm. In 1828, merged in: Heidelb. klin. Auu.] Neue Jahrbiicher fiir die Turnkunst. Freie Hefte fiir Erziebung und Gesundheitspflege Dresden. v. 1-13, 15-18, 1855-72. 8°. New Jersey (The) Eclectic Medicai aud Surgical Journal : devoted to liberal medicine, general science and literature. Newark. v. 1-2; nos. 1-2, v. 3, 1874-6. 8°. [Snspended after Oct., 1&76, till Juue, 1877; theu resumed as: N. York Eclect. M. & S. J., no. 1, v. 4.] New Jersey (The) Medicai Reporter. A monthly jourual of medi- cai and surgical science [Title of v. 8 of the following:] New Jersey (The) Medicai Reporter, and Transactions of the New Jersey Medicai Society. Burliugton. v. 1-8, 1847-55. 8'-'. [In v, 8, the words "and Transactions [ete]" were dropped. Continued as : Med. & Surg. Reporter. See, also, the preced- ing.] New Jersey Medicai Society. [See N. Jersey M. Reporter, Bur- lington. Also: Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc] New Jeraey State Dentai Society. [See Tr. N. Jersey Deut, Soc, Newark. Also: Union meet. N. Jersey & Perni. Dent, Soc, Phila.] Neuea Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzney- kunst. Jena und Berlin. [Additional title of v. 8-12, 1799- 1801, of: J. d. pract. Arzuk. und Wuudarznk., Jena.] Neues Journal der practischen Heilkunde, von C. W. Hufeland. [Additional title of v. 13-93, 1801-41, of: J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wuudarznk., Jena.] Neuestes Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Arzeneikunde und Geburts- hiilfe, von C. L. Mursiuna. Berlin. [Title of v. 5, 1815-20, of: J. f. d. Chir., Arznk. u. Geburtsh., Beri. Also, with addi- tional title: Neues Journal fur die Chirurgie, [etc.].] Neueatea Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerapriiche, in der gesammteu Medizin. Gotha, v. 1-2, 1810-12. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of: J. d. Erfind. [ete], Gotha.] Nouveau (Le) journal medicai. Revue hebdomadaire, medicale et scientifique. Paris, v. 1-2, May 1, 1880-1. 4°. [Contin- ued as : Siècle méd., Par.] Nouveau Journal de médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Re- dige par MM. Béclard, Chomel, N. Cloquet, [et al.]. Paris. v. 1-15, 1818-22. 8C. [Continuation of: J. de méd., chir., pharm., eie, Par., par les eitoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer.] Nuova (La) Liguria medica, Giornale di scienze mediche, con- tiuuazione della Liguria medica e del Filiatre-sebezio. Ge- nova, v. 16-19, 1871-4. 8°. [For v. 1-15, 1856-70, see Ligu- ria med., Genova.] Neue litterarische Nachrichten fiir Aerzte, Wundàrzte und Natur- forscher anta Jahr 1785 und 1766. [Also foj 1787.] Halle in Sachsen. v. 1-2. 8°. Neues Magazin fiir Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-20, 1779-98. 8°. [Continuation of : Mag. v. Aerzte, Leixiz.] Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medicinische Polizei. Stendal. v. 3-4, 1785-8. 8°. [Continuation of: Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk., Stendili.] Neues Magaziu fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelenkunde. Wiirzburg. [Title of v. 8-10, 1832-3, of: Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb.] [1(18] N. med. Arch. [ete], Mannh. N. Med. Era Se San., Kansas City. N. Med. 8e Phys. J., Lond. N. med. u. phys. J., Marb. N. med.-chir. Ztg. N. Mercurio d. se med., Li- vorno. N. Montpel. méd. N. Montpel. méd. Suppl. N. nord. Arch. f. Naturk., Arz- neyw. u. Chir., Frankf. a. O. N. Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar. N. Ori. J. M. N. Ori. M. J. N. Ori. M. News Se Hosp. Gaz. N. Ori. M. Ree N. Ori. M. & S. J. N. Ori. M. & S. J. N. Ori. M. Times. N. Ori. Month. M. Reg. N. prakt. Tijdschr. v. de Ge- neesk., Gorinchem. Neues mediciniaches Arehiv fiir denkende Leser ans alien Stànden zur Belehrung uud Unterhaltung hrsg. von Gerh. Wilh. von Eicken. Mannheini. v. 1, 1793-6. 12-. New (The) Medicai Era and Sanitarian. Kansas City, Mo. y. 1; no. 1, v. 2, Jan., 1883, to Jan., 1884. 8\ [Iu Feb., 1884, united with: Kansas A Missouri Valley M. Index, Fort Scott, forming: Med. Index, Kansas City.] New Medicai and Physical Journal; or annals of medicine, natu- rai history, and chemistry. London, v. 1-5, Nov., 1610, to June, 1813. 8°. Neues medicinisches und pbysisches Jonrnal. Von Baldinger zu Marburg. v. 1-3, 1797-1802. 8°. [A continuation of: Med. J. v. Baldinger, Gotting.] Neue medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung. Innsbruck u. Leipzig, 1840-2: Augsburg, 1843; Miinchen, 1844-56. [A new series, in 1840, of: Med.-chir. Ztg. In 1857, continued as: Med.-chir. Monatshefte, Erlang.] Nuovo Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Livorno, v. 1-4, 1820; v. 1-2, 1830. 8°. [Continuation of: Mercurio d. se med., Li- vorno. ] Nouveau Montpellier medicai. Gazette hebdomadaire des sci- ences médicales et Montpellier medicai réunis. Journal heb- domadaire avec Suxiplément bi-mensuel contenant toutes les publications médicales émanant de la region de Montpellier. Montpellier, v. 1-4, 1692-5. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Gaz. hebd. d. se méd. de Montpel., and: Monti el. méd.] Noirveau Montpellier medicai. Supplément bi-mensuel. Mont- pellier, v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8°. Neues nordisches Arehiv fiir Naturkunde, Arzneywissenscbaft und Chirurgie. Verfasst von einer Geaellachaft nordiaeber Gelehrten. Frankfurt an der Oder. Pts. 1-2, v. 1, 1607. 8°. [ Continuation of : Nord. Arch. f. Nat.- u. Arzneiw., Kopenh.] Neue Notizen aua dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde; ge- sammelt unii mitgetheilt von L. F. von Froriep. Weimar. 2. F., v. 1-40, 1837-46; 3. F.,v. 1-11,1847-9. 4°. [Continuation of: Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar.] New Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine, v. 21-23, 1868-70. 8°. [A consolidation of: N. Ori. M. Se S. J. with: South. J. M. Se, N. Ori.] New Orleans (The) Medicai Journal. Devoted to the cultivation of medicine aud the associate scieuces. v. 1,1844-5. 8°. [Con- tinued as: N. Ori. M. & S. J.] New Orleans (The) Medicai News and Hospital Gazette. A semi- monthly journal, v. 1-7, 1854-61. 8°. [For continuation, see N. Ori. M. Times. In March, 1854, N. Ori. Month. M. Reg. merged in this journal.] New Orleans (The) Medicai Record. A semi-monthly journal of the medicai sciences. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1866. roy. 8°. New Orleans (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Devoted to medicine and the collateral sciences. v. 2-20,1645-61, and 1866- 7. 6°. [For v. 1, see N. Ori. M. J. Suspended with v. 18 (May, 1861), until July, 1866, when v. 19 commeuced. Formed by cou- solidation of: N. Ori. M. J. with: Louisiana (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal, projected by W. M. Carpenter and J. Harri- aon. Consolidateci with: South. J. M. Se, N. Ori., formine: N Ori. J. M.] h New Orleans (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. New series. New Orleans, v. 1-22, 1873-95. 8°. New Orleans (The) Medicai Times. A monthly journal. Noa. 1-3, v. 1, 1661. 8°. [Continuation of: N. Ori. M. News & Hosp. Gaz.] New Orleans (The) Monthly Medicai Register. v. 1-2, 1851-3. 6-. [In March, 1854, merged in: N. Ori. M. News A Hosx>. Gaz.] Nieuw practisch Tijdachrift voor de Geneeskunde in al haren Om- vang. Gorinchem. v. 26-27, 1847-8. 8°. [For v. 1-25 see Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem.] [169] N. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Be- vord. d. Heelk. te Amst. N. Repert. f. Pharm., Munchen. N.riv.di psichiat. [etc], Napoli. N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Ab- handl. f. Wundàrzte, Leipz. N. Samml. d. auserl. u. n. Ab- handl. f. Wundàrzte, Leipz. N. scuola med. napol. N. South "Wales M. Gaz., Syd- ney. N. Tijdschr. v. de pharm. in Ne- derl., Graveuh. N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. N. wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Beri. N. York & Chicago M. Se S. J. N. Y. N. York Eclect. M. Se S. J. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep. N. York J. Gyneee & Obst. N. York J. Homceop. N. York J. M. N. York J. M. & S. N. York Lancet. Nienwe Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-8, 1809-38. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of : Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Neues Rexiertorinm fiir Pharmacie. Miinchen. v. 1-25, 1852-76. 6°. [Continuation of : Repert. f. d. Pharm., Niirnb.] Nuova rivista di psichiatria, neuropatologia, medicina legale, an- tropologia criminale e terapia. Giornale clinico, sperimentale, illustrato, quindicinale. Napoli, v. 1-2, 1892-4. fol. Neue Sammlung der auserlesensten und neuesteu Abhandlungen fdr Wundàrzte. (Aus verschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 24 X>ta. in 12 v. Leipzig, 1782-9. 12°. [Continued as the fol- lowing:] Neueste Sammlung der auserlesensten und neuesten Abhandlun- gen fùr Wundàrzte. (Aus verschiedenen Sprachen iibersetzt.) 7 pts. in 3 v. Leipzig. 1790-4. 12°. [Continuation of the X>receding. ] Nuova (La) scuola medica napolitana. Giornale pei medici eser- centi. Napoli. Anno 10, v. 7, 1893; nos. 1-3, anno 11, 1894. 8°. [Continuatiou, iu 1893, of: Med. prevent., Napoli.] New South Wales (The) Medicai Gazette. Published under the auspices of the associatimi of medicai officers of the volunteer force at headquarters, and edited bv three of their number.. Sydney, v. 1-5, 1870-5. 8°. Nieuw Tijdsehrift voor de pharmacie in Nederland ; tevens orgaan van de Nederlaudsche Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Phar- macie. (Jravenhage. v. 1-3, 1868-70. 8°. [Continuation of: Tijdschr. v. wetensch. pharm.] Nienwe Verhandelingen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-5,1808-36. 8°. [Continuation of : Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Neue wissenschaftliche Aunalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Ber- lin, v. 1-3, 1835-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Wissensch. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Beri.] New York Academy of Medicine. [Sie Bull. N. York Acad. M. Also: Tr. N. York Acad. M.] New York Academy of Sciences. [See Tr. N. York Acad. Se] New York (The) & Chicago Medicai and Surgical Jourual. New York. Nos. 1-5, v. 8, June to Oct., 1881. 8~. [Continuatimi of: N. YorkM. Se S. J.] New York (The) Eclectic Medicai and Surgical Journal. New York. v. 4-5; nos. 1-9, v. 6, June, 1877, to Feb., 1880. 8°. [For v. 1-3, 1.-74-6, see N. Jersey Eclect. M. & S. J., Newark.. Continued aa: N. York M. & S. J.] New York Ève aud Ear Iufirmary Reports. New York. v. 1-2,. 1893-4. 8°. New York (The) Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. New York. v. 1-4, 1891-4. 8°. [Continuedas: Ani. Gynsee & Obst. J., N. Y.] New York Journal of Homceopathy. [Title of no. 1, v. 1, 1846, of : Am. J. Homceop., N. Y.] New York (The) Journal of Homceopathy. New York. v. 1-2, March, 1873, to Feb., 1875. 8°. [Consolidated with: Med. Union, N. Y., forming: Homceop. Times, N. Y.] New York (The) Jonrnal of Mediciue. [Title of 3. s., of the fol- lowing:] New York (The) Journal of Medicine, and the Collateral Sciences. v. 1-10, July, 1843, to June, 1848; n. s. [2.], v. 1-16, July, 1648, to June, 1856; 3. s., v. 1-8, July, 1856, to June, 1860. 8°. [For continuation, see Am. M. Times, N. Y. With 3. s., v. 1, 1856, the words "and the Collateral Sciences" dropped from title- page. In Oct., 1856, N. York M. Times merged in this journal.] New York (The) Journal of Mediciue and Surgery. v. 1-4, 1839- 41. 8°. New York (The) Lancet. New York. v. 1-2; nos. 1, 3, v. 3,1842- 3. 6°. [170] N. York M. Abstr. N. York M. Exam. N. York M. Gaz. N. York M. Gaz. Se J. Health. N. York M. Inquirer. N. York M. J. N. York M. J. N. York M. Mag. U. York M. Month. N. York M. Se Phil. J. Se Rev. N. York M. Se Phys. J. N. York M. Press. N. York M. Reporter, Rochester. N. York M. Rev. N. York M. & S. Brief. N. York M. & S. J. N. York M. & S. Reporter. N. York M. Times. N. York M. Times. N. York M.-Chir. Bull. N. York Month. Chron. M. & S. New York Medicai Abstract, medicai news. New York. A monthlv iournal of condensed v. 1-14, 18*1-04. 8°. New York (The) Medicai Eclectic. [Title of : Med. Eclect,, N. Y., in 1878-82.] New York (The) Medicai Examiner. New York. v. 1-/, 1891-/. roy. 8°. r New York (The) Medicai Gazette. New York. v. 1-2, 1*41-2. 8\ New York (The) Medicai Gazette and Journal of Health. New York. v. 1-12, 1650-61. 4° & 8 . [v. 6-^, title: Am. M. Gaz. A J. Health, N. Y. v. 9-12, title: Ani. M. Gaz., N. Y.] New York (The) Medicai Inquirer. Conducted by an association of physicians and surgeons residing in different parts of the United States. New York. v. 1, Jan. to Juue, 1830. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Ani. Lancet, N. Y.] New York (The) Medicai Journal. Couducted by Daniel L. M. Peixotto, John R. Rhinelauder, and John Jas. Graves. New York. v. 1-2, 1830-1. 8°. New York (The) Medicai Journal: a monthly record of medicine aud the collateral aciencea. Edited by Wm. A. Hammond, Ed- ward S. Dmister, Wm. T. Lusk, aud James B. Hunter. New York. v. 1-61, 1865 05. 8°. New York (The) Medicai Magazine, published annnally, and edited by Valentine Mott and Henry M. Onderdonk. New York. v. 1 [iu 2 nos.], 1814-15. 8°. New York Medicai Monthly. A journal of practical medicine and aurgery. New York. v. 1; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1886-7. roy. 8°. [Want no. 3, v. 2.] New York (The) Medicai and Philosophical Journal and Review. New York. v. 1-3, 1809-11. 8°. New York (The) Medicai and Physical Journal. New York. v. 1-9, 1822-30. 8°. [v. 8-9, Aprii, 1829, to Jan., 1830, are also called n. s., v. 1-2.] New York (The) Medicai Press: a weekly jonrnal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 1-3, 1859- 60. roy. 8°. [In July, 1860, merged in: Am. M. Times, N. Y.] New York State Medicai Reporter. A monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. New York Medicai Review. New York. Nos. 1-8, Jan. to Nov., v. 1, 1873. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Eclect, M. Rev., N. Y.] New York Medicai and Surgical Brief, a practical monthly clinic New York. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. New York (The) Medicai Se Surgical Journal. New York. Nos. 10-12, v. 6; v. 7, March, 1880, toMay, 1881. 83. [Continuation of: N. York Eclect. M. & S. J. Continued in June, 1881, as: N. York & Chicago M. Se S. J., N. Y.] New York (The) Medicai and Surgical Reporter. New York. v. 1, 1845-6; nos. 1-18, v. 2, 1847. 8°. v. 1-5, 1651-6. 8°. New York (The) Medicai Times. New York [Merged in: N. York J. M.] New York Medicai Times. A monthly jonrnal of medicine, sur- gery and the collateral sciences. New York. v. 9-23,1881-95. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Homceop. Times, N. Y.] New York Medico-Chirurgical Bulletiu. New York 2. 8°. New York Medico-Chirurgical Society. Soc] v. 1-2,1831- [See Tr. N. York M.-Chir. [See Med. Reg. N. York. [See Am. Q. Micr. J.. N. Y. New York Medico-Historical Society Also: Med. Reg. N. York [ete].] New York Microscopie;-*! Society Also: J. N. York Micr. Soe] New York (The) Monthly Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery. New York. v. 1, 1824-5. 8°. ° New York (The) Monthly Review of Medicai aud Surgical Sei- enee, and Buffalo Medicai Journal. Buffalo. [Runnin<>-title of nos. 1-13, v. 15, of: Buffalo M. J., N. Y.ì ° [171] N. York Polyclin. N. York Thérap. Rev. N.-Yorker med. Monatschr. N. Yorker med. Monatschr. N. Yorker med. Presse. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin. N. Ztg. f. Med. u. Med.-Reform, Nordhausen. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Beri. Nachr. ii. deutsch. Alterthumsf, Beri. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch. u. d. Georg-Aug. Univ., Gotting. Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch. Math.-phys. Kl., Got- ting. Nachr. v. d. Leben . . . teutsch. Aerzte, Hildesheim. Narodno Zdravje, Beograd. Nashville J. M. Se S. Nashville M. News. Nashville M. Ree Nashville Month. Ree M. & Phys. Se Nat. Acad. Se Biog. mem., Wash. New York Obstetrical Society. New York Odontological Society Phila.] [SeeTr. N. York Obst. Soc] [See Tr. N. York Odont, Soc, [See Proc. N. York Path. Soc New York Pathological Society. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc] New York (The) Polyclinie A monthly journal of progressive medicine and surgerv. Edited by the Faculty of the New York Polyclinie New YoVk. v. 1-5, 1893-5. roy. 8°. New York Poat-Graduate Medicai School and Hoapital. [See Post- Graduate, N. Y.] New York Post-Graduate Medicai School and Hospital (Clinical Society of the). [See Quart. Bull. Clin. Soe N. Y. Poat-Grad. M. School & Hosp., N. Y.] New York State Pharmaceutical Asaociation. [See Proc. N. York Pharm. Ass.] New York (The) Therapeutic Review. New York. v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. New-Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. New York. v. 1,1852-3. 8°. New Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. Organ fiir praktische Aerzte in Amerika. New York. v. 3-7, 1891-5. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1601, of: Med. Monatschr., N. Y.] New Yorker medizinische Presse. Organ der deutsch-amerika- nischeu Aerzte. New York. v. 1-6, 1885-8. 8°. [Continued, in 1889, as: Med. Monatschr., N. Y.] New Zealand Medicai Asaociation. [See N. Zealand M. J., Dun- edin.] New Zealand (The) Medicai Journal. The organ of the New Zealand Medicai Association. Duuedin. v. 2-8, 1868-95. 8°. Neue Zeituug fiir Medicin und Medicinal-Reform. Nordhausen. v. 1-2, Jan., 1649, to Aprii 29, 1850. fol. Neue Zeitsehrift fiir Geburtskunde. Berlin, v. 1-33, 1834-52. 8\ [Continuation of: Geni, deutsche Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Weimar, and continued as: Monatschr. f. Geburtsk. u. Frau- enkr., Beri. In 1838, J. f. Geburtsh., Fraukf. a. M., united with this journal.] Naehrichten iiber deutsche Alterthumsfunde. ... Hrsg. von der Gesellsehaft fiir Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. Erganzungsbliitter zur Zeitsehrift fiir Ethnologie Berlin, v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. Naehrichten von der koniglichen Gesellsehaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Univeraitat, aua den Jahren 1868—93. Gottingen. 26 v. 8° & 12°. [In 1804, continued as: Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. Math.-phys. Kl., Gotting.] Naehrichten von der konigl. Gesellsehaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Matheuiatisch-physikalische Klasae. Gottingen. 1894-5. roy. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of : Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wisaenach. u. d. Georg-Aug.-Univ., Gotting.] Naehrichten von dem Leben und den Schriften jetztlebender teutscher Aertze, Wuudiirzte, Thieràrzte, Apotheker uud Na- turforscher. Hildesheim. v. 1, 1799. 8C. Naroduo Zdravje, izdaje sanitetsko odelenje miuistarstva unu- traslmich dela. Beograd. v. 1-4, 1881-5. 4°. Nashville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. v. 1-21, 1851- 61; n. s., v. 1-77, 1866-95. 8-. [Nothiug published between Nov., 1861, and July, 1866.] Naahville (The)'Medical News. ville, v. 1, 1887. 8=. A semi-monthly journal. Nash- ville of v. 2-3 of the follow- Nashville (The) Medicai Record. mg:] Nashville (The) Monthly Record of Medicai and Physical Science. v. 1-2; nos. 1, 2, v. 3, 1858-60. 8°. [See, also, the preceding.] Nassauischer Verein fur Naturkunde. [See Jahrb. d. nassau. Ver. f. Naturk., Wiesb.] National Academy of Sciences. ington. v. 1-2,^1877-86. 8°. Biographical memoirs. Wash- [172] Nat. Bd. Health Bull., Wash. Nat. Bd. Health Mag., N. Y. Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond. Nat. Hist. Rev., Lond. Nat. M. J., Wash. Nat. M. Rev., Wash. Nat. M. Rev., Wash. Nat. Pop. Rev., Chicago Se S. Diego. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Ne- èrl. Indie, Batav. Naturàrztl. Ztschr., Chemnitz i. S. Naturarzt. Nature, Lond. Nature, Par. National Academy of Sciences. [ See Meni. Nat. Acad. Se, Wash. Also: Rep. Nat. Aead. Se.. Wash.] National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Lon- don. [See Tr. Nat. Ass. Proiuot. Social Se, Lond.] National Association for the Protection of the Insane aud Preven- tion of Iusanity. [See Ani. Psychol. J., Phila.] National Association of Railway Surgeons. [See J. Nat. Ass. Rail- way Surg., Fort Wayne. Also: [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago.] National Board of Health Bulletin. Washington, D. C. v. 1-3; no. 1, v. 4, June 28, 1879, to July 1, 1882. 4°. National (The) Board of Health Magazine. A review of sani- tary and therapeutic ecience New York. v. 9, 1895. 8°. [Formerly: Doctor (The) of Hygiene.] National Conference of Charities and Correction. [»See Proc. Nat. Confer. Char.] National Eclectic Medicai Association. [^ee Tr. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. ] National Health Society. [See Internat. Health Exh. Weekly Exh. Ree, Lond. Also: San. Ree, Lond.] Naturai (The) History Review. Published quarterly; including the proeeedings of the Irish Naturai History Society for the sessione 1855-6. London, v. 3, 1856. 8°. Naturai' (The) History Review. A quarterly journal of biologi- cai science. London, v. 1-2, 1861-2. 8°. National Institution for the Promotion of Science. Established at Washington in 1840. [»S'ee Bull. Proc. Nat. Inst. Proiuot. Se, Wash.] National Medicai Association for the abolition of the State regula- tion of xirostitution. [See Med. Enquirer, Liverp.] National Medicai Convention. Philadelphia. [See Proc. Nat. M. Convent., Phila.] National Medicai Journal. Washington, D. C. v. 1-2,1870-2. 8°. National Medicai Review. Washington, D. C. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1878-9. 6-. National (The) Medieal Review. Washington, D. C. v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8~. National (The) Popular Reviewr. An illustrated journal of pre- ventive mediciue, apxilied sociology aud curreut medicai sci- ences. Chicago, 111., and San Diego, Cai. v. 1-6, 1892-5. 8°. National Quarantine aud Sanitary Convention. [See Proc. Nat. Qnarant. & San. Convent.] National Temperance League. [See Med. Temper. J., Lond.] Naturai History Society of Montreal. [See Canad. Ree Se, Mont- real.] Natnnr- en geneeskundig Archief voor Neèrlandsch Indie. Bata- via. v. 1-3, 1844-6. 6°. Naturarztliche Zeitsehrift. Organ fiir Korper- und Geistespflege in gesunden und krankenTagen nach den Grundsiitzen wissen- schaftlicher Naturheilmethode. Chemnitz i. S. v. 1-3, 1890-2. Naturarzt (Der). Correspondenzblatt fiir Freunde naturgenias- ser Heilmethoden. Berlin, 1864-9; Dresden, 1872-86. v. 2-8, 1863-9; v. 11-25, 1872-86. 4° & 8°. [Continuatiou of: Was- serfreuud, Dresd.] Nature. A weekly illustrated journal of science. London, v. 1- 51, 1869-95. 4°! Nature (La). Revue des sciences et de lenrs applications aux arts et à l'industrie Paris. Années 15-20, Dee 4, 1886-92. roy. 6°. Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Bamberg. [See Fest-Schr. z. Halbsaee-Feier d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bamb.] Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Basel. [See Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel.] [173] Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Hol- land. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem. Nauch. Besedy vrach. Zakav- kazsk. Povival. Inst., Tiflis. Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Bern. [See Mitth. d. naturf. Ge- sellsch. in Bern.] Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Danzig. [See Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. iu Danzig.] Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Emden. [See Jahresb. d. naturf. Gesellach. in Emden. Also: Kl. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Emden.] Naturforschende Gesellachaft zu Freiburg i. B. [See Ber. d. na- turf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br. Also: Ber. ii. ti. Verhandl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Freib. i. Br. Also : Festschr. d. 56. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . . Freib. i. B. u. Tiibiug.] Naturforschende Gesellsehaft zu Halle. [See Abhaudl. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle. Also: Ber. ii. d. Sitz. d. naturf. Gesellsch. zu Halle.] Naturforschende Gesellsehaft in Ziirich. [ril 7 to Dee 29, 1860; 1861 to Dee 26. 1863. 4°. [Want no. 1, Jan. 3, 1863.] [175] Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz. Neurol. Contrib., N. Y. Neurol. Rev., Chicago. Nevrol. Vestnik., Kazan. New Lond. M. J., Lond. New Preparations, Detroit. New Remedies, N. Y. Néwcastle & Gateshead Path. Soc. Communicat., Lond. Nice-méd. Nord. Arch. f. Nat.- u. Arzneiw., Kopenh. Nord méd., Lille. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Nord, ophth. Tidsskr., Kj^benh. Nordamer., deutsch' med. Zt- schr., Buffalo. Nordamer. Monatsb. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Phila. Normandie méd., Rouen. Norsk Mag. f. Leegevidensk., Christiania. Neurologisches Centralblatt. Uebersicht der Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie und Thera- pie des Nervensystems einschliesslich der Geisteskrankheiten. Leipzig, v. 1-14, 1882-05. 8°. Neurological Coutributions, by William A. Hammond, assistedby William J. Morton. New York. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1881. 8°. Neurological (The) Review. Chicago. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, May to. Nov., 1886. 8°. Nevrologicheski Vestnik. Organ Obshestva nevropatologov i psicbiatrov pri Imp. Kazanskom Universitete. [Neurological Courier. Orgau of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psy- chiatrists, in the Imperiai University of Kazan.] Kazau. v. 1-2, 1893-4. 8°. New (The) London Medicai Journal. London, v. 1-2,1792-3. 8°. New Prepar.atious: A quarterly journal of medicine devoted to- theintroduction of new therapeutical agents. Detroit. Ar. 1-3, 1877-9. 8°. [Continued as: Thérap. Gaz., Detroit.] New Remedies. A quarterly retrospect of therapeutics, pharmacy,, aud allied subjects. New York. v. 1-12, 1871-83. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Am. Druggist, N. Y.] Néwcastle Se Gateshead Pathological Society. Communications. made to the society duriti g the sessious 1851-3. London.. [1851-3.] 8°. Nice-médical. Climatologie.—Médecine pratique.—Hygiene. Or- gaue officiel de la Société de médecine et de climatologie de Nice.. Nice. v. 1-19, 1876 to 1894-5. 8°. N[ieder-]o[sterreichische] Landes-Findel-Anstalt in Wien. [See Aerztl. Ber. d. n. 6. Landes-Fiudel-Anst. in Wien.] Niederrheinische Gesellsehaft fiir Natur-und Heilkunde zu Bonn. [See Ber. ii. d. Arb. d. iirztl. Sect. d. nied.-rhein. Gesellsch. f. Nat.-u. Heilk. zu Bonn. Also: K. rhein. Friedrich-Wilbelma- Univ. Bonn z. Feier ihres 50jiihr. Jubil., Bonn. Also: Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bouu. Also: Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Ge- sellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn.] Niederrheiniseher Verein fiir óffentliche Gesundheitspflege. [See Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. Also: Cor.-Bl. d. nied.- rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln. Also: Festschr. d. nied.- rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn.] Nihoubashi Ku Sanitary Association. [See J. Nihonbashi Ku San. Ass., Tokio.] Norddeutscher Chirurgen-Verein fiir Medicin, Chirurgie und Ge- burtshiilfe. [See Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb. ] Nordisches Arehiv fiir Natur- und Arzneiwissenschaft. Kopenha- geu. v. 1-4, 1799-1805. 8°. [Continued as : N. nord. Arch. f.. Naturk., Arzneyw. u. Chir., Frankf. a. O. v. 2-4, title as fol- lows : ] , Nordisches Arehiv fur Natur-und Arzneiwissenschaft und Chirur- gie Kopenhageu. [Title ofv. 2-4 of the preceding.] Nord (Le) medicai. Journal des x>raticiens et des iutérèts pro- fessionuels de la region du Nord. Lille, v. 1, 1894-5. 4°. Nordiskt mediciniskt Arkiv. Stockholm. v. 1-22, 1869-90 ; n. F.r v. 1-4,1891-4. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Arch., Stockholm.] Nordisk ophthalmologisk Tidsskrift. Kj0beuhavn. v. 1-5 1888- 92. 8°. Nordamericanische, deutsch' medicinische Zeitsehrift fiir prakti- sche Heilkunde Buffalo, N. Y. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1865. 8°. Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fiir Natur- und Heilkunde Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1850-2. 8°. Normandie (La) medicale. Roueu. Annéea 1-11, 1885-95. 8°. Norsk Magazin for Lsegevidenakaben. Udgivet af Lajgeforenin- gen i Christiania. v. 1-10, 1840-5; 2. R., v. 1-24, 1847-70; 3. R., v. 1-15, 1871-85; 4. R., v. 1-9, 1886-94. 8°. Norake Liegcforeuing. [See Tidaskr. f. d. norske Laegefor., Kris- tiauia A Kj0benh.] Norske medicinske Selskab. [See Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania.] [176] North Car. M. J., Wilmington. North Carolina iThe) Medicai Journal. Wilmington. v. 1-35, 1878-95. 8°. [The sanie title was also running title of : Med. J. N. Car., 1858-61.] North of Eng. M. & S. J., Lond. North. J. M., Edinb. North. Lancet, Plattsburgh, N. Y. North. Lancet, Winnipeg. North Lond. or Univ. Coli. Hosp. Rep., Lond. North. Microscopist, Lond. North. Ohio M. & Se Exam., Cleveland. Northwest. J. Homeop. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul. Northwest. M. J., Minneap. Northwest. M. Se S. J., Chicago. Northwest. M. & S. J., St. Paul, Mimi. Notes on new remedies, N. Y. Notice d. trav. Soc de méd. de Bordeaux. Notice d. trav. Soc. roy. de méd. de Bordeaux. [See Re|>. Proc. Convent. [SeeJ. N. E. Virg. M. Soe, North Carolina Sauitary Association. N. Car. San. Ass., Raleigh.] North-East Virginia Medicai Society. Warrentou. Also: Virginia M. Advance, Warrenton.] North of England (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. London and Mancheater. v. 1, 1830-1. 8°. Northern (The) Journal of Medicine. A monthly aurvey of the progress of medicai knowledge at home and abroad. Edin- burgh, v. 1-4, 1844-6. 8U. [Continuation of: Scottish Se North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb. Merged in: Month. J. M. Se, Lond.] Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legai Medicine. Platts- burgh, N. Y. v. 1-12, 1850-(i. 8°. [v. 4-6, title: Nelson's North. Lancet, Plattsburgh, N. Y. v. 7-12, title : Nelson's Am. Lancet, Plattsburgh, N. Y.] Northern (The) Lancet. A journal of universal medicine, physi- ology, aurgery, chemiatry, medicai literature, and scientitìc news. Winnipeg. v. 3-5, 1889-92. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Manitoba, Northwest & Brit. Columbia Lancet, Winnipeg.] North London or University College Hospital. Reports of the Surgical Registrar for 1871-5; 1877-90. London. 1872-92. 8 . [.See, also, Univ. Coli. Hoap. Rex»., Lond.] Northern (The) Microscopist. An illustrateci journal of practical microscopy. London, v. 1-2, 1881-2. 8°. [After Sept., 1862, the title became: Northern (The) Microscopist aud Microscop- ical News. Iu 1883, continued as: Micr. News, Lond.] Northern (The) Microscopist and Microscopical News. after Sex>t,, 1882, of: North. Microscopist, Lond.] Northern (The) Ohio Medicai and Scientitìc Examiner. [Title, Cleve- land. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1848-9. 8°. [Noa. 4-0, title: Ohio M. Exam., Columbus. ] Northumberland aud Durham Medicai Society. [See Rep. Proc. Northumb. & Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ] North-Western Association of the Medicai Officers of Health. [.s'eeProe North-West. Ass. Med. Off. Health, Birkenkead.] Northwestern (The) Journal of Homeopathy. 1889-90 to 1892-3, Cedar Rapida and lowa City, lowa. No. 1, v. 1, to no. 6, v. 2, Cedar Rapids. No. 7, v. 2, aud subsequent, lowa City. v. 1- 4, 1889-93. 8p. Northwestern Lancet. Saint Paul, Minn. v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8°. Northwestern Medicai Journal. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral aciencea. Minneapolis, v. 17-20, 1889-92; no. 1, v. 21, Jan., 1895. 4°. Northwestern (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Chicago and Indianapolis, v. 5-14, 1848-57. 8°. [For v. 1-2, see Illinois M. & s. j.; Chicago. For v. 3-4, see v. 1-2 of : Illinois Se Ind. M. A S. J., Chicago. For contiuuàtion, see Chicago M. J.] Northwestern (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. A medicai monthly devoted to the interests of the Northwest. St, Paul, Minn. v. 1-4, 1870-4. 8°. N[orth]-W[estern] Provinces aud Oudb Brauch of the British Medicai Association. [See Proc. N.-W. Prov. & Oudb Branch Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad.] Norwegian Medicai Association. [«See Internat. M. Cong. Rep. Collect. Invest. Com. Norweg. M. Ass., Christiania.] Notes on new remedies. A monthly journal devoted to furiiish- ing early and reliable news of new additious to contemporary therapy. New York. v. 1-7, 1888-95. 4°. Notice des travaux de la Société de médeciue de Bordeaux An- nées 1839; 1840; 1844; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1851;'1852; 1857; 1859; 1860; 1861; 1862; 1864; 1865; 1866. 8C. Notice des travaux de la Société royale de médecine de Bordeaux Années 1815-19 ; 1821; 1823-8; 1832; 1833; 1835-7. 8-. [177] Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond. Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar. Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte [ete], Beri. Nouv. remèdes, Par. Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios. Nova acta helvet., Basilea?. Nova acta phys. - med. Acad. nat. curios. Novedades cient., Madrid. Novosti med., St. Petersb. Novosti terap., Mosk. Novosti vet. lit., St. Petersb. Nursing Ree, Lond. Ny pharm. Tidende, Kj^benh. Nye Hygaea, Kj^benh. Nye Sundh.-Tid., Kj^benh. Nyt Biblioth. f. Leeger, Kijsbenh- Nyt Biblioth. f. Phys., Med. og CEkonom., Kjpbenh. Notices of the Proeeedings at the meetings of the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with abstracts of the dis- courses delivered at the eveniug meetings. v. 7-10, 1873-5 to 1882-4 ; pt. 3, v. 11,1865 ; pt. 1, v. 12,1887. London, 1875-87. 8°. Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- uud Heilkunde ; gesammelt und mitgetheilt von L. F. von Froriep. Weimar, v. 1-50, 1821-36. .4°. [Continued as: N. Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk., Weimar.] Notizen fiir praktische Aerzte iiber die neuesten Beobachtungen in der Medicin, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Krauk- heita-Beliandlung zusammengestellt vou F. Graevell. Berlin. v. 1-9, 1848-56; n. F., v. 1-20, 1857-76. 8°. [Continued as: Jahrb. f. pract. Aerzte, Beri.] Nouveaux (Les) remèdes. Jourual bi-mensuel de chimie medi- cale, de pharmacologie, de thérapeutique et d'hydrologie. Pa- ris, v. 1-11, 1885-95. 8°. Novorum actorum Aeademiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Caroliuse Ger- manica? naturae cnriosornni. Tomi tricesimi quinM, aeu deca- dis quarta? tomi sexti. Dresden. 1868-70. roy. 4°. [German text.] Nova acta helvetica physico-mathematico-auatomico-botauico- medica. Basileae. v. 1, 1787. 4°. Nova acta i>hysico-medica Aeademiae Causarne Leopoldino-Caro- lime natura; curiosorum. v. 9-17; pt. 1, v. 18. 4°. [German text. v. 9, Erlangae, 1818; v. 10-14, Bonme, 1820-9; v. 15- 18, Vratislavia et Bornia?, 1831-6.] Nova Scotian Institute of Naturai Science of Halifax, Nova Sco- tia. [See Proc. Se Tr. Nova Scot, Inst. Nat, Se Halifax.] Novedades cientificas. Contieue todoa los descubrimientos hechos en fisica, quimica e hiatoria uatural, y sus aplicacionea 6, la medicina, la farmacia, la agricultura y la induatria. Madrid. v. 1, Aprii 15 to Dee 30, 1880. 8°. Novoati meditsiny za 1887 g. (Izdanie Ejeni. jour. prakt. med.) [Medicai news.'] St. Petersburg. 1887. 8°. Novosti terapii. [New remedies.] Ejemiesyachniy journal. Moakva, v. 1-7, 1886-92., 6°. Novoati veterinaruoi literaturi otechestvennoi i iuostrannoi. [News of Russian and foreign veterinary literature] St, Pe- tersburg. v. 2, 1885. 8°. Nursing (The) Record. A journal for nurses, a chronicle of hos- X>ital aud institution news, and a review of womeu's work, ete., etc. London, v. 1-14, 1868-95. sm. 4°. Nypharmaceutisk Tidende. Kj0beuhavn. v. 16-26,1884-94. 8°. Nye Hygaea. Kj0beuhavn. v. 1-8, 1823-6. 8-. [Continued as: Hygaea, Kj0benh.] Nye Sundhets-Tidende. Kj0benbavu. v. 1-2,1782-3. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Suudh.-Tid., Kj0benh., aud followed by: Sund- hdabl., Kj0beuh.] Nyt Bibliothek for Laeger, udgivet af Directionen for det Clas- senske Literaturselskab. Ki0benhavn. v. 1-4, 1814-20. 12°. [Coutinuation of: Biblioth. f. Laeger, Ki0benh., 1809-13, aud continued, iu 1821, as: Biblioth. f. Laeger, Kj0beuh.] Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og ffikonomie. Kj0benbavn. [Title of : Phys., ceconom. og med.-chir. Biblioth., Kj0beuh., from 1801-6. ] o. Objazat. pat.-anat. izslied. stud. med. imp. Charkov. Univ. Oberhessische Gesellsehaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. [See Ber. d. oberhess. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk.] Objazatelinya xiatologo-anatomicheskiya izsliedovaniya studen- tovmedikov imperatorakago CharkovakagoUniveraiteta. Shkol- naja chrouica. Izdanie Prof. Krylova, [Obligatory pathologo- anatomical investigations by students of medicine of the Im- perial University of Charkoff. School Chronicle. Edited by Prof. Krylofi'.] Charkoff. 1 v., 1890. 8°. [178] Obs select ad rem lit. spect., I Observationum aelectarum ad rem litterariam spectantium tomus Halse Magdeb. I i., ii-, vi., vii., viii., xi. Hahe Magdebnrgica?. 6 v., 1700-4. | 12°. [v. 11 without title-page, and ia called: Additumentum ad obaervationum . . . tomos deeeni.] Obs. surg. dis. head Se neck. ! Observations on surgical diseaaea of the head and neek. Selected Select. Mem. Roy. Acad. Surg. from the Memoira of the Royal Academy of Surgery ot France. of France, Lond. Traualated and edited by Drewry Ottley. London. 1 v., 1848. 8°. Observador méd., Mexico. Observador (El) mèdico. Revista cientifica de la Asociacion mè- dica Pedro Escobedo. Mexico, v. 1-7, 1869-85. 4°. [Want nos. 9, 20, 21, v. 5, Jan., 1880; Jan. and Feb., 1881.] Observateur, Courtrai. Observateur (L'). Journal des sciences médicales. Courtrai. v. 1-3, 1851-3. 8°. Obshestvo Archangelskich vrachei. [See Protok. i trudi Obah. Archangel. vrach.] Obsheatvo Chersonskich vrachei. [See Protok. Obah. Chersonsk.. vrach.] Obshestvo dietskich vrachei. [See Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach., Moskva.] Obshestvo dietskich vrachei. [See Trudi Obsh. dietsk. vrach.,. St. Petersb.] Obsheatvo Donakich vrachei. [See Protok. Obah. Donsk. vrach.,, Novotcherkask. ] Obaheatvo Kaluzhakikh vrachei. [See Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Ka- luzh. vrach., Kaluga. Also: Sborn. protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach., Kaluga.] Obshestvo Kievskich vrachei. [See Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievak. vrach., Kiev. Also: Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach.] Obshestvo Minskich vrachei. [See Priloj. k protok. Obsh. Minsk. vrach.] Obaheatvo Moghilevskich vrachei. [See Protok. Obah. Moghilev.. vrach., Moghileff.] Obshestvo uevropatologov i psichiatrov pri inqi. KazauakomUni- veraitete [See Nevrol. Veatnik, Kazan.] Obsheatvo uevropatologov i psichiatrov pri imp. Moskovakom Universitete. [».See Protok. zasaid. Obsh. nevropat. i paichiat.,. Moak. ] Obshestvo Odesakich vrachei. [See Yuzhno-russk. med. gaz.,. Odessa. ] Obshestvo Poltavskich vrachei. [»SVe Priloj. k x>rotok. zasaid. Obsh. Poltav. vrach., Poltava.] Obshestvo russkich vrachei v g. Rigie [See Otchet o diejatel. Obsh. russk. vrach. v g. Rigie.] Obshestvo rusakich vrachei v Moakve. [amyat N. I. Pirogova, Moskva.] Obshestvo russkich vrachei v S.-Peterburge. [See Trudi Obsh. Russk. vrach. S.-Peterb.] Obshestvo Ryazauskich vrachei. [See Protok. i trudi Obsh. Rya- zansk. vrach.] Obshestvo S.-Peterburgskich dietskich vrachei. [See Trudi Obsh. S.-Peterb. dietsk. vrach.] Obshestvo Simpheropolskich vrachei. [See Protok. zaaaid. i trudi Obah. Simpheropolak.] Obshestvo Smolenskich vrachei. [See Protok. zasaid. Obah. Smo- lenak. vrach., Smolenak.] Obahestvo Tulskich vrachei. [See Otchet o diejatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tuia.] Obsheatvo veterinarnikh vrachei v S.-Peterburge. [*See Veatnik obah. vet., St. Peterab.] [179] Obst. Gaz., Cincin. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. (Am. suppl.), Phila. Obstétrique, Par. Occidental M. Times, Sacra- mento. Ochran. obsh. zdrav. v S.-Pe- terb. Gorodsk. zaved. vracheb. [ete]. Odont. J., Rochester. Odontologie, Par. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wien. Oesterr. Badeztg., Wien. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat.,Wien. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr., Wien. Obshestvo vrachei g. Kazani. [«See Trudi Obsh. vrach. g. Kazani.] Obshestvo vrachei v g. Nikolayeve. [«See Protok. Obsh. vrach. v g. Nikolayeve.] [«See Protok. zasaid. Obsh. [«See Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. Obshestvo vrachei v g. Simbirskie vrach. v g. Simbirskie.] Obshestvo vrachei g. Viatki. g. Viatki.] Obshestvo vrachei pri imperatorskom Kazanskom universitete. [«See Dnevnik obsh. vrach. pri imp. Kazan. uuiv.J Obshestvo vrachei Novgorodskoi gubernii. [«See Protok. i soobsch. Obsh. vrach. Novgorodsk. guber.] Obshestvo vrachei Volhynskoi gubernii. [«SeeProtok. Obah. vrach. Volhynakoi guber., Zhitomeer.] Obahestvo vrachei Yeniseiskoi gubernii. [«See Otchet Obah. vrach. Yeniseiak. gub., Krasuojarsk.] Obstetric (The) Gazette, a monthly journal devoted to obstetrics and diseasesof wonien and children. Cincinnati, v. 1-13,1878-90. 8°. Obstetric and Gynaecological Society. [«See Sanka Fujinka Ken- kyukwai Gepxio, Tokio.] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britaiu and Ireland : including rnidwiferv and the diseases of womeu and childreu. London. v. 1-8, Aprii, 1873, to Dee, 1880. 8°. Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland : including midwifery aud the diseases of women and children. With an American supplemeut. Philadelphia. v. 1-7, 1873 to Jan., 1880. 8°. Obstetrical Society of Cincinnati. [«See Tr. Obst. Soc. Cincin.] Obstetrical Society of London. [«See Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond.] Obstétrique (L') par M. le Dr. Antonie Mattei. Journal mensuel. Paris, v. 1; nos. 1-2, v. 2, Jan., 1860, to Feb., 1881. 8°. Occidental (The) Medicai Times. Sacramento, v. 3-9, 1889-95. 8°. [Continuation of: Sacramento M. Times.] Ochranenie obshestvennago zdraviya v S.-Peterburge. (Pt. II.) Gorodakiya zavedeniya: vrachebniyya i obshestvennago priz- rieniya. 1885-1888. [Board of protection of public health in St. Peteraburg. City medicai establishments and public chari- table inatitutions.] S,t. Petersburg. 1889. 8°. Odesskoye balneologicheskoye Obshestvo. [«See Otchet o diejatel. Odessk. balneol. Obsh., Odessa.] Odoutographic (The) Journal: a quarterly devoted to dentistry. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1-15, 1880-95. 6°. Odontological Society of Great Britain. [See Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond.] Odontological Society of London. [«See Tr. Odont. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond.] Odontologie (L'). Revue de thérapeutique, de chirurgie et de prothèse dentaire. Journal offìciel du Cerele des dentistes et de l'École dentaire libre de Paris. Paris, v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8C. [In 1894, title: Odontologie (L') et la Revue interna- tionale d'odontologie, v. 14 is also called: n. s., v. 1.] Oeffentliches Bezirks-Krankenhaus in Sechshaus. [«See Aerztl. Ber. d. off. Bezirks-Krankeuh. in Sechshaus, Wien.] Oesterreichische arztliche Vereins-Zeitung. Organ des oster- reichischen Aerztevereius-Verbandes. Wien. v. 1-18,1877-94. fol. Oesterreichische Badezeitung. Organ fiir die Interessen der europaischen Kurorte und des Kurpublikums. Wien. v. 7-14, 1878-85. fol. Oesterreichischer Aerztevereins-Verband. [ «See Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg., Wieu.] Oesterreichiscbes Jahrbuch fiir Paediatrik. Neue Folge des Jahr- buches fiir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters. Wien. v. 1-8, 1870-7. 8°. Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, als Erganzungs- blatt der medicinischen Jahrbiicher des kaiserlich-kòniglicken osterreiehischeu Staates. Wien. v, 1-12, 1841-8. b°. [180] Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., "Wien. Oesterr. San.-Beamte, Wien u. Beri. Oesterr. San.-Wes., Wien. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. -wissensch. Veterinark., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark. Oesterr.-ungar. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Wien. Oesterr. - ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnk.. Wien. [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg., Chicago. Oftal. pract., Madrid. Ogata Bioyen Ijikwai, Tokio. Ogle Co. M. Quart., Mt. Morris, 111. Oglethorpe M. & S. J., Savan- nah. Ohio Dent. J., Toledo. Ohio J. Dent. Se, Toledo. Ohio M. Exam., Columbus. Ohio M. J., Cincin. Ohio M. J., Columbus. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin. Oesterreichische Monatsschrift fiir Thierheilkunde mit Bcriiek- sichtigung der Viehzucht uud Laudwirthschaft. Wieu. v. 1- 20, 1877-95. 4 . [Want 1. year, 1-76. After 1887, Rev. f. Thierh., Wieu, merged iu this journal.] Oesterreichische (Der) Sanitats-Beamte. Zeitsehrift fiir Sani- tiitswesen und óffentliche Geaundheitapfìege. Wien und Ber- lin, v. 1-2, 1888-0. 8°. Oeaterreiehische (Das) Sanitatswesen. Organ fiir die Publica- tionen desk. k. obersten Sanitatsrathes. (Beiblatt zur Wiener klinischen Wochenachrift.) Wien. v. 1-7, 1880-95. 8°. Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veteri- narkunde. Wien. v. 19-64, 1863-85. 8°. [Continuation of: Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien, and continued as: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veteriniirk.] Oeaterreichiache Zeitsehrift fiir Kinderheilkunde. Wien. v. 1-2, 1855-7. 8°. Oesterreichische Zeitsehrift fiir praktische Heilkunde. Hrsg. vom Doctoren-Collegium der medicinischen Facultiit in Wien. v. I- 19, 1855-73. 4°. [In Oct., 1874, continued as: Mitth. d. Wien. med. ^oct.-Coll.] Oeaterreichiache Zeitsehrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veteriiiarkunde. Hrsg. vou den Mitgliedern des Wiener k. k. Thierarzuei-Insti- 1utea. Neue Folge der Vierteljahresschrift fiir wisaensebaft- liehe Veteriniirkunde. Wien, 1887-8 ; Wien und Leipzig, 18^0- 04. v. 1-6, 1887-04. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veteriniirk., Wien.] Ocsterr.-ungar. Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaf- ten. Wieu. v. 1-6, 1800-5. 8°. Ocstcrreichiseb-ungarische Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Zahnheilkuude. Wien. v. 1-10, 1885-94. 8:. Offenbacher Verein fiir Naturkunde [«See Ber. . . d. Offenbacher Ver. f. Naturk.] [Officiai Transactions] of the National Aasociation of Railway Surgeons. Chicago, 111. 1891. 8°. Oftalmologia (La) piretica. Revista mensual. Madrid, v. 1-3 (nos. 1-26), Aprii, 1882, to Oct., 1884. 8J. [Title, from May to Dee, 1883, was: Rev. de oftal., Madrid.] Ogata Bioyeu Ijikwai. [Reports of the Medicai «Society of Ogata Hospital.] Tokio. Noa. 47-55, 1692-3. a'-. Ogle County Medicai Aasociation. [«See Ogle Co. M. Quart., Mt. Morris, 111.] Ogle County (The) Medicai Quarterly. Published under the aus- I>ices of the Ogle County Medicai Asaociation. Mt, Morria, 111. v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, 1885-6. 8°. Oglethorpe Medicai and Surgical Journal. Savannah, Georgia. v. 1-3, 1858-61. 8 . Obio (The) Dentai Journal. Toledo, Ohio. v. 13-15, 1893-5. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1893, of: Ohio J. Dent. Se, Toledo.] Obio (The) Journal of Dentai Science. Toledo, Ohio. v. 7-12, 1887-92. 8°. [Continuation, after 1886, of : Ohio State J. Deut. Se., Toledo, aud continued aa: Ohio Deut. J., Toledo.] Ohio Medianica' Inatitute. [«See Scient. Proc. Ohio Mech. Inst., Cincin.] Ohio Medicai Convention. [«See Proc. M. Convent. Ohio.] Obio (The) Medicai Examiner. Columbus. [Title of nos. 4-9, v. 1, of: North. Ohio M. & Se Exam., Cleveland.] Ohio (The) Medicai Journal. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 3-6, 1892-5. 4°. [Continnation, Jan., 1892, of : J. Med. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Obio (The) Medicai Journal. Being the Journal of the Ohio State Medicai Society. Columbus, v. 1, 1881-2. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus, aud followed : by Columbus M. J.] Ohio (The) Medicai Recorder. Columbus, v. 1-5, 1876-81. 6°. [Continued as: Ohio M. J., Columbus.] Ohio (The) Medicai Repository. Cincinnati. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1835-6. 8C. [181] Ohio M. Reposit , Cincin. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus. Ohio M. & S. J., Columbus. Ohio M. 8e S. Reporter, Cleve- land. Ohio M. & S.Rev.,Youngstown, Ohio. Ohio San. Ass., N. Y. Ohio San. Bull., Columbus. Ohio State J. Dent. Se, Toledo. Okayama Igakukwai Zashi. Oklahoma M. J., Guthrie. Omaha Clinic. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Leidsche Hoogesch. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab d. Univ. te Leiden. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch. Ontario M. J., Toronto. Open Court, Chicago. Ophth. Beob. u. Untersuch., Bre- men. Ophth. Biblioth., Jena. Ophth. Cong. zu Briissel, 1857. Ber. [etc.]. Ohio (The) Medicai Reposi tory of originai and selected essays aud intelligente, Cincinnati, v. 1,1826-7. fol. [Merged in : West. M. Se Phys. J., Cincin.] Ohio (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. Columbus. 1848-64. 8°. v. 1-16, Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. Ophth. Ree, Nashville. Omo (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. New series. Colum- bus, v. 1-3, 1876-8. 8°. Ohio (The) Medicai and Surgical Reporter. [Homceopathic] Cleveland, v. 1-11, 1867-77. 8°. Ohio (The) Medicai and Surgical Review. (Formerly "The Transactions".) Youngstown, Ohio. v. 2, March, 1880, to Jan., 1881. 8°. Ohio (The) State Sanitary Association. Third annual meeting, held in Columbus, Obio, February 24 and 25, 1886. New York. 1 v., 1686. 8°. [Reprint'from : Sanitarian, N. Y., 1886, May to June.] Ohio Sanitarv Bulletin. Officiai publication of the State Board of Health. ' Columbus, Ohio. No. 1, v. 1, 1805. 8°. [Fol- lowed: Mouth. Sau. Ree, Columbus.] Ohio State Journal of Dentai Science. Toledo. v. 1-6, 1881-6. 8~. [Continued as: Ohio J. Deut. Se, Toledo.] Ohio State Medicai Societv- [- Hannover. 1 v., 1858. 8°. ° Ophthalmologiache Gesellsehaft. [«See Ber. ii. d. Versamml. d. ophth. Gesellsch., Rostock. Also: Sitzungsb. d. ophth. Gesell- sch., Stuttg.] Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. [Title of certain volumes of the following: ] Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, and Journal of the Royal London 0|ihthalmic Hospital. London. v. 1-9, Oct., 1857-79. 8°. [Continued as: Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep.] Ophthalmic (The) Record. Nashville, Tenn. v. 1-4, 1891-5. 8°. [182] Ophth. Rev., Lond. Ophth. Rev., Lond. Oregon M. J., Salem. Oregon M. Si S. Reporter, Salem. Org. d. Centralver. f. Naturheilk. in Sachs., Chemnitz. Org. Confrat. méd., Brux. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Bonn. Org. d.Taubst.-Anst. in Deutschl. Priedberg. Organ. char. . . . Internat. Cong. Char. [ete], Balt. & Lond. Orosi, Firenze. Orr's Circ. Se, Lond. Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest, Orvosi hetil., Budapest. Orvosi szemle, Budapest. Orvosi T£r, Pest. Orvos - természettud. Ertesitò, Kolozsvàr. Osaka Igaku Kenkyukwai Zashi. Osaka Koigakusha Geppo. Ophthalmic (The) Review: a quarterly journal of ophthalmic surgery ami science. London, v. 1-3, 1864-7. 8J. Ophthalmic (The) Review : a monthly record of ophthalmic sci- enee. London, v. 1-14, 1681-2 to 1695. 8°. Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. [See Tr. Ophth. Soe. U. Kingdom, Loud.] Oregon (The) Medicai Journal. A quarterly journal of medicine and surgerv. Published by the Marion County Medicai Society. Salem. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 187*6-7. 8°. Oregon (The) Medicai and Surgical Reporter. Salem. 1869-71. 8°. v. 1-2, Oregon State Medicai Society. [«See Proc. Oregon M. Soc] Organ des Centralvereins fiir Naturheilkunde in Sachsen. Chem- nitz. v. 1-5, 1873-7. 8°. Organe (L') de la Confraternite medicale. Bruxelles. v. 1-13, 1882-94. fol. Se 8-\ Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Hrsg. von dem Vereine rheinischer Medieo-Chirurgen. Aacheu, 1852-6; Berlin, 1857- 62. v. 1-11, 1852-62. 8~. [Want no. 6, v. 11, 1862.] Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Hrsg. von der niederrheini- schen Gesellachaft fur Natur- uud Heilkunde zu Bonn. v. 1-2, 1640-3. 8C. Organ der Taubstummen-Anstalten in Deutsehland uiìd den deutschredenden Nachbarlandern. Priedberg. v. 1-40, July, 1855-95. 8-. [Title of v. 1-34, 1855-88, waa: Organ der Taub- stuinmcn- uud Bliudeu-Anstalten in Deutsehland, Friedberg. ] Orgauization (The) of charities, being a report of the sixth sec- tion of the International Congresa of Charitiea, Correctioua, and Philauthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. Edited with an intro- ductiou by Daniel C. Gilinau, LL. D. Baltimore; Loudou. 1 v., 1894. '8°. Oroai (L'). Giornale di chimica, farmacia e scienze affini, pub- blicato per cura della Associazione chimico-farmaceutica fioren- tina. Firenze, v. 1-15, 1878-92. 8°. Orr's Circle of the Sciences. A series of treatises on the prinei- ples of science, with their application to practical x>urauita. 2. ed. London. 3 v., 1859. 8°. Orvosi heti szemle, folyóirat gyakorló orvosok azàmarà. [Weekly medicai review; periodical for practical physicians.] Buda- pest, v. 1-10, 1886-95. 8°. Orvosi hetilap. Honi és kiilfoldi gyógyàsza.t és kórbuvàrlat kòz- louye. [Medieal weekly. Domestie and foreign therapeutics and pathology. With the following supplements: 1. Kòze- géazaégiigy éa Torvénvszéki Orvostan. 2. Szemészet.] Peat; Budapest, v. 1-39, 1857-95. 4°. Orvosi, szemle [Medicai review.] Budapest, v. 1, 1881. 8°. Orvosi Tur. [Medicai magazine] Pesten. v. 2, 4-8, Aprii, 1831-2; 2. s., v. 1-7, July, 1838, to Dee, 1841; 3. s., v. 1-2, 4, 1842, to Dee, 1845. 6-6, Jan. 8°. Orvos természettudoinànyi Ertesitò. [Intelligencer of the Medi- co-Naturalista' Aaaociation.] Kolozsvàr. Pta. 1-3, 5. year. 1880. 8°. Oaaka Igaku Kenkyukwai Zashi. [Journal of the Osaka Medicai Academy.] Osaka, Nos. 11-24, 1893-4. 8°. Osaka Koigakusha Geppo. [Mouthly report8 of the Oaaka Medi- cai Aaaociation.] Oaaka. Noa. 49-70, 1893-4. 8°. Oaaka Medicai Academy. [«See Oaaka Igaku Kenkyukwai Zaahi. ] Oaaka Medicai Asaociation. [«See Oaaka Koigakusha Geppo.] Oapedale civile di Sampierdarena. [«See Rendic. statist. aan. d. oap. civ. di Sampierdarena, Genova.] Oapedale civile-militare e manicomio provinciale di Fermo. [«See Boll. d. oap. ... di Fermo.] Ospedale coloniale italiano di Tunisi. [«See Boll, med.-chir. Tu- nisi.-] [183] Osp.d.Consolaz. a Roma. Resoe clin. e statist. Osp. prov. d. esposti e d. partor. in Milano. Osp. di S. Benedetto in Pesaro. Rendic. Oss. med.-prat. e chir. di vai. clin. ital., Imola. Osservatore, Torino. Osservatore, Torino. Osservatore med., Palermo. Otchet o diejatel. Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Otchet o diejatel. Obsh. Russk. vrach. v g. Rigie. Otchet o diejatel. Obsh. Tulsk. vrach., Tuia. Otchet o diejatel. Odessk. bal- neol. Obsh., Odessa. Otchet Mar. ginek. otdiel., St. Petersb. Otchet Obsh. vrach. Yeniseisk. gnb., Krasnojarsk. Otchet o zasaid. lecheb. russk. vrach. v Voroneje. Overs. o. d. k. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forh., Kjjzfoenh. Oapedale (L') della Consolazione a Roma dall' ultimo trimestre dell' anno 1-87 a tutto il 1° semestre del 1869, comparto del chirurgo primario prof. Postempski. Resoconto clinico e sta- tistico pel dott. Giusepx>e Impallomeni. Roma. 1 v., 1890. roy. 8°. Ospedale Incurabili. [«See Ann. clin. d. Osp. Incur., Napoli.] Ospedale dei Pellegrini di Napoli. [«See Ann. clin. d. Osp. d. Pel- legr. di Napoli.] Ospedale di San Cristofano in Montepulciano. [«See Condotta chir. e oap. di S. Cristofano iu Montepulciano, Prato.] Ospedale Sant'Andrea Apostolo in Carignano. [«See Rendic. clin.- chir. . . . Osp. Sant' Andrea Apostolo iu Carignano, Genova.] Ospedali civili di Genova. [See Rivista, Genova.] Ospitale civico di Trieste. [«See Resoe san. d. Osp. civ. di Trieste] Ospizio provinciale degli esposti e delle partorienti in Milano. L'anni clinici 1870: 1874; 1675: 1877; 1884; 1885; 18^7-92. Milauo. 1871-93. ?= Ospizio di S. Benedetto in Pesaro. Rer Sconto statistico. 3., 1858-9 to 1803-4. Pesaro. 1864. 4°. Ospizio di San Benedetto in Pesaro. [See Diario d. osp. di San Benedetto in Pesaro.] Osservazioni medico-pratiche e chirurgiche di valenti clinici ita- liani del secolo xviii. Imola, v. 1, 1793. 8 . Oaaervatore(L'). Gazzetta delle cliniche; giornale ufficiale della Società di medicina e chinirgia di Torino. Toriuo. v. 9-20, 1873-64. 6-. [Continued. in 1685, as: Gazz. d. clin. di Torino.] Osservatore (L'). Gazzetta medica di Torino. Giornale di medi- cina, chirurgia e scienze affini indirizzato ai ]>rogressi della aeienza e dell'arte medica. (Continuazione della Gazzetta delle cliniche e della Gazzetta medica di Torino.) Torino, v. 38-41, 18*7-90. 8 . [Continuation of: Gazz. d. clin. di Torino, and: Gazz. med. di Toriuo. In 1891, united with: Policlin., Torino, forming: Gazz. med. di Torino.] Osservatore (L') medico: giornale siciliano. Palermo. Anni 17-26, 3. s., v. 4-13, 1874-SÌ. 8=. Otchet o diejatelnosti Kharkovskago meditsinskago Obshestva. 1802-3. [Report of progress of the Medicai Society of Khar- kov.J Kharkov. 1693-4. 8=. Olchet o diejatelnosti Obshestva Rusakich vrachei v g. Rigie. [Report of transactious of the Society of Rusaian Phvaicians of the City of Riga ] Riga. 1886-90. 8°. Orchet o diejatelnosti Obsheatva Tnlskich vrachei. [Report of tranaactions of the Society of Physicians of Tuia. ] Tuia. 1.8-9-93. 8=. Otchet o diejatelnosti Odesskago balneologicheskago Obsheatva. [Report of trauaactiona of the Balueological Society of Odessa.] Pt. 3-4, 1883-92. Odessa. 1887-92. 8~. Otchet Mariinskago ginekologicheskago otdieleniya S.-Peter- burgskago rodovspoinogatelnago zavedeniya za 18-9 i 1890 gg. [Report of the Mary gymeeological section of the St. Peters- burg obstetrical institution for the yeara 1869 and 1890.] St. Peteraburg. v. 1, 1891. 8°. Otchet Obsheatva vrachei Yeniaeiskoi gubernii za 1866-7 pò 16-9- 90 g. [Report of the Society of Physiciaus of the Yeniseisk government.] Krasnojarsk. 1--7-90. 8:. Otchet o zasaidanijach lechebnitzy russkich vrachei v g. Voroneje, v 1865 g. [Report of meetings of Rusaian dispensar}- x»hysicians in the city of Voronej, in the year 16-5.] Voronej. 1886. ■-'-'. Oversigt over det kongelige Danake Videnskabernes Sclskaba Forhaudlinger, og dets Medlemmers Arbejder, i Aaret 1852-94. KjObenhavn. - . Owens College. [«See Stud. anat. . . . Owens Coli., Manchester. Aho: Stud. Physiol. Lab. . . . Owens Coli., Manchester.] [184] P. Pabellon méd., Madrid. Pacific Coast Dentist, San Fran. Pacific Dent. J., Tacoma. Pacific M. J., San Fran. Pacific M. Ree, Portland, Oreg. Pacific M. Se S. J., San Fran. Pacific M. Se S. J., San Fran. Pacific M. Se S. J. Se Press, San Fran. Pacific Ree M. & Pharm., San Fran. Pacific Ree M. & S., San Fran. Paediat. Arb., Beri. Pam. Akad. Umiej. w Kraków. Pam. Lek. Warszaw. Pam. Towarz. Lek. "Warszaw. Pamyat N. I. Studenskago. Sborn. statei . . . , Kazan. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y. Papers & proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- mania. Paris méd. Pabellon (El)mèdico; reviata cientifica y profeaionalde medicina, cirugia y farmacia, òrgano oficial de la Academia médico-qui- nirgica eapaiiola. Madrid, v. 7-8, 11-12, 14-15, 1867-8, 1871-2, 1874-5. fol. [Jan. 1, 1876, merged in: Anfiteatro anat,, Ma- drid.] Pacific Coaat (The) Dentist. A nionthly periodical devoted to dentai aeience and literature. San Francisco, v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. Pacific (The) Dentai Journal. Tacoma, Wash. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8-. Pacific Homceoiiathic Medicai Society of the State of California. [«s'ee Tr. Pacific Homceop. M. Soe. Calif, San Fran.] Pacific Medicai Journal. San Francisco, v. 32-38, 1869-95. 8°. [Continuation, in 1889, of: Pacific M. Se S. J., San Fran.] Pacific Medicai Record. Portland, Oregon. Noa. 1-10, v. 1, 1893. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg.] Pacific (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. San Francisco, v. 1-26,1858-84. 8°. [v. 10-20 also called n. s., v. 1-11. In Aprii, 1865, San Francisco M. Presa waa merged iu thia journal. For title of v. 8-9, 1865-7, see Pacific M. Se S. J. & Fresa, San Fran. July, 1884, Consolidated with: San Franciaco West. Lancet, forming the following:] Pacific Medicai and Surgical Journal and Western Lancet. San Francisco, v. 27-31, 1884-8. 8°. [Formed, July, 1864, by con- solidation of the preceding with:' San Francisco West. Lancet. In May, 1885, became the organ of the Medicai Society of the State of California. Continued, in 1689, aa: Pacific M. J., San Fran. ] Pacific (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal and Press. San Fran- cisco. [Title of v. 8-9,1865-7, of : Pacific M. Se S. J., San Fran. ] Pacific (The) Record of Medicine and Pbarmacy. (Sxianish and Engliah.) A monthly résumé of medicai and pharmaceutical lirogress. San Franciaco, Cai. Noa. 1-7, v. 1, Aug., 1886-7. fol. [Continued, after Feb., 1887, as: Pacific Ree M. Se S., San Fran.] Pacific (The) Record of Medicine and Surgery. A monthly résumé of medicai and pharmaceutical progress. San Francisco. Nos. 8-12, v. 1, 1867; v. 2-9, 1887-95. roy. 8°. [Title, after Feb., 1887, of: Pacific Ree M. & Pharm., San Fran.] Paediatriache Arbeiten. Featachrift Herrn Ednard Henoch zum 70aten Geburtstage gewidmet von deutschen und ausliindischen Faehgenossen, hrsg. unter Redaction von Dr. Adolf Baginsky. Berlin. 1 v., 1890. 8°. Pami^tnik AkademiiUniiejetuoa'ci wKrakowie. Wydzialmatema- tyczno-przyroduiczy. [Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences of Cracow; inathematical class.] Krakowie. v. 1-17, 1874-90. 4 . Painie,tuik Lekarski Warszawaki. [Memoirs of Warsaw physi- ciaus.] Warszawie v. 1-2, 1828-9. 8°. [Continued, in 1837, aa the following:] Paniiejuik Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warszawskiego. [Memoirs of Warsaw Medicai Aaaociation.] Warszawa. v. 1-90, 1837- 94. 8G. [Continuation of the x>receding.] Pamyat Nikolaya Ivanovitcha Studenskago. Sbornik statei vra- chei Kazanskoi gubernskoi zemakoi bolnitzy. [In memory of N. I. Studenski. Collection of articles by x>hysicians of the Kazan government territorial hospital.] Kazan. 1-92. 8°. Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York from its organization. 1. & 2. series, revised edition. New York. 2v., 1874-82. 8-'. Papers and proeeedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 1875- 83; 1885, 1886; 1889-91. Tasmania. 1876-92. 8°. Paris medicai. Médeciue et chirurgie pratiques. Paris, v. 1-16, 1*75-91. 8J Se 4-. [2. s., 4°, begau June 5, 1879. Merged in: France méd., Par., July 3, 1891.] [185] Path. Suppl. 32. Rep. Gov. Hosp. Insane, Wash. Path. Tr. Chicago M. Soe Pathologist, Brooklyn. Pau méd. cX Pediatria, Napoli. Penins. Se Indep. M. J., Detroit. Penins. J..M. Penins. J. M., Detroit. Penn. Hosp. Rep., Phila Penn Month., Phila. Pathological laboratory of the College of Physicians ami Sur- geons, Columbia College, N. Y. [«See Stud. path. lab. Coli. Phys. & Surg., Columbia Coli., N. Y.] Pathological Society of Dublin. [«See Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl.] Pathological Society of London. [«See Tr. Path. Soc. Lond.] Pathological Society of Philadelphia. [«See Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. Also: Seini-nionth. J. Proc Path. Soc. Phila., Wilmington. Also: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.] Pathological Society of Toronto. [«See Proc. & Tr. Path. Soe Toronto.] Pathological supxilement to the tlxirty-second annual report of the Government Hospital for the Insane to the Secretary of the In- terior. 1886-7. Washington. 1 v., 1887. 8°. Pathological (The) Transactiona of the Chicago Medicai Society. No. 2, Jan., 1877. 8°. Pathologisch-anatomisches Inatitut in Krakau. [«See Unteranch. a. d. path.-anat. Inst. iu Krakau, Wien.] Pathologisch-anatomisches Institut zu Tiibingen. [«See Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . . . Inst. zu Tiibing., Brnschwg.] Pathologisches Institut in Gottingeu. [«See Arb. a. d. patii. Inst. in Gotting., Beri.] Pathologisches Institut zu Marburg. zu Marb., Jena.] Pathologisches Institut zu Miinchen. zu Miinchen, Stuttg. Also: Mitth. chen.] [«See Arb. a. d. path. Inst. [«See Arb. a. d. patii. Inst. a. d. path. Inst. zu Miin- Patbologiaehea Inatitut zu Ziirich. [«See Unterauch. a. d. path. Inst. zu Ziirich, Leixiz.] Pathologiak-anatomiaka Inatitutet [i Helaingfors]. [«See Festskr. f. Path.-anat. Inst., Helsingfora. ] Pathologiat (The). Brooklyn, N. Y. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Jan. to March, 1861; nos. 9-12, v. 2, Sept. to Dee, 1882. 8°. Pan medicai. Bulletin thermal des Pyrénées et climatologique duSud-Ouist. Pau. v. 1-4, Feb. 3, 1877, to Feb., 1860. fol. Peabody Museum of American Archaiology and Ethnology. [«See Rep. Peabody Museum, Cambridge] Pediatria (La). Periodico mensile indirizzato al progresso degli studi delle malattie dei bambini. Napoli, v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. Peninsular (The) and Independent Medicai Jourual. Devoted to medicine, surgery, and pliarmacy. Detroit, v. 1-2, 1858-60. 8~\ [Formed by consolidation of: Med. Indep., Detroit, with: Peninsular (The) Journal of Mediciue and the Collateral Sci- ences.] Peninsular (The) Journal of Mediciue and the Collateral Sci- ences. Ann Arbor, Mieli., 1853-6; Detroit, 1656-8. v. 1-5 1853-8. 8°. [Iu Aprii, 1858, united with: Med. Indep., De- troit, forming: Peninsular (The) and Independent Medicai Journal.] Peuinsular (The) Journal of Medicine Detroit, v. 9-11, July 1873, to Dee, 1875; n. a. [3.], v. 1, 1876. 8°. [See Peninsulare (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Seiencea, aud Peninsular (The) and Independent Medicai Journal, for v. 1-8 1653-60. After Dee, 1876, conaolidatecl with : Detroit Rev. Med! Se Pharm., formiug : Detroit M. J.] Pennsylvania Hoapital Reporta. Philadelphia. v. 1-2 1868-9 8°. """ *' Penn (The) Monthly, devoted to literature and social science Philadelphia. No. 6, v. 2, 1871; nos. 26, 29, v. 3, 1872: no 45* v. 4, 1873; no. 54, v. 5, 1874; no. 63, v. 6, 1875; no. 75 v 7 1876; no. 92, v. 8, 1877; v. 9, 1878; no. 119, v. 10, 1679. 8°. ' Penn. Hosp. Proc. Penn. Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia Phila.] Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association. Pharm. Ass., Harrisb.] Pennsylvania State Dentai Society, A: Peun. Dent. Soe, Phila.] [«See Surg. [«See [«See Union meet. N. Jersey [1*6] Peoria M. Month. Periód. Acad. de med. de Mé- gico. Périod. internat. Ophth.-Cong. Ber., Wiesb. Périod. de ophth. prat., Lisb. Periód. Soc. méd.-quir. de Càdiz. Periód. Soc. de salud pub. de Cataluna, Barcel. Pers. Rights J., Lond. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest. Petit méd. d. familles, Par. PfafTs prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med., Altona. Pharm. Centralhalle. Pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Pharm. Era, Detroit. Pharm. J. Se Tr., Lond. Pharm. de Lyon. Pharm. Post, Wien. Peoria (The) Medieal Montbly: a iournal devoted to mediciue and surgery. Peoria, 111. v. 1-11, 16-0-91. 6\ Periodico de la Academia de medicina de Mégico. Mégico. v. 1- 4, 16:'.6-40. 8°. Periodiaeher internationaler Ophthalmologen-Congress. vii. Hei- delberg, den 8.-11. Augnst 1-66. Bericht auf Grumi der cinge- lieferten Manuscripte und der stenograpbisclien Aufzeichnun- gen zusainmenucstellt vou Otto Becker unii Wilhelm Hesa Wieabaden. L-68^. 8C. [See, also, Cong. périod. internat d'ophth. C.-r. Also: Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong.] Periodico de ophth al mologia pratica. Liaboa. v. 2, 1680. 8n Periodico de la Sociedad médico-quirurgica de Càdiz. Càdiz v. 1-4, 1820-4. 8J. [Want v. 5, to complete.] Periodico de la Sociedad de salud publica de Cataluna. Barce Iona. v. 1, 1821. 8°. Personal (Tbe) Rights Journal. London. Nos. 81-128, June, 1886, to Dee, 1802. fol. Perthshire Medicai Association. [«See Tr. Perthshire M. Ass., Perth.] Peater medizinisch chirurgische Presse. Wochenschrift fur die gesammte'Heilkunde. Budapest, v. 7,1871; v. 14-31, 1878-95. 4°. [v. 7 published at Pest, Continuation, in 1871, of: Un- gar. med.-chir. Presse, Pest.] Petcrburgski Nikolaevski Voyenniy Hospital. [«See Trudi vrach. Peterb. Nikolaevsk. voyenno hosp., St. Petersb.] Peter-Pauls-Hospitsil in St. Peteraburg. [ «See Med. Jahresb. v. Peter-Pauls-Hosp. iu St. Petersb.] Petit (Le) médecin des familles. Journal illustre hebdomadaire de médecine et d'hygiène Paris, v. 1-7, 1886-92. fol. vou Pettenkofer (Max). [«See Festschr. d. nied.-rhein. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtsx>tig., Bonn.] Pfalzische Aerzte. [«See Vereinsbl. d. pfalz. Aerzte, Franken- tbal.] ' Pfaff's (C. H.) praktische uud kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie uud Pharmacie, fortgesetzt von YV. F. G. Behu, G. B. Giinther [et al.], redigirt vou J. Sam- son. Altona. [Title of v. 6-9 of: Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med. [ete].] Pfliiger'a Arehiv. [.See Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn.] Pharmaceutical Society of Australasia. [«See Australas. J. Pharm., Melbourne.] Berlin; Dresden. [After 1888, pub- [«See Ber. d. pharm. Gesellsch., Pharmaceutischc Centralhalle fiir Deutsehland. v. 1-20, 1859-79; n. F., v. 1-15, 1880-94. 8°. lished at Dresden.] Pbarmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipzig, v. 1-26, 1830-55. 8°. [In 1650-5, title became: Chem.-xiharm. Centr.-Bl., Leixiz. Con- tinued, in 1856, as: Chem. Centr.-Bl., Leipz.] Pharmaceutical (The) Era. A montbly exponent of pharmaceu- tical science and x^ractice. Detroit, 1687-94; New York, 1-95. v. 1-13, 1887-95. 4U. Pharmaceutische Gesellsehaft. Beri.] Pharmaceutische Gesellsehaft zu St. Petersburg. [«See Pharm. Ztschr. f. Rnssland, St, Petersb.] Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. London, v. 1-18, July, 1641, to June, 1859; 2. s., v. 1-11, Julv, 1659, to Juue, 1670; 3. s., v. 1-25, July 2, 1870 to 1895. 8J. Pharmacie (La) de Lyon. Journal scientifique et professimi nel. Lyon. v. 1, March 5, 1875, to Feb. 20, 1876; nos. 25-45, in v. 2, March 10, 1876, to June 10, 1877. Lyon. v. 1-2, 1875-7. fol. Pharmaceutische Post. Zeitsehrift fiir die Gesammtinteressen der Pharmacie. Wien. v. 9-22, 1876-89. 6°. Pbannaeeutisches Institut und Laboratorium fiir angewandte Chemie der Universitiit Erlangen. [«See Mitth. a. d. pharm. Inst. u. Lab. f. aug. Chem. d. Univ. Erlangen, Miinchen.J [187] Pharm. Rev., Balt. Pharm. Rundschau, N. Y. Pharm. Ztg., Beri. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Petersb. Pharmacist, Chicago. Pharmacist, Chicago. Pharmacist Se Chemist, Chicago. Pharmakol. Untersuch., Wiirzb. Phil. Arzt. Phil. Arzt, Frankf. a. M. Phil. Stud., Leipz. Phil. Tr., Lond. Phila. Druggist & Chemist. Phila. Hosp. Rep. Phila. J. M. Si Phys. Se Phila. M. Museum. Phila. M. Si Phys. J, Phila. M. & S. J. Pharmacenlical (The) Review. A monthly journal published under the auspices of the Maryland College of Pharmacy. Bal- timore, Md. v. 1-2, 1892-3. 4-. Pharmaceutische Rundschau, und Zeitung fiir die wissenschaft- lichen und gewerblichen Interessen der Pharmacie und ver- wandten Berufs- und Gesehàftszweige in den Vereiuigten Staaten. New York. v. 1-13, 1883-95. roy. 8°. Pharmaceutische Zeitung. Bunzlau und Berlin, v. 9-39, 1864- 94. fol. [After 1685, published only at Berlin.] Pharmaceutische Zeitsehrift fiir Russland. Hrsg. von der phar- maceutischeii Gesellachaft zu St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg. v. 1-34, 1862-95. 8. Pharmacist (The). Chicago. [Title of v. 6-11, 187:3-8, and v. 18, 1885, of: Pharmacist (The) & Chemical Record, Chicago.] Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Published by the Chi- cago College of Pharmacy. Chicago, v. 1-18, 1868-85. 8°. [In 1873-8, and 1665. v 6-11, and v. 18, title was: Pharmacist (The). Iu 1879-84, v. 12-17, title was: Pharmacist (The) and Chemist. In Jan., 1886, merged in: Western (The) Druggist, Chicago.] Pharmacist (The) and Chemist. Chicago. [Title of v. 12-17, 1879-84, of : Pharmacist (The) aud Chemical Record.] Pharmacologisches Laboratorium zu Moskau. [«See Arb. a. d. pharmacol. Lab. zu Moskau.] Pharmakologische Unterauchungen. Hrsg. von M. J. Rosabach. Wiirzburg. v. 1-2, 1873-6. 8J. [Reprint from : Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. x. 2, sub-title: Aus dem In- stitut fur exxierimentelle Pharmakologie der Universitàt Wiirz- burg.] Pharmakologischea Institut zu Dorpat. [«See Arb. d. pharmakol. Inst. zu Dorpat, Stuttg.] Pharinakologiaches Institut der kaiserlichen Universitiit Dorpat. [«See Hist. Stud. a. d. pharmakol. Inst. d. k. Univ. Dorpat, Halle a. S.] Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. [«See Am. J. Pharm., Phila. Also: J. Phila, Coli. Pharm.] Philadelphia County Medicai Society. [«See Disc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila. Also: Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soe, Phila.] Philosophische (Der) Arzt. [Motto: Non omnia discimus omnes.] Frankfurt, Hauau und Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1775-7. 8°. [v. 2-4 published at Berlin and Leipzig.] Philosophische (Der) Arzt. Von M. A. Weikart. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1-3, 1796-9. 8'-. [v. 3 also with title: Philosox>hiache Arze- neykunst, [ete].] Philosophische Studien. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Wundt. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1884-9. 8°. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Abridged to the end of the year 1700, 3 v. ; abridged from 1700- 20, 2 v. ; abridged from 1720-33, 2 v. ; abridged from 1733-50, 4 v. ; v. 47-184, 1751-1894. 4 \ Philadelphia Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia. v. 1, 1878. 8°. [Continued as: Month. Rev. M. & Pharm., Phila.] Philadelx>hia Hospital Rexiorts. 8°. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1890-3. Philadeliihia (The) Journal of the Medicai aud Physical Seiencea. Supported by an aaaociation of phyaicians, and edited by N. Chapman, [\V. P. Dewees, J. D. Godman, and Isaac Hays]. v. 1-9. 1820-4; n. s., v. 1-5, 1825-7. 8°. [Continued as: Am. J. M. Se., Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Medicai Museum. v. 1-6, 1804-9; n. s., v. 1, 1810-11. 8°. [Asubdivisionof eachnumber, entitled: Medicai and Philosophical Register, is, after v. 2, paged separately.] Pbiladelxihia (The) Medicai and Physical Journal. CoUected and arranged by Benj. Smith Barton. v. 1-3, 1804-9. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal. 8C. v. 1-6,1652-8. [188] Phila. M. Times. Phila. Month. J. M. Se S. Phila. Month. Mag. Phila. Photog., N. Y. Phila. Polyclin. Phot. Rev. M. Se S., Phila. Phrenol. J. Phrenol. J., N. Y. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Beri., Gotha. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Pe- tersb., Riga. Phys., ceconom. og med.-chir. Biblioth., Kj0benh. Physiat. BI., Dresd. Physiat. BI., Stuttg. Philadelphia (The) Medicai Times. A semi-monthly journal of medicai and surgical -cience v. 2-19, la/1-69. rov. 6°. [For v. 1, see Med. Times, Phila. In 18-5, Med. Chron., Balt., merged in this journal. May 4, 1889, consolidateli with: Med. Reg., Phila., forming: Times A: Reg.] Philadelphia. (Tbe) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by N. R. Smith, v! 1; nos. 1-3, v. 2, 1827-8. 6-. [After Feb., 1628, merged in: Ani. J. M. Se, Phila.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Magazine, or Universa! Repoaitory of Philadelphia. Nos. 1-3. v. 2, [See Tr. Phila. Neurol. Soc, [«See Proc. Phila. Obst. Soc. Knowledge aud Entertainment. 1798. 8°. Philadelphia Neurological Societv [N. Y.].] Philadelphia Obstetrical Societv. Also: Tr. Phila. Obst. Soe] Philadelphia (The) Photographer. An illustrated monthly jour- nal devoted to photography. New York. v. 1-25, 1864-88. 8°. [Continued as: Wilson'a Photograxihic Magazine.] Philadelphia (The) Polyclinie A journal of practical scientitìc medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1-4, 1892-5. 8°. Philosophical Society in Edinburgh. [«See Essays Se Obs. Phil. Soc. Edinb.] Philosophical Society of Glasgow. [.See Proc. Phil. Soe Glasg. ] Philosophical Societv of Washington. [«See Bull. Phil. Soc. Wash.] Philosophisch-medicinische Gesellsehaft zu Wiirzburg. [.See Jahrb. il. phil.-nied. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.] Phiziko-meditainakoye Obaheatvo v Moakve, sostoyashago pri Imp. Moskovskom Universitete. [«See Med. Obozr., Moak. (Pro- tok. phiz.-nied. Obah. v Moak.). Also : Moskov. vratcheb. Vest- nik.] Phiziologicheskaya laboratorìa imperatorskago Varshavskago Universiteta. [.See Raboty v phiziol. lab. imp. Varahav. Univ.] Photographic (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. A bi- monthly illuatration of intereating cases, accompauiedbv notes. Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1870-2. 8°. Phrenological (The1) Journal and Miacellany. Edinburgh, v. 1- 20, Dee, 1823, to Oct,, 1847. 6\ [Witli v. 11, 1838, tbe word 'Miscellany" dropped from title, and the words "Magazine of moral science for the vear", ete. added. v. 11, called n. s., v. 1. v. 11-13, 1838-40, published at London.] Phrenological Journal aud Science of Health. New York. No. 3, v. 74, March, 18.-2. 8C. [Title of v. 1-19 was: American (The) Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, New York.] Physicaliache und medicinische Abhaudlungen der kouiglichen Académie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Lateinischen unii Franzosischen iibersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. Gotha. 4 v., 1781-6. 8'3. Physikalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der kayaerlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Petersburg. Aus dem Latei- nischen iibersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. Ri «-a. v. 1-' 178->-3 8°. ° ' " Phyaiealak, reconomisk og medico-cbirurgiak Bibliothek for Dan- mark og Norge. KjObenhavn. v. 1-27, 1794-1-06. 8\ [ In 1798, title became: Biblioth. f. Phys., Med. og CEkouom., Kj0- benh. In 1801, title became: Nyt Biblioth. f. Phys., Med. og OZ kimoni., Kj0beuh.] Physiatrische Blàtter. VierteljahraachriftfdrNaturheilkuude und zur Mitarbeit bei den nothigen Reformen auf den Gebieten der Krankheitslehre (Aetiologie und Pathologie), der Heilkunde (Therapie) und der Gesuudheitserhaltuugslehre ( Hvgiene ). Dresden. v. 1, 1867. 8°. ' Physiatrische Bliitter. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der physi- kalisch-diatetisehen Heilmethodeu in zwaugloaen Heften hrs". von H. Lahmann. Stuttgart. Nos. 1-4, x. 1 1688-90. c°, ° [189] Physician Se Bull. Med.-Leg. Soe, N. Y. Physician & Pharmae, N. Y. Physician Se Pharmae, N. Y. Physician Se Surg. Physician Se Surg., Balt. Physician's Mag., Phila. Physicians' Se Surgeons' Invest., Buffalo. Physiol. Lab. Harvard M. Sch., Bost. Physiol. Lab., Univ. Coli., Lond. CoUected papers. Physician (The) and Bulletin of the Medico-Legal Society. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine aud medicai jn- risprudenee. New York. v. 13, 1680. 8\ [For title of v. 1- 3. 1868-71, see Phvsiciau (The) Se Pharmaceutist, N. Y. For title of v. 4-12, 1871-9, see Physician (The) &. Pharmacist. N Y. Noa. 8-12, v. 12, title: Pbvaieiau Se Pharmae & Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y.] Physician (The) andPharniacentist. New York. v. 1-3,1866-71. 4°. [See preceding. Continued as the following:] Physician (The) and Pharmacist. New York. v. 4-12, 1871-9. 4°. [Want nos. 2 and 4, v. 5 (Nov., 1872, May, 1873); v. 6, 1873-4. Continuation of the preceding. In Aug., 1879, Bull. Med.-Leg. Soe, N. Y., became a part of this journal, with sepa- rate paginatiou, and title became as follows:] Physician (The) and Pharmacist and the Bulletin of the Medico- Legal Society. A nionthly journal of medicine and pharmacy and medicai jnrisprudence. New York. [Was title of noa. 8-12, v. 12, 1889, of: Phvsiciau & Pharmae, N. Y. Continued as: Physician Se Bull. Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y.J Physician (The) and Surgeou. A monthly magazine devoted to medicai and surgical science. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1879-88; Ann Arbor Se Detroit, 1889 ; Detroit & Ann Arbor, 1890-5. v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8-. Physician (The) and Surgeou. Published under the auspices of the College of Phyaieiana and Surgeons. Baltimore. [Title of v. 1, 1872-3, of: Balt. Phys. Se Surg.] Physician's (The) Magazine. A quarterly for the medicai xiro- feaaiou. Philadelphia. Noa. 1-3, v. 1, Aug., 1885, to March, 18-6. 8°. Physicians' (Tbe) and Surgeons' Investigator. A monthly journal devoted to the best interests of the profesaion. Buffalo, N. Y. v. 1-9, 1880-8. 8°. Phvaieo-Medical Societv of the State of New York. [«SeeTr. Ph ys.- Med. Soe. N. Y.] Physikaliseh- medicinische Gesellsehaft zu Konigsberg. [.See Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Konigsb. ii. d. Cho- lera.] Physikalisck-medicinische Gesellachaft in Wiirzburg. [«See Si- tzungsb. d. xihys.-med. Gesellach. zu Wiirzb. Also: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. in Wiirzb. Also: Wiirzb. med. Zt- schr.] Physikalisch-ineclicinische Società! zn Erlangen. [«See Abhandl. d. phys.-med. Soe. zu Erlang. Also: Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soe. zu Eilang. Also: Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Also: Wisseuach. Mitth. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang.] Physikaliseh -òkonomische Gesellsehaft zu Konigsberg. [«See Schrift. d. xihys.-òkonom. Geaellach. zu Kònigab.] Physiological Laboratory. Harvard Medieal School, Boston. CoUected Papers. i.-ii. 1873-1886. For private circulation. [Ciittiugs from divers journals, ete] Boston. 2 v., 1880-7. 6°. Physiological Laboratory, University College. London. Col- lected papers. London, 1874-5 to 1877-8. 8°. Physiological Society. [«See Proc. Physiol. Soe, Lond.] Phyaiologiach Laboratorium der Leidsche Hoogeschool. [«See On- derzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Leidsche Hoogesch.] Pbysiologisch Laboratorium der Univeraiteit te Leiden. [.See On- derzoek. ged. in h. Physiol. Lab. il. Univ. te Leiden.] Phyaiologiach Laboratorium der Utrecht'ache Hoogeschool. [«See Onderzoek. ged. in li. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch.] Physiologische Austalt zu Leipzig. [«See Arb. a, d. physiol. Anst. zu Leijiz.] Physiologische Gesellsehaft zu Berlin. [«See Centralbl. f. Physiol. Leipz. u. Wien.] Physiologisches Institut zu Breslau. [See Stud. d. physiol. Inst. zu Break, Leix>z.] [190] Physio-Med. J., Indianap. Physio-Med. Recorder, Cincin. Physique, Lond. Pisani, Palermo. Pittsburgh M. J. Pittsburgh M. Rev. Planet, N. Y. Plumber, N. Y. Poitou méd., Poitiers. Policlin., Roma. Policlin., Torino. Polyclin., Phila. Phyaiologiachea Institut der Universitiit Berlin. [.See Arb. a. d. spec. physiol. Abth. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Perl.] Physiologigches Institut der Universitiit Halle [«See Untersuch. a. d. xihysiol. Inst. d. Univ. Halle.] Physiologisches Institut der Universitàt Heidelberg. [«See Unter- such. a. d. physiol. Inst. d. Univ. Heidelb.] Physiologisches Laboratorium des Carolinischeu medico-chirurgi- schen Institnts in Stockholm. [«See Mitth. v. physiol. Lab. d. Carolili, med.-rchir. Inat. in Stockholm.] Physiologisches Laboratorium in Wiirzburg. [«See Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb.] Physiologisches Laboratorium der Wiirzburger Hochschule. [«See Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Wiirzb. Hochsch.] Physiologisches Laboratorium der Ziiricher Hochschule. [«See Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Ziirich. Hochsch., Wien.] Physio-Medical (The) Journal. Indianapolis, Ind. v. 1-21, 1875- 95. 8C. [For title of v. 1-2, see: Physio-Medical (The) Jourual and Reform Advocate.] Physio-Medical (The) Journal and Reform Advocate. [Title of v. 1-2 of: Physio-Med. J , Indianap.] Physio-Medical Recorder, or inquirtial advocate of sanative medicine aud the principles which govern the phyaio-medical practice. Cincinnati. v. 18-38, Sept. 15, 1852, to Dee, 1874. 8°. [Continuation of: Botanico-Medicai (The) Recorder, and continued as: Cinciu. M. Gaz. & Recorder.] Physique : A jourual of physical education, domestic, school and peraonal hygiene, gymnastics, athletics, games, and sports. London, v. 1, 1891. 8°. Pisani (II). Gazzetta sicula di freniatria e scienze affini. Organo del manicomio di Palermo. Palermo. 2. s., v. 1-14, Jan. to June, 1878; Jan., 1860-93. 8°. [Continuation of: Gazz. sicula, Palermo. Iu 1880, sub-title became: Gazzetta sicula di scienze mediche e psicologiche con particolare indirizzo alle malattie nervoseementali. Organo[ete]. Nothing published between June, 1878, aud Jan., 1880. 1882 is called anno 3.] Pittsburgh (The) Medicai Journal. A nionthly journal devoted to medicine and surgery, and the collateral aciencea. Pitts- burgh, v. 1-3, 1880-3. 8°. Pittsburgh (The) Medicai Review. A monthly journal of medi- cine and surgery. Pittsburgh, v. 1-9, 1886-95. 8°. Planet (The). A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. New York. v. 1, Jan., 1883, to Aprii, 1884. roy. 8°. Plumber (The) and Sanitary Engineer. New York. v. 1-3, 1877- 60. fol. [Continued as: San. Engin., N. Y.] Poitou (Le) medicai. Revue mensnelle. Poitiers 95. 8°. v. 1-9, 1886- Pojednani tridy mathematicko-prirodovédecké kràlovské eeské spoleènoati nauk. v Praze. [«See Abhandl. d. math.-naturw. CI. d. k. bohm. Geaellach. d. Wiaaeusch., Prag.] Poliambulanza di Milano. [«See Boll. d. Poliambnl. di Milane] Poliambulanza Partenopea. [«See Arch. internaz. d. spec. med.- chir., Napoli.] Policlinico (II). Periodico di medicina, chirurgia e iciene. Roma. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. Policlinico (II). Giornale di mediciua pratica pubblicato dai medici direttori del Policlinico generale di Torino. Torino. v. 1, 1-90. 8°. [Merged in: Gazz. med. di Torino.] Policlinico generale di Torino. [«See Conversaz. med. . . . Poli- clin. gen. di Toriuo, Milano.] Policlinique de Bordeaux. [«See Ann. de la Policlin. de Bordeaux.] Policlinique (La) de Paris. [See Ann. de la Policlin. de Par. Also: Assiatance, Par.] Polyclinie (The). A monthly journal of medicine and surgery eonducted by the Faculty of tbe Philadelphia Polyclinie'ami College for graduatea in medicine. Philadelnhia v 1-6 18r3-9. 8°. L ' [191] Pop. Health Mag., "Wash. Se Ball. Pop. J. Phys. Se Ment. Hyg., Williamsport. Pop. Mag. Anthrop., Lond. Pop. osterr. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wien. Pop. Se Month., N. Y. Pop. Se Month. Suppl., N. Y. è Fop. Se Rev., Lond. Porvenir, Madrid. Porvenir, Mexico. Post-grad. course lect. M. Fac. Toronto. Post-Graduate, N. Y. Pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem. Practice, Richmond. Practitioner, Balt. Practitioner, Lancaster. Practitioner, Lond. Practitioner's Month., Kings- ton, N. Y. Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar. Popular (.The) Health Magazine. Washington, D. C, and Bal- timore, Md. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. Popular (The) Journal of Physical and Mental Hygiene. WiL liainsport, Pa. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, Aprii to Dee, 1873. 8°. Popular (The) Magazine of Anthropology. London, v. 1, 1866. Populiire oaterreichiache Geaundheits-Zeitung, zur Warnung fiir Nichtkrauke und zum Troste fur Leidende. Wien. v. 3, 1832. 4°. [For continuation, see N. Folge d. Gsndhts.-Ztg., Wieu.} Popular (The) Science Monthly. New York. v. 1-46, 1872-95. 6°. Popolar (The) Scieuce Monthly Supplement. New York. v. 1— 3, 1877-8; no. 1, new issue, 1879. 8°. Popular (The) Scieuce Review. A quarterly miscellany of enter- taining and instructive articlea on scientitìc aubjects. London* v. 1-15, 1861-76; n. a., v. 1-5, 1877-81. 8°. Porvenir (El). Periodico de loa intereaes materiales, morales y cientifìcos de laa clases mèdicas. Madrid, v. 1, 1853. fol. [After no. 12, title became : Porvenir (El) mèdico, Madrid. Continued as: Eapana méd., Madrid.] Pervenir (El). Periodico de la Sociedad fìloiàfrica y de benefi- cencia de loa alumnos de la Escuela de medicina. Mexico. v. 1-5, 1869-73. 4°. Porvenir (El) mèdico. Madrid. [Title, after no. 12, of : Porve- nir, Madrid.] Postai Microscopical Society. [«See J. Micr. & Nat. Se, Lond.. Also: J. Postai Micr. Soe, Lond.] Post-graduate course of lectures. Medicai Faculty* of Toronto. Delivered December 17, 16, 19, 1890. Toronto. 1 v., 1891. roy. 8°. [Reprint from: Canad. Pract., Toronto.] Post-Graduate (The). The journal of the New York Poat-Gradu- ate Medicai School and Hospital. New York. v. 3-10, 1887- 95. 8°. [Title, after no. 3, v. 2, 1886-7, of : Quart. Bull. Cliu. Soc. N. Y. Post-Grad. M. School & Hoap., N. Y.] Post-Graduate Medicai School of Chicago. [«See N. Am. Pract., Chicago.] Practisch Tijdachrift voor de Geneeakiuide in al haren Omvang, nit de nieuwate buitenlandache tijdachriften, uit oorspronke- lijke bijdrageu van nederlaudsche geueeskuudigen, en uit ei- gene waarneiningen, iuzouclerbeid ook ten dienste van jonge artsen en van heelmeesters ten platteu lande verzameld. Go- rinchem. v. 1-25,1822-46, and 6 supplementary vols. Also: Nieuwe reeks, v. 1-6, 1849-54; and n. s., v. 1-2, 1855-6. 8°. [For v. 26-27, see N. pract. Tijdschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorin- chem.] Practice: The journal for the busy doctor. Pointed, practical,. progresaive. Richmond, Va. v. 1-9, 1886-95. 8°. Practitioner (The) : an independent monthly journal, devoted to- medical, surgical, obstetrical, and dentai science. Baltimore. [Title of no. 1, v. 1, 1880, of: Independ. Pract.] Practitioner (The). Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-2; nos. 1-2, v. 3,, Jan., 1883, to June, 1885. 8G. Practitioner (The). A monthly. journal of therapeutics. Lon- dou. v. 1-54, 1868-95. 8°. Practitioner's (The) Mouthly. A journal of practical medicine.. Kingston, N. Y. v. 1, 1892-3. 8°. Prager medicinische Facultat. [«See Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gut- acht. d. Prag. med. Fak.] Prager medicinische Wochenschrift. Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Aerzte Bòhmens. Prag. v. 1-20, 1876-95. 8°. [Continuation of : Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bòhmen, Prag.] Prager medizinische Wochenschrift. Organ des Vereines prakti- sclier Aerzte. Prag. Nos. 1-52, 1864. imp. 4°. Praktische (Der) Arzt. Eine Monatsschrift. Wetzlar. v. 1-36,. 1660-95. 8°. [li)-'] Prakt. Geneesheer, Hertogen- bosch. Prakt. Handb. d. klin. Heelk., Gorinchem. Prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Geb. d. Med. [etc], Altona. Prakt. Landarzt, Mitau. Tlpanr. tov ISvveSpiov rcov EAArfvoov ìarpcov, ASr/vai?. Tlpanr. SvvóSov 'EXXr^voov ia- rp&v, A$i)vr/6iv. Praticien, Par. Pratico, Firenze. Pratique méd., Par. Précis de la const. méd. d'Indre- et-Loire, Tours. Précis d. trav. Soc. méd. de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Précis d. trav. Soc. méd. de Di- jon. Précis d. trav. Soc. roy. d. se de Nancy. Prensa méd. de Granada. Presse méd., Par. Presse méd., Par. Presse méd., Par. Presse méd. belge, Brux. Presse vét. . Preuss. Med.-Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber., Beri. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Beri. Preuss. mil.-arztl. Ztg., Beri. Prevent. . . . crime. Internat. Cong. Char. [etc], Balt. Se Lond. l'raktiserende (De) Geneesheer. 's Hertogenbosch. v. 1-5, 1666- 73; 2. a., v. 1-5, 1674-6; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1879-63; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1-84- 8; 5. s., v. 1-5, 1889-93; 6. s., v. 1, 1894. 8-'. Praktisch Handboek der klinische Heelkunde in haren geheelen Omvang. Stelselmatig bewerkt volgens de nieuwste mededee- lingen der vooruaamste heelkuudigen van alle landen. Naar het Hoogduitsch omgewerkt en vermeerderd door F. W. Krie- ger en M. Polano. Gorinchem. Parts 1-11, v. 1, 1845-51). 8 . Praktische und kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Me- dicin, Chirurgie und Pharmacie. Altoua. [Title of v. 3-5 of: Mitth. a. il. Geb. d. Med. [ete].] Praktische (Der) Landarzt. Eine Wochenschrift. Mitau. v. 1-2 1773-4. 8 . TlpaKTiKu tov 1,vveópiov tùv 'E72.rjvuv laTpùv tov ènl tjj coprì) ri/c tv 'Adr/vaic laTpinrje èraipiae tt/ TrevTTìKOVTacTtjpiói (1687). 'Ev 'ASnvaic. 1 v., 1886. 60. HpaKTiKa TT/g èv 'Adjjvaig Zvvóóov tùv 'EÀM/vuv larpùv (1882). 'Enói- fìopeva kv òvopàri tov ypaipelov ìnrò N. G. Makka, Ch. G. Ralle. 'Adrjvriciv. 1 v., 1883. 8°. Praticieu (Le). Jourual hebdomadaire de médecine. Paris. v. 1-18, 1878-95. 8°. Pratico (11). Giornale di medicina, chirurgia e medicina legale, precipuameute dedicato ai medici condotti. Firenze, v. 1-2 1891-3. 4°. Pratique (La) medicale Paris, v. 1-9, 1687-95. 8°. Précis de la constitution medicale observée dana le département dTndre-et-Loire. Publié par la Société medicale de Tours. 2. aud 3. trimestres, 182(5; 3., 1827; 2., 1828; 1., 1829; 1. aud 4., 1-30; 1. and 3., 1831; Land 2., 1832. 8°. [Continued aa: Ree d. trav. Soc méd. d'Iudre-et-Loire, Toura. ] Précia des travaux de la Société medicale de Boulogne-sur-Mer, depuis sa fondati on au lerjuin 1836 jusqn'an 1" jauvier 183o! Boulogne. 1 v., 1839. 8 J. Précis analytique dea travaux de la Société medicale de Dijon, pour lea années 1833 et 1838-41. Dijon. 1637-43. 8°. Précis des travaux de la Société royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy, de 1819 à 1823. Nancy. 1825. 8°. Prensa (La) mèdica de Granada. Revista quincenal de medicina y cirnjia. Granada. Anos 1-4, v. 1-3, Oct. 15, 1879, to Dee 30, 1882. 8C. Presse (La) medicale. Ancien journal hebdomadaire. Paris. v. 1, 1837. 4°. [Continuatiou of : J. hebd. d. progr. d. se et inst. méd., Par.] Presse (La) medicale de Paris, de province et de l'étranger. Revue medicale, chirurgicale pharmaceutique et scientifique. Paris, v. 1-2, Dee, 1880, to June, 1882. 6°. Presse (La) medicale. Paris. Dee. 23, 1893, to 1895. fol. Presae (La) medicale belge. Bruxellea. v. 1-12, 1848-60; v. 26- 47, 1873-95. 4C. [In 1850, Gaz. méd. belge, Brux., merged in this journal. Want no. 2*, v. 12 (July 1, 1860); v. 13-25 (1861- 73); no. 51, v. 26 (Nov. 22, 1874); no. 4, v. 27 (Dee 27, 1874).] Presse (La) vétérinaire. Paria; Angers. v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8°, [Waut title-i>ages of v. 1 and 2; v. 3, and subseq., published at Angers. ] Preussischer Medicinalbeamten-Verein. Officielle Berichte iiber die Hauptversammluugen zu Berlin. 6.-7., 1886-9. Berlin 1888-9. 8°. Preussische Medicinal-Zeitung. Hrsg. von dem Verein fiir Heil- kunde in Preussen unter Benutzung amtlicher Mittheilungen [ete]. Berlin. N. F., v. 4-7, 1861-4. 4°. [Continuatioirof: Med. Ztg., Beri. Iu Jan., 1865, merged in: Beri. klin. Wchn- schr.] Preussische niilitararztliche Zeitung. Berlin, v. 1-3 1660-2. 4J. Prevention (The) and repression of crime. Being a report of the fìfth section of the International Congress of Charities, Correc- tion and Philanthropy, Chicago, Juue, 1893. Baltimore & London. 1 w, 1894. 8°. [193] Preventiva, Napoli. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Priloj. k protok. Obsh. Minsk. vrach. Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach., Kiev. Priloj. k protok. zasaid. Obsh. Poltav. vrach., Poltava. Primitiae phys.-med. [etc.]. Princip. mem. Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Privatheilanst. zu Ober-Dòbling, Leipz. u. Wien. Priv.-Irrenanst ' ' Christophsbad" in Gòppingen. Prix Soe de méd. de Par. •Prize essays contrib. Med.-Leg. Soc, N. Y. Pro Spedia, Spezia. J Proc. Acad. Nat. Se Phila. Proc. Allahabad M. Soc. Proc. Alumnal Ass. M. Coli. Ohio, Cincin. Proc. Alumni Ass. M. Coli. Ohio, Cincin. s . Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Se Se, - si Bost. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Se Proc. Am. Ass. Cure Inebr. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. of Blind, Bost Preventiva (La). Gazzetta di medicina popolare Napoli. Anni 1-7, v. 1-4, 1884-90. 8°. [Continued as: Med. prevent., Na- poli.] Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevor- dering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam, v. 1-6, 1791-1807. 8°. [Continued as: N. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst.] Prilojenija k protokolam Obsheatva Minskich vrachei za 1888-91 gg. [Supplemeuts to Proeeedings of the Society of Minsk Physi- cians.] Minsk. 1689-91. 8°. Prilojenija k protokolam zasaidanie Obshestva Kievskich vrachei. [Supplements to Proeeedings of sessions of the Society of Kiev Physicians.] 1883-4 to 1885-6. Kiev. 1885-7. 8C. Prilojenija k protokolam zasaidauii Obshestva Poltavskich vra- chei za 1888-9 g. [Supplements to Proeeedings of sessions of the Society of Poltava Physicians.] Poltava. 1890. 8°. Primitia* physico-medicse ab iis, qui in Polonia et extra ean», me- li ieinam faci uut, collectaì. Lesna?; Zullichoviaì. 1750-3. 12°. Principali memorie lette nelP Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara nell' anno 1691. Ferrara. 1 v., [n. d.]. 8°. Private Sanitary Associatimi of Wakayama. [«See Shiritsu-Eisei- kwei Wakayama Shikwai Zashi.] Private Sanitary Society of Shiniane. [«See Shimane Shikwai Zaahi.] Privatheilanstalt fur Gemuthskranke auf dem Erdberge zu Wieu, von Dr. Wilhelm Svetlin. [«See Ber. ii. d. Privatheilanst. f. Go- miithakr. a. d. Erdberge zu Wien.] Privatheilan8talt (Die) zu Ober-Dobliug, Wieu, xix. Bezirk, Hir- 8chengasse71. ii. Bericht iiber die Leistungen der Austalt vom 1. Juli 1875 bis 30. Juni 1891. Leipzig uud Wien. 1 v., 1891, 8°. Privat-Irrenanstalt(Die) " Christophsbad "iu Gòppingen. 2. [-3.] Bericht iiber deren Bestand und Wirksamkeit in den Jahreu 1877 bis 1882 [und 1882-7]. Stuttgart, 1883; Freiburg i. B., 1889. 8°. [«See Rep. Vet. [13] Privy Council (Veterinary Department of the). Dep. Privy Council, Lond.] Prix de la Société de médecine de Paris, aéante à l'Hótel-de-Ville. Paria. 1 v., 1817. 8C. Prize easays contributecl to the Medico-Legal Society. New York. 1 v., 1890. 8°. Pro Spedia. Spezia. 1884. 8°. Proeeedings of the Academy of Naturai Sciences of Philadelphia. 1865-94. 8°. Proeeedings of the Allahabad Medicai Society. Allahabad. Nos. 1-5, v. 1,1882. 8°. [Continued, in no. 6 (Nov., 1882), as: Proc. N.-W. Prov. & Oudb Brandi Brit. M. Ass., Allahabad.] Proeeedings of the Alumnal Association of the Medicai College of Ohio. Cincinnati. 11.-12. annual meetings, 1886-7. 8°. [Reprintfrom: Cincin. Lancet-Clinic, 1886,n.s.,xvi. Continued as: Proc. Alumni Ass. M. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Proeeedings of the Alumni Association of the Medicai College of Ohio. Cincinnati. 13.-14. annual meetings, 1888-9. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Proc. Alumual Ass. M. Coli. Ohio, Cincin.] Proeeedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston ami Cambridge, v. 1-8, 1846-73; n. s., v. 1-5, 1873-8. 8°. Proeeedings of the American Association for the Advancement.of Scieuce at the annual meetings, 1848-93 (1.-42.). V. p 1849- 04. 8C. Proeeedings of the annual meetings of the American Association for the Cure of Iuebriates. V. p. 1870-75(1.-6.). 8°. Proeeedings of the meetings of the American Association of In- atructora of the Blind. 1., 1872; 2., 1874; 7., 1882. Boaton. 1872-63. 8°. [«See, also, Proc. Convent. Am. Iuatr. of Blind, Indianap.] [1<>4] Proc. Am. Chem. Soc , N. Y. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass. Proc. Arru Pharm. Ass., Phila. Proc. Am. Phil. Soe, Phila. Proc. Am. Psychol. Ass., N. Y. Proc. Am. Soc. Micr. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, Bost. Proc Anat. Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ire- land, Lond. Proc. Anthrop. Se Ethn. Soc. Lond. Proc. Ass. Am. Anat. Proc Ass. Med. Off. Am. Inst. for Idiotic & Feeble-Minded Persons. Proc. Ass. Med. Superintend. Am. Inst. Insane. Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. Proc. Ass. Municip. & San. En- gin., Lond. Proc. Belfast Nat. Hist. & Phil. Soc. Proc. Biol. Soc. "Wash. Proc. Birmingh. Nat. Hist. 8e Micr. Soc. Proc Brit. Meteor. Soe, Lond. Proc Canad. Inst., Toronto. Proc. Clin.-Path. Soc. Wash., Phila. Proc. Confer. Char. Proeeedings of the American Chemical Societv. New York. Nos. 1-4, v. 2, 1878-9. 6C. Proeeedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [Late Association of Superintendents of American Inatitutious for the Inaane.] [Washington, 1892.] 8-:. Proeeedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association, at the annual meetings. Philadelphia. 1852-94(1.-42.). 8*. Proeeedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia, for promotiug useful knowledge. Philadelphia. v. 1-33, 1838-94. 8°. [Want nos. 1, 6-10, 12, v. 1 ; no. 38, v. 4 (1647); nos. 49, 50, v. 5 (1853); nos. 61, 63, 64, v. 7: uo. 66, v. 8; nos. 68-74, 76-79, v. 9-10; no. 88, v. 12.] Proeeedings of the American Psychological Association. 1892-3. New York. [1694.] 8°. Proeeedings of the American Society of Microscopists. 2.-14., 1879-91.. V. p. 1880-92. 8°. Proeeedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. Boston, v. 1, 1885-9. 8°. Proeeedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1887-8. 8°. [Issued with: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond.] Proeeedings of the Anthropological and Ethnological Societies of London prior to the date of amalgamatimi. London. 1871. 8°. [An appeudix to no. 1 of: J. Authrop. Iust., Lond.] Proeeedings of the Association of American Auatomists. 1.-6., 1886-94. Washington. 8°. Proeeedings of the Association of Medicai Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. Philadel- phia, 1.-6. sessions. 1877-82. 8°. Proeeedings of the Association of Medicai Superintendents ot American Institutions for the Insane V. p. 8., 1853; 21., 18(57; 22., 1868; 26., 1872; 30., 1876; 32., 1878; 39., 1685; 41., 1887; 44., 1890. 8°. [8., 21., 26., 30., repriuts from: Am. J. Insan. ; 39., reprint from : Alienist & Neurol.] Proeeedings (The) of the Aasociation of Military Surgeons of the United States. 4. annual meeting. St. Louis, lv.,1894. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. Aas. Mil. Surg. Nat. Guard U. S.] Proeeedings of the Asaociation of Municipal aud Sanitary Engi- ueers aud Surveyors. London ; New York. v. 1-16, 1873-4 to 1889-90. 8°. [Continued, in v. 17, 1890-1, as: Proc. Iucorp! Ass. Municip. & Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y.] Proceecliugs^ of the Belfaat Naturai Hiatory and Philoaophical Society for the aeaaiona 1872-3 and 1873-4. Belfast. 2 v., 1874. 8°. Proceedinga of the Biological Society of Waahington. 1882-6. 8°. v. 1-3, Proceedinga of the Birmingham Naturai History and Microscopi- cai Society, during the years 1869 and 1870. To which are added classified lists of the flora aud fauna of the district. Birmingham. Nos. 1-2, 1870-2. 8J. Proeeedings of the British Meteorological Society, 1862-71. Lon- don, v. 1-5,1863-71. 8°. [The word " British " ia dropped from title in v.4 and5. Continued aa: Quart. J. Meteor. Soe, Lond.] Proceedinga of the Canadian Inatitute, Toronto. Being a con- tinuation of the "Canadian Journal of Science, Literature, and History". Toronto. 3. s., v. 5-7, 1887-9. 8°. Proeeedings of the Clinico-Pathological Society of Washington, D. C. May 6, 1865, to July 26, 1869. [Philadelphia.] 8°. [Reprint from : Am. J. M. Se, 1866-70.] Proeeedings of the Animai Conference of Charities held in con- nection with the general meeting of the American Social Science Association. V. p. 1.-8., 1874-81. 8°. [Continued as: Proc. Nat. Confer. Char.] Proceedinga of the first three meetings of the surgeons of the Eastern Divisimi, W., St. L. Se P. R'y, held respectively at De- catur, Illinois, Jan. 25, 1882; Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 4,18-3; Springfield, Illinois, Aprii 30, 1884. [.See Proc. [Surg. Soe.Wa- baah, St. Louis »t Pacific Railway], Fort Wayne, Ind. J [195] Proc Connect. M. Soc Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of Blind, Indianap. Proc. Convent. Off. Wisconsin Nat. Guard, Madison. Proc. Convent. Phys. Ohio, Cin- cin. Proc. Davenport Acad. Nat. Se Proc. Detroit M. Se Libr. Ass. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc. Proc. Florida M. Ass. Proc. Georgia M. Ass. Proc. Homceop. M. Soc. Ohio. Proc. Hyderabad M. Se Phys. Soc, Secunderabad. Proc. Illmois M. Soe, Chicago. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip Se Co. Engin., Lond. & N. Y. Proc. Indiana M. Convent., In- dianap. Proc. Indiana M. Soc Proc. Internat. Hahneman. Ass., Ann Arbor, Mich. Proc. lowa M. & Chir. Soc Proc. Kansas M. Soc. i Proc. Kentucky M. Soc. Proc. Laryngol. Soc. Lond. Proc. Lit. Si Phil. Soc. Liverp. Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manches- ter. Proc. Louisiana M. Ass. Proc. M. Ass. Alabama. Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas. Proeeedings of the Preaident and Fellows of the Connecticut State Medicai Society in convention, for the years 1818-19 (27.- 28.); 1624(33.); 1830-94(39.-103.). Hartford; New Haven. 8°. Proeeedings of the Second Convention of American Instructors of the Blind, August, 1671. Indianapolis. 8°. [«See, also, Proc. Am. Aaa. Instr. of Blind, Bost.] Proeeedings of the Seventh Annual Convention of Officers of the Wisconsin National Guard, held at Madison, March 8-9, 1888, under the auspices of the National Guarii Aasociation of the State of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. 1888. 8°. Convention of Physicians of Ohio. Journal of the proeeedings of a convention of physicians of Ohio, held in the city of Columbus, on the 5th day of Jan., 1835. Cincinnati. 8°. Proeeedings of the Davenport Academy of Naturai Sciences. Davenport, lowa. v. 1-5, 1867-89. 8°.' Proeeedings of the Detroit Medicai and Library Association, 1888-9. Reprinted from the Physician and Surgeou,'Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan. [Aun Arbor Se Detroit, Mich.] 2v., [1888-9]. 8°. [Continued as : Tr. Detroit M.& Libr. Ass.] Proeeedings of the Dublin Obstetrical Society for the 34.-39. ; 42.-43. sessions, 1871-5; 1879-80 to 1880-1. 8°. Proeeedings of the Florida Medicai Association. Sessions of 1874-92. [V. p.] 8°. Proeeedings of the Georgia Medicai Association, session of .1868. Augusta, Ga. 8°. Proeeedings of the Homceopathic Medicai Society of the State of Ohio. Sessions, 5.-10., 1869-75; 15.-18., 1879-82; 20.-24., 1885-8. V. p. 1869-88. 8C. Proeeedings of the Hyderabad Medicai and Physical Society. From its origin to the 31st March, 1853. Secunderabad. 1 v., 1853. 8°. Proeeedings of the Illinois State Medicai Society, at its first an- nual meeting, held at Peoria, June 3,1851. Chicago. 1851. 8°. Proceedinga of the Incorporated Aasociation of Municipal and County Engiueers. London; New York. v. 17-20, 1890-4. 8°. [Continuation, in v. 17, of : Proc. Ass. Municip. Se Sau. Engin., Lond.] Proeeedings of the Indiana State Medicai Convention. Indianap- olis. 1849. 8°. Proeeedings of the Indiana State Medicai Society. Indianapolis; New Albany. 1.-6. annual meetings, 1850-5. 8°. [For con- tinuation, see Tr. Indiana M. Soe] Proeeedings of the International Hahnemannian Association, 1884-5. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1886. 8°. Proeeedings of the lowa State Medicai and Chirurgical Society at the 2. annual meeting, 1851. Keokuk. 8°. Proeeedings of the Kansas State Medicai Society. 1893 ; 1894. V. p. 8°. Proeeedings of the Kentucky State Medicai Society. Meeting for reorganization held at Louisville, Aprii 2 aud 3, 1867 ; also, 13. and 14. annual meetings, 1868-9. V. p. 8°. Proeeedings of the Laryngological Society of London. London. v. 1, 1893-4. 8°. Proeeedings of the Literary aud Philosophical Society of Liver- pool. Nos. 2, 3,6, 13-15, 18-32, 35-38, 1845-83. 8C. Proeeedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, v. 3-16, 1864-77. 8°. [Continued as: Proc. Man- chester Lit. & Phil. Soc. ] Proceediugs of the Louiaiana State Medicai Association. New Orleans. 1. and 2. meetings. 1878-9. 8°. [«See, also, Tr. Louisiana M. Soe, N. Ori.] Proeeedings of the Medicai Association of the State of Alabama at the annual meetings, 1850-5 (4.-8.). .Mobile. 8°. Proeeedings of the State Medicai Association of Arkansas. An- nua] sessions, 1871-5 (1.-6.). Little Rock. 8°. [Followed by: Tr. M. Soc Ark.] [196] Proc M. Se Chir Fac. Maryland, Balt. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio. Proc. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Proc. M. Soc. Calif. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Proc. M. Soc. Delaware. Proc. M. Soc. Georgia. Proc. M. Soc. Lond. Proc. M. Soc. N. Car. Proc. M. Soc Oregon. Proc. M. Soc. Virg. "Proc M. Soc. Virg. Proc. M. Soe Wash. Ter. Proc. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc. Proc. Mass. Pharm. Ass., Lynn. Proc. Mich. M. Ass. Proc. Mich. Pharm. Ass. Proc. Missouri Inst. Homceop., St. Louis. Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc. Sketch of the Proeeedings of the Medicai and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland at the annual aeasion in June aud special aeasion in July, 1853. Baltimore. Also: Proceedinga and Reports [of the same] at ita animai session in June aud special session in Septeinber, 1654. Baltimore, 1855. 8°. Proceedinga and Medicai Communications of the Connecticut Medicai Society. [Additioual title in 1860-75 of: Proc. Connect. M. Soe] Proeeedings of the Medicai Convention of Ohio. V. p. 1835-50. 8°. [Title in 1835: Journal of the Proeeedings of a Convention of .Physicians of Ohio; in 1838, and 1839: Journal of the Pro- eeedings of the Medicai Convention of Ohio; iu 1841, and 1842: Proeeedings of the Medicai Convention of Ohio; 1845-9: Pro- eeedings of the Ohio Medicai Convention; in 1850: Proeeed- ings of the Medicai Convention of Ohio.] Proeeedings of the Medicai and Physical Society of Calcutta, at the monthly meetings Jan. 5, 1833, to May 3, 1834. 8-. Proeeedings of the Convention for the reorganization of the Medi- cai Society of the State of California, aud of the firat animai meeting; together with the coustitution, rulesof order, and code of ethics. Incorporateci Nov. 1, 1870. San Francisco, 1870. 8°. Proeeedings of the Medicai Society of the County of Kings. Med- icai ami scientitìc papers, reporta, diseussions and notea, pub- liahecl mouthly in the interest of the profession of Kings County. Couducted by the council of the society. Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 1-8, 1876 to 1863-4. 8°. Proeeedings (The) of the uiuety-fìfth aunual sessiou of the Medi- cai Societv of Delaware, beici at Wilmington, Delaware, Juue 10, 1884. Milford, Del. 1 v., 1865. 8°. Minutes of the Proeeedings of the Medicai Society of the State of Georgia. Savannah. 2., 5. annual meetings, 1851; 1854. 8°. Proeeedings of the Medicai Society of London. London, v. 1- 12, 1872-88. 8U. Minutes of the Proceedinga of the Medicai Society of the State of North Carolina. V. p. L, 9.-11., 13., 14., 20. annual meetinga, 1650-73. 8°. Proeeedings of the annual meetings of the Medicai Society of the State of Oregon. Portland, Oregon. 1875-6(2.-3.). 8-. [«See, also, Proc. Oregon M. Soc] Organization (The) and the proceedingsof the Medicai Society of the State of Virginia (incorporated Jan. 14, 1871). First session, held in Richmond, Nov. 2 and 3, 1870 ; to which is appended a copy of the coustitution and by-laws, aud an alphabetical regis- ter of fellows. Lynchburg. 1870. 8-. Proceedingsof the Medicai Society of Virginia, held at Richmond. Aunual meetings, 1852 (29.); 1853 (30.). 8°. Proeeedings of the Medicai Society of Washington Territory at the anuual sessions of 1873 and 1874 (2.-3.). Olympia. 8 . Minutes of the Proeeedings of the Medicai Society of the State of Wisconsin, at its animai sesaiou beici in Madiaou, commenciug January 30, 1856. Jaueaville. 1857. 8°. [Impeffect. Want pp. 1-15.] Proceedinga of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Sessions 1877-8 to 1886-7. Manchester, v. 17-26, 1878-87. 8°. [Consolidated with: Mem. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soe, fonu- iug: Mem. & Proc. Manchester Lit. Se Phil. Soc. «See, also, Proc. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manchester.] Proeeedings of the Massachusetts State Pharmaceutical Associa- tion. Lynn. 1882-8 (1.-7.) ; 1890 (9.). 8°. Journal of the Proeeedings of the Michigan Medicai Association for the years 1849 and 1850. Jacksou. v. 1, 1850. 8°. Proeeedings of the Michigan State Pharmaceutical Asaociation. V. p. 2.-6., 1884-8; 8.-10., 1890-2. 8C. Proceedinga of the Missouri Institute of Homceopathy. 8. annual session. St. Louis. 1 v., 1884. 8°. Rise (The), minutes and proeeedings of the New Jersey Medicai Society. Established July 23,1766. [Transactions of the society from 1766-1800.] Newark. 1875. 8°. [197] Proc. N. York Path. Soc. Proc. N. York Pharm. Ass. Proc Nat. Confer. Char. Proc. Nat. M. Convent., Phila. Proc. Nat. Quarant. Se San. Con- vent. Proc. Naval M. Soc, Wash. Proc. Nebraska M. Soe Proc. North-West. Ass. Med. Off. Health, Birkenhead. Proc. N.-W. Prov. Se Oudh Branch Brit. M. Ass., Alla- habad. Proc. Oregon M. Soc. Proc. Se Papers San. Convent., Harrisb. Proc. Path. Soc. Dubl. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. Proc. Penn. Pharm. Ass., Har- risb. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasg. Proc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila. Proc. Phila. Obst. Soc. Proc. Physiol. Soe, Lond. Proc. Pub. Health Confer., Frankf., Ky. Proc. Quarant. Confer., Mont- gomery. Proc. Rochester Acad. Se Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. [«See Proc. Portland, [«See, also, Proeeedings of the New York Pathological Society. [New York.] 5 v., 1887-91. 6 . Proeeedings of the New York State Pharmaceutical Association. 2.-16., 1880-94. V. p. 8°. Proeeedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correc- tion. V. p. 9.-18., 1882-91. 8°. [Continuation, since 1882, of: Proc. Confer. Char.] Proceedinga of the National Medicai Convention, held in New York, Ma v, 1846, and in Philadelphia, Mav, 1847. Philadelphia. 1847. 8°; Minutes and Proeeedings of the National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. V. p. 1.-4. animai meetings, 1857-60. 2 v. 8^. [Title of first: Minutes of the Proeeedings of the Quarantine Convention, held at Philadelphia by invitation of the Phila- delphia Board of Health. The word "National" does not ap- pear until 3. meeting.] Proeeedings (The) of the Naval Medicài Society. Washington, D. C. v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, 1882-4. 8°. Minutes and Proeeedings of the Nebraska State Medicai Society, at the 1.-5., 9.-24 annual sessions, 1869-73; 1877-91. Omaha. 8°. [Proeeedings of 3. seaaiou not publiahed.] Proceedingsof the North-Western Associatimi of the Medicai Offi- cers of Health, for the years 1875-6. Birkenhead. 1876-7. 8°. Proeeedings of the N.-W. Provincea and Oudh Branch of the Britiah Medicai Aaaociation. Allahabad. Noa. 6-7, v. 1 (Nov. to Dee), 1882; noa. 8-16, v. 2 (Jan. to Dee), 1883. 8°. [Contin- uation of: Proc. Allahabad M. Soe, aud continued aa: Indiai» M. J.] Proceedingsof the Ohio Medicai Convention. 1845-9. M. Convent. Ohio.] Proeeedings of the Oregon State Medicai Society. Oregon. Animai meetings, 1877-91 (4.-18.). 8°. Proc. M. Soc. Oregon.] Proeeedings and Papers of the State Sanitary Convention, held at Lewisburg, Union County, Pa. Harrisburg. (1888), 1880. 8°. Proceedinga of the Pathological Societv of Dublin. Sessions 1840-1 to 1857-8; sessions 1859-60 to 1881-2, n. s., pts. 2-4, v. 1; v. 2-9, 1862-82. Dublin. 8 . [Waut pp. 1-70 of session 1840-1.] Proeeedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1860-70. 8°. [For contiuuàtion, see Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.] Proeeedings of the Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Asaociation, at ita aixth annual meeting, held in Harrisburg, June 19 and 20, 1883. Harrisburg, Pa. 1 v., 1883. 8°. Proeeedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. No. 4, v. 6; nos. 1-2, v. 7; 1807-70. 8°. Proeeedings of the Philadelphia County Medicai Society. Phila- delphia. v. 1-6, 1878-84; v. 8, 1887; v. 12-13, 1801-2." roy. 8°. Proeeedings of the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. Philadel- phia. Feb. to March, 1890. 8C. [Reprint from : Ann. Gxn&c. Sz Piediat., Phila., 1890, iii.] Proeeedings of the Physiological Society. London. 1883-95. 8°. [Issued with: J. Physiol., Lond.] Proeeedings, addresses, and discussions of a Public Health Con- ference, held at Louisville, Kentucky, May 24 aud 25, 1887. Under the auspices of the State Board of Health. Frankfurt, Ky. 1 v., 1887. 8C. Proeeedings (The) of the Quarantine Conference held in Mont- gomery, Ala., on the 5th, 6th, and 7th clava of March, 1869. Montgòmery, Ala. 1889. 8°. Proceedinga of the Rochester Academy of Scieuce. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1-2, 1880-04. 8°. Proceedingsof the Rovai Irish Academy. Dublin. v. 7-10, 1858- 70; 2. a., v. 1-4, I-69-M, (Science); 2. a., v. 1-2, 1870-67 (Polite literature and autiquities); 3. s., v. 1-2, 1888-93. 1862-93. 8°. [198] Proc Roy. M. Se Chir. Soc. Lond. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soe, Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- bourne. Proc. San. Com. Madras. Proc. San. Convent. Detroit, Lansing. Proc. San. Convent. Kalamazoo, Mich., Lansing. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond. Proc. South Austral. Branch Brit. M. Ass., Adelaide. Proc. South Car. M. Ass. Proc. St. Louis M. Soc. Mis- souri, St. Louis. Proc. [Surg. Soc Wabash, St. Louis Se Pacific Railway], Fort Wayne, Ind. Proc. Texas M. Ass. [Proc] Thérap. Soc. N. Y. Proc. & Tr. Nova Scot. Inst. Nat. Se Halifax. Proc. Se Tr. Path. Soc Toronto. Proc. & Tr. Queensland Br. Roy. Geog. Soc. Australas., Bris- bane. Proc. Tri-State M. Soc Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash. Proc. Vet. Med. Ass., Lond. Proc. W. Lond. Med.-Chir. Soc, Lond. Proc. Westminst. M. Soc. Proc. Wisconsin Pharm. Ass., Janesville. Proc-verb. Confér. san. inter- nat., Vienne. Proceedingsof the Rovai Medicai and Chirurgical Societv of Lon- don, v. 1-9, 1856-82; n. a., v. 1, 1862-3; noa. 1-9, v. 2, 1685-8; 3. s., v. 1-3; pp. 1-43, v. 4 ; pp. 1-20, v. 5, 18-8-92. London, e-1. Proeeedings of the Royal Physical Society. Edinburgh. Part ii, v. 9, 1886-7. 8>-\ Proceediugs of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, v. 1-19, 1832 to.leOl-2. Edinburgh. 1845-92. 8-. Proceedinga of the Royal Society of London, v. 7-57, 1854-95. 8°. [Contiuuàtion of: Abati-, papers Roy. Soe Lond.] Proeeedings of the Rovai Society of Victoria. Melbourne N. s., v. 1-6, 1880-94. 8°.' Minutes of Proceedinga of the Sanitai vCommissioner for Madras. v. 4-30, 1867-03. Madras. 1868-94! fol. Proeeedings and addreases at the Sanitary Convention held at De- troit, Michigan, Jan'y 7 and 8, 1880. Lansing, Mich., 1880. 6-, Proceediugs and addresses at the Sanitary Convention held at Kalamazoo, Mieli., June 1 and 2, 1886, under the direction of a committee of the State Board of Health and a committee of citizens of Kalamazoo. [Supplement to the Annual Report of the Michigan State Board of Health for the year 1886.] Lansing. 1886. 8C. Proeeedings of the Society for Psychical Research. London, x. 1-9, 1882-3 to 1893-4. 8°. Proceediugs of the South Australian Branch of the British Med- icai Association. 5 nos., 1880-1 to 1885. Adelaide. 1881-6. 8°. Minutes of the Proceedinga of the South Carolina Medicai Aaaocia- tion, at ita annual meetings, 1849, 1850, 1852, 1855, 1869, and at the extra meeting in 1854. V. p. 8°. Proeeedings of the St. Louis Medicai Society of Missouri. St. Louis, v. 1-3, 1678-81. 8°. Proeeedings of the [Surgical Society of the Wabash, St. Louis &. Pacific Railway, cast of the Miaaiasippi River]. 1882-4. Fort Wayne, Ind. 1884. 8°. Proceedingsof the Texas State Medieal Association at the annual sessions of 1869-73 (1.-5.). Galveston. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Texas M. Aas.] [Proceediugs of] the Therapeutical Society of New York [organ- ized Nov. 2, 1877]. New York. pp. 1-97, 1877-9. »-. Proceedinga and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Naturai Sciences of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax. Pt. 4, v. 1 (1865-6) ; v. 2-7 (1867-70 to 1887-9); n. s., v. 1 (1891-3). 8->. Proeeedings and Transactiona of the Pathological Society of Toronto. Toronto, v. 1-2, 1889-90 to 1-90-1. roy. 8°. Proceedinga and Transactions of the Queensland Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. 1.-9. sessions, 1885-6 to 1-93-4. Brisbane, v. 1-7, 1886-94. 8°. [Title ofv. 1 was: Proeeedings of the Queensland Branch of the Geo- graphical Society [etc]. The word "Royal" appears first in part 2 of v. 2. ] Proceedinga of the Tri-State Medicai Society (Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky), held at Springfield, Uh, Nov. 13, 14, and 15, 1876. Issued through the St. Louia Medieal and Surgical Jonrnal. St. Louia. 1 v., 1879. 8°. Proceedinga of the Uniteci Statea National Museum. Washing- ton, v. 1-15 (1878-92), 1879-93. 8J. Abstract (An) of the Proeeedings of the Veterinary Medicai Asao- ciation. London. 1.-5. sessiona, 1836-7 to 1840-1. 8C. [Con- tinued aa: Tr. Vet. Med. Ass., Lond.] Proeeedings of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Society. London, v. 1-2, 1884-7. 8°. Proceediugs of the Westminster Medicai Society. London. Noa 1-3, session 1848-9. 8C. Proceedingsof the Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Aaaociation. Janes- ville. 1.-3. ; 8.-11., 1880-2; 1687-92. 8~. Procès-verbaux de la Conference sanitaire internationale ouverte à Vienne le ler juillet 1874. Vienne. 1 v., 1874. 4°. [199] Proc-verb. . . . Soc. de méd. de Strasb. Proc-verb.. . . Soc. nat. de méd. de Marseille. Proc-verb. v. de Vergad. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Afd. Na- tuurk., Amst. Progrès, Par. Progrès dent., Par. Progrès méd., Par. Progreso ginec, Valencia. Progreso méd., Habana. Progreso méd., Madrid. Progreso méd.-farm., Madrid. Progress, Louisville. Progresso dent., Milano. Progresso med., Napoli. Progresso med., Rio de Jan. Progresul med. roman, Bucure- sci. Propagateur d. se méd., Par. Propugnatore med., Ferrara. Protok. Mosk. ven. i dermat. Obsh. Protok. Obsh. Donsk. vrach., Novotcherkask. Protok. Obsh. Moghilev. vrach., Moghilev. Procès-verbaux des séanees de la Société de médecine de Stras- bourg, v. 1-12, Nov. 4, 1858, to Aug. 2, 1877. Strasbourg, 1864-78. 8°. Procès-verbaux des séanees publiques tenues le 3 décembre 1846, 1649 et 1850, et comptes-rendus des travaux de la Société na- tionale de médecine de Marseille, pendant les années médicales 1846-50. Marseille. 8°.. Processen-verbaal van de gewoone Vergaderingen clerkoninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeliug Natuurkunde Am- sterdam. 1865-6 to 1883-4. 8°. Progrès (Le). Journal dea sciences et de la profession médicales. Annales de l'hydrothérapie rationuelle. Paris, v. 1-3, 1856-9. 8C. [Continued as: Journal du progrès des sciences médicales et de l'hydrothérapie rationuelle. ] Progrès (Le). Organo centrai de pharmacie pratique, d'indus- trie pharniaceutique et notices médicales. Genève. [-SeeFort- schritt, Geuf.] Progrès (Le) dentaire. Paris, v. 1-22, 1874-95. 8°. [Want v. 5, 1678.] Progrès (Le) medicai. Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Paris, v. 1-12, 1873-84; 2. s., v. 1-20, 1885-94; 3. s., v. 1, 1895. 4°. Progreso (El) ginecològico y pediatra. Revista quincenal de partos, enfennedades de mujeres y de ninos. Valencia. Anos 1-6, v. 1-3, March 10, 1884, to Aug. 10, 1889. 8°. [Running title of nos. 1-24, composing ano 1, was: Progreso (El) gineco- logico. Jan. 5, 1890, merged in: Crón. méd., Valencia.] Progreso (El) mèdico. Periodico mensual de medicina, cirujia y ciencias. Habana. Auos 1-7, 1880-95. 8°. Progreso (El) mèdico. Revista de medicina, cinigia, farmacia, ciencias auxiliares, higiene y medicina legai. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1876-7. fol. Progreso (El) médico-farmacéutico. (Medicina piretica. 2a època.) Madrid, v. 3-5, 1890-2. 4°. [Continuatiou of: Med. pract., Madrid.] Progress. A monthly magazine for students and practitioners of medicine. Louisville, Ky. v. 1-3, 1886-9. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Progress, Louisville.] Progresao (11) dentistico. Periodico mensile scientifico-pratico. Milano, v. 1-3, 1801-4. 8C. Progresso (II) medico. Periodico quindicinale di scienze mediche e naturali e di veterinaria*. Organo ufficiale dei laboratorii e gabinetti scientifici della Facoltà medico-chirurgica ediacienze naturali della Università di Napoli. Napoli, v. 1-8,1887-94. 8°. Progreaso (O) medico. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-3, 1676-80. 8C. Progreaul medicai roman. Gazeta de medicina, farmacie si me- dicina veteriuara. Bucuresci. v. 1-4, 1879-62. 4°. Propagateur (Le) dea aciencea médicales, ou recueil encyclopédi- que de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, pour la France et l'étranger. Paris. Nos. 33-34, Aug. to Sept., 1825. 8°. [Continuation of: L'Indicateur medicai.] Propugnatore (II) medico. Periodico mensile per gì' interessi morali ed economici dei medici condotti ed esercenti e per i veterinari e farmacisti. Rivista generale dei più accreditati periodici acientitìci nazionali ed eateri per le branche medico- chirurgiche e acieuze affiui. Ferrara, v. 1, 1882. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Eco ci. oap., Napoli.] Protokoli Moskovskago meditsinakago Obshestva. [See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. Moskov. med. Obsh.).] Protokoli Moskovskago venerologicheskago i dermatologiches- kago Obshestva, 1891-2 g. [Proeeedings of the Moscow Ve- nereal and Dermatological Society.] Moskva. v. 1, 1892. 6°. Protokoli Obaheatva Donskich vrachei za 1887, 1891 gg. s prilozhe- niyami. [Proceedinga of the Society of Phvaiciana of the Don.] Novotcherkask, 1889-93. 8°. Protokoli Obshestva Moglnlevskich vrachei. [Proeeedings of the Societv of Moghilev Physicians.] Moghilev na Dnepre. 1887- 8 to 1890-1. 8°. [200] Protok. Obsh. vrach. v g. Niko- layeve. Protok. Obsh. vrach. Volhyns- koi guber., Zhitomeer. Protok. ochered. zasaid. imp. Vilenski med. Obsh. Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., St. Petersb. Protok. i soobsh. Obsh. vrach. Novgorodsk. guber. Protok. i soobsh. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh. Protok. Tambov. med. Obsh. Protok. i trudi Obsh. Archangel. vrach. Protok. i trudi Obsh. Ryazansk. vrach. Protok. i trudi russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova, St. Petersb. Protok. zasaid. akush. - giuek. Obsh. v Kieve. Protok. zasaid. Dunaburg. med. Obsh. Protok. zasaid. guber. zemsk. vrach. soveta . . . , Kursk. Protok. zasaid. Kavkazsk. med. Obsh., Tiflis. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach., Kaluga. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Kievsk. vrach. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Morsk. vrach. v Kronstadt. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Odesskich vrach. Protokoli Obabestva vrachei v g. Nikolaveve [Proceedinga of the Society of Pliysieians of Nikolavev. ] 1687; 1802; 1803. Nikolayev." 1868-91. 8°. Protokoli Ob.shestva vrachei Volhynskoi gubernii. [Proeeedings of Association of Pliysieians of Volliynski goverumeut.] Zhi- tomeer. 1873; 1876; 1885; 1886 (1874-86). 8°. Protokoli ocherednich zasaidauii imperatorskago Vilenakago me- ilitsinskago Obshestva. [Proeeedings of alternate meetings of the Imperiai Medicai Society of Vilna.] Vilna. 1888; 1880; 1892. 8°. Protokoli phiziko-nieditsinskago Obsheatva v Moskve, sostoya- shago pri Imp. Moakovakoni Universitete. [See Med. Obozr., Mosk. (Protok. phiz.-med. Obsh. v Moak.).] Protokoli russkago aifilidologieheskago i derniatologicheskago Obshestva za 1865-6 pò 1889-90; 1891-2 gg. [Proeeedings of Russian Svphilidological aud Dermatological Society. ] St. Petersburg. 1887-93. 8°. Protokoli i soobsheniya Obshestva vrachei Novgorodskoi guber- nii za 1891-2 g. [Proeeedings and coininunication of the So- ciety of Physicians of Government of Novgorod.] Novgorod. 1893. 8°. Protokoli i soobsheniya zasedanii S.-Peterburgskago meditsin- akago Obshestva. [Proeeedings and Communications of the meetings of the St. Petersburg Medicai Society.] St. Peters- burg. v. 7-11, 1889-93. 8°. [Continuatiou of': Soobsh. i pro- tok. S.-Peterb. med. Obsh.] Protokoli Tambovakago nieditsinakago Obabestva. 1892. [Pro- ceediugs of the Tamboff Medicai Society.] Tamboff. Nos. 1- 12, 1892. 8°. Protokoli i trudi Obshestva Archangelskich vrachei za g. 1885, Vypuak i, ii, 1886; Vypusk i, ii, 1887. [Proceedinga and worka of Society of Archangel Physicians.] Archangel. 1885-8. 12°. Protokoli i trudi Obshestva Ryazanskich vrachei za 1891-3 g. [Proceedinga aud worka of the Medicai Society of Rvazan.] Ryazan. 1893. 8°. Protokoli i trudi russkago chirurgicheskago Obshestva Pirogova. St. Petersburg. 1883-4 ; 1868-9 to 1891-2. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii akushersko-ginekologicheskago Obshestva v Kieve. Kiev. 1887-92. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Dunaburgskago meditsinskago Obaheatva. v. 1-2, 1882-3 to 1883-4. Duuaburg. 1884-5. 12°. Protokoli zaaaidanii gubernakago zemakago vrachebnago aoveta i soveta vrachei gubernskoi zemskoi bolnitay za vtoruyu polo- vinu 1885 g. [iii. year. ] [Proceedinga of meetings of goveru- meut provincial medicai couucil and council of goveimneut phvsicians for provincial hospitals for the second kalf-year 1885.] Kursk. 1 v., 1886. 8°. Protokoli zasaidaniya Kavkazskago ruediclreskago Obaheatva. [Proceediugs of meetiugs of the Medicai Society of the Cauca- sus. ] Tiflis. v. 6-31, 1869-70 to 1894-5. 8°. [With v. 9, 1872- 3, the word "imperatorskago" was added to title] Protokoli zasaidauii ... za 1868 i 1889; 1891-2 gg. Obshestva Kaluzhskikh vrachei. [Proceedinga of meetinga of the Society of Kaluga Phyaiciaua.] Kaluga. 1889-92. 12°. Protokoli zasaidauii Obabestva Kievakich vrachei s prilojeniem za 1886-7 pò 1889-90 gg. [Proceedinga of meetinga of the Society of Kiev Phyaiciaua.] Kiev. 1888-91. 8°. Protokoli zaaaidanii Obaheatva Morskich vrachei v Kronstadt. [Proeeedings of the Society of Naval Physicians in Cronstadt.] v. 14-31, 1876-7 to 1892-3. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obsheatva uevropatologov i psichiatrov, sos- tojashago pri imp. Moskovakom Universitete za 1690-91; M)l- 2 gg- [Proceedingsof meetings of the Society of Neuropatholo- gists and Psychiatrists, held in the Imperiai University of Mos- cow.] Moakva. 1891-2. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obabestva Odesskich vrachei. [Proceedinga of meetinga of the Societv of Odessa Physicians.] Odessa Aprii, 1868, to Dee 16, 1872. 11 pts., 1869-73. 8C. [201] Protok. zasaid. Obsh. russk. vrach. v S.-Peterb. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. Smolensk. vrach. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Kazani. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. v g. Simbirskie. Protok. zasaid. Obsh. vrach. g. Viatki. Protok. zasaid. i soobsch. Voro- nejsk. med. Obsh. Protok. zasaid. Tavrich. med. pharm. Obsh., Simpheropol. Protok. zasaid. i trudi Obsh. Simpheropolsk. Prov. M. J., Halifax. Prov. M. J., Leicester. Prov. M. J., Lond. Prov. M. & S. J., Lond. Prov. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Westfalen, Munster. Province méd., Lyon. Prov.-Irren-, Blind.- u. Taubst.- Aust. d. Rheinprov. [ete], Diis- seld. Prov.-San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Konigsb. Prov.-San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. v. Pommern, Stettin. Przegl. lek., Kraków. Przegl. post, nauk lek., War- szawa. Protokoli zaaaidanii Obabestva russkich vrachei v Moskve. [See Med. Obozr., Moak. (Protok. Obsh. russk. vrach. v Mosk.).] Protokoli zasaidanii Obsheatva russkich vrachei v S.-Peter- burge za 1674-6 g. [Proeeedings of meetings of the Society of Russian Physicians ofSt. Petersburg.] (41.-44. year.) 4v. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva Smolenskich vrachei za 1860-1887- 1688 g. [Proeeedings of the meetings of the Smolensk Society of Physicians.] Smolensk. 1 v., 1888. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva vrachei g. Kazani. [Proeeed- ings of meetings of the Society of Physicians of Kazan.] Ka- zan. Nos. 10, 11, 13, 14, 1870; nos. 5-14, 1871; nos. 1-0, 13-15. 1672. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii Obshestva vrachei v g. Simbirskie. [Pro- ceedinga of meetinga of the Society of Phyaiciaua of Sim- birak.T Simbirsk. 1890. 8°, Protokoli zasaidauii Obshestva vrachei g. Viatki, 1888-9 pò 1892- 3. [Proeeedings of meetings of the Society of Phvsicians of Viatka.] Viatka. 1888-93. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii i soobscheniya Voronejskago meditsinskago Obshestva. 1888-9 to 1691-2. [Proeeedings of meetings and Communications of the Voronej Medicai Association.] Voronej. 1889-93. 8-. Protokoli zasaidanii Tavricheskago mediko-pharmazevticheskago Obshestva za 1888-9 g. i prilojenija k nini. [Proeeedings of meetinga of tbe Taurus Medico-Pharmaceutical Society, for the years 1888-9. ] Simpheropol, 1890. 8°. Protokoli zasaidanii i trudi Obsheatva Simpheropolskich vrachei za 1891-2 g. [Proceediugs of meetings and works of the As- sociatimi of Physicians of Simpheropol.] Simpheropol. v. 4, 1893. 8°. Province of Asaam. [See Rep. Prov. Aeaam, Shillong.] Provincial (The) Medicai Journal. Halifax, Nova Seotia. Nos. 2-3, v. 1, 1868. 8°. Proviucial (Tbe) Medicai Journal. Leicester, v. 4-14, 1885-95. 4U. [Contiuuàtion of: Midland M. Mise, Leicester.] Provincial Medicai Journal, and Retrospect of the Medicai Seiencea. London. [Title of v. 4-7, 1842-4, of : Prov. M. Se S. J., Lond.] Provincial Medicai aud Surgical Asaociation. London. [See Assoe M. J., Lond. Also: Tv. Prov. M. Se S. Ass., Lond.] Provincial Medicai and Surgical Journal. London, v. 1-16, 1840-52. 8°. [On Jan. 7, 1853, Lond. J. M. was Scorporateci, and a new series eommeuced, with title: Assoe M. J. v. 4-7 title: Prov. M. J., Lond.] Provinzial Sanitats-Berichte des kouiglichen Medicinal-Colle- giuma vou Westfalen. 1838; 1840-5." Miiuater. 1840-7. 4°. Province (La) medicale Lyon. v. 1-10, 1886-7 to 1895. 4°. Provinzial-Irren- (Die), Blinden- und Taubstuinmen-Aiistalten der Rheinprovinz in ihrer Entstehung, Eutwickeluug und Verfas- aung, dargeatellt auf Grumi eines Beschlus8es des 2V>. rheinischen Proviuzial-Laudtages vom 3. Mai 1879. Dusseldorf, lv., 1880 4°. Provinzial-Sanitats-Berichte des giums zu Konigsberg. 1834-7; 1842-5. 4°, kouiglichen Mediciual-Colle- 1841-2. Konigsberg, 1836-9; Provinzial-Sanitats-Bericht des kouiglichen Medicinal-Collegiums von Pommern. Fiir die Jahre 1832-7. Stettin. 6 v., 1833-8. 8°. Przegla/1 lekarski wydawany staraniem oddzialu nauk przyrod- niczych i lekarskich e k. Towarzystwa Naukowegò Krakow- akiego. [Medicai review publiahed under care of aection of medico-natural aciencea of the Imperiai Royal Cracow Aasocia- tion of Sciences.] Kraków. v. 1-10, 1862-71; v. 15-34, 1876- Przegla/l postejm nauk lekarskich we wszystkich galeziach i we wazystkich krajach. [Review of progreaa of medicai science iu ali branches and in ali countriea.] Warazawa, Nos. 1-2, for 1674 [published iu 1876]; and nos. 1-5, for 1875 [publiahed in 1877], 8°. [202] Psichiatria, Napoli. Psychiat. BI. Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien. Psychol. & Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Psychol. Rev., N. Y. Si Lond. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost. Pub. Health, Lond. Pub. Health, Lond. Pub. Health, N. Y. Pub. Health, Red Wing, [Minn. ]. Pub. Health Mag., Montreal. Pub. de l'Inst. roy. gr.-ducal de Luxemb. Sect. d. se nat. Pub. Mass. Eclect. M. Soe, Bost. Pub. Mass. Homceop. M. Soc. Pub. Mass. M. Soe, Bost. Pubb. d. r. Ist. di studi sup. . . . in Firenze. Sez. di med. e chir. Pubb. d. Soc. d'ig. ... di Padova. Puglia med., Bari. Pulte Quart., Cincin. Psichiatria (La), la neuropatologia e le scienze affini, (hizzetta trimestrale. Napoli, v. 1-8,166;{-!>I). 8'. [Continued, in 1601, as: Ann. di nevrol.] Psychiat lische Bladen, nitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Ver- eeniging voor Psychiatrie. Dordrecht, 1863-5; Utrecht, 18S(>- 8; Amsterdam, 18-9-91. v. 1-12, 1683-94. 8. Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Hrsg. vom Vereine tur Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie in Wien. v. 1-8,1871-8. 8°. [Con- tinued as- Jahrb. f. Psychiat., Wien.] Psychological (The) and Medico-Legal Journal. A monthly re- view of diseases of the mind and nervous system, and of medi- cai jurisprudence. New York. N. s., v. 1-3, 1874-6. 8\ [,SVe Quart. J. Psych. M., N. Y. v. 3, Nov., 1875, to May, 1876, title: Ani. Psychol. J., N, Y.] Psychological (The) Review. New York Se London, v. 1-2, 1694- 5. 8°. Publications of the American Statistical Association. Boston. N. s., v. 1-3, 1888-93. 8°. Public Health: A journal of sanitary science and progress. Lon- don, v. 1-7, 1873-7. 4°. Public Health. The journal of the Societv of Medicai Officers of Health. London, v. 1-7, 1888-95. 4°.' Public Health. A weekly iournal devoted to the preservatoli of health. New York. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, 1879. 4°. Public Health, a monthly journal of State, municipal, family, ami personal hygiene, ancl of veterinary sanitary science. The officiai publication of the Slate Board of Health of Minnesota. Red Wing. v. 1-10, 1885-6 to 1894-5. 8°. Public Health Conference, held at Louisville, Kentucky, May 24 and 25, 1887. [.See Proc, addr. & disc. Pub. Health Confer., Frankf, Ky.] Public Health Magazine and Literary Review. Montreal, v. 1-2, 1875-7. 8°. Public Health Society for Calcutta ancl its suburbs. [See J. Pub. Health Soc. Calcutta.] Publications de l'Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles. v. 11-19, 1869-63. 8°. [Cou- tinuatiou of: Soc. d. se nat. du gr.-duché de Luxemb.] Publication (The Annual) of the Massachusetts Eclectic Medicai Society, containing an abstract of the proceediugs. Boston. 1861-87. 8;. Publications of the Massachusetts Homceopathic Medicai Society. V. p. v. 1-8, 1640-85 (1871-86). 8°. Publications of the Massachusetts Medicai Society. Boston. v. 1-3, 1856-71. 8°. Pubblicazioni del r. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di per- fezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di medicina e chirurgia e scuola di farmacia. Firenze, v. 1, 1876. 8°. Pubblicazioni delle Società d'igiene per la città e la provincia di Padova. Padova, v. 1, 1889. 6°. Puglia (La) medica. Periodico mensile destinato allo incremento dellescienze mediche e affini nelle Puglie. Bari. v. 1-3,1693-5. Pulte (The) Quarterly. Cincinnati, v. 1-2, 1890-1. 4°. , Q. Quart. Bull. Clin. Soc. N. Y. Post-Grad. M. School Se Hosp., N. Y. Quarantine Conference held in Montgomery, Ala. [See Proc. Quarant. Confer., Montgomery.] Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. [See National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention.] Quarterly Bulletin of the Clinical Society of the New York Post- Graduate Medicai School and Hospital. New York. v. 1-2, Sept., 1685, to July, 1687. 8°. [Continued as: Post-Graduate, N. Y.] [203] Quart. German Mag., Beri. Quart. J. Calcutta M. Se Phys. Soc. Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. Quart. J. Econom., Bost. Quart. J. For. M. Se S., Lond. Quart. J. Inebr., Hartford. Quart. J. Meteor. Soe, Lond. Quart. J. Micr. Se, Lond. Quart. J. Psychol. M., N. Y. Quart. J. Se, Lond. Quart. J. Vet. Se in India. Quart. M. J., Sheffield. Quart. Rev. Deaf-Mute Educat., Lond. Quart. Tr. Lancaster City Se Co. M. Soc. Quebec M. J. Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hosp, Rep., Lond. Quinzaine méd., Par. Quarterly German Magazine. A series of popular essays on science, history ancl art. Berlin. Nos. 1-4, 1872. 8°. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Calcutta Medicai and Physical Society. Calcutta, v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1837-8. 8-. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical Society of London, v, 1-14, 1848-61. 8°. [Continued as: J. Chem.'Soe, Lond.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Economics. Boston. Nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1887-6. 8°. Quarterly (The) Jourual of Foreign Medicine ancl Surgery, and of the seiencea connected with them. London, v. 1-5,1818-23. 6°. [Continued aa: Anderaon'a Q. J. M. Se, Lond.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Iuebriety. Published under the aus- pices of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. Hartford, Conn. v. 1-17, 1876-95. 8°. [Publication com- meucecl at Binghamton, N. Y.] Quarterly Journal of the [British] Meteorological Society. don. N. s., nos. 2-6, v. 1, Aprii, 1872, to Aprii, 1873. 8°. tinuation of: Proc. Brit. Meteor. Soe, Lond.] Lon- [Con- -. 1-8, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Scieuce. London. 1853-60; n. s., v. 1-37, 1861-95. 8°. Quarterly (The) Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medicai Jurisprudence. New York. v. 1-3,1867-9. 8C. [Continued aa: J. Psychol. M., N. Y., from 1870-2. In July, 1874, publica- tion resumed as whole no. 23, n. s., no. 1, v. 1, title: Psychol. Se Med.-Leg. J., N. Y.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Science. London, v. 1-7, 1864-70 ; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1871-8. 8°. [With n. s., v. 1, 1871, the words "aud Annals of Mining, Metallurgy, Engineering, Industriai Arts, Manufactures, and Technology" were added to title. In 1879, continued aa: J. Se, Lond.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Veterinary Science in India, and Army Animai Management. Bangalore, nos. 2-3, v. 1 ; Ma- dras, nos. 4, etc, v. 1-8. v. 1-8, 1882-90. 8°. [Want no. 1, v. 1, Oct., 1882.] Quarterly (The) Medicai Journal for Yorkahire and adjoining countiea. Sheffield, v. 2-3. 1693-4. 8°. [Continuation of : Sheffield M. J.] Quarterly Review of Deaf-Mute Educatiou. London, v. 1-4, 1888-95. 8°. Quarterly Tranaactions of the Lancaster City and County Medi- cai Society. Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-3, 1880-2. 8Q. Quebec (The) Medicai Journal, v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1826-7. 8°. [Also called: Journal de médeciue de Quebec] Queen Charlotte'a Lying-in Hospital. Aunual reports. 128.- 136., 1679-87. London. 1880-8. 8°. Queen's College, Birmingham. [See Ann. Queen's Coli. Bir- iningh., Lond.] Queensland Brandi of the Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralasia. [--. 4. »»-i»:(,:i. London. 1 —• "■ ». LoDdou. l-'l. 4 . K :- of the Proceediu;:- of the Noi tLunil.erland and Durham M ■ '■':> al vKÌeTy. S-— io: s 1-7'—7 to 1-." —1. N>v. ca--le-npon- Tyue. 1-7 7-'A'. --. R-D"r:s (Animai» of the Province <>f A-sa:n. 1-77--2: 1--'-.■'■'. 8ì.!::ong. I-7--.-4. ibi. K-' ita (Annual) of the Provincial Boari of Health of Ontario. 1. —Ivi.. 1----9-. Toronto. l--:'.-94. --. Reports l'Annua! j»f the" Queen Charlotte's Lyìn^-in ÌIo«p;- ■.'. i_-Vf Queen Charlotte'- Lying-in Hu-p. Rep.. Lond.] R--port< (Animai- of the Re^n ai-General of birth-, death-. ancl marri i_es in En^ìa'.id. 1.-56.. 1--57—- to 1-.':: : a!-<>. a -uppl. voi. to-.'5. report ,1-''-.' : 35. (1-7-j : 45.(16--'. 57 v. London. 1-39-94. -;. R-porra (Annnal) of the Re^istrar-Genera" on the births. ■. 34.-3Ì».. 1—--:•::. Edinburgh. 1-5.-.A. --. Report of the Royal Commi-- >n on Hi-t>rical Mannscrip:-. Re- port and appeudix. (Pt. 1. LovloD. v. 6. 1--I. f..l. Reports of ■'•> Royal Society of Tasmania. 1-6:',--:'. Hobart Town. Taamauia. - . R'-uort (Annual of th- Su.inaw Hospital. 2.. l-9"-l. Mieli. 1-J1. --. :naw, Report- ( on the Sa: itarv Adminiatration of Briti-h Bornia, for the years 1- 7-- ;..» 1-77: 1679-65. Rangoon. l-ór- Rep. Sa::. Admin. Puujab. La- hore. Rep. San. Com. Bengal. Cal- cutta. Rep. San. Com. Bombay. Rep. San. Com. Centr. Prov., Nàgpùr. Rep. San. Com. Hyderabad. Rep. San. Com. India. Calcutta. Rep. Sai: Com. Madras. Rep. San. Com. North-West. Prov.. Allahabad. Rep San. Com. North-West. Prov & Oudh. Rep. on . . . san. improve, in In- dia. Lond. Rep. on san. meas. in India. Lond. Repoits on the Sanitary Admini-tration of the Pnnjab. for the vear- 1- 7-.' . Labore. 1-6--94. ù>]. of the Sanitary Commia-ioner for Ben^i'. 1. i: 5.-1-.. 1-7-J--5: 2n.-2<'.. 1-67-96. Calcutta Rencrts (A : a 1-'•-: 3.. l-7> 1-6,9-94. fol. Reports (Annual of the Sanitary Cornmis-ioner for the Govern- ment of Bomliay. with appendi.-,-», and r- ,i:.- of -iekne-- and mortali tv amonu-t the nativa tioop-, the j.i;-o^r> in ni'.-, and th.:-general pop-:!a-ion of the Borni.av Pie-uìenev. for the vears 1- 4-9" ^1.-30. i. Bon.l.ay. 1-6Ó-94.' fol Reports'Annual of the S i:;i:v. v Commissioner for the C'entrai Provinees. for the years 1-6--96 1.-26.). Nagpiir. ]*'9-94. fui. Report- of the Sa: :ra-v Commissioner of the Hvderaì.a.l a — i-ned di-trcts forthe y.-ars 1-72-j:;. Hyderabad. 1-73-94. fol. Repoits (Annnal) of the Sanitary Conimi ss; oDer with the Govern- ment of India: with appen.i-ee» aud returna of si. ki.-. and mortaliry anioni: the Briti-h troop- of India, and ai-oan.:,^ the native troop-. and priaoners in the B--:._-al Presidencv for the y.-ar- 1864-5 ,1.); 1-65 2. : Ir66-92 5.--J9.). Calcutta. 1-ùV 94. fol. Reports (Aunual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of M idraa: with appendiees eontainii,j. medieal returna of the Kr.i.ipenii and native tro.p-. and : : s : era in jail-: a!-, the mortuarv retini.» of thecivii p. : i - : for the vear- 1-4-93 ,1.-3'».). * Madra-. 1-Ó.V94. fol. Riporta (Annual) of the » Western Provim.-. tor ti fol. [Continued aa the f. •ai.itary Commi-sioner of the North- e yeara 1> 8-7.; (1.-9. . Allahabad. /Jnwing:] R-port- (Annnal) of the >ui,itary Con.::.:»»:■■ ;.,-:- of th» North- Western Provinees aud Oudh. ì .-1-., 1-77--5; 2t'.-2',.. 1--7- 92. Aìiahabad. 1-7--93. lo]. [Contiunation of the preceding, aud of : San. Rep. < >;;.:,. L eknow.] Reports on uiea-nre- adopted for sanitary improvemen*< in In- dia : to_ether with ab-tracr- of sanitary report- forwarded from Bengal, Madra-, aud Bombay, t"..r tlìe vear- 1-67-7:; (1.- 7.,t. London, v. 1-6, 1-0--74. fol. r Continued as the follow- iug:] Reports on sanitary niea-nres in India. To_'eth,-r with mi-iella- neou- information. 7 -2*3.. 1-7:^-4 to 1-92-3. London. 1-75- 94. fol. [Continuatiou uf the preceding.] [215] Hep. Sapporo Agric. Coli.. Ja- pan. Rep. Scient. Grants Com. Brit. M. Ass., Lond. Rep. See. Agric. "Wash. Rep. See. "War.. "Wash. Rep. Smithson. Inst.. 'Wash. Rep. social statist. cities. 'Wash. Rep. St. Mary's Gen. Hosp.. Brooklyn. Rep. State Bd. Control Wiscon- sin Reformat, [etc], Madison. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y.. Albany. Rep. State Bd. Superv. Wiscon- sin Char. . . . Inst., Madison. Rep. State Char. Inst. Kansas. Topeka. Rep. State Com. Lunacy Penn. Harrisb. Rep. State Hosp. Insane . . . Nor- ristown. Pa. Rep. Se Statist. spec. State hosp. Madras. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp. Wash. Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp.. 'Wash. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army. Wash. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy. Wash. Rep. Vet. Dep. Privy Council. Lond. Repert. d. anal. Chem., Leipz. Report (Animai) of Sapporo Agricnltnral College. Japan. v. 5, 1—0. Sapporo. 16-1. 6:. Repoits (Recent) to the Scientifie Grants Committee oftheBritish Medicai Association. Reprinted troni the British MedicalJour- nal. [Loudou.] 1 v.. 1691. -°. Reports of the Secretary of Aurieulture. L, 16-9: 2., 1 — 9-90; 4., 1-91-2. Washington. 1690-3. --. Reports (Annual) of the Secretarv of War. 1692-3. Washing- ton. 1-93. -J. Reports (Annuali of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian In- stitution. to the Congress of the United States. 1-47-93. Washington. 1-46-94'." -;. [Want 2. and 3.] Report on the social statistics of cities. Census of 1-60. Wash- ington. Pt. 1. v. 12, l--ò. 4-, Reports (Annual) of St. Mary's General Hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y., under the charme of the Sisters of Charitv. Opened December 17, 1— 2. 1.--0 1—:'.-6. Brooklyn. 1—4-9. 6 . Report (Biennial) of the State Board of Control of Wisconsin Reformatory. Charitable und Penai Institutions, for tbe two tiseal Years enùiug Scpteiuber 30. 1692. Madison, Wisconsin. 1 v.. 1>92. Reports (Animai) of the State Board of Health of New York. 1.-14., 1—0-93. Albany. 1—1-94. 6-\ Reports (Animai and Bienuial) of the State Board of Supervision of Wisconsin Charitable, Reformatory aud Penai Institutions 1.-4., 16-1-2 to 16-9-91.1. Madison, Wis. 16-2-91. 6-. Reports (Biennial) of the Board of Trustees of State Charitable Institutions of the State of Kansas. 1.-6., 1-76-7 to 16-7--. Topeka. Kansas. 1-76-66. -; [1. and 2. Reports are for State Insane Asylums at Osawatomie and at Topeka, alone; 3. and 4. include State Reform School, and Institutionsfor the Edncation of the Deaf and Dumb, the Blind, aud for the Idiotic ami Im- becile Youth.] Rejiorts of the State Committee on Lunacy of the Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania. 1.-IL, 1—2-3 to 1-92-3. Harrisburg. 16-4- 94. 6;. Reports (Animai' of the State Hospital for the Insane for the S. E. Districi of Pennsvlvania. at Norristown, Pa. 1.-14., 1—0 to 1-9J-3. Norristown, Pa. 1660-94. s-. Repoits (Annual) and Statistics of the special State hospitals. in the presidencv town of Madras. 1692 and 1893. Madras. 2 v.. 1-93-4. fol. ' Reports (Annnal) of the Supervising Surgeou of the Marine Hos- pital Service of the United States to the Secretarv of the Treas- uryforrhe years 1-71-2 to 1673-4. Washington. 6-. [Continued as: Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp.. Wash.] Reports (Annual» of the Supervisim: Surgeon-General of the Ma- rine Hospital Service of the United State.» for tbe fiscal years 1-74-5 to 1691-2. Washington. 1-76-93. 6°. [Continuatiou of: Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash.] Repoits of the Surgeon-General of the Army to the Secretarv of War for the fiscal years 1^43-4: 1647-6; 1 -5Ì -2 to 1-53-4 : 1-01-2: 1-04-5 to 1-93-4. ' Washington. 1-44-94. 6-. Reports of the Washington. »unjeon-(.i 1—4-7. ìeral of the Navv. 1663-4 to 1—0 Reports (Annual) of the Veterinary Department of the Privy Council Office for the years 1-72--3: 16-5--. vsith appendices. London. 1-73-69. 6J. [1-72-5 are fol.] Repertorium der analytischen Chemie fiir Handel, Gewerbe und óffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Organ des Vereins analytiseher Chemiker. Leipzig, v. 1-7. 1—ì-7. 6C. [Continuatiou of: Correspondenz-Blatt des Vereins analytiseher Chemiker, Magde- hurg. In 1-62. the journal: Wider die Nahrungsfàlscher, Hannov., merged in the above. In 16--. united with: Zeit- sehrift fiir die cheinische Industrie, forming: Ztschr. f. ang. Chemie, Beri.] [216] Repert. chir. u. med. Abhandl. [etc], Leipz. Repert. de farm., Habana. Repert. gén. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par. Repert. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Repert. Jalisc de med. y cirug. pract., Guadalajara. Repert. méd., N. Y. Repert. de méd. dosimét. Repert. méd. extrang., Madrid. Repert. méd.-chir. et obst., Brux. Repert. méd.-farm., Habana. Repert. méd. -habanero, Habana. Repert. méd.-habanero, Habana. Repert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arz- neyw., Beri. Repert. f. d. Pharm., Niirnb. Repert. de pharm., Par. Repert. de pharm., Par. Repert. Soc. de méd. de Boom. Repert. de thérap., Par. Repert. de thérap. dosimét. Repert. d. Thierh., Stuttg. Repert. d. Tierh., Stuttg. Repertorium chirurgischer und mediciniscber Abhandlungen fiir praktische Aerzte und Wundàrzte aus den wichtigsten und neuesten englischen Zeitschriften. Leipzig, v. 1-4. 1792-1801. 8°. [v. 4, 1801, is also called: Neues Repertorium, etc] Repertorio de farmacia. Revista mensual de farmacia, medicina y sus ciencias auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-6, 1-60-5. 6 \ Répertoire general d'anatomie et de physiologie pathologiques, et de clinique chirurgicale, ou recueil de mémoires et d'observa- tions sur la chirurgie et sur l'anatomie et la physiologie considé- rées daus les tissus sains et les tissus malades. Paris, v. 1-8, 1826-9. 4°. Re per tori uni fiir die gesammte Medicin. In Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten hrsg. vou Heinrich Haeser. Jena. v. 1-9, 1841-4. 8°. Repertorio Jaliseiense de medicina y cirugia prà"eticas. Guadala- jara. Nos. 1, 2, 6, v. 1, 1874-5. roy. 8°. Repertorio (El) mèdico. Periodico ilustrado mensual de medicina, cirugia, farmacia, y ciencias auxiliares. Nueva York. v. 1-2, 1883-4. 8°. Répertoire de médecine dosimétrique. Par le Dr. Burggraeve, avec ha collaborai iou libre des médeeins de tous les pavé. Paris; Gami (Belgique). v. 1-5,1872-7. 8°. [In 1674-7,*title also: Repert. de thérap. dosimét. Iu 1878, continued as: Repert. univ. de méd. dosimét., Par.] Répertoire medicai. Revue de clinique médico-chirurgicale. Pa- ris. [See Rev. de cliu. méd.-chir., Par.] Repertorio mèdico extrangero; periodico mensual de medicina, cirugia, veterinaria, farmacia, quimica y botanica, dedicado es- pecialmente à los conocimientos utiles eu la ciencia y el arte de curar, con arreglo à los descubrimientos modernos, por Don José de Lletor Castroverde. Madrid, v. 1-4, 1833-4. 8°. Répertoire médico-chirurgical et obstetrical, ou choix de mono- graphies, thèses, mémoires, etc, sur la médecine, la chirurgie eli l'art des accouchements; publié sous la direction d'une société de médeeins. Bruxelles, v. 1-4, 1836-7. 8°. Repertorio médico-farmacéutico v de ciencias auxiliares. Habana. Nos. 6-7, 9, June, July, and Sept., v. 1, 1890. 8°. Repertorio médico-habanero. Habana. 2. a., no. 1, July 16,1842, to 4. s., no. 4, Oct. 15, 1843. 4°. [In Nov., 1843, united with: Boletin cientifico, forming the following:] Repertorio médico-habanero y Boletin cientifico. Habana. Nos. 1-7, 9-15, v. 2, Nov. 1, 1843, to Juue 1, 1844; nos. 1-6, v. 3, July 1 to Sept. 15, 1844. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Repertorium fiir die óffentliche und gerichtliche Arzneywissen- scbaft. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1789-93. 8°. Repertorium fiir die Pharmacie. Hrsg. von A. F. Gehlen. Niirn- herg. v. 1-110, 1615-51. 12° Se 8°. [Continued as: N. Re- perì, f. Pharm., Miinchen.] Répertoire de pharmacie. Paris, v. 1-26, 1844-70; n. s., v. 1-3, 1673-5. 8r. [After March, 1876, J. de chim. méd. [etc], Par,, was united with this journal, and title became as follows:] Répertoire de pharmacie et Journal de chimie medicale rétinis. Paris. N. s., v. 4-16, 1876-88 ; 3. s., v. 1-6, 1889-94. 8°. [Con- tinuation of the preceding.] Répertoire de la Société de médecine de Boom. 1848-50. 8°. Boom. v. 1-3, Répertoire de thérapeutique à l'usage des médeeins praticiens. Paris, v. 3-12, 16-80-95. 8-. [Title of v. 1-2, 1864-5, was: Répertoire de thérapeutique medicale et chirurgicale à l'usage des médeeins praticiens.] Répertoire de thérapeutique dosimétrique. Paris; Gand. [Ad- ditional title, in 1674-7, of: Repert. de méd. dosimét.] Repertorium der Thierheilkunde. Stuttgart, v. 1-40, 1840-85. 6C. [Continued, in 1860, as: Repert. d. Tierh., Stuttg.] Repertorium der Tierheilkunde. Stuttgart, v. 47-55, 1666-94. 8°. [Continuation, in le86, of: Repert. d. Thierh., Stuttg. j [217] Repert. univ. de méd. dosimét., Par. Repert. univ. d'obst. et gynéc, Par. Repertorium. Repr. orig. communicat.'N. York M. J. Re3. trab. Ateneo prop. de las cien. nat., Madrid. Rés. d. trav. Soc. de méd. prat. de la prov. d'Anvers. Research. Loomis Lab. .. . Univ. City N. York. Resic. Accad. med.-chir. di Fer- rara. Resoe r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Resoe san. d. Osp. civ. di Tri- este. Resoe san. d. Sped. civ. di Tri- este. Restaurador farm. Réunions clin. de l'Hóp. St.- Louis. C. r., Par. Rev. alavesa de cien. méd., Vi- toria. Rev. d'anthrop., Par. Rev. argent. de cien. méd., Bue- nos Aires. Rev. argent. de oftal. pràct., Buenos Aires. Rev. asturiana de cien. méd., Oviedo. Rev. balear de cien. méd., Palma de Mallorca. Rev. balear de med., farm. y vet., Palma de Mallorca. Rev. de benef. y san., Madrid. Répertoire universel de médecine dosimétrique, basée sur la phy- siologie et l'expérimentation clinique par le dr. Burggraeve. Paris, v. (5-22, 1678-94. [Continuation of: Repert. de méd. dosimét., Par.] Répertoire universel d'obstétrique et de gynécologie. [Suppló- ment aux: Nouvelles Archives d'obstétrique et de gynécologie.] Paris, v. 1-10, 1886-y5. 8°. Repertorium (Het). Tijdsehrift voor de geneeskunde in al haren omvjing. Amersfoort. v. 1-7, 1847-54. 4°. [Vols. 3-6 pub- lished at Leiden.] Reprint of originai Communications and miscellaneous extracts from the New York Medicai Journal, v. 46 (July to Decemher, 1887). New York. 1888. roy. 8°. Resiimen de los trabajos an que se ha jenpado el Ateneo propaga- dor de las ciencias naturales durante el ano académico de 1874 ii 1875, leido en la sesion inaugurai del curso de 1875 fi 1876 porci secretano Angel de Diego y Capdevila. Madrid. 1875. 8°. Résumé des travaux de la Société de médecine pratique de la pro- vince d'Anvers, pendant le courant de l'année 1840-41, fait dans laséanee generale du 12 juillet 1841 ; par ledr. H. Van Berchem. Bruxelles. 1841. 8°. Researches of the Loomis Laboratory of the Medicai Department of the University of the City of New York. New York. No. 1, 1890 ; v. 2, 1692. 8°. Resiconti delle adunanze dell' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. Nuova serie. Anni accademici 34-36, 1861-3. 3 pts. Ferrara, 1861-4. 8°. Resoconto delle adunanze e dei lavori della reale Accademia medico chirurgica di Napoli. Napoli, v. 27-43, 1873-89. 4°. [Continuation, in v.27,1873, of: Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Consolidated, Jan., 1692, with : Boll. il. r. Accad. med.- chir. di Napoli., forming: Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli.] Resoconto sanitario dell' Ospitale civico di Trieste. 1873-82. Trieste. 1870-84. 8°. [Continued as: Resoe. san. d. Sped. civ. di Trieste. ] Resoconto sanitario dello Spedale civico di Trieste. 1889-9L Trieste. 1890-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Resoe. san. il. Osp. civ. di Trieste.] Restaurador (El) farmaceutico. Periodico oficial de la Sociedad farmacèutica de socorros mùtuos y del Colegio de farmacèutico» de Madrid. Madrid, 1847-54; Barceloua, 1858-94. v. 3-10, 1847-54; v. 14-49, 1858-94. fol. Se 8C. Réunions cliniques de l'Hòpital Saint-Louis pendant l'année sco- lane 1888-1889. Comptes rendus. Paris. 1 v., 1869. 8°. Vitoria. Nos. 1-12, v. 1, v. 1-6, 1872-7; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1878- Revista alavesa de ciencias mèdicas. July 15 to Dee. 30, 1S86. 8°. Revue d'anthropologie. Paris. 85; 3. s., v. 1-4, 1680-9. 8°. Revista argentina de ciencias mèdicas. Buenos Aires, v. 2-6, 1884-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. argent. de oftal. pràct., Bueuos Aires.] Revista argentina de oftalmologia piretica. Publicacion meusuaL Buenos Aires, v. 1, 1883-4. 4°. [Continued as: Rev. argenta de cien. méd., Buenos Aires.] Revista asturiana de ciencias mèdicas (ciencia, union y moralidad profesional). Oviedo, v. 1-2, Feb., 1884, to Dee, 1885. 4°. Nos. 1-17, v. 3, Jan. to Sept., 1886. 8°. [Want nos. 2, 4, v. 3, 1886.] Revista balear de ciencias mèdicas. (Medicina, farmacia y vete- rinaria. ) Organo del Colegio médico-farmacéutico de Palma. Palma de Mallorca. v. 4-8, 1888-92. 8°. [Continuatiou, after 1887, of: Rev. balear de med., farm. y vet., Palma de Mallorca.] Revista balear de medicina, farmacia y veterinaria. Organo del Colegio médico-farmacéutico. Palma de Mallorca. v. 1-3, 1885-7. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. balear de cien. méd., Palma de Mallorca. ] Revista de beneficencia y sanidad. Madrid. Nos. 1-12, v. 1, July to Dee, 1884. 8°. [21S] Rev. bibliog. univ. d. se méd., Par. Rev. biol. du nord de la France, Lille. Rev. brazil. de med., Rio de Jan. Jlev. chir.. Par. Jlev. de chir., Par. -[Rev. chir. d. mal. d. voiesurin., L Par. Rev. de cien. méd., Barcel. Rev. de cien. méd., Habana. Rev. de cien. méd. de Barcel. Rev. clin. de 1. hosp., Madrid. Rev. de la clin de mal. d. femmes de la Fac. de méd. de Lyon, Par. Rev. de clin. méd., Barcel. Rev. de clin. méd.-chir., Par. Rev. clin. d'ocul. Rev. clin. Soc. d. museo anat.- patol. d. hosp. Juarez, Mexico. Rev. de clin., terap. y farm., Madrid. Rev. d. cours scient. [etc], Par. Jlev. d. cursos prat. e theor. da Fac. de med. do Rio de Jan. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par. Rev. de enferm. de la inf, Bar- cel. Rev. de enferm. de ninos, Ma- drid. Jlev. esp. de oftal., dermat., sif. [ete], Madrid. Jlev. esp. de oftal., sif. [ete], Madrid. evui' bibliographique v. 1-2. 16^4-6. rov. méd., Par.] erselle des sciences me [Continued as: Rev. cales. Parb iternat. d. se Revue biologique du nord de la France. 16114-5. 6\ Lille, v. 1-7, 1666-9 to v. 1, P 8\ Revista brazileira de inedieina. Rio de Janeiro. [Supplemeut to: Brazil-med., Rio de Jan.] Revue chirurgicale. Paris, v. 1-6, 1869-94. 8°. [Title of no. 4, et seq., année 3, Feb. 15, 1891 (pp. 57-414), to no. 10, année 4, May 15, 1692 (pp. 1-170), inclusive, was: Rev. chir. d. mal. d. voiesurin., Par. Title-pages wanting.] Revue de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-15, 1881-95. 8°. [Continua- tion of the surgical part of: Rev. mens. de méd. et chir., Par.] Revue chirurgicale des maladies des voies urinaires. Paris..? Revista de ciencias mèdicas. Periodico mensual de conocimientos médicos. Barcelona, v. 1-11, 1875-85. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de cien. méd. de Barcel.] Revista de ciencias mèdicas. Habana. v. 1-10, Oct. 15, 1866- «15. 4-. Revista, de ciencias mèdicas de Barcelona. Barcelona, v. 12-21, 1886-95. 8C. [Formerly: Rev. de cien. méd., Barcel.] Revista clinica de los hospitales. Madrid, v. 1-3, 1869-91. 8°. Revue de la clinique de maladies des femmes de la Faeulté de médecine de Lyon pendant le semestre d'été de 1878 (service de M. Laroyenne), par Joanny Rendu. Paris. 187lJ. 8°. Revista de clinica mèdica. Barcelona, v. 1, 1882. 8°. Revue de clinique médico-chirurgicale. Paris. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, Oct., 18*4, to Jan., 16S5. 8°. [This title is preceded on covers of numhers by a. general title: Répertoire medicai, which also ap- pears inside as running head-line.] Revue clinique d'oculistique du Sud-Ouest. Bordeaux, 1880-3; Paris, 1664-7. v. 1-7, 1880-7. 8. [Merged in : Ree. d'opht., Par., in Jan., 1888.] Revista clinica de la Sociedad del museo anatomo-patológico del hospital Juarez. Mexico. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1874. 8°. Revista de clinica, terapèutica y farmacia (fisica, quimica è his- toria naturai mèdicas). Madrid, v. 7-8, 1693-5. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in no. 1, v. 7 (Oct. 15, 1893), of : Rev. de terap. y fami., Madrid.] Revue des cours scientifiqnes de la France et de l'étranger. Phy- sique—chimie—zoologie—botanique—anatomie—physiologie— geologie —paleontologie — médecine. Paris, v. 1-7, Dee. 5, 1803, to Nov. 20, 1870. 4°. [In July, 1871, continued as: Rev. scient., Par.] Revista dos cursos praticos e theoricos da Facnldade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-7, 1-84-93. 6°. Revue des deux mondes. Paris. Nos. for Dee. 1, 15, 1644; Jan. 1. 15, March 1, 15, Aprii 1, 15, 1847; July to Nov., 1865; Jan. to Mav, Aug. to Dee., 1600; Jan. to Dee, 1607; Jan. to March, Sept. fo Dee, 1808; 1*70 to Dee, 1877. 8°. Revista de enfermedades de la infancia. Barcelona, v. 1, 1890. Revista de enfermedades de ninos, redactada por el Cuerpo facul- tativo del Hospital del Nino Jesus. Madrid. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, 1-83. 8:. Revista especial de electroterapia. Cordoba, v. 1-2, 1680-1. 8°. [Supplement to: Andalucia méd., Cordoba.] Revista especial do oftalmologia, dermatologia, sililiografia y afecciones urinarias. Madiid. v. 11-10, 1887-92. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1-67, of: Rev. esp. de ofial., sif. [etc], Madrid.] Revista especial de oftalmologia, sililiografia, dermatologia y afecciones urinarias. Madrid, v. 1-lu, 1*77-80. 8~. [Con- tinued, in 1887, as: Rev. esp. de oftal., dermat. sif. [etc], Ma- drid.] [219] Rev. estremena de med., cir. y farm., Càceres. Rev. d. étab. de bienfaisanee [ete], Par. Rev. d'ethnog., Par. Rev. farm., Buenos Aires. Rev. frenopàt. barcel. Rev. gén. de l'antiseps. méd. et chir., Par. Rev. gen. de cien. méd. y de san. mil., Madrid. Rev. gén. de clin. et de thérap., Par. Rev. gén. d'opht., Par. Rev. gén. d. se pures et appliq., Par. Rev. de hig. y poi. san., Barcel. Rev. d. hóp. civ. de Metz. Rev. d'hydrol., Nancy. Rev. d'hyg., Par. Rev. d'hyg. thérap., Par. Rev. d'hypnol., Par. Rev. de l'hypnot. expér. et thé- rap., Par. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par. Rev. Insan. Si Nerv. Dis., Mil- waukee. Rev. d. instrum. de chir., Par. Rev. internat. d'électrothér.,Par. Rev. internat. de l'électrothér. [ete], Brux. Rivista estremena de medicina, cirujia y farmacia; periodico mensual. Càceres. v. 1-2, Nov., 1882, to Oct., 1883. 8'-. Revue des établissements de bienfaisanee: Hospices, hópitaux, bureaux de bienfaisanee, monts-de-piété, asiles d'aliénés, en- fants assistés, dépóts de mendicité, sociétés de charité mater- nelle, crèches et autres établissements publics ou privés. Paris. v. 1-10, 1865-94. 8°. Revue d'ethnographie. Paris, v. 1-8, 1882-9. 8C. Revista farmacèutica. Organo de la Sociedad nacional de far- macia. Buenos Aires, v. 15-33, 1877-94. 8°. Revista frenopàtica barcelonesa. Eco cientifico del manicomio Nucva-Belen en S. Gervasio de Cassólas, suburbios de Barce- lona. Barcelona, v. 1-5, 1881-5. ■ 8°. Revue generale de l'antisepsie medicale et chirurgicale. Journal mensuel pour la vulgarisation des méthodes antiseptiques. Paris Années 2-6, 1889-90 to 1895. 8°. [Continuation, in 188'.t, of : Rev. spéc. de l'antiseps. méd. et chir., Par.] Revista general de ciencias mèdicas y de sanidad militar. Perio- dico oficial del cuerpo de sanidad del ejército. Madrid. [Title of v. 4 of : Rev. de san. mil. espan., Madrid.] Revue generale de clinic]ne et de thérapeutique. Journal des pra'iciens. Paris, v. 1-8, 1887-94. 4°. Revue generale d'ophtalmologie. Recueil mensuel bibliogra- phique, analytique, critique. Paris, x. 1-14, 1862-95. 8°. Revue, generale des sciences pures et appliqnées. Paris, v. 1-5, 1890-4. roy. 8°. Revista de higiene y policia sanitaria. Barcelona, v. 1-5, 1890- 5. 6°. Revue des hópitaux civils de Metz. Journal d'oculistique, de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques, par J.-B.-E. Defer. Metz. Nos. 1-13, 1852-7. 8°. Revue d'hydrologie medicale francaise et étrangère. Nancy. v. 22-28/1880-4. 4- & 8°. Revue d'hygiène et de police sanitaire. Paris, v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8°. Revue d'hygiène thérapeutique. Hydrotherapie, électrothérapie, aérothérapie, hygiene alimentaire, gymnastique medicale, or- thopédie, massage, climatothérapie. Paris, v. 1-7, 1889-95. 6°. Revue d'hypnologie théorique et pratique dans ses rapporta avec la psychologie, les maladies mentales et nerveuses. Paris, v. 1, 1890. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. de psychiat. et d'hypnol., Par.] Revue de l'hypnotisme expérimentale et thérapeutique. Psycho- logie—pédagogie—médecine legale—maladies nientales et ner- veuses. Paris, v. 1-3, 1880-7 to 1888-9. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par.] Revue de l'hypnotisme et de la psvchologie physiologique. Paris. v. 4-9, 1889-90 to 1894-5. 8°." [Title adopted in no. 12, v. 3, 1668-9, and also on title-page for v. 3, contameli iu that nuni- her of: Rev. de l'hypnot. expér. et thérap., Par., which abbre- viation was employed in indexing the numbers of that vol- ume.] Review (The) of Iusanity and Nervons Disease. A quarterly com- pendium of the current literature of neurology aud psychiatry. Milwaukee, Wis. v. 1-5, 1890-5. 8°. Revue des iustruments de chirurgie. Bulletin mensuel illustre des instrnments et appareils en usage dans les sciences médi- cales. Paris, v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Revue internationale d'électrothérapie. Paris, v. 1-5, 1890 to 181)4-5. 8°. [In no. 8, année 2, March, 1*91, it became: Organo ofhciel de la Société francaise d'électrothérapie.] Revue internationale de l'électrothérapie, de thérapeutique mé- dico-chirurgicale, de pharmacie et d'hygiène, publiée par H. van Holsbeek et B. Dupuy. Annales de Pélectricité et Écho medicai, réunis. Bruxelles. [Title of v. 15, 1874, of : Ann. de l'élect. méd., Brux.] p-.'ll] Rev. internat. d. falsifie, Amst. Rev. internat. de méd. et de chir. prat., Par. Rev. internat. d'odont., Par. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par. Rev. internat. d. se, Par. Rev. internat. d. se biol., Par. Rev. internat. d. se méd., Par. Rev. internat. scient. et pop. d. falsifie d. denrées aliment., Amst. Rev. de laringol. [ete], Barcel. Rev. de laryngol. [ete], Par. Rev. de lit. méd., Par. Rev. méd., Bogotà. Rev. méd., Guadalajara. Rev. méd., Louvain. Rev. de med., Par. Rev. de méd., Par. Rev. med., Rio de Jan. Rev. méd. de Bogotà. Rev. méd. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. Rev. de med. y cirug. pràct., Ma- drid. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Bar- cel. Rev. de med. e cirurg., Lisb. Rev. de med. dosimét., Madrid. Rev. méd. de l'est, Nancy Revue internationale des falsifications. Amsterdam, v. 3-8,1889- 95. 4°. [Continuation of: Rev. interuat. scient. et pop. d, falsifie. d. denrées aliment., Amst.] Revue internationale de médeciue et de chirurgie pratiques. (Revue analytique de bibliographie.) Paris, v. 5-6, 1*94-5. 4J. [Continuatimi, in no. 15, Aug. 10, 1894, of: Revue interna- tionale de bibliographie medicale, pharmaceutique et vétéri- naire, Paris.] Revue internationale d'odontologie. Paris, v. 1-2, 1892-3. 8■-'. [In 1894, merged in: Odontologie, Par.] Revue internationale de rhinologie, otologie et laryngologie. (Re- vue analytique paraissant une ibis par mois.) Paris, v. 1-5, 1891-5. roy. 8°. Revue internationale des sciences. Paris, x. 1-4, 1876-9. 8^, [Continued as: Rev. internat. d. se. biol., Par.] Revue internationale des sciences biologiques. Paris, v. 5-12, 1880-3. 8°. [Continuatiou of: Rev. internat. d. se, Par.] Revue internationale des sciences médicales. Paris, v. 3-5,1880- 8. 6C. [Contiuuàtion of: Rev. bihliog. univ. d. se. méd., Par.] Revue internationale scientifique et populaire des falsifications des denrées alimentaires. Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1887-9. 4°. [Continued as: Rev. iuternat. d. falsifie, Amst.] Revista de laringologia, otologia y rinologia. Barcelona, v. 1- 10, 1865-95. 8°. Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Paris, v. 9- 15, l88<)-95. 8°. [Continuation, in 18*9, of: Rev. mens. de laryugol. [etc].] Revue de littèrature medicale. Paris, v. 1-4,1876-9. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Hygiene pour tous, Par.] Revista mèdica. Organo de la Sociedad de medicina. Bogotà. v. 1-12, 1873-89. sin. fol. Se 8°. [Want v. 5, 1878-81. In v. 4, andsubsequeutly : Organo de la Sociedad de medicina y ciencias naturales; suspended after Nov., 1884, till May, 1886, when v. 10 commenced. Continued as: Rev. méd. de Bogotà.] Revista (La) mèdica. Periodico cientifico de la Sociedad de medi- cina de Guadalajara. x. 1, 3, May 15, 1871-6. 4°. [Title of society also appears ou covers as: Sociedad mèdica de Guadala- jara.] Revue medicale. Louvain, v. 1-13, 1882 to 1894-5. 8°. [Fol- lowed: J. il. se méd. de Louvain.] Revista de medicina. Medicina, cirugia e pharmacia. Paris. v. 1-5, 1879-86. 4°. [Contiuued as: J. de med. e pharm., Par.] Revue de médecine. Paris, v. 1-15,1881-95. 8°. [Continuation of the medicai part of: Rev. mens. de méd. et chir., Par.] Revista medica. Publicacào quinzenal redigida por estudantes de medicina. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-4, 1873-7. 8°. [v. 2, suh- title: Jornal de sciencias mèdicas e cirurgicas. v. 3-4 are v. 1-2, u. s., title: Revista medica do Rio de Janeiro; jornal de sciencias mèdicas, cirurgicas e naturaes. v. 4, sub-title : Organi de Associacào medica do Rio de Janeiro. Want nos. 11-14 of v. 4, 1877.] Revista mèdica de Bogotà. òrgano de la Sociedad de medicina y ciencias naturales. Bogotà. v. 13-18,1889-95. 8°. [Contiuu- àtion, in v. 13, of : Rev. méd., Bogotà.] Revista mèdica de Chile. Publicada bajo la redacción de la Socie- dad mèdica. Santiago de Chile. v. 1-22, 1872-94. 8'-'. Revista de medicina y cirugia pràcticas (nacional y extranjera). òrgano oficial de la Academia médico-quirurgica Jerezaua. Madrid, v. 1-36, 1877-95. 8°. Revista de medicina, cirujia y farmacia. 90. 6-. Barcelona, v. 1-4,1887- Revista de medicina e cirurgia. Lisboa, v. 1-3, 1894-5. 8G. Revista de medicina dosimètrica basada en la fisiologia y experi- mentaeión clinica seguii el dr. Burggraeve. Madrid, v. 1-10, 1679-94. 8°. Revue medicale de l'est. Nancy, v. 1-27, 1874-95. 8. [-221] Rev. med. fluminense . . . Acad. imp. de med. do Rio de Jan. Rev. méd. frane, et étrang., Par. Rev. méd. hist. et phil., Par. Rev. de méd. lég., Par, Rev. méd. de Limoges. Rev. méd de Mexico. Rev. méd. du midi, Montpel. Rev. de med. mil., Porto. Rev. de méd. et pharm. de l'Em- pire Ottoman, Constant. Rev. méd., pharm. et hippiat., Liége. Rev. méd. et pharm. du midi, Montpel. Rev. méd. et scient. d'hydrol., Toulouse. Rev. méd. de Sevilla. Rev. méd. d. soc. savantes, Par. Rev. méd. de la Suisse Rom., Genève. Rev. méd. de Toulouse. Rev. méd. vasco-navarra, Vito- ria. Rev. méd.-chir. d. mal. d. fem- mes, Par. Rev. méd.-chir. de Par. Rev. méd.-farm., Castellón. Revista medica fluminense, publicada pela Academia imperiai de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, 1-35-0 ; v. 5,1839-40. 8°. [v. 1 published by : Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro.] Revue medicale francaise et étrangère. Jan., 1822, to Aprii 3, 18-0. Paris. 170 v., 1822-86. 8 . [Continuation of: Rev. méd. hist. et phil., Par. In 1*31, Mémor. d. hóp. du nudi, Par., ami iu 1834, Tr. méd., Par., merged in this jourual.] Revue medicale historique et philosophique. Paris. Années 1-2, 1820-1. 6v. 8. [Continuation of: Journal de bibliographie medicale et de médecine-pratique, Paris, and continued as: Rev. méd. frane, et étrang., Par. v. 4-6,1821, contained: Bull. Soc. méd. d'émulat. de Par.] Revue de médecine legale et de jurisprudence medicale. Paris. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8J. Revne medicale de Limoges. v. 1-4, 1807-74. 8°. [After no. 8, v. 3 (Dee, 1869), suspeuded till Aug., 1872. After 1869, sub- title: Jonrnal cimisi par la Société de médecine et de pharma- cie de la Haute-Vienne pour la publication de ses travaux. Contiuued, in 1876, as: J. Soc. de méd. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges.] Revista mèdica de Mexico. Mexico. Nos. 1-11, v. 1, March 1 to Aug. 1, 1868. sm. fol. Revista medica do Rio de Janeiro; jornal de sciencias mèdicas, cirurgicas e naturaes. [Title of x. 3-4 of: Rev. med., Rio de Jan.] Revue medicale du midi. Montpellier. [Title, after no. 19, v. 1, of: Rev. méd. et pharm. du midi, Montpel.] Revista de medicina militar. Porto, v. 1-2, 1686-7. 8°. Revue de médecine et de pharmacie de l'Empire Ottoman. Con- stantinople. Nos. 6-7, v. 1, Marcii, 1876; v. 2,1876-7. roy. 8°. Revue medicale, pharmaceutique et hippiatrique. Liége. v. 1, 1847-8. 8C. Revue medicale et pharmaceutique du midi: journal des connais- sances pratiques et des intérèts professionuels, redige par une société de médeeins et de pharinaciens de cette regimi. Mont- pellier, v. 1, and nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1*75-6. 8°. [After no. 19, v. 1, title: Rev. méd. du midi, Montpel.] Revue medicale et scieutifique d'hydrologie et de climatologie pyrénéeuues. Toulouse. v. 1-4, 1884-7. 8°. Revista mèdica de Sevilla. Periodico de medicina, cirujia y farmacia. Sevilla. v. 1-24, 1882-95. 8°. Revue medicale des sociétés savantes. Compie rendu analytique des priucipales sociétés savantes francaises et étrangères. Pu- blication du Journal de médecine de Paris. Paris, v. 5-12, 1-66-94. 8°. [Continuation, after no. 30, v. 5, of : Revue des sociétés médicales de France et de l'étranger, Paris.] Revue medicale de la Suisse Romando. Genève, v. 1-15, 1881- 95. 8-. [Continuation of : Bull. Soc. méd. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne.] Revue medicale de Toulouse, publiée par la Société imperiale de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Toulouse. v. 1-24, 1867-90. 8°. [The word "imperiale" dropped from title in v. 5, 1871.] Revista mèdica vasco-navarra. Organo oficial de la Academia de ciencias mèdicas de Vitoria. Vitoria. v. 1-6, 1862-9. 81. [Arch. de ginec. y enferm. de la inf, Madrid, merged in this jourual, Aprii, 1686.] Revue médico-chirurgicale des maladies des femmes. Paris, v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8-. Revue médico-chirurgicale de Paris. Journal de médecine et Journal de chirurgie réunis; sous la direction de M. Mal- gaigne. Paris, v. 1-18, 1847-55. 8-. [ Cousolidation of: J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par., with: J. de méd., Par.] Revista médico-farmacéutica. Periodico quincenal consagrado al progreso de las ciencias médico-farmacéuticas, y à la defensa de los intereses profesionales. Castellón. v. 1-10, 1879-69. 8°. [222] Rev. méd. farm. de Aragón, Za- ragoza. Rev. méd.-farm. de Puerto-Rico. Rev. méd.-pharm., Constant. Rev. méd.-phot. d. hòp. de Par. Rev. méd.-quir., Buenos Aires. Rev. méd.-quir., Maracaibo. Rev. méd.-quir., N.-Y. Rev. méd.-quir. amer., N. Y. Rev. méd.-quir. de Mexico. Rev. méd.-social, Madrid. Rev. mens. de l'École d'anthrop. de Par. Rev. mens. de laryngol. [ete]. Rev. mens. d. mal. de la bouche, Clermont-Ferrand. Rev. mens. d. mal. de l'enf., Par. Rev. mens. d. mal. d. yeux, Marseille. Rev. mens. de méd. et chir., Par. Rev. mens. méd.-quir. de N.-Y. Rev. mens. de thérap., Par. Rev. mil. de méd. et chir., Par. Rev. mycol., Toulouse. Rev. neurol., Par. Rev. obst. et gynéc, Par. Rev. obst. internat., Toulouse. Rev. odont., Madrid. Revista médico-farmacéutica de Aragón. Periodico quincenal, consagrado al progreso de la medicina, cirujia y farmacia. Zaragoza. v. 1-8, 18*5-92. fol. Revista médico-farmacéutica de Puerto-Rico. Nos. 4, 7, 14-15, v. 1, 1877. 4°. Revue médico-phannaceutique autorisée par iradé imperiai. Con- stantinople. v. 1-7, 1888-94. fol. Revue médico-photographique des hópitaux do Paris, v. 5-7;: nos. 1-6, v. 8, Jan., 1673, to June, 1876. 8-'. [Continuation of : Rev. phot. d. hóp. de Par.] Revista médico-quirurgica. Buenos Aires, v. 1-24, 1864-88. 8°. [v. 5-11, 1868-75: "publicacion de la Asociacion mèdica Bona- erense".] Revista médico-quiriirgica. òrgano del Gremio mèdico del Zulia. Maracaibo. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, March to Nov., 1883. 4C. Revista médico-quiriirgica y dentìstica de los Sres. Wilson y Gon- zalez. Nueva-York. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1866. 8°. Revista (La) médico-quiriirgica americana. Publicacion men- sual, dedicada al adelautamiento de la ciencia mèdica y sus aliadas. (Organo espanol autorizado del Congreso mèdico pan- americano.) Nuova York. v. 1-3, 1892-5. 4°. Revista médico-quiriirgica de Mexico. Mexico. Nos. 1-9, 15, v. 1; no. 1, v. 2, Aug. 10, 1883-4. 4°. Revista mèdico-social. Madrid, v. 1, 1886; 2. ép., v. 6-8,1891-3. fol. Revue mensnelle de l'École d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 8°. Revue mensuelle de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Bordeaux, 1880-1; Paris, Aug., 1881-8. v. 1-8, 1880-8. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de laryngol. [ete], Par.] Revue mensuelle des maladies de la bouche; chirurgie et prothèsc dentaires; odontologie. Clermont-Ferrand. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 18*1. 4;. Revue mensuelle des maladies de l'enfance; hygiene, médecine, chirurgie, orthopédie. Paris, v. 1-13, 1683-95. 8°. Revue mensuelle des maladies des yeux. Organo de vulgarisa- tiou scientifique. Marseille. v. 1-2, 1868-9. 8°. Revue mensuelle de médecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-4, 1877-80. 8°. [Followed by : Rev. de chir.,Par , and by : Rev.' de méd., Par.] Revista mensual médico-quirurgica de Nueva-York, conteniendo extractos de los nuevos descubrimientos y adelantos pràcticos que se bau hecho en la ciencia mèdica, y formaudo un compendio de las mas escogidas publicaciones de los mejores médicos de Europa y America. Nueva-York. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1878-9. 8°. [After issue of no. 5, suspended.] Revue mensuelle de thérapeutique. Supplément à la Médecine moderne. Paris. No. 1, v. 1, Jan. 23, 1890. 4°. Revue militaire de médecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1,1881-2. 8°. Revue mycologique ; recueil trimestriel illustre, consacré à l'étude des champignons. Toulouse et Paris. No. 1, v. 1, 1879. 8. Revue neurologique. Organe special d'analyses des travaux con- ceruant le système nerveux et ses maladies. Paris, v. 1-3, 1*93-5. 8°. Revue obstètricale et gyuécologique (aeconcbements, maladies des femmes et des enfants) à l'usage des médecins-praticieus. Paris, v. 1-11, 1885-95. 8°. [Title of no. 1, v. 1, was : Revue d'obstétrique et de gynécologie] Revue obstètricale internationale. Gazette des praticiens et des. sages-femmes. Toulouse. v. 1, 1*95. 8U. Revista odontàlgica, Madrid. [Title of v. 1-2 of the following:] Revista odontológica. Periodico mensual. Madrid. v. 1-5, 1872-6; nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1877; nos. 1-9, 12, v. 7, 1*78 ; v. 12,1884. 8°. [Title of v. 1-2 was: Revista odontàlgica, Madrid.] [223] Rev. odont, Par. Rev. de oftal., Madrid. Rev. d'orthop., Par. Rev. phil., Par. Rev. phot. d. hóp. de Par. Rev. prat. d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf, Par. Rev. prat. d'obst. et de paediat., Par. Rev. san. de Bordeaux. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid. Rev. de san. mil. espan., Ma- drid. Rev. de san. mil. y gen. de cien. méd., Madrid. Rev. san. de la Province, Bor- deaux. Rev. d. se hypnot., Par. Rev. d. se méd., Par. Rev. scient., Par. Rev. scient. et indust., Par. Rev. scient. d. méd. d. armées, Par. Rev. Soc.#espafi. de hig., Madrid. Rev. Soc. méd. argent., Buenos Aires. Revue odontologique. Organo officiel de l'Institut odontotech- nique de France et de la Société odontologique (Syndicat- dentaire). Paris, v. 1-14, 1882-95. 8°. Revista de oftalmologìa pràctica, medicina y cinigia. Madrid. [Title of: Oftal. pràct., Madrid, from May to Dee, 1883.] Revue d'orthopédie. Paris, v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger. Paris, v. 28-34, 1887-92. 8°. Revue photographique des hópitaux de Paris. Bulletin medicai publié sous le patronage de l'administration de l'assistance pu- blique, par les docteurs Montméja, J. Rengate et Bourneville. Paris, v. 1-4, 1809-72. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. méd.-phot. d. hóp. de Par. ] Revue pratique d'obstétrique et d'hygiène de l'enfance. Paris. v. 1-4,1888-91. 8°. [Continued, in 1892, as : Rev. prat. d'obst. et de paediat., Par.] Revue pratique d'obstétrique et de pediatrie. Paris. v. 5-8, 1892-5. 8°. [Continuatiou, in 1692, of: Rev. prat. d'obst. et d'hyg. de l'enf., Par.] Revue sanitaire de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest. Jonrnal des in- téréts de la salubrité publique. Statistique; démographie; médeciiie sociale; assistance publique; hygiene pédagogique et professiounelle; géographie medicale. Comptes-rendus des travaux de la Société d'hygiène publique de Bordeaux. Bor- deaux, v. 1-5, 1*83-4 to 1688. 4°. [In Jan., 18«6, title became : Revue sanitaire de Bordeaux et de la Province. Continued, in Jan., 1889, as: Rev. san. de la Province, Bor- deaux.] Revista de sanidad militar. Publicacion consagrada à los inte- reses cientifìcos y profesiouales del Cuerpo de sanidad militar espanol. Madrid, v. 1-9, 1887-95. 6°. Revista de sanidad militar espaiiolay extranjera. Madrid, v. 1- 4, 1864-7. 8°. [v. 4, title: Rev. gen. de cien. méd. y de san. mil., Madrid, v. 3, title as follows:] Revista de sanidad militar y general de ciencias mèdicas. Perio- dico oficial del cuerpo de sanidad militar. Madrid. [Title of v. 3 of the precediug. ] Revue sanitaire de la Province. Journal des intéréts de la salu- brité publique. Statistique; démographie; médecine sociale; assistance publique; hygièue pédagogique et professiounelle; géographie medicale. Organe des Sociétés d'hygiène de Pro- vince (Reims et Bordeaux). Bordeaux, v. 6-8, 1889-91. 4°. [Continuation of: Rev. san. de Bordeaux.] Revue des sciences hypnotiques. Magnétisme—Braidisme—Hyp- notisme, [ete]. Paris, v. 1, 1*87-8. 8°. Revue des sciences médicales en France et à l'étranger. Recueil trimestriel analytique, critique et bibliographique, dirige par Georges Ilayem. Paris, v. 1-44, 1873-94. 8°. Revue (La) scientifique de la France et de l'étranger. Revue des cours scientitìques (2. Se 3. s. ). Paris, v. 1-52 (2. s., v. 1-19, 1871-80; 3. s , v. 1-20, 1881-90; v. 47-52, 1891-3; 4. s., v. 1-3, 1894-5), 1871-95. 4°. [Continuation, in July, 1*71, of: Rev. d. cours scient. [ete], Par. After 1886, title became: Revue scientifique.] Revue scientifique et industrielle des faits les plus utiles et les plus curieux observés dans la médeciue, l'hygièue, la physique, la chimie, hi pharmacie, l'economie rurale et domestique, l'in- dustrie nationale et étrangère. Paris, v. 1-16, 1840-4. 8C. Revue scientifique et administrative des médeeins des armées de terre et de nier. Paris. Nos. 1-225 (aunées 1-40), June, 1850, to Mav, 1890. 8°. [Iu May, 1890, merged in: Bull, de l'intend. [ete], Par.] Revista de la Sociedad espanda de higiene. òrgano oficial de la inisina. Seeeion de Madrid. Madrid, v. 1-2; no. 1, v. 3, May, 1883, to Jan., 1885. 8°. Revista de la Sociedad mèdica argentina. Buenos Aires, v. 1-3, 1892-4. &. [224] Rev. spée de l'antiseps. méd. et chir., Par. Rev. de terap. y farm., Madrid. Rev. de thérap. méd.-chir.. Par. Rev. de thérap. du midi, Mont- pel. Rev. f. Thierh., Wien. Rev. de la tuberculose, Par. Rev. d. Wien. Med.-Halle. Réveil méd., Par. Rhein. Monatschr. f. prakt. Aerz- te, Kòln. Ricerche n. lab. di anat. norm. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville. Richmond M. J. Riforma clin., Napoli. Riforma med. Rikukun Kunik. Kai Zatji, To- kio. Revue des sociétés médicales de France et de l'étranger. Paris. v. 1-5, 1862-6. 6'-". [Continued as: Rev. méd. d. soe savantes, Par.] Revue speciale de Pantisepsie medicale et chirurgicale. Journal mensuel pour la vnlgarisation des niéthodes antiseptiques. Paris. Nos. 1-9, v. 1, Aprii to Dee, 1888. A . [Continued, in Feb., 1889, as : Rev. gén. de l'antiseps. méd. et chir., Par.] Revista de terapèutica y farmacia. Madrid. [See Rev. de terap. y fami., Madrid.] Revistade terapènticay farmacologia. Madrid, v. 1-6, Oct., 1882, to 1*93. 8;. [After v. 1, title became: Revista de terapèutica y farmacia. Continued as : Rev. de clin., terap. y l'arni., Madrid.] Revue de thérapeutique médico-chirurgicale, publiée par le dr. A. Martin-Lauzer. (Journal des connaissances médico-chiriirgi- cales.) Paris, v. 1-62, 1833-95. 8°. [Suspended from Sept. 15, 1870, till Aprii 1, 1871. Continuation of: J. d. conn. méd.- chir., Par.] Revne de thérapeutique du midi. Journal de médecine, de chi- rurgie et de pharmacie pratiques. Montpellier, v. 1-11, 1850- 7. 8°. [In 1860, merged in : Montpel. méd.] Revue fiir Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht. Wien. a. 1-10, 1878- 87. 8°. [Snpplement to: Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh., Wien, in which journal it merged, after 1887.] Revue de la tuberculose, paraissant tous les trois mois, pour faire suite aux "Études expérimeutales et cliniques surla tubercu- lose". Paris, v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. Revue der Wiener Medizinal-Halle. Jahrbuch der gesammten praktischen Heilkunde des In-und Auslandes. Wieu. v.. 1-2, 1866-1. 8°. [Snpplement to: Wien. Med.-Halle. For con- tinuation, see Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wieu.] Réveil (Le) medicai. Journal internatioual de médecine, de chi- rurgie et de pharmacie. Paris. v. 1 ; nos. 1, 4, x. 2, May 15, 1880, to Jan. 22, 1881. 4°. [Continuation of: Mouvement méd., Par.] Rheinische Jahrbiicher der Medicin und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der medicinisch-chi- rurgischen Literatur des Auslandes. Bonn, 1819-21; Elberfeld, 1822-3. [Additional title of v. 1-7, 1819-23, of: N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Rheinische Monatsschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Kòln. v. 1-5, 1»47-51. 8°. Rheinisch-Westphalisene Jahrbiicher der Medicin und Chirurgie Hamm. [Additional title of v. 8-12, 1824-7. of : N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn.] Rhode Island Medicai Society. [See Communicat. Rhode Island M. Soe, Providence. Also: Tr. Rhode Island M. Soe, Provi- dence.] Ricerche fatte nel laboratorio di anatomia normale della r. Uni- versità di Roma. Roma. v. 1-3, 1872-93; fase 1-2, v. 4,1894. 4°. Richmond Athenaeum, Surrey. [See Some occasion. papers . . . Richmond Athenamm.] Richmond (The) and Louisville Medicai Journal. Louisville. Nos. 6, v. 5; v. 6-27; nos. 1-4, v. 28, June, 1866, to Oct., 1879. 8°. [ Continuation of: Richmond M. J., and continued as: Gaillard's M. J., N. Y.] Richmond (The) Medicai Journal. Richmond, Va. v. 1-4; nos. 1-5, v. 5, 1866-8. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Riforma (La) clinica. Giornale e dizionario di medicina. Napoli. 1677-80. 12°. Riforma (La) medica. Giornale internazionale quotidiano di me- dicina, chirurgia, farmacia, veterinaria e scienze affini. Na- poli, 1685-7; Roma, 1888; Napoli, 1889-95. Anni 1-11, 1885-95. fol. & 4°. Rikukun Kunikakn Kai Zatji. [News of the Society of Army Surgeons.] Tokio. Nos. 4-69, 1886-93. 8°. [Japanese text.] [225] Rimedii nuovi, Roma. Risveglio, Reggio-Calabria. Riv. di chim. med. e farm., To- rino. Riv. clin., Bologna. Riv. clin., Milano. Riv. clin. di Bologna. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli. Riv. clin. d. Univ. di Napoli. Riv. gen. ital. di clin. med., Pisa. Riv. d' ig. prat. e sper., Napoli. Riv. d' ig. e san. pubb., Roma. Riv. internaz. d'ig., Napoli. Riv. internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli. Riv. internaz. di se med., Roma. Riv. ital. di terap. ed ig., Pia- cenza.' Riv. di med., di chir. e di terap., Milano. Riv. omiop. Riv. di ostet. e ginecol., Torino. Riv. di patol. e terap. d. mal. d. gola [ete], Firenze. Riv. settim. di med. e chir., Pisa. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia. Riv. veneta di se med., Venezia. Rivista, Genova Rimedii ( I) nuovi. Rivista mensile di farmacologia, terapeutica, chimica medica e idrologia. Roma. Nos. 1-15, v. 1-2, Oct. 15. 1888, to Dee 31, 1889. 8°. Risveglio (II). Gazzetta di medicina, chirurgia e farmacia. Reg- gio-Calabria, v. 1-3, 1885-8. 8°. Rivista di chimica medica e farmaceutica, tossicologia e farmaco- logia. Torino, v. 1-2,1883-4. 8°. [Consolidated with: Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., Milano, forming: Ann. di chim. med.- farm., Milano.] Rivista clinica. Bologna. [Title in 1883-7 of: Riv. clin. di Bo- logna.] Rivista clinica. Archivio italiano di clinica medica. Milano. v. 27-31, 1886-92. 8°. [Title, in 1865-82, was: Riv. clin. di Bologna; in 1883-7: Riv. clin., Bologna. Continued as: Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano.] Rivista clinica di Bologna. Bologna, v. 4-9, 1865-70; 2 a v 1-10, 1671-80; 3. s., v. 1-7, 1881-7. 4°. [In 1881, et seq., 8°. Contiuuàtion of: Ebd. clin. di Bologna. In 1883, 3. s., v. 3, title beeame: Riv. clin., Bologna. In 1888, continued as: Riv. clin., Milano.] Rivista clinica e terapeutica. Supplemento al: Movimento me- dico-chirurgico. Napoli, v. 1-17, 1879-95. 8°. [After v. 2 published separately.] Rivista clinica dell' Università di Napoli. Rassegna delle cliniche e della stampa medica. Supplemento mensile della Gazzetta degli ospitali. Napoli, v. 4-11, 1883-90. 4°. Rivista generale italiana di clinica medica. Pisa. v. 1-4, 1889- 92. 8°. Rivista d' igiene pratica e sperimentale. Periodico trimestrale d'igiene, demografia ed ingegneria sanitaria. Supplemento al Progresso medico. Napoli, v. 1-2, 1888-9. 8°. [Continued as: Ufficiale san., Napoli.] Rivista d' igiene e sanità pubblica con Bollettino sanitario am- ministrativo compilato sugli atti ufficiali del ministero dell' in- terno. Roma. v. 1-6, 1890-5. 8°. Rivista internazionale d' 8°. Rivista internazionale di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli, v 1-4 1884-7. 8°. ' igiene. Napoli. v. 1-6, 1890-5. Roma. Nos. 1-5, v. v. 1-15, 1881- [15] Rivista internazionale di scienze mediche. 1, Jan. to May, 1883. 8°. Rivista italiana di terapia ed igiene Piacenza. 95. 8°. Rivista di medicina, di chirurgia e di terapeutica. Milano, v 1 [-11], 1869-75. 8°. [In 1875, sub-title: "Estratto dagli Annali universali di medicina e chirurgia". After 1875, published as "Parte rivista" of: Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano.] Rivista omiopatica. Spoleto, 1855-60; Roma, May, 1860-90 v 2-35, 1856-90. fol., 4°, & 8°. Rivista di ostetricia e ginecologia. Torino, v. 1-2, 1890-1. 8°. Rivista di patologia e terapia delle malattie della gola, del naso e dell' orecchio. Firenze, v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. Rivista settimanale di medicina e chirurgia. Pisa. Nos 1-9 v 1, Aprii to June, 1879. 8°. Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e di medicina legale in relazione con P antropologia e le scienze giuridiche e sociali. Re"-"io- Emilia. v. 1-20, 1875-95. 8°. °° Rivista veneta di scienze mediche. Venezia, v. 1-22, 1884-95. 8°. [Gazz. med. ital., prov. venete, Padova, merged in this journal, in Jan., 1885, and it became: Organo della scuola medica dell' Università di Padova e degli ospitali del Veneto.] Rivista (La). Giornale medico-chirurgico degli ospedali civili di Genova. Genova, v. 1-3, 1882-4; v. 8, 1889. 8°. Rochester Academy of Science. Se] [See Proc. Rochester Acad. [22<;] Rocky Mountain M. Rev. Rocky Mountain M. Times, Den- ver. Rocznik Ces. Król. Towarz. nauk. kraków., Kraków. Ròm.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb. Rohrleger, Beri. Rohrleger u. Gesundh. - Inge- nieur, Beri. Roumanie méd., Bucarest. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond. Roy. Cornwall Polytech. Soc. Rep., Falmouth. Roy. Inst. Brit. Architects. Trans., Lond. Roy. Irish Acad. " Cunningham Mem.", Dubl. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. Rep. Rocky Mountain Medicai Review. A journal of scientifio medi- cine and general science. Colorado Springs; after Feb., 1881: Denver, Colo. v. 1, Sept., 1-80, to Aug., 1861. 8°. [Followed by: Rocky Mountain M. Times, Denver.] Rocky Mountain (The) Medicai Times. A monthly jourual of medicai, surgical and obstetrical science. Denver, Colo. v. 1, Jan. to June, 1862. 8 . [Followed: Rocky Mountain M. Rev., and coutinued as: Denver M. Times.] Rocznik Ces. Król. Towarzystwa naukowego krakowskiego. [Annual of the Imp. Roy. Cracow Associatiou of Scieuccs.} Kraków. v. 12, 14, 16, 19," 21, 1867-72. 8°. [This abbreviation has been employed in a few instances in the first volume. The correct forni will he found under: Auserl. med.- chir.-, ete] Rohrleger (Der). Zeitsehrift fiir die Versorgung der Gebiiude mit Licht und Wiirme, Wasser und Luft. Berliu. v. 1-2, 1878-9. 4^. [Continued as: Gesundh.-Ingeuieur.] Rohrleger (Der) und Gesundheits-Ingenieur. Berlin. [Title of nos. 1-17, v. 3, of : Gesundh.-Ingenieur.] Rostovskoye na-Donu meditsinskoye Obshestvo. [See Sborn. pro- tok. Rostov. na-D. med. Obsh.] Rotunda Lying-in Hospital. [See Clin. Rep. Rotunda Lying-in Hosp., Dubl.] Roumanie (La) medicale. Paraissant deux fois par mois en rou- main et une fois tous les deux mois en francais. Bucarest. No. 4, v. 2, 1894. 8°. Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. [See Tr. Roy. Acad. M. ' Irelaud, Dubl.] Royal Academy of Surgery of France. [See Obs. surg. dis. head Se neck. Select. Meni. Roy. Acad. Surg. of France, Lond.] Royal Agricultural Society of England. [See J. Roy. Agric. Soe Eng., Lond.] Royal College of Physicians of London. [«SeeMed. Tr. Roy. Coli. Phys. Lond.] Royal Conimission on Historical Manuscripts. [See Rep. lìoy. Coni, ou Hist. Manus., Lond.] Rovai Commission on the sanitary state of the Army in India. • London. 2 v., 1863. fol. Royal Cornwall Polytechuic Society. Established 1833. Annual reports. 1.-4., 6.-22.. 24.-5*., 1833-90; 60., 1892; 61., 1893. Fal- mouth. 57 v., 1833-94. 8°. Royal Dubliu Societv. [See Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soc. Alsor Scient. Tr. Roy. Dubl. Soe] Royal Institute of British Architects. Transactions: 1882-3; and pt. 1, 1883-4. London. 1883-4. 4°. Royal Institution of Great Britain. [See J. Se & Arts [Am. ed.],. N. Y. Also: Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond.] Royal Irish Academy. "Cunningham Memoirs." Dublin. Nos. i-vii, 1880-92. 4°. Royal Irish Academy. [See Proc Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. Also? Tr. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl.] Royal Loutlon Ophthalmic Hospital. [See Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.] Royal (The) London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports. London. v. 10-13, 1880-93. 8°. [Continuation of : Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.] Rovai (The) London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [Title, in 1867-79, on eovers of: Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond.] Royal Medicai aud Chirurgical Society of London. [See Med.- Chir. Tr., Lond. Also: Proc. Roy. M. Se Chir. Soc. Lond.] Royal Medicai Society [of Edinburgh]. [See Diss. memb. Roy. M. Soc, Edinb.] Royal Microscopical Society. London. [See J. Roy. Micr. Soc. Lond. Also: Month. Micr. J., Lond.] [227] Rozpr. przyr. kow. , . . wydz. matemat.- Akad. Umiej. w Kra- Rukov. k phiziol. (Hermann), St. Petersb. Rundschau a. d. Geb. d. Thier- med. u. vergleich. Path., Oster- wieck. Rundschau f. Nahrungs- Berl. ges. Indust. d. Genussmittel, Russ. Samml. f. Naturw. Heilk., Riga u. Leipz. Russk. Med., St. Petersb. Russk. Slepetz, St. Petersb. Royal Physical Society. Edinburgh. [See Proc. Roy. Phys. Soe, Edinb.] Royal Society of Edinburgh. [See Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Also: Tr. Roy. Soc. Edinb.] Royal Society of London. [See Abstr. papers Roy. Soc. Lond. Also: Abstr. Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. Lond. Also: Phil. Tr., Lond. Also: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.] Royal Society of New South Wales. [See J. Se Proc. Roy. Soe N. South Wales, Sydney.] Royal Society of Tasmania. [See Papers & proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- mania. Also: Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, HoUart Town.] Royal Society of Victoria. [See Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- bourne. Also: Tr. & Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Melbourne. Also: Tr. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Melbourne] Royal Statistical Society [London]. [See J. Roy. Statist. Soe, Lond.] Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzeii wydzialu matematyczno- przyrodniczego Akademii Umiejetnoéci w Krakowie. [Dis- cussious and proceediugs of the sessions of the mathemat.- phvsical Class of the Academv of Sciences of Cracow.] Kra- ków. v. 1-20, 1874-90. 8°. Rukovodstvo k phiziologii. [ Handbook of physiology. ] St. Petersburg. v. 3 aud 5, 1887. 8°. Rundschau auf dem Gebiete der Thiermedicin und vergleichenden Pathologie unter Berucksichtigung des gesannuteu Veterinar- Mediciualweseus. Osterwieck, Harz. v. 1-4, Oct. 1, 1885, to Aug. 30,1888. 4°. [Continued as: Beri, thierarztl. Wchnschr.] Rundschau fiir die gesammte Industrie der Nahrungs- und Genuss- mittel unter Berucksichtigung der Gesundheitspflege. Berlin. v. 1, 1894. fol. Russische Sammlung fiir Naturwissenschaft und Heilkunst. Riga uud Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1815-17. 8C. Russkaya Meditsina. Ejenedielnii journal meditsini i higieni. [Russiaii medicine. A weekly journal of mediciue aud hy- giene] St. Petersburg. v. 9-19, 1883-94. 4°. [Continuation of: Vrach. Vaidom., St. Petersb.] Russkii Slepetz. Journal dlya obsuzhdeniya voprosov, kasayu- sbichsja uluchsheuiya polozheniya slepych. [Russiau Blind. Journal devoted to examination of the question how to amel- iorate condition of the blind.] St. Petersburg. v. 2-4, 1887- 92. 8°. Russkoye cbirurgicheskoye Obshestvo Pirogovo. [See Protok. i trudi russk. chir. Obsh. Pirogova, St. Petersb.] Russkoye fiziko-chimicheskoye Obshestvo pri imp. S.-Peterb. Universitete [See J. russk. fiz.-chim. Obsh., St. Petersb.] Russkoye meditsinkoye Obshestvo pri imperatorskom Varshav- skom Universitete. [See Trudi russk. med. Obsh. p. imp. Var- shav. Univ.] Russkoye Obshestvo ochraneuija naroduago zdravija. [«See J. russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija, St. Petersb. Also: Trudi russk. Obsh. ochran. narod. zdravija, St. Petersb.] Russkoye sifilidologicheskoye i dermatologicheskoye Obshestvo. [See Protok. russk. sif. i dermat. Obsh., St. Petersb.] Russlands medicinische Zeitung. [See Med. Ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb.] s. Sacramento M. Times. Sachs' medicinischer Almanach. Berlin. [See Med. Alm., Beri.] Sacramento (The) Medicai Times. Sacramento, Cai. v. 1-2, 1887-8. 8°. [Continued as: Occidental M. Times, Sacra- mento. ] Saginaw Hospital. [See Rep. Saginaw Hosp., Saginaw, Mich.] Saint Joseph Medicai Society. Missouri. [See St. Joseph J. M. &S.] [228] Saitama Eisei Zashi. Salud, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Salute, Genova. Salute: Ig. pop., Genova. Salute r Italia med., Genova. Salute pubb., Perugia. Salute (suppl.), Genova. Saml. v. Beob. a. d. Arzneyg. u. Naturk., Nòrdl. Samml. auserl. Abhandl. z. Gebr. prakt. Aerzte, Leipz. Samml. gerichtl.-med. Obergut- acht., Beri. Samml. gerichtsàrztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak. Samml. f. d. Heilk. d. Gemiiths- krankh., Elberfeld. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz. Samml. klin. Vortr., n. F., Leipz. Samml. v. Nat.- u. Med.- . . . Gesch. Samml. physiol. Abhandl., Jena. San. dielo, St. Petersb. San. Engin., Lond. [Saitama Sanitary Journal.] Saitama. Saitama Eisei Zashi. Nos. 97-118, 1893-4. Salud (La). Revista quincenal de intereses vitales, òrgano de la Academia médico-quiriirgica de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tene- rife. Nos. 4, 6,11-24, v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v. 2, Sept, 15, 1883, to March 26, 1885. 8°. Salute (La). Giornale d' igiene popolare e di altre cognizioni utili. Genova, v. 1-14, 1865-80. 8°. [v. 1 is 2. ed. In 1675 a snpplement was added under the title: Salute (suppl.), Ge- nova. Continued as : Salute: Ig. pop., Genova.] Salute (La): Igiene popolare ed altre cognizioni utili. Genova. 2. s., anno 14-15, June 15, 1680-1. 4°. [Continuation of: Sa- lute, Genova.] Salute (La) : Italia medica. Genova. 2. s., v. 14-19, Aprii 22, 1880, to Dee, ls»5. 4°&6°. [Continuation of: Salute (suppl.), Genova. ] Salute (La) pubblica. Giornale mensile d' igiene pubblica e pri- vata. Perugia, v. 1-8, 1886-95. 8C. Salute (La). Giornale di scienze mediche, con speciali riviste di medicina, chirurgia e terapeutica. Genova, v. 1-5, 1875-9. 8°. [A supplement to : Salute, Genova. Continued as: Sa- lute: Italia med., Genova.] Saml ung von Beobachtungen aus der Arzneygelahrheit und Na- turkunde. Nórdlingen. v. 1-5, 1769-76. 12°. Sammlung auserlesener Abhandlungen zum Gebrauche praktischer Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-41, 1774-1835. 8°. Sainiulung von Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in der Medicin, etc. [Additional title of: Arch. d. Med., Chir. u. Pharm., Aarau.] Sammlung gerichtiich-medicinischer Obergutachten. Hrsg. von Dr. D. Wiener. Berlin. 1 v., 1691. 8°. Sammlung gerichtsarztlicher Gutachten der Prager medicini- schen Fakultiit. Zusamniengestellt und hrsg. in Volhnacht der Fakultiit von Dr. Josef Maschka. Prag, 1853 ; 2. and 3. F., Prag, 1858-67; 4. F., Leipzig, 1873. 4 v. 8°. Sanimluugen fiir die Heilkunde der Gemiithskrankheiten. Elber- feld. v. 1-3, 1822-30. 12°. Sammlung klinischer Vortriige in Verbindung mit deutschen Klinikern, hrsg. von Richard Volkmanu. Chirurgie, nos. 1- 111; Gynàkologie, nos. 1-104 ; Iunere Medicin, nos. 1-118. Leip- zig. 1879-90. 8°. -----. The sanie. Neue Folge. Chirurgie, nos. 1-33 ; Gynàkolo- gie, nos. 1-47; Innere Medicin, nos. 1-35. Leipzig, 1890-5. 8°. Sammlung von Natur- und Medicin- wie auch hierzu gehorigen Knnst- und Literatur-Geschichten, so sich [vou] An. 1717 [bis An. 1725] in Schlesien und anderen Liindern begeben . . . Breszlau; Leipzig uud Budissiu. 1718-26. 8 v. 4°. [In 1717- 18 at Breszlau; 1719-25 at Leipzig und Budissiu. Additional title: Annalium physico-medicorum, oder Geschichte der Natur und Kuust. Contiuued as: Mise phys.-med.-math., Erffurt.] Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen. Hrsg. vonW. Preyer. Jena. v. 1 ; nos. 1-8, v. 2, 1876-80. 8°. San Benedetto in Pesaro. [See Diario d. San Benedetto in Pesaro. ] Sauitarnoe dielo. Organ obshestvennoi i chastno higieny. [San- itary work. Organ of general and special hygiene. ] St. Pe- tersburg. v. 10-12, 1890-2. 4°. [Continuation of : Voyenno- san. dielo, St. Petersb.] Sanitary Convention held at Detroit, Michigan, Jan. 7 and 8, 1880. [See Proc. . . . San. Convent. Detroit, Lansing.] Sanitary Convention held at Kalamazoo, Mieli., Juue 1 and 2, 1866. [See Proc. & addr. San. Convent. Kalamazoo, Mich., Lansing.] Sanitary (The) Engineer, with which is inoorporated The Sani- tary Register; a monthly record of sanitary news, together with reports of proeeedings, originai articles, correspondence, notes of the month, etc. London, v. 1; nos. 1-3, v. 2, Jan., 1880, to March, 1881. 4°. [Juue, 1881, merged in the following:] [229] San. Engin., Lond. San. Engin., N. Y. San Francisco M. J. San Francisco M. Press. San Francisco West. Lancet. San. Inquiry :—England, Lond. San. Inquiry :—Scotland, Lond. San. Jour., Glasg. San. Jour., Toronto. San. Jour. for Scotland, Glasg. San. Se M. Rep. U. S. Navy, Wash. San. Monitor, Richmond. San. News, Chicago. San. News, Hamilton, Ohio. San. Ree, Lond. San. Rep. Oudh, Lucknow. San. Rev., Lond. San. Si Statist. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash. San. Volunteer, Concord, N. H. Sanitary Engineering, with which is incorporateli The Sanitary Engiueer and Register. London, v. 6-14, June, 1881, to Mav 11, 1889. [In June, 1881, the preceding merged in this journal.] Sanitary (The) Engiueer. Public health, drainage, water supply, ventilation, heating, lighting. New York. v. 4-15; nos. 1-18, v. 16, Dee 1,1880, to Oct, 1,1887. fol. [Continuatiou of : Plumber, N. Y., and continued as: Engin. & Buihl. Ree, N. Y. v. 14 and 15, title: Sanitary (The) Engineer and Construction Record.] Devoted to medicine, San Francisco. No. 1, San Francisco (The) Medicai Journal. surgery, science, literature, and news. v. 1, 1856. 8°. San Francisco (The) Medicai Press, v. 1-5, 1860-5. 8°. [In Aprii, 1865, Consolidated with: Pacific M. & S. J., San Fran., forming: Pacific M. Se S. J. Se Press., San Fran.] San Francisco (The) Western Lancet. San Francisco. Nos. 4-12, v. 8, June, 1879, to Feb., 1880; v. 9-13, March, 1880, to June, 1884. 8°. [Title of v. 1-7; nos. 1-3, v. 8, was: West. Lancet, San Fran. Merged in : Pacific (The) Medicai and Surgical Jour- nal, forming: Pacific (The) Medicai and Surgical Journal and Western Lancet.] Sanitary Inquiry :—England. Locai reports on the sanitary con- dition of the labouring population of England, in consequence of an inquiry directed to he made by the poor law commission- ers. (Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by commaud of Her Majesty.) London. 1 v., 1842. 8°. Sanitary Inquiry :—Scotland. Reports on the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Scotland, in consequence of an inquiry directed to he made by the poor law commissiouers. (Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by command of Her Majesty.) Loudou. 1 v., 1842. 8°. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. [See J. San. Inst., Lond. Also: Rep. Cong. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond. Also: Tr. San. Inst., Lond. Also: Tr. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond. The name "Great Britain" was dropped in v. 10, 1888-9.J Sanitary (The) Journal : a iournal of hygiene and public health. Glasgow. N. s., v. 2-17, March, 1878-94 ; n. s., v. 1,1894-5. 8°. [Continuation of: San. Jour. for Scotland, Glasg.] Sanitary (The) Journal. Devoted to public health. Toronto. v. 1-4, July, 1874-80. 8°. [In Sept., 1880, to May, 1883, aud iu Sept., 1886, to June, 1888, title was: Canada Health J. In Oct., 1883, to July, 1885, title was: Dominion San. J., Ottawa.] Sanitary (The) Journal for Scotland. Glasgow, v. 1, March, 1876, to Feb., 1878. 4°. [Continued as: San. Jour., Glasg.] Sanitary and Medicai Reports for 1873-4, by officers of the U. S. Navy. Prepared for publication under the direction of the Surgeon-General of the Navy, by H. C. Nelson. Washington. 1875. 8°. Sanitary (The) Monitor. Richmond, Va. v. 1-2, 1885-6. 4°. Sanitary (The) News. Healthy homes and healthy living. Chi- cago, v. 1-17, 1882-91. 4J. Sanitary (The) News. The health journal of the Mississippi Val- ley. Hamilton, Ohio. v. 1-2, 1881-2. 8°. [Continued as: Clinical (The) Briefand Sanitary News, Ciuciunati.] Sanitary (The) Record. A journal of public health. London. v. 1-10, 1874 to June, 1879; n. s., v. 1-16, 1879 to 1894-5. 4°. [In v. 5, n. s., also : The Organ of the Natioual Health Society.] Sanitary Report for the Province of Oudh, for the 1. to 9. year, 1868-9 to 1876. Lucknow. 1869-77. fol. [Continuedas: Rep. San. Coni. North-West. Prov. & Oudh.] Sanitary (The) Review and Journal of Public Health. London. [Title of v. 3-4 of : J. Pub. Health & San. Rev., Lond.] Sanitary Society of Shizuoka. [See Shizuoka Eiseikwai Hoko.] Sanitary and Statistical Reports of the Surgeon-General of the Navy. v. 5-7, 1879-81. Washington. 1881-3. 8°. Sanitary (The) Volunteer. A monthly journal in the interest of healthful homes and coimuuuities. The officiai organ of the New Hampshire State Board of Health. Concord, N. H. v. 1, 1889. 6-. ' [230] San. World, Lond. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Munster. San.-Ber. d. k. Med.-Coll. zu Po- sen f. 1830. San.-Ber. d. Prov. Brandenburg, Beri. San. - demog. * Wchnbull. d. Schweiz, Beni. San.-Gesetze u. Verord. [ete], Wien. Sanitarian, N. Y. Sanka Fujinka Kenkyukwai Geppo, Tokio. Sante, Brux. Sante pub., Par. Saratov. san. obzor. Saturday Lect., Wash. Saude pub., Porto. Savannah J. M. Sborn. lek., v Praze. Sborn. protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. vrach., Kaluga. Sborn. protok. Rostov. na-D. med. Obsh. Sborn. rabot akush. i zhensk. bolez. . . . Slavjanski [etc.]. St. Petersb. Sanitary (The) World. Food, health, water supply, and sanitary science. London, v. 1-7, 1684-7. fol. Sanitats-Berieht des kouiglichen Mediciual-Collegii zu Miinster vom Jahre 1830-2. Miinster. 1632-4. 8°. Sanitiits Bericht des konigl. Medizinal-Collegiums zu Posen fiir das erste Semester 16:50. Posen. 1832. fol. Sanitiits-Berichte der Provinz Brandenburg. Erstattet vom kouig- lichen Medicinal-Collegium. Berliu. (1830-40), 1832-4:!. 8J. Sanitats-Collegiuni von Basel-Stadt. [See Ber. d. San.-Coli. v. Basel-Stadt.] Sanitarisch-demographisches Wochenbulletin der Schweiz, hrsg. vom schweizerischen Gesundheitsamt und eidgeuòssischen sta- tistischen Bureau. Bulletin démographiqne et sanitaire suisse publié par le Bureau sanitaire federai et par le Bureau federai de statistique. Bern. 1894-5. 8°. Sanitiits-Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir die im Reichsrathe ver- tretenen Liinder und speciell fur Nieder-Oestcrreich. Wieu. n. F., v. 1, Jahrg. 1670-1 (1872). 8°. Sanitiits-Verwaltuug im Kiinigreiche Bayern. [See Gen.-Ber. ii. d. San.-Verwalt. ini Kònigr. Bayern, Miinchen.] Sanitatswesen von Basel-Stadt. [See Ber. ii. d. San.-Wes. v. Basel- Stadt.] Sanitarian (The). A monthly magazine devoted to the preserva- tion of health, mental and physical culture. New York. v. 1- 34, 1673-95. 8 . Sani tari uni Hospital and Laboratory of Hygiene. [See Mod. Med. A Bacteriol. Rev., Battle Creek, Mich.] Sanitariuin (Laboratory of Hygiene), Battle Creek, Mich. [See Bacteriol. World, Battle Creek, Mieli.] Sanka Fujinka Kenkyukwai Geppo. [Monthly journal of the Obstetric and Gvmecological Society.] Tokio. Nos. 22-21), 1893. 8\ Sankt-Peterburgskoye rodovspomogateluie zavedenie. [SeeMed. otchet S.-Peterb. rodovsp. zaved.] Santa Clara Conntv Medicai Society. [See Tr. Santa Clara Co. M. Soe, San José, Calif.] Sante (La). Journal d'hygièue publique et privée, salubrité pu- blique et police sanitaire. Bruxelles, v. 1-10, 1649-50. roy. 6-, Sauté (La) publique. Hygiene et médecine popnlaires. Paris. N. s., v. 1-4, May 1, 1872, to Aprii 15, 1876; nos. 97-112, v. 8, May 1 to Dee. 15, 1876; 3. s., nos. 1-3, May to Sept., 1887. fol. Sapporo Agricultural College, Japan. [See Rep. Sapporo Agric. Coli., Japan.] Saratovski sauitarniy obzor. Zemsko-meditsinski zhurnal, izda- vayeiniy 2 raza v myesyach gubernskini zemstvom. [Saratov sanitary review. A medicai journal for tbe country-states, issued twice a month by the countrv-state of the government of Saratov.] Saratov. v. 1-2, 1891-2. 8-. Saturday (The) Lectures, delivered in the Lectnre-Room of the U. S. National Museum, under the auspices of the Anthropologi- cal and Biological Societies of Washington, in March and Aprii, 1882. Washington. 1882. 8°. Saude (A) publica. 1884-7. 4-, Hebdomadario de hygiene. Porto, v. 1-4, Savannah (The) Journal of Medicine. Savannah, Ga. v. 1-1, 1858-61 : n. a., x. 5,1866. 8°. [Nothiug published from 1861-6.] Sbornik lékafsky. (Archives bohémes de médecine.) Casopis prò pèstovàhi védy lékafské. v Praze. v. 1-4, 1887-93. 6 . Sbornik protokolov Obshestva Kaluzhskikh vrachei. 1693. [Collection of Proeeedings of the Society of Physicians of Kaluga.] Kaluga. 1894. 8-. Sbornik protokolov Rostovskago na-Donu meditsinskago Ob- shestva za 1-86 i 18-7 g. [Collection of Proeeedings of the Ro- stov on the Don Medicai Society.] Rostov na-Donu. 1-8'.). 8J. Sbornik rabot pò aknsherstvn i zhenskim boleznyam . . . Slav- janski [etc]. [Collection of essays on obstetrics and diseases of women. dedicateti to . . .] St. Petersburg. 2 v., 1894. 8°. [231] Sborn. rabot hyg. lab. Moskov. Univ., Mosk. Sborn. rabot, proizved. lab. An- repa, Charkoff. Sborn. sochin. pò sudeb. med., St. Petersb. Sborn. statei pò nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk. Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Mariinsk. bolnitzy d. b. Scalpel, Liége. Scalpel, N. Y. Schat d. Gezondh, Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Arbeiten [ete], Bresl. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur. Phil.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz. School of Mines Quart., N. Y. Schrift. d. Gesellsch. z. Befòrd. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Schrift. d. Gesellsch. f. Exper.- Psychol. zu Beri., Leipz. Sbornik rabot hygienicheskoi laboratorii Moskovskago Univer- siteta. Pod redaktsiei ord. prof. F. F. Erismana. Moskva. Nos. 1-4, 1886-91. 8°. Sbornik rabot, proizvedennich v laboratorii V. K. Anrepa. [Col- lection of iuvestigations perforateci in the laboratory of V. K. Aurep.] Nos. 1-2, 1885-6 to 1686-7. Charkoff, 1886-7. 8~. Sbornik sochinenii pò sudebnoi meditsinie, sudebnoi psichiatrii, meditsinskoi politsii, obtchestvennoi higienie, epidemiologii, meditsinskoi geographii i meditsinskoi statistikie, izdavaemii Meditsinskim Departamentom. St; Petersburg. 2 v., 1876; 3 v., 1877; 2 v., 1878; 3 v., 1879; 3 v., 1880; 3 v., 1881. 8°. Sbornik statei pò nevropatologii i psichiatrii, posviatshennyi Aleksei Jakovlevich Kojevnikoff ego uchenikami v 25. godov- shinu ego doktorskoi dissertatsii. [Collection of observations on neuropatholo»y and psychiatry, dedicateci to Aleksei Jakov- levich Kojevnikorr', by bis pupils, on the 25. anniversary of his cloctor's dissertati on.] Moskva. 1 v., 1890. 8°. Sbornik trndov vrachei S.-Peterburgskoi Mariinskoi bolnitzy d. b. (Pt. I.) [Collection of Works of physicians of the St. Petersburg Mary Hospital for the Poor. ] St. Petersburg. 1802. 8°. Scalpel (Le). Organe des intéréts scientifiques et professionnels de la médecine, [etc.]. Liége. v. 4-47, Aug. 10, 1651, tol894- 5. fol. Scalpel (The). A journal of health adapted to popular and pro- fessional reading and the exposure of quackery. New York. v. 1-12, 1819-61. 8°. Schat der Gezondheid. Een tijdsehrift voor alle stànden, tot be- vordering van volkswelvaart, door verspreiding van een vondige beginselen van gezondheidsleer en openbare gezondheiclsrege- ling eu binine toepassing op het individueel en maatschappelijk leven. Haarlem, 1858-63; Amsterdam, 1864; Gorinchem, 1865-6. v. 1-9, 1858-66. 8 . Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuchtung und Wasserversorgung. Miinchen u. Leipzig. [See J. f. Gasbeleucht. u. Wasserversorg., Miinchen u. Leipz.] [These abbreviations have been employed in a few instances in > the first volume. The corrected form will he found in the suc- ceeding section.] Schlesische Gesellsehaft fiir vaterliindische Kultur. [See Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Bresl. Also: Abhandl d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult! Phil.-hist. Abth., Bresl. Also : Ausz. a. d. Uebers. d. Arb. u. Veriind. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Also : Denkschr. z. Feier ihres 50jahr. Besteh. hrsg. v. il. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Also: Jahresb. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Also: N. Breslau. Samml. a. d. Geb. d. Heilk. . . . d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult. Also: Uebers. d. Arb. u. Veriind. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl.] Schmidt's Jahrbiicher. Leipzig, v. 1-245, 1834-95. roy. 8°. [Title of v. 1-40,1834-43, was: Jahrbiicher der in- uud auslandi- sehen gesaminten Medicin.] Schola clinica chirurgica Cuesarea? Universitatis Charcoviensis. [See Anu. schola? clin. chir. Caes. Univ. Charcovieusis.] School (The) of Mines Quarterly. New York. v. 1-16, 1879-95. Schriften der Gesellsehaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wisseuschaften zu Marburg. v. 9-10; 1., 3., 7. Abhandl., v. 11; 2.-5. Abhandl., v. 12, 1871-92. 8°. Schriften der Gesellsehaft fiir Experi mental-Psychologie zu Ber- lin. Leipzig. 1.-4. Stiick, 1890. 8-. [2:12] Schrift. d. Gesellsch. f. psychol. Forsch., Leipz. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig. Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw.-Holst., Kiel. Schrift. d. phys.-òkonom. Ge- sellsch. zu Konigsb. Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Bern. Schweiz. BI. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zii- rich. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., Bern. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Mil.-, San.- u. Med.-Wes., Sarmenstorf. Schweiz. Monatschr. f. prakt. Med., Bern. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaflhausen. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir., u. Geburtsh., Ziirich. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. Schweiz.-Arch. f. Thierh., Zii- rich. Schweizerhof, . . . f. Nerv.- u. Psych.-Kranke weibl. Geschl., Beri. Science. Science, N. Y. Science libre, Par. Science pour tous, Par. Schriften der Gesellsehaft fiir xisvchologisclie Forschuug. Leip- zig. Hft. 1-6, 1SLU-4. 8 . Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellsehaft in Danzig. v. 1-6, 1.-63--7 : lift. 2-3, v. 7, 1888-90; Hft. 3-4, v. 6, 1894. 8=. Schriften des naturwisseiischaftlichen Vereins fiir Schleswig- Holsteiu. Kiel. v. 1-9, 1873-92; lift. 1, v. 10, 1893. 8\ Schriften der phvsikalisch-okonomischen Gesellsehaft zu Konigs- berg. v. 1-18* 1860-77; v. 24, 1683. 4°. Schriften der Universitiit zu Kiel. v. 2-28, 1855-81. 4°. Schweizerische Konferenz fiir das Idiotenwesen. [See Verhandl. d. schweiz. Konfer. f. d. Idioteuwes., Ziirich.] Schweizerische niilitiirarztliche Gesellsehaft. [See Schweiz. Cor.- Bl. f. Mil.-, San.- u. Med.-Wes., Sarmenstorf.] Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellsehaft. [See Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Gesellsch.] Schweizerischer Apotheker-Verein. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen.] Schweizerischer Verein fur Straf- und Gefangnisswesen. [See Verhandl. ci. schweiz. Ver. f. Straf- u. Gelangnissw. [etc].] Sehweizerisches Arehiv fiir Thierheilkunde undThierzucht. Beni. v. 1-5, l87(.i-83. 8°. [After 1883, merged in : Schweiz.-Arch. f. Thierh., Ziirich.] Schweizerische Blàtter fiir Gesundheitspflege. Dem Schweizer- volke gewidmet von der Gesellsehaft der Aerzte des Kantons Ziirich. Ziirich. N. F., v. 1-9, 1886-94. 8°. [Continuation, iu 1866, of: BI. f. Gsndhtspflg., Ziirich.] Sehweizerisches Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte unii Apotheker. Bern. [Title of v. 3,1852, of : Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth.] Sehweizerisches Correspondenz-Blatt fiir Militar-, Sanitiits- und Medizinal-Wesen. Organ der schweizerischen militararztlicheu Gesellsehaft. Sarmenstorf. v. 1-4, 1855-8. 8°. Sehweizerisches Gesundheitsauit. d. Schweiz, Bern.] [See San.-demog. AVehnbull. Bern. v. Bern. v. 1-3, 1862-4. Schweizerische Monatschrift fiir praktische Medizin 1, 3-5, 1856, 1858-60. 8°. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Pharmacie. Im Auftrage des schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins hrsg. von C. W. Stein. Schaffhausen. v. 1-32, 1876-94. e°. Schweizerische Zeitsehrift fiir Heilkunde. 8°. Schweizerische Zeitsehrift fiir Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburts- hiilfe. Hrsg. vón den meilizinisch-chirurgischen Kantonalge- sellschaften von Ziirich uud Bern. Ziirich. v. 1-12, 1845-56. 8C. Schweizerische Zeitsehrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Ziirich, 1834-5; Heilbronn, 1836-8; Ziirich, 1839-41. v. 1-3, 1834-8; u. F., v. 1-3, 1838-41. 8°. Schweizer-Archiv fiir Thierheilkunde. Ziirich. v. 25-37, 1883- 95. 8°. [Schweiz.-Arch. f. Thierh., Berny merged in this jour- nal, after 1883.] Schweizerhof, Privat-Heilanstalt Kranke weiblichen Geschlechts. v., 1893. 4-. fiir Nerven- und Psychisch- Zweiter Bericht. Berlin. 1. Cambridge, Mass., 1883-5; 8-' Se 4-. Science. An illustrateli journal. New York, 1885-8. v. 1-12, 1883-8. Science. A weekly record of scientifie progress. New York, v. 1-23, 1880-94; n. s., v. 1, 1895. 4°. [In 1895, published at New York ancl Lancaster, Pa.] Science (La) libre. Journal hebdomadaire scientifique et medi- cai. Paris, v. 1 ; nos. 1-2, v.2, Oct. 10, 1886, to Jan. 0,1887. 6°. Science (La) pour tous; revne hebdomadaire illustrée paraissant le saniedi. Astronomie, mécauique, x>hysique, chimie, travaux pnblics, chemins de fer, agriculture, exjiositions, hygiene, méde- cine, physiologie, voyages, histoire naturelle, geologie, sociétés savantes, mines, etc. Paris, v. 17-22, 1872-7. 4-. [233] Sciences biol. à la fin du XIX1 siècle, Par. Scient mem. med. off. India, Calcutta. Scient. Proc. Ohio Mech. Inst., Cincin. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dubl. Soe Scient. Tr. Roy. Dubl. Soe Scottish M. Press, Edinb. Scottish & North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb. Scriptores neurol. minores se- lecti, Lipsiae. Scuola med. napol. Scuola positiva, Napoli. Séance pub. de l'École de méd. de Par. [etc]. Séance pub. de l'École roy. de méd. de Bordeaux [ete]. Séance pub. de la Soc. roy. de méd., chir. et pharm. de Tou- louse. Segno, Firenze. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo. Select. monog. on dermat., Lond. Select. Ree Gov., North-West. Prov., Allahabad. Selecta med. Francof. Selectae ex . . . Caroli Linnaei, diss. ad nat. hist. pertinentes, Greecii. Selmi, Pavia. Semaine méd., Par. Sciences (Les) biologiques à la fin dn XIXe siècle. Médeciue, hy- giene, anthropologie, sciences naturelles, etc. Paris. 1 v., 1893. roy. 8 . Scientifie Grants Committee of the British Medicai Association. [See Rep. Scieut. Grants Coni. Brit. M. Ass., Lond.] Scientifie memoirs bv medicai officers of the army of India. Cal- cutta, Parts 1-8 (1884-94), 1885-94. 4°. Sqientific Proeeedings of the Ohio Mechanics' Institute. Cincin- nati. Nos. 1 ancl 2, v. 1, Jan., 1882. 8°. Scientifie (The) Proeeedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Dub- lin. v. 1-7, 1877-92 ; pts. 1, 2, v. 8, 1893. 8°. Scientifie (The) Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Dub- liu. 2. s., v. 1-4, 1880-92; pt. 1-4, v. 5, 1893. 4°. Scottish Medicai Press. Edinburgh. Nos. 1, 2, Oct., 1868. 4°. [Snpplement to: Med. Press & Ciré, Lond.] Scottish Meteorological Society. [See J. Scot. Meteor. Soe, Edinb. Se Loud.] Scottish (The) and North of England Medicai Gazette. Edinburgh. v. 1, 1843-4. 8°. [Continued as: North. J. M., Edinb.] Scriptores neurologici minores selecti, sive opera minora ad ana- tomiam, physiologiam et pathologiam nervorum spectantia. Edidit notulis uonnullis illustravit praefatus est . . . C. F. Lud- wig. Lipsia-. 4 v. in 3, 1791-5. 4°. Scuola d' anatomia patologica. [See Arch. d. Scuola d' anat. pa- tol., Firenze] Scuola (La) medica napolitana. v. 2-6, 1878-83. 8°. se med., Napoli.] Napoli. teruaz. d. Giornale pei medici esercenti. [Continuation of : N. gior. in- Scuola (La) positiva nella giurisprudenza civile e penale e nella vita sociale. Napoli, v. 1-4, 181)1-4. 8°. Séance publique de l'École de médecine de Paris pour la rentrée des écoles et la distribution des prix. Ans X-XII (1801-2 to 1803-4); XIV [1805]; 1806; 1807. [Paris, 1801-7.] 4°. Séance publique de l'École royale de médecine de Bordeaux, . .. tenue le 6 septembre 1817, xiour la distribution des prix et la cinture de l'année scholaire Bordeaux. 1817. 8°. Séance publique de la Société royale de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Toulouse. Toulouse 1837-47. 8°. Secretary of War. [See Rep. See War, WTash.] Segno (II). Rivista mensile di semeiologia e patologia speciale medica. Fireuze. v. 1, 1889-90. 8°. [Contiuued in: Speri- mentale. Comuuicaz. e riv., Firenze.] Sei-i-Kwai (The) Medicai Journal. Edited and published by Sei- i-Kwai, or Society for the Advancement of Medicai Science in Japan. Tokyo, v. 5-14, 1886-95. 8°. Selected monographs on dermatology. London. 1 v., 1893. 8°. Selections from the Records of Government, North-Western Prov- inees. Allahabad. Parts xl and xlii, n. s., no. 2, v. 2, 1864 and 1869. fol. Selecta medica Francofnrtensia, anatomen, inprimis practicam, chirurgiam, materiam medicam, ipsamque universam medicinali) tam clinicam quani forensem variis casibus et observatiouibus, ete, illustrantia et digesta in hoc volumen primum. Franco- furti ad Viaclrum. v. 1, 1736. 12°. Selecta^ ex ameenitatibus academicis Caroli Linnsei, dissertationes ad universam natnralem historiam pertinentes, quas edidit, et aclclitamentis auxit L. B. e S. I. Graecii. 3 v., 1764-9. 4°. Selmi (II). Giornale di chimica, fisica e scienze affini, applicate allo studio delle alterazioni e falsificazioni degli alimenti e be- vaude, delle materie prime e loro prodotti di uso commerciale, farmaceutico, industriale, agricolo e domestico; all' igiene del- l' aria, del suolo, degli opifici, delle abitazioni, ecc. Organo dei laboratori municipali di chimica e d' igiene. Pavia, v 1-4 lc90-4, igiene. Pavia, v. 1-4,. Semaine (La) medicale Paris, v. 2-15, 1882-95. fol. [234] Semana méd.. Buenos Aires. Semanario farm.. Madrid. Semi month. J Proc Path. Scc. Phila . Wilmington Semi-month. M. News. Louis- ville. Sentido catól.. Barcel. Sezon. Listok russk. minerai. vod, S -Peterb. Shefreld M. J. ShikaKenkukwai Geppo. Tokio. Shika Kogikwai Kogiroku. To- kio. Shika Kokyaiho. Tokio. Shika Zashi. Tokio. Shimane Shikwai Zashi. Shiritsu-Eiseikwai "Wakayama Shikwai Zashi. Shizuoka Eiseikwai Hoko. Sicilia med.. Palermo. Siècle méd.. Par. Siglo méd.. Madrid. Sitz Protok. d. acht Aerztekam. Bayerns. Munchen. Sitz.-Protok. d. arztl. Lokalver. zu Niirnb.. Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. àrztl. Bezirksver. in Erlang.. Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. arztl. Ver. Miin- chen. Sitzungsb. d. geburtsh.-gynaek. Gesellsch. in Wien Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Be- fòrd. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f Gy- nak. in Munchen. -Sitzungsb d. Gesellsch. f. Mor- phol. u. Physiol. in Munchen. Semana mèdica. Bnenos Aires, v. 1, 1-94. -, 8einanario farmacèutico. Revista cientifica, protesi miai y econo- mica de la ivspectiva facultad. y de los estudios ^em-rah-s »n que fnnda su apìicacion. Madrid, v. 1-5. Oet. ti. 1-72. to Sept. 2'.',. 1-77: v. ll-l'-. Oct. 1. 1--2. to Sept. 2, 1 —. - . Seiiii-niontlily Jonrnal of the Proceediugs of the Pathological Society of "Philadelphia. Wilmington, Del. v. 1, l--o. 4;. 6- ìni-monthly ; The » Medicai New*. Lo-isville. Ky, v. 1, 1-59. - . [Continued a^: Mouth. M. News. Louisville] 6. ntido (El) carólico en la- ciencias mèdica-. Revista médico- pràetiea. Barcelona, v. 1-10. 1-79-—. fol. A - . - . 'liiiiy Li-tok russkich mineralnich vod. [Season-Jonrnal of Ru--ian minerai waters.] S.-1'cteihnr ■;. v. • ">, 1—4. fol. Sh'-rnrld (The) M> li' al Journal. A quarterly review of the medi- cai science- for Yorkshire and adjoinin:; counties. .Sheffield. v. 1, 1692-3. -\ [Continued a-: Quart. M. J., Sheffield.] Shika Kenknkwai Geppo. [Monthly report of the I'ental Acad- emy.] Tokio. Nos. 25-39. 1-93-4. -r, Shika Kogikwai Kogiroku. [Journal of the Society of Dentistry.] --. Tokio. Nos. 36—47, 1-93. --". [Dentai Gazette.] Tokio. Nos. 1-9. 1-93. Nos. 13-33, Jan., 1693, -iiika Kokyaiho. 8-. -hika Zashi. [Dentai Journal.] Tokio to Sept., 1-94. -". Shimane Shikwai Za-hi. [Journal of the Private Sanitary So- ciety of Shimane.] Shimane. No. 4:!, 1-93. 8;. Shiritsu-Eiseikwai Wakayama Shikwai Zashi. [Jonrnal of the Private-Sanitarv Association of Wakayama.] Wakayama. Nos. 1 aud 2. Jiily 9. 1-92. and Nov. 30, 1-93. 6"°. Shizuoka Eiseikwai Hoko. [Report of the Sanitary Society of >iiizuoka.] >hiznoka. Nos. 21-30, 1693-4. -:. Sicilia (La) medica. Palermo, v. 1-3, 16-9-91. 6-. [After v. 1: Torino-Palermo.] SiebenburgUeher Verein fiir Natnrwissenschaften in Hermann-