•"»-■:;>. m CONGRESSES Tentative Chronological and Bibliographical Reference List of National and International Meetings of Physicians, Scientists, and Experts ★ SECOND SUPPLEMENT FOURTH SERIES INDEX - CATALOGUE UNITED STATES ARMY (ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1938 hrdn. 2 5051 U58c 1538 CONGRESSES Tentative Chronological and Bibliographical Reference List OF National and International Meetings OF Physicians, Scientists and Experts * SECOND SUPPLEMENT FOURTH SERIES INDEX - CATALOGUE The following supplement of the Index-Catalogue lists, for the most part, meetings which are commonly known as congresses or conferences and which have been of a more general character than sessions of organized societies with a limited membership. Society meetings as a rule have been omitted in compiling the present list although they will eventually be published in a special Catalogue of Societies. The list of congresses consists of two parts: (a) The list proper, in which the congresses are arranged and numbered under suitable English catchwords and geographical words; (b) an exhaus- tive alphabetical index containing full and analytical titles of the congresses and their subjects. The list as printed does not pretend to be either comprehensive or complete. It is a tentative or preliminary arrangement of material and information available in the Army Medical Library. Approximately 1,700 individual congresses are included of which a fair share is medical or of medical interest. The number of local, national, and international congresses is legion, and only after many years' intensive research will it be possible to unearth them from the back numbers of special journals and magazines. Many independent meetings were held during the last hundred years in the various countries of the world, but only a minority escaped oblivion. The difficulty of collecting all congresses and of compiling a comprehensive bibliographical list is best illustrated by a remark of Mme. Morsier (Bull, continent., 1892, 17:45) who asserts that from 1870 to 1881 there were held in England 766 public meetings and 91 conferences on the subject of the regulation of prostitution alone. Since many congresses failed to publish reports, and this library often failed to secure reports that were published, information in the case of an individual congress is often fragmentary. Sometimes, not even the native title of the congress could be ascertained. Wherever possible, however, -the following data are given: (1) Title of the congress in the vernacular, or in English (especially for international congresses); (2) Variations of the title; foreign titles of international congresses; (3) Historical notes on the organization of the congress, its connection with societies, its com- missions, and meetings of the commissions; (4) Chronological sequence of the periodical meeting, number of sessions, place, month and day; (5) Official and private publications for each session; (6) References to journals which contain announcements, or abstracts of reports; (7) Topics of each session. [1] [2] To insure reliability, the following symbols were freely used: (a) Parentheses () denote lack of information, or show that the publication of the congress had no special title. (6) Question mark ? shows uncertainty of the detailed information in place of which, or after which, it occurs, (c) As- terisk * indicates that a publication is in the possession of the Army Medical Library. The publication of the present list of congresses is part of a greater project undertaken by this library with the primary purpose of recognizing the gaps in the files of its books and periodical publications. The list of congresses is, therefore, also a list of wanted publications. Similar lists are in preparation for sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth century medical authors, for medical institutes, periodicals, schools, and societies. The publication of a list of congresses is appropriate in the C volume of the Index-Catalogue, where it is most certain to be looked for. The information contained in this supplement was collected during the last few years from various sources. Previous volumes of the Index-Catalogue, national bibliographies, medical period- icals, trade catalogs, and the congress publications themselves were the chief sources of information. The work of P. H. Eijkman (Internationalisme scientifique. La Haye, 1911) and the World List of Scientific Periodicals (2. ed. Oxford, 1934) were also consulted, but unfortunately both are incom- plete. None of them contains the national congresses, and none of them lists the congress publica- tions or journal references to the meetings. The recent pamphlet of H. J. Haferkamp (Die interna- tionalen medizinischen Kongresse und der Weltkrieg. Berl., 1937) is very fragmentary, is not a bibliographical list, and has been compiled chiefly for other purpose. Nijhoff's trade catalog No 602 was very useful in supplementing lacking details. As it is now, the List of Congresses of the Index-Catalogue is the first attempt of a combined historical and bibliographical catalog of national and international congresses. It is also the first bibliography of medical congresses. Many congresses not strictly medical were included, either because they had much to do with general hygiene and sanitation, or because their knowledge is important for the identification of con- gresses. Many congresses and conferences are confused with each other, in part because their titles are almost identical or their subject is the same, and in part because new sets of congresses were often started under old flags. It is also very common to confuse international committee meetings or conferences with congresses bearing the same title. A very misleading error is to give the date of publication of a report for the date of the congress, since several years may have elapsed between the meeting and the publishing of the transactions. The study of congresses is very fascinating. Being the meeting-ground of many usually like- minded persons, they are reflections of the scientific, social, religious, or political life of larger units of mankind. By their purpose and resolutions they show the problems and nuisances, the helpless- ness and adroitness, the scientific and technical achievements, the morality and whole culture of provinces, states, countries, nations, continents. By their postponements or disorganization they show the effects upon society of such unaccountable factors as war, economic depressions, political and religious persecutions, indifference, and so on. The gatherings of individuals have been given various such names as, assembly, conference, congress, convention, debate, discussion, enquete, Generalversammlung, gyules, h£t, Jornada, journee, Kongress, meeting, naggyiiles, nagyhet, symposium, synode, Tagung, Week, Woche, etc., all of which are more or less synonymous, except that some of these titles imply that the meetings were more on the order of private ones, meetings perhaps of smaller groups of specially invited persons or delegates. In the English language, both terms conference and congress may mean also an organized society or association. According to the geographical limit of membership, congresses may be municipal, regional, provincial, state, national, interurban, interregional, interprovincial, interstate, international, Ail- American, All-India, All-Russian (Vserossiisky, Vsesoiuny), Panamerican, Paneuropean, Panpacific, Far East, World, etc., congresses. The subject of a congress may be any human knowledge, activity, desire, or evil. Most professions and most specialties of science have had their regular, or occasional, national or inter- national meetings. The title of a congress includes usually a generic term, a geographical adjective, and a noun or adjective showing the subject of meeting or the specialists who meet. There is a general tendency toward specialization in selecting the subject and title of congresses. Older congresses of a more genera] character such as the International Congress of Medicine gradually came to be subdivided into many sections, until finally the sections developed into individual congresses. Many had to do with the specialization, with beginning internationalism, which movement reached its earliest peak in the first decade of the 20th century, and the next one after the World War owing to the many new problems of the postwar period and the activities of the League of Nations. During the 19th century congresses were initiated by private individuals, editorial staffs of journals, municipal, state or federal governments, and subsequent meetings were organized by a permanent committee. In the 20th century, it became very common to combine the functions of a congress with the activities of societies. Nowadays, first sessions of congresses usually create national or international societies, which then are charged with the work of organization of subse- quent sessions, and the editorial work of occasional publications. The frequency of meetings differs greatly. Most congresses, however, meet at regular 3-4-year intervals. Some national congresses meet annually; some international congresses hold their meetings every 5 years. The United States Pharmacopoeial Convention meets every 10 years. As a rule, the longer the interval between the periodical meetings, the more difficult it is to save a congress from disorganization. The seasons, the months, sometimes even the days, of subsequent meetings are characteristic for many congresses. Many sessions of the International Congress on Alcoholism were held between 13] late August and early September. The choice of date depends partly on the country of the meeting. In general, the_season for congresses is from late spring to early fall. The duration of a session varies according to the size of the congress. The average number of days in session is from 2 to 3 for national, from 4 to 7 for international meetings. There were many 1-day congresses, and a few which remained in session for several months. The place of meeting may be the same for all subsequent sessions, or the congress may wander from place to place, from country to country, this being the accepted custom for all international assemblies. The place is selected so that at the time of the meeting there may be other events in a particular city or country for the attraction of the congress members (international expositions, festivals, etc.). The activities of a congress are numerous, including the work of the permanent or temporary organization committee, preliminary conferences, the work of different sections and commissions, and the work of delegates and individual participants. The congress publications, therefore, vary in great degree. They are official and nonofficial, published in advance, or during and after the congress. Often they will appear in several languages. (a) Publications before the congress: Announcement; Conference preparatoire; Convocatorio; Exposition; Guide book; Invitation; Livre d'or; Organization; Preliminary reports; Programme; R^glement; memorial volumes by special titles; (b) Publications during the congress: Bulletin; Tageblatt; (c) Publications after the congress: Actas; Actes; Amtlicher Bericht; Atti (ufficiali); Bericht (stenographischer); Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen; Communications; Compte rendu (stdnographi- que; in extenso); Comptes rendus; Conclusions; Deliberationes; Denkschriften; Diskussionen; Documents; Generalbericht; Gutachten; Handelingen; Jegyzokonyv; Memoires; Minutes; Proces- verbaux; Proceedings; Protokoll; Publications scientifiques; Rapports; Recueil des travaux; Report; Reports of proceedings; Resolutions; Resumes des discours; Schriften; Summary; Sunti; Trabajos; Transactions; Travaux; Trudy; Verhandlungen; Verslag; Voeux, etc. The private publications are reports of delegates, journal articles and summaries. Sometimes, the main title of the congress publication is just a common book-title for the great annoyance of librarians. It is evident from the great variety of publications and from the great variations of the title of an individual congress that the old-fashioned cataloging of congress publications is entirely un- satisfactory. They cannot be cataloged under the title of the publication as has often been the practice in certain libraries; nor under the name of the city where the session was held; nor one session as "Congres international," another as "International congress," and a third perhaps as "Congressus internationalis." The practice of the Army Medical Library will be in the future to catalog congresses under geographical adjectives or nouns which occur in their titles, national congresses being entered under the name of the country, and international congresses under the English word "International," which is put into brackets when the title of the international congress is in a foreign language. [5] ABORTION 1 ABORTION England Debate on abortion. Arranged by the FeUowship of Medicine, an association of societies. () London, Feb. 9^ 1938. Proceedings in Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1938, 14: 73-90. 2 ABSTINENTS (ABSTAINERS) Germany Deutscher Abstinententag. 1. Berlin, 1903. 2. Altona, July 15-19, 1904. 3. Dresden, Sept. 8-10, 1905. No publications of 1. and 2. meetings; reports of 3. meeting published privately. See also Alkoholfrage, 1904, 1: and 1905, 2: 4. Barmen-Elberfeld, 1906. Bericht. 178 p. 8 . Jena, 1907. 3 ACADEMIC UNION Russia Vserossiisky sezd delegatov Akademicheskago Soiuza. (Pan-Russion Congress of the Delegates of the Academic Union) 2. S. Peterburg, Aug. 28, 1905. Vrach. vest., 1905, 8: No. 38, 566. 4 ACETYLENE International, International congress of acetylene, oxyacetylene welding and allied industries (1898- ) 3. Congres international de l'acetylene. 4. C. i. du carbure et de l'acetylene. 10. Internationaler Kongress fiir Acetylen, autogene Schweissung und verwandte Industrien. 11. Congreso internazionale dell'acetilene, della saldatura autogena e delle industrie relative. 1. Berlin, May, 1898. 2. Budapest, June, 1899. 3. Paris, Sept. 22-28, 1900. Adjourned as Convention internationale de l'acfitylene, Oct. 21-22, 1901, Paris. 4. Liege, 1905. Established the Comitfi international du carbure et de I'aofitylene, which held its annual meetings: 1. Nurnberg, June 4-5, 1906; 2. Paris, Dec. 13-15, 1906; 3. Wien, Oct. 25-26, 1907, etc. 5. London, May 28-30, 1908. 6. Wien, May 11-13, 1911. 7. Roma, 1913. 8. Paris, 1923. 9. Bruxelles, 1927. 10. Zurich, 1930. 11. Roma, 1934. Atti ufflciali. 3v. 12. London, 1936. Proceedings. 6v.2°. 5 ACTUARIAL International International actuarial congress (1895- ) 1. Congres international d'actuaires. 5. Internationaler Kongress fiir Versicherungswissensehaft. See also under Insurance; Life insurance. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 2-6, 1895. Documents. Also 2. 6d. Brux., 1900. 2. London, May 16-20, 1898. Transactions. • 3. Paris, June 25-30, 1900. 4. New York, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1903. Proceedings. 2v. 5. Berlin, Sept. 10-15, 1906. Berichte, Denkschriften und Verhandlungen. 3v. 8°. Berl., 1906. •kReprints of special articles on alcoholism by Bischoff, Svedelius, Valentiner, etc. 6. Wien, June 7-13, 1909. Gutachten, Denkschriften und Verhandlungen. 3 v. in 4, 7. Amsterdam, Sept. 2-7?, 1912. Rapports. 2v. 8. London, 1927. 9. Stockholm, 1930. ACOUSTICS [6] ACOUSTICS International International conference for acoustics (1937- ) Arranged by the International Electrotechnical Committee. 1. Paris, June 30- July 3, 1937. Ned. tschr. natuurk., 1937, 4: 249-53. ADRIATIC Austria, Italy Oesterreichisch-italienische Adria-Konferenz (1910- 1. Venezia, May 1910. 2. Monaco, May 2-6, 1911. ADRIATIC Italy Convegno adriatico nazionale. Venezia, 1919. Atti. 64p. 8°. Venez., 1919. AERIAL RELIEF International International technical conference on aerial relief (1937- ) International aerial ambulance conference. Conference technique internationale des secours a^riens. Organized by the Hungarian Red Cross and the Hungarian Aeronautical Federa- tion under the auspices of the League of Red Cross Societies and the Inter- national Aeronautical Federation. 1. Budapest, June 11-14, 1937. *Comptes rendus. 42 1. Par., 1937. See also Flight Surgeon Topics, 1937, 1: No. 4, 9-10. 10 AERONAUTIC Panamerican Pan-American Aeronautic convention and exhibition. 1. 2. Atlantic City, 1919. * Program, 4p. 31cm. 11 AERONAUTICS International Congres international d'aeronautique (1889- ) See also Air navigation. 1. Paris, 1889. Proces-verbaux. ( ) Chicago, 1893. 2. Paris, 1900. 3. Milano, Oct. 22-28, 1906. Rapp. et mem. Par., 1907. 4. Nancy, Sept. 18-23, 1909. Rapp. et mem. 480p. Par., 1910. 5. Torino, Oct. 1911. P. verb. 437p. Tor., 1912. Also Par., 1913. 12 AEROSTATION International Conference de la Commission internationale pour Taerostation scientifique (1898- Internationale Kommission fur wissenschaftliche Luftfahrt. Publishes a volume of each conference. 1. Strasbourg, 1898. 2. Paris, 1900. 3. Berlin, 1902. ProtokoU. 157p. Strasb., 1903. 4. S. Peterburg, 1904. 5. Milano, 1906. 6. Monaco, 1909. 7. Wien, 1912. [7] AFRICA, NORTH 13 AFRICA, NORTH Congres de I'Afrique du Nord. One of the Congres coloniaux quinquenniaux organized under the patronage of Union coloniale frangaise. See also Colonial. Paris, Oct. 6-10, 1908. C. rend, des travaux. 2v. Par., 1909. 14 AFRICA, ORIENTAL Congres de I'Afrique orientale, Madagascar, Cote frangaise des Somalis. Paris, Oct 9-14, 1911. C. rendus. Par., 1912. 15 AFRICAN Conference africaine. Geneve, Sept. 13, 1885. Acte general (German-French text). Lpz., 1885. Also French ed. Basel, 1885. 16 AFRICANIST Spain Congreso africanista (1907- ) ( ) Congreso espanol de africanistas. ( ) Granada, 1894. Actas y memorias. 1. Barcelona, 1907. 2. Zaragoza, 1908. 3. Valencia, 1909. 4. Madrid, 1910. Resefla de las sesiones (published for each congress) 17 AGRARIAN Agrarischer Kongress. See also Agriculture. (1) Wien, 1868. Verhandlungen. viii, 175 p. Wien, 1869. (2) Wien, Sept. 18-25, 1873. Verhandlungen. 250p. Wien, 1873. 17a AGRARIAN Italy (a) Congresso agrario (nazionale) (?) Mantova, 1878. Atti. 90p. Milano, 1879. (?) Como, 1899. (?) Lodi, 1901. 47. Roma, 1917. 48. Roma, 1918. 17b AGRARIAN Italy (b) Convegno (congresso) agrario. 1. Parma, 1907. Atti. 72p. Bologna, 1911. 2. Bologna, 1909. Atti. 226p. Bologna, 1911. 18 AGRICULTURE (a) International International congress of agriculture (1848- ) (2) Congres international de l'agriculture. (3) Internationaler landwirtschaftlicher Kongress. AGRICULTURE [8] (4) Internationaler land- und forstwirtschaftlicher Kongress. Congres international d'agriculteurs et de forestiers. (1) Bruxelles, Sept. 21-24, 1848. (2) Paris, June 11-19, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 345p. Par., 1879. Part 1 of a series published by the Committee of congresses of the Exposition uni verselle internationale (3) Budapest, Oct. 3-7, 1885. Protokoll. xx, 275p. Budapest, 1886. (4) Wien, Sept. 2-6, 1890. ★ (Program) 12p. Wien, 1890. — Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Subsection fiir Moorculture. v, 151p. Wien, 1891. — Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der Section fiir Volkswirtschaft. 119p. Wien, 1890. — Bericht der Section VI Forstwirtschaft. lllp. Wien, 1890. Reprint from Zbl. ges. Forstwesen. 19 AGRICULTURE (b) International International congress of agriculture (1889- ) Congres international de l'agriculture. 6.7. Congres international d'agriculture. 1. Paris, July 4-11, 1889. (no title) Par., 1889. 2. La Have, Sept. 4-21, 1891. G r. 2v. 3. Bruxelles, Sept. 8-16, 1895. Reglement. Rapp. C. r. des travaux. 2v. Brux., 1895-96. 4. Budapest, Sept. 17-20, 1896. 5. Lausanne, Sept. 12-18, 1898. 6. Paris, July 1-8, 1900. Organisation. Reglement, etc. 2v. Par. 1900. 7. Roma, Apr. 19-23, 1903. Rapp. C. r. 4v. Par., 1904. 8.. Wien, May 21-25, 1907. Rapp. C.r. 4v. Par., 1908. 9. Madrid, May 1-6, 1911. Organizaci6n. Reglamentos. 1067p. Madr., 1912 10. Gand, 1913. (Publ.) 1 v. & 5 fasc. Brux., 1913. 11. Paris, 1923. Rapp. C. r. 2v. 12. Warszawa, 1925. 13. Roma, May 26-June 1, 1927. Actes. 4v. Roma, 1927. 14. Bucuresti, 1929. 15. Praha, 1931. Actes. 5v. 16. Budapest, 1934. Actes. 3v. — La Hongrie agricole. 20 AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY Belgium Congres agricole et forestier beige. Congres national d'agriculture. 5. Bruxelles, 1884. C. r. des travaux. (?) Namur, 1901. Rapp. preliminaire. Brux., 1901. — C. r. Namur, 1901. 21 AGRICULTURE France (a) Congres central d'agriculture. Held annually in Paris; compte-rendu published. ()-() Paris, 1844-1851. [9] AGRICULTURE 22 AGRICULTURE France (b) Congres de l'agriculture. (?) Toulouse, 1906. 23 AGRICULTURE France (c) Congres national de l'agriculture franchise (1919- Congres de l'agriculture francaise. 1. Paris, June 30-July 3, 1919. 2. Tours, May 29-31, 1920. C. r. 306p. Par., 1921. 5. Paris, Mav 18-19, 1923. C. r. 250p. Par., 1923. 6. Toulouse, 1924. C. r. 244p. Par., 1924. 7. Rouen, May 1925. C. r. 388p. Par., 1925. 11. Paris, Apr. 11-13, 1929. 15. Blois, 1933. C. r. 17. Nantes, Apr. 25-28, 1935. C. r. 24 AGRICULTURE Interallied Congres agricole interallied. Paris, 1919. Proces-verbaux. 25 AGRICULTURE United States Agricultural convention (1852- ) 1. Washington, June 24, 1852. 2. Washington, Jan. 3, 1859. 26 AGRICULTURE United States (b) National agricultural conference. See also 25. Washington, 1922. ★Report. 210p. Wash., 1922. 27 AGRICULTURE, COLONIAL France. Congres d'agriculture coloniale. Paris, May 1918. C. r. des travaux. 4v. Par., 1920. The 4. (viii, 726p.) contains articles on hygiene. 28 AGRICULTURE, TROPICAL International International congress of tropical agriculture (1905- ) 1. Congres international d'agronomie coloniale. 2. Congres international d'agronomie tropicale. 6. Congres international d'agriculture tropicale et subtropicale. 1. Paris, June 21-24, 1905. Established the International Scientific Association of Colonial Agronomy with meetings: 1. Paris, June 1905; 2. Lisboa, 1911; 3. (planned for Madrid, 1915) The association established the International Caoutchouc Commission; deals also with problems of trypanosomiasis. 2. Bruxelles, May 20-23, 1910. Also called 1. congress. 3. London, 1914. Proceedings, Transactions, 3v. Planned for 1912. AGRICULTURE TROPICAL [ 10 ] 4. Sevilla, 1929. 5. An vers, 1930. (Publication) 1080p. 6. Paris, 1931. C. r. & Rapp. 3v. 29 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS International Congres international des associations agricoles et de demographie rurale (1910- 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 18-22, 1910. Rapp. 8 pamphlets, Brux., 1910. Had 10 sections; the 6.: Hygiene et demographie. Established 2 commissions. 30 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS Germany Congress von Abgeordneten deutscher landwirtschaftlichen Vereine. Frankfurt a. M., Nov. 6-14, 1848. Verhandlungen. vi, 128p. Darmstadt, 1849. 31 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS International International conference of agricultural economists. 3. Internationale Konferenz fiir Agrarwissenschaft. 3. Bad Eilsen, 1934. Vortrage und Verhandlungen iiber die Weltagrarkrise. vii, 445p. Lpz Also Engl. Proceedings. 32 AGRICULTURIST Algeria Congres des agriculteurs d'Algerie (1897- ) 1. Alger, Dec. 15-18, 1897. P. verb. Rapp. Mem. Alger, 1898. 33 AGRICULTURIST Germany Versammlung deutscher Land- und Forstwirte (1837- ) 1. 2. ... deutscher Landwirthe. 1. Dresden, Oct. 1837. Amtlicher Bericht. Dresd., 1838. 2. Karlsruhe, Sept. 1838. 3. Potsdam, Sept. 1839. 4. Doberan, Sept. 1841. 6. Stuttgart, Sept. 21-28, 1842. 7. Altenburg, Sept. 1843. 8. Miinchen, Sept. 30-Oct. 7, 1844. 9. Breslau, 1845. 11. Altona, Sept. 6-11, 1847. 14. Salzburg, Sept. 1851. 15. Hannover, Sept. 1852. 16. Niirnberg, Aug.-Sept. 1853. 17. Cleve, Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1855. 18. Praha, Sept. 1856. 19. Coburg, Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 1857. 27. Breslau, May 10-15, 1869. 34 AGRICULTURIST GERMANY(b) Congress deutscher Landwirthe. 10. Berlin, Feb. 24-25, 1879. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen. xiv, 160p. Berl., 1879. [11] AGRICULTURIST 11. Berlin, Feb. 18-19, 1880. 18. Berlin, March 1-2, 1887. 19. Berlin, Feb. 21, 1888. 20. Berlin, Feb. 26, 1889. 21. Berlin, Feb. 25, 1890. 22. Berlin, Feb. 17, 1891. etc. 35 AGRICULTURIST France Congres des agriculteurs du nord de la France. Cambrai, 1846. 36 AGRICULTURIST Italy (a) Congresso generate degli agricoltori italiani. (?) Bari, 1872. 4. Ferrara, 1875. 8. Roma, 1886. 37 AGRICULTURIST Italy (b) Congresso nazionale degli agricoltori. (1) Torino, 1898. (?) Udine, 1903. 38 AGRICULTURIST Saxonia (Germany) (a) Generalversammlung der Landwirthe aus f. preuss. Prov. Sachsen und den anhaltischen Landen. Halle, Nov. 7-9, 1843. Amtlicher Bericht. Halle, 1844. 39 AGRICULTURIST Saxonia (Germany) (b) Allgemeine Versammlung sachischer Landwirthe. 1. Dresden, March 13-14, 1854. Bericht. vi, 156p. Dresd., 1854. 2. Bautzen, Oct. 15-16, 1855. Bericht. viii, 256p. Dresd., 1856. 40 AGRICULTURIST Thuringen Versammlung thiiringer Landwirthe. 1. Erfurt, July 1842. 2. Erfurt, July 1843. Amtlicher Bericht iiber die 1. und 2. Versammlung. Sondershausen, 1843. 41 AGROGEOLOGY International Conference internationale agrogeologique (1909- ) 1. Budapest, Apr. 1909. C. r. 333p. Budapest, 1909. Established an international agrogeological committee. 2. Stockholm, Aug. 1910. Verhandlungen. Stockh., 1911. 3. (planned for St. Petersburg, 1914) 42 AGRONOMIC STATIONS International Congres international des directeurs des stations agronomiques (1881- ) 2. ... et des laboratoires agricoles. 1. Paris, June 21-23, 1881. C. r. des travaux. Par., 1881. 2. Paris, June 26-28, 1889. C. r. Par., 1891. 3. Paris, June 18-20, 1900. AIR LEGISLATION |12] 43 AIR LEGISLATION International Congres international de legislation aerienne. ,,„•*• Arranged by the Comite juridique international de 1 aviation. See also 44; also Aviation. 3. Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 25-27, 1913. C. r. Par., 1922. 5. Praha, Sept. 25-30, 1922. C. r. Par., 1922. 6. Roma, Apr. 22-26, 1924. (No title) 114p. Par., 1924. 9. Budapest, 1930. 44 AIR LEGISLATION Congresso giuridico per il regolamento della locomozione aerea. 1. Verona, 1910. Atti e relazioni. 262p. Verona, 1910. 45 AIR NAVIGATION International (a) Conference internationale d'aeronautique (1905- ) 7. C. i. de navigation aerienne. Meetings of the Federation internationale adronautique. (1) Paris, 1905. (2) Berlin, 1906. (3) Bruxelles, 1907. (4) London, 1908. (5) Zurich, 1909. (6) London, 1909. (7) Paris, 1910. Proces-verbaux. 454p. Par., 1910. (8) Roma, 1911. (9) Paris, 1911. (10) Wien, 1912. (11) 1913 (?) Paris, 1919. 46 AIR NAVIGATION International (b) International congress of air navigation (1921- ) International air congress. Congres international de navigation aerienne. See also Aeronautics; Aviation. 1. Paris, Nov. 15-25, 1921. (No title) 4v. Par., 1922. 2. London, 1923. Report. 3. Bruxelles, 1925. Programme. Texte des rapports 3v. 4. Roma, Oct. 24-30, 1927. Resoconto. Memorie. 4v. 5. La Have, 1930. 2 v. 68p;1741p. 47 AIR NAVIGATION Italy Congresso nazionale di locomozione aerea. 1. Torino, 1910. Atti; resoconti; memorie. 255p. Tor., 1910. 48 ALCOHOL, DENATURED Congres des applications de l'alcool denature. See also 49. Paris, 1902. [ 13 ] ALCOHOL, INDUSTRIAL 49 ALCOHOL, INDUSTRIAL Congrfes des etudes economiques pour les emplois industriels de l'alcool. See also 48. Paris, 1903. 50 ALCOHOLISM Belgium Congres national beige contre I'alcoolism (1907- ) 1. Congres beige ... 3. Congres contre I'alcoolisme. Arranged by the Ligue patriotique contre I'alcoolisme. 1. Lidge, Aug. 1905 (?) C. r. Brux., 1907. 2. Bruxelles, 1910. ★C. r. 74p. Brux., 1910. 3. Gand, Sept. 28-29, 1913. Rapp. 66p. Gand, 1914. On occasion of the Exposition universelle. 51 ALCOHOLISM France Congres national contre I'alcoolisme (1903- ) Arranged by the Ligue nationale contre I'alcoolisme. 1. Paris, Oct. 26-29, 1903. C. r. general. Par., 1904. See also Bull. Inst. gen. psychol., Par., 1904, 4: 42-64.—Ann. hvg., Par., 1904, 4. ser.. 1: 114-31. 2. Lyon, 1908 (?) 52 ALCOHOLISM International (a) Congres international pour I'etude des questions relatives a I'alcoolisme (1878-1880) Internationaler Kongress iiber Alkoholismus und die verderblichen Wirkungen des Branntweins auf die Gesundheit und Sittlichkeit. See also Temperance. (1) Paris, Aug. 13-16, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 302p. Par., 1879. — Verhandlungen. 12p. Breslau, 1880. See also Gaz. med. Paris, 1878, 4. ser., 7: 473-5. (2) Bruxelles, 1880. 53 ALCOHOLISM International (b) International congress on alcoholism (1885- ) 1. Congres international contre Tabus des boissons alcooliques. 2. Internationale Versammlung gegen den Missbrauch geistiger Getranke. 5. Internationaler Kongress zur Bekampfung des Missbrauches geistiger Ge- tranke. 8. Internationaler Kongress gegen den Alkoholismus. There is also an International League against the Abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, which held its meetings: 1. Stockholm, July 29, 1907; 2. London, July 21, 1909; 3. La Haye, Sept. 9, 1910; 4. Dresden, May 27, 1911, etc. 1. Antwerpen, 1885. Rapports et compte rendus des seances. Organized by a group of teachers and physicians of Antwerpen. 2. Zurich, Sept. 8-11, 1887. Verh. viii, 275p. Ziir., 1888. 3. Christiania, Sept. 3-5, 1890. Bericht. Christ., 1891. 4. 's-Gravenhage, Aug. 15-18, 1893. •A-Compte-rendu. 371p. Gravenh.,,1893. 5. Basel, Aug. 20-22, 1895. Ber. 562p. Basel, 1896. 6. Bruxelles, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 1897. ★Rapport. Compte-rendu. 3 pts. lvi, 180p; 278p; 266p. Brux., 1898. — Conference; by Motet. Par., 1897. See also Arch, neur., Par., 1898, 2. ser., 5: 241-50. 7. Paris, 1899. C. r. 2v. ALCOHOLISM [14] 8. Wien, Apr. 9-11, 1901. ★ Bericht. vii, 591p. Wien, 1902. — Resume's des discours. 143p. Wien, 1901. See also Zschr. Krankenpfl., 1901, 23: 272-82. 9. Bremen, Apr. 14-19, 1903. Ber. 536p. Jena, 1904. — Internationale Berichte iiber die Arbeit der Frauen im Kampf gegen den Alkoholismus. 81p. Bremen, 1904. 10. Budapest, Sept. 11-16, 1905. Rapp. & c. r. 504p. Budap., 1906. 11. Stockholm, July 28-Aug. 3, 1907. ★Bericht. xxxvi, 395p. Stockh., 1908. — ★Programme. Stockh., 1907. — ^Appendix (to Bericht) 193p. Stockh., 1908. See also Prag. med. Wschr., 1907, 32: 466-9. 12. London, July 18-24, 1909. ★Proceedings. 446p. Lond. (1910) • "■■ 13. 's-Gravenhage, Sept. 11-16, 1911. ★Bericht. 55p. (Bound with Alkoholfrage, 1911-12, 8:) — *Report of the U. S. delegates. 15p. Wash., 1913. 14. Milano, Sept. 22-28, 1913. ★Vortrage. 79p. Berl., 1919. Reprint from Alkoholfrage, 1919. — Compte-rendu. 559p. Como, 1921. — ^Report of U. S. delegates. 13p. Wash., 1913. See also Internat. Mschr. Erforsch. Alkohol., 1913-14, 23:-24: 15. Washington, 1920. See Alkoholfrage, 1920, 16: 177-85. 16. Lausanne, Aug. 22-27, 1921. C. r. iv, 471p. Laus., 1922. See also Alkoholfrage, 1921, 17: 315-43. 17. K0benhavn, Aug. 19-24, 1923. C. r. 221p. Kbh., 1924. — ★Report of U. S. delegates. 70p. Wash., 1925. 68. Congr. 2. sess. Senate Doc. 204. 18. Dorpat, July 21-29, 1926. Ber. 496p. Tartu, 1927. 19. Antwerpen, Aug. 20-23, 1928. C. r. 429p. Brux., 1930. See also Alkoholfrage, 1928, 24: 20. London, July 29-Aug. 3, 1934. Rep. of proc. See Brit. J. Inebr., 1934-35, 32: 93-7. 21. Warszawa, Sept. 12-17, 1937. Planned as 20. congr. for 1931; as 21. congr. for 1936. 54 ALCOHOLISM Mexico Congreso nacional contra el alcoholismo. ( ) Mexico, 1936 (or 1937?) ★Convocatorio. 12p. M6x., 1936. 55 ALCOHOLISM Netherlands (a) Nederlandsch katholiek congres tot bestrijding van het alcoholisme. 1. Utrecht, 1898. 2. Nijmegen, Aug. 18-20, 1907. ★Officieel verslag. 350p. Maastricht, 1907. 56 ALCOHOLISM Netherlands (b) Nederlandsch congres tegen het alcoholisme. 1. Utrecht, May 21-22, 1907. ★Verslag. Utrecht, 1907. 57 ALCOHOLISM Netherlands (c) Christelijk congres tegen het alcoholisme. 1. Utrecht, 1909. Verslag. [ 15 ] ALCOHOLISM, CARE 58 ALCOHOLISM, CARE Germany Konferenz fiir Trinkerfiirsorge. 9. Karlsruhe, Oct. 28-29, 1920. Berichte. 52p. Berl., 1921. Reprint from Bl. prakt. Trinkerfiirs., 1920. ( ) Diisseldorf, June 1-4, 1925. Berichte. Publ. in Ber. 2. Deut. Alkoholgegnertag. ( ) Barmen, Sept. 26-29, 1926. Reports with Ber. ii. d. Jahrversamml. Deut. Verein gegen d. Alkoholism. 59 ALIENISTS Versammlung deutscher Irrenarzte. Formerly, German alienists met with the Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. At the invitation of the Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie (see 1860, 17: 224) the first congress was organized. Later, the Verein deut- scher Irrenarzte," with its annual meetings, was established. 4. Psychiatrische Vor-Versammlung. 1. Eisenach, Sept. 12-13, 1860. ★Bericht. 55p. Berl., 1860. Anhang of Allg. Zschr. Psychiat., 1860, 17: On mental deficiency and public care of mental defectives, legislation relating to insanity, eslablish- ment of university chairs for psychiatry, sanitation in mental asylums. 2. Landau, 1861. See Allg. Zschr. Psychiat., 1861, 18: Heft 6. 3. Dresden, Sept. 15-16, 1862. ★Bericht. See Allg. Zschr. Psychiat., 1862, 19: 587-93. 4. Berlin, Sept. 16, 1863. ★Vorlagen fiir die 4. Versammlung (by Jessen, P., & Jessen, W.) 33p. Berl., 1863. 5. Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 14-15, 1864. ★Bericht. 71p. Berl., 1864. Suppl. to Allg. Zschr. Psychiat., 1864, 21: Contains the Statut des Deutschen Vereins der Irrenarzte. Subjects: forensic psychiatry. Only the first 16 pages form the report of the congress. 6. Hildesheim, Sept. 16-17, 1865. Held by the Deutscher Verein der Irrenarzte. 60 ALIENISTS France v Congres des medecins alienistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue fran- chise (1890- ) 1. 2. 3. 4. Congres annuel de m6decine mentale. 1. Rouen, 1890. "★Comptes rendus des stances et memoires. 354p. Par., 1891. On svphilis, general paralysis. 2. Lyon, 1891. ★Comptes rendus. 401p. Lyon, 1892. On alcoholism, separation of persecutional dementia cases, care of epileptics. 3. Blois, 1892. ★C. r. 432p. Blois, 1893. On negativism, medical ethics, colonies of mental patients. 4. La Rochelle, 1893. ★C. r. 733p. La Rochelle, 1894. On autointoxication in mental diseases, false testimony of mental patients, welfare societies. 5. Clermont-Ferrand, Aug. 6-11, 1894. ★Proces-verbaux, memoires et discussions. 606p. Par., 1895. On hysteria, amentia, peripheral neuritis, legislation related to alcoholists. 6. Bordeaux, Aug. 1-7, 1895. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2v. 267p; 508p. Par., 1896. On senile psychoses of women, thyroid and thyrotoxicosis, irresistible impulses of epileptics 7. Nancy, Aug. 1-5, 1896. ★ Rapp. C. r. 2v. 110p.;.417p. Par., 1897. On auditorv hallucination, tremor, internation of mental patients. 8. Toulouse, 1897. ★Rapp. C. r. 2 pts in 1. 815p. Par., 1898. On general paralvsis, infantile hysteria, medical organization. 9. Angers, Aug. 1-6," 1898. ★ Comptes rendus. 648p. Angers, 1899. On mental troubles, nervous system, transient delirium, 10. Marseille, 1899. ★C. r. 616p. Marseille, 1899. On secondary systematized deliria, polyneuritic psychoses, unrecognized and condemned mental patients. 11. Limoges, 1900. ★ C. r. 588p. Par., 1901. On muscular tonus, acute delirium, asylums. ALIENISTS [10] 12. Grenoble, 1902. ★ Rapp. C. r. 2v. 391p.; 484p. Par., 1902. On mental diseases, tics, selfaccusation. 13. Bruxelles, 1903. ★ Rapp. C. r. 2v. 406p.; 590p. Par., 1903. On catatonia, stupor,, general paralysis. 14. Pau, 1904. ★Rapp. C. r. 375p.; 621p. Par., 1904. On dementia, criminal psychiatry. 15. Rennes, Aug. 1-7, 1905. ★Rapp. C. r. 2v in 1. 444p.; 433p. Rennes, 1905. On hypochondria, ascending neuritis, balneotherapy. 16. Lille, Aug. 1-8, 1906. ★ Rapp. Communications. 2v and suppl. 548p.; 39p.; 387p. Par., 1907. On blood in mental diseases, senile brain. 17. Geneve & Lausanne, Aug. 1-7, 1907. Rapp. C. r. 760p. Par., 1908. On hysteria, periodic insanity, legal medicine. 18. Dijon, Aug. 3-9, 1908. ★C. r., discussions. 390p. Par., 1908. — Rapports (?) On endocrine glands, neuralgias, abnormal children. 19. Nantes, Aug. 2-7, 1909. ★Compte-rendu. 475p. Nantes, 1910. — Rapports. 390p. Nantes, 1910. On fugues, chronic chorea, mental diseases in the army. 20. Bruxelles & Liege, 1910. Rapports. 21. Amiens, Aug. 1911. C. r. 606p. Amiens, 1911. 22. Tunis, Apr. 1-7, 1912. C. r. 316p. Par., 1913. 23. Le Puy, 1913. C. r. 4v (1440p.) Par., 1914. 24. Strasbourg, 1920. See Ann. med.psychol., 1921, 79: pt 2. 25. Luxembourg, 1921. 26. Quimper, Aug. 1922. Discussions (etc.) 196p. Par., 1922. 27. Besancon, 1923. Rapp. 3 fasc. (382p.) Par., 1923. 28. Bruxelles, Aug. 1-7, 1924. Rapp. 386p. Par., 1924. 29. Paris, 1925. Rapp. 470p. Par., 1925. 30. Geneve & Lausanne, 1926. Rapp. C. r. 31. Blois, 1927. Rapp. C. r. 32. Anvers, 1928. C. r. 508p. 33. Barcelona, 1929. C. r. 494p. 34. Lille, 1930. ★Comptes rendus, rapports. 358p. Par., 1930. Sections: psychiatry, neurology, legal medicine. 35. Bordeaux, 1931. C. r. 350p. Par., 1931. 36. Limoges, 1932. C. r. 478p. Par., 1932. 37. Rabat, 1933. C. r. 38. Lyon, 1934. C. r. 520p. 39. Bruxelles, July 1935. C. r. 702p. See also Psychiat. neur. bl., 1936, 40: 68-79. 42. Alger, Apr. 6-11, 1938. See Bruxelles meU, 1938, 18: No. 29, 30, 32. 61 ALIENISTS International Congres alieniste international. Organized by the SociSte" m^dico-psychologique. 1. 1853. 24. Paris, 1867. See report in Ann. med. psycho!., Par., 1867, 4. ser., 10: 491-540. 1 v, 4 fasc. (610p.) Par., 1926, 1 v, 4 fasc. (712p.) Par., 1927, Par., 1928. Par., 1929. t- [17] ALIENISTS 62 ALIENISTS United States Annual meeting of alienists and neurologists of America (1912- A society organized in 1912. 6. Chicago, July 10-12, 1917. ★Proceedings. 212p. Chic, 1917. 63 ALIMENTATION International (a) Congres international de I'alimentation. 1. Antwerpen(?) (or Paris?) 1894. ( ) Gand, 1908(?) (3) 2. Li6ge, Oct. 1-4, 1911. Rapports. 2v (393p.) Liege, 1911. 64 ALIMENTATION International (b) Congrfes international pour le perfectionnement des moyens d'alimentation. Gand, Sept. 23-28, 1899. ★C. r. des travaux. Gand, 1901. Sections: 1. scientific; 2. social; 3. technical. Also an Exposition internationale des produits d'alimentation. 65 ALIMENTATION International (c) Exposition internationale de I'alimentation et de toutes les industries qui s'y rattachent. Lyon, 1910. 66 ALIMENTATION International (d) Congres scientifique international de I'alimentation. 2. Paris, Oct. 25-28, 1937. See J. med. Paris, 1937, 58: No. 2, 34-37.—Presse med., 1937, 45: 1767. 67 ALIMENTATION, CATTLE International Congres international de Falimentation rationnelle du betail. 1. Paris, 1900. 2. Liege, July 30-Aug. 2, 1905. Rapp. C. r. 2v. Louvain, 1906. 68 ALKALOID THERAPY International Congres international d'alcaloidotherapie dosimetrique. 1. Paris, 1900. Livre d'or: Compte-rendu. 69 ALPINE CLUB International Congres international du Club Alpin francais. Congres international de l'alpinisme. 5. Congresso alpino. ( ) Paris, Sept. 6-7, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 49p. Par., 1880. Held at the Exposition universelle internationale. 5. Torino-Val d'Aosta, 1885. Atti. 64p. Tor., 1886. () Paris, Aug. 11-15, 1900. 70 AMERICAN International International congress of americanists (1875- ) 1. 7. Congres international des amencanistes. 16. 24. Internationaler Amerikanisten-Kongress. AMERICAN [IS] 1. Nancy, July 19-22, 1875. ★Invitation. 4 1. — Compte rendu. 2v. Par., 187b. 2. Luxembourg, Sept. 10-13, 1877. C. r. 2v. 1878. 3. Bruxelles, Sept. 23-26, 1879. C r. 2v. Brux., 1888-90. 4. Madrid, Sept. 25-28, 1881. ( ) 2v. Madr., 1883-84. 5. K0benhavn, Aug. 21-24, 1883. C. r. Kbh., 1884. 6. Torino, Sept. 15, 1886. 7. Berlin, Oct. 2-5, 1888. C. r. xi, 807p. Berl., 1890 — ★Comite. 10 1. Berl., 1888. 8. Paris, Oct. 14-20, 1890. C. r. Par., 1892. 9. Huelva, Oct. 7-11, 1892. ( ) Madr., 1894. 10. Stockholm, Aug. 3, 18S4. 11. Mexico, Oct. 15-20, 1895. 12. Paris, Sept. 17-21, 1900. ( ) Par., 1902. 13. New York, Oct. 20-25, 1902 14. Stuttgart, Aug. 18-23, 1904. 15. Quebec, Sept. 1906. 16. Wien, Sept. 9-14, 1908. Verhandlungen. 2 pts. 95p.; 665p.; 56p. Wien, 191J. 17. Buenos Aires, May 16-21, 1910. Actas. 2v. 676p.; 58p.; 148p. B. Air., 1912. 18. London, Sept. 8-14, 1912. Originally planned for La Haye, 1912. 19. Washington, Dec. 27-31, 1915. ★ Final programme. 18p. Wash., 1915. — ★Proceedings, lviii, 649p. Wash., 1917. ■— ★Abstracts of speeches and papers. 81 leaflets. 20. Rio de Janeiro, 1922. See Anthropologic, Par., 1923-24, 33: 21. Goteborg, 1924. C. r. xlii, 706p. Goteborg, 1925. 22. Roma, Sept. 1926. Atti. 2v. Roma, 1928. 23. New York, 1928. 24. Hamburg, Sept. 7-13, 1930. Verhandlungen. lxvi, 322p. Hamb., 1934. 71 AMERICANIZATION United States National conference on Americanization. Feb. 5, 1917. 72 AMERICANIZATION, INDUSTRIAL United States National conference on Americanization in industries. 1919. Proceedings. 73 AMPELOGRAPHY France Congres ampelographique. ( ) Avignon, Oct. 18-22, 1899. C. r. Avignon, 1900. 74 ANATOMICAL Franco-British Franco-British anatomical congress. Joint meeting of the Association des anatomistes and the Anatomical Society Great Britain. London, 1927. [ 19 ] ANATOMISTS 75 ANATOMISTS International International congress of anatomists (1905-) Held by the Federation of National Societies of Anatomists in Great Britain and Ireland, France, Germany, America, and the Italian zoological union. Not to be confused with the annual meetings of Association de? anatomistes, which held its meetings: 1. 1899; 2. Par., 1900 as part of the Congres international de m6decine; 3. Lyon, 1901; 4. Montpellier, 1902; 5. Liege, 1903; 6. Toulouse, 1904; 7. Geneve, 1905, as part of the 1. international congress; 8. Bordeaux, 1906; 9. Lille, 1907; 10. Marseille, 1908; 11. Nancv, 1909; 12. Bruxelles, 1910; 13. Paris, 1911; 14. Rennes, 1912; 15. ; 16. Paris, March 21-23, 1921; 17. Gand, 1922; 18. Lyon, 1923; 19. Strasbourg, 1924; 20. Torino, 1925; etc. Congres federatif international d'anatomie. Congres federatif international des anatomistes. Vereinigter internationaler Anatomen-Kongress. 1. Geneve, Aug. 6-10, 1905. ★Verhandlungen. Erg. Heft, of Anat. Anz., v.27. — Comptes rendus. Geneve, 1905. 2. Bruxelles, Aug. 7-10, 1910. ★Verhandlungen. 203p. Jena, 1910. Erg. Heft of Anat. Anz., 1910, 37: 3. Amsterdam, Aug. 4-9, 1931. ★Verhandlungen. xiv, 273p. Jena, 1931. Erg. Heft of Anat. Anz.. 1931. 4. Milano, Sept. 2-8, 1936. ★Verhandlungen. 234p. Jena, 1937. Erg. Heft to v.83, Anat. Anz. See also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1936, 80: 5066-8. 76 ANATOMISTS Russia Vsesoiuzny sezd anatomov, gistologov i zoologov. 3. 1927. See J. usov. vrach., 1927, No. 2, 114-20. 77 ANATOMY BILL Edinburgh Meeting held by the medical students for the purpose of petitioning the legislature to make such alterations in the anatomy bill as should cause its operating more in favour of those who are studying medicine in this city. Edinburgh, Feb. 7, 1835. ★Report. 4p. (Edinb., 1835) 78 ANESTHESIA International Congress of anesthesia. ( ) Minneapolis, 1928. See Schmerz, 1928, 1: 263. 17. New York, Oct. 16-20 (10-16?) 1938. 79 ANIMALS, PROTECTING SOCIETIES International Congres international des societes protectrices des animaux. 5. 9. 12. Internationaler Tierschutz-Congress. 1. Dresden, 1860. 2. Hamburg, 1862. 3. Wien, 1864. 4. Paris, 1867. 5. Zurich, Aug. 2-6, 1869. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen. iv, 180p. Ziir., 1871. 6. London, 1874. 7. Paris, 1878. S. Bruxelles, 1880. 9. Wien, Sept. 7-12, 1883. Generalbericht. iv, 288p. Wien, 1884. 10. Le Havre, 1887. 11. Bern, 1894. 12. Budapest, 1896. Generalbericht. 287p. Budap., 1S97. 13. Paris, 1900. 14. Verviers, 1905, ANIMALS, PROTECTION I 20 ] 80 ANIMALS, PROTECTION International International congress for protection of animals. Meetings of the International Association for Protection of Animals and against Vivisection. 1. Paris, 1900. 2. Frankfurt a. M., Aug. 2-4, 1903. Bericht. 131p. Dresd., 1904. Also French and Engl, edition. 3. Helsingborg, 1906. 4. London, 1909. 5. Zurich, 1912. 81 ANIMALS, PROTECTION IN AFRICA International Conference internationale pour la protection des animaux en Afrique. London, Apr. 24-May 19, 1900. Discusses hunting season in Africa; makes Convention. 82 ANTHROPO-GEOLOGY Algeria Congres anthropo-geologique. Organized in May 1868 by the Soci6t6 de climatologie algenenne. The congress was only an extraordinary session of the society. Alger, Sept. 28-Oct. 12, 1868. See Gaz. m6d. Algerie, 1868, 13: 84; 133; 1869, 14: 1; passim. 83 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES International (a) Congres international des sciences anthropologiques. A set of unnumbered congresses. () Paris, Aug. 16-21, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 392p. 1880. — ★Discours du president et rapport des commissaires. 46p. Par., 1878. Repr. from Rev. anthrop., Par., 1878, 7: 692-744. ( ) Wien, Oct. 1889. ( ) Chicago, Aug. 28-Sept. 3, 1893. ★ Memoirs of the International congress of anthropology (by Wake, C. S.) xix, 375p. Chic, 1894. ( ) Koln, July 1907. 84 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES International (b) International congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences (1933- ) International congress of anthropology and ethnology. Congres international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques. ( ) Basel, 1933. Preparatory conference. 1. London, July 30-Aug. 4, 1934. (Report) Sections: anatomy and physical anthropology; anthropometry; psychology; demography and population problems; general ethnography; ethnography in Africa; ethnography in America; technology; sociology; religion; linguistics and writings. Urges creation of university chairs and broader education in anthropological sciences; also the appointment of British Government anthropologists in British territories. See Anthropologic, Par., 1933-34, 43: 323-32; 44: 557-64. Bull. Internat. Bur. League of Nat., 1934, 6: 112-3. Man, Lond., 1934, 34: 137-59. 2. K0benhavn, July 31-Aug. 6, 1938. See Internat. Arch. Ethnogr., 1938, 35: 41-4. 85 ANTHROPOLOGIST Austria Versammlung osterreichischer Anthropologen und Urgeschichteforscher Laibach, July 28-29, 1879. See Bericht in Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, 1880, 10: 1-5. 86 ANTHROPOLOGY International International congress of prehistoric anthropology and archeology (1865- ) ( ) Congres international paleoethnologique. 1. Same title. 2. Congres international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie preJiistoriques. 3. International congress of prehistoric archeology. [21] ANTHROPOLOGY 11. C. i. (etc. as 2.) et de zoologie. 13. International congress of anthropology and prehistoric archeology. Commissions: a) Commission pour l'6tude des moyens de mettre entrave a la de- struction des monuments megalithiques. b) C. pour la revision de la nomenclature des peuple de l'Asie. c) C. pour I'etude m^thodique du m^tissage des races. d) C. pour preparer une entente sur les meilleurs moyens d'dtablir des cartes pr£historiques. e) C. pour l'unification des procedes anthropom£triques. f) International committee for the unification of anthropological methods, which held its sessions: 1. Bologna, March 26-31, 1934; 2. See also 83, 84. () 1865. Sometimes counted as 1. congress. 1. Neuchatel, Aug. 1866. ★Compte-rendu. Par., 1866. In the Sept.-Oct. issue of Mat^riaux pour l'histoire de l'homme. 2. Paris, Aug. 17-30, 1867. ★Reglement general. Comite' d'organisation. Par., 1867. — ★Compte-rendu. 443p. Par., 1868. On prehistoric geology, caves, megalithic monuments, etc. 3. Norwich & London, Aug. 20-28, 1868. Reglement general. Programme. 8p. Par., 1867. — ★Transactions, xxix, 419p. Lond., 1869. Also Compte rendu. 4. K0benhavn, Aug. 27-Sept. 5, 1869. ★Compte-rendu. 509p. Kbh., 1875. 5. Bologna, Oct. 1-8, 1871. ★Compte-rendu. 543p. Bologna & Par., 1873. 6. Bruxelles, Aug. 22-30, 1872. ★C. r. 600p. Brux., 1873. 7. Stockholm, Aug. 7-16, 1874. ★ C. r. 86p. Chalons, 1875. ★ C. r. 2v. (1019p.) Stockh., 1876. The first print of this publication was destroyed before its distribution by the fire of the Royal Printing Office of Stockholm. 8. Budapest, Sept. 4-11, 1876. ★C. r. 1. vol. xl, 706p. Budap., 1877. C. r. 2. vol. 2 pts. 187p.; xvi, 108p.; 119p. Budap., 1878-86. See also Arch, antrop., Fir., 1877, 6: 233-92. 9. Lisboa, Sept. 20-29, 1880. ★ Compte-rendu. 723p. Lisb., 1884. — ★Rapport (by Cartailhac, E.) 102p. Par., 1880. On existence of men, paleolithic ages, neolithic ages, anatomy of inhabitants of Portugal, etc. 10. Paris, Aug. 19-28, 1889. ★Compte-rendu. 654p. Par., 1891. — ★( ) 24p. Par., 1889. Relatorio (by Delgado, J. F. N.) 11. Moskva, Aug. 8 (or 13?)-20, 1892. ★Compte-rendu. Materiaux. 2 pts. Moskva, 1892-93. — ★Congres (les) internat. (etc., by Barthellemy, F.) Nancy, 1893. See also Arch. Anthrop., Brnschw., 1892, 21: 507; 22: 131.—Arch, antrop.. Fir., 1893. 33: 65-79. The 2. part of the meeting united with the 2. zoological congress as Congres international d'an- thropologie et d'archeblogie pnShistoriques et de zoologie. 12. Paris, Aug. 20-25, 1900. ★Compte-rendu. 516p. Par., 1902. 13. Monaco, Apr. 15-22, 1906. C. r. 2v. Berl., 1911. See Am. Anthrop., 1906, 8: 559-63.—Polit. anthrop. Rev., Lpz., 1908, 7: 368-81. 14. Geneve, 1912. C. r. 2v. 15. Lisboa, 1930. 17. Bucuresti, Sept. 1-8, 1937. See Rev. anthrop., Par., 1937, 47: 326-31. 18. (Ankara, 1940) 87 ANTHROPOLOGY Russia Antropologicheskv sezd. 2. S. Peterburg, July 31, 1879. See Vrach. vied., 1879, 4: No. 361, p.715. 87a ANTHROPOLOGY, COLONIAL Portugal Congresso nacional de antropologia colonial. 1. P6rto, Sept. 22-26, 1934. See Arq. anat., 1935/36, 17: 738-40. ANTHROPOLOGY, CRIMINAL [ 22 ] 88 ANTHROPOLOGY, CRIMINAL International Congres international d'anthropologie criminelle (1885- ) International congress of criminal anthropology. 1. 2. C. i. d'anthropologie criminelle, biologie et sociologie. 3. as head title. 1. Roma, Nov. 16-23, 1885. ★Actes. xv, 549p. Tor., 1887. See also Arch, psichiat., 1886, 7: 19-34. 2. Paris, Aug. 10-17, 1889. ★Actes. Comptes rendus. xiv, 540p. Lyon, 1890. 3. Bruxelles, Aug. 3-17, 1892. ★Actes. Rapports, xlviii, 525p. Brux., 1893. 1. Geneve, Aug. 24-29, 1896. ★C. r. Rapports, xxix, 396p. Geneve, 1897. — *Report of the proceedings (in Russian by Zakrevski) 32p. S. Peterb., 1897. See also Anomalo, Nap., 1897, 7: passim.—Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1896, 11: 481-604.—Gac. m<5d. catal., 1896, 19: 517; passim.—Lancet, 1896, 2: 628; passim. 5. Amsterdam, Sept. 9-14, 1901. ★ C. r. Rapports, xxxvi, 529p. Am^t., 1901. See also Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1901, 5: 340-53. 6. Torino, Apr. 28-May 3, 1906. ★C. r. Rapports, lxxx, 675p. Milano, etc., 1908. See also Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1906, 21: 423-73.—Rev. Ecole anthrop. Paris, 1909, 19: 28-38 7. Koln, Oct. 9-13, 1911. Bericht. 517p. Heidelb., 1912. See also Arch, anthrop. crim., Lyon, 1911, 32:637; 1912, 33: passim.—Scuola positiva, 1912, 22: 1-20. 8. (Planned for Budapest, Sept. 1914) 89 ANTIALCOHOLIC Austria Oesterreichischer Alkoholgegnertag. 1. Wien, 1908. Bericht. 239p. Wien, 1909. 2. Graz, Oct. 8-9, 1911. Ber. 172p. Wien, 1912. See Alkoholfrage, 1912, 8: 212-23. 3. Salzburg, Sept. 22-23, 1912. ★Bericht. viii, 120p. Wien, 1914. Suppl. No. 41 to Oesterr. San. Weeen. 90 ANTIALCOHOLIC Germany (a) Generalversammlung der Alkoholgiftgegner. 2. Berlin, Sept. 7-9, 1852. Verhandlungen. x, 128p. Berl., 1852. 3. Warmbrunn & Schreiberhau, Aug. 12-14, 1856. Verh. 32p. Bed., 1857. 91 ANTIALCOHOLIC Germany (b) Deutscher gemeinsamer Alkoholgegnertag. 1. Breslau, Oct. 6-11, 1921. Bericht. 136p. Berl., 1922. See Alkoholfrage, 1921, 17: 344-52. 2. Diisseldorf, June 1-4, 1925. Ber. 167p. Berl., 1926. Contains also report of the Konferenz fur Trinkerfursoree 3. Dresden, 1930. Alkoholismus, Gesundheitpolitik (etc.) Ansprachen und Vortrage. 122P. Berl., 1931. 92 ANTIALCOHOLIC Italy Convegno antialcoolista italiano. 5. Convegno nazionale per la lotta contro l'alcoolis 2. Verona, 1905. Resoeonto. 62p. Verona, 1905 5. Firenze, 1912. Atti. 220p. Fir., 1913. See also Ramazzini, Fir., 1912, 6: 619-29. [23] ANTIMASONIC 93 ANTIMASONIC Massachusetts Antimasonic State convention of Massachusetts. Boston, Dec. 30, 1829-Jan. 1, 1830. Abstract of the proceedings. 32p. Bost., 1830 94 ANTIMASONIC New York Antimasonic convention for the State of New York. Utica, Aug. 11, 1830. Proceedings. 16p. Utica, 1830. 95 ANTIMASONIC Pennsylvania Pennsylvania antimasonic State convention. Harrisburgh, June 25-26, 1829. Proceedings and address. 26p. Newport, R. I., 1829. 96 ANTIMILITARY International Internationaler antimilitaristischer Kongress. 1. La Haye, 1921. Bericht. 47p. Berl., 1921. 97 ANTISLAVERY Antisklaverei-Konferenz. Bruxelles, July 2, 1890. General-Akte. 72p. Berl., 1895. 98 ANTISLAVERY Italy Congresso antischiavista italiano. 1. Roma, 1903. Atti. 107p. S. Vito al Tagliamento, 1903. 99 ANTIVACCINATION Germany Vorversammlung der Impfgegner. Koln, June 22, 1881. ★Bericht. 6p. fol. Diisseld. (1881) 100 ANTIVACCINATION International International antivaccination congress. Internationaler Kongress der Impfgegner und Impfzwanggegner. Held by the Ligue universelle des antivaccinateurs. Paris, 1889. ★ ( ) Brux., 1890. 101 APICULTURE International Congres international d'apiculture. 9. Paris, 1932. C. rendu. 102 ARBITRATION, INTERNATIONAL Lake Mohonk Conference on international arbitration (1895- Held annually. 1. Mohonk Lake, 1895. 4. 1898. ★Report. 116p. (Mohonk Lake) 1898. 5. 1899. ★Report. 142p. (Mohonk Lake) 1899. 6. 1900. etc. 22. 1916. ARBORICULTURE [24] 103 ARBORICULTURE International Congres international d'arboriculture et de pomologie. C. i. d'arboriculture fruitiere et de pomologie. C. i. de pomologie. (1) Namur, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1862. (2) Bruxelles, Sept. 23-25, 1880. (3) S. Peterburg, Oct. 27-Nov. 4, 1894. C. rend, des travaux. (4) Paris, Sept. 13-15, 1900. The congress had 5 sections; the 4th was for medicinal plants. 104 ARCHEOLOGY Belgium Congres (de la Federation) archeologique et historique de Belgique. Held by the Federation, which publishes its Annales containing the proceedings of the meetings. 4. Charleroi, 1911.—5. Anvers & Middelburg, 1889.—12. Malines, 1897.—16. Bruges, 1902.—17. Dinant, 1903.—20. Gand, 1907.—21. Liege, 1909.—23. Gand, 1913. 105 ARCHEOLOGY France Congres archeologique de France (1834- ) Held by the SociSte' francaise d'archeologie; proceedings as Comptes rendus and Rapport in 1 or 2 volumes. 1. 1834.—13. Treves, June 8-9, 1846.—42. 1875.-64. Nimes, 1897.—65. Bourges, 1898.—66. Macon, 1899.-67. Chartres, 1900.—68. Auch, 1901.—69. Troyes, 1902.—70. Poitiers, 1903.—71. Le Puy, 1904.—72. Beauvais-Compregne, 1905 — 73. Carcassonne & Perpignan, 1906.—74. Avallon, 1907.—75. Caen, 1908 (2 vol.)— 76. Avignon, 1909 (2 vol.)—77. Angers & Saumur, 1910 (2 vol.)—78. Reims, 1911 (2 vol.)—79. Angouleme, 1912 (2 vol.)—80. Moulins & Nevers, 1913 (1 vol.)— 81. Brest & Vannes, 194.—82. Paris, 1919.—83. 84. Limoges, 1921.— 85. Rhenanie, 1922.— S6. Valence & Montelimar, 1923, etc. 106 ARCHEOLOGY International Congres international d'archeologie et d'histoire (1867- 2. Kongress fiir Altertumskunde und Geschichte. 5. C. i. d'archeologie. 1. 1867. Compte-rendu. 1868. 2. Bonn, Sept. 1868. Verhandlungen. xxx, 115p. Bonn, 1871. 3. Roma, 1912. Bollettino riassuntivo. 126p. Roma, 1913. 5. Alger, 1930. 107 ARCHEOLOGY, CHRISTIAN International Congresso internazionale di archeologia cristiana (1894— ) 1. Spalato, 1894. No publication. 2. Roma, 1900. Atti. vii, 445p. Roma, 1902. 3. Roma, 1912. Together with the 3. International archeological congress (See 106) 4. Ravenna, 1932. Atti. Numbered also as 3. Congress. 108 ARCHEOLOGY, CLASSIC International Congres international d'archeologie classique (1905- 1. Athenai, 1905. 2. Alexandria & Cairo, Apr. 7-15, 1909. 3. (Roma, 1912) r [ 25 ] ARCHITECTS 109 ARCHITECTS Versammlung deutscher Architekten und Ingenieure (1842- ) 1. 1842. Bericht. 13. Hannover, Sept. 3-6, 1862. ( ) v, 197p. Hannover, 1863. etc. 110 ARCHITECTS France Congres national des architectes frangais. There was also Congres provincial des architectes, of which the 4. was held in Toulouse, 1887. (?) 1873. Comptes rendus. Ill ARCHITECTS International International congress of architects (1867- ) 8. Internationaler Architekten-Kongress. 3. Congres international des architectes. 1. Paris, July 22-29, 1867. 2. Paris, July 29-Aug. 3, 1878. 3. Paris, June 17-22, 1889. Organisation. C. rend. Par., 1896. 4. Bruxelles, Aug. 28-Sept. 2, 1897. C. rend. Brux., 1898. At the 25th anniversary of the Soci^te1 centrale d'architecture de Belgique. 5. Paris, July 30-Aug. 4, 1900. Organisation. C. rend. & notices. 6. Madrid, Apr. 6-13 (or 12?) 1904. Organisation, c. rend. & notices. 495p. Madr., 1906. 7. London, July 16-21, 1906. Transactions. 8. Wien, May 18-23, 1908. Bericht. 788p. Wien, 1909. 9. Roma, Oct. 1911. Atti. 485p. Roma, 1914. 112 ARCHITECTS Panamerican Congreso panamericano de arquitectos (1920- ) 1. Montevideo, March 1-7, 1920. Actas y trabajos. 602p. Montev., 1921. 113 ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION International International congress on architectural education (1924- ) 1. London, 1924. 114 ARMAMENT, LIMITATION Conference pour la reduction et la limitation des armements. Geneve, 1932. See Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1932, 14: passim 115 ARTHRITISM Congres de 1'arthritisme. See also Gout; Urinary lithiasis. ( ) Vittel, 1927. See Rev. m6d. est, 1927, No. 21 bis. 116 ART, HISTORY International Internationaler kunsthistorischer Kongress. See also 597. 1. Nurnberg, 1893. Bericht u. d. Verhandlungen. 85p. Nurnb., 1894. 2. Koln, 1894. Ber. 102p. Koln, 1895. ART HISTORY |2(>] 3. Budapest, 1896. Ofliz. Ber. ISp. Niirnb., 1S96. 4. Amsterdam, 189S. Offiz. Ber. 63p. Niirnb., 1898. 5. Liibeck, 1900. Offiz. Ber. 108p. Niirnb., 1901. 6. Innsbruck, 1902. Offiz. Ber. llOp. Berl., 1903. 8. Darmstadt, 1907. Offiz. Ber. 117p. Lpz., 1908. 9. Miinchen, Sept. 16-21, 1909. Offiz. Ber. 138p. Lpz., 1912. 10. Roma, 1912. Atti. 46p. Roma, 1912. — L'ltalia e I'arte straniera. iv, 557p. Roma, 1923. 13. Stockholm, 1933. Resumes. Actes. 2 vol. 117 ART, PUBLIC International Congres international de l'art public (1898- ) 1 C. i. de l'oeuvre de l'art public. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 24-29, 1898. C. rend. Liege, 1901. 2. Paris, 1900. 3. Liege, Sept. 15-21, 1905. Conference preparatoire. Programme. Travaux. Kapport. Established the Institut international d'art public. 4. Bruxelles, Oct. 8-12, 1910. 118 ARTISTIC International Congres artistique international (1861- ) (1) Antwerpen, Aug. 19-21, 1861. (2) Antwerpen, Aug. 19-21, 1877. (3) Venezia, Sept. 21-28, 1905. (4) Roma, Apr. 2-6, 1911. Atti. 262p. Roma, 1911. Established the Association artistique internationale 119 ARTISTIC Italy Congresso artistico italiano (1871- ) 6. C. a. nazionale. 1. Parma, 1871. Atti ufficiali. xvi, 220p. Parma, 1871. 4. Torino, 1880. Atti. 232p. Tor., 1880. 5. Roma, 1883. Atti. 64p. Roma, 1883. 6. Torino, 1892. Atti. 187p. Tor., 1892. 120 ARTISTS, MEDICAL Italy Convegno nazionale dei medici artisti. Held by the Associazione dei medici artisti after the World War. 4. Sept. 11, 193... (?) 121 ARTS, DECORATIVE Congres des arts decoratifs. Paris, May 18-30, 1894. C. rend, stenographiques. Par., 1895. Held at the Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts. 122 ARTS, POPULAR International Congres international des arts populaires. 1. Praha, 1928. Actes & memoires. 2vol. [ 27 ] ARTS & SCIENCE 123 ARTS & SCIENCE International International congress of arts and science. With 7 divisions, 24 subdivisions, a total of 127 sections. Division C: sciences physiques (9. physics; 10. chemistry; 13. biology; 14. anthropology) Division E: applied sciences (17. medicine) S. Louis, Sept. 19-24, 1904. ★Proceedings in 15 vols published by the University Alliance. contents 1. Philosophy and metaphysics. 388p. 2. Esthetics and mathematics, p.392-748. 3. History and law. 364p. 4. Law and religion, p.367-752. 5. History of language. 366p. 6. Literature and art. p.370-740. 7. Physics and chemistry. 355p. 8. Astronomy and earth sciences, p.359-764. 9. Biology. 446p. 10. Anthropology and mental sciences, p.451-888. 11. Medicine. 386p. 12. Medicine and technology, p.389-741. 13. Economics and social regulation. 456p. 14. Jurisprudence and social science, p.459-876. 15. Secular and religious education. 493p. 124 ASSOCIATIONS, INTERNATIONAL Congres mondial des associations internationales (1910- ) International congress of scientific unions. Held by the Union des associations internationales. 1. Bruxelles, May 9-11, 1910. Actes. 2vol. Brux., 1911. 2. Bruxelles, June 15-18, 1913. Documents. 3 pts in 1. clxxx, 1267p. Brux., 1914. 3. San Francisco, 1915. ( ) 45p. Brux., 1914. Repr. from Vie internationale. (4) Bruxelles, 1920. (5?) London, 1931. 125 ASTHMA International Congres international de l'asthme (1932- ) 1. Le Monte-Dore, June 1932. ★Rapports. 360p. Par., 1932. — ★Communications. 228p. Par., 1932. 126 ASTROLOGISTS Germany Astrologenkongress. 1932. Kongress astrologischer Pioniere (identical? 8. Nurnberg, 1929. 14 Vortrage. 128p. Dusseld., 1929. 9. Dortmund, 1930. Ber. 124p. 10. Wiesbaden, 1931. Ber. lOOp. 11. Stettin, 1932. Ber. lOOp. 12. Stuttgart, 1933. Ber. 144p. 13. Munchen, 1934. Ber. 112p. 14. Wernigerode, 1935. Ber. 64p. 15. Diisseldorf, Sept. 1-7, 1936. ★Vortr. 140p. 127 ASTROLOGISTS International Internationaler Astrologen-Kongress. 1. Wiesbaden, 1931. 2. Bruxelles, 1935. 3. Diisseldorf, Sept. 1-7, 1936. ★Vortrage & Bericht. 140p. Diiss., 1936. ASTRONOMIC SOCIETIES [28] 128 ASTRONOMIC SOCIETIES International Congres international des societes astronomiques. 1. Paris, June 21-24, 1914. Rapp. general, xvi, 109p. Toulouse, 1923. 129 ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY International International astrophotographic congress. i>„„x„„+,vm rU In ™rtp Established a Comite international permanent pour 1 execution de la carte photographique du ciel, which includes the directors of observatories. Paris, 1887. ★Appendix, xv, 354p. Wash., 1889. 130 ATMOSPHERE Congres de l'atmosphere. 1894(?) 131 AUTHORS Germany Deutsche Schriftstellerversammlung. 1. Leipzig, Apr. 27-29, 1846. Bericht. Lpz., 1846. 132 AUTHORS International (a) Congres de la Confederation internationale des societes d'auteurs et compositeurs (1926- ) Annual meetings; Comptes rendus published. 1. Paris, 1926; 2. Roma, 1927; 3. Berlin, 1928; 4. Madrid, 1929; 5. Budapest, 1930; 6. London, 1931; 7. Wien, 1932; 8. K0benhavn, 1933; 9. Warszawa, 1934. 133 AUTHORS International (b) Congres international des societes professionnelles de gens de lettres. 1. Paris, 1931. C. rend, des travaux. 2. Roma, 1934. 134 AUTOMOTIVE International Congres international d'automobilisme. 1. Paris, July 9-16, 1900. ( ) Par., 1903. 2. Paris, 1903. () 2vols. Par., 1904. 3. Milano, 1906. () Par., 1907. 135 AVIATION Interamerican Interamerican technical aviation conference (1937- ) 1. (Peru) Sept. 16-25, 1937. See report in Bull. Panamer. Union, 1938, 27-30. 136 AVIATION MEDICINE Deutsche Tagung fiir luftfahrtmedizinische Forschung (1937- ) 1. Berlin, Oct. 25-28, 1937. See Deut. Militararzt, 1938, 3: 140-4. On effect of altitude on pulmonary and tissue respiration, neurological aspects, etc. 137 AVIATION MEDICINE France Journees d'aviation medicate et sanitaire. Berck-Plage, 1936. See Gaz. h&p., 1935, 108: 1013. [29] AVIATION MEDICINE 138 AVIATION MEDICINE International Congres international de l'aviation sanitaire (1929- ) Congres international d'aviation. International congress of medical aviation. 1. Paris, 1929. C. rend, des seances. See Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1930, 12: passim. 3. Bruxelles, 1935. See report in Ann. m<§d. pharm. col., 1935, 33: 1063-75.—Arch. me"d. beige, 1936, 89: Bull, internat. 220-30. 139 AYURVEDIC DOCTORS India All-India hereditary Ayurvedic doctors' conference. Hampi, 1936. See J. Ayurveda, 1936-37, 13: 205; 272-80. 140 BACTERIOLOGISTS Russia Sezd bakteriologov, epidemiologov i sanitarnykh vrachei. 10. Odessa, Sept. 5-11, 1926. ★Report. See in P. V. Skvirsky's publication. Leningr., 1926, p. 69-82. Held at the 10th anniversary of Mechnikov's death. 11. Leningrad, May 21-26, 1928. ★Trudi. 272p. Moskva, 1929. — Programma i spravochnik. — Tezisy dokladov. — Postanovlenia. — (Theses of the hygiene section) See also Vrach. delo, 1928, passim. 141 BAKERS Austria-Hungary Oesterreichisch-ungarischer Backertag. 2. Wien, 1893. Stenographisches Protokoll. 124p. Wien, 1893. 142 BAKERS Germany Congress der gewerbetreibenden Backer Deutschlands. 1. Berlin, Oct. 11-14, 1874. Amtlicher Bericht. 76p. Berl., 1874. 143 BALNEOLOGISTS Germany Balneologen-Kongress. Badertagung. Held by the Deutsche balneologische Gesellschaft (See that) 1. 24. Berlin, 1903 (25th anniversary of the society); 25. Aachen, 1904; () Wiesbaden, March 16-20, 1921; 43. Baden, 1928, etc. 144 BALNEOLOGY International International congress of balneology. Internationaler Baderkongress. Congres international des stations balneaires. ( ) Karlsbad, 1931. 1. Budapest, Oct. 7-14, 1937. C. rend. 500p. Budap. 2. Berlin, Sept. 1938. 145 BATH Silesia Schlesischer Badertag. Reports privately published. 47. 1920. See Zschr. phys. diat. Ther., 1920, 24: 17-20. 54. 1927. 55. 1928. 56. 1929. 57. 1930. BATH [30] 146 BVT1I Switzerland Schweizerischer Biiderkongress (1938- ) 1. Bern, Apr. 9, 1938. 147 BATH, POPULAR (Public) International Conference internationale de bains populaires et scolaires. Organized by the Societe neerlandaise de bains populaires et scolaires. 1. Scheveningen, 1912. Established1" the Association internationale de bains populaires et scolaires, which publishes ita Bul- letin. 148 BEEKEEPERS Germany Wanderversammlung deutscher Bienenziichter (1849- ) ,,,.,,, , -. 01 A society with annual meetings and yearly volumes of Verhandlungen (v.l-zi, 1850-76) 149 BIBLIOGRAPHY Flamand Wetenschappelijk Vlaamsch congres voor boek- en bibliotheekwezen. 1. Antwerpen, 1930. Handelingen. 2. Gent, 1932. Handelingen. 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY International (a) Congres bibliographique international (1878- ) (5) Congres international de bibliographie et de documentation. See also 151 1. Paris, 1878. 2. Paris, Apr. 3-7, 1888. C. rend, des travaux. Par., 1889. 3. Paris, Apr. 13-16, 1898. C. rend. d. trav. 2 vol. Par., 1900. () Paris, 1900. (5) Bruxelles, 1910. 151 BIBLIOGRAPHY International (b) Conference bibliographique internationale. () Bruxelles, 1895. ★Documents. 28p. Brux., 1895. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY Italy Riunione bibliografica. 1. Milano, 1897. Atti. xxix, 91, 27p. Milano, 1898. 153 BIG BROTHERS International International conference of the big brothers and big sisters. 1. 1917. Proceedings. 154 BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS International International conference on the standardization of biological products (1923- ) Organized by the Health Organization of the League of Nations. 2. I. c. on the biological standardization of certain remedies. 1. Edinburgh, 1923. 2. Geneve, 1926. ★Circular 537: Brief report. 18 mimeo sheets. \*t /fi*~ [31] BIOLOGY 155 BIOLOGY International International congress of biology. ( ) Montevideo, 1930. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 1: ( ) Rio de Janeiro, 1932. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1931. 156 BIOLOGY Russia Mezhkraevaia biologicheskaia konferentsia Azovo-Chernomorskogo i Severo-Kavkazskogo kraev (Interregional biological conference of the Azov-Black Sea and North Caucasian regions) 2. Rostov, Dec. 24-26, 1936. See Rev. in Priroda, 1937, No. 11, 118. 157 BIOLOGY, SYNTHETIC Kongress fiir synthetische Lebensforschung. (1) Marienbad, Sept. 16-18, 1936. Verhandlungsbericht. 208p. Praha, 1937. 158 BIOTYPOLOGY Argentina Jornadas biotipologicas. Organized by the Asociaci6n argentina de biotipologia, eugenesfa y medicina socifl.1 1. Buenos Aires, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 1937. 159 BIRD PROTECTION International Congres ornithologiques pour la protection des oiseaux (1871- ) ( ) Budapest, 1871. ( ) Wien, 1873. ( ) Budapest, 1875. ( ) Roma, ( ) Paris, 1895. ( ) Graz, 1898. 160 BIRD STUDY International Congres international pour I'etude et la protection des oiseaux. 1. Luxemburg, 1925. 161 BIRTH CONTROL American American conference on birth control and national recovery. Washington, Jan. 1934. See Med. Woman J., 1934, 41: 42-7. 162 BIRTH CONTROL International International Neo-Malthusian and Birth control conference (1900- ) International birth control congress. Birth control conference. Conference internationale Birth Control. 1. Paris, 1900. 2. Liege, 1905. 3. La Haye, 1910. 4. Dresden, 1911. 5. London, 1922. ★ Report, xii, 308p. Lond., 1922. 163 BLIND Germany Deutscher Blindenkongress. 1. Hannover, 1908. Bericht. 119p. Heidelb., 1910. BLIND [32] 164 BLIND International International conference on the blind (1905- ) 1. Edinburgh, 1905. Report. 2. Man^ht^[UJaComni(it8tee on preventable blindness, which published its report in Ophthalmoscope, Lond, 1907, 7: 603. 3. Exeter, 1911. 4. 1914(?) 165 BLIND, INSTRUCTION Italy Congresso nazionale per l'istruzione dei ciechi (1883- 1. Firenze, 1883. Atti. 104p. Fir., 1884. 2. Padova, 1888. Atti. viii, 234p. Treviso, 1890. 166 BLIND, INSTRUCTORS American Convention of American Instructors of the blind (1853- ) 1. New York, Aug. 16-18, 1853. ★Proceedings. 6p. Batavia, 1875(!) 2. Indianapolis, 1871. ★Proceedings. 136p. Indianap., 1871. . Bound to Report of the 2. meeting of the American Association of Instructors of the Blind (held 1884) Further congresses held by this association. 167 BLIND, INSTRUCTORS Germany Blindenlehrer-Congress. 3. Berlin, July 27-31, 1879. Verhandlungen. 213p. Berl., 1880. 10. Breslau, 1901. Bericht. 342p. Bresl., 1902. 12. Hamburg(?) 1907. Ber. 432p. Hamb., 1908. 168 BLIND, INSTRUCTORS International Congres universel d'instituteurs d'aveugles (1873- ) 5. Blindenlehrer-Congress. The first 4 congresses were rather of national character. 1. Wien, 1873. 2. Dresden, 1876. 3. Berlin, 1879. 4. Frankfurt (a. M.?) 1882. 5. Amsterdam, Aug. 3-7, 1885. ★Verhandlungen. iii, 288p. Amst., 1886. Also French edition. 6. Breslau(?) 1888. 169 BLIND, PRINTING FUND United States Public meeting on behalf of the printing fund for the blind. Boston, Apr. 1, 1881. ★Proceedings. 34p. Bost., 1881. 170 BLINDNESS Italy Congresso nazionale di tiflologia e per la prevenzione della cecita. 6. C. naz. per i ciechi. 5. Roma, Dec. 1-16, 1906. ★Atti. lxiii, 306p. Roma, 1909. See also in Riv. tiflol., Roma, 1908, 4: passim. 6. (?) Bologna, 1910. Atti. 206p. Bologna, 1911. / ^ [33] BLIND, WELFARE 171 BLIND, WELFARE International Congres international pour ('amelioration du sort des aveugles (1889- ) International congress for improving the condition of the blind. (5) Congresso internazionale pel miglioramento della condizione dei ciechi. (1) Paris, Aug. 5-8, 1889. ★ Memoires. lOOp. Tournon, 1889. • ■,,,••, On lucrative occupations for the blind, blind children, schools for the blind, bhnd infants. (2) Paris, Aug. 1-5, 1900. ★Compte rendu & memoires. 307p. Versailles, 1900. . On organization of welfare for the bhnd, education of bhnd children, schools for bhnd cluldren, intellectual development of the bhnd child. (3) (or 2) Bruxelles, 1902. (4) (or 3) Wien, 1908(?) (5) (or 4) Napoli, March 30-Apr. 3, 1909. For report see Rev. philanthrop., Par., 1910, 27: 415-24.—Riv. tiflol., 1908, 4: 1-16. (6) (or 5) Cairo, 1911. 172 BLOOD TRANSFUSION International International congress on blood transfusion (1935- ) Congres international de la transfusion sanguine. Congresso internazionale della trasfusione del sangue. 1. Roma, Sept. 26-29, 1935. See Bull Soc. med. Paris, 1935, 473-5.—Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 1254. 2. Paris, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1937. „ m ari an For report see Bruxelles meU, 1937, 17: 1811-5.—Rev. cir. Hosp. Juarez, Mex., 1937, 8: 651-60.— Haematologica, Pavia, 1938, 19: 65-73. . . On blood groups, conservation of blood, hematological problems, problems of organization of donors. 173 BOOK France Congres national du livre. 2. Paris, June 13-18, 1921. ( ) 223p. Par., 1922. 174 BOOK Italy Congresso del libro. (1) Milano, 1917. Atti. lxi, 196p. Bologna, 1918. 175 BOOK Spain Conferencia nacional del libro. Madrid, March 1927. ( ) 148p. Madr., 1927. 176 BOTANICAL International Congres international de botanique et d'horticulture (1864-1892) (c) International horticultural exhibition and botanical congress. (h) C. i. de botanistes, d'horticulteurs, de negociants et de fabricants de produits du regne vegetal. (n) Congresso botanico internazionale. Do not confuse with 177 or with International horticultural congress. (a) Bruxelles, Apr. 24-26, 1864. Bulletin. Gand, 1864. Forms v.5 of Bull. F6d6ration des Soc. d'horticult. Belgique. (b) Amsterdam, Apr. 7-11, 1865. Bulletin. Rotterd., 1866. (c) London, May 22-31, 1866. Bulletin. Lond., 1866. — Report of proceedings. 1866. (d) Paris, Aug. 19-23, 1867. Actes. Par., 1867. (e) Sankt Peterburg, 1869. Bulletin. S. Peterb., 1870. (f) Firenze, May 11-25, 1874. Atti. 372p. Fir., 1876. BOTANICAL [34] (g) Bruxelles, May 1-2, 1876. (h) Amsterdam, 1877. Bulletin. Leiden, 1879. (i) Paris, Aug. 19-24, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 273p. Par., 1880. (k) Bruxelles, July 23-26, 1880. Bulletin. Brux., 1881. (1) Antwerpen, Aug. 1-10, 1885. Bulletin. Antw., n. d. (m) Paris, Aug. 20-25, 1889. Established the Commission internationale des cartes botaniques. (n) Genova, Sept. 5-9, 1892. Atti. xx, 583p. Genova, 1893. 177 BOTANY International International congress of plant sciences (1900- ) 1. 3. Congres international de botanique. 2. Internationaler botanischer Kongress. Preceded by 176; organized and prepared by the Association internationale des botanistes, which keeps the archives of the congress; has 5 sections and 3 special commissions on nomenclature. 1. Paris, Oct. 1-10, 1900. Actes. Par., 1900. 2. Wien, June 11-18, 1905. Actes. 262p. Jena, 1906. — Publications scientifiques. 3 vol. (includes also Actes) Established the International seed testing conference. See 1452. 3. Bruxelles, May 14-22, 1910. Actes. 2 vol. vii, 385p.; 263p. Brux., 1913. 4. Ithaca, N. Y., 1926. ★ (Publication) 2 vol. (1799p.) Menasha, 1929. The 1. vol. contains portraits of pathologists of the last 50 years. 5. Cambridge, 1930. 6. Amsterdam, Sept. 1-7, 1935. Proceedings. 2v. 178 BOTANY, CRYPTOGAMIC Italy Congresso nazionale di botanica crittogamica. Organized by the Societa, crittogamologica italiana. Parma, 1887. Atti. 134p. Varese, 1887. 178a BREAD France Congres national du bon pain. 1. Nice, May 14-15, 1938. 179 BREAD MAKING Congresso di panificazione. Milano, Oct. 20-22, 1923. Atti. 79p. Milano, 1923. 180 BREAD MAKING International (a) Conferenze tenute alia Esposizione internazionale di apparecchi di machinazione e panifica- zione. Milano, May-Aug. 1887. ★ ( ) xiii, 267p. Milano, 1887. 181 BREAD MAKING International (b) International congress on bread making. 1. 2. Congres international de la boulangerie. Congresso internazionale di panificazione. Internationaler Kongress der Brotindustrie. 1. Paris, 1889. 2. Paris, 1900. (?) Roma, 1932(?) (?) Leipzig, 1936. / ^ [ 35 ] BREEDING 182 BREEDING France (a) Congres national de l'elevage. (?) Paris, 1932. C. rendu. 661p. Par., 1932. 183 BREEDING France (b) Congres de la selection animate. ?Identical with 183? (?) Paris, Dec. 7-8, 1936. C. rendu des travaux. 415p. Par., 1937. 184 BREEDING International Congres international de l'elevage et de I'alimentation. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 22-25, 1910. Had 10 sections: 1. general problems of breeding and aUmentation; 5. bree.li:ig of milking animals. 185 BREEDING Italy Congresso zootecnico. (?) Cremona, 1913. Atti. lOOp. Cremona, 1913. 186 BREEDING Italy (interprovincial) Congresso interprovinciale zootecnico. ?Identical with 185? 3. Bologna, 1914. Atti ufficiali. 68p. Pesaro, 1914. 188 BREWERS International (a) Internationale Brauerversammlung. (?) Wien, June 16-21, 1873. Verhandlungen. ix, 146p. Wien, 1873. 189 BREWERS International (b) Internationale brewers' congress. See also 188. 1. Bruxelles, 1910. 2. Chicago, 1911. 190 BRUCELLOSIS International Congres international de brucelloses. 1. Avignon 1935. See Gaz. hop., 1935, 108: 1074-8.—Presse meU, 1935, 43: 1374.—Rev. prat. mal. pays chauds 1935, 15: 354; 391.—Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1293. 191 BUILDING International Congres international du batiment et des travaux publics. 1. C. i. de l'industrie du batiment et des travaux publics. 1. Liege, 1905. Rapports. (?) Bruxelles, 1935. Held together with the Congres international de la maconnerie et du Wton arme'. 192 BULLFIGHTING International Congres international de tauromachie. (?) Marseille, Sept. 1-2, 1906. BURIAL, REFORM [.36] 193 BURIAL, REFORM Kongress der Vereine fiir Reform des Bestattungswesens und fakultative Feuerbestattung. See also 338. (?) Gotha, Sept. 27, 1886. ( ) iv, 80p. Darmstadt, 1886. 194 BYZANTINE RESEARCH International Congres international des etudes byzantines. 1. Bucuresti, 1924. C. rend. 96p. Bucur., 1925. 4. Sofia, 1934. Actes. 195 CACAO International Congres international du cacao. (?) Bruxelles, 1932. C. rend, officiel. 196 CANCER Australia Australian cancer conference. Meetings of the Cancer organization of Australia, which publishes its Reports annually. Place of meeting: Canberra. 1. Canberra, March 20-21, 1930. ★Report. 35p. 2. Mar. 26-27, 1931. ★Report. 45p. 3. Mar. 29-31, 1932. ★Report. 40p. 4. Mar. 1-3, 1933. ★Report. 84p. 5. Apr. 17-20, 1934. ★Report. 81p. 197 CANCER France Congres du cancer. Held by the Association francaise du cancer. (?) Strasbourg, July 23-24, 1923. C. rend. Rapports. 2v. Par., l523. 198 CANCER Hungary ( ) Budapest, 1906. See Med. Bl., Wien, 1906, 29: 615. 199 CANCER International (a) International conference on cancer (1906- ) 1. Internationale Konferenz fiir Krebsforschung. 2. 3. Conference internationale pour I'etude du cancer. (4) (5) I. c. on cancer. Also Cancer conference. 1. Heidelberg & Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 25-27, 1906. ★Verhandlungen. xxxvi, 260p. Berl., 1907. See also Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1906, 24: 637^12— Zschr. Krebsforsch., 1907, 5: 2. Paris, Oct. 1-5, 1910. ★Travaux. lxii, 802p. Par., 1911. See also Arch, internat. chir.. Gand, 1910-11, 207-19.—Med. Korbl. Wiirttemb. arztl. Landesver., 1911,81:605. 3. Bruxelles, Aug. 1-5, 1913. Travaux. xvi, 566p. Brux., 1914. See also Tumori, 1913-14, 3: 161-80. Organized by the Association internationale pour I'etude du cancer. (4) Mohonk Lake, 1926. See reference in Lancet, Lond., 1926, 2: (5) London, July 17-28, 1928. * Report. 588p. Bristol, 1928. \ 'Vw^_>n-JL' >£c-i_ L<._.- w->w»lX^-tt- 1 -^-^» .. - x-^-*C AJ"T^ v—£>- [37] CANCER 200 CANCER International (b) Semaine internationale contre le cancer. Nov. 23-30, 1938. See Acta Unio internat. cancrum, 1938, 3: 92-7. 201 CANCER Italy (Italian conference on cancer) 2. Bologna, 1931. See note in Lancet, 1930, 2: 202 CANCER (CUTANEOUS) International Congreso internacional monografico de cancer de la piel. 1. Barcelona, 1929. () 2v. 203 CANCER CAMPAIGN International International congress of scientific and social campaign against cancer (1933- ) Congres international de lutte scientifique et sociale contre le cancer. Internationaler Kongress fiir Krebsforschung und Krebsbekampfung. 1. Madrid, Oct. 25-30, 1933. See report in Versl. volksgezondh., 1934, 4: 7-15. ( ) Paris, Mar. 22, 1934. Preliminary conference of the representatives of the organizations, societies, and national institu- tions for the campaign against cancer. 2. Bruxelles, Sept. 20-26, 1936. ★Travaux scientifique (3 vol.) Brux., 1936. Also German edition: Veroffent- lichungen. For Program see Acta Unio. internat. cancrum, 1936, 1: 159-60. See also Med. Welt, 1937, 11 : 91-4.—Orv. hetil., 1936, 80: 908. 3. Atlantic City, Sept. 11-16, 1939. Planned. 204 CAPE TOWN International (International conference at Cape Town) Cape Town, Nov., 1932. See report in Lancet, 1932, 2: 1444-5. On sanitation in Africa, yellow fever, rodent plague, prevention and treatment of leprosy, sanitation of ports. 205 CARDIOLOGY Czechoslovakia Congres tchecoslovaque de cardiologie. Praha, 1933. C. rend. 2 vols. 206 CATALAN LANGUAGE International Congres internacional de la Llengua Catalana. 1. Barcelona(?) 1908. ( ) 701p. Bare, 1908. 207 CATALAN LANGUAGE Spain Congres dels metges de Llengua Catalana. 1. Barcelona, June 1913. ( ) 1 vol. Bare, 1913. 2. 1918(?) ( ) 2 vol. Barcelona, 1918. 4. Girone, June 1921. ( ) 2 vol. Bare, 1921. 5. Lleida, June 1928. Catalog general de la exposici<5. 31p. Bare, 1928. CATHOLICS [ 3s ] 208 CATHOLICS Austria Allgemeiner osterreicher Katholikentag (fiir die gesammte Monarchic) 2 Wien, Apr. 29-May 2, 1SS9. Verhandlungen. 2 vol. Wien, 1889. 3. Linz, 1892. Bericht. 552p. Linz, 1892. 4. Salzburg, 1896. 5. Wien, 1905. 6. Wien, 1907. etc. 209 CATHOLICS German-American Allgemeine deutsch-amerikanische Katholiken-Versammlung. 2. Cincinnati, Sept. 3-4, 1888. Verhandlungen. 124p. S. Louis, 1888. 210 CATHOLICS France Congres general des catholiques de France. 1875. 211 CATHOLICS Switzerland Schweizerischer Katholikentag. 1. Luzern, Sept. 27-39, 1903. Offiz. Bericht. 119p. Luzern, 1903. 212 CATHOLICS, OLD Germany Altkatholiken-Kongress. Synode der Altkatholiken des Deutschen Reiches. Publishes Verhandlungen. 1 2. Koln, 1872; 3. 6. Bonn, June 4, 1879; subsequent congresses held in Bonn: 7. June 8, 1881; 8. May 16, 1883; 9. May 27, 1885; 10. June 1, 1887; 11. 14. 1902 (together with the 5th international congress) 213 CATHOLICS, OLD International Congres international des anciens-catholiques (1888- ) Internationaler Altkatholiken-Kongress. 1. Heidelberg, 1888. 2. Luzern, 1892. 3. Rotterdam, 1894. 4. Wien, 1897. 5. Bonn, 1902. Stenogr. Bericht. 128p. Bonn, 1902. 6. Olten, 1904. Ber. 149p. Aarau, 1905. 7. 's-Gravenhage, Sept. 3-5, 1907. Ber. 177p. 8. Wien, Sept. 6-9, 1909. Ber. 160p. Wien, 1910. 10. Bern, Sept. 2-4, 1925. 11. Utrecht, Aug. 13-16, 1928. 12. Konstanz, 1934. Bericht. 213a CATHOLIC PHYSICIANS International International congress of catholic physicians. 1. Budapest, 1930. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: pt 1.—Paris m£d., 1930, 78: 214 CATHOLIC SOCIETIES Germany Versammlung der katholischen Vereine Deutschlands (1848- ) 1. Generalversammlung etc. 5.-9. Versammlung des katholischen Vereines Deutschlands. 12. 18. ... Deutschlands und Oesterreichs. 19. ... der deutschen Landern. [ 39 ] CATHOLIC SOCIETIES 22. 23. Versammlung der Katholiken Deutschlands. 24. Katholische Generalversammlung Deutschlands. 25. and on as 22. c of) OA Does not belong to this set a) Katholiken-Kongress, Munchen, hept. ll-n, 1871; b) Katholikenversammlung, Munchen, Apr. 10, 1871. Annual meeting; publishes Verhandlungen. .... 1. Mainz, Oct. 3-6, 1848; 2. Breslau, May 9-12, 1849; 3. Regensburg, Oct. 2-5, 1849 (!); 4. Linz, Sept. 24-27, 1850; 5. Mainz, Oct. 7-10, 1851; 6. Minister, Sept. 21-23, 1852. „T. ,„„ „ T. ia._ Further congresses held mostly in September or late August as follows: 7. Wien, 1853; 8. Linz, isoo 9. Salzburg, 1857; 10. Koln, 1858; 11. Freiburg i. B., 1859; 12. Praha, 1860; 13 Munchen, 1861 14. Aachen, 1862; 15. Frankfurt a. M., 1863; 16. Wurzburg, 1864; 17. Trier, 1865; 18. Innsbruck, 1867 19. Bamberg, 1868; 20. Diisseldorf, 1869; 21. Mainz, 1871; 22. Breslau, 1872; 23. Freiburg, 1875 24. Munchen, 1876; 25. Wurzburg, 1877; 26. Aachen, 1879; 27. Konstanz, 1880; and so on yearly 37. Coblenz, 1890; 47. Bonn, 1900, etc. 215 CATTLE COMMISSIONERS American American convention of cattle commisioners. Assembled on the call of the governor of Illinois to report on Texas fever. Springfield, 111., Dec. 1-3, 1868. ★Proceedings & debates. 163p. Spnngf., 1869. 216 CATTLE GROWERS United States National convention of cattle growers. Under the auspices of the Consolidated cattle growers' association of the United States. Chicago, 1887. ★Proceedings. 91p.; 10 1. Chic, 1887. 217 CELTIC International Congres pan-Celtique international. 1. Bruxelles, Aug. 25-31, 1910. Organized by the Union celtique; also an exposition. 218 CEREALS Spain Congreso cerealista. 1. Valladolid, 1927. Organisaci6n. Discusiones. 3 vol. 219 CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT United States Mid-West conference on character development. (?)1930(?) ★ Proceedings (under title: The child's emotions) x, 406p. Chic, 1930. 220 CHARITABLE RELIEF International International conference on charitable relief to aliens. (?) Paris, 1913. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1913, 60: 221 CHARITIES Austria Charitas-Kongress. 5. Oesterreichischer Charitas-Kongress. Reports published privately. 3. Linz, 1906. Ber. 88p. Wien, 1906. 4. Wien, 1910. Ber. 136p. Wien, 1910. 5. Briinn, Nov. 14-16, 1913. Ber. 25p. Wien, 1913. CHARITIES [40] 222 CHARITIES Illinois Conference of charities. 1. 1896. Proceedings. 223 CHARITIES Italy Congresso nazionale delle opere pie (1879- ) 1. Congresso italiano per le riforme e I'ordinamento delle opere pie. (1) Napoli, 1879. Atti. 150p. Nap., 1879. 2. Firenze, 1893. Atti. 219p. Fir., 1893. 3. Genova, 1896. Atti. 414p. Genova, 1897. 4. Torino, 1898. Atti. 199p. Bologna, 1899. 5. Venezia, 1900. Atti. viii, 191p. Venez., 1902. 224 CHARITIES Massachusetts State conference of charities. 1. 1903. Program. 2. 1904. For report see Charities, 1904, 13: 160-4. 3. 1905. For report see Charities, 1905, 15: 263-6. 225 CHARITIES Pacific Coast Conference of charities. 1. 1896. Proceedings. 226 CHARITIES, CATHOLIC United States National conference of catholic charities. 1. 1910. Proceedings. 227 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Arkansas State conference of charities and correction. Publishes Proceedings. 1. 1912; 2. 1913; 3. 1914. 228 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Connecticut State conference on charities and correction. Publishes Proceedings. 1. 1910; 2. 1911; 3. 1912. 229 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Indiana Conference of charities and correction. 1. 1890. Proceedings. 3. 1894. Proceedings. 230 CHARITIES & CORRECTION International International congress of charities, correction, and philanthropy. Held during the World's Columbian Exposition. See also 245. [ 41 ] CHARITIES & CORRECTION ( ) Chicago, June 1893. ★Report. Bait., 1894. Published in several sections. CONTENTS ★a) General exercises. 48p. ★b) Report of 1. section: Public treatment of pauperism. 319p. c) Report of 2. section: ★d) Report of 3. section: Hospitals, dispensaries, and nursing, xiv, 719p. •kf) Report of 4. section: Commitment, detention, care, and treatment of the insane. 193p kU Report of 5. section: Prevention and repression of crime. 107p. kg) Report of 6. section: Organization of charities. 400p. h) Report of 7. section: ★i) Report of 8. section: Care and training of the feeble-minded. 23p. a and b bound in one volume; also e, f, and i. 231 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Iowa State conference of charities and correction. Publishes Proceedings. 1. 1898. 19. 1917. 232 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Kentucky State conference, charities and correction. 1. 1905. Report. 233 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Maryland Conference of charities and correction. 3. 1907. Proceedings. 234 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Michigan State conference of charities and correction. Discontinued in 1908; reorganized in 1913, but no publications after this year. 1. 1883. Proceedings. 235 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Minnesota State conference of charities and correction. Publishes Proceedings. 1. 1893. 237 CHARITIES & CORRECTION New York, N. Y. Conference of charities and correction. 1. 1910. Proceedings. 238 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Ohio State conference of charities and correction. 1. 1892. Proceedings. 6. 1896. Proceedings. 239 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Oregon State conference of charities and correction 1. 1902. Report of proceedings. 2. 1903. CHARITIES & CORRECTION [ 42 ] 240 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Texas State conference on charities and correction. 1. (1911?) No publication. 2. 1912. Proceedings. 241 CHARITIES & CORRECTION Virginia Conference of charities and correction. 4. 1904. Proceedings. 242 CHARITY Australasian Australasian conference on charity. 1. 1890. Proceedings. 2. 1891. Proceedings. 243 CHARITY France Congres d'assistance. 3. Congres d'assistance publique et de bienfaisance privee. 6. Congres d'assistance publique et privee. 2. Rouen & Le Havre, June 15-19, 1879. ( ) 2 vol. Par., 1898. 3. Bordeaux, June 1-7, 1903. C. rendus. 3 vol. Bord., 1904. 5. Nantes, July 3-8, 1911. ( ) v, 417p. Nantes, 1912. 6. Montpellier, June 1-7, 1914. ( ) 469p. Montp., 1919. 244 CHARITY International (a) Congres international d'assistance publique et de bienfaisance privee (1856- ) 1. C. i. de bienfaisance. 2. The same; also Internationaler Kongress fiir Armenpflege; Internationaler Wohltatigkeitskongress. 3. as head title. 4. Congresso internazionale di beneficenza. Do not confuse with 230 or 245. (1) Bruxelles, 1856. ★ ( ) 2 vol. xix, 518p.; Annexes 360p. Brux., 1857. See also Mbl. med. Statist., 1856, 59. Established the Association internationale de bienfaisance, which publishes its Bulletin, and keeps a Bureau central de bienfaisance. (2) Frankfurt a. M., 1857. ★ ( ) 2 vol. xx, 428p.; 603p. Frankf., 1858. (3) London, 1862. ( ) 2 vol. Lond., 1863. 4. Milano, 1880. ★Atti. viii, 507p. Milano, 1882. — Atti del Comitato ordinatore. 165p. Milano, 1880. 245 CHARITY International (b) Congres international d'assistance publique et de bienfaisance privee (1889- ) 1. C. i. d'assistance. 3. as head title. Do not confuse with 230; 243; 244. Also called: International congress of public and private benevolent in- stitutions. 1. Paris, July 28-Aug. 4, 1889. ( ) 2 vol. Par., 1890. 2. Geneve, 1896. [43] CHARITY 3. Paris, July 30-Aug. 5, 1900. Recueil des travaux. 6 vol. Par., 1900. 4. Milano, 1906. Atti. 6 vol. Milano, 1907-9. 5. K0benhavn, 1910. Recueil des travaux. 2 vol. Kbh., 1911. 246 CHAUFFEUR Germany Allgemeine Konferenz deutscher Berufsautomobilfiihrer. 2. Berlin, Apr. 16-17, 1913. Protokoll. 84p. Berl., 1913. 247 CHEMICAL International International chemical congress (1860- ) 1. Internationaler Chemiker-Kongress. (1) Karlsruhe, Sept. 3-5, 1860. Der internationale Chemiker-Kongress (by A. E. Stock) Berl., 1933. Published for the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft. (2) Paris, 1867. (3) Moskva, 1872. (4) Wien, 1873. (5) Philadelphia, 1876. (6) Paris, 1878. (7) Diisseldorf, 1880. (8) Milano, 1881. (9) Paris, 1889. (10) Chicago, 1893. It was decided to organize the congress and to meet at regular intervals. For continuation see 250. 248 CHEMICAL International (b) International chemical conference (1920- ) Meetings of the International union of chemistry. Also called Congres international de chimie pure et appliquee. 1. Roma, 1920. (Publication) 2. Bruxelles, 1921. 3. Lyon, 1922. 4. Cambridge, 1923. 5. K0benhavn, 1924. 6. Bucuresti, 1925. 7. Washington, 1926. 8. Warszawa, 1927. 9. 's-Gravenhage, 1928. 10. Liege, 1930. 12. Luzern & Zurich, 1936. C. rendus. 249 CHEMISTRY Italy Congresso (nazionale) di chimica pura ed applicata (1902- ) 1. 2. C. n. di chimica applicata. 1. Torino, 1902. Atti. 527p. Tor., 1903. 2. Torino, 1911. Atti. 544p. Tor., 1912. 3. Firenze & Toscana, May 26-June 1, 1929. Atti. xlviii, 850p. Roma, 1930. 4. Roma & Abruzzo, 1932. Atti. 5. Sardegna, 1935. Atti. 250 CHEMISTRY, APPLIED International International congress of applied chemistry (1894- ) 1. 2. 4. Congres international de chimie appliquee, 6. Congresso internazionale di chimica applicata. CHEMISTRY, APPLIED [44] 3. 5. Internationaler Kongress fiir angewandte Chemie. 7. as head title. 9. Congreso internacional de qufmica pura y aplicada. Direct continuation of 247. Do not confuse with 248. Has 11 sections with 19 subsections. Special commissions: a) C. d'unification des me'thodes d'analyses des denr6es alimentaires. b) C. internationale pour I'analyse des engrais et des matieres alimentaires arti- ficiels. c) C. internationale d'analyses. e) C. internationale pour I'unification des m^thodes d'6preuves sur la stability des explosifs. f) C. internationale des tables annuelles physico-chimiques. 1. Bruxelles, Aug. 4-11, 1894. C. rendus. 2. Paris, July 27-Aug. 5, 1896. C. r. 3 vol. Par., 1897. 3. Wien, July 28-Aug. 2, 1898. Bericht. 3 vol. Wien, 1899. 4. Paris, July 23-28, 1900. C. r. 3 vol. Par., 1901. 5. Berlin, June 2-9, 1903. Bericht. 4 vol. Berl., 1904. — Rapports, 5. sect. Sucrerie. Brux., 1903. 6. Roma, Apr. 26-May 3, 1906. Atti. 7 vol. Roma, 1997. — Bericht der internationalen Analysenkommission. 421p. Ziir., 1906. English, German, French editions. 7. London, May 27-June 2, 1909. ★List of committees. 76p. Lond., 1909. — (Proceedings) 18 vol. Lond., 1910. See also J. R. Army M. Corps, 1909, 13: 200-8. 8. Washington & New York, Sept. 6-13, 1912. ★Preliminary announcement. 31p. N. Y., 1911. — (Proceedings) 29 vol. (Volume 8 on hygiene) 9. Madrid, Apr. 5-11, 1934. (Proceedings) 8 vol. See also Gior. biol. appl., 1934, 4: 81-7. 10. Roma, May 15-21, 1938. See Biochim. ter. sper., 1938, 25: 231-7. 251 CHEMISTRY, INDUSTRIAL France Congres de chimie industrielle. 3. Paris, Oct. 21-26, 1923. ( ) lxxx, 828p. Par., 1924. Forms special No. of Chimie et industrie. 252 CHEMISTRY, INDUSTRIAL Italy Congresso di chimica industriale. Milano, Apr. 13-18, 1924. Atti. xi, 478. Milano, 1924. 253 CHEMISTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL Italy Congresso chimico-farmaceutico nazionale. 5. Milano, 1906. Atti ufficiali. 663p. Milano, 1907. 6. Trieste, June 9-14, 1921. Atti. 502p. Saluzzo, 1925. 254 CHEMISTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL Italy: Marchigi Congresso chimico-farmaceutico umbro-marchigiano (1898-99) 1. C. farmaceutico marchigiano. 2. as head title. Since 1901, meetings held by Associazione chimico-farmaceutica marchigiana ed umbra. 1. Senigallia, 1898. Atti. 95p. Senigallia, 1898. 2. Perugia, 1899. Atti. 40p. Perugia, 1900. [ 45 ] CHEMISTRY & PHARMACY 255 CHEMISTRY & PHARMACY International Congres international de chimie et de pharmacie. 1. Liege, July 27-30, 1905. Rapports & communications. Liege, 1907. Sections: 1. general and physico-chemistry; 2. analytical and industrial mineral chemistry; 3. organic industrial; 4. food chemistry; 6. agricultural chemistry; 7. biological and physiological chemistry; chemistry applied to hygiene and bacteriology; 8. deontology; 9. history and legislation. 256 CHILD American American child's congress. 1. 1913. Bulletin. No. 1, 2. 2 1918 Bulletin. No. 1, 2. 257 CHILD Mexico Congreso mexicano del nino. 1. Mexico, 1921 (?) ( ) 2 1. 51p. Mexico, 1921. 2. Mexico, 1923. See in J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 3. Mexico, 1925. See Ibid. 258 CHILD Panamerican Congreso panamericano del nino (1916- ) 2. Congreso americano del nino. 4. C. americano da crianga. 1. Buenos Aires, 1916. ★Programme. 15p. 2. Montevideo, 1918. Conclusiones generates sancionales. 26p. Montev., 1919. 4. Santiago de Chile, 1924. See Sciencia meU, Rio, 1924, 2: 585-8. 5. La Habana, 1926. 6. Lima, 1930. ★Colaboraci6n (Mexico. Departamento de salubridad piiblica) 74p. Mex., 1930. — ★Report of U. S. delegates, v, 61p. Wash., 1931. See also J. Social Hyg., 1931, 17: 7. Mexico, Oct. 1935. See Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1935, 14: 643-6.—Arch, pediat. Uruguay, 1936, 7: 256; 312.—Gac. m6d, Mexico, 1935-36, 66: 424-6. 259 CHILD, ABNORMAL: EDUCATION Germany Allgemeiner Fiirsorge-Erziehungs-Tag. (?) Rostock, June 23-27, 1910. Bericht ii. d. Verh. 144p. Berl., 1910. (?) Dresden, June 24-27, 1912. Schriften. 2 Heft. Berl., 1912. 260 CHILD, AFRICAN International International conference on African children. International conference on child welfare in Africa. Conference internationale pour l'enfance africaine. (1) Geneve, 1931. The African child (by Sharp, E.) 124p. Lond., 1931. See also Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1931, 13: 261 CHILD, CLIMATOTHERAPY France Congres de l'enfant a la mer et a la montagne. 2. Nice, 1937. See Presse therm, dim., 1937, 78: 302. 3. Grenoble, Sept. 15, 1938. CHILD HEALTH [46] 262 CHILD HEALTH Iowa Iowa White House conference on child health and protection. d) Des Moines, 1932. * Proceedings. 506p. (Des Moines, 1932) 263 CHILD HEALTH Washington White House conference on child health and protection (1909- ) Note : Since 1930, there have been many state, county, regional, and city con- ferences held. 1. Washington, 1909. Called by President Theodore Roosevelt. On dependent children; suggests Children's Bureau. 2. Washington, 1919. Called by President Woodrow Wilson. Five sections. 3. Washington, 1930. Called by President Herbert Hoover. ★Reports. Wash., 1930-33. Divided into 4 sections: 1. medical service; 2. public health and administration; 3. education and training; 4. the handicapped. 264 CHILD LABOR United States National conference on child labor. March, 1917. 265 CHILD PROTECTION Austria Oesterreichischer Kinderschutzkongress. 2. Salzburg, Sept. 4-6, 1913. Schriften. 2 Bd. Wien, 1913. 265a CHILD PROTECTION Balkan Congres balkanique de la protection de l'enfance. 2. Beograd, Oct. 1938. For program see Arch. m6d. sociale hyg., Brux., 1938, 1: 399. 266 CHILD PROTECTION Germany Deutscher Kongress fiir Sauglingsschutz (1909- ) 7. Deutsche Tagung fiir Sauglings- und Kleinkinderschutz. Organized by the Deutsche Vereinigung fiir Sauglingsschutz. 1. Dresden, 1909. ★Stenographischer Bericht ii. d. Verhandlungen. 143p. Berl., 1909. 5. Karlsruhe, 1917. Bericht. 69p. Charlottenb., 1917. 7. Munchen, Mar. 21-22, 1925. Bericht. 209p. Berl., 1925. Published as report of the Deutsche Vereinigung fiir Sauglings- und Kleinkinderschutz. 8. Diisseldorf, Sept. 13-14, 1926. ( ) 109p. Berl., 1926. 9. Hamburg, Sept. 17, 1928. ( ) 85p. Berl., 1928. 267 CHILD PROTECTION Netherlands Congres voor kinderbescherming. (?) 's-Gravenhage, Apr. 6-9, 1904. ★Stenographisch verslag. viii, 506p. Amst., 1904. (?) Amsterdam, 1913. Kindervoeding en -Weeding (etc.) 4 vols. 268 CHILD REARING Austria Tagung iiber die Fragen der Kinderaufzucht, des Sauglings- und Kleinkindesalters. (1) Wien, Apr. 7-8, 1919. ★Verhandlungsschrift. 115p. Wien, 1919. Forms No. 5, Veroff. Volksgesundhamt., Wien. y [ 47 ] CHILDREN, DEPENDENT 268a CHILDREN, DEPENDENT Ohio State conference on dependent children. Published Proceedings (1914-16) 269 CHILD STUDY Germany Kongress fiir Kinderforschung und Jugendfiirsorge. (?) Berlin, 1906. Bericht. 27p. 432p. Langensalza, 1907. 270 CHILD WELFARE America International child welfare convention. Under the auspices of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Association. 1. 1908. Proceedings. 2. No publication. 3. Washington, 1914. Proceedings. 271 CHILD WELFARE Belgium Congres national des oeuvres de l'enfance. 1. Charleroi, July 13, 1924. ( ) 103p. Brux., 1924. 272 CHILD WELFARE International (a) International congress for the welfare and protection of children (1896- ) 1. Congresso internazionale per l'infanzia. Congres international de la protection de l'enfance. International congress of charities and the protection of ... Organized by the Association internationale pour la protection de l'enfance. 1. Firenze, 1896. Memorie, discussioni e processi verbali. 2v. Milano, 1899-1902. 2. Budapest, 1899. 3. London, 1903 (1902?) (?) Bruxelles, 1913. (?) Bruxelles, 1921. 9. Paris, 1931. C. rendu. See notes in Paris m<5d., 1931, 80: 10. Paris, July 4-9, 1933. See Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1933/34, 7: 135-68.—Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 1289-93.—J. mid. Paris, 1933, 53: 707-11.—Presse meU, 1933, 41: 1268-70. 11. (?) 1935. See MeU inf., 1935, 42: 294-304. 12. Paris, July 19-22, 1937. See J. meU Paris, 1937, 57: 13. Frankfurt a. M., June 12-18, 1938. 273 CHILD WELFARE International (b) Internationaler Kongress fiir Kinderfiirsorge. 2. Roma, Sept. 23-26, 1937. For Bericht see Kinderarztl. Prax., 1938, 9: 40-42. On a) prevention of infantile mortality from nutritional diseases; b) climatic colonies for preschool children; c) sanitary measures for European children in the colonies. 274 CHILD WELFARE Italy Congresso regionale per 1'educazione e per l'assistenza dell'infanzia. (?) Bologna, Nov. 15-17, 1927. Atti. 113p. Bologna, 1928. CHILD WELFARE I 48 ] 275 CHILD WELFARE Minnesota State conference of child welfare boards with the Board of Control. 1. 1919. Proceedings. 276 CHILD WELFARE Ohio State conference on child welfare. Publishes the Ohio Child, v.l, 1918- 277 CHILD WELFARE South Africa Child welfare conference. Publishes report of proceedings (No. 1, 1917- 278 CHOCOLATE International Congres international des fabricants de chocolate et de cacao. (?) Antwerpen, 1930. Volume preparatoire. C. rend. 2v. 279 CHOLELITHIASIS International Congres international de la lithiase biliare (1932- 1. Vichy, Sept. 19-22, 1932. ★Rapports. 363p. 40p. Par., 1932. — ★Comptes rendus. 612p. Par., 1932. See also An. Fac. med., Montev., 1932, 17: 1277-95. 280 CHOLERA Alger Reunion generale du corps medical d'Alger en prevision d'une epidemic cholerique. ( ) Alger, July 18-19, 1884. ★Proces-verbaux. See in Alger mid., 1884, 12: 225-31. 281 CHOLERA Canada Medical conference held in the Bureau of Agriculture (on cholera) () Ottawa, March 1866. ★Canada. Memorandum on cholera. 34p. Ottawa, 1886. 282 CHOLERA Germany Cholera-Conferenz. (2) Conferenz zur Erorterung der Cholerafrage. (1) Weimar, Apr. 28-39, 1867. ★Verhandlungen. viii, 92p. Munch., 1867. Forms Suppl. to Zschr. Biol., 1867, 3: — ★Bericht. 32p. Koln, 1867. 1. (2) Berlin, 1884. See Med. News, 1884, 45: 221; passim. 2. (3) Berlin, 1885. Called Zweite Serie. ★ ( ) 78p. Berl., 1885. Also in Berl. klin. Wschr., 1885, 22: 309; 325. — ★( ) 60p. Berl., 1885. Also in Deut. med. Wschr., 1885, 11: 329; 342. See also Aerztl. Intell. Bl., 1885, 32: 511; 599.—Med. News, 1885, 46: 606; 634.—Ned. mil. geneesk. arch., 1885, 9: 302-16. 283 CHOLERA International Baltische internationale Cholerakonferenz. ( ) Riga, July 25-27, 1921. See Deut. med. Wschr., 1921, 47: 1168. [49] CHOLERA 284 CHOLERA Italy Conferenza pubblica sul cholera. (1) Tortona, July 13, 1884. ★Conferenza pubblica sul cholera (by V. Pasquali) Tortona, 1884. 285 CHOLERA Netherlands (Verhandlungen iiber Choleraquarantane) (?) Antwerpen, Aug. 29-30, 1885. See Zschr. Preuss. statist. Bur., 1886, 26: 31-41. 286 CHOLERA Riga Sitzungen sammtlicher Aerzte Riga's in Betreff der daselbst herrschenden Cholera- Epidemie. ( ) Riga, May 30-Aug. 1, 1831. Protocoll-Extracte d. 1.-6. Sitzung. Hamb., 1831. — Protocoll-Extracte der 4 letzten Sitzungen. Hamb., 1831. — ★Hanover. Konigliche Immediat-Commission gegen die Cholera. Ueber die asiatische Cholera; aus den Protocollen der Rigaer Aerzte. Hannover, 1831. 287 CHOLERA Russia: Kaluga Sezd zemskikh vrachei ... kaluzhskoi guberny ... (kholera) Kaluga, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 1893. ★Trudi. 94p. Kaluga, 1893. 288 CHOLERA Russia: Kavkaz Sezd kavkazkikh vrachei ... cholernoi epidemii. 1. Tiflis, 1893. ★Dnevnik. Tiflis, 1893. — ★Trudi. 357p. Tiflis, 1893. 289 CHOLERA Russia: S. Peterburg Sanitarny sezd zemskikh predstavitelei i vrachei S. Peterburgskoi gubernii ... kholernoi epidemii. S. Peterburg, March 20-22, 1893. ★Protokoli. S. Peterburg, 1893. 290 CHRISTIAN Basel Christliche Jahresfeste in Basel (1889- ) Annual meetings in June or July; held in Basel, Switzerland. Publishes Bericht (about 100 pages each) 1. July 1-4, 1889.—2. June 30-July 4, 1890.—3. June 26-30, 1892.—4. 1893.— 5. 1894.— ... 11. 1900, etc. 291 CHRYSANTHEMUM International Congres international des chrysanthemes. (1?) (place ?) Nov. 1910. 292 CHRONOMETRY International (a) Congres international de chronometrie. Special commissions: 1. Commission pour elaborer un projet d'unification des epreuves et concours pour chronometres de poche; 2. C. pour etudier la question des unites employees en horologerie (etc.) 3. C. pour rechercher les moyens pratiques de rlaliser dans 1'order scientifique la division d6cimale du temps. CHRONOMETRY [50] 1 Pari?, Sept. 7-12, 1889. C. rendu d. trav. Par., 1891. 2. Paris, Julv 2S-Aug. 4, 1900. C. reiid. Par., 1901. Establishes a Commission internationale permanente. 293 CHRONOMETRY International (b) Conference internationale de l'heure. Organized by the Bureau des longitudes. (I) Paris, Oct. 1912. ( ) 290p. Par., 1913. (2) Paris, 1913. 294 CINEMATOGRAPHY, EDUCATIONAL International International congress of educational and instructional cinematography. Congresso internazionale de cinematographia educativa. Congres international de cinematographic Educative. Organized by the International Educational Cinematographic Institute. 1. Roma, Apr. 19-24, 1934. Reports, v.l: Cinema et education; v.2: Cinema et enseignement. See Bull. Internat. Bur. League of Nat., 1934, 6: 120-3. 297 CIRCULATORY INSUFFICIENCY Russia Konferentsia v spravi nedostatnosti krovoobish. (Conference on the problem of circulatory insufficiency) jfe (1?) Kiev, Dec. 23-28, 1936. d*«***a.<>&+-^ See report in M6d. exp., Kharkov, 1937, No. 5, 99-102. 298 CITIZENS New Orleans Mass meeting to return thanks for the succor extended to the city during the epidemic of 1878. New Orleans, Dec. 6, 1878. ★Proceedings. 15p. N. Orl., 1878. 299 CITY Germany Kongress fiir Stadtewesen (1912- ) 6. Deutscher Stadtetag. 1. Diisseldorf, 1912. Verhandlungen. 2 vol. Diiss., 1913. 6. Hannover, Sept. 25-26, 1924. 300 CITY International (a) Conference internationale des villes. (1?) Liege & Anvers, 1930. (2?) Lyon, 1934. 301 CITY International (b) Congres international des villes (1913- ) 1. Gand, 1913. ( ) 2 vols. 2. Amsterdam, 1924. Actes. 3. Paris, 1925. Actes. 3 vols. 4. Sevilla & Barcelona, 1929. Actes. 4 vols. 5. London, 1932. Actes. 2 vols. 302 CITY Italy Congresso nazionale di urbanistica. 1. Roma, Apr. 5-7, 1937. Communicazioni. 152p. Roma, 1937. ;?f7. kA>. &^ 15: 1327: passim. 314 COLLEGE HYGIENE United States National conference on college hygiene. (1?) Syracuse, N. Y., 1931. " See J. Social HyS„ 1931, 17: 315 COLLOID CHEMISTRY United States National symposium on colloid chemistry. -D^nny.„u n™,™i Sponsored by the Colloid Committee of the (U. S.) National Research Council. 2. Chicago, Northwestern Univ., June 18-21, 1924. ★Colloid symposium monographs, vii, 368p. N. l., 1925. 3. Minnesota Univ., June 1925. ★Colloid symposium monographs. 323p. N. Y., 1925. 7. Johns Hopkins Univ., June 1929. ★Colloid symposium annual, viii, 300p. N. Y., 1930. 11. Madison, Wise, June 1934. ★Colloid symposium monographs. 288p. Bait., 1935. 12. Ithaca, N. Y., June 1935. ★Colloid symp. monogr. 156p. Bait., 1936. 316 COLONIAL Belgium Congres colonial national (1920- ) 1. Bruxelles, Dec. 18-20, 1920. C. rend. d. seances. 452p. Brux., 1921. 2. Bruxelles, 1926. C. rend. & rapp. 3. Bruxelles, 1930. Rapp. (2 vol. ?) 317 COLONIAL Germany Deutscher Kolonialkongress. 1. Berlin, 1902. Verhandlungen. 856p. Berl., 1903. 2. Berlin, 1905. ★Verhandlungen. c, 1055p. Berl., 1906. 3. Berlin, Oct. 6-8, 1910. Verh. 95p. 1197p. Berl., 1910. 318 COLONIAL France Congres colonial frangais. (1) Paris, June 5-10, 1905. C. rend. Par., 1905. See also Arch. mi§d. nav., 1905, 84: 92-114. (2) Marseille, 1906. C. rend. 4 vols. 1907-8. 3. (place?) 1907. 4. (place?) 1908. 319 COLONIAL International Congres colonial international (1889- ) The numbered congresses were held by the International Colonial Institute of Bruxelles. (a) Paris, 1889. Deliberations & travaux. C. rend. Par., 1890. (b) Bruxelles, 1897. C. rend. Brux., 1898. [53] COLONIAL (c) Paris, 1900. Rapp., m6m. & p. verb. 1. Bruxelles, 1894; 2. La Haye, 1895; 3. Berlin, 1897; 4. Bruxelles, 1899; 5. Paris, 1900; 6. La Have, 1901; 7. London, 1903; 8. Wiesbaden, 1904; 9. Roma, 1905: 10. Bruxelles, 1907; 11. Paris, 1908; 12. La Haye, 1909; 13. Braunschweig, 1911; 14. Bruxelles, 1912; 15. An international colonial congress called the 3rd was held at Gand, 1913 (C rend. 2 vols) 320 COLONIAL Italy Congresso coloniale italiano. (b) C. nazionale coloniale. (c) C. nazionale coloniale per il dopo guerra delle colonic (1?) Asmara, 1905. Atti. 2 vols. (b) Napoli, 1917. Atti. xx, 371p. Nap., 1917. (c) Roma, 1919. Atti. xxxi, 81 lp. Roma, 1920. — Voti. 31p. Roma, 1919. 321 COLONIAL STUDIES Italy Congresso di studi coloniali (1931- ) 1. Firenze, 1931. Atti. 7 vols. 2. Napoli, Oct. 1-5, 1934. Atti. 7 vols. Fir., 1935-37. 322 COMBUSTIBLES, LIQUID International Congres international des combustibles liquides. 1. Paris, 1922. 323 COMMERCE International (a) Congres international du commerce et de l'industrie (1869- ) (a) C. i. commercial. (a) Kairo, 1869. (b) Paris, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 120p. Par., 1880. (e) Bruxelles, 1880. (d) Paris, Sept. 23-28, 1889. Rapp. Par., 1890. (1) Bruxelles, Sept. 6-11, 1897. Documents & C. rend. 2 vols. Brux., 1898. (2) Philadelphia, 1899. (3) Paris, July 23-29, 1900. Discussions. Par., 1902. 4. Ostende, 1902. C. rend, analyt. Ostende, 1902. Also as reprint from the Rev. internat. commerce, 1902, 4: 324 COMMERCE International (b) Conference parlamentaire internationale du commerce. Annual. 1. (1915?) 2. Paris (?) Apr. 27-29, 1916. Programme des travaux & C. rend. Par., 1916. 3. Roma, 1917. C. rend. d. s6ances. Par., 1918. 4. London, 1918. 10. Bruxelles, June 23-26, 1924. C. rend. 222p. Malines, 1924. 11. Roma, Apr. 17-20, 1925. ( ) 156p. Roma, 1925. 16. Bruxelles, 1930. C. rend. Annexes. 17. Praha, 1931. C. rend. Annexes. Statuts. 2 vols. COMMERCIAL EXPANSION [ c i f */? ^^Sf /&9f" &nZ,r*>Hz. 7J/jJur>, /&? f [87] GYNECOLOGISTS 546 GYNECOLOGISTS Poland (Congress of Polish gynecologists) 8. Lwow, July 1937. See Gin. polska, 1937, 16: 757-818. 547 GYNECOLOGISTS Russia Sezd ginekologov i akusherov. 9. Mo>kva, 1931. Notes in Paris meU, 1931, 80: 548 GYNECOLOGY France (a) Congres national periodique de gynecologie d'obstetrique et de ped.atr.e (1895- ) 1 2. Congres periodique de gynecologie (etc.) Organized by the Societe de gynecologie de Bordeaux. 1. Bordeaux, 1895. „ ★Memoires et discussions. 1035p. .Far., i»yo. 2' MTMe1So?reset8dLusSions. 1016p. Marseille, 1899 (1900?) 3. Nantes, 1901. 4. Rouen, Apr. 1904. ★ Memoires et discussions. 821p. Rouen, 1904. 5. Alger, 1907. See notes in Lyon m£d., 1906, 107: 6. Toulouse, Sept. 1910. Mem. xxxiii, 880p. Toulouse, 1912. 7. Lille, 1913. See Lyon m<5d., 1913, 120: 549 GYNECOLOGY France (b) C°ngr'S ^^B^rae^l&ftSie ^ gynecologie; held annually. L6!^. l^TPar?Mayl934; 4. 1935; 6. 1937; 7. Nice, Apr. 19-23, 1938. 550 GYNECOLOGY French speaking rnn„rpq des evnecologues et obstetriciens de langue francaise. Congres *Mtt»£J}»« Association dos pynecologues et obstetriciens de langue francaise. Meeting ^ g ^ 3 Pari ,933 (Rapp Disc.) 4 5. 6. Bruxelles, 1929 (Rapp.) 7. 8. Pans, 1934; 9. Alger, 1935. See also Rev. gyn. obst., and Gyn. & obst., Par. 10. Paris, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1937. 551 GYNECOLOGY International International congress of gynecology (1892- ) . 1. Congres periodique international de gynecologie et d'obstetriques. 6. Internationaler Gyniikologen-Kongress. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 1- , 1892. ★Comptes rendus. xvi, 876p. Brux., 1894. — *(No title) 51p. Brux., 1892. — ★Journal du congres. No. 1. 24p. Brux., 1892 On Suppurations of the pelvis, extrauterine pregnancy, placenta previa. 2. Geneve, Sept. 1896. ★Comptes rendus. 3 vols. Geneve. 1897. On pelvic suppurations, deviations of uterus, closure of abdominal wounds. 3. Amsterdam, Aug. 1899. ★ Comptes rendus. xxxi, 768p. Amst., 1900. 4. Roma, 1902. ... ★Comptes rendus. xxm, 950p. Firenze, 1904. — jDie chirurgische Behandlung des Lteruscarcmoms. 14p. *ir., 1^02. 5. S. Peterburg, 1910. 6. Berlin. Sept. 9-13, 1912. ★ Verhandlungen. v. 33bp. Berl., Jyi^. As Festnummer of Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., v.36. (7) New York, Sept. 14-17, 1915 Notes in J. Am. M. Ass., 1914, 63:42. (?\Vas it held?) HAIL [88] 552 HAIL International Congres international de defense contre la grele (et de I'hybdridisation de la vigne) 1. Casale Monferrato, 1899. 2. Padova, 1900. 3. Lyon, Nov. 15-17, 1901. C. rend, stenogr. 2 vols. Lyon, 1902. 553 HEALTH American (a) American health convention. Held by the Grahamites. 2. New York, May 8, 1839. ★Report of proceedings (by R. Sutton) 16p. (1839) In pamphlet volume No. 220. 554 HEALTH American (b) American health congress. Organized by the National Health Council; meeting of various national health organizations. See also 562. Atlantic City, May 17-22, 1926. ★Transactions, v.2 (pt 1-3) 3 & 4. Atlantic City, 1926. 555 HEALTH Central America Congreso centro-americano de sanidad (1937- ) 1. Guatemala, Nov. 17-20, 1937. 556 HEALTH England Health congress. Later(?) congresses held by the Royal Sanitary Institute. (?) Brighton, 1881. ★Transactions. Lond. (1882) (?) Hastings, May 4, 1889. 39. Plymouth, July 16-21, 1928. 40. Sheffield, July 13-20, 1929. 41. Margate, June 21-28, 1930. 42. Glasgow, July 4-11, 1931. 44. Eastbourne, May 30-June 4, 1933. See J. State M., Lond., 1933, 41: 373-9. 45. Bristol, July 1934. See J. R. San. Inst., 1934, 55: 53-8. 46. Bournemouth, July 15-20, 1935. See Ibid., 1934-35, 55: suppl., 163-82. 47. Southport, 1936. . See J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1937, 23: 238-50. (?) Blackport, May 31, June 4, 1938. 557 HEALTH International International health conference. Preceded by a conference in Cannes, 1919 (See No. 1357) (1) (Bruxelles?) 1922. 1. (2) Wembley, 1924. 2. (3) Tokyo, 1925. 558 HEALTH Pacific International Pacific health conference (1926- ) Congres international sanitaire du Pacifique. 1. Melbourne, Dec. 1926. 2. Sydney, Sept. 3-6, 1935. See Bull. Off. internat. hyg. pub., 1936, 28: 257-62.—Health, Melb., 1935, 13: 129-34. 559 HEALTH Panhellenic (Panhellenic health conference and exhibition) 1. Athenai, 1930. Notes in Lancet, 1930, pt 1. [89] HEALTH 560 HEALTH South Africa South African health congress. (?) 1935(?) See J. R. San. Inst., 1935-36, 56: 631-9. 561 HEALTH Spain Congreso nacional de sanidad. 1. 1934. See Arch, med., Madr., 1934, 47: 529; 630. 562 HEALTH United States National health conference. Organized by the Interdepartmental Committee to coordinate health and welfare activities. See also No. 554. 1. Washington, July 18-20, 1938. 563 HEALTH AUTHORITIES North America Conference of State and Provincial health authorities of North America (1884- ) Title before 1918: C. of S. & P. boards of health of North America. Publishes ★Proceedings. See also 571a. 1. 1884; 2. 1884; 3. 1886;... 15. Atlantic City, 1900; 20. Washington, 1905; 21. Wash- ington, 1906; 22. Washington, 1907; 23. 25. Washington, 1910; 26. Los Angeles, 1911; 27. Washington, 1912; 28. S. Paul, 1913; 29. Washington, 1914; 30. Washington, 1915; 31.-35. Washington, 1916-20; 36. Boston, 1921; 37- 38. Washington, 1922-23; 39. Lansing, 1924; 40. Montreal, 1925; 41. Atlantic City, 1926; 42. Washington, 1927; 43. S. Paul, 1928; 44.-47. Washington, 1929- 32; 48. 564 HEALTH BOARD Canada National conference of State boards of health. 3. Toronto, Can., Oct. 4, 1880. ★Proceedings. Indianap., 1887. 565 HEALTH BOARD Russia (a) Vserossiisky sezd zdravotdelov. 6. (Moskva?) May 3-9, 1927. Trudy. 566 HEALTH BOARD Russia (b) Gubernsky sezd zdravotdelov. Tula, Oct. 27-31, 1928(?) See Vopr. zdravookhr., 1928, No. 22, 61-4. 567 HEALTH BOARD Russia: Chuvash Republic Chuvashky respublikansky sezd po zdravookhraneniiu. 2. 1927(?) (Tezisy) 568 HEALTH BOARD Russia: Saratov Gubernsky sezd zavedyvaiushchikh zdravotdelami, uchastkovykh i sanitarnykh vrachei Saratov, Feb. 6-10, 1928. Trudy. 569 HEALTH BOARD Russia: Siberia Sezd zdravotdelov Sibirskovo kraia. 1. 2. 3. June 1928. HEALTH BOARD [90] 570 HEALTH BOARD Russia: Ukraina Vseukrainsky sezd zdravookhranenia. 5. Kharkov, Dec. 18-22, 1928. Otchet. See Vrach. delo, 1928, No. 24, 1991-5. 571 HEALTH BOARD Russia: Ulyanovsk Gubernsky sezd zdravotdelov, sanitarnykh i uchastkovykh vrachei Ulyianavskoi gubernii. 11. Feb. 6-13, 1928. Protokoli zasedanii. 571a HEALTH BOARD United States National Conference of the State Boards of health (1884- ) Annual. See further conferences under 563. 1. S. Louis, 1884. ★Asiatic cholera in North America. 24p. Springf., 1884. 5. Cincinnati, 1888. ★Proceedings. 53p. Harrisb., 1889. 9. New York, 1893. ★Proceedings. 112p. Columbus, 1893. 10. Washington, 1894. ★Proceedings Columbus, 1896. 229p. 11. Chicago, 1896. ★Proceedings. Bound with proc. of 10. conference. 572 HEALTH, CARE Germany Deutscher Gesundheitsfiirsorgetag. 1. Berlin, June 25, 1921. Bericht. 48p. Berl. (1921) 573 HEALTH DIRECTORS Panamerican Panamerican conference of national directors of health. Conferencia panamericana de directores nacionales de sanidad. 2. Washington, Apr. 1931. ★Actas generates. 241p. Wash., 1932. 3. Washington, Apr. 4-15, 1936. ★Actas. 396p. Wash., 1936. See also Bol. san., B. Air., 1937, 1: 5-14.—Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1936, 15: 413-24.—Mil. Surgeon, 1936, 78: 427-38.—Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1936, 51: 645-55. 574 HEALTH EDUCATION American Health education conference. Organized by the Milbank Memorial Foundation. (?) New York, 1926. 7. Ann Arbor, 1933. See J. Social Hyg., 1933, 19: 575 HEALTH EDUCATION England Congress on health education. Organized by the Central Council on Health Education. 1. London, 1929. 576 HEALTH EDUCATION International International health education conference. Part of the World's conference on education. 1. San Francisco, June 28-July 6, 1923. ★Report. 346p. New York, 1923. [91] HEALTH INST., DIRECTORS 577 HEALTH INSTITUTES, DIRECTORS Europe Reunion des directeurs d'instituts et des ecoles d'hygiene (1930- 1. Paris, May 20-23, 1930. 2. Dresden, July 14-17, 1930. Report. Forms C H. 888, League of Nat. Pub. 3. Geneve, Nov. 22-27, 1937. Report in Rev. hyg. meU sociales, Par., 1938, 17: 92-6. 578 HEALTH OFFICERS Michigan Conference of the health officers in Michigan (1893- Publishes ★proceedings. 1. Ann Arbor, 1893. 2. Ann Arbor, June 14-15, 1894. ★Proceedings. 63p. Lansing, 1894. 3. Ann Arbor, 1896. ★Procedings. 138p. Lansing, 1896. 4. Grand Rapids, 1899. ★Proceedings. 181p. Lansing, 1900. 5. Ann Arbor, 1901. Notes in the Rep. Michigan Bd Health, 30: 6. Ann Arbor, 1903. ★Proceedings. 106p. Lansing, 1903. 579 HEALTH OFFICERS United States Conference of State and Territorial health officers (with the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service) ★Transactions; published by the U. S. Public Health Service in its Public Health Bulletin. 1.-8. Washington, 1903-10; 9. S. Francisco, 1911; 10. Washington, 1912; 11. Minne- apolis, 1913; 12.-15. Washington, 1914-17; 16. 1918; 17.-18. Washington, 1919-20; 19. Boston, 1921; 20.-21. Washington, 1922-23; 22. Chicago, 1924; 23.-25. Wash- ington, 1925-27; 26. 1928; 27. 1929; 28. Washington, 1930- Special conference held in Salt Lake City, 1916 (★Transaction) 580 HEALTH OFFICIALS Connecticut Sanitary conference of the health officials. 5. 1910. Proceedings. 7. 1914. Proceedings. 581 HEALTH, PUBLIC French colonies Congres colonial de la sante publique. C. de la sante publique et de la prevoyance sociale. 2. 1906. 3. Marseille, Sept. 11-17, 1922. (Publication) 2 vols. 480p. 544p. Marseille, 1922. La prophylaxie de l'ophtalmie granuleuse. 60p. Marseille, 1923. See also J. me\i. Bordeaux, 1922, 52: 641-52. On helminthiasis, bilharzia, malaria, leprosy, venereal diseases, trypanosomiasis, etc. 582 HEALTH, PUBLIC International (a) Congres international des travaux d'hygiene publique. 1. Geneve, 1934. C. rend. 583 HEALTH, PUBLIC International (b) Journees internationales de la sante publique. 1. Paris, June 29-Julv 10, 1987. See Ann. hyg., Par., 1937, n. ser., 15: 385; 442. HEALTH, PUBLIC [92] 584 HEALTH, PUBLIC Netherlands Nederlandsch congres voor openbare gezondheidsregeling. 1. s'Gravenhage, Sept. 21, 1896. (Publ.) Amst., 1896. 3. Utrecht, Sept. 30, 1898. Rep. in Tschr. sociale hyg., 1899, 1: 109-38. (?) Groningen, 1905. ★ Codex alimentarius. No. 1, 2, 3, 5. Groningen, 1907-11. (?) s'Gravenhage, 1936. Oct. 2-3. ★Handelingen. 259p. Zwolle, 1936. (?) Maastricht, Sept. 15-17, 1938. 585 HEALTH RESORT Italy Congresso nazionale fra le stazioni italiane di cura, soggiorno e turismo. 6. C. n. del consorzio nazionale delle stazioni di cura (etc.) 1. 1921(?) 5. Montecatini, Sept. 27-28, 1926. Atti. 161p. Spoleto, 1927. 6. Abbazia, Sept. 26-27, 1927. Atti. 225p. Spoleto, 1928. 586 HEALTH RESORT Russia Vsesoiuzny nauchno-organizatsiony sezd po kurortnomu delu. 6. Moskva, Dec. 8-15, 1927. 587 HEALTH, TROPICS America International conference on health problems in tropical America (1924— ) 1. Kingston, Jamaica, July 22-Aug. 1, 1924. ★Proceedings, xxi, lOlOp. Bost., 1924. 588 HEALTH WORKERS Mexico (National conference of public health workers) 1. 1937. See Health Off., 1937, 2: 282-6. 589 HEATING & VENTILATING Germany Kongress fiir Heizung und Liiftung. Versammlung der Heizungs- und Ltiftungsfachmannern. 6. Wien, 1907. Ber. 292p. Munch., 1907. 7. Frankfurt a. M., 1909. Ber. 188p. Munch., 1909. 8. Dresden, June 12-14, 1911. Ber. 366p. Munch., 1911. 9. Koln, June 25-28, 1913. Ber. 322p. Munch., 1913. 10. Munchen, July 6-8, 1921. Ber. 68p. Munch., 1922. 11. Berlin, Sept. 17-20, 1924. Ber. viii, 420p. Munch., 1925. 12. Wiesbaden, 1927. Ber. vii, 173p. iii, 222p. 30p. Munch., 1928. 13. Dortmund, 1930. Ber. 321p. Munch., 1930. 14. Berlin, 1935. Ber. 175p. Munch., 1935. 590 HEGEL International (Internationaler) Hegelkongress. Held by the Internationaler Hegel-Bund. 1. s'Gravenhage, 1930; 2. Berlin, 1931; 3. Roma, 1933; 4. [ 93 ] HEPATIC INSUFFICIENCY 591 HEPATIC INSUFFICIENCY International Congres international de l'insuffisance hepatique. 1. Vichy, Sept. 16-18, 1937. , , ,. ★Les relations du foie et de la nutrition avec considerations speciales du systeme nerveux. 53p. Par., 1937. — *Rapports. 615p. Par., 1937. ■— ★Comptes rendus. 755p. Par., 1937. For reports see also Bruxelles meU, 1936-37,17: 1839-45.—J. m<§d. chir., Par., 1937, 108: 540-2.— Med. Welt, 1938, 12: 421-es —Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1937, 107: 287.—Paris meU, 1937, 27: No. 42, p. vii.—Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1937, 4: 689-92. 593 HISTORICAL SCIENCES International International congress of historical sciences (1898- ) (b) Congres international d'histoire. 1. Congresso internazionale di scienze storiche. 5. Congres international des sciences historiques. There is also a Comite international des sciences historiques (4. meet.: Cambridge, Apr. 28-May 4, 1930) (a) Bruxelles, 1898. (b) Paris, 1900. Annales internationales d'histoire. 7 vols in 2. Sections for history of sciences, comparative history of literature, history of arts and drawing, etc. 1. Roma, 1903. Atti. 12 vols. Roma, Acad. d. Lincei, 1904-7. 2. Berlin, Aug. 6-12, 1908. Sections for history of civilization, history of arts 3. London, 1913. 4. S. Peterburg, 1918. 5. Bruxelles, 1923. C. rend. 552p. Brux., 1923. 6. Oslo, Aug. 14-18, 1928. Resume des communications. See also Archeion, 1928, 9: 497-508. 7. Warszawa, 1933. Resume d. comm. 2 vols. See Archeion, 1930, 12: 1:—Anthropologic, Par., 1933, 43: 594 HISTORIANS Germany Versammlung deutscher Historiker (1893- ) Publishes Bericht of from 60 to 180 pages 16. Graz, 1927; 17. Halle, 1930; 18. Gottingen, 1932 etc. "^ IM6; 595 HISTORY Feance Congres d'histoire et d'archeologie. (?) Cluny, Sept. 10-12, 1910. (Publ.) 2 vols. Macon, 1910-12. 596 HISTORY, ARAGO Congres d'historia de la Corona d'Arago. (Publication) 2 vols. Barcelona, 1910-13. 597 HISTORY, ART International Congres international d'histoire de l'art (1873- ) Var.: ... de l'histoire. ... There was also a Congres d'art et d'histniro m„,„ n Irregular numbering. mSt°ire (BruxeUes, Aug. 24-27, 1910) See also under 116. 1. Wien, September 1873. 2. (1) Niirnberg, Sept. 25-27, 1893. Bericht. HISTORY, ART [94] 10 (2) Koln, Oct. 1-3, 1894. (3) Budapest, Oct. 1-3, 1896. (4) Amsterdam, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1898. (5) Lubeck, 1900. (6) Innsbruck, Sept. 9-12, 1902. (7) Darmstadt, Sept. 23-26, 1907. Munchen, Sept. 16-21, 1909. Roma, Oct. 16-21, 1912. (?) Paris, September-October 1921. Actes. Communicat. viii, 963p. Par., 1923-24. — C. rend, analyt. v, 239p. Par., 1922. 13. Stockholm, 1933. Resum6 d. comm. Actes. 2 vols. Five sections. 598 HISTORY, ART Netherlands Congres voor algemene kunstgeschiedenis. Publishes Handelingen. 1. Gent, 1932; 2. Leuven, 1934. 599 HISTORY, COLONIAL International Congres international d'histoire coloniale (1931- ) 1. Paris, 1931. Bibliographie d'histoire coloniale (1900-31) 600 HISTORY, COMPARATIVE International Congres international d'histoire comparee. Paris, June 23-24, 1900. Had 8 sections: 5. for comparative history of sciences; 6. for history of literature; 7. for history of arts. 601 HISTORY, SPANISH AMERICAN International Congres international d'histoire et de geographie hispano-americaine. Congreso de historia y geografia hispano-americanas. 1. Sevilla, 1914. Actas y memorias. 530p. Madr., 1914. Fourth centenary of the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. 2. Sevilla, May 1921. Actas y memorias. 570p. Madr., 1921. 3. Sevilla, 1929. See notes in Anthropologic, Par., 1929, 39: 602 HOME ECONOMICS International Internationaler Kongress fiir Hauswirtschaftsunterricht. (?) Berlin, 1934. Gesamtbericht. 603 HOME WORK International Congres international du travail a domicile. There is also an Office internationale du travail a, domicile, which issues Publica- tion. 1. Bruxelles, 1910. 2. Zurich, Sept. 8-9, 1912. Rapp. 561p. Brux., 1913. 604 HOME WORKER, PROTECTION Germany Allgemeiner Heimarbeiterschutz-Kongress. Berlin, 1904. Protokoll d. Verh. 228p. Berl., 1904. See also Med. Reform, 1904, 12: 95. [ 95 ] HOME WORKER, PROTECTION 605 HOME WORKER, PROTECTION Switzerland Allgemeiner schweizerischer Heimarbeiterschutzkongress. 1. Zurich, 1909. Verh. 197p. Ziir., 1909. 606 HOMEOPATHIC British British homeopathic congress (1870- ) (1) Birmingham, 1870. ★Transactions. 63p. Lond., 1870. (2) Oxford, 1871. (3) York, 1872. (4) Leamington, 1873. ★Transactions. 83p. Lond., 1873. 607 HOMEOPATHIC France Congres de medecine homoeopathique (1851- ) 1. Congres medical homoeopathique. 3. Congres international de medecine homoeopathique. Precursor of the International homeopathic congress. See 608. 1. Paris, 1851. ★Compte rendu des travaux. 248p. Par., 1851. (?) Bordeaux, 1855. 2. Bruxelles, 1856. ★C. rend, des travaux. 157p. Par., 1856. 3. Paris, 1867. ★C. rend. d. travaux. 451p. Par., 1868. 608 HOMOEOPATHIC International International homoeepathic congress (1876- ) 1. World's homoeopathic convention. (2. 5. 6.) Congres international d'homoeopathie. (3. 4.) International homoeopathic convention. (7.) World's congress of homoeopathic physicians and surgeons. (9) As head title. See also No. 607. 1. Philadelphia, June 26-July 1, 1876. ★Transactions. 2 vols, xiv, 1117p. 1128p. Phila., 1880-81. p.1020-65 gives homoeopathic literature of the United States. (2) Paris, Aug. 12-15, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 200p. Par., 1879. This congress is not counted in the set. (3) 2. London, July 1881. ★Transactions. 3 pts. xii, 169p. 16p. 125p. 286p. Lond., 1881. (4) 3. Basel, Aug. 1886. ★Transactions, vi, 276p. Lond., 1886. (5) Paris, 1889. Aug. 21-23. ★C. rend. Proces-verbaux & memoires. 256p. Par., 1890. Not included in the set. (6) 4. Atlantic City, June 16-22, 1891. ★Transactions. 1164p. Phila., 1891. (7) Chicago, 1893. ★Transactions. 1109p. Phila., 1894. Not included in the set. For proceedings see also Med. Century, Chic, 1893, 1: 184-224. (8) Hamburg, 1895. Not included in the set. (9) 5. London, 1896. ★ Transactions. 3 pts. xvii, 198p. 113p. 427p. Lond., 1896. (10) Paris July 18-21, 1900. ★ Compte rendu, lxxviii, 556p. Corbeil, 1901. 2 volumes? Not included in the set. (11) 6. Geneve, Aug. 2-5, 1901. (12) 7. Atlantic City, 1906. ★Transactions. 976p. Cleveland, 1906. (13) 8. London, 1911. (Publication) Lond., 1911. (14) 9. London, 1927. (Publication) 2 pts. Lond., 1928. (15) Roma, 1930. Atti. (16) 10. Paris, 1932. See J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1933, 26: 40-43. (17) 11. Budapest, 1935(?) !>7.">2,">- -.'is— 7 HOMEOPATHIC [96] 609 HOMEOPATHIC Panamerican Panamerican homeopathic medical congress. (1?) Los Angeles, 1936. For address of president see J. Am. Inst. Homeop., 1937, 30: 99-101. 610 HOMEOPATHIC PRACTITIONERS England Congress of homeopathic practitioners. 9. London, 1927. See Lancet, Lond., 1927, pt 2. 611 HORSE (HIPPOLOGY) Italy Congresso hippico nazionale. 3. Milano, 1906. Atti. 134p. Milano, 1907. 612 HORTICULTURAL International International horticultural congress (1889- ) Internationaler Gartenbau-Kongress. There is also a Federation horticole professionnelle internationale, which held its congresses as follows: 5. Gand, 1923; 6. London, 1924; 7. Heemstede, 1925; 8. Paris, 1926; 9. Geneve, 1927, 10. Gand, 1928; 11. London, 1929; 12. Berlin. 1931, etc. Publishes Proces-verbaux. 1. Paris, Aug. 19-21, 1889. 2. Chicago, 1893. 3. Paris, May 25-26, 1900. 4. Liege, May 9-10, 1905. Rapp. Brux., 1905. 5. Bruxelles, Apr. 30-May 3, 1910. Rapp. prelim. & C. rend. 2 vols. Brux., 1910. 6. Gand, 1913. 7. Amsterdam, 1923. 8. Wien, 1927. 9. London, 1930. 10. Paris, 1932. C. rend. 12. Berlin, Aug. 12-17, 1938. Will have 19 sections, one on fruits and vegetables in dietetics and medicine. 613 HORTICULTURIST Italy Congresso degli orticultori italiani (1880- ) (1) Firenze, 1880; 2. Torino, 1882; 3. Roma, 1886. 614 HOSPITAL International International hospital congress (1929- ) Congres international des hopitaux. Congresso internazionale degli ospedali. 1. Atlantic City, June 13-15, 1929. Reports. 302p. Stuttg., 1929. 2. Wien, June 8-14, 1931. Report, iii, 537p. Stuttg., 1931. As Sonderheft of Nosokomeion. 3. (place) July 1933. See Nosokomeion, Stuttg., 1933, 4: 548. 4. Roma, May 19-26, 1935. For report see Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1935, 23: 261-98; 301-14.—Australas. Nurs. J., 1935, 33: 61.—Riv. osp., 1935, 25: 326-46.—Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1935, 41: pt 1, 361-6.—Zschr. ges. Krankenhauswes., 1935, 365-75. 5. Paris, 1937. See report in Nosokomeion, Stuttg., 1937, 8: 267-359.—Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1937, 25: 414-7. 615 HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Chile (Congress on hospital administration) 1. Santiago, 1917; 2. Santiago, 1923. HOSPITAL BUILDING 616 HOSPITAL BUILDING Conference internationale. 's Gravenhage, 1904. (Publication) International 617 "^^SSSSSU^S.*--* ^ 1. Bordeaux, 1910. See Lyon meU, 1914, 122. 2. Nancy, 1912. (Publication) 3. Lyon, 1914. 4. Toulouse, 1921. 5. Lille, 1923. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 81: 6. Montpellier, 1924(?) See Lyon meU, 1924, 134: 617a HOSPITAL LIBRARY International Internationaler Kongress fiir Krankenhausbibliotheken. 2. Bern, June 7-11., 1938. See Nosokomeion, 1938, 9. i<*>i 618 HOSPITAL PHYSICIANS France (a) Congres des medecins et des chirurgiens des hopitaux. 2. Paris, 1931. o< M See Paris med., 1931, 80: 6188 "^LSSTSJTSS- - *-— -—-* * ranCe'Meetings of an association of the same title. 3. Bordeaux, Oct. 3-4, 1922. 619 HOSPITAL PHYSICIANS Italy Congresso nazionale fra i medici degli istituti e opere pie ospitaliere d'ltalia. 2. C. n. dei medici ospitahen d Italia. 4. As head title. 2. Roma, 1907. Atti ufficiali. 44p. Roma, 1907. 4. Firenze, 1911. Atti ufficiali. 42p. Roma, 1911. 620 HOSPITAL SERVICE America Ame"CaVr"S of medical, hospital and nurses associations; annual meetings at Chicago. (?) 1929. ★Symposium on convalescent care. 3 p. 1. 84p. (n. p., 1930) Repr. from Internat. J. M. & S., February 1930. 621 HOUSING Belgium Conference nationale de l'habitation a bon marche. Bruxelles, Apr. 1920. (Publication) 102p. Brux., 1920. 622 HOUSING Allgemeiner deutscher Wohnungskongress (1904- ) 2. Deutscher Wohnungskongress. 1. Frankfurt a. M., 1904. Ber. 434p. Gott., 1905. 2. Leipzig, June 11-14, 1911. Ber. viii, 314p. Gott., 1912. HOUSING [9S] 623 HOUSING France (a) Conference nationale des societes d'habitations a bon marche. 5 Paris, Mar. 12, 1911. Rapports & C. rend. 132p. Par., 1911. 624 HOUSING France (b) Congres de l'habitation (1919- ) 1. Lyon, Oct. 9-12, 1919. C. rend. d. trav. 284p. Lyon, 1920. 2. Lyon, Mar. 10-14, 1920. C. rend. 548p. Lyon, 1920. 3. Lyon, Mar. 9-12, 1921. C. rend, xi, 403p. Lyon, 1921. 625 HOUSING International International housing congress (1889- ) Congres international des habitations a bon marche. Congres international de l'habitation. 6.-9. Internationaler Wohnungskongress. 1. Paris, 1889. C. rend. Par., 1889. 2. Anvers, 1894. 3. Bordeaux, 1895. 4. Bruxelles, July 1897. Actes. Brux., 1898. 5. Paris, 1900. C. rend. & documents. 6. Diisseldorf, 1902. Ber. 764p. Berl., 1902. See Med. Reform, 1902, 10: 234-5. 7. Liege, Aug. 7-10, 1905. Actes. Liege, 1906. 8. London, August 1907. (Publication) Par., 1908. 9. Wien, May 30-June 3, 1910. Bericht. 2 vols, vii, 1114p. vi, 368p. Wien, 1911. 10. (place?) 1913. (?) Berlin, June 1931. 625a HOUSING Italy Covegno tra gli Istituti fascisti autonomi per le case popolari. 2. Trieste, 1938. See Riv. internaz. ingegn. urban., 1938, No. 45, 6-7. 626 HOUSING Netherlands Woningcongres. Amsterdam, 1920. Prae-adviezen. Verslag. 2 vols. 627 HOUSING United States National conference on housing. 1. 1911. Proceedings. 628 HOUSING, RURAL Poland Konferencja w sprawie budownictwa wiejskiego. Warszawa, Feb. 28, 1938. See Warsz. czas. lek., 1938, 15: 218. 99 ] HOUSING, SANITATION 629 HOUSING, SANITATION France Congres national d'assainissement et de salubrite de l'habitation (1895- Organized by the Societe1 francaise d'hygiene. 1. Paris, 1904. Held together with the international congress. 2. Geneve, 1906. Held together with the international congress. 3. Paris, Nov. 6-11, 1909. ★ Compte rendu. 556p. Par., 1910. 630 HOUSING, SANITATION International Congres international d'assainissement et de salubrite de l'habitation (1904- 3. Internationaler Kongress fiir Wohmingshygiene. 1. Paris, 1904. ★Compte rendu. 734p. Par., 1905. 2. Geneve, 1906. ★Compte rendu. 874p. Par., 1907. 3. Dresden, Oct. 2-7, 1911. ★Bericht. 960p. Dresden, 1912. 4. Antwerpen, Aug. 31-Sept. 7, 1913. C. rend. d. trav. 560p. Anvers, 1914. 631 HOUSING, WAR United States Symposium on war housing. Philadelphia, Feb. 25, 1918. (Publ.) 4 p. 1. 141p. N. Y., 1918. 632 HOUSING, WORKERS Belgium (a) Conference nationale des societes d'habitations ouvrieres. Bruxelles, July 15-17, 1898. Docum. Rapp. P. verb. Brux., 1899. 633 HOUSING, WORKERS Belgium (b) Congres national des habitations ouvrieres et des institutions de prevoyance. Gand, July 6-8, 1913. Rapp. & c. rend. 454p. Brux., 1913. 634 HUMANE International International humane conference. For the protection of infants and animals. 1. Washington, Oct. 10-15, 1910. 2. London, June 1912. 635 HUNTING AusTRIA Oesterreichischer Jagd-Kongress (1885- ) 1. Wien, May 19-22, 1885. Verhandlungen. 269p. Wien, 1885. 636 HUNTING International Congres international de la chasse (1907- ) Internationaler Jagd-Kongress. (1) Paris, Mar. 15-18, 1907. (2) 1. Antwerpen, June 17-18, 1907. C. rend. Tournai, 1907. (3) 2. Wien, Sept. 5-7, 1910. ,.v r. , (Publication) 2 pts. Wien, 1909. (4) Roubaix, June 9-11, 1911. . YBRIDIZATION [ 100 ] 637 HYBRIDIZATION International Conference internationale sur I'hybridation et la culture des plantes. See Genetics No. 516. 638 HYDROCLIMATOLOGY Italy Congresso nazionale di idrologia, climatologia e terapia fisica (1888- ) 1.-8. C. n. d'idrologia e di climatologia. 9. As head title. 19. Congresso di idrologia, climatologia, terapia fisica, dietetica. 23. C. n. di idroclimatologia e terapia fisica. Meetings of the Associazione medica italiana di idrologia e climatologia. 1. Bologna, 1888. ★Atti. 181p. Torino, 1889. 2. 1889. See Idrol. climat. ital., Tor., 1890, 1: 3. Torino, 1891. ★Atti. 271p. Tor., 1892. 4. Venezia, 1895. See Idr. clim. ital., 1893, 4: 5. Parma, 1898. ★Atti. 216p. Fir., 1898. 6. Siena, 1900. ★Atti. 15 lp. Perugia, 1901. 7. Milano, 1902. ★Atti. 214p. Milano, 1903. 8. Milano, 1906. ★Atti. 586p. Perugia, 1907. 9. Sanremo, 1908. ★Atti. 656p. Perugia, 1908. 11. Napoli, 1912. Atti. 754p. Perugia, 1912. 13. Castellamare di Stabia, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 1921. Atti. 351p. Nap., 1923. 14. Palermo, 1923. 15 1924. 16! Montecatini, 1925. 17. Salsomaggiore, 1926. 18. Milano, Oct. 3-6, 1927. Atti. 432p. Mil., 1928. 19. Campi Flegrei, 1928. 20. Spezia, 1929. 22. Viareggio, 1932. 23. 1934. See Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1934, 40: pt 2, 437-45. For reports see Riv. idr. clim., 1923, etc. v.34 etc. 639 HYDROGRAPHIC International Conference internationale hydrographique. 1. London, 1919. (Publ.) 2. Monaco (year?) 3. (place?) 1926. 4. (?) Monaco, 1932. C. rend. d. seances. 640 HYDROLOGICAL Baltic States Conference hydrologique des Etats Baltiques. 4. Leningrad, 1933. C. rend. d. trav. Rapp. 5 vols. 641 HYDROLOGISTS Russia Vserossiisky sezd gidrologov i balneologov (1898- ) 1. S. Peterburg, 1898. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1898, 31: n [ 101 ] HYDROLOGY, MEDICAL 642 HYDROLOGY, MEDICAL International International congress of medical hydrology (1886- ) 1. 2. Congres international d'hydrologie et de climatologie. 7. 8. C. i. d'hydrologie, de climatologie, de geologie et therapie par les agents physiques. 14. C. i. d'hydrologie, de climatologie et de geologie medicales. There is also an International Society of Medical Hydrology, which holds annual meetings (1926 in Czechoslovakia; 1927 at Monte Catini, etc.) 1. Biarritz, Oct. 1-8, 1886. ★Circulars No. 1-3. Par., 1886. — ★Compte rendu. 606p. Par., 1887. See also Geneesk. courant, 1887, 41: No. 1-3. 2. Paris, 1889. ★Compte rendu. 503p. Par., 1890. 3. Roma, 1894. See Lyon meU, 1896, 81: 4. Clermont-Ferrand, 1896. ★Compte rendu. 622p. Par., 1897. See also An. Soc. espafi. hidromeU, 1896, 12: 195; 219. 5. Liege, 1898. ★ ( ) xxxii, 952p. Liege, 1898. 6. Grenoble, 1902. ★Compte rendu. 783p. Grenoble, 1903. 7. Venezia, Oct. 10-18, 1905. ★ Compte rendu. 1041p. Venez., 1906. See also Policlinico, 1905, 12: Divided into 4 sections. Subjects: 1. Hydrology: radiotherapeutic effect of mineral waters. university chairs for hydrology and physiotherapy, reform of legislation on baths, diseases from mineral waters, etc.—2. Climatology: gardens for workmen, effect of climate upon the skin. health resorts.—3. Geology: origin of mineral waters, the Lake of Venice.—4. Physiotherapy: modern physiotherapy of deformities of the trunk. 8. Alger, Apr. 4-10, 1909. C. rend. 1128p. Par., 1910. (?) Budapest, 1912(?) 9. Madrid, 1913. Actes. lxiv, 1236p. Madr., 1915. 10. Lyon, 1915. See Brit. M. J., 1913, 2: 11. Bruxelles, 1925. 12. Lyon, 1927. 13. Lisboa, 1930. 14. Toulouse, Oct. 4-8, 1933. ★Rapports. 583p. Par., 1933. — ★Discussions des rapp. Communications. C. rend. 594p. Par., 1934. See also Presse therm, clim., 1933, 74: 781-811.—Gaz. hop., 1934, 107: 15. Beograd, 1936. See Presse me\L, 1937, 45: 34-6.—Presse therm, clim., 1936, 77: 713-6. 642a HYDROLOGY, MEDICAL Italy Convegno medico-idrologico. 5. Fiuggi, June 16, 1938. See Policlinico, sez. prat, 1938, 45: 1257. 644 HYDROLOGY, MEDICAL Spain Asamblea hidrologica. Organized by the Sociedad espanola de hidrologia medica. 2. Madrid, 1924. (?) Madrid, Mar. 13, 1927. Actas. trabajos. 112p. Madr., 1927. 645 HYDROMINERAL RESORTS Interallied Congres (de Monaco) pour favoriser le developpement des stations hydrominerales, maritimes, climatiques et alpines des nations alliees. Monaco, Apr. 15-May 11, 1920. Divided into 4 congresses: a) C. des villes d'eaux, bains de mer et stations climatiques. Apr. 15-24, 1920. C. rendus. 359p. Par., 1920. b) C. d'hygiene et de climatologie. Apr. 21-24, 1920. C. rend. 383p. Par., 1920. HYDROMINERAL RESORTS [ 102 ] c) C. de l'alpinisme. May 1-H, 1920. C. rend. 2 vols. Par., 1921. d) C. d'hydrologie et de geologie hydrominerale. Apr. 15-24, 1920. C. rend. 287p. Par., 1920. 646 HYDROPHOBIA International International congress on hydrophobia. Called by the Health Section of the League of Nations. Paris, 1927. 647 HYGIENE Belgium Congres national d'hygiene et de climatologie medicale de la Belgique et du Congo. Organized by the Societe" royale de medecine publique et de topographie m6dicale de Belgique. (?) Bruxelles. August 1897. ★Compte rendu des seances. 124p. Brux., 1898. — ★Rapport avec la resume des memoires. pt 1. 89Up. lirux., isy*. On tuberculosis in Belgium. .nnn — The same. Pt 2 (on Congo) Brux., 1898. 648 HYGIENE Brasil Congresso brasileiro de hygiene. 1. Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 1-7, 1923. . ★Annaes. 2 vols. 336p. 247p. Rio de Janeiro, 1926-7. 2. Bello Horizonte. 3. Sao Paulo, 1926. Nov. 4-12. ★Conferencias. 86p. S. Paulo, 1927. — ★Annaes. 938p. S. Paulo, 1929. 4. Salvador, 1928. 5. Recife (Pernambuco), 1929. Oct. 17-22. , ★Annaes. 2 vols. 193p. 612p. Rio, 1929-30. Y*t. 3. ^; 649 HYGIENE Brittany Congres Brittanique d'hygiene. Var.: Congres de medecine sociale et d hygiene. Bordeaux, June 4-9, 1924. fictions" LSocial medicine and municipal hygiene; 2. naval, military and air hygiene; 3. industrial hygiene; 4. tropical medicine; 5. pathology, bacteriology, and biochemistry. 651 HYGIENE Germany Reichskonferenz fiir das Gesundheitswesen. 4. Dresden, 1924. Protokoll d. Verh. 150p. Berl., 1924. 5. Diisseldorf, Sept. 2-4, 1926. Protokoll. 166p. Berl., 1926. 6. Halle a. S., Aug. 22-24, 1929. Protokoll. 231p. Berl., 1929. 652 HYGIENE France Congres general d'hygiene (1851- ) (1) Congres d'hygiene publique. 24. C. d'hygiene. From 15. congress on held in Paris. (1) Bruxelles, 1851. _ iaK1 ★Compte rendu des seances. 122p Brux., 1851. 15. Paris, 1928; 16. 1929; 17. 1930; 18. 1931; 19. 1932, 20. ^4. Paris, Uct. 25-30, 1937; 25. Paris, Oct. 1938. [103] HYGIENE 653 HYGIENE International (a) International congress on hygiene and demography (1852- ) (1) Congres general d'hygiene. (2. 3) C. international d'hygiene (de sauvetage et d'economie sociale) (5. 6) C. i. d'hygiene et de demographie. (7.) Internationaler Kongress fur Gesundheitspflege. 16. Congres international d'hygiene. Correct numbering adopted at 13. session in 1903. (1) Bruxelles, Sept. 20-24, 1852. ★Comptes rendus des seances, viii, 443p. Brux., 1852. — *C. rendu (by J. C. M. Boudin) 75p. Par., 1853. — ★Projet de solutions des questions. 50p. Brux., 1852. For reports see also Ann. hyg., Par., 1852, 48: 443; 1853, 49: 204.—Arch. belg. m£d. mil., 1852, 10: 240; 422. 1 (2) Bruxelles, Sept. 23-Oct. 4, 1876. ★Comptes rendus. 2 vols. Ix, 876p. 845p. Brux., 1877. ' — Bulletin (Sept. 27-Oct. 4) 7 nos. Brux., 1876. — ★Bulletin de souscription. 4p. Par., 1876. — ★Exposition internationale. 15p. Par., 1876. — ★Lettres sur I'Exposition internationale d'hygiene (by L. D. P.) Ixelles, 1877. See also Gior med. mil., 1876, 24: 1185-8.—Wien, med. Wschr., 1876, 26: 776; 825.—Ann. hyg., Par., 1875, 2. ser., 44: 461-8; 1877, 2. ser., 47: 5; 48: 401.—Berl. klin. Wschr., 1876, 13: 526; 582.—Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1877, 9: 365-82. 2 (3) Paris, Aug. 1-10, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 766p. 480p. Par., 1880. — ★Rapport. 1. question (Infant welfare and protection) lOOp. Clichy, 1878. — ★Rapport. 2. question (Water sanitation) 92p. Clichy, 1878. — ★ Rapport. 5. question (Professional hygiene) 36p. Clichy, 1878. — ★Rapport. 6. question (Prevention of infectious diseases) 69p. Clichy, 1878. 3 (4) Torino, Sept. 6-12, 1880. ★ ( ) 20p. — *Tre proposte (etc. by E. Boncinelli) Venez., 1882. For report see Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1881, 13: 134-51.—Galenos, Athenai, 1880, 225; passim.—Rev. meU est, 1880, 12: 609; passim. 4 (5) Geneve, Sept. 4-9, 1882. ★ Comptes rendu et memoires. 2 vols. 557p. 767p. Geneve, 1883. — ★Circulaire. 2p. 4p. Geneve, 1882. For report see also Rev. hyg., Par., 1882, 4: 729-864.—Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1883, 15: 192-316.—Sem. meU, Par., 1882, 2: 141; passim. 5 (6) 's-Gravenhage, Aug. 21-27, 1884. ★Comptes rendus et memoires. 2 vols. 312p. 461p. La Haye, 1884-85. — ★Programme des travaux. La Haye, 1884. — ★Circulaire. 3 nos. La Haye, 1884. — ★Sprawozdanie (by W. Lubelski) Warszawa, 1884. — ★Estudios sobre el (etc. by Fernandez-Caro y Nouvilas, A.) Madr., 1885. See also reports in Pub. Health Ass. America ClsSl) 1885, 10: 448-68.—Gior. Soc. ital. igiene, 1884, 6: 642-98.—Geneesk. courant, 1884, 38: No. 34-36; 1882, 36: No. 51. 6 (7) Wien, Sept. 25-Oct. 2, 1887. ★ Arbeiten. 3 vols, 37 Hefte. Wien, 1887-88. — ★Programme. 28p. Wien, 1887. — ★Programme. 42p. Wien, 1887. — ★Hygienischer Fiihrer (by H. Adler) 156p. Wien, 1887. — ★Ricordi. II congresso (by Dell'Acqua, F. & Beretta, H.) Milano, 1887. — ★Estudios (Fernandez-Caro) Madr., 1888. — *Der hygienische Congress (J. Kugler) Wien, 1887. See also Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1887, 23: pt 2, 450; 479.—Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1888, 20: 1-33. (8) Paris, Aug. 4-10, 1889. ★ Compte rendu. 1267p. Par., 1890. — ★C. rend. d. seances (by Reuss) 128p. Par., 1889. Reprint from Ann. hyg., Par., See also ibid., 1889, 3. ser., 22: 209-20. 7 (9) London, Aug. 10-17, 1891. ★ Transactions. 13 sections in 3 vols. Lond., 1892-93. — ★Conversazione in the Guild Hall. 89p. Lond. (1891) — ★Reports of the international congresses, 1876-1889 (by the Lancet) Lond., 1891. — *Why hygienic congresses fail (by E. Blackwell) Lond., 1892. — ★Le congres (etc., by P. Bouardel) Par., 1891. — ★Catalogue des publications hygieniques ... de la Rep. Argentine. Par., 1891. — *Rapport. Bruges, 1892. See also inaugural address in J State M., Lond., 1894, 2: 137-62. Also Gaz. mid. Nantes, 1890-91, 9: 132; 142.—Brit. M. J., 1891, 2: 349; 403. HYGIENE [104] 8 (10) Budapest, Sept. 1-9, 1894. ★ Comptes rendus et Memoires. 8 vols bound in 7. Budapest, 1895-96. ★ Rapports des comites nationaux sur la question de la diphtheric 4 leaves. Pest, 1894. See also KozegSszs. torv. orv., 1896, 26-39.—Lancet, Lond., 1894, 2: 603-9.—Brit. M. J., 1894, 2: 552; 610.—Wien. med. Wschr., 1894, 44: 1605-7.—Rev. hyg., Par., 1894, 16: 753-884. 9 (11) Madrid, Apr. 10-17, 1898. ★Actas y memorias. 14 vols in 9. Madr., 1900. — ★Regulations. 26p. Madr., 1897. — ★Exhibitions. 12p. Madr., 1897. — ★Provisional program. 29p. Madr., 1897. See also Rep. Army M. Dep., Lond., 1898, 39: 426-45.—Corresp. meU. 1898, 33: 105-20.— Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1898, 30: 777-805. 10 (12) Paris, Aug. 10-17, 1900. ★Compte rendu. 1070p. Par. (1902) See also Lancet, Lond., 1900, 2: 413; passim. 13. Bruxelles, Sept. 2-8, 1903. ★ Compte rendu. 9 vols. Brux., 1903. « — ★Guide de l'hygieniste en Belgique. 414p. Brux., 1903. 14. Berlin, Sept. 23-29, 1907. ★Bericht. 4 vols in 5. Berl., 1908. — ★Literatur iiber Gesundheitswesen. 28p. Berl., 1907. — Kongressblatt. 7 nos. Berl., 1907. — Medizinische Anstalten. — Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen der Seuchenbekampfung (by M. Kirchner) — Besuch in Hamburg. 7 Hefte. Hamb., 1907. — (Report) 328p. La Habana. 1908. 15. Washington, Sept. 22-29, 1912. ★Transactions. 6 vols. Wash., 1913. — ★Official program. 53p. WaslT, 1912. Also 174p. Wash., 1912. — ★Preliminary announcement. 7. ed. 112p. Also 9. ed. 75p. Wash., 1912. — ★Abstracts of papers. 297p. Wash., 1912. — ★Abstrakte von den Vortragen. 322p. Wash., 1912. — ★Investigations on epidemic infantile paralysis (by SWEDEN. State Medical Institute) 271p. Stockh., 1912. 16. Paris, Oct. 25-28, 1927. C. rend. Rapp. See notes in Brit. M. J., 1927, 2: 654 HYGIENE International (b) International exhibition of hygiene. (?) Buenos Aires, May 1910. 655 HYGIENE Italy Congresso nazionale d'igiene. (1) Torino, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1898. ★Atti. 384p. Tor., 1899.' 2. Como, Sept. 25-30, 1899. ★Atti. 319p. Pavia, 1900. 656 HYGIENE Malaga Congreso provincial de higiene de Malaga. 1. Malaga, 1906. Comunicaciones. Secci6n la. 138p. Malaga, 1906. 657 HYGIENE Massachusetts Hygienic convention. (?) Needham, Mass., Nov. 5-7, 1880. ★ Circular letter of the executive committee (Bost., 1880) ;>^e> (J f [105] HYGIENE 658 HYGIENE Mexico Congreso nacional de higiene. 1. Congreso higienico-pedag6gico. 1. Mexico, 1882. ★ Memorias. 208p. Mex., 1883. ★Estadistica medica cuarta. Mex., 1883. (?) Mexico, 1884. ★Dict&menes y resoluciones. 65p. Mex., 1884. 659 HYGIENE Panhellenic (Panhellenic congress on hygiene and demography) 1. Athenai, Apr. 25-30, 1921. See Brit. M. J., 1920, 1: 853. 660 HYGIENE Scandinavian Hygieiniske congres (for de tre nordiske riger) (?) K0benhavn, July 1858. ★Beretning om moderne og forhandlingerne. Kbh. 1858. See also abstracts in Hygiea, Stockh., 1859, 21: 154-63.—Zschr. Staatsarzn., 1863, 86: 142-9.— Hospitalstidende, 1858, 1: 117. 661 HYGIENE South American Conferencia sudamericana de higiene, microbiologia y patologia. 3. Montevideo, Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 1923. ( ) Montev., 1923. 47p. See also J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 1019. 4. (Buenos Aires, May 1925) 662 HYGIENE Tunis Exposition d'hygiene de Tunis. Mar. 28-Apr. 25, 1911. 663 HYGIENE, BIOLOGICAL Germany Kongress fiir biologische Hygiene. 1. Hamburg, Oct. 12-14, 1912. Vorarbeiten & Verhandlungen. vi, 384p. Hamburg, 1913. 664 HYGIENE, FOOD International Congres international d'hygiene alimentaire et de I'alimentation rationnelle de I'homme (1906— ) 1. Paris, Oct. 22-27, 1906. See Lyon mid., 1906, 107: 678. 2. Bruxelles, Oct. 4-8, 1910. ★ Rapports. 2 vols. Brux., 1910. 665 HYGIENE, MEDITERRANEAN Congres international d'hygiene mediterraneenne. 1. Marseille, Sept. 20-25, 1932. ★ C. rend. 2 vols. 777p. 759p. Par., 1933. - See also v.24 p. 243-57 of Rev. mid. hyg. trop., Par., 1932. 2. (Italy, 1935) Planned. 666 HYGIENE, RURAL Europe European conference on rural hygiene. (1?) June 29-July 17, 1931. Report of the preparatory committee, 1931. Forms C H. 1045, League of Nat. Pub. — Proceedings, v.l: Recommendations, v.2: Minutes 1931 Forms C 473 M. 202 1931. III. of League of Nat. Pub. (?) 1939. HYGIENE, RURAL [106] 667 HYGIENE, RURAL Far East Intergovernmental conference of Far Eastern countries on rural hygiene. Conference intergouvernementale des pays d'Orient sur l'hygiene rurale. Reports published by the League of Nations. 1. Bandoeng, Java, Aug. 3-13, 1937. Report of the preparatory committee. Geneve, 1937. (CH 1234) — Preparatory papers; report of French Indo-China. 138p. 1937 (CH 1235) — ★Same (relating to Burma) 49p. 1937 (CH 1235a) — *Same; relating to British India. 414p. 1937 (CH 1235b) — ★Same. Report of the Malayan Delegation. 38p. 1937 (CH 1235c) — ★Same. Report on health organisation in Ceylon. 60p. 1937 (CH 1235d) — ★Same. Report of the Philippines. 26p. 1937 (CH 1235e) — *Same. Report of China. 109p. 1937 (CH 1235f) — ★Same. Report of Japan. 38p. 1937 (CH 1235g) — ★Same. Report of Siam. 53p. 1937 (CH 1235h) — ★Same (Miscellaneous countries) 125p. 1927 (CH 1235i) 668 HYGIENE, RURAL Italy: Lombardia Convegno lombardo di igiene rurale (1933- ) 1. Milano, Oct. 21-23, 1933. ★Atti. 298p. Milano, 1934. 669 HYGIENE, RURAL Mexico Conferencia intergubernamental de los paises de America sobre higiene rural (1938- ) 1. Mexico, Nov. 10-20, 1938. See Gac. meU Mexico, 1938, 68: 197. 670 HYGIENE, RURAL Netherlands (Congress on rural hygiene) (?) Utrecht, 1930. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 1: 671 HYGIENE, TEXTILE INDUSTRY International Congres international pour I'examen des meilleures conditions d'hygiene et de production dans les manufactures textiles (1899- ) 1. Paris, May 1, 1899. Etudes preparatoires & Observations pratiques. 2 vols. Par., 1902. 672 HYGIENISTS Italy Riunione d'igienisti italiani (1881- ) Not to be confused with the congresses of the Federazione delle societa italiane d'igiene, which held its meetings: 1. (1887?); 2. Brescia, Sept. 1888 (★Atti); 3. Padova, Sept. 23-26, 1889 (Ordini del giorno. Padova, 1889* See also Gior. Soc. fiorent. igiene, 1889, 5: 284-304); 4. 1892, etc. Later became Associazione degli igienisti italiani (2. congr., Milano, 1913) 1. Milano, 1881. ★Atti. 289p. Milano, 1882. 3. Bologna, October 1888. ★Atti. 221p. Milano, 1888. See also Gior. Soc. ital. igiene, 1888, 10: 803-1035. 673 HYPNOLOGY France Congres frangais de hypnologie et psychologic Annual. 1. (1892?) 10. Paris, 1901. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1901, 37: 674 HYPNOTISM International Congres international de 1'hypnotisme experimental et therapeutique (1889- ) 1. C. i. de magnetisme humain. 1. Paris, Aug. 8-12, 1889. ★Comptes rendus. 368p. Par., 1890. — *Rapport general: Le magnetisme humain. vii, 570p. Par., 1890. — ★Arguments (by F. Guermonprez) 17p. Lille, 1889. 2. Paris, Aug. 12-18, 1900. ★ Comptes rendus. 320p. Par., 1902. [107] IDENTIFICATION 675 IDENTIFICATION Brasil Congresso nacional de identification. 1 (?) Rio de Janeiro, July 16-23, 1934. See Rev. crim. psiq., B. Air., 1934, 21: 608-14. 677 IMMIGRATION International (a) Congres international de I'intervention des pouvoirs publics dans I'emigration et l'immi- gration. Paris, Aug. 12-14, 1889. (Publ.) Par., 1890. 678 IMMIGRATION International (b) International emigration and immigration conference. Conference permanente pour la protection des migrants. (?) Roma, May 15-31, 1924. See J. Social Hyg., 1932, 18: (?) La Habana, 1928. 9. Geneve, 1932. See Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1932, 14a: 679 IMMIGRATION United States National immigration conference. (?) New York, 1923. ★Proceedings, viii, 272p. N. Y., 1924. 680 IMMUNOLOGY International Convegno internazionale d'immunologia. 1. Roma, Sept. & Oct., 1933. See Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 921-32. 3. of the Volta conventions. See 1686. 681 INDIANS United States Lake Mohonk conference on the Indian and other dependent peoples (1883- ) 1.-31. Mohonk Lake conference of friends of the Indian and other dependent peoples. Previous to 1904 the discussions were confined to Indian affairs; later, affairs of the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and other insular dependencies were also included. Publishes Report; held at Mohonk Lake; annual. 1. 1883. 29. 1911. ★Report. 248p. Mohonk Lake, 1911. 31. 1913. ★Report. 224p. 1913. 32. 1914. ★Report. 220p. 1914. 33. 1915. ★Report. 200p. 1915. 34. 1916. ★Report. 210p. 1916. 682 INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY International International congress on individual psychology. (?) Berlin, 1930. 683 INDUSTRIAL INVENTORS International Congres des associations d'inventeurs et d'artistes industriels (1905- ) 2. Congres international ... 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 5-9, 1905. 3. Bruxelles, Sept. 5-8, 1910. Actes. 119p. Brux., 1913. (?) Rochester, June 15-19, 1910. INDUSTRIAL PHYSICIANS f 108 ] 684 INDUSTRIAL PHYSICIANS International Internationale Tagung der Gewerbearzte (1926- ) 1. Diisseldorf, Sept. 15-16, 1926. ★ Bericht (by L. Teleky) 88p. Berl., 1927. Forms No. 5, Arbeit & Gesundheit. 685 INDUSTRIAL PHYSICIANS Pennsylvania Conference of industrial physicians (and surgeons) (1916- ) Not to be confused with the annual meetings of the American Association of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons. Called by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor. 1. Harrisburg, Feb. 1916. ★Proceedings. 2. Harrisburg, May 1916. ★Proceedings. 63p. 4. Harrisburg, 1917. ★Proceedings. 49p. 5. Harrisburg, Nov. 1917. ★Proceedings. 51p. 6. Harrisburg, Apr. 1918. ★Proceedings. 48p. 7. Harrisburg, Dec. 1918. See Pennsylvania M. J., 1919, 22: 502-4. 8. Pittsburgh, 1919. See Pennsylvania M. J., 1919, 22: 632-85. 9. Harrisburg, Sept. 1919. See Pennsylvania M. J., 1919/20, 23: 415. 10. Harrisburg, March 1920. See Pennsylvania M. J., 1919/20, 23: 415. 11. Philadelphia, Dec. 1920. See Pennsylvania M. J., 1920/21, 24: 575. 686 INDUSTRIAL PHYSICIANS Ukraina Ukrainsky sezd promislovykh lekariv. 1. Kharkov, Dec. 1936. See report in Mid. exp., Kharkov, 1937, No. 2, 76. 687 INDUSTRY Germany Deutscher Handwerker- und Gewerbe-Kongress. (?) Industrieller Congress. 1. Frankfurt a. M., July 14-Aug. 18, 1848. Verh. vi, 257p. Darmstadt, 1848. (?) Halle a. S., May 27, 1852. Verh. 52p. Berl., 1852. 688 INDUSTRY, AGRICULTURAL International Congres international technique et chimique des industries agricoles. 3. Paris, 1934. C. rend. 2 vols. 4. Bruxelles, 1935. C. rend. 4 vols. 5. Scheveningen, 1937. Rapp. general & C. rend. 2 vols. 689 INEBRIETY International (Colonial and) international congress on inebriety. Organized by the Society for the study of inebriety. See also No. 709: 1. London, July 6-7, 1887. ★Papers and addresses by delegates from the United States. Lond., 1887. Reprint from the Minutes. 690 INFANTS Italy Congresso nazionale "Pro infantia". See also No. 692. 1. Torino, 1902. ★Atti. xvii, 295p. Tor., 1903. [109] INFANTS 691 INFANTS Peru Jornada nipiologica peruana. 1. Lima, Jan. 28-31, 1935. See Med. nifios, 1935, 36: 97-106. 2. Lima, 1937. See Reforma m<5d., Lima, 1937, 23: 931. Decides the foundation of a Peruan society of pediatry. 3. (planned for 1939) 692 INFANTS, HYGIENE Italy Conferenza di igiene infantile. Precedes No. 690. Organized by the Societa nazionale Pro Infantia. (?) Roma, 1898. ★ (Atti) 230p. Roma, 1899. 693 INFANTS, MORTALITY England National conference on infantile mortality. 1. 2. As head title. 3. English speaking conference ... See also 702. 1. London, 1906. ★Report of proceedings, viii, 314p. Lond. (1907) 2. London, 1908. ★Rep. of proc. 200p. Lond., 1908. 3. London, Aug. 4-5, 1913. ★Rep. of proc. vol. 1 (and 2?) 456p. Lond., 1913. 694 INFANTS, MORTALITY Philippine Islands National conference on infant mortality and public welfare. Arranged by the Office of the Public Welfare Commissioner of the Philippine Islands. 1. Manila, 1921. ★Proceedings. 267p. Manila, 1922. 695 INFANTS, PROTECTION Brasil Conferencia nacional de protecgao a infancia. (?) Sept. 23, 1933. See Rev. gin. obst., Rio, 1933, 27: 394-6. 696 INFANTS, PROTECTION Chile Congreso nacional de gotas de leche. (?) Santiago de Chile, 1920. Antecedentes, actas. 697 INFANTS, PROTECTION International (a) Congres international des gouttes de lait (1905- ) 3. Internationaler Kongress fiir Sauglingschutz. 1913: Congres international pour la protection de l'enfance (du premier aeel See also No. 272. 6 (?) Paris, June 15-23, 1883. C. rend, des trav. 2 vols. (?) Bordeaux, 1895. P. verb. mem. disc. Bord., 1896. 1. Paris, 1905. Rapports. 2. Bruxelles, Sept. 12-16, 1907. Rapports. Brux., 1907. 3. Berlin, Sept. 11-15, 1911. ★Bericht. viii, 1256p. Berl., 1912. (1) Bruxelles, 1913. (Publ.) 2 vols. 361p. 566p. Brux. (2) Bruxelles, 1921. Rapports, C. rend. 3 vols. Brux., 1921. INFANTS, PROTECTION [ HO ] 698 INFANTS, PROTECTION International (b) Congresso internazionale per la protezione dell'infanzia. 2. Roma, Sept. 23-26, 1937. See Med. inf., Roma, 1937, 8: 272. 699 INFANTS, PROTECTION Italy Congresso per I'igiene deH'allattamento e la tutela della prima infanzia (1899- 1. C. nazionale per I'igiene dell'allattamento mercenario. 1. Milano, 1899. ★Atti. 294p. Milano, 1900. 2. Firenze, 1901. ★Atti. lx, 360p. Fir., 1903. 3. Messina, 1904. Atti. 317p. iiip. Messina, 1907. 700 INFANTS, PROTECTION Prussia Preussische Landeskonferenz fiir Sauglingsschutz. 5. Berlin, 1920. See Zschr. Sauglingschutz, 1920, 12: 305; passim. 701 INFANTS, SOCIAL SERVICE Argentina Congreso nacional de servicio social de la infancia. 1. Buenos Aires, Sept. 20-26, 1932. See Bol. Inst, protec. inf., Montev., 1932-33, 6: 221-60. 702 INFANT WELFARE England English speaking conference on infant welfare. Preceded by No. 693. Organized by the National Association for the prevention of infant mortality; later congresses organized by the Maternity and child welfare group of the Society of medical officers of health. 3. London, 1924; 4. London, 1926; 5. London, 1929; 6. London, 1933. 703 INFLUENZA Italy Riunione per lo studio deH'influenza. 1. Milano, 1919. Atti. 172p. Milano, 1919. 705 INSANE, AID International Congres international de I'assistance des alienes (1902- ) 1. (As head title, and): et specialement de leur assistance familiale. 3. Internationaler Kongress fiir Irrenpflege. 4. Internationaler Kongress zur Fursorge fiir Geisteskranke. International congress on care of the insane. International congress for the insane. 1. Antwerpen, Sept. 1-7, 1902. ★Rapports. Compte rendu des seances. 895p. Antw., 1903. On status of care of the insane; scientific and administrative organization. 2. Milano, Sept. 26-30, 1906. ★Rapports et communications, iv, 760p. Roma, 1908. 3. Wien, Oct. 1908. ★Offizieller Bericht. 645p. Halle (1909) 4. Berlin, Oct. 1910. ★Offizieller Bericht. v, 1027p. Halle, 1911. 5. Moskva, 1912 (1914?) 706 INSURANCE MEDICINE Germany Versieherungsmedizinische Woche. Leipzig, May 27-28, 1938 (or 1937?) [ 111 ] INSURANCE MEDICINE 707 INSURANCE MEDICINE International Congres international des medecins de compagnies d'assurances (1899- ) 4. Internationaler Kongress fiir Versicherungsmedizin. International congress of life insurance examiners. , See also No. 763. 1. Bruxelles, 1899. Rapports, proces-verbaux. Brux., 1899. 2. Amsterdam, 1901. ★Rapports, proces-verbaux. 30 parts. Brux., 1901. See also J. Am. M. Ass., 1899, 33: 3. Paris, May 25-28, 1903. ★Rapports & Proces-verbaux. 2 vols. 200p. xvi, 157p. Par., 1903. 4. Berlin, 1906. ★Berichte und Verhandlungen. 2vols. x, 539p. xviii, 276p. Berl., 1906. 708 INSURANCE SCIENCES Italy Congresso nazionale di scienza delle assicurazioni. 1. Torino, Sept. 20-23, 1928. Atti. 2 vols. Tor., 1929. — Bollettino. 1 No. 16p. Tor., 1928. 709 INTEMPERANCE England Medical conference on the suppression of intemperance. See also No. 689. London (Oxford?) Oct. 30, 1876. ★Report. 2. ed. 30p. Oxf., 1876. 710 INTEROCEANIC CANAL International Congres international d'etudes du canal interoceanique. Paris, May 15-29, 1879. C. rend. d. seances. Par., 1879. 711 INTERRACIAL United States National interracial conference. (?) Cincinnati, 1925. 713 INVALIDS Interallied Interallied conference on the aftercare of disabled men. 1. Conference interalliee pour I'etude de la reeducation professionnelle et des questions qui int6ressent les invalids de la guerre. Conferenza interalleata per l'assistenza agli invalidi di guerra. International conference on rehabilitation of the disabled. 1. Paris, May 8-12, 1917. ★Rapports. 462p. Par., 1917. — ★Reports. Study of professional reeducation (etc.) 47p. Lond., 1917. 2. London, 1918. ★Rapports. 528p. Lond., 1918. — ★Supplement. 192p. Lond., 1918. Bound with Reports. — ★Catalogue. lOOp. Lond., 1918. Bound with reports. 3. Roma, 1919. ★Atti. 940p. Roma, 1919. Polyglot text. — ★Abstracts. 4. Bruxelles, 1920. See Lyon meU, 1920, 129: 714 INVALIDS Italy Congresso nazionale per l'assistenza agl' invalidi della guerra. Milano, 1918. Atti. 554p. viip. Milano, 1919. IRRIGATION [112] 715 IRRIGATION International International irrigation congress. (1) Salt Lake City, 1912. (2) Calgary, Alberta, 1914. 716 JAVA Congres voor de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Java (1919- ) 1. Solo, 1919. Handelingen. 717 JOURNALISTS Germany Deutscher Journalistentag. 1. Eisenach, May 22, 1864. Bericht (by C. Bildermann) 25p. Lpz., 1864. 719 JUVENILE COURT Germany Deutscher Jugendgerichtstag. 1. (place?) 1909. Verh. 155p. Lpz., 1909. 2. (place?) Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1910. Verh. iv, 210p. Lpz., 1911. 3. (place?) Oct. 10-12, 1912. Verh. iv, 171p. Lpz., 1913. 5. Jena. 1920. Verh. vii, 88p. Berl., 1922. 6. Heidelberg, Sept. 17-19, 1924. Verh. iv, lOOp. Berl., 1925. 720 JUVENILE COURT International Congres international des tribunaux pour les enfants. 1. Paris, June 29-July 1, 1911. Actes. 688p. Par., 1912. 721 KINDERGARDEN, NURSES Austria Oesterreichischer Kindergartnerinnentag. 1. Wien, Apr. 2-5, 1912. Bericht. 186p. Wien, 1912. 722 KINESIOLOGY Argentina Jornadas de kinesiologia. See also Gymnastics. 2. Congreso nacional de kinesiologia. 1. (?) Buenos Aires, Apr. 10, 1938. 2. (1940) 723 KORPA International Internacia congreso por KORPA educado. See No. 542. 724 LABOR Canaua Trades and labor congress. 1905. Proceedings (No. 22") [113] LABOR 725 LABOR International International labor conference (1919- ) Conference internationale du travail. Internationale Arbeitskonferenz. From 2d conference on held in Geneve. Publishes Rapports du Directeur, and Compte rendu stenographique. 1. Washington, 1919; 2. 1921(?);3. 1922; 4. 1922; 5. 1923; 6. 1924; 7. 1925; 8. 9. 1926; 10. 1927; 11. 1928; 12. 1929; 13. ; 14. 1930; 15. 1931; 16. 1932; 17. 1933; 18. 1934; 19. 1935; 20. 1936, etc. 726 LABOR, ACCIDENTS International International congress for industrial accidents and occupational diseases (1905- ) 1. 2. Congr&s international medical'des accidents du travail. '*-* Congresso medico internazionale per gli infortuni del lavoro. Congreso medico internacional de accidents del trabajo. 3. Internationaler medizinischer Unfallkongress. 4. International congres voor ongevallengeneeskunde en beroepziekten. International congress on industrial accidents and diseases. 5. International congress (etc. as head title) Congressus medicorum internationalis pro artificibus calamitate afflictis aegrotisque. 6. Congres international des accidents du travail et des maladies profession- nelles. 7. Congres international des accidents et des maladies du travail. Internationaler Kongress fiir Arbeitsmedizin und Berufskrankheiten. Congresso internazionale degli infortuni e delle malattie del lavoro. International congress on industrial accidents and diseases. 8. As head title. Congresso int. degli infortuni del lavoro e malattie professionali. Internationaler Kongress fiir Unfallmedizin und Berufskrankheiten. See also Social insurance. 1. Liege, 1905. Rapports & c. rend. 2 vols. Brux., 1905. — ★Apuntes y consideraciones. 142p. Barcelona, 1905. 2. Roma, 1909. ★Atti. 2 vols. 715p. 852p. Roma, 1909. — Relazioni generali. 495p. Roma, 1909. 3. Diisseldorf, Aug. 6-10, 1912. Verhandlungen. xiv, 726p. Diiss., 1914. 4. Amsterdam, September 1925. ★Verzameling. 125p. Amst., 1925. 5. Budapest, Sept. 2-8, 1928. Opera collecta. — Contributo dell'Italia. 2 vols. Roma, 1929. — ★Ramazzini: De Morbis artificum diatribe (ed. by C. F. Mayer) Budap., 1928. 6. Geneve, 1931 (1930?) 7. Bruxelles, July 22-26, 1935. Rapports. 3 vols. See Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1329-33.—Praxis, Bern, 1935, 24: 555-60.—Rass. med. lavoro indust., 1935, 6: 267-75.—Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1228. 8. Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 26-30, 1938. 726a LABOR, ACCIDENTS, LAWS Italy Congresso degli industriali italiani per la riforma della legge degli infortuni del lavoro. Roma, 1908. Atti. 554p. Roma, 1908. 727 LABOR, ACCIDENTS, PREVENTION France Congres de la prevention des accidents du travail et de 1'hygiene industrielle. Reims, Nov. 26-28, 1909. Actes. Documents & c. r. iv, 396p. Par., 1911. 728 LABOR, ACCIDENTS, PREVENTION International Congres technique international de prevention des accidents du travail et de 1'hygiene industrielle. 1. Milano, 1912. C. rendus. 2 vols. Milano, 1912-13. LABOR, HYGIENE [H4] 729 LABOR, HYGIENE France Congres national scientifique d'hygiene ouvriere (1892- ) 1. Congres d'hygiene ouvriere et professionnelle. 1. Paris, 1892. 2. Lyon, 1894. ★Compte rendu general des travaux. 359p. Lyon, 1895. 730 LABOR, HYGIENE France (b) Congres de I'hygiene et de la securite des travailleurs et des ateliers (1904- 1. Paris, 1904; 2. Paris, 1905; 3. Paris, 1907. 731 LABOR, HYGIENE International International conference on industrial hygiene (1924- 1. Geneve, July 18-20, 1924. See Lancet, 1924, 1: 931.—J. Am. M. Ass., 1924, 82: 731a LABOR, HYGIENE Mexico Congreso nacional de higiene y medicina del trabajo. 1. Mexico, 1936. See Labor mid., Mix., 1936. 732 LABOR, DISEASES International Congres international des maladies du travail (1906- ) 1. Congresso internazionale per le malattie del lavoro. 2. C. i. des maladies professionnelles. 1. Milano, 1906. Atti. 784p. Milano, 1906. 2. Bruxelles, 1910. Actes. Rapports. 3. Wien, 1914; 4. Lyon, 1929. 733 LABOR, DISEASES Italy Congresso nazionale per le malattie del lavoro (1907- ) 1. As head title. 4. ... e malattie professional!. 6. C. n. di medicina del lavoro. 7. As 6th (with subtitle): Congresso Ramazziniano. 13. As 6th congress. 1. Palermo, 1907. Atti. xxiii, 342p. Palermo, 1908. 4. Roma, 1913. Atti. vii, 532p. Roma, 1914. 6. Venezia, June 1-4, 1924. Atti. 585, ivp. Venez., 1926. 7. Parma & Modena & Carpi, Oct. 24, 25, 26, 1927. Atti. 386p. Milano, 1928. See also J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 90: pt 1. 13. Bari, Sept. 10-13, 1938. On aviation medicine; pathology of professional athletes. 734 LABOR ORGANIZATION International Congres international de I'organisation scientifique du travail (1924- 5. Conscres voor wetenschappelijke bedrijforganisatie. 1. Praha, 1924. Reports. 2 vols. 3. Roma, 1927. Atti. 4 vols. 4. Paris, 1929. (Publ.) 7 parts. 5. Amsterdam, 1932. Prae-adviezen. 2 vols. I [115] LABOR, PATHOLOGY 735 LABOR, PATHOLOGY International Journees internationaux de pathologie et d'organisation du travail (1937- ) 1. Paris, June 1-6, 1937. For Resumes des communications see J. prat., Par., 1937, 51: 2161, etc. 736 LABOR, REGULATION International Conference internationale concernant le reglement du travail aux etablissements indus- tries et dans les mines. Berlin, 1890. (Publication) vi, 201p. Lpz., 1890. 737 LABOR, STATISTICIANS International International conference of labor statisticians (1923- ) Conference international des statisticiens du travail. 1. Geneve, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 1923. Report, iv, 80p. Geneve, 1924. No. 4, Ser. N. Stud. Internat. Labour Off. 2. Geneve, Apr. 20-25, 1925. (Publ.) iv, 87p. Geneve, 1925. No. 8, Ser. N. Stud. Internat. Labour Off. 3. Geneve, Oct. 18-23, 1926. (Publ.) 125p. Geneve, 1926. No. 12, Ser. N. Stud. Internat. Labour Off. 738 LABOR, STATISTICS United States National convention (of chiefs and commissioners of the various Bureaus) of statistics of labor in the United States (1883- ) 4. 5. 6. with the shorter title. 1. Columbus, Ohio, 1883. 2. S. Louis, 1884. 3. Boston, 1885. ★Proceedings. 143p. Bost., 1885. 4. Trenton, N. J., 1886. ★Proceedings. 69p. Des Moines, 1886. 5. (place?) 1887. 6. Indianapolis, 1888. ★ Proceedings. 85p. Des Moines, 1888. 739 LANDSCAPE PROTECTION International Congres international pour la protection des paysages (1909- 1. Paris, Oct. 17-20, 1909. C. rend. revu. 156p. Par., 1910. 740 LANGUAGE, ROMAN International Congres international des langues romanes. 1. Bordeaux, Aug. 5-10, 1895. Communications. Bord., 1897. 741 LARYNGO-RHINOLOGY International Congres international de laryngo-rhinologie (1880- ) 1. C. i. de laryngologie. 2. 3. Internationaler Laryngo-Rhinologen-Kongress. See also Otology; Otorhinolaryngology. 1. Milano, Sept. 1880. ★ Compte rendu, vii, 255p. Milano, 1882. See also Internat. Zbl. Laryng., 1908. (2) 1. Wien, 1908. ★ Verhandlungen. xxix, 640p. Wien, 1909. See also Internat. Zbl. Laryng., 1908. 24: 221-7. (3) 2, Berlin, 1911. ★ Verhandlungen. 1. pt. 303p. Berl., 1911. — ★Verhandlungen, 2. pt. 177p. xx, 516p. Berl., 19U, LARYNGOLOGISTS [lid] 742 LARYNGOLOGISTS Germany: South Versammlung siiddeutscher Laryngologen (zu Heidelberg) (1894- ) Annual meetings of Verein siiddeutscher Laryngologen (See later in List of Societies) 1. 1894; 6. 1899, etc. 745 LAWYER Austria Oesterreichischer Advocatentag. 9. Wien, Oct. 5-7, 1891. Stenogr. Protokolle. iv, 72p. Wien, 1892. 746 LAWYER Germany (a) Anwaltsversammlung. Deutsche Anwaltsversammlung. After 1871: Deutscher Anwalttag. (?) Hamburg, Aug. 6-8, 1846. Protocolle. 192p. Hamb., 1847. (?) Dresden, Aug. 27-29, 1848. Protocoll. 23p. Darmstadt, 1849. 2. Berlin, Dec. 28-29, 1871. Verh. iv, 99p. Berl., 1872. 4. Wurzburg, Sept. 25-26, 1874. Verh. 44p. Berl., 1875. 747 LAWYER Germany (b) Deutscher Juristentag (I860?- ) Publishes Verhandlungen in 2 or more volumes. Held in Berlin. 1. 1860(7); 2. 1881; 6. 1865; 7. 1868; 8. 1869; 9. 1870; 10. 1872; 11. 1873; 12. 1874; 13. 1876; 14. 1878; 15. 1880; 16. 1882; 17. 1884; 18. 1886; 19. 1888; 20. 1889; 21. 1890; 22. 1892; 23. 1895; 24. 1897; 25. 1900, etc. 748 LAWYER France Congres des avoues de France. 6. Touquet-Paris-Plage, May 29-31, 1936. C. rend. 224p. Amiens, 1936. 749 LAWYER International (a) Congres international des avoues. 1. Bruxelles, 1897; 2. Liege, 1905. 750 LAWYER International (b) Universal congress of lawyers and jurists. S. Louis, 1904. 751 LEATHER International Congres international du cuir. 1. Torino, 1911. Actes. xlii, 181p. Tor., 1914. 752 LEGAL AID SOCIETIES United States Conference of legal aid societies of the United States (1914- 1. 1914. Proceedings. Established the National alliance of legal aid societies. / [117] LEPROSY 753 LEPROSY Argentina Conferencia sobre la lepra. (?) Buenos Aires, Nov. 19-27, 1906. (Publication) 253p. B. Air., 1908. 754 LEPROSY Brasil Congresso annual de leprologia. (?) Rio de Janeiro, 1937. 755 LEPROSY International (a) Internationale wissenschaftliche Lepra-Konferenz (1897-1931) 1. As head title. 3. Conference internationale scientifique de la lepre. (4) Leonard Wood memorial conference on leprosy. 1. Berlin, Oct. 1897. ★ Mitteilungen & Verhandlungen. 3 vols, in one (184p. 62p. 103p. 250p. 209p. 605p.) Berl., 1897-98. (2) Bergen, Aug. 16-19, 1909. Mitteilungen und Verhandl. Lpz., 1909. ? Reprint from Lepra, v.8:? 3. Strasbourg, July 25-31, 1923. Commun. & debats. Par., 1924. — Resume d. commun. 94p. 1923. (4) Manila, 1931. Established the International Association of Leprosy. 755a LEPROSY International (b) International congress of leprosy (1938- ) Preceded by No. 755. Organized by the Societe internationale de la lepre. 1. Cairo, Mar. 21-27, 1938. See reports in Bull. Acad. meU, Par., 1938, 102: 449-52.—J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1938, 21: 138-89. On geography and statistics of leprosy, clinical types and classification, etc. 2. Paris, 1943. 756 LEPROSY Nederlandsch Indie Lepradag. 1. Batavia, Feb. 18, 1936. See Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1936, 76: 455. 758 LIBRARIANS Germany Deutscher Bibliothekartag (1897- ) Meetings of the Verein deutscher Bibliothekare. Verhandlungen published in ★Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 1. Dresden, Sept. 1897, etc.; 25. Konigsberg, 1929; 26. Lubeck, 1930; 27. Erlangcn 1931, etc. r 759 LIBRARIANS International International congress of librarians (1877- ) (1) Conference of librarians. 1. Congres international des bibliothecaires. 2. Congres international des archivistes et des bibliothecaires. 3. Congres int. des bibliothecaires et des bibliophiles. 4. C. i. des bibliothecaires et des amis du livre. There is also the Federation internationale des associations des bibliothecaires, which has a Comite internationale des bibliotheques. The committee pub- lished Travaux preparatoires (1926, 1927) and Actes des sessions (v.l, 1928- ) of its annual meetings: 1. Roma, 1928; 2. Roma, Firenze, Venezia, 1929- 3 Stockholm, 1930; 4. Cheltenham, 1931; 5. Bern, 1932; 6. (1) London, October 1877. Transactions & Proceedings. Lond., 1878, (b) Chicago, 1893. For report see Zbl. Biblioth., 1894, 11: 70; 97, LIBRARIANS [118] (2) London, July 13-16, 1897. Transactions & proc. Lond., 1898. See also Zbl. Biblioth., 1897, 14: 454-73. 1. Paris, Aug. 20-23, 1900. P. verb. & mem. Par., 1901. See also Zbl. Biblioth., 1900, 17: 533-5. (c) S. Louis, 1904. 2. Bruxelles, 1910. Actes. Brux., 1912. 3. Paris, Apr. 3-9, 1923. P. verb. & mem. ii, 547p. Par., 1925. 4. Praha, June 28-July 3, 1926. P. verb. & mem. 2 vols. 886p. (1926?) See also Zbl. Biblioth., 1926, 43: 587-92. 760 LIBRARIANS United States Convention of librarians (1853- ) 1. New York, 1853. 2. Philadelphia, 1876. Established the American Library Association, which took over the functions of this convention. 761 LIBRARIES International Congresso mondiale delle bibliotheche e di bibliografia. Weltkongress fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 1. Roma-Venezia, June 15-30, 1929. Atti. 6 vols. Roma, 1933. See report in Zbl. Biblioth., 1929, 46: 465-80. 2. Madrid, May 22, 1935. 763 LIFE INSURANCE International (International congress of life insurance) (1) London, Julv 23-27, 1935. See Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1935, 75: 1911-4. 2. Paris, May 14-18 (18-21?) 1939. 764 LIGHT International International congress for light (1928- ) 1. Conference internationale de la lumiere: physique, biologic, therapeutique. 3. Internationaler Kongress fur Lichtforschung. Congres international de la lumiere. Do not confuse with the sessions of the Commission internationale d'edairage known as International congress for lighting. See No. 767. 1. Lausanne & Leysin, Sept. 10-13, 1928. ★Rapports; discussions; communications. 543p. Bord. (1929) On solar radiation, biological effects of sunlight, photo- and heliotherapy, etc. 2. K0benhavn, Aug. 15-1S, 1931. (Publ.) See Lancet, 1931, 1:—Acta paediat., 1930/31, 10:—Brit. M. J., 1931, 2:—Radiol, med. 1932. 19: 3. Wiesbaden, Sept. 1-7, 1936. ★Kongressbericht. xxxvi, 736p. Berl. (1936) See also Ann. Inst, actin., Par., 1936/37, 11: 139; 1937, 12: 1-6. On sources of light, apparatus for treatment, photometry, photobiology and -chemistry, light and heredity, photopathology, and bioclimatology. 765 LIGHT, THERAPY International (a) International conference on light and heat in medicine, surgery and public health (1927- ) Var.: International conference on actinotherauy (1) 1. London, 1927. Organized by the British journal of actinotherapy. 2. London, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1928. (Proceedings:) Light and heat in therapy. 174p. Lond., 1928. See program in Brit. J. Actinother., 1928, 3: 137-41. For summary of proceedings see Ibid., 150-60. 766 LIGHT THERAPY International (b) Semaine internationale de lumiere. Var.: Congres international de la lumiere. Congres international d'actinologie. Paris, July 22-29, 1929. See Brit. J. Actionther., 1928, 3: 180. [119] LIGHTING 767 LIGHTING International Congres international d'edairage (192 - ) Var.: International illumination congress. International congress for lighting. Meetings of the Commission internationale d'edairage. which is the successor of Commission internationale de photometric (?) Cambridge, September 1931. (?) Zurich, Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1932. 9. Berlin & Karlsruhe, July 2-10, 1935. ★ Recueil des travaux & C. rend. d. seances, vii, 681 p. Cambr., 1937. The commission is divided into many committees dealing with nomenclature, definitions, units of light, units of intensity, visual photometry, physical photometry, sources of light, lighting streets, automobiles, buildings, airports, aeroplanes, traffic signals, lighting of mines, instruction in lighting, etc. 768 LIMNOLOGY International Congres international de limnologie (1922- ) 4. Congresso internazionale di limnologia teorica ed applicata. Limnologorum conventus. 1. Kiel, 1922. 2. Innsbruck, 1923. 3. Leningrad, 1925. 4. Roma, Napoli, Perugia, Milano, Sept. 17-Oct. 2, 1927. Atti. 707p. Roma, 1929. — (Publication) 38p. Roma, 1927. 769 LITERATURE International Congres litteraire et artistique international (1878- ) Organized by the Association litteraire et artistique internationale, which pub- lished Bulletin (1878-85; No. 1-23 in 1 vol.) containing the Compte rendu et proces-verbaux of the 2.-7. congresses. 1. Paris, June 17-28, 1878; 2. London, June 9-14, 1879; 3. Lisboa, Sept. 20-25, 1880; 4. Wien, Sept. 19-24, 1881; 5. Roma, May 20-27, 1882; 6. Amsterdam & Bern, Sept. 25-Oct. 2, 1883; 7. Bruxelles, Sept. 27-Oct. 3, 1884; 8. Antwerpen, Sept. 19-25, 1885; 9. Geneve, Sept. 18-24, 1886; 10. Madrid, Oct. 8-15, 1887; 11. Venezia, Sept. 15-22, 1888; 12. London, Oct, 4-10, 1890; 13. Neuchatel, Sept. 26-Oct, 3, 1891; 14. Milano, Sept. 17-24, 1892; 15. Barcelona, Sept. 24-30, 1893; 16. Antwerpen, Aug. 19-25, 1894; 17. Dresden, Sept. 21-28, 1895; 18. Bern, Aug. 22-29, 1896; 19. Monaco, Apr. 17-24, 1897; 20. Torino, Sept. 20-28, 1898; 21. Heidelberg, Sept. 25-30, 1899; 22. Paris, July 16-21, 1900; 23. Vevey, Aug. 6-13, 1901; 21, Napoli, Sept. 23-29, 1902; 25. Weimar, Sept. 23-30, 1903; 26. Marseille, Sept, 24-30, 1904; 27. Liege, Sept. 18-24, 1905; 28. Bucuresti, Sept. 21-25, 1900; 29. Neuchatel, Aug. 26-29, 1907; 30. Mainz, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 1908; 31. K0benhavn, June 22, 1909; 32. Luxembourg, Aug. 27-Sept, 1, 1910, etc. 770 LITERATURE Spanish-American Congreso Hterario hispano-americano. Organized bv the Asociaci6n de escritores y artistas espanoles. (?) Madrid, 1892. (Publ.) Madr., 1893. 771 LITHOGRAPHERS International International congress of lithographers (1896- ) 1. Manchester, 1896. Report. Manchester, 1897. 5. London, 1904. 772 LOCUST International International locust conference (1920?- ) (1?) Conference pour I'organisation de la lutte contre les sauterelles, 3. As head title. (1?) Roma, 1920. 3. London, 1934. Proceedings. LOGOPEDICS [120] 773 LOGOPEDICS International International congress for logopedics and phoniatry (1925- ) Internationaler Kongress fiir Logopiidie und Phoniatne. Meetings of the International Society for Logopedics and Phoniatry. 1. Wien, July 3-5, 1925. Ber. ii. d. Verh. iv, 51p. Wien, 1925. 2. Wien, 1926. Ber. ii. d. Verh. iv, 102p. Wien, 1927. 3. Wien, 1928. Ber. ii. d. Verh. viii, 162p. Wien, 1929. 4. Praha, 1930. Ber. ii. d. Verh. x, 122p. 5. Wien, 1932. Ber. ii. d. Verh. llOp. 23p. Wien, 1932. 6. Budapest, Sept. 5-7, 1934. ★Ber. ii. d. Verh. iv, 167p. Wien, 1935. 8. Salzburg, July 28-30, 1938. 774 LYMPHATISM International Congres international du lymphatism (1934- ) 1. La Bourboule, June 9-U, 1934. ★Raouorts C. rend. 2 vols. 466p. 178p. Par., 1934. See also Presse therm, clim., 1935, 76: 133-79.—Rev. gen. clin. ther., 1934, 48: suppl., 1489-92. Bruxelles meU, 1933-34, 14: 1151; 1246.—Gaz. h6p., 1934, 107: 1085-90. 775 MACHINE International Semaine internationale du machinisme a la ferme. 4. Lausanne, 1932. 776 MALARIA British Empire Imperial malarial conference. Simla, Oct. 1909. ★Proceedings. Simla, 1910. 777 MALARIA International Congresso internazionale sulla malaria (1925- ) 2. C. i. du paludisme. 1. Roma, Oct. 4-6, 1925. C. rend. 345p. Roma, 1926. See also Rev. mid. hyg. trop., 1925, 17: 2. Alger, 1930. See Policlinico, 1930, 37: pt 2. 3. Madrid, 1935. 778 MALARIA Italy Congresso nazionale contro la malaria. 1. Milano, 1909. See Policlinico, 1909, 16: 779 MALARIA Mexico Convencion nacional contra el paludismo (1938- ) Convenci6n regional para la campana nacional contra el paludismo. 1. Oaxaca de Juarez, Mar. 21-27, 1938. Program in Rev. mex. cir., 1938, 6: 149.—See also Rev. mid. veracruz., 1938, 18: 2481. 780 MALARIA Russia Soveshchanie po vonrosam borby s maliariei sredi torforabochikh. 2. (place?) Feb. 11-13, 1928. Trudy. W ^^Ua. 'vi-^aU^. *L<^t- -J^^c-cJx,H_e_». i -...-. - ■ '• <-' ---tt-^ / [121] MALARIA 781 MALARIA Russia Vserrossysky sezd ob malarii. 3. Moskva, 1925. See Lancet, 1925, 1: 782 MALARIA Russia: Armenia Vsearmiansky sezd po borbe s maliariei i drug, tropicheskimi zabolevaniiami (v. gor. Erivani) 2. Erivan, Jan. 25-30, 1928. See Russ. J. trop. M., 1928, 6: No. 4, 264-9. 783 MALARIA Russia: Riazan Riazanskoe gubernskoe maliariinoe soveshchanie. Riazan, Nov. 12-13, 1927. 784 MALARIA Russia: Transcaucasus Zakavkazsky sezd po borbe s malariei i drugimi tropicheskimi zabolevaniami. 2. Baku, Mar. 5-13, 1928. 3. Baku, Jan. 20-27, 1936. See Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 325. 785 MALARIA Russia: Volga Povolzhsky maliariiny sezd. 4. Stalingrad, Sept. 25-29, 1927. Trudy. 786 MALARIA FIELD WORKERS United States Conference of malaria field workers ( - ) Also known as Antimalaria conference. 3. Hot Springs, Ark., 1921. 5. New Orleans, 1924. ★Transactions, v, 142p. Wash., 1925. Forms No. 156, U. S. Pub. Health Bull. 787 MANUSCRIPTS, CONSERVATION International Conference internationale pour la conservation et la restauration des anciens manuscrits. 1. S. Gallen, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1898. P. verb. See also Zbl. Biblioth., 1899, 16: 27-51. 788 MANUSCRIPTS, REPRODUCTION International Congres international pour la reproduction des manuscrits, des monnaies et des sceaux. 1. Liege, Aug. 21-23, 1905. Actes. Brux., 1905. Forms part of Rev. bibliotheques. 789 MARIAN International International Marian congress (1902- ) 1. Freiburg, Aug. 18-21, 1902. Congress-Bericht. 2. Roma, 1904. Atti. xii, 672p. Roma, 1905. 3. Einsiedeln, Aug. 17-21, 1906. C. rend. Lvon, 1907. 4. Zaragossa, Sept. 26-30, 1908. Actas. 984p. 44 pi. Madr., 1909. 5. Salzburg, July 8-21, 1910. Bericht. vi, 704p. xvp. Salzb., 1911. — (Smaller edition) iv, 293, ixp. 6. Trier, Aug. 3-6, 1912. (Publ.) 3 pts. MARINE [122] 790 MARINE International International marine conference (1871- ) Congres maritime international. Held by the Association internationale de la marine. (1) Xapoli, 1871. Atti. x, 208p. Nap., 1871. (?) Washington, Oct. 16-Dec. 31, 1889. ★Reports. 501p. Wash., 1890. ★ Protocols of proceedings. 3 vols. Wash., 1890. 2. London, 1893. Proceedings. 5 vols. (?) Monaco, Apr. 12-15, 1901. (?) K0benhavn, July 9-14, 1902. (?) Lisboa, May 22-27, 1904. (?) Genova, June 1920. Rapp. 466p. Nancy. 1921. 791 MARINE Italy Congresso nazionale marittimo. (?) Genova, 1897. 792 MARINE, MERCHANT International Congres international de la marine marchande. Paris, Aug. 4-12, 1900. C. rend. Par., 1902. 793 MARKETING United States National conference on marketing and farm credits (1913- ) Held annually. 1. 1913 (Proceedings) 2. 1914 (no publication) 3. 1915 (no publication) 4. 1916 (Proceedings) 5. 794 MASSAGE International Congres international de massage et des auxiliaires medicaux. 2. Bruxelles, Sept. 3-6, 1938. 795 MATERIALS, TESTING International Congress of International association of testing materials (1895- ) 1. (7) Congres int. pour l'essai des materiaux. (?) C. i. des methodes d'essai des materiaux de construction. 5. C. de l'association (etc.) 1. Zurich, 1895. 2. Stockholm, 1897. (?) Paris, July 9-16, 1900. Communic. (etc.) 6 vol. Par., 1901-2. 3. Budapest, 1901. 4. Bruxelles, 1906. 5. K"0benhavn, Sept. 7-11, 1909. Rapp. Par., 1910. 6. New York, Sept. 3-7, 1912. Communications. Several Nos. Par., 1913. — Rapports. 2 vols. Par., 1913. (7) Amsterdam, 1927. Rapp. 2 vols. (8) Zurich, 1931. Rapp. 2 vols. 796 MATHEMATICIANS International International congress of mathematicians (1897- ) Var.: Congres international de mathematique et de physique, 1. 3. Internationaler Mathematiker-Kongress. 2. Congres. international des mathematiciens. (a) Chicago, 1893. [123] MATHEMATICIANS 1. Zurich, Aug. 9-11, 1897. Verh. 306p. Lpz., 1898. 2. Paris, Aug. 6-12, 1900. C. rend. P. verb. Par., 1902. 3. Heidelberg, Aug. 8-15, 1904. Verh. 756p. Lpz., 1905. 4. Roma, Apr. 6-11, 1908. Atti. 3 vols. Roma, 1909. (b) Stockholm, Sept. 22-25, 1909. C. rend. 137p. Lpz., 1910. 5. Cambridge, 1912. Proc. (c) (Stockholm, 1916) Planned but not held. 6. Strasbourg, Sept. 20-30, 1920. C. rend, xlvii, 670p. Toulouse, 1921. 7. Toronto, 1924. 8. Bologna, 1928. Atti. 5 vols. Bologna, 1929-30. 9. Zurich, 1932. Verh. 2 vols. 10. Oslo, 1936. C. rend. vol. 2. (v.l not yet published) 797 MECHANICS, APPLIED International (a) International congress of applied mechanics (1893-1900) Congres international de mechanique appliquee. (1) Paris, 1889. (Publ.) 4 vols & atlas. Par., 1893. (2) Paris, July 19-25, 1900. Rapports, etc. 3 vols. Par., 1900. The congress decided a fusion with the International congress of mining, metallurgy (etc.) See 943. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1899, 33: 798 MECHANICS, APPLIED International (b) International congress of applied mechanics (1924- ) Congres international de mechanique appliquee. Internationaler Kongress fur technische Mechanik. See also No. 797. 1. Delft, 1924. Proceedings. 2. Zurich, Sept. 12-17, 1926. Verh. xii, 546p. Zur., 1927. 3. Stockholm, 1930. Verh. 3 pts. xxii, 458p. viii, 474p. viii, 356p. Stockh., 1931. 799 MEDICAL CULTURE Spain Conferencia de extension de cultura medica. ? a congress ? Madrid (1917?) (Publication) 2 vols. Madr., 1917. 800 MEDICAL EDUCATION International International congress of medical education. Not to be confused with Xo. 897. 13 (?) Karlsbad, 1931. 801 MEDICAL EDUCATION, REFORM Russia Sezd po reforme feldsherskago i akusherskago obrazovania. 1. Moskva, Jan. 2-6, 1911. 803 MEDICAL EDUCATION United States Congress on medical education, medical licensure, public health and hospitals (1904- ) Organized by the American Medical Association; held annually at Chicago- publ. Proceedings (★1923-25; 1927- ) 6 ' 1. 1904; 2. 1905, etc. (?) Chicago, Feb. 14-15, 1938. ★Proceedings. 70p. Chic, 1938. MEDICAL ETHICS [124] 804 MEDICAL ETHICS International International congress on medical ethics (1900- (1?) Paris, 1900. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1899, 33: 805 MEDICAL HISTORY France Journees d'histoire de la medecine. (?) Paris, 1934. 806 MEDICAL HISTORY International International congress of the history of medicine (1920- ) 1. Congres de l'histoire de l'art de gu6rir. 2. C. i. d'histoire de la medecine. 3. As head title. 8. Congresso internazionale di storia della medicina. The Societe internationale d'histoire de medecine was founded at Paris, Oct. 8, 1921, which is the organizer of later congresses. 1. Antwerpen, Aug. 7-12,1920. ★Liber memorialis. 512p. Anvers, 1921. See also Bull. Soc. fr. hist. meU, 1920, 14: 256-63. 2. Paris, July 1-6, 1921. C. rend, iv, 601p. Evreux, 1922. See also Bull. Soc. fr. hist. meU, 1921, 15: 235-66. 3. London, July 17-22, 1922. C. rend. Anvers, 1923. See also Janus, 1922, 26: 227-59. 4. Bruxelles, April 1923. Held as the 3. subsection of the 9th section of the International congress of the history of science. 5. Geneve, July 20-25, 1925. (Publ.) 328p. Geneve, 1926. Only 105 copies were printed. See also Lyon mid., 1924, 134: 6. Leyden & Amsterdam, July 18-23, 1927. (Publ.) Anvers, 1929. 7. Oslo, 1928. C rend, general, in the Bull. Soc. fr. hist. mid., 1928, 22: 391-412. See also Hygiea, Stockh., 1928, 90: 97-120. 8. Roma, Sept. 22-27, 1930. Atti. See also Janus, 1930, 34: 65-70.—Archeion, 1930, 12: 382-9. 9. Bucuresti, Sept. 10-18, 1932. ★Programme et resumes des rapports. 80p. Bucur. (1932) See also C. rend, in Bull. Soc. fr. hist, mid., 1932, 26: 442-61. 10. Madrid, Sept. 23-29, 1935. ★Announcement. 199p. Madr., 1935. See also Aesculape, 1936, 26: 145-68.—Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1726-35.—Progr. meU, 1935, 1662-71.—Minerva med., 1935, 26: pt 2, 2-10.—Siglo med., 1935, 96: 87; passim.—Mitt. Gesch. Med. Naturwiss., 1936, 35: 257-61.—Bull. Soc. fr. hist. meU, 1935, 29: 209-19.—J. Philippine Islands M. Ass., 1936, 16: 683-8.—Janus, 1935, 39: 135-48; 203-6. 11. Zagreb, Beograd, Sarajevo & Ragusa, Sept. 3-11, 1938. See program in Riv. stor. sc. med., 1938, 29: 45.—Illinois M. J., 1938, 73: 99. 807 MEDICAL HISTORY Poland (Congress of medical history and philosophy) (Versammlung der Polnischen Historiker und Philosophen der Medizin) 4. Krak6w, Oct. 5-7, 1928. For report see Janus, 1929, 33: 79-84. 808 MEDICAL PERSONNEL Russia Vserossyskaia konferentsia po srednemu medobrazovanniu. 3. (1928?) 809 MEDICAL PRACTICE France Congres pour la repression de l'exercice illegal de la medecine. (1) Paris, 1906. ★Compte rendu. 444p. Par., 1907. V [ 125 ] MEDICAL PRESS 810 MEDICAL PRESS Cuba Congreso de la Prensa medica de Cuba (1911- ) Meetings of the Asociaci6n de la Prensa medica de Cuba. Held at La Habana. 1. 1911. For report see ★Actas Congr. mid. nac, 1911, 2. congr. 2. 1914; 3. 1917; 4. 1912; 5. 1924; 6. 1927; 7. For reports see Cr6n. med. quir. Habana, 1914, 40: etc. 811 MEDICAL PRESS International Congres international de la Presse medical (1900- ) 2. Congreso internacional de la prensa medica. 5. International congress of medical press. Congresso internazionale della stampa medica. Organized by a committee of the international association of national federa- tions of medical press. Committee meetings: (?) Monaco, Apr. 7-9, 1902. 1. Paris, July 26-28, 1900. ★Compte rendu, xxix, 436p. Par., 1901. — Rapports. Inform, generates (etc.) Par., 1900. 2. Madrid, Apr. 20-22, 1903. ★Libro de actas. 201p. Madr., 1905. 3. Lisboa, 1906. 4. Budapest, 1909. See Policlinico, sez. chir., 1909, 16: 5. London, 1913. 812 MEDICAL PRESS, LATIN Congres (de la Federation) de la presse medicale latine. Congreso de la prensa medica latina. Congresso della Federazione della stampa medica latina. 4. Venezia, September-October 1936. See Presse med., 1936, 44: 1661. 5. Lisboa, Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 1938. Owing to the Spanish Civil War, postponed to this date. 813 MEDICAL REFORM Germany Aerztliche Konferenz zur Beratung der Medicinal-Reform. Berlin, June 1-22, 1849. ★Protocolle. 276p. Berl., 1849. — Materialien zur neuen Medizinalverfassung Preussens. 1. Heft: Die amtl. Verhandlungen iiber einen Medicinalcongress (bv M. Kalisch) viii, 104p. Berl., 1849. 814 MEDICAL RESEARCH, COORDINATION East Africa Conference on coordination of general medical research in East Africa. (place?) 1936. See East Afr. M. J., 1936-37, 12: 365-9. 815 MEDICAL RESEARCH WORKERS India (All-India) conference of medical research workers (1923- Annual conferences; held at Calcutta (?) 1. Calcutta, 1923. 11. Calcutta, 1933. ★Resume of the proceedings. 332p. Simla, 1934. 15. 1937. See Ind. M. Gaz., 1938, 73: 45-7. 816 MEDICAL SCHOOL Italy Congresso italiano della scuola di medicina. 1. Milano, 1913. See Gaz mid. beige, 1913, 26: MEDICAL STUDENTS [ 126 ] 817 MEDICAL STUDENTS Austria Congress der Medicin-studierenden. Var.: Oesterreichischer Medicinercongress. 1. Wien, June 1903. See Med. Reform, 1903, 11: 250-2. .. Resolved the foundation of Allgemeiner osterreichischer Medicmerverband. 818 MEDICAL STUDENTS, SLAVIC (Congress of Slavic medical students) Meetings of the Federation of the slavic medical students (1930) Praha, 1932". 819 MEDICAL SYNTHESIS Konferenz zur Forderung medizinischer Synthese (1930- ) 2. Kongress zur Forderung med. Syn. und arztlicher Weltanschauung. 1. Riga, 1930. ★Verhandlungen. 297p. Riga, 1931. 2. Marienbad, 1932. (Verh.:) Einheitsbestrebungen in d. Medizin (ed. T. Brugsch) x, 249p. Dresd., 1933. 3. Marienbad, Sept. 13-15, 1934. ★ (Verh.:) Einheitsbestrebungen (etc.) Bd 2. viii, 142p. Dresd., 1935. 820 MEDICINAL PLANTS Congres des producteurs allemands de plantes medicinales (1936- ) 1. Munchen, Sept. 1-6, 1936. Reunion du Comite executif permanent (E. Perrot) 29p. Par., 1937. 821 MEDICINAL PLANTS France Congres national de la culture des plantes medicinales. 2. Bourges, June 18, 1922. Memoires & c. rend. 112p. Lons-le-Saulnier, 1922. 822 MEDICINAL PLANTS International International congress on medicinal plants. 3. Congresso internazionale fra i paesi europei interessati alia coltivazione ed al commercio delle piante medicinali aromatiche affini. 4. Congres international des plantes medicinales et a essences. 6. Internationaler Kongress fiir Heil-, Gewiirz- und verwandte Pflanzen. There is also an international association by the same name. 3. Venezia, Padova, Vicenza, June 15-18, 1929. 11. fiera campionaria di Padova. 97p. Venez., 1929. 4. Paris, 1931. C. rend. See also J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: pt 1. 6. Praha, Sept. 15-17, 1938. 823 MEDICINE Andalusian Congreso medico Andaluz. 1. Andaluz, 1875. See Estatutos in Siglo mgd., 1875, 22: 413-5; See also Andalucfa meU, 1876, 1: 97; passim.— Anfiteatro anat., Madr., 1876, 4: 114; 130.—Cr6n. oft., Cadiz, 1876, 6: 1-39.—An. cienc. mid., Madr., 1876, 1: 307; 334.—Siglo MeU, 1876, 23: 244; passim. 824 MEDICINE Argentina Congreso nacional de medicina. 1. Buenos Aires, September 1916. Actas y trabajos. 5v. B. Air., 1917. 2. Buenos Aires, 1922. See An. Dep. nac. hig., B. Air., 1923, 28: 315-20. I [127] MEDICINE 4. Buenos Aires, Oct. 4-11, 1931. ★Actas y trabajos. 5 vol. B. Air., 1932. v.l missing; v.2: section of clinical medicine; v.3: section of pharmacology and therapeutics; this section known also as Conferencia nacional de la Sociedad de farmacologia y terapeutica; v.4: pediatrics and puericulture; v.5: obstetrics and gynecology. 5. Rosario, September 1934. ★Actas y trabajos. -4?pts 1358p. Rosario, 1934. \ -- . V - $ a 6. C6rdoba, October 16-21, 1938. 825 MEDICINE Australasian Australasian medical congress (1887- ) 1.-8. Intercolonial medical congress of Australasia. Reorganized and new numbering assumed in 1923. 1. Adelaide, 1887. ★Transactions, x, 303p. Adelaide, 1888. 2. Melbourne, 1889. ★Transactions, xxxvi, 1029p. Melb., 1889. See also Australas. M. Gaz., 1888-89, 8: 97-110. 3. Sydney, 1892. ★Transactions, xiii, 752p. Sydney, 1893. 4. Dunedin, 1896. ★Transactions, xxxi, 400p. Dunedin, 1897. 5. Brisbane, 1899. ★Transactions. 528p. Brisb., 1901. 6. Hobart, 1902. ★Transactions, xliii, 480p. Tasmania, 1903 7. Adelaide, 1905. ★Transactions. Ixviii, 510p. Adelaide, 1905. 8. Melbourne, 1908. ★Transactions. 3 vol. xxiii, 421p.; 393p.; 430p. Melb., 1909. 1. Melbourne, Nov. 12-17, 1923. ★Transactions, vii, 552p. Sydney, 1924. As supplement to Med. J. Australia. 2. Dunedin, 1927. ★Transactions. 546p. Sydney, 1927. 3. Sydney, 1929. Transactions. See also Brit. M. J., 1929, 1: 4. Hobart, 1934. 5. Adelaide, August 1937. See Med. J. Australia, 1927, 2: 631; 689. 826 MEDICINE Balkantc Semaine medicale balkanique (1932- ) Organized by L'Union medical balkanique (★1932), which held meetings: 1. Beograd, Sept. 12, 1932; 2. Bucuresti, June 9, 1935; 3. 2. Istanbul, 1934(?) 3. Bucuresti, June 6-12, 1935. ★Travaux. Sect, roumaine. 160p. Bucur., 1935. 4. (planned for Turkey, 1936) 827 MEDICINE Bengal Bengal provincial medical conference. 1. Calcutta, Nov. 12-14, 1937. 828 MEDICINE Bombay Bombay medical congress. 1. 1885. (2) Bombay, Feb. 22-25, 1909. ★Transactions, xx, 632p. Bombay (1910) See also Mil. Surgeon, 1909, 25: 172-9. 829 MEDICINE Brazil Congresso brasileiro de medicina e cirurgia (1888- ) 1. Rio de Janeiro, 1888. ★ (Publ.) xiv, 312p. Rio, 1889. 2. Rio de Janeiro, 1889. ★ (Publ.) viii, 132p.; ii, 117p.; ix, 117p. 3 fasc. Rio, 1890-92. 3. Bahia, October 1890. (Publication) xi, 370p. Bahia, 1894. 97525—IS8----9 MEDICINE [12S] 830 MEDICINE Bruxelles Journees medicales de Bruxelles (1920- ) Annual meetings; held at Bruxelles. Reports issued as special numbers ★Bruxelles medicale. 1. 1920. 6. June 20-24, 1925. ★ (Publication) 112p. Brux., 1925. Forms Special number of Bruxelles m6d., 1925/26, 6: 7. 1926; 8. 1928; 9. 1929. 10. 1930. See Rev. mid., Louvain, 1930, 250; passim. 11. 1931; 12. 1932. 13. 1933. See Bruxelles meU, 1933/34, 14: Supplement, 1-16.—Riforma med., 1933, 49: 1J30-4. 14. 1934. ★ (Publication) 26p. Brux., 1934. Forms Suppl. to Bruxelles mid., 1934'35, 15: 15 1935 ★'(Publication) 136p. Brux. 1935. See also J. MeU chir., Par., 1935, 106: 657-60. 16. June 20-24, 1936. See Riforma med., 1936, 52: 965-7. 17. June 19-23, 1937. ★ Compte rendu. 88p. Brux. (1938?) Forms No. special of Bruxelles Mid., 1938, 1?: 18. Apr. 16-20, 1938. 831 MEDICINE Canada Congres national de medecine. (?) Quebec, 1902. ★ (Publication) Montreal, 1902. 832 MEDICINE Catalan (Congres de la medecine de langue catalane) (?) Barcelona, 1934. 833 MEDICINE Central America Congreso medico centro-americano (1933?- ) 2. San Jose, Oct. 11-15, 1934. ★ Memorias. 316p. S. Jos6, 1935. 3. Panama, 1935. 4. Guatemala, Nov. 11-15, 1936. ★ (Report) 191p. 1936. Forms v.7. No. 44 of Bol. san. Guatemala, 1936. See also Rev. med., San Jose, 1936, 3: 325. 5. San Salvador, Nov. 5-12, 1937. See Rev. med., San Jose, 1938, 5: 157-8. 834 MEDICINE China Shanghai medical congress. Held under the auspices of the China Medical Missionary Association. (1?) Shanghai, 1923. See notes in J. Am. M. Ass., 1923, 80: 835 MEDICINE Cuba (a) Congreso medico regional de la Isla de Cuba. 1. La Habana, January 1890. ★ (Publication) 600p. La Habana, 1890. 836 MEDICINE Cuba (b) Congreso medico nacional (1905- ) 1. La Habana, May 20-23, 1905. ★ Actes y trabajos. 520p. La Habana (1905) [129] MEDICINE 2. La Habana, 1911. ★Actas y trabajos. 504p. La Habana (1911) Contains also reports of Congreso de la prensa medica en Cuba. 3. La Habana, 1914. ★Actas y trabajos. 2 vols. 557p. 575p. (La Habana, 1914) 4. La Habana, 1917. See Cr6n. med. quir., Habana, 1916. 5. La Habana, 1921. Actas v trabajos. 350p. 6. La Habana, 1924. See Cr6n. med. quir., Habana, 1924/25, 50:-51: 7. La Habana, 1927. 838 MEDICINE East Africa East African medical congress. (a) 1920. (b) Nairobi, Oct. 5-8, 1932. See notes in Lancet, 1932, 2: 1193. 839 MEDICINE Flamand Vlaamsch natuur- en geneeskundige congres (1897- ) 1. Gand, Sept. 26, 1897. ★Handelingen. 107p. Gand, 1893- 2. 1898. ★Handelinge*>. 3. Antwerpen. 1899. ★Handelingen. 210p. Antw., 1899. 4. 1900. ★Handelingen. 5. Bruges, 1901. ★Handelingen. 6. 1902. ★Handelingen. 7. 1903. ★Handelingen. 8. Antwerpen, 1904. ★Handelingen. Antw., 1905. 9. 1905; 10. 1906; 11. 1907; 12. 1908. 13. Bruxelles, 1909. Handelingen. 3 pts. 14. Antwerpen, 1910. Handelingen. 3 vols. The 3. vol. contains the medical section. 15. Oostende, 1911. Handelingen. 16. Leuven, 1912. Handelingen. 3 vol.". 17. Gand, 1913. 840 MEDICINE France (a) Congres medical de France (1840- ) (a) C. medical. (b) C. medical, practice, education. (c) C. medical. 1. C. medicochirurgical de France. (a) Paris, 1840. ★Extraits de quelques lettres. Par., 1839. (b) Paris, 1845. ★Actes. v.l: Sect, medecine. xi, 492p. 3 1. Par., 1846. — ★ Actes. v.2: Sect, pharmacie. xi, 289p. Par., 1846. — ★Quelques mots en reponse au programme (by A. Fleury) 32p. Par., 1845. In Pamphlet vol. No. 467. — *La nouvelle legislation (by C. Des Alleurs) 21p. Par. (1845) In Pamphlet vol. No. 467. — *La pharmacie (by Dubail P. E.) 20p. Par., 1845. — ★Un mot sur le programme (by E. Moulin) 14p. Par., 1845. — ★Instruction generale. 117p. Par., 1845. In Pamphlet vol. 1733. — ★Rapport sur un plan. 23p. Par. (1845) See also Gaz. med. Strasbourg, 1845, 5: 267-84.—Gaz. h6p., 1845, 2. ser., 7: passim.—Rev. mfid. fr., 1845,3:262-349. MEDICINE [130] ■i (place?) Apr. 26, 1858. ★ (Publication) 37p. Liege, 1858. 1. Rouen, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1863. ★ (Publication) 412p. Par. (1864?) 2. Lyon, Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1864. ★ (Publication) xxviii, 688p. 15p. Par., 1865. On paralysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, ankylosis, consanguinity, parasitic diseases, syphilis, forceps, psychiatry, etc. 3. Bordeaux, Oct. 2-7, 1865. ★ (Publication) xxi, 961p. Par., 1866. On rheumatism, prognosis in acute diseases, furuncle and carbuncle, sudden death from injuries, parasitic diseases, etc. (d) Strasbourg, Aug. 27, 1866. See Gaz. med. Algerie, 1866, 11: 67-8. On cholera, constitution, syphilis, ovariotomy, uterine fibroma, relation of histology to clinical sciences, surgical anesthesia. 4. Lyon, September 1872. ★ (Publication) xxv, 680p. Par., 1873. On variola, war ambulances, gunshot wounds, bovine plague, depopulation in France, treatment of syphilis, instruction of medicine and pharmacy in France, etc. 841 MEDICINE France (b) Congres frangais de medecine (1894- ) From 13. congr. on called Congres de I'Association des medecins de langue francaise. 1. Lyon, 1894. ★Proces-verbaux, memoires & discussions. 926p. Par., 1895. On diabetes, gastric chemistry, aphasia. 2. Bordeaux, 1895. ★Rapports. Discussions, etc. 2 vol. in 1. xl, 1114p. Par., 1896. On myelitis, intestinal and liver pathology, analgesia. 3. Nancy, 1896. ★Rapports. Discussions. 2 vols. 495p. 685p. Par., 1896-97. On serotherapy, thrombosis, albuminuria. 4. Montpellier, 1898. Rapports, &c. 2v. Montpell., 1899. See Lyon med., 1897, 85: 88: 5. Lille, 1899. ★Rapports, &c. 1050p. Par., 1900. On myocarditis, leukemia, adenitis. 6. Toulouse, 1901. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 408p. 588p. Par., 1902. On medical economy, hepatic insufficiency, convulsive disorders in children. 7. Paris, 1904. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 547p. 454p. Par., 1904-5. On obesity, arterial diseases, mercurial injections. 8. Liege, 1905. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 439p. 210p. Liege, 1905. On chronic rheumatism, pancreatic diseases. 9. Paris, 1907. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 286p. 513p. Par., 1908. On thyrotoxicosis, hemophilia, ulcers. 10. Geneve, 1908. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 218p. 394p. Geneve, 1908-9. On arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia, biliarv lithiasis. 11. Paris, 1910. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 337p. 536p. Par., 1910-11. On bradycardia, epilepsy, liver diseases. 12. Lyon, 1911. ★Rapport; communications. 462p. 39p. Lyon 1911 On diabetic coma, hemolysins, diuresis. ' 13. Paris, Oct. 13-16, 1912. ★Rapports. Comptes rendus. 2 vols. 347p. lxxxviii, 411p. Par., 1913. . „ _ Un, oxalemia, oxaluna, colitis, hemorrhagic diathesis. 14. Bruxelles, 1920. Rapp. & C. rend. 15. Strasbourg, 1921. Rapp. & C. rend. Par., 1922. 16. Paris, 1922. ,„ ^ Rapp. & C. rend. 2 vols. 795p. Par., 1922. 17. Bordeaux, 1923. Rapp. C. rend. 2 vols. 790p. Par., 1923. 18. Nancy, 1925. Rapp. Discussions. 2 vols. 610p. 650p. , „ ^ On acidosis, angina pectoris, lung gangrene. 19. Paris, 1927. Rapp. C. rend. 3 vols. 20. Montpellier, 1929. C. rend. Discuss. 2 vols. [131] MEDICINE 21. Liege, 1930. Rapp. C. rend. 3 vols. 558p. 436p. Par., 1930 On hvperthvroidosis, calcium metabolism, therapeutic use of insulin without diaoetes. 22. Paris, 1933. Rapp. C. rend. 4 pts. 882p. 23. Qu6bec, 1934. Rapp. C. rend. Discuss. On pancreatic syndrome, surgery of pancreatitis, hypoglycemia, fever therapy. 24. (place?) 1936. Rapports. 3 vols. .... On acute meningitis, parathyroid syndrome, pharmacology of the sympathetic system. 25. Marseille, Sept. 26-28, 1938. 842 MEDICINE France: Paris Conference medicale de Paris. Discussion sur la variole et la vaccine (By Caffe, Dally et al.) Paris, 1872. 843 MEDICINE French-Polish Congres medical franco-polonais. Meetings of the Societe medicale franco-polonaise. 1. Warszawa, 1921. See Rev. med. est., 1921, 49: 701-5. 2. Paris, Apr. 20-25, 1925. C. rend. & communications. 187p. Par., 1925. See Lyon med., 1925. 135: 845 MEDICINE Ibero-American (Ibero-American congress of medicine) Sevilla, October 1924. See Zschr. Urol., 1925, 19: 271. 846 MEDICINE India (a) Indian medical congress. 1. Calcutta, 1894. ★Transactions, xv, 558p. Calc, 1895. See also Lancet, 1895, 1: 187; passim. 846a MEDICINE India (b) All-India medical conference. ? Meetings of the Indian medical association? 12. Nagpur, 1935. See J. Ind. M. Ass., 1935/36, 5: 223-7. 13. Karachi, Dec. 27, 1936. See Ibid., 1936/37, 6: 133-8. 14. Madras, Dec. 26-31, 1937. _ r nitt o„ For proceedings and reports see J. Ind. M. Ass., 1938, 7: No. 5, 247-87. 847 MEDICINE Indiana State medical convention of Indiana. (Place?) 1848. ★Proceedings. 14p. Indianap., 1849. 848 MEDICINE International (a) International medical congress (1867- ) 1. Congres medical international de Pans. 2. C. medical de toutes les nations. Congres periodique international des sciences medicales. 1. Paris, Aug. 26-31, 1867. ★ (Publication) 727p. Par., 1868. — ★Statuts et programme. 20p. Par., 1866. Established the Commission internationale pour la prophylaxie des maladies venenennes. On pathology of the tubercle; spread of venereal diseases; menstruation; experimental pathology; af.nlimntiratinn of European races, parasitic diseases. Ww NedI tschr. geneesk.. 1867 1: 561-6.-Berl. klin. Wschr., 1866 3: 262; passim.-Deut. Klin? 1867. 19: 426; passim.-Lancet, Lond- 1867, 2: 297; passim—Arch. path. Anat., Berl.. 1867.'38: 574-7, MEDICINE [132] 2. Firenze, Sept. 20-Oct. 2, 1869. ★ Compte rendu. 456p. Bologna, 1870. — ★Statuts et programme. 16p. Napoli, 1869. ★ II congresso (etc.) e il miasma palustre. 16p. (Milano, 1869) Established the Commission permanente chargee d'6tudier le miasme paludeen. On paludism, cancer, gunshot wounds, hygiene of hospitals, sanitation, endemic and epidemic diseases, forensic aspect of medicine in various countries, etc. See also Gazz. med. ital. lombard., 1869, 6. ser., 2: 16; passim.—Imparziale, Fir., 1869, 9: 56; passim.—Lancet, Lond., 1869, 2: 508. 3. Wien, Sept. 1-8, 1873. ★ Compte-rendu resume. 119p. Brux., 1876. Published by the 4th congress. Established the Commission internationale de redaction d'une pharmacopee universelle. On vaccination, syphilis and prostitution, cholera quarantaine, rural hygiene, universal pharma- copoea, etc. See also Berl. klin. Wschr., 1873, 10: 130; passim.—Wien. med. Wschr., 1872, 22: 183-5.—Wien. med. Presse, 1873, 14: 793; passim.—Philadelphia M. Times, 1873, 4: 33; 35. 4. Bruxelles, Sept. 19-25, 1875. ★Compte rendu. 814p. Brux., 1876. — ★Proces-verbaux d. seances. 52p. Brux., 1875. — ★Resume of the transactions (by G. W. Wells) 12p. N. Y. (1876) Repr. from S. Louis M. & S. J., 1876, 12: — ★Program. On prevention of cholera, alcohol in therapy, inoculation of tuberculosis, surgical anesthesia, wound dressing, maternity, vasomotor nerves, artificial circulation, phosphorus, beer brewing, the criminal insane, etc. See also Med. Times, Lond., 1875, 2: 397.—Gaz. med. Paris, 1875, 4. ser., 4: 522, etc. 5. Geneve, Sept. 9-15, 1877. ★ Comptes rendus et memoires. 895p. Geneve, 1878.J — ★Seance d'ouverture. 30p. Geneve, 1877. — ★(Publication) lip. (Geneve, 1877) — ★Programme et reglement. 39p. Geneve, 1877. — ★Membres du congres. 7p. (Geneve, 1877) On typhoid fever, gastric ulcer, diphtheria and tracheotomy, artificial ischemia, injuries, ozena, galvanocaustics, artificial feeding of infants, birth, membranous dysmenorrhea, alcoholism and mental disease, medical geography, cerebral localization, sleep, physiology of spleen, physio- logical antagonism, sympathetic ophthalmia, etc. See also Union med.. Par., 1877, 3. ser., 24: 407; passim.—Gaz. me'd. chir. Toulouse, 1877, 9: 100-2.—Progr. med., Par., 1877, 5: 709; passim.—Med. Press & Circ, Lond., 1877, 2: 47. 6. Amsterdam, Sept. 7-13, 1879. ★Compte-rendu. 2 vols. 604p. 418p. Amst., 1880-81. — ★Programme et reglement. 79p. (Amst., 1879) — ★(Publication) 13p. 1. (Amst., 1879) — ★Catalogue de l'exposition. 26p. 2 1. Amst., 1879. — ★Presidential address (by E. Chadwick) Lond., 1879. On infectious diseases and vaccination; Bright's disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, medical education, development of skeleton, suprapubic lithotomy, hernia, constitutional diseases, puerperal fever, sphygmography, cytology, protection of children, food hygiene, catatonia, classification of mental diseases, sympathetic irido-choroiditis, adenoids, Meniere's disease, acuity of hearing, phenol, china bark of Java, etc. See also Edinburgh M. J., 1879-80, 25: 597-603.—Arch. gen. med., Par., 1879,144: 503-9.—Alienist & Neur., 1880, 1: 98-107.—Ned. mil. geneesk. arch., 1879. 3: 500-9.—Kozegeszseg. & torv. orv., 1879, 87-98.—Arch. med. belg., 1879, 3. ser., 16: 448-64.—Rev. deux mondes, i879, 36: 209- 15.—Ann. med. psych., Par., 1879, 6. ser., 2: 345-77. For report of the hygienic section see Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1880, 12: 483-98. 7. London, Aug. 2-9, 1881. ★Transactions. 4 vols. 519p. 599p. 660p. 592p. Lond., 1882. — ^Abstracts of the communications. 720p. Lond., 1881. — ★Catalogue of temporary museum, vii, 104p. Lond., 1881. — ★Conversazione et the Guild Hall. 48p. ★Das arztliche Concil zu London (by E. Grysanowski) Hannover (1881) See also Westminster Rev., N. Y., 1881, 116: 207-24.—Boston M. & S. J., 1880, 103: 334. 8. K0benhavn, Aug. 10-16, 1884. ★Compte rendu. 4 vols, in 2. Kbh., 1886. — ★Rules and program. 32p. Kbh., 1884. — ★Programme definitif. Kbh., 1884. — ^Resumes et conclusions. No. 1-9; 11-12; 14. Kbh., 1884. — ^Presidents et secretaires. 6p. Kbh., 1884. — ★Compte rendu d. trav. de la section de chirurgie. 226p. Kbh., 1885. — *C. rend. d. trav. de la sect, de laryngologie. 153p. Kbh., 1886. 9. Washington, Sept. 5-10, 1887. ★Transactions. 5 vols. 665p. 914p. 881p. 621p. 770p. Wash., 1887. — ★Preiiminaires. 27p. Chic, 1885. — *Report ... Norwegian M. Ass. 67p. Christiania, 1887. — ★Circular; preliminary notice. 4p. Wash., 1884. — ★Rules and preliminary organization. 31p. Wash., 1885. — ★The same. French edition. 31p. Wash., 1885. — ★The same. German edition. 31p. Wash., 1885. - *Report (by J. A. Marston) 67p. Lond., 1888. — ★Committee on organization (Wash., 1884) — ★Abstracts of communications. 138p. Wash., 1887. - ★Programme. 106p. Wash., 1887. - *My experience (etc.) (G. E. Potter) 19p. Johnstown, Pa., 1888. 1133] MEDICINE — ★Report (official) 48p. Lond., 18S8. See also Wien. med. Presse, 1887, 28: 1539-41. 10. Berlin, Aug. 4-9, 1890. ★ Verhandlungen. 5 vols. Berl., 1891-92. — ★Compte rendu. 138p. Par., 1890. (Of the obstetrical section) — ★Bericht u. d. Verh. der 8. Abteilung. 160p. Lpz., 1890. See as suppl. of Zbl. Gynak., 1890, 14: — ★Programme. 62p. Berl., 1890. — ★Programme. 76p. Berl., 1890. — ★Address (by J. B. Hamilton) (Berl., 1890) — ★Katalog zur med. wiss. Ausstellung. 194p. 136p. Berl., 1890. — ★Programme (English) 6p. N. Y., 1890. — ★Medicinischer Fiihrer. Berl., 1890. — ★Three communications (by P. Gibier) 8p. N. Y., 1890. See also Med. Ree., N. Y., 1890, 38: 537-9.—Kron. lek., Warsz., 1890. 11: 451-68.—Ned. mil. geneesk. arch., 1889, 13: 608-13.—Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1891, viii, 486-99.—Fortnightly Rev., Lond., 1890, 48: 581-8.—Tr. N. York Acad. M., 1891, 7: 373-84. 11. Roma, Mar. 29-Apr. 5, 1894. ★Atti. 6 vols. Roma, 1895. — ★(Publication) clxivp. Torino, 1894. Bound with Arch. ital. biol.. 1894, 22: — ★Resoconto. Sez. laryng. rhinol. (A. Toti) 16p. (Fir., 1894) — ★Resoconto sommario. Sez. med. leg. (L. Borri) (Fir., 1894) — *Voyage en Italie (A. Labat) Par., 1894. — ★Wissenschaftliche Ausstellung d. Deut. Reiches. Berl., 1894. — ★Clima e malattie (Massua) 218p. Roma, 1894. '. See also Lancet, 1894, 1: 819; passim.—Brit. M. J., 1894, 1: 705; passim.—Ned. mil. geneesk. arch., 1894, 18: 367-400. 12. Moskva, Aug. 19-26, 1897. ★Comptes rendus. 8 vols, (v.4 in 2) Moskva, 1900. — ★Trudi. Sect, pharmacy. Moskva, 1898. — ★(Speech of welcome by N. Sklifosovsky) 4p. S. Peterb., 1897. — ★(Report of the 13. sect. Obst. & gyn.) 280p. Par., 1898. Repr. from Ann. gyn. obst., Par., 1897, 48: — ★Programme. 102p. Moskva, 1897. — *La medecine du zemstwo en Russie. 345p. Moskva, 1900. See also Liverpool Med. Chir. J., 1898, 18: 119-30— Tr. M. Soc. London, 1897/98, 21: 301-38.— Sitzber. Aerztl. Ver. Munchen, 1898, 7: 95-109.—Munch, med. Wsrhr., 1897, 44: 1071-4.— Deut. med. Wschr., 1897, 22: 222.—Boston M. & S. J.. 1897, 137:588-94.—Rep. Army M. Der., Lond., 1897, 38: 417-24.—Boln. gaz. botkina, 1896, 7: 99-101 (Rules)— Galenos, Athenai, 1897, 17: 582; passim. 13. Paris, Aug. 2-9, 1900. ★Comptes rendus. 17 vols. Par., 1901. — ★Relazioni originali ... dei delegati. 224p. Roma, 1901. — ★Paris-medical. 401p. Par., 1900. — ★Exposition universelle internationale de 1900. 251p. Par., 1901. — ★Rapports. Several numbers. Par., 1900. 14. Madrid, Apr. 23-30, 1903. ★ Comptes rendus. 14 vols. Madr., 1904. — ★Volume general. 462p. clixp. Madr., 1904. See also J. Ass. Mil. Surgeons, 1903, 13: 296-305. 15. Lisboa, Apr. 19-26, 1906. ★ Rapports. Comptes rendus. 11 vols. 17 sections. Lisb., 1906. — ★Volume general. 320p. Lisb., 1906. See also Munch, med. Wschr., 1906, 53: 1118-21.—Postgraduate, N. Y., 1906, 21: 654-62.— J. R. Army M. Corps, 1906, 7: 618-24.—Rev. scient., Par., 1906, 5. ser., 6: 429-35.—J. Obst. Gyn. Brit. Emr>ire, 1906, 10: 155-66. 16. Budapest, Aug. 29-Sept. 4, 1909. ★Compte rendu. 12 vols. Budap., 1910. — ★Volume general. 481p. Budap., 1910. 17. London, Aug. 6-12, 1913. ★ (Transactions) 13 vols. Lond., 1913-14. — ★General volume. 164p. Lond., 1914. — ★Differentiation of chronic arthritis (L.F. Barker) p.253-78. Lond., 1913. See nlso Bull. Soc. fr. derm, synh., 1913, 24: 331.—J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.. 1914. 41: 252. 18. (planned for Munchen, 1917) Was not held. 849 MEDICINE International (b) Journees medicates internationales. Paris, June 26-30, 1937. See reports in J. radiol. Slectr., 1937, 21: 506-8.—Gaz. h6p., 1937, 110: 842; passim.—Gynecologie, Par., 1938, 37: 24-46. 849a MEDICINE International: Schweiz Semaine medicale internationale en Suisse, (1935- ) Organized by the Schweizerische rhedizinische Wochenschrift. Var.: Internationale medizinische Wochejn der Schweiz. MEDICINE [134] 1. Montreux, Sept. 9-14, 1935. ★ (Publication) 477p. Basel, 1936. 2. Luzern, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1936. (Publication) 545p. Basel, 1937. See also Polska gaz. lek., 1937, 16: 621. 3. Interlaken, Aug. 29-Sept. 4, 1937. See also Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 1435; 1503. 850 MEDICINE International: Sevilla Congreso medico internacional de Sevilla. Sevilla, Apr. 9, 1882. ★Reglamento. viip. Sevilla, 1881. — *Actas. 507p. Sevilla, 1882. 851 MEDICINE International: United States International medical congress. (a) Philadelphia, 1876. ★Transactions, xlix, 1153p. Phila., 1877. — *Medical handbook of Philadelphia. 26p. Phila., 1876. Centennial session. The international congress was invited in 1875 (see No. 848, 4th congr.) lo hold its next meeting in Philadelphia; invitation was not accepted officially, however. On responsibility of insane, skin diseases, eczema & psoriasis, artificial drum membranes, quarantine, physiology of joints, coxalgia, syphilis, myopia, contracted pelvis, etc. (b) Chicago, 1893. (c) (planned for S. Louis, September 1904) ★To the medical profession (Committe of organization) 43p. St. Louis, 1904. 852 MEDICINE Italy Congresso medico. (?) Ascoli Piceno, 1893. Atti. Ascoli, 1893. 853 MEDICINE Italy: Lombardia Convegno medico interprovinciale della regione Lombardo-Veneta (1893?- ) 3.-4. As head title. 5. Congresso medico interprovinciale della Lombardia e del Veneto. 1. (1893?) 3. Verona, 1895. For Relazione see Gazz. med. lombard., 1895, 54: 294; 364. 4. Vicenza, Sept. 5, 1896. ★Atti. 83p. Vicenza, 1897. — I comuni (etc., by R. Massalongo) Milano, 1896. 5. Bergamo, 1897. ★Atti. 190p. Bergamo, 1898. 6. Venezia, 1898. ★Atti. xi, 131p. Venez., 1899. 854 MEDICINE Italy: Liguria * Congresso medico regionale Ligure (1895- ) 1. Spezia, 1895. For Atti see Boll. Accad. med. Genova, 1895, 10: No. 6, p.309-436. 2. San Remo, 1896. ★Atti. 77p. Genova, 1897. 3. Novi Ligure, 1897. ★Atti. 196p. Genova, 1898. 4. Savona, 1898. ★Atti. 271p. Savona, 1899. 5. Chiavari, 1899. ★Atti. 150p. Genova, 1900. 6. Porto Maurizio, 1900. ★Atti. 95p. Genova, 1900. 7. Sarzana, 1901. ★Atti. lOlp. Genova, 1901. 8. Genova, 1903. Atti. 65p. Genova, 1903. yr^ 3Lt-^-.W, « . -o^y* [135] MEDICINE 855 MEDICINE Italy: Marchigi Congresso medico-chirurgico marchigiano. (?) Ancona, Sept. 11-13, 1922. Atti. 252p. Ancona, 1923. 856 MEDICINE Italy: Sicilia Congresso medico siciliano. 8. C. m. calabro-siculo. (?) 1902. 4. Trapani, 1910. See Policlinico, sez. prat., 1910, 17: 7. Palermo, Apr. 20-22, 1923. Atti. 182p. Pal., 1926. 8. Messina-Reggio Calabria, Apr. 29-May 1, 1926. Atti. 248p. Pal., 1927. 857 MEDICINE Italy: Toscana Congresso medico Toscano. Firenze, 1848-50, 858 MEDICINE Italy: Umbria Congresso medico Umbro. 4. Foligno, 1902. ★Atti. 183p. Foligno, 1904. 858a MEDICINE Japan (Japanese medical congress) Held every 4 years. 9. Tokyo, 1934. 10. Kyoto, Apr. 1-5, 1938. 859 MEDICINE Latin American Congreso medico latino-americano (1901- ) 1. Santiago de Chile, Jam 1-9, 1901. Actas y trabajos. 3 vols. Barcelona, 1903. 2. Buenos Aires, 1904. 3. Montevideo, Mar. 17-24 1907. Actas y trabajos. 5 vols. Montev., 1907-9. 4 RiOtirLreOd.iU|rin8i90?0l97:329;388 (Complete report) 6. La Habana, 1922. -A-Memoria 27p. La Habana, l\)zz. See aZBol. san. benefic. Habana, 1923, 28: 445-57. 7. La Habana, Jan. 1938. ★Trabajos. Secc. de tisiologia. p.lbo-^OA Forms No. 2, v.2. Rev. tuberc, La Habana. 860 MEDICINE Mexico (a) Congreso medico Mcxicano. Congreso medico nacional. 3. Guadda^^y^lSOT.^^^ (program); 8-NUXjeAm:M92A7s..l928.90:ptl. 860a MEDICINE Mexico (b) Congreso nacional de profesionistas. 1. Mexico, D. F., March 1934. See report in Rev. med. veracruz., 1934, 14. lib! a. MEDICINE [!36] 861 MEDICINE Mexico: Yucatan Congreso medico peninsular. 1. Merida, Oct. 26-28, 1933. ★ Memorias. 21 lp. Merida, 1934. 863 MEDICINE Nederlandsch Nederlandsch natuur- en geneeskundig congres (1887- ) 1. Amsterdam, 1887. ★ Handelingen. See also Geneesk. courant, 1887, 41: No. 41. 2. Leiden, 1888. ★Handelingen. 3. Utrecht, 1891. , 01 „ See Openingsrede in Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1891, 27: pt 1, 431-9. 4. Groningen, 1893. 5. Amsterdam, 1895. etc.; 43. Torino, 1937 (See Riforma med., 1937, 53: 1483-8) 886 MEDICINE, INTERNAL Scandinavian Nordisk kongress for invarts medicin (1896- ) Var.: Scandinavian congress for internal medicine. Congres de medecine des pays du Nord. Nordischer Kongress fiir innere Medizin. 1. Goteborg, 1896. ★Forhandlingar. 110p. Stockh., 1896. 2. Kristiania, 1898. ★Forhandlingar. 231p. Stockh., 1898. — *Foredrag og diskussionen. 57p. Stockh., 1898. 3. K0benhavn, 1900. ★Verhandlungen. 201p. Stockh., 1901. 4. Helsinki, July 4-6, 1902. ★Verhandlungen. 273p. Stockh., 1903. See also Hygiea, Stockh., 1902, n. f., 2: pt 2, 151-99 5. Stockholm, 1904. ★Verhandlungen. 302p. Stockh., 1905. 6. Skagen, 1905. ★Verhandlungen. 423p. Stockh., 1910. 7. Bergen, 1911. 9. K0benhavn, 1919. 10. Helsinki, June 30-July 2, 1921. ★Verhandlungen. vii, 31 lp. Helsin., 1922. As Suppl. 3 of Acta mtd. scand. , 11. Kristiania, July 3-5, 1923. ★Rapports & c. rendus. vii, 376p. Kristiania, 1924. As Suppl. 7 of Acta med. scand. 12. Stockholm, Aug. 27-29, 1925. ★Rapports & c. rendus. xi, 688p. Nancy, 1926. As Suppl. 16 of Acta med. scand. 13. K0benhavn, June 30-July 1, 1927. ★Rapports & c. rendus. xv, 574p. Kbh., 1928. As Suppl. 26 of Acta med. scand. 14. Helsinki, June 28-30, 1929. ★Verhandlungen. xv, 390p. Helsin., 1930. As Suppl. 34 of Acta med. scand. 15. Oslo, 1931. ★Proceedings, xix, 422p. Oslo, 1932. As Suppl. 50 of Acta med. scand. 16. Upsala, 1934. ★Proceedings, viii, 647p. Ups., 1934. As Suppl. 59 of Acta med. scand. 17. K0benhavn, June 27-29, 1935. ★Rapports & c. rendus. 941p. Kbh., 1936 As Suppi. 78 of Acta med. scand. 18. Helsinki, June 29-July 1, 1937. ,r. ^ , S%e Norsk mag. laegevid., 1937, 98: 1330-3. 19. Oslo, June 27-29, 1938. 887 MEDICINE, LEGAL France Congres de medecine legale de langue francaise (1911- ) 19' C°frfn5Sai1seternati°nal ^ m6decine Mgale et de medecine sociale de langue ^en^iftS SGe Ann' mM' Ug-> 1921' 1:"etc- which is the official organ of the 1. Paris, 1911. ★Compte rendu, p.97-308. Par., 1911. 2. Pans, 1912; 3. Paris, 1913;.4. Paris, 1914; 5. Paris, 1920; 6 Bruxelles 1921- 7 Pans, 1922; 8. Paris, 1923; 9. Paris, 1924;'l0. Lille 1925; 1 Par s 1926'l2 Lyon., 1927; 13. Paris, 1928; 14. Paris, 1929; 15. Paris 1930- To-18 P«rit 1931-33; 19. Lille, May 27-30, 1934; 20 Bruxelles, Jidy'l935; 21 Paris l937- [141] MEDICINE, LEGAL 888 MEDICINE, LEGAL International (a) Congres international de medecine legale (1877- ) Var.: International assembly of lawyers and medicolegal experts. (a) Bruxelles, 1877. 1. Paris, Aug. 12-14, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 272p. Par., 1879. (b) Paris, 1889. ★ Memorias. 229p. Madr., 1897. ★Also 3. ed. Madr., 1899. 2. Bruxelles, 1897. ★Comptes rendus. 41 lp. Charleroi, 1899. 3. Bruxelles, Aug. 4-10, 1910. ★C. rend. 480p. Liege, 1910. As Suppl. to Arch, internat. mid. leg., 1910, 1: 889 MEDICINE, LEGAL International (b) American International medico-legal congress. 1893: American. ... (3) Medico-legal congress. (1) New York, June 4-7, 1889. ★Bulletin. Transactions & papers, xvi, 466p. xlvii. N. Y., 1891. (2) Chicago, Aug. 15-17, 1893. ★Transactions. 32p. (n. p., n. d.) (3) New York, Sept. 4-6, 1895. ★Bulletin. Transactions, xlii, 481p. N. Y., 1898. 890 MEDICINE, LEGAL International (c) Internationale Tagung fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin (1938- ) 1. Bonn, Sept. 22-24, 1938. On alcohol and traffic accidents, examination of hair, laws on accidents in various countries, etc. 891 MEDICINE, LEGAL Italy Congresso di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni (1898- ) Meetings of the Assoziazione italiana di medicina legale (★1897) 1. Torino, 1898; 4. Bologna, 1930; 7. Napoli, Oct. 15-18, 1937. 892 MEDICINE, LEGAL Russia (a) Vserossysky sezd sudebno-meditsinskykh ekspertov. 2. Moskva, Feb. 25-Mar. 3, 1926. ★Report. In Skvirsky, P. V.'s work. Leningr., 1926, p. 99-113. 893 MEDICINE, LEGAL Russia (b) Rasshirenny sezd sudebno-meditsinskykh ekspertov. 5. Moskva, Sept. 15-17, 1927. See Sudeb. med. ekspertiza, 1927, No. 7, 144-59. 894 MEDICINE, LEGAL Russia: Ivanov-Voznesensk Rasshirenny nauchny sezd sudebnykh vrachei i predstavitelei iustitsy v gorode Ivanovo- Voznesenske. Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Dec. 23-25, 1927. See Sudeb. med. ekspertiza, 1928, No. 9, 135-64; No. 10, 156-66. 895 MEDICINE, LEGAL Russia: Pskov Nauchny rasshirenny sezd sudebno-meditsinskykh ekspertov Pskovski guberny. 1. Pskov, Apr. 16-19, 1927. See Sudeb. med. ekspertiza, 1927, No. 7, 125-43. 896 MEDICINE, NEOHIPPOCRATIC International Congres international de medecine neohippocratique (1938- ) 1. Paris, July 1-5, 1937. ★ Actes. 1938. See also Vie med., 1937, 18: 323.—Gaz. hop., 1937, 110: 1021-3. MEDICINE, POSTGRADUATE [ 142 ] 897 MEDICINE, POSTGRADUATE Hungary (Hungarian postgraduate medical congress) Magyar orvosi tovabbkepzo kongresszus. (?) Budapest, 1926. (?) 897a MEDICINE, POSTGRADUATE International International congress of postgraduate medicine (1909- ) Var.: International congress of medical education. 1. Budapest, 1909. 2. London, 1913. 3. Berlin, Aug. 21-25, 1937. Acta. 500p. ..,.,.. Established an International commission of postgraduate medicine, which held its meetings: 1. Budapest, Apr. 1938. Founded an International Academy of Postgraduate Medicine at Budapest. 898 MEDICINE, PROFESSIONAL Belgium Congres national de medecine professionnelle (1905- ) 4. ... et de deontologie medicale. 1. Liege, 1905; 2. Gand, 1906; 3. Antwerpen, 1907; 4. Mons, 1908; 5. Verviers, 1909; 6. Bruxelles, 1910; 7. Charleroi, 1911; 8. Namur, 1912; 9. Gand, 1913; 10. Bouillon, 1914; 11. See notes in Gaz. raid, beige. 22. Bruxelles, 1931. See J. Social Hyg., 1931, 80: 24(?) Mons, 1932. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1932, 99: pt 2. 899 MEDICINE, PROFESSIONAL International Congres international de medecine professionnelle et de deontologie medicale. 1. Paris, July 1900. ★ Compte rendu. 697p. Par., 1900. 900 MENDELEEV Congres jubilaire Mendeleev. Moskva, 1937(?) Trudy. 471p. Moskva, 1937. 901 MENTAL HYGIENE Europe European reunion on mental hygiene. Var.: Riunione europea per I'igiene mentale. Europaische Vereinigung fiir psychische Hygiene. 4. London, Oct. 5-8, 1936. See Zschr. psych. Hyg., 1936, 9: 177-89.—Bruxelles m6d., 1936/37, 17: 92; passim. 5. Munchen, Aug. 22-23, 1938. 902 MENTAL HYGIENE Deutsche Tagung fiir psychische Hygiene (1928- 1. Hamburg, Sept. 20, 1928. Bericht. 159p. Berl., 1929. 2. Bonn, May 21, 1932. ★Bericht. 142p. Berl., 1932. On eugenic problems of mental hygiene. 903 MENTAL HYGIENE France Congres d'hygiene mentale. (?) Paris, June 1-4, 1922. See Ann. med. psychol., 1922, 12: pt 2.—J. med. Bordeaux, 1922, 163: [143] MENTAL HYGIENE 904 MENTAL HYGIENE International (a) International congress for psychic hygiene (1922- ) Var.: Congres international d'hygiene mentale. International congress on mental hygiene. Congresso internazionale di igiene mentale. 1. Washington, D. C, 1930. ★Proceedings. 2 vols, xviii, 803p. iv, 840p. N. Y., 1932. — ★Preliminary anouncement. 34p. N. Y., 1929. — *A new project. 63p. N. Y., 1924. 2. Paris, July 19-25, 1937. See Arch, internat. neur., 1937, 56: iii-xxii.—Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1937, 41: 760-9 Originally planned for 1935, Paris. See Ment. Hyg. Bull., Albany, 1933, 17: 278-88. 905 MENTAL HYGIENE International (b) Reunion internationale de prophylaxie et d'hygiene mentale. Var.: International conference on mental prophylaxis and hygiene. Do not confuse with No. 904. 1. Paris, 1931; 2. Paris, 1932. 906 MENTAL HYGIENE Netherlands Conferentie en oprichting der Nederl. Vereiniging voor geestelijke volksgezondheid. 1. Hemmen, 1934. Verslag. Forms No. 1 of Geschr. van de Vereeniging. 907 MENTAL HYGIENE United States Mental hygiene conference and exhibit. 1. New York 1912. ★Proceedings, viii, 224p. N. Y. (1913) 908 MERCANTILE Spain Congreso mercantil. (?) Madrid, 1881. Actas. 909 MERCANTILE Spanish-American Congreso mercantil hispano-americano-portugues. Madrid, 1892. (Publication) Held on occasion of the 4. centenary of the discovery of America. 910 MERCANTILE, EXPERTS Spain Congreso nacional de profesores y peritos mercantiles. Madrid, June 1901. Actas. 301p. 21. Madr., 1902. 911 MERIDIAN International (a) Congres meridional. 1. Toulouse, 1834. 2. Toulouse, 1835. Reports published in 2 vols. 912 MERIDIAN International (b) International meridian conference. Var.: Conference internationale pour I'adoption d'un premier meridien unique et d'une heure universelle. Washington, October 1884. (Publ.) The conference accepted the Greenwich meridian as the first. 97r.i'5—38----10 METEOROLOGISTS [144] 913 METEOROLOGISTS British Empire Conference of Empire meteorologists. (1) London, 1929. ★Report. 16p. Lond., 1929. — ★Observer's handbook. 34p. Lond., 1929. ■— ★Papers and discussions. 308p. Lond., 1929. On p.202-15, references to plant diseases caused by meteorological influences. 914 METEOROLOGISTS International International meteorological conference (1872- ) (a) Meteorologenversammlung. 1. Congres m6t6orologique international (de Vienne) (a) Leipzig, Aug. 14-16, 1872. Bericht ii. d. Verh. 31p. 39p. Wien, 1872. 1. Wien, Sept. 2-16, 1873. Bericht ii. d. Verh. vi, 114p. Wien, 1874. The congress established the first International Meteorological Committee, which held its meetings: 1. Wien, Sept. 16, 1873; 2. Utrecht, Sept. 10-14, 1874; 3. London, Apr. 18-22, 1876; 4. Utrecht, Oct. 16, 1878. Publ. Rapport du comitd permanent. 2. Roma, Apr. 14-22, 1879. The congress established a new international committee, which held its meetings: 1. Bern, Aug. 9-12, 1880; 2. Ktfbenhavn, Aug. 1-4, 1882, 3. Paris, Sept. 1-7, 1885; 4. Zurich, Sept. 3-4, 1888. Published Rapport. (3) Paris, Sept. 19-26, 1889. P. verb. Mem. 2 vols. Par., 1891. The congress established the Conference internationale des directeurs d'observatoires meteo- rologiques et institutions similaires . (See No. 916) 915 METEOROLOGY International International meteorological congress. Unnumbered congresses. Var.: Congres international de m6t6orologie. See also No. 914. (a) Paris, Aug. 24-28, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 274p. Par., 1879. (b) Chicago, Aug. 212-24, 1893. ★Report, xxi, 772p. Wash., 1894. Forms No. 11, Weather Bur. Bull. (c) Paris, Sept. 10-16, 1900. P. verb. d. stances & mem. Par., 1901. 916 METEOROLOGY, DIRECTORS International Conference internationale des directeurs d'observatoires meteorologiques et institutions similaires (1891- ) See also No. 914 under (3.) 1. Munchen, Aug. 26-Sept. 2, 1891. Established the third international meteorological committee, which held its meetings: 1. Upsala 1894; 2. S. Peterburg, Sept. 2-7, 1899; 3. Paris, 1900; 4. Southport, Sept. 9-15, 1903; 5. Parin Sept. 10-12, 1907; 6. Berlin, Sept. 26-29, 1910. 2. Paris, Sept. 17-23, 1896. Bericht. 95p. Berl., 1899. 3. Innsbruck, Sept. 9-14, 1905. (4) Paris, 1919. P. verb. 62p. Par., 1919. (5) Utrecht, 1923. 917 METEOROLOGY, FORECAST International Internationale Experten-Conferenz fiir Wetterschiessen. Graz, 1902. Bericht. 154p. Wien, 1902. 918 METEOROLOGY, MARITIME Conference maritime ... pour I'adoption d'un systeme uniforme d'observation meteo' rologique a la mer. 1. Bruxelles, 1854. (Publ.) [145] METER 919 METER International Conference diplomatique du metre. See also Weights & measures. Paris, May 20, 1875. (Publ.) Par., 1875. The convention established the Bureau international des poids et mesures. 920 MICROBIOLOGISTS Russia (a) Vserossiisky sezd mikrobiologov. 1. Leningrad, May 25-29, 1928. Tezisy dokladov. 921 MICROBIOLOGISTS Russia (b) Frantsuzsko-sovetskaia nedela mikrobiologov. (French-Sovet week of microbiologists) 1. Moskva, Mar. 26-30, 1937. See Sovet. med., 1937, No. 1, 47-55. 922 MICROBIOLOGY International International congress for microbiology (1930- ) 1. Congres international de microbiologic Organized by the International association of microbiologists. 1. Paris, July 20-25, 1930. (Publication) 2 vols. 676p. 540p. y2. London, July 25-Aug. 1, 1936. Report of proceedings. ' * > See also Bol. Of. san. panamer., 1936, 15: 1173-7.—Presse med., 1936, 44: 1491.—Orv. hetil., 1936, 80:839. Originally planned to be held in Berlin, 1934; plan changed owing to political troubles and the death of Prof. Hahn. 3. New York, Sept. 2-9, 1939. Will have 9 sections: 1. general biology; 2. microbiological chemistry and physiology; 3. viral diseases; 4. rickettsial diseases; 5. protozoology and parasitology; 6. fungous diseases; 7. bacteriology; 8. agricultural and industrial microbiology; 9. immunology. 923 MICROBIOLOGY Italy Congresso nazionale di microbiologia (1929?- 2. Milano, 1930. Atti. 271p. Mil., 1930. 3. Milano, 1931. ★Atti. 513p. Milano, 1931. 4. Milano, 1932. Atti. 5. Milano, 1934. 6. Milano, Apr. 21-24, 1937. Atti. 850p. Milano, 1937. 924 MICROSCOPISTS United States National microscopical congress. Later congresses known as meetings of the American Society of Microscopists (or, American Microscopical Society) Indianapolis, Aug. 14-19, 1878. ★Proceedings. 77p. Indianap., 1880. 925 MIDWIVES Finland (Congress of midwives) Helsinki, 1900. See notes in J. Am. M. Ass., 1900, 34: MIDWIVES [H6] 926 MIDWIVES Germany (a) Deutscher Hebammentag (1890- ) Held in Berlin. Offizieller Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen published as Beilage to Allg. Deut. Hebammenzeitung. 1. Berlin, Sept. 22-23, 1890. Off. Ber. 23p. Berl., 1891. 3. Berlin, 1900. Off. Ber. 152p. Berl., 1901. 4. Berlin, 1905. Off. Ber. 183p. Berl., 1905. 5. Berlin, Oct. 26-28, 1910. Off. Ber. 176p. Berl., 1911. 927 MIDWIVES Germany (b) Delegiertentag der Vereinigungen deutscher Hebammen (1892?- ) Publishes Offizieller Bericht. 5. Strassburg, 1896; 6. Stettin, 1897; 7. Halle a. S. & Erfurt, 1898; 8. 9. Kaiserslautern, 1901: 10. Stuttgart, 1902; 11. Hannover, 1903; 12. Mainz, 1904; 13. Diisseldorf, 1906; 14. Munchen, 1908; 15. Jena, 1909; etc. 928 MIDWIVES International (a) International congressr of midwives. Internationaler Hebammen-Kongress. 2. Dresden, Sept. 1911. 929 MIDWIVES International (b) International congress of midwives (1922- ) Meetings of the International Union of Midwives. The 1. and 2. meetings were of rather local character. 1. 1922; 2. 1923. 3. Praha, 1925. 4. Wien, 1928. 5. Gand, 1932. 6. London (1934?) 7. Berlin (1936?) 8. Paris, Apr. 11-13, 1938. See Arte ostet., 1938, 52: 152-65. 9. Roma, 1941. 929a MIDWIVES Italy Congresso nazionale delle levatrici (italiane) 1. Firenze, 1895. Atti. 66p. Milano, 1896. 5. Genova, 1902. Atti. 90p. 1902. 7. Bologna, 1909. Resoconto dei lavori. 23p. Bologna, 1909. 930 MIDWIVES, CATHOLIC International Congres international des sages-femmes catholiques (1934- Meetings of an association by the same name 1. Lille, 1934. For report see J. obst. gyn., Par., 1934, 5: No. 1, No 4 2. Bruxelles, July 13, 1935. See J. obst. tryn., Par., 1935, 6: No. 10, 3-12. 3. Paris, July 8-10, 1937. See J. obst. gyn., Par., 1937, 8: 32-49, etc. 931 MILITARY MEDICINE Austria Feldarztliche Tagung bei d. K. u. K. 2. Armee. Meetings of the physicians of the 2. Austrian regiment. Lemberg, Feb. 20-22, 1917. Verhandlungen. xvi, 343p. Wien, 1917. ''v u / f [ 147 ] MILITARY MEDICINE 932 MILITARY MEDICINE Chile Congreso de medicina y cirugia naval y militar de Chile (1929- ) 1. Valparaiso, 1929. ★Antecedentes, actas y trabajos. 728p. Valp., 1929. 933 MILITARY MEDICINE International (a) Congres international sur le service medical des armees en campagne. Paris, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 150p. Par., 1879. See also Tribune med., Par., 1879, 11: 613; 1880, 12: 1. 934 MILITARY MEDICINE International (b) International congress of military medicine. S. Louis, October 1904. See Militararzt, 1905, 39: 81-3.—J. Ass. Mil. Surgeons, 1905, 17: 1-8.—Gior. med. esercito, 1905. See also ★The needs and advantages of an international congress of military surgeons (N. Senn) Car- lisle, 1905. 935 MILITARY MEDICINE International (c) International congress of military medicine and pharmacy (1921- ) Var.: Congres international de medecine et de pharmacie militaires. Congresso internazionale di medicina e farmacia militare. Kongres miedzynarodowy medycyny i farmacji wojskowej. There is also a Comite permanent, which publishes ★Bulletin international (v.l, No. 1, 1928- ) as appendix of Arch. m6d. beige. See also ★series of Reports by W. S. Bainbridge (1.-8. congr.) 1. Bruxelles, July 15-20, 1921. ★Organization generale du Service de Sante aux armees et rapports. 138p. Brux., 1921. See also Norsk, tskr. mil. med., 12, 1921, 25: 107-17.—Rev. med. hyg. mil., Rio, 1922, 8: 47; 71. Al. Roma, May-June 1923. ★Atti. 2 vols in 1. iv, 41 lp. viii, 585p. Roma, 1923. See also Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1923, 2: 31-53. 3. Paris, Apr. 20-25, 1925. ★Comptes rendus. 705p. Par., 1925. See also Presse med., 1925, 33: 509.—Gaz. h6p., 1925, 98: 565; 637.—Rev. Ban. mil., B. Air., 1925, 24: 63-117 (Informe y trabajo) 4. Warszawa, May 30-June 4, 1927. ★ (Publ.) 2 vols. 346p. 576p. Warsz., 1927-28. — ★Programme general. 32p. Warsz., 1927. — ★Exposition internationale d'hygiene et du materiel technique du Service de Sante. 18p. Warsz., 1927. See also Vest. desk. 16k., 1927, 39: 533-5.—Voj. zdrav. listy, 1927, 3: 128-54. 5. London, May 6-11, 1929. ★Reports. 367p. Lond., 1929. — ★Program. Lond., 1929. 6. 's-Gravenhage, June 1931. ★ Rapports. Discours. 2 vol. 546p. 217p. La Haye, 1931. — *Liste des membres. 27p. La Haye, 1931. 7. Madrid, May 29-June 4, 1933. ★ (Publication) 6 pts (paged separately) Madr., 1934. — ★Programa. Guia. Catalogo oficial. 256p. Madr., 1933. — ★ (Honorary committee) 12p. Madr. (1933) See also Arch. med. beige, 1933, 86: Bull, internat., 403-7.—Lancet, 1933, 1: 40.—Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 517^3.—Voj. zdrav. listy, 1933, 9: 140-58.—Bol. farm, mil., Madr., 1933, 11: 209 passim.—Gaz. hop., 1933, 106: 1141-3.—Mil. Surgeon, 1934, 75: 113-39. 8. Bruxelles, June 27-July 3, 1935. ★ Comptes rendus. v.l. 442p. Brux., 1935. See also Militaerlaegen, 1935, 41: 257-73.—Arch. med. pharm. mil., 1935, 103: 563-78.—Rev. san. mil., Madr., 1935, 25: 297-303.—J. R. Army M. Corps, 1935, 65: 252-5.—Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 305.—Bol. farm, mil., Madr., 1935. 13: 241; passim.—Arch. med. beige, 1935, 88: 129-43.— Bruxelles med., 1934/35, 15: 993; 1096. 9. Bucuresti, June 2-10, 1937. ★ Rapports (etc.) 2 vols. 436p. 328p. Bucur., 1937/38. See Mil. Surgeon, 1937, 81: 431-42; 1938, 82: 137-56; 225.—Lek. wojsk., 1937, 30: 170-90.—Voj. san. glasnik, 1937, 8: 473-8.—Militaerlaegen, 1937, 43: 522-4.—Gaz. hop., 1937, 110: 912-4.— Romania med., 1937. 15: 168-90. 10. Washington, May 7-15, 1939. MILITARY MEDICINE [148] 936 MILITARY MEDICINE Mexico Semana de medicina militar. Held by the Secci6n de medicina militar of the Ateneo de ciencias y artes del Mexico. 1. Mexico, D. F., June 7-11, 1937. ★ Memoria. 132p. Mex., 1937. 937 MILITARY MEDICINE United States Medico-military symposium. Annual. 9. Rochester, Minn., 1937. See Mil. Surgeon, 1937, 81: 447-51. 938 MILLERS Germany Versammlung deutscher M idler und Miihlen-Interessenten (1867- ) 1. Allgemeine ... 9. Generalversammlung ... 10. Generalversammlung des Verbandes ... 1. Berlin, May 27-29, 1867; 2. Berlin, May 18-20, 1868; 3. Leipzig, May 31-June 2, 1869; 4. Stuttgart, May 30-Juhe 1, 1870; 5. Koln, Sept. 3-4, 1871; 6. Berlin, Sept. 2-3, 1872; 7. Frankfurt a. M., June 1-2, 1874; 8. Hamburg, June 7-8, 1875; 9. Nurnberg, Aug. 12-16, 1876; 10. Hannover, June 3-7, 1877; etc. 939 MINERAL WATERS International (a) Congres international des eaux alimentaires, gazeuses et minerales (1910- Bruxelles, 1910. 939a MINERAL WATERS International (b) Conference sur les eaux minerales. 1. Lyon, 1914. See Lyon med., 1914, 22: 940 MINERS Germany Deutscher Bergmannstag (I860?- ) 2. Allgemeine Versammlung von Berg- und Hiittenmannern. 7. Allgemeiner deutscher Bergmannstag. 13. As head title. 2. Wien, Sept. 21-28, 1861. Bericht. vi, 128p. Wien, 1862. 7. Munchen, 1898. Ber. 108p. Essen, 1899. 8. Dortmund, 1901. 9. S. Johann-Saarbriicken, 1904. 13. Berlin, June 2-3, 1928. 941 MINERS Scandinavia Bergmannaforeningens sammankomster. Publishes Forhandlingar (1867-71) 1. 1865; etc. 942 MINING International International congress of mining, metallurgy engineering and economic geology (1878- ) 1. 2. 3. Congres international des mines et de la metallurgie. 4. C. i. des mines, de la m6tallurgie, de la mecanique et de la geologie appliquees. 5. Internationaler Kongress fiir Bergbau, Hiittenwesen, angewandte Mechanik und praktische Geologie. 7. As 4. (without "de la mecanique") [149] MINING 1. Paris, 1878; 2. Paris, 1889. Travaux. Docum. gener. P. verb. 2 vols. 3. Paris, 1900. Travaux. 22 fasc. Par., 1901. Decided a fusion with the Congres international de mecanique appliquee. 4. Liege, June 25-July 1, 1905. (Publication) 12 vols, in 13. 5. Diisseldorf, June 19-23, 1910. Berichte. 5 pts. Berl., 1910. 6. Liege, 1930. (Publ.) 3 vols. Originally planned for London, 1915. 7. Paris, 1935. Recueil des mem. 6 vols. 943 MINING Spain Conferencia nacional de la mineria. Madrid(?) 1925(?) (Actas) 461p. Madr., 1925. 944 MINING, HYGIENE International (?) Congres (international) de la propriete miniere, du travail, de I'hygiene et de la securite dans les mines. 2. Nancy, 1909. 3. Bruxelles, Sept. 15-17, 1910. (Publication) 119p. Par., 1911. 4. Lille, 1911. 6. Gand, Sept. 15-17, 1913. (Publication) 148p. Lille, 1914. 945 MINISTERS New York Conference for New York ministers. 1. New York, 1933. See J. Social Hyg., 1933, 19: On sociology of family relations. 946 MISSIONARY Africa Conference missionnaire de I'Afrique du Nord, (?) Constantine, Algerie, Feb. 6-9, 1924. Decisions. 65p. Alger, 1924. 947 MISSIONARY International World missionary conference. 2. Conference internationale d'etudes relatives aux missions. 1. Edinburgh, 1910. Established a committee, which prepared the following congress. 2. Lunteren, Sept. 5-11, 1911. 948 MONETARY International International monetary conference. 3. Congres mon£taire international. Yar.: Internationale Munzkonferenz. 1. Paris, 1878. (Publication) xiv, 918p. Wash., 1879. Called by the United States in pursuance of the Act of Congress. 2. Paris, June 30-July 8, 1881. P. verb. (Also Protokolle. iii, 51 lp. Berl., 1882) 3. Paris, Sept. 11-14, 1889. AhC. rend, in extenso & documents. Par., 1890. MOMSTS [150] 950 MOMSTS International Internationaler Monistenkongress. 1. Hamburg, 1911. (Publ.) vi, 198p. Lpz., 1912. 951 MORAL PEDAGOGICS International (International congress on moral education) 1. London, 1908. 2. 's-Gravenhage, 1912. 5. Paris, 1930. „ ,nnn C. rend. Rapp. 2 vols. 24p. 355p. Par., 1930. 952 MORALS, PUBLIC International Congres international de morale sociale (1934- ) See also Prostitution. 1. Budapest, 1934. Travaux: La prostitution; ses causes et ses remedes. 953 MORALS, PUBLIC Italy Adunanza italiana per la moralita pubblica. 1914: Congresso nazionale ... 2. Milano, 1906. Atti. 178p. Tor., 1907. 4(?) Napoli, 1914. Atti. 414p. Map., 1914. 5. Firenze, May 13-15, 1920. Atti. 194p. Fir., 1922. 954 MORALS, PUBLIC Netherlands Samenkomst tot bevordering der openbare zedelijkheid. (1?) Amsterdam, July 28-30, 1898. ★Verslagen. Amst., 1899. 955 MORAL REFORM International Congres pour la reformation des moeurs. 1. Geneve, September 1877. 956 MORAL SCIENCES Convegno di scienze morali e storiche. See Volta convention. 957 MORAL SOCIETIES Germany Allgemeine Konferenz der deutschen Sittlichkeitsvereine (1889- ) 1. Hannover, Oct. 31, 1889; 2. Magdeburg, Apr. 16-17, 1890; 3. Halle, May 7-8, 1890; 4. Dresden, 1891 (Verhandlungen. 132p. Berl., 1892) 5. Darmstadt, 1892 (Verh. 215p.) 6. Frankfurt a. O., 1893 (Verh. 215p.) (?) Breslau, Nov. 3-4, 1896; (?) Hamburg, Sept. 20-22, 1897; 12. Stettin, 1900; 13. Leipzig, 1901; 14. Heidelberg & Mannheim, 1902 (Verh. 30p.); 15. Niirnberg, 1903 (Verh. 31p.) 16. Koln, 1904; 17. Magdeburg, 1905; 18. Hannover, 1906; 19. Frank- furt a. M., 1908; 20. Posen, Nov. 13-14, 1910; 21. Halle a. S., Nov. 10-11, 1912; etc. 958 MOROCCO International International conference on Moroccan affairs. Also known as Conferencia de Algeciras. Algeciras, Apr. 7, 1906. Acta general. 63p. Madr., 1906. — The same. French translation. 24p. Madr., 1906. — (Publication) 414p. Madr., 1907. Also 2. ed. 416p. Madr. (1920?) — La conference d'Algeciras (by ***) Par., 1906. [ 151 ] MOSQUITO EXTERMINATION 959 MOSQUITO EXTERMINATION United States General convention to consider the questions involved in mosquito extermination. 1. (place?) December 16, 1903. ★Proceedings. 84p. Brooklyn, 1904. 960 MOTHERHOOD England National conference on maternity and child welfare (1927- ) 1. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1927. 2. London, 1928. 3. London, 1930. 4. Cardiff, 1931. 5. London, 1932. (?) 1935. See Lancet, 1935, 2: 39; 152. (?) Bristol, July 3-7, 1938. 961 MOTHERHOOD International Internationaler Kongress fiir Mutterschutz und Sexualreform. Var.: International congress for the protection of motherhood and sexual reform. Congres international de protection maternelle et infantile. 1. Dresden, Sept. 28-30, 1911. See Brit. M. J., 1911, 2: Proposes foundation of an international federation. 11. Paris, July 6-8, 1922. See Lancet, 1922, 2:—Nourisson, 1922, 10: 324-30. 963 MOTHERS United States National mothers congress (1897- ) Publishes Proceedings. 1. 1897; 9. 1905; etc. 964 MOTHERS, INDUSTRIAL WORK International Congres international sur le travail industriel de la mere et le foyer ouvrier. Paris, 1933. C. rend. 965 MOTHERS & PARENTS United States National congress of mothers and parent-teacher associations. Publishes Year Book. 966 MOTHERS, WELFARE United States Conference on better care for mother and babies. (?) Washington, Jan. 17-18, 1938. See report in Child, Wash., 1938, 2: No. 7 (Jan.) 967 MOUNTAINS France Congres de l'amenagement des montagnes. 2. Pau, Aug. 14-15, 1906. C. rend. 356p. Bord., 1907. 3. Bordeaux, July 19-21, 1907. Held together with the international congress. See No. 968. 968 MOUNTAINS International Congres international de l'amenagement des montagnes. 1. Bordeaux, July 19-21, 1907. C. rend, xxxvi, 427p. Bord., 1909. MOUTH HYGIENE [152] ion. 969 MOUTH HYGIENE International (?) Congrds voor mondhygiene. 1. Utrecht, Aug. 5-10, 1929. ★ (Publication) p.549-880. Special number of Tschr. tandheelk., 1929, 36: No. 7. Held on occasion of the 23. annual meeting of the International Dental Federati 970 MUNICIPAL Pan American Congreso Panamericano de municipios. 1. La Habana, Nov. 7-12, 1938. The 8. sect, will deal with social problems and sanitation. 971 MUSIC International (a) Congres international de musique. Meetings of the Internationale Musikgesellschaft. Sections devoted to acoustics and esthetics. 1. Leipzig, 1904; 2. Basel, Sept. 16-17, 1906; 3. Wien, May 25-29, 1909; 4. London, May 29-June 3, 1911; 5(?) Paris, 1914. 971a MUSIC International (b) Congres international de musique. Congresso internazionale di musica. (?) Roma. Apr. 4-11, 1911. Tne 3. sect, on philosophy of music and sciences related to the musical art. 1. Firenze, 1933. Atti. 971b MUSICAL RESEARCH International Congress of the International society for musical research. 1. Liege, 1930. Rapports. 972 MUSIC, HISTORY International Congres international d'histoire de la musique. Paris, July 23-29, 1900. Docum. mem. & voeux. Par., 1901. Held as the 18. sect, of the CongrSs international d'histoire compares 973 MUTUAL AID France Congres national des Societes de secours mutuels, de prevoyance et de retraites. 6. Reims, Aug. 14-17, 1898. C. rend. Reims, 1898. 974 MUTUAL AID International Congres international de la mutuality et de prevoyance sociale. 1. Paris, June 6-10, 1900. C. rend. d. trav. Par., 1901. (?) Buenos Aires (?) (Publication) B. Air. 975 NARCOTIC DRUGS, MANUFACTURE International Conference for the limitation of the manufacture of narcotic drugs. (a) London, October-November 1930 (preliminary) Report ... of manufacturing countries. Geneve, 1930 (League of Nat.) 1. Geneve, May 27-July 13, 1931. Statistics of the manufacture of narcotic drugs. Geneve, 1930. — Report and draft convention on the limitation of the manufacture of narcotic drugs. Geneve, 1931. — Analysis of the international trade in morphine, etc. 3 pts. Geneve, 1931. — Scheme for limiting the output of manufactured drugs. Geneve, 1931. — Control of narcotic drugs in Turkey. Geneve, 1931. — Convention. Protocol & final act. Geneve, 1931. — Records of the conference. 2 vols. Geneve, 1931. [ 153 ] NARCOTICS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC 976 NARCOTICS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC International Conference called to conclude a convention for the suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs. Var.: Conference pour la repression du trafic illicite des drogues nuisables. 1. Geneve, June 8-26, 1936. ★Records. Text of debates. 241p. Geneve, 1936. Forms League of Nat. C 341. M. 216. — Replies by Governments. Geneve, 1936. — Further replies. Geneve, 1936. — Extradition under existing treaties for offences against drug laws. Geneve, 1936. — Convention of 1936 for the suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs. Geneve, 1936. — Protocol of signature. Geneve, 1936. — Final act. Geneve, 1936. 977 NARCOTICS, IMPROPER USE International International congress for combating the improper use of narcotics. 1(?) Philadelphia, 1926. See Brit. M. J., 1926, 1: 978 NATALITY (BIRTH RATE) Belgium Congres national de la natalite. (?) Bruxelles, 1931. ★ Mariage et natality. 331p. Brux., 1932. 978a NATALITY (BIRTH RATE) France Congres (national) de la natalite. 1. Nancy, Sept. 25-28, 1919. Rapports ... par la Commission d'action religieuse catholique. 84p. Par. 1920. — C. rend, pt 1. 72p. Nancy, 1920. 2. Rouen, Sept. 23-26, 1920. C. rend. 237p. Rouen, 1920. See also Paris med., 1921, 42: 3. Bordeaux, 1921. 5. Marseille, Sept. 27-30, 1923. C. rend. 312p. Mars., 1924. 6. Strasbourg, Sept. 23-28, 1924. C. rend. 260p. Strasb., 1925. 13. Grenoble, 1931. 979 NATURALISTS Germany: Rheinland Versammlung Rheinischer Naturforscher. 1. 1853. Protokoll. 980 NATURALISTS Italy Congresso dei naturalisti italiani. (?) Milano, 1906. Atti. 830p. Milano, 1907. 981 NATURALISTS Russia Sezd russkykh iestestvoispitatelei (i vrachei) (1867- 1. Sankt Peterburg, 1867. ★Trudy. 4. Kazan, 1873. ★Trudy. 5. Warszawa, 1876. ★Trudy. NATURALISTS [154] 6. Sankt Peterburg, Dec. 10, 1879. 7. Evpatoria, Krimea, 1883. 8. Sankt Peterburg, Dec. 28, 1889-Jan. 7, 1890. ★Trudy, lxxxiv (several sections) S. Peterb., 1890. 9. Moskva, Jan. 4, 1894. See Med. besieda, 1894, 8: No. 2. 11. Sankt Peterburg, 1909. ★Dnevnik. (?) Krakow, 1911. See Vrach. vest., 1911, No. 2, 34. 982 NATURALISTS Spain Congreso de naturalistas espanoles. 1. Zaragoza, Oct. 1908. Actas y memorias. 435p. xxix pi. Zaragoza, 1909. 983 NATURAL RESOURCES Russia (USSR congress on Far Eastern natural resources) 1. Habarovsk, 1926. 984 NATURAL SCIENCES Czechoslovakia (Congress of the Czechoslovak natural scientists, physicians and engineers) 1. Praha, 1880. 5. Praha, 1914; 6. Praha, 1928. 985 NATURAL SCIENCES Nederlandsch Indie Nederlandsch Indisch natuurwetenschappelijk congres. Publishes Handelingen for each congress. 1. Batavia, 1919; 2. Bandoeng, 1920; 3. Buitenzorg, 1924; 4. Weltevreden, 1926; 5. Soerabaia, 1928; 6. Bandoeng, 1931; 7. Batavia, 1935; 8. Soerabaia, July 20-23, 1938. 986 NATURE, PROTECTION International Congres international pour la protection de la nature, faune et flore, sites et monuments naturels. 1. Paris, 1923; 2. Paris, 1931; 3. 987 NATUROPATHY Germany Allgemeiner Congress von Vertretern und Freunden naturgemasser Lebens- und Heil- weise. 2. Chemnitz, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1872. Verhandlungen. 131p. Chemnitz, 1873. 988 NEGRO United States National Negro conference. There was also a Hampton Negro conference (1.-16., 1897-1912) 1. 1909. Proceedings. 989 NEOPHILOLOGISTS Germany Allgemeiner deutscher Neophilologentag. Meetings of the Neophilologen-Verband. Publ.: Verhandlungen. 1. Hannover, Oct. 4-6, 1886; 2. Frankfurt a. M., May 31-June 1, 1887; 3. Dresden, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1889; 4. Stuttgart, May 27-29, 1890; 5. Berlin, 1892; 6. Karls- ruhe, 1894; 7. Hamburg, 1896; 8. Wien, 1898; 9. Leipzig, 1900; 10. Breslau, 1901; etc. [155] NEUROLOGY 990 NEUROLOGY Belgium Congres beige de neurologie et de psychiatrie. 1. Liege, Sept. 28-30, 1905. Rapports & C. rend. Brux., 1906. 2. Bruxelles, 1906. 6. Bruges, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 1911. Rapp. & C. rend. Gand, 1912. 7. Ypres-Tournai, Sept. 28-29, 1912. Rapp. & C. rend, viii, 190p. Gand, 1913. 991 NEUROLOGY Belgium-Netherlands Congres Hollando-belge de neurologie et de psychiatrie. 2. Gand & Bruxelles, Sept. 23-25, 1938. 992 NEUROLOGY Brazil Congresso brasileiro de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal. Meetings of a society. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 25-Oct. 3, 1932. 993 NEUROLOGY Germany: Southwest Wanderversammlung der siidwestdeutschen Neurologen und Irrenarzte (1875- ) 1. W. sudwestdeutscher Irrenarzte. Later organized as Sudwestdeutsches psychiatrisches Verein. 1. Heppenheim, May 1-2, 1875. See report in Allg. Zschr. Psychiat., 1875, 32: 534-70. Also repr. 4. Heidelberg, May 17-18, 1879. See report in Zbl. Nervenh., 1879, 2: 241-50.—Arch. Psychiat., Berl., 1879, 10: 268; passim. 994 NEUROLOGY International (French speaking) (a) Congres international de neurologie, psychiatrie et de psychologie (1900- ) Var.: Reunion neurologique internationale annuel. 1. Paris, 1900; 2. Wien, 1908; 3. Gand, 1913; 4. Paris, 1923; 5. Paris, 1924. 11. Paris, 1930. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1930, 1: 12. Paris, 1932. 13. Paris, May 30-31, 1933. See Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 617-25. 14. Paris, June 1934. See Bruxelles med., 1933/34, 14: 1453; 1579.—Presse med., 1934, 42: 1408; 1428.—Cervello, 1934, 14: 295-302—Encephale, 1934, 29: 569-81. 15. Paris, 1936. See Sem. med., B. Air., 1936, 43: pt 2, 877-85. 16. Paris, July 8-10, 1937. See J. prat., Par., 1937, 51: 2312 etc.—Encephale, 1937, 32: pt 2, 202-22. 17. Paris, May 31-June 1, 1938. 995 NEUROLOGY International (b) Congres international de neurologie, de psychiatrie, d'electricite medicale et d'hypnologie. (2) C. i. de psychiatrie, de neurologie, de psychologie et de I'assistance des alienes. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 14-21, 1897. ★Rapports. Communications. Resumes. 3 fasc. 228p. 226p. 79p. Bruxelles, 1898. 1(2) Amsterdam, Sept. 2-7, 1907. ★Compte rendu, lx, 934p. Amst., 1908. (3) Berlin, 1910. 996 NEUROLOGY International (c) Congres international de neurologie (1931- ) 1. Internationaler Neurologen-Kongress. 1. Bern, 1931. Bericht. 2. London, August 1935. See Psychiat. neur. bl., Amst., 1935, 39: 587-610.—Bull, med., Par., 1935, 49: 772; passim.—Cervello, 1935, 15: 316-40 (Riassunto dei contributi)—Riforma med., 1935, 51: 1400.—Gior. med. mil. 1935, 83: 805-8.—Brit. M. J., 1935, 2: 269-72.—Arch, argent, neur., 1935, 13: 47-89. 3. (planned for K0benhavn, 1939) See report of preparatory meeting in J. beige neur., 1937, 37: 604r-6. NEUROLOGY [156] 997 NEUROLOGY Latin American Conferencia Latino-Americana de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal (1928- ) 1. Buenos Aires, 1928. ★Actas. 2 pts in 1. 703p. 965p. B. Air., 1929. 2. Sao Paulo, July 15, 1930. 998 NEUROLOGY Montevideo Jornadas rioplatenses de neurologia y psiquiatria. (?) Montevideo, Jan. 23-30, 1938. On dementia praecox, tomoencephalography, etc. 999 NEUROLOGY Scandinavian Nordiske neurologenkongress. 3. Oslo, 1926; 4. Helsinki, 1929; 5. Stockholm, 1930. 7. Oslo, 1936. ★Report. Forms v.12, pt 4, Acta psychiat. neur. 8. Stockholm, Aug. 29-30, 1938. 1000 NEUROPATHOLOGY Belgium Congres de phreniatrie et de neuropathologie. (?) Anvers, Sept. 7-9, 1885. ★Compte rendu. 359p. Gand, 1886. 1001 NEUROPATHOLOGY Russia Vsesoiuzny sezd nevropatologov i psikhiatrov. 3. ... nevrokhirurgov. 1. Moskva, Dec. 18-23, 1927. See Kazan M. J., 1928, No. 1, 131-3. 2. Leningrad, 25-29, 1936. See Med. exp., Kharkov, 1937, No. 4, 81-91.—Sovet. vrach. J., 1937, 2: 219-27 3. Leningrad, 1937. 1003 NIPIOLOGY Italy Congresso nazionale di nipiologia. 1. Ancona, Oct. 21-23, 1928. Atti. 364p. Ancona, 1929. 2. Bolzano, 1930. 3. Perugia, Sept. 20-23, 1932. See Riforma med., 1932, 48: 1645-8.—Med. nifios, 1933, 34: passim. 1004 NOMENCLATURE, DEATH International Conference internationale pour la revision de la nomenclature des causes de mort. Meetings of an international commission of the same title. 1. Paris, 1900; 2. Paris, 1909; 3. Paris, Oct. 11-15, 1920; 4. Paris, Oct. 16-19, 1929. 1005 NOMENCLATURE, NOSOLOGIC International Conference internationale pour la revision de la nomenclature internationale des maladies (1900- ) Meetings of the Commission internationale. 1. Paris, Aug. 1900; 2. Paris, July 1-3, 1909; 3. Paris, 1920; 4. Paris, 1929. 1006 NUMISMATICS International Congres international de numismatique (et de Part de la medaille contemporaine) (1891- ) 1. Bruxelles, 1891. P. verb. mem. Brux., 1892. 2. Paris, 1900. P. verb. mem. Paris, 1900. 3. Bruxelles, June 26-29, 1910. P. verb. & mem. xcviii, 885p. Brux., 1910. [157] NURSES 1007 NURSES International International conference of nurses (1893- ) Var.: Conference internationale de nursing. Reunion internationale des infirmieres. 1. Chicago, 1893. As part of the Congress of corrections and charities. 2. London, 1899. As part of the International council of women. 3. Buffalo, 1902. 4. Berlin, 1904. ★Report. 112p. Berl., 1904. 5. Paris, 1907. ★Rapports. 230p. Bord., 1907. (?) Helsinki, 1925. Called by the International council of nurses. (?) Roma, Sept. 25-28, 1928. ★Actes. 43p. Roma, 1929. (?) (place) July 1933. See J. Nurs., 1933, 81: 219-21. 1009 NUT Congres de la noix. (?) Grenoble, Oct. 1920. C. rendu. 134p. Par., 1921. 1011 OBSTETRICIANS Russia Vsesoiuzny sezd akusherov i ginekologov. 8. Kiev, May 21-26, 1928. See report in J. akush., 1928, 39: 495-553.—Gin. & akush., 1928, No. 4, 455-510. 1011a OBSTETRICIANS Russia: Ukraina Vseukrainsky zizd akusheriv i ginekologiv. 1. Kiev, May 24-28, 1927. See Ukrain. med. arkh., 1927, 2: No. 1-2, 181-7. 1012 OBSTETRICS America Ua73 r American congress on obstetrics and gynecology. AhA ^>5 b Cleveland, Sept. 11, 1939. H' \~/ 1013 OBSTETRICS British British congress of obstetrics and gynecology. 1. 2. 3. 4. Edinburgh, 1923; 5. London, 1925; 6. Man- chester, 1927; 7. Dublin, 1929; 8. Glasgow, 1931; 9. Birmingham, 1933. 1014 OBSTETRICS India All India obstetrical and gynecological congress. 2. Bombay, Apr. 13-16, 1938. On toxemia of pregnancy, cancer of cervix. 1015 OBSTETRICS International International congress of obstetrics and gynecology (1892- ) Intended to revive the pre-war international congress of gynecology and obstetrics. Organized by the Holland Gynecological Society. For previous congresses see No. 551. (7) Amsterdam, May 4-8, 1938. ★ Report of the activities (vol. 1) 279p. Amst., 1938. 1016 OBSTETRICS Spain (a) Congreso espanol de obstetricia ginecologia y pediatria (1885- ) 1. 1885. 2. Madrid, Apr. 23-30, 1911. ★Actas. xxviii, 713p. Madr., 1911. 3. Valencia, Apr. 20-25, 1913. Actas. xix, 527p. Valencia, 1913. OBSTETRICS [158] 1017 OBSTETRICS Spain (b) (Congres hispano-portugais de tocologie et de gynecologie) 1. Madrid, 1931. See Paris med., 1931, 80: 1018 OCCULTIST German Kongress deutscher Okkultisten (1896- ) 3. As congress of Verband deutscher Okkultisten. 1. Berlin, 1896. Stenogr. Ber. 59p. Lpz., 1897. 3. Munchen, 1898. 1019 OCEAN EXPLORATION International Conference international pour l'exploration de la mer (1899- ) The 3. congress established a Conseil permanent international, which publishes Bulletin. Congress divided into several sections (hydrography, fishery, plankton) (a) Stockholm, 1899. (Publ.) lvi, 28p. Stockh., 1899. 1. K0benhavn, July 22-25, 1902; 2. K0benhavn, Feb. 23-25, 1903; 3. Hamburg, Feb. 25-26, 1904; 4. K0benhavn, July 21, 1905; 5. Amsterdam, Feb. 27-Mar. 3, 1906; 6. London, June 13-14, 1907; 7. K0benhavn, July 17-21, 1908; 8. K0benhavn, Aug. 6-12, 1909; 9. K0benhavn, Sept. 22-27, 1910. 1020 OCEANOGRAPHY International Congreso Internacional de oceanografia, hidrografia marina e hidrologia continental (1929- ) 1. Sevilla, May 1-7, 1929. (Publ.) 554p. Madr., 1930. 1022 ODONTOLOGISTS Russia Vserossysky sezd odontologov. 3. Odessa, 1902. (?) Moskva, 1923. 1023 ODONTOLOGY Russia Vsesoiuzny odontologichesky sezd. 2. Odessa, May 26-28, 1928. 3. Leningrad, June 6-12, 1928. Tezisy dokladov. See also Odontologia, 1928, No. 3, 61-5. 1023a OENOLOGY France Congres oenologique de Toulon. Toulon, Oct. 13-15, 1898. C. rend. Montp., 1899. 1024 OLD AGE, HOMES France Congres national des retraites pour la viellesse. Paris, June 1-3, 1905. C. rend. d. trav. Par., 1906. 1025 OLIVE France Congres de l'olivier. S. Remy de Provence, Sept. 25, 1910. (Publ.) xv, 280p. Aix, 1911. [159] OLIVE 1026 OLIVE International Congres international d'oleiculture. 7. Sevilla, 1924. (Publ.) 11. Lisboa, 1933. Actes. 1027 OLIVE FLY International Conferencia internacional de la lucha contra la mosca de la aceitura. Madrid, June 18-21, 1923. Actas. 158p. Madr., 1923. 1028 OPEN AIR SCHOOLS Germany (Congreso de Escuelas al aire libre) 3. Bielefeld, July 18-23, 1936. 1029 OPEN AIR SCHOOLS International International congress of open-air schools (1922- ) Var.: Congres international des ecoles de plein air. 1. Paris, June 1922. (Publ.) 159p. Par., 1925. 2. (Belgium) 1931. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 97: pt 2. 1030 OPHTHALMOLOGICAL England: Oxford Oxford ophthalmological congress. Annual. 18. 1928; 19. 1929; 20. 1930; 21. 1931; 22. 1932; 23. 1933; 24. 1934; 25. 1935; 26 1936- 27. 1937; 28. July 6-9, 1938. ' 1031 OPHTHALMOLOGICAL English-speaking i of the English-speaking ophthalmol ondon?) 1925. ★Proceedings. 2 pts. Lond., 1925 Forms v.45, Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. K., 1925. Convention of the English-speaking ophthalmological societies. (?) (London?) 1925. 1032 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Germany Augenarzte-Versammlung. 1. Heidelberg, Sept. 3-6, 1859. ★Verhandlungen. 36p. Berl., 1860. 1033 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Lithuania (Congress of Lithuanian ophthalmologists) 3. Kaunas, Dec. 8, 1935. See report in Medicina, Kaunas, 1936, 17: 118-28. 1034 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Russia Vserossysky sezd glaznykh vrachei (1928- 1. Leningrad, June 5-8, 1928. ★Trudy. 266p. Moskva, 1929. — Programma i tezisv k dokladam. See also Vrach. delo, 1929, No. 18, 1465. 2. Leningrad, June 25-30, 1936. See Sovet. vest, oft., 1936, 9: 521-46. 1035 OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Russia: North-Kaukazus Severo-kavkazsky sezd oftalmologov. 2. (Place?) Dec. 24-27, 1927. OPHTHALMOLOGY 1160 1 1036 OPHTHALMOLOGY Brazil Congresso brasileiro de oftalmologia. 1. 1935. See Rev. otoneur.. B. Air., 1935, 10: 52-62. 1037 OPHTHALMOLOGY International International Ophthalmological congress (1857- ) 1. Congres d'ophtalmologie. 2. 3. 4. 6. Congres periodique international d'ophtalmologie. 5. As head title. 7. Periodischer Internationaler Ophthalmologen-Kongress. 13. Concilium internationale ophthalmologicum. For history of congress see article of E. T. Collins in Indicia ad oculorum morbos ... pertinentia, etc. (By Concilium internationale ophthalmologicum) Leiden, 1933, p.45-65. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 13-16, 1857. ★ Compte-rendu. xii, 492p. Pans, 1858. — ★Bericht (by C. Muller) Hannover, 1858. Called by the editorial board of the Annales d'oculistique. 2. Paris, 1862. ★Compte rendu. 252p. Par., 1863. 3. Paris, Aug. 12-14, 1867. ★ Compte rendu. Par., 1868. 4. London, August 1872. ★Compte rendu, xii, 251p. Par., 1873. — ★Report, xvi, 215p. Lond., 1873. See also Ann. ocul., Brux., 1872, 10. ser., 8: 5-38. Originally planned for Berlin, 1871. 5. New York, September 1876. ★Report, xiv, 265p. N. Y., 1877. 6. Milano, September 1880. ★Compte rendu. 334p. Milano, 1881. — ★Annexes. 84p. Milano, 1881. — ★Estratto del regolamento generale. 2 1. Milano, 1880. 7. Heidelberg, Aug. 8-11, 1888. ★Bericht. xvi, 538p. Wiesbaden, 1888. Originally planned for Madrid, 1884. 8. Edinburgh, 1894. ★Transactions, xii, 352p. Edinb., 1894. 9. Utrecht, Aug. 14-18, 1899. ★Compte-rendu. xxviii, 621p. Amst., 1900. — ★Bericht ii d. Verh. v, 99p. Berl., 1899. Forms Erg. Heft to Zschr. Augenh., 1899, 2: 10. Lucerne, Sept. 13-18, 1904. ★Compte rendu. Iii, 242p. 320p. 203p. Par., 1905. 11. Napoli, 1909. Resoconto. 48p. Nap., 1909. 12. Washington, Apr. 25-28, 1922. ★ (Report) 713p. v.l. Phila., 1922. The Washington meeting is usually not counted in the set of international ophthalmological con- gresses. The 12. congress was originally planned for Sankt Peterburg, Aug. 10, 1914, and the opening reports for discussion as well as the papers to be read had been printed and circulated. The outbreak of the World War caused the complete abandonment of the 12. session. 13.^Amsterdam-'s-Gravenhage, September 1929. ^ *C. rend. (v.l. 2.) Symposia (v.3.) Rapports (v.4.) R6sum6s (v.5.) On head of title: Concilium ophthalmologicum. Subjects: etiology of glaucoma, diagnosis of suprasellar tumors, metasyphilis, trachoma campaign, medical treatment of glaucoma. 14. Madrid, Apr. 16-22, 1933. (Publication) 9 vols. — ★Indicia ad oculorum morbos medicosque ab oculis pertinentia, rationum in modum collecta. 503p. Leiden, 1933 (2. ed.) See also Medecine, Par., 1934, 15: 8-19.—Deut. med. Wschr., 1933, 59: 895.—Pennsylvania M. J., 1933, 37: 92-5.—Rev. san. mil., Madr., 1933, 23: 129-32. / 15. Cairo, Dec. 7-14, 1937. See Bericht in Klin. Mbl. Augenh., 1938, 100: 103-23.—Rev. otoneur., B. Air., 1938, 13: 3-9. 1038 OPHTHALMOLOGY Italy Congresso d'oftalmologia. (?) Roma, Oct. 14-16, 1926. Atti. 399p. Roma, 1927. (?) Roma, Nov. 3-5, 1927. Atti. 447p. Roma, 1928. (?) Roma, Oct. 22-24, 1928. Atti. 458p. Roma, 1929. I [161] OPIUM 1039 OPIUM International International opium conference. (1) 1909. (2) 's-Gravenhage, 1911. ★ Message from the president of the TJ. S. 41p. Wash., 1912. Forms No. 733, Senate Doc. (3) 's-Gravenhage, 1913. Actes & documents. 2 vols. (4) 's-Gravenhage, 1921. Actes et documents. 3 vols. (5) Geneve, 1924-25. (6) London, 1929. 1040 OPIUM SMOKING, SUPPRESSION Conference on the suppression of opium smoking. Bangkok, Nov. 9-27, 1931. Minutes of meetings. Geneve, 1932. — Agreement and final acts. Geneve, 1932. 1041 OPTICAL Optical convention. 2. London, 1912. Proceedings. 1042 OPTICAL Italy Manifestazione nazionale ottica. Padova, June 5-20, 1927. Atti. 437p. Fir., 1927. 1043 ORIENTAL International International oriental congress (1873- ) Congress of orientalists. Internationaler Orientalisten-Congress. Congres international des orientalistes. 1. Paris, Sept. 1-11, 1873. C. rend. 3 vols. Par., 1874-78. 2. London, Sept. 14-19, 1874. Transactions. 2 vols(?) 1876. 3. Sankt Peterburg, 1876. 4. Firenze, Sept. 12-18, 1878. 5. Berlin, Sept. 12-17, 1881. Verh. 2 pts. vii, 114p.; viii, 364p.; 144p.; 146p.; vi, 332p.; 36p. Berl., 1882 6. Leiden, Sept. 10-15, 1883. Actes. 4 pts in 5 v. 7. Wien, 1886. Berichte. 129p. Wien, 1889. — Verhandl. 4 sections. Wien, 1888-89. 8. Stockholm & Kristiania, Sept. 2-13, 1889. (Actes) 4 pts in 5 v. Leiden, 1892-93. 9. London, Sept. 1-12, 1891. (Actes) 2 vol. 10. (Lisboa, Sept. 23-Oct. 1, 1892) 10. (Geneve, 1894) (Actes) 4 vol. Leiden, 1897. 11. Paris, Sept. 5-12, 1897. Actes. 5 vol. Par., 1899. 12. Roma, Oct. 4-15, 1899. Founded an International association for the exploration of Central Asia and the Far East. 13. Hamburg, Sept. 5-10, 1902. Verh. 479p. Leiden, 1904. 14. Alger, May 20-26, 1905. Actes. 3 pts in 4 vol. Par., 1906. — Recueil de memoires. Alger, 1905. — Recueil de memoires orientaux. Par., 1905. 15. K0benhavn, Aug. 14-20, 1908. 16. Athenai, Apr. 7-14, 1912. 17. Oxford, 1928. 18. Leiden, 1931. Actes. ORIENTALISTS [162] 1044 ORIENTALISTS Versammlung deutscher und auslandischer Orientalisten. Meetings of the Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft are known as Deutscher Orientalistentag. 1. Dresden, Oct. 1-4, 1844. Verh. Lpz., 1845. 1045 ORIENTALISTS France Congres provincial des orientalistes frangais (1874- ) 1. Levallois, 1854. Compte rendu. 2 vol. S. Etienne, 1875. 2. Marseille, 1876. C. rend. — C. rend, de la session inaugurate. Par., 1876. 3. Lyon, 1878. C. rend. 2 vols. 1046 ORNITHOLOGICAL International International ornithological congress (1884- ) Internationaler Ornithologen-Kongress. 1. Wien, Apr. 16-23, 1884. Vortrage. 60p. Wien, 1884. 2. Budapest, May 17-20, 1891. Hauptbericht. 3. Paris, June 26-30, 1900. C. rendu. Par., 1901. 4. London, June 12-17, 1905. C. rendu. 5. Berlin, May 30-June 4, 1910. Verh. x, 1186p. Berl., 1911. Established a Comity international pour I'obtention de lois protectrices des oiseaux victimes de la mode. Several sections: 3. biology and oology. 6. K0benhavn, 1926. Verh. vi, 641p. Berl., 1929. (Planned for Serajevo, 1915) 7. Amsterdam, 1930. Proceedings. 8. Oxford, 1934. Proceedings. 1047 ORNITHOLOGISTS Mecklenburg Versammlung Mecklenburgischer Ornithologen. Publ. Protocoll. 1. 1860; 2. 1861; 3. 1862. 1048 ORTHODONTIC International International orthodontic congress. 1. New York, 1926. ★ (Publication) xxxii, 767p. S. Louis, 1927. 2. London, 1931. See Lancet, 1931, 2: 1049 ORTHODONTIC Spain Congreso nacional espanol de orthodoncia. 2. Valencia, 1931. See Paris med., 1931, 80: 1050 ORTHOPEDICS Brazil Congresso brasileiro de ortopedia y traumatologia. 2. Rio de Janeiro, Julv 1-5, 1937. See Rev. san. mil., Rio, 1937, 36: 990-2. [163] ORTHOPEDICS 1051 ORTHOPEDICS France Congres frangais d'orthopedie. + 1 ■ > Meetings of a society (Societe francaise d'orthopedie et de traumatologie; 12. Paris, 1930. 20. Paris, Oct. 7-9, 1938. 1052 ORTHOPEDICS International International congress of orthopedic surgery (1920- ) Var.: Congres international de chirurgie orthopedique. Organized by the Society internationale de chirurgie orthopedique. 1. Paris, 1920. C. rend. 2. London, 1933. C. rend. 1053 ORTHOPEDIC SCHOOL EXERCISE German Tagung zur Klarung der Frage des sogenannten orthopadischen Schulturnens. 1. Magdeburg, 1928. ★Verhandlungen. 108p. Stuttg., 1928. Forms Beilageheft, v.50, Zschr. orthop. Chir. 1054 OTO-LARYNGOLOGY International Congres international d'otologie et de laryngologie. See also Oto-rhino-Laryngology (No. 1063) 1. Paris, Sept. 16-21, 1889. ' ★ Compte rendu et memoires. 448p. Par., 1889. 1055 OTO-LARYNGOLOGY Russia (a) Vserossysky oto-laringologichesky sezd. 1. Sankt Peterburg, Dec. 26-30, 1908. ★Trudy, ii, 205p. S. Peterb., 1909. 1056 OTO-LARYNGOLOGY Russia (b) Sezd Russkykh vrachei po ushnym i gorlovym bolezniam. 1. Moskva, Dec. 26-30, 1910. See Zdorovaia zhizn, 1910, 1: No. 12, 12. 1057 OTOLOGISTS Germany Versammlung deutscher Ohrenarzte und Taubstummenlehrer. (?) Munchen, 1899. ★Verhandlungen. 60p. Berl., 1900. 1058 OTOLOGY Congres otologique (de Leipsic) (?) Leipzig, August 1872. C. rend, in J. med., Brux., 1873, 56: 36, 109. 1059 OTOLOGY International International otological congress (1876- ) 1. Congress of the International otological society. 2. Congres periodique international d'otologie. Var.: C. i. d'otologie. 1. New York, Sept. 1876. ★Report, iv, 159p. N. Y., 1877. 2. Milano, 1880. ★ Compte-rendu. ix, 218p. Trieste, 1882. OTOLOGY [16-4] 3. Basel, Sept. 1-4, 1884. ★Comptes-rendus et memoires. xvi, 343p. Basel, 1885. 4. Bruxelles, 1888. See Lyon med., 1888, 59: 5. Firenze, 1897. ★Comptes rendus et memoires. xx, 287p. Fir., 1897. 6. London, 1899. ★Transactions, xxxvi, 477p. Lond., 1900. 7. Bordeaux, 1904. See Lyon med., 1904, 102: 8. Budapest, 1909. 9. Boston, Aug. 12-17, 1912. ★Transactions. 714p. Bait., 1912. — *Papers. 402p. Bost., 1912. 10. Paris, July 19-22, 1922. Rapports. C. rend. 2 vols. 1060 OTO-NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY International Congres international d'oto-neuro-ophtalmologie. (4) Bruxelles, 1930. (5) Montpellier, 1932. See Lyon med., 1930, 14G: 1061 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGISTS Austria Tagung der osterreichischen Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenarzte. 1. Wien, June 21-22, 1935. See Bericht in Fol. otolar. orient., 1936, 3: 70-2. 1062 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY France Congres frangais d'oto-rhino-laryngologie. Meetings of a society. 11. Paris, 1923; 12. 1924; 13. 1925; 14. Paris, 1926; 15. Paris, 1927; 16. Paris, 1928;' 17. Paris, 1929. 1063 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY International International congress of oto-rhino-laryngology (1928- ) Var.: Congres international d'oto-rhino-laryngologie. International Oto-Laryngology congress. 1. Kobenhavn, 1928. See Lvon med., 1928, 141: 2. Madrid, 1932. ★Rapports. Parts 1, 2, 4, 5. Madr., 1932. — ★Comite nacional para el estudio de la otosclerosis. 6p. Madr., 1932. — ★Rapports sur le sclerome. viii, 383p. Sofia, 1932. -— ★Catalogue des portraits. 112p. xxxvii pi. Madr., 1932. 3. Berlin, Aug. 17-22, 1936. ★Verhandlungen. 2 vols. See No. 1/3, v.40, of Zschr. Hals &c. Heilk. See also Rev. med. S. Jose, 1936, 1: 357-60.—Ann. otolar., Par., 1936, 928-9.—Romania med., 1936, 14:236. 1064 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY Latin (Congres de la Societe latine oto-rhino-laryngologique) Publ. Rapports & C. rendus; 2 vols for each congress. 1. Madrid, 1929; 2. Catania, 1931; 3. Paris, 1933. 1065 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY Pan Slavic (Interbalcanic) (Pan Slavic otorhinolaryngological congress) 2. Sofia, Sept. 13-14, 1936. See report in Acta otolar., Stockh., 1938, 26: 78-82. 3. Athenai, Sept. 16-17, 1938. [ 165 ] OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY 1066 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY Rumania Congres roumain d'oto-rhino-laryngologie. Meetings of a society; annual, at Bucuresti. 5. 1926; 6. 1927; 7. 1928; 8. 1929; 9. 1930; etc. 1067 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY Russia: North Kaukazus Kraevoi sezd oto-rino-liaringologov na Severnom Kavkaze. 1. June, 1928. 1068 OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY Spain Congreso espanol de oto-rino-laringologia. 4. C. nacional ... 1. Madrid, 1896. 2. Barcelona, 1899. 3. Sevilla, Apr. 13-17, 1910. ★Libro de actas. 590p. Madr., 1910. 4. Bilbao, Aug. 26-29, 1912. ★Libro de actas. 658p. Madr., 1912. 1069 OUTDOOR RECREATION United States National conference on outdoor recreation (1924- 1. Washington, 1925. ★Proceedings. 244p. Wash., 1924. Forms No. 151, Senate Doc. 2. Washington, 1926. ★Proceedings. 175p. Wash., 1926. Forms No. 117, Senate Doc. 1070 PAINTERS International Internationaler Malerkongress. 2. Stuttgart, Sept. 10-12, 1920. Protokoll d. Verh. 48p. Hamb., 1920. 7. Praha, 1931. Protokoll. 32p. Hamburg, 1931. 1071 PAINTING, MATERIAL Kongress zur Bekampfung der Farben- und Malmaterialien-Falschungen. Also a commission of the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Beforderung rationeller Malverfahren, with sessions: 1. Niirnberg, 1906; 2. Hannover, 1907. Publ. Protokoll. (1) Munchen, 1905. Protokoll. 78p. Munch., 1905. 1072 PANAMERICAN International Pan American conference (1889- ) Var.: International American conference. International conference of American States. Conferencia internacional Americana. Congres des Trois Am6riques. 1. Washington, 1889-90. ★ Report (relative to an international railway line) 215p. Wash., 1890. Forms No. 125, Senate Ex. Doc. 51. Congr. 1. sess. — ★Report and recommendations; uniform system of weights and measures. 4p. Wash., 1890. — ★Report of committees and discussions thereon. 2 vol. 1203p. Wash., 1890. — *The same. 4 vol. in 3. Pt 1-4. Wash., 1890. — ★Minutes. 905p. Wash., 1890. Forms No. 231, Senate Ex. Doc. 51. Congr. 1. sess. t, r /» n i ttt i « « __ ★Dictdmenes de las comisiones permanentes. Pts 5-6. 2 vol. Wash., 1890. Forms No. 232, Senate Ex. Doc. (v.l wanted) — Actas. 905p. 1890. (Spanish-English text) — Rapports officiels (by A. Prince) Par., 1 SO 1. PANAMERICAN [166] 2. Mexico, Dec. 1901-Jan. 1902. Organizaci6n, etc. vii, 395p. Mex., 1901. La Conferencia internacional de Mexico. 247p. Mex., 1902 — Cr6nica social. 379p. Mex., 1902. Decided the establishment of a Panamerican scientific congress. Jan. 1902, the conference concluded a Convention pour I'exercice des professions liberates. Jan. 27, 1902, established the Oficinas de la Uni6n internacional americana para la protecci6n de la propiedad intelectual y industrial. 3. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. 4. Buenos Aires, July 10-25, 1910. Informe que presentan ... delegados de Cuba. 427p. La Habana, 1911. — (Publications) 2 vols. B. Air., 1911. 5. Santiago de Chile, Apf. 1923. (Publication) 3 vols. Santiago, 1923. 6. La Habana, 1928. 7. Montevideo, Dec. 3-26, 1933. Actas y antecedentes; acta final. 6 vols. See Conclusions in Bull. Panamer. Union, 1935, 69: 77-94. 1073 PANHELLENIC United States National Panhellenic congress. Texas, 1926. 1074 PAPYROLOGISTS International Papyrologentag. 3. Munchen, 1933. Vortrage: Papyri und Altertumswissenschaft. Forms Heft 19, Munch. Beitr. Papyrusforsch. 1075 PARENT EDUCATION United States Midwest conference on parent education. (?) (Place?) Mar. 4-6, 1926. ★Proceedings: Intelligent parenthood, ix, 326p. Chic. (1926) 1076 PARENTS Iowa Iowa conference of parents and teachers. (?) Sioux City, 1931. 1077 PARENTS United States National conference of parents and teachers. (?) Austin, Tex., 1925. 1078 PASTRY France Congres de la patisserie franchise. 11. Paris, Sept. 20-21, 1910. C. rend stenogr. 212p. Par., 1911. 1079 PATENT, CHEMICAL (Germany) Chemischer Patent-Congress. (?) Baden-Baden, 1880. Verh. 34p. Berl., 1880. Repr. from Cnem. Industrie. 1080 PATHOLOGISTS German Versammlung westdeutscher Pathologen. (?) Kassel, Oct. 29, 1933. See Berich* in Zbl. allg. Path., 1934, 60: 305-J [167] PATHOLOGISTS 1081 PATHOLOGISTS International Congresso internazionale dei patologi. 1. Torino, Oct. 2-5, 1911. ★Atti. viii, 376p. Tor., 1912. 1082 PATHOLOGISTS Russia Vsesoiuzny zizd patologiv. 1. Kiev, Sept. 15-20, 1927. See Ukrain. med. arkh., 1927, 2: No. 1-2, 168-74. (?) Moskva, Apr. 1-5, 1934. See in Sovet klin., 1934, 20: 312-8. 1083 PATHOLOGISTS Scandinavia Nordiske patologenkongress. 4. (place?) July 2-5, 1929. ★Transactions. 96p. Kbh., 1930. Forms Suppl. 5, Acta path, microb. scand. 6. Oslo, 1935. ★Transactions. Forms Suppl. 26, Acta path, microb. scand. 7. K0benhavn, June 29-July 2, 1938. 1084 PATHOLOGY, COMPARATIVE International International congress of comparative pathology (1912- ) 1. Congres international de pathologie comparee. Organized by the Societe de pathologie comparee. 1. Paris, Oct. 17-23, 1912. ★Rapports. 795p. Par., 1912. — ★Comptes rendus & communications. 1052p. Par., 1914. 2. Paris, Oct. 14-18, 1931. ★Rapports. 458p. Par. (1931) — ★Comptes rendus & communications. 654p. Par. (1932) 3. Athenai, Apr. 15-18, 1936. ★Rapports. 270p. Athenai, 1936. — ★Comptes-rendus & comm. 662p. Athenai, 1936. See also Presse med., 1936, 44: 1253.—Paris med., 1936, 100: annexe, 454-8. 4. Roma, May 13-20, 1939. To have three sections: human, veterinary, plant pathologv. Subjects: ultravirus, hereditary diseases, function of associated antigens, regressive changes in plants. 1085 PATHOLOGY, GEOGRAPHICAL International Conference internationale de pathologie geographique (1931- ) Meetings of -the Societe internationale de pathologie geographique. 1. Geneve, Oct. 8-10, 1931. 2. Utrecht, July 26-28, 1934. ★ C. rend. 665p. Utrecht (1936) — Resume" des rapports. 3. Stockholm, Aug. 5-7, 1937. See Med. Welt, 1937, 11: 1401-4.—Fin. lak. sail, hand., 1937, 80: 689-92.—J. Prat., Par., 1938, 52: 546; 637; 681. 1086 PATRONAGE France Congres des oeuvres de patronage. (?) Namur, 1896. Rapports. 1087 PATRONAGE International Congres international des organisations patronales. 1088 PEACE Belgium Congres national de la paix. 1. Bruxelles, June 8-9, 1913. C. rend, offic. Brux., 1913. PEACE [168] 1089 PEACE International (a) Congres universel de la paix (1843- ) Preceded by several unnumbered congresses: London, 1843; Bruxelles, 1848; Paris, 1849; Frankfurt a. M., 1850; London, 1851; Edinburgh, 1853; Geneve, 1867; Bruxelles, 1874 (called Conference de Bruxelles pour regler par une entente internationale les lois de la guerre) Paris, 1878 (called Congres des societes des amis de la paix; publ. C. rend, stenogr.) 1. Paris, 1889. 2. London, 1890. 3. Roma, 1891. Actes. 219p. Roma, 1892. 4. Bern, Aug. 22-27, 1892. Bulletin. 266p. S. Gallen, 1893. 5. Chicago, 1893. 6. Antwerpen, 1894. 7. Budapest, 1896. 8. Hamburg, 1897. 9. Paris, 1900. 10. Glasgow, 1901. 11. Monaco, 1902. 12. Rouen, 1903. 13. Boston, 1904. 14. Luzern, 1905. 15. Milano, Sept. 15-22, 1906. Bull. off. Bern, 1906. 16. Munchen, 1907. 17. London, 1908. 18. Stockholm, Aug. 1-5, 1910. C. rend, xxxvi, 388p. Stockh., 1911. 19. Geneve, Sept. 22-28, 1912. Bull. off. xxxvi, 391p. Geneve, 1913. 25. Geneve, 1926. Bull. off. 28. Bruxelles, 1931. 1090 PEACE International (b) Congres international de la paix (1899- ) 1. 's-Gravenhage, May 18-July 29. 1899. P. verb. La Haye, 1900. — C. rendu d. trav. La Haye, 1900. 2. 's-Gravenhage, June 15-Oct. 18, 1907. Actas final, lxii, 221p. Madr., 1908. — Actes & documents. 2 vols. La Haye, 1908-09. — Informe relativo a la ... delegados de Cuba. 2 vol. La Habana, 1908. 1091 PEACE Panamerican Inter-American conference for the maintenance of peace. (?) Buenos Aires, Dec. 1-23, 1936. ★Report of the delegation of the U. S. of America, vi, 280p. Wash., 1937. Forms Pub. 1088, Confer, ser. 33: U. S. Dep. State. 1092 PEDAGOGIC SOCIETIES International Conference de la Federation universelle des associations pedagogiques. Biannual. (a) San Francisco, July 1923. Preliminary conference. 1. Edinburgh, 1925. 2. Toronto, 1927. 3. Geneve, July 25-Aug. 4, 1929. 1093 PEDAGOGY Central America Congreso pedagogico centro-americano. 1. 1894. (Report) Guatemala, 1894. [169] PEDAGOGY 1094 PEDAGOGY Italy (a) Congresso pedagogico italiano. 3. Milano, 1863. See Gazz. med. ital. lombard., 1863, 2: 7- XTRelSemdena8commissione speciale per I'insegnamento della ginnastica. 9p. Nap., 1871. 1095 PEDAGOGY Italy (b) Congresso nazionale di pedagogia. 1. Roma, 1911. Atti. 145p. Genova, 1912. 1096 PEDAGOGY Italy (c) Congresso degli allevatori. 1. Pesaro, 1913. Atti. 67p. Pesaro, 1914. 1097 PEDAGOGY South America Congreso pedagogico sudamericano. (?) La Plata, Nov. 20-24, 1932. 1098 PEDAGOGY Spain Congreso pedagogico (hispano-portugues-americano) 1. Congreso pedag6gico. 1. Madrid, 1882. Actas de las sesiones (etc.) (?) Madrid, 1892. Trabajos preparatories. Actas. Resumenes generates. 1099 PEDAGOGY, MEDICAL South America (Conference on medical pedagogy of South America) 1. Montevideo, 1923. 1100 PEDAGOGY, THERAPEUTIC Germany (a) Kongress fur Heilpadagogik. Meetings of the Gesellschaft fur Heilpadagogik. 1. Munchen, Aug. 2-5, 1922. ★Bericht. xii, 134p. Berl., 1923. 2. Munchen, July 29-Aug. 1, 1924. Bericht. vi, 288p. Berl., 1925. 3. Munchen, 1926. Bericht. vi, 236p. Berl., 1927. 4. Leipzig, 1928. Ber. viii, 444p. Berl., 1929. 5. Koln, 1930. Ber. 4 pts. Munch., 1931. 1101 PEDAGOGY, THERAPEUTIC (Germany) (b) Heilpadagogische Woche. (?) Berlin, May 15-22, 1927. ... Ausfuhrl. Ber. (by A. Fuchs) vm, 425p. Berl.. 1927. 1102 PEDIATRISTS Netherlands, etc. Conference des medecins d'enfants des Pays-Bas, de l'Allemagne sud-occidentale et des Pays rhenans. (?) Koln, 1910. (?) Amsterdam(?) June 9-11, 1911. (?) Amsterdam & Leiden, 1925. See Presse med., 1925. 33: 1435-7. PEDIATRISTS [ I70 1 1103 PEDIATRISTS Russia Vsesoiuzny sezd detskykh vrachei (1912- ) Before the revolution: Vserossysky sezd detskykh vrachei. 6. Vsesouzny z'izd likariv-pediatriv. 1. Sankt Peterburg, 1912. ★Trudy, xxi, 697p. S. Peterb., 1913. 4. Moskva, May 30-June 4, 1927. ★Trudy. 784p. Moskva, 1929. 5. Kiev, 1929. 6. Kharkov, 1937. 1104 PEDIATRY Brazil Congresso brasileiro de pediatria e higiene infantil. 1. Rio de Janeiro, 1933. 1105 PEDIATRY Chile Congreso nacional Chileno de pediatria. 2. Valparaiso, Feb. 5-7, 1937. See Arch, pediat, Uruguay, 1937, 8: 526, etc. 1106 PEDIATRY Cuba Jornada pediatrica. Organized by the Sociedad cubana de pediatria. 1. Santiago de Cuba, Apr. 10-12, 1936. ★Actas y trabajos. xxvi, 378p. La Habana, 1937. 1107 PEDIATRY France Congres de pediatres de langue frangaise. See Nourisson, 10: 398-412. 4. Paris, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1924. C. rend. 219p. Par., 1925. See also J. mid. Paris, 1924, 43: 1071-5.—Med. inf., Par., 1924, 30: 341-7.—Gaz. sc. med. Bordeaux, 1924, 658-62. 7. Strasbourg, 1931. Rapports. 228p. Strasb., 1931. — Discussions. 192p. Strasb., 1932. 1108 PEDIATRY International International pediatric congress (1912- ) Var.: Congres international de pediatrie. Internationaler Kongress fiir Kinderheilkunde. International congress of pediatrics. Organized by the International association of pediatrists. 1. Paris, Oct. 7-9, 1912. ★C. rendus. 414p. Par., 1913. 2. Stockholm, Aug. 18-21, 1930. ★Transactions, xciii, 623p. Forms v. 11 (1930) Acta paediat. 3. London, July 20-22, 1933. ★Transactions, xliii, 62lp. Forms v. 16 (1933) Acta paediat. See also Rev. fr. pediat., 1933, 9: 818-36. 4. Roma, Sept. 27-30, 1937. See Riforma med., 1937, 53: 1561-3.—Med. inf., Roma, 1937/38, 8: 270-2.—Bruxelles med., 1937/38, 18: 307-10.—Rass. clin. sc, 1937, 15: 411-7.—Clin, pediat., Mod., 1937, 19: 648-56.—Bol. Soc. cubana pediat., 1937, 9: 513-20.—Mschr. kindergeneesk., 1938, 7: 166-78.—J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 116-8—Kinderarztl. Prax., 1937, 8: 532-5. On clinical and social aspects of psychoneuroses in children, salt and water metabolism in infants and its relation to artificial feeding, tuberculosis in children. / 1109 PEDIATRY / Italy Congresso pediatrico italiano (1890- ) 1. Roma, Oct. 16-19, 1890. ★Atti. 369p. Nap., 1891. 2. Napoli, 1892. ★Atti. 432p. Nap., 1896. 4 //// 7~<~^y. *'$±-jo /£> VfYf* -/«s? i.*.^ , ^ 2L_ * ■ 6. Quebec, 1914. (?) 1920. See Union mid. Canada, 1920, 49: 273-85. (?) 1922. See Union mid. Canada, 1922, 51: 425-8. 12. Montreal, 1930. See Paris mid., 1930, 76: 13. Quebec, Aug. 27-31, 1934. See,£oefoS? m/d;v 1934> 42: 867! Passim.—Gaz. h6p., 1934, 107: 1541 passim.—Bruxelles mid., 1933/34, 14: 1517; passim. \AJ3 [ 179 ] PHYSICIANS 1159 PHYSICIANS Austria Oesterreichischer Mediziner-Kongress. 1. Wien, 1903. ★Bericht. 228p. Wien, 1903. 1160 PHYSICIANS Bavaria Congress bayerischer Aerzte. Munchen, Oct. 2-8, 1848. ★Verhandlungen. 263p. Erlangen, 1848. 1161 PHYSICIANS Finland Sezd vrachei vsei Finliandy. 1. Helsinki, Nov. 1911. See report in Vrach. vest., 1911, No. 4, 71. 1162 PHYSICIANS France Congres des praticiens (1907- ) Var.: Congres des medecins praticiens. Assamblee nationale des medecins de France. 1. Paris, 1907. See Lyon m§d., 1907, 108: 2. Lille, 1908. See Lyon med., 1908, 110: & 111: 3. Paris, Apr. 7-10, 1910. Assistance publique (etc.) 369p. Par., 1910. See also Lyon med., 1910, 114: 4. Paris, 1914. See notes in Lyon mid., 1914, 123: 1163 PHYSICIANS Germany Deutscher Aerztetag (1873?- ) Annual. 1. (1873?) 12. Leipzig(?) 1884. ★Bericht der zur Sauglingsernahrungsfrage ernannten Commission. 66p. (Lpz., 1884) 26. 1898. ★Verhandlungen. 27. 1899. ★Verhandlungen. 28. 1900. ★Verhandlungen. 29. 1901. 30. Konigsberg, 1902. ★Verhandlungen. See also Med. Reform, 1902, 10: 255-61; 264-9. 31. Koln, 1903. See Med. Reform, 1903, 11: 336-8. 32. Rostock, 1904. See Med. Reform, 1904, 12: 214-7. 33. Strassburg, 1905. See Med. Reform, 1905, 13: 209; 290. 34. Halle, 1906. See Med. Reform, 1906, 14: 316. 1164 PHYSICIANS Greece Congres des medecins grecs (1882- ) 1. Athenai, Apr. 1SS2. ★ Compte rendu somnmire. Const., 1883. Repr. from Gaz. m6d. Orient. 1165 PHYSICIANS Hungary (a) Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok naggyiilese. A society with annual meetings. Publ. a) Evktinyv, v.l, 1844- ; b) Napi kozlony, 1863- (during the time ol meeting); c) Yizsgalatok (Transactions), v.l, 1841- 1. 1840; 2. Budapest, 1841; 3. Budapest, 1842; 4. Besztercebanya, 1843; 5. Temes- va>, 1844; 6. Kolozsvar, 1845; 7. Pecs, 1846; 8. Kassa and Eperjes, 1847; 9 Budapest, 1863; 10. Marosvasdrhely, 1864; 11. Pozsony, 1865; 12. Rimaszom- bat, 1867; 13. Eger, 1868; 14. Fiume, 1869; 15. Arad, 1871 (?) (?) Gvor, 1874(?) Elopatak, 1875, etc. PHYSICIANS [180] 1166 PHYSICIANS Hungary (b) Balatonfiiredi orvoshet. Held at Balatonfiired. 13. Balatonfiired, May 23-29, 1937. See Budapesti orv. ujs., 1937, 35: 600. 14. Balatonfiired, May 15-21, 1938. 1167 PHYSICIANS Hungary (c) Magyar orvosi nagyhet (1931- ) Meetings of an association of Hungarian scientific societies. 1. Budapest, 1931. ★Jegyzokonyv. 225p. Budap., 1931. 2. Budapest, 1932. ★Jegyzokonyv. 328p. Budap., 1932. 3. Budapest, 1933. ★Jegyzokonyv. 294p. Budap., 1933. 1168 PHYSICIANS Italy (a) Congresso nazionale dei medici condotti (1874- ) 2. (etc.) C. dell'Associazione nazionale dei medici condotti. 6. ... dei medici communali. 1. Forli, Sept. 16-19, 1874. ★Atti. 144p. Forli, 1875. See also Race, med., Forli, 1874, 37: 97-9. On occasion of the erection of the Morgagni monument. Organized by O. Leoni. 2. Padova, Oct. 12-16, 1875. ★Atti. 116p. Roma, 1876. 3. Torino, 1876. Atti. 96p. Roma, 1877. 5. Pisa, 1878. Atti. xvi, 92p. Pisa, 1879. 6. Napoli, 1879. Atti. 136p. Nap., 1880. 1169 PHYSICIANS Italy (b) Congresso dei medici del Piemonte. (?) Torino, 1902. Atti. 29p. Tor., 1902. 1170 PHYSICIANS Kentucky Convention of the physicians of Kentucky. (?) Frankfort, Jan. 7-11, 1841. ★Journal of proceedings. 20p. Frankf., 1841. 1171 PHYSICIANS Ohio Medical convention of Ohio (1835- ) 1. Convention of physicians of Ohio. 2.-5. Medical convention of Ohio (also 1850) 1845-49: Ohio medical convention. 1. Columbus, Jan. 5, 1835. ★Journal of proceedings. 30p. Cincin., 1835. Also reprint in Collect. Source Material (Ohio Univ. Coll. Med.) 1934, p.1-29. 2. Columbus, 1838. ★Journal of proceedings. 32p. 1838. 3. Cleveland, 1839. ★Journal of proceedings. 48p. 1839. 4. Columbus, 1841. ★Proceedings. 84p. Columbus, 1841. 5. Cincinnati, 1842. ★ Proceedings. 51p. 1842. (?) Columbus, 1845. ★Proceedings. 21p. Columbus, 1845. (?) Columbus, 1846. ★Proceedings. 51p. Dayton, 1846. [181] PHYSICIANS (?) Columbus, 1847. ★Proceedings. 59p. Columbus, 1847. (?) Columbus, 1848. ★Proceedings. 22p. Columbus, 1848. (?) Columbus, 1849. ★Proceedings. 48p. Columbus, 1849. (?) Columbus, 1850. ★Proceedings. 27p. Columbus, 1850. 1172 PHYSICIANS Philippine Islands Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas (1912- ) 1. Manila, 1912. ★ Memorias y comunicaciones. iv, 588p. Manila, 1912. 2. Manila, 1914. ★Actas, memorias y comunicaciones. vi, 689p. Manila, 1914. 4. Manila, 1916. ★Actas (etc.) ix, 614p. Manila, 1917. 1173 PHYSICIANS Poland Sezd polskikh estestvopytatelei i vrachei. 1. Poznan, 1884. See Russ. med., 1884, 9: No. 26, 588. 9. Krakow, 1910. See Vrach. viest., 1911, No. 2, 35. 1174 PHYSICIANS Russia Sezd russkikh vrachei (1886- ) 1. As head title. 3. Vserossysky sezd russkikh vrachei. 4. ... v pamiat Pirogova. 5. Sezd obshchestva russkikh vrachei v pamiat Pirogova. 1. Sankt Peterburg, 1886. See Zemskaia med., 1886, 3: No. 1-2, 1-8. 2. Moskva, Jan. 16-23, 1887. ★Trudy. 2 vols in 16 parts. Moskva, 1887. 3. Sankt Peterburg, 1889. ★Otchot. Dnevnik. iv, 299p. S. Peterb., 1889. Also ★another ed. Ieka- terinoslav, 1889. 4. Moskva, 1891. ★Trudy. Dnevnik. x, 1075p. Moskva, 1892. — ★Novaia ... kliniki institut. 141p. Moskva, 1891. Bound to Trudy. 5. Sankt Peterburg, 1893. ★Trudy. 2 vols, xciv, 712p. 780p. S. Peterb., 1894 (on cover 1895) — *Vestnik. 1891-93. S. Peterb., 1893. — ★Spravochny listok. S. Peterb., 1893. — ★(Statutes of the Society) 49p. Bound to v.l of Trudy. — *(List of members) 84p. Bound to v.2 of Trudy. 6. Moskva, 1896. ★Dnevnik. 7. Kazan (1899?) . 8. Sankt Peterburg, 1900. ★Vest, pravlenia. S. Peterb., 1900. 9. Sankt Peterburg, Mar. 21-24, 1903. — *Trudy. 6 vol. in 3. S. Peterb., 1904-6. 10. Moskva, 1907. Apr. 25-28. ★Vest, pravlenia. S. Peterb., 1907. ★Spravochny listok. 1907, No. 8. p.107-31. 11. Sankt Peterburg, Apr. 21-28, 1910. ★ (Trudy) S. Peterb., 1910. (?) 1916. See Deut. med. Wschr., 1916, 42: 703. 1175 PHYSICIANS Russia: Bessarabia Gubernsky sezd zemskikh vrachei Bessarabskoi gubernii. 3. Kishenev, 1880. See Vrach. vied.. 1880, No. 442, 1836. PHYSICIANS [182] 1176 PHYSICIANS Russia: Chernigov Sezd zemskikh vrachei Chernigovskoi gubernii. 3. Chernigov, 1885. Russk. med., 1885, 10: No. 20, 391. 1177 PHYSICIANS Russia: Ekaterinoslav Sezd zemskikh vrachei Ekaterinoslavskoi gubernii. 1. Ekaterinoslav, July 10-14, 1880. See Vrach. vied., 1880, 5: No. 431, 1656. 1178 PHYSICIANS Russia: Elizavetgrad Zemsko-meditsinsky sezd. 1. Elizavetgrad, July 12-15, 1883. See Vrach. vied., 1883, 8: No. 23, 4196. 1179 PHYSICIANS Russia: Gruzia Sezd vrachei Gruzii. 4. Tiflis, May 21-25, 1926. See report in Skvirsky, P. V.'s pamphlet. Leningrad, 1926, p.115-27. 1180 PHYSICIANS Russia: Kavkaz Sezd kavkazskikh vrachei. 1. Tiflis, Nov. 25-27, 1878. See Vrach. vied., 1878, 3: No. 298, 1-3. 1181 PHYSICIANS Russia: Kazan Sezd zemskikh vrachei Kazani. 6. Kazan, June 20-27, 1885. See Russ. med., 1885, 10: No. 25, 480. 1182 PHYSICIANS Russia: Kharkov Oblastnoi sezd zemskikh predstavitelei i vrachei. 1. Kharkov, Feb. 4, 1881. See Vrach. vied., 1881, 6: No. 6, 2095. 1183 PHYSICIANS Russia: Kherson Zemsko-meditsinsky sezd Khersonskikh vrachei. For reports see Vrach. vied., 1876- Annual. 1. Kherson, June 25-30, 1875. 2. Nizhni Novgorod, July 25-30, 1876. 3. Kherson, June 25-30, 1877. 4. Aleksandria, June 25-30, 1878. 8. Kherson, July 5-7, 1882. 13. Kherson, 1895. ★Trudy. 2 vols, xii, 604; lip; iii, 632, xvp. Kherson, 1896/97. 15. Odessa, 1904. 1184 PHYSICIANS Russia: Kursk Sezd zemskikh vrachei Kurskoi gubernii. 4. Kursk, Julv 1-4, 1876. See Vrach. vied., 1876, 1: No. 48, p.3. (?) Kursk, Apr. 20-26, 1882. See Zemsk. med., 1886, 2: No. 43-5, p.55. 183 ] PHYSICIANS 1185 PHYSICIANS RUSSia: Moskva Sezd zemskikh vrachei Moskovskoi gubernii. Held at Moskva. 1. Aug. 16-19, 1875. See report in Vrach. vied., 1876, 1: No. 63, p.2. 4. Oct. 25-30, 1879. Vrach. vied., 1879, 4: No. 381, p.921. 5. Feb. 5, 1881. Vrach. vied., 1881, 6: No. 453, 2010. 6. Feb. 22- , 1882. Vrach. vied., 1882, 7: No. 5, 2969. 8. Sept. 16-25, 1885. Russ. med., 1885, 10: No. 20, 392. 1186 PHYSICIANS Russia: Perm Sezd vrachei Permskoi gubernii. 1. Perm, August 1872. ★ (Trudy) Perm, 1872. 2. Perm, 1879. 3. Perm, 1886. See Zemsk. med., 1886, 2: No. 48-50. 1187 PHYSICIANS Russia: Poltava Sezd zemskikh vrachei. 2. Poltava, Sept. 15-21, 1883. See Vrach. vied., 1883, 8: No. 29, 4197. 1188 PHYSICIANS Russia: Salsk Medikosanitarny sezd Salskovo okruga. 2. Salsk, Dec. 2-4, 1927. 1189 PHYSICIANS Russia: Saratov Sezd zemskikh vrachei Saratovskoi gubernii. 2. Saratov, Dec. 1-6, 1886. ★Protokoli. 186p. Saratov, 1887. 1190 PHYSICIANS Russia: Tataria (a) Nauchnaia konferentsia vrachei T. S. S. R. 1. Kazan, May 11-14, 1928. Trudy. 1191 PHYSICIANS Russia: Tataria (b) Kantonalnaia nauchnaia konferentsia vrachei Tatarii. 1. Chistopol, Sept. 5-7, 1928. 1192 PHYSICIANS Russia: Tulsk Sezd zemskikh vrachei Tulskoi gubernii. 1. Tula, 1881. See Zdorovie. 1882, 9: No. 5, 456. 1193 PHYSICIANS Russia: Vladimir Sezd Vladimirkskih zemskikh vrachei. 1. Vladimir, Aug. 17-24, 1882. 2. Vladimir, Jan. 24-31, 1884. 6. Vladimir, 1890. ★Trudy. 88p. 515p. Vladimir, 1890. PHYSICIANS [184] 1194 PHYSICIANS Russia: Volga Povolzhsky nauchny sezd vrachei. 2. Saratov, June 4-9, 1927. Trudy. 1195 PHYSICIANS Russia: Voronezh Sezd zemskikh vrachei Voronezhskoi gubernii. 3. Voronezh, 1882. See Vrach. vied., 1882, 7: No. 9, 3032. 1196 PHYSICIANS Spain Congreso espanol "Pro Medico". 1. (1935) See Med. ibera, 1935, 29: pt 2, 489; passim. 1197 PHYSICIANS Spanish speaking International congress of Spanish speaking physicians. 1. Paris, 1914. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1914, 62: 1198 PHYSICIANS Sweden (a) Allmanna svenska lakaremotet (1885- ) 1. 1885. ★Forhandlingar. 1886. 2. 1887. ' ★Forhandlingar. 1888. 3. 1888. ★Forhandlingar. 1889. 1199 PHYSICIANS Sweden (b) Provinsiallakarmotet. 1. Stockholm, Oct. 11-14, 1904. ★Redogorelse. Stockh., 1905. Forms No. 5, Meddel. Kg. Med. styrelsen. 1200 PHYSICIANS, CATHOLIC International International congress of catholic doctors. 1. Budapest, 1930. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1931, 96: pt 1.—Paris med., 1930, 78: 2. Vatican City, 1936. See Cath. M. Guard., Middlesex, 1936, 14: 85-7. 3. Roma, 1937. Linacre Q., 1935/36, 4: 55. 1201 PHYSICIANS, OFFICIAL Austria Amtsarzte-Kongress. 1. Wien, 1909. Bericht. iv, 122p. Wien, 1909. It was the 2. meeting of the Reichsverband osterreichischer Amstarzte. 1202 PHYSICIANS, SLAVIC Congress of Slavic physicians. 1. Warszawa, 1927. J. Am. M. Abb., 1927, 89: pt 1. 2. Praha, 1928. J. Am. M. Ass., 1927. 89: pt 1. 1203 PHYSICIANS, SOCIALIST (Congress of socialist physicians) Brno, May 1934. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1934, 103: 123. \ A" [ 185 ] PHYSICIANS, SOCIALIST 1204 PHYSICIANS, SOCIALIST Italy Convegno dei medici socialisti italiani. 1. Milano, 1919. (Publ.) 30p. Cusano, 1919. 1205 PHYSICIANS, SOCIETIES Italy Congresso nazionale dei delegati degli ordini dei medici ed associazioni congeneri. 1. Roma, 1897. ★Verbali delle sedute. Roma. 2. Roma, 1898. ★Verbali delle sedute. 3. Roma, 1899. ★Resoconto delle sedute. 79p. Roma, 1900. 1206 PHYSICIANS, SOCIETIES Massachusetts Congress of the delegates appointed by the boards of censors for the District medical societies of the State of Massachusetts. (Place?) (1883?) (Publication) lOp. 1883. 1207 PHYSICIANS, SOCIETIES Mexico Convention de sindicatos medicos de la republica. 8. Jalapa, Dec. 5-11, 1937. See Labor med., Mex., 1938, 6: 54. 1208 PHYSICIANS, WOMEN International International congress of women physicians (1919- ) Meetings of the Medical Women's International Association. 1. New York, 1919. ★Proceedings. 6 vols in 1. N. Y. (1920) 2. Geneve, Sept. 4-7, 1922. See Brit. M. J., 1922, 2: 3. London, 1924. See Lancet, 1924, 2: (?) London, 1929. J. Am. M. Ass., 1928, 91: pt 2. (?) Paris, 1929. J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: pt 2. (2) Paris, 1930. (3) K0benhavn, Aug. 4-8, 1934. See Q. Bull. M. Women Nat. Ass., 1934, No. 46, 9-11. (5) Edinburg, 1937. See Med. Women J., 1937, 44: 16. 1209 PHYSICIANS, WOMEN Italy Convegno italiano delle dottoresse in medicina. 1. Salsomaggiore, 1921. 1210 PHYSICS International (a) Congres international de physique (1900- ) 1. Paris, Aug. 6-12, 1900. Rapports (by C. S. Guillaume) 4 vol. Par., 1900-1. Divided into 7 sections: 3. optics and thermodynamics; 4. electricity and magnetism; 5. magneto- optics, cathode rays; 7. biolopical physics. Established Commission des unites. 7. Corao, Pavia, Roma, Sept. 11-20, 1927. Atti. 2 vol. Bologna, 1928. — (Publ.) 38p. Pavia, 1927. On occasion of the Volta centenary. (?) Bologna, Oct. 18-21, 1937. See Scientia, Bologna, 1938, 32: 58-60. On the 200. birthday anniversary of Luigi Galvani. 1211 PHYSICS International (b) Conference on physics. (?) London, 1934. Papers (etc.) 3 vols. PHYSIOLOGICAL [ 186 ] 1212 PHYSIOLOGICAL International International physiological congress (1889- ) Congres international de physiologic Congresso internazionale di fisiologia. Internationaler Physiologenkongress. Organized by a Comite international. Since 1905, also a Comite international pour la bibliographie physiologique, which cooperates with the Concilium bibliographicum. Are there no official publications? 1. Basel, Sept. 10-12, 1889. For reports see Korbl. Schweiz. Aerzte, 19: 19.—Gaz. med. chir., 1889, No. 38-39.—Progr. med., 1889, No. 37 & 38.—Deut. med. Wschr., 1889, p. 1031. 2. Lidge, Aug. 29-31, 1892. For report see Zbl. Physiol., 1892/93, G: 395; 409.—Rev. sc, 1892, 2: 348.—Gaz. hdp., 1892, 1005.— Lyon med., 1892, p.276.. 3. Bern, Sept. 9-13, 1895. 4. Cambridge, Aug. 23-26, 1898. ★Account of the proceedings, vi, 74p. Cambr., 1899. Suppl. to v.23. J. Physiol., Cambr., 1898/99. 5. Torino, Sept. 16-19, 1901. ★Compte rendu. 21 lp. Tor., 1901. Forms No. 1, v.36. Arch. ital. biol. (1901) 6. Bruxelles, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 1904. ★Compte rendu (by A. Slosse) 166p. Par., 1905. In v.2, Arch, internat. physiol., 1904/5. 7. Heidelberg, Aug. 13-16, 1907. ★ Compte rendu. 142p. Par., 1907. In v.5. Arch, internat. physiol., 1907. See also Zbl. Physiol., 1907, 21: 469-506. 8. Wien, Sept. 27-30, 1910. ★Compte rendu. 79p. Par., 1911. In v.10. Arch, internat. pnysiol., 1910/11. 9. Groningen, Sept. 2-6, 1913. See Zbl. Physiol., Suppl. 10. Paris, 1920. 11. Edinburgh, 1923. 12. Stockholm, Aug. 3-6, 1926. 13. Boston, Aug. 19-23, 1929. ★Abstracts of communications. 300p. Bost., 1929. 14. Roma, Aug. 29-Sept. 3, 1932. ★Sunti delle communicazioni. 270p. Roma, 1932. See also Arch. sc. biol., v.18: No. 1-4.—Deut. med. Wschr., 1932, 58: 1573. 15. Leningrad & Moskva, Aug. 8-18, 1935. See Med. Welt, 1935, 9: 1743-5.—Polska gaz. lek., 1936, 15: 83-5.—Priroda, Leningr., 1935, 24: 1-24.—Naturwissenschaften, 1936, 24: 458-61.—Biochim. ter. sper., 1936, 23: 26-41.—Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1935/36, 2: 692-5.—Cluj. med., 1935, 16: 655-9.—Lancet, 1935, 2: 446; 575. 16. Zurich, Aug. 14-18, 1938. Divided into 6 sections: 1. general and comparative physiology; 2. biophysics; 3. biochemistry; 4. applied physiology; 5. psychophysiology; 6. pharmacology. 1213 PHYSIOLOGISTS Russia Vsesoiuzny sezd fiziologov. 3. Moskva, May 28-June 2 (year?) Trudy. 1214 PHYSIOLOGY France Congres de physiologie. 1. Paris, 1920. Resumes des communications. 10. 1936. See Lisboa mid., 1936, 13: 447-56. 1215 PHYSIOLOGY Scandinavia Nordischer Kongress fiir Physiologie. For reports see Skand. Arch. Physiol. 4. Helsinki, Aug. 23-24, 1934. See Ugeskr. laeger, 1934, 96: 1039.—Skand. Arch. Physiol., 1934/35, 71: 7-10. 5. Upsala, Aug. 27-28, 1937. Skand. Arch. Physiol, 1937, 77: 1-95; 1938, 78: 220-24. /3. (Pt/- rtAscvL- UrrUAv. (fr. PAyef£i. '^^ - 0 [ 229 ] SOCIAL WORK 1502 SOCIAL WORK United States National conference of social work[ers] (1874- ) 1. Conference of the board of public charities. 2.-6. Conference of charities. 7.-8. Conference of charities and correction. 9.-10. National conference of charities. 11.-43. National conference of charities and corrections. 44. As head title. . Publ. ★Proceedings (1: 1874- ) ★(National) Bulletin; and additional pamphlets. Annual meetings. 1. New York, 1874; 2. Detroit, 1875; 3. Saratoga, 1876; 4. Saratoga, 1877; 5. Cincin- nati, 1878; 6. Chicago, 1879; 7. Cleveland, 1880; 8. Boston, 1881; 9. Madison, 1882; 10. Louisville, 1883; 11. S. Louis, 1884; 12. Washington, 1885; 13. S. Paul, 1886; 14. Omaha, 1887; 15. Buffalo, 1888; 16. S. Francisco, 1889; 17. Baltimore, 1890; 18. Indianapolis, 1891; 19. Denver, 1892; 20. Chicago, 1893; 21. Nashville. 1894; 22. New Haven, 1895; 23. Grand Rapids, 1896; 24. Toronto, Ontario, 1897; 25. New York, 1898; 26. Cincinnati, 1899; 27. Topeka, 1900; 28. Washing- ton, 1901; 29. Detroit, 1902; 30. Atlanta, 1903; 31. Portland, Me., 1904; 32. Portland, Ore., 1905; 33. Philadelphia, 1906; 34. Minneapolis, 1907 (Cumulative index to vol. 1-33, of Proceedings. lOlp. Indianap., 1907) 35. Richmond, 1908; 36. Buffalo, 1909; 37. S. Louis, 1910; 38. Boston, 1911; 39. Cleveland, 1912; 40. Seattle, 1913; 41. Memphis, 1914; 42. Baltimore, 1915; 43. Indianapolis, 1916; 44. Pittsburgh, 1917; 45. Kansas City, 1918; 46. Atlantic City, 1919; 47. New Orleans, 1920; 48. Milwaukee, 1921; 49. Providence, 1922; 50. Washing- ton, 1923; 51. Toronto, Ontario, 1924; 52. Denver, 1925; 53. Cleveland, 1926; 54. Des Moines, 1927; 55. Memphis, 1928; 56. San Francisco, 1929; 57. Boston, 1930; 58. Minneapolis, 1931; 59. Philadelphia, 1932; 60. Detroit. 1933; 61. 62. 63. 64. Indianapolis, 1937; etc. 1503 SOCIAL WORK Vermont Conference of social work. Before 1918: C. of charities and corrections. 1. 1916. 1504 SOCIAL WORK Wisconsin State conference of social work. Before 1918: State conference of charities and corrections. 1. 1888. (?) 1897. ★Annual. 124p. Madison, 1898. 1505 SOCIOLOGISTS Germany Deutscher Soziologentag (1910- ) • Meetings of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Soziologie. 1. Frankfurt a. M., 1910; 2. 3. Jena, Sept. 24-25, 1923; 4. Heidelberg, Sept. 29-30, 1924; 5. Wien, Sept. 26-29, 1926; 6. Zurich, Sept. 17-19, 1928; 7. Berlin, 1930. 1506 SOCIOLOGY International (a) Congres sociologique (1921- ) 1. Torino, 1921. Mem. C. rend. 2. Wien, 1922. Mom. C. rend. :\ Roma, 1924. Mom. C. rend. 1507 SOCIOLOGY International (b) Congres international de sociologie (1893- ) 9. Paris, 1927. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1927. 10. Geneve, 1930. Rev. internat. Croix Rouge, 1930, 12: SOCIOLOGY, COLONIAL [ 230 ] 1508 SOCIOLOGY, COLONIAL International Congres international de sociologie coloniale. (?) Paris, Aug. 6-11, 1900. (Publ.) 2 vols. Par., 1901. 1509 SOIL SCIENCE International (a) International conference of soil science (1909- ) Conference international d'agropedologie. See also 1509a. 1. Budapest, 1909. 2. Stockholm, 1910. 3. Praha, 1922. C. rend. 4. Roma, May 12-16, 1924. Actes. 3 vols. Roma, 1926. 1509a SOIL SCIENCE International (b) International congress of soil science (1927- ) 1. Washington, 1927; 2. Leningrad, 1930. 1510 SONG International Congres international de chant. 1. Paris, 1937. Included also a Journee medicale internationale de laryngologie on July 13. 1511 SOUTH AMERICAN International Congreso internacional sudamericano. (?) Montevideo, 1888T1889. Actas y trabajos. (?) Montevideo, 1911. Actas y trabajos. xxi, 857p. Montev., 1911. 1512 SPEECH TRAINING International (a) International conference on speech training. 1. (place?) 1912. 2. London, 1927. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1927, 89: pt 2. 1513 SPIRITIST International (a) Congres international de spirite. (a) Congreso espiritista. (b) as head title. (c) C. spirite et spiiitualiste international. (d) C. spiritualiste. (a) Barcelona, 1888. Representacione^, sesiones publicas, etc. (b) Paris, 1889. C. rend., 1890. (c) Paris, Sept. 16-27, 1900. C. rend., Par., 1904. (d) Paris, June 1908. C. rend. Par., 1908. — C. rend. d. trav. Par., 1909. (e) K0benhavn, 1911(?) (f) London, 1912(?) 1514 SPIRITIST International (b) Congres de spirite universel. 1. Bruxelles, May 14-18, 1910. 2. Geneve, 1913. C. rend, stenogr. xvi, 248p. Geneve, 1914. There is also a Federation spirite internationale, which held its meetings: 1. Liege; 2. Paris; 3. London; 4. 's-Gravenhage; 5. Barcelona, 1934 (C rend. d. trav.) [ 231 ] SPIRITIST, ESPERANTO 1515 SPIRITIST, ESPERANTO Congres spirite esperantiste. Antwerpen, Aug. 1911. 1516 SPORT Germany: Sachsen Sachsischer Turntag. 1. Dresden, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1846. Verh. 95p. Dresd., 1847. 1517 SPORT International Congres international de sport et d'education physique. See also 1154. (a) Le Havre, 1897. (b) Bruxelles, June 9-14, 1905. ★ (Publication) 255p. Auxerre, 1905. By the Comit6 international olympique. 1517a SPORT MEDICINE Hungary (a) Sportorvosi vandorgyiiles. 1. Szeged, May, 1937. ★Idoszerii sportorvosi kerdlsek. 130p. Budap., 1938. 1517b SPORT MEDICINE Hungary (b) Magyar sportorvosi kongresszus. Organized by the Association of Hungarian Military Surgeons. 1. Budapest, Apr. 28-30, 1938. 1518 SPORT MEDICINE International (a) Congres international de medecine appliquee a l'education physique et aux sports. 2. Chamonix & Mont Blanc, Sept. 3-5, 1934. ★Compte rendu. 364p. Lyon, 1936. See also Rev. med. Barcelona, 1934, 22: 529-42.—Bruxelles med., 1933/34, 14: 1488; passim.—Med. inf., Par., 1934, 41: 293-5. (3) Paris, July 11-17, 1937. ★Rapports. 331p. Bar-Sur-Aube, 1937. 1519 SPORT MEDICINE International (b) Congres international de la medecine sportive (1933- ) Var.: International congress of medical advisers for athletes. Congresso internazionale della medicina dello sport. C. i. dei medici sportivi. Congreso internacional de medicos deportivos. Internationaler Kongress der Sportarzte. 1. Torino & Roma, 1933. Atti. See also Gior. med. mil., 1933, 81: 817-9. 2. Berlin, 1936. ★Verhandlungsbericht. xv, 415p. Lpz., 1937. See also J. Health, 1936, 7: 613; 640. On metabolism and circulation; circulation and respiration; psychology of sport; aviation medicine; sport medicine; medical gymnastics; biometrics; biological and social problems of sport. 1520 SPORT PHYSICIANS Germany Sportarzte-Tagung. 7. Munchen, 1930. Verh.: Mensch im Hochgebirge. Sportschaden. 120p. Jena, 1931. 1521 SPORT, PSYCHOLOGY International Congres international de psychologie et physiologie sportives. See also No. 1518. 1. Lausanne, May 7-11, 1913. C. rend. 244p. Lausanne, Com. internat. olymp., 1914. SPORT WOMEN [232] 1522 SPORT WOMEN Germany Frauen-Turn- und Sporttagung. (?) Berlin, June 12-15, 1929. Tagungsbericht. 95p. Berl. (1929) 1523 STATE LAWS, UNIFORM United States National conference of commissioners on uniform State laws. 6. 1896. Proceedings. 1524 STATISTICS Germany Konferenz der deutschen Gemeinde-Statistiker. 1. Conferenz der Directoren der statistischen Bureaux deutscher Stadte. 1 (?) Berlin, Oct. 4-6, 1879. ★ (Publication) Berl., 1879. 2. Dresden. June 14-15, 1885. ★ (Publ.) lip. (Dresden, 1885) 1525 STATISTICS International International statistical congress (1853- ) Var.: Congres international de statistique. 1. C. g6n6ral de statistique. In 1878: Conference internationale de statistique. In 1885 the International Statistical Institute was founded, which took over the functions of the congress; biennial sessions: 1. Roma, Apr. 12-16, 1887; etc. Also a Commission permanente, which publishes C. rend. d. seances (1873- ) 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 19-22, 1853. ★Compte rendu. 260p. Brux. (1854) 2. Paris, Sept. 10, 12-15, 1855. ★Compte rendu, xl, 542p. Par., 1856. — ★Congres int. d. statist, (by Bertillon) Par., 1885. — *C. rend, critique (by H. Meding) Par., 1856. 3. Wien, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1857. ★Compte rendu. 556p. Wien, 1858. 4. London, July 16-21, 1860. ★Report of proceedings, xix, 548p. Lond., 1861. 5. Berlin, Sept. 6-12, 1863. ★Rechenschaft-Bericht. 2 vols. (1. in 3 pts) Berl., 1865. — ★Bericht an die Vorbereitungs-Commission. 144p. Berl., 1863. — ★Avant-propos. viii, 90p. Berl., 1863. — ★Programme, x, 107p. Berl., 1863. — ★Beschlusse. 56p. Berl., 1864. — *C. rendus (1.-4. congr.) xxvii, 273p. Berl., 1863. 6. Firenze, 1867. ★C. rend. d. trav. vi, 651. Fir., 1868. — ★Bericht (by Engel) 54p. Berl., 1868. — ★C. rendu (1.-5. congr.) (by P. Maestris) ix, 329p. Fir., 1866. 7. 's-Gravenhage, Sept. 1869. ★Die Beschlusse (by Engel) 16p. Berl., 1869. — Programme. — C. rendu. 3 vols. — *C. rendu (1853-1869) viii, 268p. S. Peterb., 1872. 8. Sankt Peterburg, Aug. 1872. ★Report of U. S. delegates. 124p. Wash., 1875. No. 289, H. of R. Ex. Doc. — ★Avant-projet. 62p. S. Peterb., 1872. — ★Beschlusse (by Engel) 28p. (Berl., 1873) 9. Budapest, 1876. ★Rapports et resolutions. 2 pts in 1. iv, 187p. 22p. Budap., 1876. — ★Programme. Avant-propos. xii, 22p. Budap., 1876. — *Rapports of 5 sections in 6 vol. Budap., 1876. (10) Paris, July 22-24, 1878. ★ Conferences int. de statistique. 192p. Par., 1880. 1526 STENOGRAPHISTS Austria Oesterreichischer Stenographentag. 1. Wien, Aug. 19-20, 1864. Verh. 60p. Wien, 1864. [ 233 ] STENOGRAPHISTS 1528 STENOGRAPHISTS Germany (a) Deutscher Stenographentag (Gabelsberger) 1. Allgemeine Versammlung Gabelsberger'scher Stenographen. 1. Dresden, Aug. 3, 1857. Bericht. 50p. Dresd., 1857. 2. Dresden, Aug. 26, 1860. Ber. 66p. Dresd., 1860. 9. Stuttgart, 1910. Verh. 102p. Darmst., 1911. 12. Munchen, July 24-28, 1925. 1529 STENOGRAPHISTS Germany (b) Stenographentag der W. Stolze'schen Schule der Stenographic 1. Berlin, July 20-22, 1878. Ber. u d. Verh. 73p. Berl., 1878. 4. Stuttgart, July 24-27, 1909. 1530 STENOGRAPHISTS Germany (c) Allgemeiner deutscher Stenografentag. 2. Frankfurt a. M., 1879. Ber. ii. d. Verh. 20p. Wien, 1879. 1531 STENOGRAPHY International (a) Congres international de stenographic (1887- ) International shorthand congress. Internationaler Stenographen-Kongress. Congreso internacional de estenograffa. 1. London, 1887. 2. Paris, Aug. 11-17, 1889. C. rend. Par., 1890. 3. Munchen, Aug. 11-13, 1890. Bericht. 287p. Munch., 1891. See also Brit. M. J., 1890, 2: 4. Berlin, 1891. No publication. 5. Chicago, 1893. 6. Stockholm, 1897. 7. Paris, 1900. 8. Bruxelles, 1905. 9. Darmstadt, Aug. 10-14, 1908. 10. Madrid, Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 1912. Actas. 552p. Madr., 1914. 13. Lausanne, July 1925. (Publ.) iv, 319p. Laus., 1925. 1531a STENOGRAPHY International (b) Internationaler Stenographen-Tag (Gabelsberger) 1. Budapest, 1896. 2. Roma, 1899. 3. Munchen, 1904. 4. Graz, 1907. 6. Budapest, Aug. 6-9, 1913. 1532 STERILIZATION British Conference on sterilization. (?) London, 1932. See Lancet, 1932, 1: 1533 STOMATOLOGISTS Poland (Congres des stomatologistes et chirurgiens dentistes polonais) 6. Lw6w, 1931. See Paris M6d., 1931, 80: 1534 STOMATOLOGY France Congres annuel de stomatologic 7. C. francais de ... 1. Paris, 1907; 2. Paris, 1911; 6. Paris, 1929; 7. Paris, 1932; 8. Paris 1934 9. Paris, Oct. 5-10, 936. ' ' ' Rapports. 292p. Par., 1936. STOMATOLOGY [234] 1535 STOMATOLOGY International Congres international de stomatologic Meetings of the International stomatological association. 1. Budapest, 1931. C. rend. 2 vols. 2. Bologna, Apr. 14-19, 1935. ★Atti. 2 vols. (1355p.) Bologna, 1936. See also Stomatologia, Modena, 1935, 33: 81-5. ( ) Bruxelles, Nov. 27, 1937. Preliminary conference. 3. Bruxelles, 1940. 1536 STOMATOLOGY Italy Congresso stomatologico italiano. (?) Venezia, 1930. See Paris med., 1930, 78: 21. Milano, 1934. 1537 STRATIGRAPHY, CARBONIFEROUS International Congres pour l'avancement des etudes de stratigraphie carboniferc 1. Heerlen, 1927. C. rend. 2. Heerlen, 1935. C. rend. 3 vols. 1538 STUDENTS International (a) Congres international des etudiants. (a) Liege, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1865. (b) Bruxelles, Apr. 14-17, 1867. (c) Milano, Apr. 28-May 6, 1906. 1539 STUDENTS International (b) Congres de la Federation internationale des etudiants: Cor da Fratres. 1. Torino, Nov. 12-20, 1898; 2. Paris, August 1900; 3. Liege, Sept. 4-8; 4. Marseille, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1906; 5. Bordeaux, Sept. 1-8, 1907; 6. 's-Gravenhage, Aug. 24-27, 1909 (alliance with Association of cosmopolitan clubs); 7. Roma, Sept. 1-6, 1911; etc. 1539a STUDENTS, CATHOLIC International Congres international des etudiants catholiques. (a) Roma, 1900. (b) Amsterdam, May 3, 1911. 1540 STUDENTS, CHRISTIAN International Conference of the World alliance of christian students. (a) Frankfurt a. M., 1894. 1. Wadslena, 1895; 2. Williamstown, U. S., 1897; 3. Eisenach, 1898; 4. Versailles, 1900; 5. Sorb, 1902; 6. Zeist, 1905; 7. Tokyo, 1907; 8. Oxford, 1909; 9. Con- stantinople, 1911; 10. Soro, Aug. 11-15, 1912. 1541 STUDENTS, SOCIALIST International Congres international des etudiants socialistes. (a) Bruxelles, 1891; (b) Geneve, 1893; (c) Paris, 1900. 1542 SUGAR International Congres international technique et chimique de sucrerie et de distillerie. Var.: C. i. de sucrerie et des industries de fermentation. 1. Liege, July 5-10, 1905. C. rend. Brux., 1907. 2. Paris, Apr. 6-10, 1908. [ 235 ] SUGAR CANE 1543 SUGAR CANE International Congress of sugar cane technologists. Meetings of an international society. 3. Soerabaia, 1929. Proceedings. 1545 SUMMER CAMP Belgium Congres national des colonies scolaires permanentes et des colonies de vacances. 1. Blankenberghe, Aug. 23-26, 1937 Voeux. See Arch. med. sociale hyg., Brux., 1938, 1: 297-9. 1545a SUMMER CAMP Germany Konferenz deutscher Vertreter von Vereinigungen fiir Sommerpflege (1881- ) 1. Conferenz der Vertreter von Vereinen und Comites fiir Ferienkolonien. 1. Berlin, 1881. Verhandlungen. lOOp. Berl., 1882. 2. Bremen, Sept. 15, 1885. Bericht. 68p. Berl., 1885. 3. Frankfurt a. M., May 31-June 1, 1887. Verh. 137p. Berl., 1887. — Statistik der Ferienkolonien. 79p. Berl., 1887. 5. Berlin, 1896. Bericht. 76p. Berl., 1896. 1546 SUMMER CAMP International Congres international des colonies scolaires de vacances (1888- ) (a) 1. Internationaler Kongress fiir Ferienkolonien und verwandte Bestrebungen der Kinderhygiene. (b) 1. Congres international des colonies de vacances et oeuvres de plain air. (a) 1. Zurich, Aug. 13-14, 1888. ★Verhandlungen. viii, 115p. Hamb., 1889. 2. Bordeaux, 1906. (b) 1. Pau, 1929. C. rend. & rapp. 216p. Par. (1929?) See also J. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: pt 2. 1546a SUMMER CAMP Italy Congresso ... in occasione della Mostra delle colonie estive e dell' assistenza all'infanzia. Organized by the Partito nazionale fascista. (?) Roma, Sept. 20-21, 1937. See Riv. med. sociale tuberc, 1938, 15: 44-53. 1547 SUNDAY REST International Congres international du repos du dimanche (1876- ) 5. C. i. du repos hebdomadaire au point de vue hygienique et social. 6. 12. Internationaler Kongress fiir Sonntagsfeier. 1. Geneve, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1876. Rapport. 2. Bern, Sept. 9-10, 1879. 3. Paris, 1881; 4. Bruxelles, 1885. 5. Paris, Sept. 24-27, 1889. C. rend, in extenso. Geneve, 1891. 6. Stuttgart, May 11-20, 1892. Reden & Berichte. 31 lp. Stuttg., 1893. 7. Chicago, Sept. 27-30, 1893. 8. Bruxelles, July 7-9, 1897. Rapp. & c. rend, analytique. Brux., 1898. 9. Paris, Oct. 9-12, 1900. 10. S. Louis, Oct. 11-14, 1904. 11. Milano, Oct. 29-31, 1906. 12. Frankfurt a. M., Sept. 27-29, 1907. Verhandlungen. 224p. Lpz., 1908. 13. Edinburgh, Oct. 6-8, 1908. ( ) Geneve, Oct. 11-12, 1911(?) 14. 1915. SUNDAY REST [236] 1548 SUNDAY REST Netherlands Congres voor zondagsrust. 1. 's-Gravenhage, 1901. Handelingen. 2. 's-Gravenhage, 1907. Handelingen. 1549 SUNDAY REST United States Deutsche Versammlung zur Forderung der christlichen Sonntagsfeier. 1 (?) New York, Oct. 16, 1859. (Publ.) 24p. N. Y., 1860. 1550 SURGEONS Lithuania (Congress of Lithuanian surgeons) 1. 1934(?) See Medicina, Kaunas, 1935, 16: 583. 2. Nov. 30, 1935. See Medicina, Kaunas, 1936, 17: 230-2. 1551 SURGEONS Mexico Asamblea nacional de cirujanos. 1. 1935. ★Lo paraquiriirgico. 175p. Mex., 1935. 1552 SURGEONS Russia Sezd rossyskikh khirurgov (1900- ) Vserossysky sezd khirurgov. 1. Moskva, 1900. ★Trudy. 192p. Moskva, 1901. 5. Moskva, Dec. 28, 1904. See Vrach. viest., 1905, 8: No. 14, 221. 6. Moskva, 1906. ★Trudy. 258p. Moskva, 1907. 7. Sankt Peterburg, 1907. ★Trudy. 277p. ivp. Moskva, 1908. 8. Moskva, 1908. ★Trudy. 232p. vp. Moskva, 1909. 9. Moskva, 1909. ★Trudy. 279p. vp. Moskva, 1910. 10. Sankt Peterburg, 1910. ★Trudy. 229p. Moskva, 1911. 18. Moskva, May 27-30, 1926. See report in P. V. Skvirsky's pamphlet. Leningr., p.31-48. 19. Leningrad, May 25-29, 1927. 20. Moskva, May 26-30, 1928. See Vrach. delo, No. 17, 1374-7. 1553 SURGEONS Russia: Sovet-French Frantzusko-sovetskaia nedela khirurgov. 1. Moskva, Mar. 30-31, 1937. See Sovet. med., 1937, No. 1, 56-9. 1554 SURGEONS Russia: Ukraina (a) Sezd Ukrainskikh khirurgov. 6. Dnepropetrovsk, 1937. See Nov. khir. arkh., 1937, 38: 1-19. 1554a SURGEONS Russia: Ukraina (b) Vseukrainsky zizd kirurgia. 2. Kiev, Sept. 10-14, 1927. See Ukrain. med. arkh., 1927, 2: No. 1-2, p.174-80. 3. Sept. 9-14, 1928. Tezisy k dokladam. See also Nov. khir.. 1928, 7: No. 10, 552-62. 6. Odessa, June 1936. See Vrach. delo, 1935, 18: 576. /f, /f^U<^ // ?o U*i-.^j/ r [237] SURGEONS 1555 SURGEONS Russia: Volga district Kraevoi sezd khirurgov i ginekologov Nizhnevo Povolzhia. 1. Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 1928. See Nov. khir., 1928, 7: 437-52. 1556 SURGERY Argentina Congreso Argentino de cirugia. 1. Buenos Aires, 1928. 2. Buenos Aires, 1930. ★ Memorias y discusiones. Ixviii, 1140p. B. Air., 1930. 10. Oct. 1938. 1557 SURGERY Belgium Congres beige de chirurgie. 1 (?) Bruxelles, Sept. 8-10, 1902. ★Compte rendu, xii, 108p. 180p. 78p. Brux., 1903. On treatment of appendicitis; fractures; aseptic and antiseptic surgery. 1558 SURGERY Brazil Congresso brazileiro de cirugia. (?) Rio de Janeiro, July 1938. 1559 SURGERY Chile Congreso nacional de cirugia. 1. Valparaiso, 1924. ★ (Publ.) 256p. Valp., 1925. 1560 SURGERY France Congres francais de chirurgie (1885- ) After 1893 (7. congr.) held by the Association francaise de chirurgie. 1. Paris, Apr. 6-12, 1885. ★Informations et documents divers. 28p. Par., 1885. — *P. verb., mem. & discussions. 2 vols.. 668p. 720p. Par., 1886. 2. Paris, 1886. ★P. verb. Par., 1887. 3. Paris, 1888. ★P. verb. Par., 1889. 4. Paris, 1889. ★P. verb. Par., 1890. 5. Paris, 1891. ★P. verb. Par., 1891. 6. Paris, 1892. ★P. verb. Par., 1892. 7. Paris, Apr. 3-8, 1893. ★P. verb, lxxii. Par., 1893. Forms suppl. no. 5, May 1893, of Arch. prov. chir. . Further congresses held in Paris, except if otherwise stated, by the^asociation francaise de chirureie - 8. Lyon, 1894; 9. 1895; 10. 1896; 11. 1897; 12. 1898; 13. 1899?1f. 1901; 15. 1902-16 1903-17: 1904; 18. 1905; 19. 1906; 20. 1907; 21. 1908; 22. 1909; 23. 1910 (P. verb. 1172d Par 1911V 24. 1911 (P. v. 1204p ); 25. 1912 (P. v. xlviii, 1046p.); 26. 1913 (P. v.l. 1202p. Par!: 1913)'. 27. 1918 (P. v. xlvni, 664p. Par., 1918); 28. 1919 (P. v. xlviii, 819p. Par., 1919); 29. 1920 (Publ. 595p. Par., 1921); 30. Strasbourg, 1921 (P. v. xlix, 628p. Par., 1922); 31. Paris. 1922 (in. 1022p.); 32. 1923 (lxiii, 810p.); 33. 1924 (lx, 976p.); 34. 1925 (Ixviii, 883p.); 38. 1929-43- Oct. 8-13, 1934; 45. 1936 (^P. verb.); 46. 1937 (*P. verb.); 47. Oct. 3-8, 1908 ""».»*• 1561 SURGERY International International surgical congress (1905- ) Meetings of thelSociete internationale de chirurgie. Var.: Internaticmaler Chirurgenkongress. Congres international de chirurgie. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 18-23, 1905. ★Proces-verbaux. 6 pts. Brux., 1907. SURGERY [238] 2. Bruxelles, Sept. 21-25, 1908. ★ Proces-verbaux & discussions. Brux., 1908. — *Rapports. Brux., 1908. 3. Bruxelles, Sept. 26-30, 1911. Rapp. & p. verb. 873p. Brux., 1912. 4. New York, Apr. 13-16, 1914. ★Reports. Iv, 615p. Brux., 1914. — ★Internat. Clinic Week. 103p. N. Y., 1914. 5. Paris, July 19-23, 1920. Rapports, lxxii, 942p. Brux., 1921. 6. London, July 17-20, 1923. Reports. 2 vols. 7. Roma, Apr. 7-10, 1926. Atti. 2 vols. 8. Warszawa, July 22-25, 1929. Rapports. 2 vols. 9. Madrid, March 15-18, 1932. ★P. verb. & Rapp. 3 vols. 792p. 928p. 892p. 10. Cairo, Dec. 31, 1935-Jan. 4, 1936. ★P. verb. 3vol. Brux., 1936. See Union med. Canada, 1936, 65: 352-8.—Zbl. Chir., 1936, 63: 1083-5.—Siglo mid., 1936, 97: 75; passim.—Wien. kl. Wschr., 1936, 49: 400-2. 11. Bruxelles, Sept. 19-22, 1938. See J. mid. Lyon, 1937, Nov. 20, p.640. On surgical treatment of arteiial hypertension; bone grafts; surgical treatment of pulmonary cysts and tumors. 12. 1941. 1562 SURGERY Rumania Congres national de chirurgie (1925- ) 1. Bucuresti, 1925; 2. Bucuresti, 1927; 3. Cluj, 1930; 8. Bucuresti, Nov. 14-16, 1936. 1563 SURGERY Scandinavia (Congres scandinave de chirurgie) Var.: Northern congress of surgery. Reports published in Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. (?) Goteborg, 1904; 12. Kristiania, July 3-5, 1919; 13. Helsinki, July 7-9, 1921; 16. Goteborg, 1927; 17. Oslo, 1929; 18. Helsinki, 1931; (?) Goteborg, 1937. 1564 SURGERY Spain Congreso espanol de cirugia. (a) Congreso hispano-portugues de cirugfa y sus especialidades naturales. (a) Madrid, April 1898. ★ (Publ.) 467p. Madr., 1898. 2. Madrid, 1908. Actas. 3. Madrid, 1910. Actas. 1565 SURGERY, PLASTIC Europe Congres europeen de chirurgie structive (1936- ) Meetings of the European society of structive surgery. 1. Bruxelles, Oct. 3-4, 1936. ★ (Resumes des communications) 16p. (Mimeo) 2. London, Oct. 5-7, (6-8?) 1937. See report in Rev. chir. structive, 1937, 7: 1938, 8:—Ind. M. Gaz., 1938, 73: 48.—Paris mid.. 1937, 27: No. 52, p.iii. 3. Milano, Sept. 25-27, 1938. 1566 SURGERY, PLASTIC France Congres de chirurgie reparatrice, piastique et esthetique. Meetings of a society of the same title. 1. 1929. 2. 1930. C. rend. 260p. Par., 1930. (?) 1932. See J. Am. M. Asa., 1932, 99: pt 2. t Qfrv^ruMi U&i** U*y^*Uj*a*o cbt— \U^j^yU-~ ?jLx.^L. \a/3 [ 239 ] SURGICAL INSTR. MAKERS 1567 SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS International International congress of surgical and orthopedic instrument makers. 1. 1883; 2. Dresden, 1884. See Brit. M. J., 1884, 2: 1568 SWEDENRORG International International Swedenborg congress. Organized by the Societe Swedenborg. (?) July 4-8, 1910. 1569 SYLVICULTURE International Congres international de sylviculture. See also Forestry. (a) Paris, June 4-9, 1900. C. rend, detaille. 1. Roma, Apr. 29-May 5, 1926. Actes. 5 vols (4000p.) Roma, 1926. 2. Paris, 1931. 1570 SYPHILIS, CONGENITAL Riunione per lo studio della sifilide congenita. 1. Conference de la svphilis hereditaire. 1. Paris, October 1925. Rapports. 252p. Par., 1925. — Comptes rendus. 2. Torino, 1927. See Rass. stud, sess., 1927, 7: 100-12. 1571 SYPHILIS, HISTORY International Convegno internazionale per l'esame dell'origine storica della sifilide. 1. Torino, 1925. Reports(?) 1572 SYPHILIS, NATURE France: Nantes Seances tenues par les medecins de Nantes pour discuter la valeur des doctrines nouvelles relativement a la nature et au traitement de la syphilis. Nantes, 1835. ★Procks-verbaux. 151p. Nantes, 1835. 1573 SYPHILIS, PREVENTION International Conference internationale pour la prophylaxie de la syphilis et des maladies veneriennes. Organized by the Societe internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. (3. ?) C. i. de la defense sociale contre la syphilis. 1. Bruxelles, Sept. 4-8, 1899. ★ Rapports. C. rend. 5 pts in 2 vols. Brux., 1899. 2. Bruxelles, Sept. 1-5, 1902 (1901?) ★ Rapports preliminaries. 30 pts. Brux., 1902. — ★Compte rendu des seances. 551p. 35p. 102p. vp. Brux., 1903. (3?) Nancy, 1928. Rapp. & C. rend. 2 vols. (4?) Paris, May 9-12, 1932. Rapports. Par., 1932. — *C. rend. 336p. Par., 1932. Held on occasion of the Fournier centenary. 1574 SYPHILIS, PREVENTION Russia Sezd po obsuzhdeniiu mier protiv sifilisa v Rossii. 1. Sankt Peterburg, Jan. 15-22, 1897. ★Trudy. 2 vols in one. S. Peterb., 1897. (?) Kharkov, 1925. 97525-38---16 SYPHILIS, SEROTHERAPY [ 240 ] 1575 SYPHILIS, SEROTHERAPY International International conference of serotherapy of syphilis. Var.: International laboratory conference on the serodiagnosis of syphilis. 1. K0benhavn, 1928; 2. Montevideo, 1931. 1576 SYRIA Congres frangais de la Syrie. 1. (Beiruth?) 1919. ★Seances et travaux. Fasc. 4. Section de Medecine et d'hygiene publique. 109p. Par., 1919. 1577 TABARDILLO Mexico Congreso nacional del tabardillo. 1. Mexico, Jan. 14-21, 1919. ★ Memorias y actas. 457p. Mex., 1919. 2. Mexico, 1921. ★ Memorias y actas. 456p. Mex., 1922. 1578 TEA Java Thee congres met tentoonstelling. Bandoeng, 1924. Handelingen. 1579 TELEGRAPHIST International Conference internationale des techniciens des telegraphes et telephones. 1. Budapest, 1908. C. rend. 2. Paris, 1910. C. rend. 1580 TELEGRAPHY International Conference telegraphique internationale. There was also a Comite consultatif telegraphique, which held its meetings: 1. Berlin, 1926; 2. Berlin, 1929; 3. Bern, 1931; 4. Praha, 1931; 5. 1. Paris, 1865; 2. Wien, 1868; 3. (1) Roma, 1871-72 (Documents, vi, 688p. Bern, 1872) 4. Sankt Peterburg, 1875 (Documents, vii, 677p. Bern, 1876) 5. London, 1879; 6. Berlin, Aug. 10, 1885; 7. (2) Paris, 1890; 8. Budapest, 1896; 9. (3) London, 1903; 10. (4) Lisboa, 1908; (5) Paris, 1925 (Documents. 2 vols. Bern, 1925) (6) Cortina d'Ampezza, 1926 (7) Bruxelles, 1928 (8) Madrid, 1932. 1582 TEMPERANCE Belgium Congres des oeuvres catholiques de temperance de Belgique. See also No. 50. 1. Liege, 1905. C. rend. 1583 TEMPERANCE International International temperance congress. (a) (b) World's temperance convention. (a) London, Aug. 4, 1846. ★Proceedings: Temperance and teetotalism (by J. Forbes) 140n. Lond, 1846 (b) New York, Sept. 6, 1853. ★Proceedings. N. Y., 1853. 1. Bruxelles, 1880. 2. Bruxelles, 1882. Further congresses listed under No. 53. [ 241 ] TEMPERANCE 1584 TEMPERANCE New York Temperance convention of the State of New York. (a) Syracuse, Dec. 22, 1869. ★Proceedings. Auburn, 1870. 1585 TEMPERANCE United States National temperance convention. 6. Cleveland, July 29-30, 1868. ★Proceedings. N. Y., 1868. (?) 1877. ★Liquor laws of the United States. N. Y., 1877. 1586 THALASSOTHERAPY Belgium Conference de climato-, creno- et thalassotherapie. 4. Ostende, Mar. 13, 1938. Report in Ann. internat. m6d. phys., Anvers, 1938, 31: 32—4. 1587 THALASSOTHERAPY International Congres international de thalassotherapie (1894- ) 1. C. i. de bains de mer et d'hydrotherapie marine. 4. 5. Internationaler Kongress fiir Thalassotherapie. Internationale Tagung fiir Thalassotherapie. After 1914, organized by the International association for thalassotherapy, and a new numbering was accepted. 1. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1894. ★Comptes rendus & memoires. 396p. Par., 1895. 2. Ostende, 1895. 3. Biarritz, Apr. 19-21, 1903 (1902?) ★Compte rendus. 324p. Biarritz, 1903. — ★Rapport. 98p. viiip. Biarritz, 1903. Bound with C rend. 4. Abbazia, 1908. ★Verhandlungen. 440p. Berl., 1909. 5. Kolberg, June 5-9, 1911. ★Bericht. xxxii, 448p. Berl., 1911. New set 1. Cannes, 1914; 2. Monaco, 1921 (1920?) 3. Venezia, 1923. 4. Arcachon, 1925. See Lyon med., 1928, 141: 5. Bucuresti & Constanza, 1928. 6. Berck-sur-Mer, 1931. (Publ.) See Brit. M. J., 1931. 7. San Sebastian, 1935. See Igiene & vita, 1935, 18: 7-11.—Presse therm, clim., 1935, 76: 645-62.—Siglo med., 1935, 95: 331.—Presse med., 1935, 43: 1365-7. 8. Montpellier & Palavas, June 3-6, 1938. 1588 THEOSOPHY France Congres national theosophique. (?) Paris, 1921. C. rend. 95p. Par., 1922. 1589 THEOSOPHY International Congres mondial theosophique. 1. Paris, 1921. C. rend. 95p. Par., 1921. Held together with the national French congress. 1590 THERAPEUTICAL UNION International Internationaler Kongress der Therapeutischen Union. 1. Bern, May 19-22, 1937. THERAPEUTICS [2421 1591 THERAPEUTICS France Congres francais de therapeutique. 1. Paris Oct, (?) 1933. See Aesculape, Par., 1934, 24: 8. 1592 THERAPEUTICS International Congres international de therapeutique et de matiere medicale. 1. Paris, Aug. 1-3, 1889. ★Circular. 9p. (Par., 1889) — C. rend. d. seances. Par., 1890. 1593 THERAPISTS Russia Sezd rossiiskikh terapevtov. 9. Vsesoiuzny sezd terapevtov. 2. Sankt Peterburg, Dec. 19-23, 1910. ★Trudy, xxiv, 328p. S. Peterb., 1911. 9. Moskva, May 23-28, 1926. See abstract in Vsesoiuznie sezdy vrachei (Skvirsky, P. V.) Leningr., 1926, p. 3-30. 10. Leningrad, May 14-20, 1928. Tezisy dokladov. See also Vrach delo, 1928, No. 15, 1207-10. 1594 THERAPISTS Russia: Ukraina Ukrainsky sezd terapevtov. Var.: Ukrainsky z'izd terapevtiv. Vseukrainsky z'izd terapevtiv. 2. Odessa, Sept. 9-14, 1927. See Ukrain. med. arkh., 1927, 2: 187-92. 4. Kiev, Dec. 23-28, 1936. See report in Med. exp., Kharkov, 1937, No. 5, 93-98.—Vrach. delo, 1937, 19: 241. 5. Dnepropetrovsk (.), 1939. 1595 THERAPISTS Russia: Uzbekhistan Uzbekistansky nauchny sezd terapevtov. 1. Tashkent, May 20-27, 1933. See Sovet. med., 1937, No. 9-10, 54. 1596 THREAD International Congres international pour I'unification du numerotage des fils de toute nature 1 Paris, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 70p. Par., 1879. 1597 TOBACCO International Congres international contre l'abus du tabac (1889- ) Var.: International congress for combating the use of tobacco. 1. Paris, 1889. ★La lutte contre l'abus du tacac. xx, 236p. Par . 1890 2. Paris, 1900. See J. Am. M. Ass., 1899, 32: 4. Graz, 1924. See Brit. M. J., 1924, 2: 6. Paris, 1929. See 1. Am. M. Ass., 1929, 92: pt 2. 1598 TOCQUEVILLE Conference Tocqueville. (?) Abbeville, 1871. Travaux. 1871. [243] TOURING 1600 TOURING International (a) Conferenza internazionale per gli autoservizi di gran turismo. See also No. 134. 11. San Remo, Jan. 18-23, 1937. (Publ.) 48p. Roma, 1937. 1602 TOURING International (b) Congres international du tourisme, du thermalisme et du climatisme. 1 (?) Paris, Oct. 14-17, 1937. See C rend, in Presse therm, clim., 1937, 78: 537; passim. 1603 TRACHOMA Italy Congresso per la lotta contro il tracoma. 1. Palermo, 1906. Atti. 296p. Pal., 1906. See also Policlinico, sez. clin., 1906, 13: 1604 TRADES UNION England Trades union congress. 50. 1918. Rep. of. proceedings. 1605 TRADITION, POPULAR Italy Congresso nazionale delle tradizioni popolari. See also Folklore. 1. Firenze, May 1929. Atti. xv, 226p. Fir., 1930. 1606 TRANSPORTATION International (a) Congres international pour le developpement et 1'amelioration des moyens de transport. Paris, July 22-27, 1878. ★ Comptes rendus. 310p. Par., 1880. 1606a TRANSPORTATION International (b) Congres international de tramways, de chemins de fer d'interet local et de transports publics automobiles (1886- ) 1. Berlin, 1886; 2. Wien, 1887; 3. Bruxelles, 1888; 4. Milano, 1889; 5. Amsterdam, 1890; 6. Hamburg, 1891; 7. Budapest, 1893; 8. Koln, 1894; 9. Stockholm, 1896; 10. Geneve, 1898; 11. Paris, 1900; 12. London, 1902; 13. Wien, 1904; 14. Milano, 1906; 15. Munchen, 1908; 16. Bruxelles, 1910; 17. Christiania, 1912; 18. Buda- pest, 1914; 19. Paris, 1924; 20. Barcelona, 1926; 21. Roma, 1928; 22. Warszawa, 1930; 23 's-Gravenhage, 1932; 24. 1607 TRANSPORTATION, AUTOMOTIVE International Congres mondial des transports automobiles. 5. Roma, Sept. 25-29, 1928. C. rend. d. seances. 475p. Roma, 1929. 1608 TROCADERO PALACE Conference du Palais du Trocadero. Paris, 1S7S. ★ Comptes rendus. 1. ser. 402p. 2. ser. (Arts and sciences) 286p. 3. ser. (Economic sciences; hygiene) 274p. Par., 1879. TROPICAL DISEASES [244] 1609 TROPICAL DISEASES International International congress of tropical diseases. Var.: Egyptian medical congress. 1. Cairo, 1902. C. rend. 4 vols. Cairo (year?) See also Brit. M. J., 1903, 1: 75; 138; 271. Also repr. (Harrison, R.) 3. Saignon, 1913. C. rend. d. trav. Saignon, 1914. 1610 TROPICAL MEDICINE International International congress of tropical medicine (1928- ) 1. Congres international de medecine tropicale et d'hygiene. 3. I. c. ... medicine and malaria. Var.: C. i. combine de medecine tropicale et du paludisme. International congres voor tropische geneeskunde. 1. Cairo, 1928. ★Comptes rendus. 5 vols in 4. Cairo, 1929-32. 2. Amsterdam, 1932. See J. Am. M. Ass.. 1931, 97: pt 2.—Lancet, Lond., 1931, 1: 3. Amsterdam, Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1938. '— Originally planned for Madrid. See program in Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1938, 78: 815-2 L / 4 , <^^<£^4L~' **^fe-t>>jjf*tZ4 1611 TROPICAL MEDICINE Africa Congres de medecine tropicale de I'Afrique occidentale. 1. Loanda, July 15-22, 1923. See review in Rev. m§d. hyg. trop., 1923, 15: 145-59. 1612 TROPICAL MEDICINE Far East Far Eastern congress of tropical medicine. —p, <• ■ 1 i £> ! ***&' „ . > ., . > «, , . „ I Meetings of a society. M>S i$ ■+' U4>^& * * * ^ ew >a ' 10. Hanoi, Tonkin, Nov. 24-30, 1938. , /ique. Var.: International tuberculosis conference. New set of meetings of the international union. 1. Paris, Oct. 17-21, 1920. (Publ.) 212p. Par., 1921. See also Rev. tuberc, Par., 1920, 3. ser., 1: 429-36. [247] TUBERCULOSIS 2. London, July 26-28, 1921. Transactions. 2 vols. Lond., 1921. See also Rev. tuberc, Par., 1921, 3. ser., 2: 352-60. 3. Bruxelles, July 11-13, 1922. C. rend. 430p. Brux., 1922 See also J. med. Bordeaux, 1922, p.515.—Rev. tuberc, Par., 1922, 3. ser., 3: 585-99. 4. Lausanne, Aug. 5-7, 1924. (Publ.) 442p. Laus., (1925) See also J. R. Army M. Corps, 1925, 44: 384-94.—Rev. phtisiol. med. soc, Par., 1924, 5: 281-6. 5. Washington, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1926. 6. Roma, Sept. 25-28, 1928. See also Hvgiea, Stockh., 1929, 91: 49-73. 7. Oslo, Aug. 13-16 (12-15?) 1930. See Tegen d. tuberc, 1930, 26: 169-75. 8. 's-Gravenhage, & Amsterdam, Sept. 6-9, 1932. Rapports. See also Borba s tuberk., 1934, No. 5, 130-3.—Ugeskr. laeger, 1932, 94: 1012. 9. Warszawa, Sept. 3-6, 1934. See also Gior. med. mil., 1934, 72: 1101-16.—Edinburgh M. J., 1935, 42: 184-97.—Tubercolosi, 1934, 26: 346-68.—Riv. med. soc. tuberc, 1934. 11: 365-71; 456-65.—Bruxelles med., 1934/35, 14: 1515; passim.—Riv. pat. clin. tuberc, 1934, 8: 754-7.—Rev. st. med., Bucur., 1934, 23: 1352-8. 10. Lisboa, June 5-9 (6-8) 1937. See report in Zschr. Tuberk., 1907, 79: 31-65.—Munch, med. Wsohr., 1937, Oct. 15.—Paris med., 1938, 108: annexe, 10-13.—Riv. pat. clin. tuberc, 1907, 11: 882-9. Originally planned lor Spain, 1936. 11. Berlin, 1939. 1626 TUBERCULOSIS International (Spain) Congreso espanol internacional de la tuberculosis. See also 1639. 1 (2) Barcelona, Oct. 16-22, 1910. ★ (Publ.) v.l. 1183p. Bare, 1912. V.2 ever published? 2 (3) San Sebastian, Sept. 9-16, 1912. ★ (Publ.) 2 vols. (1673p. total) San Sebast., 1913-14. 1627 TUBERCULOSIS Italy (a) Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tubercolosi (1906- ) (a) Napoli, Apr. 25-28, 1900. 1. Milano, 1906. ★Atti. 2 vol. in one. Bovisio, 1907. 2. Firenze, Oct. 10-14, 1909. ★Atti. xl, 384p. Fir., 1910. 1627a TUBERCULOSIS Italy (b) Congresso nazionale per la lotta contro la tubercolosi (1925- ) New set of No. 1627. 1. Napoli, May 25-29, 1925. Atti. 222p. Roma, 1925. — (Publ.) 30p. Pisa, 1925. See also Riv. idr. clim. ter. fis., 1925, 36: 2. Milano, Oct, 23-26, 1927. Atti. 307p. Roma, 1929. 3. Palermo, Oct. 6-9, 1929. Atti. 431p. Roma, 1929. See also Lyon med., 1929, 144: 4. Bologna, 1931. See Policlinico, 1931, 38: pt 2. 6. Tripoli, Dec. 17-20, 1937. See reports in Tubercolosi, 1937, 39: 475-81.—Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1938, 44: 40-43. 1628 TUBERCULOSIS Italy (c) Convegno nazionale dei consorzi provinciali antitubercolari. (a) Roma, 1922. See Italia san., 1922, 14: No. 11-12. 1. Firenze, May 20-21, 1928. Atti. 70p. Roma, 1928. 1629 TUBERCULOSIS Japan (Japanischer Tuberkulosekongress) (?) Fukuoka (Kyushu) 1925. See Zschr. Tuberk., 1925, 43: 483-91. TUBERCULOSIS [ 248 J 1630 TUBERCULOSIS Massachusetts Conference on tuberculosis. Publishes Proceedings. 4. 1912; 5. 1913; 6. 1914. 1631 TUBERCULOSIS Nederlandsch Indie Nederlandsch Indische medische tuberculose congres. 2. Semarang, July 29-31, 1937. Voordrachten published in Geneesk. tschr. Ned. Indie, 1937, 77: 2834-3008. 1632 TUBERCULOSIS New York Conference of the local committees on the prevention of tuberculosis of the State Charities Aid Association. 1. Albany, N. Y., 1910. ★Proceedings. N. Y., 1910. 1633 TUBERCULOSIS Norway (Meeting of Norwegian physicians on tuberculosis) 9. Aarhus, 1935. See Norsk mag. laegevid., 1935, 96: 1028-33.—Ugeskr. laeger, 1935, 97: 877, 1634 TUBERCULOSIS Pan American Panamerican congress of tuberculosis (1927- ) Organized by the Union Latino Americano de tisiologfa. 1. C6rdoba, Oct. 10-16, 1927. (Publ.) 5 vols. C6rdoba, 1927-28. 3. Montevideo, 1934. See Rev. tuberc. Uruguay, 1935, 5: 2-37. 4. Santiago de Chile, Dec. 15-18, 1937. Informes oficiales. 330p. Santiago, 1937. See program in Rev. san. mil., Asunci6n, 1937, 10: 499-502. 1635 TUBERCULOSIS Philippine Islands National congress on tuberculosis. 1. Manila, Dec. 13-18, 1926. ★Proceedings. 614p. Manila, 1927. 1636 TUBERCULOSIS Russia (a) Vsesoiuzny tuberkulezny sezd. 4. Tiflis, Sept. 15-21, 1928. Rezoliutsy. See also Vopr. tuberk., 1929, 7: 9-19. 1637 TUBERCULOSIS Russia (b) Obedinennaia konferentsia protivotuberkuleznikh organizatsy narkomzdrava i Moszdra- votdela. 1. Mar. 11, 12, 17, 1928. See report in Vopr. tuberk., 6: No. 12, 128-35. 1638 TUBERCULOSIS Russia: Ukraina Vse-Ukrainsky teberkulezny sezd. 1. 2. Odessa, Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1934. See Vrach. delo, 1934, 17: 797.—Sovet. pediat., 1934, No. 5, 155-8. 1639 TUBERCULOSIS Spain Congreso nacional contra la tuberculosis. Continued as No. 1626. 1. Zaragoza, Oct. 6, 1908. (Publ.) 2 vols. Zaragoza, 1912. [ 249 ] TUBERCULOSIS 1640 TUBERCULOSIS Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia tuberculosis conference) -<4. Lublin, 1921. °2. Beograd? 1922? (Pub.) 419p. 4. Herzegnow, 1938(?) 1641 TUBERCULOSIS SPECIALISTS Germany (a) Tagung Nordwestdeutscher Tuberkulosearzte. 1. (place?) Sept. 15, 1927. ★Bericht. In Beitr. Klin. Tuberk., v.68. No. 6. Also as Heft 11/12. v.28. Zbl. ges. Tuberk., 192S 1642 TUBERCULOSIS SPECIALISTS Germany (b) Versammlung der Tuberkulose-Aerzte Deutschlands. 1. Berlin, 1904; 3. Berlin, 1906. See Med. Reform, 1904, 12: 387-9.—1906, 14: 290-2. 1642a TUBERCULOSIS SPECIALISTS Germany (c) Versammlung der Tuberkulose-Aerzte Berlin. 1. 1903. Bericht. 90p. Berl., 1904. 2. 1904. Ber. 121p. Berl., 1905. 4. 1907. Ber. 208p. Berl., 1907. 1643 TUBERCULOSIS WORKERS Pennsylvania Conference of tuberculosis workers (1911-14) Publishes Proceedings-. 1. 1911; 2. 1912; 3. 1913; 4. 1914. 1644 TUMOR International Congresso internazionale della lotta scientifica e sociale contro i tumori. Same as No. 203. 1645 TUMOR Italy Convegno nazionale contro i tumori. 4. Torino, Oct. 8-9, 1938. 1646 TYPOGRAPHY International Congres typographique international. 5. Paris, July 9-13, 1907. P. verbal. Bern, 1908. 1647 UNEMPLOYMENT International Conference internationale du chomage. 1. Paris, Sept. 18-21, 1910. C. rend. 3 vols. Par., 1911. Established the International association against unemployment (publ. Bulletin) 1648 UNIVERSITIES England Congress of the universities of the Empire. 6. 1921. Report of proceedings. UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS [ 250 ] 1649 UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS Germany Versammlung deutscher Universitatslehrer iiber die Reform der deutschen Hochschulen. 1. Jena, Sept. 21-24, 1848. (Publ.) iv, 78p. Jena, 1848. 1650 UNIVERSITY, REFORM Germany: Prussia Conferenz zur Beratung von Reformen in der Verfassung und Verwaltung der preussischen Universitaten. 1. Berlin, Dec. 1849. ★Verhandlungen. viii, 258p. Berl. (1850) 1651 URICEMIA Italy Congresso medico sulla uricemia. 1. San Pellegrino, July 15-16, 1928. Atti. 242p. Milano, 1928. — (Publ.) 120p. Napoli, 1928. 1652 URINARY LITHIASIS Congres de la lithiase urinaire. 1. Vittel, 1931. ★Report (forms No. 21 bis, of Rev. med. est, v.59) 1653 UROLOGISTS Russia Vserossysky sezd urologov. Var.: Sezd rossyskikh urologov. Vsesoiuzny sezd urologov. 1. Moskva, 1926. See J. urol. med., Par., 1927, 24: 2. Leningrad, 1927. See Zschr. Urol., 1928, 22:—J. urol. med., Parv 1927, 24: 1654 UROLOGY American Congreso americano de urologia. ■A-.2. Buenos Aires, Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 1937. First Argentinian congress of urology. On echinococcosis of the urogenital apparatus, genital tuberculosis, excretory pyelography, endoscopic surgery of the prostate. 3. Santiago de Chile, 1939. 1655 UROLOGY France Congres francais d'urologie. Meetings of an association. Publ. Proces-verbaux. 21. Strasbourg, Oct. 1921; 22. Paris, Oct. 1922; 23. Paris, Oct. 1923; 24. Paris, Oct. 1924; 25. Paris, Oct. 1925; etc. 1656 UROLOGY Germany Tagung Reichsdeutscher Urologen. 2. Eisenach, Oct. 7-9, 1937. See Med. Welt., 1938, 12: 103-4. 1657 UROLOGY International Congres (de la Societe internationale) d'urologie (1908- Var.: C. i. dJurologie. Publ. Rapports & proces-verbaux. 1. Paris, Oct. 3, 1908. Proces-verbaux. 740p. Par., 1909. 2. London, July 24-28, 1911. Proc. verb. Ix, 673p. Lond., 1912. h_&A^»r-^ • "TV__*-y. • , . . >..,.,, „ .i.j-w^,,.^ - -, ' ' /J J?'/? f^U>Ca^ *±\t.jLmS ht^r^U^ «/* ^/',;.v --'.-,/o flcW, \ [251] UROLOGY New set 1. Paris, July 5-7, 1921. Rapp. 297p. Par., 1921. — Rapp. v.2. 2. Roma, Apr. 24-26, 1924. Resoconti. 2 vols. Roma, 1924-25. 3. Bruxelles, Aug. 3-6, 1927. Rapp. 2 vols. 4. Madrid, Apr. 7-12, 1930. 5. London, July 11-15, 1933.-y Reports. 6. Wien, 1936. See Wien. med. Wschr., 1936, 86: 985.—Warsz. czas. lek., 1937, 14: 95; passim. 1658 UROLOGY Rumania Congres national de urologie. 6. Bucuresti, Nov. 14-16, 1937. See report in Rev. romana urol., 1937, 4: 300-15.—Rev. chir., 1937, 40: 591-9. 1659 UROLOGY Spanish Portuguese Congreso hispano-portugues de urologia. Not to be confused with meetings of the Asociaci6n espanol de urologfa: 12. 1932; 2. Madrid, 1929(?) Libro de actas. xliii, 908p. Madr., 1929. 1660 VASCONS Congreso de estudios vascos. 1. Ofiate, 1918. Recopilaci6n de los trabajos. 1066p. Bilbao, 1919. 4. San Sebastian, 1927(?) (Publ.) 291p. San Sebast., 1927. 5. Vergara, 1930. Recopilaci6n. 1661 VEGETARIAN Congres vegetarien. 3. Bruxelles, 1910. 1662 VENEREAL DISEASES America All-America conference on venereal diseases. Var.: Pan American ... One of the regional conferences suggested by the International medical conference of Cannes, 1919, on world problems of health conservation. Held with the purpose of discussing the methods of prevention of the spread of venereal diseases after the World War. Washington, 1920. ★Preliminary program. lOp. Wash., 1920. — ★Announcement. 20p. Wash., 1920. — ★Preliminary report on the proceedings (by C. Bolduan) 55p. N. Y , 1921 See also Son Hyg. Bull 1920 (Oct.-Dec ), 1921 (Jan.)—Soc. Hyg., 1921, 7: 252; 314.—Reprints in Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1921. 36: No. 28, 1591-1635. 1663 VENEREAL DISEASES East Europe Eastern European Red Cross conference on venereal diseases. 1. Praha, 1921. See Mitt. Deut. Ges. Bekampf. Geschlkr., 1921, 19: 52-60. 2. Warszawa, 1923. 1664 VENEREAL DISEASES Russia Vsesoiuzny z'izd v spravi borotby z venerichnimi i shkirnimi khvorobami 4. Moskva, 1937. VENEREOLOGISTS [ 252 ] 1665 VENEREOLOGISTS Russia: Smolensk Sezd selyskikh venerologov Smolenskoi gubernii. 1. Jan. 30-31, 1928. See Vener. derm., No. 9-10, 1240-6. 1666 VENEREOLOGISTS Russia: Volga Sezd Volzhskikh vrachei piotiv venericheskikh bolieznei. 1. Kasan, 1926. 1669 VETERINARIANS Germany Tagung der Fachtierarzte fiir die Bekampfung der Aufzuchtkrankheiten. (?) Berlin, Sept. 16-18, 1936. See Deut. tierarztl. Wschr., 1936. 44: 751; passim; 9. Salzburg, Sept. 1-5, 1938. 1670 VETERINARIANS Germany: Bavaria Versammlung Bayerischer Thierarzte. (1?) Nurnberg, June 11, 1863. ★Bericht. Augsb. (1863) Repr. from Wschr. Thierheilk. 1671 VETERINARIANS Italy Congreso dei docenti veterinarii d'ltalia (1865- ) After 1876: C. nazionale dei docenti e pratici veterinari italiani 1. Milano, Apr. 10-15, 1865. ★ Atti. 126p. Nap., 1865. 1. Bologna, 1876. Atti & rendiconti. xiii, 316 . Milano, 1880. 2. Milano, 1881. Atti. xii, 252p. Milano, 1883. 3. Aquila, 1888. See Ercolani, 1888, 1: 1672 VETERINARIANS Russia Sezd veterinarov. 1. Sankt Peterburg, Oct. 1881. See Vrach. vied., 1881, 6: No. 29, 2472. 1673 VETERINARIANS Russia: Vladimir Sezd zemskikh veterinarnikh vrachei Vladimirskoi gubernii. 4. 1890. ★Protokoli. Vladimir, 1890. 1675 VETERINARY Austria f*S (Congresso veterinario di Vienna) Wien, 1872. See Gior. anat. fisiol. pat. animali, Pisa, 1873, 5: 165; 230; 360. 1676 VETERINARY Belgium Congres national de medecine veterinaire (1880- (1) Bruxelles, July 8-11, 1880. ★ (Publ.) 338p. Louvain, 1881. (?) Liege. 1905. C. rend. 1677 VETERINARY France Congres national veterinaire. 1878; 1885; 1897; 1900; 1906. [253] VETERINARY 1678 VETERINARY International International veterinary congress (1863- ) 1. 2. 3. Internationaler Kongress von Thierarzten. 4. Congres international veterinaire. 5. Congres international de medecine veterinaire. 7. Internationaler tieriirztlicher Kongress. 1. Hamburg, July 14-18, 1863. ★ Amtlicher Bericht. 58p. Stuttg., 1864. 2. Wien, Aug. 21-27, 1865. ★Amtlicher Bericht. v, 180p. Wien, 1865. 3. Zurich, Sept. 2-7, 1867. Amtlicher Bericht. vii, 112p. Ziir., 1869. 4. Bruxelles, 1883. C. rend. 5. Paris, Sept. 2-8, 1889. ★Compte rendu des stances. 618p. Par., 1890 (on cover 1891) 6. Bern, Sept. 16-21, 1895. Bericht. 907p. Bern, 1896. — The same. C. rend. 875p. Bern, 1896. 7. Baden-Baden, Aug. 7-12, 1899. C. rend. 2 vols. Baden, 1899-1900. 8. Budapest, Sept. 3-8, 1905. Bericht. 3 vols. Budapest, 1906. 9. 's-Gravenhage, Sept. 13-19, 1909. Travaux. 4 vols. 10. London. Aug. 3-8, 1914. ★ (Publ.) 3 vols, x, 199; iv, 552; viii, 999p. Lond., 1915. 11. London, 1930. (Publ.) 3 vol. xiv, 467; vii, 397; x, 926p. Lond., 1931. 12. New York, Aug. 2-31, 1934. Papers. See also Zschr. Veterinark., 1934, 46: 465-76.—Zschr. Fleisch Milchhyg., 1934/35, 45: 21; 41 — Vet. Med., Chic, 1934, 29: 180; 355; 426-36.—Tschr. diergeneesk., 1934, 61: 1013-24. 13. Ziirich & Tnterlaken, Aug. 21-25, Aug. 26 27, 1938. 14. (planned Berlin, 1942) 1679 VETERINARY Italy Congresso nazionale veterinario (1874- ) 1.-4. C. medico-veterinario. 4. C. medico-veterinario italiano. In 1884: C. veterinario nazionale. There were also meetings of the Federazione veterinaria italiana (4. Roma, 1899; 6. Firenze, 1903) and of the Unione veterinaria italiana (1. Roma, 1907) 1. Novara, 1874. Atti. 106p. Tor., 1875. 2. Ferrara, 1875. Atti. 104p. Tor., 1875. 3. Firenze, 1875. Atti. 304p. Tor., 1875. 4. Roma, 1876. Atti & mem. 220p. Roma, 1876. (?) Torino, 1884. Atti. Tor., 1885. (?) Torino, Sept. 8-11, 1898. ★Atti. 350p. Tor., 1899. (?) Torino, 1911. Atti. xviii, 360p. Tor., 1912. 1680 VICE England Assembly of magistrates deputed from the several counties in England and Wales (by the desire of the Societv ... against vice and immorality) London, May 5, 11, 14, 17, 1790. ★Resolutions. 15p. Lond., 1790. 1682 VITICULTURE France Congres viticole. (?) Lyon, Sept. 1-2, 1898. C. rend. Montpel., 1898. (?) Montpellier, Mav 17-21, 1911. C. rend. Rapp. Montpel., 1911. VITICULTURE |254] 1683 VITICULTURE International Congres international de viticulture. 1. Paris, June 13-17, 1900; 2. Angers, July 6-9, 1907. (?) Paris, 1937. Rapp. 2 vols. 1684 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE United States National conference on vocational guidance. Publ. Proceedings (1912- ) 1. 1911; 2. 1912. 1685 VOICE International Congres universel de la voix. 1. Paris, Sept. 19-30, 1937. See J. med. Lyon, 1937, 641.—Mid. scol., Par., 1938, 27: 15-17. Decided the establishment of Institut du verbe humaiu. 1686 VOLTA (Volta conventions) (1931- ) Var.: Congres international annuel de differents sujets. Held by the Volta Foundation of the R. Accademia d'ltalia. Publishes Atti. 1. Roma, 1931. On the nuclear physics. 2. Roma, 1932. Atti preliminari. Processi verbali. Allegati. 2 vols. On Europe; its morals and history. Called also Convegno di scienze morali e storiche. 3. Roma, 1933. On immunology. 4. Roma, 1934. On dramatic art and theatre. 5. Roma, 1935; 6. Roma, 1936. 7. Roma, Sept. 27, 1937. On the science of nutrition. 1687 WAR ORPHANS Russia (All-Russian congress on welfare of war orphans) 1. Moskva, 1920. See Internat. Zschr. Psychoanal., Wien, 1921, 6: 1688 WAR PATHOLOGY Germany Kriegspathologische Tagung. Berlin, Apr. 26-27, 1916. ★Report, iv, 84p. Jena, 1916. For report see Beih. v.27, Zbl. allg. Path; 1689 WAR, SOCIAL SERVICE International Congres international des oeuvres d'assistance en temps de guerre 1. Paris, July 17-20, 1889. (Publ.) Par., 1890. 2 (?) Paris, 1900. ★Rapports et comptes rendus. 177p. Par., 1901. 1690 WAR SURGERY Germany Kriegschirurgentagung. 1. (place, year?) ★Report (forms H. 4, v.96, Beitr. klin. Chir.) 2. Berlin, Apr. 26-27, 1916. ★Verhandlungen. iv, 430p. Tub., 1916. Forms Beitr. klin. Chir., v.101. 3. Bruxelles, Feb. 11-12, 1918. ★Verhandlungen. iv, 288p. Tub., 1918. Forms v.101 and 103. Beitr. klin. Chir. [255] WAR SURGERY 1691 WAR SURGERY Interallied Conference chirurgicale interalliee pour I'etude des plaies de guerre. 1. Val-de-Grace, March 1917. C. rend. 2. Val-de-Grace, Mav 1917. ★ C. rend. 51 lp. Par., 1917. Forms No. 1-3, v.68. Arch. meU pharm. mil.. Par. 3. Val-de-Grace, Nov. 1917. ★C. rend. 365p. Par., 1918. 4. Val-de-Grace, Mar. 11-15, 1918. ★ C. rend. Forms v.70. Arch. med. pharm. mil., Par. •-1. Val-de-Grace, Nov. 1918. ★ C. rend. In v.70. Arch. med. pharm. mil. 1692 WATER Boston Union water convention concerning the conflagrations at South Boston (Sept. 14 1845) Boston, 1845. ★Proceedings. 8p. Boston, 1845. 1693 WATER France Congres de l'eau. (?) Toulouse, 1922. ,«, , C- rend- d- trav- 247P- Toulouse, 1922. (?) Montpellier, May 24-26, 1923. C. rend. d. trav. viii, 228p. Montpel., 1923. 1694 WEIGHTS & MEASURES International (a) Congres international pour I'unification des poids, mesures et monnaies. There is also a Comite international des poids et mesures, which publishes Proces- verbaux d. stances (1875) 1876. Paris, 1878. ★Comptes rendus. 164p. Par., 1880. 1695 WEIGHTS & MEASURES International (b) Conference generale des poids et mesures (1889- ) Held by the Bureau international des poids et mesures U-1875) Place: Paris. L lP90r7S-'5Sei913- 628i928l89; 2' SeP*' *~U' 1895'' 3" °Ct- 15_22' 19°1; 4> 0ct' 15~22' 1696 WEIGHTS & MEASURES United States Conference on the weights and measures of the United States. Publ. Proceedings. 1. 1905. 1697 WELDING International Internationaler Schweisstechniker Kongress. 1. 's-Gravenhage, 1931. 1698 WELFARE, INDUSTRIAL International International industrial welfare congress. 1. Flushing, June 1925. Rep. of proc. 491p. 's-Gravenhage, 1925. 1699 WELFARE INSTITUTIONS International Congres scientifique des institutions de prevoyance. (?) Paris, 1878. C. rend, stenogr. D-rcr— s'S—it WELFARE, PUBLIC [256] 1700 WELFARE, PUBLIC Austria-Germany Deutsch-osterreichische Tagung fiir Volkswohlfahrt. Held in Wien. 1. Mar. 12-13, 1916. Vortrage. iii, 153p. Wien, 1916. 2. Apr. 15-16, 1917. Vortrage. vi, 119p. Wien, 1917. 1701 WELFARE, PUBLIC Canada Conference of public welfare. Before 1917: Conference of charities and correction. Publ. Proceedings. 1. 1898; 2. 1899. 1702 WHEAT International Conference internationale du ble (1927- ) Not to be confused with Conference de la vente du ble, held in Versailles, June 28-30, 1900 (Publ. 2 vols. Vers., 1900-1) 1. Roma, Apr. 25-30, 1927. Actes. xi, 602p. Roma, 1928. (a) Roma, 1931. Actes. 732p. Roma, 1931. Preparatory conference. 1703 WHISKEY Germany Generalversammlung der deutschen Vereine gegen das Branntweintrinken. 2. (Berlin?) 1845. Tagesblatt. No. 1-3, Berl., 1845. 1704 WHITE SLAVERY Germany Deutsche Nationalkonferenz zu internationaler Bekampfung des Madchenhandels. 8. Karlsruhe, Oct. 10-11, 1911. Bericht. 188p. Berl., 1911. 9. Stettin, Nov. 13-14, 1912. Bericht. 134p. Berl., 1912. 1705 WHITE SLAVERY International (a) International congress for the suppression of traffic in women and children (1899- ) 1. Congress for the suppression of white-slave traffic. See also 1705a. Var.: Congres international de la repression de la traite des blanches. 1. London, June 21-23, 1899. Transactions. 2. Frankfurt a. M., 1902; 3. Paris, 1906. 4. Madrid, 1910. C. rend. Actes & documents. Concluded the 1. international convention. In the same year the Mann Act was enacted in the United State?. 5. London, 1913. 1705a WHITE SLAVERY International (b) International conference for the suppression of traffic in women and children (1901- ) 1. Amsterdam, 1901. (b) Paris, 1902. 2. Zurich, Sept. 15-16, 1904. Rapp. offic. 93p. Winterthur, 1904. In May 1904 an international treaty was signed. 3. Bruxelles, 1907(?) 4. Wien, Oct. 5-7, 1909. Rapp. offic. 231 p. Wien, 1909. (c) Paris, 1910. (d) Bruxelles, 1912. (e) Geneve, 1921. Sept. 30, 1921, the 2. international convention was concluded. [257] WHITE SLAVERY 5. Geneve, 1923. 6. Graz, 1924; 7. London, 1927. 8. Warszawa(?) June 1930. 9. Berlin, 1933. See J. Soc. Hyg., 1933, 19: , . j ■ n a t+ «o»r,» intn In the same year, Oct. 11, the 3. international convention was concluded in Oeneve. it came into force Aug. 24, 1934. 1706 WINE Germany Weinkongress. Wiesbaden, Jan. 11, 1891. Verhandlungen. 87p. Wiesb., 1891. 1707 WINE International (a) Congres international du commerce des vins, cidres, spiritueux et liqueurs. 1. Paris, July 16-21, 1900; 2. Liege, June 5-12, 1905; 3. July 11-14, 1907, Bordeaux; 4. Bruxelles, July 28-Aug. 1, 1910. The 4th congress consisted of 7 commissions, the 5th on hygiene. 1707a WINE International (b) Congres international de la vigne et du vin. 4. Lausanne, Aug. 26-31, 1935. Rapports. 2 vols. 380p. 112p. Par. (1937) 5 (?) Lisboa, 1938. 1708 WINE FRIENDS France Congres national des medecins amis du vin de France. 1. Bordeaux, 1933. See Lancet, 1933, 2: Scientific study of the action of wine upon the human body in health and diseasej 1709 WINE FRIENDS International Congres international des medecins amis du vin. 1. Lausanne, 1935. Rapp. gdneraux. See Ga«. h6p., 1935, 108: 1291. 1710 WINE PRODUCING Austria Oesterreichischer Weinbautag. 1. Wien, Apr. 3, 1892. Ber. ii. d. Verh. 84p. Wien, 1892. 1711 WINE PRODUCING Germany Versammlung deutscher Wein- und Obst-Produzenten. Publ. Verhandlungen (1839) 1840. Annual? 1. Heid-elberg, Oct. 1839; 2. Mainz, Oct. 21-24, 1840; 3. Wiirzburg, Oct. 7-10 1841; 4. 5. Trier, Oct. 6-9, 1843; 6. Durkheim, Oct. 1844; 7. Freiburg i B., Oct. 1845; 8. Heilbronn, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 1846; etc.; 15. Bingen, Oct. 4-7, 1869; etc. 1712 WINE PRODUCING International Internationaler Weinbaucongress. (1?) Colmar, Sept. 1876. Ber. ii. d. Verh. 191p. Heidelb., 1876. 1713 WOMEN Argentina Congreso feminino de la Republica argentina. Var.: Congreso feminino internacional. (?) Buenos Aires, 1910. Historfa, actas y trabajos. B. Air., 1911. WOMEN [258] 1714 WOMEN Austria Allgemeiner osterreichischer katholischer Frauentag. 1. Wien, 1910. Bericht. vii, 228p. Wien, 1910. 1715 WOMEN France Conference feminine. 1. Versailles, June 11, 1891. 1716 WOMEN International International congress of women (1893- ) Var.: Internationaler Frauenkongress. Congresso internazionale femminile. Congres international des femmes. (b) Congres feministe. (a) Washington, Mar. 25-Apr. 1, 1888. 1. Chicago, 1893. 2. London, 1899. 3. Berlin, 1904. See Brit. M. J., 1904, 2: 4. Toronto, 1909. (b) Bruxelles, 1912. 5. Roma, 1914. Bericht. xii, 515p. Karlsruhe, 1915. — Atti. xvi, 706p. Torre Pellice, 1915. — Attivita femminile sociale. No. 1. 74p. Roma, 1914. 6. 's-Gravenhage, Apr. 28-May 1, 1915. Bericht. xlvi i, 325p. Amst., 1915. (?) Zurich, May 12-17, 1919. Rapport, iv, xviii, 489p. Geneve, 1920. 10. Paris, 1923. C. rend. d. trav. 1717 WOMEN Italy Congresso femminile. In 1908: Cong. naz. delle donne italiane. (?) Milano, 1907. Atti. 206p. 1907. (?) Roma, 1908. Sunti. 107p. Roma, 1908. — Atti. vii, 733p. Roma, 1912. 1718 WOMEN Pan American Pan American conference of women. (?) Baltimore, 1922. See J. Soc. Hyg., 1923, 1: 1719 WOMEN Switzerland Congres national Suisse pour les interets feminins. Var.: Schweizerischer Kongress fiir die Interesse der Frau. Schweizerischer Kongress fiir Fraueninteressen. 1. Geneve, 1896. Ber. ii. d. Verh. 253-. Bern, 1897. 2. Bern, Oct. 2-6, 1921. Bericht. 510p. Bern, 1921. 1720 WOMEN, INSTITUTIONS France Congres diocesain (Belley) des oeuvres feminines. 1. Bourg, Nov. 17-18, 1909. C. rend. 215p. Bourg, 1910. [ 259 ] WOMEN, INSTITUTIONS 1721 WOMEN, INSTITUTIONS International Congres international des oeuvres et institutions feminines (1889- ) Var.: Internationaler Kongress fur Frauen werke und Frauenbestrebungen. 1. Paris, July 12, 1889. Actes. Par., 1890. (a) Berlin, 1896. Sammlung der Vortrage. 413p. Berl., 1897. 2. Paris, 1900. ★Compte rendu des travaux. 4 vols. Par., 1902. — *La lutte contre l'abus de I'alcool (by A. Hierta-Retzius) Stockh., 1900. 10. Paris, 1914. Oeuvres et institutions feminines. Par., 1914. ?Does it belong to this set? 1722 WOMEN, RIGHTS Congres frangais et international du droit des femmes. 2. C. i. de la condition et des droits des femmes. 1. Paris, 1889. (Publ.) Par., 1889. 2. Paris, Sept. 5-8, 1900. Questions economiques, morales et sociales. Par., 1902. 1723 WOMEN, RIGHTS United States Women's right convention. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 23, 1850. 1724 WOMEN, WORK Italy Congresso nazionale di attivita pratica femminile. Also regional congresses as in Napoli, 1913. 1. Milano, 1908. Atti. 367p. Milano, 1909. 1725 WOMEN, WORK Netherlands Congres; nationale tentoonstelling van vrouwenarbeid. 1. Amsterdam, July-Sept. 1898. ★ (Publications) 12 nos. Amst., 1898-99. 1726 WOMEN, WORKING Congress of working women. 1 (?) Geneve, 1921. See Lancet, Lond., 1921, 2: 1727 WOOL International Conference lainiere internationale. 12. Warszawa, 1936. (Publ.) 1728 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION United States National conference on workmen's compensation for industrial accidents Publ. Proceedings. 1. 1909. 1729 WORKMEN, PROTECTION International Congres international pour la protection legale des travailleurs (1890- ) Var.: Internationaler Kongress fur Arbeiterschutz. In 1897 (Bruxelles): C. i. de legislation du travail. In 1901, the function of the congress was taken over by the conferences nf » committee. CULCS OI a (1) (Place?) 1889 (1890?) Protokoll. vi, 227p. Lpz., 1890. WORKMEN, PROTECTION [ 2G0 ] (2) Zurich, 1897. Amtlicher Bericht. 280p. Zur., 1898. Cirkulare. 160p. Zur., 1897. — Verhandlungen. 48p. Bern, 1897. (3) Bruxelles, 1S97. (4) Paris, July 25-28, 1900. Rapport & C. rend, analyt. Par., 1901. New set 1. Basel, Sept. 26-27, 1901. C. rend. & rapp. 4 pts. 2. Koln, 1902. 3. Basel, 1904. 4. Geneve, Sept. 26-29, 1906. Conference pour la protection ouvriere. Bern, 1907. — C. rend. Par. (?) 1907. 5. Luzern, Sept. 28-30, 1908. C. rend. 1909. 6. Lugano, 1910. 7. Zurich, Sept. 10-12, 1912. C. rend. 241p. 20p. Par., 1912. 8. Nancy(?), 1921. C. rend. 58p. Nancy & Par., 1921. 1730 WRITING, SCIENCES International Congres international des sciences de 1'ecriture. 1. Paris, May 24-31, 1900. C. rend. Par., 1902. 1731 YELLOW FEVER Africa African conference on yellow fever. &£ O^O 1- Dakar, April 1928. >^r *- ★(Publ.) 298p. Par., 1929. 1732 YELLOW FEVER Augusta Meeting of physicians (on yellow fever) 1. Augusta, Dec. 10, 1839. ★Report of the origin and cause of the late epidemic in Augusta. 16p. Augus- ta, 1877. 1733 YOUTH International Internationale Jiinglingsconferenz. 10. Berlin, Aug. 20-24, 1884. Bericht. 134p. Berl., 1884. 1734 YOUTH, EDUCATION Germany Deutscher Kongress fiir Jugendbildung und Jugendkunde. 1. Dresden, Oct. 6-8, 1911. 1. pt. Vortrage & Verh. vi, 94p. Lpz., 1912. — 2. pt. Intelligenzproblem in der Schule. iv, 103p. Lpz . 1912 2. Munchen, Oct. 3-5, 1912. (Publ.) iv, 211p. Munch., 1913. 3. Breslau, Oct. 4-6, 1913. (Publ.) iv, 184p. Bresl., 1914. 1735 YOUTH, WELFARE Germany: Bavaria Bayerischer Jugendfiirsorge- und Zwangs-Erziehungstag. 1. Munchen, June 20-22, 1911. Ber. ii. d. Verh. 94p. Miinch., 1911. [261] YOUTH, WELFARE 1736 YOUTH, WELFARE Italy Congresso per l'assistenza ai minorenni abbandonati o traviati. (?) Roma, May 27-30, 1923. Atti. xv, 317p. Roma, 1923. 1737 ZIONISTIC SOCIETIES Germany Delegiertentag der zionistischen Vereinigung fiir Deutschland. 1. ; 15. Berlin, Dec. 25-27, 1918; ... 25. Berlin, Feb. 2-4, 1936. 1738 ZIONISTS International Zionisten-Kongress (1897- ) 1. Basel, 1897. Stenogr. Protokoll. 200p. Wien, 1898. 2. Basel, 1899; 3. Basel, 1899; 4. London, 1900; 5. Basel, 1901; 6. Basel, 1903; 7. Basel, 1905; 8. La Haye, 1907; 9. Hamburg, 1909; 10. Basel, Aug. 9-15, 1911; 11. Wien, Sept. 2-9, 1913; 12. Karlsbad, Sept. 1-14, 1921; ... 17. Basel, June 30-July 17, 1931; 18. Praha, 1933; etc. 1739 ZOOLOGY International International congress of zoology (1889- ) Var.: Internationaler Zoologenkongress. Congresso internazionale di zoologia. Established the Concilium bibliographicum, which publishes 1) Bibliographia zoologica in the Zool. Anzeiger; 2) Bibliographia physiologica in the Zbl. Physiologie. 1. Paris, Aug. 5-10, 1889. C. rend. d. stances. Par., 1890. 2. Moskva, Aug. 22-30, 1892. C. rend. d. stances. 2 vols. See also No. 86 (under 11th) 3. Leide, Sept. 16-21, 1895. Bulletin. 8 nos. Leide, 1895. — C. rend. 543p. Leyde, 1896. — Guide zoologique. 4. Cambridge, Aug. 23-27, 1898. Proceedings, xv, 422p. Lond., 1899. 5. Berlin, Aug. 12-16, 1901. Verhandlungen. xxvi, 1187p. Jena, 1902. — Tageblatt. 8 nos. Berl., 1901. 6. Bern, Aug. 14-19, 1904. ★Bulletin. 6 nos. Bern, 1904. — C. rend. d. stances. 7. Boston, Aug. 19-23, 1907. 8. Graz, Aug. 15-20, 1910. Verhandlungen. xxii, 951p. Jena, 1912. 9. Monaco, Mar. 25-30, 1913. (Publ.) 928p. Par., 1914. 10. Budapest, 1927. ★Verhandlungen. 2 vols. v.l. xii, 456p. Jena, 1928. This is the report of the International congress of cytology. Forms vol. 6, Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1928. 11. Padova, 1930. ★Rendiconto. Forms vol. 16, Arch. ital. zool. 12. Lisboa, Sept. 15-21, 1935. 1 \ SUBJECT, WORD AND TITLE INDEX TO LIST OF CONGRESSES Aardrijkskunde. 523 Abandonned children, Protection. 1265 Abolitionists. 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282 Abolitionniste. 1279 Abortion, Debate on. 1 Ahstincntentag, Deutscher. 2 Accidents. Compensation. 1728.— industrial. 72G.—Premier secours en cas d'. 481, 485.—Prevention (France) 727.—Prevention (international) 728.— du travail. 720. 1181 Aceitura, Lucha contra la mosca de la. 1027 Acetylene International congress of. 4 Achetrurs, Ligues sociales. 1306 Arid urique. 535 Acoustic*. 6 Acquiculture. 490.—marine. 489 Actinology (international) 766 Actinotherapy. 765 Actuarial congres?. 5 Adria. 7. 8 Adunanza italiana per la moralita pubblica. 953 Advooatentag (Austria) 745 Aerial ambulance. 9 Aerial relief conference. 9 Aeronautic convention, panamerican. 10 Aeronautics. 11 Aerostation. 12 Aerzte, bayerische. 1160 Aerztetag, deutscher. 1163 Aerztewoche (Abbazia) 1155 Aerztl 'che Konferenz zur Beratung der Medicinal-Reform. 813 Aerztliche Weltanschauung. 819 Aerztliches Fortbildungswesen. 1245 Aesthetik. 460 Africa, North. 13.—oriental. 14. African conference. 15 African conference on yellow fever. 1731 Africanist. 10 Afrique du Nord, Missionnaire. 946 Afrique occidentale, Medecine tropi- cale de. 1011 Aftercare of disabled men. 713 Agents physiques, Therapie par les. 642 Agrarian (Italy) 17a. 17b Agrarian congress. 17 Agrariscber Kongress. 17 Agrarwissenschaft. 31 Agricole (enseignement) 431 Agricoltori (italiani) 30, 37 Agriculteurs. Algerie. 32.—du nord de la France. 35 Agricultural. Associations. 29. 30.— economists. 31.—industry. 688.—sta- tions. 42 Agricultural convention. 25 Agrculture. Applications de I'elec- tricite ft. 442.—colonial (France) 27.— International congress. 18, 19.—tropical. 28. Agriculture and forestrv. 20 Agriculturist (Germany) 33, 34 Agrogeology. 41 Agronomic station directors. 42 Agronomv. colonial. 28.—tropical. 28 Agropeilolo.jie. 1509, 1509a Air Wi-laMon. 43. 44 Air navigation. 45, 46, 47 Air relief. 9 Akusheri i ginekologi. 1011 Akuslierov, Sezd. 547 Alabama. Quarantine. 1310 Alcohol, denatured. 48 Alcoholic, Car". 58 Alcoholism. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Alcoholists, Care. 58 Algeciras, Conferencia. 958 Algeria. Society de climatologie alg^rienne. 82 Alienes. Assistance. 705.—Assist- ance (international) 995.—Patronage. 1265 Alienists. 59, 60, 61, 62.—(France) 60. — (German) 59. — (international) 61.— (United States) 62. Alienists and neurologists of America. 62 Alimentation. 63, 64, 65, 66.—(ani- mals) 184.— i-attle. 67 Alimentation rationnelle de I'homme. 664 Alkaloid therapy. 68 Alkoholfreie Jugenderziehung. 409 Alkoholfreie Jugendpflege. 408 Alkoholgegnertag. 89.—(Germany) 91 Alkoholgiftgegner. 90 All-America conference on venereal diseases. 1662 Allattamento, Igiene. 699 Allemagne sud-occidentale, Mddecins de? enfants. 1102 Allevatori. 1096 Allgemeine ---- Aerzteversammlung zur Verbes- serung des Poliklinikenwesens in Berlin. 1233 ---- arztliche Gesellschaft fiir Psy- chotherapie. 1299 ---- Bauernversammlung ... zur For- derung der Industrie und des Wohlstandes der kleinpren Landwirthe, Bauern, &c. in Mecklenburg. 476 ---- deutsch-amerikanische Katholi- ken-Versammlung. 209 ---- Konferenz deutscher Berufsau- tomobilfuhrer. 240 —— Konferenz der Europaischen Gradmessung. 517 —— Konferenz der internationalen Erdmessung. 517 ---- Konferenz der deutschen Sittlich- keitsvereine. 957 ---- Versammlung von Berg- und Htittenmiinnern. 940 —— Versammlung deutscher Pomo- logen und Obstziichter (Obst- und Wein- zuchter) 1236 ---- Versammlung Gabelsberger'scber Stenographen. 1528 ---- Versammlung sachsischer Land- wirthe. 39 Allgemeiner ---- arztlicher Kongress fiir Psycho- therapie. 1299 ---- Congress von Vertretern und Freunden naturgemasser Lebens- und Heilweise. 987 ---- deutscher Bergmannstag. 940 ---- deutscher Neophilologentag. 989 ---- deutscher Stenografentag. 1530 ---- deutscher Taubstummen-Kon- gress. 352 deutscher Wohnungskongress. 022 604 Fiirsorgeerziehungstag. 259 Heimarbeiterschutz - Kongress. ---- Milchwirtschaftstag. 349 ---- osterreichischer Katholikentag (fiir die gesammte Monarchie) 208 ---- osterreichischer katholischer Frauentag. 1714 ---- osterreichischer Taubstummen- lehrertag. 360 ---- schweizerischer Heimarbeiter- schutzkongress. 605 All-India ---- conference of medical research workers. 815 ---- hereditary Ayurvedic doctors' conference. 139 ---- medical conference. 846a ---- obstetrical and gynecological congress. 1014 ---- population and family hygiene conference. 1241 Allmanna svenska liikaremotet. 1198 All-Russian congress on welfare of war orphans. 1687 Alppnlandischer Aerztetag. 1156 Alpine Club. 69 Alpine stations. 645 Alpinism. 69, 645 Altertumskunde. 106 Altkatholiken-Kongress. 212, 213 Ambulance, aerial. 9 Amelioration du sort des blesses et des malades dans les armees en campagne. 1351 Amdnagement des montagnes. 967.— (international) 968 (Amfhica) LTni<5n internacional ameri- cana para la protecci6n de la propiedad inteleotual y industrial. 1072 America. Associated fraternities of. 505.—Philosophical societies. 1140.— Rural hygiene. 669 American association of instructors of the blind. 106 American child's congress. 256 American College of Physicians. 883 American conference. 1072 American conference on birth control and national lecovery. 161 American confeience on church work among the deaf. 350 American conference on hospital serv- ice. 620 American congress ---- of internal medicine. 883 ---- on obstetrics and gynecology. 1012 ---- of radiology. 1328 ---- of tuberculosis. 1614 American convention of cattle com- missioners. 215 American dental convention. 373 American forestry congress. 502 American health congress. 554 American health convention 553 American Instructo-s of the Deaf. 359 American international medico-legal congress. 889 Americanists. 70 Americanization. 71.—in industries. 72 American Library Association. 760 (under 2) American Microscopical Society. 924 American physicians and surgeons. 1157 American purity alliance. 1308 American republics. Sanitary conven- tion (conference) 1404 American scientific congress. 1439 American Society of microscopists. 924 American States. 1072 Amerique du Nord, Medecins de langue francaise. 1158 Amdriques, Trois. 1072 Amis du livre. 759 Amis de la paix. 1089 Amis du vin. 1708, 1709 Ampelography. 73 Amtsarzte-Kongress. 1201 Anatomen-Kongress, internationaler. Anatomical congress, Franco-British. [263] ANATOMISTS [204] AVICULTURE Anatomists. 75.— (Russia) 76 Anatomy bill (Edinburgh) 77 Anciens-catholiques. 213 Anciens manuscrits. 787 Anesthesia. 78 Angers, Science. 1434 Animals, African. 81.—protecting societies. 79.—protection. 80.—selec- tion. 183 Annual fever conference. 481 Annual meeting of alienists and neu- rologists of America. 62 Anthropogeology. 82 Anthropological sciences. 83, 84 Anthropologist (Austria) 85 Anthropology, colonial (Portugal) 87a. — criminal. 88. — (international) 86.—(Russia) 87 Antialcoholist (Austria) 89.—(Ger- many) 90, 91.—(Italy) 92 Antifilosserico. 1152 Antimalaria conference (U. S ) 786 Antimasonic. 93, 94, 95 Antimasonic convention for the State of New York. 94 Antimasonic State convention of Massachusetts. 93 Antimilitary congress. 96 Antischiavista. 98 Antisklaverei-Konferenz. 97 Antislavery. 97 Antislavery convention. 1467 Antitobacco. 1597 Antivaccination. 99, 100 Antropologichesky sezd. 87 Anwaltsversammlung (deutsche) 746 Anwalttag, deutscher. 746 Apiculture. 101 Apparecchi di machinazione e pani- ficazione. ISO Applications, de I'electricite. 442, 443.—electriques. 443.—electrocalorifi- ques et clectrochimiques. 445 Applied mechanics. 942 Arago, History. 596 Arbeiterschutz. 1729 Arbeitskonferenz. 725 Arbeitsmedizin. 726 Arbitration, international. 102 Arboriculture. 103 Archeology (Belgium) 104.—christian. 107.—classic. 108.—(France) 105, 595.—(international) 106.—prehistoric. 86 Architects (France) 110.—(Germany) 109.—(international) 111.—Italy. 452.— (Panamerican) 112. Architectural education. 113 Archivists (international) 759 (Argentina) Sociedad de farma- colo«rfa y terapeutica. 824 (under 4) Argentina, Surgery. 1556 Armament, limitation. 114 Armees en campagne, Amelioration du sort des militaires blesses et des malades. 1351 Armies en campagne, Service sani- taire. 1351 Armenpflege. 244 Army sanitary service. See Red Cross. Arrocera. 1369 Art (public) 117 Art de guerir, Histoire. 806 Art de la mt-daille contemporaine. 1006 Art history. 116, 597.—(Netherlands) 598 Arthritism. 115 Artifices calamitate afflicti. 726 Artistes industriels. 683 Artistic. 118.—(Italy) 119 Artistique (international) 769 Artistique, Propriete. 1371 Artists. 118.—medical. 120 Arts, decorative. 121.—popular. 122.—and science. 123, 460 Asamblea ---- espanol de la Cruz Roja. 1356 ---- de farmaceuticos titulares. 1134 ---- general de procuradores de Es- pana. 1271 ---- hidrologica. 644 ---- nacional de cirujanos (Mexico) 1551 ---- regional de medicos y farma- ceuticos de Filipinas. 1172 Asistencia social (Chile) 1499 Asociaci6n argentina de biotipologfa, eugenesfa y medicina social. 158 Assainissement et salubrito. 1390 Assainissement et salubrite de ('habi- tation. 629.—(international) 630 Assamblea generale dei rappresentanti degli ordini sanitari ed associazioni congeneri nel regno. 1396 Assambiee mixte (abolitioniste) (Ge- neve) 1278 Assambiee nationale des medecins de France. 1162 Assembly of magistrates deputed from the several counties of England and Wales by the desire of the Society ... against vice and immorality. 1680 Assicurazioni. 891.—Scienza delle. 708.—sociali. 1486 Assistance (publique et privee) 243, 245 Assistance des alienes. 705.—(inter- national) 995 Assistance familiale. 473.—des alie- ned. 705 Assistenza alia fanciullezza. 1425.— all'infanzia. 1546a.—dell'infanzia. 274.— agli infirmi. 1460.—agli invalidi di guerra. 713, 714.—ai minorenni abbandonati o traviati. 1736 Association 353 118 ---- amicale des sourds-muets. ---- des anatomistes. 74 ---- artistique internationale. ---- frangaise du cancer. 197 ---- des gynecologies et obstetriciens de langue frangaise. 550 ---- internationale de bains popu- laires et scolaires. 147 ---- internationale de bienfaisance 244 (under 1) ---- internationale des botanistes. 177 ---- internationale pour l'dtude du cancer. 199 (under 3) Associations ---- agricoles. 29 ---- international. 124 ---- d'inventeurs et d'artistes in- dustriels. 683 ---- pSdagogiques. 1092 ---- r£gionales et locales des profes- seurs de I'enseignement secondaire public. 434 Assurances sociales. 1481 Asthma. 125 Astrologenkongress. 126. — interna- tionaler. 127 Astrologische Pioniere. 126 Astrologists (Germany) 126.—(inter- national) 127 Astronomic societies. 128 Astrophotography. 129 Ateliers, Hygiene et security. 730 Athletes, Medical advisers for. 1519 Atmosphere. 130 Attivita femminile. 1724 Aufzuchtkrankheiten, Bekampfung. 1669 Augenarzte- Versammlung. 1032 Australasian ---- conference on charity. 242 ---- medical congress. 825 ---- sinitary conference. 1387 Australia. Cancer organization of Austral'a 196 Australian cancer conference. 196 Austialian conference on crippled children. 342b. (Austria) Allgemeiner osterreichischer Medicinerverband. 817 (Austria) Reichsverband osterreichi- scher Amtsiirzte. 1201 Authors (Germany) 131.—(interna- tional) 132, 133 Automobiles, Transports publics. 1606a Automobilism. 134 Automotive, international. 134 Autoservizi di gran turismo. 1600 Auxiliaires medicaux. 794 Aveugles, Amelioration du sort. 171, 367.—Instituteurs. 168 Aviation (interamerican) 135 Aviation medicine. 1378.—(Germany) 136.—(international) 138 Aviculture. 1246 Avoues de France. 748.—interna- tional. 749 Ayurvedic doctors. 139 A/civ-Black Sea region, Biological conierence. 156 B Babies, Better care (U. S.) 966 Bacologia e sericoltura. 1463 Bacologico internazionale. 1462 Bacteriologists (Russia) 140 Badische Konferenz fiir alkoholfreie Jugendpflege. 408 Backer (Deutschlands) 142 Biickertag. 141 Baderkongress (international) 144.— (Switzerland) 146 Badertag (Silesia) 145 Badertagung. 143 Bahnarzte. 1345 Bains de mer. 645, 1587. Bains populaires et scolaires. 147 Baker (Austria - Hungary) 141.—- (Germany) 142 Balatonfiiredi orvoshet. 1166 (Balkan) Union medical balkanique. 826 Balneologen-Kongress. 143 Balneologi. 641 Balneologists (Germany) 143.—Rus- sia. 641 Balneology. 144. See also Bath. Balneology & rheumatism. 1367 Baltic States, Hydrology. 640 Baltimore Medical profession. 368 Baltische internationale Cholerakon- ferenz. 283 Basel, Jahresfeste. 290 Bath, popular. 147.—public. 147.— (Silesia) 145.—(Switzerland) 146 Batiment. 191, 1302. Batiments hospitaliers. 616 Bauernkongress, internationaler. 475 Bauernversammlung ... in Mecklen- burg. 476 Baumwollmeisterspinner. 333 Bayerische Aerzte. 1160.—Tierarzte. 1670 Bayerischer Jugendfiirsorge- und Zwangs-Erziehungstag. 1735 Bedrijforganisatie, wetenschappelijke. 734 Beekeepers (Germany) 148 Beekeeping. See Apiculture. Bekampfung des Madchenhandels. 1704 Bekampfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. 1621 Belgi mm Ligue patriotique contre I'al- coolisme. 50 ---- Societe nationale de laiterie. 346 ---- Societe royale de medecine publique et de topographie medicale de Belgique. 647 Belgium, Philosophical societies. 1140.—Professors. 1272.—Science. 1429, 1430, 1431.—Surgery. 1557 Beneficenza. 244 Benevolent institutions. 245 Bengal provincial medical conference. 827 Beratung der Medicinal-Reform. 813 Beratung iiber die wahrend der Demobilmachung und nach dem Friedens- schluss erforderlichen gesundheitlichen Massnahmen. 369 Bergbau. 942 Berg- und Hiittenmanner. 940 Bergmannaforeningens sammankom- ster. 941 Bergmannstag. 940 Berlin, Policlinics. 1233 Berliner Tuberkulosearzte. 1642a Berner Uebereinkunft. 1371 Beroepziekten. 726 Berufsautomobilfiihrer. 246 Berufsdermatosen. 385 Berufskrankheiten. 726 Bessarabia, Physicians. 1175 Bestattungswesen, Reform. 193 Bestemmia. 1243 Betail, alimentation rationnelle. 67 Beton arm6. 191 Beton et beton arme. 327 Better care for mothers and babies. 966 BEVOELKERUNGSFRAGEN [265] CHILD PSYCHIATRY Bevolkerungsfragen. 371 Bevolkerungswissenschaft. 370 Bevordtring der openbare zedelijkhcid. 954 Bibliography (Flamand) 149.—(in- ternational) 150, 151, 761.—(Italy) 152 Bibliophil. 759 Bibliothecaires (international) 759 Bibliothece (international) 761 Bibliotheekwezen. 149 Bibliothekartag, deutscher. 758 Bibliothekswesen. 761 Bienenziichter. 148 Bienfaisance. 244, 245.—privee. 243, 245 Big brothers. 153 Big sisters. 153 Bildungswesen. kaufmannisches. 412 Biochemistry, Argentina. 1125 Biological products, Standardization. 154 Biologische Hygiene. 663 Biology, international. 155.—(Russia) 156.—synthetic. 157 Biotypology (Argentina) 158 Bird protection (international) 159, 160 Bird study. 160 Birth control (American) 161.— (international) 162 Birth control conference. 162 Blanches, Traite: Repression. 1705 Ble. 1702.—Vente du. 1702 Blennorragie. 534 Blesses et malades dans les armees en campagne. 1351 Blind (Germany) 163.—Improving the condition of the. 171.—Instruction (Italy) 165.—(international) 164 — Printing fund. 169.—welfare. 171 Blind. Instructors (American) 166.— (Germany) 167.—(international) 168 Blindenkongress. 163 Blindenlehrer-Congress. 167.—(inter- national) 168 Blindness, Prevention. 170 Blood transfusion. 172 Bock- en bibliotheekwezen. 149 Bombay medical congress. 828 Book (France) 173.—(Italy) 174.— (Spain) 175 Book lovers. 759 Bordeaux. Societe de gynecologie (etc.) 548 Botanica crittogamica. 178 Botanical. 170. 177 Botaniker (Germany) 509 Botanique appliquee. 1452 Botanists. 176 Botany, cryptogamic. 178.—(inter- national) 170, 177 Boulangerie. 181 Branntweintrinken, 1703 Brauerversammlung. 188 Brazil, Medicine. 829. — Surgery 1558 Bread, France. 178a Bread making. 179, 180, 181 Breast feeding, Hvgiene (Italy) 699 Breeding. 182, 183, 184, 185, 186.— (international) 184 Brewers. 188, 189 British ---- congress of obstetrics and gyne- cology. 1013 ---- congress on tuberculosis for the prevention of consumption. 1018 ---- homeopathic congress. 006 ---- institute of radiology. 1329 ---- pharmaceutical conference. 1126 ---- social hygiene council. 1474 Brothers. 153 Brucellosis. 190 Bruxelles, Medicine. 830 Buchdrucker, Internationaler Kon- gress. 1256 Budownictwa wiejskiego. 628 Building. 191. See also Concrete. Building material. 795 Bullfighting. 192 Bund der hygienischen Aerzte. 456 Bureau central de bienfaisance. 244 Bureau des longitudes. 293 Bureaus of statistics of labor (U. S.) 738 Burial, Reform. 193 Byzantine research. 194 Cacao. 195, 278. Calabria, Medicine. 856 California, Sanitary. 1388.—Social agencies. 1470 Campaign against cancer. 203 Campaigns. Medical service. 933 Canada, Medicine. 831 Canadian housing and town planning congress. 304 Canal, interoceanique. 710 Cancer (Australia) 196.—cutaneous 202.—(France) 197.—(Hungary) 198 — (international) 199.—International week. 200.—(Italy) 201 Cancer campaign. 203 Cancer conference (international) 199 Cannes medical conference. 1357 Cape Town conference. 204 Capon Springs conference for Christian education in the South. 411 Carbure. 4 Cardiology. 205 Case popolari. 625a Catalan language. 206, 207. Catalan medicine. 832 Catholic physicians. 1200 Catholic scientists, Germany. 1450.— societies (Germany) 214.—students 1539a Catholics (Austria) 208.— (France) 210—(German - American) 209.—old (Germany) 212.—Science. 1442.— (Switzerland) 211 Cattle commissioners. 215 Cattle feedine 67 Cattle growers (U. S'.) 216 Cecity, Prevenzione. 170 Celtic. 217 Centenario (Paraguay) 866a Centra] America, Medicine. 833 Centra! State conference on the prob- lem of social hvgiene. 1475 Cerenlist. 218 Chant. 1510 Character development. 219 Charitable relief to aliens. 220 Charitas-Kongress. 221 Charities. Austria. 221.—catholic (IT. S.) 226.—(Illinois) 222.—inter- national. 272.—(Italy) 223.—Jewish (V. S.) 1494.—(Massachusetts) 224.— Missouri. 1496.—(Pacific Coast) 225 — (U. S.) 1502 Charities and correction (Arkansas) 227.—(Canada) 1701.—(Connecticut) 228.—(Indiana) 229.—(international) 230.—(Iowa) 231.—(Kansas) 1501.— (Kentucky) 232.—(Maryland) 233.— (Michigan) 234.—(Minnesota) 235 — (New York City) 237.—(New York State) 236.—(Ohio) 238.—(Oregon) 239.—Pennsylvania. 1497.—(Texas) 240.—(U.S.) 1502.—(Vermont) 1503 — (Virginia) 241.—(Wisconsin) 1504.— Charity (Australasian) 242.—(France) 243.—(international) 244, 245 Charlatanisme. 1309 Chasse, internationale. 636 Chauffeur. 246 Chemical, international. 247, 248 Chemical engineering congress. 1247 (under f) Chemical patent. 1079 Chemical products. 496 Chemie, angewandte. 250 Chemiker-Kongress. 247 Chemins de fer. 1341.—d'interet local. 1606a.—Service sanitaire et I'hy- giene. 1343 Chemischer Patent-Congress. 1079 Chemistry, applied. 250.—food. 495.—industrial (France) 251.—indus- trial (Italy) 252.—(Italv) 249.—phar- maceutical (Italy) 253, 254 Chemistry & pharmacy. 255 Chemists (international) 247 Chernigov, Physicians. 1176 Child. 256 etc.—abnormal: Educa- tion. 259.—African. 260.—Climato- therapy. 261.—Education in the family. 414.—health and protection. 262.— health and protection, White House con- ference. 263.—Hygiene: Summer camps. 1546.—labor. 264.—Mexican. 257.— panamerican. 258 Child protection (Austria) 265.— Balkan. 265a.—in the familv. 414.— (Germany) 266.—(Netherlands) 267 Child psychiatry. 1288 Child rearing (Austria) 268 Child study (Germany) 269 Child welfare in (Africa) 260 — (America) 270.—(Belgium) 271.—Eng- land. 960.—international. 272, 273.— Italy. 274.—(Minnesota) 275.—Ohio. 276."—(South Africa) 277 Child welfare conference (South Africa) 277 Children. Abandoned (Italy) 1736.— backward, truant and delinquent: Edu- cation. 410.—crippled. 342b, 344.— dependent. 268a. Chile, Military medicine. 932.— Science. 1432.—Surgery. 1559 Chimica industriale. 252.—pura ed applicata. 249 Chimico-farmaceutico. 253 Chimie appliquee (international) 250.—industrielle. 251.—pure et ap- pliquee. 248 Chimie et pharmacie. 255 Chimiotherapie de la blennorragie. 534 China, Medicine. 834 China Medical Missionary Associa- tion. 834 Chirurgenkongress, internationaler. 1561 Chirurgie. orthopedique (international) 1052.—structive. 1565 Chirurgiens dentistes polonais. 1533 Chirurgiens des hopitaux. 618 Chocolate. 278 Cholelithiasis. 279 Cholera. 450.—(Alger) 280.—(Can- ada) 281.—(Germany) 282.—interna- tional. 283.—(Italy) 284.—(Kaluga) 287.—(Kaukaz) 288.—(Netherlands) 285.—(Riga) 286.—(S. Peterburg) 289 Cholera-Conferenz. 282, 1391 Cholerafragc. 282 Cholerakonferenz, Baltische interna- tionale. 283 Choleraquarantane. 285 Chomage. 1647 Christelijk congres tegen het alco- holisme. 57 Christian. 290 Christliche Jahresfestp in Basel. 290 Chronometrv. 292, 293 Chrysantheme. 291 Church work among the deaf. 356 Chuvashky respublikansky sezd po zdravookhraneniiu. 567 Chyrvonaga kryzhu zezd. 1355 Cidres. 1707 Ciechi. 170.—Istruzione. 165.—Mi- glioramento della cond'zione. 171 Cierrrias mgdicas (Spain) 873 Cinematography, educational. 294 Cinesitherapie. 1219 Circulatory insufficiency. 297 Cirugfa. See Surgery. Cirurgia (Brazil) 829 Cirugia (South America) 871 Cirujanos. 1551 Citizens, New Orleans. 298 City (Germany) 299.—Hygiene. 1418.—international. 300, 301.—Italv. 302 City planning. California. 303.— Canada. 304.—(England) 305.—(U. S.) 306 City problems. 307 Civil engineering. 451 Climatic stations. 645 Climatisme. 1602 Climatologia. 638 Climatology, international. 642.— medical (Belgium) 647 Climatotherapy, Belgium. 1586.— child. 261.—(France) 308 Club Alpin frangais. 69 Coal, bituminous. 309 Coffee. 310.—(Nederlandsch-Indie) Coin, Reproduction. 788 Coin de terre, 511 Colibacillosis. 312 Colitis. 313 College hygiene. 314 Colloid chemistry. 315 Colombiphile. 1222 o,oCol?£ial (Belsium) 316.—frangais. q n £e^anXi 317.-international. 319.—(Italy) 320, 321 Colonial and international congress on inebriety, 689 COLONIAL STUDIES [266] CONFERENCE Colonial studies. 32] Colonie estive. 1540a Colonies, History. 599 Colonies, Medecins des. SS2.—sco- laires (Belgium) 1545.—scolaires de vacances. 1546.—de vacances (Belgium) 1545 Coltivazione e commercio delle piante medicinali aromatichi affini. 822 Combustibles liquides. 322 Comite ---- consultatif telegraphique. 1580 ---- international du carbure et de l'acetylene. 4 ---- international permanent pour l'execution de la carte photographique du ciel. 129 ---- juridique international de l'avia- tion. 43 Commerce. 323, 324.—pharmaceutic. 1129 Commercial education. 412.—expan- sion. 325.—sciences. 523 Commercio delle piante medicinali. 822 Commission ---- pour eiaborer un projet d'uni- fication des epreuves et concours pour chronometres de poche. 292 ---- pour I'electricite atmospherique et les courants terrestres. 441 ---- pour I'etude methodique du metissage des races. 86 ---- pour I'etude des moyens de mettre entrave a la destruction des monuments megalithiques. 86 ---- pour etudier la question des unites employees en horoloserie. 292 ---- pour la fixation dun etalon de lumiere. 441 ---- internationale pour l'a6rostation scientifique. 12 ---- internationale pour I'analyse des engrais et des matieres alimentaires artificiels. 250 ---- internationale d'analyses. 250 ---- internationale des cartes bo- taniques. 176 (m) ---- internationale des tables an- nuelles physico-chimiques. 250 ---- internationale pour I'unification des methodes d'epreuves sur la stabilite des explosifs. 250 ---- pour preparer une entente sur les meilleurs moyens d'etablir des cartes prehistoriques. 86 ---- for the problems of instruction of dermatology. 38.5 ---- pour rechercher les moyens pratiques de realiser dans l'ordre scien- tifique la division decimnle du temps. 292 ---- pour la revision de la nomen- clature des peuple de l'Asie. 86 ---- d'unification des methodes d'analyses des denrees alimentaires. 250 ---- pour I'unification des procedes anthropometriques. 86 ---- pour les unites electriques. 441 Committee on preventable blindness. 164 Communistic internationale. 326 Compagnies d'assurances, Medecins de. 707 Composers (international) 132. Compositeurs. 132 Concilium Bibliographicum. 1739 Concilium ophthalmologicum. 1037 (under 13) Concorde entre toutes les divisions de l'humanite. 1317 Concrete. 191. 327. Condamnes, Patronage. 1265 Condamnes politiques de la guerre. 1260 Confederation internationale des so- cietes d'auteurs et compositeurs. 132 Conference (Conference) ---- africaine. 15. , ,---- on better care for mothers and babies. 966 ..~rrr |?r better county government l-v i J 335 ---- of the board of public charities (U. S.) 1502 de Bruxelles pour regler par une internationale les lois de la 1089 called to conclude a convention for the suppression of the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs. 976 ---- (chargee de reglementer diverses matieres) de droit international prive. 1270 - of charities (Illinois) 222 of charities (Pacific Coast) 225 1503 of charities (U. S.) 1502 of charities and corrections. ---- of charities and corrections (Canada) 1701 ---- of charities and correction (Indiana) 229 ---- of charities and corrections (Kansas) 1501 ---- of charities and correction (Maryland) 233 ---- of charities and correction (New York City) 237 ---- on charities and correction (Pennsylvania) 1497 ---- of charities and corrections (U. S.) 1502 ---- of charities and correction (Virginia) 241 ---- de chimiotherapie de la blennor- ragie. 534 ---- chirurgicale interalliee pour I'etude des plaies de guerre. 1691 ---- on city planning (California) 303 ---- de climato-, crcno- et thalasso- therapie (Belgium) 1580 ---- on coordination of general medical research in East Africa. 814 ---- on cutaneous tuberculosis. 385 ---- diplomatique du metre. 919 ---- of domestic sanitation in urban and rural districts. 1419 ---- on education under healthy conditions (England) 419 ---- for education in the South. 411 ---- of educational associations. 437 ---- of Empire meterorologists. 913 ---- des ethnologues de Moscou et de Leningrad. 463 ---- de la Federation universelle des associations pcdagogiques. 1092 ---- feminine. 1715 ---- generale des poids et mesures. 1695 ---- geodesique. 518 ---- of the governing bodies of in- stitutions for the education of the deaf (England) 357 ---- of head masters of institutions and other workers for the education of the deaf and dumb. 358 ---- of the health officers of Michi- gan. 578 ---- hydrologique des Etats Bal- tiques. 640 ---- of industrial physicians (and surgeons) 685 ---- interalliee pour I'etude de la reeducation professionnelle et des ques- tions qui interessent les invalids de la guerre. 713 ---- intergouvernementale des pays d'Orient sur I'hygiene rurale. 667 ---- internationale. See Conference internationale. ---- for investigations of city prob- lems. 307 ---- of legal aid societies of the United States. 752 ----of librarians. 759 ---- for the limitation of the manu- facture of narcotic drugs. 975 ---- of local committees on the pre- vention of tuberculosis of the State charities aid association. 1632 ---- of malaria field workers (U. S.) 786 ---- maritime ... pour I'adoption d un systeme uniforme d'observations meteorologiques a la mer. 918 ---- des medecins d'enfants des Pays -Bas, de 1'Allemagne sud-occidentale et des Pays rhenans. 1102 ---- medicale de Paris. 842 ---- (on medical pedagogy of South America) 1099 ---- of medical research workers (India) 815 ---- of metropolitan guardians (London) 541 ---- missionnaire de I'Afrique du Nord. 910 ---- mondiale de l'energie. 1217 ---- nationale de l'habitation k bon marche. 621 ---- nationale des societes d'habita- tions k bon marche. 623 ---- nationale des societes d'habita- tions ouvrieres. 632 ---- of New York ministers. 945 ---- pour I'organisation de la lutte contre les sauterelles. 772 ---- of the Oriental Red Cross societies. 1353 ---- du Palais du Trocadero. 1608 ---- permanente pour la protection des migrants. 678 ---- on physics. 1211 ----on polioencephalitis (Australia) 1234 ---- of .principals of institutions for the deaf. 365 - of prison reform in the United 1208 pour la protection ouvriere. of public welfare (Canada) ----pour la reduction et la limitation des armements. 114 ---- pour la repression du trafic illicite des drogues nuisables. 976 ---- on rheumatic diseases. 1366 ■---- sanitaire europ6enne. 1389 ---- of sanitary officers of the State of New York. 1410 ---- des sciences economiques ap- pliquees. 402 ---- scientifique annuelle du Gard. 1435 --- for social service (North Caro- 1493 on social welfare (Pennsylvania) on social work (Kansas) 1501 of social work (Vermont) 1503 of State and Provincial health authorities (boards of health) of North America. 563 ---- on State sanitary engineering. 1413 ---- of State and Territorial health officers (authorities) (with the United States Public Health and Marine Hos- pital Service) 579 ---- on sterilization. 1532 ---- on the suppression of opium smoking. 1040 ---- de la syphilis hereditaire. 1570 ---- of teachers of the deaf (N. Y.) 364 - Tocqueville. 1598 on tuberculosis (Massachusetts) of tuberculosis workers (Penn- 1643 on the weights and measures of the United States. 1696 ---- on the welfare of the seaman. 1451 ---- of the World alliance of Chris- tian students. 1540 Conference internationale __---- pour I'adoption d'un premier meridien unique et d'une heure univer- selle. 912 ---- d'aeronautique. 45 ---- agrogeologique. 41 ---- antituberculeuse. 1624. 1625 ---- de bains populaires et scolaires. 147 ---- concernant les bailments hospi- tallers. 616 ---- bibliographique. 151 ---- Birth Control. 162 ---- du ble. 1702 ---- du chomage. 1647 ---- (et congres colonial) du rat et de la peste. 1348 ---- pour la conservation et la restauration des anciens manuscrits. 787 CONFERENCE [267] CONGRES ----- de la defense sociale contre la syphilis. 1573 ----- pour la determination des unites electriques. 441 ~— des directeurs d'observatoires meteorologiques et institutions similaires. 916 ----- de documentation. 389 ----- economique. 400 ----- pour l'enfance africaine. 260 ----- des engrais chimiques. 480 ----- sur I'enseignement de l'Esperan- to dans les ecoles. 459 ----- pour i'essai des semences et la botanique appliquee. 1452 ----- pour I'etude du cancer. 199 ----- d'eludes relatives aux missions. 947 ----- pour etudier les moyens de pourvoir & I'insuffisance du service sani- taire dans les armeen en campagne. 1351 ----- pour l'exploration de la mer. 1019 ----- du fruit-aliment, 508 ----- de genetique 516 ---- geodesique pour la mesure des degres en Europe. 517 ---- des grandes reseaux electriques k haute tension. 440 ---- de l'heure. 293 ---- sur I'hybridation des plantes. 516 ---- sur 1'hybridisation et la culture des plantes. 637 ---- hydrographique. 639 ----- de 1'Institut international d'etudes de materiel sanitaire. 1415 ---- lainiere. 1727 ----- des ligues sociales d'acheteurs. 1306 ----- de la luiridre: physique, biologie, therapeutique. 764 ----- de navigation aerienne. 45 ----- de nursing. 1007 parlamentaire du commerce. 324 1085 de pathologie geographique. ----- de la peche. 488 ----- phylloxerique. 1151 ----- de phytopathologie. 1221 ----- contre la pornographie. 1242 ----- pour la prophylaxie de la syphilis et des maladies veneriennes. 1573 ---- pour la protection des animaiut en Afrique. 81 ---- pour la protection des plantes. 1228 ---- de psychotechnique appliquee k I'orientation profetsionnelle. 1298 ----- de pyretotberapie. 482 ----- de radio communications. 1337 ----radiotelcgraphique. 1337 ----- pour la revision de la nomen- clature des causes de mort. 1004 ----- pour la revision de la nomen- clature internationale des maladies. 1005 ----- saritaire. 1391 ----- scientifique de la lepre. 755 ----- scientifique du rhumatism chro- nique progressif generalise. 1307a ----concernant le service sanitaire des chemins de fer et de la navigation. 1343 ---- du service social. 1500 ----- des Societes lie la Croix Rouge. 1352 ----- des Societes de secours aux blesses militaires des armees de terre et de mer. 1352 ----- de la standardization des serums et des reactions seiologiques. 1453 ----- des statisticiens du travail. 737 ----- de statistique. 1525 ----- des teclmiciens des telegraphes et telephones. 1579 ---- technique des secours aeriens. 9 ----- concernant la telegraphic sans fil. 1321 ---- telegraphique. 1580 -----du travail. 725 ----- contre la tuberculose. 1621, 1625 ----- contre la tuberculose des delegues des Etats ayant adhere k la Societe de« Nations (etc.) 1625 ----- des villes. 300 Conferencia ---- de Algeciras. 958 ----- del curso de ferrocarriles mili- tares. 1344 ---- de extensi6n de cultura medica. 799 ---- de extensi6n de la ensenanza secondaria. 432 ---- ferroviaria. 1342 ----- intergubernamental de los paises de America sobre higiene rural. 669 ---- internacional Americana. 1072 ---- international de la lucha contra la mosca de la aceitura. 1027 ---- latino-americana de neurologia, psiquiatria y medicina legal. 997 ----- nacional arrocera. 1369 ----- nacional de la edificacion. 405 ----- nacional del libro. 175 ----- nacional de la mineria (Spain) 943 ----- nacional de profilaxis antitu- berculosa (Argentina) 1015 ---- nacional de proteccao a infancia. 695 ---- panamericana de directores nacionales de sanidad. 573 ----panamericana de eugenesia y homicultura de las republicas Americanas. 469 ---- regional de tuberculose (Brasil) 1617 ----- sanitaria internacional de las Republicas Americanas. 1404 ----- sanitaria panamericana. 1404 ---- deseguros sociales (Spain) 1482 ---- sobre la lepra. 753 ----- sudamericana de higiene, micro- biologfa y patologia. 661 Conferentie en oprichting der Nederl Vereenieing voor geestelijke volksge- zondheid. 906 Conferenz ----- zur Beratung von Reformen in der Verfassung und Verwaltung der preussischen Universitaten. 1650 ----- der Directoren der statistischen Bureaux deutscher Stiidte. 1524 ----- zurErorterungder Cholerafrage. 282 ----- der Vertreter von Vereinen und Comites fiir Ferienkolonien. 1545a. Conferenza ---- di igiene infantile. 692 ----- interalleata per l'assistenza agli invalidi di guerra. ---- internazionale per gli autoservizi di gran turismo. ---- pubblica sul cholera. 284 ---- tenuta alia Esposizione inter- nazionale di apparecchi di macinazione e panificazione. 180 Conflagration at South Boston. 1692 Congestion, Problems. 306 Congo. Climatology. 647.—Hygiene. 047 Congo conference. 328 Congres ---- voor algemene kunstgeschie- denis. 598 ---- voor kinderbescherming. 267 ---- voor mondhygiene. 969 ---- voor nijverheidshygiene en reddingswez°n. 486 ---- voor de taal-, land- en volken- kunde van Java. 716 ---- voor wetenschappelijke bedrijf- organisatie. 734 ----voor zondagsrust. 1548 Congres ---- (drs abolitionnistes scandinaves) 1281 ----- de I'Afrique du Nord. 13 ---- de I'Afrique orientale. Mada- gascar, Cote francaise des Somalis. 14 ----- agricole et foresrier beige. 20 ---- agricole interalliee. 24 —— des agriculteurs d'Algerie. 32 ----- des agriculteurs du nord de la France. 35 1476 de l'agriculture. 22 d'agriculture coloniale. 27 de l'agriculture francaise. 23 contre 1'alcoolism. 50 de 1'Alliance d'hygiene sociale. ----- de l'alpinisme. 645 ---- de l'amenagement des mon- tagnes. 967 ----- ampelographique. 73 ---- (annuel) des medecins electro- radiologistes de langue frangaise. 448 ----- annuel des psychoanalystes de langue frangaise. 1203 ----- anthropo-geoloeique. 82 ----- des applications de I'alcool denature. 48 ---- archeologique de France. 105 ----- archeologique et historique de Belgique. 104 ----- d'art et d'histoire. 597 ----- de l'arthritisme. 115 ----- des arts decoratifs. 121 ----- d'assainissement et de salu- brite. 629, 1390 ----- d'assistance (publique et de bienfaisance privee) 243. ----- de l'association des medecins de langue frangaise. 841 ----- de l'atmosphere. 130 ----- pour l'avancement des etudes de stratigraphie carbonifere. 1537 ---- des avoues de France. 748 ----- balkanique de la protection de l'enfance. 265a ---- beige de chirurgie. 1557 ----- beige de neurologie et psy- chiatrie. 990 ----- Brittanique d'hygifene. 649 ----- du Bureau international de I'enseignement secondaire. 433 ---- du cancer. 197 ----- central de l'agriculture. 21 ----- des chemins de fer. 1341 ---- de chimie industrielle. 251 ----- de chirurgie reparatrice, plas- tique et esthetique. 1566 ----- de la colibacillose, des infections et des intoxications d'origine intestinale. 312 ----- des colites. 313 - colonial frangais. 318 colonial national (Belgium) 316 581 colonial de la sante publique. ---- coloniaux quinquenniaux. 13 ---- communiste mondiale. 326 ---- (des delegues) des societes savantes des departements sous la di- rection de 1'Institut des provinces. 14-17 ---- dentaire interallie. 377 ---- dentaire national (France) 376 —— dentaire national beige. 374 ----- dioc£sain (Belley) des oeuvres feminines. 1720 ----- de 1 eau. 1693 —— d'economie sociale catholique. 1471 ---- economique de 1'Europe Cen- trale. 397 __ ----- economique de la France metropolitaiue et d'Outre-Mer. 399. ----- economique et social. 398 ----- des eleves en pharmacie. 1138 ----- de 1'enfant a la mer et k la montagne. 261 ----- des etudes economiques pour les emplois industriels de I'alcool. 49 ----- pour I'etude des questions rela- tives au patronage des condamnes, des enfants moralement abandonnes, des vagabonds et des alienes. 1265 ---- pour I'etude de la tuberculose chez I'homme et chez les animaux. 1623 ----- Europeen de chirurgie structive. 1565 ----- des exercises physiques. 1154 ----- de la Federation internationale des etudiants: Corda Fratres. 1539 ----- femrniste. 1716 ----- (frangais) annuel de stoma- tologic. 1534 ----- frangais de chirurgie. 1560 ----- frangais de climatotherapie et d hygiene urbaine. 398 ---- frangais du froid. 1358 ----- frangais de gynecologic. 549 CONGRES 268 CONGRES ----frangais de hypnologie et psychologie. C73 ---- frangais de medecine. 841 ----frangais d'orthopedie. 1051 ----frangais d'otorhinolaryngol.igie. 1062 ----francais de la Syrie. 1576 ---- frangais de therapeutique. 1591 ----frangais d'urologie. 1655 ■---- general des catholiques de France. 210 ---- general du genie civil. 451 ---- general d'hygiene. 652, 653 ---- general et international de I'assistance familiale. 473 ---- general des organisations socia- listes frangaises. 1485 ---- general des pharmaciens de France et de 1'etranger. 1131 ---- general de statistique. 1525 ---- de geographie economique et commereiale. 525 ---- de la goutte et de l'acid urique. 535 ---- des gynecologues et obstetri- ciens de langue frangaise. 550 ---- de l'habitation (France) 624 ---- hispano-portugais de tocologie et de gynecologie. 1017 ---- d'histoire et d'archeologie. 595 ---- de l'histoire de l'art de guerir. 806 ---- hollando-belge de neurologie et psychiatric. 991 ---- d'hydrologie et de geologie d'hydrominerale. 645 ---- d'hygiene (France) 652 ---- d'hygiene et de climatologie. 645 ---- d'hygiene mentale. 903 ---- d'hygiene ouvriere et profes- sionnelle (France) 729 ■----d'hygiene publique. 652 ---- d'hygiene scolaire de langue frangaise. 1 -123 ----d'hygiene scolaire et de pedago- gie physiologique. 1422 ----tie 1 'in.su (Usance renale. 1365 ---- interalliee d'hygiene sociale pour les regions devastees par la guerre. 1477 ---- de l'internat des hopitaux (des villes de Faculte) 617 ---- de 1'Internationale Communiste. 326 ---- jubilaire Mendeleev. 900 ■---- de laiterie et du froid. 346 ----de la lithiase urinaire. 1652 ---- des maitres imprimeurs de France. 1255 - de medecine (de Tunisie) 875 de medecine homoeopathique. 607 ---- (de la medecine de langue cata- lane) 832 —— de medecine legale de langue frangaise. 887 - de medecine du Maroc. 862 de medecine des pays du Nord. S86 649 de medecine sociale et d'hygiene ---- de medecine tropicale de I'Afrique occidentale. 1611 ---- des medecins alienistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue frangaise. 60 ---- des medecins et des chirurgiens des hopitaux. 618 ---- des medecins Grecs. 865, 1164 ---- des medecins de langue fran- gaise d'Amerique et d'Europe. 1158 ---- des medecins de langue frangaise de l'Amerique du Xord. 1158 ---- des medecins praticiens. 1162 ---- medical (de France) 840 ---- medical franco-polonais. 843 ---- medical panhelienique. 805 medical de toutes les nations. 848 840 207 medico-chirurgical de France. meridional. 911 dels metges de llengua catalana. ---- de Monaco pour favoriser le developpement des stations hydromi- nerales. maritimes, climatiques et alpines des nations alliees. 645 ---- de la noix. 1009 ----oenologique de Toulon. 1023a ---- des oeuvres catholiques de temperance de Belgique. 1582 ---- des oeuvres de patronage. 1086 ---- des oeuvres de protection de la jeune fille. 530 ----des oeuvres sociales (Belgium) 1498 ---- de 1'olivier. 1025 ----ornithologiques pour la protec- tion des oiseaux. 159 ■---- otologique (de Leipsic) 105S ---- du parti social de la sante publique. 1484 - de la patisserie frangaise. 1078 des pediatres de langue frangaise 1107 1115 de pediatrie preventive, - penitentiaire. 1266 ---- de pharmacie (Belgium) 1136 ---- de phreniatrie et de neuropa- thologie (Belgium) 1000 ---- de physiologic. 1214 ---- de physiotherapie. 1217 ---- de physiotherapie (des medecins de langue frangaise) 1218 ----de la pomme (France) 1238 ---- des praticiens. 1162 ---- prehistorique de France. 1250 — de la prensa catalana. 1252 de la Prensa medica de Cuba, 819 812 de la presse medicale latine. ---- de la prevention des accidents du travail et de I'hygiene industrielle. 727 ---- des producteurs allemands de plantes medicinales. 820 ---- professora! de Belgique. 1272 ---- de la propriete miniere, du travail, de 1'hygiene et de la securite dans les mines. 944 ---- provincial des architectes. 110 ---- provincial des orientalistes frangais. 1045 ---- pour la reformation des moeurs. 955 ---- regional antituberculeux de Saint-Brieuc. 1620 ---- regional de l'education physique (xiii region) 424 ---- pour la repression de I'exercice illegal de la medecine. 809 ---- roumain d'oto-rhino-laryngolo- gie. 1066 ---- de la sante publique et de la prevoyance sociale. 581 ---- (scandinave de chirurgie) 1563 ---- des sciences politiques. 1235 ---- des sciences religieuses. 1362 ---- scientifique de Belgique. 1429 —;— scientifique pour 1'expansion des relations commerciales internationales. 325 ---- scientifique de France. 1433 ---- scientifique des institutions de prevoyance. 1699 ---- scientifique k I'occasion de I'Exposition nationale de 1895 de la ville d'Angers. 1434 ---- de la selection animate. 183 ---- de la Societe latine otorhino- laryngologique. 1064 ---- de societes des amis de la paix. 1089 ---- des societes de pharmacie de France. 1130 ---- des societes philosophiques americaines, beiges, italiennes et, de la Societe frangaise de philosophie. 1140 ---- des societes savantes de Paris et des departements. 1447 ---- des societes savantes de Pro- vence. 1448 ---- des societes savantes de la Savoie. 1449 ---- sociologique. 1506 ---- spirite esperantiste. 1515 ---- de spirite universel. 1514 ---- spiritual iste. 1513 ---- des stomatologistes et des chirurgiens dentistes polonais. 1533 ---- tchecoslovaque de cardiologie. 205 ---- des Trois Ameriques. 1072 ---- universel pour Amelioration du sort des aveugles et des sourds-muets. 307 ---- universel d instituteurs d'aveu- gles. 168 ---- universel de la paix. H'^;i ---- universel des races. 1317 ---- universel de la voix. 16S5 ---- vegetarien. 1661 ---- pour la vie et la famille. 472 ---- des villes d'eaux. bains de mer et stations climatiques. 645 ---- viticole (France) 1082 Congres internacional de la Llengua Catalana. 206 Congres international ---- abolitionniste. 1279. ---- contre l'abus des boissons alcooliques. 53 ---- contre l'abus du tabac. 1597 ---- des accidents et des maladies du travail. 726 ---- des accidents du travail. 1481 ---- des accidents du travail et des assurances sociales. 1481 ---- des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles. 726 ---- de l'acetylene. 4 -—- d'actinologie. 766 ---- d'actuaires. 5 - d'aeronautique. 11 d'agriculteurs et de forestiers. 18 68 de l'agriculture. 18, 19 d'agronomie coloniale. 28 d'agronomie tropicale. 28 d'alcaloidotherapie dosimetrique ——- alieniste. 61 ---- de I'alimentation. 63 ---- de I'alimentation rationnelle du betail. 67 ---- de 1'alpinisme. 69 ---- pour 1'amelioration du sort des aveugles. 171 ---- pour 1'amelioration du sort des sourds-muets. 367 de l'amenagement des mon- tagnes. 968 1686 des americanistes. 70 des anciens-catholiques. 213 annuel de differents sujets. d'anthropologie et d'archeologie prehistoriques. 86 ---- d'anthropologie criminelle. 88 - d'apiculture. 101 des applications de I'electricite. 443 443 des applications electriques. ---- des applications electrocalori- fiques et clrctrochimiques. 445 ---- d'aiboriculture fruitiere. 103 ----d'arooriculture et de pomologie. 103 ---- d'archeologie. 106 ---- d'archeologie classique. 108 ---- d'archeologie et d'histoire. 106 ---- des architectes. Ill ---- des archivistes et des biblio- thecaires. 759 ---- artistique. 118 ---- de l'art public. 117 ---- des arts du dessin. 391 ---- des arts populaires. 122 ---- d'assainissement et de salubrite de l'habitation. 630 ---- d'assistance. 245 ---- de I'assistance des alienes. 705 ---- de I'assistance des alienes et specialement de leur assistance familiale. 705 ---- d'assistance publique et de bienfaisance privee. 244, 245 ---- des associations agricoles et de demographie rurale. 29 ---- des associations d'inventeurs et d'artistes industriels. 683 ---- des associations et societes de pharmaciens. 1127 ---- des assurances sociales. 1481 ---- de l'asthme. 125 ---- d'automobilisme. 134 ---- de l'aviation sanitaire. 138 ---- des avou6s. 749 ---- de bains de mer et d'hydro- therapie marine. 1587 ---- du batiment et des travaux publics. 191, 1302 ---- du beton et du beton arm£. 32T \ \ ) CONGRES INTERNATIONAL [ 269 ] CONGRES INTERNATIONAL ----- de bibliographie et de docu- mentation. 150 ----- bibliographique. 150 ----- des bibliothecaires et des amis du libre. 759 ----- des bibliothecaires et des bibliophiles. 759 ----- de bienfaisance. 244 ----- de botanique. 177 ----- de botanique et d'horticulture. 176 ----- de botanistes, d'horticulteurs, de negociants et de fabricants de produits du regne vegetal. 176 ---- de la boulangerie. 181 ---- de brucelloses. 190 ---- du cacao. 195 ---- du carbure ct de l'ac6tylene. 4 ----- de chant. 1510 ----- de la chasse. 036 ----- des chemins de fer. 1341 - de chimie appliquee. 250 de chimie et de pharmacie. 255 294 de chimie pure et appliquee. de chirurgie. 1561 de chirurgie orthopedique. 1052 de chronometrie. 292 des chrysanthemes. 291 de cinematographie educative. —— du Club Alpin frangais. 69 ---- colombiphile. 1222 ---- colonial. 319 ----- des colonies scolaires de va- cances. 1546 ---- des colonies de vacances et oeuvres de plain air. 1546 ----- combine de medecine tropicale et du paludisme. 1610 ---- des combustibles liquides. 322 ---- du commerce et de I'industrie. 323 ----- (du commerce) des vins, (cidres) spiritueux et liqueurs. 1707 ----- commercial. 323 ----• de la condition et des droits des femmes. 1722 ---- de cosmobiologic. 332 ----- de criminologie. 342 ----- du cuir. 751 ----- dc defense contre la grfile et de hybridisation de Ui yigne. 552 ----- de demographie. 372 ----- dentaire. 378 ----- de dermatologie et de syphili- graphie. 385 ----- pour le developpement et ['amelioration des moyens de transport. 1600 ----des directeurs des stations agronomiques (et des l:\boratoires agri- coles) 42 ---- de documentation photographi- que. 1146 ---- de droit compare. 1374 ---- du droit penal. 339 ---- des eaux alimentaires, gazeuses et minerales. 939 ---- d'edairage. 767 ---- des ecoles de plein air. 1029 ---- des cditeurs. 1303 ---- d'education familiale (et de la Federation des parents et des educateurs) 414 —— d'education morale. 420 ---- de l'education physique (de la jeunesse) 425 ---- de I education populaire. 429 ----- d'education et de protection de l'enfance dans la famille. 414 ---- de l'education sociale. 435 ---- des eiectriciens. 438 ---- d'electricite. 438 ----- d'electroculture et des applica- tions de lYlecti ieitie a l'agriculture (a la viticulture, a l'liorticulture et aux in- dustries agricoles) 442 ----- d'electrologie et de radiologie medicales. 4 10. 1334 ---- CONGRES NATIONAL [271] CONGRESS ---- des Societes frangaises de geographic 520 ---- des Societes de secours mutuels. de prevoyance et de retraites. 973 Buisee pour les int6rets feminins. 1719 1439 theosophique. 1588 de la tuberculose (France) 1619 de urologie (Rumania) 1658 veterinaire (France) 1677 Congreso africanista. 16 americano da crianga. 258 americano del nino. 258 americano de urologia. 1654 Argentino de cirugia. 1556 centroamericano de sanidad. cereal ista. 218 chileno de asistencia social. de ciencias medicas (Spain) 872 cientifico general chileno. 1432 cientffico Latino Americano. cientifico de Lima. 1441 ---- cientifico Pan-Americano. 1439 ----■ dental espanol. 383 ---- de derecho internacional privado sudamericano. 1373 ---- de economia nacional. 403 ---- de Escuelas al aire libre. 1028 ---- espaiiol de africanistas. 16 ---- espanol de cirugia. 1564 •---- espanol de geografia colonial y mercantil. 524 ---- espanol internacional de la tuberculosis. 1626 ---- espafiol de medicina. 873 ---- espafiol de obstetricia, gine- cologia y pediatria. 1016 espafiol de oto-rino-laringologia. 1068 1196 tina) - espafiol Pro Medico. - espiritista. 1513 - de estudios vascos. 1660 - excursionistes Catalan. 471 - femenino internacional (Argen- 1713 - feminino de la Republica Ar- gentina. 1713 ---- geografico hispano-portugues- americano. 519a ---- ginccologico espafiol. 544 ---- higienico-pedag6gico (Mexico) 658, 1426 ---- hispano-portugues de cirurgia y bus especialidades naturales. 1564 ---- hispano-portugues de urologia. 1659 ---- d'historia de la Corona d'Arag6. 596 ----■ latino-americano de criminolo- gfa. 342a ---- literario hispano-americano. 770 ---- de medicina y cirugia naval y militar de Chile. 932 ----■ medico Andaluz. 823 ---- medico del Centenario. 866a, 879a (Spain) (Spain) 879 medico centro-americano. 833 medico espafiol. 872 medico-farmaceutico profesional 872 medico-farmaceutico regional 872 medico lat. americano. 859 medico Mexicano. 800 medico nacional (Cuba) 836 medico nacional (Uruguay) 864 medico Pan-Americano. - medico peninsular. 861 ---- medico regional de la Isla de Cuba. 835 ---- mercantil (Spain) 908 —— mercantil hispano-americano- portugues. 909 ---- mexicano del nino. 257 -—— mexicano de pediatria. 1110 - denaturalistasespafioles. 932 odontologico latino-americano. 380 112 gfa. 450 panamericano dc arquitectos. panamericano de endocrinolo- 970 1634 ---- panamericano de municipios. panamericano del nino. 258 Pan Americano de tuberculosis. pedagogico (hispano-portugues- americanc) 1098 pedagogico centro-americano. 1093 656 872 1386 penitenciario espanol. 1259 da la prensa no diaria. 1252a. provincial de higiene de Malaga. regional de ciencias medicas. sanitario Americano de Lima. social y economico hispano- americano. 1473 ---- sociale (Spain) 1469 ---- Sud-Americano de dermatologia y sifilografia. 386 ---- Venezolano de medicina. 880 Congreso internacional ---- americano de medicina e hi- giene. 864 ---- de economia social. 1472 ---- de estenografia. 1531 ---- de historia y geografia hispano- americanas. 601 ---- medico de accidents del trabajo. 726 ---- medico de Sevilla. 850 ----■ de medicos deportivos. 1519 ---- monografico de cancer de la piel. 202 ---- de oceanografia, hidrografia marina e hidrologia continental. 1020 ---- de la prensa medica. 811 ----■ de qufmica pura y aplicada. 250 ---- sudamericano. 1511 Congreso nacional ---- contra el alcoholismo (Mexico) 54 ---- Chileno de pediatria. 1105 ----de cirugia (Chile) 1559 ---- espanol de ciencias medicas. 873 ---- espafiol de orthodoncia. 1049 ---- espaiiol de pediatria. 1113 ---- de gotas de leche (Chile) 696 ---- de higiene. 658 ---- de higiene y medicina del trabajo. 731a ---- de identificacicn (Brasil) 675 ---- de ingenieria. 453 ---- de kinesiologia. 722 ---- de medicina (Argentina) 824 ---- de oto-rino-laringologia (Spain) 1068 ---- de profesionistas (Mexico) 860a ---- de profesores y peritos mer- cantiles (Spain) 910 ---- de sanidad. 561 ---- sanitario (Panama) 1403 ---- de servicio social de la infancia. 701 1639 del tabardillo. 1577 contra la tuberculosis (Spain) Congress deutscher 30 ---- von Abgeordneten landwirtschaftlichen Vereine. ---- for the abolition of state regula tion of prostitution (British) 1277 ---- of American physicians and surgeons. 1157 ---- of anesthesia. 78 ---- bayerischer Aerzte. 1160 ---- (of the Czechoslovak natural scientists, physicians and engineers) 984 ---- of delegates appointed by the boards of censors for the District medical societies of the State of Massachusetts. 1206 ---- deutscher Landwirthe. 34 ---- der gewerbeueibenden Backer Deutschlands. 142 ---- on health education (England) 575 ---- of homeopathic practitioners. 610 Chile) 1033 (on hospital administration in 615 ... of Lithuanian ophthalmologists- (of Lithuanian surgeons) 1550 ---- on medical education, medical licensure, public health and hospitals. 803 ,. ---- (of medical history and phi- losophy) 807 ---- der Medicin-studierenden. 817 ---- of orientalists. 1043 ---- of Polish gynecologists. 546 ---- of radiology and physiotherapy (England) 1329 (on rural hygiene) (Netherlands) 670 1543 of slavic medical students. 818 of Slavic physicians. 1202 of socialist physicians. 1203 of sugar cane technologists. for the suppression of white- slave traffic. 1705 ---- of the universities of the Empire. 1648 ---- of working women. 1726 Congresso 17b 119 agrario (nazionale) 17a, degli allevatori. 1096 alpino. 69 annual de leprologia. 754 antischiavista italiano. 98 artistico italiano (nazionale) per l'assistenza ai minorenni abbandonati o traviati. 1736 ---- brasileiro de cirugia. 1558 ---- brasileiro de hygiene. 648 ---- brasileiro de medicina e cirurgia. 829 ---- brasileiro de neurologia, psi- quiatria y medicina legal. 992 ---- brasileiro de oftalmologia. 1036 ---- brasileiro de ortopedia y trau- matologia. 1050 ---- brasileiro de pediatria e higiene infantil. 1104 ---- di chimica industriale. 252 ---- chimico - farmaceutico umbro- marchigiano. 254 ---- coloniale italiano. 320 ---- delle commissioni provinciali per la cura della pellagra. 1119 ---- dei docenti veterinarii d'ltalia. 1671 ---- di elettrobiologia ed elettro- terapia. 444 ---- di etnografia italiana. 462 ---- farmaceutico italiano. 1128 - farmaceutico marchigiano. 254 filosserico interprovinciale. 1152 36 fotografico nazionale (italiano) freniatrico italiano. 1287 generale degli agricoltori italiani. 1392 generale sanitario (Italy) - geografico italiano. 519 ---- giuridico per il regolamento della locomozione aerea. 44 ---- di idrologia. climatologia, terapia fisica dietetica. 638 ---- per I'igiene deU'allattamento e la tutela della prima infanzia. 699 ---- degli industriali italiani per la riforma della legge degli infortuni del lavoro. 726a ---- degli ingegneri ed architetti italiani. 452 ---- interprovinciale sanitario dell'Al- ta Italia (Trento e Trieste) 1393 - interprovinciale zootecnico. 186 italiano per l'educazione fisica. 428 470 470 1335 1336 italiano di eugenetica sociale. italiano di genetica ed eugenica. italiano di questione sessuale. italiano di radiologia medica. italiano di radio-neuro-chirurgia. ---- italiano per le riforme e I'ordina- mento delle opere pie. 223 CONGRESSO [ 272 CONGRESSO NAZIONALE ---- italiano della scuola di medicina. 816 ---- del libro. 174 ---- per la lotta contro il tracoma. 1603 ---- fra i maestri ed i cultori di educazione fisica. 427 ---- dei medici del Piemonte. 1169 ---- de medicina (de Lourengo Marques) 867 ---- di medicina interna. 885 ---- di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. 891 ---- medico (Italy) 852 ---- medico calabro-siculo. 856 ---- medico-chirurgico marchigiano. 855 ----- medico interprovinciale della Lombardia e del Veneto. 853 ---- medico regionale Ligure. 854 ---- medico siciliano. 856 ----- medico sulla uricemia. 1651 ----- medico Toscano. 857 ---- medico I'mbro. 858 ---- medico-veterinario (italiano) 1679 ----- mondiale delle bibliothece e di bibliografia. 761 ---- mondiale di pollicultura. 1246 ----- nacional de antropologia colonial (Portugal) 87a ---- dei naturalisti italiani. 980 ---- ... in occasione della Mostra elle colonie estive e dell'assistenza all'infanzia. 1546a ---- d oftalmologia. 1038 ---- degli orticultori italiani. 613 ---- di panificazione. 179 ---- pedagogico italiano. 1094 ■---- pedagogico sudamericano. 1097 - pediatrico italiano. 1109 pellagrologico interprovinciale. 1119 1119 ---- pellagrologico italiano. ---- Ramazziniano. 733 ----- regionale per l'educazione e per l'assistenza dell'infanzia. 274 sanitario (Portugal) 1405a sanitario interprovinciale dell'Al- . 1393 sanitario degli ospe'dali civili. ---- scientifico italiano. 1438 ---- degli scienziati italiani. 1438 ---- stomatologico italiano. 1536 ---- di studi coloniali. 321 ---- veterinario di Vienna. 1675 ---- zootecnico. 185. Congresso internazionale ---- dell'acetilene. 4 ---- di archeologia cristiana. 107 ---- bacologico. 1462 ---- di beneficenza. 244 ---- botanico. 176 ---- di chimica applicata. 250 ---- de cinematographia educativa. 294 ----- contro il turpiloquio, la bestem- mia e la pornografia. 1243 ---- di diritto penale. 339. ---- d'educazione morale. 420 ---- etrusco. 464 ---- femminile. 1716 ---- di fisiologia. 1212 ---- di fonetica sperimentale. 1143 ---- di igiene mentale. 904 ---- per 1 infanzia. 272 ---- degli infortuni del lavoro e malattie professional!. 726 ---- degli infortuni e delle malattie del lavoro. 726 ---- per I'insegnamento commer- cial. 412 ----- di limnologia teorica ed ap- plicata. 768 ---- della lotta scientifica e sociale contro i tumori. 1644 ---- sulla malaria. 777 ----- per le malattie del lavoro. 732 ----- di medicina e farmacia militare. 935 ---- della medicina dello sport. 1519. ---- dei medici sportivi. 1519 ---- medico per gli infortuni del lavoro. 726 :---- Pel miglioramento della con- dizione dei ciechi. 171 ---- di musica. 971a ---- per le opere di educazione popolare. 429 ---- degli ospedali. 014 ---- fra i paesi europei interessati alia coltivazione ed al commercio delle piante medicinali aromatichi ed affini. 822 ---- di panificazione. 181 ---- dei patologi. 1081 - di pesca. 490 per la protezione dell'infanzia. 698 370 1288 di psichiatria infantile, di psicologia. 1290 risicolo. 1370 di scienze storiche. 593 della stampa medica. 811 di storia della medicina. 806 per gli studi della popolazione. di tecnica sanitaria ed igiene urbanistica. 1418 ----di terapia fisica. 1219 ---- della trasfuzione del sangue. 172 ---- di zoologia. 1739 Congresso nazionale ---- degli agricoltori. 37 ---- antifilosserico. 1152 ---- per l'assistenza agl'invalidi della guerra. 714 - di attivita femminile. 1724 di bacologia e sericoltura 1463 249 di botanica crittogamica. 178 di chimica applicata. 249 di chimica pura ed applicata 253 ---- chimico-farmaceutico. ---- per i ciechi. 170 ---- coloniale. 320 ---- coloniale per il dopo guerra delle colonie. 320 ---- (del consorzio nazionale) fra le stazioni italiane di cura, soggiorno e turismo. 585 ---- dei delegati degli ordini dei medici ed associazioni congeneri. 1205 ---- dei docenti e pratici veterinari italiani. 1671 - delle donne italiane. 1717 fra gli editori e libra! italiani. 1304 363 degli educatori dei sordomuti. ---- etrusco. 465 ---- di fiiosofia. 1142 ---- ginnastico. 543 ---- giuridico forense. 499 ---- hippico. 611 ---- di idroclimatologia e terapia fisica. 638 ---- di idrologia, climatologia e terapia fisica. 638 ---- d'igiene. 655 ---- per ligiene dell'allattamento mercenario. 699 ;---- per I'igiene della scuola e la assistenza alia fanciullezza. 1425 ---- per le industrie sanitarie italia- ne. 1414 —■— per l'istruzione dei ciechi. 165 ---- delle levatrici (italiane) 929a ---- di locomozione aerea. 47 ----per la lotta contro la tubercolosi. 1627a ----per la lotta sociale contro la tubercolosi. 1627 ----contro la malaria 778 ---- per le malattie del lavoro. 733 ---- per le malattie del lavoro e malattie professional!. 733 ---- marittimo. 791 ---- dei medici condotti. 1168 ----- fra i medici degli istituti e opere pie ospitaliere d Italia. 619 ----- di medicina sociale (assicura- zioni sociali) 1486 ---- degli medici ospitalieri d'ltalia 619 di medicina del lavoro. di microbiologia. 923 per la moralita pubblica. di nipiologia. 1'j03 delle opere pie. 223 di pedagogia. 1095 di pesca. 491 733 ---- di pesca itulustriale. 492 — Pro Infantia. 690 — - di scienza delle assicurazioni. 70S ----di tiflologia e per la prevenzione della cecitu. 170 ■---- delle tradizioni popolari. 1005 ---- di urbanistica. 302 ---- veterinario (Italy) 1679 Congressus dermatologorum interna- ticnalis. 385 Congressus medicorum internationalia pro artificibus calamitate afflictis aegrotis- que. 726 CongresQ medicalu. 868 Conservation (U. S.) 329 Consorzi provinciali antitubercolari. 1628 Construction, Materiaux de. 795 Consumption, Prevention. 1618 Convegno ■---- adriatico nazionale. 8 ---- agrario. 17b ---- antialcoolista italiano. 92 ----cattolico sull'eutanasia. 470a ----famiiiare di educazione. 415 ----- internazionale per l'esame dell'origine storica della sifilide. 1571 ---- internazionale d'immunologia. 680 ---- tra gli Istituti fascisti autonomi per le case popolari. 625a — italiano delle dottoresse in medi- cina. 1029 — lombardo di igiene rurale. 668 ----- dei medici socialisti italiani. 1204 ---- medico-idrologico. 642a ---- medico interprovinciale della regione Lombardo-Veneta. 853 ----- nazionale dei consorzi provinciali antitubercolari. 1628 ----nazionale contro i tumori (Italy) 1645 ---- nazionale per la lotta contro I'alcoolismo. 92 ---- nazionale dei medici artisti. 120 ---- nazionale di radiobiologia. 1320 ----- per uno scambio d'idee sulle questioni relative all'assistenza agli infirmi. 1460 ---- di scienze morali e storiche. 1686 (under 2) Convenci6n nacional contra el palu- dismo. 779 Convencion regional para la campafia nacional contra el paludismo. 779 Convencion sanitaria entre las repiibli- cas Argentina, Estados Unidos del Brasil, Paraguay y Oriental del Uruguay. 1411 Convention ---- pour 1'amelioration du sort des (militaires) blesses (et des malades) dans les armees en campagne. 1351 ----- of American instructors of the blind. 166 ----- of American instructors of the deaf (and dumb) 359 ---- of Bern. 1371 ■---- of druggists. 395, 396 ---- of the English-speaking ophthal- mological societies. 1031 ----- pour I'exercice des professions liberates. 1072 (under 2) ----internationale de l'acetylene. 4 ---- internationale pour combattre la traite des esclaves. 1467 ---- of librarians (U. S.) 760 ----du metre. 919 ----- of the physicians of Kentucky. 1170 ---- of physicians of Ohio. 1171 ---- des services sanitaires de la province de Quebec. 1406 ---- of the superintendents of the poor of the state of New York. 1239 Convenzione de Venezia per impedire I'invasione e la propagazione delle peste. 1223 Cooperation, medical. 330 Cooperative safety congress(?) 1382 Cooperative societies. 331 Coordination of general medical re- search in East Africa. 814 Copyright, artistic. 1371 Corda Fratres. l.j^U \ CORPS [273] DOCUMENTATION Corps medical d'Aleer. 280 Cosmobiology. 332 Cosmography. 523 Cotton. 333 Cotton growers. 334 Cotton spinners' associations. 333 Country life. 336.—(Wisconsin) 337 Country life conference. 337 County government. 335 Credits, farm. 793 Cremation. 338.—facultative. 193 Crenotherapy, Belgium. 1586 Crianga (American) 258 Crime, Prevention and repression. 1258 Criminal law. 339.—Unification. 340 Criminals, juvenile. 341 Criminology. 342.—Latin-American. 342a Crippled, Germany. 343 Crippled children, Australia. 342b Croix Blanche. 496 Croix Rouge, Societes de. 1352 Cuba ---- Associaci6n de la Prensa medica de Cuba. 810 ---- Sociedad cubana de pediatria. 1106 Cuba, Medicine. 835, 836 Cuir. 751 Cultura medica, Extensi6n. 799 Culture des plantes. 637 Culture des plantes medicinales. 821 Cytology, experimental. 345 D Dairy. 346, 347, 348. 349, 350 Dangerous drugs, Illicit traffic, sup- pression. 976 Day nurseries 351 Deaf. 354.—Church work among the. 356.—Institutions for the education of the. 357.—Principals of institutions for the. 365.—Teachers of (N. Y.) 364. Deaf and dumb. Headmasters of insti- tutions for the education of. 358.—In- structors of the. 359 Deafmutes, Church work. 356.— (Germany) 352.—Governing bodies. 357.—Head masters. 358.—Instructors. 359, 361.—Instructors (Austria) 360.— Instructors (Germany) 362, 1057.—In- structors (Italy) 363.—international. 353, 354, 355.—Principals of institutions for the. 365.—Welfare (France) 366.— Welfare (international) 367 Death, Causes: Nomenclature. 1004 Defense contre la grele. 552 Defense sociale contre la syphilis. 1573 Degres en Europe. 517 Delegiertentag der Vereinigungen deut- scher Hebammen. 927 Delegiertentag der zionistischen Ver- einigung fiir Deutschland. 1737 Demobilization, Hygiene. 369 Demobilmachung, gesundheitliche Massnahmen. 369 Demographic research. 370 Demographie rurale. 29 Demography. 372.—Germany. 371— international. 653.—Panhellenic. 659 Denrees alimentaires. 496 Dentaire. beige. 374.—(France) 376.—interallie. 377.—international. 378 Dental, American. 373.—Belgium. 374.—California. 375.—(France) 376.— interallied. 377.—international. 378.— Latin - American. 380.—Netherlands. 381.—Panama - Pacific. 382.—Spain. 383.—World's Columbian. 379 Dental surgeons, Poland. 1533 Deontology, medical (Belgium) 898— (international) 899 Derecho internacional privado sud- americano. 1373 Dermatologen-Kongress, internationa- ler. 385 Dermatologfa, Sud-Amer. 386 Dermatologistes ... de langue frangaise. 384 Dermatologists, France. 384.—inter- national. 385 Dermatology, international. 385 Dessin, arts du. 391.—Enseignement du. 393 Destitution, Prevention (England) 387 Detenus, Patronage. 1265 Detskikh vrachei, Vserossysky (vse- soiuzny) sezd. 1103 Deutsch - amerikanische Katholiken- Versammlung. 209 Deutsche. Bahniirzte. 1345.—balne- ologische Gesellschaft. 143.—Bunsenge- sellschaft. 247.—Gesellschaft zur Be- forderung rationeller Malverfahren. 1071.—Gesellschaft fiir innere Medizin. 884.—Gesellschaft fur Psychologie. 1291.—Gesellschaft fur Psychotherapie. 1299.—Gesellschaft fur Soziologie. 1505.—morgenlandische Gesellschaft. 1044.—Nationalkonferenz zu interna- tionaler Bekampfung des Madchenhan- dels. 1704.—P o 1 i z e i f a c h konferenz. 1232.—Rabbiner. 1315.—Schriftstel ler- versammlung. 131.—Tagung fiir Kriip- pelfiirsarge. 343.—Tagung fiir luftfahrt- medizinische Forschung. 136.—Tagung fur psychische Hygiene. 902.—Tagung fiir Stufilinj:— und Kleinkinderschutz. 266.—Tuberkulosekonferenz. 1622 — Tuberkulosetagung. 1622.—Vereinigung fiir Kriippelfiirsorge. 343.—Vereinigung fiir Sauglings(und Kleinkinder)schutz. 266.—Versammlung zur Forderung der christlichen Sonntagsfeier. 1549 Deutscher ---- Abstinententag. 2 ---- Aerztetag. 1163 ---- Anwalttag. 746 ---- Bergmannstag. 940 ■---- Bihliothekartag. 758 ---- Blindenkongress. 163 ---- gemeinsamer Alkoholgegnertag. 91 ---- Geographentag. 521 ---- Gesundheitsfiirsorgetag. 572 ---- Handwerker- und Gewerbe- Kongress. 687 ---- Hebammentag. 926 ——- Journalistentag. 717 ---- Jugendgerichtstag. 719 ---- Juristentag. 747 ---- Kolonialkongress. 317 ---- Kongress iiber Bevolkerungs- fragen. 371 ---- Kongress fiir erziehliche Knaben- Handarbeit. 1465 ---- Kongress fiir llandfertigkeits- unterricht. 1465 ---- Kongress fiir innere Medizin. 884 ---- Kongress fiir Jugendbildung und Jugendkunde. 1734 Kongress fiir Kriippelfiirsorge. 343 266 361 Kongress fiir Sauglingsschutz. Okkultisten-Verband. 1018 Orientalistentag. 1044 Soziologentag. 1505 Stadtetag. 299 Stenographentag (Gabelsberger) Taubstummenlehrer-Kongress. ---- Tuberkulosekongress. 1622 ---- Vereine gegen das Branntwein- trinken. 1703 ---- Verein zur Fursorge fiir jugend- liche Psychopathen. 1297 ---- Verein der Irrenarzte. 59 ---- Wohnungskongress. 622 Deutschland, Rabbiner-Verband. 1315 Deutsch-dsterreichische Tagung fiir Volkswohlfahrt. 1700 Deutsch-russischer Scharlachkongress. 1420 Developpement et amelioration des moyens de transport. 1606 Dietetics (Italy) 638 Digestive and metabolic diseases. 388 Dimanche, Repos. 1547 Directeurs d'instituts et ecoles d'hy- giene. 577 Directoren der statistischen Bureaux deutscher Stadte. 1524 Directors of health, Panamerican. 573 Diritto penale. 339 Disabled, Rehabilitation. 713 Disabled men, Aftercare. 713 Diseases, Nomenclature. 1005 Distillerie. 1542 Doctors, Ayurvedic. 139 Documentation. 389, 390.—(inter- national) 150.—photographique. 114b Donne italiane. 1717 Dopo guerra delle colonie. d^U Dottoresse in medicina. 1209 Drawing, Instruction. 393.—inter- national. 391 Droguerie, Matieres premieres. 49o Drogues nuisables, Trafic lllicite. 97o Droit compare. 1374.—international prive. 1270.—penal. 339.—penal, Uni- fication. 340 Droits des femmes. 1722 Drug, pure. 496, 497 Druggists. 395, 396 Dry-farming. 394 E East Africa, Medical research. 814 East African medical congress. 838 Eastern European Red Cross confer- ence on venereal diseases. 1663 Eau, France. 1693 Eaux alimentaires, gazeuses et mine- rales 939 Eaux minerales. 939, 939a Eclairage. 767 Ecole nationale des Beaux-Arts. 121 Ecoles de plein air. 1029 Economic, Central Europe. 397.— France. 398, 399.—international. 400 Economic sciences. 1491.—applied. 402 Economics national (Spain) 403 Economie sociale. 653.—catholique 1471 Economique. See Economic. Economists, agricultural. 31.—na- tional (Germany) 404 Ecriture, Sciences. 1730 Edificaci6n. 405 Edinburgh medical students meeting. 77 Editeurs. 1303 Editori e libra! italiani. 1304 Education, antialcoholic. 408, 409.— architectural. 113.—Christian, in the South. 411.—commercial. 412.—com- mercial, high. 413.—familial. 414.— high. 416.—High school (Belgium) 417.—High school (international) 418.— Hygiene. 419.—industrial. 412.—in- ternational. 406.—medical. 800, 801, 803, 897a.—moral. 420, 951.—physical (Austria) 421.—physical (Belgium) 422.—physical (France) 423, 424.— physical (international) 425, 1428.— physical (Italy) 427, 428.—physique. 1517.—physique de la jeunesse. 425.— physique, Medecine appliquee k la. 1518.—popular. 429.—primary. 430.— prophylactique sanitaire et morale. 1480.—rural. 431.—secondary. 433, 434.—secondary (Argentina) 432.—so- cial. 435.—technical. 436 Education of backward. 410 Education under healthy conditions. 419, 1421 Educational associations. 437 Educazione, familiare. 415.—fisica. 428.—fisica, Maestri e cultori. 427.— dell'infanzia. 274 Egyptian medical congress. 1609 Einheit der Wissenschaft. 1445 Ekaterinoslav, Physicians. 1177 Electrical, High tension. 440.—inter- national. 438 Electrical conference (U. S.) 439 Electrical resources. 440 Electrical units and standards. 441 Electriciens. 438 Electricite, applications k l'agriculture 442 Electricity, applied. 442, 443.—(in- ternational) 438, 1331.—medical (inter- national) 995 Electrobiology. 444 Electrocalorifique. 445 Electrochemistry, applied. 445 Electroculture. 442 Electrology, medical. 446, 1334 Electroradiobiology. 447 Electro-radiologists, French speaking. Electrotherapy, international. 1219__ (Italy) 444 Elektrotechniker - Kongress, Interna- tionaler. 438 Elevage. 182, 184.—caprin. 532 ELEVES [274] FISIOLOGIA Elives en pharmacie. 1138 Elizavetgrad, Physicians. 1178 Embryology (Belgium) 448a Emigration (international) 077. 678 Emploi des gaz asphyxiants. 512 Endocrinology, international. 449.— Panamerican. 450 Energy. 1247 Enfance. africaine. 260.-—Education et protection dans la famille. 414.— Oeuvres. 271.—Protection. 265a.—du premier age. 697 Enfant a la mer. 261 Enfants moralement abandonnes, Patronage. 1265.—moralement abandon- nes, Protection. 1265.—traduits en justice. 1262.—Tribunaux. 720 Engineering, international. 451.— metal! urgie. !i42.—sanitary. 1412.— Spain. 453 Engineers, Czechoslovakia. 984.— (German) 109.—Italy. 452. England ---- National association for the prevention of tuberculosis. 1618 ---- National organization for the prevention of infant mortality. 702 ---- Society ... against vice and im- morality. 1790 ---- Society of medical officers of health. 702 English speaking conference on infan- tile mortality. 693 English speaking conference on infant welfare. 702 Engrais chimiques. 480 Enseignement agricole. 431.—com- mercial. 412.—commercial superieur. 413.—de l'Esperanto dans les ecoles. 459. — international. 406. — moyen. 418.—-moyen libre en Belgique. 417.— primaire. 430.—des sciences sociales 1492. — secondaire. 416, 433. — secon- daire, Professeurs de 1'. 434.—superieur. 416.—technique, commercial et industrial. 412 Ensenanza secondaria (Argentina) 432 Entomologen-Kongress. 454 Entomology, international. 454, 455 Epidemics (Germany) 456 Epidemie cholerique (Alger) 280 Epidemiologists (Russia) 140 Epilepsy, international. 457 Erdkunde, Meister und Freunde. 522 Erdmessung. 517 Erste Hilfe bei Ungliicksfallen. 484, 485 Esclaves, Traite des. 1467 Esperanto, international. 458. — Spiritist. 1515.—Teaching. 459 Esposizione internazionale di apparec- chi di macinazione e panificazione. 180 Essai des materiaux. 795 Essai des semences. 1452 Estestvopytatelei i vrachei (Poland) Esthetics. 460 Esthetic surgery, France. 1566 Etablissements industriels, Reglement du travail. 736 Ethics, medical. 804 Etnografia italiana. 462 Ethnographic sciences. 461 Ethnography. 461.—Italy. 462 Ethnological sciences, congress. 84 Ethnologists (Russia) 463 Ethnologues de Moscou. 463 Etruscan. 464, 465 Etude du cancer. 199 Etudes, byzantines. 194.—des regions polaires. 1230.—relatives aux missions 947.—sociales. 1495 Etudiants. See Students. ,,. Etudier les moyens de pourvoir a lmsuffisance du service sanitaire dans les armees en campagne. 1351 Eucharistic. 466 Eugenesfa y homicultura. 469 Eugenetica sociale. 470 Eugenic organizations. 467 Eugenics, international. 468__Pan- american. 469.—social. 470 Europaische Gradmessung. 517 Europe. Sanitary. 1389 European conference on rural hygiene. European reunion on mental hygiene. 901 European society of structive surgery. 1505 Europeische Vereinigung fiir psy- chische Hygiene. 901 Euthanasia. 470a Evangelisch-sozialer Kongress. 1468 Excursionists, Catalan. 471 Exercice illegal de la medecine. 809 Exercjse, physical. 1154 Exercises physiques dans l'instruction. 542 Expansion economique mondiale. 401 Expansion des relations commerciales internationales. 325 Experimentelle Psychologie. 1291 Exposition d'hygiene de Tunis. 662 Exposition internationale de I'ali- mentation et des toutes les industries qui s'y rattachent. 65 Exposition internationale des produits d'alimentation. 64 Ex-prisonniers et condamnes politiques de la guerre. 1260 Extreme Orient, etudes. 474 Fabricants de chocolate et de cacao. 278 Fabricants de produits du regne vegetal. 176 Fachtierarzte fiir die Bekampfung der Aufzuchtkrankheiten. 1669 Family, Assistance. 473.—Hygiene (India) 1241.—international. 472.— Sociology. 945 Fanciullezza, Assistenza alia. 1425 Farbenfalschungen. 1071 Far east. Studies. 474 Far eastern congress of tropical medicine. 1612 Farmaceutico marchigiano. 254 Farmaceuticos de Filipinas. 1172 Farmaceuticos titulares. 1134 Farmacia. See Pharmacy. Farmatsevtov sezd. 1132 Farm credits. 793 Farmers, international. 475.—Meck- lenburg. 476 Farm women. 477 Farpodov sezd. 1132 Fauna, Protection. 986 Federation ' aeronautique internatio- nale. 45.—archeologique ethistorique de Belgique. 104.—of national societies of anatomists. 75.—des parents et des educateurs. 414.—de la presse medicale Latine. 812.^of slavic medical students. 818.—des societes d'horticulture Belgique. 176.—universelle des associations pldago- giques. 1092 Federazione della stampa medica latina. 812 Feebleminded, Austria. 478.—Switz- erland. 479 Feldarztliche Tagung bei d. K. u. K 2 Armee. 931 Fellowship of Medicine. 1 Feminine (France) 1715 Feminino, Argentina. 1713 Feministe. 1716 Femmes. 1716.—Condition. 1722 — Droit. 1722 Femminile (Italy) 1717 Ferienkolonien. 1545a.—interna- tional. 1546 Fermentation, Industries. 1542 Ferrocarriles militares. 1344 Ferroviaria, Spain. 1342 Fertilizer, chemical. 480 Feu, Mesures preventives. 483 Feuerbestattung, fakultative. 193 Fever conference. 481.—therapy. 482 I tevre puerperal. 1305 530^^' ieUUe' 0euvres de Protection. Filosofia. See Philosophy. Filosserico. 1152 Fils de toute nature, Unification du numerotage. 1596 Finland. Physicians. 1161 Fire prevention. 483 First aid. international. 484, 485 — iNetherlands. 486 Fischerei-Kongress. 490 4SR ^Ioy' !SMe', 487.—international. rvVi^'jl90-—(ItaM 491, 492.— (Netherlands) 493 Fisiologia. See Physiology. Fizikulture. 1153 Fizioterapevti. 1216 Flora, Protection. 980 Florida. Quarantine. 1311 Forderung der christlichen Sonntags- feier (U. S.) 1549 Folk lore. 494 Fonetica .sperimentalc. 1143 Food chemists. 495 Food ffi drug, international. 496.— United States. 497 Food hygiene. 664 Forage. 498 Forensic (Italy) 499 Forest (Austria) 500 Forest research organizations. 501 Forestier. 503.—(beige) 20 Forestiers. 18 Forestry. American. 502.—interna- tional. 503.—Switzerland. 504 Formulae, Unification. 1248 Forst-Kongress, osterreichischer. 500 Forstwirte. 33.—schweizerische. 504 Forst wirtschaft. 18 Foribildungswesen, arztliches. 1245 Foyer ouvrier. 964 France ---- Alliance d'hygiene sociale. 1476. — Association des anatomistes. 75.—Association frangaise de chirurgie. 1560.—Association des medecins de langue frangaise. 841.—Institut des provinces. 1447.—Ligue des medecins et des families pour 1'hygiene scolaire. 1422 (under 2)—Ligue nationale contre I'al- coolisme. 51.—Medicine. 840, 841, 842.—metropolitaine. 399.—Prehistory! 1250. — Sanitary. 1390. — Science. 1433.—Societe frangaise d'orthopedie et de traumatologic 1051. — Societe frangaise de philosophie. 1140.—Societe des ingenieurs^ et sanitaires de France. 629. — Societe medico-psychologique. 61.—Surgery. 1560 Franco-British anatomical congress. Frankfurter Konferenz fur medizinisch- naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. 330 Frantzusko-sovetskaia nedela khirur- gov. 1553 Frantzusko-sovetskaia nedela mikro- biologov. 921 Fraternal. 505 Frau, Interesse (Switzerland) 1719 Fraudes alimentaires et pharmaceuti- ques. 496 Frauenbestrebungen. 1721 Frauenkongress, internationaler. 1716 Frauentag, katholischer (Austria) 1714 Frauen-Turn- und Sporttagung. 1522 Frauenwerke. 1721 Free trade. 506 French language. 507 Freniatrico italiano. 1287 FRICK, CHARLES, meeting. 368 Friedensschluss, gesundheitliche Mass- nahmen. 369 Friends of the Indian. 681 Frigorifiques, industries. 1359 Froid. 346.—(France) 1358.—inter- national. 1359 Friichteverwertung. 508 Fruit-aliment. 508 Fruit producers, Germany. 1711 Fuel conference. 1247 (under b) Fursorgeerziehungstag. 259 Fursorge fiir Geisteskranke. 705.— fur jugendliche Psychopathen. 1297 Gabelsberger'scher Stenographen. Gartner. 509 Garungslose Friichteverwertung. 508 Gard. Science. 1435 Gardeners. Germany. 509 Gardens of workmen. 510, 51] rjartenbau-Kongress. 612 Gartenfreunde. 509 Gas. asphyxiating. 512 Gap industry. 513 Gastroenterology. 514 Gaz asphyxiants. 512 Gefangnissreform. 1266 GEFAENGNISWESEN [275] HEILWEISE Gefangniswesen. 339. — interna- tional. 1258 Gefangene, sittliche und biirgerliche Besserung. 1261 Geflugel. 1246 Geisteskranke, Fursorge fiir. 705 Gelehrte, katholische. 1450 Gemeinde-Statistiker. 1524 Genealogy, Italy. 515 Geneeskunde (Vlaamsch) 839 Geneeskundig congres (Xetherlands) 863 General convention to consider the questions involved in mosquito extermina- tion. 959 General international sanitary con- vention (conference) of the American Republics. 1404 General meeting of the medical pro- fession in relation to the deaths of Charles Frick and Berwick B. Smith. 368 Generalversammlung ---- der Alkoholgiftgegner. 90 ---- der deutschen Vereine gegen das Branntweintrinken. 1703 ---- der katholischen Vereine Deutschlands. 214 ---- der Landwirthe aus ... Sachsen. 38 ---- des Rabbiner-Verbandes in Deutschland. 1315 ---- ... zur sittlichen und burgtr- lichen Besserung der Gefangenen. 1261 Genetica ed eugenica. 470 Genetics, international. 516 Genetique. 516 Geneva convention. 1351 Genie civil. 451 Gens de lettres. 133 Geodesies, international. 517, 518 Geografico hispano-portugues-ameri- cano. 519a Geografico italiano. 519 Geographentag. deutscher. 521 Geographical Italy. 519.—Spanish- Portuguese-American. 519a.—societies, France. 520 Geographie commerciale. 525.—eco- nomique. 525.—historique. 526.—Soci etes franpaises. 520 Geographische Wissenschaften. 523 Geographists, Germany. 521 Geography colonial. 524.—economic, 525.—Germany. 522.—historical. 526— international. 523.—mercantile. 524.— Spanish American. 601 Geologie, praktische. 942 Geologie hydromineralc 645 Geology, applied. 942.—economic. 942.—international. 527.—medical. 642 Geometers. 528 Oeometres. 528 GeomStres-experts. 528 Gerichtliche Medizin (international) 890 Germanists. 529 Geschichte. 106.—der Pharmazie. 1137 Geschlechtskrankheiten. 385 Gesellschaft fiir Heilpadagogik. 1100 Gesundheitliche Massnahmen (nach dem Friedensschluss) 369 Gesundheitsfiirsorgetag. 572 Gesundheitspflege (international) 653 Gesundheitstechnik. 1418 Gesundheitswesen. 651 Gewerbeiirzte. 684 Gowerbe-Kongress. 687 Gewurzpflanzen (international) 822 Gezondheidsregeling. 584 Gidrologi. 041 Ginecol6gico espafiol. 544 Ginekologi. 547, 1011 Giornata genealogica. 515 Girls, Protection. 530 Giuridico forense. 499 Glaznikh vrachei, Sezd. 1034 Goat breed ng, Belgium. 532 Goiter. 533 Gonorrhea. 534 Gotas de leche (Chile) 696 Gout. 535 Gouttes de lait. 697 Gradmessung, europaische. 517 Grahamites. 553 Grain. 536 Grandes reseaux electriques a haute tension. 440 Grape. 537.—Hybridisation. 552.— intern. :':onal. 538 Graphologen-Kongress. 539 Graphology. 539 Grassland conference of the North and Central European countries. 540 Great Britain ---- Anatomical Society of. 74 ---- Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain. 1126 fireece, Medicine. 865 Grele, Defense contre. 552 Guardians, London. 541 Gubernsky sezd zavedyvaiushchikh zdravotdelami, uchastkovikh i sanitar- nikh vrachei. 568 Gubernsky sezd zdravotdelov, sani- tarnikh i uchastkovikh vrachei Ulyia- navskoi gubernii. 571 Gubernsky sezd zemskikh vrachei Bessarabskoi gubernii. 1175 Gubernskikh sezd zdravotdelov. 56C Guerre, Assistance en temps de. 1689.—Lois de la: Regler par une entente internationale. 1089 Gymnastics, Italy. 543.—school. 542 Gymnastique, pedagogique, militaire, medicale et esthetique. 542.—scolaire. 542 Gynakologen-Kongress. 545.—inter- nationaler. 551 Gynecological, Spain. 544 Gynecologists, French speaking. 550.—Germany. 545.—Poland. 546.— Russia. 547.—Volga district. 1555 Gynecology American. 1012. — Brit- ish. 1013.—France. 548, 549.—Hispano- Portugal. 1017.—India. 1014.—inter- national. 551, 1015.—Spain. 1016 H Habitation (France) 624.—(interna- tional) 625 Habitation a bon marche (Belgium) 621. — (international) 625. — Societes (France) 623 Habitations ouvrieres (Belgium) 632, 633 Hail, Defense. 552 Halsarzte (Austria) 1061 Hampton Negro conference. 988 Handarbeit (Knaben) 1465 Handfertigkeitsunterricht. 1465 Handwerker- und Gewerbe-Kongress. 687 Hausfleiss. 1465 Hauswirtschaftsunterricht. 602 Head masters ... of the deaf and dumb. 358 Health, American. 553, 554, 562.—■ Care. 572.—Central America. 555.— England. 556.—international. 557.— Pacific. 558.—Panhellenic. 559.—public (French colonies) 581.—public (interna- tional) 582, 583.—public (Netherlands) 584.—public: Socialistic party. 1484.— public (U. S.) 803.—of the seaman. 1451. — South African. 560. — Spain. 561.—Tropical America. 587 Health authorities, North America. 563 Health board, Canada. 564.-—Russia. 565, 566, 567, 508, 569, 570, 571.—United States. 571a Health boards. North America. 563 Health congress (England) 556 Health directors, Panamerican. 573 Health education, England. 575.— international. 576 Health education conference. 574 Health institutes, Directors. 577 Health officers, Michigan. 578.— (Russia) 140.—State and Territorial. 579 HeaUh officials, Connecticut. 580 Health resort, Italy. 585.-—Russia. 586 Health workers, Mexico. 588 Heat in medicine (etc.) 765 Heating & ventilating, Germany. 589 Hebammen-Kongress, internationaler. 928 Hebammentag. 926 Hegelkongress, internationaler. 590 Heilpadagogik. 1100, 1101 Heilpadagogische Woche. 1101 Heilpflanzen (international) 822 Heilweise, naturgemasse. 987 Heimarbeiterschutz-Kongress. 604.— schweizerischer. 605 Heizung und Liiftung. 589 Heizungs- und Liiftungsfachmanner. 589 Hepatic insufficiency. 591 Heredity, Science. 516 Heure. 293.—universelle. 912 Higiene infantil, Brasil. 1104 Higienico-pedagdgico (Mexico) 1426 Hippico, congresso. 611 Hispano-americano, literario. 770 Histoire. 593.—(France) 595.—de la medecine (France) 805 Histo'ogists (Russia) 76 Historians, Germany. 594 Historical sciences. 593, 1686 Historiker deutsche. 594.—der Me- dizin (Poland) 807 History, art. 597.—(Belgium) 104.— colonial. 599.—comparative. 600, 972.— France. 595.—(international) 106.— of medicine. 806.—of pharmacy. 1137— of religions. 1361.—of science. 1443.— Spanish American. 601.—of syphilis. 1571 Hochschulen, deutsche: Reform. 1649 Home economics. 602 Homeopathic, France. 607.—inter- national. 608.—Panamerican. 609 Homeopathic congress, British. 606 Homeopathic practitioners, England. 610 Homestead for workmen. 511 Home work. 603 Home worker, Protection (Germany) 604.—(Switzerland) 605 Homicultura de las republicas Ameri- canas. 469 Homoeopathique. 607 Hopitaux. 614.—Medecins et chirur- giens. 618 Horse. Italy. 611 Horticultural, international. 612 Horticulture. 176.—Applications de I'electricite. 442 Horticulturist, Italy. 613 Hospital. 614.—administration. Chile. 615.—building. 616.—internship. 617 — library. 617a.—physicians. 618.—phy- sicians, France. 618a.—physicians, Italy. 619.—service. 620 Hospitals, civil, Sanitary congress (Italy) 1394.—private. 1385.—(U S.) 803 Hour. 293 Housing, Belgium. 621.—(Canada) 304.—France. 623, 624.—Germany. 622.—international. 625.—Italy. 625a.— Netherlands. 626.—rural (Poland) 628.—Sanitation (England) 141.—sani- tation (France) 629.—sanitation (In- ternational) 630.—United States. 627.— War time. 631.—workers (Belgium) 632, 633 Huttenwesen. 942 Humane conference. 634 Hungarian Aeronautical Federation. 9 (Hungarian postgraduate medical con- gress) 897 Hungarian Red Cross. 9 Hungary, Physicians. 1165, 1166. 1167 Hunting, Austria. 635.—international. 636 Hybridation des plantes. 516.—de la vigne. 552 Hybridization, international. 516, 637 Hydroclimatology, Italy. 638 Hydrography. 639.—marine (interna- tional) 1020 Hydrologists, Russia. 641 Hydrology. 645.—(Baltic States) 640.—continental. 1020.—international. 642.—Italy. 642a.—medical, interna- tional. 642.—and rheumatism (inter- national) 1367.—Spain. 644 Hydromineral resorts, interallied. 645 Hydromineral stations, Development. 645 Hydrophobia. 646 Hydrotherapie marine. 1587 Hygieiniske congres (for de tre nor- diske riger) 660 Hygiene, alimentaire. 664.—Belgium. 647.—biological. 663.—Brasil. 648.— Brittany. 649.—et climatologie. 645.— of the family. 1241.—food. 664.— HYGIENE [270 INTERNATIONAL France. 652. — Germany. 651. — in- dustrial. See Industrial hygiene.—indus- trielle (international) 72S.—international 653.—International exhibition of. 654.— Italy. 655.—Malaga. 656.—Massachu- setts. 657. — Mediterranean. 665.— Meilleures conditions dans les manufac- tures textiles. 671.—mental. 901.— mental (France) 903.—mental (interna- tional) 904.—Mexico. 658.—dans les mines. 944.—ouvriere. 729.—Panameri- can. 864.—Panhellenic. 659.—publique. 582.—publique (France) 652. — rural (America) 669.—rural (Europe) 666.— rural (Far East) 667.—rural (Italy: Lombardia) 668.—rural (Netherlands) 670.—Scandinavian. 660. — scolaire. 1422.—scolaire, international. 1424.— scolaire (de langue frangaise) 1423.— social. See Social hygiene.—South American. 661.—Textile industry. 671.— des travailleurs. 730.—tropical. 1610.— Tunis. 662.—urban. 308, 1418 Hygienic convention (Massachusetts) 657 Higienico-pedag6gico (Mexico) 658 Hygieniker Deutschlands und Oester- reichs. 456 Hygienists, Italian. 672 Hypnologie (international) 995 Hypnology. 673 Hypnotism, experimental and thera- peutical. 674 I (Ibero-American congress of medicine) 845 Identification. 675 Idiotenwesen. Switzerland. 479 Idroclimatoloeia. 638 Idrologia. 638 Iestestvoispitateli. 981 Igiene. 655. — dell'allattamento. 699. — dell'allattamento mercenario. 699.—infantile. 692.—mentale (Europe) 901.—rurale. 668.—della -cuola. 1425 Igienisti italiani. 672 Illumination. 767 Immigration international. 677, 678.—United States. 679 Immunology, international. 680 Imperial entomological conference. 455 Imperial malarial conference. 776 Imperial social hygiene congress. 1474 Impfgegner-Kongress. 99, 100 Impfzwanggegner. 100 Imprimeurs de France. 1255 Incendie, Service de 1'. 483 Indiana, Medicine. 847 Indian medical congress. 846 Indian science congress. 1436 Indians, American. 081 Industrial accidents. 726.—Compen- sation. 1728.—Prevention (international) Industrial artists. 683 Industrial chemistry (France) 251.— (Italy) 252 Industrial diseases. 726.—(interna- tional) 732—(Italy) 733 Industrial hygiene (France) 727.— (international) 728, 731. — (Mexico) 731a Industriali italiani. 726a Industrial inventors. 683 Industrial medicine (Italy) 733 — (Mexico) 731a Industrial organization. 734, 735 Industrial physicians, international. 684. — Pennsylvania. 685. — Ukraina. 686 Industrial plants and mines, Regula- tion of work. 736 Industrial property rights. 1372 Industrial welfare. 1698 Industrial work of mothers. 964 Individual psychology. 682 Industrie du batiment. 191.—du gaz ;513,—laitiere. 348.—laitiere (Switzer- land) 350. —phonographique. 1144 — sanitarie italiane. 1414 Industrieller Kongress. 687 Industries agiico'es. 688.—agricoles Applications de l'elrctricite. 412.— frieorifiques. 1359.—maritimes (France) Industry. 323.—agricultural. 688.— Germany. 687.—Mecklenburg. 476 — pharmaceutic. 1129 Inebriety, international. 089 Infancia, Protecgao. 695 Infant. Hvgiene: Brazil. 1104.— Hygiene (Italy) 692.—Italy. 690.— Mortality. 093.—mortality (Philippine Islands) 694.—Peru. 691.-Social serv- ice (Paraguay) 701.—welfare (England) 702 Infants. Protection. Brasil. 695.—Chi- le. 690.—Germanv. 266.—international. 697, 698.—Italy. 699.—Prussia. 700. Infantile psychiatry. 1288 Infanzia. Assistenza. 1540a.—Educa- zione e 1 assistenza. 274.—Prima: Tutela. 699.—Protezione. 698 Infections et intoxications d'origine intestinale. 312 Infirm, Aid (international) 344 Infirmi, Assistenza. 1460 Infirmieres. 1007 Influenza (Italy) 703 Infortuni del lavoro. 726.—Riforma della legge. 726a Ingegneri ed architetti. 452 Ingenieria. 453 Ingenieure. 109 Insane. Aid. 705.—Care. 705 Insect pests. 1227 Insegnamento commerciale. 412 Institut international d'art public 117 Institut du verbe humain. 1685 In«tituteurs ri'aveugles. 168 Institutions feminines (International) 1721 Institutions de prevoyance (Belgium) 633 Instituts et ecoles d'hygiene. 577 Instructors of the blind. 166 Insuffisancc' hepatique. 591.—renale. 13{f5_—du ^rviee sanitaire ,dans les armees en campagne. 1351 Insurance companies, Physicians. 707 Insurance medicine. 706.—interna- tional. 707 Insurance sciences (Italy) 708 Insurance, social. See Social insur- ance. Intemperance, Suppression. 709 Interallied conference on the aftercare of disabled men. 713 Interallied conference on war wounds. 1691 Inter-American conference for the maintenance of peace. 1091 Interamerican radio conference. 1322 Interamerican technical aviation con- ference. 135 Intercolonial medical congress of Australasia. 825 Interdepartmental committee to co- ordinate health and welfare activities. 502 Tmere's feminins. 1719 Intergovernmental conference of Far Eastern countries on rural hygiene. 667 Internacia congreso por KORPA edu- cado. 723 Internal medicine. See Medicine, Internal. Internat des hopitaux. 617 International .---- Academy of Postgraduate Medi- cine. 897a ---- actuarial congress. 5 ---- aerial ambulance conference. 9 ---- Aeronautical Federation. 9 ---- air congress. 46 ---- American conference. 1072 ---- antivaccination congress. 100 . ~--- assembly of lawyers and medico- legal experts. 888 ---- association against unemploy- ment. 1647 , ~--- association for the exploration of Central Asia and the Far East 1043 (under 12) ,. —~ Association geodesique interna- tionale. 517 —7* Association internationale catho- lique des oeuvres de protection de la jeune fille. 530 , ~--- Association internationale lit- teraire et artistique. 769 —--- Association internationale de la manne. 790 ---- Association internationale de la peche. 488 ---- Association internationale de pediatrie preventive. 1115 ---- Association internationale pour le progres des sciences sociales. 1490 ---- Association internationale pour la protection de l'enfance. 272 ---- Association internationale pour la protection de la propriete industrielle. 1372 ---- Association of Leprosy. 755 (under 4) ---- association for life saving and first aid to the injured. 485 ---- association of microbiologists. 922 ---- association of pediatrics. 1108 ---- association for protection of animals and against vivisection. 80 association of stomatologists. 1535 795 1587 association of testing materials. association for thalassotherapy. 129 ---- astrophotographic congress. -^--- birth control congress. 102 -<--- brewers' congress. 189 +--- Bureau international des Fede- rations nationales du personnel de I'en- seignement secondaire public. 433 ■---- Bureau international des poids et mesures. 919 ---- Cauotchouc Commission. 28 ---- chemical conference. 248 ----chemical congress. 247 ---- child welfare convention. 270 ---- coffee congress. 310 ---- Colonial Institute. 319 ---- Comite consultatif international des radio communications. 1337 ---- Comite international pour la bibliographie physiologique. 1212 ---- Comite internationale des bibliotheques. 759 ---- Comite international d'histoire des sciences. 1443 —--- Comite international pour I'ob- tention de lois protectrices des oiseaux victimes de la mode. 1046 (under 5) ---- Comite international des poids et mesures. 1694 ---- commission for electrotechnique. 438 ---- Commission de l'etalon radio- logique. 1331 ---- Commission internationale de l'Atlantique. 523 ---- Commission internationale char- gee d'etudier la question de la transcrip- tion des noms geographiques sous tous ses aspects. 523 ---- Commission internationale d'edairage. 767 ---- Commission internationale pour fixer la nomenclature oceanographique. 523 ---- Commission internationale de photometrie. 767, 1149 ---- Commission internationale pour la prophylaxie des maladies veneriennes. 848 (under 1) ---— Commission international de redaction d'une pharmacopee universelle. 848 (under 3) ---- Commission de paieontologie universelle. 527 ---- Commission permanente chargee d'etudier le miasme paludeen. 848 (un- der 2) ---- commission of photometry. 513 ---- commission of postgraduate medicine. 897a ---- committee for the unification of anthropological methods. 86 ---- convention for the suppression of traffic in women and children. 1705, 1705a ---- cotton congress (of delegated representatives of master cotton spinners' and manufacturers' associations) 333 ---- dental congress. 378 ---- Dental Federation. 969 ---- dermatologica! congress. 385 ---- dry-farming congress. 394 ---- electrical congress. 438 ---— Electrotechnical Committee. 6 , ---- emigration and immigration con- ference. 678 \ INTERNATIONAL [ 277 ] INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 344 642 971b ---- engineering congress. 451 ---- eucharistic congress. 466 ---- eugenics congress. 468 ---- Federation abolitionniste inter- nationale. 1279 ---- federation of eugenic organiza- tions. 467 ---- Federation horticole profession- nelle internationale. 612 —;— Federation internationale des associations des bibliothecaires. 759 ---- Federation internationale des etudiants: Corda Fratres. 1539 ---- Federation internationale de la presse technique (professionnelle et periodique) 1257 ---- Federation spirite interna- tionale. 1514 ---- fire prevention congress. 483 ---- fishery congress. 490 ---- folk lore congress. 494 ---- geographical congress. 523 ---- health conference. 557 ---- health education conference. 576 ---- homeopathic congress. 608 ---- homoeopathic convention. 608 ---- horticultural congress. 612 ---- horticultural exhibition and botanical congress. 176 ---- hospital congress. 614 ---- housing congress.' 625 ---- humane conference. 634 ---- illumination congress. 767 ---- industrial welfare congress. 1698 ---- institute of Documentation. 389 ---- Institut international d'etudes de materiel sanitaire. 1415 ■—— irrigation congress. 715 ---- labor conference. 725 ---- laboratory conference on the serodiagnosis of syphilis. 1575 ---- League against the abuse of alcoholic heverarres. 53 ---- Ligue internationale des femmes pour la paix et la liberty (etc.) 512 ---- locust conference. 772 ---- Marian congress. 789 ---- marine conference. 790 ----medical congress. See also 385 (under 4) 848 ---- medical congress on physical medicine. 1219 ---- medical congress for psycho- therapy. 1299 ---- medical congress (United States) ---- Medical women's international association. 1208 ----medico-legal congress. 889 ---- meridian conference. 912 ---- meteorological committee (first and second) 914 ---- meteorological committee (third) 916 (under 1) ---- meteorological conference. 914 ---- meteorological congress. 915 ---- monetary conference. 948 ---- moral education congress. 420 ■---- Neo-Malthusian and birth con- trol conference. 162 220 ---- Office internationale du travail a domicile. 603 ---- ophthalmological congress. 1037 ---- opium conference. 1039 ---- oriental congress. 1043 ---- ornithological congress. 1046 ---- orthodontic congress. 1048 ---- oto-laryngology congress. 1003 ---- otological congress. 1059 ---- otological society. 1059 ---- Pacific health conference. 558 ---- Pan American conference. 1072 ---- pediatric congress. 1108 ---- penitentiary congress. 1258 ---- pharmaceutical congress. 1127 ---- phylloxera convention. 1151 ----■ physiological congress. 1212 ---- plague conference. 1224 ---- polar commission. 1230 ---- polar institute. 1230 ---- postal congress. 1244 ---- postgraduate congress. 1245 ---- prison congress. 1258 • psychotechnic conference. 1298 ---- publishers' congress. 1303 ---- pure food congress. 497 ---- radiological congress. 1332 ---- railway congress. 1341 ---- Red Cross conference. 1352 ----road congress. 1376 ---- rubber congress. 1379 ---- Samaritan congress. 1384 ---- sanitary conference. 1391 ---- Scientific Association of Coloni- al Agronomy. 28 ---- scientific society for physical education. 425 ---- seed testing conference. 177 (under 2) —'■— seed testing congress. 1452 -■--- serological conference. 1453 ---- shorthand congress. 1531 ---- Societe internationale de chi- rurgie. 1561 ---- Societe internationale de chi- rurgie orthopedique. 1052 ---- Societe internationale de patho- logie geographique. 1085 ---- Societe international de pro- phylaxie sanitaire et morale. 1573 ---- Societe internationale d'urolo- gie. 1657 ---- society of Academic sciences. 1437 society of criminology. 342 society for crippled children. ---- Society of Gastroenterology. 514 ---- society for logopedics and phoniatry. 773 society of Medical Hydrology. society for musical research. ---- statistical congress. 1525 ---- statistical institute. 1525 ---- surgical congress. 1561 ---- Swedenborg congress. 1568 ---- technical conference on aerial relief. 9 ---- temperance congress. 53, 1583 ---- union of chemistry. 248 ---- union of forest research or- ganizations. 501 ---- Union internationale pour la protection des oeuvres litteraires et artistiques. 1371 ---- Union internationale de radio- teiegraphie. 1337 ---- Union internationale contre la tuberculose. 1624 ---- union of midwives. 929 ---- veterinary congress. 1678 International conference ---- on actinotherapy. 765 —— for acoustics. 6 ---- on African child. 260 ---- of agricultural economists. 31 ---- of American States. 1072 ----of the big brothers and big sisters. 153 ----on bituminous coil. 309 ---- on the blind. 164 ----on cancer. 199 - at Cape Town. 204 on charitable relief to aliens. - on child welfare in Africa. 260 ---- of cotton growers. 334 ---- of day nurseries. 351 ---- on education. 406 ----on electrical units and stand- ards. 441 ---- on entomology. 455 ---- on fever therapy. 482 - on goiter. 533 on health problems in tropical 587 on health of the seamen. 1451 on hybdridisation and plant 516 on industrial hygiene. 731 of labour statisticians. 737 on light and heat in medicine, surgery and public health. 765 on mental prophylaxis and 905 - on Moroccan affairs. 958 - of nurses. 1007 - on preventive pediatrics. 1115 - of railroad and maritime sanita- 1343 - of Red Cross Societies. 1352 - on rehabilitation of the dis- abled. 713 America. breeding. hygiene. tion. ---- on sanitary engineering. 1412 ---- of serotherapy of syphilis. 1575 ---- on silicosis. 1461 ---- on sleeping sickness. 1613 ---- on (of) social work. 1500 ---- of soil science. 1509 ---- on speech training. 1512 _ ---- on the standardization oflbio- logical products. 154 ---- on the standardization of cer- tain remedies. 154 ---- on the standardization of sera. 1453 ---- for the suppression of traffic in women and children. 1705a ---- on trypanosomiasis. 1613 ---- on tuberculosis. 1624, 1625 ---- on the unification of the formulae of powerful medicaments. 1248 International congres voor aardrijks- kunde. 523 International congres voor ongevallen- geneeskunde en beroepziekten. 726 International congress ---- of acetylene. 4 ---- of agriculture. 18,19 ■---- for the aid of the infirm. 344 ---- of air navigation. 46 ---- on alcoholism. 53 ---- of americanists. 70 ---- of anatomists. 75 ---- of anthropological and ethnologi- cal sciences. 84 ---- of anthropology. 83, 84 ---- of anthropology and prehistoric archeology. 86 ---- of applied chemistry. 250 ---- of applied mechanics. 797, 798 ---- of architects. Ill ---- on architectural education. 113 ---- of arts and science. 123 ---- of balneology. 144 ---- of biology. 155 ---- on blood transfusion. 172 ---- on bread making. 181 ---- on care of the insane. 705 ---- of catholic doctors. 1200 ---- of catholic physicians. 213a , "---- of charities correction and philanthropy. 230 ---- of charities and the protection of children. 272 ---- on child psychiatry. 1288 ---- for combating the improper use of narcotics. 977 ---- for combating the use of tobacco. 1597 ---- on commercial education. 412 ---- of comparative pathology. 1084 ---- on cremation. 338 ---- for criminal anthropology. 88 ---- of criminology. 342 ---- on crippled. 344 ---- of deafmutes. 353 ---- on demographic research. 370 ----of dermatology. 385 ---- of educational and instructional cinematography. 294 on electro-radio-biology. 447 of endocrinology. 449 on entomology. 454 on epilepsy. 457 of eugenics. 468 for experimental cytology. 345 of (experimental) psychology. 1290 of farm women. 477 of first aid and life saving. 484, 1352a of free trade. 506 of gastroenterology. 514 of genetics. 516 of geology. 527 of graphology. 539 of gynecology. 551 on help for the wounded in war. of historical sciences. 593 of the history of medicine. 806 for the history of religions. 1361 of the history of science. 1443 on hydrophobia. 646 See also 37°2,6h5y3giene ^ demo^^y- blind~ m improvin8 the conditon of the on individual psychology. 682 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 27S] INTERNATIONALER ---- on industrial accidents and dis- eases. 726 ---- for industrial accidents and occupational diseases. 726 ---- on inebriety. 689 ---- of infantile psychiatry. 12SS ---- for the insane. 705 ---- of leprosy. 755a ---- of librarians. 759 ---- (of life insurance) 763 ---- of life insurance medical ex- aminers. 707 ---- for light. 764 ---- for lighting. 767 - of lithographers. 771 for logopedics and phoniatry. 773 1519 1245 of mathematicians. 796 of medical advisers for athletes. of medical aviation. 138 of medical education. 800,897a on medical ethics. 804 of medical hydrology. 642 for medical postgraduate study. ---- of medical press. 811 ---- on medicinal plants. 822 ---- of medicine. 848 ---- on mental hygiene. 904 ---- for microbiology. 922 ---- of midwives. 928, 929 ---- of military medicine. 934 ---- of military medicine and phar- macy. 935 ---- of mining, metallurgy en- gineering and economic geology. 942 ---- on moral education. 951 ---- of obstetrics and gynecology. 1015 ---- of open-air schools. 1029 ---- of orthopedic surgery. 1052 ---- of otorhinolaryngology. 1063 ---- of pediatrics. 1108 ---- of philosophy. 1141 ---- of phonetic sciences. 1143 ---- of photography. 1147 ---- of physical education. 425 ---- of physical therapy. 1219 ---- of plant sciences. 177 ---- of prehistoric anthropology and archeology. 86 ---- of prehistoric archeology. 86 ---- of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences. 1251 ---- on the prevention and repres- sion of crime including penal and re- formatory treatment. 1258 ■---- on the propagation of social hygiene instruction. 1480 ---- for protection of animals. 80 ---- for the protection of mother- hood and sexual reform. 961 ---- for psychic hygiene. 904 ---- on psychological research. 1289 ----of psychology. 1290 ---- of public and private benevo- lent institutions. 245 ---- of radiology. 1332 ---- on recreation. 1349 ---- of refrigerating industries. 1359 ---- of refrigeration. 1359 ---- of religious liberals. 1363 ---- on rheumatism (and balneol- ogy) 1367 ---- on school hygiene. 1424 ---- of the science of heredity. 516 ---- of scientific and applied pho- tography. 1147 ---- of scientific and social cam- paign against cancer. 203 ---- of scientific unions. 124 ---- for sex research. 1455 ----on sexology. 1455 ---- for sexual reform. 1454 ---- on social hygiene. 1478 ---- on social insurance. 1481 ---- of soil science. 1509a ---- of Spanish speaking physicians. ---- for the study of the production and consumption of coffee. 310 ---- for the suppression of traffic in women and children. 1705 ,~ °* surgieal instrument makers. 1007 ---- of technical education. 436 ---- of tropical agriculture. 28 ---- of tropical diseases. 1609 laria) - of tropical medicine (and mn- 1610 - on tuberculosis. 1623 - for the unity of science. 1445 for t he welfare and protection of children. ---- of women. 1716 ---- of women physicians. 1208 ---- of zoology. 1739 Internationale ---- Arbeitskonferenz. 725 ■---- Brauerversammlung. 188 ---- Communiste. 326 ---- Conferenz von Vertretern der der Genfer Convention beigetretenen Regierungen und der Vereine und Genossenschaften zur Pflege im Felde verwundeter und erkrankter Krieger. 1352 ---- Experten-Conferenz fiir Wetter- schiessen. 917 ---- Gesellschaft fiir experimented Phonetik. 1143 ---- Gesellschaft zur Forderung des kaufmannischen Unterrichtswesens. 412 ---- Jiinglingsconferenz. 1733 ---- Kommission fur wissenschaft- liche Luftfahrt. 12 ---- Konferenz fiir Agrarwissen- schaft. 31 ---- Konferenz fiir elektrische Mass- einheiten. 441 — Konferenz fiir Krebsforschung. 199 ---- Konferenz fiir Samenpriifung. 1452 Konferenz fiir soziale Arbeit. 1500 ----Kropfkonferenz. 533 ---- medizinische Woche in der Schweiz. 849a ---- Munzkonferenz. 948 ---- Musikgesellschaft. 971 ---- Tagung fiir angewandte Psy- chopathologie und Psychologie. 1295 ---- Tagung fiir gerichtliche und soziale Medizin. 890 ---- Tagung der Gewerbearzte. 684 ---- Tagung fiir Sexualreform auf sexualwissenschaftlicher Grundlage. 1454 ---- Tagung fiir Thalassotherapie. 1587 ---- Tuberkulose-Konferenz. 1624, 1625 ---- Versammlung gegen den Miss- brauch geistiger Getranke. 53 ■---- wissenschaft liche Lepra-Kon- ferenz. 755 Internationaler ---- Altkatholiken-Kongress. 213 ■---- Amerikanisten-Kongress. 70 ---- antimilitaristischer Kongress. 96 ---- Architektcn-Kongress. Ill ---- Astrologen-Kongress. 127 ---- Baderkongress. 144 ---- Bauernkongress. 475 ---- botaniscber Kongress. 177 ---- Chemiker-Kon4 on vocational guidance (U. S.) 387 571a ada) 10S4 ---- on workmen's compensate n for industrial accidents. 1728 Naturalists. Czechoslovakia. 984.— Germany: Rheinland. 979. — Italy. 980.—Russia. 981.—Spain. 982 Natural resources, Russia. 983 Natural sciences. Czechoslovakia. 984.—(Flamand) S39 — Nederlandsch Indie. 985 Nature, Protection. 986 Naturforscher, Rhehvscher. 979 Naturgemasse Lebens- und Heilweise. 987 Naturopathy, German. 987 Natuur- en geneeskundige congres, vlaamsch. 83't Natuurkundig congress (Netherlands) 803 Notuurwetenschappelijk congres, Ne- derlandsch Indisch. 985 Nauchnaia korff rentsia vrachei T. S. S. R. 1 l'H) Nauchny rasshirenny sezd sudebno- meditsinskikh ekspertov Pskovskoi gu- berny. 895 NAVAL medicine. See Military medicine. Navigation, Service sanitaire et 1'hy- giene. 1343 Nederlandsch congres voor openbare gezondheidsrcgeling. 584 Nederlandsch congres tegen het alco- holisme. 56 Nederlandsch katholiek congres tot bestrijding van het alcoholisme. 55 Nederlandsch natuur- en geneeskundig congress. 803 Nederlandsch tandheelkundig congres. 381 Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor gee- stelijke volksgezondheid. 906 Nederlainlsch-Indisch natuurweten- schappelijk congres. 985 Nederiandsch-Indische medische tu- berculose congres. 1631 Negro. 988 Neohippocratism. 896 Xeo-Malthusian conference (interna- tional) 102 Neophilologen-Verband. 989 Neophilologists. 989 (Netherlands) Nationale tentoon- stelling van vrowenarbeid. 1725 Xeurologen-Kongress, internationaler. 996 Neurologistes de France. 60 Neurologists (United States) 62 Neurology, Belgium. 990.—Brazil. 992.—Germany: Southwest. 993.— Hoi land o-Belgian. 991.—international. 995, 990.—international (French speak- ing) 994.—Latin American. 997.— Paraguay. 998.—Scandinavian. Neuropathology, Belgium. Russia. 1001 Neurosurgery, Russia. 1001 Nevrokhirurgi. 1001 Xevropatologi. 1001 New Orleans epidemic. 298 New York. Sanitary officers. State Charities Aid Association. State conference of charities and correc- tion. 236.—State industrial safety con- gress. 1383 Xijverheidshygiene. 486 Nino, americano. 258.—mexicano. 257.—panamericano. 258 Nipiol6gica Jornada (Peru) 691 Nipiolocv. Italy. 1003 Xoix. 1009 Nomenclature, des causes de mort. HMM. —Death. 1004.—nosologic. 1005 X T.lis, her Kongress fiir innere Medi- an, sso Noriischer Kongress fiir Physiologie. Nordiske kongress for invarts medicin. Ss,3 Nordisk pediatrisk kongress. 1112 Nordiske neurologenkongress. 999 999 1000.— 1416.— 1632.— Nordiske patologenkongress. 1083 Nordiske riger, Hvgieiniske congress. 660 Nordwestdeutsche Tuberkulosearzte. 1641 Nordwestdeutschlands Taubstummen- lehrer. 302 Norske laegem0de. 869 North Africa. 13, 946.—Federation des Societes des sciences medicales de I'Afrique Nord. 875.—Medicine. 875 North Caucasian region, Biological conference. 156 Northern congress of pediatrics. 1112 Northern congress of surgery. 1563 Norway, Medicine. 869 Numerotage des fils, Unification. 1596 Numismatics, international. 1006 Nurseries. 351 Nurses, international. 1007 Nursing, international. 1007 Nut. 1009 o Obedinennia konferentsia protivotuber- kuleznykh organizatsy narkomzdrava i moszdravotdela. 1037 Oblastnoi sezd zemskikh predstavi- telei i vrachei. 1182 Observation meteorologique k la mer. 918 Observatoires meteorologiques. 916 Obstetricians, Education (Russia) 801.—French speaking. 550.—Russia. 1011.—Ukraina. 1011a Obstetrics, American. 1012.-—British. 1013.—France. 548.—Hispano-Portugal. 1017.—India. 1014.—international. 551, 1015.—Spain. 1016 Obst-Produzenten, Germany. 1711 Obstziichter. 1236 Occultists, German. 1018 Occupational diseases. 726 Ocean exploration, international. 1019 Oceanography, international. 1020 Odontological, latinamerican. 380 Odontologists. Russia. 1022, 1023 Oenology, France. 1023 (Oesterreich) Verein fur Fiirsorge fiir Schwachsinnige und Epileptische. 478 Oesterreichische Anthropologen und Urgeschichteforscher. 85 Oesterreichische Konferenz der Schwachsinnigenfursorge. 478 Oesterreichischer Advocatentag. 745 Oesterreichischer Alkoholgegnertag. 89 Oesterreichischer Caritas - Kongress. 221 Oesterreichischer Forst-Kongress. 500 Oesterreichischer Jagd-Kongress. 635 Oesterreichischer Kindergartnerinnen- tag. 721 Oesterreichischer Kinderschutzkon- gress. 265 Oesterreichischer Medicinercongress. 817 Oesterreichischer Mediziner-Kongress. 1159 Oesterreichischer Stenographentag. 1526 Oesterreichischer Tuberkulosetag. 1616 Oesterreichischer Weinbautag. 1710 Oesterreichisch - italienische Adria- Konferenz. 7 Oesterreichisch - ungariscber Backer- tag. 141 Oeuvres d'assistance en temps de guerre. 1689 Oeuvres catholiques de temperance de Belgique. 1582 Oeuvres du coin de terre. 511 Oeuvres de l'enfance (Belgium) 271 Oeuvres feminines (France) 1720.— (international) 1721 Oeuvres de patronage. 1086 Oeuvres de plain air. 1546 Oeuvres sociales. See Social work. Ouvriere, Protection. 1729 Oftalmologi (Severo-kavkazsky sezd) 1035 Ohio medical convention. 1171 Ohio. Physicians. 1171.—Sanitary. 1402 Ohrenarztc 1057.—(Austria) 1061 Oiseaux, etude. 160.—Protection. 159. 160 Okkultisten. 1018 Old age, Homes. 1024 Oieiculture. 1026 Olive. France. 1025.—international. 1020 (Hive fly. Fight against. 1027 Olivier. 1025 Glides courtes en medecine. 1457 Ongevallengeneeskunde. 720 Open air. 1546.—schools, Germany. 1028.—schools, international. 1029 Openbare zedelijkheid. 954 Opere pie. 223 Ophthalmologists, Germany. 1032 Lithuania. 1033.—North Kaukazus. 1035.—Russia. 1034 Ophthalmology. Brazil. 1036.—Eng- lish-speaking societies. 1031.—interna- tional. 1037.—Italy. 1038.—Oxford. 1030 Opium, international. 1039 Opium smoking, suppression. 1040 Optical, Italy. ,1042 Optical convention. 1041 Ordini dei medici, Delegati. 1205 Ordini sanitari ed associazioni con- generi nel regno. 1396 Organisation scientifique du travail. 734 Organisations patronales. 1087 Organisations socialistes francaises. 1485 Orient, Hygiene rurale. 667 Oriental, international. 1043 Orientalists, France. 1045.—German. 1044, 1139.—international. 1043 Orientation professionnelle. 1298 Ornithological, international. 1046 Ornithological congress for the pro- tection of birds. 159 Ornithologists, Germany. 1047 Orthodontic. 1048.—Spain. 1049 Orthopadisches Schulturnen. 1053 Orthopedics, Brazil. 1050.—France. 1051.—international. 1052.—school exer- cise. 1053 Orticultori. 613 Orvoshet. 1166. Orvosi nagyhet. 1167 Orvosok 6a termeszetvizsgdl6k. 1165 Ospedali. 614.—civili, Congresso sani- tario. 1394 Ostreiculture. 489 Otolaryngology, international. 1054— Russia. 1055, 1056 Otologists (Austria) 1061.—Germany. 1057 Otology, international. 1054, 1059.— (Leipzig) 1058 Oto-neuro-opthalmology. 1060 Otorhinolaryngologists. Austria. 1061 Otorhinolaryngology, France. 1062.— international. 1063.—Latin. 1064.'— North Kaukazus. 1067.—Pan Slavic. 1065.—Rumania. 1066—Spain. 1068 Outdoor recreation (U. S.)—1069 Outre-Mer (France) 399 Oxford ophthalmological congress 1030 Oxyacetylene. 4 Pacific, Health. 558 Paesi europei interessati alia coltiva- zione ed al commercio delle piante medicinali. 822 Pain, bon. 178a Painters, international. 1070 Painting, Material: Falsification. 1071 Paix. 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091.—So- cietes des amis de la. 1089 Paleoethnology. 86 Paleontology. 527 Paludisme. 1610. — international. 777.—Mexico. 779 Panama, Sanitary. 1403 Panama-Pacific dental congress. 382 Panamerican ---- 1072 ---- aeronautic convention and exhi- bition. 10 ---- conference on eugenics. 469 ---- conference of national directors of health. 573 ---- conference on venereal diseases. 1662 ---- conference of women. 1718 ---- congress on tuberculosis. 1634 ---- homeopathic medical congress. 609 ---- Medical Association. 864a PANAMERICAN [283] PLAGUE .--- medical congress. 864, 864a ---- Red Cross conference. 1354 ----■ sanitary conference. 1404 ----scientific congress. 1439 Panceltic. 217 Panhellenic. 1073 (Panhellenic congress on hygiene and demography) 659 Panhellenic health conference and exhibition. 559 Panhellenic medicine. 865 Panificazione. 179, 180, 181, 182 Pan Pacific science congress. 1440 Pan-Russian Congress of the Delegates of the Academic Union. 3 (Pan Slavic otorhinolaryngological congress) 1005 Papyrologentag. 1074 Papyrologists. 1074 Paraguay, Medicine. 866a Parent education (U. S.) 1075 Parent-teacher associations. 965 Parents & teachers (Iowa) 1076.— (U S.) 1077 Paris, Conference medicale. .842.— Ecole libre des sciences politiques, Societe des eleves. 1235.—Medicine. 842 Pastry, France. 1078 Patent, chemical (Germany) 1079 Pathologie comparee. 1084 Pathologie et organisation du travail. 735 Pathologists, German. 1080.—inter- national. 1081.—Russia. 1082.—Scan- dinavia. 1083 Pathology, comparative. 1084.—geo- graphical. 1085 Patisserie frangaise. 1078 Patologia (South American) 661 Patronage des condamnes. 1265.— France. 1086.—international. 1087.— des prisonniers liberes. 1262, 1263 Paysage, Protection de. 739 Paysanne. 475 Pays du Nord, Medecine. 886 Pays rhenans, Medecins des enfants. 1102 Peace. 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091 Peasants, international. 475 Peche. 488, 490.—maritimes. 487, 489.—maritimes et fluviales. 489 Pedagogic societies. 1092 Pedagogics, moral. 951 Pedagogie physiologique. 1422 Pedagogy, Central America. 1093.— Italv. 1094, 1095, 1096.—medical (South America) 1099. — South America. 1097.—Spain (1098) — therapeutical (Germany) 1100, 1101 IYdiatres de langue francaise. 1107 Pediatrists, Netherlands (etc.) 1102— Russia, 1103 Pediatry, Brazil. 1104. — Chile. 1105. — Cuba. 1106. — France. 548, 1107. — international. 1108. — Italy. 1109. — Mexico. 1110. — Poland. 1111. — preventive, international. 1115. — Scandinavian. 1112. — Spain. 1016, 1113.—Uruguay. 1114 Pedology, international. 1116.—Rus- sia. 1117 Pelagic sealing. 1118 Pelagic sealing conference. 1118 Pellagra. Cura. 1119.—Italy. 1119— United States. 1120 Penal and reformatory treatment. 1258 Peninsular medicine (Yucatan) 801 Penitenciario espanol. 1259 Penitentiary, international. 1258.— (reform) 1266 Pennsylvania, Sanitary. 1405.—Social welfare. 1497.—tuberculosis workers. 1643 Pennsylvania antimasonic State con- vention. 95 Perfectionnement des medecins. 1245 Periodical press. 1253 Periodischer Internationaler Ophthal- mologen-Kongress. 1037 Peritos mercantiles. 910 Permanente Commission der europai- schen (internationalen) Gradmessung (Erdmessung) 517 Perm, Physicians. 1180 . . Personale tecnico addetto alle ispezioni per la vigilanza sanitaria. 1397 Peru, Science. 1441 Pesca 490, 491.—industrial. 49/ Peste' 1348.—Invasione e propaga- ione. 1223 Petrole. 1121, 1122, 1123 Petroleum. 1121, 1122, 1123 Petrol eum-Conferenz. 1121 Pflanzenzuchter. 1226 Pharmaceutic industry. 1129 Pharmaceutic societies, France. 1130 Pharmaceutical, British. 1126.—In- ternational. 1127. — Italy. 1128. — United States. 1124 Pharmacie, Eleves. 1138.—(Interna- tional) 255. —Societes de France. 1130 Pharmaciens, Associations et societes. 1127.—de France et de l'etranger. 1131 Pharmacists, France. 1131. — Russia. 1132.—Spain. 1134 Pharmacopoeia, United States. 1135 Pharmacy, Argentina. 1125.—Bel- gium. 1136.—Brazil. 1136a.—(and chemistry, international) 255.—History, international. 1137.—international. 1127.— (Italy) 253. 254.—military. 935.—Pro- fessors (France) 1274.—Students. 1138 Philanthropy (international) 230 Philippine Islands, Medicine. 866.— Physicians and druggists. 1172 Philologists Germany. 1139 Philosopiien der Medizin (Poland) 807 Philosophical societies. 1140 Philosophy, international. 1141.— Italy. 1142.—medical. 807 Phonetic sciences. 1143 Phoniatry. 773 Phonograph industry. 1144 Photogrammetry, international. 1145 Photographentag, internationaler 1147 Photographic documentation. 1146 Photographie, angewandte. 1147, 1148 Photography, international. 1147.— Italv. 1148a.—scientific and applied. 1147, 1148 Photometry. 1149 Phreniatry, Belgium. 1000 Phylloxera. 1150, 1151.—Italy. 1152 Physical culture, Russia. 1153 Physical education. 1517.—interna- tional. 1428 Physical exercise. 1154.—Propaga- tion in school. 542 Physical medicine, international. 1219 Physical therapy. 638 Physicians, Abbazia. 1155. — Alps. 1156—American. 1157.—American, French speaking. 1158.—Austria. 1159.—Bavaria. 1160.—catholic. 1200.—colonial. 882 — Czechoslovakia. 984.—Finland. 1161.— France. 1162.—German. 1163.—Greece. 865, 1164.—Hungary. 1165, 1166, 1167 — Italv. 1168.—Italy: Piemonte. 1169 — Kentucky. 1170.—official (Austria) 1201 — Ohio. 1171.—Philippine Islands. 1172.— Poland. 1173.—Russia. 1174.—Russia: Bessarabia. 1175.—Russia: Chernigov. 1176.—Russia: Ekaterin. 1177.—Russia: Elizavet. 1178.—Russia: Gruz. 1179.— Russia: Kaukazus. 1180.—Russia: Kazan. 1181.—Russia: Kharkov. 1182.—Russia. Kherson. 1183.—Russia: Kursk. 1184.— Russia: Moskva. 1185.—Russia: Perm. Ilg6.—Russia: Poltava. 1187.—Russia: Salsk. 1188.—Russia: Saratov. 1189.— Russia: Tataria. 1190, 1191.—Russia: Tulsk. 1192.—Russia: Vladimir. 1193.— Russia: Volga. 1194.—Russia: Voronezh. H95._S]avic. 1202.—socialistic. 1203 — socialistic (Italy) 1204.—Societies, Italy. 1205.—Societies, Massachusetts. 1206.— Societies. Mexico. 1207.- Spain. 1196.— Spanish speaking. 1197—Sweden. 1198 — Sweden, provincial. 1199.—women, inter- national. 1208.—women, Italy. 1209 Physics, international. 1210, 1211 Physiologenkongress. 1212 Physiologie sportive. 1521 Physiology. France. 1214. — interna- tional". 1212.—Russia. 1213.—Scandi- Physiotherapie, French speaking. 1218 Physiotherapists, Russia. 1216 Physiotherapy. Belgium. 1217 —Brit- ish. 1329. —international. b42, 1219 Physique, international. 796 Phytopathology, international. 1221 Piante medicinali aromatichi ed afnni, Coltivazione e commercio. 822 Piel, cancer. 202 Piemonte, Medici del. 1169 Pigeon, international. 1222 Pirogov society of Russian physicians. 1174 Plague convention of Venezia. 1223 Plague. 1348.—International con- ference. 1224.—Russia. 1225 Plaies de guerre, Etude. 1691 Plain air, Oeuvres. 1546 Plant breeders. 1226 Plant breeding, international. 516 Plant cultivation, international. 637 Plant diseases, Suppression. 1227 Plantes, Seiectionneurs. 1226 Plantes medicinales. Culture (France) 821.—et k essences. 822.—Producteurs allemands. 820 Plant protection. 1228 Plant sciences. 177 Plastic surgery. 1565, 1566 Plein air, Ecoles de. 1029 Plumbers. 1229 Plumbers' congress. 1229 Poids, mesures et monnaies. 1694, 1695 Polar regions. 1230 Police, criminal. 1231.—judiciaire. 1231.—science. 1232 Poliklinikenwesen in Berlin, Verbes- serung. 1233 Polioencephalitis. 1234 Political sciences. 1235 Politique sociale. 1487 Polizeiwissenschaftliche Woche. 1232 Pollicultura. 1246 Polnischer pediatrischer Kongress. 1111 Poltava, Physicians. 1187 Pomme. 1238 Pomologen. 1236 Pomologists, Germany. 1236 Pomology. 103.—Belgium. 1237 — France. 1238 Poor, Superintendents, New York State. 1239 Poor law conference (United States) 1240 Popolazione, studi della. 370 Population, etudes sur la. 370.— India. 1241 Pornography, international. 1242, 1243 Portugal, Medicine. 867.—Sanitary. 1410 Postal. 1244 Postgraduate medicine (Hungary) 897.—international. 897a Postgraduate study. 1245 Poultry. 1246 Povolzhsky maliariiny sezd. 785 Povolzhsky nauchny sezd vrachei. 1194 Power. 1247 Powerful medicaments. 1248 Praticiens. 1162 Prehistoric and protohistoric sciences. 1251 Prehistory (Austria) 85.—France. 1250.—Germany. 1249.—(international) 86 Premier age, Protection de l'enfance du. 697 Premier meridien. 912 Premier secours en cas d'accidents. 484, 485 Prensa catalana. 1252 Prensa no diaria. 1252a Prensa medica de Cuba. 810.— inter- national. 811 Press, Catalan. 1252, 1252a.—peri- odical. 1253.—scientific. 1254 Presse. periodique. 1253.—scientifi- que. 1251.—technique (professionnelle et periodique) 1257. Presse medicale (international) 811.— latine. 812 Preussische Landeskonferenz fur Saug- lingsschutz. 700 Prevention des accidents du travail. 727.—(international) 728 Prevention and repression of crime. 1258 Preventive pediatrics. 1115 Prevoyance, Institutions de. 1699.— Institutions de (Belgium) 633.—Societes (France) 973.—sociale. 581.—sociale (international) 974 Printers, France. 1255.—interna- tional. 1256 Printing, international. 1257 Printing fund for the blind. 169 Prison, international. 1258.—reform. 1266.—reform, United States. 1268.— Spain. 1259 PRISONERS [ 281 RELATIONS Prisoner*. Belgium. 1260.—Germany. 1281. - - Patronage. 1265. — Patronage 1 ranee) 1262. — political (Belgium) 1260 Prisonniers liberes. Patronage. 1262, 1203 Private rights. 1270.— (South Ameri- ca) 1373 Procurators, Spain. 1271 Producteurs allemands de plantes medicinales. 820 Produits chimiques. 496.—du rdgne vegetal. 176 Profesii nlstas (Mexico) 860a Profi sores mercantiles. 910 Professeurs de I'enseignement secon- daire. 131. — de medecine et de pharmacie de France. 1274 Professional diseases (international) 732.—(Italy) 733 Professors, medical and pharmaceuti- cal (France) 1274 Profilaxis antituberculosa (Argentina) 1615 Progres des sciences sociales. 1490 Pro Infantia (Italy) 690 Pro Medico (Spain) 1196 Propagande d'hygiene sociale. 1480 Propagation of social hygiene instruc- tion. 1480 Prophylaxis, mental. 905 Propriete artistique. 1371.—indu- strielle. 1372.—miniere. 944 Prosthesis workers, Russia. 1276 Prostitutie. 1280 Prostitution, Abolition. — British. 1277.—Geneve. 1278. — international. 1279.—Netherlands. 1280.—Reglementa- tion. 1277,1278, 1279.1280,1281. 1282- Scandinavia. 1281.—United States. 1282 Protection (child) 262.—de l'enfance. 414.—de l'enfance (balkanique) 265a.— de la jeune fille. 530.—legale des travail- leurs. 1729.—maternelle et infantile. 961.—des oiseaux. 159, 160.—des pay- sages. 739.—des plantes. 1228 Protivochumny soveshchanie. 1225 Protohistoric sciences. 1251 Provence, Societes savantes. 1448 Provinsiallakaremotet. 1199 Psikhiatri. 1001 Psychiatrie des Kindesalters. 1288 Psychiatrists, Kurhessen. 1283.— Russia. 1284 Ps\ohiatry. Belgium. 990, 1000.— Bra/.i. 992.—France. 1285.—Hollando- Belgian. 991.—infantile (international) 1288.—international. 995, 1286.—inter- national (French speaking) 994.—Italy. 12S7.—Latin American. 997.—Paraguay 998 Psychic hygiene. 904 Psychische Hygiene. 901.—Deutsche Tagung. 902 Psychoanalystes de langue francaise. 1288a Psychoanalysts, France. 1293 Psychological research, international. 1289 Psychologie, angewandte. 1295.— experimentale. 1292.—et physiologie sportives. 1521.—physiologique. 1290 Psychology, experimental. 1290.— experimental, Germany. 1291.—experi- mental (international) 1292. — France 673.—(international) 995, 1290.—inter- national (French speaking) 994 Psychopathenfursorge. 1296, 1297 Psychopathen, jugendliche. 1297 Psychopathies, Welfare (Germany) 1296, 1297 Psychopathology, applied. 1295.—in- ternational. 1295 Psychotechnics, international. 1298 Psychotechnique appliquee k I'orienta- tion professionnelle. 1298 Psychotherapy, international. 1299 Publications, Exchange. 1300 Publications officielles, scientifiques, litteraires et industrielles. 1300 Put-lie health. See Health, public. Public health workers, Mexico. 588 Public meeting on behalf of the printing fund for the blind. 169 P .i iic rciding. 1301 1'ul le welfare, Philippine Islands. 694 1302"bUC works- 191.—international. Publishers, international. 1303.— Italy. 1304 Puerperal fever. 1305 Pure food. 497 Purity, social. 1307.—United States. 1318 Pyretotherapy. 182 Q Quackery. 1309 Quarantine Alabama. 1310.—Florida. 1311. — Louisiana. 1312. — maritime. 1311.-United States. 1313. Quarantine conference (Alabama) 1310 Quarantine convention (U. S.) 1313. Quarantine convention (Florida) 1311 Quarantine convention (Louisiana) 1312 Quarantine and sanitary convention (U. S.) 1313 Quebec, Sanitary services. 1406 Questione sessuale. 1456 Qufmica pura y aplicada. 250 Quintuple convention. 1467 R Rabbi, Germany. 1315 Rabbiner-Versammlung. 1315 Rabotnikov proteznovo dela. 1276 Race betterment conference. 1316 Races, international. 1317 Radio. 1321.—communications. 1337 Radioactivity. 1318 Radiobiology. 1319.—Italy. 1320. Radioelectricity. 1321.—interameri- can. 1322 Radiography, pulmonary. 1323 H ad loloijen-Kongress. 1332 Radiological. United States. 1323a Radiologic roumaine. 1333 Radiologists, Catalan. 1324. — Italy: Upper. 1325.—Russia. 1326.—Ukraina. 1327 Radiology. American. 1328.—British. 1329.—international. 1330, 1331, 1332.— medical. 446, 1334.—medical (Italy) 1335 Radio-neuro-surgery. 1336 Radiotelegraphy, international. 1337 Hadiotellurists. 1339 Haduno dei radiologi della Italia Alta. 1325 Hail, international. 1340 Railroad and maritime sanitation. 1313 Railway, Hygiene (international) 1313. — international. 1341.—military (Spain) 1344.—physicians, Germany. 1345.- -physicians, Russia. 1346, 1347.— physicians, Russia: Vladikavkaz. 1347.— Spain. 1342 Raisin, international. 538.—et jus de raisin. 537 Ramazziniano, Congresso. 733 Rasshirenny nauchny sezd sudebnikh vrachei i predstavitelei iustitsy v gorode Ivanovo-Voznesenske. 894 Rasshirenny sezd sudebno-meditsins- kikh ekspertov. 893 Rat, international. 1348 Reactions serologiques, Standardisa- tion. 1453 Recherches psychiques. 1289 Recreation, international. 1349.— mathematical. 1350 Red Cross. 1351. — Panamerican. 1354.—Russia. 1355.—Spain. 1356 Red Cross Societies. 1352.—Medical conference. 1357.—oriental. 1353 Reddingskongres. 485 Reddingswezen. 486 Reeducation, Professional. 713 Reform feldsherskago i akusherskago obrazovania. 801 Reformation des moeurs. 955 Reformatory treatment. 1258 Refrigerating industries. 1359 Refrigeration, France. 1358.—inter- national. 1359 Regional conference on social hygiene. 1479 Regions devastees par la guerre, Hygiene sociale. 1477 Regions polaires. 1230 RSglement du travail aux etablisse- ments industriels. 736 Regler par une entente internationale les lois de la guerre. 1089 Rehabilitation of the disabled. 713.— (U. S.) 1360 Reichskonferenz fiir das Gesundheits- wesen. 651 Relations commerciales internationales. 325 Religion, Psychology. 1364 Religionsgeschichte, allgemeine. 1361 Religions, History. 1361 Religionspsychologischer KoiiKress. 1364 Religious liberals. 1363 Religious sciences. 1362 Renal insufficiency. 1365 Repos du dimanche. 1547 Repos hebdomadaire. 1547 Repression de I'exercice illegal de la medecine. 809.—des fraudes (etc.) 496.—du trafic illicite,des drogues nuisa- bles. 976 Restauration des anciens manuscrits. 787 Retraites, Societes (France) 973.— pour la viellesse. 1024 Rettungswesen. 484, 485 Reunion ---- beige d'embryologie. 448a ---- des directeurs d'instituts et ecoles d'hygidne. 577 ---- generale du corps medical d'Al- ger en prevision d'une epidemie cholerique. 280 ---- internationale consacree aux ondes courtes en medecine. 1457 ---- internationale des infirmieres. 1007 ---- internationale de prophylaxie et d'hygifine mentale. 905 ---- neurologique internationale. 994 ---- psychiatrique. 1285 ---- des radiologistes occitano-cata- lans. 1324 ---- royaliste d'etudes sociales. 1495 Revision de la nomenclature des causes de mort. 1004.—internationale des maladies. 1005 Rheinischer Naturforscher. 979 Rheinisch-westphalische Gefangniss- Gesellschaft. 1261 Rheumatic diseases (Bath conference) 1366 Rheumatism, chronic. 1367a.—Eng- land. 1366.—international. 1367, 1368 Rhinologists (Austria) 1061 Rhumatisme chronique progressif ge- neralise. 1367a.—international. 1367 Riazanskoe gubernskoe maliarinoe soveshchanie. 783 Rice, Culture. 1370.—Spain. 1369 Riforma della legge degli infortuni del lavoro. 726a Riforme e I'ordinamento delle opere pie. 223 Riga, Aerzte. 286 Rights, comparative. 1374.—private. (South America) 1373.—of property, artistic. 1371.—of property, industrial. 1372.—of women. 1722 Rioplatense, Jornada pediatrica. 1114 Rioplatenses, jornadas de neurologia y psiquiatria. 998 Risicolo. 1370 Riunione ---- bibliografica. 152 ---- europea per I'igiene mentale. 901 ---- d'igienisti italiani. 672 ---- internazionale per lo studio della radiograha polmonare. 1323 ---- dei maestri italiani dei sordo- muti. 363 ---- degli scienziati italiani. 1438 ---- per lo studio dell'influenza. 703 ---- per lo studio della sifilide congenita. 1570 Rivers and harbors congress. 1375 Road, international. 1376.—Safety. 1377 Rocky Mountain medical conference. 878 Roentgen-Kongress. 1332 Roentgenologists and radiologists, Ukraina. 1327.—Russia. 1326 Roentgenology, international. 1332 Roman languages. 740 Roses. 1378 Route. 1376.—Securite. 1377 Rubber. 1379.—(Ned. Indie) 1380 1380 conKrea met tentoonstelling. >t RUMANIA [285] SEZD Rumania, Medicine. 868.—Surgery. 1562 Rural hygiene. 666, 667, 668, 669, 670 Rural life, Italy. 1380a Russia, Physiologists. 1213.—Sani- tary. 1407, 1408.—Surgeons. 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555.—Volga district, Sur- geons & gynecologists. 1555 Russian physicians, Pirogov society. 1174 S Sachverstandigen-Konferenz des Deut- schen Vereins zur Fursorge fur jugend- liche Psychopathen. 1297 Sachsischer Turntag. 1516 Sauglingsschutz. 266, 697.—(Prussia) 700 Safety (England) 1381.—industrial (France) 730. — industrial (N. Y.) 1383.—in mining. 944.—U. S. 1382 Sages-femmes catholiques. 930 Saldatura autogena. 4 Salsk, Physicians. 1188 Salubrite. 1390.—de l'habitation. 629 Samaritan congress. 1384 Samenkomst tot bevordering der openbare zedelijkheid. 954 Samenpriifung. 1452 Sanatorium. 1385 Sangue. Trasfusione. 172 Sanidad (Central America) 555.— Directores nacionales de. 573.—(Spain) 561 Sanitari, Rappresentanti degli ordini. 1396 . , . Sanitarny sezd zemskikh predstavitelei i vrachei S. Peterburgskoi gubernii ... kholernoi epidemii. 289 Sanitary, American of Lima. 1386.— Australasia. 1387.—California. 1388 — Europe. 1389.—France. 1390.—inter- national. 1391.—Italy. 1392, 1393, 1394, 1396, 1397.—Kentucky. 1398.— Maryland. 1399.—Michigan. 1400 — Mississippi Vallev. 1401.—Ohio. 1402— Pacific. 558.—Panama. 1403.—Pan- american. 1404.—Pennsylvania. 1405.— Portugal. 1405a.—Quebec. 1406.—Rus- sia. 1407, 1408.—South America. 1411 Sanitary aviation. 137, 138 Sanitary conference of the health officials (Connecticut) 580 Sanitary convention (Ohio) 1402 Sanitary convention (U. S.) 1313 Sanitary convention of South Ameri- can States. 1411 Sanitary convention of the State of Michigan. 1400 Sanitary council of the Mississippi Valley. 1401 Sanitary engineering. 1412.—United States. 1413 Sanitary industry, Italy. 1414 Sanitary inspectors, Italy. 1397 Sanitary material. 1415 Sanitary officers, New York. 1416 Sanitary prophylactic education. 1480 Sanitary technic. 1418 Sanitary vigilance, Italy. 1397 Sanitation, domestic (England) 1419.—railroad and maritime. 1343 Sankt Peterburg, Cholera. 289 Sankt Peterburgsky gubernsky sani- tarny sezd. 1407 Sant6 publique, internationale. 582, 583.—Parti social de la. 1484.—et la prevoyance sociale. 581 Saratov. Physicians. 1189 Sauterelles. 772 Sauvetage. 484, 485, 653 Savoie, Societes savantes. 1449 Scandinavia. Surgery. 1563 _ Scandinavian congress for internal medicine. 886 „ Scandinavian pediatric congress. 1112 Scarlet fever. 1420 Sceaux, Reproduction. 788 Scharlachkongress. 1420 Schlesischer Badertag. 145 School baths. 147 School colonies, Belgium. lo45 School hygiene, England. 1421.— France. 1422. — French speaking. 1423.—international. 1424. — Italy. 1425.—Mexico 1426 School medicine, international. 1420 Schools, Open air (German) 1028. (international) 1029 Schriftstellerversammlung. 131 Schulgesundheitspflege (international) 1424 Schulhygiene, internationale. 1424 Schulmanner. 1139 Schulturnen, orthopadisches. 1053 Schwachsinnigenfiirsorge, Austria. 478 Schweissung, autogene. 4 Schweisstechniker Kongress, Interna- tionaler. 1697 Schweizerische Konferenz fiir das Idiotenwescn. 479 Schweizerische Milchwirtschaftskon- ferenz. 350 Schweizerischer Baderkongress. 146 Schweizerischer Katholikentag. 211 Schweizerischer Kongress fiir Frauen- interessen. 1719 Schweizerischer Kongress fur die Interesse der Frau. 1719 Science. Angers. 1434.—Belgium. 1429, 1430, 1431.—catholic. 1442.— Chile. 1432.—France. 1433.—Gard, 1435.—History. 1443.—India. 1436.— (international) 123, 1437. — Italy. 1438.—Panamerican. 1439.—Pan Pacific 1440.—Peru. 1441.—Societies (France) 1447, 1448. 1449.—Societies. Provence. 1448.—Unity. 1445.—writers' confer- ence. 1446 Sciences, commerciales. 523.—cosmo- graphiques. 523.—economiques appli- quees. 402.—de l'ecriture. 1730.— geographiques. 523.—historiques. 593 — medicales. 848.—politiques. 1235.— prehistoriques et protohistoriques. 1251.—religieuses. 1362.—sociales et economiques. 1491.—sociales, Enseigne- ment. 1492.—sociales, Prog^s. 1490 Scientific unions. 124 Scientifique (France: on maritime quarantine) 1314 Scientists, catholic (Germany) 1450 Scienza delle assicurazioni. 708 Scienze storiche. 593 Scienziati italiani, Riunione. 1438 Scuola, Igiene della. 1425 Scuola di medicina. 816 Sea bath. 645, 1587 Seal, Reproduction. 788 Seaman, Welfare. 1451 Seamen's health. 1451 Seances tenues par les medecins de Nantes pour discuter la valeur des doctrines nouvelles relativement a la nature et au traitement de la syphilis. 1572 Secours aeriens. 9.—publics. 484 Securite dan= les mines. 944.—de la route. 1377.—des travailleurs et des ateliers. 730 Seed testing. 1452 Seguros sociales. 1482 Selection animale. 183 Seiectionneurs des plantes. 1226 Semaine internationale contre le cancer. internationale de la lumiere. 200 766 internationale du machinisme a la ferme. 775 ---- medicale balkanique. 826 ---- medicale internationale en Suisse. 849a Semana de medicina militar (Mexico) 936 Semences, Essais. 1452 Sera. Standardization. 1453 Sericicole. 1462 Sericoltura. 1463 Serodiagnosis of syphilis. 1575 Serology, international. 1453 Serotherapy of syphilis. 1575 Service, de l'incendie. 483.—medical des armees en campagne. 933.—sanitaire dans les armees en campagne, Insuffisance 1351.—social, international. 1500.— sanitaires (Quebec) 1406 Servicio social de la infancia (Para- guay) 701 . Seuchen-Kongress der Hygiemker Deutschlands und Oesterreichs. 456 Severo-kavkazsky sezd oftalmologov. 1035 Sex. question, Italy. 1456.—reform. 1454.—research. 1455 Sexology. 1455 Sexualforschung. 1455 Sexualreform. 961 Sezd ---- bakteriologov, epidemiologov i sanitarnikh vrachei. 140 ---- farpodov. 1132 ---- fizioterapevtov. 1216 ---- ginekologov i akusherov. 547 ---- kavkazskikh vrachei. 1180 ---- kavkazkikh vrachei ... cholernoi epidemii. 288 ---- obshchestva russkikh vrachei v pamiat Pirogova. 1174 ---- po obsuzhdeniiu mier protiv sifilisa v Rossii. 1574 ---- otechestvennikh psikhiatrov. 1284 . . ---- polskikh estetvopytatelei l vrachei. 1172 ---- po reforme feldsherskago i akusherskago obrazovania. 801 ---- rossyskikh terapevtov. 1593 ---- rossyskikh khirurgov. 1552 ---- rossyskikh urologov. 1653 ---- russkikh iestestvoispitatelei (i vrachei) 981 ---- russkikh vrachei. 1174 ---- russkikh vrachei v pamiat Piro- gova. 1174 ---- Russkikh vrachei po ushnym i gorlovym bolieznam. 1056 ---- selyskikh venerologov Smolen- skoi gubernii. 1665 ---- Ukrainskikh khirurgov. 1554 ---- veterinarov. 1672 ---- Vladimirskikh zemskikh vrachei. 1193 ---- Volzhskikh vrachei piotiv vene- richeskikh bolieznei. 1666 ---- vrachei gruzy. 1179 ---- vrachei Permskoi gubernii. 1186 ---- vrachei Vladikavkazskoi zheliez- noi dorogi. 1347 ---- vrachei vsei Finliandy. 1161 ---- zemskikh veterinarnikh vrachei Vladimirskoi gubernii. 1673 ---- zheleznodorozhnikh vrachei. 1346 ---- zdravotdelov Sibirskovo kraia. 569 ---- zemskikh vrachei. 1187 ---- zemskikh vrachei Chernigovskoi gubernii. 1176 ---- zemskikh vrachei Ekaterino- slavskoi gubernii. 1177 ---- zemskikh vrachei .. kaluzhskoi guberny ... fkholera) 287 ---- zemskikh vrachei Kazani. 1181 ---- zemskikh vrachei Kurskoi gubernii. 1184 ---- zemskikh vrachei Moskovskoi gubernii. 1185 ---- zemskikh vrachei Saratovskoi gubernii. 1189 ---- zemskikh vrachei Tulskoi gubernii. 1192 ----. zemskikh vrachei Voronezhskoi gubernii. 1195 Shanghai medical congress. 834 Shorthand. See Stenographist; Steno- graphy. Short wave. 1457, 1458.—Russia. 1459 Sicilia, Medicine. 856 Sick, Assistance. 1460 Sifilide, Esame dell'origine storica. 1571.—congenita, Studio. 1570 Sifilografia, Sud-Amer. 386 Silicosis. 1461 Silkworm, international. 1462.—Italy 1463 Skill, Education. 1465 Sindicatos medicos de la republica (Mexico) 1207 Sisters. 153 Sites naturels, Protection. 986 Sittlichkeitsvereine, deutsche. 956 Sitzungen sammtlicher Aerzte Riga's der daselbst herrschenden Cholera- Epidemie. 286 Slave. 1467 Slave trade. 1467 Slavic medical students. 818.—phy- sicians. 1202 Sleeping sickness. 1613 Smolensk, Venereologists. 1665 Social (France) 398. — Germany. 1468.—Spain. 1469 Social agencies, California. 1470 Social economy. 653. — catholic. 1471.—international. 1472. — Spanish American. 1473 SOCIAL [2S(i] STATIONS Social education. 435 Social eugenics. 470 Social hygiene (British) tral State. 117 V — France struct ion. 1480.—intcralliei ternational. 1478.— New York Social insurance. Kxperts. international. 1181. —Italy. Spnin. 1482 Social medicine. 649. — 8^7. —Italy. 1-180 Social morals. 952 icial politics, international 1474.—Cen- 1476.—In- 1477.—in- 1479 14S3.— I486.— France. 14S7 Social problem, Germany. 1488 Social purity. 1307 Social science congress (British) 1489 Social sciences. Instruction. 1492.— international. 1490, 1491 Social service, Jewish (U. S.) 1494.— for infants. 701.—North Carolina. 1493.—in warfare. 1689 Social study, France. 1495 Social welfare (French) 581.—Mis- souri. 1496.—Pennsylvania. 1497 Social work, Belgium. 1498.—Chile. 1499. — international. 1500. — Kansas. 1501.—(United States) 1502.—Vermont. 1503.—Wisconsin. 1504 Socialist physicians. 1203.—Italian. 1204 Socialistic, Hygiene. 1484 Socialistic organizations, France. 1485 Soeieta crittogamologica italiana. 178 Societe ----- beige de radiologie. 448 ----- centrale d'architecture de Belgi- que. Ill ----- d'eiectroradiologie medicale de France. 448 -----francaise d'archeologie. 105 ----- francaise d'eiectrotherapie et de radiologie. 448 -----francaise de gynecologie. 549 ----- internationale de la lepre. 755, 755a ----- medicale de climatologie et d'hygiene du Littoral mediterraneen. 332 ----- medicale franco-polonaise. 843 ----- neerlandaise de bains populaires et scolaires. 147 ----- de pathologie comparee. 1084 ----- Pereire. 367 ----- universelle de la Croix Blanche de Geneve. 496 Societes ----- par actions. 331 . ----- des amis de la paix. 1089 ---- astronomiques. 128 ----- cooperatives. 331 ----- francaises de geographie. 520 ----- d'habitations & bon marche. 623 ---- d'habitations ouvrieres. 632 ---- de pharmacie de France. 1130 ----- philosophiques americaines (etc.) 1140 ----- professionnelles de gens de lettres. 133 ---- savants des departements. 1447 ---- savantes de Paris et des departe- ments. 1447 ----- savantes de Provence. 1448 ---- savantes de la Savoie (savoisien- nes) 1449 ---- de secours aux blesses militaires des armees de terre et de mer. 1352 ----- de secours mutuels (France 973 Society of radiobiology. Society for the study 689 Sociologists, Germany. Sociology, colonial. 1508.—familial. 945.—international. 1506, 1507 Sonjiiorno. 585 Soil science. 1509, 1509a Somaliland. French. 14 Sommerpflege. 1545a Song, international. 1510 Sonntagsfeier. 1547.—(U. S.) 1549 Sordomuti. 363.—Educatori (maestri) 363 Sourcerer«. 1339 Sourciers. 1339 Sourds-muets. 353, 355.—Ameliora- tion :u son des. 366.—Amelioration du sort (international) 367.—Enseignement. 447 of inebriety. 1505 South African medical congress. 870 South America, Medicine. ,s7l Southamerican international concress 1511 Soveshchanie po voprosam borby a maliariei sredi torforabochikh 780 Soziale Arbeit. 1500 Soziale Frage. 1188 Soziale Medizin (international) 890 Sozialversicherungsfachleute. 14S3 Sozialpolitik. 1187 Soziologentag. 1505 367 South African health congress. 560 Spi escritores y medica. am --- Asociaci6n de artistas espanoles. 770 ----- Asociacion espanol de urologfa. 1659 ----- Medicine. 872, 873 - Physicians. 1196 Sociedad espafiola de hidrologia 644 - Surgery. 1564 Spanish speaking physicians. 1197 Specialites pharmaceutiques. 1129 Speech training. 1512 Spirite universel. 1514 Spiritist. 1513, 1514, 1515.—Esper- anto. 1515 Spiritualistic. See Spiritist. Spiritueux. 1707 Sportiitzte. 1519 Sportarzte-Tagung. 1520 Sport, Germany: Sachsen. international. 1517.—medicine 1519.—medicine, Hungary. 1517b.—physicians, Germany. physicians, international. 1519 1516.— 1518, 1517a, 1520.— -Psy- chology. 1521.—women. 1522 Sportorvosi vandorgyiiies. 1517a Spoits. 425 Srednemu medobrazovanniu. 808 Stadtehygiene. 1418 Stadtetag. 299 Stadtewesen. 299 Stampa medica (international) 811.— latina. 812 Standardization of remedies. 154.— des serums et des reactions serologiques. 1453 State boards of health (Canada) 564.—(U. S.) 571a State conference ----- of charities (Massachusetts) 224 ----- of charities (Missouri) 1496 ----- of charities and correction (Arkansas) 227 ----- of charities and corrections (California) 1470 ----- on charities and correction (Connecticut) 228 ----- of charities and correction (Iowa) 231 -----charities and correction (Ken- tucky) 232 -----of charities and correction (Michigan) 234 ----- of charities and correction (Minnesota) 235 ----of charities and correction (Ohio) 238 -----of charities and correction (Oregon) 239 on charities and correction 240 of charities and corrections (Wisconsin) 1504 -----on child welfare (Ohio) 276 ----- of child welfare boards with the Board of Control (Minnesota) 275 ----- on dependent children (Ohio) 268a of social agencies (California) for social welfare (Missouri) on social work (Wisconsin) State laws, Commissioners on uniform. 1523 State medical convention of Indiana. 847 State sanitary convention of Cali- fornia. 1388 State sanitary convention (Penn- sylvania) 1405 State and Territorial health officers. 579 (Texas) 1470 1496 1504 Station.H. hnlneaire*. 1 II —climatiques 615. -hydrominerales, Developpement. IV * /> - . , ,-n- Statistical, international. l.>2o Statisticians. Germany. 1524 Statisticiens du travail. 737 Statistics of labor (U. S.) 738.— medical & meteorological. See Coopera- tion, medical Statistische Bureaux deutscher SMdtn, Directoren. 1524 Stazioni di cura, soggiorno e turismo. 585 • L- X. Stenographentag, osterreichischer. 1520 Stenographentag der W. Stolzeschen Schule dei Sti no-i apliie. 1529 Stenographists. Austria. 1526.—Ger- many. 152S, 1529, 1530.—international. I.")", 1, 1531a, loiilb Sterilization (British) 1532 Stolzc'sche Schule der Stenographie. 1529 Stomatologists, Poland. 1533 Stomatology, France. 1534.—interna- tional. 1535.—Italy. 1536 Storia della medicina. 806 Strafrecht. 339.—international. 1258 Strassenkongress. 1376 Stratigraphy, carboniferous. 1537 Students, catholic. 1539a.—Christian. 1540.—international. 1538, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1542.—socialistic. 1541 Studi coloniali. 321 Studio della radiografia polmonare. 1323 Sucrerie. 1542 Sud-americana (Medicine) 871 Sudamericano. 1511 Sudebno-meditsinskie eksperti. 892, 893, 894, 895 Sudwestdeutsche Neurologen und Ir- renarzte. 993 Siidwestdeutsches psychiatrisches Ver- ein. 993 Sugar cane technologists. 1543 Sugar industry. 1542 Summer camp, Belgium. 1545.— Germany. 1545a. — international. 1546.—Italy. 1546a Sunday rest. 1547.—Netherlands. 1548 —United States. 1549 Suppression of intemperance. 709 Surgeons, American. 1157.—Educa- tion (Russia)8 01.—Lithuania. 1550.— Mexico. 1551.—Russia. 1552.—Russia: French. 1553.—Ukraina. 1554.—Volga district. 1555 Surgery.—Argentina. 1556.—Belgium. 1557.—Brazil. 829, 1558.—Chile. 1559.— France. 1560.—international. 1561.—Ru- mania. 1562.—Scandinavia. 1563.—South America. 871.—Spain. 1564 Surgery, orthopedic. See Orthopedics. Surgery, plastic, European. 1565.— France. 1566 Surgical instrument makers. 1567 Sweden, Physicians. 1198, 1199 Swedenborg congress. 1568 Swedenborg society. 1568 Sylviculture. 1569 Symposium on war housing. 631 Synode der Altkatholiken des Deut- schen Reiches. 212 Synthesis, medical. 819 Synthetische Lebensforschung. 157 Syphiligraphie, international. 385 Syphilis, congenital. 1570.—Defense sociale. 1573. — Doctrines nouvelles. 1572.—hereditaire. 1570. — Nature (Nantes) 1572.—Prevention. 1573.— Prevention, Russia. 1574.—Serodiagno- sis. 1575.—Serotherapy. 1575.—Treat- ment. 1572 Syphilographes de langue francaise. 384 Syria, 1576 716 Taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Java. 5 Tabac, Abus du. 1597 Tabardillo. 1577 Tagung —— der Fachtierarzte fur die Be- kampfung der Aufzuchtkrankheiten. 1669 „„,"!. .ubeL.dl1- Fra8en der Kinder- altera 268S Saughngs- und Kleinkindea- TAGUNG [287] UNIVERSAL ,_ ---- der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur experimented Phonetik. 1143 ---- zur Klarung der Frage des sogenannten orthopadischen Schulturnens 1053 ---- fur Kdrperpfiege und Leibes- Qbungen. 421 ---- Nordwestdeutscher Tuberkulo- searzte. 1641 ---- der osterreichischen Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenarzte. 1061 ---- fiir Psychopathenfursorge. 1296 ---- reichsdeutscher Urologen. 1656 ---- iiber (or fiir) Verdauungs- und Stoffwechsclkrankheiten. 388 ---- fiir Vorgeschichte. 1249 ---- der Weide- und Wiesenwirthe aus (etc.) 540 Tandheelkundig congress. 381 Tataria, Physicians, 1190, 1191 Taubstummen-Kongress. 352 Taubstummenlehrer. 1057. — Nord- westdeutschlands. 362 Taubstummenlehrer - Kongress (Ger- many) 361.—internationaler. 367 Taubstummenlehrertag (Austria) 360 Tauromachie. 192 Tea, Java. 1578 Teacher (Germany) 1139 Teachers of the deaf. 364 Technical education. 436 Techniciens des teiegraphes et tele- phones. 1579 Technique sanitaire et 1'hygiene urbaine. 1418 Technische Mechanik. 798 Teiegraphie sans fil. 1321 Telegraphists. 1579 Telegraphy, international. 1580.— wireless. 1321 Telephone. 1579 Temperance, Belgium. 1582.—inter- national. 1583.—New York. 1584 — United States. 1585 Temperance convention of the State of New York. 1584 Tennessee, Medicine. 874 Terapia fisica. 638 Termeszetvizsgalok. 1165 Texas fever. 215 Textile industry, Hygiene. 671 Thalassotherapy, Belgium. 1586.— international. 1587 Thee congres met tentoonstelling. 1578 Theosophy, France. 1588.—interna- tional. 1589 Therapeutical Union. 1590 Therapeutics, France. 1591.—inter- national. 1592 Therapie par les agents physiques. 642 Therapists, Russia. 1593.—Ukraina. 1594.—Uzbekistan. 1595 Therapy, physical. See Physiotherapy. Thermalisme et climatisme. 1602 Thread. 1596 Tieriirzte, Bayerische. 1670.—Inter- nationaler Kongress. 1678 Tierschutz-Kongress. 79 Tiflologia. 170 Tobacco, Combating the use of. 1597 Tocqueville. 1598 Torforabochi. 780 Toscana, Medicine. 857 Tourism, international. 1600 Tourisme, thermalisme et climatisme. 1602 Tovabbkepzes, orvosi. 897, 897a Town planning (Canada) 304 Town planning conference (England) 305 Trabajo, Accidentes. 726.—Higiene y medicina (Mexico) 731a Trachoma, Italy. 1603 Trade (Canada) 724.—free. 506 Trades and labor congress (Canada) 724 Trades union congress (England) 1604 , • aqa Traditions populaires. 494 Tradizioni popolari. 100o Traffic in women and children. 1705, 1705a _,, . -_nr Traites des blanches, Repression. 170o Tramways. 1606a Transfusion sanguine. 172 Transport, Moyens: Developpement et amelioration. 1606 Transportation, automobile, lou/. international. 1606, 1606a Transports automobiles. 1607 97525—38----19 Traumatology, Brazil. 1050 Travail. 725.—Accidents du. 726, 1481.—a domicile. 603.—industriel de la mere. 964.—Legislation. 1729.— Maladies. 726.—Maladies du (interna- tional) 732.—dans les mines. 944. - Organisation scientifique. 734.—Patho- logie et organisation. 735.—Reglement dans les etablissements industriels et dans les mines. 736.—Statisticiens du. i-7oTrav2L"eu?'s' Protection legale. 1729.—Securite. 730 Travaux d'hygiene publique. 582.— publics. 191, 1302 Tribunaux pour enfants. 720 Trinkerfursorge Konferenz. 58 Trocadero Palace conference. 1608 „ Tropical American, Health problems. 587 Tropical diseases. 1609.—(Armenia) 782.—(Transcaucasus) 784 Tropical medicine. 1610.—Africa. 1611.—Far East. 1612 Tropicheski zabolevani. 784 Trypanosomiasis. 28, 1613 Tubercolosi, Lotta sociale. 1627 Tuberculose chez I'homme et chez les animaux. 1623 Tuberculosis.—American. 1614.—Ar- gentina. 1615.—Austria. 1616.—Brazil. 1617.—British. 1618. Czechoslowakia. 1618a.—France. 1619. 1620—Germany. 1621, 1622—international. 1623, 1624, 1625,1626.—Italy. 1627a, 1628.—Japan. 1629. — Massachusetts. 1630. — Neder- landsch Indie. 1631.—New York. 1632 — Norway. 1633.—Panamerican. 1634.— Philippine Islands. 1635.—Russia. 1636, 1637, 1638—Spain. 1639.—Yugoslavia. 1640 Tuberculosis, cutaneous. 385 Tuberculosis specialist (Germany) 1641, 1642 Tuberculosis workers (Pennsylvania) 1643 Tuberkuloseiirzte. 1641. 1642 Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. 1621 Tulsk, Physicians. 1192 Tumors. 1644.—(Italy) 1645 Tunis, Medicine. 875 Turismo. 585.—Autoservizi. 1600 Turkey, Medicine. 876 Turn- und Sporttagung, Frauen. 1522 Turntag, sachsischer. 1516 Turpiloquio. 1243 Tutela della prima infanzia. 699 Typography. 1646 u Ukraina, Surgeons. 1554, 1554a.— Tuberculosis. 1638 Ukrainsky sezd promislovikh lekariv. 686 Ukrainksy sezd rentgenologov i radiolo- gov. 1327 Ukrainsky z'izd terapevtiv. 1594 Umbria, Medicine. 858 Unemployment. 1647 Unfallkongress, medizinischer. 726 Unfallmedizin. 726 Unglucksfallen, Erste Hilfe. 484, 485 Unification du droit penal. 340.—of formulae of powerful medicaments. 1248.—du numerotage des fils de toute nature. 1596.—des poids, mesures et monnaies. 1694 Uniform state laws. 1523 Union des associations internationales. 124 Union coloniale francaise. 13 Union water convention concerning the conflagration at South Boston. 1692 United States ---- Marine Hospital Service. 579 ---- National alliance of legal aid societies. 752 ---- National congress of mothers. 270 ---- National safety council. 1382 United States pharmacopoeial conven- tion. 1135 United States Public Health Service. 579 Unites electriques, Determination. 441 Units, electrical. 441 Universal congress of lawyers and jurists. 750 Universal races congress. 1317 Universitaten, preussische, Reform. 1650 Universitatslehrer. 1649 Universities of the Empire. 1648 University professors (Germany) 1649 University reform, Prussia. 1650 Urbanism. 302 Urbanistica. 302.—igiene. 1418 Urgeschichteforscher (Austria) 85 Uric acid. 535 Uricemia. 1651 Urinary lithiasis. 1652 Urologen, Reichsdeutsche. 1656 Urologists (Russia) 1653 Urology, American. 1654.—France. 1655.—Germany. 1656.—international. 1657.—Rumania. 1658.—Spanish-Portu- guese. 1659 Uruguay, Medicine. 879 Usebelaruskaia sanitarnaia narada. 1408 (U. S. S. R. congress on Far eastern natural resources) 983 Uzbekistansky nauchny sezd terapev- tov. 1595 Uzebelarusky zezd chyrvonaga kryzhu. 1355 V Vacances, colonies scolaires de. 1546 Vacation colonies, Belgium. 1545 Vagabonds, Patronage. 1265 Vascons. 1660 Vegetarians. 1661 Venereal diseases (American) 1662— East Europe. 1663. — Prophylaxis. 1573.—Russia. 1664 Venericheski boliezni. 1666 Venereologists (Russia: Smolensk) 1665.—Russia: Volga. 1666 Venezia, Medicine. 853 Venezuela, Medicine. 880 Verband deutscher Muller und Miih- len-Interessenten. 938 Verbrecher, jugendliche. 341 Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrank- heiten. 388 Verein deutscher Irrenarzte. 59 Verein siiddeutscher Laryngologen. 742 Vereine und Genossenschaften zur Pflege im Felde verwundeter und erkrank- ter Krieger. 1352 Vereine fiir Reform des Bestattungs- wesens und fakultative Feuerbestattung. 193 Vereinigter internationaler Anatomen- Kongress. 75 Vereinigungen deutscher Hebammen. 927 Vereinigungen fiir Sommerpflege, Ver- treter. 1545a Vererbungswissenschaft. 516 Verhandlungen iiber Choleraquaran- tane. 285 Verleger-Kongress. 1303 Vermont, Social work. 1503 Versammlung ---- Bayerischer Tierarzte. 1670 ---- zur Beratung der Vorschlage iiber die Behandlung jugendlicher Ver- brecher. 341 ---- zur Besprechung der socialen Frage. 1488 ---- deutscher Archilekten und Ingenieure. 109 ---- deutscher Bahnarzte. 1345 ---- deutscher und auslandischer Orientalisten. 1044 ---- deutscher Gynakologen. 545 ---- deutscher Historiker. 594 ---- deutscher Irrenarzte. 59 ---- deutscher Land- und Forstwirte. 33 ---- deutscher Landwirte. 33 ---- deutscher Meister und Freunde der Erdkunde. 522 ---- deutscher Muller und Miihlen- Interessenten. 938 ---- deutscher Ohrenarzte und Taub- stummenlehrer. 1057 ---- deutscher Philologen und Schul- manner. 1139 ---- deutscher Rabbiner. 1315 ---- deutscher Universitatslehrer iiber die Reform der deutschen Hoch- schulen. 1649 ---- deutscher Wein- und Obst- Produzenten. 1711 VERSAMMLUNG [2SS] WINE ---- fOr Gtftnffnuwrefbrm. 1266 ---- der (.ermanisten. 529 ----- dor llcizungs- und Ltlftungs- fachmunnern. 689 — der Internationalen Federation eugenischor Orcam/.itioncn. 407 ---- der katholischen Vereine Deutschlands. 214 ----- katholischer Gelehrten. 1450 ----- Kurhessischer Psychiater. 1283 ---- Mecklenburgischer Ornithologen 1047 ----- von Nahrungsmittel-Chemikern und Mikroskopikern. 495 ----osterreichischer Anthropologen und LrgfM hit iitifon-< her. So —— dtr l'olnist hen Historikcr und Philosopben der Medizin. vu7 - Rheini.-clicr Naturforscher. 979 scli\\c:ze!i>clicr Forstwirthe. 892 oto-lnringologichesky. 1055 russkikh vrachei. 1 171 sudobno-meditsinskil bexpertov. 1653 ----- siiddeutscher Laryngclogen. 504 742 ----- der Taubstummenlehrer Nord- westdeutschlands. 362 ---- thiiringer Landwirthe. 40 ----- der Tuberkulose-Aerzte von Berlin. 1642a ----- der Tuberkulose-Aerzte Deutschlands. 1642 ---- westdeutscher Pathologen. 1080 Versicherungsmedizin (international) 707 r Versicherungsmedizinische Woche. 700 Versichorungswissensehaft. 5 .Vertreter der der Center Convention beigetretenen Regierungen. 1352 Vesoiuzny odontologichesky sezd. 1023 Veterinarians (Germany) 1669.— Germany (Bavaria) 1*170. — Italy 1671.—Russia. 1672, 1073 Veterinary. Austria. 1075.—Belgium. 1676. — 1 ranee 1077. — international. 1678.—Italv, 1079 Vice, Km/land. 1680 \ ie ,•! la famille. 472 Yiellesse. Retraites pour la. 1024 Vii'ilanza sanitaria. 1397 A i(iili sanitari e personale tecnico. 1397 Vigne. 1707a.—Hybridisation. 552 Villes. 300. 301.—d'eaux. 645 Vin. 1707a Vins. 171)7 Virginia, Medicine. 881 Visxcherii i ongres. 4!l3 Yiticol,-. | mce. 1682 Viticulture. Applications de I'electri- cite. 442. (fiance) 1682.—interna- tional. 16S3 VITTEL. Societe de medecine. 535 Vivisection. SO Vlaamsch congres voor boek- en bibliotheskwezen. 149 Vlaamsch natuur- en geneeskundige congres. 839 Vladimir. Physicians. 1193.—Veteri- narians. 1073 Vocational guidance. 1684 Voice, international. 1685 Yoix. 1685 Volga, Physicians. 1194 Volsa district, Surgeons and gyne- cologists. 1555 Volksgezondheid, geestelijke. 906 Yolks wine. 404 Volkswohlfahrt. 1700 Volta conventions. 1686 Vorgeschichte. 1249 Voronezh, Physicians. 1195 Yorver.-atnmlung der Impfgegner. 99 Vrachi. See Physician-, ltus«:a. Yrowenarbeid. 1725 Vsearmiansky sezd po borbe s maliariei i drug, tropicheskimi zabolevauiiami iv gor. Erivani) 782 Vserossiisky sezd delegatov Akademicheskago ----- urologov ---- zdravotdelov. 565 Vserossyskaia konferentsia po sredne- mu medobrazovanniu. 808 Vserossyskoe soveshchanie rabotnikov proteznovo dela. 1276 Vsesoiuznaia nauchnaia konferentsia po fizkulture. 1153 Vsesoiuzne soveshchanie vrachei biolo- gov i fizikov po voprosam primenenia korotkikh i ultrakorotkikh voln v me- ditsine. 1459 Vsesoiuzny protivochumny sovesh- chanie. 1225 Vsesoiuzny sezd - akusherov i ginekologov. 1011 anatomov, gistologov i zoologov. 76 1103 detskikh vrachei ---fiziologov. 1213 ----- likariv-pediatriv. 1103 ----- nauchno-organizatsiony po kur- ortnomu dela. 586 ---- patologiv. 1082 ----- pedologichesky. 1117 ----- rentgenologov i radiologov. 1326 ----- v spravi borotby z venerichnimi i shkirnimi khvorobami. 1664 ---- terapevtov. 1593 ---- tuberkulezny. 1636 Vseukrainsky sezd zdravookhranenin. 570 Vse-Ukrainsky tuberkulezny sezd. 1638 Vseukrainsky zizd akusheriv i ginekolo- gjv. 1011a Vseukrainsky zizd kirurgia. 1554a Vseukrainsky zizd terapevtiv. 1594 Bie- Soiuza. 3 detskikh vrachei. 1103 farmatsevtov. 1132 gidrologov i balneologov. glaznikh vrachei. 1034 khirurgov. 1552 ob malaria. 781 mikrobiologov. 920 odontologov. 1022 w Wanderversammlung deutscher nenziirhter. 148 \\'ai,d< i vpt-ammlung der siidwestdeut- schen Neurologen und Irrenarzte. 993 War prisoners, Belgium. 1260 War, Regulation of laws. 1089.— Soc,:,I -ervice. 1089 \\,u orphans, Russia. 1687 Wir pathology, Germany. 1088 War surgery, Germany. 1690.—inter- allied. 1091 Water. France. 1693 Water convention, Boston. 1692 Weather forecast. 917 Weidewirte. 540 Weights & measures, international. 1694. 1695.—(U. S.) 1696 Wein- und Obst-Produzenten, Ger- many. 1711 Weinbaukongress, internationaler 1712 Weinbautag, osterreichischer. 1710 Weinkongress. 1706 Weinzuchter. 1236 Welding. 1697.—and allied industries. 4 Welfare, industrial. 1098.—Infants ■'Li.-damU 702.—institutions. 1699 — and protection of children. 272.—public 1700.— p il.lic (Canada) 1701.—of the beaman. 1451.—of war orphans. 1687 Weltanschauung, arztliche. 819 Weltgefliigel-Kongress. 1246 Weltkonferenz fur Kriippelfiirsorge. 344 | Wel; kotiL-rcps der Bauern. 475 Wclriionirre-.. fur Bibliothekswesen unci B.Mioirraphie. 761 Weltkraftloi.ferenz. 1247 Wehli^a fiir Sexualreform, Kongress. 1-5.M Wntde .' lie Pathologen. 1080 Wf,!rn-r!,ar,:,e]ijk Vlaamsch congres voor boek- en bibliotheekwesen. " Wetterschiessen. 917 Wheat. 1702 Whiskey drinking, Germany. W ii' e Cross congresses. 496 White House conference on health and protection. 263 White slavery (Germany) 1704.—in- ternational 1705. 1705a W lesenwirte. 540 149 1703 child Wine, Germany. 1700. — friends, I rancc. 1708.—international. 1707, 1707a.- producing, Austria. 1710.—pro- ducing, Germany. 1711.—producing, in- ternational. 1712 Wisconsin, Social work. 1504 Woche. heilpadagogische. 1101 Wohlntand der kleineren Landwirthe ... in Mecklenburg. 476 Wohlliitigkcitskongress. 244 W olmunL".h\ ;:ieiie, internationale. 630 Wohnungskongress. 622. — interna- tionaler. 025 Women, Argentina. 1713.—Austria 1714. — France. 1715. — institutions. 1721. — Institutions (France) 1720.— international. 1710. — Italy. 1717.— Pan American. 1718.—physicians, inter- national. 1208.—Rights. 1722.—Rights (United States) 1723. — Switzerland. 1719. — Work (Italy) 1724. — Work (Netherlands) 1725.—Working. 1726 Women's right convention (United States) 1723 Woningcongres. 626 Wool. 1727 Workers, Homes (Belgium) 632, 633 Workers for the crippled. 344 Working women. 1726 Workmen, Gardens. 510, 511.—Hy- giene (Fiance) 730. — Protection. 1729.—Safety. 730 Workmen's compensation (U. S.) 1728 World alliance of Christian students. 1540 World conference of workers for the crippled. 344 World congress of universal documen- tation 390 World dairy congress. 349 World Federation of Educational As- sociations. 437 World missionary conference. 947 World power conference. 1247 World's Columbian dental congress. 379 World's congress of the deaf. 354 World's congress on education. 406 World's congress of homoeopathic physicians and surgeons. 008 World's congress on social purity. 1307 World's grain exhibition and con- ference. 536 World's homeopathic convention. 608 World social economy congress. 1472 World's poultry congress. 1246 World's temperance convention. 1583 Wounded in war, Help. 1352, 1352a Writing, Sciences. 1730 Yellow fever, African. 1731.—Augus- ta. 1732 Youth. Education (Germany) 1734.— international. 1733.—Welfare (Bavaria) 1735.—Welfare (Italy) 1736 Yucatan, Medicine. 861 (Yugoslavia tuberculosis conference) 1640 Zahnarzte. 378 Zakavkazsky sezd po borbe s malariei l drugimi tropicheskimi zabolevaniami. 784 Zdravookhraneniiu. Sezd po. 567, 570 Zdravotdelov, Sezd. 565, 566. 567 568 569. 571 ' Zedelijkheid, openbare. 954 Zeichenunterricht, Forderung. 393 Zeichnen. 393 Zellforscherkongress. 345 Zellforschung, experimented. 345 Zemsko-meditsinsky sezd. 1178 Zemsko-meditsinskikh sezd Kherson- skikh vrachei. 1183 Zheleznodorozhnikh vrachei. sezd. 1346 Zionisten-Kongress. 1738 Zionistic societies, Germany. 1737 Zionistische Vereinigung fiir Deutsch- land. 1737 Zionists. 1738 Zondagsrust. 1548 Zoologists (Russia) 76 Zoology, international. 1739 Zootecnica. 185, 186 . Zusammenarbeit, medizinisch-natur- wissenschafthche. 330 Zwangs-Erziehung (Bavaria) 1735 o FIRST ADDITION TO THE REFERENCE LIST OF CONGRESSES Published in the Third Volume, Fourth Series, of the Index-Catalogue A. OLD NUMBERS 9 AERIAL RELIEF International International technical conference on aerial relief. 1. Budapest, June 11-14, 1937. Also ★ separate mimeograph reports. 4 Nos. 20 1. 28 AGRICULTURE, TROPICAL International International congress of tropical agriculture. 8. Tripolis, 1939. 53 ALCOHOLISM International (b) International congress on alcoholism. 21. Warszawa, Sept. 12-17, 1937. See Rocz. psychiat., 1938, 31: 208-14. 22. Helsinki, July 31-Aug. 4, 1939. 60 ALIENISTS France Congres des medecins alienistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue frangaise. 17. Geneve & Lausanne, Aug. 1-7, 1907. ★Rapport. 270p. xvp. Par. (1908) ★ Compt. rend. 476p. Par. (1908) 21. Amiens, Aug. 1-6, 1911. ★Compt. rend. 368p. Par., 1911. ★Rapport. 3 fasc. 118p.; 73p.; 47p. Par., 1911. On pituitary tumors, value of psychotic witnesses. 27. Besangon, Aug. 2-7, 1923. ★Compt. rend. 296p. Par., 1923. ★Rapport. 3 fasc. 21p.; 40p.; 24p. Par., 1923. On criminality of drug addicts, cervical rib, psycho-analysis. 28. Bruxelles, Aug. 1-7, 1924. ★Compt. rend. 386p. Par., 1924. ★Rapport. 3 fasc. 35p.; 22p.; 35p. Par., 1924. On mental deficiency, aphasia, family care. 29. Paris, May 28-June 1, 1925. ★Compt. rend. 366p. Par., 1925. ★Rapport. 3 fasc. 44p.; 24p.; 36p. Par., 1925. On infantile familial encephalopathy, slow cure of mental diseases, mental denciency. 31. Blois, July 25-30, 1927. ★Compt. rend. 516p. Par., 1927. ★Rapport. 4 fasc. 51p.; 46p.; 51p.; 48p. Par., 1927. (These are only reprints from C. rend, with new pagination) On mental automatism, tumors of lateral ventricles, divorce. 32. Anvers, July 23-28, 1928. ★Comptes rendus. 508p. Par., 1928. (This includes also Rapports) . On catatonia, pain in upper extremities, treatment of general paralysis. 33. Barcelona, May 21-26, 1929. ★ Compt. rend. 494p. Par., 1929. . On congenital syphilis, sensory disorders in multiple sclerosis, expert opinion in mental cases. 35. Bordeaux, Apr. 7-12, 1931. ★Compt. rend. 349p. Par., 1931. On periodic insanity, intramedullary tumors, malingering. 36. Limoges, July 25-30, 1932. ★C rend. 478p. Par. (1932) On constitution in psychopathology. leukoencephalitis, welfare of psychopathies, 162730 [ 29 ] ALIENISTS [30] 37. Rabat, Apr. 7-13, 1933. ★C. rend. 488p. Par. (1933) On psychotic encephalitis, ataxia, traumatic amnesia. 38. Lvon, July 16-21. 1934. ★C rend. 520p. Par. (1924) On influence of psychological theories upon development of psychiatry, third ventricle tumors, classification and statistics of mental diseases. 39. Bruxelles, July 22-28, 1935. ★C. rend. 702p. Par. (1935) On hysteria, infantile criminology. 40. Basel & Zurich, July 1936. 41. (Where?) 1937. 43. Montpellier, Sept. 21-26, 1939. 66 ALIMENTATION International (d) Congres scientifique international de I'alimentation. 2. Paris Oct 25—28 1937 See also Bull. Soc. sc. hvg., Par., 1938, 26: 230-42.—J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 706-9.—Rev. Serv. san. mil., Par., 1938, 108: 171-7. 70 AMERICAN International International congress of americanists. 18. London, Sept. 8-14, 1912. Proceedings. Pt. 2. Lond., 1913. 26. Sevilla, 1935. 27. Mexico, Aug. 5-15, 1939. See program in Bol. bibliogr. antrop. amer., Mix., 1938, 2: 84-90. 86 ANTHROPOLOGY International International congress of prehistoric anthropology and archeology. 18. Istambul, Sept. 18-25, 1939. 136 AVIATION MEDICINE Germany Deutsche Tagung fiir luftfahrtmedizinische Forschung. 1. Berlin, Oct. 25-28, 1937. See also Riv. med. aeronaut., 1938, 1: 150-9. 139 AYURVEDIC DOCTORS India All-India hereditary Ayurvedic doctors' conference. (?) Madras, Sept. 29 1938. 158 BIOTYPOLOGY Argentina Jornadas biotipologicas. 2. Buenos Aires, Oct. 2-8, 1938. 184 BREEDING International Congres international de l'elevage et de I'alimentation (1910- ) International animal breeding congress. 4. Internationaler Tierzucht-Kongress. 2. Scheveningen, 1923. 3. Liege, 1930. See J. Hered., 1938, 29: 267. 4. Ziirich, Aug. 8-11, 1939. 190 BRUCELLOSIS International Congres international de brucelloses. See also No. 875: 9. congress. [31] CACAO 195 CACAO International Congrfes international du cacao. In 1938: C. int. sur la standardisation du cacao. (?) Sept. 10, 1935. (?) Sept. 13, 1937. (?) Bruxelles, May 6-8, 1938. See Ann. falsif., Par., 1938, No. 353. 196 CANCER . Australia Australian cancer conference (1930- ) Place of meeting for 1.-5. congress: Canberra. 6. 1935. 7. Melbourne, 1936. 8. 1937. 9. Sydney, Apr. 5-8, 1938. ★Report. 55p. fol. Canberra, 1938. 10. Wellington, N. Z., Feb. 15-18, 1939. 248 CHEMICAL International (b) International chemical conference (1920- ) 12. Luzern & Zurich, Aug. 17-21, 1936. Also on ferments, sexual hormones, dyes. 258 CHILD Panamerican Congreso panamericano del nino (1916- ) 8. San Jose, Costa Rica, June 26-July 2, 1939. See Reforma med., Lima, 1939, 25: 186, &c. 272 CHILD WELFARE International (a) International congress for the welfare and protection of children (1896- ) 13. Frankfurt a. M., June 13-18, 1938. See report in J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 784-6.—Paris med., 1938, 28: No. 45, xiv-xix, 299 CITY Germany Kongress fiir Stadtewesen. (7) Mannheim, Apr. 23-24, 1925. See Zschr. Untersuch. Lebensmitt., 1926, 52: 25-40. 332 COSMOBIOLOGY International Congres international de cosmobiologie. (?) La Malou, Sept. 10-11, 1938. Called Assembled generale. 2. New York, 1939. 342 CRIMINOLOGY International International congress of criminology. 1. Roma, Oct. 3-8, 1938. Established the International Society of Criminology. 342a CRIMINOLOGY Latin-American Congreso latino-americano de criminologia (1938- ) 1. Buenos Aires, July 25-31, 1938. Established the Uni6n Americana de Criminologia. See Cr6n. med., Lima, 1938, 55: 162-4.—Rev. psiquiat. crim., B. Air., i938. 3: 373-412. 2. Santiago de Chile. CRIPPLED [32] 344 CRIPPLED International International congress on crippled (1929- ) 4. London, July 16-22, 1939. See Crippled Child, 1938, 16: No. 2, 73. 345 CYTOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL International International congress for experimental cytology (1927- ) 1. Budapest, Sept. 3-12, 1927. ★Verhandlungen. vii, 456p. 2. Amsterdam, Aug. 4-9, 1930. 3. Cambridge, Aug. 21-26, 1933. ★Verhandlungen. viii, 491p. 4. K0benhavn, Aug. 10-15, 1936. ★ Verhandlungen. vi, 404p. 1937. 5. Zurich, Aug. 7-13, 1938. ★Verhandlungen. Pt 1. 256p. Forms Heft 1, vol. 22, Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1938. 349 DAIRY International (b) World dairy congress (1903- ) Congreso mundial de lecheria. 2. Paris, 1905. See also Ann. hyg., Par., 1906, 4. ser., 5: 48-72. 5. Stockholm, June-July, 1911. See Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1912, 44: 293-300. 6. Bern, 1914. See Deut. Vjschr. off. Gesundhpfl., 1915, 47: 75-81. 8. London, 1928. See Salubridad, Mex., 1930, 1: 236-45. 370 DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH International International congress on demographic research (1928- ) 3. Berlin, Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 1935. See also Reichsgesundhbl., 1935, 10: 960-4.—Aerztl. Rdsch., 1935, 45: 329; 353.—Psychiat. neur. Wschr., 1935, 37: 476.—Eugen. Rev., Lond., 1935-36, 27: 207-12. 378 DENTAL International (b) International dental congress (1889- ) 1. Paris, Aug. 1889. 2. Chicago, Aug. 1893. 4. St. Louis, Aug. 1904. 5. Berlin, Aug. 23-28, 1909. ★ Compt. rend. 6. London, Aug. 1914. Interrupted by the World War. 7. Philadelphia, 1926. See ★Supplement to the Transactions of the American Dental Association. 384 DERMATOLOGISTS France Congres des dermatologistes et syphilographes de langue frangaise (1922- ) 6. Paris, Oct. 12-14, 1939. 448a EMBRYOLOGY Belgium Reunion beige d'embryologie. 4. Bruxelles, Apr. 21, 1938. See Arch, biol., Liege, 1938, 49: 605. 450 ENDOCRINOLOGY Panamerican Congreso panamericano de endocrinologia (1938- ) 1. Rio de Janeiro, July 19-26, 1938. See Fol. med., Rio, 1938, 19: No. 21, p. vi. [ 33 ] ENTOMOLOGY 454 ENTOMOLOGY International (a) International congress on entomology (1910- ) 7. Berlin, Aug. 15-20, 1938. 469 EUGENICS Panamerican Panamerican conference on eugenics. 1. La Habana, Dec. 1927. 2. Buenos Aires, Nov. 23-25, 1934. 3. Bogota, Sept. 4-15, 1938. See Eugen. News, 1938, 23: 80. 518 GEODESY International (b) Conference geodesique. Held by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. 6. Edinburgh, Sept. 17-24, 1936. See in Rep. Nat. Res. Counc. Japan, 1938, 2: 460-3. 7. Washington. 523 GEOGRAPHY International International geographical congress (1871- ) International congress of geography. (?) Amsterdam, July 18-28, 1938. Proceedings. 2 vol. 4000p. Amst., 1938. 538 GRAPE International Congres international du raisin et du jus de raisin (1936- ) 2. as C. int. medical pour I'etude scientifique du vin et du raisin. 2. Oct. 15-19, 1938. See Bruxelles med., 1938, 19: 57-60. 539 GRAPHOLOGY International International congress of graphology. 3. Paris, Sept. 19-22, 1937. See J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1939, 89: 75-9. 4. Liege, Sept. 16-18, 1939. 549 GYNECOLOGY France (b) Congres francaise de gynecologie. 7. Nice, Apr. 19-23, 1938. See report in Rev. fr. gyn., 1938, 33: No. 9. 8. Lille, May 27-30, 1939. 556 HEALTH England Health congress. n 1(! 1M8 (?) Portsmouth, July 11-16, 1938. .0.183-274 For proceedings see J. R. San. Inst., 1938, 59: 1&W74. 560 HEALTH South Africa South African health congress. (?) Febr. 14-19, 1938. K) See J. R San. Inst., 1938, 59: 91. HEALTH [34] 562 HEALTH United States National health conference. Also called National conference on health and medical care. 1. Washington, July 18-20, 1938. See report in Am. J. Pub. Health, 1938, 28: 1103-13.—J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1938, 13: 400-16. 573 HEALTH DIRECTORS Panamerican Panamerican conference of national directors of health. 2. Washington, April 1931. Acta final. 16p. Wash., 1931 (Also French edition) Forms No. 50 and 56, of Pub. Of. san. panamer. . — ★Summary of proceedings. 14p. Wash., 1931. Forms No. 52, of Pub. Of. san. panamer. 3. Washington, Apr. 4-15, 1936. ★Summary of proceedings. lOp. Wash., 1936. Forms No. 110, of Pub. Of. san. panamer. 593 HISTORICAL SCIENCES International International congress of historical sciences (1898- 8. Zurich, Aug. 28-Sept. 4, 1938. See Anthropologie, Par., 1938, 48: 398. 608 HOMOEOPATHIC International International homoeopathic congress (1876- ) (16) Paris, 1932. (17) 10. Budapest, Aug. 19-25, 1935. ★Offizielle Sitzungsberichte. 486p. Dresd. (1936) (18) (13) 11. Nizza, 1938. (19) (14) 12. Roma, 1942. 614 HOSPITAL International International hospital congress (1929- ) 6. Toronto, Sept. 19-23, 1939. See in Zschr. Krankenhauswes., 1938, 558-9. 7. Berlin, 1941. 617a HOSPITAL LIBRARY International Internationaler Kongress fiir Erankenhausbibliotheken. Also called Int. Kongr. der Krankenhausbibliothekare. Organized by International Guild of Hospital Librarians 2. Bern, July 7-11, 1938. See Zschr. Krankenhauswes., 1938, 380-1. 627 HOUSING United States National conference on housing. In 1939 called National Public Housing Conference (?same?) (?) Washington, Jan. 20-21, 1939. 642 HYDROLOGY, MEDICAL International International congress of medical hydrology (1886- 16. Strasbourg, Oct. 1-11, 1938. See Romania med., 1939, 17: 59-60. 651 HYGIENE Germany Reichskonferenz fiir das Gesundheitswesen. (?) Berlin, Oct. 3-7, 1938. Was it held? See Rass. internaz. elin. ter., 1939, 20: 112, etc [35] HYGIENE 652 HYGIENE France Congres general d'hygiene (1851- ) 25. Paris, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 1938. Original date trom Oct. 3-6 changed owing to international political troubles. See report in J. med. Paris, 1938, 58: 943-8. 711 INTERRACIAL United States National interracial conference. 1. Cincinnati, 1925. Towards interracial cooperation. 192p. (1926) 733 LABOR, DISEASES Italy Congresso nazionale per le malattie del lavoro (1907- 13. Bari, Sept. 10-(16?), 1938. See Arch, antrop. crim., Milano, 1938, 58: 755a LEPROSY International (b) International congress of leprosy (1938- ) 1. Cairo, Mar. 21-27, 1938. Also called 4. congress. -„~0 .. m o ott a_EMi_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1112 PEDIATRY Scandinavian Nordisk pediatrisk kongress. 7' OSl0'siXsl6mag9'laeg?v8id., 1938, 99: 1162-8.-Kinderarztl. Prax.. 1939. 10: 90-97. PEDIATRY [40] 1114 PEDIATRY Uruguay-Argentina Jornada pediatrica rioplatense. Also: J. p. del Rio de La Plata. 11. Buenos Aires, July 29-31, 1938. 1136 PHARMACY Belgium Congres de pharmacie. (?) Liege, 1930. (?) Liege, Nov. 16-19, 1934. ★ (Publication) 315p. Par., 1935. Held on the 50. anniversary of the Pharmaceutical Institute A. Gilkinet; organized by the Cercle scientifique des anciens eleves de I'lnatitute de Pharmacie. 1158 PHYSICIANS American: French Speaking Congres des medecins de langue frangaise de 1'Amerique du Nord (1902- ) 9. Montreal, Sept. 21-24, 1926. 15. Ottawa-Hall, Sept. 6-8, 1938. 1200 PHYSICIANS, CATHOLIC International International congress of catholic doctors. 2. Wien, May 28-June 2, 1936. 1208 PHYSICIANS, WOMEN International International congress of women physicians (1919- (6) Budapest, 1940. On school hygiene, antivenereal legislation. 1212 PHYSIOLOGICAL International International physiological congress (1889- ) 15. Leningrad & Moskva, Aug. 9-16, 1935. Proceedings. 640p. Moskva, 1938. Forms vol. 21, No. 5-6, of Sekhenov J. Physiol. 16. Zurich, Aug. 14-18, 1938. ★Festschrift. Forms Bd 68, No. 33, of Schweiz. med. Wschr. 1219 PHYSIOTHERAPY International International congress of physical therapy (1905- ) 3. Paris, Mar. 29-Apr. 2, 1910. ★Rapports. 5 lip. Par., 1910. 1247 POWER International World power conference (1924- ) 1. London, June-July, 1924. Transactions. 5 vols. Lond., 1924. 1248 POWERFUL MEDICAMENTS International International conference on the unification of the formulae of powerful medicaments. 2. Bruxelles, 1925. Established a pharmacopoeial commission, which held meetings: 1. Geneve, May 9—12, 1938. Rel. epidem. hebd.. 1938, June 2. 1251 PREHISTORY International International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences (1932- 3. Budapest, 1940. [ 41 ] PRINTERS 1256 PRINTERS International Internationaler Kongress der Buchdrucker (1878- Syn.: International meeting of printers. 1. Paris, Aug. 20, 1878. (Pub.) Par., 1878. 1290 PSYCHOLOGY International International congress of psychology (1890- ) 1. Paris, Aug. 6, 1889 (not 1890) 2. London, Aug. 1892. 3. Munchen, Aug. 7, 1896. 4. Paris, Aug. 20-25, 1900. Divided into 7 sections: 1) relation of psychology to anatomy and physiology; 2) relation to philos- ophy; 3) experimental psychology and psychophysics; 4) pathopsychology and psychiatry; 5) psychology, hypnotism, and suggestion; 6) social and criminal psychology; 7) comparative psy- chology, anthropology and ethnology. 1299 PSYCHOTHERAPY International International medical congress for psychotherapy (1926- ) 10. Oxford, July 29-Aug. 2, 1938. t u noo o _ See report and summaries in Brit. M. J., 1938, 2: 369 70.—Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 1938, 8: 754- 5—J. Ment. Sc, Lond., 1938, 84: 1055-93. 1349 RECREATION International Interna ional congress of recreation (1932- ) 3. Congresso mondiale del dopolavoro. Congres de travail et joie. 3. Roma, June 27, 1938. oo See Assist, sociale, Roma, 1938, 12: 597-9.—Paris med.. 1938. 28: No. 45, p.x-xiv. 1352 RED CROSS SOCIETIES International Conference internationale des Societes de la Croix Rouge (1867- ) 16. London, June 20-24, 1938. ★General report of the International Red Cross Committee (1934-38) 138p. Geneve, 1938. Forms Doc. No. 12a. — ★Report (by American Red Cross) 11 1. Mimeograph. — ★Document. No. 7a, 11a, 15a, 18a. Geneve, 1938. s See also Month. Bull. League Red Cross Soc. 1938. 19: 100-21. AJ A -^ . — aC^ ■ , .•'/■''• /•''•? 1>> :'/''" /*:'.(.:V:.v-> '^#1101 .v 'v i *\X85SMS£'iy.