[Illustration]  to make a surrop of turnups to cure on that huth a consumsion of the Luungos Take turnupes and sepap them and put them in a new crocke and put them in the oven with browne bread till thay bot soft us pop the straine them throrow a clene cloth then put in as much as will make it thicket surren and boyle it very well uppon the fire and when it is boyled a nufe then put in a galy pot or glass and eat every morning som of it next year hurt on a Lickrish sticke as long as yore haut ned of it- admire for on that huth a cold take a pint of running water and a pint of ftap water and an ounce of aniseed and an ounce of Lickrish a quarter of a pound of rasons of the Stonthem son a quarter of a pound of figs and boylt them til it com to a pint then take it up and stragne it and put to it a Lettle sweet butter and an ounce of brown sugger candy and so drink every night when you goo to boud for three nights together- an oinment for an ach or bruise take a handfull of bayse of wormwood of rosmary of fetherfew and shred it small and boyle it in fresh goes til it be very grene then put it in a pot and so uset it nointing the place very well against the fire and coagle it very wurrme- a medican for a usd or awful body that is abroke Take white wine and set it on a chafing dishe of coles and cut the bottom of a white Lofe somthing coppet and put in the wine til it be well soked and lay it to the place greued as hot as the party can indure it and bind it fast and it will helpe them A blucke seveloth for the ague ach or bros or to dry up mild Take a pint of sufit oyle and and of red sed put in as much as you thinke fit that will make thicke but not to thicke and set it boyle a good while and then put in a pece of bors grece and so put it in a blacke erthen pot spread it as you have occayson to youset but melt it first in a setts blacke earth pot A dinke for a consumeion of the Lounges and a cof make a cofee posset and take a handfull for a nonce of aniced an once of Lickrish and boyle it in a potle of chve posset drink with it handfull or to of rassons of the son stoned til it com to a grurt or ses then take a foxis loungs and dry them and beat them to powder keepe it by it selfe set tht party dinke a good draft i evry morning and put in as much pouder as will ly upon a grat: warme it in it for on that is trubled withe a a sosness take the hard row of a red hering dry it and beat it to powder and for the party drink it in bere evry morning as much as will li [illegible] upon a grat for a fallen or bruse take wormwood and rub it in your hand and take the whit of an egg and put it in it and dry it to the place under will take the blackness away and the swelling How to preserve guinses to make them loke paleu Take your guinses and pare them and leve them very clene then put them in sething water and let them boyle till you can put a straw throw them then take that up and let them col and mak yure surop as you doo for other thing where youre guinses be could then put them in youre sourop and let them boyle as fast as you can but doo not cour them for that will make them loke red and when [illegible] you thinke thay bee a nuf take them up  a meddensen for a mallencolle wind take the bottom of a razzel lofe or a pese of the bottom of a brown lefe an toste it well at the fire boll it be very hot then sprinkel acarity one it on if you will strow som oles in it an lay it lay it to your stommick as hot as you can in dure another for the same grfe take mngwort. an heate it very hot betnne to tiles but it in to clodes an lay one to pour stommach an lather on the top or your belle for the paine in the side take chissel an make it hot in a friing pan then put it in a bag an lay it to the side as hot as you can otes fried in a pan with a little wine uine vinnerger on quilted in a bag an laed hot to the side  To make Poppie water Take of Poppie flowers which grow in corne feilds cut them from the stalkes & bottomes & sift them from the seedes & weigh out 4 pounds & lay them in steepe in three gallons of verie strong Ale all night, then still the same in Limbike, the first water will bee verie stronge the second somewhat smaller, when you have drawne a quart of each, put them both together, then take two handfull of Poppie flowers being pickt & sifted, and lett them ly in the water 5 or 6 dayes, till itt come to the colour, of a pale clarett wine, then straine it from the flowers, and so being given 5, or 6 spoone fulls att a time itt is verie good for anie suddaine sickeneße, or surfeit whatsoever. To make Mackrouns Take a pound of Barberrie Allmons, & lay them in paire water all night, then blanch them out of the water: then take a stone Morter, & beate them, putting in now & then a spoonefull or two of rose water to keepe them from oyling, & when they are well beaten, then put them to the Allmons, and beate them well together, then take itt out of the Mortar & putt itt into a cleane dish; then take the whites of 3 eggs, beate them a while then put them to your allmons: & dry them uppon a Chafen dish of coales, stirring itt together, dry them well, then take wafers & lay uppon papers, & fashion your Macarouns uppon them as you please then bake them in an oven not too hott, & when they are baked, cutt the wafers round about them, and turne the other side downeward. To make the french breade Take a pecke of the finest flower, & put to itt a pinte, & better of barme, & a peese of leuen of the quantity of one of the loaves you would make, and work itt together with your hand till itt bee no stiffer then pudding stuffe: then put itt into little wooden dishes of pintes or halfe pintes as you like best: & lett itt stand halfe an houre, while your oven heates: & then flower the peele you putt in, your bread into the oven with & turne itt out of the dishes uppon the peele, & bake itt in the oven, as you doe otehr breade; you must not fill the dishes halfe full for with standing itt will rise above the dishes of itt selfe: you must season itt with salt, as you would other breade, flower the dishes before you putt itt in To make Sirrop of Roses or Poppies- Take 2 Ale quarts of faire water, & sett it on the fire in a largge poßenett, & when the water boyles, put into itt 2 or 3 handfull of damask roses; being first the white buttons cutt of, & the seedes well sifted from them, when the roses are turned white with boyling, take the forth, & put in more till they be changed allsoe: and so change them till the liquor bee verie red: the stronger itt is of the Roses the better: then straine itt through a faire strainer, & to cuerie pinte of liquor, put a pound & a halfe of sugar: boyle itt till itt come to a thicke sirrop, then put itt in your glaßes, but stop them not till it bee cooled.- Lignum difreticum steept in water or beere, but rather water, & drunk ordinarilie, healps wind, or anie stiche To make tooth water Take browne sage and browne fenell, hill time, Rosemary and hay that growes on the North side of the oake, & Pelletary of Spaine, of each of these a handfull, & chop them all together, them take a pottle or white wine, & put these hearbs into itt, take halfe an ounce of long pepper, and halfe an ounce of cloves & bruse them, & strew them uppon the hearbs, & white wine. & stop itt cloase all night & still itt out the next day in an ordinarie still A Fever, & prservative water. Take balme rew Rosemary wormewood, small sage, Mugwort, Pimpernell Scabious, Egrimonie, Dragon, liverwort Cardus Benedictus, & Sallendine of each one pound, chop them großely, & lett them steepe two dayes in two gallons of white wine, being close stopped then poure out the wine, & distill itt by itt selfe, which is the fever water, then distill the hearbs, by themselves for the preservative water. To scoure dishes. Take a gallon of water & put to itt a good quantitie of Ashes, lett itt stand all night, then poure out the water in a pott, and put there to halfe a flanders bricke, beaten small with a pound of soape, & then lett itt boile till itt be thicke. -  A Cordiall water Tacke rosmary goe red sage angelico balme wormwood bittony Scabius mugwort piuyiernell tormentall sasafras vervune Sasindin eggremony and Liviowood of each of thes on pound rod with half a pound of sentry roots on own & shred all theas and store them in three gallons of white wine those stilld it in a Simbele put in your glasse suger amber and muske too macke respus wit tucke your sespusls being very ripe put as many into a gallon of slake till a spoon wille stand upon Leting it Stand three days Stiring them now and then not breaking them [cross out] Let them run thruw a jelly bage then put in as much Lofe suger as too macke it very sweet Stir it very Civer it clos and let it stand a day or two tack of the fourth and fil it up in botles stop your bitte close too presarv kwinses whit Cur your gwinses and boyl them very tender then pair them and malke your surup in this maner you must boyl some gwins in ginger waltes to be very strong of the gwins tacke on pint of this Licer and an pound of Lof suger boyling it til the surop be prety thicke then put in your gwines boyl them as fast as as ever you Cane til the sirop is of a thick jelly then put them on keepe som of the sorup owt tille they be cild then put the [cross out] sorup over the tope of theme to preserve pippins betwixt Chrismas & easter take your fairest & cleanest pippins, paire them very thinne, and core them take some orindge pil being very thinne and lace your pippins then weigh them & to every pound take one pound of lofe suger, & one pint of faire water, put your water & suger together in a skillet, and tie your pippins up in a pine eifiny. then put them [cross out] in your skillet, then set them one a quicke fire making them boile as fast as you can when they look cleare put in the jse of too lemons, & let them boile a little while after if you please & put them in your glasse To make crackenells. take halfe a pound of suger A pound of floure four yolkes of eggs & two whits, one spoonfull of rose water & some annyseeds and coldander seeds beaten & lifted, a piece of butter as bigge as an egg. dab it in the floure, make it into paste then role it away this & burne up the eggs & pricke them and when they be hardned in the oven, candy them with the whight of an egge. Rose water & suger set them in the oven againe but let them not coller. To make makeroons Take one pound of almons beate them very small putting now & then a little rose water then put one pound of lofe Suger. finely beate and scerst. mingle them well together. then put it a while on a chaffendish of coles. keeping it stord forth. then beate three whits of egges. with [cross out] then [cross out] put them to your stofe and lay it in your wafer sheets. in tassions as you please. then [cross out] sears some suger one them & set them in ye oven. let them rip a litle & culled [cross out] then take them up. to make biskits of rise take halfe a pound of rise beaten scerst. and halfe a pound of time flower and one pound of lagre beate & scersed, then mingle them together then take 8 eggs yolkes & whits & beat them well with [illegible] them, mingle your floure & suger with your eggs. then put somamber grass & coliander seeds. then butter your sacers. and your oven being hotter. put your stuffe into your sacers & keep some suger one them & put them onto your oven. To make finger cakes. Take a quarter of a pound of almonds beate very small and 4 yolkes of eggss 4 spoonfulls of rose water one pound & one quarter of suger finly beaten & scearst, & one spoonfull of mace finly beaten & scearst. one pound of butter & as much flouer as ye butter & other things want. & make it into past. & role them out and cutte them in cakes. & bake them for your use. To make A dawiles pye Take some veale either rosted or per boiled. & shred it very small with sewit & allmannes of sheet hearbs. then put some corrants and keepe it with suger. & nutmeges Cinnamon. then take as many egges as will wet it & make it up. like eges and put adnis in the midle of them and lay them in ye pye. with butter & som dryed plummes then take some white wine and suger & butter & poure in a little before you draw it. To make a Cabige poodinge Take halfe a pound of weate and fared it with two pound of fruit. very small & two greated nutmakes with a pritty quality of pepper & salt in it take as much Cabidge halfe boiled as will ly upon a sacer then take seven egges & brake them and mingle them altogether & make it prity stiffe like a poding & put it in a cloth & boile it two houres at least.- To make a creame dish Take a pint of creame & if you will have the curd white. take ye whits of egges & boile with your creame, if you will have it yellow take ye yolks & boile with ye creame til it comes to curd with boiled currants & three dats of little marrow put in small pieces of almonds rose water nutmage & suger this you may make to be bakd in moulds or to fry or A florentin To make sirope of violats the beast way To a pound of violats take a quart of water picke your violats and beas them in a stone morter & have your water ready in a peauter pot & put sometime a spoonfull of water to these than set your water one ye fyar in a scillet & when it blubbers ready to boile put ye brused violats in to ye peauter pot & put ye hotte water to them stub it ye pot close & put it in ye chimney corner four or five hours. then strain ye licker from ye violats into a peauter dish. or basun & let it one a potte of seeding water & put to every pint of this liquer one pound and three quarters of suger and seasone it very well and when it is thicke as sirope take it ot & when it is could put it in your glasse To make a Sacke possit Take a pound of allmons beate them very small. with as much sake as will keepe them to cooling then take a pint of creame put your suger into it let it on a Chatindi / hot coles till it be ready to boile then put in your allmons stirring it very well & for save it to your table Ra. Orinden. To make a cellibub? Take a pint of white wine and a quart of thicke creame & put them together into a cleane earthen [pot] panne & pas on it with suger and put a strige of rosemary in & paire of ye pellota leamon & put season hole in ye pan with ye cream if you like ye tast of ye pill put yt into. So mingle alltogether then take a white burch rod & beate it very well together then as ye froth upeth take it ot with a glaße or silver ladle with holes and put it into your cillibut pot as fast as it riseth till your pot be full & then if you please you may eate it up all. To make an allmon custard. Take a quarter of a pound of allmonds. beate them very small putting now & then a little rose water to keepe them from oyling. then put them to a quart of thicke creame & switen it with suger then put it in ye oven halfe an houre if it sticks not to your knife it is anofe & then eate it The Orinden 1847 To make fee and snow of creme Beate a quarter of a pound of rise very small and searse it, and boile it in a pint of cream till it be enough season it with rose water and Suger Then put it in ye dish. you meane to eate it in Then take new milk & when it hath sod, put it hot in a panne & cover it close & let it stand 24 hours Then take of ye clouted creame strew suger upon ye foresaid tie then lay your clouted creame upon it sprinkel it with rose water and suger Then take ye creame & beate it with birch till it comes to be froth, then take ye froth off with a spoone & lay it one your clouted creame inst before you send it in Tho Orden To make greene peascords or peares Make ye crust short with butter, instead of water to tempar it take ye suger of spinage or greene wheate then tok it out thime & fallion as before & till your past with marrow or apples with currants rose water & suger & fit them to your table strewing a litle suger one them. To make a dish with Rabits livers perboile 4 of them & shred them very small wth sweete hearbs ye yolkes of 2 hard eggs season them with [cross out] Sinamon & nutmegges. put in a few perboyld currants & a litle melted butter & make them up in pasts bake them or fry them scrape sugar one them & have them to your table. To make ye snaile water ye best way Take 2 gallons & a halfe of ye strongest ale you can get & a gallon of sake. then take a pecke of garden shell snaile & make a fire of charcole, make a hole in ye midst of ye fire & put in your snailes & let then tost as long as they continue hissing, then take them out of ye fire & wipe them cleane then bruise them in a mortar & put them all in ye wine & ye ale skin put 8 ounces of hearts horn & 4 ounces of clovse bruised in a morter with 2 good handfulls of angllico with leaves & stolkes & as much of sallendin & 4 handfulls of rose mary flowers & a good handfull of barbery barke shred all thse pritty small & put them in ye morning in ye Ambect, stoped close with eye past then distill with a soft knife it will still a quart at ye first running, wch keepe by it selfe & a quart at ye second running wch will be allmost as good as ye first & a quart at ye 3 running. This is good for a consumption or any kind of weakness taken morning [cross out] & evening or at any other time. A receit to make ye grassecoyne powder Take of prepared meade & corall white amber Crabs eyes harts horn of each a quarter of an ounce of ye blacke tips of crabe claws on ounce & a quarter let these things be finly powdered & searsed 12 grains of brasor then make it into balls with jelly of harts-horns & let them dry ye crabs eyes are to be hard at ye Apothecaries you must in fuse some fatte on in ye hearts horns it must be taken first & last in some liquor if it be take upon procuring steepe it is best taken in cow liver pollet ale you must take 10 oz 15 grains at a time if you take it in a morning you must fast an houre after take it for 3 Dayes together when you make your balls you may guild them if you please.) The cocke water good for a consumption. Take a red running cocke pull him alive then cutt him a broad by ye backe out his instead & wipe him drane quarter him & put him in a still such a one as you still youe [illegible] wake with all with a pound of currants & a pound of reasons ye stone being biet out a quarter of a pound of fine dates cut small 2 handfulls of mayriall one handfull of rosemary Glassomes one handfull of wild time 2 handfulls of organas or wild margerum 2 handfulls of bugles. or Gurage one handfull of spear mints. a potte of new milk from a red cow still these with a soft fire put in to ye glass a quarter of a pound of Sugar candy 4 graines of ambergrese 4 grains of prepared pearls, half a booke of beate gold cut use small mingle ye strong with ye smal & drinke morning & evening thirst. A quæmirabulas Water. take 3 quarts of white wine. one quart of aquavitæ one pint of sallerdiuinæ. 2 handfull of millilot shred time, then take french gallingale Cubibus cardimoman, pitt well rootes ginger cloves make nutmeggs 2 ounces bewik the spices & put all into a [?i?ito] Ey of glass & let it stand all night and in ye morning still it with a soft fire as you can this water is for secret nature it restoreth ye longs being. wounded or perished it mitghtly hearth. It suffreth not ye blood it suffreth not ye heart to burne or Beate. nor malonecholy or to have dominion it upeleth wind [illegible] [illegible] preserveth ye stomach it comforteth and keepeth ye visage & memory it destroyeth ye palsy given to man or women labouring to death one spoonfull in ye summer & winter once or twise a weeke fasting ye [cross out] mayest for a a child is good for a consumption. Written by tho Ormden Honour Kath: Ormden 1647- 649 To make a gelly of Harts-horne. Take 2 ounces of scraped harts-horne & put itt into a pipkin wth. a quart of faire running water if the party yt must take itt be hott you may let one Quarter of the Liquor be Burrage water so lett it boile softly till it come to a Pint if it be for a Cough of the loungs boile in itt a little Mayden-Haire then when the gelly is cold take the Nearest of itt & put itt into a skillet then take the white off an Egg or two & beate itt into a froath & stirr it amongst itt then put in some fine suger to sweeten itt to your tast when itt riseth upon the first putt in a litle white-wine vinegar a little red rose water & a little juice of orange & Lemond but a litle of these for itt will not else lett itt gelly then putt into your gelly bagg a sprig of sweet Margeram & another of Rose-Marie & so lett it run through the Bagg - - To make a buttered Loafe - Take 3 quarts of New milke & put in as much rennett as will turne itt take the whay cleane from itt then breake the curd very small with your hands then putt in six yolkes of Eggs putt on white a handfull of grated bread & halfe a handfull of flower & a litle salt mingle them all to-gether & worke itt wett with your hands then make itt into 4 litle loaves & butter a paper and putt them on itt then beate the yolke of an Egg wth a litle beere & wipe them over with a fether then sett them in the oven as hott as for manchett & stop itt up close; 3 quarters of an houre will bake them then take halfe a pound of butter, 3 spoonfulls of water, halfe a nuttmagg slic'd thine [cross out] suger sett itt on a litle fire & stirre itt till it be thicke when your loaves are baked cutt them up & butter them with itt - To make a Greene pudding Take a penny Manchett & grate itt small; then take sweet Margerun time & winter savory & patsy chopp them small then take a handfull of spinage stamp itt - straine itt, take the marrow of 2 bones 4 Eggs yolkes & whites 2 yolkes of hard Eggs slic'd in quarters 3 spoonefulls of white wine 2 spoonefull of fine flower a litle - To make sirrope of Roses - Take 2 pownd of Roses the white ends cutt away putt them to steep or infuse in 6 pints of warme water in an open vessell for the space of 12 houres then straine them & putt there to the like quantity of Roses & warme the water againe so let itt stand the like time do this 4 or 5 times in the End add into yt liquor or infusion 4 pownd of fine suger in powder then boile it onto the forme of a syrope upon a gentle fire continually stirring itt untill itt be cold then straine itt & keepe itt for your use where of may be taken in white wine [cross out] other liquor from on ounce to two. To make conserve of Roses Take the Leaves of Roses, the nailes cutt off, on pownd putt into a cleane pan, then putt there to a pint & a halfe or scalding water stirring them together wth. wooden slice so let them stand [cross out] close covered some 2 or 3 houres then sett them to the fire slowly to boile adding there to 3 pownds of suger in powder letting them so simper together according to discretion an houre or more then keepe for your use the same made an other way but better by many degrees take roses at your pleasure put them to boile in faire water have regard to the quantity for if you have many Roses you make take the more water if fewer the lesse water will serve the wch. you shall boile at the left 3 or 4 houres even as you would boile a peece of meate, untill in the Eating they be very tender att wch. time the roses will loose their couler that you would thinke your labor lost, but proseede for though the roses have lost their couler the water have their mixture there off then shall you add unto on pownd of roses, 4 pownd of suger in pure powder & according in the rest of the roses thus shall you lett them boile gently after the suger is put there to continually stirring itt wth. a wooden spatula until it be cold when of one pound wheit is worth 6 pownd of the Curd or raw conserve as well for the vertue goodnesse in salt as for the beautifull coulour Take a gallon of Honye & 3 gallons of water in wch. then hath beene boiled on handfull of Rosemary & sage & savory & margerum & bittony & balme & burrage or any other hearb that you like to put in when the water is strong of these hearbs straine it & put the hony into itt set itt over the fier when itt beginns to boile clarify itt with white of Eggs skimm itt & when it is coole enough sett itt a working wth. ale barme lett itt worke 2 dayes it done tun it up wth. a bag of wt. spices you like to have itt tap of at 3 months old you may drink itt - Boile the quantity of a greate wallnutt or more of white Coperes in a pint of water tell halfe bee consumed then being luke warme put there to the quantity of half a wallnutt of Camfer & a quarter of a pint of white rose water & itt being cold put a dropp therof into the Eye yt is sore of bleard -    An excellent diett drinke to bee taken by one who hath an excessive cold & of long continuance prescribed by the Ladie Margarett Oxmden: Feb: 1680 Take 10 gallons of good middle worth & boyle in itt as you would boyle hops violett leaves 2 handfulls, succory roote and leaves 3 handfulls pickt, washt & serapt, & a whole lap full of Araberric leaves & roots boyld all so in itt with a few hops to make itt keepe to the begining boyle in itt a lb of Mallago Reasons halfe a lb of figs: 30 snailes fetcht from amongst the juice sett itt to working as you doe other ale & Tun itt up betimes: hang into itt a few Orange Pills & cloves after 3 daye, drink of itt in the morning & att what time you please: Md ten gallons are to bee boyled away till they bee eight: itt is to boyle 4 houres but not above two, with those things in them: Everie one of the snailes must have the shells crack & washt in six severall water, straine all thinges through a course sive viz a chaffe sive, then sett itt a working and you are to take Araberrie leave of rootes Take a clove of garlike in butter when you go to bed which is good A Receipt to cure the Rickett in Children First you must purge the Child 4 or 5 dayes with Rub hearbe steepd in beere all night, to halfe a pint of beere you must putt in some 3 or 4 slices of Rub hearb of the bignesse and as thick againe as a greoate - & lett the Child drink of itt every morning fasting a reesonable draught that it may worke 2 or 3 times a day. Then anoit the Child with this ointmet following night and morning all over but especially one the knots that grow in the ends of the ribs on the wrist and Ankells, and on the brest, rubbing itt very well in with your hand before a good fyer, being veric carefull, the child take no cold, annoint not the backe of the Child because itt will make itt weake.  A plaster for a hard splean Take mello let prospleana and of deacallum megnom of each on ounce melt them together & spread them on a piece of new Leather of a lams skin the compase of your splean & lay it to the side but first anoynt your side with oyle of capars new spread the plasters once in a forthnight and when you have spread your plasters bast a pece of tiffony one it which will. keep the salve from rouling of  A glister for the spllene Take sweet venell seed dill see comin seed Aniseed, of Each halfe an ounce, on handfull of violett flours or leves one handfull camomell flowrs take on pint of milke on pint of water, boyle the seeds and flours in it being brused untill it come to a pinte then straine it, then put to the Lickor on youlk of an egg on spoonfull of sallet oyle on spoonfull of honny, and on dram of higapigra      or the ten byol sum mugu in beeare an put som saferrun in it an sweten it with suger an drinke it for a cold in the stommuck an for the wind lat penneryal byle in pecare a wallo or too an sweeten i with suger an drinke it when yo for the stone tak pelleterry of the wate a handfull an parsell seede byle these in smale beere then straine them an put in to the straineed beere 3 or 4 sponfulles of white wine an lett it byle a littel an drinke it when you get to bed another byle penncural an parselle in becave take out the carbes an swete it with suger in an drinke it warm another take a sponfull of orle of sute almanes the nuest mark is best make it thic with soft suger or white suger cane an take it in the morning fasting             Take a handfull of illsenes and as much negligence 2 handfulle of ignorance a little of imprudence halfe a pint of hastines a pott of presumpion a quart of unesensines and a gallon of extortion seeth all these in a pot of wast: with with the fire of prodigality scum it with the Ladese of false chastitie and put it in a morter of peviurie then take a pound of enny halfe an ounce of infidelitie and as much of adultery a pound of 2 ounces of iniguttie a quarter of a pound of u fury as much of simongy and adulation a pound of lecherie a pounde of fornication and three pints of slouth fullnes and mingle all these aforesaide with a little smalle witt in a vesell of undisrecetion then put it into the fortooth and use it 9 nights and on day and the toothach will weare away      For the Scurvey May 30 1670 Ten gallons of Ale, fifty oranges 4 or 5 handfulls of Scurvy glass beaten, & the piece [illegible] & as much of Break Lime or coller, & water creases, Horseradish a quarter of a pound; drink of it in the morning a pint, and in the afternone. put ale in a handfull of worm wod put in an ounce & a halfe of rubberd Breaker the wood. oile made of horps bonds that doe not dy of the surfett, one quart: of Hysop Time, Camomil, Rosemary, souther weed topps, Lavender Cotten, of all these a great handfull, with 6 or 7 leaves of red sage, sweet marjoram mince them, & put them into the oile, & to try as you doe shine: strain it through a linen cloath, use this ointment for the gout it being an excellent receipt therefore had of Capt Molim. May 1667  lay it to there nuble very hott in alecloth three or fore ties in a day and it will help them are saite four the whits take hemlocke and boyle it in fresh hog seme and mint youre selfe with it and it will helpe you  A little wheaten bran boiled in runing water & oile of roses boiled in it, & whit wine vineger like wise boiled in it; & when it is verie wet boiled then put in a little more white wine vineger & a little more oile of Roses; then anoint the place before you tar it on with a little oile of roses & lay it on prety thick as hot as hee can endure it. a medsen for the rising of Take the earth of a three shalder as you com in a good clean and pouer whit wine vineger uppon it and strow a letle nutmage uppon it [cross out] and bake it on the gregon : and the Mother when on is newley browght a bead A medison for on that is bitt with a mad dog Take London treacle halfe a pint: of venus treese halfe a pint: a spoonefull of tin scraped very fine: a handfull of [cross out] hearb greace: a handfull of bay [cross out] soft: boyle all this in a guart of white wine: for a chesten: and in a guart of strong ale for a day til it com to a pint: and give it them to drinke within three days and let them drinke it five days together and it will help them with out faile  & n.t Allum boyled in whit wine is an excellent medicine againt ye stone in ye bladder RO.XX Exp. 3.Co 38