yy ■ep»:y-: m.y]e :tj;)ij!!-i.!,i;.i.i ^'_■■.' J;:3!iii:: JiliSS-:'':"; ••: ••^•"iftSv *ye :. mm I y$$ & ■ 'yM isifti l^&R: piil , ■ .r^HWiiiiiijtSii-;;1- A facsimile of the 1850 CONSTITUTION, BYLAWS AND FEE BILL of the first MEDICAL SOCIETY IN SAN FRANCISCO with a Prefatory Note by Carey S. Bliss LOS ANGELES Zamorano Club 1980 PREFACE The San Francisco Medical Society was organized in late June, 1850. Its brief and stormy existence left little or no impact on the city. By October of 1850 the first San Francisco Medical Society had ceased to exist. This facsimile of the eight page constitution, by laws and fees of the society is made from the original in the Huntington Library, the only copy recorded in Green- wood's California Imprints 1833-1862 and the National Union Catalogue. Howard S. Mott listed a copy in a catalogue he issued in July, 1971. Mr. Mott informed me that his copy, priced at $1500, was sold to the National Library of Medicine. The Huntington copy was a gift to Mr. Huntington by George H.F. Nuttall in May, 1924. Mr. Nuttall was the son of Dr. Robert Nuttall, one of the early members of the Society. A brief manuscript note about the senior Nuttall written by the son appears on page five. Of the thirty-two founding members of the Society only eight of them are listed in the 1850 San Francisco directory which was published September 1, 1850. Obviously, the 1850 directory was not a very accurate listing of the residents of the Bay City. A check of the 1852 directory records only three of the doctors still residing in the city. By 1860 the count still remained at three doctors, including Nuttall. The stumbling block which apparently broke up the Society was the Fee BUI listed on pages 7-8 of the pamphlet. This schedule of charges for various professional services lists fifty-three separate fees and the money to be charged for each. Some of them are even high in these inflationary times. But doctors are an independent lot; they just didn't want to be bound by a fixed schedule of fees. The minute book records only meetings of the Society between June and August, 1850. The last sentence in the minute book reads "Adjourned to next Tuesday evening August 13, 1850." Money was the "root of all evil." CONSTITUTION, BY-LAYfS AXD FEF BILL Of THE SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED JUNE 22, 1850. SAN FRANCISCO: PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CALIFORNIA DAILY COURIER. MONTGOMERY ST., NEAR THE CUSTOM HOUSE, 1850, OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. President . . Vice President Secretary . . Treasurer . . Librarian . . THEODORE DIMON, M. D. STEPHEN R. HARRIS, M. D. WILLIAM A. GROVER, M. D. STANDING COMMITTEES. I. ON METEOROLOGY OF SAN FRANCISCO* Drs. Smith, Drs. Mills, Gilbert, Pepin. Haine, II. ON MEDICAL TOPOGRAPH.Y OF CALIFORNIA. Drs. Megquire, Drs. Precht, Huison, Grover. Thorp, III. ON DISEASES OF CALIFORNIA. Drs. Tewksbury, Sawyer, Merritt, Drs. Hinkley, Parker, IV. ON MEDICAL LAWS AND EDUCATION. Drs. Jones, Morrison, Drs. Rogers, Nott, Le Batard, ON FINANCE. Drs. Hill, La Court, Parsons, Drs. Bastone, Franklin, VI. ON CREDENTIALS. Drs. Thorp, Drs. Smith, La Court, Merritt, Drs. Smith, Rogers, Megquier, VII. ON FEE BILL. Drs. Haine, Tewksbury. CONSTITUTION. To support a high standard of professional qualification and conduct, to dis- tinguish the profession frorri all quackery, to promote union of feeling, a common interest and concert of action upon all professional subjects, with- out which, that position and influence the profession should be entitled to, cannot be obtained;—the medical men of San Francisco unite themselves in an association and adopt the following Constitution: ARTICLE I.—STYLE AXD MEMBERSHIP. Sect. 1. This association shall be known and styled as " The Medical Society of the City and County of San Fra^ciscd." Sect. 2. It shall be composed of all such regular Physicians and Surgeons, residents of the County of San Francisco, who are qualified as required by this Constitution, and who shall subscribe their names to this Constitution; and of such honorary members as the society may from time to time elect. ARTICLE II.—QUALIFICATIONS TO MEMBERSHIP. Sect. L All persons desirous of becoming members of this Society shall ■exhibit to the committee on credentials, hereinafter provided, a diploma from some regular medical institution, or a license to practice granted by such legal authority as requires a regular medical education, together *wfth. satisfactory evidence that such diploma or license was granted to the applicant. Sect. 2. Upon satisfactory report of the committee on credentials and upon paying an initiation fee -of five dollars, the applicant shall be admitted to the society by vote, and shall subscribe his name to the constitution. Sect. 3. There shall be appointed a committee on credentials, of which the Vice President shall be ex-officio chairman. This committee shall con- sist of five, including the Vice President. They shaU strictly examine all credentials referred to them and obtain satisfactory evidence that applicants for admission to the society, are rightful possessors of the diplomas or licenses they may present, and also, at the time of application, regular members of the medical profession. ARTICLE III.—OFFICERS, THEIR ELECTION AND DUTIES. Sect. 1. There shall be elected a President, Vice President and Secretary, and when directed by the Society, a Treasurer and Librarian, to serve for one year, or until their successors are duly qualified. These officers shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting of the Society, and a majority of votes shall be requisite to an election. A vacancy occurring, may be filled in the same manner at a'nv stated meeting of the Society. Sect. 2. It shall be the dufv of the President to presidp at all. meetings o( the Society, and maintain order and decorum therein. He shall appoint al* 4 4 • ...u.accs, unless otherwise ordered, and perform such other duties as un- laws or the Society may direct. At the close of his official term d he shall deliver an address to the society, upon some professional topic, and shall also present to the society, from time to time, in writing, such matters as, in his opinion, the attention of the Society should.be directed to. Sect. 3. In case of the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over ihe meetings of the Society, and in case of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall be President for the balance of the term, and a new Vice President shall be elected. The Vice President shall deliver an address at the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Society. Sect. 4. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all the meetings, publish all notices directed, conduct all tlie correspondence, unless otherwise ordered, collect all monies due the Society, and pay Over the same to the Treasurer, when such officer shall be elected, and shall perform the duties of Treasurer until such officer shall be elected. He shall keep safely all papers read to the Society, which shall be ordered to be placed in the archives of the Society, filing them with date of order endorsed. He shall perform such other duties as the Society or the laws may direct. He shall report at the Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings upon the matters counected with his office. Sect. 5. The Treasurer shall receive, monthly, from the Secretary, all monies in the hands of the latter belonging to the Society, giving his receipt therefor. He shall pay all orders made by the Society, which are certified by the Secretary and signed by the President. He shall report at the Semi- Annual and Annual Meetings the condition of the treasury, and have his ac- counts audited by the Finance Committee at the Annual Meeting. At any time the Society may call upon him to state the condition of the treasury, and cause an examination to be made of his books. He shall give such bonds as the By-Laws shall direct for the faithful performance of his trust. Sect. 6. The Librarian shall have charge of such books, plates, models, pathological specimens and other similar articles, as shall at any time become the property of the Society. The care of the same, together with any further duties of the Librarian connected therewith, shall be provided for in by-laws to be made at the time of putting into operation the office. He shall report at the Annual Meeting concerning the matters committed to his charge. Sect. 7. Should the Society so desire, the same member may be elected both Treasurer and Librarian. ARTICLE IV.—MEETINGS. Sect. 1. The Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday of June, 4 at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Semi-Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Tues- day of December, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Sect. 2. There shall be such stated meetings held as the by-laws may direct. Sect. 3. The President shall call extra meetings at the desire of five members. ARTICLE V.—MISCELLANEOUS. Sect. 1. The code of ethics ot the National Medical Association of the United States, shall govern the members of this Society. Sect. 2. There shall be provided by-laws, rules of order, Order of business and a fee bill, for this Society. Sect. 3. This Constitution may be amended at any Annual or Semi- Annual Meeting of the Society, by a vote of two-thirds of the members pre- sent, and the subscribers to this Constitution shall be deemed to subscribe to nny subsequent amendments. •> to « NAMES OP MEA1.IJERS-. Stephen R. Harris, Theodore Dimon, Peter Smith, John La Court, J. B. Le Batard, Joseph Haine, Hiram B. White, Samuel Sawyer, John F. Thorp, James E. Notf, Henry Vv . Jones, Eugene N. R. Fiske, Euward C. Franklin, Matthew H. Hudson, Svlvanus B. Mills, V.". A. Grover, C. Pepin. Robert Nuttall, M. D. Robert Mclnto.-h. R. L. Hinckley, Jacob M. Tewksbury, Samuel Merritt, Thomas L. Mcgquier, Frederick B. Bastone, Charl. Precht, James Morison, Stephen Parsons, J. II. Rogers, Joseph H. Hill, James Gilbert, J -:-v:,' ^i'.^'■ ■ NLM031935806