FM 8-35 WAR DEPARTMENT MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED February 21, 1941 FM 8-35 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Prepared under the direction of The Surgeon General UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1941 sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - Price 25 cents Washington, February 21, 1941. WAR DEPARTMENT, FM &-35, Medical Field Manual, Transportation of the Sick and Wounded, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (10-30-40.)] order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Official : Chief of Staff, E. S. ADAMS, Major General, Distribution : The Adjutant General. B (2); R (2), 8 (10); Bn 8 (5); C 8 (10). TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. General . Chapter 2. Manual Transport for Sick and Wounded. Section I. General 11. Instruction in manual transport Chapter 3. Litter Transportation of the Sick and Wounded. Section I. General 11. Instruction in the use of the litter Chapter 4. Adjuncts to the Litter in the Trans- portation of the Sock and Wounded. Section I. General 11. Instruction in the use of the wheeled litter carrier : Chapter 5. Ambulance Transportation of the Sick and Wounded. Section I. General ; 11. Instruction in ambulance loading and unloading I Chapter 6. Air Transportation of the Sick and Wounded , , ■ Chapter 7. Rail Transportation of the Sick and Wounded ■ Chapter 8. Water Transportation of the Sick and Wounded Index Paragraphs Page I—s 6-8 9-12 13-17 18-24 25-28 29-31 32-36 37-41 42—48 49-54 55-60 1 2 27 36 45 93 110 113 131 137 147 161 169 FM 8-35 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED (This manual supersedes TR 405-50, October 7, 1924; TR 405-60, May 10, 1927; TR 405-80, October 7, 1924; and TR 405-90, March 29, 1926.) CHAPTER 1 GENERAL ■ 1. Purpose of Manual.—The purpose of this manual is to describe methods and means by which patients may be transported in the field. ■ 2. Scope of Manual.—This manual includes a brief descrip- tion of all common methods of transporting patients by land, sea, and air; means of transport, ranging from the hand litter to the hospital ship; and methods of instructing personnel in the employment of such methods and means. ■ 3. Relation of Transportation to Medical Task.—One of the chief responsibilities of the medical service is the evacu- ation of sick and wounded. Prompt and orderly evacuation of casualties from forward areas, in a manner calculated least to interfere with other military requirements, allows combat units to preserve their mobility and promotes the morale of the remaining effectives (FM 8-10). Evacuation must be con- tinuous ; it must be carried out with all speed possible without endangering life or limb and, in modern warfare, under many serious handicaps. Evacuation includes the collection of cas- ualties on the battlefield and their subsequent movement through every medical installation from aid station to gen- eral hospital. The transport involved in this movement must be designed to meet the particular conditions existing in various stages of the journey. ■ 4. Principles of Evacuation.—See FM 8-10. ■ 5. Responsibility for Evacuation.—See FM 8-10. 1 CHAPTER 2 MANUAL TRANSPORT FOR SICK AND WOUNDED Paragraphs Section I. General 6-8 11. Instruction in manual transport 9-12 Section I GENERAL ■ 6. General.—Not infrequently situations arise demanding the movement of patients without litters or other equipment. Such situations may require that the patient be lifted and car- ried by hand, by one or more bearers. In the selection of a method for such movement, two factors must be considered: a. Nature of disability and the care necessary to preclude complications likely to arise as a result of movement, b. Element of fatigue of bearer which indicates that the method be least awkward and tiring, especially when the carry involves any appreciable distance. ■ 7. Movement by One Bearer.—a. Supporting carry.—When patients are conscious and the character of their disabilities permits, they may be assisted in walking. This assistance is designated the “supporting carry,” The procedure is as follows: (1) The bearer turns the patient on his face (fig. 1) and steps astride the patient’s body, facing his head (fig. 2). (2) The bearer places his hands under the patient’s armpits and raises him to his knees (fig. 3). (3) The bearer clasps the patient around his waist and raises him to his feet (fig. 4). (4) The bearer seizes the patient’s left wrist with his left hand and draws the patient’s left arm around the bearer’s neck (fig. 5). The patient’s body now rests against the right side of the bearer’s body, the latter’s arm being placed around the patient’s waist for support (fig. 6). (5) The patient walks, assisted by the bearer. 2 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 b. Arms carry.—This method is applicable to an unconscious as well as to a conscious patient. The procedure is as follows: (1) The patient is brought to upright position by the first three steps described in the supporting carry (a above). (2) The bearer turns slightly toward his right (left), brings his right arm upward to a supporting position about the patient’s back, and passes his left (right) arm under the patient’s thighs (fig. 7). (3) The bearer lifts the patient into a carrying position. The patient should be carried high to lessen fatigue (fig. 8). Figure 1.—Supporting carry, first step. c. Saddle-hack, carry.—This method cannot be employed except with the cooperation of the patient. The procedure is as follows: (1) The patient is brought to upright position by the first three steps described in the supporting carry (a above). (2) The bearer maintains a pull on the patient’s arm (fig. 9) and steps in front of the patient. Then, with his back to him, bearer stoops and raises the patient upon his back (fig. 10). The patient having encircled the bearer’s neck with his arms, the bearer grasps the patient’s thighs (fig. 11). 3 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 2.—Supporting carry, second step. 4 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 Figure 3.—Supporting carry, third step. 5 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 4.—Supporting carry, fourth step. 6 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 Figure s.—Supporting carry, fifth step 7 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 6.—Supporting carry. 8 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 Figure 7.—Arms carry, fourth step. 9 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 8.—Arms carry. 10 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 Figure 9.-Saddle-back carry, fourth step. 11 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 10.—Saddle-back carry, fifth step. 12 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7 Figure 11.—Saddle-back carry, sixth step. 13 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 12.—Saddle-back carry. 14 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 7-8 (3) The bearer resumes upright position, at the same time lifting the patient, bringing him well up on his back. The patient continues to secure himself by grasping the bearer’s neck (fig. 12). d. Fireman’s carry.—This is the method of preference in the movement of an unconscious patient. The procedure is as follows: (1) The patient is brought to upright position by the first three steps described in the supporting carry (a above). (2) The bearer passes around to face the patient’s left, grasps the patient’s right wrist with his left hand, and pulls upward (fig. 13). (3) The bearer stoops (fig. 14), passes his right arm between the patient’s legs, and then draws the patient over his left shoulder (fig. 15). (4) The bearer passes the patient’s right wrist to his own right hand (fig. 16), reaches backward with his left hand and grasps the patient’s left wrist, and draws the patient’s left arm forward and around the bearer’s body (fig. 17). (5) The bearer then resumes upright position (fig. 18). ■ 8. Movement by Two Bearers.—a. Supporting carry.—By this method, two bearers, one on each side, assist a conscious patient in walking. The procedure is similar to that described in paragraph 7a (see fig. 6). b. Arms carry.—This method is applicable to patients, conscious or unconscious, requiring movement for a limited distance, or when being loaded on some mechanical carrier. The procedure is as follows: (1) With the patient lying on his back, the bearers kneel on one knee, on the same side of the patient, and place their arms beneath the patient as follows: (a) One bearer places an arm beneath the patient’s shoulders, the partially bent elbow supporting the head and neck, the other arm beneath the patient’s back at about the lower rib margins. (b) The other bearer places his arms beneath the patient’s hips and knees, respectively (fig. 19). (2) Bearers lift patient to their knees (fig. 20). 15 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 13.—Fireman’s carry, fourth step. 16 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8 Figure 14.—Fireman’s carry, fifth step. 17 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 15.—Fireman's carry, sixth step. 18 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8 Figure 16.—Fireman’s carry, seventh step. 19 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 17.—Fireman’s carry, eighth step. 20 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8 Figure 18.—Fireman’s carry. 21 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 19.—Arms carry, beginning (2 bearers). Figure 20.—Arms carry, second step (2 bearers). 22 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8 Figure 21.—Arms carry (2 bearers). 23 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (3) Bearers rise simultaneously, lifting the patient in horizontal position, his weight being carried well up (fig. 21). c. Saddle-back carry.—This method, employed by two bearers, is applicable to the unconscious as well as the con- scious patient. It requires no effort on the part of the patient but is not applicable to patients with severe injuries of the extremities. The procedure is as follows; (1) With the patient on his back, the front bearer spreads the patient’s lower extremities, steps between them facing the patient’s feet, kneels, and grasps the patient’s thighs with his arms (fig. 22). Figure 22.—Saddle-back carry, beginning (2 bearers). (2) At the same time, the rear bearer kneels at the patient’s head facing the patient, thrusts his arms beneath the patient’s shoulders, brings his forearms inside the patient’s arms, up- ward and across the patient’s chest (fig. 23). (3) Bearers rise simultaneously, lifting the patient into a semirecumbent position (fig. 24). d. Packsaddle carry.—This method is applicable only to a conscious patient. The procedure is as follows; 24 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8 Figure 23.—Saddle-back carry, actions rear bearer. Figure 24.—Saddle-back carry, completed (2 bearers). 25 8 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 25.—Packsaddle carry, first step. 26 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 8-9 (1) The bearers face each other, each grasping his left wrist with his own right hand (figs. 25 and 26), (2) A seat is then made by interlacing the four hands, each bearer grasping the other’s right wrist with his own free left hand (figs. 27 and 28). Figure 26.—Packsaddle carry (close-up). (3) On this improvised seat the patient sits, supporting himself by placing an arm around the neck of each bearer (figs, 29 and 30). Section IT INSTRUCTION IN MANUAL TRANSPORT ■ 9. General—a. Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to provide guides for instruction in the manual transport of patients, thus insuring uniformity in the application of proper procedures and the saving of valuable training time. It is in no sense a drill, and the commands are for instruction purposes only. b. Formation for instruction.—(l) For instruction in the handling of a patient by one bearer, the unit will be formed 27 9 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 27.—Packsaddle, completed. 28 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 9-10 in two ranks, facing each other. After each rank has counted off, men with the same number form teams, the two ranks alternating in the role of patient and bearer. (2) For instruction in 2-bearer transport, formation will be in single rank, the unit then being divided into groups of threes. The individual members of each group will be alter- nated in the roles of No. 1 bearer, No. 2 bearer, and patient. The No. 1 bearer will be in charge of each group. Figure 28.—Packsaddle, completed (close-up). c. Demonstration.—The speed and value of this instruction will be enhanced by utilization of the applicatory system, that is, demonstration followed by practice. d. Commands.—The following types of commands are utilized in instruction: preparatory commands and commands of execution. The former are distinguished by appearing in small capitals, the latter in large capitals. ■ 10. To Carry Patient by One Bearer (see par. 7).—ln- struction is carried out by means of a single set of commands varied to meet the requirements of each method of handling the patient. 29 10 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 29.—Placing patient on packsaddle. 30 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 10 Figure 30.—Carrying patient on packsaddle. 31 10 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 31.—One bearer, right (left) side, POST. 32 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 10-11 a. To place hearer in position.—The patient being prone, to place the bearer in position, the commands are: 1. right (left) side, 2. POST. The preparatory command will vary with the patient’s disability. If there be no choice, the command will be left side, thus enabling the bearer to work from his right. At the command POST, the bearer moves by the nearest route and takes an erect position by the patient’s right (left) hip, facing the patient (fig. 31). b. To lift patient.—The bearer being in position, to lift the patient to the carry, the commands are: 1. by supporting carry (or other type carry desired), 2. lift, 3. PATIENT. At the first command, the bearer stands fast. A short pause after this command enables the bearer to mentally review the actions he will take. At the second command, the bearer proceeds to bring the patient to an erect position (see par. 7a). At the command patient, the bearer lifts the patient to the position indicated by the first command. ■ 11. To Carry Patient by Two Bearers (see par. B).—a. To place hearers in positicm.—As in the case of the single bearer carry, to place bearers in position, the same commands, varied to meet the desired method of carry, are prescribed. These commands are as follows: (1) Supporting carry.—To place bearers in position for the supporting carry, the commands are: 1. both sides, 2. POSTS. At the command posts, bearers proceed by the most direct route to the patient and take erect positions facing the patient, No. 1 opposite the right, and No. 2 opposite the patient’s left hip (fig. 32). (2) Arms carry.—To place bearers in position for the arms carry, the commands are: 1, right (left) side, 2. POSTS. At the command posts, bearers take position on the right (left) side of the patient, No. 1 opposite and facing the patient’s hip, No. 2, the patient’s shoulder (fig. 33). (3) Saddle-hack carry.—To place bearers in position for the saddle-back carry, the commands are: 1. head and feet, 2. POSTS. At the command posts, bearers take position as follows: No. 1 between the patient’s legs, No. 2 at the patient’s head, both facing the patient’s feet (fig. 34). 33 11 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 32.—Two bearers, both sides, POSTS. Figure 33.—Two bearers, right (left) side, POSTS. 34 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 11-12 b. To lift patient.—The bearers being in position, to lift patient, the commands are: 1. by saddle-pack carry, (or other type carry desired), 2. lift, 3. PATIENT. At the second com- mand, bearers place themselves and the patient in the neces- sary position for lifting. At the command patient, bearers lift patient to the position designated in the first command. Figure 34.—Two bearers, head and feet, POSTS. ■ 12. To Lower Patient.—Whether one or two bearers are being utilized, to lower patient, the commands are : 1. lower, 2. PATIENT. At the command patient, patient is carefully lowered to a prone position by a reversal of the steps by which he was originally lifted, when the bearer or bearers resume posts assumed prior to lifting the patient. 35 CHAPTER 3 LITTER TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Section I. General 13-17 11. Instruction in the use of the litter 18-24 Paragraphs Section I GENERAL ■ 13. General.—a. Litter, definition.—A litter is a stretcher, carried by two or more bearers, for the movement of sick and wounded. b. Classification of cases.—(l) Ambulant.—All sick and wounded patients who are able to walk from the place where they become casualties to the medical installation designed for their treatment, without aggravating their condition, are classified as ambulant or ambulatory cases. (2) Litter.—All patients who are unable to walk either with or without assistance, or whose condition might be aggravated by walking, are classified as litter cases. All litter cases, regardless of whether they occur in posts, camps, or on the battlefield, will require more or less movement on a litter, or on a substitute therefor. The distance of movement by litter and the terrain over which movement will be accom- plished will vary with the situation. c. Requisites of military litter.—For satisfactory employ- ment in the military service, a litter must possess the follow- ing requirements: (1) Size.—The size of the litter must be sufficient to accommodate individuals whose height and weight are within the maximum limits as prescribed by the War Department, without undue discomfort. (2) Weight.—The weight should be as light as possible without sacrificing necessary strength and durability. (3) Durability.—The durability should be commensurate with the rough usage entailed in prolonged field operations. 36 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 13-14 (4) Type.—lt should be collapsible in at least one axis to facilitate handling, storage, and movement to the point of employment. (5) Standardization.—All litters should possess the same dimensions when open. This allows a patient to pass through the various echelons of medical service, entailing movement on several types of carrier, without being removed from the litter upon which he initiates his journey. The benefits thus derived are twofold: first, loss of valuable time is pre- cluded; and second, danger to the patient incident to chang- ing litters is obviated. This standardization is highly de- sirable not only throughout the military service but also between the military and naval services to facilitate evacua- tion during joint operations. (See FM 8-25.) ■ 14. Litters Employed by the Medical Department.—a. Litter, canvas, aluminum pole (fig. 35).—The standard Medi- cal Department nonfolding litter is the aluminum pole type, so-called to distinguish it from the former standard wooden pole litter, many of which are still in service and will continue to be employed until they reach a state of unserviceability. Both the aluminum and the wooden pole litters are further designated nonfolding to distinguish them from the folding litter, although actually they are capable of being folded in one axis with consequent approximation of the poles. The aluminum pole litter consists of a canvas bed, 6 feet long and 22% inches wide, supported by two aluminum alloy poles which are inserted into heavily-stitched casings on either side of the canvas. The poles are tubular, 1.54 inches in diameter and 77 inches long, and equipped at either end with knurled wooden handles which project 6% inches beyond the pole ends. Each pole is supported (when the litter is grounded) by two feet or stirrups, 3% inches wide and 5% inches high, bolted firmly to the pole, 18% inches from the outer end of the handle. These bolts perform the dual role of securing the stirrup and preventing the canvas from slip- ping on the pole. Conversely, removal of the stirrup bolts allows replacement of worn canvas. Straight, single-jointed spreader bars extending crosswise between adjacent stirrups hold the canvas taut. The litter weighs approximately 15 37 14 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL pounds and, when collapsed, occupies a comparatively small space. All parts of the litter are of aluminum alloy except the canvas bed, wooden handles, and cadmium-plated steel stirrup bolts. There are no slings attached to the aluminum pole litter. Two web litter-carrying straps are included in the individual equipment of the Medical Department soldier. These straps are attached by snaps to the forward and rear rings on the suspender, the length adjusted by means of sliding loops, and the handles of the litter inserted into the slings Figure 35.—Aluminum pole litter (open). thus formed. The aluminum pole litter possesses the follow- ing distinct advantages over earlier types; considerably less weight and greater durability. b. Litter, canvas, wooden pole (fig. 36).—The wooden pole litter consists of a canvas bed 6 feet long and 22 inches wide, made fast to two wooden poles 7% feet long, and made taut by two jointed spreader bars. The stirrups, 4 inches high and 1% inches wide, are similar to those of the aluminum pole litter. On the left front and right rear handles, a half-round iron ring is fixed inches from the end, and between this and the canvas plays the movable ring of the litter sling. 38 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 14 One pair of slings is permanently attached to the litter. The slings are of khaki-colored webbing, 21/z inches wide, with a leather-lined loop or bight at each end, and each sling is equipped with a metal slide to regulate the length. One loop of the sling passes through a metal swivel, itself attached to the movable ring of the handle. The weight of this litter is approximately 22 pounds. Figure 36.—Wooden pole litter (open). c. Litter, canvas, folding (fig. 37).—The standard folding litter is similar to the aluminum pole litter, except that it not only collapses in its long axis but also folds at the center, a characteristic made possible by a socket-type joint near the middle of each pole. The weight of this litter is approximately 15V2 pounds. Originally designed to permit carrying with the top load on a pack saddle, it also lends itself to storage in airplane and other compartments of limited dimensions. d. Litter, metal, airplane (figs. 38 and 39).—The metal basket, modified Stokes, litter is no longer a standard item, although it is still used to a limited extent by the attached medical personnel with the Air Corps. It is approximately 7 feet long, 23 inches wide, 8 inches deep, and weighs about 39 14-15 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL 20 pounds. The litter consists of a rigid frame of steel tubing, to which wire mesh netting is attached to form a bed. The lower half is divided to form two compartments conforming, in general, to the lower extremities of the patient. Its chief advantage lies in the security of the patient when the litter is tilted. The Navy uses this general type of litter, especially for loading patients from small boats to large hospital ships or transports. For mass evacuation by air, employment of the standard litter is deemed preferable. (See ch. 6.) Figure 37.—Folding litter (closed). ■ 15. Improvisation of Litters.—ln the absence of actual litters, satisfactory substitutes may be improvised, the product varying with the material at hand and the ingenuity of the individual or individuals concerned. The following improvisa- tions are suggested, not only for their own merit but also as models on which to base other satisfactory substitutes. a. Improvised rifle litter.—(l) With rifles and overcoat.— The barrel of a rifle is inserted through each sleeve of an overcoat turned inside out and buttoned, sleeves inside, buttons down, collar toward the rifle butts. The front bearer rolls the tail of the overcoat tightly around the barrels 40 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 15 Figure 38.—Modified Stokes litter (empty). 41 15 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 39.—Modified Stokes litter, with patient. 42 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 15 and takes his grasp over them; the rear bearer holds by the butts, trigger guards up. (2) With rifles and blanket.—A blanket being folded once from side to side, a rifle is laid transversely upon it across its center so that the butt and muzzle project beyond the edges; one end of the blanket is folded upon the other and a second rifle laid upon the new center in the same manner as before. The free ends of the blanket are now folded upon the end containing the first rifle so as to project a couple of inches beyond the first rifle. This is carried in a manner similar to that described in (1) above. (3) With rifles and blouses.—Two or three blouses may be utilized in the same manner as, and in lieu of, the overcoat described in (1) above. b. Imvrovised vole litters.—(l) With voles and blanket (fig. 40).—A most satisfactory litter may be improvised by utilizing a blanket and two poles approximately 7 feet in length. The blanket is spread lengthwise on the ground. One pole is laid across the center of the blanket which is then folded over it. The second pole is placed across the center of the new fold and the blanket is folded over the second pole as over the first. Another method of utilizing the same means consists of rolling one-half of the blanket into a cylinder which is placed alongside the back of the patient who has been carefully turned on his side; the patient is then turned over upon the blanket and the cylinder unrolled on the other side. The poles are then laid down on the outer edges of the blanket and rolled tightly toward the patient, each a like number of times, until the side of the patient has been reached. (2) With voles and blouses or overcoats (fig. 41.)— Two poles and two overcoats, or three blouses, may be utilized in the following manner: sleeves reversed, coats buttoned, and poles passed through the sleeves in such manner as to place the buttons of the garments beneath the litter bed. The posi- tion of the collars, that is, front or back, is immaterial. (3) With voles and shelter half.—The shelter half may be utilized in the same manner as described for the blanket in (1) above. 43 15 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 40.—Improvised litter, poles and blanket. Figure 41.—Improvised litter, poles and overcoat. 44 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 15-19 (4) With miscellaneous items.—With poles as a basis, various other items may be utilized in the improvisation of litters, for example, cloth sacks or bags, bedticks, matting, rugs, carpets, woven rope or rawhide strips, and other similar items. c. Utilization of litter-shaved objects.—Many common items, such as properly padded camp cots, doors, benches, and ladders, may be utilized as improvised litters. d. Doyan.—The Filipino doyan (pronounced doo-yan) con- sists of a hammock swung on two long bamboo poles, the latter resting on the outer shoulders of four bearers. ■ 16. Employment of Litter Bearers of Medical Detach- ments.—See FM 8-10. ■ 17. Employment of Litter Bearers of Collecting Units.— See PM 8-10. Section II INSTRUCTION IN THE USE OF THE LITTER ■ 18. General.—a. Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to provide guides for instructing personnel in methods of handling litters and litter cases. Their general use will se- cure uniformity in the proper methods of performing a highly important function of medical service, and, at the same time, save valuable training time. b. Scope.—This section includes proper methods of han- dling, opening, closing, and strapping litter; loading, carry- ing, and unloading of patients; and the actions of bearers upon encountering unusual situations, such as obstacles, stairs, and unusual injuries. c. Commands.—Although not to be considered a precision drill, certain commands should be utilized to facilitate instruc- tion. The use of these commands in actual operations is not contemplated. ■ 19. Litter Squad.—a. Composition.—A litter squad (fig. 42), both for purposes of instruction and for actual field employ- ment, ordinarily will consist of four bearers. Fewer are un- able to withstand the fatigue of long and frequent carries, except when aided by a wheeled litter carrier or similar device. 45 19-20 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL b. Designation of hearers.—During instruction, each bearer will be given a numerical designation. Members of a litter squad, being in line, are numbered consecutively from right to left. No. 1 is the squad leader; in his absence, No. 4 com- mands; if both Nos. 1 and 4 are absent, No. 3 becomes the squad leader. c. Duties in reduced squads.—Nos. 3 and 2 being absent, their duties are assumed by Nos. 1 and 4, respectively. No. 1 Figure 42.—Litter squad. being absent, No. 4 assumes his duties. In his absence, the duties of No. 4 do not require replacement. d. Instruction in reduced squads.—Under exceptional cir- cumstances, when 2-bearer squads are being instructed, the instruction will be as for Nos. 2 and 3 of the 4-bearer squad. ■ 20. Litter, Strapped and Closed.—a. Litter, strapped.—The aluminum pole litter is said to be strapped (fig. 43) when it is folded, the canvas doubled smoothly, and secured by the cross straps. The wooden pole litter is said to be strapped (fig. 44) when it is folded, the canvas doubled smoothly on top, the slings placed thereon parallel to each other, and all secured by the cross straps. 46 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 20 Figure 43.—Aluminum pole litter, strapped. Figure 44.—Wooden pole litter, strapped. 47 20-21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL h. Litter, closed.—The aluminum pole litter is said to be closed (fig. 45) when it is folded but unstrapped. The wooden pole litter is closed (fig. 46) when it is folded but unstrapped, the loop of the front sling upon the left handle and the loop of the rear sling upon the right handle, the bight of each sling embracing the opposite handle. ■ 21. Instruction with Unloaded Litters.—a. Formation for instruction.—Being in its normal formation, to form and aline the unit (detachment, platoon, or company) in a single rank Figure 45.—Aluminum pole litter, closed. for instruction in the litter, appropriate commands from FM 22-5 will be employed. Similarly, following completion of the instruction, to return the unit to its normal formation, appro- priate infantry drill commands will be employed. b. Formation of litter squads.—The unit being in single rank facing the front, to form litter squads, the commands are: 1. count, 2. FOURS. At the command fours, all except the right file execute eyes right, and, beginning with the right file, count one, two, three, four, one, etc.; each man turns his head and eyes to the front as he counts. 48 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 c. Designation of squads.—Litter squads being formed, to designate squads by number, the commands are: 1. count, 2. LITTER SQUADS. At the command litter squads. No. 1 of each squad except the right squad, executes eyes right, and, beginning on the right, counts, in consecutive order, one, two, three, etc., until all have counted. Each No. 1 turns his head and eyes to the front as he counts. d. Procurement of litters.—Being in proper formation (fig. 47) and litters being available in the immediate vicinity, for Figure 46.—Wooden pole litter, closed. each litter squad to procure one litter, the commands are: 1. procure, 2. LITTER. At the command litter, all Nos. 3 step one pace to the rear (fig. 48), execute right (left) face, as required by the location of the litters, and imme- diately proceed in column of files by the nearest route to the (closed or strapped) litters. Each takes one litter, placing it on the right shoulder (see / below), and all promptly return in reverse order to the rear of the line (fig. 49), turn, and step into the line in unison (fig. 50), litters at the vertical. Upon arriving in position, Nos. 3 taring litters to the shoulder 49 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 47.—Formation for instruction in the litter. Figure 48.—procure, LITTER, first step. 50 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 49.—Nos. 3 halted in rear of line. Figure 50.—Nos. 3 in line, litters vertical. 51 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (fig. 51) . This march should be supervised by a noncommis- sioned officer. It can be executed in double time. e. Return of litters.—lnstruction having been completed, to return litters to place of procurement, the commands are; 1. return, 2. LITTER. This movement is executed in the same manner as procure, litter, except that the litters are carried from, instead of toward, the unit. f. Litter at the shoulder (fig. 52).—1n the position “at the shoulder,” the litter is held at a 45° angle, canvas down, upon Figure 51.—procure, LITTER, completed. the right shoulder, the right hand grasping the lower right- stirrup; the left hand is dropped to the side. In all motions from the shoulder or to the shoulder, the litter should be brought to vertical position (fig. 53) against the right shoul- der, canvas to the rear, right hand grasping right lower stir- rup, left forearm horizontal, and left hand steadying the litter against the shoulder. The vertical position should be taken automatically by the bearer when resuming his place in line (see d above) and in any formation or movement in which there may be danger of the handles of the litter striking 52 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 52.—Litter at the shoulder. 53 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 53.—Litter at the vertical. 54 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 neighboring men, after which “at the shoulder” is resumed without command. g. To order litter (fig. 54).—Being at the shoulder, to order litter, the commands are: 1. order, 2. LITTER. At the com- mand litter, the litter is brought to vertical position, the lower handles then dropped to the ground outside the right foot, canvas to the rear, right arm extended naturally, right hand grasping the poles, and left hand dropped to the side. h. To shoulder litter.—(l) From the order.—Being at the order, to shoulder litter, the commands are: 1. shoulder, 2. LITTER. At the command litter, the litter is lifted with the left hand (fig. 55) to the vertical position (fig. 53), then raised until the left wrist is level with the chin, when it is laid, canvas down, upon the shoulder as described in / above (fig. 52). (2) From the carry.—Being at the carry (see i below), to shoulder litter, at the command litter. No. 3 advances to his former position in line, at the same time bringing the litter to vertical, and then to shoulder position. In this he is aided by No. 2 who lifts his end of the litter to the vertical as he steps backward into his former position in line. Nos. 1 and 4 stand fast. i. To carry litter.—(l) Being in line.—Being in line, litters at the shoulder, to carry litter the commands are: 1, carry, 2. LITTER. At the command utter, each No. 3 brings his litter to the vertical position, steps backward two paces (fig. 56), drops the upper handles forward and downward until the litter is in horizontal position, canvas up, and grasps the outside handle with his right hand; meanwhile, No. 2 steps directly to the front until he is opposite the front handles, when he grasps the outside handle with his left hand (fig. 57); Nos. 1 and 4 stand fast (fig. 58); guides, if any, aline on Nos. 1 and 4. (2) Being at the ground.—Being at the ground, to carry litter, at the same command, Nos. 3 and 2, using their right and left hands, respectively, stoop, grasp the outside handles (fig. 59), and raise the litter from the ground to the carry. (3) Designation of litter ends.—That portion of the litter normally supported by No. 2 is the foot or front; that by No. 3, the head. With the exception of a few special move- 55 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 54.—Litter at the order. 56 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 55.—shoulder, LITTER, first step. 57 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 56.—carry, LITTER from shoulder, first step. Figure 57.—carry, LITTER from shoulder, second step. 58 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 58.—carry, LITTER, completed. Figure 59.—carry, LITTER from ground, first step. 59 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ments, such as carrying patients up and down stairs, the same designation of loaded and unloaded litters apply. Furthermore, the feet of the patient normally correspond to the foot of the litter. (4) Unloaded litter in marching.—ln marching, the litter is usually at the carry, but when space permits or squads are working independently, it may be at the shoulder. j. To ground litter (fig. 60).—Being at the carry, to ground litter, the commands are: 1, ground, 2. LITTER. At the com- Fxgure 60.—Litter at the ground. mand litter. Nos. 3 and 2 stoop and lower litter to the ground, canvas up, release the handles, and resume erect position, facing front. , k. To change hearers.—(l) Being at the carry.—Being at the carry, in marching, to change bearers, the commands are; 1. change bearers, 2. MARCH. At the command march. Nos. 1 and 4 step to the right rear and left front of the litter, respectively, and grasp the handles relinquished by Nos. 2 and 3, who step to right and left center, respectively. 60 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 (2) Being at the ground, closed.—Being at the ground, closed, to execute change bearers, bearers move as at the carry, but Nos. 1 and 4 do not grasp the handles. (3) Being at the ground, open.—The litter being at the ground, open, to execute the same command, Nos. 1 and 4 assume the rear and front posts, respectively, while Nos. 2 and 3 assume right and left posts, respectively, thus all de- scribing part of a circle in a clockwise direction around the litter. I. To open litter.—Being at the carry, litter strapped, to open litter, the commands are; 1. open, 2. LITTER. At the command litter, all bearers face the litter (fig. 61); No. 4 supports the litter at the center, canvas up (fig. 62); Nos. 2 and 3 unfasten straps, button straps to their respective studs if it be a litter so equipped, and grasp the left handles with their left hands, leaving the litter suspended longitudi- nally, canvas to the right (fig. 63); Nos. 2 and 3, assisted by Nos. 1 and 4, extend the braces (fig. 64) and, supporting the litter horizontally, canvas up, lower it to the ground, when all resume their positions at litter posts. If the litter is closed, but not strapped, so much of this directive as relates to the unfastening of the straps does not apply. If the litter is equipped with slings, Nos. 2 and 3 slip the free loop of their respective sling upon the ring handle, the bight embracing the opposite handle. m. To secure slings.—(Applicable to litter with slings at- tached.) Unsecured slings tend to drag the ground, catch on small obstacles, and, at times, actually interfere with loading ambulances and similar operations. This may be avoided by securing slings. To secure slings, the litter being lowered, the commands are: 1. secure, 2. SLINGS. At the command slings. Nos. 2 and 3 slip the loop end of the sling over the ring handle (fig. 65). Each drops the double end over the free handle and brings it up around the handle, slipping the the double end through the sling (fig. 66) and over the end of the handle (fig. 67). n. To close litter.—Being open, to close litter, the com- mands are: 1. close, 2. LITTER. At the command litter, Nos. 2 and 3 step outside the right front and left rear handles, respectively, and face inward; they stoop and, with 61 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 61.—open, LITTER, first step. 62 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 62.—open, LITTER, second step. 63 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 63—open, LITTER, third step. 64 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 64.—open, LITTER, fourth step. 65 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 65.—secure, SLINGS, first step. Figure 66.—secure, SLINGS, second step. 66 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 their right hands, raise the litter by the left handles: they then fold the braces and, bringing the lower pole against the upper, support the litter at the carry. o. To strap litter.—The litter being closed, to strap litter, the commands are: 1. strap, 2. LITTER. At the command litter, all face the litter; No. 4 supports the litter at the center (fig. 68); Nos. 2 and 3, assisted by No. 1, fold canvas by doubling it smoothly on top of the poles (fig. 69), release free loops of slings if litter have slings attached, place them Figure 67.—secure, SLINGS, completed. on the canvas, buckles out, and secure all by the cross straps at each end, passing them through the loops of the slings (fig. 70) if any, when all take their posts at the carry. In the field, the litter should be carried strapped or closed, and opened only upon reaching the patient. The litter being open, may be closed and strapped at the command strap, LITTER, in which case the procedures outlined are both executed in rotation, at the one command (see also n above). p. To bring litter squad into line.—During litter instruc- tion, it may be desired to move the squad, without litter, to 67 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 68.—strap, LITTER, first step. 68 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 69.—strap, LITTER, second step. 69 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL another point. Bearers being at posts with litter at the ground, to bring the squad into line, the commands are: 1, form, 2. RANK. At the command rank. No, 2 advances one pace and remaining bearers move forward and aline themselves on him, in regular order (fig. 71). q. To resume litter posts.—Normal bearer posts, with the litter at the ground, may be recovered at any time by the commands: 1. litter, 2, POSTS. At the command posts, all members of the squad move by the nearest route and resume posts as shown in figure 60. Figure 70.—strap, LITTLE, third step. r. To lift open litter, loaded or unloaded.—(l) Aluminum pole litter.—Being at the ground with bearers at litter posts, to lift the aluminum pole litter utilizing the litter-carrying straps, the commands are: 1. prepare to lift, 2. LIFT. At the first command, Nos. 2 and 3 remove their litter-carrying straps from their pouches, attach them to their suspenders, then stoop and grasp handles firmly. Meanwhile, Nos. 1 and 4 face litter, stoop and grasp adjacent pole (fig. 72). At the command lift. Nos. 2 and 3 arise slowly, assisted in lift- ing by Nos. 1 and 4, following which Nos. 1 and 4 adjust the 70 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 71.—Squad at form, RANK. Figure 72.—Squad at prepare to lift, with, straps. 71 21 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL litter-carrying straps of Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, then resume their posts (fig. 73). The litter may be lifted with- out litter-carrying straps by prefixing without litter-car- rying straps to the command. (2) Wooden vole litter.—Being at the ground with bearers at litter posts, to lift the open wooden pole litter, at the com- mand prepare to lift. Nos. 2 and 3 stoop, slip the slings off the handles and place them over their shoulders; they then replace the free loop upon its handle and firmly grasp the Figure 73.—Litter lifted, with straps. handles of the litter. At the same time, Nos. 1 and 4 face litter, stoop, and grasp the adjacent pole (fig. 74). At the command lift, all lift the litter, arising slowly until erect. No. 4 then advances to the side of No. 2 and No. 1 steps back- ward obliquely to the side of No. 3, adjusts slings, lengthen- ing or shortening as necessary to level litter, then resume their posts (fig. 75). The litter may be lifted without slings by prefixing without slings to the command. s. To march forward.—Being at the lift, to march forward, the commands are: 1. forward, 2. MARCH. At the com- mand march. No. 2 steps off with the left foot, No. 3 with the 72 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 21 Figure 74.—Squad at prepare to lift, with slings. Figure 75.—Litter lifted, with slings. 73 21-22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL right, both taking short, sliding steps of about 20 inches, to avoid jolting and to secure uniform motion of the litter. Nos. 1 and 4 step off with the left foot, employing the normal pace at a cadence to conform with the progress of Nos. 2 and 3. t. To lower litter.—Being at the lift, to lower litter, the commands are: 1. lower, 2. LITTER. At the command litter. Nos. 2 and 3 slowly lower litter to the ground, dis- engage litter-carrying straps from litter handles, and resume erect position. Or, if employing litter with slings, Nos. 2 and 3, after lowering litter, seize the free loop and bight of their respective slings from their shoulders, place loops upon ring handles, the bights embracing opposite handles, then resume erect position. The open litter should be lifted and lowered slowly without jerks, both ends simultaneously, the rear bearer moving in accord wtih the front bearer so as to maintain a horizontal canvas. The open litter, unloaded, for purposes of instruction should be handled as a loaded litter and as soon as the men are familiar with the handling of the unloaded litter, instruction should be with the loaded litter. ■ 22. Instruction With Loaded Litters.—a. General.—(l) Patients for purposes of instruction.—For purposes of instruc- tion with loaded litters, certain men are designated “patients.” To make the instruction more realistic and to instruct in the handling of different types of injuries, patients should wear bandages and splints to simulate actual disabilities. In early periods of instruction, these patients will be placed on the ground at suitable intervals near the line of litters, first with the heads and later with the feet toward the line. As the instruction progresses, the positions may be varied and, lastly, dispersed or concealed in such positions as they would occupy on the battlefield. When patients are loaded on litters, their arms and accouterment are carried by Nos. 1 and 4 or placed on the litter. (2) Arrangement for instruction.—Several squads may be instructed by the same individual at the same time, or each squad may be instructed separately by an instructor or by the squad leader (No. 1). In the latter case, squad leaders assume charge at a directive by the instructor or the unit commander. TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 At the signal for assembly, the squads form in line, lower lit- ters, and come to rest, when the patients if still on the litters are divested of dressings and splints, and resume their posts. Further movements are performed as directed by the instructor. (3) General rules for moving patients.—(a) In moving the patient, either with or without the litter, every move- ment should be made deliberately and as gently as pos- sible, care being taken not to jar the injured part. The command steady will be used to prevent undue haste and other irregularities. (5) The rear bearer should watch the movements of the front bearer and time his own with them, so as to insure ease and steadiness of action. (c) As a rule, the patient should be carried on the litter feet foremost, taut in going uphill or upstairs his head should be in front. id) In case of fracture of the lower extremities, he is car- ried uphill or upstairs feet foremost and downhill head fore- most, to prevent the weight of the body pressing upon the injured part. (e) In passing obstacles and ditches, the litter must be kept level at all times. b. To load and unload litter.—(l) Position for lifting pa- tient.—The patient having been located, the general nature of his wounds having been determined, and the litter being open and available, to place bearers in proper position to lift patient, the commands are: 1. right (left) side, 2. POSTS. At the command posts, bearers take position as follows: No. 2 at the right (left) ankle; No. 3 at the right (left) shoulder; Nos. 1 and 4 at the right and left hips, respectively, all facing the patient (fig. 76). (2) To lift patient and place litter in position.—The bear- ers being at posts, to lift patient preparatory to placing him on the litter, the commands are: 1. lift, 2. PATIENT. At the preparatory command lift, all bearers kneel on knees nearest the patient’s feet; No. 2 passes both forearms under the patient’s legs, carefully supporting the fracture, if there is one; Nos. 1 and 4 place their arms under the small of the back and the thighs, not locking hands; No. 3 passes one 75 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 76.—Squad at right side, POSTS. 76 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 hand under the patient’s neck to the farther armpit, with the other supporting the nearest shoulder (fig. 77). At the command patient, all lift together, slowly and carefully, and place the patient upon the knees of the three bearers on the same side (fig. 78). As soon as he is firmly supported there, the bearer on the opposite side (No. 1 or 4) relinquishes his hold, passes quickly by the nearest route to the litter which he takes up by the middle, one pole in each hand, and, re- turning rapidly, places it under the patient and against the ankles of the other three bearers (fig. 79). Figure 77.—Squad at lift. (3) To lower patient on litter.—The patient being on the knees of three bearers, and the litter being in proper position to receive the patient, to lower patient on litter, the com- mands are: 1. lower, 2. PATIENT. At the command lower, the free bearer (No. 1 or 4) resumes his former kneeling po- sition opposite the other three bearers and prepares to as- sist in lowering the patient. At the command patient, the patient is lowered gently upon the litter, made as comfort- able as possible, then without further orders all bearers rise and resume their positions at litter posts. 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 78.—First step after command patient. Figure 79.—Litter being placed beneath patient. 78 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 Figure 80.—Loading litter with three bearers. Figure 81.—Lowering patient on litter. 79 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 82.—Two bearers at right side, POSTS. 80 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 (4) To unload litter.—The patient being on the litter, to unload litter, the same commands are given and the actions of the bearers are the same, with the following exception; after the patient has been lifted to the knees of the three bearers, the free bearer removes the litter from beneath the patient instead of placing it under him. c. To load and unload litter with three bearers.—ln the absence of one man from the litter squad, No. 3 or 2 is replaced by No. 4 or 1, respectively, while Nos. 1 and 4 replace each Figure 83.—Actions of two bearers at lift. other. With three bearers, the litter is placed as usual and, at the prescribed commands, the bearers take their proper positions. The patient, having been lifted by the three bear- ers, is supported on the knees of the two on one side, while the third (No. lor 4) places the litter in position (fig. 80). In like manner, the patient is lowered on the litter (fig. 81). To un- load the litter, the maneuvers are reversed. d. To load litter with two bearers.—(l) With bearers on the same side.—At the command right (left) side, posts. Nos. 2 and 3 take positions at patient’s right (left) thigh and 81 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 84.—Two bearers at command patient. Figure 85.—Two bearers placing patient on litter. 82 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 shoulder, respectively (fig. 82), At the command lift, bear- ers kneel on knees nearest the patient’s feet; No. 2 passes his arms beneath the patient’s hips and knees; No. 3 passes his arms beneath the patient’s shoulders and small of his back (fig. 83). At the command patient, they lift together, raising the patient upon their knees, then, readjusting their holds, rise to their feet and carry patient to the side of the litter. At the command lower, patient, the bearers kneel and place the patient on their knees (fig. 84), stoop forward and place him on the litter (fig. 85), then rise and assume the posi- tion of litter posts without command. To unload, posts are taken in the same way, at the same commands. (2) With bearers on opposite sides.—ln case the patient is conscious and able to cooperate in the movement, a method whereby the bearers take positions on opposite sides of the patient may be employed. To carry out this movement, the commands are: 1. both sides, 2. POSTS. At the command posts. Nos. 2 and 3 take positions at the patient’s right and left hips, respectively, facing the patient (fig. 86). At the command lift, bearers kneel on the knees nearest the pa- tient’s feet, raise him to a sitting position, and pass their arms around his back and under his thighs, locking hands. The patient, if able, clasps his arms around the bearers’ necks (fig. 87). At the command patient, they lift the patient, both rising together, and carry him to the center of the litter (fig. 88). At the command lower, patient, they stoop and lower the patient upon the litter in a sitting posi- tion, and the patient releases his hold on the bearers’ necks (fig. 89). No. 3 then passes his left hand across the front of the patient’s chest to the opposite armpit and grasps the patient. No. 2 releases his hold at the right side of the pa- tient, steps astride the patient’s lower extremities, and grasps the patient’s right and left thighs just above the knees with his left and right hands, respectively. Both bearers then turn and lower the patient upon the litter, head toward No. 3, when both bearers take the position of litter posts without command. Unloading is performed, in reverse order, at the same commands. 83 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 86.—Two bearers at both sides, POSTS. 84 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 e. To load and unload hack cases.—To avoid aggravating the condition of patients with actual or suspected back in- juries, the following procedure will be followed: (1) To place patient face down.—The patient being in the prone position on his back, a blanket rolled or folded length- wise to two-thirds its normal width is placed alongside the patient, the roll or fold in close proximity to his body (fig. 90). At the command roll. No. 2 kneels at the patient’s feet, firmly grasping the patient’s ankles; No. 3 kneels at the patient’s head, hands grasping the patient’s chin and occiput (back of Figure 87.—Two bearers ready to lift patient. head). No. 1 kneels by the side of the patient, opposite the blanket, while No. 4 places an open litter in close proximity, and prepares to assist No. 1. At the command patient. Nos. 2 and 3 exert moderate traction, while Nos. 1 and 4 gently roll the patient over on the blanket, face down, arms extended over his head, forearms supporting his head (figs. 91 and 92), (2) To place on litter.—At the command lift. No. 2 grasps the lower end of the blanket, No. 3 the left half of the upper end and the upper half of the left side, and No. 1 grasps the right half of the upper end and the upper half of the 85 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 88.—Two bearers ready to lower patient. 86 transportation of sick and wounded 22 Figure 89.—Bearers depositing patient on litter. Figure 90.—Rolled blanket alongside back case. 87 22 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 91.—Back case being rolled onto blanket. Figure 92.—Back case face down on blanket. 88 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 22 Figure 93—Back case being placed on litter. Figure 94.—Loaded litter carried by four bearers. 89 22-23 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL right side. At the command patient. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 lift pa- tient on the blanket, while No. 4 places the open litter beneath the patient (fig. 93). At the command lower, patient. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, assisted by No. 4, lower the patient gently down on the litter. (3) To unload from litter.—To unload the patient from the litter, the same maneuvers, at the same commands, are executed in reverse order. f. To carry loaded litter by jour bearers.—lf it is desired that the four bearers carry the loaded litter, while marching, the commands are: 1. by four, 2. carry, 3. LITTER. At the command litter. No. 1 steps backward to the right rear, No. 4 forward to the left front, and each grasps the handle nearest him, relinquished by Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, who, retaining their grasp on the other handles, move to the out- side (fig. 94). Normal positions are resumed by the com- mand litter, posts. ■ 23. To Pass Obstacles.—a. General.—Obstacles include fences, walls, cuts, ditches, running streams, or other natural or artificial impediments. Obstacles should be avoided when feasible, otherwise they must be surmounted. Orders for surmounting separate obstacles are neither necessary nor feasible. Hence, flexibility in the execution of orders con- cerning obstacles must be maintained, common sense dictat- ing details of action most suited to the situation with which the bearers may be confronted. b. To pass minor obstacles.—For crossing wide, shallow streams, rough or cultivated ground, or similar obstacles, the command is obstacle. At this command, Nos. 1 and 4 close in, grasp the centers of the adjacent poles, and give support until the obstacle has been surmounted (fig. 95), then they resume their posts without command. c. To pass major obstacles.—To pass over fences, ditches, and similar obstacles, when Nos. 2 and 3 must entirely re- lease the litter to cross such obstacle, the orders are: 1. ob- stacle, 2. MARCH. At the preparatory command obstacle, Nos. 1 and 4 move as outlined in subparagraph b. At the command march, No. 2 relinquishes his grasp on the front handles, removes the slings from his shoulders and places them on the litter (or disengages the litter-carrying straps). 90 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 23 and crosses the obstacle (fig. 96). The litter being advanced by the other three bearers, No. 2 grasps the front handles and, after further aiding in advancing the litter, assists No. 3 in steadying it while Nos. 1 and 4 cross the obstacle (fig. 97). The litter is then lifted over and across the ob- stacle by Nos. 1, 2, and 4, while No. 3 crosses and resumes his grasp on the rear handles. Nos. 1 and 4, after assisting Nos. 2 and 3 in adjusting slings, if any, resume their posts without command. Figure 95.—Carrying litter over minor obstacles. d. To surmount obstacles over 5 feet high.—The squad be- ing in position of by four, carry, litter, to surmount an obstacle over 5 feet high, the commands are: 1. raise, 2. LIT- TER. At the command litter, the litter is raised carefully to the level of the obstacle and advanced until the front feet of the litter have cleared, or become well anchored on, the obstacle (fig. 98); Nos. 2 and 4 then clear the obstacle, assist in advancing the litter to the rear feet, then steady it while Nos. 1 and 3 clear the obstacle and resume their grasp on the rear handles. Upon clearing, the litter is lowered to its former level without command. 91 23 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 96.—Crossing low obstacle, first step. Figure 97.—Crossing low obstacle, second step. TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 23 Figure 98.—Surmounting obstacle over 5 feet. 93 24 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ■ 24. To Carry Loaded Litter Up and Downstairs.—a. Up- stairs carry.—Normally, a loaded litter is carried upstairs head first (see par. 22a). The litter is marched to the foot of the stairs in the usual manner, wheeled about, and halted (fig. 99). To negotiate the stairs, the commands are: 1. prepare for stairs, 2. MARCH. At the comand prepare for stairs. Nos. 1 and 4 face inward, advance to the center of the litter, and support it by grasping a pole with both hands; Nos. 2 and 3 slip free loops of slings off handles (or disengage litter- carrying straps), face about and again grasp the handles (fig. Figure 99.—Upstairs carry, first step. 100); No. 4 then steps to the handle nearest him, at the foot of the litter, which he grasps firmly with both hands (fig. 101) while No. 2 grasps the opposite handle. At the command march, the litter is carried upward by Nos. 2, 3, and 4 (fig. 102), the rear bearers being responsible for maintaining the level of the litter. No. 1 falls out, accompanies the litter, and renders assistance as required. When only three bearers are present, the litter must be lowered before the first command. After the stairs have been negotiated, normal positions are resumed by the command litter, posts. Or, if only three 94 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 24 Figure 100.—Upstairs carry, second step. Figure 101.—Upstairs carry, third step. 95 24 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 102.—Upstairs carry, fourth step. Figure 103.—Downstairs carry. 96 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 24 bearers be present, the litter must be lowered before resuming normal positions. h. Downstairs carry.—Normally, a loaded litter is carried downstairs feet first (see par. 22a). The loaded litter is car- ried to the head of the stairs in the usual manner and halted. At the command prepare for stairs. No. 4 advances to the left front handle, which he grasps firmly with both hands, while No. 2 grasps the opposite handle (fig. 103). At the command march, the litter is carried downward, Nos. 2 and 4 keeping the litter as nearly level as possible, No. 3, aided by No. 1, carefully observing the patient to insure no untoward incident during the descent. Upon reaching the foot of the stairs, normal positions are resumed by the com- mand LITTER, POSTS. c. With fractures of the lower extremity.—When the pa- tient being transported has a fracture of the lower extremity, or if for any reason it be desired to carry the patient up- stairs feet first, or downstairs head first, the bearers are reversed, in the former case No. 2 becoming the front bearer, in the latter, No. 3. 97 ADJUNCTS TO THE LITTER IN THE TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED CHAPTER 4 Section I. General 25-28 U. Instruction in the use of the wheeled litter carrier 29-31 Paragraphs Section I GENERAL ■ 25. General.—The manual carrying of a loaded litter is one of the most grueling tasks performed by the personnel of the Medical Department. In prolonged actions, the criti- cal point in the chain of evacuation within the division lies between the casualty on the field and the most forward am- bulance. Therefore, every effort is made to minimize the task of litter bearers. Front line medical installations, in- cluding advanced ambulance loading posts, are placed as far forward as the situation and terrain will permit, and any mechanical device which will aid the litter bearers and ac- celerate the tempo of evacuation is employed whenever fea- sible. Among such mechanical aids is the carrier, field, commonly known as the wheeled litter carrier. (Pig. 104 shows World War, improvised, animal-drawn wheeled litter carriers.) ■ 26. Wheeled Litter Carrier (figs. 105 and 106).—a. De- scription.—The standard wheeled litter carrier is a collapsible, 2-wheeled cart, capable of transporting one loaded litter. Its weight is 59 pounds and its measurements are as follows: open—width 32V2 inches, height over all 31 inches, length 28 inches; folded— 9by2B by 61V2 inches. Folded, it occupies approximately 10 cubic feet of space. Wheels are bicycle type with wire spokes, equipped with pneumatic tires size 26 by 2. It is equipped wtih two full elliptical springs upon which the litter is supported by a pair of angle brackets, held in position by a pair of screw brackets. The carrier, open, is kept in 98 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 26 Figure 104.—World War improvised animal-drawn wheeled Utter carriers. 99 26 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 105.—Carrier, wheeled litter, collapsed. Figure 106.—Carrier, wheeled litter, open. 100 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 26 upright position by a hinged, tubular, metal, inverted V- shaped support stand which, when not in use, folds centrally from its lateral attachment to the axle rod, to be held in place by a spring latch. The preceding model (figs. 107 and 108), of which there are many in service and in depot storage, is similar in many respects. Its measurements approximate those of the standard carrier, but the wheels are wooden spoke, solid rubber tired, buggy type, and its Weight is approximately 72 pounds. b. Advantages of standard wheeled litter carrier.—(l) Col- lapsibility.—The shape plus the space requirements, assumed by the carrier when collapsed, facilitates its transportation to and from the place of actual employment, either as part of a top load or attached to the rear of an ambulance or truck by means of appropriate hooks. (2) Weight.—There is a distinct reduction in weight over previous models. (3) Economy of personnel.—Over suitable terrain, the litter squad employing the carrier may be reduced to two men, and the smaller squad still perform the same task with increased rapidity and less fatigue. (4) Employment in mud and sand.—In consequence of the wide pneumatic tire, employment of the carrier in mud and sand becomes reasonably feasible. (5) Increased comfort for passenger.—The pneumatic tires and elliptical springs increase the comfort of the patient being transported and, at the same time, decrease the tend- ency of the movement to cause or aggravate the condition of shock. (6) Safety factors.—(a) Balance.—The vehicle is well bal- anced and the center of gravity is so located as to minimize the likelihood of over-turning. (b) Litter lock.—The loaded litter is securely locked to the carrier during movement, thus precluding inadvertent or premature unloading. This also enables bearers to lift litter and carrier over minor obstacles without dismounting the litter. (c) Support stand.—Safety during loading and unloading is insured by the stabilizing effect of the support stand. 101 26 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 107.—Carrier, wheeled litter (old type) collapsed. Figure 108.—Carrier, wheeled litter (old type) open. 102 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 27-28 ® 27. Employment of Wheeled Litter Carrier in the Field.—See FM 8-10. ■ 28. Substitutes for Wheeled Litter Carrier.—a. Gen- eral.—Frequently, situations arise wherein the following con- ditions obtain: the evacuation of sick or wounded mandatory; wheeled litter carrier either not available or use not feasible; ambulance either not available or its employment precluded; evacuation by bearers either too fatiguing, too time-consum- ing, or even impossible. Such situations demand ingenuity. There are as many solutions to such problems as there are individuals who may be called upon to solve them. As guides for action in such adverse situations, several substitutes for the wheeled litter carrier are described. These substitutes are not standard items of supply, nor is their standardization contemplated. b. Cacolet.—(l) Definition.—A cacolet is a packsaddle fitted with a frame capable of supporting one or two litters or fold- ing chairs. Its employment by the military, for transporta- tion of sick and wounded, dates to the Crimean War, when it was utilized by the French Army. (2) Types.—Numerous types have been developed and used with varying degrees of success. The following are examples possessing merit: (a) Carlisle cacolet (figs. 109 and 110).—This cacolet, de- veloped by the Medical Department Equipment Laboratory, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., consists of a folding metal frame fitted to a Phillips packsaddle, and, when open, will support two loaded litters, one on each side, the litters firmly secured to the frame by setscrew clamps. (b) Panama jungle cacolet (fig. Ill).—Devised by the med- ical service for the purpose of evacuating sick and wounded from the jungle, this type consists of a metal frame similar to the modified Stokes litter in appearance, over which metal bows have been securely fastened. In this, the patient rests on a waterproof kapok pad. The whole device is firmly bolted to a Phillips packsaddle, protection to the patient on the trail thus being rendered from all directions. The weight of the entire apparatus is 57 pounds and the apparatus, loaded, may be floated across unfordable streams. 103 28 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 109.—Cacolet, Carlisle, front view. Figure 110.—Cacolet, Carlisle, side view. 104 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 28 Figure 111.—Sketch of Panama jungle cacolet. 105 28 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 112.—Cacolet, Ist Cavalry Division, front view. 106 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 28 (c) Ist Cavalry Division cacolet (figs. 112 and 113).—This device, originating in the medical service of the Ist Cavalry Division and field tested by that organization, consists of a tubular metal frame, fitted to the Phillips packsaddle, and bent to conform to the animal’s dorsal contour. A canvas bed is stretched tightly within the frame, giving it an appear- ance similar to the Bradford frame. It is equipped with four metal braces which are inserted into corresponding keepers on the packsaddle. It is light, well balanced, and fairly comfortable. Figure 113.—Cacolet, Ist Cavalry Division, side view. (d) Hamilton chair cacolet (fig. 114).—The Hamilton chair is applicable to the evacuation of conscious or semi- conscious patients, especially from mountainous terrain. It consists of a regulation riding saddle equipped with four sockets, two each front and back, into which, when desired, four metal uprights are placed. The front uprights are joined at their upper ends by a transverse bar, and the whole sur- rounded by a wide web belt which threads through slots in the uprights. The patient cannot fall, may relax against the webbing, and increases his security, when fully con- 107 28 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL scious, by grasping or leaning against the transverse bar. When not in use, the superstructure occupies relatively little space on the top load of the medical pack. Figure 114.—Sketch, of Hamilton chair cacolet. c. Travois, or travail.—(l) Definition.—The travois is a contrivance for transportation of sick and wounded, consist- ing of two long poles lashed at one end to each side of a horse or similar animal, the other ends trailing the ground. Hurdles are lashed across these poles to receive the load. 108 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 28 (2) Improvisation of a travois (fig. 115).—A travois may be improvised by cutting poles about 16 feet long and 2 inches in diameter at the small end. These poles are laid parallel to each other, large ends to the front and feet apart, the small ends 3 feet apart with one of the latter projecting some Figure 115/—Sketch of one-horse travois. 8 or 10 inches beyond the other to impart a rocking rather than a jolting motion to the load. The poles are connected by a crossbar about 6 feet from the front ends and another about 6 feet back of the first, each notched at the ends and securely lashed to appropriate notches in the long poles. Be- Figure 116.—Sketch of 2-horse travois. tween the crosspieces, the litter bed, 6 feet long, is filled in with canvas, blanket, or similar material, securely fastened to the poles and crossbars. In lieu of canvas or blanket, rope, a lariat, or rawhide strips may be stretched obliquely from pole to pole, in many turns, crossing each other to form the basis for a light mattress or improvised bed. A 28-30 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL litter or cot may be fastened between the poles for the same purpose. The front ends of the poles are securely fastened to the saddle of the animal, and joined around the animal’s chest by means of a breast strap. On the march, bearers should be ready to lift the rear end of the travois when passing obstacles, streams, or when going up hill. (3) Turn-horse travois (fig. 116).—A further development of the original travois is in current use by the British medi- cal service. The rear ends of the poles, instead of being al- lowed to drag, are lashed to the saddle of a second horse, following the first in tandem. Section II INSTRUCTION IN THE USE OF THE WHEELED LITTER CARRIER ■ 29. General.—a. Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to furnish a guide for instruction in the use of the wheeled litter carrier and thereby standardize and accelerate such training. b. Scope.—lt includes instruction in opening, closing, load- ing, and unloading of the carrier. c. Objectives.—The objectives of this instruction will be a thorough knowledge of the mechanism of, and a high degree of proficiency in the employment of, the carrier. d. Commands.—Any commands used are for the purposes of instruction and their employment in the field is not con- templated. e. Formation for instruction.—For purposes of instruction in the use of the wheeled litter carrier, groups of three are preferable, men within the group alternating in the role of patient. The two members of the group acting as bearers are designated Nos. 1 and 2, No. 1 being in charge. ■ 30. To Open and Close Carrier.—a. To open carrier.— The carrier being on the ground, folded, to open, the com- mands are: 1. open, 2. CARRIER. At the command carrier, the following steps of procedure are executed: (1) Both bearers proceed by the most direct route to the folded carrier and take positions, one on each side adjacent 110 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 30 the wheels, No. 1 on the side to which the support stand is attached (fig. 117). (2) Bearers stoop, grasp the litter pole racks (fig. 118) and, in unison, lift them until the wheels are in upright position (fig. 119). (3) Maintaining the upright position of his respective wheel with his left hand, each bearer, with his right, pushes lock into position and secures it by tightening the setscrew (fig. 120). Figure 117.—Bearers in position to open carrier. (4) No. 1 unlatches the support stand and brings it down to the vertical (fig. 121). (5) Both bearers loosen the screw brackets and swing them laterally, leaving the litter pole racks open to receive the litter, then they resume their positions at the wheels, facing the carrier (fig. 122). b. To close carrier.—The carrier being open and unloaded, to close carrier, the commands are: 1. close, 2. CARRIER. At the command carrier, bearers move directly to positions at wheels, if not already there, and proceed to perform in re- verse order, the same steps as required to open it (a above). 30 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 118.—Opening carrier, first step. Figure 119.—Opening carrier, second step. 112 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 30 Figure 120.—Opening carrier, third step. Figure 121.—Opening carrier, fourth step. 113 30 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 122.—Opening of carrier completed. Figure 123.—Bearers at facing patient, litter, POSTS. 114 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 30-31 Screw clamps are moved centrally and tightened; No. 1 lifts the support stand and latches it; both unfasten wheel locks, and, in unison, allow wheels to fold at the axle joints. When the carrier has been completely closed, bearers resume up- right position. ■ 31. To Load and Unload Carrier.—a. Posts at loaded litter.—The carrier being open and conveniently located, to place bearers in position to proceed with the loading, the commands are: 1, facing patient, 2. litter, 3. POSTS. At the command posts, bearers move by the most direct route and take positions between the handles of the litter, Nos. 1 and 2 facing the patient’s head and feet, respectively (fig. 123). b. To load carrier.—The litter being loaded, the bearers at posts, and the command prepare to lift, LIFT, having been given and executed, to load carrier the commands are: 1. load, 2. CARRIER. At the command carrier, the procedure is as follows: (1) Bearers carry the litter and place it on the carrier, the poles lying firmly in the racks and the litter well balanced on the carrier (fig. 124). (2) No. 1 remains in position and steadies the litter while No. 2 locks poles into racks by adjusting and tightening the screw brackets (fig. 125). (3) No. 2 folds and latches the support stand (fig. 126) and resumes his position at the patient’s feet, facing front (fig. 127). c. To unload carrier.—The carrier being loaded and the bearers being in position for movement, to unload carrier, the commands are: 1. unload, 2. CARRIER. At the command carrier. No. 1 stands fast and steadies the litter while No. 2 loosens the screw brackets, moves them laterally, unlatches and lowers the support stand, and resumes his post, facing the patient’s feet. Without further command, bearers lift lit- ter, move it clear of the carrier, and perform further actions at the command of the instructor or No. 1 bearer. 115 31 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 124.—Placing loaded litter on carrier. Figure 125.—No. 2 locking poles to racks. 116 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 31 Figure 126.—N0. 2 latching support stand. Figure 127.—Carrier loaded, bearers ready to move out. 117 CHAPTER 5 AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Paragraphs Section I. General 32-36 11. Instruction in ambulance loading and unloading. 37-41 Section I GENERAL ■ 32. General.—a. Definition.—An ambulance is a wheeled vehicle designed and employed for the conveyance of sick and wounded. b. Ambulances employed by Medical Department.—(l) Motor.—Figure 128 shows an ambulance station in France, 1918, with World War motor ambulances. (a) Metropolitan ambulance (figs. 129 and 130).—The large metropolitan ambulance, designed for and equipped with large, single, basket-type, wheeled litter, is used at general hospitals in the zone of the interior and at the larger Air Corps posts. Ib) Ambulance, field (figs. 131 and 132).—The field am- bulance, motor, used at the majority of posts and stations and in the field is a 2-wheel drive, panel body vehicle with a patient capacity of four litter, or eight sitting, or various combinations of litter and sitting cases. It is satis- factory as a road ambulance but its value is limited for cross-country employment. (c) Ambulance, field, cross country (figs. 133 and 134). For front line and cross country use, the 4-wheel drive, Mj-ton motor ambulance is the preferred vehicle. (See par. 33 for detailed description.) (2) Animal-drawn.—(a) Ambulance, 4-animal (figs. 135 and 136).—The 4-animal ambulance, model of 1909, is avail- able for employment in situations requiring an animal-drawn vehicle but not demanding any considerable speed. This am- bulance is satisfactory for employment with foot troops on the march. 118 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 32 Figure 128.—An ambulance station of the 42d Division, Rolampont, February 10, 1918 119 32 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 129.—Metropolitan ambulance, exterior view. Figure 130.—Metropolitan ambulance, interior view. 120 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 32 Figure 131.—Ambulance, field, motor (exterior). Figure 132.—Ambulance, field, motor (interior). 121 32-33 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (b) Ambulance, 2-animal (figs. 137 and 138).—The new 2-animal ambulance is an excellent cross country vehicle and possesses the ability to match the speed of horse cavalry. (See par. 34 for detailed description.) ■ 33. Ambulance, Motor, Field.—a. General.—(l) Status.—Two distinct types of field ambulance are now being employed (see par. 32). The new cross country field ambu- lances are allocated to field units, such as armored, cavalry Figure 133.—Ambulance, field, motor, cross country (exterior view). and infantry divisions. The former field ambulance will con- tinue to be used wherever necessary and feasible. In time, if experience proves the lighter cross country vehicle capable of universal use, it may supplant the field ambulance entirely. (2) Definitions.—(a) Panel body.—The term “panel body” used in connection with an ambulance implies that the light, commercial type, delivery truck body has been utilized with- out structural change. 122 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 33 Figure 134.—Ambulance, field, motor, cross country (interior view). Figure 135.—Ambulance, animal-drawn (old type), exterior. 123 33 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 136.—Ambulance, animal-drawn (old type), interior. 124 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 33 Figure 137.—Ambulance, animal-drawn, (new type) exterior. Figure 138.—Ambulance, animal-drawn, (new type) interior. 125 33 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 139.—Insert, ambulance, Carlisle. 126 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 33 (b) Carlisle ambulance insert (fig. 139).—The Carlisle am- bulance insert is a light frame equipped with two folding seats and brackets and hangers for supporting loaded litters. This insert converts the panel body truck into a field ambu- lance. As implied by the designation, it was developed at the Medical Department Experimental Laboratory, Carlisle Bar- racks, Pa. (3) Ambulance, field, requirements of.—(a) Capacity.— Vehicle should be capable of transporting seven sitting or four litter cases with their impediments, a maximum load of approximately 1,500 pounds. (b) Speed.—The ability to travel 50 miles per hour on suitable roads is desirable. (c) Cruising radius.—Fuel capacity should be sufficient to carry the vehicle at least 200 miles. id) Ability to cross rough terrain.—A reasonable ability to overcome such obstacles as steep inclines, shallow ditches, cultivated ground, loose boulders, muddy or swamp ground, sand, or snow is mandatory. (e) Ease in driving.—Ease in driving will result in economy of personnel in a sustained action. (/) Riding comfort.—The vehicle, to best serve not only the patient’s comfort but also his general condition, should pos- sess pneumatic tires, a satisfactory type spring, and facilities for heating, lighting, and ventilating the interior. (g) Safety factors.—The safety of operating and passenger personnel should be considered in the selection of such equip- ment as brakes, lights, horns, shatter-proof glass, and similar items. b. Cross country motor field ambulance (fig. 133).—The new cross country ambulance more nearly meets the ideal requirements than does any other similar vehicle developed thus far. (1) Description.—Any measurements given are maximum or minimum specifications and are subject to slight variations by the manufacturer. ia) Chassis. 1. General.—1/2-ton, truck type, 123-inch wheel base, 4-wheel drive, 47 V 2 inches between wheel housings. 2. Wheels.—Four, 16-inch, steel construction. 127 33 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL 3. Tires.—, pneumatic, low pressure, all weather, non-skid. 4. Engine.—6-cylinder. 5. Brakes.—4-wheel, hydraulic. 6. Shock absorbers.—Double action. 7. Gas tank.•—Capacity 25 gallons. (b) Body. 1. General.—Panel, steel, insulated; height of floor from ground, 32 inches maximum loaded; height (over all), 86% inches (approximate). 2. Patient compartment. Inside measurement, 98 inches long, 60 inches wide, 53% inches high. 3. Bear door.—Measurements, 56 inches wide, 46 inches high. 4. Seats for personnel.—Two, single, separate; one for chauffeur, non-folding, leather covered, capable of being displaced forward 13 inches when load- ing: one for ambulance orderly, folding. 5. Glass.—Safety plate, shatter-proof. 6. Seats and litter supports (see fig. 134).—Lateral, longitudinal, folding seats for sitting patients, padded with sponge rubber, duck covered; lat- eral brackets and centrally suspended slings for supporting upper tier of litters; lower tier of lit- ters fixed by lateral straps near floor. It will be noted that, in this ambulance, the insert has been eliminated and seats, brackets, and supports are all bolted firmly to the body. 7. Ventilation.—Double system, front and rear, pri- mary and auxiliary, positive exhaust. 8. Heater.—Type capable of heating interior to 70° P., outside temperature being 0° F. (2) Capabilities.—(a) Speed.—Governed at 50 miles per hour. (b) Cruising range.—Estimated 250 miles. (c) Patient capacity.—Four litter, seven sitting, or two litter and four sitting cases. c. Personnel.—Two men, a chauffeur and an ambulance orderly, are assigned to each motor ambulance. The former Is responsible for the vehicle at all times. He makes minor 128 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 33-34 repairs and is responsible for reporting major defects to his section leader or, if the latter is not available, to the unit transportation sergeant or mechanic. The ambulance or- derly acts as assistant driver, prepares the ambulance for loading and unloading, prepares it for departure after load- ing and unloading, and renders necessary first-aid and care to patients being transported. ■ 34. Ambulance, Animal-Drawn.—a. Status.—To a consid- erable extent, the cross country motor field ambulance has supplanted the animal-drawn ambulance. However, situa- tions will arise wherein the latter will be employed. The new type ambulance is preferable to the old model 1909, but many of the latter are still in service and in depot storage, and will be utilized until they reach a stage of unservice- ability. b. Ambulance, animal-drawn, requirements.—To be of practical value, the animal-drawn ambulance should meet the following general requirements: (1) Weight.—The weight should be such as to permit its being drawn by two animals at the average speed of horse cavalry. (2) Height.—A low vehicle decreases the tendency to over- turn on rough terrain and the target presented by its silhouette. (3) Cross country employment.—The general construction of the vehicle and its equipment should be sufficiently durable to permit prolonged usage over rough terrain. (4) Comfort and safety.—Such equipment as tires, brakes, springs, and lights should be of such character as to reason- ably insure the comfort and safety of patients and operating personnel. (5) Trailer employment.—Vehicle should be capable of conversion to trailer for use with light motor vehicles. c. Ambulance, animal-draim, new type.—(l) General.— The new type animal-drawn ambulance was designed at the Medical Department Equipment Laboratory, Carlisle Bar- racks, Pa., and has had field testing over a period of several years. Its capabilities approach the ideal requirements of an animal-drawn ambulance. 129 34-35 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (2) Description (fig. 137).—(a) General.—The weight of the vehicle is approximately 1,000 pounds, and height over all, 80 inches. Even in the field, but two animals are needed for propulsion. (b) Chassis.—The frame is metal with automotive type front axle and transverse, semielliptic springs, front and rear. The wheels are five in number (one spare), automotive type, of metal construction, and equipped with low pressure pneu- matic tires, size 7.50 by 16. The brakes are front wheel, in- ternal expanding, mechanical type, operated by pressure on a foot pedal located centrally in front of the driver’s seat. (c) Body.—The body bed is of wood, reinforced with strap iron. The frame of the superstructure is of wood and tubular duraluminum, the cover being of waterproof, olive-drab can- vas. The inside measurements are length, 90 inches: width, 47j/2 inches; and height, 57 inches. A central, wooden, longi- tudinal seat may be elevated or lowered. In its normal posi- tion, lowered, it will accommodate five sitting cases, and when raised becomes the central support for the upper tier of lit- ters. Lateral support for the upper tier is furnished by two longitudinal troughs, attached to the frame on each side, in which the litter stirrups slide during loading and unloading. The lower litters rest on the floor where their exact fit pre- cludes the necessity for other means of fixation. The body is designed to accommodate a maximum load of four litter or five sitting cases. However, with two litter cases, three sitting cases may be transported although they will be un- comfortable for the reason that half the seat will be occupied by the upper litter. Immediately in front of the body, a transverse seat, accommodating two men, rests on the jockey box, the latter being sufficiently large to hold necessary tools and the personal equipment of operating personnel. d. Personnel.—The animal-drawn ambulance requires two men, a driver who is responsible for the vehicle and animals, and an attendant who acts as assistant driver, assists in load- ing and unloading, and renders necessary care to the patients en route. ■ 35. Employment of Ambulances in the Field.—See FM 8-10. 130 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 36-37 ■ 36. Training of Ambulance Personnel.—a. Motor ambu- lance.—See FM 25-10, Motor Transport. b. Animal-drawn ambulance.—See FM 25-5, Animal Trans- port. Section II INSTRUCTION IN AMBULANCE LOADING AND UNLOADING ■ 37. General.—a. Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to furnish guides for training enlisted personnel in proper methods of loading and unloading the ambulance. b. Demonstration.—Utilization of demonstration will en- hance the efficacy of this instruction. c. Commands.—Any commands used are for purposes of instruction, and their use in the field is not contemplated. These commands are limited in number and cover the general acts performed in loading and unloading the ambulance. Details of the actual performance of these acts will vary slightly, depending on the number of bearers, presence or absence of ambulance orderly or assistant driver, and type ambulance employed. d. General rules.—(l) Berths and order of loading.—The four longitudinal spaces formed within an ambulance, when loaded litters are in place, are known as berths and are designated right (left) upper (lower). Four litter cases are loaded in the following order: right upper, left upper, right lower, and left lower. When loading two litter and one or more sitting cases, the right berths are utilized for the loaded litters, the order being right upper; and right lower. When loading two litter and no sitting cases, the lower berths are utilized, the order being right lower; and left lower. (2) Order of unloading.—Berths are unloaded in reverse order to that by which they are loaded. (3) Patients with splints.—Patients with cumbersome splints will be loaded in lower berths, when the situation permits. (4) Position of patient in ambulance.—Unless otherwise indicated, litter cases will be loaded head first. Prior to load- ing, litter will be grounded three paces to the rear of, and with the patient’s head toward, the ambulance. 131 37-39 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL e. Preparation for instruction.—(l) Ambulances.—The number of ambulances to be utilized will depend on the size of the unit to be instructed and the availability of ambu- lances. Each ambulance should have its full complement of personnel, that is, driver or chauffeur, and assistant driver or ambulance orderly. (2) Formation.—Unit to be instructed will be formed in litter squads and two squads will be detailed to each ambu- lance, if available. Personnel will alternate, by litter squads, in the role of bearers and patients. Figure 140.—Litter squad at ambulance, POSTS. ■ 38. Ambulance Posts.—The squad being in the vicinity of the ambulance, to assemble prior to loading or unloading, the commands are; 1. ambulance, 2. POSTS. At the com- mand posts, the members of the squad move rapidly by the shortest practicable route to the ambulance, ahd aline them- selves in numerical sequence from left to right, one pace in rear of the vehicle (fig. 140). This is the invariable position of the squad at ambulance, POSTS. ■ 39. Ambulance Loading.—The squad being at ambulance, posts and the ambulance being prepared to receive patient 132 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 39 (fig. 141), to load ambulance, the commands are: 1. right (LEFT) UPPER (LOWER) BERTH, PREPARE TO LOAD, 2. LOAD. The procedure is as follows: a. At the first command, bearers take position as follows: No. 2, at foot of litter facing patient, stoops and grasps handles; Nos. 1 and 3, one on each side of litter facing pa- tient’s shoulders, grasp the right and left poles, respectively (fig. 142). b. At the command load, the litter is lifted by Nos. 1, 2, and 3 and advanced into the berth designated in the preparatory command (fig. 143). Figure 141.—Ambulance ready to receive patients. c. At the same command, the ambulance orderly or assist- ant driver, from the front of the ambulance, assists in ad- vancing the litter within the ambulance, and secures front handles in brackets, straps, hooks, or other device present. d. The rear handles are secured by Nos. 1 and 3 (fig. 144). e. No. 4, in the meantime, renders aid as indicated or, in the absence of the ambulance orderly, performs the orderly’s normal duties. /. Following the loading, preparation of the ambulance for departure, such as lowering curtains and closing doors or 133 39 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 142.—Loading ambulance, first step. Figure 143.—Loading ambulance, second step. 134 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 39 Figure 144.—Rear handles being secured. Figure 145.—Ambulance loaded, being prepared to move. 135 39-41 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL tail gate, is accomplished by the ambulance orderly or, in his absence, by No. 4 (fig. 145). g. When loading has been completed, squad resumes posi- tion at ambulance, posts without command. ■ 40. To Unload Ambulance.—The squad being at ambu- lance posts, and the ambulance being prepared for unload- ing, to unload ambulance, the commands are: 1. RIGHT (LEFT) UPPER (LOWER) BERTH, PREPARE TO UNLOAD, 2. UNLOAD. The procedure is as follows: a. At the first command, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 step forward and arrange themselves numerically, from right to left, at the foot of the litter; and the ambulance orderly (or No. 4 in his absence) takes position within the ambulance, at the head of the litter. b. At the command unload. No. 2 grasps the projecting handles and draws out the litter, assisted by Nos. 1 and 3, who, facing inward, support the poles. c. An upper berth being unloaded, Nos. 1 and 3 free the rear, the ambulance orderly the front, handles, then all three lower the litter to the floor and the squad proceeds as in unloading a lower berth. d. When clear of the ambulance, the litter, carefully sup- ported in horizontal position, is grounded three paces in rear of the vehicle. Members of the squad resume their positions at litter posts without command. ■ 41. Loading and Unloading by Limited Personnel.—Situ- ations will arise wherein loading and unloading of ambu- lances must be performed by less than the normal comple- ment of personnel. The absence of No. 4 bearer entails no substitution. In the absence of No. 4 and the ambulance orderly or assistant driver, the chauffeur or driver will per- form their duties. In the absence of Nos. 3 and 4, the am- bulance orderly will substitute for No. 3, and the chauffeur, or driver, will assist from the front. In the absence of Nos. 3, 4, and the ambulance orderly, the ambulance will be pre- pared by No. 1, after which the litter will be placed in lower berth by Nos. 1 and 2. An upper berth being loaded. Nos. 1 and 2 will perform the duties of Nos. 1 and 3, the chauffeur or driver assisting from the front. Unloading is performed in like manner but in reverse order. 136 CHAPTER 6 AIR TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED ■ 42. General.—a. Increased difficulty of evacuation.—Mo- torization, mechanization, and aviation have increased the tempo of modern warfare. Concepts of distances have shrunk and, frequently, lines of communication are long and insecure. For evacuation to keep apace, every available means must be employed. Evacuation by air will be utilized whenever feasible. b. Present status of evacuation by air.—The value and prac- ticability of evacuating certain types of cases by air during times of peace have been demonstrated fully in our Army. Recently, certain powers have demonstrated its value in time of war, under favorable conditions. The most important fac- tor in the successful employment of such means is air superiority. c. Results of evacuation by air.—Actual application of the airplane to the medical task of evacuation accomplishes the following: (1) With a maximum degree of rapidity and comfort and a minimum degree of deleterious effect, certain types of seriously injured patients are transported from combat zone to general hospital, either in the communications zone or zone of the interior, where early definitive treatment can be instituted. (2) The psychological effect upon the remaining effectives results in a marked elevation of the morale of the entire fighting force. ■ 43. Advantages of Evacuation by Air.—a. Speed.—The at- tainable speed of air transport will decrease evacuation time and reduce the number of fatalities incident to transportation, providing that, under medical supervision, cases for evacua- tion are properly selected prior to, and properly cared for during, the actual movement. b. Comfort of patients.—ln general, no other mode of trans- port approaches the degree of comfort offered the patient by the airplane. The discomfort, and actual danger involved in 137 43-44: MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL certain types of cases, may be circumvented by low-altitude flying and the administration of oxygen en route. c. Safety.—The airplane, if air superiority is maintained, represents the safest means of transport and, if cases for movement be selected properly, the safest method of trans- portation. Safety guaranteed by agreement between nations will be of questionable value. d. Morale.—Successful evacuation by air will increase the morale of combat troops. e. Treatment en route.—In aircraft designed or converted for transportation of casualties, considerable treatment can be administered en route. Examples: application and read- justment of splints: administration of stimulants, sedatives, sera, and other medication; arrest of hemorrhage; treatment of shock; and most important of all, administration of oxygen. Note.—All aircraft intended for purposes of evacuation will be equipped with apparatus for the administration of oxygen. f. Medical supplies.—Aircraft utilized for evacuation may be employed, in their forward movement, for delivery of emergency medical supplies to medical units functioning in the combat zone. g. Redistribution of the medical task.—lnstitution of evac- uation by air within the combat zone will transfer the heavier treatment load from mobile installations of the combat zone to fixed installations of the communications zone or zone of the interior. ■ 44. Areas of Employment.—a. Theater of operations.— Within the theater of operations, two echelons of evacuation by airplane ambulance are contemplated: (1) Within the combat zone.—Small landing fields will be located as near division clearing stations as possible. (The location of potential fields will be considered by clearing elements in the establishment of their installations.) Prom these fields, selected cases (par. 45) from clearing stations will be evacuated by light ambulance transport or shuttle planes to larger fields in the rear portion of the army area. (2) From combat to communications zone.—At landing fields in the army area will be collected the cases brought by 138 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 44-45 plane from more forward areas, plus selected cases from evacuation hospitals, from which collection centers they will be transported by heavy ambulance transport airplanes to general hospitals in the communications zone or, in some situations, to those in the zone of the interior. b. Zone of the interior.—(l) From theater of operations.— If the theater of operations and zone of the interior are contiguous, or separated by a small body of water, large ambulance airplanes may evacuate sick and wounded from either the combat or communications zone of the theater directly to the zone of the interior. In this event, incoming ambulance airplanes may proceed to one conveniently located central field or to one of several fields located in the vicinity of general hospitals. (2) Within zone of the interior.—ln the event that casual- ties from the theater of operations are brought to large reception centers by airplane or other means of transport, ambulance airplanes may then be utilized for distribution of such cases to various general hospitals within the zone of the interior. Furthermore, casualties occurring within the zone of the interior itself, either because of the peculiar nature of the case or the isolated character of its geographical loca- tion, may be evacuated by airplane ambulance to civilian or military medical centers. ■ 45. Type Patient for Evacuation by Air.—a. General.—All cases do not respond favorably to air transportation, hence proper selection of cases by medical personnel is the foremost consideration in the application of the airplane to the task of evacuation. Care must also be taken to avoid evacuating cases to either the communications zone or zone of the in- terior, which normally would not be moved farther to the rear than the evacuation hospital. b. Cases adapted to air transportation.—Evacuation by air is intended primarily for seriously sick and wounded cases. The following types of cases are examples of those especially adapted to such means of transport; severe facial wounds; brain injuries; eye injuries; shattering wounds of the spinal column, pelvis, or extremities; severe wounds of the chest or abdomen providing such cases are recent, have not been operated upon, and have not suffered severe hemorrhage; 139 45-46 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL and such medical cases as severe dysentery, typhoid, and similar conditions. c. Contra-indications to evacuation by air.—For physiologi- cal reasons, presence of the following conditions should con- tra-indicate evacuation by air: severe shock; recent major operative procedure; severe anemia due to hemorrhage; cases of, or complicated by, pneumonia; cases complicated by re- stricted breathing capacity as a result of hemothorax, pneu- mothorax, pulmonary hemorrhage, or marked elevation of the diaphragm due to severe intra-abdominal pressure, gaseous or otherwise. d. Evacuation by air in emergencies.—Air transport being available and evacuation by air being feasible, all cases, regardless of type, will be evacuated by such means if by so doing the abandonment of patients or their capture by the enemy will be averted. ■ 46. Airplane Ambulances.—a. Types.—Depending upon their two principal missions, the following general types of aircraft will be employed as airplane ambulances; (1) A light transport airplane capable of transporting, be- sides the operating personnel, 2 to 4 litter cases and 1 medical officer or enlisted attendant. (2) A heavy transport airplane (see fig. 146, exterior view, Douglas C-39 ambulance airplane) capable of carrying, be- sides the operating personnel, from 9 to 16 litter cases, a medical officer, and an enlisted attendant (fig. 147, interior view, same airplane showing nine modified Stokes litters ready to receive patients). The former will be utilized in the combat zone as a shuttle airplane to transport cases from loading points in the vicinity of clearing stations to loading centers in the army area. The latter, or heavy airplane, will evacuate cases from the rear of the combat zone to the com- munications zone, or to the zone of the interior, as the situ- ation permits. Large airplanes may be employed to evacuate cases from installations of the communications zone to the zone of the interior. b. Requirements.—The general type, number of engines, structural specifications, safety appliances, and flying in- struments of airplane ambulances come within the purview of the Air Corps. However, from the point of view of the 140 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 46 Figure 146.—Douglas G-39, exterior. 46 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 147.—Douglas C-39, interior. 142 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 46-47 arm or service charged with care and treatment of patients being transported, the following requirements are consid- ered desirable: (1) For all airplane ambulances.—(a) Cabins.—Regard- less of size, cabins should be equipped with heating and ven- tilating systems, doors of sufficient size to permit free entry of a loaded litter, and racks or supports for the accommoda- tion of standard Medical Department litters (see par. 13). Utilization of a standard litter precludes unnecessary move- ment of the patient incident to his evacuation. (£>) Radio.—For liaison with ground personnel at loading and unloading points, inclusion of the radio in the equip- ment of airplane ambulances is considered of vital necessity. (c) Medical equipment.—All airplane ambulances will be equipped with apparatus for the administration of oxygen and those items of medical supply (litters, blankets, and splints) necessary to accomplish the usual property exchange. Other medical equipment may be added as indicated. (2) For shuttle or light transport airplane.—Those ambu- lance airplanes plying within the combat zone should accom- modate, in addition to the operating personnel, from 2 to 4 litter cases and 1 medical officer or enlisted attendant. Gaso- line for more than 100 miles will seldom be required. (3) For heavy transport plane.—Those airplanes furnish- ing the second echelon of airplane ambulance evacuation service should accommodate from 9 to 16 litter cases and 2 medical attendants (1 officer and 1 enlisted) in addition to the operating personnel. Gasoline for more than 500 miles will seldom be required. c. Sources.—Aircraft for airplane ambulance use may be obtained direct from manufacturers or by conversion of commercial or military transport planes. The latter will require but minor structural changes. (Fig. 148 shows the interior of a standard commercial passenger airplane con- verted for the accommodation of 12 litter cases. Note that litters are firmly attached to floor and litter racks and that patients are securely strapped to the litters.) ■ 47. Units for Evacuation by Air.—a. Air Corps.—(l) Des- ignation.—Air Corps units, for the purpose of transporting 143 47 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 148.—Interior of commercial plane, converted (looking forward). 144 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 47 sick and wounded, are designated Air Corps airplane ambu- lance groups, the number of such groups to coincide with the number of field armies. (2) Organization.—The Airplane ambulance group is or- ganized as follows; (a) A headquarters and headquarters squadron similar to the corresponding unit of the transport group (see T/01-352) but with three light ambulance transports substituted for the three combat planes. (b) Two squadrons of 12 heavy ambulance transports each, similar to the squadron, transport (see T/O 1-355). (c) One squadron of 18 light ambulance transports. (3) Personnel.—The airplane ambulance group is an Air Corps unit and all personnel, other than medical (b below), will be furnished by the Air Corps. (4) Employment.—Typically, the squadron of light trans- ports will operate a shuttle system of evacuation between the division and army areas of the combat zone, the two squad- rons of heavy transports between the army area of the combat zone and the communications zone or zone of the interior. b. Medical Department.—(l) Designation.—The medical unit, known as the medical battalion, airplane ambulance, is organized to function with the Air Corps airplane ambu- lance group. (2) Organization.—The medical battalion, airplane ambu- lance, is organized as follows: (a) A headquarters and headquarters detachment, corre- sponding to the headquarters and headquarters squadron of the group. (b) Two medical companies, airplane ambulance (heavy transport). (c) One medical company, airplane ambulance (light transport). (3) Personnel.—Personnel for the medical battalion, air- plane ambulance, will be furnished by the Medical Depart- ment from personnel attached to the Air Corps for duty. The unit will contain sufficient personnel for its own adminis- tration (except that messing will be with Air Corps or army units), the medical care of the companion Air Corps unit, and the care of patients during their actual transportation 145 47-48 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (one medical officer and one enlisted attendant per heavy transport and one medical officer or an enlisted attendant per light transport). ■ 48. Control of Airplane Ambulance Units.—Air Corps Air- plane ambulance groups and their companion medical bat- talions, airplane ambulance, are under control of GHQ and will be attached to field armies as need for their employment arises. While so attached, they will be under control of the army commander. The chief surgeon of the field force and the army surgeon will make recommendations to the force and army commander, respectively, for their actual employ- ment. The responsibility for ambulance transports will rest with the Air Corps at all times; that for care and treat- ment of patients transported, with the Medical Department. 146 CHAPTER 7 RAIL TRANSPORTATION OP THE SICK AND WOUNDED ■ 49. General.—a. When employed.—Railway transportation for the sick and wounded will be utilized whenever feasible, unless other available means be preferable. b. Where employed.—Normally, the extreme limits of rail evacuation are a railhead in the army area and a general hospital in the zone of the interior. Within these limits, other means such as airplanes and ships, may be employed as adjuncts to the rail transport. Under exceptional circum- stances, wherein the military situation has become stabilized and railways have been constructed for the supply of troops in forward areas of the combat zone, evacuation of divisions may be feasible by rail transportation. c. Means of transport.—For evacuation of army and rear- ward installations, hospital trains will be utilized. For evacu- ation of division areas, any available rail transport will be utilized. ■ 50. Hospital Trains.—a. Status.—Hospital trains are mo- bile agencies of the Medical Department by means of which evacuation of sick and wounded is accomplished. The Med- ical Department is charged with furnishing personnel and medical equipment for such trains, and with their general administration. As railway units, they are operated and maintained mechanically under direction of the Corps of Engineers in the theater of operations. b. Classification.—(1) Type hospital train.—See paragraph 53. (2) Improvised hospital train.—See paragraph 51. ■ 51. Improvised Hospital Train.—a. Composition.—The composition of improvised hospital trains will depend on the number and type of patients to be transported, and rolling stock available. Cars suitable for employment are— (1) Standard Pullman sleepers.—Standard Pullman sleep- ers are capable of transporting from 24 to 36 litter cases, in- clude compartments for quartering duty nurses, and require 147 51 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL no structural changes prior to employment. Integral berths may be utilized or hospital beds may be installed. (2)' Tourist sleepers*—Tourist sleepers may be utilized without structural changes. Their patient capacity is greater than that of standard sleepers, but they lack the comfort and privacy afforded by the latter. Hospital beds may be installed (fig. 149). (3) Standard chair cars.—Standard chair cars may be utilized without structural change for the transportation of sitting cases. Their conversion for the accommodation of litter cases may be accomplished by removing the chairs and installing 2- or 3-tiered beds, such as the Glennan bunk (fig. 150). The Glennan bunk is 2-tiered and consists of a metal frame arranged for bolting to the floor and wall, which sup- ports a mattress and springs of a hospital bed fitted with side hinges and straps. Figure 151 shows interior of car utilizing Glennan bunks. The upper tier may be used for a patient, or folded against the wall as a back rest for patients sitting on the lower tier. (4) Standard baggage cars.—One standard baggage car for each improvised hospital train is desirable for the pur- pose of transporting the impedimenta of patients, the bag- gage of duty personnel, and surplus medical and other sup- plies. In the absence of more suitable cars, they may be converted for transportation of patients (see (3) above). (5) Hospital unit car.—Each improvised train should in- clude one hospital unit car (see par. 52). b. Capacity.—The patient capacity will vary with the limi- tations imposed upon train length by the character of the road bed and the motive power. For economical operation, trains having a minimum capacity of 300 patients are desirable. c. Personnel.—No definite allotment of Medical Depart- ment personnel for improvised hospital trains is possible. Sufficient officers and enlisted men will be furnished to insure proper care of the patients en route. The utilization of nurses on such trains is contemplated. d. Where employed.—lmprovised hospital trains will be employed routinely in the zone of the interior and in the theater of operations, whenever feasible, thus leaving the 148 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 51 Figure 149.—Interior of standard car showing beds installed. 149 51 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 150,—Converted chair car with patients on tiered hunks. 150 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 51 Figure 151.—Glennan bunks installed in standard car. 151 51-53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL type hospital trains free for employment in those areas pre- cluding the utilization of standard rolling stock. ■ 52. Hospital Unit Car.—The hospital unit car is a standard Pullman car, the interior of which has been altered according to plans and specifications approved by the Medical Depart- ment to provide— a. Cooking facilities for approximately 500 individuals (pa- tients and duty personnel). b. A small combination dressing and emergency operating room. c. An office for the administration of the train. d. Quarters for officers. ■ 53. Type Hospital Train.—a. Orientation.—The term “hos- pital train,” unqualified, is applied to a train composed of a variable number of cars, the superstructures of which have been altered and equipped to serve some particular purpose incident to the movement of sick and wounded by rail. The exact number and type of cars will depend upon the mission, time and distance involved, where the train will operate, condition of track and roadbed, and type of engine to which attached. The term “type hospital train” is applied to a train composed of 16 ward, 1 kitchen, 1 dressing and operat- ing, 1 utilities, and 3 personnel cars—a total of 22 cars, all of the 20-ton boxcar type. This train is self-sustaining for a considerable period of time (at least 3 days); is capable of traversing hurriedly constructed and poorly ballasted track; and can be drawn by the 30-ton, internal combustion loco- motive operated by the Corps of Engineers. To permit stand- ardization of supplies and personnel, the type train will be utilized whenever practicable, but may be altered to meet existing situations. b. Requirements.—(l) General.—(a) Composition.—The composition should be such as to include facilities for the transporting, feeding, and rendering of proper care and treat- ment en route, to sick and wounded patients. (b) Patient capacity.—There are too many influencing fac- tors to permit the establishment of definite and inflexible figures for the patient capacity of hospital trains. Based upon the mission, type patient, limit as to number of cars, ward 152 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 53 car capacity, train facilities, and time and distance involved, the capacity of each train must be determined in such a manner as to insure economical operation. If the time in- volved is more than 24 hours, all patients must be regarded as litter cases. As a guiding principle, while the means need not exceed the task, ordinarily the patient capacity should be the maximum permitted by physical factors. For patient capacity of type train, see e below. (c) Flexibility.—Economical operation of hospital trains requires flexibility and this is gained by the development of special purpose cars covering the more important general facilities. Such cars can be added or eliminated to meet the requirements of the particular mission. (2) Special requirements.—(a) Accessibility.—All ward cars should possess side doors to permit free entry of loaded litters and end doors to permit the movement of litter cases between cars with train in motion. Fig. 152 shows side door loading of ward car during World War. (b) Beds.—All cars destined to carry patients should be equipped with beds or bunks capable of conversion to accom- modate either sitting or litter cases. Their arrangement should facilitate loading and the rendering of care and treat- ment to patients. (c) Supplies.—There should be available space for storage of sufficient general and medical supplies for at least a 3-day period. Drinking water and emergency medical supplies should be available in all cars. (d) Heating.—The heating system should be such as to insure the proper warmth of patients regardless of the pres- ence, absence, or type of engine attached. (e) Lighting.—The lighting system should be independent of the locomotive or, if dependence be placed in the locomo- tive, an auxiliary system should be available. (/) Sanitary arrangements.—All cars should be capable of being thoroughly cleaned and fumigated when necessary. Adequate ventilating, toilet, and bathing facilities should be installed. (g) Personnel.—Because of possible delay due to the mili- tary situation or damage to track or bridges, Medical Depart- ment personnel should be sufficient to render proper care and 153 53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 152.—Loading a hospital train. 154 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 53 treatment for a maximum patient load for a minimum of three days. (h) Miscellaneous.—Cars should be equipped with safety devices to prevent accident or undue exposure of patients incident to movement between cars. c. Description of type hospital train.—Figure 153 shows the exterior of a World War hospital train. (1) Composition.—See a above. All cars have the under- carriage of the light, 20-ton boxcar, the superstructure altered to meet a special purpose. The weight of each loaded car is limited to 30 tons. (2) Description of special purpose cars.—(a) Ward car.— Figure 154 shows the interior of a World War ward car. The ward car contains six tiered bunks of the Glennan, or similar type, arranged longitudinally, three on each side. Depending upon the type bunk and the time element, the patient capacity varies. If the bunks are 2-tiered and the trip of less than 24 hours duration, the maximum capacity is 12 litter cases or 6 litter and 24 sitting cases. If the bunks are 2-tiered and the trip of more than 24 hours duration, the maximum capacity is 12 cases, regardless of type. If the bunks are 3- tiered and the trip of less than 24 hours duration, the maxi- mum capacity is 12 litter and 6 sitting cases (use of the upper tier for litter cases is not contemplated), or 30 sitting cases. If the bunks are 3-tiered and the trip of over 24 hours dura- tion, the maximum capacity is 18 cases, regardless of type. Obviously, if the trip is of short duration, other combinations to meet existing situations are possible. Ward cars will have side and end doors of sufficient width to permit ingress and egress of loaded litters. Toilets and tanks for drinking water will be installed in each car. Heat and light will be furnished from central installations in the utilities car (see (e) below). (b) Personnel car.—Cars designed for duty personnel are of two types: For enlisted men—containing five 3-tier bunks, a toilet, a shower bath, and three storage lockers beneath each set of bunks; and for officers and noncommissioned officers— containing three compartments, one for an office, one for officers, and one for noncommissioned offiers. The office contains a built-in table, seats, and a filing case. The com- 155 53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 153.—Exterior of a hospital train. 156 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 53 partments for personnel contain two double-decked bunks, shower bath, toilet and lavatory, and storage lockers. (c) Dressing and operating car.—Figures 155 and 156 are interior views of a World War dressing and operating car. This car contains a portable dressing and operating table, a double-decked bed for seriously ill patients, a dispensary table with closets and sink, toilet and lavatory, a floor sink, and necessary medical equipment, including a small sterilizer, Figure 154.—Interior of a ward car, hospital train. water boiler, instrument cabinet and table, and a small anesthesia apparatus. Other equipment and storage lockers will be installed as indicated. (d) Kitchen car.—Figure 157 shows the interior of a World War kitchen car. This car will contain a range, coffee urn, steam table, refrigerator, water heater, dishwasher, cooking utensils, dishes, and storage lockers and closets for linen, silverware, dishes, nonperishable food, fuel, and other supplies. 157 53 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (e) Utilities car.—This car will contain central lighting and heating units, facilities for storing fuel, and several shower baths for the use of assigned enlisted personnel. d. Personnel for type hospital train.—ln general, personnel for the type hospital train will be as follows: 3 or 4 medical officers: 4 noncommissioned officers (Ist sergeant, mess, sup- ply, and operating and dressing car); approximately 30 pri- vates or privates first-class (cooks, clerk, pharmacist, orderlies, and medical and surgical technicians). A medical detachment Figure 155.—Interior of dressing room, hospital train. of this size can furnish proper care for the average patient load (see e below) and can be accommodated in three person- nel cars (one of the officers and noncommissioned officers type, and two of the enlisted type). Employment of nurses in the type hospital train is not contemplated. e. Patient capacity.—Depending upon the factors discussed in c(2) above, the patient capacity of a type train containing 16 ward cars will vary from 192 litter cases to 480 sitting cases, with the maximum actual load seldom reaching 300 158 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 53 Figure 156.—Interior of operating room, hospital train. 159 53-54 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL patients. On the basis of World War 3:4 ratio, the average load will be approximately 268 patients, 116 litter and 152 sitting cases. * Personnel and service facilities are inadequate for more than 400 patients. /. Arrangement of cars.—A suggested arrangement of the various cars in the type hospital train follows: two enlisted personnel cars; eight ward cards; utilities car; kitchen car, Figure 157.—Interior of kitchen car, hospital train. dressing and operating car; nine ward cars; officer and non- commissioned officer personnel car. In loading, the more se- rious cases should be placed near the center of the train, with surgical cases adjacent the dressing and operating car. Such an arrangement of cars and patients will facilitate the care and treatment of patients en route. ■ 54. Employment and Control in Theater of Operations.— See PM 8-20. 160 CHAPTER 8 WATER TRANSPORTATION OP THE SICK AND WOUNDED ■ 55. General.—a. Orientation.—For transportation of the sick and wounded by water, any floating conveyance, depend- ing upon its availability and feasibility, may be employed. b. Application to military service.—Although seemingly a naval problem, nevertheless situations will arise wherein evac- uation of the sick and wounded must be accomplished over bodies of water of varying size, without aid of the naval serv- ice. Under such conditions, a knowledge, though limited, of water transport, by the personnel of the Medical Department, becomes exceedingly important. ■ 56. Water Transportation, When Employed.—a. Oversea operations.—Evacuation of the sick and wounded by means of water transport is mandatory if a military force is operat- ing in a theater separated from the zone of the interior by a large body of water. Under these circumstances, one of two situations may obtain, separately, or one as an outgrowth of the other. These are— (1) Joint Army and Navy oversea operation.—See FM 8-25. (2) Separate Army oversea operation. b. River crossings.—In the event of a river crossing and the establishment of a bridgehead, evacuation of casualties by small boats will be necessary pending sufficient development of the situation to permit bridge construction. c. Airplane crashes.—Airplane crashes occurring over water demand rescue by boat in the absence of amphibian aircraft. d. Waterways within theater of operations.—Rivers, lakes, canals, or other bodies of water within the theater of opera- tions, especially if they tend to be more or less perpendicular to the front, may become if suitable craft is available an important link in the chain of evacuation. ■ 57. Classification of Water Transport.—a. By type ves- sel.—(1) Ships.—(a) Fleet hospital ship (fig. 158).—A fleet 161 57 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 158.—Fleet hospital ship. 162 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 57 hospital ship, a naval institution, is a vessel designed and built to accompany the fleet and provide hospital facilities. It requires special construction and corresponds to a military general hospital in equipment and functions. (b) Hospital ship.—Hospital ships are large vessels equipped to treat the sick and wounded. Usually such ves- sels are of the commercial type, passenger, cargo, or a com- bination of both, converted and equipped for this particular mission. If converted by and commissioned in the Navy, they become adjuncts of the fleet hospital ship or serve as hospitals for advanced naval bases. If converted and equipped by humanitarian societies such as the Red Cross, they may be placed at the disposal of the Army or Navy. (c) Hospital transport.—A hospital transport is usually a converted commercial vessel, designed and equipped for evacuation of appropriate cases from the theater of opera- tions to the zone of the interior, and controlled by either the Army or Navy. (d) Ambulance ships.—Obsolete naval vessels, usually de- stroyers, may be equipped and employed as ambulances to transport patients from combatant naval vessels, or from evacuation hospitals on shore, to hospital ships. (2) Boats.—(a) Ambulance boats.—Ambulance boats are motor-propelled craft of varying size and design controlled by the Navy and intended solely for the purpose of evacuating patients from shore or combatant ship to hospital ship. (b) Motor launches.—Figure 159 shows motor launch with patient, approaching hospital ship. Naval motor launches of the Class A (50-foot) and B (40-foot) types may be used for beach evacuation during a landing operation. (See FM 8-25.) (c) Air Corps rescue boats.—The Air Corps of both the Army and Navy possess small, high speed motorboats, known as “crash boats”, and maintained in constant readiness for rescue work in the event of forced landings or crashes of air- craft in water. The Army rescue boat is 72 feet long and has a 16-foot beam, two 600-horsepower gasoline motors, and a cruising speed of 30 miles per hour. Besides a crew of four, it carries a complete radio installation, medical supplies and 163 57 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 159.—Motor launch approaching hospital ship, TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 57-58 equipment, facilities for fighting fire, and the necessary gear for towing disabled planes. (d) Assault boats.—The assault boat, an item of engineer equipment, is employed in the initial phase of river crossings and similar operations for ferrying combat troops. These boats on their return trips may be utilized for the evacuation of casualties, pending bridge construction. (See FM 5-5). (e) Miscellaneous.—ln an emergency, any available craft such as canoes, rowboats, outboard motorboats, and towboats will be employed. (3) Lighters.—Lighters, or barges, of varying sizes and types may be employed in the evacuation of casualties from shore to ship, or from combat to communications zone, utilizing inland waterways. b. Naval classification of hospital ships.—See FM 8-25. c. Classification based on immunity to attack.—(l) Vessels immune to attack.—Under provisions of the Hague Conven- tion of October 18, 1907, any vessel regardless of size if in- tended only for the care or transportation, or both, of the sick, wounded, or shipwrecked may become immune to attack by a belligerent by conforming to certain requirements, in- cluding the following: (a) The painting will be distinctive, and in conformity with current international agreement. (e) The vessel will be announced to the enemy prior to its employment. Ib) The Red Cross flag will be flown. (d) It will be manned and staffed by noncombatant per- sonnel. (e) It will not be employed for any military or unneutral purpose such as the transportation of armed forces, military supplies, or military communications. (2) Vessels liable to attack.—Any vessel, even though it is intended primarily for the transportation or care of the sick and wounded, which at) any time performs a military mission, is liable to enemy attack. For example, a hospital transport, carrying troops or supplies, other than medical, to a theater and returning with casualties, is not immune to attack. ■ 58. Selection of Vessels for Hospital Transports.— Within the limits of availability, commercial vessels for con- 165 58-59 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL version and employment as hospital transports should be selected with the following points receiving careful consider- ation : a. Type.—Because of the relative adequacy of messing, fresh water, laundry, latrine, and other important facilities, types of vessel, in order of preference, are passenger, com- bination passenger and cargo, and cargo. b. Means of propulsion.—Unless the availability of fuel is a pertinent factor, engines utilizing oil rather than coal are preferable. The type engine and the number of propellers should be investigated with a view to reducing noise and vi- bration to a minimum. Fuel storage space must be commen- surate with the desired cruising radius. c. Size.—Unless the duty to be performed and the distance to be traversed dictate otherwise, a vessel of about 10,000 tons, capable of transporting from 350 to 500 patients after con- version, is preferable. Larger vessels have difficulty in enter- ing small harbors and estuaries; supplying their fuel and water becomes more difficult; and, with less than a full load of patients, employment will be uneconomical. d. Speed.—lf not immune to enemy attack, a hospital trans- port should be capable of equaling the speed of the train or convoy accompanying it. If immune, the speed should be commensurate with the distance to be traversed. Other fac- tors being normal, a cruising speed of 15 knots with a few knots reserve is most satisfactory. Greater speed increases vibration and decreases the cruising radius. e. Steadiness.—The comfort of patients is influenced to a marked degree by the steadiness of the vessel and this factor, which varies even in similar craft, should be determined prior to selection. /. Odors and infestation.—Due to the difficulty of complete eradication, vessels which have been carrying odoriferous cargoes or which have been infested recently with insects or vermin should be avoided. ■ 59. Conversion of Selected Vessels.—Details in the con- version of commercial vessels into hospital transports will vary with the type selected, the distance to be traversed, and the type patients to be transported. General guides for consideration incident to such conversion are as follows: 166 TRANSPORTATION OF SICK AND WOUNDED 59-60 a. Wards.—Wards having a patient capacity of approxi- mately 50 patients will allow economical employment of per- sonnel. Dining rooms and salons become excellent wards. With the exception of a few for selected cases, cabins should be converted into wards by the removal of partitions as in- dicated. Doors should be altered to permit free entry of wheeled litters. Wards for bed patients should be located, preferably, amidships and on decks above the main deck; those for ambulant patients may be on or below the main deck. b. Airspace.—The amount of airspace must be adequate but the exact amount will depend upon the location of the ward, number of portholes, and efficacy of the ventilating system, if any. c. Facilities, offices, and quarters.—Service facilities, such as laundry, bakery, and galleys, should be located aft; quarters for duty personnel, forward. Professional facilities, such as X-ray, physio-therapy, and dental clinics, should be located amidships or forward and may be below the main deck. d. Toilets.—Lavatories should be located proximal to the wards they are to serve, and should contain sufficient fixtures to accommodate 5 percent of the patients at one time. e. Diet kitchens.—A diet kitchen, with facilities for heating and rapid serving of patients’ meals, should be adjacent each large ward. /. Lights.—Primary and auxiliary lighting systems should be installed, with special fixtures for indirect floor lighting. ■ 60. Responsibility. Responsibility for the command aboard a hospital transport (or ship) will vary with the sit- uation and status of the vessel. a. Joint Army and Navy oversea operation.—See FM 8-25. b. Vessel under Army control.—Hospital transports under Army control will be commanded and operated by personnel, civilian and otherwise, of the Quartermaster Corps. Patients and medical personnel will be commanded by a medical officer. c. Vessels immune to attack.—Command responsibilities aboard a vessel having immunity under the provisions of the Hague Convention, especially those manned and equipped by benevolent societies, may be complicated. The operating personnel may be civilian or merchant marine, and the med- 167 60 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL ical personnel, civilian, Army or Navy Medical Department. In any case where there is question as to who will be re- sponsible for the safety and navigation of the vessel and who will command the crew, medical personnel, and patients, the rules in (1) and (2) below should be followed; (1) The fields of responsibility for each individual con- cerned should be set forth in writing by the proper authority, prior to sailing. (2) Those concerned must employ the utmost tact and give the fullest mutual cooperation at all times. 168 INDEX Air Corps: Airplane ambulance group 47 Control 48 Employment 47 Organization 47 Personnel 47 Rescue boats 57 Units for evacuation 47 Control 48 Designation 47 Employment 47 Organization 47 Personnel; Operating 47 Medical 47 Air evacuation: Advantages 43 Airplane ambulance 46 Areas of employment 44 Status of, present 42 Superiority, air, as factor 42 Type patient 45 Units 47 Air Corps 47 Control 48 Medical Department 47 Airplane. (See also Air Corps.) Ambulance 46 Areas of employment 44 Requirements 46 Sources 46 Types) 46 Units 47 Commercial, conversion 46 Crashes: Evacuation of, by boat 56 Rescue, by boats 57 Transportation of the sick and wounded 42-48 Ambulance: Airplane 46 Animal-drawn 32 Four-animal 32 Requirements 34 Status 34 Two-animal, description 32-34 Boats 57 Definition 32 Employment, in field 35 Insert, Carlisle 33 Instruction in loading and unloading 37-41 Preparation 37 Purpose 37 Paragraphs Page 143 146 143 143 143 161 143 146 143 143 143 143 143 137 140 138 137 137 139 143 143 146 143 140 138 140 140 140 143 140 161 161 137 140 118 118 129 129 118 161 118 130 122 131 131 131 169 INDEX Ambulance—Continued. Loading, general rules 37 Metropolitan 32 Motor, field 32 Requirements 33 Status 33 Motor, field, cross country 32 Capabilities 33 Description 33 Panel body 33 Personnel: Animal-drawn ambulance 34 Motor ambulance 33 Training 36 Posts 38 Ships 57 Transportation of the sick and wounded 32-41 Arms carry: Instruction 10-11 Procedure: One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Assault boat 57 Barges, transportation of sick and wounded 57 Battalion, medical, airplane ambulance 47 Company, medical 47 Headquarters detachment 47 Organization 47 Status 47 Bearer: Actions in instruction: Ambulance loading 38—41 Litter 19>-24 Wheeled litter carrier 30-31 Designation 19 Employment of litter bearers 16-17 Movement of patient; One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Number in litter squad 19 Transportation of the sick and wounded 6-12 Boats: Ambulance 57 Assault 57 Launches, motor 57 Rescue, Air Corps 57 Transportation of the sick and wounded 57 Cacolet; Definition 28 Transportation of the sick and wounded 28 Types 28 Carlisle 28 First Cavalry Division 28 Hamilton chair 28 Panama Jungle 28 Paragraphs Page 131 118 118 122 122 118 122 122 122 129 122 131 132 161 118 29 2 15 161 161 143 143 143 143 143 132 45 110 45 45 2 15 45 2 161 161 161 161 161 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 170 INDEX Car (see also Hospital trains); Standard: Baggage 51 Chair 51 Carrier, wheeled litter (field) : Advantages 26 Description 26 Employment of, in field 27 Instruction in use 29^31 Formation 29 Loading and unloading 31 Objectives 29 Opening and closing 30 Purpose 29 Purpose 25 Substitutes: Cacolet 28 Travels 28 Transportation of the sick and wounded 25-31 Cases (patient) : Aboard air transport: Comfort 4.3 Treatment 43 Ambulance loading 37 Ambulant 13 Back, loading and unloading 22 Capacity: Trains, hospital: Improvised 51 Type 53 Transport, hospital 58 Care in handling 22 Classification 13 Litter 13 Position of, in ambulance 37 Type for evacuation by air 45 With splints, in ambulance loading 37 Corps of Engineers, operation: Hospital trains 50 Standard boxcar 53 Thirty-ton locomotive 53 Evacuation: Means. See Transport. Principles 4 Responsibility 5 Scope 3 Fireman’s carry; Instruction 10 Procedure 7 Fleet hospital ship 57 Group, airplane ambulance. See Air Corps. Hague Convention: Immunity, basis of classification 57 Responsibility aboard immune vessels 60 Paragraphs Page 147 147 98 98 103 110 110 115 110 110 110 98 103 103 98 137 137 131 36 74 147 152 165 74 36 36 131 139 131 147 152 152 1 1 1 29 2 161 161 167 171 INDEX Hospital ship: Definition 57 Fleet 57 Naval classification 57 Hospital trains: Classification 50 Employment and control 54 Improvised 51 Capacity 51 Car, hospital unit 52 Cars, standard: Baggage 51 Chair 51 Composition 51 Personnel 51 Sleepers; Pullman, standard 51 Tourist 51 Where employed 51 Status 50 Transportation of the sick and wounded 49-54 Type 53 Arrangement of cars 53 Capacity, patient 53 Composition 53 Definition 53 Description 53 Personnel 53 Requirements 53 Unit car 52 Hospital transport: Conversion of selected vessels 59 Air space 59 Diet kitchens 59 Facilities, officers and quarters 59 Lights 59 Toilets 59 Wards 59 Definition 57 Immunity to attack 57 Responsibility aboard 60 Selection of vessels 58 Means of propulsion 58 Odors and infestation 58 Size 58 Speed 58 Steadiness 58 Type 58 Immunity to attack, vessels 57, 60 Instruction: Ambulance loading and unloading 37-41 Manual transport 9-12 Use of litter 18-24 Use of wheeled litter carrier 29-31 Launch, motor 57 Lighters, transportation of sick and wounded 57 Paragraphs 161 161 161 147 160 147 147 152 147 117 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 161 161 167 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 161, 167 131 27 45 110 161 161 Page 172 INDEX Litter: Bearers, employment 16-17 Canvas: Aluminum pole 14 Folding 14 Wooden pole 14 Cases 13 Definition 13 Improvised 15 Dayan 15 Poles and blanket 15 Poles and blouses or overcoats 15 * Poles and shelter half 15 Rifles and blanket 15 Rifles and blouses 15 Rifles and overcoat 15 Instruction in the use 18-24 Commands 18 Formation 21 Metal, airplane 14 Requisites 13 Squad 19 Standardization 13 Transportation of the sick and wounded 13-24 Litter squad: Ambulance loading and unloading: Formation 37 Instruction 39-41 Composition 19 Designation 21 Designation of bearers 19 Duties of bearers in reduced squads 19 Formation 21 Instruction 19-24 Position, at ambulance posts 38 To bring into line 21 Manual transport for sick and wounded: Arms carry; One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Fireman’s carry 7 Instruction 9-12 Commands 9 Formation 9 Purpose 9 Methods , 7-8 Pack-saddle carry 8 Saddleback carry: One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Supporting carry: One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Transportation of the sick and wounded 6-12 When required 6 Paragraphs Page 45 37 37 37 36 36 4C 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 48 37 36 45 36 36 131 132 45 48 45 45 48 45 132 48 2 15 2 27 27 27 27 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 2 173 INDEX Oversea operations: Joint Army and Navy 56 Responsibility 60 Separate Army 56 Pack-saddle carry: Instruction 11 Procedure 8 Personnel: Airplane Ambulance Group 47 Ambulance: Animal-drawn. 34 Motor 33 Hospital trains: Improvised 51 Type 53 Medical Battalion, Ambulance Group 47 Quartermaster Corps, operation of hospital trans- port 60 Rail transportation of the sick and wounded 49-54 Employed: When 49 Where 49 Employment and control 54 Hospital trains: Classification 50 Improvised 51 Status 50 Type 53 Hospital Unit oar 52 Means of transport 49 Rescue boats, Air Corps 57 Responsibility: Aboard hospital ships 60 Air evacuation units 48 Evacuation 5 Hospital trains 50 Of ambulance: Assistant driver 34 Chauffeur 33 Driver 34 Orderly 33 River crossings: Employment of assault boats 57 Evacuation of casualties 56 Saddleback carry: Instruction 10-11 Procedure: One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Ships: Ambulance 57 Fleet hospital 57 Hospital 57 Paragraphs Page 161 167 161 33 15 143 129 122 147 152 143 167 147 147 147 160 147 147 147 152 152 147 161 167 146 1 147 129 122 129 122 161 161 29 2 15 161 161 161 174 INDEX Ships—Continued. Hospital transport 57 Conversion of selected vessels 59 Responsibility aboard 60 Selection of vessels 58 Transportation of the sick and wounded 57-60 Sleeper: Pullman, standard 51 Tourist 51 Supporting carry: Instruction 10-11 Procedure: One bearer 7 Two bearers 8 Train, hospital, transportation of sick and wounded , 49-54 Transport: Airplane 42-48 Ambulance 32-41 Gacolet 28 Carrier, wheeled litter 25-31 Choice 3 Litter 13-24 Manual 6-12 Train 49-54 Travois 28 Water 55-80 Transportation of the sick and wounded: Air 42-48 Ambulance 32^41 Bearer 6-12 Carrier, wheeled litter 25-31 Rail 49-54 Water 55-60 Relation to medical task 3 Travois 28 Improvisation 28 Transportation of sick and wounded 28 Two-horse 28 Water transportation of the sick and wounded 55-60 Classification of transport 57 Conversion of selected vessels 59 Military application 55 Responsibility 60 Selection of vessels 58 When employed 56 Paragraphs Page 161 166 167 165 161 147 147 29 2 15 147 137 118 103 98 1 36 2 147 103 161 137 118 2 98 147 161 1 103 103 103 103 161 161 166 161 167 165 161 175 PM 8-35 c i MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Changes ] No. 1 J WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, 8 June 1943. FM 8-35, 21 February 1941, is changed as follows : ■ 13. General.—a. Litter, definition.—A litter is a rectangular framework across whch is placed canvas or other material and is used to transport sick, wounded, or dead persons. [A. G. 300.7 (6-2-43).] (C 1, 8 June 1943.) order of the Secretary of War ; G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Ob'Ficial : J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1943 EM 8-35 C 2 MEBTCAlLI'‘PITErED MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Changes No. 2 WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington 25, D. C., 4 November 1943. FM 8-35, 21 February 1941, is changed as follows: 9 25.1 (Added). Litter Securing Strap.—a. Litter securing straps are available in the ratio of four per litter. The strap consists of a length of 2-inch webbing with buckle and two metal hooks, one at each end. The purpose of the securing strap is to hold litter patients in position on the litter, thus facilitating movement and obviating danger of the patient falling from the litter. The litter securing strap is so designed as to fit all standard Army litters. The straps are used in numbers according to circumstances. When movement is over relatively level areas, two securing straps will generally be sufficient; one across the patient’s chest and one across his legs below the knees. In securing the straps, one end is fastened by the metal hook to the litter pole; the strap is then carried across the patient’s body and fixed to the far litter pole by the hook on the other end of the strap. When the litter is to be moved over rough terrain or the proposed movement is of such a nature that there is particular danger of a patient Slipping from the litter, all four securing straps are used. The four straps may be applied one across the chest, one across the waist, one across the thighs, and one across the legs below the knees. However, when considerable movement of the litter in a vertical direction is contemplated, the following method of application is employed: two straps are applied across the chest and legs as before and the other two as follows: one is clasped to the litter pole, carried over the thigh of one leg, passed between the legs and under the other leg to the far pole. The other strap is applied in the reverse manner; that is, clasped to the far pole, carried over the thigh of the far leg, under the near leg, and finally attached to the near pole. (See fig. 103.1.) b. Whenever litter securing straps are used, care must be taken that the strap is so placed as not to interfere with what- ever wounds may be present. If tbe patient suffers a broken leg which has been splinted, straps are passed over only the uninjured leg, since the litter bar will serve to hold the splinted leg in position. MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 103. i. 2 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Figure 103.1—Continued. 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 103.1—Continued. [A. G. 300.7 (22 Oct 43).] (C 2, 4 Nov 43.) By order of the Secketary of War : G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official : J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. 4 u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1943 EM 8-35 C 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Changes] No. 3 J WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington 25, D. C., 13 April 1944. FM 8-35, 21 February 1941, is changed as follows: CHAPTER 9 (Added) CONVERSION OF COMMON MILITARY VEHICLES TO PATIENT CARRIERS ■ 61. General.—a. Many common military vehicles can be con- verted into patient carriers with little or no structural change. Often in combat areas ambulances will be unavailable, too few in number, or incapable of evacuating certain regions due to the tactical situation or difficulties arising from the terrain. In such cases it becomes necessary to utilize whatever vehicles are available to transport the wounded. Methods of using several of the more common military vehicles to carry casualties are described in this chapter. h. Most of these vehicles are not inclosed. In order to insure that the casualty does not bounce off the litter in transit, he should always be bound to the litter prior to loading on the vehicle. Straps to be used for this purpose and known as “Litter Securing Straps” are an item of issue. (See C 2, 4 Nov. 43.) o. To insure that the litters themselves will not bounce off the vehicles, it is necessary that they be lashed securely to the sides of the various trucks after being loaded. For this purpose lengths of rope, litter straps, or any other convenient materials may be used. d. In general, litters will be loaded as follows: when litters are lengthwise to the truck, patients’ heads will be toward the front. When litters are loaded crosswise to the truck, patients’ heads will be alternately right and left to minimize discom- fort to adjacent patients in cases of nausea and vomiting. MEDICAL FIELD MAX PAT ■ 62. Conversion of Selected Vehicle's to Patient Carriers'.— a. The truck.—The %*ton truck (Jeep qr Peep), anffi trailer are standard equipment of medical battalion sections and many other units of the Army. They will be available almost always and are easily adapted to carrying casualties. (1) Two litter patients can be carried on the truck without alteration in the vehicle (other than removal of spare tire) or the use of additional equipment (fig. 160). Figure IGo.—The %-ton truck loaded with two litter patients. One litter is placed across the back of the truck, handles of the litter resting on the truck sides. The second litter is placed lengthwise on the right side of the truck. The rear handles of the second litter rest on the side of the first litter, and the front stirrups fit in the groove below the windshield. (2) A disadvantage to the method of transportation de- scribed in (1) above results from the necessity of placing the first litter crosswise to the truck. When the route of evacua- tion is along narrow roads or trails, there is danger of the litter handles catching on projecting trees and hushes. This danger can be obviated by construction of an improvised frame 2 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED to permit carrying of two litter casualties lengthwise on the rear of the truck. Such a frame can be made by binding together four poles, saplings, or boards in the shape roughly of a two-rung ladder (fig. 161). The frame is lashed to the bows and side handles of the jeep with ropes or straps, and the litters loaded with patients’ heads toward the front. The front of the litters rest on the front cross piece of the frame, and the back of the litters on the bows of the truck (fig. 162). Figure 161.—Improvised frame for t4-ton truck. (3) A more permanent frame may be made from salvaged 2 by 4’s or similar material (fig. 163). An advantage of this type of frame is that it can be folded up and stored when not in use. When mounted on the truck, the crosspiece of the frame is placed in position just behind the backs of the front seats. The side pieces of the frame extend to the rear and slightly inward over the corners of the truck. These pieces support the truck bows which are slid to the rear where they fit into a notch and are lashed to the side pieces. When the litters are loaded onto the truck, they are supported in front by the crosspiece of the frame, and in the rear by the truck bows (fig. 164). (4) The 14-ton cargo trailer may be readily adapted to the transportation of litter casualties (fig. 165). Two litters are placed lengthwise on the trailer, with the litter stirrups fitting inside and thus preventing the litters from falling off. The 3 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 162.—Tw0 litters loaded on improvised frame. Figure 163.—Plan of permanent frame for 14-ton truck. 4 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Figdre 164.—Tw0 litters loaded onto permanent frame. Figure 165.—%-ton cargo trailer loaded with two litters. 5 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL litter handles are bound to the small hooks on the sideboards of the trailer. (5) By attaching the loaded %-ton cargo trailer to the %-ton truck, four litter casualties may be transported. The method of litter loading described in (1) above must ordinarily be used to load the %-ton truck, as use of either the improvised or permanent frames on the rear of the truck would make it im- possible to attach the trailer. (6) If it is thought desirable, a frame for two litters on the front of the truck may he constructed, thus making it possible to attach the trailer and transport four patients in a position lengthwise to the truck (fig. 166, drawing). The frame is BLOCKS "A", ’e", "C" PREVENT MOTION OF THE RACK TO FRONT OR REAR. Figure 166.—Plan of hood frame for (4-ton truck. placed on the hood of the truck and the litters loaded length- wise. The rear handles of the litter extend over the dashboard with the outer handles lashed to eyebolts on the dashboard directly below. Patients’ heads are toward the truck body to minimize the danger of accidents during transport (tig. 167). 1). The %-ton truck and iy2-ton 6x6 truck.— (1) The %-ton truck (weapons carrier) is a common vehicle both in the in- fantry and in medical units. It is easily adapted for use as a patient carrier. Two litters are placed lengthwise and head foremost in the bottom of the %-ton truck, their protruding ends supported by the tail gate. The protruding ends are 6 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNWKD Figure 167.—Hood frame loaded with two litters. bound with ropes to prevent the litters from sliding out. If the roof bows of the truck are off, a second layer of three lit- ters is placed side by side crosswise, resting on the slats and lashed in place. If the roof bows of the truck are in position, the second layer of litters is placed crosswise so that the litter handles rest on the bow braces. The handles of the center litter straddle the center bow. The litters of the top layer are secured by lashing their handles to the bow braces (fig. 168). Tims a total of five litter casualties can be transported. (2) The 1%-ton 6x6 truck is loaded similarly; that is, two litters lengthwise along the floor and a second layer crosswise over the bow braces. Because of the additional length of the truck body, however, five litters can be accomodated on the second layer, making a total of seven in the truck. c. The 4 x 4 truck.—The 1%-ton 4x4 truck, a common vehicle in many organizations, is also easily adapted as a patient carrier. This truck can accomodate three layers of litters. The bottom layer consists of two litters placed length- wise on the floor. The middle layer of four litters is placed crosswise resting on the seats of the truck, and the top layer crosswise on the bow braces. The truck is loaded from front to rear, top layer first, then middle layer, top layer, and middle 7 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 168. %-ton truck loaded with five litters. Figure 160.—1 %-ton 4x4 truck loaded with ten litters. 8 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED layer in alternation until the two upper layers are filled. Then the 2 litters on the floor are slid in from the rear. The tail gate is raised and fastened, and the litters of the two upper lay- ers secured to the seats and bow braces by straps (fig. 1G0). Thus the capacity of the truck is ten litters. d. The 21/-2-ton truck.—The 2%-ton truck, another vehicle of wide general use, is loaded similarly to the 1%-tou truck but has a greater capacity. The upper, middle, and bottom layers are again placed on the bow braces, on the seats, and on the floor, respectively. The floor of the truck will accommodate six litters in two rows of three litters each loaded lengthwise to the truck in the following manner: the two side litters are placed on the floor first and then slid sideways until they are under the seats. Then the center litter is placed between the two. The back three litters protrude from the floor of the truck and are supported by the tail gate which cannot be closed. The entire truck is loaded from front to rear in any convenient order, care being taken not to obstruct placing of one litter by premature loading of another. Finally the litters are hound securely to the bow braces and the tail gate raised slightly above the horizontal to prevent slipping. The truck when fully loaded permits transportation of eighteen litter patients (fig. 170). Figure 170.—2%-ton truck loaded with eighteen litters. 9 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 171.—Half-track loaded with four litter patients plus medical personnel. e. The half-track.— (1) The half-track is a common vehicle in the armored force and is used as an ambulance for armored force medical detachments. When so employed, it will con- veniently accommodate four litter patients, plus four slightly wounded patients or medical attendants (fig. 171). The lit- ters are loaded in layers of two litters each lengthwise to the vehicle body. Certain structural changes (fig. 172) in the 10 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED vehicle are required to support the litters as follows. U-shaped brackets are mounted on the gun pedestal to support the inner front handles of the four litters. Rings are suspended from chains fastened to the vehicle backplates and sideplates to support the inner rear handles of the four litters, as well as the outer front handles of the two top litters. The outer rear handles of the two top litters are supported on brackets welded to the rear plates. The outer front handles of the two bottom litters rest on the vehicle seats. (2) An alternative method of loading the half-track may be Figure 172.—Half-track converted for patient carrier. 11 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL employed when it is not considered desirable or feasible to make structural changes in the vehicle itself (fig. 173). Five litters are mounted across the top of the half-track, then an additional litter is slid lengthwise into the vehicle on the floor. A disadvantage of this method results from the difficulty of lashing the five top litters in place. However, this can be accomplished if sufficient rope or other suitable material is available. Figure 173.—Loading half-track (alternative method). (3) In cases of emergency, nine litter patients can be trans- ported in the half-track by combining the two methods de- scribed above. The required structural changes must first be made, after which four litters are loaded into the vehicles. Then five additional litters are loaded crosswise on the top of the half-track. f. The 2y2-ton amphibian truck.— (1) The 2%-ton amphib- ian truck (DUKW) can be adapted as a patient carrier. The 12 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED ■vehicle will usually be available only to troops engaged in or contemplating amphibious operations. It is most useful in transferring casualties from shore landing parties to ships nearby. The same truck that brings supplies to the shore may carry wounded men hack to the ship. The truck may be loaded at the unit aid station, then driven down to the shore and out to the ship, or it may be loaded at the water’s edge (fig. 174). Figuke 174.—Loading the 2%-ton amphibian truck. (2) To convert the 2%-ton amphibian truck to a patient carrier the bows are first loosened and slid forward where they are bound in place against the front bow. Five litters can then be placed on the bottom of the truck, two crosswise in front and three lengthwise in the rear. In order to rest litters on the sides of the truck and thus make a second layer, it is necessary to construct a rail along each side of the truck just outside and above the side. This rail is held in place by a special bracket which clips on the side of the truck. When lit- ters are placed across the sides of the truck, their handles abut against the rail, preventing the litters from sliding off. Six litters can be loaded side by side across the top. The 13 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL capacity of the truck fully loaded is eleven litter casualties, five on the bottom and six on top. All litters must be tied securely in place so that they will not slide around or be dis- placed by rocking of the truck in rough water. [A. G. 300.7 (18 Feb 44).] order of the Secretary of War : G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official : J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1944 14 FM 8-35 C 4 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Changes ] No. 4 WAR DEPARTMENT. Washington 25, D. C., 17 August 1944. FM 8-35, 21 February 1941, is changed as follows: ■ 7. Movement By One Bearer. e. (Added) Pistol belt carry.— (1) This carry is easily learned, can be accomplished with items of equipment which will always be present with or on the soldier, and will permit the ordinary soldier to transport a casualty with a considerable degree of comfort for long distances over all types of terrain. Although this one man carry is commonly known as the “pistol belt carry” it can be accomplished with one rifle sling and one pistol belt; two triangular bandages; two litter straps, or any other equip- ment that will make a loop of 2% to 3 feet in diameter. (2) After treating the wounds, or splinting the fracture of the injured man in the appropriate manner, link together two pistol belts or other equipment to form a continuous belt under his thighs and hips so that a loop extends from each side. (See fig. 18.1.) Then lie between the wounded man’s extended legs, thrusting your arms through the belt loops. (See fig. 18.2.) (8) Grasp or support the wounded part with free hand, then, rolling toward the uninjured side, turn over to the prone posi- tion, carrying the wounded man onto your back. Make necessary adjustments of slings before proceeding. (See fig. 18.3.) (4) Then rise to kneeling position. The continuous belt will hold casualty firmly in position. (See fig. 18.4.) (5) Place one hand on your knee for support, then rise to upright position. The patient is now supported on your shoul- ders and held in position by the continuous belt, and will ride comfortably whether conscious or not. (See fig. 18.5.) (6) You are now ready to move with your hands and arms unencumbered by the necessity of supporting the patient. You can use your hands to assist you in climbing steep banks or in surmounting all types of obstacles. (See fig. 18.6.) MEDICAL HELD MANUAL Figure 18.1. 2 ADO 331 D TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Figure 18.2. AGO 331 D 3 MEDICAL MELD MANUAL Figure 18.3. 4 AGO 331 D TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Figukk 18.1. AGO 331 D 5 MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL Figure 18.5. AGO 331 D TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED Figure 15.6. AGO 3311) MEDICAL FIELD MANUAL (7) A strong man can carry another for quite some distant in this manner without undue fatigue. In certain cases rh carry may be substituted for litter bearers in rough or mom' tainous terrain, and can easily be used as a method for carryiu medical equipment. [A. G. 300.7 (26 May 44).] order of the Secretary of War : G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of tStaff. Official : J. A. ULIO. Major General, The Adjutant General. Distribution : As prescribed in paragraph 9a, FM 21-6; B (2) ; R (2 except R8 (10) ; Bn 8. 19 (5). 18 (2) ; C 8 (10). For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6. 8 AGO .331 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1944