cipvintfs ", / uml C/ tnte Clifton tSpcintj s, or/ OgdensbudK NEW YORK* VT. PETERBORO! /Watertown Rutland 'Manchester /Portsmouth ) Nashua >Lynn TORONTO! TROtCJ Boston Auburn Geneva \ ALBANY' 'Greenfield LEevJI River MICH. 5 Hamilton M tn "London ELMIRW (NEW HAVES \ Grand Rapids 'N&W'YORK Lansing 'DETROIT )Bradford Wilkesbarrefl )5cra»nfonr ) Brooklyn Be+hlehent Williamsport- CLEVELAND rYoungstown READING N.J./ T&MINNEAPOLIS and St. PAUL "South Bend PITTSBURGH HARRISBURG Wilmington L^&mden. Atlantic 'City CLIFTON SPRINGS How to Come to IND. (Wheeling "Within a Night's Ride of all the Great East" COLUMBUS WASHINGTON D.Ci THIS MAP shows the convenience and variety of rail approaches. Through Pullman and sleeping cars run from principal cities direct to Clifton Springs. Passengers are also met by appointment at Ncwarlf or Lyons oji the main line of the New York Central. Circles show distance by air line from Clifton Springs. Add one- fourth and you have the approximate motor mileage from your home. Automobile roads from every . direction are fine direct to Clifton Springs. The surrounding Finger Lakes Region is a mecca for the motorist ASK US for full train schedules or l motor maps and information. OHIO 'Tndianapolis DAYTONj W. VA. To Sn LOUIS and KANSAS CITY CINCINNATI VA. ) CHARLESTON RICHMOND Norfolk CASES OF ACTIVE PULMONARY TUBER- CULOSIS, INSANITY, AND MAJOR EPI- LEPSY ARE NOT RECEIVED. AN OMNIBUS MEETS EVERY TRAIN. IF THE PATIENT’S CONDITION REQUIRES AN AMBULANCE, PLEASE TELEGRAPH BE- FORE COMING. (See Last Paye of Booklet)