ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, U. S. ARMY. GEOGRAPHICAL EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS WEST OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH MERIDIAN. First Lieut. GEO. M. WHEELER, Corps of Engineers, in charge. REPORT UPON VERTEBRATE FOSSILS DISCOVERED IN NEW MEXICO, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. Prof. E. D. COPE, PALEONTOLOGIST. Extract, from appendix ff of the annual report of the — CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, 1874. ' “'WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. November 28, 1874. c$o-7n^/U'm,e,7i& o-j' 9ywiye . VOV. The very numerous remains of the genus Bathmodon obtained are referrible to several species, as indicated especially by the teeth. The present form is characterized among other points by the form of the last inferior molar. The anterior crest is much more elevated than the posterior, with its inner apex almost a cone, with anterior, thick, revolute border. The usual oblique cingulum descends from the outer apex forward. The longitudinal ridge connecting the crests is low but distinct, while the posterior ciugular ridge is remarkably large. This, which constitutes one of the specific marks, is extended horizontally so as to form a broad ledge, whose border is a segment of a circle. Enamel roughened with five ridges on all the external surfaces. Tooth well worn by prolonged use. Measurements. Measurements. M. Length of crown 041 Width of crown anteriorly 027 Width of posterior crest 022 Elevation of posterior crest Oil Elevation of anterior crest 024 10 BaTIIMODON EEEPIIANTOrUS, Sp. 110V. The most abundant species of the New Mexican Eocene formation, and of the largest size, exceeding in this respect' both the B. sirmis and B. molestus. I describe at present the last molars of both superior and inferior series. The former is a transverse oval, slightly swollen on the posterior border external to the middle point. The two crests are par- allel, the anterior as usual curving round to the inner extremity o the shorter poste- rior, and leaving a wide interval between them. The posterior is not divided, but is elevated at the extremities. Anterior cingulum strong, posterior obsolete, excepting on the external border, where it sends a low ridge to the elevated extremity of the anterior crest. Exteroanterior to this ridge is a shallow fossa. Enamel very slightly rugose. The posterior low er molar exhibits a great disparity of elevation of the crests, the anterior being high, and terminating ou the inner side in an elevated cone. The con- necting ridge is low, and there is only a trace of a descending posterior cingulum on the posterior crest. M. Width of last superior molar 040 Length of last superior molar 030 Length of last inferior molar 039 Width of last inferior molar 026 Elevation of posterior crest of inferior molar 015 Elevation of anterior crest of inferior molar 025 A remarkably fine skeleton of a species of this genus, discovered !>v my friend and assistant, William G. Shedd, exhibits characters heretofore only inf i enrial, and dem- onstrates the correctness of a number of positions heretofore base ! on i few fragment- ary bones. The feet exhibit proboscidian characters throughout. They are very short and plantigrade, and there are five digits on the hind foot. The ale riHUin is recurved inward, and the astragalus flat above. The navicular is transvers ■ and very thin, while the cuboid is subequilateral. The metatarsals are short, and the phalanges much wider than long. The cranium remarkably resembles that of a carnivorous animal in its massive expanded zygomas and huge canine tusks. It differs remarkably from this type, aud shows its affinity to Uintatherium in the broad plane of the upper crauial wall, with overhanging marginal crests for the attachment and protection of the temporal and neck muscles. These crests do not support horns. The muzzle is contracted at the diastema, thus rendering more prominent the ridges which mark the position of the alveoli of the tusks. The latter are directed downward, giving the profile the pick-ax-like form of that of Uintatherium, though more robust in its proportions than the latter. The length of this skull is 19 inches ; the width at the zygomas 13. Measurements. Phenacodus prim.evus, Cope.* Char. gen.—The genus Phenacodus was first recognized by the writer in a posterior inferior molar of a mammal of about the size of a hog, of unknown affinities, which was named P. primcevus. Specimens of the same species, embracing the dentition of both jaws, having been procured in the Eocene of New Mexico, I am prepared to add to the characters of the genus. There are three molars in each jaw, and the specimens include two premolars, which form a continuous series, as in Achamodon. There are four principal tubercles on the inferior molars and sometimes a third small one between the posterior pair, always on the last one, which is, however, not largely developed. The first inferior premolar presents a broad heel, a double medium tubercle, and an anterior tubercle, (in P. pri- nieevus.) The crowns of the superior molars are low and broad, and support numerous tubercles; these are low aud vary in number, but there are two near the external bor- der which are quite constant. They have general resemblances to those of hogs, bears, and monkeys. The first true molar is broader than long, and there are no diastemata between it and the premolars, or between the latter, which are quadri-, and tri-cuspid, respectively. The forms of these teeth are entirely different from those of the corre- sponding teeth in Elotherium. Char, specif.—The posterior molar of the left side is wide in front and regularly oval in posterior outline, and has two equal anterior and three uuequal posterior tubercles. One of the posteriors is situated near the middle of the outer side, and is separated from the adjacent anterior by a deep groove. The.corresponding iuner tubercle is more pos- terior; anterior tubercles low, trihedral, and connected by a shelf-like cingulum across the front of the tooth ; rudimental cingula on outer side of crown. The penultimate molar has three tubercles on the posterior border; aud a deep tissue, corresponding to that of the last molar, separates one of them from the anterior tubercle. * Paleontological Bulletin, No. 17, p. 3, October 25, 1873. 11 f M. Length of last molar 015 Width $ anteriorly 011 1 ) between two posterior tubercles 005 Elevation of anterior cusp from base 008 Width of penultimate molar behind 010 From the same locality as the preceding species. Phenacodus omnivokuSj sp. nov. Superior molar with low and broad tubercular crown, with outline of base parallelo- grammic, with one end oblique; the oblique end with two principal low tubercles, which form the extremities of two series of similar ones, some of which arise from the strong cingulum which forms part of the summit of the crown. Char.—Molar without cingulum on the (?) outer side only ; elewhere very strong and cremate, at one point rising into a stout, low tubercle. The largest tubercle is near this,.on the inner summit of the crown, and is connected with the larger outer by a low, broad tubercle. A smaller one intervenes between the cingular tubercle aud the smaller external. The outer tubercles low and broad, a smaller one opposite the inter- nal between them in the position of a cingulum. Enamel coarsely rugose. Measurements. H. Transverse diameter 014 Longitudinal 010 Distance between apices of inner and outer tubercles 007 Elevation of cingulum 004 Elevation of outer cusp 005 The tooth described is about the size of the posterior inferior molar of the black bear, (Ursus americanus.) Phenacodus sulcatus, sp. nov. Represented especially by the molar tooth corresponding to that above described under the head of P. omnivorus, in good preservation. It is a species considerably less than half the size of the one just named, aud presents several important differences of structure. Of the two outer tubercles, one is very small, aud there is a third adjacent to the larger, produced by the enlargement of the cingulum. As in P. omnivorus, the cingulum extends entirely round the remainder of the crown, and is tubercular on the side of the least outer tubercle. The inner tubercle is connected with the larger outer by au intermediate of elongate form, so that the series when worn down resembles the transverse ridge of the superior molar of Hyposijus, and which is separated by a groove from the cingular ridge on each side. Measurements. M. Transverse diameter .008 Longitudinal diameter 006 Distance between apices of inner and outer tubercles 004 Elevation of cingulum 002 Elevation of outer cusp 003 Size similar to that of the corresponding tooth of a Coati. OxytENA i.upina, gen. et sp. nov. Represented by a portion of the cranium, which includes the greater part of the denti- tion. The generic characters are, three premolars and four molars above and below ; lower premolars with anterior cone and posterior cutting heel; last premolar and all the molars of the superior series with an internal heel; the last molar transverse ; first and second upper molars with an anterior cone and posterior cutting lobe; the penul- timate with two anterior acute cones, the posterior forming a sectorial edge with the posterior lobe; last superior molar trenchant. Mandibular dentition, I., 0; C., 1; P. M., 3; M., 3; the caniue teeth directed forward and upward without intervening incisors. First premolar one-rooted; second aud third consisting of an anterior elevated cone, aud posterior heel, which is elevated in the middle. The first true molar is nearly similar, with the posterior tubercle sharp edged. Last two molars with an anterior elevated portion and small low heel; the former consisting of three acute tubercles, of which the largest or interior forms with the anterior a sec- torial blade oblique to the axis of the mandibular bone. Measurements. 12 This genus has one less molar with double median than Prototomns. It is one of the flat-clawed group, of which two forms have already been described, Mesonyx, Cope, and Synoplotherium, Cope, which present in their dentition a nearer resemblance to the genus Hycenodon than to any other of later age. It differs from both the genera named in having only six molar teeth, and the triangular type of inferior sectorial teeth has not yet been obtained among them. The O. forcipata is the larger species ; the smallest one described by me is the Oxya'na morsitans. In Stypolophus brevicalca- ratus, I find three sectorials of the form described instead of two only. Char, specif.—The posterior cutting lobes of molars 1 and 2 elevated and rather obtuse, that of molar 3 lower and more acute. Molar 2 has a well-marked anterior tubercle; molar 4 cousists of an outer cutting edge and inner cone. The inner tubercle of molar 3 is smaller than in the three teeth preceding. F.rst lower preiuolar well developed with one root. Enamel of all the teeth, especially of the canines, rugose. This species is allied to those of the genus Ptcrodon. M. Length of four posterior superior molars U55 Length of first, true molar 016 Width of first true molar 015 Lengt h of second true molar 016 Width of third (transverse) molar Length of five anterior inferior molars 054 This species is intermediate in size between the 0. forcipata and O. morsitans. The penultimate inferior molar differs from that of both these species in the much weaker development of the internal lateral tubercle and more obtuse anterior tubercle; in O. forcipata the blade is continued on the front of this tubercle. Two specimens embracing five series of teeth have been examined by the writer ; the measurements given are those of the smaller. OxyyEna morsitans, sp. nov. The genus of flesh-eating mammals, described in 1872 under the name of Stypolophns, presents a type of dentition which is further illustrated by the present addition of new species much larger than any hitherto known to possess it. Those described are in the order of size : S. insectivorus, S. pungens, and S. brevicalcaratus, Cope. The present new species is twice the bulk of the last. It is represented by broken mandibles with molars and canines of two specimens, and part of the maxillary dentition of a third. The molar, which is typical of the genus, in its subtriangular basis supporting three elevated cnsps, and a short heel, is evidently functionally the sectorial, what- ever its homological relations may be. In the present instance, the inner posterior cusp is much reduced, while there is a small additional cusp on the front of the ante- rior near its basis. The trihedral outer posterior forms a cutting edge with the large outer auterior, which is produced forward. A posterior molar exhibits a correspond- ing tricuspidate portion, and a more elongate heel, with acute circumference. In a premolar, the posterior heel becomes trenchant, and median. The canine is very stout and compressed at basis. The enamel in all the teeth is more or less rugose. Measurements. Measurement8. M. Length of base of crown of sectorial tooth 014 Width of base of crown of sectorial tooth 009 Elevation of principal cusps 015 Elevation of inner posterior cnsps 007 Length of basis of posterior molar 012 Width of basis of posterior molar 007 Length of heel of posterior molar 005 Elevation of principal cusps Oil Elevation of anterior cnsps OOG Long diameter of canine at base 018 The maxillary series belongs to a still larger animal. The sectorial presents the same form as that of the mandibular series, and is more robust in form than in existing Carnivora. The section of the middle crests is very convex on the inner side, so that the shear is oblique. The heel is small and low. The premolar preceding has a large, broad heel. In another premolar, the heel supports a median crest, while the anterior part of the crown is a slightly-compressed cone, with a small tubercle at the anterior base. Other specimens indicate that tnis species lacks the inferior incisor teeth. forcipata, sp. nov. Char, specif.—Mandibular rami robust and deep, with the symphysis short, and the chin contracted. The canine tooth forms a vertical oval in section. The first one- 13 rooted premolar is a stout tooth ; there is no anterior basal tubercle on the second and third premolars, but a distinct one on the first true molar. There is a small tubercle at the base of the anterior lobe of the last or second sectorial molar. This tooth is larger than the penultimate. The enamel of all the teeth is quite rugose, although they are well worn by use. Corresponding characters are exhibited by four specimens of this species, one of which includes portions of the upper jaw. All the bones are particularly massive, and there is a high parietal crest, a fair indication of the size of the temporal muscles. Additional specimens of the Oxywna morsitans, Cope, show that it differs in the reduced size of the sectorial molars, and the very small first premolar, which is quite rudimeutal. Measurements. M. Length of inferior dental series 103 Depth of ramus at last molar 040 Depth of ramus at second premolar 030 Diameter of canine tooth 019 Length of premolar series 035 Length of base of penultimate molar - 016 Length of base of last molar .019 Width of base of last molar 012 Elevation of crown of last molar 019 Length of superior last molar 020 Width of superior last molar 013 This animal differs in specific characters from the Wyoming carnivores, already re- ferred to, in the greater robustness of all its parts. From Synoplotherium lanius, it also differs in the regular increase backward in the size of the molars. In the Wyoming species the penultimate is largest in the lower jaw. The fragments of the Oxyana forcipata are as large as corresponding parts of the jaguar. PaciiyvEXA 08Sifraga, gen. et sp. nov. Char. gen.—Established on a single superior molar tooth of a large carnivore, ap- parently allied to the group of flat-clawed Carnivora. It is either the last premolar or first true molar. It is characterized by the absence of the cutting edge seen in the allied genera, and its replacement by a conic tubercle. The principal lobe is also a cone, and the inner one a perfect cone, a little less ele- vated than the principal one. Char, specif.—Crown with well-developed anterior and posterior basal tubercles; no ciuguli, either internal or external. Enamel slightly rugose. Measurements. M. Length of crown 020 Width of crown 018 Elevation of anterior basal tubercle .006 Elevation of central cone Oil Elevation of interior cone 010 This is the largest carnivore yet observed in this formation, and of peculiar charac- ter; its structure indicating a diet not purely carnivorous. Prototomus viverrinus, gen. et sp. nov. Char. gen.—Three true molars in the maxillary bone ; premolars compressed, the last of the upper series triangular in form ; each angle enlarged ; the center of the crowu with a compressed conic tubercle. First and second true molars triangular, with a tubercle at each angle, and two adjacent cones in the center. The tubercle of the pos- terior angle forms a slight sectional edge with the posterior of the central pair. Last (third molar) transverse, with a median cone. Supposed mandible with the posterior two molars tubercular; the anterior tubercles similar to the posterior. This genus is evidently allied to the Viverridce, differing from Viverra, so far as known, in the simple character of the last two inferior molars. From Limnocyon it differs, ac- cording to Professor Marsh’s descriptions, in possessing three instead of two superior true molars, or, if we include with these the last premolar, as does Professor Marsh, four instead of three. According to Professor Marsh, the tubercular molars in his Vulpavus are generally similar to those of the existing genus Canis. i'rofofomas pre- sents the number of suuerior molars seen in Amphicyon. 14 Char, specif.—The P. viverrinus is established on a considerable part of the cranium and skeleton of one individual in good preservation. The last upper premolar is tri- radiate, having concave and subequal sides. The first molar is as broad as long, and is triangular, presenting a right angle outward and forward. The second molar is broader than long, and presents au acute tubercle on the ante- rior border between the inner and anterior median cones. There is a tubercle at the inner and outer extremities of the base of the last molar. No cingulum on the pos- terior or outer sides of the last premolar. External cones of the last two inferior mo- lars subcrescentic in section ; anterior inner obsolete ; posterior inner prominent. M. Length of last five molars 0250 Length of true-molar series 0135 Length of last premolar 0060 Width of last premolar 0050 Length of penultimate molar 0050 Width of penultimate molar 0068 Width of last molar 0047 Length of last two inferior molars 0090 About the size of the domestic cat. P'rototomus insidiosus, sp. nov. Represented in the collections of the survey by parts of the maxillary bone and both mandibular rami with teeth. The species is much less than the preceding, and differs materially in the forms of the teeth. The two anterior tubercles of the tubercular molars are similar and approximated; the posterior slightly divergent, and on the last tooth inclosing a third of small size. The last premolar has a broad heel and stout anterior cone, but no anterior tubercle. The tooth immediately preceding is much smaller, and also possesses a heel. The mandibular ramus is particularly slender, and the angle is not inflected. Measurements. Measurements. M. Length of last two inferior molars 0060 Length of last molar 0034 Width of last inferior molar ., 0020 Depth of ramus at last inferior molar 0045 Leugth of last premolar 0030 Elevation of last premolar.. 0028 Prototom us jarrovii, sp. nov. This Carnivore is of considerably larger proportions than either of the preceding. It is readily reeoguized as pertaining to the same genus by the identical form of the last two inferior molars, which are quite different from the corresponding ones in Oxycena and other genera. These indeed, with the portion of the mandibular ramus which sup- ports them, are the only well-preserved remains of this animal as yet in our possession. They indicate an animal of the size of the gray fox. In the last molar, the inner ante- rior tubercle is double, though low and obtuse. It differs from that in the species last enumerated in the presence of only two tubercles on the posterior portion of the crown instead of three, one being terminal and the other on the middle of the outer side. There are but two on the posterior eud of the penultimate tooth, and all are low and unconnected excepting by the distinct rim of the crown. The center of the crown is thus concave. The rim is interrupted by notches between the tubercles on the outer side. No cingulum on inner, a weak one on outer side. Enamel smooth. The form of the molars is rather stout, and the ramus is thick and not deep, and with broad, simple, lower border below the molars. Measurements. M. Length of last lower molar 0070 Wldthl posteriorly 0020 Width of penultimate behind 0050 Elevation of anterior cusp of last 0030 Depth of ramus at last molar 0140 This species is dedicated to my friend Henry C. Yarrow, M. D., to whom was com- mitted the charge of that party of the survey to which I was attached, and to whose zeal in the cause of the natural sciences the success of the special expedition is largely due. 15 Limnocyon protenus, sp. nov. A civet-like Carnivore represented by one entire and a portion of the other mandibu- lar ramus, with teeth well preserved, agrees in generic characters with the species referred by Professor Marsh to his genus Limnocyon, but differs from them all iu its superior size. The molars are f, but the first molar is like the premolars of the Ca- nidee, except in a slight widening of its posterior basis by the development of a broad cingulum on the inner side and round the basal lobe behind. From this point it ex- tends forward on the outer side to the beginning of the auterior basal lobe, and there ceases. The second molar has the anterior portion elevated, supporting three cusps and a large heel, wi h lateral and sub-median cutting edges. The last molar is smaller, elongate, oval, and two-rooted, with marginal posterior, intermarginal external, and two anterior tubercles, of which the inner is bifid. The ramus is slender, and the symphysis elongate. The angle is not incurved. First premolars one-rooted. M. Length of dental scries 0680 Length of four premolars 0340 Length of first molar 0105 Length of second molar 0100 Width of second molar 0055 Length of third molar 0080 Width of third molar in front 0040 Depth of ramus at third premolar 0130 Depth of ramus at last molar 0150 Alligator ciiamknsis, sp. nov. Represented by portions of the mandibular arch of a small crocodilian resembling in some respects the A. heterodon of the Wyoming beds. The posterior teeth have the same short, expanded, sessile, bean-shaped crowns, with a median longitudinal ridge, and more delicate 1 in s radiating close together from it to the border of the crown. The anterior teeth differ in being cylindric instead of compressed. There is a large canine preceded and followed by teeth of much smaller size. Measurements. Measurements. M. Length of symphysis 019 Length of alveoli of six teeth from symphysis 022 Width of ramus just behind symphysis 010 Long diameter of posterior tooth 005 The specimens selected as type is one of the smallest. The surface of the bones is roughened with pits. PlASTOMKNUS LACH ItVMALIS, 8j). 110V. The largest sp< cies of the genus, and abundantly represented in the Eocene of New Mexico. The costal bones are rather finely punctate, the posterior as well as the an- terior. The anterior costal bones are crossed by numerous ridges from side to side obliquely; the obliquity increasing posteriorly. On the posterior bones, they are broken into vertical bars, separated by considerable intervals, and of linear form. The posterior costa Is reach a thickness of 0n'.00G and a width of 0m.025. The jutting of he posterior part of the carapace distinguishes this species from the P. cede mins. PART II. In addition to the investigations pursued in the regions already indicated, and of which some of the new species have been described, it may be stated that a careful examination was made of the extensive lacustrine deposits in the valley of the Rio Grande. These deposits are supposed to commence to the northward of Taos, N. Mex., and continue to an unknown distance southward, certainly at least fifty miles beyond Santa F<5, and occupy that portion of the valley between the Rocky Mountains iu the east and the Jemez range in the west, and have been stated as late Tertiary, but with- out special determination or co-ordination with the other known lacustrine formations of this continent.* Abundant material having been obtained by the party, it is easy to determine the fauna, whose remains are entombed in it, to be a part of that already described by Dr. Leidy and the writer as occurring in Dakota and Colorado under the name of Pliocene. # The new species described from the valley of the Rio Grande were discovered from August 20 to September 1, 1874. 16 This conclusion is indicated by the presence of the genera Hippotherium, Protohippus, Procamelus, Cosoryx, and Meryckippus, and known Pliocene species of other genera, among which may be mentioned Canis, Aceratherium, &c. In addition to species already known, a number new to science were obtained, of some of which descriptions are hei'e given. Martes nambianus, sp. nov. Represented by a mandibular ramus, which supports three teeth. The anterior blade of the sectorial is rather obtuse. The first premolar is one-rooted ; the second and third are without posterior coronal lobes, but exhibit small basal lobes, both anterior and posterior. The anterior of the second is rather elevated, and the entire crown is directed obliquely forward. Canine compressed; mental foramiua below the second and third premolars. Measurements. M. Length of three premolars 006 Elevation of anterior lobe of sectorial 002 Depth of ramus at anterior lobe of sectorial 003 This species is of smaller size than the M. muatelinus, Cope, and the sectorial tooth less elevated and trenchant. COSORYX RAMOSU8, sp. nov. Char. gen.—Inferior molars prismatic, f; the premolars all sectorial, last with short branch-crests. Molars with basal iutercolumuar tubercles. Horns superciliary, solid, branched. This genus was iudicated by Dr. Leidy from a horn of the species known to him, the Cosoryx furcatus, from the Pliocene beds of the Niobrara. The same or a similar species has left abundant remains in the Santa F6 marls, and, in connec- tion with the more numerous C. ramosus, has enabled me to determine the dental and other characters of the genus. After a careful examination of the horns of these spe- cies in my possession, those of eighteen individuals (at least I find that of ten where the basal portion is preserved) the beam has been broken off and reunited by anchy- losis in six. In most of these the spot is marked by a ring of exostosed tuberosities, like those constituting the burr of the deer’s horn. On a specimen of this character, pertaining to a third species, Professor Leidy based his Cervns warrenii, which may now be called Cosoryx warrenii. It is abundant in the Santa F6 marls. The fracture has taken place in every instance at a point as far above the frontal bone as the burr of deer is situated, and is irregular in outline, higher on the one side than the other. In some of the specimens the smaller antlers are also broken, and ex- hibit a similar burr, but the terminal portion is usually lost. In one specimen, a broken antler is anchylosed in the usual manner of overlapping ends. The horns are solid, the center having a narrow, spongy axis. The surface is dense and marked by arterial grooves, but not pierced by noticeable foramina. It is evidently a question whether this genus should be referred to the hollow or solid- horned Ituminantia; to the Bovidce, or Cervulce. The horns might be regarded as those of deer were it not for the occasional specimens without burr, while the teeth are both cervine and bovine. We way here draw such inferences as we can respecting the nature of the covering of the horn. That the fractured beam should not be lost in- dicates the presence of some kind of covering to retain it. That this covering was not horny is probable from the fact that the horns are branched, a structure impossible to the Bovidce, since antlers effectually preveut the usual mode of increase of horn by ad- ditions at the base and removal at the extremity. That such covering protected arte- ries, which aided in the production of burrs, is also probable. We may thus believe it to have been dermal like that of the giraffe, or the Antilocapra, at the period of immaturity of its horny sheath. It may be concluded, then, that the genus Cosoryx represents the ancestral type of the Cervidce, and explains the origin of the remarkable type of horns of that family as fol- lows : Ruminants with fixed horns of structure more dense and brittle than others of the same type, in their annual combats at the rutting-season, very frequently broke the beams off not far above the base. The usual location of nutrition followed, which, being annually repeated, became as periodical in its return as the activity of nutrition of the reproductive system. This activity ceasing, the horn, being dense, lost its vitality, the more so as the normal covering would have already pqrislied in its distal portions. The natural consequence, the separation of the dead from the living bone by suppuration, would follow. This process would, however, probably require a longer time for tbe establishment of its periodical return than the fracture and attachment of the existing horn. This appears to be the only explanation of the origin of the phenomena exhibited by the horns of the Cervidce, and is suggested by the specimens of Cosoryx to be de- scribed. 17 Char, specif.—This species is larger thau the C. furcatus, Leidy, and differs from the C. warrenii in possessing two antlers instead of one, of which the first is given off at a point much Farther from the base than in that species. The beam near the base is curved a little inward, and is semicircular in section, the outer face being slightly concave, the inner very convex. The base is situated a short distance within the free superciliary border. The beam becomes more cylindric, and then, expanding in a fore and aft direction, gives off an antler at right angles nearly parallel to the cranial axis. At a distance little over half the elevation of the first antler, the beam gives oft’ a second in a plane tranverse to the axis of the skull. The terminal portion of the beam is cylindric, curved, and acute at the apex. Mandibles, with teeth of two species of this genus, were found, the smaller of which occurring with the other portions of C. furcatus, belong to it. The larger differs in the elevation of the intercrescentic column of the first molar, which is worn into a loop at ordinary maturity ; this may, however, be but an individual variation. The diastema is long and the ramus of that point quite slender. Measurements. M. Long diameter of base, No. 1 016 Long diameter of base, No. 2 020 Elevation of first antler from base, No. 1 . 080 Elevation of second antler from first, No. 3 042 Length of terminal part of beam, No. 4 095 Length of molars 2-5, No. 5 037 Length of molars 4-5, No. 5 022 Length of fifth molar 012 Width of fifth molar 006 COSORYX TERES, 8p. UOV. Established on the connected frontal bones, supporting the horns of one specimen, and represented by portions of horns of two others. The former individual is larger than any one belonging to the other species, and the species is doubtless the largest of the genus. The horns stand above the posterior part of the orbit, which excavates its base, and presenting a considerable face, descending into the temporal or zygomatic fossa. There is no free superciliary rini outside of the base as in C. ramosus, Cope. The section of the beam near the base is a regular oval; the long axis directed longi- tudinally and a little outward in front. The beam is erect, with a slight curvature outward at the inner base only. So far as preserved, it does not branch, but may do so in its distal portion, which is lost. The tissue is more spongy interiorly than in the other species; supraorbital foramen far within the superciliary border. M. Outer width between bases of horn-cores 112 Inner width between bases of horn-cores 055 Width of temporal fossa behind horns 053 Long diameter of horn-core 028 Short diameter of horn-core .021 Length of q»art preserved 033 This species was as large as the Antilocapra americana of the plains. Hksperomys loxodon, sp. nov. An entire mandibular ramus, with all the teeth preserved, was found in the same deposits as the preceding species. Molars subequal, short-crowned ; triturating sur- face sigmoid. The apices of the sigma on the inner side tubercular, and anterior to the outer apices. First molar with an additional transverse crest in front. Incisor compressed; outer angle of enamel face rounded smooth. Molar series oblique, rising anteriorly. Measurements. Measurements. M. Length of molar series 0050 Length of first molar 0018 Depth below last molar, (inner side) 0030 Depth below first molar 0045 Depth of ineisor 0015 Depth at diastema 0027 Panolax sanctjEfidki, gen. et sp. nov. Char. gen.—Molars prismatic, transverse, except the first and last; each divided by a plate of enamel extending transversely from the inner side. Anterior molar longitu- dinal ; posterior molar composed of two columns. 18 This genus is represented by numerous teeth and portions of the cranium. It evi- dently belonged to the Leporidee, and is allowed to both Lepus and Palceolagus. As the teeth are mostly separate, it is not easy to determine which is the posterior and which the anterior molar. Judging by the analogy of the known species, the determination as here made is correct; should the relations be reversed, the species will be referred to Palceolagus. Char, specif.—The teeth are curved, the convexity inward. Inner face grooved, the groove occupied by cementum, the outer border compressed either without or with very shallow groove. First molar with triturating surface twice as long as wide, with an entering loop of enamel on the inner side anteriorly narrower. Last molar as wide antero-posteriorly as transversely, the shaft curved backward, the posterior column sub-cylindric half the diameter of the anterior. Measurements. Inch. Diameter of middle molar ( antero-posterior 093 transverse 187 Diameter of first molar > antero-posterior 140 > transverse 062 Diameter of last molar Length of crown of last molar 250 This species is about the size of the northern hare. i antero-posterior 100 | transverse 065 Cathartes umbrosus, sp. nov. Represented by numerous portions of nearly all parts of the skeleton, in excellent preservation. The beak from the frontal bone to near the apex is preserved ; it dis- plays the depression just anterior to the nares, which marks the anterior boundary of the cere. The culmen is nearly horizontal to just beyond this mark, and then exhibits a gradual decurvature to the apex. The beak is strongly compressed, and the tomia strongly decurved, forming an open festoon, whose middle point marks one-fourtli the length of the beak from the nares. The latter are directed obliquely downward and forward, narrowing anteriorly and having a prominent inferior bounding ledge. The mandible is weak, the symphisis-marking on half the length of the beak from the anterior angle of the nares. The bones of the anterior extremities exhibit large and powerful proportions, as compared with the posterior, appropriately to capacity for sustained fiigbt. The head of the humerus is much compressed, and the articular face is nearly divided into two by the deep bicipital groove. The head of the femur is small, and the rotular face a wide and deep groove. The tibia is slender, the shaft much compressed, with a prominent ridge. The cnemial crest is short, and not produced downward on the shaft. The distal posterior bridge is narrow and oblique. The tarso-metatarsus has a strong exterior crest, which constitutes half the width of the shaft. Inch. Length of beak from base of culmen, (axial) 1.90 Length of beak from cere to apex, (axial) 1.20 Depth of beak at culmen 87 Depth of premaxillary at festoon 75 Length of symphysis 69 Length of nares 37 Width of palate at festoon 50 Width of head of humerus 1.37 Width of condyles 1.13 Width of distal end of femur i 94 Width of head of tibia 81 Width of condyles of tibia 66 Width of condyles of tarso-metatarsus 75 Length of a first phalanx 1.12 Length of seven sacral vertebrae 1.87 Length of two dorsal vertebrae 1.12 Depth of a dorsal vertebra, (total) 93 Depth of a dorsal vertebra to roof of arch 44 Depth of centrum of roof of arch 25 Width of centrum of roof of arch 32 Length of two cervical vertebrae 1.12 Depth of two cervical vertebrae to apex of neural spine 44 Depth of articular face of centrum 17 Width of articular face of centrum 25 Measurements.