M E M O I R S OF T 11 E A M E RI CAN AC A DEM Y OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Yol. XII. —No. V. CAMBRIDGE: .1 O H X WILSON AND SO N. fflmurrsito JJrrss. August, 1902. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Boston, Dear Sir:- In reply to your kind letter of Lay 5th asking for a copy of the paper by Lr. Winslow and myself upon Ice in tne Lemoirs ol t :e American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vo . XII, ho. 5, I may say that one of these reprints was forwarded to the Surgeon General or the Surgeon General’s Office twj or three months ago when the reprints were distributed, and unless I am mistaken, an acknowledgement of its receipt reached me shortly afterwards. If, however, on investigation you find that you have no such copy and that I am mistaken, I shall be very glad to send one to the Surgeon General’s library,— the r■ nk and importance of which is very well known to us. With esteem, I am, dear Sir, Respectfully yours, f'r. Robert Fletcher, Surgeon General’s Office, 7th and B Sts.,S.W., Washington, r. C. V. I. EXPERIMENTS ON THE EFFECT OF FREEZING AND OTHER LOW TEMPERATURES UPON THE VIABILITY OF THE BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER, WITH CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING ICE AS A VEHICLE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE. II. STATISTICAL STUDIES ON THE SEASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES AND ITS RELATION TO SEASONAL TEMPERATURE. BY WILLIAM T. SEDGWICK, Ph.D., and CHARLES-EDWARD A. WINSLOW, S. M., Professor of Biology, Instructor in Biology, In the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. WITH EIGHT PLATES. Presented March 12, 1902. (Preliminary Communication, December 13, 1809.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY 471 II. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE RELATING TO ICE AS A VEHICLE OF DISEASE AND TO THE BACTERIOLOGY OF ICE 472 A. Infectious Diseases attributed to Polluted Ice and Ice-cream 472 B. Bacteria in Natural Ice, Snow and Hail, and in Ice-cream 475 C. Experiments on the Effect of Freezing and other Low Temperatures upon the Viability of Bacteria 478 I). Quantitative Studies upon the Destruction of Bacteria by Freezing and other Low Temperatures 483 III. EXPERIMENTS BY THE AUTHORS ON THE EFFECT OF COLD UPON THE BACILLI OF TYPHOID FEVER 487 A. Experiments on the Percentage Reduction of Typhoid Fever Bacilli effected by Freezing for Different Periods of Time 487 B. Experiments on the Effect of Alternate Freezing and Thawing upon the Bacilli of Typhoid Fever 499 C. Experiments on the Effect of Temperatures slightly above the Freezing- Point upon Typhoid Bacilli in Water 501 D. Experiments on the Viability of Typhoid Bacilli in Earth at Various Tem- peratures 508 E. Experiments on the Effect of Sedimentation and Crystallization during the Freezing of Typhoid Fever Bacilli in Water 516 IV. DEDUCTIONS FROM THE EXPERIMENTS CONCERNING ICE AS A VEHICLE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE PROB- LEMS OF ICE-SUPPLY AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH 519 PART I. 470 CONTENTS. PAGE I. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE RELATING TO THE SEASONAL PREVA- LENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER 521 II. STATISTICAL STUDIES BY THE AUTHORS ON SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN TEMPERATURE, AND IN THE PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 537 III. INTERPRETATION OF THE STATISTICAL RESULTS 507 IV. CONCLUSION OF THE AUTHORS THAT THE SEASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER DEPENDS MAINLY UPON SEASONAL TEMPERATURE 509 PART II. PART III. BIBLIOGRAPHY 573 A. On Disease attributed to Polluted Ice and Ice-cream 573 B. On the Bacteriology of Natural Ice, Snow, and Hail, and of Ice-cream . . 573 C. On the Effect of Freezing and other Low Temperatures upon Bacteria . . 574 D. On Quantitative Studies of the Destruction of Bacteria by Freezing . . . 576 E. On the Seasonal Prevalence of Typhoid Fever and its Relation to Seasonal Temperature 576 PART I. I. INTRODUCTORY. In view of the fact that the micro-organism which is commonly considered to be the cause of typhoid fever appears to be able to survive for longer or shorter periods in the environment of man, it becomes important to discover, as nearly as may be, its behavior under various natural conditions. Some knowledge of this kind we have already in the case of heat and light; some, also, in respect to low temperatures under certain conditions. But a careful review of the present state of our knowl- edge in regard to the influence of cold upon the bacillus of typhoid fever shows that much still remains to be done in order to make our knowledge in this direction more precise. The subject assumes great practical importance when we begin to consider the influence of external conditions upon the longevity of the bacillus in nature, par- ticularly in those regions in which there is a considerable variation of climate. It was a theory formerly widely held that the specific organism of typhoid fever was not only capable of enduring for a long time outside the human body, but even that a residence in earth, filth heaps, and the like was an essential phase in its life his- tory. Modern researches have thrown grave doubt upon this earlier theory, but at the same time rigid inquiry into epidemics and further knowledge of the disease itself have shown how readily the micro-organism may become widely distributed in the environment. Prolonged and careful studies of the influence of temperature upon the bacillus of typhoid fever, have led us to believe that this factor plays a part in the seasonal distribution of the disease which is of the highest importance, making it possible to explain, by the co-operation of this and other factors, such as light and dryness, certain phenomena hitherto inexplicable or little understood. An obvious and direct application of the principles worked out concerns one of the principal food supplies of man, and an important section of the following paper is therefore devoted fo a consideration of the danger of the conveyance of the disease in question by pol- luted ice. II. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE RELATING TO ICE AS A VE- HICLE OF DISEASE AND TO THE BACTERIOLOGY OF ICE. A. INFECTIOUS DISEASES ATTRIBUTED TO POLLUTED ICE AND ICE-CREAM. The interest of the authors in this subject was first aroused by the practical questions connected with ice supply and the public health. As will appear in the paragraphs immediately following, diseases, and particularly typhoid fever, have not infrequently been attributed to impure ice. The first outbreak of disease directly ascribed to this source was reported in this country in 1875,(1) at the summer resort of Rye Beach. Dr. Nichols of Boston, who was called in to investigate the affair, found the illness, a more or less severe intestinal disorder, confined to the guests of one of the two large hotels of the place. The other hotel and adjacent cottages were unaffected. The milk and water supplies and the drainage appeared above suspicion. The ice for the hotel, however, was cut on a small pond whose waters were rendered very foul by a mass of putrescent matter, composed of marsh mud and decomposing sawdust. A chemical analysis of the ice, and of the water from the pond, showed high total organic matter and high ammonia, both free and albuminoid. Three cases of the disease outside the hotel directly following the use of this ice made the evidence still stronger. Three years later Dr. Smart, U. S. A.,(2) attributed some cases of a “ malarial remittent fever ” in a Rocky Mountain army post to the contamination of mountain streams by melting snow. The high organic content of the water in early spring was probably due to this cause, and he believed that the “ mat erics morbV' of malaria had a similar origin. In the summer of 1879 an outbreak of dysentery occurred in Connecticut which is discussed in the Second Report of the Board of Health of that State.(3) Out of the eleven persons, including the family residing in a certain farmhouse, two hired men, and relatives who came to assist in nursing, there were eight cases of dysentery, three of them fatal, and two cases of persistent diarrhoea. The drinking water in use gave satisfactory results on anatysis, but the soil adjoining the house was damp and polluted, and the ice used came from a small stream which served as a running place for pigs. Analysis of the ice-water showed high ammonias, and this appeared to the SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 473 investigators the most probable cause of the disease. In the Report of the same Board for 1882,(4) an interesting single case of typhoid fever is cited as probably derived from ice. The patient had lived alone for some months in a house whose sanitary conditions were apparently perfect. He was inordinately fond of ice-water, and the ice for his house was cut on a small pond near by. It appeared on investiga- tion that the drains from some laborers’ houses emptied directly into the pond, and that in these houses there had been three cases of typhoid fever during the previous summer. Attention was also called to the general danger from ice supply, by the Connecticut State Board of Health in 1880, by the Massachusetts State Board in 1876 and 1889, by the Michigan Board in 1882 and 1884, by the New Hampshire Board in 1882, the New York Board in 1886, the Minnesota Board in 1886, and the sanitary authorities of Chicago in 1896 and of Milwaukee in 1876. Duclaux (0 appears to have been the first European to give the matter marked attention, .although a recent French writer(7) mentions an ice epidemic at “ Eveshem,” in 1882, of which we have found no other account. Duclaux enlarged at length upon the danger from ice, especially the artificial ice made in Paris from the water of certain highly polluted canals. In 1893 Professor Riche(6) made a long report to the Conscil d'hyqihie et de salubrite de la Seine upon the dangers to the inhabitants of Paris from the sale of highly polluted ice. He quoted a letter from Pasteur as follows: “ Le docteur Roux vous a dit son opinion, et c’est aussi la mienne, que toute eau impropre a la boisson l’est egalement pour preparer, en hiver, de la glace pour 1’alimentation. Les microbes inoffensifs ou pathogenes resistent presque tons a des temperatures meme tres basses.” M. Riche showed that much of the Paris ice came from contaminated sources, and recommended strong legal restrictions upon its sale. Finally, Dr. Dorange, in the Revue d' described a supposed ice-epidemic of typhoid fever at the military post of Rennes in the autumn of 1895. Eight lieutenants of the regiment there stationed were taken ill between the twelfth and the twenty-fifth of December. The fact that these officers did not habitually live in common but had all been present at a regimental banquet upon the fourth of December, pointed to that occasion as the moment of infection. The higher officers dined in a separate room, and used no water but the town supply, which was excel- lent. The lieutenants, on the other hand, drank a “ tisane ” of champagne mixed with chilled water. The man who provided this claimed that it also was derived from the regular town-supply. The fact that the town water could be obtained by him only from a considerable distance and under strict police regulations, led Dr. Dorange to suspect that he had made use of the water in a reservoir which stood in the room 474 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. where he cooled his decanters and which received the meltings from his stock of ice. The ice supply of the town was considered highly polluted. The additional facts are cited that the menus of the different classes of officers were the same, and that certain of the petty officers who did not drink from the “ tisane ” but made use of beer instead, escaped the disease. Altogether it appears probable that the milder intestinal disorders, caused by mere decomposing organic matter and not by specific germs, have at times been caused by polluted ice. The Rye Beach epidemic was carefully and thoroughly studied, and leads directly to that conclusion. With respect to typhoid fever the case is different. The only ice-epidemic of typhoid fever which has come to our notice, viz., that at Rennes, rests on a doubtful chain of circumstances, and lacks the con- firmation of a complete exclusion of all possible factors other than ice. We have been unable, then, to find any conclusive evidence that typhoid fever has been caused by polluted ice-supply. A number of English epidemics of typhoid fever, more or less clearly traced to ice-cream, should be noticed here, although the conditions are quite different from those which obtain in the case of ice. The first of these epidemics occurred in the English sanitary districts of Greenwich and Rotherhithe in 1892.(8) During the last week of September and the two months next following 511 cases were reported, the beginning of the attack in 15 per cent of the cases falling on October 1 and in 57 per cent of the cases falling in the fortnight preceding October 3. A remarkably large piopoi tion of the victims were young children. The water supply and sewerage of the four separate foci of infection were different and apparently all in good condi- tion. The milk supply of the households attacked came from seven dairy farms, and in many cases consisted only of condensed milk. Suspicion was then directed to the ice-cream sold by Italians from barrows in the street. A careful canvass of one neighborhood in which 56 cases of typhoid fever had occurred showed that 924 persons lived in houses where ices had not been eaten, 232 lived in houses where ices had been obtained from shops, and 395 in houses where ices had been obtained from a certain ice-cream vendor. All the cases of typhoid fever were in this latter class. A detailed examination of the cases in all the infected areas showed that 88.9 per cent of the sufferers had eaten ices, and that, of these, 91.4 per cent had obtained their supply from ten Italian vendors living in a certain Mill Lane, of whom one was the dealer above mentioned. The sanitary conditions in Mill Lane were found to be abominable ; and in the family of one of the purveyors of ice-cream two children had sickened with typhoid fever on July 29 and August 5 respectively. SEDOWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPIIOII) FEVER; 475 An epidemic of typhoid fever which attacked over 800 persons in the county of Renfrew, in Scotland, in 1803, was attributed by Dr. A. C. Munro partly to ice-cream and partly to the public water-supply.(9) Out of the first 180 cases G3 were shown to have eaten ice-cream prepared by a dealer in whose family a case of typhoid fever had occurred during the previous month. The patient had been in intimate contact with the ice-cream business during the greater part of her illness. Vaughan and Perkins, in 1895,(10) ascribed two epidemics of severe, but not fatal, intestinal disease to a new pathogenic bacillus which they isolated from ice-cream in one case and from cheese in the other. The germ belonged to the colon group, and the authors note that neither twenty-nine days of continuous freezing nor alternate freezing and thawing could destroy its vitality. I)r. Hope, in 1898,(,1) studied an epidemic affecting 27 school children in Liverpool in which the only clue appeared to be the presence of all the patients at a fair just at the time of infection. Here 24 of the children had eaten ice-cream and two more had partaken of “chip” potatoes sold by an Italian in whose house there had been two cases of typhoid fever. In these cases of infection from ice-cream there is, of course, no certainty that the disease germs were actually frozen. The possibility of contamination from spoons, vessels, and the hands of the vendor might easily account for all the phenomena. Even if the infection was really carried in the ice-cream the exposure to a low temperature must have been a relatively short one. The same reasoning applies to the famous Plymouth, Pa., epidemic of typhoid fever. This little mining town had 1200 cases of the disease and 130 deaths among its 8000 inhabitants in 1885, and the investigation(12) clearly traced the infection to the dejecta of a single typhoid fever patient which were thrown out on the snow on the banks of the brook supplying the town with water, and which had been washed in by the first general thaw of the spring. It may easily have been that the discharges thrown out during the day or two preceding the thaw were never really frozen at all. In any case the conditions affecting germs imbedded in a solid mass of rich food material are quite different from those which obtain in the formation of ice upon a stream or pond. B. BACTERIA IN NATURAL ICE, SNOW, AND HAIL, AND IN ICE-CREAM. In spite of the absence of epidemiological evidence, it has been the common opinion of sanitarians that ice might lie an important source of infection for typhoid fever or any other germ disease. Its apparent purity was shown by the earliest bacteriologists to be deceptive. Burdon-Sanderson,(13) in 1871, found that liquid 476 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. culture media showed bacterial growth when inoculated with melted ice or with snow. In the next year, Cohn (14) described experiments in which nutrient solutions containing bacteria were not sterilized by exposure to a temperature ranging as low as —18° C. for about 6 hours or by a temperature with a minimum of —7° C. for 18 hours. Professor Joseph Leidy, in 1884,(15) exhibited, at a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, snow water derived from melted ice, containing not only Infusoria but also Rotifers and Worms. Pohl, in the same year,(16) recorded the finding of many bacteria in snow and ice, 110 per centimeter in Neva ice, and 20,774 in one sample of bubbly ice. He also found bacteria in falling snow, the number decreasing with the continuation of the storm. A report on the ice supply of the city of Syracuse(17) was made to the New York Board of Health in 1886 in which the presence of a great number of bacteria was noted in ice from Onondaga Lake and the Erie Canal. In 1888 Breunig(18) found 1310-2760 germs in ice, and Kowalski09' analyzed sixty samples of natural ice, and found from 10 to 1000 germs per cubic centimeter, no sample being sterile. Still another paper was published at this period, 1888-89, by Heyroth,(20J who studied the Berlin ice-supply, and, in 25 samples, found from 2 to 133,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter, the highest figures corresponding to chemical analyses which showed the most marked pollution. An elaborate report was made by the State Board of Health of Massachusetts in 1889,(21) in which 238 samples of natural ice from the ponds and streams of this State were analyzed bacteriologically. The figures for ice from different portions of the cake were as follows : — Number of Samples. Bacteria per c.c. Maximum. Minimum. Average. Transparent Ice 27 893 0 105 Clear Ice 75 370 0 15 Bubbly Ice 113 1950 0 111 Snow Ice 23 2968 0 622 A “Lancet” analytical sanitary commission made an examination of some ice sold in London in 1893, and found that while all the specimens gave good chemical analyses, two out of the six examined contained 400 to 700 bacteria per cubic centime ter.(22) Girard and Bordas,23) published some startling analyses of the Paris ice-supply also in 1893. They found a minimum of 23,000 colonies and a maximum of 100,000 colonies per cubic centimeter, including the Bacillus coli communis and a patho- SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 477 genic vibrio. These quantitative results are so large as to suggest that the sam- ples were probably not planted promptly after melting. Christomonas(24) has recently studied artificial ice, and reports that when water containing 71 bacteria per centimeter was frozen, 450 germs per centimeter were found in the central core and 8-10 in the clear ice at the sides. The bacteria of snow and hail have also received considerable attention. Soon after the work of Pohl,(I6) Janowsky<26) made analyses of old and of freshly fallen snow in the neighborhood of Kiew, and found bacteria in both, less in the former than in the latter. Schmelk(26) studied the bacterial life in the snow of a Norwegian glacier and in the chill streams flowing therefrom ; and in a later paper(27) he recorded small numbers in both snow and ice at Christiania. Bujwid(2K) found 21,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter in the analysis of a melted hail-stone; and Foutin(29) in Russia obtained similar, though smaller, figures. Giacosa(30) found bacteria present in small numbers in snow lying at an elevation of 3800 meters above the sea, and Abbott(31) noted 703 colonies per cubic centi- meter in hail. Dominguez,(32) in 1892, published a paper on the bacterial content of hail; and finally, Scofone,(33) who accompanied a scientific expedition to Monte Rosa in 1894-95, recorded the presence of small numbers of bacteria in melted snow obtained from high altitudes. In the following year he gave the results of some examinations made on a plateau 2460 meters above the sea, which confirmed his previous conclusion that the bacteria in the deeper layers of the snow were somewhat more numerous than in the superficial layers.(34) The number of bacteria present in ice-cream has been shown at times to be enormous. Klein(35) found the germ content of London ice-cream very high, and B. coli communis frequently present. Nield-Cook(3,) recorded from 5,000,000 to 14,000,000 germs per cubic centimeter in ice-cream from the same source, the majority being colon bacilli. Stevenson(37) testified, at the trial of an Italian ice- cream vendor, that he had found over 4000 germs per cubic centimeter, of which three proved to be B. coli communis. Wilkinson(38) reached similar results, and quoted, without reference, the following results of other observers: — Macfadyen 119,000 — 7,000,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Kanthack 8,000,000 - 13,000,000 “ “ « “ Foulerton 500,000 - 7,000,000 « “ “ “ In this connection it may be interesting to note the very small numbers of bacteria present in the air and water of the Arctic regions. Nystrom (39) discovered this fact in 1868 by the exposure of a number of flasks of putrescible matter, after the 478 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. manner of Pasteur. Couteaud(4W) found but one colony in 19 flasks exposed to Arctic air, the experiment being carried on, however, on the open sea, so that the result is not surprising. He also found but few species present in some analyses of water and of soil. In the Nansen expedition the poverty of the bacterial flora of the air was noted. Finally, Dr. Levin(41) of Stockholm made an elaborate study of the subject with the Natthorst expedition. In 21,600 liters of air examined at twenty different places 3 germs alone were found, all in one sample. In sea water, at the sur- face, 11 germs per centimeter occurred, belonging apparently to two characteristic species. Fresh water and melted ice and snow gave similar small numbers. Samples from considerable depths in the ocean showed somewhat higher numbers than were obtained at the surface. Finally, tests of the alimentary canals of various Arctic animals and birds showed many of them to be completely sterile. C. EXPERIMENTS ON THE EFFECT OF FREEZING AND OTHER LOW TEMPERATURES UPON THE VIABILITY OF BACTERIA. Laboratory experiments have confirmed the conclusion, drawn from the examina- tion of natural ice, that freezing is by no means always fatal to germ life. Von Frisch(42) froze putrefying solutions and reduced the frozen mass to a temperature of —87* C., and after some hours found that sterilization had not ensued. Pictet »and Young(43) subjected bouillon cultures of several species to a tempera- ture below —70 C. for 108 hours, during twenty hours of which time the temperature was below —130°. After this treatment B. anthracis and the bacillus of “ charbon symptomatique ” were alive and virulent; B. subtilis and B. ulna grew readily; half the inoculations made from the cultures of two species of micrococci grew and half did not. Finkler and Prior(44) stated that the vibrio described by them could survive a temperature of —4* C. for many days. McKendrick,(45) in a communication to the British Association in 1885, noted that putrescible liquids were not sterilized by a temperature of C. Forster(4r,) found that the phosphorescent bacteria which he isolated from fish preserved by cold storage grew vigorously at 0° C. Fischer(47) isolated 5 species of bacteria from the water of the harbor at Kiel, and 9 other forms from the soil, all capable of multiplying at 0°. In the research already cited,(20) Hey- roth froze gelatine stick-cultures of various species for from seven to ten days, and then placed them once more under favorable conditions; out of 30 species, thus treated, 25 showed growth, though 5 of these had partially lost their liquefying power. D’Arsonval,(48) in 1891, recommended liquefied carbonic acid for use in steriliz- ing organic extracts, and stated that when the treatment is prolonged, especially SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 479 if broken by a return to 40 for a time, “ nothing living can resist it,” but his own and other later researches showed the error of this conclusion. Forster, in 1892,(49) examined various natural waters, foods, wastes, sweepings, and soils for bacteria capable of growth at 0 , and found a few such forms in water, earth, and street sweepings. When present at all they occurred in great numbers. Forster also demonstrated the multiplication of bacteria and the progress of decomposition in butcher’s meat chopped up and kept in an ice calorimeter. Fischer(50) noted that Miller’s vibrio and the vibrio of Finkler and Prior could withstand a freezing tempera- ture for some days. Pictet, in 1893,<51) studied the effect of cold on plants and animals of the most widely separated classes. Of the bacteria he subjected 30 to 35 species to tempera- tures ranging as low as —200 C. by immersing them in liquid air, but the viability of the germs used appeared unaffected after “ prolonged ” treatment of this sort. D’Arsonval and Charrin(52) subjected cultures of Bacillus pyocyaneus to a temperature of —40 to —60 C. with the result that, in six out of eight instances, the germs remained alive. In another paper(63) these authors mentioned that Bacillus pyocyaneus after exposure to —40 , -60, and —95 C. exhibited profound changes in morphology and physiology. For some generations the descendants of the frozen germs showed elongated, ovoid, and other abnormal forms, and their colonies on gelatine were also of unusual character. Weber(54) noted that Hofer’s bacillus, producing a contagious disease among Crustacea, can endure a temperature of —40 C. for four hours, as well as repeated thawings and freezings. Professor Mason(56) recorded the exposure of cultures of “ordinary bacteria” to the temperature of solid carbon dioxide for many hours without causing their destruction. Still more recently Ravenel(6C) submitted cultures of the anthrax, diphtheria, and typhoid bacilli, and of Bacillus prodigiosus to the temperature of liquid air, 191 below zero Centigrade, for periods of three hours, thirty minutes, one hour, and one hour respectively ; in no case could any weakening of the vegetative power of the culture be detected. Besides Pictet and Young(43) and Ravenel(5C) a number of other observers have tested the effect of low temperatures upon specific pathogenes. Cadeac and Malet(67) found that tuberculous matter kept frozen for four months still produced charac- teristic symptoms in guinea pigs. In some work on the spores and vegetative forms of Bacillus anthracis carried out by one of the Franklands and Dr. Templeman,(68) it was found that a single freezing at —20 C. reduced the numbers present in water from 480 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 15,000 to 3500 per cubic centimeter, and after 29 successive freezings, extending over a period of three months, 3000 germs per centimeter could still develop. Evi- dently the vegetative forms were killed by one freezing, and the spores, not at all. Another culture which was spore-free showed reduction from 8000 germs per centimeter to 2 per centimeter after one freezing, sterilization following the second freezing. Gabritschewsky, Wladimiroff, and Kressling and Gladin quoted by Kasansky(59) found that the plague germ could bear an artificial cold of —22° C. for two hours and natural cold ranging from 0° to —20° C. for from twelve to forty days. Kasansky himself in 1897-98 made some interesting experiments on the resistance of the specific organisms of plague and diphtheria against cold. The cultures were placed outside the window of the laboratory at Kasan, sheltered from light but exposed to the winter’s cold, which ranged from a maximum of 5° C. to —34 C. Bouillon cultures of the plague germ showed life after thirty-two days ; four months’ exposure sterilized most of the tubes, but in one case growth was obtained after six months. Of the agar cultures tested some died in four months, and others contained living germs after five months and a half. Sixteen bouillon tubes of the diphtheria bacillus were kept for six months under similar conditions, and one tube only showed growth at the end of that time ; two of the others, however, still gave positive results on the fifty-third and one hundred and eighteenth day, respectively. Abel(60) exposed cultures of the diphtheria germ on blood serum and on dried threads to the winter’s cold at Greifswald, and compared them with cultures kept in the room in the same condition. The first race used persisted on the blood serum for the whole period of eighty-six days both in the room and out of doors, although in the second case the growth obtained was meagre after the fiftieth day. The dried germs had disappeared by the sixty-eighth day out of doors and by the seventy- fourth indoors. Of the second race the serum culture remained alive in the room all through the experiment; the frozen one showed no growth after the seventy- fourth day. The threads gave living germs up to the seventy-fourth day in-doors and up to the fifty-sixth day out-doors. The thread** of the third race gave precisely the same result; the serum cultures kept in the room gave vigorous growths up to the end of the experiment, while only two colonies developed from the inoculation of the frozen tube. The out-door temperature during the experiment varied from 12° C. to -20° C. With regard to the behavior of the typhoid bacillus in ice, there is more evidence available. Dr. Carl Seitz(G1) noted in 1886 that cultures of this organism in gelatine, bouillon, and milk were not rendered sterile by the continuance of a temperature SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 481 below 3 C., .although the growth on gelatine at the low temperature was very much retarded. Dr. Hillings, in this country,(62) described a single experiment in which five cubic centimeters of sterile water were inoculated with the typhoid germ and frozen by the out-door cold. On the next day the frozen mass was thawed, and three gelatine tubes and one agar tube were inoculated with portions of it. Three of the four tubes showed typical growths. Chantemesse and Widal(63 recorded the freezing of bouillon cultures of the same microbe without sterilization. Bash enow(C4) stated that typhoid germs survived exposure for thirteen days to a temperature between —8’ and —15 C. Janowsky published in 1890 some very extended researches(66) in which he used pure cultures of the typhoid bacillus in bouillon and froze them by means of ice and salt, ice and chloride of calcium or carbon dioxide and ether. He made no quantitative estimations ; but bouillon frozen by each of the above methods could still produce growth in Esmarch roll-tubes. Janowsky tried also the effect of successive freezings, using1 the calcium-chloride mixture. After the culture had solidified, it was left in o the freezing mixture for fifteen minutes, then thawed in a water bath at 25°—30 C., a sample taken, and the cycle repeated. This was done three times a day ; and during the night the culture was kept at 2°—5° C. After twelve such freezings sterilization had not been accomplished; the development of the frozen bacilli was, however, much retarded. To imitate more closely the conditions in nature, Janowsky placed a bouillon culture and two flasks in which were threads bearing the germ in a dried condition, in a wire cage out of doors. Four sets of experiments were conducted, in three of which periods of seven, ten, and twelve days, respectively, did not suffice for sterilization. In the fourth set of cultures the bouillon tube showed no growth after nineteen days; the minimum temperature during the period had been—17 C. and the maximum 4 , the culture thawing and freezing three times. Finally, among ex- periments on the typhoid bacillus must be mentioned a remarkable paper by Rem- linger,(6C) in which he states that he used a culture of B. typhi of such virulence that .5 c.c. would kill a guinea pig in 3G-48 hours. He took agar cultures of this germ out of the incubator every two or three hours to immerse them in water, cooled down to 22°—23°, for ten minutes. After ten days of this treatment the cultures had entirely lost their virulence, and after thirty-five days their power of growth as well. The author does not state whether control experiments were made or not. Even more extensive is the literature with respect to the effect of cold on the cholera vibrio. Koch, the discoverer of the organism, stated that it was not destroyed by a temperature of-10° C. in ten hours.(C7) Raptschewski(68) found that cholera germs could endure for a month severe cold, ranging as low as -15° C., but that a tempera- 482 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. ture of 21 C. was fatal. Von Babes *fl9) succeeded in keeping a series of agar cultures of the vibrio alive, though exposed to the cold of a Berlin winter (1884-85) ranging as low as —14° C. In the year 1893 no less than eight papers were published dealing with the relation of the cholera germ to cold. Schruff(70) found that a broth culture made from fresh choleraic faeces was not sterilized by eight months’ exposure to the winter’s cold ranging as low as—12.5° C. Finkelnburg(71) noted that cultures of an old laboratory race were killed out in ten days, while cultures of fresher races were not. Karschinski(72) stated that a cholera culture with which he worked was sterilized in four days by an average cold of —12.7° C. with a minimum of —17.6° C. Renk(73) froze the germs in sterilized river water at —5° C. to —7° C. and kept the flasks at that tem- perature, removing one each day for examination. Growth resulting from the melted ice was tested by cover-glass examination and by the Indol reaction. After five days’ uninterrupted freezing the cholera germs disappeared, but when the period was broken by the melting of the contents of a flask for analysis and its re-freezing, a little longer period was necessary. When unsterilized river water was inoculated and frozen, the bacteria present fell off from 1,483,000 per centimeter to 62,445 in twenty-four hours, and to 4480 after three days. The cholera germs in this case could not be de- tected after seventy-two hours, and in one case not after thirty-nine hours. Uffelmann (74) found that cholera germs died out in five days at—15.5° C. and in three days at —24.8° C. Wnukow,(75) on the other hand, stated that gelatine stick cultures of the same micro- organism were subjected for forty days to an outdoor temperature between —lc C. and —32° C. without sterilization. Double thawing and freezing also failed to destroy their power of growth. Montefusco(76) tested the pathogenicity of chilled cholera cultures for guinea pigs, and recorded that a temperature of —10° to —15° C. entirely destroyed their virulence in half an hour, while a temperature between 0° and -5° only weakened it. Cultivation at 37.5° soon restored the powers of the germs, but in the chilled and attenuated condition they produced a state of immunity in the animals injected. Abel(77) also mentions experiments in which cholera vibrios frozen in bouillon died out completely in from three to eight days. Kasansky,(78) in 1894, found that cholera cultures withstood for four months the winter’s cold at Kasan, where the temperature fell to — 31.8 C. One culture gave growth after twenty days of freezing. Some were thawed and refrozen as many as twelve times. After longer exposure, for five months, the cultures gave no growth. Kasansky demonstrated nearly as great a resistance to cold in the case of the vibrios of Finkler-Prior, Miller, Deneke, and MetschnikofF. Finally, some light was thrown on the discordant results of previous observers by the work of Weiss,(79) who inoculated tubes of broth and water from SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 483 the Spree with cholera cultures and froze them, thawing, sampling, and refreezing the tubes daily. In broth the germs persisted for twenty-one days, but in river water only for five days, the addition of a little broth to the water prolonging the time to eight days. Fresh intestinal contents of a cholera patient showed no vibrios after two or three freezings.1 From this long series of experiments it is evident that sterilization of rich cultures of bacteria cannot always be secured by the action of even very extreme cold. Hence the conclusion was drawn that the freezing of water could not be trusted at all to remove its bacterial impurities. There are, however, two objections to this line of reasoning. In the first place, the effect of cold on germs suspended in water may differ materially from its action on similar organisms when in a richly nutrient medium. In the second place, even if sterilization does not result from freez- ing in cultures containing millions of bacteria, it is conceivable that such a large proportion of the microbes may perish as to render very slender the chance of danger from ice formed under natural conditions. Experiments have shown that easily detected germs like B. prodigiosus can pass through a sand filter when applied to the surface in large numbers under certain conditions; yet a sand filter, in prac- tice, is regarded as an efficient protection. A quantitative determination of the per- centage reduction actually effected by freezing is required before drawing conclusions as to the sanitary significance of ice-supply in relation to the public health. I). QUANTITATIVE STUDIES UPON THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA BY FREEZING AND OTHER LOW TEMPERATURES. The quantitative studies of Frankland (58) on B. anthracis, of Renk (73) on river- water bacteria, and of Christomonas,(24) on artificial ice, have already been mentioned. Work on the disappearance of bacteria in the freezing of natural water had, however, been undertaken at a much earlier period. Pengra,(80) in 1884, made an actual microscopic count of the organisms present, working with bacteria (species not stated), and other micro-organisms from decomposing meat juice, infusion of hay, and stag- nant pools. His freezing was done by the winter’s cold, and his figures were obtained by counting the contents of ten drops and taking an average. He found 1 Macfadyen (Lancet, I, 1900, p. 849) has recently exposed cultures of Bacillus typhi, Bacillus coli commu- nis, Bacillus diphtheria!, Spirillum choleric asiaticae, Bacillus proteus vulgaris, Bacillus acidi lactici, Bacillus anthra- cis (spore hearing), Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Bacillus phosphorescens, and Photobacterium balticum in solid and liquid cultures to the temperature of liquid air (-182° C. to -190° C.), for twenty hours without sterilization and without impairing the properties of the organisms in any degree. Macfadyen and Rowland (Lancet, Vol. I, 1900, p. 1130) treated the same organisms in broth emulsions in fine quill tubes with liquid air for seven days with the same results, except that a slightly delayed growth was noticed in some instances. 484 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. in the upper part of the ice 16 bacteria; in the lower part, only partially frozen, 250 ; in the upper and lower parts of a duplicate unfrozen vessel of water, ICO and 170, respectively. He obtained similar results with three of Infusoria, and concluded that 90 per cent of the organisms were removed by freezing. His experi- ments appear, however, to show crystallization effects principally. The first careful work on this subject was done by Fraenkel in Berlin.(81) He collected river water, and after planting samples, froze them artificially at —8 to —12° C., thawing after different periods. In two days 83 per cent of the water bacteria present were killed ; in three days 99 per cent; in five days, 90 per cent; in six days, 80 per cent; in six days, in another case, 93 per cent; and in nine days, 99 per cent. The different samples evidently varied greatly. Fraenkel also analyzed the regular Berlin ice-supply, and got results ranging from 21 to 9700 bacteria per cubic centimeter. He concluded that the ice was highly polluted and should not be taken into the system. About the same time Wolff huegel and Riedel(82) gave an account of some experiments in which flasks of tap-water were kept in the ice-chest without freezing, and showed the following reductions: after one day, from 148 germs per cubic centimeter to 126 and from 150 to 115; after two days, from 123 to 69 and from 158 to 101 ; after three days, from 123 to 29 and from 156 to 33. In 1887 Dr. Prudden of New York published the most exhaustive review hitherto attempted of the subject of quantitative reduction, and the first in which specific pathogenic germs were used.(83) His tubes, in the experiments with the latter organisms, were inoculated from pure cultures and frozen at —10° to —1 C., and his results were as follows, the numbers in each case referring to bacteria per cubic centimeter : — B. prodigiosus. In water, 6300; in ice after 4 days, 2970 ; after 37 days, 22; after 51 days, 0. Proteus vulgaris. In water, 8320 ; in ice after 18 days, 88 ; 51 days, 0. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. In water, innumerable ; in ice after 18 days, 224,598; 20 days, 46,486; 54 days, 34,320; 66 days, 49,280. Species unnamed. In water, innumerable ; in ice after 4 days, 571,450 ; 11 days, 520,520; 51 days, 183,040; 65 days, 10,978; 77 days, 85,008. Species unnamed. In water, 800,000; in ice after 7 days, 0. B. typhi. In water, innumerable; in ice after 11 days, 1,019,403; 27 days, 336,457; 42 days, 89,796; 69 days, 24,276; 77 days, 72,930; 103 days, 7348. Same. In water, 378,000; in ice after 12 hours, 164,780; after 3 days, 236,676; 5 days, 21,416; 8 days, 76,032. Dr. Prudden then made certain experiments to determine the effect of alternate SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 485 freezing and thawing, and obtained the following results- The tubes were here im- mersed in ice and salt at —20 C. B. TYPHI. In water . . . 40,89(5 Frozen 24 hours 29,780 Refrozen 3 times 90 “ 3 days 1,800 “ 5 “ 0 “ 4 “ 950 “ 6 “ 0 “ 5 “ 2,490 “ 6 “ 0 B. PRODIGIOSUS. In water . . . 339,516 Frozen 24 hours 36,410 llefrozen once 2,570 “ 30 “ 41,580 “ 2 times 275 “ 48 “ 14,440 “ 3 “ 15 “ 96 “ 4,850 “ 4 “ 0 STAPHYLOCOCCUS PYOGENES AUREUS. In water . . . 111,782 Frozen 15 minutes 52,500 “ 2 hours 21,300 “ 24 “ 22,690 Refrozen once 13,495 “ 48 “ 6,460 “ 3 times 110 “ 96 “ 6,155 “ 4 “ 0 Dr. Prudden found that, with fresh, active agar cultures of this stapli37lococcus 49,280 germs remained alive, out of innumerable germs originally present, after sixty days; when cultures from old and dried agar were used, 162,000 germs dis- appeared entirely after five days. He ultimately drew the following conclusions from these experiments with pathogenic germs: 1. Many bacteria are killed by freez- ing. 2. The vitality of the original culture affects the number so killed. 3. The number killed varies with the species. 4. The number killed increases as the time of freezing is prolonged. 5. The resistance to cold varies with the individual bac- terium. G. Alternate freezing and thawing is very generally fatal. Dr. Prudden also froze natural waters with their native bacteria for varying periods, and obtained somewhat similar results. lie analyzed 270 samples of New York ice, and found an average of 2033 bacteria per cubic centimeter. The numbers were highest in the upper layers of snow ice and bubbly ice, and in ice cut in the immediate vicinity of Albany, falling off rapidly in ice five or six miles down the river. He concluded that this highly polluted ice probably contained the germs of typhoid fever and should not be taken into the human body. 486 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Later in the same year Bordoni-Uffreduzzi(84) published a paper in which he took issue with Prudden on several points. He contended that the changes of temperature in the latter’s experiments were too abrupt, that the resistance of the germs worked with had been weakened by cultivation on artificial media, and that the effect had been abnormally severe on account of the small size of the tubes frozen. He himself analyzed the natural water in one of the municipal basins of Berlin, just before a frost, and then kept a large lump of the ice in a double-walled zinc chest, break- ing off samples for analysis every month. He found that about 90 per cent of the bacteria were killed, and thought the duration of the freezing did not make any material difference. His results, of course, varied very widely on account of the unequal distribution of the bacteria in the ice. Russell(85) a little later made similar experiments at Madison, Wisconsin, in which he found that the ice formed on Lake Mendota contained about 40 per cent of the germs present in the water itself. A report already cited(21) was made by the State Board of Health of Massachusetts in 1889 in which ice from fifty-eight sources was analyzed in comparison with the water on which it had formed. Averaging all results, there were 81 per cent as many bacteria present in the snow ice as in the water, 10 per cent in all the rest of the ice, and only 2 per cent in the clear ice. In the report of the Board for the next year,(86) Mr. Hiram F. Mills noted an isolated but significant experiment in which sterilized tap water was inoculated with the typhoid germ, kept in a bottle surrounded by ice and sampled at intervals. The results were as follows: — Day Number of Typhoid Bacilli. Day Number of Typhoid Bacilli. 1 . . . .... 6120 15 . . . .... 100 5 . . . .... 3100 20 . . . 17 10 . . . .... 490 25 . . . .... 0 Taken altogether, more exact studies confirm the rough estimate of Pengra that some 90 per cent of ordinary water bacteria are eliminated by the process of freezing. As to the percentage reduction of specific pathogenes and, in partic- ular, of the typhoid bacillus, probably the only form of great practical importance, the evidence is very meagre. The only results hitherto, as far as we have been able to discover, which fix quantitatively the effect of cold on this organism, are the three experiments of Dr. Prudden and the single experiment of the biologists of the Massachusetts State Board of Health. These certainly appear to form a slender basis for conclusions relative to the importance of ice-supply as a possible source of typhoid fever. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVEK. 487 111. EXPERIMENTS I1Y THE AUTHORS ON THE EFFECT OF COLD UPON THE BACILLI OF TYPHOID FEVER. A. EXPERIMENTS ON THE PERCENTAGE REDUCTION OF TYPHOID FEVER BACILLI EFFECTED BY FREEZING FOR DIFFERENT PERIODS OF TIME. Methods Employed. The following investigation was undertaken in order to so extend and amplify the work of Prudden as to obtain some idea of the average fatality occurring among typhoid bacilli in ice, and of the special conditions which affect such fatality. Pure cultures alone were used, as it is obvious that figures, to be of much value, must be determined separately for each specific germ. Great pains were taken to preserve, as far as possible, the vigor of the culture used, and new cultures from recent post-mortem examinations were obtained at intervals during the work. Finally, a large number of determinations were made for each set of conditions, in order to obtain average results free from the errors which may beset any individual case. Our experiments on the percentage reduction effected by freezing were carried on by freezing small tubes of infected water, as only in this way can the con- ditions of the experiment be rigidly controlled. Ordinary test-tubes, containing about 10 cubic centimeters of sterilized tap water, were inoculated from a two or three day bouillon culture, and duplicate samples were at once planted. The ten tubes of the set under experiment were then placed in a double-walled tin vessel in which they were to be frozen. The inner vessel was a cylinder about 8 inches deep, nearly fdled with a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and 95 per cent alcohol; in this solution the tubes were immersed, being supported by a disc per- forated with holes to receive them. The solution served to make the lowering of temperature equal and gradual, and also acted as an antiseptic when the tubes broke, which sometimes happened when they contained too much water, or when the temperature went down too rapidly. In the outer vessel, which was jacketed with felt, was placed cracked ice which reduced the temperature of the glycerine-alcohol mixture to about 10—15 C. in from an hour to an hour and a half. The ice was then replaced by a mixture of ice and salt which completed the freezing 488 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPIIOID FEVER. in a half or three-quarters of an hour more. The time occupied by the whole process of freezing is recorded in the tabulation of each experiment. The tem- perature, in the first set of experiments with “ Race A,” was observed by means of three mercury thermometers inserted in different parts of the liquid, and at the time when the tubes froze the thermometers registered 6 —7 below zero, C. In later experiments the temperature was observed by means of a minimum regis- tering spirit thermometer fastened to the inside of the cover of the inner cylinder, which recorded the temperature of the air just above the liquid in which the tubes were immersed. Partly on this account and probably partly because of its greater quickness of response, this thermometer gave lower records than did the mercury instruments in the first experiments. The readings of the spirit thermometer are given in the tables for each set of tubes. As soon as the tubes froze, they were removed from the freezer and either thawed at once or kept frozen in an ice-chest for a few hours, or placed in a cold-storage ware- house where they were kept for the longer periods at a temperature one or two degrees below zero, C. After the frozen condition had been maintained for the de- sired length of time, the contents of the tubes were thawed, shaken up, and sampled, again in duplicate. As a rule the samples taken from the thawed tubes were planted directly, while those made before freezing were diluted, one to ten, with sterilized water. All plates, for these quantitative determinations, were planted with common nutrient agar-agar, containing 1.25 per cent agar, 1.00 per cent Witte’s peptone, and .25 per cent salt, and having an acidity equal to 1.50 per cent. As the counts to be made were chiefly comparative, agar was preferred to any other medium, on account of its freedom from liquefaction. The plates were allowed to develop at the room temperature except in certain special cases to be noted later. Those made from the unfrozen water showed their maximum growth in three days and were counted after that interval. Those made from the thawed ice, however, were found to develop more slowly ; for them five days was generally found sufficient, although after the longer periods of freezing as much as ten days was sometimes allowed. The plates were finally counted with the aid of a hand lens. In many of the sets of experiments a control tube was included, which was treated just like the others except that it was not inoculated. Each series of tubes includes two lots of eight or ten each, frozen on two different days. The cultures were grown in bouillon (containing 1.00 per cent peptone, .25 per cent salt, and 1.00 per cent acid), and were changed twice or three times a week. In the earlier experiments the tubes were inoculated from a culture grown at the room SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 489 temperature, itself inoculated from one grown at 37.5 C. In the later work the cul- tures were all kept at the room temperature. When experiments made on the culture obtained in November, 1898, gave results somewhat different from those given by the culture used in February, it was decided that still a third culture from a different source must be compared with the first two. The results showed that the descendants of these different stocks exhibited slight though constant and persistent differences in their reaction to cold. We have called the cultures derived from these original sources “ Races,” for physiological races they apparently must be considered. The first culture used, Race A, was obtained from the Boston City Hospital as a forty-hour-old blood-serum culture on February 23, 1898. Unfortunately, the history and tests applied to this culture in the Hospital were not recorded, beyond the fact that it had been isolated from an autopsy about two weeks previously, by the usual differential methods. Race B was obtained by the kindness of Dr. M. W. Richardson of the Massachu- setts General Hospital in the middle of November, 1898, with the following history. It had been isolated from the spinal canal, in a case of typhoid meningitis. It gave typical reactions in media as follows: bouillon, very motile; litmus milk, no coagulurn, slight acid production; sugar-agar, no gas; peptone solution, no indol ; gelatine slant stab, typical growth, no liquefaction ; arsenic bouillon (Thoinot), no growth ; Capaldi- Proskauer sol. No. 1, no growth ; potato, no visible growth ; tube medium of His, clouding without gas production ; typhoid serum, perfect reaction. Race C was obtained, January 14, 1899, by the courtesy of Dr. Pratt of the Boston City Hospital. It had been isolated, December 30, from the peritoneal cavity in a case of peritonitis following typhoid fever. It gave typical growths on the ordinary media, gelatine, bouillon, and glycerin-agar; it was motile in the hanging drop; it gave no indol and no gas in glucose solution ; it was decolorized by the Gram method and reacted to typhoid serum. Race D was isolated in the laboratory of the City Hospital, March 26, 1899, from the urethra. It was identified by the same tests used for Race C. Results Obtained. The percentage reductions recorded in the subjoined tables (pp. 492-498), sum- marized in final form, are as follows: — 490 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. PERCENTAGE REDUCTION OBSERVED IN EXPERIMENTS ON THE VIABILITY OF TYPHOID BACILLI IN ICE. Race A. B. c. D. Frozen 15 minutes 59.4 13.8 U 30 u 63.7 u 11 hours 32.2 (6 2 « 73.6 U 3 U 41.4 99.5 74.8 u 6 (( 77.8 97.0 u 12 u 38.6 84.4 a 15 u 98.0 u 24 u 53.8 82.7 99.0 u 3 days 98.4 99.9 u 7 (( 93.3 99.5 u 2 weeks 99.8 99.4 99.9 u 4 (( 99.8 u 8 u 99.8 u 12 u 99.8 Conclusions, 1. Evidently we may reaffirm for the bacillus of typhoid fever the first of Prudden’s conclusions as to the various pathogenes with which he worked, namely, that many bacteria are killed by freezing. After two weeks’ exposure to the freezing tempera- ture an average of considerably over 99 per cent of the germs perished. Of the 140 tubes inoculated with Races A, B, and C, and frozen for periods of two weeks and over, all but nine showed a reduction of over 99 per cent; and of the nine, all but one showed a reduction of 98 per cent or over. We may safely conclude that less than 1 per cent of the typhoid germs present in water can survive fourteen days of freezing. 2. During the first half-hour of freezing a heavy reduction takes place, amount- ing, perhaps, to 50 per cent. The tubes exposed for such short times to the un- favorable conditions exhibit a remarkable variability among themselves. In the same set one tube may show no reduction, while its neighbor is rendered almost sterile. Whether these differences are due to the varying physical conditions in the individual tubes, or to variations in the biological character of the loopful of bacteria used for inoculation, is uncertain. From the general harmony of the results obtained it appears that this factor of variability, whatever it may be, is practically eliminated by the averaging of 20 tubes. After this brief period of sudden but uncertain reduction, the destruction of the germs proceeds pretty regularly as a function of the time. Although the different races vary, there is in each race a steadily increased reduction, with slight variations, as the time of freezing is prolonged. After 14 days, even with the most resistant SEDGWICK ANI) WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 491 stock, Race B, the reduction was over 99 per cent. The reduction now proceeds, however, with increasing slowness ; the two or three germs per thousand which have survived thus far appear to possess special powers of resistance. Even after 12 weeks few of the individual tubes were rendered sterile. These results appeared so remark- able that special experiments were conducted to test their accuracy, as it was felt that perhaps the few germs developing from the thawed ice might have been intro- duced from the air, as was obviously the case in some instances. Fifty tubes of Races B and C were therefore frozen for periods of a week and a month ; plates were planted from them, with special precautions, and incubated at 37.5°; and the developing colonies were examined individually. The results, as the appended tables show (see p. 492), confirm those of the general investigation. Of the 20 tubes inoculated with Race B and frozen for a month, 10 were sterile; 9 gave one sterile plate, and one with one or two colonies of what proved to be extraneous germs; tube IV. alone gave, on one plate, 7 germs per cubic centimeter, which examination in the hanging drop, and growth on gelatine, and potato, in milk and glucose solu- tion, showed to be the original typhoid culture. So of the 30 tubes of Race C frozen for a week, 17 were sterile ; 9 showed contamination, one or two germs per plate; the other four showed 15, 4, 1, and 2G7 typhoid bacilli per cubic cen- timeter. These experiments confirm the results of those observers who froze typhoid cultures containing millions of germs without effecting sterilization. 3. Prudden's statement that the number of bacteria killed by freezing varies with the species may be extended. It is evident that within the species B. typhi abdominal is there are races, each having a power of resistance of its own, depen- dent upon its history within and without the body. A comparison of the tables for the shorter periods of freezing shows clearly that Race C succumbed with much greater readiness to the influence of cold than did Race B ; while Races A and I) occupied an intermediate position. These differences appear constant through the various sets, so that in each race the progressively increased reduction with more prolonged freezing follows a parallel course. The facts cannot, we think, be at- tributed to differences in the immediate environment of the germs; such differ- ences do produce their effect, cultivation for a time on agar, for example, causing a decrease in resistance. The last sort of change is, however, temporary and may be quickly reversed by cultivation in bouillon ; while the race differences were permanent during the period of experimentation. Correlated with them were cer- tain minor characters ; for instance, the weakest race, Race C, grew more slowly than either of the others, and took perceptibly longer to produce a definite clouding in a liquid medium. 492 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 1 8750 21 99.8 2 910 4 99.5 3 4910 1 99.9+ 4 1465 1 99.9 5 900 - — 6 2475 4 99.8 7 1260 3 99.8 8 1360 10 99.2 9 1535 1 99.9+ 10 1030 7 99.3 11 35210 0 100.0 12 22575 3 99.9+ 13 53060 1 99.9+ 14 8575 — — 15 94580 - — 10 116235 1 99.9+ 17 140175 - — 18 95725 4 99.9+ 19 4602 3 99.9 20 229950 2 99.9+ Average . . 99.8 Race A. Series I. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 21 10655 17 99.8 22 7695 42 99.4 23 3170 2 99.9 24 4265 2 99.9 25 90825 1 99.9+ 26 79625 2 99.9+ 27 5920 6 99.9 28 275 1 99.6 29 5400 1 99.9+ 30 2085 3 99.9 31 11480 2 99.9+ 32 24637 12 99.9 33 214200 9 99.9+ 34 2760 7 99.7 35 10430 113 98.9 36 32110 4 99.9+ 37 12757 7 99.9 38 26547 4 99.9+ 39 15155 8 99.9 40 19890 1 99.9+ Average . 99.8 Race A. Series II. Tubes 1-10, frozen March 2, 1898, in 1£ hours; thawed May 25, after 12 weeks. Tubes 11-20, frozen March 4, 1898,in 2 hours; thawed May 27, after 12 weeks. Tubes 21-30, frozen March 7,1808, in hours ; thawed May 2, after 8 weeks. Tubes 31-40, frozen March 12,1898, in 2\ hours; thawed May 7, after 8 weeks. Race A. Series III. Race A. Series IY. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 41 3730 6 99.8 42 7880 5 99.9 43 2810 6 99.8 44 710 7 99.0 45 4470 4 99.9 46 9626 3 99.9+ 47 10482 2 99.9+ 48 3035 12 99.6 49 2085 11 99.5 50 5710 5 99.9 61 136710 5 99.9+ 62 41230 3 99.9+ 63 82215 1 99.9+ 64 26285 5 99.9 65 22225 1 99.9+ 66 19145 3 99.9+ 67 Control Control — 68 12320 2 99.9+ 69 10850 4 99.9+ 70 10920 3 99.9+ Average . . . 99.8 Number of Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction Tube. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. per cent. 51 24640 25 99.9 52 49000 10 99.9+ 53 48930 30 99.9 54 40450 60 99.8 55 29340 30 99.9 56 282240 65 99.9+ 57 44380 110 99.7 58 132300 50 99.9+ 59 24185 25 99.9 60 93555 75 99.9 71 55650 - — 72 Control Control — 73 52395 35 99.9 74 9230 70 99.2 75 86870 60 99.9 76 46025 25 99.9 77 1740 25 98.6 78 41825 5 99.9+ 79 33155 35 99.9 80 23250 30 99.9 Average . . . 99.8 Tubes 41-50, frozen March 16,1898, in 2 hours ; thawed April 13, after weeks. Tubes 61-70, frozen March 19,1898, in hours; thawed April 16, after loeeks. Tubes 51-60, frozen March 18,1898, in 1J hours ; thawed April 1, after 2 tveeks. Tubes 71-80, frozen March 21,1898, in hours ; thawed April 4, after 2 weeks. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 493 Race A. Series V Race A. Series VI. Number of Tube. Average Nuuilier it*-term per c c Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 171 028425 48090 92.3 172 5365 2040 01.9 173 520380 8010 98.3 171 355950 122535 05.0 175 354090 3(5540 89.7 170 200010 19775 90.4 177 474390 4000 99.0 17H 402020 — — MM 3305 15 99.5 192 3300 40 98.8 19.1 103320 30 99.9+ 191 133875 275 99.8 195 348055 315315 9.6 196 40 70 0.0 197 214200 350 99.8 198 1(59155 (545 75 (51.8 Averntje . 77.8 Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 151 40775 21980 4(5.1 152 39235 17080 5(5.5 153 454(55 14770 07.5 154 2(5530 15190 42.7 155 3(5295 14385 00.4 156 10710 5110 52.3 157 23520 3800 83.8 158 1272(50 40005 08.0 181 300 15 95.0 182 51030 90(50 81.1 183 132(55 1410 89.4 181 20475 2955 85.0 185 14595 1145 92.2 186 23415 805 9(5.0 187 223(55 2915 87.0 188 22(50 — — Average . . 73.0 Tubes 171-178, frozen May 0, 1808, in 2 hours ; thawed same day, after 6‘ hours. Tubes 191-198, frozen May 13,1898, in hours ; thawed same day, after 6' hours. Tubes 151-158, frozen April 30, 1808, in 2\ hours; thawed, same day, after 2 hours. Tubes 181-188, frozen May 11, 1808, in 2$ hours; thawed same day, after 2 hours. Race A. Series VII. Race A. Series YTTT. NumlH*r of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. HI 1820 990 45.9 82 2795 40 98.6 83 1205 25 98.1 81 820 0 100.0 85 355 15 95.8 86 430 15 90.5 87 2515 2075 17.5 88 1285 0 100.0 89 755 10 98.7 90 165 5 97.0 101 25970 11340 50.3 102 11005 8015 31.3 10.1 16965 4555 73.1 101 30730 26355 14.2 105 Control Control — 100 8750 6510 25.6 107 9205 5525 . 40.0 108 9345 3380 63.8 109 20090 11410 43.2 110 14315 9170 35.9 Average . Number Average Number Bacteria i>cr c.c. Ked uction of Tube. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice per cent. 121 500220 715 99.9 122 492345 252640 48.7 123 57420 27755 51.7 124 53795 705 98.7 125 Control Control — 120 5705 955 83.2 127 124110 7175 94.2 128 77490 9800 87.3 101 33810 17640 47.9 102 270900 275940 .3 103 349020 120960 65.3 101 246645 111930 54.6 105 120775 62050 48.6 100 472500 236880 49.9 107 756550 505575 33.2 108 170100 123795 27.2 Average . 59.4 Tubes 121-128, frozen April 23, 1898, in 1J hours; thawed same day, after 15 minutes. Tubes 161-168, frozen May 4, 1898, in 1£ hours ; thawed same day, after 15 minutes. Tubes 81 90, frozen March 25,1898, in 1J hours ; thawed same day, after SO minutes. Tubes 101-110, frozen April 9, 1898, in 2 hours thawed same day, after- SO minutes. 494 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Race B. Series I. Race B. Series II. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 71 37275 462 98.8 72 45990 27 99.9 73 41685 189 99.5 74 63210 382 99.4 75 26250 773 97.1 70 34230 599 98.3 77 18800 378 98.0 78 40110 467 98.8 79 42525 613 98.6 80 50295 47 99.9 81 144325 23 99.9+ 82 108360 11 99.9+ 83 123165 8 99.9+ 84 89775 7 99.9+ 85 83790 9 99.9+ 80 58275 10 99.9+ 87 104895 21 99.9+ 88 83475 11 99.9+ 89 187110 51 99.9+ 90 56595 15 99.9+ Average . . . 99.4 Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. Ill 52605 3622 93.1 112 88200 1386 98.4 113 95235 4018 95.8 114 63065 1270 98.0 115 31080 1165 96.3 116 43470 1470 96.6 117 47040 896 98.1 118 37065 511 98.6 119 32890 441 98.7 120 54495 2935 94.6 121 10290 2373 76.9 122 54705 4106 92.5 123 69990 1466 97.9 124 21175 2993 85.9 125 45150 — 126 61005 4452 92.7 127 01950 3633 94.1 128 114030 17042 85.1 129 90090 8127 91.0 130 6650 805 87.9 Average . 93.3 Tubes 71-80, frozen December 16, 1898, in hours; thawed December 30, after 2 weeks. Minimal tempera- ture, (--14° C ). Tubes 81-90, frozen December 17, 1898 in 2 hours; thawed December 31, after 2 weeks. Minimal tempera- ture, (-8° C.). Tubes 111-120, frozen December 23, 1898, in 2 hours ; thawed December 30, after 1 week. Minimal temperature (-10° C.). Tubes 121-130, frozen December 24, 1898, in \\ hours; thawed December 31, after 1 week. Minimal temperature, (-12° C.). Race B. Series III Race B. Series IV. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 91 34965 180 99.5 92 25445 55 99.8 93 28560 60 99.8 94 29085 165 99.4 95 33810 365 98.9 90 32745 25 99.9 97 26880 5705 78.8 98 15855 15 99.9 99 22330 75 99.7 10© 90300 30 99.9+ 151 2560 2 99.9 152 1595 4 99.7 153 1555 — — 154 — — — 155 225 1 99.6 150 1195 4 99.6 157 95 2 97.9 158 80 1 98.8 159 30 0 100.0 100 25 0 100.0 Average . 98.4 N umber of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 41 70560 38535 45.4 42 52290 31605 39.5 43 38640 28665 25.8 44 48405 10589 78.1 45 71505 14458 79.8 40 44100 10822 75.4 47 63945 21641 66.2 48 28245 13541 52.1 49 91035 19845 78.3 50 27300 11340 58.3 51 14140 5740 59.4 52 37800 25830 31.7 53 29925 15995 46.6 54 14280 5810 59.3 55 39710 16870 57.5 50 27825 9486 65.9 • 57 , 13685 5390 60.6 58 12565 5565 55.7 59 32760 33075 0.0 00 24570 9345 62.0 Average . . . 53.8 Tubes 91-100, frozen December 20, 1898, in 2 hours; thawed December 28, after 3 days. Minimal tempera- ture, (—12° C.). Tubes 151-160, frozen January 3, 1899, in 2 hours; thawed January G, after 3 days. Minimal temperature, (-12° C.). Tubes 41-50, frozen December 1, 1898, in 2 liours; thawed December 2, after 2$ hours. Minimal tempera- ture, (—7° C.). Tubes 51-60, frozen December 8, 1898, in hours; thawed December 9, after hours. Minimal tempera- ture, (-10° C.). SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYFIIOID FEVEK. 495 Race B. Series V. Race B. Series VI. Number of Tube. Average Number Unfrozen Water. Bacteria per c.c. Thawed Ice. Reduction per cent. 61 30135 13510 55.2 62 23625 8505 64.0 63 10035 10430 46.9 61 13055 12600 3.4 65 21840 10500 51.9 66 13085 6720 50.9 67 10800 10535 37.3 68 12075 8435 30.1 69 13230 11130 15.9 70 18025 12740 29.3 101 32865 18515 43.7 102 31710 37275 0.0 103 42525 5070 86.7 101 32865 36225 0.0 105 4585 65 98.5 106 22050 9380 57.5 107 5280 184590 0.0 108 5207 200010 0.0 100 15155 0 100.0 110 4585 107740 0.0 Average . 38.6 Number of Tube. Average number Bacteria per c. c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 21 10 200 0.0 22 75 170 0.0 23 190 70 63.2 24 2695 3360 0.0 25 100 250 0.0 26 210 375 0.0 27 1605 1505 6.2 28 180 350 0.0 2!) 1875 1825 2.7 30 3400 620 81.8 31 22905 12040 47.4 32 32655 8295 74.6 33 18550 6300 66.1 31 22225 6125 72.4 35 13755 4165 69.7 36 15575 3972 74.5 37 15750 7490 52.4 38 15470 3920 74.7 39 19215 5705 70.3 40 9590 2610 72.8 Average . . . 41.4 Tubes 61-70, frozen December 9, 1898, in 2$ hours; thawed December 10, after 12 hours. Minimal tempera- ture, (-0° C.). Tubes 101-110, frozen December 21, 1898, in 1J hours; thawed December 22, after 12 hours. Minimal tempera- ture, (-8° C.). Tubes 21-30, frozen November 28, 1898, in 1$ hours ; thawed same day, after S hours. Minimal temperature, (—8° C.). Tubes 31-40, frozen November 29, 1898, in 1$ hours; thawed same day, after 3 hours. Minimal temperature, (-8° C.). Race B. Series VII. Race C. Series I. Numlier of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. | 3515 2080 40.8 2 2180 3000 0.0 3 3535 2620 25.9 4 4455 3105 30.3 5 Control Control — 0 4300 4325 0.0 7 4075 3525 29.1 8 3405 3160 0.0 9 4305 5970 0.0 10 4G15 3225 30.1 11 7960 6300 20.8 12 16380 14490 11.5 lit 7560 6860 9.2 11 19460 21560 0.0 i;> 12215 10080 17.5 10 21700 15085 30.5 17 7665 8400 0.0 IS 13300 11060 16.8 10 10920 11340 0.0 20 10360 14770 0.0 Average . 13.8 Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 1 6580 — — 2 13475 5 99.9+ 3 4795 7 99.9 4 9310 4 99.9+ 5 10005 5 99.9+ 6 10885 2 99.9+ 7 6230 102 98.4 8 5215 0 100.0 ft 10325 - — 10 11550 6 99.9+ 21 120645 12 99.9+ 22 142065 16 99.9+ 23 16695 0 100.0 24 0 0 — 25 0 1 — 20 13755 12 99.9 27 378945 1 99.9+ 28 101115 0 100.0 2ft 4370 2 99.9+ 30 128520 88 99.9 Average . . . 99.9 Tubes 1-10, frozen November 19, 1898, in hours ; thawed, same day, after 15 minutes. Tubes 11-20, frozen November 21, 1898, in 1J hours ; thawed, same day, after 15 minutes. Tubes 1-10, frozen January 16, 1899, in 1§ hours; thawed January 30, after 2 weeks. Minimal temperature, (-13° C.). Tubes 21-30, frozen January 18, 1899, in If hours ; thawed February 1, after 2 weeks. Minimal temperature, (-10° C.). 496 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYFIIOID FEVER. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water Thawed Ice. 51 1920 2 99.9 52 2675 2 99.9 53 2200 1 99.9+ 54 2510 3 99.9 55 2065 33 98.4 56 1605 10 99.4 57 1685 1 99.1 58 835 13 98.4 59 460 15 96.7 60 1820 - — 71 6580 0 100.0 72 7700 10 99.9 73 2485 1 99.9+ 74 6440 1 99.9+ 75 5145 3 99.9 76 4130 1 99.9+ 77 3920 1 99.9+ 78 3080 4 99.9 79 3535 0 100.0 80 540 0 100.0 Average . 99.5 Race C. Series II. Race C. Seuies III. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 11 16765 9 99.9 12 17220 0 100.0 13 14315 2 99.9+ 14 900 2 99.8 15 18270 3 99.9+ 16 9170 1 99.9+ 17 G930 0 100.0 18 7385 0 100.0 19 2925 0 100.0 20 9555 1 99.9+ 41 83475 6 99.9+ 42 83160 5 99.9+ 43 64890 2 99.9+ 44 66570 4 99.9+ 45 11200 1 99.9+ 46 21350 23 99.9 47 2030 3 99.9 48 700 1 99.9 49 185 2 98.9 50 1625 2 99.9 Average . 99.9 Tubes 51-60, frozen January 23, 1899, in hours ; thawed January 30, after 1 week. Minimal temperature, (—12° C.). Tubes 71-80, frozen January 25, 1899, in \\ hours; thawed February 1, after 1 week. Minimal temperature, (-14° C.). Tillies 11-20, frozen January 17, 1809, in 1| hours; thawed January 20, after 3 days. Minimal temperature, (-13° C.). Tillies 41-50, frozen January 20, in 2 hours; thawed January 23, after 3 dans. Minimal temperature, (—10° C.) Race C. Series IV. Race C. Series V. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. 01 3335 5 99.9 02 3520 25 99.3 63 195 10 94.9 04 885 55 93.8 05 235 25 89.4 00 215 60 72.1 07 2105 10 99.5 08 555 20 9G.4 09 40 20 50.0 70 500 15 97.0 81 1855 85 95.4 82 1830 20 98.9 83 200 55 78.8 84 935 35 96.3 85 110 95 13.6 80 3595 30 99.2 87 4480 35 99.2 88 315 70 77.8 89 50 40 20.0 90 0 40 — Average . . . 82.7 N umber Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction of Tube. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. per cent. 91 10710 20 99.8 92 7280 75 99.0 93 9555 90 99.1 94 4045 5 99.9 95 7735 35 99.5 90 1570 355 77.4 97 98 99 1325 20 98.5 0440 590 90.8 100 13090 10 99.9 111 143040 5 99.9+ .112 234300 105 99.9+ 113 105525 10 99.9+ 114 41205 135 99.7 115 11055 5 99.9+ 110 30855 20 99.9 117 27195 40 99.9 118 119070 50 99.9+ 119 45360 5 99.9+ 120 15855 — — Aver age . . . 98.0 Tubes 61-70, frozen January 24, 1899, in hours; thawed January 25, after 24 hours. Minimal temperature, (-12° C.). Tubes 81-90, frozen January 26, 1899, in hours; thawed January 27, after 24 hours. Minimal temperature, (-13° C.). Tubes 91-100, frozen January 27, 1899, in 2 hours; thawed January 28, after 15 hours. Minimal temperature, (-14° C.). Tubes 111-120, frozen February 3, 1899, in 2 hours; thawed February 4, after 1.5 hours. Minimal temperature, (-15° C.). SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — 1JACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 497 Race C. Series VI Race 1). Series I. Number of Tube. Average Number Unfrozen Water. Bacteria per e.e. Thawed Icc. Reduction per cent. 31 350 10 97.1 32 270 0 100.0 83 185 0 100.0 34 90 5 94.5 35 5 0 100.0 36 0 - — 37 5 0 100.0 38 20 0 100.0 39 5 0 100.0 10 0 0 — 101 172080 1 99.9+ 102 61110 9 99.9+ 103 50700 1 99.9+ 101 40005 4 99.9+ 105 10060 0 100.0 100 140475 1 99.9+ 107 8855 1 99.9+ 108 9345 12 99.9 109 6930 2 99.9+ no 5075 0 100 0 Average . .... 99.5 Ntiinlx-r Average Number Bacteria per c c. Reduction of Tube. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. per cent. 1 5355 3080 42.5 2 5915 3265 44.8 3 (>090 2405 59.5 1 5070 070 88.2 5 3010 1015 40.3 6 4410 780 82.3 7 3745 305 90.3 8 3290 1000 09.0 9 4375 480 89.0 10 11 12 0580 3040 44.7 2380 95 90.0 13 ll l.) • — — — 7210 05 99.1 Hi 1855 40 97.8 17 18 10 3675 90 97.5 20 — — Average . . 74.8 Tu1h‘8 31 40, frozen January 19, 1899, in 2 hours; thawed same day, after 8 hours. Minimal temperature, (-8° C.). Tubes 101-110, frozen February 2, 1899,Jn 2 hours; thawed same day, after 8 hours. Tubos 1-10, frozen April 27, 18'.)!*, in 2 hours ; thawed same day, after 3 hours. Minimal temperature, (—1<>° C\). Tubes 11-20, frozen April 28, 181)0, in 2 hours ; thawed same day, after 3 hours. Minimal temperature, ( 11° C ). Race 1). Series II. Race D. Series TIT. Number of Tube. Average Number Bacteria per c.c. Reduction per cent. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice 31 62005 318 99.4 32 53235 5072 90.5 33 77175 52 99.9 31 5565 927 83.3 35 184275 7339 96.0 36 0580 420 93.6 37 1890 — — 3S 62055 6457 89.6 39 3255 87 97.3 10 6020 134 97.8 71 24360 2 99.9+ 72 29505 2 99.9+ 73 8925 22 99.8 71 2430 0 100.0 75 12810 4 99.9+ 76 24355 3 99.9+ 77 9450 210 97.8 78 2065 1 99.9+ 70 3160 1 99.9+ 80 2185 1 99.9+ Average . 97.0 Numl)or Average Niiml>er Bacteria jier c.c. Reduction of Tak«. Unfrozen Water. Thawed Ice. per cent. 21 3990 15 99.6 22 3675 20 99.5 23 670 15 97.8 24 ISO 100 44.4 25 595 45 92.4 20 2275 15 99.3 27 180 20 88.9 28 140 25 83.6 29 25 25 0.0 30 240 0 100.0 41 515 33 93.6 42 1575 152 90.3 43 44 45 495 39 92.2 1855 88 95.3 40 47 2625 409 84.4 48 49 7175 511 92.9 50 1025 192 81.3 Average . . . 84.4 Tubes 31 40, frozen May 1, 1890, in 2 hours; thawed same day, nfter 6' hours. Minimal temperature, (—10°C.). Tubes 71-80, frozen May 8, 1890, in 2 hours; thawed same day, after (J hours. Minimal temperature, (—l 3600 1800 20 2700 2700 Average 180776 Average 4635 Number of Tube. February 1C, 1899. Number of Tube. February 20, 1899. Number of Tube. February 27, 1899. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram.» Bacteria per gram. 21 900 600 31 30 10 41 20 0 22 1000 900 32 10 0 42 30 40 23 900 200 33 90 50 43 10 0 24 600 400 34 0 10 44 0 0 25 900 1600 35 0 0 45 20 0 20 900 400 36 30 0 46 20 0 27 400 700 37 0 80 47 0 0 28 300 400 38 30 70 48 0 30 29 900 800 39 10 40 49 0 0 30 400 700 50 0 0 Average 705 Average 25 Average 9 Tubes kept at 0° C. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 511 Series II. Number of Tube. February ‘JO, 1890. Number of Tube. February 21, 1899. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. 1 4932900 5896800 11 130500 175500 2 5040300 4049400 12 103500 — 3 5216400 4876200 13 119700 81900 4 2286900 470(5100 14 55800 70200 5 5953500 7030800 15 54000 51300 G 2570400 3(528800 1G 102600 — 7 5159700 4309200 17 41400 37800 S 6860700 5443200 18 117900 140400 9 3686500 4989(500 19 114300 115200 20 126900 74700 A verage 484(5855 Average 95017 Number of Tube. February '23, 1899. Number of Tube. February 27, 1899. Number of Tube. March 6, 1899. Bacteria per grain. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. 21 1200 1300 31 30 110 41 340 400 22 1400 1000 32 210 310 42 160 110 23 700 1700 33 60 240 43 1770 750 24 500 1200 34 660 470 44 1070 1600 25 1100 800 35 110 00 45 160 200 26 300 700 36 240 200 46 150 000 27 2200 4000 37 310 500 47 120 800 28 2600 3100 38 820 210 48 300 430 29 1100 * 700 39 100 240 30 400 1000 40 2800 2620 Average 1305 Average 525 Average 588 Kept at 0° C. 512 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Series III. Number of Tube. February 24, 1899. Number of Tube. February 25, 1899. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. 1 8541900 7144200 11 466200 522900 2 6747800 7200900 12 529200 229500 3 7314300 6066900 13 409500 621100 4 10432800 10092600 14 415800 371700 5 7711200 6917400 15 270900 258300 6 6860700 7597800 10 289800 216900 7 7881300 8278200 17 573300 346500 8 8731800 6577200 18 144900 171100 9 6463800 7711200 19 5400 3600 10 9695700 7994700 • Average 7778595 Average 324588 Number of Tube. February 27, 1899. Number of Tube. March 3, 1899. Number of Tube. March 10, 1899. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. 21 1600 1400 31 220 370 41 1710 420 22 2400 1500 32 380 250 42 1390 350 23 6900 7300 33 3710 370 43 1770 — 24 1500 900 34 310 — 44 — — 25 1600 2600 35 3290 240 45 2870 2150 20 4000 3600 36 5530 2310 40 660 420 27 1900 1600 37 930 270 47 160 210 28 10500 25200 38 690 480 48 1510 40 39 1020 4410 49 1360 1450 40 190 140 50 2420 1220 Average 4656 Average 1304 Average 1160 Kept at 0° C. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 513 Series IV. Number of Tube. February 28, 1809. Number of Tube. March 1 1880. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. 1 4139100 6010200 II 10800 4500 2 3742200 4876200 12 2700 900 3 3798900 2721600 13 2700 1800 4 3685500 — 14 900 900 5 5896800 7144200 15 1800 2700 6 5216400 5556600 16 900 900 7 4025700 3028800 17 1800 900 18 900 0 19 5400 7200 • * 20 1800 1800 A vernrje 4673683 A verage 2565 Number of Tube. March 3, 1899. Number of Tube. March 7 1899. Number bf Tube. March 14, 1899. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram. Bacteria per gram-. 21 900 1800 31 20 10 41 * 10 0 22 900 0 32 20 30 42 140 380 23 0 900 33 GO 20 43 20 170 24 1800 0 34 30 10 44 130 110 25 900 0 35 90 10 45 350 30 26 0 0 36 G90 60 46 1G0 60 27 0 0 37 340 100 47 *40 0 28 0 900 38 120 20 48 40 20 29 0 0 39 250 0 49 190 0 30 900 0 40 10 10 A verage 450 Average 95 Average 92 Kept at 20° C. 514 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Series V. AFTER INOCULATION. Number of Tube. March 15, 1899. Bacteria per gram. 1 1045800 863100 2 1140300 989100 3 16G3200 1499400 4 573300 938700 5 592200 686700 6 1297800 863100 7 1348200 — 8 1004400 919800 9 1026900 636300 10 888300 875700 Average 939115 DAMP EARTH. ri. DRY EARTH. Number of Tube. Bacteria per gram. Averages. Number of Tube. Bacteria per gram. Averages. 11 0 0 Hi • 900 900 12- 900 0 17 9000 1800 March 16 13 0 900 March 1G 18 0 2700 14 0 0 19 900 3600 225 20 0 900 2070 21 0 0 20 200 0 22 100 0 27 100 0 March 18 23 21100 25100 March 18 28 100 100 24 8400 15000 29 0 0 25 400 0 7010 30 0 0 50 31 220 180 30 0 0 32 10 0 37 0 0 March 22 33 3360 G580 March 22 38 0 0 34 0 10 39 10 0 35 — — 1295 40 0 10 2 41 40 40 40 10 30 42 0 0 47 2G0 100 March 29 43 0 0 March 29 48 20 0 44 0* 0 49 20 0 45 0 0 8 50 10 20 47 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.- BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 515 Sekies VI. AFTER INOCULATION. Number of Tube. March 29, 1S99. Bacteria >er gram. 1 1455300 1379700 2 1682100 1455300 3 1152900 1228500 4 1083600 825300 5 926100 1152900 6 1304100 1020600 7 1152900 1568700 8 1115100 1266300 9 926100 1096200 10 1398600 774900 Average 1198260 DAMP EARTII. DRY EARTH. Number of Tube. Bacteria per gram. Averages. Number of Tube. Bacteria per gram Averages. n 1341900 1266300 16 200 300 12 2000100 1719900 17 600 4200 1 March 30 13 143G400 1247400 March 30 18 50 130 11 2891700 3364200 ID 60 40 15 963900 699300 1699110 20 60 20 566 21 20 30 40 22 27 320 20 April 1 23 April 1 28 70 40 24 29 — — 25 — 30 0 50 71 31 36 0 0 32 37 10 10 April 5 33 April 5 38 10 30 34 39 10 10 35 — 40 0 40 12 41 33300 41400 46 10 12 42 900 0 47 6 5 April 12 43 1800 1800 April 12 48 — — 44 88200 69300 49 1 2 29587 50 1 4 4 516 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. E. EXPERIMENTS ON THE EFFECTS OF SEDIMENTATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION DURING THE FREEZING OF TYPHOID FEVER BACILLI IN WATER. In the experiments under Section I, the reduction effected represented simply the death-rate among the bacteria due to the adverse conditions. All the bacteria in the unfrozen water which did not perish must, from the nature of the case, be present in the thawed ice. In nature, however, the conditions are widely different. Ice is formed immediately over and in immediate contact with a large body of water. In the water, before and during the process of freezing, the bacteria, being particles somewhat heavier than water, continually tend to settle out from the region where ice is to form and fall gradually to the bottom. And when the ice formation actually takes place, a still more powerful force comes into play. In the process of crystalli- zation there is a strong tendency to throw out all substances other than the pure compound chiefly concerned. If, then, soluble chemical compounds, other than hydrogen monoxide are excluded to a large extent when water freezes, this must be still more the case with suspended particles like the bacteria. These a priori conclusions are strengthened by the work of Pengra and of the Massachusetts State Hoard of Health as well as by common scientific knowledge. To test them more carefully with respect to Bacillus typhi abdominalis and Bacil- lus coli the following experiments were made. A new wine-cask, of about ten gallons capacity, was allowed to stand full of water for a few days in order to remove any extractives present. Four pet-cocks were then screwed in, on opposite sides of the cask, two about four inches from the top and the others an inch or so from the bottom. The whole cask was jacketed with felt so that when placed at a low temperature it would freeze from above down and not from the sides inward. It was then filled with water, at about the boiling-point, drawn from an ordinary water- heater. This water was then allowed to stand for twenty-four hours, when it was found cool and still very nearly sterile, containing three or four germs per cubic centimeter. The barrel of water was then inoculated by pouring into it a bouillon culture of the germ used, the common colon bacillus in the first four experiments, the typhoid bacillus, Race B, in the last two. During the course of the experiments no sterilization was attempted beyond that partially effected by the boiling water. After adding the culture and stirring with a sterile rod, samples were taken from the four pet-cocks and planted. The covered cask was then set aside in the room or placed on a broad sill just outside the window of the laboratory, where it was exposed SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. RACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 517 to the winter’s cold. Al ter twenty-four hours of this treatment a thin sheet of ice a quarter to half an inch thick was found covering the surface. Samples were again taken from the upper cocks just under the ice, and from the lower cocks at the bottom of the barrel, and portions of the ice were also planted, being melted in sterile bottles, after washing with the water produced by their own melting, according to the usual technique. Conclusions. 1. These experiments indicate that sedimentation does not produce marked or constant effects on colon and typhoid bacilli in water during as short a period as twenty-four hours. 2. On the other hand, the experiments show that ice formed on the surface of a quiet body oi water contains only about ten per cent of the bacteria present in the water just helow. This difference is probably due to the ph}'sical exclusion by the process of crystallization and not to any germicidal action, as the temperature of the ice can only differ from that of the adjacent water by a very slight amount. There are two distinct forces at work, — the low temperature, killing out germs in the ice and water nearly equally, and the crystallizing process extruding germs from the ice into the water below. REDUCTION OF BACTERIA BY SEDIMENTATION. B. Coli. Series I. Bacteria per c.c. in samples taken from top and bottom of cask. December 29, 1898. Averages. Top 00270 51870 19320 18900 42590 Bottom 3570 3680 4550 4310 4028 December 30, 1898. Top 11200 15010 12390 10095 12324 Bottom 51030 44730 13020 13580 30590 December 31, 1898. Top 7070 08(50 5110 5495 0132 Bottom 51870 8120 5845 40740 2(5(540 Kept in room. Series II. January 3, 1899. Averages. Top 120960 110880 114660 101430 114480 Bottom 114030 97650 103320 85050 100012 January 4, 1899. Top 51180 42840 60910 56070 53500 Bottom 52920 47880 60270 62160 56050 Put outdoors. Temperature —6° to —10° C. Surface did not freeze. 518 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. REDUCTION OF BACTERIA BY SEDIMENTATION AND BY FORMATION OF ICE ON FREE SURFACE. January 9, 1899. Averages. Top 285(50 21630 23100 20370 23415 Bottom 25620 10010 32760 12180 20142 January 10, 1899. Ice 370 250 550 670 460 1 f T°P 4620 4900 — — 4380 \ Bottom 4410 10360 7490 7700 7490 B. Coli. Series III. Put outside. Temperature —1° C. \ inch ice formed. Series IV. January 11, 1899. Averages. Top G9930 62370 45990 76860 63787 Bottom 57330 61110 68(570 77490 66150 January 12, 1899. Ice 1240 950 1890 780 1215 Water Top 15720 11760 9870 8410 11440 Bottom 8820 10920 13090 13020 11462 Put outside. Temperature, —15° C. inch ice formed. B. Typhi. Series I. January 18, 1899. Averages. Top 147420 226800 198450 204120 194197 Bottom 247590 211680 245700 153090 214515 January 19, 1899. Ice 21840 28350 27090 23940 25305 | f Top 234360 194670 147420 145530 180495 is\ Bottom 209790 176660 232470 181440 200090 Put outside, j inch ice formed. Series II. January 19, 1899. Averages. Top 202230 198450 156870 171990 182385 Bottom 154980 218610 302400 254520 232627 January 20, 1899. Ice 68040 75600 18480 17430 44887 • | f Top 270270 404460 578340 319960 393257 gs\ Bottom 307180 257040 386820 238140 297295 Put outside. \ inch ice formed. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYBHOID FEVEK. 519 IV. DEDUCTIONS FROM THE EXPERIMENTS CONCERNING ICE AS A VEHICLE OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE PROBLEMS OF ICE-SUPPLY AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH. Reviewing the several series of experiments described in detail above, and keep- ing carefully in mind the conditions under which natural ice is formed, cut, harvested, stored, delivered, and finally consumed, as well as those pertaining to the manufac- ture, distribution, and consumption of artificial ice, certain conclusions appear to be justified concerning ice as a vehicle of disease; and these conclusions are, on the whole, decidedly reassuring. The conditions which tend naturally to purify polluted waters, are now well under- stood. Light, cold and poor food-supply are antiseptic or disinfectant agents of con- siderable power; hostile infusoria may devour the living germs of infectious disease; the chemical composition of the water may be unfavorable to their survival; and gravity may cause them to settle to the bottom, wdiere they may soon perish for want of air. The main factor determining the reduction of germs in water is, however, the time, — the time during which these and other forces are left to act. Epidemiology shows clearly that disease follows best a direct, quick transfer of infectious material from patient to susceptible victim; and, if storage of water for some months could be insured, many sanitarians would consider such storage a sufficient purification. In ice we have this condition realized, — a forced storage of at least weeks and at best of many months. At the same time the other effective conditions are also heightened. It is no wonder, then, that our experiments show a reduction of over 99 per cent in typhoid bacilli frozen ; and we may be sure that in nature the destruction would exceed, rather than fall short of, such a limit. This reduction obtains in tubes which are frozen solid, where there is no chance for mechanical exclusion. In natural ice there is another purifying influence. Of the germs remaining in the water at the time of freezing, 90 per cent are thrown out by the physical phenomena of that process. This reduction is separate from, and supplementary to, the disinfecting action of the cold. Accordingly, when both factors work together, it is obvious that only one out of a thousand typhoid germs present in a polluted stream has a chance of surviving in the ice. Under natural conditions the pathogenic germs present in the most highly pol- luted stream are comparatively few. Of these few, one-tenth of one per cent may be present in ice derived therefrom. But even these scattered individuals are weakened by their sojourn under unfavorable conditions, so that, as we have seen, 520 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVEIi. they require nearly twice as long for their development as do the normal germs, and these few and weakened germs very likely could not produce many, if any, cases of typhoid fever, for vitality and virulence in disease germs are probably closely related. With artificial ice the case is somewhat different, for such ice is made from water frozen solid, and is, as a rule, quickly consumed. Artificial ice, if made from pure water, should be above reproach ; but if it be made from water that is impure it may contain the germs of infectious disease ; and inasmuch as artificial ice is used quickly after its manufacture, the possibility of purification by time is excluded, and such ice might therefore conceivably be a menace to the public health. With natural ice, as long as absolute sterilization is not effected, there must always remain a certain element of doubt, as in the use of sand filters, alluded to above, or in the practice of room-disinfection after contagious diseases. The thickness of a layer of ice is often artificially increased by cutting holes in it and flooding that already formed with the water of the pond. In such a case the effects of crystallization are excluded, as in the laboratory tubes. Ice thus formed might be cut at once, and served within a week or two ; and in such an exceptional case we cannot say that sufficient of the virus might not persist to excite the malady. Yet such an instance must be very exceptional; and the general result of human experience, the absence of epidemics of typhoid fever traced conclusively to ice, the fact that cities like New York, and Lowell and Lawrence in Massachusetts, have used the ice of polluted streams, and have yet maintained low death-rates from typhoid fever, all tend to support the conclusion at which we have arrived, namely, that natural ice can very rarely be a vehicle of typhoid fever. PART II. STATISTICAL STUDIES ON THE SEASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES AND ITS RELATION TO SEASONAL TEMPERATURE. I. A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON THE SEASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER. The variations in the prevalence of typhoid fever with the changing seasons was one of the characteristics of that remarkable disease which struck the very earliest observers. Elisha Bartlett, in 1842,(87) wrote of it as follows: “ It is not settled whether typhoid fever occurs, with any degree of uniformity, more frequently in one season of the year than in another. ... I am sure, however, that, as a general rule, its annual prevalence is greatest in the autumn. In New England it is not (infrequently called the autumnal or fall fever.” Dr. Flint, in 1855,(88) pointed out as one of the points of distinction between typhus and typhoid fever that while the former is unaffected by season, the latter “ manifests a predilection for the autumnal months, although it is by no means restricted in its occurrence to the latter.” Griesinger, a little later,(S9) noted that in middle Europe and North America the majority of cases as well as the epidemic out- breaks occurred most abundantly in autumn, and that the winter typhoid stood next in relative intensity, followed by that of summer, while the fewest cases occurred in the spring. He quoted Lombard as authority for the fact that in Geneva the month of October shows seven times as many typhoid cases as the month of March. In 1800, Dr. Tweedie(90) published a table of the admissions of the different forms of continued fever into the London Fever Hospital for ten years and brought out an interesting contrast between typhoid and typhus fevers. His monthly figures for typhoid were as follows : — J F M A M j j A B 0 N D 113 83 77 GO 79 119 157 233 2G0 253 223 1G1 522 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW, — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. By quarters the difference between the two forms of fever, then just beginning to be clearly distinguished, was shown very markedly. Quarterly Admissions. Typlius Fever. Typhoid Fever. First Quarter 1074 275 Second “ 1088 258 Third “ 725 G50 Fourth “ G19 G37 Dr. Tweedie concluded that “ typhus is most prevalent in spring, and the least so in autumn, while enteric fever is least prevalent in spring, and most prevalent in autumn.” In the same year, Hirsch, in the first edition of the “ Historiscli-geograplii- schen Paihologie,” (92) gave an extensive resume of current opinion on the subject. He quoted statistics to show that of 519 typhoid epidemics, 168 occurred in autumn, 140 in winter, 132 in summer, and only 79 in spring. He also printed a table of typhoid cases at the hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva, in Lowell and Nassau, and of typhoid deaths in the canton of Geneva and the State of Massachusetts, showing an autumn maximum and a spring minimum in every case. Summer occupied the second place except at Nassau and the canton of Geneva. As to the weather influences controlling this prevalence of the disease he quoted very conflicting opinions. While Drake and Huss attributed the autumnal fever largely to the summer temperature, Davidson and Lombard considered a relatively high humidity as of prime significance. Thomson maintained that both factors were of importance, and Seitz, Cless, and Franque denied any effect of meteorological conditions. Another review of the seasonal variations of typhoid fever was published by Murchison in 1862.(93) He quoted nine English and continental authorities as recording the autumnal maximum, and added a table of the admissions into the London Fever Hospital which showed a steady rise from April to October. Fiedler, in the same year,(94) noted that typhoid fever in Dresden was much more abundant in the second half of the year than in the first, and gave the following table of typhoid admissions for eleven years. Admissions to the Dresden Hospital, 1850-G0. J F M A M j j A s 0 N D 123 7G 114 82 ■ 83 105 113 191 189 132 143 14C SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 523 Hie first systematic attempt to show a relation between typhoid fever and defi- nite meteorological conditions was made by Haller in 1860.'") This author main- tained that the seasonal curve of typhoid corresponded to that of air pressure, and that the greatest prevalence was at periods of low temperature, noting, in that con- nection, the alleged fact that typhoid fever does not occur autochthonously south of the isotherm of 22 C. Haller’s results, however, were not confirmed by other observers; and a new theory as to the aetiology of typhoid fever soon took almost complete possession of the field. This was the famous ground-water theory of Petten- kofer and the Munich school. As applied to typhoid fever this theory was launched by Ludwig Buhl in the first article of the first number of the “ Zeitschrift fur Biologie."(95) The author dealt with eight hundred and ninety-nine typhoid deaths in a Munich hospital during the period 1855-04, and compared, by the graphic method, the monthly and yearly variations with the changes in temperature, precipitation, and ground-water level. The seasonal curve showed a maximum between December and March, culminating in February, and a minimum in August and October. These monthly variations, and the fluctuations from year to year, did not correspond to the temperature or the precipitation, but did show a certain inverse relation to the height of the ground water. Seidel(9G) analyzed the figures given by Buhl in a more elaborate manner. He compared for each of the one hundred and eight months, from 1856 to 1804, the typhoid cases and the ground-water level, using in each case the difference between the value for the individual month and the average value for that month during the whole period. In 73.5 cases an excess of typhoid fever corresponded with an excessive fall of the ground water, and in 34.5 cases the reverse relation obtained. Seidel estimated the probability of this preponderance being due to chance alone as one to thirty-six thousand. His monthly averages for morbidity are as follows : — Typhoid Cases. Munich Hospital. Average, 1856-64. J F H A M j j A s 0 N D 14.1 12.0 6.9 5.2 5.2 6.0 4.8 6.8 4.2 7.6 12.2 13.1 In the next year, Seidel(97) analyzed Buhl’s figures in relation to the monthly precipitation, again excluding any difference of season per se, by using only the differences between the value for a month and the average value for the same month 524 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. during the nine years considered. He demonstrated a certain inverse relation between an excess of precipitation and the prevalence of typhoid fever just as in the case of the variation in ground-water level, and considered both factors as of impor- tance. Of the fifty-six months in which precipitation and ground-water level varied in the same sense, forty-six showed a variation of typhoid morbidity in the opposite sense. The studies relating to the cases at the Munich Hospital were extended to the whole city by Pettenkofer in 1868.(99) He reproduced a chart prepared by F. Wag us, which gives by months the typhoid mortality for the whole city from 1850 to 1867 in comparison with the precipitation and the height of the ground water. The seasonal distribution of the disease coincided with that observed at the hospital, the average number of typhoid deaths for the whole city being as follows : — J F M A M j j A s o N D 33.5 3G.8 31.8 23.1 17.G 15.2 15.8 16.7 1G.1 15.0 19.0 28.5 A long series of polemical papers on the relation of typhoid, and more particularly of cholera, to the ground water was contributed by Pettenkofer to the “ Archiv fur Ilg- giene” and the “ Zeitschrift fur Biologief and his conclusions were finally summarized in pamphlet form.(115)’(118) For a time the theories of the Munich school appeared to hold the field. Virchow(101) studied the typhoid mortality in Berlin for the period 1854-71, and concluded that there was a striking inverse relation with the ground- water level. Virchow and Guttstadt(114) published curves for Berlin from 1883 to 1885, which showed a direct relation to the temperature and an inverse relation to the ground-water level. Finally, a most elaborate presentation of the facts was made by Dr. Soyka in 1887.(117) Like his confreres, this author rested his case in large part on the variations in the intensity of the disease and the height of the ground water from year to year ; but he also treated of the seasonal variations at some length. Although his table of the monthly distribution of the disease in seventeen cities, reproduced below, showed an autumnal maximum in all but four cases, he considered that these exceptions, Augsburg, Munich, Prague, and Vienna, proved the temperature relation to he an indirect one. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.—BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 525 Percentage Monthly Distribution of Typhoid. After Soyka. Place. Period Total No. j. F. M. A. M. j. J. A. 8. 0. N. D. ' Berlin 1854-85 16660 6.5 6.0 5.4 5.9 5.9 5.6 8.1 11.0 12.6 13.5 10.6 8.2 Neufcbatel ) Lausanne J 1835-52 933 8.6 5.2 5.5 2.6 4.0 6.1 7.7 10.1 13.4 17.0 9.8 9.4 Breslau 1803-78 2521 7.7 7.5 7.5 6.4 6.1 7.4 8.5 9.6 11.3 10.5 8.7 8.0 Frankfort-a-M. 1853-85 1496 7.9 7.1 6.2 5.6 5.8 6.2 8.4 10.6 11.8 12.1 9.0 8.7 Hanover 1874-85 397 7.6 5.1 6.4 6.1 10.0 7.4 5.0 9.1 12.1 13.6 9.6 8.0 | Basel 1826-73 2213 8.6 6.4 6.1 5.4 7.2 7.6 8.4 9.1 10.7 10.7 10.6 8.7 Paris 1867-78 4152 6.2 5.7 4.6 4.9 4.2 4.9 6.9 12.3 13.4 12.5 13.5 10.3 Augsburg 1856-78 1092 11.0 6.7 8.1 5.3 5.1 5.2 7.3 8.9 9.7 9.7 10.6 10.8 Bern 1871-80 340 9.7 6.8 7.3 9.1 6.1 7.3 5.8 6.1 10.0 7.9 12.9 10.6 Munich 1851-85 7530 11.5 11.9 11.2 9.0 7.5 6.9 6.4 6.5 6.3 5.8 6.9 9.6 Prague 1873-84 998 10.5 9.9 10.2 8.5 9.3 9.6 9.8 6.9 7.1 5.0 6.2 6.8 Vienna 1871-85 4992 8.2 7.1 11.8 10.1 9.9 8.0 8.1 7.5 7.3 7.3 6.9 7.7 Basel * 1875-85 3599 10.3 7.1 8.0 6.7 8.0 8.2 10.1 14.8 8.6 6.9 5.7 4.9 Leipzig * 1851-65 1052 9.4 5.7 5.1 4.3 3.8 6.0 9.3 13.0 12.9 13.2 9.4 7.2 Copenhagen * 1842-58 3198 6.1 3.3 3.2 2.8 3.1 5.0 7.9 13.3 18 3 16.4 9.9 10.2 Bremen * 1872-84 1648 7.6 7.0 6.6 4.8 4.9 4.7 8.1 9 6 13.8 16.3 9.1 7.0 Chemnitz * 1838-82 1455 6.2 6.4 7.3 5.2 5.1 6.9 7.4 9 3 13.2 13.2 10.8 8.0 Christiania * 1845-64 4550 11.3 7.3 6.1 4.3 4.0 3.3 6.1 8.8 8.6 9.6 16.8 13.2 * Morbidity. Other figures refer to mortality. Soyka finally plotted the typhoid fever and ground-water level in Berlin, Frank- fort, Bremen, and Munich, and obtained quite regular complementary curves. His final conclusion was that “ the rhythm of typhus abdominalis is in general the inverted rhythm of the ground-water fluctuations.” Unfortunately other researches did not harmonize with these results. Socin at Basle (,00) and Fodor at Buda-Pesth(110) found quite different relations between typhoid and ground-water level. Later examinations of the yearly variations, even in Munich, failed to show the correspondence noted prior to 1881. Most potent of all, however, in overthrowing the ground-water theory was the gradual substitution of zymotic for miasmatic conceptions of disease which robbed it of any rational, setiological basis. The only plausible explanation of the connection between ground water and typhoid fever, on the basis of the germ theory, had been furnished by Lieber- meister,(98) who suggested in 1860 that the phenomena observed by Buhl might simply be due to the concentration of soil impurities in wells at the time of low water and their transmission in unusually large doses to those who drank therefrom. A simple modification of Liebermeister’s idea, including a recognition of the fact that a well in use drains a wider area when the ground water is low and is thus liable to pollution from more distant sources, has been strongly advocated in this country by Dr. II. B. Baker of Michigan. As early as 1878 Dr. Baker(108) published curves showing the 526 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. seasonal distribution of the more important diseases, and pointed out the contrast be- tween such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, and croup which culminate in the winter and the fevers and diarrhoeal diseases which attain a maximum in the hot months. His curves showed a slight rise in October for typhoid fever and much more marked rises for the classes of “ Typho-malarial,” “Remittent,” and “ Intermittent ” fevers, the figures for which in absolute value greatly exceeded those for the former disease. Similar tables were published in the succeeding annual reports; and in 1882 it was stated that “ more than the average per cent of weekly reports stated the presence of typhoid fever in months when the average daily temperature, the average daily range of temperature, the absolute humidity of the atmosphere, the monthly and the average daily range of the barometer and the average daily pressure of the atmos- phere were greater than the average for the year; and less than the average per cent of reports stated the presence of typhoid fever in months when these conditions were less than the average for the year.” These curves and conclusions have been repeated year by year in each annual report, the only change being the gradual increase of “typhoid fever” relative to the “typho-malarial” and “remittent” fevers with improvement in diagnosis. In 1884, Dr. Baker(m) treated typhoid fever in more detail, comparing the seasonal variations of the disease for five years with the height of the ground water in Michigan and showing that the disease increased quite regularly with the number of inches of earth above the water in the wells. He concluded that “ in summer when vegetation is active and not decaying, a lowering of the water is uniformly followed by increased prevalence of typhoid fever; with the advent of colder weather there is a rise in the water level which is uniformly followed by a decreased prevalence of the fever; that this decrease continues through the winter and spring even though the level of the well water is lowered, provided the surface of the earth is deeply frozen ; that on the contrary high-water level in wells in winter and spring coincident with ground not thoroughly frozen is followed by increased prevalence of the fever.” The relation to ground water was again studied in the Report of the Michigan State Board of Health for 1888 (p. lv.), and 1890 (p. 247); and in the Report for 1894 (p. 300) and succeeding reports, new diagrams were published and the following conclusions were added : “ The evidence is conclusive that there is a necessary relation between the low water in wells and the sickness from typhoid fever. The fluctuations in the sickness from typhoid fever and the depth of the water in wells are nearly coincident throughout the several months. The maximum of sickness and the minimum of water are coincident in October.” Finally, in 1897, Dr. Baker(128) SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 527 printed a new diagram exhibiting the curves of typhoid fever and ground water for fourteen years, and suggested in support of his explanation of the inverse relation shown that another factor of less universal importance than the pollution of wells by distant privies might be the infection of air, food, and drink by germs blown from the surface ol the ground, which must be dryer and more exposed to such action when the ground water is low. Dr. Baker s theory regarding the pollution of wells at times of low water seems quite insufficient to account for such a universal phenomenon as the autumnal maximum of typhoid fever, even with the additional suggestion as to air contagion. Well water is by no means the most important source of the disease; and even as to wells the theory does not take all the facts into account. Other observers have attempted to trace with some success an almost exactly opposite relation between typhoid fever and excessive precipitation. Dr. F. II. Welch,(111) for example, who noted that the maximum ot typhoid fever occurred in the last quarter of the year in Malta and in Bermuda, in the latter half of the year at Gibraltar, during the autumnal months,— iroin March to May, — at the Cape of Good Hope, and in the warm season in India, finally concluded that “ the great natural assistant (in the spread of the disease) is the rainfall in giving moisture for growth and putrefaction, in causing water circulation on the surface and in the subsoil, in its mechanical removal of material from drains and hidden receptacles.” A\ hatever the explanation, it seems to be proven that at Munich in the period studied by Pettenkofer and his followers a real relation did exist between ground-water level and typhoid. In no other case, as far as we are aware, has another factor been excluded which normally varies inversely with the ground-water level and which does bear a plausible relation to the distribution of the typhoid germ. This factor is the temperature; and the seasonal curve in many places, Michigan, for example, and Berlin, can be more satisfactorily explained by a direct relation to the temperature than by an inverse relation to the ground-water level. The first author forcibly to call attention to the importance of the temperature factor was Murchison. In the second edition of his work on the continued fevers,(102) he gave a table of the monthly admissions into the London Fever Hospital from 1848 to 1870, of which the totals were as follows : — J F M A M j j A s o N D 433 306 318 209 232 335 434 721 803 839 819 539 528 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.-—BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Murchison pointed out that a “ great increase of enteric fever in the autumn months was observed in each of the twenty-three years, with one noteworthy exception (I860).” He also noted that the autumnal increase did not subside immediately on the advent of winter, and concluded that “ it would seem as if the cause of the disease were only exaggerated or called into action by the protracted heat of summer and autumn, and that it required the protracted cold of winter and spring to impair its activity or to destroy it.” He quoted numerous observers, Todd and Burne in England, Stewart in Scotland, Lombard and Rilliet and Barthez in Switzerland, Piedvache, de Claubry and Druher in France, Forget and Quincke in Germany, and Bartlett, Wood, and Flint in the United States, as recording the autumnal character of the disease. Finally he added, “ Not only does enteric fever increase in autumn, but it has been found to be unusually prevalent after summers remarkable for their dryness and high temperature, and to be unusually rare in summers and autumns which are cold and wet.” The references to the early authorities quoted by Murchison will be found in his elaborate bibliography. Liebermeister also had a clear conception of the possible effect of temperature upon the prevalence of typhoid fever. In his article on typhoid fever in Ziemssen’s Cyclopedia,(103) he plotted the monthly deaths in Berlin and hospital admissions in London and Basle, compared with curves of the monthly variations in temperature, and commented on the results as follows: “ The general bearing of these curves is evident. The curves representing the frequency of typhoid correspond to the curves of average temperature, only with this difference. The different points of the typhoid curve follow those of the temperature curve by an interval of some months. Fhe minimum of temperature falls in January, that of typhoid in February or April; the maximum of temperature falls in July, that of typhoid in September and October. It appears, therefore, that the development and spread of typhoid fever is favored by the high summer temperature and checked by the low winter temperature. The interval of two or three months between the temperature and the typhoid curves correspond to the time which is necessary for the changes of temperature to penetrate to the places where the typhoid poison is elaborated, for the development of the poison without the human body, for the period of incubation, and for the time between the commencement of the attack and that of the patient’s admission to the hospital, or that of his death.” Cousot,(104) in France, about the same time, noted that the month of October always showed a maximum of typhoid, that the intensity then diminished till spring, and SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FLYER. 529 that the summer was marked by unimportant oscillations. This influence of the season he attributed to the effect of temperature and moisture, and he concluded that a moderate temperature accompanied by humidity furnished the conditions most favorable for the spread of the disease. Further evidence was contributed by Buchan and Mitchell,(106) who tabulated deaths by weeks from all causes distinguished by the Registrar-General in London, for thirty years, 1845-74, and for each disease plotted a curve showing the average weekly deviation from the general weekly mean. For typhoid fever only the six years, 1869—74, were available as prior to 18G9 typhus, typhoid and continued fevers were not distinguished. The curve showed a maximum in October and November and a minimum from the middle of May to the end of June, the rise beginning only at the beginning of July, “when the heat of summer has fairly set in.” Pistor,(11,,) who compared the typhoid cases and deaths for 1883-85 in Berlin, with the height of the ground water and of the river Spree, the precipitation, the height of the barometer, and the temperature of the air and the earth, differed from Virchow and Cuttstadt (see above) in finding no marked correspondence with the ground-water variations. As regards temperature, he concluded that “ typhoid is in general more abundant in the hot months than in the cold; it appears, however, that mild and damp spring, autumn, and even winter months favor its spread, although not in the same degree as the hot season.” Almquist,(119) who studied in detail the seasonal prevalence of fourteen diseases in Goteborg, concluded with regard to typhoid fever that an annual increase in summer or autumn is characteristic, but that this increase is sometimes postponed till the end of the year or the beginning of the next year. A second maximum in January is sometimes combined with the summer maximum. Dryness and the variation in the ground-water level, and above all the warmth in summer and autumn, appeared to him to be operative. Goldberg,(,20) in 1889, made an elaborate study of the seasonal prevalence of a large number of diseases in relation to various meteorological conditions, and arrived at the conclusion that the weather influences the mortality from the infectious diseases both by its effect on the multi- plication of the germs and their facilities for entrance into the body and by its effect on the vital resistance of the human body in its reaction against the invading organ- isms. With regard to typhoid fever he analyzed the statistics for Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne, and summed up his results as follows: — A. As regards individual disposition, the extremes of air temperature weaken the resistance against typhoid. B. As regards time-and-place disposition : 530 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 1. The rise of typhoid morbidity and mortality in Berlin regularly follows the rise in the temperature of the earth one-half to one meter below the surface. 2. The very different annual periods and annual variations in Berlin, Hamburg, and Cologne correspond throughout to the rhythm of the movements of the ground water. 3. The distribution of rainfall in Berlin and Hamburg, if allowance be made for evaporation, explains satisfactorily the variations both in the height of the ground water and the frequency of typhoid fever. Goldberg noted what so many other observers have failed to consider that not only the temperature of a given month but also the course of the temperature curve during the months immediately preceding, must be considered; thus the same mean monthly temperature in May and October need not correspond to the same amount of typhoid. He saw that a high temperature favored the spread of typhoid fever, and believed that this was due to a lowering of the vital resistance of the human body by extremes of temperature. The most important evidence bearing upon the relation of heat to the prevalence of typhoid fever was that collected by Davidson in his “ Geographical Pathology,’’ published in 1892.(122) This author strongly emphasized the seasonal character of the disease and considered the temperature to be the one factor of prime importance. He stated that in South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales typhoid attains its maximum in the autumn months of March, April, and May, and its minimum in September, October, and November. In Queensland the maximum seems to fall upon the hot season, from November to February. For India, he concluded that in the Bengal Presidency the disease attains its maximum in the second quarter and in Central India, Bombay, and Madras in the third quarter. In considering England and Germany, he mentioned the usual autumnal maximum; and for several countries as quoted below, he gave specific figures as to monthly prevalence. Monthly Prevalence of Typhoid Fever. Compiled from figures given by Davidson. Place. Period. Number Monthly Percentage of Total for Year. of Cases. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. Finland 1889 639 3.1 4.2 2.8 2.7 5.3 3.1 11.9 20.5 11.7 12.4 13.6 8.6 France ) (Paris) j France 1868-78 6.2 5.7 4.6 4.9 42 4.9 6.9 12.3 13.5 12.5 13.6 10.3 1886-87 6.7 4.2 4.4 4.5 6.5 7.0 10.4 14.6 14.6 11.0 8.2 7.8 (Marseilles) j Italy three years 6.7 6.5 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.2 9.4 11.2 11.1 10.6 8.6 7.4 Norway 1886-87 3138 11.3 7.3 8.9 8.4 5.8 6.1 7.0 8.1 9.5 10.5 8.7 8.4 Scotland t1876-85 ) 1886-87 3548 8.5 7.7 7.4 7.4 8.8 7.4 5.9 7.4 9.6 11.7 8.7 9.4 (principal towns) Sweden 10743 8.9 6.5 6.8 5.9 6.3 5.7 8.1 10.3 11.5 10.0 11.2 8.7 S EDO WICK AND WINSLOW. 11ACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 531 Davidson also attempted to show the causal relation between typhoid fever and temperature variations from year to year after the method adopted by Soyka in treating of the ground-water theory. In the case of New South Wales he took the figures for the period 1877-87, with a mean summer temperature (December to February) of 71.14 F., and a mean typhoid death rate of 5.02 per 10,000, and divided them to form the two following tables. Six Years with Temperature and Typhoid Rate above the Mean for the whole Period in»t. 18T8. 188*4. 18S4. 1885. 188H. Moan Summer Temperature Mean Typhoid Death Hate 71.40 o.96 72.00 6.70 71.17 5.66 71.47 5.86 71.87 5.40 72.10 6.03 Five Years with Temperature and Typhoid Rate below the Mean for the whole Period. 187tt. 1880. 1881. 1883. i88r. Mean Summer Temperature 71.00 70.17 70.03 70.07 71.10 Mean Typhoid Death Rate 3.84 3.31 3.50 4.76 4.24 Again, in the case of England, Davidson separated from the period 18C3-87, four years in which enteric fever was unusually prevalent, and five years which were remarkably free from that disease, and tabulated the relative mean temperatures for those years as fo lows: — Four Years with Maximum Typhoid. Five Years witli Minimum Typhoid. Year. Difference between Temperature and Mean Temperature, 1803-87. Year. Difference between Temperature and Mean Temperature, 1803-87. For the Year. For the Third Quarter. For the Year. For the Third Quarter. 1867 -0.7 -0.7 1865 + 1.0 +2.1 1877 +0.1 —1.9 1878 +0.3 +0.4 1879 -3.1 -2.3 1880 +0.1 + 1.0 1881 -0.6 -0.4 1884 + 1.4 +2.3 1885 -0.7 -1.3 These investigations of the yearly variations in typhoid fever are of considerable interest and should be extended ; but the differences shown by Davidson are so small and the material so limited as to preclude the drawing of any general conclusions. The clearest and most definite statement of the effect of temperature upon the spread of typhoid fever that we have seen was made by Professor Woodhead in testifying before the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply in 1893.(123) Having spoken of the importance of spring floods in carrying infection into 532 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. water-supplies, he was asked why the maximum of typhoid occurred in autumn instead of at the time of the greatest floods, and his reply was as follows: — “You were speaking just now of the conditions under which the typhoid bacillus develops, and you were speaking of it as being a pathogenic organism, and therefore as not competing on equal terms with the saprophytic organisms •, and here the matter of temperature alone plays such a very important part that it cannot be left out of consideration. Although you have in February the highest point of floods, you have the temperature so low that the typhoid bacillus could scarcely develop under any conditions, whereas when you come to August, when the temperature is much nearer that'of the body, that is, the temperature under which the typhoid bacillus can exist, then the conditions become so much more favorable that the organism can live more readily, more easily, and become more virulent outside the body than it can when the temperature is put very much lower, and, therefore, although at flood times the highest flood points one would expect (if you leave out the temperature) the typhoid bacillus to do the greatest amount of damage, still the temperature is so low that the presence of the bacillus is practically a matter of no importance at that period, and it is only when you get to the flood periods when the temperature is higher that you can take these statistics as bearing on the point. But beyond this, should there be a sporadic case of typhoid due to the use of contaminated water, the conditions for the propagation of the disease are not nearly so favorable during the cold months of February as they are in the hotter months of the year, and therefore the health returns and the tables would be much less affected, not only at the time of the primary outbreak but for some little time afterwards.” Plausible as the conclusions of Murchison, Davidson, and Woodhead appear, they have not gained wide acceptance, and in Germany have been utterly ignored, except by Liebermeister in the passage quoted .above. In the same year that his statement appeared, Oesterlen (105) published some figures on the quarterly prevalence of typhoid as given below, and concluded: “That temperature exerts no, or at least a very secondary, influence, is obvious from the very small difference which often appears between the different seasons, and from the circumstance that typhoid epidemics may arise and culminate at the extremes of temperature, in great cold as well as great heat.” Quarterly Prevalence of Typhoid. After Oesterlen Place. Period. Winter. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Geneva 180 109 105 203 London 1849-53 2813 2527 2916 3305 Nassau 1818-56 670 470 486 863 Massachusetts 1845-49 429 259 528 1132 Lowell 1840-47 130 102 163 250 Berlin (average monthly deaths) . . . 1830-38 27 18 23 41 SEDGWICK ANI) WINSLOW. —BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 533 A little later, Sander(W7) gave a table showing the quarterly distribution of typhoid fever in Berlin, Munich, Halle, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Dresden, Leipsic, and Chemnitz, and stated that the winter in Munich and the autumn in most other places is the period of special incidence, while May and June are always the months which are most exempt. In 1881, Oldendorff(,09) published a few figures as to quarterly prevalence, and repeated Oesterlen’s conclusion as to the limited importance of the temperature factor. In the second edition of the “ Geographical and Historical Pathology,”(112) Hirsch devoted considerable space to a consideration of the meteorological factors affecting the spread of typhoid fever. lie quoted first numerous earlier observers, to whom references are given in his bibliography. Ziilzer at Berlin and Trier at Copenhagen thought that hot and dry weather favored the disease, while others held a wet summer to be a contributory cause. Schiefferdecker at Konigsberg, Pribram and Popper at Prague, and Jacoby at Breslau believed they had traced a connection between typhoid and the ground-water level. Hirsch then gave the very valuable tables of seasonal prevalence reproduced below, and in comment remarked, “The result obtained from these tables, that the amount of the sickness touches its highest point in autumn, is fully borne out by the facts as to the season of greatest prevalence of typhoid in many other localities.” He cited Schwerin, Bremen, Iceland, Malta, Italy, the Cape, Greenland, and Newfoundland; and added, “ All the more noteworthy is the circum- stance that, in tropical and subtropical regions, it is chiefly the hot months that form the typhoid season,” quoting Algiers, Tunis, Japan, India, Cochin China, Bermuda, and Cuba. An analysis of the typhoid statistics of Berlin from 1871 to 1878 failed to show any correspondence between the amount of typhoid in any given year and the excess of temperature compared with the mean for the whole period ; and the author concluded his consideration of the subject as follows: “That no special importance in this connection can be ascribed to the temperature of the air — high or low — by itself, follows from the fact that the acme of the disease falls variously in various regions within higher latitudes, either in autumn or in winter; while, in the tropics, it falls mostly at the time of the greatest heats.” 534 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. Monthly Distribution of Typhoid Fever. Months. Place. Period. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. j. F. M. A. M. Christiania* . 1845-64 154 281 402 393 437 768 602 517 335 283 196 182 Drammen * . . 1861-67 46 100 149 180 253 251 202 141 92 88 56 55 Copenhagen * . 1842-58 162 254 428 588 526 317 328 195 105 103 92 100 Hamburg . . 1873-80 82 82 122 116 147 127 158 146 149 125 90 102 Berlin . . . 1854-79 850 1159 1616 1879 1965 1540 1184 997 919 854 921 910 Breslau . . . 1863-78 187 215 244 287 267 220 202 197 192 192 164 154 Leipzig * . . 1851-65 64 98 137 135 144 99 76 100 60 54 44 41 Chemnitz * . . 1837-75 171 208 303 300 245 185 241 148 166 121 112 154 Prague *. . . 1874-76 78 90 69 79 76 84 115 191 122 119 106 110 Nassau* 1818-59 1118 1406 1742 2093 2350 2207 1946 1850 1584 1428 1060 848 Frankfort-a-M. 1863-80 52 74 91 106 113 93 76 60 58 50 50 43 Stuttgart . . 1852-77 69 76 83 87 88 108 122 106 84 90 73 66 Munich . . . j 1852-68 1873-79 J- 408 377 379 365 363 425 619 718 783 699 548 444 Neufchatel ) . Lausanne ) . 1835-52 57 72 95 125 159 92 88 81 49 52 25 38 Basel . . . 1824-73 169 186 202 237 237 236 193 192 143 137 121 160 London * . . 1848-62 163 220 333 361 377 334 222 197 122 136 89 103 Glasgow * . . 1871-79 12 15 30 43 36 31 20 23 18 29 18 17 Paris .... 1867-78 205 289 511 559 522 565 429 259 240 192 205 176 Boston * . . 1840-47 30 47 86 92 98 60 48 39 43 40 21 41 Pittsburg . . 1873-77 27 32 65 64 90 65 52 53 37 43 44 53 After Hirsch. * Hospital admissions. Other figures refer to reported deaths. Seasonal Ratio of Typhoid. After Hirsch. Place. Autumn. Winter. Summer. Place. Autumn. Winter. Summer. Copenhagen . . 4.9 2.1 2.9 Geneva .... 1.9 1.7 1.0 Drammen . . 3.4 2.2 1.5 Chemnitz 1 9 1.4 1.8 Lausanne . . 3.3 1.9 1.9 Basel .... 1.7 1.3 1.3 London .... 3.2 1.7 2.2 Glasgow . . . 1.7 .9 .9 Paris .... 2.9 1.6 1.8 Pittsburg . . . 1.5 1.0 .9 Massachusetts 2.8 1.3 1.6 Breslau .... 1.5 1.2 1.3 Leipzig .... 2.7 1.7 2.1 Sweden .... 1.2 1.2 1.1 Christiania . . . 2.4 2.2 1.3 Hamburg . . . 1.2 1.3 .9 Boston .... 2.4 1.2 1.6 Stuttgart . . . 1.2 1.3 1.0 Frankfort-a-M. . 2.2 1.3 1.5 Munich .... .7 1.3 .7 Berlin .... 2.0 1.2 1.4 Prague .... .7 1.3 .7 Nassau .... 2.0 1.6 1.3 These ratios refer to a value of 1 for the Spring Typhoid. Spring is considered to begin with March. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 535 The work which has been done upon the seasonal prevalence of typhoid fever within the last ten years has, if anything, only made the subject more obscure. Magelssen, in his classic brochure(12,) on the dependence of diseases upon the weather, in which he showed so clearly the unfavorable influence of extreme low temperatures upon the general mortality, only alluded to typhoid in passing, stating that it is most abundant in the latter months of the year. Korosi, in 1894,(124) made an elaborate comparison of the reported cases of the infectious diseases in Berlin with the moisture and temperature by periods of five days, a week and a month, according to the incubation period of the disease. lie criticised those observers, especially Haller, who have studied the relation of disease to season, in general, on the ground that such a comparison can throw no light on the causation of disease as the phenomena involved are too complex. His method consisted in the division of his pentads and months into five groups, designated as very cold, fairly cold, fairly warm, warm, and hot, and the calculation of the relative prevalence of the disease in each group of periods. He thus eliminated all the effects of the weather preceding the period con- sidered and obscured the facts. When analyzed into his five temperature groups, two maxima appeared, — one in the hot, one in the fairly cold months, — and he concluded that no positive relation is shown. Moisture, on the other hand, appeared to exert an appreciable effect, and he finally concluded that the maximum of morbidity occurred in dry weather with medium warmth, while the minimum was reached when a medium temperature coincided with an excess of moisture. Fodor, in 1896,<12,,) declared that “ the striking dependence on the warmth, and on the season which is so characteristic of cholera is almost entirely wanting in typhoid fever.” In the same year, Jessen(12C) published curves which showed the monthly prevalence of measles, croup, and diphtheria, typhoid fever, cholera, pneumonia, phthisis, and diarrhoeal diseases of children in comparison with variations in wind, temperature, humidity, and rainfall. With regard to typhoid fever he concluded that temperature was the only factor which affected the disease, and that this was only of slight importance, as typhoid fever, though occurring principally in the cold months (!), sometimes attained a maximum when the temperature was high. Knoevenagel(127) noted the increased prevalence of typhoid fever in Mecklenburg-Schwerin at the end of July and in August and September. Berger(,29) and Ruhemann,<130) in 1898, emphasized the importance of atmospheric conditions in setiology, and criticised the exclusive attention paid to the bacteriological factors in disease. The former author, after an excellent review of literature on the influence of weather on various diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia), published curves of morbidity from diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, and typhoid 536 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. lever in a rural district for a period of four years. Typhoid fever, although the total number of cases was only twenty-two, showed a maximum in August and a minimum between November and February. Berger concluded that typhoid fever is most prevalent with a falling barometer and a rising thermometer, hy- grometer, and dew point, and that its occurrence is favored by damp and cloudy weather. Ruhemann alluded only in passing to typhoid fever, mentioning its summer maximum. Finally, in 1899, Weichselbaum(131) concluded that “no seasonal distribution of typhoid, no preference of that disease for any special time of year, at least in the marked sense in which it has been shown for cholera, has been, or will be demonstrated.”* Curschmann, in the latest monograph on typhoid fever,(132) notes that this disease shows a “ constant and for many countries a uniform relation to the seasons.” “ Everywhere the increased frequency occurs during the late summer and autumn months. ’ “ The period of least prevalence of typhoid fever is everywhere the spring and the beginning of the summer, especially the months of March, April, and May.” lie quotes the figures for London (Murchison), Dresden (Fiedler), and the Hamburg epidemic of 1886-87, and gives a table for Leipsic which is reproduced below. The London and Leipsic figures, when plotted, show very regular curves. Cases of Typhoid Fever received into Jacobsspital, Leipsic, from 1880 to 1892. J F M A M j j A s 0 N D 122 96 97 ‘ 78 71 75 136 252 240 193 150 88 In commenting on these facts Curschmann says: “The causes for this remarkable uniformity in the relations of typhoid fever to season are as yet wholly unknown. * Behrens (Einjfuss tier Witterung auf Diphtherie, ScJiarlach, Maseru und Typhus, Arch. f. Hyg., XL., 1901, 1) has recently published an exhaustive study on the influence of weather on the prevalence of diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, and typhoid. His method consists in the arrangement of the individual months for a period of five years in classes according to temperature, humidity, and precipitation, and the tabulation of the morbidity and mortality for the various classes of months. The cities treated are Carlsruhe, Berlin, Bremen, and Breslau. A series of tables is appended of morbidity in Carlsruhe from the four diseases treated by five-day periods with an elaborate analysis of the meteorological conditions. The results of the investigation are conflicting and incon- clusive. With reference to typhoid fever, Dr. Behrens sums up the evidence from his own work and that of Jessen and Korosi as follows: “ Typhoid reaches its maximum in hot weather at Carlsruhe, Berlin, and Breslau, in cold weather at Hamburg, and in weather of medium warmth at Budapest. At Bremen no influence of temperature can be shown. Carlsruhe, Berlin, Breslau, and Budapest agree in the fact that the number of typhoid cases is greatest when the humidity is least; in Bremen, on the other hand, the maximum occurs when the hygrometer is highest. A heavy precipitation and a maximum of rainy days favor the disease in all cases.” His final conclusion with regard to this disease is as follows: “Typhoid cases are as numerous with a warmer as with a cooler temperature, but are markedly favored in their occurrence by cloudy and rainy weather.” SICDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 537 The universality of the relation, its recurrence in all possible, remotely situated regions, indicate that it is dependent not upon local, but upon general conditions, possibly % such as are responsible for the power of multiplication and the vital activity of the typhoid germ itself. Although much is known with regard to the details in this con- nection, an insight into the solution of general questions is wanting, particularly the relation of the poison to important cosmic conditions. It is, therefore, better for the present to leave a glaring deficiency rather than to bridge it over with unstable theories.” II. STATISTICAL STUDIES BY TIIE AUTHORS ON SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN TEMPERATURE ANI) ON TIIE PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES. It appears, then, from a review of the literature that, although most observers have noted a characteristic seasonal distribution of typhoid fever, others, including some of those who have written most recently, have denied the existence of such regular variations. Of those who realized that the variations did exist, a few sought au explanation in the factor of temperature. Their views did not, however, gain acceptance, as the evidence furnished was insufficient; and the common view, among medical men and sanitarians, has been that the fall maximum of typhoid fever was an unexplained phenomenon. The bacteriological work on the effect of low temperatures upon the bacillus of typhoid fever, reported in the first section of this paper, lent force to the idea that the temperature really might in itself exercise a direct effect upon the aetiology of this disease. We therefore determined to see whether the relation shown by Mur- chison, Liebermeister, and Davidson for a few places could be demonstrated by a more exact examination of statistics collected from a wider field. We have, accordingly, brought together statistics of the monthly variations in tem- perature and in the prevalence of typhoid fever for thirty communities, as follows: 'fhe States of New York and Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, and the cities of Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charleston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Mobile, Newark, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, St. Paul, and San Francisco, in the United States ; the city of Montreal in Canada ; the cities of Berlin, Dresden, Leipsic, London, Munich, Paris, and Vienna in Europe; the Empire of Japan, and the British Army in India, in Asia; and the cities of Buenos Ayres and Santiago de Chile in South America. Four continents and both hemispheres are thus represented, and a very wide range of climate. (See pp. 540-566.) 538 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. The mean monthly temperatures for the American cities were obtained from the reports of the United States Weather Bureau; those for the German cities, from the publications of the astronomical observatories in their respective districts; and those for London, Paris, Montreal, Buenos Ayres, and Santiago from special local publications mentioned in connection with the tables. For the States of New York and Massachusetts, it was assumed that the temperature of New York City and Boston would serve without serious error. For Japan, where the range of temperature is rather wide, an average was taken of the record of ten stations in different parts of the Empire, as given by the Central Meteorological Observatory. In the case of India, it appeared inadvisable to attempt to calculate an average for the whole empire, as the seasons in the different districts are so very different. The typhoid figures are, there- fore, compared with two sets of temperature values, for Central India, and for the Punjab, taken from Hann’s “ Klimatologiewhich give a fair idea of the two most important meteorological zones. For each of the cities and stations, with one or two exceptions, the figures for ten years .have been used in order to secure a reliable average; and the mean monthly temperatures finally obtained have all been reduced to the Fahrenheit scale for uniformity and convenience in plotting the curves. The typhoid statistics include records of hospital admissions at the two hospitals of Santiago de Chile, of hospital admissions in the British Army in India, of reported cases at Newark and of deaths in all other instances. The figures for the American States and cities, for Montreal, London, and Paris, were obtained from the published reports of the local Departments of Health, supplemented in some cases by informa- tion furnished in reply to correspondence; the German statistics were taken from the “ Verojfentlichungen des Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes for Japan, the Annual Reports of the Central Sanitary Bureau, for India, the Parliamentary blue-books, and for the South American cities, local sanitary periodicals referred to in the tables, were con- sulted. The figures for ten years were averaged in each case except as follows: for Vienna and Japan the period was five years; for Atlanta, six years; for Montreal and New Orleans, eight years; for Denver and Paris, nine years; for the Army in India, eleven years; for Buenos Ayres, twenty-two years. In each case the average number of deaths per month has been reduced to a ratio of one hundred deaths per year, the final figure for each month representing the number that occur in that month for every hundred deaths in the year. Thus the absolute amount of the disease is entirely eliminated, and only its seasonal distribution considered. The value of the statistics will not therefore be impaired by errors of registration, which it may be assumed will not vary from month to month. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.— BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 539 Finally, the monthly values for temperature and typhoid prevalence have been plotted on the appended plates in order to show graphically the relation of the two curves. For each locality the abscissae represent the successive months, and the ordi- nates the monthly temperature and percentage of annual typhoid. We should not, however, expect the effect of January temperatures to be manifest in the typhoid death-rate until March, as about two months will be taken up in the transfer of the infection to the victim, in the incubation of the disease, and in its course toward a fatal termination. Accordingly, in order to make the relation of the two curves more striking, the typhoid curve has in each case been shifted along to the left by just two months, so that March typhoid comes just above January temperature, and so on. Where cases and not deaths have been considered (Santiago, Newark, India) the curve has been only moved along by one month. This transposition does not, of course, alter the shape of the curves or their relation to each other, but only makes that relation clearer to the eye. (See Plates I.-VIII.) 540 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. BOSTON. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. o. N. D. 1888 7 5 5 11 3 11 11 19 31 42 17 18 1889 6 7 7 7 9 12 17 35 33 23 17 13 1890 7 5 7 7 7 8 9 20 27 20 19 19 1891 8 4 11 9 8 4 7 14 29 29 15 16 1892 2 5 7 7 9 6 6 15 18 29 18 15 1893 13 9 6 10 13 12 7 15 14 26 17 6 1894 3 5 5 7 7 4 4 18 30 27 20 11 1895 8 3 6 7 11 8 9 26 28 26 13 18 1896 14 6 2 5 6 7 8 13 30 34 23 14 1897 14 7 9 11 8 9 10 25 27 22 18 13 Average 8.1 5.6 6.5 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.8 20.0 26.7 27.8 17.7 14.3 Ratio of 100 5.1 3 5 4.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.5 12.5 16.7 17.4 11.1 8.9 Mean Monthly Temperature. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 20 28 32 42 52 67 68 69 59 47 43 34 1889 3G 26 38 48 60 69 69 67 63 48 45 38 1890 32 33 35 46 57 64 71 70 63 51 42 26 1891 31 32 34 48 56 65 69 70 67 52 41 40 1892 28 28 33 48 56 70 73 70 62 53 41 30 1893 21 27 34 44 56 65 71 70 60 55 42 30 1894 30 27 42 47 58 69 74 68 65 .54 38 32 1895 29 25 35 46 60 67 69 71 66 50 45 36 1896 25 29 32 47 60 66 72 71 62 50 46 30 1897 28 31 37 49 58 62 72 70 63 54 41 34 Average 28 29 35 46 57 66 71 70 63 51 42 33 From “ Monthly Weatiier Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 541 NEW YORK CITY. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, State Board of Health. Tear. j. F. M A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1887 28 13 21 11 11 16 33 51 53 38 26 22 1888 12 14 13 1 1 23 11 35 42 82 52 37 33 1889 27 15 21 18 15 19 31 71 57 57 40 21 1890 20 28 13 12 11 11 31 49 64 49 34 29 1891 14 11 17 13 20 23 28 57 65 56 51 29 1898 15 25 17 19 23 23 52 53 57 55 31 30 1893 22 19 29 25 29 23 21 35 42 70 41 26 1894 ' 22 11 17 18 11 14 28 42 57 46 32 28 1895 17 16 8 14 13 23 27 37 46 48 37 36 - 1896 20 17 11 12 10 13 25 42 38 39 34 36 Average 19.7 16.9 16.7 15.3 16.6 17.6 31.1 47.9 56.1 51.0 36.3 29.0 Ratio of 100 5.6 4.8 4.8 4.2 4.8 . 5.1 8.7 13.5 15.8 14.4 10.1 8.2 Monthly Temperature. From “Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 20 32 32 48 58 71 70 72 63 49 45 34 1889 38 28 41 52 62 70 73 71 66 52 47 41 1890 40 40 37 51 01 70 73 72 67 55 46 31 1891 35 37 38 52 60 70 71 74 70 54 44 42 1892 30 33 35 50 59 72 75 74 66 55 43 31 1893 23 30 30 48 59 69 75 74 64 58 44 35 1894 35 30 44 50 61 71 76 73 70 57 42 37 1895 30 25 30 48 59 70 71 74 70 51 46 37 1890 28 ' 30 32 50 64 66 73 73 65 52 48 32 1897 29 33 39 49 59 65 73 71 65 5G 44 36 Average 31 32 37 50 60 69 73 73 67 54 45 36 542 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEYER. MASSACHUSETTS. Average Weekly Typhoid Deaths for each Month. From Reports, State Board of Health. Tear. J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1886 6 5 4 5 3 3 4 10 15 16 11 10 1887 4 8 8 7 6 7 5 14 22 16 12 7 1888 • 6 5 6 7 5 6 5 10 16 26 11 8 1889 6 8 7 5 6 6 7 15 18 16 13 8 1890 6 7 5 4 5 5 4 9 16 14 18 15 1891 15 11 7 7 4 2 4 6 14 15 11 9 1892 6 5 7 4 5 5 6 9 11 37 11 12 1893 9 8 5 6 5 5 4 9 13 17 11 10 1894 5 7 4 5 6 2 4 7 16 15 15 9 1895 4 2 5 6 5 5 5 12 16 12 10 11 Average 6.7 6.6 5.8 5.6 5.0 4.6 4.8 10.1 15.7 18.4 12.3 9.9 Ratio of 100 6.4 6.3 5.5 5.3 4.7 4.4 4.5 9.6 13.9 17.4 11.7 9.4 NEW YORK STATE. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, State Board of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. o. N. D. 1887 72 57 72 56 37 54 102 194 248 182 149 104 1888 64 84 81 45 59 45 73 174 279 288 153 138 1889 89 71 69 78 63 45 117 224 247 261 169 117 1890 117 94 72 73 72 69 101 167 234 240 216 157 1891 138 127 121 103 88 90 97 171 287 290 241 183 1892 116 98 96 77 71 75 131 182 282 205 184 147 1893 120 101 115 111 93 83 87 157 227 253 180 158 1894 105 86 131 94 85 72 93 183 229 234 189 139 1895 108 99 99 115 92 81 108 156 220 265 204 169 1896 158 121 103 87 59 66 103 171 221 195 132 126 Average 109 94 96 84 72 68 101 178 247 241 182 144 I Ratio of 100 6.7 5.8 5.9 5.2 4.5 4.2 6.3 11.0 15.3 14.9 11.3 8.9 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. —BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 543 ST. PAUL.'’ Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Year. i. Fk M. A. M. j. J. A. 8. o. N. D. 1888 7 8 4 5 6 4 6 14 27 29 22 10 1890 7 4 2 5 0 2 2 17 11 6 6 3 1891 3 6 4 1 2 3 2 6 12 10 7 5 1892 2 1 6 1 0 0 2 1 4 12 7 11 1893 3 2 1 0 2 3 1 11 8 9 5 6 1894 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 4 6 5 6 4 1895 3 5 3 1 1 3 4 5 2 8 1 2 1896 7 6 3 3 1 1 0 5 0 4 5 2 1897 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 3 3 6 1 Average 3.6 3.9 2.9 2.1 1.4 2.1 2.1 7.1 8.1 8.4 7.2 4.9 Ratio of 100 6.6 7.2 5.4 3.9 2.7 3.9 3.9 13.2 15.1 15.7 13.4 9.1 From Reports, Local Board of Health. Mkan Monthly Temperature. Prom “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Ye»r. j. F. M. A. M. j. 3. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1888 -1 12 18 40 50 67 72 66 55 43 33 24 1889 20 10 37 48 56 64 71 70 59 45 29 29 1890 10 18 22 48 52 70 72 65 58 46 36 24 1891 21 11 23 48 58 65 66 67 66 48 26 27 1892 10 21 28 42 51 65 71 69 63 51 28 15 1893 3 9 23 39 54 71 73 69 62 49 30 12 1894 10 14 35 49 58 72 76 72 64 49 27 27 1895 6 11 28 52 59 67 70 70 65 44 31 21 1896 16 21 25 47 63 68 71 70 56 45 22 23 1897 9 19 24 46 57 64 74 66 68 53 29 15 Average 10 15 27 46 V 56 67 72 68 62 47 29 22 544 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. DENVER. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 8 1 3 0 2 5 14 22 24 31 21 3 1889 4 0 1 1 4 1 14 23 51 55 22 12 1890 7 5 2 1 9 7 17 • 31 56 72 50 30 1891 13 9 4 3 2 3 6 11 15 17 9 7 1892 2 1 2 3 2 6 2 12 9 9 15 1 1893 4 4 0 5 8 5 8 4 5 10 15 3 1894 4 2 1 1 3 6 3 8 8 7 48 8 1895 5 1 2 1 2 2 2 5 8 6 8 2 1896 5 0 2 1 4 0 6 13 28 17 12 3 Average 5.8 2.6 1.9 1.8 4.0 3.9 8.0 15.4 22.7 24.9 22.2 7.7 Ratio of 100 4.8 2.1 1.6 1.5 3.3 3.2 6.7 11.9 18.9 20.7 18.5 6.4 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 27 39 33 53 53 68 71 65 61 48 34 34 1889 27 30 43 51 55 64 72 73 60 52 32 40 1890 28 34 41 48 58 68 72 69 62 49 40 39 1891 25 27 32 48 56 63 70 69 64 52 38 31 1892 26 33 36 46 51 65 72 71 66 50 43 27 1893 38 31 38 45 54 69 73 70 63 51 39 38 1894 31 25 40 50 59 66 72 71 63 54 45 32 1895 28 27 37 50 56 62 67 70 66 51 38 34 1896 37 38 37 50 59 68 72 72 61 50 36 39 1897 27 31 36 47 61 65 70 70 66 51 41 28 Average 29 31 37 49 56 66 71 70 63 51 39 34 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 545 MONTREAL. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Year. j. F. H. A. M. j j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 5 2 4 2 4 4 4 20 24 14 G 5 1889 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 15 19 8 G 6 1891 0 0 8 1 2 2 4 7 13 10 8 7 1892 4 G 3 0 1 2 4 6 8 12 15 4 1893 G 3 2 4 4 3 5 2 6 8 2 5 1894 6 3 4 5 3 0 1 6 6 1 6 1 1895 1 2 1 2 5 2 4 3 10 6 5 3 1896 3 3 2 2 3 1 7 4 4 9 4 4 Average 3.5 2.7 3.2 2.4 3.0 2.0 4.0 7.9 11.2 8.5 G.5 4.4 Ratio of 100 5.9 4.6 5.5 4.0 5.1 3.4 6.7 13.3 18.9 14.3 10.9 7.4 From Reports, Local Department of Health. Mean Monthly Temperature. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 4 12 23 37 54 66 68 64 55 40 33 23 1891 15 19 27 40 52 64 69 65 58 46 32 7 1892 15 17 26 42 52 65 66 67 62 45 35 30 1893 15 18 23 41 53 66 70 66 57 46 33 19 1894 13 13 32 45 56 66 69 63 60 49 30 23 1895 15 14 22 41 58 70 67 66 60 41 34 22 1896 12 15 20 41 58 65 69 67 57 43 35 18 Average 13 15 25 41 55 66 68 65 58 44 33 20 546 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. BALTIMORE. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1888 7 8 6 6 5 10 4 26 34 21 17 17 1889 15 7 14 4 12 16 8 30 26 14 19 26 1890 10 12 15 19 13 13 29 36 30 34 25 11 1891 15 8 3 5 9 6 9 14 22 29 17 13 1892 13 9 8 9 11 8 16 30 26 29 21 13 1893 20 5 11 10 4 13 23 33 32 27 34 12 1894 12 8 6 14 14 8 18 39 28 31 21 23 1895 11 11 6 9 7 3 24 12 27 31 19 13 1896 7 11 4 11 11 13 19 23 29 28 22 10 1897 7 8 6 6 6 8 13 36 36 27 19 17 Average 12.7 8.9 7.9 9.3 9 2 9.8 16.3 27.9 29.0 27.1 21.4 15.5 Ratio of 100 6.6 4.6 4.1 4.8 4.8 5.1 8.4 14.4 15.0 14.0 11.1 8.0 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. 1 A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 29 35 37 53 63 73 74 75 64 51 47 36 1889 39 31 43 55 66 71 77 74 66 54 48 46 1890 44 43 42 54 64 75 75 74 68 57 48 35 1891 38 41 39 56 62 71 72 74 71 55 44 44 1892 32 37 37 52 63 76 76 76 66 56 44 33 1893 25 34 40 53 61 72 77 75 67 57 44 39 1894 37 34 48 52 65 73 78 73 71 57 43 38 1895 31 26 41 53 62 74 73 77 72 53 47 39 1896 34 36 38 57 69 71 78 76 68 55 51 36 ; 1897 32 37 45 53 63 70 77 74 69 58 46 39 Average 34 35 41 54 64 73 76 75 68 55 46 38 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 547 LONDON. Weekly Typhoid Deaths and Average Mean Temperature. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. n. 12. 13. Deaths 13 14 13 11 12 7 10 9 9 9 9 7 8 Temperature 38 38 38 39 40 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 45 14. 15. io. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. Deaths . . . 9 6 8 7 8 7 9 8 8 7 9 9 9 Temperature 4G 46 48 48 50 52 54 56 57 58 59 60 61 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 30. 37. 38. 39. Deaths 8 10 7 9 10 9 13 12 19 15 16 17 17 Temperature 62 63 63 62 62 63 62 61 60 59 58 56 55 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 40. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Deaths 17 19 19 18 20 19 19 20 17 16 19 15 16 Temperature 53 51 49 47 47 45 42 41 41 41 40 39 38 From the Weekly Returns of the Registrar-General. Weekly typhoid rate is average for ten years, 1888-1897. Temperature is average for years, 1840-1890. Average Weekly Typhoid Deaths for each Month. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o N. D. Deaths 13.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 16.0 16.0 18.0 19.0 16.0 Rat io of 100 8.9 6.2 5.5 4.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 11.0 11.0 12.3 13.0 11.0 Temperature . . 38.0 40.0 42.0 47.0 53.0 59.0 62.0 62.0 57.0 50.0 43.0 40.0 LEIPSIC. 1/ Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From “ VeroffuntlichunKen des Kaiserliclien Gesundlieitsamtes.” j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. B. o. N. D. 1888 1 2 1 1 l 3 2 1 1 0 4 2 1889 2 2 2 2 l 0 4 6 6 6 3 2 1890 6 1 1 0 l 5 2 7 6 4 3 6 1891 5 5 4 6 5 1 6 5 6 4 3 4 1892 0 3 1 0 1 1 4 3 4 7 3 2 1893 2 2 0 0 0 3 4 1 6 2 1 6 1894 1 2 2 1 5 5 4 3 2 4 5 4 1895 0 3 1 1 2 2 0 3 8 5 6 2 1896 2 3 2 5 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 7 1897 3 5 3 1 2 1 2 5 8 3 4 0 Average 2.2 2.8 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.9 3.7 4.9 3.7 3.5 3.5 Ratio of 100 6.3 8.1 4.9 4.9 5.5 6.3 8.4 10.7 14.1 10.7 10.1 10.1 Mean Monthly Temperature. 1864-1890. From “ Amtliclie Publication des Kiinigl. sachsischen meteorologisehen Institutes. Das Klima des Kdnigreiches Sachsen.” Heft III, 1805. J. F. M. A. M. J. j. A. a. o N. D. Centigrade -1 0 8 8 13 17 18 17 14 8 3 0 Fahrenheit .‘50 82 87 46 55 63 64 63 57 46 37 32 548 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. BERLIN. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From “ Veroffentlicliungen des Kaiserlichen Gesundlieitsamtes.” Year. j. F. M. A. M. J. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 38 19 10 11 8 10 18 22 13 15 11 13 1889 11 21 58 23 14 11 28 20 23 18 36 27 1890 14 15 11 9 10 8 10 16 18 18 9 5 1891 9 7 16 7 9 9 7 20 19 31 20 12 1892 12 6 15 7 10 10 7 9 23 15 10 13 1893 7 6 11 8 13 8 7 19 42 16 18 5 1894 7 9 8 7 7 5 7 5 10 10 5 12 1895 6 7 8 2 4 14 8 16 22 17 8 14 1896 9 6 6 11 8 6 11 14 17 11 4 5 1897 3 1 8 8 5 4 4 20 11 10 7 9 Average 11.6 9.7 15.1 9.3 8.8 8.5 10.7 16.1 19.8 16.1 12.8 11.5 Ratio of 100 8.0 6.7 10.0 6.0 6.0 5.3 7.3 10.7 13.3 10.7 8.7 7.3 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen von dem Kdniglich. Preussischen meteorologischen Institut.” Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 —1 -2 0 ■ 7 14 17 17 17 15 8 4 2 1889 -2 —1 1 9 19 22 18 17 13 9 4 0 1890 3 —1 6 9 16 16 18 19 15 9 4 -4 1891 -3 1 4 6 15 16 18 17 16 11 4 3 1892 —1 1 2 8 13 17 18 20 16 9 2 —1 1893 -7 2 5 9 13 17 19 18 13 11 3 1 1894 —1 3 6 11 13 16 20 17 12 9 5 1 Average —2 0 3 8 15 17 18 18 14 9 4 0 Fahrenheit 28 32 37 46 59 63 64 64 57 48 39 32 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 549 EMPIRE OF JAPAN. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Annual Iie|>ort8 of the Central Sanitary Bureau of Japan. Year. j. r. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1890 568 386 380 402 540 527 603 838 1159 1309 977 775 1891 556 285 264 392 724 1038 1028 940 1255 1286 1009 837 1892 541 382 366 405 468 628 734 938 1165 1252 921 729 1893 508 361 368 340 450 520 ‘ 646 827 1190 1262 1016 695 1894 515 319 226 2o0 338 515 681 1068 1298 1141 995 702 Average 538 347 321 359 504 646 738 922 1203 1250 984 748 Ratio of 100 6.3 4.1 3.8 4.2 5.9 7.5 8.6 10.8 14.1 14.6 11.5 8.8 Mean Monthly Temperature. (10 stations.) (3-6 years.) From “ The Climate of Japan,” Central Meteorological Observatory, Tokio, 1893. Stations. j F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. Kumamoto 3 7 10 16 19 22 26 27 25 18 12 8 Matsuyama 4 6 8 13 17 21 25 26 23 17 12 9 Hiroshima . 3 5 8 13 19 22 25 27 23 17 11 7 Ozaka . 4 5 9 14 18 22 26 27 24 17 12 7 Wakayama 5 5 9 14 18 22 26 27 23 17 12 8 N agano -2 0 4 11 14 19 23 24 20 12 7 4 Tokio . 3 4 7 13 16 21 24 26 22 16 11 6 Hakodate . -4 -2 3 7 11 14 18 21 18 11 5 1 Sapporo —7 -5 0 5 11 15 19 21 17 9 3 -1 Nemuro -6 —5 -1 4 7 10 15 18 16 10 4 0 Average 0 2 6 11 15 19 23 24 21 14 9 5 Fahrenheit 32 36 43 52 59 66 74 75 70 58 48 41 550 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. SAN FRANCISCO. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 12 10 18 13 15 12 1889 6 10 8 13 12 9 1890 17 6 7 6 4 17 17 13 11 21 14 10 1891 13 6 10 5 9 8 18 16 7 8 11 12 1892 8 6 8 4 4 1 13 14 5 13 11 7 1893 4 5 3 4 3 12 10 11 10 9 16 10 1894 11 7 5 5 9 6 8 13 12 9 10 20 1895 14 11 4 6 5 11 16 5 12 8 7 9 1896 10 6 6 5 7 10 0 8 7 10 7 9 1897 13 2 7 5 3 4 3 4 — 5 4 4 Average 10.7 6.7 6.4 5.9 6.2 8.7 10.8 10.4 10.2 10.7 10.6 10.3 Ratio of 100 9.9 6.1 6.0 5.5 5.8 8.1 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.9 9.8 9.6 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1888 46 53 52 56 55 61 59 58 59 59 55 52 1889 50 54 57 59 59 60 59 60 65 62 59 51 1890 46 49 54 55 60 59 60 61 60 62 59 50 1891 52 51 55 53 56 60 59 62 62 60 59 50 1892 52 52 54 53 58 57 58 59 60 60 57 51 1893 47 50 51 52 56 56 57 57 59 58 56 52 1894 48 48 51 55 55 56 56 59 63 60 59 50 1895 49 54 52 55 58 59 58 58 61 59 56 49 1896 52 55 54 52 56 57 59 59 60 59 53 53 1897 49 51 49 57 57 59 58 58 61 58 53 51 Average 49 52 53 55 56 58 58 59 61 60 57 51 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.—BACILLUS OF TYrHOlI) FEVEIi. 551 CINCINNATI. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Beports, Local Department of Health. Tear. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 41 34 16 11 6 7 6 12 17 16 22 15 1889 11 14 11 19 7 9 12 14 14 11 12 9 1890 18 11 17 9 14 14 23 24 20 23 23 9 1891 10 17 14 21 14 21 10 16 7 22 22 12 1892 17 10 8 4 4 7 6 10 12 9 11 23 1893 10 14 8 4 14 6 8 15 14 12 12 17 1894 18 11 15 10 10 8 12 6 10 21 11 37 1895 22 12 7 6 5 5 7 7 8 10 8 23 1896 34 22 15 11 11 5 6 14 9 11 11 15 1897 9 8 5 5 10 3 17 9 9 9 6 11 Average 19.0 15.3 12.6 10.0 9.5 8.5 10.7 12.7 12.0 14.4 13.8 17.1 Katio of 100 12.3 9.9 8.2 6.5 6.2 5.5 6.9 8.2 7.8 9.4 8.9 11.1 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Montlily Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 29 35 39 55 63 74 76 73 63 50 45 36 1889 37 30 46 54 63 70 75 72 66 52 43 48 1890 41 43 40 56 64 78 77 73 66 56 48 36 1891 36 40 38 56 60 74 71 72 70 55 43 42 1892 26 39 38 53 62 75 76 75 68 56 40 32 1893 21 34 42 54 61 73 79 75 70 56 42 36 1894 38 33 49 54 63 75 77 77 72 57 41 37 1895 27 24 41 55 64 76 75 77 73 51 44 37 1896 34 35 37 62 71 73 76 75 65 53 48 38 1897 29 36 46 52 59 72 78 74 71 63 46 36 Average 32 35 42 55 63 74 76 74 68 55 44 38 552 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1887 18 32 22 20 18 15 1888 8 7 8 7 3 10 12 23 27 34 19 7 1889 14 7 9 5 6 7 23 18 29 15 18 29 1890 9 6 19 11 10 21 33 26 29 30 21 17 1891 12 6 12 5 8 6 22 21 36 26 12 1892 13 13 8 7 8 11 19 21 30 22 25 18 1893 6 7 6 11 11 10 21 24 28 23 23 21 1894 10 5 5 6 5 20 33 30 26 30 24 16 1895 3 8 1 1 1 1 12 27 56 55 24 20 1896 9 8 3 3 4 7 8 15 25 25 18 16 1897 13 4 4 4 6 9 Average 9.7 7.1 7.5 6.4 5.9 10.4 18.5 23.8 29.3 29.0 21.6 17.1 Ratio of 100 5.2 3.8 4.1 3.5 3.2 5.6 10.0 12.9 15.8 15.7 11.7 9.2 Mean Monthly Temperature From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0 N. D. 1887 80.5 73.2 65.0 55.4 44.9 37.2 1888 29.2 35.7 37.5 52.9 62.7 73.0 72.9 73.9 63.2 50.5 45.8 35.2 188!) 36.8 29.4 42.3 53.2 63.8 69.8 74.2 70.6 65.6 52.5 46.2 45.6 1890 44.2 43.4 41.4 53.7 63.8 74.9 75.1 73.5 67.7 56.2 47.8 34.2 1891 37.3 41.5 38.5 55.4 61.3 71.4 72.0 74.5 79.2 54.4 43.9 43.1 1892 31.7 36.9 37.7 51.5 63.8 76 2 75.7 76.2 66.2 55.0 43.6 33.0 1893 24.0 34.9 41.0 54.0 61.6 72.0 77.0 74.7 66.0 56.4 43.6 38.4 1894 37.7 35.2 48.6 53.2 64.8 73.7 78.0 73.9 71.4 57.8 43.8 37.4 1895 31.6 26.2 41.8 53.8 62.6 74.6 72.7 77.3 72.4 52.1 46.4 38.7 1896 33.3 36.6 38.6 66.5 68.8 71.3 76.6 75.7 67.7 54.0 50.6 35.5 1897 30.9 36.5 46.0 53.0 62.5 69.7 Average 34 36 41 55 64 73 75 74 68 54 46 38 553 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. MOBILE. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Obtained, in correspondence, by courtesy of Local Department of Health. Year. J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1889 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1890 0 2 0 1 1 2 6 2 0 1 0 1 1891 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 4 3 2 0 1892 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 3 1 2 0 1 1893 1 1 1 1 0 4 3 1 2 2 0 0 1894 1 2 0 0 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1895 3 0 0 0 2 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 1896 1 0 0 0 2 1 5 1 0 ' 2 3 1 1897 1 1 0 0 1 3 4 2 5 1 2 0 1898 1 0 2 1 1 2 6 4 2 2 1 1 . Average .8 .7 .5 .5 1.1 1.8 3.9 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.1 .9 Ratio of 100 4.6 4.1 2.9 2.9 6.4 10.4 22.6 11.6 11.6 11.0 6.4 5.2 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Keview,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Yew. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1889 51 51 59 68 70 77 81 79 77 66 56 61 1890 62 61 57 68 73 80 80 80 77 67 61 54 1891 49 59 59 66 72 80 80 80 77 65 57 53 1892 47 57 55 66 72 79 79 80 75 69 58 52 1893 46 58 57 69 74 79 82 81 78 66 58 55 1894 55 53 60 69 74 78 79 80 78 68 57 54 1895 49 43 58 66 72 79 81 81 81 65 58 50 1896 49 53 57 69 76 79 81 82 77 68 62 51 1897 48 55 66 66 71 81 82 80 78 71 60 54 1898 55 53 63 62 . 75 80 81 80 78 65 56 49 Average 51 54 59 67 73 79 81 80 78 67 58 53 554 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. OAKLAND. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Obtained, in correspondence, by courtesy of Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1889 1 1 4 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 1 1890 2 0 5 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 1891 0 0 0 2 2 1 3 4 6 2 3 3 1892 0 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 5 1 2 1893 0 2 0 0 1 4 22 4 7 2 3 1 1894 1 2 3 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 1895 2 3 0 3 2 0 3 1 2 0 1 1 1896 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 3 2 1897 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1898 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Average 0.8 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.1 3.7 1.7 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.6. Ratio of 100 3.9 6.9 6.9 5.4 6.9 5.4 18.1 8.3 11.3 10.3 8.8 7.8 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Yeai j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o N. D. 1889 48 50 57 5ft 59 61 60 61 63 61 57 50 1890 44 48 54 55 60 59 62 62 61 62 57 49 1891 51 49 53 53 55 60 61 63 62 59 57 49 1892 52 50 53 53 58 62 64 64 63 58 53 49 1893 49 51 54 56 58 62 62 61 62 58 54 51 1894 45 48 52 57 59 61 59 61 62 59 56 49 1895 47 52 51 56 59 60 63 59 62 56 54 47 1896 51 53 55 54 58 61 64 63 — 58 51 49 1897 46 49 49 59 61 64 63 61 63 58 51 47 1898 44 51 51 57 57 64 62 62 61 60 53 47 Average 48 50 53 56 58 61 62 62 62 59 54 49 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.— BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 555 DRESDEN. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Year. j. F. M. A M. j. j. A s 0. N. D. 1888 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 6 4 1 2 3 1 MHO 4 2 0 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 1 0 1890 1 3 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1891 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 0 5 2 1892 0 0 4 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1898 1 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 1804 0 0 1 8 3 2 1 3 5 1 2 0 189a 1 l 0 0 2 1 4 3 1 1 2 1 1896 0 0 0 4 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 1897 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 1 Average 1.4 .9 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 2.3 1.9 1.4 2.2 1.6 Ratio of 100 7.2 4.6 8.2 10.3 8.2 5.1 8.2 11.8 9.7 7.2 11.3 8.2 From “ Veroffentlichungen des Kaiscrliclicn Gesundheitsamtes.” Mean Monthly Temperature. Average 18G4-1890. From “Amtliche Publication . 1888 7 7 12 8 7 9 4 4 5 9 5 26 1889 18 14 9 9 12 5 5 5 5 9 2 8 1890 6 7 7 7 6 6 4 6 11 7 3 7 1894 7 5 8 5 8 10 3 12 2 5 4 5 1895 5 3 2 2 5 6 13 12 6 11 14 7 Average 8.6 7.2 7.6 6 2 7.6 7.2 5.8 7.8 5.8 8.2 5.6 10.6 Ratio of 100 9.8 8.2 8.6 7.0 8.6 8.2 6.6 8.8 6.6 9.3 6.3 12.0 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Jahrbiicher tier k. k. Central Anstalt fiir Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus.” Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 -3 -3 4 8 15 18 18 18 15 8 2 0 1889 —2 —1 1 9 18 20 19 18 12 11 3 -4 1890 1 -2 6 9 16 16 19 21 14 9 4 —5 1891 -6 -2 4 7 16 17 18 17 16 12 3 1 1892 —1 1 2 10 14 17 19 21 16 9 2 —2 1893 —8 2 6 10 14 17 19 19 15 11 3 1 1894 -3 2 8 15 17 18 23 20 16 12 5 1 Average —3 0 4 10 16 18 19 19 15 10 3 — 1 Fahrenheit 27 32 39 50 61 64 66 66 59 50 37 30 558 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. CHICAGO. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j A. s. 0. N. D. 1889 30 21 15 12 16 18 29 64 77 68 68 35 1890 53 136 103 45 82 107 86 115 95 72 67 47 1891 67 61 71 136 408 167 200 182 198 171 150 186 1892 311 187 76 56 70 55 211 179 138 92 67 47 1893 41 30 41 58 56 CO 55 76 86 81 43 43 1894 46 26 27 30 31 31 37 52 71 68 38 34 1895 30 21 26 30 30 18 36 59 76 90 60 42 1896 87 89 65 33 31 44 58 64 87 89 60 44 1897 38 46 41 19 13 23 27 42 48 61 44 35 1898 29 32 41 94 67 35 55 45 65 62 56 55 Average 75 59 51 51 80 56 79 88 94 85 65 57 Ratio of 100 8.8 7.0 6.0 6.0 9.5 6.7 9.4 10.5 11.2 10.1 7.7 6.8 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” IT. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 15 23 30 45 53 67 72 69 60 48 41 31 1889 29 20 38 47 57 62 70 71 63 49 39 41 1890 31 32 29 46 53 70 72 68 60 51 42 31 1891 30 29 31 47 53 66 67 69 69 53 34 35 1892 19 30 31 44 52 64 72 71 64 54 35 23 1893 12 21 33 44 52 68 74 70 .64 53 36 25 1894 27 23 41 47 56 71 73 71 66 52 34 32 1895 18 17 32 4 6 59 70 70 72 69 46 36 30 1896 27 27 31 53 65 67 72 73 61 50 38 33 1897 22 29 35 46 55 65 74 69 69 58 39 25 Average 23 25 33 46 55 67 72 70 64 51 37 32 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 559 PHILADELPHIA. Monthly Typhoid Deaths, r From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. B. o. N. D. 1888 63 46 40 37 84 49 62 169 100 67 36 32 1889 62 79 61 41 64 50 68 83 70 63 33 66 1890 126 54 52 52 51 36 56 62 57 47 39 34 1891 50 44 102 141 76 42 49 42 53 35 23 26 1892 51 68 51 37 30 24 20 40 44 37 11 27 1893 43 34 38 35 61 37 26 47 47 29 25 35 1894 43 18 20 25 36 24 29 50 34 31 29 31 1895 36 64 48 40 39 38 33 36 32 43 30 30 1896 34 23 21 40 46 27 31 38 34 17 28 63 1897 36 18 27 41 50 32 25 49 24 20 31 48 Average 54 45 46 49 54 36 40 62 49 39 28 39 Ratio of 100 10.0 8.2 8.4 9.0 10.0 6.7 7.4 11.5 9.0 7.2 5.2 7.2 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. o. N. D. 1888 28 34 35 51 61 73 72 74 64 50 46 36 1889 39 29 42 53 65 71 75 73 66 53 47 44 1890 42 41 39 52 63 74 75 74 67 55 46 32 1891 36 40 38 54 61 72 72 74 72 55 44 43 1892 31 35 36 51 62 74 77 76 67 56 44 33 1893 24 32 39 51 61 72 77 76 66 58 44 36 1894 37 32 47 51 64 73 78 73 70 57 42 37 1895 31 25 38 52 62 74 73 77 72 53 47 39 189G 31 34 36 55 67 70 78 77 68 54 50 35 1897 31 36 43 53 63 69 76 74 68 58 46 38 Average 33 34 39 52 63 72 75 75 68 55 46 37 560 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. . NEWARK Monthly Typhoid Cases. From Report of Local Department of Health for 1899. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1890 93 23 21 17 16 7 20 10 22 27 34 57 1891 88 42 43 18 18 11 15 167 207 137 92 38 1892 36 27 19 11 4 4 16 32 30 17 16 17 1893 5 3 9 6 8 10 11 26 12 21 7 7 1894 2 4 6 9 6 3 3 10 13 21 6 5 1895 2 3 2 1 6 4 4 31 38 21 21 15 1896 10 5 3 2 3 6 4 14 25 29 7 8 1897 5 5 11 7 5 2 8 7 14 11 13 15 1898 5 3 2 3 3 7 6 38 59 29 16 8 1899 2 2 301 67 27 9 19 28 30 12 10 8 Average 24.8 11.7 41.7 14.1 9.6 6.3 10.6 36.3 45..0 32.5 22.2 17.8 Ratio of 100 9.2 4.3 15.4 5.2 3.6 2.3 3.9 13.4 16.7 12.0 8.2 6.6 Mean Monthly Temperature. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1890 39 38 36 49 60 71 73 72 65 54 43 30 1891 33 36 36 51 59 09 70 72 69 53 43 41 1892 30 34 34 49 59 72 74 73 64 54 41 30 1893 22 28 35 47 59 68 74 73 62 55 41 34 1894 33 28 43 49 60 70 75 71 67 54 40 35 1895 29 25 36 48 61 71 71 74 70 50 45 37 1896 29 31 33 53 66 69 76 75 66 53 49 32 1897 30 33 40 50 62 67 75 72 66 55 44 35 1898 33 33 45 48 58 71 76 76 70 56 43 32 1899 29 25 36 49 61 72 74 72 64 56 43 34 - Average 31 31 37 49 60 70 74 73 66 54 43 34 From “Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVLB. 561 PARIS. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From “ Aimuaire statistique de la ville de Paris.’' Year. j. r. M. A M. j. j. A. 8. o. N. D. 1888 146 78 52 58 54 52 81 51 70 65 69 71 1889 69 62 57 43 53 71 102 153 120 92 84 208 1890 74 39 45 47 51 57 44 54 76 92 71 73 1891 65 59 53 47 36 30 37 43 40 39 54 46 1892 50 36 48 37 48 78 90 89 97 105 62 59 1893 48 49 50 47 29 29 63 73 72 48 33 29 1894 25 53 289 84 34 46 33 37 21 22 29 24 189f> 11 9 13 21 13 25 22 30 43 34 24 26 1896 35 17 21 10 25 9 30 35 26 17 28 9 Average 52 40 63 39 34 40 50 56 56 51 45 54 Ratio of 100 9.0 6.9 10.9 6.7 5.9 6.9 8.6 9.7 9.7 8.8 7.7 9.3 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Annuaire statistique de la ville de Paris.” Year. j. F. M A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. 1888 1 ■ 0 4 7 13 16 16 16 15 8 8 3 1889 1 2 4 9 15 19 18 17 14 10 6 0 1890 6 2 6 9 14 15 16 17 15 9 6 • > —o 1891 —1 3 6 8 12 16 17 16 15 12 5 5 1892 2 4 4 10 15 17 18 19 15 9 8 1 1893 -1 6 9 14 14 18 19 20 15 11 5 3 1894 3 5 8 12 12 16 18 17 14 10 7 4 1895 0 -4 5 11 14 16 18 18 19 9 9 5 1896 2 3 9 9 13 17 19 16 15 9 3 4 Average 1 2 5 9 13 16 17 17 15 9 6 2 Fahrenheit 34 36 41 48 55 61 63 63 59 48 43 36 562 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. NEW ORLEANS. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M. J. J. A. s. 0. N. D. 1886 5 3 0 0 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 1887 2 4 0 1 3 4 1 4 2 4 2 7 1890 7 6 3 2 3 6 7 4 2 3 1 6 1891 5 1 1 1 3 6 7 6 10 2 4 13 1892 4 1 1 2 2 6 3 10 10 2 5 5 1893 2 2 5 1 1 6 4 1 4 4 4 5 1896 7 2 7 8 4 12 9 14 8 4 4 11 1897 10 4 3 7 6 16 21 18 10 11 19 16 Average 5.2 2.9 2.5 27 3.0 7.4 7.0 7.5 6.1 4.1 5.0 8.2 liatio of 100 8.5 4.7 1 4.0 4.5 4.9 11.9 1 1.3 12.2 9.9 6.7 8.1 13.4 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 56 59 60 70 73 77 81 78 75 68 59 51 1889 53 53 61 70 74 78 83 81 79 70 59 64 1890 65 64 62 70 74 81 82 81 78 69 64 56 1891 53 63 61 68 74 81 81 81 78 68 60 56 1892 49 61 59 69 74 79 80 82 77 71 62 56 1893 50 61 61 72 76 80 83 82 80 69 60 58 1894 58 55 63 71 75 78 79 80 80 71 60 58 1895 52 45 62 68 74 80 82 82 82 69 60 54 1896 52 56 61 71 78 80 83 83 79 70 65 55 1897 51 58 69 68 74 82 84 82 79 74 64 57 Average 54 57 62 70 75 80 82 81 79 70 61 56 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVEK. 563 ATLANTA. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. Obtained, in correspondence, by courtesy of Local Board of Ilealtli. Year. j. r M. A. M j. j. A. s. o. N. D 1893 1 1 3 3 4 5 11 13 7 9 5 1 1894 0 0 1 1 3 6 11 12 7 6 2 1 1895 0 0 3 0 1 3 4 12 14 20 6 5 1890 3 2 4 2 3 7 13 8 10 8 5 3 1897 1 0 0 1 0 10 10 11 9 6 4 3 1898 4 3 1 4 4 5 5 8 8 7 5 2 A venire 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.8 2.5 6.0 9.0 10.7 9.2 9.3 4.5 2.5 Ratio of 100 2.5 1.7 3.3 3.0 4.2 10.0 15.0 17.8 15.3 15.5 7.5 4.2 Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weather Review,” U. S. Weather Bureau. Year. j. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1893 36 46 51 64 67 74 81 77 73 62 51 47 1M94 47 45 57 62 69 76 76 76 73 62 49 46 1895 40 34 51 60 67 77 77 77 76 60 52 44 1896 42 45 49 66 75 75 78 80 75 61 56 44 1897 39 48 55 60 68 79 78 76 74 66 53 45 1898 47 43 57 56 73 79 78 77 74 60 49 44 Average 42 43 53 61 70 77 78 77 74 62 52 45 564 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. CHARLESTON. Monthly Typhoid Deaths. From Reports, Local Department of Health. Year. j. F. M. A. M j. J. A. s. o. N. D. 1888 3 3 1 0 1 2 2 7 4 5 4 4 1889 3 2 2 4 1 4 3 5 3 5 3 5 1890 4 6 3 2 2 6 6 8 4 9 2 4 1891 5 2 1 0 0 1 6 3 3 5 2 0 1892 5 1 2 1 4 0 3 3 3 3 1 1 1898 1 4 2 0 2 1 4 2 4 3 1 0 1894 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 4 4 2 0 1895 1 0 2 1 2 2 10 3 2 5 3 2 1896 3 5 3 3 2 6 4 5 4 3 1 5 1897 1 2 2 4 0 3 5 5 7 1 3 7 Average 2.7 2.7 2.0 1.7 1.5 2.9 4.4 4.3 3.8 4.3 2.2 2.8 Ratio of 100 7.6 7.6 5.7 4.8 4.2 8.2 12.5 12.2 10.8 12.2 6.2 7.9 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Monthly Weatlier Review,” U. R. Weather Bureau. Year. j F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. 1888 51 54 55 66 72 78 78 80 74 64 56 47 1889 52 47 55 63 74 77 81 78 76 65 60 60 1890 59 61 56 65 73 82 80 80 76 68 62 51 1891 50 58 55 65 70 80 80 81 76 64 56 55 1892 48 53 55 64 72 - 78 80 81 75 66 57 52 1893 43 56 56 68 72 78 83 79 78 68 58 54 1894 53 53 61 65 72 77 79 80 78 68 57 52 1895 49 41 56 64 70 79 81 82 78 66 58 51 1896 48 52 55 66 77 79 82 81 77 67 63 49 1897 47 55 61 66 72 80 82 81 75 70 62 54 Average 50 53 57 65 72 79 81 80 76 67 59 53 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW.— BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 565 EMPIRE OF INDIA. Monthly Typhoid Admissions, British Troops in Tndia. From Report on Sanitary Measures in India in 1806-97. Vol. XXX. Period. j F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. o. N. D. 1886-95 518 418 689 1427 1795 1365 1441 1718 1400 923 745 879 1896 65 75 202 214 160 152 175 214 179 90 92 177 Total 583 493 891 1641 1955 1517 1616 1932 1579 1013 837 1056 Average 53 45 81 149 178 138 147 175 144 92 76 96 Ratio of 100 3.9 3.3 5.9 10.9 13.0 10.1 10.7 12.8 10.5 6.7 5.5 7.0 Monthly Range ok Temperature. From “ Handbuch der Klimatologie,” J. Hann. Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart, 1897 Difference between the monthly mean and the yearly mean. Central India, Deccan, 20.8° N., 78.0° E., 390 M J. r. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. -6 -3 2 6 8 3 0 0 0 0 -4 -7 Punjab, 31.1° N., 72.3° E„ 200 M J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. 8. 0. N. D. -12 -10 -3 3 7 10 9 7 6 0 —7 -11 566 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Typhoid cases received at Hospital S. Francisco de Borja and Hospital S. Juan de Dios, 1886-1895. Figures from essay, “ La Fiebre Tifoidea en Santiago,” by Pedro V. Garcia, P., “ llevista Chilena de Hijiene.” Tomo III, Num. 11. J. F. M. A. M. j. j. A. s. 0. N. D. Total 121 121 102 87 65 49 52 47 49 60 73 107 Ratio of 100 13.0 13.0 11.0 9.4 7.0 5.3 5.6 5.1 5.3 6.5 7.8 11.5 Mean Monthly Temperature. From “ Observaciones meteorolrijicas hechas en el Observatorio Astronomic*) *le Santiago.” Year. J. F. M. A. M. J. j. A. s. o N. D. 1882 20.7 18.9 16.4 12.6 10.3 8.0 7.4 9.5 12.4 15.2 16.6 18.4 1883 19.1 18.9 15.3 12.8 9.9 7.5 6.8 8.9 10.8 13.3 16.2 18.9 1884 21.7 18.2 15.3 13.3 9.0 7.0 6.4 10.3 10.9 13.2 16.4 19.0 1885 18.7 18.3 16.4 10.3 8.8 7.5 6.4 9.4 12.6 13.5 18.0 17.4 1886 19.9 18.1 16.5 13.4 10.2 6.2 8.1 8.7 11.5 14.4 16.5 19.4 1887 19.8 18.4 16.4 13.1 9.7 8.5 8.6 10.5 11.7 13.4 16.0 18.1 Average 20 18 16 13 10 7 7 9 12 14 16 18 Fahrenheit 68 64 61 55 50 45 45 48 54 57 61 64 BUENOS AYRES. Monthly Typhoid Deaths, 1876-1897. j F. M A. M. j. j. A. s. o. N. D. Total 573 534 632 728 642 487 317 284 233 262 317 432 Katio of 100 10.4 9.8 11.6 13.4 11.8 9.0 5.8 5.2 4.3 4.8 5.8 7.9 Mean Monthly Temperature, 1876-1897. Figures from essay, “ La Fiebre Tifoidea en Buenos Aires,” by Dr. Diego T. It. Davison, “ Anales del Departamenlo Naeional de Hijiene.” Ano VIII. Nuin. 13. j. F. M. A. M. j. j A. s. 0. N. D. Centigrade 23.5 22.8 21.2 16.7 13.2 10.3 10.4 11.5 13.3 16.1 19.8 22.4 Fahrenheit 73 73 70 63 55 50 50 53 55 61 68 72 567 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. III. INTERPRETATION OF THE STATISTICAL RESULTS. An examination of the curves plotted as above described shows that a very striking parallelism exists between the monthly variations in temperature and typhoid prevalence. Of the thirty communities considered, eighteen show this parallelism to he almost perfect; these are the Empire of Japan, the States of New York and Massa- chusetts, the District of Columbia, and the cities of Atlanta, Baltimore, Berlin, Boston, Buenos Ayres, Denver, Leipsic, London, Mobile, Montreal, New York, St. Paul, San Francisco, and Santiago. Three other typhoid curves — those for India, for Charleston, and for New Orleans — rise with the* temperature in spring, and fall with it in autumn, but show a temporary decrease in the disease during the time of great- est heat. In all these twenty-one cases the connection between the two factors seems too close not to indicate a vital relation. In the northern cities — Montreal, Boston, Denver, and St. Paul — the curve of typhoid is acute; in cities with a more and more equable temperature the curve of the disease is progressively flattened, the limit being reached in the case of San Francisco. In the northerly localities the maximum occurs in September and October; in the southern cities, with a milder winter, it comes in August (Atlanta) or July (Charleston and Mobile). In the two cities of the southern hemisphere the curves of both typhoid fever and temperature are exactly reversed. In the case of the tropical and sub-tropical regions—India, Charleston, and New Orleans — it appears that the rise with the temperature, after beginning in the usual fashion, is checked by some other factor, perhaps strong sun- light or extreme dryness. (See Plates I.-YIII.) It remains now to consider the nine cities which show more or less irregular curves, and to see if their abnormalities are capable of explanation. These nine cities are Chicago, Cincinnati, Dresden, Munich, Newark, Oakland, Paris, Philadelphia, and Vienna. The first thing to notice in this connection, and the one all previous students of seasonal variation have neglected is the necessity of discriminating between sharp epidemic outbreaks of the disease and the slow succession of isolated cases which characterize that condition known to the older sanitarians as “endemic.” The term endemic has been so misused and has become so associated with the idea of a mysterious miasm inherent in a geographical region, that it cannot be safely used in a more scientific sense. At the same time a distinction, vital to the epidemiologist, must be drawn between the infection which reaches a number of persons at once through a single medium as water or milk, and the slower, more complex process by which a disease passes from person to person through a population, the path of the 568 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. contagious material being different in each individual instance. For this sort of infection which spreads gradually in a community instead of striking a large number of persons at a single blow, the term “prosodemic,” meaning “ through” or “among” the people, has been suggested. In the examination of data bearing on the question of the seasonal prevalence of typhoid fever it is obviously the prosodemic disease which should be mainly considered. Cases of this sort furnish a large number of independent facts which may be averaged together fairly; while an epidemic must always be a perturbing element. Thus, for example, a public water supply furnishes exceptional facilities for the distribution of infection from its watershed to a large number of individuals. Twelve hundred cases of typhoid fever at Plymouth, Pa., derived from a single house on the banks of a reservoir have, for a study of normal seasonal variations, far less significance than fifty cases, in which the paths of infection are separate and independent. Curves of seasonal variation which are based on a small number of cases will always be liable to show irregularities due to single epidemics; and if our tables of typhoid deaths be inspected, it will at once be seen that four of the nine exceptions to a regular seasonal distribution are due to this cause. Thus the form of the Oak- land curve is distorted by the epidemic of twenty-two deaths in July, 1893, which we are informed by the local authorities was due to an infection of the milk supply. The largest number of deaths in any other month in the ten years was seven, so that this irregularity could not be compensated. Similarly, the Munich curve owes its peculiarity to the epidemic of thirty-five deaths in June and July of 1893, the largest number in any other month being nine. The curve for Vienna is controlled, in a similar way, by an epidemic in December, 1888, and January and February, 1889. In all these cases the curve would follow the temperature more or less normally if these perturbations were eliminated. Again for Dresden the total number of deaths is so small that eight cases in April, 1894, cause a notable distortion. That the typhoid in this city did follow the temperature when there was enough of it to give average results is shown by Fiedler’s figures for 1850-60, quoted above. We may thus consider that the irregularities of the Oakland, Munich, Vienna, and Dresden curves are explained by the fact that the number of cases considered is too small to eliminate the haphazard effect of epidemics. There remain to be explained the exceptions offered by Chicago, Cincinnati, Newark, Paris, and Philadelphia, in all of which cities the amount of material is amply sufficient to prevent mere chance irregularities. If the curves for these five cities be compared, it will at once be noted that they exhibit a remarkable resemblance. Besides the summer rise, each curve SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FKVEIL 569 exhibits two secondary maxima, one in December or January, the other between March and May. If our general theory be correct, there must in these localities be some special condition tending to produce typhoid epidemics in the early winter and the early spring, which modifies the normal inlluenee of the season. Fortunately, we know exactly what this influence is. These five cities — and of the thirty communities we have considered, these five only — draw their water supply from surface sources liable to gross pollution. The epidemics of March, 1899, at Newark ; of May, 1891, at Chicago; of January, 1888, and December, 1889, at Paris, as well as the lesser winter and spring outbreaks in other years, were unquestionably due to the public water supplies of those cities. We have here then a special condition influencing the occurrence of epidemics in cities having surface water supplies and therefore de- ranging the normal course of prosodcmic typhoid. The lreavy autumn rains and the spring Hoods consequent on the melting of the winter’s snow, carry into surface water supplies a larger amount of pollution than reaches them at any other time, — as is well shown by a comparison of the bacterial content of surface water at various sea- sons. We may venture to generalize by saying that winter and spring epidemics are characteristic of those cities whose water-supply is most subject to pollution ; they are absent from communities which use filtered water or water obtained from adequately protected watersheds. Finally, then, it appears that of the thirty communities we have studied, all but four, in which the number of cases is too small to furnish average results, give typhoid curves corresponding to one of three types, — the normal temperature distribution, the subtropical modification, and the modification due to winter and spring water- epidemics. These latter types of distribution are explicable as the resultant of a combination of the temperature factor with another. We may therefore conclude that wherever a sufficient number of cases has been considered a direct relation between typhoid fever and temperature appears to be general and invariable. IV. CONCLUSION OF THE AUTHORS THAT THE SEASONAL RREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER DEPENDS MAINLY UPON SEASONAL TEMPERATURE. The increase of typhoid fever with a gradual rise in the mean air temperature of a given locality appears to he a phenomenon so widespread and significant as to indicate beyond reasonable doubt some relation between the two factors. Whether this rela- tion he direct or indirect must he determined by considerations as to the aetiology of the disease and as to the relation of temperature to the various vehicles mainly con- cerned in its transmission. 570 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. The methods by which prosodemic typhoid may spread are almost innumerable. The last link in the chain is, in most cases, some article of food or drink, and the food becomes infected, in many instances, from the fingers of a typhoid patient or of his unprofessional attendants. The transmission of typhoid fever on a large scale by water and milk has led sanitarians to minimize unduly this direct personal element in its mtiology. In a well-organized, thoroughly sanitary city dwelling the distinction between contagion and infection is an important one; but in dirty surroundings typhoid becomes, for all practical purposes, a contagious disease. This fact, in itself, throws some little light on its seasonal prevalence. A large number of persons who live ordinarily in cities, surrounded by many sanitary safeguards, in vacation time are exposed in camps and summer resorts to abundant opportunities for filth infection. The autumn fever, in small part at least, occurs among those who are attacked on such summer vacations or immediately after their return home. Again, several special sources of food contamination have a more potent influence at this season of the year. Those observers are perhaps correct who consider that ground waters are most dangerous when the wells are at their lowest and liable to receive impurities from a wide area. Professor Gualdi would explain the facts by attaching great significance to raw vegetables as vehicles for the transmission of typhoid fever; and he has traced out a more or less close connection between the consumption of these articles and the amount of typhoid in Rome. Most original of all is the sugges- tion of Bonne, who seeks to explain the autumnal maximum at Hamburg by the in- creased amount of bathing in the Elbe beginning with the July heat. Of the three great intermediaries of typhoid transmission, fingers, food, and flies, the last is even more significant than the others in relation to seasonal variation. Since the emphasis laid on this vehicle of infection by the surgeons who studied the conditions of the late Spanish War, our conception of its importance has grown more and more considerable. There can be little doubt that many of the so-called u sporadic ” cases of typhoid fever which are so difficult for the sanitarian to explain are condi- tioned by the passage of a fly from an infected vault to an unprotected table or an open larder. The relation of this factor to.the season is of course close and complete ; and a certain amount of the autumnal excess of fever is undoubtedly traceable to the presence of large numbers of flies and to the opportunities for their pernicious activity. None of the factors noted, however, nor the whole of them taken together, seem to us to account satisfactorily for the observed phenomena. Neither the agency of insects, nor the exposure of urban subjects to rural unsanitary conditions, though both are undoubtedly important, can be held to account for a phenomenon so con- SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 571 stant, so striking, and so universal. The parallelism between the curves of typhoid and of temperature is too close not to suggest in the strongest manner some direct relation such as was postulated by Murchison, Liebermeister, and Davidson. No one doubts a direct correlation between the growth in a wheat-field and the changes of temperature during the changing seasons. The fundamental properties of protoplasm are so constant that there seems no reason to doubt a similar favorable effect of the warmth of summer, not on the crop of typhoid plants growing in human bodies, but on the survival seed which passes from one body to another through the environment. This is theoretical ; but the experiments reported in the first section of this paper furnish practical evidence to confirm the a priori hypothesis that it must be more difficult for an organism habituated to a temperature of 98 F. to persist in Nature when the thermometer is at 30 than when it is in the neighborhood of 80’. We do not wish to assert that the typhoid bacillus multiplies in the environment during the summer months of a temperate climate. It is the absence of the destruc- tive influence of cold, rather than any stimulating influence of heat, which permits the rise culminating in the autumnal maximum. In fine, the probable mechanism of the seasonal changes according to our conception is as follows : — •The bacteriology and the aetiology of typhoid fever both indicate that its causal agents cannot be abundant in the environment during the colder season of the year. The germs of the disease are carried over the winter in the bodies of a few patients and perhaps in vaults or other deposits of organic matter where they are protected from the severity of the season. The number of persons who receive infection from the discharge of these winter cases will depend, other things being equal, upon the length of time for which the bacteria cast in these discharges into the environment, remain alive and virulent. The length of the period during which the microbes live will depend largely upon the general temperature; as the season grows milder, more and more of each crop of germs sent at random into the outer world will survive long enough to gain entry to a human being and bear fruit. The process will be cumu- lative. Each case will cause more secondary cases; and each of the latter will have a still more extensive opportunity for widespread damage. In our opinion the most reasonable explanation of the seasonal variations of typhoid fever is a direct effect of temperature upon the persistence in Nature of germs which proceed from previous victims of the disease. PART III. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A. ON DISEASE ATTRIBUTED TO POLLUTED ICE AND ICE-CREAM. 1. Nichols, A. H. Report on an Outbreak of Intestinal Disorder attributable to the Contamination of Drinking Water by Means of Impure lee. Seventh Ann. Report, S. B. H., Mass., 187(3, p. 4(37. 2. Smart, Charles. On Mountain Fever and Malarious Waters. Am. Journ. Med. Sci., Jan. 1878, p. 17. 3. Sickness from Impure Ice. Second Ann. Report, S. B. II., Conn., 1879, p. 90. 4. Chamberlain, C. W. Impure lee. Fifth Ann. Report, S. B. II., Conn., 1882, p. 295. 5. Duclaux. Les Impuretes de la glace. Ann. d’Hyg., 1884, 3rd series, XII, p. 97. (J. Riche, A. Einploi de la glace dans 1’alimentation. Ann. d’llyg., 1893, 3rd series, XXX, p. 47. 7. Dorange. Epidemie de tievre typhoide due a l’ingestion de glace impure. Rev. d’Hyg. at de Police Sanitaire, XX, 4, 1898, p. 295. 8. Turner, G. Report on an Epidemic of Enteric Fever due to the Consumption of Ice-Cream. Practitioner, London, 1892, XLIX, p. 141. 9. Munro, A C. Epidemic of Enteric Fever, traceable to Infected Ice-Creams and Water-Supply and attacking over Eight Hundred Persons. Public Health, London, 1894-95, VII, p. 30. 10. Vaughan, V. C., and Perkins, G. D. Ein in Eiscreme und Iviise gefundener giftprodueireiuler Bacillus. Arch. f. Hyg., 1890, XXVII, p. 308. 11. Hope. Ice-Cream as a Vehicle of Infection in Typhoid Fever. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1898, XVIII, p. 185. 12. Taylor, L. H. Report upon the Epidemic of Typhoid Fever at Plymouth, Pennsylvania. First Ann. Report State Board of Health, Penn., 1885, p. 170. B. ON TIIE BACTERIOLOGY OF NATURAL ICE, SNOW AND HAIL, AND OF ICE-CREAM. 13. Sanderson, J. B. The Origin and Distribution of Microzymes (Bacteria), in Water, etc. Quar. .Tour. Mic. Sci., XI, 1871, p. 323. 1 4. Cohn, F. Untersuchungen ttber Bakterien. Beitrdge zur Biologie der Pflanzen, Band I, 1875, II, p. 220. 15. Leidy, J. Organisms in Ice. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1881, p. 2G0. 10. Pohl. (Chemical and bacteriological investigations in relation to the water-supply of St. Peters- burg.) Wratsch, 1884, No. 9. 17. Gardiner, J. T. Report on the Purity of Ice from Onondaga Lake, the Erie Canal at Syracuse, and from Cazenovia Lake. Report to the State Board of Health of New York, July, 1886. 18. Breunig, J. Bakteriologische Untersuehung des Trinkwassers der Stadt Kiel. (Inaug. Disser- tation.) Kiel, 1888. (Ref. Baumgarten’s Jahresbericht, IV, p. 480.) 19. Kowalski. Ueber bakteriologische Wasseruntersuchungen. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 1888, Nos. 10, 11, 14, 15, and 10. (Ref. Cent'r. f. Bakt., IV, p. 407.) 20. Heyroth. Ueber den Reinlichkeitszustand des kunstliehes Eises. Arb. aus dem K. Gesundheit- samte, IV, 1888, p. 1. 574 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 21. Report upon the Pollution of Ice Supplies. Twenty-first Ann. Report, S. B. H., Mass., 1889, p. 143. 22. Character and Quality of the Ice-Supply of London. Lancet, Vol. LXXI, 1893, II, p. 269. 23. Girard, C. et Bordas, F. Analyses chimiqnes et bacteriologiques des glaces consommdes a Paris. Ann. d’Hyg., 1893, 3rd series, XXX, p. 78. 24. Christomonas, A. C. Ueber einige Eigenschaften des kunstlichen Eises. Oesterr. cheni. ztg., 1898, p. 486. 25. Janowsky. Ueber den Bakteriengehalt des Schnees. Wratsch, 1888, IX, p. 727. Also Centr. f. Bakt., IV, 1888, p. 547. 26. Schmelck. Eine Gletscherbakterie. Centr. f. Bakt., IV, 1888, p. 545. 27. Schmelck. Bakteriologische Untersuohungen des Triukwassers in Christiania. Centr. f. Bakt., VIII, p. 102. 28. Bujwid, 0. Die Bakterien im Hagelkornern. Centr. f. Bakt., Ill, 1888, p. 1. Also Ann. de l’lnst. Past., 1887, I, p. 592. 29. Foutin, W. M. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen von Hagel. Wratsch, 1S89, Nos. 49, 50. (Ref. Centr. f. Bakt., VII, 1890, p. 372.) 30. Giacosa, P. Studii sui germi di microrganismi nella neve delle alte montagne. Giornale della R. Accadeinia di medicina, 1890, Nos. 11-12. 31. Abbott, A. C. Bacteriological Study of Hail. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1890, Vol. I, No. 5, p. 56. 32. Dominguez, S. e Calumbide. Bacterias del hielo. Ann. asist. pub. Buenos Aires, 1891-2, II, pp. 213, 263. 33. Scofone, L. Esaine batteriologico delle acque di neve di torrente e di lago. Arch, per le sc. med. de Torino, XX, 1895, n. 12. 34. Scofone, L. Esanie batteriologico di neve e ghiaccio. Arch, per le sc. med. de Torino, 1897, XXI, p. 437. 35. Harris, A. E. Report to Chairman and Members of the Public Health Committee, Islington, 1894. (Ref. Lancet, LXXII, 1894, p. 862.) 36. Nield-Cook, J. The Bacteriology of Ice-Cream. Public Health, London, 1895-6, VIII, p. 252. 37. Stevenson. Bacteria in Ice-Cream. Food and Sanitation, April 16, 1898. 38. Wilkinson, J. Ice-Creams: their Manufacture and Bacteriology. Public Health, London, 1899, XI, p. 255. ' 39. Nystrom, C. Om fasnings och forruttnelseprocesserna pa Spetsbergen, Upsala, Lakareforenings fbrhandlingar, t. IV. 40. Couteaud. Bacteriologie de la zone glaciale. Arch, de med. nav., 1893, LIX, p. 119. 41. Levin. Les microbes dans les regions arctiques. Ann. de l’lnst. Pasteur, XIII, 1899, p. 558. C. ON TIIE EFFECT OF FREEZING ANI) OTHER LOW TEMPERATURES UPON BACTERIA. 42. von Frisch, A. Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad. d. Wissenschaften, LXXV, p. 257. 43. Pictet et Young. De Faction du froid sur les microbes. Compt. rend. Acad. des Sc., XCVIII, 1884, p. 747. 44. Finkler und Prior. Forschungen iiber die Cliolerabakterien. Bonn, 1885. 45. McKendrick. The Action of Cold on Microphytes. (Communication to Biological Section, British Association for the Advancement of Science.) Nature, XXXII, 1885, p. 561. v> 46. Forster, J. Ueber einige Eigenschaften leuchtender Bakterien. Centr. f. Bakt., 1887, II, p. 337. 47. Fischer. Bakterienwachsthum bei 0° C. Centr. f. Bakt., 1888, IV, p. 89. 48. d’Arsonval, A. Emploi de l’acide carbonique liquefie pour la filtration et la sterilization rapides des liquides organiques. Compt. rend. Acad, des Sc., 1891, CXII, p. 667. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. 575 4!). Forster, J. Ueber die Entwickelung von Bakterien bei niederen Temperaturen. Centr. f. Bakt., 1892, XII, p. 431. 50. Fischer. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1803, No. 23. 51. Pictet, R. De l’emploi mythodique des b isses temperatures en biologie. Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles de Geneve, 3rd period, XXX, No. 10, p.293. 52. d'Arsonval et Charrin. Influence des agents atmospheriques, en particular de la lumiere, du froid, sur le bacille pyocyanogene. Compt. rend Acad, des Sc., 1804, CXV1II, p. 151. 53. Do. Influence des agents cosmiques (electricite, pression, lumiere, froid, ozone, etc.) sur revolu- tion do la cellule bacterienne. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path, 1804, 5 s., VI, p. 335. 54. Weber, A. Zur Aetiologie der Krebspest. Arb. aus dem K. Gesundheitsamte, XV, 1800, Heft 2. 55. Mason, W. P. Examination of Water. New York, 1890, p. 117. 56. Ravenel, M. P. The Resistance of Bacteria to Cold. Medical News, Phila., June 10, 1800. 57. Cadeac et Malet. Recherches experimentales sur la virulence des matieres tuberculeuses dessd- chees, putrifles on congelees. Lyon Med., 1888, p. 229. 58. Frankland, Grace and Percy. Micro-Organisms in Water. London, 1804. p. 253. 50. Kasansky, M W. Die Einwirkung der Winterkiilte auf die l’est- und Diphtheriebacillen. Centr. f. Bakt., 1800, XXV, p. 122. 60. Abel, R. Versuche liber das Verhalten der Diphtheriebacillen gegen die Einwirkung der Winter- killte. Centr. f. Bakt., 1805, XVII, p. 545. 01. Seitz, C. Bakteriologische Studien zur Typhus-Aetiologie. Munchen, 1886. G2. Billings, J. S. Sanitary Engineer, January 20, 1887, p. 211. G3. Chantemesse et Widal. Recherches sur le bacille typhique et l’etiologie de la fievre typhoide. Arch, de Phys. norm, et path., 1887, p. 217. G4. Bazhenoff. (Effect of different agents on the typhoid bacilli of Ebert-Koch.) Ejened. klin. gaz. St. Petersburg, 1885, V, pp. 81, 05. G5. Janowski. Zur Biologie der Typhusbacillen, II. Centr. f. Bakt., VIII, 1800, p. 440. GG. Remlinger, P. Sur la sensibility du bacille d’Eberth aux variations de temperature. Compt. rend, de la Soeiete de Biologie, 1897, 9 juillet. G7. Koch, R. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1884, No. 32. 68. Raptschewski. Wratsch, 188G, No. 5. GO. Cornil et Babes. Les bacteries. Paris, 1800. Vol. II, p. 183. 70. Schruff. Zum Sanitatsbericht iiber den Kreis Neuss fiir 1893. (Cit. by Weiss.) 71. Finkelnburg. Zur Frage der Variabilitat der Cholerabacillen. Centr. f. Bakt., 1893, XIII, p. 114. 72. Karschinski, W. Archiv des Laboratoriums fiir Allg. Pathologie an der Universitiit zu War- schau, 1803. 73. Renk. Ueber das Verhalten der Cholerabacillen im Eise. Fortschritte der Med., 1803, p. 30G. 74. Uffelmann, J. Weitere Beitrage zur Biologie der Cholerabacillen. Eiufluss der Kiilte auf ihre Lebensfahigkeit. Berliner klin. Wochenschr., 1803, p. 158. 75. Wnukow, N. Ueber den Eiufluss langerer Einwirkung niedriger Temperaturen auf die Kochs- chen Komma-bacillen. Wratsch, 1893, No. 18. 7G. Montefusco, A. Azione della basse temperature sulla virulenza degli spirilli del colera. Annali dell’ Instituto d’ igiene dell’ Universita di Roma, 1803, III, p. 31. 77. Abel. (Ref.) Centr. f. Bakt., XIV, 1803, p. 184. 78. Kasansky, M. W. Ueber den Eiufluss der Kiilte auf die Cholerabakterien von Koch und ahnliche Vibrionen von Finkler-Prior, Miller, Deneke und die Vibrionen Metschnikoff. Centr. f. Bakt., 1895, XVII, p. 184. 79. Weiss. Ueber das Verhalten der Cholera-Erreger bei niedrigeu Temperaturen. Zeit. f. Hyg., XVIII, 1894, p. 492. 576 SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER. D. ON THE QUANTITATIVE STUDIES OF THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA BY FREEZING. 80. Pengra, C. P. Purification of Water by Freezing. Twelfth Ann. Report, S. B. H., Michigan, 1884. p. 79. 81. Frankel, C. Ueber den Bakteriengehalt des Eises. Zeit. f. Hyg., I, 1880, p. 302. 82. Wolffhuegel und Riedel. Die Yerinehrung der Bakterien im Wasser. Arb. aus dem K. Gesund- heitsamte, Berlin, 1886, p. 455. 8;3. Prudden, T. M. On Bacteria in Ice and their Relations to Disease, with Special Reference to the Ice-Supply of New York City. The Medical Record, 1887, March 26 and April 2. 81. Bordoni-Uffreduzzi. Die Biologische Untersuehung des Eises in sein Beziehung zur bffentlichen Gesundheitspflege. Centr. f. Bakt., II, 1887, p. 489. 85. Russell, H. L. Preliminary Observations on the Bacteria in Ice from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wis. The Medical News, August 17, 1889. 86. Mills, H. F. Typhoid Fever in its Relation to Water Supplies. Twenty-second Ann. Report, S. B. H., Mass., 1890, p. 542. E. ON THE SEASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FEVER AND ITS RELATION TO SEASONAL TEMPERATURE. 87. Bartlett, Elisha. The History, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Typhoid and of Typhus Fever, 1842. 88. Flint, A. Clinical Reports on Continued Fever, Philadelphia, 1855. 89. Griesinger. Infektionskrankheiten. Vol. II, Abth. 2 of Virchow’s Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie. Erlangen, 1857, p. 122. 90. Tweedie, A. Lectures on Fevers. Lancet, 1860, Vol. I, p. 1. 91. Haller. Die Volkskrankheiten in ihrer Abhangigkeit von den Witterungsverhaltnissen. Wien, 1860. 92. Hirsch, A. Handbuch der historisch-geographischen Pathologie. Erlangen, 18(50. p. 177. 93. Murchison, Charles. A Treatise on the Continued Fevers of Great Britain. 1862. 94. Fiedler. Statistische Mittheilungen liber Typhus abdominalis. Archiv der Heilkunde, III, 1862, p. 155. 95. Buhl, L. Ein Beitrag zur Aetiologie des Typhus. Zeit. f. Biol., I, 1865, p. 1. 96. Seidel, L. Ueber den numerisclien Zusammenhang, welcher zwischen der Haiifigkeit der Typhus- Erkrankungen und dem Stande des Grundwassers wiihrend der letzten 9 Jahre in Munchen hervorgetreten ist. Zeit. f. Biol., I, 1865, p. 221. 97. Seidel, L. Vergleichung der Schwankungen der Regenmengen mit den Schwankungen in der Haiifigkeit des Typhus in Mtinchen. Zeit. f. Biol., II, 1866, p. 145. 98. Liebermeister. Zur Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. Deutsche Klinik., 1866, p. 89. 99. v. Pettenkofer, M. Ueber die Schwankungen der Typhussterblichkeit in Miiuchen von 1850 bis 1867. Zeit. f. Biol., IV, 1868, p. 1. 100. Socin, B. Typhus, Regenmenge und Grundwasser in Basel. Basel, 1871. 101. Virchow. Ueber die Sterblichkeitsverhaltnisse Berlins. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, IX, 1872, p. 597. 102. Murchison, C. A Treatise on the Continued Fevers of Great Britain. Second Edition, London, 1873. 103. Liebermeister, K. Typhoid Fever. Ziemssen’s Cyclopedia of the Practice of Medicine. (Ameri- can Edition, edited by A. H. Buck, 1874). 104. Cousot. sur la nature, l’etiologie, et le traitement de la fievre typhoide. 1874. p. 117. 105. Oesterlen, F. Handbuch der medicinischen Statistik. Tubingen, 1874. SEDGWICK AND WINSLOW. — BACILLUS OF TYPIIOID FEVER. 577 100. Buchan, A., and Mitchell, A. The Influence of Weather on Mortality from different Diseases and at different Ages. Journ. Scot. Meteor. Soc., 1874-5, N. S., IV, p. 187. 107. Sander, F. Handbuch der offentlichen GesundheitspHege. Leipzig, 1877. 108. Sixth Ann. Report, Secretary, State Board of Health of Michigan. 1878. p. 293. 109. Oldendorff, A. Article, Morbiditilts-und Mortalitilts-Statistik, in Eulenburg’s Real-Encyclopadie der gesaminten Heilkunde, Vol. IX, 1881, p. 304. 110. Fodor, J. Deubsch. Viert. f. off. Ges., VII, p. 205. Hygienische Untersuchungen iiber Luft, Roden, und Wasser. Braunschweig, 1881-2. 111. Welch, F. H. Enteric Fever, Philadelphia, 1883. 112. Hirsch, A. Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology. Second Edition (transited by Creighton, London, 1883). 113. Baker, H. B. The Relation of the Depth of Water in Wells to the Causation of Typhoid Fever. Twelfth Annual Report S. B. H., Michigan, 1884, p. 89. (Ain. P. II. Assoc., October 10, 1884.) 114. Virchow und Guttstadt. Die Anstalten der Stadt Berlin fur die bffentliche GesundheitspHege und den naturwissenschaftlichen Untersicht. Berlin, 1880. p. 71. 115. v. Pettenkofer, M. Zum gegenwitrtigen Stand der Cholerafrage. Munchen und Leipzig, 1887. 116. Pistor. Das bffentliche Gesundheitswesen in Berlin, 1882-5. 1887. p. 57. 117. Soyka. Zur Aetiologie des Abdominaltyphus. Arch. f. Hyg., VI, 1887, p. 200. 118. v. Pettenkofer, M. Der epideiniologische Tlieil des Berichtes iiber die Thatigkeit der zu Erfor- schung der Cholera ini Jahre 1883 nach Aegypten und Indien entsamlten deutschen Commission. Munchen und Leipzig, 1888. 119. Almquist, E. Ueber Einfkiss von Jahreszeit und Witterung auf das Auftreten von Infektions- krankheiten mit besoiulerer Beriicksichtigung der localen Epidemieen. Zeit. f. Hyg., V, 1888, p. 1. 120. Goldberg, B Der Einfluss des Witterungsganges auf vorherrschende Krankheiten und Todesur- sachen. Ergilnzungshefte zum Centr. f. allgem. Ges. II, 1889, p. 317. 121. Magelsen. Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Krankheiten von der Witterung. Leipzig, 1890. 122. Davidson. A. Geographical Pathology. N. Y., 1892. 123. Woodhead, G. S. Minutes of Evidence, Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, Lon- don, 1893, p. 500. 124. Koro6i, J. Statisfcik der infektiosen Erkrankungen in den Jaliren 1881-91 und Untersuchung des Einflusses der Witterung. Berlin, 1894. 125. Fodor, J. Hygiene des Bodens. Weyl’s Handbuch der Hygiene, I, 1890, p. 194. 120. lessen, F. Witterung und Krankheit. Zeit. f. Hyg., XXI, 1890, p. 287. 127. Knoevenagel, 0. Studien iiber Krankheitsdispositionen und fiber Genius epidemicus. Dents. Vier- telj. f. offentl. GesundheitspHege, XXVIII, 1890, p. 298. 128. Baker, H B. The Etiology and Pathology of Typhoid Fever. Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Secretary of the S. B. II. of Michigan, 1897, p. cxlii. 129. Berger, H. Die Bedeutung des Wetters fur die ansteckenden Krankheiten. Therapeutische Monatshefte, XII, 1898, pp. 139, 201. 130. Ruhemann, J. Meteorologie und Infcktionskrankheiten. Zeitschrift fur Diiltetische und Physi- kalische Therapie, I, 1898, p. 312. 131. Weichselbaum. A Epidemiologie. Weyl’s Handbuch der Hygiene, IX, 1899, p. 441. 132. Curschmann, H. Typhoid Fever and Typhus Fever. Nothnagel’s Encyclopedia of Practical Medicine. English Translation, edited by Osier. Phil., London, 1901. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plates I.-VIII. are based upon the statistics given on pp. 540-566, as is stated on p. 539. Abscissae indicate months; ordinates indicate temperatures (shown by broken lines), and also percentages of yearly typhoid-fever mortality (solid lines) except in the curves for Newark, N. J. (Plate VI.), the Empire of India (Plate VII.), and Santiago de Chile (Plate V.), in which deaths, not cases, are indicated. It is important to remember that the curve of typhoid deaths in each case has been moved back exactly two months from its true position, and that for typhoid cases one month, as is explained on p. 539. PLATE. I. PLATE II. PLATE III. PLATE IV. PLATE V. PLATE VI. PLATE VII. PLATE VIII. MEMO I R S OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Vol. XII. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. SEntbersttg 13rcs0. August, 1902. CONTENTS. PAGE I. Catalogue of the Magnitudes of Southern Stars from 0° to —30° Declination, to the Magnitude 7.0 inclusive. By Edwin F. Sawyer . 1 II. On a Table of Standard Wave Lengths of the Spectral Lines. By Henry A. Rowland 101 III. Contribution towards a Monograph of By Roland Thaxter 187 IV. New Observations of the Planet Mercury. By Percival Lowell . . 431 V. i. Experiments on the Effect of Freezing and other Low Tempera- tures upon the Viability of the Bacillus of Typhoid Fever, with Considerations regarding Ice as a Vehicle of Infectious Disease. ii. Statistical Studies on the Seasonal Preference of Typhoid Fever in various Countries and its relation to Seasonal Tempera- ture. By William T. Sedgwick and Charles-Edward A. Winslow 467