AN ACT ' / / £e> \ / FOR ESTABLISHING A HEALTH OFFICE, AND TO SECURE THE CITY AND PORT OF PHILADELPHIA FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF PESTILENTIAL AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; Passed January 29, 1818: WITH ITS SUPPLEMENTS, Passed from 1821 to 1832.. f - PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY LYDIA R. BAILEY, No. 26, North Fifth Street. 1832. AN ACT, &c. AN ACTfor establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduc- tion of Pestilential and Contagious Diseases, and for other purposes. Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the first Mon- day in March next, a Board of Health shall be established | in the manner hereinafter directed, which shall be and here- by is erected into a body corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style, and title of, “The Board of Health,” who shall have perpetual succession, and enjoy all and every the rights, liberties, and privileges, powers, authorities, and , immunities, incident or belonging to a corporation or body i politic; and by that name may take and hold all the estate ( real and personal now vested in the present Board of Health, 1 and shall moreover have and exercise the powers and au-, thorities hereinafter mentioned, that is to say: The mem-1 bers of the Board of Health shall be eleven, who shall serve j without compensation or emolument, and shall be appoint-' ed in the manner following, to wit: The Select and Com-: mon Councils of the city of Philadelphia, in a joint meet- j ing to be held on the afternoon of the second Monday in : March, annually, between the hours of two and six o’clock, ! shall elect by ballot, six citizens, who shall be taxable in-( habitants of the said city; and the commissioners of the in-, corporated part of the Northern Liberties shall annually, on i the same day, and between the same hours, elect by ballot l two citizens, who shall be taxable inhabitants of the said | district; and the commissioners of Penn township shall an-1 nually, on the same day, and between the same hours, elect by ballot one citizen, who shall be a taxable inhabitant of Board of Health esta- blished. To be a body corporate. To consist of eleven mem- bers, to be chosen annu- ally on the second Mon- day of March, and to serve without com- pensation. Six members to be elected by the corpo- ration of Phi- ladelphia. Two by the commission- ers of the in- corporated part of the Northern Li- berties. One by the commission- ers of Penn township. One by the commission- ers of South- wark. the said district; and the commissioners of the district of Southwark shall annually, on the same day, and between the same hours, elect by ballot one citizen, who shall be a taxable inhabitant of the said district; and the commission- ers of Moyamensing shall annually, on the same day, and between the same hours, elect by ballot one citizen, who shall be a taxable inhabitant of the said township, who shall constitute the Board of Health, of which a majority shall be a quorum. And in case the appointments hereby direct- ed should not take place on the day specified, they may be made on any other subsequent day prior to the third Mon- day in March, between the same hours; and the number of years for which any individual may be eligible as a mem- ber of the Board of Health, shall not be limited; and in case of the removal, death, sickness, resignation, inability, or refusal to serve, of any of the said Board, their places shall be supplied by other appointments to be made by the same authority which appointed the individuals by whose delinquency the vacancies shall be occasioned. And the said Board, out of their own body, shall choose a President, who shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and whose place shall be supplied in his absence by the appointment of a chairman for the time ; a Secretary, whose duty it shall be to keep fair minutes of all the proceedings, rules, and regulations of the Board ; and a Treasurer, who shall give bond with sureties as is required of the county treasurer, who shall receive all moneys belonging to the corporation, and pay and disburse the same upon the order of the Board, signed by the President and attested by the Secretary, who shall keep fair and just accounts of his receipts and expen- ditures, and make extracts thereof whenever the Board shall require the same; and shall once in every year, his accounts having been allowed by the Board, publish the same in one or more newspapers of the city of Philadelphia. And the said Board shall sit upon their own adjournment as they shall find necessary, but shall meet at least once in every day between the first day of June and first day of Oc- tober in every year; and also when the Board shall be spe- cially convened by order of the President or any two of One by the commission- ers of Moya- mensing. In case ap- < pointments , are not made on the day < specified, they may be ] made after- ( wards. Members of ; the Board al- i ways re-eli- gible. i In case of re- moval, their ' place to be i supplied. President, Secretary, and Treasur- er, to be cho- sen from their own body. Accounts to be settled and publish- ed annually. Times of meeting. the members. And the said Board shall have and hereby is vested with full power and authority to make general rules, orders, and regulations, for the government and ma- nagement of the Lazaretto, and the vessels, cargoes, and persons there detained, or under quarantine, and of the Health Office and Public Hospitals, and for the mode of vi- siting and examining vessels, persons, goods, and houses; and shall also have power to appoint such officers and ser- vants as may be necessary to attend the Health Office, the Lazaretto, and the City Hospital, and convey communica- tions and supplies to the said Lazaretto and Hospital, and such other officers and servants as may be necessary for the preservation of the health of the district; together with all temporary officers and servants that may be rendered ne- cessary by the existence of any dangerous contagious dis- ease in the city of Philadelphia, or in any other place with- in the United States: Provided, that such officers and ser- vants shall not hold any offices of profit or trust under the United States; and to remove any of the officers or servants by them appointed, and to appoint others in their places, and to allow and pay the said officers and servants so ap- pointed, such compensation for their respective services as the said Board shall deem just and proper. And the go- vernor is hereby authorized and required to appoint one physician, who shall reside at the Lazaretto, and be deno- minated the Lazaretto Physician, and one physician, who shall reside in the city of Philadelphia, and shall be deno- minated the Port Physician, one Health Officer, and one Quarantine Master, all of whom shall be under the direction and control of the Board of Health, and shall be removed from office by the governor at the request of the majority of the members of the Board of Health ; and the said La- , . . , 1, , -11 1 , 1 • zaretto physician shall be entitled to occupy the house hi- therto occupied by the resident physician, and shall also be 1 J . provided by the Board of Health with ground for a garden within the bounds of the Lazaretto, of such extent as the Board may think proper; and the Quarantine master shall be entitled to occupy the house hitherto occupied by the Quarantine master, and shall also be provided by the Board powers of the Boarcl- Proviso, M appoint and remove officers- Lazaretto physician‘ Port physi- officer quarantine appointed by the governor, who shall re- move all of t,lem at *he request of a majority of tlle Boalc1' of Health, with ground for a garden, within the bounds of the Lazaretto, of such extent as the Board shall think proper. Sect. 2. And be it f urther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Health Officer, on receiving from the captain or master of any ship or vessel, the certificate as di- rected by this act, or where no certificate is to be given on the arrival of the vessel, shall be entitled to receive from the captain or master, the following sums and no more, and to pay the same over from time to time as the Board may direct to the treasurer of the Board of Health, to wit: All American vessels sailing under coasting documents, arriv- ing at the port of Philadelphia, from any port or place in the United States, between the river St. Croix and the river St. Mary, (except ports or places between Sandy Hook and Cape Charles) shall pay two dollars and fifty cents for each arrival, during quarantine months, and the said vessels during that time shall (if having goods capable of contain- ing contagion, persons, baggage or clothing, from any fo- reign port or place, or any diseased person) stop at the La- zaretto, and there be examined by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, under the rules, regulations and pe- nalties in this act contained. And all American vessels from any port in the United States where they may have touched or traded from a foreign port or place, shall pay the same sum as if they had arrived direct from such port or place. And all American vessels with coasting docu- ments, arriving from any port or place between Sandy Hook and Cape Charles, including the bay and river Dela- ware, during quarantine months, having on board merchan- dise of foreign growth or manufacture, or persons, baggage or clothing, from any foreign port or place, or from any place to the northward or eastward of Sandy Hook, or west- ward of Cape Charles, shall stop at the Lazaretto for exami- nation, under the rules, regulations and penalties in this act contained, and shall pay for each arrival during quaran- tine months two dollars and fifty cents. All ves- 1 sels arriving from any port or place in New Brunswick, i Nova Scotia, Canada, or the islands or ports adjacent to the ' river St. Mary’s, the coast of Florida, Bay of Mexico, in- Fees to be paid to the health officer on the arrival of vessels, who is to pay the same to the treasurer of the Board. American vessels with coasting doc- uments, to pay if 2 50 during qua- rantine months. American vessels from a foreign port touch- ing at a port in the United States to pay as if from fo- reign port di- rect. Coast- ing vessels from places between Sandy Hook and Cape Charles to pay $ 2 50. American vessels from New-Bruns- wick, &c. to pay on arri- val $ 5. eluding New Orleans and parts adjacent, and from thence along the Bay of Honduras and coast of Terra Firma, as far as the river Amazon, including all the islands generally de- nominated West India, Bahamas or Bermudas, shall pay on arrival five dollars. All American vessels arriving from any place in Europe, in the Western, Madeira, Canary or Cape Verd Islands, the west coast of Africa as far as lati- tude thirty-four degrees south, and from any place in the Mediterranean or straits thereof, or from any place from the river Amazon inclusive, and round the coast of Brazil as far as latitude thirty-four degrees south, shall pay ten dollars each. And all American vessels arriving from any place beyond latitude thirty-four degrees south, or round Cape Horn, or the Cape of Good Hope, shall pay twenty dollars each. And all foreign vessels arriving as aforesaid, (except prizes to American vessels,) shall pay twenty-five per cent, each, additional, unless otherwise regulated by any treaty. And prize vessels taken by foreign armed ves- sels, shall pay twenty-five per cent, each, more than is paid by American vessels. And prize vessels taken by Ameri- can vessels, shall pay on arrival ten dollars each. And pub- lic armed vessels and privateers, shall pay six dollars each. And any vessel of the burthen of one hundred and fifty tons and upwards, arriving at the Lazaretto, from any fo- reign port or coastwise, may come to in the inner channel, as near to the west end of the island of Little Tinicum, op- posite the Lazaretto, as her draft of water, wind and wea- ther, will permit, for the purpose of receiving the visit from the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, and if the said vessel does not receive her visit in the inner channel, she shall pay an additional sum of five dollars, of which two dollars shall be paid to the Lazaretto physician, and one dollar to the Quarantine master, as a compensation for their extraordinary services, and two dollars shall be paid into the treasury of the Board. Sexjt. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the building now called the Lazaretto, and the ground therewith reserved and occupied, and all the property and estate of every kind whatsoever now vested American vessels from Europe, &c. to pay $ 10. American vessels from beyond Cape Good Hope, &c., to pay $20. Foreign ves- sels to pay 25 per cent, ad- ditional, un- less, &.C. American prize vessels to pay $ 10, and armed vessels $ 6. Vessels of 150 tons and upwards may come to in the inner channel, and if not vi- sited in the inner chan- nel shall pay $5,2 to the Lazaretto physician, 1 to the qua- rantine mas- ter, and 2 to the Board. Lazaretto and ground vested in the Board of Health. in the present Board of Health, shall become and be fully vested in the Board of Health constituted by this act, im- mediately, and as soon as the same shall be organized, for the uses and purposes for which the said Board is instituted and established, and the same shall be fully and entirely under the direction and management of the said Board ; and [ the said Board shall have power to erect such buildings, and to make such enclosures on the lot or tract adjoining the Lazaretto, as to them may seem proper and necessary. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place bound to the port of Philadelphia, between the first day of June and the first day of October in every year, shall come to anchor in the river Delaware as near the Lazaretto as the draught of water and the weather will allow, before any part of the cargo or baggage be landed, or any person who came in such ship or vessel shall leave her, or any person be permitted to go on board, and shall submit to the exami- nation hereinafter directed; and if any master, commander, or pilot, shall leave his station before the said Lazaretto, or if any master or commander shall permit or suffer any part of the cargo or baggage, or any person or persons ar- riving in such ship or vessel from any port beyond the limits of the United States, to be landed on either shore of the Delaware bay, or river, or suffer any person, except the pilot, to come on board before such examination be duly had, and a certificate obtained as is hereinafter specified, the person or persons so permitting, and the person or per- sons so landed or going on board (unless imminent danger of the loss of the vessel or lives of the crew shall render assistance necessary,) being thereof convicted, upon indict- ment or prosecution under this act, by verdict, confession, or standing mute in any court having jurisdiction of the of- fence, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein directed; and it shall be the duty of the Lazaretto physician and Quaran- tine master, so soon as any ship or vessel shall be anchored near the Lazaretto, between sun rise and sun set, immedi- May erect buildingsand enclosures. When ves- sels are to be examined at the Lazaret- to. Penalty for violating the law. Duties of the Lazaretto physician and quaran- tine master. ately, wind and weather permitting, to go on board the same, and there thoroughly examine, in such form and manner as shall be prescribed by the Board of Health, the said ship or vessel, the crew, passengers, cargo, and bag- gage on board the same, and to demand answers under oath or affirmation to be administered by either the said physi- cian or Quarantine master, who are hereby severally em- powered to administer the same, to all such questions as shall be put to any person on board such ship or vessel touching the health of the crew and passengers during the voyage, and the nature and state of the cargo, as the Board of Health by their rules shall from time to time direct to be asked ; but it shall be the duty of the person so examin- ing on oath or affirmation, before he shall proceed therein, to make known to the person interrogated the penalty im- posed by this act upon the person who shall give false an- swers under oath or affirmation to the questions proposed in such examination, and if upon such examination it shall appear to the said physician and Quarantine master that the said ship or vessel came from a port or place at which no malignant or contagious disease prevailed at the time of her departure, that the persons on board such ship or vessel are free from every pestilential or contagious disease, (the small pox and measles excepted,) and that the said vessel has had no malignant disease on board either during the homeward bound voyage or during her continuance in a foreign port, and they shall see no cause to suspect that the cargo or any part thereof is infected, they shall forthwith deliver to the master or captain of such ship or vessel a certificate of the facts in such form as shall be directed by the Board of Health, and the said captain or master may thereupon pro- ceed according to his destination, and shall present such certificate at the Health Office in Philadelphia within twenty- four hours after his arrival and safely mooring there; but if it shall appear upon such examination that the ship or vessel came from a port or place at which a malignant or contagious disease prevailed, such vessel shall be detained at the Lazaretto for such time as the Board of Health shall deem necessary, not exceeding twenty days; and the letter May adminis- ter oaths and affirmations. Persons in- terrogated to be informed of the penal- ty of giving false answers. A certificate of health to be given to masters of vessels, who shall present the same, &c. Cases where- in vessels are to be detain- ed. bag of the vessel when purified, and such letters as the mas- ter, commander, or passengers, shall think proper to write to their owners, consignees, or friends, shall be transmitted to the Health Office in Philadelphia, who shall safely depo- site the same in the post office. And thereupon the Board of Health shall determine and direct what measures shall be pursued to cleanse the vessel and cargo, purify the clothing and baggage, and restore the health of diseased persons on board, which direction shall be carried into execution un- der the inspection of the Lazaretto physician and Quaran- tine master, at the expense of the master, owners, or con- signees, of the vessel and goods respectively, in such man- ner as by the said orders shall be directed: Provided al- ways, That wine, rum, salt, sugar, spirits, molasses, ma- hogany, manufactured tobacco, dye woods, preserved fruits, and such other articles as the Board of Health shall by their general regulations specify and permit, may be conveyed immediately to the city in lighters; and at the expiration of the said time, if it shall appear to the said physician and Quarantine master, that no person has been sick with a malignant or contagious disease, (the small pox and mea- sles excepted,) on board said ship or vessel, either during the voyage homeward, or during her continuance in a fo- reign port, nor any of the crew or passengers, or other per- son from on board such vessel during the performance of quarantine, and the said physician and Quarantine master shall certify the said facts to the Board of Health; and that in their opinion the vessel, crew, cargo, and passengers, may be safely suffered to proceed to the city, the said cap- tain or master may proceed with the same according to his destination, unless the Board of Health shall deem it ne- cessary to cause a further detention of the said vessel or cargo, or of the crew or passengers, or of any baggage on board said vessel, in which case the same shall be detained until the Board of Health shall authorize the same to pro- ceed and enter the city; and upon the arrival of the said captain or master at Philadelphia, he shall present the said certificate of the physician and Quarantine master at the Health Office within twenty-four hours after his arrival; but Proviso. Goods ex- cepted from detention. In what cases vessels may proceed. Unless the Hoard shall deem further detention ne- cessary. Captains to present their certificates at the Health Office. if upon examination of any vessel by the said physician and Quarantine master as aforesaid, or during the performance of quarantine by any vessel, it shall appear to the said phy- sician and Quarantine master that there has been any person sick on hoard the said vessel with any malignant or conta- gious disease, either during the voyage homeward, or dur- ing the continuance of the vessel in a foreign port, or dur- ing the performance of quarantine at the Lazaretto, (or that any person on board such vessel has been affected with such disease) then in such case the vessel shall be detained such further time as the Board of Health may deem neces- sary, and the cargo and baggage, except such part thereof as in the opinion of the Board of Health may be supposed incapable of retaining infection, which said part may be r J transported to the city in lighters, shall, unless otherwise ordered and directed by the Board of Health, be unladened and thoroughly cleansed and purified, and the crew and passengers which were on board the said vessel, and the cargo and baggage on board the same, or any part thereof, except as before excepted, shall not be suffered to enter the t city before the first day of October then next ensuing, with- out the license and permission of the Board of Health to that effect first had and obtained: Provided nevertheless, That such ship or vessel, after she shall have been thorough- ly cleansed and purified, if no malignant disease appear on board, may be allowed to take in freight at the Lazaretto by means of lighters and proceed to sea; and if any master or captain, or other person, on board any vessel which shall be examined agreeably to this law, shall not true answers make to all such questions as the Lazaretto physician and 1 . . Quarantine master, or the said health officer or port physi- cian shall ask, agreeably to this act or the rules heretofore established, or which shall from time to time be established by the Board of Health in conformity with this act, or shall knowingly deceive, or attempt to deceive, the proper offi- cers as aforesaid in his answers to their official inquiries, he having been duly informed and apprized of the penalties imposed by this act on the person so offending previous to his said examination, by the person making such examina- y ness on board eddurfngthe pleasure of thc Boari1' Goods to be trajwported in lighters, Goods, pas- sengers, &c. not to enter the city be- fore 1st Oct. unless, &c. Proviso. May take in freight at the Lazaretto and proceed to sea. Refusal to answer or at- tempt to de- ceive, pun- ishable. tion, such person for each and every offence, being thereof legally convicted, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter provided and directed, and moreover shall be sentenced to imprisonment at hard labour for any term not less than one year and not exceeding five years. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, shall neglect to present his certificate at the Health Office, in any case in which he is therein before directed so to do, within the time directed by this act, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed. And if any captain or master of any ship or vessel, or any other person on board the same, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of the Lazaretto physician or Quarantine master, which shall be made agreeably to this act, or the regulations of the Board of Health, with respect to the detention of any ship or ves- sel, or the landing from on board the same, of any person or persons, or of any goods, merchandise, bedding, baggage or clothing, or shall refuse to carry the same into effect, such person for each and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter provided and directed. Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That any ship or vessel coming from any port or place within the United States, at which port or place the said ship or vessel had only called in or touched upon her arrival from a foreign port or place, shall be liable and subject to all the rules, regulations and restrictions of the preceding sections of this act, and shall be examined and treated, as well the vessel itself as the cargo, crew, passen- gers, and baggage, on board, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had directly arrived at the Lazaretto from a foreign port or place without having first touched at a port or place within the United States; and all ships or vessels, as well vessels of war as merchant vessels, coming from ■ any port or place within the United States, and bound to the port of Philadelphia, between the first day of June, and Penalty. 1 Penalty on neglecting to present the certificate in 24 hours af- ter arrival. Neglecting to execute the orders of the Lazaretto physician or Board of Health, pun- ishable. Penalty. Vessels from ports in the United States liable to detention. Vessels of war to be de- tained. the first day of October in every year, and having on board any goods or merchandise, the growth or produce of any foreign place or country, or any person or persons, bedding or clothing, from any foreign port or place, shall come to anchor opposite the said Lazaretto, and shall be examined by the said Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, and if the captain or master of any such ship or vessel shall produce such satisfactory proof as the Board of Health shall in that case direct to be required, that the said goods or merchandise shall have been landed in the United States, more than twenty days, and are free from damage, and that the said vessel, bedding, clothing, and persons, are free from the infection of any dangerous contagious disease, (the small pox and measles excepted,) then and in that case the said physician and Quarantine master shall give to the captain or master of such ship or vessel a certificate of the facts, permitting such ship or vessel to proceed to the city, which certificate the said captain or master shall present at the Health Office in Philadelphia, within twenty-four hours after his arrival, and safely mooring there; and if he should neglect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dol- lars, to be recovered and appropriated, as is hereinafter directed and provided; and if the said captain or master shall fail to produce such satisfactory proof as aforesaid, °f the wholesome state of the said vessel, goods, merchandise, bedding, clothing, and persons, the said vessel, goods, mer- chandise, bedding, clothing, and persons, shall be detained at the Lazaretto, and shall be proceeded with in the same manner, and subject to the same orders and regulations as are herein before provided and directed in the case of ves- sels coming directly from a foreign port or place; and if the captain or master of any such ship or vessel coming from any port or place within the United States, and bound to the port of Philadelphia, having on board any goods or merchandise, bedding, clothing, or persons, as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to come to anchor opposite the Laza- ° , retto, and shall pass the same with intent to proceed to the city without examination by, and certificate obtained from free from cluarantine* Certificate to Office, Failure of health of ves selstobe de- tained’ Vessels from °f the States hav- to detention, pas'stng the L?zaretto without exa- mination. the said physician and Quarantine master as aforesaid, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of five hun- dred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein- after provided and directed, and the said vessel, goods, merchandise, bedding, clothing, and persons, shall be sent back to the Lazaretto, there to be proceeded with in such manner as the Board of Health, agreeably to this act, shall in that case devise and direct. Sect. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every ship or vessel coming from the Me- diterranean, shall be subject to a strict examination, under similar regulations and penalties, as are provided in the fourth section of this act, and if it appears that the said ship or vessel came from any place where the plague existed at the time of her departure, or has spoken with any vessel on board of which any person was affected with the plague, or if any person is affected with the said disease on his ar- rival at the Lazaretto, or has been affected during the voy- age, the said vessel shall not be suffered to proceed to the city, the cargo and baggage shall be unloaded and thorough- ly cleansed and purified, and no part shall be suffered to enter the city without the permission of the Board of Health first obtained; and the crew and passengers shall perform a quarantine of not less than twenty days, nor more than forty, at the discretion of the Board of Health: Provided nevertheless, That such ship or vessel after she shall have been thoroughly cleansed and purified, may be allowed to take in freight at the Lazaretto by means of lighters and proceed to sea. Sect. 7. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That any person or persons, and all goods, mer- chandise, bedding and clothing, arriving at any port or place, within the United States, from any foreign port or place at which any malignant or contagious disease, (the small pox and measles excepted,) prevailed at the time of their departure, or in any vessel in which any such disease existed while they were on board the same, are hereby pro- hibited from entering the city or county of Philadelphia, or the county of Delaware, (except the township of Tini- Vessels from the Mediter- ranean, sub- ject to exa- mination. Prevented from enter- ing the city. Proviso. May take freight and proceed to sea. Persons ar- < riving from infected fo- ' reign ports 1 at any port in the United ] States, shall , not enter the ’ city. cum,) at any time between the first day of June and the first day of October in any year, either by land or water, without permission of the Board of Health first had and obtained, under the penalty of five hundred dollars for each and every offence, and the forfeiture of all such goods, merchandise, bedding or clothing, to be recovered and ap- propriated as is hereinafter directed; and that all goods, wares, bedding, clothing and merchandise, seamen or pas- sengers, landed from on board any ship or vessel belonging to the port of Philadelphia at any other port of the United States, shall be subject to perform twenty days quarantine, previously to entering the city or county of Philadelphia; under the same penalty as in the fifth section, without per- mission first obtained from the Board of Health. Sect. 8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person or persons, goods, wares, mer- chandise, bedding or clothing, from any port or place at which any malignant or contagious disease (the small pox or measles excepted) prevailed at the time of their depart- ure, or from on board any vessel in which any such disease existed, while they were on board, shall enter or be brought into the city or county of Philadelphia at any time between the first day of June and the first day of October in any year, by land or water, without the permission of the Board of Health first had and obtained, under the penalty of any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for each and every such offence, and the forfeiture of all such goods, wares, merchandise, bedding and clothing, to be recovered and appropriated, as directed by the twenty-ninth section of this act. Sect. 9. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the Board of Health shall re- ceive information that any malignant or contagious disease (the small pox and measles excepted,) prevails in any port or place within the United States, or on the continent of America, they shall make diligent inquiry concerning the same, and if it shall appear that the disease prevails as afore- said, all communication with such infected port or place, shall be subject to such control and regulations as the Board Penalty. Goods, &c. landed in ports of the United States sub- ject to 20 days quaran- tine. Persons and goods from sickly ports, prohibited. Penalty. . Board may prohibit com- munication with in- jected ports in the Unit- , ed States. Prohibition to be pub- lished. of Health may from time to time think proper to direct and publish in one or more newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, and thereupon every person or persons, and all goods, wares, merchandises, bedding, and clothing, from such infected port or place, and having entered and brought into the city and county of Philadelphia, contrary to such regulations, sha1! be subject to the penalties and forfeitures provided by the next preceding section of this act; and all vessels from such port or place, and bound to the port of Philadelphia, shall stop at the Lazaretto, and be proceeded with in the same manner, and under the same penalties and forfeitures, as are provided in cases of vessels coming from foreign ports; and every person or persons having entered or been brought into the city or county of Philadelphia, from such infected port or place aforesaid, shall also be con- veyed by any person authorized by the Board, to such place for purification, as the said Board may appoint or direct for that purpose, and be there detained at the pleasure of the Board, any time not exceeding twenty days, and at the ex- pense of such person or persons ; and if the said Board shall have cause to suspect that any person or persons at the time, within the city and county of Philadelphia, have been at such infected port or place within fifteen days since such disease prevailed at such port or place next preceding, the said Board may lawfully require such person or persons to render satisfactory proof of their place or places of abode during the said period; and if such person or persons ne- glect or refuse to render such proof, or fail in proving their residence other than at such infected port or place, every such person shall be dealt with, by purification and deten- tion, as persons coming from such infected port or place. Sect. 10. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no Lazaretto physician, Quarantine master or other officer, or servant of the said Lazaretto, shall ab- sent himself from the place of his duty between the first day of June and the first day of October on any pretence whatsoever, for any time, without leave first obtained in writing from the Board of Health, under the hand of the president or chairman for the time, attested by the secreta- Penalty. Vessels from infected ports in the United States to stop at the Laza- retto. Persons from infected places to be conveyed to a place of pu- rification. Suspected persons to be interrogated. Lazaretto of- ficers not to absent them- selves with- out leave. ry and entered on the minutes, under the penalty of forfeit- ing his office and a fine of any sum not exceeding five hun- dred dollars. Sect. 11. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Lazaretto phy- sician, immediately on the arrival of any ship or vessel lia- ble to be detained at the Lazaretto in order to be cleansed and purified as aforesaid, to cause the sick, if any on board, to be removed to the building which shall be appointed by the Board of Health for their reception, and diligently and impartially with his best skill to attend upon and adminis- ter medical assistance to each and every sick person that shall be therein lodged, and generally to superintend and cause to be executed such orders and regulations as the said Board shall from time to time ordain for the government and management of the Lazaretto, and of the vessels, car- goes and persons, under quarantine. Sect. 12. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Quarantine mas- ter, immediately after the arrival and examination as afore- said, of any ship or vessel liable to be detained at the Laza- retto for purification as aforesaid, to direct and cause such ship or vessel to be properly moored near the Lazaretto at such distance from any vessel or vessels under quarantine as may prevent the communication of any infectious dis- ease to or from the same. And the cargo, bedding and clothing, or any part thereof contained in such ship or ves- sel, to be landed, cleansed, and purified, under the direction of the Lazaretto physician; and it shall be the particular duty of the said Quarantine master to prevent any personal intercourse between the persons on board different vessels under quarantine, and for that purpose to take possession of and secure the boats of such vessels from sunset to sun- rise of the succeeding day, until their respective terms of quarantine shall be completed; to preserve and enforce order and obedience to this act, and all such orders and re- gulations as the Board of Health shall from time to time ordain for the government of the Lazaretto, and the per- sons, vessels, and cargoes, under quarantine. Duty of the Lazaretto physician. Duty of the Quarantine master. To secure the boats of vessels. Sect. 13. Jlnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Port physician, upon receiving information from the Health Officer or other person whomsoever, that any person or persons on hoard of any ship or vessel in the port of Philadelphia is or are afflicted, or suspected to be afflicted, with any pestilential or contagious disease, or that there is just cause to suspect that the cargo or any part thereof, contained in any such ship or vessel, is infected with any such disease, the said physician, in either of the foregoing cases, shall visit and carefully examine such ship or vessel, and if he shall dis- cover any sick person or persons on board any such ship or vessel, he shall thereupon have and exercise the author- ity to direct such sick person or persons to be removed to the said Lazaretto, or to some other safe place which may be specified by the Board of Health. And the said physi- cian shall without delay report the state of said vessel, car- go, and crew, to the Board of Health, who shall direct and determine how the crew, passengers, vessel, and cargo, shall be disposed of and managed for the restoration of their health and purification. And on the arrival of any ship or vessel in the port of Philadelphia, from any foreign port or place, from the first day of October in any year to the first day of June in the next succeeding year, it shall be the duty of the said physician, provided such ship or vessel shall not have been previously visited and examined by the physician resident at the Lazaretto and Quarantine master, and before any of the passengers, crew, cargo, or baggage are landed, to visit and carefully examine such ship or ves- sel in manner and form as the said Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master are bound to do, and to demand answers under oath or affirmation to be administered by the said Port physician, who is hereby empowered to administer the same in conformity with this act. And if the crew, pas- sengers, vessel, and cargo, be in a healthy state, and if there shall be no ground to suspect that any of the crew or passengers have died on the voyage of any dangerous con- tagious disease, (the small pox and measles excepted) or that the cargo, bedding, or clothing, is infected, then and in Duty of the Port physi- cian. To examine vessels. To report the state of the vessels to the Board. To visit ves- sels arriving from 1st Oc- tober to 1st June in the succeeding year. such case the said physician shall give to the master or commander a certificate of the facts, which the said master or commander shall present at the Health Office within twenty-four hours after such examination; and if he shall neglect so to do, being thereof legally convicted under this act, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dol- lars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein provided and directed. And if on examination, any suspicion shall arise in the mind of the said physician touching the health of the crew or passengers, or the infectious state of the ves- sel, cargo, bedding, or clothing, on board, no part thereof shall be landed, but the said physician shall immediately report the same to the Hoard of Health, who shall direct and determine what measures shall be pursued relative thereto. And the said physician upon request of the Health Officer, or the Board of Health, shall, from time to time, visit and examine such houses and persons as the said Board, or the Health Officer, shall have reason to suspect are in- fected with any dangerous contagious disease, and make re- port thereof to the said Health Officer. And every ship or vessel, so as aforesaid arriving at the port of Philadelphia, shall be visited by the Port physician previously to her being hauled to any wharf within the city or district afore- said, or Wind Mill Island ; and every captain or other per- son so hauling such ship or vessel to any wharf as afore- said, shall for each and every offence forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be sued for and recovered as herein provided, unless it shall be made appear by such captain or other person, that there was at the time immi- nent danger of the loss of such ship or vessel, or of the passengers and crew thereof. Sect. 14. And be it f urther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Health Officer at seasonable and proper hours on each day (Sundays ex- cepted) to open and keep a public office at such convenient place in the city of Philadelphia as shall be directed by the Board of Health, whereat all masters or captains of ships or vessels shall deliver the certificates of bills of health to them granted by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine To deliver the master a certificate which he is to present at the Health Office. To visit houses at the request of the Board of Health. Vessels ar- riving at Phi- ladelphia to be visited by Port physi- cian before hauling to any wharf. Penalty. Duty of the Health Of- ficer. master, or Port physician as aforesaid. And the Board of Health shall there assemble and meet, as often as they deem needful, for the purpose of executing the duties and trusts of their appointment. And the said Health Officer shall file and preserve in good order all the certificates or bills of health so delivered, and shall keep a register of the ships or vessels, and the names of the captains or masters, own- ers or consignees, for which the same were respectively granted, the port or ports from which the ship or vessel re- spectively sailed, or at which they touched during their respective voyages, and the number of persons on board thereof respectively at the time of their leaving their re- spective ports of departure, and also at the time of their arrival respectively at the port of Philadelphia. And the said Health Officer shall attend the Health Office at the meetings of the Board of Health, and at such other times as shall be required for discharging the duties of his ap- pointment, and generally enforce and execute the regula- tions and instructions of the Board of Health. And it shall be the duty of the said Health Officer to collect, recover, and receive all forfeitures and penalties imposed, and sums of money directed to be paid by this act. And the said Health Officer shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, give bond with sureties to the satisfaction of the Board of Health, conditioned for the faithful execution of the duties of his office, and to account for all moneys which may come into his hands in pursuance thereof. And the said bond shall be a lien on the estates of the said Health Of- ficer, and his securities respectively. Sect. 15. Jlnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the letter mail shall during the quarantine season, leave the Lazaretto for the Health Office, in the city of Philadelphia, and return twice in each juridical day, at such hours as the Board of Health shall determine, and shall be free for the transmission of letters to and from per- sons who may be within the bounds of the Lazaretto, or on board of vessels which may be detained thete; and it shall be the duty of the Health Officer immediately after the arrival of the Lazaretto mail, to deposite in the post To file and preserve the bills of health. To keep a register. To attend the meetings of the Board. To recover fines and pe- nalties. The Health Officer to give security, which shall be a lien. Lazaretto mail to leave Lazaretto twice a day. Letters to be deposited in the post-of- fice. office the letters received thereby, excepting those which shall be addressed to the Board of Health and the officers connected therewith. Sect. 16. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every diseased person duly landed or sent ] to the Lazaretto, by either of the aforesaid physicians, Qua- ] rantine master, or Health Officer, shall be there kept and 1 maintained until the Lazaretto physician shall grant him or her a discharge in writing, and if before obtaining a dis- charge as aforesaid, any such person shall elope or other- wise absent himself or herself from the Lazaretto, it shall, be lawful for the Health Officer, or any constable or other person whom he shall call to his assistance, and they are hereby enjoined and required to lend such assistance, to j pursue and apprehend the person so escaping or absenting himself or herself from the Lazaretto, and there again de- liver him or her to be detained until he or she be duly dis- charged as aforesaid; and moreover, the person so eloping and absenting himself or herself shall for each and every offence suffer such temporary confinement in the Lazaretto, not exceeding three months, as the Board of Health shall ordain and award ; and if any master or captain shall know- ingly receive or employ on hoard of his ship or vessel, or if any housekeeper or other inhabitant of this common- wealth shall knowingly receive, harbour, or in any way en- tertain any person so eloping or absenting from the Laza- retto, each and every master and captain, and each and every housekeeper or inhabitant so respectively offending, shall, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a sum of two hundred dollars; and if any person arriving in or be- longing to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall elope or absent himself or herself, without having first obtained a discharge, signed by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, or if any person other than those detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall go on board or along side of any ship or vessel whilst under quarantine as aforesaid, or if any person not by the Board of Health shall go within the limits of the Laza- retto, such person or persons shall perform such quarantine Persons sick at the Laza- retto how to be treated. Sick persons eloping from the Lazaret- to to be ap- prehended and sent back. Fugitives from the La- zaretto not to be har- boured. 'Penalty. Persons go- ing on board, or along side any vessel, or entering the Lazaretto, to perform qua- rantine. as the Board of Health may direct, and the person so offend- ing, upon legal conviction of such offence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and ap- propriated as hereinafter directed; and if any diseased or other person landed and sent to the Lazaretto by any officer having authority to do the same, or any person arriving in or belonging to any ship or vessel detained at the Lazaretto as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to obey the directions of the Lazaretto physician or Quarantine master respectively, agreeably to this act, and the order and regulations by the Board of Health, which shall from time to time be ordain- ed and established for the government and management of the Lazaretto, and the persons, vessels and cargoes under quarantine,the person so refusing orneglecting shall for each and every offence, on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as hereinafter directed; and the expense ‘and charge of boarding, lodging, nursing, medicine, main- tenance, and other necessaries, which shall have been pro- vided for the diseased persons landed and sent to the Laza- retto as aforesaid, and also of burying them in case of their death, shall be paid and discharged by the importer, mas- ter, or captain, owner, or consignee, of the ships or ves- sels respectively in which such diseased persons were re- spectively imported, agreeably to the rates in that behalf by the Board of Health to be ordained and established: Provided always, nevertheless, That when the diseased persons are passengers and not servants, the said expense and charges shall be repaid by them, their executors, or ad- ministrators, to the captain or master, owner, or consignee, who shall pay and satisfy, or be bound to pay and satisfy the same as aforesaid. Sect. 17. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That when any vessel shall come up to the city of Philadelphia, or the shores of Southwark or the North- ern Liberties, although the said vessel may have obtained a certificate of health from the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, or the Port physician, if the said vessel shall appear to the Board of Health to be infected with any Penalty. Refusal or neglect of the laws of Lazaretto punishable. Penalty. Expenses of diseased per- sons sent to the Lazaret- to, paid by the importer, &c. According to the rates es- tablished by the Board. Proviso. Passengers to repay ex- penses to captains, &c. Vessels com- ing up to the city may be remanded on just cause. contagious disorder, dangerous to the community, the said Board are hereby authorized to order the said vessel to the Lazaretto, there to undergo the necessary purification be- fore she will be permitted to return to the city or the shores aforesaid. And the said Board are hereby authorized and l and empowered to remove any vessel or vessels from any J part of the city or shore aforesaid, as shall be infected with * such disorders as aforesaid, to such convenient distance as they may deem proper, although such vessel may not be infected. Sect. 18. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever by means aforesaid, or by the l report of the Port physician or any other physician appoint- ( ed by the Board of Health, (whom the said Board are here- \ by authorized to send to places or houses suspected to be in- j fected) it shall come to the knowledge of the said Board, that' any person within the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moya- mensing, or Penn, is afflicted with any contagious disease, dangerous to the community, it shall and may be lawful for the said Board to take orders for preventing the spreading of the contagion, by forbidding and preventing all commu- - nication with the infected house or family, except by means < of physicians, nurses, or messengers, to convey the necessa-j ry advice, medicines, and provisions, to the afflicted; and1 shall exercise all such other powers as the circumstances of the case shall require, and as shall in their judgment be most conducive to the public good with the least private in- jury. Sect. 19. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no pilot, bringing a ship or vessel to the j Lazaretto in an apparent state of good health, shall be obli-« ged to perform quarantine, but the Lazaretto physician shall' grant such pilot a certificate permitting him to proceed to the Capes of Delaware, in order that he may prosecute his profession, but such pilot shall not on any pretence come into the city of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, the ! district of Southwark, or the townships of Moyamensing,, or Penn, for twenty days from the date of such certificate,' Board autho- rized to re- move ves- sels. Board may take orders to prevent the spread- ing of conta- gion in the city. To prevent communica- tion with in- fected houses. Pilots ex- empted from quarantine. Shall not en- ter the city, &c. for 20 days, under penalty of j $ 100 or one year’s impris-1 onment. ; under the penalty of one hundred dollars, or one year’s im- prisonment, which penalty shall be recovered and applied in the manner hereinafter directed. And any pilot bring- ing to the said Lazaretto a ship or vessel infected or sup- posed to be infected, with any pestilential or contagious dis- ease, may be permitted to go and remain on shore within the bounds of the Lazaretto during the time the ship or ves- sel brought thither shall be detained under quarantine: Provided always, That if the said vessel shall be infected with any disease as aforesaid, he shall be detained and treat- ed in the like manner as seamen or passengers so infected are herein directed to be detained and treated: And pro- vided further, That if he shall go without the bounds of the Lazaretto, he shall be liable to the same penalties as are by this act imposed on seamen or passengers escaping there- from. Sect. 20. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no member of the Board of Health shall be permitted to go within the limits of the Lazaretto dur- ing the continuance of the quarantine, and any one of them offending against this provision shall pay a fine of one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered by action in any court having competent jurisdiction, by the guardians of the poor for the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, and the township of the Northern Liberties. Sect. 21. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no master or captain of any ship or ves- sel, bound to any port or place within this commonwealth, shall bring within the Capes of the bay and river Delaware, or in any port or place within this commonwealth, any greater number of passengers, servants, or other persons whatsoever, than can and shall be well supplied with suffi- cient good and wholesome drink and meat and other ne- cessaries, particularly vinegar, as well to wash and cleanse the vessel as for the use of the persons on board during the voyage. And every ship or vessel so arriving at any port or place within this commonwealth, shall be allowed to bring one passenger and no more for every two tons cus- tom-house measurement, and in such estimate two children J Pilots per- mittted to re-1 main within j the Lazaret- to bounds. 1 Proviso. Penalty on going with- out the bounds of the Lazaretto. Proviso. No member of the Board of Health to go within the limits of the Lazaretto during qua- rantine. Penalty. Of the im- i portation of passengers. 1 Their num- ber not to exceed what can be well provided and accommo- dated. Every vessel to be allowed < to bring one 1 passenger for two tons. 1 between the ages of five and twelve years shall be taken and considered as equal to one full passenger. And before any such ship or vessel shall obtain a certificate from the Health Office, the master, owner, or consignee, of such ship or vessel, shall pay to the Health Officer, for the use of the Board of Health, the sum of one dollar for each and every passenger not citizens of the United States, reckon- ing two children between the ages aforesaid as one passen- ger. And in case it should be made to appear satisfactorily to the Board of Health that such passengers are unable to pay the said sum of one dollar, then and in such case the Board of Health shall make out a list of such passengers, together with the names of the captain and vessel in which they were imported, and forward the same, under their of- ficial seal, to the governor, who shall draw his warrant on the state treasurer, in the usual manner, for the amount so specified. And every master or captain of any ship or ves- sel importing passengers, servants, or other persons whatso- ever, shall, whenever the said passengers, servants, or other persons, amount to the number of one hundred, at the charge of the owner or owners of his ship or vessel, pro- vide and employ a skilful physician of good character, and a chest with a competent assortment of medicines for the use and accommodation of all persons whatsoever on board his ship or vessel, and the physician so provided shall ad- minister medicine and medicines to all sick persons on board the ship or vessel according to his best skill and judgment, as often as occasion shall require, without asking, demand- ing, or receiving any pay or satisfaction therefor from such sick persons respectively. And the master or captain of any ship or vessel containing the number of passengers aforesaid, shall twice in every week, if the weather will permit, during the voyage, cause the ship or vessel to be well washed with vinegar, and while the means aforesaid shall be using to cleanse the ship or vessel, the master or captain thereof may require and compel all persons not in- capacitated by sickness or other reasonable cause, to come and remain on deck until such cleansing shall be performed and completed. And if any master, captain, or other per- Before certi- ficate is ob- tained, the master, &c. is to pay Health Offi- cer $ 1 for each passen- ger. If such pas- sengers are unable to pay, the go- vernor shall draw his war- rant. Where there are 100 pas- sengers, &c. a physician to be em- ployed. His duty. Ship to be cleansed during the voyage. son, whether severally or altogether, shall, during the voy- age, trust or credit any one passenger with more liquor or other articles whatsoever, than shall amount in the whole to the value of four dollars, or if more than one third part of that sum shall be for spirituous liquors, the master, captain, or other person so trusting or crediting, shall be disabled from recovering any debts for all and any such articles from any passenger so trusted or credited. And the Lazaretto physician, Port physician, and Health Officer respectively, on visiting any ship or vessel bound to any port or place within this commonwealth as aforesaid, shall diligently in- quire whether the directions herein given have been fully complied with. And on the arrival of any vessel, importing German passengers, opposite to the city of Philadelphia, the Health Officer shall moreover visit the same and take with him a respectable German of the city of Philadelphia, well versed in the English and German languages, to he his in- terpreter, and the said interpreter shall be appointed and commissioned by the governor, and shall take an oath or affirmation before the mayor or any alderman of the city of Philadelphia for the time being, that he will well and faith- fully interpret between the Health Officer and such German passengers, and in all other respects diligently and uprightly execute the duties of his appointment. And the Health Officer shall at least once in every week, taking with him the said interpreter, in case of a ship or vessel importing German passengers, go on board every ship or vessel hav- ing passengers, to examine whether they are and have been accommodated agreeably to the directions of this act. And the said interpreter for the first visit shall have and receive the sum of two dollars, and for every subsequent visit the sum of one dollar, to be paid by the master, captain, owner, or consignee of the ship or vessel so visited. And if any master or captain of any ship or vessel shall not have pro- vided a sufficient quantity of good and wholesome provi- sions, vinegar, and other necessaries as aforesaid, or if he shall not have provided a room or birth to the persons on board his ship or vessel, or if having the number of one hundred passengers as aforesaid, he shall not have provided Trusting pas- sengers with liquors ex- ceeding $4, the debts not recoverable. The visiting officer to in- quire whetli- ( ertheir direc- tions have < been compli-, ed with. Of the Ger- ' man interpre-, ter. Jly whom to be appointed and how to be qualified. The Health Officer tak- ing with him the interpre- ter to visit passenger ships weekly. Compensa- tion of the in- terpreter. Penalty for transgressing thedirections of this section a physician and chest of medicines for the use and accom- modation of all persons on hoard his ship or vessel, or shall bring more than one passenger for every two tons, custom- house measurement, or shall have neglected during the voyage to cleanse the ship or vessel in the manner herein before in such case directed, such master or captain shall for each and every of the foregoing offences forfeit and pay not less than two hundred dollars, nor more than fifteen hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as here- inafter provided and directed. Sect. 22. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the buildings and lot of ground situate to the north-west of Bush Hill, in the county of Philadel- phia, shall be and continue a public hospital for the city of Philadelphia, the township of the Northern Liberties, and the districts of Southwark, Moyamensing and Penn ; and all persons other than persons on board of any ship or ves- sel, and liable to be sent as aforesaid to the Lazaretto, resid- ing within the city of Philadelphia, the district of South- wark, the townships of the .Northern Liberties, Moyamen- sing and Penn, who shall be afflicted with any pestilential or contagious disease (the small pox and measles excepted) may upon the advice and order of the Port physician or any other physician or person authorized by the Board of Health to grant such order, be removed by the Health Of- ficer, and such assistance as he shall for that purpose employ, to the said public hospital or to such other place as the physician or Board of Health shall approve, if the person afflicted with any contagious or pestilential disease, cannot be properly and sufficiently attended at home, there be lodged, nursed and maintained, and kept until duly dis- charged by a permit in writing signed by a physician of the said public hospital: Provided always, nevertheless, That each and every patient, and his and her estate, real and personal, shall be liable to pay, satisfy, and reimburse all the charges and expenses on his or her account incurred in the said public hospital, unless the Board of Health award that he or she shall be exonerated and exempted therefrom. And the Board of Health is hereby directed to lease out Hospital for the city, Northern Li- 'berties, &c. Persons af- flicted with contagious diseases to be received into the hospital. Health Offi- cer to remove infected per- sons, unless they can be properly at- tended at home. Proviso. Patients lia- ble for theii expenses. Board autho rized to lease hospital. .the said public hospital and lot of ground belonging to if, except when wanted for the sick, on the best terms that can be obtained. Sect. 23. J)nd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the said Board of Health shall receive information that any contagious disease rages in any port or place within the United States, or on the continent of America, they shall make diligent inquiry concerning the same; and it shall and may be lawful for the said Board to prohibit and to prevent all communication by land and water with such infected ports or places, by stopping all vessels coming into the port of Philadelphia, and at and before the Lazaretto, in the same manner and under the same penalties and forfeitures as are hereby provided in case of vessels coming from foreign ports, and by stopping all persons coming from said infected places, in such man- ner as the circumstances and exigencies of the case shall require. And the said Board of Health are hereby author- . ized and required, whenever a fever of a contagious nature ‘ shall appear in any part of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing or Penn, to adopt without delay such prompt measures as will effectually prevent all com- munication between the part or parts so infected, and any other part of the city, district, or townships; and all judges, justices, sheriffs, constables, and other civil officers and citi- zens of this state, are hereby authorized and empowered, enjoined and required, to aid and assist the said Board and their officers to the utmost of their power in carrying into effect such rules, orders and regulations, touching the stop- page of such intercourse, or the removal of the infected when they cannot properly be attended to at home, as the Board shall order and publish. Sect. 24. %dnd be it further eriacted by the authority aforesaid, That every person keeping a boarding or lodging house in the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamensing or Penn, between the first day of June and the fifteenth day of October in any year, shall within twelve hours after Contagion in other places guarded against. Communica- tion by land and water forbid. Contagious fever appear- ing in the ci- ty or districts communica- tion to be stopped. Persons keeping boarding houses to re- 1 port, &c. < any seafaring man or sojourner shall become sick in such boarding or lodging house, report in writing the name of such diseased person to the Health Officer; and no master of a vessel or other person from any vessel whatsoever, shall remove any sick person lying in the river Delaware, before the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark or the township of the Northern Liberties, before such sick person has been visited by the Port physician, and a writ- ten permit granted by him for the purpose of such removal. And any person neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section, shall on legal conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or to im- prisonment for any term not exceeding three months ; and no person shall hereafter be subject to be punished by im- prisonment by virtue of this act without a previous convic- tion in due course of law : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the Board of Health from temporarily confining any person within the Lazaretto bounds, for such time as the said Board may deem neces- sary for the safety of the public. Sect. 25. dind be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid', That every person practising physic in the city, districts and townships aforesaid, who shall have a patient labouring under a pestilential or contagious disease (small pox and measles excepted) shall forthwith make a report in writing to the Health Officer, and for neglecting so to do he shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sect. 26. dLnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever any person shall die in the city, district, or townships aforesaid, the physician or surgeon who shall have attended such person, as a physician or sur- geon, during his or her last sickness, shall leave a note in writing signed with his name with some one of the family in the house where such person shall have died, specifying the name and apparent age of the deceased, and the disease of which he or she shall have died. And every physician or surgeon refusing or neglecting to make and deliver such note, shall forfeit the sum of five dollars. And that no sex- No sick per- son to be re- moved, &c. Penalty, Proviso. Not to pre- vent the Board from temporarily confining, &c. Physicians to report pa- tients at the Health Of- fice. Penalty. Physicians to specify the names, dis- eases, &c. of which their patients may die. Penalty. Sextons not to permit de- ceased per- sons to be in- terred, until, &.C. Ion of any church, or other person having charge of any cemetery, vaults or burial grounds, in the city, district, or townships aforesaid, shall permit any dead body to be in- terred therein until he has received such note in writing so signed as aforesaid, or in case no physician or surgeon shall have attended such deceased person, or the physician or surgeon who did attend shall have neglected or refused to leave such note, then a like note signed by some of the family in which such person shall have died. The contents of which note in writing shall be entered by such sexton on a blank schedule to be furnished by the clerk of the Health Office, or such other person as the Board of Health direct, and delivered together with the said schedule, on the Saturday of every week, to the Health Office for publication, in such form as may be designated by the Board of Health. And that every sexton or other person, having charge of any place of interment, neglecting or refusing to perform any of the duties required by this act, shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sect. 27. Jlnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Board of Health or a committee of them shall have power, having first obtained a warrant from . a justice of the peace in due form of law, founded on a com- ‘ plaint of two householders under oath or affirmation, direct- ed to the sheriff of the county of Philadelphia, or his deputy, to enter and search all houses, stores, cellars, and other in- closures, between sunrise and sunset, where they may have just cause to suspect any nuisance to exist: Provided how- ever, That no sheriff or deputy sheriff shall execute any civil process either by arresting the body or attaching the ' goods and chattels of any person or persons under colour of any entry made for the purposes aforesaid, unless such service could by law have been made without such entry ; and all services so made under colour of such entry shall be utterly void, and the officer making such service shall be considered a trespasser. And it shall be the duty of the said Board to cause all offensive or putrid substances, and all nuisances which may have a tendency in their opinion to endanger the health of the citizens, to be removed from Contents of the note to be entered, &c., weekly. Penalty. The Board may obtain upon oath or affirmation a warrant, and enter and search, &c. Proviso. No civil pro- cess to be executed un- der colour, See. The Board to remove all nuisances, &c. the streets, lanes, alleys, highways, wharves, docks, or any other part or parts of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, and the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamcnsing, and Penn, and to cause such of the privies within the limits aforesaid, to be emptied or j corrected with lime or otherwise at the expense of the in- j dividuals who are the owners of the houses to which the said privies are appurtenant, as the said Board shall from time to time deem necessary for the health of the inhabi- tants thereof. And if the owners or occupiers of the pre- mises on which any nuisance may be found, and the owners ( of the houses to which the said privies are appurtenant, j shall, on due notice thereof, refuse or neglect to have the« same immediately removed, emptied, or corrected as afore-J said, he, she, or they, so refusing or neglecting, shall for- feit and pay for every such offence any sum not less than twenty, nor more than two hundred dollars, to be reco- vered and appropriated as by this act directed. And the expense attending the removal of such nuisance shall be, recovered by the Board in any court having lawful juris- diction, from all corporate bodies and individuals, in case due notice has been given to remove the same, and a refusal or neglect to do so within the time prescribed by the Board. Sect. 28. Jlnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person shall wilfully and knowingly 1 obstruct or resist the Board of Health, or any of the mem-’ hers thereof, or any persons by them appointed, in the ex-1 ecution of the powers to them given, or in performance of, duties enjoined on them by this act, and the rules and regu-1 lations of the said Board, such person shall on being thereof legally convicted, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is, hereinafter directed. And if after the expiration of the' quarantine, any mariner or other person who shall have’ complied with the regulations hereby established, shall j commit any violence on the person of a member of thei Board of Health, or any of the officers attached to the same, j for any thing done in the execution of his duty, such per- < son shall be subject on conviction thereof to a fine of two And to cause the privies to be emptied, &c. And the owners or occupiers re- fusing to pay sucli ex- penses shall forfeit, &.c. How to be recovered. Persons ob- structing the members of the Board in , their duties under this act to forfeit, &c. If at expira- tion of the quarantine any person who has com- plied with its regulations, commits vio- lence on the members or officers of the Board, &.c. hundred dollars, and shall also be sentenced to imprison- ment at hard labour for any term not exceeding three years. Sect. 29. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for payment and satisfaction of all forfeit- ures and penalties, which arc imposed by this act, and all sums of money directed by this act to be paid, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to sue and prosecute, and the same to collect, recover and receive, and the same shall be recoverable before any alderman, justice of the peace, or court of justice, having lawful jurisdiction, to the amount of such forfeitures, penalties, and sums of money respec- tively, or in the case, or upon the offence upon which the proceeding shall be had, and the same when recovered and received, shall be appropriated, and shall inure to the use of the institution, under the management and direction of the Board of Health ; and no citizen or inhabitant of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, or the town- ship of the Northern Liberties, or Moyamensing, or Penn, shall be disqualified from sitting as judges or jurors, or from giving testimony respecting any of the offences mentioned in this act, by reason of his, her or their common interest in the appropriation of the sum or penalties imposed for such offence, nor shall any member of the Board of Health, or any officer entrusted with the execution of this act, or any part thereof, be disqualified from giving testimony re- specting any of the said offences. And the said members of the Board of Health shall, during their continuance in office, be exempted from the duties of jurors, and from mi- litia duty. Sect. 30. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Lazaretto physician, Quarantine master, Port physician, and Health Officer, shall, from and after the passing of this act, receive annually, the following salaries, as a compensation for their services, that is to say : the Lazaretto physician, the sum of twelve hundred dollars ; the Quarantine master, the sum of seven hundred dollars; the Port physician, the sum of five hundred dollars ; and the Health Officer, the sum of six hundred dollars, to be paid quarterly, by an order drawn by the Board of Health Penalty. Penalties, forfeitures and sums of money, how to be recov- ered. And to what use to be ap- propriated. No inhabi- tant of Phila- delphia, or the districts, to be disqual- ified to act as jurors, &c. Nor mem- bers or offi- cers of the Board to be disqualified from giving testimony. Salaries. Lazaretto physician, $ 1200; Qua- rantine mas- ter, $700 ; Port physi- cian, $500 Health Offi- cer, $600. on their treasurer. And the Quarantine master shall accom- pany the Lazaretto physician, on the arrival of vessels at the Lazaretto, and shall have them moored, and when ne- cessary, well cleansed and white washed, for which he shall be paid in addition to his salary, by the master, owner or consignee, and shall be allowed to charge for lime and brushes, the usual prices at which such articles are retailed in the city of Philadelphia, (he shall also be authorized to receive all letters and papers to be forwarded to Philadel- phia by the Lazaretto mail, and by any other conveyance he may think proper,) and no person shall be permitted to go on board any vessel under quarantine, except the Laza- retto physician and Quarantine master, unless at the request of either of them to perform some necessary service. And the Quarantine master shall be furnished with such boats and crews as the Board of Health may judge necessary, for having the duties of the Lazaretto physician and Quaran- tine master carried into complete effect, and shall also be furnished with a good spy-glass. Sect. 31. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all actions or prosecutions to be commenc- ed against any master, captain, owner or consignee of any ship or vessel, or other person, by virtue of this act, shall be brought within twelve months next after the commis- sion of the offence wherewith he is charged, and if any action or suit shall be commenced against any person or persons, for any matter or thing committed in violation of this act, the defendant or defendants may plead the general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence, at any trial to be had thereupon. And for the payment and satis- faction of all forfeitures and penalties which are imposed, and all sums of money directed by this act to be paid by the masters, captains, owners or consignees, as well the ships or vessels respectively, as the captains, masters, owners or consignees thereof, shall be and are hereby declared liable. Sect. 32. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for defraying the expenses to be incurred in erecting and supporting the said Lazaretto, and for car- rying into complete effect the other provisions contained in Duties of the Lazaretto physician and Quaran- tine master. No person to go on board vessels under quarantine except Laza- retto physi- cian and Qua- rantine mas- ter. All actions and prosecu- tions to be brought within 12 months. General issue may be pleaded. Masters, &c. as well as ships, liable for all forfeit- ures. To defray ex- penses of the Lazaretto, the Board au- thorized to levy a tax. this act, the said Board of Health arc hereby authorized and empowered, by and with the consent of the mayor or recorder, two aldermen, and two justices, as aforesaid, to levy and collect by tax on the estates and inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, and the townships of the Northern Liberties, Moyamcnsing, and Penn, in the same manner, at the same rates, and under the same regulations as the county rates and levies are, or may be by law, levied and collected, such sums annually, as the said Board, by and with the consent of the mayor or recorder, two aldermen, and two justices, as aforesaid, shall deem ne- cessary, for the use of the said institution, provided the same shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars. And to de- fray the expenses necessarily incurred during a season when malignant fever shall become general, or be the cause of ex- traordinary expense, it shall and may be lawful for the said Board of Health to borrow such sum or sums of money as shall be deemed necessary, and for discharging the debt so incurred, the said Board shall be and hereby are authorized and empowered, to increase the amount of taxes in the man- ner aforesaid, to such sum as may be requisite for that pur- pose. Sect. 33. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the said Board of ' Health, and they are hereby authorized to invest all sums of money, which may at any time be in the hands of their treasurer, over and above the amount which may be neces- sary to meet their current expenses, in the funded debt of the United States, the stock of the Bank of the United States, or in the stock of any other incorporated bank in the city of Philadelphia, and to sell and transfer the same at such times, and in such portions as necessity may require. Sect. 34. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Board of Health shall, on the first Monday in January, in every year, exhibit their accounts .to the auditors of the county of Philadelphia, and it shall be the duty of the said auditors to settle and adjust the ac- . count of all moneys received and expended by the said Board of Health, and the said auditors shall have like power and authority in settling such accounts, as they have in The tax not to exceed $15,000. When the Board may borrow mo- ney. In case they do, may in- crease the taxes. Board may in- vest surplus moneys. The Board to exhibit annu- ally their ac- counts to the county audi- tors. other cases, and on filing a copy of such settlement in the prothonotary’s office, it shall be under the same laws, rules and regulations, and shall have the same operation and effect1 upon every of the members of the said Board of Health, and in all other respects as the report of auditors against county treasurers. Sect. 35. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the act entitled, “an Act for “a Health Office, for otherwise securing the city and port “of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and “contagious diseases, and for regulating the importation of “German and other passengers,” passed the twenty-second day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, be and the same is hereby repealed, except the 21st and 22d sec-: tions of the said act. And the act entitled, “a Supplement; to the act entitled, 1 an Act for establishing a Health Office, i “for otherwise securing the city and port of Philadelphia “from the introduction of pestilential and contagious dis- eases, and for regulating the importation of German and “ other passengers/ ” passed the twenty-third day of Sep- tember, seventeen hundred and ninety-four; and the act entitled, “ an Act supplementary to the several acts esta- blishing a Health Office,” passed the seventeenth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-five. And the act entitled, “a further Supplement to the act entitled, ‘an Act “for establishing a Health Office, for otherwise securing “the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of “pestilential and contagious diseases, and for regulating “the importation of German and other passengers/ ” passed the seventeenth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety- five. And the act entitled, “ an Act to amend and repeal “certain provisions in the Health Laws of this common- “ wealth,” passed the fourth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. And the act entitled, “an “ Act to alter and amend the Health Laws of this common- “ wealth, and to incorporate a board of managers of the “marine and city hospitals of the port of Philadelphia, and “for other purposes therein mentioned,” passed the fourth day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight And Who have power to set- tle them as in other cases. Repeal of all former acts. Except the 21st and 22d sections of the actof22d April, 1794. the act entitled, “an Act for establishing a Health Office, “for securing the city and port of Philadelphia from the “introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases,” passed the eleventh day of April, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. And the act entitled, “an Act for establish- ing a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of “Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and con- “tagious diseases,” passed the seventeenth day of March, eighteen hundred and six. And the act entitled, “an Act “to continue in force an act entitled, ‘an Act for establish- ing a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of “Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and con- “tagious diseases and supplementary thereto,’ ” passed the thirty-first day of March, eighteen hundred and twelve. And the act entitled, “an Act to amend and continue ‘an “Act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the “city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of “pestilential and contagious diseases, and the supplement “thereto,’ ” passed the twenty-fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirteen. And the act entitled, “an Act to “amend and continue ‘an Act for establishing a Health “Office, and to secure the city and port of Philadelphia “from the introduction of pestilential and contagious dis- eases,’ ” and the supplement thereto, passed the thirteenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, be and the same are hereby repealed : Provided nevertheless, That all actions, prosecutions or other proceedings begun, all rights .accruing, and all penalties incurred under the said acts, shall be carried on, prosecuted, vested in, sued for, and re- covered, by the Board of Health established by this act, in all respects as if the said acts had not been repealed and ap- propriated, as is directed by this act. WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Speaker of the House of Representatives. ISAAC WEAVER, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, the twenty-ninth day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and eighteen. WILLIAM FINDLAY. Proviso. All proceed- ings begun under former acts, to be carried on as if they had not been re- pealed. AN ACT To provide for registering the births of Children in the City of Philadelphia, and its vicinity. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General •Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of all persons who may pursue or practise Midwifery in the city of Philadel- phia, in the incorporated part of the Northern Liberties, in the township of Penn, and the districts of Southwark and Moyamensing, between the first day of March and the first day of April, annually, hereafter, to leave their names in writing, and the places of their residence, at the office of the Board of Health, and when so left it shall be the duty of the Clerk to receive and enter the same alphabetically in : a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be open at all times during office hours to persons desirous to inspect the same. And all persons pursuing or practising Mid- wifery as aforesaid, shall keep a true and exact register of the births that take place under their care and superinten- dence, and shall from time to time as they may happen, enter the same, with the sex of the child so born, on a blank schedule to be furnished to them by the Clerk of the Health Office, which schedule shall be signed with the name of such person, and delivered on the last Saturday of each month to the Clerk of the Health Office, or other person calling for the same, and every person pursuing or practis- ing Midwifery, neglecting or refusing to leave their names and places of residence at the Health Office as aforesaid, or to perform any other of the duties required by this Act, shall forfeit and pay for each offence, the sum of twenty- five dollars, to be recovered in the manner and for the uses prescribed in “an Act for establishing a Health Office, and Persons prac- tising Mid- wifery to leave their names and residence at the Health Office in March annu- ■ ally. Names to be entered in a book alpha- betically. Register of births to be kept by all persons prac- tising Mid- wifery. Schedule of births to be furnished to the Clerk of Health Office on the last Saturday of each month. Penalty, “to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the in- troduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for “ other purposes.” REES HILL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ISAAC WEAVER, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, the twenty-seventh day of March, one thou- sand eight hundred and nineteen. WM. FINDLAY. Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg, April 27th, 1819. I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the original law, remaining in this office. Witness my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. JAMES TRIMBLE, [l.s.] Deputy Secretary. A SUPPLEMENT To an Act, entitled uAn act for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of Pestilential and Contagious Diseases, and for other purposes.” Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this act, between the first day of June and the first day of October, every ship or vessel coming from any port or place southward of Cape Fear, bound to Philadelphia, shall be subject to the examination directed by the fourth section of the act to which this is a supplement; and every ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place, and the mas- ter, commander or pilot of every such ship or vessel, com- ing from any port or place southward of Cape Fear, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and liable to the same indictment, prosecution and penalties as by the said fourth section of the said act is prescribed for the master, com- mander or pilot of any ship or vessel coming from any foreign port or place. And the same duties shall be per- formed by the Lazaretto physician and Quarantine master, and the same oaths or affirmations shall be by them admi- nistered, first making known to the person interrogated the penalty imposed by the said act to which this is a supple- ment, which penalty is hereby extended to every person who shall give false answers, under oath or affirmation, to the questions proposed under the authority of this act. And the said physician and Quarantine master, and the master or captain of such ship or vessel, shall proceed in the same manner in all respects as is directed by the said fourth sec- tion of the act to which this is a supplement; and the Board of Health shall have the same power to determine and direct Vessels from the south- ward of Cape Fear, subject to examina- tion from first June to first October, and their officers subject to the same restric- tions and pe- nalties as if from foreign ports. Lazaretto Physician and Quaran- tine Master to perform their usual duties. Penalty ex- tended to aH persons giv- ing false an- swers. what measures shall be pursued, and the same shall be car- ried in like manner into execution. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, be- tween the first day of June and the first day of October, every ship or vessel coming from a port or place in the United States, bound to the port of Philadelphia, and from which ship or vessel shall have been, within thirty days then next preceding, unladen, the whole or a part of the cargo or baggage, brought in the said ship or vessel from some foreign port or place, every such ship or vessel shall be liable and subject to all the rules, regulations and restric- tions of the said fourth section of the said act to which this is a supplement, and shall be examined and treated, as well the vessel itself, as the cargo, crew, passengers and bag- gage on board, in the same manner as if such ship or vessel had brought the same cargo, crew, passengers or baggage, directly from such foreign port or place, and had the same then on board at the Lazaretto. Sect 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, be- tween the first day of June and the first day of October, no ship or vessel which shall be laden with, or have on board, any vegetables, fish, or hides, shall be unladen at the port of Philadelphia, until a permit shall be applied for and obtain- ed from the Board of Health. And if any master, captain, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other per- sons, shall presume to unlade from on board of any such ship or vessel, any vegetables, fish, or hides, without first having applied for and obtained a permit from the Board of Health, every such master, captain, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other person, so offending, shall pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be reco- vered and appropriated as is directed in the act to which this is a supplement. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, be- tween the first day of J une and the first day of October, within forty-eight hours after the discharge of the cargo of Vessels from any port in the United States, hav- ing within thirty days arrived from a foreign port, subject to the same restrictions as if directly from such foreign port. Vessels with vegetables, fish, or hides, prohibited from unload- ing without a permit from the Board of Health. Penalty. Notice to be given Board of Health every ship or vessel at the port of Philadelphia, it shall be the duty of the captain or master, owner or owners, con- signee or consignees, and other person, having the direc- tion of the discharge of the same, under the penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as by the act to which this is a supplement is directed, to give, or cause to be given, to the Board of Health, notice that the same cargo is discharged, and to permit and suffer the Board of Health, by themselves or by their lawful agent by them for that purpose appointed, to examine the condi- tion of the hold, ballast, and limbers of such ship or vessel. And if the Board of Health shall deem it for the safety and health of the city of Philadelphia, they are hereby author- ized and empowered to designate a proper place to which the said ship or vessel shall be taken, and that her hold, ballast and limbers shall there be cleansed and purified, or at the expense of such captain or master, owner or owners, consignee or consignees, or other person, having the direc- tion of the discharge of the cargo, to send, or cause to be sent, such ship or vessel to a proper place, and have her hold, ballast and limbers properly cleansed and purified. Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, be- tween the first day of June and the first day of October, no person or persons shall, under the penalty of fifty dol- lars, to be recovered and appropriated as is directed by the act to which this is a supplement, be permitted to store, or keep in any one house, store, cellar, or other enclosure, a greater quantity than one hundred bushels of vegetables which are in themselves of a perishable nature, without a permit from the Board of Health, which permit shall be granted for a limited time therein expressed, and may be renewed from time to time by the Board of Health. JOHN GILMORE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. PHILIP S. MARKLEY, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, April 2d, 1821. JOSEPH HIESTER. within forty- eight hours after dis- charge of cargo. Penalty. Board em- powered to remove ves- sels and have them cleans- ed. Not more than 100 bushels of vegetables, of a perisha- ble nature, to be kept by any person without a permit. A SUPPLEMENT To an Act entitled u an Act for establishing a Health Office and to secure the City and Port of Philadel- phia from the introduction of pestilential and conta- gious diseases and for other purposes.” Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this act, all ships and vessels arriving at the port of Phila- delphia, with small pox on board, shall be subject to the same rules, restrictions and regulations, as are provided and directed in the act to which this is a supplement, in relation to ships or vessels arriving with other malignant or conta- gious diseases. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no practising physician, or other person or persons, shall be allowed to communicate the infection of small pox, by inoculation or otherwise, within the jurisdic- tion of the Board of Health, unless by special permission of said Board, and any practising physician, or other per- son or persons so transgressing, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than seventy, for each person so inoculated or infected as aforesaid, to be recovered and appropriated as directed by the act to which this is a supplement. Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this act, the Board of Health shall be invested with the same authority to make such general rules, orders, or regulations, for the preservation of the district from the contagion of small pox Vessels hav- * ing small pox 1 on board sub- ject to same 1 regulations as those having other malig- 1 nantor conta-. gious disease. Physicians or otherpersons forbid to communicate small pox by inoculation or otherwise, without per- mission. Penalty. Authority of the Board of Health to make rules, &c. as they already possess in relation to other contagious dis- eases, dangerous to the health of the community. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM MARKS, Jr. Speaker of the Senate. Approved the twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four. J. ANDREW SHULZE. SECRETARY’S OFFICE. Harrisburg, April 3d, 1824. I Certify the above to be a true copy of the original Law, remaining filed, and on record in this Office. Witness my hand and seal, the day and year aforesaid. JAMES TRIMBLE, [L. A.] Deputy Secretary. AN ACT To empower the Board of Health to purchase and hold certain Real Estate, and for other purposes. Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the Board of Health to purchase and hold in fee simple, or for any lesser estate or term of years, one or more lot or lots of ground, not ex- ceeding four in number, and each lot not to contain more than four acres in extent, and therein to receive and deposite, or cause to be deposited, the contents of all privies within the city of Philadelphia, the district of Southwark, and the incorporated districts of the Northern Liberties and Spring Board to pur- chase four 4 acre lots, to deposite therein the contents of all privies and other of- fensive sub - stances, and convert it in- to manure, sell the same and dispose of the pro- ceeds. Garden, that part of the township of Moyamensing north of Federal street, and between the Passyunk road and Broad street, and that part of the incorporated district of Kensing- ton lying south of a line running due west from the mouth of Palmer’s creek, as they shall from time to time be cleansed and emptied, and all other offensive substances found upon the public streets and highways, and by the proper process to convert the same into a state fitted to be applied as manure, and the manure thus prepared to sell and dispose of, the proceeds thereof to be applied to the general objects and purposes of the institution, as now au- thorized by law, and to employ, at such compensation as they may think proper, the agents, servants, and workmen necessary to the prosecution and conducting of such pro- cess. Provided, That no such deposite as aforesaid shall be made in any such lot, unless the same shall have been pre- viously enclosed. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so soon as the said Board of Health have taken upon lease, or purchased as aforesaid, a lot or lots for the purposes aforesaid, and are prepared to receive therein the contents of privies and other offensive substances, it shall be lawful for them to make proclamation thereof, by advertisement in the daily newspapers of the city of Phi- ladelphia, to he continued at least thirty days, and from and after the expiration of the said thirty days, during which said advertisement has been made, it shall not he lawful for " any person or persons, employed in cleansing any privy or I privies within the hounds aforesaid, to deposite, or cause to be deposited, the contents, or any part of the contents thereof, in any other place or places than such as shall he designated by the said Board of Health in their said pro- clamation, and if any person or persons shall deposite, or cause to be deposited, such contents, or any part thereof, in any other place or places than as aforesaid, without the consent of the said Board of Health, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the said Board of Health, Proviso. Lots to be enclosed. Board to make procla- mation by ad- vertisement 1 for 30 days in , the daily pa- pers when they are pre- pared to re- ceive the contents of privies, &c. After expira- tion of thirty days unlawful to deposite in any other place than that designa- ted by the Board. Penalty. and said penalty may be recovered by action of debt, as sums of like amount are by law recoverable, or the offender may be proceeded against by indictment in the Mayor’s court of the city of Philadelphia, or court of Quarter Ses - sions of the county, as the case may be, and in case of con- viction, the court shall sentence and adjudge the person so convicted to pay the said penalty of fifty dollars (determin- ing at the same time who is to be considered the informer) and to remain in custody until the same be paid. Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of all persons employ- ed in cleansing privies within the bounds aforesaid, to con-. vey the contents thereof from the said privies to the said places of deposite as aforesaid, in carts or other vehicles, the bodies of which shall be so constructed as to be capable off holding water, and to be closed on the top, and not other- < wise, which carts or other vehicles shall be submitted to ( the inspection of the Health Officer or some other person to be appointed by the Board of Health, and approved of,. previous to their being used for the purposes as aforesaid, and any person or persons offending against the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, the sum of twenty dollars, one half to the use of the in- former, the other half to the use of the Board of Health, the mode of recovering said penalty and prosecuting said offender to be the same as in the preceding section. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of May next,; it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to follow or J be engaged or concerned in the business of cleansing privies,' within the bounds aforesaid, unless such person or persons ] shall have previously had their names and residences regis- < tered in a book to be kept for that purpose at the office of J the said Board of Health, in which book it shall be the duty 1 of the Health Officer to insert forthwith, without fee or re- ward, the name and residence of every person who shall apply to be so registered, and if any person or persons shall, after the said first day of May next, cleanse or be concern- ed or engaged in cleansing any privy within the bounds aforesaid, or in hauling away the contents thereof, whose Carts or other vehicles to be water tight and closed on the top, and to be inspect- ed & approv- ed by the Health Offi- cer or other person ap- pointed by the Board. Penalty. Persons en- gaged in cleansing pri- vies to have their names and residen- ces register- ed at the Health Of- fice. names shall not have been so as aforesaid registered, and whose carts or other vehicles shall not have been so as afore- said approved, or if any person shall, when applying to be so registered, give a false name or place of residence to the Health Officer, such person or persons shall, upon convic- tion of any or either of said offences, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than twenty, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the said Board of Health, the mode of recovering said pe- nalty and prosecuting said offence to be the same as herein before provided. Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all the right, title, and interest, which this commonwealth may have or claim, or be supposed to have . or claim, by virtue of any forfeiture or supposed forfeiture in a certain undivided third part of four messuages or tene- ments and lots of ground, situate at the south-west corner [ of Front street and Norris’s alley, in the city of Philadel- [phia, containing on Front street twenty-nine feet or there- abouts, and on Norris’s alley seventy-two feet six inches or thereabouts, be and the same is hereby released to the said Board of Health, to whom the said estate has been lately struck off at Sheriff’s sale, and that the deed to be made by the Sheriff to the said Board of Health shall convey as good and perfect a title to the said Board as it would do if made to any natural person. Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall in any wise prejudice the rights of indivi- duals, or impair any other title to the said real estate than that which the commonwealth might have or claim, by rea- son of the sale thereof, to the said Board of Health. I certify that the foregoing is a copy of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth qf Pennsylvania, passed at the present session by both branches of the Legislature, and returned by the Governor approved and signed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Harrisburg, the 5th day of April, 1826. FR’S. R. SHUNK, Clerk of the House of Representatives Penalty. Common- wealth’s in- terest in four messuages corner of Front street and Norris’s alley released to the Board of Health. Proviso. A SUPPLEMENT To an Act, entitled “an Act, for establishing a Health Office, and to secure the City and Port of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes.” Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a free and unrestricted com- munication be, and the same is hereby permitted, between the officers and crews of national vessels which may be de- tained at quarantine at the Lazaretto, in the port of Phila- delphia, and the Naval Asylum on the river Schuylkill, any provision in the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prohibit the Board of Health from interdicting communication between the said Asylum and citizens of the city and county of Philadelphia whenever in their opinion such interdiction may be necessary. Officers and crews of na- tional vessels detained at Quarantine to have free communica- tion with the Naval Asy- lum on the Schuylkill. Board to in- terdict inter- course be- tween Asy- lum and citi- zens of city and county when neces- sary. I certify that the foregoing is a copy of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed at the present session by both branches of the Legislature, and returned by the Governor approved and signed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand at Harrisburg, the thirtieth day of Janua- ry, A.D. 1827. FR’S. R. SHUNK, Clerk of the House of Representatives. A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT To an Act, entitled “an diet for establishing a Health Office, and to relieve the city and fort of Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for other purposes.” Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Rej)resentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the : Board of Health, in all cases where the owner or owners of 1 unoccupied property, upon which a nuisance, in the opinion of the said Board, exists, reside out of the city, districts, and townships subjected to the operation of the act to which this is a supplement, or cannot be found by the messenger of the said Board, after diligent search made, to cause the said nuisance to be at once removed, and the expense at- tending the removal of the same shall be recovered by the said Board in any court, or before any court, alderman, or justice of the peace, having lawful jurisdiction as in and by the said act is provided. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the expenses attending the removal of any nuisance shall be and remain a lien upon the premises from which such nuisance has been removed, and it shall be the duty of the said Board of Health to file the claim therefor against the owner or reputed owner in the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the City and County of Phi- ladelphia, which said court shall in all cases have jurisdic- tion of the same, and the said claims may be filed, recorded and proceeded on by scire facias to recover the same, in like manner as mechanics’ liens are recoverable, upon the trial of which, the fact of the nuisance shall not be inquired into, and the defendant or defendants shall only be per- mitted to give evidence of payment, or that unnecessary Board requir- ed to remove nuisances on unoccupied property where the owner re- sides out of the city or districts. The expense of removing nuisances to be a lien on the property. Lien to be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the City and County of Philadelphia. expenses were incurred by the Board in the removal of the nuisance. Sect. 3. Jlnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the twentieth section of the act to which this is a further supplement, and so much of the first sec- tion of the act to which this is a supplement as requires the request of a majority of the members of said Board before the Governor can remove certain officers; and also such parts of said act as may be inconsistent with the provisions of this supplement, be and the same are hereby repealed. Repeal of parts of former acts. Office of the Clerk of the Senate,, Harrisburg, April 17th, 1830. ' / do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an diet passed by both branches of the Legislature, and signed by the Governor, at their last session. Witness my hand the day and year above ivrit- ten. W. 8. FRANKLIN, Clerk of the .Senate. A SUPPLEMENT To an act entitled “an diet to empower the Board of Health to purchase and hold certain real estate, and for other purposes.” Section. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the pas- sage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the said Board of Health to purchase and hold in fee simple, or for any less estate or term of years, one or more lot or lots of ground not exceeding three in number, and each lot not to contain more than ten acres in extent, for the purposes mentioned in the first section of the act to which this is a supplement. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Board of Health to sell, let upon ground rent, or lease the whole or any part or portion of the lot or lots heretofore purchased and now held by them under the first section of the act to which this is a supplement, as also the whole or any part or portion of any lot or lots which the said Board may hereafter purchase in pursuance of the provisions of this act, and upon such sale, letting upon ground rent, or otherwise, to make good and sufficient deeds of conveyance and assurance in the law to the purchaser or purchasers, lessee or lessees thereof. Sect. 3. And be it f urther enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every purchase heretofore made by the said Board of Health of a lot or lots of ground for the : purposes aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken, and are here- by declared to be good and available in law, any thing in the act herein referred to, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of the first section of the said act Board of f Health may purchase and ( hold one or j more lot or lots of 1 ground. Permission to sell, let on ground rent, or lease, the whole or any portion of their ground. Purchases heretofore made, good and available in law. of Assembly, entitled “an act to empower the Board of Health to purchase and hold certain real estate, and for other purposes,” as is hereby altered and supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sect. 5. %fl.nd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the fees paid into the Office are inade- quate to defray the expenses of carrying into complete ef- fect the provisions of the different acts for establishing a Health Office, that the said Board of Health are hereby au- thorized, by and with the consent of the Mayor’s Court of the city of Philadelphia, and the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Philadelphia, to draw a warrant on the commissioners of the county of Philadelphia for the amount required; and it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the said county to pay over to the said Board the amount of said warrant, and they are hereby authorized and re- quired to raise the money in any mode or manner in which money for the ordinary purposes and expenses of said county may by law be raised or obtained. Repeal of the first section of a former act. Provision for expenses of the Board. Office of the Clerk of the Senate, Harrisburg, February 11th, 1832. I do certify the above and foregoing to be a true copy of an act passed by both branches of the Le- gislature, and signed by the Governor. Witness my hand. W. S. FRANKLIN, Clerk of the Senate. AN ACT Relating to the Board of Health of the Port of Phila- delphia, and for other purposes. Section 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That under the provisions of the fifteenth section of the act, entitled “an Act to esta- blish a Health Office, and to secure the city and port of ’ “Philadelphia from the introduction of pestilential and con- “tagious diseases, and for other purposes,” passed the . twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and eigh- teen, the Board of Health of Philadelphia are hereby author- ized to send letters and other packages to the Lazaretto and to Fort Mifflin, and to receive letters and packages sent from either of said places, to the Health Office of the said city, once or twice a day, as they may deem expedient. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority • aforesaid, That from and after the first day of July next, no health fee or half pilotage shall be charged on any Ame- rican vessel engaged in the Pennsylvania coal trade. Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the passage of this act, the : Health Officer shall receive annually as compensation for his services, the sum of eight hundred dollars, to be paid quarterly, by an order drawn by the Board of Health on their Treasurer, any thing in the thirtieth section of the act, entitled “an Act for establishing a Health Office, and “to secure the city and port of Philadelphia from the in- troduction of pestilential and contagious diseases, and for “other purposes,” passed the twenty-ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and eighteen, to the contrary notwith- standing ; and so much of said act as fixes the salary of the Health Officer, be and the same is hereby repealed. Letters and packages allowed to pass to and from the La- zaretto, Fort. Mifflin, and the Health Office of the city. American vessels en- gaged in Pennsylvania coal trade ex- empt from health fees and half pilotage. Salary of the Health Of- ficer to be $800 a year. Sect. 4. %find be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the constables of the county of Philadel-, phia may serve process, issued by justices of the peace or1 aldermen, in any part thereof, though not residing in the j same district with the said justice, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Constables of the county may serve process. Office of the Clerk of the Senate, Harrisburg, June 12, 1832. / do certify the above and foregoing to be a true copy of an act, passed by both branches of the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Witness my hand the day and year above writ- ten. W. S. FRANKLIN, Clerk of the Senate. INDEX. PAGE. SECTION 1. Board of Health and Officers, how to be appointed. Pow- ers of the Board, &c. - 3 2. Fees to be paid by vessels, 6 3. Estate vested in the Board, ------ 7 4. Vessels to be examined at the Lazaretto, &c. - 8 5. Respecting vessels arriving indirectly from foreign ports and vessels with foreign goods on board, 12 6. Vessels from the Mediterranean, ..... 14 7. and 8. Persons, goods, &c., from infected places, prohi- bited, he. .---..---15 9. Contagious diseases in other places in the United States, 15 10. Lazaretto officers not to absent themselves, - - - 16 11. Duty of the Lazaretto physician in respect to the sick, - 17 12. Duty of the Quarantine master, ..... 17 13. Duty of the Port physician, 18 14. Duty of the Health Officer, 19 15. Respecting the letter mail, 20 16. Patients at the Lazaretto, penalty for eloping, expenses how defrayed, he 21 17. Vessels may be remanded from the wharves in certain cases, -22 18. Persons in the city affected with contagious diseases, &c. 23 19. Respecting pilots arriving at the Lazaretto, &c. - - 23 20. MemLers of the Board of Health prohibited going within the during Quarantine season, 24 21. Concerning passenger vessels, 24 22. the city hospital, 27 23. contagion in other places, - ... 28 24. Respecting sick persons at boarding houses, or on board vessels at the wharves, 28 25. Cases of malignant diseases to be reported, 29 26. Certificates of death to be given, 29 27. Concerning nuisances, 30 28. Resisting the Board, 31 29. Forfeitures, and how to be recovered, 32 30. Salaries of the officers, .......32 31. Time of bringing actions for forfeitures, .... 33 32. Power of the Board to levy a tax, 33 33. Funds, how to be invested, 34 34. Accounts to be audited, * - 34 35. Repealing former acts, 35 Act of 1819. 1. Persons practising Midwifery to register the births of chil- dren at the Health Office, &c., 37 PAGE. Supplement of 1821. SECTION 1. Vessels from southward of Cape Fear subject to examina- tion, ----------39 2. Vessels from any port in the United States, having within thirty days arrived from a foreign port, subject to re- strictions, 40 3. Relating to vegetables, fish, and hides, .... 40 4. When cargo is discharged, notice to be given to the Board within forty-eight hours, ------ 4C 5. Not more than one hundred bushels of vegetables of a pe- rishable nature to be kept without permit, 41 Supplement of 1824. 1. Relating to small Pox, - - 42 2. Prohibits inoculation without permission, 42 3. Board authorized to make regulations against small pox, 42 Act of 1826. 1. Board authorized to purchase lots, 43 2. Proclamation to be made relative to the contents of privies, 44 3. Relative to carts and other vehicles, - - - - 45 4. Relative to persons cleansing privies, 45 5. Vesting commonwealth’s interest in real estate in the Board, 46 Supplement of 1S27. 1. Relating to officers and crews of national vessels subject to quarantine, 47 Supplement of 1830. 1. Unoccupied property, Board required to remove nuisances from, 4f 2. Expense of removing nuisances, how collected, 3. Repeal of parts of former acts, 4 Supplement of 1832. 1. The Board may purchase and hold certain ground, - - 50 2. Permission to dispose of their ground, - - - - 50 3. Previous purchases confirmed, - ‘ - - - - 50 4. First section of former act repealed, 50 5. Expenses of the Board provided for, - - - - 1 Act of 1832. 1. Transmission of letters and packages to and from Quaran- tine stations and the Health Office of the city, - - 52 2. Privileges of American vessels carrying Pennsylvania coal, 52 3. Salary of the Health Officer, ------ 52 4. Constables of the county to serve process, 53