In the Headaches following undue exposure to the sun’s rays, over-heating, etc., Bromo-Caffeine is the most certain source of prompt relief. THE SECRET OF AJSLEAR HEAD. In Headache following loss of sleep, Bromo-Caffeine gives prompt relief. In all Nervous Headaches, Bromo-Caffeine affords the most prompt relief. FOR BRAIN WORKERS. A simple and almost certain means of relief for the headache and confusion of thought resulting from protracted mental effort It especially commends itself to Lawyers, Clergymen, Teachers, and other brain workers. For the fatigue of travelers, the headache following acute at- tacks of indigestion, the great nervous prostration following alco- holic excesses or the supra-sensitiveness of chloral, morphia or opium habitues, it is perhaps the only simple and harmless remedy which relieves promptly, and performs the work expected of it by the attending physician. Bromo-Caffeine is an effervescent preparation, containing one grain of the Hydrobromate of Caffeine in each heaping teaspoonful. Its use in headaches is best seen in cases of ordinary sick headache, which it relieves often within a few minutes. For the “backache” (which Fothergill not inappropriately calls “ headache in the back ”), so common among ladies who are sufferers from neurasthenia, hysteria, dysmenorrhoea, or who may be worn out by the physical fatigue of standing for a number of hours suc- cessively, there is nothing affording the relief equal to the use of this preparation. A great boon and prompt source of relief in almost all cases of headache and distress attending mental fatigue and physical exhaus- tion, it commends itself especially to Physicians, Teachers, Clergy- men, Lawyers, Merchants and others following professions or pur- suits requiring nerve energy or subjecting to mental strain. DOSE.—A heaping dessertspoonful added to a tumbler half full of cold (not iced) water, and drunk during effervescence. This may be repeated in half an hour if necessary, and continued as your knowledge of the patient’s condition may lead you to direct. Prepared with the utmost care by KEASBEY & MATTISON COMPANY, NEW YORK. AMBLER, PENNA. CHICAGG FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS KEASBEY & MATTISON COMPANY’S GRANULATED EFFERVESCENT SAL APERIENT. (A mixed saline cathartic or laxative, the use of which is characterized by free watery evacuations.) FORMULA. Magnesium Sulphate, 4 grs. Potassium Sulphate, 4 “ Sodium Sulphate, 16 “ in each heaping teaspoonful. Salaperient is an agreeable and efficient effervescent aperient, and while it is especially adapted to the treatment of chronic consti- pation, it can be administered with advantage in ordinary acute cases, and is particularly indicated in the constipation incidental to pregnancy. To women in this condition Salaperient forms the ideal aperient, as if given in appropriate doses, it not only removes the constipation, but also the materii morbes from the blood, the retention of which is apt to give rise to some of the minor ailments occurring during gestation, and frequently to grave difficulties thereafter. For children, Salaperient constitutes an aperient which is taken without serious objection, and as it does not depress, may be safely given during the progress of acute diseases. When it is de- sired to give a saline aperient after a mercurial preparation, Sala- perient will fulfill the indications satisfactorily. In rheumatism, if an aperient is needed, Salaperient will be found very efficient, and a valuable aid in the elimination of uric acid from the system on ac- count of the combination of the sodic base with an organic acid. The increasing esteem by the medical profession of the alkaline sulphates as aperients is based upon a recognition of their intrinsic superiority over other remedial agents, and it may be safely asserted that in all cases where prompt, non-irritant and non-depressing catharsis is desired, they are superior to the medicaments ordinarily relied upon. Dose.—From a half to one tablespoonful of the Salaperient in a large glass of water at the ordinary temperature, followed by another glass of water immediately thereafter. MANUFACTURED OM,Y BY KEASBEY «fe MATTISON COMPANY, NEW YORK. * AMBLER, PA. * CHICAGO.