Armored Force Medical Research Laboratory Fort Knox, Kentucky Report On GUN FEME HAZARD FROM 37 MM GUN IN ¥$ LIGHT TANK Project 3-2 February 18, 19l*3 ARLDIDD FORCE LLDIGAL RR3EARCH LABORATORY Fort Knox, Kentucky Project No, 3-2 File No. 724.41 February 16, 1943 Kir CuT ON LfUi I HAZARD FROL . 37Ln GUN IN U5- LIGHT TANK 1. PROJECT: Determination of the Characteristics and Effects Upon the Crew of Gun Fumes from Firing of the weapons in Tanks of the M-5 Series, a. Authority - Letter Commanding General, Headquarters Armored Force, Fort Knox, Kentucky, 400.112/6 GKOHD, dated September 24, 1942. b. - To determine the extent of the hazard from fumes released in firing the 37 run in the Ii-5 light tank. 2. DI5Cui33IGi.: a. Methods - (1) Fire Fattern:. Five bursts of 1C rounds; five seconds between rounds and 5 minutes betveen bursts, (2) Tank operation: Tank buttoned-up and engine operated at its normal idling speed. Full creiv in tank. Wind from tlie rear, (3) •Arlaunition; 3?dhi AF 1,151 FKK M2 3. CONCLUSIONS: a. Under the conditions of tost, carbon monoxide concentrations exceeded sliyhtly the maximum acceptable level of 0,05/« b. There ivas no accumulation of corbon monoxide from one burst to another, c. Concentrations of ammonia vcre not hiyh enough to -cause eye irritation. d, Concentrations of oxides of nitrogen were well within the acceptable limit, e_. Increased blood concentrations of carbon monoxide did not exceed 7*4 percent in any crew member during a 25 minute period of ex- posure, f. Control of 3?hm gun fumes in the LI-5 light tank is acceptable. 4. Pi^OUENDATIONS: a. So long as the basic ventilation in the Id-5 light tank is not changed, further consideration of the gun fume problem is unnecessary, b. This tank should not be fired with the tank engine dead un- less the turret hatch is opened. Submitted By: liajor Hatch Captain Nelson Lieutenant Bichna lieutenant Walpole Lieutenant Horvath ai r RCViSD kACHLE Lieut. Col., Kedical Corps C OKirnanding 2 Incls. #1-Appendix I, Sampling and Analysis #2-Appendix II, with Tables I and II and Figure I. API END IX I SA11LING ai:d analysis 1. Carbon monoxide. a. Collection of air samples: Three methods were employed. (1) The Line Safety Appliances continuous indicator, (2) Instantaneous samples in evacuated flasks for the determination of peak concentrations and clearance rates at the end of firing, (3) Continuous samples in evacuated flasks, sampling being continued at a constant rate throughout a given test in order to determine the average concentration for a given condition. Samples were collected in this manner at one or mors crew positions* b. Blood samples for the determination of carbon monoxide content were obtained from the tank crew members in the standard, manner before and at the end of all complete tests. They were not obtained in exploratory tests. c. GO Analysis: Evacuated flask samples were analyzed by the iodine pentoxide method and blood samples by the Scholander-Roughten and Spectro Fhotometric methods. The LSA GO indicator vjas checked at regular intervals against known air-CO mixtures. 2. Concentrations cf ammonia end oxides of nitrogen were determined in portions of the instantaneous flask samples, employing the Kessler and phenoldisulphonic acid procedures respectively. 1 APPENDIX II Concentration of carbon monoxide generated in the M-5 light tank during the firing of the 371m gun, with the fire pattern described in the body of this report, are given in Table I and are shown graphically in Figure I. Increase in blood concentrations of CO after 25 minutes exposure are presented in Table II. Concentrations of ammonia and ox- ides of nitrogen did not exceed 40 and .10 ppm. respectively. TABLE I GONG. OF CARBON I'OKOXIDE F HOI l 371 jn GUN IN N-5 LIGHT TANK After 1st Burst - (9 rds), Loader 0.09 After 2nd Burst - (10 rds), Loader 0.173 After 3rd Burst - (10 rds), Loader 0.250 After 4th Burst - (10 res), Loader 0.206 After 5th Burst - (6 fds), Loader 0.063 Cont, Sample - Loader 0,063 Cont, Sample - Gunner 0.053 Clearance Rate after last burst 20 Sec. (Time for Cone, to decrease 50%) • TAB'LL II CARBON MONOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN BLOOD OF CREV; IS&iHSRS (25 LINUTES EXPOSURE) 1 i o o *>9 i 1 j CO Hemoglobin in Air : Cl GW FEliBER as e/ (O of Total Figment From ! Before After Continuous i 1 Exposure Exposure Increase Samples ! 1 ! _oader 4*2 11.6 7.4 0.063 Gunner 7.4 11.0 3.6 0.053 Driver 1.8 2,6 0.0 Asst. Driver 6.0 6.9 0.9 i i ■ .! .OADER Gunher TIME - MINUTES Carbon Monoxide Concentrations 37 M.M. Gun * M'5 Light T>snk k RDS' lO'RDS n& i 10-RDS 10RD3 s Legend Peak Cong. Die away Conc. ' AVE Conc. Conc By m.5,a. Rds, Fired $>Rt>S Carbon Monoxide -Percent