Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, November 19, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS, ? No. 90. $ 1. Before going into action, the Chief of Artillery of each army will make such disposition of the teams attached to the battery wagons and traveling forges as will render them most available for the purpose of securing artillery captured on the battle field. 11. Medical Directors and Inspectors will forward to the office of the Surgeon General, copies of all circulars, and of all printed orders or in- structions, and of all written orders of importance issued by them. 111. Details .from corps in the field will only bo granted for govern- ment work, hnd in cases of urgent necessity for work under contract. In the case of .details for contract work, the consent of the men must be obtained, and the order detailing them will direct that their pay and al- lowances shall cease during the detail, and that in lieu thereof, the con- tractors shall pay them full wages. IV. Agreeably to Act of Congress, approved October 9th, 1862, every man detailed as a Shoemaker, will be entitled to receive, in addition to his extra duty pay, thirty-five cents for each pair of shoes made by him. order. Adjutant and Inspector General S. COOPER,