EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT SERIES 372 HEALTH AND SANITATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND BRAZIL Effected by Exchange of Notes Signed at Washington March 14, 1942 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING |OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1944 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government P ting Office, Washington, D. C. Price 5 cents DEPARTMENT OF STATE Publication 2063 The Acting Secretary oj State to the Brazilian Minister for Finance Department of State Washington March 14, 1942 My dear Mr. Minister: I refer to the notes which we exchanged on March 3, 1942 [!] on rubber development in the Amazon Valley, and specifically to Point 6 of your note concerning the readiness of this Government to lend its good offices through the Health and Sanitation Division of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs in matters pertaining to health and sanitation conditions in the Amazon Valley. I refer also to the agreements reached on that day with respect to other economic projects. The Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs is prepared to send at once to Brazil, on your request, to cooperate with corresponding officials of the Brazilian Government and its health services, such experts as your Government desires in order to collaborate in develop- ing a specific health and sanitation program. The program would be initially designed for the Amazon Basin area for the special pur- pose of aiding in the stimulation of rubber production, but at the desire of the Government of Brazil could be extended to other areas. For these purposes this Government, through the agency of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, will provide an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 to be expended toward the development of this health and sanitation program. The expenditure of these funds may be applied not only to health and sanitation projects but also, in the discretion of the Government of Brazil, for such medical or sanitation engineering training as the Government of Brazil may wish under- taken by Brazilian specialists. It is understood that the Government of Brazil will furnish such expert personnel, materials, services and funds for local expenditures as it may consider necessary for the efficient development of the program. The group of United States medical and sanitation specialists which the Brazilian Government indicates should be sent by the Office of the Coordinate/ of Inter-American Affairs shall be under 1 [Executive Agreement Series'37l.] 686607—44 [E.A.S. 372] 2 the direction of the chief medical officer of that Office who in turn will be under the supervision of the appropriate officials of the Bra- zilian Government. Detailed arrangements for the execution of each project shall be discussed and agreed to between the chief medical officer and the officer of the Brazilian Government in the area of the proposed project. The technical advice and expert assistance of United States medical and sanitation specialists will be made available to the appropriate Brazilian authorities at any time that the need for consultation arises. I understand that the Government of Brazil would be particularly interested in including in the program projects aimed at continuing and expanding the measures and services which the health and sanitation agencies of the Government of Brazil have been carrying out with efficiency and success in the areas in question. These measures and services may be included under the following general headings: 1. Malaria control. 2. Yellow fever control. 3. General disease control by hospitals, clinics and public education. 4. Water supply systems. 5. Sewage systems. 6. Garbage and rubbish disposal. All projects completed in accordance with the present arrangement would of course be the property of the Government of Brazil. I am, my dear Dr. Souza Costa, Sincerely yours, Sumner Welles His Excellency Dr. Arthur de Souza Costa, Minister for Finance of Brazil. The Brazilian Minister for Finance to the Acting Secretary of State My dear Mr. Secretary: I refer to your letter of today’s date in which you propose, on behalf of the Government of the United States, cooperation with the Government of Brazil to carry out the measures of health and sanita- tion considered desirable in connection with the program for rubber development agreed to in our exchange of notes of March 3, 1942, March 14, 1942 3 [E.A.S. 372] and in connection with the other economic projects agreed upon on that day. I am happy to confirm that my Government has for many years been actively pursuing a health and sanitation program as outlined in your letter and that it is pleased to accept this offer of collaboration in order to stimulate the progress of the program which has so impor- tant a bearing on the economic possibilities of the areas in question. My Government will be ready to furnish expert personnel, materials, services and funds for local expenditures as it may consider necessary for the efficient carrying out of the projects to be agreed upon. You may be assured, furthermore, that when the projects under- taken on a joint cooperative basis have been completed they will, as the sole property of Brazil, be considered and maintained as a per- manent part of the national program for health and sanitation. I avail myself of the opportunity to present to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consideration. The Honorable A. de SzA Costa Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America.