REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, OF THE CITY OF FALL RIYER, i- mmmmi FALL RIVER, MASS. PRESS OF WM. S. ROBERTSON, 3 N. COURT SQUARE. 18 8 2. REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. OF THE CITY OF FILL RIYER, ummmmm, FALL RIVER, MASS. PRESS OF WM. S. ROBERTSON, 3 N. COURT SQUARE. 1882. REGULATIONS. 1. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once in each month, and it shall be the duty of the Chairman to call special meetings of the Board at any time when in his judgment it shall be proper to do so. 2. All complaints in relation to nuisances and sources of filth, injurious to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of the city, shall be made lo either member of the Board or to the Clerk. Whenever complaint shall be made as aforesaid, the Board or their authorized agent shall proceed to examine the premises complained of and take meas- ures to abate the nuisance, if such is found to exist, after giving legal notice to the parties entitled there- to. 3. All complaints shall be recorded by the Clerk, and all notices to persons requiring them to abate nuisances shall be served by some member of the Board, or by a constable of the city of Fall Fiver, and a record of such notice shall be made by the Clerk. 4. The owners, agents, occupants or other per- sons having the care of any building or tenement 4 REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. used as a dwelling, or for any other purpose, standing on land adjoining a street through which a common sewer has been, or shall hereafter be laid, shall, when- ever required by the Board of Health, cause proper and sufficient drains to be constructed from their premises leading into such sewer by pioper connec- tions, and in accordance with the Statutes of the Commonwealth and the regulations of the Board of Health. The orders for the abatement of nuisan- ces when found on private property, shall be in ac- cordance with Chapter 80 of the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the preservation of the Public Health, and shall be en- forced according to the provisions therein contained. 5. All vaults and cesspools not connected with a common sewer, shall be provided with sufficient drains, underground, leading thereto, from the tene- ments with which they are connected; and all vaults, drains, cesspools and privies shall be cleansed and kept in good condition by the owner, agent, occupant, or other person having charge of the land on which the same are situated; and in case of neglect or re- fusal so to do, the Board of Health, after due notice to parties entitled thereto, shall cause the same to be cleansed and put in good condition at the expense of the owner, agent, occupant, or other person as afore- said, and in case of neglect or refusal as aforesaid, the agent, owner, or occupant, shall also be liable to the penalty prescribed by law. 6. Whenever the owner, agent occupant, or other person having the care of any building or other property from which the Board of Health may re- REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. 5 quire sufficient drains to be constructed and connect- ed with the public sewers, shall neglect or refuse to comply with the orders of said board, the Board of Health, after due notice to parties entitled thereto, shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the owner, agent, occupant or other person having the care of said building or property ; and said owner,, agent, occupant or other person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with such order as aforesaid, shall be liable to the penalty or forfeiture prescribed by the Public Statutes. . v; 7. The Superintendents of Cemeteries in the city of Fall River, shall not allow the body of any person who has died from any contagious or infectious disease to be deposited in any tomb, under their care, but shall cause such body to be buried immediately. 8. No person shall remove or transport through any of the streets of the city of Fall River, the con- tents of any privy, vault, cesspool, or any other offen- sive substance, unless the same shall be removed or transported by means of an air tight apparatus, or in such mannei as shall prevent entirely the escape of any noxious or offensive odors therefrom, and the contents of all privy vaults shall before removal be properly disinfected, so that the removal thereof will cause no offensive odors. The owners of all privy vaults shall disinfect their contents sufficiently often to keep them free from all offensive odors. 9. No apparatus for the removal of the contents of any privy vault, or cesspool, shall be used for such purpose by any person until such apparatus shall have 6 REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. been approved by the Board of Health, and permis- sion in writing granted by said Board of Health allowing the use of such apparatus. 10. No person or persons shall throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any street, court, square, alley, public place or vacant lot,or into any pond, creek or river, any dirt, sawdust, soot, ashes, cinders, shavings, hair, lime, shreds, manure, oyster, lobster or clam shells, waste water, rubbish or filth of any kind or the contents of any cesspool or privy vault, or any animal or vegetable substance. Nor shall any person or persons throw or cast any dead animals, or any foul or offensive ballast into any dock or any other of the waters within or adjoining the- city. Nor shall an}7 person land any foul or offensive animal or vege- table substance within the city. 11. Physicians and householders shall report to the Board of Health, with the least possible delay, their knowledge or belief of the existence of any con- tagious or infectious disease including scarlet fever, diptheria and scarlatina, and shall at the same time, as far as possible, cause patients under their care to be isolated as effectually as possible. In case of the patients recovery or death from any of the above diseases, the clothing, bedding and other articles which have been exposed to infection, shall be burned, or boiled in hot water for not less than thirty minutes, and the premises properly disinfected. After the death from any of the diseases above mentioned the body shall not be removed from the sick room, until placed in the coffin with disinfectants, and the REGULATIONS OE THE B0AR1) OE HEALTH. 7 coffin shall be tightly closed, and the burial take place within twenty-four hours from the time of death. No except the immediate family of the de- ceased, and such other attendants as may be necessary shall be allowed to be present at the funeral. 12. No child or adult, whose residence is in a building where any contagious or infectious disease exists, and where there is a common entrance used by several families, shall be allowed to attend any public or private school, within four weeks from the termim ation of the case. 13. No person shall allow any vehicle under his control, containing fat, bones, soap grease or any bad smelling substance to stand in any street, alley, lane or on any public grounds of this city, longer than is absolutely necessary for the purposes of loading and unloading, and no person shall clean, scale or wash fish or meat upon any street, lane, alley or public grounds of the city. 14. No owner or lessee of a building or tene* ment which has been adjudged by the Board of Health as unfit for human habitation, shall thereafter allow the same to be used as a dwelling until it shall have been put in such condition as the Board of Health shall approve, and permission in writing granted by said Board for such use. 15. No person shall be allowed to keep any swine or goat within the limits of this city, without a license from the Board of Health. Any violation of this regulation will subject the person violating 8 REGULATIONS OF TIIE BOARD OF HEALTH. to the penalty prescribed by the Statutes of the Commonwealth. 16. No person shall deposit the contents of any vault, drain or cesspool upon any premises within the limits of this city without first having obtained a per- mit to do so, from the Board of Health ; nor shall any person allow the contents of any vault, drain or cess- pool to run from his premises upon any street or sidewalk in the city. 17. No person shall be allowed to keep, for sale, or other purpose, any guano or fertilizer of any kind in any place within the city, unless by permission of the Board of Health. 18. No person shall deposit or cause to be de- posited dead animals of any kind in any street, court, alley, vacant lot, pond, creek, river, dock or any of the waters within the city limits. 19. The owners of all vaults shall disinfect their *• • contents sufficiently often to keep them free from all offensive odors. 20. All vessels arriving at this port from any port where cholera, yellow fever or any other conta- gious disease prevailed at the time of said vessel’s sailing therefrom, or having on its arrival, or having had during its voyage either of said diseases on board, shall anchor southerly from the “ Light House on Borden Flats/’ and not less than two thousand feet westerly from the easterly shore of Mount Hope Bay, at quarantine, and there be examined by the City Physician. Such vessels shall only be allowed to come REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. 9 up to the city after such examination, and upon the certificate of said physician that in his opinion the health of the city would not be endangered thereby. 21. All persons using city water from hydrants located upon their premises, be, and they are hereby required to connect drains from the same with the public sewers, where such sewers are laid in the street adjoining their premises; and they are also forbidden to allow waste water to run from their premises upon the sidewalks or streets. 22. No person shall construct any drain for the purpose of conveying the waste water or over-flow from any vault or cesspool upon his premises, to the sidewalk, gutter or street surface, and all persons who now have such drains are required to remove the same, and no person shall hereafter allow any waste water or overflow from any drain, vault or cesspool to flow from his premises on to the street or sidewalk. 23. No privy shall hereafter be located within fifteen feet of any dwelling house without permission from the Board of Health, any person violating this regulation will be liable to the penalty provided by the Statutes of the Commonwealth. 24. The owners and occupants of estates where a public sewer abuts the estate to be drained, shall within such reasonable time as the Board of Health shall prescribe cause such connection to be made in the mode prescribed by law; any violation of this regulation will subject the party violating to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. 10 REGULATIONS of the hoard of health, 25. No person or Corporation shall remove or cause to be removed the contents of any privy, cess- pool or sink vault, or any other filthy or offensive sub- stance to or from any place in the city of Fall River unless such person shall have a license for that purpose from the Board of Health, under the penalty of a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars as provided by the Statutes of the Commonwealth. B. F. WINSLOW, J. S. ANTHONY, JAMES E. SULLIVAN. Board of Health of THE City Fall River. Fall River, May 10th, 1882, PUBLIC STATUTES OF MASSACHUSETTS, PUBLIC STATUTES OP MAMSHIMTT& CHAPTER 80. Section 18. The Board of Health of a town shall make such regulations as it judges necessary for the public health and safety, respecting nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness, within its town or on board of vessels within the harbor of such town, and respecting articles which are capable of containing or conveying infection or contagion, or of creating sickness, brought into or conveyed from its town, or into or from any vessel* Whoever violates any such regulation shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one hun* dred dollars, Sect. 20. The Board shall examine into all nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness, with* in its town, or in any vessel within the harbor of such town, that may in its opinion be injurious to the health of the inhabitants and shall destroy, remove, or prevent the same as the case may require. Sect. 21. The Board or the Health officer shall order the owner or occupant at his own expense to 14 regulations of the board of health. remove any nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness, found on private property, within twenty- four hours, or such other time as it deems reasonable, after notice served as provided in the following sec- tion ; and if the owner or occupant neglects so to do, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every day during which he knowingly permits such nuisance or cause of sickness to remain after the time prescribed for the removal thereof. Sect. 22. Such order shall be made in writing, and served by any person competent to serve a notice in a civil suit, personally on the owner, occu- pant or his authorized agent; or a copy of the order may be left at the last and usual place of abode of the owner, occupant or agent, if he is known and within the State. But if the premises are unoccu- pied, and the residence of the owner or agent is unknown or without the State, the notice may be served by posting the same on the premises and adver- tising in one or more public newspapers in such a manner and for such length of time as the Board or Health officer may direct. Sect. 23. If‘the owner or occupant fails to comply with such order, the Board may cause the nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness to be removed, and expenses incurred thereby shall be paid by the owner, occupant, or other person who caused or permitted the same, if he has had actual notice from the Board of Health of the existence thereof. Sect. 24. The Board when satisfied upon due REGULATIONS OE THE BOARD OF HEALTH. examination that a cellar, room, tenement, or in its town, occupied as a dwelling place, lias become by reason of the number of occupants, want of clean- liness, or other cause, unfit for such purpose, and a cause of nuisance or sickness to the occupants or the public, may issue a notice in writing to such occupants or any of them, requiring the premises to be put in proper condition as to cleanliness, or if they see fit, re- quiring the occupants to quit the premises within such time as the Board may deem reasonable. If the persons so notified, or any of them, neglect or refuse to com- ply with the terms of the notice, the Board may cause the premises to be properly cleansed at the expense of the owners, or may remove the occupants forcibly and close up the premises, and the same shall not be again occupied as a dwelling place without the consent in writing of the Board. If the owner thereafter oc- cupies or knowingly permits the same to be occupied without such permission in writing, he shall forfeit not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars. Sect. 39. The Board of Health of a town may grant permits for the removal of any nuisance* infected articles* or sick person, within the limits of its town, when it thinks safe and proper to do so. Sect. 40. When a person coming from abroad or residing in a town in this State is infected, or lately has been infected, with the plague or other sick- ness dangerous to the public health, except as is other- wise provided in this Chapter, the Board shall make effectual provision in the manner which it judges best for the safety of the inhabitants by removing such 16 REGULATIONS OP THE BOARD OF HEALTH. person to a separate house or otherwise, and by pro- viding nurses and other assistance and necessaries, which shall be at the charge of the person himself, his parents or master, if able, otherwise at the charge of the town to which he belongs; or, if he is not an inhabitant of any town, at the charge of the Com- monwealth. Sect. 41. If the infected person cannot be re- moved without danger to his health, the Board shall make provision for him, as directed in the preceding section, in the house in which he may be; and may cause the persons in the neighborhood to be removed, and take such other measures as it judges necessary for the safety of the inhabitants.