July 17, 196! fre, Janes Crow The University of Wisconsin Department of Medical Genetics 185 Medicel Sciences Bul lding Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Jim: What a delightful Idea for you to work In the lat here. It may not be profitable to plan a specifle research program so far ahead, but I'm sure we will still be working on the chemical genetics of 3. subtlils. The Kleins are having a wonderful time doing the same this summer. 3ut afne months or a vear would be more sensible. Fron your standpoint you might want to make it January to September, 1963. 1 think we will still be able to follow through the arrangement i suggested earlier, when you are ready to make devinite plans. ut with this much lead time, there might be an alternative - thet you anoly for an NIK Senlor fellowship.. This would have some edvantages, especially In regard to taxes on your stipend and your travelling expense. 1 don't know if the following probiam would be particularily attra-tive to you, but | might sucgest the espulation qanetics of 3° molecules In B. subtilis’ <- there are sane subtle theoretical es weil ce experimental niceties in setting up models of “muitigie infection . Cdds on the meetings sre low. As aver, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics