March 20, 1961 Dr. C. E. Anfinser Chief, Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism National Heart Institute Public Health Service Bethesda 14, Maryland Dear Chrlts: This Is In reply to your letter of March 17. 1 have been thinking about the possibility of this trip for some time. | have come to the conclusion that | would perhaps rather not be Involved In a mission that would ental! the elaborate clearance between two governments that you mention. While ! would not want to suggest that the formal exchange program has no value as a means of Improving conmunications between the sclentists of the U.S.S.R. and the U.S., |! do not belleve that a formal reciprocal exchange In the context of diplomatic negotiation represents the proper spirit of sclentific communication and | would have to question Its personal value. In any case, | could also plead that | am finding too many other tasks here left undone to werrant the accumulation of further commitments. This does net keep me from wishing the rest of you lots of luck and Interest In making the trip. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ‘Daiaasniigd v