HONK CAL. san 2? STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 4305 as i aol 2 gt DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY January 17, 1975 Dr. Jerrold Karliner CIBA-Geigy Corporation Ardsley, New York 10502 Dear Jerry: | find myself in the somewhat embarrassing position of having encouraged you to contact us if you were interested in access to our programs, then having to tell you the caveats. Your expressed interest, as a potential first industrial user, has forced SUMEX to investigate its guidelines on such users. We all appreciate your extension of an offer to pay for access. However, SUMEX does not operate on a fee-for-service basis, nor is it likely it will in the near future. Because it is funded by NIH there are some rather strict guidelines on access to SUMEX for any use which can be construed as even indirectly providing public money for furtherance of a private corporation. This may seem somewhat of a Catch-22 situation. Everyone's feeling, and this includes SUMEX and DENDRAL personnel, is that we would like to offer in some way our programs to the widest possible group of people including those in industry who may find access most difficult under the existing guidelines. Therefore we want to encourage you to consider two altematives. First, if you or your colleagues who may desire access to SUMEX are engaged in research which is supported at least in part by the government, then this would probably be sufficient justification for your access. If this is the case, please write to us out- lining your situation and we can proceed. Secondly, there is another computer system exactly like SUMEX almost literally right next door. This system is run on a fee-for- service basis, but it is not available over TYMNET as is SUMEX. We are willing to explore your access to our programs running on that machine if you wish. The latter option is the more difficult to follow up since in addition to the mechanics of mounting and maintaining our programs on another facility there are a number of other questions, important to you, for which we have no immediate answers (but could relatively soon), For example, how to get the cheapest access, what is the estimated computer charge, and so forth. Also, you probably would want some trial access to see if the effort needed to follow this option was worth it. We can arrange that access as long as it is on the record that we agreed that a successful demonstration Dr. Jerrold Karliner January 17, 1975 page 2 of utility for you was our goal, and that the period of access was limited (e.g., say 90 days). Please write or call Suzanne Johnson or myself (same telephone number) if you have further questions. | really hope we can work something out as we enjoy users who have problems which seem to be amenable to solution using what we have available. Sincerely yours, Dennis H. Smith DHS :gp ec: C. Djerassi J. Lederberg v S. Johnson