SUMEX STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL EXPERIMENTAL COMPUTER RESOURCE RR - 00785 ANNUAL REPORT - YEAR 08 Submitted to BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES PROGRAM NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH June 1, 1981 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Edward A. Feigenbaum, Principal Investigator 7. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES PHS GRANT NUMBER: PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DIVISION OF RESEARCH RESOURCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESOURCES PROGRAM ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT P41RR-00785-08 TITLE OF GRANT: S U MEDICAL EXPERIMENTAL COMPUTER RESOURCE (SUMEX) NAME OF RECIPIENT INSTITUTION: Stanford University HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL: School of Medicine REPORTING PERIOD: 5a, FROM: August 1, 1980 5b. TO: July 31, 1981 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: 6a. NAME: Edward A. Feigenbaum, Ph.D. 6b. TITLE: Professor and Chairman Department of Computer Science 6c. SIGNATURE: Od, Uf A Fea hi Chae 4 Ce Cte DATE SIGNED: ip line? TELEPHONE: (415) 497-4079 P41 RROO785-08 Table of Contents Section List of Figures I. Narrative Description eee ee I.A Summary of Research Progress I.A.1 Overview of Objectives and Rationale I.A.1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence T.A.1.2 Resource Sharing 1.A.1.3 Impact of AI in Biomedicine I.A.2 Synopsis of Recent Progress I.A.3 Details of Technical Progress I.A.3.1 Facility Hardware . T.A.3.2 System Software T.A.3.3 Network Communications I.A.3.4 User Software I.A.3.5 Documentation and Education I.A.3.6 Software Compatibility and Sharing I.A.3.7 Core Research I.A.3.8 Resource Operations Statistics T.A.3.9 SUMEX Staff Publications I.A.3.10 Future Plans 1.B Highlights 1.B.1 Handbook of Artificial Intelligence I.B.2 Tutorial on AI in Clinical Medicine Page 17 19 25 26 26 Loe ew 28 29 46 47 64 64 66 E. A. Feigenbaum Table of Contents IT. qT. I. I. II. Il. I .B.3 GENET - Dissemination of AI Tools for Molecular Genetics .B.4 AGE - A Tool for Knowledge-Based System Development . . . .B.5 ONCOCIN- An Oncology Chemotherapy Advisor Administrative Changes Resource Management and Allocation .D.1 Management Committees . . . . «© «© «© « .D.2 New Project Recruiting .D.3 Stanford Community Building .D.4 Existing Project Reviews .D.5 Resource Allocation Policies Dissemination Efforts . . . . «2. «6 . -E.1 Sixth AIM Workshop . . . . «© «© «© «© « + .E.2 Tutorial on AI in Medicine .E.3. GENET - An Experiment in AI System Dissemination Comments on the Biotechnology Resources Program Description of Scientific Subprojects Scientific Subprojects II.A.1 Stanford Projects II.A.1.1 AGE - Attempt to Generalize II.A.1.2 AI Handbook Project II.A.1.3 DENDRAL Project II.A.1.4 EXPEX Project II.A.1.5 MOLGEN Project II.A.1.6 MYCIN Projects Group II.A.1.7 Protein Structure Project II.A.1.8 RX Project E. A. Feigenbaum ii P41 RROO785-08 67 69 71 73 74 74 75 76 76 77 79 79 82 84 88 89 89 90 91 99 103 129 136 144 166 172 P41 RROO785-08 II Il II .A.2 II II IT. IT. Il. II. Il. II. A.3 II Il. II -A.4 II II II Table of Contents National AIM Projects . . . . . A, vA. 2. 2 .2 1 .2 .8 Pilot A. 3. 3. A.3.1 2 Pilot cA, cA, A. 4, 4, 1 2 4.3 Acquisition of Cognitive Procedures (ACT) CADUCEUS Project (INTERNIST) Hierarchical Models of Human Cognition PUFF-VM Project Rutgers Computers in Biomedicine Project [Rutgers-AIM]} Simulation of Cognitive Processes SECS - Simulation and Evaluation of Chemical Synthesis SOLVER Project . Stanford Projects Protein Secondary Structure Project . Ultrasonic Imaging Project . DECIDER Project: The Psychology of Expert Judgment ee et AIM Projects AI-COAG: Coagulation Expert Project . DATA Project EXCHANGE Project II.A.4.4 MELANOMA Project Books, Papers, and Abstracts Resource Summary Table iii E. A. 181 182 187 194 201 212 226 231 239 245 246 249 257 259 260 265 272 275 276 277 Feigenbaum Table of Contents P41 RROO785-08 Appendix A Community Growth and Project Synopses . . . . . « « « « 278 Appendix B AI Handbook Outline Ce ee ee ee ee 808 Appendix C AIM Management Committee Membership we ee ee ee 809 References SE E. A. Feigenbaum iv P41 RROO785-08 Figure 1. Current SUMEX-AIM KI-10 Computer Configuration 2. Current SUMEX-AIM 2020 Computer Configuration 3. Intermachine Connections via ETHERNET 4. ARPANET Geographical Network Map 5. ARPANET Logical Network Map 6. Total CPU Time Consumed by Month 7. Peak Number of Jobs by Month 8. Peak Load Average by Month 9. Monthly CPU Usage by Community 10. Monthly File Space Usage by Community 11. Monthly Terminal Connect Time by Community 12. TYMNET Terminal Connect Time 13. ARPANET Terminal Connect Time 14. Planned Ethernet System to Integrate System Hardware 16. GENET CPU Usage by Month Et. A. Table of Contents Page 14 15 16 23 24 30 31 31 33 34 35 43 44 55 87a Feigenbaum Table of Contents P41 RROO785-08 17. GENET Connect Time by Month . . . . . we eee 87 18. GENET File Space by Month . . . 2. 0. ww ee ee 87b 15. SUMEX-AIM Growth by Community we ee ee ee ee 278 E. A. Feigenbaum vi