nun Late in 1970, Area Coordinator Donald W. Petit appointed three Task Forces to begin “g projection of activities to be undertaken by AREA V-during the‘riext ‘three years. Late in 1970, Area Coordinator The Task Forces, each one composed of a combination of Area Advisory. Group mem- bers, Committee Chairmen, and core staff members, presented their reports on-Jan. 12, at a-regular-meeting of the Area Advisory Group. - Here are the reports in essence: “ The Task Force on-Health Care Delivery and Organization concluded that top priority _should’be given to those activities which improve the accessibility, availability, ‘and acceptability of medical ‘care, with the following provisions: «The medical care of- - _ fered ‘niust be acceptable to both the user and provider of the health. care system; \-.-- geographic, financial, and communications barriers must-not prevent the user from ‘Sntoring the health care system; qualified persorinel and well-equipped facilities = _must exist in suffictent-quantity to provide high quality care to everyone who needs ~ its it was concluded that RMP. could ma ke the greatest impact on health care de=.-~ -fivery and organization in’ AREA V by emphasizing its catalytic function to develop _~ effective working relationships among the numerous programs and agen ies actively = planning and implementing health programs,“and by assisting in t ordination of * ) jor health care forces and resources fo serve the needs of the _ arget groups. It is recommended that RMP. play a key role; through the de-~ -velopment of éodpérative agreements, in factlitating ‘and expediting the implementa~ ‘tion of health network management models and the establishment of health mainten=" "ance organizations (HMO's), and:in defining alvati “tng thetr effe De oe eta hospital training programs; development of a core curriculum in high schooi: and The next step, according to Dr. Petit, is for the staff to get the reports into a more. manageable type of document and then decide wh _ ‘Matin H. Crumrine, MD;'S ara‘ WS Ferguson, DDS,'G.' A. Heidbreder, MD; H _. Murray Weiss, MD; and Russell B. Williams. staff members worked on the project. ~The Task Force on Manpower, after listing 36 activities related to the ex; ‘nsion of, fanning fer training in, continuing education of, and alteration. of role i our pras-. ent manpower podl-decided on'the following priority: Coordination of con. nunity colleges; concentration of quality training on prevention and control of illness; re= ~~ definition of various health professions in the delivery of health care; development of jobs as an introduction to health professions; special attention to retraining of active and inactive health professionals; increasing the availabi lity of part-time work; influencing legislative activities to re-evaluate and to change present stand= ards in the health professions; the presentation of orientation programs at the high school level for health careers. It was suggested that a solution that would address itself to many of the health manpower problems would be the establishment of a school The Task Force on Target Groups, felt that it was inappropriate fo single out certain Kinds of patients and concluded that the most. desirable objective would be to im- ~ prove and restructure our health care delivery system to make available high quality, comprehensive health ‘care to all persons, regardless of race, place of residence, or.. socio-economic status. Further, any special programs designed for “target groups” should fit in with an-overall health care delivery system that makes sense, rather than institute activities that contribute to further fragmentation of services. It was de~. : cided that before priorities for action are determined, more knowledge concerning the health status and available resources of the entire population in its geographic ored is required, and it was recommendedithat every member of the- Area Advisory Group, Comniittee Chairmen, and staff become thoroughly informed about the rec~. ommendations of the L.A. County ‘Health Services Planning Committee Report (known as the Bauer Report), the reaction of the County: Public Health. Commission. to these’ recommendations, and impending changes which are'a result of.the "Bauer" Report. 4 * an be done with the resources Actively parti cipéting in preparation of the Task Force. Reports were AAG | members Sol Bernstein, MD; Prof. Edward '$.“Brady, "ll; Lewis T. Bullock,- MD; Jose Carlos; Clifton:O. Dummett, DDS; Bertell 'S, Leonard Dart, PhD ‘D « Hoover,*MD; Ralph Coe oe nd M, 7 Mr Maver, Jessie C. Obert, PhD; Mrs.Lillian O'Brien, ‘RN; Chester A.’ Rude; Robert Jung, MD; Raymond M.:Kay, MD; Mrs."Alison "kK “tman MD: Ma eMvitle’ : , Schroeder, ‘DVM; Martin D. - Shickman,’ MD; Mrs.’ Myrtle Silver; Edward M. ‘Skowrup, “Floyd R. Stauffer,’ MD; --": Ten Committee-Chairmen.and eleven © ] _..MD, as ‘Chairman ‘of a Health Service | NEW AREA'V’COMMITTEE ec | The appointment « of. Martin-D. ‘Shickman,” ’ Delivery Committee, has been. ‘announced | | a Area Coordinator. Donald WwW. ‘Petit, MD. . 5, oration of the. committee was initially O . requested by staff members involved in com- ican Indian Free Clinic, the, Free Clinic. ' Liaison Project, the East Los Angeles | ace = | tivities, atid similar. endeavors, however, its creation is ‘timely i in view. of the recent . ; "/ expansion of RMP scope to include concern a for the delivery and PB CRMP pl of health ' Gare services, and of CCRMP plans for a similar statewide committee.’ In requesting the establishinent of the new committee, - staff outlined a number of functions that it could undertake, including aid in the” development of demonstration projects _ for innovative approaches to the financ- ‘ing, organization, and delivery of health caré; enhancing relationships between provider and consumer groups; assisting — in development of policy for community Programs. - - Cs ir. Shickman' s involvement \ wi jith AREA. as a member: ‘of the Area Advisory Group, | ‘representi ng ‘the L.A. County ~ Heart Assn. and in numerous activities . _! of the Area V Cardiac Committee, will _ bea tremendous asset to the new com=. 7 mittee, gs will his. previous core staff : Willowbrek with Area IX ar ot . * INEDJZINCT VIIEAIL” ane ————— Now that kidney. disease has been des~ “ignated, by, legislation , 05 6ne of the. _ ategorical targets of RMP, ‘and with the possibility. that a portion “of funds _ earmarked by. Congress, for this disease ay be made available during 1971, the munity-oriented projects such as the Amer-. a “California. Areas are ‘collaborating | on "the preparation of a statewide propo- sal for renal health « care delivery. A 7 ; “standing Committee’ on Kidney Disease is also being proposed by CCRMP. Kh preliminary report of the proceedings of the California Regional Kidney Dis~ ease Planning Conference was pre- sented to the Staff Consultants: of CRMP ‘at its recent meeting. This invitational conference, held at the Francisco Torres Convention Center in Goleta, Dec. l1-13, was co-sponsored by the Cali- fornia RMP Areas and the Kidney Foun- ‘dations of Northern and Southem Calif., and was the outgrowth of discussions by members of the CCRMP Related Disease Committee, of which Area V Coordina- _ tor Donald W. Petit, MD,.was Chair- oop man, Chairman of the Conference was - “+ Richard J. Glassock, MD, Chief, Div. oo Of Nephrology at Harbor Hospital . ~ Among the 138 conferees were a number . 5 of national - leaders ‘i ‘in the fi eld: of renal disease, representatives of various Re~ _gional. Medical Programs, nephrology, ; _ urology, * ransplantation surgery, nurs= ng,’ social services, public health, féd- eral and sh state Sree indy J 0. Egeberg of HEW, cording to a directive received from: Dr. Harold ‘Margulies : ree 15 programs \ will be funded Sore ELA program for graduate students. of social © work. Purpose of the program is fo help Chicano students identify and respond ro - the needs of barrio residents of ELA. is expected that students will assist in the development of new systems of servi ice in the disadvantaged community. The "project involves a four-way relationship, with participation from the community, from HEW, and from USC and UCLA, who will provide six students each. ‘On hand for the opening ceremonies and press conference were: Elliott Richard- son, Secretary of HEW;:and Arthur Raya, Special Assistant to Dr. Roger» tok ew, The National Center for Health Services ! ~ Resédrch & Development is serving as the - lead agency for HSMHA in a new type of assistance in health services planning and ° fi delivery being offered to communities © of and community groups. The objective - is to help them develop systematic meth- oe ods for long-term: coordination and man= - agement of their health services. Ac= SUCIAL WUKR Elias Chico, n new y staff member for c com~. os : fe Coordinators and So ial. Work Repro : ~ munity, Programs: cand Ramon Santos,” mem-— “ber of AREA V Social Workers Advisory. - a Committee, have been named to the... Board of Directors of the E. L. A.. Men= s oe tal Health Project, an innovative training RMP at the forthe fe National Conference 7 The’ NCSW's Annua : ~ occasion when the “and professional lea field of social welfare come together. - “AREA V Social Workers ‘Advisory Com-" ; sentatives: ‘of the: ‘55 RMP. Regions are. i being contacted b E, Madden - or, Social. Worl input concerning ‘meeting of the x f Social Welfare. rum is the major tion's volunteer in the broad mittee has recommended that a session be convened on the topic of the role of 7 ‘social work in RMP. and CHP and has in- © - dicated a willingness. to assumie respon- | sibility for making necessary arrange~. _ ments.- Theme of the 98th Annual . Forum, tobe held in Dallas May 16-21, is “Human Aspirations ‘and 1 National — Priorities.” eg siete The: Respiratory Training Institute re- ports a total of 81 trainees received - certificates of completion for the first cou CANCER: . Coming aboard ¢ on Feb, la as 5 Instructor | oS Mrs. ; Florence Reckow, RN, “at. a ity, of 2 for the AREA V CCU Community Train- noes a Medical Coster has been, named a ing Course will be-Miss Connie Burgess, ¢ a LN, replacing, ‘Miss Mivien Warr, RN, “who has’ resigned: ' : Miss: Burgess,’ former Staff and Chaig e Nuverwith the 1CU- ine CCU Dept. ‘at Pactf ic ‘Hospital, Long . . _ ber of the Committee. Beach, will receive special training : “pL A survey of ‘Radiation ‘Thera facilities Hospit aoe Y PY: with the CCU Faculty at the H ee ae “in Area V has’ just been completed by... of the Good Samaritan. Poa aaa) noe Gerald ‘Hanson, who js a doctoral candi~ Mrs. Marilyn Kemtes, RN, ‘Nurse. Co- “date in Public Health at UCLA. Unani-_ ‘ordinator of the AREA V ‘ccU Nurse -_mously authorized by the CCRMP Cate- Training Program, advises. that the | gorical Committee on Cancer, the survey AREA V. Community Course is under- includes the results of personal. on-site going revision fo include integration visits to radiation therapy: departments i in of additional teaching material and 25 hospitals, as well as the ‘conclusions of expertise from the CCU Faculty af the __a postal questionnaire sent fo > 909 Cali for- Hospital of the Good Samaritan, where nia physicians eee a the Area V CCU Progem i is now based, ed eo Suggestions for improving the. ‘Community. STROKE, ‘ . Course are invited and should be direc- ‘ted to Mrs. Kemtes or Miss Burgess. Ve ‘Area V now has available for oan ‘to hos~ Cue pital auxiliaries, community ¢ and other “ interested groups, a 161 mm color, ‘audio - The CCU grants now in operation at hi ilm entitled *Stroke/ Counte Stroke" Areas V,.1 (SF) and IV (UCLA). all (each the end of their 3rd year fund- “ “ing next August . and the new submis- = sions for CCU training, currently un= = dergoing technical. review, _ reflect i in- creased inter-Area ‘cooperation: in this = field of endeavor. sing : an ‘Intensive. Care Program | and. dre com os Legislation signed by fl the President i in late: October. included the Regional Medical a “operational grant proposals before the Regional Advisory Group can recommend f~ : NEW. RP LEGISLATION. i Programs and Comprehensive | Health Planning and Services Act of 1970, an omni- to ~ bus bill which included provisions also to the National Center for Health Statistics, the: National Center for, Health Servi ces 6 Research and Development, a and several other Programs. ° “The new low, P, L 1. 91-515, expands RMP emphasis to , include 5 kidney disente,; well as heart, cancer, stroke and other related diseases. Additional points of emphasis: are the promotion of medical data exchange as well as research, train- ing, and demonstration as well as diagnosis and treatment; regionalization of health care resources and services in order to strengthen and i improve primary care and the relationship between primary care and specialized care; and increasing the capacity as well as quality of health servi Ces, especially i in areas with limited ° health . servi ces. RMP construction 1 authority, previously limited to "alteration, major répair, res modeling and renovation of obsolete. built-in equipment of existing. buildings” was expanded to include expenditure of up to $5 million a year for new construc- tion of facilities for demonstrations, research and training when necessary to carry out programs « ne ss “The ne moc legislatior on requires that the. appropriate regional, metropolitan | or local: areawide comprehensive health planning agency have an opportunity to consider © approval, Further provision is made for representation of official health and health-planning agencies in the advisory GFOUpS . -The Regional Advisory. Group « 3 must include persons - familiar.with the financing of - as well as the need for, ser= vices r and the number of public members must be large enough to insure adequate ‘The s size 2 of the ‘National. Advisory Council responsible for RMP matters \ was in- : creased. ia 16 to 20, ‘with menbechip spectfi cally. to include ¢ a person. ‘outstand= . AREA "REGIONAL MEDICS | L PROGRAMS . CALENDAR - “Feinany 1971 ~Mendey; Feb, 1. : AREA V.. : ‘ela Feb; 3 AREA ve ta AREA V - Staff Meeting * | ‘Psycho-Social needs of CCU patients Subcommittee Thusday, Feb. 4” : . CCRMP Staff Consultants Committee Chairmen's next meeting will be February [2 -.° Friday, Feb. 5 | AREAV Monday ,. Feb. g oh AREA Vv. , coe Continuity of Care Tuesday, Feb, 9 | € REA V Wednesdoy, Feb. 10 AREA v.. AREA V thane, , Feb, ut » Free Clinic Council : ‘Staff | Meeting _ ae Cancer F Penning Committee 1 4 Rodiology Subcommift ag Cancer Planning committee CHAIRMEN: -_Februory 2. Nursing Advisory Committe oe 9: 130 ¢ a.m. ".. RMP Conference Room 2 p.m, Conference Room -12 noon 12 noon. . RMP Conference Room 2-5p.m. Airport Marina Hotel, L. A. - 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. RMP Conference Room 12:15 p.m. RMP. | -Conference Room . 9:30 aam, - 1:30 p.m. vo ane Room , . | 9:30 a. m. Conference in Be 7 noon Conference’ Room’ | March 127A news. es Activities : ‘Community Progans “Jane Z. Cohen, £ BA. - Conaunity Programs © Ka D. Fuller, RN. a Nursing Pep Nae Leon 'c. Hatch, MPH. Health Data os “Je Lg | Ph. oe Elsie M, Guth : ‘ Che E, Mater, AGSM. — Swial Wo re Robert E. ‘Randle, MD. 7 _ ining eae ee 7 Evaluation Communications - hese A Ra rude 2 : Lewis W. 6 Guiss, ma: * a 7 George C. citi, MD. “Phi R. Naming wD. ion ~ Elsie McGuff -Alhambra,: Callf91801 Telephone -(213). 576-1626 ..