vou ry wT yrs SE PAR TALENT OP EHR- PEE ET rATTOO NO WPEEPARE MEN FORA AIND UM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, RDOUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH Se RVICE HEALTIT SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Assistant Secretary for Health TO : and Scientific Affairs DATE: . Attention: Denuty Assistant Secretary . for Pols icy | jovi elomment FROM =: Administrator, HS CURIECT= rien + ~ . ” SUBJECT: BVP Issue Paper (Cetober 12th) and the Secretary's Decision on RMP and Health Reverme Sharing 4 The RMP issue document is a conscien future direction of the program. oy, in light cf the Secretary's specay ul health revenue sharing, ue be revised in such a way as aury's decision regarding RMP and ‘jous effort to analyze the Ove} Gg recent decision to jncorparc re we believe that the issve document s to constitute an appeal to the Secre special healih revenue sharing. a « the introduction to the issue constitutes en appeal to the - j would also s st that the ! uctoery statement incline much ¢ * the substance of “my August 10 memorandun to you concerning RMP as a provider constituency. revis i no nN » pe The organization of the material in the remainder of the issue docunent creates the erromcous impression thet these issues exist side by side so that decisions can be made on one issue without adversely affecting the ranee of options that are ava: subsequent issues. Obviously, this circunst is not the case. ues are related sequentially. Conse. 5 cisions made on one the subsequent issucs. More- over, the sequence of issues is not lowical. The future mission ‘of RMP and the Chip + ole in approving of Rep proposals for the entire ba th “Oo RMP programs are sically the questions that should be addressed initially since ~ Nerd purposes", Other issues such as décentralization, fund and local RvP organization, have meaning only once "ends" are decided upon. 1 ther efore suggest that issues (1) and (7) be set into a Part A of the document to “be decided upon before the other issues which I sugsest should be grouped into a Part B, receive attention at all. re With respect to the particular issues we have the following comments: Issue I: The Mission of RMP No purpose is served by eliminating the program or confining its activity to control pregrans. ‘Therefore, I opt for options within Page 2 - Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs Issue I that permit RMP to continue to scrve as a mechanism between the public sector and the private health provider which undertakes any or all issues within that cormmity that have been identified as needing attention by the provider comminity. Maximum flexibility in program initiative responsibility has to reside within the local provide comunity if we are in fact to achieve a pechantsn | that conmmicates between the public sector and the private | sealth providers in the field. This is what RWP is uniquely able to do. Therefore we support those options within this issue that allow RMP to do this without in any way delimiting its role, This would include options <, 4, and 5. The rationale for this recommendation would be that RMP would remain the unique national commmications network with providers through which HEW can bring leverage to implement change. A flex sible role is necessary if it is to carry out nationel pricritics within the context of local needs. A drastic change at this time in N?'s authority or orgenizational structure would 3 cde the progress we have made with the health care providers. At the same tine that the authority remains flexible, in- creased emphesis cen be given to Ri's role with respect to the closely related issues of manpower util productivity and quality assurance. PMP can be an effective technical assistance cool in the quality assurance area and use an cm on manpower utilization a and productivity to assure the implementation of quality assurance programs. sant pary LZACLCT Issue VII: Relationship to Cup . . The RMP program needs to be better tied to the CEP review process, particulcrly in Ligt of the view that t this is a local program. Our preference would be to have the Ruy grent be subject t to the CHP review and coment and heave CHP epprevel of cbicctives of the grant rather then have thon undertake the review and comment on specific activities proposed for within the or The exception to that rule would be that CHP should have revicw rove vor pes activities included within the REP prograa whi result in construction of facilities, pure! wip ve, payment for direct services, or other direct impacts on the 3 delivery of services to people within the area. ‘The RMP erentce shoulda be held responsible to assure thet the specific projects and activities funded throuch the RMP grant remain consistent with the RMP program which should have been clea ured with a CHP agency. os commend a new option, 3, which would provide for review “and approvat by CH? on these KP projects related to health care delivery systems improvenent in the con “sunity, end for review and comment, but not veto authority on those iP projects. which are prim imarily develogental in-nature, such as quality assurance activities, research In light of this, I would re Page 3 - Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs and development effort and general core support. ‘The rationale for this recommendation would be that CHP should have approval authority over those projects which impact on the health care delivery system which is thoir primary concern. However, other projects which have a more generic nature and represent a teronstration or testing of approaches which might have more national rather than local applicability should not be subject to CHP veto authority. At the same time, the CHP should be given the authority to determine which projects fall into one or the other category. ‘ Other Issue Questions of decentralizaticn and the methods of funding are really process issues. However, if you embrace the thesis that RMP is a device for us to communicate with the local provider conmmity, then it ought to be basically constituted as providers with an advisory consumer activity. ‘The funding mechanism which T feel most comfortable with would be en allowance to support the mechanism as a mechanism, with the ebility