March 31, 1965 Dear Dale, I received your letter about the exciting developments in the structure work on egg white lysozyme and enjoyed hearing about it. I hope all is going well with your work and you're still enjoying your Cambridge stay. Francis Crick was here he said he hadn't seen you very much but that it was mostly his fault. He certainly had this place buzzing with his speculations on the code. At our staff meeting yesterday I acquired the job of organizing the Biochemistry 101-102 lecture schedule for next year. Since I would not want to deprive you of the privilege and opportunity of participating in this course, I wanted to find out what you would like to talk about next year. Enclosed are lecture schedules for the two quarters as they were given this year. Several people have already expressed some interest in changing the lecture assignments so as to have the opportunity to get out of the rut of giving the same lectures year after year. Moreover, I'd like to aim for a more equitable distribution of lecture assignments (although this is not always possible), since each of us will also be picking up additional lectures in the Biochemistry 103 course to be given next year. You will recall that this is the course more oriented for the chemist and will probably deal with structure and mechanism. Any suggestions you might have about the content, particularly any new material that might be introduced in place of subjects now included would be deeply appreciated. The courses and examinations once again seemed successful. The attendance was overwhelming in that there were 150 registered students and 75 people standing or packed in on the steps. The prospects are that it will get worse and that we may have to move to the football stadium. So if you plan to prepare any models for your lectures, make sure they can be seen from afar. Everybody is looking forward to your return, particularly Johnny who can't wait to see Kit and Jenny and Mary. Sincerely, Paul Berg