For Bruises, Sprains, Jflieumatism, Etc. Etc. DR. STEER'S CHEMICAL ODELDOC. Sold in Bottles of 50 cts. each, with an allowance of a Bottle on taking Six. TH1S incomparabie Opòdeldoc (so universally esteemed for its superior effica- v.y) is warm, penetrating, attenuating, and is therefore an excellent ernbroca- tion for the Gout and Rheumatism, dissolving the coagulated Lymph of which those diseases are formed. In wounded Tendons, it is likewise of the greatest service, by preventing the Juice which oozes put of them from fixing, and by its tensioi.» occasioning those fatal effecls which so often arise from them. Bruises and Sprains it infallibly cures; for it keeps the extravasated Lymph and Bloodperfectlyuissolved, and prevents their fixing m the Interctices of the vessels, till nnture either takes them up by the refluent blood, or expels them through the pores of the skin. Long contracted Sprains are removed by it, and it is of the utmost service for Weak and Ricketty Children; as also for the eramp and for Numbness, Stiífness or Weakness in the Joints. It is a most efíicacious remedy for Burns and Scalds, extricating the Fire very soon, and if used immediately will entirely preyent them from Blistering. It speedily cures violent Pinches and Wounds under the Nails; is excellent for a fresh Cut, and is of infmite use for the sting of Wasps, &c. the bite of Gnats and other Venomous insects. N. B. It is remarkably pleasant to the smell, and for sudden Head-Aches, equal to any of the "volatile Essences. DIUECTIONS FOR USÍNG IT. There is no other trouble required in the application but to rub it well into the parts alFected, with your hand, two or three times a day. It will dissolve in rub- mng. N. 15. This Opòdeldoc is of the greatest service for Horses that are strained in the back Sinews, wrung in the Withers, or have their backs galled with the sad- dle; as likewise swelled or Cracked heels, Windgalls, old strains, &c. and being so sim pie in application, is preferable to any other Preparation for Travellers. Th« pubhc are requested to observe, that in future, there will be a Label on each Bottle, with tnese words, " Dr. Steer's Chemical Opòdeldoc, prepared by F. Newhcry," and that no others are genuinc. câ- \S2B?