National Library of Medicine and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute THE HISTORY OF CARDIOLOGY: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SECONDARY SOURCES compiled by W. Bruce Fye, M.A., M.D. National Institutes of Health • Public Health Service • Department of Health and Human Services Issued in conjunction with an exhibit on "American Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery" at the National Library of Medicine, September-December, 1986. The exhibit was prepared by the Library's History of Medicine Division with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute as a companion activity to the 10th World Congress on Cardiology, held in Washington, D.C. in September, 1986. The assistance of W. Bruce Fye, M.D. and of the American College of Cardiology in preparing the exhibit is gratefully acknowledged. An earlier version of this bibliography was published in Circulation, volume 64 (1981), pages 434-436 under the title "History of Cardiology." It is reprinted here in revised and expanded form by permission of the American Heart Association, Inc. For a key to journal abbreviations used herein, see the National Library of Medicine's List of journals Indexed in Index Medicus 1986. Single copies of this booklet are available without charge by writing: Chief, History of Medicine Division National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 THE HISTORY OF CARDIOLOGY: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SECONDARY SOURCES compiled by W. Bruce Fye, M.A., M.D. National Library of Medicine and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institutes of Health • Public Health Service • Department of Health and Human Services THE HISTORY OF CARDIOLOGY: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SECONDARY SOURCES Compiled by W. Bruce Fye, M.A., M.D. Chairman, Cardiology Department, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin Adjunct Associate Professor of the History of Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison General Surveys 1) ComroeJH: Exploring the heart: Discoveries in heart disease and high blood pressure. New York, W.W. Norton, 1983. 2) East T: The Story of Heart Disease. London, Dawson, 1958. 3) Fishman AP, Richard DW, Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas. New York, Oxford, 1964. 4) Herrick JB: A Short History of Cardiology. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1942. 5) Rolleston HD: Cardio-vascular Diseases since Harvey's Discovery. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1928. 6) Snellen HA: History of cardiology. Rotterdam, Donker Academic Publications, 1984. 7) Willius FA, Dry TJ: A History of the Heart and Circulation. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1948. Arrhythmias, Conduction System, Electro physio logy, Pacemakers, Cardiac Arrest 1) Bloomfield AL: A bibliography of internal medicine. Auricular fibrillation. Arch Intern Med, 1958, 102:302. 2) Bloomfield AL: Stokes-Adams Disease. In A Bibliography of Internal Medicine - Selected Diseases, edited by Bloomfield AL. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1959, p. 29. 3) Flaxman N: The history of heart-block. Bull Hist Med, 1937, 5:115. 4) Fye WB: Ventricular fibrillation and defibrillation: historical perspectives with emphasis on the contribution of John MacWilliam, Carl Wiggers, and William Kouwenhoven. Circulation, 1985, 5:858. 5) Geddes LA: A short history of the electrical stimulation of excitable tissue including electro- therapeutic applications. Physiologist, suppl. 1, 1984, 27.1. 6) Hawkins LH: The experimental development of modern resuscitation. Resuscitation, 1972, 1:9. 7) His W: The story of the arterioventricular bundle with remarks concerning embryonic heart activity. J Hist Med Allied Sci 1949, 4:319. 8) Hosier RM: Historical notes on cardiorespiratory resuscitation. Am J Cardiol, 1959, 3:416. 9) Huston KG: Resuscitation. An Historical Perspective. Park Ridge, III., Wood Library-Museum, 1976. 10) James TN: The development of ideas concerning the conduction system of the heart. Ulster Med J, 1982, 51:81. 11) Katz LN: Historical evaluation of concepts concerning A-V conduction. Bull NY Acad Med, 1971, 47:959. 12) Kouwenhoven WB: The development of the defibrillator. Ann Intern Med, 1969, 71:449. 13) MacMurray FG: Stokes-Adams disease. A historical review. N Engl J Med, 1957, 256:643. 14) Reddy CP, Surawicz B: Terminology of tachycardias: historical background and evolution. Pace, 1983, 6:1123. 15) Schechter DC: Early experience with resuscitation by means of electricity. Surgery, 1971, 69:360. 16) Schecter DC: Exploring the Origins of Electrical Cardiac Stimulation. Minneapolis, Medtronic, Inc., 1983. 17) Schecter DC, Lillehei CW, Soffer A: History of sphygmology and of heart block. Dis Chest, 1969, 55 (supp 1):535. 18) Scherf D, Schott A: Historical remarks. In Extrasystoles & Allied Arrhythmias, 2nd ed. London, Heinemann, 1973, p. 1. 19) Szerkeres L, Papp JG: The discovery of antiarrhythmics, jn Discoveries in Pharmacology, edited by Parhman MJ, Bruinvels J. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1984, 11:185-215. 20) Zoll PM: Development of electrical control of cardiac rhythm. JAMA, 1973, 226:881. Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis 1) Dock W: Research in arteriosclerosis - the first fifty years. Ann Intern Med, 1958, 49:699. 2) Long ER: Development of our knowledge of arteriosclerosis, in Cowdry's Arteriosclerosis, 2nd ed., edited by Blumenthal HT. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1967, p. 5. 3) Smith THF: A chronology of atherosclerosis. Am J Pharm, 1960, 132:390. Auscultation, Cardiac Physical Diagnosis, Heart Sounds 1) Gandevia B: The evolution of the stethoscope and the techniques of auscultation and percussion. Med J Aust, 1960, 1:782. 2) Keele KD: The application of the physics of sound to 19th century cardiology; with particular reference to the part played by C.J.B. Williams and James Hope. Clio Med, 1973, 8:191. 3) McKusick VA: The history of cardiovascular sound, in Cardiovascular Sound in Health and Disease, edited by McKusick VA. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1958, p. 3. 4) Ravin A, Frame FK: International Bibliography of Cardiovascular Auscultation and Phono- cardiography. New York, American Heart Association, 1971. 5) Reiser SJ: The medical influence of the stethoscope. Sci Am, 1979, 240:148. 6) Segall HN: Cardiovascular sound and the stethoscope, 1816 to 2016. Can Med Assoc J, 1963, 88:308. 7) Smith DC: Austin Flint and auscultation in America. J Hist Med Allied Sci, 1978, 33:129. Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy 1) Aronson JK: An Account of the Foxglove and its Medical Uses 1785-1985. London, Oxford University Press, 1985. 2) Beyer KH: Diuretics in perspective. J Clin Pharmacol, 1977, 17:618. 3) Carmeliet E: Selectivity of antiarrhythmic drugs and ionic channels: a historical overview. Ann NY Acad Sci, 1984, 427:1. 4) Davenport HW: Epinephrin(e). Physiologist, 1982, 25:76. 5) Fleckenstein A; History of calcium antagonists. Circ Res (Suppl) 1, 1983, 52:3. 6) Fye WB: Nitroglycerin - a homeopathic remedy. Circulation, 1986, 73:21. 7) Fye WB: Heparin: the contribution of William Henry Howell. Circulation, 1984, 6:849. 8) Jacobs MS: The history of digitalis therapy. Ann Med Hist, 1936, 8:492. 9) Krikler DM: The fox glove, 'the old woman from Shropshire' and William Withering. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1985, 5:3A. 10) McLean J: The discovery of heparin. Circulation, 1959, 19:75. 11) Paterson GR, Locock MJ: The history of cardiac glycosides. Appl Ther, 1967, 9:60. 12) Shanks RG: The discovery of beta adrenoceptor blocking drugs. Jn. Discoveries in Pharmacology, volume 2: Haemodynamics, Hormones & Inflammation, edited by Parnham MJ, Bruinvels J. New York, Elsevier, 1984, p. 37. 13) Vigran IM: History of anticoagulants. Heart Lung, 1974, 3:812. 14) Wright IS: The discovery and early development of anticoagulants: an historical symposium. Circulation, 1959, 19:73. Cardiovascular Physiology 1) Chapman CB, Mitchell JH: Starling on the Heart - Facsimile Reprints, Including the Linacre Lecture on the Law of the Heart. London, Dawson, 1965. 2) Cole JS: A historical review of the concept of the left ventricle as a pump. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn, 1977, 3:155. 3) Hamilton WF, Richards DW: The output of the heart, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 71. 4) Herrick JF: History of early ultrasonic blood flowmeters. Med Instrum 1977, 11:144. 5) Hoff HE: The history of vagal inhibition. Bull Hist Med, 1940, 8:461. 6) Kisch B: Contributions of physiologists and pharmacologists to modern cardiology. ]n Cardiology: An Encyclopedia of the Cardiovascular System. Edited by Luisada AA. New York, McGraw- Hill, 1961, 5, section 26, p. 42. 7) Leake CD: The historical development of cardiovascular physiology, in Handbook of Physiology: Circulation, vol. 1, edited by Hamilton WF. Washington, American Physiological Society, 1962, p. 11. 8) Mommaerts WFHM: Heart muscle, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 127. 2 9) Neil E: Peripheral circulation: historical aspects, in Handbook of Physiology: The Cardiovscular System. Volume 3, section 2, part 1. Bethesda, American Physiological Society, 1984, p. 1. 10) Schott A: Historical notes on the mechanism of closure of the arterioventricular valves. Med Hist, 1980, 24:163. 11) Wood EH: Evolution of instrumentation and techniques for the study of cardiovascular dynamics from the thirties to 1980. Ann Biomed Eng, 1978, 6:250. Cardiovascular Research 1) Comroe JH: The heart and lungs, in Advances in American Medicine, vol. 2, edited by Bowers JZ, Purcell EF. New York, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1976, p. 484. 2) Comroe JH, Dripps RD: The Top Ten Clinical Advances in Cardiovascular-Pulmonary Medicine and Surgery 1945-1975. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1977. 3) Franklin KJ: THe history of circulatory research, leading to a wider view of the circulation. Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila, 1952, 20:23. 4) Wiggers CJ: Some significant advances in cardiac physiology during the nineteenth century. Bull Hist Med, 1960, 34:1. 5) Wiggers CJ: The evolution of methodologies and trends in circulation research. Perspect Biol Med, 1959, 3:86. Cardiovascular Surgery 1) Brewer LA: Open heart surgery and myocardial revascularization: Historical notes. Am J Surg, 1981, 141:618. 2) Brock R: The development of heart surgery in children. Arch Dis Child, 1965, 40:123. 3) Clowes GHA: The historical development of the surgical treatment of heart disease. Bull Hist Med, 1960, 34:29. 4) Connolly JE: The history of coronary artery surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1978, 76:733. 5) DeBakey ME: The development of vascular surgery. Am J Surg, 1979, 137:697. 6) Effler DB: Myocardial revascularization surgery since 1945 A.D., its evolution and its impact. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 1976, 72:823. 7) Gibbon JH: The development of the heart-lung apparatus. Am J Surg, 1978, 135:608. 8) Greipp RB, Ergin MA: The history of experimental heart transplantation. Heart Transplant 1984, 3:145. 9) Hayes DM: Evolution of mitral valve surgery. Arch Intern Med, 1958, 102:659. 10) Hewitt RL, Creech O: History of the pump oxygenator. Arch Surg, 1966, 93:680. 11) Hufnagel CA: Basic concepts in the development of cardiovascular prostheses. Am J Surg, 1979, 137:285. 12) Johnson SL: The History of Cardiac Surgery 1896-1955. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1970. 13) Kobak MW: The history of cardiac valve surgery before the advent of repair under vision. Angiology, 1968, 19:80. 14) Liss RS: The history of heart surgery in the United States (1838-1960). Zuercher Medizin- geschichtliche Abhandlungen, n.s., 46. Zuerich, Juris Druck Verlag, 1967. 15) Litwak RS: The growth of cardiac surgery: historical notes. Cardiovasc Clin, 1971, 3:5. 16) Maluf NSR: Use of veins in surgery: a history. Sudhoffs Arch, 1983, 67:50. 17) Meade RH: A history of Thoracic Surgery. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1961. 18) Muller WH: The evolution and current status of surgery of the aortic valve. Bull Am Coll Surg, 1977, 62:20. Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology 1) Adams FH: Development of pediatric cardiology. Am J Cardiol, 1968, 22:452. 2) Boyer NH: Patent ductus arteriosus - some historical highlights. Ann Thorac Surg, 1967, 4:570. 3) Greenwood RD: Historical perspective in cardiology: the tetralogy of Fallot. J Okla State Med Assoc, 1976, 69:203. 4) Rashkind WJ: Pediatric cardiology: a brief historical perspective. Pediatr Cardiol, 1979, 1:63. 5) Richardson D: A history of the morbus caeruleus. Bull Hist Med, 1962, 36:193. 6) Taussig HB: On the evolution of our knowledge of congenital malformation of the heart. Circulation, 1965, 31:768. 3 Diagnostic Techniques 1) Burch GE, DePasquale NP: A History of Electrocardiography. Chicago, Yearbook, 1964. 2) Cournand A: Cardiac catheterization - development of the technique, its contributions to experimental medicine, and its initial applications in man. Acta Med Scand, 1975, (suppl 579):3. 3) The Development of the Electrocardiograph with Some Biographical Notes on Prof. W. Einthoven. Cambridge monograph no. 5. London: Cambridge Instrument Company, 1952. 4) Doby T: Development of Angiography and Cardiovascular Catheterization. Littleton, Mass., Publishing Sciences Group, 1976. 5) Edler I, Hertz CH: The early work of ultrasound in medicine at the University of Lund. JCU, 1977, 5:352. 6) Fiegenbaum H: Echocardiography, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1976, p. 1. 7) Fulton H: Sixty years of cardiovascular roentgenology. Am J Roentgenol, 1956, 76:657. 8) Fye WB: Coronary arteriography, it took a long time. Circulation, 1984, 6:1198. 9) Gensini GG: Historical review, in Coronary Arteriography, by Gensini GG. Mount Kisco, N.Y., Futura, 1975, p. 1. 10) Grainger RG: Intravascular contrast media: the past, the present and the future. Br J Radiol, 1982, 55:1. 11) Hoff HE, Guillemin R, Geddes LA: The early history of cardiac catheterization. Arch Int Hist Sci (Paris), 1963, 16:377. 12) Katz LN, Hellerstein HK: Electrocardiography, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards, DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 265. 13) Sherlag BJ: The development of the HIS bundle recording technique. PACE, 1979, 2:230. 14) Wagner HN: The development of cardiovascular nuclear medicine, in Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine, edited by Strass HW, Pitt B, James AE. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1974, p. 1. 15) Yipintsoi T, Wood EH: The history of circulatory indicator dilution, in Dye Curves: The Theory and Practice of Indicator Dilution, edited by Bloomfield DA. Baltimore, University Park Press, 1974, p. 1. Discovery of the Circulation 1) Coppola ED: The discovery of the pulmonary circulation: a new approach. Bull Hist Med, 1957, 31:44. 2) Fulton JF: Vascular system: discovery of the circulation. In Selected Readings in the History of Physiology, 2nd ed., edited by Fulton JF, Wilson LG. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1966, p. 25. 3) Keynes G: The Life of William Harvey. New York, Oxford, 1966. 4) Krumbhaar EB: Bibliographical matters pertaining to the discovery of the circulation in the blood. Ann Med Hist, 1929, 1:57. 5) Singer C: The Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, 2nd ed. London, Dawson, 1956. 6) Wilson LG: The problem of the discovery of the pulmonary circulation. J Hist Med Allied Sci, 1962, 17:229. Hypertension 1) Booth J: A short history of blood pressure measurement. Proc R Soc Med, 1977, 70:793. 2) Gordon DB: Some early investigations of experimental hypertension - an historical review. Tex Rep Biol Med, 1970, 28:179. 3) Heymans CJF, Folkow B: Vasomotor control and the regulation of blood pressure, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 407. 4) Major RH: The history of taking the blood pressure. Ann Med Hist, 1930, 2:47. 5) Pickering G: Systemic arterial hypertension, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 487. 6) Ruskin A: Classics in Arterial Hypertension. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1956. 7) Simpson FO, Hodge JV: The evolution of antihypertensive therapy. NZ Med J, 1968, 67:270. Ischemic Heart Disease and the Coronary Arteries 1) Bedford DE: Harvey's third circulation. De circulo sanguinis in corde. Br Med J, 1968, 2:273. 2) Bing RJ: Coronary circulation and cardiac metabolism, in Circulation of the Blood - Men and Ideas, edited by Fishman AP, Richards DW. New York, Oxford, 1964, p. 199. 4 3) Bloomfield AL: Coronary occlusion and myocardial infarction, in A Bibliography of Internal Medicine - Selected Diseases, edited by Bloomfield AL. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1959, p. 15. 6/5. 4) Fye WB: Acute coronary occlusion always results in death - or does it? The observations of William T. Porter. Circulation, 1985, 1:4. 5) Fye WB: The delayed recognition of myocardial infarction. It took half a century! Circulation, 1985, 2:262. 6) Jennings SA: A history of the therapy of angina pectoris. J Arkansas Med Soc, 1966, 62:407. 7) Klemperer P: The history of coronary sclerosis. Am J Cardiol, 1960, 5:94. 8) Kowal SJ: Emotions and angina pectoris. An historical review. Am J Cardiol, 1960, 5:421. 9) Leibowitz JO: The History of Coronary Heart Disease. Berkeley, University of California, 1970. 10) MacAlpin RN: Coronary arterial spasm: a historical perspective. J Hist Med Allied Sci, 1980, 35:288. 11) Sprague HB: Environmental influences in coronary disease in the United States. An historical perspective. Am J Cardiol, 1965, 16:106. 12) Weintraub WS, Helfant RH: Coronary artery spasm: historic aspects. Cardiovasc Clin, 1983, 14:1. Literature of Cardiology and Bibliographies 1) Bedford DE: A selection from the library - some early nineteenth century textbooks on heart disease. Circulation, 1966, 34:945. 2) Fishbein M: Bibliography of cardiology, in Cardiology: An Encyclopedia of the Cardiovascular System, Vol 5, edited by Luisada A. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1961, section 26, p. 71. 3) Fye WB: The literature and history of internal medicine - an annotated bibliography. Ann Intern Med, 1977, 87:123. 4) Herrick JB: certain text-books on heart disease of the early nineteenth century. Bull Hist Med, 1941, 10:136. 5) Major RH: Diseases of the circulatory system, in Classic Descriptions of Disease with Biographical Sketches of the Authors, 3rd ed., edited by Major RH. Springfield, III., Charles C. Thomas, 1945, p. 326. 6) Payne LM: The Evan Bedford Library of Cardiology. Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets and Journals. London, Royal College of Physicians, 1977. 7) Willius JB: Certain text-books on heart disease of the early nineteenth century. Bull Hist Med, 1941, 10:136. Miscellaneous Conditions 1) Adelman H, Adelman A: The logic of discovery, a case study of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Acta Biotheor (Leiden), 1977, 26:39. 2) Bloomfield AL: Subacute bacterial endocarditis, in A Bibliography of Internal Medicine - Selected Diseases, edited by Bloomfield AL. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1959, O. 41. 3) Jarcho S: The Concept of Heart Failure from Avicenna to Albertini. Cambridge, Harvard, 1980. 4) Maclean LD: Shock: a century of progress. Ann Surg, 1985, 201:407. 5) Major RH: Notes on the history of endocarditis. Bull Hist Med, 1945, 17:351. 6) Manion WC: Myocarditis: a review of the development of the concept. Med Ann DC, 2966, 35:405. 7) Spodick DH: Medical history of the pericardium. The hairy hearts of hoary heroes. Am J Cardiol, 1970, 26:447. 8) Wooley CF: Where are the diseases of yesteryear? Da Costa's syndrome, soldiers heart, the effort syndrome, neurocirculatory asthenia - and the mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Circulation, 1976, 53:749. Miscellaneous Topics 1) Birtwell WC, Clauss RH, Dennis C, Harken DE, Soroff HS: The evolution of counterpulsation techniques. Med Instrum, 1976, 10:217. 2) Boyadjian N: The heart: its history, its symbolism, its iconography and its diseases. Antwerp, Esco Books, 1980. 3) Day HW: History of coronary care units. Am J Cardiol, 1972, 30:405. 4) Feil H: History of the treatment of heart disease in the nineteenth century. Bull Hist Med, 1960, 34:19. 5 5) Harris CRS: The Heart and the Vascular System in Ancient Greek Medicine, from Alcmaeon to Galen. New York, Oxford, 1973. 6) History of the American Heart Association. J Natl Med Assoc, 1956, 48:59, 67. 7) Kantrowitz A: The development of mechanical assistance to the failing human heart. Med Instrum, 1976, 10:224. 8) Katz AM, Katz PB: Diseases of the heart in the works of Hippocrates. Br Heart J, 1962, 24:257. 9) McManus JF: The history of the pathology of the heart, in Pathology of the Heart and Blood Vessels, 3rd ed., edited by Gould SE. Springfield, Thomas, 1968, p. 3. 10) Moore WW: Fighting'for Life: The Story of the American Heart Association, 1911-1975. Dallas, American Heart Association, 1983. 11) Reichert P: A history of the development of cardiology as a medical specialty. Clin Cardiol, 1978, 1:5. 12) Rolleston JD: Cardiac folk-lore. Proc R Soc Med, 1945, 39:119. 13) Rosner F: The heart in the Bible and Talmud. Clio Med, 1974, 9:51. 14) Schott A: Historical notes on the iconography of the heart. Cardiologia (Basel), 1956, 28:229. 15) Skerritt PW: Anxiety and the heart: a historical review. Psychol Med, 1983, 13:17. Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease 1) Bloomfield AL: Rheumatic fever, in A Bibliography of Internal Medicine - Communicable Diseases, edited by Bloomfield AL. Chicago, University of Chicago, 1958, p. 133. 2) Murphy GE: The evolution of our knowledge of rheumatic fever. An historical survey with particular emphasis on rheumatic heart disease. Bull Hist Med, 1943, 14:123. 3) Siew S: Historical background of rheumatic heart disease. Leech (Johannesburg), 1963, 33:23. Valvular Heart Disease 1) Flaxman N: History of aortic insufficiency. Bull Hist Med, 1939, 7:192. 2) Mulcahy R: The early descriptions of aortic incompetence. Br Heart J, 1962, 24:633. 3) Rolleston H: History of aortic regurgitation. Ann Med Hist, 3rd ser., 1940, 2:271. 4) Sinclair-Smith BC, Newman EV: Tricuspid valve disease. An historical and physiological perspective. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc, 1970, 81:143. Vascular Disease (Arterial and Venous) 1) Anning ST: The historical aspects of venous thrombosis. Med Hist, 1957, 1:28. 2) Franklin KJ: An introduction to the earlier history of phlebitis. Ann Sci, 1939, 4:47. 3) Sanderson CJ, Cote RJ, Levett JM, Beere P, Anagnostopoulos CE: Acute aortic dissection: an historial review. J R Coll Surg Edinb, 1982, 27:195. 4) Schumacker HB: A history of modern treatment of aortic aneurysms. World J Surg, 1980, 4:503. 5) Stehbens WE: History of aneurysms. Med Hist, 1958, 2:274. *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986-160932 Region 4. 6