NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of William H. Helfand AJRNTCA. SALVE- THE BEST SALVE IN THE WORLD. THIS is a concentrated scientific compound of Arnica, Calendula and Healing Balsams. This preparation contains more of the real strength of the Arnica flowers than any other like preparation in the market. Combined with the above articles makes it the best salve in the world, and will never fail in effectually and speedily curing Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Rheumatism, Lame Back, Fever Sores, Bruises, Cuts, and Aches, Piles, Chilblains, Sore Eyes, Boils, Felons, Pimples, Chapped and Cracked Hands, Sore Lips or any ailment for which a Salve or Ointment can be used. INFLAMMATION CANNOT EXIST WHERE THIS SALVE IS USED. DIRECT IOINTS. Whenever or wherever inflammatory action exists, then and there apply the Salve freely. The following are among the diseases to which Bucklen's Arnica Salve is applicable and never fails to cure: For BlirnS-—Apply the salve at once. Change the application every three hours, or oftener in case of a severe burn, until the-inflammation begins to subside. Afterward apply but twice a day. For rVesh WOUndS.—Bandage up snugly, being careful not to get them too tight, and change once in twenty-four hours; in case of deep wounds, dress twice a day. It will cause the wound to heal up readily and keep down all inflammation. For OhMblainS.—When the skin is not broken rub the salve on and warm it thoroughly by the fire. When the skin is broken, to be bound up as other sores; making fresh application of Salve at least twice every twenty-four hours. For Chapped HandS.—Apply tne salve thoroughly and warm by the fire at night, and sleep in gloves. FOT Boil8« Felons and SoreS.—Apply tne Salve twice a day, and, in case of inflammation, three timesadayi keeping.o*«a^ight bandage whenever it is convenient. Purify the blood with Pleotrio Bitters, and a cure is certain. For Piles.—For all severe cases, form a compress of several thicknesses of cloth, the size of half the palm of the hand, and spread thick coat of the Salve upon the same, and place it upon the disease, and secure it there day and night until a cure is effected. Change once in twenty-four hours. For all ordinary cases of Itching or Bleeding Piles, apply the Salve freely to the affected parts at least three times a day. Be sure to keep the bowels loose by taking Electric Bitters^ and a cure will be guaranteed every time. For UlcerS and Fever SoreS.— Apply the Salve by spreading it thickly on a piece of cloth or kid skin about twice the size of the sore, binding it on lightly, changing the same twice every twenty-four hours until the sore is healed, then merely anoint the surface and keep lightly bandaged until a cure is complete. Take Eleotric Bitters at same time, and a permanent cure will be more speedily effected. For Salt Rheum.—Apply the Salve to affeGted parts twice a day, bandage lightly, and keep from the cold. After the parts become healed, one application a day until cured. POT Rheumatism.—APPty tne Salve thoroughly to parts where pain exists, rub and warm in by the fire, bandage lightly, and keep from cold. To be applied twice a day until cured. N. B.—In no instance will the application of the Arnica Salve interfere with remedies administered internally, but will aid all such as are proper to be administered. Put up in large metal boxes, and sold at the low price of 23 OESnNTTS PER BOX. By Druggists and Dealers all over the World. A Liberal Discount to the Trade! Beware of Counterfeits!! In order to secure the public against being imposed upon by unprincipled parties making and selling imitations of Bucklen's Arnioa Salve we would caution them to be sure that the signature of H. E. Bucklen & Co. is on the circular accompanying each box, the same as shown here below. None others genuine. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, CHICAGO, ILL. HAMILTON, CAN. MutVuC NEW DISCOVERS AND ALL DISEASES OF CHEST, THROAT AND LUNGS. That the advanced science of medicine has attained such a high degree of perfection, that it can safely be said and substantiated that OOBTSTJMPTZOM' OjSLST "BIE2 CURED ! is certainly a most gratifying and unlooked for event. This declaration has often been made that it can beeured, but never before since the origin of medical science has a remedy been offered to the public substantiating this declaration by a. positive guarantee that they have discovered a remedy that will positively cure consumption. 100,000 ooxsnMFTrrsis idxxs Aio'xa'TT.AXjXfl'S'x There is good authority for stating that in this country one adult out of every six dies of Consumption; and indeed, so prevalent and so fatal has this disease become, that it is dreaded as the great scourge of the race. And yet, in the formative stages, all Pulmonary Complaints may be readily controlled and speedily cured by resorting to TJR. ELIKTa'S TSTTaXKr DISCOVERY, Which soothes and strengthens the Bronchial Tubes, allaying inflammation, and cleansing them and the Lungs of all impurities, it is a certain remedy for Coughs and Colds, which, if left to themselves, frequently bring on Pulmonary Complaints. It cures Bron- chitis, if taken in time. KXIKTG-'fll IKTETrtT DISCOVERT. Is an infallible cure for Asthma in all its stages. It is guaranteed to cure the worst and most helpless cases the world ever saw. One-half bottle will so relieve the Asthmatic sufferer, that he will surely persevere with the use of the medicine untiljie has exper- ienced a total change in the condition of his respiratory organs, and is a well being. It is to be hoped that all those who suffer, or have reason to believe that they are predisposed to suffer from any of the maladies here mentioned, will not allow this opportunity of restoring or preserving their health and happiness, to pass by unheeded. This remedy is prepared with great care, and it will cure the most helpless invalids, if given with care and properly preserved in. Never, since the science of medicine dawned, has anything like DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY been known to the world. It is a scientific preparation, prepared on strictly scientific principles, from the very purest of medicines known in materia medica. A eure is more speedily effected by taking Electric Bitters in connection with DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. They regulate the Bowels, improve the appetite and purify the Blood, - ** * » CAUTION.—The public are cautioned'against worthless imitations of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. Be sure that the words DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION are blown in the side of the bottle. All others are worthless imitations. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. * Larg?e Bottles, One Dollar. Trial Bottles, Ten Cents. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Wholesale Depots for the sale of this Great Remedy. H. XS. BUCKLEN & GO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, ^^____________________ Chicago, 111., and Hamilton, Can. THE GREAT SYSTEM RENOVATOR. A Choice Family MEDICINE for Everybody.-A Wonderful BLOOD PURIFIER and Health Restoring Tonic. LECTRIC BITTERS! A Safe, Pleasant and Reliable Medicine that will positively cure the following diseases. Every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, or the price (50 cents) will be cheerfully refunded. Electric Bitters will Cure Liver and Stomach Complaints-—There has never been a remedy before the public that does actually cure Liver and Stomach Complaints so speedily as this great remedy. To try it is to be convinced. Electric Bitters will Cure Headache and Constipation.—People who are habitually troubled with Constipation and Headache will certainly find a sure cure in Electric Bitters. They are a mild and gentle laxative, do not cause griping or any unpleasunt feelings, but restore the system to its natural vigor of perfect health. Electric Bitters will Cure Lame Back and Weak Kidneys —sufferers from these complaints will be surprised at the beneficial results that invariably follow the use of Electric Bitters. Hundreds of hopeless cases have already been cured. They are especially adapted to diseases of the Kidneys, and positively cure when everything else fails. Electric Bitters will Cure Weak and Delicate Women.—who wm find them the greatest bless- ing ever placed within their reach. With their use, strength and ambition will return, a healthy glow will brighten the complexion, the enfeebled constitution will change to one of stout and robust form, and the ruddy glow Qf perfect health will appear where disease once was. No one should be without them, as they are worth their weight in gold. Por Sale toy all Pirat-olass Srugglsta at SOc. per Bottle. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO., SOLL^^^iisANO Chicago. III., and Hamilton. Can.