DR. HUGHES’ GERMAN OIL! WILL CURE Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Deafness,Toothache,Pains in the Back and Side, Piles, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Hands and Feet, and ailPalnfui Diseases of the Nervous or Hftuscuiar System. GOOD FOB MAN OR BEAST. DIEEOTIONS FOR USING. FOR RHEUMATISM.—Bathe the part or parts affec ted for at least fifteen minutes. This is very essential, for the German Oil will not go down to the part where it should in less time. It has has its power and popularity in its penetrating qualities. FOR HEADACHE.—AppIy to the forehead and tuples for four or five minutes; if it should he a bilious or sick headache, take half a tenspoonful of the Oil; this settles the stomach; after this you can easily stop the pain by bathing the forehead and t; Hes. FOR TOOTHACHE.—Apply by we.Aug the finger and rubbing the tooth and gums, and immediately bathing the outside of the face; it will cure if the tooth is not ulcerated. FOR AGUE IN THE FACE.—Apply as for the toothache ; repeat if necessary. FOR NEURALGIA.—AppIy it lightly for fifteen minutes. For Sprains, apply'fifteen or twenty minutes, as you may see fit. For Bruises, bathe five minutes or longer. For Burns, wet a cloth with the Oil and lay it on over 'the burn or scald. For Lameness in the Back, let some one make the application if convenient. For Cuts use as any other liniment. FOR EARACHE.—Put a few drops on cotton or wool, and place it in the opening of the ear gently. FOR SORE THROAT.—Take half a teaspoonful < n going to bed, after which bathe the throat for fifteen min utes lightly. FOR COUGH.—Take before going to bed, in half a tumbler of milk, one teaspoonful of the Oil; use in this way every night until relieved. FOR COLDS.—Take a teaspoonful of the Oil in a tablespoonful of diluted brandy. CHRONIC STIFF JOINTS.—AppIy same as above. Persevere, as it takes longer to effect a change in the ab- sorbents. ERYSIPELAS and SCROFULAS ERUPTIONS, and all kinds of SORES or FELONS, merely bathe gently three times a day. BRONCHITAS and SWELLING OF GLANDS.—Bathe throe times daily, and take half a teaspoonful on going to bed. EA RACHE and PARTIAL DEAFNESS.—Drop the Oil into the ear twice a day, and inject with a small syringe the following solution; warm water one-half tea-cup full; castile soap half ounce; German Oil, half teaspoonfull, and bathe about the ear. , SPRAINS AND LAMENESS.- .'ub hard three times a day until cured. CANKERS IN THE MOUTH. - Apply it freer . SORE AND BROKEN BREAST.—Bathe with die Oil twice a dav. TEETHING INFANTS.—Rub the gums. CORNS.—Pare the corn well and rub night and morning. WOMB COMPLAINT.—Inject with a little warm water, and take a teaspoonful on going to bed. PALPITATION.—Take half a teaspoonful, and bathe over the heart when there is pain. FROSTED FEET.—Bathe the parts affected well on going to bod. BITES OF INSECTS and POISONS OF ANY KlND—Take a half teaspoonful of the Oil twice a day and bathe freely. IpP"* This Oil does not interfere with any other medicine or food; hut drink no Coffee ; eat plain, fond regularly, and drink hut little fluid of any kind-. KEEP THE BOTTLE WELL CORKED. PB.SOB - - - - 50 GBMTTS PER BOTTLE. m~Au Orders sent hy mail will he attended to Promptly. Wholesale and Retail Agent for Baltimore, EMILE LAROQUE, Druggist, N. E. Cor. Baltimore & Harrison sts For sale at E. West’s Drug Store, Frederick, Md.; William Epple, Druggist and Pharmacectist, N. W, Cor. Light and Montgomery Sts., Balto., Md,; Snively& Co., and D. C. Aughingbaugh, Druggists, Hagerstown, Md.; Levin Campbell, Chemist and Druggist. Easton, Md. and by all respectable Druggists in the United States. CXSRTIFIGJiTXSSw Phil adki.T'llia, Pa.. June 27th, 1860. man Oil, su’d rifit.*r vising sis bottles I was ctircrl perfect- and thank God l-iiave never enjoyed bettor health in my life. Yon may use this as you like, and any one wishing any further proof, if they will call on me at my residence. 1 will cheerfully give them nil the information I ' csscss., Respectfully. Yours, GEORGE SWEED, Fourth Street, below Callowhill. This is to Certify, That I have made a careful analysis of Dr. Hughes’ Preparation, known as the German Oil, and I find its component parts are purely Vegetable, arid 1 have no hesitancy in pronouncing it to be the most scientific pre- paration it lias ever been my lot to examine as a Liniment, and I believe it to be the best remedy for w hat it is re- commended that has ever came under rav notice. Dr. A. ,T. SCHARFFER. A Case of Partial Deafness Cured by the Use of Dr. Hughes' German Oil. College of Pharmacy, Phi la., Pa, Dr. HUGHES, Dear Sir :—My wife has been afflicted with the Rheu- matism for the past seven years. I have tried remedy after remedy, at a cost of hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. Some of the nostrums I tried gave partial relief, but it would always come back again in a more aggravat- ed form. I was then living in Sumpter County, S. C., and after trying the best medical talent of Charleston without avail, I made up ray mind to bring her on to this eity, where the world-renowned Medical Faculty of Maryland, and a host of other medical talent re- sided. I tried them all, and the result was as before— only a partial relief. I then heard of Dr. Hughes’ Ger- man Oil, and not wishing to leave one stone unturned to”eff ect a cure, I determined to procure a bottle. I used it according to the directions, and before the fourth bot- tle was exhausted, she could move about the house as well as~ever. Respectfully, Yours, FRANCIS MARION JOHNSON. Baltimore, June, 1867. Baltimore, Mix, Sept. 19th, 1862, D:,. HUGHES, Sir-—Feeling 1,11 ankful to you for the great benefit I d(Tiered from the use of your German Oil, I deem it my duty to let you, and others through you, knowT my situation. I was taken with a severe pain in my ears, and a continual noise as of a strong wind blowing in a hollow shell, which continued some five months. I final- ly became so deaf that I'was discharged from my regi- ment and sent home, and getting one of your printed circulars, I thought I would try your preparation, and after using it three times, I obtained a piece of wax out of ;ny ear as large as a good sized pea and as hard as a stone, and immediately my hearing wTas restored, and I can hear as wTell nowr as I ever could in my life. Yours, Respectfully, SAM’L. S. SUTHERLAND, Wharton St., between 6th and 7th, Phila., Pa. Frederick. Md., July 15th, 1867. Sworn before me, Jas. M. Smith, Justice of the Peace in the city and countv of Baltimore, A. D., June, 1867. JAS. M. SMITH, J. P. Dr. HUGHES, Sir—l have suffered from Neuralgia in my head for five days and was persuaded to try a bottle of your Ger- man Oil, which cured me entirely. I can cheerfully re- commend it to all persons suffering with the same disease. Your Respectfully, JOHN S. PEGLEY, x. South St. Frederick, Md. Hagerstown, July 18, 1867. This is to Certify, That I have used Dr. Hughes’ pre-* paration, known as the German Oil, for a painful and swollen wrist, and was relieved in a very short time after the first application. Yours, Respt’v., ' WM. M. TICE. Groff House, Frederick, Md.. July 14th, 1867. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 22, 1864. Dr. HUGHES, Sir—This is to certify, that I have purchased a bottle of your German Oil. I tried it in a case of Headache of Dr. HUGHES, Dear Sir :—I deem this but an act of justice to you and to suffering humanity in general, in stating that hav- ing been afflicted with Rheumatism for the past three years, as hundreds of citizens can testify, and after trying every thing that was recommended, I at last began to despair of ever getting any better, I was induced by a friend of mine to try your invaluable remedy, the Ger- two days standing on my son, and found it to give im- mediate relief, and he has no headache since. I can cheerfully recommend it to all persons suffering with the headache, &c. Yours, Respt., DANIEL COLE.