Wyeth’S Effervescing LITtIIA TABLETS Since the introduction into medical practice by Garrod of the lithium salts foi the treatment of rheumatism, their value has been so thoroughly demonstrated that it is superfluous for the manufacturing chemist to add anything as to their efficacy in the treatment of subacute and chronic rheumatism, rheumatic gout, uric acid diathesis, rena! calculi composed of uric acid, and irritable bladder due to an excess of acid in the urine. It has, however, been almost universally conceded that the most effective and agreeable form of administering these-salts is in carbonic- acid water. This is often troublesome and inconvenient as well as expensive. Our Effervescing Lithia Tablets obviate all these objections and are, besides, more convenient. A tablet dropped into a tumbler of moderately cold water will in a few moments dissolve with decided effervescence, producing a pleasant and agreeable sparkling draught. Physicians will appreciate the convenience, utility and superior advantages these tablets possess over any other form of prescribing lithium salts. The natural lithia waters so extensively used contain lithium in too small quanti- ties (one to two and one-half grains to the gallon) and often in unfavorable com- binations. The dose of the artificial lithia waters prepared from our Compressed Tablets can be regulated very readily by dissolving one or more in any desired quantity of water from a tumblerful to a pint, quart or gallon, and taking as may be directed. The tablets embrace advantages not possessed by any other form of administration, i.e., economy, absolute accuracy of dose and purity of ingredients, portability and permanence, convenience and ready solubility. Tablets contain three and five grains Xithium Citrate respectively It is not probable that a natural spring water may be of uniform strength, but that tha percentage nr sapc present must vary according tn the season, wet or dry., and that, therefore, properly prepared lithia tablets are to be preferred at all times to the natural water, since we thus insure the presence of a uniform amount of the salts. WYETH’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS SODIUM PHOSPHATE Each teaspoonful (one drachm) contains 30 grains of the salt Sodium Phosphate has long been the favorite purgative, inasmuch as it acts gently but surely, has little or no taste, and is easily taken by children and delicate persons, in the present form (the effervescent) it is a delightful remedy, consti- tuting a refreshing, sparkling draught of bland action. Sodium Phosphate is a mild but certain hepatic stimulant, and relaxes the bowels both by promoting an excretion of bile and by acting directly upon the mucous membrane of the intestines. It does not cause griping, nor does it derange the stomach or excite nausea. Unlike many other purgatives, it has a beneficial effect upon the appetite and digestion, stimulating the flow of gastric juice. Sodium Phosphate is useful in the treatment of biliousness, constipation and jaundice. It is particularly adapted for the treatment of these maladies in children on account of its absence of taste and its efficient but unobjectionable properties. Diarrhoea and dysentery in children are effectually controlled, very often, by the action of this salt in cleansing the mucous membrane of the lower bowel and evacuating in a complete and unirritating manner the rectum and large intestine. The employment of Sodium Phosphate leads to an increased urinary excretion, and, by withdrawing large amounts of water and fatty nitrogenous matters through the kidneys, materially reduces the total of adipose tissue. WYETH’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS—CONTINUED HEADACHE SALTS CAF-ACETAN (trade mark) Acetanilide, Caffeine, Bromide of Sodium, with Effervescing Citrate Salt The chief ingredients of this preparation (acetanilide, caffeine and bromide of sodium) are efficient and highly esteemed remedies for headache, neurasthenia and many nervous disorders in which pain and sleeplessness are prominent symptoms, and also in those diseases where stimulant, diuretic and alterative medicaments are indicated. We know of no combination so effective as our Headache Salts, taken as directed, affording immediate relief, almost invariably lessening the nervous depression and tendency to sleeplessness, stimulating the appetite and toning up the whole system by neutralizing the primary source of the indisposition, whether from indiscretion, nervous exhaustion, or due to anxieties or worry, all of which frequently occasion suffering so difficult to relieve, and will prove valuable in the treatment of sea-sickness, taken in the morning before breakfast and on retiring. Physicians will find the salts invaluable in the nausea of morning sickness and in all cases of irritable dyspepsia induced by uterine disorders. In cases of insomnia one or two doses will quiet all nervousness, insuring restful and refreshing sleep, with the advantage, as already stated, of correcting the tendency to sleeplessness. For migraine, or hemicrania, or sick headache, this mixture is especially designed. Migraine is known by its periodic character, and as being attended at the end of the attack with vomiting or, at least, nausea. In neurasthenia, head- ache is an almost constant symptom and a primary indication of this disease, and is often accompanied with sleeplessness. Both of these ailments will be greatly relieved by means of several doses of this preparation, taken at the moment when the attack comes on, and repeated at suitable intervals. ARTIFICIAL VICHY SALTS AND ARTIFICIAL KISSINQEN SALTS Convenient for the extemporaneous preparation of artificial Vichy and Kis- singen water of a definite and uniform composition, affording a means of always having freshly prepared waters, avoiding the objection so often advanced by physicians against the use of natural mineral waters that may have become stale and unfit for use, due to the long time which they may have been carried in stock or from loss of the carbonic-acid gas. They are both employed very considerably for the reduction of obesity, admin- istering them on alternate days. PHOSPHO-LITHIA Lithium Carbonate 3 grains Sodium Sulpho-Phosphate 50 grains Potassium Bicarbonate 10 grains EACH DESSERTSPOONFUL CONTAINS A combination possessing laxative and aperient properties, and in the effer- vescing form is most palatable and agreeable to the patient. It is indicated in the treatment of lithemia, gout, rheumatism, cystitis and all similar affections having their origin in uric acid diathesis. Care should always be exercised in its use to avoid excessive catharsis, although in some instances, as the physician will recognize, this would be desirable. WYETH’S GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS—CONTINUED LITHIUM AND POTASSIUM CARBONATES (ALKALINE) Caffeine 1 grain I Sodium Bicarbonate ... 10 grains Potassium Bicarbonate .10 grains j Lithium Carbonate ... 5 grains BACH DESSERTSPOONFUL REPRESENTS In chronic rheumatism, rheumatic gout, uric acid diathesis, cystitis and other affections due to an acid condition, this remedy will be found preferable to any other alkali. The presence of caffeine in the formula neutralizes the tendency to affect the action of the heart and renders the combination more desirable for pre- scribing than the various salicylates as heretofore frequently used by the physician. STRONTIUM SALICYLATE COMP. (AUKALIINB) Strontium Salicylate ... 5 grains I Lithium Bitartrate .... 2 grains Ammonium Salicylate . . 5 grains | Aik. Effervescing Base . . q. s. The presence of lithium bitartrate insures elimination of the salicylates without producing an irritating effect upon the kidneys. In the effervescing form the greatest volume of therapeutic power is obtained, permitting small doses and avoid- ing toxic effects. This preparation is indicated in the treatment of rheumatism, gouty affections, neuralgia, migraine and all other disorders in which the salicy- lates are recognized as being specific. EACH DESSERTSPOONFUL CONTAINS Each dessertspoonful contains 30 grains Sodium Phosphate with 30 grains Sodium Sulphate SODIUM SULPHO-PHOSPHATE As an alterative aperient in gout, obesity, hepatic derangement, etc., one des- sertspoonful morning and night. As a purgative for adults, one or two dessert- spoonfuls. For children, to relieve constipation, etc., a small dose only is neces- sary, one-half to one teaspoonful, according to age and effect desired. Sodium Sulpho-Phosphate is an improvement over the plain Sodium Phosphate for use with patients in which it is desirable to produce a more pronounced aperient effect. In the effervescing form it produces, when dissolved in water, a delightful and refreshing aperient remedy. POTASSIUM BICARBONATE The most obvious and perhaps the most frequent employment of Potassium Bicarbonate is in hyperacidity of the stomach in children and adults. Here it acts as an alkalinizing agent by overcoming the excess of acid. To accomplish this in these cases it must be given in large doses, for a small dose, on the contrary, increases the secretion of the gastric juice without neutralizing an excess of acid. Owing to the stimulative effect upon the secreting cells of the stomachal wall, Potassium Bicarbonate is of the greatest use in dyspepsia, particularly in that form where washing out and cleansing from accumulations of partially digested irri- tating foods is needed. Here the effervescence of this preparation and its copious dilution materially increase the beneficial properties of the remedy. In chronic gastric catarrh the bracing effect of this “ lavage” of the stomach and subsequent promotion of the flow of gastric juices render the greatest service to the patient. When there are bitter eructations and nausea, and especially vomiting of a violent nature, this preparation, given in rather large doses and in but little water, affords a soothing, positive sense of relief. It may be employed with advantage in intes- tinal catarrh, in catarrh of the biliary and urinary passages, when these affections are chronic and would demand a water similar to that of Carlsbad and Vichy, Each dessertspoonful contains 8 grains of Potassium Bicarbonate WYETH'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCING SALTS—CONTI HU Sits A most pleasant and agreeable morning draught, acceptable to the stomach and mild but effective in action. APERIENT BROMIDES MODIFIED Nerve sedative and hypnotic; more especially intended for use in cases suffer- ing from kidney disorders. CAFFEINE CITRATE Each drachm represents two and one-half grains Caffeine Citrate This preparation is a valuable remedy for headache, neuralgia, migraine and for the relief of pain. By virtue of its decided cardiac and diuretic action, it is indicated in dropsy, cardiac weakness, etc. The advantage of this preparation over combinations containing drugs from which caffeine is obtained is that, while possessing the same therapeutic properties, definite strength is assured. LITHIUM CITRATE CAFFEINE HYDROBROMATE Indicated in rheumatic, gouty and kindred conditions. Owing to its less nauseating character it will prove more acceptable than the carbonate. MAGNESIUM SULPHATE A valuable laxative, cathartic and refrigerant, possessing the power to render the secretions alkaline, particularly those of the alimentary canal. A mild and gentle action will be secured if used in moderate doses. MAGNESIAN APERIENT An aperient and refrigerant, possessing the quality of rendering the secretions neutral or alkaline, more especially those of the alimentary canal. The mild and gentle action characteristic of magnesia attends the use of this. Possesses all the laxative and purgative properties of the liquid preparation, but has the advantage of being more economical ; is effective, at the same time pleasing to the taste. POTASSIUM CITRATE MAGNESIUM CITRATE Diuretic, diaphoretic and febrifuge; a delightful draught, more pleasant for administration than the ordinary alkaline waters. Especially recommended for neutralizing the secretions. SEIDLITZ MIXTURE A saline laxative, effective in relieving moderate constipation and reducing the fever natural to kindred disorders. A more convenient form than the ordinary Seidlitz Powders. SODIUM BICARBONATE This salt is largely prescribed in cases of dyspepsia due to acid fermentation— in fact, is especially valuable for overcoming the acid condition of the secretions. SODIUM SALICYLATE A valuable remedy in chronic or acute rheumatism, gout and all the various forms of uric acid diathesis. SODIUM SULPHATE In small doses this remedy will be found to possess aperient and diuretic prop- erties, Its particular office, however, is that of a laxative, and its popularity in that capacity In the shape of an effervescing salt resulted in its addition to the British Pharmacopoeia. John Wyeth & Brother, inc. Manufacturing Chemists PHILADELPHIA