[Aerial view of buildings surrounded by trees] [Closer view of buildings including a large smokestack] [Aerial view of many buildings surrounded by hills and trees] [Closer view of several buildings] [View of many buildings including some large ones and many small ones] [Far aerial view of buildings with trees in foreground] [Camera pans the area surrounding the buildings from a distance] [View of the buildings from ground level] [View of the grounds and people on a swing] [Trees with people seen walking among them] [Close-up of flowers on a tree] [One of the bigger buildings is shown with people walking into it] [A pickup truck drives by the building] [A structure with floor and roof but no walls is shown] [Camera pans small structures on short stilts and shows two open buildings which are filled with chairs] [A building with a porch is shown. Nurses in uniform are shown descending the front stairs in pairs.] [The nurses walk down a pathway and walk in between the trees.] [The nurses are shown standing on the front stairs of a building in a group. They are smiling and talking to one another.] [A building is shown with people coming out of it.] [Close-up of the door of the building. People can be seen inside the building.] [Men go into and out of the building. The sign above the door says "Cooperative Store."] [The camera pans around the inside of the store.] [The outside of a big building is shown.] [The outside of a building which has flower vines growing on it is shown.] [A fence is shown with a bird on it.] [The outside of a bigger building is shown.] [Men are shown in a structure with low walls but no roof, lying down, sunbathing and turning over.] [Three men are shown standing wearing underwear.] [They are laughing and two men playfully hit one another.] [The sunbathing men are shown.] [Some men are fully dressed and standing.] [An attendant fully dressed in white shirt and pants is shown with four men wearing underwear.] [The attendant is pointing out something about the men and smiling.] [Two of the men change places.] [The attendant is shown.] [Another attendant is shown standing in a corner of the roofless structure, dressed in all white clothing and wearing a hat.] [Men are sitting backwards on chairs outside a building with a nurse watching them.] [Close-up of a man sitting in a chair. There is a mirror attached to the chair. The man is holding his mouth open and sticking his tongue out. The sun is reflected into his mouth.] [The group of men is shown again. The nurse is talking to them.] [A building is burning and is completely engulfed in flames. Two people are watching it burn.] [Another building next to the burning building is already almost completely burned down.] [People are watching the burning building.] [Men walk away from the burning building.] [A man with a cat next to him is feeding a small deer from his hands.] [The deer walks around and a girl walks over to the man and cat.] [The girl is shown petting the deer as it licks her dress.] [A train is shown coming toward the camera. There are buildings on both sides of the tracks.] [There are two cars to the train. It stops in front of the station and men, women and children get off the train.] [The train porter helps people off the train.] [The people exiting the train walk away from it in front of the station.] [Several pickup trucks are shown. They have canvas coverings over the back of the pickup.] [One truck drives away and there are people seated on benches in the back of it.] [The trucks back up to steps and people get out of the back.] [The people have tags around their necks and many are holding things.] [The people, many of them boys, walk away from the truck.] [A nurse is sitting at a table with a small boy. She is talking to him and writing. Along the edge of the table are signs with the letters: S, T, U, W, X, Y, Z.] [Another nurse is sitting behind a table talking to a boy and writing.] [A nurse is sitting behind a table with a small boy sitting in a chair in front of her. She is taking his temperature and pulse rate.] [The boy stands up and walks away while another small boy gets into the chair.] [The nurse also takes the temperature and pulse rate of the second boy who then gets up and walks away.] [The nurse talks to the boy and hands him a package.] [A woman has a small boy sitting in front of her and she covers his neck and shoulders with cloth.] [The woman combs the boy's hair and then gets the clippers and shaves his head.] [A room with many sinks is shown filled with boys who are pushing each other as they wash up and brush their teeth.] [The boys push each other in fun.] [There is one mirror and the boys push each other out of the way trying to use it.] [Three boys wearing only underwear are shown.] [The boys turn around so their backs are to the camera.] [Four more boys are shown wearing only underwear and then turn their backs to the camera.] [The boys turn around again to face the camera.] [Three young girls are shown wearing only underwear. They turn all the way around until they are facing the camera again.] [Two older girls face the camera wearing outfits that cover them up on both top and bottom.] [The girls turn around and then face the camera again. They then smile.] [Two young boys wearing underwear are shown smiling.] [The boys turn alll the way around.] [Two more boys are shown. One of the boys turns so his back is to the camera. The other boy is turned sideways by a man partially off-camera.] [The second boy is then turned so his back is to the camera.] [The turn back to face the camera looking at the man off-screen.] [An older boy wearing underwear turns his back to the camera and then turns back to face the camera.] [A very thin young girl is shown outside wearing only underwear.] [Close-up of the young girl which focuses on her chest where her ribs are clearly visible.] [The girl turns her back to the camera and then turns back.] [The girl is shown from a distance again.] [The girl turns to the side.] [Boys are outside lined up to get a drink. The drinks are in a dispenser and a man is dispensing the drinks.] [One after the other the boys get drinks.] [Close-up of a boy getting his drink, which seems to be milk.] [More boys get drinks.] [Many boys are walking around outside drinking their milk.] [Boys are shown standing in a line drinking their drinks.] [Children are shown walking around outside next to big building.] [The children are lining up in between ropes] [The children are lying down on the grass on towels and they all turn over from lying on their fronts to lying on theuir backs] [Close up of a boy's striped underwear which is torn and tied together in a knot.] [The boys are shown all turning over again. There is an attendant standing among them.] [The boys are lying under strips of material which keeps the sun off their faces. There are two nurses shown standing among the boys.] [The children sit up and then turn over again] [The front of a big building is shown with a nurse standing on the porch. The children are holding towels and come rushing out of the building and down the stairs.] [There is a nurse in the group of children who is carrying a child in her arms.] [The children are shown standing around in a grassy field.] [Boys and girls are shown standing next to their beds in a big room.] [Another room of children is shown] [The children sit down next to their beds and then stand back up] [The children are at the end of their beds and they turn towards the doorway where some adults have entered the room.] [The children salute the adults. There is a man accompanied by three nurses. He is looking at a chart.] [The man walks down the center aisle in between two rows of beds talking to the nurses and looking at the hands of the children.] [The adults are walking toward the camera.] [The nurses are talking to the children and looking at their hands.] [The adult man has his back to the camera and is talking to the children.] [The children all turn to face the camera and salute.] [The children back up along their beds and sit down in chairs.] [Another room of children is shown standing by the ends of their beds. There are girls on the left and boys on the right.] [A man and three nurses are shown walking down the middle aisle as the children salute them.] [The man and the nurses check the hands of the children.] [A boy is sitting in a chair with the sun shining on his face.] [A person mostly off camera is rubbing something on the boy's upper lip.] [Something is rubbed on the boy's fingernails and on his knee.] [An older boy is having something rubbed on the bridge of his nose. The boy stands up and leaves.] [A boy is having something rubbed on his thigh and then a bandage is applied.] [Something is applied to a boy's foot and then bandaged.] [A boy is being examined by a person off-camera. Something is rubbed on the boy's face and tweezers are used] [A boy is given a shot in his hand.] [A close up of the boy's hand getting the shot is shown.] [Several children are shown getting shots.] [A girl shows the inside of her arms and someone off camera points out something on her arms.] [A close-up of an arm is shown. It has a red inflamed bump on it.] [Another child has a bump on the arm.] [A boy is shown with a bump on his arm.] [Close-ups of bumps on arms are shown.] [A boy is shown with a bump on his arm.] [Fuzzy picture of five children holding out their arms.] [An older gir is shown in bed. She is working on a crossword puzzle and is smiling.] [Two women are shown sitting on a bed doing sewing work.] [Four girls are shown playing cards while sitting on a bed.] [Four girls are shown playing parcheesi] [Four other girls are shown playing cards using a parcheesi board for a table.] [Someone hands one of the girls a fancy pillow that looks like a flower.] [A nurse hands a girl a thermometer. The girl is in bed in a room with other girls in bed.] [The other girls are all using thermometers also.] [The nurse walks back to the first girl and checks the reading on the thermometer. She shakes down the thermometer and records the results on a pad.] [A nurse is shown taking the pulse rate of a young girl.] [Young children are lined up outside getting drinks.] [A man is dispensing the drinks to the children.] [The long line of children is shown.] [The children are standing around drinking their drinks.] [Young boys are building a structure using logs. Three boys lift a log and hand it to other boys that are on the top of the structure.] [Two young boys are boxing while a large group of children watch them.] [Two other young boys box while the group watches.] [One boy knocks the other boy down.] [Two girls box while other boys and girls watch them. Aa attendant watches the match.] [Four boys are shown on two stand-up teeter-totters going up and down. In the background are children playing on playgroud equipment. It has a platform for people to stand on and a bar to hold on to while it spins around a pole going up and down as the weight is shifted.] [Children are sitting on the top of monkey bars while other children are going from bar to bar underneath them.] [Children in the background are swinging on swings.] [A girl hangs upside down from one of the bars of the monkey bars.] [The rest of the children hang from the bars.] [Children are playing on playground equipment.] [Children are holding boards with clay on them. The children have made animals and other things from the clay.] [Children are playing with a ball in a swimming pool.] [A boy and then a girl jump into the pool.] [Children are getting out of the pool and then sliding down a slide back into it.] [Children are swinging on a swingset. Some are swinging two to a seat.] [Two children are straddling a bench and playing jacks.] [Two older girls are sitting on a bench playing jacks. Another girl is sitting on the ground watching them. She then joins in the game.] [A girl in front of the bench is waving a branch around.] [There are several children sitting on the grass. One girl is stringing beeds as the others watch her.] [Many people are shown outside in front of a big building. There is snow on the ground and some children are sledding.] [Many children are sledding down the hill then walking back to the top.] [Children are rolling snow into a ball to make a snowman.] [A small group of children are having a snowball fight.] [A large group of children are having a snowball fight.] [Children are swinging on a long glider.] [Many children are playing on playgroud equipment. It has a platform for people to stand on and a bar to hold on to while it spins around a pole going up and down as the weight is shifted.] [Children are swinging on a long glider. There is a boy at each end using his body weight to keep the glider going.] [An attendant is helping children to get drinks from a dispenser. The man is dispensing the drinks. There are adults watching the children in the background.] [Adults are preparing food for the children.] [The children are lined up with attendants watching them.] [Many children are seated on the grass eating and drinking.] [Boys are putting pajamas on and getting into bed.] [A nurse is seated behind a table and two boys are standing next to it. The nurse is writing.] [Two nurses are standing outside talking to each other.] [One nurse walks away and we see a man in a suit.] [One nurse is shown, standing outside.] [Nurses in uniform are standing on the outside steps of a building. They have capes or coats on over their uniforms.] [A man and a woman are talking to each other.] [Four nurses are shown comng out of a building. Two of the nurses are holding hands.] [A group of nurses are talking and laughing while seated outside.] [Nurses are swinging on the swingset. Two are standing and three are seated. Another nurse is standing next a swing.] [Nurses are shown talking and laughing.] [Nurses are standing in a line with a man in a suit in the middle.] [Five nurses are gliding on the glider.] [Nurses are laughing and talking.] [One nurse is in a car and several nurses are surrounding it.] [Nurses are standing on the porch of a building and children are running down the stairs.] [Little children standing on the lawn of a building] [Boys and girls are shown talking to each other outside.] [Children dressed in nice clothing pose for the camera.] [Boys and girls are shown lined up on the sidewalk in a town.] [Close-up of the children on the sidewalk.] [A very large group of children is shown sitting or standing on the sidewalk in front of a large building.] [A bus backs up in front of the group.] [The children start to board the bus.] [The bus is filled with children.] [Older girls are shown boarding the bus under the direction of the nurses.] [Older boys are on the street.] [Girls are milling around on the street.] [More children board a bus. Several buses are on the street.] [Nurses are dishing out food from large pots.] [Children are seated on the lawn eating. Several children wave at the camera.] [Long camera view of the children marching as if in a parade. The children are divided into groups.] [The children make a sharp right turn.] [The children are shown saluting an American flag that is being lowered.] [The flag is lowered to the bottom of the pole and is being held by someone.] [Several children are holding the flag and folding it.] [A truck is shown which is full of children. There are nurses and an attendant standing by the truck.] [The truck leaves and some of the children wave to the camera.] [Another truck is backed up to the stairs of a large building. Children are being loaded into the truck as an attendant oversees the loading.] [Another truck loaded with people drives away. Some people wave at the camera.] [Children are being loaded onto a train with the help of a nurse. Some of the children have suitcases or traveling bags.] [The film ends abruptly.]