30638. Candy. (F.D.d No. 52500. S. No. 75-049/50 B.) QUANTITY : 52 cases, each containing 36 8-oz. pkgs., at Milwaukee, Wis. SHIPPED: 3-15-66 and 3-21-66, from Chicago, Ill., by Charland Candy Manu- facturing Co. LABEL IN PART: (Pkg.) "Barg & Foster Old Fashioned Sheet Caramel * * * Packed By Barg & Foster Candy Co., Milwaukee 4, Wis." LIBELED : 4-19-66, E. Dist. Wis. CHARGE : 402 (a)(3) —contained cat hairs; and 402 (a)(4) —prepared and packed under insanitary conditions. DISPOSITION : 4-26-66. Consent—destruction.