30287. Canned chicken broth. (F.D.C. No. 50254. S. Nos. 98-096/8 A.) QUANTITY: 440 cases, each containing 24 can®, at San Francisco, Calif. SHIPPED: 4-20-62, from Augusta, Ill., by Dennis Chicken Products Co. LABEL IN PART: (Can) "Monarch Chicken Broth * * * Net Contents 13% fl. oz., 14% oz. avoir. Packed for Consolidated Foods Corporation Distributors Chicago, Illinois." RESULTS OP INVESTIGATION : Examination showed that the article was between 1.1 percent and 12.6 percent short weight Examination also showed that the article was between 2.2 percent and 12.5 percent short volume. LIBELED : 7-17-64, N. Dist. Calif. CHARGE: 403(e) (2)—when shipped, the article failed to bear a label containing an accurate statement of quantity of contents since the label statement "Net Contents 13% Fl. Oz.—14% Oz. Avoir." was inaccurate. DISPOSITION : 9-10-64. Consent—claimed by Dennis Chicken Products Co., for relabeling.