29343. Alfalfa hay (2 seizure actions). (F.D.C. Nos. 49294; 49314. S. Nos. 18-565 X; 18-566 X.) QUANTITY : 200 unlabeled 50-lb. bales, and 250 unlabeled 50-lb. bales, at Crowley, Tex. SHIPPED : 8-22-63, from Hagerman, N. Mex., by unknown shipper or shippers. LIBELED : 9-6-63, N. Dist. Tex. CHARGE: 402(a) (2) (B)—when shipped, the article contained pesticide chemi- cals, namely, toxaphene and DDT, which were unsafe within the meaning of 408(a) since no tolerance or exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for such pesticide chemicals on alfalfa hay has been prescribed by regulations. DISPOSITION : 12-6-63. Default—destruction.