29263~ Fr~sh cabb£ige~ · (F.D;C{ No.' 41)3~ ... S.' No> 5.:::s2~ 'X'.T · -' : : QU,ANTI;~: :\~~- ~1p'..'bag~ ~t Naslivill~/~~ri1i: :, SH~P~\! :.· :~12~3~ .-f~~~. Fa~~y ·'G~p, v:~:; by '~ewìiah ·. G~~cery. & . Produc~ Co . . ' . -. , J' . : . • ; : • •. '; . , . • • . • ~ ; • . . . " . : . • •. ' ' • . ' ' • .~ :., ; • .' ' ', ,. ," 7 • • : • ·; ; \ ( ; LABEL IN.PART:, >(-B;ag) '•Fresh Green 9abbage." .. LIBELED : • 9-20-63, M.' Dist. Tenn; · •See also No. 29241. 110 FOOD; ;,DRUG,- AND COSMETIC ACT .[F.N.J: CHARGE: 402(a) (2}(B-)c..;_when: shipped, the: article contained a pesticide chemical, toxaphene, which was unsafe within the meaning of. ,4()8 ( a.) s-ince the quantity of . such pesticide chemical on the article· .was not within the limits of the tolerance prescribed by regula.ti!J_D;s_. . . .. DISPOSITION: 11-5-63. Default-destruction.