28964. Carrots^ (F.D;C. No. 48495; '[^.Nm. $2-574/5 V.) QUANTITY: 137 50-lb. crates, at Seattle, Wash. SHIPPED : Between 12-4-62 and 12-8MJ2, from Portland, Oreg., by S. I. Produce.. LHWEM: 12-27-62, ~W. Dist. Wash. " CHARGE .: 402(A) (2) (B)—-when shipped, the article.contained pesticide chemi- cals, namely, aldriii and dieldrin, which were unsafe within the .meaning.of *See also Nos. 28907, 28908. ,., ,,.,.. : ,;;;, if: >;?; >r 713-738—64- 4 ,.,.., ...,...,.., ..... ,-..,.. :¦'- ¦ ¦, ,--T.o. 408(a) since the quantity of such pesticide chemicals on carrots was not within the limits of the tolerances prescribed by regulations. DISPOSITION : 1-11-63. Consent—destruction.